>Um yes, yes it is a symbol of racism. Actually believe it or not it isn't. It's the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia. The stars are laid out in the pattern of an "X", the blue bands are put onto the thirteen stars to show that the southern states no longer wanted to be a part of the union with the northern states. In other words the south basically wanted to be cut off from the union. >But the Confederate States only existed at all to fight for slavery. It was a nation birthed on the principle that nobody ought to be able to tell them to stop owning slaves, and it spent its entire existence fighting an unwinnable war for the "right" to legally own slaves. Pretty much every major federal political crisis of the preceding decade or two was caused by squabbling between abolitionist and pro-slavery factions, every important southerner and his dog cited the threat to the institution of slavery as the South's main reason for seceding, and the South spent the whole war playing on fears of nationwide abolition as a propaganda tool. The Civil War was started over money. Abraham Lincoln in his speech in Congress in 1846 said when asked, "Why not let the South go in peace?" Lincoln replied: "I can't let them go. Who would pay for the government?" **[(Source)]( The war was over cotton exports, not slavery. The southern plantation owners were shipping the lion's share of the cotton over to Europe. This was driving up the price, and causing massive unemployment in New England, whose main industry was textile production. The government started taxing the exports, and an industry sprouted up smuggling the cotton out to European ships waiting several miles off shore. The federal government set up a naval blockade to stop it. That's what started the war. >TLDR version: the Confederate Flag is the symbol of a rebellion by people who were terrified that the federal government would make it illegal to buy and sell black people. It is racist as fuck. Maybe have a look at **[this video]( Now I would say that it is ill-advised to be wearing a this flag or have it flying at your house, because of what most people interpret it to mean.
>Um yes, yes it is a symbol of racism. Actually believe it or not it isn't. It's the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia. The stars are laid out in the pattern of an "X", the blue bands are put onto the thirteen stars to show that the southern states no longer wanted to be a part of the union with the northern states. In other words the south basically wanted to be cut off from the union. >But the Confederate States only existed at all to fight for slavery. It was a nation birthed on the principle that nobody ought to be able to tell them to stop owning slaves, and it spent its entire existence fighting an unwinnable war for the "right" to legally own slaves. Pretty much every major federal political crisis of the preceding decade or two was caused by squabbling between abolitionist and pro-slavery factions, every important southerner and his dog cited the threat to the institution of slavery as the South's main reason for seceding, and the South spent the whole war playing on fears of nationwide abolition as a propaganda tool. The Civil War was started over money. Abraham Lincoln in his speech in Congress in 1846 said when asked, "Why not let the South go in peace?" Lincoln replied: "I can't let them go. Who would pay for the government?" **[(Source)]( The war was over cotton exports, not slavery. The southern plantation owners were shipping the lion's share of the cotton over to Europe. This was driving up the price, and causing massive unemployment in New England, whose main industry was textile production. The government started taxing the exports, and an industry sprouted up smuggling the cotton out to European ships waiting several miles off shore. The federal government set up a naval blockade to stop it. That's what started the war. >TLDR version: the Confederate Flag is the symbol of a rebellion by people who were terrified that the federal government would make it illegal to buy and sell black people. It is racist as fuck. Maybe have a look at **[this video]( Now I would say that it is ill-advised to be wearing a this flag or have it flying at your house, because of what most people interpret it to mean.
Um yes, yes it is a symbol of racism. Actually believe it or not it isn't. It's the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia. The stars are laid out in the pattern of an "X", the blue bands are put onto the thirteen stars to show that the southern states no longer wanted to be a part of the union with the northern states. In other words the south basically wanted to be cut off from the union. >But the Confederate States only existed at all to fight for slavery. It was a nation birthed on the principle that nobody ought to be able to tell them to stop owning slaves, and it spent its entire existence fighting an unwinnable war for the "right" to legally own slaves. Pretty much every major federal political crisis of the preceding decade or two was caused by squabbling between abolitionist and pro-slavery factions, every important southerner and his dog cited the threat to the institution of slavery as the South's main reason for seceding, and the South spent the whole war playing on fears of nationwide abolition as a propaganda tool. The Civil War was started over money. Abraham Lincoln in his speech in Congress in 1846 said when asked, "Why not let the South go in peace?" Lincoln replied: "I can't let them go. Who would pay for the government?" **[(Source)]( The war was over cotton exports, not slavery. The southern plantation owners were shipping the lion's share of the cotton over to Europe. This was driving up the price, and causing massive unemployment in New England, whose main industry was textile production. The government started taxing the exports, and an industry sprouted up smuggling the cotton out to European ships waiting several miles off shore. The federal government set up a naval blockade to stop it. That's what started the war. >
version: the Confederate Flag is the symbol of a rebellion by people who were terrified that the federal government would make it illegal to buy and sell black people. It is racist as fuck. Maybe have a look at **[this video]( Now I would say that it is ill-advised to be wearing a this flag or have it flying at your house, because of what most people interpret it to mean.
Officially, under the Union's foreign policy, aiding the Confederacy would have triggered a war. So the thought of the Union declaring war on France due to the CSS Stonewall is more than plausible. The CSS Stonewall's existence implies what most already knew: 1. The French aristocracy sympathized with the Confederacy. 2. France had commercial gains to be had in the Southern United States, namely the cotton industry. The economics stems from the Textile Industry in France, which depended on the cotton grown in the South. Intervening in the Civil War was something that France desired. However, without the support of the other world powers (Russia and the UK), France decided to not trigger a war with the United States. Had the Russian and English views been similar to those of the French, France would have been in position to war with the USA, but that's veering from the question. Tl;dr: Plausible, yes. Implications, reaffirmed French sympathy to CSA.
Officially, under the Union's foreign policy, aiding the Confederacy would have triggered a war. So the thought of the Union declaring war on France due to the CSS Stonewall is more than plausible. The CSS Stonewall's existence implies what most already knew: The French aristocracy sympathized with the Confederacy. France had commercial gains to be had in the Southern United States, namely the cotton industry. The economics stems from the Textile Industry in France, which depended on the cotton grown in the South. Intervening in the Civil War was something that France desired. However, without the support of the other world powers (Russia and the UK), France decided to not trigger a war with the United States. Had the Russian and English views been similar to those of the French, France would have been in position to war with the USA, but that's veering from the question. Tl;dr: Plausible, yes. Implications, reaffirmed French sympathy to CSA.
Officially, under the Union's foreign policy, aiding the Confederacy would have triggered a war. So the thought of the Union declaring war on France due to the CSS Stonewall is more than plausible. The CSS Stonewall's existence implies what most already knew: The French aristocracy sympathized with the Confederacy. France had commercial gains to be had in the Southern United States, namely the cotton industry. The economics stems from the Textile Industry in France, which depended on the cotton grown in the South. Intervening in the Civil War was something that France desired. However, without the support of the other world powers (Russia and the UK), France decided to not trigger a war with the United States. Had the Russian and English views been similar to those of the French, France would have been in position to war with the USA, but that's veering from the question.
Plausible, yes. Implications, reaffirmed French sympathy to CSA.
I think (and hope) that in today's world feminism in the sense you're talking about has become a default stance and needs no real name. In most well developed countries the vast majority of people would agree that women should be treated equally. The controversial part, in my experience, is in what "equality" means. Thus many people think of the named group "feminists" as those who are an actual minority: those who push women's rights to extremes and want a matriarchal society to replace whatever you want to call what we have. TLDR; Yes. I think it means something at least slightly different to most everyone.
I think (and hope) that in today's world feminism in the sense you're talking about has become a default stance and needs no real name. In most well developed countries the vast majority of people would agree that women should be treated equally. The controversial part, in my experience, is in what "equality" means. Thus many people think of the named group "feminists" as those who are an actual minority: those who push women's rights to extremes and want a matriarchal society to replace whatever you want to call what we have. TLDR; Yes. I think it means something at least slightly different to most everyone.
I think (and hope) that in today's world feminism in the sense you're talking about has become a default stance and needs no real name. In most well developed countries the vast majority of people would agree that women should be treated equally. The controversial part, in my experience, is in what "equality" means. Thus many people think of the named group "feminists" as those who are an actual minority: those who push women's rights to extremes and want a matriarchal society to replace whatever you want to call what we have.
Yes. I think it means something at least slightly different to most everyone.
Ok you can't be more wrong. First of all there is nothing called 'Avalanche Skiing', no one is going out there trying to trigger slides and ski through them. What I think you're referring to is backcountry skiing whereby skiers access mountains outside the resort by snow cat, helicopter or most often, their own steam. I'm not trying to say it is not dangerous, it absolutely is, anyone who tells you otherwise is an idiot and knows nothing about the mounatins, but the people who do it properly have serious training, experience and equipment to mitigate and manage the risks involved. A day in the backcountry takes a lot of preparation; studying weather forecasts, avalanche forecasts, how the snowpack has formed, the characteristics of a particular slope and topographical maps of the area. Checking through your gear making sure beacons and everything is working as it should. Then once you get out there you're digging snowpits to check that what is actually there is what you were studying, and interpreting what you see. If it seems dangerous, then you're not skiing today, your reward is a beautiful day in the mountains. Or you find conditions are great and you get to ski in untouched terrain, enjoying the beauty of the mountains with no one but your friends around, if you like skiing, it really doesn't get much better. Sure there are stupid people who go out and ski the backcountry recklessly and it is these types of people who are causing a lot of the avalanches you've probably heard about. Careful people do as well though, so for those of us who enjoy it, its all about managing, understanding and respecting the risks of the mountains. **tl;dr** there is no such thing as 'avalanche skiing', but rather backcountry skiing, when done properly it is all about understanding and managing the risks that come with being in the mountains.
Ok you can't be more wrong. First of all there is nothing called 'Avalanche Skiing', no one is going out there trying to trigger slides and ski through them. What I think you're referring to is backcountry skiing whereby skiers access mountains outside the resort by snow cat, helicopter or most often, their own steam. I'm not trying to say it is not dangerous, it absolutely is, anyone who tells you otherwise is an idiot and knows nothing about the mounatins, but the people who do it properly have serious training, experience and equipment to mitigate and manage the risks involved. A day in the backcountry takes a lot of preparation; studying weather forecasts, avalanche forecasts, how the snowpack has formed, the characteristics of a particular slope and topographical maps of the area. Checking through your gear making sure beacons and everything is working as it should. Then once you get out there you're digging snowpits to check that what is actually there is what you were studying, and interpreting what you see. If it seems dangerous, then you're not skiing today, your reward is a beautiful day in the mountains. Or you find conditions are great and you get to ski in untouched terrain, enjoying the beauty of the mountains with no one but your friends around, if you like skiing, it really doesn't get much better. Sure there are stupid people who go out and ski the backcountry recklessly and it is these types of people who are causing a lot of the avalanches you've probably heard about. Careful people do as well though, so for those of us who enjoy it, its all about managing, understanding and respecting the risks of the mountains. tl;dr there is no such thing as 'avalanche skiing', but rather backcountry skiing, when done properly it is all about understanding and managing the risks that come with being in the mountains.
Ok you can't be more wrong. First of all there is nothing called 'Avalanche Skiing', no one is going out there trying to trigger slides and ski through them. What I think you're referring to is backcountry skiing whereby skiers access mountains outside the resort by snow cat, helicopter or most often, their own steam. I'm not trying to say it is not dangerous, it absolutely is, anyone who tells you otherwise is an idiot and knows nothing about the mounatins, but the people who do it properly have serious training, experience and equipment to mitigate and manage the risks involved. A day in the backcountry takes a lot of preparation; studying weather forecasts, avalanche forecasts, how the snowpack has formed, the characteristics of a particular slope and topographical maps of the area. Checking through your gear making sure beacons and everything is working as it should. Then once you get out there you're digging snowpits to check that what is actually there is what you were studying, and interpreting what you see. If it seems dangerous, then you're not skiing today, your reward is a beautiful day in the mountains. Or you find conditions are great and you get to ski in untouched terrain, enjoying the beauty of the mountains with no one but your friends around, if you like skiing, it really doesn't get much better. Sure there are stupid people who go out and ski the backcountry recklessly and it is these types of people who are causing a lot of the avalanches you've probably heard about. Careful people do as well though, so for those of us who enjoy it, its all about managing, understanding and respecting the risks of the mountains.
there is no such thing as 'avalanche skiing', but rather backcountry skiing, when done properly it is all about understanding and managing the risks that come with being in the mountains.
Like any average teenager, I enjoyed sleeping in on weekends. My folks rarely let me sleep in past 10, so nothing super late. Living in suburbia, there were plenty of trees around, including a couple in our front yard right outside my bedroom window. In the spring mostly, that tree attracted many birds. And as we all know, birds like to sing in the morning. Well, one fine Saturday morning - probably around 6 or 7am - a couple birds were chatty fucking kathys in this tree. While I normally am able to sleep through such racket, especially so early in the morning on a weekend, for some reason these birds' chirping burrowed it's way deep into my sleepy consciousness where I couldn't ignore it. Try as I might, I could not NOT hear these birds yak yak yakking away, and could no longer sleep. I tossed and turned for a while, getting more and more annoyed. I even tried throwing on a record (yes, actual vinyl) in hopes that the music would drown out the birds and let me sleep. Didn't work - not only did the music keep me awake (Howard Jones was probably a bad choice), but I could STILL hear those fucking birds chirping through the music. At some point my rage-against-the-birds reached a boiling point and I snapped. Those birds needed to be dealt with, and swiftly. I lept from bed and raced to the front door, grabbing some of our dog's tennis balls on my way down the hall. Bursting out the front door (still in my underwear, mind you), I began firing the tennis balls into the tree outside my window in an attempt to not just scare the birds away, but actually strike and kill them. I even went as far as to retrieve a thrown ball that bounced off the tree back towards me and hurl it yet again into the greenery. Needless to say, my attempts were futile. Not only did I not scare any birds away, they continued to chirp once I returned to bed. I was too wired from my teenage-hormone-induced fury to return to slumberland anyway. I was very grouchy that day. TL;DR: Tried to kill a bird with a tennis ball. Failed.
Like any average teenager, I enjoyed sleeping in on weekends. My folks rarely let me sleep in past 10, so nothing super late. Living in suburbia, there were plenty of trees around, including a couple in our front yard right outside my bedroom window. In the spring mostly, that tree attracted many birds. And as we all know, birds like to sing in the morning. Well, one fine Saturday morning - probably around 6 or 7am - a couple birds were chatty fucking kathys in this tree. While I normally am able to sleep through such racket, especially so early in the morning on a weekend, for some reason these birds' chirping burrowed it's way deep into my sleepy consciousness where I couldn't ignore it. Try as I might, I could not NOT hear these birds yak yak yakking away, and could no longer sleep. I tossed and turned for a while, getting more and more annoyed. I even tried throwing on a record (yes, actual vinyl) in hopes that the music would drown out the birds and let me sleep. Didn't work - not only did the music keep me awake (Howard Jones was probably a bad choice), but I could STILL hear those fucking birds chirping through the music. At some point my rage-against-the-birds reached a boiling point and I snapped. Those birds needed to be dealt with, and swiftly. I lept from bed and raced to the front door, grabbing some of our dog's tennis balls on my way down the hall. Bursting out the front door (still in my underwear, mind you), I began firing the tennis balls into the tree outside my window in an attempt to not just scare the birds away, but actually strike and kill them. I even went as far as to retrieve a thrown ball that bounced off the tree back towards me and hurl it yet again into the greenery. Needless to say, my attempts were futile. Not only did I not scare any birds away, they continued to chirp once I returned to bed. I was too wired from my teenage-hormone-induced fury to return to slumberland anyway. I was very grouchy that day. TL;DR: Tried to kill a bird with a tennis ball. Failed.
Like any average teenager, I enjoyed sleeping in on weekends. My folks rarely let me sleep in past 10, so nothing super late. Living in suburbia, there were plenty of trees around, including a couple in our front yard right outside my bedroom window. In the spring mostly, that tree attracted many birds. And as we all know, birds like to sing in the morning. Well, one fine Saturday morning - probably around 6 or 7am - a couple birds were chatty fucking kathys in this tree. While I normally am able to sleep through such racket, especially so early in the morning on a weekend, for some reason these birds' chirping burrowed it's way deep into my sleepy consciousness where I couldn't ignore it. Try as I might, I could not NOT hear these birds yak yak yakking away, and could no longer sleep. I tossed and turned for a while, getting more and more annoyed. I even tried throwing on a record (yes, actual vinyl) in hopes that the music would drown out the birds and let me sleep. Didn't work - not only did the music keep me awake (Howard Jones was probably a bad choice), but I could STILL hear those fucking birds chirping through the music. At some point my rage-against-the-birds reached a boiling point and I snapped. Those birds needed to be dealt with, and swiftly. I lept from bed and raced to the front door, grabbing some of our dog's tennis balls on my way down the hall. Bursting out the front door (still in my underwear, mind you), I began firing the tennis balls into the tree outside my window in an attempt to not just scare the birds away, but actually strike and kill them. I even went as far as to retrieve a thrown ball that bounced off the tree back towards me and hurl it yet again into the greenery. Needless to say, my attempts were futile. Not only did I not scare any birds away, they continued to chirp once I returned to bed. I was too wired from my teenage-hormone-induced fury to return to slumberland anyway. I was very grouchy that day.
Tried to kill a bird with a tennis ball. Failed.
I had this encounter the other day, I was bring chased around by a bunch of guys who called themselves the Bambi patrol. Let me start from the beginning, I was holed up in one of the pubs in berezino, I come downstairs after hearing some people talking and suddenly who appears to be the leader takes out their newest member. I decided to follow them and bring them to justice when I got disconnected. I tried to log in but I got the spawn timer, no biggie it'd put some distance between me and them, or so I thought. I spawn in and there they all are, on the stairs and they see me immediately. I run out of the pub and the follow, I try to hit them with my SKS but they were able to dodge the few bullets I had. The leader zig zagged up to me and got me good with a fire extinguisher. By now I'm pretty afraid for my man's life and I run away trying to take as many difficult routes as I can. There were 3 or 4 of them I couldn't tell but the leader was always right behind me. I started to get a little angry and since I knew they wouldn't give up I wanted to show them I wasn't afraid of them I start belting out a song into the mic. Something like a mix between opera and a musical. It was a song about how they were playing a sad little game and how they probably had no friends IRL. Harsh I know but I wanted them to leave me the fuck alone. They tried to interrupt my song but as soon as I heard them I sang louder. This went on for five or so minutes. I got really annoyed and start bargaining with them, they mentioned wanting the crossbow I had on my back. I had no bolts so I said fuck it yolo and dropped it. That stopped two or three of them but the leader kept on me like a hawk on a rabbit. I couldn't shake him. I started talking shit to him while i got my axe ready. We were down by the docks when I finally cut him good and he started to bleed. He backed off just long enough for me to bandage myself. While I do this I told him how incompetent he was and how I was gonna axe him a few questions. Now I give chase and he started yo run like a little bitch. He decided to grow a pair and try to whack me with the fire extinguisher again and he got me once again and I started to bleed. This time I got cocky and started to bandage myself almost immediately. He put away the fire extinguisher, brought out the big guns and KO'd me bare handed. I'm pissed he didn't take my fire axe and finish the job right way. I continue shit talking and eventually die. I walked away pissed, came back fifteen minutes later laughing my ass off. 10/10 would play again. TL;DR got chased, sang to deter threat, got murdered anyway.
I had this encounter the other day, I was bring chased around by a bunch of guys who called themselves the Bambi patrol. Let me start from the beginning, I was holed up in one of the pubs in berezino, I come downstairs after hearing some people talking and suddenly who appears to be the leader takes out their newest member. I decided to follow them and bring them to justice when I got disconnected. I tried to log in but I got the spawn timer, no biggie it'd put some distance between me and them, or so I thought. I spawn in and there they all are, on the stairs and they see me immediately. I run out of the pub and the follow, I try to hit them with my SKS but they were able to dodge the few bullets I had. The leader zig zagged up to me and got me good with a fire extinguisher. By now I'm pretty afraid for my man's life and I run away trying to take as many difficult routes as I can. There were 3 or 4 of them I couldn't tell but the leader was always right behind me. I started to get a little angry and since I knew they wouldn't give up I wanted to show them I wasn't afraid of them I start belting out a song into the mic. Something like a mix between opera and a musical. It was a song about how they were playing a sad little game and how they probably had no friends IRL. Harsh I know but I wanted them to leave me the fuck alone. They tried to interrupt my song but as soon as I heard them I sang louder. This went on for five or so minutes. I got really annoyed and start bargaining with them, they mentioned wanting the crossbow I had on my back. I had no bolts so I said fuck it yolo and dropped it. That stopped two or three of them but the leader kept on me like a hawk on a rabbit. I couldn't shake him. I started talking shit to him while i got my axe ready. We were down by the docks when I finally cut him good and he started to bleed. He backed off just long enough for me to bandage myself. While I do this I told him how incompetent he was and how I was gonna axe him a few questions. Now I give chase and he started yo run like a little bitch. He decided to grow a pair and try to whack me with the fire extinguisher again and he got me once again and I started to bleed. This time I got cocky and started to bandage myself almost immediately. He put away the fire extinguisher, brought out the big guns and KO'd me bare handed. I'm pissed he didn't take my fire axe and finish the job right way. I continue shit talking and eventually die. I walked away pissed, came back fifteen minutes later laughing my ass off. 10/10 would play again. TL;DR got chased, sang to deter threat, got murdered anyway.
I had this encounter the other day, I was bring chased around by a bunch of guys who called themselves the Bambi patrol. Let me start from the beginning, I was holed up in one of the pubs in berezino, I come downstairs after hearing some people talking and suddenly who appears to be the leader takes out their newest member. I decided to follow them and bring them to justice when I got disconnected. I tried to log in but I got the spawn timer, no biggie it'd put some distance between me and them, or so I thought. I spawn in and there they all are, on the stairs and they see me immediately. I run out of the pub and the follow, I try to hit them with my SKS but they were able to dodge the few bullets I had. The leader zig zagged up to me and got me good with a fire extinguisher. By now I'm pretty afraid for my man's life and I run away trying to take as many difficult routes as I can. There were 3 or 4 of them I couldn't tell but the leader was always right behind me. I started to get a little angry and since I knew they wouldn't give up I wanted to show them I wasn't afraid of them I start belting out a song into the mic. Something like a mix between opera and a musical. It was a song about how they were playing a sad little game and how they probably had no friends IRL. Harsh I know but I wanted them to leave me the fuck alone. They tried to interrupt my song but as soon as I heard them I sang louder. This went on for five or so minutes. I got really annoyed and start bargaining with them, they mentioned wanting the crossbow I had on my back. I had no bolts so I said fuck it yolo and dropped it. That stopped two or three of them but the leader kept on me like a hawk on a rabbit. I couldn't shake him. I started talking shit to him while i got my axe ready. We were down by the docks when I finally cut him good and he started to bleed. He backed off just long enough for me to bandage myself. While I do this I told him how incompetent he was and how I was gonna axe him a few questions. Now I give chase and he started yo run like a little bitch. He decided to grow a pair and try to whack me with the fire extinguisher again and he got me once again and I started to bleed. This time I got cocky and started to bandage myself almost immediately. He put away the fire extinguisher, brought out the big guns and KO'd me bare handed. I'm pissed he didn't take my fire axe and finish the job right way. I continue shit talking and eventually die. I walked away pissed, came back fifteen minutes later laughing my ass off. 10/10 would play again.
got chased, sang to deter threat, got murdered anyway.
Dude. Stay in medicine. I'm going to approach this from the personal fulfillment angle. I changed fields from a lucrative STEM field to a liberal arts field as an undergrad. I loved every minute of my liberal arts education. I got my dream job at 22 (23 now). After 6 months on the job, I seriously regret changing fields as an undergrad to do that and not make a lot of money. I'm seriously thinking about going back to school for an engineering or finance degree. Its better to hate your job and make a lot of money than it is to love your job and feel fulfilled and not make a lot of money, which is a sense of fulfillment in and of itself. The feeling of success from having money in the bank and no debt feels so much better than doing rewarding and challenging work. I wish I had chosen the former and not the latter (and I have no debt.). My job is not easy. I fucking hate my life now. I seriously have contemplated ending my life over this mess because the feeling of failure is utterly awful. I feel like I'm not doing well or being successful in anything I'm doing. And I do save plenty of money every month, have a 401k, about to start a Roth IRA, etc, but it never feels like I'm ever going to hit my potential in terms of finances and conventional success. And that feeling is far worse than hating your job. **TL;DR: stay in medicine**
Dude. Stay in medicine. I'm going to approach this from the personal fulfillment angle. I changed fields from a lucrative STEM field to a liberal arts field as an undergrad. I loved every minute of my liberal arts education. I got my dream job at 22 (23 now). After 6 months on the job, I seriously regret changing fields as an undergrad to do that and not make a lot of money. I'm seriously thinking about going back to school for an engineering or finance degree. Its better to hate your job and make a lot of money than it is to love your job and feel fulfilled and not make a lot of money, which is a sense of fulfillment in and of itself. The feeling of success from having money in the bank and no debt feels so much better than doing rewarding and challenging work. I wish I had chosen the former and not the latter (and I have no debt.). My job is not easy. I fucking hate my life now. I seriously have contemplated ending my life over this mess because the feeling of failure is utterly awful. I feel like I'm not doing well or being successful in anything I'm doing. And I do save plenty of money every month, have a 401k, about to start a Roth IRA, etc, but it never feels like I'm ever going to hit my potential in terms of finances and conventional success. And that feeling is far worse than hating your job. TL;DR: stay in medicine
Dude. Stay in medicine. I'm going to approach this from the personal fulfillment angle. I changed fields from a lucrative STEM field to a liberal arts field as an undergrad. I loved every minute of my liberal arts education. I got my dream job at 22 (23 now). After 6 months on the job, I seriously regret changing fields as an undergrad to do that and not make a lot of money. I'm seriously thinking about going back to school for an engineering or finance degree. Its better to hate your job and make a lot of money than it is to love your job and feel fulfilled and not make a lot of money, which is a sense of fulfillment in and of itself. The feeling of success from having money in the bank and no debt feels so much better than doing rewarding and challenging work. I wish I had chosen the former and not the latter (and I have no debt.). My job is not easy. I fucking hate my life now. I seriously have contemplated ending my life over this mess because the feeling of failure is utterly awful. I feel like I'm not doing well or being successful in anything I'm doing. And I do save plenty of money every month, have a 401k, about to start a Roth IRA, etc, but it never feels like I'm ever going to hit my potential in terms of finances and conventional success. And that feeling is far worse than hating your job.
stay in medicine
Honestly? Being super-busy is the BEST motivation for getting myself to the gym. I work full-time, and on the side I: run a website, freelance write, am shopping a book proposal around to agents, am producing a theatre show in July, and have a permanent booth at an antique mall. I'm fucking BUSY. But gym time is my ONE time to disconnect. I do 20 minutes on the treadmill and stare vacantly at CNN (da plane?!), and then let my trainer push me around for an hour. I sit in the sauna for 5-10 minutes after, and it's almost like meditation. It's the only time of the day when I don't have to worry about what I'm supposed to be doing next. I had 3 sessions this week, on next to no sleep. I still killed it, because I appreciated being there so much. **tl;dr** - make the rest of your life so stressful that the gym seems like a vacation. Actually, that's terrible advice. But maybe there's some other takeaway here.
Honestly? Being super-busy is the BEST motivation for getting myself to the gym. I work full-time, and on the side I: run a website, freelance write, am shopping a book proposal around to agents, am producing a theatre show in July, and have a permanent booth at an antique mall. I'm fucking BUSY. But gym time is my ONE time to disconnect. I do 20 minutes on the treadmill and stare vacantly at CNN (da plane?!), and then let my trainer push me around for an hour. I sit in the sauna for 5-10 minutes after, and it's almost like meditation. It's the only time of the day when I don't have to worry about what I'm supposed to be doing next. I had 3 sessions this week, on next to no sleep. I still killed it, because I appreciated being there so much. tl;dr - make the rest of your life so stressful that the gym seems like a vacation. Actually, that's terrible advice. But maybe there's some other takeaway here.
Honestly? Being super-busy is the BEST motivation for getting myself to the gym. I work full-time, and on the side I: run a website, freelance write, am shopping a book proposal around to agents, am producing a theatre show in July, and have a permanent booth at an antique mall. I'm fucking BUSY. But gym time is my ONE time to disconnect. I do 20 minutes on the treadmill and stare vacantly at CNN (da plane?!), and then let my trainer push me around for an hour. I sit in the sauna for 5-10 minutes after, and it's almost like meditation. It's the only time of the day when I don't have to worry about what I'm supposed to be doing next. I had 3 sessions this week, on next to no sleep. I still killed it, because I appreciated being there so much.
make the rest of your life so stressful that the gym seems like a vacation. Actually, that's terrible advice. But maybe there's some other takeaway here.
The thing about GER is that it doesn't "negate all ability" it "reduces the enemies' volition towards Giorno." Now what this means, is that when the enemy has even the slightest idea or will to defeat Giorno, their volition gets reduced to 0, so they won't even think about defeating him. For example, imagine a stand with a power: "if they drink water, they die." When Giorno drinks water, that stand's ability will work like the following: "Giorno drank water, therefor Giorno will die." but, what GER does, is that it negates the whole entire process, so Giorno won't die even if he drinks water. Right when you set your target on Giorno, that whole volition right when you target him is gone. GER is certainly not the "strongest," since it does have a weakness. It's weakness is "natural accident/disaster." GER can not predict the future or stop time, so if a plant pot was to drop from the sky towards Giorno, there is no way that he can predict it, so if the pot hits Giorno's head, he will die... So far, the only one I can think of that is capable of doing this, is **lucky man**, since he just gets "lucky." So if Lucky man and Giorno just met, there is a possibility that a small screw became loose and fell off of a plane and "luckily" penetrated Giorno's brain. **TLDR: Luckyman, since he can kill people, it's the nature without Volition.**
The thing about GER is that it doesn't "negate all ability" it "reduces the enemies' volition towards Giorno." Now what this means, is that when the enemy has even the slightest idea or will to defeat Giorno, their volition gets reduced to 0, so they won't even think about defeating him. For example, imagine a stand with a power: "if they drink water, they die." When Giorno drinks water, that stand's ability will work like the following: "Giorno drank water, therefor Giorno will die." but, what GER does, is that it negates the whole entire process, so Giorno won't die even if he drinks water. Right when you set your target on Giorno, that whole volition right when you target him is gone. GER is certainly not the "strongest," since it does have a weakness. It's weakness is "natural accident/disaster." GER can not predict the future or stop time, so if a plant pot was to drop from the sky towards Giorno, there is no way that he can predict it, so if the pot hits Giorno's head, he will die... So far, the only one I can think of that is capable of doing this, is lucky man , since he just gets "lucky." So if Lucky man and Giorno just met, there is a possibility that a small screw became loose and fell off of a plane and "luckily" penetrated Giorno's brain. TLDR: Luckyman, since he can kill people, it's the nature without Volition.
The thing about GER is that it doesn't "negate all ability" it "reduces the enemies' volition towards Giorno." Now what this means, is that when the enemy has even the slightest idea or will to defeat Giorno, their volition gets reduced to 0, so they won't even think about defeating him. For example, imagine a stand with a power: "if they drink water, they die." When Giorno drinks water, that stand's ability will work like the following: "Giorno drank water, therefor Giorno will die." but, what GER does, is that it negates the whole entire process, so Giorno won't die even if he drinks water. Right when you set your target on Giorno, that whole volition right when you target him is gone. GER is certainly not the "strongest," since it does have a weakness. It's weakness is "natural accident/disaster." GER can not predict the future or stop time, so if a plant pot was to drop from the sky towards Giorno, there is no way that he can predict it, so if the pot hits Giorno's head, he will die... So far, the only one I can think of that is capable of doing this, is lucky man , since he just gets "lucky." So if Lucky man and Giorno just met, there is a possibility that a small screw became loose and fell off of a plane and "luckily" penetrated Giorno's brain.
Luckyman, since he can kill people, it's the nature without Volition.
Let me attempt to help you. You may not think you're fat but you might just be. Unfortunately, at the moment it may not help with your self confidence but once you recognize it, it will make the road to confidence that much better. In my first two years of high school I was very over weight. Partially because I was a lineman and all my coaches told me to do was eat food and lift the weights they told me to lift. So I did that. Around the end of my sophomore year I was 5'9 pushing 220 lbs. Not good at all. I wasn't even muscular looking, I was just fat. I realized I had no confidence at all and I hid my body the best I could with loose fitting clothing. I think the best thing you can do right now is watch what you eat. It's a possibility you may have a case of gyno. Which is common in men. Personally, I have very minor gyno but thanks to watching what I eat and losing weight and then building muscle after the losing the weight I wanted my chest is more muscular than ever. If your case of gyno is as severe as you're making it sound you may want to arrange an appointment with a doctor. Again, it is not life threatening so take your time with it and do some research about it on the internet. Like I said earlier though, losing weight may help your body image. Working out will also do that. If you're looking to gain muscle, [can't go wrong with this routine.]( Working out and noticing the results did amazing things for my confidence. Lastly, even when you don't feel confident appearing confident may help you more than you think. I have seen it said over on /r/malefashionadvice the most when it comes to clothes. Half the battle of looking good is appearing confident in what you wear. **tl;dr: Evaluate yourself. Work out. Possible gyno. Appear confident even if you don't feel confident.**
Let me attempt to help you. You may not think you're fat but you might just be. Unfortunately, at the moment it may not help with your self confidence but once you recognize it, it will make the road to confidence that much better. In my first two years of high school I was very over weight. Partially because I was a lineman and all my coaches told me to do was eat food and lift the weights they told me to lift. So I did that. Around the end of my sophomore year I was 5'9 pushing 220 lbs. Not good at all. I wasn't even muscular looking, I was just fat. I realized I had no confidence at all and I hid my body the best I could with loose fitting clothing. I think the best thing you can do right now is watch what you eat. It's a possibility you may have a case of gyno. Which is common in men. Personally, I have very minor gyno but thanks to watching what I eat and losing weight and then building muscle after the losing the weight I wanted my chest is more muscular than ever. If your case of gyno is as severe as you're making it sound you may want to arrange an appointment with a doctor. Again, it is not life threatening so take your time with it and do some research about it on the internet. Like I said earlier though, losing weight may help your body image. Working out will also do that. If you're looking to gain muscle, [can't go wrong with this routine.]( Working out and noticing the results did amazing things for my confidence. Lastly, even when you don't feel confident appearing confident may help you more than you think. I have seen it said over on /r/malefashionadvice the most when it comes to clothes. Half the battle of looking good is appearing confident in what you wear. tl;dr: Evaluate yourself. Work out. Possible gyno. Appear confident even if you don't feel confident.
Let me attempt to help you. You may not think you're fat but you might just be. Unfortunately, at the moment it may not help with your self confidence but once you recognize it, it will make the road to confidence that much better. In my first two years of high school I was very over weight. Partially because I was a lineman and all my coaches told me to do was eat food and lift the weights they told me to lift. So I did that. Around the end of my sophomore year I was 5'9 pushing 220 lbs. Not good at all. I wasn't even muscular looking, I was just fat. I realized I had no confidence at all and I hid my body the best I could with loose fitting clothing. I think the best thing you can do right now is watch what you eat. It's a possibility you may have a case of gyno. Which is common in men. Personally, I have very minor gyno but thanks to watching what I eat and losing weight and then building muscle after the losing the weight I wanted my chest is more muscular than ever. If your case of gyno is as severe as you're making it sound you may want to arrange an appointment with a doctor. Again, it is not life threatening so take your time with it and do some research about it on the internet. Like I said earlier though, losing weight may help your body image. Working out will also do that. If you're looking to gain muscle, [can't go wrong with this routine.]( Working out and noticing the results did amazing things for my confidence. Lastly, even when you don't feel confident appearing confident may help you more than you think. I have seen it said over on /r/malefashionadvice the most when it comes to clothes. Half the battle of looking good is appearing confident in what you wear.
Evaluate yourself. Work out. Possible gyno. Appear confident even if you don't feel confident.
Agreed. When I was small I was scared to jump in the pool. I was standing there thinking about it and irrationally afraid to jump in. My dad pushed me. Freaked me the fuck out. I was flailing about in my swim cap, goggles and elephant innertube thing around my waist and pink and white water wings and nose plug. I remember it like it was yesterday. TL:dr. I am deathly afraid of water now because yesterday my dad pushed me in a pool.
Agreed. When I was small I was scared to jump in the pool. I was standing there thinking about it and irrationally afraid to jump in. My dad pushed me. Freaked me the fuck out. I was flailing about in my swim cap, goggles and elephant innertube thing around my waist and pink and white water wings and nose plug. I remember it like it was yesterday. TL:dr. I am deathly afraid of water now because yesterday my dad pushed me in a pool.
