Dit-document-layout-analysis / unilm /beit3 /get_started /get_started_for_retrieval.md
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Fine-tuning BEiT-3 on Image-text Retrieval

COCO Retrieval Setup

  1. Setup environment.
  2. Download 2014 train images, 2014 val images and karpathy split, then organize the dataset as following structure:

We then generate the index json files using the following command. beit3.spm is the sentencepiece model used for tokenizing texts.

from datasets import RetrievalDataset
from transformers import XLMRobertaTokenizer

tokenizer = XLMRobertaTokenizer("/your_beit3_model_path/beit3.spm")


Flickr30k Retrieval Setup

  1. Setup environment.
  2. Sign flickr images request form and download karpathy split, then organize the dataset as following structure:

We then generate the index json files using the following command. beit3.spm is the sentencepiece model used for tokenizing texts.

from datasets import RetrievalDataset
from transformers import XLMRobertaTokenizer

tokenizer = XLMRobertaTokenizer("/your_beit3_model_path/beit3.spm")


Example: Fine-tuning BEiT-3 on Retrieval

The BEiT-3 base model can be finetuned on retrieval tasks using 16 V100-32GB:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=16 run_beit3_finetuning.py \
        --model beit3_base_patch16_384 \
        --input_size 384 \
        --task coco_retrieval \
        --batch_size 192 \
        --layer_decay 0.65 \
        --lr 2e-4 \
        --epochs 15 \
        --warmup_epochs 3 \
        --drop_path 0.2 \
        --sentencepiece_model /your_beit3_model_path/beit3.spm \
        --finetune /your_beit3_model_path/beit3_base_itc_patch16_224.pth \
        --data_path /path/to/your_data \
        --output_dir /path/to/save/your_model \
        --log_dir /path/to/save/your_model/log \
        --weight_decay 0.05 \
        --seed 42 \
        --save_ckpt_freq 5 \
        --enable_deepspeed \
  • --batch_size: batch size per GPU. Effective batch size = number of GPUs * --batch_size * --update_freq. So in the above example, the effective batch size is 192*16 = 3072.
  • --finetune: weight path of your pretrained models; please download the pretrained model weights in README.md
  • --task: coco_retrieval for COCO retrieval, flickr30k for Flickr30k retrieval
  • --lr: 2e-4 for COCO retrieval, 1e-4 for Flickr30k retrieval
  • --epochs: 15 for COCO retrieval, 20 for Flickr30k retrieval
  • --warmup_epochs: 3 for COCO retrieval, 5 for Flickr30k retrieval
  • --checkpoint_activations: using gradient checkpointing for saving GPU memory

The BEiT-3 large model can be finetuned on retrieval tasks using 2x16 V100-32GB:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=16 --nnodes=2 --node_rank=$NODE_RANK \
       --master_addr=$MASTER_ADDR --master_port=$MASTER_PORT run_beit3_finetuning.py \
        --model beit3_large_patch16_384 \
        --input_size 384 \
        --task coco_retrieval \
        --batch_size 96 \
        --layer_decay 0.85 \
        --lr 5e-5 \
        --epochs 15 \
        --warmup_epochs 3 \
        --drop_path 0.2 \
        --sentencepiece_model /your_beit3_model_path/beit3.spm \
        --finetune /your_beit3_model_path/beit3_large_itc_patch16_224.pth \
        --data_path /path/to/your_data \
        --output_dir /path/to/save/your_model \
        --log_dir /path/to/save/your_model/log \
        --weight_decay 0.05 \
        --seed 42 \
        --save_ckpt_freq 5 \
        --enable_deepspeed \
  • --batch_size: batch size per GPU. Effective batch size = number of GPUs * --batch_size * --update_freq. So in the above example, the effective batch size is 96*32 = 3072.
  • --finetune: weight path of your pretrained models; please download the pretrained model weights in README.md
  • --task: coco_retrieval for COCO retrieval, flickr30k for Flickr30k retrieval
  • --epochs: 15 for COCO retrieval, 20 for Flickr30k retrieval
  • --warmup_epochs: 3 for COCO retrieval, 5 for Flickr30k retrieval
  • --checkpoint_activations: using gradient checkpointing for saving GPU memory

Example: Evaluate BEiT-3 Fine-tuned model on COCO Retrieval and Flickr30k Retrieval

  • Get the results of our fine-tuned BEiT3-base model on retrieval tasks using a single GPU:
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 run_beit3_finetuning.py \
        --model beit3_base_patch16_384 \
        --input_size 384 \
        --task coco_retrieval \
        --batch_size 16 \
        --sentencepiece_model /your_beit3_model_path/beit3.spm \
        --finetune /your_beit3_model_path/beit3_base_patch16_384_coco_retrieval.pth \
        --data_path /path/to/your_data \
        --eval \
  • --task: coco_retrieval for COCO retrieval, flickr30k for Flickr30k retrieval

  • --finetune: beit3_base_patch16_384_coco_retrieval.pth for COCO retrieval, beit3_base_patch16_384_f30k_retrieval.pth for Flickr30k retrieval

  • Get the results of our fine-tuned BEiT3-large model on retrieval tasks using a single GPU:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 run_beit3_finetuning.py \
        --model beit3_large_patch16_384 \
        --input_size 384 \
        --task coco_retrieval \
        --batch_size 16 \
        --sentencepiece_model /your_beit3_model_path/beit3.spm \
        --finetune /your_beit3_model_path/beit3_large_patch16_384_coco_retrieval.pth \
        --data_path /path/to/your_data \
        --eval \
  • --task: coco_retrieval for COCO retrieval, flickr30k for Flickr30k retrieval
  • --finetune: beit3_large_patch16_384_coco_retrieval.pth for COCO retrieval, beit3_large_patch16_384_f30k_retrieval.pth for Flickr30k retrieval