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This protocol is meant to help fill in data gaps in rarely sampled areas, and help the Chesapeake Bay Program have a better understanding of stream health across the watershed. |
The CMC team also was awarded a new grant from NFWF to develop a program monitoring habitat and stream health at restoration projects in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. |
IWLA has promoted Creek Critters through social media posts that have reached thousands of viewers and through tabling events and presentations. |
Association for Environmental Education virtual conferences and at family festivals and farmer’s markets. |
Share your own success stories and lessons learned by tagging us on social media or emailing us directly. |
In the early Agency, and Congress passed our bedrock environmental laws, giving us all extraordinary power to hold polluters and the federal government accountable for protecting our health, our communities, and the ecosystems that sustain all life. |
Meanwhile, we have ramped up affirmative litigation and advocacy to force faster progress on climate and the essential transition to clean energy, community health protection, and biodiversity defense. |
Jill Tauber, Earthjustice Vice President of Litigation for Climate and Energy Left to right: Earthjustice attorneys Oscar Espino-Padron and Byron Chan talk with Jan Victor Andasan, a community organizer with East Yard Communities for Environmental Change, in front of the Phillips 66 refinery in Carson, California. |
Thanks to community organizing by East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice, we built a powerful case against Phillips based on years of bad practices, including failures to conduct proper inspections and repair leaking equipment that discharged toxic fugitive emissions. |
In April, after we filed notice of intent to sue, Phillips action to protect people’s health as the law requires. |
“ The outcome of this case represents the power that community has with our voice, our stories and our ability to organize towards a common goal of trying to breathe in our neighborhoods. |
Jan Victor Andasan, Community Organizer for East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice Kids play soccer near the Phillips 66 refinery in Wilmington, California. |
Earthjustice represented farmworkers, health, labor, and learning disability organizations in a protection. |
A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT In May, the Maya children of Homún won a resounding victory in front of Mexico’s Supreme Court, defeating a highly polluting industrial hog facility in Yucatán, Mexico that threatened to unleash millions of pounds of animal waste, among other pollutants, into the Maya community. |
She now works in Earthjustice’s Toxic Exposure and Health Program. |
That’s as bad as it sounds—this toxic runoff is harmful to human, animal, and plant health, according to the EPA. |
The Tribe is thinking long-term: Some members have recently replanted wild rice at the mouth of Menominee River to connect the present to the past, and where the Tribe still has access to the land, they continue to practice ceremonies including both Menominee Tribal members and other Native people. |
Also in the proposal, the privatized distribution company, Luma Energy, had no obligations to the community. |
A group of volunteers help install a solar power system on a home in the Puente de Jobos community in Guayama, P.R., in March 2021. |
Earthjustice attorneys are representing community and environmental groups as they press the government for meaningful action to transition to clean energy. |
Work in this space includes acting as a watchdog to ensure the public has sufficient access to the decision-making process, holding power companies accountable for unapproved developments, and challenging dated and inaccurate environmental impact analyses. |
“We’ve seen an expansion of heavy industries encroaching upon neighborhoods, and the communities encroached upon are often communities of color and frontline communities,” says Kavezade, who is also an organizer with the Sierra Club, which is part of a coalition of conservation, health, and environmental justice organizations that Earthjustice recently represented in a game-changing lawsuit. |
For almost a decade, Kavezade has been fighting for her community. |
ISSUE SUMMARY Earthjustice and community groups reached a landmark settlement with the developer of a massive warehouse to invest $vehicles and equipment, rooftop solar, and other solutions that will electrify the facility and reduce harms to local air quality, wildlife, and the climate. |
Estimated to save up to $health costs, this kind of push for electrification will also impact the air quality wherever those trucks go, even beyond California. |
JUSTICE AROUND THE WORLD Since around the world to establish, strengthen, and enforce legal protections for the environment and human health. |