Agreed. When I was small I was scared to jump in the pool. I was standing there thinking about it and irrationally afraid to jump in. My dad pushed me. Freaked me the fuck out. I was flailing about in my swim cap, goggles and elephant innertube thing around my waist and pink and white water wings and nose plug. I remember it like it was yesterday.
I am deathly afraid of water now because yesterday my dad pushed me in a pool.
Hey bud. I had this problem when I FIRST started playing. The other people who have mentioned muscle memory are dead on. Once you get your strumming down it should be easier but here's something you can try right away. Come up with a little chord progression, I'll give you one. D to A to E to A and back. Now while you're playing that try to sing some notes with YO FACE. Don't sing any words at first, just get used to changing vocal notes while changing chords. When I first started playing I had a really hard time singing and playing because my brain wanted to sing at the same tempo I was strumming. You could try writing a little song. Just a verse and chorus with very simple vocals. Message me if you want any more help. tl;dr; play a simple chord progression and sing non verbal vocals. (or try to write a simple song)
Hey bud. I had this problem when I FIRST started playing. The other people who have mentioned muscle memory are dead on. Once you get your strumming down it should be easier but here's something you can try right away. Come up with a little chord progression, I'll give you one. D to A to E to A and back. Now while you're playing that try to sing some notes with YO FACE. Don't sing any words at first, just get used to changing vocal notes while changing chords. When I first started playing I had a really hard time singing and playing because my brain wanted to sing at the same tempo I was strumming. You could try writing a little song. Just a verse and chorus with very simple vocals. Message me if you want any more help. tl;dr; play a simple chord progression and sing non verbal vocals. (or try to write a simple song)
Hey bud. I had this problem when I FIRST started playing. The other people who have mentioned muscle memory are dead on. Once you get your strumming down it should be easier but here's something you can try right away. Come up with a little chord progression, I'll give you one. D to A to E to A and back. Now while you're playing that try to sing some notes with YO FACE. Don't sing any words at first, just get used to changing vocal notes while changing chords. When I first started playing I had a really hard time singing and playing because my brain wanted to sing at the same tempo I was strumming. You could try writing a little song. Just a verse and chorus with very simple vocals. Message me if you want any more help.
play a simple chord progression and sing non verbal vocals. (or try to write a simple song)
I grew up in a town called Erie, PA. It is on the one of the five Great Lakes, Lake Erie. The lake makes the weather conditions... eerie. However, this is not to be confused with the Erie Canal, which is actually in New York (and another one in Kentucky as referenced in the John Prine song "Bottomless Lake"), and is not so eerie at all. TL;DR - Erie*
I grew up in a town called Erie, PA. It is on the one of the five Great Lakes, Lake Erie. The lake makes the weather conditions... eerie. However, this is not to be confused with the Erie Canal, which is actually in New York (and another one in Kentucky as referenced in the John Prine song "Bottomless Lake"), and is not so eerie at all. TL;DR - Erie*
I grew up in a town called Erie, PA. It is on the one of the five Great Lakes, Lake Erie. The lake makes the weather conditions... eerie. However, this is not to be confused with the Erie Canal, which is actually in New York (and another one in Kentucky as referenced in the John Prine song "Bottomless Lake"), and is not so eerie at all.
For anyone wondering why OP would post something from March about a possible mid-air explosion, let me explain.. A few days ago [there was a post]( at the top of this subreddit which postulated a rather intriguing theory- a couple of hydrophones, which are a part of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Band Treaty Organization's acoustic monitoring program, may have picked up the sound of the plane hitting the ocean. This would have helped narrow down the search area, which would explain why the Ocean Shield was so quick to find pings. It was a decent theory, but no real evidence supported it other than rumors and hearsay. [The hydrophones are certainly powerful enough]( to detect a plane crash in the right circumstance.. >For example a few kilogram charge exploded in the SOFAR channel off (say) South Africa would be clearly recorded on the hydroacoustic station at Cape Leeuwin, southwest Western Australia. Anyway, the important part of OP's article is that it states that no part of the monitoring system recorded any sign of the plane, neither a mid-air explosion or *the plane hitting the water*. So it is indeed relevant, although OP could have given it more context. TL;DR- OP's article refutes a theory that was posted here a couple of days ago, not about mid-air explosion but about hydrophones hearing the plane hit the water in the indian ocean.
For anyone wondering why OP would post something from March about a possible mid-air explosion, let me explain.. A few days ago [there was a post]( at the top of this subreddit which postulated a rather intriguing theory- a couple of hydrophones, which are a part of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Band Treaty Organization's acoustic monitoring program, may have picked up the sound of the plane hitting the ocean. This would have helped narrow down the search area, which would explain why the Ocean Shield was so quick to find pings. It was a decent theory, but no real evidence supported it other than rumors and hearsay. [The hydrophones are certainly powerful enough]( to detect a plane crash in the right circumstance.. >For example a few kilogram charge exploded in the SOFAR channel off (say) South Africa would be clearly recorded on the hydroacoustic station at Cape Leeuwin, southwest Western Australia. Anyway, the important part of OP's article is that it states that no part of the monitoring system recorded any sign of the plane, neither a mid-air explosion or the plane hitting the water . So it is indeed relevant, although OP could have given it more context. TL;DR- OP's article refutes a theory that was posted here a couple of days ago, not about mid-air explosion but about hydrophones hearing the plane hit the water in the indian ocean.
For anyone wondering why OP would post something from March about a possible mid-air explosion, let me explain.. A few days ago [there was a post]( at the top of this subreddit which postulated a rather intriguing theory- a couple of hydrophones, which are a part of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Band Treaty Organization's acoustic monitoring program, may have picked up the sound of the plane hitting the ocean. This would have helped narrow down the search area, which would explain why the Ocean Shield was so quick to find pings. It was a decent theory, but no real evidence supported it other than rumors and hearsay. [The hydrophones are certainly powerful enough]( to detect a plane crash in the right circumstance.. >For example a few kilogram charge exploded in the SOFAR channel off (say) South Africa would be clearly recorded on the hydroacoustic station at Cape Leeuwin, southwest Western Australia. Anyway, the important part of OP's article is that it states that no part of the monitoring system recorded any sign of the plane, neither a mid-air explosion or the plane hitting the water . So it is indeed relevant, although OP could have given it more context.
OP's article refutes a theory that was posted here a couple of days ago, not about mid-air explosion but about hydrophones hearing the plane hit the water in the indian ocean.
MR15 here. Like most people who have played for a year now i have a list longer then i would care to go into. Most of it has already been said by someone at one point or another as well. If i picked one stand out, then i would have to say End game. But again huge topic which has 100's of "original" idea posts on the fourms. All i have to say is i want to see some. They have many ways to go and i just want to see some real progress. Also "soon" kinda bugged me in the dev stream when something was 90% done but we will get it in U14. So that kinda told me when ever something is in the works, as in very experimental dont expect it for 1-2 months. TL:DR Some End Game
MR15 here. Like most people who have played for a year now i have a list longer then i would care to go into. Most of it has already been said by someone at one point or another as well. If i picked one stand out, then i would have to say End game. But again huge topic which has 100's of "original" idea posts on the fourms. All i have to say is i want to see some. They have many ways to go and i just want to see some real progress. Also "soon" kinda bugged me in the dev stream when something was 90% done but we will get it in U14. So that kinda told me when ever something is in the works, as in very experimental dont expect it for 1-2 months. TL:DR Some End Game
MR15 here. Like most people who have played for a year now i have a list longer then i would care to go into. Most of it has already been said by someone at one point or another as well. If i picked one stand out, then i would have to say End game. But again huge topic which has 100's of "original" idea posts on the fourms. All i have to say is i want to see some. They have many ways to go and i just want to see some real progress. Also "soon" kinda bugged me in the dev stream when something was 90% done but we will get it in U14. So that kinda told me when ever something is in the works, as in very experimental dont expect it for 1-2 months.
Some End Game
I'm a client living in the Netherlands so i can't help you about the illegal stuff. However about your looks, don't forget there are always those who love a plus size, heck you should know there's a whole subreddit for it where you are posting. So you should focus on those people. Second, there's more about it then just sex, and there you have a plus over many others, many do it for just the money you seem to really enjoy it and you have your age which draws in men. Be kind, sweet and willing and you will get your regulars, regulars are the most stable and fun from what i have heard. TLDR; People are into a plus size, focus on being pleasant and fun to be around with and you will get regulars for a steady income.
I'm a client living in the Netherlands so i can't help you about the illegal stuff. However about your looks, don't forget there are always those who love a plus size, heck you should know there's a whole subreddit for it where you are posting. So you should focus on those people. Second, there's more about it then just sex, and there you have a plus over many others, many do it for just the money you seem to really enjoy it and you have your age which draws in men. Be kind, sweet and willing and you will get your regulars, regulars are the most stable and fun from what i have heard. TLDR; People are into a plus size, focus on being pleasant and fun to be around with and you will get regulars for a steady income.
I'm a client living in the Netherlands so i can't help you about the illegal stuff. However about your looks, don't forget there are always those who love a plus size, heck you should know there's a whole subreddit for it where you are posting. So you should focus on those people. Second, there's more about it then just sex, and there you have a plus over many others, many do it for just the money you seem to really enjoy it and you have your age which draws in men. Be kind, sweet and willing and you will get your regulars, regulars are the most stable and fun from what i have heard.
People are into a plus size, focus on being pleasant and fun to be around with and you will get regulars for a steady income.
Sorry, I was re-wrting to answer and it got deleted on my shitty work computer. I'm in the Persian Gulf. They trudge thousands of shiftless locals through these foundation classes each year. They being the Sultan. There's no applying; if you wanna attend, you attend. The students cannot fail as you're thinking of it. They remain enrolled in the course as long as they attend 40% of classes. They cannot not pass. They cannot not proceed onto the next level. They cheat flagrantly on their final exams, still score 15%, and automatically proceed to the next level. Assuming you're from the West, this is not education as you think of it. It's keeping the people placated so they won't go all Arab Spring. And while they're here, the school gets money. In fact, while they're here, *the students* get money. The government pays these students to sit here. They can learn, or they can not learn, but it makes no difference to getting their cash. Would anyone like to guess what paying students to attend school with no possibility of consequences for poor behavior/performance does to their work ethic? So, yes, it's a lecture class. Twice a week, in groups of 40. The boy is one of the 600 hundred or so I work with in a given year. There's not such thing as dropping the class, and for some of them, there's no such thing as engaging them. There's no standing up on the desk and reciting Whitman. You just do the best you can, and hope they learn a thing or two. Some will; many won't. Tl;dr It's a different world. Applying your experience isn't going to work.
Sorry, I was re-wrting to answer and it got deleted on my shitty work computer. I'm in the Persian Gulf. They trudge thousands of shiftless locals through these foundation classes each year. They being the Sultan. There's no applying; if you wanna attend, you attend. The students cannot fail as you're thinking of it. They remain enrolled in the course as long as they attend 40% of classes. They cannot not pass. They cannot not proceed onto the next level. They cheat flagrantly on their final exams, still score 15%, and automatically proceed to the next level. Assuming you're from the West, this is not education as you think of it. It's keeping the people placated so they won't go all Arab Spring. And while they're here, the school gets money. In fact, while they're here, the students get money. The government pays these students to sit here. They can learn, or they can not learn, but it makes no difference to getting their cash. Would anyone like to guess what paying students to attend school with no possibility of consequences for poor behavior/performance does to their work ethic? So, yes, it's a lecture class. Twice a week, in groups of 40. The boy is one of the 600 hundred or so I work with in a given year. There's not such thing as dropping the class, and for some of them, there's no such thing as engaging them. There's no standing up on the desk and reciting Whitman. You just do the best you can, and hope they learn a thing or two. Some will; many won't. Tl;dr It's a different world. Applying your experience isn't going to work.
Sorry, I was re-wrting to answer and it got deleted on my shitty work computer. I'm in the Persian Gulf. They trudge thousands of shiftless locals through these foundation classes each year. They being the Sultan. There's no applying; if you wanna attend, you attend. The students cannot fail as you're thinking of it. They remain enrolled in the course as long as they attend 40% of classes. They cannot not pass. They cannot not proceed onto the next level. They cheat flagrantly on their final exams, still score 15%, and automatically proceed to the next level. Assuming you're from the West, this is not education as you think of it. It's keeping the people placated so they won't go all Arab Spring. And while they're here, the school gets money. In fact, while they're here, the students get money. The government pays these students to sit here. They can learn, or they can not learn, but it makes no difference to getting their cash. Would anyone like to guess what paying students to attend school with no possibility of consequences for poor behavior/performance does to their work ethic? So, yes, it's a lecture class. Twice a week, in groups of 40. The boy is one of the 600 hundred or so I work with in a given year. There's not such thing as dropping the class, and for some of them, there's no such thing as engaging them. There's no standing up on the desk and reciting Whitman. You just do the best you can, and hope they learn a thing or two. Some will; many won't.
It's a different world. Applying your experience isn't going to work.
The phoenix choke on Joust is strange. While it can be easily turtled, after the phoenix is down, turtling in the titan usually results in a loss, because many abilities can go over the wall and significantly poke down the titan while the enemy remains protected by what is supposed to be a defensive structure. That means the phoenix is more well defended than the titan. Doesn't that feel weird? Anyway, easy fix. Replace the phoenix with the old minotaur. Minotaur could be hurt by spells, like the titans. That opens up new strategies and successfully makes the titan more defensible by comparison. It hurts turtles, and shortens the 40+ minute games that most 3's matches turn into, because I mean, shouldn't a 3's match be shorter than a 5's match? And now for something crazier, /u/sheepination had an interesting idea of adding a dragon where one of the reds are. While a dragon would be neat for the theme, Gold Fury or Fire Giant works mechanically the same. Right now, the 3's jungle is not interesting. Reducing the number of red buffs changes the early game (more invades) and adding an objective makes the later game more interesting (possible come backs that don't involve turtling). **TL;DR:** Replace phoenix towers with the minotaur to make turtling more challenging, and replace one of the reds with a late game objective to make the jungle more interesting.
The phoenix choke on Joust is strange. While it can be easily turtled, after the phoenix is down, turtling in the titan usually results in a loss, because many abilities can go over the wall and significantly poke down the titan while the enemy remains protected by what is supposed to be a defensive structure. That means the phoenix is more well defended than the titan. Doesn't that feel weird? Anyway, easy fix. Replace the phoenix with the old minotaur. Minotaur could be hurt by spells, like the titans. That opens up new strategies and successfully makes the titan more defensible by comparison. It hurts turtles, and shortens the 40+ minute games that most 3's matches turn into, because I mean, shouldn't a 3's match be shorter than a 5's match? And now for something crazier, /u/sheepination had an interesting idea of adding a dragon where one of the reds are. While a dragon would be neat for the theme, Gold Fury or Fire Giant works mechanically the same. Right now, the 3's jungle is not interesting. Reducing the number of red buffs changes the early game (more invades) and adding an objective makes the later game more interesting (possible come backs that don't involve turtling). TL;DR: Replace phoenix towers with the minotaur to make turtling more challenging, and replace one of the reds with a late game objective to make the jungle more interesting.
The phoenix choke on Joust is strange. While it can be easily turtled, after the phoenix is down, turtling in the titan usually results in a loss, because many abilities can go over the wall and significantly poke down the titan while the enemy remains protected by what is supposed to be a defensive structure. That means the phoenix is more well defended than the titan. Doesn't that feel weird? Anyway, easy fix. Replace the phoenix with the old minotaur. Minotaur could be hurt by spells, like the titans. That opens up new strategies and successfully makes the titan more defensible by comparison. It hurts turtles, and shortens the 40+ minute games that most 3's matches turn into, because I mean, shouldn't a 3's match be shorter than a 5's match? And now for something crazier, /u/sheepination had an interesting idea of adding a dragon where one of the reds are. While a dragon would be neat for the theme, Gold Fury or Fire Giant works mechanically the same. Right now, the 3's jungle is not interesting. Reducing the number of red buffs changes the early game (more invades) and adding an objective makes the later game more interesting (possible come backs that don't involve turtling).
Replace phoenix towers with the minotaur to make turtling more challenging, and replace one of the reds with a late game objective to make the jungle more interesting.
They did it because Bonfires are thrice as common as before. There are bonfires *everywhere*, and there are very few long stretches between them. This really only poses a problem for extremely low durability weapons. Honestly, 2 weapons is more than enough to for any area, and theres more than enough titanite to make them both equally good. TL;DR: Its done because of more bonfires, have 2 decent weapons at all times. Theres no reason not to.
They did it because Bonfires are thrice as common as before. There are bonfires everywhere , and there are very few long stretches between them. This really only poses a problem for extremely low durability weapons. Honestly, 2 weapons is more than enough to for any area, and theres more than enough titanite to make them both equally good. TL;DR: Its done because of more bonfires, have 2 decent weapons at all times. Theres no reason not to.
They did it because Bonfires are thrice as common as before. There are bonfires everywhere , and there are very few long stretches between them. This really only poses a problem for extremely low durability weapons. Honestly, 2 weapons is more than enough to for any area, and theres more than enough titanite to make them both equally good.
Its done because of more bonfires, have 2 decent weapons at all times. Theres no reason not to.
With the change of catcher requiring a coinflip and no attacking on the first turn of the game, a lot of decks have fallen and a lot of decks have risen. Blastoise and rayboar are almost equal (with the specifications I gave above, but Rayboar also has delphox now) I don't know how much I like speed lugia, but regular plasma (without kyurem) and adding a bunch of techs like yveltal/mewtwo, palkia and landorus has been my thing recently. Both are very strong decks though. Darkrai Yveltal is very strong, but i expect a lot of blastoise to be played. So the easiest counters are Vir/Gen and Yveltal/Garbodor. I have playtested against a straight Vir/Gen deck with lasers against my (slightly outdated) yveltal/Garbodor deck, and I've always been just 30 damage short of a ko due to me not being able to play a laser, even though I have garbodor. They can easily red signal the garbodor and take it out before abilities cancel, and more often than not, Vir/Gen took the cake. And with the addition of a big counter to the red chicken and a way to survive late-game N's? Very strong deck. So much versatility. I expect that blastoise, VirGen and Yveltal will be the top decks played, its really your call, since as a pokemon tcg competitive player, you need to make the calls and risks. you need to be the one to pull out that secret tech the no one expects. If you are not too focused on winning the event or placing high, you may even want to use a rogue deck like Kingdra/Greninja. Pyroar is also going to gain popularity due to its amaxzing ability to be untouched by basic pokemon, causing great pain to darkrai/yveltal and plasma. With the addition of Raichu in Virgen, you're still 10 hp short of a ko with a full charged circle circuit, meaning you will need a muscle band for a ko. I'm only in the senior division, but sometimes I feel like a master trapped in a scrawny 13-year old body. I've seen a lot of videos and have taken advice from many master players, and most of all, I'm observant. You can take my word on the meta, but I would also recommend looking elsewhere as well, as there are many who agree or disagree with me. Tl;dr The top decks I expect to be played at nats are Vir/Gen Yveltal and Blastoise, it's your cal on the meta, but look at what others have to say as well.
With the change of catcher requiring a coinflip and no attacking on the first turn of the game, a lot of decks have fallen and a lot of decks have risen. Blastoise and rayboar are almost equal (with the specifications I gave above, but Rayboar also has delphox now) I don't know how much I like speed lugia, but regular plasma (without kyurem) and adding a bunch of techs like yveltal/mewtwo, palkia and landorus has been my thing recently. Both are very strong decks though. Darkrai Yveltal is very strong, but i expect a lot of blastoise to be played. So the easiest counters are Vir/Gen and Yveltal/Garbodor. I have playtested against a straight Vir/Gen deck with lasers against my (slightly outdated) yveltal/Garbodor deck, and I've always been just 30 damage short of a ko due to me not being able to play a laser, even though I have garbodor. They can easily red signal the garbodor and take it out before abilities cancel, and more often than not, Vir/Gen took the cake. And with the addition of a big counter to the red chicken and a way to survive late-game N's? Very strong deck. So much versatility. I expect that blastoise, VirGen and Yveltal will be the top decks played, its really your call, since as a pokemon tcg competitive player, you need to make the calls and risks. you need to be the one to pull out that secret tech the no one expects. If you are not too focused on winning the event or placing high, you may even want to use a rogue deck like Kingdra/Greninja. Pyroar is also going to gain popularity due to its amaxzing ability to be untouched by basic pokemon, causing great pain to darkrai/yveltal and plasma. With the addition of Raichu in Virgen, you're still 10 hp short of a ko with a full charged circle circuit, meaning you will need a muscle band for a ko. I'm only in the senior division, but sometimes I feel like a master trapped in a scrawny 13-year old body. I've seen a lot of videos and have taken advice from many master players, and most of all, I'm observant. You can take my word on the meta, but I would also recommend looking elsewhere as well, as there are many who agree or disagree with me. Tl;dr The top decks I expect to be played at nats are Vir/Gen Yveltal and Blastoise, it's your cal on the meta, but look at what others have to say as well.
With the change of catcher requiring a coinflip and no attacking on the first turn of the game, a lot of decks have fallen and a lot of decks have risen. Blastoise and rayboar are almost equal (with the specifications I gave above, but Rayboar also has delphox now) I don't know how much I like speed lugia, but regular plasma (without kyurem) and adding a bunch of techs like yveltal/mewtwo, palkia and landorus has been my thing recently. Both are very strong decks though. Darkrai Yveltal is very strong, but i expect a lot of blastoise to be played. So the easiest counters are Vir/Gen and Yveltal/Garbodor. I have playtested against a straight Vir/Gen deck with lasers against my (slightly outdated) yveltal/Garbodor deck, and I've always been just 30 damage short of a ko due to me not being able to play a laser, even though I have garbodor. They can easily red signal the garbodor and take it out before abilities cancel, and more often than not, Vir/Gen took the cake. And with the addition of a big counter to the red chicken and a way to survive late-game N's? Very strong deck. So much versatility. I expect that blastoise, VirGen and Yveltal will be the top decks played, its really your call, since as a pokemon tcg competitive player, you need to make the calls and risks. you need to be the one to pull out that secret tech the no one expects. If you are not too focused on winning the event or placing high, you may even want to use a rogue deck like Kingdra/Greninja. Pyroar is also going to gain popularity due to its amaxzing ability to be untouched by basic pokemon, causing great pain to darkrai/yveltal and plasma. With the addition of Raichu in Virgen, you're still 10 hp short of a ko with a full charged circle circuit, meaning you will need a muscle band for a ko. I'm only in the senior division, but sometimes I feel like a master trapped in a scrawny 13-year old body. I've seen a lot of videos and have taken advice from many master players, and most of all, I'm observant. You can take my word on the meta, but I would also recommend looking elsewhere as well, as there are many who agree or disagree with me.
The top decks I expect to be played at nats are Vir/Gen Yveltal and Blastoise, it's your cal on the meta, but look at what others have to say as well.
We all know but there IS a wight on the map. There's also a Dragon that isn't nearly as badass as a DnD Dragon on the map too. TL;DR LoL has it's own lore.
We all know but there IS a wight on the map. There's also a Dragon that isn't nearly as badass as a DnD Dragon on the map too. TL;DR LoL has it's own lore.
We all know but there IS a wight on the map. There's also a Dragon that isn't nearly as badass as a DnD Dragon on the map too.
LoL has it's own lore.
This is a spec mode bug. The same happens with CS GO and demos for the game. The problem is spec mode runs at a lower tick. Ticks are the amount of packets sent between a and b, which is why this looks so off. For example, in cs go servers run at 128tick. If anyone wants to take the time, check out this reddit post where a user defends allegations against him cheating. He provides a 128tick version of the clips he was thought of cheating. Not gonna lie the accusation video saying he was cheating was very convinceing. But after seeing his side of the story is shows that spec mode does not tell the truth. tl,dr Spec mode lies, even for other games.
This is a spec mode bug. The same happens with CS GO and demos for the game. The problem is spec mode runs at a lower tick. Ticks are the amount of packets sent between a and b, which is why this looks so off. For example, in cs go servers run at 128tick. If anyone wants to take the time, check out this reddit post where a user defends allegations against him cheating. He provides a 128tick version of the clips he was thought of cheating. Not gonna lie the accusation video saying he was cheating was very convinceing. But after seeing his side of the story is shows that spec mode does not tell the truth. tl,dr Spec mode lies, even for other games.
This is a spec mode bug. The same happens with CS GO and demos for the game. The problem is spec mode runs at a lower tick. Ticks are the amount of packets sent between a and b, which is why this looks so off. For example, in cs go servers run at 128tick. If anyone wants to take the time, check out this reddit post where a user defends allegations against him cheating. He provides a 128tick version of the clips he was thought of cheating. Not gonna lie the accusation video saying he was cheating was very convinceing. But after seeing his side of the story is shows that spec mode does not tell the truth.
Spec mode lies, even for other games.
You are over emphasizing leonas e, i really think people dont realize that if you hit the person at the very edge in the begging, while a target is walking away from it, it will still fully hit you and seem like a delay. Its actually something I do with leo, you wait and see if the person isnt leaving full range of her e and then attack when they try to go for a cs. tl;dr leo e really isnt as bad as ppl make it
You are over emphasizing leonas e, i really think people dont realize that if you hit the person at the very edge in the begging, while a target is walking away from it, it will still fully hit you and seem like a delay. Its actually something I do with leo, you wait and see if the person isnt leaving full range of her e and then attack when they try to go for a cs. tl;dr leo e really isnt as bad as ppl make it
You are over emphasizing leonas e, i really think people dont realize that if you hit the person at the very edge in the begging, while a target is walking away from it, it will still fully hit you and seem like a delay. Its actually something I do with leo, you wait and see if the person isnt leaving full range of her e and then attack when they try to go for a cs.
leo e really isnt as bad as ppl make it
Well that’s not a mature response. Also you’d do well to excise that word from your vocabulary, it’s one of those terms the use of which reflects more poorly on the part of the speaker than on that of the target. It makes you sound uncaring. Anyways I honesly couldn’t tell if your last response was a brilliant meta-troll or not, but since you seem so angry I’m guessing the answer is “or not.” For the record, I thought it was pretty clear OP was sarcastic — as you say there are many many tattoo parlours downtown and no green grocers to speak of. I’m not sure why, having already drawn this conclusion, you wouldn’t assume the OP was facetious, but maybe today was a long day for you, or maybe you’re really young, or you’re not good with subtext (understandably more difficult written as opposed to spoken) or maybe you’re not very bright — I don’t know. But relax it’s all fine here. **TL;DR** OP was sarcastic; too many tattoo parlours, not enough green grocers…or food stores, book stores, electronics stores, clothing stores, etc.
Well that’s not a mature response. Also you’d do well to excise that word from your vocabulary, it’s one of those terms the use of which reflects more poorly on the part of the speaker than on that of the target. It makes you sound uncaring. Anyways I honesly couldn’t tell if your last response was a brilliant meta-troll or not, but since you seem so angry I’m guessing the answer is “or not.” For the record, I thought it was pretty clear OP was sarcastic — as you say there are many many tattoo parlours downtown and no green grocers to speak of. I’m not sure why, having already drawn this conclusion, you wouldn’t assume the OP was facetious, but maybe today was a long day for you, or maybe you’re really young, or you’re not good with subtext (understandably more difficult written as opposed to spoken) or maybe you’re not very bright — I don’t know. But relax it’s all fine here. TL;DR OP was sarcastic; too many tattoo parlours, not enough green grocers…or food stores, book stores, electronics stores, clothing stores, etc.
Well that’s not a mature response. Also you’d do well to excise that word from your vocabulary, it’s one of those terms the use of which reflects more poorly on the part of the speaker than on that of the target. It makes you sound uncaring. Anyways I honesly couldn’t tell if your last response was a brilliant meta-troll or not, but since you seem so angry I’m guessing the answer is “or not.” For the record, I thought it was pretty clear OP was sarcastic — as you say there are many many tattoo parlours downtown and no green grocers to speak of. I’m not sure why, having already drawn this conclusion, you wouldn’t assume the OP was facetious, but maybe today was a long day for you, or maybe you’re really young, or you’re not good with subtext (understandably more difficult written as opposed to spoken) or maybe you’re not very bright — I don’t know. But relax it’s all fine here.
OP was sarcastic; too many tattoo parlours, not enough green grocers…or food stores, book stores, electronics stores, clothing stores, etc.
This is one of the few remaining actual problems with bitcoin, and it started only recently, once the blockchain became large and unwieldy. There also isn't enough incentive to mine with p2ppool and/or people just don't give a shit, and/or its too technical. After all Ghash.IO was near 50% for a long time but people just didn't give a shit. Personally I think when people had to figure out how to mine CPU/GPU it was only technically folks now with premade solutions setting up P2p pool is more difficult than mining in the first place which is often not the case with GPU's. So how can we fix this? To me the one thing that really needs to happen is that the block chain needs to be pruned, this is the most important thing that needs to happen before the network can scale, because its not that important if you have to download 1mbyte a minutes(10x current) if you're only going to store 50% or less of it. This is certainly manageable, I remember somebody did the calculations of what the size would be if we had gradually scaled to 2000 transactions a second. While in the future it might be manageable to store, but redownloaing the blockchain becomes an issue, even for mobile lite wallets that just get the header information, and the info for their keys, it becomes really bandwidth intensive to download the 70-80% of used transactions that no longer have any value in them. (rant) This also extends to those FUCKERS AT MASTERCOIN and all those other "bitcoin 2.0" solutions that rape the bitcoin network for its resources and contribute nothing. There is no reason you can either A: Create your own coin with its own proof of work or just plain proof of stake like Etherium/NXT, oh that too much work for you.... right. B: Merge mine with another network BTC/LTC are both very secure, if your coin is actually useful people will CHOOSE to use it. Rather than the current case where your shit ideas are forced on to the network and no way to stop you other than the tradition transaction fees. (/rant) TLDR: stop abusing the network, the devs already did what they could to limit you without removing other important features. As a possibility to pay nodes for their service, i think it could be possible to pay two fees, one to the first node you relay to by creating an open ended transaction that they can fill in with their own information as long as you limit the amount. The problem is this absurdly increases transaction count, so this is basically useless. The other way to do this is to have a proof of stake system, although i'm not sure to do this without inflation, maybe split the tx fees into a pool that goes to the miner and a pool that goes to a random node, the selection processes for which nodes to reward is not straight forward, and maybe the solution might be more clear after stuff like maidsafe come out to see how they pay you for holding storage space/bandwidth. other stuff You also need to make sure only nodes get paid if they have a good history of strong upload speeds/transaction propagation and actually have the full chain. This is really two problems though since to limit the number of nodes you might need something where each node has to pay to be verified. But this detracts from number of nodes, but you need to also then reward them once they have a good history. And all of this would increase the actual cost of the network since currently mining pools are the only ones paying the bandwidth/server costs and not the miners which ideally should have already been built into the price of minning but is not gradually not, as the mining gets more centralized.
This is one of the few remaining actual problems with bitcoin, and it started only recently, once the blockchain became large and unwieldy. There also isn't enough incentive to mine with p2ppool and/or people just don't give a shit, and/or its too technical. After all Ghash.IO was near 50% for a long time but people just didn't give a shit. Personally I think when people had to figure out how to mine CPU/GPU it was only technically folks now with premade solutions setting up P2p pool is more difficult than mining in the first place which is often not the case with GPU's. So how can we fix this? To me the one thing that really needs to happen is that the block chain needs to be pruned, this is the most important thing that needs to happen before the network can scale, because its not that important if you have to download 1mbyte a minutes(10x current) if you're only going to store 50% or less of it. This is certainly manageable, I remember somebody did the calculations of what the size would be if we had gradually scaled to 2000 transactions a second. While in the future it might be manageable to store, but redownloaing the blockchain becomes an issue, even for mobile lite wallets that just get the header information, and the info for their keys, it becomes really bandwidth intensive to download the 70-80% of used transactions that no longer have any value in them. (rant) This also extends to those FUCKERS AT MASTERCOIN and all those other "bitcoin 2.0" solutions that rape the bitcoin network for its resources and contribute nothing. There is no reason you can either A: Create your own coin with its own proof of work or just plain proof of stake like Etherium/NXT, oh that too much work for you.... right. B: Merge mine with another network BTC/LTC are both very secure, if your coin is actually useful people will CHOOSE to use it. Rather than the current case where your shit ideas are forced on to the network and no way to stop you other than the tradition transaction fees. (/rant) TLDR: stop abusing the network, the devs already did what they could to limit you without removing other important features. As a possibility to pay nodes for their service, i think it could be possible to pay two fees, one to the first node you relay to by creating an open ended transaction that they can fill in with their own information as long as you limit the amount. The problem is this absurdly increases transaction count, so this is basically useless. The other way to do this is to have a proof of stake system, although i'm not sure to do this without inflation, maybe split the tx fees into a pool that goes to the miner and a pool that goes to a random node, the selection processes for which nodes to reward is not straight forward, and maybe the solution might be more clear after stuff like maidsafe come out to see how they pay you for holding storage space/bandwidth. other stuff You also need to make sure only nodes get paid if they have a good history of strong upload speeds/transaction propagation and actually have the full chain. This is really two problems though since to limit the number of nodes you might need something where each node has to pay to be verified. But this detracts from number of nodes, but you need to also then reward them once they have a good history. And all of this would increase the actual cost of the network since currently mining pools are the only ones paying the bandwidth/server costs and not the miners which ideally should have already been built into the price of minning but is not gradually not, as the mining gets more centralized.
This is one of the few remaining actual problems with bitcoin, and it started only recently, once the blockchain became large and unwieldy. There also isn't enough incentive to mine with p2ppool and/or people just don't give a shit, and/or its too technical. After all Ghash.IO was near 50% for a long time but people just didn't give a shit. Personally I think when people had to figure out how to mine CPU/GPU it was only technically folks now with premade solutions setting up P2p pool is more difficult than mining in the first place which is often not the case with GPU's. So how can we fix this? To me the one thing that really needs to happen is that the block chain needs to be pruned, this is the most important thing that needs to happen before the network can scale, because its not that important if you have to download 1mbyte a minutes(10x current) if you're only going to store 50% or less of it. This is certainly manageable, I remember somebody did the calculations of what the size would be if we had gradually scaled to 2000 transactions a second. While in the future it might be manageable to store, but redownloaing the blockchain becomes an issue, even for mobile lite wallets that just get the header information, and the info for their keys, it becomes really bandwidth intensive to download the 70-80% of used transactions that no longer have any value in them. (rant) This also extends to those FUCKERS AT MASTERCOIN and all those other "bitcoin 2.0" solutions that rape the bitcoin network for its resources and contribute nothing. There is no reason you can either A: Create your own coin with its own proof of work or just plain proof of stake like Etherium/NXT, oh that too much work for you.... right. B: Merge mine with another network BTC/LTC are both very secure, if your coin is actually useful people will CHOOSE to use it. Rather than the current case where your shit ideas are forced on to the network and no way to stop you other than the tradition transaction fees. (/rant)
stop abusing the network, the devs already did what they could to limit you without removing other important features. As a possibility to pay nodes for their service, i think it could be possible to pay two fees, one to the first node you relay to by creating an open ended transaction that they can fill in with their own information as long as you limit the amount. The problem is this absurdly increases transaction count, so this is basically useless. The other way to do this is to have a proof of stake system, although i'm not sure to do this without inflation, maybe split the tx fees into a pool that goes to the miner and a pool that goes to a random node, the selection processes for which nodes to reward is not straight forward, and maybe the solution might be more clear after stuff like maidsafe come out to see how they pay you for holding storage space/bandwidth. other stuff You also need to make sure only nodes get paid if they have a good history of strong upload speeds/transaction propagation and actually have the full chain. This is really two problems though since to limit the number of nodes you might need something where each node has to pay to be verified. But this detracts from number of nodes, but you need to also then reward them once they have a good history. And all of this would increase the actual cost of the network since currently mining pools are the only ones paying the bandwidth/server costs and not the miners which ideally should have already been built into the price of minning but is not gradually not, as the mining gets more centralized.
