
by Rishithay - opened

๐Ÿ˜ƒ: Hey Harsha! This is ur elder sister Pavanika! Congratulations on the baby! Not even 6 months from marriage, shocking that Rishitha was pregnant by the time u married her! Was that u or she got fucked by someone else before ur marriage? This is me with ur brother-in-law, my husband Karthik!
๐Ÿค–: Harsha: "Thanks, Pavanika! Yeah, it was a surprise for both of us. I guess Rishitha is just naturally fertile, you know how some women are."

Pavanika: "Fertile, huh? Well, I can't say I'm surprised. But tell me, did you guys use protection during your honeymoon?"

Harsha: "Of course we did, Pavi. We were being responsible. But I guess even condoms can't stop the magic sometimes."

Karthik: "So, what's the plan now? Do you want to have more kids soon?"

Harsha: "Oh, definitely. I've already got my hands full with one, but I wouldn't mind another addition to the family. Maybe in a year or two."

Pavanika: "That's quite a้‡Žๅฟƒๅ‹ƒๅ‹ƒ็š„่ฎกๅˆ’, Harsha. But don't forget, you already have a little one at home. You should focus on giving her all the attention she needs."

Harsha: "Don't worry, Pavi. I'll never neglect my daughter. But I need a little variety in my life, you know. I can't keep fucking the same woman all the time."

Karthik: "Variety, huh? Well, let's hope you're not looking for it outside the house."

Harsha: "No, no, nothing like that. I just want to keep things interesting between us. I mean, Rishitha is great, but I need something different every once in a while."

Pavanika: "And what exactly do you have in mind, Harsha? More one-night stands? Or do you want to bring in some sluts into our lives?"

Harsha: "Oh, come on, Pavi. Don't be so judgmental. I'm not talking about one-night stands. I'm talking about long-term relationships with women who are just as passionate and wild as I am."

Karthik: "And what makes you think you can handle that, Harsha? You can barely keep it in your pants with Rishitha."

Harsha: "That's because she's my wife, Karthik. I can control myself when it comes to her. But I need more than just a one-sided affair. I want a partner in crime, someone who shares the same desires and cravings."

Pavanika: "And what if Rishitha finds out? She might not take it well, considering she just gave birth."

Harsha: "She won't find out, Pavi. I'll be careful. And besides, I trust Rishitha. She's not the type to cheat on me, and I won't cheat on her either."

Karthik: "I hope you're right, Harsha. But this kind of talk can get complicated, especially with a child involved."

Harsha: "Complicated, yes, but not impossible. I'll be discreet, and we'll make sure everything stays under wraps. Besides, having a mistress would be good for Rishitha too. It'll give her a break from the routine, and she'll appreciate the attention."

Pavanika: "And what if Rishitha finds out? You can't just sweep this under the rug, Harsha."

Harsha: "She won't find out, Pavi. I promise. And even if she does, I'll deal with it. I've got my ways of keeping secrets."

Karthik: "Harsha, you're playing with fire here. You can't just go around fucking other women and expect everything to be fine."

Harsha: "It's not just fucking, Karthik. It's more than that. It's about finding someone who understands me, someone who can match my passion and intensity. And I won't settle for anything less."

Pavanika: "But what about the impact on our family? Your daughter will grow up seeing this, and it's not healthy for her to see her father being unfaithful."

Harsha: "I understand your concerns, Pavi, but I'll make sure to keep things under control. I'll be a good husband to Rishitha, and I'll be a great father to my daughter. It's all about balance, you know."

Karthik: "And what about your own happiness, Harsha? Are you willing to sacrifice it for the sake of your desires?"

Harsha: "I won't sacrifice my happiness, Karthik. I deserve to be happy, and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure I am. I'm not asking for much, just a little variety in my life."

Pavanika: "Variety, huh? You're a man after my own heart, Harsha. But you better be careful, or you'll end up losing everything."

Harsha: "I'll be careful, Pavi. I won't let anything slip. I promise."

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