It is in every business' best interest to impact the cost of their product as little as possible when a minimum wage increase is looming. In order to do this, however, most companies will have to make concessions somewhere else. The most common, and most debilitating, is limiting the pay increase between entry level (minimum wage) and whatever step comes afterward. Let's say Jack in the Box is a magical company which has exactly 100 employees. And, they have exactly $1000 in the budget for salaries for the year. They break down pay based on job group, all people in each group make exactly the same amount of money and the money is split evenly between the groups; the difference is the amount of people in each group. Group 1: Only Jack. 1 person, $250. Group 2: Jack's top 4 advisers. Each at $62.50. Group 3: Entry level management. 20 people. $12.50. Group 4: Minimum wage. 75 people. $3.33 There are a few things to note about this. First, 20 people managing 75. 1 manager for 4 people, give or take. And that manager is making almost 4 times as much. Not only is the increase in pay between minimum and management significant, but the likelihood of promotion is pretty good because there are so many management positions. Now, however, minimum wage is going up. Jack is a good guy, but he won't take a pay cut, his top advisers won't either and they don't want to charge more for burgers. They also need all the hours out of each minimum wage employee. Lets see what happens when minimum wage goes up to $4. Jack and his advisers stay the same. Minimum wage: 75 employees, 4 bucks each, 300 dollars. There are two options for managers, less of them or less money. Lets not think in terms of them though, what does the wage increase mean for them? Either less opportunity because with only $200 in the budget for managers there are now only 16 of these positions, or less money when they get to that position, 10 bucks for those 20 positions. TLDR: What is better for minimum wage employees, and society as a whole; lower bottom level wages or better fluidity between the classes? The higher minimum wage goes, the less likely a promotion will come and the less impactful the wage increase will be if it does come.
It is in every business' best interest to impact the cost of their product as little as possible when a minimum wage increase is looming. In order to do this, however, most companies will have to make concessions somewhere else. The most common, and most debilitating, is limiting the pay increase between entry level (minimum wage) and whatever step comes afterward. Let's say Jack in the Box is a magical company which has exactly 100 employees. And, they have exactly $1000 in the budget for salaries for the year. They break down pay based on job group, all people in each group make exactly the same amount of money and the money is split evenly between the groups; the difference is the amount of people in each group. Group 1: Only Jack. 1 person, $250. Group 2: Jack's top 4 advisers. Each at $62.50. Group 3: Entry level management. 20 people. $12.50. Group 4: Minimum wage. 75 people. $3.33 There are a few things to note about this. First, 20 people managing 75. 1 manager for 4 people, give or take. And that manager is making almost 4 times as much. Not only is the increase in pay between minimum and management significant, but the likelihood of promotion is pretty good because there are so many management positions. Now, however, minimum wage is going up. Jack is a good guy, but he won't take a pay cut, his top advisers won't either and they don't want to charge more for burgers. They also need all the hours out of each minimum wage employee. Lets see what happens when minimum wage goes up to $4. Jack and his advisers stay the same. Minimum wage: 75 employees, 4 bucks each, 300 dollars. There are two options for managers, less of them or less money. Lets not think in terms of them though, what does the wage increase mean for them? Either less opportunity because with only $200 in the budget for managers there are now only 16 of these positions, or less money when they get to that position, 10 bucks for those 20 positions. TLDR: What is better for minimum wage employees, and society as a whole; lower bottom level wages or better fluidity between the classes? The higher minimum wage goes, the less likely a promotion will come and the less impactful the wage increase will be if it does come.
It is in every business' best interest to impact the cost of their product as little as possible when a minimum wage increase is looming. In order to do this, however, most companies will have to make concessions somewhere else. The most common, and most debilitating, is limiting the pay increase between entry level (minimum wage) and whatever step comes afterward. Let's say Jack in the Box is a magical company which has exactly 100 employees. And, they have exactly $1000 in the budget for salaries for the year. They break down pay based on job group, all people in each group make exactly the same amount of money and the money is split evenly between the groups; the difference is the amount of people in each group. Group 1: Only Jack. 1 person, $250. Group 2: Jack's top 4 advisers. Each at $62.50. Group 3: Entry level management. 20 people. $12.50. Group 4: Minimum wage. 75 people. $3.33 There are a few things to note about this. First, 20 people managing 75. 1 manager for 4 people, give or take. And that manager is making almost 4 times as much. Not only is the increase in pay between minimum and management significant, but the likelihood of promotion is pretty good because there are so many management positions. Now, however, minimum wage is going up. Jack is a good guy, but he won't take a pay cut, his top advisers won't either and they don't want to charge more for burgers. They also need all the hours out of each minimum wage employee. Lets see what happens when minimum wage goes up to $4. Jack and his advisers stay the same. Minimum wage: 75 employees, 4 bucks each, 300 dollars. There are two options for managers, less of them or less money. Lets not think in terms of them though, what does the wage increase mean for them? Either less opportunity because with only $200 in the budget for managers there are now only 16 of these positions, or less money when they get to that position, 10 bucks for those 20 positions.
What is better for minimum wage employees, and society as a whole; lower bottom level wages or better fluidity between the classes? The higher minimum wage goes, the less likely a promotion will come and the less impactful the wage increase will be if it does come.
He likes DMC and Bayonetta, he also really likes the old Castelvania games. He doesn't like this game because he thinks it's not a good action game. That and he wants things to go back to the way they were TL;DR: Doesn't like the new games because they're not like the old games. Nostalgia goggles are strongly on.
He likes DMC and Bayonetta, he also really likes the old Castelvania games. He doesn't like this game because he thinks it's not a good action game. That and he wants things to go back to the way they were TL;DR: Doesn't like the new games because they're not like the old games. Nostalgia goggles are strongly on.
He likes DMC and Bayonetta, he also really likes the old Castelvania games. He doesn't like this game because he thinks it's not a good action game. That and he wants things to go back to the way they were
Doesn't like the new games because they're not like the old games. Nostalgia goggles are strongly on.
It's definitely like that once you flatline for the first time. And I think your description is accurate and proper, **after** the individual has a firm sense of battling the urges. Getting started though, is a hell of a battle, at least it was for me. So I *had* to make it a bigger deal of what I now know realistically, is not. TL;DR NoFap isn't a big deal at all, once you've mastered urges.
It's definitely like that once you flatline for the first time. And I think your description is accurate and proper, after the individual has a firm sense of battling the urges. Getting started though, is a hell of a battle, at least it was for me. So I had to make it a bigger deal of what I now know realistically, is not. TL;DR NoFap isn't a big deal at all, once you've mastered urges.
It's definitely like that once you flatline for the first time. And I think your description is accurate and proper, after the individual has a firm sense of battling the urges. Getting started though, is a hell of a battle, at least it was for me. So I had to make it a bigger deal of what I now know realistically, is not.
NoFap isn't a big deal at all, once you've mastered urges.
OP needs to read more in evolutionary biology. Marriage or "monogamy" is not just a human, cultural mating pattern. The same sort of mating arrangement, in which a male and female partner "exclusively" and raise their young together, is found in many species of birds. Humans and many birds form monogamous relationships for the raising of young by both parents yet also frequently cheat. And of course the birds try to cheat secretly while at the same time their partners will try to prevent them from cheating. "Slut Shaming" as a cultural phenomenon is not necessary to explain the male desire for female loyalty within marriage--it's simply about the man doing his best to ensure his paternity of the children she bears. TLDR: human mating patterns much more biological and less cultural than OP claims
OP needs to read more in evolutionary biology. Marriage or "monogamy" is not just a human, cultural mating pattern. The same sort of mating arrangement, in which a male and female partner "exclusively" and raise their young together, is found in many species of birds. Humans and many birds form monogamous relationships for the raising of young by both parents yet also frequently cheat. And of course the birds try to cheat secretly while at the same time their partners will try to prevent them from cheating. "Slut Shaming" as a cultural phenomenon is not necessary to explain the male desire for female loyalty within marriage--it's simply about the man doing his best to ensure his paternity of the children she bears. TLDR: human mating patterns much more biological and less cultural than OP claims
OP needs to read more in evolutionary biology. Marriage or "monogamy" is not just a human, cultural mating pattern. The same sort of mating arrangement, in which a male and female partner "exclusively" and raise their young together, is found in many species of birds. Humans and many birds form monogamous relationships for the raising of young by both parents yet also frequently cheat. And of course the birds try to cheat secretly while at the same time their partners will try to prevent them from cheating. "Slut Shaming" as a cultural phenomenon is not necessary to explain the male desire for female loyalty within marriage--it's simply about the man doing his best to ensure his paternity of the children she bears.
human mating patterns much more biological and less cultural than OP claims
it's very hard to see how quantum entanglement (or any other qm mechanism) could explain smelling things only once (ie on the way in, but not on the way out) since quantum effects typically survive only until some other system is involved. so once the smelt molecule bumps into anything else (like, air or the body) the previous quantum state (the one you are relying on to persist and so in some way trigger not-smelling on the way out) is lost. also, identical molecules vibrate the same. that's what *identical* means. unless the environment changes, of course, in which case you are smelling different things because you are using a different thing (environment) to smell. tl;dr qm isn't magic. you can't stop thinking just "because quantum".
it's very hard to see how quantum entanglement (or any other qm mechanism) could explain smelling things only once (ie on the way in, but not on the way out) since quantum effects typically survive only until some other system is involved. so once the smelt molecule bumps into anything else (like, air or the body) the previous quantum state (the one you are relying on to persist and so in some way trigger not-smelling on the way out) is lost. also, identical molecules vibrate the same. that's what identical means. unless the environment changes, of course, in which case you are smelling different things because you are using a different thing (environment) to smell. tl;dr qm isn't magic. you can't stop thinking just "because quantum".
it's very hard to see how quantum entanglement (or any other qm mechanism) could explain smelling things only once (ie on the way in, but not on the way out) since quantum effects typically survive only until some other system is involved. so once the smelt molecule bumps into anything else (like, air or the body) the previous quantum state (the one you are relying on to persist and so in some way trigger not-smelling on the way out) is lost. also, identical molecules vibrate the same. that's what identical means. unless the environment changes, of course, in which case you are smelling different things because you are using a different thing (environment) to smell.
qm isn't magic. you can't stop thinking just "because quantum".
> What's your plan if someone breaks in? Gonna call the cops and pray that the bad guy doesn't mean you harm? If you're pretty sure someone is coming to kill you, that should tell you something is wrong. Maybe you should work on making fewer enemies, or (more likely) reevalute whether those people actually want to kill you at all. Your average burglar cases a house and waits for the people to leave. This isn't Somalia. TL;DR you probably watch too many films.
> What's your plan if someone breaks in? Gonna call the cops and pray that the bad guy doesn't mean you harm? If you're pretty sure someone is coming to kill you, that should tell you something is wrong. Maybe you should work on making fewer enemies, or (more likely) reevalute whether those people actually want to kill you at all. Your average burglar cases a house and waits for the people to leave. This isn't Somalia. TL;DR you probably watch too many films.
What's your plan if someone breaks in? Gonna call the cops and pray that the bad guy doesn't mean you harm? If you're pretty sure someone is coming to kill you, that should tell you something is wrong. Maybe you should work on making fewer enemies, or (more likely) reevalute whether those people actually want to kill you at all. Your average burglar cases a house and waits for the people to leave. This isn't Somalia.
you probably watch too many films.
With 40+ tours on my back, I can say that MOST of the people that play MvM are dicks that just want the loot to make profit, because of this, they want a good (meta) team that helps them in getting it quicker so they "don't waste their time" (someone said this in a game and got kicked in the 6/6 wave, we felt good after that). A lot of those people don't even try to help the new players and just go like "OMG U SO BAD/WHY YOU GO X CLASS KICK PLZ N00BZ". But there is a few people that help others like "You should try upgrading X and Y and maybe some of Z, so that way you will be doing good things" or "Go whaterver you are good at, that is better than a meta-class that you can't use". I remember one time one of the H1GH T0UR 1337 PL4Y3R5 joined last in a game as started almost yelling "Why do we have a spy and a sniper and no medic!?!?", someone respended "Because we can", "We will lose" he said. Fastforward to the last wave (I think that it was rottemburg, hamlet) A+, no waves lost, we told him "We told ya" and he didn't say anything, when we finished he was the first to leave. When I join with those kind of people I normaly leave or I ask to be kicked. But the MvM Meta is there for something and some people don't like ANYTHING else but the Meta. I "like" the Meta too but if I see a not-Meta class I normaly ask "are you good at that class?" and keep going with the game. There are also the new players that don't listen the tips of the older players, but they are something else (I don't like to deal with a pyrovision-gibus sniper or pyro or anything else that don't listen at all). The thing is that don't listen to the bad part of the MvM players that don't like anything but the thing that they like and try to make you do the same thing. Also, try to play with friends, that's way better :). TL:DR There are bad players that don't give a crap about anything but winning and there are good players that try to help and have fun. Try to do things out of the meta and avoid stupid people reading "The MvM Meta book" and don't like to lose at all.
With 40+ tours on my back, I can say that MOST of the people that play MvM are dicks that just want the loot to make profit, because of this, they want a good (meta) team that helps them in getting it quicker so they "don't waste their time" (someone said this in a game and got kicked in the 6/6 wave, we felt good after that). A lot of those people don't even try to help the new players and just go like "OMG U SO BAD/WHY YOU GO X CLASS KICK PLZ N00BZ". But there is a few people that help others like "You should try upgrading X and Y and maybe some of Z, so that way you will be doing good things" or "Go whaterver you are good at, that is better than a meta-class that you can't use". I remember one time one of the H1GH T0UR 1337 PL4Y3R5 joined last in a game as started almost yelling "Why do we have a spy and a sniper and no medic!?!?", someone respended "Because we can", "We will lose" he said. Fastforward to the last wave (I think that it was rottemburg, hamlet) A+, no waves lost, we told him "We told ya" and he didn't say anything, when we finished he was the first to leave. When I join with those kind of people I normaly leave or I ask to be kicked. But the MvM Meta is there for something and some people don't like ANYTHING else but the Meta. I "like" the Meta too but if I see a not-Meta class I normaly ask "are you good at that class?" and keep going with the game. There are also the new players that don't listen the tips of the older players, but they are something else (I don't like to deal with a pyrovision-gibus sniper or pyro or anything else that don't listen at all). The thing is that don't listen to the bad part of the MvM players that don't like anything but the thing that they like and try to make you do the same thing. Also, try to play with friends, that's way better :). TL:DR There are bad players that don't give a crap about anything but winning and there are good players that try to help and have fun. Try to do things out of the meta and avoid stupid people reading "The MvM Meta book" and don't like to lose at all.
With 40+ tours on my back, I can say that MOST of the people that play MvM are dicks that just want the loot to make profit, because of this, they want a good (meta) team that helps them in getting it quicker so they "don't waste their time" (someone said this in a game and got kicked in the 6/6 wave, we felt good after that). A lot of those people don't even try to help the new players and just go like "OMG U SO BAD/WHY YOU GO X CLASS KICK PLZ N00BZ". But there is a few people that help others like "You should try upgrading X and Y and maybe some of Z, so that way you will be doing good things" or "Go whaterver you are good at, that is better than a meta-class that you can't use". I remember one time one of the H1GH T0UR 1337 PL4Y3R5 joined last in a game as started almost yelling "Why do we have a spy and a sniper and no medic!?!?", someone respended "Because we can", "We will lose" he said. Fastforward to the last wave (I think that it was rottemburg, hamlet) A+, no waves lost, we told him "We told ya" and he didn't say anything, when we finished he was the first to leave. When I join with those kind of people I normaly leave or I ask to be kicked. But the MvM Meta is there for something and some people don't like ANYTHING else but the Meta. I "like" the Meta too but if I see a not-Meta class I normaly ask "are you good at that class?" and keep going with the game. There are also the new players that don't listen the tips of the older players, but they are something else (I don't like to deal with a pyrovision-gibus sniper or pyro or anything else that don't listen at all). The thing is that don't listen to the bad part of the MvM players that don't like anything but the thing that they like and try to make you do the same thing. Also, try to play with friends, that's way better :).
There are bad players that don't give a crap about anything but winning and there are good players that try to help and have fun. Try to do things out of the meta and avoid stupid people reading "The MvM Meta book" and don't like to lose at all.
I tried to show my girlfriend my dad's nazi gold bar, but then he kicked my ass and tried to fuck my girlfriend's father. It ended pretty bad. tl;dr don't deal with nazi stuff.
I tried to show my girlfriend my dad's nazi gold bar, but then he kicked my ass and tried to fuck my girlfriend's father. It ended pretty bad. tl;dr don't deal with nazi stuff.
I tried to show my girlfriend my dad's nazi gold bar, but then he kicked my ass and tried to fuck my girlfriend's father. It ended pretty bad.
don't deal with nazi stuff.
One, the actual quote is "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb", so it actually means the opposite of how people use it. Two, having kids and not having kids are two sides of a selfish coin. You don't have kids for anyone else than yourself (I hope), you do it because you *want* kids. Completely selfish. Not having kids is (hopefully) because you *don't want* kids. Or, alternatively that you do *want* a childfree life. Wanting and not wanting are selfish reasons, and valid ones. Three, take things as they come. I've been told for years (like many here) that I'll change my mind as I get older, that I'll change my mind when I meet the right man and so on. I haven't, at 30, but what if I had? Then I'd go back to point 2, and want children for my own selfish reasons and have children for my own selfish reasons (fostering/adopting/biologically). Tl;dr: your reasons are your own and they're valid because they're yours.
One, the actual quote is "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb", so it actually means the opposite of how people use it. Two, having kids and not having kids are two sides of a selfish coin. You don't have kids for anyone else than yourself (I hope), you do it because you want kids. Completely selfish. Not having kids is (hopefully) because you don't want kids. Or, alternatively that you do want a childfree life. Wanting and not wanting are selfish reasons, and valid ones. Three, take things as they come. I've been told for years (like many here) that I'll change my mind as I get older, that I'll change my mind when I meet the right man and so on. I haven't, at 30, but what if I had? Then I'd go back to point 2, and want children for my own selfish reasons and have children for my own selfish reasons (fostering/adopting/biologically). Tl;dr: your reasons are your own and they're valid because they're yours.
One, the actual quote is "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb", so it actually means the opposite of how people use it. Two, having kids and not having kids are two sides of a selfish coin. You don't have kids for anyone else than yourself (I hope), you do it because you want kids. Completely selfish. Not having kids is (hopefully) because you don't want kids. Or, alternatively that you do want a childfree life. Wanting and not wanting are selfish reasons, and valid ones. Three, take things as they come. I've been told for years (like many here) that I'll change my mind as I get older, that I'll change my mind when I meet the right man and so on. I haven't, at 30, but what if I had? Then I'd go back to point 2, and want children for my own selfish reasons and have children for my own selfish reasons (fostering/adopting/biologically).
your reasons are your own and they're valid because they're yours.
There's a story my mom likes to tell. I was about six years old, and she took my friend and me to see a stage production of Peter Pan. During the scene when Pan takes off and flies for the first time, my friend was so excited he jumped out of his seat and gasped. I turned to him and said, totally deadpan, "It's only a *wire*." TL;DR I am this girl's literal Kryptonite.
There's a story my mom likes to tell. I was about six years old, and she took my friend and me to see a stage production of Peter Pan. During the scene when Pan takes off and flies for the first time, my friend was so excited he jumped out of his seat and gasped. I turned to him and said, totally deadpan, "It's only a wire ." TL;DR I am this girl's literal Kryptonite.
There's a story my mom likes to tell. I was about six years old, and she took my friend and me to see a stage production of Peter Pan. During the scene when Pan takes off and flies for the first time, my friend was so excited he jumped out of his seat and gasped. I turned to him and said, totally deadpan, "It's only a wire ."
I am this girl's literal Kryptonite.
An important difference between images and other files is that traditionally, an image is a literal chunk of data ripped off the hard drive while files are independant of a file system. A .iso file is a good example of an image file which contains a filesystem in itself, which is written (burned) to a CD or DVD. With it you can create unlimited copies of a disc which will be exactly the same, bit-by-bit. This is good for recovery images, of which you can be sure that they will behave the same on every device. On the other hand, regular files can be easily copied between filesystems and although the end product will be the same to your operating system, the actual data on disk can vary greatly. If your hard disk is very full and it's a big file, it might be cut into chunks and spread out, this is called fragmentation. The ordering of the bytes also changes by filesystem type. Windows, Mac OS and Android all use different ones. This is more of an etymological difference though, as both here and on XDAdevs flashable .zips are often referred to as images, while really recovery/boot .img files are the only 'real' images you'll ever deal with when on android. tl;dr images are called images because if you were to represent the contents of a storage device as a black and white picture with one pixel per bit, an image flashed to that device would look exactly the same every time while a simply copied file may not.
An important difference between images and other files is that traditionally, an image is a literal chunk of data ripped off the hard drive while files are independant of a file system. A .iso file is a good example of an image file which contains a filesystem in itself, which is written (burned) to a CD or DVD. With it you can create unlimited copies of a disc which will be exactly the same, bit-by-bit. This is good for recovery images, of which you can be sure that they will behave the same on every device. On the other hand, regular files can be easily copied between filesystems and although the end product will be the same to your operating system, the actual data on disk can vary greatly. If your hard disk is very full and it's a big file, it might be cut into chunks and spread out, this is called fragmentation. The ordering of the bytes also changes by filesystem type. Windows, Mac OS and Android all use different ones. This is more of an etymological difference though, as both here and on XDAdevs flashable .zips are often referred to as images, while really recovery/boot .img files are the only 'real' images you'll ever deal with when on android. tl;dr images are called images because if you were to represent the contents of a storage device as a black and white picture with one pixel per bit, an image flashed to that device would look exactly the same every time while a simply copied file may not.
An important difference between images and other files is that traditionally, an image is a literal chunk of data ripped off the hard drive while files are independant of a file system. A .iso file is a good example of an image file which contains a filesystem in itself, which is written (burned) to a CD or DVD. With it you can create unlimited copies of a disc which will be exactly the same, bit-by-bit. This is good for recovery images, of which you can be sure that they will behave the same on every device. On the other hand, regular files can be easily copied between filesystems and although the end product will be the same to your operating system, the actual data on disk can vary greatly. If your hard disk is very full and it's a big file, it might be cut into chunks and spread out, this is called fragmentation. The ordering of the bytes also changes by filesystem type. Windows, Mac OS and Android all use different ones. This is more of an etymological difference though, as both here and on XDAdevs flashable .zips are often referred to as images, while really recovery/boot .img files are the only 'real' images you'll ever deal with when on android.
images are called images because if you were to represent the contents of a storage device as a black and white picture with one pixel per bit, an image flashed to that device would look exactly the same every time while a simply copied file may not.
Lol I love it when scrubs bitch and moan in chat when they get killed. Bullshit claims like 'xxxxx is hacking' or 'xxxxxx is racist' is a plus, and watching people rage quit on oxide is the best. Get his tag and make his life hell on that server. I shot a dude once for his leather pants. Upon examining his gear, I found 2 kevlar vests, a shotgun, and an m4. He bitched in chat that I was hacking and that he was naked. Erroneous on both counts. I found him later, but didn't kill him. I found out he was a pretty well established solo player (2 story base in a good location, and resources to boot), and a habitual hoarder. After a few days I figured out his playing schedule. I blew up his doors when he was logged out of the server, but didn't touch his body or sleeping bag. I then put my own door on his base and removed the lock. Every time he logged off, I'd stroll into his base and take whatever I pleased, which 9 times out of 10 was a good score (dude was great at farming rad towns). I even actively attempted to stop a raid on his base once. Since then, the server has been wiped, and I don't play on it anymore, but it was great while it lasted. TL;DR - If people are going to be stupid children, remind them that it Rust is, and has been since it's first installment, an open, ruthless pvp game. I'm pretty sure it was never advertised to be club penguin.
Lol I love it when scrubs bitch and moan in chat when they get killed. Bullshit claims like 'xxxxx is hacking' or 'xxxxxx is racist' is a plus, and watching people rage quit on oxide is the best. Get his tag and make his life hell on that server. I shot a dude once for his leather pants. Upon examining his gear, I found 2 kevlar vests, a shotgun, and an m4. He bitched in chat that I was hacking and that he was naked. Erroneous on both counts. I found him later, but didn't kill him. I found out he was a pretty well established solo player (2 story base in a good location, and resources to boot), and a habitual hoarder. After a few days I figured out his playing schedule. I blew up his doors when he was logged out of the server, but didn't touch his body or sleeping bag. I then put my own door on his base and removed the lock. Every time he logged off, I'd stroll into his base and take whatever I pleased, which 9 times out of 10 was a good score (dude was great at farming rad towns). I even actively attempted to stop a raid on his base once. Since then, the server has been wiped, and I don't play on it anymore, but it was great while it lasted. TL;DR - If people are going to be stupid children, remind them that it Rust is, and has been since it's first installment, an open, ruthless pvp game. I'm pretty sure it was never advertised to be club penguin.
Lol I love it when scrubs bitch and moan in chat when they get killed. Bullshit claims like 'xxxxx is hacking' or 'xxxxxx is racist' is a plus, and watching people rage quit on oxide is the best. Get his tag and make his life hell on that server. I shot a dude once for his leather pants. Upon examining his gear, I found 2 kevlar vests, a shotgun, and an m4. He bitched in chat that I was hacking and that he was naked. Erroneous on both counts. I found him later, but didn't kill him. I found out he was a pretty well established solo player (2 story base in a good location, and resources to boot), and a habitual hoarder. After a few days I figured out his playing schedule. I blew up his doors when he was logged out of the server, but didn't touch his body or sleeping bag. I then put my own door on his base and removed the lock. Every time he logged off, I'd stroll into his base and take whatever I pleased, which 9 times out of 10 was a good score (dude was great at farming rad towns). I even actively attempted to stop a raid on his base once. Since then, the server has been wiped, and I don't play on it anymore, but it was great while it lasted.
If people are going to be stupid children, remind them that it Rust is, and has been since it's first installment, an open, ruthless pvp game. I'm pretty sure it was never advertised to be club penguin.
Yes, you make a level 1 character, have it reviewed, and then hang out in the inn. Eventually, an adventure of a suitable level for you will come along. As for whether it's a campaign or a series of pick-up groups, it's kind of both, and a bit tricky to explain. The world is persistent, which means that NPCs, locations, and events that show up in one adventure carry over to all subsequent adventures, no matter who the PCs and GM are. And quite often these inspire other adventures later on. Case in point: one of the earliest adventures involved hunting giant frogs in a swamp, and the party discovered a corpse wearing a gold ring with the insignia of a noble house. The party returned the ring to the noble, who explained that the dead person was his brother, who'd run off with much of his House's wealth. That inspired one of the players to run an adventure for a different group of PCs which focused on reclaiming some of the noble's wealth. And *that* adventure inspired some of its players to put him in subsequent adventures: at a fashionable party, at a prestigious event held by an order of paladins. Apparently, Lord Gabbiano's fortunes are on the upswing. That didn't really answer your question of whether it's a campaign or a pick-up group, so let me not answer it some more. Some GMs have overarching plans that might run across several adventures, but most don't. And while it's technically a pick-up group, you often end up running with the same PCs who are around your level. Every adventure that my barbarian has run, this one particular wizard has been on as well, both of us having gone from level 1 to level 12 over the course of that time. To be fair, that's the exception, but you do run into the same PCs again. And you will definitely run with the same players, as you can eventually have two active characters, or three if you earn some GM credits. TLDR: It's probably more like a bunch of pick-up groups, but it's a constantly evolving world which gives it a bit of a campaign-y feel. To me, anyway.
Yes, you make a level 1 character, have it reviewed, and then hang out in the inn. Eventually, an adventure of a suitable level for you will come along. As for whether it's a campaign or a series of pick-up groups, it's kind of both, and a bit tricky to explain. The world is persistent, which means that NPCs, locations, and events that show up in one adventure carry over to all subsequent adventures, no matter who the PCs and GM are. And quite often these inspire other adventures later on. Case in point: one of the earliest adventures involved hunting giant frogs in a swamp, and the party discovered a corpse wearing a gold ring with the insignia of a noble house. The party returned the ring to the noble, who explained that the dead person was his brother, who'd run off with much of his House's wealth. That inspired one of the players to run an adventure for a different group of PCs which focused on reclaiming some of the noble's wealth. And that adventure inspired some of its players to put him in subsequent adventures: at a fashionable party, at a prestigious event held by an order of paladins. Apparently, Lord Gabbiano's fortunes are on the upswing. That didn't really answer your question of whether it's a campaign or a pick-up group, so let me not answer it some more. Some GMs have overarching plans that might run across several adventures, but most don't. And while it's technically a pick-up group, you often end up running with the same PCs who are around your level. Every adventure that my barbarian has run, this one particular wizard has been on as well, both of us having gone from level 1 to level 12 over the course of that time. To be fair, that's the exception, but you do run into the same PCs again. And you will definitely run with the same players, as you can eventually have two active characters, or three if you earn some GM credits. TLDR: It's probably more like a bunch of pick-up groups, but it's a constantly evolving world which gives it a bit of a campaign-y feel. To me, anyway.
Yes, you make a level 1 character, have it reviewed, and then hang out in the inn. Eventually, an adventure of a suitable level for you will come along. As for whether it's a campaign or a series of pick-up groups, it's kind of both, and a bit tricky to explain. The world is persistent, which means that NPCs, locations, and events that show up in one adventure carry over to all subsequent adventures, no matter who the PCs and GM are. And quite often these inspire other adventures later on. Case in point: one of the earliest adventures involved hunting giant frogs in a swamp, and the party discovered a corpse wearing a gold ring with the insignia of a noble house. The party returned the ring to the noble, who explained that the dead person was his brother, who'd run off with much of his House's wealth. That inspired one of the players to run an adventure for a different group of PCs which focused on reclaiming some of the noble's wealth. And that adventure inspired some of its players to put him in subsequent adventures: at a fashionable party, at a prestigious event held by an order of paladins. Apparently, Lord Gabbiano's fortunes are on the upswing. That didn't really answer your question of whether it's a campaign or a pick-up group, so let me not answer it some more. Some GMs have overarching plans that might run across several adventures, but most don't. And while it's technically a pick-up group, you often end up running with the same PCs who are around your level. Every adventure that my barbarian has run, this one particular wizard has been on as well, both of us having gone from level 1 to level 12 over the course of that time. To be fair, that's the exception, but you do run into the same PCs again. And you will definitely run with the same players, as you can eventually have two active characters, or three if you earn some GM credits.
It's probably more like a bunch of pick-up groups, but it's a constantly evolving world which gives it a bit of a campaign-y feel. To me, anyway.
All of the answers here so far are wrong. What people here are not recognizing is the existence of [Mira variables]( of which the star [Mira]( (Omicron Ceti) is the prototypical example. Mira variables are a class of stars that are in the "asymptotic giant branch", near the end of their lives. These stars pulsate on roughly 1-year timescales, throwing out huge clouds of titanium oxide dust each time they pulsate. That surrounding dust layer will absorb the red light being emitted from deeper in the star, warm up, and then release infrared light. The heat will eventually dissipate the cloud, clearing the dust so that the star emits much more in visible wavelengths once the cycle repeats. Note that the total amount of energy emitted by these stars is always about the same - it's just that sometimes that energy includes a lot of visible light, and sometimes it doesn't. The star Mira itself can go from magnitude 2 when clear (easily visible from inside a decent-sized city) down to magnitude 10 when dusty (requiring a good backyard telescope, totally invisible to the naked-eye). Yes, there is still a bit of visible light being emitted even when dusty, but it's about 1600 times less than when clear. **TL;DR**: Yes. The star Mira and other Mira variables are not seen in visible wavelengths about once a year. This is because their dust shells becoming thick, absorbing red light and pumping out the energy in infrared. EDIT: Checked my variable stars book, and corrected a couple points.
All of the answers here so far are wrong. What people here are not recognizing is the existence of Mira variables is the prototypical example. Mira variables are a class of stars that are in the "asymptotic giant branch", near the end of their lives. These stars pulsate on roughly 1-year timescales, throwing out huge clouds of titanium oxide dust each time they pulsate. That surrounding dust layer will absorb the red light being emitted from deeper in the star, warm up, and then release infrared light. The heat will eventually dissipate the cloud, clearing the dust so that the star emits much more in visible wavelengths once the cycle repeats. Note that the total amount of energy emitted by these stars is always about the same - it's just that sometimes that energy includes a lot of visible light, and sometimes it doesn't. The star Mira itself can go from magnitude 2 when clear (easily visible from inside a decent-sized city) down to magnitude 10 when dusty (requiring a good backyard telescope, totally invisible to the naked-eye). Yes, there is still a bit of visible light being emitted even when dusty, but it's about 1600 times less than when clear. TL;DR : Yes. The star Mira and other Mira variables are not seen in visible wavelengths about once a year. This is because their dust shells becoming thick, absorbing red light and pumping out the energy in infrared. EDIT: Checked my variable stars book, and corrected a couple points.
All of the answers here so far are wrong. What people here are not recognizing is the existence of Mira variables is the prototypical example. Mira variables are a class of stars that are in the "asymptotic giant branch", near the end of their lives. These stars pulsate on roughly 1-year timescales, throwing out huge clouds of titanium oxide dust each time they pulsate. That surrounding dust layer will absorb the red light being emitted from deeper in the star, warm up, and then release infrared light. The heat will eventually dissipate the cloud, clearing the dust so that the star emits much more in visible wavelengths once the cycle repeats. Note that the total amount of energy emitted by these stars is always about the same - it's just that sometimes that energy includes a lot of visible light, and sometimes it doesn't. The star Mira itself can go from magnitude 2 when clear (easily visible from inside a decent-sized city) down to magnitude 10 when dusty (requiring a good backyard telescope, totally invisible to the naked-eye). Yes, there is still a bit of visible light being emitted even when dusty, but it's about 1600 times less than when clear.
Yes. The star Mira and other Mira variables are not seen in visible wavelengths about once a year. This is because their dust shells becoming thick, absorbing red light and pumping out the energy in infrared. EDIT: Checked my variable stars book, and corrected a couple points.
I would pay heed to [u/AFuckloadOfLEGO]( Former pharmacy benefits member services here- I had access to alot of the per unit cost of meds so I could calculate how much a med actually costed.... Not that Lego needs my help :) But I think his answer is best - especially when it comes to basic manufacturing. Her batches could be ineffective at best or harmful at worst, with all of the possibilities of of different effects to her symptoms to where it could make a bad thing worse - it would be best to buy something from a reputable manufacturer that is premade that has to conform to standards of good ingredients, chemical purity etc. plus oversight from gov agencies and industry standards. It's way cheaper and *safer* to just buy tabs from the dollar store. I don't know the current per tab cost of apap/asa/caf aka Excedrin but they are pretty cheap as I recall especially the generic version. I think Walmart has those for like $4 a bottle for #200. Meds have a basic manufacturing cost that are more easily absorbed by the pharmaceutical industry and expertise that even making by hand can't do- and the per unit cost of this med- is barely pennies on the dollar. **TLDR**: Save time, money, and your health by buying the stuff off the shelf at the dollar store or Sam's club or Costco, etc. They buy them cheap and sell them cheap. Have you considered computer glasses?
I would pay heed to [u/AFuckloadOfLEGO]( Former pharmacy benefits member services here- I had access to alot of the per unit cost of meds so I could calculate how much a med actually costed.... Not that Lego needs my help :) But I think his answer is best - especially when it comes to basic manufacturing. Her batches could be ineffective at best or harmful at worst, with all of the possibilities of of different effects to her symptoms to where it could make a bad thing worse - it would be best to buy something from a reputable manufacturer that is premade that has to conform to standards of good ingredients, chemical purity etc. plus oversight from gov agencies and industry standards. It's way cheaper and safer to just buy tabs from the dollar store. I don't know the current per tab cost of apap/asa/caf aka Excedrin but they are pretty cheap as I recall especially the generic version. I think Walmart has those for like $4 a bottle for #200. Meds have a basic manufacturing cost that are more easily absorbed by the pharmaceutical industry and expertise that even making by hand can't do- and the per unit cost of this med- is barely pennies on the dollar. TLDR : Save time, money, and your health by buying the stuff off the shelf at the dollar store or Sam's club or Costco, etc. They buy them cheap and sell them cheap. Have you considered computer glasses?
I would pay heed to [u/AFuckloadOfLEGO]( Former pharmacy benefits member services here- I had access to alot of the per unit cost of meds so I could calculate how much a med actually costed.... Not that Lego needs my help :) But I think his answer is best - especially when it comes to basic manufacturing. Her batches could be ineffective at best or harmful at worst, with all of the possibilities of of different effects to her symptoms to where it could make a bad thing worse - it would be best to buy something from a reputable manufacturer that is premade that has to conform to standards of good ingredients, chemical purity etc. plus oversight from gov agencies and industry standards. It's way cheaper and safer to just buy tabs from the dollar store. I don't know the current per tab cost of apap/asa/caf aka Excedrin but they are pretty cheap as I recall especially the generic version. I think Walmart has those for like $4 a bottle for #200. Meds have a basic manufacturing cost that are more easily absorbed by the pharmaceutical industry and expertise that even making by hand can't do- and the per unit cost of this med- is barely pennies on the dollar.
Save time, money, and your health by buying the stuff off the shelf at the dollar store or Sam's club or Costco, etc. They buy them cheap and sell them cheap. Have you considered computer glasses?
Well thank you for pushing on through all of that. I can only imagine how scary that must be. On a slightly more positive note, I just wanted to take a second to thank you for everything you have done/continue to do for this community. I remember when I first saw that [youtube video]( of you discussing cyrptocurrencies with a few people over lunch and thinking to myself "wow, that guy knows what he's talking about, I should pay attention to what he says". This was back when I was just getting into Bitcoin, and helped convince me of the awesome power of decentralized consensus. Your [talk at Coinscrum]( was downright electric, and your confidence and enthusiasm is infectious. I think my favorite talk of yours though was how [Bitcoin threatens financial regulatory]( capture and will save capitalism, because in 7 minutes you were able to convey such a powerful message. Your speaking style is like an ongoing application of Occam's razor in the realm of spoken word. I'm guessing people probably give you a hard time for how blunt and straightforward you can be, but I find it incredibly refreshing in a world with a seemingly never ending supply of bullshit (working every day surrounded by corporate-speak as a management consultant has made me especially appreciative of this). I feel like you'd be a really cool guy to vaporize some cannabis with and just shoot the shit. +/u/bitcointip 2 internets **TL;DR** I'm a fan, thanks for everything you continue to do **EDIT**: added links to the videos I referenced
Well thank you for pushing on through all of that. I can only imagine how scary that must be. On a slightly more positive note, I just wanted to take a second to thank you for everything you have done/continue to do for this community. I remember when I first saw that [youtube video]( of you discussing cyrptocurrencies with a few people over lunch and thinking to myself "wow, that guy knows what he's talking about, I should pay attention to what he says". This was back when I was just getting into Bitcoin, and helped convince me of the awesome power of decentralized consensus. Your [talk at Coinscrum]( was downright electric, and your confidence and enthusiasm is infectious. I think my favorite talk of yours though was how [Bitcoin threatens financial regulatory]( capture and will save capitalism, because in 7 minutes you were able to convey such a powerful message. Your speaking style is like an ongoing application of Occam's razor in the realm of spoken word. I'm guessing people probably give you a hard time for how blunt and straightforward you can be, but I find it incredibly refreshing in a world with a seemingly never ending supply of bullshit (working every day surrounded by corporate-speak as a management consultant has made me especially appreciative of this). I feel like you'd be a really cool guy to vaporize some cannabis with and just shoot the shit. +/u/bitcointip 2 internets TL;DR I'm a fan, thanks for everything you continue to do EDIT : added links to the videos I referenced
Well thank you for pushing on through all of that. I can only imagine how scary that must be. On a slightly more positive note, I just wanted to take a second to thank you for everything you have done/continue to do for this community. I remember when I first saw that [youtube video]( of you discussing cyrptocurrencies with a few people over lunch and thinking to myself "wow, that guy knows what he's talking about, I should pay attention to what he says". This was back when I was just getting into Bitcoin, and helped convince me of the awesome power of decentralized consensus. Your [talk at Coinscrum]( was downright electric, and your confidence and enthusiasm is infectious. I think my favorite talk of yours though was how [Bitcoin threatens financial regulatory]( capture and will save capitalism, because in 7 minutes you were able to convey such a powerful message. Your speaking style is like an ongoing application of Occam's razor in the realm of spoken word. I'm guessing people probably give you a hard time for how blunt and straightforward you can be, but I find it incredibly refreshing in a world with a seemingly never ending supply of bullshit (working every day surrounded by corporate-speak as a management consultant has made me especially appreciative of this). I feel like you'd be a really cool guy to vaporize some cannabis with and just shoot the shit. +/u/bitcointip 2 internets
I'm a fan, thanks for everything you continue to do EDIT : added links to the videos I referenced
I like reading but can't get through this. Maybe that's another reason Madigan stays in power, sigh. Who's got a TL;DR? :P
I like reading but can't get through this. Maybe that's another reason Madigan stays in power, sigh. Who's got a TL;DR? :P
I like reading but can't get through this. Maybe that's another reason Madigan stays in power, sigh. Who's got a
A few points: * Calling the German program an "atomic weapon project" already assumes too much. It was at best an "atomic energy project." They were more focused on reactors than weapons. They knew weapons might be possible, and they thought about some of the ways that might work, but they never even really figured out how much fissile material they'd need, much less actually tried to design a bomb, produce the material, build a bomb. * I don't think the anti-Semitic aspects of the Nazi Party had a big effect on why it pursued its particular technological choices prior to and during the war. I would note that better planes, tanks, and guns are good choices. Rockets turned out to be indecisive weapons. The Allies ended up making better investment choices as well (e.g. radar, cryptography). This is separate from the bomb question. I don't think not trying to build a bomb was actually a bad decision. The decision that a bomb should be made was actually a very, very risky one. * The Manhattan Project actually employed around 600,000 people total. Which was about 1% of the US civilian labor force at the time. * Germany did in fact have, and use, quite a lot of raw resources — it's just that they spent them on other projects. The V-1 and V-2 projects cost a third more in hard cash the atomic bomb. Of course, those were different types of raw resources. * The German project was only mismanaged if you really have a strong idea of what they were trying to do. As a loose investigation into atomic energy problems, with the possibility of building reactors for potential military use, it wasn't the worst project. It just wasn't really focused towards a practical application. When we judge it as "mismanaged," we already assume that it was just a "failed Manhattan Project" but that puts it on somewhat of the wrong analytical footing. * I think the heavy water thing is a bit overemphasized. Even with pure carbon I think they would have had a hard time doing more than building a small reactor. If they really had wanted lots of heavy water, they could have built their own heavy water plants (the Manhattan Project built _three_ during the war, and used _none_ of them). TLDR: The German atomic program wasn't really a bomb program, so judging it by the standards of a successful bomb program is the wrong way to think about it.