I picked up Marvel: Dice Masters today, and after reading the rulebook, and being an (ex)Quarriors owner, I am very excited to play this game. I am not too fond of Quarriors. It was one of the first tabletop games I ever bought, and one of the first I got rid of. I did not mind the game, but every time I played it the people that played with me did not really enjoy it as much as I did. I felt the element of the dice could be too random, the combat/point gaining system was lacking, and the deck-building or "dice-building" element lacked interaction or synergy. I traded it after playing maybe five or six times. The thing this game adds is strategy. Strategy in team building and gameplay, particularly the combat system, which borrows heavily from Magic: The Gathering. There are definitely some major differences, but they are still very similar. I really enjoy that combat system and the functions of the cards in M:DM seem to be more complex and varied than Quarriors. The mechanics seem more interesting and flavorful because of that combat system. Although the entire deck/dicebag gameplay element of M:DM seems to be straight out of Quarriors' "dice-building", it looks like it will work well with that gameplay. There are some small Magic-y touches like having separate pools, "instant"-esque Global Abilities and an almost mana-like alignment system. The shared Action Dice pool does touch on Quarriors, reminding me of the spell dice from that game. Nonetheless, having mostly seperate pools, ones that you compose personally, works like building a deck, in the Magic sense, and allows for a lot more flavor and personalization. I am an avid M:TG player, and have sunk a fair bit of cash into that game. The monetization system, probably the most controversial element of the game and one of the biggest differences between Quarriors and M:DM, isn't much of a problem for me. The packs are cheap and provide a lot of value for their $1 price tag. A box is $40 online, someone could probably buy that and the base set, find some way to store it (sadly), and have enough to call it good with their set. The base set will last two people a little while, that seems sure, and its cheap as well, $15. The dice bags included are crap, but lots of people have cloth ones already and they aren't expensive either and still aren't 100% necessary. The rule book is comprehensive, better than what you'd get out of a $15 Magic deck. You can also play with two with this. It's plenty of value and the investment to get a lot out of this game won't ever be as bad as Magic, especially after a market for specific dice/cards is viable. It will be expanding, but if you're not into keeping up, you really don't have to if you don't want to, unless you want to be competitive or something. You didn't ask, but I think the comparison to Magic is important, as they are very similar games and the monetization is similar. The Quarriors influence is big, but this game seems bigger than Quarriors, despite the difficulties with getting product out there. It is really exciting, especially with the hype that's drummed up and the promise of expansion, with more franchises/properties coming like DC and apparently YuGiOh, and other content support. However, I do think the quality of the product could be better. Though the included contents of the base set is nice, the quality of the dice is inconsistent. With just the base and a few boosters, they range from great to nearly unreadable print, with probably two or three REALLY bad ones. They look nice, are colorful, but there are some of my dice I would already like to replace (which shouldn't be hard, in the end). The boosters are also concerning. I bought 5, and the cards came out of them bent from being pressed against the dice, despite the flimsy cardboard between the two. They aren't of excellent quality either, less than Magic I think, and stiffer (not that you're gonna be holding or even moving them around at all. Also,you could probably make do with the base set box for a bit, but its not really a good storage solution. I'll probably buy a Plano box or something to store and organize them. If all this doesn't matter to you, there seems to be a lot of good game here, and for the entry fee of the base set, I recommend getting a set if you can find it. I felt lucky to find mine. TLDR; Marvel: Dice Masters is like a mix between Magic: The Gathering and Quarriors, using Q's dice acquisition system and Magic's combat. Although the quality doesn't seem 100% great, it still looks good and is really cheap to get into. The combat system and separate pools are the big difference between M:DM and Quarriors, as well as the main similarities between it and Magic. I didn't love Quarriors, but I do enjoy Magic, and I'm excited to play M:DM. Get a copy if you can. EDIT: spelling, grammar.
I picked up Marvel: Dice Masters today, and after reading the rulebook, and being an (ex)Quarriors owner, I am very excited to play this game. I am not too fond of Quarriors. It was one of the first tabletop games I ever bought, and one of the first I got rid of. I did not mind the game, but every time I played it the people that played with me did not really enjoy it as much as I did. I felt the element of the dice could be too random, the combat/point gaining system was lacking, and the deck-building or "dice-building" element lacked interaction or synergy. I traded it after playing maybe five or six times. The thing this game adds is strategy. Strategy in team building and gameplay, particularly the combat system, which borrows heavily from Magic: The Gathering. There are definitely some major differences, but they are still very similar. I really enjoy that combat system and the functions of the cards in M:DM seem to be more complex and varied than Quarriors. The mechanics seem more interesting and flavorful because of that combat system. Although the entire deck/dicebag gameplay element of M:DM seems to be straight out of Quarriors' "dice-building", it looks like it will work well with that gameplay. There are some small Magic-y touches like having separate pools, "instant"-esque Global Abilities and an almost mana-like alignment system. The shared Action Dice pool does touch on Quarriors, reminding me of the spell dice from that game. Nonetheless, having mostly seperate pools, ones that you compose personally, works like building a deck, in the Magic sense, and allows for a lot more flavor and personalization. I am an avid M:TG player, and have sunk a fair bit of cash into that game. The monetization system, probably the most controversial element of the game and one of the biggest differences between Quarriors and M:DM, isn't much of a problem for me. The packs are cheap and provide a lot of value for their $1 price tag. A box is $40 online, someone could probably buy that and the base set, find some way to store it (sadly), and have enough to call it good with their set. The base set will last two people a little while, that seems sure, and its cheap as well, $15. The dice bags included are crap, but lots of people have cloth ones already and they aren't expensive either and still aren't 100% necessary. The rule book is comprehensive, better than what you'd get out of a $15 Magic deck. You can also play with two with this. It's plenty of value and the investment to get a lot out of this game won't ever be as bad as Magic, especially after a market for specific dice/cards is viable. It will be expanding, but if you're not into keeping up, you really don't have to if you don't want to, unless you want to be competitive or something. You didn't ask, but I think the comparison to Magic is important, as they are very similar games and the monetization is similar. The Quarriors influence is big, but this game seems bigger than Quarriors, despite the difficulties with getting product out there. It is really exciting, especially with the hype that's drummed up and the promise of expansion, with more franchises/properties coming like DC and apparently YuGiOh, and other content support. However, I do think the quality of the product could be better. Though the included contents of the base set is nice, the quality of the dice is inconsistent. With just the base and a few boosters, they range from great to nearly unreadable print, with probably two or three REALLY bad ones. They look nice, are colorful, but there are some of my dice I would already like to replace (which shouldn't be hard, in the end). The boosters are also concerning. I bought 5, and the cards came out of them bent from being pressed against the dice, despite the flimsy cardboard between the two. They aren't of excellent quality either, less than Magic I think, and stiffer (not that you're gonna be holding or even moving them around at all. Also,you could probably make do with the base set box for a bit, but its not really a good storage solution. I'll probably buy a Plano box or something to store and organize them. If all this doesn't matter to you, there seems to be a lot of good game here, and for the entry fee of the base set, I recommend getting a set if you can find it. I felt lucky to find mine. TLDR; Marvel: Dice Masters is like a mix between Magic: The Gathering and Quarriors, using Q's dice acquisition system and Magic's combat. Although the quality doesn't seem 100% great, it still looks good and is really cheap to get into. The combat system and separate pools are the big difference between M:DM and Quarriors, as well as the main similarities between it and Magic. I didn't love Quarriors, but I do enjoy Magic, and I'm excited to play M:DM. Get a copy if you can. EDIT: spelling, grammar.
I picked up Marvel: Dice Masters today, and after reading the rulebook, and being an (ex)Quarriors owner, I am very excited to play this game. I am not too fond of Quarriors. It was one of the first tabletop games I ever bought, and one of the first I got rid of. I did not mind the game, but every time I played it the people that played with me did not really enjoy it as much as I did. I felt the element of the dice could be too random, the combat/point gaining system was lacking, and the deck-building or "dice-building" element lacked interaction or synergy. I traded it after playing maybe five or six times. The thing this game adds is strategy. Strategy in team building and gameplay, particularly the combat system, which borrows heavily from Magic: The Gathering. There are definitely some major differences, but they are still very similar. I really enjoy that combat system and the functions of the cards in M:DM seem to be more complex and varied than Quarriors. The mechanics seem more interesting and flavorful because of that combat system. Although the entire deck/dicebag gameplay element of M:DM seems to be straight out of Quarriors' "dice-building", it looks like it will work well with that gameplay. There are some small Magic-y touches like having separate pools, "instant"-esque Global Abilities and an almost mana-like alignment system. The shared Action Dice pool does touch on Quarriors, reminding me of the spell dice from that game. Nonetheless, having mostly seperate pools, ones that you compose personally, works like building a deck, in the Magic sense, and allows for a lot more flavor and personalization. I am an avid M:TG player, and have sunk a fair bit of cash into that game. The monetization system, probably the most controversial element of the game and one of the biggest differences between Quarriors and M:DM, isn't much of a problem for me. The packs are cheap and provide a lot of value for their $1 price tag. A box is $40 online, someone could probably buy that and the base set, find some way to store it (sadly), and have enough to call it good with their set. The base set will last two people a little while, that seems sure, and its cheap as well, $15. The dice bags included are crap, but lots of people have cloth ones already and they aren't expensive either and still aren't 100% necessary. The rule book is comprehensive, better than what you'd get out of a $15 Magic deck. You can also play with two with this. It's plenty of value and the investment to get a lot out of this game won't ever be as bad as Magic, especially after a market for specific dice/cards is viable. It will be expanding, but if you're not into keeping up, you really don't have to if you don't want to, unless you want to be competitive or something. You didn't ask, but I think the comparison to Magic is important, as they are very similar games and the monetization is similar. The Quarriors influence is big, but this game seems bigger than Quarriors, despite the difficulties with getting product out there. It is really exciting, especially with the hype that's drummed up and the promise of expansion, with more franchises/properties coming like DC and apparently YuGiOh, and other content support. However, I do think the quality of the product could be better. Though the included contents of the base set is nice, the quality of the dice is inconsistent. With just the base and a few boosters, they range from great to nearly unreadable print, with probably two or three REALLY bad ones. They look nice, are colorful, but there are some of my dice I would already like to replace (which shouldn't be hard, in the end). The boosters are also concerning. I bought 5, and the cards came out of them bent from being pressed against the dice, despite the flimsy cardboard between the two. They aren't of excellent quality either, less than Magic I think, and stiffer (not that you're gonna be holding or even moving them around at all. Also,you could probably make do with the base set box for a bit, but its not really a good storage solution. I'll probably buy a Plano box or something to store and organize them. If all this doesn't matter to you, there seems to be a lot of good game here, and for the entry fee of the base set, I recommend getting a set if you can find it. I felt lucky to find mine.
Marvel: Dice Masters is like a mix between Magic: The Gathering and Quarriors, using Q's dice acquisition system and Magic's combat. Although the quality doesn't seem 100% great, it still looks good and is really cheap to get into. The combat system and separate pools are the big difference between M:DM and Quarriors, as well as the main similarities between it and Magic. I didn't love Quarriors, but I do enjoy Magic, and I'm excited to play M:DM. Get a copy if you can. EDIT: spelling, grammar.
The police is obviously trying to escalate a 0% threat situation, the guy could only ever had injuried himself up there, he had no where to go and he wouldn't throw the flare on his buddies. Police has 0 reason to pepperspray or even touch him right there, it could only ever get worse, like if he'd set him ablaze. TL;DR: Idiot policeman
The police is obviously trying to escalate a 0% threat situation, the guy could only ever had injuried himself up there, he had no where to go and he wouldn't throw the flare on his buddies. Police has 0 reason to pepperspray or even touch him right there, it could only ever get worse, like if he'd set him ablaze. TL;DR: Idiot policeman
The police is obviously trying to escalate a 0% threat situation, the guy could only ever had injuried himself up there, he had no where to go and he wouldn't throw the flare on his buddies. Police has 0 reason to pepperspray or even touch him right there, it could only ever get worse, like if he'd set him ablaze.
Idiot policeman
The cop is, for not knowing that spraying an aerosolized element at a person holding a lit flare is an inhumane and potentially fatal decision (even moreso for the cop than the guy actually if the canister were to explode) and one he should absolutely lose his job over. Because if he knew and did it he is criminally irresponsible as a security guard, and if he didn't know and did it he's criminally ignorant for his job description. Tl;dr - I fucking hate stupid authorities.
The cop is, for not knowing that spraying an aerosolized element at a person holding a lit flare is an inhumane and potentially fatal decision (even moreso for the cop than the guy actually if the canister were to explode) and one he should absolutely lose his job over. Because if he knew and did it he is criminally irresponsible as a security guard, and if he didn't know and did it he's criminally ignorant for his job description. Tl;dr - I fucking hate stupid authorities.
The cop is, for not knowing that spraying an aerosolized element at a person holding a lit flare is an inhumane and potentially fatal decision (even moreso for the cop than the guy actually if the canister were to explode) and one he should absolutely lose his job over. Because if he knew and did it he is criminally irresponsible as a security guard, and if he didn't know and did it he's criminally ignorant for his job description.
I fucking hate stupid authorities.
Not sure if you're being sarcastic, so I'll reply seriously. We use the term "less-lethal" force, not NON lethal. Any force that we use has the potential for serious harm, and we must anticipate those outcomes. A person exposed to OC could stumble into traffic, or fall into the water. A person experiencing NMI due to the TASER could fall off the curb or hit their head on the pavement. Obviously some force levels are much more likely to cause death or serious bodily injury... my firearm is much more likely to cause death than my baton is, but the baton could cause death if not used properly. Tl;dr: we don't say "non-lethal"
Not sure if you're being sarcastic, so I'll reply seriously. We use the term "less-lethal" force, not NON lethal. Any force that we use has the potential for serious harm, and we must anticipate those outcomes. A person exposed to OC could stumble into traffic, or fall into the water. A person experiencing NMI due to the TASER could fall off the curb or hit their head on the pavement. Obviously some force levels are much more likely to cause death or serious bodily injury... my firearm is much more likely to cause death than my baton is, but the baton could cause death if not used properly. Tl;dr: we don't say "non-lethal"
Not sure if you're being sarcastic, so I'll reply seriously. We use the term "less-lethal" force, not NON lethal. Any force that we use has the potential for serious harm, and we must anticipate those outcomes. A person exposed to OC could stumble into traffic, or fall into the water. A person experiencing NMI due to the TASER could fall off the curb or hit their head on the pavement. Obviously some force levels are much more likely to cause death or serious bodily injury... my firearm is much more likely to cause death than my baton is, but the baton could cause death if not used properly.
we don't say "non-lethal"
It's Wrocław (pronounced Vrosuaf). The city used to be called Breslau before the war and something else when it belong to the Czech. [Beautifull place to live]( Tl;dr: We don't like being confused with Warsaw.
It's Wrocław (pronounced Vrosuaf). The city used to be called Breslau before the war and something else when it belong to the Czech. [Beautifull place to live]( Tl;dr: We don't like being confused with Warsaw.
It's Wrocław (pronounced Vrosuaf). The city used to be called Breslau before the war and something else when it belong to the Czech. [Beautifull place to live](
We don't like being confused with Warsaw.
I think we should all address the real concern of raising the minimum wage: a severe glut of ramen noodles. If people were able to buy actual food for actual meals, instead of ramen noodles, who is going to pay the storage costs of warehouse upon warehouse containing unsold ramen noodle packages? Eventually this becomes the tip of many iceberg-size issues - storage space, pest control, fire hazards, etc. Much like nuclear waste, ramen noodle storage will be a huge cost that everyone has to help pay for. tl;dr No minimum wage hike, because: ramen
I think we should all address the real concern of raising the minimum wage: a severe glut of ramen noodles. If people were able to buy actual food for actual meals, instead of ramen noodles, who is going to pay the storage costs of warehouse upon warehouse containing unsold ramen noodle packages? Eventually this becomes the tip of many iceberg-size issues - storage space, pest control, fire hazards, etc. Much like nuclear waste, ramen noodle storage will be a huge cost that everyone has to help pay for. tl;dr No minimum wage hike, because: ramen
I think we should all address the real concern of raising the minimum wage: a severe glut of ramen noodles. If people were able to buy actual food for actual meals, instead of ramen noodles, who is going to pay the storage costs of warehouse upon warehouse containing unsold ramen noodle packages? Eventually this becomes the tip of many iceberg-size issues - storage space, pest control, fire hazards, etc. Much like nuclear waste, ramen noodle storage will be a huge cost that everyone has to help pay for.
No minimum wage hike, because: ramen
Stories are journeys, not destinations. While they may have started and ended in the same positions, their acceptance of their lives and what their relationships meant to them changed greatly. Franklin is the prime example. He starts in the hood unhappy, moves up to the hills and thinks he's happy, but then realizes success on his own was hollow and returns to the hood happy to accomplish something that meant more than just a dollar amount. TL;DR: Grove street 4 life bitches
Stories are journeys, not destinations. While they may have started and ended in the same positions, their acceptance of their lives and what their relationships meant to them changed greatly. Franklin is the prime example. He starts in the hood unhappy, moves up to the hills and thinks he's happy, but then realizes success on his own was hollow and returns to the hood happy to accomplish something that meant more than just a dollar amount. TL;DR: Grove street 4 life bitches
Stories are journeys, not destinations. While they may have started and ended in the same positions, their acceptance of their lives and what their relationships meant to them changed greatly. Franklin is the prime example. He starts in the hood unhappy, moves up to the hills and thinks he's happy, but then realizes success on his own was hollow and returns to the hood happy to accomplish something that meant more than just a dollar amount.
Grove street 4 life bitches
i wear a safety vest at the times you mentioned. fits in my bag or in my tankbag when i don't need it. the difference is HUGE, other cars practically jump out of my way. that one you posted is a "Class 2" vest. i would advise getting a higher quality one, since this is your life we are talking about here. That one should be sufficient, but they have some with diamond retroreflective paneling (more POP!) and orange banding under them. OSHA has started requiring sleeves with reflective paneling because the vest style has limited side visibility. Upon researching, i learned that this is called "Class 3". The one i have looks like [this]( and is velco'd at every main seam, so it can be removed quickly and easily in an emergency. TL;DR: good idea OP, i do the same. Get a " Class 3" vest for more visibility, especially from the side.
i wear a safety vest at the times you mentioned. fits in my bag or in my tankbag when i don't need it. the difference is HUGE, other cars practically jump out of my way. that one you posted is a "Class 2" vest. i would advise getting a higher quality one, since this is your life we are talking about here. That one should be sufficient, but they have some with diamond retroreflective paneling (more POP!) and orange banding under them. OSHA has started requiring sleeves with reflective paneling because the vest style has limited side visibility. Upon researching, i learned that this is called "Class 3". The one i have looks like [this]( and is velco'd at every main seam, so it can be removed quickly and easily in an emergency. TL;DR: good idea OP, i do the same. Get a " Class 3" vest for more visibility, especially from the side.
i wear a safety vest at the times you mentioned. fits in my bag or in my tankbag when i don't need it. the difference is HUGE, other cars practically jump out of my way. that one you posted is a "Class 2" vest. i would advise getting a higher quality one, since this is your life we are talking about here. That one should be sufficient, but they have some with diamond retroreflective paneling (more POP!) and orange banding under them. OSHA has started requiring sleeves with reflective paneling because the vest style has limited side visibility. Upon researching, i learned that this is called "Class 3". The one i have looks like [this]( and is velco'd at every main seam, so it can be removed quickly and easily in an emergency.
good idea OP, i do the same. Get a " Class 3" vest for more visibility, especially from the side.
DUDES (I feel safe in the assumption you all are male). DID YOU SEE /u/LHCGreg's [POST ON THE FRONT PAGE TWO DAYS AGO]( WHY HAVE YOU NOT UPVOTED IT MULTIPLE TIMES? What a bro, that guy. I'd let my daughter join his harem. If I had a daughter. Or if he had a harem. Anywhozle, here's the thought process behind that commission. The response to Kill La Kill was quite polarized from what I saw, moreso than other shows. My hypothesis was that some anime fans would be quite receptive to KLK and others would be quite shut, purely based on the nature of the work. Looking at the data, we can draw some conclusions. I apologize if I get this wrong or sound like I'm talking down to anyone here. First and most prominent is TTGL. The higher you rated TTGL, the higher you rated KLK. The lower you rated TTGL, the lower you rated KLK. This is great and expected. If you have seen both of these shows, you understand. However, everyone everywhere (on average) agrees that TTGL is the better overall show on a scale of  around half a percentage point. Which, if you've seen both, I'm sure you will too. We also see very high correlation for some other obvious anime that would appeal based on content (Gatchaman Crowds, Hana no Uta) and on legacy (as expected, PSG). Then we have the ones that confuse me. Aria, idolm@ster, and Heartcatch Precure scores all have reasonably high correlation to KLK scores. This brings us to our tripping block: preselection. People that watch Aria don't usually watch action shounen romps. If we forced our subjects to watch every series we wished to compare, we would get a lot more from the lower end of the spectrum and many more negative correlations, and just overall better data. You all may have to explain idolm@ster away using something else as it clocks in at 400 valid data points, but I'll wipe Heartcatch Precure off the map with that excuse, as the strong correlation in scores would come from basically me and 59 other weirdos who enjoy female characters kicking ass and very real internal conflict at the expense of almost everything else. The crazy bit was the other end of the spectrum. This is mathy, but a low correlation doesn't _statistically_ mean a negative correlation i.e. a person who likes End of Evangelion or Texhnolyze wouldn't necessarily dislike KLK. That would be a negative correlation number. As /u/LHCGreg explains though, that almost never happens with number ratings, as they're pure individual preference and some people just rate high. But we can imply (or pull more data and make it a conclusion) that fans of heady, philosophical, or "brainy" shows, on average, are much less likely to enjoy KLK, and vice versa. This would make perfect sense, as KLK devolved into, in its own words, incomprehensibility by the end of its run. So did the data support my hypothesis? Yeah, it did. Some questions remain before we can call this one though. **Other questions:** do these correlations as a whole show the _extreme_ discrepancy that I predicted before, as compared to average correlation between other shows (a.k.a. would the correlation range be smaller or larger for more "neutral" or "less polarizing" anime when compared to the field, a.k.a. swap KLK out for Cowboy Bebop, Spice and Wolf, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya or something else with little public incongruity in opinion). We need the standard deviations! **Super Bonus Round:** I chose most of those shows. **Can you think of a show that would have a greater than .400 correlation or a less than .150 correlation to KLK? Or in other words, a show that people who enjoyed KLK would absolutely love or despise?** Or the two anime that would have the strongest or strongest negative correlation? We can absolutely statistically test how correct your recommendations are!!! I wonder if you can just compare every series and tell us the answer, /u/LHCGreg. Bell curve of correlation! Bell curve of correlation! Bell curve of correlation of all series with more than 100 num ratings! How far can the KLK data go, datamaster? TL;DR – Statistical proof that End of Evangelion sucks. I still need to commission a digital painting of Akari in Senketsu.
DUDES (I feel safe in the assumption you all are male). DID YOU SEE /u/LHCGreg's [POST ON THE FRONT PAGE TWO DAYS AGO]( WHY HAVE YOU NOT UPVOTED IT MULTIPLE TIMES? What a bro, that guy. I'd let my daughter join his harem. If I had a daughter. Or if he had a harem. Anywhozle, here's the thought process behind that commission. The response to Kill La Kill was quite polarized from what I saw, moreso than other shows. My hypothesis was that some anime fans would be quite receptive to KLK and others would be quite shut, purely based on the nature of the work. Looking at the data, we can draw some conclusions. I apologize if I get this wrong or sound like I'm talking down to anyone here. First and most prominent is TTGL. The higher you rated TTGL, the higher you rated KLK. The lower you rated TTGL, the lower you rated KLK. This is great and expected. If you have seen both of these shows, you understand. However, everyone everywhere (on average) agrees that TTGL is the better overall show on a scale of around half a percentage point. Which, if you've seen both, I'm sure you will too. We also see very high correlation for some other obvious anime that would appeal based on content (Gatchaman Crowds, Hana no Uta) and on legacy (as expected, PSG). Then we have the ones that confuse me. Aria, idolm@ster, and Heartcatch Precure scores all have reasonably high correlation to KLK scores. This brings us to our tripping block: preselection. People that watch Aria don't usually watch action shounen romps. If we forced our subjects to watch every series we wished to compare, we would get a lot more from the lower end of the spectrum and many more negative correlations, and just overall better data. You all may have to explain idolm@ster away using something else as it clocks in at 400 valid data points, but I'll wipe Heartcatch Precure off the map with that excuse, as the strong correlation in scores would come from basically me and 59 other weirdos who enjoy female characters kicking ass and very real internal conflict at the expense of almost everything else. The crazy bit was the other end of the spectrum. This is mathy, but a low correlation doesn't statistically mean a negative correlation i.e. a person who likes End of Evangelion or Texhnolyze wouldn't necessarily dislike KLK. That would be a negative correlation number. As /u/LHCGreg explains though, that almost never happens with number ratings, as they're pure individual preference and some people just rate high. But we can imply (or pull more data and make it a conclusion) that fans of heady, philosophical, or "brainy" shows, on average, are much less likely to enjoy KLK, and vice versa. This would make perfect sense, as KLK devolved into, in its own words, incomprehensibility by the end of its run. So did the data support my hypothesis? Yeah, it did. Some questions remain before we can call this one though. Other questions: do these correlations as a whole show the extreme discrepancy that I predicted before, as compared to average correlation between other shows (a.k.a. would the correlation range be smaller or larger for more "neutral" or "less polarizing" anime when compared to the field, a.k.a. swap KLK out for Cowboy Bebop, Spice and Wolf, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya or something else with little public incongruity in opinion). We need the standard deviations! Super Bonus Round: I chose most of those shows. Can you think of a show that would have a greater than .400 correlation or a less than .150 correlation to KLK? Or in other words, a show that people who enjoyed KLK would absolutely love or despise? Or the two anime that would have the strongest or strongest negative correlation? We can absolutely statistically test how correct your recommendations are!!! I wonder if you can just compare every series and tell us the answer, /u/LHCGreg. Bell curve of correlation! Bell curve of correlation! Bell curve of correlation of all series with more than 100 num ratings! How far can the KLK data go, datamaster? TL;DR – Statistical proof that End of Evangelion sucks. I still need to commission a digital painting of Akari in Senketsu.
DUDES (I feel safe in the assumption you all are male). DID YOU SEE /u/LHCGreg's [POST ON THE FRONT PAGE TWO DAYS AGO]( WHY HAVE YOU NOT UPVOTED IT MULTIPLE TIMES? What a bro, that guy. I'd let my daughter join his harem. If I had a daughter. Or if he had a harem. Anywhozle, here's the thought process behind that commission. The response to Kill La Kill was quite polarized from what I saw, moreso than other shows. My hypothesis was that some anime fans would be quite receptive to KLK and others would be quite shut, purely based on the nature of the work. Looking at the data, we can draw some conclusions. I apologize if I get this wrong or sound like I'm talking down to anyone here. First and most prominent is TTGL. The higher you rated TTGL, the higher you rated KLK. The lower you rated TTGL, the lower you rated KLK. This is great and expected. If you have seen both of these shows, you understand. However, everyone everywhere (on average) agrees that TTGL is the better overall show on a scale of around half a percentage point. Which, if you've seen both, I'm sure you will too. We also see very high correlation for some other obvious anime that would appeal based on content (Gatchaman Crowds, Hana no Uta) and on legacy (as expected, PSG). Then we have the ones that confuse me. Aria, idolm@ster, and Heartcatch Precure scores all have reasonably high correlation to KLK scores. This brings us to our tripping block: preselection. People that watch Aria don't usually watch action shounen romps. If we forced our subjects to watch every series we wished to compare, we would get a lot more from the lower end of the spectrum and many more negative correlations, and just overall better data. You all may have to explain idolm@ster away using something else as it clocks in at 400 valid data points, but I'll wipe Heartcatch Precure off the map with that excuse, as the strong correlation in scores would come from basically me and 59 other weirdos who enjoy female characters kicking ass and very real internal conflict at the expense of almost everything else. The crazy bit was the other end of the spectrum. This is mathy, but a low correlation doesn't statistically mean a negative correlation i.e. a person who likes End of Evangelion or Texhnolyze wouldn't necessarily dislike KLK. That would be a negative correlation number. As /u/LHCGreg explains though, that almost never happens with number ratings, as they're pure individual preference and some people just rate high. But we can imply (or pull more data and make it a conclusion) that fans of heady, philosophical, or "brainy" shows, on average, are much less likely to enjoy KLK, and vice versa. This would make perfect sense, as KLK devolved into, in its own words, incomprehensibility by the end of its run. So did the data support my hypothesis? Yeah, it did. Some questions remain before we can call this one though. Other questions: do these correlations as a whole show the extreme discrepancy that I predicted before, as compared to average correlation between other shows (a.k.a. would the correlation range be smaller or larger for more "neutral" or "less polarizing" anime when compared to the field, a.k.a. swap KLK out for Cowboy Bebop, Spice and Wolf, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya or something else with little public incongruity in opinion). We need the standard deviations! Super Bonus Round: I chose most of those shows. Can you think of a show that would have a greater than .400 correlation or a less than .150 correlation to KLK? Or in other words, a show that people who enjoyed KLK would absolutely love or despise? Or the two anime that would have the strongest or strongest negative correlation? We can absolutely statistically test how correct your recommendations are!!! I wonder if you can just compare every series and tell us the answer, /u/LHCGreg. Bell curve of correlation! Bell curve of correlation! Bell curve of correlation of all series with more than 100 num ratings! How far can the KLK data go, datamaster?
Statistical proof that End of Evangelion sucks. I still need to commission a digital painting of Akari in Senketsu.
I have similar thoughts, but I wouldn't upgrade them to concerns. From [a discussion a few weeks ago]( on the topic of our limited perspectives: > Are any of you a racecar driver? Step up and tell us what's conceivable and what's unrealistic about Redline. Are any of you bankers or merchants? Explain Spice and Wolf's economics. Please. Are any of you attractive women who also watched the entire run of Kill La Kill and have dealt with sexual objectification your entire life? Let's hear how it equates to real life issues and how your experience colors your perception of the show. I have so many questions for you. >But none of you are. That's why I called you white-knighting fucks. I know we're all just neckbeards with body pillows and English minors playing at sounding intelligent. I'm right there beside you all. The question then becomes: should we work to change it? People naturally congregate to like-minded souls. This topic's questions should have been, "What is your fetish?" and "Who is best girl/guy?" surely, but why is the onus on us past that point? Posting on an internet forum or joining a community should never carry a burden. We're about acceptance and the sharing of ideas on anime, not political correctness or gender/ethnic/geographic/age/demographic ratios. As long as we acknowledge the fact that we have intrinsically limited view points (which I lampshaded even in this thread), we still have the right and pleasure of talking about shows in whatever manner we wish. Should we try to find some women who would be willing to watch Kill La Kill? Be my guest. I will upvote the shit out of you for bringing in fresh viewpoints. Should you level that burden on _me_, or make _me_ feel bad for my apathy? Don't even try. TL;DR - Cause and effect. There's a difference between actively excluding people or behaving in a way that excludes people, which I oppose, and a lack of diversity brought around because /r/TrueAnime naturally appealed to a certain type of person. That's regrettable, but you will not get a tear from my eye over it.
I have similar thoughts, but I wouldn't upgrade them to concerns. From [a discussion a few weeks ago]( on the topic of our limited perspectives: > Are any of you a racecar driver? Step up and tell us what's conceivable and what's unrealistic about Redline. Are any of you bankers or merchants? Explain Spice and Wolf's economics. Please. Are any of you attractive women who also watched the entire run of Kill La Kill and have dealt with sexual objectification your entire life? Let's hear how it equates to real life issues and how your experience colors your perception of the show. I have so many questions for you. >But none of you are. That's why I called you white-knighting fucks. I know we're all just neckbeards with body pillows and English minors playing at sounding intelligent. I'm right there beside you all. The question then becomes: should we work to change it? People naturally congregate to like-minded souls. This topic's questions should have been, "What is your fetish?" and "Who is best girl/guy?" surely, but why is the onus on us past that point? Posting on an internet forum or joining a community should never carry a burden. We're about acceptance and the sharing of ideas on anime, not political correctness or gender/ethnic/geographic/age/demographic ratios. As long as we acknowledge the fact that we have intrinsically limited view points (which I lampshaded even in this thread), we still have the right and pleasure of talking about shows in whatever manner we wish. Should we try to find some women who would be willing to watch Kill La Kill? Be my guest. I will upvote the shit out of you for bringing in fresh viewpoints. Should you level that burden on me , or make me feel bad for my apathy? Don't even try. TL;DR - Cause and effect. There's a difference between actively excluding people or behaving in a way that excludes people, which I oppose, and a lack of diversity brought around because /r/TrueAnime naturally appealed to a certain type of person. That's regrettable, but you will not get a tear from my eye over it.
I have similar thoughts, but I wouldn't upgrade them to concerns. From [a discussion a few weeks ago]( on the topic of our limited perspectives: > Are any of you a racecar driver? Step up and tell us what's conceivable and what's unrealistic about Redline. Are any of you bankers or merchants? Explain Spice and Wolf's economics. Please. Are any of you attractive women who also watched the entire run of Kill La Kill and have dealt with sexual objectification your entire life? Let's hear how it equates to real life issues and how your experience colors your perception of the show. I have so many questions for you. >But none of you are. That's why I called you white-knighting fucks. I know we're all just neckbeards with body pillows and English minors playing at sounding intelligent. I'm right there beside you all. The question then becomes: should we work to change it? People naturally congregate to like-minded souls. This topic's questions should have been, "What is your fetish?" and "Who is best girl/guy?" surely, but why is the onus on us past that point? Posting on an internet forum or joining a community should never carry a burden. We're about acceptance and the sharing of ideas on anime, not political correctness or gender/ethnic/geographic/age/demographic ratios. As long as we acknowledge the fact that we have intrinsically limited view points (which I lampshaded even in this thread), we still have the right and pleasure of talking about shows in whatever manner we wish. Should we try to find some women who would be willing to watch Kill La Kill? Be my guest. I will upvote the shit out of you for bringing in fresh viewpoints. Should you level that burden on me , or make me feel bad for my apathy? Don't even try.
Cause and effect. There's a difference between actively excluding people or behaving in a way that excludes people, which I oppose, and a lack of diversity brought around because /r/TrueAnime naturally appealed to a certain type of person. That's regrettable, but you will not get a tear from my eye over it.
I have a tangentially-related Office Space story (related since this picture has the red Swingline stapler in it). Office Space came out in 1999. I never got around to watching it, but I was always mildly interested. In 2006 I was in university and during a rare lull in my homework/exams/etc I was hanging out with my then-girlfriend at her parent's place. We decided to watch a movie and chose Office Space. Earlier in the day my dad had asked me if I needed anything from the office supply store, as he'd be going. I told him I needed a stapler, among other things. I finish watching the movie and go home and my dad says he picked up the stuff I asked for and well hell, he bought me the red Swingline from Office Space. He didn't know I was watching the movie. He hadn't even seen Office Space. Awesome coincidence. TL;DR asked my dad for a stapler, he picked up the stapler from Office Space **while I was watching Office space for the first time** without any sort of planning. PS: the red Swingline didn't actually exist until Office Space made it popular - they started making them due to demand.
I have a tangentially-related Office Space story (related since this picture has the red Swingline stapler in it). Office Space came out in 1999. I never got around to watching it, but I was always mildly interested. In 2006 I was in university and during a rare lull in my homework/exams/etc I was hanging out with my then-girlfriend at her parent's place. We decided to watch a movie and chose Office Space. Earlier in the day my dad had asked me if I needed anything from the office supply store, as he'd be going. I told him I needed a stapler, among other things. I finish watching the movie and go home and my dad says he picked up the stuff I asked for and well hell, he bought me the red Swingline from Office Space. He didn't know I was watching the movie. He hadn't even seen Office Space. Awesome coincidence. TL;DR asked my dad for a stapler, he picked up the stapler from Office Space while I was watching Office space for the first time without any sort of planning. PS: the red Swingline didn't actually exist until Office Space made it popular - they started making them due to demand.
I have a tangentially-related Office Space story (related since this picture has the red Swingline stapler in it). Office Space came out in 1999. I never got around to watching it, but I was always mildly interested. In 2006 I was in university and during a rare lull in my homework/exams/etc I was hanging out with my then-girlfriend at her parent's place. We decided to watch a movie and chose Office Space. Earlier in the day my dad had asked me if I needed anything from the office supply store, as he'd be going. I told him I needed a stapler, among other things. I finish watching the movie and go home and my dad says he picked up the stuff I asked for and well hell, he bought me the red Swingline from Office Space. He didn't know I was watching the movie. He hadn't even seen Office Space. Awesome coincidence.
asked my dad for a stapler, he picked up the stapler from Office Space while I was watching Office space for the first time without any sort of planning. PS: the red Swingline didn't actually exist until Office Space made it popular - they started making them due to demand.
