2 classes
Smart Home Device Detection Algorithm Based on FSA-YOLOv5
[ "Jiafeng Zhang", "Xuejing Pu" ]
Smart home device detection is a critical aspect of human-computer interaction. However, detecting targets in indoor environments can be challenging due to interference from ambient light and background noise. In this paper, we present a new model called FSA-YOLOv5, which addresses the limitations of traditional convolutional neural networks by introducing the Transformer to learn long-range dependencies. Additionally, we propose a new attention module, the full-separation attention module, which integrates spatial and channel dimensional information to learn contextual information. To improve tiny device detection, we include a prediction head for the indoor smart home device detection task. We also release the Southeast University Indoor Smart Speaker Dataset (SUSSD) to supplement existing data samples. Through a series of experiments on SUSSD, we demonstrate that our method outperforms other methods, highlighting the effectiveness of FSA-YOLOv5.
[ "cs.CV" ]
LMPT: Prompt Tuning with Class-Specific Embedding Loss for Long-tailed Multi-Label Visual Recognition
[ "Peng Xia", "Di Xu", "Lie Ju", "Ming Hu", "Jun Chen", "Zongyuan Ge" ]
Long-tailed multi-label visual recognition (LTML) task is a highly challenging task due to the label co-occurrence and imbalanced data distribution. In this work, we propose a unified framework for LTML, namely prompt tuning with class-specific embedding loss (LMPT), capturing the semantic feature interactions between categories by combining text and image modality data and improving the performance synchronously on both head and tail classes. Specifically, LMPT introduces the embedding loss function with class-aware soft margin and re-weighting to learn class-specific contexts with the benefit of textual descriptions (captions), which could help establish semantic relationships between classes, especially between the head and tail classes. Furthermore, taking into account the class imbalance, the distribution-balanced loss is adopted as the classification loss function to further improve the performance on the tail classes without compromising head classes. Extensive experiments are conducted on VOC-LT and COCO-LT datasets, which demonstrates that the proposed method significantly surpasses the previous state-of-the-art methods and zero-shot CLIP in LTML. Our codes are fully available at \url{}.
[ "cs.CV" ]
High Quality Large-Scale 3-D Urban Mapping with Multi-Master TomoSAR
[ "Yilei Shi", "Richard Bamler", "Yuanyuan Wang", "Xiao Xiang Zhu" ]
Multi-baseline interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) techniques are effective approaches for retrieving the 3-D information of urban areas. In order to obtain a plausible reconstruction, it is necessary to use large-stack interferograms. Hence, these methods are commonly not appropriate for large-scale 3-D urban mapping using TanDEM-X data where only a few acquisitions are available in average for each city. This work proposes a new SAR tomographic processing framework to work with those extremely small stacks, which integrates the non-local filtering into SAR tomography inversion. The applicability of the algorithm is demonstrated using a TanDEM-X multi-baseline stack with 5 bistatic interferograms over the whole city of Munich, Germany. Systematic comparison of our result with airborne LiDAR data shows that the relative height accuracy of two third buildings is within two meters, which outperforms the TanDEM-X raw DEM. The promising performance of the proposed algorithm paved the first step towards high quality large-scale 3-D urban mapping.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Privacy-Preserving Representations are not Enough -- Recovering Scene Content from Camera Poses
[ "Kunal Chelani", "Torsten Sattler", "Fredrik Kahl", "Zuzana Kukelova" ]
Visual localization is the task of estimating the camera pose from which a given image was taken and is central to several 3D computer vision applications. With the rapid growth in the popularity of AR/VR/MR devices and cloud-based applications, privacy issues are becoming a very important aspect of the localization process. Existing work on privacy-preserving localization aims to defend against an attacker who has access to a cloud-based service. In this paper, we show that an attacker can learn about details of a scene without any access by simply querying a localization service. The attack is based on the observation that modern visual localization algorithms are robust to variations in appearance and geometry. While this is in general a desired property, it also leads to algorithms localizing objects that are similar enough to those present in a scene. An attacker can thus query a server with a large enough set of images of objects, \eg, obtained from the Internet, and some of them will be localized. The attacker can thus learn about object placements from the camera poses returned by the service (which is the minimal information returned by such a service). In this paper, we develop a proof-of-concept version of this attack and demonstrate its practical feasibility. The attack does not place any requirements on the localization algorithm used, and thus also applies to privacy-preserving representations. Current work on privacy-preserving representations alone is thus insufficient.
[ "cs.CV" ]
ReGeneration Learning of Diffusion Models with Rich Prompts for Zero-Shot Image Translation
[ "Yupei Lin", "Sen Zhang", "Xiaojun Yang", "Xiao Wang", "Yukai Shi" ]
Large-scale text-to-image models have demonstrated amazing ability to synthesize diverse and high-fidelity images. However, these models are often violated by several limitations. Firstly, they require the user to provide precise and contextually relevant descriptions for the desired image modifications. Secondly, current models can impose significant changes to the original image content during the editing process. In this paper, we explore ReGeneration learning in an image-to-image Diffusion model (ReDiffuser), that preserves the content of the original image without human prompting and the requisite editing direction is automatically discovered within the text embedding space. To ensure consistent preservation of the shape during image editing, we propose cross-attention guidance based on regeneration learning. This novel approach allows for enhanced expression of the target domain features while preserving the original shape of the image. In addition, we introduce a cooperative update strategy, which allows for efficient preservation of the original shape of an image, thereby improving the quality and consistency of shape preservation throughout the editing process. Our proposed method leverages an existing pre-trained text-image diffusion model without any additional training. Extensive experiments show that the proposed method outperforms existing work in both real and synthetic image editing.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Self-supervised Learning for Pre-Training 3D Point Clouds: A Survey
[ "Ben Fei", "Weidong Yang", "Liwen Liu", "Tianyue Luo", "Rui Zhang", "Yixuan Li", "Ying He" ]
Point cloud data has been extensively studied due to its compact form and flexibility in representing complex 3D structures. The ability of point cloud data to accurately capture and represent intricate 3D geometry makes it an ideal choice for a wide range of applications, including computer vision, robotics, and autonomous driving, all of which require an understanding of the underlying spatial structures. Given the challenges associated with annotating large-scale point clouds, self-supervised point cloud representation learning has attracted increasing attention in recent years. This approach aims to learn generic and useful point cloud representations from unlabeled data, circumventing the need for extensive manual annotations. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of self-supervised point cloud representation learning using DNNs. We begin by presenting the motivation and general trends in recent research. We then briefly introduce the commonly used datasets and evaluation metrics. Following that, we delve into an extensive exploration of self-supervised point cloud representation learning methods based on these techniques. Finally, we share our thoughts on some of the challenges and potential issues that future research in self-supervised learning for pre-training 3D point clouds may encounter.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Learning to Generate Poetic Chinese Landscape Painting with Calligraphy
[ "Shaozu Yuan", "Aijun Dai", "Zhiling Yan", "Ruixue Liu", "Meng Chen", "Baoyang Chen", "Zhijie Qiu", "Xiaodong He" ]
In this paper, we present a novel system (denoted as Polaca) to generate poetic Chinese landscape painting with calligraphy. Unlike previous single image-to-image painting generation, Polaca takes the classic poetry as input and outputs the artistic landscape painting image with the corresponding calligraphy. It is equipped with three different modules to complete the whole piece of landscape painting artwork: the first one is a text-to-image module to generate landscape painting image, the second one is an image-to-image module to generate stylistic calligraphy image, and the third one is an image fusion module to fuse the two images into a whole piece of aesthetic artwork.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Understanding Gaussian Attention Bias of Vision Transformers Using Effective Receptive Fields
[ "Bum Jun Kim", "Hyeyeon Choi", "Hyeonah Jang", "Sang Woo Kim" ]
Vision transformers (ViTs) that model an image as a sequence of partitioned patches have shown notable performance in diverse vision tasks. Because partitioning patches eliminates the image structure, to reflect the order of patches, ViTs utilize an explicit component called positional embedding. However, we claim that the use of positional embedding does not simply guarantee the order-awareness of ViT. To support this claim, we analyze the actual behavior of ViTs using an effective receptive field. We demonstrate that during training, ViT acquires an understanding of patch order from the positional embedding that is trained to be a specific pattern. Based on this observation, we propose explicitly adding a Gaussian attention bias that guides the positional embedding to have the corresponding pattern from the beginning of training. We evaluated the influence of Gaussian attention bias on the performance of ViTs in several image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation experiments. The results showed that proposed method not only facilitates ViTs to understand images but also boosts their performance on various datasets, including ImageNet, COCO 2017, and ADE20K.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Large-scale and Efficient Texture Mapping Algorithm via Loopy Belief Propagation
[ "Xiao ling", "Rongjun Qin" ]
Texture mapping as a fundamental task in 3D modeling has been well established for well-acquired aerial assets under consistent illumination, yet it remains a challenge when it is scaled to large datasets with images under varying views and illuminations. A well-performed texture mapping algorithm must be able to efficiently select views, fuse and map textures from these views to mesh models, at the same time, achieve consistent radiometry over the entire model. Existing approaches achieve efficiency either by limiting the number of images to one view per face, or simplifying global inferences to only achieve local color consistency. In this paper, we break this tie by proposing a novel and efficient texture mapping framework that allows the use of multiple views of texture per face, at the same time to achieve global color consistency. The proposed method leverages a loopy belief propagation algorithm to perform an efficient and global-level probabilistic inferences to rank candidate views per face, which enables face-level multi-view texture fusion and blending. The texture fusion algorithm, being non-parametric, brings another advantage over typical parametric post color correction methods, due to its improved robustness to non-linear illumination differences. The experiments on three different types of datasets (i.e. satellite dataset, unmanned-aerial vehicle dataset and close-range dataset) show that the proposed method has produced visually pleasant and texturally consistent results in all scenarios, with an added advantage of consuming less running time as compared to the state of the art methods, especially for large-scale dataset such as satellite-derived models.
[ "cs.CV" ]
OSTA: One-shot Task-adaptive Channel Selection for Semantic Segmentation of Multichannel Images
[ "Yuanzhi Cai", "Jagannath Aryal", "Yuan Fang", "Hong Huang", "Lei Fan" ]
Semantic segmentation of multichannel images is a fundamental task for many applications. Selecting an appropriate channel combination from the original multichannel image can improve the accuracy of semantic segmentation and reduce the cost of data storage, processing and future acquisition. Existing channel selection methods typically use a reasonable selection procedure to determine a desirable channel combination, and then train a semantic segmentation network using that combination. In this study, the concept of pruning from a supernet is used for the first time to integrate the selection of channel combination and the training of a semantic segmentation network. Based on this concept, a One-Shot Task-Adaptive (OSTA) channel selection method is proposed for the semantic segmentation of multichannel images. OSTA has three stages, namely the supernet training stage, the pruning stage and the fine-tuning stage. The outcomes of six groups of experiments (L7Irish3C, L7Irish2C, L8Biome3C, L8Biome2C, RIT-18 and Semantic3D) demonstrated the effectiveness and efficiency of OSTA. OSTA achieved the highest segmentation accuracies in all tests (62.49% (mIoU), 75.40% (mIoU), 68.38% (mIoU), 87.63% (mIoU), 66.53% (mA) and 70.86% (mIoU), respectively). It even exceeded the highest accuracies of exhaustive tests (61.54% (mIoU), 74.91% (mIoU), 67.94% (mIoU), 87.32% (mIoU), 65.32% (mA) and 70.27% (mIoU), respectively), where all possible channel combinations were tested. All of this can be accomplished within a predictable and relatively efficient timeframe, ranging from 101.71% to 298.1% times the time required to train the segmentation network alone. In addition, there were interesting findings that were deemed valuable for several fields.
[ "cs.CV" ]
SignBERT+: Hand-model-aware Self-supervised Pre-training for Sign Language Understanding
[ "Hezhen Hu", "Weichao Zhao", "Wengang Zhou", "Houqiang Li" ]
Hand gesture serves as a crucial role during the expression of sign language. Current deep learning based methods for sign language understanding (SLU) are prone to over-fitting due to insufficient sign data resource and suffer limited interpretability. In this paper, we propose the first self-supervised pre-trainable SignBERT+ framework with model-aware hand prior incorporated. In our framework, the hand pose is regarded as a visual token, which is derived from an off-the-shelf detector. Each visual token is embedded with gesture state and spatial-temporal position encoding. To take full advantage of current sign data resource, we first perform self-supervised learning to model its statistics. To this end, we design multi-level masked modeling strategies (joint, frame and clip) to mimic common failure detection cases. Jointly with these masked modeling strategies, we incorporate model-aware hand prior to better capture hierarchical context over the sequence. After the pre-training, we carefully design simple yet effective prediction heads for downstream tasks. To validate the effectiveness of our framework, we perform extensive experiments on three main SLU tasks, involving isolated and continuous sign language recognition (SLR), and sign language translation (SLT). Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, achieving new state-of-the-art performance with a notable gain.