A few points: Calling the German program an "atomic weapon project" already assumes too much. It was at best an "atomic energy project." They were more focused on reactors than weapons. They knew weapons might be possible, and they thought about some of the ways that might work, but they never even really figured out how much fissile material they'd need, much less actually tried to design a bomb, produce the material, build a bomb. I don't think the anti-Semitic aspects of the Nazi Party had a big effect on why it pursued its particular technological choices prior to and during the war. I would note that better planes, tanks, and guns are good choices. Rockets turned out to be indecisive weapons. The Allies ended up making better investment choices as well (e.g. radar, cryptography). This is separate from the bomb question. I don't think not trying to build a bomb was actually a bad decision. The decision that a bomb should be made was actually a very, very risky one. The Manhattan Project actually employed around 600,000 people total. Which was about 1% of the US civilian labor force at the time. Germany did in fact have, and use, quite a lot of raw resources — it's just that they spent them on other projects. The V-1 and V-2 projects cost a third more in hard cash the atomic bomb. Of course, those were different types of raw resources. The German project was only mismanaged if you really have a strong idea of what they were trying to do. As a loose investigation into atomic energy problems, with the possibility of building reactors for potential military use, it wasn't the worst project. It just wasn't really focused towards a practical application. When we judge it as "mismanaged," we already assume that it was just a "failed Manhattan Project" but that puts it on somewhat of the wrong analytical footing. I think the heavy water thing is a bit overemphasized. Even with pure carbon I think they would have had a hard time doing more than building a small reactor. If they really had wanted lots of heavy water, they could have built their own heavy water plants (the Manhattan Project built three during the war, and used none of them). TLDR: The German atomic program wasn't really a bomb program, so judging it by the standards of a successful bomb program is the wrong way to think about it.
A few points: Calling the German program an "atomic weapon project" already assumes too much. It was at best an "atomic energy project." They were more focused on reactors than weapons. They knew weapons might be possible, and they thought about some of the ways that might work, but they never even really figured out how much fissile material they'd need, much less actually tried to design a bomb, produce the material, build a bomb. I don't think the anti-Semitic aspects of the Nazi Party had a big effect on why it pursued its particular technological choices prior to and during the war. I would note that better planes, tanks, and guns are good choices. Rockets turned out to be indecisive weapons. The Allies ended up making better investment choices as well (e.g. radar, cryptography). This is separate from the bomb question. I don't think not trying to build a bomb was actually a bad decision. The decision that a bomb should be made was actually a very, very risky one. The Manhattan Project actually employed around 600,000 people total. Which was about 1% of the US civilian labor force at the time. Germany did in fact have, and use, quite a lot of raw resources — it's just that they spent them on other projects. The V-1 and V-2 projects cost a third more in hard cash the atomic bomb. Of course, those were different types of raw resources. The German project was only mismanaged if you really have a strong idea of what they were trying to do. As a loose investigation into atomic energy problems, with the possibility of building reactors for potential military use, it wasn't the worst project. It just wasn't really focused towards a practical application. When we judge it as "mismanaged," we already assume that it was just a "failed Manhattan Project" but that puts it on somewhat of the wrong analytical footing. I think the heavy water thing is a bit overemphasized. Even with pure carbon I think they would have had a hard time doing more than building a small reactor. If they really had wanted lots of heavy water, they could have built their own heavy water plants (the Manhattan Project built three during the war, and used none of them).
The German atomic program wasn't really a bomb program, so judging it by the standards of a successful bomb program is the wrong way to think about it.
I hung out with my boyfriend for months before actually dating. I wasn't sure I was interested in him romantically, but I liked being around him. After getting to know him much better, I realized I was interested in him. Bitter "nice" guys might think I "friend zoned" him. I didn't. I liked his company and got to know him. It was about 5-6 months before anything really happened between us. It worked because he honestly would have been happy with just a friendship. If he'd gotten bitter or tried some moves on me I would have rejected him. But that's me. tl;dr: sometimes you just don't know. Keep hanging around women whose company you genuinely enjoy. Or don't.
I hung out with my boyfriend for months before actually dating. I wasn't sure I was interested in him romantically, but I liked being around him. After getting to know him much better, I realized I was interested in him. Bitter "nice" guys might think I "friend zoned" him. I didn't. I liked his company and got to know him. It was about 5-6 months before anything really happened between us. It worked because he honestly would have been happy with just a friendship. If he'd gotten bitter or tried some moves on me I would have rejected him. But that's me. tl;dr: sometimes you just don't know. Keep hanging around women whose company you genuinely enjoy. Or don't.
I hung out with my boyfriend for months before actually dating. I wasn't sure I was interested in him romantically, but I liked being around him. After getting to know him much better, I realized I was interested in him. Bitter "nice" guys might think I "friend zoned" him. I didn't. I liked his company and got to know him. It was about 5-6 months before anything really happened between us. It worked because he honestly would have been happy with just a friendship. If he'd gotten bitter or tried some moves on me I would have rejected him. But that's me.
sometimes you just don't know. Keep hanging around women whose company you genuinely enjoy. Or don't.
The simple explanation is that those numbers have that maximum value specifically because the programmer that wrote that code declared that variable as a signed long, or 32-bit integer. If he or she had used a signed short, for example, it would have had a maximum range of 2^16 values, or between -32768 and 32767 -- regardless of if the computer and operating system used to compile the code was 64-bit, 32-bit, or even 16-bit (assuming they were programming Hearthstone on a 30-year-old computer). It's generally considered good practice to not declare a variable larger that you'd reasonably need to store a value in it. For example, you wouldn't need an enormous floating point variable to store someone's age. When we say "32-bit" or "64-bit" it may refer to the CPU/APU, or the memory addressing, or the [Instruction Set Architecture]( or just the operating system itself. A simple shorthand would be to say that it refers to the maximum addressable *[word size]( that can be handled as an instruction or data value. Basically, if the software is going to send a command or a value to the processor, how many bits long can it be? If your system is 64-bit, it can "address" values or instructions up to that size. If your system is 32-bit, it can only address values up to that size, and 64-bit instructions wouldn't be understood. That's why 32-bit Windows operating systems could only address up to about 4 GBs of RAM, even if you had more installed. The architecture could only count up to 4,294,967,296 bits, or 4 gigabytes. [This article]( shows the math. It also points out that the maximum addressable amount of memory on 64-bit systems is a staggering 16 *exabytes*. So, hopefully that'll last us a little while. That's also why when you play NES/SNES games, you'll see the number 255 as a maximum amount of something pretty often. That number is 2^8 - 1, or the maximum value a single byte can store. The programmers used an 8-bit value in those cases. This explanation brought to you from the first half of a Computer Science degree. Fun stuff! TL;DR: The calculations are happening in the program code, not on Blizzard's servers, and whoever wrote those variables declared them that size for whatever reason.
The simple explanation is that those numbers have that maximum value specifically because the programmer that wrote that code declared that variable as a signed long, or 32-bit integer. If he or she had used a signed short, for example, it would have had a maximum range of 2^16 values, or between -32768 and 32767 -- regardless of if the computer and operating system used to compile the code was 64-bit, 32-bit, or even 16-bit (assuming they were programming Hearthstone on a 30-year-old computer). It's generally considered good practice to not declare a variable larger that you'd reasonably need to store a value in it. For example, you wouldn't need an enormous floating point variable to store someone's age. When we say "32-bit" or "64-bit" it may refer to the CPU/APU, or the memory addressing, or the [Instruction Set Architecture]( or just the operating system itself. A simple shorthand would be to say that it refers to the maximum addressable *[word size]( that can be handled as an instruction or data value. Basically, if the software is going to send a command or a value to the processor, how many bits long can it be? If your system is 64-bit, it can "address" values or instructions up to that size. If your system is 32-bit, it can only address values up to that size, and 64-bit instructions wouldn't be understood. That's why 32-bit Windows operating systems could only address up to about 4 GBs of RAM, even if you had more installed. The architecture could only count up to 4,294,967,296 bits, or 4 gigabytes. [This article]( shows the math. It also points out that the maximum addressable amount of memory on 64-bit systems is a staggering 16 exabytes . So, hopefully that'll last us a little while. That's also why when you play NES/SNES games, you'll see the number 255 as a maximum amount of something pretty often. That number is 2^8 - 1, or the maximum value a single byte can store. The programmers used an 8-bit value in those cases. This explanation brought to you from the first half of a Computer Science degree. Fun stuff! TL;DR: The calculations are happening in the program code, not on Blizzard's servers, and whoever wrote those variables declared them that size for whatever reason.
The simple explanation is that those numbers have that maximum value specifically because the programmer that wrote that code declared that variable as a signed long, or 32-bit integer. If he or she had used a signed short, for example, it would have had a maximum range of 2^16 values, or between -32768 and 32767 -- regardless of if the computer and operating system used to compile the code was 64-bit, 32-bit, or even 16-bit (assuming they were programming Hearthstone on a 30-year-old computer). It's generally considered good practice to not declare a variable larger that you'd reasonably need to store a value in it. For example, you wouldn't need an enormous floating point variable to store someone's age. When we say "32-bit" or "64-bit" it may refer to the CPU/APU, or the memory addressing, or the [Instruction Set Architecture]( or just the operating system itself. A simple shorthand would be to say that it refers to the maximum addressable *[word size]( that can be handled as an instruction or data value. Basically, if the software is going to send a command or a value to the processor, how many bits long can it be? If your system is 64-bit, it can "address" values or instructions up to that size. If your system is 32-bit, it can only address values up to that size, and 64-bit instructions wouldn't be understood. That's why 32-bit Windows operating systems could only address up to about 4 GBs of RAM, even if you had more installed. The architecture could only count up to 4,294,967,296 bits, or 4 gigabytes. [This article]( shows the math. It also points out that the maximum addressable amount of memory on 64-bit systems is a staggering 16 exabytes . So, hopefully that'll last us a little while. That's also why when you play NES/SNES games, you'll see the number 255 as a maximum amount of something pretty often. That number is 2^8 - 1, or the maximum value a single byte can store. The programmers used an 8-bit value in those cases. This explanation brought to you from the first half of a Computer Science degree. Fun stuff!
The calculations are happening in the program code, not on Blizzard's servers, and whoever wrote those variables declared them that size for whatever reason.
3 or 4 years ago when my construction buddies were getting me more into hunting and all that jazz they asked me to come to a meeting held at one of their farms out in the boons and maybe sign up. I show up theres about 20 to 25 other guys waiting outside shooting the shit. We relax for a bit and head to his barn for the meeting and i shit you not. The whole back wall was plastered with old school german propaganda topped off with a giant nazi flag towering over it all. No one batted an eye lash so i assumed this wasn't the first time they had done this. I gathered my things and promptly left. These were my friends to, at least a few of them were and i have found no need to speak to them since. The money grabbing part is probably more me than anything but i feel the NFA isn't transparent enough with where and how their cash is spent for a NFP. I could be wrong in this but i have never been pointed to a reliable source. This is also a feeling i share with many NFP. Where i feel the higher ups are taking a bigger cut than they should instead of investing it into issues or action plans that will have real traction. I am also not very impressed by their track record of getting things done or having any effect. So yea TL;DR. Im not cool with meetings held under nazi flags and im not cool with their lack of transparency.
3 or 4 years ago when my construction buddies were getting me more into hunting and all that jazz they asked me to come to a meeting held at one of their farms out in the boons and maybe sign up. I show up theres about 20 to 25 other guys waiting outside shooting the shit. We relax for a bit and head to his barn for the meeting and i shit you not. The whole back wall was plastered with old school german propaganda topped off with a giant nazi flag towering over it all. No one batted an eye lash so i assumed this wasn't the first time they had done this. I gathered my things and promptly left. These were my friends to, at least a few of them were and i have found no need to speak to them since. The money grabbing part is probably more me than anything but i feel the NFA isn't transparent enough with where and how their cash is spent for a NFP. I could be wrong in this but i have never been pointed to a reliable source. This is also a feeling i share with many NFP. Where i feel the higher ups are taking a bigger cut than they should instead of investing it into issues or action plans that will have real traction. I am also not very impressed by their track record of getting things done or having any effect. So yea TL;DR. Im not cool with meetings held under nazi flags and im not cool with their lack of transparency.
3 or 4 years ago when my construction buddies were getting me more into hunting and all that jazz they asked me to come to a meeting held at one of their farms out in the boons and maybe sign up. I show up theres about 20 to 25 other guys waiting outside shooting the shit. We relax for a bit and head to his barn for the meeting and i shit you not. The whole back wall was plastered with old school german propaganda topped off with a giant nazi flag towering over it all. No one batted an eye lash so i assumed this wasn't the first time they had done this. I gathered my things and promptly left. These were my friends to, at least a few of them were and i have found no need to speak to them since. The money grabbing part is probably more me than anything but i feel the NFA isn't transparent enough with where and how their cash is spent for a NFP. I could be wrong in this but i have never been pointed to a reliable source. This is also a feeling i share with many NFP. Where i feel the higher ups are taking a bigger cut than they should instead of investing it into issues or action plans that will have real traction. I am also not very impressed by their track record of getting things done or having any effect. So yea
Im not cool with meetings held under nazi flags and im not cool with their lack of transparency.
I learned it differently from both of y'all, it sounds like. I learned that a spot on the head "the size of a ruby" is on the ground, but the arms are supporting most of the body weight. Kino teaches a strength-building variation where you do lift the head off the ground but she teaches it in workshops and not as part of closing series. I would just do whatever your teacher says is correct! As for piking, my teacher just got back from Mysore and the sirsana practice in closing series is taught there as a 20 breath hold, then a single pike down (lowering of the legs til parallel with the floor), hold there for 10 breaths, then lift back up TL;DR: Ask your teacher about it and stay true to his or her method.
I learned it differently from both of y'all, it sounds like. I learned that a spot on the head "the size of a ruby" is on the ground, but the arms are supporting most of the body weight. Kino teaches a strength-building variation where you do lift the head off the ground but she teaches it in workshops and not as part of closing series. I would just do whatever your teacher says is correct! As for piking, my teacher just got back from Mysore and the sirsana practice in closing series is taught there as a 20 breath hold, then a single pike down (lowering of the legs til parallel with the floor), hold there for 10 breaths, then lift back up TL;DR: Ask your teacher about it and stay true to his or her method.
I learned it differently from both of y'all, it sounds like. I learned that a spot on the head "the size of a ruby" is on the ground, but the arms are supporting most of the body weight. Kino teaches a strength-building variation where you do lift the head off the ground but she teaches it in workshops and not as part of closing series. I would just do whatever your teacher says is correct! As for piking, my teacher just got back from Mysore and the sirsana practice in closing series is taught there as a 20 breath hold, then a single pike down (lowering of the legs til parallel with the floor), hold there for 10 breaths, then lift back up
Ask your teacher about it and stay true to his or her method.
"You should open doors for women, but this isn't chivalrous nonsense because you should open doors for everybody!" TL;DR - women are literally going to crumble if they catch you ogling them.
"You should open doors for women, but this isn't chivalrous nonsense because you should open doors for everybody!" TL;DR - women are literally going to crumble if they catch you ogling them.
You should open doors for women, but this isn't chivalrous nonsense because you should open doors for everybody!"
women are literally going to crumble if they catch you ogling them.
Tämä on minusta hyvin yllättävää, koska Krimin tilanteella on paljon yhtäläisyyksiä Venäjän ja Georgian välisen sodan ja Transnistrian tilanteen kanssa. EU tai Yhdysvallat eivät ole asemassa, jossa ne voivat asettaa aidosti haitallisia pakotteita Venäjää vastaan, eivätkä ne ole valmiita auttamaan sotilaallisesti. Vallattavat alueet ovat jäännöksiä Neuvostoliiton aikaisista keinotekoisesti liikutelluista rajoista, joissa Venäjänkielinen enemmistö on sympaattinen Venäjälle. Etelä-Ossetian liittäminen Georgiaan oli Stalinin keksintö, Krimin liittäminen Ukrainaan Khrushchevin idea. Venäjän ei tarvitse pelätä vastarintaa, vaan se voi luottaa enemmistön tukeen. TL;DR: Ilmainen lounas. ps. Baltian maista mahtaa nyt tuntua tosi hyvältä tuo Natoon kuuluminen. On sen verran iso venäläisvähemmistö noissa maissa.
Tämä on minusta hyvin yllättävää, koska Krimin tilanteella on paljon yhtäläisyyksiä Venäjän ja Georgian välisen sodan ja Transnistrian tilanteen kanssa. EU tai Yhdysvallat eivät ole asemassa, jossa ne voivat asettaa aidosti haitallisia pakotteita Venäjää vastaan, eivätkä ne ole valmiita auttamaan sotilaallisesti. Vallattavat alueet ovat jäännöksiä Neuvostoliiton aikaisista keinotekoisesti liikutelluista rajoista, joissa Venäjänkielinen enemmistö on sympaattinen Venäjälle. Etelä-Ossetian liittäminen Georgiaan oli Stalinin keksintö, Krimin liittäminen Ukrainaan Khrushchevin idea. Venäjän ei tarvitse pelätä vastarintaa, vaan se voi luottaa enemmistön tukeen. TL;DR: Ilmainen lounas. ps. Baltian maista mahtaa nyt tuntua tosi hyvältä tuo Natoon kuuluminen. On sen verran iso venäläisvähemmistö noissa maissa.
Tämä on minusta hyvin yllättävää, koska Krimin tilanteella on paljon yhtäläisyyksiä Venäjän ja Georgian välisen sodan ja Transnistrian tilanteen kanssa. EU tai Yhdysvallat eivät ole asemassa, jossa ne voivat asettaa aidosti haitallisia pakotteita Venäjää vastaan, eivätkä ne ole valmiita auttamaan sotilaallisesti. Vallattavat alueet ovat jäännöksiä Neuvostoliiton aikaisista keinotekoisesti liikutelluista rajoista, joissa Venäjänkielinen enemmistö on sympaattinen Venäjälle. Etelä-Ossetian liittäminen Georgiaan oli Stalinin keksintö, Krimin liittäminen Ukrainaan Khrushchevin idea. Venäjän ei tarvitse pelätä vastarintaa, vaan se voi luottaa enemmistön tukeen.
Ilmainen lounas. ps. Baltian maista mahtaa nyt tuntua tosi hyvältä tuo Natoon kuuluminen. On sen verran iso venäläisvähemmistö noissa maissa.
How long have you used it? I used it at a previous employer one day our network connectivity just slowed to a crawl and no one was able to do anything. After reviewing firewall logs we were able to trace a ridiculous amount of bandwidth usage to IP address that belonged to Panda. This pretty much happened daily for 3 months until we abandoned the software. Support was extremely unhelpful I first talked to a guy who I could barely understand and his suggestion was change updates to after hours. After explaining to him again that their software should not be using over 30 GB of bandwidth on a daily basis he suggested I uninstall the client manually and each machine and try again. So after uninstalling the client manually by hand on 50 machines the problem stopped for a day and then got worse. Called tech support again some guy suggested I download an analysis tool and send them the results of the update file. Did this on three machines it messed up the machines causing the users to login to temporary profiles which wasted 3 hours of my morning trying to figure out the problem. Then Panda support comes back saying the update ini file is damaged and is causing the client to keep hitting the cloud in an infinite loop and that I need to replace the files. Then they keep sending me the files as an attachment but I never see the attachment and keep telling them to resend it nonstop for almost 3 weeks. Finally I call support again and demand to talk to a supervisor. They tell me the file is attached to the email and that something on my network is blocking it. I have them send it to my gmail it comes through after I find out they were attaching some kind of zip file that was encrypted with a passcode... Still no luck now its into August I hear they are going to release an update for their console. So I ask is this going to fix the bandwidth problems and the annoying error messages that the program randomly throws up and there's nothing we can do about except tell the user to ignore it until panda updates their software? Their answer is yes to all the above. Hoping I was finally going to be through this nightmare I updated the console problem goes away for a day comes back worse than ever... Finally email them again asking for a prorated refund for their product an account executive contacts me asking if its been resolved yet which it hadn't. Finally they ask me for a network diagram. At this point we were done completely with them and I had been given approval to purchase Vipre. I informed them that we had been using their product since October 2009 and absolutely nothing on our network has changed (Problem started June 2010). Got every moved over to Vipre and the problem went away. Finally went to the message board and informed them the issue was still unresolved and that if anyone ever found a fix to let me know. Their support tried to inform me that they heard the issue was resolved from customers in the UK. Well I'm not in the UK I'm in the US so that doesn't help me. TLDR; Panda update client got damaged some how causing an infinite loop of clients hitting the cloud and thus shooting up our bandwidth. After 3 months Panda support was unable to help us and in many cases made the problem worse. I'm curious to know if you had similar problems if you were using it back in mid 2010? If so were you able to resolve them?
How long have you used it? I used it at a previous employer one day our network connectivity just slowed to a crawl and no one was able to do anything. After reviewing firewall logs we were able to trace a ridiculous amount of bandwidth usage to IP address that belonged to Panda. This pretty much happened daily for 3 months until we abandoned the software. Support was extremely unhelpful I first talked to a guy who I could barely understand and his suggestion was change updates to after hours. After explaining to him again that their software should not be using over 30 GB of bandwidth on a daily basis he suggested I uninstall the client manually and each machine and try again. So after uninstalling the client manually by hand on 50 machines the problem stopped for a day and then got worse. Called tech support again some guy suggested I download an analysis tool and send them the results of the update file. Did this on three machines it messed up the machines causing the users to login to temporary profiles which wasted 3 hours of my morning trying to figure out the problem. Then Panda support comes back saying the update ini file is damaged and is causing the client to keep hitting the cloud in an infinite loop and that I need to replace the files. Then they keep sending me the files as an attachment but I never see the attachment and keep telling them to resend it nonstop for almost 3 weeks. Finally I call support again and demand to talk to a supervisor. They tell me the file is attached to the email and that something on my network is blocking it. I have them send it to my gmail it comes through after I find out they were attaching some kind of zip file that was encrypted with a passcode... Still no luck now its into August I hear they are going to release an update for their console. So I ask is this going to fix the bandwidth problems and the annoying error messages that the program randomly throws up and there's nothing we can do about except tell the user to ignore it until panda updates their software? Their answer is yes to all the above. Hoping I was finally going to be through this nightmare I updated the console problem goes away for a day comes back worse than ever... Finally email them again asking for a prorated refund for their product an account executive contacts me asking if its been resolved yet which it hadn't. Finally they ask me for a network diagram. At this point we were done completely with them and I had been given approval to purchase Vipre. I informed them that we had been using their product since October 2009 and absolutely nothing on our network has changed (Problem started June 2010). Got every moved over to Vipre and the problem went away. Finally went to the message board and informed them the issue was still unresolved and that if anyone ever found a fix to let me know. Their support tried to inform me that they heard the issue was resolved from customers in the UK. Well I'm not in the UK I'm in the US so that doesn't help me. TLDR; Panda update client got damaged some how causing an infinite loop of clients hitting the cloud and thus shooting up our bandwidth. After 3 months Panda support was unable to help us and in many cases made the problem worse. I'm curious to know if you had similar problems if you were using it back in mid 2010? If so were you able to resolve them?
How long have you used it? I used it at a previous employer one day our network connectivity just slowed to a crawl and no one was able to do anything. After reviewing firewall logs we were able to trace a ridiculous amount of bandwidth usage to IP address that belonged to Panda. This pretty much happened daily for 3 months until we abandoned the software. Support was extremely unhelpful I first talked to a guy who I could barely understand and his suggestion was change updates to after hours. After explaining to him again that their software should not be using over 30 GB of bandwidth on a daily basis he suggested I uninstall the client manually and each machine and try again. So after uninstalling the client manually by hand on 50 machines the problem stopped for a day and then got worse. Called tech support again some guy suggested I download an analysis tool and send them the results of the update file. Did this on three machines it messed up the machines causing the users to login to temporary profiles which wasted 3 hours of my morning trying to figure out the problem. Then Panda support comes back saying the update ini file is damaged and is causing the client to keep hitting the cloud in an infinite loop and that I need to replace the files. Then they keep sending me the files as an attachment but I never see the attachment and keep telling them to resend it nonstop for almost 3 weeks. Finally I call support again and demand to talk to a supervisor. They tell me the file is attached to the email and that something on my network is blocking it. I have them send it to my gmail it comes through after I find out they were attaching some kind of zip file that was encrypted with a passcode... Still no luck now its into August I hear they are going to release an update for their console. So I ask is this going to fix the bandwidth problems and the annoying error messages that the program randomly throws up and there's nothing we can do about except tell the user to ignore it until panda updates their software? Their answer is yes to all the above. Hoping I was finally going to be through this nightmare I updated the console problem goes away for a day comes back worse than ever... Finally email them again asking for a prorated refund for their product an account executive contacts me asking if its been resolved yet which it hadn't. Finally they ask me for a network diagram. At this point we were done completely with them and I had been given approval to purchase Vipre. I informed them that we had been using their product since October 2009 and absolutely nothing on our network has changed (Problem started June 2010). Got every moved over to Vipre and the problem went away. Finally went to the message board and informed them the issue was still unresolved and that if anyone ever found a fix to let me know. Their support tried to inform me that they heard the issue was resolved from customers in the UK. Well I'm not in the UK I'm in the US so that doesn't help me.
Panda update client got damaged some how causing an infinite loop of clients hitting the cloud and thus shooting up our bandwidth. After 3 months Panda support was unable to help us and in many cases made the problem worse. I'm curious to know if you had similar problems if you were using it back in mid 2010? If so were you able to resolve them?
It's during his invasion of Wakanda [1]( [2]( [3]( [4]( [5]( [6]( [TL;DR: See Part 3](
It's during his invasion of Wakanda [1]( [2]( [3]( [4]( [5]( [6]( [TL;DR: See Part 3](
It's during his invasion of Wakanda [1]( [2]( [3]( [4]( [5]( [6]( [
See Part 3](
smoking can give you a bunch of forms of cancer. I highly suggest you don't smoke. .. jk they are extremely OP on XB1 though. well actually, only double smoke is bs. 1 smoke should be allowed per person. In respawn games, imagine 16 smokes on the map... you wouldn't be able to see a thing. For anyone who debates for SND here's my take on it. I love the idea of using a smoke on the bomb to bate it out or fake a plant and hoping the enemy shoot through the smoke and give up position or waste nades. But I don't think the same person should be able to use the second smoke grenade. It adds a little bit to the meta game, needing more team work to time the smokes and who throws it when, and needing that person to be alive to run the strategy, thus increasing the need for team work and not getting picked early. TL;DR - Smokes are OP on XB1, In specific double smokes. I believe it should only be 1 per person.
smoking can give you a bunch of forms of cancer. I highly suggest you don't smoke. .. jk they are extremely OP on XB1 though. well actually, only double smoke is bs. 1 smoke should be allowed per person. In respawn games, imagine 16 smokes on the map... you wouldn't be able to see a thing. For anyone who debates for SND here's my take on it. I love the idea of using a smoke on the bomb to bate it out or fake a plant and hoping the enemy shoot through the smoke and give up position or waste nades. But I don't think the same person should be able to use the second smoke grenade. It adds a little bit to the meta game, needing more team work to time the smokes and who throws it when, and needing that person to be alive to run the strategy, thus increasing the need for team work and not getting picked early. TL;DR - Smokes are OP on XB1, In specific double smokes. I believe it should only be 1 per person.
smoking can give you a bunch of forms of cancer. I highly suggest you don't smoke. .. jk they are extremely OP on XB1 though. well actually, only double smoke is bs. 1 smoke should be allowed per person. In respawn games, imagine 16 smokes on the map... you wouldn't be able to see a thing. For anyone who debates for SND here's my take on it. I love the idea of using a smoke on the bomb to bate it out or fake a plant and hoping the enemy shoot through the smoke and give up position or waste nades. But I don't think the same person should be able to use the second smoke grenade. It adds a little bit to the meta game, needing more team work to time the smokes and who throws it when, and needing that person to be alive to run the strategy, thus increasing the need for team work and not getting picked early.
Smokes are OP on XB1, In specific double smokes. I believe it should only be 1 per person.
This got away from me and on mobile be gentle : I was a 26/f virgin on okc until I met my SO last year. I like you was never keen on the idea of posting it in my profile or even mentioning it in the first messages. I had briefly in the past and BIG mistake the messages a received still turn my stomach. Long story short I learned that it was my personal choice and something I would share with a person when I felt comfortable enough to do so not because i felt obligated to inform. For some it was the first date others fizzled before it even came up and some fizzled because it came up. I learned to no longer feel defective or take it personal when that happened. I never walked away from something going " man I really regret not fucking that dude" usually it was the feeling of relief or that I had dodged a bullet. In the case of my SO it was a non issue he didn't make me feel like I was a freak or that I had misled him it was the simplest conversation. I realized I was lucky enough to have a built in litmus test for those who saw me as a whole person vs those who did not. Sex is an important part of a relationship but I was looking for more than just sex. You are more than your virginity proceed as though it isn't a factor because really it isn't, the only people who truly need that information are you and the person who is about to fuck you... good luck hopefully something in these ramblings help you and I don't come across like a jumbled preachy mess lol Tldr: virginity is an unimportant status that doesn't change who you are as a person.
This got away from me and on mobile be gentle : I was a 26/f virgin on okc until I met my SO last year. I like you was never keen on the idea of posting it in my profile or even mentioning it in the first messages. I had briefly in the past and BIG mistake the messages a received still turn my stomach. Long story short I learned that it was my personal choice and something I would share with a person when I felt comfortable enough to do so not because i felt obligated to inform. For some it was the first date others fizzled before it even came up and some fizzled because it came up. I learned to no longer feel defective or take it personal when that happened. I never walked away from something going " man I really regret not fucking that dude" usually it was the feeling of relief or that I had dodged a bullet. In the case of my SO it was a non issue he didn't make me feel like I was a freak or that I had misled him it was the simplest conversation. I realized I was lucky enough to have a built in litmus test for those who saw me as a whole person vs those who did not. Sex is an important part of a relationship but I was looking for more than just sex. You are more than your virginity proceed as though it isn't a factor because really it isn't, the only people who truly need that information are you and the person who is about to fuck you... good luck hopefully something in these ramblings help you and I don't come across like a jumbled preachy mess lol Tldr: virginity is an unimportant status that doesn't change who you are as a person.
This got away from me and on mobile be gentle : I was a 26/f virgin on okc until I met my SO last year. I like you was never keen on the idea of posting it in my profile or even mentioning it in the first messages. I had briefly in the past and BIG mistake the messages a received still turn my stomach. Long story short I learned that it was my personal choice and something I would share with a person when I felt comfortable enough to do so not because i felt obligated to inform. For some it was the first date others fizzled before it even came up and some fizzled because it came up. I learned to no longer feel defective or take it personal when that happened. I never walked away from something going " man I really regret not fucking that dude" usually it was the feeling of relief or that I had dodged a bullet. In the case of my SO it was a non issue he didn't make me feel like I was a freak or that I had misled him it was the simplest conversation. I realized I was lucky enough to have a built in litmus test for those who saw me as a whole person vs those who did not. Sex is an important part of a relationship but I was looking for more than just sex. You are more than your virginity proceed as though it isn't a factor because really it isn't, the only people who truly need that information are you and the person who is about to fuck you... good luck hopefully something in these ramblings help you and I don't come across like a jumbled preachy mess lol
virginity is an unimportant status that doesn't change who you are as a person.
Something I've started seeing more recently, at least in my high school, is calling someone retarded. We have a whole assembly just about using it. You can't even refer to someone who actually is mentally retarded without someone getting either mad or saying the line they've created "Spread the word to end the word." It is so infuriating it's not even funny TL:DR Fuck you and your sensitivity
Something I've started seeing more recently, at least in my high school, is calling someone retarded. We have a whole assembly just about using it. You can't even refer to someone who actually is mentally retarded without someone getting either mad or saying the line they've created "Spread the word to end the word." It is so infuriating it's not even funny TL:DR Fuck you and your sensitivity
Something I've started seeing more recently, at least in my high school, is calling someone retarded. We have a whole assembly just about using it. You can't even refer to someone who actually is mentally retarded without someone getting either mad or saying the line they've created "Spread the word to end the word." It is so infuriating it's not even funny
Fuck you and your sensitivity
A girl asked me to take her on a date, i asked her where she wanted to go and she named some restaurant i did not know... so i made reservations. Turns out it was some really high class place. i was 20 and payed 150$ for supper for the both of us. She thought it was cute that i did not go to ''these'' places often. She then told me her ex and her would do this type of stuff often. TLDR: i got laid with her while her dad was in the other room, she was pretty vocal... It was awkward. Friends joke around that i paid for sex with a steak....
A girl asked me to take her on a date, i asked her where she wanted to go and she named some restaurant i did not know... so i made reservations. Turns out it was some really high class place. i was 20 and payed 150$ for supper for the both of us. She thought it was cute that i did not go to ''these'' places often. She then told me her ex and her would do this type of stuff often. TLDR: i got laid with her while her dad was in the other room, she was pretty vocal... It was awkward. Friends joke around that i paid for sex with a steak....
A girl asked me to take her on a date, i asked her where she wanted to go and she named some restaurant i did not know... so i made reservations. Turns out it was some really high class place. i was 20 and payed 150$ for supper for the both of us. She thought it was cute that i did not go to ''these'' places often. She then told me her ex and her would do this type of stuff often.
i got laid with her while her dad was in the other room, she was pretty vocal... It was awkward. Friends joke around that i paid for sex with a steak....
I was in this exact situation. I was a Uni student, but was actually taking a year out to work. In my work environment, everything was very cliquey, engineers hung out with other engineers, sales staff with other sales, and so on, only here I was, the lowly web developer as the department of one, so I could easily spend my work day talking to absolutely no one. After work I'd go home to my studio apartment. I was working in a city I'd never been to before and therefore I didn't know anyone nearby. This means I'd go to work and speak to no one and then go home and again, speak to no one. I'd regularly stop in town on the way home to buy a DVD so that I'd a) have something to look forward to when I got home and b) I'd get to speak, if only briefly, to the cashier. It was incredibly depressing (and subsequently is the reason that, while making a decent amount of money at that place, I had nothing to show for it in terms of savings when I left). When I'd finally got fired from that job (depression has a way of making you not want to do your job... I take full responsibility for that) a friend of mine called me and told me it was the best thing that could have happened to me since I'd been so depressed while I was there. She was right in a way, only now I would spend the next month or so living in my studio apartment with nothing to do all day. I should have been looking for another job, but I simply stuck around depressed until the money started running out and I realised I only had enough money for a train home to my parents. From that point on, things looked up because I was finally around people and even if my talking to people consisted of saying morning to my mum and talking about what's for dinner, it was a level of human interaction that I had been missing and really needed. It's been around 6-7 years since then and I'm not exactly cured, but I'm much less depressed and have people in my life who care about me and who I care about. And that's all I can really suggest... just have people around you. Family works great because you don't have to work as hard to get them to be around, but if that's not an option for you, find something you love to do and find other people who also love doing that. Or get a job where you get to be around people (not specifically customer service, when I say "be around people" I don't mean the general public, but actual colleagues as, while they may not end up being a friend, will become a constant in your life and people you can interact with, which is very very helpful). That's basically how people make friends in this world and it does become harder the older you get, but that's when you start to find the people who really are your friends because they like you for you and not because they like collecting friends. Really, all I can say is, it does get better if you want it to. If you're not the kind of person who actively wants to shut the world out, but actually sees that your loneliness is a problem, then things will improve. TL;DR Monkey's are real funny.
I was in this exact situation. I was a Uni student, but was actually taking a year out to work. In my work environment, everything was very cliquey, engineers hung out with other engineers, sales staff with other sales, and so on, only here I was, the lowly web developer as the department of one, so I could easily spend my work day talking to absolutely no one. After work I'd go home to my studio apartment. I was working in a city I'd never been to before and therefore I didn't know anyone nearby. This means I'd go to work and speak to no one and then go home and again, speak to no one. I'd regularly stop in town on the way home to buy a DVD so that I'd a) have something to look forward to when I got home and b) I'd get to speak, if only briefly, to the cashier. It was incredibly depressing (and subsequently is the reason that, while making a decent amount of money at that place, I had nothing to show for it in terms of savings when I left). When I'd finally got fired from that job (depression has a way of making you not want to do your job... I take full responsibility for that) a friend of mine called me and told me it was the best thing that could have happened to me since I'd been so depressed while I was there. She was right in a way, only now I would spend the next month or so living in my studio apartment with nothing to do all day. I should have been looking for another job, but I simply stuck around depressed until the money started running out and I realised I only had enough money for a train home to my parents. From that point on, things looked up because I was finally around people and even if my talking to people consisted of saying morning to my mum and talking about what's for dinner, it was a level of human interaction that I had been missing and really needed. It's been around 6-7 years since then and I'm not exactly cured, but I'm much less depressed and have people in my life who care about me and who I care about. And that's all I can really suggest... just have people around you. Family works great because you don't have to work as hard to get them to be around, but if that's not an option for you, find something you love to do and find other people who also love doing that. Or get a job where you get to be around people (not specifically customer service, when I say "be around people" I don't mean the general public, but actual colleagues as, while they may not end up being a friend, will become a constant in your life and people you can interact with, which is very very helpful). That's basically how people make friends in this world and it does become harder the older you get, but that's when you start to find the people who really are your friends because they like you for you and not because they like collecting friends. Really, all I can say is, it does get better if you want it to. If you're not the kind of person who actively wants to shut the world out, but actually sees that your loneliness is a problem, then things will improve. TL;DR Monkey's are real funny.
