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Our zoological health experts determined he needed a root canal to alleviate his discomfort. |
In female Amur tiger named Aurora from the Minnesota Zoo as part of the Association of Zoos and Aquarium’s Species Survival Plan program. |
A “pig happy family” The Bronx Zoo has a long history of breeding babirusas, a charismatic and somewhat unusual-looking species of wild pig native to Indonesia. |
The training mostly replicates their behaviors in the wild, but we also include a few human behaviors, like waving, and show our close bonds with the animals to maximize the connection our visitors feel. |
Our work at WCS is all about legacy, what we leave for the future. |
rally the global community around the ambitious goal of protecting 2030—prioritizing intact places with the greatest biodiversity and climate change resilience, and turning commitments into action. |
Because of this, WCS Nouabalé-Ndoki community teams were able to conduct an ongoing COVID awareness campaign and provide hand-washing stations to the villages of Bomassa, Kabo, and Makao. |
WCS also supported the provision of food and transport of community members to local markets in the absence of any other transportation, providing an alternative to bushmeat consumption, which saw a fourfold increase during lockdown. |
And we donated facemasks, and infrared thermometers to two health centers in the region. |
Working with restaurants can help build a community of informal wildlife guardians, complementing law enforcement and legislative action. |
■ Continue to rapidly respond to community reports of human-wildlife conflict as a way to prevent retaliatory killings of threatened species, such as tigers and elephants. |
Although we have seen incidents of human-tiger conflict since 2012, there has been just one retaliatory killing of a tiger. |
A unique and essential biodiversity stronghold, it provides nearly livelihoods, and health benefits. |
A new WCS-led study has shown that the Coral Triangle is surprisingly resistant to climate changerelated heat spikes, making it a sanctuary for coral reefs that play a central role in marine ecosystems and human livelihoods. |
But the Coral Triangle can only survive over the long term if we can reduce other human pressures, such as overfishing and pollution. |
A key part of the answer lies in improving gender equality and inclusion within fisheries management. |
Women fishers account for an annual catch of nearly critical contributions to their household food and economic security. |
In Fiji, WCS is supporting the creation of a network of tabu (no-take) areas within Locally Managed Marine Areas; we are also ensuring that women fishers from local communities are able to take leading roles in the management of these areas. |
In Papua New Guinea, WCS is working directly with women and other community members in the eastern part of the country to establish a new coastal MPA (square kilometers) and a new offshore MPA (5,000 square kilometers), both of which will be critical for community livelihoods as well as conservation of key fish and ray species. |
Following these recent studies, WCS is collecting more data to help ensure women’s catches are counted and included in all statistics, analyzing the outcomes of local management through a gender lens, and we are advocating for greater participation of women in fisheries management decisions and policies. |
THAILAND Ocean ecosystems support a vast range of marine species as well as the livelihoods, nutrition, and well-being of hundreds of millions of people. |
Knowing where our animals live and move enabled my community to designate areas for specific activities: this zone for community tourism, that one for hunting or harvesting. |
As the only woman guide in Bolivia’s Amazonian region, I hope WCS will continue to support the development of our women into leaders defending the forests and heritage we’ve fought for, particularly in the face of new threats like gold mining that can damage our rivers and fisheries. |
By combining our traditions and knowledge with the skills and reach of WCS, we have been able to improve our well-being and create work opportunities for our young people within the forest community, so they don’t have to leave. |
As a member of the Indigenous Tacana People, I work with WCS to protect our lands and raise public awareness of their rich biodiversity. |
around us, with profound impacts on human well-being and the wildlife and wild places that WCS protects. |
Protecting Intact Forests as Carbon Sinks To assess the health of forests, WCS developed a first-ever global metric to better understand such values as how much carbon a forest stores and its importance to local communities. |
Over the project’s lifetime, WCS has supported the sale of over $community development, including helping local people to secure title to their lands and practice sustainable agriculture. |
And in places like Rwanda, WCS is leveraging support from the Green Climate Fund to reduce or limit greenhouse gas emissions while improving community resilience to climate impacts. |
Engaging People on Climate at WCS Parks WCS is strengthening content on climate impacts and solutions for visitors to our New York zoos and aquarium, including through inpark signage and interpretation, and in our education programs. |
But WCS science shows that only world’s remaining forests are intact—that is, not significantly disturbed by human activity. |
Overhunting of ecologically critical wildlife species further erodes the health of these unique places. |
To forestall those threats, WCS worked with a strong coalition of partners to lay the political, social, and financial groundwork to purchase and conserve the most critical parcel of land at risk: a habitat for jaguars and other species. |