> what definition? The definition given by 3.5? I don't really care about it since it is just one more subjective opinion about what is good and what is bad. And this is the problem right there. If you discard the idea of absolute good and evil and start to weigh subjective opinions more heavily than that given by the material you are fundamentally misunderstanding what the alignment system is. It literally doesn't matter what alignment the crusaders thought they were. If they were in a D&D world (pre4th ed) and it didn't agree with their god's opinion or that of the multiverse they are simply deluded about their alignment. The difference between IRL crusaders and D&D paladins is that the paladin's god actually communicates with him in a way that is hard to ignore (ie takes his supernatural powers and makes some spell behave differently for him). A religious fighter killing orcs by the dozens can believe himself to be LG all day but if he does mental backflips justifying the killings he does out of bloodlust and greed he is not LG and detect evil will tell a paladin so regardless of how much the fighter believes otherwise. **TL:DR subjective opinions of people in D&D worlds matters 0% on what alignment people detect as. The gods/multiverse decide based on their own definitions.**
> what definition? The definition given by 3.5? I don't really care about it since it is just one more subjective opinion about what is good and what is bad. And this is the problem right there. If you discard the idea of absolute good and evil and start to weigh subjective opinions more heavily than that given by the material you are fundamentally misunderstanding what the alignment system is. It literally doesn't matter what alignment the crusaders thought they were. If they were in a D&D world (pre4th ed) and it didn't agree with their god's opinion or that of the multiverse they are simply deluded about their alignment. The difference between IRL crusaders and D&D paladins is that the paladin's god actually communicates with him in a way that is hard to ignore (ie takes his supernatural powers and makes some spell behave differently for him). A religious fighter killing orcs by the dozens can believe himself to be LG all day but if he does mental backflips justifying the killings he does out of bloodlust and greed he is not LG and detect evil will tell a paladin so regardless of how much the fighter believes otherwise. TL:DR subjective opinions of people in D&D worlds matters 0% on what alignment people detect as. The gods/multiverse decide based on their own definitions.
what definition? The definition given by 3.5? I don't really care about it since it is just one more subjective opinion about what is good and what is bad. And this is the problem right there. If you discard the idea of absolute good and evil and start to weigh subjective opinions more heavily than that given by the material you are fundamentally misunderstanding what the alignment system is. It literally doesn't matter what alignment the crusaders thought they were. If they were in a D&D world (pre4th ed) and it didn't agree with their god's opinion or that of the multiverse they are simply deluded about their alignment. The difference between IRL crusaders and D&D paladins is that the paladin's god actually communicates with him in a way that is hard to ignore (ie takes his supernatural powers and makes some spell behave differently for him). A religious fighter killing orcs by the dozens can believe himself to be LG all day but if he does mental backflips justifying the killings he does out of bloodlust and greed he is not LG and detect evil will tell a paladin so regardless of how much the fighter believes otherwise.
subjective opinions of people in D&D worlds matters 0% on what alignment people detect as. The gods/multiverse decide based on their own definitions.
To be fair you are not wholly wrong in your disdain for alignment, which is why it has been increasingly marginalized in each successive edition. People in the late 70s in the US believed in absolute morality established by God. Now, three decades later and with the nation considerably less devout, many people find such an idea preposterous. The problem is that people have become so used to "grey and gray" morality that they can't comprehend the original mindset that made alignment make sense. In D&D evil is a palpable force, a tangible presence. There are literal devils spreading it; creatures can be ***made*** of it; and it can be detected almost as reliably as hair color. The problem is and has always been how sensitive any given DM is on corruption. In general it is supposed to be macro level trends of a character's actions, but not always. Sometimes the system expects a single act can change alignment and that muddies the waters considerably. **TL:DR D&D was created in a late 70's traditional religious mindset and it doesn't really compute for people who grew up after the 80s when views on morality became more subjective and nuanced.**
To be fair you are not wholly wrong in your disdain for alignment, which is why it has been increasingly marginalized in each successive edition. People in the late 70s in the US believed in absolute morality established by God. Now, three decades later and with the nation considerably less devout, many people find such an idea preposterous. The problem is that people have become so used to "grey and gray" morality that they can't comprehend the original mindset that made alignment make sense. In D&D evil is a palpable force, a tangible presence. There are literal devils spreading it; creatures can be made of it; and it can be detected almost as reliably as hair color. The problem is and has always been how sensitive any given DM is on corruption. In general it is supposed to be macro level trends of a character's actions, but not always. Sometimes the system expects a single act can change alignment and that muddies the waters considerably. TL:DR D&D was created in a late 70's traditional religious mindset and it doesn't really compute for people who grew up after the 80s when views on morality became more subjective and nuanced.
To be fair you are not wholly wrong in your disdain for alignment, which is why it has been increasingly marginalized in each successive edition. People in the late 70s in the US believed in absolute morality established by God. Now, three decades later and with the nation considerably less devout, many people find such an idea preposterous. The problem is that people have become so used to "grey and gray" morality that they can't comprehend the original mindset that made alignment make sense. In D&D evil is a palpable force, a tangible presence. There are literal devils spreading it; creatures can be made of it; and it can be detected almost as reliably as hair color. The problem is and has always been how sensitive any given DM is on corruption. In general it is supposed to be macro level trends of a character's actions, but not always. Sometimes the system expects a single act can change alignment and that muddies the waters considerably.
D&D was created in a late 70's traditional religious mindset and it doesn't really compute for people who grew up after the 80s when views on morality became more subjective and nuanced.
Basically, I was raiding the African sunni kingdoms and got a Sayyid boy (the boy's father). I threw him into my dungeon and brainwa-I mean, re-educated him to be a proper Tengri Hungarian. I let him out when he was 16 and invited him to my court. He agreed and I proceeded to matrilineally marry her to my daughter. 16 years of brainwashing just for a trait that won't even help me in any way. TL;DR Stole a little muslim boy and forced him to have sex with my ugly daughter for an eugenics project.
Basically, I was raiding the African sunni kingdoms and got a Sayyid boy (the boy's father). I threw him into my dungeon and brainwa-I mean, re-educated him to be a proper Tengri Hungarian. I let him out when he was 16 and invited him to my court. He agreed and I proceeded to matrilineally marry her to my daughter. 16 years of brainwashing just for a trait that won't even help me in any way. TL;DR Stole a little muslim boy and forced him to have sex with my ugly daughter for an eugenics project.
Basically, I was raiding the African sunni kingdoms and got a Sayyid boy (the boy's father). I threw him into my dungeon and brainwa-I mean, re-educated him to be a proper Tengri Hungarian. I let him out when he was 16 and invited him to my court. He agreed and I proceeded to matrilineally marry her to my daughter. 16 years of brainwashing just for a trait that won't even help me in any way.
Stole a little muslim boy and forced him to have sex with my ugly daughter for an eugenics project.
So.. OP. This is an awesome post, but it smells like you just linked to someone else's imgur album. Since, "Endnote: I've sacrificed impressing many a cute boy by bringing boxes of crayons to a checkout. Doesn't matter, ain't one man smell like my childhood"... and clearly in a post from 2 days ago reference "My girlfriend" and have hairy arms in the picture tl;dr pretty sure OP just posts random people's imgur pictures/albums as their own.
So.. OP. This is an awesome post, but it smells like you just linked to someone else's imgur album. Since, "Endnote: I've sacrificed impressing many a cute boy by bringing boxes of crayons to a checkout. Doesn't matter, ain't one man smell like my childhood"... and clearly in a post from 2 days ago reference "My girlfriend" and have hairy arms in the picture tl;dr pretty sure OP just posts random people's imgur pictures/albums as their own.
So.. OP. This is an awesome post, but it smells like you just linked to someone else's imgur album. Since, "Endnote: I've sacrificed impressing many a cute boy by bringing boxes of crayons to a checkout. Doesn't matter, ain't one man smell like my childhood"... and clearly in a post from 2 days ago reference "My girlfriend" and have hairy arms in the picture
pretty sure OP just posts random people's imgur pictures/albums as their own.
It's not discrimination, it's using criteria to select. If a candidate feels their religion is so important they need to put it on a resume, they probably find it extremely important which not only can conflict with work and ethics but create conflict with other employees. tl;dr such people make bad employees generally speaking
It's not discrimination, it's using criteria to select. If a candidate feels their religion is so important they need to put it on a resume, they probably find it extremely important which not only can conflict with work and ethics but create conflict with other employees. tl;dr such people make bad employees generally speaking
It's not discrimination, it's using criteria to select. If a candidate feels their religion is so important they need to put it on a resume, they probably find it extremely important which not only can conflict with work and ethics but create conflict with other employees.
such people make bad employees generally speaking
In some places it actually works though. Religious people tend to stick together. I worked at a shop with a ridiculously religious boss, the place was PLASTERED in Jesus paraphernalia and she would constantly rant about how atheists were the devil. She also signed me up for the NRA (wtf?) and I didn't find out until they mailed my membership to my house. TL;DR: Fuckers be crazy.
In some places it actually works though. Religious people tend to stick together. I worked at a shop with a ridiculously religious boss, the place was PLASTERED in Jesus paraphernalia and she would constantly rant about how atheists were the devil. She also signed me up for the NRA (wtf?) and I didn't find out until they mailed my membership to my house. TL;DR: Fuckers be crazy.
In some places it actually works though. Religious people tend to stick together. I worked at a shop with a ridiculously religious boss, the place was PLASTERED in Jesus paraphernalia and she would constantly rant about how atheists were the devil. She also signed me up for the NRA (wtf?) and I didn't find out until they mailed my membership to my house.
Fuckers be crazy.
I don't think anyone is saying killing anyone anonymously is in line with the NAP. Personally, I believe all options should be exhausted before killing a person. And even then, that act of killing should only occur if said person poses a threat to kill more people. If there were a serial killer in your gun sights and he was running away, would you take the shot as a moral actor (that is, ignoring aesthetic qualms of ending another life)? Judgment should be for restitution (not everyone believes this like I do) and the response should be proportional to the aggression (most people believe this). Killing a person is never restitution; another dead person won't make previously harmed people whole. As I mentioned before, I think it can only be justified where all other options have been exhausted to prevent harm to another person. It'd be dumb to kill someone who is now senile and no longer threat. And what kind of hay were you using when you thought up the strawman argument that people detonating nukes next to someone's house isn't a violation of the NAP? As for assassination markets, the idea of them isn't new. I believe there are articles about the concept from the 90s. [Even before that, there was a monopsonistic version of it centuries ago.]( And even today, the President maintains a kill list. "Hunting people down like dogs" just makes it sound more barbaraic than the cold drone bombings that happen today instead of a face-to-face bloodlust. The fact is that arguments regarding assassination markets (a concept which hasn't been proven to happen as of yet using the dark web AFAIK) [fail to consider them in relation to current standards of justice.]( And to be clear, I'm not saying assassination markets are all good. But people have hired hitmen to kill way before assassination markets. It would be better to figure a way to peacefully settle situations and create incentives so innocent people don't die. **TL;DR** If there were an assassination market out for Osama Bin Laden, he would have been dead years ago at the hands of Pakistani people as millions of people would have donated money for the effort. A multi-billion dollar hit is a guarantee of death and much cheaper than the wars fought in the Middle East. An assassination market can be used to prevent future harm or it can be used for evil. Most discussions tend to focus on just the evil implications.
I don't think anyone is saying killing anyone anonymously is in line with the NAP. Personally, I believe all options should be exhausted before killing a person. And even then, that act of killing should only occur if said person poses a threat to kill more people. If there were a serial killer in your gun sights and he was running away, would you take the shot as a moral actor (that is, ignoring aesthetic qualms of ending another life)? Judgment should be for restitution (not everyone believes this like I do) and the response should be proportional to the aggression (most people believe this). Killing a person is never restitution; another dead person won't make previously harmed people whole. As I mentioned before, I think it can only be justified where all other options have been exhausted to prevent harm to another person. It'd be dumb to kill someone who is now senile and no longer threat. And what kind of hay were you using when you thought up the strawman argument that people detonating nukes next to someone's house isn't a violation of the NAP? As for assassination markets, the idea of them isn't new. I believe there are articles about the concept from the 90s. [Even before that, there was a monopsonistic version of it centuries ago.]( And even today, the President maintains a kill list. "Hunting people down like dogs" just makes it sound more barbaraic than the cold drone bombings that happen today instead of a face-to-face bloodlust. The fact is that arguments regarding assassination markets (a concept which hasn't been proven to happen as of yet using the dark web AFAIK) [fail to consider them in relation to current standards of justice.]( And to be clear, I'm not saying assassination markets are all good. But people have hired hitmen to kill way before assassination markets. It would be better to figure a way to peacefully settle situations and create incentives so innocent people don't die. TL;DR If there were an assassination market out for Osama Bin Laden, he would have been dead years ago at the hands of Pakistani people as millions of people would have donated money for the effort. A multi-billion dollar hit is a guarantee of death and much cheaper than the wars fought in the Middle East. An assassination market can be used to prevent future harm or it can be used for evil. Most discussions tend to focus on just the evil implications.
I don't think anyone is saying killing anyone anonymously is in line with the NAP. Personally, I believe all options should be exhausted before killing a person. And even then, that act of killing should only occur if said person poses a threat to kill more people. If there were a serial killer in your gun sights and he was running away, would you take the shot as a moral actor (that is, ignoring aesthetic qualms of ending another life)? Judgment should be for restitution (not everyone believes this like I do) and the response should be proportional to the aggression (most people believe this). Killing a person is never restitution; another dead person won't make previously harmed people whole. As I mentioned before, I think it can only be justified where all other options have been exhausted to prevent harm to another person. It'd be dumb to kill someone who is now senile and no longer threat. And what kind of hay were you using when you thought up the strawman argument that people detonating nukes next to someone's house isn't a violation of the NAP? As for assassination markets, the idea of them isn't new. I believe there are articles about the concept from the 90s. [Even before that, there was a monopsonistic version of it centuries ago.]( And even today, the President maintains a kill list. "Hunting people down like dogs" just makes it sound more barbaraic than the cold drone bombings that happen today instead of a face-to-face bloodlust. The fact is that arguments regarding assassination markets (a concept which hasn't been proven to happen as of yet using the dark web AFAIK) [fail to consider them in relation to current standards of justice.]( And to be clear, I'm not saying assassination markets are all good. But people have hired hitmen to kill way before assassination markets. It would be better to figure a way to peacefully settle situations and create incentives so innocent people don't die.
If there were an assassination market out for Osama Bin Laden, he would have been dead years ago at the hands of Pakistani people as millions of people would have donated money for the effort. A multi-billion dollar hit is a guarantee of death and much cheaper than the wars fought in the Middle East. An assassination market can be used to prevent future harm or it can be used for evil. Most discussions tend to focus on just the evil implications.
Fold preflop, imo. I think if you put in a few hundred thousand hands, and then look at how pocket threes performs utg+1, it's going to be a big loser and isn't worth the negative hit just to expand your early position range. After that... flop is fine, though I probably would have bet just a bit smaller (half pot). Turn is fine, although again I'd have bet a little smaller (half pot). River is fine. Value betting with what is almost surely the best hand and hoping to get called with a pair of kings. When he raises, you're likely beat. But it's a mistake to fold because he could just be making the shove with a turned twopair (KQ or Q9), flopped K9, slowplayed aces, or just frustrated and shoving with AK, KJ, KT, Q9, or even stupid hands that he shouldn't even be at the flop with like K6 and 96. Again, after he shoves on the river, I'd guess you lose in this spot around 70%. But the 30% is worth the call. Pot is laying you something like 5:1 at that point. TL;DR - Should have folded preflop in early position in a full ring game with 33. Post flop you played it fine.
Fold preflop, imo. I think if you put in a few hundred thousand hands, and then look at how pocket threes performs utg+1, it's going to be a big loser and isn't worth the negative hit just to expand your early position range. After that... flop is fine, though I probably would have bet just a bit smaller (half pot). Turn is fine, although again I'd have bet a little smaller (half pot). River is fine. Value betting with what is almost surely the best hand and hoping to get called with a pair of kings. When he raises, you're likely beat. But it's a mistake to fold because he could just be making the shove with a turned twopair (KQ or Q9), flopped K9, slowplayed aces, or just frustrated and shoving with AK, KJ, KT, Q9, or even stupid hands that he shouldn't even be at the flop with like K6 and 96. Again, after he shoves on the river, I'd guess you lose in this spot around 70%. But the 30% is worth the call. Pot is laying you something like 5:1 at that point. TL;DR - Should have folded preflop in early position in a full ring game with 33. Post flop you played it fine.
Fold preflop, imo. I think if you put in a few hundred thousand hands, and then look at how pocket threes performs utg+1, it's going to be a big loser and isn't worth the negative hit just to expand your early position range. After that... flop is fine, though I probably would have bet just a bit smaller (half pot). Turn is fine, although again I'd have bet a little smaller (half pot). River is fine. Value betting with what is almost surely the best hand and hoping to get called with a pair of kings. When he raises, you're likely beat. But it's a mistake to fold because he could just be making the shove with a turned twopair (KQ or Q9), flopped K9, slowplayed aces, or just frustrated and shoving with AK, KJ, KT, Q9, or even stupid hands that he shouldn't even be at the flop with like K6 and 96. Again, after he shoves on the river, I'd guess you lose in this spot around 70%. But the 30% is worth the call. Pot is laying you something like 5:1 at that point.
Should have folded preflop in early position in a full ring game with 33. Post flop you played it fine.
>whereas the US is across the Atlantic ocean from Europe, and very distant from Ukraine The US status as a Superpower depends on its ability to project force anywhere. The US 6th fleet is based in the Mediterranean area as part of United States European Command. The United States has considerable logistical support in the area. Additionally when you consider allies such as Britain and Poland, the British Royal Navy has a presence in the Mediterranean at Gibraltar and Cyprus, Poland would allow American troops to cross from Germany to Ukraine. So if the US wanted to start a Nuclear Conflict with Putin, they could logistics in Europe is not an issue. The US has been prepping for the worst in Russia for the last 80 odd years. tl:dr Murica is everywhere.
>whereas the US is across the Atlantic ocean from Europe, and very distant from Ukraine The US status as a Superpower depends on its ability to project force anywhere. The US 6th fleet is based in the Mediterranean area as part of United States European Command. The United States has considerable logistical support in the area. Additionally when you consider allies such as Britain and Poland, the British Royal Navy has a presence in the Mediterranean at Gibraltar and Cyprus, Poland would allow American troops to cross from Germany to Ukraine. So if the US wanted to start a Nuclear Conflict with Putin, they could logistics in Europe is not an issue. The US has been prepping for the worst in Russia for the last 80 odd years. tl:dr Murica is everywhere.
whereas the US is across the Atlantic ocean from Europe, and very distant from Ukraine The US status as a Superpower depends on its ability to project force anywhere. The US 6th fleet is based in the Mediterranean area as part of United States European Command. The United States has considerable logistical support in the area. Additionally when you consider allies such as Britain and Poland, the British Royal Navy has a presence in the Mediterranean at Gibraltar and Cyprus, Poland would allow American troops to cross from Germany to Ukraine. So if the US wanted to start a Nuclear Conflict with Putin, they could logistics in Europe is not an issue. The US has been prepping for the worst in Russia for the last 80 odd years.
Murica is everywhere.
Different tissues bleed differently based on their vascularity (the number of blood vessels) and the anatomical structure of the tissue itself which may help or hinder clotting. If you've ever split your scalp, you know that even tiny scalp wounds bleed a LOT. That's because the scalp is very highly vascular, and the way that it's organised anatomically holds the blood vessels open, which stops them from clotting as effectively. As far as this guy goes, his skin has been totally destroyed by the burns. There are very few blood vessels left to actually bleed from. If you look further down, nearer to his hip, the skin appears less badly burned and so there is much more blood. Deeper down, the subcutaneous fat is not particularly vascular so doesn't bleed as much. Furthermore, this guy has suffered a major trauma. When that happens, the body effectively re-routes blood to major organs by making more peripheral vessels constrict hard. This means that the few viable vessels he has left in his skin will be very narrow and little blood will be passing through them. **TLDR: Wounds bleed based on their vascularity (and other factors). Burned skin has low effective vascularity, so doesn't bleed much.**
Different tissues bleed differently based on their vascularity (the number of blood vessels) and the anatomical structure of the tissue itself which may help or hinder clotting. If you've ever split your scalp, you know that even tiny scalp wounds bleed a LOT. That's because the scalp is very highly vascular, and the way that it's organised anatomically holds the blood vessels open, which stops them from clotting as effectively. As far as this guy goes, his skin has been totally destroyed by the burns. There are very few blood vessels left to actually bleed from. If you look further down, nearer to his hip, the skin appears less badly burned and so there is much more blood. Deeper down, the subcutaneous fat is not particularly vascular so doesn't bleed as much. Furthermore, this guy has suffered a major trauma. When that happens, the body effectively re-routes blood to major organs by making more peripheral vessels constrict hard. This means that the few viable vessels he has left in his skin will be very narrow and little blood will be passing through them. TLDR: Wounds bleed based on their vascularity (and other factors). Burned skin has low effective vascularity, so doesn't bleed much.
Different tissues bleed differently based on their vascularity (the number of blood vessels) and the anatomical structure of the tissue itself which may help or hinder clotting. If you've ever split your scalp, you know that even tiny scalp wounds bleed a LOT. That's because the scalp is very highly vascular, and the way that it's organised anatomically holds the blood vessels open, which stops them from clotting as effectively. As far as this guy goes, his skin has been totally destroyed by the burns. There are very few blood vessels left to actually bleed from. If you look further down, nearer to his hip, the skin appears less badly burned and so there is much more blood. Deeper down, the subcutaneous fat is not particularly vascular so doesn't bleed as much. Furthermore, this guy has suffered a major trauma. When that happens, the body effectively re-routes blood to major organs by making more peripheral vessels constrict hard. This means that the few viable vessels he has left in his skin will be very narrow and little blood will be passing through them.
Wounds bleed based on their vascularity (and other factors). Burned skin has low effective vascularity, so doesn't bleed much.
Well... a little bit more information is really needed. This reads like something someone would use to dodge the reality of the issue. What was said exactly? If you work, you are generally expected to be professional to a degree. So when you deal with a customer, choose your interactions carefully. So I will ask again, how did the situation arise that the employee felt it was appropriate to comment about this individuals relative in a negative way? The rest is just natural reaction depending on individual. A person or employee(especially) should always be prepared to deal with a situation head on if he instigates a stance on it. In this situation he's projecting an image of this family member in a negative way. Call someone an asshole because of something they've done, and they might actually come up to your face. They especially will come up to your face if they are actually an asshole, and they will try and shut your opinion down by being loud, or by being chaotic/threatening. Deal with it, or refraim from provoking the situation. What do you expect the manager to do? He did the right sorta by getting the two of them together. However, he perhaps should have inquired first what the specifics of the situation were before bringing the two together. That way he could judge if it was an appropriate method of leveling it out. But however it goes... this story is missing key points so it's really general. What was so "irate" about how he responded to the manager and employee? Hold old/mature if the employee? I'd literally call this just "life" but however it goes. If you're going to bitch about someone, make sure it's factual, and make sure you can stand up for the reasons why you feel it is no something you want happening in or around your place of business. If you are an employee, be even more careful about how you express yourself to the public. You represent someone elses business. Life lesson from my point of view. - Judge the situation. If you provoke someone, you will get a response. Judge the response. You are responsible in part for the immediate situation if you provoked it, or are responding to a provocation. If you feel that the responses are too violent and threatening, seek advice from the police. But never expect to shit talk about someone and not have that person get in your face about it. And don't hide behind your company/manager. They didn't say it in this case. TL;DR - Be responsible for what you do. Ripples in a pond man...
Well... a little bit more information is really needed. This reads like something someone would use to dodge the reality of the issue. What was said exactly? If you work, you are generally expected to be professional to a degree. So when you deal with a customer, choose your interactions carefully. So I will ask again, how did the situation arise that the employee felt it was appropriate to comment about this individuals relative in a negative way? The rest is just natural reaction depending on individual. A person or employee(especially) should always be prepared to deal with a situation head on if he instigates a stance on it. In this situation he's projecting an image of this family member in a negative way. Call someone an asshole because of something they've done, and they might actually come up to your face. They especially will come up to your face if they are actually an asshole, and they will try and shut your opinion down by being loud, or by being chaotic/threatening. Deal with it, or refraim from provoking the situation. What do you expect the manager to do? He did the right sorta by getting the two of them together. However, he perhaps should have inquired first what the specifics of the situation were before bringing the two together. That way he could judge if it was an appropriate method of leveling it out. But however it goes... this story is missing key points so it's really general. What was so "irate" about how he responded to the manager and employee? Hold old/mature if the employee? I'd literally call this just "life" but however it goes. If you're going to bitch about someone, make sure it's factual, and make sure you can stand up for the reasons why you feel it is no something you want happening in or around your place of business. If you are an employee, be even more careful about how you express yourself to the public. You represent someone elses business. Life lesson from my point of view. - Judge the situation. If you provoke someone, you will get a response. Judge the response. You are responsible in part for the immediate situation if you provoked it, or are responding to a provocation. If you feel that the responses are too violent and threatening, seek advice from the police. But never expect to shit talk about someone and not have that person get in your face about it. And don't hide behind your company/manager. They didn't say it in this case. TL;DR - Be responsible for what you do. Ripples in a pond man...
Well... a little bit more information is really needed. This reads like something someone would use to dodge the reality of the issue. What was said exactly? If you work, you are generally expected to be professional to a degree. So when you deal with a customer, choose your interactions carefully. So I will ask again, how did the situation arise that the employee felt it was appropriate to comment about this individuals relative in a negative way? The rest is just natural reaction depending on individual. A person or employee(especially) should always be prepared to deal with a situation head on if he instigates a stance on it. In this situation he's projecting an image of this family member in a negative way. Call someone an asshole because of something they've done, and they might actually come up to your face. They especially will come up to your face if they are actually an asshole, and they will try and shut your opinion down by being loud, or by being chaotic/threatening. Deal with it, or refraim from provoking the situation. What do you expect the manager to do? He did the right sorta by getting the two of them together. However, he perhaps should have inquired first what the specifics of the situation were before bringing the two together. That way he could judge if it was an appropriate method of leveling it out. But however it goes... this story is missing key points so it's really general. What was so "irate" about how he responded to the manager and employee? Hold old/mature if the employee? I'd literally call this just "life" but however it goes. If you're going to bitch about someone, make sure it's factual, and make sure you can stand up for the reasons why you feel it is no something you want happening in or around your place of business. If you are an employee, be even more careful about how you express yourself to the public. You represent someone elses business. Life lesson from my point of view. - Judge the situation. If you provoke someone, you will get a response. Judge the response. You are responsible in part for the immediate situation if you provoked it, or are responding to a provocation. If you feel that the responses are too violent and threatening, seek advice from the police. But never expect to shit talk about someone and not have that person get in your face about it. And don't hide behind your company/manager. They didn't say it in this case.
Be responsible for what you do. Ripples in a pond man...
Don't convert your 401(k) to whole life insurance. Roll it over into an IRA and invest it as normal there. If you call Fidelity a nice person will answer the phone, ask for some details like your SSN and account numbers, and then take care of the entire process for you. Don't wait; there is a time limit on these things as your 401(k) plan administrator has told you. Not only is whole life insurance a bad investment, but it can't be held inside an IRA. That means that if you use 401(k) proceeds to buy whole life insurance (or *anything else* not held inside an IRA, for that matter), you are making an 'unqualified distribution' from your 401(k), losing all the tax benefits you accrued in the past with your 401(k), taking an immediate financial penalty levied in dollars, and also accruing a large income-tax liability which will be unexpected to you come tax time, because you didn't understand this rule. tl;dr: Don't buy whole life insurance with your 401(k) money. Rollover your 401(k) into an IRA immediately.
Don't convert your 401(k) to whole life insurance. Roll it over into an IRA and invest it as normal there. If you call Fidelity a nice person will answer the phone, ask for some details like your SSN and account numbers, and then take care of the entire process for you. Don't wait; there is a time limit on these things as your 401(k) plan administrator has told you. Not only is whole life insurance a bad investment, but it can't be held inside an IRA. That means that if you use 401(k) proceeds to buy whole life insurance (or anything else not held inside an IRA, for that matter), you are making an 'unqualified distribution' from your 401(k), losing all the tax benefits you accrued in the past with your 401(k), taking an immediate financial penalty levied in dollars, and also accruing a large income-tax liability which will be unexpected to you come tax time, because you didn't understand this rule. tl;dr: Don't buy whole life insurance with your 401(k) money. Rollover your 401(k) into an IRA immediately.
Don't convert your 401(k) to whole life insurance. Roll it over into an IRA and invest it as normal there. If you call Fidelity a nice person will answer the phone, ask for some details like your SSN and account numbers, and then take care of the entire process for you. Don't wait; there is a time limit on these things as your 401(k) plan administrator has told you. Not only is whole life insurance a bad investment, but it can't be held inside an IRA. That means that if you use 401(k) proceeds to buy whole life insurance (or anything else not held inside an IRA, for that matter), you are making an 'unqualified distribution' from your 401(k), losing all the tax benefits you accrued in the past with your 401(k), taking an immediate financial penalty levied in dollars, and also accruing a large income-tax liability which will be unexpected to you come tax time, because you didn't understand this rule.
Don't buy whole life insurance with your 401(k) money. Rollover your 401(k) into an IRA immediately.
>wanting people to have babies they don't want and won't be adequately cared for seems pretty fucking evil. You are putting words in my mouth, you mother fucker, I NEVER SAID THAT. I DO NOT want people having babies they can't take care of. How do you not have a baby that you can't take care of? DON'T FUCKING HAVE SEX YOU STUPID FUCKS. If you choose to have sex, and the result is pregnancy, then that's the real life consequence which you have to deal with, which you could have entirely avoided by just not having sex. TL;DR - If you get an abortion because your stupid fucking ass is too mother fucking selfish to not have sex, then you're a piece of shit.
>wanting people to have babies they don't want and won't be adequately cared for seems pretty fucking evil. You are putting words in my mouth, you mother fucker, I NEVER SAID THAT. I DO NOT want people having babies they can't take care of. How do you not have a baby that you can't take care of? DON'T FUCKING HAVE SEX YOU STUPID FUCKS. If you choose to have sex, and the result is pregnancy, then that's the real life consequence which you have to deal with, which you could have entirely avoided by just not having sex. TL;DR - If you get an abortion because your stupid fucking ass is too mother fucking selfish to not have sex, then you're a piece of shit.
wanting people to have babies they don't want and won't be adequately cared for seems pretty fucking evil. You are putting words in my mouth, you mother fucker, I NEVER SAID THAT. I DO NOT want people having babies they can't take care of. How do you not have a baby that you can't take care of? DON'T FUCKING HAVE SEX YOU STUPID FUCKS. If you choose to have sex, and the result is pregnancy, then that's the real life consequence which you have to deal with, which you could have entirely avoided by just not having sex.
If you get an abortion because your stupid fucking ass is too mother fucking selfish to not have sex, then you're a piece of shit.
I'm not entirely sure of the point of your story. That guy is old and he grew up in a world where it was relatively easy to come into that way of thinking. Racism was public and acceptable and commonly taught to children as truth. People growing up today are being raised under different conditions. They don't get taught explicit racism in school and racism is a fringe ideology. Today's kids are way less likely to end up thinking like that guy. He's a relic from the past and his story doesn't make your point. Maybe we will always have racism, though. Maybe as long as there are differences between people and cultures, those differences will cause at least some divisions and conflict. I don't think that negates the ideas that we're progressing in our racial attitudes and that fighting oppression can help heal those divisions. TL;DR: 6/10 cool story, world not rocked.
I'm not entirely sure of the point of your story. That guy is old and he grew up in a world where it was relatively easy to come into that way of thinking. Racism was public and acceptable and commonly taught to children as truth. People growing up today are being raised under different conditions. They don't get taught explicit racism in school and racism is a fringe ideology. Today's kids are way less likely to end up thinking like that guy. He's a relic from the past and his story doesn't make your point. Maybe we will always have racism, though. Maybe as long as there are differences between people and cultures, those differences will cause at least some divisions and conflict. I don't think that negates the ideas that we're progressing in our racial attitudes and that fighting oppression can help heal those divisions. TL;DR: 6/10 cool story, world not rocked.
I'm not entirely sure of the point of your story. That guy is old and he grew up in a world where it was relatively easy to come into that way of thinking. Racism was public and acceptable and commonly taught to children as truth. People growing up today are being raised under different conditions. They don't get taught explicit racism in school and racism is a fringe ideology. Today's kids are way less likely to end up thinking like that guy. He's a relic from the past and his story doesn't make your point. Maybe we will always have racism, though. Maybe as long as there are differences between people and cultures, those differences will cause at least some divisions and conflict. I don't think that negates the ideas that we're progressing in our racial attitudes and that fighting oppression can help heal those divisions.
6/10 cool story, world not rocked.
In trying to make it approachable, Tyson (and Sagan) did kind of dumb some stuff down. It's really a gedankenexperiment, but using foreign language(s) and words like 'though experiment' scare people. This is a damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't situation. Add in modern graphics (relatively, for both series) and both get labelled incorrectly. TL;DR - Books without pretty pictures are 'boring' and collect dust.
In trying to make it approachable, Tyson (and Sagan) did kind of dumb some stuff down. It's really a gedankenexperiment, but using foreign language(s) and words like 'though experiment' scare people. This is a damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't situation. Add in modern graphics (relatively, for both series) and both get labelled incorrectly. TL;DR - Books without pretty pictures are 'boring' and collect dust.
In trying to make it approachable, Tyson (and Sagan) did kind of dumb some stuff down. It's really a gedankenexperiment, but using foreign language(s) and words like 'though experiment' scare people. This is a damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't situation. Add in modern graphics (relatively, for both series) and both get labelled incorrectly.
Books without pretty pictures are 'boring' and collect dust.
I almost got robbed or kidnapped while walking to a strip club with my Venezuelan friends in Porlamar. Luckily my friends were much more aware than I was, my friend started saying "walk faster, walk faster" with a sense of urgency. A van pulled up next to us and the door slid open and a dude said something in Spanish. The entrance to the strip club was right there so we went inside. Our other friend said that when he looked at the guys in the van, one lifted up his shirt to show off his gun and said something like "why are you scared?" Other than that it seemed as safe as Los Angeles ... except for when one of our other friends shot up the front of Senor Frogs at 6:00am after a long night of of drinking. But that was more funny (for me at least) than when the van pulled up. Other people were scared though. **tl;dr** I'd go again and stay with my friend, but probably not worth it on your own.
I almost got robbed or kidnapped while walking to a strip club with my Venezuelan friends in Porlamar. Luckily my friends were much more aware than I was, my friend started saying "walk faster, walk faster" with a sense of urgency. A van pulled up next to us and the door slid open and a dude said something in Spanish. The entrance to the strip club was right there so we went inside. Our other friend said that when he looked at the guys in the van, one lifted up his shirt to show off his gun and said something like "why are you scared?" Other than that it seemed as safe as Los Angeles ... except for when one of our other friends shot up the front of Senor Frogs at 6:00am after a long night of of drinking. But that was more funny (for me at least) than when the van pulled up. Other people were scared though. tl;dr I'd go again and stay with my friend, but probably not worth it on your own.
I almost got robbed or kidnapped while walking to a strip club with my Venezuelan friends in Porlamar. Luckily my friends were much more aware than I was, my friend started saying "walk faster, walk faster" with a sense of urgency. A van pulled up next to us and the door slid open and a dude said something in Spanish. The entrance to the strip club was right there so we went inside. Our other friend said that when he looked at the guys in the van, one lifted up his shirt to show off his gun and said something like "why are you scared?" Other than that it seemed as safe as Los Angeles ... except for when one of our other friends shot up the front of Senor Frogs at 6:00am after a long night of of drinking. But that was more funny (for me at least) than when the van pulled up. Other people were scared though.
I'd go again and stay with my friend, but probably not worth it on your own.
Great question, and this is covered in our [FAQ]( * The event will provide a 100% increase. * A 100% XP boost will provide a 100% increase. * IF both are used, they will each provide a 100% increase of the BASE experience. TL:DR - If you normally earn 500 XP from a kill, you'll earn 500 (base) + 500 (event) + 500 (boost). Effectively it's x3 experience.
Great question, and this is covered in our [FAQ]( The event will provide a 100% increase. A 100% XP boost will provide a 100% increase. IF both are used, they will each provide a 100% increase of the BASE experience. TL:DR - If you normally earn 500 XP from a kill, you'll earn 500 (base) + 500 (event) + 500 (boost). Effectively it's x3 experience.
Great question, and this is covered in our [FAQ]( The event will provide a 100% increase. A 100% XP boost will provide a 100% increase. IF both are used, they will each provide a 100% increase of the BASE experience.
If you normally earn 500 XP from a kill, you'll earn 500 (base) + 500 (event) + 500 (boost). Effectively it's x3 experience.
No problem. Main reason I don't do enter giveaways is : Once over 100 people enter, my chances of winning are less than opening a case myself, and with a case I'm at least guaranteed an item of some sort, and possibly a knife of greater value than yours. If less than 100 people enter, statistically your chances of getting another knife to giveaway are unlikely, and I'm still most likely going to lose out do to the potential of some knives' value. ( I could potentially get a $500 knife from the key(s) I enter ) TL;DR - The odds are either worse for us ( and we'd be better off unboxing for ourselves ) or worse for you ( and you'd be better off selling ).
