70B submissions are just disappearing after a while

by abhinand - opened

As the title says...I submitted abhinand/Llama-3-Galen-70B-v1 but it just vanished after a few hours. Also seen this happen with two other 70B models which were running along with Galen 70B. This was 3 days ago btw.

Keeping @aaditya in the loop...

Same things happened to Writer/Palmyra-Med-70B

Yeah @wassemgtk . Maybe it is running OOM. Would like to know the hardware on which they are running the eval...

I use 2xA100 or 3xA6000 for 70B FP16 evals.

Same 2xA100 or 2H100 for Palmyra-Med-70B FP16 Evals

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