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Pingchen community is located in Taoyuan County in northern Taiwan. Formerly it was an agricultural area. In recent years, many factories were set up. This community of 1,932 residents is near the west coast highway. | 平鎮社區位於台灣省桃園縣平鎮鄉西南方,臨近縱貫公路,原為一個純農業地區,近年來,工廠林立,現有居民已增至一百六十六戶,共有一千九百三十二人。 |
It was originally called "Piwei." One day in 1961, President Chiang Kai-shek discovered this beautiful scene on his way to Chiaopanshan. He was struck by the quiet beauty of the lake, which reminded him of his home town of Chikow in Chekiang Province. | 「慈湖」本名「埤尾」,在民國五十年時,總統蔣公一日驅車前經角板山,經過該地,見到一片靈秀之氣,恰似江南水鄉,尤像溪口情景。 |
Dr. Chiang also pointed out that after careful studies experts decided to choose vegetable as the first objects of tests, The reason is that vegetables have a shorter growth period and are in short supply during the summer. The success of this experiment can help solve the problem of vegetable shortages in Taiwan, especially in Taipei. | 江景村主任同時指出,在選擇作物時,經過多方研究,決定先以蔬菜為對象,因為蔬菜生長期短,而且蔬菜在夏天裡的生產常有不足的現象,希望由於此一試驗的成功,可以多少解決台灣、尤其是台北蔬菜缺乏的情形。 |
Likewise, you've don't first bake the pepper, the fragrance will get caught in the steam and not be expressed in the food. Chang's methods aren't deep or complicated; they're just about fully understanding the foods of every place, and making adjustments based on this basic understanding of the special character of the ingredients, and working hard to get the most from every step. | 張國榮的秘訣並不高深,就是充分瞭解每一個地方的每一種食材,懂得根據當地材料特性來做變化,並且認真地將每一個步驟做到盡善盡美。 |
He also hoped that people would brace themselves for the great tasks ahead, and never stop until they had carried out the responsibilities for National Revolution. The body of President Chiang lay in state at the Sun Yet-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei from April 9 to April 16 while 2,500,000 mourners came to pay their last homage to the great leader. | 蔣公逝世後,靈襯於九日由榮民總醫院奉移國父紀念館,供國人瞻仰遺容。自十日至十四日止,在此期間前往瞻仰之中外人士,多達二百五十萬人。 |
7. Place vegetable wraps in center of plate. Scald ingredients prepared in step 5. Flash-fry a little finely chopped garlic. | 7. 蔬菜卷置盤中,將5料川燙熟之後,加入少許蒜末爆香,加入蔬菜高湯,煮至入味,少許太白粉勾芡淋於蔬菜卷上。 |
After over 40 years in the business, Doo Hsiou Yueh sets the standard for fine food in Ilan. Its menu includes innovative new dishes and traditional Ilan favorites, and its unique serving dishes and attentive service all meet the standards of major restaurants. | 在宜蘭,40 多年歷史的渡小月餐廳已經是一個「指標」,不論在傳統宜蘭味的呈現或創意美食,不俗的食器、為客人細心介紹飲食特色的服務生,都具有大飯店的水準。 |
While doing his three years of mandatory military service, Chen spent time learning line drawing and painting. Studying on his own, he taught himself to carve a lifelike dragon's head from a pumpkin. In his time off duty, he once carved 1,000 dragon heads in just three days. | 當兵 3 年時間,他更勤練素描與繪畫,不斷用心自學,以南瓜刻出的龍頭,鬚角靈活、栩栩如生,曾有以工作外時間,3 天內刻出 1000 個龍頭的紀錄。 |
Chen Chao-lin still keeps his great-grandfather's century-old spatula in his office. As he picks it up today, the fire in his kitchen is truly bright and pure. | 拿起辦公室裡,阿祖留下的百年鏟杓,陳兆麟的爐火正純青。 |
Mysteries of love Tang Mei-yun is upfront about her origins in the world of outdoor Taiwanese Opera. From age 15 until seven years ago when she founded the Tang Mei-yun Taiwanese Opera Company, she worked for 20 years outside, playing in hundreds of operas and thousands of performances. Although she took up the challenges of vastly different characters, many opera fans were particularly charmed by the dashing way she handled male leads. | 謎樣感情世界唐美雲並不諱言自己出身外台(野台)戲班,從 15 歲到 7 年前創立「唐美雲歌仔戲團」,足足演了 20 年的外台戲,數百齣戲碼,數千場次,挑戰各種不同的角色,其中扮相俊俏的小生造型,更是迷煞不少戲迷。 |
