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「左様でございますか? 取るに足らぬ伝説の類いかと思われますが」
「窓ってここ2階だぞ? だいたいお前のその格好だって・・・」
「そりゃ構わないけど、お前ギルドで宿をとってもらったんだろう? そっちで晩飯食べなかったのか?」
「ん? ああ一応『オリアナ・パレス・ホテル』ってところの貴賓室に泊まってるんだけどねぇ、あまり食事は美味しくなくて、ほとんど食べなかったんだよ」
「――ちょ、ちょっと待て、『オリアナ・パレス・ホテル』って言ったら一泊するだけでも、市民の月給くらいするって聞いてるぞ!? その貴賓室の食事がマズイなんて・・・」
「お前・・・こんな細いのになんでこんなに柔らかいんだ?! 本当に骨入ってるのかこれ?」
「余計なお世話だ! だいたいあんな年上の人が俺みたいなガキを相手にするわけないだろう」
「そうでもないと思うよ、そこらへんは君の頑張りしだいじゃないかな? ――これは勘だけど、彼女はたぶん何年か前に恋人と別れるか、ひょっとすると死別したのかも知れない。そうした心の傷を癒せるものを君の中に見ている気がするんだ」
それでもさっきまであった鬱屈した気分がすっかり晴れ、その晩は夢も見ないでぐっすり眠れたのだった。 | “A lost coin...huh.”
From the terrace of ‘Ariana Palace Hotel’ which was originally the estate of a certain noble, I ponder the words that the guild master said from earlier while gazing down at the town that is submerged into the darkness of the night. (Although for a vampire princess like me, it seems no different from day)
Back then, for some reason the guild master’s room had turned chaotic. Collard wouldn’t come back from his stupor, Gald had isolated himself from the outside world with the face of a parent who just learned of their daughter’s infidelity, and because the two guards were persistent, my patience ran out. Therefore I unintentionally gave them the answer, “I think both of them are currently going out with a guy.” which made them break down and cry. To calm everybody down, I decided to use my evil eye to manipulate their memories directly; in some way or another the place returned to normal.
Afterwards, with the guild leader’s sanity returned, I tried to ask him about the thing that was on my mind.
His reaction was somewhat strange when he saw the coin, so I asked him whether or not he knew something regarding the coin I possessed from within the game, after that he gave me the answer.
The coin was a legacy of the so called ‘Lost Era’ which had no records left at all, and the legacy itself being discovered is very rare, especially the rainbow coin which was made from orichalcum. To begin with, the orichalcum production method is unknown so the coin is hardly ever circulated out in the world. One was stored in a certain kingdom treasury, another one was stored in a certain imperial bank, and so there are not even total confirmed coins so far that exist.
...Well, even so, I carried about rainbow coins myself, plus I was able to make as many as I wanted since the alchemist guild members’ hobby was collecting top class refinement facilities at the fortress, so there’s practically a mountain of them piled up in the open.
“...Aah, nothing is clear, this world doesn’t seem to be entirely free from the influence of Eternal Horizon Online.”
“What would you like to do, Princess? This town’s guild’s upper echelon are already as good as puppets under your evil eye. If that’s the case, rather than spending the night in this crude miserable shack, should we return to the fortress at once?”
In his human form, after separating from me with pet unison, Tengai gave me advice in his usual tuxedo.
...Well, although I was using my evil eyes back then, I didn’t particularly intend to make Collard and Gald into puppets and capture them.
Perhaps I should say that would be against my aim, but what he said could indeed allow for misinterpretations. I mean, he said this hotel was a ‘miserable shack’, even though this hotel seems to be the best one in Alra city where even the royalty stay. Ah, speaking of royalty, this is the right timing to add my speech.
“It can certainly be said that the initial objective has been achieved. But I’m not so sure about the ‘Lost Era’.”
“Is Princess worried about that? It appears to be some sort of legend that was not worth believing.”
“However, since the rainbow coin can actually be found in other places right now, maybe there is some sort of relation to it. There’s a possibility of a person from the same place as us, that arrived in this world long ago.”
“Indeed, if that was the case it is highly likely that they will become the biggest obstacle for us.”
It seems there is no concept of reunions with an old friend for him.
“Nevertheless, it seems that only fragmentary information about the ‘lost era’ is in the royal families and temples of various regions. It’s all according to plan after all. Shall we get in touch with royalty after this?”
“...I understand, your wish is my command. By the way, about that hotel meal earlier, it appears the Princess can’t digest it. We’ve already gained the guild’s approval, so maybe I should go and procure your ‘requested goods’ for tonight.”
Ah... that’s true, the sauce was too heavy, and the spice was beyond overpowering compared to the small quantity of grilled ingredients, therefore I couldn’t eat even half of the meal that was served here. Usually, I would eat it even if it was pork bone ramen.
“Is that so? Then, I’ll rely on you for the provision by tomorrow morning, but be careful not to overdo it.”
Honestly, I am a bit hesitant to drink ‘that’, but no matter what I can’t stop my physical desires. So rather than directly bite somebody’s neck, I came to terms with drinking it by having Tengai procure it for me.
“―Of course, I will be careful.”
Together with those words, Tengai’s figure disappeared from the spot.
“Well then, come to think of it, I wonder if Joey is in good spirits?”
During the night when a vampire princess manifests her true ability, I suddenly recall Joey’s sobbing face when we parted ways.
Joey carried a long used tray with a plain dinner on top of it while sighing. Returning to his own room on the nd floor, he climbed up the stairs.
He remembered the events that happened this evening at the guild. Thinking his lack of knowledge about the world was giving the girl trouble, he let out another sigh.
“Ah, she probably despises me...”
The matter was supposed to already be over, but recalling that event made him beat himself up with all his strength.
While sighing for an unknown number of times, he used his foot to open the wooden door of his room since the key was not enough to unlock it, then proceeded inside the room.
“Yo, welcome back Joey.”
Hiyuki is sitting on the bed instead of the chair, and even though she greeted him, Joey was still unable to comprehend reality.
It was something like an illusion from the moonlight, a fairy prank, or he had gone crazy.
“It’s still too early for the promise, but I feel worried about you, so please excuse me for barging in.”
Hearing Hiyuki’s voice, Joey finally understood the reality. He put the tray with his meal on it on top of the bed beside Hiyuki (since there was no desk) with great haste, then he locked the door with his shoddy key.
“Y-you, how did you come here?!”
Although she heard his high pitched voice, the person in question, Hiyuki, was absorbed with curiosity about Joey’s dinner.
“Oh, the window was open so I just came in.”
She absent-mindedly replied to him while looking at the content of his tableware.
“The window? Isn’t this on the nd floor? In the first place, your appearance is...”
Hiyuki was wearing something like a sleeping dress, an off black dress that extended to her ankle with an ivory nightgown on the top of it. Joey couldn’t hide his embarrassment seeing her with that appearance but Hiyuki herself didn’t care about it and only pointed to his dinner.
“Hey hey, what is this?”
“What do you mean, this is just don’t know of it?”
Realizing asking more than this is useless, Joey answered her question with a sigh.
“Heeh, so this is oatmeal. This is the first time I heard the name. Can I try it?”
“Well that’s not a problem but, don’t you have a hotel booked by the guild? You didn’t have your dinner there?”
“Hmm? Aah, pretty much.. I’m staying in a noble’s room at the so-called Ariana Palace Hotel, but you see, the food isn’t tasty, I almost couldn’t eat it.”
While saying so, without delay Hiyuki takes a mouthful of oatmeal with the spoon.
“―Wa-wait a minute. If you’re talking about THE ‘Ariana Palace Hotel’, I heard staying there just one night will cost a normal citizen his full month’s salary, you know!? To say something like a noble’s room meal in that hotel is bad...”
Whether Hiyuki heard him or not, her delicate face stiffened, the spoon remaining in her mouth. She chewed the oatmeal inside her mouth and swallowed it as if she had made up her mind.
“...No, it’s not tasty if I compare it with the food from the castle, but it’s not that bad. Besides, if I compare it to the meal here, it’s soo terrible.”
“―Well, it’s a meal for people like us who don’t have a lot of money, but our bodies need food so we need to eat that kind of food to the fullest.”
While giving the explanation, Joey slurps the oatmeal that Hiyuki handed back over. He spread the butter over the bread, and ate it together with his potatoes and a minuscule amount of bacon.
“I see, nothing but splendid carbohydrates huh. It’ll be bad for your body if you don’t eat vegetables once a while.”
“Its fine, I am satisfied with this meal!”
For some reason Joey got irritated. Hearing his seemingly annoyed words, Hiyuki opened her eyes wide for a moment and subsequently hung her head down apologetically.
“...That’s right, it was just my selfishness.”
“Ah, no, it’s not that you’re at fault or anything...”
Looking at Hiyuki’s small figure that just shrank even more, Joey interrupted his meal and quickly searched for words to comfort her.
“―Sorry. I was venting my anger earlier, it’s just that I feel there’s a very very large wall between us which made me frustrated.”
His words made Hiyuki tilt her head in puzzlement.
“There is no real barrier between us. You should be able to feel it if I touched you like this.”
Saying so, she put her chilly palm onto Joey’s cheek, before instantly separating it.
Because of such an unexpected girl-like action, Joey’s heart throbbed fast. Reflexively he asked her in return,
“...Then, can I touch you?”
Hiyuki is embarrassed but still she gives him a nod. Joey then extended his arm toward her. He hesitated, feeling that anywhere he touched would break her, but he resolved his mind somehow and tried, finally grabbing the both sides of her arm.
“You... even though you are so slender, why are you so soft?! What is your secret?”
“―You really can’t read the atmosphere, eh.”
Joey was being told with an amazed tone and expression.
“Err, it’s because all the adventurer women and village girls are very stiff even though they’re women.”
Even though he desperately explained himself, her face just became more and more amazed. Feeling ashamed, Joey releases his hand.
“Those are the arms of a female that works in the field or does manual labor you know? That might be a rare thing to you, but generally normal females have arms like mine. If you like, next time you could touch Mia by asking her, I am sure she will understand.”
“...Mia huh. I think she’ll just make fun of me.”
“You have the wrong idea, there’s no way a woman would go that far. Perhaps you feel like she keeps saying harsh things and nagging at you, but even so I think everything that she has done is for your sake. If you want to have a lover or wife, you should choose that sort of woman. Especially you, she is perfectly suited with you because of your lacking in several aspects.”
“It’s none of your business! In the first place there should be no reason for a senior of mine to take notice of someone like me.”
“I don’t think so, isn’t that just your own stubbornness? This is my intuition, but she probably parted with her lover many years ago and might be suffering from the bereavement. I feel that she finds the power to heal her emotional scars inside of you.”
“What was that, a girl’s intuition?”
“Hmmmmm, maybe. You can put it like that. Oh my, your meal has gone completely cold. Well, it’s time for me to leave.”
Hiyuki said so while looking towards the window.
“Leave? Don’t tell me, from the window...”
That moment, Hiyuki’s eyes seemed to shine brightly and Joey’s consciousness rapidly faded―
“Goodnight Joey, see you tomorrow.”
Joey suddenly raised his head, thinking that he heard the parting voice of Hiyuki. However her presence isn’t found anywhere in the room. The door was also locked from inside.
“...I wonder if that was a dream.”
Remaining half in doubt of himself, Joey ate up the meal that had gone cold.
Still, his gloomy feelings from earlier were completely gone. That night he was able to sleep soundly without even dreaming. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 13,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「ナオヤ、では私が送ってやろう! ナオヤは戦えないそうだからな! この聖騎士クロエが!」
「はっ! まままさかナオヤは送り狼というヤツか! 私に送らせる途中でナオヤが狼のごとくケダモノとなって道の端に引きずり込み! くっ、なんと卑劣な!」
「勝てないから......だと......? で、では勝てるなら襲う気だったのか! やはり人族はケダモノだなッ!」
「そうだ! ナオヤ、食べ物はまだ腹に入るか?」
「この時間に街にいるのは私もひさしぶりだからな! 変わってなければ、この辺にあの売り子が......ああ、いたいた!」
「騎士さま! おひさしぶりです!」
「まだ販売していたようだな! 値段は変わりないのか? 私とナオヤの分頼む!」
「これ、ガレットか? そば粉のクレープで、それもカリカリタイプのヤツ」
「おお、よく知っているなナオヤ! ニホンにも同じ食べ物があるのか?」
「お二つですね! ありがとうございます!」
「はい、お兄さんもどうぞ! あ、お代は騎士さまからいただきました!」
「え? 本当か? クロエが渡した分じゃ足りない気がするけど」
「......おいしい。これ、果物のジャムか? この近辺じゃあんまり果物は採れないし時期もあるって、ああ、だからジャムなのか」
「はい! ジャムにすれば日持ちしますから!」
「本当ですか? ありがとうございます!」
「おお、ナオヤも気に入ってくれたか! あいかわらずおいしかったしも——」
「おやあ? これはこれは、規則を守らない失格エルフさん、おっと、エルフの騎士様じゃありませんか。今日はどんな無法をされるのですか?」
ガレット売りの少女もビクッ! と動きを止める。
「なんて言い草だッ! これだから商人ギルドのゲスは!」
「なぜ俺のことを知っているんでしょう? たしかに俺はアイヲンモール異世界店の新しい店長ですが」
......クロエが過去に揉めた相手ってアイヲンモール異世界店の商売敵のトップかよ! ギルド長かよ!
「で、でも! これは屋台じゃありませんし!」
「おやあ? 規則では、特に営業形態には触れていませんよ? 立ち売りは除く、とも書かれていませんねえ」
どうすんだよ! 落ち着けクロエ。どうなってんだエルフ」 | Episode -.
After leaving the restaurant, Chloe and I were walking along the stone-paved boulevard.
It was past three o’clock in the afternoon, so we decided to call it a day and head back to the Aion Mall Otherworld Store.
My first time in an otherworldly city gave me a number of impacts.
I’ve talked to and observed customers and employees who live in other worlds, but they were all in the Aion Mall.
To me, they were just people from another world that I didn’t fully understand. But to the people of this world, I was from another world, and the Aion Mall was “something different”.
Our lives are different. The norm, the common sense, and the culture are different.
Naturally, the things people in this world want are different, and the things they buy are also different.
If I had not come to the city after living in the Aion Mall store, it would have taken me much longer to realize such a simple fact.
“Naoya, then I will give you a ride home! Because I hear Naoya can’t fight! This holy knight Chloe!”
“Thanks. I appreciate it, but please stop that smug look on your face.”
You might not have noticed that Chloe, the former manager and elf, is a holy knight and uses ‘purification’ magic to prevent insects, and that the pouch on her waist is a magic tool for storage.
...... Somehow, there’s something about Barbera and Anna-san that I don’t know yet.
“Ha! Naoya is a “sentinel wolf”! On the way to send him back with me, Naoya turned into an animal like a wolf and dragged me to the edge of the road! Kuh, How despicable!”
“A [sentinel wolf] is when the sender attacks the sender, right? Also, if I were to do that, I wouldn’t be able to beat Chloe.”
“You can’t win, you say ......? If you are a human being, and actually you are a beast! I knew the human race were beasts!”
“No, it’s just a figure of speech. I wonder if you really listen to what I say.”
On the way home, I stomped on the stone pavement of the main street and exchanged some uninteresting conversation.
Of course, I’m observing the people going through the city.
There were not many people on the street in the early afternoon, but at this time of the day, the number of passersby is increasing.
I guess some people finish their work at this time of the day because work in this world starts early in the morning.
Even the farmer’s auntie sometimes shows up at the Aion Mall Otherworld Store around : to : in the afternoon.
I also pass by a few merchants’ wagons.
They must be carriages that have arrived in town, since they have little luggage and the merchant, who doubles as the escort, looks somewhat tired.
The merchant and the escorting adventurers have been seen many times shopping at the Aion Mall’s Otherworldly Store at this time of the day, taking a last break or just using the restroom. There are only a few of them, and the peak is much later.
“Right! Naoya, are you still hungry for some food?”
“Eh, we just had a light meal. Well, something light is fine.”
“I haven’t been in town this time of the day for a long time myself! If things haven’t changed, there’s that vendor around here ...... Oh, there they are!”
“Sir Knight! It’s been a while!”
It was a girl in her early teens who approached Chloe. I am not sure if she is really in her early teens or not.
After all, there are cases like Chloe, who looks like an elf but is 18 years old, Barbera who looks like 10 years old but is 140 years old, and Anna who is 21 years old but whose age is unknown. All of them are my employees .......
“Looks like they were still selling them! Are the prices the same? Two for me and one for Naoya, please!”
The girl moves the cloth away from the wooden tray she was holding.
It was a crepe with the edges folded and squared off on the wooden tray.
No, I think I know a food that looks more like a crepe.
“Is this a galette? It’s a buckwheat crepe, the crunchy kind.”
“Oh, you know a lot, Naoya! Do they have the same food in Japan?”
“Oh, we have it in Japan, but this type of galette, not crepe, is more famous in other countries.”
It seems that the girl is selling galette on the street.
The wooden tray is stacked with crispy galettes and a small ceramic jar on the side.
“Two for you, sir! Thank you for the purchase!”
Accepting Chloe’s order, the girl frees her hands by supporting the wooden tray with the string around her neck and her stomach. Like a beer or ekiben vendor.
With her free hand, the girl opened the ceramic jar.
There is a nice aroma.
With a smile and a happy face, she plunged a wooden spoon into the jar and scooped out the contents, which were then splashed onto the galette. The liquid was a bluish-purple sloppy liquid.
“Kuhu, kuhuhu. I haven’t had this in a while, so I’m asking for a lot of it!”
“I can’t believe Chloe would respond to something other than meat.”
She handed over the money with a smirk and accepted the galette, which was covered with a blue-purple liquid.
She immediately bit into it.
There was a crunching sound.
With a big smile on her face, she exclaims, “Mmmm!” She seemed to be satisfied.
I swallowed my spit.
“Here you go, brother! Ah, I got the money from the knight!”
“Eh? Really? I think the amount Chloe gave you is not enough.”
“Yes, the knight paid for both of these!”
It seems that the galette is very cheap.
I thought it was only natural that it was cheap because it was a simple dish, and I bit into my galette.
“It’s delicious. Is this fruit jam? I heard that there are not many fruits around here and that it is a certain time of the year.”
“Yes! The jam will last for a long time!”
“A scoop of jam on a crispy dough. It’s a simple, natural sweetness, with a nice strong acidity. It should be less sweet if no sugar is used. ...... Delicious. Better than anything I’ve had in my life in the city.”
“Really? Thank you!”
“Oh, you liked it too, Naoya It was as good as ever, and one more thing...”
“My my? What a surprise! What kind of outrageousness are you up to today?”
Her hand stopped as she was about to order a second galette, even though she had just had a light meal.
The girl selling the galette also stopped moving. Completely frozen.
It was a big, fat man who approached us.
He was dressed in a fluffy, luxurious outfit that made it clear at first glance that he was different from the others we had seen up to that point.
He was wearing jewelry on his fingers, wrists, and neck.
The carriage in which he seemed to be riding was luxurious, and it was accompanied by a fine-looking coachman.
The guards behind him had shiny metal armor.
“How dare you! This is why the merchants’ guild is such a bunch of pricks!”
“Hey, Chloe, you’re not so nice. Calm down.”
“Well, well, well, the new manager of Aion Mall seems to know how to be polite. It’s wonderful, isn’t it?”
The voice with a sly and sticky grin annoyed me.
It wasn’t that he said anything funny.
“How did he know about me? It is true that I am the new manager of Aion Mall’s Otherworldly Store.”
I’ve never seen you before, but of course I’ve heard rumors about you from various sources. It’s nice to meet you, Naoya-san. I am the head of the Mer-chants’ Gu-ild.”
“Merchants’ Guild, Guild Leader ....... Nice to meet you, I am Naoya Taniguchi.”
When the Aion Mall Otherworld Store was opened, it faced opposition from the Merchants Guild.
If the store closes without reaching 100 million yen in monthly sales in five months, the merchant guild may come out and target the store and materials. According to Chloe, though.
Chloe had trouble with a man from the merchant guild in the past, and since then he said, “Oh, you disqualified elf who doesn’t follow the rules. What kind of outrageous behavior do you have in store for us today?”
Huh, that’s the same words that this guy just spoke to us.
...... Chloe’s past troubles were with the head of the Aion Mall’s business opponents? The head of the guild!
I exchanged greetings with the guild leader of the merchants guild while putting a friendly smile on my face.
I’m just a novice in my third year of business, but this is nothing to be ashamed of.
“As expected, unlike some disqualified elves, the new store manager seems to know etiquette. the way”
The big old man’s greasy smile looks fishy.
Trying hard not to pull a face, the guild leader turned around.
I’m not talking about Chloe, who is standing next to me, who is about to let out a “gulp”, but the galette girl who is standing there.
“Young lady. You can’t do business without a permit. If you want to do business here, you have to pay the merchants’ guild for the place.”
“B-but! This is not a stall!”
“Well well? The regulations don’t specifically mention the type of business, do they? It doesn’t say anything about standing sales either.”
“No- no way. ......”
“Since your mother was running the business, you have been operating without a license for three years, right? Of course, you have to pay us for the past sales, right?”
“That’s ...... not possible. We don’t have that kind of money. ......”
“Well well! Relax, Chloe. Are you really going to do something about it? The oh so holy knight elf.” | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 2,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
私はエリック・リーと申します 私はここで生まれました
いや 違います
こちらの上海で生まれました 当時は文化大革命の真っただ中でした
私の祖母は 私の産声と共に 銃声を聞いたそうです
子供の頃 こんな話を聞きました 人類について 知っておく必要があることを
その話によれば 人間社会は全て 同じ段階を踏んで発展します 原始社会から始まり 奴隷社会 封建社会 資本主義 社会主義を経て 最後はどこに辿り着くでしょうか?
遅かれ早かれ 全ての人類は 文化 言語 国籍に関係無く 政治的 社会的に発展を遂げた 最終段階に到達するでしょう
そして全ての民族が 地上の楽園で結束し 末永く幸せに暮らすでしょう
でも この物語を実現するには 善と悪との戦い つまり 善たる社会主義と 悪たる資本主義との戦いで 善が勝たなければなりません
もちろん これはカール・マルクスの 理論を基にした 「メタナラティブ」でした
私達はこの大きな物語を 来る日も来る日も教え込まれました
次第に私達の一部となり すっかり信じ込みました
全世界の3分の1の人々が このメタナラティブのもとに住んでいました
その後 世界は一夜で変わってしまいました
私といえば 自分の信条が失敗したことに幻滅して 渡米して バークレーでヒッピーになりました
まるで一つの物語では事足りないように 別の「メタナラティブ」を聞かされました
人間社会はただ一つの終点に向かって 同じ段階を踏んで発展するという主張です
具体的に ご説明します 全ての社会は 文化や キリスト教 イスラム教 儒教に関わらず グループが基本的な単位である― 伝統的な社会から 個人が 原子のように自律した単位となっている 近代社会へと発展するはずで ここでの個々人は 理性的であり 人々が欲しているのは だだ一つ 投票です
なぜなら 人々は合理的なので 投票さえすれば 良い政府が生まれて 末永く幸せに暮らせるからです
ここでも 地上の楽園ができるわけです
いずれ全世界で選挙制民主主義が選ばれて これが唯一の政治体制となり 自由市場と共に すべての人がお金持ちになります
でもこの物語を実現するには またも格闘しなければいけません そう 善と悪の間です
善とは民主主義を支持する人々で 民主的な選挙を行わない悪の国に 時には力ずくで 世界中で民主主義を広める ミッションを担っています
ジョージ・H・W・ブッシュ: 新世界秩序は・・・
ジョージ・W・ブッシュ: 世界の圧政を止め・・・
バラク・オバマ: 権力を有する者に対して 共通の基準を
[ ジョージ・W・ブッシュ:「任務完了!」] (拍手) この話もベストセラーになりましたね
Freedom Houseの統計によれば 民主主義国家の数は 1970年の45ヶ国から 2010年には115ヶ国になりました
過去20年もの間 西洋のエリート達は 休む間もなく 世界中で この展望を売り回ったわけです 複数の政党が 政治権力の奪い合いをして 民衆が投票を行うことが 長きに渡って苦しんでいる 途上国に対する 唯一の救済の道です
この道を進めば 成功間違いなしというわけです
その道を外れれば すなわち失敗です
この時は中国人は これを取り入れませんでした
たった30年にして 中国は世界の最貧農業国から 世界第2位の経済大国になりました
6億5千万もの人々が 貧困から抜け出しました
その時期に成功した 全世界の貧困緩和の8割が 中国で行われました
つまり 全ての新・旧民主主義国家を すべて合わせても 選挙を行わない 一党独裁国家が 成し遂げたことに届かないのです
私はこんな物を使って育ちました 食料配給券です
ある時 肉が一月一人 数百グラムで 配給されました
言うまでもありませんが 私は祖母の分まで食べました
ここ私のホームタウンでは 自分のビジネスが急成長しています
毎日のように新しい 会社が生まれています
人類史において ミドルクラスが 前例のない速さと スケールで拡大しています
しかし 先ほどの大きな物語によると こんなことは起こるはずがありません
そこで自分が唯一できること― 調査を行いました
ご存知のとおり 中国は中国共産党による 一党独裁の国家で
選挙は行いません 私たちの時代に優勢だった 政治論を用いて
3つの仮説が立てられました 中国の体制は運営的に柔軟性がなく
政治的に閉ざされていて 道徳的に正しくないと
実は 仮説は間違いでした
実際はその反対でした 中国の一党制は 3つの特徴があります
適応性 エリート主義 合法性です ほとんどの政治学者は 一党制は本質的に 自己補正が不可能であると言います
ところが 事実はどうでしょうか
世界で一番大きな国を 64年も存続させ 近年では他の追随が無いほど 中国共産党の政策は幅広いです 急進的な集団農場化から大躍進政策 農地の準私有化 文化大革命 鄧小平の市場改革 後継者の江沢民は 資本家の共産党入党を認める 大きな政治的一歩を踏み出しました 毛沢東の時代には 想像だにしなかったことです
ですから党の自己補正は こんな劇的な形で行われています
制度的に 新しい規則は 機能不全に陥った規則を 補正する形で制定されます
例えば 任期制です
かつて 政治指導者の職務は終身制で 指導者はそれを利用して 権力を大きくしたり 自らのルールを押し付けたりしました
毛沢東は現代中国建国の父ですが 長きに渡る支配は 悲惨な失態をもたらしました
そこで中国共産党は 定年退職年齢を68~70歳に設定しました
よく耳にするのが 「中国の政治改革は 経済革命より大幅に遅れているので
政治改革が急務だ」という話です でもこの批判は 政治的な偏見に隠された
言葉の罠です つまり 最初から どんな変革がされるべきか 決めておいて そうした変革だけが 政治改革と呼ばれうるのです
実際のところ政治改革は 決して止まったことはありません
30年前 20年前 もしくは10年前と比べても 地方レベルから中央トップの 統治方法をはじめ 中国社会における様々な側面が 今日では様変わりしています
根本的な政治改革無しに このような変化は 実現不可能でしょう
大胆に聞こえるかもしれませんが 政治改革においては 中国共産党が世界の先駆者です
第2の仮定は 一党独裁国家は 権力が少数の手に掌握されることで 統制がきかず 腐敗が広がります
確かに腐敗は大きな問題です でも まずは大きな枠組みで 考えてみましょう
皆さんの直感とは 相反するかもしれませんが
中国共産党は今日の世界で 能力主義が最も進んでいる 政治政党の一つです
中国の最高指導機関である 中央政治局は25名の委員から構成されます
現在の体制では その内5名だけが いわゆる太子党と呼ばれる 特権階級の出身です
他の 国家主席や国務院総理を含めた20名は 一般家庭の出身です
中央委員会においては 300人以上在籍していますが 権力と富のある家庭の出身者の割合は 更に少なくなります
中国の大部分の上層リーダ達は トップにのし上がる為 競争してきました
他の先進国や開発途上国の 支配層のエリート達と比べれば 中国共産党は出世のチャンスが とても高いことが分かるでしょう ここで問題なのは 一党制で
本当に こんなことができるのか? 欧米諸国には あまり知られていませんが
パワフルな政治組織をご紹介します 中国共産党中央組織部です
この組織は 最も成功している― 企業がうらやむほどの 巨大人材エンジンのような役割を担います
回転式のピラミッドのように運営されていて 3つの柱から構成されています 官公庁 国有企業 そして大学や政府管轄の事業を行う 社会組織です
それぞれ違う組織のため 統合された党幹部の育成を行っています
全3つの道において 大学卒業生を採用して 新卒レベルの役職を与えます 一番下の役職で 科員と呼ばれます
その後4つの階級を経て 昇進していきます 副科長 科長 副処長 処長
様々な仕事があり 村の健康管理の実施から 都市部の外国投資 企業の管理と広域です
年に一度 組織の党員の評価が行われます
上司や同僚 部下にインタビューを行い 素行調査も抜かりありません
幹部になる者たちは この3分野全てで 仕事を経験することもできます
特に成功した幹部は 基礎の4つのレベルを超えて 副局長 局長レベルに 躍進します
高官僚の道へと いざなわれます
その頃には こんな職責を負うようになります 数百万の人口を抱える地域や 数百万ドルの収入がある会社の統括です
このシステムの競争率の高さを ご説明しましょう 2012年に副科長と科長レベルは 90万人おりました 副処長と処長レベルは60万人 副局長と局長レベルは たった4万人です
局長レベルを超える 数少ない優秀な役員は 更に数ランク昇格して 最後は中央委員会に入ります
後援者は関与するでしょうか? もちろんです
要するに党がやっているのは 中国が昔行っていた 指導教育システムの 現代版です
中国の新国家主席の習近平ですが 元党首の息子です これは とても珍しいです この手のケースは初めてでしょう
習近平でさえトップに昇りつめるのに 30年掛かりました
彼のキャリアは農村管理者から始まりました 政治局に入局した時には 全1億5千万の人口を有する地域を 統括していました 地域全体のGDPは1兆5億米ドルでした
さて 誤解しないでいただきたいのですが
誰かを批判するつもりはありません 単なる事実です
彼がテキサス州知事になる前 オバマ大統領が大統領選に出馬する前には 中国の制度では 小さな町の長にすらなれなかったでしょう 統括できないでしょう
ウィンストン・チャーチルはこう言いました 民主主義は酷いシステムだが 一番マシだ
チャーチルは中国共産党のことは 明らかに知らなかったみたいですね
欧米人は普通選挙権を使用した― 複数党の選挙が 唯一政治的に 正当であると考えます
「中国共産党は選挙で選ばれないのなら 正当性はどこにあるんだ?」
1949年に中国共産党が政権を握った時 中国は内戦から抜け出せず 他国からの武力侵略でズタズタでした 当時の平均寿命は41歳でした
今や中国は世界第2の経済大国です 産業の要で 人々の生活は どんどん豊かになっています
ピュー研究所が中国人に意識調査を行ったところ 近年 こんな結果が出ています
5年前よりも良い状況であると考える国民は 70パーセントです
将来の展望は明るいと期待する人は 82パーセントにものぼります
ファイナンシャル・タイムズ紙が行った 世界の若者の意識調査で 先週発表された 最新の数字によると
中国のY世代の93パーセントが 国の将来に前向きです
これが先ほどの正当性の証拠でないとしたら 何が証拠になるでしょうか
これとは対照的に 世界のほとんどの選挙を行う選挙制民主主義国家は 評価が低いですね
ワシントンからヨーロッパまでの主要国政府が どれほど機能不全に陥っているかは この場で詳しく述べるまでもないでしょう
ほんの一握りの例外を除けば 選挙制を取り入れている 多くの開発途上国が いまだ貧困や内乱に苦しんでいます
選挙で選ばれた政府なのに 数ヶ月で支持率が50パーセントを下回り 次期選挙まで どんどん下降していきます
民主主義とは 選んでは後悔するという
終わりのない繰り返しになってきています このままだと危機に瀕しているのは 中国の一党制ではなく
民主主義ではないでしょうか ここで間違った印象を与えたくありませんが 中国が素晴らしくて これから超大国とか 世界一になるなんて言っていません
厳しい変革を伴う 社会・経済問題は 非常に複雑です
大気汚染 食の安全 人口問題です
政治面では 汚職が最悪の問題です
腐敗が蔓延し 制度を脆弱にしています 道徳的イメージにも影をおとします
でも ほとんどのアナリストは この原因を見誤っています
腐敗は一党制がもたらすため これを改善するには 全システムを変革しなければと言われています
しかし 注意深く見れば そうではないことが分かります
トランスペアレンシー・インターナショナルによると 腐敗指数の低い国ランキングで ここ数年 中国は 170ヶ国中70~80位で 順位を上げています
世界最大の民主主義国家であるインドは 94位で順位を落としています
中国の下に位置する 約100の国々の 半数以上が選挙制による 民主主義国家です
ですから選挙が腐敗の万能薬なら どうして低順位の国々は 立ち直れないんでしょうか?
私は投資家ですので 賭けをします
ですから 今日のトークで ちょっと未来予想をしてみないと フェアじゃないですよね
今後 10年以内に 中国はアメリカを追い抜いて
すべての開発途上国の中で 一人当たりの所得が ほぼトップになります 汚職は低減しますが 撲滅はされません TIランキングで10~20ランクが上昇して 60位以内になるでしょう
経済変革が加速して 政治改革も継続します 一党制も固守されます
私たちは 一つの時代の終焉を迎えつつあります
普遍的主張となったメタナラティブによって 私たちは 20世紀に失敗したにもかかわらず 21世紀にも失敗しつつあります
メタナラティブは民主主義を 内側から破壊する癌です
ここで はっきりさせていただきますが
その反対に 民主主義は西洋の発展と 近代社会の創造に寄与したと考えます
問題は多くの西洋のエリートが 自分たちの政治体制を過信していることが 現代の欧米諸国の病の根源なのです
彼らが他の国々に自分たちのやり方を 押し付ける時間を少しでも削って 自国の政治改革に時間を費やすならば 民主主義をうまく行なうチャンスがあるかもしれません
中国の政治モデルが 選挙による民主主義を 乗っ取るようなことは 決してありません どこでも通用するとは考えていないからです
他の国には輸出できませんが そこが重要です
中国の例が顕著である点は 代替案を提示しているのではなく 違う政治の形態が存在しうることを 自ら示しているのです
共産主義も民主主義も どちらも素晴らしい理想かもしれません でも それぞれの普遍性を 主張する時代は終わりました
周りの人たちや 自分の子供たちに あるべき政治体制は一つであり 全ての社会が進むべき道は 一つであると教えるのは もう止めましょう
間違っていますし あまりに無責任です
何より つまらないですしね
様々なものが存在できるという考えを 受け入れましょう
おそらく もっと面白い時代がやってきます
(拍手) ありがとう どうもありがとう
ブルーノ・ジュサーニ: 質問がありますので もう少しお話を聞かせてください
ここに来ている多くの方々や 概して欧米諸国では 民主主義体制が 機能不全に陥りつつあるという主張に 賛同するかと思います ただ同時に 私たちの多くが不安に感じるのが 選挙によって選ばれない権力者がいて 彼らが 他からの監督や協議なしに 国家の利益について決定することです
中国のモデルのメカニズムについて 教えていただけますか? 国家の利益が国民のそれと相違した時は 国民が実際に批判することはできるんでしょうか?
政治学者のフランシス・フクヤマは 中国の体制を 「呼応する権威主義」と呼びました
厳密には違いますが 的を得た捉え方と考えます
中国で一番大きな 世論調査会社があるんですが 最大手のクライアントは どこだと思いますか?
それも中央政府だけでなく 市や省政府から 最も小さい地区の役所までもが利用しています
国政の方向性に満足していますか? なんて聞いています
お分かりのとおり 中国には違った種類のメカニズムがあり 人々の考えや要求に きちんと呼応しています
私が言いたいのは 人々のニーズに応えるには ひたすら選挙を繰り返す― 一つの政治体制しか存在しないという 思考から脱却すべきです
私は この世界で選挙が 呼応する政府を作るとは思えません
(拍手) 多くの方が賛同しているようですね
民主主義体制の一つの特徴は 市民社会が意思を表明できることです
先ほど中国において 政府と当局が どれだけ支持を集めているか 具体的な数字を見せていましたね
でも 貴方は他の問題についても言及していました 大きな課題なんかです 他の方向に進みかねない データも大量にあるはずです 何万もの動乱や抗議活動 環境保護抗議などです
これを見ると 中国のモデルは 国民が党の外で 市民社会が発言するような 自由が無いように見えるのですが
環境または その他によらず 中国には活発な市民社会があります でも他国とは異なるので 皆さんは分からないでしょう
欧米の定義によると 市民社会とは 政治体制から分離されている― あるいは それに反する立場でなければいけません でも この定義は中国文化には該当しません
過去数千年もの間 中国には市民社会が存在しました それでいて方向性が首尾一貫していて 政治秩序の一部でもあると考えます 大きな文化の違いですね
ブルーノ・ジュサーニ:TEDでシェアしてくれてありがとう エリック・リー:ありがとう | My name is Eric Li, and I was born here.
But no, I wasn't born there.
This was where I was born: Shanghai, at the height of the Cultural Revolution.
My grandmother tells me that she heard the sound of gunfire along with my first cries.
When I was growing up, I was told a story that explained all I ever needed to know about humanity.
It went like this.
All human societies develop in linear progression, beginning with primitive society, then slave society, feudalism, capitalism, socialism, and finally, guess where we end up?
Sooner or later, all of humanity, regardless of culture, language, nationality, will arrive at this final stage of political and social development.
The entire world's peoples will be unified in this paradise on Earth and live happily ever after.
But before we get there, we're engaged in a struggle between good and evil, the good of socialism against the evil of capitalism, and the good shall triumph.
That, of course, was the meta-narrative distilled from the theories of Karl Marx.
And the Chinese bought it.
We were taught that grand story day in and day out.
It became part of us, and we believed in it.
The story was a bestseller.
About one third of the entire world's population lived under that meta-narrative.
Then, the world changed overnight.
As for me, disillusioned by the failed religion of my youth, I went to America and became a Berkeley hippie.
Now, as I was coming of age, something else happened.
As if one big story wasn't enough, I was told another one.
This one was just as grand.
It also claims that all human societies develop in a linear progression towards a singular end.
This one went as follows: All societies, regardless of culture, be it Christian, Muslim, Confucian, must progress from traditional societies in which groups are the basic units to modern societies in which atomized individuals and all these individuals are, by definition, rational, and they all want one thing: the vote.
Because they are all rational, once given the vote, they produce good government and live happily ever after.
Paradise on Earth, again.
Sooner or later, electoral democracy will be the only political system for all countries and all peoples, with a free market to make them all rich.
But before we get there, we're engaged in a struggle between good and evil.
The good belongs to those who are democracies and are charged with a mission of spreading it around the globe, sometimes by force, against the evil of those who do not hold elections.
George H.W. Bush: A new world order...
George W. Bush:... ending tyranny in our world...
Barack Obama:... a single standard for all who would hold power.
Eric X. Li: Now -- This story also became a bestseller.
According to Freedom House, the number of democracies went from 45 in 1970 to 115 in 2010.
In the last 20 years, Western elites tirelessly trotted around the globe selling this prospectus: Multiple parties fight for political power and everyone voting on them is the only path to salvation to the long-suffering developing world.
Those who buy the prospectus are destined for success.
Those who do not are doomed to fail.
But this time, the Chinese didn't buy it.
Fool me once...
The rest is history.
In just 30 years, China went from one of the poorest agricultural countries in the world to its second-largest economy.
Six hundred fifty million people were lifted out of poverty.
Eighty percent of the entire world's poverty alleviation during that period happened in China.
In other words, all the new and old democracies put together amounted to a mere fraction of what a single, one-party state did without voting.
See, I grew up on this stuff: food stamps.
Meat was rationed to a few hundred grams per person per month at one point.
Needless to say, I ate all my grandmother's portions.
So I asked myself, what's wrong with this picture?
Here I am in my hometown, my business growing leaps and bounds.
Entrepreneurs are starting companies every day.
Middle class is expanding in speed and scale unprecedented in human history.
Yet, according to the grand story, none of this should be happening.
So I went and did the only thing I could. I studied it.
run by the Chinese Communist Party, the Party, and they don't hold elections.
Three assumptions are made by the dominant political theories of our time.
Such a system is operationally rigid, politically closed, and morally illegitimate.
Well, the assumptions are wrong.
The opposites are true.
Adaptability, meritocracy, and legitimacy are the three defining characteristics of China's one-party system.
Now, most political scientists will tell us that a one-party system is inherently incapable of self-correction.
It won't last long because it cannot adapt.
Now here are the facts.
In 64 years of running the largest country in the world, the range of the Party's policies has been wider from radical land collectivization to the Great Leap Forward, then privatization of farmland, then the Cultural Revolution, then Deng Xiaoping's market reform, then successor Jiang Zemin took the giant political step of opening up Party membership to private businesspeople, something unimaginable during Mao's rule.
So the Party self-corrects in rather dramatic fashions.
Institutionally, new rules get enacted to correct previous dysfunctions.
For example, term limits.
Political leaders used to retain their positions for life, and they used that to accumulate power and perpetuate their rules.
Mao was the father of modern China, yet his prolonged rule led to disastrous mistakes.
So the Party instituted term limits with mandatory retirement age of 68 to 70.
One thing we often hear is, "Political reforms have lagged far behind economic reforms," and "China is in dire need of political reform."
But this claim is a rhetorical trap hidden behind a political bias.
See, some have decided a priori what kinds of changes they want to see, and only such changes can be called political reform.
The truth is, political reforms have never stopped.
Compared with 30 years ago, 20 years, even 10 years ago, every aspect of Chinese society, how the country is governed, from the most local level to the highest center, are unrecognizable today.
Now such changes are simply not possible without political reforms of the most fundamental kind.
Now I would venture to suggest the Party is the world's leading expert in political reform.
The second assumption is that in a one-party state, power gets concentrated in the hands of the few, and bad governance and corruption follow.
Indeed, corruption is a big problem, but let's first look at the larger context.
Now, this may be counterintuitive to you.
The Party happens to be one of the most meritocratic political institutions in the world today.
China's highest ruling body, the Politburo, has 25 members.
In the most recent one, only five of them came from a background of privilege, so-called princelings.
The other 20, including the president and the premier, came from entirely ordinary backgrounds.
In the larger central committee of 300 or more, the percentage of those who were born into power and wealth was even smaller.
The vast majority of senior Chinese leaders worked and competed their way to the top.
Compare that with the ruling elites in both developed and developing countries, I think you'll find the Party being near the top in upward mobility.
The question then is, how could that be possible in a system run by one party?
Now we come to a powerful political institution, the Party's Organization Department.
The department functions like a giant human resource engine that would be the envy of even some of the most successful corporations.
It operates a rotating pyramid made up of three components: civil service, state-owned enterprises, and social organizations like a university or a community program.
They form separate yet integrated career paths for Chinese officials.
They recruit college grads into entry-level positions in all three tracks, and they start from the bottom, called "keyuan" [clerk].
Then they could get promoted through four increasingly elite ranks: fuke [deputy section manager], ke [section manager], fuchu [deputy division manager], and chu [division manger].
Now these are not moves from "Karate Kid," okay?
It's serious business.
The range of positions is wide, from running health care in a village to foreign investment in a city district to manager in a company.
Once a year, the department reviews their performance.
They interview their superiors, their peers, their subordinates. They vet their personal conduct.
They conduct public opinion surveys.
Then they promote the winners.
Throughout their careers, these cadres can move through and out of all three tracks.
Over time, the good ones move beyond the four base levels to the fuju [deputy bureau chief] and ju [bureau chief] levels.
There, they enter high officialdom.
By that point, a typical assignment will be to manage a district with a population in the millions or a company with hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue.
Just to show you how competitive the system is, in 2012, there were 900,000 fuke and ke levels, 600,000 fuchu and chu levels, and only 40,000 fuju and ju levels.
After the ju levels, the best few move further up several more ranks, and eventually make it to the Central Committee.
The process takes two to three decades.
Does patronage play a role? Yes, of course.
But merit remains the fundamental driver.
In essence, the Organization Department runs a modernized version of China's centuries-old mentoring system.
China's new president, Xi Jinping, is the son of a former leader, which is very unusual, first of his kind to make the top job.
Even for him, the career took 30 years.
He started as a village manager, and by the time he entered the Politburo, he had managed areas with a total population of 150 million people and combined GDPs of 1.5 trillion U.S. dollars.
Now, please don't get me wrong, okay?
This is not a put-down of anyone. It's just a statement of fact.
George W. Bush, remember him?
This is not a put-down.
Before becoming governor of Texas, or Barack Obama before running for president, could not make even a small county manager in China's system.
Winston Churchill once said that democracy is a terrible system except for all the rest.
Well, apparently he hadn't heard of the Organization Department.
Now, Westerners always assume that multi-party election with universal suffrage is the only source of political legitimacy.
I was asked once, "The Party wasn't voted in by election.
Where is the source of legitimacy?"
I said, "How about competency?"
We all know the facts.
In 1949, when the Party took power, China was mired in civil wars, dismembered by foreign aggression, average life expectancy at that time, 41 years old.
Today, it's the second largest economy in the world, an industrial powerhouse, and its people live in increasing prosperity.
Pew Research polls Chinese public attitudes, and here are the numbers in recent years.
Satisfaction with the direction of the country: 85 percent.
Those who think they're better off than five years ago: 70 percent.
Those who expect the future to be better: a whopping 82 percent.
Financial Times polls global youth attitudes, and these numbers, brand new, just came from last week.
Ninety-three percent of China's Generation Y are optimistic about their country's future.
Now, if this is not legitimacy, I'm not sure what is.
In contrast, most electoral democracies around the world are suffering from dismal performance.
I don't need to elaborate for this audience how dysfunctional it is, from Washington to European capitals.
With a few exceptions, the vast number of developing countries that have adopted electoral regimes are still suffering from poverty and civil strife.
Governments get elected, and then they fall below 50 percent approval in a few months and stay there and get worse until the next election.
Democracy is becoming a perpetual cycle of elect and regret.
At this rate, I'm afraid it is democracy, not China's one-party system, that is in danger of losing legitimacy.
Now, I don't want to create the misimpression that China's hunky-dory, on the way to some kind of superpowerdom.
The country faces enormous challenges.
The social and economic problems that come with wrenching change like this are mind-boggling.
Pollution is one. Food safety. Population issues.
On the political front, the worst problem is corruption.
Corruption is widespread and undermines the system and its moral legitimacy.
But most analysts misdiagnose the disease.
They say that corruption is the result of the one-party system, and therefore, in order to cure it, you have to do away with the entire system.
But a more careful look would tell us otherwise.
Transparency International ranks China between 70 and 80 in recent years among 170 countries, and it's been moving up.
India, the largest democracy in the world, 94 and dropping.
For the hundred or so countries that are ranked below China, more than half of them are electoral democracies.
So if election is the panacea for corruption, how come these countries can't fix it?
Now, I'm a venture capitalist. I make bets.
It wouldn't be fair to end this talk without putting myself on the line and making some predictions.
So here they are.
In the next 10 years, China will surpass the U.S.
and become the largest economy in the world.
Income per capita will be near the top of all developing countries. Corruption will be curbed, but not eliminated, and China will move up 10 to 20 notches to above 60 in T.I. ranking.
Economic reform will accelerate, political reform will continue, and the one-party system will hold firm.
We live in the dusk of an era.
Meta-narratives that make universal claims failed us in the 20th century and are failing us in the 21st.
Meta-narrative is the cancer that is killing democracy from the inside.
Now, I want to clarify something.
I'm not here to make an indictment of democracy.
On the contrary, I think democracy contributed to the rise of the West and the creation of the modern world.
It is the universal claim that many Western elites are making about their political system, the hubris, that is at the heart of the West's current ills.
If they would spend just a little less time on trying to force their way onto others, and a little bit more on political reform at home, they might give their democracy a better chance.
China's political model will never supplant electoral democracy, because unlike the latter, it doesn't pretend to be universal.
It cannot be exported. But that is the point precisely.
The significance of China's example is not that it provides an alternative, but the demonstration that alternatives exist.
Let us draw to a close this era of meta-narratives.
Communism and democracy may both be laudable ideals, but the era of their dogmatic universalism is over.
Let us stop telling people and our children there's only one way to govern ourselves and a singular future towards which all societies must evolve.
It is wrong. It is irresponsible.
And worst of all, it is boring.
Let universality make way for plurality.
Perhaps a more interesting age is upon us.
Are we brave enough to welcome it?
Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks.
Bruno Giussani: Eric, stay with me for a couple of minutes, because I want to ask you a couple of questions.
I think many here, and in general in Western countries, would agree with your statement about analysis of democratic systems becoming dysfunctional, but at the same time, many would kind of find unsettling the thought that there is an unelected authority that, without any form of oversight or consultation, decides what the national interest is.
What is the mechanism in the Chinese model that allows people to say, actually, the national interest as you defined it is wrong?
EXL: You know, Frank Fukuyama, the political scientist, called the Chinese system "responsive authoritarianism."
It's not exactly right, but I think it comes close.
So I know the largest public opinion survey company Do you know who their biggest client is?
The Chinese government.
Not just from the central government, the city government, the provincial government, to the most local neighborhood districts.
They conduct surveys all the time.
Are you happy with the garbage collection?
Are you happy with the general direction of the country?
So there is, in China, there is a different kind of mechanism to be responsive to the demands and the thinking of the people.
My point is, I think we should get unstuck from the thinking that there's only one political system -- that could make it responsive.
I'm not sure, actually, elections produce responsive government anymore in the world.
BG: Many seem to agree.
One of the features of a democratic system is a space for civil society to express itself.
And you have shown figures about the support that the government and the authorities have in China.
But then you've just mentioned other elements like, you know, big challenges, and there are, of course, a lot of other data that go in a different direction: tens of thousands of unrests and protests and environmental protests, etc.
So you seem to suggest the Chinese model doesn't have a space outside of the Party for civil society to express itself.
EXL: There's a vibrant civil society in China, But it's different. You wouldn't recognize it.
Because, by Western definitions, a so-called civil society has to be separate or even in opposition to the political system, but that concept is alien for Chinese culture.
For thousands of years, you have civil society, yet they are consistent and coherent and part of a political order, and I think it's a big cultural difference.
BG: Eric, thank you for sharing this with TED. EXL: Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
どちらもそれ自体で素晴らしいものですが その中にさらに素晴らしいものを持ち合わせています 科学や数学から見た理想としての真と美は 理想的な双子のようなもので 科学者にとってはきっと理想の デートの相手です
真と美は畏敬を感じるものとして表現され それゆえに崇拝されるのです
強力で それ以下にはなり得ず
ユニークで 役に立つものなのです 時にそう感じたり あるいはこれから感じることになるでしょう
さてそれではスライドを見ていきましょう スクリーンに自分の顔が映るのは見たくないですからね
真と美は 科学に携わりのない方々にとってはとても曖昧なものです
なぜなら それらは その表現方法を学んだ人々が使う言葉や方法を 理解したときに 初めてわかるようなものであるからです
E=mc2 という数式を見たとき 宇宙定数を見たとき 人類の理想や 生命の進化の必然性を 宇宙を表す数字というものに見たとき それらはとても理解が難しいものです
私が医療イラストレーターとして 修行を始めたときから挑戦し続けてきたこと 彫刻家であり 私の視覚面の師でもある父に アニメーションについて教わって以来心がけていることは どうすれば人々が 生命科学における真と美を理解できるか アニメーションや写真を使い 物語を話すことによって 人々にとって必ずしも明らかではないものを
明らかにし 教えられ 理解されうるものにするかということです
今日の学生は 真と美が内在していることを学んでいるにもかかわらず 教えられ方が細分化されているために 真と美の存在が見えにくくなってしまっている環境に 置かれています
ちょうどチキンスープの古いレシピのように チキンの風味が失われてしまうまでチキンをゆでるようなものです
そして私は ハーバード大学の 分子細胞生物学部のローバート・ルー教授から 数年前に電話をいただき 私のチームが ハーバード大の医療科学教育を変えることに
興味があるかどうか尋ねられました そして 細胞を探索できるようなプロジェクトを始めました 人間が生まれつき持っている真と美を探索できるようなものです 分子細胞生物学において 学生がより全体を俯瞰できるようにし ずっとそのイメージを持っていられるようにしたのです
細胞のイメージとして 大きく活気のある複雑な都市に ミクロの機械が溢れている様子を 思い描けるようにしたのです
このミクロの機械は 世界中のナノテクノロジー研究者の夢ですが 自ら動き 強力で 正確で 精密な装置で ひも状になったアミノ酸でできています
細胞を増やし 我々の心臓を動かし
そして我々が取り組んだのは これをどのようなアニメーションにし ハーバード大学の「バイオビジョン」という ウェブサイトの中心プログラムとして 分子細胞生物学部の学生用に 教科書に掲載されている 文字としての情報に加えて 視覚的な要素を取り入れることによって 学生が本当の細胞の姿を自分のものにし
その真と美に触れ そうすることによって 彼らの想像力を輝かせ 彼らの情熱を輝かせ 進み続けることができるように そのイメージを新たな発見のために使えるように 命がどのように動いているのかを分かるようにしました
マクロファージという 毛細血管を流れる細胞を テーマに決めました 毛細血管壁の表面に触れることで そこにある細胞から情報を得て 外部のどこかに炎症があるという 情報を手に入れるのです 見ることも感じることもできない場所の情報です
そして自分たちの機能を止めたり 多様なパーツを作って形を変えたりする必要が あるかもしれないという情報を得たうえで 毛細血管から離れ 何が起こっているのかを突き止めるのです
なので ハーバード大学の科学者たちと 正確な原子配置の分子のデータをもとに 分子のモーターが どのように動き
何をしているのかを明らかにしようとしました そして 何が起こっているのか分かる点では 事実に即しているものの 一つの細胞に集中しすぎているがために 全体像が見えなくなっていることに気づきました
これからお見せするのは我々が制作したビデオの 3分間のダイジェスト版です まだ進行中のプロジェクトで あと4~5年は続くと思います
このビデオの中で細胞が キネシンと呼ばれる小さな歩く機械を生み出す行程を ご覧になってください 重い荷物を運ぶ アリのようなものです
この機械が細胞を動かしているのですが これが全ての命の基盤と言えます 全ての機械がお互いに関わりを持っています
細胞はすぐに 遺伝子を読み込んだ分子の中心から 情報を引き出し必要なパーツを作るのです
小さな生物の命からここにいらっしゃる皆さんの命まで いかなる命もこの小さなミクロの機械無しでは生きられません
実際 もしこの機械が無かったら 今日この会場はがら空きだったことでしょう
この小さな物体がキネシンと呼ばれています 新しくできたたんぱく質でいっぱいの袋を持っていて それを必要としているものに与えます それが細胞膜であろうと 細胞小器官であろうと 新しく作ったり直したりするために供給します
我々の誰もが これを約10万個持っており 今現在も 私たちの 100兆個の細胞の中で動き回っているのです
なので いくらあなたが怠け者でも 本質的には働き者ということです
今日家に帰ってから 我々の細胞がいかに強力であるか考え
考えてみてください 何が起こっているのか全て分かれば 今分かっているのは1%ほどにすぎませんが 何が起こっているのか分かれば 我々の健康についても思い通りに管理することが できるようになるでしょう 子孫や寿命といったようなことも 分かるようになるかもしれません
そして願わくば そこから さらなる真や美を発見できるでしょう
この細胞 このミクロの機械は素晴らしいことに 細胞が何を必要としているかを認識し供給します
私たちの体 つまり彼らが決して見ることのない 巨大な存在は 彼らのおかげできちんと機能しているのです
ありがとうございました 楽しんでください | And while these are both wonderful things in their own right -- they both have very wonderful things going for them -- truth and beauty as ideals that can be looked at by the sciences and by math are almost like the ideal conjoined twins that a scientist would want to date.
These are expressions of truth as awe-full things, by meaning they are things you can worship.
They are ideals that are powerful. They are irreducible.
They are unique. They are useful -- sometimes, often a long time after the fact.
And you can actually roll some of the pictures now, because I don't want to look at me on the screen.
Truth and beauty are things that are often opaque to people who are not in the sciences.
They are things that describe beauty in a way that is often only accessible if you understand the language and the syntax of the person who studies the subject in which truth and beauty is expressed.
If you look at the math, E=mc squared, if you look at the cosmological constant, where there's an anthropic ideal, where you see that life had to evolve from the numbers that describe the universe -- these are things that are really difficult to understand.
And what I've tried to do since I had my training as a medical illustrator -- since I was taught animation by my father, who was a sculptor and my visual mentor -- I wanted to figure out a way to help people understand truth and beauty in the biological sciences by using animation, by using pictures, by telling stories so that the things that are not necessarily evident to people
can be brought forth, and can be taught, and can be understood.
Students today are often immersed in an environment where what they learn is subjects that have truth and beauty embedded in them, but the way they're taught is compartmentalized and it's drawn down to the point where the truth and beauty are not always evident.
It's almost like that old recipe for chicken soup where you boil the chicken until the flavor is just gone.
We don't want to do that to our students.
So we have an opportunity to really open up education.
And I had a telephone call from Robert Lue at Harvard, in the Molecular and Cellular Biology Department, a couple of years ago. He asked me if my team and I would be interested and willing to really change how medical and scientific education is done at Harvard.
So we embarked on a project that would explore the cell -- that would explore the truth and beauty inherent in molecular and cellular biology so that students could understand a larger picture that they could hang all of these facts on.
They could have a mental image of the cell as a large, bustling, hugely complicated city that's occupied by micro-machines.
And these micro-machines really are at the heart of life.
These micro-machines, which are the envy of nanotechnologists the world over, are self-directed, powerful, precise, accurate devices that are made out of strings of amino acids.
And these micro-machines power how a cell moves.
They power how a cell replicates. They power our hearts.
They power our minds.
And so what we wanted to do was to figure out how we could make this story into an animation that would be the centerpiece of BioVisions at Harvard, which is a website that Harvard has for its molecular and cellular biology students that will -- in addition to all the textual information, in addition to all the didactic stuff -- put everything together visually, so that these students would have an internalized view of what a cell really is
in all of its truth and beauty, and be able to study with this view in mind, so that their imaginations would be sparked, so that their passions would be sparked and so that they would be able to go on and use these visions in their head to make new discoveries and to be able to find out, really, how life works.
So we set out by looking at how these molecules are put together.
We worked with a theme, which is, you've got macrophages that are streaming down a capillary, and they're touching the surface of the capillary wall, and they're picking up information from cells that there's an inflammation somewhere outside, where they can't see and sense.
But they get the information that causes them to stop, causes them to internalize that they need to make all of the various parts that will cause them to change their shape, and try to get out of this capillary and find out what's going on.
with the Harvard scientists and databank models of the atomically accurate molecules and figure out how they moved, and figure out what they did.
And figure out how to do this in a way that was truthful in that it imparted what was going on, but not so truthful that the compact crowding in a cell would prevent the vista from happening.
And so what I'm going to show you is a three-minute Reader's Digest version of the first aspect of this film that we produced. It's an ongoing project that's going to go another four or five years.
and see the paths that the cell manufactures -- these little walking machines, they're called kinesins -- that take these huge loads that would challenge an ant in relative size.
Run the movie, please.
But these machines that power the inside of the cells are really quite amazing, and they really are the basis of all life because all of these machines interact with each other.
They pass information to each other.
They cause different things to happen inside the cell.
And the cell will actually manufacture the parts that it needs that's brought from the nucleus by molecules that read the genes.
No life, from the smallest life to everybody here, would be possible without these little micro-machines.
In fact, it would really, in the absence of these machines, have made the attendance here, Chris, really quite sparse.
This is the FedEx delivery guy of the cell.
This little guy is called the kinesin, and he pulls a sack that's full of brand new manufactured proteins to wherever it's needed in the cell -- whether it's to a membrane, whether it's to an organelle, whether it's to build something or repair something.
And each of us has about 100,000 of these things running around, right now, inside each one of your 100 trillion cells.
So no matter how lazy you feel, you're not really intrinsically doing nothing.
So what I want you to do when you go home is think about this, and think about how powerful our cells are.
And think about some of the things that we're learning about cellular mechanics.
Once we figure out all that's going on -- and believe me, we know almost a percent of what's going on -- once we figure out what's going on, we're really going to be able to have a lot of control over what we do with our health, with what we do with future generations, and how long we're going to live.
And hopefully we'll be able to use this to discover more truth, and more beauty.
But it's really quite amazing that these cells, these micro-machines, are aware enough of what the cell needs that they do their bidding.
They work together. They make the cell do what it needs to do.
And their working together helps our bodies -- huge entities that they will never see -- function properly.
Enjoy the rest of the show. Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「どうしたの? お嬢さん」
「お嬢さんも冒険者試験を受けるんじゃないの? もうすぐ時間になっちゃうよ?」
「そうか? 悪い......どうして私が試験を受けると分かった?」
「ふざけるなっ! どこでやるってんだよ?」
「ログホルトっ? ふざけてんのかっ! ここから徒歩じゃ、急いでも十日はかかるだろうがっ!」
「いや、そいつは納得できねぇーな」 | Besides the first three men, no one else had tried to take her recommendation, so the last three days had been rather quiet. She had, however, dealt with a number of men who had attempted to pick her up.
Even though humans considered a person to be an adult once they reached the age of , it was still considered inappropriate for older men to approach women of that age. In addition, Merc was an elf. If one considered her age through the eyes of the elves, she was still a child.
Merc was concerned about the direction in which the men were heading, no matter how mature and beautiful she appeared.
Merc noticed a carriage parked in front of the Adventurers’ Guild as she was worrying herself about the future generation of men. It was also a quite huge carriage.
“It looks like it can fit ... No, close to people.”
The carriage didn’t cause any problems because the road where it was parked was rather broad, but that didn’t stop those passing by from looking at it suspiciously. However, given that the carriage took up over half of the wide road, this seemed understandable.
“There’s even three Belballs. I guess it really can carry up to 20 people.”
As soon as Merc saw the horned horses connected to the carriage, she was confident it could carry up to 20 passengers.
Belballs, also known as Horned Horses, were a sort of Magic Beast. Belballs were distinct from regular horses in that they had better intelligence and were also stronger and faster. They could be domesticated as well.
The elf village was also raising a few of them, and there was no more useful Magic Beast than the Belballs if they were properly raised.
“But why is there a carriage here?”
Merc thought to herself as she was going to pass by the carriage. She noticed something odd about the Belballs at that point. All three of them were not normal. Merc wasn’t sure as to what this could mean.
“It’s difficult to believe these three were picked at random to pull this carriage...”
Merc was enthralled by the horses when she felt a person approaching her from behind.
“Is there something wrong, Young Miss?”
“N-No... It’s nothing.”
When Merc turned around, she was greeted by a woman with blue hair who smiled at her.
The woman looked young, and Merc assumed she was in her early twenties. The dimples that emerged when she smiled made her look adorable, and the imposing bulges around her chest put her high on Merc’s list as well.
“Are you here for the exam, Young Miss? If you are, you should hurry. It’s almost time.”
“Really? Thank you... By the way, how did you know I was taking the exam?”
“Who wouldn’t I? You don’t see young girls with wooden sticks around here every day. You don’t appear to be somebody normal based on your atmosphere, but you also don’t appear to be a full-fledged adventurer based on your outfit. Meaning that you’re likely taking the exam.”
“Hmph. You’re able to figure all of that out from just this much?”
“Well, honestly, it was mostly a gut feeling. Though I’m a little embarrassed to admit it, I get the sense that if you fail, I’ll have one less competitor.”
“I see.”
Merc said, agreeing with the woman’s reasoning. As a result, Merc walked away from the horses after a little nod.
“Since you view me as a competitor, does that mean you’re also taking the exam?”
“That’s right. I’m Totoara. What’s your name, Young Miss?”
“It’s Merc. A pleasure to meet you.”
Following their introductions, both women proceeded to the Guild. As they arrived, they were astonished to find that, despite the fact that it was early in the morning, the Guild was packed with people, the majority of whom were adventurers waiting in various lines.
Totoara said, pointing to a place.
. She could already notice a lot of people who appeared to be examinees there.
“This makes 17... 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... It seems like this is everyone.”
As soon as Merc and Totoara arrived, a man in glasses murmured something, after which he closed his eyes and began counting down. He proclaimed the end of the meeting when the countdown was completed.
“There’s two less than the number that registered, but I guess that is fine. Well then, everyone, follow me.”
Merc assumed they were really strict when it came to being on time based on what the man stated just now. Even though there were still people who hadn’t arrived, the Guild’s staff merely moved forward, ignoring them.
Following the man, the group of 17 was quickly brought to a room within the Guild.
“You’ll enter the room one by one, and hand in your admission ticket as well as your recommendation to the staff inside. After they’ve been checked, you are free to sit on any of the chairs inside.”
The man said, after which the examinees began entering one by one. Merc took a seat in the front row chairs, and Totoara arrived shortly after and sat next to her. She smirked at Merc, most likely as a greeting.
After all of the examinees had taken their seats the man once again appeared and stood in front of them.
“I might as well introduce myself before we begin. My name is Brega. I’m a Grade 3 Adventurer and work as a member of the staff at the Adventurers’ Guild branch here in Ende. I was going to be your examiner.”
“Was going to?”
“Correct. I’m sorry to inform you that the exam this time won’t be held in the Ende branch. As a result, I’d like to request that you proceed to the branch where it will be held.”
“Don’t f̲u̲c̲k̲ with us! Where is it being held then?!”
Various angry shouts could be heard from all corners of the room as soon as Brega delivered his declaration. However, as a Grade 3 Adventurer, Brega did not flinch and just clapped his hands.
“Now, now, please calm down. You do not need to be concerned. We’ve given you plenty of time to get to where you’re needed. You’ll have one week from now to arrive at the specified branch.”
“And where in the world is that?!”
“It is located inside the Lezau Duchy. More particularly, in the City of Logholt. You will have one week to arrive at the branch in Logholt.”
“Logholt? Don’t f̲u̲c̲k̲ with us! Even if we hurry, walking to Logholt takes ten days!”
The examinees became enraged once more after hearing Brega’s statement. No one could blame them, though. One could probably make it if they took the risky shortcut; but, reaching Logholt through the safe roads would be impossible. And the Guild was most likely aware of that.
Brega, on the other hand, without really explaining, simply looked everyone in the eyes and stated,
“If you don’t want to do it, great. If you want, you can leave right now. This has already been settled, so I have no desire to engage with your petty squabbles.”
“Those who wish to take the exam, please remain in your seats. I’ll now describe how to get to the exam location.”
Brega said, completely unfazed by the angry expressions on the examinees’ faces. Even those who had previously cried out in protest returned to their seats when confronted with the current situation’s pressure.
Hmph. So they can even get away with such an unreasonable request? The Adventurers’ Guild must really have a lot of authority.
Merc thought. Just then the bald-headed giant seated directly behind her slowly rose up and spoke, as if he had just read Merc’s mind.
“I cannot agree with this.” | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 16,
"inserted_lines_trg": 5
} |
例えば、欧州委員会のいわゆる「サービス指令」を考えてみよう。労働活動の自由が単一市場の「基本的四大自由」のひとつであるにもかかわらず、多くのEU加盟国が、この自由をできる限り保留しておくことによって国内の労働市場を保護しようと試みている。ドイツは特に、1990年の再統一が生み出した高い失業率は、自国の東側に位置する新加盟国に対する労働市場の閉鎖を要求していると主張する。 | Although freedom of movement for labor is one of the single market’s “four freedoms,” many EU countries are trying to protect their domestic labor markets by suspending this freedom for as long as possible. Germany, in particular, argues that the high unemployment resulting from reunification in 1990 requires it to close its labor market to the new member states to its east. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
会う人は誰もが 長年親交あるように思えました
では私があの場面に遭遇した状況と その後に学んだ事をお話しします
実存的な疑問があります もし私が完全な関連性と 完璧な意識を経験したのなら なぜこの写真に映っていないのか? ここはどこで何時のことだったのか?
警察の写真で あれは実は私の車です
現場はロスアンジェルス有数の病院 シダーズ・シナイから 1キロ位離れた所です
状況は 勤務を終えて 帰宅中の救急救命士が多数乗った車が 事故現場に差し掛かり 車の中に生存者はおらず 運転手の私は死亡したと
警察に助言したばかりです 警察は消防が到着して車を切断し 運転手を救出するのを待っています 運転手を救出するのを待っています
まもなくフロントガラスの背後に挟まれた私を発見します まもなくフロントガラスの背後に挟まれた私を発見します 頭蓋骨は挫傷し 鎖骨は骨折 助骨は2本を残し 骨盤も両腕も 全て骨折 しかし脈がありました
私はすぐ近くのシダーズ・シナイ病院に搬送されます 私はすぐ近くのシダーズ・シナイ病院に搬送されます その夜 内出血のため 45ユニットの輸血 ―体内の血液全てに匹敵する量― を受け 45ユニットの輸血 ―体内の血液全てに匹敵する量― を受け 何とか血流が確保されます
生命維持装置につながれ 重篤な脳卒中を引き起こし 私は昏睡に陥ります
昏睡の程度は15~3に分類されます 昏睡の程度は15~3に分類されます
外部からは生命の印が全く見えません 外部からは生命の印が全く見えません
私は1か月以上 グラスゴー昏睡尺度3の容体でした そのような重体の昏睡の中 生死の瀬戸際にありながら 私は精神世界の完璧な関連性と 完璧な意識を体験するのです 私は精神世界の完璧な関連性と 完璧な意識を体験するのです
一方 外から内を見つめる家族は 別の実存的な問題に 直面していました つまり 彼らが見る昏睡して閉じた心と現実の心― 彼らが見る昏睡して閉じた心と現実の心― すなわち 私の頭の中にわずかに残る脳機能― を すなわち 私の頭の中にわずかに残る脳機能― を
お互い結びつける事はどこまで可能なのか? お互い結びつける事はどこまで可能なのか? より広い意味で言うと あなたがあたかも宇宙人で宇宙の果てから 地球を観察しており あなたのお気に入りのギャラクシー衛星テレビの 番組が地球チャネルの人間ショーだとします 番組が地球チャネルの人間ショーだとします
この番組が気に入ってる理由は 意識がとても興味深いものだからです
意識はとても予測不能で壊れやすいのです 意識はとても予測不能で壊れやすいのです
特殊効果で始まる理由は 壊滅的な気候変動が起こり― まるで今日と同じようで興味深いですが―
地球の地軸の傾斜が変わったために 壊滅的な気候変動が起こり 我々の祖先はよりよい食物を見つけたり― 祖先のルーシーです― 道具を使って動物の骨を割ることを覚え 骨髄を食べたりして 脳を発達させたのです
意識が成長をとげたのです 意識は進化を続けますが その一端は当地インドの マドヤ・パラデシュ州にもあります その一端は当地インドの マドヤ・パラデシュ州にもあります
世界に2ヶ所しかない最古の ロックアートのひとつがあります これは4~5万回叩いて作った石器の盃です 地球上最古の美術品です 地球上最古の美術品です
これが意識と何の関連があるかと言うと これが意識と何の関連があるかと言うと 今日の人間の子供も最初に描く形は円だからです 今日の人間の子供も最初に描く形は円だからです
目を作るのです 目は人類史上進化を続けました
エジプトの神ホルスです 繁栄 知恵 健康の象徴です
現在に至るとアメリカの1ドル紙幣があります 現在に至るとアメリカの1ドル紙幣があります プロビデンスの目が描かれています
従って 宇宙の果てからこの番組を見れば 分かった と思うでしょう この青い惑星で最も貴重な 資源は私たちの知識だと この青い惑星で最も貴重な 資源は私たちの知識だと
生まれて初めて描くものだし 周りをその絵で取り囲むし たぶん地球上に最もある像でしょう
いいえ 意識を当たり前の事と思っています
私もLAで仕事していた頃は 全く考えもしませんでした
あの事故にあって以来 療養中に学んだのは 意識は未だかつてない危機に瀕していることです 意識は未だかつてない危機に瀕していることです
ここインドに来て講演するのは 大変光栄ですが インドは頭部の負傷が 世界で最も多い国として知られています
頭部に重傷を負う事故ほど 瞬時に心が閉じて 現実の心との間に大きな断絶が 生じる事はありません 現実の心との間に大きな断絶が 生じる事はありません
リハビリには長ければ10年間要します 従ってインドでは改善されない限り のべ1千年間のリハビリ期間を 要するほどの状況にあります のべ1千年間のリハビリ期間を 要するほどの状況にあります
アメリカでは20秒に1件の割合で 負傷者が発生し 1年間では150万件を数えます 脳卒中は40秒に1件の割合 アルツハイマー病は70秒に1件の割合で発症しています
これらが閉じた心と現実の心の断絶を引き起こすのです これらが閉じた心と現実の心の断絶を引き起こすのです
世界保健機関によると うつ病は罹病中の累積年数の 観点では最悪の病気です
2番目に多い身体障害である うつ病は15歳~44歳の年齢層に見られます うつ病は15歳~44歳の年齢層に見られます
子供たちのうつ病患者数も 異常な増加傾向にあります
療養中に 十代の子供の死因で3番目に 多いのが自殺だと知りました
さらに別の統計を見ると― 脳震とう
青少年が救急治療を受ける 件数の半分は脳震とうです
片頭痛については 人口の4割が発作性の頭痛に苦しんでいます 人口の4割が発作性の頭痛に苦しんでいます
15%の人が片頭痛を訴え 何日間も療養を要します
さらにコンピュータ依存もあります 私たちは頻繁にデジタル機器を使います 私たちは頻繁にデジタル機器を使います
平均的な十代の子供は 月に3,300件のメールを送ると言われます
我々の社会はやがて直面するであろう 壊滅的気候変動を避けるかのように
うつ病 引篭りに退避しているのです うつ病 引篭りに退避しているのです 人間ショーを見ながら気になることは― 人間は意識を発展させて 壊滅的気候変動に立ち向かい
解決しようとするのか? それとも退避し続けるのか? 心配な人は シダーズ・シナイの出来事を振り返り 閉じた心と現実の心の違いについて 考えてみてはいかがでしょうか
これは高密度電極脳波計が156chの データを収集する様子です
これは入院中の私の脳波ではありません 皆さんの今夜や昨夜の脳波です
毎晩私達の心はその日の出来事を 整理して睡眠中の閉じた心を 翌朝目が覚めると同時に
現実の心に橋渡しする準備をします これが4か月の入院後の私です
これが4か月の入院後の私です 頭の馬蹄形の傷跡が 私の命を救った脳内手術の際に切開した場所です 私の命を救った脳内手術の際に切開した場所です
意識のある目は下を向いています 意識のある目は下を向いています その時感じたことをお話しましょう
虚無感はなく 同時に全てを感じました
無と全て 暑さと寒さ 陶酔と落胆 脳は世界初の完璧に機能する 量子コンピューターなので 同時に多様な状態を取れます
私の脳の全ての内部調節機能が 破損したため同時に全てを感じたのです
退院したばかりの状態に早戻ししてみます 退院したばかりの状態に早戻ししてみます
それでも退院させられました 家族も気付いたことですが 医療制度には長期的視点がありません 医療制度には長期的視点がありません
神経的な障害は10年のリハビリが必要なので 長期的な視点が必要です
これはガンマ線を使ったガンマ線投射図です これはガンマ線を使ったガンマ線投射図です 脳内部の立体的機能図を作成できます
立体的描写には実験室が必要です 二次元でも十分に正常な心が 美しく対称して動作しているのが分ります 美しく対称して動作しているのが分ります
破壊された痕跡が見えます 医療制度に見捨てられたので 私の家族は独自に解決策と解答を 見つけようとしました
何年もかかったその過程で 一人の医師が頭部損傷してからの 私の回復と進展の具合は 奇跡的だと言いました
それをきっかけに 私は本を書き始めました 奇跡的とは思わなかったからです
奇跡的な要素はあったでしょうが 世界的にまん延する障害なのに 解答を探すのに こんなに苦労する べきではないと思いました 解答を探すのに こんなに苦労する べきではないと思いました
そこで私の回復の体験から 4つの特有な要素をお話したいと思います 意識の4Cと呼んでいます 4Cのおかげで閉じた心から 毎日頼りにする現実の心に戻れたのです
私の車の割れたフロントガラスと違って 脳には塑性能力があり 手当を受けながら覚醒と意識レベルの 手当を受けながら覚醒と意識レベルの 回復訓練をすることが可能です
塑性があるということは 脳機能を回復させようとする理由があり 回復させるには十分に可能性がある
心には再出発する能力があります 1970年代にヘイガンとシルバという名の 2人の専門家が実証しました
世界的な傾向では 学校で学ぶ子供の3割に 自分では治せない 学習上の弱点があります しかし適切な検診をすれば 未然に発見し治療することにより 落ちこぼれを防止できます
しかし そのような治療や世話を提供する人を 見つけることがとても困難です
私はようやくその人を探し当てました その神経医が施してくれた事を説明します
私は医師ではないので細かい サブテストについては語りません
全般のIQは今日の生活に 必須な頭脳処理― いかに早く 情報を収集 保存し 呼び戻すか― を測定します
徐々に回復し やがて79点を記録しました 平均値をわずかに下回る数値です
意味するのは 普通の人なら50分で回答できる テストに私は2時間半を要し それでも 落第点を取ることです
それから認知力訓練を受けました そして認知力訓練を一定期間受けた上で 記録した数値が右側のグラフです
IQは8歳になると安定して 変動しなくなるものです
国立医療学会誌が 私の回顧録を臨床的に調査を行いました 異例のことです
それでも彼らは綿密に調査した上で 提示された証拠には重要で貴重な 情報があるとコメントしました
“この事象は再現性があるのか” と問われました
無理もないことです 回顧録には自身の解決策を 発見する過程のみ記述しました
答えは“ある”です ここで初めて 事例を二つ紹介しましょう ある人が7歳と11歳の時に
認知力訓練を受けた結果がこれです また別の人が高校と大学在学中に訓練を受けた例です
サブテストの詳細については語りません 2人とも精神的に問題がありました
この人には学習能力障害があったと認められたが この人には学習能力障害があったと認められたが
援助を受けて 2人とも大学に進学し 機会に恵まれて充実した人生を送りました 二つ目は頭蓋骨と顎骨の配置です 私は激しい片頭痛に襲われていました
二つ目は頭蓋骨と顎骨の配置です 私は激しい片頭痛に襲われていました
役立ったのは二つの事です 一つ目が9割を占めるのですが頭と首の痛みは 筋肉と骨格のずれのせいです
治療を受けて分かったのは 顎関節と歯には密接な関連があることです
人口の3割にも及ぶ人が 顎に何らかの障害 病気 機能不全があり 身体全体に悪影響を及ぼしています
私は幸運にも これから説明する新技術を持つ歯科医に恵まれ これから説明する新技術を持つ歯科医に恵まれ 顎の位置を再調整することで 頭痛がほぼ完全になくなりました しかし歯並びが良くありませんでした
そこで歯科医は顎を直すと共に 歯並びも矯正してくれました
その結果 体全体に良い影響がでました
顎が体全体に 関わっているという発言は 奇異に聞こえるかもしれません 簡単に証明できます 明日になったら 砂の一粒を歯の間に挟んで 長めの散歩をしてみてください そして砂をとれずに どれだけ長く歩けるか試して下さい
試す前と後には外見上の違いは 全くない位です
砂をほんの少し歯の間に挟んで どう違うのか試して下さい
次に解決した問題は 頭と首の痛みの9割がずれのせいだとすると 頭と首の痛みの9割がずれのせいだとすると 残りの1割は 動脈瘤 脳腫瘍 ホルモン性障害を除くと 動脈瘤 脳腫瘍 ホルモン性障害を除くと 循環に問題があります UCLAメディカル・センターで言われたのは 体内を流れる血液を 密封されたシステムと思ってください
大きなパイプがあり中を血液が流れます パイプの周りには神経があり 血液が運ぶ栄養素を吸収します
密封されたパイプの一カ所を 押すと他の場所が膨らみます
もしその膨らむ場所が 一番神経が集中している脳の中だと 片頭痛型血管性頭痛になります
痛みは片頭痛型血管性頭痛を 体験した人にしか分かりません
この技術を使えば 三次元マッピングが可能です
UCLAメディカル・センターの専門家は この技術を使ってパイプのどこに 圧迫があるか特定しました
そのおかげで 神経系統は正常に戻りました
次はコミュニケーションです とても重要です
非常に幸いにも 父親のある取引先の 夫がアルフレッド・マン科学研究財団に勤務していました 夫がアルフレッド・マン科学研究財団に勤務していました
アルフレッド・マンは優れた科学者 発明家です 意識の断絶を塞ぐことに情熱を注ぎ 聴覚障がい者には音 視覚障がい者には光 身体麻痺者には動作の回復に努めました
例として身体麻痺障がい者が 動作を取り戻す様子をお見せします
南カリフォルニアから持ってきたのは このFM装置です
5個でも1インド・ルピー硬貨以下の重さです 5個でも1インド・ルピー硬貨以下の重さです
この装置は耐久試験を経て 体内でも80年以上劣化しません
実証中の概念ではこの装置を 身体の必要な稼働部分に広く設置します 身体の必要な稼働部分に広く設置します
運動皮質に埋め込まれたFM装置は リアルタイムに関連する筋肉の 駆動ポイントに信号を送ります すると例えば腕が麻痺した人が リアルタイムに腕を動かせます
指先に埋め込まれた別のFM装置は 何か表面に触れると 脳の感覚皮質に信号を送り 何かに触れた感覚が生じます
サイエンス・フィクション? いいえ 実は私がこの技術を初めて装着しています
無線装置が一歩一歩を制御しています そして歩くたびにセンサーが 私の足を見ています
最後にこの体験が個人的に いかに重要な意味を持ち 私の人生を変えたかお話します
昏睡状態にあった時 私は誰かが 見守っていると気付いていました
昏睡から脱した時 家族は認識できましたが 自分の過去は思い出せませんでした
そのよい知らせを 固定されて動かない口で 当直の看護婦にささやきました
翌朝 母親が来て言いました 私は常に病室のベッドに居るのではなく 私は映画やテレビ業界で仕事をしていて 交通事故に遭ったこと そして結婚していたこと 妻のマーシーはその事故で即死したこと
そして私が昏睡中に 彼女の故郷フィニックスに埋葬されたこと
その後の暗い年月の中 今を特別にした全てが 失われ 自分に残るのは何か探し求めました
やがて意識の危機について知り それが世界的な傾向で より多くの人々の命を日々蝕んでいることに 自分の存在意義を見つけました
私は我々の意識の危機は克服できると信じます 人間ショーの放映は永久に続きます 人間ショーの放映は永久に続きます
サイモンのお話を聞いた時― どうか座ってください 少しだけお話したいだけですから 本を読み彼に会うためにLAに行きました
待ち合わせのレストランで 明らかに体が不自由な人が 現れるのを待っていました
私が会う当人とは全く気づきませんでした 私が会う当人とは全く気づきませんでした
あいさつして話始めても 大事故を克服した人には到底見えません 大事故を克服した人には到底見えません
と同時に あなたの回復に技術が果たした 役割にも驚きました
彼の著書は外の書店にあります 彼の著書は外の書店にあります
私が驚いたのは その本には 掛かった全ての病院 受けた全ての治療 遭遇した全てのニアミス そして新発明に出会った様子等が そして新発明に出会った様子等が とても克明に記述されていたことです
一点だけもう少し詳しく知りたいのですが 一点だけもう少し詳しく知りたいのですが
予行の時 この事に触れる 時間はないと思っていました これが実物です これが制御装置です
私が取る全ての行動を もう5~6年も記録しています
もう一度押すと3回鳴ります これで準備完了です
私の友達です 毎晩チャージします
それにお話ししたいことは 時間がなかったので
何をするのかって? 実際にお見せします
この下の部分を映せますか 小さなアンテナです
踵の下にセンサーがあって 足が地面から離れるのを検知します ヒール・リフトといいます
常に点滅します 出したままにしますが見えますか
この装置も常に点滅します 信号をリアルタイムで送信します
もし速足になると 間隔の変化を検知し― ヒール・リストの間隔です―
もうひとつ先ほど話す時間がなかったことは 既に多くの聴覚障がい者の 回復に役立っていることです
長い話を短くすると 隠された技術でした アルフレッド・マンが引退間近の医師 フィッシャー博士に会ったのです 引退に伴い技術が捨てられるところでした 医療機器メーカーが採用しなかったのです 大した問題ではなかったからです
しかし世界中には多くの聴覚障がい者がいます 現在 人工内耳は多くの人々の
さきほど触れなかったのは この装置は外骨格型です
外骨格型装置は 足に巻いたりして 影響受けた手足に着用できます
彼らは素晴らしいです 百人もの技術者や科学者が働いています 百人もの技術者や科学者が働いています 他にもスタッフがいます
アルフレッド・マンがこの財団を設立したのは ベンチャーがこの分野には 興味を示さなくても 研究を推進するためでした
世界中には運動障がい者が たくさんいると思いがちですが 市場は小さすぎるのです 研究投資 研究期間 当局の認可を考えると ベンチャーにとっては資金回収には あまりにも長くかかります
機会があれば ぜひサイモンと会って下さい
ありがとうございました | Everywhere I went, I felt at home.
Everyone I met, I felt I knew them for as long as I could remember.
And I want to share with you how I came to that place and what I've learned since I left it.
This is where it began.
And it raises an existential question, which is, if I'm having this experience of complete connection and full consciousness, why am I not visible in the photograph, and where is this time and place?
This is Los Angeles, California, where I live.
This is a police photo. That's actually my car.
We're less than a mile from one of the largest hospitals in Los Angeles, called Cedars-Sinai.
And the situation is that a car full of paramedics on their way home from the hospital after work have run across the wreckage, that there were no survivors inside the car, that the driver's dead, that I'm dead.
And the police are waiting for the fire department to arrive to cut apart the vehicle to extract the body of the driver.
And when they do, they find that behind the glass, they find me. And my skull's crushed and my collar bone is crushed; all but two of my ribs, my pelvis and both arms -- they're all crushed, but there is still a pulse.
And they get me to that nearby hospital, Cedars-Sinai, where that night I receive, because of my internal bleeding, 45 units of blood -- which means full replacements of all the blood in me -- before they're able to staunch the flow.
I'm put on full life support, and I have a massive stroke, and my brain drops into a coma.
Now comas are measured on a scale from 15 down to three.
Fifteen is a mild coma. Three is the deepest.
And if you look, you'll see that there's only one way you can score three.
It's essentially there's no sign of life from outside at all.
I spent more than a month in a Glasgow Coma Scale three, and it is inside that deepest level of coma, on the rim between my life and my death, that I'm experiencing the full connection and full consciousness of inner space.
From my family looking in from outside, is a different kind of existential question, which is, how far is it going to be possible to bridge from the comatose potential mind that they're looking at to an actual mind, which I define simply as the functioning of the brain that is remaining inside my head.
Now to put this into a broader context, I want you to imagine that you are an eternal alien watching the Earth from outer space, and your favorite show on intergalactic satellite television is the Earth channel, and your favorite show is the Human Show.
And the reason I think it would be so interesting to you is because consciousness is so interesting.
It's so unpredictable and so fragile.
And this is how we began.
We all began in the Awash Valley in Ethiopia.
The show began with tremendous special effects, because there were catastrophic climate shifts -- which sort of sounds interesting as a parallel to today.
Because of the Earth tilting on its axis and those catastrophic climate shifts, we had to figure out how to find better food, and we had to learn -- there's Lucy; that's how we all began -- we had to learn how to crack open animal bones, use tools to do that, to feed on the marrow, to grow our brains more.
in response to this global threat.
Now you also continue to watch as consciousness evolved to the point that here in India, in Madhya Pradesh, there's one of the two oldest known pieces of rock art found.
It's a cupule that took 40 to 50,000 blows with a stone tool to create, and it's the first known expression of art on the planet.
And the reason it connects us with consciousness today is that all of us still today, the very first shape we draw as a child is a circle.
And then the next thing we do is we put a dot in the center of the circle.
We create an eye -- and the eye that evolves through all of our history.
There's the Egyptian god Horus, which symbolizes prosperity, wisdom and health.
And that comes down right way to the present with the dollar bill in the United States, which has on it an eye of providence.
So watching all of this show from outer space, you think we get it, we understand that the most precious resource on the blue planet is our consciousness.
Because it's the first thing we draw; we surround ourselves with images of it; it's probably the most common image on the planet.
But we don't. We take our consciousness for granted.
While I was producing in Los Angeles, I never thought about it for a second.
Until it was stripped from me, I never thought about it.
And what I've learned since that event and during my recovery is that consciousness is under threat on this planet in ways it's never been under threat before.
These are just some examples.
And the reason I'm so honored to be here to talk today in India is because India has the sad distinction of being the head injury capital of the world.
That statistic is so sad.
There is no more drastic and sudden gap created between potential and actual mind than a severe head injury.
Each one can entail up to a decade of rehabilitation, which means that India, unless something changes, is accumulating a need for millennia of rehabilitation.
What you find in the United States is an injury every 20 seconds -- that's one and a half million every year -- stroke every 40 seconds, Alzheimer's disease, every 70 seconds somebody succumbs to that.
All of these represent gaps between potential mind and actual mind.
And here are some of the other categories, if you look at the whole planet.
The World Health Organization tells us that depression is the number one disease on Earth in terms of years lived with disability.
We find that the number two source of disability is depression in the age group of 15 to 44.
Our children are becoming depressed at an alarming rate.
I discovered during my recovery the third leading cause of death amongst teenagers is suicide.
If you look at some of these other items -- concussions.
Half of E.R. admissions from adolescents are for concussions.
If I talk about migraine, 40 percent of the population suffer episodic headaches.
Fifteen percent suffer migraines that wipe them out for days on end.
All of this is leading -- computer addiction, just to cover that: the most frequent thing we do is use digital devices.
The average teenager sends 3,300 texts every [month].
We're talking about a society that is retreating when we are potentially confronting the next great catastrophic climate shift.
So what you'd be wondering, watching the Human Show, is are we going to confront and address the catastrophic climate shift that may be heading our way by growing our consciousness, or are we going to continue to retreat?
And that then might lead you to watch an episode one day of Cedars-Sinai medical center and a consideration of the difference between potential mind and actual mind.
This is a dense array EEG MRI tracking 156 channels of information.
It's not my EEG at Cedars; it's your EEG tonight and last night.
It's the what our minds do every night to digest the day and to prepare to bridge from the potential mind when we're asleep to the actual mind when we awaken the following morning.
This is how I was when I returned from the hospital after nearly four months.
The horseshoe shape you can see on my skull is where they operated and went inside my brain to do the surgeries they needed to do to rescue my life.
But if you look into the eye of consciousness, that single eye you can see, I'm looking down, but let me tell you how I felt at that point.
I didn't feel empty; I felt everything simultaneously.
I felt empty and full, hot and cold, euphoric and depressed because the brain is the world's first fully functional quantum computer; it can occupy multiple states at the same time.
And with all the internal regulators of my brain damaged, I felt everything simultaneously.
But let's swivel around and look at me frontally.
This is now flash-forward to the point in time where I've been discharged by the health system.
Look into those eyes. I'm not able to focus those eyes.
I'm not able to follow a line of text in a book.
But the system has moved me on because, as my family started to discover, there is no long-term concept in the health care system.
Neurological damage, 10 years of rehab, requires a long-term perspective.
But let's take a look behind my eyes.
This is a gamma radiation spec scan that uses gamma radiation to map three-dimensional function within the brain.
It requires a laboratory to see it in three dimension, but in two dimensions I think you can see the beautiful symmetry and illumination of a normal mind at work.
Here's my brain.
being destroyed by the stroke.
So my family, as we moved forward and discovered that the health care system had moved us by, had to try to find solutions and answers.
And during that process -- it took many years -- one of the doctors said that my recovery, my degree of advance, since the amount of head injury I'd suffered, was miraculous.
And that was when I started to write a book, because I didn't think it was miraculous.
I thought there were miraculous elements, but I also didn't think it was right that one should have to struggle and search for answers when this is a pandemic within our society.
So from this experience of my recovery, I want to share four particular aspects -- I call them the four C's of consciousness -- that helped me grow my potential mind back towards the actual mind that I work with every day.
The first C is cognitive training.
Unlike the smashed glass of my car, plasticity of the brain means that there was always a possibility, with treatment, so that you can regain and raise your level of awareness and consciousness.
Plasticity means that there was always hope for our reason -- hope for our ability to rebuild that function.
Indeed, the mind can redefine itself, and this is demonstrated by two specialists called Hagen and Silva back in the 1970's.
The global perspective is that up to 30 percent of children in school have learning weaknesses that are not self-correcting, but with appropriate treatment, they can be screened for and detected and corrected and avoid their academic failure.
But what I discovered is it's almost impossible to find anyone who provides that treatment or care.
Here's what my neuropsychologist provided for me when I actually found somebody who could apply it.
I'm not a doctor, so I'm not going to talk about the various subtests.
Let's just talk about full-scale I.Q.
Full-scale I.Q. is the mental processing -- how fast you can acquire information, retain it and retrieve it -- that is essential for success in life today.
And you can see here there are three columns.
Untestable -- that's when I'm in my coma.
And then I creep up to the point that I get a score of 79, which is just below average.
In the health care system, if you touch average, you're done.
That's when I was discharged from the system.
What does average I.Q. really mean?
It meant that when I was given two and a half hours to take a test that anyone here would take in 50 minutes, I might score an F.
in order to be kicked out of the health care system.
Then I underwent cognitive training.
And let me show you what happened to the right-hand column when I did my cognitive training over a period of time.
This is not supposed to occur.
I.Q. is supposed to stabilize and solidify at the age of eight.
Now the Journal of the National Medical Association gave my memoir a full clinical review, which is very unusual.
I'm not a doctor. I have no medical background whatsoever.
But they felt the evidences that there was important, valuable information in the book, and they commented about it when they gave the full peer review to it.
But they asked one question. They said, "Is this repeatable?"
That was a fair question because my memoir was simply how I found solutions that worked for me.
The answer is yes, and for the first time, it's my pleasure to be able to share two examples.
Here's somebody, what they did as they went through cognitive training And here's another person in, call it, high school and college.
And this person is particularly interesting.
I won't go into the intrascatter that's in the subtests, but they still had a neurologic issue.
But that person could be identified as having a learning disability.
And with accommodation, they went on to college and had a full life in terms of their opportunities.
Second aspect: I still had crushing migraine headaches.
Two elements that worked for me here are -- the first is 90 percent, I learned, of head and neck pain is through muscular-skeletal imbalance.
The craniomandibular system is critical to that.
And when I underwent it and found solutions, this is the interrelationship between the TMJ and the teeth.
Up to 30 percent of the population have a disorder, disease or dysfunction in the jaw that affects the entire body.
I was fortunate to find a dentist who applied this entire universe of technology you're about to see to establish that if he repositioned my jaw, the headaches pretty much resolved, but that then my teeth weren't in the right place.
He then held my jaw in the right position while orthodontically he put my teeth into correct alignment.
So my teeth actually hold my jaw in the correct position.
This affected my entire body.
If that sounds like a very, very strange thing to say and rather a bold statement -- How can the jaw affect the entire body? -- let me simply point out to you, if I ask you tomorrow to put one grain of sand between your teeth and go for a nice long walk, how far would you last before you had to remove that grain of sand?
That tiny misalignment.
Bear in mind, there are no nerves in the teeth.
That's why the same between the before and after that this shows, it's hard to see the difference.
Now just trying putting a few grains of sand between your teeth and see the difference it makes.
I still had migraine headaches.
The next issue that resolved was that, if 90 percent of head and neck pain is caused by imbalance, the other 10 percent, largely -- if you set aside aneurysms, brain cancer and hormonal issues -- I was told at UCLA Medical Center -- as one sealed system.
There's a big pipe with the blood flowing through it, and around that pipe are the nerves drawing their nutrient supply from the blood.
That's basically it.
If you press on a hose pipe in a sealed system, it bulges someplace else.
If that some place else where it bulges is inside the biggest nerve in your body, your brain, you get a vascular migraine.
This is a level of pain that's only known to other people who suffer vascular migraines.
Using this technology, this is mapping in three dimensions.
This is an MRI MRA MRV, a volumetric MRI.
Using this technology, the specialists at UCLA Medical Center were able to identify where that compression in the hose pipe was occurring.
A vascular surgeon removed most of the first rib on both sides of my body.
And in the following months and years, I felt the neurological flow of life itself returning.
Communication, the next C. This is critical.
All consciousness is about communication.
And here, by great fortune, one of my father's clients had a husband who worked at the Alfred Mann Foundation for Scientific Research.
Alfred Mann is a brilliant physicist and innovator who's fascinated with bridging gaps in consciousness, whether to restore hearing to the deaf, vision to the blind or movement to the paralyzed.
And I'm just going to give you an example today of movement to the paralyzed.
I've brought with me, from Southern California, the FM device.
This is it being held in the hand.
It weighs less than a gram.
So two of them implanted in the body would weigh less than a dime.
Five of them would still weigh less than a rupee coin.
Where does it go inside the body?
It has been simulated and tested to endure in the body corrosion-free for over 80 years.
So it goes in and it stays there.
Here are the implantation sites.
The concept that they're working towards -- and they have working prototypes -- is that we placed it throughout the motor points of the body where they're needed.
The main unit will then go inside the brain.
An FM device in the cortex of the brain, the motor cortex, will send signals in real time to the motor points in the relevant muscles so that the person will be able to move their arm, let's say, in real time, if they've lost control of their arm.
And other FM devices implanted in fingertips, on contacting a surface, will send a message back to the sensory cortex of the brain, so that the person feels a sense of touch.
Is this science fiction? No, because I'm wearing the first application of this technology.
I don't have the ability to control my left foot.
A radio device is controlling every step I take, and a sensor picks up my foot for me every time I walk.
And in closing, I want to share the personal reason why this meant so much to me and changed the direction of my life.
In my coma, one of the presences I sensed was someone I felt was a protector.
And when I came out of my coma, I recognized my family, but I didn't remember my own past.
Gradually, I remembered the protector was my wife.
And I whispered the good news through my broken jaw, which was wired shut, to my night nurse.
And the following morning, my mother came to explain that I'd not always been in this bed, in this room, that I'd been working in film and television and that I had been in a crash and that, yes, I was married, but Marcy had been killed instantly in the crash.
And during my time in coma, she had been laid to rest in her hometown of Phoenix.
Now in the dark years that followed, I had to work out what remained for me if everything that made today special was gone.
And as I discovered these threats to consciousness and how they are surrounding the world and enveloping the lives of more and more people every day, I discovered what truly remained.
I believe that we can overcome the threats to our consciousness, that the Human Show can stay on the air for millennia to come.
I believe that we can all rise and shine.
Thank you very much.
Lakshmi Pratury: Just stay for a second. Just stay here for a second.
when I heard Simon's -- please sit down; I just want to talk to him for a second -- when I read his book, I went to LA to meet him.
And so I was sitting in this restaurant, waiting for a man to come by who obviously would have some difficulty ...
I don't know what I had in my mind.
And he was walking around.
I didn't expect that person that I was going to meet to be him.
And then we met and we talked, and I'm like, he doesn't look like somebody who was built out of nothing.
And then I was amazed at what role technology played in your recovery.
And we have his book outside in the bookshop.
The thing that amazed me every hospital he has been to, every treatment he got, every near-miss he had, and how accidentally he stumbled upon innovations.
So I think this one detail went past people really quick.
Tell a little bit about what you're wearing on your leg.
Simon Lewis: I knew when I was timing this that there wouldn't be time for me to do anything about -- Well this is it. This is the control unit.
And this records every single step I've taken for, ooh, five or six years now.
And if I do this, probably the mic won't hear it.
That little chirp followed by two chirps is now switched on.
When I press it again, it'll chirp three times, and that'll mean that it's armed and ready to go.
And that's my friend. I mean, I charge it every night.
And it works. It works.
And what I would love to add because I didn't have time ...
What does it do? Well actually, I'll show you down here.
This down here, if the camera can see that, that is a small antenna.
Underneath my heel, there is a sensor that detects when my foot leaves the ground -- what's called the heel lift.
This thing blinks all the time; I'll leave it out, so you might be able to see it.
But this is blinking all the time. It's sending signals in real time.
And if you walk faster, if I walk faster, it detects what's called the time interval, which is the interval between each heel lift.
And it accelerates the amount and level of the stimulation.
The other things they've worked on -- I didn't have time to say this in my talk -- is they've restored functional hearing to thousands of deaf people.
I could tell you the story: this was going to be an abandoned technology, but Alfred Mann met the doctor who was going to retire, [Dr. Schindler.] And he was going to retire -- all the technology was going to be lost, because not a single medical manufacturer would take it on because it was a small issue.
But there's millions of deaf people in the world, and the Cochlear implant has given hearing to thousands of deaf people now.
It works.
And the other thing is they're working on artificial retinas for the blind.
And this, this is the implantable generation.
Because what I didn't say in my talk is this is actually exoskeletal.
I should clarify that.
Because the first generation is exoskeletal, it's wrapped around the leg, around the affected limb.
I must tell you, they're an amazing -- there's a hundred people who work in that building -- engineers, scientists, and other team members -- all the time.
Alfred Mann has set up this foundation to advance this research because he saw there's no way venture capital would come in for something like this.
The audience is too small.
You'd think, there's plenty of paralyzed people in the world, but the audience is too small, and the amount of research, the time it takes, the FDA clearances, the payback time is too long for V.C. to be interested.
So he saw a need and he stepped in.
He's a very, very remarkable man.
He's done a lot of very cutting-edge science.
LP: So when you get a chance, spend some time with Simon.
Thank you. Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「めそめそしてる暇あるんだったら、その能力を活かせば? って、ジルが言ってたよ」
「そうね、めそめそしてる暇なんてないわよね。この家で私が出来ることなんてもうないもの! 私はこの国の為に働かないと! それが私の運命なんだから」
カーティスのその言葉に私は更に笑みをこぼした。 | Curtis replied quietly as I finished speaking.
I felt better. Even if Curtis condemned me for everything I had just said, I was happy that he listened.
“Thank you for listening to me.”
I said that honestly.
To Curtis, it might have been a boring story. Maybe it was something he didn’t want to hear. He might have thought that I lacked the awareness of being a saint at all.
But I thanked him from the bottom of my heart.
“The girl with the smile like an angel.”
I couldn’t help but ask back at his sudden remark.
“My first impression of Liz. From everyone’s point of view, you were a ‘good girl’. I didn’t know what you were thinking inside. Sometimes that even seemed creepy to me. But the real you is nice and human.”
Curtis was really good at hitting on girls.
...Still, those words saved me. He said I was nice because I was human.
I felt so much lighter. Was this why everyone loved him so much?
“...Why did you come here?”
I asked a question that suddenly caught my attention. Silence followed, and after a while Curtis opened his mouth.
“Gilles told me to visit.”
I couldn’t help but ask back at the mention of someone I didn’t expect to hear from.
“Yeah. After seeing the real Liz, he’s been concerned about you in his own way. Gilles is busy with Will-sama right now, so I’m here.”
“...Oh, really. But I wonder why Gilles asked?”
I have known for a long time that Gilles hated me. He hated me so much, and with such hatred that he didn’t even try to cover up.
That hatred was a feeling that could not be easily overcome.
But he still worried about me because he was really a kind person.
...I wondered if he was like Alicia-chan.
“Ali-chan is the axis of what he says and does; Ali-chan would say this, Ali-chan would act this way. I think he just goes along with whatever Ali-chan says or does.”
I envied Gilles. I didn’t have anyone like that to set an example for me.
“And,” Curtis adds.
“If you’ve got time to brood, why don’t you use your skills? Gilles said.”
I laughed aloud at those words.
That’s just like him. I could easily imagine Gilles saying that with a furrowed brow.
“Well, I don’t have time to fret. There is nothing more I can do in this house! I have work to do for this country! It is my destiny.”
I stood up from the spot and smiled at Curtis.
The suffocating feeling I had just had was now gone.
“Yes, I agree. Besides, we’ve got to get Ali-chan and the others back as soon as possible, and the thought of her and Duke on vacation in a neighboring country is really pissing me off, you know?”
Curtis’ words made me smile even more. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
さて、明日は念願の買い出しだな。リオに頼んで案内してもらうとするか。 | “Now, let me explain the currency’s value and a bit about the function of the Association’s registration card.”
Kozo then laid out several coins on the table.
“First of all, the unit of currency in this country is called yen. The origin of this unit is believed to have been named after a reincarnated person who introduced the idea of a monetary system a long time ago.”
Yeah. The reincarnated person must have been Japanese or from a world similar to mine.
Otherwise, it is doubtful that such a pinpoint name would have been given.
“There are five kinds of yen, in descending order of value: stone, copper, silver, gold, and white, and each stone coin is worth one yen.”
Kozo took out a stone coin and presented it to Pumpkin.
After that, he summarized the rest of the explanation.
Stone coin = yen
Gold coin = 100,000 yen
White coin = 1,000,000 yen
However, the monetary value here was definitively at variance with the monetary value of Pumpkin’s former life, hence 1 yen did not equal 1 yen. [i]
Five silver coins, according to Kozo, would be sufficient for one person to live a year without any luxury.
“Unfortunately, there will always be counterfeiters who think they can forge stone coins.”
While holding the coins in his hands, Pumpkin played with them and juggled the coins with his fingers.
However, even as he juggled, he observed how the stone coins were made.
“Indeed, every year some people get arrested for counterfeiting.”
Kozo smiled in response.
Seeing the look on his face, Pumpkin’s grin widened too.
Why are both of us smiling? It’s because, aside from how we found it out, we both know what’s within this coin.
“Can you tell how it works specifically?”
“I don’t fully grasp the details, but I do have an inkling that there is some kind of magic in it.”
Pumpkin gazed steadily at the coins and noticed a small amount of four-colored magic power surrounding each coin.
Even though the specific effect of this magic was unknown to him, it was probably an anti-counterfeiting spell or magic to verify the authenticity of the coins.
A counterfeiter who failed to be aware of this and thought it was trivial to counterfeit a stone coin would be exposed and subsequently arrested.
This is a brilliant technique, I suppose. Even with my eyes, unless I examine it attentively, I can’t discern the amount of magic power that is left over. As a sorcerer, I truly wish to learn such a feat from the depths of my heart.
“So, that’s enough explanation about the coins, let’s move on to the results of the evaluation, shall we?”
“Oh, now that you mention it...”
Ah, yeah. Speaking of which, we haven’t discussed that yet. I was so impressed by the fineness of the coins that I forgot about them.
“Here are the results of the assessment.”
With these words, Kozo brought out the contents of the bag on the desk, and Pumpkin’s eyes shot widened in amazement at the contents.
“T-This much...?”
The result of the evaluation... was 1 gold coin, 6 silver coins, and 20 copper coins. In other words, 162,000 yen.
... If I was inclined, I could spend three years sleeping in my bed.
He subsequently turned to Kozo and appealed to him, hinting with his eyes how the amount of money reach this degree.
“The amount of the product is one thing, but even more significant is that it is hardly scratched and of excellent quality. Moreover, neither the Clawing Boar nor the Strike Bear are magical beasts that can be hunted by an ordinary hunter.”
Ahh... I see.
The amount of the quantity is because I had been hoarding them. Quality-wise, it’s conceivable that there are essentially no wounds since I defeated them with bloodsucking.
As for the Clawing Boar and Strike Bear... their ferocity comes as no surprise considering the strength of the intrepid people who frequent this Association and the amount of magic power possessed by the animals that live around Kunukihappy.
“The thought of holding this much money in my hands is frightful, though.”
Pumpkin revealed his honest feelings to Kozo.
Truth be told, even if a single gold coin or similar piece were to be stolen, it would be a huge loss. Therefore, he wished to have some kind of security.
“I guess so. For that reason, the Association has been providing one service for more than ten years.”
Kozo responded to his question with a look of satisfaction on his face.
He held the registration card in his right hand and displayed it to Pumpkin.
“A cash card. It was made by a reincarnated person. By showing the registration card, you can use the card up to the amount of money you have deposited with the Association. The stores that accept this function are limited, though.”
This was exactly like a cash card. It can be used in a limited number of stores.
“Well, don’t worry. Most stores that deal in high-priced commodities, such as houses and jewelry, will accept it.”
“I see. That means I should only carry copper coins and stones, and leave silver coins and above in the card.”
“That’s what I mean. So, do you want to deposit them?”
“I suppose so. Please do that.”
Consequently, Pumpkin asked Kozo how much the city’s admission fee was, got an exact answer, and left one gold and four silver coins as a deposit. He made the decision to deposit a total of 140,000 yen with the Association and to spend the day resting at an inn that the Association had recommended.
I would finally go shopping tomorrow, which I had been longing for. Perhaps I should ask Rio to lead the way. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 3,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「うむ? 分かった。大事に持っておく」
「う、うん? ありがとう。だが、それくらいで充分だ。褒め言葉には慣れてない」
「––––先にちょっと、飯を食べてもいいかな?」 | “Mitrof, I still don’t know how to thank you.”
Grace was at a loss for words, with a look on her face that Mitrof had never seen before. She seemed unsure of where to place her hands, whether crossing her arms or playing with her hair. When she glanced up at Mitrof, she quickly looked away.
“There’s no need for thanks—Grace found the relic with me—it’s your achievement too.”
“But I wouldn’t have thought of this method on my own—and with this, it seems like I’m the only one reaping the rewards.”
Grace looked to the side.
There was a carriage prepared to take them to the elf village. The elves from Grace’s hometown were waiting, guarding the area carefully. Inside the carriage was what they had found: the antlers of a blue fawn that Grace had desperately been searching for.
“We were lucky—a collector introduced to us wanted our relic more than we thought; he used his connections to collect antlers from all over.”
“...That’s fortunate, but is there anything else that you lost?”
“There’s no need to worry—I’m just giving you a relic I can’t find a use for. Isn’t that right, Canule?”
Mitrof turned to Canule, who was sitting beside him, and spoke.
Grace also glanced at Canule to confirm. At times like this, Canule was grateful to have no facial expressions and nodded.
“Yes, Mitrof-sama only gives you the relic because he can’t find a use for it.”
That’s not a lie. If Mitrof had decided not to talk about it, Canule would respect that decision.
“Well, that’s good to hear... but still, how can I thank you enough?—I couldn’t have done it alone—from delving to the fifth basement floor to defeating trolls and even finding what I was looking for, it was all because I met you.”
“I’m the one who should be thanking you—you saved my life and taught me about living as an adventurer in the labyrinth.”
There were things that he really wanted to say, but the shame of being completely honest overwhelmed him.
“Thanks to this box, the deterioration of the horns has stopped, but we must hurry and deliver it to the village as soon as possible—I really want to give a proper thanks, but time is of the essence.”
“It’s alright, don’t worry about it—when in trouble, we help each other—that’s the first thing you taught me.”
Mitrof joked, and Grace finally softened her expression.
“I think it was the guidance of the Divine Tree and Spirits that led me to meet a person as kind and sincere as you—honestly, I’m not very fond of humans, but you are special.”
“I think I look more like a troll than a human, to be honest.”
“Stop joking.”
Grace laughed heartily.
The time of parting was approaching. Grace didn’t want to drag it out, and Mitrof understood. Both had accepted what needed to be done.
“Truly, it was a fun time—living as an adventurer isn’t that bad.”
“Yeah, really—it’s all thanks to you, Grace.”
“When things settle down, I will definitely come back—I have to thank you properly, Mitrof, so make sure to stay alive until then.”
Grace turned her gaze to Canule.
“Canule, will you take good care of Mitrof while I am gone?—He is naive, and I worry about leaving him alone.”
“I will do my best to support him, so please do not worry.”
“Well, it is good that Canule is here—I could not leave Mitrof alone and return to the village.”
“Are you my guardian?”
Mitrof said in a bewildered voice, and both Grace and Canule laughed at his face, which looked like that of a teenage boy who hates meddling.
“Canule, I hope you find what you are looking for—Mitrof seems to be in possession of good fortune—with him, you won’t be far behind.”
“Yes, I think so too—I will do my best to help.”
“...I do not like being expected to do something.”
The three exchanged glances and smiles, nodding their heads slightly at each other.
Mitrof thought this was good.
“Alright, let’s go then.”
Grace called out to the waiting elves. Everything was already prepared for departure.
“So long, Mitrof, Canule.”
“Same to you, Grace.”
Mitrof laughed, while Canule nodded her head.
Grace lifted her leg to climb into the back of the carriage but then remembered something and came back down.
She took off one of her silver earrings that was infused with the blessing of the Divine Tree and abruptly pressed it against Mitrof’s chest.
“This is a silver earring infused with the blessing of the Divine Tree—it will help protect you. Remember, just keep it safe for me—make sure to return it when we next meet.”
“Okay, got it—I’ll keep it safe.”
Grace then turned her back. Mitrof keenly noticed that her long ears, protruding from her silver hair, had turned red. He just couldn’t understand why she was so flustered.
Grace didn’t look back again.
They got into the carriage, and it started moving. Soon, they blended into the hustle and bustle of the street and disappeared into the shadows.
“——She’s gone.”
“Yes—I will miss her.”
“Ah, yes. But, is it okay, Canule?—Since I’m going solo, my income and search speed have decreased—I’ll be less efficient at finding what you’re looking for.”
Mitrof expressed his natural concerns.
When Mitrof decided to trade the relic for the antlers, he called Canule not only to entrust her with the heavy wooden box but also to discuss what would happen to her after Grace was gone.
As a solo adventurer, Mitrof released his contract with Canule and believed that she should find a better party for her own purposes. He even intended to introduce her to Mikel.
At the time, Canule replied, “I’ll think about it.” But now, she continues to adventure with Mitrof.
“Yes, if we are looking for a deep location, there might be a more efficient party for that—however, the labyrinth seems to be a complex place—Mitrof-sama, for example, discovered a relic in a side passage that no one had noticed before. As Grace-sama said—I think you are lucky.”
Furthermore, Canule continued, “Rather than being efficient, I want to go to the labyrinth with someone I can trust—Mitrof-sama said my cooking was delicious, and he was separated from something important for Grace-sama’s sake. I think you are an honorable gentleman.”
“Y-Yeah?—Thank you, but that’s enough—I’m not used to compliments.”
Canule chuckled softly.
Feeling the composure of an older, graceful lady, Mitrof groaned. He felt that he could not win against such a woman, so Mitrof thought about changing the subject.
“N-Now that I think about it, Grace seemed quite embarrassed when she gave me this.”
Mitrof looks at the silver bird-shaped earring he holds in his hand.
Even Mitrof, who has an aesthetic sense as a noble, finds it beautiful.
“...Did you not know about this, Mitrof-sama?”
“What about it?”
Mitrof responds casually, making Canule hesitant about whether to tell him the meaning.
“Female elves give bird-shaped earrings to men they have chosen in their hearts. It is a symbol of their returning to your side with their feelings. Grace-sama said it was just an entrustment, so it might not be a formal thing.”
Mitrof wasn’t really listening to the latter half of what was said.
After all, Mitrof, who had been a pig since he was young, had no relationship with women and had never thought of falling in love. Come to think of it, even receiving gifts from others like this was a first for him.
Now that he understands the meaning of Grace’s reddened ears, Mitrof suddenly becomes aware of her.
“Mitrof-sama, your face is all red...?”
“No, it’s nothing. Ah, I’m fine. I’m trying to keep a calm mind.”
His heart was racing loudly. His temples were hot. He sighed with dissatisfaction, wondering why he couldn’t maintain his calm thoughts, which he acquired through sublimation, at times like this. He carefully put her earring away in his pocket.
“Well, what do we do now?”
It was a blatant change of topic, but Canule had learned the art of not teasing men about their shame.
“If it’s okay with you, I would like to see weapons and armor.”
“Why is that?”
“Although I lack the confidence to fill Grace-sama’s shoes, I reasoned that it would be safer if I could at least hold a shield so that we could fight together rather than separately.”
Mitrof remembered his battle against the red-eyed troll. In the end, Canule withstood the troll’s “Scarlet Bear Arm” with the help of a dwarf warrior’s large shield.
“That’s really reliable—let’s rely on Canule—to be honest, I was also worried about fighting alone.” Mitrof nodded in agreement and replied: “I know a good shop—there’s a stubborn dwarven blacksmith and an armor shop run by a rude but kind old woman.”
Mitrof walked while talking about the day he went to the store with Grace.
The sunshine was dazzling, and the coolness of the wind blowing gently was pleasant. The main street was crowded with people, and it was lively and noisy.
Suddenly, a delicious aroma of spices wafted from the food stalls.
Mitrof’s stomach growled, and his mouth watered. His nose made a snorting sound.
“Can we eat something first?” Mitrof asked. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 3,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
ロシアは主要勢力として扱われるべきであり、すなわち重要なグローバルな問題についての議論を分かち合うべきである。テロリズム、兵器拡散からグローバルな気候変動やエネルギー指針といった幅広い議題について、ロシアの声を取り入れる必要がある。来年のロシアにおける G8 サミットは、そのすべて、またそれ以上のことを実現する好機である。 | Russia should be treated as a major power, which means consultations on important global issues. Its voice should be heard on matters ranging from terrorism and weapons proliferation to global climate change and energy policy. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「して、探すのはよいが、どこにおるか分かっとるのか? 手掛かりでもなければ、あ奴らは捕まらんじゃろう」
「千里馬車? 住両馬車? なんじゃそれは」
「でもまあ、よかったじゃんか。ネタキャラじゃなくってよ。理想の女性像だっけ? 一目見た瞬間にお前の事を思い出せるくらいだったから、お前的には不幸中の幸いってところだろ。オレにしてみれば、この世界が現実になったという事がもう幸いだったがな。この世界は最高だぞ。初日はずっと弄り倒していたしな」
「おい、やめんかバカナリア! やめっ......どこをさわっとるのじゃ!」
「よいではないか、よいで ...... ぐほぉぅっ!」
ソファーに仰向けになったままのミラは、突き上げるように右手を天井に向けている。セカンドクラスである仙術士のスキル【仙術・天 衝波】を零距離でルミナリアに打ち込んだのだ。
ここぞとばかりに、ソロモンは散らかった書類のある机を指し示す。ルミナリアは、それに無言で頷いた。 | 「That said, do you have any ideas as to their locations? You can’t simply catch those guys without any clues.」
「Well, that is certainly true but at least one is easily predictable.」
Just like Mira said, The Nine Wisemen were a bunch of eccentric guys who never stayed in one place.
While Mira was busy figuring out how to fulfill her end of the promise, Solomon’s words caused her to remember a particular person.
「You’re talking about Soul Howl, right?」
「Yeah, I believe it’s better to start with him.」
『Soul Howl The Great Wall』 was the Elder of the Tower of Necromancy, a guy who loved undead girls to an abnormal extent.
『Ancient Temple Nevrapolis』, it was a dungeon commonly called the 「underground cemetery」 by the players.
In the past, when they adventured there, Soul Howl called that place a paradise. That dungeon filled with a large number of undead monsters was truly a holy land to him.
It was well worth checking for Soul Howl if he was online but not at tower.
「The underground cemetery is a bit far away. I would love to use the Floating Continent but...」
「I’ll aid you with it. Although, I can’t dispatch neither Express Carriage nor the Housing Carriage for this top secret mission.」
「Express Carriage? Housing Carriage? What are they?」
「Ahh, the Express Carriage is the carriage you were riding on the way here. It was quite fast, right? It uses spell braces to decrease the burden on horses to the limit, you see. They are our country’s fastest carriages.」
Saying so pridefully, Solomon puffed up his chest with a smile.
「It was surely fast. Though it doesn’t even come close to the Floating Continent.」
「Don’t compare that to a cheat item. Now you should understand how broken it was.」
For reference, the speed of the Express Carriage was km/h. Compared to that, the Floating Continent traveled at km/h. Express Carriage was quite fast considering the technology of this world. Therefore, just like Solomon said, the Floating Continent was a cheat item.
「The Housing Carriage loses in speed to the Express Carriage, but we put effort into adding residence space inside it. Simply speaking, it’s a carriage version of a camping car.」
「Huh, that’s quite nice.」
Mira imagined herself relaxing on the bed, sipping on an Appure while watching the scenery outside move as the carriage gently pressed forward.
「By all means I would love to ride on that Housing Carriage.」
「Well, I’ll let you ride it one day.」
「How stingy of you. You could at least let me ride it to the underground cemetery.」
「I wish I could do that, but like I said before, it’s a top secret mission. Both the Express Carriage and Housing Carriage are custom-made for things involving the country, such as welcoming royalty and similar stuff. You will most likely gather lots of attention wherever you go.」
「...I’d rather pass on that.」
「Right? Well, I will prepare a normal carriage for you.」
While they were talking like this, a noise suddenly came from outside. Immediately after, ignoring Reynard’s pleas to stop, a single woman opened the door of the office with so much strength it nearly broke.
That person who snatched away Mira’s and Solomon’s gaze, was a woman wearing a white and blue robe, and had extremely attractive proportions of her body and beautiful facial features. It was a beauty that would steal anyone’s gaze.
This beauty had a deep crimson hair that looked like it was burning, her b̲o̲o̲b̲s̲ were unimpeded from asserting themselves as they shook. She glanced at Solomon with her crimson eyes which did not lose to the color of her hair, then poured her gaze at the girl.
「What happened all of a sudden? It is not the appointed time yet.」
Completely changing his manner of speaking and adjusting it into one full of dignity, Solomon fixed his gaze on the beauty who had entered the office. At the same time she heard these words, she closed the door with a strong momentum.
Being hit in the head by the closing door, Reynard made an expression of anguish as he staggered and tears appeared in his eyes. Seeing him like that, Joachim put a hand on his shoulder and comforted him by saying, 「Don’t mind it, saying anything to that person is pointless.」
「I heard a girl calling herself Danbulf’s disciple came, so I went to the audience hall to take a look at her, but I found no one. And when I wrung up a guard nearby he told me you moved to the office, so I came here.」
「I see. Well, in any case I was going to bring her to you.」
With these words, Solomon walked to Mira’s side.
「This girl is Danbulf’s disciple, Mira.」
Introduced like that, Mira did not stand up from the seat or said any greeting, she just stared at the woman standing in front of the door, smiling bitterly at how the woman did not change, then reseated herself on the sofa.
「So, it was her? By the way, Your Highness Solomon, should you be speaking this way?」
The way of speaking as pointed out by the beauty, was one he used when speaking with friends, not the speech mannerism with a self-important tone fitting for a king. The two had decided that when there was someone together with them, they would act in appropriate manner.
「Ah, there is no problem. I mean, this is Danbulf himself. So you can speak normally, too. It’s been many years, but I still can’t get used to you speaking this way.」
While saying this, Solomon made a mischievous smile.
「W... w-w-wha...」
「Ahh, it’s been a long time, Luminaria. At least for you. It had just been two days for me.」
Luminaria. It was the name of one of the Nine Wisemen and the only Elder whose whereabouts were currently known.
「I see. Danbulf, huh. You’ve finally come here...」
Luminaria stared at Mira’s whole body as if inspecting her. Then seeing the adorable appearance of the girl, she clearly recalled the time when she had a discussion with Danbulf on their preferences.
Hearing the laughing voice leak out slightly through the closed door, Reynard had covered his ears, and together with Joachim, they nodded to each other. Luminaria sometimes changes into a completely different person. That was the rumor whispered in the castle, which was correct in a sense.
After rolling about with laughter, Luminaria once again captured Mira in her sights. She grinned and made a meaningful expression.
「This means you finally realized how wonderful this is, right? A woman’s body is great, isn’t it? Did you play with it to your heart’s content yet?」
And while the first thing she said were really indecent words, Luminaria’s glossy lips with their ends raised in a smile were so alluring that they turned even such words into part of her charm.
「Don’t lump me together with you. It was an accident, so to speak, not my will.」
「And yet, that’s some first-class finishing touches you got there. I don’t think you’ll be able to pass this off as an accident, y’know?」
「Ugh... It’s a long story. Hmph.」
Mira briefly explained the whole story starting from the mail notice about the expiring web money and ending with today’s situation.
「I got the vanity case for exactly the same reason. Though I haven’t used it.」
Once Mira finished explaining, Solomon said that he bought the vanity case for the same reason of not wanting to waste the money.
「In which case, I’m the same.」
Said Luminaria as she took a vanity case out from the item box. Mira glared at Luminaria hatefully while she was toying with it in her hands. In a sour mood, Mira pursed her lips sulkily and lied down on the sofa.
「I wonder why I don’t have one.」
「Because you already used it, duh.」
Mira’s heart was gouged by Solomon’s blunt words and she growled before facing up and threw her four limbs out like a kid throwing tantrums.
「But well, at least you should be glad that it wasn’t a joke character. The ideal female image, was it? It’s better than getting something you have absolutely no attachment to or is not your ideal, a silver lining in a dark cloud, isn’t it. From my perspective, this world becoming real was a lucky happening. This world’s the best. I mean, starting from day one I played to my heart’s content.」
Luminaria made a refreshing smile with her pretty face. If one ignored what was inside, she would definitely steal hearts of many men and unfortunately, the only ones knowing her real identity were the two that were here.
Staring coldly at Luminaria who did not change in the least, Mira scooped up a certain question that came to her mind.
「By the way, this has been bothering me since just now, but... Solomon, you were here thirty years, Luminaria was twenty, right? So much time has passed but you two certainly don’t look like you aged at all.」
At first glance, nothing looked out of place for Mira since it had just been two days for her. However, it was inexplicable for the two to remain the same as back then as they had come to this world at different times from her. Even if one overlooked Luminaria, the same couldn’t be done for Solomon. It was impossible for a human to retain a boy’s appearance for nearly forty years.
「Speaking of which, it’s become so obvious to us that I forgot to talk about it.」
「And it’s one of reasons why this world is the best.」
「To put it simply, it looks like we ex-players are different from the normal people who used to be NPCs.」
「What is the difference?」
「Yup. First, it’s about inspecting, did you try to inspect me or Luminaria?」
She actually tried to inspect Solomon in the audience room but no information was shown. Trying again, this time she gazed intently at Luminaria who wriggled around in a disgusting manner. However, no information appeared within the sight.
「Nothing shows for you two. It worked for Suleyman and Graia however.」
Hearing that, Solomon made a boyish smile and sat on the sofa by Mira’s legs as she lied on it with her arms and legs spread.
「It’s likely that inspecting ex-players is impossible. That’s the first difference. By the way, when I first saw you I tried inspecting you but didn’t see anything, so I knew you were an ex-player. You proclaimed to be Danbulf’s disciple the moment he came online and had the appearance of a loli in Danbulf’s taste. Even if it wasn’t me, other people would realize it with that much evidence.」
Solomon explained it while correcting the robe’s edge that became a skirt, covering Mira’s legs to hide her bloomers.
「In other words, it can act as basis for judgement.」
「Exactly. We can’t be certain that everyone you’ll be looking for from now on did not change their appearance. But at the very least you can tell whether someone is a player or not.」
「However, with their personality like that, we have other things to base on other than their looks.」
「Certainly. I have confidence to tell Luminaria apart even if she changed her appearance.」
After taking a glance at Luminaria who stared at her own legs in rapture, the two laughed meaningfully. Being called a pervert, Luminaria glared at the two, but then for some reason her expression suddenly changed.
「In other words... we’re so close that you can tell me apart even if I changed my appearance, right?!」
Giving an unexpected reply, Luminaria dived into the sofa like doing a body press. Solomon quickly avoided her, but the completely exhausted Mira, with a small surprised cry, was mercilessly hugged by Luminaria.
「My friend!」
「Hey, stop it, Bakanaria! Sto... Where are you touching!」
Luminaria’s wiggling hand treated Mira’s body as a sacrifice for itself and started creeping around her limbs as if to inspect her.
