Download transformers for LlavaOnevisionForConditionalGeneration

by mjbooo - opened

I cannot import the LlavaOnevisionForConditionalGeneration module from transformers,
even if I installed transformers via "pip install git+",
so that my environment was updated to 4.45.0.dev0.
(ImportError: cannot import name 'LlavaOnevisionForConditionalGeneration' from 'transformers')

Should I wait for the next update, or is there a solution I can apply right now?

Llava Hugging Face org

Hey! Yes, we have to wait until the PR is merged, I am just finishing it up ( You can still install from my branch if you want to test the model ;)

Thank you for your excellent work and quick response.
It looks like the review and merging process in the Transformers repository is almost complete.
I'm expecting it to be done in 2-3 days!

If I find that I really need the package sooner, I'll rebuild Transformers from your branch as you suggested.

Thank you again!

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