audioduration (s)
Is iad príomhthonscail na Laitviatrealamh leictreonach, gléasanna tí, innealra, earraímiotail, busanna agus cóistíiarnróid.
Latvia's industries include the manufacture of electronic equipment, household appliances, varied machinery and metal products, buses and railway coaches.
Faoi chuimsiú a n-inniúlachtaí faoi seach, comhoibreoidh an Comhphobal agus na Ballstáit le tríú tíortha agus leis na heagraíochtaí idirnàisiúnta inniúla.
Within their respective spheres of competence, the Community and the MemberStates shall cooperate with third countries and with the competent international organizations.
Beidh ar an gCoimisiún tri chomhalta dhéag, a roghnófar de bharr a n-inniúlachta i gcoitinne agus nach bhfuil a neamhspleáchas inchurta ín amhras.*
The Commission shall consist of thirteen members, who shall be chosen on the grounds of their general competence and whose inde­pendence is beyond doubt.*
A leagan amach di. cuirfidh an Chomhairle san áireamh an riachtanas atá le hoiriúnú don fhorbairt eacnamaíoch a thiocfaidh den chómhargadh a bhunú.
In so doing, the Council shall take into account the need for adaptation to the economic development which will result from establishing the common market.
(a) staidéir ar úsáid r a da iseatóipí sna réimsí seo a leanas: míochaine, talmhaíocht, feithideolaíocht, cosaint an chomhshaoil,
(a) studies on the application of radioisotopes in the following fields: medicine, agriculture, entomology and environmental protection,
Mar sin, féadfaidh drochriarachán a bheith i gceist i ndáil le comhlíonadh dualgas a eascraíonn as conarthaí curtha i gcrích ag institiúidí nó comhlachtaí Comhphobail.
Maladministration may thus also be found when the fulfilment of obligations arising from contracts concluded by Community institutions or bodies is concerned.
Bíonn buneolas le fáil i dteangacha éagsúla, agus bíonn cainteoirí ilteangacha ann mar idirghabhálaithe agus mar ateangairí, chun rochtain agus lánpháirtiú a éascú.
Basic information is available in dierent languages, and multilingual speakers act as mediators and interpreters, providing ready access and easing integration.
Déanfar aon athruithe ar na forálacha den Chód Iompair do Chomhaltaí an Choimisiúin a bhaineann le coimhlint leasa nó iompraíocht eitice a chur chuig an bParlaimint láithreach.
Any changes to the provisions of the Code of Conduct for Members of the Commission relating to conflict of interest or ethical behaviour shall be sent immediately to Parliament.
(e) nach mbeidh aon rialú ar dhaoine, is cuma cén náisiúntacht atá acu, agus iad ag dul trasna teorainneacha inmheánacha.
(e) the absence of any controls on persons, whatever their nationality, when crossing internal borders.
Na hionadaithe do Bhallstáit a ghlacann páirt in obair institiúidí na gComhphobal, beidh acu féin agus ag a gcomhairleoirí agus a saineol-
Representatives of Member States taking part in the work of the institutions of the Communities, their advisers and technical
Cuid a haon sheasaimh agus na gníomhaíochtaí comhpháirteacha arna nglacadh ag an gComhairle a chomhlíonadh agus a chur chun feidhme.
Part One international organisations, shall cooperate in ensuring that the common positions and joint actions adopted by the Council are complied with and implemented.
Féadfaidh na húdaráis Dhanmhairgeacha na datai a shocrú ar a gcomórfar toghchán comhaltaí do Pharlaimint na hEorpa sa Ghraonlainn.
The Danish authorities may decide on the dates on which the election of members to the European Parliament shall take place in Greenland.
Gabhann gach Ballstát air féin an príonsabal sin a urramú agus gan féachaint le tionchar a oibriú ar chomhaltaí an Choimisiúin i gcomhlionadh a gcúraimí dóibh.
Each Member State undertakes to respect this principle and not to seek to influence the Members of the Commission in the performance of their tasks.
I gcásanna den sórt sin, glacfar cinneadh argá aontoilíocht dó gan vóta ionadaí rialtas an Bhallstáit i gceist.
In such cases, a decision requiring unanimity shall be taken without the vote of the representativeof the government of the Member State in question.
