End contact with M, never even mention her to your girlfriend again. You've got to just nix that immediately. I had a similar situation with an ex years ago when I was in high school, and ultimately it killed the relationship because I was unwilling to fully let the incident go and it tore us up. You may have been manipulated, you may not have. Does it really matter? It happened, and the guilt that you feel is warranted regardless of the circumstance because that emotional attachment wasn't appropriate, but you've recognized and are remorseful of that so that's a huge step in the right direction. You may feel tempted to rush to fix things and make up for your mistake with your SO. Do not do not do not overdo it. Constant apologies, extended conversations about it (that aren't constructive/necessary), and showering her with compliments or gifts will only frustrate her and drive her away. The way you're going to fix this is with time, patience, and openness. The most critical part of a relationship is trust, and right now your girlfriend's trust in you is very fragile. Piece by piece, you're going to have to rebuild her faith in you and work to restore the balance that has been disturbed in your relationship. Do something nice for your girlfriend without being too lavish or over the top. Once things are on more even footing and you and her are able to be more comfortable and aren't fighting, take her out to a nice dinner or make one at home. Find ways to show you appreciate her without constantly hammering her with compliments or showering her with praise. I know that sounds contradictory to "do nice things for her" but there's a difference between a kind and genuine gesture of love and just battering her with sweet nothings until you're forgiven. Lastly, and most importantly, talk. Be honest. Always. If something is on your mind, speak it. Encourage her to tell you how she's feeling, even if it hurts. You've been together for two years so there is obviously some good chemistry and your communication has made you last this long, so get back to basics and relearn the proper way to communicate. I don't recommend rehashing the incident in question because you've got to let those wounds heal, and once you've reached a settlement on the issue then it's up to you both to move past it. However, before that happens you will absolutely need to fully talk things out and make sure the feelings of both of you are understood by the other and that an agreement is reached going forward. If you two feel, either individually or together, that counseling is needed, I highly recommend it. There is no shame in therapy, on the contrary it will strengthen your relationship to handle this problem with an unbiased third party. It certainly sounds like she wants to make this work, and you seem genuinely repentant and sorry for your mistake, so I think that this will end well for the both of you. Just be sure to always be honest and forthcoming with your feelings with her, and talk things out, even when that's not the easy thing to do. She must forgive you, but remember that you must also learn to forgive yourself. Good luck OP, be sure to update us! **TL;DR** Cut off communication with M, talk things out with your SO/go to counseling, don't smother her, be honest and forgive yourself. Sorry for the wall of text! I like to try to be helpful.
End contact with M, never even mention her to your girlfriend again. You've got to just nix that immediately. I had a similar situation with an ex years ago when I was in high school, and ultimately it killed the relationship because I was unwilling to fully let the incident go and it tore us up. You may have been manipulated, you may not have. Does it really matter? It happened, and the guilt that you feel is warranted regardless of the circumstance because that emotional attachment wasn't appropriate, but you've recognized and are remorseful of that so that's a huge step in the right direction. You may feel tempted to rush to fix things and make up for your mistake with your SO. Do not do not do not overdo it. Constant apologies, extended conversations about it (that aren't constructive/necessary), and showering her with compliments or gifts will only frustrate her and drive her away. The way you're going to fix this is with time, patience, and openness. The most critical part of a relationship is trust, and right now your girlfriend's trust in you is very fragile. Piece by piece, you're going to have to rebuild her faith in you and work to restore the balance that has been disturbed in your relationship. Do something nice for your girlfriend without being too lavish or over the top. Once things are on more even footing and you and her are able to be more comfortable and aren't fighting, take her out to a nice dinner or make one at home. Find ways to show you appreciate her without constantly hammering her with compliments or showering her with praise. I know that sounds contradictory to "do nice things for her" but there's a difference between a kind and genuine gesture of love and just battering her with sweet nothings until you're forgiven. Lastly, and most importantly, talk. Be honest. Always. If something is on your mind, speak it. Encourage her to tell you how she's feeling, even if it hurts. You've been together for two years so there is obviously some good chemistry and your communication has made you last this long, so get back to basics and relearn the proper way to communicate. I don't recommend rehashing the incident in question because you've got to let those wounds heal, and once you've reached a settlement on the issue then it's up to you both to move past it. However, before that happens you will absolutely need to fully talk things out and make sure the feelings of both of you are understood by the other and that an agreement is reached going forward. If you two feel, either individually or together, that counseling is needed, I highly recommend it. There is no shame in therapy, on the contrary it will strengthen your relationship to handle this problem with an unbiased third party. It certainly sounds like she wants to make this work, and you seem genuinely repentant and sorry for your mistake, so I think that this will end well for the both of you. Just be sure to always be honest and forthcoming with your feelings with her, and talk things out, even when that's not the easy thing to do. She must forgive you, but remember that you must also learn to forgive yourself. Good luck OP, be sure to update us! TL;DR Cut off communication with M, talk things out with your SO/go to counseling, don't smother her, be honest and forgive yourself. Sorry for the wall of text! I like to try to be helpful.
End contact with M, never even mention her to your girlfriend again. You've got to just nix that immediately. I had a similar situation with an ex years ago when I was in high school, and ultimately it killed the relationship because I was unwilling to fully let the incident go and it tore us up. You may have been manipulated, you may not have. Does it really matter? It happened, and the guilt that you feel is warranted regardless of the circumstance because that emotional attachment wasn't appropriate, but you've recognized and are remorseful of that so that's a huge step in the right direction. You may feel tempted to rush to fix things and make up for your mistake with your SO. Do not do not do not overdo it. Constant apologies, extended conversations about it (that aren't constructive/necessary), and showering her with compliments or gifts will only frustrate her and drive her away. The way you're going to fix this is with time, patience, and openness. The most critical part of a relationship is trust, and right now your girlfriend's trust in you is very fragile. Piece by piece, you're going to have to rebuild her faith in you and work to restore the balance that has been disturbed in your relationship. Do something nice for your girlfriend without being too lavish or over the top. Once things are on more even footing and you and her are able to be more comfortable and aren't fighting, take her out to a nice dinner or make one at home. Find ways to show you appreciate her without constantly hammering her with compliments or showering her with praise. I know that sounds contradictory to "do nice things for her" but there's a difference between a kind and genuine gesture of love and just battering her with sweet nothings until you're forgiven. Lastly, and most importantly, talk. Be honest. Always. If something is on your mind, speak it. Encourage her to tell you how she's feeling, even if it hurts. You've been together for two years so there is obviously some good chemistry and your communication has made you last this long, so get back to basics and relearn the proper way to communicate. I don't recommend rehashing the incident in question because you've got to let those wounds heal, and once you've reached a settlement on the issue then it's up to you both to move past it. However, before that happens you will absolutely need to fully talk things out and make sure the feelings of both of you are understood by the other and that an agreement is reached going forward. If you two feel, either individually or together, that counseling is needed, I highly recommend it. There is no shame in therapy, on the contrary it will strengthen your relationship to handle this problem with an unbiased third party. It certainly sounds like she wants to make this work, and you seem genuinely repentant and sorry for your mistake, so I think that this will end well for the both of you. Just be sure to always be honest and forthcoming with your feelings with her, and talk things out, even when that's not the easy thing to do. She must forgive you, but remember that you must also learn to forgive yourself. Good luck OP, be sure to update us!
Cut off communication with M, talk things out with your SO/go to counseling, don't smother her, be honest and forgive yourself. Sorry for the wall of text! I like to try to be helpful.
There's many things that rub me the wrong way about this situation: edit: 0 >M messaged me saying we should get a drink. I wasn't **able** to Cause you were with your girlfriend. Honestly the more i read it the more i come to remember pre_empirical's conclusion >This sounds like a psychopath's apology. which links to this (missnightingale77) >This just seems false and like your SO is a redditor and you're trying to get her attention with this. 1. you would have not come to this conclusion on your own. You pretty much had the missfortune to have a SO that's smart enough (intellectually and emotionally) to see through the bullshit you were putting up, however, were there some other girl, like 70% of the cases, you would not have been caught or challenged and you would have escalated. There's a very high chance you actually would have bedded the other girl. 2 >What can I do to move forward, show my SO that I recognize what I've done, and **motivate her to put her trust back into me**? Nothing. You don't have the right to bend other people's mind. Nobody does. You just want to speed the process because it makes you feel unconfortable. Trust is earned, there's no cheat codes or power-ups. 3 > **I never want to experience** anything like the past two days ever again Again, external motivation. Also, your interest is focused first on yourself and how you feel. You basically betrayed the one that loved and trused you, yet you think about your own discomfort. 4 > what kind of emotional responses should I be giving? I want to be able to show her that I am remorseful, without becoming a wimpy puppy and lose her respect (even more) Now his part got me genuinely confused because i can't tell if you actually have remorse to your emotional pallete, and if you do, how come it got so twisted that you'd associate remorse with being wimpy. 5 >I want to gain confidence and improve our relationship through this struggle Confidence to what? Don't try to lessen the deed. This is not a struggle. A struggle is reserved for much less important events. You fucked up big time 6 > I don't want to lose her. Again, you care about your own disconfort. Greatest gem is in the tl;dr though So you cheated on your gf, lied to her on multiple occasions, yet the punchline is >**How can I handle this?** You got some good thoughts though, yet i'm inclined to believe you're just parroting what your girlfriend was asking/ telling you. If I were her, I wouldn not take my chance with you. Maybe you're good, maybe you're not (personally i strongly favor the latter). But **actually choosing** is a risk i would not take. Not worth it, life's too short.
There's many things that rub me the wrong way about this situation: edit: 0 >M messaged me saying we should get a drink. I wasn't able to Cause you were with your girlfriend. Honestly the more i read it the more i come to remember pre_empirical's conclusion >This sounds like a psychopath's apology. which links to this (missnightingale77) >This just seems false and like your SO is a redditor and you're trying to get her attention with this. you would have not come to this conclusion on your own. You pretty much had the missfortune to have a SO that's smart enough (intellectually and emotionally) to see through the bullshit you were putting up, however, were there some other girl, like 70% of the cases, you would not have been caught or challenged and you would have escalated. There's a very high chance you actually would have bedded the other girl. 2 >What can I do to move forward, show my SO that I recognize what I've done, and motivate her to put her trust back into me ? Nothing. You don't have the right to bend other people's mind. Nobody does. You just want to speed the process because it makes you feel unconfortable. Trust is earned, there's no cheat codes or power-ups. 3 > I never want to experience anything like the past two days ever again Again, external motivation. Also, your interest is focused first on yourself and how you feel. You basically betrayed the one that loved and trused you, yet you think about your own discomfort. 4 > what kind of emotional responses should I be giving? I want to be able to show her that I am remorseful, without becoming a wimpy puppy and lose her respect (even more) Now his part got me genuinely confused because i can't tell if you actually have remorse to your emotional pallete, and if you do, how come it got so twisted that you'd associate remorse with being wimpy. 5 >I want to gain confidence and improve our relationship through this struggle Confidence to what? Don't try to lessen the deed. This is not a struggle. A struggle is reserved for much less important events. You fucked up big time 6 > I don't want to lose her. Again, you care about your own disconfort. Greatest gem is in the tl;dr though So you cheated on your gf, lied to her on multiple occasions, yet the punchline is > How can I handle this? You got some good thoughts though, yet i'm inclined to believe you're just parroting what your girlfriend was asking/ telling you. If I were her, I wouldn not take my chance with you. Maybe you're good, maybe you're not (personally i strongly favor the latter). But actually choosing is a risk i would not take. Not worth it, life's too short.
There's many things that rub me the wrong way about this situation: edit: 0 >M messaged me saying we should get a drink. I wasn't able to Cause you were with your girlfriend. Honestly the more i read it the more i come to remember pre_empirical's conclusion >This sounds like a psychopath's apology. which links to this (missnightingale77) >This just seems false and like your SO is a redditor and you're trying to get her attention with this. you would have not come to this conclusion on your own. You pretty much had the missfortune to have a SO that's smart enough (intellectually and emotionally) to see through the bullshit you were putting up, however, were there some other girl, like 70% of the cases, you would not have been caught or challenged and you would have escalated. There's a very high chance you actually would have bedded the other girl. 2 >What can I do to move forward, show my SO that I recognize what I've done, and motivate her to put her trust back into me ? Nothing. You don't have the right to bend other people's mind. Nobody does. You just want to speed the process because it makes you feel unconfortable. Trust is earned, there's no cheat codes or power-ups. 3 > I never want to experience anything like the past two days ever again Again, external motivation. Also, your interest is focused first on yourself and how you feel. You basically betrayed the one that loved and trused you, yet you think about your own discomfort. 4 > what kind of emotional responses should I be giving? I want to be able to show her that I am remorseful, without becoming a wimpy puppy and lose her respect (even more) Now his part got me genuinely confused because i can't tell if you actually have remorse to your emotional pallete, and if you do, how come it got so twisted that you'd associate remorse with being wimpy. 5 >I want to gain confidence and improve our relationship through this struggle Confidence to what? Don't try to lessen the deed. This is not a struggle. A struggle is reserved for much less important events. You fucked up big time 6 > I don't want to lose her. Again, you care about your own disconfort. Greatest gem is in the
though So you cheated on your gf, lied to her on multiple occasions, yet the punchline is > How can I handle this? You got some good thoughts though, yet i'm inclined to believe you're just parroting what your girlfriend was asking/ telling you. If I were her, I wouldn not take my chance with you. Maybe you're good, maybe you're not (personally i strongly favor the latter). But actually choosing is a risk i would not take. Not worth it, life's too short.
Me (25) and my boyfriend decided to get the 5yr IUD and due to take it out in August. AHHHH! Well its been amazing! Best choice and would recommend it to any responsible couple. I haven't figured out if I want to get it replaced or what not. : / I'm not excited to possibly be going back to condoms. It's nice to not worry! TL/DR: IUD all the way!
Me (25) and my boyfriend decided to get the 5yr IUD and due to take it out in August. AHHHH! Well its been amazing! Best choice and would recommend it to any responsible couple. I haven't figured out if I want to get it replaced or what not. : / I'm not excited to possibly be going back to condoms. It's nice to not worry! TL/DR: IUD all the way!
Me (25) and my boyfriend decided to get the 5yr IUD and due to take it out in August. AHHHH! Well its been amazing! Best choice and would recommend it to any responsible couple. I haven't figured out if I want to get it replaced or what not. : / I'm not excited to possibly be going back to condoms. It's nice to not worry!
IUD all the way!
I'm literally in the same boat as you, though I didn't fail out initially I graduated 5yrs ago with a shitty GPA (cum. 2.5 as well). I went back to school for geo and have done substantially better (3.5 in Geo) but run into this dilemma all the time. I was advised to just put my major GPA and immediately bring up a potential conflict of information with GPA discrepancies at future interviews if it's even asked. Also on the topic of school...if you haven't already I suggest you get really close with a professor in the area you're interested in. Join geo clubs on your campus, be a preceptor if your school does that, work in someones lab....make your name known in the department then when the time comes let people know what you want and connections usually are made. Also from personal experience GPA will be flagged by HR. Upon graduation(first time around) I got a real job in the defense industry and apparently in explaining my GPA to one interviewer(had multiple interviews from different departments within this company) they misunderstood what I said and thought I was lying about my this day I have no idea how that convo. even happened, and later I find my manager didn't either, but after having a job offer made to me, within days I had it retracted till further notice and had to have a sit down with my future boss, the confused interviewer, and HR....needless to say it was a very tense time for me. In the end though the manager that did hire me did believe me since I told her the same thing I told the suspicious interviewer on the day of interviews....she actually told me she never gave a shit about my GPA she cared about my experience and attitude, she could work with that, GPA said nothing to her about my ability and willingness to do a job. TL;DR: GPA matters, connections are what count and do go much further,keep your story straight when talking about GPA.
I'm literally in the same boat as you, though I didn't fail out initially I graduated 5yrs ago with a shitty GPA (cum. 2.5 as well). I went back to school for geo and have done substantially better (3.5 in Geo) but run into this dilemma all the time. I was advised to just put my major GPA and immediately bring up a potential conflict of information with GPA discrepancies at future interviews if it's even asked. Also on the topic of school...if you haven't already I suggest you get really close with a professor in the area you're interested in. Join geo clubs on your campus, be a preceptor if your school does that, work in someones lab....make your name known in the department then when the time comes let people know what you want and connections usually are made. Also from personal experience GPA will be flagged by HR. Upon graduation(first time around) I got a real job in the defense industry and apparently in explaining my GPA to one interviewer(had multiple interviews from different departments within this company) they misunderstood what I said and thought I was lying about my this day I have no idea how that convo. even happened, and later I find my manager didn't either, but after having a job offer made to me, within days I had it retracted till further notice and had to have a sit down with my future boss, the confused interviewer, and HR....needless to say it was a very tense time for me. In the end though the manager that did hire me did believe me since I told her the same thing I told the suspicious interviewer on the day of interviews....she actually told me she never gave a shit about my GPA she cared about my experience and attitude, she could work with that, GPA said nothing to her about my ability and willingness to do a job. TL;DR: GPA matters, connections are what count and do go much further,keep your story straight when talking about GPA.
I'm literally in the same boat as you, though I didn't fail out initially I graduated 5yrs ago with a shitty GPA (cum. 2.5 as well). I went back to school for geo and have done substantially better (3.5 in Geo) but run into this dilemma all the time. I was advised to just put my major GPA and immediately bring up a potential conflict of information with GPA discrepancies at future interviews if it's even asked. Also on the topic of school...if you haven't already I suggest you get really close with a professor in the area you're interested in. Join geo clubs on your campus, be a preceptor if your school does that, work in someones lab....make your name known in the department then when the time comes let people know what you want and connections usually are made. Also from personal experience GPA will be flagged by HR. Upon graduation(first time around) I got a real job in the defense industry and apparently in explaining my GPA to one interviewer(had multiple interviews from different departments within this company) they misunderstood what I said and thought I was lying about my this day I have no idea how that convo. even happened, and later I find my manager didn't either, but after having a job offer made to me, within days I had it retracted till further notice and had to have a sit down with my future boss, the confused interviewer, and HR....needless to say it was a very tense time for me. In the end though the manager that did hire me did believe me since I told her the same thing I told the suspicious interviewer on the day of interviews....she actually told me she never gave a shit about my GPA she cared about my experience and attitude, she could work with that, GPA said nothing to her about my ability and willingness to do a job.
GPA matters, connections are what count and do go much further,keep your story straight when talking about GPA.
My belief is as follows: Either we have free will or we don't have free will. If we do not have free will and free will is just an illusion then we are just biological machines and everything was fated since the beginning of time. It is irrelevant what I choose or not choose to believe it since the time of birth, my biological DNA would have determined what I would be believing in. Or I can choose to believe I have free will. It is just a more palatable concept to me. The concept of free will is that we have something inside us that is outside our environment and genes and everything to independently decide on things. This 'free will' must by definition also be outside space and time. That is to say time cannot change it nor space (any environment) or otherwise it won't be free. For example, I am very different to the person I am when I was a child both physically and mentally because I age due to time. But I always consider 'me' to be the same person. Why? This concept of 'me' is what Hindus call the Atman or the soul which is the independent entity that is free from the bondage of cause and effect. If our soul is free from time and space, then it can never die and was never born. It is eternal. It is infinite since it is outside the boundary of time and space. There is no boundary to infinity. If my soul have no boundary and your soul have no boundary, it means there is no independent souls. The illusion is to believe that our souls are separate when our souls are like waves in the sea. There is only one and we are all part of this sea infinity aka God (impersonal God). The problem with Abrahamic religions, western philosophy and most Atheists is that they look outwards at the natural world to determine our place in the world. Eastern religion looks inwards to find the answer. Instead of looking out in the natural world to decides whether there is a God, I think it is more productive to look inwards and ask ourselves - 'who am I?' If you think deep enough, you will either get the conclusion that either you are nothing or you are God. I rather believe in the latter than the former. TLDR: I rather chose to believe that I am not an biological android and instead that I have 'free will' aka I have a soul aka God is in all of us.
My belief is as follows: Either we have free will or we don't have free will. If we do not have free will and free will is just an illusion then we are just biological machines and everything was fated since the beginning of time. It is irrelevant what I choose or not choose to believe it since the time of birth, my biological DNA would have determined what I would be believing in. Or I can choose to believe I have free will. It is just a more palatable concept to me. The concept of free will is that we have something inside us that is outside our environment and genes and everything to independently decide on things. This 'free will' must by definition also be outside space and time. That is to say time cannot change it nor space (any environment) or otherwise it won't be free. For example, I am very different to the person I am when I was a child both physically and mentally because I age due to time. But I always consider 'me' to be the same person. Why? This concept of 'me' is what Hindus call the Atman or the soul which is the independent entity that is free from the bondage of cause and effect. If our soul is free from time and space, then it can never die and was never born. It is eternal. It is infinite since it is outside the boundary of time and space. There is no boundary to infinity. If my soul have no boundary and your soul have no boundary, it means there is no independent souls. The illusion is to believe that our souls are separate when our souls are like waves in the sea. There is only one and we are all part of this sea infinity aka God (impersonal God). The problem with Abrahamic religions, western philosophy and most Atheists is that they look outwards at the natural world to determine our place in the world. Eastern religion looks inwards to find the answer. Instead of looking out in the natural world to decides whether there is a God, I think it is more productive to look inwards and ask ourselves - 'who am I?' If you think deep enough, you will either get the conclusion that either you are nothing or you are God. I rather believe in the latter than the former. TLDR: I rather chose to believe that I am not an biological android and instead that I have 'free will' aka I have a soul aka God is in all of us.
My belief is as follows: Either we have free will or we don't have free will. If we do not have free will and free will is just an illusion then we are just biological machines and everything was fated since the beginning of time. It is irrelevant what I choose or not choose to believe it since the time of birth, my biological DNA would have determined what I would be believing in. Or I can choose to believe I have free will. It is just a more palatable concept to me. The concept of free will is that we have something inside us that is outside our environment and genes and everything to independently decide on things. This 'free will' must by definition also be outside space and time. That is to say time cannot change it nor space (any environment) or otherwise it won't be free. For example, I am very different to the person I am when I was a child both physically and mentally because I age due to time. But I always consider 'me' to be the same person. Why? This concept of 'me' is what Hindus call the Atman or the soul which is the independent entity that is free from the bondage of cause and effect. If our soul is free from time and space, then it can never die and was never born. It is eternal. It is infinite since it is outside the boundary of time and space. There is no boundary to infinity. If my soul have no boundary and your soul have no boundary, it means there is no independent souls. The illusion is to believe that our souls are separate when our souls are like waves in the sea. There is only one and we are all part of this sea infinity aka God (impersonal God). The problem with Abrahamic religions, western philosophy and most Atheists is that they look outwards at the natural world to determine our place in the world. Eastern religion looks inwards to find the answer. Instead of looking out in the natural world to decides whether there is a God, I think it is more productive to look inwards and ask ourselves - 'who am I?' If you think deep enough, you will either get the conclusion that either you are nothing or you are God. I rather believe in the latter than the former.
I rather chose to believe that I am not an biological android and instead that I have 'free will' aka I have a soul aka God is in all of us.
Well first lets clear a few things up he said >"how low the margins were in this business (As low as 2.2%)." the main thing here is "as low as" which means they can go that low but dose not mean that is where his margins are, but also right after he said > "I took a look and while those margins may certainly not apply to this model" So what I take a way his part of what he is doing is trying to find a more profitable way to run a lawn care company. That is where the business model comes into play here. Most lawn care companies are not as efficient as [Lawn Tribe]( So by adding online booking and handling almost everything he most likely brought his margins up to around I would say 10% or around there. As for profit in other industries my maid company sees around a 25% profit. That being said this was my full time job from the start so I was able to mange heavily from the get go. tl;dr - he said "as low as" but I bet his profit is around 10% and my maid company sees around 25%.
Well first lets clear a few things up he said >"how low the margins were in this business (As low as 2.2%)." the main thing here is "as low as" which means they can go that low but dose not mean that is where his margins are, but also right after he said > "I took a look and while those margins may certainly not apply to this model" So what I take a way his part of what he is doing is trying to find a more profitable way to run a lawn care company. That is where the business model comes into play here. Most lawn care companies are not as efficient as [Lawn Tribe]( So by adding online booking and handling almost everything he most likely brought his margins up to around I would say 10% or around there. As for profit in other industries my maid company sees around a 25% profit. That being said this was my full time job from the start so I was able to mange heavily from the get go. tl;dr - he said "as low as" but I bet his profit is around 10% and my maid company sees around 25%.
Well first lets clear a few things up he said >"how low the margins were in this business (As low as 2.2%)." the main thing here is "as low as" which means they can go that low but dose not mean that is where his margins are, but also right after he said > "I took a look and while those margins may certainly not apply to this model" So what I take a way his part of what he is doing is trying to find a more profitable way to run a lawn care company. That is where the business model comes into play here. Most lawn care companies are not as efficient as [Lawn Tribe]( So by adding online booking and handling almost everything he most likely brought his margins up to around I would say 10% or around there. As for profit in other industries my maid company sees around a 25% profit. That being said this was my full time job from the start so I was able to mange heavily from the get go.
he said "as low as" but I bet his profit is around 10% and my maid company sees around 25%.
Not much happened after you left. We played some Wasted when the servers were overpopulated because of possible excessive amounts of premiums in Southern towns. When we did go on, we went to Whitehaven for food and Outcast kept saying through Skype, "Wana 1v1 b b?" So I 1v1ed him and sent the sand nigger premium back South. We then sold our last chain set and went to the University of _______ not too far from Portsmouth. Cereal then wanted a 1v1 w/ bows. In the middle of the 1v1, Darthaimbot and MeyersG kept jumping in front, trying to disrupt the fuck out of it for the lols. Cereal speed potted and ran so then I put an arrow in his head. **TL;DR:** Shit went down **EDIT:** Sorry for writing a book >.>
Not much happened after you left. We played some Wasted when the servers were overpopulated because of possible excessive amounts of premiums in Southern towns. When we did go on, we went to Whitehaven for food and Outcast kept saying through Skype, "Wana 1v1 b b?" So I 1v1ed him and sent the sand nigger premium back South. We then sold our last chain set and went to the University of ___ not too far from Portsmouth. Cereal then wanted a 1v1 w/ bows. In the middle of the 1v1, Darthaimbot and MeyersG kept jumping in front, trying to disrupt the fuck out of it for the lols. Cereal speed potted and ran so then I put an arrow in his head. TL;DR: Shit went down EDIT: Sorry for writing a book >.>
Not much happened after you left. We played some Wasted when the servers were overpopulated because of possible excessive amounts of premiums in Southern towns. When we did go on, we went to Whitehaven for food and Outcast kept saying through Skype, "Wana 1v1 b b?" So I 1v1ed him and sent the sand nigger premium back South. We then sold our last chain set and went to the University of ___ not too far from Portsmouth. Cereal then wanted a 1v1 w/ bows. In the middle of the 1v1, Darthaimbot and MeyersG kept jumping in front, trying to disrupt the fuck out of it for the lols. Cereal speed potted and ran so then I put an arrow in his head.
