Runtime error
Runtime error
import os | |
import re | |
import unicodedata | |
from collections import Counter | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pd | |
import as px | |
import plotly.graph_objects as go | |
import umap | |
from dotenv import load_dotenv | |
from googleapiclient.discovery import build | |
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots | |
from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine | |
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer | |
from sklearn import set_config | |
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering | |
from sklearn.metrics import ( | |
calinski_harabasz_score, | |
pairwise_distances, | |
silhouette_score, | |
) | |
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors | |
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize | |
from transformers import pipeline | |
from wordcloud import WordCloud | |
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor | |
import logging | |
logging.basicConfig( | |
level=logging.INFO, | |
format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', | |
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' | |
) | |
def log_message(message): | |
"""""" | | | |
try: | |
import torch | |
device = 0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else -1 | |
embeddings_device = "cuda" | |
batch_size = 128 | |
except ImportError: | |
device = -1 # Si no está instalado, forzar uso de CPU | |
embeddings_device = "cpu" | |
batch_size = 32 | |
api_key = os.getenv("youtube_api_key") | |
RANDOM_STATE = 333 | |
stopwords_es = [ | |
"a", | |
"al", | |
"algo", | |
"algún", | |
"alguna", | |
"algunas", | |
"alguno", | |
"algunos", | |
"ante", | |
"antes", | |
"bajo", | |
"bastante", | |
"bien", | |
"cada", | |
"casi", | |
"como", | |
"con", | |
"cuanto", | |
"de", | |
"del", | |
"desde", | |
"donde", | |
"durante", | |
"el", | |
"ella", | |
"ellos", | |
"en", | |
"encima", | |
"ese", | |
"eso", | |
"esta", | |
"estas", | |
"este", | |
"estos", | |
"fuera", | |
"hay", | |
"la", | |
"las", | |
"le", | |
"lo", | |
"los", | |
"más", | |
"me", | |
"mi", | |
"mí", | |
"menos", | |
"mismo", | |
"mucho", | |
"muy", | |
"nada", | |
"ni", | |
"no", | |
"nos", | |
"nuestro", | |
"nuestra", | |
"o", | |
"os", | |
"para", | |
"pero", | |
"poco", | |
"por", | |
"que", | |
"quien", | |
"si", | |
"sólo", | |
"sobre", | |
"su", | |
"sus", | |
"te", | |
"tu", | |
"tus", | |
"un", | |
"una", | |
"unas", | |
"uno", | |
"unos", | |
"vos", | |
"ya", | |
"yo", | |
"además", | |
"alrededor", | |
"aún", | |
"bajo", | |
"bien", | |
"cada", | |
"cierta", | |
"ciertas", | |
"como", | |
"con", | |
"de", | |
"debe", | |
"dentro", | |
"dos", | |
"ella", | |
"en", | |
"entonces", | |
"entre", | |
"esa", | |
"esos", | |
"está", | |
"hasta", | |
"incluso", | |
"lejos", | |
"lo", | |
"luego", | |
"medio", | |
"mientras", | |
"muy", | |
"nunca", | |
"o", | |
"otro", | |
"para", | |
"pero", | |
"poco", | |
"por", | |
"se", | |
"si", | |
"sin", | |
"sobre", | |
"tan", | |
"te", | |
"ten", | |
"tendría", | |
"todos", | |
"total", | |
"un", | |
"una", | |
"uno", | |
"ustedes", | |
"yo", | |
"y", | |
"es", | |
"son", | |
"solo", | |
"les", | |
] | |
def normalize_text(text): | |
text = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", text).encode("ASCII", "ignore").decode("ASCII") | |
text = text.lower() | |
return text | |
def remove_stopwords(text, stopwords): | |
# Divide el texto en palabras y elimina las stopwords | |
return [word for word in text.split() if word not in stopwords] | |
def plot_wordcloud(data, text_column, output_filename=None): | |
text = " ".join(data[text_column]) | |
stopwords_set = set(stopwords_es) | |
normalized_text = normalize_text(text) | |
cleaned_text = remove_stopwords(normalized_text, stopwords_set) | |