「It’s fine, it’s fin...ngha!」
Luminaria assaulted Mira like a certain evil magistrate’s impression, but along with a bursting sound, she let out a voice that gushed out from deep inside her and flew in the air, then with all the momentum she hit the ceiling before falling back down on the floor.
Mira who lied face up on the sofa, had protruded her right hand up towards the ceiling. She had fired the Sage spell 【Shock Wave】 at Luminaria from point-blank.
「Putting life on the line to cop a feel, aren’t you?」
Solomon spoke indifferently towards Luminaria, who slowly got up and responded with a thumbs up, 「Still worth it.」
「Oh you, I just like when it’s clean, you see」
「Then please take care of those as well.」
Taking advantage of the moment, Solomon pointed at a desk full of scattered documents, to which Luminaria nodded without a word. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 5,
"inserted_lines_src": 7,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
プルーロボットはイベリア・トゲイモリという イモリの一種を まねて作ったものです
プルーロボットはご覧のとおり 歩行することも 後でご覧頂くように 泳ぐことも出来ます
実のところ このロボットは 神経科学の研究道具として設計されました
事実 神経生物学者と共同で 動物の動きを ー 特に脊髄が動作を制御する仕組みを 理解するために設計しました
しかし生物ロボット工学を研究するにつれ 動物の動きに対する感銘を深めました
イルカが泳ぎ ネコが走ったり飛び跳ねたり さらに我々人間が ジョギングしたりテニスをする時には 驚くべきことを行っています
実際 我々の神経系は非常に複雑な 制御の問題を解決しています
200ほどの筋肉を 完璧に操っています 連携がうまく出来なければ 倒れたり ぎこちない動きをすることでしょう
私の目標は このような動作を理解することです
動物の動きには 主に身体の4つの部位が関わっています
1つ目は胴体です 実際のところ 生物力学的な仕組みが 動物の動きをかなり簡素化していることを 過小評価してはいけません
次は脊髄です 脊髄は様々な反射を司り 脊髄内の神経活動と 機械的な動作の間の 知覚運動を制御する ループを作り出します
3つ目の部位は 中枢パターン発生器です
これは脊椎動物の脊髄にある 興味深い回路で 非常に調和度の高い リズムのある行動パターンを 自ら発生しますが 受け取るのは とても単純な入力信号だけです
この入力信号は 運動皮質、小脳、大脳基底核といった 脳の上部から下達された変調信号で 我々が動作する時に 脊髄の信号を 変調させます
しかし興味深いのは 下位レベルの器官である脊髄が 胴体と共調して 運動に関する問題の多くを 片づけてしまうことです
おそらくご存知だと思いますが 鳥の頭をちょん切っても しばらくの間走り続けますが 身体の下半分 つまり 脊髄と胴体だけで 運動の大部分を達成することを示しています
この仕組みを調べる方法は とても複雑です なぜならば 第一に 脊髄の活動を記録することは とても困難だからです
運動皮質に電極を埋め込むことは 脊椎で保護された脊髄に比べ とても容易です
困難である2つ目の理由は 動作は これら4つの部位の 非常に複雑 かつ動的な 相互作用によりなされるからです
ですから これらの要素の役割を 逐次把握することは非常に困難です
そこでプルーロボットのような 生物ロボットや数学モデルは 理解に役立ちます
生物ロボット工学はロボット工学の中でも 特に研究が盛んで 動物からヒントを得て 野外で活躍する 奉仕ロボット、捜索・救出ロボットや 現場作業ロボットを 作ろうとしています
ここで掲げた大目標は 動物にヒントを得て 複雑な地表 ― 階段、山、森など ロボットが今もなお苦手とするものの 動物なら容易な場所を 進めるようにすることです
ロボットは素晴らしい 科学的道具にもなります
ロボットを使った とても面白いプロジェクトがあります 神経科学、生物力学や流体力学向けの 科学的道具として使います
まさにプルーロボットが 目的とするところです
我々が研究室で行っていることは フランスのボルドー在住の ジャン=マリエ・カベルゲンのような 神経生物学者達と共同で 脊髄のモデルを作って ロボットで確かめることです
とても原始的な魚である ヤツメウナギのような動物から始め 段階的に 複雑な動きを目指すのが 良いでしょう イモリ ネコ、ヒト 他の哺乳類へと進めていきます
このとおり ロボットは我々のモデルを実証する 興味深いツールとなりました
プルーロボットは 私にとって夢の実現です
博士課程の時から ヤツメウナギやイモリの動きを コンピュータで再現しようとし 20年前後の年月が経ちました
しかし シミュレーションは 近似に過ぎないと常に認識していました
水、泥や複雑な地面といった 場所における物理現象を コンピュータでシミュレートすることは とても困難です
では本物のロボットを 現実の条件下で試しては?
これらの動物の中で 私のお気に入りはイモリです
なぜかというと 両生類だからです 進化の観点から 鍵となる動物です
ウナギ、魚類の泳ぎと ウナギ、魚類の泳ぎと ネコやヒトなどの哺乳類に見られる 四足歩行を見事にリンクさせています
事実 現生のイモリは 最初の陸生の脊椎動物と とても似通っています 生きた化石といえるもので 我々の祖先 ― 全ての陸生の四足歩行動物の祖先のことを 知ることができます
イモリは ウナギ型の泳ぎをします 頭部から尾までの筋肉を 波を打つように見事にうねらせます
イモリを地面に置くと 速足歩行モードに切り替わります
手足を上手に周期的に連携させます つまり 定常的な波の様に 身体をうねらせるのです まさにこの動きを プルーロボットで見ることができます
とても驚くべき かつ素晴らしいことは この動きが脊髄と胴体の間だけで 行われていることです
もし イモリの脳を除去しても ― ぞっとしますが 頭を切り離してしまっても 脊髄に電気刺激を与えると 低レベルの刺激により 歩行モードが誘発されます
刺激を少し強くすると 加速します
ある限界点に達すると 自動的に 水泳モードに切り替わります
刺激を変えると まるで変調信号を脊髄へと下達させる ペダルを踏んだかのように 全く異なる動きの 2つのモードが切り替わります
ネコの脊髄を刺激すると 歩行、速足、駆け足のモードが 切り替わります
鳥でも切り替えが可能です 弱い刺激では歩き 強い刺激では 羽をはばたかせます
脊髄が実に精巧な 運動制御器官であることを 示しています
我々はイモリの動きを もっと詳しく調べました 実に素晴らしいX線動画撮影装置を ドイツのイェーナ大学の マーティン・フィッシャー教授に 使わせて頂きました
この素晴らしい装置のおかげで 骨の動きを詳細に 記録することが出来ました
どの骨が重要な働きを しているのかが分かりました また 動きを3次元的に記録しました
我々が集めたデータは 陸上、水中の両方における 網羅的なデータベース ― 本物の動物の動きをとらえた 包括的なデータベースです
さて 我々ロボット研究家の役目は ロボットでこれを再現することです
動きを出来るだけ忠実に再現するために モーターの位置や それらのつなぎ方まで 適切な構造を見出すべく 全過程を最適化しました
このようにしてプルーロボットが 実現しました
どれほど本物の動物に動きが似ているか ご覧ください
直接的に比較しながら 見ることができます 歩行の様子を 一挙手一投足で
再現することが出来ます 元に戻して ゆっくりと再生すると もっと良く分るでしょう
さらに 泳ぐことも出来ます
ドライスーツを準備して ロボットをすっぽり覆いました 水の中に入って 泳ぎを再現させましょう
我々は歓喜しました とても難しいことでしたからね
我々のロボットは 小動物に比べてずっと大型なので 周波数の動的スケーリングなるものを行い 等価の物理的相互作用が 得られるようにしました
ついに ご覧のとおり 見事に真似ることが出来ました 我々は本当に喜びました
ジャン=マリエ・カベルゲンと共に 脊髄神経回路をモデル化しました
興味深いことにイモリは とても原始的な神経回路をもっており 興味深いことにイモリは とても原始的な神経回路をもっており これは ウナギに似た原始的な魚類である ヤツメウナギに 我々が見出したものと 非常に似ています 進化の過程で 脚の動作のために 肢を制御する新たな神経発振器が 加えられたかのようです
この神経発振器の在り処は 分かっていますが 我々が行ったことは 陸水における全く異なった動きを 可能にする 連動の仕組みの 数学モデルを作ることでした
発振器をロボットに搭載して 試してみました
ご覧になっているのは プルーロボットの前バージョンですが ロボットに搭載した 脊髄モデルプログラムによって 完全に制御されています
我々は単に リモコンで2つの信号を送信するだけで これは 脳の上部から下達される 信号のようなものです
興味深いことに これらの信号だけで スピード、方向や動きの種類を 完全に制御することが出来ます
例えば 弱い刺激を与えると 歩行を行い 刺激を強くしていくと ある時点で 突然 水泳モードに切り替わります
方向転換もとてもスマートにできます 脊髄の一方の側を 他方より強く刺激するだけでよいのです
とても素晴らしいことに 自然は脊髄に 制御の多くを任せており 脳の上部が個々の筋肉の制御に 煩わせられることがありません
脳は高レベルの変調だけを行い 脊髄は全ての筋肉を連携させることを 役目としています
さてネコの動きと生物力学の大切さについて お話ししましょう
これは別のプロジェクトで ネコの生物力学を研究したものです 形態が運動の助けになることを 見てみたいと思っていました
ネコには ― 基本的に肢には 3つの重要な性質があることが 分かりました
まず最初に ネコの肢は パンタグラフのような構造を しています
パンタグラフは その上面と下面を 常に平行に保つような 機械的構造です
その内部のパーツの動きを 連動させるような 単純な幾何学的なシステムです
ネコの肢の2つ目の性質は とても軽量に出来ていることです
ほとんどの筋肉は胴体にあります 肢の慣性力を下げて 素早く動くのに好都合です
ネコの肢の重要な3つ目の性質は とても弾力的であることで 衝撃や外力への対応を容易にします
これを チーター・カブに 取り込んでみました
チーター・カブ 舞台へどうぞ
彼はピーター・エッカートで このロボットについて博士論文を書いています ご覧のとおり 小さくて可愛いロボットですね
小さなおもちゃのようですが ネコの脚の性質を調べるための 科学的道具として使われたのです
とても従順で 軽量 しかも 弾力的です 押しつけても 壊れることもなく
脚の3つのパーツには パンタグラフとしての性質が 見てとれます
面白いことに このとてもダイナミックな動きが オープン・ループだけで ― つまり センサーも 複雑なフィードバック回路もなく 達成されていることです
これは興味深いことで 力学的な構造だけで この素早い動きを 安定化させており 本当に優れた力学的構造は 基本的に動作を単純化しているのです
次のビデオでは 動作を少し乱したらどうなるか ご覧いただきましょう 一例として ロボットが段差を降りていく練習ですが ロボットはつまずきません 私たちにとって これは驚きでした
これは ちょっとした乱れです
センサーも敏速な フィードバック回路もないので ロボットはすぐに転ぶだろうと 思っていました
しかし 動作は力学的に安定化されており ロボットは転びません
もちろん 段差が大きくなったり 障害物があれば 完全な制御ループ、反射行動といったものが 必要となります
ここで重要なことは 小さな乱れに対応するだけならば 力学的対応で十分だということです
これは生物力学、ロボット工学から 神経科学までに共通した 重要なメッセージ ― 動作において身体自体の役割を 過小評価してはならないということです
では ヒトの動きとの関係は?
明らかに ヒトの動きは ネコやイモリよりも複雑ですが 神経回路そのものは 他の脊椎動物のものと ほとんど同じです
特に脊髄は ヒトの動きの重要な制御を担っています
だから脊髄の損傷は 著しい障害をもたらします
それは 脳が脊髄との情報伝達を 失うためです
詳しく言えば 変調信号を下達し 動作を始めることが 出来なくなるのです
神経機能代替装置の目的は 電気的 もしくは 化学的刺激により 情報伝達を再活性化することです
EPFLなど 世界中の いくつかのチームが研究しています
私はグレゴワー・コクティンや シルベストロ・ミチャーと 共同で研究を進めています
正しい方法で研究するために 大切なことは 脊髄の仕組み 脊髄と身体の相互作用 脳が脊髄と情報伝達する仕組みを 理解することです
今日ご紹介した ロボットやモデルが この重要な目的達成において 鍵となる役目を果たすことを願っています
(拍手) ブルーノ・ジュサーニ: アウケ あなたの研究室で 汚染された水の中を泳ぎ 汚染度を測定するロボットを 目にしました
でも このロボットは 捜索や救出に応用できると あなたはトークで お話になりました 事実 鼻にカメラが取り付けられています
アウケ・エイスペールト: 全くその通りです 副産物的なプロジェクトで ロボットを捜索や救出のための調査に 使おうとしています 今ロボットがあなたを見ています
私の夢は 皆さんが危機に遭遇しているとき ― 崩壊したビルや 浸水したビルの中など レスキュー隊やレスキュー犬にとってさえも 危険な場所に ロボットを送り込み はって進み、泳ぎ、歩き 搭載したカメラで中を調べ 生存者を見つけ しかも生存者との通信を 可能にさせることです
ブルーノ:生存者がこの姿を見て 恐れをなさなければいいですね
アウケ:外見はちょっと 変えるべきかもしれませんね 食べられてしまうんではないかと 恐怖におののき 心臓まひで亡くなってしまうかも しれませんからね
でも 外見を変え もっとしっかりしたものを作れば きっと便利なツールに 仕上がることでしょう
ブルーノ:チームの皆さんも含め どうも有難うございました | Pleurobot is a robot that we designed to closely mimic a salamander species called Pleurodeles waltl.
Pleurobot can walk, as you can see here, and as you'll see later, it can also swim.
So you might ask, why did we design this robot?
And in fact, this robot has been designed as a scientific tool for neuroscience.
Indeed, we designed it together with neurobiologists to understand how animals move, and especially how the spinal cord controls locomotion.
But the more I work in biorobotics, the more I'm really impressed by animal locomotion.
If you think of a dolphin swimming or a cat running or jumping around, or even us as humans, when you go jogging or play tennis, we do amazing things.
And in fact, our nervous system solves a very, very complex control problem.
It has to coordinate more or less 200 muscles perfectly, because if the coordination is bad, we fall over or we do bad locomotion.
And my goal is to understand how this works.
There are four main components behind animal locomotion.
The first component is just the body, and in fact we should never underestimate to what extent the biomechanics already simplify locomotion in animals.
Then you have the spinal cord, and in the spinal cord you find reflexes, multiple reflexes that create a sensorimotor coordination loop between neural activity in the spinal cord and mechanical activity.
A third component are central pattern generators.
These are very interesting circuits in the spinal cord of vertebrate animals that can generate, by themselves, very coordinated rhythmic patterns of activity while receiving only very simple input signals.
And these input signals coming from descending modulation from higher parts of the brain, like the motor cortex, the cerebellum, the basal ganglia, will all modulate activity of the spinal cord while we do locomotion.
But what's interesting is to what extent just a low-level component, the spinal cord, together with the body, already solve a big part of the locomotion problem.
You probably know it by the fact that you can cut the head off a chicken, it can still run for a while, showing that just the lower part, spinal cord and body, already solve a big part of locomotion.
Now, understanding how this works is very complex, because first of all, recording activity in the spinal cord is very difficult.
It's much easier to implant electrodes in the motor cortex than in the spinal cord, because it's protected by the vertebrae.
Especially in humans, very hard to do.
A second difficulty is that locomotion is really due to a very complex and very dynamic interaction between these four components.
So it's very hard to find out what's the role of each over time.
This is where biorobots like Pleurobot and mathematical models can really help.
So what's biorobotics?
Biorobotics is a very active field of research in robotics where people want to take inspiration from animals to make robots to go outdoors, like service robots or search and rescue robots or field robots.
And the big goal here is to take inspiration from animals to make robots that can handle complex terrain -- stairs, mountains, forests, places where robots still have difficulties and where animals can do a much better job.
The robot can be a wonderful scientific tool as well.
There are some very nice projects where robots are used, like a scientific tool for neuroscience, for biomechanics or for hydrodynamics.
And this is exactly the purpose of Pleurobot.
So what we do in my lab is to collaborate with neurobiologists like Jean-Marie Cabelguen, a neurobiologist in Bordeaux in France, and we want to make spinal cord models and validate them on robots.
And here we want to start simple.
So it's good to start with simple animals like lampreys, which are very primitive fish, and then gradually go toward more complex locomotion, like in salamanders, but also in cats and in humans, in mammals.
And here, a robot becomes an interesting tool to validate our models.
And in fact, for me, Pleurobot is a kind of dream becoming true.
Like, more or less 20 years ago I was already working on a computer making simulations of lamprey and salamander locomotion during my PhD.
But I always knew that my simulations were just approximations.
Like, simulating the physics in water or with mud or with complex ground, it's very hard to simulate that properly on a computer.
Why not have a real robot and real physics?
So among all these animals, one of my favorites is the salamander.
You might ask why, and it's because as an amphibian, it's a really key animal from an evolutionary point of view.
It makes a wonderful link between swimming, as you find it in eels or fish, and quadruped locomotion, as you see in mammals, in cats and humans.
And in fact, the modern salamander is very close to the first terrestrial vertebrate, so it's almost a living fossil, which gives us access to our ancestor, the ancestor to all terrestrial tetrapods.
So the salamander swims by doing what's called an anguilliform swimming gait, so they propagate a nice traveling wave of muscle activity from head to tail.
And if you place the salamander on the ground, it switches to what's called a walking trot gait.
In this case, you have nice periodic activation of the limbs which are very nicely coordinated with this standing wave undulation of the body, and that's exactly the gait that you are seeing here on Pleurobot.
Now, one thing which is very surprising and fascinating in fact is the fact that all this can be generated just by the spinal cord and the body.
So if you take a decerebrated salamander -- it's not so nice but you remove the head -- and if you electrically stimulate the spinal cord, at low level of stimulation this will induce a walking-like gait.
If you stimulate a bit more, the gait accelerates.
And at some point, there's a threshold, and automatically, the animal switches to swimming.
This is amazing.
Just changing the global drive, as if you are pressing the gas pedal of descending modulation to your spinal cord, makes a complete switch between two very different gaits.
And in fact, the same has been observed in cats.
If you stimulate the spinal cord of a cat, you can switch between walk, trot and gallop.
Or in birds, you can make a bird switch between walking, at a low level of stimulation, and flapping its wings at high-level stimulation.
And this really shows that the spinal cord is a very sophisticated locomotion controller.
So we studied salamander locomotion in more detail, and we had in fact access to a very nice X-ray video machine from Professor Martin Fischer in Jena University in Germany.
And thanks to that, you really have an amazing machine to record all the bone motion in great detail.
That's what we did.
So we basically figured out which bones are important for us and collected their motion in 3D.
And what we did is collect a whole database of motions, both on ground and in water, to really collect a whole database of motor behaviors that a real animal can do.
And then our job as roboticists was to replicate that in our robot.
So we did a whole optimization process to find out the right structure, where to place the motors, how to connect them together, to be able to replay these motions as well as possible.
And this is how Pleurobot came to life.
So let's look at how close it is to the real animal.
between the walking of the real animal and the Pleurobot.
You can see that we have almost a one-to-one exact replay of the walking gait.
If you go backwards and slowly, you see it even better.
But even better, we can do swimming.
So for that we have a dry suit that we put all over the robot -- and then we can go in water and start replaying the swimming gaits.
And here, we were very happy, because this is difficult to do.
The physics of interaction are complex.
Our robot is much bigger than a small animal, so we had to do what's called dynamic scaling of the frequencies to make sure we had the same interaction physics.
But you see at the end, we have a very close match, and we were very, very happy with this.
So let's go to the spinal cord.
So here what we did with Jean-Marie Cabelguen is model the spinal cord circuits.
And what's interesting is that the salamander has kept a very primitive circuit, which is very similar to the one we find in the lamprey, this primitive eel-like fish, and it looks like during evolution, new neural oscillators have been added to control the limbs, to do the leg locomotion.
And we know where these neural oscillators are but what we did was to make a mathematical model to see how they should be coupled to allow this transition between the two very different gaits.
And we tested that on board of a robot.
And this is how it looks.
So what you see here is a previous version of Pleurobot that's completely controlled by our spinal cord model programmed on board of the robot.
And the only thing we do is send to the robot through a remote control the two descending signals it normally should receive from the upper part of the brain.
And what's interesting is, by playing with these signals, we can completely control speed, heading and type of gait.
For instance, when we stimulate at a low level, we have the walking gait, and at some point, if we stimulate a lot, very rapidly it switches to the swimming gait.
And finally, we can also do turning very nicely by just stimulating more one side of the spinal cord than the other.
And I think it's really beautiful how nature has distributed control to really give a lot of responsibility to the spinal cord so that the upper part of the brain doesn't need to worry about every muscle.
It just has to worry about this high-level modulation, and it's really the job of the spinal cord to coordinate all the muscles.
So now let's go to cat locomotion and the importance of biomechanics.
So this is another project where we studied cat biomechanics, and we wanted to see how much the morphology helps locomotion.
And we found three important criteria in the properties, basically, of the limbs.
The first one is that a cat limb more or less looks like a pantograph-like structure.
So a pantograph is a mechanical structure which keeps the upper segment and the lower segments always parallel.
So a simple geometrical system that kind of coordinates a bit the internal movement of the segments.
A second property of cat limbs is that they are very lightweight.
Most of the muscles are in the trunk, which is a good idea, because then the limbs have low inertia and can be moved very rapidly.
The last final important property is this very elastic behavior of the cat limb, so to handle impacts and forces.
And this is how we designed Cheetah-Cub.
So let's invite Cheetah-Cub onstage.
So this is Peter Eckert, who does his PhD on this robot, and as you see, it's a cute little robot.
It looks a bit like a toy, but it was really used as a scientific tool to investigate these properties of the legs of the cat.
So you see, it's very compliant, very lightweight, and also very elastic, so you can easily press it down and it will not break.
It will just jump, in fact.
And this very elastic property is also very important.
And you also see a bit these properties of these three segments of the leg as pantograph.
Now, what's interesting is that this quite dynamic gait is obtained purely in open loop, meaning no sensors, no complex feedback loops.
And that's interesting, because it means that just the mechanics already stabilized this quite rapid gait, and that really good mechanics already basically simplify locomotion.
To the extent that we can even disturb a bit locomotion, as you will see in the next video, where we can for instance do some exercise where we have the robot go down a step, and the robot will not fall over, which was a surprise for us.
This is a small perturbation.
I was expecting the robot to immediately fall over, because there are no sensors, no fast feedback loop.
But no, just the mechanics stabilized the gait, and the robot doesn't fall over.
Obviously, if you make the step bigger, and if you have obstacles, you need the full control loops and reflexes and everything.
But what's important here is that just for small perturbation, the mechanics are right.
And I think this is a very important message from biomechanics and robotics to neuroscience, saying don't underestimate to what extent the body already helps locomotion.
Now, how does this relate to human locomotion?
Clearly, human locomotion is more complex than cat and salamander locomotion, but at the same time, the nervous system of humans is very similar to that of other vertebrates.
And especially the spinal cord is also the key controller for locomotion in humans.
That's why, if there's a lesion of the spinal cord, this has dramatic effects.
The person can become paraplegic or tetraplegic.
This is because the brain loses this communication with the spinal cord.
Especially, it loses this descending modulation to initiate and modulate locomotion.
So a big goal of neuroprosthetics is to be able to reactivate that communication using electrical or chemical stimulations.
And there are several teams in the world that do exactly that, especially at EPFL.
My colleagues Grégoire Courtine and Silvestro Micera, with whom I collaborate.
But to do this properly, it's very important to understand how the spinal cord works, how it interacts with the body, and how the brain communicates with the spinal cord.
This is where the robots and models that I've presented today will hopefully play a key role towards these very important goals.
Thank you.
Bruno Giussani: Auke, I've seen in your lab other robots that do things like swim in pollution and measure the pollution while they swim.
But for this one, you mentioned in your talk, like a side project, search and rescue, and it does have a camera on its nose.
Auke Ijspeert: Absolutely. So the robot -- We have some spin-off projects where we would like to use the robots to do search and rescue inspection, so this robot is now seeing you.
And the big dream is to, if you have a difficult situation like a collapsed building or a building that is flooded, and this is very dangerous for a rescue team or even rescue dogs, why not send in a robot that can crawl around, swim, walk, with a camera onboard to do inspection and identify survivors and possibly create a communication link with the survivor.
BG: Of course, assuming the survivors don't get scared by the shape of this.
AI: Yeah, we should probably change the appearance quite a bit, because here I guess a survivor might die of a heart attack just of being worried that this would feed on you.
But by changing the appearance and it making it more robust, I'm sure we can make a good tool out of it.
BG: Thank you very much. Thank you and your team. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
研究室で出来上がったばかりのものをこれからお目にかけます 皆さんが最初にこれを直接目にする人間となるのは 素晴らしいことです これは人がコンピュータと接する方法を
ここにあるのはリアプロジェクション方式の製図台です 幅が36インチほどあって マルチタッチセンサを備えています キオスク端末や
対話式ホワイトボードにある通常のタッチセンサは 1度に1つの点しか把握できませんが
両手が使えます 指を同時に動かす やりたければ10本の指全部を使ってもいい
ビル バクストンのような人たちが80年代に研究していました
私のアプローチは 高解像度のものを低価格で作ること そしてさらに重要なのは スケーラブルにするということです
だからテクノロジー自体は 新たなアクセシビリティという点を別にすると すごくエキサイティングなわけではありませんが
ここで興味深いのはこれを使って何ができるか そしてこの上にどのようなインタフェースを作れるかということです
例えばこれはラバランプ アプリです
ご覧の通り 両手を使い 掴んで固まりを作れます
手で熱を加えることができます 2本の指を使って引きちぎれます
まったく直感的です 使用説明書は必要なし
これは元々は私のドクターコースの学生のイリヤ ローゼンバーグが作った 一種のスクリーンセーバーだったのですが これに載せることで本当に面白いものになりました
マルチタッチセンサのいいところは たくさんの指が使えるということですが これはユーザが複数いても良いということでもあります
クリスがこっちの方をいじり 同時に私が別なところをいじることもできます
新しい彫刻の道具をイメージできます 温めて形を変えられるようにし 冷めるとある状態で固まるというような
Googleのロビーにはこんなのがありそうです 次にお見せするのは もう少し実用的な例です 今ロードしています
特にいいのは 2本の指を使って 写真を掴んでサッと引き伸ばせることです
パンだって 拡大だって 回転だって簡単にできます
両手全体でもやれますし 両手の人差し指だけでもできます
キャンバス自体を掴んでも同じことができます 引き延ばす
同時にもできます 一カ所を押えて 別なところを掴み こう引き延ばせます
マニュアルはいりません 思ったとおりに動きます コンピュータに触ったことがなければなおのことそうでしょう
100ドルノートPCのような活動で まったく新しい世代の人々に 標準的なマウスとウィンドウを使わせるというのはどうかと思います
これから先 私たちがコンピュータに接する方法は このようなものであるべきだと思います もちろんキーボードを出すことだってできます
普通のキーボードですが 自分の手に合うように大きさを変えられます
今の時代 物理的なデバイスに人が合わせなければならない 理由はありません
今日では進んだテクノロジーがあり インタフェースの方が人に合わせるべきでしょう
現在ほとんど行われていません このキーボードはたぶん正しいやり方ではありませんね
将来このようなテクノロジーがどう発展するか想像してみてください 手の動きに合わせてキーボードも動いて 打とうと思ったキーがどれなのか知的に判断する
これはまた別なアプリで このように小さなボールを作れます
指の動きを記録します もちろん全部の指を使えます
お分りになると思いますが 圧力感知式になっています ここでも2本の指のジェスチャーで 素早くズームできます
手のひらツールやら 虫眼鏡ツールやら 切り替える必要はありません いろいろなスケールで 同時に作り出すことができます こっちで大きなのを作り 素早く元の場所に戻って 小さなのを作る
データ可視化のようなことをやろうとするとき これはとても重要になるでしょう
たとえば私たちはみんなハンス ロスリングの講演を とても楽しみましたが 私も長い間考えていたことを 彼は強調していました 我々には素晴らしいデータがあるのに それが活用されていません
アクセスできずにいます その原因のある部分は グラフィックスや可視化やインタフェースによって改善できるでしょう 中でも大きいのは 全体的なことを考えながらデータを掘り下げていける 優れたインタフェースだと思います
これはWorldWindで NASAが作ったものです
みなさんGoogle Earth はご存じだと思いますが これはそのオープンソース版です
NASAが長年に渡って集めた様々なデータを読み込めるプラグインがあります 2本の指を使った
ジェスチャーにより シームレスに拡大していくことができます
インタフェースはないようなもの 誰でも使え 思った通りに動きます ほら インタフェースなし 単に消えてしまったかのよう
これは色づけされたハイパースペクトル画像で 植生がわかるようになっています こちらに戻しましょう
この地図アプリが素晴らしいのは 2Dだけでなく 3D表示もできることです 再びマルチタッチインタフェースを使い このようなジェスチャーで 傾けて見ることができます 2Dだけのパンや動きとは違います
このジェスチャーは私たちが開発したもので 2本の指を置いて傾ける軸を決め 上下に傾けます
その場で思いついたものです あまりいいやり方ではないかもしれませんが このようなインタフェースを使うと こういう面白いことができるのです
遊んでいると時間を忘れます 次のが お見せする最後になりますが これを使ったエンターテインメントを いろいろ考ることができます
私は特に 創作のためのアプリに興味があります
このアプリは単純です 曲線を描き
閉じると キャラクタのようになります
これが面白いのは 制御点を設定してやると
操り人形みたいです たくさんの指を使って 描き... これは中ではたくさんの数学を使っています メッシュを制御し しかるべく動くようにする
この複数の制御点を使ってメッシュを操作するテクニックは 実際最先端のテクノロジーなのです
去年のSIGGRAPH で発表されました
これは私が好きな研究の例です コンピュータの力を使って ものに直感的でしかるべき動きを 人が期待した通りの動きをさせる
マルチタッチ操作は 現在ヒューマン インタフェースの分野でとても活発に研究されています
こういうことは 私だけでなく たくさんの人がやっています
このようなテクノロジーに取り組む人は 今後さらに増えるでしょう この後の数日間で 皆さんの分野でどんな応用ができるかお話しできるのを楽しみにしています
ありがどうございました | I'll show you some stuff that's just ready to come out of the lab, are going to be among the first to see it in person, because I really think this is going to really change the way we interact with machines from this point on.
Now, this is a rear-projected drafting table.
It's about 36 inches wide and it's equipped with a multi-touch sensor.
Normal touch sensors that you see, like on a kiosk or interactive whiteboards, can only register one point of contact at a time.
This thing allows you to have multiple points at the same time.
They can use both my hands; I can use chording actions; I can just go right up and use all 10 fingers if I wanted to.
You know, like that.
Now, multi-touch sensing isn't completely new.
People like Bill Buxton have been playing around with it in the '80s.
However, the approach I built here is actually high-resolution, low-cost, and probably most importantly, very scalable.
So, the technology, you know, isn't the most exciting thing here right now, other than probably its newfound accessibility.
What's really interesting here is what you can do with it and the kind of interfaces you can build on top of it. So let's see.
So, for instance, we have a lava lamp application here.
I can use both of my hands to kind of squeeze and put the blobs together.
I can inject heat into the system here, or I can pull it apart with two of my fingers.
It's completely intuitive; there's no instruction manual.
The interface just kind of disappears.
This started out as a screensaver app that one of the Ph.D. students in our lab, Ilya Rosenberg, made. But I think its true identity comes out here.
Now what's great about a multi-touch sensor is that, you know, I could be doing this with as many fingers here, but of course multi-touch also inherently means multi-user.
Chris could be interacting with another part of Lava, while I play around with it here.
You can imagine a new kind of sculpting tool, where I'm kind of warming something up, making it malleable, and then letting it cool down and solidifying in a certain state.
Google should have something like this in their lobby. I'll show you a little more of a concrete example here, as this thing loads.
This is a photographer's light-box application.
Again, I can use both of my hands to interact and move photos around.
But what's even cooler is that if I have two fingers, I can actually grab a photo and then stretch it out like that really easily.
I can pan, zoom and rotate it effortlessly.
I can do that grossly with both of my hands, or I can do it just with two fingers on each of my hands together.
If I grab the canvas, I can do the same thing -- stretch it out.
I can do it simultaneously, holding this down, and gripping on another one, stretching this out.
Again, the interface just disappears here.
There's no manual. This is exactly what you expect, especially if you haven't interacted with a computer before.
Now, when you have initiatives like the $100 laptop, of introducing a whole new generation to computing with this standard mouse-and-windows-pointer interface.
This is something that I think is really the way we should be interacting with machines from now on. Now, of course, I can bring up a keyboard.
And I can bring that around, put that up there.
Obviously, this is a standard keyboard, but of course I can rescale it to make it work well for my hands.
That's really important, because there's no reason in this day and age that we should be conforming to a physical device.
That leads to bad things, like RSI.
We have so much technology nowadays that these interfaces should start conforming to us.
There's so little applied now to actually improving the way we interact with interfaces from this point on.
This keyboard is probably actually the really wrong direction to go.
You can imagine, in the future, as we develop this kind of technology, a keyboard that kind of automatically drifts as your hand moves away, and really intelligently anticipates which key you're trying to stroke.
So -- again, isn't this great?
Jeff Han: I'm a research scientist at NYU in New York.
Here's an example of another kind of app. I can make these little fuzz balls.
It'll remember the strokes I'm making. Of course I can do it with all my hands.
It's pressure-sensitive. What's neat about that is, I showed that two-finger gesture that zooms in really quickly.
Because you don't have to switch to a hand tool or the magnifying glass tool, you can just continuously make things in real multiple scales, all at the same time. I can create big things out here, but I can go back and really quickly go back to where I started, and make even smaller things here.
This is going to be really important as we start getting to things like data visualization.
For instance, I think we all enjoyed Hans Rosling's talk, and he really emphasized the fact I've been thinking about for a long time: We have all this great data, but for some reason, it's just sitting there.
We're not accessing it. And one of the reasons why I think that is will be helped by things like graphics and visualization and inference tools, but I also think a big part of it is going to be having better interfaces, to be able to drill down into this kind of data, while still thinking about the big picture here.
Let me show you another app here. This is called WorldWind.
It's done by NASA.
We've all seen Google Earth; this is an open-source version of that.
There are plug-ins to be able to load in different data sets that NASA's collected over the years.
As you can see, I can use the same two-fingered gestures to go down and go in really seamlessly.
There's no interface, again. It really allows anybody to kind of go in -- Again, there's just no interface here. The interface just disappears.
I can switch to different data views. That's what's neat about this app here.
NASA's really cool.
These hyper-spectral images are false-colored so you can -- it's really good for determining vegetative use. Well, let's go back to this.
The great thing about mapping applications -- it's not really 2D, it's 3D. So, again, with a multi-point interface, you can do a gesture like this -- so you can be able to tilt around like that -- It's not just simply relegated to a kind of 2D panning and motion.
This gesture is just putting two fingers down -- it's defining an axis of tilt -- and I can tilt up and down that way.
We just came up with that on the spot, it's probably not the right thing to do, but there's such interesting things you can do with this interface.
It's just so much fun playing around with it, too. And so the last thing I want to show you is -- I'm sure we can all think of a lot of entertainment apps that you can do with this thing.
I'm more interested in the creative applications we can do with this.
Now, here's a simple application here -- I can draw out a curve.
And when I close it, it becomes a character.
But the neat thing about it is I can add control points.
And then what I can do is manipulate them with both of my fingers at the same time.
And you notice what it does.
It's kind of a puppeteering thing, where I can use as many fingers as I have to draw and make -- Now, there's a lot of actual math going on under here for this to control this mesh and do the right thing.
This technique of being able to manipulate a mesh here, with multiple control points, is actually state of the art.
It was released at SIGGRAPH last year.
It's a great example of the kind of research I really love: all this compute power to make things do the right things, intuitive things, to do exactly what you expect.
So, multi-touch interaction research is a very active field right now in HCI.
I'm not the only one doing it, a lot of other people are getting into it.
This kind of technology is going to let even more people get into it, I'm looking forward to interacting with all of you over the next few days and seeing how it can apply to your respective fields.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
〔さぁ...とうとうやってまいりました、第452回武闘大会Aランクの部決勝戦。司会兼実況は私、カイム・スピーチャーが務めさせて頂いております。そしてゲスト兼解説は、我が国が誇るSSSランカーのです! さぁ、鐘の音がなったら試合開始だ! さぁ...鳴るか...________〕
〔さぁっ___試合! 開始! だぁぁぁぁ!〕
〔そりゃ、あの剣の効果だな。アリム選手が持っているあの剣、凄いぜ? 斬りつけた者に傷を残さない効果があるようだ〕
〔あれはサンダーマーチレス......量も、見る限り最大までスキルが進んでるわ。 あれを牽制に使ったのよ、あの娘は〕
皆んな起きちゃうかもしんないじゃん? まぁ、あと1時間以上は気絶したままだと思うけどね。
〔.........ということは、優勝は.........アリム......アリム・ナリウェイ選手だぁぁぁぁぁっ! 最速最年少初出場初優勝......ここに今、1つの伝説が誕生したぁぁぁぁぁぁっ!!!〕
大 歓 声!
〔優勝したアリム・ナリウェイ選手には以下の物が贈られます! [勝利の証の旗]と......賞金、30万ベルっ、スキルカード、さらに国王様との食会権利っ......!そして、今回、SSSランカー3人...そう、御三方全員の推薦により、アリム・ナリウェイ選手は今日より、Sランクとなります! そして、今、[勝利の証の旗]が、ギルマーズ・ヘラクレイアさんにより、贈られ______〕
〔こ.........国王様!? 国王様がですか!?〕
〔は、はぁ......承知致しましたっ! ......それでは、[勝利の証の旗]が、国王様により贈られますぅぅぅ!!〕
〔......まさか国王様が...。と、とにかく! 優勝者、アリム・ナリウェイっ......! 俺は今後、この娘を[天の魔剣少女]と呼ぼう! 今後の活躍に期待するぜぇぇぇっ!〕
〔それじゃ、アリム選手は退場してくれ、みんな、拍手で送ってくれよな! 次のSランク決勝戦は1時30分から、1時30分からだぜ___〕
「次の試合は見ないのか? 優勝した者が明後日、お前と一緒に国王様と食会をするんだぞ?」
ん? あまりよろしくない顔をしているぞ?
「そうですか、じゃ、やっぱり帰りますね? ところで、ボク、Bランクの優勝者を聞いてなかったんですが......どなたですか?」
あれ? 顔が明るくなったぞ? 仲が良い人なのかな?
「本当は俺と同じ位の実力があったのだが...『面倒はごめんだ』なんて言ってな、Bランクでとどまっていたんだ。そして、『暇つぶしにやってみる』とか言って、大会に出場し、今日、見事優秀な成績をおさめ、Aランクとなったんだ! ......あいつはめんどくさがっていたがな......」
今日の残りの時間を少し贅沢に過ごした俺は、ゆっくりと眠りについた。 | There are adventurers here including me. They were strong adventures who have won so far.
A muscular middle aged man, a youth with a one handed sword, an old woman holding a cane, a tall Mohawk person, and me, a pretty girl with red hair.
Everyone glares, sizing up each other. But, I give a pleasant smile and wave at the audience.
The tournament commentator started talking.
〔Now... finally, the nd A-ranked battle tournament finals are here. I’m the chief speaker, Kyme Speech. The guest commentators are the three celebrity SSS-rankers with me. This game will start with the sound of the bell. Now... let the bell ring........〕
The sound like a temple bell reverberated through the arena.
〔Now then.... let the match... begin! 〕
All the others are preparing support and attack magic.
I am in a different league in my quickness thanks to my enchanted gloves and shoes...
In other words, I can activate magic faster than anyone in the world.
I activate the magic Thunder Marches set to hit all the players including me so as not to miss.
I quickly move to the center of the field, manipulating the Thunder Marches to converge in the middle.
A surprised cheer rose from the audience. Good, good. The opponents were stunned from this sudden event.
When I reached the middle of the field, I poured MP into my magic sword, strengthening it.
Since it was strengthened with lightning, it would look like a sword skill, except for high-ranked talents.
While strengthening the sword with a huge amount of lightning, I trigger a storm with「Secret Sword Song Technique・Eradication Four」.
The storm involved all the contestants except me... and disappeared with thunder. All that remains are the fallen adventurers... of course unhurt.
After a moment of silence the commentator speaks up.
〔Um... Gilmars-san... what was that....?〕
〔Ah, right, that was her sword skill〕
〔ha... but such a violent attack, and the wounds...〕
〔If it’s about that, it’s the effect of that sword. Contestant Alim has such a sword, amazing isn’t it? Looks like it has an effect that it does not leave behind any injury on the one being attacked.〕
〔Well... that lighting... Parasuna-san?〕
〔That is Thunder Marches... as far as I can see, the skill is at its maximum. That girl used it as a diversion.〕
〔Then... all of that, there was no illusions...〕
〔Right, all of that, is that girl’s power〕(Uruto)
Hey, hey, hurry up... and declare victory.
Everyone might recover, ya know? Well, I do recon that they should remain unconscious for more than an hour.
〔.......this means, the champion is... Alim... participant Alim Nariwei~~~~~! The fastest, youngest first time champion... right here, right now, a legend is born~~~~~!!!〕
After the announcement of victory... there was a moment of silence. And then...
A flood of joyful Cheers!
As I had always done before, I put on a performance of bowing and smiling at the audience.
〔Champion Alim Nariwei will receive the following rewards! [Flag of Victory] and... 300,000 bells in prize money, skill cards, and an invitation to a banquet with the king...! Also, just now the three SSS-rankers, yes these three, have recommended that Alim Nariwei will be S-rank from today! And now, the [Flag of Victory] will be awarded by Gilmar Hercules-san_______〕
〔Ahem, that awarding, may We do it? 〕
Someone cut the announcer Kyme-san off.
Uproars could be heard after hearing the voice of that person. Also, I thought my heart would pop out of my chest.
That is because...
〔Ki... King-sama!? It’s the King-sama!?〕
That’s right it was the King of Mephirad, this country.
〔Yes, indeed...〕
〔I, I... understand! Then, [Flag of Victory] will be awarded by the King!!〕
Haa, the King really comes down with his attendants.
What the, what the, what the heck?
And then he came over to me to present the flag...
Oh no, my hands are shaking.
But, he started to speak to me in a quiet voice. Perhaps quiet enough that only the attendant-sans and me could hear it.
「A red haired beautiful girl, as I heard before... are you Alim?」
「Y..ea... that is correct....」
「Hmmhmm, you know you don’t have to be so nervous?」
「b..but so suddenly, what is it...」
「haha, yes. Well, hmm, there are two reasons I came down... Hmm, the first one is that this will go down as a legend.」
「Umm... the second reason?」
「We shall talk about it at the banquet later, for the time being congratulations, small adventurer.」
「Thanks you... I am pleased...」
After that, they returned to the seating place for royalty. Even so, the King, he resembles someone I’ve met. Blond hair, looks like he’s in his late forties, and is well-dressed... but who could it that I’m reminded of?
Kyme-san confirmed that the King was seated and then moved to resume.
〔...never thought the King would... ah, anyway! The victor is Alim Nariwei~~~~! From now on I will call her [Heavenly Sword Girl]! I look forward to her future endeavors~~~!〕
So you can have granted titles displayed on the status...
Furthermore, I’ve gotten more SKP and STP. And the charm has gone up.
Participating in this battle tournament... I can say that I am glad I did it.
Nevertheless, the cheers for me are never ending.
It can’t be helped. I make a full turn while waving my hand, and give a wink.
〔Now then, everyone send Alim off with applause! Next the S-rank final will start at 1:30 that is 1:30___〕
I left as stated. Gabaina-san was waiting in the waiting room.
「Congratulations on being the champion, Alim」
「Thank you very much!」
「You’re not going to watch the next match? The winner will attend the banquet with the King with you the day after tomorrow, you know? 」
「No... it’s alright」
「Hmm... certainly, it might not be as interesting as what has already happened this time around」
Hmm? He doesn’t have a very good reaction?
What’s wrong?
「Why is that so?」
「Unfortunately, one of the male contestants named Faust... he tends to do foul play, particularly targeting females and sexually harassing them, it’s not particularly popular with the public. I also dislike it. He had been suspended for about 5 years, but recently he was readmitted. He does have real ability but... Anyway, he has a high likelihood of becoming the champion... I think he is the type of person who would act disrespectfully to the King or try to do something to Alim...」
Ah, in other words, there is a hateful person who performs sexual harassment, and foul play, and it is possible they might win.
Well then, all the more reason to head home. Oh, I would like to hear who the B-ranked champion was.
「Is that so? In that case, I will head home. Incidentally, I did not hear who the B-ranked champion was... do you know who they are? 」
「Ah, Aa, about that....!」
Huh? Did his expression become lighter? Is it someone he likes?
「It’s a guy who is the team leader of the Fist Iron party, known as The Hand Asch. He has a scary face, but he is a good guy... he is an old pal... no, should I call him a bad friend? He’s an old friend. We used to play practical jokes... and my father got mad. Haha...」
As expected. I was right. He continues talking about the man called The Hand.
「Really, we were about the same strength... but he said 『No thanks, too much of a bother』 and decided to stay at B-rank. And then, he said something about 『killing some time』 and entered the tournament, but he showed excellent results and became A-ranked today! ...that guy had troubled look on his face...」
「Hee, what sort of person is he?」
He continues talking.
「About that, he’s the type that takes care of business. Has a bit of a bad mouth. But he’s a man who is reliable in an emergency. Even though, his appearance is pretty bad. Many are scared of him. That’s why, now, I am telling Alim about him. In addition, I talked about Alim while drinking with him previously... don’t hesitate to talk to him at the banquet.」
「Is that so... I’ll talk to him if I have a chance.」
「Ah, you should do that」
I finished the conversation with Gabaina-san and returned to my residence.
I’ll celebrate a little today.
I shall eat a lot of Child Dragon steaks
After spending some time extravagantly, I spent some slow relaxation time then went to sleep. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 3,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
しかし、中国の現状は大きくかけ離れたものである。一人あたり国民所得が 10,000 ドルや 15,000 ドルではなく、たったの 1,000 ドルという段階で再評価への重圧が訪れているのであり、つまり中国は、日本が円の再評価を認めた時点で達成していた段階に達するまでに、より長期間にわたる急速な経済成長を必要としているのである。 | But China’s current situation is vastly different. Pressure for revaluation comes at a stage when per capita national income is merely $1,000, not $10,000 or $15,000, so China still needs a rather long period of rapid economic growth to reach anything like the stage that Japan had achieved when it allowed the yen to be revalued. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
今や彼の背が私より高いのは 素晴らしいことですが 彼が生まれた時は 手のひらに収まるぐらいでした
3ヶ月半も早く生まれてきたのです 生きるために 一生懸命闘ってくれました
大量の酸素吸入のために 視力や 言語能力 世界の捉え方にも影響が出ました
しかし 悪い話はここまで 病院から帰宅したデレクのために 家族は素晴らしい 乳母を雇ったのです 彼女はデレクの幼少期の間 ずっと世話をすることになります
彼女の洞察力は 素晴らしく 目の見えないデレクには
彼女は 赤ちゃんのデレクに 毎日歌って聞かせました デレクに言わせると さえずりのようだったそうです
毎日 何時間も 彼女の歌声を聞いたことが デレクに影響して 彼の音楽の才能が 呼び覚まされた きっかけとなったのでしょう この写真を見て下さい デレクと乳母です
乳母の洞察力が素晴らしかったのは デレクに楽器を与えようと考えたことでした そして この小さなキーボードを 屋根裏から 引っ張り出してきたのです 当時は特に何も 期待していなかったようです
しかしデレクは小さな手で キーボードを 叩いたのです 壊れてしまうくらい バンバン叩いたのだそうです
キーボードを叩き始めてから数ヶ月後 美しい音楽を 奏でるようになったのです 世界に溢れるどんな音も キーボードで真似できるということに 気づいたのは
まさに奇跡的瞬間だったのでは ないでしょうか
それは大発見でした 見えないわけですから 彼は独学で学んだのです
デレク・パラヴィチーニ:自分で ピアノの弾き方を覚えたんだ
アダム:確かにそうだね 独学の結果として 彼の弾き方は げんこつや空手チョップ― 鼻の先も使っていました
そして乳母は 初期の小さなテープレコーダーで デレクの演奏を録音していました 今から流すテープは デレクが4歳の時に 録音されたものです
素晴らしいとしか 言いようがありません
目が見えなくて まだ世の多くのことを 理解できない小さなデレク 家族に楽器を弾ける人は 誰もいないのに 自分でピアノの 弾き方を覚えたのです
写真から分かるように デレクは演奏中 色んな動きをしていました
私がデレクに出会ったのは 彼が4歳半のときです 初めて会った時は 正直に言って とても機嫌が悪いのだと思いました というのも デレクは 全ての鍵盤を弾きたがり 私が邪魔をすると よく叩いてきたのです
私がピアノに近づく度に すぐに向こうに追いやられました
君のお父さんのニックに 君にピアノの演奏を教えると 約束しておきながらも ピアノに近づくことができないのに どうやって教えるんだと 困ってしまいました
しばらくして 思いついた 唯一の解決策は デレクを部屋の向こうに 無理やり連れて行き 彼がピアノのそばに 戻ってくるまでの10秒間に 急いで戻って演奏してみせて 教えるということでした
ついに デレクは 一緒に演奏する楽しさに気づいてくれました
この写真に写っているのは 茶色い髭を生やした結婚前の私と ピアノの演奏に集中している幼いデレクです
そうだ これは録画されているのでしたね
そして 彼は10歳までに 世界を席巻する存在になりました
これはロイヤル・フィルハーモニー・ポップス管弦楽団と バービカンで演奏している写真です
デレクは当時 あまり話さなかったので 常に緊張感を伴う瞬間がありました これから演奏する曲を ちゃんと理解しているかとか 正しいキーで弾けるかどうかなど そういったことについてです
しかし オーケストラも驚嘆し 世界中のメディアも 素晴らしい演奏をする その才能に魅了されました
できれば今日 皆さんに お見せしたいと思います デレクの幼少期に 起こったことの1つとして 2歳になるまでに 普通の大人を上回る 音楽的な感性を持っていたことがあります
例えば どんな音を聞いても― 適当にある音を弾いてみましょう デレクは その音を理解し どの鍵盤の音か 瞬時に判断できるのです
これは絶対音感と呼ばれるものです 中にはピアノの中央の いくつかの白鍵に限って 絶対音感を持つ人もいます
私たちの練習がどんな風だったか お分かりでしょうか
ですが デレクの聴力はもっとすごいのです
少しマイクを下に置いて 今から和音を弾きます
私の手を見れば 音がいくつか 分かりますが デレクには見えません
彼は 音の数を把握するだけでなく それらの音を弾くこともできます
専門的なことはさておき 素晴らしいです
これは一斉に鳴る音を 聞き取る能力です オーケストラが 演奏しているときにも 全ての音を聞き取り 即座に 何時間も練習することで それを再現できるのです この能力こそ 彼の音楽センスの 基礎だと思います
ピアノの演奏技術がなければ 絶対音感があっても 意味がありませんが 幸いなことに デレクは 一緒に学び始めてからは 運指法を全て覚えました
例えば ハ長調での親指の使い方とか
とても上達が早かったので ついには 『熊蜂の飛行』のような曲も 問題なく弾けました そうだね?
アダム:11歳になるまでに デレクはこうやって演奏していました
アダム:デレク 皆さんにお辞儀を
そして さらに驚くべきことには 『熊蜂の飛行』を ふつうのキーで弾くだけでなく デレクは違うキーでも 弾くことができるのです
では実際に音を ランダムに選んでみましょう
この音で『熊蜂の飛行』を 弾いてくれるかな?
アダム:またキーを変えてみる? ト短調はどうかな?
アダム:素晴らしいよ デレク
ご覧のように デレクの頭には どんな曲でも 即座に音を調整することができる コンピュータのような機能が ついているんです
今のように「『熊蜂の飛行』をイ短調でなく― ロ短調で弾けますか?」と お願いすれば ほとんどのピアニストが 心臓発作を起こすでしょう
事実 初めてデレクが オーケストラとこの曲で 共演したとき 練習してきたバージョンが オーケストラのものと 異なることがありました リハーサルとコンサートの合間の 2時間の待ち時間に デレクはオーケストラのバージョンを 聞いて すぐに覚え 2時間後にはそれを演奏できたのです
デレク:記憶力 アダム:君の記憶力は本当にすごいよ どのコンサートでも 私たちは観客に デレクに演奏してほしい曲を リクエストしてもらいます
誰もが「それは大胆だ― デレクの知らない曲だったら どうするんだ」と言います
私はこう答えます 「そんなことありませんよ もしデレクが知らない曲だったら まずあなたに歌ってもらえば 彼は演奏できますから」 突飛なリクエストをお考えなら 再検討された方が良いかもしれません
デレク:選んで 選んでくれる? アダム:暗いので 大声でどうぞ
アダム:パガニーニ デレク:『パガニーニの主題』
デレクはもうすぐロサンジェルスに行きます これはちょっとした節目にあたります なぜなら デレクと私は 100時間に及ぶ長距離フライトを 一緒に過ごしたことになるからです 興味深いと思わないかい デレク?
デレク:面白いね アダム 長距離フライト うん
アダム:13 時間話し続けるのは 大変だと思うかもしれませんが デレクにとっては簡単です
アメリカでデレクは 「人間iPod」という呼ばれていますが 私は何か違うと思います デレクはiPod よりも ずっと優れているからです
君は素晴らしく 創造的な音楽家だよ その創造性が最も発揮されたのは スロベニアに行った時です 長いコンサートでは観客に 参加してもらうこともあるのですが その時舞台に上がった人は とても緊張していました
デレク:『チョップスティックス』を弾いた アダム: 弾いたね
アダム:こんな感じです デレク:こんな感じ うん
デレク:こんな風に弾く人もいるよ アダム:冗談かな? さあ 弾いてみて
デレク: デレクに弾かせてよ
アダム:どうしたんだい デレク?
デレク:これで即興をやりたいんだ アダム
TEDの事務局に怒られるかもしれませんが アンコールの時間はあるでしょう
デレク:アンコールで1曲 アダム:そう アンコールで1曲ね
偉大なるアート・テイタムの曲です デレク:アート・テイタム
アダム:彼も盲目のピアニストでした デレクのように 世界の全てがピアノであると考えていた 彼がピアノを演奏すると ピアノが3台あるように聞こえるのです
さて デレクがアート・テイタムの 『タイガー・ラグ』を弾きます
デレク:『タイガー・ラグ』 | It's amazing now, because he's so much bigger than me, but when Derek was born, he could have fitted on the palm of your hand.
He was born three and a half months premature, and really it was a fantastic fight for him to survive.
He had to have a lot of oxygen, and that affected your eyes, Derek, and also the way you understand language and the way you understand the world.
But that was the end of the bad news, because when Derek came home from the hospital, his family decided to employ the redoubtable nanny who was going to look after you, Derek, really for the rest of your childhood.
And Nanny's great insight, really, was to think, here's a child who can't see.
Music must be the thing for Derek.
And sure enough, she sang, or as Derek called it, warbled, to him for his first few years of life.
And I think it was that excitement with hearing her voice hour after hour every day that made him think maybe, you know, in his brain something was stirring, Here's a little picture of Derek going up now, when you were with your nanny.
Now Nanny's great other insight was to think, perhaps we should get Derek something to play, and sure enough, she dragged this little keyboard out of the loft, never thinking really that anything much would come of it.
But Derek, your tiny hand must have gone out to that thing and actually bashed it, bashed it so hard they thought it was going to break.
But out of all the bashing, after a few months, emerged the most fantastic music, when you realized that all the sounds you hear in the world out there is something that you can copy on the keyboard.
That was the great eureka moment.
Now, not being able to see meant, of course, that you taught yourself.
Derek Paravicini: I taught myself to play.
AO: You did teach yourself to play, and as a consequence, playing the piano for you, Derek, was a lot of knuckles and karate chops, and even a bit of nose going on in there.
And now, here's what Nanny did also do was to press the record button on one of those little early tape recorders that they had, and this is a wonderful tape, now, of Derek playing when you were four years old.
DP: "Molly Malone ."
AO: It wasn't actually "Cockles and Mussels."
This one is "English Country Garden."
DP: "English Country Garden."
AO: There you are.
I think that's just fantastic.
You know, there's this little child who can't see, can't really understand much about the world, has no one in the family who plays an instrument, and yet he taught himself to play that.
And as you can see from the picture, while you were playing, Derek.
Now, along -- Derek and I met when he was four and a half years old, and at first, Derek, I thought you were mad, to be honest, because when you played the piano, you seemed to want to play every single note on the keyboard, and also you had this little habit of hitting me out of the way.
So as soon as I tried to get near the piano, I was firmly shoved off.
And having said to your dad, Nic, that I would try to teach you, I was then slightly confused as to how I might go about that if I wasn't allowed near the piano.
But after a while, I thought, well, the only way is to just pick you up, shove Derek over to the other side of the room, and in the 10 seconds that I got before Derek came back, I could just play something very quickly for him to learn.
And in the end, Derek, I think you agreed that we could actually have some fun playing the piano together.
As you can see, there's me in my early, pre-marriage days with a brown beard, and little Derek concentrating there.
I just realized this is going to be recorded, isn't it? Right. Okay.
Now then, by the age of 10, Derek really had taken the world by storm.
This is a photo of you, Derek, playing at the Barbican with the Royal Philharmonic Pops.
Basically it was just an exciting journey, really.
And in those days, Derek, you didn't speak very much, and so there was always a moment of tension as to whether you'd actually understood what it was we were going to play and whether you'd play the right piece in the right key, and all that kind of thing.
But the orchestra were wowed as well, and the press of the world were fascinated by your ability to play these fantastic pieces.
Now the question is, how do you do it, Derek?
And hopefully we can show the audience now I think that one of the first things that happened when you were very little, Derek, was that by the time you were two, your musical ear had already outstripped that of most adults.
And so whenever you heard any note at all -- if I just play a random note -- -- you knew instantly what it was, and you'd got the ability as well to find that note on the piano.
Now that's called perfect pitch, and some people have perfect pitch for a few white notes in the middle of the piano.
You can see how -- you get a sense of playing with Derek.
But Derek, your ear is so much more than that.
If I just put the microphone down for a bit, I'm going to play a cluster of notes.
Those of you who can see will know how many notes, but Derek, of course, can't.
Not only can you say how many notes, it's being able to play them all at the same time. Here we are.
Well, forget the terminology, Derek. Fantastic.
And it's that ability, that ability to hear simultaneous sounds, not only just single sounds, but when a whole orchestra is playing, Derek, you can hear every note, and instantly, through all those hours and hours of practice, reproduce those on the keyboard, that makes you, I think, is the basis of all your ability.
Now then.
It's no use having that kind of raw ability without the technique, and luckily, Derek, you decided that, once we did start learning, you'd let me help you learn all the scale fingerings.
So for example using your thumb under with C major.
And in the end, you got so quick, that things like "Flight of the Bumblebee" were no problem, were they?
DP: No.
AO: Right. So here, by the age of 11, Derek was playing things like this.
DP: This.
AO: Derek, let's have a bow.
Well done.
Now the truly amazing thing was, with all those scales, Derek, you could not only play "Flight of the Bumblebee" in the usual key, but any note I play, Derek can play it on.
So if I just choose a note at random, like that one.
Can you play "Flight of the Bumblebee" on that note?
DP: "Flight of the Bumblebee" on that note.
AO: Or another one? How about in G minor?
DP: G minor.
AO: Fantastic. Well done, Derek.
So you see, in your brain, Derek, is this amazing musical computer that can instantly recalibrate, recalculate, all the pieces in the world that are out there.
Most pianists would have a heart attack if you said, "Sorry, do you mind playing 'Flight of the Bumblebee' in B minor instead of A minor?" as we went on.
In fact, the first time, Derek, you played that with an orchestra, you'd learned the version that you'd learned, and then the orchestra, in fact, did have a different version, so while we were waiting in the two hours before the rehearsal and the concert, Derek listened to the different version and learned it quickly and then was able to play it with the orchestra.
Fantastic chap.
The other wonderful thing about you is memory.
DP: Memory. AO: Your memory is truly amazing, and every concert we do, we ask the audience to participate, of course, by suggesting a piece Derek might like to play.
And people say, "Well, that's terribly brave because what happens if Derek doesn't know it?"
And I say, "No, it's not brave at all, because if you ask for something that Derek doesn't know, you're invited to come and sing it first, and then he'll pick it up." So just be thoughtful before you suggest something too outlandish.
But seriously, would anyone like to choose a piece?
DP: Choose a piece. Choose, choose, would you like to choose? AO: Because it's quite dark. You'll just have to shout out.
Would you like to hear me play?
AO: Paganini. DP: "The Theme of Paganini."
AO: Well done.
Derek's going to L.A. soon, and it's a milestone, because it means that Derek and I will have spent over 100 hours on long-haul flights together, which is quite interesting, isn't it Derek?
DP: Very interesting, Adam, yes. Long-haul flights. Yes.
AO: You may think 13 hours is a long time to keep talking, but Derek does it effortlessly. Now then.
But in America, they've coined this term, "the human iPod" for Derek, which I think is just missing the point, really, because Derek, you're so much more than an iPod.
You're a fantastic, creative musician, and I think that was nowhere clearer to see, really, than when we went to Slovenia, and someone -- in a longer concert we tend to get people joining in, and this person, very, very nervously came onto the stage.
DP: He played "Chopsticks." AO: And played "Chopsticks."
DP: "Chopsticks."
AO: A bit like this. DP: Like this. Yes.
AO: I should really get Derek's manager to come and play it.
He's sitting there.
DP: Somebody played "Chopsticks" like this. AO: Just teasing, right? Here we go.
DP: Let Derek play it.
AO: What did you do with it, Derek?
DP: I got to improvise with it, Adam.
AO: This is Derek the musician.
Keep up with Derek.
The TED people will kill me, but perhaps there's time for one encore.
DP: For one encore. AO: One encore, yes.
So this is one of Derek's heroes.
It's the great Art Tatum -- DP: Art Tatum.
AO: -- who also was a pianist who couldn't see, and also, I think, like Derek, thought that all the world was a piano, so whenever Art Tatum plays something, it sounds like there's three pianos in the room.
And here is Derek's take on Art Tatum's take on "Tiger Rag."
DP: "Tiger Rag." | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「いいのかい、こんなにたくさんもらっちゃって? どうせ今日もニコル様が前衛に立って、うちの子は後ろからピシピシ撃っていただけなんだろ?」
「そうはいきませんよ! ライエル様には私たちはとんでもない恩があるんだから!」
「わたしも! お母様のお土産になりましたわ!」
「ふぅん......? あ、これお土産。山羊が取れたんだよ」
「おお、すごいですね! 山羊は少し臭みが強いので......そうですね、赤ワインで煮込んでシチューにしてみましょう」
「昔の仲間......? って、レイド――さま?」
俺は虚ろな表情で、そう呟くしかなかった。 | We took our big haul, in other words, the goat, and merrily returned to the town. It was too difficult for me or Michelle to carry dozens of kilograms of weight alone, so we carried it in turns and that cost us quite a bit of time.
The gate guard’s envious expression when he saw our spoils was quite impressive. Most probably, he would be having roasted goat meat with his drink tonight.
We gathered in Michelle’s house and had the goat dismantled. Her family specialized in hunting so they had various tools and many knives used for dismantling. We brought big game with us, so her mother happily accepted our request.
While we were waiting, we decided to rest our bodies while drinking the tea we were offered. We still had the stamina to spare, but we decided to withdraw earlier than intended due to how large our game was, so we still had time.
We usually hunted small rabbits and birds, so there was still time to hunt a few of them.
“Okay, I’m done.”
“Thank you very much.”
Michelle’s mother put three leather bags on the table while taking off the bloodstained apron she used during the dismantling. We always split whatever we hunted into three equal parts between us.
“But are you sure we can have this much? As always, I bet Lady Nicole was the vanguard while my girl was just shooting at it from behind, right?”
“Mom, you’re so mean!”
“It’s okay. I wouldn’t be able to defeat it alone anyway.”
“But you are so feeble, Lady Nicole. It would be better for Michelle to be the vanguard.”
“Well, that’s just how our roles are divided. Also, please drop that ‘lady’ bit.”
“I can’t do that! We owe so much to Lord Lyell!”
This was how our usual exchange went. Their family was able to move to Raum due to Lyell’s assistance. Thus they were feeling excessively obliged towards me, his daughter.
“Just saying, but I’m also the Marquis’ daughter, you know...”
“But I don’t feel anything noble in you, Letina.”
“What’s that supposed to mean!”
Michelle and Letina pulled each other’s cheeks. These two were getting more or less the same level of treatment. Though it was mainly Letina on the short end of it.
“Then, thank you for dismantling it for us.”
“We should be saying thanks instead. Now we have a nice addition to our evening meal.”
“Me too! This will be a good gift for my mother!”
“Well then, Michelle. See you tomorrow.”
“Yeah, bye!”
“Oh, and Letina too, I guess.”
We merrily waved our hands and took our respective roads home.
Our bags only had the wild goat’s meat with the blood removed, but they still weighed good five kilograms. I lifted it and headed home while swaying around.
Cortina’s house was next to Michelle’s, so I was in an easy spot. Letina lived a bit far so she had it the toughest.
“I’m home!”
“Welcome home, Lady Nicole.”
When I entered inside, Finia cheerfully ran to my side from the inside. Her expression seemed to be full of relief.
“Mhm, did something—Oh?”
Cortina’s house was the type where you took your shoes off. In other words, everyone’s shoes were lined up at the entrance. But there were clearly too many pairs right now.
“Do we have guests?”
“Yes. Lord Lyell and Lady Maria, as well as Lord Gadius and Lord Maxwell.”
“So, basically everyone’s here.”
“Well, yes. To tell the truth, just waiting on the table was mentally exhausting...”
“Ah, so that’s why you look so relieved?”
If it was just Lyell, Maria and Cortina, she could more or less handle it already. But with Gadius who looked eccentric at a glance, and Maxwell, a noble of this country, she was hardly to blame for feeling nervous.
“But why are they here?”
“It seems Lord Maxwell found out some new information, and when she heard it, Lady Cortina asked everyone to gather here.”
“Hmm...? Oh, here, I brought a gift. We hunted a goat.”
“Ohh, amazing! Goat smells a bit so... Let’s boil it in red wine and make a stew.”
Even after getting reborn, the meat remained justice for me. I couldn’t eat too much of it now, but meat and sweets were still my favorite.
“Then, I’ll go wash myself.”
“Please greet them before that.”
“Oh, right.”
Lyell and the rest came uninvited almost every night, but it was rare for Gadius to show his face. I was indebted to Maxwell too, so a little greeting wouldn’t hurt.
After passing the short corridor and arriving at the living room, I was met with my former comrades sitting with tensed expressions.
“H-hellow. What’s wrong?”
“Welcome back, Nicole. We were just discussing something.”
When I greeted them while biting my tongue a bit, Maria returned to her usual state and answered me with a smile. But her smile still had traces of tension.
“Did something happen?”
“Yes. Daddy and Mommy think of going on a little journey.”
“Huh, why?”
Lyell had a village to protect. Maria was the same. It must have been something very important to compel them to do that.
“We might have found our old comrade.”
“Old comrade...? You mean, Lord... Reid?”
Based on my knowledge, only us Six Heroes were common comrades of both Lyell and Maria. And I was the only missing hero here. But that person was here, so why was there a need to go on a journey?
“You found... Him?”
It wasn’t about me. They couldn’t have realized it was me. Even though I understood that, I could feel the cold sweat on my spine. Who, then, were they searching for?
“No, it’s still at the ‘might’ stage.”
“This involves her parents, so we should probably tell her everything.”
With that, Maxwell started explaining the situation to me. The cause turned out to be the house where Matisse who I saved was hidden in.
“Of course, there was no survivor left there. However, we discovered strange scars on the burned traces of the residence.”
“Yes, such as on the edge of the door or the window frames. The barn pillars also had traces of being cut.”
“We have seen those scars many times. In other words—”
Maria took over Maxwell’s words. After they said that much, I also realized it. They were talking about the traces of the steel threads I used to hang those people up and set up traps.
“They were traces of Reid’s traps. And there’s also Matisse’s testimony: a small silhouette in black.”
“At first we thought it was a Gnome assassin, but if that was a child instead... it perfectly fits the timeframe of Reid’s reincarnation.”
“Reid has been reborn. If we assume that’s the case, it’s strange that he didn’t come to meet us...”
Well, that’s because his circumstances don’t allow him to come forward. Please don’t research any more than this!
“Anyway, as long as that possibility is there, we want to search for him.”
“I-Is that so...”
I could only mutter so in response with a vacant expression. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 22,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
......おかしいだろう? 女神にとってルファス・マファールは邪魔者ではなかったのか?
なのに、何故そうまでして無力化した相手に今更力を戻す真似をする? それが全く理解出来ない。
「気がする、ですか? そんな不確かな」
......この世界ってカメラないはずだよな? どうやって映すんだ?
お前本当は現代日本人だろ? と聞きたくなってくる。
「有難うございますルファス様! 私、絶対優勝しますね!」
「気を付けてねウィルゴ! 危なくなったらすぐに呼んで! メサルティムで飛んでいくから!」
「あらあ、いっそ毒でも撒いてみるのはどうかしらあ? これなら簡単に勝てるわよお?」
......あ、でも本当に盾以外に出番ないな、こいつ。 | Once we finished registering, we decided to return to Tanaka to pass the night.
We had thought about staying at an inn. However, in this country, even the inns were nothing more than tents. Therefore, we did not think it would be comfortable to stay in them.
It might have come down to an innate difference with the beastkin. Nevertheless, I believed it would have been more profitable for them to have created dwellings that better suited other humanoid travellers.
By this moment, Virgo had retired to bed early and Aries was already deep within a dream.
I got out of Tanaka for no particular reason other than to enjoy the night wind and tried to work my brain which I tended not to use to ponder on some things.
What I was pondering on was this country’s defence.
Laevateinn had Alioth‘s barrier. Svalinn had Levia and Gjallarhorn had Merak’s Coercion.
And as for Blutgang, the capital itself was a moving fortress which was further protected by the mass-produced Libra models.
Which meant that this country must also have some significant form of defence.
If I were to think about it, although whatever was serving as the defensive mechanism might currently be on our side, it would be wise for me to think about the possibility of them turning into an enemy.
After all, for the citizens of this country, there was no significant difference between the demons and I. There was no doubt that they thought of both of us as a menace.
Which meant that the chance of the defensive mechanism of this country baring its fangs at us was not insignificant.
I did not think for a moment that we would be unable to handle it if such a thing occurred. However, the problem was when those fangs were directed at Virgo.
Thinking about such a situation, it was not wrong of me to think of a way to protect her.
.... For now... I think I will just get some information out of Dina when I have the time. Although she is a shady character, % of the information that she said had been correct.
I heard a voice from behind me.
Without having to turn around, I knew the owner of the voice.
I continued to look forward and called out the name of the subordinate to which the voice belonged.
“Libra. What is it?”
“I had a matter that I wanted to discuss with the master.”
As Libra said that, she came to stand next to me.
Her weight was incomparable to how she looked. However, it was because of that reason that her smooth and elegant set of movements, which did not make others able to sense her true weight, was quite impressive.
From the side, Libra was making a troubled face..... Never mind, it was the same as always.
Whilst having the exact same expression as usual, she started speaking in a slightly more serious tone.
“I will cut straight to the chase. Exactly what kind of person is that woman called Dina? Although I have yet to recover the corrupted data, I have at least been able to deduce that she was not there years ago.”
“..... So you had already noticed.”
“Yes. Also, that master had long noticed that fact and was hiding it from us.”
I had thought I hid it quite well, however, it seemed it was out in the open.
Others aside, it seemed reasonable that I would not be able to keep it hidden from Libra for long.
Not to mention I was horrible at acting. Above everything else, I was quite stupid.
I gave off a sarcastic laugh before trailing off, and moved my eyes away from the loyal subordinate who did not blame me.
“There is no problem. I am sure that master also had things on her mind. Nevertheless, if I am to advise master on the subject, I believe it is important that I also know the details of such an important matter.”
I took a quick glance at Libra and thought about it a little.
Currently, amongst my subordinates, Libra was probably the one that I could trust the most. After all, she could not be mind controlled.
In other words, whether it was the Goddess or Dina, it would be impossible for them to manipulate Libra.
Which meant that even if the Goddess thought Libra was a nuisance, there was no way to control her.
The worst case scenario was if the fact that “golems cannot be mind controlled” was nothing more than a sham or a bluff. However, I did not believe such would be the case.
If that was the case, rather than create such a roundabout bluff, it would have been much easier and quicker to control Libra and gain my trust.
The fact that such a thing did not happen meant that it could not be done.
“I suppose so. The moment that she was able to use divine magic, she can no longer be of demon or vampire background. However, with all that knowledge, what could she really be?”
“From what I believe, it can be certain that she has some form of connection with the Goddess. I just don’t know if the relationship she has with the Goddess is similar to Parthenos or something much closer... or perhaps, she’s even the Goddess herself. I just don’t know.”
Yes, at this point, I was convinced that my conjecture was true.
It was certain that Dina and the Goddess were not unrelated. They were connected to each other in one way or another in the background.
At the end of figuring out her secret will be the Goddess.
What I did not know was the extent to which they were related to each other.
Whether her relationship with the Goddess was of the same standing as what Parthenos had to the Goddess in the past. Or whether she was someone far closer to the Goddess, one of the Goddess’s close confidants.
Or whether... she was the Goddess’s avatar herself.
I simply lacked too much information to make a determination.
“Master. She is dangerous. I believe it is most appropriate to restrain her as soon as possible and put her under interrogation.”
“Don’t be too hasty! Even if you do such a thing, she can just teleport and run away from us. And once she runs away, we will no longer have a way to find her.”
“.... Are you suggesting we continue to let her get away with what she’s doing?”
“I wonder. It could very well be us that’s been allowed to get away with doing whatever we want. Whichever and whatever it is, currently she’s the only lead we have towards the Goddess. To let that go would be too hasty of a move, don’t you think?”
At this moment, Dina probably thought that I was dancing on the palm of her hand. However, I believed there was something not even Dina had managed to figure out.
And that would be—to what extent I had “returned” already.
This point alone could only be fully known by myself. After all, she had previously tried to check by asking, “Are you really a player?”
Now that I thought back on it, that line was most likely used to determine how much of me had returned.
Although it was embarrassing of me to say this, the original me would never have come to doubt Dina in the first place.
The mere fact that I was able to think in this way and suspect others meant that the way I thought now was no longer how “I” used to think.
Looking at this from another perspective, there was the merit of the other side not being able to figure out how much they were being suspected as long as I continued to maintain how I used to act on the surface.
As such, for the time being, it was fine with how things were going.
It was fine to continue being the whimsical me who did not think things through.
“And you know, if I were to assume that she was completely our enemy, it raises some baffling points.”
“Baffling points?”
“Yeah. It’s true that she’d been moving and manipulating me towards her desired outcome the way she wants. There’s no mistake in that. But... at this moment in time, there hasn’t been a single demerit that she has brought me. As a matter of fact, all of her actions have been in my favour. That’s what I can’t comprehend.”
To give me more benefits, to hide the demerits. If it was something like that, I could understand.
But that was not how it was. There was not a single demerit whatsoever.
The reunion with Aries at Svalinn. The retrieval of Libra at the Royal Tomb.
Aigokeros’s return at Gjallarhorn.The collection of Karkinos and Scorpius at Blutgang.
And restoring the relationship with the Heroes at all of the cities I had visited thus far. Everything had been for my benefit.
.... Wasn’t that weird? Wasn’t Ruphas Mafahl a nuisance for the Goddess?
Wasn’t that why she manipulated the Heroes and made them seal Ruphas Mafahl 200 years ago?
If so, for what reason would she strengthen such a weakened enemy at this point in time? That was what I could not understand at all.
This was the reason which was making me unable to prove the already 90% certain hypothesis that “Dina = The Goddess’s Avatar”.
Do not reach premature conclusions. Do not cloud yourself with suspicions. Scrutinise the information more closely with a composed state of mind.
I believed I had definitely overlooked something.
“I can’t explain it well..... I feel as though it’s a wrong choice to corner Dina at this point in time.”
“You feel...? That is ambiguous.”
“I know. But give me some more time.”
I wondered what it was. Although I could not figure out why, I felt that it was not yet time to accuse Dina.
Almost all of the pieces had already lined up, and the full picture for the jigsaw puzzle was already showing.
Even without the remaining pieces, it was at the point where one could imagine the final image using the pieces which had already been arranged.
However, it was still very possible that by finding the remaining pieces and actually completing the puzzle, the final image turns out to be a trompe l’oeil. If I were to analogise it to something, that was what I was feeling.
“...... Understood. If that is what master desires, I shall comply.”
“I appreciate it, Libra.”
“There is no problem, I am master’s tool. As such, I only exist to support what master desires with all my ability. Even if that turns out to be a wrong choice in the end, it is my role to shatter the concept of the wrong choice.”
“Pleasingly dependable.”
Indeed, I really had such a dependable subordinate.
The problem was whether she would become too dependable and blow up everything in my path into oblivion.
In any event, it really was getting chilly. I suppose it was already time for me to go to sleep.
The day of the hunting festival.
Rays of light which must have been fired by magic or something were lighting up the sky in a flower pattern just like a firework. Additionally, at the audience seats, many different species were bustling with excitement whilst asking when the festival was going to begin.
Fortunately, the audience seats were not tents but rows of seats arranged like what you would see at the screening of a movie.
At the front of that was a stupidly large screen-like thing, which everyone in the audience was looking at.
.... I thought this world didn’t have anything like a camera? How were they going to display things?
“Ahh, that’s a mana screen created by Mizar before he passed away. By using the mana in the air as a medium, it’s able to display what is happening in the distance. Similar technology is also being utilised in Blutgang as those within are apparently able to see what’s happening on the outside. Though, I’ve heard that because it was too much of a black box, unfortunately, nobody has been able to replicate the product after he passed away.”
Mizar again, huh.
As I listened to Dina’s explanation, I was looking up at the sky.
Why was he the only one who was able to far surpass the civilisation level of Midgard?
You were actually a modern Japanese person, weren’t you? – I really wanted to say something like that.
If he was to reply that he had no modern knowledge and was completely from this world, then he had absolutely been born in the wrong age and world.
“At this point, everything’s a go for you, huh, you bearded guy.”
As I was feeling exasperated, I beckoned for Virgo to come towards me.
She was about to go participate in a short while. However, if anything were to happen to her, I would not have the face to meet with Parthenos again.
As such, although it might have been an overkill for this festival, I had gotten Dina to bring a weapon from the tower.
Notwithstanding that it was a hand-me-down weapon which I was using around mid-level, it should still be an effective equipment for now.
“Ruphas-sama, what is this?”
“It’s a sword I used in the past. The name of the sword is La Pucelle and it’s able to utilise the mana in the environment to discharge a light attribute arcane magic. It’s quite an excellent weapon which used to be favoured by the flugels who are unable to use arcane magic.”
The flugels were unable to use arcane magic.
However, within the game, as if it was a promised or a standard concept, there were weapons which could bring out the same effect as arcane magic just by being used.
This weapon just happened to be one of those and its rarity was also one of the higher tiers.
I was also taken care of by this weapon at the early and mid-game.
Though, by the time I passed level 500, it was much better to use my own attack skills than to rely on these effects, so I ended up leaving it in the inventory and forgetting about it.
Having said that, for the current Virgo, it should still be of much use.
The problem was... whether in this world, the flugels actually hated mana because they would die if they were exposed to too much of it. Back in the game, the background lore was such that flugels were unable to use mana because they would die if done so.
Nevertheless, the associated death was nothing more than a background setting.
This was why, back in the game, one was able to see flugel players casually show up at Helheim, which was filled with mana, without consideration and in contradiction with the background setting. This weapon also happened to be a popular weapon.
However, flugels of this world instinctively hated mana.
As such, if Virgo were to find this weapon repulsive, I had also prepared an alternative weapon for her.
In that case, although it might be a little overkill, I was thinking about handing her the spear I greatly favoured when I was around level 500.
However, it seemed all these worries were a wasted consideration as Virgo looked at me with such a glistering smile that even flowers might start blooming.
“Thank you very much Ruphas-sama! I’ll definitely come back as the winner!”
Great! It looked like a bullseye.
Behind me, Scorpius was literally burning the surrounding grass with the flames of jealousy, however, I did not have any intention to give her my hand-me-down.
I was scared that if I were to give her something, she might end up using it for some weird purpose.
Or more like, Scorpius, don’t be literally releasing flames! It’s a nuisance to the surroundings.
“Virgo. A sword alone is lacking firepower. From me, I would like to give this anti-golem cannon....”
“Stop it, Libra.”
Although I did not know if she was feeling competitive or really thought it was lacking firepower, I chopped the top of Libra’s head who was trying to give something like a rocket launcher to Virgo.
Hey you, that’s clearly an overkill item that was going to blow up the area.
Or more like, where did you even take out something like that?
“Please take care, okay, Virgo? If it gets dangerous, just quickly call for us, okay?! I’ll quickly fly to you with Mesarthim!”
“If it’s me, I can plunge all of the participants into utter despair and incapacitate them. If you require it, just say so.”
“Araa~, what about I try dispersing the whole place with poison? If I do that, you’ll be able to win easily, you know?”
“Then me will.....”
Although Aries and the others were saying some dangerous stuff, Karkinos alone could not come up with anything.
He thought about it quite seriously and eventually cupped his head.
“Karkinos, you run slowly so you won’t make it in time to help.”
“You can’t use either ranged attacks or support magic so...”
“Honestly, aren’t cha just an incompetent fool that’s limited to defence and countering?”
“You can’t do anything other than be a shield, right?”
“N o o o o o o o!!?”
Aries, Aigokeros, Scorpius and Dina did not even hold back at all and shattered Karkinos’s heart one after another.
Oi, stop it. Though what you’re saying is true, he’s the best amongst the 12 Stars when it comes to being the shield.
.... Aaah, but yeah, this guy... he really has no role outside of being a shield. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 16,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
他に二人の親友が一緒でした リチャード・ウェーバーとケヴィン・ヴァレーです
我々は一緒に、徒歩での南極点への到達速度の 最高記録を破りました
33日と 23時間55分かかりました
その過程で、私は、歴史上初めて 1040キロの全行程、 ハーキュリーズ湾から南極点までを スキー無し、徒歩で行きました
で、皆さん聞きたいですよね 「ちょっと待って それって大変なの?」って
想像してみて下さい ビデオに映っているように、ソリを引くわけです 重量77キロの機材 その中に、南極点まで歩いて行く為のサバイバル道具全てが入っている
どこかで、こういう氷の割れ目を横切らないといけない クレバスですね
すぐ下には今にも壊れそうな歩道橋のようなものがあって 気づいたらその場で壊れ落ちるかもしれない ソリも、あなたも、その深みに落ちれば二度と戻ってこられない
旅の目的? 地平線を見て下さい
ずっーっと上り坂です 南極点は標高が3000メートルあるんです 歩き始めは海抜0メートルです
我々の旅は、実は南極大陸が結氷洋と接する ハーキュリーズ湾から始まったのではありません
友達二人と私は ちょうど111日間の全サハラ砂漠横断走破を終えた直後でした
我々は、そこにいる間に、重大な 水源危機が北アフリカにあることを知りました
我々はまた、北アフリカの人々が直面している多くの問題が 若い人に一番影響していると知りました
111日間の砂漠ランニングの後、私は妻の元に帰りました そして言いました 「俺みたいな間抜けが砂漠を乗り越えられるのなら やろうと決めたことは何でも出来るはずだよ」と
しかし、私がこういう冒険を続けるならば、単に 「そこに行きたい」という以外の 理由がいります
そのころ私は、途方もない人間、ピーター・スームに 会いました。彼が私の活動にヒントをくれたのです
彼の献身的な姿が私の冒険を思いつかせたのです 南極点へのラン その間、対話的なウェブサイトを使って 世界中の若い人たちや学生や先生をつれて来て 私と冒険の旅に出ることができるのです アクティブメンバーとしてです
それで我々はライブのウェブサイトがあり、33日の間毎日 ブログを書いて、オゾン層の減少や、 それで顔をカバーしなくては、火傷を起こしてしまうことなどを 書きました
sastrugi -- 腰高くらいの雪の吹きだまりの中を 何マイルも歩いていきます
こういう場所を、70kg超のソリを引いて通るのは 700kgのソリをひっていくのと同じです それくらいに感じるからです
我々は、ライブのウェブサイトを毎日更新し 我々を追跡している学生たちに、目的達成のための 一日10時間のトレッキング 一日15時間のトレッキング 時には一日20時間のトレッキングについて書きました
代わりに学生たちは 世界中から質問を寄せました
お気に入りの一つ:「マイナス40度でトイレに行きたいときは どこでどうやってするんですか?」
どこで眠るのか? 非常に背の低いテントを張って寝ます 南極の風はものすごく強いので、それ以外のものは吹き飛ばされます
何を食べるの? 遠征での私の好物の一つは バターとベーコンです ものすごくカロリーが高い
一日に8500キロカロリーを消費します だからそれくらい必要です
事実上ゼロです 映像機器を含めた全機材が 太陽電池式でした
仲良く上手くいくか? そうあってほしいです なぜなら、この遠征の途中で何度か チームメイトに、大きな針を使って 感染した足のマメを廃膿してもらう必要があったのです
でも、本当に、本当に仲良くやれました 子供たちを元気づけるという共通の目標があったからです
カナダ北部の子供たち、小学校の子供たちは 校庭でソリを引っ張ってみて リチャード、レイ、ケヴィンになり切ったそうです すごい
我々は南極点に到達し このテントでぎゅうぎゅう詰めになっていました その日は氷点下45度 忘れられません
こんな格好でお互いを見やって 成し遂げたことが全く信じられませんでした
そして彼らを見て思い出します 「この旅からなにを得たのか?」 マジで
今ここで皆さんにお話ししている私は 累計して5年間の間、走り続けています
そしてそれ以前は、一日一箱のスモーカーで 座りっぱなしの生活をしていました
私がこの旅、私のいろいろな旅から 得たもの、 私が全身全霊で言えるのは、 私たちは不可能を可能にできるということです
想像できますか? マジで 想像できる?
13歳でこういう言葉を聞いて 信じたらどうなるでしょう
どうもありがとう ありがとう | Together we had just broken the world speed record for a trek to the South Pole.
It took us 33 days, 23 hours and 55 minutes to get there.
We shaved five days off the previous best time.
And in the process, I became the first person in history to make the entire 650-mile journey, from Hercules Inlet to South Pole, solely on feet, without skis.
Now, many of you are probably saying, "Wait a sec, is this tough to do?"
Imagine, if you will, dragging a sled, as you just saw in that video clip, with 170 pounds of gear, in it everything you need to survive on your Antarctic trek.
It's going to be 40 below, every single day.
You'll be in a massive headwind.
And at some point you're going to have to cross these cracks in the ice, these crevasses.
Some of them have a very precarious thin footbridge underneath them that could give way at a moment's notice, taking your sled, you, into the abyss, never to be seen again.
The punchline to your journey? Look at the horizon.
Yes, it's uphill the entire way, because the South Pole is at 10,000 feet, and you're starting at sea level.
Our journey did not, in fact, begin at Hercules Inlet, where frozen ocean meets the land of Antarctica.
It began a little less than two years ago.
A couple of buddies of mine and I had finished a 111-day run across the entire Sahara desert.
And while we were there we learned the seriousness of the water crisis in Northern Africa.
We also learned that many of the issues facing the people of Northern Africa affected young people the most.
I came home to my wife after 111 days of running in the sand, and I said, "You know, there's no doubt if this bozo can get across the desert, we are capable of doing anything we set our minds to."
But if I'm going to continue doing these adventures, there has to be a reason for me to do them beyond just getting there.
Around that time I met an extraordinary human being, Peter Thum, who inspired me with his actions.
He's trying to find and solve water issues, the crisis around the world.
His dedication inspired me to come up with this expedition: a run to the South Pole where, with an interactive website, I will be able to bring young people, students and teachers from around the world on board the expedition with me, as active members.
So we would have a live website, that every single day of the 33 days, we would be blogging, telling stories of, you know, depleted ozone forcing us to cover our faces, or we will burn.
Crossing miles and miles of sastrugi -- frozen ice snowdrifts that could be hip-deep.
I'm telling you, crossing these things with 170-pound sled, that sled may as well have weighed 1,700 pounds, because that's what it felt like.
We were blogging to this live website daily to these students that were tracking us as well, about 10-hour trekking days, 15-hour trekking days, sometimes 20 hours of trekking daily to meet our goal.
We'd catch cat-naps at 40 below on our sled, incidentally.
In turn, students, people from around the world, would ask us questions.
Young people would ask the most amazing questions.
One of my favorite: It's 40 below, you've got to go to the bathroom, where are you going to go and how are you going to do it?
I'm not going to answer that. But I will answer some of the more popular questions.
Where do you sleep? We slept in a tent that was very low to the ground, because the winds on Antarctica were so extreme, it would blow anything else away.
What do you eat? One of my favorite dishes on expedition: butter and bacon. It's about a million calories.
We were burning about 8,500 a day, so we needed it.
How many batteries do you carry for all the equipment that you have?
Virtually none. All of our equipment, including film equipment, was charged by the sun.
And do you get along? I certainly hope so, because at some point or another on this expedition, one of your teammates is going to have to take a very big needle, and put it in an infected blister, and drain it for you.
But seriously, seriously, we did get along, because we had a common goal of wanting to inspire these young people.
They were our teammates! They were inspiring us.
The stories we were hearing got us to the South Pole.
The website worked brilliantly as a two-way street of communication.
Young people in northern Canada, kids in an elementary school, dragging sleds across the school-yard, pretending they were Richard, Ray and Kevin. Amazing.
We arrived at the South Pole. We huddled into that tent, 45 below that day, I'll never forget it.
We looked at each other with these looks of disbelief at what we had just completed.
And I remember looking at the guys thinking, "What do I take from this journey?" You know? Seriously.
That I'm this uber-endurance guy?
As I stand here today talking to you guys, I've been running for the grand sum of five years.
And a year before that I was a pack-a-day smoker, living a very sedentary lifestyle.
What I take from this journey, from my journeys, is that, in fact, within every fiber of my belief standing here, I know that we can make the impossible possible.
I'm learning this at 40.
Can you imagine? Seriously, can you imagine?
I'm learning this at 40 years of age.
Imagine being 13 years old, hearing those words, and believing it.
Thank you very much. Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
辞書編纂者の仕事は 可能な限りあらゆる言葉を 辞書に載せることです
でも何が言葉かを決めるのは 私ではなく 皆さんの仕事です
言葉か言葉でないかは 英語を話す人が みんなで決めるのです
「言語」とは意思疎通に合意した 人々の間で使うものです
ところで 誰かがある言葉の 良し悪しを判断する時 大した理由がない場合があります
だから「文法だからさ!」 なんて言うのです
私自身は文法はそれほど気にしません ― 内緒ですよ
ただ「文法」には 実は2種類あるのです
1つは脳内にある文法です ある言語を母語とする人や ある言語を話すのが上手な人が 話す時に無意識に従う規則です
また子どもが言語を学ぶ時 身につける文法です
例をあげましょう これは「ワグ」です
1匹だと“a wug”です
その通り! ワグを複数形にできますよね
教わる必要もなかったのに 知っているんです
この実験を開発したのは ボストン大学の ジーン・バーコ・グリースン教授で 1958年にさかのぼります
だから かなり前から 議論されているんです
このように脳内にある 自然な規則は 交通法規というより むしろ自然法則に近いものです
言われければ自然法則に 従わない人なんていないでしょう?
朝 家を出るとき 皆さんのお母さんは 「ちょっと 今日は寒くなるから 上着を持っていくのよ 重力の法則には従ってね」なんて
一方で自然法則というよりも マナーに近い規則があります
この場合 言葉はまるで帽子のようです
一度 帽子の役割を知ってしまえば 「帽子を足に履いちゃダメ」なんて 言う必要はありません
伝える必要があるのは 「帽子を部屋でかぶっていいか?」
「かぶっていいのはどんな帽子か?」 といったことですよね
これらは第2の文法と 呼ぶべきでしょう 言語学者はこれを「用法」と呼んで 文法と区別することがあります
ところで 人はこういう 規則のような文法を使って 新たな言葉を作るのを 阻止しようとすることがあります
でもそれは愚かなことだと 私は思います
だって誰だって いつもこう言うでしょう 「創造性豊かに 新しい音楽や芸術を作り いろいろな科学技術を発明しよう」
でも言葉となると こう言うのです 「やめろ! もう創造はやめだ 若造ども 黙ってろ」って
言葉は素晴らしいし もっとたくさんあってもいいはずです
だから新しい言葉を どんどん作って欲しいんです
皆さんに新しい英語の言葉を作る 6つの方法をお教えしましょう
[他人の物を盗め] 言語学では「借用」と呼びますが 借りた言葉を返すことはないので ここは率直に 「盗用」と呼びましょう
私たちは大抵 好きな物 例えば美味しい物の名前をとります
中国語の キンカンや フランス語の カラメルがそうです
カッコいいものの名前もとります 「ニンジャ」がそうです
これは日本語です 忍者から盗むのは大変ですから すごい技ですよね
英語で言葉を作る もう1つの方法は 2つの英単語を ギュッとまとめることです
英単語はレゴのようです しっかり力を入れれば どれでもくっつけられます
英語ではよくあることです 傷心の 読書家 砂の城は どれも複合語です
アヒルみたいな口をするくらいなら アヒル口という言葉を作っては?
次の言葉を作る方法は 複合にちょっと似ていますが 単語をまとめる時に 力を入れ過ぎたせいで 一部が欠けてしまう場合です
こういう言葉を「混成語」と言います 例えば ブランチは 朝食と 昼食の混成語で
モーテルは 車と ホテルの混成語です
モーテルが混成語だと 知っていた人はいますか?
この単語は歴史が古いので 欠けた部分があると 気づかない人も多いんです
エデュテイメントは 教育と 娯楽
感電死させるは 電気と 殺すです
さらに言葉の働きを 変えることもできます
ある品詞として振舞う言葉を 別の品詞に変えることです
“friend” が「友だちになる」という 動詞ではなかったことを知ってました?
昔 “friend” は名詞だったんです その後 動詞になったのです
英語では大体どの単語でも 動詞化できます
コマーシャルは 昔は形容詞でしたが今は名詞です
緑色のも 「緑化する」という動詞として使えます
言葉を作るさらに別の方法が 「逆成」です
言葉を取り上げて 少し手を加えるのです
例えば英語では 編集者から 編集するができました
動詞“edit”の元になったのが “editor”なんです
こういった逆成は 少し変に聞こえることもあります ブルドーザーは 整地し 執事が 仕え
泥棒は 泥棒に入るのですから もう1つの言葉の作り方は 最初の文字をとって 組み合わせることです
アメリカ航空宇宙局は NASAになります
どんな言葉も同じようにできます 「なんてこと!」みたいにね
言葉がどんなにおかしくても 関係ありません
逃げる は 立派な英単語です
日和見主義者 も 立派な英単語です
言葉は自然に聞こえなくてもいい おかしくたっていいんです
では なぜ言葉を作るべきなのか?
その理由は すべての言葉が 自分のアイデアや意図を 伝える機会だからです
それで人々はあなたの話に注目し おかげで自分の意図を伝える チャンスが増えるのです
今日は この場で 多くの人が言っています 「将来 みなさんは あれをしたり これを支援したり 探求や発明を手伝えるようになる」って
でも新しい言葉なら 今すぐ作れます
さあ今日から言葉を作りましょう 私に送ってくれれば オンライン辞書Wordnikに載せますよ
どうもありがとう | I make dictionaries.
And my job as a lexicographer is to try to put all the words possible into the dictionary.
My job is not to decide what a word is; that is your job.
Everybody who speaks English decides together what's a word and what's not a word.
Every language is just a group of people who agree to understand each other.
Now, sometimes when people are trying to decide whether a word is good or bad, they don't really have a good reason.
So they say something like, "Because grammar!"
I don't actually really care about grammar too much -- don't tell anybody.
But the word "grammar," actually, there are two kinds of grammar.
There's the kind of grammar that lives inside your brain, and if you're a native speaker of a language or a good speaker of a language, it's the unconscious rules that you follow when you speak that language.
And this is what you learn when you learn a language as a child.
And here's an example: This is a wug, right?
It's a wug.
Now there is another one.
There are two of these.
There are two ...
Audience: Wugs.
Erin McKean: Exactly! You know how to make the plural of wug.
That rule lives in your brain.
You never had to be taught this rule, you just understand it.
This is an experiment that was invented by a professor at [Boston University] named Jean Berko Gleason back in 1958.
So we've been talking about this for a long time.
Now, these kinds of natural rules that exist in your brain, they're not like traffic laws, they're more like laws of nature.
And nobody has to remind you to obey a law of nature, right?
When you leave the house in the morning, your mom doesn't say, "Hey, honey, I think it's going to be cold, take a hoodie, don't forget to obey the law of gravity."
Nobody says this.
Now, there are other rules that are more about manners than they are about nature.
So you can think of a word as like a hat.
Once you know how hats work, nobody has to tell you, "Don't wear hats on your feet."
What they have to tell you is, "Can you wear hats inside?
Who gets to wear a hat?
What are the kinds of hats you get to wear?"
Those are more of the second kind of grammar, which linguists often call usage, as opposed to grammar.
Now, sometimes people use this kind of rules-based grammar to discourage people from making up words.
And I think that is, well, stupid.
So, for example, people are always telling you, "Be creative, make new music, do art, invent things, science and technology."
But when it comes to words, they're like, "Don't! No. Creativity stops right here, whippersnappers. Give it a rest."
But that makes no sense to me.
Words are great. We should have more of them.
I want you to make as many new words as possible.
And I'm going to tell you six ways that you can use to make new words in English.
The first way is the simplest way.
Basically, steal them from other languages.
["Go rob other people"] Linguists call this borrowing, but we never give the words back , so I'm just going to be honest and call it stealing.
We usually take words for things that we like, like delicious food.
We took "kumquat" from Chinese, we took "caramel" from French.
We also take words for cool things like "ninja," right?
We took that from Japanese, which is kind of a cool trick because ninjas are hard to steal from.
So another way that you can make words in English is by squishing two other English words together.
This is called compounding.
Words in English are like Lego: If you use enough force, you can put any two of them together.
We do this all the time in English: Words like "heartbroken," "bookworm," "sandcastle" all are compounds.
So go ahead and make words like "duckface," just don't make duckface.
Another way that you can make words in English is kind of like compounding, but instead you use so much force when you squish the words together that some parts fall off.
So these are blend words, like "brunch" is a blend of "breakfast" and "lunch."
"Motel" is a blend of "motor" and "hotel."
Who here knew that "motel" was a blend word?
Yeah, that word is so old in English that lots of people don't know that there are parts missing.
"Edutainment" is a blend of "education" and "entertainment."
And of course, "electrocute" is a blend of "electric" and "execute."
You can also make words by changing how they operate.
This is called functional shift.
You take a word that acts as one part of speech, and you change it into another part of speech.
Okay, who here knew that "friend" hasn't always been a verb?
"Friend" used to be noun and then we verbed it.
Almost any word in English can be verbed.
You can also take adjectives and make them into nouns.
"Commercial" used to be an adjective and now it's a noun.
And of course, you can "green" things.
Another way to make words in English is back-formation.
You can take a word and you can kind of squish it down a little bit.
So for example, in English we had the word "editor" before we had the word "edit."
"Edit" was formed from "editor."
Sometimes these back-formations sound a little silly: Bulldozers bulldoze, butlers butle and burglers burgle.
Another way to make words in English is to take the first letters of something and squish them together.
So National Aeronautics and Space Administration becomes NASA.
And of course you can do this with anything, OMG!
So it doesn't matter how silly the words are.
They can be really good words of English.
"Absquatulate" is a perfectly good word of English.
"Mugwump" is a perfectly good word of English.
So the words don't have have to sound normal, they can sound really silly.
Why should you make words?
You should make words because every word is a chance to express your idea and get your meaning across.
And new words grab people's attention.
They get people to focus on what you're saying and that gives you a better chance to get your meaning across.
A lot of people on this stage today have said, "In the future, you can do this, you can help with this, you can help us explore, you can help us invent."
You can make a new word right now.
English has no age limit.
Go ahead, start making words today, send them to me, and I will put them in my online dictionary, Wordnik.
Thank you so much. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
deus ex machina(詩の氏神)[注1]は1人だけでなくてはならない。
つまり、似非科学、純粋な想像の産物、投機的な手法は、roman policier(探偵小説)では許されない。
(j)文字または数字による暗号(最後に探偵が解読したもののことを指す)。 | Twenty rules for writing detective stories
THE DETECTIVE story is a kind of intellectual game.
It is more ―― it is a sporting event.
And for the writing of detective stories there are very definite laws
―― unwritten, perhaps, but none the less binding;
and every respectable and self-respecting concocter of literary mysteries lives up to them.
Herewith, then, is a sort Credo,
based partly on the practice of all the great writers of detective stories, and partly on the promptings of the honest author's inner conscience.
To wit:
1. The reader must have equal opportunity with the detective for solving the mystery.
All clues must be plainly stated and described.
2. No willful tricks or deceptions may be placed on the reader
other than those played legitimately by the criminal on the detective himself.
3. There must be no love interest.
The business in hand is to bring a criminal to the bar of justice, not to bring a lovelorn couple to the hymeneal altar.
4. The detective himself, or one of the official investigators, should never turn out to be the culprit.
This is bald trickery, on a par with offering some one a bright penny for a five-dollar gold piece.
5. The culprit must be determined by logical deductions ――
not by accident or coincidence or unmotivated confession.
To solve a criminal problem in this latter fashion is like sending the reader on a deliberate wild-goose chase, and then telling him, after he has failed, that you had the object of his search up your sleeve all the time.
Such an author is no better than a practical joker.
6. The detective novel must have a detective in it;
and a detective is not a detective unless he detects.
His function is to gather clues that will eventually lead to the person who did the dirty work in the first chapter;
and if the detective does not reach his conclusions through an analysis of those clues, he has no more solved his problem
than the schoolboy who gets his answer out of the back of the arithmetic.
7. There simply must be a corpse in a detective novel,
and the deader the corpse the better.
No lesser crime than murder will suffice.
Three hundred pages is far too much pother for a crime other than murder.
After all, the reader's trouble and expenditure of energy must be rewarded.
8. The problem of the crime must he solved by strictly naturalistic means.
Such methods for learning the truth as slate-writing, ouija-boards, mind-reading, spiritualistic se'ances, crystal-gazing, and the like, are taboo.
A reader has a chance when matching his wits with a rationalistic detective, but if he must compete with the world of spirits and go chasing about the fourth dimension of metaphysics, he is defeated ab initio.
9. There must be but one detective
―― that is, but one protagonist of deduction
―― one deus ex machina.
To bring the minds of three or four, or sometimes a gang of detectives to bear on a problem, is not only to disperse the interest and break the direct thread of logic, but to take an unfair advantage of the reader.
If there is more than one detective the reader doesn't know who his codeductor is.
It's like making the reader run a race with a relay team.
10. The culprit must turn out to be a person who has played a more or less prominent part in the story
―― that is, a person with whom the reader is familiar and in whom he takes an interest.
11. A servant must not be chosen by the author as the culprit.
This is begging a noble question.
It is a too easy solution.
The culprit must be a decidedly worth-while person
―― one that wouldn't ordinarily come under suspicion.
12. There must be but one culprit,
no matter how many murders are committed.
The culprit may, of course, have a minor helper or co-plotter;
but the entire onus must rest on one pair of shoulders:
the entire indignation of the reader must be permitted to concentrate on a single black nature.
13. Secret societies, camorras, mafias, et al., have no place in a detective story.
A fascinating and truly beautiful murder is irremediably spoiled by any such wholesale culpability.
To be sure, the murderer in a detective novel should be given a sporting chance;
but it is going too far to grant him a secret society to fall back on.
No high-class, self-respecting murderer would want such odds.
14. The method of murder, and the means of detecting it, must be be rational and scientific.
That is to say, pseudo-science and purely imaginative and speculative devices are not to be tolerated in the roman policier.
Once an author soars into the realm of fantasy, in the Jules Verne manner, he is outside the bounds of detective fiction, cavorting in the uncharted reaches of adventure.
15. The truth of the problem must at all times be apparent
―― provided the reader is shrewd enough to see it.
By this I mean that if the reader, after learning the explanation for the crime, should reread the book, he would see that the solution had, in a sense, been staring him in the face-that all the clues really pointed to the culprit
―― and that, if he had been as clever as the detective, he could have solved the mystery himself without going on to the final chapter.
That the clever reader does often thus solve the problem goes without saying.
16. A detective novel should contain no long descriptive passages, no literary dallying with side-issues, no subtly worked-out character analyses, no "atmospheric" preoccupations.
such matters have no vital place in a record of crime and deduction.
They hold up the action and introduce issues irrelevant to the main purpose,
which is to state a problem, analyze it, and bring it to a successful conclusion.
To be sure, there must be a sufficient descriptiveness and character delineation to give the novel verisimilitude.
17. A professional criminal must never be shouldered with the guilt of a crime in a detective story.
Crimes by housebreakers and bandits are the province of the police departments ―― not of authors and brilliant amateur detectives.
A really fascinating crime is one committed by a pillar of a church, or a spinster noted for her charities.
18. A crime in a detective story must never turn out to be an accident or a suicide.
To end an odyssey of sleuthing with such an anti-climax is to hoodwink the trusting and kind-hearted reader.
19. The motives for all crimes in detective stories should be personal.
International plottings and war politics belong in a different category of fiction ―― in secret-service tales, for instance.
But a murder story must be kept gemütlich, so to speak.
It must reflect the reader's everyday experiences, and give him a certain outlet for his own repressed desires and emotions.
20. And (to give my Credo an even score of items) I herewith list a few of the devices which no self-respecting detective story writer will now avail himself of.
They have been employed too often, and are familiar to all true lovers of literary crime.
To use them is a confession of the author's ineptitude and lack of originality.
(a) Determining the identity of the culprit by comparing the butt of a cigarette left at the scene of the crime with the brand smoked by a suspect.
(b) The bogus spiritualistic se'ance to frighten the culprit into giving himself away.
(c) Forged fingerprints.
(d) The dummy-figure alibi.
(e) The dog that does not bark and thereby reveals the fact that the intruder is familiar.
(f)The final pinning of the crime on a twin, or a relative who looks exactly like the suspected, but innocent, person.
(g) The hypodermic syringe and the knockout drops.
(h) The commission of the murder in a locked room after the police have actually broken in.
(i) The word association test for guilt.
(j) The cipher, or code letter, which is eventually unraveled by the sleuth. | {
"source": "mutiyama",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「ちくしょう。どんな奴が潜り込んでいるのかは知らねえが、こうなりゃあ絶対に見つけ出してぶっ殺してやる...。」 | Before my eyes tumbled two goblins with their heads severed.
This was the “Ogre’s Fortress,” a dungeon that had cropped up in the capital of this country. And I was Hisano Ichiko, a Kirijin. At present, I was under the command of damn Kurokiri, which was to slay demons and humans in another Demon King’s dungeon for the purpose of raising my level.
It may sound as though I was effortlessly leveling up, but that was not the case.
After all, this wasn’t a dungeon where I belonged, which meant that my status, which had been elevated by my conversion to a kin, had reverted to that of a regular human being, while there were only enemies around me.
When recollecting, infiltrating the “Ogre’s Fortress” was a daunting challenge...
“Still, those goblins, they just keep popping up one after another...”
“You are right. I wonder how on earth such a multitude of goblins manages to reside in that place.”
It was during the night that when I approached the dungeon, the two soldiers in front of me were conversing and monitoring the dungeon with vigilance.
As one would expect from soldiers stationed on the front lines of my country, their proficiency appeared to be well-developed.
Incidentally, if I may answer their question, I reckoned that each time the goblins were eliminated, their Demon King would summon a fresh batch. And the goblins in this dungeon were likely equivalent to the Fogs from the “White Mist and Black Swamp Forest”.
And I had to intrude into this dungeon at the earliest opportunity since I can hardly gain any experience outside of the dungeon.
(Activating ≪Mist Cloak≫ at its maximum output.)
As the mist enveloped my surroundings, coupled with the darkness of the night, I was scarcely detectable by those around me.
I then approached the dungeon by weaving my way past the soldiers’ blind spots, and when I inevitably could not evade their detection, I misled them with the clothes I borrowed from Kurokiri.
Thus, I successfully infiltrated the dungeon.
After infiltrating the labyrinth, the first thing I did was to check my equipment under the cover of a shady spot close at hand.
For this mission, Kurokiri provided the attire and helmet, which were identical to the official military uniforms. I dared to not dwell on the source of the equipment, since it was likely as I had speculated how it came to Kurokiri’s hand.
The weapon was also created by Kurokiri, a dagger made from the jaw of the Disarray Dragonfly. This one was accompanied by a description all the way to the top.
・Fang Blade of the Disarray Dragonfly
This small dagger is constructed from the fangs of Kurokiri’s handmade dragonfly. In principle, it is designed for piercing, and its force can penetrate ordinary sheet metal armor like a piece of paper. Even when used in the form of cutting, it possesses a sharpness unrivaled by knives commonly found all over the world.
It can occasionally deprive the target of their sense of equilibrium.
The next step I took was to ascertain my surroundings. There was a mass of goblins nearby that had assembled to mobilize at dawn. However, they did not seem to be aware of me.
Or rather, they lacked the motivation and training level to the extent that even a bystander can evidently distinguish it. The goblins were most likely not that motivated unless the leader, the Ogre, was in the vicinity.
With this... shall I have a go?
Then I fixed my sights on the two goblins who had broken away from the rest of the pack, and when there were no other demons in sight, I drew near them discreetly with ≪Short-range Teleportation≫ and decapitated them from behind.
And now back to the present time.
According to what Kurokiri shared with me when the level rises, a fanfare will ring in my head, so I suppose I was not quite there yet.
Well, although I didn’t have a clue how many goblins I need to defeat, I should keep bringing them down to the point where they don’t upset the battlefront.
And that goblin looked like it would be an excellent candidate for retiring next.
Something is off. The number of goblins alive is lesser than what I noticed earlier.
However, no trace of a military incursion could be discovered. To begin with, the military would not have broken in, but instead would have assaulted the goblins as soon as they stepped outside.
“What the hell is going on? Damn. I don’t have sufficient manpower to conduct a patrol inside the fortress.”
I involuntarily let out a snide remark. Yet, this did not remedy the situation. For the last few weeks, I had been reminded of such things.
It all kicked off a year ago. The woman with that infuriating voice transformed me into the Demon King, the “Ogre King of Dominating Herculean Strength”.
Until that point, I was a mere junior high school student, attending inconsequential classes daily. But on that day, I was empowered, and I utilized that power to create this labyrinth, “Ogre’s Fortress”.
After the dungeon was released a few weeks ago, I decided to launch forth into the outside world. I would crush this wretched world and claim it for my own.
But this was what it came down to! The military forces proved to be more formidable than I had anticipated. Furthermore, when I attempted to entice them into the labyrinth, they wouldn’t go along. To make matters worse, I was suddenly informed that I personally was not authorized to leave the labyrinth! It was a true goddamn scenario of catastrophe.
And now, another goblin count dropped off before me without warning.
“Dammit. Whoever the hell this guy is, I’m going to find out and finish them off...” | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 3,
"inserted_lines_trg": 4
} |
なぜなら僕は 僕達が最も醜い時ほど美しい時はないと 本当に信じているからです
それは その瞬間にこそ 僕らが本当に何で出来ているかを 知る瞬間だからです
クリスが言ったように 僕は 80年代の学生世代全員が 今は終りを告げた軍事独裁政権に抗議していた ナイジェリアで育ちました
そうです 僕だけではなく 僕の世代の皆です
そこで 僕が学んだことは 世界は決して 壮大で救世主的な振る舞いよっては救われず 穏やかで 優しい ほとんど見えない同情的な行為 日常的に行われる同情的行為の 単純な積み重ねによって救われるということです
南アフリカには Ubuntu というフレーズがあります
Ubuntu とは哲学的思想でこういう意味です 私が人間でいられるのは あなたが私の人間性を 私に反映し返してくれるからです
でももし あなたが僕のようであれば 僕の人間性は窓のようです
普段 見もしなければ 気にもしない たとえば 死んだ虫が張り付いてでもいないかぎり
そこで僕は やっと人間性を見るのですが 良いことなどまったくありません
普段 運転中に誰かに悪態をつくとき 運転しながらコーヒーを飲もうとしたり メールを送ったり ノートを取ったりしている人にです
だから Ubuntu が本当に言うところは 他人の存在なしに僕らが人間でいられることはない
とても単純です そして 複雑です
だから 物語からはじめようと思いました
素晴らしい人々物語について話すことにして 僕の母親から始めます
両親は50年代にオックスフォードで出会い 母はナイジェリアに移りそこに住みました
彼女は5フィート2(1.5m)でした 非常に勝気で 全くのイギリス人でした
彼女がどれほどイギリス人か -- だったか 彼女は亡くなったばかりです
母がカリフォルニアのロサンジェルスに僕を訪ねて来た時 僕らはマリブに行ったのですが 母には期待外れだったようです
それから僕らは魚料理のレストランに行き チャドというサーファー男のウェイターが テーブルに来たとき 母は聞きました 「何かスペシャルはありますか?」
チャドは言いました「もちろん たとえば鮭が わさびなんかや パイ皮なんかに 包まったみたいになってるやつとか
めちゃくちゃ うまいよ」
母は私に向き直り 「彼は何語を話しているの?」
僕が「英語だよ お母さん」と言うと
彼女は首を振りながら言いました 「まったく アメリカ人っていうのは 私達が言語を与えたのに なぜ 使わないのかしら?」
それで 父と結婚したとき 英国国教会 からカトリック教に改宗したこの女性- そして カトリック改宗者より過激な人はいません- 母はナイジェリアの農村地帯の 特にイボ族の女性の間で カトリック教会による唯一の承認された避妊方法 ビリングズ排卵法を教えることを決心します
配偶者と月経について 話をしたことのない それらの女性達に 僕は言います 「どれくらいの頻度で月経がありますか?」
彼女は自分をフェミニストとして考えたことはありません でも 母はよくこういいました 「男に出来ることで 私に直せないものはない」
(拍手) 僕の父は 7歳の少年を 避妊教育に連れて行くという この状況に文句があり こう言いました「おまえは息子を 女にする教育をしている」
ビアフラ内戦中 僕らは戦争に巻き込まれました
母と 5人の子供
難民キャンプから難民キャンプへと渡り歩き 国外脱出できる飛行場へたどり着くまでに 1年かかりました
すべての難民キャンプで 僕の9才の兄マークを 連れ去って少年兵にしようとする兵士と 彼女は対決しました
想像できますか この1.5メートルの女性が 銃を持って僕らを殺そうとする男に立ち向かうのを?
その一年間 母は一度も泣きませんでした
でも 僕らがリスボン空港で イギリスへ飛ぼうとしていたとき なんども洗濯され 透けて見えるほど 薄くなった洋服を着た母と 5人のお腹を空かした子供をみた 女性が 何があったのか母の元に来て尋ねました
女性は スーツケースを空にして 全ての洋服を母と僕らに与え 彼女の子供のおもちゃも与え -- 彼らはそれを快く思わなかったけど -- 彼女が泣いたのはそのときだけでした
数年後 僕は彼女に手紙を書きながら こう聞いたのを覚えています 「なぜ あの時 泣いたの?」
彼女は言いました「どんな困難や 恐ろしいことに対しても 心を堅くすることはできるわ
でも 身も知らずの人からの 純粋な親切行為は あなたの心を解くものよ」
この戦争のあと 私の父の村の老婦人達は あらゆる死者の名前を暗記しました そして 彼らはこれらの名前を綴った哀歌を詠います
哀歌は あまりにも切なくあなたをこがすでしょう
そして まるで死者の心を稲に種つけるように 米を植える時にだけ 彼らはこの 哀歌を詠唱します
そして 収穫の時には その年に生まれた 全ての子供の名前を綴った 楽しい歌を歌います
そして次の田植えの時に彼らが哀歌を歌うとき 生まれた人と同じだけの死んだ人の 名前をそこから省きます
そして このようにして 女性達は 多くの変化をもたらしました 美しい変化をです
ルワンダの虐殺以前 結婚という単語と 強姦という単語が 同じだったことをご存知ですか?
でも 今日 ルワンダを再建しているのは女性達です
また アパルトヘイトの後 新しい政府が国会議事堂に入ったとき そこには女性のトイレがなかったことをご存知ですか?
それはアパルトヘイトが完全に男性の ビジネスであったことを示唆します
これは その恐怖や死にもかかわらず 女性がかつて数に入れられることがなかったことを物語ります
彼女らの人間性は 僕らにとってはあまり重要ではなかったようです
私がナイジェリアで育ったとき -- ナイジェリアと言うとあまりにも一般的で適当ではありませんが 僕の出身地 イボ族地域のウルホボでは 青年のための通過儀礼が常にありました
男は 女でないことで 男であることを教えられる 基本的にはそういうことです
そして 儀式が進むに従って その多くは小動物を殺すことが含まれました そして 僕が13歳になったとき -- つまり もっともなことですが そこは農村地帯なので 誰かが動物を殺さなければなりません そこには カンガルーステーキを売っているような食料品店などありません そして 僕が13歳になったとき ヤギを殺す順番が回ってきました
僕は 変わった 敏感な子供で こういうことが出来ませんでした でも やらなければいけません
でも 僕よりずっと年上で ビアフラ内戦中に少年兵だった エマニュエルという友人の一人が 僕について来ることになり
僕はホッとしました 彼が経験豊富だったからです
それに僕が大きくなるとき 彼はよく 昔 銃剣で人を刺した話や 腸が飛び出しても 走りつづける人の話をしてくれました
皆さんは ヤギを見たり 鳴き声を聞いたことがありますか ヤギの鳴き声は人間のように聞こえます だから僕らは悲劇を「山羊の唄」と言います
僕の友人のブラッド・ケスラーは 僕らは山羊を飼うようになって 人間になった と言います
僕はヤギを殺そうとしますが出来なくて エマニュエルが屈み込んで 手で山羊の口をふさぎ 僕がヤギを殺す間 見なくてもいいように 目を覆ってくれました
彼のように 沢山のものを見た人にとって ヤギを殺すことなんて 日常茶飯事のようなものでしょう それでも 彼は私を守ろうという気持ちをなくしていませんでした
長い時間 泣きました
その後 彼は何も言わず
一時間ほど座って 私が泣くのをただ見ていました
その後 彼は言いました いっつも 難しいけど 毎回そんなに泣いたら おまえ 悲しみで死んじまうぞ
難しいと 解っているだけで 十分なときもあるんだよ
もちろん 山羊のことを話すと羊のことを思い出します 良い意味じゃないですが
僕はいつもケーキやなにかでお祝いしてもらったけど プレゼントはもらったことがありません なぜなら クリスマスの2日後に生まれたので
僕が9歳になるとき 叔父がちょうどドイツから帰って来ていました 家にはカトリックの聖職者が訪問中で 母がお茶でもてなしていました
でも 彼は自分がちょうど戻って来たということを誇示したくて 僕を呼び出して 言いました 「俺の寝室に行ってみろ
スーツケースに入っているものから 好きなものを選んでいいぞ
僕が本かシャツを取ると思ったのでしょう しかし 僕はふくらます羊を見つけました
僕はそれをふくらませて 応接間に行きました 僕の指は あってはいけない場所にあり このブンブン言う羊を振り回しました 母は今にもショック死 しそうに見えました
マゲトリック神父は全く取り乱さず ただ お茶をかき混ぜて 母をみてこう言いました 「大丈夫だよ ダフネ 私はスコットランド人だから」
(拍手) 僕の刑務所での最後の日々 最後の18ヶ月の最初の一年 僕には14歳の同房者がいました
彼の名前はジョン・ジェームス その頃は もし家族の誰かが犯罪をおかすと 家族が自首してくるまで 軍隊はあなたを人質に取ります
死刑囚棟にいるのは 政治犯だけじゃなく
彼は2冊の漫画雑誌をこっそり持ち込みました- スパイダーマンと X-メンです
そして読むのに飽きた頃 この漫画雑誌を使って 死刑囚棟の男達に 読み方を教え始めました
そして毎晩 これら男達みんな この札付きの犯罪者達が ジョン・ジェームズの周りを取り囲み 「これでもくらえ スパイディー!」と朗読します
僕はそこに二回入り 死ぬことを大変恐れていました
でも彼は笑ってこう言います 「大丈夫だよ 僕らは出れるよ」
彼は椅子に手錠でつながれ 6インチの釘でペニスを机に打ちつけられ 失血で死ぬまでそこの放置されました
僕は自分の感情を周りに解らせ あとは孤独に過ごしました
我々の回りすべてに 至る所に こういう人がいます
イボ族は 彼らが神を造ったと言ったものです
彼らは 群集として一緒に来て そして願望を表明します
そして 彼らの願望は 儀式物を見つける 聖職者のところに集められ 適当な犠牲が払われ そして 神の為の神社が建設されます
しかし 神が手に負えなくなり 人間の生贄を求め始めたら イボ族は神を滅ぼします
彼らは 神社を取り壊し 神の名前を呼ぶことを止めます
こうして 彼らは人間性を取り戻しました
ここにいる僕達は皆 毎日 凶暴になった神々を奉っています 僕らはそれらを倒す時にきています そして 彼らの名前を忘れること
必要なのは 日々僕らの間で認識するだけです 僕らの中でも少数の見ることが出来る人は 私があなたに話したような人々に取り囲まれています
この部屋に居る 何人かの 素晴らしい人々は 僕らに 僕ら自身の人間性の鏡を提供します
「献酒」という詩で 聴衆のどこかにいる 友人 Vusi に捧げます
「献酒」 ノースカロライナ 1999
「この地面に このジンを捧げよう
ここで泣いている老人を想像し 監督官の見えないところで
彼が完全であったなら 歯があったはずの穴に舌を押し通し
その疼く空き場所にはかつて 歯があったであろう 土地があったであろう 彼の家 彼の妻 息子 美しい娘 がいたはずの場所
彼は悲しみを彼の顔から拭き取って 彼の乾いた指を 乾いた舌に当て 塩を味わう
これはあなたに捧げよう ご老人
このジン この塩辛い地球」
ありがとう | Because I really believe that we're never more beautiful than when we're most ugly.
Because that's really the moment we really know what we're made of.
As Chris said, I grew up in Nigeria with a whole generation -- in the '80s -- of students who were protesting a military dictatorship, which has finally ended.
So it wasn't just me, there was a whole generation of us.
But what I've come to learn is that the world is never saved in grand messianic gestures, but in the simple accumulation of gentle, soft, almost invisible acts of compassion, everyday acts of compassion.
In South Africa, they have a phrase called Ubuntu.
Ubuntu comes out of a philosophy that says, the only way for me to be human is for you to reflect my humanity back at me.
But if you're like me, my humanity is more like a window.
I don't really see it, I don't pay attention to it until there's, you know, like a bug that's dead on the window.
Then suddenly I see it, and usually, it's never good.
It's usually when I'm cussing in traffic at someone who is trying to drive their car and drink coffee and send emails and make notes.
So what Ubuntu really says is that there is no way for us to be human without other people.
It's really very simple, but really very complicated.
So, I thought I should start with some stories.
I should tell you some stories about remarkable people, so I thought I'd start with my mother.
And she was dark, too.
My mother was English.
My parents met in Oxford in the '50s, and my mother moved to Nigeria and lived there.
She was five foot two, very feisty and very English.
This is how English my mother is -- or was, she just passed.
She came out to California, to Los Angeles, to visit me, and we went to Malibu, which she thought was very disappointing.
And then we went to a fish restaurant, and we had Chad, the surfer dude, serving us, and he came up and my mother said, "Do you have any specials, young man?"
And Chad says, "Sure, like, we have this, like, salmon, that's, like, rolled in this, like, wasabi, like, crust.
It's totally rad."
And my mother turned to me and said, "What language is he speaking?"
I said, "English, mum."
And she shook her head and said, "Oh, these Americans. We gave them a language, why don't they use it?"
So, this woman, who converted from the Church of England to Catholicism when she married my father -- and there's no one more rabid than a Catholic convert -- decided to teach in the rural areas in Nigeria, particularly among Igbo women, which was the only approved birth control by the Catholic Church.
But her Igbo wasn't too good.
So she took me along to translate.
I was seven.
So, here are these women, who never discuss their period with their husbands, and here I am telling them, "Well, how often do you get your period?"
And, "Do you notice any discharges?"
And, "How swollen is your vulva?"
She never would have thought of herself as a feminist, my mother, but she always used to say, "Anything a man can do, I can fix."
And when my father complained about this situation, where she's taking a seven-year-old boy to teach this birth control, you know, he used to say, "Oh, you're turning him into -- you're teaching him how to be a woman."
My mother said, "Someone has to."
This woman -- during the Biafran war, we were caught in the war.
It was my mother with five little children.
It takes her one year, through refugee camp after refugee camp, to make her way to an airstrip where we can fly out of the country.
At every single refugee camp, she has to face off soldiers who want to take my elder brother Mark, who was nine, and make him a boy soldier.
Can you imagine this five-foot-two woman, standing up to men with guns who want to kill us?
All through that one year, my mother never cried one time, not once.
But when we were in Lisbon, in the airport, about to fly to England, which had been washed so many times it was basically see through, with five really hungry-looking kids, came over and asked her what had happened.
And she told this woman.
And so this woman emptied out her suitcase and gave all of her clothes to my mother, and to us, and the toys of her kids, who didn't like that very much, but -- -- that was the only time she cried.
And I remember years later, I was writing about my mother, and I asked her, "Why did you cry then?"
And she said, "You know, you can steel your heart against any kind of trouble, any kind of horror.
But the simple act of kindness from a complete stranger will unstitch you."
The old women in my father's village, after this war had happened, memorized the names of every dead person, and they would sing these dirges, made up of these names.
Dirges so melancholic that they would scorch you.
And they would sing them only when they planted the rice, as though they were seeding the hearts of the dead into the rice.
But when it came for harvest time, they would sing these joyful songs, that were made up of the names of every child who had been born that year.
And then the next planting season, when they sang the dirge, they would remove as many names of the dead that equaled as many people that were born.
And in this way, these women enacted a lot of transformation, beautiful transformation.
Did you know, that before the genocide in Rwanda, the word for rape and the word for marriage was the same one?
But today, women are rebuilding Rwanda.
Did you also know that after apartheid, when the new government went into the parliament houses, there were no female toilets in the building?
Which would seem to suggest that apartheid was entirely the business of men.
All of this to say, that despite the horror, and despite the death, women are never really counted.
Their humanity never seems to matter very much to us.
When I was growing up in Nigeria -- and I shouldn't say Nigeria, because that's too general, but in Afikpo, the Igbo part of the country where I'm from -- there were always rites of passage for young men.
Men were taught to be men in the ways in which we are not women, that's essentially what it is.
And a lot of rituals involved killing, killing little animals, progressing along, so when I turned 13 -- and, I mean, it made sense, it was an agrarian community, somebody had to kill the animals, there was no Whole Foods you could go and get kangaroo steak at -- so when I turned 13, it was my turn now to kill a goat.
And I was this weird, sensitive kid, who couldn't really do it, but I had to do it.
And I was supposed to do this alone.
But a friend of mine, called Emmanuel, who was significantly older than me, who'd been a boy soldier during the Biafran war, decided to come with me.
Which sort of made me feel good, because he'd seen a lot of things.