I was in this exact situation. I was a Uni student, but was actually taking a year out to work. In my work environment, everything was very cliquey, engineers hung out with other engineers, sales staff with other sales, and so on, only here I was, the lowly web developer as the department of one, so I could easily spend my work day talking to absolutely no one. After work I'd go home to my studio apartment. I was working in a city I'd never been to before and therefore I didn't know anyone nearby. This means I'd go to work and speak to no one and then go home and again, speak to no one. I'd regularly stop in town on the way home to buy a DVD so that I'd a) have something to look forward to when I got home and b) I'd get to speak, if only briefly, to the cashier. It was incredibly depressing (and subsequently is the reason that, while making a decent amount of money at that place, I had nothing to show for it in terms of savings when I left). When I'd finally got fired from that job (depression has a way of making you not want to do your job... I take full responsibility for that) a friend of mine called me and told me it was the best thing that could have happened to me since I'd been so depressed while I was there. She was right in a way, only now I would spend the next month or so living in my studio apartment with nothing to do all day. I should have been looking for another job, but I simply stuck around depressed until the money started running out and I realised I only had enough money for a train home to my parents. From that point on, things looked up because I was finally around people and even if my talking to people consisted of saying morning to my mum and talking about what's for dinner, it was a level of human interaction that I had been missing and really needed. It's been around 6-7 years since then and I'm not exactly cured, but I'm much less depressed and have people in my life who care about me and who I care about. And that's all I can really suggest... just have people around you. Family works great because you don't have to work as hard to get them to be around, but if that's not an option for you, find something you love to do and find other people who also love doing that. Or get a job where you get to be around people (not specifically customer service, when I say "be around people" I don't mean the general public, but actual colleagues as, while they may not end up being a friend, will become a constant in your life and people you can interact with, which is very very helpful). That's basically how people make friends in this world and it does become harder the older you get, but that's when you start to find the people who really are your friends because they like you for you and not because they like collecting friends. Really, all I can say is, it does get better if you want it to. If you're not the kind of person who actively wants to shut the world out, but actually sees that your loneliness is a problem, then things will improve.
Monkey's are real funny.
I'm still kinda dealing with this myself; I only go out with other people to work on projects. The only thing about opening the door... well... I'd have to explain the other thing first. My roommate didn't choose me. He had initially planned for a friend of his to be his roommate but that friend didn't get into the honors college (we have an honors dorm) so he couldn't do that and basically "ended up" with me, or at least it feels like that. So when we do have the door open it's because of my roommate and only his friends come in, and I feel like I have little reason to talk to any of them. Of course they're friendly, but one of them is more obnoxious than the others and I don't usually like it when he comes. I've tried getting into a gaming club, but the game diversity was 95% League of Legends and 5% of random things that were either single player or something I had never heard of and had no interest in. So that didn't last. I don't feel extremely depressed, though. Just... maybe a little melancholy at how I lack the true desire to have more friends. Maybe I do want more than I think I do, but I'm just not willing to put forth much effort. Socially lazy I guess. TL;DR Roommate didn't want me and I don't usually want anyone else.
I'm still kinda dealing with this myself; I only go out with other people to work on projects. The only thing about opening the door... well... I'd have to explain the other thing first. My roommate didn't choose me. He had initially planned for a friend of his to be his roommate but that friend didn't get into the honors college (we have an honors dorm) so he couldn't do that and basically "ended up" with me, or at least it feels like that. So when we do have the door open it's because of my roommate and only his friends come in, and I feel like I have little reason to talk to any of them. Of course they're friendly, but one of them is more obnoxious than the others and I don't usually like it when he comes. I've tried getting into a gaming club, but the game diversity was 95% League of Legends and 5% of random things that were either single player or something I had never heard of and had no interest in. So that didn't last. I don't feel extremely depressed, though. Just... maybe a little melancholy at how I lack the true desire to have more friends. Maybe I do want more than I think I do, but I'm just not willing to put forth much effort. Socially lazy I guess. TL;DR Roommate didn't want me and I don't usually want anyone else.
I'm still kinda dealing with this myself; I only go out with other people to work on projects. The only thing about opening the door... well... I'd have to explain the other thing first. My roommate didn't choose me. He had initially planned for a friend of his to be his roommate but that friend didn't get into the honors college (we have an honors dorm) so he couldn't do that and basically "ended up" with me, or at least it feels like that. So when we do have the door open it's because of my roommate and only his friends come in, and I feel like I have little reason to talk to any of them. Of course they're friendly, but one of them is more obnoxious than the others and I don't usually like it when he comes. I've tried getting into a gaming club, but the game diversity was 95% League of Legends and 5% of random things that were either single player or something I had never heard of and had no interest in. So that didn't last. I don't feel extremely depressed, though. Just... maybe a little melancholy at how I lack the true desire to have more friends. Maybe I do want more than I think I do, but I'm just not willing to put forth much effort. Socially lazy I guess.
Roommate didn't want me and I don't usually want anyone else.
This would drive me absolutely crazy. It's great you found a guy that doesn't care, but I couldn't do it. Guess it's in your upbringing, though. Your dad taught you to never accept anything, mine taught me to always give. But I want to defend the male species for a second, if you'll let me. When I go out with a woman I expect to pay 100% of the time - if she offers to pay or chip in, good on her, but I would never accept. I can't think of a time I've ever expected anything out of it, though. The first thing that jumps into my head is something an ex always did. She would give me head, and hold it against me later if I didn't return the favor. Say she went down on me three times that week - I was expected to reciprocate at least an equal amount. The problem I had with this wasn't the act itself, but the fact that she was keeping score and treating sexual favors like a commodity. There isn't a scoreboard in a relationship, whether it's the first date or 3 years in. If I buy a girl dinner, it's exactly that - dinner. She doesn't owe me anything for it, my dad told me to always pay for woman when you're out, to always walk on the outside of her on the sidewalk (to shield her from traffic - am I the only one who does this?), and to always hold the door open. If the date doesn't go well and I'm out a few bucks, that's life. I wouldn't be out with her if I didn't have that money to throw away anyway. I guess my point is, women, don't think that just because a guy wants to wine and dine you means he's expecting something. There shouldn't be a scoreboard and if the guy is clearly keeping track, remember that there are plenty of men that don't. **TL; DR** Not everyone is an asshole.
This would drive me absolutely crazy. It's great you found a guy that doesn't care, but I couldn't do it. Guess it's in your upbringing, though. Your dad taught you to never accept anything, mine taught me to always give. But I want to defend the male species for a second, if you'll let me. When I go out with a woman I expect to pay 100% of the time - if she offers to pay or chip in, good on her, but I would never accept. I can't think of a time I've ever expected anything out of it, though. The first thing that jumps into my head is something an ex always did. She would give me head, and hold it against me later if I didn't return the favor. Say she went down on me three times that week - I was expected to reciprocate at least an equal amount. The problem I had with this wasn't the act itself, but the fact that she was keeping score and treating sexual favors like a commodity. There isn't a scoreboard in a relationship, whether it's the first date or 3 years in. If I buy a girl dinner, it's exactly that - dinner. She doesn't owe me anything for it, my dad told me to always pay for woman when you're out, to always walk on the outside of her on the sidewalk (to shield her from traffic - am I the only one who does this?), and to always hold the door open. If the date doesn't go well and I'm out a few bucks, that's life. I wouldn't be out with her if I didn't have that money to throw away anyway. I guess my point is, women, don't think that just because a guy wants to wine and dine you means he's expecting something. There shouldn't be a scoreboard and if the guy is clearly keeping track, remember that there are plenty of men that don't. TL; DR Not everyone is an asshole.
This would drive me absolutely crazy. It's great you found a guy that doesn't care, but I couldn't do it. Guess it's in your upbringing, though. Your dad taught you to never accept anything, mine taught me to always give. But I want to defend the male species for a second, if you'll let me. When I go out with a woman I expect to pay 100% of the time - if she offers to pay or chip in, good on her, but I would never accept. I can't think of a time I've ever expected anything out of it, though. The first thing that jumps into my head is something an ex always did. She would give me head, and hold it against me later if I didn't return the favor. Say she went down on me three times that week - I was expected to reciprocate at least an equal amount. The problem I had with this wasn't the act itself, but the fact that she was keeping score and treating sexual favors like a commodity. There isn't a scoreboard in a relationship, whether it's the first date or 3 years in. If I buy a girl dinner, it's exactly that - dinner. She doesn't owe me anything for it, my dad told me to always pay for woman when you're out, to always walk on the outside of her on the sidewalk (to shield her from traffic - am I the only one who does this?), and to always hold the door open. If the date doesn't go well and I'm out a few bucks, that's life. I wouldn't be out with her if I didn't have that money to throw away anyway. I guess my point is, women, don't think that just because a guy wants to wine and dine you means he's expecting something. There shouldn't be a scoreboard and if the guy is clearly keeping track, remember that there are plenty of men that don't.
Not everyone is an asshole.
This isn't exactly unacceptable, but is usually viewed as such by others. So if you go into a bathroom with 4 urinals, the first person is obviously going to pick an end, right? So now you have Now when you go in there and you're the second person, you would normally pick another end. This allows you to not be next to anyone, but will totally screw over the third guy, since either way he has to be by someone. Then, when this third guy comes in, he has to hold it, since he will likely choose to stand and wait for one to open up than have to choose between the two crappiest spots. This means a 4 urinal bathroom can only hold 2 people at once. What you ***should*** do when being the second one in there is pick the second or third urinal (depending upon which end is already taken). So now you have an empty one, you, an empty one, and another occupied one. This will give the third person an obvious choice, since you'd usually much rather be next to one person than two. This then gives the fourth person an obvious choice as well, since it's the only spot left. This way, all four urinals are used at once, and the efficiency of the bathroom can be doubled. **TL;DR** - If urinals A, B, and C are vacant, but D is not, use B, and double the efficiency of the urinals.
This isn't exactly unacceptable, but is usually viewed as such by others. So if you go into a bathroom with 4 urinals, the first person is obviously going to pick an end, right? So now you have Now when you go in there and you're the second person, you would normally pick another end. This allows you to not be next to anyone, but will totally screw over the third guy, since either way he has to be by someone. Then, when this third guy comes in, he has to hold it, since he will likely choose to stand and wait for one to open up than have to choose between the two crappiest spots. This means a 4 urinal bathroom can only hold 2 people at once. What you should do when being the second one in there is pick the second or third urinal (depending upon which end is already taken). So now you have an empty one, you, an empty one, and another occupied one. This will give the third person an obvious choice, since you'd usually much rather be next to one person than two. This then gives the fourth person an obvious choice as well, since it's the only spot left. This way, all four urinals are used at once, and the efficiency of the bathroom can be doubled. TL;DR - If urinals A, B, and C are vacant, but D is not, use B, and double the efficiency of the urinals.
This isn't exactly unacceptable, but is usually viewed as such by others. So if you go into a bathroom with 4 urinals, the first person is obviously going to pick an end, right? So now you have Now when you go in there and you're the second person, you would normally pick another end. This allows you to not be next to anyone, but will totally screw over the third guy, since either way he has to be by someone. Then, when this third guy comes in, he has to hold it, since he will likely choose to stand and wait for one to open up than have to choose between the two crappiest spots. This means a 4 urinal bathroom can only hold 2 people at once. What you should do when being the second one in there is pick the second or third urinal (depending upon which end is already taken). So now you have an empty one, you, an empty one, and another occupied one. This will give the third person an obvious choice, since you'd usually much rather be next to one person than two. This then gives the fourth person an obvious choice as well, since it's the only spot left. This way, all four urinals are used at once, and the efficiency of the bathroom can be doubled.
If urinals A, B, and C are vacant, but D is not, use B, and double the efficiency of the urinals.
I whistle with my tongue folded at the roof of my mouth, teeth together, and lips barely separated. My lips aren't pursed so nobody can tell where it comes from. I also undetectably "click" my toes inside my shoes. I can whistle and hum at the same time, in harmony. tl;dr: I drive people crazy with undetectable noises.
I whistle with my tongue folded at the roof of my mouth, teeth together, and lips barely separated. My lips aren't pursed so nobody can tell where it comes from. I also undetectably "click" my toes inside my shoes. I can whistle and hum at the same time, in harmony. tl;dr: I drive people crazy with undetectable noises.
I whistle with my tongue folded at the roof of my mouth, teeth together, and lips barely separated. My lips aren't pursed so nobody can tell where it comes from. I also undetectably "click" my toes inside my shoes. I can whistle and hum at the same time, in harmony.
I drive people crazy with undetectable noises.
I don't aim to pray outside, it's just if the time for prayer is running short (as you probably know the prayer times are limited to particular times of the day) and I have no where more secluded to pray then I won't hesitate to pray in public, of course not obstructing people's ways etc. It can be difficult to find a 'comfortable' place to pray if i'm out shopping or something, like I sometimes end up praying in a car-park or something, which would probably look really weird to someone who didn't know what I was doing. I appreciate that people who know what i'm doing think it's fine, but I can just imagine someone walking past seeing me with no shoes, face-in-coat-on-ground, next to a bus stop thinking 'what on earth....' lol. TL:DR I pray when I need to, without getting in people's way, but sometimes in view of the general public in places they might not expect.
I don't aim to pray outside, it's just if the time for prayer is running short (as you probably know the prayer times are limited to particular times of the day) and I have no where more secluded to pray then I won't hesitate to pray in public, of course not obstructing people's ways etc. It can be difficult to find a 'comfortable' place to pray if i'm out shopping or something, like I sometimes end up praying in a car-park or something, which would probably look really weird to someone who didn't know what I was doing. I appreciate that people who know what i'm doing think it's fine, but I can just imagine someone walking past seeing me with no shoes, face-in-coat-on-ground, next to a bus stop thinking 'what on earth....' lol. TL:DR I pray when I need to, without getting in people's way, but sometimes in view of the general public in places they might not expect.
I don't aim to pray outside, it's just if the time for prayer is running short (as you probably know the prayer times are limited to particular times of the day) and I have no where more secluded to pray then I won't hesitate to pray in public, of course not obstructing people's ways etc. It can be difficult to find a 'comfortable' place to pray if i'm out shopping or something, like I sometimes end up praying in a car-park or something, which would probably look really weird to someone who didn't know what I was doing. I appreciate that people who know what i'm doing think it's fine, but I can just imagine someone walking past seeing me with no shoes, face-in-coat-on-ground, next to a bus stop thinking 'what on earth....' lol.
I pray when I need to, without getting in people's way, but sometimes in view of the general public in places they might not expect.
I never thought about this before but is the diameter of your index finger designed to fit perfectly in your nostril? Meaning, do people with fatter fingers also have larger nostrils? Is there anyone who has an index finger that can't fit in their nostril? Tl;dr: trying to solve one of the biggest scientific questions of all time.
I never thought about this before but is the diameter of your index finger designed to fit perfectly in your nostril? Meaning, do people with fatter fingers also have larger nostrils? Is there anyone who has an index finger that can't fit in their nostril? Tl;dr: trying to solve one of the biggest scientific questions of all time.
I never thought about this before but is the diameter of your index finger designed to fit perfectly in your nostril? Meaning, do people with fatter fingers also have larger nostrils? Is there anyone who has an index finger that can't fit in their nostril?
trying to solve one of the biggest scientific questions of all time.
I am known as the woman who runs all over campus at my school. It's shocking to a lot of people since I'm pretty overweight, but I've never necessarily been out of shape. But yeah, I run the school's Latin club, am writing a thesis and meet regularly with my advisor, and assist many teachers with their workloads; I've got a lot to take care of from one end of the building to the other, and I don't have a lot of time to do it. Running is the only option. tl;dr: I'm the fat chick who runs around school, shocking all.
I am known as the woman who runs all over campus at my school. It's shocking to a lot of people since I'm pretty overweight, but I've never necessarily been out of shape. But yeah, I run the school's Latin club, am writing a thesis and meet regularly with my advisor, and assist many teachers with their workloads; I've got a lot to take care of from one end of the building to the other, and I don't have a lot of time to do it. Running is the only option. tl;dr: I'm the fat chick who runs around school, shocking all.
I am known as the woman who runs all over campus at my school. It's shocking to a lot of people since I'm pretty overweight, but I've never necessarily been out of shape. But yeah, I run the school's Latin club, am writing a thesis and meet regularly with my advisor, and assist many teachers with their workloads; I've got a lot to take care of from one end of the building to the other, and I don't have a lot of time to do it. Running is the only option.
I'm the fat chick who runs around school, shocking all.
I used to sell vibrators, dildos, cock rings (and even a light saber replica female masturbatory aide once) online, my ex and ex roommate were in the pornography distribution industry and after years of being embarrassed to even say the words "penis" or "vagina" I freely spoke about all things sex related probably more freely than I should have (trust me, tha is not a conversation you want to drunkenly engage your mother in) I'm in a place where I am extremely comfortable with my sexuality and I find it empowering. It makes me sad to think that in this day and age women are still ashamed, embarrassed and ashamed to embrace it. I mean, if American cinema had taught us nothing else about bachelorette parties and girls nights out, women are apparently cock hungry...or paraphernalia hungry at least. TLDR WHERE YO DICKS AT. Please don't pm me. /rant
I used to sell vibrators, dildos, cock rings (and even a light saber replica female masturbatory aide once) online, my ex and ex roommate were in the pornography distribution industry and after years of being embarrassed to even say the words "penis" or "vagina" I freely spoke about all things sex related probably more freely than I should have (trust me, tha is not a conversation you want to drunkenly engage your mother in) I'm in a place where I am extremely comfortable with my sexuality and I find it empowering. It makes me sad to think that in this day and age women are still ashamed, embarrassed and ashamed to embrace it. I mean, if American cinema had taught us nothing else about bachelorette parties and girls nights out, women are apparently cock hungry...or paraphernalia hungry at least. TLDR WHERE YO DICKS AT. Please don't pm me. /rant
I used to sell vibrators, dildos, cock rings (and even a light saber replica female masturbatory aide once) online, my ex and ex roommate were in the pornography distribution industry and after years of being embarrassed to even say the words "penis" or "vagina" I freely spoke about all things sex related probably more freely than I should have (trust me, tha is not a conversation you want to drunkenly engage your mother in) I'm in a place where I am extremely comfortable with my sexuality and I find it empowering. It makes me sad to think that in this day and age women are still ashamed, embarrassed and ashamed to embrace it. I mean, if American cinema had taught us nothing else about bachelorette parties and girls nights out, women are apparently cock hungry...or paraphernalia hungry at least.
WHERE YO DICKS AT. Please don't pm me. /rant
I posted [not long ago]( about how i dont 'get' redd. I dont really get it, I admit that, but Im not without my reasons. When i read the pre-ann I just thought 'ok, its a scrypt in the age of adaptive-n, moving into direct competition for the niche filled by the fastest growing crypto ever, it appears to be attempting to bluff some association with reddit, its using [comically poor infographics]( and it has an IPO to fund a professional marketing campaign. Trash' While I will happily admit its done better than I expected, I still dont get the appeal. The marketing largely failed, if you measure by community growth, the value is about on par with the pandacoin set up to piss off wulong, and development looks to be limited to repurposing open source tipbots (from what i've seen). The defining characteristic seems to be "we got a plan, yo", except that plan hasnt generated any more interest than any other dime a dozen coins. Granted doge isnt much better, but its MASSIVE, and it did all the things reddcoin is still struggling with in less than a week. Anyway sorry, I didnt mean to knock Redd when i started but got carried away. TLDR, i dont really get reddcoin, but im happy to be proven wrong.
I posted [not long ago]( about how i dont 'get' redd. I dont really get it, I admit that, but Im not without my reasons. When i read the pre-ann I just thought 'ok, its a scrypt in the age of adaptive-n, moving into direct competition for the niche filled by the fastest growing crypto ever, it appears to be attempting to bluff some association with reddit, its using [comically poor infographics]( and it has an IPO to fund a professional marketing campaign. Trash' While I will happily admit its done better than I expected, I still dont get the appeal. The marketing largely failed, if you measure by community growth, the value is about on par with the pandacoin set up to piss off wulong, and development looks to be limited to repurposing open source tipbots (from what i've seen). The defining characteristic seems to be "we got a plan, yo", except that plan hasnt generated any more interest than any other dime a dozen coins. Granted doge isnt much better, but its MASSIVE, and it did all the things reddcoin is still struggling with in less than a week. Anyway sorry, I didnt mean to knock Redd when i started but got carried away. TLDR, i dont really get reddcoin, but im happy to be proven wrong.
I posted [not long ago]( about how i dont 'get' redd. I dont really get it, I admit that, but Im not without my reasons. When i read the pre-ann I just thought 'ok, its a scrypt in the age of adaptive-n, moving into direct competition for the niche filled by the fastest growing crypto ever, it appears to be attempting to bluff some association with reddit, its using [comically poor infographics]( and it has an IPO to fund a professional marketing campaign. Trash' While I will happily admit its done better than I expected, I still dont get the appeal. The marketing largely failed, if you measure by community growth, the value is about on par with the pandacoin set up to piss off wulong, and development looks to be limited to repurposing open source tipbots (from what i've seen). The defining characteristic seems to be "we got a plan, yo", except that plan hasnt generated any more interest than any other dime a dozen coins. Granted doge isnt much better, but its MASSIVE, and it did all the things reddcoin is still struggling with in less than a week. Anyway sorry, I didnt mean to knock Redd when i started but got carried away.
i dont really get reddcoin, but im happy to be proven wrong.
because of the storm over the recent months in the Philippines there is a bit of a shortage of Dole bananas, if you are in Christchurch the markets also cocked up by over ripening the bananas they had so there are a few less already(they accidentally did this because they are holding so many because of the shortage). To add to this they shipment was fucked up buy a mechanical problem?(heard that on the news today) and went back to the Philippines, the next shipment is hopefully expected of Wednesday but has to clear customs. We could be 3 weeks away from more bananas. (source) i work at a supermarket. TLDR; Cyclones, Ripening and Boat problems holding up bananas
because of the storm over the recent months in the Philippines there is a bit of a shortage of Dole bananas, if you are in Christchurch the markets also cocked up by over ripening the bananas they had so there are a few less already(they accidentally did this because they are holding so many because of the shortage). To add to this they shipment was fucked up buy a mechanical problem?(heard that on the news today) and went back to the Philippines, the next shipment is hopefully expected of Wednesday but has to clear customs. We could be 3 weeks away from more bananas. (source) i work at a supermarket. TLDR; Cyclones, Ripening and Boat problems holding up bananas
because of the storm over the recent months in the Philippines there is a bit of a shortage of Dole bananas, if you are in Christchurch the markets also cocked up by over ripening the bananas they had so there are a few less already(they accidentally did this because they are holding so many because of the shortage). To add to this they shipment was fucked up buy a mechanical problem?(heard that on the news today) and went back to the Philippines, the next shipment is hopefully expected of Wednesday but has to clear customs. We could be 3 weeks away from more bananas. (source) i work at a supermarket.
Cyclones, Ripening and Boat problems holding up bananas
TYL that peopel that weight lift are usually in much better shape than those that don't (the majority of pepole don't weight lift) and people in shape are able to throw a hell of a lot more punches and wrestle a lot longer than those that don't. TL;DR: Anyone can fight. Those that exercise can usually fight better.
TYL that peopel that weight lift are usually in much better shape than those that don't (the majority of pepole don't weight lift) and people in shape are able to throw a hell of a lot more punches and wrestle a lot longer than those that don't. TL;DR: Anyone can fight. Those that exercise can usually fight better.
TYL that peopel that weight lift are usually in much better shape than those that don't (the majority of pepole don't weight lift) and people in shape are able to throw a hell of a lot more punches and wrestle a lot longer than those that don't.
Anyone can fight. Those that exercise can usually fight better.
Your biggest problem is basically using highly anticipated games to get anywhere. You won't. Unless you're literally first, but that's in some ways impossible. We all learned that. Next, you only have one video up of it. If you had maybe 5, then that could bring more weight to it. But as it stands, one channel has one video, people are likely to not look at it. Next up, your thumbnail is quite lame. Text is small, generic, the font is also that pseudo-future looking robotic font which at least for me is a turn off. It need to be more eyecatching and more bold to stand out among the thousands of other videos popping up. LP'ing highly anticipated games really only works for larger channels whose audience and subscribers sustain them on their own. Relying on search traffic for a highly anticipated game simply does not work because the people with big sub counts instantly win. They put out one video and they get hundreds of thousands if not millions of watch-minutes which YT takes as automatic amazingz and puts it at the top. So the game is not necissarily rigged, but it favours those with big audiences. It's not entirely fair or unfair, depends how you look at it. But when starting out. Play what you enjoy and that enjoyment will show through and you'll gain your following. I'm going to be LP'ing Theif because it was gifted to me, I have about 210 subs on my second LP channel and I have people who asked for it. But I wouldn't be buying games on launch with the thought to LP them. It's just not viable. You'll be discouraged, and that's not good. TL:DR. Make bolder thumbnails, don't fight the big dogs to launch day LP's; it won't work, play games you enjoy because those will make the best videos and then the most fans.
Your biggest problem is basically using highly anticipated games to get anywhere. You won't. Unless you're literally first, but that's in some ways impossible. We all learned that. Next, you only have one video up of it. If you had maybe 5, then that could bring more weight to it. But as it stands, one channel has one video, people are likely to not look at it. Next up, your thumbnail is quite lame. Text is small, generic, the font is also that pseudo-future looking robotic font which at least for me is a turn off. It need to be more eyecatching and more bold to stand out among the thousands of other videos popping up. LP'ing highly anticipated games really only works for larger channels whose audience and subscribers sustain them on their own. Relying on search traffic for a highly anticipated game simply does not work because the people with big sub counts instantly win. They put out one video and they get hundreds of thousands if not millions of watch-minutes which YT takes as automatic amazingz and puts it at the top. So the game is not necissarily rigged, but it favours those with big audiences. It's not entirely fair or unfair, depends how you look at it. But when starting out. Play what you enjoy and that enjoyment will show through and you'll gain your following. I'm going to be LP'ing Theif because it was gifted to me, I have about 210 subs on my second LP channel and I have people who asked for it. But I wouldn't be buying games on launch with the thought to LP them. It's just not viable. You'll be discouraged, and that's not good. TL:DR. Make bolder thumbnails, don't fight the big dogs to launch day LP's; it won't work, play games you enjoy because those will make the best videos and then the most fans.
Your biggest problem is basically using highly anticipated games to get anywhere. You won't. Unless you're literally first, but that's in some ways impossible. We all learned that. Next, you only have one video up of it. If you had maybe 5, then that could bring more weight to it. But as it stands, one channel has one video, people are likely to not look at it. Next up, your thumbnail is quite lame. Text is small, generic, the font is also that pseudo-future looking robotic font which at least for me is a turn off. It need to be more eyecatching and more bold to stand out among the thousands of other videos popping up. LP'ing highly anticipated games really only works for larger channels whose audience and subscribers sustain them on their own. Relying on search traffic for a highly anticipated game simply does not work because the people with big sub counts instantly win. They put out one video and they get hundreds of thousands if not millions of watch-minutes which YT takes as automatic amazingz and puts it at the top. So the game is not necissarily rigged, but it favours those with big audiences. It's not entirely fair or unfair, depends how you look at it. But when starting out. Play what you enjoy and that enjoyment will show through and you'll gain your following. I'm going to be LP'ing Theif because it was gifted to me, I have about 210 subs on my second LP channel and I have people who asked for it. But I wouldn't be buying games on launch with the thought to LP them. It's just not viable. You'll be discouraged, and that's not good.
Make bolder thumbnails, don't fight the big dogs to launch day LP's; it won't work, play games you enjoy because those will make the best videos and then the most fans.
Common threats aren't honed yet, I think it still remains to be seen what the game culture may look like when things like more zombies and dangerous animals are introduced into the game. That combined with diseases and complications to being injured like sepsis may make people less murder prone simple because it isn't worth it. The one thing he didn't touch on is that the game has no rewards for anything other than killing other players. There is no base building, farming, hunting, vehicle construction, or general player development at the moment. What we have is the nuts and bolts of the game, loot, equip, craft, fight and survive. As the environment becomes more and more dangerous to players people may start to avoid one another because of fears of things like cholera or influenza which are deadly with out the right tools even in real life. **tl;dr It's still too early to tell what players may be like when the game has more team oriented goals and greater environmental threats.**
Common threats aren't honed yet, I think it still remains to be seen what the game culture may look like when things like more zombies and dangerous animals are introduced into the game. That combined with diseases and complications to being injured like sepsis may make people less murder prone simple because it isn't worth it. The one thing he didn't touch on is that the game has no rewards for anything other than killing other players. There is no base building, farming, hunting, vehicle construction, or general player development at the moment. What we have is the nuts and bolts of the game, loot, equip, craft, fight and survive. As the environment becomes more and more dangerous to players people may start to avoid one another because of fears of things like cholera or influenza which are deadly with out the right tools even in real life. tl;dr It's still too early to tell what players may be like when the game has more team oriented goals and greater environmental threats.
Common threats aren't honed yet, I think it still remains to be seen what the game culture may look like when things like more zombies and dangerous animals are introduced into the game. That combined with diseases and complications to being injured like sepsis may make people less murder prone simple because it isn't worth it. The one thing he didn't touch on is that the game has no rewards for anything other than killing other players. There is no base building, farming, hunting, vehicle construction, or general player development at the moment. What we have is the nuts and bolts of the game, loot, equip, craft, fight and survive. As the environment becomes more and more dangerous to players people may start to avoid one another because of fears of things like cholera or influenza which are deadly with out the right tools even in real life.
It's still too early to tell what players may be like when the game has more team oriented goals and greater environmental threats.
Men are definitely not afraid of serious committment. This notion we are "afraid" is nonsense. We, generally at our young age don't see the need to commit. Our younger years (14-27) are basically the time to fool around with as many women as possible. Some men take the alternate route and just stick with 1 girlfriend for 5 years for continuous, regular sex. Most men only mature around age 35 and begin to realize what's important in life. tl;dr men are not afraid of commitment, we just see no advantages of doing so and would like to play with our meat instead
Men are definitely not afraid of serious committment. This notion we are "afraid" is nonsense. We, generally at our young age don't see the need to commit. Our younger years (14-27) are basically the time to fool around with as many women as possible. Some men take the alternate route and just stick with 1 girlfriend for 5 years for continuous, regular sex. Most men only mature around age 35 and begin to realize what's important in life. tl;dr men are not afraid of commitment, we just see no advantages of doing so and would like to play with our meat instead
Men are definitely not afraid of serious committment. This notion we are "afraid" is nonsense. We, generally at our young age don't see the need to commit. Our younger years (14-27) are basically the time to fool around with as many women as possible. Some men take the alternate route and just stick with 1 girlfriend for 5 years for continuous, regular sex. Most men only mature around age 35 and begin to realize what's important in life.
men are not afraid of commitment, we just see no advantages of doing so and would like to play with our meat instead
Is it a bad thing that banshee's veil is good? It's success indicates mostly the sheer power of common competitive champion's abilities and presents an adequate way to fight late game facerolling and aoe comps. If banshees veil didnt exist, certain champs power level would go up by a lot. Karthus loves long teamfights because his dps is very safe (you cant silence a ghost and he has great range on his q) and his ult is unavoidable. This pattern of play is very fun for karthus, but gives his opponents very little agency beyond not standing in the ghost of karthus, and even then your team is still going to take ~2500 total damage just from a rank three ult. At least if karthus takes too long from the onset of the poking, theres a chance to reduce that ultimate damage significantly, and good positioning can save you from his guaranteed damage. If amumu never had to think about ulting then he would be a permaban or get the nerfbat. Vi is troublesome enough with banshees veil in the game, can you imagine a late game vi being able to ult whatever squishy she wanted with impunity even if the squishy hasn't been hit by anything? Fun for vi, not fun for the squishy. Leblanc, the queen of the LCS is significantly hindered by banshees veil because her poke is so poor for teamfights, and keep her from distorting in and deleting an adc. If there was no BV there would be no really meaningful counter play to leblanc, beyond severely warped positioning, which would mean the adc can't do meaningful damage to the objectives (champs/towers) If a raid boss tank wants to go all in on 5 people and soak damage for the team, banshees veil helps him deal with the cc spells that he can't avoid from simple positioning (polymorph, the box, tibbers) so champions with higher damage but low utility abilities have to work on him too instead of just letting the supports hard disengage them because the veil must be popped, which means hes doing his job as a damage soaker even if he fell behind in lane. The point I'm trying to make is banshees veil slows down snowballing by giving room for mistakes on champs where mistakes would be more or less impossible otherwise if the champ is played correctly. Ultimates would feel less like ultimates because their success would be almost completely guaranteed, so champs with high impact ultimates ("Area of effect" ultimates). Every comp would be an aoe comp without bv more or less and riot would have to warp the power of locket of the iron solari to compensate. It also makes all champion abilities more valuable by increasing their opportunity cost. If I use an ability vs a banshees veil I do no damage but I open up my enemy for my opponent. You could argue to make it an active to give it more play for the user but that makes it almost useless to the lower skilled players since missle speed is generally too fast/instant on the champs that bv soft counters. BV would increase the power of those high success rate champs (karth mumu lb) at low levels, and have the reverse effect at high levels where those champs would be next to useless and the item would probably be an instant rush in any circumstance just for the ability to instantly block an ultimate. (Faker would die even less than he normally does). TL;DR BV is a key foundation point for league of legends balance, and removing it would not make the game more fun, rather it would would change the meta almost instantly, and severly hurt the variation in the game.
Is it a bad thing that banshee's veil is good? It's success indicates mostly the sheer power of common competitive champion's abilities and presents an adequate way to fight late game facerolling and aoe comps. If banshees veil didnt exist, certain champs power level would go up by a lot. Karthus loves long teamfights because his dps is very safe (you cant silence a ghost and he has great range on his q) and his ult is unavoidable. This pattern of play is very fun for karthus, but gives his opponents very little agency beyond not standing in the ghost of karthus, and even then your team is still going to take ~2500 total damage just from a rank three ult. At least if karthus takes too long from the onset of the poking, theres a chance to reduce that ultimate damage significantly, and good positioning can save you from his guaranteed damage. If amumu never had to think about ulting then he would be a permaban or get the nerfbat. Vi is troublesome enough with banshees veil in the game, can you imagine a late game vi being able to ult whatever squishy she wanted with impunity even if the squishy hasn't been hit by anything? Fun for vi, not fun for the squishy. Leblanc, the queen of the LCS is significantly hindered by banshees veil because her poke is so poor for teamfights, and keep her from distorting in and deleting an adc. If there was no BV there would be no really meaningful counter play to leblanc, beyond severely warped positioning, which would mean the adc can't do meaningful damage to the objectives (champs/towers) If a raid boss tank wants to go all in on 5 people and soak damage for the team, banshees veil helps him deal with the cc spells that he can't avoid from simple positioning (polymorph, the box, tibbers) so champions with higher damage but low utility abilities have to work on him too instead of just letting the supports hard disengage them because the veil must be popped, which means hes doing his job as a damage soaker even if he fell behind in lane. The point I'm trying to make is banshees veil slows down snowballing by giving room for mistakes on champs where mistakes would be more or less impossible otherwise if the champ is played correctly. Ultimates would feel less like ultimates because their success would be almost completely guaranteed, so champs with high impact ultimates ("Area of effect" ultimates). Every comp would be an aoe comp without bv more or less and riot would have to warp the power of locket of the iron solari to compensate. It also makes all champion abilities more valuable by increasing their opportunity cost. If I use an ability vs a banshees veil I do no damage but I open up my enemy for my opponent. You could argue to make it an active to give it more play for the user but that makes it almost useless to the lower skilled players since missle speed is generally too fast/instant on the champs that bv soft counters. BV would increase the power of those high success rate champs (karth mumu lb) at low levels, and have the reverse effect at high levels where those champs would be next to useless and the item would probably be an instant rush in any circumstance just for the ability to instantly block an ultimate. (Faker would die even less than he normally does). TL;DR BV is a key foundation point for league of legends balance, and removing it would not make the game more fun, rather it would would change the meta almost instantly, and severly hurt the variation in the game.
Is it a bad thing that banshee's veil is good? It's success indicates mostly the sheer power of common competitive champion's abilities and presents an adequate way to fight late game facerolling and aoe comps. If banshees veil didnt exist, certain champs power level would go up by a lot. Karthus loves long teamfights because his dps is very safe (you cant silence a ghost and he has great range on his q) and his ult is unavoidable. This pattern of play is very fun for karthus, but gives his opponents very little agency beyond not standing in the ghost of karthus, and even then your team is still going to take ~2500 total damage just from a rank three ult. At least if karthus takes too long from the onset of the poking, theres a chance to reduce that ultimate damage significantly, and good positioning can save you from his guaranteed damage. If amumu never had to think about ulting then he would be a permaban or get the nerfbat. Vi is troublesome enough with banshees veil in the game, can you imagine a late game vi being able to ult whatever squishy she wanted with impunity even if the squishy hasn't been hit by anything? Fun for vi, not fun for the squishy. Leblanc, the queen of the LCS is significantly hindered by banshees veil because her poke is so poor for teamfights, and keep her from distorting in and deleting an adc. If there was no BV there would be no really meaningful counter play to leblanc, beyond severely warped positioning, which would mean the adc can't do meaningful damage to the objectives (champs/towers) If a raid boss tank wants to go all in on 5 people and soak damage for the team, banshees veil helps him deal with the cc spells that he can't avoid from simple positioning (polymorph, the box, tibbers) so champions with higher damage but low utility abilities have to work on him too instead of just letting the supports hard disengage them because the veil must be popped, which means hes doing his job as a damage soaker even if he fell behind in lane. The point I'm trying to make is banshees veil slows down snowballing by giving room for mistakes on champs where mistakes would be more or less impossible otherwise if the champ is played correctly. Ultimates would feel less like ultimates because their success would be almost completely guaranteed, so champs with high impact ultimates ("Area of effect" ultimates). Every comp would be an aoe comp without bv more or less and riot would have to warp the power of locket of the iron solari to compensate. It also makes all champion abilities more valuable by increasing their opportunity cost. If I use an ability vs a banshees veil I do no damage but I open up my enemy for my opponent. You could argue to make it an active to give it more play for the user but that makes it almost useless to the lower skilled players since missle speed is generally too fast/instant on the champs that bv soft counters. BV would increase the power of those high success rate champs (karth mumu lb) at low levels, and have the reverse effect at high levels where those champs would be next to useless and the item would probably be an instant rush in any circumstance just for the ability to instantly block an ultimate. (Faker would die even less than he normally does).
BV is a key foundation point for league of legends balance, and removing it would not make the game more fun, rather it would would change the meta almost instantly, and severly hurt the variation in the game.
A lot of the comments seem to be focused on watching videos and using books. These are great, but be careful if two things: 1. Watching someone draw will never result in you drawing better. It can inspire you, or provide you with some tips here and there, but make sure you are actually drawing 10x more than you are watching. My BEST art professor never drew more than a line in front of me. I never got to see his work, and part of the reason he was the best was because of this. 2. Watching these videos and joining ( a GREAT site btw) can accidentally discourage you since these people are really, really good. You will see their best work, imagine what you can do, and then come no where near it. This OK, just don't let it deter you from drawing. It takes a lot of time. Also, since you don't have classes to attend, it may be helpful to know that most of art classes is feedback, not instruction. In math, they teach you rules, and you practice following them. They step you through instructions, you memorize, then you implement. In art, you look at the face, then you draw it. What you draw is what you see. No matter how off from reality it is, that's what your brain told you you saw. Your teacher would help point out to you where in your drawing your brain lied to you. You saw the folds of the ear, but what your brain sent to your hand was an assumption of what those folds look like. You saw that there was a difference in value between the apple and the wall, but your brain assumed there was a line differentiating them. There wasn't. There are no lines in nature, only where one value meets another. Finally, find someone who draws, and require that they give you the most brutal feedback. The final thing you'll need to simulate from art class is the critiques. This is when you hang up your piece for all to see, and they tear it apart, bit by bit. Realize that this isn't an attack on you. This is a comparison between your drawing and reality. Between what you saw and what you thought you saw. Whenever someone says 'that looks great' pry the truth out. Compliments mean nothing to an artist that is learning, because they don't help him get better. Source: charcoal and pencil artist for years. Had numerous solo exhibitions, then dropped out of art school at the last second for a BBA instead :p TL;DR: learning to draw is really about learning to see. Don't see others work and get discouraged, they used to see just as bad as you do now. Find an honest critique-er, accept compliments, seek out truthful feedback.