With his innately sharp faculties and careful cultivation of his sense of taste, Chang is extremely adept at making sauces that bring out the flavor of foods. Chang estimates that he can make some 3000 different sauces, and can taste whether the order of steps used in preparing a food was correct. | 天生敏銳、後天又小心保養的味覺,使得張國榮非常擅於調製喚醒食材美味的各種醬汁,他估計自己可以調製出 3000 種不風味的醬料;同時他還可以在口齒間,察覺做菜程序的對錯。 |
Take, for instance, the basic black pepper sauce used in Western cuisine. Traditionally, it is prepared by first frying onions, then adding garlic and pepper, stir-frying briefly before flambeing with brandy, so that the alcohol is driven off but the scent retained, and finally adding a broth made by simmering bones with spices for a day. | 以西餐最基本的黑胡椒醬為例,傳統作法是先將洋蔥炒過,再加入大蒜、黑胡椒拌炒,然後加入一點白蘭地「放火」,揮發酒精而保留酒香,最後再加入由大骨頭與香料熬煮一天的肉汁,才算大告功成。 |
Chang's pepper sauce uses the exact same ingredients, but he adopts a different procedures: First he fries garlic and then adds onions, and before he adds the pepper he first roasts it briefly. In that way his pepper sauce is especially fragrant. Many cooks have now switched to his method. | 張國榮的黑胡椒醬,所用材料完全相同,只是工序不同:他首先將大蒜爆香,再加入洋蔥煎炒,同時在加入黑胡椒之前,先行微微烘烤一下,就這樣,他的黑胡椒醬香氣硬是特別濃郁,多數廚師現在也都改用他的方式製作黑胡椒醬。 |
In the spring of 1975 he was ill with pneumonia. After treatment he showed signs of improvement. Unfortunately he suffered a sudden heart attack and passed away at 11: 50 P.M. on April 5, 1975. He was 89. | 民國六十四年春季,蔣公肺炎復發,經診治後已有進展,可是到了四月五日,不幸發生突發性心藏病,急救無效,至午夜十一時五十分逝世,享年八十有九。 |
In his Last Testament, President Chiang urged his compatriots to realize the Three Principles of the People, recover the mainland, rejuvenate the national culture and remain a stronghold of democracy. | 蔣公臨終前,在遺囑中希望全國軍民同胞:實踐三民主義,光復大陸國土,復興民族文化,堅守民主陣容。 |
More than 20 countries sent special envoys and delegations to participate in the funeral service on April 16. | 二十餘國並派特使前來吊唁。四月十六日蔣公靈柩在夾道人群含哀恭送下安厝慈湖。 |
"Tzuhu" lake situated to the south of Tachi in Taoyuan County, is formed by a tributary of Tahan River. | 「慈湖」,在台灣省桃園縣大溪鎮南靠近復興鄉交界處,納大漢溪支流之水而成湖。 |
2. Skin and dice taro. Deep-fry in oil. | 2. 芋頭去皮切小方粒,入油鍋炸熟。 |
President Chiang renamed this site "Tzuhu." which devotes maternal love, in memory of his mother. | 加以湖畔百花盛開,景色幽雅,令人喜愛,蔣公生前為了追念慈母王太夫人的懿德,即將此一風光優美的勝地改名為「慈湖」。 |
Thicken with a little starch and pour over vegetable wraps. 8. Scald baby bok choy and asparagus in vegetable stock, then stir-fry briefly. Add salt and pepper to taste and arrange decoratively on plate. | 8. 青江菜及蘆筍用蔬菜高湯川燙後略炒,少許胡椒鹽調味後擺上盤裝飾。 |
A winding driveway around the garden leads to the entrance of the house at Tzuhu. The hill-girt president's temporary residence at Tzuhu sits amid a bamboo grove. Red-brick walls and black-painted wood doors with a pair of lion-headed brass knockers decorate it in graceful ancient style. | 慈湖行館三面環山,行館四面紅磚為牆,正門兩片黑漆大門,門上嵌著一對獅頭銅環,古色古香。 |
Walking into Doo Hsiou Yueh Restaurant in Ilan, the high-ceilinged main room is divided using Chinese-style lattices, with traditional sculptures, porcelains, and other antiques displayed throughout. | 走進宜蘭渡小月餐廳,明亮挑高的大廳裡,以中式窗櫺為格屏,四處擺設著古色古香的神像、磁器等古董。 |
What Carbon Dioxide Does to Vegetables Taiwan Fertilizer Co., Limited recently completed successfully an experiment. It stimulated the growth of vegetables by increasing the carbon dioxide concentration in a vegetable garden. | 台灣肥料公司最近完成了一項試驗,利用肥料工廠所排出的二氧化碳廢氣,施用於菜園,提高蔬菜作物周圍的二氧化碳濃度,而增高作物的生產量。 |