No problem. Main reason I don't do enter giveaways is : Once over 100 people enter, my chances of winning are less than opening a case myself, and with a case I'm at least guaranteed an item of some sort, and possibly a knife of greater value than yours. If less than 100 people enter, statistically your chances of getting another knife to giveaway are unlikely, and I'm still most likely going to lose out do to the potential of some knives' value. ( I could potentially get a $500 knife from the key(s) I enter ) TL;DR - The odds are either worse for us ( and we'd be better off unboxing for ourselves ) or worse for you ( and you'd be better off selling ).
No problem. Main reason I don't do enter giveaways is : Once over 100 people enter, my chances of winning are less than opening a case myself, and with a case I'm at least guaranteed an item of some sort, and possibly a knife of greater value than yours. If less than 100 people enter, statistically your chances of getting another knife to giveaway are unlikely, and I'm still most likely going to lose out do to the potential of some knives' value. ( I could potentially get a $500 knife from the key(s) I enter )
The odds are either worse for us ( and we'd be better off unboxing for ourselves ) or worse for you ( and you'd be better off selling ).
Not to hijack the thread, but furthermore, stepping up from an average home theatre in a box system to say a high-end receiver, are the differences just audiophile-level or are there actual features that make a big difference that you can't get on lower end systems? tl;dr: what's the major difference in going for a <$500 receiver?
Not to hijack the thread, but furthermore, stepping up from an average home theatre in a box system to say a high-end receiver, are the differences just audiophile-level or are there actual features that make a big difference that you can't get on lower end systems? tl;dr: what's the major difference in going for a <$500 receiver?
Not to hijack the thread, but furthermore, stepping up from an average home theatre in a box system to say a high-end receiver, are the differences just audiophile-level or are there actual features that make a big difference that you can't get on lower end systems?
what's the major difference in going for a <$500 receiver?
Lived in an HOA before, never again. I was about 23 (27 now) living with 5 other college aged kids in a rather nice house in an HOA, we would do our utmost to take care of the home's outside appearance but no matter what the busybody HOA board member that lived across from us would flip out and call the cops on every little thing. Bushes not trimmed properly? Cops. Party at 9PM on a Saturday night? Cops. More than 2 cars parked in our rather large driveway? Cops. Fire spinner performance in the backyard for a roomies Bday party? Cops. The day I moved out? Cops. (thought I was robbing the place) The worst was that these busybody, douchefuck retirees had about 10 signs in their front yard proclaiming their "awards" for "yard of the month", "best looking home 20XX", and "*HOA NAME* show case award". all in their yard. These fuckers had a huge backyard with a massive "cabana" looking patio where they would hold massive karaoke parties until 12am or later on weeknights with the rest of the olds in the neighborhood. The cops never responded to our calls regarding the noise complaints. One of the times I got them back was when these busybody's were showing their 2nd home (they owned 2 homes side by side and were trying to lease one out) I went outside in a horse mask and began doing yard work. Every time they tried to show that house, I was outside in a horse mask trimming bushes, mowing the lawn, weed whacking, or doing some other menial yard task. Including encouraging the lawn to grow better via song and dance. They called the cops on that too, but there was no rules regarding doing lawn work in your own yard, wearing a mask. (there is now though, haha!) I also think one of my other roomies took a shovel to their yard during the night before he flew out on deployment. (I was already moved out) tl;dr- HOA fuckers get to stay the course with lawncare horse. Edit: The best part was that as a renter, I never signed any HOA documents so I refused to acknowledge the existence of an HOA and would just tell the busybodies to "GTFO" my porch when they came knocking. Fortunately I only lived there for about a year.
Lived in an HOA before, never again. I was about 23 (27 now) living with 5 other college aged kids in a rather nice house in an HOA, we would do our utmost to take care of the home's outside appearance but no matter what the busybody HOA board member that lived across from us would flip out and call the cops on every little thing. Bushes not trimmed properly? Cops. Party at 9PM on a Saturday night? Cops. More than 2 cars parked in our rather large driveway? Cops. Fire spinner performance in the backyard for a roomies Bday party? Cops. The day I moved out? Cops. (thought I was robbing the place) The worst was that these busybody, douchefuck retirees had about 10 signs in their front yard proclaiming their "awards" for "yard of the month", "best looking home 20XX", and " HOA NAME show case award". all in their yard. These fuckers had a huge backyard with a massive "cabana" looking patio where they would hold massive karaoke parties until 12am or later on weeknights with the rest of the olds in the neighborhood. The cops never responded to our calls regarding the noise complaints. One of the times I got them back was when these busybody's were showing their 2nd home (they owned 2 homes side by side and were trying to lease one out) I went outside in a horse mask and began doing yard work. Every time they tried to show that house, I was outside in a horse mask trimming bushes, mowing the lawn, weed whacking, or doing some other menial yard task. Including encouraging the lawn to grow better via song and dance. They called the cops on that too, but there was no rules regarding doing lawn work in your own yard, wearing a mask. (there is now though, haha!) I also think one of my other roomies took a shovel to their yard during the night before he flew out on deployment. (I was already moved out) tl;dr- HOA fuckers get to stay the course with lawncare horse. Edit: The best part was that as a renter, I never signed any HOA documents so I refused to acknowledge the existence of an HOA and would just tell the busybodies to "GTFO" my porch when they came knocking. Fortunately I only lived there for about a year.
Lived in an HOA before, never again. I was about 23 (27 now) living with 5 other college aged kids in a rather nice house in an HOA, we would do our utmost to take care of the home's outside appearance but no matter what the busybody HOA board member that lived across from us would flip out and call the cops on every little thing. Bushes not trimmed properly? Cops. Party at 9PM on a Saturday night? Cops. More than 2 cars parked in our rather large driveway? Cops. Fire spinner performance in the backyard for a roomies Bday party? Cops. The day I moved out? Cops. (thought I was robbing the place) The worst was that these busybody, douchefuck retirees had about 10 signs in their front yard proclaiming their "awards" for "yard of the month", "best looking home 20XX", and " HOA NAME show case award". all in their yard. These fuckers had a huge backyard with a massive "cabana" looking patio where they would hold massive karaoke parties until 12am or later on weeknights with the rest of the olds in the neighborhood. The cops never responded to our calls regarding the noise complaints. One of the times I got them back was when these busybody's were showing their 2nd home (they owned 2 homes side by side and were trying to lease one out) I went outside in a horse mask and began doing yard work. Every time they tried to show that house, I was outside in a horse mask trimming bushes, mowing the lawn, weed whacking, or doing some other menial yard task. Including encouraging the lawn to grow better via song and dance. They called the cops on that too, but there was no rules regarding doing lawn work in your own yard, wearing a mask. (there is now though, haha!) I also think one of my other roomies took a shovel to their yard during the night before he flew out on deployment. (I was already moved out)
HOA fuckers get to stay the course with lawncare horse. Edit: The best part was that as a renter, I never signed any HOA documents so I refused to acknowledge the existence of an HOA and would just tell the busybodies to "GTFO" my porch when they came knocking. Fortunately I only lived there for about a year.
I'm on the other side of the law on this one. In the early-90s (pre-cell phones), when I was around 12, my family flew to Texas to stay with my uncle, my mom's brother, and cousin for a week. They lived in a very posh Houston suburb. So we get in, rent a car, drive to their house, and arrive about late afternoon. Well, we knock on the door; no answer. We ring the bell; no answer. They know we're coming, but seem to be gone. Well, we'd been traveling all day, and were just ready to drop our bags off, use the restroom, etc., so we start looking for a spare key or a note or something, because they know we're coming. About this time, while searching around the front door and back, looking for a key, I swear I see one of the slats in a Venetian blind drop quickly when I turn around - someone is watching... But my parents, being their usual selves, don't believe that little 240ZED could have seen what he saw. They decide since no one is home, we'll go get dinner, and try again afterwards, maybe they're just out eating too? We load up in the car, and just as my dad is about to toss it in reverse, and back down the driveway, Houston's finest pulls up, blue lights flashing. Now, my parents are having a deep conversation bout where to go eat (strange town, no TripAdvisor in the 90s) and my brother and I start OMGit'sthecops-ing. They're starting to walk up to the car, and my mother says to my dad, "someone should go talk to them." In return, my dad drops a line that lives in infamy to this day in our family: **"He's your brother, you get out and talk to them"** Well, the cops are fairly calm; we're white, and there are two young kids. They explain they've gotten a call from in the house that people were trying to break in. Mom explains that we're visiting family, we're surprised no one is answering the door, etc. The whole time the dispatcher has been on the phone with my cousin, a 12 year old girl, and she tells her to come out of the house, the police are there. My cousin comes out, and says "You're not supposed to be here." Police get all tense: "What do you mean, do you know these people?" My Mom: "Cousin! Tell them you know who we are!" Cousin: "Yes, it's my Aunt and Uncle, they're coming to visit this week, but you're not supposed to arrive until tomorrow." Mom: "We saw you looking out the window, didn't you see it was us?" Cousin: "I thought it might have been you guys, but you're not supposed to be here until tomorrow." Cops: "You all have a nice day..." Heavy eye rolls all around. Our dates had gotten off by a day in the planning, long distance was expensive, no one had time to double check things. She was home alone to be fair, but she also was looking at us through the window... The End **TL;DR: Police are called on us because we lived in the stone age and couldn't instantly solve our misunderstanding with an exchange of two text messages** edit: words
I'm on the other side of the law on this one. In the early-90s (pre-cell phones), when I was around 12, my family flew to Texas to stay with my uncle, my mom's brother, and cousin for a week. They lived in a very posh Houston suburb. So we get in, rent a car, drive to their house, and arrive about late afternoon. Well, we knock on the door; no answer. We ring the bell; no answer. They know we're coming, but seem to be gone. Well, we'd been traveling all day, and were just ready to drop our bags off, use the restroom, etc., so we start looking for a spare key or a note or something, because they know we're coming. About this time, while searching around the front door and back, looking for a key, I swear I see one of the slats in a Venetian blind drop quickly when I turn around - someone is watching... But my parents, being their usual selves, don't believe that little 240ZED could have seen what he saw. They decide since no one is home, we'll go get dinner, and try again afterwards, maybe they're just out eating too? We load up in the car, and just as my dad is about to toss it in reverse, and back down the driveway, Houston's finest pulls up, blue lights flashing. Now, my parents are having a deep conversation bout where to go eat (strange town, no TripAdvisor in the 90s) and my brother and I start OMGit'sthecops-ing. They're starting to walk up to the car, and my mother says to my dad, "someone should go talk to them." In return, my dad drops a line that lives in infamy to this day in our family: "He's your brother, you get out and talk to them" Well, the cops are fairly calm; we're white, and there are two young kids. They explain they've gotten a call from in the house that people were trying to break in. Mom explains that we're visiting family, we're surprised no one is answering the door, etc. The whole time the dispatcher has been on the phone with my cousin, a 12 year old girl, and she tells her to come out of the house, the police are there. My cousin comes out, and says "You're not supposed to be here." Police get all tense: "What do you mean, do you know these people?" My Mom: "Cousin! Tell them you know who we are!" Cousin: "Yes, it's my Aunt and Uncle, they're coming to visit this week, but you're not supposed to arrive until tomorrow." Mom: "We saw you looking out the window, didn't you see it was us?" Cousin: "I thought it might have been you guys, but you're not supposed to be here until tomorrow." Cops: "You all have a nice day..." Heavy eye rolls all around. Our dates had gotten off by a day in the planning, long distance was expensive, no one had time to double check things. She was home alone to be fair, but she also was looking at us through the window... The End TL;DR: Police are called on us because we lived in the stone age and couldn't instantly solve our misunderstanding with an exchange of two text messages edit: words
I'm on the other side of the law on this one. In the early-90s (pre-cell phones), when I was around 12, my family flew to Texas to stay with my uncle, my mom's brother, and cousin for a week. They lived in a very posh Houston suburb. So we get in, rent a car, drive to their house, and arrive about late afternoon. Well, we knock on the door; no answer. We ring the bell; no answer. They know we're coming, but seem to be gone. Well, we'd been traveling all day, and were just ready to drop our bags off, use the restroom, etc., so we start looking for a spare key or a note or something, because they know we're coming. About this time, while searching around the front door and back, looking for a key, I swear I see one of the slats in a Venetian blind drop quickly when I turn around - someone is watching... But my parents, being their usual selves, don't believe that little 240ZED could have seen what he saw. They decide since no one is home, we'll go get dinner, and try again afterwards, maybe they're just out eating too? We load up in the car, and just as my dad is about to toss it in reverse, and back down the driveway, Houston's finest pulls up, blue lights flashing. Now, my parents are having a deep conversation bout where to go eat (strange town, no TripAdvisor in the 90s) and my brother and I start OMGit'sthecops-ing. They're starting to walk up to the car, and my mother says to my dad, "someone should go talk to them." In return, my dad drops a line that lives in infamy to this day in our family: "He's your brother, you get out and talk to them" Well, the cops are fairly calm; we're white, and there are two young kids. They explain they've gotten a call from in the house that people were trying to break in. Mom explains that we're visiting family, we're surprised no one is answering the door, etc. The whole time the dispatcher has been on the phone with my cousin, a 12 year old girl, and she tells her to come out of the house, the police are there. My cousin comes out, and says "You're not supposed to be here." Police get all tense: "What do you mean, do you know these people?" My Mom: "Cousin! Tell them you know who we are!" Cousin: "Yes, it's my Aunt and Uncle, they're coming to visit this week, but you're not supposed to arrive until tomorrow." Mom: "We saw you looking out the window, didn't you see it was us?" Cousin: "I thought it might have been you guys, but you're not supposed to be here until tomorrow." Cops: "You all have a nice day..." Heavy eye rolls all around. Our dates had gotten off by a day in the planning, long distance was expensive, no one had time to double check things. She was home alone to be fair, but she also was looking at us through the window... The End
Police are called on us because we lived in the stone age and couldn't instantly solve our misunderstanding with an exchange of two text messages edit: words
My father was a Deputy in a very small town, (about 400 people lived there). It was my two brothers, who were 15-16 at the time, and because we lived in a small town with nothing to do, they got into a lot of trouble with the local authorities, one of which was my father. One night, they had sneaked out of our home to go prank another kids house at around 2AM, when the kid called 911, my dad responded to the call. He gets to the house, and sees "...two people coating the tree in toilet paper..." not knowing the two people are his sons. when he confronts them, they take off running, and my father chases them all the way around town, neither of them knowing it was eachother. Eventually, my brothers are caught, and as the youngest, I laughed my ass off when they got their ass chewed out by my father stating how "They got lucky he didn't have the dog with him" (He was a K-9 unit) tl;dr - if you're a cop, don't raise your kids in a small town, unless you can run really well.
My father was a Deputy in a very small town, (about 400 people lived there). It was my two brothers, who were 15-16 at the time, and because we lived in a small town with nothing to do, they got into a lot of trouble with the local authorities, one of which was my father. One night, they had sneaked out of our home to go prank another kids house at around 2AM, when the kid called 911, my dad responded to the call. He gets to the house, and sees "...two people coating the tree in toilet paper..." not knowing the two people are his sons. when he confronts them, they take off running, and my father chases them all the way around town, neither of them knowing it was eachother. Eventually, my brothers are caught, and as the youngest, I laughed my ass off when they got their ass chewed out by my father stating how "They got lucky he didn't have the dog with him" (He was a K-9 unit) tl;dr - if you're a cop, don't raise your kids in a small town, unless you can run really well.
My father was a Deputy in a very small town, (about 400 people lived there). It was my two brothers, who were 15-16 at the time, and because we lived in a small town with nothing to do, they got into a lot of trouble with the local authorities, one of which was my father. One night, they had sneaked out of our home to go prank another kids house at around 2AM, when the kid called 911, my dad responded to the call. He gets to the house, and sees "...two people coating the tree in toilet paper..." not knowing the two people are his sons. when he confronts them, they take off running, and my father chases them all the way around town, neither of them knowing it was eachother. Eventually, my brothers are caught, and as the youngest, I laughed my ass off when they got their ass chewed out by my father stating how "They got lucky he didn't have the dog with him" (He was a K-9 unit)
if you're a cop, don't raise your kids in a small town, unless you can run really well.
Not an officer but I have a funny family story. When my baby brother was 5 he called 911 because my other brother (11) slammed the door. We were at my grandparents in California on spring break and I was babysitting. He dialed and then hung up because dispatch answered. Dispatch called back as per protocol and I answered. I was 14 but didn't know the phone number or address of the house, so they sent an officer out. After explaining the situation and the fact that we lived in a very rural area that didn't have 911, I got a lecture about how my brother shouldn't watch Rescue 911 anymore (early '90s TV show) as he cried hysterically. I made baby bro apologize and they went on their way. It was hilarious and we still laugh at him today for it, 23 years later. Tl/dr: baby brother called 911 on vacation because other brother slammed a door in his face, police show up on doorstep.
Not an officer but I have a funny family story. When my baby brother was 5 he called 911 because my other brother (11) slammed the door. We were at my grandparents in California on spring break and I was babysitting. He dialed and then hung up because dispatch answered. Dispatch called back as per protocol and I answered. I was 14 but didn't know the phone number or address of the house, so they sent an officer out. After explaining the situation and the fact that we lived in a very rural area that didn't have 911, I got a lecture about how my brother shouldn't watch Rescue 911 anymore (early '90s TV show) as he cried hysterically. I made baby bro apologize and they went on their way. It was hilarious and we still laugh at him today for it, 23 years later. Tl/dr: baby brother called 911 on vacation because other brother slammed a door in his face, police show up on doorstep.
Not an officer but I have a funny family story. When my baby brother was 5 he called 911 because my other brother (11) slammed the door. We were at my grandparents in California on spring break and I was babysitting. He dialed and then hung up because dispatch answered. Dispatch called back as per protocol and I answered. I was 14 but didn't know the phone number or address of the house, so they sent an officer out. After explaining the situation and the fact that we lived in a very rural area that didn't have 911, I got a lecture about how my brother shouldn't watch Rescue 911 anymore (early '90s TV show) as he cried hysterically. I made baby bro apologize and they went on their way. It was hilarious and we still laugh at him today for it, 23 years later.
baby brother called 911 on vacation because other brother slammed a door in his face, police show up on doorstep.
I am not a police officer, but I think my story fits: Once I was going home drunk as hell at 3-4 am,mind you it was winter and really freaking cold out. Now as I am nearing my house I notice that I forgot my keys at home. First I tried really hard to wake my parents or my sister up by ringing the bell nonstop, then I tried to call our landline, but I had no credit on my cellphone. Then I called the police to ask the officer answering the phone to call my parents; I don't remember if he thought that I was pranking him or took it seriously, but it worked out in the end. tldr: called the police to wake up my parents in the middle of the night, because I forgot my keys.
I am not a police officer, but I think my story fits: Once I was going home drunk as hell at 3-4 am,mind you it was winter and really freaking cold out. Now as I am nearing my house I notice that I forgot my keys at home. First I tried really hard to wake my parents or my sister up by ringing the bell nonstop, then I tried to call our landline, but I had no credit on my cellphone. Then I called the police to ask the officer answering the phone to call my parents; I don't remember if he thought that I was pranking him or took it seriously, but it worked out in the end. tldr: called the police to wake up my parents in the middle of the night, because I forgot my keys.
I am not a police officer, but I think my story fits: Once I was going home drunk as hell at 3-4 am,mind you it was winter and really freaking cold out. Now as I am nearing my house I notice that I forgot my keys at home. First I tried really hard to wake my parents or my sister up by ringing the bell nonstop, then I tried to call our landline, but I had no credit on my cellphone. Then I called the police to ask the officer answering the phone to call my parents; I don't remember if he thought that I was pranking him or took it seriously, but it worked out in the end.
called the police to wake up my parents in the middle of the night, because I forgot my keys.
I lived in Chicago a few years ago and got pulled over because my tires squealed going around a corner in Wrigleyville. Got taken into the station (I believe because I had an out of state license and registration...some sort of bonding issue, I'm not sure), shown the acutal law in an actual book, issued a ticket, and released. Felt like the officer thought it was a little ridiculous, but had to do his job, he even encouraged me to fight it in court. I did, the officer showed up, said he didn't remember the incident, and my ticket got dismissed. TL;DR: nothing actually happens in this story
I lived in Chicago a few years ago and got pulled over because my tires squealed going around a corner in Wrigleyville. Got taken into the station (I believe because I had an out of state license and registration...some sort of bonding issue, I'm not sure), shown the acutal law in an actual book, issued a ticket, and released. Felt like the officer thought it was a little ridiculous, but had to do his job, he even encouraged me to fight it in court. I did, the officer showed up, said he didn't remember the incident, and my ticket got dismissed. TL;DR: nothing actually happens in this story
I lived in Chicago a few years ago and got pulled over because my tires squealed going around a corner in Wrigleyville. Got taken into the station (I believe because I had an out of state license and registration...some sort of bonding issue, I'm not sure), shown the acutal law in an actual book, issued a ticket, and released. Felt like the officer thought it was a little ridiculous, but had to do his job, he even encouraged me to fight it in court. I did, the officer showed up, said he didn't remember the incident, and my ticket got dismissed.
nothing actually happens in this story
I'm not a cop but I can tell you about a situation when I had them called on me for a first world problem. So I moved in with the scuzziest person I knew, if he wasnt a close "friend" I would have kept my distance but we grew up together from preschool all the way thru college. It was with his mother and fiancé as well. A bit of backstory, a year earlier we weren't speaking because he borrowed monet for rent then stopped speaking to me for a year. When I saw him again, he had lost his job, apartment, his whole life turned upside down, the only "good" thing was his engagement to a (crazy) woman, who fit right in with him and his mother... A few months after that we moved in together. I did most of the work moving, if I wasn't there it would have taken two days or cost an arm and a leg because all three of them were lazy. I also was the handyman, fixed a bunch of stuff when we moved in, fixed everything they broke... Did more than my fair share of cleaning and chores. His mom was an insane bitch, she turned the heat on (which we paid for...) in October during an Indian summer (it was over 20 degrees C outside) while the rest of us were cooking with fans blowing air in our faces... After we were settled in I learned the truth about my friend. He said he lost his job because someone stole money using his manager code (worked at mcdicks) but someone else told me it was him who stole the money, they caught him on camera, and it had been going on for weeks, with hundreds of dollars missing at a time. This was also a roommate who lived with him before he got engaged and lost his apartment. Turns out he stole at least three months of rent, didn't pay or tell his roommates, kept calls and letters from the landlord EVEN THE EVICTION notice hidden from her and another third roommate. The money... He spent it on hard drugs and his fiancé's engagement ring. Now I was super upset, here is a con artist criminal who made me.feel bad for situations that never happened... While what really happened was he was hurting everyone around him! I knew that even close friends and family weren't safe, so I told him to tell everything to his fiancé and mother or I would have. Huge mistake letting him do it, but then again I get panic attacks from time to time and extreme social situations, and these three people were the kind of people who just explode and start screaming at the top of their lungs instantly, which just so happens to trigger my panic attacks. People can raise their voices and sound upset but as long as they are reasonable, my anxiety is in check. So after he tells them god knows what (clearly not the truth) he tells me his mother threatened to strangle me, so to feel safe and not die of having my neck throttled in the middle of the night, i kept a cooking knife next to my bed. Three days after my friend was supposed to come clean but never did, I was enjoying a bowl of soup in my room, watching tv, with the door closed. Hadn't spoken to the three stooges, everything was quiet and calm despite underlying emotions. All of a sudden my door gets slammed open without a single knock and police officers storm in my tiny cramped bedroom. They tell me to put down what I'm holding in put my hands up, because hey a spoon is so very fucking dangerous. They take me out into the hall and search me for any weapons. Turns out they got a call that I was running around the house with a knife screaming breaking things. I ended up moving back in with my parents, which didn't end well either as they are a bit nuts as well, but that's another story. Tl:Dr my mentally insane, psychotic, criminal con artist roommates wanted me to move out, so instead of asking or even telling me... They call the cops on me and try and frame me for a psychotic rampage. There was one young cop there, probably raging on testosterone and steroids, who actually believed their bullshit story, luckily there were older, more experienced, more sensible and logical officers with them.
I'm not a cop but I can tell you about a situation when I had them called on me for a first world problem. So I moved in with the scuzziest person I knew, if he wasnt a close "friend" I would have kept my distance but we grew up together from preschool all the way thru college. It was with his mother and fiancé as well. A bit of backstory, a year earlier we weren't speaking because he borrowed monet for rent then stopped speaking to me for a year. When I saw him again, he had lost his job, apartment, his whole life turned upside down, the only "good" thing was his engagement to a (crazy) woman, who fit right in with him and his mother... A few months after that we moved in together. I did most of the work moving, if I wasn't there it would have taken two days or cost an arm and a leg because all three of them were lazy. I also was the handyman, fixed a bunch of stuff when we moved in, fixed everything they broke... Did more than my fair share of cleaning and chores. His mom was an insane bitch, she turned the heat on (which we paid for...) in October during an Indian summer (it was over 20 degrees C outside) while the rest of us were cooking with fans blowing air in our faces... After we were settled in I learned the truth about my friend. He said he lost his job because someone stole money using his manager code (worked at mcdicks) but someone else told me it was him who stole the money, they caught him on camera, and it had been going on for weeks, with hundreds of dollars missing at a time. This was also a roommate who lived with him before he got engaged and lost his apartment. Turns out he stole at least three months of rent, didn't pay or tell his roommates, kept calls and letters from the landlord EVEN THE EVICTION notice hidden from her and another third roommate. The money... He spent it on hard drugs and his fiancé's engagement ring. Now I was super upset, here is a con artist criminal who made me.feel bad for situations that never happened... While what really happened was he was hurting everyone around him! I knew that even close friends and family weren't safe, so I told him to tell everything to his fiancé and mother or I would have. Huge mistake letting him do it, but then again I get panic attacks from time to time and extreme social situations, and these three people were the kind of people who just explode and start screaming at the top of their lungs instantly, which just so happens to trigger my panic attacks. People can raise their voices and sound upset but as long as they are reasonable, my anxiety is in check. So after he tells them god knows what (clearly not the truth) he tells me his mother threatened to strangle me, so to feel safe and not die of having my neck throttled in the middle of the night, i kept a cooking knife next to my bed. Three days after my friend was supposed to come clean but never did, I was enjoying a bowl of soup in my room, watching tv, with the door closed. Hadn't spoken to the three stooges, everything was quiet and calm despite underlying emotions. All of a sudden my door gets slammed open without a single knock and police officers storm in my tiny cramped bedroom. They tell me to put down what I'm holding in put my hands up, because hey a spoon is so very fucking dangerous. They take me out into the hall and search me for any weapons. Turns out they got a call that I was running around the house with a knife screaming breaking things. I ended up moving back in with my parents, which didn't end well either as they are a bit nuts as well, but that's another story. Tl:Dr my mentally insane, psychotic, criminal con artist roommates wanted me to move out, so instead of asking or even telling me... They call the cops on me and try and frame me for a psychotic rampage. There was one young cop there, probably raging on testosterone and steroids, who actually believed their bullshit story, luckily there were older, more experienced, more sensible and logical officers with them.
I'm not a cop but I can tell you about a situation when I had them called on me for a first world problem. So I moved in with the scuzziest person I knew, if he wasnt a close "friend" I would have kept my distance but we grew up together from preschool all the way thru college. It was with his mother and fiancé as well. A bit of backstory, a year earlier we weren't speaking because he borrowed monet for rent then stopped speaking to me for a year. When I saw him again, he had lost his job, apartment, his whole life turned upside down, the only "good" thing was his engagement to a (crazy) woman, who fit right in with him and his mother... A few months after that we moved in together. I did most of the work moving, if I wasn't there it would have taken two days or cost an arm and a leg because all three of them were lazy. I also was the handyman, fixed a bunch of stuff when we moved in, fixed everything they broke... Did more than my fair share of cleaning and chores. His mom was an insane bitch, she turned the heat on (which we paid for...) in October during an Indian summer (it was over 20 degrees C outside) while the rest of us were cooking with fans blowing air in our faces... After we were settled in I learned the truth about my friend. He said he lost his job because someone stole money using his manager code (worked at mcdicks) but someone else told me it was him who stole the money, they caught him on camera, and it had been going on for weeks, with hundreds of dollars missing at a time. This was also a roommate who lived with him before he got engaged and lost his apartment. Turns out he stole at least three months of rent, didn't pay or tell his roommates, kept calls and letters from the landlord EVEN THE EVICTION notice hidden from her and another third roommate. The money... He spent it on hard drugs and his fiancé's engagement ring. Now I was super upset, here is a con artist criminal who made me.feel bad for situations that never happened... While what really happened was he was hurting everyone around him! I knew that even close friends and family weren't safe, so I told him to tell everything to his fiancé and mother or I would have. Huge mistake letting him do it, but then again I get panic attacks from time to time and extreme social situations, and these three people were the kind of people who just explode and start screaming at the top of their lungs instantly, which just so happens to trigger my panic attacks. People can raise their voices and sound upset but as long as they are reasonable, my anxiety is in check. So after he tells them god knows what (clearly not the truth) he tells me his mother threatened to strangle me, so to feel safe and not die of having my neck throttled in the middle of the night, i kept a cooking knife next to my bed. Three days after my friend was supposed to come clean but never did, I was enjoying a bowl of soup in my room, watching tv, with the door closed. Hadn't spoken to the three stooges, everything was quiet and calm despite underlying emotions. All of a sudden my door gets slammed open without a single knock and police officers storm in my tiny cramped bedroom. They tell me to put down what I'm holding in put my hands up, because hey a spoon is so very fucking dangerous. They take me out into the hall and search me for any weapons. Turns out they got a call that I was running around the house with a knife screaming breaking things. I ended up moving back in with my parents, which didn't end well either as they are a bit nuts as well, but that's another story.
my mentally insane, psychotic, criminal con artist roommates wanted me to move out, so instead of asking or even telling me... They call the cops on me and try and frame me for a psychotic rampage. There was one young cop there, probably raging on testosterone and steroids, who actually believed their bullshit story, luckily there were older, more experienced, more sensible and logical officers with them.
I had the police called on me about a month ago. I am a white male living in East Asia. I got home to my apartment building at about six o'clock after work, and on my way into my apartment I noticed my neighbor going out. He gave me a strange look, and 15 minutes later I had a knock on my door. I opened it up and it was the police. I had the following questions asked to me: * Who are you? * Can you provide proof that you live here? (Have lived here for 2 years now) * Can you provide proof that you are a legal resident in this country? * What is your home country? * Why are you currently living here? * Are you still married to your wife? (You can't make this shit up) Every answer I provided incited a "Hmmm?" response that indicates skepticism in the language. The cop was apologetic towards the end (in an incredibly half-assed and condescending way), and explained that my neighbor was surprised to see a foreign resident living next door to him. My neighbor had moved in the day. I ended up calling the police department to complain about the officer's conduct and they explained to me that many foreigners in this country commit crime so the officer was completely in line with his interrogation. When I told him it's a pretty horrible way to treat foreign residents who work and pay taxes to support their old racist fucks who call the police on people for simply being another skin color, the guy basically just repeated what he said. **tl;dr got the cops called on me for being white wtf** I'm white this isn't supposed to happen to me ;_;
I had the police called on me about a month ago. I am a white male living in East Asia. I got home to my apartment building at about six o'clock after work, and on my way into my apartment I noticed my neighbor going out. He gave me a strange look, and 15 minutes later I had a knock on my door. I opened it up and it was the police. I had the following questions asked to me: Who are you? Can you provide proof that you live here? (Have lived here for 2 years now) Can you provide proof that you are a legal resident in this country? What is your home country? Why are you currently living here? Are you still married to your wife? (You can't make this shit up) Every answer I provided incited a "Hmmm?" response that indicates skepticism in the language. The cop was apologetic towards the end (in an incredibly half-assed and condescending way), and explained that my neighbor was surprised to see a foreign resident living next door to him. My neighbor had moved in the day. I ended up calling the police department to complain about the officer's conduct and they explained to me that many foreigners in this country commit crime so the officer was completely in line with his interrogation. When I told him it's a pretty horrible way to treat foreign residents who work and pay taxes to support their old racist fucks who call the police on people for simply being another skin color, the guy basically just repeated what he said. tl;dr got the cops called on me for being white wtf I'm white this isn't supposed to happen to me ;_;
I had the police called on me about a month ago. I am a white male living in East Asia. I got home to my apartment building at about six o'clock after work, and on my way into my apartment I noticed my neighbor going out. He gave me a strange look, and 15 minutes later I had a knock on my door. I opened it up and it was the police. I had the following questions asked to me: Who are you? Can you provide proof that you live here? (Have lived here for 2 years now) Can you provide proof that you are a legal resident in this country? What is your home country? Why are you currently living here? Are you still married to your wife? (You can't make this shit up) Every answer I provided incited a "Hmmm?" response that indicates skepticism in the language. The cop was apologetic towards the end (in an incredibly half-assed and condescending way), and explained that my neighbor was surprised to see a foreign resident living next door to him. My neighbor had moved in the day. I ended up calling the police department to complain about the officer's conduct and they explained to me that many foreigners in this country commit crime so the officer was completely in line with his interrogation. When I told him it's a pretty horrible way to treat foreign residents who work and pay taxes to support their old racist fucks who call the police on people for simply being another skin color, the guy basically just repeated what he said.
got the cops called on me for being white wtf I'm white this isn't supposed to happen to me ;_;
Dad's a California Highway Patrol dispatcher; lots of great stories he can tell, but for this thread the most relevant are also the most infuriating. 1) Cell phone 911 call comes in, Dad tells them to state their emergency. Caller has run out of gas between San Diego and here (Imperial Valley) and wants him to call a tow truck =/ 2) Cell phone 911 call comes in, Dad tells them to state their emergency. Caller cannot find one of the local state prisons to visit an inmate and wants him to give directions... 911 is supposed to be for emergencies only, so the dispatchers get understandably upset at these types of knuckleheads. Bonus: no berating the caller or refusing to help is allowed, or they can get reprimanded. TL;DR - Knuckleheads use 911 as an auditory Google
Dad's a California Highway Patrol dispatcher; lots of great stories he can tell, but for this thread the most relevant are also the most infuriating. 1) Cell phone 911 call comes in, Dad tells them to state their emergency. Caller has run out of gas between San Diego and here (Imperial Valley) and wants him to call a tow truck =/ 2) Cell phone 911 call comes in, Dad tells them to state their emergency. Caller cannot find one of the local state prisons to visit an inmate and wants him to give directions... 911 is supposed to be for emergencies only, so the dispatchers get understandably upset at these types of knuckleheads. Bonus: no berating the caller or refusing to help is allowed, or they can get reprimanded. TL;DR - Knuckleheads use 911 as an auditory Google
Dad's a California Highway Patrol dispatcher; lots of great stories he can tell, but for this thread the most relevant are also the most infuriating. 1) Cell phone 911 call comes in, Dad tells them to state their emergency. Caller has run out of gas between San Diego and here (Imperial Valley) and wants him to call a tow truck =/ 2) Cell phone 911 call comes in, Dad tells them to state their emergency. Caller cannot find one of the local state prisons to visit an inmate and wants him to give directions... 911 is supposed to be for emergencies only, so the dispatchers get understandably upset at these types of knuckleheads. Bonus: no berating the caller or refusing to help is allowed, or they can get reprimanded.
Knuckleheads use 911 as an auditory Google
Similar story. Young me was dumb. When I was about 10, I was put in the study to do my homework. Being the defiant little bad-ass that I was, I rebelled and started playing with the phone, hitting random buttons. That's when it hit me. I should call 911. Yeah. Great idea. So I did. Then I panicked and hung up the phone. So, all was good. Nope. They called back, thinking something was wrong. Apparently my face was VERY pale at this point. I proceeded to beg my parents not to let them take me to jail for using 911 when there was no trouble. By the time the cop had arrived I was crying like a large, chubby baby. I told him I would never do it again, and he was cool about it. Told me that i should definitely call again, but only if there was an emergency. Best bit was I got out of dong homework. TL;DR I didn't do my homework and so 911 was called.
Similar story. Young me was dumb. When I was about 10, I was put in the study to do my homework. Being the defiant little bad-ass that I was, I rebelled and started playing with the phone, hitting random buttons. That's when it hit me. I should call 911. Yeah. Great idea. So I did. Then I panicked and hung up the phone. So, all was good. Nope. They called back, thinking something was wrong. Apparently my face was VERY pale at this point. I proceeded to beg my parents not to let them take me to jail for using 911 when there was no trouble. By the time the cop had arrived I was crying like a large, chubby baby. I told him I would never do it again, and he was cool about it. Told me that i should definitely call again, but only if there was an emergency. Best bit was I got out of dong homework. TL;DR I didn't do my homework and so 911 was called.
