import pandas as pd |
import streamlit as st |
import plotly.express as px |
from plotly import graph_objs as go |
st.title("Demand Trend Analysis") |
df = pd.read_csv("data/cleaned_data.csv",parse_dates=['Order Date'],index_col='Order Date') |
df_train = df.index< '2018-01-01' |
df_test = df.index>= '2018-01-01' |
df_train = df[df_train] |
df_test = df[df_test] |
time_pred = ["Past","Future"] |
#display the years of data as a slider 2015-2017 for past and 2018 for future |
k = st.sidebar.selectbox("Time",time_pred) |
if k == "Past": |
n_years = st.sidebar.slider("Years of data", 2015, 2016, 2017) |
periods = 12*n_years |
else: |
n_years = st.sidebar.slider("Years of data", 2018,2019) |
periods = 12 |
@st.cache_data |
def load_data(): |
data = df.copy() |
return data |
data_load_state = st.text("Loading data...") |
data = load_data() |
data_load_state.text("Loading data...done!") |
st.subheader("Raw data") |
st.write(data.head()) |
def plot_raw_data_year(input:str): |
if input == "Past": |
df_yearly= df_train.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='Y'))['Sales'].sum() |
df_yearly = pd.DataFrame(df_yearly) |
else: |
df_yearly = df_test.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='Y'))['Sales'].sum() |
df_yearly = pd.DataFrame(df_yearly) |
fig = go.Figure() |
fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x=df_yearly.index, y=df_yearly.Sales,name='Yearly Sales' ,)) |
fig.update_layout(title_text='Yearly Sales',plot_bgcolor='white',xaxis_rangeslider_visible=True) |
st.plotly_chart(fig) |
plot_raw_data_year(k) |
def plot_raw_data_month(input:str): |
if input == "Past": |
df_monthly= df_train.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='M'))['Sales'].sum() |
df_monthly = pd.DataFrame(df_monthly) |
else: |
df_monthly = df_test.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='M'))['Sales'].sum() |
df_monthly = pd.DataFrame(df_monthly) |
fig = go.Figure() |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df_monthly.index, y=df_monthly.Sales,name='Monthly Sales' )) |
fig.update_layout(title_text= 'Monthly Sales',plot_bgcolor='white',xaxis_rangeslider_visible=True) |
st.plotly_chart(fig) |
plot_raw_data_month(k) |
def plot_raw_data_day(input:str): |
if input == "Past": |
df_daily= df_train.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='D'))['Sales'].sum() |
df_daily = pd.DataFrame(df_daily) |
else: |
df_daily = df_test.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='D'))['Sales'].sum() |
df_daily = pd.DataFrame(df_daily) |
fig = go.Figure() |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df_daily.index, y=df_daily.Sales,name='Daily Sales' )) |
fig.update_layout(title_text= 'Daily Sales',plot_bgcolor='white',xaxis_rangeslider_visible=True) |
st.plotly_chart(fig) |
plot_raw_data_day(k) |
def plot_raw_yearly_sales_by_segment(input:str): |
if input == "Past": |
df_yearly_segment = df_train.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq='Y'), 'Segment'])['Sales'].sum().reset_index() |
df_yearly_segment = pd.DataFrame(df_yearly_segment) |
else: |
df_yearly_segment = df_test.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq='Y'), 'Segment'])['Sales'].sum().reset_index() |
df_yearly_segment = pd.DataFrame(df_yearly_segment) |
color_scale = px.colors.sequential.Viridis |
# create a dictionary that maps each unique value in the Segment column to a color from the color scheme |
color_map = {segment: color_scale[i % len(color_scale)] for i, segment in enumerate(df_yearly_segment['Segment'].unique())} |
# use the color_map dictionary to map the Segment values to colors |
colors = df_yearly_segment['Segment'].map(color_map) |
# create the plot using plotly.graph_objects |
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Bar(x=df_yearly_segment['Order Date'], y=df_yearly_segment['Sales'], marker={'color': colors},hovertext=df_yearly_segment['Segment'])) |
fig.update_layout(title_text='Yearly Sales by Segment', plot_bgcolor='white') |
st.plotly_chart(fig) |
plot_raw_yearly_sales_by_segment(k) |
def plot_raw_yearly_sales_by_region(input:str): |
if input == "Past": |
df_yearly_segment = df_train.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq='Y'), 'Region'])['Sales'].sum().reset_index() |
