Stable diffusion vs deepfloyd

by Anton12456 - opened

Difference between stable diffusion and deepfloyd with the same prompt
Prompt: Fox in mud, pencil drawing
Stable diffusion
fox-in-mud-pencil-drawing- (2).png
fox-in-mud-pencil-drawing- (3).png
fox-in-mud-pencil-drawing- (1).png
image (1).png



So true. Im shocked too seeing how good it understands prompts and much more accurate

It's the power of a lite LLM combined with a state-of-the-art txt2img generator it's amazing

It's the power of a lite LLM combined with a state-of-the-art txt2img generator it's amazing

The fact that its open source at the midjourney level is going to change the world

So true. Im shocked too seeing how good it understands prompts and much more accurate

it doesn't even recognize or understand the prompt lovebirds for some reason.

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