audioduration (s)
Display clothes in the window.
I want a long sleep.
Amount of Shares
Is your brother here, Dirham
Thank you for that warm welcome
On the shoe
I am very pleased to be here with you today.
There is a little woman at the door, and she is wearing white shoes
the highest hill in Ireland
Twelve of twenty
Thank you for your generosity and your warm welcome.
This is the man.
Is she wearing a hat
On the thumb
Forty two of course!
Speech at an event to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Gaelscoil Cluainín
Thank you very much and give me my heartfelt blessing
The persons referred to in the section.
He now thinks he owns both of them
I am pleased to be with you all here today.
The yellow bag is on the bench
It is a great loss to the law and to Ireland in general
And he turned his back disapprovingly and departed
She is at home, madam
Her bag is on the floor
Sean is as big as James
Of course, issues of access are very important in that context.
It's a vicious ring.
I don't think so
Score a year ago on Halloween, an achievement was made in the history of the country
There is a thirty day in December
That book
He will have another bag tomorrow
The kitchen floor is flooded.
Forty two of course!
She got a nice treat.
Lesson Seven
It is your whole life
Thank you and enjoy the poetry and the music.
It is a great pleasure for me to open this important conference
Do you all have your books, boys
One o'clock
Has a ring on her thumb
So, I am glad to have this opportunity to meet you
Twelve of twenty
It's mine, madam
You have long been involved in the sweet music of Ireland.
He will have another bag tomorrow
Thank you for that warm welcome
Is your brother here, Dirham
One o'clock
The persons referred to in the section.
Thank you for the kind welcome
Thank you for that warm welcome
the highest hill in Ireland
It has the status of an official and working language in the European Union
I want to say again how much I appreciate receiving this award
That is not the only reason to learn Irish of course
A girl at Mór and Mór asking for alms
I am very pleased to be here with you today.
Lesson Four
Do you all have your books, boys
I hope you are enjoying the day
Is she wearing a hat
the highest hill in Ireland
As the vision is strengthened, the Irish language will be strengthened
I don't think so
I want to say again how much I appreciate receiving this award
Is your brother here, Dirham
On the thumb
What is the largest county in Ireland?
the part that gives meaning and coherence to the whole
I am honored to be here with you today
The President's speech at the presentation of the two thousand and sixteen Oireachtas Communications Awards
As the vision is strengthened, the Irish language will be strengthened
All the girls and all the boys will be at school tomorrow
I want a long sleep.
Dear friends of Ireland and Wales
I am very pleased to be here with you today.
Is she wearing a hat
Oisín went to Tír na n'Óg
Do you all have your books, boys
The castles are built one after the other
Thank you for your generosity and your warm welcome.
It's a vicious ring.
As the vision is strengthened, the Irish language will be strengthened
The yellow bag is on the bench
Without a healthy environment, neither will there be a healthy economy or a healthy society
I don't think so
I hope you are enjoying the day
the highest hill in Ireland
That is not the only reason to learn Irish of course
One o'clock
He will have another bag tomorrow
Is she wearing a hat
Lesson Four
History is very important, as a school subject and as a foundation for the future

Dataset details

IWSLT 2023/2024 dataset for Irish-to-English speech translation, as originally found on this GitHub repository. The audio data consists of the Common Voice and Living Audio (IDLAK) datasets.

Data available since: Irish-English Speech Translation Shared Task@IWSLT-2023 and 2024
License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Includes text/audio: yes
Shared Task Organisers 2023: Ojha, Atul Kr.; Judge, John; McCrae, John P.
Shared Task Organisers 2024: Ojha, Atul Kr.; McCrae, John P.
Contact: [email protected], [email protected]
Contributor/©holder: Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Data Science Institute, University of Galway, Ireland and ADAPT Centre, Ireland

How to load the dataset

from datasets import load_dataset, DatasetDict

iwslt2023_gaen = DatasetDict()

iwslt2023_gaen["train"] = load_dataset("ymoslem/IWSLT2023-GA-EN",
iwslt2023_gaen["dev"] = load_dataset("ymoslem/IWSLT2023-GA-EN",
iwslt2023_gaen["test"] = load_dataset("ymoslem/IWSLT2023-GA-EN",

Dataset statistics

    train: Dataset({
        features: ['audio', 'translation'],
        num_rows: 7478
    dev: Dataset({
        features: ['audio', 'translation'],
        num_rows: 1120
    test: Dataset({
        features: ['audio', 'translation'],
        num_rows: 347


    title = "{FINDINGS} {OF} {THE} {IWSLT} 2023 {EVALUATION} {CAMPAIGN}",
    author = {Agarwal, Milind  and
      Agrawal, Sweta  and
      Anastasopoulos, Antonios  and
      Bentivogli, Luisa  and
      Bojar, Ond{\v{r}}ej  and
      Borg, Claudia  and
      Carpuat, Marine  and
      Cattoni, Roldano  and
      Cettolo, Mauro  and
      Chen, Mingda  and
      Chen, William  and
      Choukri, Khalid  and
      Chronopoulou, Alexandra  and
      Currey, Anna  and
      Declerck, Thierry  and
      Dong, Qianqian  and
      Duh, Kevin  and
      Est{\`e}ve, Yannick  and
      Federico, Marcello  and
      Gahbiche, Souhir  and
      Haddow, Barry  and
      Hsu, Benjamin  and
      Mon Htut, Phu  and
      Inaguma, Hirofumi  and
      Javorsk{\'y}, D{\'a}vid  and
      Judge, John  and
      Kano, Yasumasa  and
      Ko, Tom  and
      Kumar, Rishu  and
      Li, Pengwei  and
      Ma, Xutai  and
      Mathur, Prashant  and
      Matusov, Evgeny  and
      McNamee, Paul  and
      P. McCrae, John  and
      Murray, Kenton  and
      Nadejde, Maria  and
      Nakamura, Satoshi  and
      Negri, Matteo  and
      Nguyen, Ha  and
      Niehues, Jan  and
      Niu, Xing  and
      Kr. Ojha, Atul  and
      E. Ortega, John  and
      Pal, Proyag  and
      Pino, Juan  and
      van der Plas, Lonneke  and
      Pol{\'a}k, Peter  and
      Rippeth, Elijah  and
      Salesky, Elizabeth  and
      Shi, Jiatong  and
      Sperber, Matthias  and
      St{\"u}ker, Sebastian  and
      Sudoh, Katsuhito  and
      Tang, Yun  and
      Thompson, Brian  and
      Tran, Kevin  and
      Turchi, Marco  and
      Waibel, Alex  and
      Wang, Mingxuan  and
      Watanabe, Shinji  and
      Zevallos, Rodolfo},
    editor = "Salesky, Elizabeth  and
      Federico, Marcello  and
      Carpuat, Marine",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2023)",
    month = jul,
    year = "2023",
    address = "Toronto, Canada (in-person and online)",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2023.iwslt-1.1",
    pages = "1--61",
    abstract = "This paper reports on the shared tasks organized by the 20th IWSLT Conference. The shared tasks address 9 scientific challenges in spoken language translation: simultaneous and offline translation, automatic subtitling and dubbing, speech-to-speech translation, multilingual, dialect and low-resource speech translation, and formality control. The shared tasks attracted a total of 38 submissions by 31 teams. The growing interest towards spoken language translation is also witnessed by the constantly increasing number of shared task organizers and contributors to the overview paper, almost evenly distributed across industry and academia.",
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