Phone number format

by Neman - opened

If I write phone number with spaces instead of '-', it fails to recognize it as PII.

example_text = "My name is Obee Nobi and I live at 432423 Deka St, Tanooti. My phone number is 5455 123 4567."

Aggregated redaction:
Asking to truncate to max_length but no maximum length is provided and the model has no predefined maximum length. Default to no truncation.
My name is[redacted] I live at[redacted],[redacted] My phone number is 5455 123 4567.

Detailed redaction:
My name is[I-GIVENNAME][I-SURNAME] I live at[I-BUILDINGNUM][I-STREET],[I-CITY] My phone number is 5455 123 4567.

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