Optimum documentation
Run Inference
Run Inference
This section shows how to run inference-only workloads on Intel Gaudi accelerator.
An effective quick start would be to review the inference examples provided in the Optimum for Intel Gaudi [here].
You can also explore the examples in the Optimum for Intel Gaudi repository. While the examples folder includes both training and inference, the inference-specific content provides valuable guidance for optimizing and running workloads on Intel Gaudi accelerators.
For more advanced information about how to speed up inference, check out this guide.
With GaudiTrainer
You can find below a template to perform inference with a GaudiTrainer
instance where we want to compute the accuracy over the given dataset:
import evaluate
metric = evaluate.load("accuracy")
# You can define your custom compute_metrics function. It takes an `EvalPrediction` object (a namedtuple with a
# predictions and label_ids field) and has to return a dictionary string to float.
def my_compute_metrics(p):
return metric.compute(predictions=np.argmax(p.predictions, axis=1), references=p.label_ids)
# Trainer initialization
trainer = GaudiTrainer(
# Run inference
metrics = trainer.evaluate()
The variable my_args
should contain some inference-specific arguments, you can take a look here to see the arguments that can be interesting to set for inference.
In our Examples
All our examples contain instructions for running inference with a given model on a given dataset.
The reasoning is the same for every example: run the example script with --do_eval
and --per_device_eval_batch_size
and without --do_train
A simple template is the following:
python path_to_the_example_script \ --model_name_or_path my_model_name \ --gaudi_config_name my_gaudi_config_name \ --dataset_name my_dataset_name \ --do_eval \ --per_device_eval_batch_size my_batch_size \ --output_dir path_to_my_output_dir \ --use_habana \ --use_lazy_mode \ --use_hpu_graphs_for_inference