Chen's grandfather started a catering and banquet business besides the original street-snack business, and his father Chen Chin-hsiang started to work exclusively in catering, earning a reputation as Ilan's best caterer. | 早在清末民初,阿祖就以小吃營生,到了阿公開始兼做辦桌外燴,到了父親陳進祥則走向專業外燴,成為宜蘭辦桌第一把交椅。 |
The experiment started with raising summer cabbage and green peppers in a small greenhouse. It turned out to be a success. Experts then move the experiment to a larger vinyl house. | 最初的試驗,是利用小玻璃室進行夏季甘藍栽培及加州四號辣椒栽培,結果試驗良好,乃決定擴大利用寬敞的 PE 塑膠布室內進行試驗。 |
"My father often says that to become skilled at something, you have to start by putting one foot in front of the other," says Chen. Born into a family of chefs, he has both the innate skills passed on through his family and tough, practical experience, making him familiar with every aspect of the art of cooking. | 「我父親常說,馬步要蹲好,將來功夫才會高,」生於總舖世家,既有先天的傳承薰陶,又有後天的紮實訓練,陳兆麟的廚藝底子自然深厚。 |
They were tested in two plastic houses: on with carbon dioxide, one under normal condition. | 這項試驗又分兩邊進行:一間塑膠布室內,通入二氧化碳;在另一間,則是正當栽培。 |
For example, for the "Banquet of Lost Spirits" festival, one must also follow the ritual of setting a table of offerings, which means first putting the raw ingredients for the evening's meal out in separate dishes, creating a unique setting that pays respect to spirits and ghosts. | 像是中元普渡的辦桌,要負責祭典的「揀桌」,也就是先將晚上作菜的食材加以裝盤擺飾,設計出別出心裁的場面,用來敬奉神鬼。 |
The result showed impressive differences, especially apparent in cabbage lettuce. | 試驗結果,這兩邊的 PE 塑膠布室內所種的蔬菜情形不一樣。 |
After being treated with carbon dioxide, the cabbage lettuce tripled in production. | 其中以結球萵苣的效果最為顯著,通過適量二氧化碳後的產量為以前的三倍。 |
In times when money and resources were tight, chefs needed to work with limited ingredients to produce a variety of flavorful dishes. | 在物資有限、經濟困窘的年代,總舖師還要利用有限的食材,端出一道道豐盛有料的佳餚。 |
The Waters of the Sun and Moon Sun Moon Lake, situated to the north of Yushan and to the south of Nengkao Mountain, is Taiwan's best known mountain resort. The location is at 2,500 feet (760 meters) in the Central Mountain Range, a two-hour bus trip from Taichung. | 日月潭位於玉山之北,能高山之南,處於台灣的核心地帶,是台灣中部一處風景絕佳的勝地,從台中市乘公路局快車,約需二小時,即可抵達。 |
According to Chen, the main ingredients for this dish are five duck eggs, cut in half, coated with a paste of minced cabbage and pork and formed into ten egg-shaped balls. When cut up again into 20 halves and put on a bed of Napa cabbage, these simple ingredients were enough to make a dish to serve two separate tables! | 這一道菜,主要材料就 5 顆鴨蛋,切半後加上菜肉泥裹成蛋形油炸,再對切成 20 份,加上白菜鋪底,竟能變成兩桌菜份量。 |
Newlyweds and lovers particularly like to visit Kuanghua Island, a wooded retreat in the middle of the quiet expanse of water. | 潭中浮一小島,舊稱珠子嶼或玉島,現稱光華島。 |
The northern half of the lake is in the shape of the sun. The southern half, resembles the moon. Thus the name: Sun Moon Lake. | 以光華島為界,北面一半的潭,圓如日輪,南面的一半,形似上弦的月,所以就合稱為日月潭。 |
In particular, it was difficult when she made cameo appearances with other troupes. They didn't make allowances for her inexperience; they simply assumed--based on her father's reputation--that she would perform well. These experiences provided even more motivation for Tang to work hard and improve. | 尤其到別團客串演出時,頂著父親「戲狀元」的盛名,別人可不管她學戲資歷短淺,認為她理所當然應該演得好,這也督促她更不敢懈怠。 |