In Latin America, Africa, Australia, Indonesia, and other regions, we work with partners to oppose fossil fuel extraction, challenge barriers to renewable energy, increase access to low-cost clean energy, and protect international ocean waters. |
When our partners are no longer contending with funding scarcity, our broader community will be strongly positioned to drive the fast, transformative change that is required of our movement. |
Maria Lopez-Nuñez, deputy director of organizing and advocacy at the Ironbound Community Corporation, poses for a portrait at her community garden in the Ironbound section of Newark, N.J. |
S Salmon Beyond Borders Salmon for All Salmon State San Bernardino Valley Audubon Society San Francisco Baykeeper San Juan Citizens Alliance Save Lake Superior Association Save Lamu Save Our Cabinets Save Our County, Inc. |
Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance Southwest Energy Efficiency Project Southwest Environmental Center Southwestern Indiana Citizens for Quality of Life Spokane Riverkeeper St. Francis Prayer Center St. John’s Riverkeeper Stand. |
NOTE FROM KEN One of the most important and heartening lessons of the past several difficult years has been seeing the positive impact of EWG’s scientific leadership, even in circumstances where facts and science about crucial matters of public health are deliberately ignored by government leaders whose loyalty lies with polluters, big food and chemical companies, and other vested economic interests. |
We saw over and over that EWG’s research- and science-based human health standards for food, tap water, and personal care products were critical to national conversations about environmental health. |
Today we see an increased need for this leadership, as the country’s collective health is crushed under the many impacts of the pandemic, but fresh opportunities are emerging under a new administration in Washington that will be infinitely more receptive to the facts and science with which EWG drives public awareness and policy change. |
That is why, now more than ever, EWG must stay the course to maintain its scientific expertise and leadership in the environmental health movement. |
EWG’S FINANCES EWG provides one of the best returns on your philanthropic dollar, to shape policy conversations on public health, lead entire business sectors away from priority chemicals and reach consumers through the megaphone of our social media and appearances in mainstream media. |
And our sound, scientific leadership is ensuring that action taken by manufacturers and policymakers has enough teeth to protect public health effectively, the way consumers expect, so that someday when environmental standards are legal they will also equal safe. |
And we saw wins for the environmental health movement. |
Legislators typically don’t want to weigh in on issues of chemicals and contaminants, preferring instead to leave the science to the experts in California’s Green Chemistry program. |
Your funding is what made ingredients known to cause damage to our health were finally outlawed from use in personal care products and cosmetics. |
EWG stepped in to fill this data gap with a national water testing campaign. |
Our report, published in January and found PFAS levels above EWG’s health benchmark in 40 samples. |
Because EWG collected and published timely information about PFAS contamination in tap water in communities large and small across the country, all local media outlets whose water utility was included in the study picked up the story with their own community-specific focus. |
They are disproportionately harmed by the health effects of PFAS, because of its use in firefighting foam. |
Veterans and firefighters came out to support our efforts to bring awareness to the issue, even testifying along with EWG in congressional hearings. |
Consumers rely on these databases to provide safety and toxicity information. |
• EWG’s Healthy Living app, which gives consumers access to safety scores for food, personal care products and cleaning products with the simple scan of a barcode in the store. |
The safety standards and restrictions used by the EWG VERIFIED program, providing science-based guidance for manufacturers and assurance for consumers that a product meets EWG’s standards for safety. |
Now we are successfully pushing huge numbers of manufacturers in the personal care product, baby care and household cleaning industries to eliminate chemicals of concern in their products and reformulate them to EWG’s strict safety standards. One of the most exciting outcomes of the clean-living movement and de facto regulator of the personal care product industry. |
PRIORITY TAP WATER CONTAMINANTS As part of our broader, organization-wide effort to protect America’s tap water from health-harming contaminants, in and reporting on two pollutants that result from agricultural runoff: nitrate and cyanotoxins. |
This water quality trend report found that in much of America’s farm country, nitrate contamination of drinking water poses a serious health risk. |