Advancing Science to Catalyze Action All forests are not equal. |
In order to protect those forests with the greatest biodiversity, climate, and social values, we must first be able to identify them. |
■ Accelerate and scale up protections in the world’s most important intact forest countries—where the carbon value and projected losses are greatest—together with community, Indigenous, and government partners. |
As the impacts of climate change degrade ecosystems, disturb economies, and threaten human life at a greater rate than ever before, there is heightened urgency to help animals, habitats, and people adapt and build resilience to these impacts over the long term. |
Female walruses and their calves have had to move to land due to the loss of summer sea ice, and by doing so are closer to coastal villages and shipping lanes. |
We will work to identify similarly resilient environments and reefs across the world’s oceans, and encourage our government and community partners to focus conservation efforts on these safe havens. |
Despite this, we ensured the health and well-being of the animals in our care, as well as the safety of our staff. |
At this level of giving, you receive all the benefits of Conservation Patrons, plus exclusive invitations and insider access to WCS leadership and Program experts. |
Patrons receive special conservation impact updates, invitations to insider events, recognition in the WCS Impact Report, and the option to receive zoo benefits with access to our five NYC wildlife parks. |
Partnerships with WCS help corporations gain brand exposure, consumer loyalty, and community engagement, while aligning with an important cause that resonates with their consumers, employees, and investors. |
A copy of this annual report may be obtained by writing to the Chair of the Board, Wildlife Conservation Society, New York 10460. |
Annual Report Picture thousands and thousands of bag lunches, packed with love and given to starving kids on the streets… Imagine health clinics filled with street kids… being given life-saving medical care for everything from frostbite to gunshot wounds… Think about entire communities of former street children… young people now in their thirties and forties who are now taxpayers, with homes, jobs and families of their own. |
We need to do more to help these kids and bring them to safety. |
In this report you will read about our efforts at Covenant House to fight human trafficking, about our efforts to open more beds in more cities, our the rights, lives and futures of our young people. |
Advocacy & Research Covenant House is the most powerful human rights movement on behalf of kids in the Americas. |
More than moms and babies/children *Reflects multiple stays per youth (when applicable) Female 48% Male 51% Transgender 1% Millions of kids suffer on the streets every day. |
For over years, Covenant House has sheltered and cared for these young people – now standing as a powerful human rights movement for young people experiencing homelessness and trafficking in 31 cities across six countries. |
Human trafficking—the exploitation of a person’s labor through force, fraud, or coercion—is a crime whose victims tend to be society’s most vulnerable. |
Recently, homeless youth providers in the United States and Canada have become aware that their clients are particularly at risk of trafficking and research has begun to uncover the extent and contours of the problem within that community. |
Semi-structured interviews were conducted using the Human Trafficking Interview and Assessment Measure (HTIAM-youth had been trafficked for sex or labor in their lifetimes. |
Of the identified as sex trafficking victims within the study, nearly 58% (53) were in situations of force, fraud, or coercion characteristic of human trafficking under the U.S. federal definition. |
• way in the sex trade at some point in their lifetimes; 24% (93) of the young men, 38% (93) of the young women, whether that was through situations of force, survival sex, or commercial sexual work as adults. |
The median age of entry into trading sex was median age for those who were considered trafficked was 16. |
Homeless youth are vulnerable to both sex and labor trafficking because they tend to experience a higher rate of the primary risk factors to trafficking: poverty, unemployment, a history of sexual abuse, and a history of mental health issues. |
They had experienced discrimination in their jobs and in housing. |
But then my mom had some health issues. |
On what she thought was going to be the worst day of her life, Queen went to Essex Community College to drop the remaining five classes she needed to graduate. |
Queen moved in with us at Covenant House in New Jersey and became a bright light in the life of every staff person, volunteer, and resident she met. |
The staff here really care, they treat you like you are part of a family. |
“When I went to Accenture, I felt like I had another great support system, another family, that I could rely on,” said Queen. |
“Rose and so many other people at Covenant House have been with me every step of the way, Cobbinah and Francisco Iturbe made me feel like part of the family, while also challenging me to grow and learn. |
I thought she did because she was family,” Bruce says. |
“The program is named after the first orphanage the sisters established, on Mott and Prince streets in Lower Manhattan,” adds Cia Kessler, director of the Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunities Program (HEOP) at the school. |
“When you leave CAN, you still struggle, but it’s different because something in your life is different; something has changed,” he says. |