Traditional vs. new flavors Drawing on family tradition, Chen Chao-lin's traditional Ilan cuisine is well crafted and authentic. Take, for example, the Ilan dish called "Hsilu Pork": for this combination of Napa cabbage, pork strips, mushrooms, carrots, and dried duck egg, many chefs simply stir-fry all of the ingredients together and then steam it in a deep basket. Chen Chao-lin's method is different. | 古早味 V.S. 新時尚承襲家學淵源,陳兆麟的宜蘭古早味手工細膩、口味道地,以宜蘭名菜「西魯肉」為例,對於這道綜合大白菜、肉絲、香菇、紅蘿蔔和鴨蛋鬆的什錦菜,多數師傅總是將所有材料一起炒過,就放入深盤中蒸煮。 |
Wen Wu Temple, in typical Chinese style on the shore of the lake, is dedicated to Confucius, the master of the pen, and Kuan Yu, the master of the sword. Two huge stone lions guard the temple. | 廟前有巨形石獅兩座,廟分兩進,前進祀關聖帝君,後進祀大成至聖先師孔子,遊人到此,常頂禮膜拜。 |
Four generations of hard work in Ilan gives Chen Chao-lin a particularly deep understanding of local ingredients. | 四代留在宜蘭家鄉打拚,也讓陳兆麟對於地方食材特別有領會。 |
The toll of the bell at Hsuan Tsang Temple can be heard across the lake each morning and evening. Tzu En Pagoda was completed in 1971. | 玄奘寺是唐三藏靈骨奉安之所,寺內銅鐘,早晚各傳一百零八響,鐘聲悠揚,全潭清晰可聞。 |
The 9-story pagoda, in ancient Chinese style, is 150 feet (46 meters) high. | 慈恩塔落成於民國六十年十月,是一座純中國風格的九層寶塔,塔高四十六公尺,極為雄偉壯觀。 |
A memorial hall at the pagoda commemorates the life of President Chiang Kai-shek's mother, who exemplified the best in Chinese motherhood. | 塔內有紀念堂一座,正廳壁上懸有總統蔣公慈母王太夫人遺像,母儀天下,足為後世效法。 |
Kenting Park in Southern Taiwan | 台灣南部墾丁公園 |
In this new package, a somewhat rough-and-ready downhome food became an entirely new dish, fit for heads of state. | 經常率團參加國際餐飲比賽的中華美食協會副理事長,也是「美食天下」雜誌社長的許仁堂認為,陳兆麟一生守在後山一隅,卻能將宜蘭美食發揮得淋漓盡致,傳統與創新並進,加上他自己就是餐廳老闆,更能夠恣意揮灑創意,建立了渡小月獨一無二的特色來。 |
Most of its 166 families are engaged in farming though some are businessmen. | 雖然居民之中,有從事工商的人士,但是大部份仍以務農為主。 |
The government assists the residents to build fish ponds and seedbeds to increase their incomes. It also encourages families to engage in handicraft production, and the making of shoes, umbrellas and zippers. A network of production is thus constituted. | 同時,政府不僅協助居民添建魚池苗圃,增加他們的收入;並且還提倡家庭手工業,來配合多角化的經營,做到「客廳即工廠」,交織成一個大型的生產網。 |
Hearing me speak in verse, some people thought I was going a little overboard. " | 有一回演出《天鵝宴》劇中唐太宗一角,演出前不但在家裡習慣性的擺出帝王架勢,皇帝用語「寡人」、「龍心大喜」等用語常掛在嘴邊,即連作夢也大喊「眾卿平身!」母親和姊姊都抱怨,一家人都成了她的後宮嬪妃。 |
4. Place cooked eggs and fish fry into bottom of small liquor glasses, then add results of step 1 and steam in bamboo steamer for 12 minutes. Remove and arrange on plate with results of step 2. | 4. 將蛋鬆、吻仔魚放在小酒杯底,再塞入1,放入蒸籠蒸 12 分鐘取出,和 2 排盤。 |
One unique feature of Pingchen Community is the Boy Scouts 'activities. They participate in the community services, such as traffic control, cleaning the environment and caring for the poor and the sick. | 平鎮社區的一個特色,就是社區的童子軍活動,讓社區內的青少年直接參與桑梓服務,例如維護交通秩序,打掃環境清潔,照顧貧病生活等等。 |
The purpose of community development is to inspire local residents to take the initiative and contribute their efforts in cooperation with the government. This helps them to improve their lives, promote their welfare, accelerate social progress and stimulate economic growth. | 社區發展,是一種社會運動,主要是在啟發那個地區的居民,配合當地政府,改善居民的生活,增進居民的福利,促進社會的進步,幫助經濟的成長。 |
In January 1973, five special silk production zones were set up with government support in the Miaoli, Nantou, Tainan, Pingtung and Taitung areas of Taiwan. The goal was to plant more mulberry trees, encourage farmers to engage in sericulture, and assist the establishment of modernized silk reeling factories as well as new systems of management. | 六十二年元月,政府又在苗栗、南投、台南、屏東和台東五縣,輔導成立蠶業生產專業區五處,倡導平地旱田集中栽桑,鼓勵農民專業化養蠶,協建新型繅絲工廠,籌組生絲聯營,建立產制銷一貫經營的新型態。 |