Now, when I was growing up, he used to tell me stories about how he used to bayonet people, and their intestines would fall out, but they would keep running.
So, this guy comes with me.
And I don't know if you've ever heard a goat, or seen one -- they sound like human beings, that's why we call tragedies "a song of a goat."
My friend Brad Kessler says that we didn't become human until we started keeping goats.
Anyway, a goat's eyes are like a child's eyes.
So when I tried to kill this goat and I couldn't, Emmanuel bent down, he puts his hand over the mouth of the goat, covers its eyes, so I don't have to look into them, while I kill the goat.
It didn't seem like a lot, for this guy who'd seen so much, and to whom the killing of a goat must have seemed such a quotidian experience, still found it in himself to try to protect me.
I was a wimp.
I cried for a very long time.
And afterwards, he didn't say a word.
He just sat there watching me cry for an hour.
And then afterwards he said to me, "It will always be difficult, but if you cry like this every time, you will die of heartbreak.
Just know that it is enough sometimes to know that it is difficult."
Of course, talking about goats makes me think of sheep, and not in good ways.
So, I was born two days after Christmas.
So growing up, you know, I had a cake and everything, but I never got any presents, because, born two days after Christmas.
So, I was about nine, and my uncle had just come back from Germany, and we had the Catholic priest over, my mother was entertaining him with tea.
And my uncle suddenly says, "Where are Chris' presents?"
And my mother said, "Don't talk about that in front of guests."
But he was desperate to show that he'd just come back, so he summoned me up, and he said, "Go into the bedroom, my bedroom.
Take anything you want out of the suitcase.
It's your birthday present."
I'm sure he thought I'd take a book or a shirt, but I found an inflatable sheep.
So, I blew it up and ran into the living room, my finger where it shouldn't have been, I was waving this buzzing sheep around, and my mother looked like she was going to die of shock.
And Father McGetrick was completely unflustered, just stirred his tea and looked at my mother and said, "It's all right Daphne, I'm Scottish."
My last days in prison, the last 18 months, my cellmate -- for the last year, the first year of the last 18 months -- my cellmate was 14 years old.
The name was John James, and in those days, if a family member committed a crime, the military would hold you as ransom till your family turned themselves in.
So, here was this 14-year-old kid on death row.
And not everybody on death row was a political prisoner.
There were some really bad people there.
And he had smuggled in two comics, two comic books -- "Spiderman" and "X-Men."
He was obsessed.
And when he got tired of reading them, he started to teach the men in death row how to read, with these comic books.
And so, I remember night after night, you'd hear all these men, these really hardened criminals, huddled around John James, reciting, "Take that, Spidey!"
It's incredible.
I was really worried.
He didn't know what death row meant.
I'd been there twice, and I was terribly afraid that I was going to die.
And he would always laugh, and say, "Come on, man, we'll make it out."
Then I'd say, "How do you know?"
And he said, "Oh, I heard it on the grapevine."
They killed him.
They handcuffed him to a chair, and they tacked his penis to a table with a six-inch nail, then left him there to bleed to death.
That's how I ended up in solitary, because I let my feelings be known.
All around us, everywhere, there are people like this.
The Igbo used to say that they built their own gods.
They would come together as a community, and they would express a wish.
And their wish would then be brought to a priest, who would find a ritual object, and the appropriate sacrifices would be made, and the shrine would be built for the god.
But if the god became unruly and began to ask for human sacrifice, the Igbos would destroy the god.
They would knock down the shrine, and they would stop saying the god's name.
This is how they came to reclaim their humanity.
Every day, all of us here, we're building gods that have gone rampant, and it's time we started knocking them down and forgetting their names.
It doesn't require a tremendous thing.
All it requires is to recognize among us, every day -- the few of us that can see -- are surrounded by people like the ones I've told you.
There are some of you in this room, amazing people, who offer all of us the mirror to our own humanity.
I want to end with a poem by an American poet called Lucille Clifton.
The poem is called "Libation," and it's for my friend Vusi who is in the audience here somewhere.
"Libation, North Carolina, 1999.
I offer to this ground, this gin.
I imagine an old man crying here, out of the sight of the overseer.
He pushes his tongue through a hole where his tooth would be, if he were whole.
It aches in that space where his tooth would be, where his land would be, his house, his wife, his son, his beautiful daughter.
He wipes sorrow from his face, and puts his thirsty finger to his thirsty tongue, and tastes the salt.
I call a name that could be his.
This is for you, old man.
This gin, this salty earth."
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
1896年12月10日 アルフレッド・ノーベルが 亡くなりました
その ちょうど100年後 — 1996年12月10日に この魅力的な女性 ヴィスワヴァ・シンボルスカが ノーベル文学賞を受賞しました
偉大な人物ですが 当時の私は名前すら 知りませんでした でも作品を読んでみて こんな素敵な詩を見つけたんです 『朝の4時』
「夜が昼になる時間 —
右から左に移る時間 —
こんな風に続きますが 読んだ瞬間に すっかりはまってしまい 以前どこかで 出会ったのではないかと 思うほどでした
エレベーターで 一緒になった?
どこかの喫茶店でこの詩を 口説いた?
思い出せず イライラしましたが 1〜2週間後に 古い映画を見ていると こんな場面に遭遇しました
(グルーチョ・マルクス) パーティーに来ればよかったのに
ルームメイトが テレビをつけると こんなシーンでした
(『となりのサインフェルド』の テーマ音楽) (ジョージ・コスタンザ) 『オーメン』3部作を 朝の4時まで見てたよ
音楽を聴くと こんな曲が・・・
♪ クソ! もう朝の4時じゃないか ♪ もうわかったでしょう
きっと「偶然」という半神が 私をからかっていたんです
数字が頭から離れない人もいるし それが名前や音楽だという人もいます 何も感じない人もいるけれど 私の中では 「朝の4時」がうずいていました まるで股間を 蹴られた後みたいに 放って置けば そのうち
消えるだろうと思って 誰にも言いませんでしたが 消えないので 全部話すことにしました
2007年に2度目のTEDに 招かれましたが これといった専門もなかったので こう考えたのです すごく限られた 取るに足らない つまらないものについて マルチメディアのプレゼンを するのはどうだろう?
そこで私が集めた「朝4時」の例を いくつか話したんです その年の出演者の 作品からも取り上げました イサベル・アジェンデの小説にも
朝の4時を見つけました ビル・クリントンの自伝にも
素晴らしい例を見つけました マット・グレイニングの作品にも 2つ見つけました ただ彼から後で聞いたのですが 私の講演が 午前のセッションだったせいで 見られなかったそうです 早起きは苦手なんでしょう
でも もしマットが来ていたら 何とも奇妙でまとまらない 陰謀論もどきの話を 聞くはめになっていたでしょう
その話は その会場 — その瞬間のためだけに 作られたものでした が現れるまでは みんなそうだったんです
ところが私が家に帰ると 参加していた人達から メールが届き始めたんです 初めの1通は 今でもお気に入りです 「コレクションに加えてください 『朝の4時に呼び出せるのが親友』」 マレーネ・ディートリッヒの言葉です
このメールの送り主も セクシーな ヨーロッパ風の人物 — TEDキュレーターの クリス・アンダーソンでした
コーヒーカップか何かに 書いてあったそうです この人は 価値のあるアイデアの感染源ですが 私が彼を感染させたんです
私の感染力は 1週間も経たないうちに 証明されました ホールマーク社の社員が 同じ引用がのった — グリーティングカードを スキャンして送ってきたんです
おまけに会社が作った 別バージョンも教えてくれました
「朝の4時に電話してもいいと わかっているだけで 電話なんか しなくてもよくなる」 2つ合わせると こんな感じでしょう 「ホールマーク 自分の気持ちを 微妙に違う言葉で 2度送るくらい 大切なあの人へ」
TEDの参加者が ニューヨーカー誌を読んでいても
驚きはしません 発行された途端 大勢 送ってくれました
「午前4時 — 買っちまえば よく眠れたのに」
ただTEDの参加者が『ラグラッツ』を 見ていたとは驚きでした
なんでチョコ・ プディングなんか作ってるの?
それから あるTED参加者は 古典と言ってもよいシーンを 私が見落としたことに怒っていました
(ロイ・ニアリー)起きろよ!本気だ (ロニー・二アリー)事故?
いや 事故じゃない どのみち家から出たかったんだろ?
(ロニー)朝の4時よ かんべんして
これは『未知との遭遇』 主人公は興奮しています だって宇宙人が 姿を現した時間が まさに 午前4時 ― そのせいで真実味が増しています
でも私が あの詩に 見覚えがあった理由は 明らかになりません
ただ どの例も パターンをなぞっています
だって あらゆる劇的な出来事が この時刻のせいで 起こったことに なっているんですから おそらく今まで 分類されたことのない
お決まりの表現なのでしょう たぶん私は新しい伝承の流れに
のっていたのでしょう 物事に興味がわいてくると 面白くなってくるものです
その年にTED.comが始まり 私の過去の講演も 公開され 私の元に「朝4時」にまつわる 引用が集まり始めました 地球上のあらゆる地域からです
そのほとんどは 仮に一人で探したとしても 見つけられなかったでしょうし 探してもいませんでした
若年性糖尿病の 知り合いなどいないので
こんなブックレットなど 気づかないでしょう 『朝4時のチーズサンド』
『今日の編み物』誌だって 購読していません 面白そうですが 時計の時刻を見てください こちらは
ある大学生が教えてくれた ― 朝の4時を表すギャング・サインです 雑誌の広告を送ってくれた人や
スーパーで写真を 撮ってくれた人もいました
グラフィックノベルや コミックもたくさん集まりました
レベルの高い作品も多いです 『サンドマン』や『ウォッチメン』 ―
『カルヴィン&ホッブス 』の 愛らしい場面もあります
投稿の中で 一番時代が古いのは 石器時代のマンガです
(ウィルマ・フリントストーン) 朝早くって どの位?
(フレッド・フリントストーン) 朝の4時とかだよ
時間を逆方向に進めて 31世紀からの引用です
千年たっても やっていることは今と同じです
私の元には駄作から名作まで 大量の歌や テレビ番組や映画が集まりました 4時間分のプレイリストだって作れます
ただ 現代の映画俳優に限れば CMくらいの 長さに収められます
(映画の場面 「午前4時だ」) いつの間にやら 趣味になっていましたが 本当にやりたかったのかは微妙です しかもクラウドソーシングを 使った趣味です
一方 誰でも考えそうなことを 私も考えました 別の時刻で 同じことを
できないだろうか? でも「夕方の4時」だと
さらに興味があったので 少し調べてみました
これを先入観のせいと言うなら 大量の証拠が 先入観の源です
シェイクスピアには 朝の3時が2回 ―
朝の4時は7回登場し どれも恐ろしい場面です
『尺には尺を』では 死刑執行人が現れる時間です
トルストイの『戦争と平和』では ナポレオンは戦闘直前の 朝4時に不眠症になります
シャーロット・ブロンテの 『ジェーン・エア』でも エミリー・ブロンテの 『嵐が丘』でも 朝の4時は重要な場面です
『ロリータ』では 不気味な朝4時 —
『ハックルベリー・フィン』では なまりのきつい 朝4時が登場します
ある人はH.G.ウェルズの 『透明人間』を
別の人はラルフ・エリソンの 『見えない人間』を送ってくれました
『グレート・ギャツビー』は 人生最後の 朝4時を 現れない恋人を待ちながら過ごします そして おそらく文学上 最も有名な目覚めは カフカの『変身』です
最初の段落で 主人公が目を覚ますと 巨大なゴキブリになっていますが それを抜きにしても この男に 何かが起きていることがわかります
朝の4時に目覚まし時計が セットされているからです
そんなことを 誰がするでしょうか?
(午前4時に鳴る 目覚まし時計のモンタージュ) (ニュースキャスター)4時ちょうどだよ 朝のニュースの時間だけど
ニュースなんて あるはずないよね
まだ みんなベッドで 気持ちよく眠っているんだから
『ピーナッツ』のルーシーも 『愛と憎しみの伝説』でも トレーニング初日のロッキーも 初登庁日のネルソン・マンデラも バート・シンプソンも 例のゴキブリとともに 素晴らしい例を 大量に提供してくれたので 私の巨大なデータベースに 「目覚める人」という 新ジャンルができたほどです
想像してください ぬいぐるみの白クマを あなたが集めていると 家族や友人が聞いて 送ってくれたとします
たとえ あなたは本気でなくても 白クマが大量に集まれば すごいコレクションに なっていることでしょう
私は そうなった時点で すべてを受け入れました
学芸員のように 事実関係を調査し ダウンロードし 違法にスクリーンショットを撮り
単なる趣味は習慣へと変わり その習慣のせいで 宅配DVDのレンタルカートは たぶん世界で一番 バラエティに富んだものになりました
こんな映画が並んだこともあります 『野郎どもと女たち』 『ラストタンゴ・イン・パリ』 『グレッグのダメ日記』 『ポルノ・スター ロン・ジャーミーの伝説』・・・
こんな場面があると 誰かが教えてくれたからです
(ロン・ジャーミー)俺は クイーンズのフラッシングで生まれた 1953年3月12日の 朝の4時だ
当然ですね (拍手) 納得しただけでなく こんな疑問にも答えが出せます 「ロン・ジャーミーと ボーヴォワールの 共通点は?」
ボーヴォワールの自叙伝は 最初の文はこうです 「私は朝4時に生まれた」 これはメールをもらって 知ったのですが おかげで私のコレクションの レベルが1段上がりました ポルノ男優のロン・ジャーミーと フェミニストのボーヴォワールは 違う世界の人間ではない
違いはあっても この1点でつながっていたのです これが雑学なのか 知識なのか それとも いつの間にか得た専門知識なのか わかりませんが これをクールにまとめる方法を 考えました
それで去年の10月に 学問の伝統に則って コレクションを全部 ネットで公開しました 「朝4時のミュージアム」です
数百件の引用から ランダムに見ることができます
これはビリー・コリンズ作の 鮮烈な詩 『忘却』です
(ビリー・コリンズ)夜中に 目を覚まし 戦争の本を開いて 有名な戦闘の日付を 探すのも無理はない
窓から見える月が かつては そらで言えた恋愛詩から 抜け出したかのように 見えるのも無理はない
このプロジェクトの 出だしには 満足しました
カフェで流れるDVDで ボリウッド俳優が歌う様子を
地球の裏側にいる1人の若者が インスタグラムでビデオにして 見も知らぬ私に 送ってくれたりしました
ところが1週間もしないうちに ちょっとした幸運に恵まれました
胸を打つような ツイートを受け取ったんです
名前はニックネームを さらにひねったものでした
でもイニシャルと プロフィールの写真を見た瞬間 ― 送り手の正体を 全身で感じとりました 彼女が言っていた — ミックステープのことも・・・
L.D.は大学時代の ロマンスそのものでした
時は90年代初頭 私は学部生で
メガネをとって髪を下ろすと 急にセクシーになる タイプではなく
最初からセクシーで とてつもなく美人でした 私達は「12月~5月」の恋をしました 12月につき合い始め 5月に彼女が卒業して 私の元を 去って行ったのです
でも彼女がくれたミックステープは 手元に残りました
私はそれをメモや絵はがきと一緒に 箱にしまっています L.D.からのものだけでなく 人生を通じて集めたもので 数十年分あります
ガールフレンドには きっと隠すでしょうが 妻がいたら一緒に見るでしょうね さて ― テープの話ですが 片面に7曲ずつ入っていて タイトルは書いてありません
L.D.は その代わりに 米国議会図書館分類表の 記号とページ数を書いて ヒントを残してくれました
このテープをもらった私は カセットプレイヤーに入れ 彼女の図書館である 大学図書館に持って行って 本棚から14冊の本を見つけました
私は本を全部 お気に入りの 隅のテーブルに持っていき 曲に対応する詩を読んでいきました 食事に合わせたワインのように あるいは サドルシューズに合わせた コバルトブルーの ヴィンテージのコットンドレスのように・・・
席につき 新しいイヤホンを 古いウォークマンにつけて 気付いたんです 私は贅沢過ぎるほど贅沢で それを当然と思っていたんです 当時の自分が うらやましく思えました
31ページは ヴィスワヴァ・シンボルスカの作品でした 曲はポール・サイモンの 『平和の流れる街』でした
(音楽 ポール・サイモン 『平和の流れる街』) (ポール・サイモン)♪ 朝の4時に ♪ ♪ ぼくは夢から覚めた ♪ どうもありがとう (拍手) | On December 10, 1896, the man on the medal, Alfred Nobel, died.
One hundred years later, exactly, actually, December 10, 1996, this charming lady, Wislawa Szymborska, won the Nobel Prize for literature.
She's a Polish poet.
She's a big deal, obviously, but back in '96, I thought I had never heard of her, and when I checked out her work, I found this sweet little poem, "Four in the Morning."
"The hour from night to day.
The hour from side to side.
The hour for those past thirty..."
And it goes on, but as soon as I read this poem, I fell for it hard, so hard, I suspected we must have met somewhere before.
Had I shared an elevator ride with this poem?
Did I flirt with this poem in a coffee shop somewhere?
I could not place it, and it bugged me, and then in the coming week or two, I would just be watching an old movie, and this would happen.
Groucho Marx: Charlie, you should have come to the first party.
We didn't get home till around four in the morning.
Rives: My roommates would have the TV on, and this would happen.
George Costanza: Oh boy, I was up til four in the morning watching that Omen trilogy.
Rives: I would be listening to music, and this would happen.
Elton John: ♪ It's four o'clock in the morning, damn it. ♪ Rives: So you can see what was going on, right?
Obviously, the demigods of coincidence were just messing with me.
Some people get a number stuck in their head, you may recognize a certain name or a tune, some people get nothing, but four in the morning was in me now, but mildly, like a groin injury.
I always assumed it would just go away and I never talked about it with anybody, but it did not, and I totally did.
In 2007, I was invited to speak at TED for the second time, and since I was still an authority on nothing, I thought, what if I made a multimedia presentation on a topic so niche it is actually inconsequential or actually cockamamie.
So my talk had some of my four in the morning examples, but it also had examples from my fellow TED speakers that year.
I found four in the morning in a novel by Isabel Allende.
I found a really great one I found a couple in the work of Matt Groening, although Matt Groening told me later that he could not make my talk because it was a morning session and I gather that he is not an early riser.
However, had Matt been there, he would have seen this mock conspiracy theory that was un-freaking-canny for me to assemble.
It was totally contrived just for that room, just for that moment.
That's how we did it in the days.
It was fun. That was pretty much it.
When I got home, though, the emails started coming in from people who had seen the talk live, beginning with, and this is still my favorite, "Here's another one for your collection: 'It's the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter.'" The sentiment is Marlene Dietrich.
The email itself was from another very sexy European type, TED Curator Chris Anderson.
on a coffee cup or something, and I'm thinking, this man is the Typhoid Mary of ideas worth spreading, and I have infected him.
I am contagious, which was confirmed less than a week later when a Hallmark employee scanned and sent an actual greeting card with that same quotation.
As a bonus, she hooked me up with a second one they make.
It says, "Just knowing I can call you at four in the morning if I need to makes me not really need to," which I love, because together these are like, "Hallmark: When you care enough to send the very best twice, phrased slightly differently."
I was not surprised at the TEDster and New Yorker magazine overlap.
A bunch of people sent me this when it came out.
"It's 4 a.m.—maybe you'd sleep better if you bought some crap."
I was surprised at the TEDster/"Rugrats" overlap.
More than one person sent me this.
Didi Pickles: It's four o'clock in the morning.
Why on Earth are you making chocolate pudding?
Stu Pickles: Because I've lost control of my life.
Rives: And then there was the lone TEDster who was disgruntled I had overlooked what he considers to be a classic.
Roy Neary: Get up, get up! I'm not kidding. Ronnie Neary: Is there an accident?
Roy: No, it's not an accident. You wanted to get out of the house anyway, right?
Ronnie: Not at four o'clock in the morning.
Rives: So that's "Close Encounters," and the main character is all worked up because aliens, momentously, have chosen to show themselves to earthlings at four in the morning, which does make that a very solid example.
Those were all really solid examples.
They did not get me any closer to understanding why I thought I recognized this one particular poem.
But they followed the pattern. They played along.
Right? Four in the morning as this scapegoat hour when all these dramatic occurrences allegedly occur. Maybe this was some kind of cliche that had never been taxonomized before.
Maybe I was on the trail of a new meme or something.
Just when things were getting pretty interesting, things got really interesting. launched, later that year, with a bunch of videos from past talks, including mine, and I started receiving "four in the morning" citations from what seemed like every time zone on the planet.
Much of it was content I never would have found on my own if I was looking for it, and I was not.
I don't know anybody with juvenile diabetes.
I probably would have missed the booklet, "Grilled Cheese at Four O'Clock in the Morning."
I do not subscribe to Crochet Today! magazine, although it looks delightful. Take note of those clock ends.
This is a college student's suggestion for what a "four in the morning" gang sign People sent me magazine ads.
They took photographs in grocery stores.
I got a ton of graphic novels and comics.
A lot of good quality work, too: "The Sandman," "Watchmen."
There's a very cute example here from "Calvin and Hobbes."
In fact, the oldest citation anybody sent in was from a cartoon from the Stone Age.
Take a look.
Wilma Flintstone: Like how early?
Fred Flintstone: Like at 4 a.m., that's how early.
Rives: And the flip side of the timeline, this is from the 31st century.
A thousand years from now, people are still doing this.
: Announcer: The time is 4 a.m.
Rives: It shows the spectrum.
I received so many songs, TV shows, movies, like from dismal to famous, I could give you a four-hour playlist.
If I just stick to modern male movie stars, I keep it to the length of about a commercial.
Here's your sampler.
Rives: So somewhere along the line, I realized I have a hobby I didn't know I wanted, and it is crowdsourced.
But I was also thinking what you might be thinking, with any hour of the day?
First of all, you are not getting clips like that about four in the afternoon.
Secondly, I did a little research.
You know, I was kind of interested.
If this is confirmation bias, there is so much confirmation, I am biased.
Literature probably shows it best.
There are a couple three in the mornings in Shakespeare.
There's a five in the morning.
There are seven four in the mornings, and they're all very dire.
In "Measure for Measure," it's the call time for the executioner.
Tolstoy gives Napoleon insomnia at four in the morning right before battle in "War and Peace."
Charlotte Brontë's "Jane Eyre" has got kind of a pivotal four in the morning, as does Emily Brontë's "Wuthering Heights."
"Lolita" has as a creepy four in the morning.
"Huckleberry Finn" has one in dialect.
Someone sent in H.G. Wells' "The Invisible Man."
Someone else sent in Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man."
"The Great Gatsby" spends the last four in the morning of his life waiting for a lover who never shows, and the most famous wake-up in literature, perhaps, "The Metamorphosis."
First paragraph, the main character wakes up transformed into a giant cockroach, but we already know, cockroach notwithstanding, something is up with this guy.
Why? His alarm is set for four o'clock in the morning.
What kind of person would do that?
This kind of person would do that.
Newcaster: Top of the hour. Time for the morning news.
But of course, there is no news yet.
Everyone's still asleep in their comfy, comfy beds.
Rives: Exactly.
So that's Lucy from the Peanuts, "Mommie Dearest", Rocky, first day of training, Nelson Mandela, first day in office, and Bart Simpson, which combined with a cockroach would give you one hell of a dinner party and gives me yet another category, people waking up, in my big old database.
Just imagine that your friends and your family have heard that you collect, say, stuffed polar bears, and they send them to you.
Even if you don't really, at a certain point, you totally collect stuffed polar bears, and your collection is probably pretty kick-ass.
And when I got to that point, I embraced it.
I got my curator on. I started fact checking, downloading, illegally screen-grabbing.
I started archiving.
My hobby had become a habit, and my habit gave me possibly the world's most eclectic Netflix queue.
At one point, it went, "Guys and Dolls: The Musical," "Last Tango in Paris," "Diary of a Wimpy Kid," "Porn Star: Legend of Ron Jeremy."
Why "Porn Star: Legend of Ron Jeremy"?
Because someone told me I would find this clip in there.
Ron Jeremy: I was born in Flushing, Queens on March, 12, 1953, at four o'clock in the morning.
Rives: Of course he was. Yeah. Not only does it seem to make sense, it also answers the question, "What do Ron Jeremy and Simone de Beauvoir have in common?"
Simone de Beauvoir begins her entire autobiography with the sentence, "I was born at four o'clock in the morning," which I had because someone else had emailed it to me, and when they did, I had another bump up in my entry for this, because porn star Ron Jeremy and feminist Simone de Beauvoir are not just different people.
They are different people that have this thing connecting them, and I did not know if that is trivia or knowledge or inadvertent expertise, but I did wonder, is there maybe a cooler way to do this?
So last October, in gentleman scholar tradition, I put the entire collection online as "Museum of Four in the Morning."
You can click on that red "refresh" button.
It will take you at random to one of hundreds of snippets that are in the collection.
Here is a knockout poem by Billy Collins called "Forgetfulness."
Billy Collins: No wonder you rise in the middle of the night to look up the date of a famous battle in a book on war.
No wonder the moon in the window seems to have drifted out of a love poem that you used to know by heart.
Rives: So the first hour of this project was satisfying.
A Bollywood actor sang a line on a DVD in a cafe.
Half a globe away, a teenager made an Instagram video of it and sent it to me, a stranger.
Less than a week later, though, I received a little bit of grace.
I received a poignant tweet.
It was brief.
It just said, "Reminds me of an ancient mix tape."
The name was a pseudonym, actually, or a pseudo-pseudonym.
As soon as I saw the initials, and the profile pic, I knew immediately, my whole body knew immediately who this was, and I knew immediately what mix tape she was talking about.
L.D. was my college romance.
This is in the early '90s. I was an undegrad.
She was a grad student in the library sciences department.
Not the kind of librarian that takes her glasses off, lets her hair down, suddenly she's smoking hot.
She was already smoking hot, she was super dorky, and we had a December-May romance, meaning we started dating in December, and by May, she had graduated and became my one that got away.
But her mix tape did not get away.
I have kept this mix tape in a box with notes and postcards, not just from L.D., from my life, but for decades.
It's the kind of box where, if I have a girlfriend, I tend to hide it from her, and if I had a wife, I'm sure I would share it with her, but the story — — with this mix tape is there are seven songs per side, but no song titles.
Instead, L.D. has used the U.S. Library of Congress classification system, including page numbers, to leave me clues.
When I got this mix tape, I put it in my cassette player, I took it to the campus library, her library, I found 14 books on the shelves.
I remember bringing them all to my favorite corner table, and I read poems paired to songs like food to wine, paired, I can tell you, like saddle shoes to a cobalt blue vintage cotton dress.
I did this again last October.
I'm sitting there, I got new earbuds, old Walkman, I realize this is just the kind of extravagance I used to take for granted And then I thought, "Good for him."
"PG" is Slavic literature.
"7000" series Polish literature.
Z9A24 is a collection of 70 poems.
Page 31 is Wislawa Szymborska's poem paired with Paul Simon's "Peace Like a River."
Paul Simon: ♪ Oh, four in the morning ♪ ♪ I woke up from out of my dream ♪ Rives: Thank you. Appreciate it. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
実験がもたらした結果として、大した変化はなかったと主張する者もいる。長い間、世界は北朝鮮が半ダース以上の初歩的な核爆弾の製造に十分な核原料を所有していると推測していた。実験は、暗黙であったものを明白にした。 | Some argue that little has changed as a result of the test. The world assumed for years that North Korea possesses enough nuclear material to make a half-dozen or more basic nuclear bombs. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
リノス(大魔王・14歳) LV∞
火魔法 LV5
水魔法 LV5
風魔法 LV5
土魔法 LV4
回復魔法 LV5
生活魔法 LV2
詠唱 LV5
鑑定魔法 LV5
剣術 LV5
MP回復 LV5
気配探知 LV5
魔力吸収 LV5
肉体強化 LV5
回避 LV5
行儀作法 LV2
教養 LV3
麻痺耐性 LV5
毒耐性 LV5
精神耐性 LV5
黒魔術 LV5
「― ― ―」
刀の名前を考えていたら、腹が減ってきた。刀の銘が食い物の名前になったのは、空腹が原因ではない。たまたまだ。そういえば、昨日の昼を食べてから何にも食べていない。とりあえず、メシを作ることにしようと考えた俺は、その準備を始めるのだった。 | From deep within the Runo forest, I looked at the blue sky.
It’s a nice weather, great for laundry. It’s autumn. It is neither cold nor hot. A refreshing wind blows in the forest. A pleasant wind indeed. Staying home all the time is good, but going outside is nice too, from time to time. Such a quiet place. So peaceful.
While I was thinking about such things, there were tears in my eyes. I need a little more time to escape from reality.
People suddenly attacked, although I never did anything to them. I thought to wait here until things calmed down, but even monsters were distancing themselves from me. I kept going deeper and the monsters kept running. They even sprinted with all they had.
There are no living beings around me. It is the silence itself. It is pretty scary in such a quiet forest, you know? Like, really. Just what on earth had happened to me? For now, I looked at my status. It became something amazing all of the sudden.
Rinos (Great Demon King, years old) LV ∞
HP: MP: 2874
Fire Magic LV5
Water Magic LV5
Wind Magic LV5
Earth Magic LV4
Recovery Magic LV5
Life Magic LV2
Chanting LV5
Appraisal Magic LV5
Sword Arts LV5
MP Recovery LV5
Presence Detection LV5
Mana Absorption LV5
Body Strengthening LV5
Evasion LV5
Etiquette LV2
Liberal Arts LV3
Paralysis Resistance LV5
Poison Resistance LV5
Mental Resistance LV5
Dark Magic LV5
God of War * God of Knowledge * Great Demon God *Iron Man * Iron Arm * Barrier God * Warlord * Sage * Excellent Appraiser
....The hell? 「Slave Barrier Master」became「Great Demon King」. Forget about the ridiculous skills, even more ridiculous titles were attached. Am I some famous baseball player?
I became the Great Demon King, so I immediately checked my body. There was no change in my appearance, judging by the reflection on the water. Still, I was surprised when the status screen appeared right before me. It seems to be an effect of Appraisal LV5. Even more, it displayed everything I wanted it to display. Adding to that, all of the information perceived by my detection skills was present on the「Map」.
Map is able to display all living beings in a 50km radius. It seems that enemies and those who bear hostility against me are marked red. The area 5km around me is pure white, but after that, it is covered in red.
Speaking of the troublesome skills, it is Curse LV5. Let’s appraise it.
「Draws animosity from every living creature. Attracts the evil beings. Status raised by 500%」
It makes you strong but everyone will hate you, or so it seems. Apparently, no one is around me right now because of this skill.
I can hide my skills, in other words, I can resist other’s appraisal. However, I am not able to hide this curse.
Swords, spears, bows or other physical means of attack do not work against me. The same goes for poison and paralysis. Basically, I’m almost invincible.
I looked at the sky while spacing out. For some reason, I couldn’t stop my tears.
After a while of trying to escape reality, I organized my mind. Let’s try to properly think about my circumstances. Yes, let’s do just that.
At this point, I appraised the items from the treasury of the Versam family. These things ended up being quite amazing too.
「Nameless Sword」
By channeling a small amount of mana, the owner can transform its form into the most suitable form for himself. Draws out owner’s most outstanding talent.
「Probe Robe」Keeps the wearer pure at all times. Absolute defense against the curses, poison, and paralysis. Able to completely recover the wearer’s lost parts and wounds.
With this robe, it might work.
I immediately equipped the robe. The Curse skill is still present. However, once I equipped it, I understood. It is able to clean my clothes and body, thus making me “pure”. In other words, there is no need for bathing and laundry. It also serves as a free hospital, because it is able to recover wounds. It will greatly ease the traveling. The founder is awesome!
While I am at it, I try to hold the「Nameless Sword」. It is said that it can change its form and draw my hidden talent, let’s try putting mana in it.
The description said “small amount”, but it took quite a bit. It is your usual iron sword from the shop, but it shined due to my mana in it. With a flash, it transformed into a Japanese sword.
A japanese sword in a black sheath, right from a historical drama. It is quite light. I tried slowly pulling it out.
What is that? This katana has a red edge and looks vicious. Let’s appraise this katana.
「- – -」
The sword that cuts the spirit instead of the body. The creature that was cut will taste the hellish suffering over the long period of time, eventually leading to its death. Ignores defense.
....This is a dangerous fellow. I ended up creating a cursed sword all of the sudden. Looking closely,
「Can be changed only once. Will be released upon the owner’s death」
uwaaaaa. This is so wrong~. Do not make things with such restrictions~.
For now, let’s name it. Let’s go with: Cut apart the soul...「Onigiri」 (Onigiri).
I thought of a name and became hungry in the process. And I didn’t call it like that because of the hunger. Just a coincidence. Come to think of it, I didn’t eat since yesterday, let’s make something. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 3,
"inserted_lines_src": 2,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
それ故に 目に見えない観点から見えるものを どう説明すればいいのかを知りたいと思いました。
ほとんどの人が 今日のように、時折そのようなことを疑問に思うだけでした -- 普段は何かと 考えなければならないことがあるそのあいまに。
しかし、普段彼らの頭を一杯にしていることには 知りたいという欲求も含まれていたのです。
彼らは知りたかったのです -- どうやって時折起こる 食料の不足を防げばいいのか 疲れたときに休めるようにするにはどうすればいいのか 飢える危険を冒すことなく より暖かく、より涼しく、より安全に暮らすには、そして 痛みを軽減するにはどうすればいいのか。
有史以前の洞くつアーティストは より上手に絵を描く方法を 知りたかったに違いありません。
彼らは生活のあらゆる面で 進歩しようとしました、今日の私達のように。
火の発見などは ごく稀にしか起こらないので、個人の視点からみると それで世界が進歩したということはありませんでした。
星の光がなんなのかを知る最初のきっかけが現れたのは 1899年とごく最近です。放射能のことですね。
それから40年で 全体的な説明を発見した物理学者は いつものように美しい記号でそれを表しました。
どれだけ多くの発見があったのか 見ていきましょう。
同位体、電気の粒子、 反物質、 ニュートリノ、 質量とエネルギーの等価性 -- つまり E=mc^2 -- ガンマ線 核変換などです。
錬金術師が果たせなかった古代の夢は 果たされました -- 星の光や その他古代の謎や 新しく、予想外の現象を説明するこういった論理を通じて。
この40年の間に発見されたこれらのことは -- 過去100万年の間果たされなかった -- それは星やその他、至急対処が必要な問題について 考えなかったからではありません。
彼らも答えを導きだしましたが、 それは彼らの人生を 支配していた神話であり、 真実とはほとんど何の類似点も ありませんでした。
長い間停滞したままである悲惨な状況が 十分に認識すらされていなかったと思います。
結局これらのすべてを発見したのは 昔の人と全く同じ構造の 脳を持った人々でした。
しかしその進歩を遂げる能力も ずっと使われないままでした -- 人類の状況に 革命がもたらされ それが世界を変えるまで。
なぜならその出来事とは 科学革命であり、 それは物質界に関する 知識をもたらし、 際限なく増え続ける私達の要望に 応えようとするからです。
そのとき彼らは最初に何をしたのでしょうか? 停滞から抜け出し、 急速で際限のない 発見に移行するために。
変化を生みだす方法とは、 知ることのできる最も重要で、普遍的な真実であることは 確かです。
この科学革命以前は、 人々は、重要な分かりうることは全て 既に分かっているものであり、 そういったものは古代の書物や組織 また本当に役立った経験則の中に秘められているのだと信じていました。 それらはしかし、教理として頑なに守られていました -- 多くの嘘と共に。
だから人々は、実際はほとんど何も知らない権威者から得る知識を 信じてしまっていたのです。
ですから進歩を遂げるには、 いかに拒絶するかにかかっていました -- 博識あるとされる権威者や 聖職者や伝統、統治者たちを。
それが科学革命には より幅広い背景が必要であった理由です。
つまり啓蒙思想です。権威者に頼らず 知識を得る方法を 追求した革命です。
起こったことはほとんどありません。 当時優れた科学とは 目に見えないものに関する 急進的なアイデアであると考えられていました。 経験主義として知られているように。
経験主義は観測と実験を 奨励したので確かに役には立ちました。
しかし、何かが恐ろしく違っていることは 最初から明らかでした。
どの言語で説明されるのでしょう?数学という言語でないことは確かです。 ガリレオが「自然という本は数学という言語で書かれている」と 正しく言い表したように。
世界を見てください。山腹に、 方程式が施されているわけではありませんね。
もしそうであるなら、人間が、 それを刻んだからです。
経験主義とは不十分なものです。 なぜなら、 科学理論とは目に見えない観点から見えるものを説明するものだからです。
その目に見えないものを、私達は、 感覚を通して知るわけではないということを、認めなければなりません。
時空間の歪みや、 他の宇宙だって見えはしません。
決定的な証拠として 時空間の歪みがありますね。
それは写真でしたが、時空間の写真ではありません。 日食の写真です。点がここではなくここにある、というような。
平行宇宙はどうでしょう?これもまた、スクリーン上で 点がここではなくここにある、といった話になります。
これら全てのケースにおいて 目に見えるものは、私たちが証拠であると考えるものとは なんら類似点はありません。 ただそれらを繋ぐ理論的な推理と 解釈があるだけです。
あなたの解釈は推測からくるものです。 私達の解釈は聖書から来ているのです。」と彼らは言います。
しかし創造論者も経験主義者も共に無視していることは そう言った意味で 今まで誰も聖書を見た者はいない、ということです。 目が光を感知するのであって、私たちに光は見えません。
そして彼らはそういったことでさえ、ありのままに見ることができないのです、 つまり電気信号さえも。
私達の現実とのつながりは、 決して知覚だけではありません。
カールポッパーが言ったように、それはいつも、 理論負荷的なのです。
それは全て知識のようなものです。憶測であり、推測であり、 観察によって検証はされますが、 観察から派生するものではありません。
そして検証できる憶測は、 知力を解放する大革命であったでしょうか?
いいえ。通常言われていることとは反して、 検証可能であることは共通しています -- 神話やその他不合理な考え方においても。
次の火曜日に太陽は消えるだろうというような奇抜な考えでさえ 検証可能な予測なのです。
季節について説明している古代ギリシャの神話について 考えてみましょう。
黄泉の国の神であるハーデスは 春の女神であるペルセフォネを誘拐し 定期的に帰れることを条件に 強制的に結婚を決めました。
そして毎年 彼女は魔法によって帰ることを強いられます。
そして彼女の母、 大地の女神デメテルは 悲しみ、大地を寒く不毛の地にします。
もし冬がデメテルの悲しみによってもたらされるのであれば、 それは地球上の至る所で同時に起きなければなりません。
もし古代ギリシャ人が、デメテルが最も悲しいときに、 オーストラリアは最も暖かいということを知ってさえいれば、 彼らの理論が間違いであることに気づけたでしょう。
ではこの神話や全ての科学以前の考えの 何が間違いなのでしょうか? また何がその重大な違いを作り出したのでしょうか?
そしてそれは 検証の可能性や、科学的研究法、 啓蒙思想など全てを含みます。
これはどういうことでしょうか?説明とは、 そこにあるけれど目に見えないものが 目に見えていることの原因であると主張することです。
なぜならこのペルセフォネの結婚が果たす 説明的な役割は 無数にあるその場しのぎの話によって 何の支障もなく 同様に果たされてしまうからです。
どうして規則的に毎年起こる現象の原因は結婚であって 他のどんな理由でもないのでしょうか?
彼女は逃げた、春の力によって、 ハーデスに復讐するために 毎年春には戻ってくるのです。
彼女は春の風によりハーデスの領域を冷やし、 地上に熱気を放出し、夏を作り出すのです。
ですが現実に対して断言できることは 様々な点において正反対です。
それは可能です。なぜなら、 元の神話にまつわる詳細は 季節とは関係がないからです。 その神話の枠組みの中で語られた場合を除いて。
この容易な変わりやすさが 粗悪な説明のサインです。 なぜなら機能的な理由なしに、 無限にある選択肢から一つだけを選び、 他をさしおいてそれだけを擁護するというのは、 非合理的だからです。
よって、進歩を可能にするために 重要になる本質的なこととして、 簡単には変えることのできない 正当な説明を求めるべきなのです -- 何かの現象を説明するような時であっても。
さて、季節に関するわたしたちの現在の説明は 地球の軸がこのように傾いているというものです。 それぞれの半球が半年は太陽の方へ傾き、 残りの半年は太陽から離れます。
これは正当な説明です。変えることが難しいのです。 全ての詳細が機能的な役割を果たしているからです。
例えば私達が知っているように、それぞれの季節において、 放射熱から離れた方に傾いた表面は あまり暖められません。 宇宙空間で回転する惑星は、 常に一定の方向を向いています。
その傾きは、 一年の中の違う時々の太陽の仰角についても説明しているし、 それぞれの季節が二つの半球で、 異なっていることも予測しています。
もし異なっていないと観察されたならば、 その理論は論破されていたでしょう。
しかし現在、これが容易には変えられない、 正当な説明であるという事実によって、重大な差が生じるのです。
もし古代ギリシャ人が オーストラリアの季節について知っていたなら、 彼らはそれを予測するために容易に 神話を作り替えていたかもしれません。
例えば、デメテルが動揺したとき、 彼女は周辺から熱を払いのけ、 反対側へ送り込み、夏を作り出す、というように。
観察によって間違っていることが証明されたので、 それに応じて理論を作り替えたが、 それでもなお、古代ギリシャ人が、 季節を理解するには遠く至らないのです。 なぜなら彼らの説明は粗悪だからです。簡単に変えることができます。
そして検証可能かどうかが重要になってくるのは 説明が精巧であるときのみです。
もしこの軸傾き理論が論破されていたなら、 この理論の擁護者はどうすることもできなかったでしょう。
理論をちょっと変えたくらいでは その傾きが原因となり両半球で 季節が同じになると説明することはまず無理です。
変えることの難しい説明を求めることは、 全ての進歩においての根源となります。
これは啓蒙思想の 基本的な原理規則です。
何らかの統計的な傾向が続く見込みがあるが、 その傾向の原因であるものについて 変えることの難しい説明が伴わない場合、 魔法使いの仕業だと言われているのと同じです。
ニンジンの遺伝子の半分は私達と同じであるという理由で、 ニンジンにも人権があると言うが、 遺伝子の割合がどれくらいだったら人権を与えるのか説明がない場合 -- 魔法使いの話です。
誰かが政治的な意見の何割かが、 遺伝的に受け継がれるという証拠があるので、 先天性ー後天性論争は、 解決したと発表しても、 しかし、遺伝子がどのように意見を生み出すのか説明がない場合、 何も解決していません。つまり、彼らは 魔法使いから影響を受けていると言っているのです。 おそらく彼ら自身の意見もそうなのでしょう。
現実についての 変えることの難しい説から成り立つ事実は 物理的世界において
最も重要なものです。 これはそれ自体が目に見えない、 しかも変えることも不可能な事実なのです。ありがとうございました。 | Wondering, therefore, how to explain what they saw in terms of things unseen.
Okay, so, most people only wondered that occasionally, like today, in breaks from whatever normally preoccupied them.
But what normally preoccupied them also involved yearning to know.
They wished they knew how to prevent their food supply from sometimes failing, and how they could rest when they were tired without risking starvation, be warmer, cooler, safer, in less pain.
I bet those prehistoric cave artists would have loved to know how to draw better.
In every aspect of their lives, they wished for progress, just as we do.
But they failed, almost completely, to make any.
They didn't know how to.
Discoveries like fire happened so rarely, that from an individual's point of view, the world never improved.
Nothing new was learned.
The first clue to the origin of starlight happened as recently as 1899: radioactivity.
Within 40 years, physicists discovered the whole explanation, expressed, as usual, in elegant symbols.
But never mind the symbols.
Think how many discoveries they represent.
Nuclei and nuclear reactions, of course.
But isotopes, particles of electricity, antimatter, neutrinos, the conversion of mass to energy -- that's E=mc^2 -- gamma rays, transmutation.
That ancient dream that had always eluded the alchemists was achieved through these same theories that explained starlight and other ancient mysteries, and new, unexpected phenomena.
That all that, discovered in 40 years, had not been in the previous hundred thousand, about stars, and all those other urgent problems they had.
They even arrived at answers, such as myths, that dominated their lives, yet bore almost no resemblance to the truth.
The tragedy of that protracted stagnation isn't sufficiently recognized, I think.
These were people with brains of essentially the same design that eventually did discover all those things.
But that ability to make progress remained almost unused, until the event that revolutionized the human condition and changed the universe.
Or so we should hope.
Because that event was the Scientific Revolution, ever since which our knowledge of the physical world, and of how to adapt it to our wishes, has been growing relentlessly.
Now, what had changed?
What were people now doing for the first time that made that difference between stagnation and rapid, open-ended discovery?
How to make that difference is surely the most important universal truth that it is possible to know.
Worryingly, there is no consensus about what it is.
So, I'll tell you.
But I'll have to backtrack a little first.
Before the Scientific Revolution, they believed that everything important, knowable, was already known, enshrined in ancient writings, institutions, and in some genuinely useful rules of thumb -- which were, however, entrenched as dogmas, along with many falsehoods.
So they believed that knowledge came from authorities that actually knew very little.
And therefore progress depended on learning how to reject the authority of learned men, priests, traditions and rulers.
Which is why the Scientific Revolution had to have a wider context.
The Enlightenment, a revolution in how people sought knowledge, trying not to rely on authority.
"Take no one's word for it."
But that can't be what made the difference.
Authorities had been rejected before, many times.
And that rarely, if ever, caused anything like the Scientific Revolution.
At the time, what they thought distinguished science was a radical idea about things unseen, known as empiricism.
All knowledge derives from the senses.
Well, we've seen that that can't be true.
It did help by promoting observation and experiment.
But, from the outset, it was obvious that there was something horribly wrong with it.
Knowledge comes from the senses.
In what language? Certainly not the language of mathematics, in which, Galileo rightly said, the book of nature is written.
Look at the world. You don't see equations carved on to the mountainsides.
If you did, it would be because people had carved them.
By the way, why don't we do that?
What's wrong with us?
Empiricism is inadequate because, well, scientific theories explain the seen in terms of the unseen.
And the unseen, you have to admit, doesn't come to us through the senses.
We don't see those nuclear reactions in stars.
We don't see the origin of species.
We don't see the curvature of space-time, and other universes.
But we know about those things.
Well, the classic empiricist answer is induction.
The unseen resembles the seen.
But it doesn't.
You know what the clinching evidence was that space-time is curved?
It was a photograph, not of space-time, but of an eclipse, with a dot there rather than there.
And the evidence for evolution?
Some rocks and some finches.
And parallel universes? Again: dots there, rather than there, on a screen.
What we see, in all these cases, bears no resemblance to the reality that we conclude is responsible -- only a long chain of theoretical reasoning and interpretation connects them.
"Ah!" say creationists.
"So you admit it's all interpretation.
No one has ever seen evolution.
We see rocks.
You have your interpretation. We have ours.
Yours comes from guesswork, ours from the Bible."
But what creationist and empiricists both ignore is that, in that sense, no one has ever seen a bible either, that the eye only detects light, which we don't perceive.
Brains only detect nerve impulses.
And they don't perceive even those as what they really are, namely electrical crackles.
So we perceive nothing as what it really is.
Our connection to reality is never just perception.
It's always, as Karl Popper put it, theory-laden.
Scientific knowledge isn't derived from anything.
It's like all knowledge. It's conjectural, guesswork, tested by observation, not derived from it.
So, were testable conjectures the great innovation that opened the intellectual prison gates?
No. Contrary to what's usually said, testability is common, in myths and all sorts of other irrational modes of thinking.
Any crank claiming the sun will go out next Tuesday has got a testable prediction.
Consider the ancient Greek myth explaining seasons.
Hades, God of the Underworld, kidnaps Persephone, the Goddess of Spring, and negotiates a forced marriage contract, requiring her to return regularly, and lets her go.
And each year, she is magically compelled to return.
And her mother, Demeter, Goddess of the Earth, is sad, and makes it cold and barren.
That myth is testable.
If winter is caused by Demeter's sadness, then it must happen everywhere on Earth simultaneously.
So if the ancient Greeks had only known that Australia is at its warmest when Demeter is at her saddest, they'd have known that their theory is false.
So what was wrong with that myth, and with all pre-scientific thinking, and what, then, made that momentous difference?
I think there is one thing you have to care about.
And that implies testability, the scientific method, the Enlightenment, and everything.
And here is the crucial thing.
There is such a thing as a defect in a story.
I don't just mean a logical defect. I mean a bad explanation.
What does that mean? Well, explanation is an assertion about what's there, unseen, that accounts for what's seen.
Because the explanatory role of Persephone's marriage contract could be played equally well by infinitely many other ad hoc entities.
Why a marriage contract and not any other reason for regular annual action?
Here is one. Persephone wasn't released.
She escaped, and returns every spring to take revenge on Hades, with her Spring powers.
She cools his domain with Spring air, venting heat up to the surface, creating summer.
That accounts for the same phenomena as the original myth.
It's equally testable.
Yet what it asserts about reality is, in many ways, the opposite.
And that is possible because the details of the original myth are unrelated to seasons, except via the myth itself.
This easy variability is the sign of a bad explanation, because, without a functional reason to prefer one of countless variants, advocating one of them, in preference to the others, is irrational.
So, for the essence of what makes the difference to enable progress, seek good explanations, the ones that can't be easily varied, while still explaining the phenomena.
Now, our current explanation of seasons is that the Earth's axis is tilted like that, so each hemisphere tilts toward the sun for half the year, and away for the other half.
Better put that up.
That's a good explanation: hard to vary, because every detail plays a functional role.
For instance, we know, independently of seasons, that surfaces tilted away from radiant heat are heated less, and that a spinning sphere, in space, points in a constant direction.
And the tilt also explains the sun's angle of elevation at different times of year, and predicts that the seasons will be out of phase in the two hemispheres.
If they'd been observed in phase, the theory would have been refuted.
But now, the fact that it's also a good explanation, hard to vary, makes the crucial difference.
If the ancient Greeks had found out about seasons in Australia, they could have easily varied their myth to predict that.
For instance, when Demeter is upset, she banishes heat from her vicinity, into the other hemisphere, where it makes summer.
So, being proved wrong by observation, and changing their theory accordingly, still wouldn't have got the ancient Greeks one jot closer to understanding seasons, because their explanation was bad: easy to vary.
And it's only when an explanation is good that it even matters whether it's testable.
If the axis-tilt theory had been refuted, its defenders would have had nowhere to go.
No easily implemented change could make that tilt cause the same seasons in both hemispheres.
The search for hard-to-vary explanations is the origin of all progress.
It's the basic regulating principle of the Enlightenment.
So, in science, two false approaches blight progress.
One is well known: untestable theories.
But the more important one is explanationless theories.
Whenever you're told that some existing statistical trend will continue, but you aren't given a hard-to-vary account of what causes that trend, you're being told a wizard did it.
When you are told that carrots have human rights because they share half our genes -- but not how gene percentages confer rights -- wizard.
When someone announces that the nature-nurture debate has been settled because there is evidence that a given percentage of our political opinions are genetically inherited, but they don't explain how genes cause opinions, they've settled nothing. They are saying that our opinions are caused by wizards, and presumably so are their own.
That the truth consists of hard to vary assertions about reality is the most important fact about the physical world.
It's a fact that is, itself, unseen, yet impossible to vary. Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「談笑中すまないけどワルツ。霧を作ってくれないか? モーラスひとりじゃきつそうだ」
「ちょっとケイン! いきなり魔法を使わないで!」
「どうだ、クイックメーカー? これが我が一族の固有魔法だ」
「どこまで醜いやつなんだ? 貴様こそ人質を解放するというなら命は助けてやってもいいぞ?」
「十三使徒だからって調子に乗るなよ、餓鬼が、ちょっと物が速く作れるからって調子に乗るな! オグン!」
「ひぃぃぃぃぃぃ。わかった! 言う! 言うから許してくれ! 人質は三か所に分けてある。全部暗黒領だ。場所はあそこの地図にある」
コウルが悲鳴を上げながら、地面に倒れて絶命する。そしてコウルの背中には、弔うには場違いなほどきれいな一輪の氷の薔薇が咲いているのだった。 | At the same time as the giant appeared, the Gursber family’s magicians attacked the rest of the squad.
Although they were wearing the attires of butlers and maids, their levels as the magicians were quite high.
Members of the Bagil’s squad were talking while being protected by the seven Moras’『Wall of Light』.
Outside, the magicians were trying to break through the walls and attack them directly, but managed to barely destroy one.
Moreover, the destroyed wall was quickly restored again.
「What is that, Eliera?」
「Do you think I should know, Gris?」
Gris asked the fire magician, Eliera, about the giant that appeared from nowhere, but she wasn’t aware of anything like that.
「Maybe it’s not a fire but a flame」[]「I think Waltz is right」
「So Paul thinks the same」
Paul agreed with Waltz, to the relaxed duo Kain said.
「Sorry to interrupt, Waltz. Can you make some fog? Moras seems to have some troubles」
「Relax, Kain. Moras will be fine」
「No, Waltz, it’s a little hard for him. It would be nice to have a fog」
「Can’t be helped~. God of the water, I’m your subject『Fog』」
Then, with their vision worsening, the magicians stopped their aimless attacks.
『Fog』is an elementary spell of fog attribute, the thickness of the fog can be adjusted by the caster.
「This is the thick one, I can’t see anything」
「Do you have any complaints, Gris?」
「Nope. Anyway, what should we do now? 」
「It that is the flame, you should know」
「I guess, this is probably the Gursber’s unique spell,『Ogun』」
Answered Gris to Eliera, who was playing dumb just a while ago.
「So this is『Ogun』」
「So Kain knows too」
「I don’t know the details. All I know is that it’s a fire humanoid」
The six people could feel its aura even in the deep fog.
「But our captain should be okay」
「Yeah, Waltz is right. It’s fine in it is only to that extent」
「By the way, maybe we should launch the counterattack already」
「I they are this bent on attacking us, I can presume that they have no intention of giving up. I will leave it to you, Paul」
「All right. My soul, wrapped in the divine protection of earth, scream『Soil Flow』」
When the spell activated, the ground started flowing around the walls of light, swallowing the Gursber’s magicians.
They weren’t able to respond and were swallowed by the stream; about % of magicians were rendered unable to fight.
Intermediate spell of the earth attribute『Soil Flow』makes earth flow, as its name suggests.
It is difficult to use on the flat ground, and since he could use it at the same time in all directions, Paul’s level was quite high.
The six people dissolved『Wall of Light』and『Fog』and looked around.
「As expected of Paul」
「Waltz’s fog was also not bad」
「Maiden of the wind, dance and rage on this land『Wind Fang』」
「Hey, Kain! Don’t use magic all of the sudden! 」
Kain casted his spell on the magicians who still showed the will to fight. And Eliera was angry with him.
You can’t feel the tension of battle from these people.
「Sorry, Eliera」
「Flames of the abyss, descend upon this land『Flaming Breath』」
「Gris too, don’t just suddenly do that」
「Ah, sorry, Moras」[]
Like with Kain’s case, Eliera got angry with Gris. However, thanks to that, all enemies were defeated.
「I seems the enemy was annihilated」
「Yeah, let’s go meet with the captain」
「You’re right」
Saying that, the six people wanted to go to their captain’s place.
They annihilated the resistance of the advanced magician’s family with just six people. As expected of the Holy Church. And the moment they dissolved the『Wall of Light』, the giant, 『Ogun』, disappeared too.
Going a few minutes back in time, before the white-armored Bagil stood the flame giant.
「How is that, Quickmaker? This is the unique spell of our clan」
Bagil observed『Ogun』with narrowed eyes. However, Koul interpreted it as if he was frightened and got increasingly arrogant.
「I don’t mind sparing you if you will stay silent about this case」
At that moment, he thought that he caught him in a trap and wanted to acquire a collaborator inside the Holy Church.
If I acquire a collaborator inside the Holy Church and thirteen apostles, I can act brazenly across the whole kingdom, thought Koul.
「Just how low have you fallen? I don’t mind sparing you if you release all hostages, you know」
「Don’t get carried away just because you are an apostle, you brat, don’t be so arrogant just because you can make things a little faster, Ogun! 」
With Koul’s orders, 『Ogun』swings his ax at Bagil.
Since『Brunak』was melted by『Ogun』just a while ago; Bagil had no weapon in his hands.
I won, Koul was convinced of that.
「Suck『Ice Rose』」
Immediately after his words, ice strings wrapped around and restrained『Ogun』, who tried to swing his ax.
Afterwards, thorns appeared on those strings and stabbed into the body of the giant. The figure of『Ogun』wrapped in the spikes was just too pitiful.
『Ogun』raised a scream and started shrinking, while more and more roses were blooming around its body.
As they were blooming, the giant kept shrinking. In the end, there were only roses left.
At the sight of the giant being extinguished in the matter of a few seconds, Koul lost his words. And to such a Koul, Bagil said, while emitting killing intent.
「Tell me the location of the victims. If you do that, you won’t become a pray for my roses」
「Hiiiii! I understand! I will tell! I will tell you everything, so forgive me! The hostages are divided into three groups. They are all in the dark territory. The locations are on that map」
When Bagil picked up the map, his killing intent disappeared.
I’m saved, thought Koul. However, he didn’t notice. The rose made of ice was slowly creeping in his direction.
While Bagil was studying the map, his squad gathered around him.
Therefore, Bagil immediately relayed the location of the kidnapped people to them.
「The hostages are divided between these three facilities. We will split into three teams. The division is the same as usual. After that, we will gather in the Freestan church. Everyone should hurry up and rescue the hostages, feel free to request for reinforcements from the church」
After receiving the orders, everyone except Gris headed for their respective destinations.
And Koul asked Bagil.
「A-am I safe right now?」
「Yeah, but you have to receive a punishment. As one of the thirteen apostles, I will determine it. And you receive the capital punishment」
「Aah...but you said
Koul screamed and dropped dead. On his back, there was a single rose. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 13,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
「聞こえなかったか? 頭分の処刑を三日後に行う。今、ここは侯爵領ではなく陛下の直轄地であり私はその代官だ。国法に則り処断する」
さて、これからは別の戦場だ。 | It was almost sunrise. Smoke rose around us and the bandits were running away. I didn’t have any obligation to spare the bandits, so I ordered my men to keep attacking them.
“No need to force yourself to pursue them but as long as it is still possible, take them all down without mercy.”
The first thing I did when I entered the Anheim region was to leave the transport team and go fight the bandits. I mean, it would be hard for me to do anything in Anheim if the roads connecting Anheim to other territories were full of bandits, plus I wanted to evaluate the ability of the knights and soldiers the kingdom had given to me.
I instructed Sir Holzdeppe, the knight who was the representative of the military officers given to me as a governor, to attack the bandits as I was fighting the bandits with my spear on the frontline. We were fighting with many bandits, but since we succeeded in catching them off guard, the bandits couldn’t put up any organized resistance against us.
Although it was normal for a commanding officer like me to stand back and watch my subordinates work, I couldn’t do that this time. Just like how I was evaluating the soldiers and knights given to me, they were also evaluating me, their new governor.
To begin with, the difference in strength between the bandits, knights, and soldiers was actually quite large, proven by what happened in the Jacquerie.
“Viscount, some of our enemies have started to escape!”
“The enemy on which side?”
“The enemy on our left side. They seem to be running toward the valley.”
“You don’t need to chase them, then. I’ve already sent Schunzel and the mercenaries to wait in that area, so we just have to wait for Schunzel’s report here.”
The kingdom gave me knights and infantries. Neurath was attacking the bandits on the right side with infantry under his command, while Schunzel was standing by in the valley with mercenaries.
As for the transportation unit, they were waiting for me while being escorted by 5 knights, 10 infantry, and half of Gekke-san’s mercenary team. That was more than enough force to kill any bandits that tried to attack them. The officials given by the kingdom and Frenssen were also traveling along with the transportation unit.
“Too weak!”
Perhaps out of desperation, a bandit rushed at me but I repelled his attack and pierced through his torso with my spear. His movements were slower than Gargoyle and his skin wasn’t as tough as the Alligator Warrior’s. I think I could defeat the bandits around this area as long as I didn’t let my guard down.
I originally thought that my evaluation would improve in the eyes of my new subordinates if I killed more bandits. However, all the surrounding bandits had already been killed, so I could not do that.
“Well done, Viscount.”
“It’s all thanks to the information I got from the Marquis.”
Sir Holzdeppe seemed to have acknowledged me as his superior. That was good. My reply toward Sir Holzdeppe’s words wasn’t me trying to be modest or anything though, since it was true that the information I had gotten from the Marquis was a big help.
I went to greet Marquis Knap in the capital before I set off to Anheim. I was prepared for the Marquis to be hostile toward me since I was the governor of his former territory, but the Marquis looked at me with sympathy instead. He thought of me as a poor young noble who was being kicked out of the capital despite his excellence because I had offended an influential person in the capital.
I felt like a student who got a straight C despite his hard work and was being pitied by his teacher. When the Marquis said,
Although because of that, I was able to hear the detailed situation of Anheim from the Marquis and the situation was... pretty bad.
In short, because the Knap house lost quite a few knights and soldiers in the Veritza Fortress incident, coupled with the fact that refugees came to Anheim from time to time, the Knap house was facing a serious lack of staff.
In the meantime, the bandits who were active in the now-ruined Triot escaped to Anheim to avoid being killed by the demons in Triot. As a result, the number of bandits in Anheim had increased explosively, yet because of the lack of staff, the Knap house was unable to exterminate them all. All of this led to these bandits becoming unruly and often attacking the vulnerable citizens and the refugees in the Anheim region.
The Knap house was able to maintain the public order in the town and its surrounding area somehow, but not in the whole Anheim region. Although I was grateful to the Marquis for helping me to gain the location of the bandits’ hideout along with double checking the geographical information of Anheim, the situation of Anheim was still a headache.
After hearing about the situation of Anheim from the Marquis, I decided to make my move even though I hadn’t taken up my position as the governor of Anheim. I mean, it would be terrible if I battled the demons in an area that had poor public order. It wouldn’t be funny if the bandits stole the army’s supplies while we were fighting with the demons. That was why I decided to clean up the bandits as soon as possible.
I had just destroyed the second bandits’ base even though I hadn’t even stepped a foot into Anheim Town, the heart of the Anheim region where it got its name from.
I was able to catch the bandits off guard because I had spread the rumor that I would send out a large force to exterminate the bandits after I arrived at the town. That was why they didn’t think that I would attack them even before I arrived in the town.
At first, Sir Holzdeppe was one of the people who insisted that I should go to Anheim Town first before exterminating the bandits, but after I destroyed the first bandits’ base with the mercenaries and told him that he didn’t have to come with me if he didn’t want to, he changed his attitude.
I think he just didn’t want the mercenaries to take all the credit for defeating the bandits, so this time I attacked another bandits’ base, mainly with the knights and the infantry, along with the motivated Sir Holzdeppe. I was glad that we brought a lot of magic lamps here since it made our night surprise attack on the bandit a lot easier.
“We’ll move to the next location after Schunzel returns.”
Even bandits weren’t idiots. Since we had destroyed two of their bases, they would soon notice that we were here to exterminate them. Still, they would most probably think that since we had already destroyed two of their bases, we would now return to the town. So, this would be the best time to destroy another one, even if it meant that I would need to take a bit of a detour to the Anheim town.
I would just ignore Sir Holzdeppe’s confused expression.
“Will the official not complain?”
“...Please let me come with you.”
Well, I was planning to go with Neurath and Gekke-san’s mercenary team if Sir Holzdeppe refused to come with me. Anyway, should I order the cavalry to take another way so I could make a surprise attack on the bandits? But if I did that, considering the terrain of Anheim, the cavalry might become useless instead.
According to the information I received from the Marquis, our next target created their base in a place where they would have an easier time robbing the citizens without really caring if the base was easy to defend or not. It would be more trouble than it was worth if the bandits there were to escape because I decided to attack them later.
If we eliminated this third bandits’ base, we could ensure the safety of the road that led to the place where Viscount Grellman was appointed as a governor, albeit only to a certain extent, so there was no reason that I shouldn’t destroy them. We might have to take a bit of detour to the town, but we should go and destroy the third bandits’ base before heading to the town. I should send a message to the town that I would arrive there tomorrow morning.
I decided on my plan as Schunzel’s team returned.
Just like what I had expected, we arrived at Anheim town in the morning the next day. Normally, the arrival of a new governor wasn’t something that would garner a lot of attention but this time, I arrived in Anheim along with the captured bandits, cavalry, civil officials, infantry, and mercenaries, so I garnered a lot of attention.
I didn’t want to stand out, but by making a grand entrance like this, I would be able to plant an impression that I was not an ‘easy to control’ puppet governor to this town’s influential people, so I had no choice but to enter the town like this.
Although I felt a lot of attention toward me, I could also feel the town’s lack of enthusiasm. The town itself probably became more deserted after Triot was destroyed.
This town, which had the same name as the region in which it was located, bordered the now-destroyed Triot, so it prioritized its defense over commerce. After all, even though Triot had an amicable relationship with the Bain Kingdom, it was still a foreign country. Anheim Town was a fortress town designed to be able to defend itself if it was attacked by an enemy.
As a town intended to protect the border, the number of guards stationed throughout it was large. Ballistas were also placed on the town wall. From a glance, it looked like there was no need for me to modify the town wall, although I still needed to check it carefully, just to be sure.
The town guards and the officials were waiting in front of the administrative building where the official business of this town would be conducted. I needed to leave an impression that I was powerful in front of them, so while riding my horse toward the administrative building, I put on my noble mask.
“Thanks for coming. I’m Welner von Zeavert.”
“We have been waiting for your arrival.”
They were appraising me, although carefully, so they wouldn’t come out as rude. Well, I expected this, and I, for my part, would also not let them take me lightly for being young.
“Good work. First, throw these bandits to prison for me. Their leader will be executed in 3 days.”
One of the officials was surprised, but I ignored him.
“Did you not hear me? Their leader will be executed in 3 days. This territory is now
A Marquis could create rules unique to his own territory, so the procedure for judging criminals here when it was still a part of Marquisate Knap might be different. But now Anheim was part of the royal family’s territory, and I needed to firmly make that fact clear.
“I will say this one last time. The execution will be carried out in 3 days. Notify the whole town about the execution.”
While I raised my voice to say this, my surroundings burst out in cheers. Good grief.
Just like in Medieval Europe, the execution was a form of entertainment for the commoners here too. Of course, execution wouldn’t be held willy nally just for the sake of entertainment, but there was no doubt that execution carried a value of entertainment for the commoners in the medieval period who had too few forms of entertainment.
Of course, not everyone enjoyed the execution. Lily, for example, wouldn’t want to go to execution. Still, the fact that there was a demand for ‘entertainment’ via execution remained.
Truthfully, I also didn’t enjoy looking at an execution, but here, the executed people were bandits who had been running rampant in Anheim. I had to show the people that I had executed them, so there wouldn’t be any groundless accusation that I secretly let them escape. Ordering their execution here calmly should also help me manage the territory in the future.
“I need to take a bath before meeting the Pledgers, so lead the way. Show my subordinates their lodging and lodge for the mercenaries, too.”
“Y...Yes, sir.”
I gave a signal and entered the administrative building along with Neurath, Schunzel, Frenssen, and Sir Behnke, one of the civil officials. It was normal for the administrative building to have a bathing facility, since there were simple accommodations in the administrative building for the visitor that came from afar.
I could probably only take a simple bath here, though. At most, I would just be able to wash myself a bit with cold water taken from the nearby river. But that was fine. It wasn’t like this was the first time I experienced something like this. It was important for me to at least clean myself before meeting this town’s important people, after all.
After this, a new ‘battlefield’ was waiting for me. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 3,
"inserted_lines_src": 6,
"inserted_lines_trg": 5
} |
ラウルとラジブという二人の男性がいます 同じ地域に住んでいて 学歴も同じで 同じような職業に就いています その二人が近所の救急病棟にやってきて 鋭い胸痛を訴えます
ラウルは心臓疾患の処置を受けられますが ラジブは帰宅するよう言われます
殆ど同じような境遇の二人なのに 体験に差があるのはなぜでしょうか?
受けられる医療の質の差は 精神疾患で苦しんでいる人々の寿命が 精神障害者ではない人々よりも 短い理由のひとつです
しっかり設備の整った世界の先進国でさえ この寿命の差は20年にも及ぶ場合があります
そして世界の発展途上国では この差はさらに広がります
もちろん精神疾患が もっと直接的に死につながることもあります 最も分かりやすいのは自殺ですね
私が驚いたように ここにいる方々も驚くと思うのですが 亡くなった若者の死因で 最も多いのが自殺です 世界中のどこの国でも第一位です これは世界で最も貧しい国々も含まれます
健康状態が寿命に及ぼす影響だけでなく 私たちは彼らが生きる生活の質にも 関心を持っています
さて 健康状態が寿命と生活の質 その両方に及ぼした 全体的な影響を分析するには DALYという測定基準を使う必要があります DALYとは 障害調整生命年の略です
それを見てみると 世界的な視野から精神疾患について 驚くべきことを発見することができます
例えば 様々な精神疾患は世界中で 障害を引き起こす主要原因だということです
例えば 子供の障害を引き起こす要因で うつ病は下痢と肺炎と並んで 第三位となっています
精神疾患を一括りにすると 世界の疾病負担の
およそ15パーセントにも及びます 確かに精神障害は 人々の生活に大きな打撃を与えますが その疾病負担だけでなく 絶対数で考えてみたいと思います
世界保健機関は地球の人口の およそ 4億から5億人が 何らかの精神疾患で 苦しんでいると推定しています
人数を聞いて 驚いた人もいるようですが 精神疾患は非常に多様なのです 幼少期の自閉症や知的障害 成人のうつ病や不安神経症から 薬物乱用や精神病 そして高齢者の認知症まで ここにいる誰もが そのような精神疾患を患い 苦しんでいる人を
一人は知っているんじゃないでしょうか 頷いていますね
しかしこの圧倒的な数字よりも 世界的な保健医療の観点から見て重要で 世界的な保健医療の観点から見て 非常に懸念されることは このように苦しんでいる人々の大半が 受ければ人生を変えられるとわかっている治療を 受けられないと言うことです 薬剤や心理学的介入 社会的介入など 様々な介入をすることで 大きな効果が得られるという確たる証拠があります
しかしヨーロッパのように医療資源が整った諸国でさえも 苦しんでいる人々のおよそ50パーセントが 治療を受けられていません
私が働いているような国々では いわゆる医療の需給ギャップは なんと 90パーセントにものぼろうとしています もし精神障害者と話す機会があれば 彼らが一生の間抱えてきた 隠れた苦しみと 恥と差別の話を 耳にする可能性が高いでしょう
しかし なによりも悲痛なのは 最も基本的な人権の侵害が 毎日起きているということでしょう 例えばこの写真の少女が体験しているような 人権侵害は常に起きているのです 残念なことに それは精神障害者のケアをするために造られた 精神病院でも起きているのです
このような悲惨な実態に突き動かされて 精神障害を患った人々の生活を変えるために 少しでも挑戦することが私のミッションとなりました 私が特に注力しているのは 彼らの人生を変えられる知識や有効な治療を 実社会においていかに活用していくか そのギャップの橋渡しをすることです
そして私が直面した重要な課題は メンタルヘルス専門家の深刻な人手不足でした 例えば精神科医や心理学者といった専門家が 特に発展途上国では大きく不足していました
私はインドで医学を学び その後専門として精神医学を選択しました 母や家族は優秀な息子の選択に落胆していました 脳外科の方が社会的にも 立派だと思っていたんでしょうね それでも私は精神医学の勉強を続け
イギリスでも最先端の病院で研修を受けました 非常に恵まれていましたね
私が働いていたチームには とても才能と思いやりがあり そして最も重要なことに 高度な訓練を受けた メンタルヘルスの専門家が集まっていました
訓練を終えた私は まずジンバブエ その後インドで働きましたが まったく新しい現実と直面したのです
その現実とは メンタルヘルスの専門家が 殆ど存在しない世界でした
ジンバブエには十人程度の精神科医しかいませんでした その大半はハラレの街に住み 働いていました つまり 残りの二人程度で 地方に住む900万人のメンタルヘルスのニーズを 賄わなければなりませんでした
わかりやすく説明しましょう インドにもイギリスと同じ割合の精神科医がいるとします 単純計算すると インドにはおよそ15万人の精神科医がいることになります
実際の数字はおよそ3000人 15万人の2%程度です
私はすぐに 自分が教わったような ヘルスケアのモデルに従うことはできないと気づきました 専門分野の限られた 高額な 精神医療の専門家に頼った メンタルヘルスケアは インドやジンバブエのような国では 提供できないのです
そこで私は型にはまらない発想で 別のケアモデルを考えなければなりませんでした その時 私はこれらの本に出会ったのです これらの本の中で 私は世界の医療においての タスク・シフティングという発想に 出会ったのです
この発想はいたって簡単で もし医療専門家が足りないのであれば その地域にいる人材に 様々な医療介入の訓練を行うということです 本にはいくつもの素晴らしい例が 紹介されていました 例えば 普通の人々が訓練を受け 出産を助けたり 初期の肺炎を 効果的に 診断し治療するといったものです
もし普通の人々が訓練を受けることによって 複雑な医療処置が出来るまでになるならば メンタルヘルスの分野でも それが可能かもしれないと思ったのです
うれしいことに この十年で世界中の発展途上国で メンタルヘルス関係のタスク・シフティング実験が 多数行われてきました 今日はその内の三つの結果を 報告したいと思います それらはすべて精神障害で最も多い うつ病に関するものです
ウガンダの地方でポール・ボルトン氏とその同僚は 村人がうつ病患者のために 対人精神療法を行うことができると証明しました ランダム化比較試験を行った際 この介入を受けた人々の90パーセントの症状が 回復したのに比べて 比較対照の村ではおよそ40パーセントが回復しました
同様に パキスタンの地方で行われた ランダム化比較試験では アティフ・ラマンとその同僚が パキスタンの医療システムで働く 母体管理担当の女性保健師が うつ病である母親に対して 認知行動療法を行った結果 回復率が著しく上がることを証明しました およそ75パーセントの母親が回復を見せたのに比べ 比較対照の村の回復率は およそ45パーセントでした
そして私がインドのゴアで行った実験では 訓練を受けた地域の一般カウンセラーが うつ病や不安神経症に対して心理社会的介入を行った場合 70パーセントの回復率を見せましたが 比較対照の一次医療センターでは
50パーセントでした このような実験結果や 多数ある他のタスク・シフティングの結果を分析し タスク・シフティングが成功するためには 何の要素が鍵となっているのか突き詰め 教訓を学んでいく必要があります そのために私はSUNDARという頭字語を作り出しました
タスク・シフティングが効率的に行われるには このスライドに表示した 五つのコンセプトが 非常に重要であると考えます
最初の教訓は メッセージを簡潔にし 医療で使われているような専門用語を 切り捨ててしまうことです
複雑なヘルスケアの介入を 小さな要素に噛み砕き 専門家ではない人々にも 伝授できるようにすること
大きな施設だけでなく 患者の家の近所でも ヘルスケアを提供すること その地域の人材で 高くつかない人々を使って ヘルスケアを提供すること
そして大切なのは 能力開発や指導ができる数人の専門家を 必要な地域へ配置することです
今の私にとってタスク・シフティングとは 世界的な重要性を持つ発想です 発展途上国の人手不足を補うために 生まれた発想ですが 環境の整った国々でも重要であると考えます 何故かというと
先進国でも医療費は急上昇し 手に負えなくなってきており その大半を占めているのは 人件費だからです
同じく重要なのは 医療が非常に専門的になるにつれて 地域社会とはかけ離れた存在に なってしまったということです
私にとってタスク・シフティングが最も魅力的なのは 医療が誰にでも利用ができ 手頃になることだけでなく 根本的に人々を力づけることもできるからです
普通の人々が もっと効果的に地域社会の健康のケアを 行うことが出来れば 自分の健康をも守ることができるのです 私にとってタスク・シフティングとは 医療知識の民主化の極みであり 医療の力の極みです
30年以上前 世界の諸国はアルマ・アタに集結し この象徴的な宣言をしました
皆さんも理解していると思いますが 期日から12年過ぎても その目標には遠く及びません
しかし 一般の人々を訓練すれば 様々な医療介入を効率的に行えるようになる もちろん十分な指導とサポートの提供も重要です しかしその知識を得たことによって もしかしたら この希望にも手が届くところまで来たのかもしれません
「すべての人々に健康を」のスローガンを実行するには その過程にすべての人々が 関わる必要があります 更にメンタルヘルスにおいては 特に精神障害の患者と その介護者の協力が必要です
このために 数年前 国際精神保健運動が設立されました 私のような専門家と 精神障害を患っている人々が ネット上で肩を並べて一致団結し 精神障害患者が人生を変える治療を受け 尊厳を持って生きる権利があると
主張するために設立されました 最後に この忙しない数日やその後 もし静かに過ごすひと時があれば 思い出して下さい 先ほど思い浮かべた 精神障害で苦しんでいる人々のことを 思いやってあげて下さい ありがとうございました (拍手) | Rahul is offered a cardiac procedure, but Rajiv is sent home.
What might explain the difference in the experience of these two nearly identical men?
Rajiv suffers from a mental illness.
The difference in the quality of medical care received by people with mental illness is one of the reasons why they live shorter lives than people without mental illness.
Even in the best-resourced countries in the world, this life expectancy gap is as much as 20 years.
In the developing countries of the world, this gap is even larger.
But of course, mental illnesses can kill in more direct ways as well. The most obvious example is suicide.
It might surprise some of you here, as it did me, of the leading causes of death in young people in all countries in the world, including the poorest countries of the world.
But beyond the impact of a health condition on life expectancy, we're also concerned about the quality of life lived.
of a health condition both on life expectancy as well as on the quality of life lived, we need to use a metric called the DALY, which stands for a Disability-Adjusted Life Year.
Now when we do that, we discover some startling things about mental illness from a global perspective.
We discover that, for example, mental illnesses are amongst the leading causes of disability around the world.
Depression, for example, is the third-leading cause of disability, alongside conditions such as diarrhea and pneumonia in children.
When you put all the mental illnesses together, of the total global burden of disease.
Indeed, mental illnesses are also very damaging to people's lives, but beyond just the burden of disease, let us consider the absolute numbers.
The World Health Organization estimates that there are nearly four to five hundred million people living on our tiny planet who are affected by a mental illness.
Now some of you here look a bit astonished by that number, but consider for a moment the incredible diversity of mental illnesses, from autism and intellectual disability in childhood, through to depression and anxiety, substance misuse and psychosis in adulthood, all the way through to dementia in old age, present here today can think of at least one person, at least one person, who's affected by mental illness in our most intimate social networks.
I see some nodding heads there.
But beyond the staggering numbers, what's truly important from a global health point of view, what's truly worrying from a global health point of view, is that the vast majority of these affected individuals do not receive the care that we know can transform their lives, and remember, we do have robust evidence that a range of interventions, medicines, psychological interventions, and social interventions, can make a vast difference.
And yet, even in the best-resourced countries, for example here in Europe, roughly 50 percent of affected people don't receive these interventions.
In the sorts of countries I work in, that so-called treatment gap approaches an astonishing 90 percent. It isn't surprising, then, that if you should speak to anyone affected by a mental illness, the chances are that you will hear stories of hidden suffering, shame and discrimination in nearly every sector of their lives.
But perhaps most heartbreaking of all are the stories of the abuse of even the most basic human rights, such as the young woman shown in this image here that are played out every day, sadly, even in the very institutions that were built to care for people with mental illnesses, the mental hospitals.
It's this injustice that has really driven my mission to try to do a little bit to transform the lives of people affected by mental illness, and a particularly critical action that I focused on is to bridge the gulf between the knowledge we have that can transform lives, the knowledge of effective treatments, and how we actually use that knowledge in the everyday world.
And an especially important challenge that I've had to face is the great shortage of mental health professionals, such as psychiatrists and psychologists, particularly in the developing world.
Now I trained in medicine in India, and after that I chose psychiatry as my specialty, much to the dismay of my mother and all my family members who kind of thought neurosurgery would be a more respectable option for their brilliant son.
Any case, I went on, I soldiered on with psychiatry, and found myself training in Britain in some of the best hospitals in this country. I was very privileged.
I worked in a team of incredibly talented, compassionate, but most importantly, highly trained, specialized mental health professionals.
Soon after my training, I found myself working first in Zimbabwe and then in India, and I was confronted by an altogether new reality.
This was a reality of a world in which there were almost no mental health professionals at all.
In Zimbabwe, for example, there were just about a dozen psychiatrists, most of whom lived and worked in Harare city, leaving only a couple to address the mental health care needs of nine million people living in the countryside.
In India, I found the situation was not a lot better.
To give you a perspective, if I had to translate the proportion of psychiatrists in the population that one might see in Britain to India, one might expect roughly 150,000 psychiatrists in India.
In reality, take a guess.
The actual number is about 3,000, about two percent of that number.
It became quickly apparent to me that I couldn't follow the sorts of mental health care models that I had been trained in, one that relied heavily on specialized, expensive mental health professionals to provide mental health care in countries like India and Zimbabwe.
I had to think out of the box about some other model of care. It was then that I came across these books, and in these books I discovered the idea of task shifting in global health.
The idea is actually quite simple. The idea is, when you're short of specialized health care professionals, use whoever is available in the community, train them to provide a range of health care interventions, and in these books I read inspiring examples, for example of how ordinary people had been trained to deliver babies, diagnose and treat early pneumonia, to great effect.
And it struck me that if you could train ordinary people to deliver such complex health care interventions, then perhaps they could also do the same with mental health care.
Well today, I'm very pleased to report to you that there have been many experiments in task shifting in mental health care across the developing world over the past decade, and I want to share with you the findings of three particular such experiments, all three of which focused on depression, the most common of all mental illnesses.
In rural Uganda, Paul Bolton and his colleagues, using villagers, demonstrated that they could deliver interpersonal psychotherapy for depression and, using a randomized control design, showed that 90 percent of the people receiving this intervention recovered as compared to roughly 40 percent in the comparison villages.
Similarly, using a randomized control trial in rural Pakistan, Atif Rahman and his colleagues showed that lady health visitors, who are community maternal health workers in Pakistan's health care system, could deliver cognitive behavior therapy for mothers who were depressed, again showing dramatic differences in the recovery rates. Roughly 75 percent of mothers recovered as compared to about 45 percent in the comparison villages.
And in my own trial in Goa, in India, we again showed that lay counselors drawn from local communities could be trained to deliver psychosocial interventions for depression, anxiety, leading to 70 percent recovery rates as compared to 50 percent in the comparison primary health centers.
Now, if I had to draw together all these different experiments in task shifting, and there have of course been many other examples, and try and identify what are the key lessons we can learn that makes for a successful task shifting operation, I have coined this particular acronym, SUNDAR.
What SUNDAR stands for, in Hindi, is "attractive."
It seems to me that there are five key lessons that I've shown on this slide that are critically important for effective task shifting.
The first is that we need to simplify the message that we're using, stripping away all the jargon that medicine has invented around itself.
We need to unpack complex health care interventions into smaller components that can be more easily transferred to less-trained individuals.
We need to deliver health care, not in large institutions, but close to people's homes, and we need to deliver health care using whoever is available and affordable in our local communities.
And importantly, we need to reallocate the few specialists who are available to perform roles such as capacity-building and supervision.
Now for me, task shifting is an idea with truly global significance, because even though it has arisen out of the situation of the lack of resources that you find in developing countries, I think it has a lot of significance for better-resourced countries as well. Why is that?
Well, in part, because health care in the developed world, the health care costs in the [developed] world, are rapidly spiraling out of control, and a huge chunk of those costs are human resource costs.
But equally important is because health care has become so incredibly professionalized that it's become very remote and removed from local communities.
For me, what's truly sundar about the idea of task shifting, though, isn't that it simply makes health care more accessible and affordable but that it is also fundamentally empowering.
It empowers ordinary people to be more effective in caring for the health of others in their community, and in doing so, to become better guardians of their own health. Indeed, for me, task shifting is the ultimate example of the democratization of medical knowledge, and therefore, medical power.
Just over 30 years ago, the nations of the world assembled at Alma-Ata and made this iconic declaration.
Well, I think all of you can guess that 12 years on, we're still nowhere near that goal.
Still, today, armed with that knowledge that ordinary people in the community can be trained and, with sufficient supervision and support, can deliver a range of health care interventions effectively, perhaps that promise is within reach now.
Indeed, to implement the slogan of Health for All, we will need to involve all in that particular journey, and in the case of mental health, in particular we would need to involve people who are affected by mental illness and their caregivers.
It is for this reason that, some years ago, the Movement for Global Mental Health was founded as a sort of a virtual platform upon which professionals like myself and people affected by mental illness could stand together, shoulder-to-shoulder, and advocate for the rights of people with mental illness to receive the care that we know can transform their lives, and to live a life with dignity.
And in closing, when you have a moment of peace or quiet in these very busy few days or perhaps afterwards, spare a thought for that person you thought about who has a mental illness, or persons that you thought about who have mental illness, and dare to care for them. Thank you. | {
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まずは自己紹介から 子供の頃から釣りが好きで 釣りに行っていたんですが 沿岸の自然が好きになり 海鳥を研究するようになりました
現在 主に海洋変動に関する 本を書いています 海の急激な変化は 以前から観察されています 私達が住む地球というのは
水で濡らした 硬い大理石のようなものです 大気も同じようなものです 大気を全部かき集めて 丸めたとすると
大気を全部かき集めて 丸めたとすると 右のような 気体の球ができます 私達が住んでいるのは きわめて壊れやすく小さな
私達が住んでいるのは きわめて壊れやすく小さな 神聖なシャボン玉です 非常に影響を受けやすいのです
石油 石炭 ガソリンなどを 燃やすことによって 石油 石炭 ガソリンなどを 燃やすことによって 大気は大きく変化し CO2レベルも上がり続けています
よって原油流出事故は 人間社会に必要である エネルギーに関する問題の
ほんの一部にすぎません 温暖化の他に 海が酸性になるという 問題があります すでに動物への影響が観測されています
現在 研究室では 例えば貝を 通常の海水のpH 8.1ではなく 例えば貝を 通常の海水のpH 8.1ではなく pH 7.5の水に入れると
貝は3日以内に溶解します ウニの幼生の場合 pH 8.1からpH 7.7に移動させると 大きく崩れはしませんが 変形して死んでしまいます
すでに ある地域では 商業用のカキの幼生が 広範囲で死滅しています サンゴ礁の成長に遅れがみられる 地域もあります サンゴ礁の成長に遅れがみられる 地域もあります
湾を少し ぐるっと周ってみましょう
湾に住む人達には 感銘を受けました 彼らはまさに 海の人だからです
水をうまく活用し 頻繁にくるハリケーンや
水をうまく活用し 頻繁にくるハリケーンや
洪水への対策も心得ています しかし水以外のことで 水中の生息環境が変わると 彼らに 多くの選択肢はありません
コミュニティー全体を見ても 水にかわるものはないのです
ホテルで働こうと思っても無理です ホテル自体がないのですから
湾の周囲には 多くの原油が見えます
海の上や 岸辺にも見られます
流出現場に行くと 信じがたい光景が
まるで車のオイル受けを ひっくり返したかのようです 一番信じられないのは 原油を回収しようとする人が 誰もいないことです ここの海一帯が 悲惨な状態になっています
岸沿いを進んでいると そこら中に原油が見られ めちゃくちゃな状態です
アラバマの東海岸に行くと 浜辺を掃除している人達がいます
200 Lのビニール袋に 砂を5 kgしか入れず 200 Lのビニール袋に 砂を5 kgしか入れず ビニール袋は何千とあります
一方で 今でも 浜辺を利用する人達もいます
水から離れろという看板はなく 子供たちが海に入って 石油まみれ 服もサンダルもめちゃくちゃです
原油が残っている所に行くと もっとめちゃくちゃで
基本的に誰もいません 数人が利用しているだけです
朝起きたら エンジンスタート さあ仕事だ という感じです 彼らは 自然が 沿岸の生態系を通して
与えてくれる安心感に 依存していると感じています 与えてくれる安心感に 依存していると感じています
その世界が壊されていると 知ったのです
見てください ショックをあらわす看板 憤怒をあらわす看板 怒りをあらわす看板 悲しみの看板
しかし海の中には 目に見えないものばかりです
海の中はどうなっているのでしょう 原油が水中に浸出しているか 意見が分かれます
マーキー議員によると 「潜水艦で 原油の有無を 調べられないのだろうか?」 「潜水艦で 原油の有無を 調べられないのだろうか?」
しかし潜水艦は使えませんでした 前に湾に行ってから 今日までの間 メキシコ湾に原油があるのか 調べる実験をしてみました
ここがメキシコ湾です 魚の豊富な輝ける場所
このメキシコ湾に 少しだけ油を流出させました
仮説は裏付けられることになります 油と水は混ざりません でも分散剤を加えると 混ざり始めます
そこに風や波などの エネルギーを少し加えると もう大変なことになり めちゃくちゃです きれいにすることも 原油を抽出することも不可能です そしてなによりも 見えないことがやっかいです
これ程の大惨事だと 多くの情報がもれて聞こえてきます
噂通り 事故のもみ消しがあります
私の個人的な考えですが この分散剤というのは 死体隠ぺいのような 常套手段だと思います 殺人犯の証拠隠しですね
海上に密集した原油は 目で見ることができます 海上に密集した原油は 目で見ることができます そこに一撃を加え 証拠を消しているのでしょう
原油の流出があれば 微生物が分解するまで 長い時間がかかります
原油をウミガメが食べ 魚はエラから吸収します
今日ここに来る途中 電車の中で信じられない話を聞きました 今日ここに来る途中 電車の中で信じられない話を聞きました
テッド・ウィリアムという作家で 何を見たのか 質問されました オーデュボン誌の記事を 書いていたのです
彼は1週間前に 湾に行っていて 釣りガイドをしていた男に 事故現場を案内してもらったそうです
そのガイドは 年中 仕事の予定が空いていました
そのガイドは 年中 仕事の予定が空いていました
予約金も返還を求められ 誰も近寄ろうとしません
何千人という人が 同じような状況です
しかしそのガイドによると 海に出た最後の日に バンドウイルカが 突然ボートの横に現れ 噴気孔から 油をまき散らしていました イルカから離れました なぜなら最後の釣り だということもあり イルカが魚を怖がらせることを 知っていたからです
だからイルカから離れ 数分後振り返ると またボートのすぐ側まで来ていました
30年の釣りのなかで イルカの こんな行動は初めて見たそうです
そして これはまるで― 助けてくれと 言っているように感じたそうです
エクソンバルディーズ号 原油流出事故では シャチの30%近くが 数ヶ月で死にました
個体数の回復率は ばらつくでしょう
早く回復するだろう というものもあります
メキシコ湾には重要な役割があります 1年のある時期に 多くの動物がこの湾に集まります
そのためメキシコ湾は 重要な水源で 大西洋の等量の水より 重要だといえます
マグロは世界の海を渡ります 湾の水流に乗り ヨーロッパまで
産卵するときは 内陸にまでやって来ます 2匹に標識をつけて 産卵場所がわかるようにしました なめらかな場所を選んでいます 今年の産卵時期は 多分 悲惨なことになるでしょう
親魚が汚れた水を 避けてくれることを願います
通常 濁った水には 入ろうとしませんが
何がエラに影響を与えるか わかりませんし
親魚への影響は わからないのです
だとしても 卵や稚魚には 確実に影響があると思っています だとしても 卵や稚魚には 確実に影響があると思っています
下がり続けている このグラフをご覧ください 私達が 数十年に渡って 乱獲してきた結果です
原油の流出により 壊滅的な被害となった一方で 心に留めておきたいことは 私達は長期間にわたり 海に 多大な影響を与えてきたということです
私達が何か始めると 良いことではなく
多くのストレスと問題が つきまとってきます
鳥を見てみると 1年のある時期に 多くの鳥が湾に集まり やがて飛び立っていきます
例えば この写真の鳥は ほとんどが渡り鳥で
原油が流れてきた5月に この湾に来たというわけです 左下に キョウジョシギと ミツユビシギがいます 北極で子育てをし 南アメリカの南部で冬を過ごします
メキシコ湾に集まり やがて北極各地に飛び立ちます
グリーンランドで繁殖する鳥も メキシコ湾で見かけました よって これは半球規模の問題なのです
経済的影響も 少なくとも 米国全土で見られ
生物学的には 半球規模の影響があります
これは全く予想だにしなかった 唖然とする例の一つです 日本軍が真珠湾を爆撃した時でさえ 撃ち返すことはしました
でも今の私達は 何をすべきかわからないでいます
何もできていないのは 現在の対策を見れば明らかです
今やっている主な方法は ブームと分散剤です
ブームは広い範囲には 展開できないので
原油が多くたまっている箇所を 囲うこともできません 原油が多くたまっている箇所を 囲うこともできません
沿岸近くに ボートが2艘 右のボートは通称「釣りバカ」
良い名前ですね 湾の何千平方マイルも広がる 海上の原油を ブームで囲おうと 躍起になっているんですから
分散剤によって 原油は ブームの下を通ることができます
ブームの直径は たったの30 cm程です
網ではなく ブームを引張ることが 彼らの仕事となります
原油まみれの海水が ブームの後方へ移動しています
何百マイルもの沿岸が ブームだらけになると 何百マイルもの沿岸が ブームだらけになると 隣の沿岸にはブームが一つもないので
原油や汚れた水が 簡単に入ってこれます
下の写真は 鳥のコロニーが囲われています コロニーを守ろうとしているんです
鳥類学者としていいますが 鳥は飛びます コロニーを囲っても 意味がありません
鳥たちはエサをとるため 海に潜らないといけません 鳥たちが第一に しなければいけないのが 巣を守ることです 巣がすべて壊されてしまえば 鳥は離れていくでしょう 今回は そうなった方がましだったでしょう
鳥の洗浄について言うと 鳥をきれいにする人を 非難するわけではありませんが
思いやりを示すことが 本当に大切です
人間が持っている 一番大切なものが思いやりですから
こういったイメージを持ち それを表現することが大切です
しかし 鳥たちは どこに放されるというのでしょう
まるで燃えるビルから連れ出し 煙の吸入をケアした後 再びビルの中に戻すようなものです 原油はまだ流出しています
これを事故として 認めるわけにはいきません
(拍手) BPだけではありません BPが ずさんで無謀な 操業をしたのは BPが ずさんで無謀な 操業をしたのは それができたからです 私達を守る立場である政府の 完全な監督責任だとして
許されてしまっています 米国では ほとんどの商船に この看板が見られます 原油が数ガロン流出すれば 大変なことになります
誰のために法律が作られ そして誰が法の外にいるのか 誰のために法律が作られ そして誰が法の外にいるのか
考える必要があります 将来私達にできることがあります
必要だけど 手に入れられなかった装置です 石油を求め メキシコ湾の海底に 30,000個の穴を作れば その内の一つから石油が出てきても なんら驚くことではありません
これこそ私達が しなければいけないことです
実際どこから流出が始まったか 理解する必要があります
「政府は公共の利益を守る 私達の味方なんだ」という考えが
破綻するところから始まっています 原油の流出や 銀行救済 住宅ローン危機などは 同じ原因で起こる症状に 違いありません
一部の悪い人間から 守ってくれる警察は 最低限必要だと 私達は理解しています
きっぷを切られたり 少々うっとうしい所があっても 警察は廃止すべきだ なんて言う人はいません
この30年間 政府全体において 規制撤廃の動きがありました 規制撤廃の動きがありました これを主導したのは 私達を守る立場の人達で 裏で政府を買収していました
(拍手) これが今でも問題となっています
米国の創建時には 企業は違法でした トーマス・ジェファソンでさえ すでに米国の法律を無視していると 不満をもらしました すでに米国の法律を無視していると 不満をもらしました
自分は保守派だと言う人がいますが 本当に保守派の愛国者になりたければ 企業に向かって 地獄に落ちろというでしょう
そこで私達が本当にすべきことは 我々の利益を守るのは政府だ という考えを取り戻し この国の失われた連帯感と 共通の利害を取り戻すことです
希望の光が見え 私達は少し目を覚ましつつあります
グラス・スティーガル法― これは不況や 銀行の破綻 救済が必要な状態などが 起こるのを防ぐ法律です 1933年に施行されましたが 組織的に崩されてしまいました
現在 こういったものを 復元しようという雰囲気があります しかしロビー活動家たちはすでに 法案が可決した後 規制緩和をしようとしています
湾での原油流出という大惨事を招くか 湾での原油流出という大惨事を招くか 多くの人が気付いている決断をし 抜け出すかのどちらかです
抜け出す決断をするには 共通のテーマがあります 以前にも海洋掘削のときに経験があります 初め 海上油田の名前は「クジラ」で
当時 海のクジラの数が減少していました
私達が洞窟に住んでいた時から エネルギーが欲しいときは 火で何かを燃やします 今もやっていることは同じです
今でもエネルギーが欲しいとき 何かを燃やしています
クリーンなエネルギーは高価で 使えないと言われます
前にここに来た時も エネルギーを切り替えれば 経済が耐えられないと言われました 安価なエネルギーは奴隷です
ありがとうございました | not just about the oil eruption, I'm basically just a guy that likes to go fishing ever since I was a little kid, I wound up studying sea birds to try to stay in the coastal habitats that I so loved.
And now I mainly write books about how the ocean is changing, and the ocean is certainly changing very rapidly.
Now we saw this kind of graphic earlier on, that we really live on a hard marble It's like you dipped a marble in water.
And the same thing with the atmosphere: If you took all the atmosphere and rolled it up in a ball, you would get that little sphere of gas on the right.
So we live on the most fragile, little soap bubble you can imagine, a very sacred soap bubble, but one that is very, very easy to affect.
And all the burning of oil and coal and gas, all the fossil fuels, have changed the atmosphere greatly. Carbon dioxide level has gone up and up and up.
We're warming the climate.
So the blowout in the Gulf is just a little piece of a much larger problem that we have with the energy that we use to run civilization.
Beyond warming, we have the problem of the oceans getting more acidified -- and already measurably so, and already affecting animals.
Now in the laboratory, if you take a clam and you put it in the pH that is -- not 8.1, which is the normal pH of seawater -- it dissolves in about three days.
If you take a sea urchin larva from 8.1, put it in a pH of 7.7 -- not a huge change -- it becomes deformed and dies.
And already, commercial oyster larvae are dying at large scales in some places. Coral reefs are growing slower in some places because of this problem.
So this really matters.
Now, let's take a little tour around the Gulf a little bit.
One of the things that really impresses me about the people in the Gulf: They are really, really aquatic people.
And they can handle water. They can handle a hurricane that comes and goes.
When the water goes down, they know what to do.
But when it's something other than water, and their water habitat changes, they don't have many options.
In fact, those entire communities really don't have many options.
They can't go and work in the local hotel business because there isn't one in their community.
You see a lot of oil on the ocean.
You see a lot of oil on the shoreline.
If you go to the site of the blowout, it looks pretty unbelievable.
It looks like you just emptied the oil pan in your car, And one of the really most incredible things, I think, is that there's nobody out there trying to collect it at the site where it is densest.
Parts of the ocean there look just absolutely apocalyptic.
You go in along the shore, you can find it everywhere.
It's really messy.
If you go to the places where it's just arriving, like the eastern part of the Gulf, in Alabama, there's still people using the beach They have thousands and thousands of plastic bags.
I don't know what they're going to do with all that stuff.
Meanwhile, there are still people trying to use the beach.
They don't see the little, tiny sign that says: "Stay out of the water." Their kids are in the water; they're getting tar all over their clothes and their sandals. It's a mess.
If you go to the place where the oil has been a while, it's an even bigger mess.
And there's basically nobody there anymore, a few people trying to keep using it.
You see people who are really shell-shocked.
They are very hardworking people.
All they know about life is they get up in the morning, and if their engine starts, they go to work.
They always felt that they could rely on the assurances that nature brought them through the ecosystem of the Gulf.
They're finding that their world is really collapsing.
And so you can see, literally, signs of their shock, signs of their outrage, signs of their anger, and signs of their grief.
These are the things that you can see.
There's a lot you can't see, also, underwater.
What's going on underwater? Well, some people say Some people say there are not oil plumes.
And Congressman Markey asks, you know, "Is it going to take a submarine ride to see if there are really oil plumes?"
But I couldn't take a submarine ride -- especially between the time I knew I was coming here and today -- a little experiment myself to see if there was oil in the Gulf of Mexico.
So this is the Gulf of Mexico, sparkling place full of fish.
I created a little oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
And I learned -- in fact, I confirmed -- the hypothesis that oil and water don't mix until you add a dispersant, they start mixing.
And you add a little energy from the wind and the waves, and you get a big mess, a big mess that you can't possibly clean, you can't touch, you can't extract and, I think most importantly -- this is what I think -- you can't see it.
I think it's being hidden on purpose.
Now this is such a catastrophe and such a mess, that lots of stuff is leaking out on the edges of the information stream.
there's a large attempt to suppress what's going on.
Personally, I think that the dispersants are a major strategy to hide the body, because we put the murderer in charge of the crime scene.
But you can see it. You can see where the oil is concentrated at the surface, and then it is attacked, because they don't want the evidence, in my opinion.
We heard that bacteria eat oil?
So do sea turtles.
it has a long way to go before it gets down to bacteria.
Turtles eat it. It gets in the gills of fish.
These guys have to swim around through it.
I heard the most incredible story today when I was on the train coming here.
A writer named Ted Williams called me, and he was asking me a couple of questions about what I saw, because he's writing an article for Audubon magazine.
He said that he had been in the Gulf a little while ago -- like about a week ago -- and a guy who had been a recreational fishing guide took him out to show him what's going on.
That guide's entire calendar year is canceled bookings.
He has no bookings left.
Everybody wanted their deposit back. Everybody is fleeing.
That's the story of thousands of people.
But he told Ted that on the last day he went out, a bottlenose dolphin suddenly appeared next to the boat, and it was splattering oil out its blowhole. And he moved away because it was his last fishing trip, and he knew that the dolphins scare fish.
So he moved away from it, turned around a few minutes later, it was right next to the side of the boat again.
He said that in 30 years of fishing he had never seen a dolphin do that.
And he felt that -- he felt that it was coming to ask for help. Sorry.
Now, in the Exxon Valdez spill, about 30 percent of the killer whales died in the first few months.
Their numbers have never recovered.
So the recovery rate of all this stuff is going to be variable.
It's going to take longer for some things.
And some things, I think, will probably come back a little faster.
The other thing about the Gulf that is important is that there are a lot of animals that concentrate in the Gulf at certain parts of the year.
So the Gulf is a really important piece of water -- more important than a similar volume of water in the open Atlantic Ocean.
These tuna swim the entire ocean. They get in the Gulf Stream. They go all the way to Europe.
When it comes time to spawn, they come inside, and these two tuna that were tagged, you can see them on the spawning grounds They're probably having, at the very least, a catastrophic spawning season this year.
I'm hoping that maybe the adults are avoiding that dirty water.
They don't usually like to go into water that is very cloudy anyway.
But these are really high-performance athletic animals.
I don't know what this kind of stuff will do in their gills.
I don't know if it'll affect the adults.
If it's not, it's certainly affecting their eggs and larvae, I would certainly think.
But if you look at that graph that goes down and down and down, that's what we've done to this species through overfishing over many decades.
So while the oil spill, the leak, the eruption, is a catastrophe, I think it's important to keep in mind that we've done a lot to affect what's in the ocean for a very, very long time.
It's not like we're starting with something that's been okay.
We're starting with something that's had a lot of stresses and a lot of problems to begin with.
If you look around at the birds, there are a lot of birds in the Gulf that concentrate in the Gulf at certain times of the year, but then leave.
And they populate much larger areas.
So for instance, most of the birds in this picture are migratory birds.
They were all on the Gulf in May, while oil was starting to come ashore in certain places. Down on the lower left there They breed in the high arctic, and they winter down in southern South America.
But they concentrate in the Gulf and then fan out all across the arctic.
I saw birds that breed in Greenland in the Gulf, so this is a hemispheric issue.
The economic effects go at least nationally in many ways.
The biological effects are certainly hemispheric.
I think that this is one of the most absolutely mind-boggling Even when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, at least they shot back.
And we just seem to be unable to figure out what to do.
There was nothing ready, and, you know, as we can see by what they're doing.
Mainly what they're doing is booms and dispersants.
The booms are absolutely not made for open water.
They don't even attempt to corral the oil where it is most concentrated.
They get near shore. Look at these two boats. That one on the right is called Fishing Fool.
And I think, you know, that's a great name when there are literally hundreds of thousands of square miles in the Gulf right now with oil at the surface.
The dispersants make the oil go right under the booms.
The booms are only about 13 inches in diameter.
So it's just absolutely crazy.
Here are shrimp boats employed.
There are hundreds of shrimp boats employed to drag booms instead of nets. Here they are working.
that all the oily water just goes over the back of the boom.
All they're doing is stirring it.
It's just ridiculous.
Also, for all the shoreline that has booms -- hundreds and hundreds of miles of shoreline -- all of the shoreline that has booms, there's adjacent shoreline that doesn't have any booms.
There is ample opportunity for oil and dirty water to get in behind them.
And that lower photo, that's a bird colony that has been boomed.
the bird colonies there. Well, as an ornithologist, I can tell you that birds fly, and that -- and that booming a bird colony doesn't do it; it doesn't do it.
These birds make a living by diving into the water. In fact, really what I think they should do, if anything -- they're trying so hard to protect those nests -- actually, if they destroyed every single nest some of the birds would leave, and that would be better for them this year.
As far as cleaning them, I don't mean to cast any aspersion on people cleaning birds.
It's really, really important that we express our compassion.
I think that's the most important thing that people have, is compassion.
It's really important to get those images and to show it.
But really, where are those birds going to get released to?
It's like taking somebody out of a burning building, treating them for smoke inhalation and sending them back into the building, because the oil is still gushing.
I refuse to acknowledge this as anything like an accident.
I think that this is the result of gross negligence.
Not just B.P. B.P. operated because they could. And they were allowed to do so because of the absolute failure of oversight of the government that's supposed to be our government, protecting us.
It turns out that -- you see this sign on almost every commercial vessel in the United States -- you know, if you spilled a couple of gallons of oil, you would be in big trouble.
And you have to really wonder who are the laws made for, and who has gotten above the laws.
Now there are things that we can do in the future.
We could have the kinds of equipment that we would really need. It would not take an awful lot that after making 30,000 holes in the sea floor of the Gulf of Mexico looking for oil, oil might start coming out of one of them. And you'd have some idea of what to do.
That's certainly one of the things we need to do.
But I think we have to understand where this leak really started from.
of the idea that the government is there because it's our government, meant to protect the larger public interest.
So I think that the oil blowout, the bank bailout, the mortgage crisis and all these things are absolutely symptoms of the same cause.
that at least we need the police to protect us from a few bad people.
And even though the police can be a little annoying at times -- giving us tickets and stuff like that -- nobody says that we should just get rid of them.
But in the entire rest of government right now and for the last at least 30 years, there has been a culture of deregulation that is caused directly by the people who we need to be protected from, buying the government out from under us.
Now this has been a problem for a very, very long time.
corporations were illegal at the founding of America, and even Thomas Jefferson complained that they were already bidding defiance to the laws of our country.
Okay, people who say they're conservative, if they really wanted to be really conservative and really patriotic, they would tell these corporations to go to hell.
That's what it would really mean to be conservative.
So what we really need to do is regain the idea that it's our government safeguarding our interests and regain a sense of unity and common cause in our country that really has been lost.
I think there are signs of hope. We seem to be waking up a little bit.
The Glass-Steagall Act -- which was really to protect us from the kind of thing that caused the recession to happen, that was put in effect in 1933, was systematically destroyed.
Now there's a mood to put some of that stuff back in place, but the lobbyists are already there trying to weaken the regulations after the legislation has just passed.
So it's a continued fight.
It's a historic moment right now.
We're either going to have an absolutely unmitigated catastrophe of this oil leak in the Gulf, or we will make the moment we need out of this, as many people have noted today.
There's certainly a common theme about needing to make the moment out of this. We've been through this before The first offshore wells were called whales.
The first offshore drills were called harpoons.
We emptied the ocean of the whales at that time.
Ever since we lived in caves, every time we wanted any energy, we lit something on fire, and that is still what we're doing.
We're still lighting something on fire every time we want energy.
And people say we can't have clean energy because it's too expensive.
Who says it's too expensive?
People who sell us fossil fuels.
We've been here before with energy, and people saying the economy cannot withstand a switch, because the cheapest energy was slavery.
Energy is always a moral issue.
It's a matter of right and wrong.
Thank you very much. | {
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アラブ人(そして他の一部のムスリム)の見地からすれば、イスラエルの耐久力と回復力は彼ら自身の弱点、分裂、そして頽廃が生み出した直接的な結果である。アラブの大半はアル・カイーダを支持しないかもしれないが、心の底から対抗もしていない。代わりに、ウサマ・ビン・ラディンを暴力的なロビン・フッドとみなす風潮がある。彼の行動は公式にはとても容赦できないとはいえ、彼らがアラブの自尊心と尊厳の感情を取り戻す助けになったのだ。 | The majority of Arabs may not support al-Qaeda, but they do not oppose it with all their heart. Instead, there is the temptation to regard Osama bin Laden as a type of violent Robin Hood, whose actions, while impossible to condone officially, have helped them to recover a sense of Arab pride and dignity. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
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しかし私の仕事については もっとおかしな話がありました
私が聞いた一番おかしな話はこれです ディナーパーティーの席で ある女性が 私がコンピューターセキュリティーの分野で 働いていると知って質問してきました もしコンピューターがウィルスに感染したら それによって彼女も病気になるのか 彼女もウィルスに感染するのではないかと 心配していました(笑い) 私は医者ではないですが その起こる可能性とても低いでしょうし
もし心配なら コンピューターを使う時 ラテックスの手袋をはめれば安心でしょう と説明しました まったく害はありませんからね
コンピューターからウィルスに感染するという話を 真面目に考えてみましょう
今日ここで皆さんにお話したいのは ハッキング 現実のサイバー攻撃についてです 私が属する学術研究のコミュニティで 実際に実現したハッキングですが ほとんどの方はご存じないと思います とても興味深く また恐ろしい実験であり 学術セキュリティーのコミュニティの中で 一番話題になったハッキングの数々です
紹介する成果のいずれも私自身の研究ではなく 私の同僚の研究で スライドを彼らに頼み このトークに組み入れました
まず最初に インプラント医療機器についてお話します
1960年最初のペースメーカーが 体内に植え込まれました 今ここでお見せしているものよりもう少し小さいものですが そして技術はどんどん進歩していきました
2006年には コンピューターセキュリティーの観点から 重要なマイルストーンに達しました
人体植え込み式機器が ネットワーク能力を持つようになったのです
身近に感じる例として ディック・チェイニー元副大統領が使った機器があります 大動脈から他の心臓の部分に血液を輸送するポンプですが この写真の下部に見えるように マイコンによってコントロールされていたのです ソフトウェアの責任の重要性について考えたことがあれば この機器がみなさんの体の中に入ることを想像してください
研究チームはICDと呼ばれるデバイスを 入手して調べました
これは細動除去機です 体内に植え込まれ 心拍を管理する機器で このデバイスによって多くの命が救われました 機器を再調整したり診断するたびに 人体にメスをいれる必要性を無くすために 無線で調整できるデバイスを作りました この研究チームがしたことは
無線プロトコルをリバースエンジニアリングし この小さなアンテナのある機器を作りました 植え込み医療機器の無線プロトコルを使い 制御することができます
実験をより現実的にするために -- 被験者を買って出てくれる人はいなかったので -- 挽肉とベーコンを使い 人体に植え込まれるだろうサイズに 丸め その中に医療機器を入れ 実際に近い条件で実験を行いました
例えば 患者さんの名前を書き変えてしまう攻撃があります
そのなことをする意味があるか分かりませんが 私が患者だったら されたくないことですね
攻撃により 治療パターンを変更することもできました 機器を無効にすることも含めてです 市販の商業機器を使って 単にリバースエンジニアリングを使って 無線信号を送るだけで実現できてしまう攻撃です
NPRの報道がありましたが イヤホンを近づけるだけで ICDの機能に影響があるというものでした
さて 無線技術やインターネットは 健康管理を大いに向上させることができます 医師が機器の植え込みを検討している いくつかの例をスクリーンでお見せしています これらの全ての機器は ワイヤレスで通信するのが標準になっています それは素晴しいと思いますが 「信頼できるコンピューティング環境」を 十分に理解しないで 悪意のあるハッカーによる攻撃を理解しないで セキュリティリスクを理解して行わないと 多大な危険を伴います
さてもう一段階進んで 別の攻撃のターゲットを見てみましょう
いくつかの攻撃のターゲットの例をお見せするのが 私のトークのテーマです では車の例についてお話しましょう
ここに車があります 今日 車にはいろいろな部品 電子部品が使われています
私が大学にいたころよりも もっと多くの 様々なコンピューターが含まれていて それらは有線ネットワークでつながっています
無線ネットワークも存在して 色々な方法でアクセスできます
たとえばブルートゥースやFM及びXMラジオがあり Wi-Fiもあり タイヤにはセンサーがあり 無線でタイヤ内の気圧を 車載コントローラに通信します
今日ここでお話しするのは 研究チームがしたことです
彼らは有線ネットワークと 無線ネットワークに攻撃者を繋げました
ひとつは ブルーテゥースやWi-Fiなど 近くの装置によって操作できる 近距離の無線通信です もうひとつは 携帯ネットワークや ラジオ局を通して 車と通信する 広域のものです
車がラジオの電波を受けると ソフトウェアがそれを処理します
そのソフトウェアはラジオの電波を受け解読し それからどうすればいいか判断します ラジオから流れる音楽でさえ ソフトウェアが解読しているのです ソフトウェアにバグがあったら 脆弱性を生み出し その車が誰かにハックされる 可能性があるということです
研究チームが実験した方法はこうです 車載コンピューターのチップに書き込まれた ソフトウェアを読み取り 高度なリバースエンジニアリングツールを用いて ソフトウェアの機能を解読しました そしてソフトウェア上の脆弱性を見つけ その脆弱性を突く攻撃を作りました
彼らは2台の車を買いました きっと私より予算があったのでしょう
最初の脅威モデルでは もし攻撃者が 車内のネットワークにアクセスできた場合 何ができるかを試しました
さあ 誰かが皆さんの車に入り込み 何かを仕掛けて行った状況を想像してみてください どんな問題が起こりえるでしょうか?
もうひとつの脅威モデルでは 携帯電話のような無線通信で リアルタイムに通信が行われ 車とは物理的接触がない場合です
最初のケース つまり車への物理的なアクセス がある場合にはこんな感じです
ノートパソコンを持ち込み 車内のネットワーク上の診断ユニットに侵入し いろいろ下らないことをしました 例えば 駐車中なのに速度計に時速140マイルを 表示させるというようなことです
車のコンピューターを制覇すれば 何でもできるのです
でももし車がいつも実際に走っている速度より 時速20マイル遅く表示されていたらどうなるでしょう?
速度違反チケットを 溜め込む羽目になるでしょう
それから2台の車 追いかけられる車と追跡用の車を 廃滑走路で走らせ 様々な攻撃を試しました
追跡車ができたひとつのことは コンピューターに侵入するだけで もう一台の車のブレーキを 操作できたのです ブレーキの作動を止めることもできました
また 時速20マイル以上で走るまで
起動しないマルウェアを 仕掛けることもできました 結果は驚くべきものであり カンファレンスで彼らがこの発表を行った際に 聴衆はセキュリティの専門家であるのにも関わらず みんなを唖然とさせました
彼らは 重要な車載コンピュータを 乗っ取ることに成功しました ブレーキを制御するコンピューター ライトを制御するコンピューター エンジン ダッシュボード ラジオを制御するコンピューター などなど そしてこれらの攻撃は 彼らが購入した市販車で行われたものであり 彼らは 無線ネットワークを用いて
車のすべての無線機能のひとつひとつを コントロールするすべてのソフトウェアを 乗っ取ることに成功したのです
この場合 攻撃者はどうやって車を盗むと思いますか?
車に攻撃を仕掛け バッファーオーバーフローの脆弱性を突くのです
ドアを制御するコンピュータを遠隔操作で操り ロックを解除します そしてエンジンを始動し 盗難防止を回避し そうやって車を盗む訳です
この論文の著者は 車を乗っ取り 車載のマイクのスイッチを入れ 車の中の会話を盗聴し 同時にGPSを用いて地図で追跡をしている ビデオを録画しました それでも運転手は何が起こっているのか 知る由もありませんでした
私があるカンファレンスに参加した時に知り とてつもなく驚愕して 『この話を皆に知らせなければ』と思ったほどの話です
これは北カリフォルニア大学の ファビアン・モンローズの研究所で行われたことですが 彼らの研究は一旦わかると直感的なものですが でも意外なものです
彼らはバスに乗っている人々を録画し それからビデオを後処理を施しました
最初に見えるのは 携帯電話で文字を入力している様子が 誰かの眼鏡に反射しています 振動を補正するソフトウェアにより バスの中の録画であるのに関わらず 携帯電話を斜めに持っていても 安定して画像を補足し 処理を施します スマートフォンでパスワードを入力するときに 文字が飛び出してして表示されるのをご存知でしょうか
これを利用して タイプしている文字を再現するのです そして入力している文字を推測する言語モデルもあります
ここで興味深いことは バス内を録画したことによって 人々が携帯電話で何をタイプしたか 正確に再現することができ 意外だったのは このソフトウェアが特定のターゲットのみならず 映像にたまたま写った人々に対しても その人が何を書いていたか 再現できたことです それはソフトウェアがした 偶然の産物でした
あと2つの例をお見せします ひとつはP25ラジオです
P25ラジオは警察や あらゆる種類の政府組織 および 戦闘員などが連絡するのに使われています P25 電話機には暗号オプションがあります
その電話はこんな風で 電話機のようには見えません
モトローラが一番普及している機種で 秘密情報機関や 戦闘で使われています アメリカや他国でも一般的な規格です
セキュリティ研究者が自問したことは これをジャムできるかということです
に対してサービス拒否攻撃を仕掛けることができるか? テロ組織が 緊急事態に警察と消防署との
連絡網を阻止できるのではないか? 彼らは P25と全く同じ周波で作動する GirlTech社のチャット機器に目をつけ マイ・ファースト・ジャマー と呼ばれるものを作りました この機器をもっとよく見てみると 暗号通信とクリアテキストの切り替えをする スイッチがあります
スライドをもう進めて また戻します
これは暗号化されていない状態 これは暗号化されている状態です
スクリーンに見える小さな点があります カチッとスイッチを入れるだけで切り替わります
調査チームは自問しました 『とても危険で重要で貴重な 会話がこの双方向無線電話で行われ 暗号化するのを忘れたり 暗号化しなかったのに気づかなかったことが どのぐらいの頻度であるのだろうか?』 と
そこで 彼らはスキャナーを購入しました 完全に合法な機器で P25が利用する周波を探索しました 色々な周波数をホップし 会話をピックアップするソフトウェアを書きました
暗号化された通信が見つかると そのチャンネルにとどまり 警察機関が通信する チャンネルだと記録しました また同じことを20箇所の都市部で行い 同じ周波で行われている会話を聞きとりました
そして全ての都市部で 一日20分以上の 暗号化されていない通信を傍受しました
情報提供者の名前やその他の情報 がありました また盗聴器に録音された会話および 取りざたされている犯罪に関する 様々な機密な情報が含まれていました
彼らは得られた情報を匿名化した後に 警察にこの事実を知らせました 脆弱性は単純にユーザインタフェースが 機能的でなかったということです 危険で機密なことについて話すときには 会話が暗号化されているという事実が 利用者に明確でなくてはなりません
最後にお見せする例はとてもクールです どうしてもお見せしたかったものです 車やペースメーカーの例みたいに 心配で眠れなくなるようなものではありませんが
キーボード入力の盗聴についてです スマートフォンを詳しく見たことがあると思います
セキュリティー専門家は皆スマートフォンのハッキングが 大好きです 今までは USB ポートや位置追跡のための GPS カメラやマイクなどに注目しがちでしたが 誰も加速度計には目を向けませんでした
加速度計はスマートフォンの 垂直方向を計測します
スマートフォンをキーボードの横に置き 人々にキーボードで入力してもらい 最終的には タイプすることによって起きる振動をつかって 加速度計を読み解明することにより 何をタイプしているか解明しようと試みました
まず iPhone 3GS で試してみたところ タイプをすることによって起きた振動で得られた グラフがこれです 見ての通り タイプしているか否か またどのキーをタイプしているのかまったく分かりません しかし iPhone 4 では 加速度計がものすごく改善され 同じ測定で このようなグラフが得られました
これで 被験者がタイピングをしている時の 豊富な情報を得ることができきます 機械学習とい人工知能のテクニックを使い 学習フェーズを設けました おそらく大学院生にお願いして さまざまな文をタイピングにより入力してもらい 学習機能を持つシステムは どの文字をタイプしているかが分かり
同時にそれを 加速度計と照合します
そして攻撃を試すフェーズでは 誰かに文をタイピングしてもらい 学習フェーズで構築したモデルを使い どの文字がタイプされているのか解明しようとします
彼らはなかなかの成功を収めました ここに USA Today の記事があります
『イリノイの最高裁判所は ラフ・エマヌエルがシカゴ市長選に出馬 する資格があるとという審判を下し そして投票用紙に彼の名前を残すように命じた』
さてこのシステムのおもしろいところは "Illinois Supreme" まで再現しまして 迷ってしまったことです
このモデルは様々な選択肢を出します 人工知能技術の美点でもありますが コンピューターはある作業には長けていて 人間は別のことに長けている 長点を取り合わせて この部分は人間にやらせます
人間は正解が "Supreme might" だとは思いません
正しいのは "Supreme Court" (最高裁判所)ですよね?
コンピュータと協力し合い 加速度計で測定したことだけで タイプで何を打ったか 再現することができるのです
これがなぜ重要なのでしょうか? 例えばアンドロイド開発環境では 開発者は使用する全てのマイク等のデバイス を登録する マニフェストを作成しなくてはなりません ハッカーによる乗っ取りを防止するためです しかし加速度計はコントロールされていません
これは何を意味するでしょうか? iPhone を誰かのキーボードの横に置いて 部屋を出て行くと マイクを使わなくても
後で何をタイプしたか再現できるということです もしあなたの iPhone にマルウェアが仕掛けられたら
キーボードの横に iPhone を置く度に あなたがタイプしたことを 彼らが盗むことができるかもしれません 他にも有名な攻撃の例がありますが 残念ながら時間がありません 最後にひとつだけお見せしたいのは ミシガン大学のグループが ニュージャージーの投票で使われる予定だった 廊下に置き去りにされた セコイア直接記録電子投票機に パックマンをインストールしたことです
社会は実に早く技術に順応します みな最新のガジェットが大好きです
しかしお見せした研究から分かるように これらの技術を開発する人々は 一番最初からセキュリティーを考慮する必要があり 脅威モデルを定義したとしても それでも攻撃者はたぶん 脅威モデルの枠組み内に留まるほど優しくないので より自由な思考が要求されます
我々ができることは理解することです 機器は乗っ取ることは必ず可能であり ソフトウェアがあるものは必ず脆弱生がある バグがある という事実を理解することです
ありがとうございました | But that's not the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard anyone say about my work.
The most ridiculous thing I ever heard is, I was at a dinner party, and a woman heard that I work in computer security, and she asked me if -- she said her computer had been infected by a virus, and she was very concerned that she might get sick from it, that she could get this virus. And I'm not a doctor, but I reassured her that it was very, very unlikely that this would happen,
but if she felt more comfortable, she could be free to use latex gloves when she was on the computer, and there would be no harm whatsoever in that.
a virus from your computer, in a serious way.
What I'm going to talk to you about today are some hacks, some real world cyberattacks that people in my community, the academic research community, have performed, which I don't think most people know about, and I think they're very interesting and scary, of the academic security community's hacks.
None of the work is my work. It's all work that my colleagues have done, and I actually asked them for their slides and incorporated them into this talk.
So the first one I'm going to talk about are implanted medical devices.
Now medical devices have come a long way technologically.
You can see in 1926 the first pacemaker was invented.
1960, the first internal pacemaker was implanted, hopefully a little smaller than that one that you see there, and the technology has continued to move forward.
In 2006, we hit an important milestone from the perspective of computer security.
And why do I say that?
Because that's when implanted devices inside of people started to have networking capabilities.
One thing that brings us close to home is we look at Dick Cheney's device, he had a device that pumped blood from an aorta to another part of the heart, and as you can see at the bottom there, it was controlled by a computer controller, and if you ever thought that software liability was very important, get one of these inside of you.
Now what a research team did was they got their hands on what's called an ICD.
This is a defibrillator, and this is a device that goes into a person to control their heart rhythm, and these have saved many lives. Well, in order to not have to open up the person every time you want to reprogram their device or do some diagnostics on it, they made the thing be able to communicate wirelessly, and what this research team did is they reverse engineered the wireless protocol,
and they built the device you see pictured here, with a little antenna, that could talk the protocol to the device, and thus control it.
In order to make their experience real -- they were unable to find any volunteers, and so they went and they got some ground beef and some bacon and they wrapped it all up to about the size of a human being's area where the device would go, and they stuck the device inside it to perform their experiment somewhat realistically.
They launched many, many successful attacks.
One that I'll highlight here is changing the patient's name.
I don't know why you would want to do that, but I sure wouldn't want that done to me.
And they were able to change therapies, including disabling the device -- and this is with a real, commercial, off-the-shelf device -- simply by performing reverse engineering and sending wireless signals to it.
There was a piece on NPR that some of these ICDs could actually have their performance disrupted simply by holding a pair of headphones onto them.
Now, wireless and the Internet can improve health care greatly. There's several examples up on the screen of situations where doctors are looking to implant devices inside of people, and all of these devices now, it's standard that they communicate wirelessly, and I think this is great, but without a full understanding of trustworthy computing, and without understanding what attackers can do and the security risks from the beginning, there's a lot of danger in this.
Okay, let me shift gears and show you another target.
I'm going to show you a few different targets like this, and that's my talk. So we'll look at automobiles.
This is a car, and it has a lot of components, a lot of electronics in it today.
In fact, it's got many, many different computers inside of it, more Pentiums than my lab did when I was in college, and they're connected by a wired network.
There's also a wireless network in the car, which can be reached from many different ways.
So there's Bluetooth, there's the FM and XM radio, there's actually wi-fi, there's sensors in the wheels that wirelessly communicate the tire pressure to a controller on board.
The modern car is a sophisticated multi-computer device.
And what happens if somebody wanted to attack this?
Well, that's what the researchers that I'm going to talk about today did.
They basically stuck an attacker on the wired network and on the wireless network.
Now, they have two areas they can attack.
One is short-range wireless, where you can actually communicate with the device from nearby, either through Bluetooth or wi-fi, and the other is long-range, where you can communicate with the car through the cellular network, or through one of the radio stations.
Think about it. When a car receives a radio signal, it's processed by software.
That software has to receive and decode the radio signal, and then figure out what to do with it, even if it's just music that it needs to play on the radio, and that software that does that decoding, if it has any bugs in it, could create a vulnerability for somebody to hack the car.
The way that the researchers did this work is, they read the software in the computer chips that were in the car, and then they used sophisticated reverse engineering tools to figure out what that software did, and then they found vulnerabilities in that software, and then they built exploits to exploit those.
They actually carried out their attack in real life.
They bought two cars, and I guess they have better budgets than I do.
The first threat model was to see what someone could do if an attacker actually got access to the internal network on the car.
Okay, so think of that as, someone gets to go to your car, they get to mess around with it, and then they leave, and now, what kind of trouble are you in?