Beidh Uachtarán an Choimisiúin freagrach do Pharlamint na hEorpa as gníomhaíochtaína gCoimisinéirí.
The Commission President shall be responsible to the European Parliamentfor the activities of the Commissioners.
Ni féidir a bheith ina gcomhaltaí den Bhord Feidhmiúcháin ach náisiúnaigh de na Ballstáit.
Only nationals of Member States may be members of the Executive Board.
Arna chur ar bun le 378 D 0688: Cinneadh 78/688/CEE ón gComhairle an 25 lúil 1978 (IO Uimh. L 233, 24.8.1978, Ich. 15).
Set up by 378 D 0688: Council Decision 78/688/ EEC of 25 July 1978 (OJ No L 233, 24.8.1978, p. 15)-
Féadfaidh an rapóirtéir leasuithe comhréitigh a chur síos tar éis an phlé sin.
The rapporteur may table compromise amendments following such discussion.
Prótacal ar an gConradh ag bunú Chomhphobal Eacnamaíochta na hEorpa a chur chun feidhme ar na codanna neamhEorpacha de Ríocht na hísiltirc
Protocol on the application of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community to the nonEuropean parts of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Beidh vóta amháin ag gach comhalta de Chomhairle IEA nó ag a ainmnitheach.
Each member of the Council of the EMI or his nominee shall have one vote.
Na muirir ar comhéifeacht le dleachtanna custam ar allmhairí atá i bhfeidhm idir na Ballstáit, déanfaidh siad díothú comhleanúnach orthu le linn na hidirthréimhse.
Charges having an effect equivalent to customs duties on imports, in force between Member States, shall be progressively abolished by them during the transitional period.
Mura dtabharfar rochtain ar an doiciméad, sonrófar i gcónaí an fáth nár tugadh.
If access to the document is not granted, the reason for refusal is always specified.
Féadfar an tobhach dá bhforáiltear ín Airteagal 50 den Chonradh a bhailiú nuair a bheidh glaetha leis na chéad mheastacháin.
The levy provided for in Article 50 of the Treaty may be collected upon the adoption of the first budget estimates.
Leagfar amach sna comhstraitéisí sin na cuspóirí atá leo, a ré agusna hacmhainní a chuirfidh an tAontas agus na Ballstáit ar fáil.
Common strategies shall set out their objectives, duration and the means to be made available by the Union and the Member States.
Tá sé ceaptha go gcumhdófar leis na tobliaigh:
The levies are intended to cover:
Tuarascáil teicniúil an EEA Uimh 7/2008.
EEA Technical report No 7/2008.
— gur chóir asghabháil bharrmhaith agus chobhsaí stoc a áirithiú san fhadtéarma,
— that optimal and stable outtake of the stocks should be ensured, in the long term,
hUachtaránachta mar rannchuidiú le foirmiú beartais sa Chomhairle agus a fhéadfaidh anailísí, moltaí agus straitéisí do CBES a chuimsiú.
bution to policy formulation in the Council, and which may contain analyses, recommendations and strategies for the CFSP.
Déanfaidh Uachtarán na Comhairle agus an Coimisiún tuarascáil do Pharlaimint na hEorpa ar thorthaí an fhaireacháin iltaobhaigh.
The President of the Council and the Commission shall report to the Eu ropean Parliament on the results of multilateral surveillance.
(a) nach ndéanfar, i gcríocha na mBallstát, mianta, bunábhair agus ábhair inscoilte speisialta a chlaonadh ó na húsáidí a ceapadh dóibh de réir mar a dhearbhaigh na húsáidirí;
(a) ores, source materials and special fissile materials are not diverted from their intended uses as declared by the users;
Ach amháin mar a bhforáiltear a mhalairt sa Reacht seo, is le tromlach simpli de na comhaltaí atá i dteideal votala a ghlacfaidh an Bord Stiúrthóiri cinntí.
Save as otherwise provided in this Statute, decisions of the Board of Directors shall be taken by a simple majority of the members entitled to vote.
linn comhaontú a bhaint amach ar na nithe sin ionas nach gá dúinn bheith ag pié leo arís.
matters considerably and leads me to hope that we may be successful in reaching agreement on these matters and thus removing them from our future agenda.
