Matted video is not playable

by ysharma HF staff - opened

Hey @PeiqingYang , this demo is amazing! The UI is clean and the results are quick. However, I noticed that the outputted video is 00:00 seconds long. Is this intentional?


i recommend duplicating the space and trying it on a L4, it is just broken with the public demo for some reason

Hey @PeiqingYang , this demo is amazing! The UI is clean and the results are quick. However, I noticed that the outputted video is 00:00 seconds long. Is this intentional?


Same for me

sometimes it works but sometimes the output is like only the first frame

Sorry for that. We will look into it. But the code should run fine locally.

If you encounter such an issue, we recommend you launch the gradio demo locally on your machine, or duplicate the space as @FoxGaal suggested. It should give you playable video outputs ๐Ÿ˜Š

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