Shit went down EDIT: Sorry for writing a book >.>
PEX and PE are very different materials. The Home Depot employees near me know the difference between the two materials. It's never a hassle to ask for what you want. Getting the wrong thing is much more of a hassle. PEX is typically used for domestic water supply inside of buildings, where as PE is typically used for irrigation. PEX tubing is sold by Outside Diameter, in the same way that copper and PVC is sold. PE tubing is sold by Inside Diameter. 3/4" PEX and 3/4" PE will be different sizes, as their typical uses are different, and are measured in different ways. [PEX - Cross-linked polyethylene]( [PE - polyethylene]( Here are some useful comments about PEX, found at [Poly tubing vs Pex tubing]( PEX tubing may have the combination of flexibility, weight and bounce that you want. From my experiences, most hoops are made out of PE because of the low cost of materials and overall sturdiness under a variety of conditions. PEX can be difficult to work with, and is more brittle than PE. If you're looking for a light, fast and responsive hoop, look into polypropylene. It's super light and very strong (though, it does get brittle in the cold). Here are some options to investigate, all from your local Home Depot: * [3/4 in. x 100 ft. 80 PSI Poly Pipe]( - $18.16 for 100 feet * [3/4 in. x 3/4 in. coupler]( - $0.82 each If you make 9 hoops from the 100' roll, each hoop costs $2.84 plus tax and the tape you decorate with. * [3/4 in. x 100 ft. PEX Pipe]( - $48.69 for 100 feet * [3/4 in. Plastic Barb Coupling for PEX]( - $1.87 each If you make 9 hoops from the 100' roll, each hoop costs $7.28 plus tax and the tape you decorate with. **tl;dr** Polyethylene (PE) irrigation tubing is most commonly used for hula hoops. Most common is 3/4" - 80 to 100 P.S.I. black tubing.
PEX and PE are very different materials. The Home Depot employees near me know the difference between the two materials. It's never a hassle to ask for what you want. Getting the wrong thing is much more of a hassle. PEX is typically used for domestic water supply inside of buildings, where as PE is typically used for irrigation. PEX tubing is sold by Outside Diameter, in the same way that copper and PVC is sold. PE tubing is sold by Inside Diameter. 3/4" PEX and 3/4" PE will be different sizes, as their typical uses are different, and are measured in different ways. [PEX - Cross-linked polyethylene]( [PE - polyethylene]( Here are some useful comments about PEX, found at [Poly tubing vs Pex tubing]( PEX tubing may have the combination of flexibility, weight and bounce that you want. From my experiences, most hoops are made out of PE because of the low cost of materials and overall sturdiness under a variety of conditions. PEX can be difficult to work with, and is more brittle than PE. If you're looking for a light, fast and responsive hoop, look into polypropylene. It's super light and very strong (though, it does get brittle in the cold). Here are some options to investigate, all from your local Home Depot: [3/4 in. x 100 ft. 80 PSI Poly Pipe]( - $18.16 for 100 feet [3/4 in. x 3/4 in. coupler]( - $0.82 each If you make 9 hoops from the 100' roll, each hoop costs $2.84 plus tax and the tape you decorate with. [3/4 in. x 100 ft. PEX Pipe]( - $48.69 for 100 feet [3/4 in. Plastic Barb Coupling for PEX]( - $1.87 each If you make 9 hoops from the 100' roll, each hoop costs $7.28 plus tax and the tape you decorate with. tl;dr Polyethylene (PE) irrigation tubing is most commonly used for hula hoops. Most common is 3/4" - 80 to 100 P.S.I. black tubing.
PEX and PE are very different materials. The Home Depot employees near me know the difference between the two materials. It's never a hassle to ask for what you want. Getting the wrong thing is much more of a hassle. PEX is typically used for domestic water supply inside of buildings, where as PE is typically used for irrigation. PEX tubing is sold by Outside Diameter, in the same way that copper and PVC is sold. PE tubing is sold by Inside Diameter. 3/4" PEX and 3/4" PE will be different sizes, as their typical uses are different, and are measured in different ways. [PEX - Cross-linked polyethylene]( [PE - polyethylene]( Here are some useful comments about PEX, found at [Poly tubing vs Pex tubing]( PEX tubing may have the combination of flexibility, weight and bounce that you want. From my experiences, most hoops are made out of PE because of the low cost of materials and overall sturdiness under a variety of conditions. PEX can be difficult to work with, and is more brittle than PE. If you're looking for a light, fast and responsive hoop, look into polypropylene. It's super light and very strong (though, it does get brittle in the cold). Here are some options to investigate, all from your local Home Depot: [3/4 in. x 100 ft. 80 PSI Poly Pipe]( - $18.16 for 100 feet [3/4 in. x 3/4 in. coupler]( - $0.82 each If you make 9 hoops from the 100' roll, each hoop costs $2.84 plus tax and the tape you decorate with. [3/4 in. x 100 ft. PEX Pipe]( - $48.69 for 100 feet [3/4 in. Plastic Barb Coupling for PEX]( - $1.87 each If you make 9 hoops from the 100' roll, each hoop costs $7.28 plus tax and the tape you decorate with.
Polyethylene (PE) irrigation tubing is most commonly used for hula hoops. Most common is 3/4" - 80 to 100 P.S.I. black tubing.
A lot is in flux right now. - Mighty Mouse looks night unstoppable, as a hugely experienced fighter in a relatively new and extremely shallow division. Benavidez was his biggest threat and we know how well that went. - Renan Barao is going to hold that belt for a while. Faber definitely earned his shot, but even with his newfound skills learned from Bang Ludwig he doesn't quite much up with Barao. He's fast, but not as fast. He hits hard, but not as hard. He's great on the ground, but not as good. Barao has his number in every area and Faber's gonna come up short. I wouldn't even bet on a healthy Dominick Cruz that doesn't have glass for legs against Barao. - Jose Aldo has been talking about 155, which means he may abdicate the belt. Nobody at featherweight is really a credible threat to him. Aldo will chop anyone who stands in front of him down like Jean Claude van Damme kicking the palm tree in Kickboxer. If BJ Penn was eight years younger and still had his heart in the game, I'd see him as a credible threat. But this is MMA, not fucking Doctor Who. - We don't even HAVE a welterweight champion right now. GSP on hiatus has just made it the most volatile decision in the UFC. Hendricks will most likely wrestle Lawler to a decision and then we'll most likely see Hendricks/Condit II. Other than that, who knows. - Chris Weidman just beat the best fighter of all time twice in a row. He has a strong claim to title dominance, but he has to get past the cybernetic lifeform formerly known as Vitor Belfort first. I'd favor Weidman if forced to pick, but Belfort is on a tear now that he's mostly made of titanium and testosterone. With Machida and Jacare in the fray, nothing is guaranteed. And there's always the chance that Francis Carmont loses every fight he's in and still wins the title via unanimous decision. - Jon Jones will move to heavyweight sometime in the near future and abdicate the 205 strap if nobody beats him. That's a certainty and he's spoken of his desire to move up. 205 has also gone from the marquee division to the weakest in the promotion. Since Rampage lost the title to Griffin, the strap changed hands almost monthly until Jones wrapped his wings around it. Once Jones moves up a weight class, I'm pretty sure things will revert to a similar level of volatility. - Cain Velasquez looks absolutely unstoppable at the moment. "One punch KO" chances aside, Cain's ability to both thump and to truck anyone foolish enough to make it a wrestling contest make him an absolute juggernaut. Yes, JDS knocked him out, but he was unable to repeat that feat in his next two attempts. The rest of heavyweight is light year behind those two, and absolutely nobody has the combined speed, technical prowess and propensity for sheer violence that Velasquez possesses. Despite my jokes about New Vitor, either Velasquez may actually be an android, or the spirit of Fedor passed into the body of a young Mexican man. He is truly terrifying and maybe Jon Jones is the only other man who has a chance of stopping him. tl;dr - I have no fucking idea.
A lot is in flux right now. Mighty Mouse looks night unstoppable, as a hugely experienced fighter in a relatively new and extremely shallow division. Benavidez was his biggest threat and we know how well that went. Renan Barao is going to hold that belt for a while. Faber definitely earned his shot, but even with his newfound skills learned from Bang Ludwig he doesn't quite much up with Barao. He's fast, but not as fast. He hits hard, but not as hard. He's great on the ground, but not as good. Barao has his number in every area and Faber's gonna come up short. I wouldn't even bet on a healthy Dominick Cruz that doesn't have glass for legs against Barao. Jose Aldo has been talking about 155, which means he may abdicate the belt. Nobody at featherweight is really a credible threat to him. Aldo will chop anyone who stands in front of him down like Jean Claude van Damme kicking the palm tree in Kickboxer. If BJ Penn was eight years younger and still had his heart in the game, I'd see him as a credible threat. But this is MMA, not fucking Doctor Who. We don't even HAVE a welterweight champion right now. GSP on hiatus has just made it the most volatile decision in the UFC. Hendricks will most likely wrestle Lawler to a decision and then we'll most likely see Hendricks/Condit II. Other than that, who knows. Chris Weidman just beat the best fighter of all time twice in a row. He has a strong claim to title dominance, but he has to get past the cybernetic lifeform formerly known as Vitor Belfort first. I'd favor Weidman if forced to pick, but Belfort is on a tear now that he's mostly made of titanium and testosterone. With Machida and Jacare in the fray, nothing is guaranteed. And there's always the chance that Francis Carmont loses every fight he's in and still wins the title via unanimous decision. Jon Jones will move to heavyweight sometime in the near future and abdicate the 205 strap if nobody beats him. That's a certainty and he's spoken of his desire to move up. 205 has also gone from the marquee division to the weakest in the promotion. Since Rampage lost the title to Griffin, the strap changed hands almost monthly until Jones wrapped his wings around it. Once Jones moves up a weight class, I'm pretty sure things will revert to a similar level of volatility. Cain Velasquez looks absolutely unstoppable at the moment. "One punch KO" chances aside, Cain's ability to both thump and to truck anyone foolish enough to make it a wrestling contest make him an absolute juggernaut. Yes, JDS knocked him out, but he was unable to repeat that feat in his next two attempts. The rest of heavyweight is light year behind those two, and absolutely nobody has the combined speed, technical prowess and propensity for sheer violence that Velasquez possesses. Despite my jokes about New Vitor, either Velasquez may actually be an android, or the spirit of Fedor passed into the body of a young Mexican man. He is truly terrifying and maybe Jon Jones is the only other man who has a chance of stopping him. tl;dr - I have no fucking idea.
A lot is in flux right now. Mighty Mouse looks night unstoppable, as a hugely experienced fighter in a relatively new and extremely shallow division. Benavidez was his biggest threat and we know how well that went. Renan Barao is going to hold that belt for a while. Faber definitely earned his shot, but even with his newfound skills learned from Bang Ludwig he doesn't quite much up with Barao. He's fast, but not as fast. He hits hard, but not as hard. He's great on the ground, but not as good. Barao has his number in every area and Faber's gonna come up short. I wouldn't even bet on a healthy Dominick Cruz that doesn't have glass for legs against Barao. Jose Aldo has been talking about 155, which means he may abdicate the belt. Nobody at featherweight is really a credible threat to him. Aldo will chop anyone who stands in front of him down like Jean Claude van Damme kicking the palm tree in Kickboxer. If BJ Penn was eight years younger and still had his heart in the game, I'd see him as a credible threat. But this is MMA, not fucking Doctor Who. We don't even HAVE a welterweight champion right now. GSP on hiatus has just made it the most volatile decision in the UFC. Hendricks will most likely wrestle Lawler to a decision and then we'll most likely see Hendricks/Condit II. Other than that, who knows. Chris Weidman just beat the best fighter of all time twice in a row. He has a strong claim to title dominance, but he has to get past the cybernetic lifeform formerly known as Vitor Belfort first. I'd favor Weidman if forced to pick, but Belfort is on a tear now that he's mostly made of titanium and testosterone. With Machida and Jacare in the fray, nothing is guaranteed. And there's always the chance that Francis Carmont loses every fight he's in and still wins the title via unanimous decision. Jon Jones will move to heavyweight sometime in the near future and abdicate the 205 strap if nobody beats him. That's a certainty and he's spoken of his desire to move up. 205 has also gone from the marquee division to the weakest in the promotion. Since Rampage lost the title to Griffin, the strap changed hands almost monthly until Jones wrapped his wings around it. Once Jones moves up a weight class, I'm pretty sure things will revert to a similar level of volatility. Cain Velasquez looks absolutely unstoppable at the moment. "One punch KO" chances aside, Cain's ability to both thump and to truck anyone foolish enough to make it a wrestling contest make him an absolute juggernaut. Yes, JDS knocked him out, but he was unable to repeat that feat in his next two attempts. The rest of heavyweight is light year behind those two, and absolutely nobody has the combined speed, technical prowess and propensity for sheer violence that Velasquez possesses. Despite my jokes about New Vitor, either Velasquez may actually be an android, or the spirit of Fedor passed into the body of a young Mexican man. He is truly terrifying and maybe Jon Jones is the only other man who has a chance of stopping him.
I have no fucking idea.
Complete tech-newb here. I saw this and my first face was a blank stare. Could someone TL;DR this for me? I'm struggling to understand.
Complete tech-newb here. I saw this and my first face was a blank stare. Could someone TL;DR this for me? I'm struggling to understand.
Complete tech-newb here. I saw this and my first face was a blank stare. Could someone
this for me? I'm struggling to understand.
A few days ago, literally. I went with friends, and then we went to one of the friend's house. One left to charge his phone or something and fell asleep on the bunch near the house, one other friend fell asleep on a chair, and me and the dude that lives in the house played a bit on his phone and then we pretty much fell asleep on the couch. The thing is, I couldn't fall asleep, and I couldn't leave because everyone was sleeping and I had to lock the door. Then the friend that fell asleep on the chair went to the host's room and slept there. Then I tried falling asleep again and still couldn't (mainly because we were both poking legs at each other because we were sleeping on a couch). Eventually I fell asleep and woke up as the host went to his room and I stayed all alone on a couch I don't even know. Also, his family was in the house, so after falling asleep and waking up again, I decided to go to the room where they (the friends) were sleeping, thinking I didn't want to be found by his parents, sleeping on their couch. I then spent like 2 or more hours sitting on a wooden chair while they were sleeping on a comfy bed. I really wanted to leave but simply couldn't. What makes it even more awkward is that I probably wasn't supposed to fall asleep there and they just wanted to have their own sleepover. tl;dr I fell asleep on a friend's couch with the friend, slept like 2 hours in the most uncomfy position possible, when I probably wasn't even supposed to be there. We were all a little bit tipsy too so I felt like utter shit during the entire night.
A few days ago, literally. I went with friends, and then we went to one of the friend's house. One left to charge his phone or something and fell asleep on the bunch near the house, one other friend fell asleep on a chair, and me and the dude that lives in the house played a bit on his phone and then we pretty much fell asleep on the couch. The thing is, I couldn't fall asleep, and I couldn't leave because everyone was sleeping and I had to lock the door. Then the friend that fell asleep on the chair went to the host's room and slept there. Then I tried falling asleep again and still couldn't (mainly because we were both poking legs at each other because we were sleeping on a couch). Eventually I fell asleep and woke up as the host went to his room and I stayed all alone on a couch I don't even know. Also, his family was in the house, so after falling asleep and waking up again, I decided to go to the room where they (the friends) were sleeping, thinking I didn't want to be found by his parents, sleeping on their couch. I then spent like 2 or more hours sitting on a wooden chair while they were sleeping on a comfy bed. I really wanted to leave but simply couldn't. What makes it even more awkward is that I probably wasn't supposed to fall asleep there and they just wanted to have their own sleepover. tl;dr I fell asleep on a friend's couch with the friend, slept like 2 hours in the most uncomfy position possible, when I probably wasn't even supposed to be there. We were all a little bit tipsy too so I felt like utter shit during the entire night.
A few days ago, literally. I went with friends, and then we went to one of the friend's house. One left to charge his phone or something and fell asleep on the bunch near the house, one other friend fell asleep on a chair, and me and the dude that lives in the house played a bit on his phone and then we pretty much fell asleep on the couch. The thing is, I couldn't fall asleep, and I couldn't leave because everyone was sleeping and I had to lock the door. Then the friend that fell asleep on the chair went to the host's room and slept there. Then I tried falling asleep again and still couldn't (mainly because we were both poking legs at each other because we were sleeping on a couch). Eventually I fell asleep and woke up as the host went to his room and I stayed all alone on a couch I don't even know. Also, his family was in the house, so after falling asleep and waking up again, I decided to go to the room where they (the friends) were sleeping, thinking I didn't want to be found by his parents, sleeping on their couch. I then spent like 2 or more hours sitting on a wooden chair while they were sleeping on a comfy bed. I really wanted to leave but simply couldn't. What makes it even more awkward is that I probably wasn't supposed to fall asleep there and they just wanted to have their own sleepover.
I fell asleep on a friend's couch with the friend, slept like 2 hours in the most uncomfy position possible, when I probably wasn't even supposed to be there. We were all a little bit tipsy too so I felt like utter shit during the entire night.
Here's a gaggle of reviews on various cameras by riders They go into a lot of detail - and even have head to heads of various cameras recording the same action. the TL;DR - GoPro3 is their current fave.
Here's a gaggle of reviews on various cameras by riders They go into a lot of detail - and even have head to heads of various cameras recording the same action. the TL;DR - GoPro3 is their current fave.
Here's a gaggle of reviews on various cameras by riders They go into a lot of detail - and even have head to heads of various cameras recording the same action. the
GoPro3 is their current fave.
Well, it's hard to give any sort of advice when we don't really know what sort of content is in your epilogues and prologues. As a general rule, they are not chapters. If you could change "Prologue" to "Chapter One", you should. A prologue or epilogue is short, has an indifferent chronological order, could have a different main character, and tells a story that isn't in line with, but is necessary/related to the main story and lends to the final climax. If your epilogues are "Next Week, on Blossom" types of things, and you're grouping all of your weeks together as one final product, then they are completely unnecessary. And by no means should you include a prologue at the end of a section. That doesn't make any sense at all. You could go the "part 1, part 2, part 3" route (grouping the sets of weeks that stand alone in each part). In that case, drop all prologues and epilogues that aren't directly necessary to the plot and keep them with their respective week groups to avoid confusion in your readers. You won't need any other separation than that. This guy lays it out more clearly than I can in a reddit comment. **tl;dr** Keep it simple. Cut what can be cut. Avoid confusion and redundancy.
Well, it's hard to give any sort of advice when we don't really know what sort of content is in your epilogues and prologues. As a general rule, they are not chapters. If you could change "Prologue" to "Chapter One", you should. A prologue or epilogue is short, has an indifferent chronological order, could have a different main character, and tells a story that isn't in line with, but is necessary/related to the main story and lends to the final climax. If your epilogues are "Next Week, on Blossom" types of things, and you're grouping all of your weeks together as one final product, then they are completely unnecessary. And by no means should you include a prologue at the end of a section. That doesn't make any sense at all. You could go the "part 1, part 2, part 3" route (grouping the sets of weeks that stand alone in each part). In that case, drop all prologues and epilogues that aren't directly necessary to the plot and keep them with their respective week groups to avoid confusion in your readers. You won't need any other separation than that. This guy lays it out more clearly than I can in a reddit comment. tl;dr Keep it simple. Cut what can be cut. Avoid confusion and redundancy.
Well, it's hard to give any sort of advice when we don't really know what sort of content is in your epilogues and prologues. As a general rule, they are not chapters. If you could change "Prologue" to "Chapter One", you should. A prologue or epilogue is short, has an indifferent chronological order, could have a different main character, and tells a story that isn't in line with, but is necessary/related to the main story and lends to the final climax. If your epilogues are "Next Week, on Blossom" types of things, and you're grouping all of your weeks together as one final product, then they are completely unnecessary. And by no means should you include a prologue at the end of a section. That doesn't make any sense at all. You could go the "part 1, part 2, part 3" route (grouping the sets of weeks that stand alone in each part). In that case, drop all prologues and epilogues that aren't directly necessary to the plot and keep them with their respective week groups to avoid confusion in your readers. You won't need any other separation than that. This guy lays it out more clearly than I can in a reddit comment.
Keep it simple. Cut what can be cut. Avoid confusion and redundancy.
I don't want to discourage people from performing CPR on somebody, but please know what your country / US State's Good Samaritan law is. In some cases you may be held liable if you fuck up so bad that it's considered gross negligence. One important thing to note is that if you start giving somebody aid, DON'T STOP UNTIL THE EMT ARRIVES, unless it becomes unsafe. Also note that the laws may change for you if you're already trained in CPR or are some sort of medical personnel. Of course, in those cases you should already know this as part of your training. However, you can't be held accountable (at least in the US) for not rendering aid. This applies even if you're trained in CPR, but *not* if you're an EMT, etc. There are also some nasty shit you can get infected with from random people you find on the side of the road, although if I remember right, only if you come into contact with their blood. Personally, I don't think I would perform CPR on somebody with blood around their mouth unless I had a face shield (which I don't carry around) or they're some sort of family and I'm reasonably sure they don't have hepatitis or worse. Also, something rarely talked about in videos like this (not that I would want it to, in this case) but bodies are gross. In most cases you will see some shit (figuratively, and literally) that will haunt you. You will get puked on. You will hear bones breaking. There will also likely be shit, blood, and piss involved. I think these videos do a disservice to people by not mentioning it. I imagine it's because they want people to not be afraid and to attempt to help... but I think most people that aren't expecting it may stop, get freaked out, think they're doing it wrong, etc. I prefer knowing what to expect. TL;DR: You could potentially get sued for performing CPR in some rare circumstances. Expect puke. Laws by US State: Source: Trained in CPR, and this was covered by the Red Cross about how my state handles such things.
I don't want to discourage people from performing CPR on somebody, but please know what your country / US State's Good Samaritan law is. In some cases you may be held liable if you fuck up so bad that it's considered gross negligence. One important thing to note is that if you start giving somebody aid, DON'T STOP UNTIL THE EMT ARRIVES, unless it becomes unsafe. Also note that the laws may change for you if you're already trained in CPR or are some sort of medical personnel. Of course, in those cases you should already know this as part of your training. However, you can't be held accountable (at least in the US) for not rendering aid. This applies even if you're trained in CPR, but not if you're an EMT, etc. There are also some nasty shit you can get infected with from random people you find on the side of the road, although if I remember right, only if you come into contact with their blood. Personally, I don't think I would perform CPR on somebody with blood around their mouth unless I had a face shield (which I don't carry around) or they're some sort of family and I'm reasonably sure they don't have hepatitis or worse. Also, something rarely talked about in videos like this (not that I would want it to, in this case) but bodies are gross. In most cases you will see some shit (figuratively, and literally) that will haunt you. You will get puked on. You will hear bones breaking. There will also likely be shit, blood, and piss involved. I think these videos do a disservice to people by not mentioning it. I imagine it's because they want people to not be afraid and to attempt to help... but I think most people that aren't expecting it may stop, get freaked out, think they're doing it wrong, etc. I prefer knowing what to expect. TL;DR: You could potentially get sued for performing CPR in some rare circumstances. Expect puke. Laws by US State: Source: Trained in CPR, and this was covered by the Red Cross about how my state handles such things.
I don't want to discourage people from performing CPR on somebody, but please know what your country / US State's Good Samaritan law is. In some cases you may be held liable if you fuck up so bad that it's considered gross negligence. One important thing to note is that if you start giving somebody aid, DON'T STOP UNTIL THE EMT ARRIVES, unless it becomes unsafe. Also note that the laws may change for you if you're already trained in CPR or are some sort of medical personnel. Of course, in those cases you should already know this as part of your training. However, you can't be held accountable (at least in the US) for not rendering aid. This applies even if you're trained in CPR, but not if you're an EMT, etc. There are also some nasty shit you can get infected with from random people you find on the side of the road, although if I remember right, only if you come into contact with their blood. Personally, I don't think I would perform CPR on somebody with blood around their mouth unless I had a face shield (which I don't carry around) or they're some sort of family and I'm reasonably sure they don't have hepatitis or worse. Also, something rarely talked about in videos like this (not that I would want it to, in this case) but bodies are gross. In most cases you will see some shit (figuratively, and literally) that will haunt you. You will get puked on. You will hear bones breaking. There will also likely be shit, blood, and piss involved. I think these videos do a disservice to people by not mentioning it. I imagine it's because they want people to not be afraid and to attempt to help... but I think most people that aren't expecting it may stop, get freaked out, think they're doing it wrong, etc. I prefer knowing what to expect.
You could potentially get sued for performing CPR in some rare circumstances. Expect puke. Laws by US State: Source: Trained in CPR, and this was covered by the Red Cross about how my state handles such things.
> “I’d like to stay here but if I ever decide to leave I’d rather go to Germany; their economy is stronger and they are not as racist as in England.” Germany being described as "not as racist as (...) England", oh how this brings joy to my old heart! *wipes tear from eyes* But jokes aside, fact is that German media did an equal share of "OMG, the bad people are coming! Run for your ~~lives~~ lovely suburban neighbourhoods!" Funnily enough, while UK media was all going on about "All the Romanians are coming and they want to take our benefits and our jerbs!" it always came across as against the country and people as a whole. German media on the other side usually said something like "Armutszuwanderung" which probably translates to "poverty migration" and they always said "*from* Romania and Bulgaria". This together with the stories about the "Roma house" in Duisburg made it clear to everyone that they only meant Gypsies. But because we do have a bit of a black spot in history when it comes to Gypsies as well, German media can't say that directly. Still, everyone even in Romania apparently got the message. And since they don't like Gypsies either, they could relate to the sentiment. TL;DR: German (media at least) were just as racist as the UK media but they didn't target "normal" Romanians
> “I’d like to stay here but if I ever decide to leave I’d rather go to Germany; their economy is stronger and they are not as racist as in England.” Germany being described as "not as racist as (...) England", oh how this brings joy to my old heart! wipes tear from eyes But jokes aside, fact is that German media did an equal share of "OMG, the bad people are coming! Run for your lives lovely suburban neighbourhoods!" Funnily enough, while UK media was all going on about "All the Romanians are coming and they want to take our benefits and our jerbs!" it always came across as against the country and people as a whole. German media on the other side usually said something like "Armutszuwanderung" which probably translates to "poverty migration" and they always said " from Romania and Bulgaria". This together with the stories about the "Roma house" in Duisburg made it clear to everyone that they only meant Gypsies. But because we do have a bit of a black spot in history when it comes to Gypsies as well, German media can't say that directly. Still, everyone even in Romania apparently got the message. And since they don't like Gypsies either, they could relate to the sentiment. TL;DR: German (media at least) were just as racist as the UK media but they didn't target "normal" Romanians
I’d like to stay here but if I ever decide to leave I’d rather go to Germany; their economy is stronger and they are not as racist as in England.” Germany being described as "not as racist as (...) England", oh how this brings joy to my old heart! wipes tear from eyes But jokes aside, fact is that German media did an equal share of "OMG, the bad people are coming! Run for your lives lovely suburban neighbourhoods!" Funnily enough, while UK media was all going on about "All the Romanians are coming and they want to take our benefits and our jerbs!" it always came across as against the country and people as a whole. German media on the other side usually said something like "Armutszuwanderung" which probably translates to "poverty migration" and they always said " from Romania and Bulgaria". This together with the stories about the "Roma house" in Duisburg made it clear to everyone that they only meant Gypsies. But because we do have a bit of a black spot in history when it comes to Gypsies as well, German media can't say that directly. Still, everyone even in Romania apparently got the message. And since they don't like Gypsies either, they could relate to the sentiment.