df_yearly_segment = pd.DataFrame(df_yearly_segment) |
else: |
df_yearly_segment = df_test.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq='Y'), 'Region'])['Sales'].sum().reset_index() |
df_yearly_segment = pd.DataFrame(df_yearly_segment) |
color_scale = px.colors.sequential.Viridis |
# create a dictionary that maps each unique value in the Segment column to a color from the color scheme |
color_map = {segment: color_scale[i % len(color_scale)] for i, segment in enumerate(df_yearly_segment['Region'].unique())} |
# use the color_map dictionary to map the Segment values to colors |
colors = df_yearly_segment['Region'].map(color_map) |
# create the plot using plotly.graph_objects |
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Bar(x=df_yearly_segment['Order Date'], y=df_yearly_segment['Sales'], marker={'color': colors},hovertext=df_yearly_segment['Region'])) |
fig.update_layout(title_text='Yearly Sales by Region', plot_bgcolor='white') |
st.plotly_chart(fig) |
plot_raw_yearly_sales_by_region(k) |
def plot_raw_yearly_sales_by_Category(input:str): |
if input == "Past": |
df_yearly_segment = df_train.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq='Y'), 'Category'])['Sales'].sum().reset_index() |
else: |
df_yearly_segment = df_test.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq='Y'), 'Category'])['Sales'].sum().reset_index() |
df_yearly_segment = pd.DataFrame(df_yearly_segment) |
color_scale = px.colors.sequential.Viridis |
# create a dictionary that maps each unique value in the Segment column to a color from the color scheme |
color_map = {segment: color_scale[i % len(color_scale)] for i, segment in enumerate(df_yearly_segment['Category'].unique())} |
# use the color_map dictionary to map the Segment values to colors |
colors = df_yearly_segment['Category'].map(color_map) |
# create the plot using plotly.graph_objects |
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Bar(x=df_yearly_segment['Order Date'], y=df_yearly_segment['Sales'], marker={'color': colors},hovertext=df_yearly_segment['Category'])) |
fig.update_layout(title_text='Yearly Sales by Category', plot_bgcolor='white') |
st.plotly_chart(fig) |
plot_raw_yearly_sales_by_Category(k) |
def plot_raw_yearly_sales_by_State(input:str, number:int): |
if input == "Past": |
df_yearly_state = df_train.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq='Y'), 'State'])['Sales'].sum().reset_index() |
else: |
df_yearly_state = df_test.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq='Y'), 'State'])['Sales'].sum().reset_index() |
df_yearly_state = pd.DataFrame(df_yearly_state) |
color_scale = px.colors.sequential.Viridis |
topN_states = df_yearly_state.groupby('State').sum().sort_values('Sales', ascending=False).head(number).index.tolist() |
top_states_df = df_yearly_state[df_yearly_state['State'].isin(topN_states)] |
# create a dictionary that maps each unique value in the State column to a color from the color scheme |
color_map = {state: color_scale[i % len(color_scale)] for i, state in enumerate(top_states_df['State'].unique())} |
# use the color_map dictionary to map the State values to colors |
colors = top_states_df['State'].map(color_map) |
# create the plot using plotly.graph_objects |
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Bar(x=top_states_df['Order Date'], y=top_states_df['Sales'], marker={'color': colors},hovertext=top_states_df['State'])) |
fig.update_layout(title_text=f'Top {number} states with highest sales', plot_bgcolor='white') |
st.plotly_chart(fig) |
# initialize Streamlit slider for selecting number of subcategories to display |
number_st = st.slider('Select the number of States', 1, 10, 3) |
plot_raw_yearly_sales_by_State(k,number_st) |
def plot_raw_yearly_sales_by_Sub_Cat(input:str, number:int): |
if input == "Past": |
df_yearly_state = df_train.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq='Y'), 'Sub-Category'])['Sales'].sum().reset_index() |
else: |
df_yearly_state = df_test.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq='Y'), 'Sub-Category'])['Sales'].sum().reset_index() |
df_yearly_state = pd.DataFrame(df_yearly_state) |
color_scale = px.colors.sequential.Viridis |
