A newer version of the Gradio SDK is available:
Hydra is an open-source Python framework that simplifies the development of research and other complex applications. The key feature is the ability to dynamically create a hierarchical configuration by composition and override it through config files and the command line. The name Hydra comes from its ability to run multiple similar jobs - much like a Hydra with multiple heads.
Until recently, all components in fairseq were configured through a shared
namespace that was created at application startup. Components declared
their own add_args
method to update the argparse parser, hoping that the names
would not clash with arguments from other components. While this model works for
smaller applications, as fairseq grew and became integrated into other
applications, this became problematic. In order to determine how to configure
each component, one needed to a) examine what args were added by this component,
and b) read the code to figure out what shared arguments it is using that were
added in other places. Reproducing models involved sharing commands that often
contained dozens of command line switches.
The model described above is still supported by fairseq for backward compatibility, but will be deprecated some time in the future.
New components in fairseq should now create a dataclass that encapsulates all parameters required to configure this component. The dataclass is registered along with the component, and fairseq takes care of constructing and providing this configuration object to the component's constructor. Note that sharing parameters can optionally still work, but one has to explicitly point to the "source of truth" (see inheritance example below). These changes make components in fairseq more independent and re-usable by other applications: all that is needed to create a component is to initialize its dataclass and overwrite some of the defaults.
While configuring fairseq through command line (using either the legacy argparse based or the new Hydra based entry points) is still fully supported, you can now take advantage of configuring fairseq completely or piece-by-piece through hierarchical YAML configuration files. These files can also be shipped as examples that others can use to run an identically configured job.
Additionally, Hydra has a rich and growing library of plugins that provide functionality such as hyperparameter sweeping (including using bayesian optimization through the Ax library), job launching across various platforms, and more.
Creating or migrating components
In general, each new (or updated) component should provide a companion
dataclass. These dataclass are
typically located in the same file as the component and are passed as arguments
to the register_*()
functions. Top-level configs that should be present in
every fairseq application are placed in the
global config file and added to the
Each dataclass is a plain-old-data object, similar to a NamedTuple
. These
classes are decorated with a @dataclass
decorator, and typically inherit from
(which adds some functionality for backward compatibility).
Each field must have a type, and generally has metadata (such as a help string)
and a default value. Only primitive types or other config objects are allowed as
data types for each field.
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from fairseq.dataclass import FairseqDataclass
class InteractiveConfig(FairseqDataclass):
buffer_size: int = field(
"help": "read this many sentences into a buffer before processing them"
input: str = field(
metadata={"help": "file to read from; use - for stdin"},
Inherting values
Some components require sharing a value. For example, a learning rate scheduler and an optimizer may both need to know the initial learning rate value. One can declare a field that, by default, will inherit its value from another config node in the same hierarchy:
lr: List[float] = II("")
is syntactic sugar for "${}"
, which is
the value one can use in a YAML config file or through command line to achieve
the same effect. Note that this assumes that there is an "optimization" config
object in the root config and it has a field called "lr".
Tasks and Models
Creating Tasks and Models works same as before, except that legacy
implementations now inherit from LegacyFairseq*
base classes, while new
components inherit from FairseqTask
and FairseqModel
and provide a dataclass
to the register_*()
Task example:
class LanguageModelingConfig(FairseqDataclass):
data: Optional[str] = field(
default=None, metadata={"help": "path to data directory"}
@register_task("language_modeling", dataclass=LanguageModelingConfig)
class LanguageModelingTask(FairseqTask):
def setup_task(cls, cfg: LanguageModelingConfig):
Model example:
class TransformerLanguageModelConfig(FairseqDataclass):
activation_fn: ChoiceEnum(utils.get_available_activation_fns()) = field(
default="relu", metadata={"help": "activation function to use"}
dropout: float = field(default=0.1, metadata={"help": "dropout probability"})
@register_model("transformer_lm", dataclass=TransformerLanguageModelConfig)
class TransformerLanguageModel(FairseqLanguageModel):
def build_model(cls, cfg: TransformerLanguageModelConfig, task: FairseqTask):
Other components
Other components work as before, but they now take their configuration dataclass as the only constructor argument:
class MosesTokenizerConfig(FairseqDataclass):
source_lang: str = field(default="en", metadata={"help": "source language"})
@register_tokenizer("moses", dataclass=MosesTokenizerConfig)
class MosesTokenizer(object):
def __init__(self, cfg: MosesTokenizerConfig):
Note that if you are adding a new registry for a new set of components, you need
to add it to the FairseqConfig
object in fairseq/dataclass/
class FairseqConfig(object):
my_new_registry: Any = None
Training with fairseq-hydra-train
To fully take advantage of configuration flexibility offered by Hydra, you may
want to train new models using the fairseq-hydra-train
entry point. Legacy CLI
tools such as fairseq-train
will remain supported for the foreseeable future
but will be deprecated eventually.
On startup, Hydra will create a configuration object that contains a hierarchy
of all the necessary dataclasses populated with their default values in the
code. The default values are overwritten by values found in YAML files in
directory (which currently sets minimal defaults) and then
further overwritten by values provided through command line arguments.
Some of the most common use cases are shown below:
1. Override default values through command line:
$ fairseq-hydra-train \
distributed_training.distributed_world_size=1 \
dataset.batch_size=2 \ \
model=transformer_lm/transformer_lm_gpt \
task=language_modeling \
Note that along with explicitly providing values for parameters such as
, this also tells Hydra to overlay configuration found in
over the default
values in the dataclass. If you want to train a model without specifying a
particular architecture you can simply specify model=transformer_lm
. This only
works for migrated tasks and models.
2. Replace bundled configs with an external config:
$ fairseq-hydra-train \
--config-dir /path/to/external/configs \
--config-name wiki103
where /path/to/external/configs/wiki103.yaml
# @package _group_
_name: transformer_lm
distributed_world_size: 1
batch_size: 2
_name: language_modeling
data: /path/to/data
add_bos_token: false
max_target_positions: 1024
max_update: 50000
lr: [ 0.25 ]
criterion: cross_entropy
optimizer: adam
_name: cosine
Note that here bundled configs from fairseq/config
directory are not used,
however the defaults from each dataclass will still be used (unless overwritten
by your external config).
Additionally you can choose to break up your configs by creating a directory
structure in the same location as your main config file, with the names of the
top-level fields (such as "model", "dataset", etc), and placing config files
with meaningful names that would populate that specific section of your
top-level config file (for example, you might have
, model/big_transformer_lm.yaml
, etc). You
can then specify the correct configuration via command line, defaults in the
main config, or even launch all of them as a sweep (see Hydra documentation on
how to do this).
3. Add an external config directory to Hydra search path:
This allows combining default configuration (including using any bundled config files), while specifying your own config files for some parts of the configuration.
$ fairseq-hydra-train \
distributed_training.distributed_world_size=1 \
dataset.batch_size=2 \ \
model=transformer_lm/2_layers \
task=language_modeling \
optimization.max_update=5000 \
--config-dir /path/to/external/configs
where /path/to/external/configs
has the following structure:
+-- model
| +-- transformer_lm
| | +-- 2_layers.yaml
and 2_layers.yaml
contains a copy of transformer_lm_gpt.yaml
but with
set to 2. You can add other configs to configure other
components as well.