I L D L I F E AWI seeks to reduce the detrimental impacts of human activities on wild animals. |
Subsequently, the USFWS released four captive wolves and fostered four red wolf pups with a wild female wolf, doubling the population, which had fallen from over a hundred in last year. |
to encourage Wildlife Services to use nonlethal alternatives when managing human-wildlife conflict. |
This grant program, named for AWI’s founder, funds innovative strategies for humane, nonlethal wildlife-human conflict management and study. |
AWI rallied strong support among a bipartisan coalition of federal lawmakers, as well as support from the wild horse advocacy community, to press the Department of the Interior to abandon this misguided plan. |
In May to BLM officials on the dangerous overreliance on helicopters to remove horses from the range and the negative impacts such operations pose to equine welfare. |
farming—an industry that is unnecessary, inhumane, and a threat to public health. |
For the second year in a row, AWI awarded scholarships of $ high school seniors in the United States who plan to use their post-secondary education to alleviate animal suffering. |
The already active in promoting animal welfare in their schools and communities. |
AWI continues to actively partner with the Humane Education Network on the “A Voice for Animals” contest for high school students around the world. |
AWI was pleased to award prizes for efforts to provide compassionate veterinary care to Indian street dogs, protect wildlife from toxic electronic waste, and work with a local animal shelter to engage fellow students in volunteer opportunities. |
When many schools shifted to remote methods of learning during the requests from several humane education programs that were unable to conduct their usual classroom visits. |
The national government subsequently began working toward an animal welfare law that would ban import of cetaceans for display, tourist encounters with cetaceans (such as swim-with-dolphin programs), and cetacean displays in any new facilities. |
practices used to market meat and poultry products, which undermine markets for high welfare production. |
The vast majority of animals used in research are rodents, thus our strong focus on their welfare. |
RSPCA/UFAW Rodent Welfare Meeting on designing research programs around animals’ needs rather than fitting animals into programs focused on practicality. |
the importance of good welfare for both animals and caretakers. |
Popcorn enrichment for primates, eliminating boredom in cats, social housing of hamsters, and environmental enrichment for sheep were among the many topics of conversation. |
was signed into law at the end of included an impressive number of animal welfare wins that AWI championed and worked with members of Congress to help bring about. |
The bill provides significant funding for + programs to provide shelter to survivors of domestic violence and their companion animals, + conservation efforts on behalf of critically endangered North Atlantic right whales, + efforts to combat wildlife trafficking and dangerous wildlife practices that threaten global public health, and + Horse Protection Act enforcement. |
In addition, the omnibus spending bill incorporates the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act in its entirety. |
January, and a number of animal welfare bills AWI worked on and helped promote were reintroduced within the first six months. |
support efforts by local governments and nonprofit organizations to rescue and rehabilitate sick and injured marine mammals and efforts to determine the causes of such injuries and illnesses, and + the Save America’s Forgotten Equines (SAFE) Act (HR ban the slaughter of horses for human consumption, as well as their export for that purpose. |
initiated and helped push through that expands the cross-reporting among law enforcement, veterinarians, and social service professionals of abuse of both animals and people to better protect both. |
As AWI does each year, we organized a meeting between the humane community and the USDA regarding the department’s administration of the AWA and the HPA. |
We develop resources to help law enforcement officials prosecute animal abusers and help social service agencies address the relationship between animal cruelty and family violence. |
individuals experiencing domestic violence in placing their companion animals out of harm’s way so that they may seek safety for themselves. |
Other tools available on the new website include links to information on safety planning for pets of domestic violence survivors, questions to ask about these pets during intake, and a map of states that allow companion animals to be included in temporary protection orders. |
that AWI leads—we organized a webinar series for those working in equine rescue to stay connected during the pandemic, covering topics such as veterinary care for burros and disaster preparedness measures to move horses to safety. |
After a improve education and communication among vets regarding animal abuse, AWI developed posters for vet offices on abuse warning signs and what to do if abuse is suspected. |
International transport of farm animals by sea vessel raises serious animal welfare issues. |
A rule enacted by the USDA in to a petition filed by AWI requires inspections prior to export to ensure the animals meet the World Organisation for Animal Health’s fitness-to-travel standards. |
The report also calls on nations to adopt animal welfare standards for the care, housing, and transport of live animals along the entire supply chain to reduce disease transmission. |
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