After Kuro's guilty verdict, and the possibility that damages could be applied to individual members, many users are migrating to KKBOX, leading to a three-fold increase in the latter's membership. In October 2005, KKBOX broke even for the first time, and projects that in 2006 it will become profitable, making its prospects bright. | 在 Kuro 一審敗訴,並且可能「禍」及個人會員後,許多網路族轉戰 KKBOX,使得他們每月新增的付費會員數暴增 3 倍,並在今年 10 月首度收支平衡,預計明年開始獲利,前景看好。 |
Mrs. Agustin Donis-Kestler, wife of Ambassador of Guatemala in Taipei, is deeply impressed by the customs and folkways of the Chinese people, as she visits a temple in Taipei on April 18 and receives three Buddhist statues. | 瓜地馬拉駐華大使杜尼詩的夫人,對於中國人民慎終追遠、感恩圖報的民情風俗,印象非常深刻,特於四月十八日下午從台北市北投昭明宮,恭迎觀世音、玄天大帝、土地公等三尊佛像,祀奉於官邸,以表敬意。 |
With this situation in mind, some legal experts in the United States established the Creative Commons organization, and proposed the concept of "some rights reserved" to provide a basis for authors to offer their works for public use, subject to certain conditions. | 有鑑於此,2001 年美國一些法律專家成立「創用 CC」組織,提出「保留部分權利」(Some Rights Reserved)的觀念,讓願意在一定條件下釋出作品給公眾使用的創作者能有所依循。 |
In the last several years, DWB has been cooperating with various NGOs to promote the Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines, providing medical treatment to sufferers of AIDS, malaria and other diseases, and hopes to pressure pharmaceutical companies in developed countries through a sense of moral duty to freely license their patents so that developing countries can produce medicine, decreasing the costs of drugs so patients can receive medical care. | MSF 最近幾年和許多非政府組織合作,大力推動「病者有其藥」,讓愛滋、瘧疾等病患得到治療,也希望藉道德壓力,要求先進國家藥廠釋放專利權給開發中國家生產,以降低藥物單價,讓病患獲得醫治。 |
At present, 66 plants are in production and 28 others are being built in the zone. | 目前核准設立的工廠有九十四家,其中六十六家已經正式開工生產,二十八家正在興建廠房。 |
His extensive use of the knife techniques creates simple but charming figures. His humble origin and diligent nature are apparent in the content of his art. His works radiate power and beauty. Ju Ming was born in Miaoli during the Second World War. | 朱銘利用圓熟的刀法,刻出造型優美的人物,表現樸實無華的題材;從細縷木雕的窠臼裡,擺脫出來,並且運用寫意的手法,陽剛陰柔的筆意,使得他的作品,具有一種無比的神韻,以及雄渾的感覺。 |
He entered the Taiwan provincial art exhibition at the age of 30 and was awarded special prizes. Since then his name became well known in wood carving circles. In 1968 Ju Ming approached sculptor Yuyu Yang and was accepted as a disciple. Under Yang's influence and encouragement, Ju Ming's talents shone even brighter than before. | 民國五十七年他投入楊英風門下,由於楊英風的鼓勵與指導,這位「放牛的孩子」,終於成為一位熠熠發光的木雕健將。 |
If there were no opportunity to download, these music lovers would not have a chance to listen to music before buying, but would have to passively accept the publicity that the record companies provide through the media in the form of favored songs--a practice that damages diversity in musical culture. " | 因為現實上,「業者無法證明音樂下載者原本都必然會購買實體商品,若沒有下載機會,這些音樂愛好者恐怕連試聽的空間都沒有,只能被動地接受業者在媒體上買時段打歌的宣傳訊息,對於音樂文化的多樣性反倒有害。」 |
The Fourth Asian Writers 'Conference opens on April 26 at the Grand Hotel in Taipei. More than 100 writers from Asia, Europe and America attended the one-week conference with the theme: "Thirty Years of Turmoil in Asian Literature." | 第四屆亞洲作家會議,四月二十六日上午在台北市圓山飯店揭幕,來自亞洲、歐洲和美洲的一百多位作家,將在為期七天的會議中交換經驗,研討問題。本屆會議的主題為:「三十年來動亂中的亞洲文學」。 |