The other threat model is that they contact you in real time over one of the wireless networks like the cellular, or something like that, never having actually gotten physical access to your car.
This is what their setup looks like for the first model, where you get to have access to the car.
They put a laptop, and they connected to the diagnostic unit on the in-car network, and they did all kinds of silly things, showing 140 miles an hour when the car's in park.
Once you have control of the car's computers, you can do anything.
Now you might say, "Okay, that's silly."
Well, what if you make the car always say it's going 20 miles an hour slower than it's actually going?
You might produce a lot of speeding tickets.
Then they went out to an abandoned airstrip with two cars, the target victim car and the chase car, and they launched a bunch of other attacks.
One of the things they were able to do from the chase car is apply the brakes on the other car, simply by hacking the computer.
They were able to disable the brakes.
They also were able to install malware that wouldn't kick in and wouldn't trigger until the car was doing something like The results are astonishing, and when they gave this talk, even though they gave this talk at a conference to a bunch of computer security researchers, everybody was gasping.
They were able to take over a bunch of critical computers inside the car: the brakes computer, the lighting computer, the engine, the dash, the radio, etc., and they were able to perform these on real commercial cars that they purchased using the radio network.
They were able to compromise every single one of the pieces of software that controlled every single one of the wireless capabilities of the car.
All of these were implemented successfully.
How would you steal a car in this model?
Well, you compromise the car by a buffer overflow of vulnerability in the software, something like that.
You use the GPS in the car to locate it.
You remotely unlock the doors through the computer that controls that, start the engine, bypass anti-theft, and you've got yourself a car.
Surveillance was really interesting.
The authors of the study have a video where they show themselves taking over a car and then turning on the microphone in the car, and listening in on the car while tracking it via GPS on a map, and so that's something that the drivers of the car would never know was happening.
Am I scaring you yet?
I've got a few more of these interesting ones.
These are ones where I went to a conference, and my mind was just blown, and I said, "I have to share this with other people."
This was Fabian Monrose's lab at the University of North Carolina, and what they did was something intuitive once you see it, but kind of surprising.
They videotaped people on a bus, and then they post-processed the video.
What you see here in number one is a reflection in somebody's glasses of the smartphone that they're typing in. They wrote software to stabilize -- even though they were on a bus and maybe someone's holding their phone at an angle -- to stabilize the phone, process it, and you may know on your smartphone, when you type a password, the keys pop out a little bit, and they were able
to use that to reconstruct what the person was typing, and had a language model for detecting typing.
What was interesting is, by videotaping on a bus, they were able to produce exactly what people on their smartphones were typing, and then they had a surprising result, which is that their software had not only done it for their target, but other people who accidentally happened to be in the picture, they were able to produce what those people had been typing, and that was kind of an accidental artifact of what their software was doing.
I'll show you two more. One is P25 radios.
P25 radios are used by law enforcement and all kinds of government agencies and people in combat to communicate, and there's an encryption option on these phones.
This is what the phone looks like. It's not really a phone.
It's more of a two-way radio.
Motorola makes the most widely used one, and you can see that they're used by Secret Service, they're used in combat, it's a very, very common standard in the U.S. and elsewhere.
So one question the researchers asked themselves is, could you block this thing, right?
Could you run a denial-of-service, because these are first responders?
So, would a terrorist organization want to black out the ability of police and fire to communicate at an emergency?
They found that there's this GirlTech device used for texting that happens to operate at the same exact frequency as the P25, and they built what they called My First Jammer. If you look closely at this device, it's got a switch for encryption or cleartext.
Let me advance the slide, and now I'll go back.
You see the difference?
This is plain text. This is encrypted.
There's one little dot that shows up on the screen, and one little tiny turn of the switch.
And so the researchers asked themselves, "I wonder how many times very secure, important, sensitive conversations are happening on these two-way radios where they forget to encrypt and they don't notice that they didn't encrypt?"
So they bought a scanner. These are perfectly legal and they run at the frequency of the P25, and what they did is they hopped around frequencies and they wrote software to listen in.
If they found encrypted communication, they stayed on that channel and they wrote down, that's a channel these law enforcement agencies, and they went to 20 metropolitan areas and listened in on conversations that were happening at those frequencies.
They found that in every metropolitan area, they would capture over 20 minutes a day of cleartext communication.
And what kind of things were people talking about?
Well, they found the names and information about confidential informants. They found information that was being recorded in wiretaps, a bunch of crimes that were being discussed, sensitive information.
It was mostly law enforcement and criminal.
They went and reported this to the law enforcement agencies, after anonymizing it, and the vulnerability here is simply the user interface wasn't good enough. If you're talking about something really secure and sensitive, it should be really clear to you that this conversation is encrypted.
That one's pretty easy to fix.
The last one I thought was really, really cool, and I just had to show it to you, it's probably not something like the cars or the defibrillators, but it's stealing keystrokes.
Now, we've all looked at smartphones upside down.
Every security expert wants to hack a smartphone, and we tend to look at the USB port, the GPS for tracking, the camera, the microphone, but no one up till this point had looked at the accelerometer.
The accelerometer is the thing that determines the vertical orientation of the smartphone.
And so they had a simple setup.
They put a smartphone next to a keyboard, and they had people type, and then their goal was to use the vibrations that were created by typing to measure the change in the accelerometer reading to determine what the person had been typing.
Now, when they tried this on an iPhone 3GS, this is a graph of the perturbations that were created by the typing, and you can see that it's very difficult to tell when somebody was typing or what they were typing, but the iPhone 4 greatly improved the accelerometer, and so the same measurement produced this graph.
Now that gave you a lot of information while someone was typing, and what they did then is used advanced artificial intelligence techniques called machine learning to have a training phase, and so they got most likely grad students to type in a whole lot of things, and to learn, to have the system use the machine learning tools that were available to learn what it is that the people were typing
and to match that up with the measurements in the accelerometer.
And then there's the attack phase, where you get somebody to type something in, you don't know what it was, but you use your model that you created in the training phase to figure out what they were typing.
They had pretty good success. This is an article from the USA Today.
They typed in, "The Illinois Supreme Court has ruled that Rahm Emanuel is eligible to run for Mayor of Chicago" — see, I tied it in to the last talk — "and ordered him to stay on the ballot."
Now, the system is interesting, because it produced "Illinois Supreme" and then it wasn't sure.
The model produced a bunch of options, and this is the beauty of some of the A.I. techniques, is that computers are good at some things, humans are good at other things, take the best of both and let the humans solve this one.
Don't waste computer cycles.
A human's not going to think it's the Supreme might.
It's the Supreme Court, right?
And so, together we're able to reproduce typing simply by measuring the accelerometer.
Why does this matter? Well, in the Android platform, for example, the developers have a manifest where every device on there, the microphone, etc., has to register if you're going to use it so that hackers can't take over it, but nobody controls the accelerometer.
So what's the point? You can leave your iPhone next to someone's keyboard, and just leave the room, even without using the microphone.
they could then maybe get the typing that you do whenever you put your iPhone next to your keyboard.
There's several other notable attacks that unfortunately I don't have time to go into, but the one that I wanted to point out was a group from the University of Michigan which was able to take voting machines, the Sequoia AVC Edge DREs that were going to be used in New Jersey in the election that were left in a hallway, and put Pac-Man on it.
So they ran the Pac-Man game.
What does this all mean?
Well, I think that society tends to adopt technology really quickly. I love the next coolest gadget.
But it's very important, and these researchers are showing, that the developers of these things need to take security into account from the very beginning, and need to realize that they may have a threat model, but the attackers may not be nice enough to limit themselves to that threat model, and so you need to think outside of the box.
What we can do is be aware that devices can be compromised, and anything that has software in it is going to be vulnerable. It's going to have bugs.
Thank you very much. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「やべえ! 追いかけろ!
「今言っていただろ! このままだとあいつ、本当に太陽系ごと何もかもを破壊し尽すぞ!
「で、でも宇宙だよ? そりゃ少しくらいは平気だけどさ......」
「私平気じゃないよ! 死んじゃうって!」
「ど、どうしようアクアリウス! 何かないの!? 絶対回避とか!」
どうする? どうすればいい?
「ま、待て、無茶だ! 確かに上手くいきゃあ砕けるだろうがお前も死ぬぞ!」
数万倍? 数億倍? それとも数兆倍?
――でも王妃様は否定してるんだろ? どう見ても半獣人なのに。
――寛大か? 息子を迷宮へ幽閉したって聞いたぞ。妻は大事でも子は別に大事じゃないらしい。
その思考を最後に――アステリオスの意識は黒で染まった。 | The Fire Ouroboros’s tail, which had been shredded off, was blown away, landing in the space between the Earth Ouroboros and Aries’s group.
The blood from the shredded tail splattered everywhere and obstructed the views of both sides.
The one who recovered from this unexpected situation first was Aries.
This whole time, he had conviction in his friends. He believed that his friends would come out victorious. That was why he did not become agitated.
On the other hand, the Earth Ouroboros had never predicted that something like this would happen.
It had never thought for a moment that one of the pillars of the ouroboroses, the Fire Ouroboros, would suffer this much damage from being punched around, to the extent that a part of its body would be torn off and sent flying towards a different location.
It was because the ouroboroses were indisputably strong entities that the Earth Ouroboros was momentarily bewildered. Because it had thought that such a thing absolutely could not happen, it had an immense impact on the ouroboros when it saw what was actually happening before its eyes.
Aries blew flames out of his mouth and burnt the Earth Ouroboros’s body.
After a brief moment of delay, the Earth Ouroboros started firing gravity bullets, but they never ended up hitting Aries. This was because they were dispersed by Virgo’s skills.
「Fire Ouroboros... are you telling me he was defeated? I also can’t feel the Heavenly Ouroboros’s presence anymore. As if such a thing...」
When the Earth Ouroboros spoke, its voice was shaky.
It was a truth that he did not want to admit... The fact that they, the invincible ouroboroses, were being pushed back had put him in a daze.
As a matter of fact, it was not completely unrelated to him. After all, he had also not yet been able to defeat the opponents which he was fighting against.
He had no option but to acknowledge... the strength of the small creatures which were before him.
It was exactly because of this reason that he had to destroy them. It was exactly because he now recognised them to be a threat.
「Dangerous... you lot are dangerous! Contaminants who threaten the Goddess’s miniature garden... I can no longer afford to hold back! I must erase you all along with this entire solar system with all of my might!」
The Earth Ouroboros decided to throw away his laxness towards the fight and flew out into space.
As she observed his actions, Aquarius quickly turned pale after figuring out what he wanted to do.
This is bad... we can’t let him do what he’s about to do!
“This is bad. Chase after him! Letting him get away would be really bad!”
“Didn’t you hear him just now!? If you leave him be, he’s really going to destroy this entire solar system along with everything else nearby! The Earth Ouroboros can accomplish that!”
Aquarius was originally a tool used by the deity. As such, she had general information about the ouroboroses. This allowed her to quickly realise the despair-inducing situation that they were about to encounter.
The Earth Ouroboros was able to manipulate gravity, and the pinnacle of that was... a black hole.
The Earth Ouroboros was planning to materialise a black hole and let it devour everything in order to destroy them all.
Which was why they had to stop him before he could activate the skill.
Once it was activated, there was nothing that they would be able to do.
Whilst that might be the case, the distance between the two parties had widened too much.
If the Earth Ouroboros was close to Midgard, they might have been able to make it in time to interrupt him. Unfortunately, the Earth Ouroboros had taken this possibility into account and moved away to the edges of the solar system.
It was an incredible speed. But with his large body, it was not impossible.
Let’s say that there was a giant human being that was bigger than a galaxy. If that person walked at the pace of an ordinary person, relative to their size, then their walking speed would easily be faster than the speed of light.
The distance from Midgard to the edge of the solar system was approximately billion kilometres. For an ordinary person, it would be considered a vast distance that they would not be able to traverse.
But for an ouroboros, with their size, it was not a distance that they could not reach. This was especially true if one considered how fast they could fly despite their large body.
In any event... it was impossible to obstruct him now.
“B, but it’s space. I mean, if it’s just for a while, I’ll be fine, but...”
“I won’t be fine at all! I’ll end up dead!”
Aries replied with a slightly out-of-the-norm response whilst Virgo was flustered.
Exactly, at the end of it all, they were still living things.
Although one might retort that it’s too weird to claim that they were living things after having gone through such a large-scale battle, they were actually still living things.
If Sagittarius was here, then he might have been able to do something using his divine magic, but unfortunately, he was stuck in a battle with the Wood Ouroboros at this moment. They could not expect him to provide any assistance.
“... Damn it, we won’t make it in time!”
At the outer edge of the solar system, the Earth Ouroboros bit down on his tail and started drawing a circle.
Sensing what was happening, Aquarius spoke in anguish.
Unique skill [Cyclical World (Ouroboros)].
The effect of the skill that the Earth Ouroboros was using was actually as simple as it could be. Using one’s own body as a centre of mass, he would turn into a singularity which would devour everything that passed through its event horizon into oblivion. It was an indiscriminate attack which eliminated anything and everything.
The gravitational pull, which was strong enough to attract everything within the solar system, first swallowed Neptune and deleted it out of existence.
The next to follow was Uranus and after that was Saturn. By this time, Saturn had already been pulled apart by the gravitational force and turned to dust.
What the Earth Ouroboros had said was not an empty threat. It really intended to destroy everything.
One after another, planets were being sucked in and erased from existence. In the process, countless other celestial bodies were lost.
Once the event horizon was crossed, not even light could escape.
If it was Ruphas, who could travel at a speed much faster than the speed of light, she could force her way through and escape even after passing the event horizon. However, that was impossible for the others.
Jupiter had already disappeared by this time. Even the debris from Mars and Mercury had just disappeared. It was Midgard’s turn next.
The problem of distance had been solved, though the way it happened was not a consolation in any way.
“W, what should we do, Aquarius!? Isn’t there something we can do!? Something like absolute evasion!?”
“Don’t ask for the impossible. As long as the black hole remains, the attack persists as ‘damage over time’. Even if we avoid it once or twice using absolute evasion, it still wouldn’t make a tenth of a second different before being sucked in. ... Having said that, although that thing is a black hole, it’s also the Earth Ouroboros. If we can somehow take that down before Midgard gets swallowed, we might be able to stop it somehow...”
Even though she had just said that herself, she immediately judged that it was an impossible thing to do.
It’s impossible... that thing still has a few million HP left. It’s impossible to strike it down with one hit.
If we could at least somehow stop its spin with an attack, we might be able to interrupt the skill... but even that would be hard.
Even when it was hit by Mesarthim, it didn’t flinch.
What do we do? What should we do?
Do we just suck it up, tuck our tails between our legs and ask Ruphas for help?
But she wouldn’t be free right now... That’s why she asked us to take the ouroboroses down. Having said that, we don’t have any other options...
While she was desperately pondering what to do in her head, Taurus quietly gave her an instruction.
“... Aquarius. Shoot me.”
“I can break that apart.”
“W, wait, that’s reckless! Sure, if everything goes well, you might be able to break it apart, but you’ll still end up dead!”
Now that the Earth Ouroboros had turned into a black hole, it was swallowing everything into oblivion with its gravity.
Would one be able to understand how strong its gravitational pull was if it was said to have sufficient attraction to even pull faraway stars from outside of the solar system?
Was the gravity tens of thousands of times stronger than the Sun? Hundreds of millions of times? Trillions of times?
It would not be a mistake to say that it was certainly strong enough to where one could not even estimate how strong the pull was. In any event, once someone got close to it, they would not be able to get away scot-free.
All the more so if it was at an arm’s length away. Getting that close was no different from an act of suicide.
However, there was not a shred of fear on Taurus’s face. Instead, there was the conviction of knowing that he was the only one who could do something about it.
“If I die from that, it just means that I only amounted to that much... Don’t mind it. Just do what you have to do.”
“... Just make sure you don’t come back and haunt me.”
Aquarius understood the conviction Taurus had. The young girl, who was acting as her body, dived back into the water pitcher.
Right after she did, Taurus also jumped into the water pitcher, and Ganymedes took aim.
What was happening was extremely surreal and ludicrous at the same time, but the people involved were ever so serious.
With an explosive sound, Taurus was fired, passing through the stratosphere into space, where the number of planets had greatly been reduced.
Taurus passed through the remains of the celestial bodies and then appeared in front of the Earth Ouroboros.
Behind his fist was a loyalty towards his comrades and a strong conviction. He was there so that he might open a door leading to the path of victory for his friends.
Two hundred years ago, he was not able to follow through with his vows.
But this time was different. Now was the time when he would fulfil the vows that he had made.
He swung his axe and charged down onto the Earth Ouroboros without any hesitation.
And his skill-nullifying skill shattered the black hole, forcibly stopping the enemy’s skill.
– Apparently, the queen has a hidden illegitimate child.
– I heard it has the head of a cow. Doesn’t that make it a half-beastkin?
– But the queen’s denying it, right? Even though it’s clearly half-beastkin.
– I heard the king laughed it off and forgave her. So magnanimous, isn’t he?
– Magnanimous, you say? I heard he imprisoned his own son in a labyrinth. Even if his wife is fine, his son isn’t exactly fine.
– It’s better not to talk about this too much. Apparently, the king wants to pretend as if his son never existed.
From the moment he had been born, he was alone.
Taurus – Asterius was originally a prince of some kingdom.
Though he had been recognised as a prince during the time he was within his mother’s womb, he had never been recognised as one after he was born. He was not even allowed to name himself as one.
The source of it all was not his mother’s infidelity, but his father’s betrayal.
Asterius’s father, the king of Minos, desired the princess from a neighbouring kingdom so much that he went to the church every day to wish for her. Regardless of whether it was a rainy or snowy day, he commuted to the church, prayed and wished for it. Faced with this persistent and ridiculous prayer, the Goddess became fed up and was stumped on what to do.
His desire to do erotic things was too great. Fascinated by the princess’s beauty and voluptuous and cow-like chest of hers, his behaviour was extremely obstinate.
Due to his overly persistent behaviour, the Goddess reluctantly decided to grant his wish, but with a single condition attached.
When the princess comes to you as a bride, she will bring a beautiful white bull with her. Promise that bull to me as an offering and I shall listen to your request just once.
The king happily accepted the condition. What he wanted was the princess, and he did not care about a bull at all. At least, that was what he had thought.
But the king did not fulfil the promise. When he saw the bull which the princess had brought with her, he was mesmerised by its beauty and did not want to let it go, wanting it for himself. In the end, he went back on the promise which he had made with the Goddess.
When this happened, the Goddess was angered and cursed the unborn son of the king with atavism.
Ultimately, the son who was born as a result was Asterius. His distant ancestor from an unknown generation was a beastkin. That blood had resulted in him being born as a half-beastkin. Consequently, the king did not recognise him as his son and confined him away.
No one recognised his existence. Both of his parents treated him as if he never existed in the first place. The queen, in particular, was creeped out from the bottom of her heart, as such a thing had been born out of her own womb even though she had never cheated with anyone. Even though she had a cow-like chest, she had never even known that one of her ancestors was a cow beastkin.
Although the king deliberated on how he had gone back on the promise which he had made with the Goddess, because he had managed to obtain the princess which he had been after with no problem, he decided to do the irresponsible act of forgetting about what had happened. Instead, he decided to play the role of the magnanimous husband who forgave his queen. Of course, the magnanimity stemmed from the fact that he knew he was the cause of everything that had happened.
Asterius was all alone. Originally, he, who had been trapped in the labyrinth, should have become food for the magical beasts which dwelled down there and died. At the very least, that’s what the king thought would happen.
But he ended up living. He ended up surviving.
Using the strength which he had gained from the curse imposed on him by the Goddess as a weapon, he slew the magical beasts, ate their meat and drank their blood.
The labyrinth was a prison used to keep numerous magical beasts. He was not lacking in opponents which he could fight. He continued to fight every day and became stronger as a result.
By the time he noticed, he was already the reigning king of the labyrinth and feared by the whole world.
– Apparently, there’s an extremely dangerous monster in that labyrinth.
– Because of that cow *******’s fault, no one can reach the treasure at the end of that labyrinth.
– Apparently, another group of adventurers just got beaten back out. Such a resentful beast, that cow ******* is.
– Why is it even still alive, I wonder? I mean, it should just die.
– Why won’t that cow die faster?
He was feared. He was hated.
No one needed him. Everyone hoped that he would disappear.
Asterius was all alone. No one was beside him, and no one wanted to understand him.
Whether they were a magical beast, a humanoid or even his parents. Everyone was his enemy.
He wondered if, one day, he would be killed by someone while still being hated by the world.
He had pondered such thoughts and accepted them.
Which was why, when an adventurer who could kill him appeared in front of him, he even felt relief to some extent.
A fierce battle took place. And he lost.
To Asterius, who had accepted his impending death, the adventurer – a young black-winged girl – said thus.
“You, why don’t you come with me?”
It was the first time someone extended their hand to him. It was also the first time he experienced someone who was not afraid of him.
But above all else, he had never thought that there would be a day when someone would need him.
Later, he learnt that she was also someone who had received no love from her father.
Both of them had not been blessed with good fathers. They related to one another on a strange level.
Perhaps she simply was not able to leave someone who was in the same circumstances as herself all alone.
Perhaps she only acted that way because she projected herself onto him.
Either way, to feel wanted and needed by someone made him genuinely happy.
So Asterius thought about it.
My life is something which has been thrown away even by my own parents. Ruphas, you are the only one who gives my life meaning. You are the only one who needs me.
That’s why... my life is yours.
If I hadn’t met you, my life would have ended in that labyrinth either way... Instead, I’m able to fight in this great battlefield, which will determine the fate of the world, for the sake of my friends. So I have no regrets.
I’ll open the path ahead. So I’ll leave the rest to you.
My friend... I believe in your victory.
With those as his last thoughts– Asterius lost consciousness | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 7,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
流石、魅惑の魔法! とんでもない威力だな。
「それなら、ジル君が尊敬しているアリシアちゃんはどうなの? 彼女の方が自分の価値観を相手に植え付けようとしているわ」
「そもそも、なんでいじめてた奴らは非難の目を向けられないかが分からない。どうしてそんな奴らとも仲良くしてるの? ......それって、お人好しなんかじゃなくて馬鹿って言うんだよ」
分かり合う、キャザー・リズが使うとなんだか胡散臭い言葉のように感じる。 | “In my case, Duke helped me. I was not okay with being bullied. I suffered every day, and it was hard. But Duke and the rest of the student council reached out to me.”
I felt like the story was being dramatized, but I wasn’t there, so I’ll keep my mouth shut.
“Then I pulled myself together, and Duke was so popular that there were even more people picking on me, but I pretended I didn’t know about it. Instead, I took the initiative and tried to make friends with them.”
Wasn’t that just adding fuel to the fire?
“Then they started to get to know me a little better.”
That was due to the charm magic! That was a lot of power.
“So, you know, I think getting to know each other is important. There is no conflict when we understand each other. If we respect each other’s ideas and give in to each other, I think we can build a wonderful world.”
...What the heck was she talking about?
The conversation kept changing. Finally, we were talking about world peace. The content of the conversation was surprisingly flimsy.
“So you’re saying we should make concessions?”
“Yes. I guess that’s what it means.”
I held back the urge to say many things.
First, you must acknowledge the other person’s point of view at least once, which Alicia would certainly do.
I took a quick breath and looked into her emerald green eyes.
“If everyone could do that, the world would be a better place. However, many things can not be compromised. Each person is proud of their own way of thinking. Simply put, it is like a religion. Liz Cather, there are many people who respect your views. However, the majority is not always right. It’s impossible to understand each other when you are trying to instill in us what you think is righteous.”
What was actually happening in the academy was the opposite of what Liz Cather was saying.
“That sounds like I’m imposing my values on everyone.”
She replied, wrinkling her brow. Her clear voice echoed in my ears.
“No, I’m not. I hate that kind of brainwashing.”
“I’m afraid you are unconsciously doing it.”
“What do you mean?”
Liz Cather’s face was filled with suspicion as she looked at me.
“Then what about Alicia-chan, whom you admire so much, Gilles? She’s the one who is trying to instill her own values in others.”
That was because Alicia was Liz Cather’s overseer. Without excessive input, Liz Cather wouldn’t even realize what she was doing.
“I don’t know why the people who were bullying you in the first place aren’t to blame. Why do you even want to get along with those guys? ...That’s not being a good-natured person, that’s being an idiot.”
“It’s to understand each other!”
She spoke in a harsher tone than usual, probably annoyed by my words.
Liz Cather’s use of the word “understanding” made it sound like a dirty word to me. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
シェイラは受け身もほとんどできていない状態で、地面に叩き付けられた。 | In preparation for the competition, the knight department’s general and special courses were to come together for several joint practice sessions. It was necessary for all the students to meet in order to group them by their grades. There, they would discuss their own strategy for the team competition.
Sheila and the other fourth-year students were having a meeting in their circle.
There were people participating in the pole toppling competition. They had to start with the selection of the team members. The team had to make all the decisions during the few times they had to practice together, so it was quite a busy time.
“Let’s start by figuring out a winning strategy for the pole toppling.”
“No... You, are you sure you want to join us?”
There was a good reason for Hyderion’s concern. Sheila glanced backward.
Somehow, I feel a heated gaze from behind me.
Since a little while ago, someone had been looking at Sheila feverishly as she sat holding her knees. Thanks to that, not only Sheila, but the entire fourth graders couldn’t concentrate at all.
She followed the gaze and saw Leidyrune watching the fourth-grade group, ignoring his own group discussion.
“Of all things, Leidyrune-senpai is eyeing you... What the hell did you do?”
When asked by her classmate Toldrid, Sheila could only reply with a wry smile. No matter how much she thought about it, there was only one reason.
Maybe it wasn’t a good idea after all that I tried to run away at that time...’
While Sheila was preoccupied, her classmates calmly proceeded with their discussion.
“You shouldn’t ask too many questions, Toldrid. If he keeps running away, it means he’d committed some crime.”
“But Hyderion, if we don’t know what the problem is, it won’t be a good lesson for the rest of us.”
“Sometimes it’s better not to know. If you know the truth, you could be at a disadvantage if it becomes a problem later on.”
“Hey, I didn’t do anything that criminal-like....”
Sheila retorted at Toldrid and Hyderion’s rude exchanges, but she lost her confidence after saying that.
Identity fraud. Illegal admission.
If Sheila put all of her actions into words, it did indeed reek of crime.
She told Clauschezade that it was all good, but it might fall under the crime of treason.
“.... Huh, that does sound like a crime....?”
When Sheila tilted her head and muttered, a rustling sound echoed around her as people distanced themselves away from her. What a bunch of heartless schoolmates they were.
“I’m just kidding..... I hope.”
“The words you added are concerning, Sheila.”
Zechs pointed out as he scooted back with all his might.
In a cold sweat, Cody looked around at everyone with a wry smile.
“B-by the way, why don’t we try to practice right now? We don’t have much time.”
“.... You’re right. It’s none of our business.”
Hyderion unceremoniously cut off Sheila. It was too much. Where did the bond that had deepened during the on-field training go?
“Now let’s talk about our strategy. Those who aren’t knocked aside will run into the enemy who is protecting the pole. While they do so, those who are agile will take down the pole. It’s simple, but if Sheila is there, this is the strategy with the highest success rate.... if Sheila is there.”
“Hyderion, are you still stuck on that? If you care about everything this guy does, you can’t hold your own, can you?”
Zechs scratched his head. He was often pushed around by Sheila, but he was still somewhat adaptable to her.
Hyderion shook his head as he sighed.
“If Sheila is gone from the academy by the day of the competition, this strategy wouldn’t work.”
“You’re terrible, Hyderion. Why are you thinking of the worst possible case?”
A situation where Sheila could no longer be at the academy. Was she expelled, or was her existence itself erased? Either way, it was tough to have a friend suggest such possibilities so nonchalantly.
He stared at her with half-lidded eyes, but he remained calm.
“If you’re in a position to make a successful strategy, you always have to assume the worst situation.”
“You’re terrible. Cold.”
“Whatever you say.”
“You’re mean, you idiot.”
“..... You have a very limited vocabulary of swear words.”
Hyderion gave her a look of pity, and Sheila clutched her chest. The one who was swearing was the one who suffered more damage, and the victim didn’t even suffer anything.
He sighed as he lamented over his friend’s lack of talent for swearing.
“.... We can’t quite live up to the Centrix family, but we are a count family, too. If something goes wrong, I’ll at least help you save your own life.”
It might sound like an exaggeration, but it was irreverent to even say that you would go against a Duke’s family. Hyderion, who had a sense of propriety, said that for her. It was quite hard to understand, but Sheila guessed it was his way of encouraging her.
“――Thank you, I’m counting on you.”
When Sheila smiled, Hyderion averted his light-colored eyes uncomfortably. His ears were red, as they had been during the training.
He blushed more and more as Sheila teased him. Hyderion glared at her for her unhelpful shenanigans. However, his face was so red that it didn’t scare her at all. Sheila giggled.
At that moment, Sheila felt a feeling similar to murderous intent and a chill ran through her. Hyderion also instinctively moved away from her.
He fearfully followed the painful gaze and saw Leidyrune. He shivered as Leidyrune stared at him with his icy gaze.
“.... Somehow, I think I know what caused it.”
As he muttered this, Hyderion moved further away from Sheila. Her entire being was cold from Leidyrune’s stare, but she had no friends to huddle with. It was too sad.
Cody, reading the air, returned to the topic, putting on a strained smile on his face.
“Alright, let’s go back to the strategy meeting. Sheila, can you jump over people?”
“Yeah, I can do it, with a little help.”
Right, Sheila needed to concentrate on the technique showcase competition.
Zechs, who was accustomed to such disturbances, quickly took over the conversation.
“The length of the pole is about three meters, right? I bet you could climb to the top of the pole.”
“Yeah. I remember that the pole is supported by people surrounding it, right? As long as I don’t get dragged down, I think I can use them as a springboard.”
The problem was that the people surrounding it were all enemies, so they won’t obediently become a foothold for Sheila. If they grabbed her legs and dragged her off, it might be difficult for her to try again because of the tussle.
“You need to have an ally in the area close enough to be a springboard. If it’s an ally, you’ll feel safe enough to use it as a foothold.”
“Yes, that’s right. In the meantime, do you want to try practicing to see if you can reach the pole?”
Sheila nodded to Hyderion’s words.
The role of the pole could be done with two people. However, with the threat of the Leidyrune close by, it seemed that people were beginning to feel that it wasn’t a good idea to get close to Sheila, and no one wanted to play that role. Since there was no choice, Zechs decided to put Cody on his shoulder. Hyderion reluctantly took on the role of being the springboard.
Once the preparations were complete, Sheila started running up from a distance. As she picked up speed, she suddenly leaped up from the ground hard.
At the light leap, voices of admiration leaked out from those who were watching. Sheila’s legs were so light that she didn’t even feel her weight in the air. Her feet easily reached Hyderion’s shoulders.
She continued to step forward and aimed at Cody, who was even higher up.
Even though the foothold was unstable, it wasn’t difficult for Sheila, who was accustomed to hiking in the mountains. She put her hand on Cody’s right shoulder, and then her knee on his left shoulder. She strained her abdominal muscles and lifted herself up.
From a sitting position, she stood up using Cody’s shoulder as a platform. Cody and Zechs were already tall enough, so standing atop the two of them was quite high.
“I got it!”
“Great job, Sheila!”
“You’re a real wild monkey!”
Not only Cody and Hyderion, but students from other grades were also looking at Sheila in amazement.
“Hey! It’s time to get off, you’re heavy!”
Zechs shouted, not able to hold on any longer.
“Sorry, sorry.”
Just as she bent down to get off in a hurry, a gust of wind blew in her direction. Sheila’s body swayed and tilted.
She immediately tried to adjust her position. With her excellent aerial sense, Sheila should have been able to fold her body and land on the ground effortlessly. ――Unless something unexpected happened.
Sheila wasn’t the only one who was swayed by the gust of wind. As she fell, she saw Cody had been knocked out of his position too.
It’s dangerous...!
At this rate, Sheila would fall with Cody. She didn’t know which of them would be on the bottom, but the one underneath would probably be seriously injured.
Sheila immediately kicked Cody’s body lightly in the opposite direction.
Cody’s footing was stabilized. However, that caused her to fail to adjust her position properly.
Sheila was slammed to the ground in a state where she was barely able to shield herself. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
◇ ◆ ◇
初めての巡回は特に何事もなく、肩透かしを食らった気分になるほど平和に終わった。 | Sheila and the other students were treated the same way as apprentice soldiers in the corps.
First, they got up before dawn and began cleaning the dormitories and headquarters with the help of the apprentice soldiers.
After that, it was time for breakfast. At this time, the soldiers also got up and came to the cafeteria.
Holding a tray full of mashed potatoes and bread, Sheila looked around the bustling dining room. Was there an empty seat for two somewhere?
As she looked around, she found an area in the dining room with empty seats like a gaping hole. There, Leidyrune was eating with a beautiful posture.
“Cody, there’s an empty seat over there.”
“It’s not so much that it’s empty, it’s just that it’s purposely keeping the people away.....”
Cody answered in a hushed voice, but Sheila didn’t understand why everyone was avoiding him.
“Why can’t we sit near him? Even in the morning, Leidyrune-senpai was cleaning the room without making a single disgusted face. He’s not a scary person.”
There were several senior aristocrats who had come in addition to Leidyrune, but they all seemed to be in a foul mood and reluctant to clean. Leidyrune was the only one who was silently doing as he was instructed.
Seeing that, Sheila felt like she had once again witnessed his sincere and kind attitude.
Cody seemed to have noticed that as well and nodded in embarrassment.
“I admire him too, of course, but it’s just a feeling of admiration and the hope that one day we’ll get to know each other better. Why do you have to approach him so openly?”
“Eh? Because eating a meal alone doesn’t taste good, does it?”
Ignoring Cody’s gentle refusal, Sheila proceeded towards Leidyrune.
“Leidyrune-senpai. May we sit next to you?”
He gave a sideways glance and resumed eating without a word. Taking the silence as an affirmation, Sheila took the seat next to him. Cody reluctantly took his seat as well.
“Today is the first day of the training program. I’m really excited!”
She spoke to him as she bit into the glazed bread. Leidyrune, who had been eating without any disturbance, put down his spoon.
“I heard that you’ll be doing the patrol with Cody.”
“Yes. The other two are Dilliam-senpai and Hyderion. It seems that we will be with Isaac-sama and Zola-san.”
Sheila looked at the other tables as she said that. With a little searching, she was able to find Dilliam’s blond hair and Hyderion’s dusky golden-brown hair.
The aristocrats gathered with each other, and she got the impression that there were a lot of people with similar hair colors around the area where they were together.
“..... Come to think of it, there are a lot of nobles with blond and silver hair.”
Cody’s shoulders stiffened at Sheila’s casual muttering. She turned to look at him with concern, but he remained rigid while still holding his spoon. His complexion was pale white.
She was about to ask him if he was feeling ill when Leidyrune spoke up.
“Because aristocrats repeatedly intermarry with each other, their hair color naturally becomes similar. In particular, the higher the nobility, the more blond or silver hair they had.”
“Is that so? Come to think of it, Prince Wilfrecht also has blond hair.”
The faces of known nobles came to Sheila’s mind.
So, is Claushezade-sensei a high-ranking noble too? Jornwerner-sensei’s hair is also bluish-grey, but since it’s closer to silver, is he a high-ranking noble? .....Eh? What about Felix then?
While thinking about it, she suddenly stopped to look at Leidyrune’s black hair. Even though he was the son of a duke, his hair was jet black.
As she gazed at him curiously, her gaze crossed with Leidyrune’s. He brushed his black hair away with a graceful gesture.
“――My mother is from a foreign country. I’ve heard that my hair and eyes are not an uncommon color there.”
Perhaps because she was staring too plainly, Leidyrune revealed the reason before she asked anything.
Sheila nodded, unaware that not only Cody but also the students sitting nearby were silent.
“Ah. Come to think of it, Seiryuu-senpai also has black hair mixed with brown, doesn’t he? There wasn’t a completely black-haired person in the downtown area either.”
Amy’s hair was also brown, almost black. She thought of each of the faces of the customers who came to the pharmacy and was convinced.
Jet black, like the wet feathers of a crow, was a special color reserved only for Leidyrune.
“I see. So, Leidyrune-senpai’s beautiful black hair and jewel-like eyes were all inherited from your mother.”
Leidyrune’s eyes fluttered loosely. His eyes, like purple crystals, were so beautiful that you couldn’t help but sigh when you looked at them. Sheila smiled from the bottom of her heart.
“She must have been a wonderful mother, I’m sure.”
Leidyrune looked down at Sheila with wide eyes for a moment. After that, his expression was colored by a sweet smile. When the corners of his eyes were crinkled, the sharp impression softened, and he even looked somewhat charming.
“.... Talking to you always makes me let down my guard.”
“Eh, I’m very sorry.”
Sheila’s shoulders jumped when she thought he was angry, but Leidyrune shook his head.
“I’m not angry..... I’m relieved.”
“Is that so? I’m glad to hear that.”
As Sheila and Leidyrune continued their leisurely conversation, the tense atmosphere faded, and the people around them were finally able to resume their meal.
◇ ◆ ◇
“It was really, really bad for my heart. I really thought my heart was going to stop today.......”
Cody muttered to himself while walking next to her as they began their patrol.
Sheila and the others were now wearing the uniforms of the Patrol Corps. The front of the black, stuffed collar was crimson, with a line of the same color running down the outside of the pants. The buttons were a gold color that shimmered in the sunlight.
Walking around town in uniform made her feel very proud.
Even Hyderion and Dilliam, who were ahead of them, seemed to be in high spirits, while Cody looked tired as if he had been up all night.
“Leidyrune’s mother is from the Faril Divine Kingdom. The status system there is unique; there are no kings or nobles. The highest-ranking person in the country is called the High Priest, and I’ve heard rumors that his mother is a relative of the High Priest.”
“Is it great if you’re a relative of the High Priest? Or if you’re not a priest, are you treated like a commoner even if you’re a relative?”
When she asked Cody, who was well-versed in the matter, he shook his head.
“The details of the country’s internal affairs are not known to people from other countries. That country is full of mysteries.”
Since it was a country with many mysteries, she wondered if it was rare for a woman to marry into another country.
At least, she had never seen a hair color like that of Leidyrune at the academy, where children of noble families from all over the Kingdom of Steitz gather.
“The circumstances surrounding the marriage of Leidyrune-senpai’s mother into the Centrix family are also not disclosed. There are all kinds of rumors flying around in social circles, but there is an unspoken agreement not to mention them in front of the Centrix family. And yet, when it came to you.....”
Cody clutched his chest, letting out a faint breath that seemed to exhale his soul. She couldn’t help but notice that it seemed to have grated on his nerves.
“Urm.... It was an honest slip of the tongue?”
She said, scratching her cheek, and Cody laughed.
“Well, Leidyrune-senpai smiled and forgave you, so I don’t think it will be a problem.”
Sheila was relieved to hear her friend’s approval.
She tended to forget these days, but when dealing with nobles, she didn’t know what would anger them. There was always danger by your side.
From now on, she thought, she must refrain from acting too friendly.
Her first patrol was nothing special and ended so peacefully that she was taken aback. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
これはAlex という 私の一番気に入っている 合成音声で 全ての Mac に 標準搭載されています
以前 は「話す」という当たり前なことが 不可能になるなんて 考えたこともありませんでした
あの頃は 何も知らずに 気楽なものでした
癌の手術を受け 話し、食べる、飲み込むという能力を失ってから コンピューターに生活の世話になるという バーチャルな世界に入ることを 余儀なくされました
ここ数日 TEDのイベントで 何人もの方が素晴らしい講演をされています
私も昔は あの様に話せました
頭の良さは別として 喋るのなら 負けなかったと思います
今日は「話す」という行為について 又 「話す」もしくは「話さない」という行為が 自分である事と 切り離せないもので それが出来なくなったとき 新しい人間として生まれ変わらざるを得ない ということをお話したいのです
しかし 合成音声は 長く聴くと 単調です 長く聴くと 単調です
ですから 今日は TEDの友人に 私の言葉を読んでもらいます
最初は妻のチャズから始めます 話す能力を取り戻すために
3度に及ぶ顎の再建手術を支えてくれたのは チャズでした 2006年に再発した
唾液腺癌の手術のとき 唾液腺癌の手術のとき 私の映画評論の番組 「Ebert & Roeper at the Movies」の収録に 間に合うよう 退院する予定でした 手術と保養に6週間を見込んで 先に番組を十分 撮り貯めていました 医者は 顎の再生のため 脚の腓骨と肩の組織を 移植しました
私の舌、喉頭、声帯は まだ健常だったんですよ
私は楽観的な性格でしたし 全て順調に事は進んでいました
鏡で映った自分を見て 結構 満足していたんです
2週間後 退院の準備も整い 帰宅前に 医者や看護師と一緒に
iPadでレナード・コーエンの I'm Your Man を 聴いていたとき
突然 大量の出血を起こしました
まだ病室にいて すぐ側に医者がいて 本当によかった
チャズは言いました あの曲がもっと短ければ 帰宅途中の車内で出血して 助からなかったかもしれないと
命を救ってくれたレナード・コーエンに 感謝します
(拍手) 2度目の手術は 5 - 6 日は もったのですが それも破裂し
3度目の試みは 再び しっかりと つなぎ合わせたにもかかわらず やはり失敗に終わりました 頚動脈が破裂した患者が 生き延びた例を知らないと
ブラジルから来た医者は言いました その後 退院までの 1年間の入院中 7回も頚動脈が
破裂したのです 特に 告げられなくても 私が話す能力を失ったことは 誰の目にも明らかでした
誰の目にも明らかでした 人間の話す能力は 私たちの呼吸器系の器官と 口の中の空洞内で
吐く息を巧みに操ったものなのです 音声を作るには
息を貯め操る必要があります ですから空気が漏れないように これらの一連の器官は
密閉されなければいけません しかし 顎を失ったため 密閉が不可能になり 舌やその他の 声に必要な部位が 役に立たなくなったのです
初めのうちは しばらく 言いたいことは ノートに綴りました
それからラップトップに打ち始め 合成音声に切り替えました
この方が速く 私の筆跡を解読してもらう手間も省けました
ネット上にある 様々な合成音声を試し イギリス訛りで話した頃もありました これをチャズは ローレンス卿と呼んでいました
この音声が一番 明快だったんです
その後 アップルがAlex をリリースしました 当時のどの音声よりも優れていて
認識してくれます ピリオドがあれば きちんと文章を終わらせ 文の終わりが宙に浮いている様にはなりません
HTML コードを使えば タイミングや抑揚もコントロールできます これは いろいろ使ってみましたが
会話をする状況では どんどんタイプして 話についていかなければなりません
言葉やフレーズを コードをいじって調整するのを 待ってもらうわけにはいきません 待ってもらうわけにはいきません
ところで 自分の声には どのくらいの価値があるのでしょう?
自分であることに どのくらい影響があるのでしょう
Alex の話す私の言葉を聞いて 私との繋がりを感じるでしょうか?
それとも 隔たりや距離を 感じてしまうでしょうか?
話すことができなくなって 何を感じたかというと
今でも 感じているのは 世間との大きな距離感です
ラップトップが手元にないと 不安に感じるようになりました
私の言語障害に付き合うのは 大変だということも分かっています
チャズが 過去30年のテレビ番組の声を使って 私の声をカスタマイズしてくれる 会社を探そうと提案してくれましたが
なんだか気持悪いと思ったんです コンピューターが私の声で話すのを聞くなんて
自分の声でないところに ほっとするようなものがありました
でも とりあえずやってみようって決めたんです
スコットランドにある 合成音声を カスタマイズする会社に問い合わせると
録音室で本人が読んだ単語を 録音して作っているのだそうです 録音室で本人が読んだ単語を 録音して作っているのだそうです
でも やってみようと言ってくれたので
何時間もの私の声の録音や DVD用に録音した 映画評論のオーディオトラックも 何本か渡しました
もちろんです だってこの声は私なんですから
でも そう簡単に事は進みませんでした
テレビ番組の録画はあまり役に立たなかったんです 音声以外の雑音が多すぎました 映画のサウンドトラックとか 相棒のジーン・シスケルの口論とか しかも 私の発音に 独特の語調があったりして 文の中に 自然に収まらないのです
これらはテレビのために録音したコメントで オプラ・ウインフリーの番組に チャズと一緒に出演した時のものです
オプラ またこの番組で ご一緒出来て 本当にうれしいです
これまでも いろいろお話しましたが またお会いできましたね
これが出来立ての 私の合成音声です
まだ改善が必要ですが 確かに私の声に聞こえますし これを最初に聞いた時 背中がゾクっとしました
何かをタイプすれば この声がタイプしたことをしゃべります
何か読むのも 私の声で読み上げてくれます
ここに座って私がタイプするのを見ていても あまり面白くないでしょうから 事前に 言いたいことを入力してきました
この合成音声はスコットランドにある会社で作られました セレプロックという会社です
うれしいことに お聞きいただいている言葉の大部分は 実は『カサブランカ』と『市民ケーン』の評論に 使われたものなんです
これは この会社が個人のために作った 初めての音声です
コンピューターの合成音声でも かなり良いものもありますが どれも他人が話しているように聞こえます その点 これは私が喋っているようです
これをテレビやラジオ インターネットで使うつもりです
声が必要な人たちに知って欲しいのは 殆どのコンピューターに 音声システムが付いていることです
目の不自由な人たちは こういった合成音声を ウェブサイトを読む時に使っています
小学校一年のとき しゃべりすぎると言われたものですが 今でもそういられるのです
私が喋っているように 聞こえますが 単語があちこち 飛んでいる感じです
スコットランドで まだがんばって 私の声を改善してくれているので 今後 もっと良くなると思います
でも今の所 アップル社のAlex が 一番自然に聞こえます
ブログに書いたのですが Alexの声を担当した俳優に訊いたところ
彼はこの合成音声のために様々な抑揚を 何時間もかけて 録音したと言っていました
最後に喋った言葉が何だったか はっきり思い出せないのですが はっきり思い出せないのですが
ハーラン・エリスンの 『おれには口がない、それでもおれは叫ぶ』の 主人公のような気持ちになります
水曜日の講演で デビッド・クリスチャンが 宇宙の歴史から見ると 人類の存在なんて ほんの一瞬だという話をしました
何百万、何十億万年のほとんどの間 地球には生命体が全くなかったんです
地球生命体の歴史を見ても 知的生命体の歴史は浅いものです
私たちが知識を次の世代に 受け渡すことを学んで始めて 文明が可能になりました
宇宙の視点から見れば それはたった10分前の事です
そして人間にとって最も発達し かつ神秘的な道具がやってきました コンピューターです
この進歩は 私が生まれてから起こったものです
初期の有名なコンピューターの中には 私の生まれ育ったアーバナ市で 作られたものもありました HAL9000 の生誕地ともされています
水曜日にサルマン・カーンの 素晴らしい講演を聞きました カーン・アカデミーのウェブサイトで 沢山の科目を世界中の人に教えているという話です これを聞いて 思い出したんです
私は高校生でしたが 地元の新聞記者をしていました イリノイ大学のコンピューター室へ行って PLATOという名のものの 製作者たちにインタービューするよう言われました PLATOはプログラムド・ロジック・フォー
オートメーテッド・ティーチング・ オペレーションズの頭文字です
コンピュータを使った教育システムで 当時 ILLIACというコンピュータ上で稼働していました
プログラマーたちは これが将来 学習を援助するんだ と言っていましたが
50年前のあの時 サルマン・カーンが達成した事が 可能になるなんて 彼らですら 考えてもいなかったと思います
私が言いたかったのは PLATOはたった50年前 つい最近のものなのです
PLATO は進化を続け より高度な コンピューターで いろいろな形で使われてきたのです 5年前に知ったのですが
ウィキベディアによると PLATO は地味な形で始まったものの フォーラムや掲示板 オンラインのテストや メールやチャット 絵文字やインスタント・メッセージ リモートでスクリーンをシェアしたり マルチプレーヤー・ゲームを可能にしたのです
最初のウェブブラウザもアーバナ市で 開発されたので 私の生まれ育った イリノイ州の南部のこの街は 現在 我々の生きる バーチャルな ネット世界の生誕地だったんです
商工会議所に頼まれて 宣伝している訳ではありません
商工会議所に頼まれて 宣伝している訳ではありません コミュニケートしたい1人の人間として 話しているのです
1970年代にコンピューターを使って書き始めました シカゴ・サン・タイムズ社に ごく初期の Atechシステムが設置されたんです
ラジオシャック社のModel100を 発売直後に買うために並んだこともありました
アカデミー賞のプレスルームの係りに こう言った事もあります インターネット接続用に 電話線を何本か用意したらいいって でも あの頃は わかってもらえなかった
初めて買ったデスクトップは DEC のレインボーでした
(拍手) サン・タイムズ社の仕事で カンヌ映画祭に携行した ポータブル・コンピューターは スーツケースの大きさで ポーテラム・テレバブル という名前でした
コンピュサーブに入会した頃の 総会員数は私のツイッターのフォロワーの 人数よりも少なかったんです
これら全ては またたく間に起こったんです
想像できません 歴史上のこんな時代に生きているなんて
とても幸運だと思います 歴史上に生きていること自体 ラッキーなことです なぜなら知識や記憶がなかったら 歴史なんてないからです
何十億年もの間 なんの予兆もなしに 宇宙は進化してきました
私たちは今 インターネットの時代に生き グローバルな意識を形作っているようです
そのおかげで 私はこれまでと同じように コミュニケーションがとれるのです 私たちは 時と空間に枠付けられた
箱の中に産まれてきますが その箱から出て 他の人とつながるために
言葉やコミュニケーションを使うのです 便利な道具として使い始めた 便利な道具として使い始めた インターネットは 私が毎日生きるために なくてはならないものとなりました
私は話すことができません キーボードでの入力は そんなに速くはできませんし
合成音声だって 大したものではありませんが でも コンピューターを使って 以前よりずっと広い コミュニケーションが取れるようになりました 以前よりずっと広い コミュニケーションが取れるようになりました
なんだか私のブログ メール、ツイッター、フェースブックが 日々の会話の 代理のように感じます
普通に話せるより良いとは言えませんが これが私にできる最善の事です
これらのツールで 私は話せるようになったのです
全ての人が 妻 のチャズのように 気長に待ってくれるわけではありません
でもネット上では 誰もが同じスピードで話しています
この人生の冒険を通して いろいろな事を学びました
手術が失敗するたびに 肉と骨は減ってしまい
両肩から組織を移植するため手術を繰り返すうちに 腰痛が生じ 歩くのが困難になりました
皮肉なことに 足は大丈夫なんです 肩のせいで歩くのが遅くなったのです
今の私は 「オペラ座の怪人」みたいです
そんなことは ないわよ
(拍手) 私のような人間を見て 輝きを失ったと推測するのは当然です
人に -- (拍手) 大声で-- ごめんなさい
(拍手) 大声でゆっくり話しかけられたり
目が合わない様 視線をそらす人もいます
こんなはずでは なかったんです とにかく 続けさせてください
こんなこと自分の妻に 読ませるものじゃないわよ
人間というものは 病気から目をそらせるものなのです
命のもろさを 思い起こさせるものは嫌なのです
だからインターネットを使って ものが書ける事に救われたんです
考えたり 書く能力は 昔のままです
ネット上では 言いたいことを上手く表現できます
他の障碍者にも多く出会いました 足の指でキーボードを打つ ツイッターフレンドもいます
とても面白いブログを書く 友達がいるんですが ペンネームは「キザな障害者」
ググってみて下さい 笑えると思いますよ
言い方は違っても こういった人が 口をそろえて言うのは 見た目が全てではないということです
泣き言を言うために ここに来たのではありません
当面は ガンも治ったみたいです 当面は ガンも治ったみたいです
執筆も進み 今まで以上に
もし私が宇宙の時間で ほんのちょっとでも前に こんな状況におかれていたら 世から引っ込んで孤立していたでしょう
人類の知識が飛躍し デジタル革命のおかげで 私は言いたいことが言え 叫ぶ必要がないのです
精神科医は言いました 「付け足すとすれば 顔もブサイクだ」
人工知能のチューリングテストは 皆さん ご存知です
人間の判定者に 人間と機械相手に会話をしてもらい
もし判定者が相手が人間か機械か 区別ができなかったら その機械はテストに合格です
合成音声のテストに イーバート・テストはどうでしょう?
もし 合成音声が ヘニー・ヤングマンの様に うまいタイミングでギャグを言えたなら それが私の欲しい声なのです | This is Alex, the best computer voice I've been able to find, which comes as standard equipment on every Macintosh.
For most of my life, I never gave a second thought to my ability to speak.
It was like breathing.
In those days, I was living in a fool's paradise.
After surgeries for cancer took away my ability to speak, eat or drink, I was forced to enter this virtual world in which a computer does some of my living for me.
For several days now, we have enjoyed brilliant and articulate speakers here at TED.
I used to be able to talk like that.
Maybe I wasn't as smart, but I was at least as talkative.
I want to devote my talk today to the act of speaking itself, and how the act of speaking or not speaking is tied so indelibly to one's identity as to force the birth of a new person when it is taken away.
However, I've found that listening to a computer voice for any great length of time can be monotonous.
So I've decided to recruit some of my TED friends to read my words aloud for me.
I will start with my wife, Chaz.
Chaz Ebert: It was Chaz who stood by my side through three attempts to reconstruct my jaw and restore my ability to speak.
Going into the first surgery for a recurrence of salivary cancer in 2006, I expected to be out of the hospital in time to return to my movie review show, 'Ebert and Roeper at the Movies.' I had pre-taped enough shows to get me through six weeks of surgery The doctors took a fibula bone from my leg and some tissue from my shoulder to fashion into a new jaw.
My tongue, larynx and vocal cords were still healthy and unaffected.
CE: I was optimistic, and all was right with the world.
The first surgery was a great success.
I saw myself in the mirror and I looked pretty good.
Two weeks later, I was ready to return home.
to play the Leonard Cohen song 'I'm Your Man' for my doctors and nurses.
Suddenly, I had an episode of catastrophic bleeding.
My carotid artery had ruptured.
Thank God I was still in my hospital room and my doctors were right there.
Chaz told me that if that song hadn't played for so long, I might have already been in the car, on the way home, and would have died right there and then.
So thank you, Leonard Cohen, for saving my life.
There was a second surgery -- which held up for five or six days and then it also fell apart.
And then a third attempt, which also patched me back together pretty well, until it failed. A doctor from Brazil said he had never seen anyone survive a carotid artery rupture.
And before I left the hospital, after a year of being hospitalized, I had seven ruptures of my carotid artery.
There was no particular day when anyone told me I would never speak again; it just sort of became obvious.
Human speech is an ingenious manipulation of our breath within the sound chamber of our mouth and respiratory system.
We need to be able to hold and manipulate that breath in order to form sounds.
Therefore, the system must be essentially airtight in order to capture air.
Because I had lost my jaw, I could no longer form a seal, and therefore my tongue and all of my other vocal equipment was rendered powerless.
Dean Ornish: At first for a long time, I wrote messages in notebooks.
Then I tried typing words on my laptop and using its built in voice.
This was faster, and nobody had to try to read my handwriting.
I tried out various computer voices that were available online, and for several months I had a British accent, which Chaz called Sir Lawrence."
"It was the clearest I could find.
Then Apple released the Alex voice, which was the best I'd heard.
between an exclamation point and a question mark.
When it saw a period, it knew how to make a sentence sound like it was ending instead of staying up in the air.
There are all sorts of html codes you can use to control the timing and inflection of computer voices, and I've experimented with them.
For me, they share a fundamental problem: they're too slow.
When I find myself in a conversational situation, I need to type fast and to jump right in.
People don't have the time or the patience to wait for me to fool around with the codes for every word or phrase.
But what value do we place on the sound of our own voice?
How does that affect who you are as a person?
When people hear Alex speaking my words, do they experience a disconnect?
Does that create a separation or a distance from one person to the next?
How did I feel not being able to speak?
I felt, and I still feel, a lot of distance from the human mainstream.
I've become uncomfortable when I'm separated from my laptop.
Even then, I'm aware that most people have little patience for my speaking difficulties.
So Chaz suggested finding a company that could make a customized voice using my TV show voice from a period of 30 years.
At first I was against it.
I thought it would be creepy to hear my own voice coming from a computer.
There was something comforting about a voice that was not my own.
But I decided then to just give it a try.
So we contacted a company in Scotland that created personalized computer voices.
They'd never made one from previously-recorded materials.
All of their voices had been made by a speaker recording original words in a control booth.
But they were willing to give it a try.
So I sent them many hours of recordings of my voice, including several audio commentary tracks that I'd made for movies on DVDs.
And it sounded like me, it really did.
There was a reason for that; it was me.
But it wasn't that simple.
The tapes from my TV show weren't very useful because there were too many other kinds of audio involved -- movie soundtracks, for example, or Gene Siskel arguing with me -- and my words often had a particular emphasis that didn't fit into a sentence well enough.
I'll let you hear a sample of that voice.
These are a few of the comments I recorded for use when Chaz and I appeared on the Oprah Winfrey program.
And here's the voice we call Roger Jr.
or Roger 2.0.
Roger 2.0: Oprah, I can't tell you how great it is to be back on your show.
We have been talking for a long time, and now here we are again.
This is the first version of my computer voice.
It still needs improvement, but at least it sounds like me When I heard it the first time, it sent chills down my spine.
When I type anything, this voice will speak whatever I type.
When I read something, it will read in my voice.
I have typed these words in advance, as I didn't think it would be thrilling to sit here watching me typing.
The voice was created by a company in Scotland named CereProc.
It makes me feel good that many of the words you are hearing were first spoken while I was commenting on "Casablanca" and "Citizen Kane."
This is the first voice they've created for an individual.
There are several very good voices available for computers, but they all sound like somebody else, while this voice sounds like me.
I plan to use it on television, radio and the Internet.
People who need a voice should know that most computers already come with built-in speaking systems.
Many blind people use them to read pages on the Web to themselves.
But I've got to say, in first grade, they said I talked too much, and now I still can.
Roger Ebert: As you can hear, it sounds like me, but the words jump up and down.
The flow isn't natural.
The good people in Scotland are still improving my voice, and I'm optimistic about it.
But so far, the Apple Alex voice is the best one I've heard.
I wrote a blog about it and actually got a comment from the actor who played Alex.
He said he recorded many long hours in various intonations to be used in the voice.
A very large sample is needed.
John Hunter: All my life I was a motormouth.
Now I have spoken my last words, and I don't even remember for sure what they were.
I feel like the hero of that Harlan Ellison story titled "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream."
On Wednesday, David Christian explained to us what a tiny instant the human race represents in the time-span of the universe.
For almost all of its millions and billions of years, there was no life on Earth at all.
For almost all the years of life on Earth, there was no intelligent life.
Only after we learned to pass knowledge from one generation to the next, did civilization become possible.
In cosmological terms, that was about 10 minutes ago.
Finally came mankind's most advanced and mysterious tool, the computer.
That has mostly happened in my lifetime.
Some of the famous early computers were being built in my hometown of Urbana, the birthplace of HAL 9000.
When I heard the amazing talk by Salman Khan on Wednesday, about the Khan Academy website that teaches hundreds of subjects to students all over the world, I had a flashback.
It was about 1960.
As a local newspaper reporter still in high school, I was sent over to the computer lab of the University of Illinois to interview the creators of something called PLATO.
The initials stood for Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations.
This was a computer-assisted instruction system, which in those days ran on a computer named ILLIAC.
The programmers said it could assist students in their learning.
I doubt, on that day 50 years ago, they even dreamed of what Salman Khan has accomplished.
But that's not the point.
The point is PLATO was only 50 years ago, an instant in time.
It continued to evolve and operated in one form or another on more and more sophisticated computers, until only five years ago.
I have learned from Wikipedia that, starting with that humble beginning, PLATO established forums, message boards, online testing, email, chat rooms, picture languages, instant messaging, remote screen sharing and multiple-player games.
Since the first Web browser was also developed in Urbana, it appears that my hometown in downstate Illinois was the birthplace of much of the virtual, online universe we occupy today.
But I'm not here from the Chamber of Commerce.
I'm here as a man who wants to communicate.
All of this has happened in my lifetime.
I started writing on a computer back in the 1970s when one of the first Atech systems was installed at the Chicago Sun-Times.
I was in line at Radio Shack to buy one of the first Model 100's.
And when I told the people in the press room at the Academy Awards that they'd better install some phone lines for Internet connections, they didn't know what I was talking about.
When I bought my first desktop, it was a DEC Rainbow.
Does anybody remember that?"
"The Sun Times sent me to the Cannes Film Festival with a portable computer the size of a suitcase named the Porteram Telebubble.
I joined CompuServe when it had fewer numbers than I currently have followers on Twitter.
CE: All of this has happened in the blink of an eye.
what will happen next.
It makes me incredibly fortunate to live at this moment in history.
Indeed, I am lucky to live in history at all, because without intelligence and memory there is no history.
For billions of years, the universe evolved completely without notice.
Now we live in the age of the Internet, which seems to be creating a form of global consciousness.
And because of it, I can communicate as well as I ever could.
We are born into a box of time and space.
We use words and communication to break out of it For me, the Internet began as a useful tool and now has become something I rely on for my actual daily existence.
I cannot speak; I can only type so fast.
Computer voices are sometimes not very sophisticated, but with my computer, I can communicate more widely than ever before.
I feel as if my blog, my email, Twitter and Facebook have given me a substitute for everyday conversation.
They aren't an improvement, but they're the best I can do.
They give me a way to speak.
Not everybody has the patience of my wife, Chaz.
But online, everybody speaks at the same speed.
This whole adventure has been a learning experience.
Every time there was a surgery that failed, I was left with a little less flesh and bone.
Now I have no jaw left at all.
While harvesting tissue from both my shoulders, the surgeries left me with back pain and reduced my ability to walk easily.
Ironic that my legs are fine, and it's my shoulders that slow up my walk.
When you see me today, I look like the Phantom of the Opera.
But no you don't.
It is human nature to look at someone like me and assume I have lost some of my marbles.
People -- People talk loudly -- I'm so sorry.
Excuse me.
People talk loudly and slowly to me.
Sometimes they assume I am deaf.
There are people who don't want to make eye contact.
Believe me, he didn't mean this as -- anyway, let me just read it.
You should never let your wife read something like this.
It is human nature to look away from illness.
We don't enjoy a reminder of our own fragile mortality.
That's why writing on the Internet has become a lifesaver for me.
My ability to think and write have not been affected.
And on the Web, my real voice finds expression.
I have also met many other disabled people who communicate this way.
One of my Twitter friends can type only with his toes.
One of the funniest blogs on the Web is written by a friend of mine named Smartass Cripple.
Google him and he will make you laugh.
All of these people are saying, in one way or another, that what you see is not all you get.
So I have not come here to complain.
I have much to make me happy and relieved.
I seem, for the time being, to be cancer-free.
I am writing as well as ever.
I am productive.
If I were in this condition at any point before a few cosmological instants ago, I would be as isolated as a hermit.
I would be trapped inside my head.
Because of the rush of human knowledge, because of the digital revolution, I have a voice, and I do not need to scream.
RE: Wait. I have one more thing to add.
A guy goes into a psychiatrist.
The psychiatrist says, "You're crazy."
The guy says, "I want a second opinion."
The psychiatrist says, "All right, you're ugly."
You all know the test for artificial intelligence -- the Turing test.
A human judge has a conversation with a human and a computer.
If the judge can't tell the machine apart from the human, the machine has passed the test.
I now propose a test for computer voices -- the Ebert test.
If a computer voice can successfully tell a joke and do the timing and delivery as well as Henny Youngman, then that's the voice I want. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
ここで言っているのは 本当の終わり
どうしたら良く生きられるか それは 誰もが きちんと考えます
私は どうすれば良い死を迎えられやすくなるか お話しします
私は 老人専門医ではありません
今日のテーマについては サンプル数2の定性的研究から学びました
ここ数年 私は 二人の友だちが 自ら望む形で 人生を終えられるよう手伝いました
ジム・モディーニと妻 シャーリーは 結婚生活の68年を ソノマ郡に所有する1,700エーカーの大牧場で ひっそりと暮らしてきました
食べていくのに必要な家畜だけを飼って それ以外のほとんどの土地を そこに住んでいるー 熊や豹などの たくさんの動物の 保護区にまわしました
それが 彼らの夢だったのです
ジムとシャーリーが80代のとき 私は 彼らと知り合いました
二人とも 一人っ子で子どもは作りませんでした
私はそのうち二人と親しくなって彼らの管財人 そして 医事代理人になりました そして さらに重要な役目を引き受け 二人の人生の終わりに向けた日々を 取り仕切るようになりました
人生をどう良く終えるかについて いくつかのことを学びました
ジムとシャーリーは 最期の数年 がんや骨折、感染症、神経疾患に見舞われました
最期に向かうにつれて 私たちの身体機能や 自分で身の回りのことをする力は ゼロに近づいていきます
そんな中でも計画を立て 適切な人たちと組めば 生活の質を高いまま維持できるのが 分かりました
人生の終わりに向けた日々は (テキスト:やり残したことを終わらせる時期) 死期に気づく出来事によって始まります (テキスト:やり残したことを終わらせる時期) この始めの段階で ジムとシャーリーは懸案となっていた牧場を 二人の死後 自然保護団体ACRに託すと決めました
これによって 二人は 安心して前に進めるようになりました
始まりは 病気の診断かもしれないし自らの直感かもしれませんが(テキスト:受け止める時期)
いずれ 「もう永くはない」と思うときが来ます (テキスト:受け止める時期)
ジムとシャーリーは この期間に 友だちみんなに「終わりが近いが 僕たちは大丈夫だ」 と伝えました
がんで死ぬことと神経疾患で死ぬことは (テキスト:迎える時期) 状況が違います (テキスト:迎える時期)
ただ どちらの場合でも 最期の日々には静かに 安心させてほしいものです
ジムが先に亡くなりました 最後の最後まで意識があったものの 最後の日は 話せませんでした ただ―
彼の瞳から 最後に安心したいことは分かり 「大丈夫だよ ジム シャーリーはちゃんと面倒見る ここ 大放牧場でね そして ACRが永遠に野生動物たちを守るよ」 と伝えていました
ワークシートはネットにあるので あなた自身の終わりを計画いただくこともできます
まずは 計画を持つことです
ほとんどの人は 「自宅で死にたい」と言います
でも アメリカ人の8割は病院か老人ホームで 亡くなっています
「そうなったら いっそ 撃ってくれ」 と言う人も多いですが
計画を立てるのには 自らが望む終わりについて いくつかの率直な質問に答えることが必要です
何人かいれば自らが望む終わりを 迎えられやすくなるでしょう
必要なのはこの仕事をうまくやれるような 時間がありそして 近くにいて 刻々と変わる状況のプレッシャーの中でも 人とうまく調整ができる人です
病院への備えも 重要です
緊急救命室に運ばれる可能性が高く 正しく備えておく必要があります
病歴や薬 かかりつけ医の情報を 1枚の紙にまとめておきます
それを 目立つ色の封筒に入れて 保険証の写しと委任状 そして 蘇生禁止指示書も同封します
代理人の車に 1通と
自宅の冷蔵庫に 1通貼り付けます
緊急救命室に運ばれたときこれがあれば 入院手続きが かなりスムーズになります
あなたの性格と経済状態も考えて 老人養護施設と 自宅療養の どちらがベストか判断することになります
いずれの場合も 妥協してはいけません
私たちも 何度も介護者を変えて ようやく 完ぺきなチームに出会いました マーシャのチームです マーシャは もうすぐ死ぬからといって ビンゴに勝たせたりはしません でも― 外出できないあなたの代わりに大牧場に行き その様子をビデオで撮ってきてくれるような人です そして ケイトリン 彼女の前では 朝の体操はさぼれない でも ジムの気持ちをよく察して 「奥さんは大丈夫だよ」と言ってくれます
最後の項目は 最期に聞きたい言葉です
本当に最期となったら どんな言葉を誰から 聞きたいですか?
私の経験では あなたが聞きたくなるのは 今心配していることもうまく行くということです
心配しなくても大丈夫と分かれば 心配から解放されるのです
このテーマは 普通なら恐怖や拒絶を呼び起こします
私がこの経験から学んだのは 人生の終わりを計画する時間が持てれば 生活の質を保てる可能性が最も高まる ということです
これは ジムとシャーリーが大牧場を誰に託すか 決めたときの様子です
これは 亡くなる数週間前のジム 思いがけず また誕生日をお祝いできました
こちらは 亡くなる数日前のシャーリー その日の新聞に載せられた― モディーニ牧場の野生動物保護の 重要さを訴える記事を読んでもらっています
ジムとシャーリーは人生を 良く終えました 皆さんに このお話をすることで 私たちも 同じように良い終わりを迎えられればと思います
ありがとうございました | And I'm talking about the very end.
I'm talking about dying.
We all think a lot about how to live well.
I'd like to talk about increasing our chances of dying well.
I'm not a geriatrician.
I design reading programs for preschoolers.
What I know about this topic comes from a qualitative study with a sample size of two.
In the last few years, I helped two friends have the end of life they wanted.
Jim and Shirley Modini spent their 68 years of marriage living off the grid on their 1,700-acre ranch in the mountains of Sonoma County.
They kept just enough livestock to make ends meet so that the majority of their ranch would remain a refuge for the bears and lions and so many other things that lived there.
This was their dream.
I met Jim and Shirley in their 80s.
They were both only children who chose not to have kids.
As we became friends, I became their trustee and their medical advocate, but more importantly, I became the person who managed their end-of-life experiences.
And we learned a few things about how to have a good end.
In their final years, Jim and Shirley faced cancers, fractures, infections, neurological illness.
It's true.
At the end, our bodily functions and independence are declining to zero.
What we found is that, with a plan and the right people, quality of life can remain high.
The beginning of the end is triggered by a mortality awareness event, and during this time, Jim and Shirley chose ACR nature preserves to take their ranch over when they were gone.
This gave them the peace of mind to move forward.
It might be a diagnosis. It might be your intuition.
But one day, you're going to say, "This thing is going to get me."
Jim and Shirley spent this time letting friends know that their end was near and that they were okay with that.
Dying from cancer and dying from neurological illness are different.
In both cases, last days are about quiet reassurance.
Jim died first. He was conscious until the very end, but on his last day he couldn't talk.
Through his eyes, we knew when he needed to hear again, "It is all set, Jim. We're going to take care of Shirley right here at the ranch, and ACR's going to take care of your wildlife forever."
From this experience I'm going to share five practices.
I've put worksheets online, so if you'd like, you can plan your own end.
It starts with a plan.
Most people say, "I'd like to die at home."
Eighty percent of Americans die in a hospital or a nursing home.
Saying we'd like to die at home is not a plan.
A lot of people say, "If I get like that, just shoot me."
This is not a plan either; this is illegal.
A plan involves answering straightforward questions about the end you want.
Where do you want to be when you're no longer independent?
What do you want in terms of medical intervention?
And who's going to make sure your plan is followed?
You will need advocates.
Having more than one increases your chance of getting the end you want.
Don't assume the natural choice is your spouse or child.
You want someone who has the time and proximity to do this job well, and you want someone who can work with people under the pressure of an ever-changing situation.
Hospital readiness is critical.
You are likely to be headed to the emergency room, and you want to get this right.
Prepare a one-page summary of your medical history, medications and physician information.
Put this in a really bright envelope with copies of your insurance cards, your power of attorney, and your do-not-resuscitate order.
Have advocates keep a set in their car.
Tape a set to your refrigerator.
When you show up in the E.R. with this packet, your admission is streamlined in a material way.
You're going to need caregivers.
You'll need to assess your personality and financial situation to determine whether an elder care community or staying at home is your best choice.
In either case, do not settle.
We went through a number of not-quite-right caregivers before we found the perfect team led by Marsha, who won't let you win at bingo just because you're dying but will go out and take videos of your ranch for you when you can't get out there, and Caitlin, who won't let you skip your morning exercises but knows when you need to hear that your wife is in good hands.
Finally, last words.
What do you want to hear at the very end, and from whom would you like to hear it?
In my experience, you'll want to hear that whatever you're worried about is going to be fine.
When you believe it's okay to let go, you will.
So, this is a topic that normally inspires fear and denial.
What I've learned is if we put some time into planning our end of life, we have the best chance of maintaining our quality of life.
Here are Jim and Shirley just after deciding who would take care of their ranch.
Here's Jim just a few weeks before he died, celebrating a birthday he didn't expect to see.
And here's Shirley just a few days before she died being read an article in that day's paper about the significance of the wildlife refuge at the Modini ranch.
Jim and Shirley had a good end of life, and by sharing their story with you, I hope to increase our chances of doing the same.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
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ジョージ W. ブッシュ大統領の経済諮問委員会委員長であり、1 月に連邦準備制度理事会議長アラン グリーンスパンの後を継ぐもっとも有力な候補者である、ベン バーナンキ (Ben Bernanke) は、直近の過去 10 年間の実質金利低下を「グローバルな貯蓄過剰」と表現した。これは今日世界中が貯蓄「過多」であるというわけではなく、貯蓄が十分に高い水準にあるため、実質金利で計算すると、過去に比べて利回りが大幅に低下しているということである。2005 年 3 月の講演で、バーナンキはこの「余剰」は、巨額の財政および貿易赤字を含む、アメリカ経済の数多くの特徴を説明しうると論じた。 | It is not that there is “too much” saving around the world today, but that the amount of saving has been high enough that returns, as measured by real interest rates, are a lot lower than they once were. In a March 2005 speech, Bernanke argued that this “glut” helps explain several features of the American economy, possibly including the enormous fiscal and trade deficits. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
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} |
ミトロフはブラン・マンジェの提案に甘えるしかなかったのである。 | Mitrof and Blanc Manje descended to the th floor together. The “guardian’s room” was located on the deepest part of the th floor, and the stairs were just past the hallway. There was a rest area at the bottom where many adventurers would gather.
Blanc Manje, wrapped in a robe from head to toe, stood out. Some knew of her presence.
However, adventurers who were accustomed to seeing only Mitrof were numerous. The Canule accompanying him always wore a black robe, concealing her entire body.
The color of her robe changed, but it wasn’t enough to draw attention. Adventurers, in general, were not very intrusive.
The two of them chose a place as far away as possible from their surroundings. Mitrof sat down heavily, while Blanc Manje gracefully lifted her gown and sit down.
“... First of all, I thank you. You saved my life. I also owe you another debt.”
Mitrof bowed his head, and Blanc Manje shook her head left and right.
“I’m glad you’re okay—that room is currently sealed off. It’s best to stay away for a while.”
“Despite being sealed off, there were no guards or security...”
“As I mentioned earlier, a warding spell is in place—the effect weakens if someone unrelated to the caster is present—so we intentionally kept people away... Mitrof-san, why were you there?”
“...I heard singing.”
Mitrof naturally inquired, but Blanc Manje seemed puzzled. Mitrof was adept at sensing underlying reactions.
“...You can’t hear it?”
“I’ve never heard of singing before.”
Mitrof doubted himself for a moment, wondering if it was an auditory hallucination. However, that melody, which still lingered in his memory, was never a dream or a hallucination. He definitely heard it. But Blanc Manje had never heard of it.
“Wait, have you met that person before?”
“That demon over there is new to me.”
“What about other demons?”
Blanc Manje shrugged in response. Of course, there were others.
“Do demons appear frequently in the labyrinth?”
“Not so frequently, but yes, there are ‘demons’.”
The existence of the fantastical beings described in the Bible was being treated like the rats hiding in the attic. Mitrof grumbled in his throat and crossed his arms.
“Can they be defeated?”
“It’s possible.”
“Have you defeated any demons?”
“A few times.”
“Is that your duty?”
“I suppose you could say that, but the details are secret.”
Mitrof looked towards Blanc Manje’s waist. Had he not noticed before, or was he not carrying it at all? There was a sword there, and that flame-like blade...
“You must be strong.”
“That power—is it perhaps a magic sword—?”
What came to mind was a rumor. A man calling himself an informant had told the story of a magic sword wielder who had cut a crystal lizard in two.
‘No way,’ Mitrof said, looking at Blanc Manje.
“You, you’re a magic sword wielder!”
Mitrof’s breath was rough with surprise and excitement, his childish heart longing for the legend of the magic sword.
However, Blanc Manje remained calm and kept a distance from Mitrof, who had leaned forward in excitement. Answering in a cool voice, Blanc Manje said, “What about it?”
“Well, there’s a rumor that a magic sword wielder is in the labyrinth...”
“There are always rumors like that going around—it’s a common one that has been going on for over several decades.”
“...No need to look so sad about it.”
Mitrof’s shoulders slumped as he realized there were neither magic sword users nor magic swords. But then again, he thought, who wouldn’t yearn for a magic sword? There would always be rumors about it.
“I knew that deep down, but I can’t help but hope for it—I am a man after all.”
“...Is that so?”
The voice was filled with despair.
“Let’s give up on the magic sword—but I cannot give up on my sword.”
Now that he had left his beloved sword in the room, it had become a more pressing issue. He had sentimental value attached to it, and without a weapon, he would not be able to venture into the labyrinth.
“...Please wait a moment—If we succeed in subduing it, I believe you can return the favor.”
“Are you going to fight it again?”
“That’s the plan—It’s dangerous to leave it be.”
“I’ll help too.”
Mitrof straightened his back. His declaration, with his chest held high, was grand. As a noble, it went against his nurtured values to leave the fighting to the women and wait in a safe place.
“Do you plan to fight empty-handed?”
All Mitrof had on his waist was an empty sheath. It was impossible for him to fight with just one short sword. Mitrof was now undoubtedly powerless. It was terribly unsettling to be in the labyrinth, where monsters roamed without any weapons.
“I will escort you home.”
Mitrof had no choice but to accept Blanc Manje’s proposal. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
ヴァルター・ベンヤミン 著
「Fiat ars -- pereat mundus」とファシズムはいい、そして、マリネッティが認めるように、戦争への期待はテクノロジーによって変更された知覚の意味をアーティスティックな部分で満足させる。
コミュニズムは政治的なアートによってこれにこたえるのだ。 | The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
Walter Benjamin
"Our fine arts were developed, their types and uses were established, in times very different from the present, by men whose power of action upon things was insignificant in comparison with ours.
But the amazing growth of our techniques, the adaptability and precision they have attained, the ideas and habits they are creating, make it a certainty that profound changes are impending in the ancient craft of the Beautiful.
For the last twenty years neither matter nor space nor time has been what it was from time immemorial.
We must expect great innovations to transform the entire technique of the arts, thereby affecting artistic invention itself and perhaps even bringing about an amazing change in our very notion of art." *
--Paul Valery, PIECES SUR L 'ART, "La Conquete de l'ubiquite," Paris.
When Marx undertook his critique of the capitalistic mode of production, this mode was in its infancy.
Marx directed his efforts in such a way as to give them prognostic value.
He went back to the basic conditions underlying capitalistic production and through his presentation showed what could be expected of capitalism in the future.
The result was that one could expect it not only to exploit the proletariat with increasing intensity, but ultimately to create conditions which would make it possible to abolish capitalism itself.
The transformation of the superstructure, which takes place far more slowly than that of the substructure, has taken more than half a century to manifest in all areas of culture the change in the conditions of production.
Only today can it be indicated what form this has taken.
Certain prognostic requirements should be met by these statements.
However, theses about the art of the proletariat after its assumption of power or about the art of a classless society would have less bearing on these demands than theses about the developmental tendencies of art under present conditions of production.
Their dialectic is no less noticeable in the superstructure than in the economy.
It would therefore be wrong to underestimate the value of such theses as a weapon.
They brush aside a number of outmoded concepts, such as creativity and genius, eternal value and mystery--concepts whose uncontrolled (and at present almost uncontrollable) application would lead to a processing of data in the Fascist sense.
The concepts which are introduced into the theory of art in what follows differ from the more familiar terms in that they are completely useless for the purposes of Fascism.
They are, on the other hand, useful for the formulation of revolutionary demands in the politics of art.
In principle a work of art has always been reproducible.
Manmade artifacts could always be imitated by men.
Replicas were made by pupils in practice of their craft, by masters for diffusing their works, and, finally, by third parties in the pursuit of gain.
Mechanical reproduction of a work of art, however, represents something new.
Historically, it advanced intermittently and in leaps at long intervals,
but with accelerated intensity.
The Greeks knew only two procedures of technically reproducing works of art:
founding and stamping.
Bronzes, terra cottas, and coins were the only art works which they could produce in quantity.
All others were unique and could not be mechanically reproduced.
With the woodcut graphic art became mechanically reproducible for the first time,
long before script became reproducible by print.
The enormous changes which printing, the mechanical reproduction of writing, has brought about in literature are a familiar story.
However, within the phenomenon which we are here examining from the perspective of world history, print is merely a special, though particularly important, case.
During the Middle Ages engraving and etching were added to the woodcut;
With lithography the technique of reproduction reached an essentially new stage.
This much more direct process was distinguished by the tracing of the design on a stone rather than its incision on a block of wood or its etching on a copperplate
and permitted graphic art for the first time to put its products on the market,
not only in large numbers as hitherto, but also in daily changing forms.
Lithography enabled graphic art to illustrate everyday life, and it began to keep pace with printing.
But only a few decades after its invention, lithography was surpassed by photography.
For the first time in the process of pictorial reproduction, photography freed the hand of the most important artistic functions
which henceforth devolved only upon the eye looking into a lens.
Since the eye perceives more swiftly than the hand can draw, the process of pictorial reproduction was accelerated so enormously
that it could keep pace with speech.
A film operator shooting a scene in the studio captures the images at the speed of an actor's speech.
Just as lithography virtually implied the illustrated newspaper, so did photography foreshadow the sound film.
The technical reproduction of sound was tackled at the end of the last century.
These convergent endeavors made predictable a situation which Paul Valery pointed up in this sentence:
"Just as water, gas, and electricity are brought into our houses from far off to satisfy our need in response to a minimal effort, so we shall be supplied with visual or auditory images, which will appear and disappear at a simple movement of the hand, hardly more than a sign"
Around 1900 technical reproduction had reached a standard that not only permitted it to reproduce all transmitted works of art and thus to cause the most profound change in their impact upon the public;
it also had captured a place of its own among the artistic processes.
that these two different manifestations--the reproduction of works of art and the art of the film--have had on art in its traditional form.
Even the most perfect reproduction of a work of art is lacking in one element:
its presence in time and space, its unique existence at the place where it happens to be.
This unique existence of the work of art determined the history to which it was subject throughout the time of its existence.
This includes the changes which it may have suffered in physical condition over the years as well as the various changes in its ownership.
The traces of the first can be revealed only by chemical or physical analyses which it is impossible to perform on a reproduction;
changes of ownership are subject to a tradition which must be traced from the situation of the original.
The presence of the original is the prerequisite to the concept of authenticity.
Chemical analyses of the patina of a bronze can help to establish this,
as does the proof that a given manuscript of the Middle Ages stems from an archive of the fifteenth century.
The whole sphere of authenticity is outside technical
-- and, of course, not only technical-- reproducibility.<2>
Confronted with its manual reproduction, which was usually branded as a forgery, the original preserved all its authority;
not so vis a vis technical reproduction.
The reason is twofold.
First, process reproduction is more independent of the original than manual reproduction.
For example, in photography, process reproduction can bring out those aspects of the original that are unattainable to the naked eye yet accessible to the lens,
which is adjustable and chooses its angle at will.
And photographic reproduction, with the aid of certain processes, such as enlargement or slow motion, can capture images which escape natural vision.
Secondly, technical reproduction can put the copy of the original into situations which would be out of reach for the original itself.
Above all, it enables the original to meet the beholder halfway, be it in the form of a photograph or a phonograph record.
The cathedral leaves its locale to be received in the studio of a lover of art;
the choral production, performed in an auditorium or in the open air, resounds in the drawing room.
The situations into which the product of mechanical reproduction can be brought may not touch the actual work of art,
yet the quality of its presence is always depreciated.
This holds not only for the art work but also, for instance, for a landscape which passes in review before the spectator in a movie.
In the case of the art object, a most sensitive nucleus--namely, its authenticity--is interfered with whereas no natural object is vulnerable on that score.
The authenticity of a thing is the essence of all that is transmissible from its beginning, ranging from its substantive duration to its testimony to the history which it has experienced.
Since the historical testimony rests on the authenticity, the former, too, is jeopardized by reproduction when substantive duration ceases to matter.
And what is really jeopardized when the historical testimony is affected is the authority of the object.
One might subsume the eliminated element in the term "aura" and go on to say:
that which withers in the age of mechanical reproduction is the aura of the work of art.
This is a symptomatic process whose significance points beyond the realm of art.
One might generalize by saying:
the technique of reproduction detaches the reproduced object from the domain of tradition.
By making many reproductions it substitutes a plurality of copies for a unique existence.
And in permitting the reproduction to meet the beholder or listener in his own particular situation, it reactivates the object reproduced.
These two processes lead to a tremendous shattering of tradition which is the obverse of the contemporary crisis and renewal of mankind.
Both processes are intimately connected with the contemporary mass movements.
Their most powerful agent is the film.
Its social significance, particularly in its most positive form, is inconceivable w1thout its destructive, cathartic aspect, that is, the liquidation of the traditional value of the cultural heritage.
This phenomenon is most palpable in the great historical films.
It extends to ever new positions.
In 1927 Abel Gance exclaimed enthusiastically:
'Shakespeare, Rembrandt, Beethoven will make films . . . all legends, all mythologies and all myths, all founders of religion, and the very religions . . . await their exposed resurrection,
and the heroes crowd each other at the gate."
Presumably without intending it, he issued an invitation to a far-reaching liquidation.
During long periods of history, the mode of human sense perception changes with humanity's entire mode of existence.
The manner in which human sense perception is organized, the medium in which it is accomplished, is determined not only by nature but by historical circumstances as well.
The fifth century, with its great shifts of population, saw the birth of the late Roman art industry and the Vienna Genesis, and there developed not only an art different from that of antiquity but also a new kind of perception.
The scholars of the Viennese school, Riegl and Wickhoff, who resisted the weight of classical tradition under which these later art forms had been buried, were the first to draw conclusions from them concerning the organization of perception at the time.
However far-reaching their insight, these scholars limited themselves to showing the significant, formal hallmark which characterized perception in late Roman times.
They did not attempt--and, perhaps, saw no way--to show the social transformations expressed by these changes of perception.
The conditions for an analogous insight are more favorable in the present.
And if changes in the medium of contemporary perception can be comprehended as decay of the aura, it is possible to show its social causes.
The concept of aura which was proposed above with reference to historical objects may usefully be illustrated with reference to the aura of natural ones.
We define the aura of the latter as the unique phenomenon of a distance, however close it may be.
If, while resting on a summer afternoon, you follow with your eyes a mountain range on the horizon or a branch which casts its shadow over you, you experience the aura of those mountains, of that branch.
This image makes it easy to comprehend the social bases of the contemporary decay of the aura.
It rests on two circumstances, both of which are related to the increasing significance of the masses in contemporary life.
Namely, the desire of contemporary masses to bring things "closer" spatially and humanly, which is just as ardent as their bent toward overcoming the uniqueness of every reality by accepting its reproduction.
Every day the urge grows stronger to get hold of an object at very close range by way of its likeness, its reproduction.
Unmistakably, reproduction as offered by picture magazines and newsreels differs from the image seen by the unarmed eye.
Uniqueness and permanence are as closely linked in the latter as are transitoriness and reproducibility in the former.
To pry an object from its shell, to destroy its aura, is the mark of a perception whose "sense of the universal equality of things" has increased to such a degree that it extracts it even from a unique object by means of reproduction.
Thus is manifested in the field of perception what in the theoretical sphere is noticeable in the increasing importance of statistics.
The adjustment of reality to the masses and of the masses to reality is a process of unlimited scope, as much for thinking as for perception.
The uniqueness of a work of art is inseparable from its being imbedded in the fabric of tradition.
This tradition itself is thoroughly alive and extremely changeable.
An ancient statue of Venus, for example, stood in a different traditional context with the Greeks, who made it an object of veneration, than with the clerics of the Middle Ages, who viewed it as an ominous idol.
Both of them, however, were equally confronted with its uniqueness, that is, its aura.
Originally the contextual integration of art in tradition found its expression in the cult.
We know that the earliest art works originated in the service of a ritual
--first the magical, then the religious kind.
It is significant that the existence of the work of art with reference to its aura is never entirely separated from its ritual function.
In other words, the unique value of the "authentic" work of art has its basis in ritual, the location of its original use value.
This ritualistic basis, however remote, is still recognizable as secularized ritual even in the most profane forms of the cult of beauty.
The secular cult of beauty, developed during the Renaissance and prevailing for three centuries,
clearly showed that ritualistic basis in its decline and the first deep crisis which befell it.
With the advent of the first truly revolutionary means of reproduction, photography, simultaneously with the rise of socialism, art sensed the approaching crisis which has become evident a century later.
At the time, art reacted with the doctrine of l'art pour l'art, that is, with a theology of art.
This gave rise to what might be called a negative theology in the form of the idea of "pure" art,
which not only denied any social function of art but also any categorizing by subject matter.
(In poetry, Mallarm* was the first to take this position.)
An analysis of art in the age of mechanical reproduction must do justice to these relationships,
for they lead us to an all-important insight:
for the first time in world history, mechanical reproduction emancipates the work of art from its parasitical dependence on ritual.
To an ever greater degree the work of art reproduced becomes the work of art designed for reproducibility.
From a photographic negative, for example, one can make any number of prints;
to ask for the "authentic" print makes no sense.
But the instant the criterion of authenticity ceases to be applicable to artistic production, the total function of art is reversed.
Instead of being based on ritual, it begins to be based on another practice
Works of art are received and valued on different planes.
Two polar types stand out::
with one, the accent is on the cult value;
with the other, on the exhibition value of the work.
Artistic production begins with ceremonial objects destined to serve in a cult.
The elk portrayed by the man of the Stone Age on the walls of his cave was an instrument of magic.
He did expose it to his fellow men, but in the main it was meant for the spirits.
Today the cult value would seem to demand that the work of art remain hidden.
Certain statues of gods are accessible only to the priest in the cella;
certain Madonnas remain covered nearly all year round;
certain sculptures on medieval cathedrals are invisible to the spectator on ground level.
With the emancipation of the various art practices from ritual go increasing opportunities for the exhibition of their products.
It is easier to exhibit a portrait bust that can be sent here and there than to exhibit the statue of a divinity that has its fixed place in the interior of a temple.
The same holds for the painting as against the mosaic or fresco that preceded it.
And even though the public presentability of a mass originally may have been just as great as that of a symphony, the latter originated at the moment when its public presentability promised to surpass that of the mass.
With the different methods of technical reproduction of a work of art, its fitness for exhibition increased to such an extent
that the quantitative shift between its two poles turned into a qualitative transformation of its nature.
This is comparable to the situation of the work of art in prehistoric times when, by the absolute emphasis on its cult value, it was, first and foremost, an instrument of magic.
Only later did it come to be recognized as a work of art.
In the same way today, by the absolute emphasis on its exhibition value the work of art becomes a creation with entirely new functions, among which the one we are conscious of, the artistic function,
later may be recognized as incidental.
This much is certain:
today photography and the film are the most serviceable exemplifications of this new function.
In photography, exhibition value begins to displace cult value all along the line.
But cult value does not give way without resistance.
It retires into an ultimate retrenchment:
the human countenance.
It is no accident that the portrait was the focal point of early photography.
The cult of remembrance of loved ones, absent or dead, offers a last refuge for the cult value of the picture.
For the last time the aura emanates from the early photographs in the fleeting expression of a human face.
This is what constitutes their melancholy, incomparable beauty.
But as man withdraws from the photographic image, the exhibition value for the first time shows its superiority to the ritual value.
To have pinpointed this new stage constitutes the incomparable significance of Atget, who, around 1900, took photographs of deserted Paris streets.
It has quite justly been said of him that he photographed them like scenes of crime.
With Atget, photographs become standard evidence for historical occurrences, and acquire a hidden political significance.
They demand a specific kind of approach;
free-floating contemplation is not appropriate to them.
They stir the viewer;
he feels challenged by them in a new way.
At the same time picture magazines begin to put up signposts for him, right ones or wrong ones, no matter.
For the first time, captions have become obligatory.
And it is clear that they have an altogether different character than the title of a painting.
The directives which the captions give to those looking at pictures in illustrated magazines soon become even more explicit and more imperative in the film where the meaning of each single picture appears to be prescribed by the sequence of all preceding ones.
The nineteenth-century dispute as to the artistic value of painting versus photography today seems devious and confused.
This does not diminish its importance, however;
if anything, it underlines it.
The dispute was in fact the symptom of a historical transformation the universal impact of which was not realized by either of the rivals.
When the age of mechanical reproduction separated art from its basis in cult, the semblance of its autonomy disappeared forever.
The resulting change in the function of art transcended the perspective of the century;
for a long time it even escaped that of the twentieth century, which experienced the development of the film.
Earlier much futile thought had been devoted to the question of whether photography is an art.
The primary question-- whether the very invention of photography had not transformed the entire nature of art--was not raised.
Soon the film theoreticians asked the same ill-considered question with regard to the film.
But the difficulties which photography caused traditional aesthetics were mere child's play as compared to those raised by the film.
Whence the insensitive and forced character of early theories of the film.
Abel Gance, for instance, compares the film with hieroglyphs:
"Here, by a remarkable regression, we have come back to the level of expression of the Egyptians
.... Pictorial language has not yet matured because our eyes have not yet adjusted to it.
There is as yet insufficient respect for, insufficient cult of, what it expresses."
Or, in the words of S*verin-Mars:
"What art has been granted a dream more poetical and more real at the same time!
Approached in this fashion the film might represent an incomparable means of expression.
Only the most high-minded persons, in the most perfect and mysterious moments of their lives, should be allowed to enter its ambiance."
Alexandre Arnoux concludes his fantasy about the silent film with the question:
"Do not all the bold descriptions we have given amount to the definition of prayer?"
It is instructive to note how their desire to class the film among the "arts" forces these theoreticians to read ritual elements into it--with a striking lack of discretion.
Yet when these speculations were published, films like L'Opinion publique and The Gold Rush had already appeared.
This, however, did not keep Abel Gance from adducing hieroglyphs for purposes of comparison, nor S*verin-Mars from speaking of the film as one might speak of paintings by Fra Angelico.
Characteristically, even today ultrareactionary authors give the film a similar contextual significance
--if not an outright sacred one, then at least a supernatural one.
Commenting on Max Reinhardt's film version of *A Midsummer Night's Dream*, Werfel states that undoubtedly it was the sterile copying of the exterior world with its streets, interiors, railroad stations, restaurants, motorcars, and beaches which until now had obstructed the elevation of the film to the realm of art.
"The film has not yet realized its true meaning,
its real possibilities
. . . these consist in its unique faculty to express by natural means and with incomparable persuasiveness all that is fairylike, marvelous, supernatural."
The artistic performance of a stage actor is definitely presented to the public by the actor in person;
that of the screen actor, however, is presented by a camera, with a twofold consequence.
The camera that presents the performance of the film actor to the public need not respect the performance as an integral whole.
Guided by the cameraman, the camera continually changes its position with respect to the performance.
The sequence of positional views which the editor composes from the material supplied him constitutes the completed film.
It comprises certain factors of movement which are in reality those of the camera, not to mention special camera angles, close-ups, etc.
Hence, the performance of the actor is subjected to a series of optical tests.
This is the first consequence of the fact that the actor's performance is presented by means of a camera.
Also, the film actor lacks the opportunity of the stage actor to adjust to the audience during his performance,
since he does not present his performance to the audience in person.
This permits the audience to take the position of a critic, without experiencing any personal contact with the actor.
The audience's identification with the actor is really an identification with the camera.
Consequently the audience takes the position of the camera;
This is not the approach to which cult values may be exposed.
For the film, what matters primarily is that the actor represents himself to the public before the camera, rather than representing someone else.
One of the first to sense the actor's metamorphosis by this form of testing was Pirandello.
Though his remarks on the subject in his novel *Si Gira* were limited to the negative aspects of the question and to the silent film only, this hardly impairs their validity.
For in this respect, the sound film did not change anything essential.
What matters is that the part is acted not for an audience but for a mechanical contrivance-- in the case of the sound film, for two of them.
"The film actor,"
With a vague sense of discomfort he feels inexplicable emptiness:
his body loses its corporeality, it evaporates, it is deprived of reality, life, voice, and the noises caused by his moving about, in order to be changed into a mute image, flickering an instant on the screen, then vanishing into silence....
The projector will play with his shadow before the public, and he himself must be content to play before the camera"
This situation might also be characterized as follows:
for the first time--and this is the effect of the film--man has to operate with his whole living person, yet forgoing its aura.
For aura is tied to his presence;
there can be no replica of it.
The aura which, on the stage, emanates from Macbeth, cannot be separated for the spectators from that of the actor.
However, the singularity of the shot in the studio is that the camera is substituted for the public.
Consequently, the aura that envelops the actor vanishes, and with it the aura of the figure he portrays.
It is not surprising that it should be a dramatist such as Pirandello who, in characterizing the film, inadvertently touches on the very crisis
in which we see the theater.
Any thorough study proves that there is indeed no greater contrast than that of the stage play to a work of art that is completely subject to or, like the film, founded in, mechanical reproduction.
Experts have long recognized that in the film
In 1932 Rudolf Arnheim saw
With this idea something else is closely connected.
The stage actor identifies himself with the character of his role.
The film actor very often is denied this opportunity.
His creation is by no means all of a piece;
it is composed of many separate performances.
Besides certain fortuitous considerations, such as cost of studio, availability of fellow players, decor, etc., there are elementary necessities of equipment that split the actor's work into a series of mountable episodes.
In particular, lighting and its installation require the presentation of an event that, on the screen, unfolds as a rapid and unified scene, in a sequence of separate shootings which may take hours at the studio;
not to mention more obvious montage.
Thus a jump from the window can be shot in the studio as a jump from a scaffold, and the ensuing flight, if need be, can be shot weeks later when outdoor scenes are taken.
Far more paradoxical cases can easily be construed.
Let us assume that an actor is supposed to be startled by a knock at the door.
If his reaction is not satisfactory, the director can resort to an expedient:
The frightened reaction can be shot now and be cut into the screen version.
Nothing more strikingly shows that art has left the realm of the "beautiful semblance" which, so far, had been taken to be the only sphere where art could thrive.
The feeling of strangeness that overcomes the actor before the camera, as Pirandello describes it, is basically of the same kind as the estrangement felt before one's own image in the mirror.
But now the reflected image has become separable, transportable.
And where is it transported?
Before the public.
Never for a moment does the screen actor cease to be conscious of this fact.
While facing the camera he knows that ultimately he will face the public,
the consumers who constitute the market.
This market, where he offers not only his labor but also his whole self, his heart and soul, is beyond his reach.
During the shooting he has as little contact with it as any article made in a factory.
This may contribute to that oppression, that new anxiety which, according to Pirandello, grips the nactor before the camera.
The film responds to the shriveling of the aura with an artificial build-up of the "personality" outside the studio.
The cult of the movie star, fostered by the money of the film industry, preserves not the unique aura of the person but the "spell of the personality," the phony spell of a commodity.
So long as the movie-makers' capital sets the fashion, as a rule no other revolutionary merit can be accredited to today's film than the promotion of a revolutionary criticism of traditional concepts of art.
We do not deny that in some cases today's films can also promote revolutionary criticism of social conditions, even of the distribution of property.
However, our present study is no more specifically concerned with this than is the film production of Western Europe.
It is inherent in the technique of the film as well as that of sports that everybody who witnesses its accomplishments is somewhat of an expert.
This is obvious to anyone listening to a group of newspaper boys leaning on their bicycles and discussing the outcome of a bicycle race.
It is not for nothing that newspaper publishers arrange races for their delivery boys.
These arouse great interest among the participants, for the victor has an opportunity to rise from delivery boy to professional racer.
Similarly, the newsreel offers everyone the opportunity to rise from passer- by to movie extra.
In this way any man might even find himself part of a work of art, as witness Vertoff's *Three Songs About Lenin* or Ivens' *Borinage*.
Any man today can lay claim to being filmed.
This claim can best be elucidated by a comparative look at the historical situation of contemporary literature.
For centuries a small number of writers were confronted by many thousands of readers.
This changed toward the end of the last century.
With the increasing extension of the press, which kept placing new political, religious, scientific, professional, and local organs before the readers, an increasing number of readers became writers--at first, occasional ones.
It began with the daily press opening to its readers space for "letters to the editor."
And today there is hardly a gainfully employed European who could not, in principle, find an opportunity to publish somewhere or other comments on his work, grievances, documentary reports, or that sort of thing.
Thus, the distinction between author and public is about to lose its basic character.
The difference becomes merely functional;
it may vary from case to case.
As expert, which he had to become willy-nilly in an extremely specialized work process, even if only in some minor respect, the reader gains access to authorship.
In the Soviet Union work itself is given a voice.
To present it verbally is part of a man's ability to perform the work.
Literary license is now founded on polytechnic rather than specialized training and thus becomes common property.
All this can easily be applied to the film,
where transitions that in literature took centuries have come about in a decade.
In cinematic practice, particularly in Russia, this change-over has partially become established reality.
Some of the players whom we meet in Russian films are not actors in our sense but people who portray *themselves*--and primarily in their own work process.
In Western Europe the capitalistic exploitation of the film denies consideration to modern man's legitimate claim to being reproduced.
Under these circumstances the film industry is trying hard to spur the interest of the masses through illusion-promoting spectacles and dubious speculations.
The shooting of a film, especially of a sound film, affords a spectacle unimaginable anywhere at any time before this.
It presents a process in which it is impossible to assign to a spectator a viewpoint which would exclude from the actual scene such extraneous accessories as camera equipment, lighting machinery, staff assistants, etc.
--unless his eye were on a line parallel with the lens.
This circumstance, more than any other, renders superficial and insignificant any possible similarity between a scene in the studio and one on the stage.
In the theater one is well aware of the place from which the play cannot immediately be detected as illusionary.
There is no such place for the movie scene that is being shot.
Its illusionary nature is that of the second degree, the result of cutting.
That is to say, in the studio the mechanical equipment has penetrated so deeply into reality that its pure aspect freed from the foreign substance of equipment is the result of a special procedure, namely, the shooting by the specially adjusted camera and the mounting of the shot together with other similar ones.
The equipment-free aspect of rea1ity here has become the height of artifice;
the sight of immediate reality has become an orchid in the land of technology.
Even more revealing is the comparison of these circumstances, which differ so much from those of the theater, with the situation in painting.
Here the question is:
How does the cameraman compare with the painter?
To answer this we take recourse to an analogy with a surgical operation.
The surgeon represents the polar opposite of the magician.
The magician heals a sick person by the laying on of hands;
the surgeon cuts into the patients body.
The magician maintains the natural distance between the patient and himself;
though he reduces it very slightly by the laying on of hands,
he greatly increases it by virtue of his authority.
The surgeon does exactly the reverse;
he greatly diminishes the distance between himself and the patient by penetrating into the patient's body,
and increases it but little by the caution with which his hand moves among the organs.
In short, in contrast to the magician--who is still hidden in the medical practitioner--the surgeon at the decisive moment abstains from facing the patient man to man;
rather, it is through the operation that he penetrates into him.
Magician and surgeon compare to painter and cameraman.
The painter maintains in his work a natural distance from reality, the cameraman penetrates deeply into its web.
There is a tremendous difference between the pictures they obtain.
That of the painter is a total one, that of the cameraman consists of multiple fragments which are assembled under a new law.
Thus, for contemporary man the representation of reality by the film is incomparably more significant than that of the painter,
since it offers, precisely because of the thoroughgoing permeation of reality with mechanical equipment, an aspect of reality which is free of all equipment.
And that is what one is entitled to ask from a work of art.
Mechanical reproduction of art changes the reaction of the masses toward art.
The reactionary attitude toward a Picasso painting changes into the progressive reaction toward a Chaplin movie.
The progressive reaction is characterized by the direct, intimate fusion of visual and emotional enjoyment with the orientation of the expert.
Such fusion is of great social significance.
The greater the decrease in the social significance of an art form, the sharper the distinction between criticism and enjoyment by the public.
The conventional is uncritically enjoyed, and the truly new is criticized with aversion.
With regard to the screen the critical and the receptive attitudes of the public coincide.
The decisive reason for this is that individual reactions are predetermined by the mass audience response they are about to produce,
and this is nowhere more pronounced than in the film.
The moment these responses become manifest they control each other.
Again, the comparison with painting is fruitful.
A painting has always had an excellent chance to be viewed by one person or by a few.
The simultaneous contemplation of paintings by a large public, such as developed in the nineteenth century, is an early symptom of the crisis of painting,
a crisis which was by no means occasioned exclusively by photography
but rather in a relatively independent manner by the appeal of art works to the masses.
Painting simply is in no position to present an object for simultaneous collective experience, as it was possible for architecture at all times, for the epic poem in the past, and for the movie today.
Although this circumstance in itself should not lead one to conclusions about the social role of painting, it does constitute a serious threat as soon as painting,
under special conditions and, as it were, against its nature, is confronted directly by the masses.
In the churches and monasteries of the Middle Ages and at the princely courts up to the end of the eighteenth century, a collective reception of paintings did not occur simultaneously, but by graduated and hierarchized mediation.
The change that has come about is an expression of the particular conflict in which painting was implicated by the mechanical reproducibility of paintings.
Although paintings began to be publicly exhibited in galleries and salons, there was no way for the masses to organize and control themselves in their reception.
Thus the same public which responds in a progressive manner toward a grotesque film is bound to respond in a reactionary manner to surrealism.
The characteristics of the film lie not only in the manner in which man presents himself to mechanical equipment but also in the manner in which, by means of this apparatus, man can represent his environment.
A glance at occupational psychology illustrates the testing capacity of the equipment.
Psychoanalysis illustrates it in a different perspective.
The film has enriched our field of perception with methods which can be illustrated by those of Freudian theory.
Fifty years ago, a slip of the tongue passed more or less unnoticed.
Only exceptionally may such a slip have revealed dimensions of depth in a conversation which had seemed to be taking its course on the surface.
Since the *Psychopathology of Everyday Life* things have changed.
This book isolated
and made analyzable things which had heretofore floated along unnoticed in the broad stream of perception.
For the entire spectrum of optical, and now also acoustical, perception the film has brought about a similar deepening of apperception.
It is only an obverse of this fact that behavior items shown in a movie can be analyzed much more precisely and from more points of view than those presented on paintings or on the stage.
As compared with painting, filmed behavior lends itself more readily to analysis because of its incomparably more precise statements of the situation.
In comparison with the stage scene, the filmed behavior item lends itself more readily to analysis because it can be isolated more easily.
This circumstance derives its chief importance from its tendency to promote the mutual penetration of art and science.
Actually, of a screened behavior item which is neatly brought out in a certain situation, like a muscle of a body, it is difficult to say which is more fascinating, its artistic value or its value for science.
By close-ups of the things around us, by focusing on hidden details of familiar objects, by exploring commonplace milieus under the ingenious guidance of the camera, the film, on the one hand, extends our comprehension of the necessities which rule our lives;
on the other hand, it manages to assure us of an immense and unexpected field of action.
Our taverns and our metropolitan streets, our offices and furnished rooms, our railroad stations and our factories appeared to have us locked up hopelessly.
Then came the film and burst this prison-world asunder by the dynamite of the tenth of a second,
so that now, in the midst of its far-flung ruins and debris, we calmly and adventurously go traveling.
With the close-up, space expands; with slow motion, movement is extended.
The enlargement of a snapshot does not simply render more precise what in any case was visible, though unclear:
it reveals entirely new structural formations of the subject.
So, too, slow motion not only presents familiar qualities of movement but reveals in them entirely unknown ones
Evidently a different nature opens itself to the camera than opens to the naked eye
--if only because an unconsciously penetrated space is substituted for a space consciously explored by man.
Even if one has a general knowledge of the way people walk, one knows nothing of a person's posture during the fractional second of a stride.
The act of reaching for a lighter or a spoon is familiar routine, yet we hardly know what really goes on between hand and metal, not to mention how this fluctuates with our moods.
Here the camera intervenes with the resources of its lowerings and liftings, its interruptions and isolations, its extensions and accelerations, its enlargements and reductions.
The camera introduces us to unconscious optics as does psychoanalysis to unconscious impulses.
One of the foremost tasks of art has always been the creation of a demand which could be fully satisfied only later.
The history of every art form shows critical epochs
in which a certain art form aspires to effects which could be fully obtained only with a changed technical standard, that is to say, in a new art form.
The extravagances and crudities of art which thus appear, particularly in the so-called decadent epochs, actually arise from the nucleus of its richest historical energies.
In recent years, such barbarisms were abundant in Dadaism.
It is only now that its impulse becomes discernible:
Dadaism attempted to create by pictorial--and literary--means the effects which the public today seeks in the film.
Every fundamentally new, pioneering creation of demands will carry beyond its goal.
Dadaism did so to the extent that it sacrificed the market values which are so characteristic of the film in favor of higher ambition
-- though of course it was not conscious of such intentions as here described.
The Dadaists attached much less importance to the sales value of their work than to its uselessness for contemplative immersion.
The studied degradation of their material was not the least of their means to achieve this uselessness.
Their poems are "word salad" containing obscenities and every imaginable waste product of language.
The same is true of their paintings, on which they mounted buttons and tickets.
What they intended and achieved was a relentless destruction of the aura of their creations, which they branded as reproductions with the very means of production.
Before a painting of Arp's or a poem by August Stramm it is impossible to take time for contemplation and evaluation as one would before a canvas of Derain's or a poem by Rilke.
In the decline of middleclass society, contemplation became a school for asocial behavior;
it was countered by distraction as a variant of social conduct.
Dadaistic activities actually assured a rather vehement distraction by making works of art the center of scandal.
One requirement was foremost:
to outrage the public.
From an alluring appearance or persuasive structure of sound the work of art of the Dadaists became an instrument of ballistics.
It hit the spectator like a bullet, it happened to him, thus acquiring a tactile quality.
It promoted a demand for the film,
the distracting element of which is also primarily tactile, being based on changes of place and focus which periodically assail the spectator.
Let us compare the screen on which a film unfolds with the canvas of a painting.
The painting invites the spectator to contemplation;
before it the spectator can abandon himself to his associations.
Before the movie frame he cannot do so.
No sooner has his eye grasped a scene than it is already changed.
It cannot be arrested.
Duhamel, who detests the film and knows nothing of its significance, though something of its structure,
notes this circumstance as follows:
"I can no longer think what I want to think.
My thoughts have been replaced by moving images."
The spectator's process of association in view of these images is indeed interrupted by their constant, sudden change.
This constitutes the shock effect of the film, which, like all shocks, should be cushioned by heightened presence of mind.
By means of its technical structure, the film has taken the physical shock effect out of the wrappers in which Dadaism had, as it were, kept it inside the moral shock effect.
The mass is a matrix from which all traditional behavior toward works of art issues today in a new form.
Quantity has been transmuted into quality.
The greatly increased mass of participants has produced a change in the mode of participation.
The fact that the new mode of participation first appeared in a disreputable form must not confuse the spectator.
Yet some people have launched spirited attacks against precisely this superficial aspect.
Among these, Duhamel has expressed himself in the most radical manner.
What he objects to most is the kind of participation which the movie elicits from the masses.
Duhamel calls the movie
Clearly, this is at bottom the same ancient lament that the masses seek distraction whereas art demands concentration from the spectator.
That is a commonplace.
The question remains whether it provides a platform for the analysis of the film.
A closer look is needed here.
Distraction and concentration form polar opposites
which may be stated as follows:
A man who concentrates before a work of art is absorbed by it.
He enters into this work of art the way legend tells of the Chinese painter when he viewed his finished painting.
In contrast, the distracted mass absorbs the work of art.
This is most obvious with regard to buildings.
Architecture has always represented the prototype of a work of art
the reception of which is consummated by a collectivity in a state of distraction.
The laws of its reception are most instructive.
Buildings have been man's companions since primeval times.
Many art forms have developed and perished.
Tragedy begins with the Greeks, is extinguished with them, and after centuries its "rules" only are revived.
The epic poem, which had its origin in the youth of nations, expires in Europe at the end of the Renaissance.
Panel painting is a creation of the Middle Ages, and nothing guarantees its uninterrupted existence.
But the human need for shelter is lasting.
Architecture has never been idle.
Its history is more ancient than that of any other art, and its claim to being a living force has significance in every attempt to comprehend the relationship of the masses to art.
Buildings are appropriated in a twofold manner:
by use and by perception--
or rather, by touch and sight.
Such appropriation cannot be understood in terms of the attentive concentration of a tourist before a famous building.
On the tactile side there is no counterpart to contemplation on the optical side.
Tactile appropriation is accomplished not so much by attention as by habit.
As regards architecture, habit determines to a large extent even optical reception.
The latter, too, occurs much less through rapt attention than by noticing the object in incidental fashion.
This mode of appropriation, developed with reference to architecture, in certain circumstances acquires canonical value.
For the tasks which face the human apparatus of perception at the turning points of history cannot be solved by optical means,
that is, by contemplation, alone.
They are mastered gradually by habit, under the guidance of tactile appropriation.
The distracted person, too, can form habits.
More, the ability to master certain tasks in a state of distraction proves that their solution has become a matter of habit.
Distraction as provided by art presents a covert control of the extent
to which new tasks have become soluble by apperception.
Since, moreover, individuals are tempted to avoid such tasks, art will tackle the most difficult and most important ones
where it is able to mobilize the masses.
Today it does so in the film.
Reception in a state of distraction, which is increasing noticeably in all fields of art and is symptomatic of profound changes in apperception, finds in the film its true means of exercise.
The film with its shock effect meets this mode of reception halfway.
The film makes the cult value recede into the background not only by putting the public in the position of the critic, but also by the fact that at the movies this position requires no attention.
The public is an examiner, but an absent-minded one.
The growing proletarianization of modern man and the increasing formation of masses are two aspects of the same process.
Fascism attempts to organize the newly created proletarian masses without affecting the property structure which the masses strive to eliminate.
Fascism sees its salvation in giving these masses not their right, but instead a chance to express themselves.
The masses have a right to change property relations;
Fascism seeks to give them an expression while preserving property.
The logical result of Fascism is the introduction of aesthetics into political life.
The violation of the masses, whom Fascism, with its *Fuhrer* cult, forces to their knees, has its counterpart in the violation of an apparatus which is pressed into the production of ritual values.
All efforts to render politics aesthetic culminate in one thing:
War and war only can set a goal for mass movements on the largest scale
while respecting the traditional property system.
This is the political formula for the situation.
The technological formula may be stated as follows:
Only war makes it possible to mobilize all of today's technical resources while maintaining the property system.
It goes without saying that the Fascist apotheosis of war does not employ such arguments.
Still, Marinetti says in his manifesto on the Ethiopian colonial war:
"For twenty- seven years we Futurists have rebelled against the branding of war as antiaesthetic....
Accordingly we state:
... War is beautiful
because it establishes man's dominion over the subjugated machinery by means of gas masks, terrifying megaphones, flame throwers, and small tanks.
War is beautiful
because it initiates the dreamt
-of metalization of the human body.
War is beautiful
because it enriches a flowering meadow with the fiery orchids of machine guns.
War is beautiful
because it combines the gunfire, the cannonades, the cease-fire, the scents, and the stench of putrefaction into a symphony.
War is beautiful
because it creates new architecture,
like that of the big tanks, the geometrical formation flights, the smoke spirals from burning villages, and many others
.... Poets and artists of Futurism!
... remember these principles of an aesthetics of war
so that your struggle for a new literature and a new graphic art . . . may be illumined by them!"
This manifesto has the virtue of clarity.
Its formulations deserve to be accepted by dialecticians.
To the latter, the aesthetics of today's war appears as follows:
If the natural utilization of productive forces is impeded by the property system, the increase in technical devices, in speed, and in the sources of energy will press for an unnatural utilization,
and this is found in war.
The destructiveness of war furnishes proof
that society has not been mature enough to incorporate technology as its organ,
that technology has not been sufficiently developed to cope with the elemental forces of society.
The horrible features of imperialistic warfare are attributable to the discrepancy between the tremendous means of production and their inadequate utilization in the process of production
--in other words, to unemployment and the lack of markets.
Imperialistic war is a rebellion of technology
which collects, in the form of "human material," the claims to which society has denied its natural material.
Instead of draining rivers, society directs a human stream into a bed of trenches;
instead of dropping seeds from airplanes, it drops incendiary bombs over cities;
and through gas warfare the aura is abolished in a new way.
"*Fiat ars--pereat mundus*," says Fascism, and, as Marinetti admits, expects war to supply the artistic gratification of a sense perception that has been changed by technology.
This is evidently the consummation of "*I'art pour l'art*."
Mankind, which in Homer's time was an object of contemplation for the Olympian gods,
now is one for itself.
Its self-alienation has reached such a degree that it can experience its own destruction as an aesthetic pleasure of the first order.
This is the situation of politics which Fascism is rendering aesthetic.
Communism responds by politicizing art. | {
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「と、とんでもない! わたしは従者でも構いませんし」
「食事! 僕は腹ペコだよ」
ガーン、と後頭部を殴られたような衝撃があった。ミトロフは絶望した。 | While Grace and Mitrof were dealing with the kobolds, a fang snuck up behind them.
By the time the two noticed, Canule was holding a round shield with both hands.
After lowering her stance, she repelled the fang with her shield, and he hit the wall and died instantly.
Canule had literally acquired monster-like strength.
“... Isn’t it a waste to make her a porter?” Mitrof murmured.
Grace nodded in silence.
Canule quickly bowed her head and apologized for participating in the battle and defeating the fang without permission.
Mitrof and Grace didn’t mind and were actually happy that Canule needed less protection. Having the consciousness to protect non-combatants could be a hindrance in battle.
It was fortunate that Canule had the ability to defend herself.
The three of them looked at the map and continued to explore the fourth floor of the dungeon.
Since they were in a place that had already been explored, it was unlikely they would be lucky enough to find relics like they did last time. As they confirmed their whereabouts, they defeated monsters they encountered, earning money and gaining experience points simultaneously.
They felt the difference in power when they encountered a troll.
To overcome this, they must accumulate experience and undergo “sublimation,” a strengthening process that only adventurers are allowed to undergo.
Mitrof believes that he would undoubtedly have died without the improvement of his mental strength through sublimation. It is such a blessing.
As they delved deeper underground, monsters grew stronger. If they didn’t grow alongside the monsters, death would easily come.
Even if they knew the location of the stairs leading down underground and headed straight there, they couldn’t go down if they didn’t have the strength to fight.
After exploring for a while, the three of them decided to take a rest in a small room they found.
It was a room that previous adventurers had converted into a resting place, and several other adventurers were sitting inside.
The three of them spread out a cloth in an open space and sat down.
In the labyrinth, it was difficult to relax and let their guard down since they never knew when they would be attacked. Just having a small room that ensured their safety made them feel relieved.
Mitrof let out a deep breath and slumped down onto the cloth.
“Labyrinth exploration is tough work—it exhausts you to the core.”
“It’s daunting to think that we might continue to descend underground endlessly.”
Grace added as she sat down and untied her boots, pulling out her thin legs covered in black tights. She folded her long legs and stretched her back.
“Mitrof, it’s better to loosen your shoes—it’s essential to take a good rest when you can,” Grace advised.
“I’ll follow the hunter’s teachings,” Mitrof replied, taking off his boots as well.
“I do feel more liberated,” Mitrof then said.
“That’s right. Canule—sit down too—you must be tired.”
“N-No, thank you. I haven’t done anything.”
Canule shook her head while standing.
“It’s hard for me to concentrate when you’re standing like that, right, Mitrof?”
“Oh, yeah—that’s the way it is.”
“What, did you think of Canule as a servant?”
Grace frowned in disbelief.
“I’m not sure how to handle the position of porter—old habits are hard to break—but I’m used to having someone around, so I don’t worry about it.”
Servants are essential to aristocratic life. They are always around, and if necessary, they can be instructed.
If nobles were always worried about their eyes, they would not be able to do anything. For nobles, servants are like furniture.
“How to treat the porter depends on the party’s policy—Mitrof, I don’t intend to treat Canule like a servant—how about you?”
“... I don’t plan to do so either—I’m no longer a noble, and Canule is not a servant—I’m sorry, Canule.”
Mitrof lowered his head towards Canule.
“No, no!—I don’t mind being your servant.”
“Don’t say that—rest for me, too.”
When Mitrof suggested it, Canule couldn’t refuse and hesitantly took a seat on the cloth. The hem of her black coat was long and spread out lightly.
“Okay, let’s eat here and finish up.”
“Food! I’m famished!”
“Me too—although we can’t be too luxurious with our food at the labyrinth.”
From their conversation, Canule quickly figured out what was going on and promptly handed over their luggage to them.
Mitrof immediately took out the assortment of portable foods he bought at the guild that morning. The small box was woven with wood and licked with bark. Inside were dried meat, cheese, raisins, and black rye bread.
Mitrof raised his eyebrows dejectedly and took the black rye bread in his hand.
“...Is this supposed to be food?”
“This is probably one of the better options.”
“I would rather go back to that cheap inn. Don’t you feel demoralized eating this?”
Mitrof looked at Grace with utter seriousness.
“Isn’t it enough to just be able to eat?—Eating is an act to gain vitality for our bodies.”
Suddenly, he felt a strong impact, like being hit on the back of his head. Mitrof was filled with despair. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
伝統的に、支配権を持つ首長の座は、アル・サバーハ首長家内で2つのライバル系列の間で(暗黙の了解の下に)交互に占められてきた。アル・ジャービル系とアル・サレム系である。これまで、継承者は、厳格に首長家から選ばれるものとされ、いかなる論争も表立ってされることはなかった。しかしながら、シェイク・ジャービル・アル・サバーハの死を受け、今回の継承問題は、世間の熱狂的な討論の的となったうえに、クウェートのプレスと国民議会が中心となってその結果を導いたのである。 | Traditionally, the role of ruling Emir alternated (according to a tacit agreement) between two rival branches of the Al Sabah family – the Al Jaber and the Al Salem. The succession was always strictly a family affair, and any disputes remained behind closed doors. However, with Sheikh Jaber al-Sabah’s death, the succession was not only subjected to feverish public debate, but the Kuwaiti press and Parliament were key actors in determining the outcome. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「ふ、ふふふ......どんなもんよ! そ、それで、あなたは、ど、どどうして一人でこんな森の中にいるのかしら......!?」
「どうしてって、あなたは見てなかったの? さっき空に大きなドラゴンも来て......それでお父さんとお母さんと一緒に逃げたんだけど、森の中ではぐれちゃって......下手に動き回るとますます迷子になるかもしれないから、ここでジッとしていたの」
「ドラゴンの背中に乗ってきた? そんなこと人間にできるわけないでしょ」
「え、プニガミはちゃんとどっちから来たのか覚えてるの? じゃあ道案内お願いね」
「わー、凄い! 白い! おっきいい! 何これ!」
「冷たっ! え、これどうなってるの? 何でできてるの?」
「雪! 聞いたことある! 初めて見た! 何でこんなところにあるの!?」
「どうやって? こんな大きいのをどうやって?」
「す、凄い! 本当にドラゴンだった! 私のこと食べたりしない!?」
「そうなんだ! 知らなかった!」
「へぇぇ、ほんとだ。頭にツノがある! 尻尾もある!」
「アイリスにイクリプスにプニガミにシェリルにミュリエルにジェシカにマリオン......うん、覚えた! あ、私の名前はマルカっていうの!」
「大変! マルカがドラゴンに食べられちゃうわ!」
「ああ、マルカ! 早くこっちに来なさい!」
「くっ、マルカはきっと足がすくんで動けないんだな! よし、俺がマルカを助ける! その間、皆はドラゴンの注意を引きつけてくれ!」
「分かったわ! あなた気をつけてね!」
「皆、マルカを助けるんだ! 石でも何でも投げて、ドラゴンの目をこっちに向けさせるんだ!」
「おお、マルカ! 怪我はないか!? よかった大丈夫みたいだ。さあ逃げるぞ! 早くしないと全員、食べられてしまう!」
「そうよ! ドラゴンはもう一匹いるはずだし......ああ、これじゃ水不足なんて言ってる場合じゃないわ。どうしてこんなところにドラゴンが来るのかしら!」
「待って、待ってってば! あのドラゴンは大丈夫なんだってば。人間は食べないって言ってたもん」
「しっかりしてマルカ! ドラゴンはしゃべったりしないのよ!」
「違うでしょ、お母さん! さっきのが正体で、今のは変身後!」
「ね? しゃべったでしょ? ドラゴンは人を食べないのよ。もうドラゴンじゃないけど......」
「雪だるまってことは、雪でできているのか? どうして雪の塊が......」
「雪って融けると水になるんでしょ? これだけの水があれば......水不足も解決じゃない!」
知らない単語を聞き、今度はアイリスたちが不思議な顔をする番だった。 | 「......Where am I?」
「Why would I know? Because you suddenly ran away and got lost」
Being lectured by her little sister and slime, she felt pathetic.
However, the situation wasn’t about to resolve itself. For now, they had to grasp the situation.
They were currently in a forest.
There were trees with broad leaves and grass around them.
She didn’t run for that long, so it should be rather close to the village.
However, since she ran in a random direction, she had no idea how to come back.
「Well, I can fly, so it’s okay」
「Yay, we are so competent」
She should be able to see the snowman from the treetops.
In other words, they weren’t lost yet.
Just when she felt relieved, she heard a sound from the bushes nearby.
Some sort of small animal......she thought and turned around.
However, the one to appear wasn’t a squirrel, snake, or rat, it was a human girl.
Iris was about to run away on reflex. However, Punigami moved and blocked her escape route. Thanks to that, Iris managed to somewhat calm down and hid behind Eclipse.
「......Why are you hiding?」
The human girl looked at Iris in wonder.
She was quite small. About six years old.
However, she gave off an unusually calm aura.
At least, she was much calmer than Iris hiding behind her little sister.
After analyzing the situation, Iris felt sad about herself. Even so, she didn’t plan to stop hiding behind Eclipse.
「Big sister Iris is always like that with strangers」
「I think so too. What a weirdo」
Eclipse said something terrible.
Her little sister’s words stabbed into her heart.
She couldn’t stand being abused any longer, so she squeezed her courage and stepped forward.
Her legs wobbled but she was certainly standing.
「You’re doing great」praised Punigami.
「Fu, fufufu......this much is nothing! S-So why are you in t-this forest all alone......!?」
Iris asked the girl while inwardly praising herself for her conversational abilities.
「Haven’t you saw it too? Two dragons came from the sky.......I’ve tried to run away with mother and father, but we’ve got separated......I thought I shouldn’t carelessly wander around, so I’ve been waiting here ever since」
The girl calmly answered.
She was small yet her mature beyond her age.
Still, her being here was absolutely their fault.....
Have to apologize.
Punigami apologized with her.
What a nice slime.
Unfortunately, only Iris was able to understand him.
「Why are you apologizing?」
「No, I mean......」
Iris could find the words to describe the situation.
Instead, Punigami was the one to explain but no one understood.
「You know, those two dragons. Their names are Jessica and Marion, and they live in the same village as us. We flew there on their backs. That’s why we are sorry」
That’s why Eclipse was the one explaining.
Eclipse spoke human language in an easy to understand way.
But whether she believed or not was another matter.
「Rode her on the dragon’s back? Humans can’t possibly do that」
Indeed, it wasn’t something humanly possible.
In fact, Sheryl couldn’t even climb on the dragon’s back by herself.
However, Sheryl was the only human with the rest being something like demonic weapons of mass destruction, guardian deities, or slimes.
It would be faster to show her instead on fruitlessly persuading her.