[ "cs.CV" ]
PillarNeXt: Rethinking Network Designs for 3D Object Detection in LiDAR Point Clouds
[ "Jinyu Li", "Chenxu Luo", "Xiaodong Yang" ]
In order to deal with the sparse and unstructured raw point clouds, LiDAR based 3D object detection research mostly focuses on designing dedicated local point aggregators for fine-grained geometrical modeling. In this paper, we revisit the local point aggregators from the perspective of allocating computational resources. We find that the simplest pillar based models perform surprisingly well considering both accuracy and latency. Additionally, we show that minimal adaptions from the success of 2D object detection, such as enlarging receptive field, significantly boost the performance. Extensive experiments reveal that our pillar based networks with modernized designs in terms of architecture and training render the state-of-the-art performance on the two popular benchmarks: Waymo Open Dataset and nuScenes. Our results challenge the common intuition that the detailed geometry modeling is essential to achieve high performance for 3D object detection.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Crop identification using deep learning on LUCAS crop cover photos
[ "Momchil Yordanov", "Raphael d'Andrimont", "Laura Martinez-Sanchez", "Guido Lemoine", "Dominique Fasbender", "Marijn van der Velde" ]
Crop classification via deep learning on ground imagery can deliver timely and accurate crop-specific information to various stakeholders. Dedicated ground-based image acquisition exercises can help to collect data in data scarce regions, improve control on timing of collection, or when study areas are to small to monitor via satellite. Automatic labelling is essential when collecting large volumes of data. One such data collection is the EU's Land Use Cover Area frame Survey (LUCAS), and in particular, the recently published LUCAS Cover photos database. The aim of this paper is to select and publish a subset of LUCAS Cover photos for 12 mature major crops across the EU, to deploy, benchmark, and identify the best configuration of Mobile-net for the classification task, to showcase the possibility of using entropy-based metrics for post-processing of results, and finally to show the applications and limitations of the model in a practical and policy relevant context. In particular, the usefulness of automatically identifying crops on geo-tagged photos is illustrated in the context of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy. The work has produced a dataset of 169,460 images of mature crops for the 12 classes, out of which 15,876 were manually selected as representing a clean sample without any foreign objects or unfavorable conditions. The best performing model achieved a Macro F1 (M-F1) of 0.75 on an imbalanced test dataset of 8,642 photos. Using metrics from information theory, namely - the Equivalence Reference Probability, resulted in achieving an increase of 6%. The most unfavorable conditions for taking such images, across all crop classes, were found to be too early or late in the season. The proposed methodology shows the possibility for using minimal auxiliary data, outside the images themselves, in order to achieve a M-F1 of 0.817 for labelling between 12 major European crops.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Self-supervised Pre-training with Masked Shape Prediction for 3D Scene Understanding
[ "Li Jiang", "Zetong Yang", "Shaoshuai Shi", "Vladislav Golyanik", "Dengxin Dai", "Bernt Schiele" ]
Masked signal modeling has greatly advanced self-supervised pre-training for language and 2D images. However, it is still not fully explored in 3D scene understanding. Thus, this paper introduces Masked Shape Prediction (MSP), a new framework to conduct masked signal modeling in 3D scenes. MSP uses the essential 3D semantic cue, i.e., geometric shape, as the prediction target for masked points. The context-enhanced shape target consisting of explicit shape context and implicit deep shape feature is proposed to facilitate exploiting contextual cues in shape prediction. Meanwhile, the pre-training architecture in MSP is carefully designed to alleviate the masked shape leakage from point coordinates. Experiments on multiple 3D understanding tasks on both indoor and outdoor datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of MSP in learning good feature representations to consistently boost downstream performance.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Crack Detection of Asphalt Concrete Using Combined Fracture Mechanics and Digital Image Correlation
[ "Zehui Zhu", "Imad L. Al-Qadi" ]
Cracking is a common failure mode in asphalt concrete (AC) pavements. Many tests have been developed to characterize the fracture behavior of AC. Accurate crack detection during testing is crucial to describe AC fracture behavior. This paper proposed a framework to detect surface cracks in AC specimens using two-dimensional digital image correlation (DIC). Two significant drawbacks in previous research in this field were addressed. First, a multi-seed incremental reliability-guided DIC was proposed to solve the decorrelation issue due to large deformation and discontinuities. The method was validated using synthetic deformed images. A correctly implemented analysis could accurately measure strains up to 450\%, even with significant discontinuities (cracks) present in the deformed image. Second, a robust method was developed to detect cracks based on displacement fields. The proposed method uses critical crack tip opening displacement ($\delta_c$) to define the onset of cleavage fracture. The proposed method relies on well-developed fracture mechanics theory. The proposed threshold $\delta_c$ has a physical meaning and can be easily determined from DIC measurement. The method was validated using an extended finite element model. The framework was implemented to measure the crack propagation rate while conducting the Illinois-flexibility index test on two AC mixes. The calculated rates could distinguish mixes based on their cracking potential. The proposed framework could be applied to characterize AC cracking phenomenon, evaluate its fracture properties, assess asphalt mixture testing protocols, and develop theoretical models.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Privacy-preserving Adversarial Facial Features
[ "Zhibo Wang", "He Wang", "Shuaifan Jin", "Wenwen Zhang", "Jiahui Hu", "Yan Wang", "Peng Sun", "Wei Yuan", "Kaixin Liu", "Kui Ren" ]
Face recognition service providers protect face privacy by extracting compact and discriminative facial features (representations) from images, and storing the facial features for real-time recognition. However, such features can still be exploited to recover the appearance of the original face by building a reconstruction network. Although several privacy-preserving methods have been proposed, the enhancement of face privacy protection is at the expense of accuracy degradation. In this paper, we propose an adversarial features-based face privacy protection (AdvFace) approach to generate privacy-preserving adversarial features, which can disrupt the mapping from adversarial features to facial images to defend against reconstruction attacks. To this end, we design a shadow model which simulates the attackers' behavior to capture the mapping function from facial features to images and generate adversarial latent noise to disrupt the mapping. The adversarial features rather than the original features are stored in the server's database to prevent leaked features from exposing facial information. Moreover, the AdvFace requires no changes to the face recognition network and can be implemented as a privacy-enhancing plugin in deployed face recognition systems. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that AdvFace outperforms the state-of-the-art face privacy-preserving methods in defending against reconstruction attacks while maintaining face recognition accuracy.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Towards Accurate Human Motion Prediction via Iterative Refinement
[ "Jiarui Sun", "Girish Chowdhary" ]
Human motion prediction aims to forecast an upcoming pose sequence given a past human motion trajectory. To address the problem, in this work we propose FreqMRN, a human motion prediction framework that takes into account both the kinematic structure of the human body and the temporal smoothness nature of motion. Specifically, FreqMRN first generates a fixed-size motion history summary using a motion attention module, which helps avoid inaccurate motion predictions due to excessively long motion inputs. Then, supervised by the proposed spatial-temporal-aware, velocity-aware and global-smoothness-aware losses, FreqMRN iteratively refines the predicted motion though the proposed motion refinement module, which converts motion representations back and forth between pose space and frequency space. We evaluate FreqMRN on several standard benchmark datasets, including Human3.6M, AMASS and 3DPW. Experimental results demonstrate that FreqMRN outperforms previous methods by large margins for both short-term and long-term predictions, while demonstrating superior robustness.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.LG" ]
IIITD-20K: Dense captioning for Text-Image ReID
[ "A V Subramanyam", "Niranjan Sundararajan", "Vibhu Dubey", "Brejesh Lall" ]
Text-to-Image (T2I) ReID has attracted a lot of attention in the recent past. CUHK-PEDES, RSTPReid and ICFG-PEDES are the three available benchmarks to evaluate T2I ReID methods. RSTPReid and ICFG-PEDES comprise of identities from MSMT17 but due to limited number of unique persons, the diversity is limited. On the other hand, CUHK-PEDES comprises of 13,003 identities but has relatively shorter text description on average. Further, these datasets are captured in a restricted environment with limited number of cameras. In order to further diversify the identities and provide dense captions, we propose a novel dataset called IIITD-20K. IIITD-20K comprises of 20,000 unique identities captured in the wild and provides a rich dataset for text-to-image ReID. With a minimum of 26 words for a description, each image is densely captioned. We further synthetically generate images and fine-grained captions using Stable-diffusion and BLIP models trained on our dataset. We perform elaborate experiments using state-of-art text-to-image ReID models and vision-language pre-trained models and present a comprehensive analysis of the dataset. Our experiments also reveal that synthetically generated data leads to a substantial performance improvement in both same dataset as well as cross dataset settings. Our dataset is available at
[ "cs.CV", "cs.MM" ]
Building Footprint Extraction with Graph Convolutional Network
[ "Yilei Shi", "Qinyu Li", "Xiaoxiang Zhu" ]
Building footprint information is an essential ingredient for 3-D reconstruction of urban models. The automatic generation of building footprints from satellite images presents a considerable challenge due to the complexity of building shapes. Recent developments in deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) have enabled accurate pixel-level labeling tasks. One central issue remains, which is the precise delineation of boundaries. Deep architectures generally fail to produce fine-grained segmentation with accurate boundaries due to progressive downsampling. In this work, we have proposed a end-to-end framework to overcome this issue, which uses the graph convolutional network (GCN) for building footprint extraction task. Our proposed framework outperforms state-of-the-art methods.
[ "cs.CV", "eess.IV" ]
Pedestrian Behavior Maps for Safety Advisories: CHAMP Framework and Real-World Data Analysis
[ "Ross Greer", "Samveed Desai", "Lulua Rakla", "Akshay Gopalkrishnan", "Afnan Alofi", "Mohan Trivedi" ]
It is critical for vehicles to prevent any collisions with pedestrians. Current methods for pedestrian collision prevention focus on integrating visual pedestrian detectors with Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) systems which can trigger warnings and apply brakes as a pedestrian enters a vehicle's path. Unfortunately, pedestrian-detection-based systems can be hindered in certain situations such as night-time or when pedestrians are occluded. Our system addresses such issues using an online, map-based pedestrian detection aggregation system where common pedestrian locations are learned after repeated passes of locations. Using a carefully collected and annotated dataset in La Jolla, CA, we demonstrate the system's ability to learn pedestrian zones and generate advisory notices when a vehicle is approaching a pedestrian despite challenges like dark lighting or pedestrian occlusion. Using the number of correct advisories, false advisories, and missed advisories to define precision and recall performance metrics, we evaluate our system and discuss future positive effects with further data collection. We have made our code available at, and a video demonstration of the CHAMP system at
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
Multi-Temporal Lip-Audio Memory for Visual Speech Recognition
[ "Jeong Hun Yeo", "Minsu Kim", "Yong Man Ro" ]
Visual Speech Recognition (VSR) is a task to predict a sentence or word from lip movements. Some works have been recently presented which use audio signals to supplement visual information. However, existing methods utilize only limited information such as phoneme-level features and soft labels of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) networks. In this paper, we present a Multi-Temporal Lip-Audio Memory (MTLAM) that makes the best use of audio signals to complement insufficient information of lip movements. The proposed method is mainly composed of two parts: 1) MTLAM saves multi-temporal audio features produced from short- and long-term audio signals, and the MTLAM memorizes a visual-to-audio mapping to load stored multi-temporal audio features from visual features at the inference phase. 2) We design an audio temporal model to produce multi-temporal audio features capturing the context of neighboring words. In addition, to construct effective visual-to-audio mapping, the audio temporal models can generate audio features time-aligned with visual features. Through extensive experiments, we validate the effectiveness of the MTLAM achieving state-of-the-art performances on two public VSR datasets.