German (media at least) were just as racist as the UK media but they didn't target "normal" Romanians
That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that. I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana. Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind. Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash. Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected. So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Katanas: (One-Handed Exotic Weapon) 1d12 Damage 19-20 x4 Crit +2 to hit and damage Counts as Masterwork (Two-Handed Exotic Weapon) 2d10 Damage 17-20 x4 Crit +5 to hit and damage Counts as Masterwork Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Katanas in real life, don't you think? tl;dr = Katanas need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.
That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that. I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana. Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind. Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash. Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected. So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Katanas: (One-Handed Exotic Weapon) 1d12 Damage 19-20 x4 Crit +2 to hit and damage Counts as Masterwork (Two-Handed Exotic Weapon) 2d10 Damage 17-20 x4 Crit +5 to hit and damage Counts as Masterwork Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Katanas in real life, don't you think? tl;dr = Katanas need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.
That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that. I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana. Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind. Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash. Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected. So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Katanas: (One-Handed Exotic Weapon) 1d12 Damage 19-20 x4 Crit +2 to hit and damage Counts as Masterwork (Two-Handed Exotic Weapon) 2d10 Damage 17-20 x4 Crit +5 to hit and damage Counts as Masterwork Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Katanas in real life, don't you think?
Katanas need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.
Upon moving to Yorkshire I was posed the question "do you want scraps". My answer was a confused "uh, yea I'll take anything that's going" not having a clue what I'd accepted. They are truly the things of the gods. TL;DR apparently they're Scraps
Upon moving to Yorkshire I was posed the question "do you want scraps". My answer was a confused "uh, yea I'll take anything that's going" not having a clue what I'd accepted. They are truly the things of the gods. TL;DR apparently they're Scraps
Upon moving to Yorkshire I was posed the question "do you want scraps". My answer was a confused "uh, yea I'll take anything that's going" not having a clue what I'd accepted. They are truly the things of the gods.
apparently they're Scraps
Yes, I read the book. Having lived in Singapore (okay, for a short period of time), I think the author more or less captured the... um... feeling/culture/life of Singapore. Not that I hung out with people who came from money/new money/old money, but the author demonstrated this constant desire to constantly keep up appearances, this desire to show off more wealth than you might actually have, the perceived notion that you are in this happy life when you're really not, a desire to run away from it all and dgaf but have a lot of trouble to while you can, this idea that someone is always tracking your steps, watching your every move, judging you every moment even before you get a chance to speak, and this ridiculous idea that you are in some system and therefore must follow the path before. There was always SOMEONE, anyone that maybe mattered, that just needed to one up you and make you feel like your worthless. I'm not saying that all Singaporeans like that (or anyone else, since the book does cover different types of backgrounds). I just remember a lot of fake attitudes and fake people and this fake niceness that people put up, and immediately stab you in the back. It hurt. You fought back. You played dirty. So did they. For what? To make other people feel worse because you had something they didn't have. Did it make you feel better at the end of the day? I don't think I had slept any better or any worse than before. The energy spent on trying to dig up dirt on other people (I mean, SERIOUSLY, look at all the crap the protagonist (Nick?)'s mother spent on finding shit on her son's girlfriend) turned out to be... well, damaging to all parties. Overall, I enjoyed the book. To me, it was like, throwback! of some of my finer points in life. However, it also reminded me of this constant struggle I had to deal with, masking myself from others in fear of letting other people finding out who I truly was, and I think that this is a struggle that a lot of people deal with. This book gives readers insight to Singaporean culture- a crossroads of heavy heavy traditional Chinese/British/other cultures' influence and the idea that tradition should be carried on, despite the desire and need to be more up to date with fashion, technology, glamour, etc. than the next person. I don't doubt that this idea of one-upping people only exists in Singapore, but I think they are the example to give if I wanted to talk about people with a constant facade around them. TL;DR: Yes, read it, mostly accurate. sorry for the word vomit.
Yes, I read the book. Having lived in Singapore (okay, for a short period of time), I think the author more or less captured the... um... feeling/culture/life of Singapore. Not that I hung out with people who came from money/new money/old money, but the author demonstrated this constant desire to constantly keep up appearances, this desire to show off more wealth than you might actually have, the perceived notion that you are in this happy life when you're really not, a desire to run away from it all and dgaf but have a lot of trouble to while you can, this idea that someone is always tracking your steps, watching your every move, judging you every moment even before you get a chance to speak, and this ridiculous idea that you are in some system and therefore must follow the path before. There was always SOMEONE, anyone that maybe mattered, that just needed to one up you and make you feel like your worthless. I'm not saying that all Singaporeans like that (or anyone else, since the book does cover different types of backgrounds). I just remember a lot of fake attitudes and fake people and this fake niceness that people put up, and immediately stab you in the back. It hurt. You fought back. You played dirty. So did they. For what? To make other people feel worse because you had something they didn't have. Did it make you feel better at the end of the day? I don't think I had slept any better or any worse than before. The energy spent on trying to dig up dirt on other people (I mean, SERIOUSLY, look at all the crap the protagonist (Nick?)'s mother spent on finding shit on her son's girlfriend) turned out to be... well, damaging to all parties. Overall, I enjoyed the book. To me, it was like, throwback! of some of my finer points in life. However, it also reminded me of this constant struggle I had to deal with, masking myself from others in fear of letting other people finding out who I truly was, and I think that this is a struggle that a lot of people deal with. This book gives readers insight to Singaporean culture- a crossroads of heavy heavy traditional Chinese/British/other cultures' influence and the idea that tradition should be carried on, despite the desire and need to be more up to date with fashion, technology, glamour, etc. than the next person. I don't doubt that this idea of one-upping people only exists in Singapore, but I think they are the example to give if I wanted to talk about people with a constant facade around them. TL;DR: Yes, read it, mostly accurate. sorry for the word vomit.
Yes, I read the book. Having lived in Singapore (okay, for a short period of time), I think the author more or less captured the... um... feeling/culture/life of Singapore. Not that I hung out with people who came from money/new money/old money, but the author demonstrated this constant desire to constantly keep up appearances, this desire to show off more wealth than you might actually have, the perceived notion that you are in this happy life when you're really not, a desire to run away from it all and dgaf but have a lot of trouble to while you can, this idea that someone is always tracking your steps, watching your every move, judging you every moment even before you get a chance to speak, and this ridiculous idea that you are in some system and therefore must follow the path before. There was always SOMEONE, anyone that maybe mattered, that just needed to one up you and make you feel like your worthless. I'm not saying that all Singaporeans like that (or anyone else, since the book does cover different types of backgrounds). I just remember a lot of fake attitudes and fake people and this fake niceness that people put up, and immediately stab you in the back. It hurt. You fought back. You played dirty. So did they. For what? To make other people feel worse because you had something they didn't have. Did it make you feel better at the end of the day? I don't think I had slept any better or any worse than before. The energy spent on trying to dig up dirt on other people (I mean, SERIOUSLY, look at all the crap the protagonist (Nick?)'s mother spent on finding shit on her son's girlfriend) turned out to be... well, damaging to all parties. Overall, I enjoyed the book. To me, it was like, throwback! of some of my finer points in life. However, it also reminded me of this constant struggle I had to deal with, masking myself from others in fear of letting other people finding out who I truly was, and I think that this is a struggle that a lot of people deal with. This book gives readers insight to Singaporean culture- a crossroads of heavy heavy traditional Chinese/British/other cultures' influence and the idea that tradition should be carried on, despite the desire and need to be more up to date with fashion, technology, glamour, etc. than the next person. I don't doubt that this idea of one-upping people only exists in Singapore, but I think they are the example to give if I wanted to talk about people with a constant facade around them.
Yes, read it, mostly accurate. sorry for the word vomit.
I hate to say "yes" because I hate the idea of playing the victim, but, to some extent, I think that I'm an example of this kind of thing, yes. Long story short: I grew up quite poor (like, utilities-getting-cut-off poor, old-jewelry-getting-pawned-off-to-pay-rent poor, moving-20-times-because-unpaid-rent poor...). My parents were very well-intentioned and good people, but uneducated immigrants who never got the hang of the American dream work-wise and money-wise, and never really made it. I went to a really awful through middle school but was a really good student, started early and got bumped up a year, got a scholarship to a private high school (ages 13-16), then university (started at 16, graduated at 19), and was basically doing extremely well all along. So, the derail happened by around the time I was finishing college at 19... I had basically wanted to go into academia for years (was planning on neuropsychology), but felt the first thing I had to do after school was go back home and get employed ASAP so my father would no longer be a 65-year-old dishwasher at a diner. I went back to our shitty town to waitress so he could stop working (couldn't possibly afford to move us out of there), and in the meantime looked for some kind of job nearby relevant to my academic interests. I *thought* I'd found something perfect, a position as a research assistant at a university that would basically segue to academia... buuuut, after calling me back for a THIRD time and seemingly being keen on me, they lost interest as soon as they found out I didn't have a car/couldn't drive (we never did as a family until I managed to save up enough for that a few years later). So I finally took a generic liberal-arts-grad office job that I still have now some years later, and am supporting my parents now as well as myself. We're not "poor" by any reasonable definition at the moment, but I think that when I was younger, I didn't realize that something like getting into academia really didn't rely just on raw talent but also life circumstances. Even something as simple as never having had a car (I finally got that office job by expertly evading the question at the interview, and they were none-too-happy when they found out the truth, even though I was 100% as reliable as any other person, car-owner or not). TL;DR -- Grew up poor, supporting family, various things got in the way of attempting to get into academia.
I hate to say "yes" because I hate the idea of playing the victim, but, to some extent, I think that I'm an example of this kind of thing, yes. Long story short: I grew up quite poor (like, utilities-getting-cut-off poor, old-jewelry-getting-pawned-off-to-pay-rent poor, moving-20-times-because-unpaid-rent poor...). My parents were very well-intentioned and good people, but uneducated immigrants who never got the hang of the American dream work-wise and money-wise, and never really made it. I went to a really awful through middle school but was a really good student, started early and got bumped up a year, got a scholarship to a private high school (ages 13-16), then university (started at 16, graduated at 19), and was basically doing extremely well all along. So, the derail happened by around the time I was finishing college at 19... I had basically wanted to go into academia for years (was planning on neuropsychology), but felt the first thing I had to do after school was go back home and get employed ASAP so my father would no longer be a 65-year-old dishwasher at a diner. I went back to our shitty town to waitress so he could stop working (couldn't possibly afford to move us out of there), and in the meantime looked for some kind of job nearby relevant to my academic interests. I thought I'd found something perfect, a position as a research assistant at a university that would basically segue to academia... buuuut, after calling me back for a THIRD time and seemingly being keen on me, they lost interest as soon as they found out I didn't have a car/couldn't drive (we never did as a family until I managed to save up enough for that a few years later). So I finally took a generic liberal-arts-grad office job that I still have now some years later, and am supporting my parents now as well as myself. We're not "poor" by any reasonable definition at the moment, but I think that when I was younger, I didn't realize that something like getting into academia really didn't rely just on raw talent but also life circumstances. Even something as simple as never having had a car (I finally got that office job by expertly evading the question at the interview, and they were none-too-happy when they found out the truth, even though I was 100% as reliable as any other person, car-owner or not). TL;DR -- Grew up poor, supporting family, various things got in the way of attempting to get into academia.
I hate to say "yes" because I hate the idea of playing the victim, but, to some extent, I think that I'm an example of this kind of thing, yes. Long story short: I grew up quite poor (like, utilities-getting-cut-off poor, old-jewelry-getting-pawned-off-to-pay-rent poor, moving-20-times-because-unpaid-rent poor...). My parents were very well-intentioned and good people, but uneducated immigrants who never got the hang of the American dream work-wise and money-wise, and never really made it. I went to a really awful through middle school but was a really good student, started early and got bumped up a year, got a scholarship to a private high school (ages 13-16), then university (started at 16, graduated at 19), and was basically doing extremely well all along. So, the derail happened by around the time I was finishing college at 19... I had basically wanted to go into academia for years (was planning on neuropsychology), but felt the first thing I had to do after school was go back home and get employed ASAP so my father would no longer be a 65-year-old dishwasher at a diner. I went back to our shitty town to waitress so he could stop working (couldn't possibly afford to move us out of there), and in the meantime looked for some kind of job nearby relevant to my academic interests. I thought I'd found something perfect, a position as a research assistant at a university that would basically segue to academia... buuuut, after calling me back for a THIRD time and seemingly being keen on me, they lost interest as soon as they found out I didn't have a car/couldn't drive (we never did as a family until I managed to save up enough for that a few years later). So I finally took a generic liberal-arts-grad office job that I still have now some years later, and am supporting my parents now as well as myself. We're not "poor" by any reasonable definition at the moment, but I think that when I was younger, I didn't realize that something like getting into academia really didn't rely just on raw talent but also life circumstances. Even something as simple as never having had a car (I finally got that office job by expertly evading the question at the interview, and they were none-too-happy when they found out the truth, even though I was 100% as reliable as any other person, car-owner or not).
Grew up poor, supporting family, various things got in the way of attempting to get into academia.
Accounts like the one you provide with the Marian scapular are common tales of reward for devotion to Mary (not in the worship sense). There is another account of a king who was saved from constantly prayed the rosary. One day the king fell into sickness and was about to die. He had a vision one night of the heavenly court, about to sentence him to damnation for his sins. Just before judgment was passed, Mary steeped in and held up the King's right hand (note the king always had the rosary at hand on his right side) and said, "Because of your devotion you will be given a new chance to repent ( do not know exact quote. Hopefully someone can spot this story and provide it. )" The King woke up with a start. He recovered from his illness overt the next few weeks, and for the rest of his life he would devote himself to our Lord, Christ, with special gratitude for his mother. ~~He was from then on seen with a rosary around his neck~~ (This part did not happen). TL; DR there are several accounts depicting Mary's intercession in our lives. The account in the OP was a Sony that wearing that scapular granted a powerful indulgence if worn sincerely. Note: this account of the king did in fact happen, though I forgot the King's name and the quote he heard from Mary. If anyone can expand on this please help. Thank you for reading.
Accounts like the one you provide with the Marian scapular are common tales of reward for devotion to Mary (not in the worship sense). There is another account of a king who was saved from constantly prayed the rosary. One day the king fell into sickness and was about to die. He had a vision one night of the heavenly court, about to sentence him to damnation for his sins. Just before judgment was passed, Mary steeped in and held up the King's right hand (note the king always had the rosary at hand on his right side) and said, "Because of your devotion you will be given a new chance to repent ( do not know exact quote. Hopefully someone can spot this story and provide it. )" The King woke up with a start. He recovered from his illness overt the next few weeks, and for the rest of his life he would devote himself to our Lord, Christ, with special gratitude for his mother. He was from then on seen with a rosary around his neck (This part did not happen). TL; DR there are several accounts depicting Mary's intercession in our lives. The account in the OP was a Sony that wearing that scapular granted a powerful indulgence if worn sincerely. Note: this account of the king did in fact happen, though I forgot the King's name and the quote he heard from Mary. If anyone can expand on this please help. Thank you for reading.
Accounts like the one you provide with the Marian scapular are common tales of reward for devotion to Mary (not in the worship sense). There is another account of a king who was saved from constantly prayed the rosary. One day the king fell into sickness and was about to die. He had a vision one night of the heavenly court, about to sentence him to damnation for his sins. Just before judgment was passed, Mary steeped in and held up the King's right hand (note the king always had the rosary at hand on his right side) and said, "Because of your devotion you will be given a new chance to repent ( do not know exact quote. Hopefully someone can spot this story and provide it. )" The King woke up with a start. He recovered from his illness overt the next few weeks, and for the rest of his life he would devote himself to our Lord, Christ, with special gratitude for his mother. He was from then on seen with a rosary around his neck (This part did not happen).
there are several accounts depicting Mary's intercession in our lives. The account in the OP was a Sony that wearing that scapular granted a powerful indulgence if worn sincerely. Note: this account of the king did in fact happen, though I forgot the King's name and the quote he heard from Mary. If anyone can expand on this please help. Thank you for reading.
What do you want to hear? That if you do a few things, your mom will see reason? That's not the case. What you can do, however, is make your own life better despite the situation. We all are dealt cards we wished we weren't, but it's what we do with that hand that makes the difference. You obviously disapprove of your mother's choices. That's fine. But how can you make this better? * Do you play sports or an instrument? No? Then start. Start training for cross country, swimming, cycling, volleyball, whatever. Find an extracurricular to be involved with. This will build a healthier life for you overall. * Do you volunteer anywhere? No? Then start. ASPCA, a local crisis center, a homeless shelter, whatever. Tutor elementary school kids. Get in the community. This will help put your problems in perspective and give you better tools in coping. * How do you earn an income? You're 15, so do you babysit? Rake leaves? Shovel drive ways? Pick up groceries for your elderly neighbors? Walk dogs? Do something, and start saving as much as you can to learn who to budget and save, so you'll be ready when you're 18. Doing all of these things, on top of making good grades, is how you will overcome this. This will allow you to find scholarships for college, go away to school, and develop healthy relationships. And immediately, it will get you out of the house, help you become independent, and help you keep your mind of what's bothering you. Part of being mature is allowing other people to make mistakes. As we age, we see people doing things we disagree with for a lot of different reasons, but we learn we can only control ourselves. Take this opportunity to figure out how you can make the best of a bad situation. TL:DR - find a way to keep busy and take your mind off things
What do you want to hear? That if you do a few things, your mom will see reason? That's not the case. What you can do, however, is make your own life better despite the situation. We all are dealt cards we wished we weren't, but it's what we do with that hand that makes the difference. You obviously disapprove of your mother's choices. That's fine. But how can you make this better? Do you play sports or an instrument? No? Then start. Start training for cross country, swimming, cycling, volleyball, whatever. Find an extracurricular to be involved with. This will build a healthier life for you overall. Do you volunteer anywhere? No? Then start. ASPCA, a local crisis center, a homeless shelter, whatever. Tutor elementary school kids. Get in the community. This will help put your problems in perspective and give you better tools in coping. How do you earn an income? You're 15, so do you babysit? Rake leaves? Shovel drive ways? Pick up groceries for your elderly neighbors? Walk dogs? Do something, and start saving as much as you can to learn who to budget and save, so you'll be ready when you're 18. Doing all of these things, on top of making good grades, is how you will overcome this. This will allow you to find scholarships for college, go away to school, and develop healthy relationships. And immediately, it will get you out of the house, help you become independent, and help you keep your mind of what's bothering you. Part of being mature is allowing other people to make mistakes. As we age, we see people doing things we disagree with for a lot of different reasons, but we learn we can only control ourselves. Take this opportunity to figure out how you can make the best of a bad situation. TL:DR - find a way to keep busy and take your mind off things
What do you want to hear? That if you do a few things, your mom will see reason? That's not the case. What you can do, however, is make your own life better despite the situation. We all are dealt cards we wished we weren't, but it's what we do with that hand that makes the difference. You obviously disapprove of your mother's choices. That's fine. But how can you make this better? Do you play sports or an instrument? No? Then start. Start training for cross country, swimming, cycling, volleyball, whatever. Find an extracurricular to be involved with. This will build a healthier life for you overall. Do you volunteer anywhere? No? Then start. ASPCA, a local crisis center, a homeless shelter, whatever. Tutor elementary school kids. Get in the community. This will help put your problems in perspective and give you better tools in coping. How do you earn an income? You're 15, so do you babysit? Rake leaves? Shovel drive ways? Pick up groceries for your elderly neighbors? Walk dogs? Do something, and start saving as much as you can to learn who to budget and save, so you'll be ready when you're 18. Doing all of these things, on top of making good grades, is how you will overcome this. This will allow you to find scholarships for college, go away to school, and develop healthy relationships. And immediately, it will get you out of the house, help you become independent, and help you keep your mind of what's bothering you. Part of being mature is allowing other people to make mistakes. As we age, we see people doing things we disagree with for a lot of different reasons, but we learn we can only control ourselves. Take this opportunity to figure out how you can make the best of a bad situation.
find a way to keep busy and take your mind off things
What you are observing is colonization by single-cellular organisms. YOu gotta ask yourself, whats more important: hittin' the crunk juice, or drinking unspoiled tea product. Would you drink the same product with milk left on the counter for two days? The likelyhood of pathogenic bacterial growth is low. The pathogenic bacteria will amost certainly kill you. tldr: it will colonize the empty spaces in your brain and you will die of meningitis. You'll be fine.
What you are observing is colonization by single-cellular organisms. YOu gotta ask yourself, whats more important: hittin' the crunk juice, or drinking unspoiled tea product. Would you drink the same product with milk left on the counter for two days? The likelyhood of pathogenic bacterial growth is low. The pathogenic bacteria will amost certainly kill you. tldr: it will colonize the empty spaces in your brain and you will die of meningitis. You'll be fine.
What you are observing is colonization by single-cellular organisms. YOu gotta ask yourself, whats more important: hittin' the crunk juice, or drinking unspoiled tea product. Would you drink the same product with milk left on the counter for two days? The likelyhood of pathogenic bacterial growth is low. The pathogenic bacteria will amost certainly kill you.
it will colonize the empty spaces in your brain and you will die of meningitis. You'll be fine.
Please allow me to put this through the Canadian army translator: In the Canadian Armed Forces a soldier wearing Huggs would have a doctors note from the base medical clinic allowing them to wear said footwear. Said doctors note is pulled out from the breast pocket of the malingering individual as he is about to receive counseling/yelled at/smoked, while displaying a typical smug attitude. This leads to a general spike in people's blood pressure. TL;DR: wearing non issued footwear can be allowed and this displeases us when a member takes advantage of said policy by wearing outlandish footwear.
Please allow me to put this through the Canadian army translator: In the Canadian Armed Forces a soldier wearing Huggs would have a doctors note from the base medical clinic allowing them to wear said footwear. Said doctors note is pulled out from the breast pocket of the malingering individual as he is about to receive counseling/yelled at/smoked, while displaying a typical smug attitude. This leads to a general spike in people's blood pressure. TL;DR: wearing non issued footwear can be allowed and this displeases us when a member takes advantage of said policy by wearing outlandish footwear.
Please allow me to put this through the Canadian army translator: In the Canadian Armed Forces a soldier wearing Huggs would have a doctors note from the base medical clinic allowing them to wear said footwear. Said doctors note is pulled out from the breast pocket of the malingering individual as he is about to receive counseling/yelled at/smoked, while displaying a typical smug attitude. This leads to a general spike in people's blood pressure.
wearing non issued footwear can be allowed and this displeases us when a member takes advantage of said policy by wearing outlandish footwear.
Story : I spawned in elektro docks. Chanced upon an axe. Running around for loot when i hear a silenced shot ricochet off the house i am looting. Quickly bolt like a rabbit and hide. Bandit aggroed a walker apparently and was turning around to shoot it. Not wanting to waste a bullet he switched to his fireaxe and chopped the walker down , but not before he started to bleed. I was watching all this from the house , and sensing weakness i blitzed towards him having nothing worth losing on me. He panicked and switched to his m4 and in the time it took the equip animation, he was hacked and killed by me. I tool all his stuff and was surprised by the amount he had. Now i am omw north to see what the game has in store for me . TLDR : Escaped a bandit shooting at me when he was bandaging himself and rushed him to give an axe of kindness. sweet sweet loot
Story : I spawned in elektro docks. Chanced upon an axe. Running around for loot when i hear a silenced shot ricochet off the house i am looting. Quickly bolt like a rabbit and hide. Bandit aggroed a walker apparently and was turning around to shoot it. Not wanting to waste a bullet he switched to his fireaxe and chopped the walker down , but not before he started to bleed. I was watching all this from the house , and sensing weakness i blitzed towards him having nothing worth losing on me. He panicked and switched to his m4 and in the time it took the equip animation, he was hacked and killed by me. I tool all his stuff and was surprised by the amount he had. Now i am omw north to see what the game has in store for me . TLDR : Escaped a bandit shooting at me when he was bandaging himself and rushed him to give an axe of kindness. sweet sweet loot
Story : I spawned in elektro docks. Chanced upon an axe. Running around for loot when i hear a silenced shot ricochet off the house i am looting. Quickly bolt like a rabbit and hide. Bandit aggroed a walker apparently and was turning around to shoot it. Not wanting to waste a bullet he switched to his fireaxe and chopped the walker down , but not before he started to bleed. I was watching all this from the house , and sensing weakness i blitzed towards him having nothing worth losing on me. He panicked and switched to his m4 and in the time it took the equip animation, he was hacked and killed by me. I tool all his stuff and was surprised by the amount he had. Now i am omw north to see what the game has in store for me .
Escaped a bandit shooting at me when he was bandaging himself and rushed him to give an axe of kindness. sweet sweet loot
My gut reaction was heck no, but I looked online a little and it seems like there is something to this -- as mentioned elsewhere it really depends on what you add, but check out these (not scholarly) articles: * * The tl;dr version is that popcorn can be good as an additional vegetable so long as it is not loaded with salt/butter (oil) but like anything else there needs to be a variety of veggies.
My gut reaction was heck no, but I looked online a little and it seems like there is something to this -- as mentioned elsewhere it really depends on what you add, but check out these (not scholarly) articles: The tl;dr version is that popcorn can be good as an additional vegetable so long as it is not loaded with salt/butter (oil) but like anything else there needs to be a variety of veggies.
My gut reaction was heck no, but I looked online a little and it seems like there is something to this -- as mentioned elsewhere it really depends on what you add, but check out these (not scholarly) articles: The
version is that popcorn can be good as an additional vegetable so long as it is not loaded with salt/butter (oil) but like anything else there needs to be a variety of veggies.
Kind of ironic but I still think drones should stay. This overly dramatic bullshit on how drones will end the world is just silly. Only difference is where the pilot of a the drone is. Will it make the world safer? Doubtful. But will it keep people out of harm's way. Will collateral damage happen where people still die like the wedding everyone keeps going on about. Probably, but since when is that different from any other sort of airstrike? I mean if that had happened with a guy in a plane the result would still be the same. TL:DR this nonsense about the end of the world from drones needs to stop.
Kind of ironic but I still think drones should stay. This overly dramatic bullshit on how drones will end the world is just silly. Only difference is where the pilot of a the drone is. Will it make the world safer? Doubtful. But will it keep people out of harm's way. Will collateral damage happen where people still die like the wedding everyone keeps going on about. Probably, but since when is that different from any other sort of airstrike? I mean if that had happened with a guy in a plane the result would still be the same. TL:DR this nonsense about the end of the world from drones needs to stop.