(c) i mír 4, cuirtear ‘do bhearta áirithe arna nglacadh ag an Aontas, ...’ in ionad ‘do bhearta áirithe de chineál Comhphobail, ...’;
(c) in paragraph 4, the words ‘certain measures of a Community nature,’ shall be replaced by ‘certain measures adopted by the Union’;
Cuirfear na forálacha seo a leanas in ionad na mire deiridh d'Airteagal 206 den Chonradh ag bunú Chomhphobal Eacna maíochta na hEorpa:
The following provisions shall be substituted for the last paragraph of Article 206 of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community:
Leasófar reachtanna Gnóthas Comhpháirteach, nuair ís gá, de réir na bhforálacha speisialta atá iontu chun na eriche sin.
The statutes of Joint Undertakings shall be amended, where necessary, in accordance with the special provisions which they contain for this purpose.
Chun na treoirlínte do chomhbheartas talmhaíochta a léiriú, déanfaidh an Coimisiún, a luaithe a thiocfaidh an Conradh seo i
In order to evolve the broad lines of a common agricultural policy, the Commission shall, immediately this Treaty enters into force, convene
Tosóidh a idirthréimhse ar dháta an chómhargaidh a bhunú agus criochnóidh sí cúig bliana tar eis an cómhargadh do ghual a bhunú.
The transitional period shall begin on the date of the establishment of the common market and shall end five years after the establishment of the common market in coal.
Iarscríbhinn III — Buntáistí is indeonaithe do ghnóthais chomhpháirteacha faoi Airteagal 48 den Chonradh seo
Annex III — Advantages which may be con ferred on joint undertakings under Article 48 of this Treaty
Ni chuimseoidh na bearta sin comhchuibhiú ar dhlíthe agus rialacháin na mBallstát.
Those measures shall not include harmonisation of the laws and regulations of the Member States. y
Ba é seachród Phort Laoise an príomh dui chun cinn a rinneadh ar bhonneagar an réigiúin.
The Portlaoise by-pass was the major infrastructural improvement carried out in the region.
Leasófar reachtanna Gnóthas Comhpháirteach, nuair is gá, de réir na bhforálacha speisialta atá iontu chun na eriche sin.
The statutes of Joint Undertakings shall be amended, where necessary, in accordance with the special provisions which they contain for this purpose. pose.
Beidh ar na Ballstáit a áirithiú go bhféadfaidh an Ghníomhaireacht oibriú gan bhac ina gcriocha.
The Member States shall be responsible for ensuring that lhe Agency may operate freely in their territories.
Is ar chúiseanna cosanta amháin a fhéadfar toiliú a choimeád siar maidir le scéala a chur i bhfios nó le húsáid.
Consent to communication and use may be withheld only for defence reasons.
Loiceadh gníomhaithe faoi ghearán maidir le sárú reachtaíochta comhshaoil
Failure to act on a complaint about the infringement of environmental legislation
Ni cead do chomhaltai na Cúirte Iniúchóirí, le linn a dtéarma oifige, gabbai/ le haon sit bheatha eile, sochrach ná neamhshochrach.
The mernbers of the Court of Auditors may not, during their term of office,engage in an14 other occupation, whether gainful or not.
Chuir an tOmbudsman ráiteas soiléir na Parlaiminte san áireamh, freisin, nuair a dúirt sí nach nár chuireadh isteach ar an bpróiseas roghnaithe.
The Ombudsman also took note of Parliament’s clear statements that there had been no interference in the selection procedure.
Bunaitear leis seo Banc Eorpach Infheistíochta; beidh pearsantacht dhlítheanach aige.
A European Investment Bank is hereby established: it shall have legal personality.
Is í Féile nafáistineachta í agus imrítear cluichí a dhéanann tuar ar an amatá le teacht.
It is the festival of fortune-telling and people play games to try and read their future.
Déan coinne eile a luaithe agus is féidir.
Make a new appointment as soon as possible.
(1) Suíomh gréasáin an Chomhairliúcháin:
(1) The consultation’s website:
Is iad na Ballstáit a roghnaíonn na tionscadail a bhainfidh leas as cómhaoiniú ón CEI.
The Member States choose the projects that are granted EFF co-funding.
Tá nòta leabhareolach le fáil ag deireadh an imleabhair seo
Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication
Is féidir spásanna páirceála in aice le háit chónaithe duine faoi mhíchumas a chur in áirithe.