Nitrate contamination is widespread in California’s drinking water supply, but EWG’s analysis found that as nitrate levels rise, the likelihood that a community is majority-Latino also goes up – especially in the eightcounty San Joaquin Valley, the nation’s leading agricultural region. |
In the spring, as algae outbreak season began, we started regular reporting and analysis of outbreaks, tracking news stories and using social media to draw attention to toxic algae across the country. |
This report details the serious health threats associated with living near animal feeding operations – whether swine, cattle or poultry. |
In this report, you’ll see our work to save vital habitat, our actionable plans to safeguard highly endangered bat species, our cutting-edge use of science and technology, and our dedication to raising awareness of the absolute importance of bats. |
Joined partners on an expedition to collect agave palmeri seeds in the Chiricahua and Peloncilllo Mountains of southeast Arizona, to be raised in Borderlands Restoration Network and Gila Watershed Partnership greenhouses. Collected an additional seeds of four agave species to be grown in renovated community nurseries in northeast Mexico under the leadership of local conservation NGO Especies, Sociedad y Hábitat, A.C. and industry partner CEMEX. |
We also train volunteer ambassadors, organize Bat Walks, and annually coordinate a chockfull week of bat-promoting events. |
Evolved and expanded during the pandemic shutdown by exploring opportunities for Bat Walks to contribute to community science, developing outreach materials for Bat Walks Ambassadors to share with the public, establishing mechanisms to better understand the effectiveness of Bat Walks, and launching an online training platform for future workshops. |
Offered Bat Ambassadors continuing education webinars and online training. |
Thanks to the increasing generosity of our community, we were able to defend bats and their role in nature. |
By defending, funding and expanding our national wildlife refuges, we will directly address biodiversity loss and climate change while promoting increased equitable access to nature. |
This groundbreaking series takes Jeff across the country to meet Defenders’ experts along with our science, tribal and community partners to educate and inspire viewers to join with Defenders to protect wildlife. |
While highlighting some of our important conservation work and raising awareness of important conservation challenges, this family-friendly program will undoubtedly motivate a new, diverse generation of wildlife advocates and broaden our supporter base to advance our mission. |
RESTORE the health of once-vulnerable species and their habitats. |
DEFENDERS CONTINUED OUR HIGHLY EFFECTIVE COEXISTENCE WORK to prevent human-wildlife conflicts and build social acceptance for important species like wolves, bears, panthers, bison, prairie dogs and beavers. |
Defenders led the support for a bipartisan bill to create a brand-new national wildlife refuge in southern California, the Western Riverside County National Wildlife Refuge, which would be one of the nation’s largest wildlife refuges at approximately 30 threatened and endangered species and increasing access to the outdoors for nearly 12 million residents in the surrounding area. |
We assisted the Fort Belknap tribes with the annual survey, during which ferrets were trapped, had health screens conducted and were vaccinated for the plague. |
Defenders led advocacy and education aimed at restoring the natural flow of the dammed Ocklawaha River, which would provide critical warm-water habitat that manatees need to survive. | ➤ Become a Leadership Council member with a single donation of $enjoy more personal involvement with Defenders. |
➤ Become a Wildlife Circle member with a donation of $partner in our work to protect wolves and other wildlife. |
➤ Include Defenders as a beneficiary in your will, living trust, retirement plan, life insurance policy or other estate plan, and leave a lasting mark on wildlife and the world by helping us continue our conservation work. |
Our drivers, our mom and pop diesel repair shops, need training and access to clean technology jobs. |
On the ground Angela Chalk founded Healthy Community Services to fortify her community’s defenses against hurricanes and floods. |
Supporting community-led clean air efforts Sunnyside is a historically Black neighborhood in Houston where people tend community gardens, occasionally ride horses down the street and frequently look out for each other. |
“We have stories and experiences, but limited data,” says Jo Ann Jones-Burbridge (pictured, center), vice president of the Sunnyside Community Redevelopment Organization. |
SCRO worked with EDF to install a community-owned and -operated network of monitors that will detect local air pollution and help identify its sources. |