Kind of ironic but I still think drones should stay. This overly dramatic bullshit on how drones will end the world is just silly. Only difference is where the pilot of a the drone is. Will it make the world safer? Doubtful. But will it keep people out of harm's way. Will collateral damage happen where people still die like the wedding everyone keeps going on about. Probably, but since when is that different from any other sort of airstrike? I mean if that had happened with a guy in a plane the result would still be the same.
this nonsense about the end of the world from drones needs to stop.
For me, it's the attention that the development team has given to even the most minute of details. I could, if I want, pick out a random person on the street. That person's life is now COMPLETELY fleshed out before my eyes. Bank records, credit card statements, personal and work emails, text messages, browsing history. All of that is available to peruse at my leisure. I remember thinking to myself, "Okay, but how many people am I going to get through before I see recycled content?" And then they went through like TWENTY FUCKING PEOPLE and not one thing was the same. I'll link the video if I can find it. Tl;dr - voyeurism is fun ಠ_ಠ
For me, it's the attention that the development team has given to even the most minute of details. I could, if I want, pick out a random person on the street. That person's life is now COMPLETELY fleshed out before my eyes. Bank records, credit card statements, personal and work emails, text messages, browsing history. All of that is available to peruse at my leisure. I remember thinking to myself, "Okay, but how many people am I going to get through before I see recycled content?" And then they went through like TWENTY FUCKING PEOPLE and not one thing was the same. I'll link the video if I can find it. Tl;dr - voyeurism is fun ಠ_ಠ
For me, it's the attention that the development team has given to even the most minute of details. I could, if I want, pick out a random person on the street. That person's life is now COMPLETELY fleshed out before my eyes. Bank records, credit card statements, personal and work emails, text messages, browsing history. All of that is available to peruse at my leisure. I remember thinking to myself, "Okay, but how many people am I going to get through before I see recycled content?" And then they went through like TWENTY FUCKING PEOPLE and not one thing was the same. I'll link the video if I can find it.
voyeurism is fun ಠ_ಠ
It's best not to think strictly in terms of highest DPS - each role has pros and cons. SMN and MNK are superb single target damage, but are somewhat more complicated to play. DRG has great single target as well but has better AoE damage than MNK. Monks aren't terribly common (despite how much loot drops for them in CT), but those I know that play them like them. tl;dr - if you're looking to fill DPS roles, monks are the most sparse of the classes (as well as summoners)
It's best not to think strictly in terms of highest DPS - each role has pros and cons. SMN and MNK are superb single target damage, but are somewhat more complicated to play. DRG has great single target as well but has better AoE damage than MNK. Monks aren't terribly common (despite how much loot drops for them in CT), but those I know that play them like them. tl;dr - if you're looking to fill DPS roles, monks are the most sparse of the classes (as well as summoners)
It's best not to think strictly in terms of highest DPS - each role has pros and cons. SMN and MNK are superb single target damage, but are somewhat more complicated to play. DRG has great single target as well but has better AoE damage than MNK. Monks aren't terribly common (despite how much loot drops for them in CT), but those I know that play them like them.
if you're looking to fill DPS roles, monks are the most sparse of the classes (as well as summoners)
Thank you! I was going to say the same thing. My neighbor 2 doors down was the "crazy Cat Guy" who would feed strays who would, in turn, hang out on our street and piss on everything. My next-door neighbor bought one of these and started trapping them and taking them to the local shelter. In 2 months one summer she caught 36 cats. On day she caught one late afternoon after the shelter had closed, and asked me to put the trap in her garage (she was elderly couldn't lift them - normally her son would come by in the morning and help her take them) because she had heard from another neighbor that her next-door neighbor (Crazy Cat Dude) would let them out of the trap if he saw one in there during the day while she was away. So she wanted it in the garage so he could not let it out before she took it to the shelter. Well, he saw this and called the cops, telling them she had put the cat in the trunk of her car. Cops asked to see, she obliged, and they promptly turned around and arrested HIM for making a false police report! Upon entering his house the called the Humane Society or ASPCA or whatever, and they came in and removed ANOTHER 3 DOZEN cats from INSIDE the house. The cop said the place reeked so bad he almost vomited, and that he had stomached corpses that smelled better. Not too long after the guy was evicted, and the owner had to tear out all the drywall and replace it. TL;DR: FUCK FERAL CATS!
Thank you! I was going to say the same thing. My neighbor 2 doors down was the "crazy Cat Guy" who would feed strays who would, in turn, hang out on our street and piss on everything. My next-door neighbor bought one of these and started trapping them and taking them to the local shelter. In 2 months one summer she caught 36 cats. On day she caught one late afternoon after the shelter had closed, and asked me to put the trap in her garage (she was elderly couldn't lift them - normally her son would come by in the morning and help her take them) because she had heard from another neighbor that her next-door neighbor (Crazy Cat Dude) would let them out of the trap if he saw one in there during the day while she was away. So she wanted it in the garage so he could not let it out before she took it to the shelter. Well, he saw this and called the cops, telling them she had put the cat in the trunk of her car. Cops asked to see, she obliged, and they promptly turned around and arrested HIM for making a false police report! Upon entering his house the called the Humane Society or ASPCA or whatever, and they came in and removed ANOTHER 3 DOZEN cats from INSIDE the house. The cop said the place reeked so bad he almost vomited, and that he had stomached corpses that smelled better. Not too long after the guy was evicted, and the owner had to tear out all the drywall and replace it. TL;DR: FUCK FERAL CATS!
Thank you! I was going to say the same thing. My neighbor 2 doors down was the "crazy Cat Guy" who would feed strays who would, in turn, hang out on our street and piss on everything. My next-door neighbor bought one of these and started trapping them and taking them to the local shelter. In 2 months one summer she caught 36 cats. On day she caught one late afternoon after the shelter had closed, and asked me to put the trap in her garage (she was elderly couldn't lift them - normally her son would come by in the morning and help her take them) because she had heard from another neighbor that her next-door neighbor (Crazy Cat Dude) would let them out of the trap if he saw one in there during the day while she was away. So she wanted it in the garage so he could not let it out before she took it to the shelter. Well, he saw this and called the cops, telling them she had put the cat in the trunk of her car. Cops asked to see, she obliged, and they promptly turned around and arrested HIM for making a false police report! Upon entering his house the called the Humane Society or ASPCA or whatever, and they came in and removed ANOTHER 3 DOZEN cats from INSIDE the house. The cop said the place reeked so bad he almost vomited, and that he had stomached corpses that smelled better. Not too long after the guy was evicted, and the owner had to tear out all the drywall and replace it.
I see it growing. And I see it being accessible and fun. I'm always tickled pink when I see someone tip in dogecoin then I see (wow so verify) from the bot. It's the fun community coin. TL;DR to the moon!
I see it growing. And I see it being accessible and fun. I'm always tickled pink when I see someone tip in dogecoin then I see (wow so verify) from the bot. It's the fun community coin. TL;DR to the moon!
I see it growing. And I see it being accessible and fun. I'm always tickled pink when I see someone tip in dogecoin then I see (wow so verify) from the bot. It's the fun community coin.
to the moon!
yeah but if we do this the NFC West team now has Larry Fitzgerald, Zac Stacy, Andre Roberts, Tavon Austin... Not to mention the DPOY Quinn, Patrick Peterson, Cortland Finnegan, Brockers, Laurinaitis, Chris Long, Calais Campbell, Dansby, The Honey Badger, Dockett, Alec Ogletree... I dont know enough to judge the Oline Just for kicks i'll add the Bengals and the Colts to round out the "Conference of the AFC division winners" and it straight fucks on offense and defense. TL/DR if you group an entire conference together the team would be #unreal
yeah but if we do this the NFC West team now has Larry Fitzgerald, Zac Stacy, Andre Roberts, Tavon Austin... Not to mention the DPOY Quinn, Patrick Peterson, Cortland Finnegan, Brockers, Laurinaitis, Chris Long, Calais Campbell, Dansby, The Honey Badger, Dockett, Alec Ogletree... I dont know enough to judge the Oline Just for kicks i'll add the Bengals and the Colts to round out the "Conference of the AFC division winners" and it straight fucks on offense and defense. TL/DR if you group an entire conference together the team would be #unreal
yeah but if we do this the NFC West team now has Larry Fitzgerald, Zac Stacy, Andre Roberts, Tavon Austin... Not to mention the DPOY Quinn, Patrick Peterson, Cortland Finnegan, Brockers, Laurinaitis, Chris Long, Calais Campbell, Dansby, The Honey Badger, Dockett, Alec Ogletree... I dont know enough to judge the Oline Just for kicks i'll add the Bengals and the Colts to round out the "Conference of the AFC division winners" and it straight fucks on offense and defense.
if you group an entire conference together the team would be #unreal
I agree. I don't think it will be so much whose defense can stop who, but who can stop who more. I think that the NFC couldn't keep up. The NFC world beating defense won't be able to match up on every down. The AFC secondary easily matches up against the WR/TE of the NFC so now you have a combination of Wilfork (do you seriously not remember how he eats up blockers like a double quarter pounder) Big Vickerson and Knighton. I don't care who is running or blocking you'd be asking 3 guys to block men who are very hard to block 1v1 with Jones Phillips and Wolfe on the outside. That's just our front 4. And there's no way you will get to the edge with Miller who is in a world of his own and Woodyard who is incredibly fast to set the edge. I just think with no passing game the AFC has a better shot to shut down the run game. It's all about the front 7 going against a run heavy team against the NFC front seven which would be INCREDIBLE but we wouldn't need to run and they wouldn't be able to get to PFM or TFB for a sack with the fastest releases in the game. Regardless this Jana really fun debate and 10/10 would watch. TLDR; NFC offense will be stopped more than the AFC offense.
I agree. I don't think it will be so much whose defense can stop who, but who can stop who more. I think that the NFC couldn't keep up. The NFC world beating defense won't be able to match up on every down. The AFC secondary easily matches up against the WR/TE of the NFC so now you have a combination of Wilfork (do you seriously not remember how he eats up blockers like a double quarter pounder) Big Vickerson and Knighton. I don't care who is running or blocking you'd be asking 3 guys to block men who are very hard to block 1v1 with Jones Phillips and Wolfe on the outside. That's just our front 4. And there's no way you will get to the edge with Miller who is in a world of his own and Woodyard who is incredibly fast to set the edge. I just think with no passing game the AFC has a better shot to shut down the run game. It's all about the front 7 going against a run heavy team against the NFC front seven which would be INCREDIBLE but we wouldn't need to run and they wouldn't be able to get to PFM or TFB for a sack with the fastest releases in the game. Regardless this Jana really fun debate and 10/10 would watch. TLDR; NFC offense will be stopped more than the AFC offense.
I agree. I don't think it will be so much whose defense can stop who, but who can stop who more. I think that the NFC couldn't keep up. The NFC world beating defense won't be able to match up on every down. The AFC secondary easily matches up against the WR/TE of the NFC so now you have a combination of Wilfork (do you seriously not remember how he eats up blockers like a double quarter pounder) Big Vickerson and Knighton. I don't care who is running or blocking you'd be asking 3 guys to block men who are very hard to block 1v1 with Jones Phillips and Wolfe on the outside. That's just our front 4. And there's no way you will get to the edge with Miller who is in a world of his own and Woodyard who is incredibly fast to set the edge. I just think with no passing game the AFC has a better shot to shut down the run game. It's all about the front 7 going against a run heavy team against the NFC front seven which would be INCREDIBLE but we wouldn't need to run and they wouldn't be able to get to PFM or TFB for a sack with the fastest releases in the game. Regardless this Jana really fun debate and 10/10 would watch.
NFC offense will be stopped more than the AFC offense.
Thanks for the reply. I completely agree with you. The game isn't wrong, my expectations are wrong. Is it a great driving simulator. Yes. It does simulate how a particular car would drive in real life, that's the point isn't it? My issue is that the game does implement racing but it does it very badly. If the game was set up in simply doing time trials or have Events like "coffee break" then your point does stand 100%. The problem comes when Poly added race-like features without a better AI integration and a more realistic racing mode such as qualifying (gt3 had this, just not perfected) or what Forza is doing which is having the AI learn from human online racing. Again, you and other people that have responded are right. It's about simulating driving. It's the "simulating racing" aspect of it that needs a lot of work. Let's face it, GT wants to be a racing simulator if not it wouldn't have a dude swinging a checkered flag at the end of each race. I'm sure kaz and his team are working on it, but for now the racing in GT is as much a game as driving is a simulation. TLDR: GT does as it advertises, it's a great DRIVING SIMULATOR. GT wants to, but still isn't, a great RACING SIMULATOR.
Thanks for the reply. I completely agree with you. The game isn't wrong, my expectations are wrong. Is it a great driving simulator. Yes. It does simulate how a particular car would drive in real life, that's the point isn't it? My issue is that the game does implement racing but it does it very badly. If the game was set up in simply doing time trials or have Events like "coffee break" then your point does stand 100%. The problem comes when Poly added race-like features without a better AI integration and a more realistic racing mode such as qualifying (gt3 had this, just not perfected) or what Forza is doing which is having the AI learn from human online racing. Again, you and other people that have responded are right. It's about simulating driving. It's the "simulating racing" aspect of it that needs a lot of work. Let's face it, GT wants to be a racing simulator if not it wouldn't have a dude swinging a checkered flag at the end of each race. I'm sure kaz and his team are working on it, but for now the racing in GT is as much a game as driving is a simulation. TLDR: GT does as it advertises, it's a great DRIVING SIMULATOR. GT wants to, but still isn't, a great RACING SIMULATOR.
Thanks for the reply. I completely agree with you. The game isn't wrong, my expectations are wrong. Is it a great driving simulator. Yes. It does simulate how a particular car would drive in real life, that's the point isn't it? My issue is that the game does implement racing but it does it very badly. If the game was set up in simply doing time trials or have Events like "coffee break" then your point does stand 100%. The problem comes when Poly added race-like features without a better AI integration and a more realistic racing mode such as qualifying (gt3 had this, just not perfected) or what Forza is doing which is having the AI learn from human online racing. Again, you and other people that have responded are right. It's about simulating driving. It's the "simulating racing" aspect of it that needs a lot of work. Let's face it, GT wants to be a racing simulator if not it wouldn't have a dude swinging a checkered flag at the end of each race. I'm sure kaz and his team are working on it, but for now the racing in GT is as much a game as driving is a simulation.
GT does as it advertises, it's a great DRIVING SIMULATOR. GT wants to, but still isn't, a great RACING SIMULATOR.
Previously I have worked in call centre's and hated it. All your time is micro managed, granted some centre's more than others. Most likely you will have an average call time, expected calls per hour, schedule adherence etc. These stats will rule your world. Not feeling well and call in sick? You most likely will need a doctors note. Go to the bathroom too often outside of your scheduled lunch and breaks, get a doctors note. After a while it feels like a gulag. Your are expected to feed customers a crock of shit, whether you believe what you are saying or not. Also there is a good chance there will be a sales component where you have to try and get people to sign up for credit cards or other promotions. Good luck with that. Lastly there are the irrational, angry people who are yelling at you like you own the company. They cannot yell at anyone else, probably have been on hold for hours and know their call is futile. However you have to remain calm, polite and take it. Some people dont mind this. If you dont, then it may be the job for you. BTW Getting a sweet shift like 7-3 just out of training? Highly unlikely, it will be 3-6 months of shitty shifts (nights) until you can prove you are ready. Plus call volumes are higher in the evenings when people get home from work and have all the time in the world to take out their frustrations of the day on that voice at the end of the line. TLDR: Micro-managed, gulag atmosphere.
Previously I have worked in call centre's and hated it. All your time is micro managed, granted some centre's more than others. Most likely you will have an average call time, expected calls per hour, schedule adherence etc. These stats will rule your world. Not feeling well and call in sick? You most likely will need a doctors note. Go to the bathroom too often outside of your scheduled lunch and breaks, get a doctors note. After a while it feels like a gulag. Your are expected to feed customers a crock of shit, whether you believe what you are saying or not. Also there is a good chance there will be a sales component where you have to try and get people to sign up for credit cards or other promotions. Good luck with that. Lastly there are the irrational, angry people who are yelling at you like you own the company. They cannot yell at anyone else, probably have been on hold for hours and know their call is futile. However you have to remain calm, polite and take it. Some people dont mind this. If you dont, then it may be the job for you. BTW Getting a sweet shift like 7-3 just out of training? Highly unlikely, it will be 3-6 months of shitty shifts (nights) until you can prove you are ready. Plus call volumes are higher in the evenings when people get home from work and have all the time in the world to take out their frustrations of the day on that voice at the end of the line. TLDR: Micro-managed, gulag atmosphere.
Previously I have worked in call centre's and hated it. All your time is micro managed, granted some centre's more than others. Most likely you will have an average call time, expected calls per hour, schedule adherence etc. These stats will rule your world. Not feeling well and call in sick? You most likely will need a doctors note. Go to the bathroom too often outside of your scheduled lunch and breaks, get a doctors note. After a while it feels like a gulag. Your are expected to feed customers a crock of shit, whether you believe what you are saying or not. Also there is a good chance there will be a sales component where you have to try and get people to sign up for credit cards or other promotions. Good luck with that. Lastly there are the irrational, angry people who are yelling at you like you own the company. They cannot yell at anyone else, probably have been on hold for hours and know their call is futile. However you have to remain calm, polite and take it. Some people dont mind this. If you dont, then it may be the job for you. BTW Getting a sweet shift like 7-3 just out of training? Highly unlikely, it will be 3-6 months of shitty shifts (nights) until you can prove you are ready. Plus call volumes are higher in the evenings when people get home from work and have all the time in the world to take out their frustrations of the day on that voice at the end of the line.
Micro-managed, gulag atmosphere.
Do you identify as a girl? Do you like stuff? Do you identify as a girl geek? Cool, that's what you are! High five! Why don't people just accept the labels other people have for themselves? It's literally no issue at all to me to call someone something they want to be called. If you call yourself a geek girl and we don't share the same interests, it doesn't change for one second what you are. TL;DR people are silly.
Do you identify as a girl? Do you like stuff? Do you identify as a girl geek? Cool, that's what you are! High five! Why don't people just accept the labels other people have for themselves? It's literally no issue at all to me to call someone something they want to be called. If you call yourself a geek girl and we don't share the same interests, it doesn't change for one second what you are. TL;DR people are silly.
Do you identify as a girl? Do you like stuff? Do you identify as a girl geek? Cool, that's what you are! High five! Why don't people just accept the labels other people have for themselves? It's literally no issue at all to me to call someone something they want to be called. If you call yourself a geek girl and we don't share the same interests, it doesn't change for one second what you are.
people are silly.
I don't know anything about "people" so I'll respond with my own view. My personal response to the current state is to build an early Ninja Tabis and/or a giants belt in order to increase dueling power. I find this really successful but not to the point in showing that adcs are in line with the relative power of other roles. From what I have tried, there are no longer many adcs that can rely on their kit's innate damage sources in order to have substantial output against the currently picked supertanks(who should be less popular now after the tank item nerfs). Those who do also happen to have great damage scaling and has the option of simply stacking more damage. This is important to take note of because the lack of innate damage, which the current tanks and assassins have in spades, are a huge reason why adcs can't just build as you say. If an adc did go the build you say, he has effectively surrenders the reason why he should be focused in team fights in the first place. Any adc (with the exception of Vayne, Kogmaw, Jonx and maybe a few others) would do less damage with a botrk than the tanks (Shyvana, Mundo, Rengar), the assassins, the mages and some of the higher damage supports with the same items no matter the length of the team fight. It is because adcs are forced to build more damage items and the lack of proper reward in doing so that there is a problem. TL;dr - Mages still have their cc and flat damages to meaningfully contribute to team fights so your example was completely unrelated to the adc issue, which has to do with forced itemization and lack of rewards.
I don't know anything about "people" so I'll respond with my own view. My personal response to the current state is to build an early Ninja Tabis and/or a giants belt in order to increase dueling power. I find this really successful but not to the point in showing that adcs are in line with the relative power of other roles. From what I have tried, there are no longer many adcs that can rely on their kit's innate damage sources in order to have substantial output against the currently picked supertanks(who should be less popular now after the tank item nerfs). Those who do also happen to have great damage scaling and has the option of simply stacking more damage. This is important to take note of because the lack of innate damage, which the current tanks and assassins have in spades, are a huge reason why adcs can't just build as you say. If an adc did go the build you say, he has effectively surrenders the reason why he should be focused in team fights in the first place. Any adc (with the exception of Vayne, Kogmaw, Jonx and maybe a few others) would do less damage with a botrk than the tanks (Shyvana, Mundo, Rengar), the assassins, the mages and some of the higher damage supports with the same items no matter the length of the team fight. It is because adcs are forced to build more damage items and the lack of proper reward in doing so that there is a problem. TL;dr - Mages still have their cc and flat damages to meaningfully contribute to team fights so your example was completely unrelated to the adc issue, which has to do with forced itemization and lack of rewards.
I don't know anything about "people" so I'll respond with my own view. My personal response to the current state is to build an early Ninja Tabis and/or a giants belt in order to increase dueling power. I find this really successful but not to the point in showing that adcs are in line with the relative power of other roles. From what I have tried, there are no longer many adcs that can rely on their kit's innate damage sources in order to have substantial output against the currently picked supertanks(who should be less popular now after the tank item nerfs). Those who do also happen to have great damage scaling and has the option of simply stacking more damage. This is important to take note of because the lack of innate damage, which the current tanks and assassins have in spades, are a huge reason why adcs can't just build as you say. If an adc did go the build you say, he has effectively surrenders the reason why he should be focused in team fights in the first place. Any adc (with the exception of Vayne, Kogmaw, Jonx and maybe a few others) would do less damage with a botrk than the tanks (Shyvana, Mundo, Rengar), the assassins, the mages and some of the higher damage supports with the same items no matter the length of the team fight. It is because adcs are forced to build more damage items and the lack of proper reward in doing so that there is a problem.
Mages still have their cc and flat damages to meaningfully contribute to team fights so your example was completely unrelated to the adc issue, which has to do with forced itemization and lack of rewards.
I know you're arguing that they should be expected to adapt. I'm saying that no matter how they adapt, their options are inferior to the options available to other classes. The options for an ADC to adapt have costs that are simply too high. You make a point of how Lucian can give up some attack speed for defenses. Well, let's analyze that. When I build Lucian, I typically go for BT -> LW -> PD/Randuin's -> Randuin's/PD -> IE, with zerker's greaves. Now, the big problem here is that I only have one major attack speed item, and if I give it up, I'm not going to have the sustained damage to cut through bruisers and tanks, and the bruisers and tanks diving on me is the main reason why I want the extra defensiveness in the first place. Now, fortunately, because I'm Lucian and I have a higher percentage of damage from abilities than any other ADC, I can choose to give up either the IE or the PD without losing too much damage because I don't need to auto that much. It's a good think I'm not Tristana or Draven or Caitlyn or Vayne or someone else who is reliant on autoattacks for their DPS. If I did ever choose to play one of those champions, I'd suffer a lot for having to limit my itemization. The biggest problem that I see with your argument is that you are arguing that AD carries. AD carries obviously need at least 2 damage items before they can even think about building defensive, and this usually comes in some arrangement of IE, BT, LW and PD. The problem is, once you've finished two items, you will be left lacking either a Last Whisper or a Phantom Dancer, and if you're an autoattack based ADC, then you really need both of those items to be a threat to bruisers. You'll need the Last Whisper to pierce their defensive stats (and no ADC can ever afford to pick that up any later than as a third item), and you'll need the PD to do enough sustained damage to actually hurt them. However, if you get both of those, then you're not tanky enough to survive the bruisers for long enough to actually use your sustained damage on them. It's a catch-22. You either have the damage to fight, but you get blown up before you can use it, or you have the tankiness to survive the fight, but you aren't a damage threat. After this point, I can get a defensive item as my fourth item. Maybe I get a mallet, maybe a Randuin's, maybe a Banshee's, and maybe a quicksilver if I'm really just worried about CC. Once I finish that, I'm usually feeling reasonably durable, and things are usually going ok. So, you suggest that I get a second defensive item as my final item. Here's my response: I don't care about my final item. By this point in the game, I'm actually dealing with the bruisers pretty well, and my team is usually getting tanky enough that they can reliably peel for me. By this point, I'm beginning to scale into being able to deal with bruisers quite easily. By the 4th item, my problem with equally-fed bruisers is usually over. If I really need defensive stats, I'll make do with a red pot instead of spending my money on extra defenses unless absolutely necessary. Now, I know what you're going to say next: the adaptation should come in the form of AD carries building defensive AD items like Maw, Mercurial, Mallet, etc. Well, all of these types of items tend to have pretty major problems for AD carries. Let's look at all of them. First, if we're getting an item for an ADC, it needs to have either AD or Attack Speed, and some defensive stat. The items that fit this criteria are Atma's, Hexdrinker/Maw, Mercurial, Frozen Mallet, Phage/Triforce, Black Cleaver, and Wriggle's. Now, let's narrow down that list. First, we can discard Wriggle's (gold-inefficient if not jungling), Black Cleaver (highly weighted towards offense, but not good for ADC damage patterns), and Atma's (shitty item). Out of the remainder, there are a few options for builds, and to be honest there isn't anything that good. Phage is decent, but it is slightly gold-inefficent on its own. That would be fine if it built into a nice item, but it only builds into triforce and many carries simply can't use that item efficiently (not to mention that it is offensively weighted like cleaver is). Then, we have Frozen Mallet. While this is a pretty good item, particularly against bruisers, it does come with one huge drawback: the buildup absolutely sucks. There are no power items that you get while building this thing, and it is composed on numerous small pieces that may not fit in your inventory, meaning that until you finish the entire 3,300 gold item, you're not getting anything close to your money's worth. That really is a huge problem because it means that you are choosing to be voluntarily weak until you can manage to complete the full item. Overall, a decent choice, but it comes with a really large cost. Next we have Mercucial Scemitar, and if you know anything about this item, you know that is is very, very gold inefficient, and very expensive. However, it is meant for countering CC, and it does that job fine. If the enemy has a lot of CC, this can easily be worth it, but it is too situational for most games. Finally, there is the Hexdrinker/Maw, and this is where it gets interesting. First, I really like the hexdrinker, but it has two big problems. First, the items is pretty bad a first item in bottom lane (I'm sure you know why), and if you get it second, then you have to get the LW as your third item, and you then either have to get PD as your fourth item and not have a pure defensive item, or you have to delay it all the way to the last item and lack a bunch of DPS all game because you'll have no attack speed, which will really hurt you in teamfights. It also doesn't help you too much against the bruisers who want to dive you and eat your face. The second problem is that the Maw itself really isn't good for AD carries. If you are at full health, the item is obviously inefficent, because you get more AD as you get. However, an AD carry is squishy enough that they rarely spend enough time at low health to be able to make use of the extra AD before they get finished off. The item is great for bruisers who can tank damage and get stronger as they get hurt, but if an ADC gets hurt, there is a very good chance they are just going to pop. There is a reason Maw is known as a bruiser item. It works better with their playstyle of soaking and dealing damage than it does with the ADC playstyle of kiting around and avoiding as much damage as possible. Like I said before, I agree that AD carries need to adapt more, and I think a lot of people put off defensive items for way too long. With that said, AD carries have pretty shitty options for adapting, and that leads them to be pretty severely undertuned against teams that would require them to be tankier. Think about it like this: if an APC or bruiser needs to build defensive, they have very good items to do so that will still allow them to do damage while they build them. An APC can get health with Rylai's or RoA, Armor with Zhonya's, and MR with Abyssal or Greil, and all of these are good items that still give the AP carries good damage. Bruisers obviously love defensive items, and they have the base damage to build them freely while only getting 1-2 offensive items. AD carries not only lose out on a hell of a lot of damage for building defensive items, but they don't really have any good defensive items that synergize with their central mechanics or gameplay patterns. The adaptations you are asking the AD carries to do have a lot more cost than the adaptations other classes have. The only ones who can use this adaptations even decently are carries like Lucian, but autoattack-based carries really suffer from having to use the defensive builds, and it significantly hurts their viability. It is a good thing if more than 3-4 AD carries are viable picks against the common bruisers and tanks. With that said, I do have one adaption that players can take against teams that have a bunch of tanks capable of eating an ADC alive: Just don't use an ADC. When I play with my friends, the option I've been taking is just placing another mage in the duo lane. I find that Zyra tends to work particularly well, because she can root the tanks and loves to build Liandry's. Sure, you lose a bit of tower damage potential, but a casual lichbane or a pusher like Nasus or Yasuo fixes that. I can't say that I'm exactly happy with this solution, given that I tend to like playing AD carries, but hey, you do what you've got to do to win. Oh, and finally, no ADC should ever, ever buy Atma's. Ever. It is extremely gold-inefficient unless you have large amounts of health, and it only gives resistances, which are generally inferior to straight health as a first defensive item because squishes don't have enough health to make the resistances efficient. If you want armor, buy a Randuin's. If you're still having problems, buy a mallet or a Banshee's veil or even a goddam Frozen Heart. Not Atma's. I'm sorry if I sound harsh here, but I see too many of my bronze friends building this item on AD carries and thinking they've found the new secret to itemization (and then they do no damage AND have no tankiness). Just a bad item unless you're Garen. tldr: AD carries do have to adapt to changing game conditions, but they lose more for adapting than any other class does because their options for adapting are inherently worse. AP carries and bruisers can be good when built more defensively than usual. AD carries can't. They need itemization options on par with what other classes have.
