stringlengths 0
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float32 0
Sentence 1: A woman is dancing and singing with other women. Sentence 2: A woman is dancing and singing in the rain, = re | 3 |
Sentence \I: Micron has declared its first. quarterly profit ifor three years. Sentence\ 2:\ Micron’s numbers. also. marked the. first quarterly» profit, in three. years) for. the DRAM| manufacturer. | 3.75 |
Senterice 1: Rimsha Masih released'on bail Sentence 2: Mandela released from hospital | 0 |
Sentence 1:The company is highlighting the addition of .NET and J2EE support to its Enterprise Application Environment (EAE) with the new mainframe. Sentence 2:The company is also adding .Net and J2EE support to its Enterprise Application Environment development toolset, Sapp said. | 4 |
Sentence 1: do you have’ anything to ‘make: it less compelling or:not? Senterice 2:-Do, you: have anything to make, it more compelling? | 2.4 |
nce 1: In turn SuSE will license Java Standard Edition while also formalising in existing agreement to distribute Sun's lava Virtual Machine for running Java plications. ince 2: Nuremberg, Germany-based USE will license Sun's Java 2 Standard ition (J2SE) and ship Sun's Java irtual Machine across its Linux software ine. | 3.75 |
Sentence 1: Washington: More Than 100 Are Charged in Medicare Fraud Sweep Sentence 2: washington: Court Upholds Voting Rights Act in Alabama Case | 0.6 |
ce 1: 6,0-magnitude quake hits Greece uses entence 2: 5.0-magnitude quake jolts Japan | 1 |
Sentence Pakistni'Tabbanchief killgd'in US deorig strike Sentence 2: Funeral for Pakistan Taliban chief ‘set take place* | 1.6 |
Sentence 1:A silver and blue motorcycle sitting next to a car * ee Sentence 2:A motorcycle parked next to a car. | 3.6 |
tence: 2 Police fire tear gas at protesters. | 3 |
Sentence 1: Thai arity declares martial law Setitence 2! Thailand denies coup 's army declares martial aw, | 3 |
Seatence 1: The people threw the dummy over the lif edge. Semtence 2: Some people are throwing a dummy off adiff. | 4.5 |
Sentence 1: Two trains inside @ train} station. Sentence 2: The train sits at the train station. | | 2.4 |
Sentence 1: russia ratified the emended treaty. Sentence 2 russia rotified the updated treoty in 2004. | 3.4 |
ays a piano. sentence 1: A man Pl woman Is playing the viotin- Sentence 2: 4 | 1 |
Sentence & A dog has it’s head inside a red and green giftbag. ‘Sentence 2: A pet playfully investigates the contents of agift bag. _ | 3.8 |
Sentence 1: @Frank Apisa, What you want to calli is up to you. Sentence 2: @yracuz, What you want to call itis up to you. | 2.5 |
Sentence 1: Romney wins big in Puerto Rico primary| Sentence 2: Romney wins Illinois primary | 1.5 |
Sentence 1: Clinton lands in India to breathe life into ties Sentence 2 Clinton Warns Undermining Grameen Bank Against | 1.4 |
tence fa black and white dog, running through some jd arid white poles yitence,2: Black and.whité dog ip living room standing nd begs. ¥ | 1.6 |
Sentence 1 A couple of policewomen are singing karaoke. Sentence 2 Two women are dancing | 0.8 |
Sentence 1: Greece reaches agreement with troika, bailout tranche expected within days Sentence 2: Debt inspectors reach agreement with Greece | 3 |
Sentence 1: Titanic Violin Nabs Record $1.4 Million Sentence 2 Titanic violin sells for $1.7 million 4 | 3.8 |
Sentence 1: Twelve killed in bomb blast on Pakistani train Sentence 2: Five killed by bomb blast in East India | 1 |
Sentence 1: Egypt protesters 'to be dispersed' Sentence 2: Abduction teacher to be sentenced | 0 |
Sentence 1: DeVries did make one stop in town Wednesday - registering as a sex offender at the Soledad Police Department. Sentence 2: Convicted child molester Brian DeVries spoke out in response to community outrage Wednesday afternoon after registering as a sex offender at the Soledad Police Department. | 3.25 |
_ Sentence i Taliban aitscks WILI7 ovillans in Afghanistan, ‘Sentence 2: Secies bf attacks Kill 10 police in Afghanistan, —-— | 1.4 |
Genierice 1: Fouit. men‘admit London ‘Stick Exchange bomb plot, : ‘Sentence 2: Four mien. admit ipndén boris plot : | 4 |
Sentence 1: Queen visits Britain's, new prince Sentence 2: Queen meets Britain's new baby prince | 5 |