filtered_text = replace_html_entities(" ".join(cleaned_text)) | |
# Crear la nube de palabras usando los conteos | |
wordcloud = WordCloud( | |
width=800, height=400, background_color="white", normalize_plurals=True | |
).generate(filtered_text) | |
# Mostrar la nube de palabras | |
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) | |
plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation="bilinear") | |
plt.axis("off") | |
if output_filename: | |
plt.savefig(output_filename, format="png") | |
plt.close() | |
return output_filename | |
def extract_video_id(url): | |
""" | |
Extrae el video_id de una URL de YouTube. | |
Parámetros: | |
- url: str, la URL del video de YouTube. | |
Retorna: | |
- video_id: str, el identificador del video de YouTube. | |
""" | |
# Expresión regular para encontrar el video_id en una URL de YouTube | |
pattern = r"(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:youtube\.com\/(?:[^\/\n\s]+\/\S+\/|(?:v|e(?:mbed)?)\/|\S*?[?&]v=)|youtu\.be\/)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})" | |
match =, url) | |
if match: | |
return | |
else: | |
raise ValueError("No se pudo encontrar un ID de video en la URL proporcionada.") | |
def get_youtube_video_details(url, api_key): | |
""" | |
Obtiene detalles de un video de YouTube usando la API de YouTube Data v3. | |
:param video_id: ID del video de YouTube. | |
:param api_key: Clave de API de YouTube Data v3. | |
:return: Un diccionario con el nombre del video, el canal, el número de vistas y el número de comentarios. | |
""" | |
try: | |
youtube = build("youtube", "v3", developerKey=api_key) | |
video_id = extract_video_id(url) | |
request = youtube.videos().list(part="snippet,statistics", id=video_id) | |
response = request.execute() | |
if "items" in response and len(response["items"]) > 0: | |
video = response["items"][0] | |
details = { | |
"title": video["snippet"]["title"], | |
"channel_title": video["snippet"]["channelTitle"], | |
"view_count": video["statistics"].get("viewCount", "No disponible"), | |
"comment_count": video["statistics"].get( | |
"commentCount", "No disponible" | |
), | |
} | |
return details | |
else: | |
return {"error": "No se encontró el video con el ID proporcionado."} | |
except Exception as e: | |
return {"error": str(e)} | |
def get_youtube_comments(api_key, url, max_results=100): | |
""" | |
Obtiene comentarios de un video de YouTube y los convierte en un DataFrame de pandas. | |
Parámetros: | |
- api_key: str, la clave de API de YouTube. | |
- video_id: str, el ID del video de YouTube. | |
- max_results: int, el número máximo de comentarios a obtener por solicitud (predeterminado es 100). | |
Retorna: | |
- df: pandas DataFrame, contiene los comentarios del video. | |
""" | |
# Crear el servicio de la API de YouTube | |
youtube = build("youtube", "v3", developerKey=api_key) | |
# Solicitar los comentarios del video | |
video_id = extract_video_id(url) | |
request = youtube.commentThreads().list( | |
part="snippet", videoId=video_id, maxResults=max_results | |
) | |
response = request.execute() | |
# Lista para almacenar los datos de los comentarios | |
comments_data = [] | |
# Procesar y almacenar los comentarios en la lista | |
for item in response["items"]: | |
comment = item["snippet"]["topLevelComment"]["snippet"]["textDisplay"] | |
author = item["snippet"]["topLevelComment"]["snippet"]["authorDisplayName"] | |
published_at = item["snippet"]["topLevelComment"]["snippet"]["publishedAt"] | |
comments_data.append( | |
{"author": author, "comment": comment, "published_at": published_at} | |
) | |
# Paginar y obtener más comentarios si hay más disponibles | |
next_page_token = response.get("nextPageToken") | |
while next_page_token: | |