[ "cs.CV", "eess.AS" ]
SwinDocSegmenter: An End-to-End Unified Domain Adaptive Transformer for Document Instance Segmentation
[ "Ayan Banerjee", "Sanket Biswas", "Josep Lladós", "Umapada Pal" ]
Instance-level segmentation of documents consists in assigning a class-aware and instance-aware label to each pixel of the image. It is a key step in document parsing for their understanding. In this paper, we present a unified transformer encoder-decoder architecture for en-to-end instance segmentation of complex layouts in document images. The method adapts a contrastive training with a mixed query selection for anchor initialization in the decoder. Later on, it performs a dot product between the obtained query embeddings and the pixel embedding map (coming from the encoder) for semantic reasoning. Extensive experimentation on competitive benchmarks like PubLayNet, PRIMA, Historical Japanese (HJ), and TableBank demonstrate that our model with SwinL backbone achieves better segmentation performance than the existing state-of-the-art approaches with the average precision of \textbf{93.72}, \textbf{54.39}, \textbf{84.65} and \textbf{98.04} respectively under one billion parameters. The code is made publicly available at: \href{}{}
[ "cs.CV", "cs.LG" ]
ElasticHash: Semantic Image Similarity Search by Deep Hashing with Elasticsearch
[ "Nikolaus Korfhage", "Markus Mühling", "Bernd Freisleben" ]
We present ElasticHash, a novel approach for high-quality, efficient, and large-scale semantic image similarity search. It is based on a deep hashing model to learn hash codes for fine-grained image similarity search in natural images and a two-stage method for efficiently searching binary hash codes using Elasticsearch (ES). In the first stage, a coarse search based on short hash codes is performed using multi-index hashing and ES terms lookup of neighboring hash codes. In the second stage, the list of results is re-ranked by computing the Hamming distance on long hash codes. We evaluate the retrieval performance of \textit{ElasticHash} for more than 120,000 query images on about 6.9 million database images of the OpenImages data set. The results show that our approach achieves high-quality retrieval results and low search latencies.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.MM" ]
Strategy for Rapid Diabetic Retinopathy Exposure Based on Enhanced Feature Extraction Processing
[ "V. Banupriya", "S. Anusuya" ]
In the modern world, one of the most severe eye infections brought on by diabetes is known as diabetic retinopathy, which will result in retinal damage, and, thus, lead to blindness. Diabetic retinopathy can be well treated with early diagnosis. Retinal fundus images of humans are used to screen for lesions in the retina. However, detecting DR in the early stages is challenging due to the minimal symptoms. Furthermore, the occurrence of diseases linked to vascular anomalies brought on by DR aids in diagnosing the condition. Nevertheless, the resources required for manually identifying the lesions are high. Similarly, training for Convolutional Neural Networks is more time-consuming. This proposed research aims to improve diabetic retinopathy diagnosis by developing an enhanced deep learning model for timely DR identification that is potentially more accurate than existing CNN-based models. The proposed model will detect various lesions from retinal images in the early stages. First, characteristics are retrieved from the retinal fundus picture and put into the EDLM for classification. For dimensionality reduction, EDLM is used. Additionally, the classification and feature extraction processes are optimized using the stochastic gradient descent optimizer. The EDLM effectiveness is assessed on the KAG GLE dataset with 3459 retinal images, and results are compared over VGG16, VGG19, RESNET18, RESNET34, and RESNET50.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
Controllable Light Diffusion for Portraits
[ "David Futschik", "Kelvin Ritland", "James Vecore", "Sean Fanello", "Sergio Orts-Escolano", "Brian Curless", "Daniel Sýkora", "Rohit Pandey" ]
We introduce light diffusion, a novel method to improve lighting in portraits, softening harsh shadows and specular highlights while preserving overall scene illumination. Inspired by professional photographers' diffusers and scrims, our method softens lighting given only a single portrait photo. Previous portrait relighting approaches focus on changing the entire lighting environment, removing shadows (ignoring strong specular highlights), or removing shading entirely. In contrast, we propose a learning based method that allows us to control the amount of light diffusion and apply it on in-the-wild portraits. Additionally, we design a method to synthetically generate plausible external shadows with sub-surface scattering effects while conforming to the shape of the subject's face. Finally, we show how our approach can increase the robustness of higher level vision applications, such as albedo estimation, geometry estimation and semantic segmentation.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.GR", "I.4.3" ]
Toeplitz Neural Network for Sequence Modeling
[ "Zhen Qin", "Xiaodong Han", "Weixuan Sun", "Bowen He", "Dong Li", "Dongxu Li", "Yuchao Dai", "Lingpeng Kong", "Yiran Zhong" ]
Sequence modeling has important applications in natural language processing and computer vision. Recently, the transformer-based models have shown strong performance on various sequence modeling tasks, which rely on attention to capture pairwise token relations, and position embedding to inject positional information. While showing good performance, the transformer models are inefficient to scale to long input sequences, mainly due to the quadratic space-time complexity of attention. To overcome this inefficiency, we propose to model sequences with a relative position encoded Toeplitz matrix and use a Toeplitz matrix-vector production trick to reduce the space-time complexity of the sequence modeling to log linear. A lightweight sub-network called relative position encoder is proposed to generate relative position coefficients with a fixed budget of parameters, enabling the proposed Toeplitz neural network to deal with varying sequence lengths. In addition, despite being trained on 512-token sequences, our model can extrapolate input sequence length up to 14K tokens in inference with consistent performance. Extensive experiments on autoregressive and bidirectional language modeling, image modeling, and the challenging Long-Range Arena benchmark show that our method achieves better performance than its competitors in most downstream tasks while being significantly faster. The code is available at
[ "cs.CL", "cs.CV" ]
AvatarReX: Real-time Expressive Full-body Avatars
[ "Zerong Zheng", "Xiaochen Zhao", "Hongwen Zhang", "Boning Liu", "Yebin Liu" ]
We present AvatarReX, a new method for learning NeRF-based full-body avatars from video data. The learnt avatar not only provides expressive control of the body, hands and the face together, but also supports real-time animation and rendering. To this end, we propose a compositional avatar representation, where the body, hands and the face are separately modeled in a way that the structural prior from parametric mesh templates is properly utilized without compromising representation flexibility. Furthermore, we disentangle the geometry and appearance for each part. With these technical designs, we propose a dedicated deferred rendering pipeline, which can be executed in real-time framerate to synthesize high-quality free-view images. The disentanglement of geometry and appearance also allows us to design a two-pass training strategy that combines volume rendering and surface rendering for network training. In this way, patch-level supervision can be applied to force the network to learn sharp appearance details on the basis of geometry estimation. Overall, our method enables automatic construction of expressive full-body avatars with real-time rendering capability, and can generate photo-realistic images with dynamic details for novel body motions and facial expressions.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.GR" ]
Compressed Video Quality Assessment for Super-Resolution: a Benchmark and a Quality Metric
[ "Evgeney Bogatyrev", "Ivan Molodetskikh", "Dmitriy Vatolin" ]
We developed a super-resolution (SR) benchmark to analyze SR's capacity to upscale compressed videos. Our dataset employed video codecs based on five compression standards: H.264, H.265, H.266, AV1, and AVS3. We assessed 17 state-ofthe-art SR models using our benchmark and evaluated their ability to preserve scene context and their susceptibility to compression artifacts. To get an accurate perceptual ranking of SR models, we conducted a crowd-sourced side-by-side comparison of their outputs. The benchmark is publicly available at We also analyzed benchmark results and developed an objective-quality-assessment metric based on the current bestperforming objective metrics. Our metric outperforms others, according to Spearman correlation with subjective scores for compressed video upscaling. It is publicly available at
[ "eess.IV", "cs.CV" ]
Learning to Evaluate the Artness of AI-generated Images
[ "Junyu Chen", "Jie An", "Hanjia Lyu", "Jiebo Luo" ]
Assessing the artness of AI-generated images continues to be a challenge within the realm of image generation. Most existing metrics cannot be used to perform instance-level and reference-free artness evaluation. This paper presents ArtScore, a metric designed to evaluate the degree to which an image resembles authentic artworks by artists (or conversely photographs), thereby offering a novel approach to artness assessment. We first blend pre-trained models for photo and artwork generation, resulting in a series of mixed models. Subsequently, we utilize these mixed models to generate images exhibiting varying degrees of artness with pseudo-annotations. Each photorealistic image has a corresponding artistic counterpart and a series of interpolated images that range from realistic to artistic. This dataset is then employed to train a neural network that learns to estimate quantized artness levels of arbitrary images. Extensive experiments reveal that the artness levels predicted by ArtScore align more closely with human artistic evaluation than existing evaluation metrics, such as Gram loss and ArtFID.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
Less is More: Removing Text-regions Improves CLIP Training Efficiency and Robustness
[ "Liangliang Cao", "Bowen Zhang", "Chen Chen", "Yinfei Yang", "Xianzhi Du", "Wencong Zhang", "Zhiyun Lu", "Yantao Zheng" ]
The CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training) model and its variants are becoming the de facto backbone in many applications. However, training a CLIP model from hundreds of millions of image-text pairs can be prohibitively expensive. Furthermore, the conventional CLIP model doesn't differentiate between the visual semantics and meaning of text regions embedded in images. This can lead to non-robustness when the text in the embedded region doesn't match the image's visual appearance. In this paper, we discuss two effective approaches to improve the efficiency and robustness of CLIP training: (1) augmenting the training dataset while maintaining the same number of optimization steps, and (2) filtering out samples that contain text regions in the image. By doing so, we significantly improve the classification and retrieval accuracy on public benchmarks like ImageNet and CoCo. Filtering out images with text regions also protects the model from typographic attacks. To verify this, we build a new dataset named ImageNet with Adversarial Text Regions (ImageNet-Attr). Our filter-based CLIP model demonstrates a top-1 accuracy of 68.78\%, outperforming previous models whose accuracy was all below 50\%.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
Robust Traffic Light Detection Using Salience-Sensitive Loss: Computational Framework and Evaluations
[ "Ross Greer", "Akshay Gopalkrishnan", "Jacob Landgren", "Lulua Rakla", "Anish Gopalan", "Mohan Trivedi" ]
One of the most important tasks for ensuring safe autonomous driving systems is accurately detecting road traffic lights and accurately determining how they impact the driver's actions. In various real-world driving situations, a scene may have numerous traffic lights with varying levels of relevance to the driver, and thus, distinguishing and detecting the lights that are relevant to the driver and influence the driver's actions is a critical safety task. This paper proposes a traffic light detection model which focuses on this task by first defining salient lights as the lights that affect the driver's future decisions. We then use this salience property to construct the LAVA Salient Lights Dataset, the first US traffic light dataset with an annotated salience property. Subsequently, we train a Deformable DETR object detection transformer model using Salience-Sensitive Focal Loss to emphasize stronger performance on salient traffic lights, showing that a model trained with this loss function has stronger recall than one trained without.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
Development of a Vision System to Enhance the Reliability of the Pick-and-Place Robot for Autonomous Testing of Camera Module used in Smartphones
[ "Hoang-Anh Phan", "Duy Nam Bui", "Tuan Nguyen Dinh", "Bao-Anh Hoang", "An Nguyen Ngoc", "Dong Tran Huu Quoc", "Ha Tran Thi Thuy", "Tung Thanh Bui", "Van Nguyen Thi Thanh" ]
Pick-and-place robots are commonly used in modern industrial manufacturing. For complex devices/parts like camera modules used in smartphones, which contain optical parts, electrical components and interfacing connectors, the placement operation may not absolutely accurate, which may cause damage in the device under test during the mechanical movement to make good contact for electrical functions inspection. In this paper, we proposed an effective vision system including hardware and algorithm to enhance the reliability of the pick-and-place robot for autonomous testing memory of camera modules. With limited hardware based on camera and raspberry PI and using simplify image processing algorithm based on histogram information, the vision system can confirm the presence of the camera modules in feeding tray and the placement accuracy of the camera module in test socket. Through that, the system can work with more flexibility and avoid damaging the device under test. The system was experimentally quantified through testing approximately 2000 camera modules in a stable light condition. Experimental results demonstrate that the system achieves accuracy of more than 99.92%. With its simplicity and effectiveness, the proposed vision system can be considered as a useful solution for using in pick-and-place systems in industry.
[ "eess.SY", "cs.CV", "cs.SY" ]
BiRT: Bio-inspired Replay in Vision Transformers for Continual Learning
[ "Kishaan Jeeveswaran", "Prashant Bhat", "Bahram Zonooz", "Elahe Arani" ]
The ability of deep neural networks to continually learn and adapt to a sequence of tasks has remained challenging due to catastrophic forgetting of previously learned tasks. Humans, on the other hand, have a remarkable ability to acquire, assimilate, and transfer knowledge across tasks throughout their lifetime without catastrophic forgetting. The versatility of the brain can be attributed to the rehearsal of abstract experiences through a complementary learning system. However, representation rehearsal in vision transformers lacks diversity, resulting in overfitting and consequently, performance drops significantly compared to raw image rehearsal. Therefore, we propose BiRT, a novel representation rehearsal-based continual learning approach using vision transformers. Specifically, we introduce constructive noises at various stages of the vision transformer and enforce consistency in predictions with respect to an exponential moving average of the working model. Our method provides consistent performance gain over raw image and vanilla representation rehearsal on several challenging CL benchmarks, while being memory efficient and robust to natural and adversarial corruptions.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.LG", "cs.NE" ]
Joint Moment Retrieval and Highlight Detection Via Natural Language Queries
[ "Richard Luo", "Austin Peng", "Heidi Yap", "Koby Beard" ]
Video summarization has become an increasingly important task in the field of computer vision due to the vast amount of video content available on the internet. In this project, we propose a new method for natural language query based joint video summarization and highlight detection using multi-modal transformers. This approach will use both visual and audio cues to match a user's natural language query to retrieve the most relevant and interesting moments from a video. Our approach employs multiple recent techniques used in Vision Transformers (ViTs) to create a transformer-like encoder-decoder model. We evaluated our approach on multiple datasets such as YouTube Highlights and TVSum to demonstrate the flexibility of our proposed method.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.CL", "cs.LG" ]
Breaking Through the Haze: An Advanced Non-Homogeneous Dehazing Method based on Fast Fourier Convolution and ConvNeXt
[ "Han Zhou", "Wei Dong", "Yangyi Liu", "Jun Chen" ]
Haze usually leads to deteriorated images with low contrast, color shift and structural distortion. We observe that many deep learning based models exhibit exceptional performance on removing homogeneous haze, but they usually fail to address the challenge of non-homogeneous dehazing. Two main factors account for this situation. Firstly, due to the intricate and non uniform distribution of dense haze, the recovery of structural and chromatic features with high fidelity is challenging, particularly in regions with heavy haze. Secondly, the existing small scale datasets for non-homogeneous dehazing are inadequate to support reliable learning of feature mappings between hazy images and their corresponding haze-free counterparts by convolutional neural network (CNN)-based models. To tackle these two challenges, we propose a novel two branch network that leverages 2D discrete wavelete transform (DWT), fast Fourier convolution (FFC) residual block and a pretrained ConvNeXt model. Specifically, in the DWT-FFC frequency branch, our model exploits DWT to capture more high-frequency features. Moreover, by taking advantage of the large receptive field provided by FFC residual blocks, our model is able to effectively explore global contextual information and produce images with better perceptual quality. In the prior knowledge branch, an ImageNet pretrained ConvNeXt as opposed to Res2Net is adopted. This enables our model to learn more supplementary information and acquire a stronger generalization ability. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated via extensive experiments and ablation studies. The code is available at
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.GR", "cs.IR", "cs.LG" ]
Improving Cross-Task Generalization with Step-by-Step Instructions
[ "Yang Wu", "Yanyan Zhao", "Zhongyang Li", "Bing Qin", "Kai Xiong" ]
Instruction tuning has been shown to be able to improve cross-task generalization of language models. However, it is still challenging for language models to complete the target tasks following the instructions, as the instructions are general and lack intermediate steps. To address this problem, we propose to incorporate the step-by-step instructions to help language models to decompose the tasks, which can provide the detailed and specific procedures for completing the target tasks. The step-by-step instructions are obtained automatically by prompting ChatGPT, which are further combined with the original instructions to tune language models. The extensive experiments on SUP-NATINST show that the high-quality step-by-step instructions can improve cross-task generalization across different model sizes. Moreover, the further analysis indicates the importance of the order of steps of the step-by-step instruction for the improvement. To facilitate future research, we release the step-by-step instructions and their human quality evaluation results.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Can Diffusion Model Achieve Better Performance in Text Generation? Bridging the Gap between Training and Inference!
