Got an error "no file named pytorch_model.bin..."

by NetAndif - opened

Trying to run this model in KoboldAI, i get the mentioned error message.
Found a reference to this error at some stackoverflow thread.
I can't figure out what to do now. Could you help me please? Thx in advance :)

Sorry, I'm not familiar with Kobold. This model is for oobaboooga's text -generation-webui

Thanks for your response. Unfortunately, oobaboooga's text -generation-webui has a strange error on my side. I reinstalled it and followed every possible guide and still it only outputs rubbish.
I saw a few guys having the same problem. Nobody ever came up with a fix. KoboldAI was my last hope for now.

PS: i have created an issue at their GitHub site. You can close this discussion if you want. I appreciate your work and hope to get it running soon ;)

NetAndif changed discussion status to closed

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