A lot of the comments seem to be focused on watching videos and using books. These are great, but be careful if two things: Watching someone draw will never result in you drawing better. It can inspire you, or provide you with some tips here and there, but make sure you are actually drawing 10x more than you are watching. My BEST art professor never drew more than a line in front of me. I never got to see his work, and part of the reason he was the best was because of this. Watching these videos and joining ( a GREAT site btw) can accidentally discourage you since these people are really, really good. You will see their best work, imagine what you can do, and then come no where near it. This OK, just don't let it deter you from drawing. It takes a lot of time. Also, since you don't have classes to attend, it may be helpful to know that most of art classes is feedback, not instruction. In math, they teach you rules, and you practice following them. They step you through instructions, you memorize, then you implement. In art, you look at the face, then you draw it. What you draw is what you see. No matter how off from reality it is, that's what your brain told you you saw. Your teacher would help point out to you where in your drawing your brain lied to you. You saw the folds of the ear, but what your brain sent to your hand was an assumption of what those folds look like. You saw that there was a difference in value between the apple and the wall, but your brain assumed there was a line differentiating them. There wasn't. There are no lines in nature, only where one value meets another. Finally, find someone who draws, and require that they give you the most brutal feedback. The final thing you'll need to simulate from art class is the critiques. This is when you hang up your piece for all to see, and they tear it apart, bit by bit. Realize that this isn't an attack on you. This is a comparison between your drawing and reality. Between what you saw and what you thought you saw. Whenever someone says 'that looks great' pry the truth out. Compliments mean nothing to an artist that is learning, because they don't help him get better. Source: charcoal and pencil artist for years. Had numerous solo exhibitions, then dropped out of art school at the last second for a BBA instead :p TL;DR: learning to draw is really about learning to see. Don't see others work and get discouraged, they used to see just as bad as you do now. Find an honest critique-er, accept compliments, seek out truthful feedback.
A lot of the comments seem to be focused on watching videos and using books. These are great, but be careful if two things: Watching someone draw will never result in you drawing better. It can inspire you, or provide you with some tips here and there, but make sure you are actually drawing 10x more than you are watching. My BEST art professor never drew more than a line in front of me. I never got to see his work, and part of the reason he was the best was because of this. Watching these videos and joining ( a GREAT site btw) can accidentally discourage you since these people are really, really good. You will see their best work, imagine what you can do, and then come no where near it. This OK, just don't let it deter you from drawing. It takes a lot of time. Also, since you don't have classes to attend, it may be helpful to know that most of art classes is feedback, not instruction. In math, they teach you rules, and you practice following them. They step you through instructions, you memorize, then you implement. In art, you look at the face, then you draw it. What you draw is what you see. No matter how off from reality it is, that's what your brain told you you saw. Your teacher would help point out to you where in your drawing your brain lied to you. You saw the folds of the ear, but what your brain sent to your hand was an assumption of what those folds look like. You saw that there was a difference in value between the apple and the wall, but your brain assumed there was a line differentiating them. There wasn't. There are no lines in nature, only where one value meets another. Finally, find someone who draws, and require that they give you the most brutal feedback. The final thing you'll need to simulate from art class is the critiques. This is when you hang up your piece for all to see, and they tear it apart, bit by bit. Realize that this isn't an attack on you. This is a comparison between your drawing and reality. Between what you saw and what you thought you saw. Whenever someone says 'that looks great' pry the truth out. Compliments mean nothing to an artist that is learning, because they don't help him get better. Source: charcoal and pencil artist for years. Had numerous solo exhibitions, then dropped out of art school at the last second for a BBA instead :p
learning to draw is really about learning to see. Don't see others work and get discouraged, they used to see just as bad as you do now. Find an honest critique-er, accept compliments, seek out truthful feedback.
Day 3: After shipping off $65.50 in postage I decided to hit up a B&M after work. Found a Twitter buddy there and chatted a bit. I then hit the humidor to complete a mini-haul consisting of: 2 Viaje C-4 1 Room 101 Daruma Master Collection 2 Lancero 1 Room 101 Daruma Mutante Started off by lighting up the Room 101 Daruma Mutante then, all of a sudden /u/javo7 bombed me in person and threw a House of Emilio La Musa Melete Lancero!!! My first House of Emilio! I then went home to find 6 boxes waiting for me from the cigar lottery including two bombs from /u/thetortureneverstops and /u/Malannan. I also rounded up 5 Cain F Lanceros from /u/corse since I ran out because I traded them all away before I smoked them!!! Revived pair trades but need to regroup and categorize! Not a bad day! tl;dr got bombed at B&M, 6/45 packages received for lotto, dat Cain F
Day 3: After shipping off $65.50 in postage I decided to hit up a B&M after work. Found a Twitter buddy there and chatted a bit. I then hit the humidor to complete a mini-haul consisting of: 2 Viaje C-4 1 Room 101 Daruma Master Collection 2 Lancero 1 Room 101 Daruma Mutante Started off by lighting up the Room 101 Daruma Mutante then, all of a sudden /u/javo7 bombed me in person and threw a House of Emilio La Musa Melete Lancero!!! My first House of Emilio! I then went home to find 6 boxes waiting for me from the cigar lottery including two bombs from /u/thetortureneverstops and /u/Malannan. I also rounded up 5 Cain F Lanceros from /u/corse since I ran out because I traded them all away before I smoked them!!! Revived pair trades but need to regroup and categorize! Not a bad day! tl;dr got bombed at B&M, 6/45 packages received for lotto, dat Cain F
Day 3: After shipping off $65.50 in postage I decided to hit up a B&M after work. Found a Twitter buddy there and chatted a bit. I then hit the humidor to complete a mini-haul consisting of: 2 Viaje C-4 1 Room 101 Daruma Master Collection 2 Lancero 1 Room 101 Daruma Mutante Started off by lighting up the Room 101 Daruma Mutante then, all of a sudden /u/javo7 bombed me in person and threw a House of Emilio La Musa Melete Lancero!!! My first House of Emilio! I then went home to find 6 boxes waiting for me from the cigar lottery including two bombs from /u/thetortureneverstops and /u/Malannan. I also rounded up 5 Cain F Lanceros from /u/corse since I ran out because I traded them all away before I smoked them!!! Revived pair trades but need to regroup and categorize! Not a bad day!
got bombed at B&M, 6/45 packages received for lotto, dat Cain F
To be fair, it's not the mods' job to get rid of unfunny posts, it's the users'. The reason there's no rule that says "no unfunny posts" is because humour really is subjective. I personally don't find this post funny either, but 5,000 people did so it's at the top. tl;dr if the mods removed this, they'd be saying "my opinion is more important than the majority's opinion," which is the opposite of democratic.
To be fair, it's not the mods' job to get rid of unfunny posts, it's the users'. The reason there's no rule that says "no unfunny posts" is because humour really is subjective. I personally don't find this post funny either, but 5,000 people did so it's at the top. tl;dr if the mods removed this, they'd be saying "my opinion is more important than the majority's opinion," which is the opposite of democratic.
To be fair, it's not the mods' job to get rid of unfunny posts, it's the users'. The reason there's no rule that says "no unfunny posts" is because humour really is subjective. I personally don't find this post funny either, but 5,000 people did so it's at the top.
if the mods removed this, they'd be saying "my opinion is more important than the majority's opinion," which is the opposite of democratic.
Actually I've had the British and American Heinz baked beans and, the British ones currently sold are very like the ones Heinz made in America when I was a kid...*snif* Quality here has gone down and they taste tinny in America now. But I don't think any American would be put off by British Heinz baked beans, I honestly don't. Only the ones we use at BBQs have the smoky flavor added, or the BBQ sauce added. Regular baked beans are plainer. Also, companies here flavor according to region of America the cans will be sold in. Even Campbells soup doesn't taste the same from one region to the next, here. Depends on the local preferences. TL;DR don't worry about the British beans if you are American they're yummy and not all that different from ours.
Actually I've had the British and American Heinz baked beans and, the British ones currently sold are very like the ones Heinz made in America when I was a kid... snif Quality here has gone down and they taste tinny in America now. But I don't think any American would be put off by British Heinz baked beans, I honestly don't. Only the ones we use at BBQs have the smoky flavor added, or the BBQ sauce added. Regular baked beans are plainer. Also, companies here flavor according to region of America the cans will be sold in. Even Campbells soup doesn't taste the same from one region to the next, here. Depends on the local preferences. TL;DR don't worry about the British beans if you are American they're yummy and not all that different from ours.
Actually I've had the British and American Heinz baked beans and, the British ones currently sold are very like the ones Heinz made in America when I was a kid... snif Quality here has gone down and they taste tinny in America now. But I don't think any American would be put off by British Heinz baked beans, I honestly don't. Only the ones we use at BBQs have the smoky flavor added, or the BBQ sauce added. Regular baked beans are plainer. Also, companies here flavor according to region of America the cans will be sold in. Even Campbells soup doesn't taste the same from one region to the next, here. Depends on the local preferences.
don't worry about the British beans if you are American they're yummy and not all that different from ours.
I had cow tongue in Japan at a Korean grill place I went to with my Japanese friend. Had no idea what it was but it was easily the tastiest thing I had in there. I found out what it was after we left and was glad I tasted it *then* tried it as I know I'd have squeamed out. *TL:DR Had some tongue in Japan and I loved it.*
I had cow tongue in Japan at a Korean grill place I went to with my Japanese friend. Had no idea what it was but it was easily the tastiest thing I had in there. I found out what it was after we left and was glad I tasted it then tried it as I know I'd have squeamed out. TL:DR Had some tongue in Japan and I loved it.
I had cow tongue in Japan at a Korean grill place I went to with my Japanese friend. Had no idea what it was but it was easily the tastiest thing I had in there. I found out what it was after we left and was glad I tasted it then tried it as I know I'd have squeamed out.
Had some tongue in Japan and I loved it.
I ate a habanero once. I thought I could look cool and sidestep a good amount of the pain by just swallowing the thing nearly entirely whole. I bit down on it a little bit, just enough to make it manageable in my mouth, then I just swallowed the thing. For like 15 seconds, everything was good. But then, it felt like the fires of mordor had all at once erupted in my stomach lining, the pain was immense, and worse than that, it was making my stomach so upset that I needed to vomit. So for about a solid minute, I dry heaved until finally, I just started puking. But no habanero came up. Only juices and stomach acid that had been marinated in the fires of hell came up, but they left the prize jewel of molten spicy pepperiness to sit in my stomach and sizzle. For the rest of that day I drank nothing but lukewarm water. Anything thicker, like milk, made me sick. For 14 hours I sat in agony while a fucking satan pepper slowly made it's way from my stomach to my bowel, charring everything it touched. When the time finally did come to shart the beast out, it did not come easily. There was nothing left in me to form a protective barrier of shit around the pepper, it was only the pepper and it's evil juices. I cried. I cried a lot. When finally the remains of the little pepper fell from my rectum, the excruciating ordeal only began to cease. It took another two days before I felt normal again, though my anus, I'm not sure will ever be quite the same. TL;DR, don't eat habanero peppers whole.
I ate a habanero once. I thought I could look cool and sidestep a good amount of the pain by just swallowing the thing nearly entirely whole. I bit down on it a little bit, just enough to make it manageable in my mouth, then I just swallowed the thing. For like 15 seconds, everything was good. But then, it felt like the fires of mordor had all at once erupted in my stomach lining, the pain was immense, and worse than that, it was making my stomach so upset that I needed to vomit. So for about a solid minute, I dry heaved until finally, I just started puking. But no habanero came up. Only juices and stomach acid that had been marinated in the fires of hell came up, but they left the prize jewel of molten spicy pepperiness to sit in my stomach and sizzle. For the rest of that day I drank nothing but lukewarm water. Anything thicker, like milk, made me sick. For 14 hours I sat in agony while a fucking satan pepper slowly made it's way from my stomach to my bowel, charring everything it touched. When the time finally did come to shart the beast out, it did not come easily. There was nothing left in me to form a protective barrier of shit around the pepper, it was only the pepper and it's evil juices. I cried. I cried a lot. When finally the remains of the little pepper fell from my rectum, the excruciating ordeal only began to cease. It took another two days before I felt normal again, though my anus, I'm not sure will ever be quite the same. TL;DR, don't eat habanero peppers whole.
I ate a habanero once. I thought I could look cool and sidestep a good amount of the pain by just swallowing the thing nearly entirely whole. I bit down on it a little bit, just enough to make it manageable in my mouth, then I just swallowed the thing. For like 15 seconds, everything was good. But then, it felt like the fires of mordor had all at once erupted in my stomach lining, the pain was immense, and worse than that, it was making my stomach so upset that I needed to vomit. So for about a solid minute, I dry heaved until finally, I just started puking. But no habanero came up. Only juices and stomach acid that had been marinated in the fires of hell came up, but they left the prize jewel of molten spicy pepperiness to sit in my stomach and sizzle. For the rest of that day I drank nothing but lukewarm water. Anything thicker, like milk, made me sick. For 14 hours I sat in agony while a fucking satan pepper slowly made it's way from my stomach to my bowel, charring everything it touched. When the time finally did come to shart the beast out, it did not come easily. There was nothing left in me to form a protective barrier of shit around the pepper, it was only the pepper and it's evil juices. I cried. I cried a lot. When finally the remains of the little pepper fell from my rectum, the excruciating ordeal only began to cease. It took another two days before I felt normal again, though my anus, I'm not sure will ever be quite the same.
don't eat habanero peppers whole.
Well, that's the thing with spammers though. It's the same logic behind the "I'm an African prince/statesman/political exile and need you to transfer X million USD out of my country" scam. We all make fun of them and ask ourselves "who would fall for that?" Well, there are some truly gullible people who still fall for such traps. These guys are obviously not targeting you or anyone that has the slightest bit of skepticism. The level of stupidity in some of these scam attempts is actually a very effective filter to completely shake off the semi-gullible. They know that you won't fall for it, so you're out of their scope, but in case a semi-gullible falls for it, they will have to put time and resource into actually furthering the scam attempt with a risk of the victim bailing out. If the scam is actually somewhat believable and looks legit, the people standing in the middle would fall for them, but only to a certain extent. They would back out as soon as they sensed something fishy. So all the additional attempt to lure these middle-ground people would be a waste of time. But then, there are the super-gullible. I mean, they're so gullible that the most ridiculously obvious scam attempt may sound as an opportunity for them. When they are approached on the second-stage of the con, the amount of effort to extract anything out of them is minimal with almost non-existent chance for the victim to back down. *Source:* Read quite extensively on internet scams and how they work at some point in the past. More like accidentally stumbled upon it while I was doing some research on corporate fraud due to my old profession. **TL;DR: These scams target the absolute-gullible by their ridiculousness, since no one in their right mind would fall for them and the absolute super gullible are no challenge at all once contacted.**
Well, that's the thing with spammers though. It's the same logic behind the "I'm an African prince/statesman/political exile and need you to transfer X million USD out of my country" scam. We all make fun of them and ask ourselves "who would fall for that?" Well, there are some truly gullible people who still fall for such traps. These guys are obviously not targeting you or anyone that has the slightest bit of skepticism. The level of stupidity in some of these scam attempts is actually a very effective filter to completely shake off the semi-gullible. They know that you won't fall for it, so you're out of their scope, but in case a semi-gullible falls for it, they will have to put time and resource into actually furthering the scam attempt with a risk of the victim bailing out. If the scam is actually somewhat believable and looks legit, the people standing in the middle would fall for them, but only to a certain extent. They would back out as soon as they sensed something fishy. So all the additional attempt to lure these middle-ground people would be a waste of time. But then, there are the super-gullible. I mean, they're so gullible that the most ridiculously obvious scam attempt may sound as an opportunity for them. When they are approached on the second-stage of the con, the amount of effort to extract anything out of them is minimal with almost non-existent chance for the victim to back down. Source: Read quite extensively on internet scams and how they work at some point in the past. More like accidentally stumbled upon it while I was doing some research on corporate fraud due to my old profession. TL;DR: These scams target the absolute-gullible by their ridiculousness, since no one in their right mind would fall for them and the absolute super gullible are no challenge at all once contacted.
Well, that's the thing with spammers though. It's the same logic behind the "I'm an African prince/statesman/political exile and need you to transfer X million USD out of my country" scam. We all make fun of them and ask ourselves "who would fall for that?" Well, there are some truly gullible people who still fall for such traps. These guys are obviously not targeting you or anyone that has the slightest bit of skepticism. The level of stupidity in some of these scam attempts is actually a very effective filter to completely shake off the semi-gullible. They know that you won't fall for it, so you're out of their scope, but in case a semi-gullible falls for it, they will have to put time and resource into actually furthering the scam attempt with a risk of the victim bailing out. If the scam is actually somewhat believable and looks legit, the people standing in the middle would fall for them, but only to a certain extent. They would back out as soon as they sensed something fishy. So all the additional attempt to lure these middle-ground people would be a waste of time. But then, there are the super-gullible. I mean, they're so gullible that the most ridiculously obvious scam attempt may sound as an opportunity for them. When they are approached on the second-stage of the con, the amount of effort to extract anything out of them is minimal with almost non-existent chance for the victim to back down. Source: Read quite extensively on internet scams and how they work at some point in the past. More like accidentally stumbled upon it while I was doing some research on corporate fraud due to my old profession.
These scams target the absolute-gullible by their ridiculousness, since no one in their right mind would fall for them and the absolute super gullible are no challenge at all once contacted.
Absolutely. There is a lot of emotional pain and suffering, not to mention physical pain and suffering that would go along with answering 'yes' to this question but just *think* of the learning! In even just 100 years you could complete M.D. training, earn a doctorate in Physics, Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, and Computer Technology, learn a number of languages, travel to almost every country, and make enough money to be set for most of your life. Now that you are very well educated and financially set, do whatever you want. Buy a pacific island and zombie proof that shit. Climb mount Kilimanjaro. I'd personally chill out in the Marshall Islands with a couple of young ladies for 10 years providing low-cost healthcare for the local towns before sailing off into the sunset. **Tl;DR You could actually be the Dos Equis most interesting man in the world**
Absolutely. There is a lot of emotional pain and suffering, not to mention physical pain and suffering that would go along with answering 'yes' to this question but just think of the learning! In even just 100 years you could complete M.D. training, earn a doctorate in Physics, Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, and Computer Technology, learn a number of languages, travel to almost every country, and make enough money to be set for most of your life. Now that you are very well educated and financially set, do whatever you want. Buy a pacific island and zombie proof that shit. Climb mount Kilimanjaro. I'd personally chill out in the Marshall Islands with a couple of young ladies for 10 years providing low-cost healthcare for the local towns before sailing off into the sunset. Tl;DR You could actually be the Dos Equis most interesting man in the world
Absolutely. There is a lot of emotional pain and suffering, not to mention physical pain and suffering that would go along with answering 'yes' to this question but just think of the learning! In even just 100 years you could complete M.D. training, earn a doctorate in Physics, Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, and Computer Technology, learn a number of languages, travel to almost every country, and make enough money to be set for most of your life. Now that you are very well educated and financially set, do whatever you want. Buy a pacific island and zombie proof that shit. Climb mount Kilimanjaro. I'd personally chill out in the Marshall Islands with a couple of young ladies for 10 years providing low-cost healthcare for the local towns before sailing off into the sunset.
You could actually be the Dos Equis most interesting man in the world
Without question. Simply to see human advancement. I would love to live for thousands of years and be around when our civilization is talked about in history classes and books. Almost sounding like fairytale stories. Yes, it would be sad to see everyone I've ever known and loved die. I feel like, in the grand scheme, the pros outweigh the cons. My one desire in life is to live long enough to see human colonization of a celestial body other than Earth. Not a one or two man research lab, but a decently large colony. I'd really love to see us develop the ability to terraform. Anyway, I'll stop rambling now. tl;dr: Sign me up.
Without question. Simply to see human advancement. I would love to live for thousands of years and be around when our civilization is talked about in history classes and books. Almost sounding like fairytale stories. Yes, it would be sad to see everyone I've ever known and loved die. I feel like, in the grand scheme, the pros outweigh the cons. My one desire in life is to live long enough to see human colonization of a celestial body other than Earth. Not a one or two man research lab, but a decently large colony. I'd really love to see us develop the ability to terraform. Anyway, I'll stop rambling now. tl;dr: Sign me up.
Without question. Simply to see human advancement. I would love to live for thousands of years and be around when our civilization is talked about in history classes and books. Almost sounding like fairytale stories. Yes, it would be sad to see everyone I've ever known and loved die. I feel like, in the grand scheme, the pros outweigh the cons. My one desire in life is to live long enough to see human colonization of a celestial body other than Earth. Not a one or two man research lab, but a decently large colony. I'd really love to see us develop the ability to terraform. Anyway, I'll stop rambling now.
Sign me up.
Absolutely I would take it. I would essentially work my ass off for a few years, and needing next to no expenses, I would amount quote the nest egg. I would then use that money to go to university amd learn to be really good at something. When I ran out of money, rinse and repeat until I found something that I both loved and would contribute to society. tl;dr Make money, learn things, contribute to society.
Absolutely I would take it. I would essentially work my ass off for a few years, and needing next to no expenses, I would amount quote the nest egg. I would then use that money to go to university amd learn to be really good at something. When I ran out of money, rinse and repeat until I found something that I both loved and would contribute to society. tl;dr Make money, learn things, contribute to society.
Absolutely I would take it. I would essentially work my ass off for a few years, and needing next to no expenses, I would amount quote the nest egg. I would then use that money to go to university amd learn to be really good at something. When I ran out of money, rinse and repeat until I found something that I both loved and would contribute to society.
Make money, learn things, contribute to society.
Chinos, decent shoes and a polo are as crazy as you need to get. You aren't going to be clubbing more than a few hours, so just worry about being comfortable. It's hot outside and cold in the casinos. **PROTIP:** Bring a backpack and go to a CVS or 711 and buy a 12 pack of cans. Put it in the backpack and share with your friends. It's MUCH MUCH cheaper than stopping to buy drinks all the time, and you can drink everywhere so it is also convenient. **PROPROTIP:** get a bottle holder for a bicycle and attach it to the backpack strap. Now you don't have to carry your beer the whole time. Bring your own beer coozy for extra points. **TL;DR** You wont be clubbing that much. Don't stress it. Be comfy. Put beer in a backpack. p.s.s. vegas is good people watching
Chinos, decent shoes and a polo are as crazy as you need to get. You aren't going to be clubbing more than a few hours, so just worry about being comfortable. It's hot outside and cold in the casinos. PROTIP: Bring a backpack and go to a CVS or 711 and buy a 12 pack of cans. Put it in the backpack and share with your friends. It's MUCH MUCH cheaper than stopping to buy drinks all the time, and you can drink everywhere so it is also convenient. PROPROTIP: get a bottle holder for a bicycle and attach it to the backpack strap. Now you don't have to carry your beer the whole time. Bring your own beer coozy for extra points. TL;DR You wont be clubbing that much. Don't stress it. Be comfy. Put beer in a backpack. p.s.s. vegas is good people watching
Chinos, decent shoes and a polo are as crazy as you need to get. You aren't going to be clubbing more than a few hours, so just worry about being comfortable. It's hot outside and cold in the casinos. PROTIP: Bring a backpack and go to a CVS or 711 and buy a 12 pack of cans. Put it in the backpack and share with your friends. It's MUCH MUCH cheaper than stopping to buy drinks all the time, and you can drink everywhere so it is also convenient. PROPROTIP: get a bottle holder for a bicycle and attach it to the backpack strap. Now you don't have to carry your beer the whole time. Bring your own beer coozy for extra points.
You wont be clubbing that much. Don't stress it. Be comfy. Put beer in a backpack. p.s.s. vegas is good people watching
When I was a sophomore in high school, and all my friends were getting cars and starting to drive, one of my friends had just turned 16 (isn't that the age to drive? I don't even remember and I'm only 19. That's sad). Anyway, she came to school one day and she told us that she had to get gas the day before and had no idea how to do it and was trying to call her parents to ask them how but they weren't answering, but eventually this guy at the next pump helped her. I was like, how the heck do you not know how to put gas in your car. I was like, when I was little I would beg my parents to do it for them because it was so much fun. I was like 10 and filing up my parents cars for them. TL;DR: She was stupid, somehow didn't know how to put gas in a car.
When I was a sophomore in high school, and all my friends were getting cars and starting to drive, one of my friends had just turned 16 (isn't that the age to drive? I don't even remember and I'm only 19. That's sad). Anyway, she came to school one day and she told us that she had to get gas the day before and had no idea how to do it and was trying to call her parents to ask them how but they weren't answering, but eventually this guy at the next pump helped her. I was like, how the heck do you not know how to put gas in your car. I was like, when I was little I would beg my parents to do it for them because it was so much fun. I was like 10 and filing up my parents cars for them. TL;DR: She was stupid, somehow didn't know how to put gas in a car.
When I was a sophomore in high school, and all my friends were getting cars and starting to drive, one of my friends had just turned 16 (isn't that the age to drive? I don't even remember and I'm only 19. That's sad). Anyway, she came to school one day and she told us that she had to get gas the day before and had no idea how to do it and was trying to call her parents to ask them how but they weren't answering, but eventually this guy at the next pump helped her. I was like, how the heck do you not know how to put gas in your car. I was like, when I was little I would beg my parents to do it for them because it was so much fun. I was like 10 and filing up my parents cars for them.
She was stupid, somehow didn't know how to put gas in a car.
Often times lanes tend to snowball, which means that a player or players can turn a small lead into a larger one. Especially when you start seeing glass cannon type lanes like Zed versus Riven, a marginal difference in skill could turn into a one-sided stomp in many games. While the initial lead could have been earned by a bit of 1v1 skill, junglers and other similar outside factors can also swing a lane heavily. Another issue is that champions picked early can be counterpicked. Even if two players are similar in skill, they may both agree that in a certain 1v1 matchup, one champion will in almost every scenario win out over the other. There are other random variables with ranked matchmaking. Each team has a player with the highest MMR and one with the lowest. If the highest MMR player on your team lanes against the lowest on the opposing team, the difference in MMR might suggest that overall, the higher MMR player tends to win out. Of course this isn't always true, especially as lane matchups can favor one player or the other among other randomness, but I would say that if you were a betting man and only knew the players' MMR, you probably would have to bet on the higher MMR player. Another possible issue is duo Q; as far as I know there is no MMR limit for a duo Q, which means that it is quite possible for a Silver to duo with a Diamond and get matched up against a team of Plats. TLDR: Snowballing, lopsided lane matchups, and MMR differences.
Often times lanes tend to snowball, which means that a player or players can turn a small lead into a larger one. Especially when you start seeing glass cannon type lanes like Zed versus Riven, a marginal difference in skill could turn into a one-sided stomp in many games. While the initial lead could have been earned by a bit of 1v1 skill, junglers and other similar outside factors can also swing a lane heavily. Another issue is that champions picked early can be counterpicked. Even if two players are similar in skill, they may both agree that in a certain 1v1 matchup, one champion will in almost every scenario win out over the other. There are other random variables with ranked matchmaking. Each team has a player with the highest MMR and one with the lowest. If the highest MMR player on your team lanes against the lowest on the opposing team, the difference in MMR might suggest that overall, the higher MMR player tends to win out. Of course this isn't always true, especially as lane matchups can favor one player or the other among other randomness, but I would say that if you were a betting man and only knew the players' MMR, you probably would have to bet on the higher MMR player. Another possible issue is duo Q; as far as I know there is no MMR limit for a duo Q, which means that it is quite possible for a Silver to duo with a Diamond and get matched up against a team of Plats. TLDR: Snowballing, lopsided lane matchups, and MMR differences.
Often times lanes tend to snowball, which means that a player or players can turn a small lead into a larger one. Especially when you start seeing glass cannon type lanes like Zed versus Riven, a marginal difference in skill could turn into a one-sided stomp in many games. While the initial lead could have been earned by a bit of 1v1 skill, junglers and other similar outside factors can also swing a lane heavily. Another issue is that champions picked early can be counterpicked. Even if two players are similar in skill, they may both agree that in a certain 1v1 matchup, one champion will in almost every scenario win out over the other. There are other random variables with ranked matchmaking. Each team has a player with the highest MMR and one with the lowest. If the highest MMR player on your team lanes against the lowest on the opposing team, the difference in MMR might suggest that overall, the higher MMR player tends to win out. Of course this isn't always true, especially as lane matchups can favor one player or the other among other randomness, but I would say that if you were a betting man and only knew the players' MMR, you probably would have to bet on the higher MMR player. Another possible issue is duo Q; as far as I know there is no MMR limit for a duo Q, which means that it is quite possible for a Silver to duo with a Diamond and get matched up against a team of Plats.
Snowballing, lopsided lane matchups, and MMR differences.
> Imagine the scale of destruction if one of those trains explodes at Yonge and Summerhill, or at Spadina and Dupont, or in the Junction, right next to the large condo that's built right next to the tracks. Since you seem to have your record stuck on this point, here's a little experiment for you. Go down to one of the main lines for CN or CP and look at the trains that roll by. See how many of the following you count Each one of these is something that signifies the contents are things that can really ruin your day. You'll find that every train will have some of these. Some more then others (for example, tanker trains will have a higher percentage then mostly boxcars), but they will all have them. Now go to your nearest highway, 401, Don Valley, Allen, whatever works for you. You'll see a good amount of trucks (and even some vans once in a while) have the same placards. And there's literally thousands of them zooming all around the city with dangerous goods within them. Not as much quantity wise as railcars of course, but enough to make any emergency response team sit up and take notice. tl;dr - you're surrounded by dangerous, toxic, explosive products on a daily basis, and some are a lot deadlier then oil.If you want to force transportation of such products to only be in unpopulated areas, enjoy paying a lot more for everything that those products are used for due to the added expenses of getting it to customers.
> Imagine the scale of destruction if one of those trains explodes at Yonge and Summerhill, or at Spadina and Dupont, or in the Junction, right next to the large condo that's built right next to the tracks. Since you seem to have your record stuck on this point, here's a little experiment for you. Go down to one of the main lines for CN or CP and look at the trains that roll by. See how many of the following you count Each one of these is something that signifies the contents are things that can really ruin your day. You'll find that every train will have some of these. Some more then others (for example, tanker trains will have a higher percentage then mostly boxcars), but they will all have them. Now go to your nearest highway, 401, Don Valley, Allen, whatever works for you. You'll see a good amount of trucks (and even some vans once in a while) have the same placards. And there's literally thousands of them zooming all around the city with dangerous goods within them. Not as much quantity wise as railcars of course, but enough to make any emergency response team sit up and take notice. tl;dr - you're surrounded by dangerous, toxic, explosive products on a daily basis, and some are a lot deadlier then oil.If you want to force transportation of such products to only be in unpopulated areas, enjoy paying a lot more for everything that those products are used for due to the added expenses of getting it to customers.
Imagine the scale of destruction if one of those trains explodes at Yonge and Summerhill, or at Spadina and Dupont, or in the Junction, right next to the large condo that's built right next to the tracks. Since you seem to have your record stuck on this point, here's a little experiment for you. Go down to one of the main lines for CN or CP and look at the trains that roll by. See how many of the following you count Each one of these is something that signifies the contents are things that can really ruin your day. You'll find that every train will have some of these. Some more then others (for example, tanker trains will have a higher percentage then mostly boxcars), but they will all have them. Now go to your nearest highway, 401, Don Valley, Allen, whatever works for you. You'll see a good amount of trucks (and even some vans once in a while) have the same placards. And there's literally thousands of them zooming all around the city with dangerous goods within them. Not as much quantity wise as railcars of course, but enough to make any emergency response team sit up and take notice.
you're surrounded by dangerous, toxic, explosive products on a daily basis, and some are a lot deadlier then oil.If you want to force transportation of such products to only be in unpopulated areas, enjoy paying a lot more for everything that those products are used for due to the added expenses of getting it to customers.
I thought it felt oddly formulaic- particularly for Sanderson. The characters still aren't anything worth writing home about, the Shattered Plains are still a dull setting, and what passed for plot twists were invariably foreshadowed hundreds of pages away with all the subtlety of a brick to the face. He can write characters wonderfully! *The Emperor's Soul* proved that. Which made the interminably awkward chasm chat between Kaladin/Shallan towards the end that much more surprising. That quite desperately needed a harsher editor- as, for that matter, did large chunks of the story's dialogue. It all felt so… millennial? There was no gravitas to any of it. The battles were the most disappointing part- Windrunners just aren't as *interesting* as Mistborn- Dalinar's tiresome Mary Sue of a son/Elend without the vast depth of character could literally do no wrong, and whenever Kaladin entered the fray? Egh. There just wasn't any tension there- the last clash had none of the excitement of Elantris'/any of the Mistborns' endings, and the result was a completely foregone conclusion. The Radiants' battle at the end was ridiculous. Superhuman reflexes and awareness, the ability to control gravity, supernaturally enhanced fighting skills, and the absurd props thrown about by the storm? It didn't feel like a story- it almost felt like a video game or bad Hollywood flick. The combatants were all just *too powerful*- there was never any buildup worth a damn, or emotional involvement like you got with Vin in that *wonderful* final set of *Hero of Ages* chapters. There wasn't even a hard-hitting emotional twist at the end to give the reader something to think about- everything literally just goes pretty much as you might expect- it's the most underwhelming happy ending I've seen in a fantasy novel for such a long time. Wasting Sadeas like that was particularly unfortunate, I thought. The only thing that genuinely surprised me about the story was how gratuitous some of the Cosmere references were. Feels like Sanderson's focusing on throwing as much "cool" stuff in there as he can short of the kitchen sink, at the expense of any human dimension to the story. I wasn't expecting something as complex as Malazan, but WoR really was underwhelming. With authors like GRRM and Erikson, the books are long, but tightly written- there's so much packed into the things. Sanderson lately, though? It feels almost churned out. This one could easily have stood losing ~200 pages or so and come out a much better-paced story. tl;dr Not the best thing he's ever written.
I thought it felt oddly formulaic- particularly for Sanderson. The characters still aren't anything worth writing home about, the Shattered Plains are still a dull setting, and what passed for plot twists were invariably foreshadowed hundreds of pages away with all the subtlety of a brick to the face. He can write characters wonderfully! The Emperor's Soul proved that. Which made the interminably awkward chasm chat between Kaladin/Shallan towards the end that much more surprising. That quite desperately needed a harsher editor- as, for that matter, did large chunks of the story's dialogue. It all felt so… millennial? There was no gravitas to any of it. The battles were the most disappointing part- Windrunners just aren't as interesting as Mistborn- Dalinar's tiresome Mary Sue of a son/Elend without the vast depth of character could literally do no wrong, and whenever Kaladin entered the fray? Egh. There just wasn't any tension there- the last clash had none of the excitement of Elantris'/any of the Mistborns' endings, and the result was a completely foregone conclusion. The Radiants' battle at the end was ridiculous. Superhuman reflexes and awareness, the ability to control gravity, supernaturally enhanced fighting skills, and the absurd props thrown about by the storm? It didn't feel like a story- it almost felt like a video game or bad Hollywood flick. The combatants were all just too powerful - there was never any buildup worth a damn, or emotional involvement like you got with Vin in that wonderful final set of Hero of Ages chapters. There wasn't even a hard-hitting emotional twist at the end to give the reader something to think about- everything literally just goes pretty much as you might expect- it's the most underwhelming happy ending I've seen in a fantasy novel for such a long time. Wasting Sadeas like that was particularly unfortunate, I thought. The only thing that genuinely surprised me about the story was how gratuitous some of the Cosmere references were. Feels like Sanderson's focusing on throwing as much "cool" stuff in there as he can short of the kitchen sink, at the expense of any human dimension to the story. I wasn't expecting something as complex as Malazan, but WoR really was underwhelming. With authors like GRRM and Erikson, the books are long, but tightly written- there's so much packed into the things. Sanderson lately, though? It feels almost churned out. This one could easily have stood losing ~200 pages or so and come out a much better-paced story. tl;dr Not the best thing he's ever written.
I thought it felt oddly formulaic- particularly for Sanderson. The characters still aren't anything worth writing home about, the Shattered Plains are still a dull setting, and what passed for plot twists were invariably foreshadowed hundreds of pages away with all the subtlety of a brick to the face. He can write characters wonderfully! The Emperor's Soul proved that. Which made the interminably awkward chasm chat between Kaladin/Shallan towards the end that much more surprising. That quite desperately needed a harsher editor- as, for that matter, did large chunks of the story's dialogue. It all felt so… millennial? There was no gravitas to any of it. The battles were the most disappointing part- Windrunners just aren't as interesting as Mistborn- Dalinar's tiresome Mary Sue of a son/Elend without the vast depth of character could literally do no wrong, and whenever Kaladin entered the fray? Egh. There just wasn't any tension there- the last clash had none of the excitement of Elantris'/any of the Mistborns' endings, and the result was a completely foregone conclusion. The Radiants' battle at the end was ridiculous. Superhuman reflexes and awareness, the ability to control gravity, supernaturally enhanced fighting skills, and the absurd props thrown about by the storm? It didn't feel like a story- it almost felt like a video game or bad Hollywood flick. The combatants were all just too powerful - there was never any buildup worth a damn, or emotional involvement like you got with Vin in that wonderful final set of Hero of Ages chapters. There wasn't even a hard-hitting emotional twist at the end to give the reader something to think about- everything literally just goes pretty much as you might expect- it's the most underwhelming happy ending I've seen in a fantasy novel for such a long time. Wasting Sadeas like that was particularly unfortunate, I thought. The only thing that genuinely surprised me about the story was how gratuitous some of the Cosmere references were. Feels like Sanderson's focusing on throwing as much "cool" stuff in there as he can short of the kitchen sink, at the expense of any human dimension to the story. I wasn't expecting something as complex as Malazan, but WoR really was underwhelming. With authors like GRRM and Erikson, the books are long, but tightly written- there's so much packed into the things. Sanderson lately, though? It feels almost churned out. This one could easily have stood losing ~200 pages or so and come out a much better-paced story.
Not the best thing he's ever written.
There's probably little chance of this as it looks like you live in a warm climate,..but I was using a de-icer salt, the same colour as this, for my driveway when a bit of it melted on the edge of the bucket and fell on my pups back. I took him inside and used a baby wipe to clean it off but I guess I just pushed it down to the skin. He didn't seem to be bothered so I didn't think much of it, but about 4-5 days later I noticed a terrible burn/scab on his back. It was raised and looked horrific. I don't know if it didn't bother him because it was where he couldn't reach, but it's JUST about healed now, and that was well over a month ago now. Tl;Dr - if there's a possibility its a de-icer, get him to a vet ASAP.
There's probably little chance of this as it looks like you live in a warm climate,..but I was using a de-icer salt, the same colour as this, for my driveway when a bit of it melted on the edge of the bucket and fell on my pups back. I took him inside and used a baby wipe to clean it off but I guess I just pushed it down to the skin. He didn't seem to be bothered so I didn't think much of it, but about 4-5 days later I noticed a terrible burn/scab on his back. It was raised and looked horrific. I don't know if it didn't bother him because it was where he couldn't reach, but it's JUST about healed now, and that was well over a month ago now. Tl;Dr - if there's a possibility its a de-icer, get him to a vet ASAP.
There's probably little chance of this as it looks like you live in a warm climate,..but I was using a de-icer salt, the same colour as this, for my driveway when a bit of it melted on the edge of the bucket and fell on my pups back. I took him inside and used a baby wipe to clean it off but I guess I just pushed it down to the skin. He didn't seem to be bothered so I didn't think much of it, but about 4-5 days later I noticed a terrible burn/scab on his back. It was raised and looked horrific. I don't know if it didn't bother him because it was where he couldn't reach, but it's JUST about healed now, and that was well over a month ago now.
if there's a possibility its a de-icer, get him to a vet ASAP.
Repair your relationship with France, then ally to them. Start a small war with someone weak (like Algiers or Tripoli) and call France. Now go for Venice/Naples. France won't help them since they are in a war on the your side. Maybe leave HRE to fix -200 opinion? Sit tight for many years waiting for unlawful territory to tick down while bashing natives in Africa? tldr: suck up to France.
Repair your relationship with France, then ally to them. Start a small war with someone weak (like Algiers or Tripoli) and call France. Now go for Venice/Naples. France won't help them since they are in a war on the your side. Maybe leave HRE to fix -200 opinion? Sit tight for many years waiting for unlawful territory to tick down while bashing natives in Africa? tldr: suck up to France.
Repair your relationship with France, then ally to them. Start a small war with someone weak (like Algiers or Tripoli) and call France. Now go for Venice/Naples. France won't help them since they are in a war on the your side. Maybe leave HRE to fix -200 opinion? Sit tight for many years waiting for unlawful territory to tick down while bashing natives in Africa?
suck up to France.
If your end goal is to try and unify Italy: You need to take control of the areas currently controlled by Naples, if I'm not mistaken, so that should be your goal. France is currently locked in a couple of ways, but they're not continental wars; what I mean is that it might be that their armies can't even reach the conflict zones. If you hover over the flame in their diplomacy it will say their war score, if it's low assume that's the case, if it's high you're in luck! If it's high that means their troops are likely half way across the map, in Northern Europe, and won't be able to send troops down quick enough while you face roll Naples. In summary, if you declare war on Naples, you should be able to zerg into their territory, and if you take the war goal you'll get a ticking war score - you're priority is then to essentially hold up the French in your northern border - this is great because you should be able to block them off in the mountains, giving them a -3 to attack rolls. I'd say do it ASAP while France is stuck in a couple of wars, either way. Tl;DR - Attack Naples, take the war goal, hold up in the mountains.