Sentence. “1:-A’ man “riding a: white, horse. : Sentence 2: A woman..riding. a; brown’ horse. : | 1.8 |
Sentence US. = and — Turkey weigh no-fly zones for Syria Sentence 2: Turkey, us weigh no-fly zones for Syria | 4.8 |
Sentence 1:.Sélenski had.previously spent seven’ years-in prison ‘on a bank robbery conviction. Sentence-2: Selenski had served ‘about seven years in prison for bank robbery. | 4.571 |
a Berner, 38, who lost -& jeg ina, road accident, - : is thought" ‘tO have s steel plates fitted in- her’ ships; - whic! ‘make nature chidbyre ile former model Lady’ MoCartney ‘v road accident in 0 19 d itte eal difficult. . ~ : | 2.4 |
Sentence & The boy is riding a tricycle. Sentence 2: A woman is riding a water scooter, | 1.25 |
Sentence «A Hoody man and woman pose for a icture. 21 A man in woman dressed warmly pose for picture. | 2 |
entence 1:Druce will face murder charges, Conte said. be charged with murder sentence 2: Conte said Druce will cd os | 5 |
Senténce °2: -Indid- qocusé’s ‘Chind OF .crossing’ de: facto border Sentence. 2: ‘Senate, Hovse on ‘coULision course” on ‘border: sioney | 0.6 |
Sentence 1: A man is playing the guitar. ‘Sontence2: A person is sicing a meat into pioces. | 0 |
3.8 |
Sentence 1:A young girl wearing a helmet riding pony. Sentence 2: A girl wearing a red blouse riding a brown horse, | 2 |
Sentence 1: A ‘grottp:of ‘people eat’ at a table outside: Sentence: :2:’ Group: *6f* elderly people sitting around.a table.” | 2.8 |
Sentence I: He was listed last night in critical but stable condition at Kings County Hospital Center, police said. Sentence 2 That victim, a New Jersey resident, was in critical but stable condition at the hospital. | 3.25 |
Sentence 1: A teenage girl running on a beach shouting, with an older man walking behind her. Sentence 2: a young child running along the shore at a beach | 1.8 |
0 |
Sentence 1: The president began his. speech by acknowledging the terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia that killed at least 29 people, including seven Americans. Sentence 2: Bush, however, also lashed out at the terrorist ‘bombings..in Saudi Arabia that killed at least 29 people - including a number of Americans. | 3.2 |
Sentence 1: Dozens killed in: Nigerian riots Sentence 2: Dozens killed in Kenyan clashes | 1 |
Sentence 1:.A man is doing push- ups. Sentence. 2: A woman is cutting some: octopus. | 0 |
Sentence i: the ofe limits the use of armed forves and Keay weapoary and prescribes measures aimed at confidence building, and cooperation — beoween states, & the treaty limits deployments of and troops in nato and former caster warsaw pact countries and confidence building. and cooperation measures ween member | 3.8 |
n_ inspirational le 1: "They were a ous” said they: selfless and courags ning film director. said; “They were an selfless and courageous. Sentenc souple, Oscar-win! Sentence 2: He inspirational couple, | 3 |
Sentence 1 a jochey riding a hone. Sentence 2:A jockey riding a hers in a pen | 3.8 |
‘Sentence |: A black and white image of a cat laying on.@ rug. ‘Sentence 2: Black and white picture of a cat laying on a tug. | 5 |
Sentence 1: A second victim, Michael Walker, 23, was struck in the torso, the bullet. perforating] his lung: Sentence 2: The other victim, Michael Walker, of| 550 Barbey Street, was struck in the neck. | 2.2 |
Sv ta ath playing tug of war- Sentence 2: A man dances on @ colorful wall. | 0.4 |
0 |
Sentence t Egyptian army pushes to attack kidnappers Sentence 2 Egypt's Morsi rules out talks as hostage video appears: | 1.4 |
Sentence 1: The Fed's Empire State survey far exceeded expectations by jumping to 26.8 in June, a record high, from 106. in May. Sentence “2: Prices had pulled back from offshore highs when the Empire Staté survey far exceeded expectations by jumping to: 26.8 in June, a'record high, from 106 in May. | 3.8 |
Sentence 1: I oppose the death penalty. Sentence 2: This is why I support the death uty. | 1 |
Sentence 1: man is eating: Sentence 2: A woman is rock élribing.:: | 0 |
Sentence 1: Egyptian police fire tear gos at protesters in Cairo Sentence 2: Paice fire tear gas at protesters in Cairo | 4 |