request = youtube.commentThreads().list( | |
part="snippet", | |
videoId=video_id, | |
pageToken=next_page_token, | |
maxResults=max_results, | |
) | |
response = request.execute() | |
for item in response["items"]: | |
comment = item["snippet"]["topLevelComment"]["snippet"]["textDisplay"] | |
author = item["snippet"]["topLevelComment"]["snippet"]["authorDisplayName"] | |
published_at = item["snippet"]["topLevelComment"]["snippet"]["publishedAt"] | |
comments_data.append( | |
{"author": author, "comment": comment, "published_at": published_at} | |
) | |
next_page_token = response.get("nextPageToken") | |
# Convertir la lista de comentarios en un DataFrame de pandas | |
df = pd.DataFrame(comments_data) | |
return df | |
def add_normalized_embeddings_to_dataframe( | |
data, text_column, model_name="paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2" | |
): | |
""" | |
Genera y normaliza embeddings para una columna de texto en un DataFrame y agrega estos embeddings como nuevas columnas. | |
Parámetros: | |
- data: pandas DataFrame, el DataFrame que contiene la columna de texto. | |
- text_column: str, el nombre de la columna en el DataFrame que contiene el texto para generar embeddings. | |
- model_name: str, el nombre del modelo de SentenceTransformer a utilizar. | |
- batch_size: int, el tamaño del lote para procesamiento eficiente. | |
Retorna: | |
- data: pandas DataFrame, el DataFrame original con las nuevas columnas de embeddings normalizados. | |
""" | |
model = SentenceTransformer(model_name, device=embeddings_device) | |
sentences = data[text_column].tolist() | |
embeddings = model.encode(sentences, batch_size=batch_size, convert_to_numpy=True, device=device) | |
normalized_embeddings = normalize(embeddings, norm="l2") | |
data["embeddings"] = list(normalized_embeddings) | |
return data | |
def plot_k_distance(data, threshold=0.01, quantile=0.95): | |
# embeddings_matrix = np.array(data["embeddings"].tolist()) | |
embeddings_matrix = data.copy() | |
for threshold in [threshold, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2]: | |
min_samples = int(round(data.shape[0] * threshold, 0)) | |
n_neighbors = min_samples - 1 | |
if n_neighbors > 2: | |
nn = NearestNeighbors( | |
n_neighbors=n_neighbors, algorithm="auto", metric="cosine", n_jobs=-1 | |
) | | | |
distances, _ = nn.kneighbors(embeddings_matrix) | |
k_distances = distances[:, -1] | |
min_eps = np.percentile(k_distances, quantile * 100) | |
k_distances = np.sort(k_distances) | |
fig = go.Figure() | |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(y=k_distances, mode="lines", name="k-distances")) | |
fig.add_hline( | |
y=min_eps, | |
line=dict(color="red", dash="dash"), | |
name=f"min_eps = {min_eps:.2f}", | |
) | |
fig.update_layout( | |
title="k-Distance Graph", | |
xaxis_title="Index", | |
yaxis_title="Distance", | |
width=800, | |
height=600, | |
template="plotly_dark", | |
) | |
return fig, min_eps | |
return None, None | |
def find_most_similar_comment(cluster_data, avg_embedding): | |
similarities = [ | |
1 - cosine(avg_embedding, emb) for emb in cluster_data["embeddings"] | |
] | |
most_similar_index = np.argmax(similarities) | |
return cluster_data.iloc[most_similar_index]["comment"] | |
def format_text(text, line_length=50): | |
""" | |
Formatea el texto agregando saltos de línea cada 'line_length' caracteres. | |
:param text: El texto a formatear. | |
:param line_length: La longitud máxima de cada línea (por defecto 50 caracteres). | |
:return: El texto formateado con saltos de línea. | |
""" | |
# Divide el texto en partes de longitud 'line_length' | |
formatted_text = "<br>".join( | |
text[i : i + line_length] for i in range(0, len(text), line_length) | |
) | |
return formatted_text | |
def replace_html_entities(text): | |
