stringlengths 0
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Sentehice 1!1n the latest top-level shuffle at CNN, Teya. Rycin is leaving. ier post: as. ‘general manager’ of U.S. ‘programming; the network tinnounced. Sentence. 2: n, CNN's latest miove to rejuvenate ratings, the netvork has qusted Taya Ryan, generat manager of US programming | 3.769 |
Sentence I: A bicycle is parked by a shop Sentence 2: A green bike parked outside a book store. | 3.8 |
Sentence 1: Syria Regime Agrees to Aitend Peace Conference z Sentence 2: Syria, opposition agree ‘in’ principle’ io aitend peace conferert | 3 |
Sentence 1: A woman is dicing a potato. Sentence 2: A woman cuts tofu into tiny pieces. * * | 1.8 |
Sentence I Brahimi apologises to Syria over ack of” peace Pog ress 2 Medialor apologizes to Syrians for lack of” peace Pog ress | 3.8 |
Seve One ce poy owt ae ot me wae fem, Seca 2 Cite py 0 p09 ute atm oak on | 4.6 |
Sentence 1: A dark brown horse standing in a field. Sentence ..2: A brown horse standéiin“@ lush green field. | 4.2 |
Sentence 1: A man drove his car. Sentence 2: A manis driving a car. | 4.25 |
@entence 1: Today in History, Dec. 2 Sentence 2: Today in History, April 23 | 1.8 |
Sentence 1: - Admin DrPizza and i'd forgotten what a whiny little hed wetter you are. Sentence 2: and i'd forgotten what a whiny little bed wetter youare. | 3.8 |
entence i: A man ont 1 he back seat OF ¢ Bd tandem biéycle: teENCE 2:4 may) Alone. on'the back of ¢| ‘ahdem bicycle. | 3.6 |
Sentence 1: Similar bills passed the House twice but died in the Senate, Sentence 2: Two years ago, the House passed a similar version that t floundered in the Senate. | 2.75 |
Sentence 1: Nazi is a slang term for the NSWP, Sentence 2: Originally Posted by Odins eye Nazi is a slang term for the NSWP. | 4.6 |
EA _worcn: wesring a’ navy. dross is cutting 3 sake on a white table, ms 2: A perdon wenring, a holnat sits on gp. bicyse 3n'2 sunny day: * | 0.4 |
Sentence EA submarine bs going through water. Sentence 2:A baby bs faling asleep. | 0 |
‘Sontonce # A man is lifting weights. [Sentence 2 A woman is exercising her abs. | 1 |
Sentence, 1: Sudan Blocks, YouTube Over Ainti-Jslam Film Sentence 2: Pakistan's PM orders YouTube halt over anti-Zslam film | 2.8 |
Sentence 1: A’ white animal running .through . snow’ covered woods. Sentence 2:..A white dog’ runs: through-a’ snow. covered wood, | 3.4 |
Sentence 1: "They drive around in their cars, while people are being killed 500 metres away,” he said on ‘Sunday. Sentence 2: "What they are doing right now is they drive around irifeir cars, while people are being killed 500 metres away. + | 4 |
Sentence 1: A man is playing a violin. Sentence 2: The baby is laughing and crawling. | 0 |
Sentence 1: A man is playing a guitar. Sentence 2: A man 6 stabbing a target. | 1.2 |
Sentence I: You need to make up your mind. tence 2: You need to polish up on your logic Kills. | 0.6 |
Sentence t Suspected U.S. drone strike kills 5 in Pakistan Sentence 2: US drone strike kills at least ten in Pakistan | 2.8 |
Seritence A red, deuble- decker bus. Sentence® 2: front and. lett side of ‘a’ red double décker bus...” | 3.2 |
Sentence 1: photo of a television screen showing a movie. Sentence 2: The wall-mounted flat- screen TV is showing a movie. | 3.2 |
Semieivee: 1: Aeointagl ésscidttiig’a Leake énterice 2: A rwinian js Micting dle | 4 |
Gerterce + Two shirtless young peop paying in. the water. Sentence 2: Lots of people play in the water at the beach | 2.4 |
Sentence 2: Houston Texans head coach Gary Kubiak hospitalized after collapsing at game Sentence 2: Texans coach Gary Kubiak in stable condition after collapse | 2.8 |
Sentence 4: Why did that transaction take place: Sentence 2: Did the tiarisaction take place? | 2.4 |
Sénteboe 1: Ukrainian parlidert disinisse’s. president Sentence °2: Ukraine's parliament vetes, to” distriss presiclent | 4 |
Sentence 1:two puppies playing around in thegrass Sentence 2: Two dogs are wrestling in the grass. | 4 |
Sentence 1: Ayoung boy is riding a bike. Sentence 2: A young girl laying on a blue.inflatable toy | 0.4 |
Sentence 4 Centar Aricah, Republic ‘president ovértirotun 64 rebels ‘Sontojicé 2 Confiat Aftican Ripublic, President, PM stepping down | 2.6 |
[Sentence t No. 2 HP sow its Unix server scles dropped 36 0 $1.36 bition. | Sentence 2 HP fel to second place with server ses growing 12.4 percent to $2.9 bitkon | 2.333 |
Sentence. 1: Ex-Virginia, governo? Bob McDonnell charged with corruption Sentence 2: Virginia’s .ex-Gov. , Bob. McDonnell; wife charged with corruption | 3.8 |
Sentence I: A.,young’ boy -riding a bike on a brick road Sentenée 2: 4 persoi does tricks on a bike pn a ramp ‘surrounded by tn | 2.2 |
Sentence 1: Four arrested as Bangladesh building toll rises to 352 Sentence 2: Owner arrested as Bangladesh building'toll reaches 372 | 2.6 |
Sentence 1: Sentence 2: | 3.4 |
Sentence 1:the‘osce meeting lasted two days. Sentence 2 the osce meeting was held in madrid. | 1.8 |
A boy pushes 2 wagon with two mpkins. 2:A child squats behind a wagon with Pumpkins in i | 2.8 |
|Santanca F US. wilitery.says it conducts airstrikes against| iS in Syria, iraa [Santance 2: Observatory says Russian air sfrikas kill US in| Syria | 1 |
Sentence te china will resohtely oppose the means of the delivery of mass destruct: }eCpONso Sentence 20 china has. clways opposed the proliferation of weapons of moss destructions | 4.4 |
Sentence 1 He projected Yandérpoo! will be ‘available within the next five years. Sentence 2: Products featiiring Vanderpool will be réleased within five years, he said. | 4.4 |
Sentence 1: The lady cracked two raw eggs. fence 2: The woman is cracking eggs into a bowl. | 3.2 |
@entence & In 2002, Linksys overtook Cisco Systems as the leading wireless equipment vendor, accounting for Ml percent of revenue. Sentence & Rolfe said Linksys overtook Cisco Systems last year as the leading supplier of WLAN equipment. | 3.5 |
Subsets and Splits