Parking places close to disabled persons' residences can be reserved .
Tacaíonn acmhainní nádúrtha an domhain lenár ngníomhaíocht eacnamaíoch chomh maith le comhtháthú ár sochaithe.
The natural resources provided by the planet underpin our economic activity and the very cohesion of our societies.
Míniú ar Airteagal 29 – An ceart chun rochtain a fháil ar sheirbhís socrúcháin
Explanation on Article 29 — Right of access to placement services
Beidh an Ghníomhaireacht faoi mhaoirseacht an Choimisiúin; eiseoidh an Coimisiún treoracha chuici agus beidh ceart aige chun
The Agency shall be under the supervision of the Commission, which shall
A. Rialacháin chumasaithe B. Rialacháin nós imeachta C. Rialacháin chur chun feidhme D. Rialacháin bhlocdhíolúintí
A. Enabling Regulations B. Procedural Regulations C. Implementing Regulations D. Block exemption Regulations
Rachfar i gcomhairle go tráthrialta le Parlaimint na hEorpa maidir le príomhghnéithe agus bunroghanna an chomhbheartais eachtraigh agus slándála.
The European Parliament shall be regularly consulted on the main aspects and basic choices of the common foreign and security policy.
Folaíonn an mhaoin intleachtúil an mhaoin liteartha agus ealaíne; folaíonn sí freisin inter alia an ceart chun paitinne agus trádmharcanna agus cearta gaolmhara.
Intellectual property covers not only literary and artistic property but also inter alia patent and trademark rights and associated rights.
Údaróidh an Chomhairle an chaibidlíocht a thosú, glacfaidh sí na treoracha caibidlíochta, údaróidh sí síniú comhaontuithe agus tabharfaidh sí na comhaontuithe i gcrích.
The Council shall authorise the opening of negotiations, adopt negotiating directives, authorise the signing of agreements and conclude them.
Nuair a ardaítear an t-iasc ar an mbád, ní mór don chaptaen tuairisciú gabhála a chur faoi bhráid a údaráis rialaithe gan mhoill.
When the fish is hauled aboard the vessel, the master must submit a catch declaration to the control authorities without delay.
Déanfar an tUachtarán, na Leas-Uachtaráin agus na Caestóirí a thoghadh le ballóid rúnda, i gcomhréir le Riail 169.
The President, Vice-Presidents and Quaestors shall be elected by secret ballot, in accordance with Rule 169.
— 391 L 0/74:Treoir91/174/CEEón gComhairle an 25 Marta 1991 (IO Uimh. L 85, 5.4.1991, Ich. 37).
— 391 L 0174: Council Directive 91/174/EEC of 25 March 1991 (OJ No L 85, 5.4.1991, p. 37).
(a) an 1 Eanáir 1973 i gcás an Chonartha i dtaobh aontachas Ríocht na Danmhairge, na hÉireann agus Ríocht Aontaithe na Breataine Móire agus Thuaisceart Éireann,
(a) 1 January 1973, for the Treaty concerning the accession of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;
Urramóidh an Danmhairg go hiomlán na cearta sonracha uile dá bhforáiltear gosainráite sa Chonradh is infheidhme ar shaoránaigh na mBallstát.
Denmark will fully respect all specific rights expressly provided for in the Treaty and applying to nationals of the Member States.
Déanann Ceann na Roinne Riaracháin agus Airgeadais comhordú ar obair fhoriomlán na Roinne.
The Head of the Administration and Finance Department co-ordinates the overall work of the Department.
Déanfar na coinníollacha beachta faoina mbeidh feidhm ag an bhforáil seo a chur in iúl don achainíoch.
The petitioner shall be told under which precise conditions this provision is to apply.
Cuirfear an t-uasráta in iúl, roimh an 1 Bealtaine, d'institíúidi uile an Chomhphobail.
The maximum rate shall be communicated, before 1 May, to all the institutions of the Community.
