Some lorebook trigger words need change

by tm679 - opened

For example, typing "S: hardcore dom" will trigger both Sexuality - Hardcore - Dom and Sexuality - Hardcore - Sub entries, or sometimes only Sexuality - Hardcore - Sub entry.

BTW, I can't get Scoped Scripts to work. Tried both 1.12.11 staging and 1.12.9. It looks like the scripts simply shorten the {{char}} name, so I just changed the card name. Would that cause problems?

EDIT: Fixed in SX-2.5.

Oh, yeah. There's a never ending issue with those trigger words :-P I never use dom so I didn't notice, haha. When a shorter trigger is already within a longer trigger, then both will be triggered simultaneously. It's extremely frustrating. So you know: "sexuality: hardcore" is within the "sexuality: hardcore dom" phrase - thus - it's triggered. I will take a look and try coming up with some better triggers, it's the last thing added in testing, because people wanted it :-D Or - maybe you've got the idea for some good trigger words for that? I can reverse it - so S: SH/S: SD & sexuality: sub hardcore/sexuality: dom hardcore? Then, it's the same order at least, you just need to remember that it starts with sub/dom dynamics, not romantic/hardcore style.

About the scoped scripts - their only goal is to change the name - yes. I wanted to have brackets and full name/surname combo for all the characters and it's just to change that into the first name in chat. If regex entries do not work for you, then you can just delete them. I do not know why they wouldn't work but well - stuff happens, I guess.

Actually I did the "dom hardcore" reverse. But in the end, I just pinned all the entries I want and removed the triggering message because I thought phrases like "S:dom hardcore" in the context might confuse the LLM. Probably placebo though.

Another issue I encounter is that, when sending the initial message like "SC03, weather: rain", it must not be sent under the last swipe of the 1st messages which lists all the conditions, because that 1st message itself will trigger a ton of entries. It sounds very obvious, but naturally I check the conditions before deciding which ones to pick and send, and that took me an embarrassing amount of time to troubleshoot.

Well, it's clearly stated under instructions to use only the 1st starting message aka the default one aka 1/5 :-D Otherwise, things will go crazy and yeah - it's obvious, haha. However, if you're triggering stuff through the first message, nothing will confuse the LLM since the instructions to start the roleplay etc. go afterwards. The LLM knows it is a part of the scenario and the character customization. Do not worry :-D I'm roleplaying like that since summer, it's never confused :-D

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