I know you're arguing that they should be expected to adapt. I'm saying that no matter how they adapt, their options are inferior to the options available to other classes. The options for an ADC to adapt have costs that are simply too high. You make a point of how Lucian can give up some attack speed for defenses. Well, let's analyze that. When I build Lucian, I typically go for BT -> LW -> PD/Randuin's -> Randuin's/PD -> IE, with zerker's greaves. Now, the big problem here is that I only have one major attack speed item, and if I give it up, I'm not going to have the sustained damage to cut through bruisers and tanks, and the bruisers and tanks diving on me is the main reason why I want the extra defensiveness in the first place. Now, fortunately, because I'm Lucian and I have a higher percentage of damage from abilities than any other ADC, I can choose to give up either the IE or the PD without losing too much damage because I don't need to auto that much. It's a good think I'm not Tristana or Draven or Caitlyn or Vayne or someone else who is reliant on autoattacks for their DPS. If I did ever choose to play one of those champions, I'd suffer a lot for having to limit my itemization. The biggest problem that I see with your argument is that you are arguing that AD carries. AD carries obviously need at least 2 damage items before they can even think about building defensive, and this usually comes in some arrangement of IE, BT, LW and PD. The problem is, once you've finished two items, you will be left lacking either a Last Whisper or a Phantom Dancer, and if you're an autoattack based ADC, then you really need both of those items to be a threat to bruisers. You'll need the Last Whisper to pierce their defensive stats (and no ADC can ever afford to pick that up any later than as a third item), and you'll need the PD to do enough sustained damage to actually hurt them. However, if you get both of those, then you're not tanky enough to survive the bruisers for long enough to actually use your sustained damage on them. It's a catch-22. You either have the damage to fight, but you get blown up before you can use it, or you have the tankiness to survive the fight, but you aren't a damage threat. After this point, I can get a defensive item as my fourth item. Maybe I get a mallet, maybe a Randuin's, maybe a Banshee's, and maybe a quicksilver if I'm really just worried about CC. Once I finish that, I'm usually feeling reasonably durable, and things are usually going ok. So, you suggest that I get a second defensive item as my final item. Here's my response: I don't care about my final item. By this point in the game, I'm actually dealing with the bruisers pretty well, and my team is usually getting tanky enough that they can reliably peel for me. By this point, I'm beginning to scale into being able to deal with bruisers quite easily. By the 4th item, my problem with equally-fed bruisers is usually over. If I really need defensive stats, I'll make do with a red pot instead of spending my money on extra defenses unless absolutely necessary. Now, I know what you're going to say next: the adaptation should come in the form of AD carries building defensive AD items like Maw, Mercurial, Mallet, etc. Well, all of these types of items tend to have pretty major problems for AD carries. Let's look at all of them. First, if we're getting an item for an ADC, it needs to have either AD or Attack Speed, and some defensive stat. The items that fit this criteria are Atma's, Hexdrinker/Maw, Mercurial, Frozen Mallet, Phage/Triforce, Black Cleaver, and Wriggle's. Now, let's narrow down that list. First, we can discard Wriggle's (gold-inefficient if not jungling), Black Cleaver (highly weighted towards offense, but not good for ADC damage patterns), and Atma's (shitty item). Out of the remainder, there are a few options for builds, and to be honest there isn't anything that good. Phage is decent, but it is slightly gold-inefficent on its own. That would be fine if it built into a nice item, but it only builds into triforce and many carries simply can't use that item efficiently (not to mention that it is offensively weighted like cleaver is). Then, we have Frozen Mallet. While this is a pretty good item, particularly against bruisers, it does come with one huge drawback: the buildup absolutely sucks. There are no power items that you get while building this thing, and it is composed on numerous small pieces that may not fit in your inventory, meaning that until you finish the entire 3,300 gold item, you're not getting anything close to your money's worth. That really is a huge problem because it means that you are choosing to be voluntarily weak until you can manage to complete the full item. Overall, a decent choice, but it comes with a really large cost. Next we have Mercucial Scemitar, and if you know anything about this item, you know that is is very, very gold inefficient, and very expensive. However, it is meant for countering CC, and it does that job fine. If the enemy has a lot of CC, this can easily be worth it, but it is too situational for most games. Finally, there is the Hexdrinker/Maw, and this is where it gets interesting. First, I really like the hexdrinker, but it has two big problems. First, the items is pretty bad a first item in bottom lane (I'm sure you know why), and if you get it second, then you have to get the LW as your third item, and you then either have to get PD as your fourth item and not have a pure defensive item, or you have to delay it all the way to the last item and lack a bunch of DPS all game because you'll have no attack speed, which will really hurt you in teamfights. It also doesn't help you too much against the bruisers who want to dive you and eat your face. The second problem is that the Maw itself really isn't good for AD carries. If you are at full health, the item is obviously inefficent, because you get more AD as you get. However, an AD carry is squishy enough that they rarely spend enough time at low health to be able to make use of the extra AD before they get finished off. The item is great for bruisers who can tank damage and get stronger as they get hurt, but if an ADC gets hurt, there is a very good chance they are just going to pop. There is a reason Maw is known as a bruiser item. It works better with their playstyle of soaking and dealing damage than it does with the ADC playstyle of kiting around and avoiding as much damage as possible. Like I said before, I agree that AD carries need to adapt more, and I think a lot of people put off defensive items for way too long. With that said, AD carries have pretty shitty options for adapting, and that leads them to be pretty severely undertuned against teams that would require them to be tankier. Think about it like this: if an APC or bruiser needs to build defensive, they have very good items to do so that will still allow them to do damage while they build them. An APC can get health with Rylai's or RoA, Armor with Zhonya's, and MR with Abyssal or Greil, and all of these are good items that still give the AP carries good damage. Bruisers obviously love defensive items, and they have the base damage to build them freely while only getting 1-2 offensive items. AD carries not only lose out on a hell of a lot of damage for building defensive items, but they don't really have any good defensive items that synergize with their central mechanics or gameplay patterns. The adaptations you are asking the AD carries to do have a lot more cost than the adaptations other classes have. The only ones who can use this adaptations even decently are carries like Lucian, but autoattack-based carries really suffer from having to use the defensive builds, and it significantly hurts their viability. It is a good thing if more than 3-4 AD carries are viable picks against the common bruisers and tanks. With that said, I do have one adaption that players can take against teams that have a bunch of tanks capable of eating an ADC alive: Just don't use an ADC. When I play with my friends, the option I've been taking is just placing another mage in the duo lane. I find that Zyra tends to work particularly well, because she can root the tanks and loves to build Liandry's. Sure, you lose a bit of tower damage potential, but a casual lichbane or a pusher like Nasus or Yasuo fixes that. I can't say that I'm exactly happy with this solution, given that I tend to like playing AD carries, but hey, you do what you've got to do to win. Oh, and finally, no ADC should ever, ever buy Atma's. Ever. It is extremely gold-inefficient unless you have large amounts of health, and it only gives resistances, which are generally inferior to straight health as a first defensive item because squishes don't have enough health to make the resistances efficient. If you want armor, buy a Randuin's. If you're still having problems, buy a mallet or a Banshee's veil or even a goddam Frozen Heart. Not Atma's. I'm sorry if I sound harsh here, but I see too many of my bronze friends building this item on AD carries and thinking they've found the new secret to itemization (and then they do no damage AND have no tankiness). Just a bad item unless you're Garen. tldr: AD carries do have to adapt to changing game conditions, but they lose more for adapting than any other class does because their options for adapting are inherently worse. AP carries and bruisers can be good when built more defensively than usual. AD carries can't. They need itemization options on par with what other classes have.
I know you're arguing that they should be expected to adapt. I'm saying that no matter how they adapt, their options are inferior to the options available to other classes. The options for an ADC to adapt have costs that are simply too high. You make a point of how Lucian can give up some attack speed for defenses. Well, let's analyze that. When I build Lucian, I typically go for BT -> LW -> PD/Randuin's -> Randuin's/PD -> IE, with zerker's greaves. Now, the big problem here is that I only have one major attack speed item, and if I give it up, I'm not going to have the sustained damage to cut through bruisers and tanks, and the bruisers and tanks diving on me is the main reason why I want the extra defensiveness in the first place. Now, fortunately, because I'm Lucian and I have a higher percentage of damage from abilities than any other ADC, I can choose to give up either the IE or the PD without losing too much damage because I don't need to auto that much. It's a good think I'm not Tristana or Draven or Caitlyn or Vayne or someone else who is reliant on autoattacks for their DPS. If I did ever choose to play one of those champions, I'd suffer a lot for having to limit my itemization. The biggest problem that I see with your argument is that you are arguing that AD carries. AD carries obviously need at least 2 damage items before they can even think about building defensive, and this usually comes in some arrangement of IE, BT, LW and PD. The problem is, once you've finished two items, you will be left lacking either a Last Whisper or a Phantom Dancer, and if you're an autoattack based ADC, then you really need both of those items to be a threat to bruisers. You'll need the Last Whisper to pierce their defensive stats (and no ADC can ever afford to pick that up any later than as a third item), and you'll need the PD to do enough sustained damage to actually hurt them. However, if you get both of those, then you're not tanky enough to survive the bruisers for long enough to actually use your sustained damage on them. It's a catch-22. You either have the damage to fight, but you get blown up before you can use it, or you have the tankiness to survive the fight, but you aren't a damage threat. After this point, I can get a defensive item as my fourth item. Maybe I get a mallet, maybe a Randuin's, maybe a Banshee's, and maybe a quicksilver if I'm really just worried about CC. Once I finish that, I'm usually feeling reasonably durable, and things are usually going ok. So, you suggest that I get a second defensive item as my final item. Here's my response: I don't care about my final item. By this point in the game, I'm actually dealing with the bruisers pretty well, and my team is usually getting tanky enough that they can reliably peel for me. By this point, I'm beginning to scale into being able to deal with bruisers quite easily. By the 4th item, my problem with equally-fed bruisers is usually over. If I really need defensive stats, I'll make do with a red pot instead of spending my money on extra defenses unless absolutely necessary. Now, I know what you're going to say next: the adaptation should come in the form of AD carries building defensive AD items like Maw, Mercurial, Mallet, etc. Well, all of these types of items tend to have pretty major problems for AD carries. Let's look at all of them. First, if we're getting an item for an ADC, it needs to have either AD or Attack Speed, and some defensive stat. The items that fit this criteria are Atma's, Hexdrinker/Maw, Mercurial, Frozen Mallet, Phage/Triforce, Black Cleaver, and Wriggle's. Now, let's narrow down that list. First, we can discard Wriggle's (gold-inefficient if not jungling), Black Cleaver (highly weighted towards offense, but not good for ADC damage patterns), and Atma's (shitty item). Out of the remainder, there are a few options for builds, and to be honest there isn't anything that good. Phage is decent, but it is slightly gold-inefficent on its own. That would be fine if it built into a nice item, but it only builds into triforce and many carries simply can't use that item efficiently (not to mention that it is offensively weighted like cleaver is). Then, we have Frozen Mallet. While this is a pretty good item, particularly against bruisers, it does come with one huge drawback: the buildup absolutely sucks. There are no power items that you get while building this thing, and it is composed on numerous small pieces that may not fit in your inventory, meaning that until you finish the entire 3,300 gold item, you're not getting anything close to your money's worth. That really is a huge problem because it means that you are choosing to be voluntarily weak until you can manage to complete the full item. Overall, a decent choice, but it comes with a really large cost. Next we have Mercucial Scemitar, and if you know anything about this item, you know that is is very, very gold inefficient, and very expensive. However, it is meant for countering CC, and it does that job fine. If the enemy has a lot of CC, this can easily be worth it, but it is too situational for most games. Finally, there is the Hexdrinker/Maw, and this is where it gets interesting. First, I really like the hexdrinker, but it has two big problems. First, the items is pretty bad a first item in bottom lane (I'm sure you know why), and if you get it second, then you have to get the LW as your third item, and you then either have to get PD as your fourth item and not have a pure defensive item, or you have to delay it all the way to the last item and lack a bunch of DPS all game because you'll have no attack speed, which will really hurt you in teamfights. It also doesn't help you too much against the bruisers who want to dive you and eat your face. The second problem is that the Maw itself really isn't good for AD carries. If you are at full health, the item is obviously inefficent, because you get more AD as you get. However, an AD carry is squishy enough that they rarely spend enough time at low health to be able to make use of the extra AD before they get finished off. The item is great for bruisers who can tank damage and get stronger as they get hurt, but if an ADC gets hurt, there is a very good chance they are just going to pop. There is a reason Maw is known as a bruiser item. It works better with their playstyle of soaking and dealing damage than it does with the ADC playstyle of kiting around and avoiding as much damage as possible. Like I said before, I agree that AD carries need to adapt more, and I think a lot of people put off defensive items for way too long. With that said, AD carries have pretty shitty options for adapting, and that leads them to be pretty severely undertuned against teams that would require them to be tankier. Think about it like this: if an APC or bruiser needs to build defensive, they have very good items to do so that will still allow them to do damage while they build them. An APC can get health with Rylai's or RoA, Armor with Zhonya's, and MR with Abyssal or Greil, and all of these are good items that still give the AP carries good damage. Bruisers obviously love defensive items, and they have the base damage to build them freely while only getting 1-2 offensive items. AD carries not only lose out on a hell of a lot of damage for building defensive items, but they don't really have any good defensive items that synergize with their central mechanics or gameplay patterns. The adaptations you are asking the AD carries to do have a lot more cost than the adaptations other classes have. The only ones who can use this adaptations even decently are carries like Lucian, but autoattack-based carries really suffer from having to use the defensive builds, and it significantly hurts their viability. It is a good thing if more than 3-4 AD carries are viable picks against the common bruisers and tanks. With that said, I do have one adaption that players can take against teams that have a bunch of tanks capable of eating an ADC alive: Just don't use an ADC. When I play with my friends, the option I've been taking is just placing another mage in the duo lane. I find that Zyra tends to work particularly well, because she can root the tanks and loves to build Liandry's. Sure, you lose a bit of tower damage potential, but a casual lichbane or a pusher like Nasus or Yasuo fixes that. I can't say that I'm exactly happy with this solution, given that I tend to like playing AD carries, but hey, you do what you've got to do to win. Oh, and finally, no ADC should ever, ever buy Atma's. Ever. It is extremely gold-inefficient unless you have large amounts of health, and it only gives resistances, which are generally inferior to straight health as a first defensive item because squishes don't have enough health to make the resistances efficient. If you want armor, buy a Randuin's. If you're still having problems, buy a mallet or a Banshee's veil or even a goddam Frozen Heart. Not Atma's. I'm sorry if I sound harsh here, but I see too many of my bronze friends building this item on AD carries and thinking they've found the new secret to itemization (and then they do no damage AND have no tankiness). Just a bad item unless you're Garen.
AD carries do have to adapt to changing game conditions, but they lose more for adapting than any other class does because their options for adapting are inherently worse. AP carries and bruisers can be good when built more defensively than usual. AD carries can't. They need itemization options on par with what other classes have.
Pause at 0:06 for Ahri's Build. DFG + Sorcs + DC + Soul Stealer. Ahri got ahead and spent her gold on a soul stealer. If she had wanted she could've bought a negatron item or even an Athene's; either would have allowed her to not get one-shot'd. TL;DR Carries are fine, they just need to build smarter now.
Pause at 0:06 for Ahri's Build. DFG + Sorcs + DC + Soul Stealer. Ahri got ahead and spent her gold on a soul stealer. If she had wanted she could've bought a negatron item or even an Athene's; either would have allowed her to not get one-shot'd. TL;DR Carries are fine, they just need to build smarter now.
Pause at 0:06 for Ahri's Build. DFG + Sorcs + DC + Soul Stealer. Ahri got ahead and spent her gold on a soul stealer. If she had wanted she could've bought a negatron item or even an Athene's; either would have allowed her to not get one-shot'd.
Carries are fine, they just need to build smarter now.
> ~~While I agree that ADCs are very squishy, I disagree on buffing them for a number of reasons:~~ > > 1. ~~ADC~~JAX has a HUGE damage output. They are still extremely powerful in teamfights. They're ~~just~~NOT squishy. > > 2. ~~ADC~~JAX has the strongest team presence. They have the strongest siege potential, highest dps, highest sustain, etc. In the past couple of months we have seen insanely strong ~~bot lane~~JAX carrying in this tank meta. > > 3. Range. ~~A ranged champion~~JAX should NEVER be able to deal immense amounts of damage and still be able to take ~~a few hits~~a 8/0 ADC AS A 1/5 JAX. If you are able to land 2 or 3 AAs before the enemy can even ~~reach~~AUTO ATTACK you (With bad ~~kiting~~MECHANICS), then there's no way in hell I think you should be beefier. Gap closers are scary,~~but they shouldn't be a big deal if you actually position correctly~~. > > TL;DR ~~they~~JAX have too much damage and range to consider giving them tankiness as well. Being able to dish out 3000 damage in the time it takes someone to deal 1000 to you shouldn't upset you at all. OR PLAY ADC FOR High risk ~~high~~LOW reward. jax = yasuo = shyvana = mundo = khazix = rengar
> While I agree that ADCs are very squishy, I disagree on buffing them for a number of reasons: > > 1. ADC JAX has a HUGE damage output. They are still extremely powerful in teamfights. They're just NOT squishy. > > 2. ADC JAX has the strongest team presence. They have the strongest siege potential, highest dps, highest sustain, etc. In the past couple of months we have seen insanely strong bot lane JAX carrying in this tank meta. > > 3. Range. A ranged champion JAX should NEVER be able to deal immense amounts of damage and still be able to take a few hits a 8/0 ADC AS A 1/5 JAX. If you are able to land 2 or 3 AAs before the enemy can even reach AUTO ATTACK you (With bad kiting MECHANICS), then there's no way in hell I think you should be beefier. Gap closers are scary, but they shouldn't be a big deal if you actually position correctly . > > TL;DR they JAX have too much damage and range to consider giving them tankiness as well. Being able to dish out 3000 damage in the time it takes someone to deal 1000 to you shouldn't upset you at all. OR PLAY ADC FOR High risk high LOW reward. jax = yasuo = shyvana = mundo = khazix = rengar
While I agree that ADCs are very squishy, I disagree on buffing them for a number of reasons: > > 1. ADC JAX has a HUGE damage output. They are still extremely powerful in teamfights. They're just NOT squishy. > > 2. ADC JAX has the strongest team presence. They have the strongest siege potential, highest dps, highest sustain, etc. In the past couple of months we have seen insanely strong bot lane JAX carrying in this tank meta. > > 3. Range. A ranged champion JAX should NEVER be able to deal immense amounts of damage and still be able to take a few hits a 8/0 ADC AS A 1/5 JAX. If you are able to land 2 or 3 AAs before the enemy can even reach AUTO ATTACK you (With bad kiting MECHANICS), then there's no way in hell I think you should be beefier. Gap closers are scary, but they shouldn't be a big deal if you actually position correctly . > >
they JAX have too much damage and range to consider giving them tankiness as well. Being able to dish out 3000 damage in the time it takes someone to deal 1000 to you shouldn't upset you at all. OR PLAY ADC FOR High risk high LOW reward. jax = yasuo = shyvana = mundo = khazix = rengar
Ranged Carries are too squishy, need more survivability. Suggested changes written above. All while Rekkles goes 3 full games without a single death, oh and then he had a bad game today where he went like 6/3/6 TL:DR ADCs are supposed to be squishy because of their damage, play smarter
Ranged Carries are too squishy, need more survivability. Suggested changes written above. All while Rekkles goes 3 full games without a single death, oh and then he had a bad game today where he went like 6/3/6 TL:DR ADCs are supposed to be squishy because of their damage, play smarter
Ranged Carries are too squishy, need more survivability. Suggested changes written above. All while Rekkles goes 3 full games without a single death, oh and then he had a bad game today where he went like 6/3/6
ADCs are supposed to be squishy because of their damage, play smarter
While I agree that ADCs are very squishy, I disagree on buffing them for a number of reasons: 1. ADC has a HUGE damage output. They are still extremely powerful in teamfights. They're just squishy. 2. ADC has the strongest team presence. They have the strongest siege potential, highest dps, highest sustain, etc. In the past couple of months we have seen insanely strong bot lane carrying in this tank meta. 3. Range. A ranged champion should NEVER be able to deal immense amounts of damage and still be able to take a fed hits. If you are able to land 2 or 3 AAs before the enemy can even reach you (With bad kiting), then there's no way in hell I think you should be beefier. Gap closers are scary, but they shouldn't be a big deal if you actually position correctly. TL;DR they have too much damage and range to consider giving them tankiness as well. Being able to dish out 3000 damage in the time it takes someone to deal 1000 to you shouldn't upset you at all. High risk for high reward.
While I agree that ADCs are very squishy, I disagree on buffing them for a number of reasons: ADC has a HUGE damage output. They are still extremely powerful in teamfights. They're just squishy. ADC has the strongest team presence. They have the strongest siege potential, highest dps, highest sustain, etc. In the past couple of months we have seen insanely strong bot lane carrying in this tank meta. Range. A ranged champion should NEVER be able to deal immense amounts of damage and still be able to take a fed hits. If you are able to land 2 or 3 AAs before the enemy can even reach you (With bad kiting), then there's no way in hell I think you should be beefier. Gap closers are scary, but they shouldn't be a big deal if you actually position correctly. TL;DR they have too much damage and range to consider giving them tankiness as well. Being able to dish out 3000 damage in the time it takes someone to deal 1000 to you shouldn't upset you at all. High risk for high reward.
While I agree that ADCs are very squishy, I disagree on buffing them for a number of reasons: ADC has a HUGE damage output. They are still extremely powerful in teamfights. They're just squishy. ADC has the strongest team presence. They have the strongest siege potential, highest dps, highest sustain, etc. In the past couple of months we have seen insanely strong bot lane carrying in this tank meta. Range. A ranged champion should NEVER be able to deal immense amounts of damage and still be able to take a fed hits. If you are able to land 2 or 3 AAs before the enemy can even reach you (With bad kiting), then there's no way in hell I think you should be beefier. Gap closers are scary, but they shouldn't be a big deal if you actually position correctly.
they have too much damage and range to consider giving them tankiness as well. Being able to dish out 3000 damage in the time it takes someone to deal 1000 to you shouldn't upset you at all. High risk for high reward.
ADC still deal the most sustained damage in theory, making them a high priority target to dive or protect. If they're protected they cause massive damage and if they're not they explode in seconds. For a spectator that's fine, but for the AD carry player themselves it's not fun. Especially in solo queue. Your positioning, build and plays make relatively little to difference to how the fight turns out. You just try and kite and stay safe and hope your dive/peel is better than theirs and right click any objectives if it is. There's little scope for feeling like you made a big play or did something spectacular which there is when you annihilate someone as Ahri, or create a great initiate as Leona. TLDR: While ADC carries are still the most important high damage source, playing them is no longer really fun or involving.
ADC still deal the most sustained damage in theory, making them a high priority target to dive or protect. If they're protected they cause massive damage and if they're not they explode in seconds. For a spectator that's fine, but for the AD carry player themselves it's not fun. Especially in solo queue. Your positioning, build and plays make relatively little to difference to how the fight turns out. You just try and kite and stay safe and hope your dive/peel is better than theirs and right click any objectives if it is. There's little scope for feeling like you made a big play or did something spectacular which there is when you annihilate someone as Ahri, or create a great initiate as Leona. TLDR: While ADC carries are still the most important high damage source, playing them is no longer really fun or involving.
ADC still deal the most sustained damage in theory, making them a high priority target to dive or protect. If they're protected they cause massive damage and if they're not they explode in seconds. For a spectator that's fine, but for the AD carry player themselves it's not fun. Especially in solo queue. Your positioning, build and plays make relatively little to difference to how the fight turns out. You just try and kite and stay safe and hope your dive/peel is better than theirs and right click any objectives if it is. There's little scope for feeling like you made a big play or did something spectacular which there is when you annihilate someone as Ahri, or create a great initiate as Leona.
While ADC carries are still the most important high damage source, playing them is no longer really fun or involving.