[ "Zecheng Tang", "Pinzheng Wang", "Keyan Zhou", "Juntao Li", "Ziqiang Cao", "Min Zhang" ]
Diffusion models have been successfully adapted to text generation tasks by mapping the discrete text into the continuous space. However, there exist nonnegligible gaps between training and inference, owing to the absence of the forward process during inference. Thus, the model only predicts based on the previously generated reverse noise rather than the noise computed by the forward process. Besides, the widely-used downsampling strategy in speeding up the inference will cause the mismatch of diffusion trajectories between training and inference. To understand and mitigate the above two types of training-inference discrepancies, we launch a thorough preliminary study. Based on our observations, we propose two simple yet effective methods to bridge the gaps mentioned above, named Distance Penalty and Adaptive Decay Sampling. Extensive experiments on \textbf{6} generation tasks confirm the superiority of our methods, which can achieve $100\times \rightarrow 200\times$ speedup with better performance.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Event Knowledge Incorporation with Posterior Regularization for Event-Centric Question Answering
[ "Junru Lu", "Gabriele Pergola", "Lin Gui", "Yulan He" ]
We propose a simple yet effective strategy to incorporate event knowledge extracted from event trigger annotations via posterior regularization to improve the event reasoning capability of mainstream question-answering (QA) models for event-centric QA. In particular, we define event-related knowledge constraints based on the event trigger annotations in the QA datasets, and subsequently use them to regularize the posterior answer output probabilities from the backbone pre-trained language models used in the QA setting. We explore two different posterior regularization strategies for extractive and generative QA separately. For extractive QA, the sentence-level event knowledge constraint is defined by assessing if a sentence contains an answer event or not, which is later used to modify the answer span extraction probability. For generative QA, the token-level event knowledge constraint is defined by comparing the generated token from the backbone language model with the answer event in order to introduce a reward or penalty term, which essentially adjusts the answer generative probability indirectly. We conduct experiments on two event-centric QA datasets, TORQUE and ESTER. The results show that our proposed approach can effectively inject event knowledge into existing pre-trained language models and achieves strong performance compared to existing QA models in answer evaluation. Code and models can be found:
[ "cs.CL" ]
A Multi-Modal Context Reasoning Approach for Conditional Inference on Joint Textual and Visual Clues
[ "Yunxin Li", "Baotian Hu", "Xinyu Chen", "Yuxin Ding", "Lin Ma", "Min Zhang" ]
Conditional inference on joint textual and visual clues is a multi-modal reasoning task that textual clues provide prior permutation or external knowledge, which are complementary with visual content and pivotal to deducing the correct option. Previous methods utilizing pretrained vision-language models (VLMs) have achieved impressive performances, yet they show a lack of multimodal context reasoning capability, especially for text-modal information. To address this issue, we propose a Multi-modal Context Reasoning approach, named ModCR. Compared to VLMs performing reasoning via cross modal semantic alignment, it regards the given textual abstract semantic and objective image information as the pre-context information and embeds them into the language model to perform context reasoning. Different from recent vision-aided language models used in natural language processing, ModCR incorporates the multi-view semantic alignment information between language and vision by introducing the learnable alignment prefix between image and text in the pretrained language model. This makes the language model well-suitable for such multi-modal reasoning scenario on joint textual and visual clues. We conduct extensive experiments on two corresponding data sets and experimental results show significantly improved performance (exact gain by 4.8% on PMR test set) compared to previous strong baselines. Code Link: \url{}.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Diffusion Theory as a Scalpel: Detecting and Purifying Poisonous Dimensions in Pre-trained Language Models Caused by Backdoor or Bias
[ "Zhiyuan Zhang", "Deli Chen", "Hao Zhou", "Fandong Meng", "Jie Zhou", "Xu Sun" ]
Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) may be poisonous with backdoors or bias injected by the suspicious attacker during the fine-tuning process. A core challenge of purifying potentially poisonous PLMs is precisely finding poisonous dimensions. To settle this issue, we propose the Fine-purifying approach, which utilizes the diffusion theory to study the dynamic process of fine-tuning for finding potentially poisonous dimensions. According to the relationship between parameter drifts and Hessians of different dimensions, we can detect poisonous dimensions with abnormal dynamics, purify them by resetting them to clean pre-trained weights, and then fine-tune the purified weights on a small clean dataset. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to study the dynamics guided by the diffusion theory for safety or defense purposes. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of Fine-purifying even with a small clean dataset.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Toward Adversarial Training on Contextualized Language Representation
[ "Hongqiu Wu", "Yongxiang Liu", "Hanwen Shi", "Hai Zhao", "Min Zhang" ]
Beyond the success story of adversarial training (AT) in the recent text domain on top of pre-trained language models (PLMs), our empirical study showcases the inconsistent gains from AT on some tasks, e.g. commonsense reasoning, named entity recognition. This paper investigates AT from the perspective of the contextualized language representation outputted by PLM encoders. We find the current AT attacks lean to generate sub-optimal adversarial examples that can fool the decoder part but have a minor effect on the encoder. However, we find it necessary to effectively deviate the latter one to allow AT to gain. Based on the observation, we propose simple yet effective \textit{Contextualized representation-Adversarial Training} (CreAT), in which the attack is explicitly optimized to deviate the contextualized representation of the encoder. It allows a global optimization of adversarial examples that can fool the entire model. We also find CreAT gives rise to a better direction to optimize the adversarial examples, to let them less sensitive to hyperparameters. Compared to AT, CreAT produces consistent performance gains on a wider range of tasks and is proven to be more effective for language pre-training where only the encoder part is kept for downstream tasks. We achieve the new state-of-the-art performances on a series of challenging benchmarks, e.g. AdvGLUE (59.1 $ \rightarrow $ 61.1), HellaSWAG (93.0 $ \rightarrow $ 94.9), ANLI (68.1 $ \rightarrow $ 69.3).
[ "cs.CL" ]
HiFi: High-Information Attention Heads Hold for Parameter-Efficient Model Adaptation
[ "Anchun Gui", "Han Xiao" ]
To fully leverage the advantages of large-scale pre-trained language models (PLMs) on downstream tasks, it has become a ubiquitous adaptation paradigm to fine-tune the entire parameters of PLMs. However, this paradigm poses issues of inefficient updating and resource over-consuming for fine-tuning in data-scarce and resource-limited scenarios, because of the large scale of parameters in PLMs. To alleviate these concerns, in this paper, we propose a parameter-efficient fine-tuning method HiFi, that is, only the highly informative and strongly correlated attention heads for the specific task are fine-tuned. To search for those significant attention heads, we develop a novel framework to analyze the effectiveness of heads. Specifically, we first model the relationship between heads into a graph from two perspectives of information richness and correlation, and then apply PageRank algorithm to determine the relative importance of each head. Extensive experiments on the GLUE benchmark demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, and show that HiFi obtains state-of-the-art performance over the prior baselines.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Cone: Unsupervised Contrastive Opinion Extraction
[ "Runcong Zhao", "Lin Gui", "Yulan He" ]
Contrastive opinion extraction aims to extract a structured summary or key points organised as positive and negative viewpoints towards a common aspect or topic. Most recent works for unsupervised key point extraction is largely built on sentence clustering or opinion summarisation based on the popularity of opinions expressed in text. However, these methods tend to generate aspect clusters with incoherent sentences, conflicting viewpoints, redundant aspects. To address these problems, we propose a novel unsupervised Contrastive OpinioN Extraction model, called Cone, which learns disentangled latent aspect and sentiment representations based on pseudo aspect and sentiment labels by combining contrastive learning with iterative aspect/sentiment clustering refinement. Apart from being able to extract contrastive opinions, it is also able to quantify the relative popularity of aspects and their associated sentiment distributions. The model has been evaluated on both a hotel review dataset and a Twitter dataset about COVID vaccines. The results show that despite using no label supervision or aspect-denoted seed words, Cone outperforms a number of competitive baselines on contrastive opinion extraction. The results of Cone can be used to offer a better recommendation of products and services online.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Enhancing Continual Relation Extraction via Classifier Decomposition
[ "Heming Xia", "Peiyi Wang", "Tianyu Liu", "Binghuai Lin", "Yunbo Cao", "Zhifang Sui" ]
Continual relation extraction (CRE) models aim at handling emerging new relations while avoiding catastrophically forgetting old ones in the streaming data. Though improvements have been shown by previous CRE studies, most of them only adopt a vanilla strategy when models first learn representations of new relations. In this work, we point out that there exist two typical biases after training of this vanilla strategy: classifier bias and representation bias, which causes the previous knowledge that the model learned to be shaded. To alleviate those biases, we propose a simple yet effective classifier decomposition framework that splits the last FFN layer into separated previous and current classifiers, so as to maintain previous knowledge and encourage the model to learn more robust representations at this training stage. Experimental results on two standard benchmarks show that our proposed framework consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art CRE models, which indicates that the importance of the first training stage to CRE models may be underestimated. Our code is available at
[ "cs.CL" ]
Enhancing Knowledge Graph Construction Using Large Language Models
[ "Milena Trajanoska", "Riste Stojanov", "Dimitar Trajanov" ]
The growing trend of Large Language Models (LLM) development has attracted significant attention, with models for various applications emerging consistently. However, the combined application of Large Language Models with semantic technologies for reasoning and inference is still a challenging task. This paper analyzes how the current advances in foundational LLM, like ChatGPT, can be compared with the specialized pretrained models, like REBEL, for joint entity and relation extraction. To evaluate this approach, we conducted several experiments using sustainability-related text as our use case. We created pipelines for the automatic creation of Knowledge Graphs from raw texts, and our findings indicate that using advanced LLM models can improve the accuracy of the process of creating these graphs from unstructured text. Furthermore, we explored the potential of automatic ontology creation using foundation LLM models, which resulted in even more relevant and accurate knowledge graphs.
[ "cs.CL" ]
SkillQG: Learning to Generate Question for Reading Comprehension Assessment
[ "Xiaoqiang Wang", "Bang Liu", "Siliang Tang", "Lingfei Wu" ]
We present $\textbf{$\texttt{SkillQG}$}$: a question generation framework with controllable comprehension types for assessing and improving machine reading comprehension models. Existing question generation systems widely differentiate questions by $\textit{literal}$ information such as question words and answer types to generate semantically relevant questions for a given context. However, they rarely consider the $\textit{comprehension}$ nature of questions, i.e. the different comprehension capabilities embodied by different questions. In comparison, our $\texttt{SkillQG}$ is able to tailor a fine-grained assessment and improvement to the capabilities of question answering models built on it. Specifically, we first frame the comprehension type of questions based on a hierarchical skill-based schema, then formulate $\texttt{SkillQG}$ as a skill-conditioned question generator. Furthermore, to improve the controllability of generation, we augment the input text with question focus and skill-specific knowledge, which are constructed by iteratively prompting the pre-trained language models. Empirical results demonstrate that $\texttt{SkillQG}$ outperforms baselines in terms of quality, relevance, and skill-controllability while showing a promising performance boost in downstream question answering task.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Learning Summary-Worthy Visual Representation for Abstractive Summarization in Video
[ "Zenan Xu", "Xiaojun Meng", "Yasheng Wang", "Qinliang Su", "Zexuan Qiu", "Xin Jiang", "Qun Liu" ]
Multimodal abstractive summarization for videos (MAS) requires generating a concise textual summary to describe the highlights of a video according to multimodal resources, in our case, the video content and its transcript. Inspired by the success of the large-scale generative pre-trained language model (GPLM) in generating high-quality textual content (e.g., summary), recent MAS methods have proposed to adapt the GPLM to this task by equipping it with the visual information, which is often obtained through a general-purpose visual feature extractor. However, the generally extracted visual features may overlook some summary-worthy visual information, which impedes model performance. In this work, we propose a novel approach to learning the summary-worthy visual representation that facilitates abstractive summarization. Our method exploits the summary-worthy information from both the cross-modal transcript data and the knowledge that distills from the pseudo summary. Extensive experiments on three public multimodal datasets show that our method outperforms all competing baselines. Furthermore, with the advantages of summary-worthy visual information, our model can have a significant improvement on small datasets or even datasets with limited training data.