Many Taiwan farmers are finding in sericulture--the raising of silkworms, --a profitable side-line to their other production. It offers the advantages of a short feeding period and relatively low costs. In addition to providing the filaments from which silk is made, a by-product, the excrement of the silkworms, is a valuable fertilizer. | 養蠶是一種最好的農村副業,飼養期間短,可利用農閒剩餘勞力從事飼育,老少咸宜;並且費用少,利潤高,飼育所產生的副產物,如蠶沙、蠶糞等是最好的有機肥料,可以作為養牛羊的家畜飼料,廄肥又可以作為桑園肥料。 |
In 1975, 4,896 families were engaged in sericulture, producing 26,400 trays of silkworms. The total production of silkworm cocoons weighed more than 476,000 kilograms, each tray averaging 18.03 kilograms. | 根據統計資料顯示,六十四年養蠶人家有四千八百九十六戶,飼養蠶種有二萬六千四百多張,產繭四十七萬六千多公斤,單位產繭量為十八點零三公斤(張)。 |
Strolling along a winding road in Ilan's Yuanshan Township, the scenery unfolds before you, no towering buildings to obstruct your view. If you drive, the lack of the level, hurried pavement found in the city will oblige you to let up on the pedal. | 走在宜蘭員山鄉的彎曲小路上,視野自動放遠,這裡沒有阻絕風景的高聳建物;即使開著車,也因少了都市倉急的平整大道,只好緩踱前進。 |
Laosung Primary School is one of the oldest primary schools in Taiwan and also the largest primary school in the world. | 台北市老松國校﹘ ﹘世界規模最大的小學位於台北市桂林路的台北市老松國民小學,是台灣規模宏大,而且是世界上學生人數最多的小學。 |
Since 1968 the government has undertaken the development of 4,091 communities in Taiwan Province and Taipei city. | 所以政府自民國五十七年起,計畫在十年之內台灣省及台北市完成四千零九十一個社區。 |
To assist young people in furthering their careers is one of the major tasks of National Youth Commission. | 輔導青年創業,是行政院青年輔導委員會一項重要的工作。 |
Its goal is to stimulate their creative spirits and enable them to develop their own careers in conjunction with national construction needs. It aims further to promote economic development, create more wealth and more employment opportunities for youths, and train skilled and management personnel. | 這個工作的目標,不僅在於激發青年奮鬥創造的精神,自動自發,在政府協助之下自創事業,開闢自己的新天地;同時也是配合國家建設需要,促進經濟發展,為社會創造更多的財富,為青年創造更多的就業機會。 |
As of March, 1976, the government had provided NT $ 103,854,000 in loans to 943 persons for career development. Annual production from these careers and enterprises reached more than NT $ l, 500,000,000. They include 28 fields, such as the petrochemical industry, the manufacturing of machinery, electric machinery and transportation equipment. | 截至民國六十五年三月底為止,政府已經協助青年九百四十三人貸款創業,循環貸出新台幣一億零三百八十五萬四千元,所創事業全年生產額已達新台幣十五億餘元,創業的種類包括化工、機械製造、電機製造、運輸工具製造等二十八種行業。 |
Sometimes women fans would get so caught up in the performances that they would write her. "My heart has been absent ever since I saw your opera," wrote one. | 曾有女性戲迷太入戲,寫情書給她,信末寫著:「後來我發現自從看完你的戲,我的心沒有跟著回來,心已不在我身上。 |
The government also has set up dairy farms at Hsinchu and Miaoli for use by agricultural school graduates in developing the livestock industry. | 對於農校畢業的青年,政府也在新竹新埔及苗栗通霄,建立酪農村,輔導他們開展畜牧事業。 |
In a P2P network, every participant is an autonomous node, with each user downloading directly from other users 'file directories rather than from a small number of centralized servers. | 所謂 P2P,指的是社群中每個參與者都是獨立的端點,使用者不是從少數的中央主機下載檔案,而是從社群裡其他用戶的資料夾中進行下載。 |
ezPeer and Kuro, two Internet companies that in recent years have been accused by the IFPI of copyright infringement, use just such a P2P approach. The companies assert that they merely provide a platform, as the users are the ones providing the actual shared files. | 近年來屢遭 IFPI 控告侵權的 Ezpeer 與 Kuro 兩家業者,就是採用 P2P 模式運作,業者宣稱只扮演提供平台的角色,實際被交換分享的檔案皆由用戶自行提供。 |
The North-South Freeway will link Keelung at Taiwan's north-central tip with Kaohsiung in the south by way of Taipei, Chungli, Hsinchu, Taichung, Chiayi and Tainan. | 貫穿台灣西部平原走廊的南北高速公路,現正積極興工建造中,預定民國六十七年全部完成。南北高速公路北起基隆中興隧道,南迄高雄鳳山,途經台北、中壢、新竹、台中、嘉義、台南等主要城鎮,貫連基隆、高雄兩國際港,並以支線與桃園、小港兩國際機場及台中梧棲港相連。 |