If your end goal is to try and unify Italy: You need to take control of the areas currently controlled by Naples, if I'm not mistaken, so that should be your goal. France is currently locked in a couple of ways, but they're not continental wars; what I mean is that it might be that their armies can't even reach the conflict zones. If you hover over the flame in their diplomacy it will say their war score, if it's low assume that's the case, if it's high you're in luck! If it's high that means their troops are likely half way across the map, in Northern Europe, and won't be able to send troops down quick enough while you face roll Naples. In summary, if you declare war on Naples, you should be able to zerg into their territory, and if you take the war goal you'll get a ticking war score - you're priority is then to essentially hold up the French in your northern border - this is great because you should be able to block them off in the mountains, giving them a -3 to attack rolls. I'd say do it ASAP while France is stuck in a couple of wars, either way. Tl;DR - Attack Naples, take the war goal, hold up in the mountains.
If your end goal is to try and unify Italy: You need to take control of the areas currently controlled by Naples, if I'm not mistaken, so that should be your goal. France is currently locked in a couple of ways, but they're not continental wars; what I mean is that it might be that their armies can't even reach the conflict zones. If you hover over the flame in their diplomacy it will say their war score, if it's low assume that's the case, if it's high you're in luck! If it's high that means their troops are likely half way across the map, in Northern Europe, and won't be able to send troops down quick enough while you face roll Naples. In summary, if you declare war on Naples, you should be able to zerg into their territory, and if you take the war goal you'll get a ticking war score - you're priority is then to essentially hold up the French in your northern border - this is great because you should be able to block them off in the mountains, giving them a -3 to attack rolls. I'd say do it ASAP while France is stuck in a couple of wars, either way.
Attack Naples, take the war goal, hold up in the mountains.
My brother was one of my best friends for a long time. He was my favorite person and I really loved him. He has a violent and very cruel side to him, but I always forgave him for the things he did. He beat me up pretty badly when I was 19. I didn't have to go to the hospital, but I was bruised and beaten up pretty good. I forgave him for that. I even forgave him when he told me that he wasn't sorry about it and that I got what I deserved. He eventually got violent with me again, and slammed me into a wall. He also threatened to come to my apartment, beat me up, and take all of my money (despite him owing me nearly $400). I finally just had enough. I finally just realized what a piece of shit he was, and that he didn't deserve to have a sister that always forgave him. He claims to want to reestablish a relationship with me, but when I think of the things he's done I am filled with hatred. I don't want to forgive him. Tl/dr: My brother used to be my best friend. He is violent and abusive, and I finally decided to not tolerate his behavior anymore.
My brother was one of my best friends for a long time. He was my favorite person and I really loved him. He has a violent and very cruel side to him, but I always forgave him for the things he did. He beat me up pretty badly when I was 19. I didn't have to go to the hospital, but I was bruised and beaten up pretty good. I forgave him for that. I even forgave him when he told me that he wasn't sorry about it and that I got what I deserved. He eventually got violent with me again, and slammed me into a wall. He also threatened to come to my apartment, beat me up, and take all of my money (despite him owing me nearly $400). I finally just had enough. I finally just realized what a piece of shit he was, and that he didn't deserve to have a sister that always forgave him. He claims to want to reestablish a relationship with me, but when I think of the things he's done I am filled with hatred. I don't want to forgive him. Tl/dr: My brother used to be my best friend. He is violent and abusive, and I finally decided to not tolerate his behavior anymore.
My brother was one of my best friends for a long time. He was my favorite person and I really loved him. He has a violent and very cruel side to him, but I always forgave him for the things he did. He beat me up pretty badly when I was 19. I didn't have to go to the hospital, but I was bruised and beaten up pretty good. I forgave him for that. I even forgave him when he told me that he wasn't sorry about it and that I got what I deserved. He eventually got violent with me again, and slammed me into a wall. He also threatened to come to my apartment, beat me up, and take all of my money (despite him owing me nearly $400). I finally just had enough. I finally just realized what a piece of shit he was, and that he didn't deserve to have a sister that always forgave him. He claims to want to reestablish a relationship with me, but when I think of the things he's done I am filled with hatred. I don't want to forgive him.
My brother used to be my best friend. He is violent and abusive, and I finally decided to not tolerate his behavior anymore.
Let me tell you a story... So this guy, to which I won't use his real name, was probably one of my best friends around my Junior/Senior year of high school, and some time after. My group of friends have known each other for a very long time; Freshman year on for the most part. Most of us still hang out together on a weekly basis. This other 'friend' was part of said group. Here's where it started to go downhill. About two years, maybe three, after my (now wife) girlfriend and I were dating, my GF gets an email, addressed from 'friend'. The email asked "Does this work?" (some silly chainmail letter thing). She responds (in jest) "Oh shame on you, come on! You're going to school for computers. You should know this can't be done". Gets a reply of "Okay, thanks". 'Friend' calls up and starts bitching her out, how he insulted him, how it was his brother who sent the email, how his family is offended, how she needs to come over and apologize to everyone. She told him to eff off, and that was the end of that. GF was 'kicked' from the group based on 'friend' if he was around or not. It was very awkward for me, mostly, because the friend I wanted to be around (hence forth named Good Buddy, GB), hung out with him too. Flash forward about two years. Good Buddy and 'friend' move in together. I got kicked out of my parents house, and needed a place to stay. Against my and GF wishes (but low on options) I moved in with them. 'Friend' became a total scumbag. Smoked constantly, was told to smoke outside, but never did, and for the two years that I lived there, he had a job for maybe a grand total of three months. He did nothing but play World of Warcraft, all day, unless he finally went to sleep, or if there was a drinking party of some sort (I don't drink, but whatever). And even then, if he got 'bored' he'd go back to WoW. The last straw (and one of the large ones for the group) was when Scumbag 'Friend' decided that he wanted to kick me out, for never being around to do chores. Let's recap: * I'm not at home because I'm working two jobs, and going to school full-time. Pretty much, my whole day until 11pm, when I get to sleep, and then do it all over again. * Scumbag 'Friend' is home all day, makes the messes (and more, he has/had bad Psoriasis so the man shed like a snowy mountaintop. Pretty gross), smokes in the house, and doesn't even have a job. I refused to pay for Scumbag's rent, and this was when I decided I'm leaving. GB was in full support of that, and the rest of the group finally had that "Hooch is crazy" moment. I moved out (into my now home with wife). Friends came to see me, and Scumbag was left on his own. He did this to himself, and everyone decided to stop pitying him, and move on. The last time I saw him was at GB's (the man is a brother to me) wedding. Was weird. Didn't really talk to him. **TL, DR**: Scumbag 'friend' tries to kick me and my SO out of the group, in the long run gets himself kicked out because he's a Scumbag.
Let me tell you a story... So this guy, to which I won't use his real name, was probably one of my best friends around my Junior/Senior year of high school, and some time after. My group of friends have known each other for a very long time; Freshman year on for the most part. Most of us still hang out together on a weekly basis. This other 'friend' was part of said group. Here's where it started to go downhill. About two years, maybe three, after my (now wife) girlfriend and I were dating, my GF gets an email, addressed from 'friend'. The email asked "Does this work?" (some silly chainmail letter thing). She responds (in jest) "Oh shame on you, come on! You're going to school for computers. You should know this can't be done". Gets a reply of "Okay, thanks". 'Friend' calls up and starts bitching her out, how he insulted him, how it was his brother who sent the email, how his family is offended, how she needs to come over and apologize to everyone. She told him to eff off, and that was the end of that. GF was 'kicked' from the group based on 'friend' if he was around or not. It was very awkward for me, mostly, because the friend I wanted to be around (hence forth named Good Buddy, GB), hung out with him too. Flash forward about two years. Good Buddy and 'friend' move in together. I got kicked out of my parents house, and needed a place to stay. Against my and GF wishes (but low on options) I moved in with them. 'Friend' became a total scumbag. Smoked constantly, was told to smoke outside, but never did, and for the two years that I lived there, he had a job for maybe a grand total of three months. He did nothing but play World of Warcraft, all day, unless he finally went to sleep, or if there was a drinking party of some sort (I don't drink, but whatever). And even then, if he got 'bored' he'd go back to WoW. The last straw (and one of the large ones for the group) was when Scumbag 'Friend' decided that he wanted to kick me out, for never being around to do chores. Let's recap: I'm not at home because I'm working two jobs, and going to school full-time. Pretty much, my whole day until 11pm, when I get to sleep, and then do it all over again. Scumbag 'Friend' is home all day, makes the messes (and more, he has/had bad Psoriasis so the man shed like a snowy mountaintop. Pretty gross), smokes in the house, and doesn't even have a job. I refused to pay for Scumbag's rent, and this was when I decided I'm leaving. GB was in full support of that, and the rest of the group finally had that "Hooch is crazy" moment. I moved out (into my now home with wife). Friends came to see me, and Scumbag was left on his own. He did this to himself, and everyone decided to stop pitying him, and move on. The last time I saw him was at GB's (the man is a brother to me) wedding. Was weird. Didn't really talk to him. TL, DR : Scumbag 'friend' tries to kick me and my SO out of the group, in the long run gets himself kicked out because he's a Scumbag.
Let me tell you a story... So this guy, to which I won't use his real name, was probably one of my best friends around my Junior/Senior year of high school, and some time after. My group of friends have known each other for a very long time; Freshman year on for the most part. Most of us still hang out together on a weekly basis. This other 'friend' was part of said group. Here's where it started to go downhill. About two years, maybe three, after my (now wife) girlfriend and I were dating, my GF gets an email, addressed from 'friend'. The email asked "Does this work?" (some silly chainmail letter thing). She responds (in jest) "Oh shame on you, come on! You're going to school for computers. You should know this can't be done". Gets a reply of "Okay, thanks". 'Friend' calls up and starts bitching her out, how he insulted him, how it was his brother who sent the email, how his family is offended, how she needs to come over and apologize to everyone. She told him to eff off, and that was the end of that. GF was 'kicked' from the group based on 'friend' if he was around or not. It was very awkward for me, mostly, because the friend I wanted to be around (hence forth named Good Buddy, GB), hung out with him too. Flash forward about two years. Good Buddy and 'friend' move in together. I got kicked out of my parents house, and needed a place to stay. Against my and GF wishes (but low on options) I moved in with them. 'Friend' became a total scumbag. Smoked constantly, was told to smoke outside, but never did, and for the two years that I lived there, he had a job for maybe a grand total of three months. He did nothing but play World of Warcraft, all day, unless he finally went to sleep, or if there was a drinking party of some sort (I don't drink, but whatever). And even then, if he got 'bored' he'd go back to WoW. The last straw (and one of the large ones for the group) was when Scumbag 'Friend' decided that he wanted to kick me out, for never being around to do chores. Let's recap: I'm not at home because I'm working two jobs, and going to school full-time. Pretty much, my whole day until 11pm, when I get to sleep, and then do it all over again. Scumbag 'Friend' is home all day, makes the messes (and more, he has/had bad Psoriasis so the man shed like a snowy mountaintop. Pretty gross), smokes in the house, and doesn't even have a job. I refused to pay for Scumbag's rent, and this was when I decided I'm leaving. GB was in full support of that, and the rest of the group finally had that "Hooch is crazy" moment. I moved out (into my now home with wife). Friends came to see me, and Scumbag was left on his own. He did this to himself, and everyone decided to stop pitying him, and move on. The last time I saw him was at GB's (the man is a brother to me) wedding. Was weird. Didn't really talk to him.
Scumbag 'friend' tries to kick me and my SO out of the group, in the long run gets himself kicked out because he's a Scumbag.
My bestfriend that lived in my neighborhood for 15 years' mom was a kleptomaniac. She was caught stealing from neighbors multiple times. We went to a graduation party at my other friends and $400 disappeared from the party. This dumb bitch accused me of doing it when she wouldn't even go into the police station for fingerprints. My parents never let me hang out with that "friend" anymore. TL; DR- friends mom accused me of stealing $400 when she is a kleptomaniac.
My bestfriend that lived in my neighborhood for 15 years' mom was a kleptomaniac. She was caught stealing from neighbors multiple times. We went to a graduation party at my other friends and $400 disappeared from the party. This dumb bitch accused me of doing it when she wouldn't even go into the police station for fingerprints. My parents never let me hang out with that "friend" anymore. TL; DR- friends mom accused me of stealing $400 when she is a kleptomaniac.
My bestfriend that lived in my neighborhood for 15 years' mom was a kleptomaniac. She was caught stealing from neighbors multiple times. We went to a graduation party at my other friends and $400 disappeared from the party. This dumb bitch accused me of doing it when she wouldn't even go into the police station for fingerprints. My parents never let me hang out with that "friend" anymore.
friends mom accused me of stealing $400 when she is a kleptomaniac.
I had a friend that I'd gotten along with for years, but I started to realize that since we graduated from college we only hung out when I asked to hang out. At first my wife and I thought she just wanted to spend time with her boyfriend, but when she broke up with him she was no more available than she was before. Basically, I stopped making an effort at that point, but when we eventually had a confrontation about it she said it was very difficult for her to hang out with married friends while she was single, but when she is with someone she wants to spend as much time with that person as possible. We haven't really spoken since then. TL;DR: I found out my friend doesn't like my wife and my wife doesn't like my friend.
I had a friend that I'd gotten along with for years, but I started to realize that since we graduated from college we only hung out when I asked to hang out. At first my wife and I thought she just wanted to spend time with her boyfriend, but when she broke up with him she was no more available than she was before. Basically, I stopped making an effort at that point, but when we eventually had a confrontation about it she said it was very difficult for her to hang out with married friends while she was single, but when she is with someone she wants to spend as much time with that person as possible. We haven't really spoken since then. TL;DR: I found out my friend doesn't like my wife and my wife doesn't like my friend.
I had a friend that I'd gotten along with for years, but I started to realize that since we graduated from college we only hung out when I asked to hang out. At first my wife and I thought she just wanted to spend time with her boyfriend, but when she broke up with him she was no more available than she was before. Basically, I stopped making an effort at that point, but when we eventually had a confrontation about it she said it was very difficult for her to hang out with married friends while she was single, but when she is with someone she wants to spend as much time with that person as possible. We haven't really spoken since then.
I found out my friend doesn't like my wife and my wife doesn't like my friend.
When I was in grade 10 I started to date this girl, Jen, and she insisted that I add her best friend, Lily, on Facebook. Well Lily and I start commenting on basically everything each other posted and I started to talk to her friends through her posts. Over the course of a few months I start to add more and more of Lily's friends. Though I'd never met any of them in person because they went to school on the other side of the city. There was this one girl, Temu, who I really hit it off with. We started to talk constantly, I'm talking like 4hrs of Facebook chat daily. Now this girl was gorgeous. I'm talking straight up b-e-a-utiful. By this time Jen and I had broken up so I was free game to talk up this girl. Eventually a few months later I accidentally run into while out for bubble tea. Bam. I was absolutely speechless. Cue awkward first meeting. We laugh about it later on line but I really beat myself up over that. Anyway, fast forward 2 years. I switched schools for grade 12 and am now going to the same school as Lily and Temu. By this time Temu and I probably have 30k+ Facebook messages. So it's nearing the end of the year. Which means... Band trip. No big deal, right? Wrong. The actual trip part goes off without incident, but on the way back Temu decides to switch buses so she can be with Zack. Now, her and Zack have quite the history. Every trip throughout the year they gravitated to each other and hooked up all over the place. Most notably the top of the Eiffel tower. But refused to date simply because "it'd never work". How tragic. Her and Zack are sitting a mere 3 seats behind the chaperones and decide that this is the perfect opportunity to get handsy and suck face. I'm in the 4th last row of the bus and I can hear their tongues going at it. I shudder to think of what the teachers heard. This goes on for the 30 or so hour ride back from Toronto. When got back I decided to message Temu about the incident. Basically I said that I thought she was somebody who had better morals than that and that I was rather disappointed in her actions. Instead of conversing with me like a proper young adult she decides a better course of action is to remove and block me on all forms of social media. On top of that she refused to make eye contact with me, quite the feat in a high school of 900 students. She decides to choose the boy and never talk to me again. Zack decides he doesn't want that. Temu ended up losing 2 good friends. I lost one. Sorry for the wall of text. This isn't even the entire story. Tl;Dr girl chooses boy over friend. Losses boy and friend.
When I was in grade 10 I started to date this girl, Jen, and she insisted that I add her best friend, Lily, on Facebook. Well Lily and I start commenting on basically everything each other posted and I started to talk to her friends through her posts. Over the course of a few months I start to add more and more of Lily's friends. Though I'd never met any of them in person because they went to school on the other side of the city. There was this one girl, Temu, who I really hit it off with. We started to talk constantly, I'm talking like 4hrs of Facebook chat daily. Now this girl was gorgeous. I'm talking straight up b-e-a-utiful. By this time Jen and I had broken up so I was free game to talk up this girl. Eventually a few months later I accidentally run into while out for bubble tea. Bam. I was absolutely speechless. Cue awkward first meeting. We laugh about it later on line but I really beat myself up over that. Anyway, fast forward 2 years. I switched schools for grade 12 and am now going to the same school as Lily and Temu. By this time Temu and I probably have 30k+ Facebook messages. So it's nearing the end of the year. Which means... Band trip. No big deal, right? Wrong. The actual trip part goes off without incident, but on the way back Temu decides to switch buses so she can be with Zack. Now, her and Zack have quite the history. Every trip throughout the year they gravitated to each other and hooked up all over the place. Most notably the top of the Eiffel tower. But refused to date simply because "it'd never work". How tragic. Her and Zack are sitting a mere 3 seats behind the chaperones and decide that this is the perfect opportunity to get handsy and suck face. I'm in the 4th last row of the bus and I can hear their tongues going at it. I shudder to think of what the teachers heard. This goes on for the 30 or so hour ride back from Toronto. When got back I decided to message Temu about the incident. Basically I said that I thought she was somebody who had better morals than that and that I was rather disappointed in her actions. Instead of conversing with me like a proper young adult she decides a better course of action is to remove and block me on all forms of social media. On top of that she refused to make eye contact with me, quite the feat in a high school of 900 students. She decides to choose the boy and never talk to me again. Zack decides he doesn't want that. Temu ended up losing 2 good friends. I lost one. Sorry for the wall of text. This isn't even the entire story. Tl;Dr girl chooses boy over friend. Losses boy and friend.
When I was in grade 10 I started to date this girl, Jen, and she insisted that I add her best friend, Lily, on Facebook. Well Lily and I start commenting on basically everything each other posted and I started to talk to her friends through her posts. Over the course of a few months I start to add more and more of Lily's friends. Though I'd never met any of them in person because they went to school on the other side of the city. There was this one girl, Temu, who I really hit it off with. We started to talk constantly, I'm talking like 4hrs of Facebook chat daily. Now this girl was gorgeous. I'm talking straight up b-e-a-utiful. By this time Jen and I had broken up so I was free game to talk up this girl. Eventually a few months later I accidentally run into while out for bubble tea. Bam. I was absolutely speechless. Cue awkward first meeting. We laugh about it later on line but I really beat myself up over that. Anyway, fast forward 2 years. I switched schools for grade 12 and am now going to the same school as Lily and Temu. By this time Temu and I probably have 30k+ Facebook messages. So it's nearing the end of the year. Which means... Band trip. No big deal, right? Wrong. The actual trip part goes off without incident, but on the way back Temu decides to switch buses so she can be with Zack. Now, her and Zack have quite the history. Every trip throughout the year they gravitated to each other and hooked up all over the place. Most notably the top of the Eiffel tower. But refused to date simply because "it'd never work". How tragic. Her and Zack are sitting a mere 3 seats behind the chaperones and decide that this is the perfect opportunity to get handsy and suck face. I'm in the 4th last row of the bus and I can hear their tongues going at it. I shudder to think of what the teachers heard. This goes on for the 30 or so hour ride back from Toronto. When got back I decided to message Temu about the incident. Basically I said that I thought she was somebody who had better morals than that and that I was rather disappointed in her actions. Instead of conversing with me like a proper young adult she decides a better course of action is to remove and block me on all forms of social media. On top of that she refused to make eye contact with me, quite the feat in a high school of 900 students. She decides to choose the boy and never talk to me again. Zack decides he doesn't want that. Temu ended up losing 2 good friends. I lost one. Sorry for the wall of text. This isn't even the entire story.
girl chooses boy over friend. Losses boy and friend.
Sorry, this is written in a hurry! I introduced her to a group of friends at a summer cottage one weekend. One of my friends (guy) and her hit it off and shortly after became boyfriend and girlfriend. I thought it was great that two of my best friends were together. A few months later she became this awful bitch to all my friends AND my good friend, her boyfriend. She was jealous of a girl that her SO used to crush on. She'd be mean to her all the time. She took total control over her bf and him being so desperate she COULD (would be in a bad mood whenever he wanted to do something with friends and other needy girl stuff). She suddenly became a terrible person to all my good friends and absolutely dreadful when drinking and that made me SOOO mad. One evening she trash talked me when trying to get her out into the car I was driving, so she and her boyfriend could drink, and told me in a controlling way that "You canNOT leave." when I was about to "go without them". Made me so mad I ended up leaving without the car keys and hitched a ride with my other friends to down town and got drunk despite not planning on drinking. Since that night I have not been friends with her and it keeps fading away. **TL;DR if you're a bitch to my good friends, we can no longer be friends. Or if you're simply a bitch.**
Sorry, this is written in a hurry! I introduced her to a group of friends at a summer cottage one weekend. One of my friends (guy) and her hit it off and shortly after became boyfriend and girlfriend. I thought it was great that two of my best friends were together. A few months later she became this awful bitch to all my friends AND my good friend, her boyfriend. She was jealous of a girl that her SO used to crush on. She'd be mean to her all the time. She took total control over her bf and him being so desperate she COULD (would be in a bad mood whenever he wanted to do something with friends and other needy girl stuff). She suddenly became a terrible person to all my good friends and absolutely dreadful when drinking and that made me SOOO mad. One evening she trash talked me when trying to get her out into the car I was driving, so she and her boyfriend could drink, and told me in a controlling way that "You canNOT leave." when I was about to "go without them". Made me so mad I ended up leaving without the car keys and hitched a ride with my other friends to down town and got drunk despite not planning on drinking. Since that night I have not been friends with her and it keeps fading away. TL;DR if you're a bitch to my good friends, we can no longer be friends. Or if you're simply a bitch.
Sorry, this is written in a hurry! I introduced her to a group of friends at a summer cottage one weekend. One of my friends (guy) and her hit it off and shortly after became boyfriend and girlfriend. I thought it was great that two of my best friends were together. A few months later she became this awful bitch to all my friends AND my good friend, her boyfriend. She was jealous of a girl that her SO used to crush on. She'd be mean to her all the time. She took total control over her bf and him being so desperate she COULD (would be in a bad mood whenever he wanted to do something with friends and other needy girl stuff). She suddenly became a terrible person to all my good friends and absolutely dreadful when drinking and that made me SOOO mad. One evening she trash talked me when trying to get her out into the car I was driving, so she and her boyfriend could drink, and told me in a controlling way that "You canNOT leave." when I was about to "go without them". Made me so mad I ended up leaving without the car keys and hitched a ride with my other friends to down town and got drunk despite not planning on drinking. Since that night I have not been friends with her and it keeps fading away.
if you're a bitch to my good friends, we can no longer be friends. Or if you're simply a bitch.
My best friend from age 13-27. We'll call her Wendy. She was super smart and fun to hang out with. We were into all the same stuff, which also happened to be stuff that no other girls our age were into. (Makeup? Pfft. Let's go outside and play in the woods! Shopping? Why do that when we have awesome board games right here!) She was creative, fun, mature, and all around awesome. She taught me a lot about growing up and being a good person. She was my best friend. So college comes around and we go to different schools. We still make time to see each other occasionally and when we do it's like nothing has changed. We go out, do awesome things, have a great time and generally enjoy palling around. We even lived together for a summer as we both got internships at the same place. That was one of the best summers ever. College ends and we're both back in our hometowns ready to start our real lives. She goes out and does some internship stuff on a boat and meets this guy, we'll call him Mike. He's older...way older. 15ish years older. She's always been into older dudes, so it's not much of a surprise. Frankly it was weird for me to watch them but, whatevs, it's her life. Then two things happen. I move to Florida and Mike gets stationed in California. Now all of a sudden Wendy is alone. At this point she's less than a month into what can be best described as a 'kinda sorta' seeing each other thing with Mike. Wendy has always been a logical reserved person, so I didn't realize it at the time but she was madly in love with Mike. So Mike asked Wendy to drive out to California with him she jumped on it. She basically didn't come back. She flew back long enough to get her stuff, get rid of what she couldn't take, then headed back to Cali to be with Mike. So life goes on and I still keep in touch with her. The real world is crazy...and being in Florida makes it especially crazy. So much growth, so much change happened. Wendy and I didn't see each other hardly at all during the next few years. And when we did talk it was less...comfortable? We were both changing. 3 years go by and Mike is scheduled to be stationed back in Cape Cod. Wendy wants a masters, and it just so happens that a University in Rhode Island has one of the best programs around for what she studies. She'll be 1.5hrs from where Mike works, so they decide to live in 2 different places, seeing each other on the weekends. Around that same time I lose my job in Florida, and badly want to get out of the state. Wendy says we should live together again, it'll be like that one awesome summer! I'm 110% on board with this awesome plan! We find a place, secure the rent, and move in. But wow...she's changed. I mean, I've changed too. We're both...people now. Not kids, not children, fully formed adults. Things were very different between us... She was madly in love with Mike, and that's great. But she was so head over heels for him that it was like he was the only person in the world. It just made it weird to hang out with her and have her attitude overtly be, "I'm just hanging out with you because Mike isn't around." Then the ego kicked in. Keep in mind this girl is brilliant. If you were half as smart as her you'd still be considered above average. And in high school that was something she was picked on for. Bad self esteem kept her ego in check. Then she went to college, and her tendency towards passive aggressive remarks made it hard for her to have fufilling friendships. She had friends, mind you, lots of them, but many of those friends were a tad guarded. And despite feeling superior to people, she - like any of us - wants to still be accepted by people. Her relationships in college kept her ego in check. But it was different now. Nothing was holding her back. She didn't have to have meaningful relationships with other people - she had Mike. She wasn't being picked on for her brilliance, showing off at work was how you got ahead... The ego that was always there, the passive aggressive "I'm better than you" comments that I could always ignore when we were younger were no longer subtle. They were the norm. It made her a whole different person. Someone I wasn't a huge fan of... If she were reading this right now she'd argue that she didn't treat me any differently. And she'd be kinda right. The way she treated people would be normal on the surface, with a constant undercurrent of 2 recurring attitudes. "I'm better than you." And "I'm only hanging out with you because Mike isn't here." But here's the kicker. I've always admired Wendy. Always. I mean, what girl doesn't admire a tall beautiful, brilliant woman with a sassy attitude. She was so awesome! But I think she took my admiration as something different. I've always been more Bi than straight, and I think she interpreted my idolation of her as romantic affection. I mean, don't get me wrong, she was hawt, but I wanted to *be her* not *be with her.* This may sound like a tangent but I swear it's relevant later. Then I met my hubby. And it turns out his name was also Mike. And it turns out we rapidly fell in love, just like Wendy and Mike. And it turns out he proposed to me on my birthday just like Wendy and Mike. And when I told Wendy about the proposal things got weird. She gave me this healf hearted "Oh yaaaay...that's great... and stuff" response followed by her inferring that I was just doing this to copy her. So I went out, found a guy, and got him to propose to me because....I was jealous of her? Or because I was jealous of *Mike* being with her? She'd inferred this before, but again, nothing this woman does is overt - nothing I could call her out on - just subtle inferences. At this point she'd stopped being an *Egotistical Intellectual Elite* and started just being a regular everyday bitch. I mean seriously, who stomps on a girl when she tells you she's getting married...? Honestly, as much as I hate to say it her reaction didn't surprise me. Her ego had now warped into something that made everything, I mean *everything* about herself. This was a girl who came from humble beginnings in a world that didn't accept her, to a grown gorgeous woman who was a success in her field and married to a man with money. Her ego was over 9000, and the world now directly revolved around her. The next few months were spent with her making shitty passive aggressive quips to myself and my man over how much she disapproved of him in general. There never came a time when I had to pick sides, she would have lost that fight, so instead her attacks came in snipes and barbs followed by hasty retreats. Unsurprisingly, my man hated her guts. Her school ends and she moves out to the house she just bought with her Mike. I'm hoping that our separation would heal the friendship that had deteriorated so badly in the last 2 years. That if we just didn't live together I wouldn't have to deal with this "new" snippy bitchy Wendy, and I could have my old best buddy Wendy back. And for one split second it seemed like that would be the case. She called me one night just to talk, and we had an AWESOME conversation! It was what I wanted, just an honest, friendly conversation talking about cool stuff with a cool person. I was sure this was it, and I could have my friend back. ...Then she ended the conversation by *subtly* telling me that she thinks my hubby is a jerk who's just trying to mooch off me... Uhm, no. Make fun of me, fine. Pick on me, okay. But don't say shit about my man. That's **not okay**. So I'm standing there, in the kitchen, holding my cell phone and I realize I've had enough. I convinced myself for a long time that she was just going through a phase, that I was misinterpreting what she was saying, that she wasn't being a **bitch**, she was just being a California academic snob. But that comment was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I couldn't deny it anymore. My friend was a bitch. So I gritted my teeth, we said our goodbyes, and I never spoke with her again. She tried to call me a few more times and even sent me a Christmas card that year. I was done. It was a fucking painful decision to make, and I'm still not sure I made the right choice, but I couldn't have her just shitting all over my husband. Should I have tried having a serious heart to heart with her? Maybe, but I'm fucking awful at talking about my feelings. Walking away is something I do very well. It’s been 5 years now. I’m still happily married and life is good here. I hope life is good for Wendy, too. I still miss my old friend, I miss her brilliance, wit, and humor. I miss talking about all the things we both like. Her number is long since deleted in my phone, and I’m not on social media sites, so I honestly have no idea where she is or what she’s doing. But I hope her and Mike are happy wherever they are. **TLDR:** I don’t care if no one ever reads this. Writing it was cathartic, and although I don’t have my friend anymore, it was nice to reminisce about all the good times we had together.
My best friend from age 13-27. We'll call her Wendy. She was super smart and fun to hang out with. We were into all the same stuff, which also happened to be stuff that no other girls our age were into. (Makeup? Pfft. Let's go outside and play in the woods! Shopping? Why do that when we have awesome board games right here!) She was creative, fun, mature, and all around awesome. She taught me a lot about growing up and being a good person. She was my best friend. So college comes around and we go to different schools. We still make time to see each other occasionally and when we do it's like nothing has changed. We go out, do awesome things, have a great time and generally enjoy palling around. We even lived together for a summer as we both got internships at the same place. That was one of the best summers ever. College ends and we're both back in our hometowns ready to start our real lives. She goes out and does some internship stuff on a boat and meets this guy, we'll call him Mike. He's older...way older. 15ish years older. She's always been into older dudes, so it's not much of a surprise. Frankly it was weird for me to watch them but, whatevs, it's her life. Then two things happen. I move to Florida and Mike gets stationed in California. Now all of a sudden Wendy is alone. At this point she's less than a month into what can be best described as a 'kinda sorta' seeing each other thing with Mike. Wendy has always been a logical reserved person, so I didn't realize it at the time but she was madly in love with Mike. So Mike asked Wendy to drive out to California with him she jumped on it. She basically didn't come back. She flew back long enough to get her stuff, get rid of what she couldn't take, then headed back to Cali to be with Mike. So life goes on and I still keep in touch with her. The real world is crazy...and being in Florida makes it especially crazy. So much growth, so much change happened. Wendy and I didn't see each other hardly at all during the next few years. And when we did talk it was less...comfortable? We were both changing. 3 years go by and Mike is scheduled to be stationed back in Cape Cod. Wendy wants a masters, and it just so happens that a University in Rhode Island has one of the best programs around for what she studies. She'll be 1.5hrs from where Mike works, so they decide to live in 2 different places, seeing each other on the weekends. Around that same time I lose my job in Florida, and badly want to get out of the state. Wendy says we should live together again, it'll be like that one awesome summer! I'm 110% on board with this awesome plan! We find a place, secure the rent, and move in. But wow...she's changed. I mean, I've changed too. We're both...people now. Not kids, not children, fully formed adults. Things were very different between us... She was madly in love with Mike, and that's great. But she was so head over heels for him that it was like he was the only person in the world. It just made it weird to hang out with her and have her attitude overtly be, "I'm just hanging out with you because Mike isn't around." Then the ego kicked in. Keep in mind this girl is brilliant. If you were half as smart as her you'd still be considered above average. And in high school that was something she was picked on for. Bad self esteem kept her ego in check. Then she went to college, and her tendency towards passive aggressive remarks made it hard for her to have fufilling friendships. She had friends, mind you, lots of them, but many of those friends were a tad guarded. And despite feeling superior to people, she - like any of us - wants to still be accepted by people. Her relationships in college kept her ego in check. But it was different now. Nothing was holding her back. She didn't have to have meaningful relationships with other people - she had Mike. She wasn't being picked on for her brilliance, showing off at work was how you got ahead... The ego that was always there, the passive aggressive "I'm better than you" comments that I could always ignore when we were younger were no longer subtle. They were the norm. It made her a whole different person. Someone I wasn't a huge fan of... If she were reading this right now she'd argue that she didn't treat me any differently. And she'd be kinda right. The way she treated people would be normal on the surface, with a constant undercurrent of 2 recurring attitudes. "I'm better than you." And "I'm only hanging out with you because Mike isn't here." But here's the kicker. I've always admired Wendy. Always. I mean, what girl doesn't admire a tall beautiful, brilliant woman with a sassy attitude. She was so awesome! But I think she took my admiration as something different. I've always been more Bi than straight, and I think she interpreted my idolation of her as romantic affection. I mean, don't get me wrong, she was hawt, but I wanted to be her not be with her. This may sound like a tangent but I swear it's relevant later. Then I met my hubby. And it turns out his name was also Mike. And it turns out we rapidly fell in love, just like Wendy and Mike. And it turns out he proposed to me on my birthday just like Wendy and Mike. And when I told Wendy about the proposal things got weird. She gave me this healf hearted "Oh yaaaay...that's great... and stuff" response followed by her inferring that I was just doing this to copy her. So I went out, found a guy, and got him to propose to me because....I was jealous of her? Or because I was jealous of Mike being with her? She'd inferred this before, but again, nothing this woman does is overt - nothing I could call her out on - just subtle inferences. At this point she'd stopped being an Egotistical Intellectual Elite and started just being a regular everyday bitch. I mean seriously, who stomps on a girl when she tells you she's getting married...? Honestly, as much as I hate to say it her reaction didn't surprise me. Her ego had now warped into something that made everything, I mean everything about herself. This was a girl who came from humble beginnings in a world that didn't accept her, to a grown gorgeous woman who was a success in her field and married to a man with money. Her ego was over 9000, and the world now directly revolved around her. The next few months were spent with her making shitty passive aggressive quips to myself and my man over how much she disapproved of him in general. There never came a time when I had to pick sides, she would have lost that fight, so instead her attacks came in snipes and barbs followed by hasty retreats. Unsurprisingly, my man hated her guts. Her school ends and she moves out to the house she just bought with her Mike. I'm hoping that our separation would heal the friendship that had deteriorated so badly in the last 2 years. That if we just didn't live together I wouldn't have to deal with this "new" snippy bitchy Wendy, and I could have my old best buddy Wendy back. And for one split second it seemed like that would be the case. She called me one night just to talk, and we had an AWESOME conversation! It was what I wanted, just an honest, friendly conversation talking about cool stuff with a cool person. I was sure this was it, and I could have my friend back. ...Then she ended the conversation by subtly telling me that she thinks my hubby is a jerk who's just trying to mooch off me... Uhm, no. Make fun of me, fine. Pick on me, okay. But don't say shit about my man. That's not okay . So I'm standing there, in the kitchen, holding my cell phone and I realize I've had enough. I convinced myself for a long time that she was just going through a phase, that I was misinterpreting what she was saying, that she wasn't being a bitch , she was just being a California academic snob. But that comment was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I couldn't deny it anymore. My friend was a bitch. So I gritted my teeth, we said our goodbyes, and I never spoke with her again. She tried to call me a few more times and even sent me a Christmas card that year. I was done. It was a fucking painful decision to make, and I'm still not sure I made the right choice, but I couldn't have her just shitting all over my husband. Should I have tried having a serious heart to heart with her? Maybe, but I'm fucking awful at talking about my feelings. Walking away is something I do very well. It’s been 5 years now. I’m still happily married and life is good here. I hope life is good for Wendy, too. I still miss my old friend, I miss her brilliance, wit, and humor. I miss talking about all the things we both like. Her number is long since deleted in my phone, and I’m not on social media sites, so I honestly have no idea where she is or what she’s doing. But I hope her and Mike are happy wherever they are. TLDR: I don’t care if no one ever reads this. Writing it was cathartic, and although I don’t have my friend anymore, it was nice to reminisce about all the good times we had together.
My best friend from age 13-27. We'll call her Wendy. She was super smart and fun to hang out with. We were into all the same stuff, which also happened to be stuff that no other girls our age were into. (Makeup? Pfft. Let's go outside and play in the woods! Shopping? Why do that when we have awesome board games right here!) She was creative, fun, mature, and all around awesome. She taught me a lot about growing up and being a good person. She was my best friend. So college comes around and we go to different schools. We still make time to see each other occasionally and when we do it's like nothing has changed. We go out, do awesome things, have a great time and generally enjoy palling around. We even lived together for a summer as we both got internships at the same place. That was one of the best summers ever. College ends and we're both back in our hometowns ready to start our real lives. She goes out and does some internship stuff on a boat and meets this guy, we'll call him Mike. He's older...way older. 15ish years older. She's always been into older dudes, so it's not much of a surprise. Frankly it was weird for me to watch them but, whatevs, it's her life. Then two things happen. I move to Florida and Mike gets stationed in California. Now all of a sudden Wendy is alone. At this point she's less than a month into what can be best described as a 'kinda sorta' seeing each other thing with Mike. Wendy has always been a logical reserved person, so I didn't realize it at the time but she was madly in love with Mike. So Mike asked Wendy to drive out to California with him she jumped on it. She basically didn't come back. She flew back long enough to get her stuff, get rid of what she couldn't take, then headed back to Cali to be with Mike. So life goes on and I still keep in touch with her. The real world is crazy...and being in Florida makes it especially crazy. So much growth, so much change happened. Wendy and I didn't see each other hardly at all during the next few years. And when we did talk it was less...comfortable? We were both changing. 3 years go by and Mike is scheduled to be stationed back in Cape Cod. Wendy wants a masters, and it just so happens that a University in Rhode Island has one of the best programs around for what she studies. She'll be 1.5hrs from where Mike works, so they decide to live in 2 different places, seeing each other on the weekends. Around that same time I lose my job in Florida, and badly want to get out of the state. Wendy says we should live together again, it'll be like that one awesome summer! I'm 110% on board with this awesome plan! We find a place, secure the rent, and move in. But wow...she's changed. I mean, I've changed too. We're both...people now. Not kids, not children, fully formed adults. Things were very different between us... She was madly in love with Mike, and that's great. But she was so head over heels for him that it was like he was the only person in the world. It just made it weird to hang out with her and have her attitude overtly be, "I'm just hanging out with you because Mike isn't around." Then the ego kicked in. Keep in mind this girl is brilliant. If you were half as smart as her you'd still be considered above average. And in high school that was something she was picked on for. Bad self esteem kept her ego in check. Then she went to college, and her tendency towards passive aggressive remarks made it hard for her to have fufilling friendships. She had friends, mind you, lots of them, but many of those friends were a tad guarded. And despite feeling superior to people, she - like any of us - wants to still be accepted by people. Her relationships in college kept her ego in check. But it was different now. Nothing was holding her back. She didn't have to have meaningful relationships with other people - she had Mike. She wasn't being picked on for her brilliance, showing off at work was how you got ahead... The ego that was always there, the passive aggressive "I'm better than you" comments that I could always ignore when we were younger were no longer subtle. They were the norm. It made her a whole different person. Someone I wasn't a huge fan of... If she were reading this right now she'd argue that she didn't treat me any differently. And she'd be kinda right. The way she treated people would be normal on the surface, with a constant undercurrent of 2 recurring attitudes. "I'm better than you." And "I'm only hanging out with you because Mike isn't here." But here's the kicker. I've always admired Wendy. Always. I mean, what girl doesn't admire a tall beautiful, brilliant woman with a sassy attitude. She was so awesome! But I think she took my admiration as something different. I've always been more Bi than straight, and I think she interpreted my idolation of her as romantic affection. I mean, don't get me wrong, she was hawt, but I wanted to be her not be with her. This may sound like a tangent but I swear it's relevant later. Then I met my hubby. And it turns out his name was also Mike. And it turns out we rapidly fell in love, just like Wendy and Mike. And it turns out he proposed to me on my birthday just like Wendy and Mike. And when I told Wendy about the proposal things got weird. She gave me this healf hearted "Oh yaaaay...that's great... and stuff" response followed by her inferring that I was just doing this to copy her. So I went out, found a guy, and got him to propose to me because....I was jealous of her? Or because I was jealous of Mike being with her? She'd inferred this before, but again, nothing this woman does is overt - nothing I could call her out on - just subtle inferences. At this point she'd stopped being an Egotistical Intellectual Elite and started just being a regular everyday bitch. I mean seriously, who stomps on a girl when she tells you she's getting married...? Honestly, as much as I hate to say it her reaction didn't surprise me. Her ego had now warped into something that made everything, I mean everything about herself. This was a girl who came from humble beginnings in a world that didn't accept her, to a grown gorgeous woman who was a success in her field and married to a man with money. Her ego was over 9000, and the world now directly revolved around her. The next few months were spent with her making shitty passive aggressive quips to myself and my man over how much she disapproved of him in general. There never came a time when I had to pick sides, she would have lost that fight, so instead her attacks came in snipes and barbs followed by hasty retreats. Unsurprisingly, my man hated her guts. Her school ends and she moves out to the house she just bought with her Mike. I'm hoping that our separation would heal the friendship that had deteriorated so badly in the last 2 years. That if we just didn't live together I wouldn't have to deal with this "new" snippy bitchy Wendy, and I could have my old best buddy Wendy back. And for one split second it seemed like that would be the case. She called me one night just to talk, and we had an AWESOME conversation! It was what I wanted, just an honest, friendly conversation talking about cool stuff with a cool person. I was sure this was it, and I could have my friend back. ...Then she ended the conversation by subtly telling me that she thinks my hubby is a jerk who's just trying to mooch off me... Uhm, no. Make fun of me, fine. Pick on me, okay. But don't say shit about my man. That's not okay . So I'm standing there, in the kitchen, holding my cell phone and I realize I've had enough. I convinced myself for a long time that she was just going through a phase, that I was misinterpreting what she was saying, that she wasn't being a bitch , she was just being a California academic snob. But that comment was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I couldn't deny it anymore. My friend was a bitch. So I gritted my teeth, we said our goodbyes, and I never spoke with her again. She tried to call me a few more times and even sent me a Christmas card that year. I was done. It was a fucking painful decision to make, and I'm still not sure I made the right choice, but I couldn't have her just shitting all over my husband. Should I have tried having a serious heart to heart with her? Maybe, but I'm fucking awful at talking about my feelings. Walking away is something I do very well. It’s been 5 years now. I’m still happily married and life is good here. I hope life is good for Wendy, too. I still miss my old friend, I miss her brilliance, wit, and humor. I miss talking about all the things we both like. Her number is long since deleted in my phone, and I’m not on social media sites, so I honestly have no idea where she is or what she’s doing. But I hope her and Mike are happy wherever they are.