[ "cs.CL" ]
GersteinLab at MEDIQA-Chat 2023: Clinical Note Summarization from Doctor-Patient Conversations through Fine-tuning and In-context Learning
[ "Xiangru Tang", "Andrew Tran", "Jeffrey Tan", "Mark Gerstein" ]
This paper presents our contribution to the MEDIQA-2023 Dialogue2Note shared task, encompassing both subtask A and subtask B. We approach the task as a dialogue summarization problem and implement two distinct pipelines: (a) a fine-tuning of a pre-trained dialogue summarization model and GPT-3, and (b) few-shot in-context learning (ICL) using a large language model, GPT-4. Both methods achieve excellent results in terms of ROUGE-1 F1, BERTScore F1 (deberta-xlarge-mnli), and BLEURT, with scores of 0.4011, 0.7058, and 0.5421, respectively. Additionally, we predict the associated section headers using RoBERTa and SciBERT based classification models. Our team ranked fourth among all teams, while each team is allowed to submit three runs as part of their submission. We also utilize expert annotations to demonstrate that the notes generated through the ICL GPT-4 are better than all other baselines. The code for our submission is available.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Revisiting Relation Extraction in the era of Large Language Models
[ "Somin Wadhwa", "Silvio Amir", "Byron C. Wallace" ]
Relation extraction (RE) is the core NLP task of inferring semantic relationships between entities from text. Standard supervised RE techniques entail training modules to tag tokens comprising entity spans and then predict the relationship between them. Recent work has instead treated the problem as a \emph{sequence-to-sequence} task, linearizing relations between entities as target strings to be generated conditioned on the input. Here we push the limits of this approach, using larger language models (GPT-3 and Flan-T5 large) than considered in prior work and evaluating their performance on standard RE tasks under varying levels of supervision. We address issues inherent to evaluating generative approaches to RE by doing human evaluations, in lieu of relying on exact matching. Under this refined evaluation, we find that: (1) Few-shot prompting with GPT-3 achieves near SOTA performance, i.e., roughly equivalent to existing fully supervised models; (2) Flan-T5 is not as capable in the few-shot setting, but supervising and fine-tuning it with Chain-of-Thought (CoT) style explanations (generated via GPT-3) yields SOTA results. We release this model as a new baseline for RE tasks.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Dreams Are More "Predictable'' Than You Think
[ "Lorenzo Bertolini" ]
A consistent body of evidence suggests that dream reports significantly vary from other types of textual transcripts with respect to semantic content. Furthermore, it appears to be a widespread belief in the dream/sleep research community that dream reports constitute rather ``unique'' strings of text. This might be a notable issue for the growing amount of approaches using natural language processing (NLP) tools to automatically analyse dream reports, as they largely rely on neural models trained on non-dream corpora scraped from the web. In this work, I will adopt state-of-the-art (SotA) large language models (LLMs), to study if and how dream reports deviate from other human-generated text strings, such as Wikipedia. Results show that, taken as a whole, DreamBank does not deviate from Wikipedia. Moreover, on average, single dream reports are significantly more predictable than Wikipedia articles. Preliminary evidence suggests that word count, gender, and visual impairment can significantly shape how predictable a dream report can appear to the model.
[ "cs.CL" ]
A Unified Evaluation Framework for Novelty Detection and Accommodation in NLP with an Instantiation in Authorship Attribution
[ "Neeraj Varshney", "Himanshu Gupta", "Eric Robertson", "Bing Liu", "Chitta Baral" ]
State-of-the-art natural language processing models have been shown to achieve remarkable performance in 'closed-world' settings where all the labels in the evaluation set are known at training time. However, in real-world settings, 'novel' instances that do not belong to any known class are often observed. This renders the ability to deal with novelties crucial. To initiate a systematic research in this important area of 'dealing with novelties', we introduce 'NoveltyTask', a multi-stage task to evaluate a system's performance on pipelined novelty 'detection' and 'accommodation' tasks. We provide mathematical formulation of NoveltyTask and instantiate it with the authorship attribution task that pertains to identifying the correct author of a given text. We use Amazon reviews corpus and compile a large dataset (consisting of 250k instances across 200 authors/labels) for NoveltyTask. We conduct comprehensive experiments and explore several baseline methods for the task. Our results show that the methods achieve considerably low performance making the task challenging and leaving sufficient room for improvement. Finally, we believe our work will encourage research in this underexplored area of dealing with novelties, an important step en route to developing robust systems.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Unlocking Practical Applications in Legal Domain: Evaluation of GPT for Zero-Shot Semantic Annotation of Legal Texts
[ "Jaromir Savelka" ]
We evaluated the capability of a state-of-the-art generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) model to perform semantic annotation of short text snippets (one to few sentences) coming from legal documents of various types. Discussions of potential uses (e.g., document drafting, summarization) of this emerging technology in legal domain have intensified, but to date there has not been a rigorous analysis of these large language models' (LLM) capacity in sentence-level semantic annotation of legal texts in zero-shot learning settings. Yet, this particular type of use could unlock many practical applications (e.g., in contract review) and research opportunities (e.g., in empirical legal studies). We fill the gap with this study. We examined if and how successfully the model can semantically annotate small batches of short text snippets (10-50) based exclusively on concise definitions of the semantic types. We found that the GPT model performs surprisingly well in zero-shot settings on diverse types of documents (F1=.73 on a task involving court opinions, .86 for contracts, and .54 for statutes and regulations). These findings can be leveraged by legal scholars and practicing lawyers alike to guide their decisions in integrating LLMs in wide range of workflows involving semantic annotation of legal texts.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
Facilitating Fine-grained Detection of Chinese Toxic Language: Hierarchical Taxonomy, Resources, and Benchmarks
[ "Junyu Lu", "Bo Xu", "Xiaokun Zhang", "Changrong Min", "Liang Yang", "Hongfei Lin" ]
The widespread dissemination of toxic online posts is increasingly damaging to society. However, research on detecting toxic language in Chinese has lagged significantly. Existing datasets lack fine-grained annotation of toxic types and expressions, and ignore the samples with indirect toxicity. In addition, it is crucial to introduce lexical knowledge to detect the toxicity of posts, which has been a challenge for researchers. In this paper, we facilitate the fine-grained detection of Chinese toxic language. First, we built Monitor Toxic Frame, a hierarchical taxonomy to analyze toxic types and expressions. Then, a fine-grained dataset ToxiCN is presented, including both direct and indirect toxic samples. We also build an insult lexicon containing implicit profanity and propose Toxic Knowledge Enhancement (TKE) as a benchmark, incorporating the lexical feature to detect toxic language. In the experimental stage, we demonstrate the effectiveness of TKE. After that, a systematic quantitative and qualitative analysis of the findings is given.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
Language Independent Neuro-Symbolic Semantic Parsing for Form Understanding
[ "Bhanu Prakash Voutharoja", "Lizhen Qu", "Fatemeh Shiri" ]
Recent works on form understanding mostly employ multimodal transformers or large-scale pre-trained language models. These models need ample data for pre-training. In contrast, humans can usually identify key-value pairings from a form only by looking at layouts, even if they don't comprehend the language used. No prior research has been conducted to investigate how helpful layout information alone is for form understanding. Hence, we propose a unique entity-relation graph parsing method for scanned forms called LAGNN, a language-independent Graph Neural Network model. Our model parses a form into a word-relation graph in order to identify entities and relations jointly and reduce the time complexity of inference. This graph is then transformed by deterministic rules into a fully connected entity-relation graph. Our model simply takes into account relative spacing between bounding boxes from layout information to facilitate easy transfer across languages. To further improve the performance of LAGNN, and achieve isomorphism between entity-relation graphs and word-relation graphs, we use integer linear programming (ILP) based inference. Code is publicly available at
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
XAI in Computational Linguistics: Understanding Political Leanings in the Slovenian Parliament
[ "Bojan Evkoski", "Senja Pollak" ]
The work covers the development and explainability of machine learning models for predicting political leanings through parliamentary transcriptions. We concentrate on the Slovenian parliament and the heated debate on the European migrant crisis, with transcriptions from 2014 to 2020. We develop both classical machine learning and transformer language models to predict the left- or right-leaning of parliamentarians based on their given speeches on the topic of migrants. With both types of models showing great predictive success, we continue with explaining their decisions. Using explainability techniques, we identify keywords and phrases that have the strongest influence in predicting political leanings on the topic, with left-leaning parliamentarians using concepts such as people and unity and speak about refugees, and right-leaning parliamentarians using concepts such as nationality and focus more on illegal migrants. This research is an example that understanding the reasoning behind predictions can not just be beneficial for AI engineers to improve their models, but it can also be helpful as a tool in the qualitative analysis steps in interdisciplinary research.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
Reinforcement Learning for Topic Models
[ "Jeremy Costello", "Marek Z. Reformat" ]
We apply reinforcement learning techniques to topic modeling by replacing the variational autoencoder in ProdLDA with a continuous action space reinforcement learning policy. We train the system with a policy gradient algorithm REINFORCE. Additionally, we introduced several modifications: modernize the neural network architecture, weight the ELBO loss, use contextual embeddings, and monitor the learning process via computing topic diversity and coherence for each training step. Experiments are performed on 11 data sets. Our unsupervised model outperforms all other unsupervised models and performs on par with or better than most models using supervised labeling. Our model is outperformed on certain data sets by a model using supervised labeling and contrastive learning. We have also conducted an ablation study to provide empirical evidence of performance improvements from changes we made to ProdLDA and found that the reinforcement learning formulation boosts performance.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.LG" ]
A Frustratingly Easy Improvement for Position Embeddings via Random Padding
[ "Mingxu Tao", "Yansong Feng", "Dongyan Zhao" ]
Position embeddings, encoding the positional relationships among tokens in text sequences, make great contributions to modeling local context features in Transformer-based pre-trained language models. However, in Extractive Question Answering, position embeddings trained with instances of varied context lengths may not perform well as we expect. Since the embeddings of rear positions are updated fewer times than the front position embeddings, the rear ones may not be properly trained. In this paper, we propose a simple but effective strategy, Random Padding, without any modifications to architectures of existing pre-trained language models. We adjust the token order of input sequences when fine-tuning, to balance the number of updating times of every position embedding. Experiments show that Random Padding can significantly improve model performance on the instances whose answers are located at rear positions, especially when models are trained on short contexts but evaluated on long contexts. Our code and data will be released for future research.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
LABO: Towards Learning Optimal Label Regularization via Bi-level Optimization
[ "Peng Lu", "Ahmad Rashid", "Ivan Kobyzev", "Mehdi Rezagholizadeh", "Philippe Langlais" ]
Regularization techniques are crucial to improving the generalization performance and training efficiency of deep neural networks. Many deep learning algorithms rely on weight decay, dropout, batch/layer normalization to converge faster and generalize. Label Smoothing (LS) is another simple, versatile and efficient regularization which can be applied to various supervised classification tasks. Conventional LS, however, regardless of the training instance assumes that each non-target class is equally likely. In this work, we present a general framework for training with label regularization, which includes conventional LS but can also model instance-specific variants. Based on this formulation, we propose an efficient way of learning LAbel regularization by devising a Bi-level Optimization (LABO) problem. We derive a deterministic and interpretable solution of the inner loop as the optimal label smoothing without the need to store the parameters or the output of a trained model. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments and demonstrate our LABO consistently yields improvement over conventional label regularization on various fields, including seven machine translation and three image classification tasks across various
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CL" ]
Knowledge Graph Guided Semantic Evaluation of Language Models For User Trust
[ "Kaushik Roy", "Tarun Garg", "Vedant Palit", "Yuxin Zi", "Vignesh Narayanan", "Amit Sheth" ]
A fundamental question in natural language processing is - what kind of language structure and semantics is the language model capturing? Graph formats such as knowledge graphs are easy to evaluate as they explicitly express language semantics and structure. This study evaluates the semantics encoded in the self-attention transformers by leveraging explicit knowledge graph structures. We propose novel metrics to measure the reconstruction error when providing graph path sequences from a knowledge graph and trying to reproduce/reconstruct the same from the outputs of the self-attention transformer models. The opacity of language models has an immense bearing on societal issues of trust and explainable decision outcomes. Our findings suggest that language models are models of stochastic control processes for plausible language pattern generation. However, they do not ascribe object and concept-level meaning and semantics to the learned stochastic patterns such as those described in knowledge graphs. Furthermore, to enable robust evaluation of concept understanding by language models, we construct and make public an augmented language understanding benchmark built on the General Language Understanding Evaluation (GLUE) benchmark. This has significant application-level user trust implications as stochastic patterns without a strong sense of meaning cannot be trusted in high-stakes applications.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
Do Not Blindly Imitate the Teacher: Using Perturbed Loss for Knowledge Distillation
[ "Rongzhi Zhang", "Jiaming Shen", "Tianqi Liu", "Jialu Liu", "Michael Bendersky", "Marc Najork", "Chao Zhang" ]
Knowledge distillation is a popular technique to transfer knowledge from large teacher models to a small student model. Typically, the student learns to imitate the teacher by minimizing the KL divergence of its output distribution with the teacher's output distribution. In this work, we argue that such a learning objective is sub-optimal because there exists a discrepancy between the teacher's output distribution and the ground truth label distribution. Therefore, forcing the student to blindly imitate the unreliable teacher output distribution leads to inferior performance. To this end, we propose a novel knowledge distillation objective PTLoss by first representing the vanilla KL-based distillation loss function via a Maclaurin series and then perturbing the leading-order terms in this series. This perturbed loss implicitly transforms the original teacher into a proxy teacher with a distribution closer to the ground truth distribution. We establish the theoretical connection between this "distribution closeness" and the student model generalizability, which enables us to select the PTLoss's perturbation coefficients in a principled way. Extensive experiments on five datasets demonstrate PTLoss can significantly improve the distillation effectiveness for teachers of various scales.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CL" ]
Coherent Wave Dynamics and Language Generation of a Generative Pre-trained Transformer
[ "Tao Hong" ]
Large Language Models (LLMs), such as the Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT), have achieved tremendous success in various language tasks, but their emergent abilities have also raised many questions, concerns, and challenges that need to be addressed. To gain a better understanding of the models' inner mechanisms, we analyze the hidden state and channel wave dynamics in a small GPT, focusing on the coherence of wave patterns in terms of cross-channel correlation and individual auto-correlation. Our findings suggest that wave dynamics offer consistent and repeatable intrinsic oscillation modes, along with context-aware plasticity and expressiveness in language generation. By analyzing wave patterns, coherence, and clustering, we provide a systematic way to identify and interpret the functionality of the hidden state channels, paving the way to understand and control higher-level language pattern formation. In addition, we investigate the Poisson statistics of spelling errors in text sequence generation across various levels of model training and observe a phase-transition-like process. As coherence builds up, there is a competition between the generation of correct and misspelled words. However, once the model is adequately trained and significant coherence has emerged, the coherent process becomes strong enough to effectively suppress spelling errors, preventing the cascade amplification of defects. The distribution of correct spellings transitions from Poissonian to Sub-Poissonian, while the distribution of misspellings shows the opposite trend. By leveraging concepts and techniques from quantum physics, we gain novel insights into the dynamics of the small GPT. This approach can be extended to larger language models that exhibit more complex coherent language patterns, opening up opportunities to interpret their emergent capabilities and develop more specialized models.