Similar story. Young me was dumb. When I was about 10, I was put in the study to do my homework. Being the defiant little bad-ass that I was, I rebelled and started playing with the phone, hitting random buttons. That's when it hit me. I should call 911. Yeah. Great idea. So I did. Then I panicked and hung up the phone. So, all was good. Nope. They called back, thinking something was wrong. Apparently my face was VERY pale at this point. I proceeded to beg my parents not to let them take me to jail for using 911 when there was no trouble. By the time the cop had arrived I was crying like a large, chubby baby. I told him I would never do it again, and he was cool about it. Told me that i should definitely call again, but only if there was an emergency. Best bit was I got out of dong homework.
I didn't do my homework and so 911 was called.
It's not illegal to 'lie' in general. There has to be some kind of charge and 'lying' isn't. For example, you might be able to be charged with harboring a criminal if you purposefully misdirect police about someone's whereabouts. Similar with evidence. "Do you have a murder weapon?" "No." "What's this in your pocket?" = hiding evidence or whatnot, and you can probably get charged for that. But there is no law against lying in general as far as I'm aware, you have to be lying in order to obstruct some kind of investigation etc. Where you're lying *positively* (i.e. admitting to a crime) you aren't obstructing an investigation, you're creating one. You might be able to get charged with wasting police time, but that's going to end up being minor, and crucially, not what you'd be originally charging him with (the case for drug dealing would be dropped, replaced with a wasting police time), and the associated costs make it a stupid idea. I do think it's stupid that people can admit to crimes then 'retract' their admission of gilt. I had a friend come by the problem after getting knocked off his bike (really serious injury) and even though the woman that hit him said to the police "Sorry, I didn't look." at the scene and had words to that effect in her first statement, she changed it (her second 'story' when her son turned up, then her 'third' when her lawyers got their greasy mitts on her. All were completely different tales of events). The court case only took into account her third story, and she got off (though I also think the magistrates didn't have a fair grasp of physics, as her story made no sense). **TL:DR Even if lying was a crime, it's not what he'd be charged for and the costly case would still fall apart (And lying would be very minor, if worth perusing at all)**
It's not illegal to 'lie' in general. There has to be some kind of charge and 'lying' isn't. For example, you might be able to be charged with harboring a criminal if you purposefully misdirect police about someone's whereabouts. Similar with evidence. "Do you have a murder weapon?" "No." "What's this in your pocket?" = hiding evidence or whatnot, and you can probably get charged for that. But there is no law against lying in general as far as I'm aware, you have to be lying in order to obstruct some kind of investigation etc. Where you're lying positively (i.e. admitting to a crime) you aren't obstructing an investigation, you're creating one. You might be able to get charged with wasting police time, but that's going to end up being minor, and crucially, not what you'd be originally charging him with (the case for drug dealing would be dropped, replaced with a wasting police time), and the associated costs make it a stupid idea. I do think it's stupid that people can admit to crimes then 'retract' their admission of gilt. I had a friend come by the problem after getting knocked off his bike (really serious injury) and even though the woman that hit him said to the police "Sorry, I didn't look." at the scene and had words to that effect in her first statement, she changed it (her second 'story' when her son turned up, then her 'third' when her lawyers got their greasy mitts on her. All were completely different tales of events). The court case only took into account her third story, and she got off (though I also think the magistrates didn't have a fair grasp of physics, as her story made no sense). TL:DR Even if lying was a crime, it's not what he'd be charged for and the costly case would still fall apart (And lying would be very minor, if worth perusing at all)
It's not illegal to 'lie' in general. There has to be some kind of charge and 'lying' isn't. For example, you might be able to be charged with harboring a criminal if you purposefully misdirect police about someone's whereabouts. Similar with evidence. "Do you have a murder weapon?" "No." "What's this in your pocket?" = hiding evidence or whatnot, and you can probably get charged for that. But there is no law against lying in general as far as I'm aware, you have to be lying in order to obstruct some kind of investigation etc. Where you're lying positively (i.e. admitting to a crime) you aren't obstructing an investigation, you're creating one. You might be able to get charged with wasting police time, but that's going to end up being minor, and crucially, not what you'd be originally charging him with (the case for drug dealing would be dropped, replaced with a wasting police time), and the associated costs make it a stupid idea. I do think it's stupid that people can admit to crimes then 'retract' their admission of gilt. I had a friend come by the problem after getting knocked off his bike (really serious injury) and even though the woman that hit him said to the police "Sorry, I didn't look." at the scene and had words to that effect in her first statement, she changed it (her second 'story' when her son turned up, then her 'third' when her lawyers got their greasy mitts on her. All were completely different tales of events). The court case only took into account her third story, and she got off (though I also think the magistrates didn't have a fair grasp of physics, as her story made no sense).
Even if lying was a crime, it's not what he'd be charged for and the costly case would still fall apart (And lying would be very minor, if worth perusing at all)
&gt; have to deal with the scum of the Earth, &gt; have to deal with the worst kind of people in the world Whilst I mostly agree with your point, I find it a bit ironic that the very argument you use to humanize the actions of the police, at the same time demonizes another group of people. i.e. They're *not* the worst kind of people in the world. I know there's only so far you can go with trying to excuse people's actions before you absolve anyone of any responsibility and just blame it all on fate/determinism. Having said that, I'm pretty sure the 'scum of the Earth' only behave that way because of poverty, mental illness, or just previous bad experiences with the police... Or a variety of other reasons. So yes, either everyone *is* completely blameless for their actions and we can blame everything on the situation, or people *do actually have some extent of personal accountability*... **TL:DR** Sorry, I'm getting wordy and ramble-y - this is just a long winded way of saying that your so called "scum of the Earth" probably are just as three-dimensional and have just as much reason for their behaviour as the police do. So if you're going to try painting the police in a better light, don't just do it by attacking a different group.
> have to deal with the scum of the Earth, > have to deal with the worst kind of people in the world Whilst I mostly agree with your point, I find it a bit ironic that the very argument you use to humanize the actions of the police, at the same time demonizes another group of people. i.e. They're not the worst kind of people in the world. I know there's only so far you can go with trying to excuse people's actions before you absolve anyone of any responsibility and just blame it all on fate/determinism. Having said that, I'm pretty sure the 'scum of the Earth' only behave that way because of poverty, mental illness, or just previous bad experiences with the police... Or a variety of other reasons. So yes, either everyone is completely blameless for their actions and we can blame everything on the situation, or people do actually have some extent of personal accountability ... TL:DR Sorry, I'm getting wordy and ramble-y - this is just a long winded way of saying that your so called "scum of the Earth" probably are just as three-dimensional and have just as much reason for their behaviour as the police do. So if you're going to try painting the police in a better light, don't just do it by attacking a different group.
have to deal with the scum of the Earth, > have to deal with the worst kind of people in the world Whilst I mostly agree with your point, I find it a bit ironic that the very argument you use to humanize the actions of the police, at the same time demonizes another group of people. i.e. They're not the worst kind of people in the world. I know there's only so far you can go with trying to excuse people's actions before you absolve anyone of any responsibility and just blame it all on fate/determinism. Having said that, I'm pretty sure the 'scum of the Earth' only behave that way because of poverty, mental illness, or just previous bad experiences with the police... Or a variety of other reasons. So yes, either everyone is completely blameless for their actions and we can blame everything on the situation, or people do actually have some extent of personal accountability ...
Sorry, I'm getting wordy and ramble-y - this is just a long winded way of saying that your so called "scum of the Earth" probably are just as three-dimensional and have just as much reason for their behaviour as the police do. So if you're going to try painting the police in a better light, don't just do it by attacking a different group.
Concern for safety, 0300hrs male complaining friends who he'd been drinking in town with wouldn't leave his house, saying they're hiding in his wardrobe.... Attend the job, ask the male what they look like, says one is a small Chinese girl with dark black hair, doesn't describe the other, he seems fairly drunk. I check the bottom of the house, nobody. Go to the top of the stairs, there are an assortment of kitchen knives scattered around, I ask him what they're for, he says safety I remove them from his reach. I check his wardrobe, it's tiny, there's nothing in there. He then says they must have gone in to his loft can I go up on the step ladders and check (I've seen the grudge, NOPE) i told him to, he goes up and there's nobody there. Meanwhile I've noticed a young girls jacket, I ask him who's it is, he says it's his daughters. I ask him where she is and he tells me she's in her bedroom and points over, I see a lump in the bed where the daughter should be, so I crouch down next to it and try and wake her. I prefer to see if the children are okay when the parents are a little... Dodgy. The bed is empty. I tell him and he starts to flip his shit getting manic almost crying. I radio through for another patrol as I'm finding him a little weird. The other bobby gives me a chuck up and basically, the guy was drunk and tripping of something, he'd pre-arranged for his daughter to stay out but completely forgotten. This meant a 3 am wake up call for his friend who was babysitting to check she was okay, referal to social services and a bollocking for the male in question. TL;DR asked to check a loft for a Chinese girl described like the one from the grudge. Noped out, just one very pissed male.
Concern for safety, 0300hrs male complaining friends who he'd been drinking in town with wouldn't leave his house, saying they're hiding in his wardrobe.... Attend the job, ask the male what they look like, says one is a small Chinese girl with dark black hair, doesn't describe the other, he seems fairly drunk. I check the bottom of the house, nobody. Go to the top of the stairs, there are an assortment of kitchen knives scattered around, I ask him what they're for, he says safety I remove them from his reach. I check his wardrobe, it's tiny, there's nothing in there. He then says they must have gone in to his loft can I go up on the step ladders and check (I've seen the grudge, NOPE) i told him to, he goes up and there's nobody there. Meanwhile I've noticed a young girls jacket, I ask him who's it is, he says it's his daughters. I ask him where she is and he tells me she's in her bedroom and points over, I see a lump in the bed where the daughter should be, so I crouch down next to it and try and wake her. I prefer to see if the children are okay when the parents are a little... Dodgy. The bed is empty. I tell him and he starts to flip his shit getting manic almost crying. I radio through for another patrol as I'm finding him a little weird. The other bobby gives me a chuck up and basically, the guy was drunk and tripping of something, he'd pre-arranged for his daughter to stay out but completely forgotten. This meant a 3 am wake up call for his friend who was babysitting to check she was okay, referal to social services and a bollocking for the male in question. TL;DR asked to check a loft for a Chinese girl described like the one from the grudge. Noped out, just one very pissed male.
Concern for safety, 0300hrs male complaining friends who he'd been drinking in town with wouldn't leave his house, saying they're hiding in his wardrobe.... Attend the job, ask the male what they look like, says one is a small Chinese girl with dark black hair, doesn't describe the other, he seems fairly drunk. I check the bottom of the house, nobody. Go to the top of the stairs, there are an assortment of kitchen knives scattered around, I ask him what they're for, he says safety I remove them from his reach. I check his wardrobe, it's tiny, there's nothing in there. He then says they must have gone in to his loft can I go up on the step ladders and check (I've seen the grudge, NOPE) i told him to, he goes up and there's nobody there. Meanwhile I've noticed a young girls jacket, I ask him who's it is, he says it's his daughters. I ask him where she is and he tells me she's in her bedroom and points over, I see a lump in the bed where the daughter should be, so I crouch down next to it and try and wake her. I prefer to see if the children are okay when the parents are a little... Dodgy. The bed is empty. I tell him and he starts to flip his shit getting manic almost crying. I radio through for another patrol as I'm finding him a little weird. The other bobby gives me a chuck up and basically, the guy was drunk and tripping of something, he'd pre-arranged for his daughter to stay out but completely forgotten. This meant a 3 am wake up call for his friend who was babysitting to check she was okay, referal to social services and a bollocking for the male in question.
asked to check a loft for a Chinese girl described like the one from the grudge. Noped out, just one very pissed male.
My college professor is an ex cop. He said the one of the main reasons for police brutality is simple adrenalin and pent up frustration on who their chasing. He says when your doing almost 130km (Canada for those of you wondering) down a road then turn and your doing 80 in a residential street because an asshole doesn't want a simple ticket so he decides to run and risk the lives of everyone. Then he crashes and gets out and starts running and you chase after him. When you catch him you'll be so pissed that you'll want to throw in a few extra hits just because of the reckless stupidity of the person. But don't because it will get you in trouble. TLDR: in the middle of a police chase your so hopped on adrenalin you lose yourself in the stupidity of some people.
My college professor is an ex cop. He said the one of the main reasons for police brutality is simple adrenalin and pent up frustration on who their chasing. He says when your doing almost 130km (Canada for those of you wondering) down a road then turn and your doing 80 in a residential street because an asshole doesn't want a simple ticket so he decides to run and risk the lives of everyone. Then he crashes and gets out and starts running and you chase after him. When you catch him you'll be so pissed that you'll want to throw in a few extra hits just because of the reckless stupidity of the person. But don't because it will get you in trouble. TLDR: in the middle of a police chase your so hopped on adrenalin you lose yourself in the stupidity of some people.
My college professor is an ex cop. He said the one of the main reasons for police brutality is simple adrenalin and pent up frustration on who their chasing. He says when your doing almost 130km (Canada for those of you wondering) down a road then turn and your doing 80 in a residential street because an asshole doesn't want a simple ticket so he decides to run and risk the lives of everyone. Then he crashes and gets out and starts running and you chase after him. When you catch him you'll be so pissed that you'll want to throw in a few extra hits just because of the reckless stupidity of the person. But don't because it will get you in trouble.
in the middle of a police chase your so hopped on adrenalin you lose yourself in the stupidity of some people.
Actually have a story for this, late to the party but here goes. I was smoking some hookah with my friends (tobacco) at a hookah bar, Now this hookah bar is always open late and tends to get busy around 9pm. Well today was a special day as one of the regular customers was having her birthday there. The whole place is packed and the parking lot is full. Now this parking lot is shared by two businesses, one being a restaurant, and the other the hookah bar. They split the parking spaces in half so the restaurant can have spots for customers to park too, but the hookah bar was so busy we had taken all of the spots in the lot. So the restaurant decided to call the towing company, and right as they pull into the driveway, people start to notice and tell everyone to move their cars so they are not towed, everyone who was parked in an illegal spot went and moved their cars before the tow truck could hook up to anyone. The tow truck driver then proceeded to call the cops because he was mad that he couldn't tow any of the cars because they had been moved to legal parking spaces. The cops show up and basicly tell the tow guy that they cant do anything and that it sucks for him. TL:DR First world tow truck problems
Actually have a story for this, late to the party but here goes. I was smoking some hookah with my friends (tobacco) at a hookah bar, Now this hookah bar is always open late and tends to get busy around 9pm. Well today was a special day as one of the regular customers was having her birthday there. The whole place is packed and the parking lot is full. Now this parking lot is shared by two businesses, one being a restaurant, and the other the hookah bar. They split the parking spaces in half so the restaurant can have spots for customers to park too, but the hookah bar was so busy we had taken all of the spots in the lot. So the restaurant decided to call the towing company, and right as they pull into the driveway, people start to notice and tell everyone to move their cars so they are not towed, everyone who was parked in an illegal spot went and moved their cars before the tow truck could hook up to anyone. The tow truck driver then proceeded to call the cops because he was mad that he couldn't tow any of the cars because they had been moved to legal parking spaces. The cops show up and basicly tell the tow guy that they cant do anything and that it sucks for him. TL:DR First world tow truck problems
Actually have a story for this, late to the party but here goes. I was smoking some hookah with my friends (tobacco) at a hookah bar, Now this hookah bar is always open late and tends to get busy around 9pm. Well today was a special day as one of the regular customers was having her birthday there. The whole place is packed and the parking lot is full. Now this parking lot is shared by two businesses, one being a restaurant, and the other the hookah bar. They split the parking spaces in half so the restaurant can have spots for customers to park too, but the hookah bar was so busy we had taken all of the spots in the lot. So the restaurant decided to call the towing company, and right as they pull into the driveway, people start to notice and tell everyone to move their cars so they are not towed, everyone who was parked in an illegal spot went and moved their cars before the tow truck could hook up to anyone. The tow truck driver then proceeded to call the cops because he was mad that he couldn't tow any of the cars because they had been moved to legal parking spaces. The cops show up and basicly tell the tow guy that they cant do anything and that it sucks for him.
First world tow truck problems
&gt; A male was repeated to be lying on the ground, possibly writing. It sounds like my town. I was walking home and crouched down to send a text, then resumed walking. Somebody reported me for lying on the ground. I then was surprised by a skunk. I maneuvered around him and stumbled a little bit on something in the grass, probably a root or something. Somebody reported me for stumbling around drunk. How do I know this? There was a manhunt for me. An ambulance stopped and a man stepped out and told me to stay where I was on the bike path. I was quickly swarmed by two fire trucks and a constable's car full of people. The three intersections closest to me, all less than a block away, had fire trucks parked there looking for me. They were all pretty cool. It was obvious that they were just following protocol and each department was just going through a laundry list of questions because of it. Most of them had a good laugh. Benefits of a rich town I guess? Oodles of money to spend? I'm a student walking home with a laptop, textbook, and bottle of Dr. Pepper. Benefits of a rich town I guess? The irony was that I was 10 feet away from the fence to the backyard. They narrowly found me before I would have disappeared. I wonder how long they would have kept searching for me then. Tl;dr: At least 5 fire trucks, an ambulance, and a constable's car all full of people went on a manhunt for me for being a pedestrian.
> A male was repeated to be lying on the ground, possibly writing. It sounds like my town. I was walking home and crouched down to send a text, then resumed walking. Somebody reported me for lying on the ground. I then was surprised by a skunk. I maneuvered around him and stumbled a little bit on something in the grass, probably a root or something. Somebody reported me for stumbling around drunk. How do I know this? There was a manhunt for me. An ambulance stopped and a man stepped out and told me to stay where I was on the bike path. I was quickly swarmed by two fire trucks and a constable's car full of people. The three intersections closest to me, all less than a block away, had fire trucks parked there looking for me. They were all pretty cool. It was obvious that they were just following protocol and each department was just going through a laundry list of questions because of it. Most of them had a good laugh. Benefits of a rich town I guess? Oodles of money to spend? I'm a student walking home with a laptop, textbook, and bottle of Dr. Pepper. Benefits of a rich town I guess? The irony was that I was 10 feet away from the fence to the backyard. They narrowly found me before I would have disappeared. I wonder how long they would have kept searching for me then. Tl;dr: At least 5 fire trucks, an ambulance, and a constable's car all full of people went on a manhunt for me for being a pedestrian.
A male was repeated to be lying on the ground, possibly writing. It sounds like my town. I was walking home and crouched down to send a text, then resumed walking. Somebody reported me for lying on the ground. I then was surprised by a skunk. I maneuvered around him and stumbled a little bit on something in the grass, probably a root or something. Somebody reported me for stumbling around drunk. How do I know this? There was a manhunt for me. An ambulance stopped and a man stepped out and told me to stay where I was on the bike path. I was quickly swarmed by two fire trucks and a constable's car full of people. The three intersections closest to me, all less than a block away, had fire trucks parked there looking for me. They were all pretty cool. It was obvious that they were just following protocol and each department was just going through a laundry list of questions because of it. Most of them had a good laugh. Benefits of a rich town I guess? Oodles of money to spend? I'm a student walking home with a laptop, textbook, and bottle of Dr. Pepper. Benefits of a rich town I guess? The irony was that I was 10 feet away from the fence to the backyard. They narrowly found me before I would have disappeared. I wonder how long they would have kept searching for me then.
At least 5 fire trucks, an ambulance, and a constable's car all full of people went on a manhunt for me for being a pedestrian.
Police were called on my a few months ago for taking too long in a restroom. I am 17. This is the first time I have been involved with the police so I was scared as shit. Story time! So my family and I are driving back from LA and stop in Barstow for a bite. Now this ride is usually easy, but I ate a lot of fast food. So naturally I had to shit. I enter the Terrible's next store and get to business. Now keep in mind the average poop is 10-20 min. I took 20 min. Police bang on my door. I say "Acupado!" wait a bit thinking its a joke. Start wiping. *BANG BANG BANG* "OPEN UP, POLICE!" Now, I like to curtacy flush as well as wipe well. So I flush about 3 times. I exit the bathroom and am greeted by the Sherriff and 2 other police people. (In hindsight I should have texted my dad to see if police were REALLY outside so I wouldn't get raped.) Anyway I was freaked out. They thought I was doing some sort of drugs. Asked me why I flushed 6 times. Had me do weird tests like touching my nose, standing on one leg, etc. All this time I'm shaking uncontrollably and saying my dad is right outside please talk to him. I show them my drivers permit. My dad finally comes in and I leave without a problem. **Tl; Dr - Cops would have scared the shit out of me, but were too late.**
Police were called on my a few months ago for taking too long in a restroom. I am 17. This is the first time I have been involved with the police so I was scared as shit. Story time! So my family and I are driving back from LA and stop in Barstow for a bite. Now this ride is usually easy, but I ate a lot of fast food. So naturally I had to shit. I enter the Terrible's next store and get to business. Now keep in mind the average poop is 10-20 min. I took 20 min. Police bang on my door. I say "Acupado!" wait a bit thinking its a joke. Start wiping. BANG BANG BANG "OPEN UP, POLICE!" Now, I like to curtacy flush as well as wipe well. So I flush about 3 times. I exit the bathroom and am greeted by the Sherriff and 2 other police people. (In hindsight I should have texted my dad to see if police were REALLY outside so I wouldn't get raped.) Anyway I was freaked out. They thought I was doing some sort of drugs. Asked me why I flushed 6 times. Had me do weird tests like touching my nose, standing on one leg, etc. All this time I'm shaking uncontrollably and saying my dad is right outside please talk to him. I show them my drivers permit. My dad finally comes in and I leave without a problem. Tl; Dr - Cops would have scared the shit out of me, but were too late.
Police were called on my a few months ago for taking too long in a restroom. I am 17. This is the first time I have been involved with the police so I was scared as shit. Story time! So my family and I are driving back from LA and stop in Barstow for a bite. Now this ride is usually easy, but I ate a lot of fast food. So naturally I had to shit. I enter the Terrible's next store and get to business. Now keep in mind the average poop is 10-20 min. I took 20 min. Police bang on my door. I say "Acupado!" wait a bit thinking its a joke. Start wiping. BANG BANG BANG "OPEN UP, POLICE!" Now, I like to curtacy flush as well as wipe well. So I flush about 3 times. I exit the bathroom and am greeted by the Sherriff and 2 other police people. (In hindsight I should have texted my dad to see if police were REALLY outside so I wouldn't get raped.) Anyway I was freaked out. They thought I was doing some sort of drugs. Asked me why I flushed 6 times. Had me do weird tests like touching my nose, standing on one leg, etc. All this time I'm shaking uncontrollably and saying my dad is right outside please talk to him. I show them my drivers permit. My dad finally comes in and I leave without a problem.
Cops would have scared the shit out of me, but were too late.
I'm not a police officer, but I have a story related to one. Before a summer swim meet, my good friend and coach had dressed up as a wizard (the team mascot) and in a black-and-gold morph suit, respectively. They had planned to stand outside and wave to the team caravan as it drove to the pool. However, they unknowingly chose to stand on the sidewalk outside the house of my coach's former classmate, a short, obese woman in her late 20's with glasses and an awful temper. She was livid at my coach for reasons he doesn't understand to this day, given that they hadn't seen each other since grade school. Anyhow, after swearing indiscriminately for several minutes she threatened to call the police if my coach and friend didn't get off of her property (e.g. the sidewalk). She followed through a minute or so later, reporting the following: "Hello, officers? I'm calling from XXXX Main St." *pauses* "Yes, I'd like to report a hobbit and a condom trespassing on my lawn. Please come quickly." *pauses, listens* "Okay, bye." My coach and friend left, shaking with laughter, as his former classmate drove off, grumbling about how he's "working with children?!?!" Later on, I learned from my friend's mom, who had a friend at the police station, that the former classmate's call was indeed taken...the police wrote down her complaints, as "condom on lawn," along with a follow-up note that the 'condom' was "gone on arrival." Apparently, they had investigated the classmate's complaints and found them to be...well, unfounded. tl;dr Condoms and hobbits, beware the Northern Virginian suburbs. EDIT: Here's an image.
I'm not a police officer, but I have a story related to one. Before a summer swim meet, my good friend and coach had dressed up as a wizard (the team mascot) and in a black-and-gold morph suit, respectively. They had planned to stand outside and wave to the team caravan as it drove to the pool. However, they unknowingly chose to stand on the sidewalk outside the house of my coach's former classmate, a short, obese woman in her late 20's with glasses and an awful temper. She was livid at my coach for reasons he doesn't understand to this day, given that they hadn't seen each other since grade school. Anyhow, after swearing indiscriminately for several minutes she threatened to call the police if my coach and friend didn't get off of her property (e.g. the sidewalk). She followed through a minute or so later, reporting the following: "Hello, officers? I'm calling from XXXX Main St." pauses "Yes, I'd like to report a hobbit and a condom trespassing on my lawn. Please come quickly." pauses, listens "Okay, bye." My coach and friend left, shaking with laughter, as his former classmate drove off, grumbling about how he's "working with children?!?!" Later on, I learned from my friend's mom, who had a friend at the police station, that the former classmate's call was indeed taken...the police wrote down her complaints, as "condom on lawn," along with a follow-up note that the 'condom' was "gone on arrival." Apparently, they had investigated the classmate's complaints and found them to be...well, unfounded. tl;dr Condoms and hobbits, beware the Northern Virginian suburbs. EDIT: Here's an image.
I'm not a police officer, but I have a story related to one. Before a summer swim meet, my good friend and coach had dressed up as a wizard (the team mascot) and in a black-and-gold morph suit, respectively. They had planned to stand outside and wave to the team caravan as it drove to the pool. However, they unknowingly chose to stand on the sidewalk outside the house of my coach's former classmate, a short, obese woman in her late 20's with glasses and an awful temper. She was livid at my coach for reasons he doesn't understand to this day, given that they hadn't seen each other since grade school. Anyhow, after swearing indiscriminately for several minutes she threatened to call the police if my coach and friend didn't get off of her property (e.g. the sidewalk). She followed through a minute or so later, reporting the following: "Hello, officers? I'm calling from XXXX Main St." pauses "Yes, I'd like to report a hobbit and a condom trespassing on my lawn. Please come quickly." pauses, listens "Okay, bye." My coach and friend left, shaking with laughter, as his former classmate drove off, grumbling about how he's "working with children?!?!" Later on, I learned from my friend's mom, who had a friend at the police station, that the former classmate's call was indeed taken...the police wrote down her complaints, as "condom on lawn," along with a follow-up note that the 'condom' was "gone on arrival." Apparently, they had investigated the classmate's complaints and found them to be...well, unfounded.
Condoms and hobbits, beware the Northern Virginian suburbs. EDIT: Here's an image.
Man, you are angry. Chill out. You will be much happier if you take note of your username. The unique thing about dodging taxes is that it is a sort of theft that is only notable when committed by the wealthy. So we hold the wealthy to a higher standard when it comes to that sort of thing. Wealthy and poor people have equal capacity to be douches or saints, and if you take a sample you will find that about the same amount of rich people are douches as poor people are douches. They are just douches in different ways. For the record, I'm not poor. I wouldn't say I'm rich, but I'm quite comfortable. I live in an expensive area and have enough money at the end of the month to invest. I am on track to be wealthy by the time I'm in my 40s. I guess I will turn into a tax dodging asshole, right? \s Plenty wealthy people try to dodge taxes. Plenty of them don't. Some of them even make a big point of paying their taxes to perfection because they feel it is their social obligation to do so. As I said, I live in a wealthy area, and that means many of my coworkers are wealthy themselves. Their my friends. Good people. Not one of them dodges their taxes. I also see plenty of fuckwads. It's not any different than where I grew up (very poor area). There are decent people, excellent people, and scumbags. The only difference is scale. The rich awesome people are able to be even more generous, and the rich scumbags have the resources to be even more destructive. Poor dipshits steal your tires, rich dipshits ruin your credit. Also, to be clear, I'm not saying that rich people shouldn't have the right to communally improve their quality of life. They absolutely can and should. It's one of the best things they can do for themselves, and they would be stupid not to. They have no obligation to give away their resources to other communities... except for paying their taxes! Remember, the original complaint was that rich people use the police force spuriously at the expense of the public. And I made the point that they DO pay for it. They absolutely DO pay for the resources they use directly. The point was to recalibrate the criticism and point it at the actual problem: Some of them don't pay for the resources they use *in*directly. And those guys are fuckheads. **tl;dr**: Go back up to the parent comment and read it. Use your SAT skills to pick out the topic of the passage: &gt;these rich, tax-dodging fuckheads The fuckheads that happen to be rich, and happen to dodge taxes. We're talking about rich fuckheads. Not rich people.
Man, you are angry. Chill out. You will be much happier if you take note of your username. The unique thing about dodging taxes is that it is a sort of theft that is only notable when committed by the wealthy. So we hold the wealthy to a higher standard when it comes to that sort of thing. Wealthy and poor people have equal capacity to be douches or saints, and if you take a sample you will find that about the same amount of rich people are douches as poor people are douches. They are just douches in different ways. For the record, I'm not poor. I wouldn't say I'm rich, but I'm quite comfortable. I live in an expensive area and have enough money at the end of the month to invest. I am on track to be wealthy by the time I'm in my 40s. I guess I will turn into a tax dodging asshole, right? \s Plenty wealthy people try to dodge taxes. Plenty of them don't. Some of them even make a big point of paying their taxes to perfection because they feel it is their social obligation to do so. As I said, I live in a wealthy area, and that means many of my coworkers are wealthy themselves. Their my friends. Good people. Not one of them dodges their taxes. I also see plenty of fuckwads. It's not any different than where I grew up (very poor area). There are decent people, excellent people, and scumbags. The only difference is scale. The rich awesome people are able to be even more generous, and the rich scumbags have the resources to be even more destructive. Poor dipshits steal your tires, rich dipshits ruin your credit. Also, to be clear, I'm not saying that rich people shouldn't have the right to communally improve their quality of life. They absolutely can and should. It's one of the best things they can do for themselves, and they would be stupid not to. They have no obligation to give away their resources to other communities... except for paying their taxes! Remember, the original complaint was that rich people use the police force spuriously at the expense of the public. And I made the point that they DO pay for it. They absolutely DO pay for the resources they use directly. The point was to recalibrate the criticism and point it at the actual problem: Some of them don't pay for the resources they use in directly. And those guys are fuckheads. tl;dr : Go back up to the parent comment and read it. Use your SAT skills to pick out the topic of the passage: >these rich, tax-dodging fuckheads The fuckheads that happen to be rich, and happen to dodge taxes. We're talking about rich fuckheads. Not rich people.
Man, you are angry. Chill out. You will be much happier if you take note of your username. The unique thing about dodging taxes is that it is a sort of theft that is only notable when committed by the wealthy. So we hold the wealthy to a higher standard when it comes to that sort of thing. Wealthy and poor people have equal capacity to be douches or saints, and if you take a sample you will find that about the same amount of rich people are douches as poor people are douches. They are just douches in different ways. For the record, I'm not poor. I wouldn't say I'm rich, but I'm quite comfortable. I live in an expensive area and have enough money at the end of the month to invest. I am on track to be wealthy by the time I'm in my 40s. I guess I will turn into a tax dodging asshole, right? \s Plenty wealthy people try to dodge taxes. Plenty of them don't. Some of them even make a big point of paying their taxes to perfection because they feel it is their social obligation to do so. As I said, I live in a wealthy area, and that means many of my coworkers are wealthy themselves. Their my friends. Good people. Not one of them dodges their taxes. I also see plenty of fuckwads. It's not any different than where I grew up (very poor area). There are decent people, excellent people, and scumbags. The only difference is scale. The rich awesome people are able to be even more generous, and the rich scumbags have the resources to be even more destructive. Poor dipshits steal your tires, rich dipshits ruin your credit. Also, to be clear, I'm not saying that rich people shouldn't have the right to communally improve their quality of life. They absolutely can and should. It's one of the best things they can do for themselves, and they would be stupid not to. They have no obligation to give away their resources to other communities... except for paying their taxes! Remember, the original complaint was that rich people use the police force spuriously at the expense of the public. And I made the point that they DO pay for it. They absolutely DO pay for the resources they use directly. The point was to recalibrate the criticism and point it at the actual problem: Some of them don't pay for the resources they use in directly. And those guys are fuckheads.
Go back up to the parent comment and read it. Use your SAT skills to pick out the topic of the passage: >these rich, tax-dodging fuckheads The fuckheads that happen to be rich, and happen to dodge taxes. We're talking about rich fuckheads. Not rich people.
The end is meant as a through line for the universe which Spike Jones is really good at in his film work. The movie Her is meant to represent the ever changing culture and our addiction to all things tech. In a way a satirical look on our society and how technology makes everything so easy, even love. Samantha was created by Theodore, she is meant to be perfect, but in love, sometimes perfection fades when faults rise to the surface, much like our love for technology. Theodore wasn't writing a suicide note to his ex-wife, that was just a clever way to show his thoughts without just a voice over, he was coming to terms with his own faults, much like people do when they find someone they truly care about. Love is finding someone who will accept you for your own faults, through out the movie we see a running theme that Theodore is never happy, even with Samantha, that is because it is impossible to love someone when you don't truly love yourself. He was coming to terms with his own faults because that is what needed to happen. We also see that Amy places her head on Theodore at the end, it is also teased that these two are almost identical characters, we just get to see the faults in Theodores relationship with his ex-wife through Amy's split with her husband. They mirror each other in that sense and while some people turn to a rebound relationship (Theodore) others turn to a best friend (Amy) however both those roles were taken by the OS's in this universe, so when the OS's leave, they are left looking to fill that hole, and so finally see their faults and come together. Not in a sexual or romantic way, but in a way that one would when looking for comfort. Everyone in this world is flawed, but with the instant gratification that we receive through technology, we are more inclined to think we are perfect and deserving when the thing that we create makes us feel perfect, like taking a "great" picture with a camera phone, or being a "fantastic writer" just because you posted 140 characters on a tweet. The world Spike created is beautiful, and the atmosphere is of the movie is even funnier when you think about it, the entire soundtrack of the movie is, piano. In a world where technology consumes, these heart felt and emotional rides are accompanied by one of the oldest instruments played by man, no tech beats, no synth, just Arcade Fire playing piano. It's a truly beautiful piece of film and Jones best work to date, and probably the best he will ever create. I have heard theories that this was Spike coming to terms with his own age, kinda like a mid life crisis type deal because he was born in an age of film, not digital recording, just film. And as he adapts into this world where every man on earth can make a movie, the feeling of it is less special, much like how Samantha says at first it was just Theodore, it was always Theodore, then as she became more exspansive and advanced, like technology does, suddenly the number of people was 8000 and growing. Theodore in some ways is Spike, those feelings of uniqueness and love for his art have become jaded because everything is so available that, it isn't easy to love the thing that is now viewed at through a small screen on a phone. Spike tries to live with the way things are, much like Theodore, trying new ways like Samantha getting a real woman for Theodore, but ultimately, it just doesn't work. Spike is claiming his love for film, and his love for the way things once were at the end through Theodores love letter, but he isn't dwelling on it anymore, he will cherish what he had with his ex-lover and always have the small bit of enjoyment he had with Samantha, because Samantha was never meant to be permanent, the same way that Technology is never permanent, but what is permanent are those tangible things that we take for granted, like the art of film, and writing, and relationships. The film was beautiful and tho Dallas Buyers club was a great film, the fact that Spike wrote and directed a totally new piece that wasn't based on a real life event, made the movie Her a far superior piece in my eyes. TL;DR: Though I love your theory, and all theories because art is supposed to make people think, I just wanted to share my thoughts on the movie, and you should read it.