""" | |
Reemplaza entidades HTML conocidas en el texto con sus caracteres correspondientes. | |
:param text: El texto con entidades HTML. | |
:return: El texto con las entidades reemplazadas. | |
""" | |
replacements = { | |
""": '"', | |
"&": "&", | |
"<": "<", | |
">": ">", | |
"<br>": "\n", # Reemplazar <br> con salto de línea | |
} | |
for entity, char in replacements.items(): | |
text = text.replace(entity, char) | |
return text | |
def plot_sentiment_global( | |
data, | |
sentimiento_col="sentimiento", | |
title="Evolución de Comentarios por Sentimiento", | |
width=1200, | |
height=600, | |
): | |
"""""" | |
df_global = data[sentimiento_col].value_counts().reset_index() | |
df_global.columns = [sentimiento_col, "count"] | |
fig_global = go.Figure() | |
color_palette = {"positivo": "#138d75", "negativo": "#a93226", "neutro": "#909497"} | |
for sentimiento in df_global[sentimiento_col].unique(): | |
df_sentimiento = df_global[df_global[sentimiento_col] == sentimiento] | |
fig_global.add_trace( | |
go.Bar( | |
x=df_sentimiento[sentimiento_col], | |
y=df_sentimiento["count"], | |
text=df_sentimiento["count"], | |
textposition="inside", | |
insidetextanchor="middle", | |
name=sentimiento, | |
marker=dict(color=color_palette[sentimiento]), | |
) | |
) | |
fig_global.update_layout( | |
title=f"{title} - Global", | |
xaxis_title="Sentimiento", | |
yaxis_title="Número Total de Comentarios", | |
legend_title="Sentimiento", | |
template="plotly_dark", | |
width=width, | |
height=height, | |
) | |
return fig_global | |
def plot_sentiment_daily( | |
data, | |
fecha_col="published_at", | |
sentimiento_col="sentimiento", | |
title="Evolución de Comentarios por Sentimiento", | |
width=1200, | |
height=600, | |
): | |
"""""" | |
data[fecha_col] = pd.to_datetime(data[fecha_col]) | |
df_grouped = ( | |
data.groupby([pd.Grouper(key=fecha_col, freq="D"), sentimiento_col]) | |
.size() | |
.reset_index(name="count") | |
) | |
df_grouped["total_daily"] = df_grouped.groupby(pd.Grouper(key=fecha_col, freq="D"))[ | |
"count" | |
].transform("sum") | |
df_grouped["percentage"] = df_grouped["count"] / df_grouped["total_daily"] * 100 | |
fig_daily = go.Figure() | |
color_palette = {"positivo": "#138d75", "negativo": "#a93226", "neutro": "#909497"} | |
for sentimiento in data[sentimiento_col].unique(): | |
df_sentimiento = df_grouped[df_grouped[sentimiento_col] == sentimiento] | |
fig_daily.add_trace( | |
go.Bar( | |
x=df_sentimiento[fecha_col], | |
y=df_sentimiento["total_daily"], | |
name=sentimiento, | |
text=df_sentimiento["count"], | |
texttemplate="%{text}", | |
textposition="inside", | |
insidetextanchor="middle", | |
customdata=df_sentimiento["percentage"], | |
hovertemplate="<b>Fecha</b>: %{x}<br><b>Sentimiento</b>: %{name}<br><b>Porcentaje</b>: %{customdata:.1f}%<br><b>Total de Comentarios</b>: %{text}<extra></extra>", # Información emergente con porcentaje y total | |
marker=dict(color=color_palette[sentimiento]), | |
) | |
) | |
fig_daily.update_layout( | |
title=f"{title} - Por Día", | |
xaxis_title="Fecha", | |
yaxis_title="Total de Comentarios", | |
legend_title="Sentimiento", | |
barmode="stack", | |
template="plotly_dark", | |
width=width, | |
height=height, | |
) | |
return fig_daily | |
def create_3d_umap_plot(data): | |
def calculate_sentiment_info(data): | |
cluster_sentiments = ( | |
data.groupby("Cluster")["sentimiento"].value_counts().unstack(fill_value=0) | |
) | |
total_by_cluster = cluster_sentiments.sum(axis=1) | |
sentiment_percentages = ( | |
cluster_sentiments.div(total_by_cluster, axis=0) * 100 | |
).round(2) | |
sentiment_info = {} | |
for cluster in total_by_cluster.index: | |
info = [ | |
f"{sentiment}: {count} ({percent}%)" | |
for sentiment, count, percent in zip( | |
cluster_sentiments.columns, | |