I don’t care if no one ever reads this. Writing it was cathartic, and although I don’t have my friend anymore, it was nice to reminisce about all the good times we had together.
I'm not sure. I had a best friend who was also my neighbor. He was a year behind me in school but only a month younger. We would hang out all the time, we were into the same stuff, had the same views. He was my Neighbor Best Friend. I knew him from 8th grade, and we were best friends till about 10th. Around the summertime of 10th grade I smoked weed. He didn't like that because of an issue his family has had with it. I told him I would stop if it was offending him. Also I was talking to a girl that he liked, but wasn't really clear about it. I wasn't talking to her in a bad way, I was actually trying to get them together at one point. But he showed no interest and I thought she liked me. But I was pretty weird back then so it's far fetched. Anyway so he stopped talking to me after he found out I smoked, which was BS in my opinion because he has drank before and that's way worse. So now we barley see each other and I try to ask to hang out occasionally. Recently he lost a family member and I send him my sympathy, tried to cheer him up a bit. I believe I did, but then I asked maybe we could hang out sometime I didn't think he would want to. And he hasn't. It's too bad because we really were best friends, even made wine together with his family. We couldn't drink it obviously so we set 5 bottles aside for when we get married or move out or other events. I wonder what will happen to those... Tl;dr: smoking weed and girls can really mess up something great at a young age
I'm not sure. I had a best friend who was also my neighbor. He was a year behind me in school but only a month younger. We would hang out all the time, we were into the same stuff, had the same views. He was my Neighbor Best Friend. I knew him from 8th grade, and we were best friends till about 10th. Around the summertime of 10th grade I smoked weed. He didn't like that because of an issue his family has had with it. I told him I would stop if it was offending him. Also I was talking to a girl that he liked, but wasn't really clear about it. I wasn't talking to her in a bad way, I was actually trying to get them together at one point. But he showed no interest and I thought she liked me. But I was pretty weird back then so it's far fetched. Anyway so he stopped talking to me after he found out I smoked, which was BS in my opinion because he has drank before and that's way worse. So now we barley see each other and I try to ask to hang out occasionally. Recently he lost a family member and I send him my sympathy, tried to cheer him up a bit. I believe I did, but then I asked maybe we could hang out sometime I didn't think he would want to. And he hasn't. It's too bad because we really were best friends, even made wine together with his family. We couldn't drink it obviously so we set 5 bottles aside for when we get married or move out or other events. I wonder what will happen to those... Tl;dr: smoking weed and girls can really mess up something great at a young age
I'm not sure. I had a best friend who was also my neighbor. He was a year behind me in school but only a month younger. We would hang out all the time, we were into the same stuff, had the same views. He was my Neighbor Best Friend. I knew him from 8th grade, and we were best friends till about 10th. Around the summertime of 10th grade I smoked weed. He didn't like that because of an issue his family has had with it. I told him I would stop if it was offending him. Also I was talking to a girl that he liked, but wasn't really clear about it. I wasn't talking to her in a bad way, I was actually trying to get them together at one point. But he showed no interest and I thought she liked me. But I was pretty weird back then so it's far fetched. Anyway so he stopped talking to me after he found out I smoked, which was BS in my opinion because he has drank before and that's way worse. So now we barley see each other and I try to ask to hang out occasionally. Recently he lost a family member and I send him my sympathy, tried to cheer him up a bit. I believe I did, but then I asked maybe we could hang out sometime I didn't think he would want to. And he hasn't. It's too bad because we really were best friends, even made wine together with his family. We couldn't drink it obviously so we set 5 bottles aside for when we get married or move out or other events. I wonder what will happen to those...
smoking weed and girls can really mess up something great at a young age
In middle school she had emotional issues. She would lash out at me and be a bitch for no reason. Then she pulled one of those immature "Hey everyone! Lil-praying-mantis likes [boy's name.]!!!!!" That's breaking girl code. My friends started to tease her for revenge; apparently the girl slept with diapers, and one friend yelled "Which do you use? Huggies or pampers?!!!" Then another said "When you walk all I hear is swish swish swish!" That was too far. She stared me right in the eyes with sadness, but I didn't say anything or stick up for her. Fast forward to high school, I forgave her and would say hi to her in the hallway. All I got was a harsh glare. She was a great artist, I'd compliment her on her depressing art, but she would take it with her and walk away from me. My last day of high school I tied loose ends with people I didn't get along with. Shook hands, gave hugs, and accepted their forgiveness too. Then I realized I forgot about her, but didn't think much. Then our first year of college, she committed suicide by hanging herself. Nobody told me when and where her funeral was, nor where she was buried. Even though we weren't friends anymore... I missed her a lot. I still do. I can't sleep at night anymore and it's been a couple of years. ***TL;DR:*** I never apologized for my friends being assholes to her, and she killed herself years later. Even though we weren't friends anymore I still miss her and wonder where she is now in the afterlife (if there is one.)
In middle school she had emotional issues. She would lash out at me and be a bitch for no reason. Then she pulled one of those immature "Hey everyone! Lil-praying-mantis likes [boy's name.]!!!!!" That's breaking girl code. My friends started to tease her for revenge; apparently the girl slept with diapers, and one friend yelled "Which do you use? Huggies or pampers?!!!" Then another said "When you walk all I hear is swish swish swish!" That was too far. She stared me right in the eyes with sadness, but I didn't say anything or stick up for her. Fast forward to high school, I forgave her and would say hi to her in the hallway. All I got was a harsh glare. She was a great artist, I'd compliment her on her depressing art, but she would take it with her and walk away from me. My last day of high school I tied loose ends with people I didn't get along with. Shook hands, gave hugs, and accepted their forgiveness too. Then I realized I forgot about her, but didn't think much. Then our first year of college, she committed suicide by hanging herself. Nobody told me when and where her funeral was, nor where she was buried. Even though we weren't friends anymore... I missed her a lot. I still do. I can't sleep at night anymore and it's been a couple of years. TL;DR: I never apologized for my friends being assholes to her, and she killed herself years later. Even though we weren't friends anymore I still miss her and wonder where she is now in the afterlife (if there is one.)
In middle school she had emotional issues. She would lash out at me and be a bitch for no reason. Then she pulled one of those immature "Hey everyone! Lil-praying-mantis likes [boy's name.]!!!!!" That's breaking girl code. My friends started to tease her for revenge; apparently the girl slept with diapers, and one friend yelled "Which do you use? Huggies or pampers?!!!" Then another said "When you walk all I hear is swish swish swish!" That was too far. She stared me right in the eyes with sadness, but I didn't say anything or stick up for her. Fast forward to high school, I forgave her and would say hi to her in the hallway. All I got was a harsh glare. She was a great artist, I'd compliment her on her depressing art, but she would take it with her and walk away from me. My last day of high school I tied loose ends with people I didn't get along with. Shook hands, gave hugs, and accepted their forgiveness too. Then I realized I forgot about her, but didn't think much. Then our first year of college, she committed suicide by hanging herself. Nobody told me when and where her funeral was, nor where she was buried. Even though we weren't friends anymore... I missed her a lot. I still do. I can't sleep at night anymore and it's been a couple of years.
I never apologized for my friends being assholes to her, and she killed herself years later. Even though we weren't friends anymore I still miss her and wonder where she is now in the afterlife (if there is one.)
She slowly spiraled out of control over the past 3 years. She went from dating a decent guy and working a stable job to unemployed and dating guys barely out of high school (she is in her mid to late 30s). She now has a drug problem, smokes cigars, no longer has custody of her children, is currently dating a scumbag friend of her oldest son, and says that everybody is out to get her and none of this is her fault. SMH. Drugs are bad... mkay? I tried to talk to her about it, but she refuses to believe that she's the source of her problems and her leech friends just make it worse. She's been like a sister to me for 13 years, and even introduced me to my current long-term girlfriend. She now lives in a house with 6 other people, and every last one of them are mooches. I don't go over there anymore because I have a steady job, a car, and a little money saved up. When I'm there everybody wants to borrow something from me... only... they never pay anyone back. TL;DR: Smart girl goes from comfortable lifestyle to drug addict in less than 3 years. Blames everyone else for her problems and refuses to take responsibility for her actions.
She slowly spiraled out of control over the past 3 years. She went from dating a decent guy and working a stable job to unemployed and dating guys barely out of high school (she is in her mid to late 30s). She now has a drug problem, smokes cigars, no longer has custody of her children, is currently dating a scumbag friend of her oldest son, and says that everybody is out to get her and none of this is her fault. SMH. Drugs are bad... mkay? I tried to talk to her about it, but she refuses to believe that she's the source of her problems and her leech friends just make it worse. She's been like a sister to me for 13 years, and even introduced me to my current long-term girlfriend. She now lives in a house with 6 other people, and every last one of them are mooches. I don't go over there anymore because I have a steady job, a car, and a little money saved up. When I'm there everybody wants to borrow something from me... only... they never pay anyone back. TL;DR: Smart girl goes from comfortable lifestyle to drug addict in less than 3 years. Blames everyone else for her problems and refuses to take responsibility for her actions.
She slowly spiraled out of control over the past 3 years. She went from dating a decent guy and working a stable job to unemployed and dating guys barely out of high school (she is in her mid to late 30s). She now has a drug problem, smokes cigars, no longer has custody of her children, is currently dating a scumbag friend of her oldest son, and says that everybody is out to get her and none of this is her fault. SMH. Drugs are bad... mkay? I tried to talk to her about it, but she refuses to believe that she's the source of her problems and her leech friends just make it worse. She's been like a sister to me for 13 years, and even introduced me to my current long-term girlfriend. She now lives in a house with 6 other people, and every last one of them are mooches. I don't go over there anymore because I have a steady job, a car, and a little money saved up. When I'm there everybody wants to borrow something from me... only... they never pay anyone back.
Smart girl goes from comfortable lifestyle to drug addict in less than 3 years. Blames everyone else for her problems and refuses to take responsibility for her actions.
I was extremely good friends with a guy for about two years. He started a band with his brother and friends and I offered to audition for vocals. I got the spot and we played a few shows over a few months. Had a really good time. Then over this past summer the guys told me there was a tour in the works. Two weeks, all around the northeast/maybe a little into the midwest. I was very excited, but talked about it with my boss and he told me that he couldn't let me leave for two weeks. He was excited for me to have the opportunity, and there was no bad blood, but he told me that if I wanted to go on this tour, I was going to have to quit. Now, I'm not suggesting everyone just up and leave their daily lives, but I was freshly 24, not in debt, and growing up in the age of pop punk, all I wanted to do with my life was hit the road and play music with my friends. My boss urged me to be SURE that this was happening, and I obliged. I double checked, triple checked, quadruple checked. Everything was a go. So that was it, I had a date worked out with my boss of when I'd be leaving, and he was looking for a replacement before I even left. I was cool with that, because even if we didn't get rich and famous, at least I could finally put my mind to rest because I had taken a legitimate swing at my dreams. My last day at work came and went, and we were almost 2 weeks from leaving when things went south. Now, the band claims that the tour manager screwed everything up. This part may be true, but like I said, I quadruple checked that everything was still a go. But we got word from the other band who was to tour with us that this manager was going behind our backs and telling this other band to go find someone else to tour with because we weren't well-known enough. So if that is the case, then instead of just cancelling the thing altogether, he was getting these other guys to do his dirty work. So now I was unemployed, but I had money saved up so I was okay for about 2 months. I began looking for a new job (of which I am not qualified for much). I stayed with the band regardless because they were my friends (or so I thought) and we were still playing shows. One day about 2 weeks later I was home with a friend and was drunk. I got a text saying that the guys were having practice and they wanted me to come. I told them I had been drinking and didn't want to drive. Apparently that was the last straw, because about a half hour later I got a text saying I was out of the band. That's their decision, but they did it through text and ignored all of my texts and calls immediately after for about 2 weeks. By then they already had a new vocalist. **TL;DR: So yeah, don't join bands with your friends, I guess. I hung out with this guy almost every day for 2 years, then within a month I left my job to go on tour with him, it fell through. Then he kicked me out through text and ignored me for a few weeks. I learned his real character. Then my roommate doesn't understand why I get upset when he goes to hang out with him. Oh, well.**
I was extremely good friends with a guy for about two years. He started a band with his brother and friends and I offered to audition for vocals. I got the spot and we played a few shows over a few months. Had a really good time. Then over this past summer the guys told me there was a tour in the works. Two weeks, all around the northeast/maybe a little into the midwest. I was very excited, but talked about it with my boss and he told me that he couldn't let me leave for two weeks. He was excited for me to have the opportunity, and there was no bad blood, but he told me that if I wanted to go on this tour, I was going to have to quit. Now, I'm not suggesting everyone just up and leave their daily lives, but I was freshly 24, not in debt, and growing up in the age of pop punk, all I wanted to do with my life was hit the road and play music with my friends. My boss urged me to be SURE that this was happening, and I obliged. I double checked, triple checked, quadruple checked. Everything was a go. So that was it, I had a date worked out with my boss of when I'd be leaving, and he was looking for a replacement before I even left. I was cool with that, because even if we didn't get rich and famous, at least I could finally put my mind to rest because I had taken a legitimate swing at my dreams. My last day at work came and went, and we were almost 2 weeks from leaving when things went south. Now, the band claims that the tour manager screwed everything up. This part may be true, but like I said, I quadruple checked that everything was still a go. But we got word from the other band who was to tour with us that this manager was going behind our backs and telling this other band to go find someone else to tour with because we weren't well-known enough. So if that is the case, then instead of just cancelling the thing altogether, he was getting these other guys to do his dirty work. So now I was unemployed, but I had money saved up so I was okay for about 2 months. I began looking for a new job (of which I am not qualified for much). I stayed with the band regardless because they were my friends (or so I thought) and we were still playing shows. One day about 2 weeks later I was home with a friend and was drunk. I got a text saying that the guys were having practice and they wanted me to come. I told them I had been drinking and didn't want to drive. Apparently that was the last straw, because about a half hour later I got a text saying I was out of the band. That's their decision, but they did it through text and ignored all of my texts and calls immediately after for about 2 weeks. By then they already had a new vocalist. TL;DR: So yeah, don't join bands with your friends, I guess. I hung out with this guy almost every day for 2 years, then within a month I left my job to go on tour with him, it fell through. Then he kicked me out through text and ignored me for a few weeks. I learned his real character. Then my roommate doesn't understand why I get upset when he goes to hang out with him. Oh, well.
I was extremely good friends with a guy for about two years. He started a band with his brother and friends and I offered to audition for vocals. I got the spot and we played a few shows over a few months. Had a really good time. Then over this past summer the guys told me there was a tour in the works. Two weeks, all around the northeast/maybe a little into the midwest. I was very excited, but talked about it with my boss and he told me that he couldn't let me leave for two weeks. He was excited for me to have the opportunity, and there was no bad blood, but he told me that if I wanted to go on this tour, I was going to have to quit. Now, I'm not suggesting everyone just up and leave their daily lives, but I was freshly 24, not in debt, and growing up in the age of pop punk, all I wanted to do with my life was hit the road and play music with my friends. My boss urged me to be SURE that this was happening, and I obliged. I double checked, triple checked, quadruple checked. Everything was a go. So that was it, I had a date worked out with my boss of when I'd be leaving, and he was looking for a replacement before I even left. I was cool with that, because even if we didn't get rich and famous, at least I could finally put my mind to rest because I had taken a legitimate swing at my dreams. My last day at work came and went, and we were almost 2 weeks from leaving when things went south. Now, the band claims that the tour manager screwed everything up. This part may be true, but like I said, I quadruple checked that everything was still a go. But we got word from the other band who was to tour with us that this manager was going behind our backs and telling this other band to go find someone else to tour with because we weren't well-known enough. So if that is the case, then instead of just cancelling the thing altogether, he was getting these other guys to do his dirty work. So now I was unemployed, but I had money saved up so I was okay for about 2 months. I began looking for a new job (of which I am not qualified for much). I stayed with the band regardless because they were my friends (or so I thought) and we were still playing shows. One day about 2 weeks later I was home with a friend and was drunk. I got a text saying that the guys were having practice and they wanted me to come. I told them I had been drinking and didn't want to drive. Apparently that was the last straw, because about a half hour later I got a text saying I was out of the band. That's their decision, but they did it through text and ignored all of my texts and calls immediately after for about 2 weeks. By then they already had a new vocalist.
So yeah, don't join bands with your friends, I guess. I hung out with this guy almost every day for 2 years, then within a month I left my job to go on tour with him, it fell through. Then he kicked me out through text and ignored me for a few weeks. I learned his real character. Then my roommate doesn't understand why I get upset when he goes to hang out with him. Oh, well.
Ya know, I really don't know where to pin point exactly where I lost my best friend. I knew her for seven years and I loved her. She was my sister and my partner in crime, we did everything together and told each other everything. Honestly we were so close that you'd think nothing would stop us. But I guess me going through my first break up was too much for her and interfering with her summer plans, also I guess she was pissed that I never went with her to College. She blew up on me through text messaging, and then tried to smooth things over the same way. I told her we needed to talk but she took that as me being controlling [But knowing her, she just didn't want confrontation]. I tried multiple accounts to show that I cared and that I wanted to talk. She ignored every single one. Instead she'd rather call me a crazy bitch or cunt to everyone we know, still to this day. All of this over me having a moment of vulnerability...Shit's fucking stupid. Tl;dr: So much petty bitch drama it hurts.
Ya know, I really don't know where to pin point exactly where I lost my best friend. I knew her for seven years and I loved her. She was my sister and my partner in crime, we did everything together and told each other everything. Honestly we were so close that you'd think nothing would stop us. But I guess me going through my first break up was too much for her and interfering with her summer plans, also I guess she was pissed that I never went with her to College. She blew up on me through text messaging, and then tried to smooth things over the same way. I told her we needed to talk but she took that as me being controlling [But knowing her, she just didn't want confrontation]. I tried multiple accounts to show that I cared and that I wanted to talk. She ignored every single one. Instead she'd rather call me a crazy bitch or cunt to everyone we know, still to this day. All of this over me having a moment of vulnerability...Shit's fucking stupid. Tl;dr: So much petty bitch drama it hurts.
Ya know, I really don't know where to pin point exactly where I lost my best friend. I knew her for seven years and I loved her. She was my sister and my partner in crime, we did everything together and told each other everything. Honestly we were so close that you'd think nothing would stop us. But I guess me going through my first break up was too much for her and interfering with her summer plans, also I guess she was pissed that I never went with her to College. She blew up on me through text messaging, and then tried to smooth things over the same way. I told her we needed to talk but she took that as me being controlling [But knowing her, she just didn't want confrontation]. I tried multiple accounts to show that I cared and that I wanted to talk. She ignored every single one. Instead she'd rather call me a crazy bitch or cunt to everyone we know, still to this day. All of this over me having a moment of vulnerability...Shit's fucking stupid.
So much petty bitch drama it hurts.
My best friend of 15 years and I were like PB&J (for Americans). We went through a lot of shit together including his first divorce. Him and his second wife had moved to Las Vegas and we moved to Wisconsin. Mind you he was also very spiritual but not zealously religious. When my wife and I started having problems it was difficult to explain to him about all the problems and feelings I was having. (The early days of internet where email was the best form of communication and long distance phone calls cost **money**) My ex-wife moved to Vegas on their insistence and took my kids with her. When I went to visit he showed up at her apartment and told me that I was wrong and that I should have not left my wife. He was disappointed in me. He left without saying don't ever talk to me or contact me, but that was what he meant. Move forward a few years and I heard through the grapevine that he was getting a divorce from his second wife. She decided that one of his friend's would be a better husband than him. I knew this friend from hanging out with my friend, hell the three of us went to a Rush concert together so we hung out in the same circles for a bit. I knew that would be a dagger into his chest and I reached out to him. I called his mom and she happily gave me his number. It was nice catching up with her. She told me what she knew of what had happened, but I should call him. I called him and left a message. He called me back. His voice was very somber and he was kind enough to give me some of the gory details. I caught him up on my life, but it felt like I was speaking to a stranger. At the end of the call he said, "I'm not sure why you called, but I really don't have time in my life for another friend." tl;dr Best friend denounced my divorce, but got divorced twice left me
My best friend of 15 years and I were like PB&J (for Americans). We went through a lot of shit together including his first divorce. Him and his second wife had moved to Las Vegas and we moved to Wisconsin. Mind you he was also very spiritual but not zealously religious. When my wife and I started having problems it was difficult to explain to him about all the problems and feelings I was having. (The early days of internet where email was the best form of communication and long distance phone calls cost money ) My ex-wife moved to Vegas on their insistence and took my kids with her. When I went to visit he showed up at her apartment and told me that I was wrong and that I should have not left my wife. He was disappointed in me. He left without saying don't ever talk to me or contact me, but that was what he meant. Move forward a few years and I heard through the grapevine that he was getting a divorce from his second wife. She decided that one of his friend's would be a better husband than him. I knew this friend from hanging out with my friend, hell the three of us went to a Rush concert together so we hung out in the same circles for a bit. I knew that would be a dagger into his chest and I reached out to him. I called his mom and she happily gave me his number. It was nice catching up with her. She told me what she knew of what had happened, but I should call him. I called him and left a message. He called me back. His voice was very somber and he was kind enough to give me some of the gory details. I caught him up on my life, but it felt like I was speaking to a stranger. At the end of the call he said, "I'm not sure why you called, but I really don't have time in my life for another friend." tl;dr Best friend denounced my divorce, but got divorced twice left me
My best friend of 15 years and I were like PB&J (for Americans). We went through a lot of shit together including his first divorce. Him and his second wife had moved to Las Vegas and we moved to Wisconsin. Mind you he was also very spiritual but not zealously religious. When my wife and I started having problems it was difficult to explain to him about all the problems and feelings I was having. (The early days of internet where email was the best form of communication and long distance phone calls cost money ) My ex-wife moved to Vegas on their insistence and took my kids with her. When I went to visit he showed up at her apartment and told me that I was wrong and that I should have not left my wife. He was disappointed in me. He left without saying don't ever talk to me or contact me, but that was what he meant. Move forward a few years and I heard through the grapevine that he was getting a divorce from his second wife. She decided that one of his friend's would be a better husband than him. I knew this friend from hanging out with my friend, hell the three of us went to a Rush concert together so we hung out in the same circles for a bit. I knew that would be a dagger into his chest and I reached out to him. I called his mom and she happily gave me his number. It was nice catching up with her. She told me what she knew of what had happened, but I should call him. I called him and left a message. He called me back. His voice was very somber and he was kind enough to give me some of the gory details. I caught him up on my life, but it felt like I was speaking to a stranger. At the end of the call he said, "I'm not sure why you called, but I really don't have time in my life for another friend."
Best friend denounced my divorce, but got divorced twice left me
So my grandma was in a hospital due to heart attack and my mom was preparing for a major surgery. My best friend knew all of this. I called her in the evening when I went for a walk. I was hollow inside and just wanted someone to talk to. When she answered the phone she immediately told me that she preoared some clothes to wash in the bathroom and her father (whom she doesn't talk to fot 4 years now) took them and put them in a bag and moved it away from the bathroom. Since I had to deal with the fact that my mom and my grandma may no longer be with me I responded with: "Well, I don't know what to say" She hung up on me and didn't return a call for a week. I called her today and all she had to say was: "I am prepared to listen to your problems as long as you will listen to mine...if you can' t be there for me when I need some support then I don't need you" I told her I didn't really know how to react since I had a lot of problems on my mind and she replied with:"I have problems too...for my whole life...and don' t expect me to feel bad for you if you can't even listen to me when I want to express myself. I feel like we need to part." TL;DR: Friend wants to never meet me again because I didn't know how to react to her dumb problem while my grandma had a heaet attack and mom was waiting for a surgery
So my grandma was in a hospital due to heart attack and my mom was preparing for a major surgery. My best friend knew all of this. I called her in the evening when I went for a walk. I was hollow inside and just wanted someone to talk to. When she answered the phone she immediately told me that she preoared some clothes to wash in the bathroom and her father (whom she doesn't talk to fot 4 years now) took them and put them in a bag and moved it away from the bathroom. Since I had to deal with the fact that my mom and my grandma may no longer be with me I responded with: "Well, I don't know what to say" She hung up on me and didn't return a call for a week. I called her today and all she had to say was: "I am prepared to listen to your problems as long as you will listen to mine...if you can' t be there for me when I need some support then I don't need you" I told her I didn't really know how to react since I had a lot of problems on my mind and she replied with:"I have problems too...for my whole life...and don' t expect me to feel bad for you if you can't even listen to me when I want to express myself. I feel like we need to part." TL;DR: Friend wants to never meet me again because I didn't know how to react to her dumb problem while my grandma had a heaet attack and mom was waiting for a surgery
So my grandma was in a hospital due to heart attack and my mom was preparing for a major surgery. My best friend knew all of this. I called her in the evening when I went for a walk. I was hollow inside and just wanted someone to talk to. When she answered the phone she immediately told me that she preoared some clothes to wash in the bathroom and her father (whom she doesn't talk to fot 4 years now) took them and put them in a bag and moved it away from the bathroom. Since I had to deal with the fact that my mom and my grandma may no longer be with me I responded with: "Well, I don't know what to say" She hung up on me and didn't return a call for a week. I called her today and all she had to say was: "I am prepared to listen to your problems as long as you will listen to mine...if you can' t be there for me when I need some support then I don't need you" I told her I didn't really know how to react since I had a lot of problems on my mind and she replied with:"I have problems too...for my whole life...and don' t expect me to feel bad for you if you can't even listen to me when I want to express myself. I feel like we need to part."
Friend wants to never meet me again because I didn't know how to react to her dumb problem while my grandma had a heaet attack and mom was waiting for a surgery
A girl from another school and I started talking to each other through a mutual friend of ours. We hit it off great. Over the past year and a half, we were getting closer and closer and just overall becoming best friends forever no matter what fucking happens (the acronym we made up: bffnmwfh). I developed this lust for her that never went away, no matter what happened. I truly loved her. And the worst part is, we never met. Not once. In our 1 and a half year escapade, we have never once met in person. I knew everything about her. Her secrets, her desires, her personality faults, her flaws. Everything. I didn't care. I loved this woman. I would always ask her to do things. At first it was just asking her to hang out, "I don't know if my parents would let me." And then when she told me smoked weed, I asked her, multiple times, if she wanted to smoke with my friends and I. Of course she declined and I didn't think too much of it. Until she was telling me about how she smoked with her other male friends. I felt like absolute ass when she was telling me about her high-experiences. She would frequently text me first and start conversations with me, so I knew it wasn't a thing where she didn't want to talk to me. There were times where she would talk to me about really fucked up shit about her friends and how they're not cool enough to hang out with her. I pointed out how narcissistic and sociopathic she was, and she completely agreed with me. Yay, something more we agree on. I of course didn't think anything bad of it, being the naive little bastard I am. There were A LOT more instances of this going on, but there's just not enough space for me to type this all out for you. In about November of last year, I finally started coming around to realizing how shitty of a person she is when my friend started talking to her. (It wasn't even me that wanted him to talk to her. It was her that wanted to talk to him.) And so of course, he thought it would be a good idea to play a "prank" on me about how she blew him after we bros hung out on a Friday night. They honestly convinced me. They kept the joke going on for hours, and would not let up on it. I hated my life SO MUCH. After that whole shit-fest of a fiasco, they kept talking, and snap chatting. Well, her sending snaps to him. He showed me the snaps that she sent him. Suggestive spandex shots, "censored" topless and bottomless pictures. My heart fucking sank like a rock in the middle of a whirlpool. This girl put me through a massive unending roller coaster of emotions that finally ended when I just snapped and sent her a huge wall of text messages. She had no idea what she did wrong. It was so painful for me to sit through that because I was perfectly contempt with just ending the heartache. Once she told me she was crying, I felt like absolute shit. But I knew I had to end it for the sake of my own sanity. I realize I might not be a very good writer, but I hope I got the message across. She goes on reddit quite often so I guess I hope she doesn't see this. It'll probably be buried anyways. TL/dr: Meet girl through mutual friend on facebook, denies requests to hang out all the time, yet still started conversations very often. Puts me through a rollercoaster of emotions and doesn't understand why I broke off the friendship.
A girl from another school and I started talking to each other through a mutual friend of ours. We hit it off great. Over the past year and a half, we were getting closer and closer and just overall becoming best friends forever no matter what fucking happens (the acronym we made up: bffnmwfh). I developed this lust for her that never went away, no matter what happened. I truly loved her. And the worst part is, we never met. Not once. In our 1 and a half year escapade, we have never once met in person. I knew everything about her. Her secrets, her desires, her personality faults, her flaws. Everything. I didn't care. I loved this woman. I would always ask her to do things. At first it was just asking her to hang out, "I don't know if my parents would let me." And then when she told me smoked weed, I asked her, multiple times, if she wanted to smoke with my friends and I. Of course she declined and I didn't think too much of it. Until she was telling me about how she smoked with her other male friends. I felt like absolute ass when she was telling me about her high-experiences. She would frequently text me first and start conversations with me, so I knew it wasn't a thing where she didn't want to talk to me. There were times where she would talk to me about really fucked up shit about her friends and how they're not cool enough to hang out with her. I pointed out how narcissistic and sociopathic she was, and she completely agreed with me. Yay, something more we agree on. I of course didn't think anything bad of it, being the naive little bastard I am. There were A LOT more instances of this going on, but there's just not enough space for me to type this all out for you. In about November of last year, I finally started coming around to realizing how shitty of a person she is when my friend started talking to her. (It wasn't even me that wanted him to talk to her. It was her that wanted to talk to him.) And so of course, he thought it would be a good idea to play a "prank" on me about how she blew him after we bros hung out on a Friday night. They honestly convinced me. They kept the joke going on for hours, and would not let up on it. I hated my life SO MUCH. After that whole shit-fest of a fiasco, they kept talking, and snap chatting. Well, her sending snaps to him. He showed me the snaps that she sent him. Suggestive spandex shots, "censored" topless and bottomless pictures. My heart fucking sank like a rock in the middle of a whirlpool. This girl put me through a massive unending roller coaster of emotions that finally ended when I just snapped and sent her a huge wall of text messages. She had no idea what she did wrong. It was so painful for me to sit through that because I was perfectly contempt with just ending the heartache. Once she told me she was crying, I felt like absolute shit. But I knew I had to end it for the sake of my own sanity. I realize I might not be a very good writer, but I hope I got the message across. She goes on reddit quite often so I guess I hope she doesn't see this. It'll probably be buried anyways. TL/dr: Meet girl through mutual friend on facebook, denies requests to hang out all the time, yet still started conversations very often. Puts me through a rollercoaster of emotions and doesn't understand why I broke off the friendship.
A girl from another school and I started talking to each other through a mutual friend of ours. We hit it off great. Over the past year and a half, we were getting closer and closer and just overall becoming best friends forever no matter what fucking happens (the acronym we made up: bffnmwfh). I developed this lust for her that never went away, no matter what happened. I truly loved her. And the worst part is, we never met. Not once. In our 1 and a half year escapade, we have never once met in person. I knew everything about her. Her secrets, her desires, her personality faults, her flaws. Everything. I didn't care. I loved this woman. I would always ask her to do things. At first it was just asking her to hang out, "I don't know if my parents would let me." And then when she told me smoked weed, I asked her, multiple times, if she wanted to smoke with my friends and I. Of course she declined and I didn't think too much of it. Until she was telling me about how she smoked with her other male friends. I felt like absolute ass when she was telling me about her high-experiences. She would frequently text me first and start conversations with me, so I knew it wasn't a thing where she didn't want to talk to me. There were times where she would talk to me about really fucked up shit about her friends and how they're not cool enough to hang out with her. I pointed out how narcissistic and sociopathic she was, and she completely agreed with me. Yay, something more we agree on. I of course didn't think anything bad of it, being the naive little bastard I am. There were A LOT more instances of this going on, but there's just not enough space for me to type this all out for you. In about November of last year, I finally started coming around to realizing how shitty of a person she is when my friend started talking to her. (It wasn't even me that wanted him to talk to her. It was her that wanted to talk to him.) And so of course, he thought it would be a good idea to play a "prank" on me about how she blew him after we bros hung out on a Friday night. They honestly convinced me. They kept the joke going on for hours, and would not let up on it. I hated my life SO MUCH. After that whole shit-fest of a fiasco, they kept talking, and snap chatting. Well, her sending snaps to him. He showed me the snaps that she sent him. Suggestive spandex shots, "censored" topless and bottomless pictures. My heart fucking sank like a rock in the middle of a whirlpool. This girl put me through a massive unending roller coaster of emotions that finally ended when I just snapped and sent her a huge wall of text messages. She had no idea what she did wrong. It was so painful for me to sit through that because I was perfectly contempt with just ending the heartache. Once she told me she was crying, I felt like absolute shit. But I knew I had to end it for the sake of my own sanity. I realize I might not be a very good writer, but I hope I got the message across. She goes on reddit quite often so I guess I hope she doesn't see this. It'll probably be buried anyways.
Meet girl through mutual friend on facebook, denies requests to hang out all the time, yet still started conversations very often. Puts me through a rollercoaster of emotions and doesn't understand why I broke off the friendship.
I moved to another city, my best friend and I still kept talking to each other. A few years later, she hooked up with her engaged boss, a guy way older than her. I thought that was wrong but she was my friend, so I supported her. After a while, she got pregnant because he messed with her pills and then stated he wanted to have a baby with her so she wouldn't run from him, then the guy disappear from her life and didn't even care for his daughter. He got married, and started working as a politician, robbing a lot of money in the process. My friend and I regained our friendship, even though we only got to see each other on holidays. A couple of years passed, and last year I found out she moved in with him -he said he's was getting a divorce, but he still sleeps around when he can, and she's aware of it-, and she stopped talking to me, I guess because she knows I hate that lousy cheater. I found out she got pregnant again, she never told me, it hurt a little. She had the baby, and now we don't even see each other on holidays. I called her on New Years, so she could meet my SO and talk, she said she would write and I'm still waiting. We've been friends for almost 17 years now, it hurts not talking to her but I don't know if I should try again. Oh, well... TL;DR: My best friend of 17 years got pregnant twice, her SO is a scumbag, she doesn't talk to me because of unknown reasons.
I moved to another city, my best friend and I still kept talking to each other. A few years later, she hooked up with her engaged boss, a guy way older than her. I thought that was wrong but she was my friend, so I supported her. After a while, she got pregnant because he messed with her pills and then stated he wanted to have a baby with her so she wouldn't run from him, then the guy disappear from her life and didn't even care for his daughter. He got married, and started working as a politician, robbing a lot of money in the process. My friend and I regained our friendship, even though we only got to see each other on holidays. A couple of years passed, and last year I found out she moved in with him -he said he's was getting a divorce, but he still sleeps around when he can, and she's aware of it-, and she stopped talking to me, I guess because she knows I hate that lousy cheater. I found out she got pregnant again, she never told me, it hurt a little. She had the baby, and now we don't even see each other on holidays. I called her on New Years, so she could meet my SO and talk, she said she would write and I'm still waiting. We've been friends for almost 17 years now, it hurts not talking to her but I don't know if I should try again. Oh, well... TL;DR: My best friend of 17 years got pregnant twice, her SO is a scumbag, she doesn't talk to me because of unknown reasons.
I moved to another city, my best friend and I still kept talking to each other. A few years later, she hooked up with her engaged boss, a guy way older than her. I thought that was wrong but she was my friend, so I supported her. After a while, she got pregnant because he messed with her pills and then stated he wanted to have a baby with her so she wouldn't run from him, then the guy disappear from her life and didn't even care for his daughter. He got married, and started working as a politician, robbing a lot of money in the process. My friend and I regained our friendship, even though we only got to see each other on holidays. A couple of years passed, and last year I found out she moved in with him -he said he's was getting a divorce, but he still sleeps around when he can, and she's aware of it-, and she stopped talking to me, I guess because she knows I hate that lousy cheater. I found out she got pregnant again, she never told me, it hurt a little. She had the baby, and now we don't even see each other on holidays. I called her on New Years, so she could meet my SO and talk, she said she would write and I'm still waiting. We've been friends for almost 17 years now, it hurts not talking to her but I don't know if I should try again. Oh, well...
My best friend of 17 years got pregnant twice, her SO is a scumbag, she doesn't talk to me because of unknown reasons.
This thread is getting old so this is probably going to get buried. It started off with his mate starting to play league of legends, which both of us played, although he was not very good. I started noticing him lying on things like how well he played but my other buddies told me to just let it go, so I did. I started playing more with him and his friend and he and his friend had been friends since forever. I was hanging out with him one day and suddenly his other friend calls, lets call his friend Daniel. Daniel called him and asked if he could hang out with us, and he didn't feel like letting him hang out, so I said it was basically the same for me although I did actually want to hangout with Daniel because he seemed like a nice guy over skype and he was a friend of my friend. He ended up saying that he couldn't have him over since he already had me, which I thought was strange so I asked him why. He then starts calling his friend out on things like how annoying he is, how naggy he can be, rude and basically only said bad things about him. I thought it was strange, and when I eventually got back home and played league with Daniel and all the others, he didn't seem like it at all. I had suspected that he was lying quite a lot before, and now I was quite sure he was lying. A week pass by and we had to go to this "skiing-slope" and we decided to hangout with Daniel. My friend goes somewhere out in the woods with the girl he is in love with, and I started asking Daniel if he knew that his friend was talking behind his back. Then Daniel said that I was being talked badly about. All of us put two and two together and we figured out that he was lying a LOT. Everyday we noticed new lies, about everything. Everything he said, we always had to search up on, even the things about league. We were still his friends, but not as close. It all ended when Daniel decided to start talking with a girl. Our "friend" said he knew lots of bad things about her, and a lot of it was true, so he decided to stop talking with her because of it. Fast forward two months and suddenly our friend is in somekind of relationship with her. There are much more to the story, like how he tried to push his islamic girlfriend to have sex with him, because he was desperate, but I'm too tired to explain right now. TL;DR: thought friend was lying, I let it go, turns out he was talking me behind another friends back, and the other friends back to me. Then he decides to say lots of bad (but true) things about a girl to stop his other friend from talking to her, before he eventually ends up in a relationship with her.