EDF IMPACT REPORT Investors are listening to EDF, which fills a critical gap by bringing the highestcaliber expert insights and concrete actions to climate conversations. |
I watched out my window as the remnants of Hurricane Ida deluged my community of Mamaroneck, New York. |
I was scared for my safety, grieving for my community and angry that we are still letting this happen. |
As the world continues to emerge from the pandemic, the outdoors still provides an outlet to help focus on our mental and physical wellbeing while enjoying activities with our friends and families. |
The program earned a living wage and were eligible to receive undergraduate credits from Western Colorado University. |
Community Statement of Activities Support and Revenue Foundations ............................................... |
We’re partnering with the local community to support forest health on Bald Mountain and throughout the Sawtooth National Forest. |
Treasured Landscapes • NFF-facilitated Collaboratives•Other NFF-led Projects• NFF Offices acres of wildlife habitat restored or maintained volunteer hours 5,853 volunteers 2,224 youth employed or engaged 2,883 9,600 1,427 419 1,983 3,641 $21,646,162 acres of fuel reduction planned or completed miles of trailwork miles of stream surveyed or restored acres of noxious weeds treated participants in peer learning sessions total conservation value Collectively, the NFF issued 219 grants or contracts in FY 2021. |
$Alliance Corrugated Box, Inc. Allied Maker Anonymous Arizona Snowbowl Aspen Community Foundation Brentwood Home Brookstone Homes, LLC Churchill Asset Management LLC Columbia Bank ConocoPhillips Alaska Day One Perspective e.l.f. |
Services Koukol & Associates, Inc. Laird Norton Family Foundation Lantower Residential Levitzacks Certified Public Accountants Lipsey and Associates Loon Mountain Madaras Gallery, Inc. |
Maloha LLC Monarch Mountain New Leaf Detox and Treatment Inc. Northrop Grumman Outbound Financial PAPER PROJECT PBWS Architects Rapid Axis Rare Collectibles TV, LLC Rebellion Energy Services Operating, LLC Red House Architecture Roundup Riders of the Rockies Heritage and Trails Foundation Sandler O’Neill + Partners SequoiaCX Snowshoe Mountain StarQuest Group StayOver Management Strong Tower Consulting Tarbell Family Foundation Team Lawler Customs The Desert Leaf The von Gontard Family Foundation Timberline Lodge TypeHaus, Inc. Ultra Creative, Inc. WaiverSign Walking in Nature Walmart Wild Tribute Wine Nook Woodlake Outdoor, Inc. |
© Adeline Sides © Richard Stevens © Adeline Sides The National Council on Aging (NCOA) is the national voice for every person’s right to age well. |
We believe that how we age should not be determined by gender, color, sexuality, income, or ZIP code. |
resources, tools, best practices, and advocacy to ensure every person can age with health and financial security. |
Chronic Disease NCOA’s National Chronic Disease Self-Management Education (CDSME) Resource Center works to increase access to, and use of, CDSME and other evidence-based programs to help older adults and adults with disabilities live longer, healthier lives. |
support state and community-based organizations across the U.S. in expanding CDSME programs and embedding them in the nation’s health and long-term services and supports systems. |
• Led several initiatives focused on supporting community-based organizations in creating partnerships with health care entities, including intensive learning collaboratives focused on network development and opportunities for partnership with Medicare Advantage plans Falls Prevention The NCOA National Falls Prevention Resource Center supports the implementation, dissemination, and sustainability of evidence-based falls prevention programs and strategies across the nation to reduce the incidence of falls among older adults and adults with disabilities. |
• Developed resources for older adults, caregivers, and professionals to increase public awareness about falls and to connect older adults with evidence-based falls prevention programs in their community. |
National FPAW awareness and media efforts reached an estimated 380 million people. |
ECONOMIC SECURITY NCOA boosts the economic security of millions of vulnerable, low-income older adults through our online tools and a national network of community partners. |
Benefits Access NCOA helps qualified older adults enroll in programs that pay for health care, prescriptions, food, utilities, and other daily expenses. |
Mature Workers NCOA is a national sponsor of the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), funded through the U.S. Department of Labor. |
Economic Security NCOA offers comprehensive, person-centered economic assistance to struggling older adults, as well as community financial education workshops and online tools. |
NCOA also educates older adults on how to choose the best Medicare plan for their situation and make the most of their health care coverage. |
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