Pretty much this. In solo queue, people are focused around getting themselves to carry the game. In team fights, there's generally two priorities: 1. Dive their carry 2. Protect your carry It sounds very linear, but only because it really is. This is why people constantly whine about priority targets: "Omg, why are you focusing the tank instead of the Caitlyn?" In solo queue, because of the "I have to carry these noobs" mentality, and how you cannot rely on your teammates, the "Dive" fight priority takes extreme precedence over the "Protect" priority. As an ADC main, it is unreal the number of times that I have been fed and easily able to carry if someone just gets this bruiser off me, only to have everyone hopelessly chase down the opposing carry who is already zoned out of the fight. It's really easy to lose teamfights that way, and it happens quite often. I recall specifically one game where I was up 27 kills as Ezreal at 40 minutes, full 6 items with a GA, and the opposing carry was worthless. My full team chased down there carry, allowing the opposing Kha'zix to jump on me, kill me before I could kill him, and then Q me as I came out of GA without any team retaliation. With a simple stun on Kha, that fight would have been cleaned up exceptionally easily. But because of the lack of "Protect" in solo-queue, certain carries are used more. Sivir is pretty safe despite the range, and her ultimate actually helps your team dive. Caitlyn is always an easy pick because she is so long ranged she doesn't need much protect as long as you have vision. Ezreal's blink and Lucian's blink/slowbreak are golden usually. But other champions like Varus and Kog'maw, although very strong, do not get any protection, and so are usually rough choices. Ashe also falls into this category; although C9 made excellent use of her last split, that is not in part because Lemonation's Zyra was always hugging his side to peel. (I will mention that Varus is much less screwed than the others simply because his poke is pristine, so he can still be played pretty well most games.) The problem here is simply that although there's a variety of carries, most just have no place in a solo-queue environment because they just aren't safe enough without coordination. So although you see escapeless Jinx going to town in the LCS, she's fodder for many assassins. Unless you are getting supported, or your dive is just that fed/terrifying, she's going to get focused, she is going to die, and there goes your damage. So, playing with a full team of friends, it is by far easier to carry than with randoms. Priorities are different. In teams, it's "We need to win." but in soloqueue, it's "I need to win." This is why I personally refuse to play champions without hard CC in non-ADC positions. It's why I hate Shyvana as a jungler, Tryndamere as a toplaner, Shaco as a jungler, Teemo as a toplaner, Gangplank anywhere, Nidalee anywhere, Vladimir anywhere, etc. Yes, most of the above can carry games. But where's the exit plan? What happens if you *don't* get fed? Lots of them can bolster the carry's damage, but if they lose lane, how the hell are they preventing the opponent from killing your fed carry? It's a real issue with champions like Riven who, if they win lane, remove two champions from the map by default. Your team's top/mid who fed Riven (and therefore are pretty worthless), and your team's carry, who is dead the moment 4-dash-2-stun-AoErangedExecute Riven shows up. TLDR: It's easier to carry as a Marksman when your team is all on the same page and coordinated because people don't protect in solo queue. Maybe *you* protect, but from well over a thousand games in the ADC role, that makes you a sparkly unique butterfly.
Pretty much this. In solo queue, people are focused around getting themselves to carry the game. In team fights, there's generally two priorities: Dive their carry Protect your carry It sounds very linear, but only because it really is. This is why people constantly whine about priority targets: "Omg, why are you focusing the tank instead of the Caitlyn?" In solo queue, because of the "I have to carry these noobs" mentality, and how you cannot rely on your teammates, the "Dive" fight priority takes extreme precedence over the "Protect" priority. As an ADC main, it is unreal the number of times that I have been fed and easily able to carry if someone just gets this bruiser off me, only to have everyone hopelessly chase down the opposing carry who is already zoned out of the fight. It's really easy to lose teamfights that way, and it happens quite often. I recall specifically one game where I was up 27 kills as Ezreal at 40 minutes, full 6 items with a GA, and the opposing carry was worthless. My full team chased down there carry, allowing the opposing Kha'zix to jump on me, kill me before I could kill him, and then Q me as I came out of GA without any team retaliation. With a simple stun on Kha, that fight would have been cleaned up exceptionally easily. But because of the lack of "Protect" in solo-queue, certain carries are used more. Sivir is pretty safe despite the range, and her ultimate actually helps your team dive. Caitlyn is always an easy pick because she is so long ranged she doesn't need much protect as long as you have vision. Ezreal's blink and Lucian's blink/slowbreak are golden usually. But other champions like Varus and Kog'maw, although very strong, do not get any protection, and so are usually rough choices. Ashe also falls into this category; although C9 made excellent use of her last split, that is not in part because Lemonation's Zyra was always hugging his side to peel. (I will mention that Varus is much less screwed than the others simply because his poke is pristine, so he can still be played pretty well most games.) The problem here is simply that although there's a variety of carries, most just have no place in a solo-queue environment because they just aren't safe enough without coordination. So although you see escapeless Jinx going to town in the LCS, she's fodder for many assassins. Unless you are getting supported, or your dive is just that fed/terrifying, she's going to get focused, she is going to die, and there goes your damage. So, playing with a full team of friends, it is by far easier to carry than with randoms. Priorities are different. In teams, it's "We need to win." but in soloqueue, it's "I need to win." This is why I personally refuse to play champions without hard CC in non-ADC positions. It's why I hate Shyvana as a jungler, Tryndamere as a toplaner, Shaco as a jungler, Teemo as a toplaner, Gangplank anywhere, Nidalee anywhere, Vladimir anywhere, etc. Yes, most of the above can carry games. But where's the exit plan? What happens if you don't get fed? Lots of them can bolster the carry's damage, but if they lose lane, how the hell are they preventing the opponent from killing your fed carry? It's a real issue with champions like Riven who, if they win lane, remove two champions from the map by default. Your team's top/mid who fed Riven (and therefore are pretty worthless), and your team's carry, who is dead the moment 4-dash-2-stun-AoErangedExecute Riven shows up. TLDR: It's easier to carry as a Marksman when your team is all on the same page and coordinated because people don't protect in solo queue. Maybe you protect, but from well over a thousand games in the ADC role, that makes you a sparkly unique butterfly.
Pretty much this. In solo queue, people are focused around getting themselves to carry the game. In team fights, there's generally two priorities: Dive their carry Protect your carry It sounds very linear, but only because it really is. This is why people constantly whine about priority targets: "Omg, why are you focusing the tank instead of the Caitlyn?" In solo queue, because of the "I have to carry these noobs" mentality, and how you cannot rely on your teammates, the "Dive" fight priority takes extreme precedence over the "Protect" priority. As an ADC main, it is unreal the number of times that I have been fed and easily able to carry if someone just gets this bruiser off me, only to have everyone hopelessly chase down the opposing carry who is already zoned out of the fight. It's really easy to lose teamfights that way, and it happens quite often. I recall specifically one game where I was up 27 kills as Ezreal at 40 minutes, full 6 items with a GA, and the opposing carry was worthless. My full team chased down there carry, allowing the opposing Kha'zix to jump on me, kill me before I could kill him, and then Q me as I came out of GA without any team retaliation. With a simple stun on Kha, that fight would have been cleaned up exceptionally easily. But because of the lack of "Protect" in solo-queue, certain carries are used more. Sivir is pretty safe despite the range, and her ultimate actually helps your team dive. Caitlyn is always an easy pick because she is so long ranged she doesn't need much protect as long as you have vision. Ezreal's blink and Lucian's blink/slowbreak are golden usually. But other champions like Varus and Kog'maw, although very strong, do not get any protection, and so are usually rough choices. Ashe also falls into this category; although C9 made excellent use of her last split, that is not in part because Lemonation's Zyra was always hugging his side to peel. (I will mention that Varus is much less screwed than the others simply because his poke is pristine, so he can still be played pretty well most games.) The problem here is simply that although there's a variety of carries, most just have no place in a solo-queue environment because they just aren't safe enough without coordination. So although you see escapeless Jinx going to town in the LCS, she's fodder for many assassins. Unless you are getting supported, or your dive is just that fed/terrifying, she's going to get focused, she is going to die, and there goes your damage. So, playing with a full team of friends, it is by far easier to carry than with randoms. Priorities are different. In teams, it's "We need to win." but in soloqueue, it's "I need to win." This is why I personally refuse to play champions without hard CC in non-ADC positions. It's why I hate Shyvana as a jungler, Tryndamere as a toplaner, Shaco as a jungler, Teemo as a toplaner, Gangplank anywhere, Nidalee anywhere, Vladimir anywhere, etc. Yes, most of the above can carry games. But where's the exit plan? What happens if you don't get fed? Lots of them can bolster the carry's damage, but if they lose lane, how the hell are they preventing the opponent from killing your fed carry? It's a real issue with champions like Riven who, if they win lane, remove two champions from the map by default. Your team's top/mid who fed Riven (and therefore are pretty worthless), and your team's carry, who is dead the moment 4-dash-2-stun-AoErangedExecute Riven shows up.
It's easier to carry as a Marksman when your team is all on the same page and coordinated because people don't protect in solo queue. Maybe you protect, but from well over a thousand games in the ADC role, that makes you a sparkly unique butterfly.
On top of that, it's a mixed tank. Never mix your tank. Let's make a theoretical ship that has 4 high slots, 4 mid slots, 4 low slots, and no bonuses to any one specific weapon type. Fill the mids with shield mods and the lows with armor mods. If you get into a fight, it might take half of the fight for you to get into armor. So, for the first half of the fight the armor modules aren't doing anything and are just dead weight. But, once you're in armor, the shield modules are useless, so for the second half they are dead weight. If you never get out of shield, that's 4 slots that could have ended that fight faster that you just wasted. If your shield blows off immediately, same story. Now, if you fill your highs with shield modules and your lows with weapon mods, you'll kill somebody faster and all of your modules will be working for you throughout the whole fight. Conversely, fill your lows with armor mods and your mids with electronic warfare and/or prop mods, and you'll be able to prevent your enemy from hitting you as well. Once again, all modules are working for you through the whole fight. TL;DR Don't fit armor mods on a shield ship, don't fit shield mods on an armor ship. If it's Minmatar, pick one or the other, but never both.
On top of that, it's a mixed tank. Never mix your tank. Let's make a theoretical ship that has 4 high slots, 4 mid slots, 4 low slots, and no bonuses to any one specific weapon type. Fill the mids with shield mods and the lows with armor mods. If you get into a fight, it might take half of the fight for you to get into armor. So, for the first half of the fight the armor modules aren't doing anything and are just dead weight. But, once you're in armor, the shield modules are useless, so for the second half they are dead weight. If you never get out of shield, that's 4 slots that could have ended that fight faster that you just wasted. If your shield blows off immediately, same story. Now, if you fill your highs with shield modules and your lows with weapon mods, you'll kill somebody faster and all of your modules will be working for you throughout the whole fight. Conversely, fill your lows with armor mods and your mids with electronic warfare and/or prop mods, and you'll be able to prevent your enemy from hitting you as well. Once again, all modules are working for you through the whole fight. TL;DR Don't fit armor mods on a shield ship, don't fit shield mods on an armor ship. If it's Minmatar, pick one or the other, but never both.
On top of that, it's a mixed tank. Never mix your tank. Let's make a theoretical ship that has 4 high slots, 4 mid slots, 4 low slots, and no bonuses to any one specific weapon type. Fill the mids with shield mods and the lows with armor mods. If you get into a fight, it might take half of the fight for you to get into armor. So, for the first half of the fight the armor modules aren't doing anything and are just dead weight. But, once you're in armor, the shield modules are useless, so for the second half they are dead weight. If you never get out of shield, that's 4 slots that could have ended that fight faster that you just wasted. If your shield blows off immediately, same story. Now, if you fill your highs with shield modules and your lows with weapon mods, you'll kill somebody faster and all of your modules will be working for you throughout the whole fight. Conversely, fill your lows with armor mods and your mids with electronic warfare and/or prop mods, and you'll be able to prevent your enemy from hitting you as well. Once again, all modules are working for you through the whole fight.
Don't fit armor mods on a shield ship, don't fit shield mods on an armor ship. If it's Minmatar, pick one or the other, but never both.
Or, my dreams are not fiscally responsible or child appropriate, so pursuing them with children would be neglectful of my children and damaging, so instead I choose to live a mundane life with a steady pay check to provide them with a decent life. My decisions to stop pursuing childish dreams and take responsibility for the lives ive created is somehow a poor one? TLDR: Stop trying to force your views on other people, so I dont live an exciting life, because I want to provide for my family, youre going to be a judgemental shit about me for it? Big whoop, go fuck yourself.
Or, my dreams are not fiscally responsible or child appropriate, so pursuing them with children would be neglectful of my children and damaging, so instead I choose to live a mundane life with a steady pay check to provide them with a decent life. My decisions to stop pursuing childish dreams and take responsibility for the lives ive created is somehow a poor one? TLDR: Stop trying to force your views on other people, so I dont live an exciting life, because I want to provide for my family, youre going to be a judgemental shit about me for it? Big whoop, go fuck yourself.
Or, my dreams are not fiscally responsible or child appropriate, so pursuing them with children would be neglectful of my children and damaging, so instead I choose to live a mundane life with a steady pay check to provide them with a decent life. My decisions to stop pursuing childish dreams and take responsibility for the lives ive created is somehow a poor one?
Stop trying to force your views on other people, so I dont live an exciting life, because I want to provide for my family, youre going to be a judgemental shit about me for it? Big whoop, go fuck yourself.
To start, I was completely hammered. This was my first sexual experience of any kind and it took place at a third party's house in their child's bedroom, so here I am all giddy that I get to touch boobies and go down on a girl for the first time and I realize we have dinosaur sheets so that just made the whole thing hilarious to me. After a while of going down on her one of the best bits of memory I have, I was very inebriated so I think I lost some parts, was her shoving my face, with alarming strength right into her pussy, so I'm still trying to do my thing but she's damn near suffocating me in her vagina, which, if I had my choice, is how I want to die, but the suffocation hid my laughter pretty well so it worked out. But later, as she went to reciprocate Lil Capt_Optimism was like "Nah, we're good" Screw you ED, Virgin for life! TL;DR Nearly suffocated in a vagina, my dick didn't work
To start, I was completely hammered. This was my first sexual experience of any kind and it took place at a third party's house in their child's bedroom, so here I am all giddy that I get to touch boobies and go down on a girl for the first time and I realize we have dinosaur sheets so that just made the whole thing hilarious to me. After a while of going down on her one of the best bits of memory I have, I was very inebriated so I think I lost some parts, was her shoving my face, with alarming strength right into her pussy, so I'm still trying to do my thing but she's damn near suffocating me in her vagina, which, if I had my choice, is how I want to die, but the suffocation hid my laughter pretty well so it worked out. But later, as she went to reciprocate Lil Capt_Optimism was like "Nah, we're good" Screw you ED, Virgin for life! TL;DR Nearly suffocated in a vagina, my dick didn't work
To start, I was completely hammered. This was my first sexual experience of any kind and it took place at a third party's house in their child's bedroom, so here I am all giddy that I get to touch boobies and go down on a girl for the first time and I realize we have dinosaur sheets so that just made the whole thing hilarious to me. After a while of going down on her one of the best bits of memory I have, I was very inebriated so I think I lost some parts, was her shoving my face, with alarming strength right into her pussy, so I'm still trying to do my thing but she's damn near suffocating me in her vagina, which, if I had my choice, is how I want to die, but the suffocation hid my laughter pretty well so it worked out. But later, as she went to reciprocate Lil Capt_Optimism was like "Nah, we're good" Screw you ED, Virgin for life!
Nearly suffocated in a vagina, my dick didn't work
I really really REALLY hope that there is not an American version. Much of the character and style of this show comes from the extreme and the absurd. Case and point when they show [that one time in S5E1's bandcamp](#s "Curtis' penis when he's about to get date raped"). Things like that give the show its characters soul. The American version would absolutely not allow for that, lol. I mean, they couldn't even get Top Gear right, and that show is basically about destroying old cars (Case and point: When review a new Cadillac CTS-V, the only thing they could come up with is that he didn't like one of the buttons. Also, when timed on how fast it takes to break in, one guy uses a crowbar. This produces a truly cringe-worthy "awwwwww come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.... seriously??? man that is terrible :_[") Also, the brilliance of how everything is a parody will either be made more obvious (aka worse) or it will probably be dealt away with. **tl;dr** The American version is sure to be worse because American TV is not suitable for it. Not that American TV is worse per se, it just is a very poor fit for this show.
I really really REALLY hope that there is not an American version. Much of the character and style of this show comes from the extreme and the absurd. Case and point when they show that one time in S5E1's bandcamp . Things like that give the show its characters soul. The American version would absolutely not allow for that, lol. I mean, they couldn't even get Top Gear right, and that show is basically about destroying old cars (Case and point: When review a new Cadillac CTS-V, the only thing they could come up with is that he didn't like one of the buttons. Also, when timed on how fast it takes to break in, one guy uses a crowbar. This produces a truly cringe-worthy "awwwwww come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.... seriously??? man that is terrible :_[") Also, the brilliance of how everything is a parody will either be made more obvious (aka worse) or it will probably be dealt away with. tl;dr The American version is sure to be worse because American TV is not suitable for it. Not that American TV is worse per se, it just is a very poor fit for this show.
I really really REALLY hope that there is not an American version. Much of the character and style of this show comes from the extreme and the absurd. Case and point when they show that one time in S5E1's bandcamp . Things like that give the show its characters soul. The American version would absolutely not allow for that, lol. I mean, they couldn't even get Top Gear right, and that show is basically about destroying old cars (Case and point: When review a new Cadillac CTS-V, the only thing they could come up with is that he didn't like one of the buttons. Also, when timed on how fast it takes to break in, one guy uses a crowbar. This produces a truly cringe-worthy "awwwwww come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.... seriously??? man that is terrible :_[") Also, the brilliance of how everything is a parody will either be made more obvious (aka worse) or it will probably be dealt away with.
The American version is sure to be worse because American TV is not suitable for it. Not that American TV is worse per se, it just is a very poor fit for this show.
As a junior in high school we spent the day gambling at school and i had a serious hot streak. Then skipped the rest of the day to go to the smokehouse, which was just one of the houses where the kids mom was away at work. Got the highest I've ever been then we went on a quest for this one armed man who bought youngins alcohol. The night ended with a gathering of my close friends, think foreman's basement from that 70's show except it was my attic. We got wasted and my girlfriend at the time who was in college and gorgeous grabbed me by the hand and dragged me down to my room. We had extremely great sex that was interupted when my sister said that they could hear her screaming throughout the house and my mom was too embarrassed to come tell us to be quiet. (my mom and dad already knew i was sexually active and were pretty lenient parents) I later found out that my group of friends held their ears to the floor so they could hear us having sex. TL;DR won money, got crazy high, quest for one armed man, drunk, amazing sex.
As a junior in high school we spent the day gambling at school and i had a serious hot streak. Then skipped the rest of the day to go to the smokehouse, which was just one of the houses where the kids mom was away at work. Got the highest I've ever been then we went on a quest for this one armed man who bought youngins alcohol. The night ended with a gathering of my close friends, think foreman's basement from that 70's show except it was my attic. We got wasted and my girlfriend at the time who was in college and gorgeous grabbed me by the hand and dragged me down to my room. We had extremely great sex that was interupted when my sister said that they could hear her screaming throughout the house and my mom was too embarrassed to come tell us to be quiet. (my mom and dad already knew i was sexually active and were pretty lenient parents) I later found out that my group of friends held their ears to the floor so they could hear us having sex. TL;DR won money, got crazy high, quest for one armed man, drunk, amazing sex.
As a junior in high school we spent the day gambling at school and i had a serious hot streak. Then skipped the rest of the day to go to the smokehouse, which was just one of the houses where the kids mom was away at work. Got the highest I've ever been then we went on a quest for this one armed man who bought youngins alcohol. The night ended with a gathering of my close friends, think foreman's basement from that 70's show except it was my attic. We got wasted and my girlfriend at the time who was in college and gorgeous grabbed me by the hand and dragged me down to my room. We had extremely great sex that was interupted when my sister said that they could hear her screaming throughout the house and my mom was too embarrassed to come tell us to be quiet. (my mom and dad already knew i was sexually active and were pretty lenient parents) I later found out that my group of friends held their ears to the floor so they could hear us having sex.
won money, got crazy high, quest for one armed man, drunk, amazing sex.
I feel like I just watched a video from one of those FPSs like Fallout NV or Red Dead Redepmtion where some NPC was not rendered properly and ends up glitching into a really strange and vaguely alarming position. Tl;dr - did he died?
I feel like I just watched a video from one of those FPSs like Fallout NV or Red Dead Redepmtion where some NPC was not rendered properly and ends up glitching into a really strange and vaguely alarming position. Tl;dr - did he died?
I feel like I just watched a video from one of those FPSs like Fallout NV or Red Dead Redepmtion where some NPC was not rendered properly and ends up glitching into a really strange and vaguely alarming position.
did he died?
I too see no problem with this, as long as he is capable of having a casual relationship. I am 35 M, and I am on the verge of entering into a casual relationship with a 22 F. The casual thing is certainly not for everyone, and not everyone is wired with the slight emotional detachment that it is required for a truly NSA relationship. Fortunately, I was schooled early on, when I started a NSA hookup with a former gf of a member of GWAR. But that's a long story for another thread. TL;DR- I would feel out his views on casual, maybe initiate some sexual history talk, and find out if he has stage 4 clinger potential. I wish you the best of luck, and hope you get what you're looking for.
I too see no problem with this, as long as he is capable of having a casual relationship. I am 35 M, and I am on the verge of entering into a casual relationship with a 22 F. The casual thing is certainly not for everyone, and not everyone is wired with the slight emotional detachment that it is required for a truly NSA relationship. Fortunately, I was schooled early on, when I started a NSA hookup with a former gf of a member of GWAR. But that's a long story for another thread. TL;DR- I would feel out his views on casual, maybe initiate some sexual history talk, and find out if he has stage 4 clinger potential. I wish you the best of luck, and hope you get what you're looking for.
I too see no problem with this, as long as he is capable of having a casual relationship. I am 35 M, and I am on the verge of entering into a casual relationship with a 22 F. The casual thing is certainly not for everyone, and not everyone is wired with the slight emotional detachment that it is required for a truly NSA relationship. Fortunately, I was schooled early on, when I started a NSA hookup with a former gf of a member of GWAR. But that's a long story for another thread.
I would feel out his views on casual, maybe initiate some sexual history talk, and find out if he has stage 4 clinger potential. I wish you the best of luck, and hope you get what you're looking for.
I was born and raised on the north shore and now live in Chicago proper. I have relatives that won't take any public transportation for that reason, won't valet cars because the valets will steal things, won't take cabs because they are "dirty" etc. A few times, they've come into the city and offered to pick me up on the way to our final destination. The first and only time I took them up on it, we ended up being nearly 30 minutes late because they don't know how to drive their unnecessarily-large SUV in the city, wouldn't valet the car, and required a certain caliber of parking garage (don't know what was wrong with the three closer to the restaurant, which I pointed out). Now I just meet them there, which cuts down on tiring conversations on politics as a bonus. TL;DR some people can be ridiculous.
I was born and raised on the north shore and now live in Chicago proper. I have relatives that won't take any public transportation for that reason, won't valet cars because the valets will steal things, won't take cabs because they are "dirty" etc. A few times, they've come into the city and offered to pick me up on the way to our final destination. The first and only time I took them up on it, we ended up being nearly 30 minutes late because they don't know how to drive their unnecessarily-large SUV in the city, wouldn't valet the car, and required a certain caliber of parking garage (don't know what was wrong with the three closer to the restaurant, which I pointed out). Now I just meet them there, which cuts down on tiring conversations on politics as a bonus. TL;DR some people can be ridiculous.
I was born and raised on the north shore and now live in Chicago proper. I have relatives that won't take any public transportation for that reason, won't valet cars because the valets will steal things, won't take cabs because they are "dirty" etc. A few times, they've come into the city and offered to pick me up on the way to our final destination. The first and only time I took them up on it, we ended up being nearly 30 minutes late because they don't know how to drive their unnecessarily-large SUV in the city, wouldn't valet the car, and required a certain caliber of parking garage (don't know what was wrong with the three closer to the restaurant, which I pointed out). Now I just meet them there, which cuts down on tiring conversations on politics as a bonus.
some people can be ridiculous.
A very misleading DLC is the Deadly Despair Pack which has a poor description: "Features a permanent speed boost for Death's trusty steed Despair..." In fact, all this does is add 6 charges instead of 5 to Despair. [Here's a video on it.]( Within that channel/playlist, Kuddlesnot goes through all of the DLC. It seems like the most worthwhile ones are the three dungeons: two in the Season Pass, one in Argul's Tomb. I decided to get those. I have seen a number of reports of game freezing and data lose from the DLC so do it at your own risk (I don't think they've ever been patched due to THQ and Vigil being shut down). Apparently there are ways of preventing freezing and data lose so I recommend doing your research before entering the dungeons. Also, you have to access the dungeons through the main menu. TLDR: The three dungeons are decent but can causes game to crash, access dungeons from main menu.
A very misleading DLC is the Deadly Despair Pack which has a poor description: "Features a permanent speed boost for Death's trusty steed Despair..." In fact, all this does is add 6 charges instead of 5 to Despair. [Here's a video on it.]( Within that channel/playlist, Kuddlesnot goes through all of the DLC. It seems like the most worthwhile ones are the three dungeons: two in the Season Pass, one in Argul's Tomb. I decided to get those. I have seen a number of reports of game freezing and data lose from the DLC so do it at your own risk (I don't think they've ever been patched due to THQ and Vigil being shut down). Apparently there are ways of preventing freezing and data lose so I recommend doing your research before entering the dungeons. Also, you have to access the dungeons through the main menu. TLDR: The three dungeons are decent but can causes game to crash, access dungeons from main menu.
A very misleading DLC is the Deadly Despair Pack which has a poor description: "Features a permanent speed boost for Death's trusty steed Despair..." In fact, all this does is add 6 charges instead of 5 to Despair. [Here's a video on it.]( Within that channel/playlist, Kuddlesnot goes through all of the DLC. It seems like the most worthwhile ones are the three dungeons: two in the Season Pass, one in Argul's Tomb. I decided to get those. I have seen a number of reports of game freezing and data lose from the DLC so do it at your own risk (I don't think they've ever been patched due to THQ and Vigil being shut down). Apparently there are ways of preventing freezing and data lose so I recommend doing your research before entering the dungeons. Also, you have to access the dungeons through the main menu.
The three dungeons are decent but can causes game to crash, access dungeons from main menu.
In SWG the most awesome thing in my opinion were the multiplayer ships in the JTL expansion. Someone begged a lift off me one time cos he couldn't afford transport so he jumped in the back of my y-wing and I thought as I now had a gunner we may as well go shoot stuff, so we did and it was good. Some of my friends were in the 4 person ship and it caught fire and the one who was not flying or using the guns was running around the inside looking for something to put the fires out but it turned out the pilot had thought fire blankets were a waste of money. tl:dr multi player space ships rock!
In SWG the most awesome thing in my opinion were the multiplayer ships in the JTL expansion. Someone begged a lift off me one time cos he couldn't afford transport so he jumped in the back of my y-wing and I thought as I now had a gunner we may as well go shoot stuff, so we did and it was good. Some of my friends were in the 4 person ship and it caught fire and the one who was not flying or using the guns was running around the inside looking for something to put the fires out but it turned out the pilot had thought fire blankets were a waste of money. tl:dr multi player space ships rock!
