Will training code for dialogue model be released?

by dingdong234 - opened

Wanna try custom data on dialogue model

StellaEncoder org

Hi,there is no plan to open-source the training code for the time being. Below is the code for calculating loss:”

# teacher_vectors is from infgrad/stella-large-zh-v3-1792d
cosine_loss = 1 - (student_vectors * teacher_vectors).sum(axis=1).mean()
cosine_loss = cosine_loss * 10.0
sim_value_loss = F.mse_loss(
        input=torch.matmul(student_vectors, student_vectors.T),
         target=torch.matmul(teacher_vectors, teacher_vectors.T),
) * 100.0
final_loss  = cosine_loss +  sim_value_loss 

The whole process is very simple, good luck

thank u,it helps a lot~

dingdong234 changed discussion status to closed

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