cluster_sentiments.loc[cluster], | |
sentiment_percentages.loc[cluster], | |
) | |
] | |
sentiment_info[cluster] = ( | |
f"Total {total_by_cluster[cluster]}<br>" + "<br>".join(info) | |
) | |
return sentiment_info | |
fig = go.Figure() | |
fig.add_trace( | |
go.Scatter3d( | |
x=data["UMAP1"], | |
y=data["UMAP2"], | |
z=data["UMAP3"], | |
mode="markers", | |
marker=dict( | |
size=3, | |
color=data["Cluster"], | |
colorscale="Viridis", | |
colorbar=dict(title="Cluster"), | |
), | |
text=data["sentimiento"], | |
name="Puntos", | |
) | |
) | |
fig.update_layout( | |
scene=dict(xaxis_title="UMAP 1", yaxis_title="UMAP 2", zaxis_title="UMAP 3"), | |
template="plotly_dark", | |
title="Visualización 3D con UMAP y Clustering", | |
) | |
sentiment_info = calculate_sentiment_info(data) | |
hovertemplate = ( | |
"Cluster: %{marker.color}<br>" | |
+ data["Cluster"].map(sentiment_info) | |
+ "<br>" | |
+ "<extra></extra>" | |
) | |
fig.update_traces(hovertemplate=hovertemplate) | | | |
def perform_clustering( | |
data, min_eps, max_eps=0.95, n=5, threshold_values=None, embeddings_col="embeddings" | |
): | |
embeddings_matrix = np.array(data[embeddings_col].tolist()) | |
if not threshold_values: | |
threshold_values = np.round(np.linspace(min_eps, max_eps, n), 6).astype(float) | |
log_message(f"perform_clustering {threshold_values}") | |
# threshold_values = np.linspace(min_eps, max_eps, n) | |
cluster_assignments = {} | |
cluster_counts = {} | |
calinski_harabasz_scores = {} | |
silhouette_scores = {} | |
most_similar_comments = {} | |
for distance_threshold in threshold_values: | |
log_message(distance_threshold) | |
clustering = AgglomerativeClustering( | |
n_clusters=None, | |
distance_threshold=distance_threshold, | |
linkage="complete", | |
metric="cosine", | |
) | |
data[f"cluster_{distance_threshold}"] = clustering.fit_predict( | |
embeddings_matrix | |
) | |
cluster_assignments[distance_threshold] = data[f"cluster_{distance_threshold}"] | |
cluster_counts[distance_threshold] = data[ | |
f"cluster_{distance_threshold}" | |
].value_counts() | |
labels = data[f"cluster_{distance_threshold}"] | |
# Calcular Calinski-Harabasz Score | |
if len(np.unique(labels)) > 1: | |
# Recalcular matriz de distancias con base en los clusters | |
euclidean_distances = pairwise_distances( | |
embeddings_matrix, metric="euclidean" | |
) | |
ch_score = calinski_harabasz_score(euclidean_distances, labels) | |
ch_score = round(ch_score, 2) | |
else: | |
ch_score = -1 # Valor predeterminado si solo hay un clúster | |
calinski_harabasz_scores[distance_threshold] = ch_score | |
# Calcular Silhouette Score | |
if len(np.unique(labels)) > 1: | |
sil_score = silhouette_score(embeddings_matrix, labels, metric="cosine") | |
sil_score = round(sil_score, 2) | |
else: | |
sil_score = -1 # Valor predeterminado si solo hay un clúster | |
silhouette_scores[distance_threshold] = sil_score | |
# Placeholder for finding the most similar comment function | |
most_similar_comments[distance_threshold] = {} | |
for cluster_id in np.unique(labels): | |
cluster_data = data[data[f"cluster_{distance_threshold}"] == cluster_id] | |
avg_embedding = np.mean(cluster_data[embeddings_col].tolist(), axis=0) | |
# Replace with your actual implementation | |
most_similar_comment = find_most_similar_comment( | |
cluster_data, avg_embedding | |
) | |
most_similar_comments[distance_threshold][cluster_id] = most_similar_comment | |
return ( | |
cluster_assignments, | |
cluster_counts, | |
calinski_harabasz_scores, | |
silhouette_scores, | |
most_similar_comments, | |
data, | |
) | |
def build_sankey_data( | |
cluster_assignments, | |
cluster_counts, | |
most_similar_comments, | |
min_items_by_cluster=10, | |
): | |
labels = [] | |
source = [] | |
target = [] | |