In SWG the most awesome thing in my opinion were the multiplayer ships in the JTL expansion. Someone begged a lift off me one time cos he couldn't afford transport so he jumped in the back of my y-wing and I thought as I now had a gunner we may as well go shoot stuff, so we did and it was good. Some of my friends were in the 4 person ship and it caught fire and the one who was not flying or using the guns was running around the inside looking for something to put the fires out but it turned out the pilot had thought fire blankets were a waste of money.
multi player space ships rock!
As a volunteer firefighter and health and safety professional, I would strongly disagree with your statement that OSHA is easy to understand. I think you meant it as "safety is essential," but a short look at the[ federal regulations for general industry]( will probably make you think that the regulations are about as clear as mud. You need to seriously look in to this and I urge you to contact a safety and health professional or other agency that can help you with it. This isn't really the kind of thing that you should muddle through on your own, but there should be resources available (e.g., OSHA field offices, other fire departments). There are a few starting **questions** and one point: 1. **Are you public or private sector?** See below for more on this. 2. **Do standards promulgated by the National Fire Protection Association apply to you?** / **Are NFPA training requirements within the scope of your work?** 3. ***If volunteer, are you considered to be "an employee?"*** 4. OSHA training requirements, such as 29 Code of Federal Regulations 1910.156(c)(1) that another reply mentioned, are not all-encompassing. There are individuals tandards that have training requirements assocaited with them (e.g., [respiratory protection - 1910.134]( [bloodborne pathogens - 1910.1030]( Okay, well, the first thing to address is whether or not you're public sector. This is important because "state and local government workers are not covered by Federal OSHA, but they do have protections in states that operate their own programs. The following states have approved State Programs: AK, AZ,CA, CT,HI,IA,IL,IN,KY, MD, MI, MN,NC,NJ,NM,NV,NY,OR,SC, TN,UT, VA, VT, WA, WY, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands." ([*OSHA at-a-glance*]( Since Pennsylvania does not have an approved state program, then OSHA may not be the right agency to be looking at. So, if you're private sector than continue on with OSHA requirements, otherwise refer to the appropriate Pennsylvania law - a quick Google search shows this to be the Pennsylvania General Safety Law as regulated by the Department of Labor and Industry's Bureau of Occupational and Industrial Safety. Unfortunately I'm not going to be of any help with this since I'm not familiar enough with Pennsylvania's law (hence the use of Google). **TL;DR: Contact someone with expertise in Pennsylvania health and safety laws and start by reading pertinent information from the appropriate organizations. A good place to start that'll explain the OSHA issues would be with this OSHA letter of interpretation about "[OSHA training requirements for volunteer fire company personnel]( (it is about New York in 1988, but the big things should be comparable).** I know I didn't really answer your question, but it is rather more complicated that it looks on the face of the issue. Feel free to shoot me a PM about it and I'll try to help, but as I said before I have practically no experience/expertise in Pennsylvania law.
As a volunteer firefighter and health and safety professional, I would strongly disagree with your statement that OSHA is easy to understand. I think you meant it as "safety is essential," but a short look at the federal regulations for general industry . There are a few starting questions and one point: Are you public or private sector? See below for more on this. Do standards promulgated by the National Fire Protection Association apply to you? / Are NFPA training requirements within the scope of your work? If volunteer, are you considered to be "an employee?" OSHA training requirements, such as 29 Code of Federal Regulations 1910.156(c)(1) that another reply mentioned, are not all-encompassing. There are individuals tandards that have training requirements assocaited with them (e.g., [respiratory protection - 1910.134]( [bloodborne pathogens - 1910.1030]( Okay, well, the first thing to address is whether or not you're public sector. This is important because "state and local government workers are not covered by Federal OSHA, but they do have protections in states that operate their own programs. The following states have approved State Programs: AK, AZ,CA, CT,HI,IA,IL,IN,KY, MD, MI, MN,NC,NJ,NM,NV,NY,OR,SC, TN,UT, VA, VT, WA, WY, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands." ([ OSHA at-a-glance ]( Since Pennsylvania does not have an approved state program, then OSHA may not be the right agency to be looking at. So, if you're private sector than continue on with OSHA requirements, otherwise refer to the appropriate Pennsylvania law - a quick Google search shows this to be the Pennsylvania General Safety Law as regulated by the Department of Labor and Industry's Bureau of Occupational and Industrial Safety. Unfortunately I'm not going to be of any help with this since I'm not familiar enough with Pennsylvania's law (hence the use of Google). TL;DR: Contact someone with expertise in Pennsylvania health and safety laws and start by reading pertinent information from the appropriate organizations. A good place to start that'll explain the OSHA issues would be with this OSHA letter of interpretation about " OSHA training requirements for volunteer fire company personnel . I know I didn't really answer your question, but it is rather more complicated that it looks on the face of the issue. Feel free to shoot me a PM about it and I'll try to help, but as I said before I have practically no experience/expertise in Pennsylvania law.
As a volunteer firefighter and health and safety professional, I would strongly disagree with your statement that OSHA is easy to understand. I think you meant it as "safety is essential," but a short look at the federal regulations for general industry . There are a few starting questions and one point: Are you public or private sector? See below for more on this. Do standards promulgated by the National Fire Protection Association apply to you? / Are NFPA training requirements within the scope of your work? If volunteer, are you considered to be "an employee?" OSHA training requirements, such as 29 Code of Federal Regulations 1910.156(c)(1) that another reply mentioned, are not all-encompassing. There are individuals tandards that have training requirements assocaited with them (e.g., [respiratory protection - 1910.134]( [bloodborne pathogens - 1910.1030]( Okay, well, the first thing to address is whether or not you're public sector. This is important because "state and local government workers are not covered by Federal OSHA, but they do have protections in states that operate their own programs. The following states have approved State Programs: AK, AZ,CA, CT,HI,IA,IL,IN,KY, MD, MI, MN,NC,NJ,NM,NV,NY,OR,SC, TN,UT, VA, VT, WA, WY, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands." ([ OSHA at-a-glance ]( Since Pennsylvania does not have an approved state program, then OSHA may not be the right agency to be looking at. So, if you're private sector than continue on with OSHA requirements, otherwise refer to the appropriate Pennsylvania law - a quick Google search shows this to be the Pennsylvania General Safety Law as regulated by the Department of Labor and Industry's Bureau of Occupational and Industrial Safety. Unfortunately I'm not going to be of any help with this since I'm not familiar enough with Pennsylvania's law (hence the use of Google).
Contact someone with expertise in Pennsylvania health and safety laws and start by reading pertinent information from the appropriate organizations. A good place to start that'll explain the OSHA issues would be with this OSHA letter of interpretation about " OSHA training requirements for volunteer fire company personnel . I know I didn't really answer your question, but it is rather more complicated that it looks on the face of the issue. Feel free to shoot me a PM about it and I'll try to help, but as I said before I have practically no experience/expertise in Pennsylvania law.
There are good and bad aspects to allowing or disallowing it. If someone is robbed at gunpoint, there is still a chance for them to retaliate and possibly get away. Due to the fact that you have to get so close to people to see names, not shooting on sight adds greatly to the Allied/Neutral/Hostile aspect of the server, this isn't a 'normal' server and shouldn't be treated as such. If you KOS, you're effectively removing a large aspect of the tactical and diplomatic part of the game, because it can be so difficult to respond to something like this due to respawns, and that not everybody roams with a large group. The KOSing also often walks a fine line between 'playing the game' and 'griefing'. If someone kills you 3/4 times in a row, would you consider yourself 'griefed', most people would. I know, just like any game like this (DayZ for example), killing on sight is a part of the game and I agree with a number of reasons why people WOULD do it, I feel like it strongly detracts from the point of this server and don't feel like it can be justified other than in a raid or if someone is in an area which you 'own', or in certain other circumstances which I'm sure people can think of. TL;DR: KoS is part of the game, but there are servers where that's done, and servers which have rules that don't work very well with the KoS mentality.
There are good and bad aspects to allowing or disallowing it. If someone is robbed at gunpoint, there is still a chance for them to retaliate and possibly get away. Due to the fact that you have to get so close to people to see names, not shooting on sight adds greatly to the Allied/Neutral/Hostile aspect of the server, this isn't a 'normal' server and shouldn't be treated as such. If you KOS, you're effectively removing a large aspect of the tactical and diplomatic part of the game, because it can be so difficult to respond to something like this due to respawns, and that not everybody roams with a large group. The KOSing also often walks a fine line between 'playing the game' and 'griefing'. If someone kills you 3/4 times in a row, would you consider yourself 'griefed', most people would. I know, just like any game like this (DayZ for example), killing on sight is a part of the game and I agree with a number of reasons why people WOULD do it, I feel like it strongly detracts from the point of this server and don't feel like it can be justified other than in a raid or if someone is in an area which you 'own', or in certain other circumstances which I'm sure people can think of. TL;DR: KoS is part of the game, but there are servers where that's done, and servers which have rules that don't work very well with the KoS mentality.
There are good and bad aspects to allowing or disallowing it. If someone is robbed at gunpoint, there is still a chance for them to retaliate and possibly get away. Due to the fact that you have to get so close to people to see names, not shooting on sight adds greatly to the Allied/Neutral/Hostile aspect of the server, this isn't a 'normal' server and shouldn't be treated as such. If you KOS, you're effectively removing a large aspect of the tactical and diplomatic part of the game, because it can be so difficult to respond to something like this due to respawns, and that not everybody roams with a large group. The KOSing also often walks a fine line between 'playing the game' and 'griefing'. If someone kills you 3/4 times in a row, would you consider yourself 'griefed', most people would. I know, just like any game like this (DayZ for example), killing on sight is a part of the game and I agree with a number of reasons why people WOULD do it, I feel like it strongly detracts from the point of this server and don't feel like it can be justified other than in a raid or if someone is in an area which you 'own', or in certain other circumstances which I'm sure people can think of.
KoS is part of the game, but there are servers where that's done, and servers which have rules that don't work very well with the KoS mentality.
>What would happen if I mentioned to my landlord that her boyfriend was living there and not on the lease? What is my landlord permitted to do in this case? You would want to report this because since it violates the lease it gives the landlord the option of terminating the lease. By terminating the lease you will not have to pay the rent or utilities anymore. source: TL;DR Any lease violation gives the landlord the ability to terminate a lease and evict tenants.
>What would happen if I mentioned to my landlord that her boyfriend was living there and not on the lease? What is my landlord permitted to do in this case? You would want to report this because since it violates the lease it gives the landlord the option of terminating the lease. By terminating the lease you will not have to pay the rent or utilities anymore. source: TL;DR Any lease violation gives the landlord the ability to terminate a lease and evict tenants.
What would happen if I mentioned to my landlord that her boyfriend was living there and not on the lease? What is my landlord permitted to do in this case? You would want to report this because since it violates the lease it gives the landlord the option of terminating the lease. By terminating the lease you will not have to pay the rent or utilities anymore. source:
Any lease violation gives the landlord the ability to terminate a lease and evict tenants.
There was this kid I had never met that was at my friend's house party for a birthday. I forget the names of everyone involved so I'll just call him White Shirt. I was talking to White Shirt a bit because we were on the same team during some of the drinking games. Another guy who I'll call Cowboy recognized White Shirt and started giving him a hard time for no real reason, apparently they knew each other back in high school. Cowboy points out White Shirt to some of his other friends and they all start chiming in and harassing him. I kind of let it slide for a bit and just tried to keep the conversation civil but it continued for awhile throughout the night. White Shirt didn't really have any other friends there because birthday boy had been taken home already so he was left to fend for himself. Since Cowboy had his friends in the next room, he figured he could tough talk White Shirt as much as he wanted and get away with it. I'm not a big guy by any means, nor am I an aggressive person but it bothered me that someone could just belittle someone else for no good reason. I had told him to lay off earlier and he didn't listen so I got pissed and stepped in between them and told him if he kept on, he was going to have to deal with me as well. He told me that all of his boys were right there, trying to get me with the intimidation factor but I had enough to drink that I didn't really consider it a whole lot. I told him, "I don't care if about them. If it goes down, I'm going for you and it's gonna hurt." He must have realized I wasn't bluffing because they took left him alone from then on and took off shortly afterward. I'm glad it didn't escalate any further because although I probably could have handled Cowboy pretty well myself, those other guys would have destroyed me no doubt. White Shirt thanked me and was able to enjoy himself for the rest of the night. **TL;DR** Some potential self-sacrifice and sticking up for the underdog can sometimes make a huge difference for someone else.
There was this kid I had never met that was at my friend's house party for a birthday. I forget the names of everyone involved so I'll just call him White Shirt. I was talking to White Shirt a bit because we were on the same team during some of the drinking games. Another guy who I'll call Cowboy recognized White Shirt and started giving him a hard time for no real reason, apparently they knew each other back in high school. Cowboy points out White Shirt to some of his other friends and they all start chiming in and harassing him. I kind of let it slide for a bit and just tried to keep the conversation civil but it continued for awhile throughout the night. White Shirt didn't really have any other friends there because birthday boy had been taken home already so he was left to fend for himself. Since Cowboy had his friends in the next room, he figured he could tough talk White Shirt as much as he wanted and get away with it. I'm not a big guy by any means, nor am I an aggressive person but it bothered me that someone could just belittle someone else for no good reason. I had told him to lay off earlier and he didn't listen so I got pissed and stepped in between them and told him if he kept on, he was going to have to deal with me as well. He told me that all of his boys were right there, trying to get me with the intimidation factor but I had enough to drink that I didn't really consider it a whole lot. I told him, "I don't care if about them. If it goes down, I'm going for you and it's gonna hurt." He must have realized I wasn't bluffing because they took left him alone from then on and took off shortly afterward. I'm glad it didn't escalate any further because although I probably could have handled Cowboy pretty well myself, those other guys would have destroyed me no doubt. White Shirt thanked me and was able to enjoy himself for the rest of the night. TL;DR Some potential self-sacrifice and sticking up for the underdog can sometimes make a huge difference for someone else.
There was this kid I had never met that was at my friend's house party for a birthday. I forget the names of everyone involved so I'll just call him White Shirt. I was talking to White Shirt a bit because we were on the same team during some of the drinking games. Another guy who I'll call Cowboy recognized White Shirt and started giving him a hard time for no real reason, apparently they knew each other back in high school. Cowboy points out White Shirt to some of his other friends and they all start chiming in and harassing him. I kind of let it slide for a bit and just tried to keep the conversation civil but it continued for awhile throughout the night. White Shirt didn't really have any other friends there because birthday boy had been taken home already so he was left to fend for himself. Since Cowboy had his friends in the next room, he figured he could tough talk White Shirt as much as he wanted and get away with it. I'm not a big guy by any means, nor am I an aggressive person but it bothered me that someone could just belittle someone else for no good reason. I had told him to lay off earlier and he didn't listen so I got pissed and stepped in between them and told him if he kept on, he was going to have to deal with me as well. He told me that all of his boys were right there, trying to get me with the intimidation factor but I had enough to drink that I didn't really consider it a whole lot. I told him, "I don't care if about them. If it goes down, I'm going for you and it's gonna hurt." He must have realized I wasn't bluffing because they took left him alone from then on and took off shortly afterward. I'm glad it didn't escalate any further because although I probably could have handled Cowboy pretty well myself, those other guys would have destroyed me no doubt. White Shirt thanked me and was able to enjoy himself for the rest of the night.
Some potential self-sacrifice and sticking up for the underdog can sometimes make a huge difference for someone else.
I think people really use the word troll incorrectly. You were raging, flaming, being a dick, you weren't in the least bit trolling. It's kinda annoying that trolling gets lumped in with all those every single time when it doesn't have to be. For instance, you could consider imaqtpie or the odd one HUGE trolls on stream though they never do anything that would be considered that toxic. TL;DR stop throwing the word troll around
I think people really use the word troll incorrectly. You were raging, flaming, being a dick, you weren't in the least bit trolling. It's kinda annoying that trolling gets lumped in with all those every single time when it doesn't have to be. For instance, you could consider imaqtpie or the odd one HUGE trolls on stream though they never do anything that would be considered that toxic. TL;DR stop throwing the word troll around
I think people really use the word troll incorrectly. You were raging, flaming, being a dick, you weren't in the least bit trolling. It's kinda annoying that trolling gets lumped in with all those every single time when it doesn't have to be. For instance, you could consider imaqtpie or the odd one HUGE trolls on stream though they never do anything that would be considered that toxic.
stop throwing the word troll around
**Sorry about the length - multi-lingual quoting makes this post mad long**. Using the Matthew 1:18 used in the Wikipedia example, and bearing in mind one translator may phrase things slightly to another, compare the following: * **Norwegian**: Men med Jesu Kristi fødsel gikk det således til: Da hans mor Maria var trolovet med Josef, viste det sig, før de var kommet sammen, at hun var fruktsommelig ved den Hellige Ånd. * **Danish**: Men med Jesu Kristi Fødsel gik det således til. Da Maria, hans Moder, var trolovet med Josef, fandtes hun, førend de kom sammen, at være frugtsommelig af den Helligånd. * **Swedish**: Med Jesu Kristi födelse gick det så till. Sedan Maria, hans moder, hade blivit trolovad med Josef, befanns hon, förrän de kommo tillsammans, vara havande av helig ande. Very little difference there, and nobody disputes them being different languages, so lets hit the Slavic languages I mentioned: * **Slovak**: A narodenie Ježiša Krista bolo takto. Keď bola jeho matka, Mária, zasnúbená Jozefovi, prv ako sa sišli, bola najdená tehotná zo Svätého Ducha. * **Czech**: Jezukristovo pak narození takto se stalo: Když matka jeho Maria snoubena byla Jozefovi, prve než se sešli, nalezena jest těhotná z Ducha svatého. * **Polish**: A narodzenie Jezusa Chrystusa takie było: Albowiem gdy Maryja, matka jego, poślubiona była Józefowi, pierwej niżeli się zeszli, znaleziona jest brzemienną z Ducha Świętego. Larger differences, but I (Beginner/Intermediate Polish speaker) can understand the majority of the Slovak OK, though I find the Czech harder (especially when spoken). Were I a native or even more proficient speaker then these differences would be even less. So lets move onto the Spanish/Portuguese... * **Spanish**: Y el nacimiento de Jesucristo fué así: Que siendo María su madre desposada con José, antes que se juntasen, se halló haber concebido del Espíritu Santo. * **Portuguese**: Ora, o nascimento de Jesus Cristo foi assim: estando Maria, sua mãe, desposada com José, sem que tivessem antes coabitado, achou-se grávida pelo Espírito Santo. Again, while there are differences in both vocab and word order, there is a high degree of similarity for all to see. Less so than between the Scandinavian languages, It is generally found that Portuguese speakers have less problems with reading/speaking/understanding Spanish than vice-versa, though currently speaking neither to anything more than elementary level Spanish I cannot comment too much on this. Now onto the same passages from the Scots translation you link to and an English one from the same site as I took the rest ( * **English**: Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. * **Scots**: This is the storie o the birth o Jesus Christ. His mither Mary wis trystit til Joseph, but afore they war mairriet she wis fund tae be wi bairn bi the Halie Spírit. Similar, yes - particularly the first line. The same?? No. English speakers who have not come into contact with Scots will struggle a damn sight more to understand Scots than speakers of one of the languages used earlier would to understand the others in the same language group. Hell, even native English speakers struggle to understand Scots. I certainly see Scots as being a Germanic language, just like English, but a distinctly different language. Indeed when learning Dutch recently I discovered much of the vocab there to be closer to Scots than English - possibly due to the greater French influences to the English language than Scots has. Eg. Where(EN)/Far(SCO)/Vaar(NL) (V in Dutch is pronounced the same as a 'F' in English). The biggest problem in the recognition and education in Scots has is the variants. Be that Ulster Scots, Doric Scots (NE Scotland) or whichever. Without an accepted 'Standard Scots' Scots will always struggle for acceptance. Likewise with the Scottish school system ignoring or even trying to drive out usage of it (possibly this is changing nowadays though?) the portrayal of Scots as a backwards language will continue to cripple it. **TL;DR: Scots is similar to English, both having Germanic language roots, but Scots is no more similar to English than many other languages are to their neighboring languages of the same language family. Examples are above.**
Sorry about the length - multi-lingual quoting makes this post mad long . Using the Matthew 1:18 used in the Wikipedia example, and bearing in mind one translator may phrase things slightly to another, compare the following: Norwegian : Men med Jesu Kristi fødsel gikk det således til: Da hans mor Maria var trolovet med Josef, viste det sig, før de var kommet sammen, at hun var fruktsommelig ved den Hellige Ånd. Danish : Men med Jesu Kristi Fødsel gik det således til. Da Maria, hans Moder, var trolovet med Josef, fandtes hun, førend de kom sammen, at være frugtsommelig af den Helligånd. Swedish : Med Jesu Kristi födelse gick det så till. Sedan Maria, hans moder, hade blivit trolovad med Josef, befanns hon, förrän de kommo tillsammans, vara havande av helig ande. Very little difference there, and nobody disputes them being different languages, so lets hit the Slavic languages I mentioned: Slovak : A narodenie Ježiša Krista bolo takto. Keď bola jeho matka, Mária, zasnúbená Jozefovi, prv ako sa sišli, bola najdená tehotná zo Svätého Ducha. Czech : Jezukristovo pak narození takto se stalo: Když matka jeho Maria snoubena byla Jozefovi, prve než se sešli, nalezena jest těhotná z Ducha svatého. Polish : A narodzenie Jezusa Chrystusa takie było: Albowiem gdy Maryja, matka jego, poślubiona była Józefowi, pierwej niżeli się zeszli, znaleziona jest brzemienną z Ducha Świętego. Larger differences, but I (Beginner/Intermediate Polish speaker) can understand the majority of the Slovak OK, though I find the Czech harder (especially when spoken). Were I a native or even more proficient speaker then these differences would be even less. So lets move onto the Spanish/Portuguese... Spanish : Y el nacimiento de Jesucristo fué así: Que siendo María su madre desposada con José, antes que se juntasen, se halló haber concebido del Espíritu Santo. Portuguese : Ora, o nascimento de Jesus Cristo foi assim: estando Maria, sua mãe, desposada com José, sem que tivessem antes coabitado, achou-se grávida pelo Espírito Santo. Again, while there are differences in both vocab and word order, there is a high degree of similarity for all to see. Less so than between the Scandinavian languages, It is generally found that Portuguese speakers have less problems with reading/speaking/understanding Spanish than vice-versa, though currently speaking neither to anything more than elementary level Spanish I cannot comment too much on this. Now onto the same passages from the Scots translation you link to and an English one from the same site as I took the rest ( English : Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. Scots : This is the storie o the birth o Jesus Christ. His mither Mary wis trystit til Joseph, but afore they war mairriet she wis fund tae be wi bairn bi the Halie Spírit. Similar, yes - particularly the first line. The same?? No. English speakers who have not come into contact with Scots will struggle a damn sight more to understand Scots than speakers of one of the languages used earlier would to understand the others in the same language group. Hell, even native English speakers struggle to understand Scots. I certainly see Scots as being a Germanic language, just like English, but a distinctly different language. Indeed when learning Dutch recently I discovered much of the vocab there to be closer to Scots than English - possibly due to the greater French influences to the English language than Scots has. Eg. Where(EN)/Far(SCO)/Vaar(NL) (V in Dutch is pronounced the same as a 'F' in English). The biggest problem in the recognition and education in Scots has is the variants. Be that Ulster Scots, Doric Scots (NE Scotland) or whichever. Without an accepted 'Standard Scots' Scots will always struggle for acceptance. Likewise with the Scottish school system ignoring or even trying to drive out usage of it (possibly this is changing nowadays though?) the portrayal of Scots as a backwards language will continue to cripple it. TL;DR: Scots is similar to English, both having Germanic language roots, but Scots is no more similar to English than many other languages are to their neighboring languages of the same language family. Examples are above.
Sorry about the length - multi-lingual quoting makes this post mad long . Using the Matthew 1:18 used in the Wikipedia example, and bearing in mind one translator may phrase things slightly to another, compare the following: Norwegian : Men med Jesu Kristi fødsel gikk det således til: Da hans mor Maria var trolovet med Josef, viste det sig, før de var kommet sammen, at hun var fruktsommelig ved den Hellige Ånd. Danish : Men med Jesu Kristi Fødsel gik det således til. Da Maria, hans Moder, var trolovet med Josef, fandtes hun, førend de kom sammen, at være frugtsommelig af den Helligånd. Swedish : Med Jesu Kristi födelse gick det så till. Sedan Maria, hans moder, hade blivit trolovad med Josef, befanns hon, förrän de kommo tillsammans, vara havande av helig ande. Very little difference there, and nobody disputes them being different languages, so lets hit the Slavic languages I mentioned: Slovak : A narodenie Ježiša Krista bolo takto. Keď bola jeho matka, Mária, zasnúbená Jozefovi, prv ako sa sišli, bola najdená tehotná zo Svätého Ducha. Czech : Jezukristovo pak narození takto se stalo: Když matka jeho Maria snoubena byla Jozefovi, prve než se sešli, nalezena jest těhotná z Ducha svatého. Polish : A narodzenie Jezusa Chrystusa takie było: Albowiem gdy Maryja, matka jego, poślubiona była Józefowi, pierwej niżeli się zeszli, znaleziona jest brzemienną z Ducha Świętego. Larger differences, but I (Beginner/Intermediate Polish speaker) can understand the majority of the Slovak OK, though I find the Czech harder (especially when spoken). Were I a native or even more proficient speaker then these differences would be even less. So lets move onto the Spanish/Portuguese... Spanish : Y el nacimiento de Jesucristo fué así: Que siendo María su madre desposada con José, antes que se juntasen, se halló haber concebido del Espíritu Santo. Portuguese : Ora, o nascimento de Jesus Cristo foi assim: estando Maria, sua mãe, desposada com José, sem que tivessem antes coabitado, achou-se grávida pelo Espírito Santo. Again, while there are differences in both vocab and word order, there is a high degree of similarity for all to see. Less so than between the Scandinavian languages, It is generally found that Portuguese speakers have less problems with reading/speaking/understanding Spanish than vice-versa, though currently speaking neither to anything more than elementary level Spanish I cannot comment too much on this. Now onto the same passages from the Scots translation you link to and an English one from the same site as I took the rest ( English : Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. Scots : This is the storie o the birth o Jesus Christ. His mither Mary wis trystit til Joseph, but afore they war mairriet she wis fund tae be wi bairn bi the Halie Spírit. Similar, yes - particularly the first line. The same?? No. English speakers who have not come into contact with Scots will struggle a damn sight more to understand Scots than speakers of one of the languages used earlier would to understand the others in the same language group. Hell, even native English speakers struggle to understand Scots. I certainly see Scots as being a Germanic language, just like English, but a distinctly different language. Indeed when learning Dutch recently I discovered much of the vocab there to be closer to Scots than English - possibly due to the greater French influences to the English language than Scots has. Eg. Where(EN)/Far(SCO)/Vaar(NL) (V in Dutch is pronounced the same as a 'F' in English). The biggest problem in the recognition and education in Scots has is the variants. Be that Ulster Scots, Doric Scots (NE Scotland) or whichever. Without an accepted 'Standard Scots' Scots will always struggle for acceptance. Likewise with the Scottish school system ignoring or even trying to drive out usage of it (possibly this is changing nowadays though?) the portrayal of Scots as a backwards language will continue to cripple it.