[ "cs.CL", "nlin.PS", "68T07", "I.2.7" ]
Interactive Concept Learning for Uncovering Latent Themes in Large Text Collections
[ "Maria Leonor Pacheco", "Tunazzina Islam", "Lyle Ungar", "Ming Yin", "Dan Goldwasser" ]
Experts across diverse disciplines are often interested in making sense of large text collections. Traditionally, this challenge is approached either by noisy unsupervised techniques such as topic models, or by following a manual theme discovery process. In this paper, we expand the definition of a theme to account for more than just a word distribution, and include generalized concepts deemed relevant by domain experts. Then, we propose an interactive framework that receives and encodes expert feedback at different levels of abstraction. Our framework strikes a balance between automation and manual coding, allowing experts to maintain control of their study while reducing the manual effort required.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.HC" ]
Algebra Error Classification with Large Language Models
[ "Hunter McNichols", "Mengxue Zhang", "Andrew Lan" ]
Automated feedback as students answer open-ended math questions has significant potential in improving learning outcomes at large scale. A key part of automated feedback systems is an error classification component, which identifies student errors and enables appropriate, predefined feedback to be deployed. Most existing approaches to error classification use a rule-based method, which has limited capacity to generalize. Existing data-driven methods avoid these limitations but specifically require mathematical expressions in student responses to be parsed into syntax trees. This requirement is itself a limitation, since student responses are not always syntactically valid and cannot be converted into trees. In this work, we introduce a flexible method for error classification using pre-trained large language models. We demonstrate that our method can outperform existing methods in algebra error classification, and is able to classify a larger set of student responses. Additionally, we analyze common classification errors made by our method and discuss limitations of automated error classification.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
Accessible Instruction-Following Agent
[ "Kairui Zhou" ]
Humans can collaborate and complete tasks based on visual signals and instruction from the environment. Training such a robot is difficult especially due to the understanding of the instruction and the complicated environment. Previous instruction-following agents are biased to English-centric corpus, making it unrealizable to be applied to users that use multiple languages or even low-resource languages. Nevertheless, the instruction-following agents are pre-trained in a mode that assumes the user can observe the environment, which limits its accessibility. In this work, we're trying to generalize the success of instruction-following agents to non-English languages with little corpus resources, and improve its intractability and accessibility. We introduce UVLN (Universal Vision-Language Navigation), a novel machine-translation instructional augmented framework for cross-lingual vision-language navigation, with a novel composition of state-of-the-art large language model (GPT3) with the image caption model (BLIP). We first collect a multilanguage vision-language navigation dataset via machine translation. Then we extend the standard VLN training objectives to a multilingual setting via a cross-lingual language encoder. The alignment between different languages is captured through a shared vision and action context via a cross-modal transformer, which encodes the inputs of language instruction, visual observation, and action decision sequences. To improve the intractability, we connect our agent with the large language model that informs the situation and current state to the user and also explains the action decisions. Experiments over Room Across Room Dataset prove the effectiveness of our approach. And the qualitative results show the promising intractability and accessibility of our instruction-following agent.
[ "cs.AI", "cs.CL" ]
Imitation versus Innovation: What children can do that large language and language-and-vision models cannot (yet)?
[ "Eunice Yiu", "Eliza Kosoy", "Alison Gopnik" ]
Much discussion about large language models and language-and-vision models has focused on whether these models are intelligent agents. We present an alternative perspective. We argue that these artificial intelligence models are cultural technologies that enhance cultural transmission in the modern world, and are efficient imitation engines. We explore what AI models can tell us about imitation and innovation by evaluating their capacity to design new tools and discover novel causal structures, and contrast their responses with those of human children. Our work serves as a first step in determining which particular representations and competences, as well as which kinds of knowledge or skill, can be derived from particular learning techniques and data. Critically, our findings suggest that machines may need more than large scale language and images to achieve what a child can do.
[ "cs.AI", "cs.CL" ]
ChatGPT: Vision and Challenges
[ "Sukhpal Singh Gill", "Rupinder Kaur" ]
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have changed the nature of scientific inquiry in recent years. Of these, the development of virtual assistants has accelerated greatly in the past few years, with ChatGPT becoming a prominent AI language model. In this study, we examine the foundations, vision, research challenges of ChatGPT. This article investigates into the background and development of the technology behind it, as well as its popular applications. Moreover, we discuss the advantages of bringing everything together through ChatGPT and Internet of Things (IoT). Further, we speculate on the future of ChatGPT by considering various possibilities for study and development, such as energy-efficiency, cybersecurity, enhancing its applicability to additional technologies (Robotics and Computer Vision), strengthening human-AI communications, and bridging the technological gap. Finally, we discuss the important ethics and current trends of ChatGPT.
[ "cs.CY", "cs.CL" ]
The impact and applications of ChatGPT: a systematic review of literature reviews
[ "Irene S. Gabashvili" ]
The conversational artificial-intelligence (AI) technology ChatGPT has become one of the most widely used natural language processing tools. With thousands of published papers demonstrating its applications across various industries and fields, ChatGPT has sparked significant interest in the research community. Reviews of primary data have also begun to emerge. An overview of the available evidence from multiple reviews and studies could provide further insights, minimize redundancy, and identify areas where further research is needed. Objective: To evaluate the existing reviews and literature related to ChatGPT's applications and its potential impact on different fields by conducting a systematic review of reviews and bibliometric analysis of primary literature. Methods: PubMed, EuropePMC, Dimensions AI, medRxiv, bioRxiv, arXiv, and Google Scholar were searched for ChatGPT-related publications from 2022 to 4/30/2023. Studies including secondary data related to the application of ChatGPT were considered. Reporting and risk of bias assesment was performed using PRISMA guidelines. Results: A total of 305 unique records with potential relevance to the review were identified from a pool of over 2,000 original articles. After multi-step screening process, 11 reviews were selected, consisting of 9 reviews specifically focused on ChatGPT and 2 reviews on broader AI topics that also included discussions on ChatGPT. We also conducted bibliometric analysis of primary data. Conclusions: While AI has the potential to revolutionize various industries, further interdisciplinary research, customized integrations, and ethical innovation are necessary to address existing concerns and ensure its responsible use. Protocol Registration: PROSPERO registration no. CRD42023417336, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/87U6Q.
[ "cs.CY", "cs.CL" ]
Do Large Language Models Show Decision Heuristics Similar to Humans? A Case Study Using GPT-3.5
[ "Gaurav Suri", "Lily R. Slater", "Ali Ziaee", "Morgan Nguyen" ]
A Large Language Model (LLM) is an artificial intelligence system that has been trained on vast amounts of natural language data, enabling it to generate human-like responses to written or spoken language input. GPT-3.5 is an example of an LLM that supports a conversational agent called ChatGPT. In this work, we used a series of novel prompts to determine whether ChatGPT shows heuristics, biases, and other decision effects. We also tested the same prompts on human participants. Across four studies, we found that ChatGPT was influenced by random anchors in making estimates (Anchoring Heuristic, Study 1); it judged the likelihood of two events occurring together to be higher than the likelihood of either event occurring alone, and it was erroneously influenced by salient anecdotal information (Representativeness and Availability Heuristic, Study 2); it found an item to be more efficacious when its features were presented positively rather than negatively - even though both presentations contained identical information (Framing Effect, Study 3); and it valued an owned item more than a newly found item even though the two items were identical (Endowment Effect, Study 4). In each study, human participants showed similar effects. Heuristics and related decision effects in humans are thought to be driven by cognitive and affective processes such as loss aversion and effort reduction. The fact that an LLM - which lacks these processes - also shows such effects invites consideration of the possibility that language may play a role in generating these effects in humans.
[ "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "q-bio.NC" ]
Sparks of Artificial General Recommender (AGR): Early Experiments with ChatGPT
[ "Guo Lin", "Yongfeng Zhang" ]
This study investigates the feasibility of developing an Artificial General Recommender (AGR), facilitated by recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs). An AGR comprises both conversationality and universality to engage in natural dialogues and generate recommendations across various domains. We propose ten fundamental principles that an AGR should adhere to, each with its corresponding testing protocols. We proceed to assess whether ChatGPT, a sophisticated LLM, can comply with the proposed principles by engaging in recommendation-oriented dialogues with the model while observing its behavior. Our findings demonstrate the potential for ChatGPT to serve as an AGR, though several limitations and areas for improvement are identified.
[ "cs.IR", "cs.CL", "cs.LG" ]
Prompted LLMs as Chatbot Modules for Long Open-domain Conversation
[ "Gibbeum Lee", "Volker Hartmann", "Jongho Park", "Dimitris Papailiopoulos", "Kangwook Lee" ]
In this paper, we propose MPC (Modular Prompted Chatbot), a new approach for creating high-quality conversational agents without the need for fine-tuning. Our method utilizes pre-trained large language models (LLMs) as individual modules for long-term consistency and flexibility, by using techniques such as few-shot prompting, chain-of-thought (CoT), and external memory. Our human evaluation results show that MPC is on par with fine-tuned chatbot models in open-domain conversations, making it an effective solution for creating consistent and engaging chatbots.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
What Do Patients Say About Their Disease Symptoms? Deep Multilabel Text Classification With Human-in-the-Loop Curation for Automatic Labeling of Patient Self Reports of Problems
[ "Lakshmi Arbatti", "Abhishek Hosamath", "Vikram Ramanarayanan", "Ira Shoulson" ]
The USA Food and Drug Administration has accorded increasing importance to patient-reported problems in clinical and research settings. In this paper, we explore one of the largest online datasets comprising 170,141 open-ended self-reported responses (called "verbatims") from patients with Parkinson's (PwPs) to questions about what bothers them about their Parkinson's Disease and how it affects their daily functioning, also known as the Parkinson's Disease Patient Report of Problems. Classifying such verbatims into multiple clinically relevant symptom categories is an important problem and requires multiple steps - expert curation, a multi-label text classification (MLTC) approach and large amounts of labelled training data. Further, human annotation of such large datasets is tedious and expensive. We present a novel solution to this problem where we build a baseline dataset using 2,341 (of the 170,141) verbatims annotated by nine curators including clinical experts and PwPs. We develop a rules based linguistic-dictionary using NLP techniques and graph database-based expert phrase-query system to scale the annotation to the remaining cohort generating the machine annotated dataset, and finally build a Keras-Tensorflow based MLTC model for both datasets. The machine annotated model significantly outperforms the baseline model with a F1-score of 95% across 65 symptom categories on a held-out test set.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.LG", "eess.AS" ]
Code Execution with Pre-trained Language Models
[ "Chenxiao Liu", "Shuai Lu", "Weizhu Chen", "Daxin Jiang", "Alexey Svyatkovskiy", "Shengyu Fu", "Neel Sundaresan", "Nan Duan" ]
Code execution is a fundamental aspect of programming language semantics that reflects the exact behavior of the code. However, most pre-trained models for code intelligence ignore the execution trace and only rely on source code and syntactic structures. In this paper, we investigate how well pre-trained models can understand and perform code execution. We develop a mutation-based data augmentation technique to create a large-scale and realistic Python dataset and task for code execution, which challenges existing models such as Codex. We then present CodeExecutor, a Transformer model that leverages code execution pre-training and curriculum learning to enhance its semantic comprehension. We evaluate CodeExecutor on code execution and show its promising performance and limitations. We also demonstrate its potential benefits for code intelligence tasks such as zero-shot code-to-code search and text-to-code generation. Our analysis provides insights into the learning and generalization abilities of pre-trained models for code execution.
[ "cs.PL", "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "cs.SE" ]
Multi-Task End-to-End Training Improves Conversational Recommendation
[ "Naveen Ram", "Dima Kuzmin", "Ellie Ka In Chio", "Moustafa Farid Alzantot", "Santiago Ontanon", "Ambarish Jash", "Judith Yue Li" ]
In this paper, we analyze the performance of a multitask end-to-end transformer model on the task of conversational recommendations, which aim to provide recommendations based on a user's explicit preferences expressed in dialogue. While previous works in this area adopt complex multi-component approaches where the dialogue management and entity recommendation tasks are handled by separate components, we show that a unified transformer model, based on the T5 text-to-text transformer model, can perform competitively in both recommending relevant items and generating conversation dialogue. We fine-tune our model on the ReDIAL conversational movie recommendation dataset, and create additional training tasks derived from MovieLens (such as the prediction of movie attributes and related movies based on an input movie), in a multitask learning setting. Using a series of probe studies, we demonstrate that the learned knowledge in the additional tasks is transferred to the conversational setting, where each task leads to a 9%-52% increase in its related probe score.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI", "cs.IR" ]
ComputeGPT: A computational chat model for numerical problems
[ "Ryan Hardesty Lewis", "Junfeng Jiao" ]
Language models are not accurate in numerical problems. Their architecture does not allow for anything less than a probabilistic next word. This paper introduces ComputeGPT: an approach of creating a chat model able to answer computational problems through running on-demand code. ComputeGPT converts each question to relevant code, runs the code, and returns the computed answer as part of the chat. We combine this approach with a local browser-based Python interpretation and fine-tuned prompts in order to achieve state-of-the-art efficiency on numerical problems and provide a suitable front-end and safe environment for the code to be executed in.