values = [] | |
comments = [] | |
sorted_threshold_values = sorted(cluster_assignments.keys()) | |
log_message(f"build_sankey_data {sorted_threshold_values}") | |
valid_clusters = {} | |
for threshold in sorted_threshold_values: | |
print(threshold) | |
valid_clusters[threshold] = [ | |
j | |
for j in np.unique(cluster_assignments[threshold]) | |
if cluster_counts[threshold].get(j, 0) >= min_items_by_cluster | |
] | |
for i, threshold in enumerate(sorted_threshold_values): | |
for j in valid_clusters[threshold]: | |
cluster_name = ( | |
f"{j} (d={threshold})\nTotal: {cluster_counts[threshold].get(j, 0)}" | |
) | |
if cluster_name not in labels: | |
labels.append(cluster_name) | |
comments.append( | |
format_text( | |
replace_html_entities( | |
most_similar_comments[threshold].get(j, "N/A") | |
) | |
) | |
) | |
if i > 0: | |
prev_threshold = sorted_threshold_values[i - 1] | |
for prev_cluster in valid_clusters[prev_threshold]: | |
for curr_cluster in valid_clusters[threshold]: | |
count = np.sum( | |
(cluster_assignments[prev_threshold] == prev_cluster) | |
& (cluster_assignments[threshold] == curr_cluster) | |
) | |
if count > 0: | |
source_idx = labels.index( | |
f"{prev_cluster} (d={prev_threshold})\nTotal: {cluster_counts[prev_threshold].get(prev_cluster, 0)}" | |
) | |
target_idx = labels.index( | |
f"{curr_cluster} (d={threshold})\nTotal: {cluster_counts[threshold].get(curr_cluster, 0)}" | |
) | |
source.append(source_idx) | |
target.append(target_idx) | |
values.append(count) | |
return (labels, source, target, values, comments) | |
def plot_sankey(labels, source, target, values, comments, width=None, height=None): | |
fig = go.Figure( | |
go.Sankey( | |
node=dict( | |
pad=15, | |
thickness=20, | |
line=dict(color="black", width=0), | |
label=labels, | |
hovertemplate="<b>%{label}</b><br>" | |
+ "<br><b>Commentario:</b><br>%{customdata}<extra></extra>", | |
customdata=comments, | |
), | |
link=dict( | |
source=source, | |
target=target, | |
value=values, | |
hovertemplate="<extra></extra>", | |
), | |
) | |
) | |
fig.update_layout( | |
title_text="Sankey Diagram of Agglomerative Clustering Transitions", | |
font_size=14, | |
width=width, | |
height=height, | |
template="plotly_dark", | |
) | |
return fig | |
def plot_clustering_metric(silhouette_scores, calinski_scores): | |
""" | |
Genera un gráfico que muestra los puntajes de silhouette y Calinski-Harabasz frente a los umbrales de distancia, | |
con dos ejes Y diferentes y marca el umbral con el mejor puntaje de silhouette. | |
Args: | |
silhouette_scores (dict): Un diccionario donde las claves son umbrales de distancia | |
y los valores son puntajes de silhouette correspondientes. | |
calinski_scores (dict): Un diccionario donde las claves son umbrales de distancia | |
y los valores son puntajes de Calinski-Harabasz correspondientes. | |
Returns: | |
fig (plotly.graph_objects.Figure): Un objeto Figure de Plotly con el gráfico generado. | |
""" | |
# Obtener los umbrales de distancia y puntajes | |
silhouette_thresholds = sorted(silhouette_scores.keys()) | |
silhouette_metric_scores = [silhouette_scores[t] for t in silhouette_thresholds] | |
calinski_thresholds = sorted(calinski_scores.keys()) | |
calinski_metric_scores = [calinski_scores[t] for t in calinski_thresholds] | |
# Determinar el mejor umbral basado en el puntaje más alto de silhouette | |
best_threshold = max(silhouette_scores, key=silhouette_scores.get) | |
# Crear el gráfico con dos ejes Y | |
fig = make_subplots(specs=[[{"secondary_y": True}]]) | |
# Añadir la traza para el puntaje de silhouette | |
fig.add_trace( | |
go.Scatter( | |
x=silhouette_thresholds, | |
y=silhouette_metric_scores, | |
mode="lines+markers", | |
name="Silhouette Score", | |
marker=dict(color="red", size=10), | |