This thread is getting old so this is probably going to get buried. It started off with his mate starting to play league of legends, which both of us played, although he was not very good. I started noticing him lying on things like how well he played but my other buddies told me to just let it go, so I did. I started playing more with him and his friend and he and his friend had been friends since forever. I was hanging out with him one day and suddenly his other friend calls, lets call his friend Daniel. Daniel called him and asked if he could hang out with us, and he didn't feel like letting him hang out, so I said it was basically the same for me although I did actually want to hangout with Daniel because he seemed like a nice guy over skype and he was a friend of my friend. He ended up saying that he couldn't have him over since he already had me, which I thought was strange so I asked him why. He then starts calling his friend out on things like how annoying he is, how naggy he can be, rude and basically only said bad things about him. I thought it was strange, and when I eventually got back home and played league with Daniel and all the others, he didn't seem like it at all. I had suspected that he was lying quite a lot before, and now I was quite sure he was lying. A week pass by and we had to go to this "skiing-slope" and we decided to hangout with Daniel. My friend goes somewhere out in the woods with the girl he is in love with, and I started asking Daniel if he knew that his friend was talking behind his back. Then Daniel said that I was being talked badly about. All of us put two and two together and we figured out that he was lying a LOT. Everyday we noticed new lies, about everything. Everything he said, we always had to search up on, even the things about league. We were still his friends, but not as close. It all ended when Daniel decided to start talking with a girl. Our "friend" said he knew lots of bad things about her, and a lot of it was true, so he decided to stop talking with her because of it. Fast forward two months and suddenly our friend is in somekind of relationship with her. There are much more to the story, like how he tried to push his islamic girlfriend to have sex with him, because he was desperate, but I'm too tired to explain right now. TL;DR: thought friend was lying, I let it go, turns out he was talking me behind another friends back, and the other friends back to me. Then he decides to say lots of bad (but true) things about a girl to stop his other friend from talking to her, before he eventually ends up in a relationship with her.
This thread is getting old so this is probably going to get buried. It started off with his mate starting to play league of legends, which both of us played, although he was not very good. I started noticing him lying on things like how well he played but my other buddies told me to just let it go, so I did. I started playing more with him and his friend and he and his friend had been friends since forever. I was hanging out with him one day and suddenly his other friend calls, lets call his friend Daniel. Daniel called him and asked if he could hang out with us, and he didn't feel like letting him hang out, so I said it was basically the same for me although I did actually want to hangout with Daniel because he seemed like a nice guy over skype and he was a friend of my friend. He ended up saying that he couldn't have him over since he already had me, which I thought was strange so I asked him why. He then starts calling his friend out on things like how annoying he is, how naggy he can be, rude and basically only said bad things about him. I thought it was strange, and when I eventually got back home and played league with Daniel and all the others, he didn't seem like it at all. I had suspected that he was lying quite a lot before, and now I was quite sure he was lying. A week pass by and we had to go to this "skiing-slope" and we decided to hangout with Daniel. My friend goes somewhere out in the woods with the girl he is in love with, and I started asking Daniel if he knew that his friend was talking behind his back. Then Daniel said that I was being talked badly about. All of us put two and two together and we figured out that he was lying a LOT. Everyday we noticed new lies, about everything. Everything he said, we always had to search up on, even the things about league. We were still his friends, but not as close. It all ended when Daniel decided to start talking with a girl. Our "friend" said he knew lots of bad things about her, and a lot of it was true, so he decided to stop talking with her because of it. Fast forward two months and suddenly our friend is in somekind of relationship with her. There are much more to the story, like how he tried to push his islamic girlfriend to have sex with him, because he was desperate, but I'm too tired to explain right now.
thought friend was lying, I let it go, turns out he was talking me behind another friends back, and the other friends back to me. Then he decides to say lots of bad (but true) things about a girl to stop his other friend from talking to her, before he eventually ends up in a relationship with her.
My family took her in when her family got evicted and her mom moved away without her. My father took her under his wing, gave her money while she was searching for a job, talked to her and welcomed her. She moved out when her mom found a new apartment, giving her a gift card to a local grocery for food. A few weeks before my father died, I found her MySpace linked from her Facebook. In it she trash-talked my family in general, called my Korean War vet father a coward who lied about his service, and bragged about stealing things no one would notice. I wanted to strangle her. But instead I just cut her off. Later I realized she was a really toxic person who was miserable and wanted everyone else to be miserable too. TL:DR; former best friend was a two-faced thieving cunt.
My family took her in when her family got evicted and her mom moved away without her. My father took her under his wing, gave her money while she was searching for a job, talked to her and welcomed her. She moved out when her mom found a new apartment, giving her a gift card to a local grocery for food. A few weeks before my father died, I found her MySpace linked from her Facebook. In it she trash-talked my family in general, called my Korean War vet father a coward who lied about his service, and bragged about stealing things no one would notice. I wanted to strangle her. But instead I just cut her off. Later I realized she was a really toxic person who was miserable and wanted everyone else to be miserable too. TL:DR; former best friend was a two-faced thieving cunt.
My family took her in when her family got evicted and her mom moved away without her. My father took her under his wing, gave her money while she was searching for a job, talked to her and welcomed her. She moved out when her mom found a new apartment, giving her a gift card to a local grocery for food. A few weeks before my father died, I found her MySpace linked from her Facebook. In it she trash-talked my family in general, called my Korean War vet father a coward who lied about his service, and bragged about stealing things no one would notice. I wanted to strangle her. But instead I just cut her off. Later I realized she was a really toxic person who was miserable and wanted everyone else to be miserable too.
former best friend was a two-faced thieving cunt.
So yeah, freshman year of high school, I have a gang of friends (about 10 people) we are all in the same program, so we see each other everyday. We're all very close but I'm closer (m) to one of the guys in the gang (no homo). Seriously, him and I had SOOO much in common, all we did was talk and talk, if you were looking for Nazi_Racoon, he was with his best buddy, probably climbing up trees or playing soccer. We were always there for on another and that's what made our friendship so awesome. We always had this rule of *bros before hoes* so I kinda fucked up most of my *relationships* (I'm in highschool remember?) because I was too much with him and didn't pay enough attention to my girlfriend. That is until this year (3rd grade), at the bigginning of the year, everything is perfect, then he gets a girlfriend, at first it was okay. But then he started passing less and less time with me Before a show (he was a dancer and I was a tech guy) we were eating altogether and there was also his girlfriend, as usual, I crack up sex jokes and I'm a usual wise-ass, everybody laughs, except my *best*-friend. Why? I don't know, I tried to make him laugh, but all he did was smile at me and shake his head. After that show, I come out of the theater and I see him (he had a number during this show) so I go to congradulate him, he sees me, ignores me and go to his girlfriend that was a couple of steps behind me, I never felt so sad...Now I didn't talk to him for like 3 months, I still see him in the school hallways, but he still ignores me, I miss that crazy son of a bitch, if only he knew how I miss him... TL;DR: Best friend became bitch's bitch, ignored me and I lost contact with him
So yeah, freshman year of high school, I have a gang of friends (about 10 people) we are all in the same program, so we see each other everyday. We're all very close but I'm closer (m) to one of the guys in the gang (no homo). Seriously, him and I had SOOO much in common, all we did was talk and talk, if you were looking for Nazi_Racoon, he was with his best buddy, probably climbing up trees or playing soccer. We were always there for on another and that's what made our friendship so awesome. We always had this rule of bros before hoes so I kinda fucked up most of my relationships (I'm in highschool remember?) because I was too much with him and didn't pay enough attention to my girlfriend. That is until this year (3rd grade), at the bigginning of the year, everything is perfect, then he gets a girlfriend, at first it was okay. But then he started passing less and less time with me Before a show (he was a dancer and I was a tech guy) we were eating altogether and there was also his girlfriend, as usual, I crack up sex jokes and I'm a usual wise-ass, everybody laughs, except my best -friend. Why? I don't know, I tried to make him laugh, but all he did was smile at me and shake his head. After that show, I come out of the theater and I see him (he had a number during this show) so I go to congradulate him, he sees me, ignores me and go to his girlfriend that was a couple of steps behind me, I never felt so sad...Now I didn't talk to him for like 3 months, I still see him in the school hallways, but he still ignores me, I miss that crazy son of a bitch, if only he knew how I miss him... TL;DR: Best friend became bitch's bitch, ignored me and I lost contact with him
So yeah, freshman year of high school, I have a gang of friends (about 10 people) we are all in the same program, so we see each other everyday. We're all very close but I'm closer (m) to one of the guys in the gang (no homo). Seriously, him and I had SOOO much in common, all we did was talk and talk, if you were looking for Nazi_Racoon, he was with his best buddy, probably climbing up trees or playing soccer. We were always there for on another and that's what made our friendship so awesome. We always had this rule of bros before hoes so I kinda fucked up most of my relationships (I'm in highschool remember?) because I was too much with him and didn't pay enough attention to my girlfriend. That is until this year (3rd grade), at the bigginning of the year, everything is perfect, then he gets a girlfriend, at first it was okay. But then he started passing less and less time with me Before a show (he was a dancer and I was a tech guy) we were eating altogether and there was also his girlfriend, as usual, I crack up sex jokes and I'm a usual wise-ass, everybody laughs, except my best -friend. Why? I don't know, I tried to make him laugh, but all he did was smile at me and shake his head. After that show, I come out of the theater and I see him (he had a number during this show) so I go to congradulate him, he sees me, ignores me and go to his girlfriend that was a couple of steps behind me, I never felt so sad...Now I didn't talk to him for like 3 months, I still see him in the school hallways, but he still ignores me, I miss that crazy son of a bitch, if only he knew how I miss him...
Best friend became bitch's bitch, ignored me and I lost contact with him
I was friends with this girl Amanda from 4th grade to out senior year. I thought we were going to be friends for ever cheesy I know. She dated a lot of creeps and guys who treated her like shit but she loved them. I finally found someone who was amazing and that I loved very much. Well one day me and her were hanging out and I hadn't heard from him all day which was weird. She finally left my house at 9, so I called his cell. His mom answered and told me to sit down, i was freaking out since he had a drug problem before that they sent him back to rehab. He made me a promise never to do drugs as long as he was with me, since I wanted him to get better and not to be taken away from me. And if he had the urge to call me and we would talk it out so he can take his mind off wanting to get high. Well I was wrong, his mom told me he had died that morning and his little sister found him, there was nothing that could have been done to save him. I freaked the fuck out he was my very first love and a first for well everything. The next day was my high school graduation and my house was filled with relatives, it was a bad time to have a freak out. I called Amanda who had just left 10 minutes prior and told her her had died. Being a good friend she turned around and came over for a little but I think. I honesty don't remember a lot of that night other then me wanting to go to his moms. Anywho I ended up with a lot of his clothes and cologne, I still wear his shirts once in a while. Well I had his favorite shirt when I went to visit Amanda and slept over there accidentally leaving it there. Some how we ended up getting in a huge ass fight and she told me I never loved Kurt. Which was complete bullshit and that coming from someone who loved everyone who was toxic for her. She kept saying you can't fall in love with someone I just met. And yet she can fall for any scumbag all the time. Well she started having her immature bfs friends prank call me and harass me at work and home. Well I just wanted my shirt back fuck the friendship I just wanted his shirt back. I finally convinced her to give it to me as since we were all out she said she was going to drop it off at my house. So we left and raced to my house, I saw the shirt picked it up and walked to the car. Well as I was walking something fell off. I went to pick it up and it was a sleeve. I opened the shirt up and it was torn, written on and destroyed. She had written things like "where's the pills bitch" " I killed myself so I could get away from you" and so on. Also there was ketchup, mustard and jizz on it. It was horrible. She is the worst person ever. TL:DR- BFF of 10 years destroys my dead boyfriends favorite shirt with ketchup mustard and jizz.
I was friends with this girl Amanda from 4th grade to out senior year. I thought we were going to be friends for ever cheesy I know. She dated a lot of creeps and guys who treated her like shit but she loved them. I finally found someone who was amazing and that I loved very much. Well one day me and her were hanging out and I hadn't heard from him all day which was weird. She finally left my house at 9, so I called his cell. His mom answered and told me to sit down, i was freaking out since he had a drug problem before that they sent him back to rehab. He made me a promise never to do drugs as long as he was with me, since I wanted him to get better and not to be taken away from me. And if he had the urge to call me and we would talk it out so he can take his mind off wanting to get high. Well I was wrong, his mom told me he had died that morning and his little sister found him, there was nothing that could have been done to save him. I freaked the fuck out he was my very first love and a first for well everything. The next day was my high school graduation and my house was filled with relatives, it was a bad time to have a freak out. I called Amanda who had just left 10 minutes prior and told her her had died. Being a good friend she turned around and came over for a little but I think. I honesty don't remember a lot of that night other then me wanting to go to his moms. Anywho I ended up with a lot of his clothes and cologne, I still wear his shirts once in a while. Well I had his favorite shirt when I went to visit Amanda and slept over there accidentally leaving it there. Some how we ended up getting in a huge ass fight and she told me I never loved Kurt. Which was complete bullshit and that coming from someone who loved everyone who was toxic for her. She kept saying you can't fall in love with someone I just met. And yet she can fall for any scumbag all the time. Well she started having her immature bfs friends prank call me and harass me at work and home. Well I just wanted my shirt back fuck the friendship I just wanted his shirt back. I finally convinced her to give it to me as since we were all out she said she was going to drop it off at my house. So we left and raced to my house, I saw the shirt picked it up and walked to the car. Well as I was walking something fell off. I went to pick it up and it was a sleeve. I opened the shirt up and it was torn, written on and destroyed. She had written things like "where's the pills bitch" " I killed myself so I could get away from you" and so on. Also there was ketchup, mustard and jizz on it. It was horrible. She is the worst person ever. TL:DR- BFF of 10 years destroys my dead boyfriends favorite shirt with ketchup mustard and jizz.
I was friends with this girl Amanda from 4th grade to out senior year. I thought we were going to be friends for ever cheesy I know. She dated a lot of creeps and guys who treated her like shit but she loved them. I finally found someone who was amazing and that I loved very much. Well one day me and her were hanging out and I hadn't heard from him all day which was weird. She finally left my house at 9, so I called his cell. His mom answered and told me to sit down, i was freaking out since he had a drug problem before that they sent him back to rehab. He made me a promise never to do drugs as long as he was with me, since I wanted him to get better and not to be taken away from me. And if he had the urge to call me and we would talk it out so he can take his mind off wanting to get high. Well I was wrong, his mom told me he had died that morning and his little sister found him, there was nothing that could have been done to save him. I freaked the fuck out he was my very first love and a first for well everything. The next day was my high school graduation and my house was filled with relatives, it was a bad time to have a freak out. I called Amanda who had just left 10 minutes prior and told her her had died. Being a good friend she turned around and came over for a little but I think. I honesty don't remember a lot of that night other then me wanting to go to his moms. Anywho I ended up with a lot of his clothes and cologne, I still wear his shirts once in a while. Well I had his favorite shirt when I went to visit Amanda and slept over there accidentally leaving it there. Some how we ended up getting in a huge ass fight and she told me I never loved Kurt. Which was complete bullshit and that coming from someone who loved everyone who was toxic for her. She kept saying you can't fall in love with someone I just met. And yet she can fall for any scumbag all the time. Well she started having her immature bfs friends prank call me and harass me at work and home. Well I just wanted my shirt back fuck the friendship I just wanted his shirt back. I finally convinced her to give it to me as since we were all out she said she was going to drop it off at my house. So we left and raced to my house, I saw the shirt picked it up and walked to the car. Well as I was walking something fell off. I went to pick it up and it was a sleeve. I opened the shirt up and it was torn, written on and destroyed. She had written things like "where's the pills bitch" " I killed myself so I could get away from you" and so on. Also there was ketchup, mustard and jizz on it. It was horrible. She is the worst person ever.
BFF of 10 years destroys my dead boyfriends favorite shirt with ketchup mustard and jizz.
This is not what you're looking for but here we go. A couple years ago a meet a guy name "bob". Bob was chubby, nerdy, funny, and simply just an awesome person to be around. Me and him became best friends in a matter of days. We would chill 24/7 after class ( we were in college ). Sometime after we meet, his high school girlfriend of 2 years leaves him and after that he was never the same. He became super depressed and gave up in life, but I was always there for him or tried my best, hell this guy was like my brother. After he got over the break up ( months later ) he stared working out super hardcore, i mean he lost a SHIT TON of weight. I think he lost over 70 pounds. HERE is were things stared to change. He stared going out drinking every night or so, and has become such a different person I'm sure his older self wouldnt even recognize himself. He went from a chubby, nerdy, fun bro to a "yo dude you gain a few pounds when you gonna work.out? Or he would make fun of me because I would be out of money ( he makes pretty good money at his job ) he just....change the Bob I meet and loved like a brother is no longer he is simply....kinda douchy...I love him like a bro still....but...he is not the friend I knew long ago.. tl;dr people change with time Sorry for the long post I just had to get this off my chest.
This is not what you're looking for but here we go. A couple years ago a meet a guy name "bob". Bob was chubby, nerdy, funny, and simply just an awesome person to be around. Me and him became best friends in a matter of days. We would chill 24/7 after class ( we were in college ). Sometime after we meet, his high school girlfriend of 2 years leaves him and after that he was never the same. He became super depressed and gave up in life, but I was always there for him or tried my best, hell this guy was like my brother. After he got over the break up ( months later ) he stared working out super hardcore, i mean he lost a SHIT TON of weight. I think he lost over 70 pounds. HERE is were things stared to change. He stared going out drinking every night or so, and has become such a different person I'm sure his older self wouldnt even recognize himself. He went from a chubby, nerdy, fun bro to a "yo dude you gain a few pounds when you gonna work.out? Or he would make fun of me because I would be out of money ( he makes pretty good money at his job ) he just....change the Bob I meet and loved like a brother is no longer he is simply....kinda douchy...I love him like a bro still....but...he is not the friend I knew long ago.. tl;dr people change with time Sorry for the long post I just had to get this off my chest.
This is not what you're looking for but here we go. A couple years ago a meet a guy name "bob". Bob was chubby, nerdy, funny, and simply just an awesome person to be around. Me and him became best friends in a matter of days. We would chill 24/7 after class ( we were in college ). Sometime after we meet, his high school girlfriend of 2 years leaves him and after that he was never the same. He became super depressed and gave up in life, but I was always there for him or tried my best, hell this guy was like my brother. After he got over the break up ( months later ) he stared working out super hardcore, i mean he lost a SHIT TON of weight. I think he lost over 70 pounds. HERE is were things stared to change. He stared going out drinking every night or so, and has become such a different person I'm sure his older self wouldnt even recognize himself. He went from a chubby, nerdy, fun bro to a "yo dude you gain a few pounds when you gonna work.out? Or he would make fun of me because I would be out of money ( he makes pretty good money at his job ) he just....change the Bob I meet and loved like a brother is no longer he is simply....kinda douchy...I love him like a bro still....but...he is not the friend I knew long ago..
people change with time Sorry for the long post I just had to get this off my chest.
This will get buried but time to get this one off my chest Met my best friend back when I was in the deepest pit of my life. Wont go into details but to give you guys the big picture bad shit happened early in my school life that amplified a lifelong battle between myself and the combined forces of anxiety, depression, and bullying. After shit hit the fan I changed schools at the end of seventh grade and repeated a year where I met him, best bro a guy could ever ask for, athletic but had a fun nerdy side with a love of Seinfeld. We are friends from day one and fight through the trials and tribulations of highschool together. So after high school we ended up going to different colleges, he went to a school in Pa to study Engineering and I went to a school in upstate Ny to study Psychology. We knew we wouldnt be able to talk too much because of school and whatever, no illusions of what happens to friendships in this situation. We were pretty good the first semester of college, calls in when anxiety was ever too much as hes one of the only people who can bring me down from an 'attack'. Second half of the first year less communication happens, hes trying to join a frat juggle school and get together with this girl hes currently dating. Alright less frequent calls, I'm okay with that. Summer vacation we are fine, go for long drives every few days talking, bro-ing, enjoying. But then school came around again and things changed. So now second year of college talking on facebook becomes a hassle and maybe one call happens the whole time. Dudes too busy with frat and new girlfriend(same one he was talking to back in Spring semester the year before now theyre actually dating, good for them). So not even a few hey how are you's, and now the only real responses I get from messages are "yo" and nothing else, something is weird, this is a guy who would always return, ALWAYS. Despite consistently being inconsistent and what not I finally see him the second day of Christmas break, I finally get to talk to him but just for an hour. We talk a bit, I tell him about my girl problems, and how life has been, he tells me how his is going and we laugh how 3 idiots are in his basement and complains about all of them. Fast Forward again to a few days later I see one of the "idiots" on the street say hi to him and he tells me hes about to go talk to my former best friend at burger king. At this point I'm furious, I havent spoken to him in days and before that weeks and months, he openly is annoyed by this person and is seeing him more than me. I know I sound like jealous girlfriend but this isnt exactly how you should treat a "bestfriend"(his words). This was this past Christmas, the last thing I have said to him has been "Happy New Year" and he returned the greeting, tried starting a conversation and it was'nt returned, whatever. I just wanted my best friend back, my buddy to talk to, I don't know why our relationship soured, I dont feel like it was my side but it upsets me that I actually don't feel anything about this. **TL;DR: ** Best friend stopped talking to me because thats what best friends do.
This will get buried but time to get this one off my chest Met my best friend back when I was in the deepest pit of my life. Wont go into details but to give you guys the big picture bad shit happened early in my school life that amplified a lifelong battle between myself and the combined forces of anxiety, depression, and bullying. After shit hit the fan I changed schools at the end of seventh grade and repeated a year where I met him, best bro a guy could ever ask for, athletic but had a fun nerdy side with a love of Seinfeld. We are friends from day one and fight through the trials and tribulations of highschool together. So after high school we ended up going to different colleges, he went to a school in Pa to study Engineering and I went to a school in upstate Ny to study Psychology. We knew we wouldnt be able to talk too much because of school and whatever, no illusions of what happens to friendships in this situation. We were pretty good the first semester of college, calls in when anxiety was ever too much as hes one of the only people who can bring me down from an 'attack'. Second half of the first year less communication happens, hes trying to join a frat juggle school and get together with this girl hes currently dating. Alright less frequent calls, I'm okay with that. Summer vacation we are fine, go for long drives every few days talking, bro-ing, enjoying. But then school came around again and things changed. So now second year of college talking on facebook becomes a hassle and maybe one call happens the whole time. Dudes too busy with frat and new girlfriend(same one he was talking to back in Spring semester the year before now theyre actually dating, good for them). So not even a few hey how are you's, and now the only real responses I get from messages are "yo" and nothing else, something is weird, this is a guy who would always return, ALWAYS. Despite consistently being inconsistent and what not I finally see him the second day of Christmas break, I finally get to talk to him but just for an hour. We talk a bit, I tell him about my girl problems, and how life has been, he tells me how his is going and we laugh how 3 idiots are in his basement and complains about all of them. Fast Forward again to a few days later I see one of the "idiots" on the street say hi to him and he tells me hes about to go talk to my former best friend at burger king. At this point I'm furious, I havent spoken to him in days and before that weeks and months, he openly is annoyed by this person and is seeing him more than me. I know I sound like jealous girlfriend but this isnt exactly how you should treat a "bestfriend"(his words). This was this past Christmas, the last thing I have said to him has been "Happy New Year" and he returned the greeting, tried starting a conversation and it was'nt returned, whatever. I just wanted my best friend back, my buddy to talk to, I don't know why our relationship soured, I dont feel like it was my side but it upsets me that I actually don't feel anything about this. TL;DR: Best friend stopped talking to me because thats what best friends do.
This will get buried but time to get this one off my chest Met my best friend back when I was in the deepest pit of my life. Wont go into details but to give you guys the big picture bad shit happened early in my school life that amplified a lifelong battle between myself and the combined forces of anxiety, depression, and bullying. After shit hit the fan I changed schools at the end of seventh grade and repeated a year where I met him, best bro a guy could ever ask for, athletic but had a fun nerdy side with a love of Seinfeld. We are friends from day one and fight through the trials and tribulations of highschool together. So after high school we ended up going to different colleges, he went to a school in Pa to study Engineering and I went to a school in upstate Ny to study Psychology. We knew we wouldnt be able to talk too much because of school and whatever, no illusions of what happens to friendships in this situation. We were pretty good the first semester of college, calls in when anxiety was ever too much as hes one of the only people who can bring me down from an 'attack'. Second half of the first year less communication happens, hes trying to join a frat juggle school and get together with this girl hes currently dating. Alright less frequent calls, I'm okay with that. Summer vacation we are fine, go for long drives every few days talking, bro-ing, enjoying. But then school came around again and things changed. So now second year of college talking on facebook becomes a hassle and maybe one call happens the whole time. Dudes too busy with frat and new girlfriend(same one he was talking to back in Spring semester the year before now theyre actually dating, good for them). So not even a few hey how are you's, and now the only real responses I get from messages are "yo" and nothing else, something is weird, this is a guy who would always return, ALWAYS. Despite consistently being inconsistent and what not I finally see him the second day of Christmas break, I finally get to talk to him but just for an hour. We talk a bit, I tell him about my girl problems, and how life has been, he tells me how his is going and we laugh how 3 idiots are in his basement and complains about all of them. Fast Forward again to a few days later I see one of the "idiots" on the street say hi to him and he tells me hes about to go talk to my former best friend at burger king. At this point I'm furious, I havent spoken to him in days and before that weeks and months, he openly is annoyed by this person and is seeing him more than me. I know I sound like jealous girlfriend but this isnt exactly how you should treat a "bestfriend"(his words). This was this past Christmas, the last thing I have said to him has been "Happy New Year" and he returned the greeting, tried starting a conversation and it was'nt returned, whatever. I just wanted my best friend back, my buddy to talk to, I don't know why our relationship soured, I dont feel like it was my side but it upsets me that I actually don't feel anything about this.
Best friend stopped talking to me because thats what best friends do.
Well this is a long one... From the beginning of 6th grade to my sophomore year I was friends with the "jock" crowd you could say. I played lacrosse and was friends with all the other athletes, who were all assholes and by default, I was to. For me, middle school sucked dick man. To me it was one big awkward, self-loathing, embarrassing event. My parents had split in the beginning of 7th grade and due to my dad cheating on my mom, I hated him. At that point in my life I was incredibly impressionable and instead of looking to my father to see how to act and be a man, I was looking to my asshole, shit-head friends to understand how to be. Anyway, I always felt like I was struggling to fit in even though I was in the "popular" group. I felt out of place and pretty fucking alone. I stayed friends with them until my sophomore year when one kid, who I had known since we were 4, threw a party at my house while my family and I were out of town, fucked in my bed, and left the house completely unlocked. That was the point where I realized they are they worst fucking people and I was done with them. But the part that sucked the most was even though I wasn't friends with them anymore and was able to just be myself (not have to be an asshole to people to gain the praise of a group of kids that didn't give a fuck about me) everyone else in my school still had me labeled as an asshole ,which they rightly should have. On top of that I still had the memories of people I had hurt and the kids I had made feel like shit so I could feel "normal". The rest of sophomore year, by my own hand, I had zero friends. I was so sad and lonely and it sucked. One by one I have gotten new friends who appreciate the person I am and I am finally starting to get over all the depression and social anxiety that has plagued me for the past 4 or 5 years. TL;DR: had shit friends for to long; now I have awesome friends and less depression
Well this is a long one... From the beginning of 6th grade to my sophomore year I was friends with the "jock" crowd you could say. I played lacrosse and was friends with all the other athletes, who were all assholes and by default, I was to. For me, middle school sucked dick man. To me it was one big awkward, self-loathing, embarrassing event. My parents had split in the beginning of 7th grade and due to my dad cheating on my mom, I hated him. At that point in my life I was incredibly impressionable and instead of looking to my father to see how to act and be a man, I was looking to my asshole, shit-head friends to understand how to be. Anyway, I always felt like I was struggling to fit in even though I was in the "popular" group. I felt out of place and pretty fucking alone. I stayed friends with them until my sophomore year when one kid, who I had known since we were 4, threw a party at my house while my family and I were out of town, fucked in my bed, and left the house completely unlocked. That was the point where I realized they are they worst fucking people and I was done with them. But the part that sucked the most was even though I wasn't friends with them anymore and was able to just be myself (not have to be an asshole to people to gain the praise of a group of kids that didn't give a fuck about me) everyone else in my school still had me labeled as an asshole ,which they rightly should have. On top of that I still had the memories of people I had hurt and the kids I had made feel like shit so I could feel "normal". The rest of sophomore year, by my own hand, I had zero friends. I was so sad and lonely and it sucked. One by one I have gotten new friends who appreciate the person I am and I am finally starting to get over all the depression and social anxiety that has plagued me for the past 4 or 5 years. TL;DR: had shit friends for to long; now I have awesome friends and less depression
Well this is a long one... From the beginning of 6th grade to my sophomore year I was friends with the "jock" crowd you could say. I played lacrosse and was friends with all the other athletes, who were all assholes and by default, I was to. For me, middle school sucked dick man. To me it was one big awkward, self-loathing, embarrassing event. My parents had split in the beginning of 7th grade and due to my dad cheating on my mom, I hated him. At that point in my life I was incredibly impressionable and instead of looking to my father to see how to act and be a man, I was looking to my asshole, shit-head friends to understand how to be. Anyway, I always felt like I was struggling to fit in even though I was in the "popular" group. I felt out of place and pretty fucking alone. I stayed friends with them until my sophomore year when one kid, who I had known since we were 4, threw a party at my house while my family and I were out of town, fucked in my bed, and left the house completely unlocked. That was the point where I realized they are they worst fucking people and I was done with them. But the part that sucked the most was even though I wasn't friends with them anymore and was able to just be myself (not have to be an asshole to people to gain the praise of a group of kids that didn't give a fuck about me) everyone else in my school still had me labeled as an asshole ,which they rightly should have. On top of that I still had the memories of people I had hurt and the kids I had made feel like shit so I could feel "normal". The rest of sophomore year, by my own hand, I had zero friends. I was so sad and lonely and it sucked. One by one I have gotten new friends who appreciate the person I am and I am finally starting to get over all the depression and social anxiety that has plagued me for the past 4 or 5 years.
had shit friends for to long; now I have awesome friends and less depression
Assuming complete autonomous control to fix things... Complete rehaul of the gov't system. Bring it back to its roots; kick out all business and corporate influence and bar them from being involved, on penalty of heafty fines and jail time. Power back to the people. Also, re-elect new members for every role in the gov't. Wipe the slate clean. If current members provide a complete history of their every action in the seat and it doesn't conflict with new anti-corporate laws, then they can be allowed to campaign for their position back. But I doubt any would qualify, more or less be voted back by the people. Audit the system like hell and publish everything publicly and simply. Track every penny spent on campaigns, publish the pay and earnings of all members of the gov't (hey, they do it for us military folk), and track the origin of all money filtered into and out of the government. How can citizens be involved in their own government if they don't even know what it's up to? Along with this, use the audits to cut back on excessive spending and put the savings toward paying off our debt. The debt crisis is the one thing that might collapse our country; every resource should be focused on paying it off and better-managing money in the future. No more borrowing unless we have the money to pay it off! Period. If you can't afford it and the country won't be threatened, then you're not allowed a loan you can't afford to pay off right away. Tax media all to hell for reporting heresay or without accurate publicly-published first-person sources attached to all broadcasts. Basically, force them to either be fair and accurate, or announce publicly and frequently that they are not a real news company and that their "reports" should be subject to heavy skepticism and ridicule. Heck, maybe even threaten legal action for promoting misleading statements to the US public. The 1st Amendment doesn't apply to businesses; only people. Hopefully this would bring back investigative journalism and improve our actual information flow in the US. Just a few small steps toward fixing our problems. I'm sure there's a lot more that would have to be done to truly capitulate to the resolution of the US' problems. I haven't even mentioned global issues yet. **TL;DR - Gov't system overhaul; treat corporations like religion (separation of business and state), audit like a mo' fo', pay off and refuse to accrue any and all debt, and tax/sue media for misleading statements (99% of all reporting nowadays).**
Assuming complete autonomous control to fix things... Complete rehaul of the gov't system. Bring it back to its roots; kick out all business and corporate influence and bar them from being involved, on penalty of heafty fines and jail time. Power back to the people. Also, re-elect new members for every role in the gov't. Wipe the slate clean. If current members provide a complete history of their every action in the seat and it doesn't conflict with new anti-corporate laws, then they can be allowed to campaign for their position back. But I doubt any would qualify, more or less be voted back by the people. Audit the system like hell and publish everything publicly and simply. Track every penny spent on campaigns, publish the pay and earnings of all members of the gov't (hey, they do it for us military folk), and track the origin of all money filtered into and out of the government. How can citizens be involved in their own government if they don't even know what it's up to? Along with this, use the audits to cut back on excessive spending and put the savings toward paying off our debt. The debt crisis is the one thing that might collapse our country; every resource should be focused on paying it off and better-managing money in the future. No more borrowing unless we have the money to pay it off! Period. If you can't afford it and the country won't be threatened, then you're not allowed a loan you can't afford to pay off right away. Tax media all to hell for reporting heresay or without accurate publicly-published first-person sources attached to all broadcasts. Basically, force them to either be fair and accurate, or announce publicly and frequently that they are not a real news company and that their "reports" should be subject to heavy skepticism and ridicule. Heck, maybe even threaten legal action for promoting misleading statements to the US public. The 1st Amendment doesn't apply to businesses; only people. Hopefully this would bring back investigative journalism and improve our actual information flow in the US. Just a few small steps toward fixing our problems. I'm sure there's a lot more that would have to be done to truly capitulate to the resolution of the US' problems. I haven't even mentioned global issues yet. TL;DR - Gov't system overhaul; treat corporations like religion (separation of business and state), audit like a mo' fo', pay off and refuse to accrue any and all debt, and tax/sue media for misleading statements (99% of all reporting nowadays).
Assuming complete autonomous control to fix things... Complete rehaul of the gov't system. Bring it back to its roots; kick out all business and corporate influence and bar them from being involved, on penalty of heafty fines and jail time. Power back to the people. Also, re-elect new members for every role in the gov't. Wipe the slate clean. If current members provide a complete history of their every action in the seat and it doesn't conflict with new anti-corporate laws, then they can be allowed to campaign for their position back. But I doubt any would qualify, more or less be voted back by the people. Audit the system like hell and publish everything publicly and simply. Track every penny spent on campaigns, publish the pay and earnings of all members of the gov't (hey, they do it for us military folk), and track the origin of all money filtered into and out of the government. How can citizens be involved in their own government if they don't even know what it's up to? Along with this, use the audits to cut back on excessive spending and put the savings toward paying off our debt. The debt crisis is the one thing that might collapse our country; every resource should be focused on paying it off and better-managing money in the future. No more borrowing unless we have the money to pay it off! Period. If you can't afford it and the country won't be threatened, then you're not allowed a loan you can't afford to pay off right away. Tax media all to hell for reporting heresay or without accurate publicly-published first-person sources attached to all broadcasts. Basically, force them to either be fair and accurate, or announce publicly and frequently that they are not a real news company and that their "reports" should be subject to heavy skepticism and ridicule. Heck, maybe even threaten legal action for promoting misleading statements to the US public. The 1st Amendment doesn't apply to businesses; only people. Hopefully this would bring back investigative journalism and improve our actual information flow in the US. Just a few small steps toward fixing our problems. I'm sure there's a lot more that would have to be done to truly capitulate to the resolution of the US' problems. I haven't even mentioned global issues yet.
Gov't system overhaul; treat corporations like religion (separation of business and state), audit like a mo' fo', pay off and refuse to accrue any and all debt, and tax/sue media for misleading statements (99% of all reporting nowadays).
>$2000 a day playing it (dueling people for gold or something?) RS gold isn't even worth that much (1 gp is worth ~$8.39x10^-7 based on [bond prices]( [bonds are worth $5, they're on the market for about 6 mil]) so you would need a *shitton* of gold (about 2,383,384,800 gp if my math is correct) to make that much per day. That's besides the point, though, as I don't think there is any way to take the gold and directly turn it into $$$ (legally by RS ToS, I'm pretty sure they forbid buying/selling gold for cash) TL;DR unless he's making 2.3 billion gp/day and possibly breaking ToS, he's full of shit.
>$2000 a day playing it (dueling people for gold or something?) RS gold isn't even worth that much (1 gp is worth ~$8.39x10^-7 based on bond prices so you would need a shitton of gold (about 2,383,384,800 gp if my math is correct) to make that much per day. That's besides the point, though, as I don't think there is any way to take the gold and directly turn it into $$$ (legally by RS ToS, I'm pretty sure they forbid buying/selling gold for cash) TL;DR unless he's making 2.3 billion gp/day and possibly breaking ToS, he's full of shit.
2000 a day playing it (dueling people for gold or something?) RS gold isn't even worth that much (1 gp is worth ~$8.39x10^-7 based on bond prices so you would need a shitton of gold (about 2,383,384,800 gp if my math is correct) to make that much per day. That's besides the point, though, as I don't think there is any way to take the gold and directly turn it into $$$ (legally by RS ToS, I'm pretty sure they forbid buying/selling gold for cash)
unless he's making 2.3 billion gp/day and possibly breaking ToS, he's full of shit.