「There are dragons near the village, so we are going to show you a nice place. Your parents might be back in the village already, let’s go together. If they aren’t there, I’ll search with you」
「Un......alright. I’m worried about following strangers, but since you look harmless I’ll believe you」
The girl said with a composed expression.
Deemed harmless, Iris and Eclipse let the girl ride on Punigami went forward.
「Ah, we have to confirm where the snowman is」
「Eh, you remember the way we came from? Then lead the way」
Punigami proceeded forward with great confidence.
After five minutes of walking, they reached the snowman.
She was just running around randomly before, but she didn’t actually go too far.
「Waa, amazing! White! Big! What is this!?」
She was a calm girl, but she immediately jumped off Punigami with sparkling eyes the moment she saw the snowman.
She ignored the dumbfounded Marion and Sheryl as she touched the snowman.
「Cold! What’s going on? What is it made of?」
Apparently, it was the girl’s first time seeing snow.
This region was so hot even during winter, that was to be expected.
「Fufu. This is a snowman made of snow」
The child-loving Jessica explained with a smile.
「Snow! I’ve heard of it! First time seeing it! What is it doing here!?」
「We brought it here」
「How? It’s so big, how?」
The girl asked in a loud voice.
What a curious child.
「Actually, we are dragons」
「It’s true, look, Henshin!」
Jessica transformed into a dragon and roared to the sky.
「See? A proper dragon」
「A-Amazing! A true dragon! You won’t eat me, right!?」
「I won’t. The dragons I’m acquainted with don’t eat humans」
「Oh! I had no idea!」
「By the way, the red-haired girl over there is my daughter」
「Eeeh, that’s true. She has horns on her head! And a tail too!」
Having said so, the girl circled behind Marion and flipped her skirt to observe her tail closely.
Marion escaped behind her mother’s front leg as she held her skirt down.
「You’re at fault for swinging this adorable tail around」
「Indeed. I thought of peeking under Marion-san’s skirt myself on many occasions. To actually make it a reality.....I don’t know who you are but I’m impressed!」
Sheryl gave the girl thumbs up.
Come to think of it, Iris forgot to ask the girl’s name.
Perhaps it was a good time for introductions.
「 name is Iris. This is my little sister Eclipse. This one is Punigami. The one with a dumb face is Sheryl and the “no ja” person is Muriel. The dragon before you is Jessica and the girl whose skirt you tried to flip is Marion」
She briefly introduced her party.
She thought the introduction was a bit too rough, but the girl seemed to understand.
「Iris, Eclipse, Punigami, Sheryl, Muriel, Jessica, Marion.....un, I’ve remembered! Ah, my name is Maruka!」
「Maruka. How about we go to the village to look for your parents?」
「Un. But did they even return?」
Marika tilted her head.At that moment.
She heard multiple voiced from the forest.
Iris hid behind Punigami and observed.
About a dozen people came out of the forest.
The moment they saw Jessica they immediately scattered.
「Maruka!」「Maruka is about to be eaten by the dragon!」
Both of them screamed.
The moment the dragons came, they ran for their lives, separated with their daughter, and found her again, except, there was a dragon right beside her.
The situation was beyond terrifying.
「Mother, father. It’s alright. This dragon.....」
「Damn it, come here, dragon *******!」
「Ah, Maruka! Come here, quickly!」
They two haven’t heard their daughter and desperately screamed with pale faces.
However, Maruka didn’t try to escape for some reason, so they came up with another plan.
「Kuh, Maruka must be too scared to move! Alright, I’ll save her! I ask everyone else to attract the dragon’s attention!」
「Alright! Be careful, dear!」
Motivated by the courageous couple, the other villagers stood up.
「Everyone, let’s save Maruka! Throw rocks or anything else and attract the dragon’s attention!」
They picked up rocks and branches around them before throwing them at Jessica.
Of course, the attacks of that caliber were nothing.
The rocks thrown from so far away barely even reached Jessica.
Even wouldn’t have been effective even against an ordinary wolf.
But Jessica could read the mood, so she turned and roared at the villagers.
Her roar had a tinge of amusement to it, but the villagers were genuinely glad to see the effect.
The father rushed towards Maruka, picked her up, and returned back to the villagers.
「Oh, Maruka! Are you alright!? It seems you are fine. Let’s run away! Otherwise, this dragon will eat us all!」
「Right! There is one more dragon somewhere around’s not the time to be worried about water. Why did the dragons come here!?」
「Wait, wait! This dragon is a good one. She won’t eat anyone」
While in her father’s arms, Maruka tried her best to tell the truth.
Of course, no one listened.
「Maruka, poor girl.....she has auditory hallucinations....」
「Get yourself together, Maruka! Dragons can’t talk!」
「I not going to eat you, you can stop running」
Said Jessica to the running villagers in a nonchalant voice.
The villagers froze in place and slowly turned around.
「....It spoke?」
「Did everyone hear it?」
「Is it true?」
The dragon’s ability to speak doesn’t seem to be a part of common knowledge.
They were more surprised at the fact she spoke instead of the eating part.
Jessica turned back into a human amidst the flash of light.
Seeing the dragon suddenly become a beautiful woman, the villagers’ pupil turned into dots.
Iris herself was quite surprised the moment she first saw that. How nostalgic.
「Ta-da. The dragon was actually a beautiful lady all this time!」
「Wrong, mother! This is transformation, that one was the real one!」
「Mou, you’re always paying attention to small things. Both are me. Anyway, I’m not going to eat you, you can relax」
If a dragon were to tell you it won’t eat you, it would’ve been rather lacking in persuasiveness. But when it comes to young women, the situation is reversed.
「See? I can talk. Dragons don’t eat humans. Even though I’m not a dragon anymore....」
「 seems I dreaming?」
「This dragon is prettier than frustrating......」
Having said so, Maruka’s parents pulled on each other’s cheeks.
It was painful enough to make them frown.
The other villagers too used a variety of methods to distinguish reality from a dream.
「Doesn’t seem like a dream」
「The dragon turned into a beauty......」
「But why is the dragon here in the first place?」
「I had my eyes glued to the dragon and I didn’t notice the people around it....」
「All of them are girls 」
「Are they dragons too?」
「And what’s with that white object behind them?」
「I’ve heard the rumors.......this might be a snowman!」
「You mean it’s made of snow? Why is the snow......」
「When the snow melts it turns into water, right? As long as we have this.....water won’t be a problem anymore!」
The villagers looked at the snowman and let their imagination run wild.
Their impressions of a dragon might be warped, but they guessed about the snowman pretty fast.
Still.....what was that『udon』 there were talking about?
Having heard a new word, it was Iris’ turn to stare in wonder. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 12,
"inserted_lines_src": 2,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「うん、最近ずっとクラウドくんの所に行ってたでしょ? わたしもお見舞い行きたくて」
「よろしくお願いしますって伝えてくれる? いや、むしろ挨拶に行った方がいいのかも!」
後悔しないといいけど...... | Lyell being motivated to train Cloud would be meaningless if the person himself wasn’t willing to. Thus, I had to confirm his thoughts first.
The next morning, I decided to drop by Cloud’s place before I headed to the academy.
After saying goodbye to Finia, I reached for the door.
This time, I was going without Maria. We were going to talk about Lyell’s training, so if Maria, his wife, followed me now, Cloud would find it hard to refuse even if he wanted to.
“Take care, Lady Nicole. Say hello to Sir Cloud from me.”
“Okay, I’ll let him know you were worried.”
Cloud was aware that Finia hesitated on rescuing him. In that aspect, she had made a disadvantageous judgment for Cloud. On the other hand, it was also thanks to her guidance that the rescue team managed to find us fast.
Looking at it from that perspective, she could also be viewed as one of his lifesavers. But that part was weighing on Finia’s conscience.
They were both from the orphanage, so I wanted them to get along. Imagining such a future made me feel a little warm. As I opened the door with a light gait, I stumbled on Michelle at the doorstep.
“Morning, Nicole!”
“Yeah. You’ve been visiting Cloud lately, right? I wanted to come to check on him too.“
His injuries have been completely healed with Maria’s Regeneration magic. His current obstacle was instead a mental one that came from the shock of being injured.
“Still, I wanna come and say thanks.”
“...I see. Let’s go then.”
I extended my hand towards her. The fact remained that Cloud was the reason she was alive now. She probably thought it would be dishonest if she didn’t show up at least once while he was rehabilitating.
I grabbed Michelle’s warm hand and we headed towards the church. The one who had protected this wide smile currently on her face was undoubtedly Cloud. I had to praise him for that. Though he himself rushed into bigger danger.
The orphanage started its morning early. I arrived earlier than usual, but there were already several boys out of their beds and preparing for breakfast.
In orphanages that had no helpers, it was children themselves who had to make their breakfast.
After greeting the sister that was commanding those kids, we headed to Cloud. He was busy practice-swinging in the backyard as always.
Being a Half-Demon, he couldn’t participate in the meal preparations. While he was bringing food to the table for the kids, the deeply rooted repulsion towards him was still hard to completely get rid of.
For that reason, the sister was making an exception and had him sit out during the cooking.
“Morning. Still practice-swinging?”
“Ah, Master—Nicole!”
Cloud called me master when we were alone, but switched to my name when there was someone else with us. I was still not quite sure what was his basis for that. He saw Michelle behind me, so he changed it right away.
“Morning, Cloud. Have you been okay?”
“Yeah, I’m perfectly fine thanks to Lady Maria. I worried you... Also, I’m sorry.”
“Look, you were against it, but I ignored it and followed those trails...”
“Don’t worry about that. You did your best and protected me, so thank you!”
Cloud was the older one, but she was currently patting his head while thanking him. My expression loosened from such a fluffy scene, but then I suddenly remembered why I came here for.
“Oh, right, Cloud.”
“Actually, dad said the reason for the current incident lies in your lack of power.”
Cloud looked like he was about to cry partway through my speech. He probably thought he was being blamed for getting me involved.
Being criticized by the famous Six Heroes. If that happened, words wouldn’t explain how heartbroken he would become. I continued my words to erase his fears.
“So, he said he wants to train you. If he’s weak, I just have to make him strong – that’s what he said.”
“Wh-... Lord Lyell wants to train me!?”
“Not just him, Gadius too.”
“Even Lord Gadius!!”
“If you want to master the duty of a tank, Gadius would be a better choice, is what he said.”
“N-Now that I think about it, you were the daughter of Heroes... So you have such connections, huh?”
“What are you saying after all this time. Where do you think I gained my skills!”
Cloud was in pure confusion from such an unbelievable proposal. Seeing how his eyes darted everywhere and his hands moved in fluster, I understood that he was in no state to make a sound judgment. So, I went and smacked him on the head a bit to calm him down.
“Calm down already. Dad simply said he is willing to train you. If you don’t want that, you can reject the offer, you know?”
“If you want, I can go and reject it for you.”
“But that would be such a waste!”
Cloud was having it quite hard in life. He had both my training and the Adventurer practice. As well as other work in the orphanage.
If we put Lyell’s training at nighttime when he was already dead tired, we would be overworking him even if he was older than us. So if he said it was a no-go, I was planning to reject the offer myself. That way it would not cause any offense.
But seeing Cloud’s reaction, my concerns turned out to be needless fears.
“Being able to receive the training of the Six Heroes is something one can only wish for. It’s something that I should be requesting instead.”
“So, you’re okay with it?”
“Please tell them that I’ll be in their care. No, wait, maybe I should go greet them myself!”
“Got it. And no need for the greetings.”
Cloud was making hasty decisions in his excited state. I had to hush him before he went and let something slip. Thinking about what a pain that would be, I felt a little down.
However, Lyell’s training would ultimately be a huge plus for Cloud’s future. That was the main reason why I proposed it to him.
And thus, Cloud had ranked up from mine to the Six Heroes’ disciple.
Here hoping that he doesn’t come to regret that decision... | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 5,
"inserted_lines_src": 17,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「は? いえ、あの、お礼を言われるようなことを?」
当面の目的に『自分が死なない』のほかに付けたしても......いいよな。 | “I do not know about his actual feelings, but at least in front, he said they were friends and have no intention of changing their relationship.”
During the intermission between his busy schedule, the King, Maximilian Reinisch Weiss Weinzierl, listened to his son’s report in his private room while placing his hand on his chin.
“Is there any chance that the Count is the one who told him to say so?”
“No, I do not think that was the case. I did not feel any trace of lies in his words of wanting to be friends.”
“Hmm. In that case, it is safe to believe him.”
Although they had yet to make a significant move concerning the oracle of the revival of the demon king, the royal family had been paying attention to the bearer of rare skill [Hero] for a long time.
As the royal family had recognized the worth of that rare skill, they had once again launched an investigation for the bearer of the skill and discovered that the heir of Count Zeavert was among his close friends.
Needless to say, they had also investigated other noble houses and had already taken the measure toward houses that were found to be engaged in any shady schemes.
Then, the oracle of the demon king’s revival reached their ears.
With that, the value of the [Hero] increased tremendously. But because of the political situation, the royal family could not make any large movements in public. Thus, Welner became an important connection to the hero.
“I agree. Though, it is not a wise decision to make as a noble.”
“Despite saying so, you seem to be in a good mood.”
To his royal father who showed a rare puzzled expression, the Crown Prince answered with a smile.
“I was thinking he might be a good fit to be an aide of my son, Louwen. He has a decent peerage, does not seem to be greedy, and has military prowess.”
The king rested his hand on his chin and contemplated. With a -year-old Crown Prince as his son, the King was also of advanced age. If possible, he wanted to put outstanding aides on his grandson’s side.
The hero is one of the aides’ candidates. But if there are any outstanding nobles, it will also be a good choice to consider them. It is also a shame for an excellent person like Welner to only be used as a messenger.
“I see. Let’s see how things progress in the future, then.”
“Also, about the demon king’s revival...”
“We are still in the process of gathering the evidence. If we announce it now, I am afraid that it will lead to panic.”
“We concur. For now, focus on the investigation. Just in case, proceed to reconstruct the Veritza Fortress.”
“By your will.”
Although the Veritza Fortress was half-abandoned as it did not have any contact with the border, it was originally built as a base of reinforcement in case the capital suffered any attack and as a place to evacuate from the capital.
The Fortress’s reconstruction was the least that should be done after the kingdom suffered the bizarre demon outbreak.
“Also, proceed with the reorganization of the knights. Ascertain our total casualty. Then, determine the current strength left of our army.”
The King and the Crown Prince finally finished all their discussion. Still, the sense of crisis they both felt didn’t disperse. After all, they had yet to truly trust the hero’s capability in defeating the demon king.
“I apologize for my brother’s rudeness.”
After the Crown Prince left, I got flustered because Laura bowed her head to me. I mean, I didn’t think the Crown Prince was rude at all.
But she’s the same as the game, a humble princess. I hope that she stopped bowing her head like this while radiating that regal aura, though.
Mazell shows a confused expression. Well, that’s to be expected. I don’t think he needs to know that Laura is apologizing because the Crown Prince just tested me if I want to monopolize the hero.
Wait a minute. Isn’t this a chance?
“Excuse me. I need to go to the restroom. Mazell, take care of the rest.”
Ahh, Mazell’s panicked voice, what a music to my ears. I ignored it, bowed to Laura, then immediately commenced a strategic retreat.
From the perspective of the knights and maids around us, it would seem like I was fleeing from the princess’s bow.
That’s not exactly wrong, but my main purpose is to give the Hero Mazell and Princess Laura time together. The game and the reality might have deviated, but it’s the truth that they looked like a perfect match.
I ask a nearby maid to guide me to the restroom. I attempt to look like ‘I don’t want to wander alone in an unfamiliar place’. It’s a hassle since I need to consider my image like this.
Incidentally, it is a relatively common misconception that medieval Europeans did not bathe regularly, if at all. However, baths and bathing were, in fact, quite common during medieval Europe.
This world had both a toilet and a bath. A complete set. When I heard that for the first time, I was glad. After all, the game had no depiction of a toilet. I don’t know if they had a proper water and sewage system, though.
I guess it would be odd if this world that had magic had no water system. Water is essential for living. Plus, magic can create water out of nothing, so of course, scholars of this world would try to research water.
Now that I observed my surroundings more carefully, this place deserves to be called the royal palace. It’s a Catholic-style palace –
The palace walls are pure white. It’s decorated with chandeliers, elegant ornaments made of gold and glass... Ah, right. Glass is expensive in this world. I remember Mazell being surprised that there is a glass window in the academy.
It’s a shame that this place will soon be destroyed. It’s not like I can do anything, though.
I was surprised because the maid that I thought
But her next action left me confused. She bowed her head.
“Please accept my deepest gratitude, Viscount.”
“Huh? No, um, I do not believe that I have done something that deserves your gratitude?”
What did I do?
To the confused me, the maid raised her head and explained, “My father and elder brother are both members of the Knights. I have heard of your accomplishment in realizing the demon’s trap. If you are not there, both of them might have died in that battle.”
I’m lost for words. That’s right. Of course, people who are saved by my actions exist.
I can’t think of any response. There’s no way I can say,
‘Ah, don’t worry. I did it for myself because I didn’t want to die’
“I know that it is impolite to be standing and talking in the hallway like this. But I truly wanted to express my gratitude.”
“Ah, no, you are welcome?”
Why did it become a question... Ah no, I guess I should be proud of myself to be able to even give a reply. Even if I have time until tomorrow to think, I won’t be able to give any better response... I feel pathetic for that.
“I apologize for impoliteness. Then, please come this way.”
She said and she continued to show me the way to the restroom. As for me, I was still bewildered, not because I was thanked by a beautiful woman.
This world is just a game world for me, but there are people that live here and each of them has their own relationship.
I thought I already understood that. But now that I’ve received gratitude for saving someone who I don’t even intend to save, not from the person themselves but from others... I don’t know anymore.
Just because it’s a game, can I really abandon them? In the first place, is this really the game world that I know?
I will never match the hero, Mazell, in combat. I also don’t have any cheat ability.
However, I have knowledge of the game. I also have the position and the privilege of a noble. It’s not like I can’t do anything.
It’s fine if I add another goal other than ‘I will survive’...right...? | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 7,
"inserted_lines_trg": 9
} |
監視されていたの? って思ってしまうぐらいにタイミング良すぎない?
シーナは私に気を遣いながらそう言った。 | When I woke up, I was near a waterfall.
Apparently, I had fainted in that field of flowers. Kushana must have brought me to this place.
As I gazed at her, who I could see clearly, I realized again that my left eye had come back, wasn’t a dream.
As I stared at Kushana in a daze, she then greeted me.
“Welcome back.”
My eyes were back, and red around my eyes. That probably gave her a general idea of what was going on.
Those were the only words Kushana spoke. Her voice was so gentle and reassuring.
I smiled and said, “I’m back”.
My body was exhausted, as if it had used a lot of magic power. I must have reached my mental and physical limits.
I felt sluggish and had no strength to get up.
“You should get some more sleep.”
Kushana said that and gently placed her hand on my eyelid. I accepted her words and closed my eyes.
Normally, I would not fall to sleep like this.
I would have just let myself get pumped up and blow off the drowsiness.
With that thought in mind, I drift off to sleep once more.
Sleep was wonderful. It helped restore my strength and magic power.
When I woke up again, I was fully restored. I could afford to fake my feelings.
I put a lid on my feelings. I locked the door tightly to prevent my feelings from overflowing. I would not let anyone know.
I got up from the bed and changed into the clothes that were placed at the end of the bed.
I wondered if Sheena had left them there for me....
“Excuse me,” I heard a voice called out.
Just as I was thinking about Sheena, she appeared.
Was she watching me? Wasn’t the timing so perfect that I wondered if I was being watched?
In fact, she must have read my presence. Since she lived so deep in the forest, she probably had a better sense of the environment than us.
“May I come in?”
I answered as I finished dressing and folding my clothes. She politely walked into my room.
“Are you feeling all right?”
I was a bit at a loss for words as she spoke.
It was only a short time before my eyes returned and I felt uncomfortable. By now I was used to this clear, wide field of vision.
I was somewhat sad about that.
“I’m fine. Thank you.”
I smiled at her, faking my expression.
The heat around my eyes had gone away. My eyes must have calmed down after sleeping all day. Besides, I felt light.
...and hungry.
No matter how painful and sad things may be, you could still get hungry.
That feeling reminded me that I was a person and a living creature. Feeling alive, I looked at Sheena.
“Where is everyone?”
“They are outside. Everyone was so worried about Alicia-sama that they were about to go inside, but the Queen, Kushana, stopped them.”
Sheena’s words made me realize that Kushana was taking care of me.
Kushana understood that I was a woman who did not want to show weakness to anyone. I wanted to be strong at any given moment.
She knew this, which was why she made sure that no one could see me depressed.
It was Sheena who came inside to ensure that I could make myself comfortable after I woke up.
Kushana’s kindness was something I could not fathom.
I could tell from just a little involvement that she was a person of character who was adored by everyone.
“Would you like to go outside?”
Sheena asked, with consideration of my feelings. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
......待てよ? 敵の配置がゲームと同じだとすると、王都を襲撃してくる四天王最後の一人のいるダンジョンは王都から見て西側にある。ひょっとしてこれは王都襲撃の防御を厚くする方向が限定できるって事にならないだろうか。少なくとも西門側に罠を仕掛けて置くってのは効果的なような気がする。これはちょっとチェックしておく必要がありそうだな。
まず全員にラフェドの顔合わせをしておいて、ついでにノイラートとシュンツェルのストレス解消も含めて、運動がてら槍をちょっと慣らすか。新しい重さに慣れておかないとミスをするかもしれん。忙しくなる前に勘を掴みたいな。 | I heard about the recent situation of the capital from the Iron Hammer party. They also told me about all sorts of rumors in the capital. After that, the Iron Hammer party left the mansion, saying that they wanted to go somewhere else. Then, I proceeded to check things that the Iron Hammer party had brought for me.
First, I checked the new spear from Mazell. It was a bit heavier than my usual spear, but I could feel that it was stronger and more durable. It was certainly a good spear, although I would need some time to get used to it. I was getting tired of my old spear, so this was perfect.
I would have to train a bit to get used to this new spear before the war.
I put down the spear and checked the rest of the supplies and noticed a small bag. I took the bag and opened it to find a letter, a handkerchief, and a painting inside. Did Lily send these?
The Zeavert family crest and flowers were embroidered on the handkerchief. Did Lily embroider it? The design of the embroidery was superb. Perhaps because Lily was good at drawing, she was also at designing. Lily’s embroidery was at a level where you could sell it in my previous life.
The content of the painting was the vase that decorated my room with roses inside of it. The painting wasn’t that large. It used a high-quality frame and colors which were most likely prepared by either Father or Mother.
The size of the painting was too small to be displayed in the parlor, but I could display it in my room. To be honest, I didn’t think flowers suit me, but I was impressed by the quality of the painting.
The content of Lily’s letter was her meeting with Mazel and the recent news of the capital. Oh? She became friends with the female knight who had escorted her before. Other than that, she also mentioned that she was worried about me. There were no mentions of bad rumors about me which had spread in the capital. Ah, she was really considerate. If she knew what I was planning to do here, her letter might be filled with more worry.
I wondered if there was anything that I could buy in this town for Lily. I remembered this town used to import silverware from Triot. Although Triot had already been destroyed, there might be some silverware from Triot in the market. Let’s look for them later.
After I finished reading Lily’s letter, I read Mazell’s letter. I see... So the first Heavenly King was the same as the game’s first Heavenly King. I guess the future flow of events would be the same as in the game. I’d like to know if the map of the first Heavenly King’s dungeon was the same as the map in the game too, but you couldn’t ask for too much. Mazell also said he was thankful to me for taking care of his family, but I just skimmed through that. I mean, I did nothing that Mazell needed to be thankful for.
The letter did contain a bit of information that I wanted, but it wasn’t enough. I still wanted to meet Mazell to get more information, but that would be difficult for now.
...Wait a minute. If the future flow of events would be the same as the game’s flow of events, would that mean the last Heavenly Kings would attack the capital from the west, just like in the game? If that were true, we could focus our military power on the west side of the capital. I think at least setting traps in the west side of the capital would be a good idea. I needed to check if this was possible later.
The number of things that I wanted to do in the capital just kept increasing. I had to finish my work here fast and return to the capital. Urgh... my stomach hurt.
After I had finished reading the letter, I called Schunzel and Neurath. Together, we went to the underground prison. The bandits’ leaders had already been executed, the rest of the bandits had been sent to forced labor, and the noble ladies who tried to sneak into my bedroom had also been returned to their families after they paid the fine, so the underground prison was quite empty.
Neurath and Schunzel followed me with uncomfortable expressions on their faces. To be honest, I also felt uncomfortable. I stopped my track in front of a certain prison. When the prisoner inside saw my face, he looked surprised.
“To think it was you, sir.”
“I also never thought I would see your unpleasant face again. How are you feeling, Rafed?”
Compared to when I first saw him outside of Lestlatga, Rafed seemed to have lost some weight. Served him right. It seemed like he still didn’t understand why I was here. With a scrutinizing look, he asked, “Are you the person who ordered the execution?”
“That’s right and I can do the same thing to you if I want to, but unfortunately, I won’t, since I have another use for you.”
Rafed blinked, and I also could sense Neurath and Schunzel’s anger behind me. I needed you both to be patient.
“I’ll be blunt. I don’t trust you.”
“Yes. Your attitude has made that very clear.”
“Oh, and if you refuse, I will execute you.”
The sitting Rafed looked up at me. The chains on his body rattled as he did so. If anything, I hoped to be looked at by a beautiful girl, not this middle-aged geezer.
“This place is at the border of Triot, so there’s a high chance that demons will attack us. If you don’t cooperate with me, I will kill you. Other than that, if I got defeated by the demon army, this town would be overrun by demons and you would also die.”
“The public order outside of this town is also bad, so there’s no guarantee that you will be safe if you try to escape outside.”
“I see. So the only way for me to live is to cooperate with you.”
Rafed let out a sigh. I could sense that his ‘worried’ expression was a kind of fake, but that was fine. As someone who was entrusted to be a spy of another country, Rafed must have enough brain to know that he had no other choice but to help me.
After all, he had no place to return. It would be difficult for Rafed to even return to Lestlatga because he was a member of the second prince faction while the first prince faction was currently in power. Even if he didn’t want to help me, he would still help me for the sake of securing a temporary safe place.
Rafed silently thought for a while, then he finally opened his mouth.
“Viscount-sama... If I help you, will you spare my life?”
“Yes. As long as you don’t become hostile to me after the matter is over, I guarantee your survival.”
“What do you want me to do?”
you have knowledge of poison, is that true?”
“Yes. It is true.”
Good then. His knowledge would be useful to me. As Takeda Shingen had said, ‘don’t use the people but use their knowledge.’ I would work you to the bone, Rafed.
“I want you to work as a civil official and handle some calculations. I also want to make use of your knowledge. First...”
When I explained my plan to him, at first he looked skeptical, but as I continued my explanation, his face gradually became grim. I knew my plan wasn’t exactly an honest way of fighting, but against demons, I planned to throw the so-called ‘honest way’ out of the window.
“Yeah. I’ll cover your living expenses and all other necessary expenses. I won’t restrict your movements, but I’ll place a person to monitor you.”
I would take action if he tried to escape. But since he was smart, he would at least gather some information about the town and Anheim region after he got out of this prison, so he would most likely stay put for a while.
My itinerary after this would be to introduce Rafed to everyone and train with Neurath and Schunzel, so I could get used to my new spear while relieving some stress. It wouldn’t be funny if I made a mistake on the actual battlefield just because I wasn’t used to my new spear. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 8,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
現代では見慣れたものも いくつかあります
後部から伸びる視神経の先端に 目玉があります
大きな鼻がありますが 特に何ともつながっていません
この図を最近の 視覚系の解説図と比べると 千年を経て物事が非常に 複雑になったと分かります
脳の内側を見る事が 可能になったためです
PCの仕組みを知りたいのに 見えるのはキーボード・マウス・画面だけ
ふたを開けて 配線を見られたらいいのに
百年ほど前までは ふたを開けて 脳の
脳を頭蓋骨から取り出し 薄く切って 強力な顕微鏡で見ても 何も見えないのです
脳細胞用の化学染色材が開発され 脳の配線が見られるようになりました
現代神経科学の夜明けは ゴルジ染料がもたらしました
組織内の全細胞でなく 1%だけを染色します
すると 森が消え 中から木が姿を現します
現代神経科学の祖として名高い 神経解剖学者 ラモン・イ・カハールは ゴルジ染色を使い このようなデータを得て 神経細胞ニューロンの解明に寄与しました
脳をコンピュータに例えると これはトランジスタです
カハールはすぐに気がつきました ニューロンは単体では機能せず 他の物質とつながって コンピュータ内の回路の様なものを形成するのだと
百年後の今 ニューロンの可視化には 染色よりも発光が使われます
最もよく使われるのは 緑色蛍光タンパク質です
このGFPという物質は なんと発光クラゲから採取でき 至極便利です
GFPの遺伝子を取り出し 細胞に注入すると その細胞は緑色に発光します GFPには様々な種類があり 細胞を色分けし発光させることが出来ます
脳の話に戻りましょう これは「ブレインボー」という 遺伝子操作したネズミから 採取しました
そう呼ばれるのは ニューロンが虹のように見えるからです
神経科学者は時に 細胞全体ではなく ニューロンの分子成分を 特定せねばなりません
複数の手法がありますが 最もよく使われるのは 抗体を使うものです
ご存知の通り抗体は 免疫システムの忠実な下僕ですが
他にも便利な事が分かりました 特定の分子を認識できるのです 体内に侵入するウイルスの 固有の蛋白質などです
研究者はこれを 脳内の特定分子の認識に使います 細胞の特定基礎構造を認識し 個別に特定するのです
ここでお見せしている写真はどれも美しく 同時に非常に力強く
例えばこれはネズミの脳の セロトニン伝達物質を抗体染色したものです
セロトニンは 鬱や不安神経症の解説に使われます
SSRI は これらの病気のための薬で
セロトニンがどう作用するのかは その分泌元を突き止めねばならず
こういった抗体染色は この質問を理解するのに役立ちます
最後にお話ししたいのが GFPと抗体は どちらも 全くの天然物質です
自然がこれらを進化させた目的は クラゲを緑に発光させたり 侵入ウィルスの固有の蛋白質を検出するためでした
ずっと後になって やっと科学者が現れ 「おい これは使えるぞ」 「この機能は俺たちの研究にぴったりだ」
と言うのです 貧弱な人類の頭で これらのツールを作り出す代わりに 何百万年もの年月をかけ着々と 解決策を用意してくれていたのは 自然という偉大な技術者なのです
ありがとうございました | It's a diagram of the visual system.
And some things look very familiar today.
Two eyes at the bottom, optic nerve flowing out from the back.
There's a very large nose that doesn't seem to be connected to anything in particular.
And if we compare this to more recent representations of the visual system, you'll see that things have gotten substantially more complicated over the intervening thousand years.
And that's because today we can see what's inside of the brain, rather than just looking at its overall shape.
Imagine you wanted to understand how a computer works and all you could see was a keyboard, a mouse, a screen.
You really would be kind of out of luck.
You want to be able to open it up, crack it open, look at the wiring inside.
And up until a little more than a century ago, nobody was able to do that with the brain.
Nobody had had a glimpse of the brain's wiring.
And that's because if you take a brain out of the skull and you cut a thin slice of it, put it under even a very powerful microscope, there's nothing there.
It's gray, formless.
There's no structure. It won't tell you anything.
And this all changed in the late 19th century.
Suddenly, new chemical stains for brain tissue were developed and they gave us our first glimpses at brain wiring.
The computer was cracked open.
So what really launched modern neuroscience was a stain called the Golgi stain.
And it works in a very particular way.
Instead of staining all of the cells inside of a tissue, it somehow only stains about one percent of them.
It clears the forest, reveals the trees inside.
If everything had been labeled, nothing would have been visible.
So somehow it shows what's there.
who's widely considered the father of modern neuroscience, applied this Golgi stain, which yields data which looks like this, and really gave us the modern notion of the nerve cell, the neuron.
And if you're thinking of the brain as a computer, this is the transistor.
And very quickly Cajal realized that neurons don't operate alone, but rather make connections with others that form circuits just like in a computer.
Today, a century later, when researchers want to visualize neurons, they light them up from the inside rather than darkening them.
And there's several ways of doing this.
But one of the most popular ones involves green fluorescent protein.
Now green fluorescent protein, which oddly enough comes from a bioluminescent jellyfish, is very useful.
Because if you can get the gene for green fluorescent protein and deliver it to a cell, that cell will glow green -- or any of the many variants now of green fluorescent protein, you get a cell to glow many different colors.
And so coming back to the brain, this is from a genetically engineered mouse called "Brainbow."
And it's so called, of course, because all of these neurons are glowing different colors.
Now sometimes neuroscientists need to identify individual molecular components of neurons, molecules, rather than the entire cell.
And there's several ways of doing this, but one of the most popular ones involves using antibodies.
And you're familiar, of course, with antibodies as the henchmen of the immune system.
But it turns out that they're so useful to the immune system because they can recognize specific molecules, like, for example, the coat protein of a virus that's invading the body.
And researchers have used this fact in order to recognize specific molecules inside of the brain, recognize specific substructures of the cell and identify them individually.
And a lot of the images I've been showing you here are very beautiful, but they're also very powerful.
They have great explanatory power.
This, for example, is an antibody staining against serotonin transporters in a slice of mouse brain.
And you've heard of serotonin, of course, in the context of diseases like depression and anxiety.
You've heard of SSRIs, which are drugs that are used to treat these diseases.
And in order to understand how serotonin works, it's critical to understand where the serontonin machinery is.
And antibody stainings like this one can be used to understand that sort of question.
I'd like to leave you with the following thought: Green fluorescent protein and antibodies are both totally natural products at the get-go.
They were evolved by nature in order to get a jellyfish to glow green for whatever reason, or in order to detect the coat protein of an invading virus, for example.
And only much later did scientists come onto the scene and say, "Hey, these are tools, these are functions that we could use in our own research tool palette."
And instead of applying feeble human minds to designing these tools from scratch, there were these ready-made solutions right out there in nature developed and refined steadily for millions of years by the greatest engineer of all.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「ちょ、ちょ、ちょっと! 何故です! 今の流れはどう考えても『何て可哀想なんだ! 安心しろ!! 俺が何とかしてやる!』とか言って爽やかに微笑むところですよ! 流石の私もコロっといっちゃうところですよ! 何、いきなり美少女との出会いをフイにしているのですか! って、あっ、無視して行こうとしないで下さい! 逃しませんよぉ!」
「帝国から追われているわ、樹海から追放されているわ、お前さんは厄介のタネだわ、デメリットしかねぇじゃねぇか。仮に峡谷から脱出出来たとして、その後どうすんだよ? また帝国に捕まるのが関の山だろうが。で、それ避けたきゃ、また俺を頼るんだろ? 今度は、帝国兵から守りながら北の山脈地帯まで連れて行けってな」
「......さっきも言ってたな、それ。どういう意味だ? ......お前の固有魔法と関係あるのか?」
「え? あ、はい。〝未来視〟といいまして、仮定した未来が見えます。もしこれを選択したら、その先どうなるか? みたいな......あと、危険が迫っているときは勝手に見えたりします。まぁ、見えた未来が絶対というわけではないですけど......そ、そうです。私、役に立ちますよ! 〝未来視〟があれば危険とかも分かりやすいですし! 少し前に見たんです! 貴方が私達を助けてくれている姿が! 実際、ちゃんと貴方に会えて助けられました!」
どうやら、シアは、元いた場所で、ハジメ達がいる方へ行けばどうなるか? という仮定選択をし、結果、自分と家族を守るハジメの姿が見えたようだ。そして、ハジメを探すために飛び出してきた。こんな危険な場所で単独行動とは、よほど興奮していたのだろう。
「ただの出歯亀じゃねぇか! 貴重な魔法何に使ってんだよ」
「!? 最初から貴女のこといい人だと思ってました! ペッタンコって言ってゴメンなッあふんっ!」
「あ、ありがとうございます! うぅ~、よがっだよぉ~、ほんどによがったよぉ~」
「あ、あの、宜しくお願いします! そ、それでお二人のことは何と呼べば......」
「ん? そう言えば名乗ってなかったか......俺はハジメ。南雲ハジメだ」
シアは「え? 何で?」と何も分かっていない様子だったが、いそいそと前方にズレるとハジメの腰にしがみついた。ハジメは特に反応することもなく魔力駆動二輪に魔力を注ぎ込む。決して思わず反応してしまいそうになるのを堪えている訳ではない。ないったらない。
「あ、あの。助けてもらうのに必死で、つい流してしまったのですが......この乗り物? 何なのでしょう? それに、ハジメさんもユエさん魔法使いましたよね? ここでは使えないはずなのに......」
「......いきなり何だ? 騒いだり落ち込んだり泣きべそかいたり......情緒不安定なヤツだな」
「手遅れって何ですか! 手遅れって! 私は至って正常です! ......ただ、一人じゃなかったんだなっと思ったら......何だか嬉しくなってしまって......」
「あの~、私のこと忘れてませんか? ここは『大変だったね。もう一人じゃないよ。傍にいてあげるから』とか言って慰めるところでは? 私、コロっと堕ちゃいますよ? チョロインですよ? なのに、せっかくのチャンスをスルーして、何でいきなり二人の世界を作っているんですか! 寂しいです! 私も仲間に入れて下さい! 大体、お二人は......」
「! ハジメさん! もう直ぐ皆がいる場所です! あの魔物の声......ち、近いです! 父様達がいる場所に近いです!」
「だぁ~、耳元で怒鳴るな! 聞こえてるわ! 飛ばすからしっかり掴まってろ!」
そうして走ること二分。ドリフトしながら最後の大岩を迂回した先には、今まさに襲われようとしている数十人の兎人族達がいた。 | “I refuse.” (Hajime)
Hajime’s frank response resulted in silence. With an expression as though she couldn’t comprehend what was said, Shia’s mouth gaped open with a stupid expression as she puzzledly looked at Hajime. Ignoring her, Hajime started to pour magic power into the Magic Powered -Wheeled Drive and a loud shout of protest could be heard.
“Wa- wa-wait! Why?! No matter how you think about it, your response should have been like, ‘How pitiful! Don’t worry!! I’ll do something about it!!’ with a reliable smile, you know! You had a sudden encounter with a bishoujo and you just ignore it! Eh, ah, don’t ignore me and keep going! I won’t let you go, you know~!!” (Shia)
Ignored, Shia jumped to cling onto Hajime’s leg again. From the serious and pitiful atmosphere from a while ago, her shameless rabbit mode was back in action.
Glaring at Shia, who didn’t show any sign of releasing his leg, Hajime released a sigh.
“You know.... What merit is there for me if I help you out?” (Hajime)
“Me-merit?” (Shia)
“Having been chased out of Faea Belgaen and pursued by the empire, you’re nothing but a heap of trouble, aren’t you? Assuming you and your tribe escape from the canyon, what’s next? Won’t you just get caught by the empire again, or will you flee to the mountain from there? Rely on me again, right? First, it’s to escape the canyon, next it’s to protect you and your tribe from the empire’s soldiers, and then it would be to escape from there to the northern mountain range, right? See, nothing but trouble.” (Hajime)
“Uuuu! Tha-that is true.... ... bu- but!” (Shia)
“The two of us have a goal right now. We don’t have the time for something so cumbering and labor intensive.” (Hajime)
“That can’t be!! .... ... But, even you should be able to see the reason to help us!” (Shia)
“.... That, you keep saying that, don’t you?... Is it related to your peculiar skill that you sought us out?”
Hajime was unable to understand the part of Shia’s tear filled story. Why did Shia stray away from her tribe? Hajime asked whether there was a connection between their encounter and her skill.
“Eh? Ah, yes. It’s called ‘Clairvoyance’. While I’m using it, I can predict what will happen in the future based upon the actions I take, to a certain extent. Also, it will automatically activate right before danger strikes. But, the future that I see isn’t absolute...! Tha-that’s right! I am useful, you know! With ‘Clairvoyance’, we’ll know if there is any danger! I used it a while ago! I could see you helping us! In fact, that’s how I met you!” (Shia)
In summary, Shia’s ‘Clairvoyance’ can predict a future based upon her choice of action at that moment. Not only does it require a large amount of magic power to activate, but she will be exhausted after one try. In addition, there are times when it’ll automatically activated, whether she wanted it to or not, when the situation is dangerous for Shia. Although this automatic function also consumes a large amount of magic power, it seems that it only consumes / the magic power of its manual usage.
Apparently, Shia left her tribe in order to find Hajime. She found a future where Hajime would protect her and her tribe. After that, she left her tribe behind in order to find Hajime. She was too excited at the prospect of finding Hajime that she carelessly ran alone into this dangerous place.
“If you have such amazing skill, how did the empire find you and your tribe? If you could predict when danger would strike, heck, you shouldn’t have been found out in Faea Belgaen, right?” (Hajime)
When this point was brought up by Hajime, Shia averted her eyes with a pained groan.
“That means you already used it before they found you... What the heck did you use it for?” (Hajime)
“That... I was anxious about my best friend’s love life...” (Shia)
“Isn’t that the same as peeping! Why the heck did you use such a precious skill for something so trivial?!” (Hajime)
“As expected, it’s useless. If you ask why I won’t help, it’s because YOU are useless. What a failure of a rabbit...” (Hajime)
Hajime looked away in astonishment while Shia, who was crying, kept clinging to him. As Hajime prepared to leave Shia in the dust, an unexpected hero came to Shia’s rescue.
“.... Hajime, take her along.” (Yue)
“Yue?” (Hajime)
“!? I knew you were a nice lady from the start! I’m so sorry for calling you flat-che- Guuufuuuu!” (Shia)
“.... Just as a guide around the [Haltina Sea of Trees].” (Yue)
“Aa~. I see.” (Hajime)
It is said that only demi-humans won’t get lost on the path to the [Haltina Sea of Trees], and if the Rabbitman tribe would guide them through, then that would be reassuring. Though there were some measures that Hajime could think of to resolve the situation when he got lost, it could be said that these measures weren’t foolproof. At worst, he planned to kidnap some demi-humans to guide them along the path, but if some demi-humans willingly decided to guide them through, that would be for the best. However, Hajime hesitated to agree because Shia had only a bundle of trouble so far.
Yue broke his hesitation.
“.... It’s okay; we are the strongest.” (Yue)
That’s exactly what Hajime had said in that hell. They had decided to not hold back their strength for this world. When they covered each other’s backs, they were the strongest. Hajime could only give a wry smile in response to Yue.
With help from Rabbitman tribe, it would surely be easier to search around the [Haltina Sea of Trees]. Avoiding the empire’s soldiers and nation of Faea Belgaen would be for the best, but it’s not like they were busybodies. If the encounter was unavoidable, Hajime decided to “kill” these obstructions to his path.
“Oi, be grateful, you trash rabbit. I’ll make you our guide through the [Haltina Sea of Trees]. Your reward will be your life .” (Hajime)
Without a doubt, Hajime had surely roleplayed as a yakuza. However, despite his word choice, Shia rejoiced that Hajime, who could easily kill the beasts of the [Raisen Great Canyon], promised to escort her tribe out of danger.
“Tha-Thank you very much! Uu~! What a relief~. Seriously, what a relief~...” (Shia)
Shia cried with joy. However, she immediately stood up because there was no time to lose.
“Uummu, I look forward to working with you! Wh-what should I call you...?” (Shia)
“Hm? Now that you mention it... I am Hajime. Nagumo Hajime” (Hajime
“.... Yue.” (Yue)
“I see, Hajime-san and Yue-chan. Hajime-san and Yue-chan... Hajime-san and Yue-chan... Hajime-san and Yue-chan...” (Shia)
Shia said their names several times to remember it. But, Yue, in dissatisfaction, interrupted her.
“... Failure rabbit.” (Yue)
“Fue!?” (Shia)
Shia was puzzled by Yue’s informal speech, because she thought Yue was younger than her due to her appearance. When she heard that Yue was a vampire and much older, she immediately apologized by prostrating before Yue. For Yue, it wasn’t like she hated her. Though for some unknown reason, Yue could be seen hatefully staring daggers at a certain asset of Shia’s!
“...For now, the failure rabbit can sit on the back.” (Hajime)Hajime, used to Yue’s ability to read his mind, irritately instructed Shia to hop on, resulting in Shia’s confusion. It couldn’t be helped, however, because there were no two wheeled vehicles that moved by using magic power in this world. However, because Shia understood it was some kind of vehicle, Shia slowly sat behind Yue in the end.
Although the Magic Powered -Wheeled Drive only had tandem seats that were made using a certain demonic beast’s leather, Yue and Shia were able to sit together because Yue only took up a small amount of space. Shia was surprised by the softness of the seat and started leaning forward onto Yue, pressing upon Yue her weapon.
Yue, who felt uncomfortable by Shia’s sudden action, slipped away by moving to Hajime’s lap. Her petite figure fit perfectly between Hajime’s arms. Yue couldn’t stand the feeling of Shia’s weapon upon her back. Hajime revealed a wry smile after guessing the reason why Yue switched seats while Yue wore a bitter expression.
Shia, confused about what had just happened, clung to Hajime’s waist with a happy expression. Hajime acted as though nothing had happened and just drove along. But it’s not like he had no reaction at all. He’d be lying if he didn’t.
Without noticing the conflict in Hajime and Yue’s mind, Shia asked Hajime a question over his shoulder.
“Uummu, even though travelling faster is better, what kind of vehicle is this? Moreover, Hajime-san and Yue-san are both magic-users, right? Even though magic shouldn’t be able to be used here...” (Shia)
While saying so, Hajime increased his magic power output and accelerated the bike. The vehicle moved smoothly, and over Hajime’s shoulder, Shia’s thrilled scream could be heard. The ground and cliff face seemed to blur as they accelerated.
At the bottom of the canyon, Shia clung tightly onto Hajime while closing her eyes due to the wind. After getting accustomed to the speed, Shia gradually became more and more excited. When Hajime suddenly curved around a boulder, Shia squealed excitedly.
On the way, Hajime started to explain why they could use magic, how the bike operated, and how Hajime’s left arm and bike were similar to an artifact. Shia opened her eyes wide in astonishment.
“Eh?? Then both of you are able to directly manipulate magic and also capable of using unique magic...” (Shia)
For a while, Shia’s mind was blank from surprise. Suddenly, she buried her face into Hajime’s shoulder, starting to sob.
“... What is it now? You went from being an annoying rabbit to a depressed bunny, and now you’re a sobbing mess... You’re truly a failure rabbit.” (Hajime)
“What do you mean? I’m not a failure! ... It’s just that, when I think I’m not alone anymore, it somehow makes me happy...” (Shia)
It seemed that because her ability was similar to the demonic beast’s, she always thought she was the only one in this world with this ability. Her family raised her for years and called her a family member. Although protecting her ultimately brought danger upon them, causing them to flee Faea Belgaen for her sake, they still loved her. Despite their love... no, because of their unique love for her, she felt isolated and alone; she was different from everyone else.
Hearing Shia’s words, Yue silently began to think. It seemed like her expressionless face was turning pale. Hajime was somehow able to understand Yue’s feelings. In all likelihood, Yue’s circumstances early on were probably almost the same as Shia’s. Both of them were capable of magic manipulation and using unique magic and skills, without being able to call anyone “kin”.
But there was a definite difference between them. While Yue did not have a family that loved and accepted her, Shia did. That gave Yue a rather complex feeling mixed with envy. From Shia’s perspective though, Yue was “kin”, someone she could finally say was truly like her. It was a complicated matter.
Hajime decided to pat then stroked Yue’s head in an effort to comfort her. Hajime, who was raised in a rich country like Japan with affectionate parents, only to be forsaken in an alternate world by his friends and teacher alike, still felt that his solitude couldn’t be compared to that of the Vampire Princess, Yue. Thus, he couldn’t say anything that could ease her pain. He could only show her that “now”, she is not alone.
Even though Hajime had completely changed from the boy he was when he first arrived in Tortus, he still had enough of him left to look out for those he cared about. Rather, if he hadn’t met Yue, that part of him would have also disappeared. Yue stopped Hajime from falling into the depths of depravity and hatred. Because Yue appeared, Hajime could retain his humanity. As proof of that, Hajime decided to keep their promise to Shia: to protect the Haulia tribe from empire’s soldiers. Of course, Hajime didn’t forget that the compensation was that they’d guide him and Yue through the [Haltina Sea of Trees] to Faea Belgaen.
Whether or not Hajime’s feelings were fully expressed in his action, Yue loosened up and leaned against Hajime’s chest, as though she wanted to be spoiled.
“Ummu~? Did you forget about me? Didn’t I tell a sob story? I even revealed my poor broken heart to you, you know!? I also want to be comforted, you know? To be spoiled, you know? Even so, even though I did all that, why did you guys suddenly go into your own world! Even I’m lonely! Don’t leave me out! Even though, you two-” (Shia)
” “Silence, failure rabbit!” ” (Yue)(Hajime)
Hajime and Yue instinctively rebuked the whimpering Shia, who suddenly made an enormous ruckus. However, for Hajime and Yue to create their own pink space and leave a girl crying alone could be called cruel. Adding in that she got yelled at, Shia was truly pitiful. But, her endurance was her strong point. In her mind, she thought, first I must make them call me by name~. After all they are the “kin” that I have finally found. I won’t let them go~!
Meanwhile, Yue and Hajime’s yell echoed in the canyon. They then heard several demonic beasts’ roars in the distance. Apparently there were several demonic beasts in front of them.
“!!! Hajime-san! We will arrive soon! Those demonic beasts’ roars are close; close to father and my tribe’s hiding place!” (Shia)
“Gaawd~! Don’t shout right next to my ear! Hang on tight, because I’m going to increase our speed!” (Hajime)
Hajime poured in even more magic power, and the bike started to accelerate even further. The scenery truly blurred into a mirage.
After minutes, they saw dozens of Rabbitmen under attack by flying monsters. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 7,
"inserted_lines_src": 3,
"inserted_lines_trg": 4
} |
イラクやベトナムの退役軍人には 補助金申請に ペーパーワークの山が待っています 商業ローンを組もうとすれば 文書業務が襲ってきます
どうにかできないものか? 「単純さ」とは 明確で透明性があり 共感できるもので 人間的なコミュニケーションを可能にします
私は 30年間 文章を「単純」にしてきました
私の興味は 人間を理解すること それは 補助金申請のための 役所との関わり方だったり ビジネス関係を作り上げるための 企業との関わり方 ブランド作りも一つです
オバマ大統領が「なぜ クレジットカードの契約書は 簡単な英語にならないのか」とおっしゃれば
私は部屋に閉じこもり 内容を把握し 書類をまとめ 簡単な英語で書き直しました
この添削を国内有数の 消費者金融専門の弁護士に依頼しました
そこで私は一歩踏み込んでこう言いました 「なぜ形式ばかりの弁護士と紙面に こだわらなくてはいけないのか?コンピューターを使おう」
人によっては 計算を苦手とするでしょう
そこで ハーバードビジネススクールと協力して 最少支払額の説明をこうしました 例えば 食事に62ドルを費やし 支払いが遅れるほど 最少支払額は増加し 99ドル17セントになります
単なる計算機より ずっとわかりやすく 効果的です
それから「期限切れ」という 用語はどうでしょう?
おそらく わかりにくい
これらを単純な英単語で置き換えることで 自らのリスクを避ける道 その妥協案を 強要することができます
単純な英語は 内容を変更するということです
私が最も誇りに思うのは IBMとのこの合意書です
この日は IBMの責任 別の日は あなたの責任
今日 ぜひお伝えしたいことがあります
毎年納税者の10人に1人が 米国国税局から通達を受けとります
全部で 2億通にものぼります
このような通達を 「単純」に 目を通してみると 理解に苦しむ内容でした
赤いマークが全て 難解な箇所です
のべ1000通以上 国税局の取引の70% に及ぶ文章を 「単純」化を試み
私が目を通した結果 ご覧の通り赤い箇所は 激減しました
(拍手) そこで 皆さんに注目していただきたい
取り組みが進められています 消費者金融保護庁と どのように「単純さ」を義務付けるか
議論が多く交わされています ご覧のとおり複雑すぎます
明瞭性 透明性 共感を 国家の優先事項に することが私たちと この機関の使命なのです
政府のお役所的なスタイルを 野放しにする必要はないのです
我々は理解不能な文書を 提示してくるような企業と ビジネスをする必要はありません
では どうやって変えていけるでしょう?
明確さ 透明性 単純性です
ありがとうございました | If you're a veteran coming back from Iraq or Vietnam you face a blizzard of paperwork to get your benefits; if you're trying to get a small business loan, you face a blizzard of paperwork.
What are we going to do about it? I define simplicity as a means to achieving clarity, transparency and empathy, building humanity into communications.
I've been simplifying things for 30 years.
I come out of the advertising and design business.
My focus is understanding you people, and how you interact with the government to get your benefits, how you interact with corporations to decide whom you're going to do business with, and how you view brands.
So, very quickly, when President Obama said, "I don't see why we can't have a one-page, plain English consumer credit agreement."
So, I locked myself in a room, figured out the content, organized the document, and wrote it in plain English.
I've had this checked by the two top consumer credit lawyers in the country.
This is a real thing.
Now, I went one step further and said, "Why do we have to stick with the stodgy lawyers and just have a paper document? Let's go online."
And many people might need help in computation.
Working with the Harvard Business School, you'll see this example when you talk about minimum payment: If you spent 62 dollars for a meal, the longer you take to pay out that loan, you see, over a period of time using the minimum payment it's 99 dollars and 17 cents.
How about that? Do you think your bank is going to show that to people?
But it's going to work. It's more effective than just computational aids.
And what about terms like "over the limit"?
Perhaps a stealth thing.
Define it in context. Tell people what it means.
When you put it in plain English, you almost force the institution and not put themselves at risk.
Plain English is about changing the content.
And one of the things I'm most proud of is this agreement for IBM.
It's a grid, it's a calendar.
At such and such a date, IBM has responsibilities, you have responsibilities.
Received very favorably by business.
And there is some good news to report today.
Each year, one in 10 taxpayers receives a notice from the IRS.
There are 200 million letters that go out.
Running through this typical letter that they had, I ran it through my simplicity lab, it's pretty unintelligible.
All the parts of the document in red are not intelligible.
We looked at doing over 1,000 letters that cover 70 percent of their transactions in plain English.
They have been tested in the laboratory.
When I run it through my lab, this heat-mapping shows everything is intelligible.
And the IRS has introduced the program.
that I want to bring to your attention.
There is a lot of discussion now about a consumer financial protection agency, how to mandate simplicity.
We see all this complexity.
It's incumbent upon us, and this organization, I believe, to make clarity, transparency and empathy a national priority.
There is no way that we should allow government to communicate the way they communicate.
There is no way we should do business with companies that have agreements with stealth provisions and that are unintelligible.
So, how are we going to change the world?
Make clarity, transparency and simplicity a national priority.
I thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「ハア? お前まだFランクだろう。Eランク以下には強制動員令は出てないはずだが?」
「・・・離れてどこに行くんですか? もう街の避難所には、女や子供、老人、戦えない人たちで一杯じゃないですか。俺たちがここで負けたら、その人たちだって化物に食われるんでしょう?」
「――ちっ! 寄りによって」
呟いて、ジョーイの瞼がゆっくりと落ちた。 | Apart from the White Dragon mountain range to the north, the other cardinal points of Alra City are made up of great plains.
As an important traffic point, various main roads run through the flat terrain. Travelers would be very grateful for it, but the open area has no shelter or detour and the view range is wide, so other than clashing with an enemy head-on, almost no tricks could be used in fights.
“...A trench is the best we could do huh? But it would be nice if we had the chance to dig up the trench.”
While viewing the enemy rider who rode on the top of a beast type monster, Vice Master Gald muttered to himself with a bitter face.
It doesn’t matter what monsters are led by the ogre king, they are still a monster after all. Not using their mind and trusting only their instinct, the monsters should be rushing headlong towards the city, but contrary to expectations, the enemy movement is so surprisingly well organized that the first part of the plan is beginning to fall apart.
The plan was to dig the trench and lie in wait to ambush, forming groups to target the masses of enemies that come to attack. First, the initial strike would be conducted by archers and catapults from a long distance. Next, when the enemy gets disorderly, magicians and spirit users who hid in the trench would conduct the attack from a middle distance. At that time, several adventurers on stand-by will leap out, scatter, and attack the enemies.
With the situation fully in chaos, the military troops would be the main hammer joining in and aim for the ogre king’s head in one fell swoop. That’s how the plan was on the human side, but it appears the monsters are going to use the riders to reach the humans quickly and seal off this side’s archers and magicians. Then with that, the main force would come surging in. It seems they plan to close the distance to get into hand-to-hand combat and secure an overwhelming position.
“―I hope we can manage to finish them off with our archers and sorcerers before they get too close.”
I don’t have field experience, so for that reason I left all the rights to command this battle to you. As the best magician here, I am going to the front lines.
While gazing aimlessly at the front of the battle operation command post, a tent which extended atop the grasslands, there was a face among the armed adventurers that he recognized, reflexively he called out to that person to halt.
“OI, BOY!”
That person who was being called out, Joey, spontaneously stood completely still on the spot.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“O-of course, I am participating in the battle to intercept the monsters!”
“Haa? You’re still F-rank right? Didn’t the obligatory mobilization order tell E-rank and below to stay back?
“...That’s true but...but I can’t stay silent at a time like this. I can at least swing my sword!”
“You’ll just be a hindrance. A boy like you should get away from this place quickly!”
Judging that what Joey was doing was childish egoism, Gald spits out his words with an irritated tone.
“...Where can I go anyway? Isn’t the shelter already full with women and children, elderly, and people who couldn’t fight? If we lose here those people will be eaten by the monsters anyway, right?”
Gald sunk into silence after getting hit with a bullseye.
Surely the great majority of adventurers that could be called full-fledged, or D rank and above so to speak, are participating in the battle according to the guild’s obligatory mobilization order, but they number , people. An additional people from the stationed army and ,500 volunteers add up to 10,000 troops. Compared to the 7,000 monsters troop, it should be a 3,000 surplus, but theoretically, to deal with monsters there needs to be at least three times the number of humans compared to monsters.
Presently their number is not enough to overwhelm the monsters. At this point, they’re in such a bind that they could use anybody who is willing to fight.
“...But you know, boy, you are still young. No one will complain even if you escape alone now.”
Hearing such words, Joey gives off a strange expression like smiling while crying.
“Mia also said that to me recently.”
“Mia huh...”
Her existence is similar to Gald, who until this year was unmarried. He told her again and again many times over to evacuate before the battle operation began, but she stubbornly covered her ears and even now, she is here somewhere, checking on the materials and coordinating the relief squad.
“―Besides,” Joey smiled embarrassingly, “this morning, Hiyuki made her appearance all of sudden.”
Gald frowned hearing that name. After all, it’s unlikely that Hiyuki had any intention to help at all according to her declaration when she disappeared back then.
“She said, ‘Joey, you’re weak, you should take Mia and run away,’ like it’s no one else’s business. Saying things like I’m unreliable as she likes.”
“’s annoying, but I have the same opinion as her.”
“I won’t do that―no, I can’t. That girl wasn’t escaping either, she said something unthinkable: ‘This is a very rare chance, so I’m gonna watch this on a special seat’. If that’s the case, I’ve got to stop the monsters to make sure they don’t find her!”
Towards Joey who said that full of determination, Gald was about to say ‘That person you fell in love with is more unthinkable than you think,’ but he saw the boy’s facial expression and swallowed his words. Faintly, his eyes and mouth loosened.
―That boy is showing the face of a real man.
“, Joey. We are adventurers; just think about your survival regardless of the situation. Not to mention... you’ve got two girls to worry about you like that!”
“I understand!”
Joey replied in full spirit and joined up with other group of adventurers with a quick pace.
“...this is the so-called guys-only chat huh?”
Hearing the conversation between Joey and Gald through the bypass created by the evil eye, I unintentionally leaked such an impression of it.
Well, it’s a unique experience, I suppose....?
“Is something the matter, Princess?”
Tengai, who returned to his golden dragon form and carried me far above the sky of the battlefield, asked me curiously. I replied that nothing was bothering me and looked down below.
Although those humans should look like nothing bigger than sesame seeds, to me right now I can see them clearly, even each of their faces.
“Which side do you think would win, Tengai?”
“It would be the monsters.” Tengai easily made his statement. “It’s really not a question with that degree of arms and the number difference.”
“Yes...I guess I have the same opinion. If the humans want to gain victory, they have to rely on numbers in the first place. With 20,000 adventurers from E-rank or G-rank who didn’t participate in battle, in addition to mobilizing everyone who was willing to fight like even the women and children, they would press the enemies down with overwhelming numbers. There’s no other choice but to throw them in as extra manpower to stop the enemy’s movement, right?”
Well, with that situation too there would be a considerable amount of victims.
“However, that guild master is not capable of making such a decision.”
“It seems so. In a situation where you ought to sacrifice 50 people to save 100 people when needed, he seems like a person who would want to save 99 out of 100 and ends up getting everyone killed.”
As an individual he could be considered good willed, but as someone who stands on the top position, he is really unreliable.
To begin with, I have already given many hints and yet he just uses his means to arouse my sympathy. For example, he could gather information about the Lost Era as a top priority or he could have conspired with me in the background while keeping allegiance with the country as a front, anything would be acceptable. Collard can’t be on that level, so I can’t help but see him as unfit to be a negotiation partner.
“Really what a foolish one that human is.”
Tengai leaked his scorn. But come to think of it, I wonder if on the inside I’m still a human? Most recently I wasn’t really aware of it, but perhaps my outward appearance and environment are influencing me. While thinking about that I made my speech.
“Still, various things will take place so it’s going to be interesting.”
After that, by chance, I saw a familiar figure among the humans, to that figure I utter softly.
“I already warned you Joey. However, I see that you made your choice...”
It’s impossible to remember how many monsters were killed anymore.
At the beginning, the front line was holding out, but getting penetrated by enemy riders forced the firepower into a halt. Afterwards the front line was slowly pushed back as a result, before long the people were split up and fighting the monsters individually.
Without knowing the battle situation nor the location of his allies, Joey too fought together with his company, but before he knew it one person had collapsed, two people were eaten, and then another....until he realized he was alone.
He drove through the battlefield holding his sword which was covered in blood, once in a while he killed the enemies that came across.
『Keep your distance, keep them within your field of vision!』
『Your movement is too simple so it could be easily evaded, your swing and posture are also disorderly making you full of openings!』
『Against a living monster’s reflexes, that obvious attack isn’t gonna hit!』
『Watch your opponent’s movement, don’t attack on your own except to feint!』
He moved according to the instructions he got merely a few days ago, but he was surprised by himself; he could fight decently against the monsters. Even so, the opponent’s attack wounded Joey’s body little by little, and each fight significantly drained his strength.
At that moment, an ogre appeared before his eyes.
“―Tch! Bring it on!”
Together with a roar the ogre swings its huge mace, and Joey reads the mace trajectory to evade it by stepping back. Then he swung his long sword downwards, aiming for the ogre’s arm that was fully extended.
But it seems his stamina was at its limits, the sword left a shallow cut into the ogre’s flesh and didn’t go any further. This made the ogre go mad and threw its huge mace sideways, simultaneously clashing with Joey’s sword that was being pulled out.
In the next moment, the boy’s body rolled along the ground like an old rag. Forcibly retaining his consciousness that seemed to pause, Joey searched for his long sword which had separated from him. Looking around the surrounding area, his eyes saw the blurry figure of the ogre that had fallen with his long sword stabbed into its neck.
“ least I beat it...but, I wonder if this is also my limit.”
The impact from the hit broke several of his bones. Even his remaining stamina was exhausted. When the next opponent appears, he can’t fight anymore.
“...Mia, Hiyuki, I wonder if they safely escaped...”
As he murmured that, Joey’s eyelids slowly sunk. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 20,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
おそらく誰もいないでしょう 我々は皆ダーウィン信棒者ですね
それでも 多くのダーウィン信奉者は少々不安を抱えていて ダーウィン説はいったい何処まで行くのか限界を知りたがっています
クモの巣を知っていまね?そうです これらは進化の産物です
ビーバーダム そうです フーバーダムは 違います
人間の知恵の産物が、それ自身 ただの産物であることを拒み、その結果 進化の法則に従っていることを、彼らはどう思うだろう?
面白いことに人は 進化的考えを 我々の思考に適用するというアイデアに抵抗があります
今日 話すことは沢山あるのですが まずは それについて少し話しましょう
あなたは森にいるか 牧草地にいます そこで アリが草の葉に這い上がるのを見ます
上まで這い上がり そして落ちます 這い上がって落ち また這い上がり 葉の頂上に留まろうとします
いったい このアリは何をしているんだ?何の役割があるんだ?
アリは 葉に登る事でどんな目的に達しようとしているんだ?
答えは: アリの為になる事など 何もありません
じゃあ いったい 何でこんなことをするんだ?
そう 吸虫です ランセット吸虫
それは 小さい脳虫です
そのライフサイクルを続けるために 羊や牛の胃に寄生する寄生脳虫です
サケは彼らの産卵場所に着くために上流に向って泳ぎ ランセット吸虫は通りすがりのアリを乗っ取って 脳に潜り込み まるでオフロードカーのように葉の上を運転します
だから アリにとっては何の意味もないのです
アリの脳は脳に感染する寄生虫に乗っ取られ 自殺的なふるまいを誘導しました
さて こんなことが人間にも起こりうるでしょうか?
あなたの心に こう浮かんだことがありますか イスラム教とは「降伏」または「アラーの意志に自己利益を捧げる」
そうです 我々の脳をハイジャックするのは 虫ではなく アイデアです
さて私は 世界人口の相当数の少数派が寄生的な考えに 脳を乗っ取られていると 言っているのでしょうか?
いいえ もっとひどいです
自由 あなたがニューハンプシャー州から来たなら...
正義 真実 共産主義
多くの人が 共産主義のために命を懸け 多くは資本主義に命を懸け
多くはカトリック教議 そして多くはイスラム教のため
これらは 死ぬに値するアイデアのほんの少しの例です
これらは 伝染性です
昨日 アモリー ラビンズ氏が「伝染性反複」について話しました
あれは実質上 言葉の乱用です
さて 広がり続ける文化の大半は 目覚しくも 新しくも 斬新な考えでもありません
それは 伝染性反複です そして 我々は それが起ったとき 伝染条件を理解する為 何が起きているかを理論的に裏づけしようとするでしょう
宿主は これらの考えを他に広めるために、一生懸命に動きます
私は哲学者ですが 職業病の一つは 生命の意味は何かと 人々が尋ねることです
あなたはメッセージ性を求め 意見を求めます
幸福への秘訣は あなたより重要な何かを見つけ それに命を捧げること
我々のほとんどは 「自己中心主義の時代」を過去のものとし これを実行に移しています
あるアイデア またはその他が 我々の生命における生物的義務に取って代わりました
それは 孫の数を増やす事ではないのです
これは 他のいかなる種にもかつてなかったことです
さて 我々はこれについてどう考えるべきでしょう?
一方では 非常に大きな生物学的影響を及ぼします
では どの理論を使って これを見ていきましょうか?
多くの理論がありますが これらを結びつけるものは?
思考の複製というアイデア 脳から脳へと複製していくアイデア
あとで彼の話を聞けますが リチャード ドーキンスは 「ミーム」という単語を発明し 最初に このアイデアを 彼の著書「利己的な遺伝子」で まことに明白かつ鮮明な説で紹介しました
今 私はここで彼のアイデアについて話しています
わかりますか 彼が始めたアイデアは 今では彼のみのものでなく
そして 私がミームを語ることは 彼の責任ではなく
私がミームを どう語るかは 私に責任があります
アイデアが 意図した効果のみでなく 誤用されている可能性においても
事実、我々全ての責任なのです だから リチャードや私にとって これらのアイデアが 乱用や誤用されないことは重要です
それは誤用されやすく だから 危険なのです
そのアイデアに恐れをなした人々が アイデアを風刺化し、さらに ひどい目的や その他に入り込むのを
防ごうとするのは大変な仕事です そして 我々は 誤解を訂正するために アイデアの中でも 害の無い 便利な変異形のみが広がり続けるよう コツコツ働き続けなければなりません
しかし 問題があります
あまり時間がないので ほんのさわりだけ話します なぜなら他にも沢山言うことがあるからです
要点を言いますと ミームはウィルスのようなものです
あなたはこう思うでしょう「なんだって どういうことだ?
ウィルスって あれだろ! あんなものでミームが出来てるのか?」
昨日 ニコラス ネグロポンテ氏がウィルス テレコミュニケーションについて話しました じゃあ ウィルスってなんだ?
ウイルスとは 行儀の悪い糸状の核酸です
でも それ以上の何かがあります 競争相手より 複製しやすい傾向があります
そして それがミームの特性なのです 態度の悪い情報パケットです
ミームは 何でできてるの? ビットは 何でできてるの ママ?
彼らは情報で出来ていて どんな物理的媒体上でも運ぶことができます
「じゃあ 単語は存在しますかね? あなたの存在論にそれはありますか?」と言います
もしあるならば 単語は発音されるミームです
それから 発音されないミームも沢山あります
そして もちろん 彼らは現在 基本的に消滅しました
その理由の1つは シェイカー王国の信条 「人は禁欲すべき」にあります
聖職者だけでなく 皆です
これでは 彼らが消滅するのも驚くにはあたりませんね (笑) しかし 実際は それが彼らが消滅した理由でありません
社会的セーフティネットがなければ 彼らは生き残ったでしょう
そこには沢山の未亡人や孤児のように 住む家が必要な人々がいたので
だから ホストの側が完全に禁欲主義でも 原則としては 永遠に続くことができのです
遺伝子のラインではなく 布教活動を通じて伝わるアイデア
こうして アイデアは 遺伝的に伝わらないという 事実にもかかわらず生き続けることができます
結局 シェイカー王国のミームは 基本的に不妊化寄生虫でした
他にもこういう寄生虫がいます -- それはホストを不妊症にします
それは 彼らの計画の一部です
ミーム学の見解上 起こりうる影響は沢山ありますが そこから 注意して欲しいものを 一つ 取り上げます
ジャレド ダイアモンドの素晴らしい本 「銃、病原菌、鉄」で 彼は 新しい半球 西半球 を征服し 残りの世界をも征服したのは 銃と鉄よりも 細菌だったと述べます
ヨーロッパの探検家と旅行者が拡散したとき 彼らは 彼ら自身には免疫がある 細菌を運んで行きました 彼らは 何百年 何千年に亘って 病原菌の源である 家畜と一緒に住むことにで 免疫を養ってきたのです
そして これらの病原菌に全く免疫のなかった 現地の人々を絶滅させました
今度は 有毒な 思考でです
昨日は ニコラス ネグロポンテ氏 を含む沢山の人が これらすべての世界中の新しい技術のおかげて 我々のアイデアが広がったときに起こる すべての素晴らしいことについて話しました
それは賛成です 大変素晴らしいことです
しかし そのテクノロジーのおかげで必然的に全世界に流布する これら全てのアイデアの中に 有毒なアイデアもあるのです
今では これは自覚されています
サイイド クトゥブは 狂信的なイスラム教の創始者のうちの1人で ウサーマ ビン ラーディンを奮起させた夢想家の1人です
「人は 報道映像や ファッションショー 美人コンテスト ダンス場 ワインバーそして放送局をちらっと見るだけ」 ミーム
これらのミームは世界中で広がっています そして 彼らは文化全体を一掃します
また 伝統や慣習を一掃します
そして その細菌が 免疫力のない人々を荒廃させるとき それはもう取り返しのつかない事になります
我々は この文化の端々にあるジャンクの全てに対する免疫があります
自由社会だから ポルノとか全部 解禁しよう -- 我々はそれら一蹴します
我々にとっては 大した事でありません
しかし 我々が自覚しなければいけないのは 世界の多くの人々にとって それは 大変なことなのです
我々は 教育やテクノロジーを広めるにあたって 非常に気を配らなければなりません 我々はその他沢山のミームのホスト達が 正しく予見しているように 彼らにとって 命に代えても守る 大切なミームを脅かす 有毒なミームを運ぶ媒介者だからです
では どのように 良いミームと悪いミームを見分るのでしょう?
ミーム学は 道徳上中立的であるべきで
もし あなたに エイズで死んだ友人がいたら あなたはHIVを憎みます
しかし それに対処するのは 科学的にやるべきです なぜ どのように広がるかを 道徳的には中立の視点で理解すること
一旦事実を掴めば 道徳的情熱のやり場は山ほどあります そして 一番良いやり方を考えられます
そして 細菌のように絶滅させようとしないことがミソです
あなたにできることは 公衆衛生的手段を育むことで 非病原性の進化を促すことです
それは 最有毒種が 比較的良性に変異した種を 広げるように促進することです
これで 時間切れです ご清聴ありがとうございました | Probably none. I think we're all Darwinians.
And yet many Darwinians are anxious, a little uneasy -- would like to see some limits on just how far the Darwinism goes.
It's all right.
You know spiderwebs? Sure, they are products of evolution.
The World Wide Web? Not so sure.
Beaver dams, yes. Hoover Dam, no.
What do they think it is that prevents the products of human ingenuity from being themselves, fruits of the tree of life, and hence, in some sense, obeying evolutionary rules?
And yet people are interestingly resistant to the idea of applying evolutionary thinking to thinking -- to our thinking.
And so I'm going to talk a little bit about that, keeping in mind that we have a lot on the program here.
So you're out in the woods, or you're out in the pasture, and you see this ant crawling up this blade of grass.
It climbs up to the top, and it falls, and it climbs, and it falls, and it climbs -- trying to stay at the very top of the blade of grass.
What is this ant doing? What is this in aid of?
What goals is this ant trying to achieve by climbing this blade of grass?
What's in it for the ant?
And the answer is: nothing. There's nothing in it for the ant.
Well then, why is it doing this?
Is it just a fluke?
Yeah, it's just a fluke. It's a lancet fluke.
It's a little brain worm.
It's a parasitic brain worm that has to get into the stomach of a sheep or a cow in order to continue its life cycle.
Salmon swim upstream to get to their spawning grounds, and lancet flukes commandeer a passing ant, crawl into its brain, and drive it up a blade of grass like an all-terrain vehicle.
So there's nothing in it for the ant.
The ant's brain has been hijacked by a parasite that infects the brain, inducing suicidal behavior.
Pretty scary.
Well, does anything like that happen with human beings?
This is all on behalf of a cause other than one's own genetic fitness, of course.
Well, it may already have occurred to you that Islam means "surrender," or "submission of self-interest to the will of Allah."
Well, it's ideas -- not worms -- that hijack our brains.
Now, am I saying that a sizable minority of the world's population has had their brain hijacked by parasitic ideas?
No, it's worse than that.
Most people have.
There are a lot of ideas to die for.
Freedom, if you're from New Hampshire.
Justice. Truth. Communism.
Many people have laid down their lives for communism, and many have laid down their lives for capitalism.
And many for Catholicism. And many for Islam.
These are just a few of the ideas that are to die for.
They're infectious.
Yesterday, Amory Lovins spoke about "infectious repititis."
It was a term of abuse, in effect.
This is unthinking engineering.
Well, most of the cultural spread that goes on is not brilliant, new, out-of-the-box thinking.
It's "infectious repetitis," and we might as well try to have a theory of what's going on when that happens so that we can understand the conditions of infection.
Hosts work hard to spread these ideas to others.
I myself am a philosopher, and one of our occupational hazards is that people ask us what the meaning of life is.
And you have to have a bumper sticker, you know. You have to have a statement.
So, this is mine.
The secret of happiness is: Find something more important than you are and dedicate your life to it.
Most of us -- now that the "Me Decade" is well in the past -- now we actually do this.
One set of ideas or another have simply replaced our biological imperatives in our own lives.
This is what our summum bonum is.
It's not maximizing the number of grandchildren we have.
Now, this is a profound biological effect.
It's the subordination of genetic interest to other interests.
And no other species does anything at all like it.
Well, how are we going to think about this?
It is, on the one hand, a biological effect, and a very large one.
Now, what theories do we want to use to look at this?
Well, many theories. But how could something tie them together?
The idea of replicating ideas; ideas that replicate by passing from brain to brain.
Richard Dawkins, whom you'll be hearing later in the day, invented the term "memes," and put forward the first really clear and vivid version of this idea in his book "The Selfish Gene."
Now here am I talking about his idea.
Well, you see, it's not his. Yes -- he started it.
But it's everybody's idea now.
And he's not responsible for what I say about memes.
I'm responsible for what I say about memes.
for not just the intended effects of our ideas, but for their likely misuses.
So it is important, I think, to Richard, and to me, that these ideas not be abused and misused.
They're very easy to misuse. That's why they're dangerous.
trying to prevent people who are scared of these ideas from caricaturing them and then running off to one dire purpose or another.
So we have to keep plugging away, trying to correct the misapprehensions so that only the benign and useful variants of our ideas continue to spread.
But it is a problem.
We don't have much time, and I'm going to go over just a little bit of this and cut out, because there's a lot of other things that are going to be said.
So let me just point out: memes are like viruses.
That's what Richard said, back in '93.
And you might think, "Well, how can that be?
I mean, a virus is -- you know, it's stuff! What's a meme made of?"
Yesterday, Negroponte was talking about viral telecommunications but -- what's a virus?
A virus is a string of nucleic acid with attitude.
That is, there is something about it that tends to make it replicate better than the competition does.
And that's what a meme is. It's an information packet with attitude.
What's a meme made of? What are bits made of, Mom?
Not silicon.
They're made of information, and can be carried in any physical medium.
What's a word made of?
Sometimes when people say, "Do memes exist?"
I say, "Well, do words exist? Are they in your ontology?"
If they are, words are memes that can be pronounced.
Then there's all the other memes that can't be pronounced.
There are different species of memes.
Remember the Shakers? Gift to be simple?
Simple, beautiful furniture?
And, of course, they're basically extinct now.
And one of the reasons is that among the creed of Shaker-dom is that one should be celibate.
Not just the priests. Everybody.
Well, it's not so surprising that they've gone extinct. But in fact that's not why they went extinct.
They survived as long as they did at a time when the social safety nets weren't there.
And there were lots of widows and orphans, people like that, who needed a foster home.
And so they had a ready supply of converts.
And they could keep it going.
And, in principle, it could've gone on forever, with perfect celibacy on the part of the hosts.
The idea being passed on through proselytizing, instead of through the gene line.
So the ideas can live on in spite of the fact that they're not being passed on genetically.
A meme can flourish in spite of having a negative impact on genetic fitness.
After all, the meme for Shaker-dom was essentially a sterilizing parasite.
There are other parasites that do this -- which render the host sterile.
It's part of their plan.
They don't have to have minds to have a plan.
I'm just going to draw your attention to just one of the many implications of the memetic perspective, which I recommend.
I've not time to go into more of it.
In Jared Diamond's wonderful book, "Guns, Germs and Steel," that conquered the new hemisphere -- the Western hemisphere -- that conquered the rest of the world.
When European explorers and travelers spread out, that they had become essentially immune to, that they had learned how to tolerate over hundreds and hundreds of years, thousands of years, of living with domesticated animals who were the sources of those pathogens.
And they just wiped out -- these pathogens just wiped out the native people, who had no immunity to them at all.
And we're doing it again.
We're doing it this time with toxic ideas.
Yesterday, a number of people -- Nicholas Negroponte and others -- spoke about all the wonderful things that are happening when our ideas get spread out, thanks to all the new technology all over the world.
And I agree. It is largely wonderful. Largely wonderful.
But among all those ideas that inevitably flow out into the whole world thanks to our technology, are a lot of toxic ideas.
Now, this has been realized for some time.
Sayyid Qutb is one of the founding fathers of fanatical Islam, one of the ideologues that inspired Osama bin Laden.
"One has only to glance at its press films, fashion shows, beauty contests, ballrooms, wine bars and broadcasting stations." Memes.
These memes are spreading around the world and they are wiping out whole cultures.
They are wiping out languages.
They are wiping out traditions and practices.
And it's not our fault, anymore than it's our fault when our germs lay waste to people that haven't developed the immunity.
We have an immunity to all of the junk that lies around the edges of our culture.
We're a free society, so we let pornography and all these things -- we shrug them off.
They're like a mild cold.
They're not a big deal for us.
But we should recognize that for many people in the world, they are a big deal.
As we spread our education and our technology, one of the things that we are doing is we're the vectors of memes that are correctly viewed by the hosts of many other memes as a dire threat to their favorite memes -- the memes that they are prepared to die for.
Well now, how are we going to tell the good memes from the bad memes?
That is not the job of the science of memetics.
Memetics is morally neutral. And so it should be.
This is not the place for hate and anger.
If you've had a friend who's died of AIDS, then you hate HIV.
But the way to deal with that is to do science, and understand how it spreads and why in a morally neutral perspective.
Get the facts.
Work out the implications.
There's plenty of room for moral passion once we've got the facts and can figure out the best thing to do.
And, as with germs, the trick is not to try to annihilate them.
You will never annihilate the germs.
What you can do, however, is foster public health measures and the like that will encourage the evolution of avirulence.
That will encourage the spread of relatively benign mutations of the most toxic varieties.
That's all the time I have, so thank you very much for your attention. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「撃てぇ!! 遠慮容赦一切無用だっ! 使い尽くすつもりで撃ちまくれぇ!!」
リリアーナの号令が三度。それが伝わり、 各部隊の隊長陣が、更に下の者達を指揮して集束に集中している使徒達を優先して標的とする。
ゴゥ! と大気を震わせて、の集束型銀の砲撃が大結界に直撃する。
「筆頭っ、もう無理ですっ! 保ちません!」
「チッ、仕方ねぇ。大結界は放棄だ! 小規模結界を起動後、聖歌隊用の多重結界に集中するぞ!」
「怯むな! 我等は騎士だっ。守護こそ本分! 守り抜け!」
冗談のように、ポンッと飛んだ使徒の首と残された胴体。一拍置いて、ブシャー! と盛大に噴出する血の飛沫の奥に、いつの間にか、そいつはいた。
「あなたが悪いのよ? もう一人の私を目覚めさせてしまうから......」
「くっ、また勝手にっ、鎮まれ! 俺の左腕っ!」
そして、どうやったのか、バーン! と轟音を立てて背後に色とりどりの爆炎を上げながら香ばしいポーズを取った。きっと叫べたのならこう言っていたに違いない。
――大罪戦隊 デモンレンジャー、見参ッッッ!!
「これは人類の存亡を賭けた戦いだぞ。限界の一つや二つ、越えられなきゃ嘘ってもんだろう? さて、
「連合軍の全勇者に告げるッ!! 限界を超えてっ、戦えッッ!!!」
――段階式限界突破アーティファクト 〝ラスト・ゼーレ〟
神の使徒と人類の決戦――その第二幕が、今、上がった。 | Turning back the time a bit.
The surface of the world was completely changed by the erosion of dark red color that looked like the eyes of a monster. And then, a crack of space that exposed the abyss appeared at the sky of such bizarre world.
After Hajime and others safely jumped into that crack of space which scattered muddy black miasma――the gate that connected toward Holy Precincts, the apostles of god that swarmed that place turned on their heel still with an expressionless face.
What was reflected in the inhuman eyes looking down from the great height, was the crowd of people who displayed their insolence by trying to oppose god’s will.
” ” ” ” “Judgment of god.” ” ” ” ”
Those words were murmured in one voice.
If the people at the ground heard those words, surely they would object “There is not even a speck of reason for us to be judged!” with a loud voice.
But, the puppets of god that wouldn’t even lend any ear to that objection swung their twin large swords once, then they flapped their wings and began to descend all at once. They only revised their orbit using their silver wings. Next, the large number of apostles rapidly approached toward the allied force mostly by freefalling while leaving a silver trail behind like a swarm of meteors.
Thinking of the apostles’ spec, in this battlefield where bug character like Hajime and others were gone, there was no existence that could possibly stop these women. Even if there were a lot of people in possession of item like the artifacts that could launch flash(Anti-Material Rifle) which covered the penetration of Hajime and others into Holy Precincts, but there was no reason that mere ‘human’ could hope to match them.
Therefore, for the apostles what would be starting from here on wouldn’t a battle, it would be a curbstomp without any doubt, just a light work like mowing down grass.
...was what they thought how it was supposed to be.
That thought only continued until their whole field of vision was buried in barrages of bullets.
“Attackkk!! No need for even a drop of mercy or reservation-! Pound away with the intention of using up all your ammooo!!”
An amplified command resounded among the allied force, at the same time bullets barrage were fired without pause from the whole allied force soldiers.
Every single soldier aimed rifle gun toward the sky and pulled the trigger, each time the trigger was pulled the internal mineral that had been enchanted with ‘Lightning Clad’ electromagnetically accelerated the pseudo-full metal jacket bullet and fired it.
The all out firing from all the rifle guns that had been distributed to all the soldiers of allied force became several millions of flashes just for the first wave attack that pierced the sky.
Furthermore, the large gatling railguns that were fixed at the fortress and trenches completely blanketed the sky with flashes simultaneously. The number of the gatling railguns in total was a thousand. A thousand of the monstrous railguns with twelve thousand shots per minute roared simultaneously.
That wasn’t all.
In addition, a thousand stationary large Orkan released a few hundred missiles loaded inside them almost at the same time. The spectacle of orange fire trail rushing to the sky all at once could be described as a masterpiece.
Regarding the weapons, the people with fast understanding were given priority to be a shooter, they had practiced handling the weapon until the last minute, so the weapons that were the hybrid of top of the line modern weapon and alternate world fantasy could muster their fury without taking too much time. The characteristic advantage of modern weapon where ‘it wasn’t influenced by the skill of the individual’ was exhibited in ample here.
In an instant, the sky was completely covered by swarms of flashes and missiles, they easily swallowed the apostles who kept descending down.
The swarms of railguns that already should be called as a wall mercilessly gouged out the apostles, opening wind holes in their body one after another, the swarms of missiles grandly scattered flame blast and shockwave everywhere and bloomed crimson lotus in the sky. The apostles that got dragged into that blooming were toyed around inside the storm of explosions and their body burst and scattered.
However, even though the first wave of the apostles got easily killed because they let their guard down, the enemy over there was the apostle of god. They immediately put their guard up, weaved through the barrage, slashed away the flashes, or used their silver wings for defense and forcefully broke through to approach their enemy.
The one who was lifting the corner of his lips in fearless smirk was the sniper of Hauria race who played a very active role when Hajime and others stormed the Holy Precincts. It was ‘Bardfeld of Certain Death’, ten years old.
Across the scope that was enchanted with ‘Foresight’ which displayed the future position of the enemy as a phantom image, he stared at an apostle that slipped through a flame blast and naturally pulled the trigger with quiet breathing.
Immediately, a cannon shot that was specialized for penetration similar with Schlagen became a flash, with a superb timing it attacked the apostle who was going to move to attack right now, the flash then cleanly blown up her head.
Scenes similar with that were also accomplished here and there by the grand flashes that were fired from everywhere in the fortress and trenches. This feat was achieved by the sniper team that was fully equipped with the improved version of Schlagen.
Perhaps judging that such snipers were a danger, the apostles followed the line of fire and directed their gazes toward the snipers that included ‘Bardfeld of Certain Death’ and they flew out all at once at them...
This time, it was the golem soldiers who were standing by at the back of the snipers, with gatling cannons in both hands and missile pods equipped on their shoulders, they began simultaneous strafing fire to protect the snipers.
The apostles gulped and attempted to evade.
But it was too slow. At this point of time, the snipers were already catching the prey across the scope. Faster than even their mind, their finger leaned on the trigger and quietly pulled. It was as though their body had known the best timing.
The result was just a matter of course. The sky was decorated with blooming crimson flowers once more.
Even though this was supposed to be an easy work that was equal with a mere slaughter, even though the monsters were supposed to be already gone from this place, for some reason it was only the apostles who got killed one-sidedly. Weren’t they the apostle of god? Weren’t they standing at far away height that human couldn’t possibly arrive at, created by the supreme existence as the greatest fighting strength?
The apostles naturally narrowed their gaze.
“Know how futile your resistance is.”
Right after that, they stopped descending and rained down silver bombardments all at once from long range toward the ground.
It was a silver colored squall.
It was a really beautiful and fantastical spectacle, but the tragic result this local heavy rain would bring about was the very definition of atrocity itself.
Some part of this was offset by the barrages of bullet, but the bombardment that came from apostles whose body was clad with silver magic power in strengthened state slipped through the barrages mostly intact and approached the ground.
...And then,
“Great Barrier start up!”
It was held back above the allied force.
The improved great barrier that was activated following the command of the commander Liliana, blocked the meteor shower of death.
Against the silver flash that possessed disintegration ability, even if it was the great barrier that was an age of god artifact that had protected the capital of the kingdom for many years, originally the best it could do would be to hold on for a few moments. But, right now the great barrier that had been applied with Hajime’s improvement was spreading in rainbow ripple and firmly protected the allied force.
The great barrier that originally was deployed in three layers with the strength of each layer depending on proportion with the range was now focused into a single layer which increased its toughness. Naturally, it was also strengthened using sublimation magic. By no means it could perfectly oppose the disintegration ability, but it was capable enough to make the apostles to spend some time breaking through.
And then, the time that was bought from that was for the sake of showing the next hand to recover from the hopeless situation.
The blow from the first barrage was merely a surprise attack against the arrogant apostles. With these women who literally had specs that were in a different league compared to human as the opponent, they would surely adapt after the first attack. Therefore, the humans had to carry out the plan so they could fight the apostles.
“To the choir squad. Please give the fall toward the puppets who proclaimed themselves as angel!”
The order of Liliana that was amplified in sound resounded in the battlefield.
The target of that command was the people who looked like clergyman that gathered at the rooftop of the fortress, there were even women and children included among them.
With a solemn atmosphere that didn’t suit the battlefield, everyone put their hands together in front of their chest with uniform movement, taking a praying pose. All of them were the clergymen of the church who spread the teaching of the holy church in the remote region, that was to say they were the remains of the holy church. They were people who had separated from the central church, or possibly they had too much of pure faith that they were driven away from central as troublesome people.
Those people who were in a sense were the true clergymen followed the direction of an aging man clad in priest clothing standing in front of them, then they opened their mouths slowly.
” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” “――――♪” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”
A melody resounded.
It was a holy song. A song that blessed the people and condemned the people that trampled on peace and love. A solemn melody of sacred protection and judgment.
A magic circle was floating beneath the choir. Through the crystals that were put here and there on it, the power of the holy song itself was amplified to terrific level.
That song which pushed through the explosive and thunderous sounds of the weapons and resounded throughout the battlefield naturally reached the ears of the apostles who were launching all-out bombardment to break the great barrier.
“――, this is, my strength-”
One of the apostles leaked out a surprised voice.
That was surely something that couldn’t be helped for her. After all, the proof of strengthening that was the silver light which enveloped her body had dispersed, in exchange there was crimson light coiling around her before she felt her strength leaving her body like water that flowed out from a container with opened cork.
Once the pope Ishtar invoked this magic――’Holy Song of Supreme Degeneration’ toward Hajime who was facing the apostle Nointo at the sky above the God Mountain. It was a brutal magic that combined the effects of obstructing the target’s movement and weakened their strength as long as the song was resounding.
Now this song had its effect amplified using sublimation magic, in addition, it was also enchanted with the words of power that stopped the body function of Kaori and did her in before, Hajime reproduced the effect using soul magic and enchanted it through the medium of crystal pillars.
As expected, driving the apostles until they went out of service or completely weakening them were impossible, but the song was still able to obstruct the strengthened state of the apostles, in addition, it also could drop the specs of the apostles until nearly sixty percent of their original specs.
“Tsk, eliminating.”
The gazes of the apostles were directed at the choir which was the source of their abnormality. They planned to prioritize eliminating the choir.
Several of the apostles formed a group and they began to lift their large swords simultaneously. Right after that, their magic power was focused and formed a swelling silver sun.
Although only a bit of time had passed, but the great barrier was already screaming from receiving disintegration ability from countless apostles. If it got hit by the focused silver bombardment, it would surely become unable to endure this time and got smashed.
“But, that too is within expectation. Please prioritize the apostles whose movements are stopping!”
Liliana’s command resounded for the third time. That command was conveyed to all leaders of each squad, then they further gave that instruction to the subordinates under them to prioritize targeting the apostles who were concentrating in the focused bombardment.
The swarm of fire lines reached out from the ground toward the sky, the thickness of this wave was by no means diluted. It wasn’t diluting at all. The people with high shooting ability obeyed the command and sniped at the unmoving apostles simultaneously.
The apostles who weren’t involved with the focused bombardment defended against this attack. Using their twin large swords, their silver wings, feathers, they intercepted the attack. However, with their specs that had been forcefully lowered down and the crimson light that was coiling around their body and hindered their movement, so they were unable to deal with surging waves of the excessively mighty attacks which weren’t depending on the user’s specs.
One apostle, and then one more apostle, the apostle who were supposed to be absolute strong person were slaughtered with wind holes opened all over their body.
“Irregular-, even when you are not here you are still making a nuisance against us-”
The crimson light was coiling around the apostles mockingly. That was the radiance of the monster who had driven them away many times over. Seeing that light, the voice of the apostles who proclaimed that they were without emotion or anything turned a bit rough. They vaguely visualized in their mind a white-haired and eye-patched young man giving them a middle finger with a fearless grin.
However, it didn’t mean that the allied force was able to shoot down all the apostles, finally the focusing finished and the light of devastation was emitted from the silver sun.
The atmosphere shook, the silver bombardment that was the result of the focus of fifty apostles hit the great barrier.
biki biki
with cracking sounds cracks entered the great barrier.
“You guuys, put your spirit in iit!”
Such angry yell resounded at a corner of the fortress where the artifact of the great barrier was positioned. That was the angry voice of Wolpen who was the chief transmutation master of the kingdom. The artifact whose cracking was spreading due to the severe burden was repaired in real time using transmutation by the craftsmen led by Wolpen. Their hands were equipped with fingerless gloves that raised their transmutation ability. It was a romance glove that was a quality product of Hajime.
“Chief-, it’s impossible already-! It cannot hold out!”
“Chih, can’t be helped then. Abandon the great barrier! After activating the small scale barrier, we are going to concentrate at multiple barriers for the choir!”
After the great barrier was smashed, Wolpen and others activated the small scale barrier that defended temporarily against the bombardment that might pierce through, like that they ran around busily. They abandoned the barrier that protected the allied force and poured all their strength to the barrier artifact that focused on protecting the choir.
The moment they abandoned the transmutation for repairing in real-time, the cracks on the cylinder artifact spread all at once, and then a beat later the sound of pulverizing was echoing while small pieces flew everywhere.
That sound of pulverizing also resounded from the rainbow great barrier outside the fortress.
Similar like what was once seen at the kingdom capital, sparkling fragments were scattering and vanishing.
The apostles flapped their silver wings and flew in all at once. Their target was apparent at a glance. It was the choir that shaved off their specs until sixty percent.
Right now the rooftop where the choir was located at was enveloped by a multi-layered rainbow barrier that looked like the great barrier. By compressing the barrier into small scale and making it multi-layered, on the whole it had a hardness that surpassed the great barrier. But, if it was aimed by concentrated attacks then it would be surely got smashed through in less than a few minutes.
“Uu, aAAAAAAAA-!!”
One of the holy knights that was placed outside the barrier as protection for the choir raised a war cry and brandished his sword. He shook off his body that was naturally paralyzed from the majestic appearance of the approaching apostles by screaming.
“A nuisance.”
The knight’s torso was easily cut by the large sword that was slashed horizontally and he got blown away.
Yes, the knight wasn’t bisected, he was blown away. In addition, there was a strange numbness in the arm that the apostle swung.
That fact made the apostles unconsciously stopped moving. With the attack of the large sword that was enchanted with disintegration ability, then even though they could only use forty percent of their strength it should be easy to bisect a single human into two. Despite so, she was unable to do that.
From the back of the apostle whose movement stopped because of the mysterious phenomenon, a new knight launched a vertical splitting attack from above along with a loud scream that had not even a speck of hesitation. The apostle didn’t even use her large sword and blocked the attack with her wing, but not only the attack opposed her disintegration ability, it even made unpleasant sound
There, a scolding flew from that knight.
“Don’t falter! We are a knight. Protecting is exactly our duty! Protect this place!”
“Captain David...guh, forgive me. Let me assist-”
The knight that was previously blown away stood up even while coughing away, a scratch in a straight line was left on his armor. He then slashed at the apostle with fierce momentum.
It was as though that became the signal, the knights――the former holy church’s sacred knights that were led by the Aiko protection squad captain, David, the ‘Goddess’s Knights (self-proclaimed)’ faced the flying apostles one after another.
And then, using their ******* swords that raised high-pitched sound while looking misty, the gauntlets that brought about the effect of ‘Strong Arm’ just by putting them on, and the leg armors that similarly granted the effect of ‘Strong Leg’, they assaulted the apostles while barely enduring the attacks of the apostles. Even if they were damaged by the attack that they couldn’t endure, their armor somehow protected them from great harm.
“...Don’t tell me, all of this strength come from artifacts?”
One of the apostles murmured.
David and everybody else, the knights, they were all equipped similarly with a ******* sword, gauntlets, and also black armor and simple helmet.
Black armor――this artifact was enchanted with ‘Vajra’ that was continuously active and ‘Impact Conversion’ that activated the moment attack touched the armor. Even the knight that got hit by an apostle’s attack managed to pull through somehow with this.
And then the ******* sword was the so-called ‘High-Speed Vibration Sword’, just the sword itself possessed a considerable sharpness, on top of that it could release high-speed vibration using magic power, causing it to be able to disperse the disintegration ability even if only to a certain degree. And then, the helmet was enchanted with ‘Light Speed’, it was a degraded version but it was attached with the function to expand the user’s perception.
All those equipment were basically a set and they were distributed to all the soldiers. In addition, before the battle began cheatmates were distributed so the specs of all the soldiers were also raised.
The plan was to weaken the apostles while at the same time making every single one of the allied force soldiers into a superhuman. As the result, the knights were able to oppose the apostles barely.
Even so, that was as far as it went, in the end they needed a group just to attack a single apostle before they could finally match the apostle.
At present even now the apostle that David slashed at was blowing away the other knights and repelled the vibration sword of David.
The apostle swung down her large sword toward David who was clenching his teeth due to his unrecoverable posture.
At that moment,
“First one.”
It was unclear whether that amazed voice was leaked by David or by the head of the apostle that was rotating in the air...
Like a joke, the head of the apostle flew casually and left behind its body. A beat later,
It was a man with his body wrapped in black clothing that covered everything until his lips, a one lens type sunglass on his eyes, thin and sharp short sword――a kodachi held in reverse grip in his hand. On his head, fluffy rabbit ears were fluttering.
“The color of your blood is filthy, just like this dark red world...”
The man swung his kodachi sharply to swipe away the blood clotting it while pushing his sunglasses using his middle finger, then his lips suddenly distorted in nihility (it was unseen because of the mask though). However, that man then introduced his name without being unable to hide his atmosphere of “The me right now, is totally sparkling!”
“This head of apostle, has been definitely received by this dark hunter demon of the wriggling darkness, Karmvantis Elfalight Rowderia Hauria.”
Correct, it was Karm. It was only the clan head of rabbit race Karm Hauria.
At the surrounding, the apostles who were held back desperately by the knights were approached stealthily from behind, then their head flew away with a splat by the many people of Hauria clan.
The rabbit ears of the man caressed the kodachi lovingly while he directed a pitying gaze at the collapsing headless apostles.
“My bad. But tonight Julia is feeling quite hungry.”
A rabbit-eared woman was covering one of her eyes with her hand while whispering.
“Don’t you know that you are the bad one? After all, you are making my other self to awaken...”
A rabbit-eared girl in the first half of her teens was staring to empty air with a philosophical gaze.
“...This is, the will of the world. Then, I can only obey that...”
A rabbit-eared youth about the same age was holding his left arm while groaning.
“Kuh, raging as you please again-! Calm down, my left arm-!”
A beat.
The rabbit-eared people wearing sunglasses and black clothing looked at each other face and then they nodded at each other with really satisfied expression.
And then, the apostles returned to their senses suddenly with a ‘hah’ and the moment they were going to assault the rabbit-eared people, with a superb timing as though the apostles’ breathing was completely read through the rabbit people’s figure and presence suddenly vanished and they slipped between the knights.
A strange air flowed in the battlefield.
David slashed at another apostle as though nothing had happened at all. It appeared that he had become a man that was quite able to read the mood. Surely he discerned that he must not get involved with that lot.
The apostles were also rushing toward the choir in order to obliterate them while putting up their guard somewhat. They would keep getting targeted even if they just stiffened in place, so although it wasn’t with their whole force, but a number that was quite many compared to other places was heading toward the choir.
It appeared that at the sky it was already filled to the brim with apostles.
But, at that time,
{Flying is not permitted nano!}
A really cute voice of a little girl resounded, and then at the next moment, the apostles who were above the barrier protecting the choir were staggering with their balance crumbling like a bird whose wings were plucked, without any change the apostles were felled to the ground all over. With great care they were dropping at spot distanced from the barrier as though they were pulled there.
There, a figure of a golem with back armament that looked like parabola antenna deployed could be seen. It appeared the voice was resounding from the telepathy stone speaker version attached on that golem.
{Bel-chan, do your best!}
Listening to the young voice――Myuu’s voice that resounded once more, Bel-chan who was also known as the living golem ‘Belfegoor’ waved his hand languidly while using the area gravity manipulation artifact “Gran Farensen’ that he shouldered on his back which pulled at the flying apostles and dropped them down.
Beside ‘Belfegoor’ that dropped down several dozens of apostles altogether, a further six golems appeared.
a thunderous sound was raised and colorful blast flame rose behind them while the golems took a cool pose. Surely if the golems could yell then they would say this without a doubt.
――Great Sin Squadron Demon Ranger, has arriveeeeed!!
Like that.
The movement of the felled apostles stopped for a moment seeing that uselessly refined posing and the act that let them knew of wills that were unlike that of a golem.
There, a command from the golems’ princess was handed down.
{Everyone, kill them all nano!}
The princess easily declared something terrifying with that lovely voice. It made the listener wanted to see the face of her parents. The gentle voice “My my, ufufu” of one of the parents that was standing at the side of the small commander was leaking out from the speaker.
But, regardless of the resounding soft voice, the starting attack of the Demon Ranger was really severe. Each of the seven rangers was displaying superb teamwork while defeating the apostles one after another.
“This is a good time. Let the puppet who can do nothing but looking down at people know what it means to fall. All Gran Farensen, activate!”
The moment Liliana’s command resounded, the gravity generation devices placed on all over the battlefield activated all at once. As the result, the apostles who were at the position between the ground and five hundred meters high fell on the ground all at once. That scene was just like a pitiful bug whose wings were plucked. And then, the one waiting for them below were the soldiers of allied force with the preparedness for death. The heroes who shouldered the existential fate of mankind.
Great numbers of apostles were dropped on the ground, however, they didn’t show anything unsightly like fainting after impacting the ground, they used their twin swords to blow away all the soldiers who came at them. Silver feathers that were scattered all over here and there, or possibly the silver flashes surged up and blown away the soldiers.
“...Even by dropping us to the ground, even if you harden your body using artifact, but in the first place you are all merely human. There is no way you can win against us. Hang down your head obediently and receive the judgment of god.”
One of the soldiers got pierced on the stomach by a large sword and he vomited blood. But, even with a mouth smeared with blood and his ghastly condition, that soldier made a fearless smile on his lips.
And then,
Magic power in unthinkable amount welled up from the soldier’s body from who knew where. And then, even with his stomach pierced, using the sword that he didn’t let go even then, he cut off the right hand of the apostle that was holding the large sword which pierced him.
“-, why, that, even so it’s only to this degree after all. Even with that rare ability you possess a single arm is――”
“But, a blind spot is definitely created yeah?”
Even the last attack that was unleashed by betting one’s life using a skill that was the rare between the rare among mankind, stealing a single arm of an apostle was the limit. The apostle who was about to say that was interrupted by a voice that resounded from the direction of her lost right arm.
The apostle who couldn’t swing her right arm immediately tried to drive away the owner of the voice using her silver wing, but faster than that the attack of that person――Hoelscher Empire’s emperor Gahard D Hoelscher bisected the body of the apostle.
The apostle’s body was split into two, but even so she didn’t die instantly with her astonishing life force and directed her gaze at Gahard. And then her gaze turned into astonishment.
“That, radiance...”
That radiance was――the radiance of ‘Limit Break’.
Gahard grinned fearlessly while grasping tightly a crimson orb the size of a small stone dangling from his neck.
“This is a battle where the existence of mankind is put into stake you know. It will be too lukewarm if we cannot break merely one or two limits isn’t that right? Now then, I also just have gotten used with this normal limit break. The last limit breaker left behind by that monster, how about I show it to the underlings of the ****** god huh!”
While saying such thing, in front of the apostle whose eyes opened wide Gahard then,
The magic power enveloping Gahard jumped up a magnitude higher. Like that he split the head of the apostle who at that time was trying to fire her last silver bombardment, at the same time,
“Informing all the heroes of allied force-!! Break your limit, and fight–!!!”
Immediately following, it resounded in the battlefield, that voice.
“Limit Break-!”
“Limit Break-!” “Limit Break-!” “Limit Break-!” “Limit Break-!” “Limit Break-!” “Limit Break-!” “Limit Break-!” “Limit Break-!” “Limit Break-!” “Limit Break-!” “Limit Break-!” “Limit Break-!” “Limit Break-!” “Limit Break-!” “Limit Break-!” “Limit Break-!” “Limit Break-!” “Limit Break-!” “Limit Break-!” “Limit Break-!” “Limit Break-!”
The last strengthening plan that Hajime left behind. It was this.
――Humanity’s whole force’s limit break.
Other than the basic equipment that were the artifact armaments, the whole forces were also provided by one other thing. That was this necklace attached with a small crimson orb. This artifact made it possible for common soldiers whose body might break from it without taking a dose of cheatmate to activate ‘Limit Break’.
――Grade style limit break artifact ‘Last Zell’
Using it for the first time brought about Limit Break, and after waiting until the body got used to it so that the body wouldn’t self-destructing from the radical strengthening, the artifact would bring about the derivative skill of Limit Break, ‘Supreme Break’ next. Of course it was a double edged sword that couldn’t hold out for long, but in any case it would be the end of mankind if they didn’t win this battle. If this was to be a battle without next time, then they would use up their soul until the very last drop.
Gahard who faced a new apostle readied his sword while throwing at them words that represented the heart of mankind.
“Don’t you dare-, to look down on human-!”
The decisive battle between god’s apostles and mankind――the second curtain of it was now raised. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 7,
"inserted_lines_src": 13,
"inserted_lines_trg": 12
} |
このリストが我々に示すのは2点だ。ひとつは、近年めざましい数の人民主義リーダーが、権力獲得にこぎつけていることである。彼らの成功は、投票者の不安定、そして、少数派、移民、また外国人全般に関して多くの人が抱く恐れと同時に、グローバリゼーションの不公平の認識を、ますます強く反映している。 | One is that a surprising number of populist leaders have managed to get themselves into power in recent years. Their success reflects the electorate’s uncertainties and, increasingly, the perceived injustices of globalization, as well as the fear of many about minorities, immigrants, and foreigners in general. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
私は女性の教育に関する 様々なことを扱ってきましたが 経済的・社会的要因による アラブ諸国間の違いに 留意するようにしました
取り上げた問題の中には この地域で非常に高い女性の非識字率 教育改革 落ちこぼれた生徒のためのプログラム 政治を変えようとする学生達 などがあります
このプロジェクトを始めた頃 女性に協力してもらうのは 容易ではありませんでした
「あなたの話が 他の女性達の人生に影響を与えるんだ」 「あなたは自分のコミュニティの ロールモデルになるんだ」と説得して
ようやく 何人かが承諾してくれる という感じでした 自らを見つめる姿を 協力してとらえようとする中で 自分が写った写真の上に 自分の言葉や想いを書いてくれよう
彼女達に頼みました 同じような境遇にある 他の女性達に 刺激や動機付けを 与えられるよう そういった写真を教室で 見てもらったりもしました
イエメンの教師であるアイシャは こう書いています 「私が教育を求めたのは 自立して 何でも男に頼らなくて 済むようにするためでした」
私の最初の被写体の1人だった エジプトのウム・エル=サイドは
最初会った時 自分の名前も 満足に書けませんでした
彼女はカイロ郊外で 地元のNGOが実施する 9ヶ月の読み書き講座に 参加していました
何ヶ月かして彼女は 冗談交じりに言いました 文字を読めるようになった妻に 携帯のメールが チェックされるのを恐れて 夫が教室をやめさせるぞと 脅しているんだと
やんちゃな ウム・エル=サイド
もちろん 彼女はそんな理由で 講座に参加したわけではありません
日常的なことをもっと自分で決めたいという 彼女の強い思いが私には分かりました 市場で勘定するとか 子供の宿題を手伝うといった
私たちなら当たり前と思っている 些細なことです 貧しさや 女性の教育を軽んじている 地域の風潮にかかわらず 彼女はエジプト人の クラスメートとともに 読み書きができるようになりたいと 強く願っています
チュニジアでは アスマに会いました 私がインタビューした 4人の活動家の1人です
宗教には無関心な生物工学を学ぶ学生で ソーシャルメディアでとても積極的に活動しています
アラブの春と呼ばれる大きな勝利を得た国ですが 彼女はこう言いました 「新種のバクテリアを 発見するのが夢だったけど
アスマは その地域にはびこる 宗教的原理主義者のことを言っています これもまた女性には特に 障害となるものです
出会った女性達の中で 私は イエメンのファイザに最も強く心を打たれました
ファイザは8歳の時 学校をやめ結婚させられました
その結婚は1年しか 続きませんでした
14歳の時 60歳の男の第3夫人になり 18歳の時には 3人の子供の 離婚した母親となっていました
貧しさにもかかわらず 超保守的な社会における 離婚女性という社会的立場にもかかわらず 学校に戻ることへ反対する 両親の存在にもかかわらず 自分の人生を自分で決められるようになる唯一の方法は 教育を受けることだと彼女は分かっていました
彼女は今 26歳です
地元のNGOから 援助を受けて 大学でビジネスについて 学んでいます
彼女の目標は 仕事を見つけ 住む所を借り 子供達と一緒に暮らすことです
アラブの国々は今 ものすごい変化を経験しています 女性達は圧倒されるような 困難に直面しています
私が撮ってきた女性達同様 私も今のような写真家になるまでには 幾多の障害を乗り越えなければなりませんでした そうする中で多くの人から これはして良いとか 悪いとか 言われてきました
ウム・エル=サイド アスマ ファイザ そしてアラブ世界のたくさんの女性達が 教育の障害を乗り越えることは 可能だと示してくれました 彼女達は それがより良い未来のための 最善の方法だと知っています
ヤスミンの言葉で 締めくくりたいと思います チュニジアでインタビューした 4人の活動家の1人です
彼女はこう書きました 「自分の思い込んでいることに疑問を持つこと
周りがなって欲しい人間ではなく 自分がなりたい人間になること
奴隷の立場を受け入れないこと お母さんは自由の身に生んでくれたのだから」
ありがとうございました | I covered a range of topics that concern women's education, keeping in mind the differences among Arab countries due to economic and social factors.
These issues include female illiteracy, which is quite high in the region; educational reforms; programs for dropout students; and political activism among university students.
As I started this work, it was not always easy to convince the women to participate.
Only after explaining to them how their stories might influence other women's lives, how they would become role models for their own community, did some agree.
Seeking a collaborative and reflexive approach, I asked them to write their own words and ideas on prints of their own images.
Those images were then shared in some of the classrooms, and worked to inspire and motivate other women going through similar educations and situations.
Aisha, a teacher from Yemen, wrote, "I sought education in order to be independent and to not count on men with everything."
One of my first subjects was Umm El-Saad from Egypt.
When we first met, she was barely able to write her name.
She was attending a nine-month literacy program run by a local NGO in the Cairo suburbs.
Months later, she was joking that her husband had threatened to pull her out of the classes, as he found out that his now literate wife was going through his phone text messages.
Naughty Umm El-Saad.
Of course, that's not why Umm El-Saad joined the program.
I saw how she was longing to gain control over her simple daily routines, small details that we take for granted, from counting money at the market to helping her kids in homework.
Despite her poverty and her community's mindset, which belittles women's education, Umm El-Saad, along with her Egyptian classmates, was eager to learn how to read and write.
In Tunisia, I met Asma, one of the four activist women I interviewed.
The secular bioengineering student is quite active on social media.
Regarding her country, which treasured what has been called the Arab Spring, she said, "I've always dreamt of discovering a new bacteria.
Now, after the revolution, we have a new one every single day."
Asma was referring to the rise of religious fundamentalism in the region, which is another obstacle to women in particular.
Out of all the women I met, Fayza from Yemen affected me the most.
Fayza was forced to drop out of school at the age of eight when she was married.
That marriage lasted for a year.
At 14, she became the third wife of a 60-year-old man, and by the time she was 18, she was a divorced mother of three.
Despite her poverty, despite her social status as a divorcée in an ultra-conservative society, and despite the opposition of her parents to her going back to school, Fayza knew that her only way to control her life was through education.
She is now 26.
She received a grant from a local NGO to fund her business studies at the university.
Her goal is to find a job, rent a place to live in, and bring her kids back with her.
The Arab states are going through tremendous change, and the struggles women face are overwhelming.
Just like the women I photographed, I had to overcome many barriers to becoming the photographer I am today, many people along the way telling me what I can and cannot do.
Umm El-Saad, Asma and Fayza, and many women across the Arab world, show that it is possible to overcome barriers to education, which they know is the best means to a better future.
And here I would like to end with a quote by Yasmine, one of the four activist women I interviewed in Tunisia.
Yasmine wrote, "Question your convictions.
Be who you to want to be, not who they want you to be.
Don't accept their enslavement, for your mother birthed you free."
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
――な、なんだ? こいつ......何を......?
「うえっ! うげええええっ! うべっ!」
『......ウ? ウ? ウ?』
――あれ......? 腹に穴が空いてた気がするんだが......
――ルシェラ? 誰だ、それは。俺は......俺の......名前は............?
それも......存在したはずのモノがどこかへ消え失せて、少女となっていた。 | The next time ■■■■■ opened his eyes, his body felt heavy as a stone, and he felt like his life would fade away and he’d actually turn into a stone if he lost his concentration even for a second. But still, he was certainly alive still.
■■■■■ was lying on a natural bed made up of dry branches that could probably fit twenty people.
The skies were clear and a tranquil wind was blowing.
This weather-beaten bed was like a bed of birds and animals if you ignored its sheer size.
■■■■■ was too weakened to think properly, but he still desperately tried to grasp his current situation.
But there was no need to even think about it—he just needed to turn around to be hit with the overwhelming reality.
Right next to him, a giant body that was dozens of times bigger than a human’s, was squatting down while balled up in a skillful way.
Its graceful and strong body was covered with red, glossy scales, which were arranged as if melted together, forming a thick carapace.
Its long neck and tail looked like flexible whips and even appeared somewhat sensual.
It had an angular head, with a pair of eyes that blazed like the sun, and horns that stood tall as if to pierce the heavens.
On its back were mighty membrane wings that were currently folded...
—A dragon...!
It looked so dignified he forgot to breathe from fear and wonder.
■■■■■ came to an understanding.
In short, he was currently lying in the dragon’s nest.
This was Mount Kuguse. A mountain where a dragon lived.
A place that humans couldn’t approach.
He was on death’s door in a place like that, so it wasn’t hard to figure out what would happen next.
—Will I become the feed...?
He remembered that the dragon living on Mount Kuguse was raising an egg.
A weakened, dying human... it probably planned to feed him to the newborn dragon as its first meal.
The dragon noticed ■■■■■’s awakening and stretched its long neck, drawing its gigantic face closer.
And then, it started sniffing him.
Its fangs, thicker than an adult’s arm, neared him, making him think that a bite would be enough to kill him.
However, the dragon didn’t try to bite him at all.
Instead, it lifted something large with its mouth and dropped it next to ■■■■■.
That something was like a strange, black-skinned beast that looked like a mix of a bear and a boar.
■■■■■ had never seen a monster like this. It was probably a monster that mutated due to the aura that the dragon emitted.
It had a large wound in its abdomen and was already dead. It was undoubtedly the dragon’s doing.
The dragon placed the monster’s corpse before ■■■■■’s eyes and pushed it with its nose.
The dragon growled as if rolling its breath in its throat.
It didn’t sound threatening at all. Rather, it sounded like a coaxing voice in human terms.
■■■■■ didn’t understand what it wanted.
As he stared at the corpse in dumbfoundedness, the dragon moved its head as if tilting it, and then bit into the monster’s abdomen.
Its giant fangs easily pierced through the monster’s thick skin which would repel most arrows, and tore it off while holding the body down its strong forefoot.
The monster’s blood-dripping flesh got exposed.
But the dragon didn’t eat it, but instead pushed it toward ■■■■■.
—W-What the? What does it...?”
■■■■■ wondered whether it was trying to fatten him up and then eat him.
But what was the point of doing that when it already had the monster’s meat?
Either way, ■■■■■ knew that he had to eat something or he would die.
He had bled too much. His body lacked energy. He could feel a stomach-piercing hunger. He had to eat something... even if that something was the raw flesh of an unknown monster.
■■■■■ lifted his head a little and crawled to the flesh, and bit into it.
The flowing blood spread a metallic taste in his mouth. But then, he ran out of strength right away. It was too hard. A human’s biting strength was far too lacking compared to carnivores that lived by eating raw flesh.
And now that he was so weakened, eating it was simply impossible.
For some reason, the dragon was making a sound above the fallen ■■■■■’s head.
It was mixed with blood and the dragon’s saliva, but it was now far softer than its original state.
Now he could indeed eat it.
He didn’t know why the dragon was going to such lengths to feed him, but before pondering on that he first needed to eat the meat before his consciousness faded, or this time he would die for sure.
■■■■■ took a bite of the minced meat.
But then, he choked on it as he tried to swallow and vomited it out.
“Bleh! Bleeeh! Bwah!”
The swallowed flesh and the gastric juices mixed with the dark blood spilled out from his mouth.
Raw flesh that reeked of blood wasn’t something a human’s body could take in from the start.
■■■■■ once again collapsed with gasping breaths.
He felt like he vomited the little life he had left in him and could no longer move.
“...Uu? Uu? Uu?”
The dragon raised a strange voice and started fidgeting restlessly, poking ■■■■■ who lay feebly with its nose, and then once again chewing the minced meat.
Suddenly, a wave of momentary heat brushed ■■■■■’s cheeks and hair.
The dragon seemed to have spewed flames toward the monster’s corpse as a way to vent its frustration.
The foliage dyed in the monster’s blood started to smoke, and the pitiful lump of flesh...
Gave off a good smell of burnt oils.
—Could it be...?!
The smell of life ticked his nostrils.
■■■■■ mustered all his remaining strength and moved his body.
The minced meat that was showered in the dragon’s breath was half-roasted, and the flames more or less penetrated it, boiling the oils on its surface.
■■■■■ reached out for the meat and desperately stuffed it into his mouth.
It still had the strength of blood, and it was quite rare.
But still, even a little scorching managed to transform it into something that humans could eat.
The dragon groaned a little and carefully observed ■■■■■’s behavior.
■■■■■ was only grabbing the roasted pieces of meat and thrusting them into his mouth.
The heat spread through his body which was growing cold.
As he was too desperate to eat he ended up choking on it and finally stopped at that. His abdomen felt heavy, and his fatigue ultimately won over his hunger.
—Wait a second... Didn’t I have a hole in my stomach...?
As he was worrying that the food would spill out of his wound, he finally noticed that the wound was gone.
It was a wound that would normally be fatal, certainly not something that could heal so easily.
If it was a magical drug or some high-ranking recovery magic, it would be possible to patch it up right away, however.
The dragon rubbed its rugged nose on ■■■■■. It was panicking earlier, but it had regained its calm now.
■■■■■ had no energy to move, so he offered no resistance.
The dragon gently murmured something.
He didn’t understand it at all, but the moment he heard it, his heart thumped as if being set ablaze, and a word appeared in his mind as if it was forcibly carved into it with a branding iron.
He also somehow understood through nuance that it was a woman’s, or more accurately, a female’s name.
The dragon addressed ■■■■■ as such.
—Lucella? Who’s that supposed to be? I’m... my name’s.........?
■■■■■ noticed something.
He should have spent over twenty years of his life as a person. But he just couldn’t remember the name he used during that time.
That name had painted over everything like oil paint.
Then, Lucella finally noticed one more thing.
His voice was small and high-pitched.
The sleeves and size of the clothes he wore were now too large for him.
The belt barely hanging on his bony waist was too long, and it would no longer serve its function to keep the pants in place no matter how much he tightened it.
Lucella definitely used to be a man, but how he was turned into a child.
Moreover... his certain thing was no longer there, and he had turned into a girl. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 9,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
獰猛に笑う白髪の老人を見て、やっぱり俺の寿命は長くなさそうだと、肩を落とすのであった。 | Versam von Elsa. She is the marchioness of years old. The Versam family is a famous family which excels in sorcery, and in the war with the Hedeta Empire years ago, Versam family made numerous contributions to the Juka Kingdom’s victory. After that, they were granted a title of marquis and ascended from their commoner status.
...And this is a short story of my buyer, at least that’s what I heard from other people.
「Thank you very much」
She saved my life, I need to show some gratitude.
「You should refer to her as Master」
Said white-haired man beside Versam-san. Who the hell is he?
「My name is Falco. I’m a magician of Versam family. At the same time, I’m Elsa-sama’s escort. Thanks to Elsa-sama’s mercy, you are now a slave of Versam family. Rejoice」[]
「Thank you very much, master」
「Mrs. Versam, thank you very much for visiting our establishment. I will carry out the procedures to change the ownership of this slave immediately」
Before I noticed, the slave dealer was already beside me, and then he graciously asked for Versam-san’s hand and muttered something. Elsa extended her hand as asked and it shined, and at the same time, my hand shined too.
「This slave is now a property of Versam-sama. We can also repurchase slaves. Please do not hesitate to come if you ever need it」
First, he was saying that I will be disposed of, and now he talks about repurchase with respectful expression.
「That won’t be needed, please transfer the ownership to me. Also make Falco an overseer」
「Acknowledged, well then」
Elsa’s body shined again, it seems the procedure was completed.
「Madam, what should we do about this slave’s name?」
「Let’s see....Rinos. Let’s call him Rinos. All right, Falco, the rest is up to you」
Elsa turned around and entered the carriage. Apparently, there are guards inside the carriage. Falco silently follows the carriage with his gaze, and I stand beside him with a lowered head.
「I will take you to the mansion, but before that」
I was brought all the way to the well, stripped and splashed with three buckets of water. After that he passed me a piece of cloth.
「Wipe yourself. I will give this piece of cloth to you, use it however you want」
The climate wasn’t too cold or too hot, but it felt pretty cold with all this water splashed on me. A hard cloth is better than nothing at all. I washed away my dirty body and wiped myself.
Then Falco casted a spell called「Clean」. The smell and the small dirt all vanished without a trace. Apparently this spell makes something dirty clean again. []
「Follow me, Rinos」
It seems the servants are required to go on foot. After a while we passed by a big castle in the middle of the lake. Seeing the castle I spaced out for a little.
「This is the Juka Castle belonging to his highness the king, gaze upon it to your heart’s content」
It’s a western-style castle, but still, it’s just too big. If you ask someone, you can know that this castle is considered impregnable. The are farms behind the wall, so until the enemy broke through the wall, the people inside will not starve. Besides that, there is only one bridge extending to the castle gates. It really is difficult to siege this castle with power alone.
「Emm........why was I bought?」
「You don’t even know about your own skills? Well, it’s understandable. You have a「Barrier skill」. Still Lv though. My Versam family has a lot of political opponents. For the sake of Elsa-sama’s protection I thought of developing your barrier skill」
Eh? I can use magic? Falco looked at me with a heavy gaze.
「If you learn how to use magic, you will be able to see other people’s skills. So called「Appraisal」. You seem to have a fair amount of mana, it should be worth training you. Since you are a slave, the barrier magic might be enough for you, but still, might as well learn other kinds of magic. Prepare yourself」
Looking at the grinning man, I figured that my life would be filled with thorns from now on. I dropped my shoulders in resignation. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
優希くんは天使か何か? | Last night, I was watching Schwartz the Glintz’s stream in bed, but I fell asleep without realizing it.
Normally, my alarm would go off the next morning, but my phone died, so when I woke up, I was convinced I was late.
Luckily, I woke up just in time, so I hurriedly got ready for school and ran to the bus stop.
I have a power bank, so I should be able to boot up my phone before I reach school.
Fortunately, the bus had just arrived when I got to the stop. Had I been a few seconds late leaving the house, I would’ve been screwed, and that thought gave me chills.
The bus was packed, so I couldn’t check my phone’s battery, but I figured I would do it when I got to school.
After about minutes, the bus came to a halt at the bus stop in front of the school.
I walked straight to the classroom after getting off the bus.
“Morning, guys,” I greet my classmates.
“Oh, it’s Hime-kun. Morning!”
“Mornin’, Hime-kunnn.”
The girls in my class reply back.
And then...
“I watched your stream!”
“Me toooo. You were super cute!”
“YuruYuka tee-tee...”
It’s nice of them to even give feedback on my stream.
I also appreciate that they haven’t told our other classmates that I’m Yuka Shirahime.
Then one of the girls asks me a question.
“Hime-kun, you’ve never met Mama Yuru in real life, right?”
“If you meet her at Comiket, tell me what she’s like, okay?”
I don’t get why Yuru-sensei interests her so much, but oh well.
“I’m rooting for you! Do your best on your streams! (If I knew what she looks like, I could make a doujin about them... Uhehehe...)”
And with that, the girls go their own ways.
“Yo, Yuki. Yesterday was a disaster, huh?”
Today, Yuuto arrived a bit late and said that as soon as he saw me in the classroom.
“A disaster? Are you talking about the game?”
“Huh? No, not the game.”
“Huh? Then what are you talking about?”
“Huh? I thought you already knew because it was obviously about you, Yuki...”
“Well, whatever.
Anyway, before we went to buy the game yesterday, you almost tripped, right?”
“Yeah, I remember that.
But a woman helped me, so I was okay.”
“That woman was Fuwari Ukigumo from Imananji’s th wave.”
“What do you mean?!”
“Coincidences are a funny thing, eh? Fuwari Ukigumo... The name’s too long to say every time, so I’ll just use Fuwa-chan. Anyway, Fuwa-chan started her stream yesterday in a really good mood.”
“Uh-huh, yeah, that happens often.”
“Anyway, Fuwa-chan said she was happy because she helped someone whom she couldn’t tell whether they were a boy or a girl and got to hug them in the process.”
“Then, someone from her chat introduced you, Yuki, as a possible femboy VTuber named Yuka Shirahime.”
I couldn’t help but interject.
“Of course not!”
“I spat out my drink while I was watching the stream, you know.”
“What do you take me for, seriously...”
“Well, let’s put that aside. Fuwa-chan quickly researched and found your channel.”
“And then she watched my videos?”
“Yeah, exactly. But what was amazing was that she immediately figured out it was you, Yuki.”
“Lastly, she said she’s aiming to collab with Yuka Shirahime.”
“I don’t want to collaborate with my fave like that...”
“Besides, Fuwa-chan’s a corporate VTuber, can she really collab with me? Normally, they only collaborate with VTubers from the same agency, right?”
“Yeah, that’s normally how it goes.
But, in this situation, her character as Fuwari Ukigumo broke off multiple times, and her stream became pretty viral.”
“So it’s possible that she might use that to promote herself, huh...”
It’s great that there’s a chance that I might meet my fave VTuber, and I’m even happier if it’s the pretty lady from that time, but...
“It seems that I’m on Fuwa-chan’s hitlist because of my physical appearance...”
Yuuto made a face that looked like he messed up.