Ar an tríú dul síos, bíonn deis agat anseo, mar cheannaitheoir, casadh ar ár gcuid soláthróirí ar fad, beagnach.’ ach agus Dobharshaothrú san E Iasc
And third, as buyers, we have the opportunity to meet just about all our suppliers here.’ is he ri es and a qu ac ul t ur F
Tá cear o p - discri minat f www . s t oo dl an d W pa ch /J PH o im isi ún E or
We all ha discrimination . in f oo dl and W www .stop- o m m iss io n/ JP H opean C
Beidh sé de chuspöir ag gníomhaíocht an Chomhphobail i leith an chomhshaoil:
Action by the Community relating to the environment shall have lhe following objectives:
Tá na prionsabail a leagtar amach san Airteagal seo bunaithe ar Airteagal 153 de Chonradh CE, a bhfuil Airteagal III 235 den Bhunreacht curtha ina ionad anois.
The principles set out in this Article have been based on Article 153 of the EC Treaty, now replaced by Article III-235 of the Constitution.
Idir na teorainneacha a shocrófar amhlaidh, socróidh gach Rialtas a tharaifi de réir a nós imeachta náisiúnta.
Within the limits so fixed, each Government shall determine its tariffs according to its own national procedure.
– nach bhfuil ar an institiúid lena mbaineann staidéar nó taighde forleathan a dhéanamh roimh ré ina leith;
– do not require extensive prior study or research by the institution concerned;
Ach beidh dlínse ag cúirteanna na tire lena mbaineann ar ghearáin go bhfuil an cur i bhfeidhm á dhéanamh ar dhóigh neamhrialta.
However, the courts of the country concerned shall have jurisdiction over complaints that enforcement is being carried out in an irregular man ner.
— Brabúis ó ghníomhaíocht ghnó.
— Profits from business activity.
Déanfaidh an Coimisiún aon éileamh den sórt sin laistigh de dhá mhí ó dháta an fhógra a fháil.
The Commission shall make any such request within two months of the date of notification.
Ar éileamh den sórt sin a fháil ón gCoimisiún, iarrfaidh an Ballstát arís ar an iarratasóir comhaontú lena bhfuil san iarratas a chur i bhfios.
On receiving such a request from the Commission, the Member State shall again ask the applicant to agree to communication of the contents of the ap plication.
Dúirt sé gur tharla na rialuithe sin le linn broidtrátha go rialta agus go raibh siad ina gcúis le brúnna tráchta.
These controls regularly take place during rush hour, he said, resulting in traffic jams.
Beidh dlínse gan teorainn ag Cúirt Bhreithiúnais an Aontais Eorpaigh:
The Court of Justice of the European Union shall have unlimited jurisdiction in:
­ Treoir 77/390/CEE, 17 Bealtaine 1977 10 Uimh. L 145, 13 Meitheamh 1977
- Directive 77/390/EEC of 17 May 1977 OJ No L 145, 13 June 1977
393 L 0085: Treoir 93/85/CEE ón gComhairle an 4 Deireadh Fómhair 1993 maidir le Iobhadh fáinneach prátaí a rialú (IO Uimh. L 259, 18.10.1993, Ich. 1).
393 L 0085: Council Directive 93/85/EEC of 4 October 1993 on the control of potato ring rot (OJ No L 259, 18.10.1993, p. 1).
Ní mór tuiscint gurb ann, in uiscí na hEorpa, do stoic a shaothraítear ar bhealach optamach, a sholáthraíonn éisc mhórmhéide agus mar a bhfuil na cuótaí mór a ndóthain.
There are stocks in European waters that are exploited optimally, provide mature specimens and are covered by sufficiently large quotas.
(d) tacú le forbairt inbhuanaithe eacnamaíoch, shóisialta agus chomhshaoil na dtíortha i mbéal forbartha, agus é mar phríomhaidhm deireadh a chur leis an mbochtaineacht;
(d) foster the sustainable economic, social and environmental development of developing countries, with the primary aim of eradicating poverty;
Imscrúdaíonn an tOmbudsman Eorpach gearáin i gcoinne institiúidí agus chomhlachtaí an Aontais Eorpaigh.
The European Ombudsman investigates complaints against the European Union institutions and bodies.
Beidh imeachtaí i gcoinne an Aontais in ábhair a éireoidh as dliteanais neamhchonarthacha faoi urchosc tar éis thréimhse cúig bliana ó tharla an teagmhas as ar éirigh siad.
Proceedings against the Union in matters arising from noncontractual liability shall be barred after a period of five years from the occurrence of the event giving rise thereto.