It is due to be completed in 1978. The 235-mile (373.4 kilometer) freeway will also be connected by branch lines to Taichung Port and the international airports at Taoyuan and Kaohsiung. Driving time for the whole distance will be between four and five hours. | 路線大部份與現有西部幹線平行,全長約三百七十三點四公里,全部行程僅需四至五小時。 |
In 2005, the courts found ezPeer innocent, and Kuro guilty, of copyright infringement charges. That similar business models could lead to completely opposed verdicts makes it evident that there is no legal consensus on the copyright disputes over such online music. | 2005 年中,士林地方法院與台北地方法院一審判決,分別裁定 Ezpeer 無罪而 Kuro 有罪,類似的經營方式,卻有截然不同的判決結果,顯示法律對線上音樂的版權爭議仍缺乏一致見解。 |
Construction work is divided into three sections and is under way simultaneously. The northern section extends from Keelung to Miaoli, the central section from Miaoli to Hsilo, and the southern section from Hsilo to Fengshan. All work is on or ahead of schedule. The freeway between Sanchung and Yangmei in the northern section is already opened to traffic. | 高速公路工程,目前正分北、中、南三區分別進行:北區工程路線,由基隆市南端中興隧道起至苗栗縣銅鑼灣鄉止,三重市至楊梅業已通車;中區,自苗栗縣銅鑼灣至西螺為止;南區,自西螺至鳳山為止,各段工程均能達到預定的進度,部份且有超前的現象。 |
Online and off KKBOX, founded in July 2004, whose business is based on streaming music, is currently Taiwan's only legal platform for paid music services. | 網路與實體共榮 2004 年 6 月成立,以經營「串流」音樂起家的 KKBOX,是台灣目前唯一合法的數位音樂付費服務平台。 |
KKBOX spent a year negotiating copyright issues with 40 record companies including EMI, and finally was successful in building a legal digital music platform. | 他們花了一年時間與包括 EMI 在內的 40 家唱片業者洽談版權,終於成功地建構出一套合法的數位音樂平台。 |
He uses two creative processes. One is to carve according to the lines and shape of wood. The other is to have the conception first, then seek the wood in which to create it. | 朱銘的木刻有兩種創作過程:一種是依著木頭的形狀即興而作,一種是先有構想再找木頭。 |
In recent years, a number of studies conducted abroad have shown that the people who download the most MP3 files also tend to spend the most on music products. | 近年來國外眾多研究都顯示,下載最多 MP3 的人,通常也正是花最多錢在音樂商品上的人。 |
More than 6,000 children from kindergarten and primary schools take part in a sketching competition at Taipei Zoological Garden on April 18. | 六千多名幼稚園和小學學生,四月十八日在台北市動物園內參加寫生大賽。 |
New indie forum In fact, the popularity of MP3s provides an excellent avenue for independent artists without the resources to promote their music otherwise. | 獨立藝人新天地事實上 MP3 的風行,對於沒有資源宣傳打歌的獨立藝人而言,反倒是宣揚音樂理念的好管道。 |
He said it also is in the interest of the American people, as seen from either the perspective of tangible interest or moral responsibility. | 他說:我們重視美國的友誼,我們也希望美國珍視與我們的友誼。 |
Silkworms Work Hard in Taiwan | 新興的養蠶事業 |
With a view to assisting the development of the industry, the Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction and the Taiwan Provincial Government established in 1970 a model zone to conduct research for technical improvement of sericulture. | 農復會和台灣省農林廳,為了輔導台灣蠶絲事業的發展,遂於民國五十九年設立示範區,研究改良養蠶技術,並先後在南部和東部擴展平地桑園,積極擴大蠶絲生產的計畫。 |
The band regards those who listen to their music as collaborators in the creative endeavor. | 我們將樂迷視為作品的共同創作者,鼓勵都來不及,怎麼可以把他們當成賊呢?」 |
As for Taiwan, the first album that fans were encouraged to freely share, Jesus Rocks, was released in 2004. | 而在台灣,第一張鼓勵樂迷自由分享的音樂專輯《搖滾主耶穌》也於 2004 年問世。 |
