ChatGLM3 / tool_using /
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import inspect
import traceback
from copy import deepcopy
from pprint import pformat
from types import GenericAlias
from typing import get_origin, Annotated
def register_tool(func: callable):
tool_name = func.__name__
tool_description = inspect.getdoc(func).strip()
python_params = inspect.signature(func).parameters
tool_params = []
for name, param in python_params.items():
annotation = param.annotation
if annotation is inspect.Parameter.empty:
raise TypeError(f"Parameter `{name}` missing type annotation")
if get_origin(annotation) != Annotated:
raise TypeError(f"Annotation type for `{name}` must be typing.Annotated")
typ, (description, required) = annotation.__origin__, annotation.__metadata__
typ: str = str(typ) if isinstance(typ, GenericAlias) else typ.__name__
if not isinstance(description, str):
raise TypeError(f"Description for `{name}` must be a string")
if not isinstance(required, bool):
raise TypeError(f"Required for `{name}` must be a bool")
"name": name,
"description": description,
"type": typ,
"required": required
tool_def = {
"name": tool_name,
"description": tool_description,
"params": tool_params
print("[registered tool] " + pformat(tool_def))
_TOOL_HOOKS[tool_name] = func
_TOOL_DESCRIPTIONS[tool_name] = tool_def
return func
def dispatch_tool(tool_name: str, tool_params: dict) -> str:
if tool_name not in _TOOL_HOOKS:
return f"Tool `{tool_name}` not found. Please use a provided tool."
tool_call = _TOOL_HOOKS[tool_name]
ret = tool_call(**tool_params)
ret = traceback.format_exc()
return str(ret)
def get_tools() -> dict:
return deepcopy(_TOOL_DESCRIPTIONS)
# Tool Definitions
def random_number_generator(
seed: Annotated[int, 'The random seed used by the generator', True],
range: Annotated[tuple[int, int], 'The range of the generated numbers', True],
) -> int:
Generates a random number x, s.t. range[0] <= x < range[1]
if not isinstance(seed, int):
raise TypeError("Seed must be an integer")
if not isinstance(range, tuple):
raise TypeError("Range must be a tuple")
if not isinstance(range[0], int) or not isinstance(range[1], int):
raise TypeError("Range must be a tuple of integers")
import random
return random.Random(seed).randint(*range)
def get_weather(
city_name: Annotated[str, 'The name of the city to be queried', True],
) -> str:
Get the current weather for `city_name`
if not isinstance(city_name, str):
raise TypeError("City name must be a string")
key_selection = {
"current_condition": ["temp_C", "FeelsLikeC", "humidity", "weatherDesc", "observation_time"],
import requests
resp = requests.get(f"{city_name}?format=j1")
resp = resp.json()
ret = {k: {_v: resp[k][0][_v] for _v in v} for k, v in key_selection.items()}
import traceback
ret = "Error encountered while fetching weather data!\n" + traceback.format_exc()
return str(ret)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(dispatch_tool("get_weather", {"city_name": "beijing"}))