I am fascinated by the monsters this can generate

by Pudgy - opened

The fact it takes time to generate these makes them precious. You can't just rip through thousands, you have to patiently wait for your next results.

The uniqueness of cosmic creatures is they often do not have to follow any normal rules of body shape we understand so a lot is possible.

I'd really like to see creepy monsters, beasts, beings, creeps, ghouls, extra-dimensional beings, and entities





Lol. That's pretty goofy. Ghost Rider in a classic vehicle.

Wow. So good....


This is one of my favorites. There's a man in the image for size comparison.
And the giant monster is trying to control him with his mind-control eye but his helmet makes him immune and he just keeps walking on.

what do you think of this one?

I didn't even know who Gozer was. I gotta watch Ghost Busters again. I was too young to remember anything other than a painting and a giant marshmallow man.
Also you're not very on topic. lol.

This is a cutie. He looks like he roams this valley eating weaker prey.

This one looks like it's a sort of zerg type hive with a tentacle to strike passers

This one was summoned during a ritual.

This one's body is comprised partially of portals. It sucks you into the portals.

Is this any better?
download (19).png

You don't want elder gods just walking out and about...


I think this is the best one I've made so far
download (20).png

@find-tony-house that's pretty good man.

thank you here's another one

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