anence Te ganda president signs art 997 bill sentence 2: Uganda's president signs harsh anti-gay a | 4.2 |
Sentence 4 Ching news agency: Stil hee for Syria peace Sentence 2: China state news agericy: There's still hope for Syria peace | 4.2 |
Sentence t: Tivo women stand in a living room with a black dog. Sentence 2: Tivo women standing in a living room with a black dog looking towards the camera. | 4 |
Sentence t: Themanis playing a guitar. ‘Sentence 2:A baby is playing aguitar. | 1.8 |
Sentence [ naeem m was hanged in zabol, sistant baluchestan province. Sentence @ zohedan is the capitd of sstav baluchestan province. e | 0.2 |
tence t: iran insists that the program is aimed jolely at peaceful pursuits such as the generation f tence 2: iran insists that its nuclear program is jor peaceful purposes | 4.4 |
4.2 |
Sentence 1: A person is rinsing a steak off with water. Sentence 2: A man is rinsing a large steak. | 3.929 |
Sentence 1: A girl is playing a guitar. Sentence 2: A boy is playing a key-board betweenthepeople. | 1 |
Sentence 1: Iran is also a signed of the NPT and the IAEA. Sentence 2: Gotta love the EK factoid that "Iran is also a signed of the NPT and the IAEA. | 4.2 |
Sentence 4: Headlines in major Iranian newspapers on Sept 27 Sentence 2: Headlines in several Iranian newspapers on Oct 19 | 3 |
ntence 1: A man is meditating. Sentence 2: The man is riding the horse. | 0.75 |
Sentence +The: little boy"is singing and playing’ the ‘guitar. ° Sentence 2A baby is piaying a-guittar: | 2.8 |
Sentence 1: Two red buses parked up with gardens in front of them. Sentence 23 Red buses ave parked by a large white building beside a formal garden. | 3.4 |
Serteice: Fgypt presidental election May 23-24 Sentence 2: 0S president ection 012 | 0.6 |
- Sentence 1 | Sentengigg2 ¥. | 3 |
Sentence 1: A man is walking along « path through wilderness. Sentence 2: A man is peeling an onion. | 0.75 |
‘Sentence 1: UN court convicts 6 Bosnian Croats of atrocities ‘Sentence 2: UN War Crimes Court Convicts Six Bosnians Croats | 4 |
1: Asian shares tally after string of | fipbeat data Sentence & Asiari Markets up on Strong US Jobs a | 4 |
Sentence: A brown and white dog with a pink collar {s barking at a brown dog with a blue collar in the snow. Sentence 2: The dog with the red cottar is bearing it's teeth at the dog with the blue cottar. | 3.4 |
Sentence 1: A woman is firing a rifle. Sentence 2: A woman is cutting a lemon. * | 0.2 |
Sentence 11 The deer jumped over the fence. Sentence a1 A deer jumps over « cyclone fence. | 4 |
Sentence 1: Syrian forces bombard Homs, Russia wars of civil war Sentence:2: Syrian forces bombard Homs, Lavrov arrives fartalks | 2.6 |
Sentence + Red double decker bus toking } passengers, Sentence 2: Red dovele: decker iis with hood up. on | 2.2 |
Sentence t President mourns death of Mandela... Sentence &: blorid mourns. passing of Mandela $. | 3.4 |
Seritence 1; Sijria’‘demérids guarantees: rebels’ Say peice plan.doomed Sentence 2: Syria demarids written’ guafantee for trop pullback | 3.2 |
Sentence),L:, VeriSign: introduced) .its Site Finder service.on Sept.15, Sentence 21) The. battle around: VeriSign!'s three-week-old |Site Finder service rages on. | 1.75 |
Sentence 1: A man is exercising. Sentence 2: A girls exercising. | 3 |
* Somtence china stocks open higher Motday Sentence 2: China stocks close lower ov Thursday ‘tne | 1 |
; ee ant erence: chia sling inthe: sion Mat i epi nese pentane! * | 0 |
Sentence 1: A womans mincing some garlic Sentence 2: A person is cleaning a disk | 0 |
3.4 |
‘Sentence 1; The probleui is simpler: than that: Sentencé 2: The problem is simple: | 3.8 |
Sentence 1: A plane flying at « distance. Sentence 2: A woman with a white horse. | 0 |
Sentence 1: Why are Russians in Damascus? Sentence 2: Russians in Damascus! | 4.2 |
1 |
‘Sentence 1: A person is boiling noodles. Sentence 2A woman is boiling voodles in water. | 4 |
Sentence 1: People are walking in the garden. Sentence 2: One boy is talking with other man. | 0 |
nienoe 1: A bicyclist in black on a black and red racing bike. tence 2: A cyclist in black and white lia speeding ist spectators. | 3.4 |
0.2 |
Subsets and Splits