line=dict(color="red", width=2), | |
text=[ | |
f"Threshold: {t}<br>Silhouette Score: {s}" | |
for t, s in zip(silhouette_thresholds, silhouette_metric_scores) | |
], | |
hoverinfo="text", | |
), | |
secondary_y=False, # Eje Y izquierdo | |
) | |
# Añadir la traza para el puntaje de Calinski-Harabasz | |
fig.add_trace( | |
go.Scatter( | |
x=calinski_thresholds, | |
y=calinski_metric_scores, | |
mode="lines+markers", | |
name="Calinski-Harabasz Score", | |
marker=dict(color="blue", size=10), | |
line=dict(color="blue", width=2), | |
text=[ | |
f"Threshold: {t}<br>Calinski-Harabasz Score: {s}" | |
for t, s in zip(calinski_thresholds, calinski_metric_scores) | |
], | |
hoverinfo="text", | |
), | |
secondary_y=True, # Eje Y derecho | |
) | |
# Añadir una línea vertical para el mejor umbral | |
fig.add_vline( | |
x=best_threshold, | |
line=dict(color="green", width=2, dash="dash"), | |
annotation_text=f"Best Threshold: {best_threshold}", | |
annotation_position="top right", | |
) | |
# Configurar el diseño del gráfico | |
fig.update_layout( | |
title="Clustering Metrics vs. Threshold Distance", | |
xaxis_title="Threshold Distance", | |
yaxis_title="Silhouette Score", | |
yaxis2_title="Calinski-Harabasz Score", | |
font=dict(size=12), | |
width=800, | |
height=600, | |
template="plotly_dark", | |
) | |
return fig, best_threshold | |
classifier = pipeline( | |
"sentiment-analysis", | |
model="nlptown/bert-base-multilingual-uncased-sentiment", | |
truncation=True, | |
device=device | |
) | |
def map_sentiment(estrella): | |
if estrella in ["1 star", "2 stars"]: | |
return "negativo" | |
elif estrella == "3 stars": | |
return "neutro" | |
elif estrella in ["4 stars", "5 stars"]: | |
return "positivo" | |
def classify_sentiment_df(data, comment_col="comment", batch_size=32, num_threads=8): | |
comentarios = data[comment_col].tolist() | |
if device == 0: # Si hay GPU, procesar en batch | |
resultados = classifier(comentarios, batch_size=batch_size) | |
data["sentimiento"] = [map_sentiment(r["label"]) for r in resultados] | |
data["confianza"] = [r["score"] for r in resultados] | |
else: # Si no hay GPU, usar CPU con hilos | |
def classify_sentiment(texto): | |
resultado = classifier(texto)[0] | |
return map_sentiment(resultado["label"]), resultado["score"] | |
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_threads) as executor: | |
resultados = list(, comentarios)) | |
sentimientos, confianzas = zip(*resultados) | |
data["sentimiento"] = sentimientos | |
data["confianza"] = confianzas | |
return data | |
def transform_embeddings( | |
data, embeddings_col="embeddings", n_components=3, random_seed=42 | |
): | |
# Convertir embeddings a matriz numpy | |
embeddings_matrix = np.array(data[embeddings_col].tolist()) | |
# Aplicar UMAP para reducción de dimensionalidad | |
umap_model = umap.UMAP( | |
n_components=n_components, random_state=random_seed, metric="cosine" | |
) | |
data_umap = umap_model.fit_transform(embeddings_matrix) | |
# Calcular distancias y percentiles para determinar min_eps y max_eps | |
distances = pairwise_distances(data_umap, metric="cosine") | |
min_eps = np.percentile(distances, 10) | |
max_eps = np.percentile(distances, 50) | |
umap_data = pd.DataFrame( | |
{"embeddings": [embedding.tolist() for embedding in data_umap]} | |
) | |
umap_data["comment"] = data["comment"] | |
return umap_data, min_eps, max_eps | |
def determine_min_items_by_cluster(total): | |
""" """ | |
if total < 50: | |
min_items_by_cluster = 1 | |
elif total < 100: | |
min_items_by_cluster = 5 | |
elif total < 500: | |
min_items_by_cluster = 10 | |
else: | |
min_items_by_cluster = int(round(total * 0.01, 2)) | |
return min_items_by_cluster | |
def main(): ... | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
main() | |