[ "cs.PL", "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "68T50, 68N18, 97R50", "I.2.7; I.2.6; H.5.2" ]
Behavior Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Skill Discovery
[ "Rushuai Yang", "Chenjia Bai", "Hongyi Guo", "Siyuan Li", "Bin Zhao", "Zhen Wang", "Peng Liu", "Xuelong Li" ]
In reinforcement learning, unsupervised skill discovery aims to learn diverse skills without extrinsic rewards. Previous methods discover skills by maximizing the mutual information (MI) between states and skills. However, such an MI objective tends to learn simple and static skills and may hinder exploration. In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised skill discovery method through contrastive learning among behaviors, which makes the agent produce similar behaviors for the same skill and diverse behaviors for different skills. Under mild assumptions, our objective maximizes the MI between different behaviors based on the same skill, which serves as an upper bound of the previous MI objective. Meanwhile, our method implicitly increases the state entropy to obtain better state coverage. We evaluate our method on challenging mazes and continuous control tasks. The results show that our method generates diverse and far-reaching skills, and also obtains competitive performance in downstream tasks compared to the state-of-the-art methods.
[ "cs.LG" ]
A LSTM and Cost-Sensitive Learning-Based Real-Time Warning for Civil Aviation Over-limit
[ "Yiming Bian" ]
The issue of over-limit during passenger aircraft flights has drawn increasing attention in civil aviation due to its potential safety risks. To address this issue, real-time automated warning systems are essential. In this study, a real-time warning model for civil aviation over-limit is proposed based on QAR data monitoring. Firstly, highly correlated attributes to over-limit are extracted from a vast QAR dataset using the Spearman rank correlation coefficient. Because flight over-limit poses a binary classification problem with unbalanced samples, this paper incorporates cost-sensitive learning in the LSTM model. Finally, the time step length, number of LSTM cells, and learning rate in the LSTM model are optimized using a grid search approach. The model is trained on a real dataset, and its performance is evaluated on a validation set. The experimental results show that the proposed model achieves an F1 score of 0.991 and an accuracy of 0.978, indicating its effectiveness in real-time warning of civil aviation over-limit.
[ "cs.LG" ]
Analysis of Numerical Integration in RNN-Based Residuals for Fault Diagnosis of Dynamic Systems
[ "Arman Mohammadi", "Theodor Westny", "Daniel Jung", "Mattias Krysander" ]
Data-driven modeling and machine learning are widely used to model the behavior of dynamic systems. One application is the residual evaluation of technical systems where model predictions are compared with measurement data to create residuals for fault diagnosis applications. While recurrent neural network models have been shown capable of modeling complex non-linear dynamic systems, they are limited to fixed steps discrete-time simulation. Modeling using neural ordinary differential equations, however, make it possible to evaluate the state variables at specific times, compute gradients when training the model and use standard numerical solvers to explicitly model the underlying dynamic of the time-series data. Here, the effect of solver selection on the performance of neural ordinary differential equation residuals during training and evaluation is investigated. The paper includes a case study of a heavy-duty truck's after-treatment system to highlight the potential of these techniques for improving fault diagnosis performance.
[ "cs.LG" ]
ASDL: A Unified Interface for Gradient Preconditioning in PyTorch
[ "Kazuki Osawa", "Satoki Ishikawa", "Rio Yokota", "Shigang Li", "Torsten Hoefler" ]
Gradient preconditioning is a key technique to integrate the second-order information into gradients for improving and extending gradient-based learning algorithms. In deep learning, stochasticity, nonconvexity, and high dimensionality lead to a wide variety of gradient preconditioning methods, with implementation complexity and inconsistent performance and feasibility. We propose the Automatic Second-order Differentiation Library (ASDL), an extension library for PyTorch, which offers various implementations and a plug-and-play unified interface for gradient preconditioning. ASDL enables the study and structured comparison of a range of gradient preconditioning methods.
[ "cs.LG" ]
Is AUC the best measure for practical comparison of anomaly detectors?
[ "Vít Škvára", "Tomáš Pevný", "Václav Šmídl" ]
The area under receiver operating characteristics (AUC) is the standard measure for comparison of anomaly detectors. Its advantage is in providing a scalar number that allows a natural ordering and is independent on a threshold, which allows to postpone the choice. In this work, we question whether AUC is a good metric for anomaly detection, or if it gives a false sense of comfort, due to relying on assumptions which are unlikely to hold in practice. Our investigation shows that variations of AUC emphasizing accuracy at low false positive rate seem to be better correlated with the needs of practitioners, but also that we can compare anomaly detectors only in the case when we have representative examples of anomalous samples. This last result is disturbing, as it suggests that in many cases, we should do active or few-show learning instead of pure anomaly detection.
[ "cs.LG" ]
Goal-oriented inference of environment from redundant observations
[ "Kazuki Takahashi", "Tomoki Fukai", "Yutaka Sakai", "Takashi Takekawa" ]
The agent learns to organize decision behavior to achieve a behavioral goal, such as reward maximization, and reinforcement learning is often used for this optimization. Learning an optimal behavioral strategy is difficult under the uncertainty that events necessary for learning are only partially observable, called as Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP). However, the real-world environment also gives many events irrelevant to reward delivery and an optimal behavioral strategy. The conventional methods in POMDP, which attempt to infer transition rules among the entire observations, including irrelevant states, are ineffective in such an environment. Supposing Redundantly Observable Markov Decision Process (ROMDP), here we propose a method for goal-oriented reinforcement learning to efficiently learn state transition rules among reward-related "core states'' from redundant observations. Starting with a small number of initial core states, our model gradually adds new core states to the transition diagram until it achieves an optimal behavioral strategy consistent with the Bellman equation. We demonstrate that the resultant inference model outperforms the conventional method for POMDP. We emphasize that our model only containing the core states has high explainability. Furthermore, the proposed method suits online learning as it suppresses memory consumption and improves learning speed.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Accelerated Algorithms for a Class of Optimization Problems with Equality and Box Constraints
[ "Anjali Parashar", "Priyank Srivastava", "Anuradha M. Annaswamy" ]
Convex optimization with equality and inequality constraints is a ubiquitous problem in several optimization and control problems in large-scale systems. Recently there has been a lot of interest in establishing accelerated convergence of the loss function. A class of high-order tuners was recently proposed in an effort to lead to accelerated convergence for the case when no constraints are present. In this paper, we propose a new high-order tuner that can accommodate the presence of equality constraints. In order to accommodate the underlying box constraints, time-varying gains are introduced in the high-order tuner which leverage convexity and ensure anytime feasibility of the constraints. Numerical examples are provided to support the theoretical derivations.
[ "math.OC", "cs.LG" ]
AnomalyBERT: Self-Supervised Transformer for Time Series Anomaly Detection using Data Degradation Scheme
[ "Yungi Jeong", "Eunseok Yang", "Jung Hyun Ryu", "Imseong Park", "Myungjoo Kang" ]
Mechanical defects in real situations affect observation values and cause abnormalities in multivariate time series, such as sensor values or network data. To perceive abnormalities in such data, it is crucial to understand the temporal context and interrelation between variables simultaneously. The anomaly detection task for time series, especially for unlabeled data, has been a challenging problem, and we address it by applying a suitable data degradation scheme to self-supervised model training. We define four types of synthetic outliers and propose the degradation scheme in which a portion of input data is replaced with one of the synthetic outliers. Inspired by the self-attention mechanism, we design a Transformer-based architecture to recognize the temporal context and detect unnatural sequences with high efficiency. Our model converts multivariate data points into temporal representations with relative position bias and yields anomaly scores from these representations. Our method, AnomalyBERT, shows a great capability of detecting anomalies contained in complex time series and surpasses previous state-of-the-art methods on five real-world benchmarks. Our code is available at
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Blockchained Federated Learning for Internet of Things: A Comprehensive Survey
[ "Yanna Jiang", "Baihe Ma", "Xu Wang", "Ping Yu", "Guangsheng Yu", "Zhe Wang", "Wei Ni", "Ren Ping Liu" ]
The demand for intelligent industries and smart services based on big data is rising rapidly with the increasing digitization and intelligence of the modern world. This survey comprehensively reviews Blockchained Federated Learning (BlockFL) that joins the benefits of both Blockchain and Federated Learning to provide a secure and efficient solution for the demand. We compare the existing BlockFL models in four Internet-of-Things (IoT) application scenarios: Personal IoT (PIoT), Industrial IoT (IIoT), Internet of Vehicles (IoV), and Internet of Health Things (IoHT), with a focus on security and privacy, trust and reliability, efficiency, and data heterogeneity. Our analysis shows that the features of decentralization and transparency make BlockFL a secure and effective solution for distributed model training, while the overhead and compatibility still need further study. It also reveals the unique challenges of each domain presents unique challenges, e.g., the requirement of accommodating dynamic environments in IoV and the high demands of identity and permission management in IoHT, in addition to some common challenges identified, such as privacy, resource constraints, and data heterogeneity. Furthermore, we examine the existing technologies that can benefit BlockFL, thereby helping researchers and practitioners to make informed decisions about the selection and development of BlockFL for various IoT application scenarios.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CR" ]
Q&A Label Learning
[ "Kota Kawamoto", "Masato Uchida" ]
Assigning labels to instances is crucial for supervised machine learning. In this paper, we proposed a novel annotation method called Q&A labeling, which involves a question generator that asks questions about the labels of the instances to be assigned, and an annotator who answers the questions and assigns the corresponding labels to the instances. We derived a generative model of labels assigned according to two different Q&A labeling procedures that differ in the way questions are asked and answered. We showed that, in both procedures, the derived model is partially consistent with that assumed in previous studies. The main distinction of this study from previous studies lies in the fact that the label generative model was not assumed, but rather derived based on the definition of a specific annotation method, Q&A labeling. We also derived a loss function to evaluate the classification risk of ordinary supervised machine learning using instances assigned Q&A labels and evaluated the upper bound of the classification error. The results indicate statistical consistency in learning with Q&A labels.
[ "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ]
Learning Good Interventions in Causal Graphs via Covering
[ "Ayush Sawarni", "Rahul Madhavan", "Gaurav Sinha", "Siddharth Barman" ]
We study the causal bandit problem that entails identifying a near-optimal intervention from a specified set $A$ of (possibly non-atomic) interventions over a given causal graph. Here, an optimal intervention in ${A}$ is one that maximizes the expected value for a designated reward variable in the graph, and we use the standard notion of simple regret to quantify near optimality. Considering Bernoulli random variables and for causal graphs on $N$ vertices with constant in-degree, prior work has achieved a worst case guarantee of $\widetilde{O} (N/\sqrt{T})$ for simple regret. The current work utilizes the idea of covering interventions (which are not necessarily contained within ${A}$) and establishes a simple regret guarantee of $\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{N/T})$. Notably, and in contrast to prior work, our simple regret bound depends only on explicit parameters of the problem instance. We also go beyond prior work and achieve a simple regret guarantee for causal graphs with unobserved variables. Further, we perform experiments to show improvements over baselines in this setting.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Predicting nuclear masses with product-unit networks
[ "Babette Dellen", "Uwe Jaekel", "Paulo S. A. Freitas", "John W. Clark" ]
Accurate estimation of nuclear masses and their prediction beyond the experimentally explored domains of the nuclear landscape are crucial to an understanding of the fundamental origin of nuclear properties and to many applications of nuclear science, most notably in quantifying the $r$-process of stellar nucleosynthesis. Neural networks have been applied with some success to the prediction of nuclear masses, but they are known to have shortcomings in application to extrapolation tasks. In this work, we propose and explore a novel type of neural network for mass prediction in which the usual neuron-like processing units are replaced by complex-valued product units that permit multiplicative couplings of inputs to be learned from the input data. This generalized network model is tested on both interpolation and extrapolation data sets drawn from the Atomic Mass Evaluation. Its performance is compared with that of several neural-network architectures, substantiating its suitability for nuclear mass prediction. Additionally, a prediction-uncertainty measure for such complex-valued networks is proposed that serves to identify regions of expected low prediction error.
[ "nucl-th", "cs.LG" ]
Differentially Private Attention Computation
[ "Yeqi Gao", "Zhao Song", "Xin Yang" ]
Large language models (LLMs) have had a profound impact on numerous aspects of daily life including natural language processing, content generation, research methodologies and so on. However, one crucial issue concerning the inference results of large language models is security and privacy. In many scenarios, the results generated by LLMs could possibly leak many confidential or copyright information. A recent beautiful and breakthrough work [Vyas, Kakade and Barak 2023] focus on such privacy issue of the LLMs from theoretical perspective. It is well-known that computing the attention matrix is one of the major task during the LLMs computation. Thus, how to give a provable privately guarantees of computing the attention matrix is an important research direction. Previous work [Alman and Song 2023, Brand, Song and Zhou 2023] have proposed provable tight result for fast computation of attention without considering privacy concerns. One natural mathematical formulation to quantity the privacy in theoretical computer science graduate school textbook is differential privacy. Inspired by [Vyas, Kakade and Barak 2023], in this work, we provide a provable result for showing how to differentially private approximate the attention matrix. From technique perspective, our result replies on a pioneering work in the area of differential privacy by [Alabi, Kothari, Tankala, Venkat and Zhang 2022].