topN_states = df_yearly_state.groupby('Sub-Category').sum().sort_values('Sales', ascending=False).head(number).index.tolist() |
top_states_df = df_yearly_state[df_yearly_state['Sub-Category'].isin(topN_states)] |
# create a dictionary that maps each unique value in the State column to a color from the color scheme |
color_map = {state: color_scale[i % len(color_scale)] for i, state in enumerate(top_states_df['Sub-Category'].unique())} |
# use the color_map dictionary to map the State values to colors |
colors = top_states_df['Sub-Category'].map(color_map) |
# create the plot using plotly.graph_objects |
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Bar(x=top_states_df['Order Date'], y=top_states_df['Sub-Category'], marker={'color': colors},hovertext=top_states_df['Sub-Category'])) |
fig.update_layout(title_text=f'Top {number} sub categories with highest sales', plot_bgcolor='white') |
st.plotly_chart(fig) |
# initialize Streamlit slider for selecting number of subcategories to display |
number_sub_cat = st.slider('Select the number of Sub-Category', 1, 10, 3) |
plot_raw_yearly_sales_by_Sub_Cat(k,number_sub_cat) |
def plot_raw_yearly_sales_by_Product(input:str,number:int): |
if input == "Past": |
df_yearly_product = df_train.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq='Y'), 'Product Name'])['Sales'].sum().reset_index() |
else: |
df_yearly_product = df_test.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq='Y'), 'Product Name'])['Sales'].sum().reset_index() |
df_yearly_product = pd.DataFrame(df_yearly_product) |
color_scale = px.colors.sequential.Viridis |
topN_products = df_yearly_product.groupby('Product Name').sum().sort_values('Sales', ascending=False).head(number).index.tolist() |
top_product_df = df_yearly_product[df_yearly_product['Product Name'].isin(topN_products)] |
# create a dictionary that maps each unique value in the Product Name column to a color from the color scheme |
color_map = {product: color_scale[i % len(color_scale)] for i, product in enumerate(top_product_df['Product Name'].unique())} |
# use the color_map dictionary to map the Product Name values to colors |
colors = top_product_df['Product Name'].map(color_map) |
# create the plot using plotly.graph_objects |
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Bar(x=top_product_df['Order Date'], y=top_product_df['Sales'], marker={'color': colors},hovertext=top_product_df['Product Name'])) |
fig.update_layout(title_text=f'Top {number} best-selling products', plot_bgcolor='white') |
st.plotly_chart(fig) |
# initialize Streamlit slider for selecting number of products to display |
number_p = st.slider('Select the number of products to display', 1, 10, 3) |
plot_raw_yearly_sales_by_Product(k,number_p) |
def plot_raw_yearly_sales_by_City(input:str, number:int): |
if input == "Past": |
df_yearly_state = df_train.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq='Y'), 'City'])['Sales'].sum().reset_index() |
else: |
df_yearly_state = df_test.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq='Y'), 'City'])['Sales'].sum().reset_index() |
df_yearly_state = pd.DataFrame(df_yearly_state) |
color_scale = px.colors.sequential.Viridis |
topN_states = df_yearly_state.groupby('City').sum().sort_values('Sales', ascending=False).head(number).index.tolist() |
top_states_df = df_yearly_state[df_yearly_state['City'].isin(topN_states)] |
# create a dictionary that maps each unique value in the State column to a color from the color scheme |
color_map = {state: color_scale[i % len(color_scale)] for i, state in enumerate(top_states_df['City'].unique())} |
# use the color_map dictionary to map the State values to colors |
colors = top_states_df['City'].map(color_map) |
# create the plot using plotly.graph_objects |
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Bar(x=top_states_df['Order Date'], y=top_states_df['City'], marker={'color': colors},hovertext=top_states_df['City'])) |
fig.update_layout(title_text=f'Top {number} states with highest sales', plot_bgcolor='white') |
st.plotly_chart(fig) |
# initialize Streamlit slider for selecting number of subcategories to display |
number_city = st.slider('Select the number of Cities', 1, 10, 3) |
plot_raw_yearly_sales_by_City(k,number_city) |