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π: implement snake game using pygame
π€: You can use Pygame library for implementing Snake Game, here is an example of how you could implement it:
import random # Importing Python's built-in module 'random'. This will be used to generate the food position on screen randomly in each game loop iteration (FPS).
from pygame import * # Imports all modules from Pygame library. We use these for initializing and managing our window, sprites etc.,
init() # Initializes PyGame module
# Set up some constants:
WIDTH = 800 # Width of the game screen in pixels (width)
HEIGHT = 600 # Height of the game screen in pixels (height).
FPS = 30 # Frames per second, how many times to update our program. We'll use this for controlling animation speed
SNAKE_COLOR = [255,178,64] # RGB color code of the snake in a list format
FOOD_COLOR = (0,0,255) # Food is represented as red. The food's position will be randomly generated on screen at start
SNAKE_BLOCKSIZE=10 # Size/length each block of the snake in pixels
BG_COLOR = [34,67,89] # Background color is dark blue. This can also serve as a border around our game area for user interaction
SPEED = 25 # Speed at which we want to move each frame of the snake in pixels per second (FPS)
MOVEMENT = [WIDTH/10, HEIGHT/10] # Direction that player can change. These are multiplied by SPEED for actual movement
KEYS_PRESS={} # Dictionary to hold the keys pressed in current frame of game loop
# Set up our window:
screen = display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) # Create a new surface with dimensions WIDTH x HEIGHT pixels and return it as an image
display.set_caption('Snake Game') # Sets the title for your game's caption bar in Windows OS
icon=image.load("snake-logo") # Loading icon file (This is optional, you can remove this line if not needed)
display.set_icon(icon) # Set our window to have an image as the title of your application
clock = time.Clock() # Creates a new clock object that will be used for timing in game loop β This is necessary so we can control how fast or slow things happen (like FPS).
# Function definitions:
def draw_block(x, y): # Draws an individual block of the snake on screen at position x and y.
rect = Rect((x*SNAKE_BLOCKSIZE),(y)*SNAKE_BLOCKSIZE,(WIDTH/10), (HEIGHT/10)) # Creates a rectangle object that represents one 'block' of the snake
pygame.draw.rect(screen, SNAKE_COLOR , rect) # Draws this block on screen using our defined color and size β This is where we actually draw all blocks onto the surface
def move(): # Function to handle movement of snake based upon keys pressed in current frame
for i, val in enumerate(MOVEMENT): # Loops through each key-value pair (key: direction) and moves our block accordingly. This is the main logic behind how we control where Snake's head goes
if KEYS_PRESS[i] == K_UP : MOVEMENT [i] = [-MOVEMENT[(i+2)%4],0 ] # If up arrow key pressed, move snake in upward direction. This is the same as moving left or right
if KEYS_PRESS[i] == K_DOWN: MOVEMENT [i] = [MOVEMENT[(i+2)%4],0 ] # If down arrow key pressed, move snake in downward direction. This is the same as moving left or right
if KEYS_PRESS[i] == K_LEFT: MOVEMENT [i] = [0,-MOVEMENT[(i+2)%4]] # If left arrow key pressed, move snake in to the left direction. This is same as moving up or down
if KEYS_PRESS[i] == K_RIGHT: MOVEMENT [i] = [0,MOVEMENT[(i+2)%4]] # If right arrow key pressed move snake in to the Right direction. This is same as moving up or down
return sum(x for x in MOVEMENT),sum(y for y in MOVEMENT ) # Returns new position of head after movement, this will be used by draw_block function
def food(): # Function to generate and place the random location (X & Y) where our snake eats.
x = int((random.randint(0,(WIDTH/10)-SNAKE_BLOCKSIZE)/2)*2*SNAKE_BLOCKSIZE ) # Generates a new X position for food, this will be the horizontal location of where our snake eats
y= ( random.randint((HEIGHT-5)//4 ,(HEIGHT/10)-3)) * SNAKE_BLOCKSIZE # This generates Y Position at which we want to place Food on screen, this will be the vertical location of where our snake eats
return x, y # Returns X and Y coordinates as a tuple. We use these in draw function for food placement
def game(): # Main Game Loop Function
while True: # Infinite loop that will keep running until the user closes window or press 'X' button on top of it β This is our main control structure to run program continuously.
for event in pygame.event.get(): # Event handling, this handles all events like keypress and mouse click etc
if event.type == QUIT: # If user closes window or press 'X' button on top of it then exit loop β This is how we tell the program to stop running
pygame.quit() # Quit Pygames module and close all windows
screen.fill(BG_COLOR) # Fill our window with background color, this will be used