Dit-document-layout-analysis / unilm /beit3 /get_started /get_started_for_captioning.md
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Fine-tuning BEiT-3 on Image Captioning

COCO Captioning Setup

  1. Setup environment.
  2. Download 2014 train images, 2014 val images and karpathy split, then organize the dataset as following structure:

We then generate the index json files using the following command. beit3.spm is the sentencepiece model used for tokenizing texts.

from datasets import CaptioningDataset
from transformers import XLMRobertaTokenizer

tokenizer = XLMRobertaTokenizer("/your_beit3_model_path/beit3.spm")


NoCaps Setup

  1. Setup environment.
  2. Download NoCaps val set, NoCaps test set and download imags using the urls in val and test json files, then organize the dataset as following structure:

We then generate the index json files using the following command. beit3.spm is the sentencepiece model used for tokenizing texts.

from datasets import CaptioningDataset
from transformers import XLMRobertaTokenizer

tokenizer = XLMRobertaTokenizer("/your_beit3_model_path/beit3.spm")


We use COCO captioning training set as the training data of NoCaps.

Example: Fine-tuning BEiT-3 on Captioning

The BEiT-3 base model can be fine-tuned on captioning tasks using 8 V100-32GB:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 run_beit3_finetuning.py \
        --model beit3_base_patch16_480 \
        --input_size 480 \
        --task coco_captioning \
        --batch_size 32 \
        --layer_decay 1.0 \
        --lr 4e-5 \
        --randaug \
        --epochs 10 \
        --warmup_epochs 1 \
        --drop_path 0.1 \
        --sentencepiece_model /your_beit3_model_path/beit3.spm \
        --finetune /your_beit3_model_path/beit3_base_patch16_224.pth \
        --data_path /path/to/your_data \
        --output_dir /path/to/save/your_model \
        --log_dir /path/to/save/your_model/log \
        --weight_decay 0.05 \
        --seed 42 \
        --save_ckpt_freq 5 \
        --num_max_bpe_tokens 32 \
        --captioning_mask_prob 0.7 \
        --drop_worst_after 12000 \
        --dist_eval \
        --checkpoint_activations \
  • --batch_size: batch size per GPU. Effective batch size = number of GPUs * --batch_size * --update_freq. So in the above example, the effective batch size is 8*32 = 256.
  • --finetune: weight path of your pretrained models; please download the pretrained model weights in README.md.
  • --task: coco_captioning for COCO captioning and nocaps for NoCaps dataset.
  • lr: 4e-5 for COCO captioning and 1e-5 for NoCaps.
  • --enable_deepspeed: optional. If you use apex, please enable deepspeed.
  • --checkpoint_activations: using gradient checkpointing for saving GPU memory.

The BEiT-3 large model can be fine-tuned on captioning tasks using 8 V100-32GB:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 run_beit3_finetuning.py \
        --model beit3_large_patch16_480 \
        --input_size 480 \
        --task coco_captioning \
        --batch_size 32 \
        --layer_decay 1.0 \
        --lr 8e-6 \
        --randaug \
        --epochs 10 \
        --warmup_epochs 1 \
        --drop_path 0.1 \
        --sentencepiece_model /your_beit3_model_path/beit3.spm \
        --finetune /your_beit3_model_path/beit3_large_patch16_224.pth \
        --data_path /path/to/your_data \
        --output_dir /path/to/save/your_model \
        --log_dir /path/to/save/your_model/log \
        --weight_decay 0.05 \
        --seed 42 \
        --save_ckpt_freq 5 \
        --num_max_bpe_tokens 32 \
        --captioning_mask_prob 0.7 \
        --drop_worst_after 12000 \
        --dist_eval \
        --checkpoint_activations \
  • --batch_size: batch size per GPU. Effective batch size = number of GPUs * --batch_size * --update_freq. So in the above example, the effective batch size is 8*32 = 256.
  • --finetune: weight path of your pretrained models; please download the pretrained model weights in README.md.
  • --task: coco_captioning for COCO captioning and nocaps for NoCaps dataset.
  • lr: 8e-6 for COCO captioning and NoCaps.
  • --enable_deepspeed: optional. If you use apex, please enable deepspeed.
  • --checkpoint_activations: using gradient checkpointing for saving GPU memory.

Example: Evaluate BEiT-3 Fine-tuned model on Captioning

  • Get the prediction file of the fine-tuned BEiT3-base model on captioning with 8 V100-32GB:
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 run_beit3_finetuning.py \
        --model beit3_base_patch16_480 \
        --input_size 480 \
        --task coco_captioning \
        --batch_size 16 \
        --sentencepiece_model /your_beit3_model_path/beit3.spm \
        --finetune /your_beit3_model_path/beit3_base_patch16_480_coco_captioning.pth \
        --data_path /path/to/your_data \
        --output_dir /path/to/save/your_prediction \
        --eval \
  • --task: coco_captioning for COCO captioning and nocaps for NoCaps dataset.

  • --finetune: beit3_base_patch16_480_coco_captioning.pth for COCO captioning and beit3_base_patch16_480_nocaps.pth for NoCaps dataset.

  • Get the prediction file of the fine-tuned BEiT3-large model on captioning with 8 V100-32GB:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 run_beit3_finetuning.py \
        --model beit3_large_patch16_480 \
        --input_size 480 \
        --task coco_captioning \
        --batch_size 16 \
        --sentencepiece_model /your_beit3_model_path/beit3.spm \
        --finetune /your_beit3_model_path/beit3_large_patch16_480_coco_captioning.pth \
        --data_path /path/to/your_data \
        --output_dir /path/to/save/your_prediction \
        --eval \
  • --task: coco_captioning for COCO captioning and nocaps for NoCaps dataset.
  • --finetune: beit3_large_patch16_480_coco_captioning.pth for COCO captioning and beit3_large_patch16_480_nocaps.pth for NoCaps dataset.

Please then submit the prediction file in the output_dir to the evaluation server to obtain the NoCaps val and test results.