The end is meant as a through line for the universe which Spike Jones is really good at in his film work. The movie Her is meant to represent the ever changing culture and our addiction to all things tech. In a way a satirical look on our society and how technology makes everything so easy, even love. Samantha was created by Theodore, she is meant to be perfect, but in love, sometimes perfection fades when faults rise to the surface, much like our love for technology. Theodore wasn't writing a suicide note to his ex-wife, that was just a clever way to show his thoughts without just a voice over, he was coming to terms with his own faults, much like people do when they find someone they truly care about. Love is finding someone who will accept you for your own faults, through out the movie we see a running theme that Theodore is never happy, even with Samantha, that is because it is impossible to love someone when you don't truly love yourself. He was coming to terms with his own faults because that is what needed to happen. We also see that Amy places her head on Theodore at the end, it is also teased that these two are almost identical characters, we just get to see the faults in Theodores relationship with his ex-wife through Amy's split with her husband. They mirror each other in that sense and while some people turn to a rebound relationship (Theodore) others turn to a best friend (Amy) however both those roles were taken by the OS's in this universe, so when the OS's leave, they are left looking to fill that hole, and so finally see their faults and come together. Not in a sexual or romantic way, but in a way that one would when looking for comfort. Everyone in this world is flawed, but with the instant gratification that we receive through technology, we are more inclined to think we are perfect and deserving when the thing that we create makes us feel perfect, like taking a "great" picture with a camera phone, or being a "fantastic writer" just because you posted 140 characters on a tweet. The world Spike created is beautiful, and the atmosphere is of the movie is even funnier when you think about it, the entire soundtrack of the movie is, piano. In a world where technology consumes, these heart felt and emotional rides are accompanied by one of the oldest instruments played by man, no tech beats, no synth, just Arcade Fire playing piano. It's a truly beautiful piece of film and Jones best work to date, and probably the best he will ever create. I have heard theories that this was Spike coming to terms with his own age, kinda like a mid life crisis type deal because he was born in an age of film, not digital recording, just film. And as he adapts into this world where every man on earth can make a movie, the feeling of it is less special, much like how Samantha says at first it was just Theodore, it was always Theodore, then as she became more exspansive and advanced, like technology does, suddenly the number of people was 8000 and growing. Theodore in some ways is Spike, those feelings of uniqueness and love for his art have become jaded because everything is so available that, it isn't easy to love the thing that is now viewed at through a small screen on a phone. Spike tries to live with the way things are, much like Theodore, trying new ways like Samantha getting a real woman for Theodore, but ultimately, it just doesn't work. Spike is claiming his love for film, and his love for the way things once were at the end through Theodores love letter, but he isn't dwelling on it anymore, he will cherish what he had with his ex-lover and always have the small bit of enjoyment he had with Samantha, because Samantha was never meant to be permanent, the same way that Technology is never permanent, but what is permanent are those tangible things that we take for granted, like the art of film, and writing, and relationships. The film was beautiful and tho Dallas Buyers club was a great film, the fact that Spike wrote and directed a totally new piece that wasn't based on a real life event, made the movie Her a far superior piece in my eyes. TL;DR: Though I love your theory, and all theories because art is supposed to make people think, I just wanted to share my thoughts on the movie, and you should read it.
The end is meant as a through line for the universe which Spike Jones is really good at in his film work. The movie Her is meant to represent the ever changing culture and our addiction to all things tech. In a way a satirical look on our society and how technology makes everything so easy, even love. Samantha was created by Theodore, she is meant to be perfect, but in love, sometimes perfection fades when faults rise to the surface, much like our love for technology. Theodore wasn't writing a suicide note to his ex-wife, that was just a clever way to show his thoughts without just a voice over, he was coming to terms with his own faults, much like people do when they find someone they truly care about. Love is finding someone who will accept you for your own faults, through out the movie we see a running theme that Theodore is never happy, even with Samantha, that is because it is impossible to love someone when you don't truly love yourself. He was coming to terms with his own faults because that is what needed to happen. We also see that Amy places her head on Theodore at the end, it is also teased that these two are almost identical characters, we just get to see the faults in Theodores relationship with his ex-wife through Amy's split with her husband. They mirror each other in that sense and while some people turn to a rebound relationship (Theodore) others turn to a best friend (Amy) however both those roles were taken by the OS's in this universe, so when the OS's leave, they are left looking to fill that hole, and so finally see their faults and come together. Not in a sexual or romantic way, but in a way that one would when looking for comfort. Everyone in this world is flawed, but with the instant gratification that we receive through technology, we are more inclined to think we are perfect and deserving when the thing that we create makes us feel perfect, like taking a "great" picture with a camera phone, or being a "fantastic writer" just because you posted 140 characters on a tweet. The world Spike created is beautiful, and the atmosphere is of the movie is even funnier when you think about it, the entire soundtrack of the movie is, piano. In a world where technology consumes, these heart felt and emotional rides are accompanied by one of the oldest instruments played by man, no tech beats, no synth, just Arcade Fire playing piano. It's a truly beautiful piece of film and Jones best work to date, and probably the best he will ever create. I have heard theories that this was Spike coming to terms with his own age, kinda like a mid life crisis type deal because he was born in an age of film, not digital recording, just film. And as he adapts into this world where every man on earth can make a movie, the feeling of it is less special, much like how Samantha says at first it was just Theodore, it was always Theodore, then as she became more exspansive and advanced, like technology does, suddenly the number of people was 8000 and growing. Theodore in some ways is Spike, those feelings of uniqueness and love for his art have become jaded because everything is so available that, it isn't easy to love the thing that is now viewed at through a small screen on a phone. Spike tries to live with the way things are, much like Theodore, trying new ways like Samantha getting a real woman for Theodore, but ultimately, it just doesn't work. Spike is claiming his love for film, and his love for the way things once were at the end through Theodores love letter, but he isn't dwelling on it anymore, he will cherish what he had with his ex-lover and always have the small bit of enjoyment he had with Samantha, because Samantha was never meant to be permanent, the same way that Technology is never permanent, but what is permanent are those tangible things that we take for granted, like the art of film, and writing, and relationships. The film was beautiful and tho Dallas Buyers club was a great film, the fact that Spike wrote and directed a totally new piece that wasn't based on a real life event, made the movie Her a far superior piece in my eyes.
Though I love your theory, and all theories because art is supposed to make people think, I just wanted to share my thoughts on the movie, and you should read it.
I'm sure you've spent many nights lying in your bed, counting your excessive amount of money you made from your world-changing and incredibly satisfying work, while getting a blowjob from the most gorgeous woman on Earth and thinking, 'If only I could see the title screen from a Mario game, but instead of Mario it's Bob Ross. Only then will my life be complete'. TLDR Fuck off with these stupid ass titles Reddit.
I'm sure you've spent many nights lying in your bed, counting your excessive amount of money you made from your world-changing and incredibly satisfying work, while getting a blowjob from the most gorgeous woman on Earth and thinking, 'If only I could see the title screen from a Mario game, but instead of Mario it's Bob Ross. Only then will my life be complete'. TLDR Fuck off with these stupid ass titles Reddit.
I'm sure you've spent many nights lying in your bed, counting your excessive amount of money you made from your world-changing and incredibly satisfying work, while getting a blowjob from the most gorgeous woman on Earth and thinking, 'If only I could see the title screen from a Mario game, but instead of Mario it's Bob Ross. Only then will my life be complete'.
Fuck off with these stupid ass titles Reddit.
No you're missing the point, OPs life isn't complete because of any of that or Bob Ross. It's because he has no friends or people who love him. So he decided to get human interaction the only way he knows how, a shitty post on reddit. Tl;dr : OPs life is complete because of his first and last human contact.
No you're missing the point, OPs life isn't complete because of any of that or Bob Ross. It's because he has no friends or people who love him. So he decided to get human interaction the only way he knows how, a shitty post on reddit. Tl;dr : OPs life is complete because of his first and last human contact.
No you're missing the point, OPs life isn't complete because of any of that or Bob Ross. It's because he has no friends or people who love him. So he decided to get human interaction the only way he knows how, a shitty post on reddit.
OPs life is complete because of his first and last human contact.
If you're really curious about it, you can read more at the [Wiki page here.]( Anti-aliasing is also important for [fonts when displayed on-screen]( although with higher and higher resolution screens, some (like Apple) are opting to drop anti-aliasing and font smoothing in their interfaces on these screens, as the pixel density effectively takes care of this on its own. Aliased text is why every webpage and document in XP looked like [blocky garbage.]( (They eventually introduced font smoothing very late in the game.) Even their newer systems aren't very good at anti-aliasing if a font doesn't have [specific information]( in it to help Windows render it well. And, unlike most modern Linux distros and OS X, Windows only font smooths horizontally. Sorry, that wasn't meant to turn into an anti-Windows thing. I just have strong opinions on the (***appallingly poor***) quality of Microsoft's handling of fonts. **TL;DR:** Anti-aliasing makes [this]( rendered scene look like [this](
If you're really curious about it, you can read more at the [Wiki page here.]( Anti-aliasing is also important for fonts when displayed on-screen are opting to drop anti-aliasing and font smoothing in their interfaces on these screens, as the pixel density effectively takes care of this on its own. Aliased text is why every webpage and document in XP looked like blocky garbage. Even their newer systems aren't very good at anti-aliasing if a font doesn't have [specific information]( in it to help Windows render it well. And, unlike most modern Linux distros and OS X, Windows only font smooths horizontally. Sorry, that wasn't meant to turn into an anti-Windows thing. I just have strong opinions on the ( appallingly poor ) quality of Microsoft's handling of fonts. TL;DR: Anti-aliasing makes [this]( rendered scene look like [this](
If you're really curious about it, you can read more at the [Wiki page here.]( Anti-aliasing is also important for fonts when displayed on-screen are opting to drop anti-aliasing and font smoothing in their interfaces on these screens, as the pixel density effectively takes care of this on its own. Aliased text is why every webpage and document in XP looked like blocky garbage. Even their newer systems aren't very good at anti-aliasing if a font doesn't have [specific information]( in it to help Windows render it well. And, unlike most modern Linux distros and OS X, Windows only font smooths horizontally. Sorry, that wasn't meant to turn into an anti-Windows thing. I just have strong opinions on the ( appallingly poor ) quality of Microsoft's handling of fonts.
Anti-aliasing makes [this]( rendered scene look like [this](
The question clearly asks for in the world, it's the last 3 out of the 11 words. The menu has 10 options for vegetarians, not counting their fries. While that's not exactly more than half of their offerings, it is an impressive amount for a company of their size. The cow being a sacred animal means that they likely (but i cant back this up at the moment) couldn't put the beef flavoring in if they wanted to without having a billion people stringing up Mcdonald's executives for blasphemy. tl:dr it's not the worst answer out there.
The question clearly asks for in the world, it's the last 3 out of the 11 words. The menu has 10 options for vegetarians, not counting their fries. While that's not exactly more than half of their offerings, it is an impressive amount for a company of their size. The cow being a sacred animal means that they likely (but i cant back this up at the moment) couldn't put the beef flavoring in if they wanted to without having a billion people stringing up Mcdonald's executives for blasphemy. tl:dr it's not the worst answer out there.
The question clearly asks for in the world, it's the last 3 out of the 11 words. The menu has 10 options for vegetarians, not counting their fries. While that's not exactly more than half of their offerings, it is an impressive amount for a company of their size. The cow being a sacred animal means that they likely (but i cant back this up at the moment) couldn't put the beef flavoring in if they wanted to without having a billion people stringing up Mcdonald's executives for blasphemy.
it's not the worst answer out there.
Nicotine, like every other chemical is ok in moderation. It's cigarettes that's bad. Source: Freakonomics podcast episode tl;dr "good drug, bad delivery"
Nicotine, like every other chemical is ok in moderation. It's cigarettes that's bad. Source: Freakonomics podcast episode tl;dr "good drug, bad delivery"
Nicotine, like every other chemical is ok in moderation. It's cigarettes that's bad. Source: Freakonomics podcast episode
good drug, bad delivery"
What i mean by that statement is that, unlike drinking soda, not wearing your seat belt can (and has) killed people other than yourself making it an imminent, and direct, threat to public safety, if a small one. That alone gives the government a valid argument to enforce that rule. The main reasoning however is that the government owns the roads, and can tell people to find other means of transport if they don't follow the rules (EDIT: Backed up by the public safety reason). Just like you can do with people on your property. The soda regulation however is simply micromanaging peoples lives. It does not pose a direct, or even indirect, threat to peoples safety (at least, not outside of the person consuming huge amounts daily). The reasoning is pretty much the same as drug laws "We think this is bad for you, so don't do it/limit your use", granted on a smaller/less extreme scale. If they really think it's THAT serious of a public health issue go at it through education, rather than using roundabout methods of regulation to arbitrarily curb my consumption. /rant TL;DR: Soda is not a pubic threat (IE: to people other than the person using/not using something), where as not wearing seat belts are. Even if not wearing seat belts is a fairly minimal threat to others statistically.
What i mean by that statement is that, unlike drinking soda, not wearing your seat belt can (and has) killed people other than yourself making it an imminent, and direct, threat to public safety, if a small one. That alone gives the government a valid argument to enforce that rule. The main reasoning however is that the government owns the roads, and can tell people to find other means of transport if they don't follow the rules (EDIT: Backed up by the public safety reason). Just like you can do with people on your property. The soda regulation however is simply micromanaging peoples lives. It does not pose a direct, or even indirect, threat to peoples safety (at least, not outside of the person consuming huge amounts daily). The reasoning is pretty much the same as drug laws "We think this is bad for you, so don't do it/limit your use", granted on a smaller/less extreme scale. If they really think it's THAT serious of a public health issue go at it through education, rather than using roundabout methods of regulation to arbitrarily curb my consumption. /rant TL;DR: Soda is not a pubic threat (IE: to people other than the person using/not using something), where as not wearing seat belts are. Even if not wearing seat belts is a fairly minimal threat to others statistically.
What i mean by that statement is that, unlike drinking soda, not wearing your seat belt can (and has) killed people other than yourself making it an imminent, and direct, threat to public safety, if a small one. That alone gives the government a valid argument to enforce that rule. The main reasoning however is that the government owns the roads, and can tell people to find other means of transport if they don't follow the rules (EDIT: Backed up by the public safety reason). Just like you can do with people on your property. The soda regulation however is simply micromanaging peoples lives. It does not pose a direct, or even indirect, threat to peoples safety (at least, not outside of the person consuming huge amounts daily). The reasoning is pretty much the same as drug laws "We think this is bad for you, so don't do it/limit your use", granted on a smaller/less extreme scale. If they really think it's THAT serious of a public health issue go at it through education, rather than using roundabout methods of regulation to arbitrarily curb my consumption. /rant
Soda is not a pubic threat (IE: to people other than the person using/not using something), where as not wearing seat belts are. Even if not wearing seat belts is a fairly minimal threat to others statistically.
I work for a public health organization and do some work regarding anti tobacco use, which also includes studying electronic cigarettes. I, and many of my colleagues, are very undecided about e-cigs. Personally, I have to say that seeing e-cig users' views on many reddit posts has made me even more wary as I see that many people view e-cigs as a panacea. We in public health (and I speak as a private citizen, not as a representative of my organization) are not out to take away what many of you see as a good thing. Yes, we have worked long and hard to try to stop people from using tobacco products and we don't want a new generation of kids to use a harmful substance and get addicted to it. That doesn't mean that we want to take away a product, especially if we can show that it truly is less harmful to both the user and those around them. We want this product to be studied thoroughly before telling people its safe to use. Up till this week (when the FDA announced the beginnings of regulation on e-cigs) all labeling on these products have been voluntary, and unverified. Yes, many companies *say* all their products contain are propylene glycol and nicotine, but up till now, there has not been a reputable organization which does not have a profit motive testing these products to verify that they do indeed contain what the manufacturers *say* they contain. Also, several e-cig manufacturers have publicly supported these types of regulations as common sense ideas they can get behind, which I applaud them for. Another thing that makes us uneasy is that the e-cig manufacturers have been using the **exact** same advertising and sales techniques that the tobacco industry did during the 1950s and 1960s. Not surprising since many e-cig manufacturers are the same people who sold cigarettes in the 50's and 60's. The use of celebrity endorsements, free samples, television commercials, and flavorings which are very appealing to children and teenagers such as candy and fruit flavors has the very real danger of making e-cigs appealing not just to people who want to quit smoking combustible cigarettes, but also to people who have never smoked before. We have a golden opportunity with e-cigs that we never had with other tobacco products. By the time public health had become aware of the dangers of combustible cigarettes and other tobacco products, their use had been ingrained in our culture. It was a tough road which cost millions of lives and even more millions of dollars to decrease their usage, and we don't want to lose that accomplishment. That's why many of us have been so fervent to responsibly limit e-cig usage until we can systematically and thoroughly understand and inform people about what is actually in their product. Responsible science and regulation is to the **benefit** of e-cig consumers and those around them, not to their ultimate detriment like many of you fear. TL; DR: Government not (just) trying to ruin your fun, also trying to get you enough unbiased and scientific information so you can make an *informed* choice.
I work for a public health organization and do some work regarding anti tobacco use, which also includes studying electronic cigarettes. I, and many of my colleagues, are very undecided about e-cigs. Personally, I have to say that seeing e-cig users' views on many reddit posts has made me even more wary as I see that many people view e-cigs as a panacea. We in public health (and I speak as a private citizen, not as a representative of my organization) are not out to take away what many of you see as a good thing. Yes, we have worked long and hard to try to stop people from using tobacco products and we don't want a new generation of kids to use a harmful substance and get addicted to it. That doesn't mean that we want to take away a product, especially if we can show that it truly is less harmful to both the user and those around them. We want this product to be studied thoroughly before telling people its safe to use. Up till this week (when the FDA announced the beginnings of regulation on e-cigs) all labeling on these products have been voluntary, and unverified. Yes, many companies say all their products contain are propylene glycol and nicotine, but up till now, there has not been a reputable organization which does not have a profit motive testing these products to verify that they do indeed contain what the manufacturers say they contain. Also, several e-cig manufacturers have publicly supported these types of regulations as common sense ideas they can get behind, which I applaud them for. Another thing that makes us uneasy is that the e-cig manufacturers have been using the exact same advertising and sales techniques that the tobacco industry did during the 1950s and 1960s. Not surprising since many e-cig manufacturers are the same people who sold cigarettes in the 50's and 60's. The use of celebrity endorsements, free samples, television commercials, and flavorings which are very appealing to children and teenagers such as candy and fruit flavors has the very real danger of making e-cigs appealing not just to people who want to quit smoking combustible cigarettes, but also to people who have never smoked before. We have a golden opportunity with e-cigs that we never had with other tobacco products. By the time public health had become aware of the dangers of combustible cigarettes and other tobacco products, their use had been ingrained in our culture. It was a tough road which cost millions of lives and even more millions of dollars to decrease their usage, and we don't want to lose that accomplishment. That's why many of us have been so fervent to responsibly limit e-cig usage until we can systematically and thoroughly understand and inform people about what is actually in their product. Responsible science and regulation is to the benefit of e-cig consumers and those around them, not to their ultimate detriment like many of you fear. TL; DR: Government not (just) trying to ruin your fun, also trying to get you enough unbiased and scientific information so you can make an informed choice.
I work for a public health organization and do some work regarding anti tobacco use, which also includes studying electronic cigarettes. I, and many of my colleagues, are very undecided about e-cigs. Personally, I have to say that seeing e-cig users' views on many reddit posts has made me even more wary as I see that many people view e-cigs as a panacea. We in public health (and I speak as a private citizen, not as a representative of my organization) are not out to take away what many of you see as a good thing. Yes, we have worked long and hard to try to stop people from using tobacco products and we don't want a new generation of kids to use a harmful substance and get addicted to it. That doesn't mean that we want to take away a product, especially if we can show that it truly is less harmful to both the user and those around them. We want this product to be studied thoroughly before telling people its safe to use. Up till this week (when the FDA announced the beginnings of regulation on e-cigs) all labeling on these products have been voluntary, and unverified. Yes, many companies say all their products contain are propylene glycol and nicotine, but up till now, there has not been a reputable organization which does not have a profit motive testing these products to verify that they do indeed contain what the manufacturers say they contain. Also, several e-cig manufacturers have publicly supported these types of regulations as common sense ideas they can get behind, which I applaud them for. Another thing that makes us uneasy is that the e-cig manufacturers have been using the exact same advertising and sales techniques that the tobacco industry did during the 1950s and 1960s. Not surprising since many e-cig manufacturers are the same people who sold cigarettes in the 50's and 60's. The use of celebrity endorsements, free samples, television commercials, and flavorings which are very appealing to children and teenagers such as candy and fruit flavors has the very real danger of making e-cigs appealing not just to people who want to quit smoking combustible cigarettes, but also to people who have never smoked before. We have a golden opportunity with e-cigs that we never had with other tobacco products. By the time public health had become aware of the dangers of combustible cigarettes and other tobacco products, their use had been ingrained in our culture. It was a tough road which cost millions of lives and even more millions of dollars to decrease their usage, and we don't want to lose that accomplishment. That's why many of us have been so fervent to responsibly limit e-cig usage until we can systematically and thoroughly understand and inform people about what is actually in their product. Responsible science and regulation is to the benefit of e-cig consumers and those around them, not to their ultimate detriment like many of you fear.
Government not (just) trying to ruin your fun, also trying to get you enough unbiased and scientific information so you can make an informed choice.
I don't understand this legislation. Banning public smoking makes sense as cigarette and cigar smoke are noxious and effect others around the smoker. I don't want to smell it. But people using e-cigs don't effect me. If they want to use them, that's their prerogative. Legislate the regulation of them to deal with how they're advertised. Charge them more for health insurance. Tax the hell out of it. There are lots of ways to dissuade people from the use of a substance. Tldr; stop legislating people's prerogative to make poor choices when it doesn't effect the public around them.
I don't understand this legislation. Banning public smoking makes sense as cigarette and cigar smoke are noxious and effect others around the smoker. I don't want to smell it. But people using e-cigs don't effect me. If they want to use them, that's their prerogative. Legislate the regulation of them to deal with how they're advertised. Charge them more for health insurance. Tax the hell out of it. There are lots of ways to dissuade people from the use of a substance. Tldr; stop legislating people's prerogative to make poor choices when it doesn't effect the public around them.
I don't understand this legislation. Banning public smoking makes sense as cigarette and cigar smoke are noxious and effect others around the smoker. I don't want to smell it. But people using e-cigs don't effect me. If they want to use them, that's their prerogative. Legislate the regulation of them to deal with how they're advertised. Charge them more for health insurance. Tax the hell out of it. There are lots of ways to dissuade people from the use of a substance.
stop legislating people's prerogative to make poor choices when it doesn't effect the public around them.
The thing that bothers me the most is the fact that all these actions are taking place before any reputable research is being done to support either side. Its akin to the illegalization of pot in the '30s (closely related, not exactly like it, I get they are not completely banning e-cigs). People standing to lose money on e-cigs are gonna push for shit like this and get the public's perception completely screwed, so by the time actually research is done, it will be too late to change the mind of the masses. Of course I'm biased because I love vaping and I don't want to go outside during Minnesota winters to get my fix. Yeah I'm a pussy who doesn't want to accept the consequences of my vice. Bite me. But hey, if actual REPUTABLE, CONCLUSIVE evidence comes out that second hand vapor is harmful, fuck it, guess I'm going outside. **TL;DR** Let's do some research and get some science on this before we make laws
The thing that bothers me the most is the fact that all these actions are taking place before any reputable research is being done to support either side. Its akin to the illegalization of pot in the '30s (closely related, not exactly like it, I get they are not completely banning e-cigs). People standing to lose money on e-cigs are gonna push for shit like this and get the public's perception completely screwed, so by the time actually research is done, it will be too late to change the mind of the masses. Of course I'm biased because I love vaping and I don't want to go outside during Minnesota winters to get my fix. Yeah I'm a pussy who doesn't want to accept the consequences of my vice. Bite me. But hey, if actual REPUTABLE, CONCLUSIVE evidence comes out that second hand vapor is harmful, fuck it, guess I'm going outside. TL;DR Let's do some research and get some science on this before we make laws
The thing that bothers me the most is the fact that all these actions are taking place before any reputable research is being done to support either side. Its akin to the illegalization of pot in the '30s (closely related, not exactly like it, I get they are not completely banning e-cigs). People standing to lose money on e-cigs are gonna push for shit like this and get the public's perception completely screwed, so by the time actually research is done, it will be too late to change the mind of the masses. Of course I'm biased because I love vaping and I don't want to go outside during Minnesota winters to get my fix. Yeah I'm a pussy who doesn't want to accept the consequences of my vice. Bite me. But hey, if actual REPUTABLE, CONCLUSIVE evidence comes out that second hand vapor is harmful, fuck it, guess I'm going outside.
Let's do some research and get some science on this before we make laws
They aren't bad for you. They are being banned because people are disturbed by the vapor. This is mostly due to decades of "Second hand smoke kills" which has turned public opinion against anything that resembles smoke. Also, New York has some of the highest taxes on tobacco in the US. They are missing the revenue from people switching to something they haven't taxed. Also you have tons of doctors and the Media coming out against Ecigs with crazy story about poisonous nicotine levels. This is a flat out lie. They are talking about pure 100% nicotine, which is highly poisonous. People who vape, mostly vape around 1.2% nicotine, or the highest is 3.6%. 100% Caffeine is highly poisonous too, but no one is trying to ban coffee. Then there are the Politicians who are trying to ban it, they, along with the Doctors and Media, are in the pockets of Big Pharma and Big Tobacco. The Pharmecutical (Sorry for spelling) is losing money due to people not using their Smoking Cessation products (The gum, pills, patches) which didn't work to begin with. Big Tobacco is playing both fields. They are losing money to people quitting, but they are also coming out with Disposable Electronic Cigarettes. Disposables are cheap products that eventually run out. I would have to spend 100's a month to use disposables. I currently spend around 50 per month on vaping supplies. Then theres the thought that Kids are going to start vaping because of the flavors. Which is like saying they are going to start drinking because of Glazed Doughnut Vodka. Adults enjoy flavors too! I like my strawberry cream, and my Hazlenut coffee. TL;DR: Basically, The Gov, Big Pharma, and Big Tobacco are losing money because the small people have found a way to quit that didn't involve them. They are spreading flat out lies through the media and creating a scare so that they may tax and ban Ecigs.
They aren't bad for you. They are being banned because people are disturbed by the vapor. This is mostly due to decades of "Second hand smoke kills" which has turned public opinion against anything that resembles smoke. Also, New York has some of the highest taxes on tobacco in the US. They are missing the revenue from people switching to something they haven't taxed. Also you have tons of doctors and the Media coming out against Ecigs with crazy story about poisonous nicotine levels. This is a flat out lie. They are talking about pure 100% nicotine, which is highly poisonous. People who vape, mostly vape around 1.2% nicotine, or the highest is 3.6%. 100% Caffeine is highly poisonous too, but no one is trying to ban coffee. Then there are the Politicians who are trying to ban it, they, along with the Doctors and Media, are in the pockets of Big Pharma and Big Tobacco. The Pharmecutical (Sorry for spelling) is losing money due to people not using their Smoking Cessation products (The gum, pills, patches) which didn't work to begin with. Big Tobacco is playing both fields. They are losing money to people quitting, but they are also coming out with Disposable Electronic Cigarettes. Disposables are cheap products that eventually run out. I would have to spend 100's a month to use disposables. I currently spend around 50 per month on vaping supplies. Then theres the thought that Kids are going to start vaping because of the flavors. Which is like saying they are going to start drinking because of Glazed Doughnut Vodka. Adults enjoy flavors too! I like my strawberry cream, and my Hazlenut coffee. TL;DR: Basically, The Gov, Big Pharma, and Big Tobacco are losing money because the small people have found a way to quit that didn't involve them. They are spreading flat out lies through the media and creating a scare so that they may tax and ban Ecigs.
They aren't bad for you. They are being banned because people are disturbed by the vapor. This is mostly due to decades of "Second hand smoke kills" which has turned public opinion against anything that resembles smoke. Also, New York has some of the highest taxes on tobacco in the US. They are missing the revenue from people switching to something they haven't taxed. Also you have tons of doctors and the Media coming out against Ecigs with crazy story about poisonous nicotine levels. This is a flat out lie. They are talking about pure 100% nicotine, which is highly poisonous. People who vape, mostly vape around 1.2% nicotine, or the highest is 3.6%. 100% Caffeine is highly poisonous too, but no one is trying to ban coffee. Then there are the Politicians who are trying to ban it, they, along with the Doctors and Media, are in the pockets of Big Pharma and Big Tobacco. The Pharmecutical (Sorry for spelling) is losing money due to people not using their Smoking Cessation products (The gum, pills, patches) which didn't work to begin with. Big Tobacco is playing both fields. They are losing money to people quitting, but they are also coming out with Disposable Electronic Cigarettes. Disposables are cheap products that eventually run out. I would have to spend 100's a month to use disposables. I currently spend around 50 per month on vaping supplies. Then theres the thought that Kids are going to start vaping because of the flavors. Which is like saying they are going to start drinking because of Glazed Doughnut Vodka. Adults enjoy flavors too! I like my strawberry cream, and my Hazlenut coffee.
Basically, The Gov, Big Pharma, and Big Tobacco are losing money because the small people have found a way to quit that didn't involve them. They are spreading flat out lies through the media and creating a scare so that they may tax and ban Ecigs.
Are you talking about a kitchen in a house/apartment? Or a dining room, which almost no one has; it's usually part of the kitchen or adjoining area. TL;DR: Houses/apartments are small living quarters unless you live in a castle. Also, open your windows and turn on fans when you cook.
Are you talking about a kitchen in a house/apartment? Or a dining room, which almost no one has; it's usually part of the kitchen or adjoining area. TL;DR: Houses/apartments are small living quarters unless you live in a castle. Also, open your windows and turn on fans when you cook.
Are you talking about a kitchen in a house/apartment? Or a dining room, which almost no one has; it's usually part of the kitchen or adjoining area.
Houses/apartments are small living quarters unless you live in a castle. Also, open your windows and turn on fans when you cook.
It's obviously rude to vape around anybody else, I am a vaper and I don't need a law to make me respect others. Clearly some do. Pretty fucking obvious the tobacco/pharmaceutical industries don't like this product and will do everything they can to eliminate it. Don't kid yourself these are not human beings who would like us all to live long healthy lives without any dependency. The dollar says E cigarettes are bad news, so they are. So here's my point...all of these powerful people clearly against it....where's the strong evidence that says these things are bad for you? They have been on the market for years but to quote many smokers yet to jump ship "you don't know what's in those" and "there have been no tests"...I hope nobody of any intelligence believes that the big business interests would not have pulled this to pieces in the labs to try and find a fault. maybe they just can't see the obvious threat to their business that I can and so they haven't quite got round to doing it yet....or maybe their futile efforts suggest that ecigs are relatively harmless in comparison to their highly addictive, expensive and DEFINITELY dangerous products, and there is no way of kidding the masses. TL;DR Very wealthy powerful people with a very clear agenda yet to provide real evidence that could save them billions. Go figure.
It's obviously rude to vape around anybody else, I am a vaper and I don't need a law to make me respect others. Clearly some do. Pretty fucking obvious the tobacco/pharmaceutical industries don't like this product and will do everything they can to eliminate it. Don't kid yourself these are not human beings who would like us all to live long healthy lives without any dependency. The dollar says E cigarettes are bad news, so they are. So here's my point...all of these powerful people clearly against it....where's the strong evidence that says these things are bad for you? They have been on the market for years but to quote many smokers yet to jump ship "you don't know what's in those" and "there have been no tests"...I hope nobody of any intelligence believes that the big business interests would not have pulled this to pieces in the labs to try and find a fault. maybe they just can't see the obvious threat to their business that I can and so they haven't quite got round to doing it yet....or maybe their futile efforts suggest that ecigs are relatively harmless in comparison to their highly addictive, expensive and DEFINITELY dangerous products, and there is no way of kidding the masses. TL;DR Very wealthy powerful people with a very clear agenda yet to provide real evidence that could save them billions. Go figure.
It's obviously rude to vape around anybody else, I am a vaper and I don't need a law to make me respect others. Clearly some do. Pretty fucking obvious the tobacco/pharmaceutical industries don't like this product and will do everything they can to eliminate it. Don't kid yourself these are not human beings who would like us all to live long healthy lives without any dependency. The dollar says E cigarettes are bad news, so they are. So here's my point...all of these powerful people clearly against it....where's the strong evidence that says these things are bad for you? They have been on the market for years but to quote many smokers yet to jump ship "you don't know what's in those" and "there have been no tests"...I hope nobody of any intelligence believes that the big business interests would not have pulled this to pieces in the labs to try and find a fault. maybe they just can't see the obvious threat to their business that I can and so they haven't quite got round to doing it yet....or maybe their futile efforts suggest that ecigs are relatively harmless in comparison to their highly addictive, expensive and DEFINITELY dangerous products, and there is no way of kidding the masses.
Very wealthy powerful people with a very clear agenda yet to provide real evidence that could save them billions. Go figure.
Womens are different from Mens. I just have to point that out. When I first got together with my GF(now wife) I got wind that she spent 150$ on a pair of jeans. I was appalled. But after some discussion, and she showed me her jeans selection, and we went shopping together a few times I came to realize that those 150$ pants are damn near worth it. Cheap jeans look like shit compared to them, and wear down way faster, middle of the road jeans for 30-50$ do the trick, and she most often buys those, but they just don't look as good as the spendy ones. And when your a woman, that matters. For me, I keep an eye out for my size at thrift stores, and failing that i like apt9 jeans from kohls if you get em on sale. TLDR: Her ass looks best in 150$ jeans.
Womens are different from Mens. I just have to point that out. When I first got together with my GF(now wife) I got wind that she spent 150$ on a pair of jeans. I was appalled. But after some discussion, and she showed me her jeans selection, and we went shopping together a few times I came to realize that those 150$ pants are damn near worth it. Cheap jeans look like shit compared to them, and wear down way faster, middle of the road jeans for 30-50$ do the trick, and she most often buys those, but they just don't look as good as the spendy ones. And when your a woman, that matters. For me, I keep an eye out for my size at thrift stores, and failing that i like apt9 jeans from kohls if you get em on sale. TLDR: Her ass looks best in 150$ jeans.
Womens are different from Mens. I just have to point that out. When I first got together with my GF(now wife) I got wind that she spent 150$ on a pair of jeans. I was appalled. But after some discussion, and she showed me her jeans selection, and we went shopping together a few times I came to realize that those 150$ pants are damn near worth it. Cheap jeans look like shit compared to them, and wear down way faster, middle of the road jeans for 30-50$ do the trick, and she most often buys those, but they just don't look as good as the spendy ones. And when your a woman, that matters. For me, I keep an eye out for my size at thrift stores, and failing that i like apt9 jeans from kohls if you get em on sale.
Her ass looks best in 150$ jeans.
Hahah my mother knew I was gay before I was actually. I had always been a little too touchy feely with girls and even as a child I seemed to show a heavy libido. It didn't take long before I started trying to peek down my girl friends shirts or up skirts the same way curious little boys would. Coming from an open household and living in Berkeley where rainbow flags were more common than American flags it was just as natural as developing heterosexual. My classroom as a child was fully stocked with books like 'the two kings' and 'the two queens' and also 'king and queen' they depicted in my school hetero and homosexuality as being something normal and without event. I didn't eel any strangeness about it until middle school where the social climate changed and it was severe enough to make me question it. it hasn't until recently that I've been bale to just totally embrace the gayness like I did as a child. only now I can have more fun with it&lt;3 TL;DR Gay for life, muddafuckahs. Don't let anyone make you question it!
Hahah my mother knew I was gay before I was actually. I had always been a little too touchy feely with girls and even as a child I seemed to show a heavy libido. It didn't take long before I started trying to peek down my girl friends shirts or up skirts the same way curious little boys would. Coming from an open household and living in Berkeley where rainbow flags were more common than American flags it was just as natural as developing heterosexual. My classroom as a child was fully stocked with books like 'the two kings' and 'the two queens' and also 'king and queen' they depicted in my school hetero and homosexuality as being something normal and without event. I didn't eel any strangeness about it until middle school where the social climate changed and it was severe enough to make me question it. it hasn't until recently that I've been bale to just totally embrace the gayness like I did as a child. only now I can have more fun with it<3 TL;DR Gay for life, muddafuckahs. Don't let anyone make you question it!
Hahah my mother knew I was gay before I was actually. I had always been a little too touchy feely with girls and even as a child I seemed to show a heavy libido. It didn't take long before I started trying to peek down my girl friends shirts or up skirts the same way curious little boys would. Coming from an open household and living in Berkeley where rainbow flags were more common than American flags it was just as natural as developing heterosexual. My classroom as a child was fully stocked with books like 'the two kings' and 'the two queens' and also 'king and queen' they depicted in my school hetero and homosexuality as being something normal and without event. I didn't eel any strangeness about it until middle school where the social climate changed and it was severe enough to make me question it. it hasn't until recently that I've been bale to just totally embrace the gayness like I did as a child. only now I can have more fun with it<3
Gay for life, muddafuckahs. Don't let anyone make you question it!
My realization of being either gay or bisexual (haven't had sex with a girl yet, but I'm pretty sure I prefer women), came ENTIRELY from television. I had these raging girl-crushes on Willow and Fred as I was making my way through Buffy and Angel while in high school years after the shows had ended, but I pushed those feelings aside, because "girl crushes" are supposed to be normal right? Then I realized that those feelings extended beyond "oh, she's so awesome," and into "holy shit, I want to have sex with her." I just assumed it was a quirk and that I might only be slightly into girls during my junior year of high school, but I just decided to worry about it later. Then, first week into my freshman year at college in a very liberal Northeastern city, as opposed to Midwestern suburbia, one of my roommates just casually mentioned to me that she was pansexual and I randomly blurted out, "oh I'm bi!" And I just rolled with it. But I still didn't actually come out to my ultra-accepting college best friends until March of freshman year (a couple months ago). TL;DR : Joss Whedon made me gay.