It should be noted that I've upvoted every single person who's disagreed with me here, as far as I know. That said. In 7th grade, I took an SAT test without preparing for it at all, it was spur-of-the-moment, I knew about it about an hour ahead of time and didn't do any research or anything. I scored higher on it than the average person using it to apply for college in my area. An IQ test has shown me to be in the 99.9th percentile for IQ. This is the highest result the test I was given reaches; anything further and they'd consider it to be within the margin of error for that test. My mother's boyfriend of 8 years is an aerospace engineer who graduated Virginia Tech. At the age of 15, I understand physics better than him, and I owe very little of it to him, as he would rarely give me a decent explanation of anything, just tell me that my ideas were wrong and become aggravated with me for not quite understanding thermodynamics. He's not particularly successful as an engineer, but I've met lots of other engineers who aren't as good as me at physics, so I'm guessing that's not just a result of him being bad at it. I'm also pretty good at engineering. I don't have a degree, and other than physics I don't have a better understanding of any aspect of engineering than any actual engineer, but I have lots of ingenuity for inventing new things. For example, I independently invented regenerative brakes before finding out what they were, and I was only seven or eight years old when I started inventing wireless electricity solutions (my first idea being to use a powerful infrared laser to transmit energy; admittedly not the best plan). I have independently thought of basically every branch of philosophy I've come across. Every question of existentialism which I've seen discussed in SMBC or xkcd or Reddit or anywhere else, the thoughts haven't been new to me. Philosophy has pretty much gotten trivial for me; I've considered taking a philosophy course just to see how easy it is. Psychology, I actually understand better than people with degrees. Unlike engineering, there's no aspect of psychology which I don't have a very good understanding of. I can debunk many of even Sigmund Freud's theories. I'm a good enough writer that I'm writing a book and so far everybody who's read any of it has said it was really good and plausible to expect to have published. And that's not just, like, me and family members, that counts strangers on the Internet. I've heard zero negative appraisal of it so far; people have critiqued it, but not insulted it. I don't know if that will suffice as evidence that I'm intelligent. I'm done with it, though, because I'd rather defend my maturity, since it's what you've spent the most time attacking. The following are some examples of my morals and ethical code. I believe firmly that everybody deserves a future. If we were to capture Hitler at the end of WWII, I would be against executing him. In fact, if we had any way of rehabilitating him and knowing that he wasn't just faking it, I'd even support the concept of letting him go free. This is essentially because I think that whoever you are in the present is a separate entity from who you were in the past and who you are in the future, and while your present self should take responsibility for your past self's actions, it shouldn't be punished for them simply for the sake of punishment, especially if the present self regrets the actions of the past self and feels genuine guilt about them. I don't believe in judgement of people based on their personal choices as long as those personal choices aren't harming others. I don't have any issue with any type of sexuality whatsoever (short of physically acting out necrophilia, pedophilia, or other acts which have a harmful affect on others - but I don't care what a person's fantasies consist of, as long as they recognize the difference between reality and fiction and can separate them). I don't have any issue with anybody over what type of music they listen to, or clothes they wear, etc. I know that's not really an impressive moral, but it's unfortunately rare; a great many people, especially those my age, are judgmental about these things. I love everyone, even people I hate. I wish my worst enemies good fortune and happiness. Rick Perry is a vile, piece of shit human being, deserving of zero respect, but I wish for him to change for the better and live the best life possible. I wish this for *everyone*. I'm pretty much a pacifist. I've taken a broken nose without fighting back or seeking retribution, because the guy stopped punching after that. The only time I'll fight back is if 1) the person attacking me shows no signs of stopping and 2) if I don't attack, I'll come out worse than the other person will if I do. In other words, if fighting someone is going to end up being more harmful to them than just letting them go will be to me, I don't fight back. I've therefore never had a reason to fight back against anyone in anything serious, because my ability to take pain has so far made it so that I'm never in a situation where I'll be worse off after a fight. If I'm not going to get any hospitalizing injuries, I really don't care. The only exception is if someone is going after my life. Even then, I'll do the minimum amount of harm to them that I possibly can in protecting myself. If someone points a gun at me and I can get out of it without harming them, I'd prefer to do that over killing them. I consider myself a feminist. I don't believe in enforced or uniform gender roles; they may happen naturally, but they should never be coerced into happening unnaturally. As in, the societal pressure for gender roles should really go, even if it'll turn out that the majority of relationships continue operating the same way of their own accord. I treat women with the same outlook I treat men, and never participate in the old Reddit "women are crazy" circlejerk, because there are multiple women out there and each have different personalities just like there are multiple men out there and each with different personalities. I don't think you do much of anything except scare off the awesome women out there by going on and on about the ones who aren't awesome. That doesn't mean I look for places to victimize women, I just don't believe it's fair to make generalizations such as the one about women acting like everything's OK when it's really not (and that's a particularly harsh example, because *all humans* do that). I'm kind of tired of citing these examples and I'm guessing you're getting tired of reading them, if you've even made it this far. In closing, the people who know me in real life all respect me, as do a great many people in the Reddit brony community, where I spend most of my time and where I'm pretty known for being helpful around the community. A lot of people in my segment of the community are depressed or going through hard times, and I spend a lot of time giving advice and support to people there. Yesterday someone quoted a case of me doing this in a post asking everyone what their favorite motivational/inspirational quote was, and that comment was second to the top, so I guess other people agreed (though, granted, it was a pretty low-traffic post, only about a dozen competing comments). And, uh, I'm a pretty good moderator. tl;dr - this
It should be noted that I've upvoted every single person who's disagreed with me here, as far as I know. That said. In 7th grade, I took an SAT test without preparing for it at all, it was spur-of-the-moment, I knew about it about an hour ahead of time and didn't do any research or anything. I scored higher on it than the average person using it to apply for college in my area. An IQ test has shown me to be in the 99.9th percentile for IQ. This is the highest result the test I was given reaches; anything further and they'd consider it to be within the margin of error for that test. My mother's boyfriend of 8 years is an aerospace engineer who graduated Virginia Tech. At the age of 15, I understand physics better than him, and I owe very little of it to him, as he would rarely give me a decent explanation of anything, just tell me that my ideas were wrong and become aggravated with me for not quite understanding thermodynamics. He's not particularly successful as an engineer, but I've met lots of other engineers who aren't as good as me at physics, so I'm guessing that's not just a result of him being bad at it. I'm also pretty good at engineering. I don't have a degree, and other than physics I don't have a better understanding of any aspect of engineering than any actual engineer, but I have lots of ingenuity for inventing new things. For example, I independently invented regenerative brakes before finding out what they were, and I was only seven or eight years old when I started inventing wireless electricity solutions (my first idea being to use a powerful infrared laser to transmit energy; admittedly not the best plan). I have independently thought of basically every branch of philosophy I've come across. Every question of existentialism which I've seen discussed in SMBC or xkcd or Reddit or anywhere else, the thoughts haven't been new to me. Philosophy has pretty much gotten trivial for me; I've considered taking a philosophy course just to see how easy it is. Psychology, I actually understand better than people with degrees. Unlike engineering, there's no aspect of psychology which I don't have a very good understanding of. I can debunk many of even Sigmund Freud's theories. I'm a good enough writer that I'm writing a book and so far everybody who's read any of it has said it was really good and plausible to expect to have published. And that's not just, like, me and family members, that counts strangers on the Internet. I've heard zero negative appraisal of it so far; people have critiqued it, but not insulted it. I don't know if that will suffice as evidence that I'm intelligent. I'm done with it, though, because I'd rather defend my maturity, since it's what you've spent the most time attacking. The following are some examples of my morals and ethical code. I believe firmly that everybody deserves a future. If we were to capture Hitler at the end of WWII, I would be against executing him. In fact, if we had any way of rehabilitating him and knowing that he wasn't just faking it, I'd even support the concept of letting him go free. This is essentially because I think that whoever you are in the present is a separate entity from who you were in the past and who you are in the future, and while your present self should take responsibility for your past self's actions, it shouldn't be punished for them simply for the sake of punishment, especially if the present self regrets the actions of the past self and feels genuine guilt about them. I don't believe in judgement of people based on their personal choices as long as those personal choices aren't harming others. I don't have any issue with any type of sexuality whatsoever (short of physically acting out necrophilia, pedophilia, or other acts which have a harmful affect on others - but I don't care what a person's fantasies consist of, as long as they recognize the difference between reality and fiction and can separate them). I don't have any issue with anybody over what type of music they listen to, or clothes they wear, etc. I know that's not really an impressive moral, but it's unfortunately rare; a great many people, especially those my age, are judgmental about these things. I love everyone, even people I hate. I wish my worst enemies good fortune and happiness. Rick Perry is a vile, piece of shit human being, deserving of zero respect, but I wish for him to change for the better and live the best life possible. I wish this for everyone . I'm pretty much a pacifist. I've taken a broken nose without fighting back or seeking retribution, because the guy stopped punching after that. The only time I'll fight back is if 1) the person attacking me shows no signs of stopping and 2) if I don't attack, I'll come out worse than the other person will if I do. In other words, if fighting someone is going to end up being more harmful to them than just letting them go will be to me, I don't fight back. I've therefore never had a reason to fight back against anyone in anything serious, because my ability to take pain has so far made it so that I'm never in a situation where I'll be worse off after a fight. If I'm not going to get any hospitalizing injuries, I really don't care. The only exception is if someone is going after my life. Even then, I'll do the minimum amount of harm to them that I possibly can in protecting myself. If someone points a gun at me and I can get out of it without harming them, I'd prefer to do that over killing them. I consider myself a feminist. I don't believe in enforced or uniform gender roles; they may happen naturally, but they should never be coerced into happening unnaturally. As in, the societal pressure for gender roles should really go, even if it'll turn out that the majority of relationships continue operating the same way of their own accord. I treat women with the same outlook I treat men, and never participate in the old Reddit "women are crazy" circlejerk, because there are multiple women out there and each have different personalities just like there are multiple men out there and each with different personalities. I don't think you do much of anything except scare off the awesome women out there by going on and on about the ones who aren't awesome. That doesn't mean I look for places to victimize women, I just don't believe it's fair to make generalizations such as the one about women acting like everything's OK when it's really not (and that's a particularly harsh example, because all humans do that). I'm kind of tired of citing these examples and I'm guessing you're getting tired of reading them, if you've even made it this far. In closing, the people who know me in real life all respect me, as do a great many people in the Reddit brony community, where I spend most of my time and where I'm pretty known for being helpful around the community. A lot of people in my segment of the community are depressed or going through hard times, and I spend a lot of time giving advice and support to people there. Yesterday someone quoted a case of me doing this in a post asking everyone what their favorite motivational/inspirational quote was, and that comment was second to the top, so I guess other people agreed (though, granted, it was a pretty low-traffic post, only about a dozen competing comments). And, uh, I'm a pretty good moderator. tl;dr - this
It should be noted that I've upvoted every single person who's disagreed with me here, as far as I know. That said. In 7th grade, I took an SAT test without preparing for it at all, it was spur-of-the-moment, I knew about it about an hour ahead of time and didn't do any research or anything. I scored higher on it than the average person using it to apply for college in my area. An IQ test has shown me to be in the 99.9th percentile for IQ. This is the highest result the test I was given reaches; anything further and they'd consider it to be within the margin of error for that test. My mother's boyfriend of 8 years is an aerospace engineer who graduated Virginia Tech. At the age of 15, I understand physics better than him, and I owe very little of it to him, as he would rarely give me a decent explanation of anything, just tell me that my ideas were wrong and become aggravated with me for not quite understanding thermodynamics. He's not particularly successful as an engineer, but I've met lots of other engineers who aren't as good as me at physics, so I'm guessing that's not just a result of him being bad at it. I'm also pretty good at engineering. I don't have a degree, and other than physics I don't have a better understanding of any aspect of engineering than any actual engineer, but I have lots of ingenuity for inventing new things. For example, I independently invented regenerative brakes before finding out what they were, and I was only seven or eight years old when I started inventing wireless electricity solutions (my first idea being to use a powerful infrared laser to transmit energy; admittedly not the best plan). I have independently thought of basically every branch of philosophy I've come across. Every question of existentialism which I've seen discussed in SMBC or xkcd or Reddit or anywhere else, the thoughts haven't been new to me. Philosophy has pretty much gotten trivial for me; I've considered taking a philosophy course just to see how easy it is. Psychology, I actually understand better than people with degrees. Unlike engineering, there's no aspect of psychology which I don't have a very good understanding of. I can debunk many of even Sigmund Freud's theories. I'm a good enough writer that I'm writing a book and so far everybody who's read any of it has said it was really good and plausible to expect to have published. And that's not just, like, me and family members, that counts strangers on the Internet. I've heard zero negative appraisal of it so far; people have critiqued it, but not insulted it. I don't know if that will suffice as evidence that I'm intelligent. I'm done with it, though, because I'd rather defend my maturity, since it's what you've spent the most time attacking. The following are some examples of my morals and ethical code. I believe firmly that everybody deserves a future. If we were to capture Hitler at the end of WWII, I would be against executing him. In fact, if we had any way of rehabilitating him and knowing that he wasn't just faking it, I'd even support the concept of letting him go free. This is essentially because I think that whoever you are in the present is a separate entity from who you were in the past and who you are in the future, and while your present self should take responsibility for your past self's actions, it shouldn't be punished for them simply for the sake of punishment, especially if the present self regrets the actions of the past self and feels genuine guilt about them. I don't believe in judgement of people based on their personal choices as long as those personal choices aren't harming others. I don't have any issue with any type of sexuality whatsoever (short of physically acting out necrophilia, pedophilia, or other acts which have a harmful affect on others - but I don't care what a person's fantasies consist of, as long as they recognize the difference between reality and fiction and can separate them). I don't have any issue with anybody over what type of music they listen to, or clothes they wear, etc. I know that's not really an impressive moral, but it's unfortunately rare; a great many people, especially those my age, are judgmental about these things. I love everyone, even people I hate. I wish my worst enemies good fortune and happiness. Rick Perry is a vile, piece of shit human being, deserving of zero respect, but I wish for him to change for the better and live the best life possible. I wish this for everyone . I'm pretty much a pacifist. I've taken a broken nose without fighting back or seeking retribution, because the guy stopped punching after that. The only time I'll fight back is if 1) the person attacking me shows no signs of stopping and 2) if I don't attack, I'll come out worse than the other person will if I do. In other words, if fighting someone is going to end up being more harmful to them than just letting them go will be to me, I don't fight back. I've therefore never had a reason to fight back against anyone in anything serious, because my ability to take pain has so far made it so that I'm never in a situation where I'll be worse off after a fight. If I'm not going to get any hospitalizing injuries, I really don't care. The only exception is if someone is going after my life. Even then, I'll do the minimum amount of harm to them that I possibly can in protecting myself. If someone points a gun at me and I can get out of it without harming them, I'd prefer to do that over killing them. I consider myself a feminist. I don't believe in enforced or uniform gender roles; they may happen naturally, but they should never be coerced into happening unnaturally. As in, the societal pressure for gender roles should really go, even if it'll turn out that the majority of relationships continue operating the same way of their own accord. I treat women with the same outlook I treat men, and never participate in the old Reddit "women are crazy" circlejerk, because there are multiple women out there and each have different personalities just like there are multiple men out there and each with different personalities. I don't think you do much of anything except scare off the awesome women out there by going on and on about the ones who aren't awesome. That doesn't mean I look for places to victimize women, I just don't believe it's fair to make generalizations such as the one about women acting like everything's OK when it's really not (and that's a particularly harsh example, because all humans do that). I'm kind of tired of citing these examples and I'm guessing you're getting tired of reading them, if you've even made it this far. In closing, the people who know me in real life all respect me, as do a great many people in the Reddit brony community, where I spend most of my time and where I'm pretty known for being helpful around the community. A lot of people in my segment of the community are depressed or going through hard times, and I spend a lot of time giving advice and support to people there. Yesterday someone quoted a case of me doing this in a post asking everyone what their favorite motivational/inspirational quote was, and that comment was second to the top, so I guess other people agreed (though, granted, it was a pretty low-traffic post, only about a dozen competing comments). And, uh, I'm a pretty good moderator.
I would say contact law enforcement, but I've dealt with these kinds of things before & sometimes they don't help at all, sometimes they do. If you believe it is yours, contact law enforcement. If you don't wanna go that route, you could schedule a time to meet the person who has it & bring people with you, and the serial number to the bike. Then when he brings the bike out be like "oh sweet, it has _____" just naming random things like what kind of parts it has on it, but really just be looking for anything that can confirm it's yours, or even try to sneak a peek at the serial number. If you're 100% sure it's yours, your options are to say you'll think about it & call the police and have them go back, or just tell the guy straight up it's yours & show him proof & tell him he can either just give it up or you'll call the police. I dealt with this type of thing a few times with friend's bikes, over the Summer there was a rumor of a guy who had my one friend's bike trying to sell it. I built that bike that got stolen out of my old parts, so I knew everything about it, even what stickers it had on it. But I heard from someone that he knew who had it, so I just went to the dude's house with a bunch of people & asked if he was selling a bike, all curious-like. He was like "Yeah man, uhh, Animal frame, uh Animal fork.. Animal everything really." which was funny because I knew it had Animal stickers on a lot of the parts, I asked if I could see it, and he brings it outside & sure enough, it's my friend's bike. He goes to shake my hand saying his name, and I'm like "Nope that's my friend's, and stolen" He looked like he shit his pants, telling me it's not stolen, then I proceeded to name off every part on it including the serial number. This dumbass tries telling me he built it a few months ago, so I pulled photos up from last year when I built it up & said I can keep pulling proof up or I can just call the cops. He looked so shocked & was just like "Dude.. just take the damn thing." TL;DR, I played bike detective. Hope you get your stuff back though, fuck thieves.
I would say contact law enforcement, but I've dealt with these kinds of things before & sometimes they don't help at all, sometimes they do. If you believe it is yours, contact law enforcement. If you don't wanna go that route, you could schedule a time to meet the person who has it & bring people with you, and the serial number to the bike. Then when he brings the bike out be like "oh sweet, it has _ " just naming random things like what kind of parts it has on it, but really just be looking for anything that can confirm it's yours, or even try to sneak a peek at the serial number. If you're 100% sure it's yours, your options are to say you'll think about it & call the police and have them go back, or just tell the guy straight up it's yours & show him proof & tell him he can either just give it up or you'll call the police. I dealt with this type of thing a few times with friend's bikes, over the Summer there was a rumor of a guy who had my one friend's bike trying to sell it. I built that bike that got stolen out of my old parts, so I knew everything about it, even what stickers it had on it. But I heard from someone that he knew who had it, so I just went to the dude's house with a bunch of people & asked if he was selling a bike, all curious-like. He was like "Yeah man, uhh, Animal frame, uh Animal fork.. Animal everything really." which was funny because I knew it had Animal stickers on a lot of the parts, I asked if I could see it, and he brings it outside & sure enough, it's my friend's bike. He goes to shake my hand saying his name, and I'm like "Nope that's my friend's, and stolen" He looked like he shit his pants, telling me it's not stolen, then I proceeded to name off every part on it including the serial number. This dumbass tries telling me he built it a few months ago, so I pulled photos up from last year when I built it up & said I can keep pulling proof up or I can just call the cops. He looked so shocked & was just like "Dude.. just take the damn thing." TL;DR, I played bike detective. Hope you get your stuff back though, fuck thieves.
I would say contact law enforcement, but I've dealt with these kinds of things before & sometimes they don't help at all, sometimes they do. If you believe it is yours, contact law enforcement. If you don't wanna go that route, you could schedule a time to meet the person who has it & bring people with you, and the serial number to the bike. Then when he brings the bike out be like "oh sweet, it has _ " just naming random things like what kind of parts it has on it, but really just be looking for anything that can confirm it's yours, or even try to sneak a peek at the serial number. If you're 100% sure it's yours, your options are to say you'll think about it & call the police and have them go back, or just tell the guy straight up it's yours & show him proof & tell him he can either just give it up or you'll call the police. I dealt with this type of thing a few times with friend's bikes, over the Summer there was a rumor of a guy who had my one friend's bike trying to sell it. I built that bike that got stolen out of my old parts, so I knew everything about it, even what stickers it had on it. But I heard from someone that he knew who had it, so I just went to the dude's house with a bunch of people & asked if he was selling a bike, all curious-like. He was like "Yeah man, uhh, Animal frame, uh Animal fork.. Animal everything really." which was funny because I knew it had Animal stickers on a lot of the parts, I asked if I could see it, and he brings it outside & sure enough, it's my friend's bike. He goes to shake my hand saying his name, and I'm like "Nope that's my friend's, and stolen" He looked like he shit his pants, telling me it's not stolen, then I proceeded to name off every part on it including the serial number. This dumbass tries telling me he built it a few months ago, so I pulled photos up from last year when I built it up & said I can keep pulling proof up or I can just call the cops. He looked so shocked & was just like "Dude.. just take the damn thing."
I played bike detective. Hope you get your stuff back though, fuck thieves.
If this post is historically accurate then it's not that hard to imagine how it would have happened. Modern cars have advanced braking systems use boosted hydraulic pressure to pads on rotors. This allows little force by the user to bring a car to a stop in no time. If the two cars in Ohio crashed in 1985 then it is safe to assume they are still using the original idea of a braking system(a wooden block up against the wheel controlled by a lever). The next innovation in braking history wasn't until the drum brake in 1902. Without the hydraulics it took many yards to fully stop a car even when they weren't moving very fast. If the two drivers were headed around a corner there would be no way of stopping in time. The stops we make every day would have been impossible back then. TL;DR Old cars had terrible brakes.
If this post is historically accurate then it's not that hard to imagine how it would have happened. Modern cars have advanced braking systems use boosted hydraulic pressure to pads on rotors. This allows little force by the user to bring a car to a stop in no time. If the two cars in Ohio crashed in 1985 then it is safe to assume they are still using the original idea of a braking system(a wooden block up against the wheel controlled by a lever). The next innovation in braking history wasn't until the drum brake in 1902. Without the hydraulics it took many yards to fully stop a car even when they weren't moving very fast. If the two drivers were headed around a corner there would be no way of stopping in time. The stops we make every day would have been impossible back then. TL;DR Old cars had terrible brakes.
If this post is historically accurate then it's not that hard to imagine how it would have happened. Modern cars have advanced braking systems use boosted hydraulic pressure to pads on rotors. This allows little force by the user to bring a car to a stop in no time. If the two cars in Ohio crashed in 1985 then it is safe to assume they are still using the original idea of a braking system(a wooden block up against the wheel controlled by a lever). The next innovation in braking history wasn't until the drum brake in 1902. Without the hydraulics it took many yards to fully stop a car even when they weren't moving very fast. If the two drivers were headed around a corner there would be no way of stopping in time. The stops we make every day would have been impossible back then.
Old cars had terrible brakes.
Labor: 97% Green: 88% Libdem: 82% BNP: 46% Conservative: 46% UKIP: 39% **Ok a few things...** 1. What The Fuck!? Conservative = BNP? I have a very low opinion of Conservative's but not *that* low. 2. I took the test on a few months ago and scored most highly with Greens and Libdems, Larbor a very distent third and eveyone else in the dust (was a little surprised about the Greens, not so much anything else, that test seemed about right for me) 3. BNP 46, Conservative 46; I can tell that came down to one single very badly weighted question because I'm generally liberal/center on immigration, but I answered the questions on deporting "foreigners who are considered to be promoting terrorism" as "Yes, but only if their human rights will be respected by the country they are deported to" and I weighted it as "least important." Also, was using the word "foreigners" as opposed to "immigrants" a weighted trap? because I have to admit I didn't notice the first time around. 4. There are just a few questions I answered there as "most important" that I know from manifesto or stated policy would near completely disqualify me from voting for... ahem.. *certain* parties. So I retook the test, and within the margin of error of my own answers I got: Labor: 95% Green: 92% Libdem: 88% Conservative: 53% BNP: 21% UKIP: 21% Which is still quite off from my actual thinking. (also how are Labor and Conservative *that* different?) TL/DR: I think the person who designed the weighting calculations for this test possibly got the job because median wage is too low and university tuition fees are too high, and apparently GCSE level mathematics is sufficient to design a political quiz, and clearly this shows our teachers aren't paid enough.
Labor: 97% Green: 88% Libdem: 82% BNP: 46% Conservative: 46% UKIP: 39% Ok a few things... What The Fuck!? Conservative = BNP? I have a very low opinion of Conservative's but not that low. I took the test on a few months ago and scored most highly with Greens and Libdems, Larbor a very distent third and eveyone else in the dust (was a little surprised about the Greens, not so much anything else, that test seemed about right for me) BNP 46, Conservative 46; I can tell that came down to one single very badly weighted question because I'm generally liberal/center on immigration, but I answered the questions on deporting "foreigners who are considered to be promoting terrorism" as "Yes, but only if their human rights will be respected by the country they are deported to" and I weighted it as "least important." Also, was using the word "foreigners" as opposed to "immigrants" a weighted trap? because I have to admit I didn't notice the first time around. There are just a few questions I answered there as "most important" that I know from manifesto or stated policy would near completely disqualify me from voting for... ahem.. certain parties. So I retook the test, and within the margin of error of my own answers I got: Labor: 95% Green: 92% Libdem: 88% Conservative: 53% BNP: 21% UKIP: 21% Which is still quite off from my actual thinking. (also how are Labor and Conservative that different?) TL/DR: I think the person who designed the weighting calculations for this test possibly got the job because median wage is too low and university tuition fees are too high, and apparently GCSE level mathematics is sufficient to design a political quiz, and clearly this shows our teachers aren't paid enough.
Labor: 97% Green: 88% Libdem: 82% BNP: 46% Conservative: 46% UKIP: 39% Ok a few things... What The Fuck!? Conservative = BNP? I have a very low opinion of Conservative's but not that low. I took the test on a few months ago and scored most highly with Greens and Libdems, Larbor a very distent third and eveyone else in the dust (was a little surprised about the Greens, not so much anything else, that test seemed about right for me) BNP 46, Conservative 46; I can tell that came down to one single very badly weighted question because I'm generally liberal/center on immigration, but I answered the questions on deporting "foreigners who are considered to be promoting terrorism" as "Yes, but only if their human rights will be respected by the country they are deported to" and I weighted it as "least important." Also, was using the word "foreigners" as opposed to "immigrants" a weighted trap? because I have to admit I didn't notice the first time around. There are just a few questions I answered there as "most important" that I know from manifesto or stated policy would near completely disqualify me from voting for... ahem.. certain parties. So I retook the test, and within the margin of error of my own answers I got: Labor: 95% Green: 92% Libdem: 88% Conservative: 53% BNP: 21% UKIP: 21% Which is still quite off from my actual thinking. (also how are Labor and Conservative that different?)
I think the person who designed the weighting calculations for this test possibly got the job because median wage is too low and university tuition fees are too high, and apparently GCSE level mathematics is sufficient to design a political quiz, and clearly this shows our teachers aren't paid enough.
The change that surprised me the most, is how little I care about things I once cared about, and how much I care about things I once did not care about. I care more about quality time with friends, preserving relationships, kindness, peace. I care less about being right, winning, being taken seriously, being respected (I respect myself more, now). I care more about my health. I care less about pleasure, or what pleasure once was: instant gratification. As to others, I care less about what they do, and more about who they are. Less what they look like, and more how they act. Less how they (or I!) act on a given day, and more how I or they act overall. Somehow, good bowel movements become far more important, you really don't want me to elaborate on that. Listen son, life is good. Life is good and short. And there are holes to fall down, and you are going to make mistakes. Some of those may scar you horribly. There is, however, contrary to the tyranny of Pride, the false mask that Fear wears, no shame in failure. A body builder knows failure as a friend. So every athlete. Every programmer, every mathematician. It is a known fact, that we learn more from our failures than from our successes. So, wherever you find yourself in the future, remember that whatever joy you have is tied to whatever sorrow you have, and that both are necessary. Both have their place. Yesterday I was driving over a bridge, and, at the crest, I saw a cluster of wreaths of flowers. I realized what they were there for. And I cried, and cried, and asked him - don't know why I thought of him as a him but nevermind that - *why did you do that?* And I cried some more. Whatever shitty hand life deals you, whatever bad choices you've made, whatever pain and suffering you live in, remember that tomorrow, the sun will, in fact, come up. Even if you live at a Pole and it takes several months, the light returns. Don't give up. Stay with us. tl;dr: I have no idea how this turned out this way but it seemed important to say, and I have no children and genuinely like young people and want to pass something on - all the things you know about older people should include this one fact, that it is as satisfying to us to give as it is to you to receive, because giving and receiving are the same. thank you
The change that surprised me the most, is how little I care about things I once cared about, and how much I care about things I once did not care about. I care more about quality time with friends, preserving relationships, kindness, peace. I care less about being right, winning, being taken seriously, being respected (I respect myself more, now). I care more about my health. I care less about pleasure, or what pleasure once was: instant gratification. As to others, I care less about what they do, and more about who they are. Less what they look like, and more how they act. Less how they (or I!) act on a given day, and more how I or they act overall. Somehow, good bowel movements become far more important, you really don't want me to elaborate on that. Listen son, life is good. Life is good and short. And there are holes to fall down, and you are going to make mistakes. Some of those may scar you horribly. There is, however, contrary to the tyranny of Pride, the false mask that Fear wears, no shame in failure. A body builder knows failure as a friend. So every athlete. Every programmer, every mathematician. It is a known fact, that we learn more from our failures than from our successes. So, wherever you find yourself in the future, remember that whatever joy you have is tied to whatever sorrow you have, and that both are necessary. Both have their place. Yesterday I was driving over a bridge, and, at the crest, I saw a cluster of wreaths of flowers. I realized what they were there for. And I cried, and cried, and asked him - don't know why I thought of him as a him but nevermind that - why did you do that? And I cried some more. Whatever shitty hand life deals you, whatever bad choices you've made, whatever pain and suffering you live in, remember that tomorrow, the sun will, in fact, come up. Even if you live at a Pole and it takes several months, the light returns. Don't give up. Stay with us. tl;dr: I have no idea how this turned out this way but it seemed important to say, and I have no children and genuinely like young people and want to pass something on - all the things you know about older people should include this one fact, that it is as satisfying to us to give as it is to you to receive, because giving and receiving are the same. thank you
The change that surprised me the most, is how little I care about things I once cared about, and how much I care about things I once did not care about. I care more about quality time with friends, preserving relationships, kindness, peace. I care less about being right, winning, being taken seriously, being respected (I respect myself more, now). I care more about my health. I care less about pleasure, or what pleasure once was: instant gratification. As to others, I care less about what they do, and more about who they are. Less what they look like, and more how they act. Less how they (or I!) act on a given day, and more how I or they act overall. Somehow, good bowel movements become far more important, you really don't want me to elaborate on that. Listen son, life is good. Life is good and short. And there are holes to fall down, and you are going to make mistakes. Some of those may scar you horribly. There is, however, contrary to the tyranny of Pride, the false mask that Fear wears, no shame in failure. A body builder knows failure as a friend. So every athlete. Every programmer, every mathematician. It is a known fact, that we learn more from our failures than from our successes. So, wherever you find yourself in the future, remember that whatever joy you have is tied to whatever sorrow you have, and that both are necessary. Both have their place. Yesterday I was driving over a bridge, and, at the crest, I saw a cluster of wreaths of flowers. I realized what they were there for. And I cried, and cried, and asked him - don't know why I thought of him as a him but nevermind that - why did you do that? And I cried some more. Whatever shitty hand life deals you, whatever bad choices you've made, whatever pain and suffering you live in, remember that tomorrow, the sun will, in fact, come up. Even if you live at a Pole and it takes several months, the light returns. Don't give up. Stay with us.
I have no idea how this turned out this way but it seemed important to say, and I have no children and genuinely like young people and want to pass something on - all the things you know about older people should include this one fact, that it is as satisfying to us to give as it is to you to receive, because giving and receiving are the same. thank you
I thought the same thing man. I mean, I never "abused" benzos, I just lost my script and had to buy them "illicitly". That having been said coming off something I took multiple times a day for years and having an underlying legit generalized anxiety disorder (among other things) made it really, really shitty (I went cold turkey and then after walking around covered in sweat and having nurses worry about me they put me on a valium taper until the last week I was there). Before I was discharged I had to meet with their Psychiatrist, and she wrote the script. I just spent a lot of time tapering off, and it felt really strange to get that script. I felt like a mental patient going to walgreen's and ending up with a brown paper bag full of meds. Either way, now that I'm sober and becoming more acclimated to my scripts (mainly zoloft) I do feel loads better. I stopped sleeping all day and have resumed old activities that I completely abandoned (like showering!), so this hodge podge of Rx nonsense seems to work. And they keep a tight lease on me (follow up's every 2 weeks, no exceptions, monthly visits with the pscyh, UA's that analyze not only the substancebut the level as well... that sort of thing), so I'm happy. Don't get me wrong, this was a mandatory thing, but not because I did something wrong legally. I just applied for funding through the county because my unemployment lapsed (yay congress!) and they said that I had to get off the benzo's or they'd rescind my methadone privileges, which I wish I could do but realistically can't do cold turkey. So now I'm working with my "team" on tapering off of that slowly so I can get away from that pain in the ass! TL;DR- I have more prescriptions that a CVS.
I thought the same thing man. I mean, I never "abused" benzos, I just lost my script and had to buy them "illicitly". That having been said coming off something I took multiple times a day for years and having an underlying legit generalized anxiety disorder (among other things) made it really, really shitty (I went cold turkey and then after walking around covered in sweat and having nurses worry about me they put me on a valium taper until the last week I was there). Before I was discharged I had to meet with their Psychiatrist, and she wrote the script. I just spent a lot of time tapering off, and it felt really strange to get that script. I felt like a mental patient going to walgreen's and ending up with a brown paper bag full of meds. Either way, now that I'm sober and becoming more acclimated to my scripts (mainly zoloft) I do feel loads better. I stopped sleeping all day and have resumed old activities that I completely abandoned (like showering!), so this hodge podge of Rx nonsense seems to work. And they keep a tight lease on me (follow up's every 2 weeks, no exceptions, monthly visits with the pscyh, UA's that analyze not only the substancebut the level as well... that sort of thing), so I'm happy. Don't get me wrong, this was a mandatory thing, but not because I did something wrong legally. I just applied for funding through the county because my unemployment lapsed (yay congress!) and they said that I had to get off the benzo's or they'd rescind my methadone privileges, which I wish I could do but realistically can't do cold turkey. So now I'm working with my "team" on tapering off of that slowly so I can get away from that pain in the ass! TL;DR- I have more prescriptions that a CVS.
I thought the same thing man. I mean, I never "abused" benzos, I just lost my script and had to buy them "illicitly". That having been said coming off something I took multiple times a day for years and having an underlying legit generalized anxiety disorder (among other things) made it really, really shitty (I went cold turkey and then after walking around covered in sweat and having nurses worry about me they put me on a valium taper until the last week I was there). Before I was discharged I had to meet with their Psychiatrist, and she wrote the script. I just spent a lot of time tapering off, and it felt really strange to get that script. I felt like a mental patient going to walgreen's and ending up with a brown paper bag full of meds. Either way, now that I'm sober and becoming more acclimated to my scripts (mainly zoloft) I do feel loads better. I stopped sleeping all day and have resumed old activities that I completely abandoned (like showering!), so this hodge podge of Rx nonsense seems to work. And they keep a tight lease on me (follow up's every 2 weeks, no exceptions, monthly visits with the pscyh, UA's that analyze not only the substancebut the level as well... that sort of thing), so I'm happy. Don't get me wrong, this was a mandatory thing, but not because I did something wrong legally. I just applied for funding through the county because my unemployment lapsed (yay congress!) and they said that I had to get off the benzo's or they'd rescind my methadone privileges, which I wish I could do but realistically can't do cold turkey. So now I'm working with my "team" on tapering off of that slowly so I can get away from that pain in the ass!
I have more prescriptions that a CVS.
I bought some HTPC parts from newegg... guess who I'm waiting on to show up with my CPU thats SITTING IN GOD DAMN COMPTON. tldr usps strikes again.
I bought some HTPC parts from newegg... guess who I'm waiting on to show up with my CPU thats SITTING IN GOD DAMN COMPTON. tldr usps strikes again.
I bought some HTPC parts from newegg... guess who I'm waiting on to show up with my CPU thats SITTING IN GOD DAMN COMPTON.
usps strikes again.
yeah, I loved loved loved playing sims2 and sims3, but the fact that they need so many expansions (and all the cool little things you could only buy in their store, which adds to a buttload) and it always got slower and slower the more you played one saved game. I tried to do a town in sims 3 where I made and played every single person in town, but by the 7th family the game was super slow and finally crashed, and no data could be recovered. The ea support rep said this happens if you have one save file for too long, I was like wtf then what is the point of making and playing a family for generations if the more I play it the more likely it is to not work? So I stopped playing. I wish someone would making a functioning version of that game though. tl;dr - the longer you play one saved town, the more likely the game is to slow down and eventually crash. good game but giant problem they never even tried to fix.
yeah, I loved loved loved playing sims2 and sims3, but the fact that they need so many expansions (and all the cool little things you could only buy in their store, which adds to a buttload) and it always got slower and slower the more you played one saved game. I tried to do a town in sims 3 where I made and played every single person in town, but by the 7th family the game was super slow and finally crashed, and no data could be recovered. The ea support rep said this happens if you have one save file for too long, I was like wtf then what is the point of making and playing a family for generations if the more I play it the more likely it is to not work? So I stopped playing. I wish someone would making a functioning version of that game though. tl;dr - the longer you play one saved town, the more likely the game is to slow down and eventually crash. good game but giant problem they never even tried to fix.
yeah, I loved loved loved playing sims2 and sims3, but the fact that they need so many expansions (and all the cool little things you could only buy in their store, which adds to a buttload) and it always got slower and slower the more you played one saved game. I tried to do a town in sims 3 where I made and played every single person in town, but by the 7th family the game was super slow and finally crashed, and no data could be recovered. The ea support rep said this happens if you have one save file for too long, I was like wtf then what is the point of making and playing a family for generations if the more I play it the more likely it is to not work? So I stopped playing. I wish someone would making a functioning version of that game though.
the longer you play one saved town, the more likely the game is to slow down and eventually crash. good game but giant problem they never even tried to fix.
As much as I love to jump on the EA hate train I think there's something you need to understand about the sims: You shouldn't buy every DLC. There are interesting things in every single one, but you should only buy those that really interest you because as soon as you get about 5 DLC's there's simply to much different things to do. TLDR: Don't buy every DLC because it's impossible to be a popular hard working firefighter while clubbing at night, meeting celebrities and vampires, getting a masters in engineering while also travelling through space and time, growing your own vegetable garden and visiting Egypt.
As much as I love to jump on the EA hate train I think there's something you need to understand about the sims: You shouldn't buy every DLC. There are interesting things in every single one, but you should only buy those that really interest you because as soon as you get about 5 DLC's there's simply to much different things to do. TLDR: Don't buy every DLC because it's impossible to be a popular hard working firefighter while clubbing at night, meeting celebrities and vampires, getting a masters in engineering while also travelling through space and time, growing your own vegetable garden and visiting Egypt.
As much as I love to jump on the EA hate train I think there's something you need to understand about the sims: You shouldn't buy every DLC. There are interesting things in every single one, but you should only buy those that really interest you because as soon as you get about 5 DLC's there's simply to much different things to do.
Don't buy every DLC because it's impossible to be a popular hard working firefighter while clubbing at night, meeting celebrities and vampires, getting a masters in engineering while also travelling through space and time, growing your own vegetable garden and visiting Egypt.
I'm currently dealing with a broken wrist, courtesy of a transition from my failed upa sweep to my partner's failed belly-down armbar. This was two weeks ago, ten days before my blue belt exam. My thumb and half of my forearm are in a cast. This past Tuesday I visited my gym and asked what I could do. They told me to come in whenever I'm feeling up to it, and drill (obv no sparring). There's four limbs involved in bjj and my prof said he'd figure some options out for me. They were very supportive. I'm going back in to give it a shot next week. I also went through my copy of Galvao's Drill to Win and I'm currently building a six week program of solo drills that I can do at home. Tl;dr keep your head up, talk to your prof, find a resource for ideas v
I'm currently dealing with a broken wrist, courtesy of a transition from my failed upa sweep to my partner's failed belly-down armbar. This was two weeks ago, ten days before my blue belt exam. My thumb and half of my forearm are in a cast. This past Tuesday I visited my gym and asked what I could do. They told me to come in whenever I'm feeling up to it, and drill (obv no sparring). There's four limbs involved in bjj and my prof said he'd figure some options out for me. They were very supportive. I'm going back in to give it a shot next week. I also went through my copy of Galvao's Drill to Win and I'm currently building a six week program of solo drills that I can do at home. Tl;dr keep your head up, talk to your prof, find a resource for ideas v
I'm currently dealing with a broken wrist, courtesy of a transition from my failed upa sweep to my partner's failed belly-down armbar. This was two weeks ago, ten days before my blue belt exam. My thumb and half of my forearm are in a cast. This past Tuesday I visited my gym and asked what I could do. They told me to come in whenever I'm feeling up to it, and drill (obv no sparring). There's four limbs involved in bjj and my prof said he'd figure some options out for me. They were very supportive. I'm going back in to give it a shot next week. I also went through my copy of Galvao's Drill to Win and I'm currently building a six week program of solo drills that I can do at home.
keep your head up, talk to your prof, find a resource for ideas v
I've never failed because I just kept going at it. You could say I failed, on multiple occasions, but in the end I succeeded. For example, I hate science, don't understand it at all. Failed the first half of my semester in physics, but I needed a B. Studied every night, still had a D around 3/4ths of the way through the semester. Literally devoted every free second I had to physics after that. Wrote every word the professor said, met with him after every class, did my homework and did all of the online help, ended up with an A, and aced the final. Was pretty proud of myself, accomplished my goal and more, all because I devoted everything I could to it. TL:DR- got an A in physics because I devoted all of my free will to it.
I've never failed because I just kept going at it. You could say I failed, on multiple occasions, but in the end I succeeded. For example, I hate science, don't understand it at all. Failed the first half of my semester in physics, but I needed a B. Studied every night, still had a D around 3/4ths of the way through the semester. Literally devoted every free second I had to physics after that. Wrote every word the professor said, met with him after every class, did my homework and did all of the online help, ended up with an A, and aced the final. Was pretty proud of myself, accomplished my goal and more, all because I devoted everything I could to it. TL:DR- got an A in physics because I devoted all of my free will to it.
I've never failed because I just kept going at it. You could say I failed, on multiple occasions, but in the end I succeeded. For example, I hate science, don't understand it at all. Failed the first half of my semester in physics, but I needed a B. Studied every night, still had a D around 3/4ths of the way through the semester. Literally devoted every free second I had to physics after that. Wrote every word the professor said, met with him after every class, did my homework and did all of the online help, ended up with an A, and aced the final. Was pretty proud of myself, accomplished my goal and more, all because I devoted everything I could to it.
got an A in physics because I devoted all of my free will to it.