Bíodh sé le taispeáint i do chuid freagraí go bhfuil tuilleadh eolais agat faoin gcuideachta, ach déan go glic é.
Include evidence that you have found out more about the company in your answers, but do not make it too obvious.
Má dhéanann an Chomhairle, laistigh de thrí mhí ó na leasuithe a fháil ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa, ag gníomhú di trí thromlach cáilithe:
If, within three months of receiving the European Parliament’s amendments, the Council, acting by a qualified majority:
Daoine faoi mhíchumas a lánpháirtiú
Integration of persons with disabilities
Aithnionn an Chomhdháil an rannchuidiú tábhachtach atá déanta ag gníomhaíochtaí seirbhíse deonaí chun an dlúthpháirtíocht shóisialta a fhorbairt.
The Conference recognises the important contribution made by voluntary service activities to developing social solidarity.
Bíodh cur amach éigin ag an iarratasóir ar an gcuideachta agus ba chóir go mbeadh sé le feiscint go gcuirdís go mór leis an gcuideachta.
The applicant should know at least a bit about the company and should show that they will add real value to the company.
Sin an chúis go dtugann an Comh-Thuarascáil 2009 an méid sin airde ar fhoráil pinsean.
This is why the Joint Report 2009 pays close attention to funded pension provision.
(b) 10% do tháirgí a bhaineann leis na ceannteidil taraife i Liosta C;
(b) lO'/r for products within the tariff headings in List C;
Athrófar cúigear agus ccathrar díobh gach re seach.**
Five and four Judges shall be replaced alternately.**
Ciste Iascaigh Eorpach (CIE) 2007-2013: Réigiúin Chóineasaithe agus Neamhchóineasaithe (Léarscáil)ISBN 978-92-79-08577-2
European Fisheries Fund (EFF) 2007-2013: Convergence and Non-Convergence Regions (Map)ISBN 978-92-79-08577-2
( ¡culminiti ioncam airgeadaíochta baine cheannais náisiúnta
Allocation of monetary income of national central banks
Tá gach duine i dteideal éisteacht chóir phoiblí a fháil laistigh de thréimhse réasúnta ó bhinse neamhspleách neamhchlaon arna bhunú roimh ré le dlí.
Everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal previously established by law.
Ní cead do chomhaltaí an Choimisiúin, le linn a dtéarma oifige, gabháil le haon sii bheatha eile, sochrach ná neamhshochrach.
The Members of the Commission may not, during their term of office, en gage in any other occupation, whether gainful or not.
Ni bac ar an gComhairle do ghlacadh le gníomhartha ar gá aontoilíocht dóibh comhaltaí a bheidh i láthair go pearsanta nó tri ionadaíocht a staonadh ó vótáil.
Abstentions by members present in person or represented shall not prevent the adoption by the Council of acts which require unanimity.
Treoir maidir le dálaí sóisialta achur igcuntas sa soláthar poiblí
A Guide to Taking Account of Social Considerationsin Public Procurement

Dataset Details

Synthetic audio dataset, created using Azure text-to-speech service. The bilingual text is a portion of the EUbookshop dataset, consisting of 33,634 text segments. The dataset includes two sets of audio data, one with a female voice (OrlaNeural) and the other with a male voice (ColmNeural). The speech data comprises approximately 159 hours and 45 minutes (159:45:05) spread across 67,268 utterances.

Dataset Structure

    features: ['audio', 'text_ga', 'text_en'],
    num_rows: 67268


  • This speech dataset EUbookshop-Speech-Irish was created and introduced as part of the following paper:
  title={Leveraging Synthetic Audio Data for End-to-End Low-Resource Speech Translation},
  author={Moslem, Yasmin},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2024)},
  address={Bangkok, Thailand}
  • The original EUbookshop bilingual text dataset was collected by the OPUS project, introduced in the following paper:
  title     = "{Parallel Data, Tools and Interfaces in {OPUS}}",
  booktitle = "{Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language
               Resources and Evaluation ({LREC}'12)}",
  author    = "Tiedemann, J{\"o}rg",
  publisher = "European Language Resources Association (ELRA)",
  pages     = "2214--2218",
  month     =  may,
  year      =  2012,
  url       = "",
  address   = "Istanbul, Turkey"
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