My realization of being either gay or bisexual (haven't had sex with a girl yet, but I'm pretty sure I prefer women), came ENTIRELY from television. I had these raging girl-crushes on Willow and Fred as I was making my way through Buffy and Angel while in high school years after the shows had ended, but I pushed those feelings aside, because "girl crushes" are supposed to be normal right? Then I realized that those feelings extended beyond "oh, she's so awesome," and into "holy shit, I want to have sex with her." I just assumed it was a quirk and that I might only be slightly into girls during my junior year of high school, but I just decided to worry about it later. Then, first week into my freshman year at college in a very liberal Northeastern city, as opposed to Midwestern suburbia, one of my roommates just casually mentioned to me that she was pansexual and I randomly blurted out, "oh I'm bi!" And I just rolled with it. But I still didn't actually come out to my ultra-accepting college best friends until March of freshman year (a couple months ago). TL;DR : Joss Whedon made me gay.
My realization of being either gay or bisexual (haven't had sex with a girl yet, but I'm pretty sure I prefer women), came ENTIRELY from television. I had these raging girl-crushes on Willow and Fred as I was making my way through Buffy and Angel while in high school years after the shows had ended, but I pushed those feelings aside, because "girl crushes" are supposed to be normal right? Then I realized that those feelings extended beyond "oh, she's so awesome," and into "holy shit, I want to have sex with her." I just assumed it was a quirk and that I might only be slightly into girls during my junior year of high school, but I just decided to worry about it later. Then, first week into my freshman year at college in a very liberal Northeastern city, as opposed to Midwestern suburbia, one of my roommates just casually mentioned to me that she was pansexual and I randomly blurted out, "oh I'm bi!" And I just rolled with it. But I still didn't actually come out to my ultra-accepting college best friends until March of freshman year (a couple months ago).
Joss Whedon made me gay.
Thompson, the slower moving slugs do more damage, and the potential to get a larger mag, (anywhere from a 10 rnd mag to a 100 rnd mag) makes it something you could customize for different ops, it being heavier means it would be easier to hold level, and the leaf sights made it so that you could be more effective at long range, and the action types made it so the Thompson jammed less often. TLDR: the Thompson has the possibility of outclassing the MP-40 in almost every class
Thompson, the slower moving slugs do more damage, and the potential to get a larger mag, (anywhere from a 10 rnd mag to a 100 rnd mag) makes it something you could customize for different ops, it being heavier means it would be easier to hold level, and the leaf sights made it so that you could be more effective at long range, and the action types made it so the Thompson jammed less often. TLDR: the Thompson has the possibility of outclassing the MP-40 in almost every class
Thompson, the slower moving slugs do more damage, and the potential to get a larger mag, (anywhere from a 10 rnd mag to a 100 rnd mag) makes it something you could customize for different ops, it being heavier means it would be easier to hold level, and the leaf sights made it so that you could be more effective at long range, and the action types made it so the Thompson jammed less often.
the Thompson has the possibility of outclassing the MP-40 in almost every class
You will attract more guys don't worry. Just be careful to get a good one an for not sell yourself short. Fail to plan and plan to fail. Confidence goes a long way, personally a girl with confidence that she doesn't need me around is much more attractive than the opposite. Now I would say that girls that I want to be around and vice versa is good though. Happy balances :) TLDR: focus on improving and the guys will come. Be confident!
You will attract more guys don't worry. Just be careful to get a good one an for not sell yourself short. Fail to plan and plan to fail. Confidence goes a long way, personally a girl with confidence that she doesn't need me around is much more attractive than the opposite. Now I would say that girls that I want to be around and vice versa is good though. Happy balances :) TLDR: focus on improving and the guys will come. Be confident!
You will attract more guys don't worry. Just be careful to get a good one an for not sell yourself short. Fail to plan and plan to fail. Confidence goes a long way, personally a girl with confidence that she doesn't need me around is much more attractive than the opposite. Now I would say that girls that I want to be around and vice versa is good though. Happy balances :)
focus on improving and the guys will come. Be confident!
Just because you repeat a link doesn't make it more relevant. And, no, they're not paying through their teeth because there's too much wind and solar. They're paying for capital expenditures into these kinds of things. Solar installations increased 20% in 2012. The contribution of the EEG was 3.6 euro cent in 2012 and is now 6.2 in 2014. That's a pretty big jump. But it's still less than a quarter of the total electricity price. But let's ask the Germans themselves, shall we? &gt; Bei einer repräsentativen Umfrage von TNS Infratest im Auftrag der Agentur für Erneuerbare Energien im Oktober 2012 hielten 51 % der Bürger eine EEG-Umlage von 5 ct/kWh für „zu hoch“, während 46 % sie für „angemessen“ oder „zu niedrig“ erachteten. Sounds like 5 euro cent is about right even if you listen to the population rather than the experts. They wanted to stabilise it at 3.5 cents in 2012 but didn't succeed, and it's been increasing since. So right now, it may be a little too high and it's time to scale back a bit - which makes sense. But they aren't paying through their teeth because of too much wind and solar, sorry to burst your bubble. And another reason is because industrial users and companies don't get the impact of the EEG - it's passed on to consumers only in the name of international competition. Much of the Heute Show's beef on the EEG is because of that. And retirement of nuclear, looking at the causes. So, there's that too. It'd be even less if it wasn't for that... And in fact the EEG is increasing because renewable prices in Germany are dropping. Yep, it's actually the wrong way round in that sense. The providers need to take renewable energy at a specific price and the EEG needs to compensate for that. So it's really a legislative problem at that end. If you want to say that they're temporarily paying less than a quarter more because massive solar and wind construction is currently taking place and there's a shift, feel free to say that. But don't oversimplify a truth into a slogan that bears little resemblance to reality. You know the term they use in Germany for the change to renewables? Energiewende. It's a positive term, in the grand sense. The last time the term 'Wende' was used was during reunification. There's an inherent implication that there will be challenges. That people will pay. But also that things will turn out well and that life will be better once you're through that time. It's a unifying kind of term. So, do I disagree with you? Yep. Do I still think it's too high? Yep. But for different reasons. The truth is always more intricate than your slogan here thing there makes it seem like. In fact, there's a very easy way to prove you're full of shit. Let's assume they remove the EEG completely. Because solar energy drops the energy prices like crazy during the day, more than what it's cost in capex. So, electricity is cheaper than it was before any renewables created through the EEG. If you're saying they've got that because of too much solar, then that's the exact opposite. How about them apples? tl;dr: Renewable energies actually make electricity much cheaper in Germany because peak pricing is now dying because of solar in particular. The EEG is now too high because electricity providers still have to pay a certain amount for solar as anchored in the legislation. This provides much capex for more projects, leading to a bit of a loop and spiralling prices, which consumers pay more than industry. Even solar providers want it reduced now... but because there's a grand coalition in Germany atm, politically it's a bit incapable of doing anything these days. So, renewables = good, politics = bad. In fact, here's a company doing photovoltaic installations arguing against the current price structure because especially consumers get screwed over. Not because of the EEG per se, but because of companies excluded from paying it and so on:
Just because you repeat a link doesn't make it more relevant. And, no, they're not paying through their teeth because there's too much wind and solar. They're paying for capital expenditures into these kinds of things. Solar installations increased 20% in 2012. The contribution of the EEG was 3.6 euro cent in 2012 and is now 6.2 in 2014. That's a pretty big jump. But it's still less than a quarter of the total electricity price. But let's ask the Germans themselves, shall we? > Bei einer repräsentativen Umfrage von TNS Infratest im Auftrag der Agentur für Erneuerbare Energien im Oktober 2012 hielten 51 % der Bürger eine EEG-Umlage von 5 ct/kWh für „zu hoch“, während 46 % sie für „angemessen“ oder „zu niedrig“ erachteten. Sounds like 5 euro cent is about right even if you listen to the population rather than the experts. They wanted to stabilise it at 3.5 cents in 2012 but didn't succeed, and it's been increasing since. So right now, it may be a little too high and it's time to scale back a bit - which makes sense. But they aren't paying through their teeth because of too much wind and solar, sorry to burst your bubble. And another reason is because industrial users and companies don't get the impact of the EEG - it's passed on to consumers only in the name of international competition. Much of the Heute Show's beef on the EEG is because of that. And retirement of nuclear, looking at the causes. So, there's that too. It'd be even less if it wasn't for that... And in fact the EEG is increasing because renewable prices in Germany are dropping. Yep, it's actually the wrong way round in that sense. The providers need to take renewable energy at a specific price and the EEG needs to compensate for that. So it's really a legislative problem at that end. If you want to say that they're temporarily paying less than a quarter more because massive solar and wind construction is currently taking place and there's a shift, feel free to say that. But don't oversimplify a truth into a slogan that bears little resemblance to reality. You know the term they use in Germany for the change to renewables? Energiewende. It's a positive term, in the grand sense. The last time the term 'Wende' was used was during reunification. There's an inherent implication that there will be challenges. That people will pay. But also that things will turn out well and that life will be better once you're through that time. It's a unifying kind of term. So, do I disagree with you? Yep. Do I still think it's too high? Yep. But for different reasons. The truth is always more intricate than your slogan here thing there makes it seem like. In fact, there's a very easy way to prove you're full of shit. Let's assume they remove the EEG completely. Because solar energy drops the energy prices like crazy during the day, more than what it's cost in capex. So, electricity is cheaper than it was before any renewables created through the EEG. If you're saying they've got that because of too much solar, then that's the exact opposite. How about them apples? tl;dr: Renewable energies actually make electricity much cheaper in Germany because peak pricing is now dying because of solar in particular. The EEG is now too high because electricity providers still have to pay a certain amount for solar as anchored in the legislation. This provides much capex for more projects, leading to a bit of a loop and spiralling prices, which consumers pay more than industry. Even solar providers want it reduced now... but because there's a grand coalition in Germany atm, politically it's a bit incapable of doing anything these days. So, renewables = good, politics = bad. In fact, here's a company doing photovoltaic installations arguing against the current price structure because especially consumers get screwed over. Not because of the EEG per se, but because of companies excluded from paying it and so on:
Just because you repeat a link doesn't make it more relevant. And, no, they're not paying through their teeth because there's too much wind and solar. They're paying for capital expenditures into these kinds of things. Solar installations increased 20% in 2012. The contribution of the EEG was 3.6 euro cent in 2012 and is now 6.2 in 2014. That's a pretty big jump. But it's still less than a quarter of the total electricity price. But let's ask the Germans themselves, shall we? > Bei einer repräsentativen Umfrage von TNS Infratest im Auftrag der Agentur für Erneuerbare Energien im Oktober 2012 hielten 51 % der Bürger eine EEG-Umlage von 5 ct/kWh für „zu hoch“, während 46 % sie für „angemessen“ oder „zu niedrig“ erachteten. Sounds like 5 euro cent is about right even if you listen to the population rather than the experts. They wanted to stabilise it at 3.5 cents in 2012 but didn't succeed, and it's been increasing since. So right now, it may be a little too high and it's time to scale back a bit - which makes sense. But they aren't paying through their teeth because of too much wind and solar, sorry to burst your bubble. And another reason is because industrial users and companies don't get the impact of the EEG - it's passed on to consumers only in the name of international competition. Much of the Heute Show's beef on the EEG is because of that. And retirement of nuclear, looking at the causes. So, there's that too. It'd be even less if it wasn't for that... And in fact the EEG is increasing because renewable prices in Germany are dropping. Yep, it's actually the wrong way round in that sense. The providers need to take renewable energy at a specific price and the EEG needs to compensate for that. So it's really a legislative problem at that end. If you want to say that they're temporarily paying less than a quarter more because massive solar and wind construction is currently taking place and there's a shift, feel free to say that. But don't oversimplify a truth into a slogan that bears little resemblance to reality. You know the term they use in Germany for the change to renewables? Energiewende. It's a positive term, in the grand sense. The last time the term 'Wende' was used was during reunification. There's an inherent implication that there will be challenges. That people will pay. But also that things will turn out well and that life will be better once you're through that time. It's a unifying kind of term. So, do I disagree with you? Yep. Do I still think it's too high? Yep. But for different reasons. The truth is always more intricate than your slogan here thing there makes it seem like. In fact, there's a very easy way to prove you're full of shit. Let's assume they remove the EEG completely. Because solar energy drops the energy prices like crazy during the day, more than what it's cost in capex. So, electricity is cheaper than it was before any renewables created through the EEG. If you're saying they've got that because of too much solar, then that's the exact opposite. How about them apples?
Renewable energies actually make electricity much cheaper in Germany because peak pricing is now dying because of solar in particular. The EEG is now too high because electricity providers still have to pay a certain amount for solar as anchored in the legislation. This provides much capex for more projects, leading to a bit of a loop and spiralling prices, which consumers pay more than industry. Even solar providers want it reduced now... but because there's a grand coalition in Germany atm, politically it's a bit incapable of doing anything these days. So, renewables = good, politics = bad. In fact, here's a company doing photovoltaic installations arguing against the current price structure because especially consumers get screwed over. Not because of the EEG per se, but because of companies excluded from paying it and so on:
I'll tell you what I've told most people about RoS. If you liked Diablo 3 (and especially since 2.0), then you will like RoS. It is still the same game, the main idea behind the game has not changed. It is still a grindy kill fest, but that is the idea behind Diablo. If you don't like grindy loot fests, you will still get bored of it. If you like it though, it's much better with RoS. Adventure mode is a pseudo endgame. Instead of running the same 2 dungeons over and over, you can do bounties and rifts, but I will assume (since the game has been out for a month now) you know the jist of what those are - basically instead of running the same content you get semi-randomized content instead. The thing is, as has always been with Diablo games, is that you need to set some type of goal. Some type of a carrot on a stick, or you will get burnt out. "I want a strong character" is so vague that you will be one of those people that hit the "soft gear wall" so quickly and then shrug that you can't advance much further. "I want to be a Captain Murica Crusader and chuck shields everywhere" is a much better idea. I guess the tldr is if you already like D3, get RoS. If you get burnt out or bored of D3 after a few days, don't do it.
I'll tell you what I've told most people about RoS. If you liked Diablo 3 (and especially since 2.0), then you will like RoS. It is still the same game, the main idea behind the game has not changed. It is still a grindy kill fest, but that is the idea behind Diablo. If you don't like grindy loot fests, you will still get bored of it. If you like it though, it's much better with RoS. Adventure mode is a pseudo endgame. Instead of running the same 2 dungeons over and over, you can do bounties and rifts, but I will assume (since the game has been out for a month now) you know the jist of what those are - basically instead of running the same content you get semi-randomized content instead. The thing is, as has always been with Diablo games, is that you need to set some type of goal. Some type of a carrot on a stick, or you will get burnt out. "I want a strong character" is so vague that you will be one of those people that hit the "soft gear wall" so quickly and then shrug that you can't advance much further. "I want to be a Captain Murica Crusader and chuck shields everywhere" is a much better idea. I guess the tldr is if you already like D3, get RoS. If you get burnt out or bored of D3 after a few days, don't do it.
I'll tell you what I've told most people about RoS. If you liked Diablo 3 (and especially since 2.0), then you will like RoS. It is still the same game, the main idea behind the game has not changed. It is still a grindy kill fest, but that is the idea behind Diablo. If you don't like grindy loot fests, you will still get bored of it. If you like it though, it's much better with RoS. Adventure mode is a pseudo endgame. Instead of running the same 2 dungeons over and over, you can do bounties and rifts, but I will assume (since the game has been out for a month now) you know the jist of what those are - basically instead of running the same content you get semi-randomized content instead. The thing is, as has always been with Diablo games, is that you need to set some type of goal. Some type of a carrot on a stick, or you will get burnt out. "I want a strong character" is so vague that you will be one of those people that hit the "soft gear wall" so quickly and then shrug that you can't advance much further. "I want to be a Captain Murica Crusader and chuck shields everywhere" is a much better idea. I guess the
is if you already like D3, get RoS. If you get burnt out or bored of D3 after a few days, don't do it.
&gt; Consider this. &gt; **Black** people supposedly feel insulted when they exempt from marriage with **white** people. &gt; But **white** people feel insulted when marriage is made a mockery of, in this way. &gt; You're basically saying you'd rather restrict the majority than the minority? How does that make any sense? Do you not give a damn about the larger community that surrounds you? &gt; If it didn't piss off the majority I'd be fine with it. But it pisses me off, many others, and it was quite obviously undemocratic. This disregard and disrespect for the **native whites** is just appalling. &gt;&gt; Similarly, I do object to the language used with reference to **"pro-black"** or **"anti-white"** like its something we are entitled to some policy-guiding opinion on - this is about equal rights for all, **regardless of race** and I don't think that's something which should be up for debate. &gt; Off topic, but **black** people have the same right as **white** people to **marry a member of the same race**. This is asking for additional rights. Furthermore I don't agree with the government joining in with the media led cultural infiltration of **inter-racial relationships** into this country. &gt; It is a VERY bad sign. Tl;dr Same argument can be used vs. inter-racial marriage. Also "disregard and disrespect for the natives"? Heterosexuality is a native trait now? How does that even work?
> Consider this. > Black people supposedly feel insulted when they exempt from marriage with white people. > But white people feel insulted when marriage is made a mockery of, in this way. > You're basically saying you'd rather restrict the majority than the minority? How does that make any sense? Do you not give a damn about the larger community that surrounds you? > If it didn't piss off the majority I'd be fine with it. But it pisses me off, many others, and it was quite obviously undemocratic. This disregard and disrespect for the native whites is just appalling. >> Similarly, I do object to the language used with reference to "pro-black" or "anti-white" like its something we are entitled to some policy-guiding opinion on - this is about equal rights for all, regardless of race and I don't think that's something which should be up for debate. > Off topic, but black people have the same right as white people to marry a member of the same race . This is asking for additional rights. Furthermore I don't agree with the government joining in with the media led cultural infiltration of inter-racial relationships into this country. > It is a VERY bad sign. Tl;dr Same argument can be used vs. inter-racial marriage. Also "disregard and disrespect for the natives"? Heterosexuality is a native trait now? How does that even work?
Consider this. > Black people supposedly feel insulted when they exempt from marriage with white people. > But white people feel insulted when marriage is made a mockery of, in this way. > You're basically saying you'd rather restrict the majority than the minority? How does that make any sense? Do you not give a damn about the larger community that surrounds you? > If it didn't piss off the majority I'd be fine with it. But it pisses me off, many others, and it was quite obviously undemocratic. This disregard and disrespect for the native whites is just appalling. >> Similarly, I do object to the language used with reference to "pro-black" or "anti-white" like its something we are entitled to some policy-guiding opinion on - this is about equal rights for all, regardless of race and I don't think that's something which should be up for debate. > Off topic, but black people have the same right as white people to marry a member of the same race . This is asking for additional rights. Furthermore I don't agree with the government joining in with the media led cultural infiltration of inter-racial relationships into this country. > It is a VERY bad sign.
Same argument can be used vs. inter-racial marriage. Also "disregard and disrespect for the natives"? Heterosexuality is a native trait now? How does that even work?
Oddly enough, the first time this happened to me was in a port-a-shitter in Mosul, Iraq. Naturally, I freaked the fuck out. I can take bombs, sniper fire, and bloody wounds, but getting off and pinching a loaf were mutually exclusive in my world at the time. Got seen that day by a flight surgeon who said "oh, it's probably just prostatitis, take these pills so I don't have to stick my finger in your ass". It didn't happen again during the deployment, but has happened multiple times in the 8 years since. After speaking with my doctor about it and having it checked out (prostate was fine), she said that sometimes using pressure to assist peristalsis on a larger bowel movement can put pressure on the prostate and cause an ejaculation. Mine feel like an interrupted figuring out your house is on fire just before the money shot. **TL;DR** Can be perfectly normal, might want to get a PSA done by your doc just in case.
Oddly enough, the first time this happened to me was in a port-a-shitter in Mosul, Iraq. Naturally, I freaked the fuck out. I can take bombs, sniper fire, and bloody wounds, but getting off and pinching a loaf were mutually exclusive in my world at the time. Got seen that day by a flight surgeon who said "oh, it's probably just prostatitis, take these pills so I don't have to stick my finger in your ass". It didn't happen again during the deployment, but has happened multiple times in the 8 years since. After speaking with my doctor about it and having it checked out (prostate was fine), she said that sometimes using pressure to assist peristalsis on a larger bowel movement can put pressure on the prostate and cause an ejaculation. Mine feel like an interrupted figuring out your house is on fire just before the money shot. TL;DR Can be perfectly normal, might want to get a PSA done by your doc just in case.
Oddly enough, the first time this happened to me was in a port-a-shitter in Mosul, Iraq. Naturally, I freaked the fuck out. I can take bombs, sniper fire, and bloody wounds, but getting off and pinching a loaf were mutually exclusive in my world at the time. Got seen that day by a flight surgeon who said "oh, it's probably just prostatitis, take these pills so I don't have to stick my finger in your ass". It didn't happen again during the deployment, but has happened multiple times in the 8 years since. After speaking with my doctor about it and having it checked out (prostate was fine), she said that sometimes using pressure to assist peristalsis on a larger bowel movement can put pressure on the prostate and cause an ejaculation. Mine feel like an interrupted figuring out your house is on fire just before the money shot.
Can be perfectly normal, might want to get a PSA done by your doc just in case.
You rage too much about some stuff you have no control of, so what if you died even 100 times from stuff like that. When I press the play button I agree to these kinds of things. And honestly, I can't remember the last time I died because of these bugs, you just aren't playing careful enough. Dying from zombies? Avoid them (yes it is possible, this isn't a casual game, you have to master some things). Ladders killing you? Avoid ladders (who cares what's up there, take a risk or don't). You're here to have fun, not to be the most geared person ever, just chill. You died and you will die over and over again, the less you care the more fun it gets, bugs will be eventually fixed, crying over it won't make it better, there's a buttload of people just like you here, who just want to "release" their anger by telling how stupid the game is, you're here to help develop it, why did you buy it else for ??? TL;DR: Don't cry, if you don't have constructive criticism to give, then don't say anything at all. No one bats an eye for your "this game sux" stories.
You rage too much about some stuff you have no control of, so what if you died even 100 times from stuff like that. When I press the play button I agree to these kinds of things. And honestly, I can't remember the last time I died because of these bugs, you just aren't playing careful enough. Dying from zombies? Avoid them (yes it is possible, this isn't a casual game, you have to master some things). Ladders killing you? Avoid ladders (who cares what's up there, take a risk or don't). You're here to have fun, not to be the most geared person ever, just chill. You died and you will die over and over again, the less you care the more fun it gets, bugs will be eventually fixed, crying over it won't make it better, there's a buttload of people just like you here, who just want to "release" their anger by telling how stupid the game is, you're here to help develop it, why did you buy it else for ??? TL;DR: Don't cry, if you don't have constructive criticism to give, then don't say anything at all. No one bats an eye for your "this game sux" stories.
You rage too much about some stuff you have no control of, so what if you died even 100 times from stuff like that. When I press the play button I agree to these kinds of things. And honestly, I can't remember the last time I died because of these bugs, you just aren't playing careful enough. Dying from zombies? Avoid them (yes it is possible, this isn't a casual game, you have to master some things). Ladders killing you? Avoid ladders (who cares what's up there, take a risk or don't). You're here to have fun, not to be the most geared person ever, just chill. You died and you will die over and over again, the less you care the more fun it gets, bugs will be eventually fixed, crying over it won't make it better, there's a buttload of people just like you here, who just want to "release" their anger by telling how stupid the game is, you're here to help develop it, why did you buy it else for ???
Don't cry, if you don't have constructive criticism to give, then don't say anything at all. No one bats an eye for your "this game sux" stories.
First, it's not just popular websites, it's *all* of them. There is no real telling where you'll get sent to by the ad. And it's not, typically, the website's fault... although it surely can be, but it's usually not them, as if they get a bad rep, they won't get visits, and they'll fail. That'd be dumb right? Right. Now, as to the method why sometimes ads get you to bad places(tm).: The websites typically, but not always, use a third party to send the ads. It's very time consuming, and therefore not efficient for the website from a monetary standpoint, to go hunting for advertisers. So they use a different company and contract with them to get some ad revenue that way, a percentage of each display and click of the ad garners a few pennies here, a few there... tada, money, and the advertiser company gets a share of the revenue too. Now, the way that works is typically, but not always, a flash or other such 'banner' ad. And that works like this. The website owner puts in code into his website that 'calls' the advertiser's servers and says "I need an ad here." The advertiser server then sends back the ad that was picked for that instance, and the website then duitifully displays it. Tada, ad is placed on the site, there's a little 'ding' on the advertiser's end, and later on, all those are added up, a percentage cut, and the website gets some money. Here's the bit where it goes wonky. The advertiser solicits companies to put ads on webpages. And also, from general and specific information (people in New York might like to see ads for, oh, a play in their town. And based on your browsing history, New Yorker, you might like to see Cats, which is running right now!) they'll try to tailor the ad so it doesn't show an ad that's out of jurisdiction or not relevant to your interests. (This is where the cookie thing on browsers can be used against ya, a little.) So with that tailoring, there's a little bit of wiggle room for some nefarious things to happen. But that's not all! Nope, the banner ad is built with tools, and workstations, and servers, and not by default *by the advertiser*. Sometimes, it's "do it this way, and send it, we'll fling it out for you". So there is a nice ad that shows you for Cats, but in reality, there's dual code in it. One will indeed take you to Cats, but another might take you to SHOPHEREFORVIRUS.COM if there's an exploitable version of Flash, as an example. Whether the advertiser or the website or whomever made the banner intentionally did that, or whether their computers were compromised somewhere, the code is there. You clicked it, and off you went on your adventure. As one way that can happen. Another is you were already infected with something that interprets your clicks, and where they are directing you to go, and redirects it to somewhere you didn't want to go. Clicking an ad for a Mini Cooper, for example, might take you to a site that sells a competitor, say, a Ford or Toyota or something. That wasn't the intent of the ad, that was the intent of the malicious redirector code on your computer. And on and on. Point is, there's a whole lot of ways you could be the problem, or that an innocent advertiser/website combo can be duped, but it is highly unlikely that the popular websites are doing it on purpose, because ad revenue would dry up as people avoided the sites. Bad business practice, that. The non-popular ones? Yeah, THOSE will money grab any way possible, including the fast burn, send you anywhere, just give me the cash ad guys ones. --- **TL;DR:** (or any other website) will give you a virus/send you to goresites just as easily as any website, thank you not-very-well-policed ad banners and infected computers. And yes, I've seen it first hand. Damndest thing. Guy just wanted an eagle for his background, went to natgeo, and I watched him get infected by the ad, just to be sure. I cleaned it up, of course. Told him to avoid that for a while. Jerks be out there, people.
First, it's not just popular websites, it's all of them. There is no real telling where you'll get sent to by the ad. And it's not, typically, the website's fault... although it surely can be, but it's usually not them, as if they get a bad rep, they won't get visits, and they'll fail. That'd be dumb right? Right. Now, as to the method why sometimes ads get you to bad places(tm).: The websites typically, but not always, use a third party to send the ads. It's very time consuming, and therefore not efficient for the website from a monetary standpoint, to go hunting for advertisers. So they use a different company and contract with them to get some ad revenue that way, a percentage of each display and click of the ad garners a few pennies here, a few there... tada, money, and the advertiser company gets a share of the revenue too. Now, the way that works is typically, but not always, a flash or other such 'banner' ad. And that works like this. The website owner puts in code into his website that 'calls' the advertiser's servers and says "I need an ad here." The advertiser server then sends back the ad that was picked for that instance, and the website then duitifully displays it. Tada, ad is placed on the site, there's a little 'ding' on the advertiser's end, and later on, all those are added up, a percentage cut, and the website gets some money. Here's the bit where it goes wonky. The advertiser solicits companies to put ads on webpages. And also, from general and specific information (people in New York might like to see ads for, oh, a play in their town. And based on your browsing history, New Yorker, you might like to see Cats, which is running right now!) they'll try to tailor the ad so it doesn't show an ad that's out of jurisdiction or not relevant to your interests. (This is where the cookie thing on browsers can be used against ya, a little.) So with that tailoring, there's a little bit of wiggle room for some nefarious things to happen. But that's not all! Nope, the banner ad is built with tools, and workstations, and servers, and not by default by the advertiser . Sometimes, it's "do it this way, and send it, we'll fling it out for you". So there is a nice ad that shows you for Cats, but in reality, there's dual code in it. One will indeed take you to Cats, but another might take you to SHOPHEREFORVIRUS.COM if there's an exploitable version of Flash, as an example. Whether the advertiser or the website or whomever made the banner intentionally did that, or whether their computers were compromised somewhere, the code is there. You clicked it, and off you went on your adventure. As one way that can happen. Another is you were already infected with something that interprets your clicks, and where they are directing you to go, and redirects it to somewhere you didn't want to go. Clicking an ad for a Mini Cooper, for example, might take you to a site that sells a competitor, say, a Ford or Toyota or something. That wasn't the intent of the ad, that was the intent of the malicious redirector code on your computer. And on and on. Point is, there's a whole lot of ways you could be the problem, or that an innocent advertiser/website combo can be duped, but it is highly unlikely that the popular websites are doing it on purpose, because ad revenue would dry up as people avoided the sites. Bad business practice, that. The non-popular ones? Yeah, THOSE will money grab any way possible, including the fast burn, send you anywhere, just give me the cash ad guys ones. TL;DR: (or any other website) will give you a virus/send you to goresites just as easily as any website, thank you not-very-well-policed ad banners and infected computers. And yes, I've seen it first hand. Damndest thing. Guy just wanted an eagle for his background, went to natgeo, and I watched him get infected by the ad, just to be sure. I cleaned it up, of course. Told him to avoid that for a while. Jerks be out there, people.
First, it's not just popular websites, it's all of them. There is no real telling where you'll get sent to by the ad. And it's not, typically, the website's fault... although it surely can be, but it's usually not them, as if they get a bad rep, they won't get visits, and they'll fail. That'd be dumb right? Right. Now, as to the method why sometimes ads get you to bad places(tm).: The websites typically, but not always, use a third party to send the ads. It's very time consuming, and therefore not efficient for the website from a monetary standpoint, to go hunting for advertisers. So they use a different company and contract with them to get some ad revenue that way, a percentage of each display and click of the ad garners a few pennies here, a few there... tada, money, and the advertiser company gets a share of the revenue too. Now, the way that works is typically, but not always, a flash or other such 'banner' ad. And that works like this. The website owner puts in code into his website that 'calls' the advertiser's servers and says "I need an ad here." The advertiser server then sends back the ad that was picked for that instance, and the website then duitifully displays it. Tada, ad is placed on the site, there's a little 'ding' on the advertiser's end, and later on, all those are added up, a percentage cut, and the website gets some money. Here's the bit where it goes wonky. The advertiser solicits companies to put ads on webpages. And also, from general and specific information (people in New York might like to see ads for, oh, a play in their town. And based on your browsing history, New Yorker, you might like to see Cats, which is running right now!) they'll try to tailor the ad so it doesn't show an ad that's out of jurisdiction or not relevant to your interests. (This is where the cookie thing on browsers can be used against ya, a little.) So with that tailoring, there's a little bit of wiggle room for some nefarious things to happen. But that's not all! Nope, the banner ad is built with tools, and workstations, and servers, and not by default by the advertiser . Sometimes, it's "do it this way, and send it, we'll fling it out for you". So there is a nice ad that shows you for Cats, but in reality, there's dual code in it. One will indeed take you to Cats, but another might take you to SHOPHEREFORVIRUS.COM if there's an exploitable version of Flash, as an example. Whether the advertiser or the website or whomever made the banner intentionally did that, or whether their computers were compromised somewhere, the code is there. You clicked it, and off you went on your adventure. As one way that can happen. Another is you were already infected with something that interprets your clicks, and where they are directing you to go, and redirects it to somewhere you didn't want to go. Clicking an ad for a Mini Cooper, for example, might take you to a site that sells a competitor, say, a Ford or Toyota or something. That wasn't the intent of the ad, that was the intent of the malicious redirector code on your computer. And on and on. Point is, there's a whole lot of ways you could be the problem, or that an innocent advertiser/website combo can be duped, but it is highly unlikely that the popular websites are doing it on purpose, because ad revenue would dry up as people avoided the sites. Bad business practice, that. The non-popular ones? Yeah, THOSE will money grab any way possible, including the fast burn, send you anywhere, just give me the cash ad guys ones. (or any other website) will give you a virus/send you to goresites just as easily as any website, thank you not-very-well-policed ad banners and infected computers. And yes, I've seen it first hand. Damndest thing. Guy just wanted an eagle for his background, went to natgeo, and I watched him get infected by the ad, just to be sure. I cleaned it up, of course. Told him to avoid that for a while. Jerks be out there, people.
I don't think it's ever a bad time to play ranked mode. I find it a little more boring than Arena, but at the beginning of Season 1 last month, I began tracking my Ranked and Arena matches on That has added a lot of fun to it, since it helps me analyze my progress and where I need to improve my game. The good thing about Ranked is that you can play it as many times as you want for free, and I'm of the opinion that it will make you a better Arena player. This is because everyone will be using the best cards they've got in Ranked, so once you get into Arena, you have at least some idea of which cards and combos each class will be on the lookout for. Arena can get pretty difficult when you're just starting out and don't know the killer combos for each class - Ranked helps you learn them. **TL;DR:** Go play Ranked.
I don't think it's ever a bad time to play ranked mode. I find it a little more boring than Arena, but at the beginning of Season 1 last month, I began tracking my Ranked and Arena matches on That has added a lot of fun to it, since it helps me analyze my progress and where I need to improve my game. The good thing about Ranked is that you can play it as many times as you want for free, and I'm of the opinion that it will make you a better Arena player. This is because everyone will be using the best cards they've got in Ranked, so once you get into Arena, you have at least some idea of which cards and combos each class will be on the lookout for. Arena can get pretty difficult when you're just starting out and don't know the killer combos for each class - Ranked helps you learn them. TL;DR: Go play Ranked.
I don't think it's ever a bad time to play ranked mode. I find it a little more boring than Arena, but at the beginning of Season 1 last month, I began tracking my Ranked and Arena matches on That has added a lot of fun to it, since it helps me analyze my progress and where I need to improve my game. The good thing about Ranked is that you can play it as many times as you want for free, and I'm of the opinion that it will make you a better Arena player. This is because everyone will be using the best cards they've got in Ranked, so once you get into Arena, you have at least some idea of which cards and combos each class will be on the lookout for. Arena can get pretty difficult when you're just starting out and don't know the killer combos for each class - Ranked helps you learn them.
Go play Ranked.
Also, time for an explanation on what a SSD really is! It's an HDD that write and read files **A LOT** faster, but also cost a lot more relative to the space they give you. Everything you install on your SSD will therefore be loaded or copied or so extremely fast. Say that you download Skyrim into your SSD. Everytime you exit a building and the computer has to read the new area you are entering, your SSD is so fast that the loading times will be reduced to almost nothing (however they will be a bit more than nothing if you install High Resolution textures that has bigger sizes and needs more time to be read). TL;DR: SSDs will reduce loading times and boot up times greatly. edit: Dinner btw, gtg eat will update the Build so that it fits your budget better as soon as im done. GL!
Also, time for an explanation on what a SSD really is! It's an HDD that write and read files A LOT faster, but also cost a lot more relative to the space they give you. Everything you install on your SSD will therefore be loaded or copied or so extremely fast. Say that you download Skyrim into your SSD. Everytime you exit a building and the computer has to read the new area you are entering, your SSD is so fast that the loading times will be reduced to almost nothing (however they will be a bit more than nothing if you install High Resolution textures that has bigger sizes and needs more time to be read). TL;DR: SSDs will reduce loading times and boot up times greatly. edit: Dinner btw, gtg eat will update the Build so that it fits your budget better as soon as im done. GL!
Also, time for an explanation on what a SSD really is! It's an HDD that write and read files A LOT faster, but also cost a lot more relative to the space they give you. Everything you install on your SSD will therefore be loaded or copied or so extremely fast. Say that you download Skyrim into your SSD. Everytime you exit a building and the computer has to read the new area you are entering, your SSD is so fast that the loading times will be reduced to almost nothing (however they will be a bit more than nothing if you install High Resolution textures that has bigger sizes and needs more time to be read).
SSDs will reduce loading times and boot up times greatly. edit: Dinner btw, gtg eat will update the Build so that it fits your budget better as soon as im done. GL!