Arabic NER
2 items
This is a SpanMarker model that can be used for Named Entity Recognition.
Details are here -
ANG - Any named language (Hebrew, Arabic, English, French, etc.)
DUC - A branded product, objects, vehicles, medicines, foods, etc. (Apple, BMW, Coca-Cola, etc.)
EVE - Any named event (Olympics, World Cup, etc.)
FAC - Any named facility, building, airport, etc. (Eiffel Tower, Ben Gurion Airport, etc.)
GPE - Geo-political entity, nation states, counties, cities, etc.
INFORMAL - Informal language (slang)
LOC - Non-GPE locations, geographical regions, mountain ranges, bodies of water, etc.
ORG - Companies, agencies, institutions, political parties, etc.
PER - People, including fictional.
TIMEX - Time expression, absolute or relative dates or periods.
TTL - Any named title, position, profession, etc. (President, Prime Minister, etc.)
WOA - Any named work of art (books, movies, songs, etc.)
MISC - Miscellaneous entities, that do not belong to the previous categories
from span_marker import SpanMarkerModel
# Download from the 🤗 Hub
model = SpanMarkerModel.from_pretrained("iahlt/xlm-roberta-base-ar-ner-flat")
entities = model.predict(<text>)
author = {Aarsen, Tom},
license = {Apache-2.0},
title = {{SpanMarker for Named Entity Recognition}},
url = {}