I don’t remember the contents of today’s class that happened after.
My name is Hana Utsurogi.
I’m years old and single.
Early in the morning, I headed to the district office to get some things done at the big VTuber agency, Imananji.
Back in the day, Imananji only had an office in Tokyo, which meant most of the VTubers were from or had to travel to the Tokyo area, which caused a lot of problems with support and handling issues.
To overcome this situation, the agency decided to invest in opening district offices in major cities nationwide.
As a result, VTubers from all over Japan started to gather and entertain with interesting live streams, and Imananji’s name spread throughout the country, sparking a movement.
That’s why VTubers are still popular today.
And I, a rural person, got a chance thanks to that.
Perhaps because of the company’s established reputation, I became a well-known VTuber.
Personally, I think I’m pretty good at games; my character design and D modeling are all top-notch, to the point where I feel like I don’t belong in this girl’s body.
However, if there’s one thing, it’s that I created my character for popularity.
Recently, I even surprise myself by being able to act in character without thinking.
I act like a natural, air-headed girl by extending my sentences and the like.
Somehow, people accept me for it, and that’s one of the reasons behind my popularity.
Still, I have one unique characteristic—I love lolis and shotas.
Whenever a cute character appears in a game, my excitement goes through the roof.
Apparently, that’s one of the reasons why people like me, according to my manager and colleagues.
I usually play games I like or host zatsudan streams.
You can say it’s more than just a pastime now.
It pays the bills and allows me to live a more comfortable life than most, which is something I’m grateful for.
Yesterday, I helped an androgynous person from tripping.
Turns out, they had a charming face and voice, even though they leaned more toward the boyish side.
I felt thrilled when I hugged them lightly with my arms.
I want to do it again.
But if I tell this to people, they would probably think it’s weird.
What’s even more surprising is that they happen to be an indie VTuber.
Not to mention, their favorite VTuber is me.
Today, I came early to the agency to make my collab with them official.
When I arrived at the office, I talked to my manager.
“Good morning, manager.”
“Oh, hello, Utsurogi-san. You’re early today.”
“I wanted to talk to you about something...”
“Is it about yesterday’s live stream?”
“Yes, if the person agrees, would it be okay to collaborate with them?”
“I don’t mind.”
“Are you sure?”
“You’ve been working hard for the agency, so the higher-ups told me to give you some freedom,” replies the manager, adding that restricting their talents too much will take away their strengths.
Looking at me, who unintentionally made a fist-pumping gesture, the manager smiles.
“You’ve been listening to our requests for so long, so it’s about time we give you some leeway. But if you do an offline collaboration, make sure to do it at our designated karaoke place since we have the rights to it. Okay?”
“Really?! My potential collab partner seems to care about that, so I appreciate it.”
“In return, make sure to tag us properly in your collaboration partner’s live stream, okay? It’s important!”
“Got it!”
“Okay, then let’s go over the plans we discussed earlier...”
I’m going to work hard so I can collab with that person.
There are other pressing matters, but that kid is important to me right now.
Hehehe... I’m looking forward to finding out whether they’re a legit loli or shota...
—Kaoru Yusa (Yuru Kakizaki)’s POV—
“What should I do...”
I’m struggling with something right now.
“Still at it, onee-chan?”
“Yeah, I was trying to come up with a costume for Yuka-chan and ended up with so many ideas...”
“Well, narrowing it down to just one is tough.”
“Onee-chan, I came up with a design too...what do you think?”
“Ahhhhhhhh! This would also look amazing on her!!!”
“Right?!?!?! I knew you’d get it, onee-chan!!!”
One hour later...
“Onee-chan, we’ve managed to narrow it down to three, but...”
“I can’t handle trying to narrow it down any further...”
I mutter in a voice on the verge of tears.
But then I see a glimmer of hope.
“What’s up, onee-chan?”
“Yura, you know how Comiket lasts for three days, right?”
“Uh, onee-chan?
You can’t expect him to cosplay for three days in a row, can you?”
She has a point.
I know that, but...
“Our booth is only on the first day.”
“So, if we run the booth for three days, it’ll be fine, right?!”
Just to be safe, I asked him, and he was okay with it.
He himself seems to be pretty interested in cosplay.
Is Yuki-kun some kind of angel or something? | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 10,
"inserted_lines_src": 12,
"inserted_lines_trg": 5
} |
死は避けられない、恐ろしいものですが、私が本当に話したいのは、 ただ、人々が死ぬ時に残す遺産に魅了されたという話です
アート・バクワルドは彼のユーモアという彼の遺産を、ビデオで残しました そのビデオは彼の死後、すぐに現れ 「やあ!私はアート・バクワルドです。私はちょうど死んだところです」と言っています
そして、私がTEDで当てた旅行で、ガラパゴスで会ったマイクは、 長年のガンを通しての旅の覚え書きを サイバースペースに残しています
それから、私の父は、手書きの手紙とノートを通して 手書き文字という遺産を私に残しました
彼は病気のとき、人生の最後の二年間に 一冊のノートを、私に対しての思いでいっぱいに満たしました
彼は私の強みや弱み、 そして、改善の為の紳士的な忠告、 具体的な出来事を引用し、私の人生に模範を示しました
私は全てをEメールで行い、考えながらタイプしますが、 なぜ新しいモノの為に古い習慣を諦めなければならないのでしょうか?
私には取り替えたい時間があります 忙しすぎて父のそばに座って話をすることもできなかった時間を、 ただ一度抱きしめることに取り替えたいのです
それでも、父からの手紙を取り出し読むとき、 彼の手が触れたその紙が私の手の中にあるとき、 彼とつながっている様に感じます
おそらく、我々はみな子ども達に、 価値ある遺産を残す必要があります。金銭的なものではなく
個人的に心打つ価値あるものを サイン帳や魂を探索する手紙など
もし、この有力なTEDの観衆のほんのわずかにでも 奇麗な紙を買い -- ジョン、再生紙でもかまいません -- 愛する人に手紙を書く気を起こさせたなら、 もしかしたら、子供たちを習字教室に行かせるという 革命を起こせるかもしれません
私はサイン帳を集めていて、 この観衆の中には、私が追いかけをしている人もいます CDもよ、トレーシー
父の身体が火にのみこまれるのを目撃し、 私は彼の火葬の傍らに座って書きました
どのようにそれを行うのか分かりませんが、 彼と私の思いをノートにまとめ 息子に残すことを誓いました
私が父の火葬の時に書いた詩で、 最後にしたいと思います
言語学者のみなさん、文法についてはお許しください なぜなら、この10年間一度も見直した事がないので
「額の中の写真、ビンの中の灰、 限りないエネルギーがビンの中に閉じ込められ、 現実と向き合う事を私に強いてくる、 成長する事を私に強いてくる
私には聞こえる 私に強くいてほしいと望んでいる事がわかる、 でも今は、私は吸い取られ、 増え行く感情の水に取り囲まれ息ができない, 魂を洗い清めたいと切望し、 もう一度、華麗に戦い続けるための足場を求めている ちょうどあなたが教えたように
絶望の渦の中であなたの励ますようなささやき声が、 正気の岸辺へ私を支え持ち上げている もう一度生きるために、そして愛するために」
ありがとう | Seemed to be the passion today.
Actually, it's not about death.
It's inevitable, terrible, but really what I want to talk about is, I'm just fascinated by the legacy people leave when they die.
That's what I want to talk about.
So Art Buchwald left his legacy of humor with a video that appeared soon after he died, saying, "Hi! I'm Art Buchwald, and I just died."
And Mike, who I met at Galapagos, a trip which I won at TED, is leaving notes on cyberspace where he is chronicling his journey through cancer.
And my father left me a legacy of his handwriting through letters and a notebook.
In the last two years of his life, when he was sick, he filled a notebook with his thoughts about me.
He wrote about my strengths, weaknesses, and gentle suggestions for improvement, quoting specific incidents, and held a mirror to my life.
After he died, I realized that no one writes to me anymore.
Handwriting is a disappearing art.
I'm all for email and thinking while typing, but why give up old habits for new?
Why can't we have letter writing and email exchange in our lives?
There are times when I want to trade all those years that I was too busy to sit with my dad and chat with him, and trade all those years for one hug.
But too late.
But that's when I take out his letters and I read them, and the paper that touched his hand is in mine, and I feel connected to him.
So maybe we all need to leave our children with a value legacy, and not a financial one.
A value for things with a personal touch -- an autograph book, a soul-searching letter.
If a fraction of this powerful TED audience could be inspired to buy a beautiful paper -- John, it'll be a recycled one -- and write a beautiful letter to someone they love, we actually may start a revolution where our children may go to penmanship classes.
So what do I plan to leave for my son?
I collect autograph books, and those of you authors in the audience know I hound you for them -- and CDs too, Tracy.
I plan to publish my own notebook.
As I witnessed my father's body being swallowed by fire, I sat by his funeral pyre and wrote.
I have no idea how I'm going to do it, but I am committed to compiling his thoughts and mine into a book, and leave that published book for my son.
I'd like to end with a few verses of what I wrote at my father's cremation.
And those linguists, please pardon the grammar, because I've not looked at it in the last 10 years.
I took it out for the first time to come here.
"Picture in a frame, ashes in a bottle, boundless energy confined in the bottle, forcing me to deal with reality, forcing me to deal with being grown up.
I hear you and I know that you would want me to be strong, but right now, I am being sucked down, surrounded and suffocated by these raging emotional waters, craving to cleanse my soul, trying to emerge on a firm footing one more time, to keep on fighting and flourishing just as you taught me.
Your encouraging whispers in my whirlpool of despair, holding me and heaving me to shores of sanity, to live again and to love again."
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
当初は ただ故郷の建物を 探していたのですが 94年に建てられたミナレットを見つけました
18年間も この57メートルの 建物は灰色のままでした
イマームに最初に会った時 やりたいことを伝えました イマームは こう言いました 「神に感謝しよう やっと来てくれたか」 何年にもわたって 壁に何か施してくる人を 待っていたそうです
このイマームの最高に素晴らしいところは 自由に描かせてくれたこと スケッチを見せてくれとか 何を書くんだとか聞かれませんでした
私が創り出す作品では メッセージを描きます やり方はカリグラフィティで カリグラフィーとグラフィティを合わせたものです
ミナレットには モスクという場所に 最もふさわしい コーランからの 文言を入れようと考えました そこで この一節を選びました 「人々よ 我は一人の男と 一人の女から あなた方を創り 民族と部族に分け隔てた 互いを知り合うようにさせるためだ」
万人への平和、寛容 許しを求めるもので 普段 メディアでは伝えられない イスラム教の善い面でしょう
現地の方々が 反応してくれたのは 驚きでした そして世界中のメデイアが ミナレットを取り上げる様子を見て 現地の人も誇りに思ってくれました
イマームにとっては ただの絵ではありません もっと深い意味がありました
このミナレットが街を象徴する 記念碑になればと願いました チュニジアの忘れられた場所に 再び息吹がもたらされればと
メッセージの普遍性と 現在のチュニジアの政治背景 そして グラフィティという 新しい技法でコーランを描くことに 意味があったのです
アラビア語のカリグラフィで 人々や若い世代を集める これが私がやっていることです
メッセージを書くのが このアートの本質です
面白いのは アラブ語を話す人たちでさえ 私のカリグラフィを 読み解くのに苦労します
でも作品を感じるのに 意味が分からなくても大丈夫
アラビア語は目に訴える前に しっかり魂に響くと思います
意味が分からなくても そこには美しさがあります
アラビア語は万人に訴える そう信じています あなたにも あなたにも あなたにも 全ての人々に そうして意味が分かれば それに繋がることができます
メッセージを書く時に いつも気をつけているのは 絵を描く場所に まつわるものであることと 万人に訴える内容にすることで 世界中の誰もが 繋がるようにすることです
私はフランスのパリで 生まれ育ちました アラビア語の読み書きを 習い始めたのは18の時です
カリグラフィでは アラビア語だけを使います
これが私にとって 大切である理由の一つは 世界中から受けてきた さまざまな反響です
リオデジャネイロでは ポルトガル語の詩を訳しました ガブリエラ・トーラス・バルボサの詩で ファヴェーラに住まう 貧困にあえぐ方に捧げたもので これを屋根に描きました
地元の方々には 私がやっていることに 興味を持っていただきましたが カリグラフィの意味を 教えるやいなや 感謝されました 作品と繋がってもらえたのです
南アフリカのケープタウンで フィリピの人たちが 提供してくれたのは スラムにある コンクリートの壁だけでした
そこは学校で 私が描いたのは ネルソン・マンデラの言葉です それは [アラビア語] 「何かをやり遂げるまでは 常にそれが不可能に見える」
すると ある人が近づいてきて 「何で英語で書かないんだい?」と
私はこう答えました 「もしこう尋ねたら ちゃんと答えるよ 『なぜズールー語で書かないんだい?』」
パリで ある催しがあって ある人が提供してくれた壁に 描くことになりました
私がアラビア語で描き始めると 感情むき出しで怒られました 壁の絵を消すようにと
私は憤り 失望しました
1週間後のことです 主催者に戻ってくるようにと頼まれて あの男性の家の前に 別の壁があると言うんです
ですから あの人は― 毎日 グラフィティを 見る羽目になりました
最初はこんな言葉を書こうとしました [アラビア語] 「ざまあみろ」って でも大人になろうと思って こうしました [アラビア語] 「心を開きなさい」という意味です
自分の文化に誇りを持っています 私が生み出す作品を通して それを伝えようとしています
そして私たちの誰もが持ちうる ステレオタイプを アラビア語の美しさで壊したい
今ではアラビア語のメッセージを 壁に描きません
カリグラフィの詩が 壊れて欲しくないのです これは芸術であって 意味が分からずとも大切にし 違う国の音楽のように 楽しんで欲しいからです
拒否しているとか 扉が閉ざされたと 思われる方もいるかもしれませんが 私にとっては 私の言葉 私の文化 私のアートへの 誘いだと考えています
ありがとう | At the beginning, I was just looking for a wall in my hometown, and it happened that the minaret was built in '94.
And for 18 years, those 57 meters of concrete stayed grey.
When I met the imam for the first time, and I told him what I wanted to do, he was like, "Thank God you finally came," and he told me that for years he was waiting for somebody to do something on it.
The most amazing thing about this imam is that he didn't ask me anything -- neither a sketch, or what I was going to write.
In every work that I create, I write messages with my style of calligraffiti -- a mix of calligraphy and graffiti.
I use quotes or poetry.
For the minaret, I thought that the most relevant message to be put on a mosque should come from the Quran, so I picked this verse: "Oh humankind, we have created you from a male and a female, and made you people and tribe, so you may know each other."
It was a universal call for peace, tolerance, and acceptance coming from the side that we don't usually portray in a good way in the media.
I was amazed to see how the local community reacted to the painting, and how it made them proud to see the minaret getting so much attention from international press all around the world.
For the imam, it was not just the painting; it was really deeper than that.
He hoped that this minaret would become a monument for the city, and attract people to this forgotten place of Tunisia.
The universality of the message, the political context of Tunisia at this time, and the fact that I was writing Quran in a graffiti way were not insignificant.
It reunited the community.
Bringing people, future generations, together through Arabic calligraphy is what I do.
Writing messages is the essence of my artwork.
What is funny, actually, is that even Arabic-speaking people really need to focus a lot to decipher what I'm writing.
You don't need to know the meaning to feel the piece.
I think that Arabic script touches your soul before it reaches your eyes.
There is a beauty in it that you don't need to translate.
Arabic script speaks to anyone, I believe; to you, to you, to you, to anybody, and then when you get the meaning, you feel connected to it.
I always make sure to write messages that are relevant to the place where I'm painting, but messages that have a universal dimension, so anybody around the world can connect to it.
I was born and raised in France, in Paris, and I started learning how to write and read Arabic when I was 18.
Today I only write messages in Arabic.
One of the reasons this is so important to me, is because of all the reaction that I've experienced all around the world.
In Rio de Janeiro, I translated this Portuguese poem from Gabriela Tôrres Barbosa, who was giving an homage to the poor people of the favela, and then I painted it on the rooftop.
The local community were really intrigued by what I was doing, but as soon as I gave them the meaning of the calligraphy, they thanked me, as they felt connected to the piece.
In South Africa, in Cape Town, the local community of Philippi offered me the only concrete wall of the slum.
It was a school, and I wrote on it a quote from Nelson Mandela, saying, "[in Arabic]," which means, "It seems impossible until it's done."
Then this guy came to me and said, "Man, why you don't write in English?"
and I replied to him, "I would consider your concern legit if you asked me why I didn't write in Zulu."
In Paris, once, there was this event, and someone gave his wall to be painted.
And when he saw I was painting in Arabic, he got so mad -- actually, hysterical -- and he asked for the wall to be erased.
I was mad and disappointed.
But a week later, the organizer of the event asked me to come back, and he told me that there was a wall right in front of this guy's house.
So, this guy -- like, was forced to see it every day.
At the beginning, I was going to write, "[In Arabic]," which means, "In your face," but -- I decided to be smarter and I wrote, "[In Arabic]," which means, "Open your heart."
I'm really proud of my culture, and I'm trying to be an ambassador of it through my artwork.
And I hope that I can break the stereotypes we all know, with the beauty of Arabic script.
Today, I don't write the translation of the message anymore on the wall.
I don't want the poetry of the calligraphy to be broken, as it's art and you can appreciate it without knowing the meaning, as you can enjoy any music from other countries.
Some people see that as a rejection or a closed door, but for me, it's more an invitation -- to my language, to my culture, and to my art.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「興味深い話だが、貴公は私に勝てると思っているのか? 決闘とは、魔物を相手にするのとは訳が違うぞ」
「貴公には、矜持というものがないのか? 決闘を挑みながら、そのような条件をつける者など聞いたことがない」
「矜持? そんなものはない。ぼくは勝つためになんでもする」
「たしかにミトロフさまは迷宮で”昇華”を得られているのかもしれません! ですが、兄はその程度ではどうにもならないのです!」
ミトロフは分からない。だから、進むしかなかった。 | The knight nodded without any sign of surprise.
“What are you betting on by holding the sword?”
“If I win, I get Canule. ”
“It would be so—then, what if I win?”
“A small bag of ‘amber.'”
At that moment, the knight’s voice was mixed with surprise and suspicion.
It was a small conviction. Mitrof didn’t know the true identity of ‘amber,’ but he knew its value.
Considering that Canule did not know about ‘amber’ and from Poisson’s words, it could be inferred that ‘amber’ had recently become popular among the powerful and only among aristocrats.
Mitrof knew that nobles and those in power had a keen eye for rare things and never missed the latest trends. They were always looking for something new and valuable, and they spared no effort to get it. By showing it off to other aristocrats, they demonstrated their status and power.
‘Amber’ was undoubtedly valued as a tool for that purpose.
And considering that Canule had most likely been the servant of a powerful person and the beauty of the knight’s armor before him, he thought that this knight must be connected to a powerful person.
Therefore, he must recognize the value of “amber.”
“Can I ask where you got it from?”
“I had a ‘business discussion’ with Blanc Manje.”
“Do you have proof?”
Mitrof took out the “amber” from the small bag on his waist. It was the one given to him as a gift from Apélie Tiff. He threw it, and the knight caught it without any trouble and examined it carefully.
“I see—it doesn’t seem to be fake.”
But as he tried to catch the “amber” thrown back to him, Mitrof missed, and it hit his protruding belly before falling to the floor.
Mitrof bent down, picked up the “amber,” and put it back in the small bag.
“If I win, I get Canule—If you win, I’ll give you a bag of this.”
Mitrof repeated the conditions as if nothing had happened.
“It’s an intriguing proposition, but do you think you can win against me?—A duel is different from facing a monster.”
“I understand that—how about conceding to come closer to agreeable conditions?”
“If my sword touches your body, you’ll admit defeat.”
Mitrof boldly declared—shame and honor were cast aside. He proudly stood there with his chin up, arms folded, and exuded an aristocratic aura.
“Ha ha ha ha.” Laughter echoed inside the knight’s armor. It hardly stopped, causing his shoulders to shake.
“Do you not have any honor?—I’ve never heard of a challenger setting such conditions for a duel.”
“Honor? Such a thing does not exist—I’ll do whatever it takes to win.”
The knight laughed again. He kneeled and picked up a black leather glove, tossing it at Mitrof’s feet.
“That condition will do—if your sword reaches me, I’ll accept my defeat.”
The knight stopped laughing.
Suddenly, he realizes that the atmosphere has changed. It’s become cold. There is no sense of ambition, passion, or hostility. The knight is simply icy cold, still, and quiet, like the surface of a lake at night.
“——Now, let’s have a ‘duel.'”
The location changes. It is now the courtyard of the guild. The place where Mitrof took the small shield course is a suitable location for dueling because it’s secluded from public view and the ground is well prepared.
Mitrof tells the receptionist a small lie about wanting to take another course before being escorted to this location.
The instructor, Sonn, is brought in again, but when Mitrof briefly tells him the situation, Sonn snorts and says, “Do whatever you want,” and lounges against the wall, claiming he will be working until the end of the allotted time.
The knight is already waiting, without preparation or stance. Mitrof recalls the phrase ‘the battlefield is always at hand.’
Mitrof is preparing to face him, but Canule won’t let him go.
“It’s impossible. Mitrof-sama, my brother is a monster.”
“Is he stronger than a red-eyed troll?”
“It’s foolish to compare.”
Mitrof was trying to tease, but Canule answered seriously, causing Mitrof to change his attitude.
“...I understand that he’s strong—no, I mean, I understand that he must be strong.”
“With all due respect, Mitrof-sama, you couldn’t even get close with a sword.”
“That’s what you think.”
Mitrof said it with a calm expression. While he looked reliable, to Canule, it seemed like the smile of someone who overestimated their own power.
“Indeed, Mitrof-sama may have achieved “sublimation” in the labyrinth!—However, my brother cannot be dealt with at that level!”
“I understand that you are afraid—your concern is appreciated, but please sit down.”
“Hey, Canule—what do you want to do?”
Mitrof tapped Canule’s shoulder as he brushed past her.
“I’ll be back.”
“W-Wait, please!”
Without looking back, Mitrof headed towards the knight.
My brother is a monster.
Canule’s voice echoed in his ears—Canule was strong. If she even called his brother a monster, then the knight was even stronger.
There was no way he could win.
Mitrof knew this himself. He could hear his own voice telling him it was impossible.
He was scared—just plain scared.
His hands were shaking.
His legs were shaking.
It was foolish of him to challenge an opponent he believed he couldn’t beat. He asked himself multiple times why he was doing something so foolish.
Mitrof stepped unsteadily on the sandy ground. He stood in front of the knight and tightened the strap of his small shield.
“You can still withdraw.”
The knight spoke with a gentle voice.
Perhaps it was an act of mercy.
Mitrof sensed that his fear had been noticed.
His bluff, his smallness, and his weakness had been exposed.
Of course it had.
Compared to a knight, how was he?
His body was slack and untrained, with nothing accumulated, a thin backbone supporting him, and little experience.
It was evident before the fight even began. This was a useless endeavor.
That was precisely why Mitrof grasped his sword.
He drew it, performed a low sweep, and made a sharp sound cutting through the air.
Drawing an arc, he took a stance before him, holding the slender sword vertically. The sword raised was proof of nobility.
It was a fighting spirit, a stance taken to bet on one’s life and face the opponent.
“Very well.”
The knight nodded and drew his own sword, which was an ordinary straight sword. The knight also took a stance for the duel ceremony, and then he relaxed. His natural stance was either due to him being underestimated or it was his real stance.
Mitrof didn’t know which one it was. So, he had no choice but to move forward. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
一つめの事柄は当たり前のように聞こえるかもしれませんが 我々ホモサピエンスは 実に頭の良い種です その頭の良さは 馬鹿げているほどで 他の種がしていないことを
こなしています これは周知の事実ですが
シェークスピアから スティーブン・コルベアまで 賢者を見れば 人間とは理性と才能に恵まれ どんな生き物よりも 知的であることがわかります
でも私が強調したいのは 二つめの事柄です 人間ほど賢い生き物はいないのに 決断力に関しては 驚くほど愚かな決断を してしまうことがある点です
具体的な名前は出しませんので ご心配なく
でも過去2年間に 先例のない愚かな出来事がありました 資源採取のために人間がつくった道具が 悲惨な結果を招いたのも 見てきました
我々がつくった金融市場は 確実であったはずなのに 崩壊してしまいました
でも この二つの例は もっとも情けない間違いを 浮き彫りにはしていません 間違いを犯す原因は 少しばかりの困った問題があったり もの笑いのタネになる決断を してしまうからだと解釈したいところですが
社会科学者の研究でわかったのは ほとんどの人は ある状況に置かれると ある種の決まった間違いをするのです
否定的な意見を言われると 次に同じ状況に直面するときに 同じ間違いをする傾向があります
人間の本質を研究している私には この点が謎なのです
一番興味があるのは これだけ賢い種である人間が このような間違いを 常にし続けるのか ということです
賢いはずの人間が なぜ解決策を見つけられないのでしょう?
原因になり得る事柄が いくつか浮かびました
一つめは 我々の責任ではないという見解です
人間は賢いので 非常に複雑な環境を つくり出すことができます 時に複雑すぎて自ら作ったものを 理解できないことすらあります
もちろん 対応できない状況に置かれれば ある意味 我々が 物事を悪化させるのもわかります
もしそうならば 解決策は至って簡単 扱いきれない技術や 悪影響を及ぼす環境を 見つけたら取り払い より良いものをデザインすれば 人間は期待通りに 立派な種になるはずです
見つけ出す方法を見ていて 私はそう思いました 人間は同じ間違いを
何度も繰り返す傾向があるため 人間のつくりを
疑ってしまうほどです もし問題が人間自体にあるのなら どう対処すればいいのか わからないことが問題です
間違いをしがちだという事実を受け入れて 問題を避けられるデザインが必要かもしれません
必要としていたのは 賢くて 決断力があるけれど 人間を狂わせる材料に 手の届かない生き物 テクノロジーや文化や言葉を 有しない生き物です
新世界ザルとも呼ばれるのは 約3500万年前に
ヒトから分岐したからです 「ひい」を500万回つけた 我々のひいおばあちゃんと 彼らのひいおばあちゃんが 同一人物であったと
言えるわけです この猿と人間は非常に離れていながらも 親戚にあたります
ホリーは人間のような 技術を持ち合わせていません
賢くて可愛い霊長類ですが 人間を狂わせる要素を持ち合わせていないので
数年前 このアイデアを思いつき
ホリーは この問題を どう対処するか見てみようということになりました
どこから着手したらいいのか 迷いました
この研究を始めたとき 金融崩壊が起き 差し押さえが相次いだので 私たちは金融の領域が 研究題材にいいのではと思ったのです
猿の経済的決断の仕方を観察して 人間同様 愚かな間違いをするか見てみるのです
このとき二つめの問題にぶちあたりました 少々 方法論的な 問題なのですが 猿はお金を使いません スーパーや銀行で
列に並ぶ猿などいないので お金に対する質問を
どうやって猿にしたらいいのか 問題になりましたが
ともかく 猿に お金の使い方を
これはお金の代わりに使った 造り物の通貨です
研究を始めた当初は 単にトークンと呼んでいたもので
エール大学で この通貨を使って 人間から食べ物を得るために 猿を調教しました
海外旅行から持ち帰り 無用になったお金と一緒で
最初 猿はその利用価値が わからなかったので
柵に入れられたトークンを 拾って眺めたものの
でも 猿はすぐに トークンを渡せば 食べ物がもらえることに気づきました
左の二つの写真は 好奇心を 示しているところです
手を差し出す実験者がいて メーデーはこの人が欲しがっていることを察します
どの猿も 人間にトークンを差し出し 食べ物が得られます
メーデーがトークンを差し出し 嬉しそうに待ち 食べ物をもらいます
あまり訓練をしなくても どの猿も やり方を
それとも 猿が 賢く見えるだけで 実はそうではないのか 疑問に思いました
猿がお金に匹敵するものを本当に使っていたら 猿は自発的に何をするのか 気になりました
人間が金銭の授受をするように 猿も賢いことをすると 想像する人がいるかもしれません
トークンがあれば どれだけのものを 買えるのかと 猿が関心をもつのかどうか
対象となった猿は 動物園のような社会的囲いの中で通常暮らしています
おやつを欲しがるときに 市場へつながる小さな囲いに 誘い込みます
そこは人間の市場より 楽しさがある場所にしました 猿がドアをくぐると トークンがたくさん入った 財布が渡されます トークンを使って 物を得られる仕組みです 2人のセールスマンが 商品を用意しています 学生にセールスマンになってもらい
何度も同じことを繰り返し 猿に仕組みを教えました 商品や値段や誰が信頼できるかなどです
実験者が持っている 黄色い小皿に乗っている量が
どれもトークン1枚分ですが 時々ぶどうが多く得られるように 設定しました
一人は1粒 もう一人は2粒差し出しています
見極め上手なハニーは ぶどう2粒をくれる人を選びました
ハニーに限らず 大半の猿は より多くてより美味しいものを
驚いたのは 経済学者と共に 経済的指針で猿のデータを見てみると 人間がしていることと同じことが 質的にも量的にも 一致したことです
数値を見ただけでは 猿なのか人間なのか区別がつかないほどです
少なくとも 猿と私たちには 本物のお金のように使えるものを 導入できたと感じました
問題は 猿も人間同様に間違いをするのかということです
猿の経済界で見かけなかったのは 人間のように 貯金をしないことです
コインを使い果たし 帰って行きました
また同時に見かけたのは 恥ずかしいことに 盗みを働くのです
機会さえあれば人間からトークンを だまし取ろうとしました 教えたつもりはないのに
そこで 人間同様に 猿も愚かなことをするのか
確かめることにしたのです 猿の経済界を放っておけば 数年後には人間に
そんなに待っていられないので 時間を短縮するために 経済的な難局に 直面したとき
人間が間違いやすい問題を 猿にも 与えてみることにしました 人がいかに間違いを犯すのかを確かめるには 自分でやってみるのが一番ですから 直感を見るために
実験をしてみましょう 皆さんに 1000ドルずつ
渡したとします そのお金は もう皆さんのものですから
一つめの選択肢はリスクを伴います 私がコインを投げて表が出たら
増える確率はありますが 高リスクです
もう一つの選択肢は 安全志向
1500ドルが確実に手に入るなら 賭ける必要はないと言うのです
合理的だと思うかもしれませんが 同じ問題の 状況を変えた場合
どうなるか見てみましょう 皆さんに2000ドルを 渡したと想像してください
ここで選択です 先ほどとは違って
どのようにお金を失うかを考えてもらいます 選択肢は同じ
リスクを伴う選択肢は 表が出たら1000ドル失いますが
裏が出たら何も失わずに済みます リスクをかけたくなければ 私に500ドルを渡すだけ
きっと皆さんも この実験の対象者と同様に この選択肢を与えられると 安全な方は選ばないのかもしれません
これが合理的でないのは どちらの状況も 選択肢が同じだったからです
1000ドルか2000ドルのどちらかになる選択肢と 1500ドルと決まった選択肢
でも 伴うリスクに関わる直感は 立たされた状況によって異なります
これは心理的な面から生まれる 少なくとも二つの先入観が関係しています
まず 絶対数で考える難しさです
1000ドルか2000ドルの選択肢と 1500ドルの選択肢を
天秤にかけなくてはいけません でも選択肢が変わり
相対的に考えるのは簡単です もっともらえる とか 失う額は少ない という具合です
これはいいのですが 捉え方を変えることで 選択肢の妥当性の
見極めに影響します これは二つめの傾向につながり 経済学者は損失回避と呼んでいます
損失を避けようと することがあります
最後のシナリオで見たのは 対象者はリスクをかけます 何も失いたくないからです
これは我々が 損失の覚悟があるとき 非常に厄介になり得るのですが リスクを負うことが多くなります
株投資家が株を売らないがために損失を出すのは 相対的に考えているからです
住宅市場の人たちが不動産を売り渋ったのは 損を承知で売りたくなかったからです
猿も同じ傾向を示すのか 私たちは興味がありました
猿の市場でも同じ状況をつくりだしたら 人間と同じことをするでしょうか
そこで私たちは猿に選択肢を与え 常に同じことをする安全な人と 50%の確率で違う事をする リスク型の人を用意しました
そして初めのシナリオのように ボーナスがもらえるようにしました 儲かるチャンスでもあり 失う可能性も出てきます 実際よりも儲けたと思うのです
どちらも持っているのは ぶどう1粒 見た目はいいですが
猿はリスクを回避して 毎回おまけをくれる人を選ぶのか それとも 何ももらえない時を覚悟して 大きなボーナスを得ようとするでしょうか 人間は安全な方を選びました
質的にも量的にも 猿は人間と同じ― 判断を下しました
別の実験を行いました ここでは 何もくれない
2人の人に会います ぶどうの数が多いので たくさんもらえる印象を与えます
毎度 ぶどう1粒を取り上げて 猿には2粒だけ渡します
3粒くれることもあるため 猿は喜びますが 時々大きな損をする羽目になり 1粒しかくれません
安全型は 毎度2粒もらえます リスク型は3粒の時と1粒の時が混在します
私たちが驚いたのは 猿にこの選択をさせたとき 人間と同様に非合理的な選択をすることです
実験を どう始めるかによって 猿はリスク型を選ぶのです
猿も物事を相対的に 見ていることを示唆しており 損失と儲けは同じ方法では扱っていません
第一に 猿に対して 金融価値のあるお金を与えると 人間と似たことをします
賢い行動もしますが 盗みなどの 好ましくないことをしたり
猿は人間と同様に 体系的な失敗をします
これがまず第一に示したい点です 猿の金融アドバイザーを雇おうと
考えた方がいると思いますが 猿はかわいいけれど 人間の金融アドバイザー同様に
愚かですから お勧めしません ごめんなさい
皆さんが笑うのも 人間の弱点を知っているからですよね
このような間違いは どこから始まるのでしょうか
私たちの願いは 金融制度や技術に ひねりを入れて向上させることでした
でもわかったのは このような傾向はもっと深い部分から発生していることです 人間が進化してきた中に
理由が見つけられる可能性もあります 愚かな面が見られるのは
人間だけなのではなく 大昔から猿にも見られたのかもしれません
猿の実験結果を信用するとしたら この愚かな策略は 3500万年も続いているのかもしれません
この古くからある策略は ずっと変わらないままなのです
人間は進化するうちに 甘いものや脂肪分の多いものを好むようになりました
デザートを見たときに まずそうとは思わず 体にはプラスだと
同じことが起こるというのが 私の推測です 株が下落したり
不動産価値が下がるとき 進化的な意味で
解釈してしまいます 投資家を失敗に招いたり 差し押さえをつくり出す先入観を 乗り越えるのは
喜ばしいことも必要ですね 肯定的側面は 冒頭で触れたように 人間は賢いだけではなく 生物界の中でも 感動するほどに 賢いことです
羽をバタバタさせなくても ここまで飛行機で来れましたし
今しているように コンタクトを使用すれば
このように人間は 生まれもった力の限界を 技術などを使って容易に乗り越えています
作家のカミュは言いました “人間は 本来の姿でいることを拒む唯一の種だ”
限界を知らない限り 限界を乗り越えることは 無理かもしれないのが皮肉ですが
克服できない限界として考えるのではなく 限界を認識して 受け入れて デザイン界に答えを
見つけ出せる希望を抱けます これこそ人間の可能性を最大限にして 立派な種と名乗るための 唯一の方法かもしれません
ありがとう | And this is, of course, not the first time you've probably recognized this.
Of course, in addition to being smart, we're also an extremely vain species.
So we like pointing out the fact that we're smart.
from Shakespeare to Stephen Colbert to point out things like the fact that we're noble in reason and infinite in faculties and just kind of awesome-er than anything else on the planet when it comes to all things cerebral.
that I want to focus on a little bit more, and that's the fact that even though we're actually really smart, sometimes uniquely smart, we can also be incredibly, incredibly dumb when it comes to some aspects of our decision making.
Now I'm seeing lots of smirks out there.
Don't worry, I'm not going to call anyone in particular out on any aspects of your own mistakes.
But of course, just in the last two years we see these unprecedented examples of human ineptitude. And we've watched as the tools we uniquely make to pull the resources out of our environment kind of just blow up in our face.
We've watched the financial markets that we uniquely create -- these markets that were supposed to be foolproof -- we've watched them kind of collapse before our eyes.
But both of these two embarrassing examples, I think, don't highlight what I think is most embarrassing about the mistakes that humans make, which is that we'd like to think that the mistakes we make are really just the result of a couple bad apples or a couple really sort of FAIL Blog-worthy decisions.
But it turns out, what social scientists are actually learning is that most of us, when put in certain contexts, will actually make very specific mistakes.
The errors we make are actually predictable.
We make them again and again.
And they're actually immune to lots of evidence.
When we get negative feedback, we still, the next time we're face with a certain context, tend to make the same errors.
And so this has been a real puzzle to me as a sort of scholar of human nature.
What I'm most curious about is, how is a species that's as smart as we are capable of such bad and such consistent errors all the time?
You know, we're the smartest thing out there, why can't we figure this out?
In some sense, where do our mistakes really come from?
And having thought about this a little bit, I see a couple different possibilities.
One possibility is, in some sense, it's not really our fault.
Because we're a smart species, we can actually create all kinds of environments that are super, super complicated, sometimes too complicated for us to even actually understand, even though we've actually created them.
We create financial markets that are super complex.
We create mortgage terms that we can't actually deal with.
And of course, if we are put in environments where we can't deal with it, in some sense makes sense that we actually might mess certain things up.
If this was the case, we'd have a really easy solution the kinds of technologies we can't deal with, the kinds of environments that are bad -- get rid of those, design things better, and we should be the noble species that we expect ourselves to be.
which is, maybe it's not our environments that are messed up.
Maybe it's actually us that's designed badly.
from watching the ways that social scientists have learned about human errors.
And what we see is that people tend to keep making errors exactly the same way, over and over again.
It feels like we might almost just be built to make errors in certain ways.
This is a possibility that I worry a little bit more about, because, if it's us that's messed up, it's not actually clear how we go about dealing with it.
We might just have to accept the fact that we're error prone and try to design things around it.
So this is the question my students and I wanted to get at.
How can we tell the difference between possibility one and possibility two?
What we need is a population that's basically smart, can make lots of decisions, but doesn't have access to any of the systems we have, any of the things that might mess us up -- no human technology, human culture, maybe even not human language.
And so this is why we turned to these guys here.
These are one of the guys I work with. This is a brown capuchin monkey.
These guys are New World primates, about 35 million years ago.
This means that your great, great, great great, great, great -- with about five million "greats" in there -- grandmother was probably the same great, great, great, great grandmother with five million "greats" in there as Holly up here.
You know, so you can take comfort in the fact that this guy up here is a really really distant, but albeit evolutionary, relative.
The good news about Holly though is that she doesn't actually have the same kinds of technologies we do.
You know, she's a smart, very cut creature, a primate as well, but she lacks all the stuff we think might be messing us up.
So she's the perfect test case.
What if we put Holly into the same context as humans?
Does she make the same mistakes as us?
Does she not learn from them? And so on.
And so this is the kind of thing we decided to do.
My students and I got very excited about this a few years ago.
We said, all right, let's, you know, throw so problems at Holly, see if she messes these things up. First problem is just, well, where should we start?
Because, you know, it's great for us, but bad for humans.
We make a lot of mistakes in a lot of different contexts.
You know, where are we actually going to start with this?
And because we started this work around the time of the financial collapse, around the time when foreclosures were hitting the news, we said, hhmm, maybe we should actually start in the financial domain.
Maybe we should look at monkey's economic decisions and try to see if they do the same kinds of dumb things that we do.
Of course, that's when we hit a sort second problem -- a little bit more methodological -- which is that, maybe you guys don't know, but monkeys don't actually use money. I know, you haven't met them.
But this is why, you know, they're not in the queue behind you So now we faced, you know, a little bit of a problem here.
How are we actually going to ask monkeys about money if they don't actually use it?
So we said, well, maybe we should just, actually just suck it up and teach monkeys how to use money.
So that's just what we did.
What you're looking at over here is actually the first unit that I know of of non-human currency.
We weren't very creative at the time we started these studies, so we just called it a token.
But this is the unit of currency that we've taught our monkeys at Yale to actually use with humans, to actually buy different pieces of food.
It doesn't look like much -- in fact, it isn't like much.
Like most of our money, it's just a piece of metal.
As those of you who've taken currencies home from your trip know, once you get home, it's actually pretty useless.
It was useless to the monkeys at first before they realized what they could do with it.
When we first gave it to them in their enclosures, they actually kind of picked them up, looked at them.
They were these kind of weird things.
But very quickly, the monkeys realized that they could actually hand these tokens over to different humans in the lab for some food.
And so you see one of our monkeys, Mayday, up here doing this.
This is A and B are kind of the points where she's sort of a little bit curious about these things -- doesn't know.
There's this waiting hand from a human experimenter, and Mayday quickly figures out, apparently the human wants this.
Hands it over, and then gets some food.
It turns out not just Mayday, all of our monkeys get good at trading tokens with human salesman.
So here's just a quick video of what this looks like.
Here's Mayday. She's going to be trading a token for some food and waiting happily and getting her food.
Here's Felix, I think. He's our alpha male; he's a kind of big guy.
But he too waits patiently, gets his food and goes on.
They're surprisingly good at this with very little training.
We just allowed them to pick this up on their own.
The question is: is this anything like human money?
Is this a market at all, or did we just do a weird psychologist's trick by getting monkeys to do something, looking smart, but not really being smart.
And so we said, well, what would the monkeys spontaneously do if this was really their currency, if they were really using it like money?
Well, you might actually imagine them to do all the kinds of smart things that humans do when they start exchanging money with each other.
You might have them start paying attention to price, paying attention to how much they buy -- sort of keeping track of their monkey token, as it were.
Do the monkeys do anything like this?
And so our monkey marketplace was born.
The way this works is that our monkeys normally live in a kind of big zoo social enclosure.
When they get a hankering for some treats, into a little smaller enclosure where they could enter the market.
Upon entering the market -- it was actually a much more fun market for the monkeys than most human markets because, as the monkeys entered the door of the market, a human would give them a big wallet full of tokens so they could actually trade the tokens with one of these two guys here -- two different possible human salesmen The salesmen were students from my lab.
They dressed differently; they were different people.
And over time, they did basically the same thing so the monkeys could learn, you know, who sold what at what price -- you know, who was reliable, who wasn't, and so on.
And you can see that each of the experimenters is actually holding up a little, yellow food dish.
and that's what the monkey can for a single token.
So everything costs one token, but as you can see, sometimes tokens buy more than others, sometimes more grapes than others.
So I'll show you a quick video of what this marketplace actually looks like.
Here's a monkey-eye-view. Monkeys are shorter, so it's a little short.
But here's Honey.
She's waiting for the market to open a little impatiently.
All of a sudden the market opens. Here's her choice: one grapes or two grapes.
You can see Honey, very good market economist, goes with the guy who gives more.
She could teach our financial advisers a few things or two.
So not just Honey, most of the monkeys went with guys who had more.
Most of the monkeys went with guys who had better food.
When we introduced sales, we saw the monkeys paid attention to that.
They really cared about their monkey token dollar.
The more surprising thing was that when we collaborated with economists to actually look at the monkeys' data using economic tools, they basically matched, not just qualitatively, but quantitatively with what we saw humans doing in a real market.
So much so that, if you saw the monkeys' numbers, you couldn't tell whether they came from a monkey or a human in the same market.
And what we'd really thought we'd done is like we'd actually introduced something that, at least for the monkeys and us, works like a real financial currency.
Question is: do the monkeys start messing up in the same ways we do?
Well, we already saw anecdotally a couple of signs that they might.
One thing we never saw in the monkey marketplace was any evidence of saving -- you know, just like our own species.
The monkeys entered the market, spent their entire budget and then went back to everyone else.
The other thing we also spontaneously saw, embarrassingly enough, is spontaneous evidence of larceny.
The monkeys would rip-off the tokens at every available opportunity -- you know, things we didn't necessarily think we were introducing, but things we spontaneously saw.
So we said, this looks bad.
Can we actually see if the monkeys are doing exactly the same dumb things as humans do?
One possibility is just kind of let the monkey financial system play out, you know, see if they start calling us for bailouts in a few years.
to sort of speed things up a bit.
So we said, let's actually give the monkeys the same kinds of problems that humans tend to get wrong in certain kinds of economic challenges, or certain kinds of economic experiments.
And so, since the best way to see how people go wrong is to actually do it yourself, I'm going to give you guys a quick experiment to sort of watch your own financial intuitions in action.
So imagine that right now I handed each and every one of you a thousand U.S. dollars -- so 10 crisp hundred dollar bills.
Take these, put it in your wallet and spend a second thinking about what you're going to do with it.
Because it's yours now; you can buy whatever you want.
Donate it, take it, and so on.
Sounds great, but you get one more choice to earn a little bit more money.
And here's your choice: you can either be risky, in which case I'm going to flip one of these monkey tokens.
If it comes up heads, you're going to get a thousand dollars more.
If it comes up tails, you get nothing.
So it's a chance to get more, but it's pretty risky.
Your other option is a bit safe. Your just going to get some money for sure.
I'm just going to give you 500 bucks.
You can stick it in your wallet and use it immediately.
So see what your intuition is here.
Most people actually go with the play-it-safe option.
Most people say, why should I be risky when I can get 1,500 dollars for sure? This seems like a good bet. I'm going to go with that.
You might say, eh, that's not really irrational.
People are a little risk-averse. So what?
Well, the "so what?" comes when start thinking about the same problem set up just a little bit differently.
So now imagine that I give each and every one of you 2,000 dollars -- 20 crisp hundred dollar bills.
Now you can buy double to stuff you were going to get before.
Think about how you'd feel sticking it in your wallet.
And now imagine that I have you make another choice But this time, it's a little bit worse.
Now, you're going to be deciding how you're going to lose money, but you're going to get the same choice.
You can either take a risky loss -- so I'll flip a coin. If it comes up heads, you're going to actually lose a lot.
If it comes up tails, you lose nothing, you're fine, get to keep the whole thing -- or you could play it safe, which means you have to reach back into your wallet and give me five of those $100 bills, for certain.
And I'm seeing a lot of furrowed brows out there.
So maybe you're having the same intuitions as the subjects that were actually tested in this, which is when presented with these options, people don't choose to play it safe.
They actually tend to go a little risky.
The reason this is irrational is that we've given people in both situations the same choice.
It's a 50/50 shot of a thousand or 2,000, or just 1,500 dollars with certainty.
But people's intuitions about how much risk to take varies depending on where they started with.
So what's going on?
Well, it turns out that this seems to be the result of at least two biases that we have at the psychological level.
One is that we have a really hard time thinking in absolute terms.
well, one option's a thousand, 2,000; one is 1,500.
Instead, we find it very easy to think in very relative terms as options change from one time to another.
So we think of things as, "Oh, I'm going to get more," or "Oh, I'm going to get less."
This is all well and good, except that changes in different directions actually effect whether or not we think options are good or not.
And this leads to the second bias, which economists have called loss aversion.
The idea is that we really hate it when things go into the red.
We really hate it when we have to lose out on some money.
And this means that sometimes we'll actually switch our preferences to avoid this.
What you saw in that last scenario is that subjects get risky because they want the small shot that there won't be any loss.
That means when we're in a risk mindset -- excuse me, when we're in a loss mindset, we actually become more risky, which can actually be really worrying.
These kinds of things play out in lots of bad ways in humans.
They're why stock investors hold onto losing stocks longer -- because they're evaluating them in relative terms.
They're why people in the housing market refused to sell their house -- because they don't want to sell at a loss.
The question we were interested in is whether the monkeys show the same biases.
If we set up those same scenarios in our little monkey market, would they do the same thing as people?
And so this is what we did, we gave the monkeys choices between guys who were safe -- they did the same thing every time -- or guys who were risky -- they did things differently half the time.
And then we gave them options that were bonuses -- like you guys did in the first scenario -- so they actually have a chance more, or pieces where they were experiencing losses -- they actually thought they were going to get more than they really got.
And so this is what this looks like.
We introduced the monkeys to two new monkey salesmen.
The guy on the left and right both start with one piece of grape, so it looks pretty good.
But they're going to give the monkeys bonuses.
The guy on the left is a safe bonus.
All the time, he adds one, to give the monkeys two.
The guy on the right is actually a risky bonus.
Sometimes the monkeys get no bonus -- so this is a bonus of zero.
Sometimes the monkeys get two extra.
For a big bonus, now they get three.
But this is the same choice you guys just faced.
Do the monkeys actually want to play it safe and then go with the guy who's going to do the same thing on every trial, or do they want to be risky and try to get a risky, but big, bonus, People here played it safe.
Turns out, the monkeys play it safe too.
Qualitatively and quantitatively, they choose exactly the same way as people, when tested in the same thing.
You might say, well, maybe the monkeys just don't like risk.
Maybe we should see how they do with losses.
And so we ran a second version of this.
Now, the monkeys meet two guys who aren't giving them bonuses; they're actually giving them less than they expect.
These are three grapes; the monkey's really psyched for this.
But now they learn these guys are going to give them less than they expect.
They guy on the left is a safe loss.
Every single time, he's going to take one of these away and give the monkeys just two.
the guy on the right is the risky loss.
Sometimes he gives no loss, so the monkeys are really psyched, but sometimes he actually gives a big loss, taking away two to give the monkeys only one.
And so what do the monkeys do?
Again, same choice; they can play it safe for always getting two grapes every single time, or they can take a risky bet and choose between one and three.
The remarkable thing to us is that, when you give monkeys this choice, they do the same irrational thing that people do.
They actually become more risky depending on how the experimenters started.
This is crazy because it suggests that the monkeys too are evaluating things in relative terms and actually treating losses differently than they treat gains.
So what does all of this mean?
Well, what we've shown is that, first of all, we can actually give the monkeys a financial currency, and they do very similar things with it.
They do some of the smart things we do, some of the kind of not so nice things we do, like steal it and so on.
But they also do some of the irrational things we do.
They systematically get things wrong and in the same ways that we do.
This is the first take-home message of the Talk, oh, I'm totally going to go home and hire a capuchin monkey financial adviser.
They're way cuter than the one at ... you know -- Don't do that; they're probably going to be just as dumb as the human one you already have.
So, you know, a little bad -- Sorry, sorry, sorry.
A little bad for monkey investors.
But of course, you know, the reason you're laughing is bad for humans too.
Because we've answered the question we started out with.
We wanted to know where these kinds of errors came from.
And we started with the hope that maybe we can sort of tweak our financial institutions, tweak our technologies to make ourselves better.
But what we've learn is that these biases might be a deeper part of us than that.
In fact, they might be due to the very nature of our evolutionary history.
You know, maybe it's not just humans Maybe it's sort of duncey all the way back.
And this, if we believe the capuchin monkey results, means that these duncey strategies might be 35 million years old.
That's a long time for a strategy to potentially get changed around -- really, really old.
What do we know about other old strategies like this?
Well, one thing we know is that they tend to be really hard to overcome.
You know, think of our evolutionary predilection for eating sweet things, fatty things like cheesecake.
You can't just shut that off.
You can't just look at the dessert cart as say, "No, no, no. That looks disgusting to me."
We're just built differently.
We're going to perceive it as a good thing to go after.
My guess is that the same thing is going to be true when humans are perceiving different financial decisions.
when you're watching your house price go down, in anything but old evolutionary terms.
This means that the biases that lead investors to do badly, that lead to the foreclosure crisis are going to be really hard to overcome.
So that's the bad news. The question is: is there any good news?
I'm supposed to be up here telling you the good news.
Well, the good news, I think, is what I started with at the beginning of the Talk, which is that humans are not only smart; we're really inspirationally smart to the rest of the animals in the biological kingdom.
We're so good at overcoming our biological limitations -- you know, I flew over here in an airplane.
I didn't have to try to flap my wings.
I'm wearing contact lenses now so that I can see all of you.
We actually have all of these cases where we overcome our biological limitations through technology and other means, seemingly pretty easily.
But we have to recognize that we have those limitations.
And here's the rub.
It was Camus who once said that, "Man is the only species who refuses to be what he really is."
But the irony is that it might only be in recognizing our limitations that we can really actually overcome them.
The hope is that you all will think about your limitations, but to recognize them, accept them and then use the world of design to actually figure them out.
That might be the only way that we will really be able to achieve our own human potential and really be the noble species we hope to all be.
Thank you. | {
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『Mars & Avril』はSF映画です
舞台は 50年後の カナダ・モントリオール
ケベックで この種の映画を 手がけた人はいませんでした 資金が掛かりますし 未来が舞台となれば 膨大な数の 視覚効果が必要で グリーンバックで 撮影が行われます
でも 子供の頃から ずっと こんな映画を 本当に 作りたかったんです 子供の頃 コミック・ブックを読みながら 未来はどうなるんだろうと 想像を巡らせていました
アメリカのプロデューサーは この映画を見ると かなりの予算をかけたと 思います 2,300万ドル位でしょうか
でも 実際の予算は その1割でした
『Mars & Avril』は 230万ドルで製作しました
なぜ そんな事ができたのかと
秘訣は2つあります 先ずは時間です
お金が無い時は 時間を掛けなければいけません 私の場合 『Mars & Avril』の完成まで 7年の歳月が掛かりました
2つ目の秘訣は 愛です
製作に関わった方々から 寛大な支援を受けました
映画スタッフは 予算も何も無かったので 皆の創造力に 委ねられました そして 全ての問題が 好機に転換しました
これが今日の 話の本題に繋がります 創作上の制約が どのように 創造性の向上につながるかです
先ずは 少し時間を 巻き戻しましょう
私が20代前半の頃 グラフィック小説を手がけました 一般的なグラフィック小説とは違い 文章や写真を使って
SF物語を 伝えるものでした 映画化した 『Mars & Avril』に 出演している 多くの役者が 既に この小説の キャラクターに扮して 実験的 演劇的 単純化した方法で 携わっていました
その中の 一人は 素晴らしい舞台監督で俳優でもある ロベール・ルパージュです
彼のことは 大好きです
子供の頃から 大好きだったんです
彼のやる仕事に とても憧れていて
私のクレイジーなプロジェクトに 参加してもらえたらと思っていたら ウジェーヌ・スパークという キャラクターに 彼のイメージを使わせてくれました このキャラクターは 宇宙論を研究するアーティストで 時間、空間、愛、音楽、女性の間に 存在する関係を追求しています
ロベールは この役にぴったりでした 実は 最初のチャンスを与えてくれのは ロベールでした
彼が 私を信じてくれたんです そして 私のグラフィック小説を 映画化し 自分で脚本・監督・製作するよう 後押ししてくれました
実は 制約が創造性を 向上させることの 最初の例になったのも ロベールでした
なぜなら 彼は地球上で 一番忙しい人なんです
彼の予定は2042年まで ビッシリ詰まっていて なかなか時間をとってもらえません でもこの映画でも 本と同じ役を演じてもらいたかった
でも問題は 2042年まで 待ったら この映画が 未来映画では 無くなってしまいますね? ですから 彼の予定が空くまで 待つわけにはいきません
こんなに忙しい人に 映画に出演してもらうには どうしたらいいでしょうか?
製作会議で冗談めかしに 言ったんですが ちなみに 本当の話です 「ロベールをホログラムにしたら どうかな?
彼は同じ時間に 地球上の あらゆる所にいたり いなかったりするし 私の中では 彼は神のような存在で 現実と仮想世界の 狭間にいるような人なので 彼をホログラムにするのは 完璧に的を得ているんだ」って
会議にいた 全員が笑いました でも この冗談で 上手く行けそうだということになり 実際 この方法で 問題を解決しました
まず6台のカメラで ロベールを撮影します
彼には緑色の服を着て 緑色の水槽のような場所に 入ってもらってもらいます
頭部60度の範囲を 各カメラで撮影したので 撮影後の編集作業で 必要なアングルを ほぼ網羅できました 撮影したのは彼の頭部のみです
6ヵ月後 実際のセットで演ずるのは 彼の体となる代役で これが頭を乗っける体になります
代役の頭には 緑の覆いを被せてあるので 編集時に この部分を削除し ロベール・ルパージュの頭と すげかえるわけです
これで 博学者っぽくなりました 映画では こんな風になります
ロベール・ルパージュ: いつものごとく アルチュールの設計図には 技術的な問題は 加味されていないようだ
隙間を塞いでみたが まだ弁から空気が漏れる
サウンドボックス内の圧力を下げるのに リードのパレットを持ち上げてみたが 琴線に触れてしまったかもしれない
音がまだ低すぎる ジャック・ランギランド: 当たり前だよ
楽器というものは モデルに 似てくるからな 今ご覧いただいた シーンに 出てくる楽器が 制約が 創造性を向上させる 2つ目の例です 私の映画の中で不可欠な
この楽器にまつわる 素敵な逸話があります
実はこの楽器がどのようなものか 頭の中で想像していました
問題は この楽器を作る お金が無かったこと とても手が届きませんでした
ですから ある意味 大問題だったわけです
手の届かないものを どうやって手に入れるか?
ある朝 かなり良いアイデアと共に 目覚めました
「誰かに それを払わせたらどうだろう?」って
でも 一体どこの誰が 女性の体に― インスパイアされた まだ作られもしていない 7つの楽器に 興味を持つでしょうか?
そこで モントリオールの シルク・ドゥ・ソレイユが思いつきました スクリーンに映し出したい クレイジーな― 詩みたいなものを 一番理解してくれると思ったからです
それで シルク・ドゥ・ソレイユのCEOである ギー・ラリベルテに会って こんなスケッチと ビジュアル資料を使って 私のクレイジーなアイデアを 披露したんです すると とても素敵なことが起こりました ギーは 私がお金を 求めたからではなく 皆がハッピーになれる 良いアイデアを 持って来たから 興味を持ってくれました
ハッピーになったのは 実は3人で 1人目はアートバイヤー 彼は まだ作られていない楽器を安値で買えて ハッピーでした
2人目の アーティストの ドミニク・エンゲルは素晴らしい方で 彼も一年掛けて 取り組める 夢のプロジェクトにハッピーで
もちろん 私もハッピーでした 映画のための楽器を念願どおり タダで手に入れました 完璧にお互いのニーズが合いました
こちらが その楽器です
制約が創造性を 向上させる 私の最後の例を お話します 緑に由来します 不思議で クレイジーな色ですよね いずれグリーンスクリーンを 画像に置き換えなければいけません どんな画像にするか 早いうちに決める必要があります
私の頭の中には 様々なアイデアがあって 世界がどうなるかを ほぼ決めていました これも子供時代の空想に立ち帰り ベルギーのコミックの達人を思いつきました ベルギーの フランソワ・スクイテンです
この方のことも とても尊敬していて プロダクション・デザイナーとして 彼にも映画に 関わって欲しいと思っていました
でも 周りの人に 「マーティン 彼は忙し過ぎるから どうせ断られるよ」と言われました
それでも 彼のスタイルを真似するくらいなら 本人に電話して頼もうと決め 私の本も贈りました すると映画の製作に参加したいと言う 返事が来ました なぜなら彼は小さな水槽で大きな魚になれる
なんと 私の子供時代の ヒーローと 映画の1コマ1コマの絵を描いて 未来のモントリオールを創り上げたのです
彼のような 敬愛する 偉大なアーティストとの 仕事は 素晴らしい 協同作業でした
でも 究極的にはこの絵を 実際に作らなくてはいけません
そこで また私の解決策は 私の中の最高のアーティストを 見つけることでした
モントリオールにいる カルロス・モンソンは ケベック人で とても才能のある 視覚効果アーティストです
この分野を 牽引するアーティストで 『アバター』 『スタートレック』 『トランスフォーマー』 その手の無名の作品も手がけました 私の映画製作に ピッタリだと確信しました ですから 次の スピルバーグ映画で 仕事をする代わりに 私と 働いてくれるよう 説得しました 承諾してくれました
なぜかって?それは 彼に夢を追いかけるチャンスをあげたからです
ですから 皆さんに 差し出せる お金が無かったら 考えられる ありったけの素晴らしい力で その人の 想像力を 刺激してみてください
以上が この映画に まつわる出来事で どうやって製作が実現したかです その後 モントリオールにある ビジョングローバルと言う とても素晴らしい ポストプロダクション会社に 巡り合いました 私のクレイジーな映画のため そこに所属する 60名のアーティストを フルタイムで 6ヶ月も貸してくれたんです
ですから 皆さんにお伝えしたいことは クレイジーなアイデアがあって 周りの人から 不可能だと言われたら むしろ ぜひ挑戦してください なぜなら人は成果よりも 問題を見てしまう 傾向があるからです 問題を敵と考えるのではなく 味方にすることで 人生は思いもしなかったように
そうすれば クレイジーな プロジェクトをやって 気づいたら 火星にだって 行けるかもしれません
ありがとうございました | It's set in Montreal some 50 years in the future.
No one had done that kind of movie in Quebec before because it's expensive, it's set in the future, and it's got tons of visual effects, and it's shot on green screen.
Yet this is the kind of movie that I wanted to make ever since I was a kid, really, back when I was reading some comic books and dreaming about what the future might be.
When American producers see my film, they think that I had a big budget to do it, like 23 million.
But in fact I had 10 percent of that budget.
I did "Mars et Avril" for only 2.3 million.
So you might wonder, what's the deal here?
How did I do this?
Well, it's two things. First, it's time.
When you don't have money, you must take time, and it took me seven years to do "Mars et Avril."
The second aspect is love.
I got tons and tons of generosity from everyone involved.
And it seems like every department had nothing, so they had to rely on our creativity and turn every problem into an opportunity.
And that brings me to the point of my talk, actually, how constraints, big creative constraints, can boost creativity.
But let me go back in time a bit.
In my early 20s, I did some graphic novels, but they weren't your usual graphic novels.
They were books telling a science fiction story through images and text, and most of the actors who are now starring in the movie adaptation, they were already involved in these books portraying characters into a sort of experimental, theatrical, simplistic way.
And one of these actors is the great stage director and actor Robert Lepage.
And I just love this guy.
I've been in love with this guy since I was a kid.
His career I admire a lot.
And I wanted this guy to be involved in my crazy project, and he was kind enough to lend his image to the character of Eugène Spaak, who is a cosmologist and artist who seeks relation in between time, space, love, music and women.
And he was a perfect fit for the part, and Robert is actually the one who gave me my first chance.
He was the one who believed in me and encouraged me to do an adaptation of my books into a film, and to write, direct, and produce the film myself.
And Robert is actually the very first example of how constraints can boost creativity.
Because this guy is the busiest man on the planet.
I mean, his agenda is booked until 2042, and he's really hard to get, and I wanted him to be in the movie, to reprise his role in the movie.
But the thing is, had I waited for him until 2042, my film wouldn't be a futuristic film anymore, so I just couldn't do that. Right?
But that's kind of a big problem.
How do you get somebody who is too busy to star in a movie?
Well, I said as a joke in a production meeting -- and this is a true story, by the way — I said, "Why don't we turn this guy into a hologram?
Because, you know, he is everywhere and nowhere on the planet at the same time, and he's an illuminated being in my mind, and he's in between reality and virtual reality, so it would make perfect sense to turn this guy into a hologram."
Everybody around the table laughed, but the joke was kind of a good solution, so that's what we ended up doing.
Here's how we did it. We shot Robert with six cameras.
He was dressed in green and he was like in a green aquarium.
Each camera was covering 60 degrees of his head, so that in post-production we could use pretty much any angle we needed, and we shot only his head.
Six months later there was a guy on set, a mime portraying the body, the vehicle for the head.
And he was wearing a green hood so that we could erase the green hood in postproduction and replace it with Robert Lepage's head.
So he became like a renaissance man, and here's what it looks like in the movie.
Robert Lepage: [As usual, Arthur's drawing didn't account for the technical challenges.
I welded the breech, but the valve is still gaping.
I tried to lift the pallets to lower the pressure in the sound box, but I might have hit a heartstring.
It still sounds too low.] Jacques Languirand: [That's normal.
The instrument always ends up resembling its model.] Martin Villeneuve: Now these musical instruments they're my second example of how constraints can boost creativity, because I desperately needed these objects in my movie.
They are objects of desire.
They are imaginary musical instruments.
And they carry a nice story with them.
Actually, I knew what these things would look like in my mind for many, many years.
But my problem was, I didn't have the money to pay for them. I couldn't afford them.
So that's kind of a big problem too.
How do you get something that you can't afford?
And, you know, I woke up one morning with a pretty good idea.
I said, "What if I have somebody else pay for them?"
But who on Earth would be interested by seven not-yet-built musical instruments inspired by women's bodies?
And I thought of Cirque du Soleil in Montreal, because who better to understand the kind of crazy poetry that I wanted to put on screen?
So I found my way to Guy Laliberté, Cirque du Soleil's CEO, and I presented my crazy idea to him with sketches like this and visual references, and something pretty amazing happened. Guy was interested by this idea not because I was asking for his money, but because I came to him with a good idea in which everybody was happy.
It was kind of a perfect triangle in which the art buyer was happy because he got the instruments at a cheaper price, because they weren't even made.
He took a leap of faith.
And the artist, Dominique Engel, brilliant guy, he was happy too because he had a dream project to work on for a year.
And obviously I was happy because I got the instruments in my film for free, which was kind of what I tried to do.
So here they are.
And my last example of how constraints can boost creativity comes from the green, because this is a weird color, a crazy color, and you need to replace the green screens eventually and you must figure that out sooner rather than later.
And I had, again, pretty much, ideas in my mind as to what the world would be, but then again I turned to my childhood imagination and went to the work of Belgian comic book master François Schuiten in Belgium.
And this guy is another guy I admire a lot, and I wanted him to be involved in the movie as a production designer.
But people told me, you know, Martin, it's impossible, the guy is too busy and he will say no.
Well, I said, you know what, instead of mimicking his style, I might as well call the real guy and ask him, and I sent him my books, in working on the film with me because he could be a big fish in a small aquarium.
In other words, there was space for him to dream with me.
So here I was with one of my childhood heroes, drawing every single frame that's in the film to turn that into Montreal in the future.
And it was an amazing collaboration to work with this great artist whom I admire.
But then, you know, eventually you have to turn all these drawings into reality.
So, again, my solution was to aim for the best possible artist that I could think of.
And there's this guy in Montreal, another Quebecois called Carlos Monzon, and he's a very good VFX artist.
This guy had been lead compositor on such films as "Avatar" and "Star Trek" and "Transformers," and other unknown projects like this, and I knew he was the perfect fit for the job, and I had to convince him, and, instead of working on the next Spielberg movie, he accepted to work on mine.
Why? Because I offered him a space to dream.
So if you don't have money to offer to people, you must strike their imagination with something as nice as you can think of.
So this is what happened on this movie, and that's how it got made, and we went to this very nice postproduction company in Montreal called Vision Globale, and they lent their 60 artists to work full time for six months to do this crazy film.
So I want to tell you that, if you have some crazy ideas in your mind, and that people tell you that it's impossible to make, well, that's an even better reason to want to do it, because people have a tendency to see the problems rather than the final result, whereas if you start to deal with problems as being your allies rather than your opponents, life will start to dance with you
in the most amazing way.
I have experienced it.
And you might end up doing some crazy projects, and who knows, you might even end up going to Mars.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
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全ての点や線は 信じられないことに
ネットワークを表しています 私にとってはメディア上の ネットワークが重要です 人とつながるのが仕事ですから
その方法は いろいろあります その方法は いろいろあります
例えば 掃除機を着飾らせてもらうとか
「地球サンドイッチ」というプロジェクトでは 参加者に 地球上の真反対にある場所どうしで 同時に2切れのパンを 地面に置くよう頼みました
賛同した人々がパンを置き始め ついにニュージーランドとスペインの間で
サンドイッチができました 素晴らしいことです ウェブ上に動画があります
「昔の私 今の私」というプロジェクトでも
人々とつながりました 子どもの頃の写真を探して 大人になった今 同じことを 再現してもらうのです
これは同じ人です 上はジェームズで 下はジュリア
(拍手) 一番気に入ったのは 最初の写真では 30歳ほどの女性が 赤ちゃんを膝に抱いていたのが 次には 小さなおばあさんが 100キロの男の肩越しに 覗く写真になっていました 人とのつながり方に関する
ある曲が私のところに送られてきました 誰が作ったものかもわかりませんでした
録音: 私の名前はレイ 昨日 娘が電話をかけてきた 仕事で ものすごく不公平なことがあって
疲れ切っていた 動揺して 慰めを求めていたのに 私は面倒なことを山ほど抱えていて
娘に何といってよいのかわからなかた だから娘を勇気づけ 仕事のストレスやプレッシャーを
乗り越えるための曲を書いた そして ストレスを感じている勤め人たちが うまく対処していく手助けになればと
曲をインターネットにもアップすることにした こんな曲だ
"ムチで尻をひっぱたくぞ" "ムチで尻をひっぱたくぞ" "オレのことは放っておいてくれ” ”もう家に帰らせてくれ" "さもないとムチで尻をひっぱたくぞ" 大きな声では歌えないかもしれないが 暗記して口ずさめば
いいか 気を強く持つんだ じゃあな
ゼイ: ええと
いや お静かに 先を急がなくてはなりません
この曲を聴いて感動しました 素晴らしい これは人々を結びつけます
これを作った人は 遠く離れていても この曲から何かを感じる人が いることを知っています そんな人々に影響を与えるために メディアを使えば インパクトが増すことを知って 曲をオンラインに載せたのです
素晴らしい これぞ私がやりたかったことです
だからまずはレイに 感謝しなくてはと思いました
彼はいい声をしてる キーはBフラットだ
リミックス: "ムチで尻をひっぱたくぞ” ”ムチで尻をひっぱたくぞ" "オレのことは放っておいてくれ” ”もう家に帰らせてくれ" "さもないとムチで尻をひっぱたくぞ" "ムチで尻を - " ゼイ: 素晴らしい
(拍手) - ありがとう
この曲がカンザス・シティの野球場で かかっていたと聞きました
しまいには いろんな音楽ストリーミングサイトで 最もダウンロードされる曲になりました
「リミックスをまとめてアルバムにしよう」 と言ったら
視聴者たちがカバーを デザインしてくれました
それで言ったのです 「レイを探し出してくれたら 完成したアルバムを届けるよ」 私が知っていたのはレイという名前と この曲 そして 彼の娘が怒っていたということだけでした
メールが届いたのです 「やあ レイだけど
こう返しました「やあ レイ
この2週間 いろんなことがあったよ」
セントルイスに行って レイに会いました 牧師さんでした レイの一件から
アムステルダムの通りの 至る所にある この標識を思い出しました
写真の彼が本当に興味を持っているのは ボタンのことで 通りを渡ることには関心がないかのようです
通りのあちこちで 人々は携帯電話を覗き込んでいます これを悪しき潮流だと 切って捨てるのは 簡単です
でも実際には そこに暮らしがあるのです
携帯を覗き込んでいる人が 立ち止まって笑みを浮かべる時 その奇妙で濃密なネットワークは 暮らしを営む場となるのです
私たちはみな 人と互いに感じ合うことを
追い求めています いくらかそれをたやすくする
環境を作ることもできますが 行おうとしているのは 他の人と深くつながることです
今では仮想世界でも起きています このことを より良く理解しなければなりません
ネットワークの技術を作り上げてきた 人たちの多くは 人とつながるのがあまり上手くありません 私は小3のとき
こんなことをやっていました この数年 親しいつながりを実際に生み出そうと 試みる中で 親しいつながりを実際に生み出そうと 試みる中で
中にはすごくシンプルなものもありました 「子どもの頃に通った道」では 子ども時代に何度も通った道を 思い出してもらいました バス停や近所の家までの道など あまり意味のなさそうなものを グーグルのストリートビューに 落としこむのです
お約束します もしこれを行えば ガツンと顔を張られるような 何かを思い出す 瞬間がやってきます
そうした瞬間 - 特にストリートビューの写真と 思い出を集めました
「私が『退屈だなぁ』と言うと 彼女は― 『そんな時はプレッツェルを食べるの』 と答えました 何度もあったので はっきりと覚えています」
「母と離婚すると― 父に言われたすぐ後に コンビニまで歩いて行って チェリーコーラを買ったんです」
「彼らは陰気な映像を用いました 高速道路の真ん中にある チャドの靴の接写です
チャドはうちに泊まりに来て 枕を置いて帰りました
ずっと後に彼は亡くなりましたが 枕を返す機会はありませんでした」
昨年の9月11日が過ぎた頃 痛みと それを和らげ 体から追い出す方法を考えていました
それでホットラインを設け 9.11に限らず 人々が痛みについて ボイスメールを残せるようにしました
私は一人ぼっちじゃない 愛されてもいる
そしてそんな時は ほんのちょっとした親切にでも 涙が出てしまう
コンビニの店員が たまたま私と目が合って 「よい1日を」と言ったぐらいのことでさえ ゼイ: 私は 集まったボイスメールを
許可を得てMP3のファイルにし サウンドエディターに配りました そこから ボイスメールだけを使った 短い録音が生まれ
DJたちの手に渡って 素材として 何百もの曲に 使われました
「52%から48%へ 愛をこめて」は 前回の大統領選の際のプロジェクトです マケインとオバマはともに 選挙後のスピーチで和解について語りました それで私は 「和解って一体どういうことなんだ? よしやってみよう
和解のサインを掲げてもらうんだ」 と考えました
「民主党に投票しても 共和党に投票しても
「共和党の皆さんの声に耳を傾け 敬意を払うことを約束します」
「民主党の指導者があなたと同じぐらい 気高いことを祈ります 疑わしいところですが」
この取り組みが人気を集めるにつれて いくつかの右翼ブログと掲示板が それを押し付けがましいと 見なすようになりました 理解できます
それで 驚くほどの量の嫌がらせメールや 殺すぞという脅しまでが来るようになりました
ある男はひどいメッセージを 繰り返し送り続けてきました 彼はバットマンの格好をして
本当のバットマンが 追いかけて来ないようにな」 それで私も少し安心しました 「ふぅー 本物じゃなかった」
それで私は - このひどい体験と痛みを 全て自分の中に抱えていて 精神的におかしくなりそうでした
私はこのプロジェクトを 脅しから守ろうとしていたのです こうした特別な写真が 汚されてほしくありませんでした
それで私はメールを全てまとめて 「怒り紙」の中に入れました これは折り紙のテンプレートに 卑しい脅迫メールなどの 言葉を印刷したものです
「怒り紙」を使って 心が洗われるようなものを 送ってほしいと人々に頼みました
伯父を亡くしたある視聴者は 「怒り紙」を使って伯父を偲びました
最後にお話しするのは 「既に知っている歌」という 一連のプロジェクトです その中で私は グループ研究を通じて ある種の感情を取り上げたいと 思っていました
ある人から 夜になると怖がる娘のために 曲を書いてもらえないかと頼まれました
彼女が自分で歌って 眠りにつけるようなおまじないを 書いてあげることにしました
"これは怖いときに歌う曲" "何でかわからないけど 勇気づけてくれる" "歌詞が私を励ましてくれる" "何故か怖くなくなってる" "少なくとも人生は失敗ばかりじゃない" "いろんなことを してきたけれど" "少なくとも人生は失敗ばかりじゃない"
"いろんなことを してきたけれど" "これは怖いときに歌う曲" こんな歌でした
嬉しいことに 依頼人が娘の部屋の前を通ると 彼女が実際にこの歌を歌っていたそうです
その後このメールをもらいました 裏話もありますが
私がやろうとしたのは 「フェイスブックで私があなたに」 というプロジェクトです 別人として生きるという体験を してみたかったのです
人々に ユーザー名とパスワードを 教えてくれるよう頼みました
そこから2人を選んで フェイスブック上で彼らになりきるために どうすればいいかを 教えてくれるよう頼みました
1人はとても詳しく説明してくれました でももう1人は違いました
後でわかりましたが その人は ちょうど新しい街で新しい仕事を 始めたところでした
「新しい仕事はどう?」 なんて聞かれたりすると
私は「わからないよ 仕事って何のこと?」
でもとにかくその人 ローラは プロジェクトが終わった後に メールをくれました
上手く彼女になりきれていなかったことを 申し訳なく思いました
ローラが言うには 「引っ越して仕事を始めたばかりで もうどうしようもないぐらい不安だったの」
「怖いときは」の曲を聴いて 私なら何かできるかもと期待していたのです
「不安になるのはどんな感じなんだい?」 と尋ねると
ローラは それを説明する 文章を書いてくれました
裏ではこっそり人々に これを送り始めました
’’ねえ" "大丈夫だよ" "きっと上手く行くさ" 送った人たちに 音の受送信ができるか尋ねて ヘッドホンをつけて 曲に合わせて歌ってもらい その声を私が録音しました
録音:"ねえ" "大丈夫だよ" "きっと上手く行くさ" ゼイ: これはよく歌えている方です
うれしいことに 反応が増え始めると 突然 世界中から 30, 40もの歌声が届くようになり
それをまとめると素晴らしいことが起きました まさに信じられないようなことです 世界中からの声がひとつの合唱になったのです
すごいのは それが全く目立つことなく できてしまったことです ひと月過ぎていたので ローラがメールを送って来ました
「私の依頼のことは 忘れてしまったのだと思います
考えてくれただけでも ありがとうと伝えたくて」
数日後 ローラにこれを送りました
"今 僕は明かりをつけ忘れて しまったかのようだ" "昨日はあんなにきれいだと 思っていたものが" "今では灰色にくすんで見える" "僕はじっと立っているのに" "世界はぐるぐる回っているみたいだ" "それとも回っているのは僕なのだろうか" "その時 君が言ってくれたんだ" "ねえ" "大丈夫だよ" "きっと上手く行くさ"
"ひと息ついて" "言葉たちが歌ってくれる" "ねえ" "大丈夫だよ" "きっと上手く行くさ" "ひと息ついて" "みんなが歌ってくれる" "ねえ" "大丈夫だよ" "きっと上手く行くさ" "ひと息ついて" "ねえ" "大丈夫だよ" "きっと上手く行くさ" "ひと息ついて" "ねえ" "大丈夫だよ"
"きっと上手く行くさ" "ひと息ついて" ありがとう | It's beautiful, isn't it?
Do you see?
All the points, all the lines -- it's incredible.
It is the network; and in my case, the network has been important in media, because I get to connect to people.
Isn't it amazing?
Through that, I connect to people.
And the way that I've been doing it has been multifaceted.
For example, I get people to dress up their vacuum cleaners.
I put together projects like Earth Sandwich, where I ask people to try and simultaneously place two pieces of bread perfectly opposite each other on the Earth.
And people started laying bread in tribute, and eventually a team was able to do it between New Zealand and Spain.
It's pretty incredible -- the video's online.
Connecting to people in projects like YoungmeNowme for example.
In YoungmeNowme, the audience was asked to find a childhood photograph of themselves and restage it as an adult.
This is the same person -- top photo, James, bottom photo, [Jennifer].
This was a Mother's Day gift.
Particularly creepy.
My favorite of these photos, which I couldn't find, is there's a picture of a 30 year-old woman or so with a little baby on her lap, and the next photo is a 220-lb man with a tiny, little old lady peaking over his shoulder.
But this project changed the way that I thought about connecting to people.
This is project called Ray.
And what happened was I was sent this piece of audio and had no idea who generated the audio.
Somebody said, "You have to listen to this."
And this is what came to me.
Recording: Hi, my name is Ray, and on yesterday my daughter called me because of things that were going on on her job that she felt was quite unfair.
Being quite disturbed, she called for comfort, because we have to deal with so much mess in our society.
So I was led to write this song just for her, just to give her some encouragement while dealing with stress and pressures on her job.
And I figured I'd put it on the Internet for all employees under stress to help you better deal with what you're going through on your job.
Here's how the song goes.
♫ I'm about to whip somebody's ass ♫ ♫ Oh, I'm about to whip somebody's ass ♫ ♫ Oh, if you don't leave me alone, ♫ ♫ you gonna have to send me home ♫ ♫ 'Cause I'm about to whip somebody's ass ♫ Now you might not be able to sing that out loud, but you can hum it to yourself, and you know what the words are.
And let it give you some strength to get the next few moments on your job.
All right. Stay strong. Peace.
Ze Frank: So -- yeah.
No, no, no, shush. We've got to go quickly.
So I was so moved by this -- this is incredible. This was connecting, right.
This was, at a distance, realizing that someone was feeling something, wanting to affect them in a particular way, using media to do it, putting it online and realizing that there was a greater impact.
This was incredible; this is what I wanted to do.
So the first thing I thought of is we have to thank him.
And I asked my audience, I said, "Listen to this piece of audio.
We have to remix it. He's got a great voice.
It's actually in the key of B flat.
And have to do something with it."
Hundreds of remixes came back -- lots of different attempts.
One stood out in particular.
It was done by a guy named Goose.
Remix: ♫ I'm about to whip somebody's ass ♫ ♫ Oh, I'm about to whip somebody's ass ♫ ♫ Oh, if you don't leave me alone, ♫ ♫ You gonna have to send me home ♫ ♫ Cuz I'm about to whip somebody's ass ♫ ♫ I'm about to whip some ♫ -- ZF: Great, so it was incredible.
That song -- Thank you.
So that song, somebody told me that it was at a baseball game in Kansas City.
In the end, it was one of the top downloads on a whole bunch of music streaming services.
And so I said, "Let's put this together in an album."
And the audience came together, and they designed an album cover.
And I said, "If you put it all on this, I'm going to deliver it to him, if you can figure out who this person is," because all I had was his name -- Ray -- and this little piece of audio and the fact that his daughter was upset.
In two weeks, they found him.
I received and email and it said, "Hi, I'm Ray.
I heard you were looking for me."
And I was like, "Yeah, Ray.
It's been an interesting two weeks."
And so I flew to St. Louis and met Ray, and he's a preacher -- among other things.
So but anyways, here's the thing -- is it reminds me of this, which is a sign that you see in Amsterdam on every street corner.
And it's sort of a metaphor for me for the virtual world.
I look at this photo, and he seems really interested in what's going on with that button, but it doesn't seem like he is really that interested in crossing the street.
And it makes me think of this.
On street corners everywhere, people are looking at their cell phones, and it's easy to dismiss this as some sort of bad trend in human culture.
But the truth is life is being lived there.
right, you've seen people stop -- all of a sudden, life is being lived there, somewhere up in that weird, dense network.
And this is it, right, to feel and be felt.
It's the fundamental force that we're all after.
We can build all sorts of environments but ultimately, what we're trying to do is really connect with one other person.
And that's not always going to happen in physical spaces.
It's also going to now happen in virtual spaces, and we have to get better at figuring that out.
I think, of the people that build all this technology in the network, a lot of them aren't very good at connecting with people.
This is kind of like something I used to do over the last few years where I've been inspired by trying to figure out how to really facilitate close connection.
Sometimes they're very, very simple things.
A Childhood Walk, which is a project where I ask people to remember a walk that they used to take as a child over and over again that was sort of meaningless -- like on the route to the bus stop, to a neighbor's house, and take it inside of Google Streetview.
And I promise you, if you take that walk inside Google Streetview, you come to a moment where something comes back and hits you in the face.
And I collected those moments -- the photos inside Google Streetview and the memories, specifically.
"Our conversation started with me saying, 'I'm bored,' and her replying, 'When I'm bored I eat pretzels.' I remember this distinctly because it came up a lot."
"Right after he told me and my brother he was going to be separating from my mom, I remember walking to a convenience store and getting a cherry cola."
"They used some of the morbidly artist footage, a close-up of Chad's shoes in the middle of the highway.
I guess the shoes came off when he was hit.
He slept over at my house once, and he left his pillow.
It had 'Chad' written in magic marker on it.
He died long after he left the pillow at my house, but we never got around to returning it."
Sometimes they're a little bit more abstract.
This is Pain Pack.
Right after September 11th, last year, I was thinking about pain and the way that we disperse it, the way that we excise it from our bodies.
So what I did is I opened up a hotline -- a hotline where people could leave voicemails of their pain, not necessarily related to that event.
And people called in and left messages like this.
Recording: Okay, here's something.
I'm not alone, and I am loved.
I'm really fortunate.
But sometimes I feel really lonely.
And when I feel that way even the smallest act of kindness can make me cry.
Like even people in convenience stores saying, "Have a nice day," when they're accidentally looking me in the eye.
and with their permission, converted them to MP3s and distributed them to sound editors who created short sounds using just those voicemails.
And those were then distributed to DJs who have made hundreds of songs using that source material.
We don't have time to play much of it.
You can look at it online.
"From 52 to 48 with love" was a project around the time of the last election cycle, where McCain and Obama both, in their speeches after the election, talked about reconciliation, and I was like, "What the hell does that look like?"
Let's have people hold up signs about reconciliation."
And so some really nice things came together.
"I voted blue. I voted red.
Together, for our future."
These are very, very cute little things right.
Some came from the winning party.
"Dear 48, I promise to listen to you, to fight for you, to respect you always."
Some came from the party who had just lost.
"From a 48 to a 52, may your party's leadership be as classy as you, but I doubt it."
But the truth was that as this start becoming popular, a couple rightwing blogs and some message boards apparently found it to be a little patronizing, which I could also see.
And so I started getting amazing amounts of hate mail, death threats even.
And one guy in particular kept on writing me these pretty awful messages, and he was dressed as Batman.
And he said, "I'm dressed as Batman to hide my identity."
Just in case I thought the real Batman was coming after me; which actually made me feel a little better -- like, "Phew, it's not him."
So what I did -- unfortunately, I was harboring all this kind of awful experience and this pain inside of me, and it started to eat away at my psyche.
And I was protecting the project from it, I realized. I was protecting it -- I didn't want this special, little group of photographs to get sullied in some way.
So what I did, I took all those emails, and I put them together into something called Angrigami, which was an origami template made out of this sort of vile stuff.
And I asked people to send me beautiful things made out of the Angrigami.
But this was the emotional moment.
One of my viewer's uncles died on a particular day and he chose to commemorate it with a piece of hate.
It's amazing.
The last thing I'm going to tell you about is a series of projects called Songs You Already Know, where the idea was, I was trying to figure out to address particular kinds of emotions with group projects.
So one of them was fairly straightforward.
A guy said that his daughter got scared at night and could I write a song for her, his daughter.
And I said, "Oh yeah, I'll try to write a mantra that she can sing to herself to help herself go to sleep."
And this was "Scared."
♫ This is a song that I sing when I'm scared of something ♫ ♫ I don't know why but it helps me get over it ♫ ♫ The words of the song just move me along ♫ ♫ And somehow I get over it ♫ ♫ At least I don't suck at life ♫ ♫ I keep on trying despite ♫ ♫ At least I don't suck at life ♫
♫ I keep on trying despite ♫ ♫ This is a song that I sing when I'm scared of something ♫ Okay, so I wrote that song, right. Thank you.
So the nice thing was is he walked by his daughter's room at some point, and she actually was singing that song to herself.
So I was like, "Awesome. This is great."
And then I got this email. And there's a little bit of a back story to this.
And I don't have much time.
But the idea was that at one point I did a project called Facebook Me Equals You, where I wanted to experience what it was like to live as another person.
So I asked for people's usernames and passwords to be sent to me.
And I got a lot, like 30 in a half an hour.
And I shut that part down.
And I chose two people to be, and I asked them to send me descriptions of how to act as them on Facebook.
One person sent me a very detailed description; the other person didn't.
And the person who didn't, it turned out, had just moved to a new city and taken on a new job.
So, you know, people were writing me and saying, "How's your new job?"
I was like, "I don't know.
Didn't know I had one."
But anyway, this same person, Laura, ended up emailing me a little bit after that project.
And I felt badly for not having done a good job.
And she said, "I'm really anxious, I just moved to a new town, I have this new job, and I've just had this incredible amount of anxiety."
So she had seen the "Scared" song and wondered if I could do something.
So I asked her, "What does it feel like when you feel this way?"
And she wrote a sort of descriptive set And so what I decided to do.
I said, "Okay, I'll think about it."
And so quietly in the background, I started sending people this.
♫ Hey ♫ ♫ You're okay ♫ ♫ You'll be fine ♫ So I asked people whether they had basic audio capabilities, just so they could sing along to the song with headphones on, so I could just get their voices back.
And this is the kind of thing that I got back.
Recording: ♫ Hey ♫ ♫ You're okay ♫ ♫ You'll be fine ♫ ZF: So that's one of the better ones, really.
But what's awesome is, as I started getting more and more and more of them, all of a sudden I had 30, 40 voices from around the world.
And when you put them together, something magical happens, something absolutely incredible happens, and all of a sudden I get a chorus from around the world.
And what was really great is, I'm putting all this work together in the background, and Laura sent me a follow-up email because a good month had passed by.
And she said, "I know you've forgotten about me.
I just want to say thanks for even considering it."
And then a few days later I sent her this.
♫ Right now, it feels like I forgot to turn the light on ♫ ♫ And things that looked so good yesterday ♫ ♫ are now shades of gray ♫ ♫ And it seems like the world is spinning ♫ ♫ while I'm standing still ♫ ♫ Or maybe I am spinning I can't tell ♫ ♫ And then you say ♫ ♫ Hey ♫ ♫ You're okay ♫ ♫ You'll be fine ♫
♫ Just breathe ♫ ♫ And now the words sing ♫ ♫ Hey ♫ ♫ You're okay ♫ ♫ You'll be fine ♫ ♫ Just breathe ♫ ♫ Now everybody sings ♫ ♫ Hey ♫ ♫ You're okay ♫ ♫ You'll be fine ♫ ♫ Just breathe ♫ ♫ Hey ♫ ♫ You're okay ♫ ♫ You'll be fine ♫ ♫ Just breathe ♫ ♫ Hey ♫ ♫ You're okay ♫
♫ You'll be fine ♫ ♫ Just breathe ♫ Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
【VRMMO】Next Stage Online総合スレ part2800
『Next Stage Online』について総合的に語るスレです
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こうして人々は『対人戦』と『観戦』というコンテンツに魅せられていく......。 | [VRMMO] Next Stage Online General Thread part: Anonymous Runner
A general thread to discuss ‘Next Stage Online.’
While most subjects are allowed, party requests, complaints, trolling and bragging have their own threads.
The next thread will be created automatically.: Anonymous Runner
That was amazing!: Anonymous Runner
4: Anonymous Runner
5: Anonymous Runner
I thought they had lost once it was just the old bowman.
6: Anonymous Runner
The guy who was slamming his charge attack. lol
That was me.
7: Anonymous Runner
Well, it did look like he was panicking when he unleashed it.
I had no idea it was part of a plan.
That’s an MVP for you.
8: Anonymous Runner
The last skill was so cool...
I didn’t think he had been saving such a trump card.
9: Anonymous Runner
10: Anonymous Runner
11: Anonymous Runner
Were you even watching?
12: Anonymous Runner
There were so many self-destruct type attacks. lol
Was that their plan?
Or was it improv?
13: Anonymous Runner
It must have all been his plan.
14: Anonymous Runner
15: Anonymous Runner
Old Bowman is the strongest!
16: Anonymous Runner
17: Anonymous Runner
He’s one of the best known NSO players for a reason!
18: Anonymous Runner
You guys should talk about the other members for a change.
19: Anonymous Runner
Don’t you think they would have been able to win with just one casualty if the cat girl didn’t dig that hole?
20: Anonymous Runner
21: Anonymous Runner
22: Anonymous Runner
23: Anonymous Runner
Maybe that was why they were able to win!
24: Anonymous Runner
25: Anonymous Runner
The old guy is the MVP. Next is the monkey.
26: Anonymous Runner
The trainer did his best.
The healing alone was very important.
27: Anonymous Runner
It’s funny that there were five there, but three were controlled by AI.
And since the enemy was an AI, it was an AI battle!
28: Anonymous Runner
It must be nice to be able to use Auto Battle
Every healer would want that ability.
Healing can be very troublesome, but it becomes automatic.
29: Anonymous Runner
While they were very messy, they did feel like a balanced party.
Advance, middle and rear guard. Physical, magic, healing, ranged. There were no gaps.
30: Anonymous Runner
They don’t have a tank.
They were saved by the fact that Charin used the shiny spheres that killed any mobility.
If they were up against another party, they would need someone to block attacks and protect the archer.
31: Anonymous Runner
The cat is too weak to accept attacks, and the monkey is a sorcerer. And the trainer’s status would be low.
Yes, they’ll have trouble in the future without a shield.
32: Anonymous Runner
In other words, they have plenty of room to grow.
◆ ◆ ◆
315: Anonymous Runner
Now there are 8 players who have finished it.
Macoco and VRHAR are on a different level.
They moved like they would be able to beat Charin no matter how many times they fought.
I think the Old Bowman party would lose if they fought again.
316: Anonymous Runner
They have momentum but not enough stability.
While they did well enough, VRHAR is still better on average.
317: Anonymous Runner
VRHAR is definitely more stable.
They move with machine-like precision.
318: Anonymous Runner
What’s this VRHAR you guys are talking about?
319: Anonymous Runner
They are a pro team and the strongest guild of NSO.
Their top 4 were the first party to beat Charin.
320: Anonymous Runner
How did you not know that?
321: Anonymous Runner
I was too busy playing the game...
But why does Valhalla become VRHAR?
That doesn’t look right?
322: Anonymous Runner
VR and AR. They are a group of cyborgs that have mastered both, so they are VRHAR. The H is for human.
323: Anonymous Runner
I didn’t know that there was such a guild.
324: Anonymous Runner
Well, people online tend to hate players with such characters, but they’ve proven themselves in other games. So they have their fans.
325: Anonymous Runner
You can’t copy their movements.
They really are like cyborgs.
Well, I can’t copy Macoco either.
Or the old bowman.
326: Anonymous Runner
327: Anonymous Runner
At this point, copying any player that beat Charin is impossible for us ordinary players.
328: Anonymous Runner
People in this thread would probably lose to the weakened Charin as well.
329: Anonymous Runner
You’re exaggerating!
They won’t even be able to clear all of the trials!
330: Anonymous Runner
How sad...
◆ ◆ ◆
796: Anonymous Runner
Still, just watching the Charin fights is quite fun.
I’ve been in the fountain plaza for the past few days and haven’t gone adventuring at all.
797: Anonymous Runner
Me too.
798: Anonymous Runner
799: Anonymous Runner
High level play is really worth watching.
While this event was Charin vs players, I would also like to see a player vs player event.
800: Anonymous Runner
With the battle royale, you were rewarded for just hiding, and there were too many people during the turf war that it was chaos.
It would be nice if there was something like a tournament.
801: Anonymous Runner
Are you going to participate in it?
You better. Since it’s an event.
802: Anonymous Runner
Though, I have no chance of winning...
803: Anonymous Runner
It would suck to have so many people watch you lose...
804: Anonymous Runner
No one has any expectations for you anyway.
805: Anonymous Runner
I have expectations for myself!
I don’t want to see myself lose pathetically!
But it’s fun to see other people lose!
806: Anonymous Runner
You’re terrible. lol
807: Anonymous Runner
I hope you lose!
808: Anonymous Runner
An example of a typical poster here.
809: Anonymous Runner
Even if there is a tournament, none of you will get past the preliminaries.
You won’t even be shown at the edge of the screen.
810: Anonymous Runner
And their battle was talked about online.
Even their haphazard fighting style was interpreted as calculated, and they were rated highly without Kyuji’s knowledge.
As Management had expected, users were excited as they watched the videos.
Like this, people became absorbed by content involving battles and spectating... | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 11,
"inserted_lines_src": 24,
"inserted_lines_trg": 34
} |
そして数時間後、蜂を排除しながら賊の拠点を確認しているさなかに、彼らは何人かの生き残りを捕虜とすることになった。 | When Zegers heard the report that soldiers and knights had arrived in the nearby village, he immediately called his second-in-command, Eickstedt.
“You’re here, Eick. They came just like you’d predicted.”
Eickstedt had a resigned expression on his face. Seeing that, Zegers laughed.
“Didn’t everything go according to your prediction? Everything will work out somehow.”
“Because everything went according to my prediction, we should have left this place as soon as possible.”
Eickstedt replied to his leader’s carefree remark. In his original plan, this place was supposed to be a temporary base, but Zegers refused to move after the group gained an overwhelming victory against small bandits’ groups while fighting here.
Not only that, there had also been a conflict of interest between Eickstedt and Zegers. Eickstedt wanted the group to join another bandits’ group, but Zegers sent an arrogant letter demanding that bandits’ group to join his group. As a result, Zegers’s group had become isolated. Zegers’s simple-minded personality that made Eickstedt want to use and control him ended up shooting Eickstedt in his own foot.
There had also been the problem of food. Ever since the adventurers started to stay at that village, Zegers’s group had lost their source of food. Despite that, Zegers still refused to move. According to Zegers, this hill that overlooked its surroundings was a really precious place.
Zegers’s arrogant attitude also caused the survivors from Dagover’s and Granack’s group to not ask for help from Zegers’s group, which in turn caused Zegers’s group not to know the information about Welner’s army. Of course, neither Zegers nor Eickstedt knew this fact.
“Leader, they came.”
Leaving Eickstedt, who had a dark expression on his face, Zegers left the building and looked down the hill from behind the hastily constructed fences with a curious expression on his face.
“What’s that green board and black tower they brought with them?” (Zegers)
“I don’t know.”
One of his subordinates answered Zegers. Most of the bandits here were former commoners, so it was not strange for none of them to have seen a catapult before. Additionally, the lower half of the catapult was hidden from their point of view, so they must have thought of the catapult as a strange thing made of wood.
But not long after, a loud voice resounded as a stone of the size of a child’s head came flying into the fence.
“That... catapult!? They brought that kind of thing here!?” (Eickstedt)
Eickstedt rushed over after he heard the loud bang and with a surprised voice, he confirmed the identity of the ‘strange thing’. Immediately after Eickstedt’s exclamation, a second stone flew and landed outside the fence, causing a dent in the ground.
“But it seems like that thing’s aim sucks.”
“Eick, won’t it be better if we just go out and destroy that thing?”
It was said that the range of a catapult was meters, while the range of a longbow was meters. But that was only possible if a skilled archer was using a well-maintained longbow, arrows shot by the likes of bandits wouldn’t be able to reach that far and it definitely wouldn’t be able to reach the catapult.
Eickstedt knew this, so he shook his head.
“We can’t. The soldiers who are standing under the shadow of the board have crossbows. We will suffer a lot of casualties before we will be able to even get close to the catapult.”
Zeghers clicked his tongue, but he soon relaxed. After all, the two stones that were thrown by the catapult didn’t cause any harm to his subordinates, so Zeghers naturally assumed that the catapult’s aim was poor. The bandits also appeared to be calmer.
“Unexpectedly, that thing isn’t that dangerous.”
“Catapult is a weapon designed to tear down a town wall, after all. Bringing many of them here might be dangerous, but just one of them is nothing much.”
Just when Eickstedt was wondering why the governor’s army brought a catapult here, the catapult shot a ‘barrel’ which landed inside of the fences. The ‘barrel’ then shattered and the sound of fluttering wings resounded in the area.
Several bandits who had realized the identity of the sound screamed.
Even Eickstedt and Zegers were dumbfounded. Inside the barrel was a shattered beehive. The bees which had just lost their hive furiously attacked their surroundings. Sounds of screams filled the base in an instant.
“Ouch. it hurts.”
Against a swarm of bees, swords were practically useless. The bees’ stings hit the bandits on their unguarded faces, hands, and feet. Unable to bear the pain, some bandits fell. Others tried to ask for their comrades’ help, but unfortunately, the state of their commanders was no better than theirs.
The bandits who usually had no qualms about killing people were running left and right to escape, but it was futile. The fences that they had built themselves ended up being a cage that trapped them in this swarm of bees.
Neither Zegers nor Eickstedt could think of any countermeasure against the absurd situation that unfolded in front of their eyes. A swarm of bees headed to both of them and before they could comprehend what exactly had just happened, their faces contorted in fear.
“Well, we have no use for these hives even if we saved them, so just throw them all on the bandits.”
“The precious honey is going to be wasted...”
When Schunzel gave a signal, the soldiers loaded the next ‘barrel’ filled with a whirring sound onto the catapult with a twitched expression.
Just like that, the soldiers loaded the ‘barrel’ and shot it to the bandits’ base with an unprecedented speed, as if they were hoping to discard these hives as soon as possible. As the barrel hit the ground, a fresh round of screaming seemed to be resounding from the direction of the bandits’ base, but that might just be the wind playing tricks on their ears.
The fact that the soldiers were sighing in relief after all the barrels had flown away was true.
“I have never heard of a battle strategy involving throwing a beehive at your enemy.”
Holzdeppe muttered and Welner replied. In his previous life, Welner had even heard of a general deliberately ordering his subordinates to throw corpses to the enemy’s camp to cause a disease outbreak. Therefore, Welner didn’t think he did anything strange.
However, the adventurers who brought the beehive all the way here would retort to Welner’s thought. Even the mercenaries were watching the sight of bandits being attacked by the bees with twitching smiles, so they might agree with the adventurers.
While being relieved that stuff from his hazy memory worked out well, Welner kept gazing at the fences that the bandits had erected.
“Still, a catapult sure takes a long time to be prepared.”
“Well, I think that depends on who the users are.”
Welner’s first impression of the catapult was that it was a powerful but hard-to-use weapon. The catapult couldn’t hit an object the size of a person accurately, moving it was troublesome, and the preparations took quite a bit of time.
In Welner’s view, it was safer to use the catapult as an unmovable weapon, rather than bringing it around. While that thought was running inside of Welner’s head, the gate of the bandits’ base opened and a swarm of bandits chased by the bees came out of the gate.
“Prepare the crossbows!!”
Schunzel instructed the soldiers without needing Welner’s order, and the rain of arrows turned the group of bandits into porcupines. While side-eyeing the dead bodies of bandits, Welner ordered for torches to be prepared.
“The clean up will be a hassle.” (Welner)
“I wonder if there is any honey left...” (Neurath)
“If there is any leftover honey, you can scoop it out and eat it.” (Welner)
As expected in this kind of situation, Welner didn’t have any other choice but to burn the bees. Most likely, cleaning up the bees would take more time compared to handling the bandits, but Welner was fine with that. After all, using the bee strategy minimized the casualties among his army.
A few hours later, after investigating the bandits’ base while exterminating the bees, Welner and his army took the surviving bandits as prisoners. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 7,
"inserted_lines_src": 10,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
だが、ここでグライアの想像を超える事態が起こる。剣を脇に構えた黒騎士は一瞬身体を沈めると飛び上がる、というよりも地面すれすれを勢い良く跳躍していったのだ。 | 「Lady Mira, is it? I will remember it. However, you said this is a summon? That is to say summoners are quite amazing, aren’t they!」
「It’s nothing much if it was only to this degree.」
「This fellow is ridiculous. To acquire a summoning skill which was not inferior to hobgoblins, you must have had a really good master.」
「 Hmm, well~ I suppose so~」
It became troublesome for Mira to think of an excuse so she had answered positively. The Dark Knight that had been kept out until then was made to return.
Graia disappointingly lifted his gaze from the location of the Dark Knight. Meanwhile, two groups came back from reconnaissance of the woods.
「Report. There are no signs of others in the vicinity. With regards to the companions of that young lady there, they have either already fled the surrounding area, or......」
One of the platoon leaders found it difficult to report the contents of his report. However, it was an imaginary fear. Mira stared at the platoon leader with a guilty feeling. However, the platoon leader misunderstood the glance, and exuded a cheerful air.
「Nay, I’m sure that it is alright, young lady. It is very likely that they managed to get away. It is because hobgoblins are lacking in agility stats. They are surely safe.」
To say that they were safe so many times, this platoon leader must have had a very conscientious character, almost to the point that one would think he was not acting. Basically, having come to this, she was having an internal conflict of this being a game yet not a game.And though she couldn’t completely abandon the idea that these were roleplaying players or NPCs, these completely human reactionscaused her to feel quite shaken.
It was just that the existence of the bracelet terminal supported the idea that this was a game. Although she had heard Graia’s words that adventurers all carried the same thing, it was still very vague evidence and this worried her. In other words, evidence that this was a game only existed in Mira’s head.
「Report. Inside the hobgoblin’s fort, a number of high-class archgoblins have been spotted. However, we were able to confirm that there are at least hobgoblins. They are thought to be the same number located in the inner premises.」
「Even for the weakest variety, there are . But for there to be a higher-class species as well..... We had better wait for reinforcements then.」
「Well, now that you mention it.....」
「What is it? 」
The commander hesitated to speak a little, then he opened his mouth gravely. The words caused a huge commotion among the group of knights.
「Begin to prepare battle formations against the hobgoblins. It seems the invasion is near.」
Graia’s face grimaced for a moment, and revealing a sigh, he crossed his arms as he made his decision.
「Is that so..... well there is no time to wait for reinforcements. We must somehow do it ourselves.」
Pondering a bit, the figure of the Dark Knight whom Mira had summoned appeared in Graia’s head. That overwhelming air of intimidation which caused even hobgoblins to be frightened. Also, judging from the traces of the fierce battle that took place here, the Dark Knight’s true strength was not inferior to a hobgoblin’s. Graia estimated that to be so.
Unexpectedly, the conclusion that Graia had reached through his own suppositions, was actually quite different from reality. Graia, when he first heard that the Dark Knight had killed them all, he had imagined a fierce harsh battle. Who on earth could fight with multiple opponents continuously without pause, the result was that he thought this the result of a grand battle.
The fact that Mira had dealt with 100 opponents at the same time, let alone in a span of two to three minutes did not cross his mind. Rather, it did not come to mind because he thought it was impossible. It was common sense for the elite Arkite magic knights who were dispatched to the front of battles to fight alone. The fighting method that a summoner would use to fight did not cross their minds.
「Well then, Lady Mira. Would you lend us a hand as an adventurer here? It may be useful later on to earn the knights’ gratitude.」
Graia was keeping an eye on Mira’s summoning. Even if the odds were one-to-three for the knights, it would be unlikely for them. They had strength worthy of that of an elite. However, this time there were a large number of opponents. The danger had surely increased by six folds. This was where Mira came into play.
The summoned Dark Knight would bear the brunt of the enemy. There was no danger in dying because it could simply return. It was even better qualified as a diversion because of its dreadful appearance.
And then, while the hobgoblin’s attention was distracted, the knights would use a pincer attack to dramatically decrease their numbers. Their chances of victory would skyrocket should they be successful.
This was the plan that Graia made up.
「Hmm, well that’s fine. Then shall we go?」
「 Oh are you willing to do this? It is very kind of you. You will be compensated for this.」
Mira accepted the request. Although there was some self-interest mixed in when she accepted the request from Graia, she felt that she wouldn’t be able to sleep well if something happened to the people she just met.
What was her basis for thinking this? Not long ago, she had used 「Examine」 to get a glimpse of his status.
His stats did not amount to much after seeing this.
Looking around a little, the commander, Graia, had the highest status value. Mira assessed that his strength and stamina were rather low.
What?! The correction value of the equipment is basically non-existent! It is too low. Although it looks great, there’s nothing more than the basic performance and status on the armor he is wearing. There did not seem to have been any reinforcement items used on this.
Mira’s first impression was that a commander would have decent equipment, but that didn’t seem to be the case here.
The sounds of footsteps mixed in completely with the murmuring of the stream flowing closeby.
The Millette Forest was located in the southeast of the Arkite Kingdom border.
The Arkite knights advanced jointly in order to observe the surroundings. After moving for a while, Mira and the group exited into an open space. Situated on a slightly elevated cliff was a cave which had standing trees enclosing its perimeter. A short distance inside were an overflowing amount of blue-faced hobgoblins standing in a line. A red-faced archgoblin in the vanguard raised its voice with an incoherent sound. Anyone could tell that they would soon be marching.
Graia signalled each squad to split from their platoons and hide in the shade of the trees. Each group surveyed the opponents and held their breaths.
The hobgoblins exceeded 300 as the report stated. There were only 15 archgoblins in sight. They had the premonition that it was going to be a tough fight. That’s if the knights were the only fighting force however.
Mira was lurking in a corner of the thicket that surrounded the front of the fort. With 10 reliable knights which included Graia.
The strategy was for the concealed Mira to summon the Dark Knight in the face of the enemy. It would be nice if the diversion drew up to 50 but 30 was good as well. It would prove to be a great success if the other goblin forces revealed a gap.
The company of knights had two groups stationed on the cliff top and another two groups on the sides of the fort. If the surprise attack reduced the number of goblins on the left and right sides, the Dark Knight would be expected to head to the entrance of the Goblin fort for cover. When they showed their backs, Graia would lead his 10 men to make an assault from behind.
This was the strategy that Graia had planned. He directed all the knights to do battle. He asked Mira to order the Dark Knight to act violently and attract their attention.
While feeling the sensation of sweat running down the hand that gripped his shield, Graia touched the worn sword hanging off his waist. He was waiting impatiently with bated breath for the signal from the detached force. The other knights felt the same way, with their bodies bent low, they turned their gazes to the area where the detached forces waited with deep slow breaths. The knights swallowed down their killing intent but this only served to increase their fighting spirit. The ambiance that surrounded them did not detract from their elite image.
However, Mira felt out of place in that situation. Although she felt uncomfortable with the sharpened tension, she sat cross-legged with her right hand caressing her chin while staring intently at the songbird pecking at the nut in front of her.
She observed it skillfully jostling the nut in order to eat it. The songbird pecked a hole in the seemingly hard nut. When Mira was reflecting on the songbird’s all too realistic behavior, she felt something suddenly flicker.
「It came, the signal. Fourth and Fifth squad deployment complete.」
「Second squad’s signal came.」
「This group as well. Third squad deployment complete.」
All of the deployed squads’ signals have been received. Graia closed his eyes momentarily and exhaling deeply, gripped his sword to confirm its presence.
「Alright, Lady Mira. Please summon it.」
Mira who had been floating around in her thoughts looked back at the voice in a panic, her gaze hastily removed from the songbird.
「Ok, then let’s move along.」
The emergence point for the summoning technique was decided to be a short distance away from the fort on a hill.
【Summoning Skill: Dark Knight】
The black knight who appeared to be clad in jet-black flames quickly caught the attention of the goblins with its overwhelming presence.
The sudden appearance of an unidentified party caused the goblin force to display bewildered expressions. While raising their voices with an incoherent sound, the goblins raised their weapons without breaking formation.
Mira, who was surveying the goblins, revised her outdated ideas about goblin behavior. Then, the goblins slowly switched their ranks and soon after, twenty hobgoblins commanded by an archgoblin began to run towards the Dark Knight.
At first glance, they seemed to have been following the command of the archgoblin leader to attack. But judging from the manner in which they started charging and the order, it seemed that they were not working together.
「There’s only twenty, it’s not enough for a distraction but there is no helping it.」
Graia quietly muttered. If there were only such a small number then they would be able to clean it up immediately.
However, a situation occurred which exceeded Graia’s imagination. The Black Knight who held the sword by its side suddenly crouched and spang off. Rather than a normal jump, it crouched so low that it almost kissed the ground and leapt off with immense force. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 11,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
「はいっ! 私はいないと思うわ」
「魔力? というと、つまりどういうことなのかしら?」
その時、洞窟の入り口の方から、強烈な火炎が一気に吹き込んできた。 | Grulf was tired and needed to rest for a while before continuing on.
But in spite of being tired, he returned to his usual energy as soon as he drank some water.
Children tend to recover very quickly.
Shia said that she would let Nia follow the footprints.
Nia’s expression was very serious as she followed the goblin tracks.
“Mister Locke. I’m very sorry that this is taking a long time.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Obviously, the speed at which Nia could track the goblins was much slower than Shia.
There was no point in apologizing for that.
Besides, we weren’t trying to beat a record here.
And the mission was hardly urgent. We could go at a leisurely pace.
Grulf was also calm now as he walked.
“Shouldn’t you practice tracking the enemy too, Serulis?”
“Do you think so? Even if I’m a Warrior?”
“If you’re in a party, then you could leave it to someone more skilled. But there will be times when you have to work alone.”
And so Serulis followed Nia and started to look for footprints.
Serulis was serious and a hard worker.
Shia, Grulf and I watched those two from behind.
We were prepared to give them advice if they missed anything.
After advancing for a while, Nia said in a hushed voice,
“I found the nest.”
“You did well too, Serulis.”
“Mister Locke, thank you.”
Both Nia and Serulis had succeeded in tracing the footprints.
While it wasn’t exactly difficult, it was good for their first time.
The goblin nest was very large.
The entrance alone was wider and taller than adult men.
We stopped at a short distance from it and observed.
“What do you think this is...? It is clearly not a natural cave...”
“It’s so big, and it is unlikely the work of goblins.”
“It must be an abandoned ruin of some kind. But I am not sure.”
It was not a rare thing for goblins to take abandoned ruins and turn it into their lair.
The only thing that goblins required was a roof and walls to protect them from the rain and the wind.
“Who would have thought that such a large ruin would exist near the capital...”
Shia and Serulis said excitedly.
The guild was aware of all discovered ruins.
If there was a ruin near the location where the goblins appeared, they would have told us when we accepted the quest.
And they would have given us a map of the place.
“We don’t know if it is an old ruin yet.”
“That’s true. But it doesn’t look like the work of nature.”
“That’s true. In any case, we’ll investigate it after defeating the goblins.”
Shia patted Nia on the head.
“You have good luck. You might be able to explore an ancient ruin on your first mission.”
“Yes, sister. I will do my best!”
And so we entered the nest in order to kill the goblins.
Nia and Shia walked in the front. Serulis was in the middle. And Grulf and I took the rear.
Nia’s skills were quite wonderful for her age.
Goblins were no match for her.
But she was still a child. And so she clearly did not have enough strength.
So it was better that she not go on missions alone.
We continued through the ruins and ultimately killed five goblins.
I asked Grulf in a hushed voice.
“Grulf, are there any more?”
Grulf growled once and wagged his tail. He was probably saying that there were no more.
And so I patted him on the head.
A short distance from us, Shia was talking to Nia.
“Do you think that there are any more?”
“I don’t think there are any, sister!”
“And why do you think that?”
Shia was constantly teaching Nia.
I was sure that Nia would become a great Adventurer under Shia’s guidance.
As I thought this and watched Shia and Nia, Serulis walked over to me.
“What is it?”
Serulis fidgeted. I figured it out.
She wanted me to question her, just like Shia was doing to Nia.
“So, Serulis. Do you think there are more goblins here?”
“No! I do not think there is.”
“Because of the number of footprints near the entrance. And also...”
Serulis explained as well as she could.
“Hmm. Correct.”
After that, we all gathered the magic stones from the goblins.
Shia carefully taught Nia how to remove them.
It was one of the necessary skills when becoming an Adventurer.
After taking out the stones, we decided to burn the carcasses later, and explore the ruins.
“There doesn’t seem to be anything here.”
It was just very wide with a very high ceiling.
We didn’t find anything interesting, and Nia was visibly disappointed.
“Nia. Most ruins don’t really have anything to discover, you know.”
“But even if they are empty, you can learn things about the past from the structure.”
“Yes, sister. I will keep that in mind!”
As the sisters talked like this, Serulis said,
“Maybe there is something magical here?”
“There is definitely no magic cast on this place.”
“No hidden doors with concealment spells...?”
“Not at all.”
I said, and Serulis too looked disappointed.
She looked just like Nia now. It was a little funny.
“I see. That’s too bad.”
“But I do feel magic energy.”
“Magic energy? What do you mean?”
“It means that at some time in the past, the cave was under a spell. Maybe a Sorcerer has been here before.”
Serulis tilted her head to the side.
Just then, a violent burst of fire blew in from the entrance of the cave. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 6,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
イラクでも、アメリカ軍の攻撃はたくさんの民間人の命を奪った。ここでもまた、多くの例の中ひとつを挙げるので十分であろう。2003年4月5日、バスラ近郊の民間世帯が爆撃された。標的は(イラクに対する化学兵器の多用からこう呼ばれる)「ケミカル・アリ」ことアリ・ハサン・アル・マジド将軍であった。爆弾のひとつがハムーディ一家を直撃した。彼らは尊厳ある、教育を受けた家族であり、誰一人として、支配権力を持つバース党の党員ではなかった。近親を含むと14人の家族であったが、そのうち、2歳の幼児、10歳の男児、12歳の女児ら子供を含む10人が殺された。4ヵ月後、マジドは捕虜として捕らえられた:爆弾は向かうべき標的を逃したのだ。 | One bomb hit the home of the Hamoodi family, a respected, educated family, none of whose members belonged to the ruling Baath Party. Of the extended family of 14, ten were killed, including an infant, a two-year-old baby, a 10-year-old boy, and a 12-year-old girl. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「聞こえなかったか? だから」
「何がそんなに嫌なんだ? 皇帝の妻になれるんだぞ?」
「だから! それを言わないで!」
......変わってるのは貴方よ! どこの誰か分からない人間をよく皇后にしようなんて思うわね。
「私が? どうして!? 確かに皇后に悪女は多そうだけど......」
ん? あれは何だろう? もしかして硬貨かしら。
もしかして、ヴィアンの愛人!? 愛人の一人や二人いてもおかしくないものね。
まぁ、さっき貴方が私に皇后になれなんて言ったところだもの。そりゃ、リップスティックなんて出てきたら動揺するわよね。 | I could have sworn my words had echoed throughout the royal palace all morning. I was taken aback by my own voice.
I was so shocked that I dropped all the papers I was carrying on the floor.
I would normally be beheaded instantly for talking to the prince this way.
But what Vian had just said was totally unexpected and shocking.
Anyone would want to scream out loud after being told something like that. ...I felt like my speech was getting worse since I came to Ravaal Kingdom.
“Didn’t you hear me? That’s why.”
“I did hear you, but I can’t believe it! You don’t have to repeat yourself!”
“Heh, you’re cute when you’re upset.”
Vian looked at me with a smirk on his face.
What kind of train of thought does this guy have?
“What’s so bad about it? You could be the wife of the emperor.”
“That’s why! Don’t say something so ridiculous!”
“You’re so odd.”
He said while staring at me with a strange look on his face.
...You’re the one who’s strange! How dare you appoint a person you don’t even really know as an empress?
I came to the Ravaal Kingdom as a spy, not as an empress. I would have to return to Duelkis Kingdom someday.
“First, how can you say that if you don’t even like me?”
I took a deep breath and then calmly began the conversation.
Calm down, Alicia.
“I’m rather fond of you, you know.”
“You’re not in love with me, are you?”
“Marriage doesn’t need romance. Only a commoner could have such a thing.”
Surely, if you are a prince, that would be the case...
They couldn’t normally have a romantic marriage. Usually, they just go along with the engagement that their parents have decided upon.
In my case, I would never be asked to marry anyone in the Duelkis Kingdom. I enjoy the notoriety... except for Duke-sama.
“Besides, you have the capacity of an empress.”
I tilt my head involuntarily, not understanding Vian’s words.
“You have enough qualities to be an empress.”
“Me? Why! It’s true that there seem to be many wicked women as empresses, but...”
“What are you talking about?”
Vian looks doubtful at my mutterings.
“No, nothing.”
...For the time being, let’s concentrate on the job at hand. I didn’t have the time to think about his words anymore.
I picked up a piece of paper that had fallen to the ground. At that moment, I noticed something glimmering at the edge of the floor.
Hmm? What is it? Could it be a coin?
I slowly grab it and roll it between my palms.
Was this a lipstick?
“I wonder who this lipstick belongs to.”
I examine the lipstick carefully.
Could it be Vian’s mistress? Of course, he could have one or two mistresses.
“Hey, what’s this?”
Vian turned to me and said, “What?” He noticed the lipstick in my palm at the same time and snatched it away from me.
I could tell that he was rushing, which was unusual for Vian.
Well, he just asked me to become an empress. Of course, he’d assume I’d be upset when I found lipstick. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「......治療薬? で、でもマディを手に入れないと......」
の植物を使って、作りおった。信じられるか? あんな小さな少年がわしの為に常識を覆したんだ」
「そんな......本当に完成したのなら偉業です。......兄上はそれを飲んだのですか? 治験もせずに」
ジルもルークも、わしに捕らわれず前に進んで欲しい。 | “Brother, how are you feeling?”
In his worried deep blue eyes, Gramps could see his own thin, gaunt figure. I showed him the empty bottle in my hand.
Luke stared at the bottle with a curious expression.
“...What is this?”
“It’s a cure for spotted disease that Gilles brought.”
“...A cure? But we need to get Maddie...”
Luke accepted the empty bottle, wide-eyed and puzzled.
“He made it out of three plants. Can you believe it? A little boy like that has turned the tables on me.”
“Seriously...if he really did it, it’s a great feat. But you drank it? Without even conducting a clinical trial?”
“No doubt it was a success.”
I said quietly to calm Luke down.
It was no small feat to produce the same components as Maddie but the boy had accomplished it.
After taking the cure, the pain all over his body had eased a little. The effect was immediate.
Before it had been difficult to even rouse his weakened body, but it was easier to talk to him now.
“But, my brother is already...”
“Ah, I certainly can’t be saved.”
Saying this in a sure voice, Luke shut his mouth.
It was no longer a matter of when I would go to the other side. If anything, it was a wonder that I was still alive. I was still breathing because of the sole reason that Gilles, that child, still needed me by his side.
But that was no longer the case. He had many friends. He was not alone anymore.
Even with medication, it was difficult for me to completely recover from this terminal condition. But I feel like my life has been extended just a little bit.
“From now on, Gilles will save many people. This is a miracle drug. It will leave its mark on history and everyone will know his name. The boy who was once abandoned and dying in that village will become someone the world needs. Too bad I won’t be alive to see it happen...”
“...Don’t I have to tell him?”
Luke wrinkled his brow and said wistfully.
“Gilles knows this in his heart. He’s just not ready to accept my death yet.”
Gilles was no longer alone with me, he had other places to go.
He may face a lot of challenges in the future, but he will be fine. Since the first time I saw him, I could see the strong will to live in his eyes.
“There is nothing more to worry about.”
“...Speaking of which, Duke went to see Alicia. It was useless to stop him.”
“I see. ...It’s good to give him a little freedom while you can. I wanted to see the country those two would be building.”
“I wanted to see the country you built, brother.”
Luke said, staring at me. Please don’t die yet, his eyes begged.
I thought he was an adult now, but it seems he was still a child.
I wondered what Luke’s mother, Julie, was doing now. She will be an obstacle for Gilles, Alicia, and Duke.
They’d have to confront the issue sooner or later if she was up to something behind their backs.
“...Alicia is a lot like Amelia.”
Luke’s words reminded me of the deceased Princess of the Melvin Kingdom, who was married into the Duelkis Kingdom. She was also Duke’s mother.
The only connection this non-diplomatic country had was with the Melvin Kingdom.
I didn’t know much about her, but I had seen her visiting Duelkis Kingdom as Luke’s fiancée after I had lost my magical power.
“She was physically weak, but she was a very strong and wise woman.”
I could tell by the tone of his voice that he still loved her.
She was tall and brown-skinned, with pitch-black hair in a single braid. She was a beautiful, bright woman with a strong spirit.
She was younger than me, but I remember she had a certain dignity about her.
“I thought there was only one woman like that in the world, but Alicia has gone beyond that.”
Luke smiled nostalgically and sadly.
He would like to see his late wife again. When you think about it, Luke has always been unhappy. He must have been in a suffocating environment because he was the child of a mistress. Suddenly I was gone; he lost his wife, who supported and loved him, and he had to take charge of this country.
“...I had a brief conversation with Amelia when she first arrived in this country many years ago. When I asked her if she was afraid to marry into this country, she replied with a big smile that it would be great for her child to be able to use magic. I’ll never forget that image.”
“She was that kind of woman. She had a strong sense of justice, faith, and was not afraid.... There was a gaping hole in my heart the day she died. And I’m about to lose someone I care about again.”
I could hear the slight tremor in Luke’s voice.
I couldn’t say anything. I had already prepared for my death long ago. But those who would be left behind were not ready for my death.
I hope both Gilles and Luke will move on without being trapped by me. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「でもカルロさまと結婚されたとしてもそれはご自身が望んだお相手ではないのでは? あ、失礼な言い方で申し訳ありませんが」
いつ攻めるの? 今でしょ?!(古)
「くそっ! こいつらやるぞ」
「言っただろ? 効かないって。さあ次はどうする? 忍術でも使うか?」
「フラウディア、大丈夫か? 怖かっただろう」
「これはいったい何事だ? 貴殿の名をお聞かせいただきたい」
「これは辺境伯さまとは失礼いたしました。何があったのですか? この死んでいる者たちは?」
あーあ、もうちょっとでキス出来そうだったのになあ。 | “Got it. Then listen well to what I have to say now.”
I took a deep breath and started to talk to Fraudia.
“First of all, I want to say again that I swore my loyalty to His Majesty and Her Imperial Highness from the bottom of my heart.”
“I also know that.”
“Yeah. Then, Fraudia should also have heard this, Her Imperial Highness is an important tool for negotiations for His Majesty and Franz Kingdom. In such a situation the Princess will be married off to another country’s royal family or a local noble sooner or later. In the end, it’s for political reasons, right?”
“That’s what the Princess always says as well. She said she’s ready for it.”
“That’s right, isn’t it? But I feel sorry for Her Imperial Highness to end up like this. One has to sacrifice themselves not to defeat an enemy but for political reasons. Besides His Majesty the King is in conflict with the nobles at the moment. Under these circumstances, if Her Imperial Highness is married off to a noble to reconcile with them what will happen to her?”
“It’s inevitable that His Majesty and the nobles will clash sometime soon. I want to avoid that Her Imperial Highness is used for the things I mentioned earlier. If possible, I want her Imperial Highness to have a happy marriage with a partner she chose.”
“But even if she gets married to Carlo-sama you aren’t a partner she chose herself, right? Ah, please forgive my rudeness.”
“No, you’re right. Getting married off to me would be the same thing. Fraudia, make sure to keep what I’m going to tell you now a secret from His Imperial Highness.”
“Yes, I kind of feel scared asking you now.”
“I asked His Majesty for an engagement with Her Imperial Highness for the reasons I told His Majesty additionally to the reasons I just told you. However, I don’t intend to marry her Imperial Highness. I just want to get engaged to her.”
“Just get engaged......?”
“That’s right. As I said before, I want Her Imperial Highness to find her own happiness with a partner she chose herself and I myself haven’t fallen in love with her at first sight.
I can’t really tell her that this partner is supposed to be the Hero and that I’m actually the author who created this world and decided on that but what I said wasn’t a lie.
Though Fraudia will bear a grudge when the time comes for Carlo to betray the Princess and the King in his coup d’état but please forgive me because there’s a happy ending waiting for her (planned).
“Is what you said the truth?”
“Yeah, it’s the truth. That’s why I, of course, don’t plan to do anything with the Princess even if we get engaged. You’ll understand if you watch closely, Fraudia, right?”
“Carlo-sama, I didn’t think you would consider the Princess that much......”
I could see, even though she wore a shawl, that Fraudia was touched and moved to tears.
You did it, Carlo, Point Uuuuup!!
Is now the time to attack?
When should I attack? Now, right?! (Stale)
“In the first place, I thought that Fraudia was much prettier than Her Imperial Highness when I met her.”
I gave a smile mimicking Lunos.
How’s that? Did it work?
“That’s, Carlo-sama......”
Oooh, it worked, it worked!
That attack just now was a direct hit!
While I was at a loss if I should hug her a voice sounded.
“Carlo-sama, there’s a strange presence.”
Doji who was standing guard close by came over and whispered in a low voice.
He already held his axe in his hand.
That’s right, there was a setting that Doji had a superior wild intuition.
“Fraudia, there’s something strange. Don’t leave my side.”
“Ye, yes......?”
I also pulled out my Oricalcum Sword and investigated the area for that presence.
I certainly feel a disturbance in the dark.
Who is it that dared to disturb this good moment?!
I call for the lizard (Salamander) Reus the fire spirit in my mind.
Then I formed seals with my left hand and chanted the aria for a light spell in a low voice.