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CR" ]
DEFENDER: DTW-Based Episode Filtering Using Demonstrations for Enhancing RL Safety
[ "André Correia", "Luís Alexandre" ]
Deploying reinforcement learning agents in the real world can be challenging due to the risks associated with learning through trial and error. We propose a task-agnostic method that leverages small sets of safe and unsafe demonstrations to improve the safety of RL agents during learning. The method compares the current trajectory of the agent with both sets of demonstrations at every step, and filters the trajectory if it resembles the unsafe demonstrations. We perform ablation studies on different filtering strategies and investigate the impact of the number of demonstrations on performance. Our method is compatible with any stand-alone RL algorithm and can be applied to any task. We evaluate our method on three tasks from OpenAI Gym's Mujoco benchmark and two state-of-the-art RL algorithms. The results demonstrate that our method significantly reduces the crash rate of the agent while converging to, and in most cases even improving, the performance of the stand-alone agent.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Understanding Noise-Augmented Training for Randomized Smoothing
[ "Ambar Pal", "Jeremias Sulam" ]
Randomized smoothing is a technique for providing provable robustness guarantees against adversarial attacks while making minimal assumptions about a classifier. This method relies on taking a majority vote of any base classifier over multiple noise-perturbed inputs to obtain a smoothed classifier, and it remains the tool of choice to certify deep and complex neural network models. Nonetheless, non-trivial performance of such smoothed classifier crucially depends on the base model being trained on noise-augmented data, i.e., on a smoothed input distribution. While widely adopted in practice, it is still unclear how this noisy training of the base classifier precisely affects the risk of the robust smoothed classifier, leading to heuristics and tricks that are poorly understood. In this work we analyze these trade-offs theoretically in a binary classification setting, proving that these common observations are not universal. We show that, without making stronger distributional assumptions, no benefit can be expected from predictors trained with noise-augmentation, and we further characterize distributions where such benefit is obtained. Our analysis has direct implications to the practical deployment of randomized smoothing, and we illustrate some of these via experiments on CIFAR-10 and MNIST, as well as on synthetic datasets.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Global Update Tracking: A Decentralized Learning Algorithm for Heterogeneous Data
[ "Sai Aparna Aketi", "Abolfazl Hashemi", "Kaushik Roy" ]
Decentralized learning enables the training of deep learning models over large distributed datasets generated at different locations, without the need for a central server. However, in practical scenarios, the data distribution across these devices can be significantly different, leading to a degradation in model performance. In this paper, we focus on designing a decentralized learning algorithm that is less susceptible to variations in data distribution across devices. We propose Global Update Tracking (GUT), a novel tracking-based method that aims to mitigate the impact of heterogeneous data in decentralized learning without introducing any communication overhead. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique through an exhaustive set of experiments on various Computer Vision datasets (CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Fashion MNIST, and ImageNette), model architectures, and network topologies. Our experiments show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance for decentralized learning on heterogeneous data via a $1-6\%$ improvement in test accuracy compared to other existing techniques.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.MA" ]
On User-Level Private Convex Optimization
[ "Badih Ghazi", "Pritish Kamath", "Ravi Kumar", "Raghu Meka", "Pasin Manurangsi", "Chiyuan Zhang" ]
We introduce a new mechanism for stochastic convex optimization (SCO) with user-level differential privacy guarantees. The convergence rates of this mechanism are similar to those in the prior work of Levy et al. (2021); Narayanan et al. (2022), but with two important improvements. Our mechanism does not require any smoothness assumptions on the loss. Furthermore, our bounds are also the first where the minimum number of users needed for user-level privacy has no dependence on the dimension and only a logarithmic dependence on the desired excess error. The main idea underlying the new mechanism is to show that the optimizers of strongly convex losses have low local deletion sensitivity, along with an output perturbation method for functions with low local deletion sensitivity, which could be of independent interest.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CR" ]
From Relational Pooling to Subgraph GNNs: A Universal Framework for More Expressive Graph Neural Networks
[ "Cai Zhou", "Xiyuan Wang", "Muhan Zhang" ]
Relational pooling is a framework for building more expressive and permutation-invariant graph neural networks. However, there is limited understanding of the exact enhancement in the expressivity of RP and its connection with the Weisfeiler Lehman hierarchy. Starting from RP, we propose to explicitly assign labels to nodes as additional features to improve expressive power of message passing neural networks. The method is then extended to higher dimensional WL, leading to a novel $k,l$-WL algorithm, a more general framework than $k$-WL. Theoretically, we analyze the expressivity of $k,l$-WL with respect to $k$ and $l$ and unifies it with a great number of subgraph GNNs. Complexity reduction methods are also systematically discussed to build powerful and practical $k,l$-GNN instances. We theoretically and experimentally prove that our method is universally compatible and capable of improving the expressivity of any base GNN model. Our $k,l$-GNNs achieve superior performance on many synthetic and real-world datasets, which verifies the effectiveness of our framework.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Autoencoder-based prediction of ICU clinical codes
[ "Tsvetan R. Yordanov", "Ameen Abu-Hanna", "Anita CJ Ravelli", "Iacopo Vagliano" ]
Availability of diagnostic codes in Electronic Health Records (EHRs) is crucial for patient care as well as reimbursement purposes. However, entering them in the EHR is tedious, and some clinical codes may be overlooked. Given an in-complete list of clinical codes, we investigate the performance of ML methods on predicting the complete ones, and assess the added predictive value of including other clinical patient data in this task. We used the MIMIC-III dataset and frame the task of completing the clinical codes as a recommendation problem. We con-sider various autoencoder approaches plus two strong baselines; item co-occurrence and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). Inputs are 1) a record's known clinical codes, 2) the codes plus variables. The co-occurrence-based ap-proach performed slightly better (F1 score=0.26, Mean Average Precision [MAP]=0.19) than the SVD (F1=0.24, MAP=0.18). However, the adversarial autoencoder achieved the best performance when using the codes plus variables (F1=0.32, MAP=0.25). Adversarial autoencoders performed best in terms of F1 and were equal to vanilla and denoising autoencoders in term of MAP. Using clinical variables in addition to the incomplete codes list, improves the predictive performance of the models.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.IR", "68", "J.3" ]
Domain independent post-processing with graph U-nets: Applications to Electrical Impedance Tomographic Imaging
[ "William Herzberg", "Andreas Hauptmann", "Sarah J. Hamilton" ]
Reconstruction of tomographic images from boundary measurements requires flexibility with respect to target domains. For instance, when the system equations are modeled by partial differential equations the reconstruction is usually done on finite element (FE) meshes, allowing for flexible geometries. Thus, any processing of the obtained reconstructions should be ideally done on the FE mesh as well. For this purpose, we extend the hugely successful U-Net architecture that is limited to rectangular pixel or voxel domains to an equivalent that works flexibly on FE meshes. To achieve this, the FE mesh is converted into a graph and we formulate a graph U-Net with a new cluster pooling and unpooling on the graph that mimics the classic neighborhood based max-pooling. We demonstrate effectiveness and flexibility of the graph U-Net for improving reconstructions from electrical impedance tomographic (EIT) measurements, a nonlinear and highly ill-posed inverse problem. The performance is evaluated for simulated data and from three measurement devices with different measurement geometries and instrumentations. We successfully show that such networks can be trained with a simple two-dimensional simulated training set and generalize to very different domains, including measurements from a three-dimensional device and subsequent 3D reconstructions.
[ "eess.IV", "cs.LG" ]
A Unifying Framework of Attention-based Neural Load Forecasting
[ "Jing Xiong", "Yu Zhang" ]
Accurate load forecasting is critical for reliable and efficient planning and operation of electric power grids. In this paper, we propose a unifying deep learning framework for load forecasting, which includes time-varying feature weighting, hierarchical temporal attention, and feature-reinforced error correction. Our framework adopts a modular design with good generalization capability. First, the feature-weighting mechanism assigns input features with temporal weights. Second, a recurrent encoder-decoder structure with hierarchical attention is developed as a load predictor. The hierarchical attention enables a similar day selection, which re-evaluates the importance of historical information at each time step. Third, we develop an error correction module that explores the errors and learned feature hidden information to further improve the model's forecasting performance. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed framework outperforms existing methods on two public datasets and performance metrics, with the feature weighting mechanism and error correction module being critical to achieving superior performance. Our framework provides an effective solution to the electric load forecasting problem, which can be further adapted to many other forecasting tasks.
[ "cs.LG", "eess.SP" ]
Enhancing Road Safety through Accurate Detection of Hazardous Driving Behaviors with Graph Convolutional Recurrent Networks
[ "Pooyan Khosravinia", "Thinagaran Perumal", "Javad Zarrin" ]
Car accidents remain a significant public safety issue worldwide, with the majority of them attributed to driver errors stemming from inadequate driving knowledge, non-compliance with regulations, and poor driving habits. To improve road safety, Driving Behavior Detection (DBD) systems have been proposed in several studies to identify safe and unsafe driving behavior. Many of these studies have utilized sensor data obtained from the Controller Area Network (CAN) bus to construct their models. However, the use of publicly available sensors is known to reduce the accuracy of detection models, while incorporating vendor-specific sensors into the dataset increases accuracy. To address the limitations of existing approaches, we present a reliable DBD system based on Graph Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Networks (GConvLSTM) that enhances the precision and practicality of DBD models using public sensors. Additionally, we incorporate non-public sensors to evaluate the model's effectiveness. Our proposed model achieved a high accuracy of 97.5\% for public sensors and an average accuracy of 98.1\% for non-public sensors, indicating its consistency and accuracy in both settings. To enable local driver behavior analysis, we deployed our DBD system on a Raspberry Pi at the network edge, with drivers able to access daily driving condition reports, sensor data, and prediction results through a monitoring dashboard. Furthermore, the dashboard issues voice warnings to alert drivers of hazardous driving conditions. Our findings demonstrate that the proposed system can effectively detect hazardous and unsafe driving behavior, with potential applications in improving road safety and reducing the number of accidents caused by driver errors.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Deep Learning and Image Super-Resolution-Guided Beam and Power Allocation for mmWave Networks
[ "Yuwen Cao", "Tomoaki Ohtsuki", "Setareh Maghsudi", "Tony Q. S. Quek" ]
In this paper, we develop a deep learning (DL)-guided hybrid beam and power allocation approach for multiuser millimeter-wave (mmWave) networks, which facilitates swift beamforming at the base station (BS). The following persisting challenges motivated our research: (i) User and vehicular mobility, as well as redundant beam-reselections in mmWave networks, degrade the efficiency; (ii) Due to the large beamforming dimension at the BS, the beamforming weights predicted by the cutting-edge DL-based methods often do not suit the channel distributions; (iii) Co-located user devices may cause a severe beam conflict, thus deteriorating system performance. To address the aforementioned challenges, we exploit the synergy of supervised learning and super-resolution technology to enable low-overhead beam- and power allocation. In the first step, we propose a method for beam-quality prediction. It is based on deep learning and explores the relationship between high- and low-resolution beam images (energy). Afterward, we develop a DL-based allocation approach, which enables high-accuracy beam and power allocation with only a portion of the available time-sequential low-resolution images. Theoretical and numerical results verify the effectiveness of our proposed
[ "eess.SP", "cs.LG" ]
Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving with Parameterized Skills and Priors
[ "Letian Wang", "Jie Liu", "Hao Shao", "Wenshuo Wang", "Ruobing Chen", "Yu Liu", "Steven L. Waslander" ]
When autonomous vehicles are deployed on public roads, they will encounter countless and diverse driving situations. Many manually designed driving policies are difficult to scale to the real world. Fortunately, reinforcement learning has shown great success in many tasks by automatic trial and error. However, when it comes to autonomous driving in interactive dense traffic, RL agents either fail to learn reasonable performance or necessitate a large amount of data. Our insight is that when humans learn to drive, they will 1) make decisions over the high-level skill space instead of the low-level control space and 2) leverage expert prior knowledge rather than learning from scratch. Inspired by this, we propose ASAP-RL, an efficient reinforcement learning algorithm for autonomous driving that simultaneously leverages motion skills and expert priors. We first parameterized motion skills, which are diverse enough to cover various complex driving scenarios and situations. A skill parameter inverse recovery method is proposed to convert expert demonstrations from control space to skill space. A simple but effective double initialization technique is proposed to leverage expert priors while bypassing the issue of expert suboptimality and early performance degradation. We validate our proposed method on interactive dense-traffic driving tasks given simple and sparse rewards. Experimental results show that our method can lead to higher learning efficiency and better driving performance relative to previous methods that exploit skills and priors differently. Code is open-sourced to facilitate further research.
[ "cs.RO", "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
The Signature Kernel
[ "Darrick Lee", "Harald Oberhauser" ]
The signature kernel is a positive definite kernel for sequential data. It inherits theoretical guarantees from stochastic analysis, has efficient algorithms for computation, and shows strong empirical performance. In this short survey paper for a forthcoming Springer handbook, we give an elementary introduction to the signature kernel and highlight these theoretical and computational properties.
[ "math.PR", "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ]
CURTAINs Flows For Flows: Constructing Unobserved Regions with Maximum Likelihood Estimation
[ "Debajyoti Sengupta", "Samuel Klein", "John Andrew Raine", "Tobias Golling" ]
Model independent techniques for constructing background data templates using generative models have shown great promise for use in searches for new physics processes at the LHC. We introduce a major improvement to the CURTAINs method by training the conditional normalizing flow between two side-band regions using maximum likelihood estimation instead of an optimal transport loss. The new training objective improves the robustness and fidelity of the transformed data and is much faster and easier to train. We compare the performance against the previous approach and the current state of the art using the LHC Olympics anomaly detection dataset, where we see a significant improvement in sensitivity over the original CURTAINs method. Furthermore, CURTAINsF4F requires substantially less computational resources to cover a large number of signal regions than other fully data driven approaches. When using an efficient configuration, an order of magnitude more models can be trained in the same time required for ten signal regions, without a significant drop in performance.
[ "hep-ph", "cs.LG", "hep-ex" ]