Lim, who in recent years has devoted himself to creating electronic music, samples various types of previously recorded sound during the production process. However, with the strict copyright regime that prevails, any sampling requires payment of substantial royalties, forming an invisible obstacle to creative latitude. | 近年來潛心創作電子音樂的他,編曲過程中常要取樣各種舊聲音作為素材,但在現行嚴苛的著作權概念下,任何取樣都要付出高額費用,無形中限制了創作空間。 |
The Taiwan Plastics Industry Association reports that because of the energy crisis the growth rate of the industry in 1974 was the lowest on record. But the situation has turned brighter since April 1975. The export business is recovering from the recession and orders for the plastic products have been gradually increasing. | 據台灣區塑膠工業同業公會表示,由於能源危機,民國六十三年是台灣塑膠工業成長率最低的一年,去年四月起情況好轉,國內外銷事業復趨活躍,塑膠業的訂單也逐日增加,因此本年來,外銷的金額,皆比去年同期有顯著的增加。 |
Lim says frankly that in the current legal battles over digital music, record companies are mainly protecting their own interests, while musicians may end up gaining nothing. | 林強直陳,在這場數位音樂的法律爭端裡,唱片業者捍衛的主要是自身利益,音樂創作者未必能雨露均霑。 |
Kenting Park is located at the southern tip of Taiwan, to the south of Hengchun, Pingtung County, in the center of Oluanpi Peninsula. It is 120 kilometers south of Kaohsiung and 9 kilometers north of Oluanpi. It can be reached by highway bus. | 墾丁公園位於台灣省屏東縣恆春鎮以南,即鵝鑾鼻半島的中央地帶,北距高雄市一百二十公里,南距鵝鑾鼻九公里,有公路通達。 |
During the past 10 years, the Forestry Bureau has carried out a program to open forest playgrounds in coordination with Taiwan's booming tourism. The Kenting playground is composed of three areas: beach, hotel and park. | 台灣省林務局為了配合觀光事業的發展,依照森林多邊利用的原則,近十年來在此一地區投資,分期整建,闢為一個森林遊樂區,其中包括海濱、賓館、公園三大部份。 |
Fo Guang University's Ho therefore believes that faced by the onslaught of digital technologies, music industry companies should not limit their business ideas to only album sales. They must expand their conception of the music business in order to adapt to this new revolution. | 面對數位衝擊,何東洪認為業者對產業的概念不該再侷限於唱片銷售上,必須要擴大對於音樂產業的想像,才能適應新變革。 |
It's far enough, however, so that the noise of the tourists doesn't disturb the quiet atmosphere around the hotel. Many consider that Kenting Park is indeed an ideal place to go for holidays. Scenic spots are almost everywhere in Kenting Park. | 以上三處,彼此雖有距離,但不太遠,遊樂與宿處分開,各不相擾,有寧靜所在,有熱鬧地方,實為一個理想的遊樂好去處。 |
Creative Commons Licensing In the Internet age, the notion of "resource shar-ing" has become widely accepted. | 創用 CC 網路時代的「資訊分享」觀念普遍而根深柢固,甚至可以說,網路時代就是奠基於資訊的公開、免費、迅速、共享等特質上。 |
A CC license comprises four elements--retention of the licensor's original attribution, non-commercial use, distribution in the original manner, and prohibition on modification of the work. | CC 授權包括 4 項要素,分別是姓名標示、非商業性、相同方式分享、禁止改作。 |
Other unique scenery in Kenting Park includes 'Weeping Banyan Valley,' 'Monkey Rock,' 'Sun Viewing Hill' and 'Silver Dragon Cave.' | 接著,有「垂榕谷」、「棲猿岩」、「觀日峰」和「銀龍洞」,景色各異,均有特色。 |
The Institute of Information Science at Academia Sinica is the major force behind efforts to popularize CC licensing in Taiwan. Chuang Tyng-ruey, deputy director of the institute, states that using a CC license does not mean that copyright is being relinquished, but rather gives the author control over how his work is licensed, while allowing a degree of communal ownership. | 中研院資訊所則是台灣推動 CC 運動的主力,副所長莊庭瑞表示,使用 CC 授權不代表放棄著作權,而是讓著作權人藉由控制作品的授權方式,使其作品能維持一定的「公共」性質。 |
The academic community paid its respects via Poetry of Divine Blessings: Festschrift in Honor of the Eightieth Birthday of Professor Yu Kwang-chung, edited by Francis K. H. So. | 陳芳明主編《余光中跨世紀散文》交由九歌,《余光中 60 年詩選》交由印刻出版。 |
Building Dreams in Ilan--Huang Sheng-yuan | 宜蘭建築夢想家:黃聲遠 |
Subsets and Splits