Fireballs started to float in the air and at the same time illuminated this area.
There were five men dressed in black.
Each one of them held Swords resembling Japanese Swords in their hands and covered their faces with a mask.
Aren’t they the same as ninjas?
“You guys, quit acting cool. What are you doing?”
Doji asked but no one answered.
Those five people made a semicircle and gradually shuffled around the three of us.
“Hmpf, I bet our friend, Rejum sent them over. Are you aiming for me or Fraudia?”
The man standing in the middle was going to answer my question.
“Margrave Medici, we will take your life. Of course, we won’t let the other two live either.”
Mmm, it’s like a historical drama.
But I can’t forgive them.
If it went well I might have gotten my first kiss or we might have gone a little further.
When I thought about that I got really angry.
“I feel sorry for you guys. To especially come here on a day like this. I’m in a pretty bad mood.”
I held my Oricalcum sword in front of me as I said that.
Fraudia was properly following behind me.
“How......?! To dodge that”
I knocked down the thing which suddenly flew towards me with my sword.
As I thought what you threw was a shuriken, wasn’t it?
I was able to deal with it and I think I looked pretty cool.
Thanks to the fireballs it was bright and the author’s correction was applied.
They seemed surprised that I was able to deal with that.
“Those tricks don’t work on me. If you don’t believe me want to try it again?”
Hyun, Hyun, Hyun!
On my provocation, several shuriken flew towards me.
Kakin, Kakin, Kakin!
I repelled them left and right.
Looking to my side, I saw Doji using his axe as a substitute for a shield and he was able to block them properly.
The intuition of a wild nature child is truly splendid.
“****! They are able to do it”
“I told you, didn’t I? It won’t work on me. So, what are you going to do next? Ninjutsu?”
As soon as I said that several shurikens came flying from the left again.
Then I turned my head towards the Ninja who appeared at the place where I tried to repel those flying things.
He ran close to the ground and tried to stab me with his sword from a low posture.
I didn’t think about combined attacks from above and below.
But my speed doesn’t allow it to work.
I just swung down my sword after I repelled the shurikens in the upper corner.
My sword reaches my opponent faster than the tip of his sword could reach me.
Just when I cut one another guy came flying from the sky about to cut me.
I stepped into the opposite direction and blocked my opponent’s sword which swung down on me from the front.
Followed by the impact my opponent’s sword broke from the root.
That guy lost his balance from the shock and flipped over, at that time I stabbed him with my sword.
The Oricalcum Sword penetrated through my opponent’s chest along with an indescribable response.
At the moment I pulled out the sword I felt a burning sensation running up my spine.
As I turned around when I felt that sensation I saw a sword nearly cutting me from behind.
While I twisted my body and dodged it I swung my sword to the left.
The one I slashed at was the leader-like man who answered my question a while ago.
My sword dug deep into the man’s body.
After the man coughed up some blood he slowly fell down.
Far from the blade even being scratched there wasn’t even any blood sticking to the Oricalcum sword even after I pulled it out of that man.
Even after cutting down three people its sharpness didn’t decrease.
As I expected this is a good sword, it’s worth its price.
When I looked to the side I saw Doji cut down one guy and faced the last one.
Let’s capture that one and interrogate him, shall we?
“Doji, let this one live and capture him.”
Seeing that all his companions were done in he turned his back to us and tried to flee.
I struck his back with the back of the sword.
The man fell from the impact and let go of his sword.
This caused me to grab that man’s head.
“I’ll have you tell me who your employer is.”
“Gu, gufuu......”
Blood ran down the man’s mouth.
In that moment the life left his eyes.
****, did he bite off his tongue?
What a guy, going this far to keep that secret.
For my opponent to use these guys, I can’t be careless, huh?
“Are you alright, Fraudia? You must’ve been scared.”
“I’m alright. Because I know about Carlo-sama’s strength.”
I approached Fraudia and took her hand.
While trembling a little, Fraudia looked at me firmly.
Her brown eyes were looking through the veil at me for a while.
****, like I thought that girl’s my type.
“People will come soon. If it comes out that we met here it would become troublesome in various ways. Leave quickly.”
“Understood. Then I shall take my leave. Carlo-sama......”
“Please call me Frau. Well then”
When I put out the fireballs Fraudia disappeared in the darkness.
Ah, I mean Frau.
Frau, I wonder when we’ll be able to meet again.
Meanwhile, three knights rushed here.
It seems like they were the knights in charge of guarding the royal palace.
You’re slow, good grief.
“What on earth happened here? Please state your name.”
“I’m Margrave Carlo de Medici. And that over there is my attendant, Doji.”
“Forgive me for my rudeness, Margrave-sama. What happened here? Who are these dead people?”
“That’s what I want to know. When I was taking a walk I was suddenly attacked by those guys. Who are they?”
“No idea at all. Investigate those guy’s identities with your people”
Well, they won’t be able to find any evidence, though.
Those guys are obviously professional shinobi.
“By the way, what was Margrave-sama doing here?”
“Do I have to explain myself in front of you?”
When I glared at them the knights suddenly became flustered.
“No, there won’t be a problem even if we don’t question you. Be careful”
“I’m sorry but could you please investigate this. Tell me about your progress.”
I returned to the mansion together with Doji.
Oh man, I was almost able to kiss her. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
「どうした? いつものように話しかけなくていいのか? なにか我から情報をとれるかもしれぬぞ?」
「そうだな。だが、それは隠してはおらぬぞ? そんな当然のことを偉そうに言うなど、賢者と言われていても所詮は猿か?」
「アーク何匹を霧に変えた? これだけアークを失えば今後の作戦に支障が出るだろう?」
真祖は鼻で笑う。だが、目の奥に一瞬焦りが見えたように見えた。 | In a corner of the royal palace. The place that would be considered the courtyard in an ordinary mansion.
While it was a courtyard, it was large enough for Grulf to run around in.
But though we had only just dispelled the mist, it was already filling up once again.
‘Please do.’
Cried Lord Gerberga, and the mist was swept away at once.
‘There is nothing here?’
But once it was gone, it seemed like there was nothing there. Even a quick search with magic did not detect anything.
And so I used Magic Detection and Magic Exploration very carefully, and then I finally caught a presence.
“It’s you. Hurry up and die.”
But before it could reach him, Dark Ray was shot in our direction.
Dark Ray was the magic that the Evil God head had used previously.
As I could not allow it to hit us, I created a barrier to block it completely.
“That’s what I should be saying to you. Hero ape.”
It was the True Ancestor who was hiding here. And judging by the quality of the magic energy, it must be the real one.
It was very similar to the one I killed yesterday. Just a little weaker.
And at the True Ancestor’s feet, there was a complex magic circle carved into the ground.
I unsheathed the Devil King Sword and attacked the True Ancestor.
Eric and Goran did the same. Even without exchanging any words, we were able to coordinate.
But the True Ancestor dodged our slash attacks and blocked with barriers. However, he did not attack.
There was no doubt that he was planning something.
“What’s the matter? You are usually much more talkative. You might be able to get some information from me?” “I doubt you’ll say anything that is important.” “That is true. You are smart for an ape, Ruck.”
As the True Ancestor dodged our fierce attacks, it laughed with amusement.
It was as if he was telling us that his hidden plan was moving along smoothly.
“Well, it’s you, after all. So you must be planning to revive the Evil God?”
The dark ones had been trying to bring back the Evil God for a while.
“Indeed. However, it was never a secret? You boast about knowing something so obvious. People may call you a sage, but you are really just an ape after all.” The True Ancestor looked at me mockingly.
“You lured us away from the palace, tore a hole in the divine protection, and concealed what you were doing with mist.” “Yes. And what of it?”
The True Ancestor waived his right hand.
And then Vampire Lords appeared all around us. There were fifteen in all.
“Leave them to us.”
“We can manage it if there are this many!”
Serulis, Shia, and Grulf all attacked the Lords.
With brilliant coordination, they sent the Lords to their graves, one after another.
I also unleashed some magic at the Lords while slashing at the True Ancestor with my sword.
“The mist is the key to your plan, isn’t it?”
He had gotten rid of us because we would be in the way. After all, we were always stopping the dark ones whenever they attempted something.
As for the hole in the Divine Protection, that was to use the mist.
The mist was made of Arch Vampires. They could not be active under the Divine Protection.
“You are wrong. No surprise, since you’re just an ape.”
The True Ancestor laughed cheerfully.
“How many Archs did you turn into mist? Surely losing this many Archs will have a negative impact on future operations?” “There is no need for you to act concerned.”
“So this is the final operation. In this mist, you will complete your ultimate goal.” “Yes, we’ve always been trying to revive the Evil God. As I said before, this was never a secret.”
The True Ancestor’s expression was still filled with confidence.
“Besides, an ape like you would not be able to understand how we will accomplish it.”
“Should you really be that confident? After all, you are about to die here.” “I do not fear death. As long as the Lord Evil God returns, my life means little.”
So not only was he sacrificing numerous Arch Vampires, but he meant to sacrifice himself as well.
(The return of the Evil God. The problem was the method...)
I thought about it while fighting.
There was no doubt that it was related to the magic circle that the True Ancestor was preparing while being concealed in the mist.
It looked similar to a teleportation circle, but was completely different.
It was only yesterday that I drew a magic teleportation circle that connected Marguerite’s mansion with the royal capital.
And so I could say with certainty that it was different.
That being said, I hadn’t been able to analyze this magic circle either.
It was too complicated. If I wanted to analyze it, I would have to take a seat and inspect it carefully. And that would take hours.
“I suppose you mean to sacrifice the citizens of the royal capital, in order to revive the Evil God?” Even though I couldn’t analyze the magic circle, there were only so many actions that the enemy could take to achieve their goal.
“And so you had to destroy the divine protection, in order to enact your plan of using all of the dark ones to slaughter the people of this city?”
The Trust Ancestor snorted. However, I thought I saw a moment of franticness in the depths of his eyes. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 12,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「あのなぁ、お前じゃ前には座れないだろ? 邪魔でしょうがねぇよ。特にそのウサミミ。風になびいて目に突き刺さるだろうが」
「ああ、生きているに越したことはないからな。その方が、感じる恩はでかい。これから先、国やら教会やらとの面倒事は嫌ってくらい待ってそうだからな。盾は多いほうがいいだろう? いちいちまともに相手なんかしたくないし」
「そうですよ、愛ちゃん先生。清水君の部屋だって荒らされた様子はなかったんです。自分で何処かに行った可能性だって高いんですよ? 悪い方にばかり考えないでください」
次々とかけられる気遣いの言葉に、愛子は内心で自分を殴りつけた。事件に巻き込まれようが、自発的な失踪であろうが心配であることに変わりはない。しかし、それを表に出して、今、傍にいる生徒達を不安にさせるどころか、気遣わせてどうするのだと。それでも、自分はこの子達の教師なのか! と。愛子は、一度深呼吸するとペシッと両手で頬を叩き気持ちを立て直した。
「皆さん、心配かけてごめんなさい。そうですよね。悩んでばかりいても解決しません。清水君は優秀な魔法使いです。きっと大丈夫。今は、無事を信じて出来ることをしましょう。取り敢えずは、本日の晩御飯です! お腹いっぱい食べて、明日に備えましょう!」
「いや、それよりも天丼だろ? このタレとか絶品だぞ? 日本負けてんじゃない?」
「それは、玉井君がちゃんとした天丼食べたことないからでしょ? ホカ弁の天丼と比べちゃだめだよ」
「皆様、本日のお食事はいかがですか? 何かございましたら、どうぞ、遠慮なくお申し付けください」
「えっ!? それって、もうこのニルシッシル(異世界版カレー)食べれないってことですか?」
「もうっ、何度言えばわかるんですか。私を放置してユエさんと二人の世界を作るのは止めて下さいよぉ。ホント凄く虚しいんですよ、あれ。聞いてます? 〝ハジメ〟さん」
「んまっ! 聞きました? ユエさん。〝ハジメ〟さんが冷たいこと言いますぅ」
その会話の内容に、そして少女の声が呼ぶ名前に、愛子の心臓が一瞬にして飛び跳ねる。彼女達は今何といった? 少年を何と呼んだ? 少年の声は、〝あの少年〟の声に似てはいないか? 愛子の脳内を一瞬で疑問が埋め尽くし、金縛りにあったように硬直しながら、カーテンを視線だけで貫こうとでも言うように凝視する。
「あぁ? ...................................................先生?」
「南雲君......やっぱり南雲君なんですね? 生きて......本当に生きて...」
「ちょっと待って下さい! 南雲君ですよね? 先生のこと先生と呼びましたよね? なぜ、人違いだなんて」
「それはそれで、物凄く失礼ですよ! ていうかそんな方言あるわけないでしょう。どうして誤魔化すんですか? それにその格好......何があったんですか? こんなところで何をしているんですか? 何故、直ぐに皆のところへ戻らなかったんですか? 南雲君! 答えなさい! 先生は誤魔化されませんよ!」
「な、何ですか、あなたは? 今、先生は南雲君と大事な話を......」
「ええと、ハジメさん。いいんですか? お知り合いですよね? 多分ですけど......元の世界の......」
「別に関係ないだろ。流石にいきなり現れた時は驚いたが、まぁ、それだけだ。元々晩飯食いに来たんだし、さっさと注文しよう。マジで楽しみだったんだよ。知ってるか? ここカレー......じゃわからないか。ニルシッシルっていうスパイシーな飯があるんだってよ。想像した通りの味なら嬉しいんだが......」
愛子が若干どもりながら「えっ? えっ?」とハジメと二人の美少女を交互に見る。上手く情報を処理出来ていないらしい。後ろの生徒達も困惑したように顔を見合わせている。いや、男子生徒は「まさか!」と言った表情でユエとシアを忙しなく交互に見ている。徐々に、その美貌に見蕩れ顔を赤く染めながら。
「そんなっ! 酷いですよハジメさん。私のファーストキスを奪っておいて!」
「女の子のファーストキスを奪った挙句、ふ、二股なんて! 直ぐに帰ってこなかったのは、遊び歩いていたからなんですか! もしそうなら......許しません! ええ、先生は絶対許しませんよ! お説教です! そこに直りなさい、南雲君!」
きゃんきゃんと吠える愛子を尻目に、面倒な事になったとハジメは深い深い溜息を吐くのであった。 | In the middle of the vast plain was a highway stretching far to the North. Although it was called a highway, it was actually just ground without weeds since it had been treaded on so many times, thus it naturally became a road. Since there’s no such thing as a suspension in carriages of this world, the carriage crew would surely have sore butts by the time they reached their destination.
Suddenly, a shadow ran through the uneven road at an unbelievable speed. On its black body were two wheels advancing forward on the uneven road, carrying silhouettes of three people.
They are Hajime, Yue, and Shia. They moved on the highway at a speed incomparable to the time when they were at the bottom of the Raisen Grand Canyon. It might be more than km/h. Because there was nothing to obstruct his magic, the magic-driven two-wheeler’s original specs could be displayed. Their seating order was just as usual: Yue between Hajime’s arms, and Shia at his back. Shia’s rabbit ears were pata pata, fluttering in the wind.
Warm sunlight poured down because of the good weather, and with Yue using her magic to adjust the wind pressure, it could be said it was good weather for touring. In fact, Yue and Shia were feeling the warm sunlight and comfortable wind with their entire bodies, closing their eyes because it felt pleasant.
“Hau~, it’s niice~, Yue-saa~n. We should exchange places when we retuurn~”
“... ... That won’t do. This is my spot.”
“Eh~, don’t say that, let us change our places~, it’s nice in the back~”
Shia demanded to Yue that they exchange their seats with a slackened and stretched tone. With an unpleasant face, Hajime looked at Shia’s relaxed face over his shoulder and answered in Yue’s stead.
“You know, you can’t sit in front, right? Also, you’ll only obstruct me. Especially those rabbit ears. They’ll hit my eyes when the wind blows.”
“Ah~, that’s riight~”
“... ... It’s not good, she’s almost asleep.”
Apparently, Shia was half-asleep because of how comfortable it was. She laid her head on Hajime’s shoulder with all of her weight. She was also half-asleep when she was talking to Yue before.
“Well, with this pace we only need one day. I’ll go non-stop, so let’s rest when it’s time to rest.”
Just as Hajime had said, Hajime and his party were going to a town only one day away; the town closest to the northern mountain range area where Will’s party undertook the investigation request. They had advanced as is without taking a break, so they would probably arrive at sunset and start searching after a night’s stay in town. The reason they were in a hurry was, of course, the fact that as more time passed, Will’s party’s odds of survival decreased. But because Hajime was being proactive for another person’s sake, Yue was glancing upward with doubt on her face.
Hajime let out a wry smile when he saw Yue adorably incline her neck in between his arms.
“... ... Proactive?”
“Aa, it’s better if he’s alive. If it’s like that, he will truly be grateful. After all, problems from the Kingdom and Church are waiting ahead of us. So, isn’t it better to have more support? I don’t want to take care of them one by one, after all.”
“... ... I see.”
In fact, he didn’t know what could possibly be done with Ilwa’s support. If anything, the possibility of him being a type of useless support was bigger. But, if it could be acquired with little work, then the work might not be regrettable.
“I have also heard that our destination, the lakeside town, has plenty of rivers. That’s why the town’s outskirts are the continent’s number one rice-producing area.”
“... ... Rice farm?”
“Ou, in other words it’s the rice. Rice. It’s the staple food of my hometown, Japan. I haven’t eaten it even once since I came here. So, although I don’t know if it is the same thing or not, I want to hurry to eat it.”
“... ... Nn, I also want to eat it... ... The town’s name?”
Hajime looked far into the distance while remembering rice dishes. Looking at the Hajime with a content expression plastered across his face, Yue hadn’t yet actually heard of the town’s name and asked him. “Hah”, Hajime was startled, he even was a little embarrassed when he noticed Yue’s gaze. He then replied with a somewhat loud voice to hide his embarrassment.
“It’s the Lakeside Town called Ul.”
“Haa, there’s no clue today, too... Shimizu-kun, where on earth did you go...”
With her shoulders dropping dejectedly, the person who was walking through Ul’s main street was one of the summoned ones; the teacher, Hatayama Aiko. Her usual cheerfulness was gone. Currently, she was tortured with anxiety and worry, while a gloomy atmosphere hung around her. Somehow the main street’s color, and even the streetlights were dimmer than usual.
“Aiko, don’t be so disappointed. We still don’t know anything. It’s enough to just think he is safe. What can you do if you don’t even believe.”
“That’s right, Ai-chan-sensei. Shimizu-kun’s room didn’t seem to be attacked. So isn’t the probability of him going out on his own be higher? Please stop thinking of just bad things.”
Because Aiko was low-spirited, the commander of Aiko’s exclusive bodyguards; David, and her student; Yuka, called out to her. In her surroundings were the familiar Knights and students. They were also severely worried about Aiko and tried to talk to her.
One of the classmates, Shimizu Yukitoshi had disappeared for a little over two weeks. Aiko and the others had tried to search for him, leaving no stone unturned. However, his whereabouts were still unknown. There had been no sightings in this town, so they had sent messengers to the other towns and villages in the vicinity, but in the end their efforts were still in vain.
Although, at first they thought he was involved in an accident, Shimizu’s room was clean. Shimizu himself was a “Dark Magician,” a class that possessed high aptitude toward dark magic. He also had high aptitude in other magic systems, that was why he couldn’t be done in by the neighborhood thugs. A lot of them thought he left voluntarily.
Moreover, Shimizu was an obedient indoor type who had low sociability. Even among the classmates he didn’t have an especially close friend. It was also surprising that he wanted to be Ai-chan’s bodyguard. Because of that, other than Aiko, the students were sure of his safety. They were more concerned about Aiko, who became more low-spirited as the days passed. There was no need to say how worried her bodyguard Knights were.
Incidentally, they had reported it to the Kingdom and Church, and it seemed like a search party they had organized was coming. Shimizu was a summoned one with talent in magic, unlike the episode with Hajime in which the top management didn’t even take an optimistic view. The search party would arrive in another two to three days.
Because words of concern came one after another, Aiko mentally hit herself. Whether he was involved in an incident or voluntarily disappeared, didn’t matter, it didn’t change the fact that it worried her. However, she must put it aside for now. Now her duty was to cheer up the other students at her side. That’s why, “I am these children’s teacher!”. Aiko took a deep breath then slapped her cheeks with her hands to recover her spirit.
“Everyone, I am sorry for worrying you. It’s just as you said. Nothing would be solved by brooding over it. Shimizu is an excellent magic-user. He’ll surely be okay. Now, let us believe he is safe. Now, for today’s dinner! Let’s eat our fill and prepare for tomorrow!”
Although they knew she was overdoing it, the students obediently replied to her with a shout “Ye~s”, as they cheered up. The Knights were also pleased with her appearance.
When that sound rang out, the door of the inn Aiko and the others were staying at opened. It was the number one inn in Ul. Its name was “Water Fairy Inn”. A long time ago, a pair of husband and wife fairies stayed in Uldeia Lake, and that was the origin of its name. Uldeia Lake was the lake boasted as the largest in the continent, and located on the outskirts of Ul town. Its size was about four times that of Lake Biwa in Japan.
The first floor of “Water Fairy Inn” was a restaurant. It served dishes that were also Ul’s specialty products. The interior was calming, there were tables and bar counter that gave out a dignified atmosphere. Their ornaments were made with detail in mind, but did not stand out. Moreover, there was a modest chandelier on the ceiling, and flowers were arranged to add onto the calm atmosphere. It made one remembered the words “well-established”, an inn where one could feel its history.
In the beginning, Aiko and her students weren’t able to calm down because the inn was too high-class. It was impossible for Aiko and her student to stay at an ordinary inn because of their reputation, since people began to called them “God’s Apostles” and “Goddess of Good Harvest”. After some persuasion from the Knights, they agreed to stay at this place while they were in Ul.
In fact, they had spent time in one of the luxurious rooms of the Royal Palace, so Aiko and her students had gradually become accustomed to it. Now the inn had became a place where they could truly relax. For Aiko and the others who came back exhausted from farmland improvement and in search of Shimizu, this inn’s dishes were their only daily enjoyment.
All of them were seated in VIP seats in the innermost section of the inn, as they enjoyed today’s dinner.
“Aa, it’s always delicious~ I never thought I’d be able to eat curry in this other world.”
“Well, it looks like stew though... ... No, is it white curry?”
“No, there is also the bowl of rice topped with tempura, remember? Even the sauce is superb, right? Won’t Japan lose?”
“That, isn’t it because Tamai-kun only eats the premade ones? It’s not good to compare it with Hokaben’s.”
The student’s tension was raised every night because of the dishes closely resembled those from Earth. Although there were slight differences in appearance and taste, the concept itself closely resembled their counterparts on earth. The abundance of ingredient was one of the reasons that increased the quality of Ul town’s dishes. Other than the rice, there were fishes from Uldeia Lake, in addition to herbs and spices from the mountain range area.
While Aiko and the others ate the delicious dishes happily, a splendidly mustachioed male of around years of age, approached them with a smile.
“Everyone, what do you think of today’s meal? If there is something you want to say, please tell us without any reserve.”
“Ah, Owner-san.”
The one who talked to Aiko and the others was the owner of the “Water Fairy Inn”; Foss Selo. He straightened his back, his eyes were gently narrowed, and gray hairs were mixed on his swept-back hair. He was a man who suited the calm atmosphere of the inn.
“No, today is also delicious. It heals us everyday.”
When Aiko replied with smile, Foss gladly said, “Thanks for the compliment”, and smiled. But, in the next moment, his expression was clouded as though he wanted to apologize. It was an expression unbecoming of Foss who always smiled gently. Wondering what had happened, everyone stopped eating and focused on Foss.
“Actually, although it’s regrettable... I can only serve this much for the dishes that uses spices today.”
“Eh!? You mean, we can’t eat Nilshisseer (the version of curry in this other world.)?”
Sonobe Yuka, who favored the curry, was shocked and tried to ask again.
“Yes, I am sorry. Anyway, no matter how many ingredients were used... it would be enough if it were the usual... However, there’s an unrest in the northern mountain range this month, so the number of people going to harvest the ingredients have sharply declined. Even a few days ago, a party of Adventurers who came to investigate the situation had gone missing. Thus, even more people don’t want to go there. It became a situation where this store doesn’t know when the goods will arrive.”
“Umm... What do you mean by unrest?”
“Something like the sightings of groups of demonic beasts... It’s a comparatively safe place as long as you don’t go into the mountains of the northern mountain range. Although there seems to be strong demonic beasts inside the mountain, they never come near on purpose. However, there were sightings of groups of demonic beasts in the mountain where there shouldn’t have been any.”
“That’s truly worrisome...”
Aiko frowned. The others were somewhat depressed and mutually looked at each other. Foss said with an apologetic expression, “It isn’t the right topic to talk while eating, huh?”, then he continued to speak with a bright tone to recover the atmosphere.
“However, that disaster should be solved soon.”
“What do you mean?”
“Actually, today there were new customers who just arrived before the sunset. It seems they are going to the northern mountain range in order to search for the Adventurers who had gone missing. They were appointed by the Branch Head of Fhuren guild, so it looks like they are some serious big-guns. They might be able to determine the cause of this disaster.”
Although Aiko and her students were still seated, the bodyguard Knights commanded by David and currently eating with them let out “Hou”, with a half admiration-filled and half-interested tone. Even among the guild’s staff members, the Head of Fhuren branch was considered first class. For someone to be appointed to accept a request from that Branch Head meant that they were capable of clearing something only powerful people could accomplish. Their curiosity was aroused because they wanted to fight in the same battle as such people. Inside the Knights’ heads, they were listed the famous “Gold” class Adventurers.
Aiko and her students were looking at the unusual chatter of David and the Knights, then they began to hear voices from the stair connected to second floor. They were the voices of a boy and two girls. It seemed like one of the girls was complaining to the boy. It was Foss who reacted to those voices.
“Oya, speak of the devils. It is them, Mr. Knights. If you want to talk to them, please do it now because they are going to leave tomorrow morning.”
“I see, I understand. But, those are fairly young voices. Are there any “Gold” class that young?”
David and the Knights had already memorized the famous “Gold” class in their minds, but because there was no one with such young voices. Some of them looked at each other with perplexed expressions.
While they were in a state of confusion, the trio were approaching while talking.
The seats where Aiko and the others sat were the innermost seats enclosed by walls on three sides. It was a place where they could look anywhere inside the restaurant. For now, it was made into a private room with the use of the curtain. Needless to say, inside was the conspicuous Aiko’s party, was Aiko; the one hailed as the “Goddess of Good Harvest”, which made them even more conspicuous. It was why they often used the curtain whenever they ate their meals. Even today, they closed the curtain so they wouldn’t be seen.
From the other side of the curtain, they could hear the conversation of a boy and two girls.
“Mou, how many times I must say it until you understand. Please stop leaving me alone and create a world with just the two of you in it. It makes me feel really, really lonely. Did you hear me? “Hajime”-san.”
“I heard, I heard you. Just stay in another room if you don’t want to see it.”
“Nmah! Did you hear what he just said, Yue-san? “Hajime”-san just said something coldhearted.”
“...”Hajime” ...Bad!”
Within their conversation, the name the girls said instantly rattled Aiko’s heart. What did the girls just say? What was the boy called? This boy’s voice... isn’t it similar to “that boy”?, were the question that immediately floated into Aiko’s mind. She stiffened as though something had tied her down, so she could only stare at the curtain.
The same thing happened to Sonobe Yuka and other students by her side. In their minds, thoughts of a certain boy who had disappeared into the abyss four months ago resurfaced. He was a boy who the classmates strongly believed to have “died in this other world”. A boy they wanted to forget, a boy who stood out for better or for worse.
Because of the abnormal expression on Aiko’s and her students’ faces, Foss and the Knights tried calling out to them with dumbfounded gazes, but no one reacted. The Knights were wondering what on earth had happened as they looked at their faces. Then, Aiko blurted out a name.
Because of the word she unconsciously let out, her body which had stiffened because of the unbelievable situation had regained its freedom. Aiko immediately stood up and her chair fell to the ground. She then pulled the curtain opened, so hard it might tear.
Because of the unexpected loud sound that came from when the curtain was pulled, boy and two girls trio were only able to look with stupefied expressions.
Aiko shouted without confirming who the other person was. It was the name of her important student.
“Ah? ......... Sensei?”
In front of her, with his eye wide open in surprise, was an eyepatched, white-haired boy. He looked completely different from the Nagumo Hajime in her memory. Not only his appearance, his atmosphere was also completely different. Nagumo Hajime Aiko knew was a boy who always daydreaming, gentle, and quiet. Actually, Aiko admitted that a wry smile fit him, but it was her secret. However, the boy in front of her eyes had sharp eyes, clad with an unapproachable atmosphere. He was too different from her memory. If she passed by him inside the town, she was sure she wouldn’t recognized the boy in front of her as Nagumo Hajime.
But if she looked carefully, his voice and face were the same as the one inside her memory. Above all... it was how the boy in front of her called her. That’s right, it was “sensei”. Aiko was convinced. Although his look and atmosphere had greatly changed, the boy in front of her was certainly her own student, “Nagumo Hajime”!
“Nagumo-kun... You’re Nagumo-kun, right? You’re alive... You really are alive...”
“No, you got wrong person. Bye.”
To meet the student who was thought to be dead, was a miracle. Being deeply moved, her tear glands loosened, and Aiko eyes became teary. “Where was he until now? What on earth happened? I am truly glad that you were safe.” Were only some of the many things she wanted to say, but couldn’t. Even so, the reply to her desperate words was a completely unexpected answer.
She unconsciously let out a stupid voice, and Aiko’s tears were also withdrawn. She could only blankly stare at Hajime who had begun to suta suta, walk towards the exit. ‘HAH’, she returned to her senses, and panicky ran after him while gripping onto his wrist.
“Please wait a second? Aren’t you Nagumo-kun? Didn’t you just call sensei sensei? Just how is that the wrong person.”
“No, you heard it wrong. That was... Right, it was a dialect meaning “small”. Un.”
“Even so, that’s extremely rude! Rather, there is no way such dialect exists. Why are you trying to deceive me? That appearance too... Did something happen? What are you doing in this place? Why, why didn’t you immediately come back to everyone? Nagumo-kun! Please answer! Sensei won’t let you deceive her!”
Aiko’s angry voice resounded inside the restaurant. Several people and guests looked at the rumored “Goddess of Good Harvest” as she caught and shouted at a man. “Suwah, is he Goddess’s man!?”, as they misunderstood, their eyes sparkled with curiosity. The students and the bodyguard Knights were also came out from the interior.
The students who had seen Hajime’s appearance had shocked expressions as they couldn’t believe what was in front of them. Half of it was because he was alive, while the other half was because of the drastic change to his appearance and atmosphere. However, they didn’t know what should they do, so they could only blankly looked at Aiko and Hajime.
On the other side, although Hajime looked calm, his mind was attacked by petit panic. In the town he came to, after accepting the request from the guild’s Branch Head he got acquaintanced by chance, he never thought there was a chance he would meet Aiko and his classmates again.
Because it was such a sudden event, he inadvertently muttered “sensei”, he even thought, “That can’t be~”, as he tried to deceived himself. His lifecards after Aiko’s angry barrage of questions were to “run away”, “continue with the mistaken person act”, “became a suspicious foreigner”, and “let’s just kidnap Ai-chan”, were all the cards that came to his mind. He especially didn’t know how the last one came up.
Then, Hajime was saved by his reliable partner. Of course it was not the regrettable rabbit ears character, but the Vampire Princess. Yue, came in between Hajime and Aiko, then she forcibly shook off Aiko’s hand which was gripping Hajime’s arm. On their side, the bodyguard Knights were letting out slight bloodthirst.
“... Let go, Hajime is troubled.”
“Wh-What are you? Currently, sensei have an important talk with Nagumo-kun...”
“... Then, calm down a little.”
Because the beatiful girl stared at her with cool eyes, Aiko slightly flinched. There wasn’t much of a height difference between the two. Normally, it would be labeled as a fight between kids. However, Aiko was actually younger by age, and Yue wore a bewitching atmosphere despite her appearance. No matter who saw it, they looked like an adult (Yue) and an angry child (Aiko). Aiko was wary of Yue, so she quietly back away from Hajime with blushing cheeks because of her own words and the way she got mad at him. As she straightened her back to show her dignity as an adult, although it was too late, Aiko was... just like a child doing a stretch.
“I am sorry, I was distracted. Let’s return from the beginning, you are Nagumo-kun, right?”
This time, Aiko said it quietly, but her voice was filled with conviction as she tried to ask Hajime, and matched her glance with him. Having seen such Aiko, Hajime was convinced no matter how he tried to deceive her, she wouldn’t change her conviction and she would chase after him no matter where he go. Thus, scratched his head and replied with a profound sigh.
“Ah. Long time no see, sensei.”
“As expected, you’re Nagumo-kun after all... You’re alive...”
Aiko’s eyes became teary again, but Hajime didn’t think anything about it as he shrugged his shoulders.
“Something like that. After a lot happened, I’m somehow still alive.”
“I am glad. I truly am glad.”
After he took a glance at Aiko who was unable to say more than those words, Hajime went to the nearest table and sat down. Having seen him, Yue and Shia also sat. Shia was somewhat perplexed. Aiko and the others were astonished by Hajime’s sudden action. Hajime had regained his composure and he ignored the surroundings, only to beckon towards Foss who had watched how the situation progressed while he stood behind the students.
“Umm, Hajime-san. Is that okay? Aren’t you acquaintances? Although it was just my guess... the other world’s...”
“That thing doesn’t matter at all. I was just surprised when they suddenly appeared, well, that’s all. We are originally came for dinner, so let’s order now. I have been truly expecting this. Don’t you know? This curry... Ah, you didn’t know it. The spicy dish was called Nilshisseer. I am happy just by imagining the taste...”
“... Then, I’ll order that, too. I want to know what taste Hajime like.”
“Ah, to casually appealed him... just a expected of Yue-san. Then, me too. Clerk-saa~n, we want to order~”
In the beginning, Shia was timidly sneaking glances at Aiko and the others, but changed her mind after Hajime said those words. Then Foss came by to take their order with a troubled smile.
However, naturally, there was no time for them to wait. Aiko, who was dumbfounded again by how Hajime seated himself at a nearby table and began to order, returned her to her senses and she approached Hajime’s table. She said, “Sensei is angry!”, with a truly angered expression as she pishi, hit the table.
“Nagumo-kun, our talk isn’t over. Just how can you start to order as if it were the most natural thing in the world. In the first place, just who are these girls?”
What Aiko had said represented the feelings of everyone around them. The Knights who guessed Hajime was Aiko’s student, who they heard had died four months ago, the students who waited behind Aiko, and everyone else were, “Un un.”, nodding and they waited for Hajime’s answer.
Hajime frowned because of it would be an annoyance. Because he thought he couldn’t have a calm meal thanks to Aiko, who would keep waiting until he answers her questions even as they ate, he reluctantly turned his glance toward Aiko.
“I have come here in just a single day, without stopping, because of a request. That’s why I am hungry, so just let me eat my meal. Also, these are...”
Hajime turned his glance towards Yue and Shia. And these two, before Hajime could say it, began an impactful introduction towards Aiko and the others.
“I am Shia.”
“” I am Hajime(-san)’s woman.””
Aiko somewhat stammered said, “Eh? Eh?”, as she alternately looked between Hajime and the two beautiful girls. It seemed she couldn’t processed the information. The students behind her were also perplexed. Well, the male students’ expressions said, “That can’t be!”, as they restlessly looked between Yue and Shia. Gradually, their face reddened as they were charmed by their beauty.
“Oi, setting Yue aside. Shia, aren’t you different?”
“That! Hajime-san so cruel. Even though you stole my first kiss!”
“No, just how long you want to drag that thing. That was lif—”Nagumo-kun?”...What is it, sensei?”
Because of the remark that he “stole Shia’s first kiss”, it seemed her thought process had finally caught up. Then, Aiko’s voice dropped an octave. Inside Aiko’s head, it seemed she imagined the scene where Hajime was laughing loudly while being attended by the two beauties in each arm. Her expression said everything.
Blushing, Aiko interrupted Hajime’s words. Her face was filled with determination to return her misconducting student into the right path. Following that, a large thunder called “Sensei’s anger” fell into Ul town’s number one and first class inn.
“To steal a woman’s first kiss, and even t-two-timing! So, you didn’t immediately return because you wanted to play around! If so... that’s unforgivable! Ee, sense will absolutely not forgive it! It’s time for scolding! Just wait there, Nagumo-kun!”
Hajime looked at Aiko with a skeptical gaze, who yelled “kyan kyan,” as he let out a deep, deep sigh thinking it was going to be troublesome. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 2,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
――ん!? 何だろう?
「へっ? 私に何か用事でもあるんですか?」
「だから言ってるだろ! それならどこかに移動したんだ。早く対応しないと国中に犠牲者が出る!」
ふぅ、何が魔族の瘴気だ! 元冒険者が幻影魔法にひきずられてどうすんの?
「えっ! ティムちゃんもあの場所に来ていたの?」
「えぇ、前にも言いましたよね? あの人はティムの遊び仲間だって。ビセフさんが気絶した後、愛犬連れてきて一緒に遊んでました」
「は、はは。お、おかしいなぁ? 俺も腕がにぶったみたいだ。幻影魔法にかかり気絶までするなんて......」
「うっ!? だ、だからそういう子供との遊びから研究のヒントを得たり」
「ティレアちゃん、今、なんて言おうとした? もしかしてヘタレって――」
「本当かい? それは許せないね。任せて。きっちり俺が守ってあげる」
おぉ、これなんてプレート一式じゃないか? こいつ冒険者じゃなくてただの武器マニアだったんじゃないか?
「ふ、ふ、ティレアちゃん、驚いたかい? 冒険者だった頃の思い出の品ばかりだからどうにも手放せなくてね。いつのまにかこんなに集まっちゃったんだ」
あっ!? なんか良さそうなものを発見したかも......。
「ビセフさん、私が戦うことはないって言ってましたよね? それなら実際に使うこともないですし貸してください」
ん!? 良さそうなのがあったぞ。
「えぇ!? 私なんかの力で殴ってもですか!」
打ちおろし。側面うち。右脇差構え。右袈裟打ち。次々に技を繰り出していく。イメージは映画『燃えてまえ! ドラゴォーン!』でのワンシーンだ。
「す、すばらしいです。お姉様! なんという技なのでしょうか?」
「偉大なる技を拝見でき感激にございます! 『殺人ぬんちゃく』まさに攻防一体の武術とお見受けしました」
いざ、来い。魔邪三人衆! | In order to prepare for the battle, I headed to the guard station where Loser (Bizef) was working.
Loser (Bizef) owes me because of the incident with Garm. As for why, it’s because during the Garm incident, I carried the unconscious Loser (Bizef) all the way back to the guard station. Well, I very nearly forgot about him and almost went home by myself though...
Honestly, even though he went on about how he would “give Garm a warning,” in the end he wasn’t useful in the slightest. He was really nothing but baggage. I want him to show me that he can act like a former adventurer this time.
With those kind of slight hopes, I got quite close to the guard station when I suddenly heard some kind of argument.
―Mn!? What’s going on?
The people stationed were in a clamour. I decided to ask George, the one who took care of the documents here, about what was going on.
“George, did something happen?”
“Ah-, Tilea. You came at the right time.”
“Heh? Did you need me for something?”
“Please say something to stop him as well, Tilea. Bizef won’t listen to us, and keeps saying that there’s a dragon near town, and how he’s going to call for reinforcements from the capital.”
Hahh? Loser (Bizef), what the heck are you doing!
I’m sure I gave the other guards a rough explanation when I carried Loser (Bizef) into the station. It wasn’t a dragon, just a little puppy. Did Loser (Bizef) properly listen to the other people at the station?
Loser (Bizef) was trying to leave for the capital even now. With his travel gear on, and gallantly straddling his horse, he even looked like an adventurer... So disappointing.
“Bizef, please stop. The other men in town tried searching for it, but there wasn’t any dragon nearby like you said, you know.”
“Right, right. Around here we just get small animals at best.”
Everyone searched...?
Even though they had their work at the guard station, he spread completely nonsensical information. Thanks to Loser (Bizef), they all had a hard time.
“I already told you! That just meant it went somewhere. If we don’t hurry up and deal with it, there’s going to be victims throughout the country!”
“Deal with it, you say... There weren’t any tracks, or any eyewitnesses either, you know.”
“Eyewitnesses? How many times have I told you already, I saw it myself!”
“Bizef has been like this the whole time... He isn’t listening to us at all.”
“It seems not.”
“We’re really troubled. If we call an emergency meeting in the capital and they find out it’s false information, what kind of punishment will they give our town?”
“I understand. Please leave it to me, George.”
George’s worries are spot-on. I can’t let the town be troubled because of Loser (Bizef). I’ll try explaining again.
Agitated, I circled around so I was right in front of Loser (Bizef).
“Bizef, please stop!”
“Tilea, so you’ve come. I’m sorry. I didn’t believe you. That really was a dragon. Since it was a dragon and a dragon user, there’s no mistake that the demons have appeared. That’s why I fainted that time, because of the demon’s miasma. I have to hurry up and make an emergency announcement for the whole country!”
Huu... What demon miasma! What the heck is a former adventurer doing getting influenced by illusion magic?
“Biiizeeef, that was illusion magic.”
“Tilea, I’m a former adventurer. Illusion magic wouldn’t work on me so easily. So I’m sure that was a real dragon. It’s definitely the demons.”
Ahh, geez. Loser (Bizef) is oddly self-confident out here in the countryside. It’s because he got pampered by everyone around him for being a former adventurer, after all. He’s completely filled with confidence right now that illusion magic definitely wouldn’t work on him. Honestly, even though he doesn’t have any real ability.
“That wasn’t a dragon. After all, didn’t we come home safely!”
“W-, Well yeah, but... W-, We just happened to be lucky.”
Oi, oi, getting targeted by a dragon and demon, and getting away? Just how lucky would we need to be!
Is Loser (Bizef) understanding that he’s not making any sense?
“If we were targeted by a demon, there’s no way we’d make it out alive, right? And even Timu and the others said that it wasn’t a dragon.”
“Eh-! Timu went there too?”
“Yes. I told you earlier, didn’t I? That person was Timu’s playmate. After you fainted, Bizef, she brought along her pet dog and they played together.”
“T-, That can’t be... Really?”
“Really. I’m not lying.”
“Ha-, haha. T-, That’s weeeird. It looks like I’m getting rusty. To have illusion magic work on me, and even faint from it...”
Loser (Bizef) smiled wryly and scratched his head. His confused state definitely didn’t look like a former adventurer. You’re the Guard Captain in this town, okay? And now you’ve disturbed the peace of the town. Honestly, please get your act together.
I looked at Loser (Bizef) with a cold gaze. George and the other staff members were astounded as well.
“Ha ha ha. Sorry for the fuss, everyone. It seems that it was my misunderstanding.”
“Bizef, please make this the last time.”
“Even if you’re half asleep, you can’t go too far.”
“Really, really. Please don’t drink so early in the morning.”
The staff members criticized him one after another. Obviously. He had all the guard members go searching for a puppy after all. I’m sure they’re tired from searching all night. Especially tired after they found out that it was all pointless effort.
And so, after they finished complaining, everyone headed back to work, with expressions that seemed to say ‘Honestly...’.
Thank you for your work, everybody. I’ll bring everybody some refreshments sometime.
“Damn~ I wonder if I hurt my old wounds.”
Immediately, excuses. What ‘old wounds’!
Speaking frankly, jumping into excuses like that is the sign of being a loser.
“A-, And also, I wasn’t wearing magic resistance armor that time. That person who played the prank on you was definitely a famous adventurer. Mn, there’s no mistake.”
“Yea~h. I’m sure he was definitely a famous adventurer. Instead of subjugating monsters or performing research, he prioritized playing with Timu. What a hard worker.”
“Uu-!? I-, I’m sure that he was getting hints for his research by playing with children.”
Loser (Bizef) fired off one excuse after another.
At this rate, the success of Plan Number is looking doubtful. I decided that it was better to switch to Plan Number in my mind.
“T-, Tilea. Don’t look at me so doubtfully. Aah, speaking of which, you carried me here when I fainted, didn’t you. Thanks.”
“That’s fiiiine. Please don’t mind such a small matter. More importantly, Los― I mean, Bizef, there’s a small favor I’d like to ask.”
“Tilea, just now, didn’t you almost say something? It can’t be that it was ‘Loser’ wa―”
“Ahhh~ Geez, more importantly, please listen to me. In Timu’s playgroup there were these delinquents, and it seems that they’re coming here to start some trouble.”
“Really? We can’t let that go. Leave it to me. I’ll definitely protect you.”
“I’m honestly relying on you, okay? Also, please make sure to bring armor this time.”
“Armor-...? I don’t really think that I need armor just for delinquents.”
“Bizef, isn’t there a saying about not taking chances? What are you going to do if they use illusion magic again!”
“G-, Got it. I think you’re exaggerating though.”
“Also, I have one more favor to ask. Please lend me armor as well.”
“Eh-, Tilea, you don’t need armor, you know. I’ll be there after all.”
After talking with him, I’m sure now. I can’t rely on Loser (Bizef) any more. It would be safer to go in with the mentality that I’ll need to fight, myself. So I need him to lend me armor no matter what.
Loser (Bizef) reluctantly agreed, so I had him guide me to his house before he changed his mind.
Since Loser (Bizef) was a former adventurer if nothing else, he had lots of different weapons and armors. And they were being stored in his house’s storehouse.
I entered the storehouse while listening to his bragging and,
“A-, Amazing. You have so much.”
I was shocked...
In the storehouse were things from swords, spears, axes to armor, helmets, all sorts of things decorating the room. And they were all differently colored too, as well as differently modeled. And there were even things like mannequins standing dignified.
Whoa, isn’t this a full set of plate armor? Rather than having stuff because he’s an adventurer, isn’t this guy just a weapon fanatic?
These items are completely beyond just the level of a hobby. Even though it would’ve been great if he just opened a weapon store instead of working as Guard Captain...
“Hu hu, are you surprised, Tilea? They’re all things from my days as an adventurer, and I just couldn’t part with them, you see. Before I knew it, I had this many.”
Yeah, I’m surprised. Quite the collector. I’m sure he ignored adventures in favor of going shopping for all of this.
Well, it helped out this time though. I guess your equipment makes a huge difference in battle after all. I’m just a normal person. There’s no choice but to cover for my lack of stats with my equipment.
Alright. Since I’m doing it anyway, let’s try and borrow something as expensive as possible!
Mm~mm, which should I pick?
Ah-!? I think I might have found something good...
There were stands in the back of the room, and on them were some items displayed in cases. They looked precious, placed inside the polished glass cases, and were completely different from the rest of the things in the room. I can smell rares.
“Well then, Bizef, please lend these bracers and this chainmail to me.”
“T-, That’s a little much. Both the Bracers of Regius and the Chainmail of Magimades are rare.”
“So they really were rare. Then I’ll go with these. Please lend them to me.”
“T-, Tilea, these are for admiring, and not really for actual use.”
So Loser (Bizef) really was a collector. What the heck do you mean ‘for admiring’. Weapons are made to be used. If you use them and they get a little dirty, that just makes them more valuable.
“Bizef, didn’t you say that I wouldn’t need to fight? In that case, I won’t be actually using them, so please lend them to me.”
“B-, But I’ll be troubled if they get dirty, so...”
“S-, So cruel... Are you saying that I’m dirty!”
I appealed to Loser (Bizef) with teary eyes. With such intensity that I was basically implying ‘saying indelicate things to a girl will get you hated’.
“G-, Got it. You won’t actually be fighting after all, so I’ll lend them to you.”
“Thank you very much.”
Yes! Best gear GET!
Huhu, with this I can feel a little more relaxed.
“Honestly, I really can’t win against you, Tilea. To put on rare gear for just a few delinquents.”
“Then if I wear this, will I be immune to the delinquents’ attacks?”
“Completely, completely. Rather, if the delinquents attack, it’ll be them that gets hurt.”
“That’s amazing.”
If Loser (Bizef) is telling the truth, then even if the gangsters attack me, there’s nothing to be afraid of at all. The chance of victory has definitely incre― hang on a moment.
My defense has increased, but what about my offense?
I had a look to see if there was anything else rare.
Mn!? There’s something that seems to be good over there.
I discovered a knuckle weapon that was clearly being treated preciously, placed inside a case. There were two layers of glass, and it was beautifully wrapped in cloth. From this, I could tell that it was pretty valuable.
“Bizef, while we’re at it, please lend me these knuckles as well.”
“T-, Tilea, we aren’t going on an adventure. Even if it’s you, Tilea, if you put that on and hit somebody, they’ll die, you know.”
“Ehh-!? Even with my strength!?”
“Mn, those knuckles are a magic tool called the Knuckles of Burst Earth. It adds to your strength, as well as adding the power of magic to your attack. So no matter how weak you are, Tilea, the power of the magic itself is quite strong, so it’ll have quite the attack power.”
“How much attack power?”
“Hmmm, let’s see. If you put those on, even you, Tilea, would probably be able to kill a small magic beast.”
“It’s that amazing a weapon!?”
“Mn, it’s a precious weapon that enters even in the top three of all the weapons I own. In order to buy this, I had to use all the money I had saved at the time, you see.”
“Haha, I can tell that it’s amazing just hearing that. It’s true that if I use this weapon, I’ll knock out delinquents in one hit, maybe even kill them, huh.”
“That’s right. Well, I’ll lend you the armor, so I’ll take care of that dangerous weapon, okay?”
“Well then, once the delinquents come I’ll call you, so please help me with the rest.”
“Yeah, leave it to me.”
After making an arrangement with Loser (Bizef), I returned to the shop.
For now, although I’m still somewhat anxious, the preparations are ready for Plan Number . I’ll begin on the finishing touches for Plan Number .
First, with the armor that Loser (Bizef) lent me, my defense alone has increased. With this, the attacks from the gangsters shouldn’t work on me.
Then what about my offense?
Loser (Bizef)’s weapons really were too powerful and would be quite liable to kill somebody, so I couldn’t borrow them. Or rather, it might be different for armor, but weapons need a degree of skill to handle. No matter which weapon I chose, I wouldn’t have been able to use it properly.
And of course not. I’m not an adventurer. I’m just a mere cook!
―It can’t be helped. I suppose I have no choice but to unseal my dark history.
Now is the time to undo the seal.
I looked for two suitable metal poles in the shop’s storehouse, and tied them together with a cord of suitable length. Indeed. The so-called “nunchaku”.
In my past life when I was a shut-in NEET, there was a time when I was crazy about nunchaku. I didn’t go to school, nor to work, and did nothing but wholeheartedly train with my mail-order nunchaku. While watching Bruce Li’snunchaku course, I single-mindedly endeavored in my “HACHAA!” “OCHAAA!” training.
Heh. I’m sure this world has never seen such techniques before. There’s no doubt that even those gangsters will get cold feet. If they mistake me for a famous martial artist, even better.
...They’ve, probably never seen nunchaku, right?
Maybe I should test it. I decided to call in Pervert (Nielsen) to show him a demonstration.
“Lady Tilea, I have arrived at your call.”
“Elder sister, what is it that you are doing?”
Ah-, not just Pervert (Nielsen), but Timu too? It’s my dark history, so I’d prefer the smallest gallery possible, but... Well, whatever. There’s no way I can drive out my beloved sister.
“Niel, Timu. Watch. I want you to give me your impressions on the techniques I’m about to use.”
“Yes milady.”
Alright. Recall them. Bruce’s nunchaku techniques!
The memories of my old life came to mind.
And then...
“Fuooooooh, hai! Hai! Hai! Hai! Fuo! HACHAA! OCHAA!”
Thank goodness. I didn’t forget my old memories. I managed to flourish the nunchaku the way I envisioned.
Downwards swing. Side strike. Right armpit stance. Right diagonal swing. I chained techniques one by one. The image in my head was a scene from “Enter! Dragon!”.
“M-, Magnificent, elder sister! What is this technique called?”
“K-, Killer Nunchaku.”
Ah-, crap-... I accidentally blurted out the chuuni-esque name that I gave it in my old life.
“I am filled with deep emotion at being able to witness such a grand technique, Lady Tilea! Killer Nunchaku. Truly a martial art that unifies attack and defense.”
“I too, feel the same, Nielsen. I am truly moved. And, elder sister, how many opponents did you defeat with this Killer Nunchaku?”
“W-, Who knows... Just how many, I wonder.”
“As expected of elder sister. To think that you had slain too many opponents to count with that Killer Nunchaku.”
“Killer Nunchaku. I have never witnessed such an amazing technique before. For creating such a skill, I once again express my deep respect for Lady Tilea.”
S-, Stop it. Please don’t say that name any more. It feels each time you use that name, my spirit is being gouged
And so, my spirit was worn down as I spoke with Timu and Pervert (Nielsen) for a while, but I managed to understand that apparently these nunchaku techniques were unknown in this world. It was Pervert (Nielsen)’s impression though, so I can’t really say I have much confidence in myself.
But for now, the preparations are ready.
Come whenever you like, Demonic Evil Three! | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 6,
"inserted_lines_src": 57,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
彼女は医者に行き 医師たちの診断は 30年近くもテニスを してきた人に よくあることだ ということでした
彼女はいくつかの治療を 勧められましたが しばらくたっても叔母の 具合は好転せず 医師たちはさらに 検査を行うことにしました
レントゲンが撮られ 彼女の肺に損傷を発見しました 同時に医師達はそれは 肋骨間の筋肉や腱に無理をした その結果だと考えましたが 数週間の治療後に 彼女の状態は まだ好転していませんでした
最終的に彼らは 生検を行うことを決め 2週間後 生検の結果が戻ってきました
彼女の生活様式には癌になるリスクが 殆どありませんでした
タバコを吸ったこともなく お酒も飲みませんでした そして彼女は ほぼ人生の半分 スポーツをしていました
それが多分彼女が 正しく診断されるまでに ほぼ半年もかかってしまった 理由なのでしょう
この様な話は 残念ながら 殆ど誰でも身辺によくある話で
皆様の3人のうち1人は なにかしらの癌と診断され 4人のうち1人は 癌で命を落とす事となるでしょう
その癌という診断が私たちの家族の 人生をも変えてしまっただけでなく あれこれと 新しい検査を受け 何人もの医師に症状を説明し 病名を次から次に変えられ 多大のストレスから 苛々が募りました 特に私の叔母にはそうでした
癌の診断過程は 昔からのままで 未だに変わっていません
癌を治療するための 21世紀の医療と薬はありますが 手続きや診断過程は 今以て前世紀のままです 今日私たちのほとんどが
症状が出て初めて 病気だと診断されます 今日 殆どの人は 癌の早期発見方法が 手に入らないままです 早期に癌を検出することが 今ある最も特効薬に近いものだと 今ある最も特効薬に近いものだと
わかっていてもです 私たちで これを 変えることが出来ると思い 私たちチームは この研究に取り組む事を決めたのです それは初期段階の癌を それは初期段階の癌を 分子レベルで その反応を的確にモニターし より簡単に、安価に そしてスマートに 検出し易くするための研究です
これを可能にする背景には 私達が生きる今は テクノロジーが爆発的な速度で 全てを革新する時代で 生物学分野も例外ではない ということがあります
今日 バイオテクノロジーは コンピュータ処理能力の 成長率の6倍もの速度で 進歩している といわれています そして その進歩は 加速しているだけでなく 民主化されています
パーソナルコンピュータや インターネット またはスマートフォンの 起業、政治、教育の場での 活用が広まったように その影響は最近 バイオテクノロジーまでにも及び それが 私達のような多角的な学術チームが 新たなアプローチでこの問題に 取り組むことを可能にしました 新たなアプローチでこの問題に 取り組むことを可能にしました 私たちチリ、パナマ、メキシコ イスラエル、ギリシャ出身の 科学者と技術者達から 成るチームは 最近の科学的発見に 基づいて いくつかの種類の 癌を検知できる
信頼性の高い正確な方法を 発見したと確信しています
私たちはマイクロRNA と呼ばれる 血液中を自由に 循環している 低分子miRNA抽出で それを行います
miRNAが何か そして 癌におけるその 重要な役割を説明するために タンパク質の説明から 始める必要があります 癌が私たちの体に 存在しているとき すべての癌細胞で タンパク質の変異が 観察されます
ご存知かもしれませんが タンパク質は体内で 異なる働きを持つ 生物学的高分子で 代謝反応を触媒したり 刺激に反応したり DNAを複製したりします しかしタンパク質の 発現、合成の前に その遺伝子コードの DNAに存在する重要な情報は メッセンジャーRNAに転写され このmRNAは 特定のタンパク質に 翻訳される情報を持ち 何百もの蛋白質を 合成する可能性があり
その合成のタイミングと量を 指令するのは マイクロRNAの役目です
miRNAは 遺伝子発現を 調節する小分子です
主に変化しないDNAとは異なり miRNAはいつでも 内部と環境条件に応じて 形態を変えることができ その特定の時点でどの遺伝子が活発に 発現しているのかを教えてくれます
こうしてmiRNAが有望な 癌のバイオマーカーとなるのは ご存知の通り 癌は遺伝子発現の変異により
遺伝子が制御されず 生じる疾患だからです
もう1つ考慮すべき重要なことは ひとつとして同じ癌は 存在しないのですが miRNAレベルでは パターンがあるということです
いくつかの科学的研究では miRNA発現異常のレベルは様々で 癌ごとにユニークな 特定のパターンを 初期の段階に於いてでさえ 作る事が分っています 初期の段階に於いてでさえ 作る事が分っています それは疾患の進行 薬物療法の効果や 寛解期などを反映し 薬物療法の効果や 寛解期などを反映し そうしてmiRNAは完璧な 高感度のバイオマーカーとなるのです
ただし問題は miRNAを 確実に検出するのには 既存のDNAベースの技術が 応用できないことです 既存のDNAベースの技術が 応用できないことです miRNAはDNAよりも はるかに小さい 非常に短いヌクレオチドの 配列だからです また miRNAは 全て
互いに非常に酷似しているのです 非常によく似た非常に小さい 2つの分子を区別しようと するところを想像してみてください
私たちはその方法を 発見したと信じています これは初公開ですが
次回 病院で通常の血液検査を する場面を想像してください 次回 病院で通常の血液検査を する場面を想像してください ラボで技師は 全RNAを抽出して― 今日これは非常に簡単ですが― このような 標準96ウェルプレートに血清を入れ
これらのプレートの各ウェルで 個別の生化学反応をさせ 特定のmiRNAを探すのです その試料に miRNAが見つかると 罠みたいにmiRNAを捉え 緑色に発光します
そのテストを行うには このような装置の 内部にプレートを置き そしてこの上に スマートフォンを置きます
これをアップで 映すことが出来れば― この画面が見えますが―
スマートフォンはネットで 繋がったコンピュータで カメラも内蔵していますから 目的に十分適っています
スマートフォンが 写真を撮っています 反応が終わると 写真が送信され 私たちのオンラインデータベースへ届き 処理と解析が行われます
このプロセスは60分程かかり そのプロセスが終了すると 発光しているウェルで それぞれのmiRNAが検出され その発光強度と点滅速度で miRNAが解析されます
そしてこのプロセス 全体が終了したとき このようになります
このチャートは サンプル中に存在する 特定のmiRNAが 時間の経過と共にどのように 反応したかを示しています
この人のサンプルから 検出された このmiRNAパターンを ある病気とmiRNAの 相関性を示す 既存の科学的記録と比較すると これが膵臓癌の様子になります
この内部にあるのは サンプルその物で これから私たちは今 膵臓癌を検出したのです
(拍手) このアプローチの もう1つの重要な側面は クラウド上でデータの収集から 傾向を割り出し それでリアルタイムで結果を得て 手元の文脈情報に照らし合わせ それらを分析出来る事です
癌のような疾患を より良く理解するために 解析するには 私たちはそれら疾患を 急性あるいは単発の エピソードと考えるのを止め 私達の健康に影響する全てのものを 継続的に測定し把握するべきです
このプラットフォームは 実用モデルです
最先端の分子生物学に基づき 低コストで3Dプリントデバイスそれと データ科学を用いて 人類の最も難解な課題の1つに 取り組もうとしています
私たちは早期癌検出技術は本当に 民主化されるべきだと信じているので この仕組み全体のコストは 現在利用できる方法の 50分の1程しか かかりません コミュニティの人々がこれを更に 加速させてくれることも知っています だから私たちはこのデバイスの設計を オープンソースで公開します
(拍手) はっきりと申し上げます 私たちは非常に初期の段階にいますが これまでに 膵臓癌、肺癌 乳癌および肝癌の
miRNAパターンの 識別に成功しました 現在は乳癌についての臨床試験を ドイツ癌研究センターと 共同で行っており それには200人の 女性が参加しています
(拍手) これは単一の非侵襲的な 正確で安価な検査方法で 癌の診断などの手続きを 劇的に変化させてしまう 可能性があります
私たちはいつでも 血液中にあるmiRNAの パターンを探し 癌の種類を識別できるので
症状が出るまで待つ 必要もありません
あなたの血液1ミリリットルだけ それと比較的単純なツール 一式があれば良いのです
今日 癌の検出は主に 症状が現れた場合に行われます
その時点で癌はステージ3 または4の段階です それでは遅すぎるのです
しかし私たちは癌との戦いに 屈する訳にはいきません
何十億ドルもの費用がかかるのみならず 私たちが愛する人たちの命がかかっています
私の叔母は今も勇敢に癌と戦っていて 治療のプロセスを非常に 前向きな姿勢で過ごしています
でも私は叔母のような戦いを なくしたいのです
私はいつか 日常的にそして非常に 早期に診断することが 出来るので癌が簡単に 治療できる日が来るのを 見てみたいのです 私は確実に 非常に近い将来 こうした またその他の ブレークスルーが 生命科学分野で次から次へと生まれ 私たちの癌の見方が 根本的に変わるだろう と信じています
そうして癌は早期に検出され より理解が深まり 更なる治療法が 見つけられる事でしょう より理解が深まり 更なる治療法が 見つけられる事でしょう
どうもありがとうございました | She went to see the doctor and they told her it was a normal injury for someone who had been playing tennis for almost 30 years.
They recommended that she do some therapy, but after a while she wasn't feeling better, so the doctors decided to do further tests.
They did an x-ray and discovered an injury in her lungs, and at the time they thought that the injury was a strain in the muscles and tendons between her ribs, but after a few weeks of treatment, again her health wasn't getting any better.
So finally, they decided to do a biopsy, and two weeks later, the results of the biopsy came back.
It was stage 3 lung cancer.
Her lifestyle was almost free of risk.
She never smoked a cigarette, she never drank alcohol, and she had been playing sports for almost half her life.
Perhaps, that is why it took them almost six months to get her properly diagnosed.
My story might be, unfortunately, familiar to most of you.
One out of three people sitting in this audience will be diagnosed with some type of cancer, and one out of four will die because of it.
Not only did that cancer diagnosis change the life of our family, but that process of going back and forth with new tests, different doctors describing symptoms, discarding diseases over and over, was stressful and frustrating, especially for my aunt.
And that is the way cancer diagnosis has been done since the beginning of history.
We have 21st-century medical treatments and drugs to treat cancer, but we still have 20th-century procedures and processes for diagnosis, if any.
Today, most of us have to wait for symptoms Today, the majority of people still don't have access to early cancer detection methods, even though we know that catching cancer early is basically the closest thing we have to a silver bullet cure against it.
We know that we can change this in our lifetime, and that is why my team and I have decided to begin this journey, this journey to try to make cancer detection at the early stages and monitoring the appropriate response at the molecular level easier, cheaper, smarter and more accessible than ever before.
The context, of course, is that we're living at a time where technology is disrupting our present at exponential rates, and the biological realm is no exception.
It is said today that biotech is advancing at least six times faster than the growth rate But progress in biotech is not only being accelerated, it is also being democratized.
Just as personal computers or the Internet or smartphones leveled the playing field for entrepreneurship, politics or education, recent advances have leveled it up for biotech progress as well, and that is allowing multidisciplinary teams like ours to try to tackle and look at these problems with new approaches. We are a team of scientists and technologists from Chile, Panama, Mexico, Israel and Greece, and based on recent scientific discoveries, we believe that we have found
a reliable and accurate way at the very early stages through a blood sample.
We do it by detecting a set of very small molecules that circulate freely in our blood called microRNAs.
To explain what microRNAs are and their important role in cancer, I need to start with proteins, because when cancer is present in our body, protein modification is observed in all cancerous cells.
As you might know, proteins are large biological molecules that perform different functions within our body, like catalyzing metabolic reactions or responding to stimuli or replicating DNA, but before a protein is expressed or produced, relevant parts of its genetic code present in the DNA are copied into the messenger RNA, so this messenger RNA has instructions on how to build a specific protein, and potentially it can build hundreds of proteins,
but the one that tells them when to build them and how many to build are microRNAs.
So microRNAs are small molecules that regulate gene expression.
Unlike DNA, which is mainly fixed, microRNAs can vary depending on internal and environmental conditions at any given time, telling us which genes are actively expressed at that particular moment.
And that is what makes microRNAs such a promising biomarker for cancer, because as you know, cancer is a disease of altered gene expression.
It is the uncontrolled regulation of genes.
Another important thing to consider is that no two cancers are the same, but at the microRNA level, there are patterns.
Several scientific studies have shown that abnormal microRNA expression levels varies and creates a unique, specific pattern for each type of cancer, even at the early stages, reflecting the progression of the disease, and whether it's responding to medication or in remission, making microRNAs a perfect, highly sensitive biomarker.
However, the problem with microRNAs is that we cannot use existing DNA-based technology to detect them in a reliable way, because they are very short sequences of nucleotides, much smaller than DNA.
And also, all microRNAs are very similar to each other, with just tiny differences. So imagine trying to differentiate two molecules, extremely similar, extremely small.
We believe that we have found a way to do so, and this is the first time that we've shown it in public.
Let me do a demonstration.
Imagine that next time you go to your doctor and do your next standard blood test, a lab technician extracts a total RNA, which is quite simple today, and puts it in a standard 96-well plate like this one.
Each well of these plates has specific biochemistry that we assign, that is looking for a specific microRNA, only when the microRNA is present in the sample, and when it does, it will shine with green color.
To run the reaction, you put the plate inside a device like this one, and then you can put your smartphone on top of it.
If we can have a camera here so you can see my screen.
A smartphone is a connected computer and it's also a camera, good enough for our purpose.
The smartphone is taking pictures, and when the reaction is over, it will send the pictures to our online database for processing and interpretation.
This entire process lasts around 60 minutes, but when the process is over, wells that shine are matched with the specific microRNAs and analyzed in terms of how much and how fast they shine.
And then, when this entire process is over, this is what happens.
This chart is showing the specific microRNAs present in this sample and how they reacted over time.
Then, if we take this specific pattern of microRNA of this person's samples and compare it with existing scientific documentation that correlates microRNA patterns with a specific presence of a disease, this is how pancreatic cancer looks like.
This inside is a real sample where we just detected pancreatic cancer.
Another important aspect of this approach is the gathering and mining of data in the cloud, so we can get results in real time and analyze them with our contextual information.
If we want to better understand and decode diseases like cancer, we need to stop treating them as acute, isolated episodes, and consider and measure everything that affects our health on a permanent basis.
This entire platform is a working prototype.
It uses state-of-the-art molecular biology, a low-cost, 3D-printed device, and data science to try to tackle one of humanity's toughest challenges.
Since we believe early cancer detection should really be democratized, this entire solution costs at least 50 times less than current available methods, and we know that the community can help us accelerate this even more, so we're making the design of the device open-source.
Let me say very clearly that we are at the very early stages, but so far, we have been able of pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer and hepatic cancer.
And currently, we're doing a clinical trial in collaboration with the German Cancer Research Center with 200 women for breast cancer.
This is the single non-invasive, accurate and affordable test that has the potential to dramatically change how cancer procedures and diagnostics have been done.
Since we're looking for the microRNA patterns in your blood at any given time, you don't need to know which cancer you're looking for.
You don't need to have any symptoms.
You only need one milliliter of blood and a relatively simple array of tools.
Today, cancer detection happens mainly when symptoms appear.
That is, at stage 3 or 4, and I believe that is too late.
It is too expensive for our families.
It is too expensive for humanity.
We cannot lose the war against cancer.
It not only costs us billions of dollars, but it also costs us the people we love.
Today, my aunt, she's fighting bravely and going through this process with a very positive attitude.
However, I want fights like this to become very rare.
I want to see the day when cancer is treated easily because it can be routinely diagnosed at the very early stages, and I'm certain that in the very near future, because of this and other breakthroughs that we are seeing every day in the life sciences, the way we see cancer will radically change.
It will give us the chance of detecting it early, understanding it better, and finding a cure.
Thank you very much. | {
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ここにあなたの手のひらに収まる 約1.5kgの肉の塊があります
それは無限の意味を考えることができ また 自身の存在の意味や神とは何かについて 問うことができます
人類にとっての最大の神秘です 脳はどのようにして発生したのでしょう?
それぞれのニューロンは他のニューロンと 千本 から 1万本 のつながりを持っています
このことから 脳活動の順列と組み合わせの数が 宇宙にある素粒子の数を超えるという計算結果が出ています
では 脳の研究にはどのように取り組んだらよいでしょう
一つの方法は 異なる脳部位の欠損をもつ 患者たちの振る舞いの違いを研究するものです
これは前回の TED で私がお話ししたことです
本日は別の方法についてお話します それは脳の様々な部位に電極を刺し 神経細胞の活動を個別に記録するものです
さて イタリア パルマの研究者である ジャコモ リゾラッティと同僚たちによって 最近発見されたものに ミラーニューロンと呼ばれる細胞群があります これらは脳の前頭葉にあります
50年以上も前から知られている 運動指令ニューロンと呼ばれる細胞が 前頭葉にあるのですが
こうして 手を伸ばしてリンゴを掴むと 前頭葉にある運動指令ニューロンが発火します
手を伸ばして何かを引っ張ると 別のニューロンが発火し その物を引っ張るよう命令します
ところがリゾラッティが見つけたのは それらのニューロンのサブセットが おそらく20%ほどですが 他人がする 同じ行為を見ている時にも 発火するということです
つまり 私が手を伸ばして何かを掴む時に発火するニューロンがありますが それは 人が手を伸ばして何かを掴むのを私が見る時にも発火するのです
これはまさに 驚くべきことです
なぜなら まるでこのニューロンが 他者の視点を取り入れているようだからです
これはほとんど他者の行動のバーチャルリアリティーシミュレーションを やっているようなものです
一つには 真似や模倣に関わっているに違いありません
なぜなら 複雑な行動を真似するには 脳が他者の視点を取り入れる必要があるからです
どのようにして真似をするのでしょう なぜ真似は重要なのでしょう
ミラーニューロン 真似 模倣
ここで 人類の文化に何が起きたかをみてみましょう
7万5千年から 10万年ほど前に戻って 人類の進化を見てみましょう 7万5千年前あたりに 何かとても重要なことが起こりました
それは 人類独特の数々の技能の 突然の出現と急速な広がりです 例えば道具の使用 火 住居 そしてもちろん 言語の使用 また 他者の心を読み その人の行動を解釈する能力
人類の脳が現在の大きさになったのは 30万年か40万年ほど前ですが 10万年前にこれら全てが非常に速やかに起こったのです
そこで何が起きたかというと 他者の行動の模倣や真似を可能にした 洗練されたミラーニューロンシステムの
突然の出現があったのです 例えばグループの一人が火の使用 または特定の道具の使い方を ある日偶然に発見した場合 それっきりになるのではなく 急速に 水平方向に すべての人々の間へと あるいは垂直方向に 世代から世代へと 広まっていったのです
これが進化を突然 ダーウィン的なものから ラマルク的なものにしたのです
ダーウィン的進化は遅いです 何十万年もかかります
ホッキョクグマが毛皮を進化させるのに 数千世代もかかるでしょう おそらく10万年
人間の子供ならば 親がホッキョクグマを殺し 皮を剥ぎ その皮を 毛皮を身にまとうのを見て それをワンステップで学習します ホッキョクグマが 10万年かけて身につけたものを 人類は 5分 10分程度で身につけることができるのです
そして ひとたび学習されれば 人口集団の間に幾何級数的に広まります
これが基本です 複雑な技能の模倣こそ 私たちが文化と呼ぶものであり 文明の基盤なのです
さて もう一種類別のミラーニューロンがあります それは全く別のものに関わっています
「行動」に関わるミラーニューロンがあるように 「触覚」に関わるミラーニューロンもあるのです
もし誰かが私に触ったら 私の手 つまり脳の体性感覚野の ニューロンが 発火します
ところが まさにこの私の同じニューロンが 時には 他の人が触られているのを見るだけでも 発火します
つまり これは触られている他者に共感するのです
別の部位に触られた時には 別のニューロンが発火します
そのサブセットは 誰かが同じ場所を 触られているのを見る時にも発火します
そういうわけで ここにも 共感に関わっているニューロンがあるのです
ここで問題が出てきます 他者が触られているのを見る時 どうして私は混同せず その触覚を そのまま感じたりしないのでしょう
私はその人に共感しても その触覚をそのまま感じたりはしません
その理由は 肌に受容体があるからです 触覚と痛覚の受容体です それがあなたの脳に 「心配しないで あなたが触れられているんじゃないよ」と教えてくれます
なので 他者と充分に共感していても その触覚を実体験することはありません さもなければ混同して混乱してしまいます
いいですか つまりミラーニューロンの信号を 否認するフィードバック信号があって その触覚を自覚的に経験することを防いでいます
しかし 麻酔状態にして この腕を取ったら つまり この腕に注射をして 腕神経叢を麻酔状態にしたら この腕は麻痺し 感覚の入力はなくなります この時 私は あなたが触られているところを見ると その触覚を本当に自分の手に感じます
言い換えると 他の人間との間にある バリアがなくなったのです
私はこれを ガンジーニューロン または共感ニューロンと呼びます
あなたと他者 他の人間たちとを分かつのは あなたの皮膚だけなのです
皮膚がなければ あなたは他者の触覚を 自身の頭の中で経験します
このことは東洋哲学の基礎と言えます そこには 超越して 世界や他の人々を達観しているような 独立した自己は存在しません
事実 あなた方はフェイスブック インターネットを介してつながっているだけでなく ニューロンを介してもつながっているのです
そしてこの部屋の中にも つながり合った一連のニューロンがあるのです
そこには誰かの意識とあなたの意識の 区別といったものはないのです
これは 基礎的な神経科学の知見に基づいています
ここに幻肢を持つ患者がいるとしましょう 腕がなくて 幻肢の症状がある場合 誰かの腕が触られているのを見ると 幻肢部位にその触覚を覚えます
そして 驚くべきことは 幻肢に痛みを感じた時に 他の人の手を握ったり さすったりすると 幻肢である自分自身の手の痛みが和らぐのです まるで さすられているところを見るだけで ニューロンが 安らぎを得ているかのようです
長い間人々は自然科学と人文科学を 別々のものとして捉えてきました
C. P. スノーは これら二つの文化についてこう話しました: 一方には自然科学 もう一方には人文科学 この二つは決して交わらない
しかしながら 私はミラーニューロンシステムが 意識や 自己表現や 何が人と人とを分かつか 何が他者と共感できるようにしているのか そして人類独特の文化や文明の発祥といったような 問題を考え直す視点の基礎にあると考えます ありがとうございました | Just think about this problem for a second.
Here is a lump of flesh, about three pounds, which you can hold in the palm of your hand.
But it can contemplate the vastness of interstellar space.
It can contemplate the meaning of infinity, ask questions about the meaning of its own existence, about the nature of God.
And this is truly the most amazing thing in the world.
It's the greatest mystery confronting human beings: How does this all come about?
Well, the brain, as you know, is made up of neurons.
We're looking at neurons here.
There are 100 billion neurons in the adult human brain.
And each neuron makes something like 1,000 to 10,000 contacts with other neurons in the brain.
And based on this, people have calculated that the number of permutations and combinations of brain activity exceeds the number of elementary particles in the universe.
So, how do you go about studying the brain?
One approach is to look at patients who had lesions in different part of the brain, and study changes in their behavior.
This is what I spoke about in the last TED.
Today I'll talk about a different approach, which is to put electrodes in different parts of the brain, and actually record the activity of individual nerve cells in the brain.
Sort of eavesdrop on the activity of nerve cells in the brain.
by researchers in Italy, in Parma, by Giacomo Rizzolatti and his colleagues, is a group of neurons called mirror neurons, which are on the front of the brain in the frontal lobes.
Now, it turns out there are neurons which are called ordinary motor command neurons in the front of the brain, which have been known for over 50 years.
These neurons will fire when a person performs a specific action.
For example, if I do that, and reach and grab an apple, a motor command neuron in the front of my brain will fire.
If I reach out and pull an object, another neuron will fire, commanding me to pull that object.
These are called motor command neurons that have been known for a long time.
But what Rizzolatti found was a subset of these neurons, maybe about 20 percent of them, will also fire when I'm looking at somebody else performing the same action.
So, here is a neuron that fires when I reach and grab something, but it also fires when I watch Joe reaching and grabbing something.
And this is truly astonishing.
Because it's as though this neuron is adopting the other person's point of view.
It's almost as though it's performing a virtual reality simulation of the other person's action.
Now, what is the significance of these mirror neurons?
For one thing they must be involved in things like imitation and emulation.
Because to imitate a complex act requires my brain to adopt the other person's point of view.
So, this is important for imitation and emulation.
Well, why is that important?
Well, let's take a look at the next slide.
So, how do you do imitation? Why is imitation important?
Mirror neurons and imitation, emulation.
Now, let's look at culture, the phenomenon of human culture.
If you go back in time about [75,000] to 100,000 years ago, let's look at human evolution, it turns out that something very important happened around 75,000 years ago.
of a number of skills that are unique to human beings like tool use, the use of fire, the use of shelters, and, of course, language, and the ability to read somebody else's mind and interpret that person's behavior.
All of that happened relatively quickly.
Even though the human brain had achieved its present size almost three or four hundred thousand years ago, 100,000 years ago all of this happened very, very quickly.
And I claim that what happened was the sudden emergence of a sophisticated mirror neuron system, which allowed you to emulate and imitate other people's actions.
So that when there was a sudden accidental discovery by one member of the group, say the use of fire, or a particular type of tool, instead of dying out, this spread rapidly, horizontally across the population, or was transmitted vertically, down the generations.
So, this made evolution suddenly Lamarckian, instead of Darwinian.
Darwinian evolution is slow; it takes hundreds of thousands of years.
A polar bear, to evolve a coat, will take thousands of generations, maybe 100,000 years.
A human being, a child, can just watch its parent kill another polar bear, and skin it and put the skin on its body, fur on the body, and learn it in one step. What the polar bear took 100,000 years to learn, it can learn in five minutes, maybe 10 minutes.
And then once it's learned this it spreads in geometric proportion across a population.
This is the basis. The imitation of complex skills is what we call culture and is the basis of civilization.
Now there is another kind of mirror neuron, which is involved in something quite different.
And that is, there are mirror neurons, just as there are mirror neurons for action, there are mirror neurons for touch.
In other words, if somebody touches me, my hand, neuron in the somatosensory cortex in the sensory region of the brain fires.
But the same neuron, in some cases, will fire when I simply watch another person being touched.
So, it's empathizing the other person being touched.
So, most of them will fire when I'm touched in different locations. Different neurons for different locations.
But a subset of them will fire even when I watch somebody else being touched in the same location.
So, here again you have neurons which are enrolled in empathy.
Now, the question then arises: If I simply watch another person being touched, why do I not get confused and literally feel that touch sensation merely by watching somebody being touched?
I mean, I empathize with that person but I don't literally feel the touch.
Well, that's because you've got receptors in your skin, touch and pain receptors, going back into your brain and saying "Don't worry, you're not being touched.
So, empathize, by all means, with the other person, but do not actually experience the touch, otherwise you'll get confused and muddled."
Okay, so there is a feedback signal that vetoes the signal of the mirror neuron preventing you from consciously experiencing that touch.
But if you remove the arm, you simply anesthetize my arm, so you put an injection into my arm, anesthetize the brachial plexus, so the arm is numb, and there is no sensations coming in, if I now watch you being touched, I literally feel it in my hand.
In other words, you have dissolved the barrier between you and other human beings.
So, I call them Gandhi neurons, or empathy neurons.
And this is not in some abstract metaphorical sense.
All that's separating you from him, from the other person, is your skin.
Remove the skin, you experience that person's touch in your mind.
You've dissolved the barrier between you and other human beings.
And this, of course, is the basis of much of Eastern philosophy, and that is there is no real independent self, aloof from other human beings, inspecting the world, inspecting other people.
You are, in fact, connected not just via Facebook and Internet, you're actually quite literally connected by your neurons.
And there is whole chains of neurons around this room, talking to each other.
And there is no real distinctiveness of your consciousness from somebody else's consciousness.
And this is not mumbo-jumbo philosophy.
It emerges from our understanding of basic neuroscience.
So, you have a patient with a phantom limb. If the arm has been removed and you have a phantom, and you watch somebody else being touched, you feel it in your phantom.
Now the astonishing thing is, if you have pain in your phantom limb, you squeeze the other person's hand, massage the other person's hand, that relieves the pain in your phantom hand, almost as though the neuron were obtaining relief from merely watching somebody else being massaged.
So, here you have my last slide.
For the longest time people have regarded science and humanities as being distinct.
C.P. Snow spoke of the two cultures: science on the one hand, humanities on the other; never the twain shall meet.
So, I'm saying the mirror neuron system underlies the interface allowing you to rethink about issues like consciousness, representation of self, what separates you from other human beings, what allows you to empathize with other human beings, and also even things like the emergence of culture and civilization, which is unique to human beings. Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
利害関係は、このタイプの戦いにおける通常のものよりも、ずっと明らかである。ミタルはアルセロルの支配権を握ることに明白な興味がある。それは、世界地理上のバランスを改善し、ハイエンドの鋼製品の市場に占めるシェアを増大し、そして、鋼鉄市場で起こる投機的なショックに対する弱さを減らすためである。 | The stakes are much clearer than they usually are in these types of battles. Mittal has an obvious interest in gaining control of Arcelor in order to improve its global geographic balance, boost its market share in high-end steel products, and reduce its vulnerability to the speculative jolts that occur in the raw steel market. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
そればかりか、米国の大学における研究の雰囲気は、打ち解けた協力が大部分を占めているのが特徴である。人々は、ラボラトリーやセミナーだけでなく、コモンルームやカフェテリアでも集う。彼らは、階級的な地位や助手に囲まれることに固執していない。 | Moreover, the research atmosphere of American universities is characterized by a great deal of informal cooperation. People meet in laboratories and seminars, but also in common rooms and cafeterias. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
いや、僕が分割払いを渋ってるだけなんだけどね? 一括で買えそうなのに、分割にして利子を発生させるのはなんか納得しづらくて......。
「さっきも言ったけど、一括払いにしたいがために貯蓄しながら宿暮らしを続けると、その間の宿代分損なのよ? 一括にしろ分割にしろ払う総金額は変わらないんだからこだわる必要もないじゃない」
「うぐ、そういわれると......ん? 金額かわらないの?」
「そうね、後は鍋とかを追加で買うくらい? あー、掃除道具とかも買わないと。でもまとめて買わなくても、必要になったら買い足していけばいいんじゃない?」
「わかったわ。でも家具屋ってどこにあるの? 団長に聞いておいた?」
「あれ? カイン?」
「そっちこそどうしたんだ? カフェに魔法士団までやってたんじゃ、他の仕事受ける余裕ないだろ?」
うん? なんか複雑な表情してる。どうしたんだろ?
「ぐっ! なんでわかるんだよ!?」
「まぁ俺もこのままでいいとは思ってないからな。そう遠くないうちになんとかするさ。んで家具屋だっけか? 場所知ってるけど案内するか?」
「荷運びの仕事してるって前言ったろ? その関係で家具屋にも品物運んだりとかしたんだよ」
「なにこれ? 中に入ってるの綿じゃないの?」
「どれどれ? おー、なんか面白い感触のマットだな、これ」
あら? ルティもカインも知らないっぽい?とも物珍しそうに触ってる。
うわ! びっくりしたぁ......。声がした方を向くと、いつの間にか近寄ってきていた店員さんがいた。心臓に悪いなぁ。
「本来貴族様方向けの商品なのですが、その評判の良さから、当店でも目玉商品として仕入れたのですよ。さすがにお安くとはまいりませんが、どうでしょう? 出来る限りサービスさせて頂きますが」
ちょっと欲張り過ぎ? でも言うだけなら只だし、変に遠慮してそれならいいですよって言われちゃうと、もっと付けてもらえばよかったって思いそうだし。
お、カインも家の購入に大分前向きになったのかな? 二人がどんな家買うのかちょっと興味があるから、決まったら教えてもらおう。
セッティングとかまだまだやることはあるけど、これでとりあえず準備だけは終わったかな? | After visiting several houses after that, we finally found a property we liked.
Except for the fact that it’s a bit far from the main street, it had practically everything we wanted. It didn’t just have the things we asked for, but the beautifully newly furbished white stucco walls that gave the place a relaxing atmosphere was another reason we liked it too.
「Hmmm...... We could pay in one go but it’s going leave us broke.」
「There are a lot of things we’ll need to buy later on as well, so getting broke is definitely a no.」
Even though the place may be far from the main street, it’s still a property in the noble district. Besides, since it was just refurbished as well, it’s super expensive.
Because of that, we couldn’t really decide immediately, so we asked for some time to decide, but......
「Is paying in installments really our only choice?」
「Paying up with all our savings right now will still be meaningless if we won’t have enough money to buy our necessities, you know? Let’s just settle with getting an installment, alright?」
Like so, with the documents needed for the contract right in front of us, we’re still conflicted on whether we should get an installment or not.
Well, yeah, I’m the only one hesitating, sure, but see? Since we could pay it in full right now, it’s a bit hard for me to agree on paying in installments and getting charged some interest......
「I’ve already said it earlier, but even if we decide on staying in the inn until we save enough to pay in full, we’ll still end up wasting money to pay for our stay, you know? Since the total amount we pay wouldn’t change regardless if we pay in full or in installments, there’s really no need to fuss over it, is there?」
「Ugh, if you say it like that, the-........
「In that case then, please sign here.」
On our next rest day, we headed to the union to sign the contract.
In the end, we decided on paying half of the property now and paying the rest by ten-year installment.
I really thought that getting it by installment would get us some add-on interest, but it looks like it’s just the installment and nothing more. My brain was completely focused on the loans back on earth, so I was absolutely convinced that the installment plan was going to have add-on interest.
So, as for the reason they don’t add interest seems to be simply because if you can’t continue paying, they could just confiscate the property and put it out for sale again. I guess there aren’t any loansharking businesses in this world...... This world’s pretty kind......
No wonder that we couldn’t agree that time. After all, one side didn’t see any much demerit at all, while the other thought otherwise.
So after this and that, the contract is complete. Since we finished the needed procedures in the morning, we decided to go looking for stuff we need for the house after getting lunch.
「We should prepare to move but we don’t really have much stuff in the inn to begin with, and the things that we do have are all in your shadow anyway, so I guess we only need to buy the furniture? 」
While having lunch at a nearby restaurant, we roughly planned out our schedule.
, we also need to buy cleaning supplies. But even if we don’t buy them all now, we could simply get them when they’re needed, don’t you think?」
「Well, you don’t really remember the small stuff until you need them, so let’s just buy them as we go. Now, let’s start with the large furniture.」
「Alright. Still, where is the furniture store anyway? Did you ask the leader about it?」
, crap. I was so focused on the house that I completely forgot to ask about the furniture shop and other things.
「Huh? Cain?」
As we reached the union, we saw Cain there. It’s pretty rare to bump into him here.
「Yo. That’s unusual, seeing you two in this place.」
「That’s my line. What brings you here? Aren’t you usually still working at this time?」 「The work I had just ended, you see. I’m just about to go look for the next job.」
, so that’s why. We’re pretty much treated like regular employees at the café job but requests usually have fixed work durations, I think. It’s been a while since I did work for the union, so I forgot about it.
「What about you two then? You’re already busy with the café and the Order of Mages, so you two really don’t have the free time to get more jobs, right?」
「Yeah, we’re not really here to look for work, you know? To be honest, we just bought a house here, so we wanted to buy some furniture for the new place. But we don’t actually know where the furniture store is, so we came back here to try and ask.」
「Ahh, now that you mention it, I remember Firu saying that you two were buying something. I see, so you finally bought it,
Hm? Cain has a somewhat complicated look on his face. I wonder why?
「Gck! How did you know!?」
It looks like Ruti was right on the mark. Cain was super shaken, he’s absolutely panicking.
「Of course I’d know. After all, when we were talking with Firu about the house the other day, she’d occasionally have a look of envy on her face.
With the price being how it is, I’m not saying that you should buy one as well, but since you two are doing relatively well with your jobs, why don’t you ponder on it just a bit more?」
「Well, yeah, I get what you’re saying, but...... You know, I’m also thinking if we should have the ceremony before getting a house, and such......」
. We can’t have a wedding so we used most of our savings for the house but...... I see, they need to save for a wedding too.
...... We can’t have children, and we can’t have a wedding too. At this point, it’s like we just can’t do everything, it’s making me angry. Even with this...... no, even more than this, I’ll definitely make Ruti happy.
「Well, even I don’t think we should stay as we are. We’ll figure something out soon, you’ll see. So, a furniture store, right? I know a place, want me to lead you there?」
「Eh? In that case, please do. Still, how did you know the place?」
「I told you that I worked as a cargo loader, right? Because of the job, I actually moved some things from furniture stores and such.」
I see. You really get to know a lot of stuff from working, yeah. These kinds of stuff are surprisingly important.
With that in mind, we decided to ask Cain to guide us to the furniture store.
According to Cain, the general district and the noble district have their own furniture store, one each.
And based on what he saw while he was working, it seems that most of the stuff at the noble district’s store have many ornaments and elaborate designs.
It’s not that I’m not interested in the ornamental furniture but since both Ruti and I aren’t really looking for something
「And so, this is the general district’s furniture store.」
「So this is where it was. It’s the same with the house, but there’s really a lot of places I still don’t know, huh. Thanks a lot, Cain.」
「Don’t mention it. Still, I haven’t actually had the time to appreciate the stuff here, so for future reference, can I look around with you two for a bit?」
「We don’t mind, you know?」
Since it’s not the kind of store that would have an issue with us looking around together, the three of us entered the store.
, tables, chairs, beds...... ah, they have cutlery too. The general store had some cutlery as well but the ones here are somewhat better. They probably stocked some in hopes that these would be bought alongside the furniture.
「There are curtains and carpets too. The house already had curtains at least but there were no carpets around. We definitely need to buy these as well.」
The house didn’t have wooden flooring, it had a stone or tile floor, so for both design and temperature reasons, we really need carpets. At the very least, we should have enough for the living room, bedroom, and guest room.
「It depends on the kind of building, but you really need a lot of things, don’t you?」
「That’s true. All I had in my head was only tables too, so I completely forgot about these things.」
It’s not just the carpet, we should focus on tables, chairs, shelves and cupboards that fit the ambience of the house. Just like Cain said, we really need a lot of things.
It’d be nice if we could get some kind of discount for buying a lot at once but...... could we?
Next is the bed. Not just the bed, but the mattress, the pillows, and the others as well. Ah, geez, there’s too much.
Just when I started feeling exhausted from thinking about how much we need to buy from scratch, I noticed a certain mattress.
「What’s this? It’s not filled with cotton?」
, this mattress feels pretty interesting.」
Wait? Ruti and Cain don’t know about it? The two of them curiously touched the mattress.
「There’s a spring inside it. A feature of this is that it doesn’t get as stuffy as the cotton ones and if you choose the hardness that suits you, it would be more comfortable to sleep on, I guess.」
「This product just recently appeared in the market but it’s good that you know of it. Really, you have a good eye.」
! That scared me...... Turning to where the voice came from, there was a shop assistant that approached us before I even noticed. That was really bad for my heart...
「Originally, this product was intended only for nobles to use. However, due to its popularity, our store procured it as our featured product. As you would expect, it doesn’t come cheap still, but how about it? We will try to accommodate as much as possible.」
, even when I was broke in the past, I worked hard to get a mattress bed, so I know how comfortable it is. If possible...... No, I’ll do everything to buy it but first, how much does this cost?
「To start, this would be our regular price for this product.」
Saying so, the store assistant showed its price and it was three times more expensive than a regular mattress. As expected of a new product, just with its price, you can already buy a complete bed set.
Moreover, this is still for a single size bed, right?....... Since it’s for our new home, I was thinking of getting a queen size, or if possible a king size mattress, but honestly, this price already makes me feel lightheaded.
「Umm, if it’s a queen or king size one, how much would it be......?」
「Let’s see...... this would be for the queen, while this is for the king.」
...... Frankly, those prices hurt my eyes. Well, sure, it wouldn’t affect me that much if things were normal, but since we just bought a house, it’s making me subconsciously keep my purse closed tight.
But not only would it feel comfy this winter, it’ll definitely feel absolutely different when summer comes, so I really want to buy this, you know?
Ruti seems to have a good impression on it too, with her sitting down and even lying down for a bit to test it, so I’d like to decide on the mattress.
「You said that you’d accommodate us, but how much could we get as a discount......?」
「To be blunt, a simple discount would be difficult for our side as well. In exchange, however, we can add in a pillow and a bedsheet as a set for the mattress.」
, as expected from their featured product, it looks like I can’t put my hopes on a pure price discount. That’s right, even if it’s just a problem on paper, having their main product get discounted wouldn’t look good for the store.
Besides, it might be different if it was in the noble district, but since it’s a store in the general district, carelessly putting a discount on these kinds of items would make it difficult to be talked about or might give the impression that this store always gives discounts.
「In that case...... since we’re going to buy a king sized one, could we have two pillows, a bedsheet, as well as a blanket and a comforter that would fit it added to the set?」
Was I a bit too greedy? Still, I won’t lose anything just by asking after all, and if I weirdly held myself back and he ended up agreeing with the modest conditions, I’d probably regret not trying to get more out of it anyway.
「Adding that much would be a bit complicated...... It might be different if you have other purchases, however.」
He’s saying difficult things but considering that he’s practically telling me to buy more stuff, this might actually go pretty well. And so, when I told him that we’re also buying other things for our new home, his somewhat reluctant face immediately turned into a smile. Moreover, he even took this chance to show us some recommended products. Pretty quick to change sides, aren’t you?
We impulsively got a few of the recommended stuff too; well, we’re up against a pro after all, so yeah; and together with other assorted items, we reached a total expense that convinced him.
We were super pleased with the shopping but after seeing the furniture we bought, it definitely didn’t look like everything could fit into Ruti’s shadow. Even if we forced ourselves to bring it, we don’t really have a place to leave them at, so we had no other choice but to request to deliver them at a later date.
「Still, that was a lot. I don’t think we’d need that much if we move out, but we probably need to buy a ton,
, Cain seems to be more optimistic about buying a house now, doesn’t he? I’m a bit curious about what kind of house they’d choose, so I’ll ask them about it once they make their decision.
We still need to set up the furniture and other things but with this, we’re done with our preparations, I guess? | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 3,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 28
} |
生まれ育った地域には いろいろな金物店があります 夜店を歩くのが好きで
活気ある屋台の 色や明り おもちゃ 活気ある屋台の 色や明り おもちゃ そして 奇想天外な品物が好きです 例えば アンテナみたく ストローがささったたスイカや
モヒカンの子犬たちに 愛着が湧きます 幼い頃は おもちゃを分解するのも好きでした 弟のBB銃であろうと
家のおもちゃは 何でも分解しました 探検して遊べるような場所を 作るのも好きです
これら装置の材料は プラスチックシートやポリ袋など 金物店や家にある物です 金物店や家にある物です
蛍光ペンを水に溶かした液体を プラスチック管に通して 光を放って循環する装置を作り 人が通って楽しめるようにします
これらの装置の 見た目や触感が好きです そして価格も良心的です
カメラとLEDライト― バンジーコードを腰に固定して へそを録画すると 違う視点から見られて へその動きがわかります
センサーを取り出し 延長コードに取り付け 粘土を使って テレビに貼り付けます 録画した私の目の 黒目の部分を センサーは夜だと錯覚して 電球を点灯します
白目とまぶたで センサーは日中と錯覚し 電球は消えます
色々な目の映像を集めたくて ヘルメットに 電球とテレビを取り付けて この装置を作りました
ヘルメット型にすることで 目の録画が簡単になりました
この装置を使うことで 他の目の映像も 集められます 様々な目の映像を集め 私の作品に使いました
この目は テレビを回転させています
この目は プラスチック管を膨らませ
この目は 別の装置の製造過程の ビデオを見ています
これら2つの目は 液体を発光させています
これら作品の多くは 美術館や博覧会など 世界中で見ることができます
2007年 スミソニアン自然史博物館で 研究員をしていて 発光する海棲生物を 研究していました
これら生き物の 見た目や触感が好きです
柔らかくてヌルヌルしています 自分たちの生息地に明りを灯して 異性を魅了したり 自己防衛したり 餌をおびき寄せる手法に 魅せられました 発光生物の動きや 点灯パターンなど
この研究から あらゆるヒントを得ました そこで私は異なるタイプの材料を たくさん集め あれもこれも試して実験を重ね どんな生き物が作れるかやってみました
大量のPC用冷却ファンを 全部つなげるとどうなるか 試しました
この装置は約750平方メートルで 多様な生き物から成り この装置は約750平方メートルで 多様な生き物から成り 生き物は天井からぶら下げたり 床に置いていたりします
離れると宇宙人のようですが 近付くと― 離れると宇宙人のようですが 近付くと― 黒いゴミ袋とタッパーで できています 黒いゴミ袋とタッパーで できています
ありふれた物が生まれ変わり 私たちに魔法のような 感動を与えてくれるのです
ありがとうございました | I love the energy of the night markets, the colors, the lights, the toys, and all the unexpected things I find every time I go, things like watermelon with straw antennas or puppies with mohawks.
When I was growing up, I liked taking toys apart, any kind of toys I'd find around the house, like my brother's BB gun when he's not home.
I also liked to make environments for people to explore and play.
In these early installations, I would take plastic sheets, plastic bags, and things I would find in the hardware store or around the house.
I would take things like highlighter pen, mix it with water, pump it through plastic tubing, creating these glowing circulatory systems for people to walk through and enjoy.
I like these materials because of the way they look, the way they feel, and they're very affordable.
I also liked to make devices that work with body parts.
I would take camera LED lights and a bungee cord and strap it on my waist and I would videotape my belly button, get a different perspective, and see what it does.
I also like to modify household appliances.
This is an automatic night light.
I would cut out the light sensor, add an extension line, and use modeling clay, stick it onto the television, and then I would videotape my eye, and using the dark part of my eye tricking the sensor into thinking it's night time, so you turn on the lightbulb.
The white of the eye and the eyelid will trick the sensor into thinking it's daytime, and it will shut off the light.
I wanted to collect more different types of eyes, so I built this device using bicycle helmets, some lightbulbs and television sets.
It would be easier for other people to wear the helmet and record their eyes.
This device allows me to symbolically extract other people's eyes, so I have a diversity of eyes to use for my other sculptures.
This sculpture has four eyes.
Each eye is controlling a different device.
This eye is turning itself around in a television.
This eye is inflating a plastic tube.
This eye is watching a video of another piece being made.
And these two eyes are activating glowing water.
Many of these pieces are later on shown in museums, biennials, triennial exhibitions around the world.
I love science and biology.
In 2007, I was doing a research fellowship at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum looking at bioluminous organisms in the oean.
I love these creatures. I love the way they look, the way they feel.
They're soft, they're slimy, and I was fascinated by the way they use light in their environment, either to attract mates, for self-defense, or to attract food. This research inspired my work in many different ways, things like movement or different light patterns.
So I started gathering a lot of different types of material in my studio and just experimenting and trying this out, trying that out, and seeing what types of creatures I can come up with.
I used a lot of computer cooling fans and just kind of put them together and see what happens.
This is an 8,000-square-foot installation composed of many different creatures, some hanging from the ceiling and some resting on the floor.
From afar, they look alien-like, but when you look closer, they're all made out of black garbage bags or Tupperware containers.
I'd like to share with you how ordinary things can become something magical and wondrous.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
避難組は、夜が明ける前には荷物をまとめて町を出た。現在は、日も高く上がり、せっせと戦いの準備をしている者と仮眠をとっている者とに分かれている。居残り組の多くは、〝豊穣の女神〟一行が何とかしてくれると信じてはいるが、それでも、自分達の町は自分達で守るのだ! 出来ることをするのだ! という気概に満ちていた。
「南雲君、準備はどうですか? 何か、必要なものはありますか?」
「おい、貴様。愛子が...自分の恩師が声をかけているというのに何だその態度は。本来なら、貴様の持つアーティファクト類の事や、大群を撃退する方法についても詳細を聞かねばならんところを見逃してやっているのは、愛子が頼み込んできたからだぞ? 少しは......」
「正体を確かめたいんだろ? 見つけても、殺さないでくれってか?」
「ふむ、よいかな。妾もご主......ゴホンッ! お主に話が......というより頼みがあるのじゃが、聞いてもらえるかの?」
「んっ、んっ! えっとじゃな、お主は、この戦いが終わったらウィル坊を送り届けて、また旅に出るのじゃろ?」
「......ハァハァ。よ、予想通りの即答。流石、ご主......コホンッ! もちろん、タダでとは言わん! これよりお主を〝ご主人様〟と呼び、妾の全てを捧げよう! 身も心も全てじゃ! どうzy」
「それがじゃ、ご主人様と戦って、初めてボッコボッコにされた挙句、組み伏せられ、痛みと敗北を一度に味わったのじゃ。そう、あの体の芯まで響く拳! 嫌らしいところばかり責める衝撃! 体中が痛みで満たされて......ハァハァ」
「その通りじゃ! 妾の体はもう、ご主人様なしではダメなのじゃ!」
「お、お前、色々やる事あるだろ? その為に、里を出てきたって言ってたじゃねぇか」
「うむ。問題ない。ご主人様の傍にいる方が絶対効率いいからの。まさに、一石二鳥じゃ......ほら、旅中では色々あるじゃろ? イラっとしたときは妾で発散していいんじゃよ? ちょっと強めでもいいんじゃよ? ご主人様にとっていい事づくしじゃろ?」
「! ......来たか」
「聞け! ウルの町の勇敢なる者達よ! 私達の勝利は既に確定している!」
「なぜなら、私達には女神が付いているからだ! そう、皆も知っている〝豊穣の女神〟愛子様だ!」
その言葉に、皆が口々に愛子様? 豊穣の女神様? とざわつき始めた。護衛騎士達を従えて後方で人々の誘導を手伝っていた愛子がギョッとしたようにハジメを見た。
「我らの傍に愛子様がいる限り、敗北はありえない! 愛子様こそ! 我ら人類の味方にして〝豊穣〟と〝勝利〟をもたらす、天が遣わした現人神である! 私は、愛子様の剣にして盾、彼女の皆を守りたいという思いに応えやって来た! 見よ! これが、愛子様により教え導かれた私の力である!」
「「「「「「愛子様、万歳! 愛子様、万歳! 愛子様、万歳! 愛子様、万歳!」」」」」」
「「「「「「女神様、万歳! 女神様、万歳! 女神様、万歳! 女神様、万歳!」」」」」」
「じゃあ、やるか」 | Ul town. The mountain range area in the North and Uldeia lake in the West brought abundant resources to the town. Currently, the town was encircled by an “outer wall” that didn’t exist last night as the town was wrapped in a strange atmosphere.
This “outer wall” was something Hajime instantly built. Using the magic-driven two-wheeler, he ran around the town’s outer circumference and transmuted the “outer wall” without leveling the land. First of all, the wall’s height was only four meters tall because it was the range limit of Hajime’s transmutation, it was not a really tall one. If it was a big-sized demonic beast, it would easily be able to climb over the wall. Tentatively, there’s no problem because it made the people feel better in such an emergency. To begin with, Hajime wouldn’t depend on such a wall.
The thing about the approaching army of tens of thousands of demonic beasts was already known to the townspeople. Considering the demonic beasts’ movement speed, the vanguard would arrive right before evening. Naturally, the townspeople panicked. People began to insult the town leaders including the mayor; others cried and collapsed on where they were, people closely embraced the person next to them, some scrambled to escape even among companions, and there were those who started to blame each other. Tomorrow, this town would be destroyed and they knew they’d lose their lives if they stayed here, so they didn’t have the luxury to remain calm. The way they were acting couldn’t be helped.
But there was someone who made them regain their composure. It was Aiko. Finally arriving at the town, the guard Knights received the briefing and they shouted “Goddess of Good Harvest.” With her dignified appearance showing she didn’t fear anything, coupled with her originally high popularity made the people regain their composure for now. Hatayama Aiko, in a certain way, was more hero-like than a hero.
The people who regained their composure divided into two groups. Those who wouldn’t throw away their hometown and would share the same fate as this town; the stay-behind group. The other one was as planned in the beginning, escaping to safety until rescue came; the shelter group. Even among the stay-behind group, a lot of women and children were put into the shelter. They believed Aiko’s words that the demonic beasts would be repulsed, and they wondered if they could help somehow and the stay-behind men decided to help while the wives and children would stay inside the shelter in case of an emergency. Although it passed midnight, the appearance of people embracing each others for separation in tears could be seen everywhere.
The shelter group went out of the town while carrying their luggages before dawn. The sun had raised high now, the people were divided between those who prepared for the battle and those who took a nap. Most of the stay-behind group believed in the “Goddess of Good Harvest”‘s party, even so, we will protect our town ourselves!, we’ll do what we can!, they were filled with such strong spirits.
Even if the people had decreased, there was more liveliness than usual so Hajime sat on the instant rampart behind the town, it was unknown where he was looking as he looked at the distance. Naturally, by his sides were Yue and Shia. They sat beside Hajime, they thought of something, then the two quietly drew closer to him.
Them, Aiko, the students, Tio, Will, David, and several guard Knights arrived there. Even though he noticed Aiko and the others approaching, he didn’t turn around and made David and the Knights frown, but Aiko called on him earlier than them.
“Nagumo-kun, how are your preparations? Did you need something else?”
“No, there’s no problem, sensei.”
Of course Hajime simply answered so without turning around. Unable to endure his attitude, David snapped on him.
“Oi, you. What’s with your attitude towards Aiko... towards your honored teacher. Normally, I wouldn’t overlook the details about the artifact you carry and the details about your method of repulsing the army of demonic beasts, but I didn’t do that because Aiko had asked me earnestly, you know? At least...”
“David-san. Can you keep quiet for now?”
“Uh... affirmative...”
However, when Aiko told him to “shut up” he dejectedly shut his mouth. His appearance was just like a dog. Even though he wasn’t a demi-human, one could see dog-ears and a tail. Now, those things seemed to hang down dejectedly because the owner was angry.
“Nagumo-kun. About the black-robed man...”
Apparently, that’s the subject. Anguish oozed out from Aiko’s words.
“Are you going to confirm his identity? Even if I find him, you’re telling me to not kill him, right?”
“... Yes. It’s necessary to confirm his identity. That’s... if it’s an unreasonable thing for Nagumo-kun...”
“For the time being, I’ll just bring him here.”
“I’ll bring the black robe to sensei. Sensei is thinking as a teacher... so I’ll do just that.”
“Nagumo-kun... thank you very much.”
Aiko was a little surprised because of the unexpected cooperation from Hajime. Hajime didn’t even turn around even now, and thinking Hajime had a lot to think about, she decided to receive his goodwill. She muttered I am powerless as she sighed secretly, then Aiko said her gratitude with a bitter smile.
It looked like Aiko’s talk was over, and this time Tio moved forward and called Hajime.
“Fumu, I wonder if it’s okay. This one mas-... gohonh! matter to talk... is a request, will you hear it?”
“Th-Thou, don’t tell me that this one’s existence was forgotten... haa haa, there’s also something like this...”
Because it was an unfamiliar voice, Hajime inadvertently looked over his shoulder, and there was black clothes with golden embroidery which resembled a kimono and splendidly slipped down, white and smooth shoulders together with an enchanting valley, followed by the beautiful leg which peeped from the cut from the knee; a black-haired, golden-eyed beautiful woman. For a moment, his eyes seemed dubious and he remembered with “Aa, now that you mention” then called her name. Obviously, Tio whose existence was forgotten was far from getting angry, she was blushing and her breathing became rough. Her “something like this” was unknown, but it’d be better to not asked her about it.
“Nnh, nnh! That’s, after this battle end and thou sent Will back, art thou going to continue to travel?”
“Aa, that’s so.”
“Fumu, this one’s request is that... this one want to accompany thou...”
“I refuse.”
“... Haa haa. I-Immediate answer just as expected. As expected of mas-...kohonh! Of course it’s not for free! I’ll call thou “Master” from now own, and dedicated all of this one to thee! Body and mind, all of them! How is it?”
“Just return, rather just return into the ground.”
While spreading her arms, Tio declared to become Hajime slave with an expression of ecstasy, and Hajime, who looked at her as if looking at a filth, immediately casted her away. Tio’s body shook again. Her cheek became rose-colored. No matter who saw her, they’d thought of her as a pervert. Even the surrounding people were taken aback. Especially Yue who had strong yearning and respect towards Ryuujin tribe, her noh mask-like expression crumbled with all of her feelings.
“That’s... cruel... Master was the one who turned this one’s body into this... this one want thou to take the responsibility!”
Everyone became “Eh!?” as they looked at Hajime. As expected, he couldn’t just leave that ridiculous and false accusation alone, Hajime immediately looked at Tio’s direction and he glared at her with veins popped. His glare asked what she meant by that.
“Au, to be seen as filth by those eyes again... haa haa... gulp... that’s, look, isn’t this one strong?”
Her body shuddered again because of Hajime’s glare, then Tio began to explain her thought process that reached extraordinary conception to declared herself as Hajime’s slave.
“Even in my hometown, this one only have one, two fights, and this one’s particular endurance surpassed them. That’s why, to be held down by other and even to felt pain-like pain never happened until now and only until now.”
Because the guard Knights nearby didn’t know Tio came from Ryuujin tribe, Tio’s words trickle down with some omission.
“That’s why, when this one fought Master, it’s the first time this one was knocked down, being held down, and tasted the pain and defeat for the first time. That’s right, that fist which resonated with this body’s core! The impacts that always aimed at unpleasant points! The pain that could felt throughout this one’s body... haa haa”
Although Tio said that herself, the Knights who didn’t know she was from Ryuujin race turned their gaze towards Hajime as if they looked at a criminal. If ones heard it objectively, it was a completely like a woman assaulting case. “How could you assaulted such beautiful woman!,” was the noise raised by the Knights. They didn’t plainly blamed him because they felt pity on the victim; Tio. Rather, the Knights with strong sense of justice were perplexed because she look so happy.
“... In other words, Hajime opened a new door for you?”
“That’s it! This one’s body is already useless without Master!”
“... Gross”
Yue’s expression was distorted as if she saw something unpleasant, her tone no longer carried respect when Tio said her agreement. Spontantly, Hajime revealed his feeling. He was completely taken aback.
Tio’s perverted look suddenly changed as she began fidgeting while she held her hip with her hands in embarrassment.
“... This one’s first time was stolen already.”
With those words, everyone’s faces showed their surprise as they looked at Hajime. Hajime said “There’s no such thing,” as he shook his neck while his cheeks were convulsing.
“This one had decided to only admit stronger man than this one as companion... but, there’s no such person in this one’s hometown... To be defeated, and to be held down like that... was the first time... to suddenly used this one’s ***... Moreover, such intensity... that’s why thou art this one’s Master. This one want thou to take responsibility.”
Tio’s eyes were moistened as she looked at Hajime while holding her butt. The Knights’ eyes said, “This guy just a criminal after all!,” and continued with “To suddenly attacked the ***-,” as they talked and floated shuddering expressions. Even Aiko and the others who knew the truth glared at Hajime with blaming eyes. Even Yue and Shia’s expressions by his side said, “That’s a little-,” as they averted their gazes. Even before the approaching of the army, Hajime was dragged into a situation where he was surrounded by enemies on all sides.
“Y-You, didn’t you have things to do? That’s why you went out from your hometown.”
Because Yue and the others averted their gazes, Hajime replied desperately about “Ryuujin race’s investigation.”
“Umu. There’s no problem. It absolutely will become more efficient if this one is beside Master. It’s just like hitting two birds with one stone... look, aren’t there various things happened in travel? It’s okay to let out the frustration on this one, okay? It’s also okay to do it stronger. Isn’t that a good thing for Master?”
“There’s only demerit with a pervert by my side.”
Tio clung to him, but Hajime just cast her away. It followed by the guard Knights’ resentment, female students who saw Hajime as a maggot, male students who felt a complex about women from different world as they looked at Hajime with envy, Aiko who started to preach about illicit sexual relationship, and Will who somehow looked at Hajime with eyes of respect. Inside such chaotic situation, the army kept approaching them, and when Hajime started to became tired of it, they finally came.
” ! ... They’ve arrive huh.”
Hajime suddenly turned his gaze towards the mountain range area in the north. He displayed his narrowed eyes as he looked at the distance. Even though they weren’t in location that could be seen by naked eyes, Hajime could clearly saw it from the image from Unmanned Reconnaissance Planes which displayed on his “Magic Eye Crystal.”
There was a crowd of demonic beasts who completely wrapped the ground. Beside human-type demonic beasts like Brutal, there were three-four meter big and black wolf-like demonic beasts, and there were also lizard-like demonic beasts with six legs, phyton-like demonic beasts with needles protruded from their backs, mantis-like demonic beasts with four scythes, huge spider-like demonic beasts with numerous tentacles grown all over their bodies, and there were pure white, two headed snakes. It truly a rich variation of demonic beasts and their march made the ground trembled as cloud of dust was scattered by their tremendous force. Their number seemed to have increased further since the time he confirmed it at the mountain. It was a large army of around ,-,00.
In addition, there were also flying-type demonic beasts above the large crowd. They could be compared to the Pteranodon. One of the tens of pteranodon-fakers was especially big, and a person shadow could slightly be seen on it. It was probably the black robed man. Although Aiko’s manner showed she didn’t want to believe it, it was Shimizu Yukitoshi 8 or 9 out of ten cases.
Yue and Shia noticed something approached them from the change in Hajime’s atmosphere. They called out to Hajime. Hajime turned his gaze towards the two and he nodded once, following that he turned his glance towards Aiko and the others whose faces filled with tension behind him.
“They’ve come. Although it’s considerably earlier than the schedule, it’ll be 30 minutes until their arrival. The number are more than 50,000. They are mix of more than two kind of demonic beasts.”
Hearing the number of demonic beasts had increased further, Aiko and the others turned paler. Towards Aiko and the others who looked uneasy, Hajime jumped above the wall and he displayed a fearless smile over his shoulder.
“Don’t make that face, sensei. There’ll be no problem because there’s only addition of several tens of thousand. Just as planned, those who can fight should stand by the “wall side” in case of emergency. Well, there’ll be no turn for them though.”
Without any fighting mood, Hajime told them to leave it to him, and Aiko narrowed her eyes as they slightly sparkling.
“I understand... though I don’t know what I can do just by standing here just as you’ve said... somehow please be safe...”
As Aiko said that, the guard Knights said, “I wonder if it’s okay to leave it to Hajime” and “Even though it’s too late, we should go to the shelter,” as they ran while carrying the information towards the town. Even the students looked at Hajime with complexed eyes once, then ran after Aiko. Beside Hajime and his party, the remaining were only Will and Tio.
Will was talking about something to Tio, then he ran after Aiko and the others after he bowed to Hajime. Tio answered Hajime’s questioning face with a wry smile.
“Because this one will use all of this one’s power to overcome this incident, then at the very least this ones wanted Will-boy to forgive this one about the adventurers, that kind of talk... that’s why this one will help thee. What, even if this one’s magic power isn’t recovered enough for Dragon Form, this one’s flame and wind are quite the real deal, kay?”
Ryuujin race was called odd existence by the church, and although they could be considered as demi-human race, they could directly manipulated magic power just like demonic beasts. Therefore, even though she wasn’t an all attribute, chantless, no magic circle genius like Yue, there were attributes she excelled at, and she seemed to be capable to do it chantless just like Yue.
Tio self-claimed that as she vehemently stuck out her chest to deliberately emphasized it, but Hajime just silently throw a ring made of magic-crystallization stone. Although Tio showed a questioning look, she opened her eyes wide when she understood it was a magic power tank made of God Crystal, then she looked at Hajime with moistened eyes and speak with a shaking voice.
“Master... to propose right before a fight... this one, of course, this one’s answer is...”
“As if. I am only lending it to you because you have the duty as the battery, no more, no less. Rather, did you just tried to be the fool like a certain someone just now?”
“... I see, that black history.”
Yue dropped her shoulders with unpleasant expression because her thought pattern was somewhat similar to this pervert. Hajime’s objection was completely ignored as Tio put the ring on her finger and gazed at it with a grin while she was also being ignored by him, and finally the large group of demonic beasts could be seen by naked eyes. People with bows and magic arrays in their hands gathered on the “outer wall.” The ground began to tremor, and demonic beasts’ roars could be heard together with dust storm in the distance. Some people started to pray to the god and some people wore expressions as if they’d be dead at any time.
Having seen that, Hajime came forward. Using transmutation, he created the speech stand by piling up the ground. He didn’t thought of easing people’s anxiety because it’d simply turned into panic if friendly fire happened.
Something suddenly climbed on the foundation outside the wall, and the people who thought it was one of the approaching demonic beasts were glaring at it, but they were bewildered because where their gazes gathered was a white-haired, eye-patched boy.
After he confirmed everyone’s gazes were turned to him, Hajime inhaled then speak with a voice that could reached the heaven.
“Listen! O brave people of Ul town! Our victory is nothing but confirmed!”
Wondering what was suddenly said, the townspeople looked at each other. Hajime looked at their confusion with narrowed eyes and continued his words.
“If you ask for the reason, it is because the Goddess has taken side with us! That’s right, it’s the “Goddess of Good Harvest” everyone know; Aiko-sama!”
Hearing those words, everyone began to raised noises with, Aiko-sama? Goddess of Good Harvest?. Aiko whose accompanied by the guard Knights behind and had been helped guiding the people became stupefied.
“As long as Aiko-sama is beside us, we are unbeatable! Aiko-sama is the living god send by the heaven as an ally to humanity, and brought to us “Good Harvest” and “Victory”! I am Aiko-sama’s sword and also her shield, I am here to answer her desire to protect everyone! Look! This is my power which guided by Aiko-sama!”
As he said that, Hajime pull out Schlagen from the void and anchors from its barrel pierced the ground to fixed its position. Following that, he crouched and the townspeople observed him as he aligned his sight towards the vanguard of demonic beasts, the pteranodon-fakers... and he pulled the trigger.
A bright red spark released from Schlagen and accompanied with killing intent, a blinding light ran through the sky in an instant. It crushed one of the pteranodon-fakes which was several kilometers away, and several others on the surrounding descended into the ground because their wings were pulverized by the after-effect. As is, Hajime continued to fired for the second and third times, and the demonic beasts in the sky were exterminated. Then, he purposely altered his aim and the rather huge pteranodon-fake started to fall as it was confused by what happened, moreover the black robed man who rode on it was blown by the after-effect. The black robe blown into the air and he tried to resist the fall.
He didn’t have the time to bring the black robe to Aiko until all of the demonic beasts were dealt with, so he choose to defeat the fastest ones to escape for now. Although Aiko would be angry if she heard he shot him down, he didn’t care at the least if that person was hurt after all. At least Aiko might not noticed it because he shot it down while they were still far away.
Hajime finished exterminating the demonic beasts in the sky and he calmly turned around. There were the appearances of the townspeople who became dumbfounded and slack-jawed.
“All hail Aiko-sama!”
Hajime raised words of praise for Aiko as his last duty. Then, in the next moment...
“”””””All hail Aiko-sama! Long live Aiko-sama! Cheers for Aiko-sama! All hail Aiko-sama!””””””
“”””””All hail Goddess! Long live Goddess! Cheers for Goddess! All hail Goddess!””””””
Inside Ul town, it was no longer just her nickname, a true goddess was bornt. Apparently, their anxiety had blown away as everyone in the town raise shouts of praise as their shining eyes looked towards Aiko, the goddess; their hope. In the distance, Aiko’s face turned crimson as she trembled. Her eyes immediately turned towards Hajime and her small mouth moved as it said, “What.Do.You.Mean.By.This!”.
Hajime turned towards the large crowd of demonic beasts again. Hajime pushed such façade to Aiko because he had his own reason. First, Hajime’s activity would surely make the Church and the Kingdom move in the future, and because Aiko would confronted them if they tried to harm Hajime, it’d be better for her words as “Goddess of Good Harvest” carried power at that time. If they could overcome the town’s emergency with Aiko-sama(...)’s power, then the townspeople would started their own rumour and the name “Goddess of Good Harvest” would surely grabbed people’s hearts further. At that time, she wasn’t only a useful talent for the kingdom but also the goddess that people supported, so the Church and the Kingdom couldn’t easily put their hands on her as her words carried more power.
The second reason was simply because the townspeople would only become frightened and hostile if they were shown a big power. That’s why even if they showed their power, the townspeople’s wonder and fear would be relieved when they remembered it came from the goddess who supported them, and the hostility could be changed to goodwill. Even if they were chased by the Church, there’d be people who cooperated with them... and that’s a good thing.
The third reason was simply to declare that he’d took the full brunt of everything aimed towards “Nagumo Hajime’s teacher.”
His number one reason was so that the townspeople would not panicked and did something wrong, and he immediately thought to do that. Afterwards Aiko would told him various things, but there were also merits for Aiko and she should overlook it because it was the result of her decision... it’d be okay to just escape once everything’s over.
With townspeople’s shouts that they wouldn’t be defeated by demonic beasts because of Aiko on his back, along with Aiko’s piercing glance, and the guard Knights floated smiles as they muttered “Just what, that guys understood well what we meant” and looked at him, Hajime took out two Metherai’s ammunition belt from “Treasure Box” and put them on his shoulders as he advanced ahead.
On her right was Yue as always, on his left was Shia with Orkan on her shoulder which Hajime loaned to her, and beside him was also Tio who absent-mindedly staring at the ring of magic crystallization stone. On the horizon, the pteranodon-fakers who fell to the ground as if they weren’t related to all of this and demonic beasts who marched single-mindedly filled their view.
Hajime looked at Yue. Yue returned Hajime’s gaze and silently nodded. Hajime looked at Shia. Shia with her rabbit ears stood straight nodded full of confidence. Tio on his side... he just put her aside.
Hajime returned his gaze towards the large crowd and floated a smile, and he mutter without any eagerness.
“Then, let’s do it.” | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 10,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
厄介な権力者を相手に手助けができる? 何者だ、この人?
「その人を紹介していただきたい」 | Even without going to the labyrinth, Mitrof would often visit the public bathhouse.
It was partly due to habit and partly to clear his head of problems that were not going well or getting stuck.
Taking a bath in the middle of the day was not bad.
The bathhouse that Mitrof went to after his adventure was always dimly lit. However, in the daytime, sunlight streamed in from the stained glass ceiling and skylights, reflecting off the white walls and tiles, making it a pleasantly bright environment. The greenery of the potted plants placed here and there also looked vivid.
The clientele was also slightly different from the nighttime crowd. Mitrof recognized many unfamiliar faces, but they appeared to be adventurers from the atmosphere. They could be people who took a bath before heading to the labyrinth, or novice adventurers who were also prohibited from entering the labyrinth, like Mitrof.
There were people whom Mitrof was sure were like himself, slouching and gazing blankly at the skylight or the water’s surface, propped up on their elbows with nothing to do.
Mitrof was one of them, unable to concentrate on the pleasure of the bath, not feeling motivated, and unable to find anything to do.
“Oh... how unusual.”
The voice was familiar to him. The sight was refreshing and unfamiliar.
“...It’s been a while.”
It was a familiar lion-head man. It was difficult to see in the dim light of the night. However, in the bright daylight, Mitrof was amazed by the man’s sturdy build and the fierce nature of his lion head. Although he spoke casually, he exuded an aura that suggested he was not just an ordinary adventurer.
With a splash, the lion-headed man submerged himself in the water, his mane trailing behind him.
“What a coincidence to meet you in the daytime.”
“Yes, the labyrinth is off-limits.”
“Ah, right, the troll incident—It seems to have been quite noisy.”
For him, the incident seemed to be of a minor degree. Mitrof scratched his cheek, thinking that this man might be a fairly advanced adventurer.
“I heard about the troll’s ‘march’ happening on the upper floors—were you safe?”
“The “march” itself was fine. I encountered a few of them. I almost died in a battle with the red-eyed troll.”
“Oh, you fought a red-eyed troll—impressive.”
The lion-headed man seemed genuinely impressed. Mitrof was not used to receiving praise from someone who was probably quite powerful. His back felt itchy.
“So, it was you who found the relic.”
Mitrof was surprised.
“How did you know?”
“There are those who find value in such information—and valuable things circulate, especially when it comes to relics—and I heard about a promising newcomer who found a relic that everyone on the upper floors had overlooked and defeated a Red-Eyed troll.”
“Gururu” laughs with a rumble in his throat.
“... You’re kidding, right?”
“No, it is true that there are stories about that. It’s quite impressive to accomplish those two things alone. When it comes to relics, I hear that there’s a lot of information going around. After all, curious collectors have money and power. If you get into trouble with a troublesome person, tell them. I might be able to help you a little.”
“...Thank you very much.”
‘Can he really help deal with troublesome people in power?—Who is this person?’
Mitrof realized he was making guesses and evaluations, so he immediately washed his face with hot water. This was something like an ingrained aristocratic trait.
“Do they really want relics that much?”
He asked to change the subject, feeling his own thoughts were base.
“Rare things only have value because they are rare—It would make you feel fulfilled to get your hands on it. I know a guy who relies on adventurers to collect rare materials and decorate them in a special glass case called the Ward Box. It’s engraved with magic, and apparently, anything put inside can be preserved as if time were stopped—truly a ridiculous hobby...”
Mitrof widened his nostrils and approached the lion-headed man. As if an angel had whispered in his ear, that spark raced through his mind.
“I would like to meet that person.” | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 2,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
............最高じゃない!! あのウィルおじさんが容赦なく私と戦ってくれているんでしょ?
彼がぼそりと何か言ったような気がしたが、私には聞こえなかった。 | So far, we were evenly matched...I would like to think so, but if Uncle Will were to go all out, I might lose.
I created a new magic circle every time one disappeared, but it seemed impossible for me to gain the upper hand.
...Uncle Will had a very wonderful disposition to create a magic circle with the same magic power.
It was Uncle Will who taught me how to use magic properly. Of course, he knew exactly what kind of magic I could use.
Perhaps because I used too much magic, I was starting to feel a little exhausted. But the person standing in front of me looked as if he had plenty of time to spare.
...Were all members of the royal family monsters?
“Alicia, to win a battle, you have to use your head. Then you can win even if you don’t have the strength.”
Use your head...against Uncle Will?
I mean, I was already using my head.... I doubt that I could ever compete with him in a head-to-head battle.
I knew enough about magic. But I could not win if I did not use my wisdom on how to use it well.
Weaknesses of the enemy..., I have never heard of any weakness of Uncle Will!
While I was faltering, Uncle Will was creating a magic circle so powerful that it could be considered far more brilliant compared to mine.
The beautifully patterned blue magic circle behind him, made me thrilled, not terrified. I guess “hair-raising” was the word I would use in such a situation.
I had never seen such a magic circle. This was the most amazing magic circle I’d ever seen.
If I were to be hit by one like this, I would be beyond help. I could not prevent the power of this magic circle.
“I never heard of this.... I can’t believe that you would come up with such an extraordinary magic circle...”
“It would be impossible for you to block this...”
Uncle Will called my name “Alicia” and continued talking.
“You could die here.”
I never thought I would hear that from Uncle Will. Uncle Will, who had always protected me, was seriously trying to kill me.
That was the best! That Uncle Will was fighting me without mercy, wasn’t he?
I would never allow him to cut corners. He was facing me with all his might so as not to hurt my pride. Thinking of that made me incredibly happy.
“I’m honored beyond words.”
I couldn’t help but smile, a Villainess-like smile. Even if this was not an illusion, but a real Uncle Will, I would still aim to defeat him intending to kill him.
I wouldn’t have the luxury to hesitate. I took pride in my ability to grow every time I met a strong enemy.
“Alicia, be more cunning than foolish.”
“...Yes! “
I straightened my back and faced Uncle Will. And once again, I created a large number of magic circles in the air.
Use your head, Alicia.
Uncle Will watched me do this and smiled softly.
“The last thing I want to do is to bring out the potential of my precious daughter.”
I thought he blurted out something, but I didn’t hear it. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
スエード王国は別名――神隠しの国と呼ばれている。 | “You pulled that off really well considering it was your first time. You know how you need Dark Cores so the freezer can work? Now I’ll teach you how to use your Saint Core in parallel to your previous abilities to subjugate monsters.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t have time for that. I’m really interested in this power, but I really need to make sure everything is ready so we can open the restaurant.”
Schenna returned her sword to its scabbard and went to check the ingredients were all good, and that the vegetable soup broth they were preparing was seasoned correctly. They still had enough Dark Cores for three more days, so the next day she would have to ask Luthors to go gather more from monsters.
“If we use my teleportation magic, we all could gather more than enough Dark Cores in a single hour. The other two seem to be on board with the idea, so only your decision remains now.”
Luthors readied herself inside the restaurant before joining Schenna outside.
If Grana really had teleportation magic, then one hour would not delay the opening time of the restaurant at all.
“Kishana will be working in the restaurant and wait for us apparently. And I know I’m the one in charge of hunting monsters but...”
“As the manager of the restaurant, I had already planned on watching you take down monsters at least once. I’ll try not to get in your way so I hope we can go together.”
Last time Luthors had gone on her own to gather the Dark Cores, but she brought many more than expected back.
When they asked her what kind of monsters she had slain, she just said they were so many different ones she couldn’t remember.
“If you think it’s too dangerous, just use him as a shield. He’s a monster that can stand a fight against the Hero’s party without sustaining a single fatal wound.”
“That’s just rude... What you said might be true but that doesn’t mean I don’t feel pain. Though I’m not saying I’m against being used as a shield, but you could have worded it a bit better...”
“Shut up already and teleport us!”
“Arrite arrite, as you wish.”
Luthors was clearly pissed as she pressed Grana to chant the spell.
Since those two had already met before in Gafenna, Schenna could only assume there was some secret between the two.
Schenna and Luthors held Grana’s hands, and as he chanted what sounded like an aria in an ancient language, the spell was cast.
Their surroundings changed from the streets of the fortress city to plains all around as far as they could see.
The spell had worked, and Grana unfolded a map of the entire continent to show them their current location.
“We are west from the center of the fortress city, so that means we’re in Swead Kingdom’s territory.”
“Swead huh. That’s one place I wouldn’t like to be in for too long.”
Schenna frowned when she heard the name ‘Swead’.
Swead was in the middle of the Five Great Powers, and was a place mostly known for the slave-trading that took place in there.
When Gafenna had resurrected the Demon King, they only agreed to participate in the war near the end of it.
And while it was just a rumor, it was also said that all of Gafenna’s soldiers that survived the war were made into slaves there.
The Hero’s party approached them many times in efforts to dissolve slavery, but Swead always pushed them away and stood as far apart from them as possible.
“We’re currently standing on Swead’s territory without any documentation on us. Do you understand what this means?”
“...Even if they turn us into slaves, we can’t say anything back.”
“Exactly. So Grana, I’m sorry but could you take us somewhere...”
Schenna wanted Grana to teleport them somewhere else, but then she spotted a group running ahead of a caravan traveling through the plains, so she stopped talking.
After they hid, they observed their surroundings until they confirmed they were safe.
“So that’s a slave caravan. It’s my first time seeing one.”
Caravans like that were said to be part of an organization that captured slaves to present to the royalty, but nothing much was known about Swead compared to the other kingdoms. The immigration process was really strict, and they controlled any outgoing information really well.
Swead Kingdom was also known with a nickname: the Spirited Away Kingdom. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 8,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
◇ ◆ ◇
――――美しい獣を食い止めるための戦いが始まった。 | The sunlight, which shone through the cracks in the armored door, was tinged with an azure hue.
Then, through a broken part of the house that barely overlooked the back alley outside, Sheila saw a dog. The white mongrel dog, not very large in stature, looked up at the second floor and wagged its tail without barking.
“It’s him. That’s our Mick.”
“Okay, let’s drop the floor plan down.”
Sheila shoved a piece of sheet through the gap in the window. It was possible because the windows of a commoner’s house weren’t made of expensive glass.
Somehow, a piece that had managed to pass through the gaps was fanned by the wind and fluttered down. Mick happily chased after it.
When he caught it well, Sheila involuntarily clenched her fists, but the next moment she clung helplessly to the shutters.
Its master, Lina, who was peeking in next to her, also shouted pitifully.
“No, Mick! Don’t lick it, you’ll make it unreadable. Why are you being so silly~”
Mick had licked the sheets into a sticky mess. It was hard to tell from a distance, but it might be unrecognizable now.
She had written it with true, blood-soaked passion, but the end result was tragic.
Everyone looked at Mick’s back as he happily ran away with a piece of drooling cloth in his mouth, and they all had a faraway look in their eyes, “I wonder if he’s going to bury that thing somewhere....”
◇ ◆ ◇
Late at night, when the children and Dilliam were all asleep, Sheila woke up with a start.
The entertainment district of the royal capital was on the other side across the central street, so the hustle and bustle were far away. Since this neighborhood was inhabited by many craftsmen who got up early in the morning, the town itself was breathtakingly quiet.
There, the sound of well-organized military boots echoed.
They seemed to hide their presence, but the sound of clashing armor couldn’t be muffled. ――The rescue team had finally arrived.
Sheila quickly stood up and began to wake the children. They immediately woke up, but were taken aback by Dilliam who was sound asleep.
How could you sleep in so well when you were responsible for guiding children in a situation where you didn’t know when rescue would arrive?
“Dilliam-senpai, if you sleep in, you’ll be at a disadvantage. I’m sorry, excuse me.”
After whispering lightly in his sleepy ear, Sheila lightly scratched his cheek.
Shocked and confused as to what had just happened, Dilliam jumped up in a panic.
“W-what? What just happened?”
“That’s not important, Dilliam-senpai, it looks like rescue is on the way. We should hurry up and get moving.”
“Wait, what do you mean by that? Is it my imagination that my cheeks are tingling?”
“It’s definitely just your imagination.”
Sheila removed the ropes from her hands and feet and left them with Melvis. She was going to have him collect the ropes for all of them while she fumbled with the key.
She quickly ran up to the door.
In her right hand, she held a piece of armoire that Dilliam had brought with him, hoping it would be useful as a weapon. It was definitely too small to be useful as a weapon, but she kept it because she thought its thinness might be useful in some way.
The piece of board was well-sharpened, and the edges were so thin that they were even sharp. She inserted it into the gap lock of the door.
Little by little, she carefully moved her hand. She felt the bar move slightly.
Over and over again, she moved the piece of board in and out, moving it in small increments. Eventually, Sheila put the board slice back in her breast pocket.
She put her hand on the door and pushed, being very careful not to make a sound.
The door opened without a hitch.
“No way, it really worked....”
Dilliam was stunned by the scene before him.
Sheila smiled wryly, thinking that he, an aristocrat, probably wouldn’t understand.
“The key fittings of this type of lock are still not quite right. The locksmiths in the aristocratic districts have good skills, but the ones in the commoner districts do a poor job.”
There were many bar locks on the market, but there were quite a few that were loose because the bar catches on the key holder.
Commoners, who had few things to steal, were less aware of the danger, and they weren’t afraid to use locks like this that could be opened if someone took the time to do so. It wasn’t good for the children’s education, so she wanted to do it without being seen if possible.
“Anyway, I think they will be coming in soon. Crow and the masked man are probably already aware of the presence outside. Let’s get out before they come this way.”
With Sheila in the lead and Dilliam in charge, they stepped out of the room. First, as planned, they had to rescue Abby.
With the slightest amount of force, she knocked on the door of the storage-like room. Was it because it was late at night, and she didn’t notice it, or was she mistaking the room itself?
Perhaps because the door was so thick, she couldn’t feel the presence of people inside.
This room was, of course, also locked. It would take some time to open the door, so if they were too slow, they would be discovered.
“I still feel like Abby is here. I want to open this lock. Is that okay?”
“――Got it. You’re the one who can open the lock, so there’s no point in arguing. I’ll keep a lookout.”
Melvis stepped forward next to Dilliam, who nodded.
“I’m going to check the rooms around here just to be sure. I’ll check quietly like Brother, don’t worry.”
Lina and the others waited so as not to get in the way.
Sheila moved quickly. It was a race against time.
The lock here was of the same construction as the one in the room where we were locked in, but this one seemed to be better made.
Sweat trickled down her chin from her impatience and the heat. Sheila, who grew up in a place where it was cool even in summer at night, was unimaginably hot.
Finally, she managed to unlock it.
She quickly opened the door and saw a small figure in the room without a bed.
Her light brown hair spilled over the coarse cloth. She looked a little tired and worn out, but there was no doubt that it was Abby who was sleeping there.
As Sheila shook her shoulders, Abby’s unfocused eyes turned toward her.
“.... Ah, S-sister?”
“――I told you I’m your big brother.”
She was still half-asleep and didn’t appear to have a clouded consciousness. It didn’t look like she had been given any strange drugs.
When Sheila responded while hugging her tightly, Abby moved in her arms.
“.... I knew it, you’re a girl.”
“.... Eh?”
Sensing Abby’s intent in her gaze, Sheila immediately released her. She had completely forgotten that her chest binder was gone. Even though it might not look obvious to the naked eye, it was obvious if you touched it.
Sheila began to hastily make excuses before they joined the others.
“I’m sorry, Abby. I’m really sorry that I lied to you. But in order to become a knight, I had no choice but to do this. If they find out now, I’m afraid the punishment will be more than just expulsion from school, so if you can, I’d appreciate it if you could keep quiet.....”
Abby, who was looking up at Sheila with clear eyes, smiled and nodded.
“I understand. Because Sister is a knight, I was able to get help like this. I promise I won’t say anything. In return, I want you to play with me next time.”
Sheila gladly yielded to the cute threat. In exchange, she also made Abby promise to call her “Big brother” or just “Sheila.”
Other than the lack of a bed, there seemed to be no problems with Abby’s treatment, and she soon recovered her energy. They went out into the hallway to join Dilliam and the others.
Abby and Lina seemed to know each other, and the two were happy to meet again. But soon they were hurried by Dilliam and started proceeding down the corridor as planned. Melvis’s memory was so accurate that they were rarely mistaken.
They were making their way smoothly through the spacious house. Until they noticed a figure blocking their way.
“You really are too good a girl to try to let the children escape from a potential hostage situation before the soldiers come in~”
From within the pitch-black darkness, a shadow appeared as if it had been cut out of the darkness itself.
A pair of golden-green glowing eyes appeared, looking like a nocturnal beast. Their supple gait and the smile on his lips made him look very ferocious.
If he was hired by Count Gilgner as a combatant, Sheila knew that a fight was inevitable.
Even so, she didn’t want to fight as much as possible because she knew his circumstances―― and also the overwhelming difference in fighting ability.
“It’s really bad luck for me to be harassed while my partner is going to the boss’s place~ No matter how you think about it, it’s impossible to catch even one person without anyone getting hurt.”
As he said that, Crow held up a dagger in each hand.
Whether or not he really meant what he said, the end result was unavoidable.
Sheila stepped forward to face Crow.
“Everyone, go ahead. I’ll try to hold him off.”
If they turned left, they could still reach the stairs, although it would take a little detour. Rather, as Crow said, now that the people of the organization were out, they should be able to join the corps without any particular obstacles.
As soon as Dilliam reported the situation to the Patrol Corps, reinforcements would come.
“Dilliam-senpai, are you going to be all right?”
She looked over at Dilliam behind her. He must have sensed Sheila’s intention as well. He began to lead the children to a passageway that turned to the left.
“I’m supposed to be the one asking you that! You, don’t die!”
Crow glanced at Dilliam and the others as they ran, but he never pursued them.
Slowly, he turned his gaze back to Sheila.
――The battle between the two beasts began. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
「それ以上近づくな! 貴様、不敬にも程がある!」
「い、いえ。滅相もございません! 只この者、怪しげな術を使います故、万が一に備え」
ソロモンがそう言うと、三人は後に続くように執務室のある廊下へと歩き出す。 | The carriage that Mira was riding gradually slowed down, until it finally stopped in front of the massive gate that leads to the capital.
When looking down from the plateau, one could only see the walls as a circle that surrounded the capital. However, if one saw the walls up close, it would convey an overpowering feeling that splendidly denoted the Arkite Kingdom’s focus on their national defenses.
Mira leaned out of the window of the carriage. 「It really is huge」 she said as she looked up at the walls. The difference in size between the walls from now and years ago had made her excited.
How much has the capital changed?
As Mira shook off the various thoughts going through her mind, she decided that she would enjoy the new changes in the world.
The gate where the Express Carriage had stopped at was not the front gate of the Arkite Kingdom. It was actually a special gate that acted as a passage for carriages that led straight to the imperial castle.
When Garret exchanged some words with the gatekeeper, the big gate opened while letting out a solid and dull sound.
When the gatekeeper raised his hand, he had sent a signal. The bell located at the top of the gate rang out high in the sky. Then a bell tolled in response to it from a distance away. It told of the arrival of the Express Carriage far and wide.
There were intersections in total that crossed the carriage pathway. Each time, a military escort would come out and begin to stop traffic with a black and yellow stick. The Express Carriage was a special vehicle used for the country’s important missions and therefore, it had to be treated with suitable dignity.
「I say, this is a surprising reception.」
While leaning out of the window of the carriage, Mira despondently muttered at just how big a deal this was. She saw the military escorts lining up in regular intervals on either side of the intersections.
The carriage slowly started to move, then gradually picking up speed. It reached its maximum speed in a few seconds and the scenery of the town rapidly receded to the rear.
The residents of the town had eyes full of curiosity from seeing the Express Carriage running at full speed. When their eyesights caught the appearance of Garret serving as the coachmen, they guessed that this was an important matter. However, at the same, they caught a glimpse of a girl covered in ribbons from the window and were captivated. All their interest in that instant was taken away by that fleeting figure.
As the scenery outside the window slowly overflowed with liveliness, Mira stared at one especially large building.
It was one of the Five Pillar Facilities, the Craftsmen Workshop Department. Seeing this grand building, reminiscent of an old German structure, Mira decided to schedule a sightseeing tour around the capital.
While being jolted in the carriage, the speed of scenery changing outside the window had slowly decreased. They stopped gently near the castle gate in front of the imperial castle.
「Did we finally arrive?」
Mira who had been keeping still stretched in order to loosen her stiff body. She stealthily dropped the empty bottle of 『Appure』 that she had finished drinking near her feet.
「Thank you for bearing with me, Miss Mira.」
Garret opened the cabin’s door and bowed, then extended his hand as to escort Mira out.
「Good work.」
「But this is unnecessary.」 While saying so, Mira gently brushes Garret’s hands away before leaping off to the ground. The Imperial castle she looked up at was not different from the one in her memory. Half assured and half disappointed, Mira lowered her gaze. An instant later, she turned speechless.
The cause for that was waiting in the back of the slowly-opening gate, a far grander welcome than the one at the carriage road.
On both sides of the passage from the castle gate to the Imperial castle were knights standing in a line with raised swords before their eyes. Their swords remained steady and lined up behind them were knights holding spears in their hands. Further behind them, soldiers lined up in regular intervals were holding banners.
「This just shows how much King Solomon rejoices at your visit, Miss Mira.」
「That guy....」
「Speaking of Lord Danbulf, he is a hero of this country. This much is natural when welcoming his apprentice.」
「Hmm-mm, such is life.」
「That is certainly so. Then Miss Mira, let us go.」
When the two moved away from the carriage, the castle attendants brought the Express Carriage to the stables.
As Garret escorted Mira across the gate, the sound of a drumbeat shook her eardrums intensely. The group of knights slanted their swords and protruded their shields with the country’s coat of arms engraved on them. From between them, the knights in the second row raised their spears diagonally creating an arch leading from the castle gate and inside the castle.
「It actually feels good for me」
Being able to escort Mira in the middle of such a grand welcoming ceremony made Galet smile happily.
A carefree expression began to be revealed on Mira’s face. She had a favorable impression about Garret’s personality. She praised Solomon for finding a good subordinate like this.
The two encouraged by the pleasant melody played by a drum and fife orchestra moved forward until they passed the arch and entered the castle. Two palace guards stood by the entrance. They bowed and said, 「We will guide you to the throne room.」 Because Mira did not like standing out that much, she was relieved that it would become a little quieter now.
When the palace guards opened the door the throne room, an elegant scent of flowers drifted out. Lying on the floor inside were carpets, starting from the closest one there were black, blue, green, red, and white carpets at equal intervals.
There were five people inside the throne room. And the person standing out the most was the boy who sat on the throne that rose several steps above.
He had golden eyes and green hair which nearly reached his eyes, on top of his head he had a crown decorated with countless jewels. At first glance, he looked out-of-place, but his figure on top of the throne wearing a luxurious outfit was surprisingly natural and showcased his thirty years of experience ruling a country.
A seemingly mischievous expression was worn on his face as he stared at Mira. This boy was the king of the Arkite Kingdom and a friend of Danbulf, he was King Solomon himself.
There was no difference in Mira’s memory. His appearance was the same as the last time she had seen him although his clothes seemed somewhat more gorgeous than previously.
In front of King Solomon, standing on a step lower was a knight who had an aura of strength and a hooded magician in a black robe. The magician laid his eyes on Mira smiled with a soft expression. On the other hand, the knight, seeing that hero Danbulf’s disciple was a mere little girl, only sighed with great disappointment.
Garret took a step forward and kneeled.
「I have brought the Elder Danbulf’s disciple, Miss Mira.」
He reported and saluted.
「Good work. You may stand back.」
Standing with a stately dignified air next to the throne, the name of the man who spoke was Suleyman. He was an elf with a handsome face and blonde hair.
Garret moved to the side with an 「Excuse me.」
「Nice to meet you Lady Mira. I am Suleyman, King Solomon’s aide.」
「I am Mira.」
Mira shifted her gaze to Suleyman and answered briefly. On the side, Garret panicked greatly at Mira’s unchanged attitude in the presence of the king.
However, completely unaware of Garret’s feelings, Mira crossed her arms, put a hand on her chin and used 【Examine】 on Solomon.
However, no information floated into Mira’s view when she gazed at Solomon. When she shifted her gaze to Suleyman instead, she could confirm his full name and status.
(What does this mean......?)
「To start with, I would like to confirm whether you truly are Lord Danbulf’s disciple, do you mind?」
While Mira was lost in thoughts wondering about the difference between the two, she was brought to reality by Suleyman’s voice
「Ah, I do not mind.」
「Not a step further! Enough of your disrespectful behavior, girl!」
He was Reynard, the head of the Arkite Kingdom Imperial Knight Guards. Just before the audience with King Solomon, he was told not to mind it even if the other party did not know some etiquette. Therefore, he endured it when she did not kneel or when she did not use respectful language. However, he was unable to tolerate it anymore when she approached the king without permission.
Mira did not know this, but there was a certain distance up to where one could approach the king. The distance was decided by rank. For guests, the regulations were that they must not step any further than the black section of the carpet excluding special cases.
「What, I would not be able to pass it along if I do not approach.」
「You should hand it to the palace guard who waited next to you!」
Solomon and Danbulf used to stand shoulder to shoulder, and from Mira’s perspective, she only came to meet a friend. Since all she had in her head was talking with him for a little, she failed to realize the importance an audience had.
(What a pain.)
Mira spoke the same way she used to back then, but seeing the knight’s angry expression she realized the situation was completely different. Mira did not have the slightest clue as to how one would conduct themselves on such official occasions. Troubled, she pinched the tip of the sword with her finger and presented the tower key to the knight.
「Is that so? I am sorry. Well, you’re already here, pass this for me.」
「Girl... just how rude can you be... Stand back!」
The enraged knight pulled the sword in his hand with strength. Despite all that, the sword which the girl was pinching did not move an inch. Reynard had a shocked expression on his face.
「Reynard, bring it.」
The voice of the boy rang out briefly.
「But Your Majesty. This girl is too disrespectful!」
「I told you from the start, have I not? This is within predictions. Or do you intend to keep me waiting further?」
Reynard visibly withered under Solomon’s gaze. Although Mira was the one in the wrong, she felt bad for him. However, when she thought back to his attitude when he snatched the tower key, she dismissed that.
When Mira released the pinched tip of the sword, Reynard glared at the slender white arm that peeked out the robe. He concluded that a dubious art had been used and his precaution towards Mira thickened further.
Meanwhile, seeing that the situation has calmed down, Garret secretly heaved a sigh of relief.
While Mira returned to her original position, Solomon received the tower key from Reynard and confirmed that it was certainly the key to the Tower of Summoning.
「Certainly, there is no doubt this is Danbulf’s belonging. There is no room for doubt if this was passed from a master to disciple.」
Solomon said so and passed it to the guard who delivered it to Mira.
Once Mira received the tower key, she puts it away in the item box. She looked away from Reynard who was still glaring at her.
「Now that we have confirmed it, let us change locations. Disciple of Danbulf, I would like to hear the story of your master who had been absent for thirty years, do you mind?」
「Mhm, I do not mind.」
Mira answered the timely offer promptly.
「Well then, my office should be good. We will be able to talk more calmly there. Everyone else can go join the banquet now.」
When Solomon said this, Reynard took a step forward again. At the same time, a wry smile appeared on Mira’s face.
「Your Majesty. Even if she is Danbulf’s disciple, it is still dangerous to leave you two alone when we know nothing of her true character. Please, I would like you to let me accompany you!」
Reynard glanced at Mira’s face while he proposed to Solomon with a deep bow.
(The situation isn’t progressing, huh.)
While Mira was aware that she was an unknown existence to him, she was still appalled by Reynard’s fanatic loyalty and could only shake her head dismay.
「Reynard, are you suggesting that I am inferior to such a young girl?」
Solomon became clad in a powerful aura when he spoke to Reynard. Despite his young appearance, King Solomon had governed the country for thirty years, and that was not without reason. This was a world where the fate of the country was decided not just by politics, but mostly by martial prowess. As someone who continued to rule one of the countries in this world, Solomon’s strength was well-known by everyone.
「No, not at all! It is just that this girl uses some suspicious arts, we should be prepared in case of an emergency.」
Mira did not have any idea as to the suspicious art Reynard hinted at. It was no wonder, Reynard was only mistaking it for an art. He had the superior physique and selfishly concluded that he could not be defeated by a delicate girl in strength. The reason for Mira’s strength was the buffs from all the equipment she was wearing, but she herself did not know what he was talking about, so she could not refute it.
「Your name is Mira, isn’t it? Do you have the intention to hurt me?」
「Why would I do something like that? I only came to talk to you.」
「So she says. There are many things I wish to speak to her about as well. Will you not heed my order, Reynard?」
「However, in the unlikely event that something were to happen to Your Majesty, I.......」
Reynard clenched his fist tightly. However, the magician who had been keeping silent until now interrupted the back and forth exchange.
「Then how about this. Reynard and I shall stand guard in front of the office. If anything happens we only have to rush in. Lady Mira aside, not even Lord Danbulf would be able to do anything to King Solomon before we intrude. How about it?」
「Ngh, nhhh...I guess.」
「Then let us do that. I actually wanted to join the banquet too, but because Reynard is like that, I guess I have no choice but to keep Reynard company. The two of us should be enough, don’t you think?」
The magician who suggested this placed his hand on Reynard’s shoulder while smiling.
「That’s a good idea, Joachim. Sorry for troubling you. Let us try to hold another banquet in the near future.」
Solomon nodded strongly and took a breath before standing up.
「No, no, not at all, I do not deserve this. I will have Reynard treat me.」
Reynard could not say anything but grimace.
「Then, shall we go?」
When Solomon said this, the three began walking down the corridor leading to the office. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 5,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
「そうですか。それでしたら、しばらくの間我が屋敷に滞在してはどうでしょうか? 助けてもらったお礼も言葉では伝えましたが、他にはまだ何もしていません」
「はい。セバスチャン、ライラ、ゲルダ、話は聞いていたわね? タクミさんは私の客人になります。失礼の無きよう接する事。それと、急ぎ部屋を用意して頂戴」
「そうですか。あーそれと、薬にするラモギの数は足りましたか? 確か採って来たのは5本だけだったと思いますが」
「こいつは、そうですね......ソーセージってありますか? レオの好物なんです。......こう、肉を詰めて調理した物なんですが......こっちの世界でもあるのかどうか......」
「ワフ? ワウワウワウ!」
尻尾を振り回して、俺に飛びついて来ようとするくらいの勢いだが......待て! お前のその巨体だと俺が潰れる!
「はっ! そうですね! しっかり乾燥しているようですし。すぐにセバスチャンに伝えて来ます!」
心なしかしょんぼりしたレオを撫でながら、さっきの不思議な現象の事を考えつつ、誰かが来るまで客間にて待ちぼうけになった。 | “Now, Mr. Takumi.”
“If what you say is true, then you have no one here to rely on or help you?”
“That is right. The only people who I am acquainted with in this world are the people in this very room right now.”
“Indeed. In that case, why don’t you stay with us in this mansion for a while? While I may have offered you words of gratitude, I have not been able to do anything else yet.”
“You really don’t have to do anything. But, are you sure that I can stay here?”
“For as long as you wish, Mr. Takumi. Besides, I’m certain that my sister, Tilura, will want to thank you when she is recovered.”
“I see... Well, while I don’t know how long it will take for me to be able to live independently in this world, I would like to stay here until then. Thank you for having me.”
“Yes. Sebastian. Lyra, Gelda. You heard it, didn’t you? Mr. Takumi is to be my guest here. Please see to it that he is made comfortable. Also, prepare a room for him at once.”
Upon hearing Ms. Claire’s words, the three left the room immediately.
I suppose they were going to prepare a room for me.
But I really didn’t mind sleeping on some couch in a corner...
Before leaving, Lyra had seen that our cups were empty, and so she filled them with tea again.
“By the way, your sister...Ms. Tilura...was it?”
“Yes. My sister’s name is Tilura Liebert.”
“Were you able to prepare the medicine for her?”
“About that... In order to make medicine out of the Ramogi, the flowers must be chopped up and dried. And so it won’t be ready until midday tomorrow at the earliest.”
“I see. Ah, and was there enough Ramogi? I believe I was only able to find five of them.”
“There was more than enough. In fact, we really just needed one for Tilura. I was told that five was most excessive.”
So saying, Ms. Claire took out the remaining four Ramogi flowers.
She had been carrying the ones that wouldn’t be used for medicine. She chuckled and placed them on the table.
“So one was enough. Maybe I shouldn’t have picked the others then. Well, I suppose it’s good to have them in stock in case someone falls ill again.”
“Yes. We will keep them so that we will be prepared if such a thing happens in the future.”
As I sipped some tea and chatted languidly with Ms. Claire, Leo seemed to take an interest in the Ramogi, as she brought her face close to it and sniffed.
“Leo. That’s not food, so you can’t eat it.”
“Perhaps she is hungry. It is nearly time for dinner.”
“Yes, the sun is starting to set.”
“I will have the cooks prepare something. I myself am feeling hungry... I had been thinking of nothing but finding Ramogi while in the forest, and so I forgot to eat lunch.”
“Hahaha. Then it’s no wonder that you are hungry. As for me, I was so hungry that I ate an orc that Leo killed, just before meeting you... I think that was about lunch time.”
“Hehe. So you must be hungry as well then. Well, I’ll have something prepared then. Yes, we’ll have a welcoming party for you.”
“Please don’t do anything too fancy. I’m really not used to that kind of etiquette.”
“You really don’t need to worry about etiquette. It’s just me and the servants here. Oh, and what would the great Leo like to eat?”
“She really you have any sausages? It’s her favorite. ...You know, they are stuffed with meat and...well, I don’t know if you have them in this world...”
“We certainly do. Hehe. But it would be very interesting if we could later compare the foods in our worlds and find out what we have and don’t have.”
“Yes, it would. ...Leo. It looks like you’ll be able to eat sausages.”
“Wuff? Wou! Wou! Wou!”
“Yeah? You look so happy.”
Leo reacted strongly to the word ‘sausage.’
Her tail wagged and she nearly jumped on me... But wait! I would get crushed if you jumped on me with that huge body!
I somehow managed to make Leo calm down and stop her from pouncing on me.
Things were finally starting to go well for me in this world, and I didn’t want to end the lucky streak by getting flattened under my dog. That wouldn’t even be funny.
I patted the calmed down Leo on the head, and then she raised her face to look at me.
Just then, the Ramogi that was on the table fell down.
Apparently, Leo’s excitement earlier had caused the table to shake, and so the Ramogi was already on the edge.
I managed to catch three of them before they hit the floor.
Ms. Claire reached out a hand to pick up the single flower that was on the carpet.
As I was about to return the Ramogi to the table, I couldn’t help but look at the flowers and wonder over how they could turn into medicine.
In Japan, I never had the opportunity to see plants before decoction.
All the medicine in drug stores and hospitals had already been processed into powders and tablets.
While I didn’t know if it was the same thing, I did know that Kawara-yomogi(Artemisia capillaris) could help alleviate a fever.
But I had never actually seen it used as medicine.
...Though, I had a vague recollection that they also chopped and dried the flowers.
“Mr. Takumi?”
“...Ah, I’m sorry. I got lost in thought.”
Ms. Claire had been looking at me with a slightly worried expression.
I rushed to put the Ramogi back on the table and then noticed the change.
“...Uh...Ms. Claire. This...”
I showed her the Ramogi in my hand.
“Isn’t it...? But it hadn’t been dry at all when it fell off the table and I caught it...”
“Mr. Takumi...did you do something?”
“No. I just caught it in the air, that’s all...”
“Yes. From what I could see, that is what happened...”
After witnessing such a strange thing, Ms. Claire and I had expressions of disbelief.
Leo looked at us and tilted her head to the side.
“...Ah, yes. Ms. Claire. Couldn’t you use this to make medicine?”
“Ah! That’s right! They do seem to be properly dried. I will go and tell Sebastian at once!”
Ms. Claire accepted the dried Ramogi and rushed out of the room.
Now that it was just me and Leo in the room, my stomach seemed to growl noisily.
“...Well...I think we might have to wait a little longer for dinner now... Of course, it’s only natural to prioritize giving a sick person medicine. ...Still, what exactly happened...?”
“Leo. You’ll have to wait a little longer for your sausages.”
I patted the disappointed Leo and thought about the strange phenomenon as I waited for someone to return to the guest room. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 5,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「アリシア派? なんだろうけど、ちょっとやりすぎだよね」
今はキャザー・リズを探すのは後回しにしよう。 | She was the only one I knew who could use healing magic. She might be able to perform a miracle.
I was well aware that relying solely on her at this point was the worst thing I could do. But I wanted to save Gramps so much that I could put aside even that pride.
I didn’t say anything to Duke, but I think he knew something was wrong by the way I was acting.
It was hard to keep my cool, and I needed to see Liz Cather to calm down.
I want her to say, “There’s nothing I can’t do.”
I despised all that “nice” talk, but I still wanted her to tell me that.
Duke was quietly watching me. I was sure he wouldn’t ask me anything until I told him.
That’s why I felt relaxed around him.
When I arrived at the school, I heard a lot of noise. The loud voices of the students echoed in my ears. Both boys and girls were shouting about something. Their powerful voices have spread throughout the school since this morning.
... Was there another incident?
When will this school settle down?
We made our way to where the students were gathered after a brief exchange of glances with Duke.
“Liz Cather has been cheating on us!”
“We have to punish her!”
“Liz Cather is just a commoner!”
What is this?
In the courtyard, there were students wearing a headband with the name “Black Angel” written on it, and they were wearing a terrible expression on their faces.
I thought that name was so lame that it sent chills down my spine. But that wasn’t the point of what was going on right now.
I was sure they were part of the extremist faction, the Alicia faction, who were outraged by Liz Cather’s behavior yesterday.
It was not a peaceful resolution, as I had hoped. I never imagined that everything would be settled so quickly, but I also never imagined that the situation would turn out like this....
Looking at their momentum, I wondered if they would stage a demonstration, something I was sure Alicia would never want to do.
Why were all the people in this academy so stupid?
I wish they would use their heads a little more. This country was ruined because people like this were in power just because they could use magic.
I didn’t know much about other countries, but being able to use magic was certainly a great thing, but it was not how a leader of a country should be selected.
“What the heck is this?”
Next to me, Duke wrinkled his brow and looked blatantly disgusted.
That was the kind of look that I would make when looking at such a sickening group of people.
“Alicia faction, they say? I think this is a little too much...”
“If Alicia sees this, she’ll be offended. Let’s get this over with.”
Duke said as he moved closer to them. I followed Duke.
Let’s put off looking for Liz Cather for now. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
! ジャイアントスイーーーングッ!!」
「もらった! ブリッツアロー・ゼロショット!」
「くぅ......! チェーンパンチ!」
「ぐぅぅぅ......! もう建物が復活してるなんて......!」
「えっ!? あなたもマココさんと知り合いなんですか!?」
「し、知り合いではないですよ! バーチャルオカルトマニアとして一方的に憧れているだけで!」
「あのっ! そろそろ戦いを再開するとしませんか!」
「......っ! それは、まさか......!」
ネココと戦っているはずのマココ・ストレンジだった! | During the same time that Necoco and Macoco had bumped into each other...
“Giant Star! Giant Swiiiing!!”
Anne was swinging her enlarged iron ball and knocking down buildings.
By flattening the ground around her, she would smoke out the small enemies that scampered around...
“Bitz Arrow Twinshot!”
The bolts shot through the air like thunder and grazed Anne’s body.
Achile Alstar had gotten past her Giant Star, and she scattered crossbow bolts as she tried to get closer to Anne.
In spite of the youthful face and small frame, there was a smoothness to her movements.
She was clearly used to fighting...!
“Gemini Stars!”
Gemini Stars was a charge attack that created another spiked iron ball on the other side of her chain.
So while it was only for a limited time, Anne was able to wield two iron balls.
In other words, twice the attack ability... Well, not quite.
Though the new iron ball could use skills, it could not use charge attacks.
“Shine Star!”
While pulling her main iron ball back, she used a skill on the second ball in order to block the bolts.
The iron ball itself was quite large even without skills, and so while it didn’t cover her entirely, it was more than enough to guard her.
The problem was that it was too heavy for precise movements.
Also, the person she was fighting, Achile, happened to be a player that was good with tight turns...!
“I got this! Bitz Arrow – Zero Shot!”
Zero Shot was a skill that was similar to In Fight Arrow with more peaky features. In exchange for having nearly zero range, it raised the power of the arrow greatly.
At the same time, it had the special effect of being able to fuse it with other skills and charge attacks.
Not only that, it did not just add to the attack power or effects of the fused skills or charge attacks, but granted special buffs related to the skill as well...!
This time, Bitz Arrow had been fused with Zero Shot.
It was an enveloped version of Kyuji’s skill, Thunder Arrow.
Blitz Arrow prioritized speed over power, and so it moved just like lightning.
Even if it wasn’t on the same level as Sky Tear, most people would not be able to follow it with their eyes.
And by fusing it with Zero Shot, a speed buff was added.
Achile was originally a rear guard, and had low durability.
If she was hit by someone like Anne, who was all about power, she would not get out lightly.
And so she raised her speed in order to dodge the iron balls, and get up close. Because Anne was not good when it came to close quarters combat!
“Tsk...! Chain Punch!”
If she couldn’t guard herself with the two iron balls, that just left the chain...!
Chain Punch was a skill where you wrapped the chain around your fist and punched the enemy. But it was mostly a joke skill, both in terms of appearance and effect.
It did not do much damage, and was not enough to block Achile’s attacks...!
In the end, Anne was hit by Zero Shot and went flying into the wall of a building!
“Grrr...! The buildings have already been fixed...!”
She had knocked them down with Giant Star, and yet they were back as if nothing had happened..!
Yes, in the Undead Town, the buildings were reconstructed no matter how many times you destroyed them.
From the mist to the obstacles. This really was a town that was suited for assassins.
“I’ve been blessed with a rare chance to fight Macoco, a person virtual occult maniacs look up to! I can’t lose here without being able to do anything...!”
“What!? You know Macoco too!?”
Achile chased after Anne, but stopped before unleashing a follow up attack.
“N-no, I don’t know her personally! I’m just a fan!”
“And uh...what’s this virtual occult?”
“Oh, that!”
In spite of them being in the middle of a fight, Anne started to explain to her about the virtual occult.
At the same time, she talked about the AUO incident.
To put it simply, she liked Macoco because she was the only person who might know something about an unexplained incident, and because she was so skilled at the game that people thought she was a Virtualien.
“I see, that’s why. People think about the incident like that... Well, Macoco doesn’t like talking about it, so I didn’t know... Well, that fight... Hehehe...”
Achile started muttering to herself.
Perhaps she was happy about something, as her body swayed back and forth.
Well, she tended to do that a lot, and was often restless.
While she looked like a pro when she was playing, she talked and acted like someone who was a beginner.
Like a country bumpkin who had just come out to the city...
Anne thought she now understood why Necoco had called Achile a ‘strange girl.’
At the same time, she felt her occultic soul being stirred...something was happening to her.
“Um! I think we should continue fighting then!”
She would not be able to concentrate if this continued...
And so she had to seal her occultic soul and ask Achile to resume fighting.
She could not ambush someone who had listened to her speak.
However, Achile said something very surprising.
“You said that you feel a sense of romance in the occult, yes? I believe it is a curiosity towards the unknown.”
“But what if tomorrow, you found out what someone, who was unknown, really was. And they talked to you as a neighbor as if nothing happened... Could you still love them?”
“...! Do you mean...!”
Anne’s words were interrupted by the sounds of a building being destroyed!
Pieces of the structure went flying with a cloud of smoke...
And then the person who appeared from within was...!
“Oh? Now isn’t this a great place to be?”
But she was supposed to be fighting with Necoco. Macoco Strange! | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 8,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「へ、変な声出さないでくださいっ! 気持ち悪いっ」
「別に柔軟をすれば誰だって出る声だろう? なに今さら気にしてるんだ?」
「なに? 私の分もあるのか?」
「え? ああ......」
「それで? 予定って具体的には?」
「テテム? ああ――ああ」
「えっ? 大賢者様はテテム様のところへ行かれるんですか?」
「おいおい、言いすぎじゃないか? ケーナさんはお前の心配をしただけだろう?」
「だからその心配が必要ないと言っただけです。僕と君がいて、一体何を心配することがあるというんですか? それこそ『
「なんだろうか? 話し方が粗野で男のようだとでも思われたかな?」
あまり彼らしくもない少々高圧的な声音を疑問に思うも、アスタードが言うことはもっともである。メルクは指示された通りに旅の準備をするのだった。 | awkward
A knocking on the door from the outside jolted Merc awake, who had been sleeping against the room’s wall. And Astard, who was sleeping in the same room, was also woken up by it.
Astard, who had been laying on the table facing Merc, glanced up nearly identically with Merc, and the two locked gazes for a few beats.
They both recalled the events of the previous night while they did so. The two, intellectually old, adults had talked about love and whatnot until they had fallen asleep.
I’m gonna die of embarrassment!
Merc was overcome with embarrassment, and Astard, who sat in front of her, was also overcome, turning away from Merc as if in a panic.
“G-Good morning... Merc.”
“M-Morning, Astard...”
After reciprocating Astard’s greeting, Merc stood up and stretched lightly to shake off the uneasy mood. Astard, perhaps even more than Merc, was embarrassed by yesterday night’s events. He appeared to be adamant about bringing up the subject again.
It had been a long time since Merc had slept in such an unusual position, and her body felt stiff. Several of her joints cracked with only a light stretch, and she let out a soft moan.
“D-Don’t make weird sounds! It’s revolting!”
“Everyone does that when stretching. What’s gotten over you?”
“That’s true but...”
As Merc tilted her head and glanced at Astard, he replied in a bizarre manner and put the hood, that had slid off, back on. He had apparently finally realized it had fallen off.
“Now, as for our plans...”
Astard then began conversing to hide his prior reactions, but when he heard a loud pounding on the door, he panicked and spun around. They just now remembered that they had both been jolted awake by the same knocking.
“I-I’m coming!”
Because of the soundproofing spell, Astard immediately recognized that saying so was meaningless, but he nevertheless uttered it as he opened the door. When he opened the door, he noticed Kena standing there with a grim expression on her face. However, Kena smiled sweetly as soon as she noticed Astard’s face.
“Good morning, Great Sage. Miss Merc. Breakfast is waiting for you in the living room.”
“Is that so? Merc, let’s go.”
“What? You’ve even prepared some for me?”
“Yes. Having said that, I had no idea what your tastes were, Miss Merc, so I’m not sure if you’ll be content...”
“No worries. I’m not picky. Thank you.”
As long as there isn’t poison in it, I’ll be fine I guess...
Merc thought to herself as Kena led them into the living room.
However, given that Kena hadn’t poisoned the Goza yet, such a thing seemed unlikely. Kena could have easily harmed Merc when they were sleeping if she had wanted to. Kena’s plan, based on the fact that she hadn’t done so yet, didn’t appear to be harming Merc directly.
Nevertheless, Merc thought Kena was clearly suspicious.
The stare she gave Merc, her words and actions that seemed to have hidden purposes, and most importantly, the fact that Astard, who was skeptical of everyone save those he trusted, seemed to entirely trust her all added to this strange feeling that Merc felt towards her.
However, because Astard trusted her, Merc was hesitant to confirm her fears.
“Merc, why are you staring at Kena like that?”
“Oh... I just thought that she had a huge rack...”
Astard, perhaps persuaded by this remark, quickly lost interest. Merc was somewhat disappointed that Astard had been persuaded only by that, but she was also relieved.
If Astard learned Merc was skeptical of someone he trusted, he would most certainly be upset. Merc had no option but to leave Kena alone in the current situation, no matter how suspicious she was.
Merc tried not to think about it too much and instead opted to humbly accept the breakfast Kena had prepared for her.
“Now then, let’s discuss our plans.”
“Huh? Sure...”
Astard gave Merc a shocked look as she rubbed her belly, which was now full of wonderful food in a satisfied manner. He seemed to have something to say to Merc.
Don’t judge me... Kena’s food was just too good...
Merc shivered at his stare and mumbled something to herself, then straightened herself up and settled in a listening position.
“So? What are our plans?”
“We’ll get ready and go meet Tetem.”
“Tetem? Oh, yea! Tetem!”
For a brief moment, Merc was perplexed as to who Astard was referring to, but then she remembered that Tetem was Doctor Glodel’s granddaughter. She quickly realized why Astard had used that name.
“What?! Great Sage, you’re going to meet Tetem?”
Kena, after all, was present with them. Astard had most likely chosen Tetem’s name to keep Kena from realizing he was talking about Doctor Glodel. Using Tetem’s name wasn’t an issue because Kena was already familiar with it from the letters.
“That’s right. I apologize for going out again just after coming back. Could I ask you to look after the house?”
“Yes. Naturally. But it’s just way too fast... Should you rest a bit m...”
Astard shook his head, not allowing Kena to finish her sentence.
“I don’t need you to worry about me. We don’t have the time to relax.”
“I-I understand... I apologize for speaking out...”
Kena dropped her head, her face tensed, likely intimidated by Astard’s unexpected rejection. Merc gave Astard a reproachful look when he saw her.
“Aren’t you being too mean? She’s simply worried about you.”
“And I told her that such worry is unnecessary. With both of us together, what’s there to worry about? Nothing can possibly endanger us unless it’s a Falgaro.”
“You’re the same as always...”
Kena doesn’t know anything about me, she can’t know that...
Merc gave up on Astard after his unsatisfactory response and turned her focus to Kena, gently nodding.
“His words may come out as harsh, but he means no harm. Please forgive him.”
“No, it’s fine... You seem to know the Great Sage quite well, Miss Merc.”
Kena shook her head slowly as Merc abruptly broke short of Kena’s speech.
“Please excuse me. I was going to say something impolite to such a lovely lady as yourself.”
“What was it? Were you about to say that I sound like a crude old man?”
Kena looked bewildered as Merc cocked her head toward her.
Based on Kena’s response, it appeared that Merc’s assumption was correct. After all, given that Merc’s prior life had been that of a man, no matter how much she didn’t look like one, it was natural for her to act like one. It was no surprise that Kena was uneasy.
As if to interrupt Merc and Kena’s chat, Astard abruptly stood up and looked at Merc, as if scowling at her.
“That’s enough talking. We don’t have time. Merc please go and get ready as soon as possible.”
Even though Merc was taken aback by Astard’s unusually urgent tone, she recognized that Astard had a valid point. Merc did as she was told and began preparing for their trip. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 8,
"inserted_lines_src": 15,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
「なぜ? B級なのは確認できる」
『どうしたらいいかしら? このままでは連れていかれてしまうわ』
「手違いと言うか当たりと言うか、私怨みたいなもので捕まってしまったのですが、脱出を試みても大丈夫ですか? おそらく門の地下牢を壊してしまうのですが......」
『どうしたらいいのかしら? エインは使えても、私は魔術が使えないわ』
それには同意だけれど、今は上にいるであろう兵士をどうするかを考える方が大切だと思う。 | Now, as we near the border wall, we have descended some distance away to avoid being spotted while landing. Because of that, we head for the border checkpoint by walking along the wall. Being in a very good mood after our earlier exchange, Ciel’s footsteps are awfully light.
And as the wall became within arm’s reach, something interfered with my sorcery. Somehow, it’s... mixing with mine? A sorcery extremely similar to the detection sorcery I always use seems to be deployed near the walls.
It’s not strange when considering security reasons, it might be something deployed so that suspicious people won’t come near and pass the border illegally. To my surprise, however, this sorcery is equal, if not greater than mine. The most I can do is roughly estimate what things I sense via my deployed magic power.
This sorcery’s concealment is also comparable to mine. I wonder, how many people would even be capable of noticing this?
「Ain, is there something wrong?」
『There’s sorcery deployed near the walls. Since it’s a detection sorcery similar to mine, it shouldn’t be anything harmful but the caster will most likely detect us. There’s no doubt that this sorcery is on an equal, if not greater, level than mine.』
『Detection sorcery equal, if not greater than Ain’s... is it?』
Ciel switched to talking only in her head. Her decision of doing this, while frustrating, is correct. The sorcery is likely capable of picking up sounds if the caster so desired. It’s simply that precise.
『If they want to, they might be able to perceive color and sound as well. Additionally, considering its range of deployment, it’s more high-powered than mine.』
『That’s amazing. Won’t this be our first encounter with sorcery greater than Ain’s?』
『There was also the ice spear though.』
『But Ain’s sorcery is greater now than it was then. Am I wrong?』
『Well that might be true but...』
Assuming that we enter hostilities with the sorcerer that cast this, would I even be capable of defending Ciel? If the caster is like me and gained their power through the sacrifice of combat sorcery, then I probably can. However, if we’re attacked by combat sorcery at the same level as this one, the chances I can withstand it is likely -. First a tie with the ice spear, then being effortlessly cut open by the golden wolf, and this time possibly crushed from the front.
I just can’t help but feel a sense of defeat. Still, this is already the third time. Even I understand that there are better things to do than to mope around.
『To begin with Ain, we only need to avoid becoming enemies with the sorcerer.』
『If my suspicions are correct, we shouldn’t get into hostilities anytime soon, you know?』
『Ciel, you know the identity of this sorcerer?』
『Fiiyanamia. I can’t imagine it being anyone else.』
Now that she mentioned it, Fiiyanamia really
the most likely suspect. Being the Central’s top, it wouldn’t be strange for her to monitor Central’s borders. Well, yeah, it is strange for the one at the top to do this though. But, if it is Fiiyanamia, then she shouldn’t have any immediate reason to be hostile against us... I think.
Since we are entering through the proper procedures, at the very least she shouldn’t attack us with no questions asked.
If this is the case, then this magic power that’s obstinately changing its composition only subtly isn’t meant to be an intimidation but some sort of signal for us.
『Say, can I converse with Fiiyanamia (temp) for a moment?』
『You can do that Ain?』
『Somehow, the magic power’s composition is changing constantly, as though it’s begging for attention.』
『Is that so? Would you mind doing that then?』
How can I describe it? It’s like changing only one digit in a string of multiple numbers.
For example: if I consider the natural magic power to be “5”, I would typically mask the magic power I use for my sorcery as “12346”. If there is too much deviation in each digit, the magic would be more easily detectable. It should be more understandable to think of it that way.
「Pleased to meet you. Is this voice inaudible?」
As I said so, the change suddenly stopped for a moment before then changing subtly. Since it reacted to my voice, this response should be a no.
「So you can hear me, correct?」
There was a different response this time, so that should be an affirmation. This sort of exchange again, I just did something like this recently too.
『Ciel, I’m thinking about sharing my name but what do you think?』
『That’s unusual. I don’t mind that, but why so?』
『Fiiyanamia has the prominent influence in this world after all, and she’s obviously on a different level. On top of that, it’s evident that she’s taken an interest with us, so it’s to prove that we aren’t hostile... I guess. Also, if we get exposed later instead, it’ll sure to end up badly for us.』
We aren’t dealing with a person from Estoque. That’s why unlike how it has been up until now, to ensure greater security, we need to act in a way that would earn the other party’s trust.
name is Ainsel. And, at the same time, I’m also called Cielmer. As it’s difficult to explain in simple terms, please forgive me for making this sort of introduction.」
Something changed with the magic power, but it doesn’t appear to be bad, so I suppose I’ve been pardoned for now.
「I’m aware this must be rude, but would it be right to assume that you’re Mistress Fiiyanamia?」
「I’m planning on entering Central right now, would that be alright?」
「Thank you very much. Now then, I’ll be heading forth.」
At this point the magic power returned to its initial state, so I switched with Ciel.
「Are you already done?」
『Yes. Just to be sure, it might be best that you greet her as well.』
「Just like how you did, Ain?」
『If possible.』
「I’m Cielmer. Please to meet you.」
From the side, it would only seem like Ciel’s talking to the wall but since there’s no sign of people around, that should be fine. While it’s hard to say that the exchange was without any issues, as we’ve just greeted Fiiyanamia, we can now enter Central without any worries. Even if this wasn’t actually Fiiyanamia, being polite to someone on a higher level in of itself shouldn’t work against us.
This was a pretty strange experience.
Although we’ve finally reached the checkpoint, the instant Ciel showed her B-rank card, the face of the soldier interacting with us quickly warped.
「This card isn’t fake, is it?」
「You think a Hunter Card could be falsified?」
「Well that’s a good point. In that case, I can’t allow you to pass.」
「Why? My status as B-rank can be confirmed.」
. What was that about being able to enter without any worries again? It’s not like Fiiyanamia would be there at the checkpoint, so I’ve considered disputes possibly happening. Still, rather than it happening due to doubts against Ciel’s B-rank, it seems that in this case the attention is on Ciel herself, and I can’t help but think that some complete, utter nonsense is happening right now.
, there’s no mistaking that you’re B-rank. However, the Hunter Guild has ordered for the capture of a hunter named Cielmer.」
「...From the Headquarters?」
「Nope, it’s from Estoque’s Royal Capital Guild. Normally this should go through the Headquarters first, but the land of Estoque is currently in the middle of a stampede. Since you came from there, then it’s no different from abandoning your responsibility as a hunter. And yet you came here intending to pass through using your guild card? Shameless, aren’t you?」
「Confirm with the Headquarters.」
「Moreover, I’ve heard that you made a big ruckus in Estoque’s Capital Guild and caused multiple casualties. There’s no need to confirm anything.」
『What should I do? At this rate, we’ll be taken away.』
『It probably won’t look good if we suddenly make a ruckus, so let’s just quietly follow for now. The moment something feels off, we’ll shift to offense.』
「Very well. Take me away.」
「How nice of you to be obedient. But don’t even try to escape. Because, you see, this gate’s prison is affixed with a sorcery inhibitor.」
Seemingly in a good mood, the soldier took Ciel along. We passed through several doors and reached a staircase heading underground.
However, there’s something bothering me. We were told that there’s a sorcery inhibitor in here, but I don’t see any sign of this happening anywhere. The whole place is filled with Fiiyanamia’s magic power.
In the end, even after entering a cell and being locked in, Fiiyanamia’s magic power is still there. Additionally, my barrier and detection hasn’t disappeared as well.
『Say Ain, is sorcery really inhibited here?』
『Both my barrier and detection are functioning. Ciel, can you use sorcery?』
In response to my question, Ciel cast a spell. Her casting went smoothly as usual, but the sorcery didn’t activate and the magic power that had no place to go spiraled within Ciel. With that said, it’s only one spell’s worth of magic power. It’s not even worth comparing with the pill back then.
『It isn’t activating.』
『In that case, as I expected, it’s the type that inhibits the use of new sorcery.』
『I see. But if that’s the case, then wouldn’t it serve no use in situations like these?』
『I suspect that there must have been something that can detect sorcery upon entry. Though it doesn’t seem be enough to detect my sorcery.』
『As expected, you’re amazing Ain, amazing!』
For some reason, Ciel’s flattering me a lot today. No, she’s praising me. I’m happy, but I’m really troubled on how to react.
『Now then, what should we do?』
『Since even this place is filled with Fiiyanamia’s magic power, we could try asking.』
『Would you mind doing so?』
I’ll have to borrow Ciel’s body for this but... we were able to switch without any problems at all. I then immediately attempted to contact Fiiyanamia.
「Mistress Fiiyanamia. Can I ask for your time? This is Ainsel.」
From my words, Fiiyanamia showed a response.
「Due to a mistake, or rather some personal grudge or misguided revenge, we’ve been detained. However, would it be fine for us to attempt an escape? We will likely end up damaging the gate’s prison but...」
The reply was a yes. It appears that we’re allowed to destroy it.
「Understood, thank you very much.」
I lowered my head in thanks and as I was about to switch with Ciel, something suddenly came to mind, so I tried using sorcery. It’s the usual warm breeze spell. The said spell activated. It’s quite difficult to control, but the activation itself wasn’t a problem.
After this, I switched with Ciel.
『What should we do? Even if Ain can use sorcery, I can’t.』
『You should be able to use physical reinforcement, yes?』
, you’re right.』
As it only inhibits the magic power emitted from one’s body, physical reinforcement, which is done by circulating magic power within the body, can be used with no issues. Or at least that assumption wasn’t wrong. In this case, it should be possible to break these bars but... I forgot the most fundamental issue.
『If we stack the Song Princess reinforcement with your own physical reinforcement via magic power, I think that you should be able to destroy our cell but...』
『That does seem plausible. Let’s try that.』
『Please wait. You’ll likely suffer from a rebound.』
『You can heal me, Ain. I’ll be alright.』
Saying so, Ciel slammed her fist against the prison bars. It’s already painful. She’s reinforcing her body too much. I hurriedly began to sing, further reinforcing Ciel’s body.
Ciel’s fists strike against the iron bars. The bars start to warp and and break. And due to the rebound, Ciel’s hands broke as well. It’s awfully painful, so I quickly healed her. While it’s not as if I can’t endure it, pain is not pleasant by any means.
『We did it!』
While Ciel appears to be delighted, I was surprised by her decisiveness. Well, since Ciel is weak in the physical department, I guess she’s happy about being able to do this much without utilizing the Dance Princess’ abilities.
『Now that we can move forward, let’s leave this place immediately.』
『Right. Somehow, we ended up making a strange detour. Still, this place would probably be good for sorcery training, wouldn’t it Ain?』
『Now that you mention it, that is true. Being capable of using sorcery here would be an achievement.』
『In that case, maybe we should come here again some other time.』
While I do agree with her on that, I think deciding how to deal with the soldier above is more important right now. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 7,
"inserted_lines_src": 47,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「こいつ? エリザベスだけど」
「ステラとスピカ、かぁ。うん、可愛くていいんじゃないかな! じゃあ、こっちがステラ、でこっちがスピカ」
「それじゃ今度は私が引くから、板から降りちゃダメだよ? あぶないから」
そんな俺の視界の隅に、何か光るものが見えたのは、その時だった。 | Because the Fire Phosphorite could melt in the water, it did not exist in places with rich vegetation. Because plants grew where water was.
As such, we had to climb quite high up on the mountain. That said, there was no such thing as a road in a place with a mineral as dangerous as Fire Phosphorite around.
“Ugh... So we have to go on foot huh.”
“I guess my horse can climb, but horses shake quite a bit.”
“Not very suited for transporting Fire Phosphorite. Besides, the horse could even step on it and cause an explosion.”
“These are some troublesome rocks.”
“That’s why they commissioned it like this. Anyway, let’s go already.”
We tied the horses and the carriage at the foot of the mountain and got ready for the climbing.
It was a volcano so magic items with Purify effect were essential. Since it rained the other day, there was a chance that the Fire Phosphorite had melted and the combustible gas filled the summit area.
We had to be extra careful due to that.
And the horses also need to be tied where they would have access to grass and water, or their hunger and thirst would deteriorate their condition. Fortunately, this foot area was abundant in greenery, so there were no problems on that part.
The biggest problem would be the monsters that could appear and aim for the horses.
“We have to quickly go up and come down or the horses might get attacked.”
“Ugh, anything but that!”
“I don’t want Reid and Cortina to die.”
“Michelle, can you stop calling the horses with those names?”
“Then you name them, Nicole.”
“Huh, uhhh...”
We’ve been calling them horses and haven’t settled on the names yet.
Normally, most Adventurers traveled mostly by foot. And there were many cases where horses could not reach like this time, so they seldom gave their horses nicknames so as to not get attached to them too much.
I had discarded many horses in my previous life too. As such, I was a little stumped when she asked me to name them. Both of them were beautiful chestnut horses. Both of them were mares to avoid them starting to breed during their travels.
“Oh right, what did you call yours, Cloud?”
“Oh, this one? She’s called Elizabeth.”
“What’s with that awfully aristocratic name?!”
Still, it was way better compared to Michelle who just gave one of them a male name.
I patted the horses’ faces while inspecting their patterns.
There was a white diamond pattern on their foreheads. Both of them shared that mark, so they might have been connected by blood.
“Let’s see... they have star-like patterns, so how about Stella and Spica?”
“Oh, those are lovely names.”
“Stella and Spica, huh. Yeah, that sounds pretty and nice! Then this one will be Stella and this one Spica.”
Michelle named one with a white pattern on its right forefoot, Stella, and one on the left forefoot, Spica.
I hadn’t thought which name to which, so she saved me there.
“Okay, time for us to go. Stella, Spica, be good girls and wait for us here!”
Michelle ran off while waving her hand. Hold up, there are dangerous rocks scattered ahead of us, you know?
It was dangerous to run off even if we were at the foot still.
“Ah, wait. It’s dangerous to run!”
“Oh, right!”
She hurriedly stopped in place as if she was frozen.
I guess anyone would have if they knew there were explosives under their feet... but well, it looked adorable so whatever.
We traveled the mountain road with Cloud leading the way. He had a rope around his waist, its other end tied to a largish board. And on that board were currently sitting the girls of our group.
“I never thought of using the Levitate spell like this.”
“I had to carry luggage before so I learned it then. I wondered if it could carry us too.”
We girls sat on the board that floated due to the Levitate spell. Cloud meanwhile pulled it along so we moved with it. I realized we could do it after remembering that I transported fainted children similarly in the past.
When it came to climbing a mountain with no proper path, preserving one’s stamina was important.
I lacked stamina, so I tended to quickly get tired.
Moreover, Finia held the key skill required for this commission. We had to make sure she didn’t get tired as much as possible.
And finally, it would be painful to have Michelle walk while the two of us advanced comfortably. With everything combined, we ended up implementing this kind of weird means of transportation.
“But I can’t just ride on it forever.”
“Huh, that’s it?”
“Yeah, my work begins from here on.”
The trees around had already grown quite sparse. We should be reaching the place we can harvest the Fire Phosphorite from soon. If I let Cloud charge on, it was practically guaranteed that he’d step on one and blow us up.
Before that happened, I had to lead us and secure a safe route.
I got off the board while being careful of where I stepped, letting Cloud sit there in my place.
“Okay, I’ll be pulling next, so don’t get down, okay? It’s dangerous.”
“Roger that. I can relax that way, so I’ll do exactly as you say.”
“Maybe I should throw you off, Cloud...”
“I’m just joking!”
As long as they remained on the board there was no risk of stepping on the Fire Phosphorite since they were floating. That said, the board did not guarantee absolute safety, either.
“If something explodes in the proximity, make sure to protect us, Cloud.”
“Leave it to me. That’s why I have this greatshield.”
Cloud’s shield had become quite big in accordance with his growth. We troubled God Hastur every time it demanded a change, so I couldn’t thank him enough.
I carefully advanced while paying attention to where I was stepping.
Fire Phosphorite had a characteristic red color, so you could tell it apart with a glance. That said, we were at a volcano. Red stones were scattered all around. It was essential to advance while telling them apart.
They required quite a large amount of Fire Phosphorite with this commission. Rather than pick up a few of them here and there, it would be less dangerous to just find a vein somewhere.
I climbed for a few hours and finally discovered a worthy ore vein.
“Okay, now then, Finia. We’ll be gathering them around here, so cast an extinction spell on the Fire Phosphorite that we gather.”
Michelle and Cloud started gathering at my signal.
They were protected by magic barriers, but they’d still suffer a big injury if the explosion happened near them. They understood that too so they were extremely careful. Meanwhile, I stayed vigilant of the surroundings.
There were almost no monsters here that you’d find everywhere else. Due to the oversensitive nature of Fire Phosphorite, it was not an environment where living beings could live on.
But the flying monsters were an exception. Vultures and other bird monsters considered this a hunting ground with an unobstructed view. With our movements limited, we would probably look like very delicious prey.
It was right at that moment that I spotted something shining in the corner of my view. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 21,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
人々は家から飛び出しては砕け散った大結界の残滓を呆然と眺め、そんな彼等に警邏隊の者達が「家から出るな!」と怒声を上げながら駆け回っている。決断の早い人間は、既に最小限の荷物だけ持って王都からの脱出を試みており、また王宮内に避難しようとかなりの数の住人達が門前に集まって中に入れろ! と叫んでいた。
「......お主等......いや、まぁ、気持ちはわかるがの? 『皆さんが一緒に来てくれて心強いです!』と言っとったリリアーナ姫が少々不憫じゃ......あっさり放り出して来おって」
〝おい! ティオ! 今すぐこっちに来てくれ!〟
〝ぬおっ! ご主人様? どうしたのじゃ?〟
〝!? 相分かった! 直ぐに向かうのじゃ!〟
〝ハジメさん! あの魔物使いは私とユエさんが殺っちまいますから安心して下さい!〟
〝は? お前ら姫さん達といるんじゃ...っうお、あぶね! 悪い、ちょっと話してる暇はなさそうだ! 何するつもりか知らないが、そっちも気を付けてな〟
がぁああ!! 殺してやるぅ!!」
血走った目が、刺し違えてでも! という決死の意志を感じさせる。しかし、そんな彼に対するユエの態度は実に冷めていた。
「ッ!? ユエさん!」
「フリード様! あそこにっ!」
「くっ、あの時も使っていたな。......私の知らぬ神代魔法か。総員聞け! 私は金髪の術師を殺る! お前達は全員で兎人族を殺るのだ! 引き離して、連携を取らせるな!」
「貴様等だけはぁ! 必ず殺すっ!」
〝ユエさん! すみません! 離されます!〟
「......どこかで会いました? そんな眼を向けられる覚えがないんですが?」
「........................ああ! あの人!」
「ちょっと、その人が何なんです? さっきから訳わからないです」
「! ああ、なるほど......それで」
「いや、死にたくないなら戦わなければいいでしょう? そもそも挑んで来たのはあの人の方ですし。ハジメさんは、警告してましたよ。逃げるなら追わないって。愛しい人を殺されれば、恨みを抱くのは当たり前ですけど......殺した相手がどんな人だったか教えられても......興味ないですし......あなたなら聞きますか? 今まで自分が殺してきた相手の人生とか......ないでしょう?」
「う、うるさい、うるさい、うるさい! カトレアの仇だ! 苦痛に狂うまでいたぶってから殺してやる!」
「くっ、接近戦をするな! 空は我々の領域だ! 遠距離から魔法と石針で波状攻撃しろ!」
「おのれっ、奇怪な技を! 上だ! 範囲外の天頂から攻撃しろ!」
シアは、〝宝物庫〟から取り出した鉄球を最大強化した脚力を以て蹴り飛ばす。豪速で弾き出された鉄球は、狙い違わずミハイルの乗る大黒鷲に直撃しベギョ! と生々しい音を立ててめり込んだ。
「やったぞ! コートリスの石針が刺さっている!」
魔人族達が絶望するのも仕方ないことだろう。圧倒的な破壊力に回復機能まであるのだから、攻略方法が思いつかない。シアを見る目が、かつてハジメと相対した者達が彼を見る目と同じになっている。すなわち、この化け物めっ! と。
狼狽えて硬直する魔人族達の眼前にシアがドリュッケンを振りかぶった状態で飛び上がってくる。そして、一撃必殺! と振るわれた一撃で、また一人、魔人族が絶命した。その瞬間、残りの魔人族が恐慌を来たしたように意味不明な叫び声を上げて、連携も何もなくがむしゃらに特攻を仕掛けていった。
そして雷の落ちる速度は秒速百五十キロメートル。認識して避けるなど不可能だ。ミハイルの眼にも、部下が殺られていく中ひたすら耐えて詠唱し放った渾身の魔法故に、今度こそ仕留める! という強靭な意志が見て取れる。
「ぬぐぉお! 離せぇ!」
シアは、かなり離されたユエのいる方を仰ぎ見る。そして、今ならまだフリードを一発くらい殴れるかもしれないと期待して、ユエと合流すべく一気に駆け出した。 | To the sudden attack which broke the barrier and appearance of the Majinzoku, the Kingdoms capital has fallen into chaos.
As people start running out of their houses, what greets their stunned faces is the great barrier shattering, to such a site, the patrol groups could only angrily shout, “Don’t leave your houses!”. The ones with quick thinking quickly pull themselves together, they attempt to leave the capital with only the bare minimum luggage, meanwhile a significant amount of people gathered at the royal palace gates to seek shelter! Screams were heard.
Although it was late at night, with this amount of noise, it wouldn’t be weird for a mob to be formed in the next few minutes. Especially because the royal palace wasn’t able to calm down the confusion either. Anyways, right now the royal palace is confused the most about the situation. Especially when everything happened in the flash of a few seconds, by the time they noticed they were placed into a situation where a sword was already drawn before their throats. It’s to be expected.
Although they were trying to quickly assemble their army.....
It was not on time.
The last barrier was finally broken, the force of demons that were created through Age of God magic and Majinzoku soldiers surged in on them making the land rumble in the process. Their last defensive line was only a wall made of stone which enclosed the Kingdom’s capital. Although that’s the only thing, it was still boasted of having considerable strength.......however thinking that it would last very long would be too optimistic.
In order to crush the wall, the Majinzoku assembled multiple people to cast advanced magic. Along with that the demons casted peculiar flame and lightning magic, ice shards and rock shards shot out, and a group of cyclops-beetles which were meter in length started scraping the walls with their maces.
Even at a different location, there were boar typed demons which measured up to meters in length, bashing against the wall with intense force while clad in wind to increase their power, with that, a destruction on the level of an earthquake struck the wall with every impact. Furthermore, the demons with flight such as black eagles and grey dragons were in the skies and completely ignored the wall and continued in to invade the capital.
Though the soldiers that were stationed on top of the wall were fighting back desperately, towards the unexpected large army, their interception was badly carried out. It was as if trying to counterattack a steel train’s rush with an airsoft gun.
In such a situation, standing by Teio who was watching the overall situation from the big clock tower in the capital, were Yue and Shia who had just left the royal castle.
“.......Teio, have you found that guy?”
“Teio-san, where’s the idiotic guy at?”
“....You, ma~a, although I understand your feelings? [It’s much more reassuring with everyone gathered together!] is what I remember Princess Ririana saying, shes quite be discarded so easily”
“......Don’t mind”
“It’s a minor thing”
Teio was staring at Yue and Shia with an amazed expression, the didn’t seem to think much about it at all. This must also be Hajime’s influence. they’re not interested if they have no opponent.
Yue and Shia both have their eyes opened wide while looking for Freed Bagua, then their telepathy stones reacted. Hajime’s voice came from it.
“Oi! Teio! Come over here immediately!”
“Nuo~! Master? What’s wrong?”
Due to the unexpectedly strong voice which came from the telepathy stone, Teio who was called instinctively expressed her surprise.
“A dangerous one came out. I want you to take care of Sensei. Otherwise I won’t be able to go all out”
“!? Alright, I understand! I’ll head over there immediately!”
Teio who recognised that Hajime was fighting an opponent where he needed to be at full power, in an instant used “Dragon Transformation”, then quickly dashed towards the target which was , meters in the sky.
“.....Hajime, be careful”
“Hajime-san! Yue-san and I will be going to finish off the demon tamers so don’t worry!”
“Ha? Aren’t you guys with the Princess....U~uo, that was close! Sorry, it doesn’t seem like I’ll be able to talk in this situation! Though I don’t know what you guys plan on doing, be careful as well”
Though Haime seemed doubtful about what Shia said, due to the intense battle he was in, he had to cut the connection. While protecting Aiko, the opponent wasn’t letting up against Hajime at all, in an instant, Yue and Shia started thinking if they should go and help.
“Yue-san, what will you do?”
“......If its Hajime then it’ll be alright. Teio will be there too. More so, we need to take care of the demon tamer. Also, we can’t allow them to break the Age of Gods magic’s magic formation”
Right, the reason why Yue came out to the battlefield, though there was also the reason for getting revenge for Hajime, she couldn’t just let the other Age of Gods magic bearer, Freed, run around unchecked.
In the case that Freed knew where the great labyrinth at [Kamiyama] was at, Just like before at [Mountain of Great Flames] he’ll likely head there first. Moreover, he might destroy the magic formation afterwards. They noticed that monsters and structure of [Mountain of Great Flames] will gradually be restored, so it’s possible that over time everything will be restored, but it’s unknown how much time it would actually take. Therefore, Yue who wanted to avoid that at any costs, decided to attack Freed.
In the first place, retaliation was 0% of the reason.....
then, at that time, while on top of the clock tower Yue and Shia noticed, two demons looking like a black eagle at approximately 3 to 4 meters in length, while eyeing Yue and Shia they then dove down to attack from both the left and right.
The black eagles let out a courageous shout and approached, without looking Shia takes out [Doryukken][/efn_note]Her hammer[/efn_note] from the “Treasure Warehouse” and sets it to shooting mode, then without hesitation shot out an exploding slug bullet. Yue as well, without looking just snaps her fingers with her right hand and innumerable wind blades shot out like heavy rain.
Of the two black eagles which were approaching the girls, one’s head blew up due to a shock wave, and the other, like being executed by a Guillotine was chopped up into pieces, their tragic appearances fell onto the roof of a civilians house. At that time, the people who were inside the house heard the noise and became extremely nervous from the sound.
After those two were killed, all demons with flight turned around and noticed Yue and Shia. If you looked closely, you’d notice that about a third of them had Majinzoku riding on them. After looking like they were surveying the situation when noticing the two eagles dropping down, understanding that the other party was an Usagininzoku and petite girl, as if looking at an idiot, they snorted at Yue and Shia, then began chanting their magic.
Both Yue and Shia didn’t have any intentions to guard the kingdom from the big army, however their purpose was Freed Bagua, it was like trying to leave without permission, there was no other way but to counterattack when being targeted.
For now, Shia says, “We aren’t enemies~, just now we were attacked so there was no other choice~”, although they were laughing at the foolishness it didn’t seem like they had any intentions of stopping their attacks.
The Majinzoku thought the opponent was worthless so they proceeded and left a few friends behind to deal with it, in the next moment, the screams and roaring sound of their last moments resounded out from behind, and when they turned around to see the cause, their eyes became wide in astonishment.
It was a dragon made of thunder, roaring as it devoured their friends and demons one after another.
To the spectacle, the Majinzoku could only stare in blank surprise. Trying to escape from the thunder dragon, is a Majinzoku desperately trying to get away towards his friends on his demon, stretching out his hand, as if asking for help......however, in the next instant an exploding slug bullet flew through the wind with murderous intent from behind, and the gray dragon and its rider broke into pieces.
The Majinzoku that became stiff, pulled themselves together and prepared to pursue the cause. And, looked for the girls who crushed their companion in an instant. Due to the unexpectedness, they began seeing illusions of their own deaths, with the high tension they forgot to even wipe their own sweat as they strained their eyes. And, in front of them appeared Yue and Shia.
However, to them their appearance was completely unexpected. Because, rather than hiding from the group pursuing them, they stayed in the same place, Yue and Shia didn’t even bother looking at them. Just like the first time, they concentrated their sights on searching for something outside of the wall. Their backs spoke louder than words.
In other words, they couldn’t care less.
The moment they guessed that, the Majinzoku’s expressions which were stiff with high tension distorted into anger and rage. While breaking their comrades into pieces, in Yue and Shia’s eyes, they were nothing more than pebbles being kicked on the roadside, as a warrior, or due to their pride as Majinzoku being trampled. Heat runs through their entire bodies and their blood boiled.
While consumed by anger, their abilities as soldiers were naturals and they got into their positions, they showed great teamwork. They formed a box on all sides to surround them and then they all shot magic at the same time. The magic of the Majinzoku were excellent. Normally, the scene would cause someone’s expression to twist in despair.
However, they were amazed by Yue’s bored expression. Then, she flexed her finger like a thin baton.
“......The difference in ability, you should learn to realize it instinctively”
At the same time that she said those words, all the magic were completely blocked out by the thunder dragon coiling around Yue and Shia like a cocoon. And, the thunder dragon once again opened its jaws like a gate, as if they were committing suicide, they all looked as if they were voluntarily jumping in.
Then expecting that multiple people on the other side would begin chanting magic which excel in penetration, another part of the thunder dragon opened, there Shia who’s Usamimi’s were fluttering dove out with the speed of a cannonball.
In an instant, all the nearby Majinzoku knew that she planned to obstruct their chants, so they all casted the beginner class magic flame bullet which practically took no time to cast at all.
However, Shia, as if she didn’t even care, dodged all the bullets with simple outbursts from using Doryukken to change her orbit, she then swung Doryukken sideways aiming at the three Majinzoku who were chanting.
With one shout. Doryukken which was held, due to gravity magic obtained the weight of 4 tons on momentary impact. With that, her body was also strengthened through physical reinforcement. The result was better off unsaid. The three Majinzoku’s upper bodies were blasted away, even the demons that were being ridden, their spines were crushed due to the shockwave and they were blown away while raising the screams of their last moments.
Shia who was still in the air, in that instant cut down Doryukken and her own weight to 5 kilos or less, and again, danced through the air like a feather. Then, switching Doryukken back into shooting mode, exploding slug bullets were let loose aiming at the Majinzoku’s that shot the flame bullets. As intended, once again in the night sky of the Kingdom, bright red flowers bloomed.
Shia, she pulls out 2 colorful disks which shot out into the air from the “Treasure Warehouse”, they floated in the air disregarding gravity and was being used as a stand. She looked over the surroundings while in place, tapping Doryukken on her shoulder.
Just then, in a place a little away, the last Majinzoku left was about to desperately commence a suicide attack on Yue.
“Little girl(..)ga~aa!! I’m gonna kill you!!”
With bloodshot eyes, and a, even if I’m stabbed! kind of feeling could be felt from his desperation. However, Yue’s attitude towards him was cool like a wet blanket.
“........You’re 300 years too early, boy(..)”
He probably planned on attacking when the thunder dragon was still dealing with his friend. However, his lips distorts when he thinks that what Yue’s words meant was that the thunder dragon had already returned, immediately after that, his head was cleanly cut off by a wind blade that came from below and it flew into the alleyway with spinning eyes.
After time was meaninglessly taken, Yue began to search for Freed once again. Next to her, Shia landed while carrying Doryukken.
“They completely think that we’re part of the Kingdom’s fighting forces right?”
“.......It doesn’t matter. They can think that if they want”
“How dry. ....Ma~a, it certainly seems that way....”
The two joked around with each other as Freed was not easily found, Maybe, he’s already gone to the great labyrinth through space magic.......they began to become uneasy, then,
“~!? Yue-san!”
At the same time as Shia’s warning, Yue jumped away from the clock tower without hesitation. Immediately after that, an oval film appeared in the middle of air, a large aurora gushed out from it. The aurora completely erased the upper part of the clock tower where Yue and them were standing, however it was so powerful that the building was blown off radically.
“As expected, some kind of foresight. How annoying.....”
At the same time that the masculine voice resounded, the Majinzoku, Freed Bagua who had red hair and was the white dragon’s rider, appeared from the oval film. From his expression, you could see irritation from the ease of dodging the surprise attack.
Then a white dragon’s appearance came through the “gate”, along with several Majinzoku riding on the back of black eagles and grey dragons appearing by the hundreds, Yue and Shia were completely surrounded.
At the same time......a terrible roaring sound is heard and a part of the outer wall was finally destroyed, afterwards demons and Majinzoku’s invade the capital one after another, some of the troops saw Yue and Shia and rushed up fiercely at them. It appears that they intend on completely killing Yue and Shia here once and for all.
“I can’t believe that you’ve managed to survive from that situation. .....As I expected, that man’s passion to too dangerous. To start with, we’ll completely kill you who is that guy’s companions”
Towards the words of Freed which contained hatred, however, Yue and Shia were both fearless. And, they both replied back at the same time. It strangely, was the same words that the boy whom they loved currently in the sky 8,000 meters above the ground had said.
“”Kill us if you can (please)””
As if those words were a signal, the surrounding demons and Majinzoku’s shot magic all at once.
Flame spears of the caliber which was enough to even scorch the atmosphere were flying around, lasers of water were shot out cutting through space, wind of murderous intent became blades and attacked, a bombardment of ice and snow roared out, sands of petrification and permanent poison scatters about, and a whip of thunder shaped like a snake moved around in the night sky. And, an Aurora tore through the sky just in case.
A group of 40 Majinzoku or more and over 100 demons. In every direction, lies an enemy. The sight is filled with a storm of attacks.
However, Yue and Shia, were still calm despite being surrounded by death on all sides, their postures showed no sign of attempting to dodge. Some Majinzoku, “Have they given up......”, as their expressions showed that they were losing momentum, only Freed raised his awareness because of an unpleasant presentiment which rose intensely from within.
Yue activated her Age of Gods magic.
Immediately after that, two shining gates appeared before the Aurora. Freed dubiously drops his eyebrow. When connecting the gate to such coordinates, even if they teleport the aurora, it’ll likely appear out of the other gate for a direct hit.
However, that expectation could only be assumed if only one pair of gates were created. Freed based his expectation on his own limitations.
Therefore, he couldn’t understand why Yue and Shia jumped through the gate, it wasn’t possible for him to notice immediately that a gate had already appeared behind them.
“Cra-, evade it!”
Yue and Shia disappeared through the other gate, the moment when the aurora connected with the gate, though Freed who noticed his misunderstanding warned his companions, but it was already too late.
Although Freed himself was able to evade on time, many subordinates behind him (.......) while being directly hit by the aurora became slightly conscious that they were dying, and with that only a few were left.
“Curse you, killing my subordinates. ......I didn’t expect you to be able to open 2 at the same time....does that mean I’ve still underestimated you......”
Rage filled his eyes, at the same time, he was also in awe that Yue was able to create both gates simultaneously and properly succeeded to use it in combat. There was also no traces of chanting or using magic formations either, though he confirmed their true nature in his mind, right now, it’s necessary to look for the 2 missing people.
“Freed! Over there!”
One of Freed’s subordinates pointed outside the outer wall. Certainly Yue and Shia were there.
It was difficult to fight as houses were right underneath them. If Freed truly hopes for a confrontation between them, it would be unlikely that he would just continue invading the Kingdom’s capital, and so he would transfer himself directly outside of the outer walls. Of course, it would be an emergency situation if he actually continued his invasion instead of confronting Yue and Shia, as the sickle of the death god would surely swing down on his back.
Because Freed also understood this, he couldn’t turn his back against them. Yue stretched her right hand out and with her finger ~Kui Kui~ bent it as gesture to approach, from this action, all Majinzoku’s rage exceeded their boiling point.
It was obvious that the young girl with a childish appearance was provoking them, and the detestable Usagininzoku who slaughtered their comrades was also there, with that in their minds, “We’ll be your opponents”, while lining up their sights....the provocation wasn’t possible to ignore due to their own pride as the superior race even if the opponents were few in numbers.
“You’re only a little girl!”
“You dirty beast, don’t get so full of it!”
While shouting such abusive words, all the Majinzoku attacked at the same time. They sent the demons after Yue who was able to fire off fatal magic in rapid succession without time lags at all. From the ground, part of the large army also attacks Yue and Shia fiercely.
Shia, thanks to the “Treasure Warehouse”, was able to continuously fire out explosive slug bullets which were practically unlimited in number. In the sky, and even on the ground, Shia’s magical power emits a color resembling moonstones, rippling out, in the next instant, it was converted into a shockwave and destruction scattered everywhere. The only thing that remained was only their broken corpses, crushed as if they were run over to death.
And, there, the white dragon and grey dragons all vomited out their breaths at once. The attack would be fatal to Shia even with physical strengthening applied when hitting directly. However, Shia wasn’t panicking at all.
“[Exceeding Curse]
Yue shot out a black swirling globe which appeared before Shia’s eyes. The jet black sphere contained supergravity, just like a black hole, the aurora’s approaching Shia were twisted then completely devoured.
“Ku, you used it last time too. .....that Age of God magic that I don’t know of. All members,listen! I’ll take care of the blond caster! You all gang up and kill that Usagininzoku! Separate them apart, don’t allow them to cooperate!”
It appears that, Shia serves as Yue’s vanguard and while away looked like she was breathing exhaustively, the rear guards decided to separate Yue in order to defeat them both. Though that’s what it seems, when Shia started to evacuate towards Yue, the Majinzoku riding an especially huge black eagle which was clad in a huge tornado, charged out like a cannonball.
Shia who was in the air, wielded Doryukken and looked as if she was going to throw it, due to the unexpected timing, the Majinzoku prepared themselves in a suicide attack, the other side wasn’t supposed to be able to respond on time. With one rotation while in place using the outbursts from Doryukken, all attacks coming from the Majinzoku were stopped and they were all blown away radially.
In a rush, the Majinzoku on the black eagle cladded in a tornado tried to confront her, as expected there was no time for her to counter the attack, even evading wouldn’t be on time either, so she took up Doryukken as a shield and increased her physical power as well. One of Doryukken’s gimmicks activated, while making a sound ~Kashun Kashun~ a round shield formed.
“Even if it’s just you! I’ll definitely kill you without fail!”
the Majinzoku with short blond hair shouted out, while looking at Shia with eyes filled with hatred from his companions being killed, and collided with Doryukken which was held up.
Shia who was pushed back was separated from Yue, although she tried to increase her weight to withstand the push, before it was actually carried out, a black teleport gate had already opened up behind her. In that instant Yue and Shia’s glances overlapped, the rash suicide attack was meant to buy time for Freed to cast his space magic.
“Yue-san! I’m sorry! We’ve been separated!”
“N.....there’s no problems. I’ll kill this fellow here.”
!”, Shia smiled a little from that. The smile was seen by the Majinzoku riding the huge black eagle, his face twisted into rage, although he didn’t really mind Shia, It was Yue’s own comrade that was swallowed into the gate, which meant that they were now both separated.
“That frivolously smiling face, how disgusting. When your Limbs are torn apart we’ll drag them in front of your man”
The first Majinzoku that passed through said while exiting the gate. Seeming unlike the rest of the Majinzokus, Shia guessed that it was due to a personal grudge, while frowning dubiously she asked him.
“.......Have we met somewhere? I don’t remember having done anything to receive such stares though?”
“Do you still remember that Majinzoku woman with red hair?”
Shia who couldn’t understand why the sudden talk of a woman turned up could only incline her head in wonder. But, the male Majinzoku, took that act as not being able to remember, while clenching his teeth together, he voiced out further information about his grudge.
“You *******, the woman that you guys killed at [Orcus Great Labyrinth]”
“............Ah! That person!”
It was very clear that Shia had forgotten all about it until now, the man who was already mad till the boiling point shot out numerous blades of wind with short chants. There, Shia avoided them as if they were nothing.
“Wait a sec, who was that person to you? With just what was said a while ago I still don’t understand”
“Cattleya, the woman that you guys murdered.....was my fiancee!”
“! Ah, I see.....what about it”
Shia nodded as she consented.
It seems that the man in front of her, was the lover that the woman at [Orcus Great Labyrinth] whispered her love to for before dying——-it was Mikhail
“How dare you, Cattleya......was wise and gentle, she always thought of her country.....”
Mikhail who was shouting out his grudge with bloodshot eyes, Shia’s usual brightness became cold as if it were a lie, and replied with extremely light words.
“I don’t know anything about that”
“No, if she didn’t want to die she could have just not fight? In the first place she was the one that challenged us. Hajime-san even warned her. We won’t chase if you run away. If a important person was killed, it’s obvious that they’d bear a grudge....even if you told what the person who was killed was like......we’re not you guys hear me? Just like all the lives of the ones that you’ve taken up till now.....there’s no way you’d be interested”
“Sh, shut up, shut up, shut up! Cattleya’s enmity
Mikhail, yelling as if he lost his temper, another tornado was produced again to increase the huge black eagle’s speed while plunging towards Shia. It appears that the tornado was Mikhail’s magic and not the huge black eagle’s inherent ability. While riding, Mikhail continued chanting and numerous wind blades shot out from the tornado in an attempt to block Shia’s escape routes.
Shia, wielding Doryukken, knocked down the wind blades and then lightened her weight as she jumped to a disk as a stand in order to avoid the charge of the tornado cladded eagle.
However, before she avoided it, troops of Majinzoku riding black eagles gathered as Shia and Mikhail were talking. Because Mikhail was riding the huge black eagle, they were likely his subordinates.
Shia was in a situation where all the black eagle forces that were in the skies shot out needles of stone at her. It was exactly like a downpour of rain. Shia shot out exploding slug bullets to create shockwaves in order to knock down the needles.
And, jumped to a nearby black eagle after opening a way through the barrage. Disregarding the startled Majinzoku, she swung Doryukken without any hesitation. The Majinzoku that was hit vanished into the darkness of the night as all his internal organs and bones were crushed.
Shia further continued to use her momentum of the attack and crushed the Majinzoku and the black eagle that were away from the rest.
“Ku, do not engage in close combat! The sky is our domain! Attack with waves of magic and stone needles from a distance!”
Towards the comrades that were blown away like a pinball, Mikhail judged that close combat would be impossible and ordered for all attacks to be strictly ranged. Again, Shia was forced to avoid their magic and stone needles that came from all directions by continually jumping off the disks that she sent out as stepping stones.
However, she never got within range to attack, every time she moved up they distanced themselves and she was becoming irritated at that fact. And then, she judged that it wouldn’t be efficient if she only used exploding slug bullets, she pulled out a new item from the “Treasure Warehouse”.
It was a red metallic ball. It was approximately 2 meters in diameter. A chain extends from the metallic ball and Shia attached it to the top of Doryukken. Then, she used her leg to kick up the metallic ball that was dropping due to gravity and swung horizontally at the metallic ball with Doryukken.
With a roaring sound the metallic ball flew out at an unbelievable speed.
While panicking the targeted Majinzoku tried to quickly evade it, however suddenly, the side of the metallic ball bursted out and with that it’s course changed. The Majinzoku and his black eagle were not able to respond to the suddenness, the metallic ball which weighed up to 10 tons collided into them, they were instantly killed as every bone in their bodies were crushed in the night sky.
Shia pulled back the chain with Doryukken and the metallic ball which just slaughtered its enemy quickly returns to her reach. And as it was returning she was firing out exploding slug bullets in rapid successions in order to keep the others in check, or, simply to kill them. When the metallic ball returned, it was then once again launched at another target.
with a built-in system that allows it to change its weight and shoot out shells in order to change its trajectory.
Shia continued to play kendama in the night sky of the Kingdom’s capital while letting out shouts. When the ball was sent off, its trajectory was always changing and it always returned after blowing away its target. The “Kendama” became a red meteor that shot out irregularly throughout the night sky, it began to turn even more red as the blood of enemies were smeared on it.
“Curse you, such strange techniques! Above! Attack her from outside of her range!”
Mikhail, while biting his lips from his subordinates being killed one after another, gave out orders for a barrage of attacks to be sent out in order to keep her in check and buy time for him to cast his own magic. Shia easily avoids the attacks as if dancing in the air weightlessly.
Then, Immediately after avoiding the last attack, ranged attack magic poured down over her head like a wall.
Shia held the center of Doryukken over her head and began to turn it in circles. With that, the metallic ball that was connected by its chain also began to rotate due to the centrifugal force and was swung along with Doryukken. Doryukken and the Kendama rotated at high-speeds with intense force, it became an improvised roundshield which was also bordered with a red color, the magic attacks that were pouring down were all blown away and dispersed because of the matchless force.
Mikhail who judged that she would be too busy dealing with the overhead attacks, charged at Shia. The huge black eagle shot out an extraordinary amount of stone needles which ran along with the wind magic [Cannon Emperor]
Shia allowed herself to free-fall in order to reduce her altitude quickly and avoided the bombardment of wind. Mikhail’s lips twisted as expected, again he decided to aim for the moment when she lands due to evading, he planned to shoot out more blades of wind.
However, In the eyes of Mikhail who was watching his target, Shia did not have an expression wrapped in despair, the spectacle that he saw was that a fist-sized iron ball appeared from thin air underneath Shia’s feet and she bounced off it.
Shia took out the iron ball from the “Treasure Warehouse” and used her legs at maximum strength to launch herself off of it. The iron ball that was kicked out at an overpowering velocity, with perfect aim, hit the Huge black eagle which Mikhail was ridding! The vivid sound of flesh caving in could be heard.
The huge black eagle screamed from the pain of the impact as it falls while spinning. Mikhail again, shot out a cannonball of wind that contained stone needles in desperation as he fell with the huge black eagle.
Shia who finally passed by all magic attacks that came down at her head, bounced away the quickly approaching cannonball of wind using Doryukken. However, the needles made of stone couldn’t be completely avoided, some of the needles pierced into her shoulder and arm.
“We did it! she was struck by Kotorisu’s stone needles!”
“With this it’s over!”
The needles themselves didn’t deal much damage, however all the Majinzoku looked equally joyful that Shia was hit by the stone needles.
Shia looked at their suspicious expressions.
The answer to her question was answered immediately. Starting from where the needles were sticking out, she began to petrify. It appears that Kotorisu was the name of the huge black eagle, it’s inherent magic seemed to allow its stone needles to petify upon contact. it was an unpleasant and troublesome ability.
Normally, when afflicted with an abnormal status you’d use specific medicine to cure it, or purify it with recovery light magic. However, right now Shia is alone on the battlefield so the Majinzoku’s thought it was already over. As long as they continue attacking her without giving her a chance to take medicine she’ll be completely petrified.
However, in the very next moment, their expressions which were convinced of victory, changed into one that was dumbfounded, and finally changed into despair.
“Mmm~, what a blunder. However, if it’s just this much!”
While saying so, Shia pulled out and threw away the needles and in order to concentrate she closed her eyes. Then in one moment, the petrification that was gradually spreading, stopped suddenly, following that, the flesh that had turned to stone regained its former color. And, finally, the wound from the needles were also patched up, she returned to her normal state as if nothing happened.
“What’s going on!”
There weren’t any signs of recovery magic being used, there also wasn’t any behaviors of using medicine either, however Shia easily cured the petrification and damage from the needles by just concentrating a little, fear began to appear on the Majinzoku’s expressions. Fear of the unknown which couldn’t be understood. Their voices were upset and trembling.
There’s no need to think much about how Shia managed to heal herself. She simply used reproduction magic. As usual, her aptitude with it was rather bad, it was only enough to be able to heal wounds and abnormal statuses within her body.
Her self heal was like the downgraded version of Yue’s “Automatic Reproduction”, she can even cure serious illnesses, however it’s not automatic and she cannot reproduce something external. However, a few wounds or simple fractures would heal within several seconds with a little bit of concentration and if she spends more time she can also recover from serious illnesses.
There’s no helping it that the Majinzoku were despairing. Because including her overwhelming power she also possesses the ability to recover, they couldn’t think of any methods to corner her. The eyes that were looking at Shia were the same eyes that the people who confronted Hajime had. In other words, a monster! Then.
“Sa~a, here I come?”
Shia while holding Doryukken quickly appears before the eyes of the stiff and confused Majinzoku. Then, a deadly blow! with just one hit, another Majinzoku died. At that moment, the remaining Majinzoku went into a panic and yelled out an incomprehensible cry, there was absolutely no cooperation and they began to suicide attack recklessly.
Shia calmly, while brandishing the Kendama, or through the use of exploding slug bullets, quickly and surely reduces their numbers.
Finally the last man of Mikhail’s forces became food for Doryukken, however the moonlight was suddenly shut out and a shadow covered the entire area.
Shia looked up above, behind the dark clouds, Mikhail was falling from the sky. It looks like the huge black eagle was also at its limits, a straight dive attack might have been all it was capable of now.
“Innumerable thunder pouring down from the sky, avoid it if you can!”
At the same time that Mikhail shouted, innumerable amounts of thunder poured down while roaring out disorderly. It was like an intense rain of thunder. This magic originally caused a very large thunder strike to fall from the dark clouds, an advanced attack magic “Thunder Mallet” of the wind system, he daringly multiplied it, he likely created it as an Area of Effect magic. With that alone, you could tell how advanced Mikhail was with magic.
The thunder quickly overtakes Mikhail and pours straight down towards Shia.
Most likely, in order to absolutely kill her, he took up the resolution to stab her despite his own thunder raining down as a suicide attack. He’s already used up a lot of power just multiplying the thunder, however superhuman Shia may be, she’s not fast enough to avoid the thunderbolts.
The speed of which thunder falls is 150 kilometers per second. It’s not possible to avoid it after recognizing it. In Mikhail’s eyes, as his subordinates were killed one after another he was enduring it while single-mindedly continuing his chant using all the magic power in his body, this time for sure, she’ll fall! His will of strength could be seen.
However, immediately afterwards, Mikhail saw an unbelievable scene. Unexpectedly, Shia had avoided the thunderbolts raining down. No, more accurately, it was as if she knew exactly where the area that wouldn’t be hit was and moved there before the thunderbolts fell.
It was Mikhail’s miscalculation. Shia had a technique that allowed her to avoid things even before it became recognizable.
A deviation of her inherent magic “Future Sight” and “Revelation Sight”. It allowed her to see up to 2 seconds into the future. Although it’s a downgraded version of her “Future Assumption” sight, rather it doesn’t even use magic power, it’s a convenient ability that can be used in rapid successions several times. It was the result of Shia’s efforts from continuously training.
“What are you, what exactly are you!”
“.....I’m just a rabbit-eared woman”
He couldn’t believe what he saw, Shia had avoided every thunderbolt, naturally, Mikhail’s attack while diving down can easily be fended off, she wielded the Kendama and waited for him to pass by.
Then, the Kendama circled greatly around Mikhail, the chains coiled around him and he was instantly restrained.
“Nuguo~o! Let go!”
“I’ll release you, just as you wished!”
Mikhail who was caught by the chain was flung by Doryukken, as he was freed the centrifugal force caused him to fly towards the ground. The centrifugal force caused by the heavyweight lump of iron was terrific, Mikhail was flung towards the ground like a meteorite.
At once, he set up a barrier of wind and escaped instant death, however it’s likely that every bone in his body was crushed as he layed on his back without moving an inch. ~Gobog Gobo~ he coughed out blood.
Shia landed by his side.
Carrying Doryukken on her shoulder, she had compromised Mikhail. Mikhail while still faintly conscious, his vacant eyes turned to Shia. On his lips, due to being unable to bring down his enemy, or, due to the impossible situation of being completely annihilated despite having close to 100 subordinates, a smile of self-ridicule that even Mikhail himself didn’t understand was shown. To be beaten down into this state, it’s possible he could do nothing but laugh at himself.
To Shia who was looking down on him, Mikhail realizes his end. In his heart, he apologized to his dear fiancee that he couldn’t take revenge, then he spoke his last words.
“Fufu, Thank you very much!”
Mikhail’s last retaliation seemed to only have made Shia more pleased.
At last, while watching absentmindedly as the hammer was swung down at his head, Mikhail thought that if there was an afterlife, he would go and search for Cattleya, he lost consciousness as he was thinking such dark things.
While carrying Doryukken after giving the final blow, Shia’s cheeks are loosened because of Mikhail’s final words.
“It seems that finally I’ve become strong enough to be called a monster....fufu, it seems I’ve become closer to Hajime and them. Now then, how about Yue-san’s side.....”
Shia looked towards Yue’s direction, they’ve been considerably distanced. And, even now she expected that she might still be able to give Freed one good hit, she began to dash out to join up with Yue. | {
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今日、伝統的に移民を受け入れてきた国であるブラジルでさえも、移民を送り出す国の一つとなった。さらに、これらの移民はいまや、おしなべて地方出身者というわけではなく、また行き先も米国の伝統的な地域だけに限られてはいない;彼らは、文字通り、あらゆる所にいるのだ。彼らの仕送りは家族、コミュニティ、そして母国の経済厚生に非常に貢献している。 | Moreover, these migrants are no longer exclusively of rural origin, nor do they travel only to traditional areas in the US; they are, literally, everywhere. Their remittances contribute immensely to the economic welfare of their families, communities, and home countries’ economies. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
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じゃあ行ったことがないという人 あるいは 私が誰か知らない人は? ほとんどの方がそうでしょうね 少し バックグラウンドを説明させて下さいね
オクラホマシティーは 想像できうる限り 最もユニークな形で始まりました
さかのぼること 1889年の春の日 連邦政府は 「ランド・ラン」を行いました
文字通り 移民達を イメージした線に沿って一直線に並ばせて 銃を打つのです それを合図に 移民達は田園地域全体で大声を上げ 立て札を立てました その札を立てた所が 彼らの新しい住み家となりました
初日の終わりには オクラホマシティーの人口は ゼロから1万人になっていました この計画をした市の企画部は 未だに その支払いをしています
市民は初日に集まって 市長を選びました
それから その人を銃で撃ちました
笑うところじゃないと思うけど でも これで 今日の聞き手のみなさんが どういうタイプの人達なのか 分かりました フィードバックに感謝いたします
20世紀は オクラホマシティーにとって かなり良い時代でした
我々の経済は 農産物や鉱物に支えられていました 綿花や小麦の価格や 石油や天然ガスの価格が 重要だったのですね
それらに支えられて 技術革新の都市になっていきました
ショッピングカートは オクラホマティーで産み出されたものです
(拍手) パーキングメーターも オクラホマシティーで開発されました
でも 農産物などの商品に関連する経済には どうしても浮き沈みがあります オクラホマシティーの歴史においても それは明らかで
1970年代から エネルギーの価格が上昇を続け 経済はずっと上向きでした 1980年代始めには 急速に落ち込んで
それから十年経とうとする頃には オクラホマ州の100の銀行が 破綻してしまいました
金融業も 石油・天然ガス産業も 不動産業も すべて地の底を這うような経済状態でした
若者は オクラホマシティーを去り ワシントンやダラス ヒューストン ニューヨークや東京へと行ってしまいました 自分達の教育レベルに 見合った職に就くためにね なぜなら オクラホマシティーには 単に 良い職がなかったからです
しかし 80年代の終わりに ある意欲的な企業家が現れ 市長に就任しました それが ロン・ノリックです
ロン・ノリックが最終的に見出した 経済発展の秘訣は 前もって 企業を誘致するという事ではなく まず ビジネスの拠点にしたくなるような場所を 創り出すという事でした そこで 彼は この発案を MAPSと名付けて押し進めました 色々な物を創り出すために 基本的には 1ドルに対して1ペニーの消費税を 課すというものでした
それにより 新しいスポーツアリーナが建設されて ダウンタウンに 新しい運河が作られ 芸術センターが改修され ダウンタウンに 新しい野球場が建ち 生活の質が高まるような物が たくさん作られたのです
そして 経済が ようやく復興の兆しを 示し始めたように見えました
彼は 子供達に対してもMAPSをスタートさせました 市内の学校システムを 全面的に作り直し 75の建物を 新築あるいは改築しました
それから 2004年に まるで市民の反乱のような 集団としての判断力が著しく欠如した中で 市民は私を市長に選びました
その時 私が引き継いだ都市は 休眠状態の経済から 脱却しつつある ちょうどギリギリの所でした その頃 まさに初めて 我々は そのリストに登場し始めたのです
私の言っているリストというのは 皆さんご存知のものです
メディアやインターネットは 都市のランク付けが大好きですよね
オクラホマシティーは それまで リストに載った事はありませんでした
ただそのリストに載るのは割とかっこいいなとは思っていました ポジティブなリストに載るのであればね
順位がトップに近くなくても リストに載るということは 我々が評価されるということですから
職を得るのにベストな都市とか ビジネスを始めるのにベストな都市とか 最高の商業地区とか オクラホマシティーは
リストに載りました 我が国で 最も肥満の多い都市のリストに
そうです そこに載ったのです
ここで 私が指摘したいのは 多くの とても素敵な都市と一緒に 載っていたということです
ダラス ヒューストン ニューオリンズ アトランタ マイアミ
ご存じのように 一般的には これらの都市は あなたと関係あると言われても 全然恥ずかしくない都市でしょ
にもかかわず 私は そのリストに載るのは嫌でした
その頃 体重計に乗ったら
私は 220ポンドでした
そこで 連邦政府が提供するウェブサイトで 私の身長と体重を入力して エンターキーを押しました 出てきたのは 「肥満」という答え
「なんて馬鹿げたサイトなんだ」 と私は思いました
「私は肥満ではない 肥満なら 自分で分かっているはずだ」
その後 私は 自分に正直になって なぜ 私の人生が肥満との戦いになっているのかを 考え始めました パターンには気づいていました 私は 1年に2ポンドから3ポンドずつ太っては 約10年毎に 20~30ポンド減量していたのです
そして また太る
大きなクローゼットが満杯になり いつも着られるのは その中の3分の1だけ 着られるのがクローゼットのどの服か わかっているのは私だけ
それでも 当たり前のように思って やり過ごしていました
そして 私はようやく 減量する決心をしました それまで何度もやっていたので やり方は分かっていました まずは単に たくさん食べるのを止めました
それは 実行する上で そんなに大変なことではありませんでした
1日に 3000カロリー食べていたのを 2000カロリーに減らし 1週間に約1ポンド落として 約40週間
減量を実行しながら 私は 自分の町をじっくり見始めました 文化やインフラをチェックして なぜ我々の町が 肥満という問題を抱えているのか 原因を突き止めようとしたのです
そして 私は 一つの結論に至りました 我々は ものすごく素晴らしい生活の質を 築き上げてしまったのです もし あなたが車だったならね
でも あなたが人間なら 明らかに いつも 車と戦っています
我々の町は すごく広がっています
縦横に交わる 素晴らしく整備された高速道路があり 特に言うほどの交通渋滞は オクラホマシティーにはありません
そのお蔭で みんな 非常に遠くに住んでいます
我々の町は巨大で 620平方マイルあります それでも 15マイルは15分足らずです
オクラホマシティーでは ラッシュ時でも スピード違反切符を切られるのです
その結果として 人々は 外側へと散らばる傾向にあります
また 我々は 土地開発業者に対して 長い長い間 新しく開発された土地に 歩道を作るように要請してきませんでした
そのことは 改善しましたが つい最近までそうでした 我々の資料に依ると 10万軒以上の家が 実質的には 歩けない地域にあります
私は これらの要素を全て考慮して 肥満とどう向き合うかを検討し 我々が最初にするべき事は 会話だと決意しました
お分かりになると思いますが オクラホマシティーでは 肥満についての話を していませんでした
そこで 2007年の大晦日に 私は動物園に行き 象の前に立って 「この町はダイエットして 100万ポンド減らします」 と言いました
ええ 大混乱でしたよ
国のメディアが この話に すぐさま引きつけられて 報道の仕方は 二つに一つでした
メディアは 「この町はとても太っていたので 市長は ダイエットに踏み切らざるを得なかった」 と言うこともできたのですが
幸いなことに 共通の見解は 「見てご覧よ これは どこにでもある問題だ
この町が それを何とかしようとしているよ」 というものでした
みんなが我々を助けてくれて 大勢の人を ウェブサイトに導いてくれました
今や そのウェブアドレスは です 私は 平日の朝の「エレンの部屋」に出演して 減量を指導していく事について語り その日 ウェブサイトには 15万人のアクセスがありました
みんなが参加してくれて (’減量を目指す)体重は 増え始めました そして 私がとても重要だと考えた 会話が 始まったのです
家庭では 父親と母親が 子供達と 肥満について 話し合うようになりました
教会では 独自のランニング・グループと 肥満に向き合う人達を 支援するグループを 作り始めました
突如として 学校でも 取りあげられるべき話題になって 職場でも
大きな会社には 概して 素晴らしい健康プログラムがありますが 中堅の会社は 一般的に このような問題を見落としがちです そういう会社も 我々のプログラムを使って 取り組み始め 社員をモデルにして 誰が肥満と向き合って 率先して他の人にも貢献できるかを競う コンテストをしたりしました そして ようやく 問題は次の段階に来たのです 私が MAPS3と名付けた策を 押し進める時でした
MAPS3は 他の2つのプログラムと同様に
その背後には 経済開発の モチベーションがありましたが
単に 新しいコンベンションセンターを建てるというような 従来の経済開発事業ではなく 経済開発の過程に 健康に関するインフラを 追加したのです
70エーカーの新しいセントラルパークを オクラホマシティーのダウンタウンに作りました
都心に住むことを選ぶ人達が 徒歩での生活が可能になるような策として ダウンタウンに路面電車を作り 都心の人口密度を高めるようにしています
その他 高齢者向けの健康保健センターを コミュニティー中に作っています
元々 オリジナルのMAPSで 投資の対象となっていた川に 投資して カヌーやカヤックやボートと言ったスポーツに 世界で最も適した開催地として 今や 開発の最終ステージに入っています
昨年の春 我々は オリンピック選考会を主催しました
オクラホマシティーに オリンピック規模のイベントを招致して 世界中のアスリートに移住してもらい 子供達にも こういう ちょっと新しいタイプの 趣味の活動に もっと慣れ親しめるようにする 都心の計画があります
我々は また かつて採択された別の発案として 何百マイルもの新しい歩道を メトロエリア中に作っています
地域を作り 学校を作っても その二つを結びつけなかった 都心の状況についても 我々は 振り返って取り組んでいます
図書館を作り 地域を作っても 徒歩でそれらを 結びつけるということを 今までしていなかったのです
さらに もう一つの財源によって 都心の通りを 歩行者にもっとフレンドリーな道に 設計し直しています
通りは とても広くて 歩いて渡るために ボタンを押して 時間内に渡るには 走らなければなりませんでした
でも 今は 通りは狭くして 高所から見て設計し 歩行者に よりフレンドリーな道を作り 本当に デザインし直して インフラの作り方を考え直し 車ではなく 人のための都市を設計しています
自転車道のマスタープランも 完成しつつあります 完成したら
100マイルを超えるでしょう このように オクラホマシティーの中で
文化が 移り変わり始めています すると どうでしょう それに伴って
ワクワクするような 人口動態の変化が起こっています 高等教育を受けた20代の若者が 他の地域から オクラホマシティーに 移って来ているのです 本当に 遠くカリフォルニアからも 2012年の1月には
我々は 100万ポンドの減量を達成しました 私は 参加者の何人かと一緒に ニューヨークに行きました 100ポンド減量して 人生が変わった人達です 「レイチェル・レイ」の番組に出演して その日の午後には ニューヨークのメディアを回って みなさんすっかりおなじみの 肥満とその危険性についての メッセージを訴えてきました
それから 私は 雑誌「メンズフィットネス」の ロビーに行きました そうです 5年前に あのリストに 我々を載せた雑誌です レポーターと話すために ロビーで座って待っていたのですが その雑誌の最新号が テーブルの上にあるのに気がついて 手に取って トップの見出しを見たんです 「アメリカで最も太っている都市: あなたはそこに住んでいるかも?」
ええ 知ってますよ 私は住んでいましたよ 雑誌を手に取って 見始めましたが 載っていませんでした
(拍手) それから 最も引き締まった体型の都市のリストを見たら そちらに載っていました
州の健康統計も 良くなってきています
それでも まだまだ長い道のりです
健康は まだ オクラホマシティーで 誇れるほどではありませんが 健康を より優先するという
文化に移り変わってきています そして 教育の高い20代の若者が 移り住んでくれたり 多くの人達が オクラホマシティーを選んでくれるのは 大歓迎です
オクラホマティーは アメリカ合衆国で一番失業率が低く 恐らく アメリカで最も強い経済力を持っています
私と同年代の人なら 教育を受ける過程で ある時期に 『怒りの葡萄』という本を読むように
言われたことがあるでしょう 多くのオクラホマ人が より良い未来を求めて
カリフォルニアへと去って行きました 西から人々がこちらに向かってくる 人口動態の推移を見ると 今見ているのは まさに 『葡萄の怒りです』
(拍手) 孫達が故郷に帰って来ます
あなた方は素晴らしい聞き手で とても熱心に聞いて下さった
お招き頂いて どうもありがとうございました | How many of you have not been to Oklahoma City and have no idea who I am? Most of you. Let me give you a little bit of background.
Oklahoma City started in the most unique way imaginable.
Back on a spring day in 1889, the federal government held what they called a land run.
They literally lined up the settlers along an imaginary line, and they fired off a gun, and the settlers roared across the countryside and put down a stake, and wherever they put down that stake, that was their new home.
And at the end of the very first day, the population of Oklahoma City had gone from zero to 10,000, and our planning department is still paying for that.
The citizens got together on that first day and elected a mayor.
And then they shot him.
That's not really all that funny -- -- but it allows me to see what type of audience I'm dealing with, so I appreciate the feedback.
The 20th century was fairly kind to Oklahoma City.
Our economy was based on commodities, so the price of cotton or the price of wheat, and ultimately the price of oil and natural gas.
And along the way, we became a city of innovation.
The shopping cart was invented in Oklahoma City.
The parking meter, invented in Oklahoma City.
You're welcome.
Having an economy, though, that relates to commodities can give you some ups and some downs, and that was certainly the case in Oklahoma City's history.
In the 1970s, when it appeared that the price of energy would never retreat, our economy was soaring, and then in the early 1980s, it cratered quickly.
The price of energy dropped.
Our banks began to fail.
Before the end of the decade, 100 banks had failed in the state of Oklahoma.
There was no bailout on the horizon.
Our banking industry, our oil and gas industry, our commercial real estate industry, were all at the bottom of the economic scale.
Young people were leaving Oklahoma City in droves for Washington and Dallas and Houston and New York and Tokyo, anywhere where they could find a job that measured up to their educational attainment, because in Oklahoma City, the good jobs just weren't there.
But along at the end of the '80s came an enterprising businessman who became mayor named Ron Norick.
Ron Norick eventually figured out that the secret to economic development wasn't incentivizing companies up front, it was about creating a place where businesses wanted to locate, and so he pushed an initiative called MAPS that basically was a penny-on-the-dollar sales tax to build a bunch of stuff.
It built a new sports arena, a new canal downtown, it fixed up our performing arts center, a new baseball stadium downtown, a lot of things to improve the quality of life.
And the economy indeed seemed to start showing some signs of life.
The next mayor came along.
He started MAPS for Kids, rebuilt the entire inner city school system, all 75 buildings either built anew or refurbished.
And then, in 2004, in this rare collective lack of judgment the citizens elected me mayor.
Now the city I inherited was just on the verge of coming out of its slumbering economy, and for the very first time, we started showing up on the lists.
Now you know the lists I'm talking about.
The media and the Internet love to rank cities.
And in Oklahoma City, we'd never really been on lists before.
So I thought it was kind of cool when they came out with these positive lists and we were on there.
We weren't anywhere close to the top, but we were on the list, we were somebody.
Best city to get a job, best city to start a business, best downtown -- Oklahoma City.
And then came the list of the most obese cities in the country.
And there we were.
Now I like to point out that we were on that list with a lot of really cool places.
Dallas and Houston and New Orleans and Atlanta and Miami.
You know, these are cities that, typically, you're not embarrassed to be associated with.
But nonetheless, I didn't like being on the list.
And about that time, I got on the scales.
And I weighed 220 pounds.
And then I went to this website sponsored by the federal government, and I typed in my height, I typed in my weight, and I pushed Enter, and it came back and said "obese."
I thought, "What a stupid website."
"I'm not obese. I would know if I was obese."
And then I started getting honest with myself about what had become my lifelong struggle with obesity, and I noticed this pattern, that I was gaining about two or three pounds a year, and then about every 10 years, I'd drop 20 or 30 pounds.
And then I'd do it again.
And I had this huge closet full of clothes, and I could only wear a third of it at any one time, and only I knew which part of the closet I could wear.
But it all seemed fairly normal, going through it.
Well, I finally decided I needed to lose weight, and I knew I could because I'd done it so many times before, so I simply stopped eating as much.
I had always exercised.
That really wasn't the part of the equation that I needed to work on.
But I had been eating 3,000 calories a day, and I cut it to 2,000 calories a day, and the weight came off. I lost about a pound a week for about 40 weeks.
Along the way, though, I started examining my city, its culture, its infrastructure, trying to figure out why our specific city seemed to have a problem with obesity.
And I came to the conclusion that we had built an incredible quality of life if you happen to be a car.
But if you happen to be a person, you are combatting the car seemingly at every turn.
Our city is very spread out.
We have a great intersection of highways, I mean, literally no traffic congestion in Oklahoma City to speak of.
And so people live far, far away.
Our city limits are enormous, 620 square miles, but 15 miles is less than 15 minutes.
You literally can get a speeding ticket during rush hour in Oklahoma City.
And as a result, people tend to spread out.
Land's cheap.
We had also not required developers to build sidewalks on new developments for a long, long time.
We had fixed that, but it had been relatively recently, and there were literally 100,000 or more homes into our inventory in neighborhoods that had virtually no level of walkability.
And as I tried to examine how we might deal with obesity, I decided that the first thing we need to do was have a conversation.
You see, in Oklahoma City, we weren't talking about obesity.
And so, on New Year's Eve of 2007, I went to the zoo, and I stood in front of the elephants, and I said, "This city is going on a diet, and we're going to lose a million pounds."
Well, that's when all hell broke loose.
The national media gravitated toward this story immediately, and they really could have gone with it one of two ways.
They could have said, "This city is so fat that the mayor had to put them on a diet."
But fortunately, the consensus was, "Look, this is a problem in a lot of places.
This is a city that's wanting to do something about it."
And so they started helping us drive traffic to the website.
Now, the web address was And I appeared on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" one weekday morning to talk about the initiative, and on that day, 150,000 visits were placed to our website.
People were signing up, and so the pounds started to add up, and the conversation that I thought was so important to have was starting to take place.
It was taking place inside the homes, mothers and fathers talking about it with their kids.
It was taking place in churches.
Churches were starting their own running groups and their own support groups for people who were dealing with obesity.
Suddenly, it was a topic worth discussing at schools and in the workplace.
And the large companies, they typically have wonderful wellness programs, but the medium-sized companies that typically fall between the cracks on issues like this, they started to get engaged and used our program as a model for their own employees to try and have contests to see who might be able to deal with their obesity situation in a way that could be proactively beneficial to others.
And then came the next stage of the equation.
It was time to push what I called MAPS 3.
Now MAPS 3, like the other two programs, had had an economic development motive behind it, but along with the traditional economic development tasks we added some health-related infrastructure to the process.
We added a new central park, 70 acres in size, to be right downtown in Oklahoma City.
We're building a downtown streetcar to try and help the walkability formula for people who choose to live in the inner city and help us create the density there.
We're building senior health and wellness centers throughout the community.
We put some investments on the river that had originally been invested upon in the original MAPS, and now we are currently in the final stages of developing the finest venue in the world for the sports of canoe, kayak and rowing.
We hosted the Olympic trials last spring.
We have Olympic-caliber events coming to Oklahoma City, and athletes from all over the world moving in, along with inner city programs to get kids more engaged in these types of recreational activities that are a little bit nontraditional.
We also, with another initiative that was passed, are building hundreds of miles of new sidewalks throughout the metro area.
We're even going back into some inner city situations where we had built neighborhoods and we had built schools but we had not connected the two.
We had built libraries and we had built neighborhoods, but we had never really connected the two with any sort of walkability.
Through yet another funding source, we're redesigning all of our inner city streets to be more pedestrian-friendly.
Our streets were really wide, and you'd push the button to allow you to walk across, and you had to run in order to get there in time.
But now we've narrowed the streets, highly landscaped them, making them more pedestrian-friendly, really a redesign, rethinking the way we build our infrastructure, designing a city around people and not cars.
We're completing our bicycle trail master plan.
We'll have over 100 miles when we're through building it out.
And so you see this culture starting to shift in Oklahoma City.
And lo and behold, the demographic changes that are coming with it are very inspiring. Highly educated twentysomethings are moving to Oklahoma City from all over the region and, indeed, even from further away, in California.
When we reached a million pounds, in January of 2012, I flew to New York with some our participants who had lost over 100 pounds, whose lives had been changed, and we appeared on the Rachael Ray show, and then that afternoon, I did a round of media in New York pushing the same messages that you're accustomed to hearing about obesity and the dangers of it.
And I went into the lobby of Men's Fitness magazine, the same magazine that had put us on that list And as I'm sitting in the lobby waiting to talk to the reporter, I notice there's a magazine copy of the current issue right there on the table, and I pick it up, and I look at the headline across the top, and it says, "America's Fattest Cities: Do You Live in One?"
Well, I knew I did, so I picked up the magazine and I began to look, and we weren't on it.
Then I looked on the list of fittest cities, and we were on that list.
We were on the list as the 22nd fittest city in the United States.
Our state health statistics are doing better.
Granted, we have a long way to go.
Health is still not something that we should be proud of in Oklahoma City, but we seem to have turned the cultural shift of making health a greater priority.
And we love the idea of the demographics of highly educated twentysomethings, people with choices, choosing Oklahoma City in large numbers.
We have the lowest unemployment in the United States, probably the strongest economy in the United States.
And if you're like me, at some point in your educational career, you were asked to read a book called "The Grapes of Wrath."
Oklahomans leaving for California in large numbers for a better future.
When we look at the demographic shifts of people coming from the west, it appears that what we're seeing now is the wrath of grapes.
The grandchildren are coming home.
You've been a great audience and very attentive.
Thank you very much for having me here. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
最早一人言も何もない状況であったが、最後にゾラが付け加えた忠告には、全員が神妙な顔で頷くのだった。 | The first time a child disappeared was in the middle of the second month of spring.
The boy had run away from home after an argument and didn’t return for a while, so his mother asked the patrol for advice.
When he first left home, the mother wasn’t particularly worried. She was sure he would come back when his head cooled down, but it was getting dark, and it was almost time for dinner, so she hoped they would find him.
The request from the family was very ordinary.
The patrol visited several of the boy’s friends’ houses and searched the plaza where he frequented.
It was about then that the search team began to realize that it wasn’t just a child’s temper tantrum.
Even after the children’s bedtime, the boy was never found. There weren’t even any eyewitness reports.
The parents, in a panic, began to look everywhere for the boy and asked everyone they knew.
In the end, no matter how hard they searched, they couldn’t find the boy. It was as if he had vanished like smoke from the city.
However, nothing happened after that, and then the second month of spring was over.
In this chaotic town where people gathered from all over the country, missing persons were, as disturbing as it sounded, an everyday occurrence.
Of course, since the disappearance of children was rare, they would continue to keep a close eye on the boy’s whereabouts, but the Patrol Corps didn’t have time to worry about a single incident. They felt bad for the boy’s parents, but as the month changed, the impact of the incident was fading. ――Until there was a second missing person.
The next missing person was a girl.
She was on her way home from shopping with her mother when she suddenly started running.
It was as if she had found something interesting, her mother later said.
It was only for a brief moment that the mother soon lost sight of the girl, who broke free from the hand that was holding hers and ran away.
When the wave of people split, the small back suddenly vanished without a trace.
She panicked and searched around, but she couldn’t find the girl―
“Currently, a total of five children have disappeared in the capital. The circumstances of their disappearances vary, and it’s not known whether the same person committed the crime or not. It is also unknown whether the children are alive or dead. We don’t even know if there’s a case or not.”
With Sheila unable to sort through the information because there were too many unknowns, Hyderion opened his mouth while staring at her.
“This is just a personal opinion, but by saying that the case is unclear, I assume you mean that there was no ransom-like demand made to the homes of the missing children. If you still think that the disappearance of the five people is related, I wonder what kind of incident the Patrol Corps are facing to instill this kind of fear――This is just my opinion.”
Hyderion accurately analyzed the information that was given to him and feigned it as a monologue.
Thanks to his guidance, Sheila was able to understand and made no more unnecessary questions, making it much easier to proceed with the conversation. It was an act that truly showed his talent, which was a result of his excellent classroom performance.
The two members of the corps also raised their eyebrows in admiration.
“The Corps still believes that the series of disappearances were kidnappings. It’s also unnatural that not a single person has been found dead. However, it wasn’t the kind of kidnappings that demand a ransom to make a little money, but an organized crime.”
Isaac’s fresh smile disappeared, and he answered with an expressionless face.
“Human traffickers――It’s a human trafficking organization.”
“Human traffickers....”
Cody’s voice, tinged with astonishment, quivered faintly. The sound of someone gulping echoed.
It was against morals for people to buy and sell people, so it was illegal in the Kingdom of Steitz. Since it wasn’t considered acceptable even by the Faril religion, many of the neighboring countries had made it illegal. However, there was one country that made it legal and even made it a national industry.
Hyderion muttered with eyes as sharp as blades.
It was the only country that was connected to the neighboring continent, making it the easiest for different cultures to flow into the area. A stateless nation with a mixed language. Even Sheila, who wasn’t familiar with the country, had the impression that it was a lawless zone.
If the country of Hypraya was involved in this disappearance....
If the boys and girls were already in that country....
A rescue operation was almost hopeless because they had no contact with the Kingdom of Steitz―
Zola dispelled the depressing atmosphere with a powerful voice.
“We don’t know the truth behind the series of disappearances, nor do we know if there is a case or if it involves Hypraya, but there has never been a case of children disappearing so frequently in the past. Our hunch is that a human trafficking organization is definitely involved, but we have no proof.”
“Are there no traces of a kidnapping?”
“We don’t even know if the organization is hiding in this country.”
The conversation between Hyderion and the others was very heated, so Sheila was unable to interject. But there was something that had been bothering her for a long time, so she spoke timidly.
“Urm, I want to ask a question. What is the purpose of kidnapping children? Aren’t they not a good workforce?”
As soon as she said that, the place froze.
While each member of the group was keeping to themselves to avoid violating the rules of the group, Sheila’s inability to read the air and ask a question without hesitation, left all of them speechless. She was the type of person who would be the first to be killed because they couldn’t read the room.
Zola replied reluctantly to Sheila, who tilted her head, unable to comprehend their feelings.
“.... I’m sure some rich people with bad taste would――”
“Whoa! Zola-san!!”
Sheila couldn’t hear Zola’s last words. This was because Cody’s hands were firmly covering her ears as he shouted in a panic.
All she could see was the awkward reactions of Dilliam and Hyderion.
.... The serious atmosphere had dissipated and would never return.
Sheila, on the other hand, was startled. There was no way that Cody, who had a good heart, would go against his superiors. She knew this, and yet he continued to take shots at Zola.
“Sheila is very innocent! Please don’t let him hear such vulgar words!”
“What are you, his mom?”
Isaac stepped forward in place of Zola, who closed his mouth bitterly.
“Cody, I understand how you feel, but being overprotective doesn’t help. If you’re in the business of protecting people, you’re going to have to face a terrible reality.”
“Of course, I’m not saying you’re all wrong, but you can explain without using profanity, can’t you?”
He chuckled with a strange smile. Even Dilliam and Hyderion flinched.
Sheila, who had been released from Cody’s hands when he decided it was no longer a problem, also cringed.
When the situation calmed down, Zola scratched his head in annoyance.
“So, the reason why young children are targeted... It’s because there are people who want to love them as if they were stuffed animals or pets.”
“That’s why most of the people who get kidnapped are good-looking kids.”
Sheila, who had grown up in a peaceful village, found it hard to believe that people would treat others as pets.
Cody slowly opened his mouth next to Sheila, who was frozen in shock.
“I’m not sure that’s a good explanation either?”
“Sorry, I’m not a good talker.”
“.... It can’t be helped if you’re not at speaking, but please continue your efforts to improve for the future.”
Looking at Cody, who had once again turned his smile into a weapon, Hyderion whispered.
“I’ve thought about it before, but Cody does the unthinkable sometimes. Looking at his usual appearance, it’s unbelievable that he would challenge his superior..... Is this what it looks like to be a mother protecting her child?”
At the whispered words, Cody turned around with a smile on his face. Sheila once again cowered next to him.
“Hyderion, this is just an opinion, not an argument. I would never do such a thing to the two people that I respect so much.”
“..... You’re not even using honorifics with me anymore.”
Certainly, he was polite until just a little while ago.
Not knowing what to say to Hyderion, whose mouth was twitching, Sheila gave a vague smile. She wanted to help him in his time of need because he was always supporting Cody.
“Um. Isn’t it a matter of how you feel about the other person?”
“..... Are you trying to tell me that he doesn’t have any respect for me?”
Seemingly adding oil to the fire, Sheila hurriedly apologized.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I just wanted to say that I’m sure Cody thinks of you as an important friend. I also sometimes forget to use honorifics.”
Hyderion was an aristocrat, so he certainly wasn’t someone you could talk to casually. However, since he had never flaunted his identity even once, you inadvertently let your guard down.
Hyderion, who had been staring sideways at Sheila as she attempted to cover it up with a smile, suddenly turned away.
“.... I don’t mind. From now on, even if you guys don’t use honorifics, I’ll ignore it.”
“Eh? Is that okay? Not just Cody, but me too?”
“Don’t make me say it again, you idiot.”
Sheila’s eyes blinked at Hyderion’s pompous words. He kept his face averted, but upon closer inspection, she could see that his ears were tinted red. Was he embarrassed because it seemed to be a confirmation of their friendship?
Sheila’s eyes softened and she noticed that Cody had a similar look on his face. They secretly laughed at each other so as not to ruin Hyderion’s mood.
“――Yeah. Thanks, Hyderion.”
When she smiled brightly at him, he turned his head down to hide his bright red face. She smiled at him, thinking that his embarrassment must have reached an extreme level, but for some reason, Cody’s face changed to an indescribable expression.
At the student’s heartwarming exchange, Isaac shrugged and sighed.
“.... I thought you guys would become anxious after we told you about it.”
“Well, it’s better than being nervous about something that didn’t happen.”
The two men laughed, not in dismay, but rather as if they were relaxed.
“Listen. This is just a private conversation between us, so don’t tell anyone about it.”
When Zola added a final word of advice, everyone nodded with an obedient look on their faces. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
Subsets and Splits