Scots is similar to English, both having Germanic language roots, but Scots is no more similar to English than many other languages are to their neighboring languages of the same language family. Examples are above.
I still use him some. I think Hogger's served me well. Like he doesn't win games or anything, but he is still solid. He isn't great against Mages in general (flame strikes or fireballs end him quickly) and in general any direct damage but for 6 mana getting a 4/4 and a 2/2 with taunt (that you can't buff immediately sadly) with the 4/4 being such a high priority target I think is worth it. tl:dr Hogger is pretty good, not for every deck and definitely has weakness but he's at least fun.
I still use him some. I think Hogger's served me well. Like he doesn't win games or anything, but he is still solid. He isn't great against Mages in general (flame strikes or fireballs end him quickly) and in general any direct damage but for 6 mana getting a 4/4 and a 2/2 with taunt (that you can't buff immediately sadly) with the 4/4 being such a high priority target I think is worth it. tl:dr Hogger is pretty good, not for every deck and definitely has weakness but he's at least fun.
I still use him some. I think Hogger's served me well. Like he doesn't win games or anything, but he is still solid. He isn't great against Mages in general (flame strikes or fireballs end him quickly) and in general any direct damage but for 6 mana getting a 4/4 and a 2/2 with taunt (that you can't buff immediately sadly) with the 4/4 being such a high priority target I think is worth it.
Hogger is pretty good, not for every deck and definitely has weakness but he's at least fun.
iirc, over millions of years dead animals with their shells and shells in general (rich in calcium) build up on the sea bed and the pressure of the water compresses them into rock formations - in the case of south east England, chalk. Chalk is very susceptible to erosion especially from salt water so things like beachy head and the needles (isle of white) are caused by the constant bashing of waves... Hopefully this made sense and is what you wanted to know. Tldr; dead fish and shells make chalk which is a weak ass rock
iirc, over millions of years dead animals with their shells and shells in general (rich in calcium) build up on the sea bed and the pressure of the water compresses them into rock formations - in the case of south east England, chalk. Chalk is very susceptible to erosion especially from salt water so things like beachy head and the needles (isle of white) are caused by the constant bashing of waves... Hopefully this made sense and is what you wanted to know. Tldr; dead fish and shells make chalk which is a weak ass rock
iirc, over millions of years dead animals with their shells and shells in general (rich in calcium) build up on the sea bed and the pressure of the water compresses them into rock formations - in the case of south east England, chalk. Chalk is very susceptible to erosion especially from salt water so things like beachy head and the needles (isle of white) are caused by the constant bashing of waves... Hopefully this made sense and is what you wanted to know.
dead fish and shells make chalk which is a weak ass rock
Not sure why people would be opposed to signing Thomas muller. That man is one of the best attacking players in the world. As it stands, we have isco modric and dimaria playing the cam role. I see dimaria leaving in the summer, and modric plays best a little deeper than cam. That leave isco as the only real cam. With Thomas muller we could have a not only a solid cam starter/backup but also a right wing incase bale or jese is injured as he plays on the right with Germany. Plus the dudes work rate is just unreal when you watch him. He reminds me of dimaria in terms of hustle but 10x more useful and consistent. TLDR: Thomas muller is a fucking beast jack-of-all-trades who could play CAM, RW, an even as a support striker. Any team having a chance to buy him would be mental not to.
Not sure why people would be opposed to signing Thomas muller. That man is one of the best attacking players in the world. As it stands, we have isco modric and dimaria playing the cam role. I see dimaria leaving in the summer, and modric plays best a little deeper than cam. That leave isco as the only real cam. With Thomas muller we could have a not only a solid cam starter/backup but also a right wing incase bale or jese is injured as he plays on the right with Germany. Plus the dudes work rate is just unreal when you watch him. He reminds me of dimaria in terms of hustle but 10x more useful and consistent. TLDR: Thomas muller is a fucking beast jack-of-all-trades who could play CAM, RW, an even as a support striker. Any team having a chance to buy him would be mental not to.
Not sure why people would be opposed to signing Thomas muller. That man is one of the best attacking players in the world. As it stands, we have isco modric and dimaria playing the cam role. I see dimaria leaving in the summer, and modric plays best a little deeper than cam. That leave isco as the only real cam. With Thomas muller we could have a not only a solid cam starter/backup but also a right wing incase bale or jese is injured as he plays on the right with Germany. Plus the dudes work rate is just unreal when you watch him. He reminds me of dimaria in terms of hustle but 10x more useful and consistent.
Thomas muller is a fucking beast jack-of-all-trades who could play CAM, RW, an even as a support striker. Any team having a chance to buy him would be mental not to.
Is that what happened? After 5 minutes of loading, I gave up. TL;DR: GIFs are stupid.
Is that what happened? After 5 minutes of loading, I gave up. TL;DR: GIFs are stupid.
Is that what happened? After 5 minutes of loading, I gave up.
GIFs are stupid.
You can quickly get lost in the thousands of choices online. Just stick with a reliable, well known and reasonably priced solution: The Castle 1410- GoNitro Hobbies is selling them on eBay for $69.95 with free shipping, which is the best deal I've seen yet. As others have mentioned, you can pick it up in a combo with the Sidewinder v3 ESC if you decide you have outgrown the Velineon ESC. The motor is just a tick faster in terms of kv (3800 vs. 3500), but it also has a ton more torque so in theory you can gear up a bit to gain top speed without seeing an increase in heat generated. TLDR; Castle 1410 all the way broseph.
You can quickly get lost in the thousands of choices online. Just stick with a reliable, well known and reasonably priced solution: The Castle 1410- GoNitro Hobbies is selling them on eBay for $69.95 with free shipping, which is the best deal I've seen yet. As others have mentioned, you can pick it up in a combo with the Sidewinder v3 ESC if you decide you have outgrown the Velineon ESC. The motor is just a tick faster in terms of kv (3800 vs. 3500), but it also has a ton more torque so in theory you can gear up a bit to gain top speed without seeing an increase in heat generated. TLDR; Castle 1410 all the way broseph.
You can quickly get lost in the thousands of choices online. Just stick with a reliable, well known and reasonably priced solution: The Castle 1410- GoNitro Hobbies is selling them on eBay for $69.95 with free shipping, which is the best deal I've seen yet. As others have mentioned, you can pick it up in a combo with the Sidewinder v3 ESC if you decide you have outgrown the Velineon ESC. The motor is just a tick faster in terms of kv (3800 vs. 3500), but it also has a ton more torque so in theory you can gear up a bit to gain top speed without seeing an increase in heat generated.
Castle 1410 all the way broseph.
The McGuinty government did more to destroy housing in this province than anyone realizes with making HST applicable to a million things that used to be exempt for landlords. The difference to bottom lines in those years were staggering. CMHC makes getting financing to build a rental apartment building almost impossible, this stops new construction in its tracks. Banks eternally are tightening lending criteria for anything to do with apartments or renting to someone. If you want a loan to improve your building or 4-plex or 8-plex or whatever good luck to you! You aren't getting it from a bank. The problem isn't the rules between the tenants and the landlords, those are already highly pro-tenant with a real absence of common sense on all sides. The super-vulnerable fall prey to shady landlords and well... everything if we're going to be honest with ourselves. tl;dr - The root problem is that it's not a great business to be in anymore, would not recommend to someone not established.
The McGuinty government did more to destroy housing in this province than anyone realizes with making HST applicable to a million things that used to be exempt for landlords. The difference to bottom lines in those years were staggering. CMHC makes getting financing to build a rental apartment building almost impossible, this stops new construction in its tracks. Banks eternally are tightening lending criteria for anything to do with apartments or renting to someone. If you want a loan to improve your building or 4-plex or 8-plex or whatever good luck to you! You aren't getting it from a bank. The problem isn't the rules between the tenants and the landlords, those are already highly pro-tenant with a real absence of common sense on all sides. The super-vulnerable fall prey to shady landlords and well... everything if we're going to be honest with ourselves. tl;dr - The root problem is that it's not a great business to be in anymore, would not recommend to someone not established.
The McGuinty government did more to destroy housing in this province than anyone realizes with making HST applicable to a million things that used to be exempt for landlords. The difference to bottom lines in those years were staggering. CMHC makes getting financing to build a rental apartment building almost impossible, this stops new construction in its tracks. Banks eternally are tightening lending criteria for anything to do with apartments or renting to someone. If you want a loan to improve your building or 4-plex or 8-plex or whatever good luck to you! You aren't getting it from a bank. The problem isn't the rules between the tenants and the landlords, those are already highly pro-tenant with a real absence of common sense on all sides. The super-vulnerable fall prey to shady landlords and well... everything if we're going to be honest with ourselves.
The root problem is that it's not a great business to be in anymore, would not recommend to someone not established.
All I really meant was that network television shows usually end in a predictable, "feel-good" way. While you and I would think it was hilarious to have a show about two dudes picking up women, how long can that really go on until it runs it's course? Two-three years? Then it would devolve into tired storylines of that one female recurring character becoming involved more heavilly in the two guys lives....anyway. TL;DR: Most network television shows usually devolve into something ugly and not as good as the original product.
All I really meant was that network television shows usually end in a predictable, "feel-good" way. While you and I would think it was hilarious to have a show about two dudes picking up women, how long can that really go on until it runs it's course? Two-three years? Then it would devolve into tired storylines of that one female recurring character becoming involved more heavilly in the two guys lives....anyway. TL;DR: Most network television shows usually devolve into something ugly and not as good as the original product.
All I really meant was that network television shows usually end in a predictable, "feel-good" way. While you and I would think it was hilarious to have a show about two dudes picking up women, how long can that really go on until it runs it's course? Two-three years? Then it would devolve into tired storylines of that one female recurring character becoming involved more heavilly in the two guys lives....anyway.
Most network television shows usually devolve into something ugly and not as good as the original product.
What I dislike about these commercial-shaming blog posts is it always tries to paint the company as liars - as if they have control over how consumers live their life and use their products. Companies are driven by profit - Fine. Maybe that makes them evil by someone's definition. But it's not like Apple is being dishonest. Some people take their iPads and actually do the stuff that is portrayed in the commercial. Some people sit on the couch and watch Netflix. I'm predominantly in the latter category but my iPad has also reinvigorated my passion for reading, iBooks being my most used app by far. I also have photos from fun times with loved ones and I can share them with others so easily on my iPad. TL;DR - There is an emotional pull in commercials because people have an emotional attachment to their products. I love my iPad.
What I dislike about these commercial-shaming blog posts is it always tries to paint the company as liars - as if they have control over how consumers live their life and use their products. Companies are driven by profit - Fine. Maybe that makes them evil by someone's definition. But it's not like Apple is being dishonest. Some people take their iPads and actually do the stuff that is portrayed in the commercial. Some people sit on the couch and watch Netflix. I'm predominantly in the latter category but my iPad has also reinvigorated my passion for reading, iBooks being my most used app by far. I also have photos from fun times with loved ones and I can share them with others so easily on my iPad. TL;DR - There is an emotional pull in commercials because people have an emotional attachment to their products. I love my iPad.
What I dislike about these commercial-shaming blog posts is it always tries to paint the company as liars - as if they have control over how consumers live their life and use their products. Companies are driven by profit - Fine. Maybe that makes them evil by someone's definition. But it's not like Apple is being dishonest. Some people take their iPads and actually do the stuff that is portrayed in the commercial. Some people sit on the couch and watch Netflix. I'm predominantly in the latter category but my iPad has also reinvigorated my passion for reading, iBooks being my most used app by far. I also have photos from fun times with loved ones and I can share them with others so easily on my iPad.
There is an emotional pull in commercials because people have an emotional attachment to their products. I love my iPad.
The diameter affects how the energy is transferred though. Energy, penetration, and shot placement are best ways to measure stopping power. Assuming perfect shoot placement to simplify it leaves us with penetration and energy. We don't want to over penetrate or under penetrate. Most ammo manufacturers offer ammo with as close to ideal penetration Ajay, so that leaves energy. More energy, more stopping power. It's a personal preference as to how much you want and are comfortable with. TLDR: Stopping power is high energy without over penetrating. Use what you are comfortable with.
The diameter affects how the energy is transferred though. Energy, penetration, and shot placement are best ways to measure stopping power. Assuming perfect shoot placement to simplify it leaves us with penetration and energy. We don't want to over penetrate or under penetrate. Most ammo manufacturers offer ammo with as close to ideal penetration Ajay, so that leaves energy. More energy, more stopping power. It's a personal preference as to how much you want and are comfortable with. TLDR: Stopping power is high energy without over penetrating. Use what you are comfortable with.
The diameter affects how the energy is transferred though. Energy, penetration, and shot placement are best ways to measure stopping power. Assuming perfect shoot placement to simplify it leaves us with penetration and energy. We don't want to over penetrate or under penetrate. Most ammo manufacturers offer ammo with as close to ideal penetration Ajay, so that leaves energy. More energy, more stopping power. It's a personal preference as to how much you want and are comfortable with.
Stopping power is high energy without over penetrating. Use what you are comfortable with.
Nolsby's nailed it. Creating content for the sake of content is silly. Using content to drive prospects to your website so that you can convert them into leads is extremely valuable. Ask yourself questions like, How will you define success in your business next year? Do you have specific revenue targets? How much is a customer worth? Think about content from the perspective of lead and customer generation. It is like any other marketing channel - lead and customer growth is the end goal, and if you do it without an end goal or a way to measure it then how do you know if you have been successful or failed in the initiative? If you are looking to grow 10% from $10-11 million in revenues this year, would you invest 100k to achieve that growth? Here's something else to look for in a content marketing agency - many agencies will offer blogging or SEO and different bolt on pieces of [inbound marketing]( strategy. However, if you think of your website like a sales funnel - see the above link - then you need to perform a specific set of activities to move your prospects through each stage of that funnel: -Blogging / SEO / Social media / PPC / advertising drives site traffic -Landing pages / call to actions / marketing offers (i.e. webinars, ebooks, white papers, conferences, etc.) convert that traffic into potential sales leads -Email and automation nurture those sales leads throughout their buying process -Analysis of the data and which efforts drive business help you to prioritize content on an ongoing basis Your marketing shouldn't be a cost, but an investment in growth that targets a specific goal and is trackable and measurable. Most marketing dollars are not spent this way. Many companies throw money at print or TV or social media and expect to watch the dollars roll in. The goal here is to drive leads that result in good sales opps for your sales team. If your agency talks about fluffy things like awareness or getting the word out or joining the conversation be wary. If they can show you a track record of revenue growth for their clients and have specific actionable data, maybe that is worth exploring further. tldr: Don't spend the money if you don't have growth goals behind it. Don't spend the money if you don't understand how each step in an inbound marketing plan aligns with your customers buying cycle. Don't spend the money if your agency can't justify their value with data.
Nolsby's nailed it. Creating content for the sake of content is silly. Using content to drive prospects to your website so that you can convert them into leads is extremely valuable. Ask yourself questions like, How will you define success in your business next year? Do you have specific revenue targets? How much is a customer worth? Think about content from the perspective of lead and customer generation. It is like any other marketing channel - lead and customer growth is the end goal, and if you do it without an end goal or a way to measure it then how do you know if you have been successful or failed in the initiative? If you are looking to grow 10% from $10-11 million in revenues this year, would you invest 100k to achieve that growth? Here's something else to look for in a content marketing agency - many agencies will offer blogging or SEO and different bolt on pieces of [inbound marketing]( strategy. However, if you think of your website like a sales funnel - see the above link - then you need to perform a specific set of activities to move your prospects through each stage of that funnel: -Blogging / SEO / Social media / PPC / advertising drives site traffic -Landing pages / call to actions / marketing offers (i.e. webinars, ebooks, white papers, conferences, etc.) convert that traffic into potential sales leads -Email and automation nurture those sales leads throughout their buying process -Analysis of the data and which efforts drive business help you to prioritize content on an ongoing basis Your marketing shouldn't be a cost, but an investment in growth that targets a specific goal and is trackable and measurable. Most marketing dollars are not spent this way. Many companies throw money at print or TV or social media and expect to watch the dollars roll in. The goal here is to drive leads that result in good sales opps for your sales team. If your agency talks about fluffy things like awareness or getting the word out or joining the conversation be wary. If they can show you a track record of revenue growth for their clients and have specific actionable data, maybe that is worth exploring further. tldr: Don't spend the money if you don't have growth goals behind it. Don't spend the money if you don't understand how each step in an inbound marketing plan aligns with your customers buying cycle. Don't spend the money if your agency can't justify their value with data.
Nolsby's nailed it. Creating content for the sake of content is silly. Using content to drive prospects to your website so that you can convert them into leads is extremely valuable. Ask yourself questions like, How will you define success in your business next year? Do you have specific revenue targets? How much is a customer worth? Think about content from the perspective of lead and customer generation. It is like any other marketing channel - lead and customer growth is the end goal, and if you do it without an end goal or a way to measure it then how do you know if you have been successful or failed in the initiative? If you are looking to grow 10% from $10-11 million in revenues this year, would you invest 100k to achieve that growth? Here's something else to look for in a content marketing agency - many agencies will offer blogging or SEO and different bolt on pieces of [inbound marketing]( strategy. However, if you think of your website like a sales funnel - see the above link - then you need to perform a specific set of activities to move your prospects through each stage of that funnel: -Blogging / SEO / Social media / PPC / advertising drives site traffic -Landing pages / call to actions / marketing offers (i.e. webinars, ebooks, white papers, conferences, etc.) convert that traffic into potential sales leads -Email and automation nurture those sales leads throughout their buying process -Analysis of the data and which efforts drive business help you to prioritize content on an ongoing basis Your marketing shouldn't be a cost, but an investment in growth that targets a specific goal and is trackable and measurable. Most marketing dollars are not spent this way. Many companies throw money at print or TV or social media and expect to watch the dollars roll in. The goal here is to drive leads that result in good sales opps for your sales team. If your agency talks about fluffy things like awareness or getting the word out or joining the conversation be wary. If they can show you a track record of revenue growth for their clients and have specific actionable data, maybe that is worth exploring further.
Don't spend the money if you don't have growth goals behind it. Don't spend the money if you don't understand how each step in an inbound marketing plan aligns with your customers buying cycle. Don't spend the money if your agency can't justify their value with data.
The problem with those is they are synthetic benchmarks -- they give you an idea of the "raw power" of a CPU, but maybe not the power for your relevant application. You'll notice that Xeon's rank at the very top of that list, surpassing even the Ivy Bridge-E i7's; however, you won't find many elite gaming builds (quad 780ti's, etc) that use a Xeon CPU. Its basically about balancing multi-threaded and single-threaded performance. For instance, the reason the i5 is SUCH a popular CPU in gaming builds is that it kicks ass at applications that use 4 threads or less, like most modern games. Were your specific use to be heavily multi-threaded, a case could very easily be made for a "less powerful" AMD CPU. Tl;DR: if you're to be primarily gaming, i5. Gaming and rendering, etc., i7. Gaming and rendering on a budget, AMD (although I can' speak to a specific recommendation). Purely workstation use, Xeon or i7. Truthfully, though, you won't hamstring yourself by selecting AMD and putting you money into a better GPU.
The problem with those is they are synthetic benchmarks -- they give you an idea of the "raw power" of a CPU, but maybe not the power for your relevant application. You'll notice that Xeon's rank at the very top of that list, surpassing even the Ivy Bridge-E i7's; however, you won't find many elite gaming builds (quad 780ti's, etc) that use a Xeon CPU. Its basically about balancing multi-threaded and single-threaded performance. For instance, the reason the i5 is SUCH a popular CPU in gaming builds is that it kicks ass at applications that use 4 threads or less, like most modern games. Were your specific use to be heavily multi-threaded, a case could very easily be made for a "less powerful" AMD CPU. Tl;DR: if you're to be primarily gaming, i5. Gaming and rendering, etc., i7. Gaming and rendering on a budget, AMD (although I can' speak to a specific recommendation). Purely workstation use, Xeon or i7. Truthfully, though, you won't hamstring yourself by selecting AMD and putting you money into a better GPU.
The problem with those is they are synthetic benchmarks -- they give you an idea of the "raw power" of a CPU, but maybe not the power for your relevant application. You'll notice that Xeon's rank at the very top of that list, surpassing even the Ivy Bridge-E i7's; however, you won't find many elite gaming builds (quad 780ti's, etc) that use a Xeon CPU. Its basically about balancing multi-threaded and single-threaded performance. For instance, the reason the i5 is SUCH a popular CPU in gaming builds is that it kicks ass at applications that use 4 threads or less, like most modern games. Were your specific use to be heavily multi-threaded, a case could very easily be made for a "less powerful" AMD CPU.
if you're to be primarily gaming, i5. Gaming and rendering, etc., i7. Gaming and rendering on a budget, AMD (although I can' speak to a specific recommendation). Purely workstation use, Xeon or i7. Truthfully, though, you won't hamstring yourself by selecting AMD and putting you money into a better GPU.
> *I am not going to bother arguing about biology*, but why would you completely discount socioeconomic factors? It makes no logical/mathematical sense. (Italics added for emphasis) All too often social scientists examine an aspect of culture or society in isolation, as if biology has absolutely nothing to do with it. Biology informs everything we think and do. Nothing about a society (or an individual) can be wholly explained without biology. You cannot explain an aspect of a culture by pretending that said culture sprang, as if by magic, from nothingness. Its origins are always biological in nature because we ourselves are biological beings. Culture is the servant of biology. Culture is the expression of biology upon a physical world with the intent to satisfy needs. Biology demands, and culture is then shaped to meet a need according to the abilities of the organism. To address an aspect of a culture solely in socioeconomic factors is to simply describe the process by which biology has attempted to fulfill a need. You have not described the need, you have not proposed a solution. Indeed you haven't even recognized that there is a biological need that should be addressed. Instead, so called social problems (like the fact that males experience more upward social mobility through their occupations than women) are explained away through the use of easy (and incorrect) answers like patriarchy, and sexism. Ineffectual programs are conceived to address the symptoms (culture) rather than the source (biological need). This is why feminism is such a blight on humanity, it's focused on the wrong things and it hurts people as a result. **TL;DR:** You have attempted to describe an aspect of humanity (female hypergamy) in socioeconomic terms. Socioeconomic terms do not describe the source from which a behavior springs since the true source for all human behavior is biological need.
> I am not going to bother arguing about biology , but why would you completely discount socioeconomic factors? It makes no logical/mathematical sense. (Italics added for emphasis) All too often social scientists examine an aspect of culture or society in isolation, as if biology has absolutely nothing to do with it. Biology informs everything we think and do. Nothing about a society (or an individual) can be wholly explained without biology. You cannot explain an aspect of a culture by pretending that said culture sprang, as if by magic, from nothingness. Its origins are always biological in nature because we ourselves are biological beings. Culture is the servant of biology. Culture is the expression of biology upon a physical world with the intent to satisfy needs. Biology demands, and culture is then shaped to meet a need according to the abilities of the organism. To address an aspect of a culture solely in socioeconomic factors is to simply describe the process by which biology has attempted to fulfill a need. You have not described the need, you have not proposed a solution. Indeed you haven't even recognized that there is a biological need that should be addressed. Instead, so called social problems (like the fact that males experience more upward social mobility through their occupations than women) are explained away through the use of easy (and incorrect) answers like patriarchy, and sexism. Ineffectual programs are conceived to address the symptoms (culture) rather than the source (biological need). This is why feminism is such a blight on humanity, it's focused on the wrong things and it hurts people as a result. TL;DR: You have attempted to describe an aspect of humanity (female hypergamy) in socioeconomic terms. Socioeconomic terms do not describe the source from which a behavior springs since the true source for all human behavior is biological need.
I am not going to bother arguing about biology , but why would you completely discount socioeconomic factors? It makes no logical/mathematical sense. (Italics added for emphasis) All too often social scientists examine an aspect of culture or society in isolation, as if biology has absolutely nothing to do with it. Biology informs everything we think and do. Nothing about a society (or an individual) can be wholly explained without biology. You cannot explain an aspect of a culture by pretending that said culture sprang, as if by magic, from nothingness. Its origins are always biological in nature because we ourselves are biological beings. Culture is the servant of biology. Culture is the expression of biology upon a physical world with the intent to satisfy needs. Biology demands, and culture is then shaped to meet a need according to the abilities of the organism. To address an aspect of a culture solely in socioeconomic factors is to simply describe the process by which biology has attempted to fulfill a need. You have not described the need, you have not proposed a solution. Indeed you haven't even recognized that there is a biological need that should be addressed. Instead, so called social problems (like the fact that males experience more upward social mobility through their occupations than women) are explained away through the use of easy (and incorrect) answers like patriarchy, and sexism. Ineffectual programs are conceived to address the symptoms (culture) rather than the source (biological need). This is why feminism is such a blight on humanity, it's focused on the wrong things and it hurts people as a result.
You have attempted to describe an aspect of humanity (female hypergamy) in socioeconomic terms. Socioeconomic terms do not describe the source from which a behavior springs since the true source for all human behavior is biological need.
AWACS Surveillance Operator (1A4X1)...I'm the overpaid, flying version of a 1C5X1. I enable data links. Talk to dudes on other aircraft or the ground every once in awhile. I used to track/identify aircraft, but even that's automated now. The only responsibility I really have is making sure everybody gets their meals. There's about 15 minutes of real excitement in a month. We'd be hella busy in World War III, but we're essentially wasting LOX the rest of the time. We can go to other platforms. From my understanding, JSTARS is just a slower version of the sheer excitement that is AWACS. We can do gunships and MC-12s, which are awesome. But mama Tinker doesn't give her kids up without a fight. I generally can't stand my job and have been trying to get out of it for nearly all 12 years, but we've been chronic critical my entire career...except now we're in an overage and cross-training is on hold for all. That all said, being aircrew is pretty great. But there's a lot of additional duties to occupy time between flying that really consumes more of my time than anything else. Flying is just the thing that gets in the way of the squadron admin queep. tl;dr...Do not recommend. Do a real aircrew job, preferably on a plane that doesn't sound like mating whales.
AWACS Surveillance Operator (1A4X1)...I'm the overpaid, flying version of a 1C5X1. I enable data links. Talk to dudes on other aircraft or the ground every once in awhile. I used to track/identify aircraft, but even that's automated now. The only responsibility I really have is making sure everybody gets their meals. There's about 15 minutes of real excitement in a month. We'd be hella busy in World War III, but we're essentially wasting LOX the rest of the time. We can go to other platforms. From my understanding, JSTARS is just a slower version of the sheer excitement that is AWACS. We can do gunships and MC-12s, which are awesome. But mama Tinker doesn't give her kids up without a fight. I generally can't stand my job and have been trying to get out of it for nearly all 12 years, but we've been chronic critical my entire career...except now we're in an overage and cross-training is on hold for all. That all said, being aircrew is pretty great. But there's a lot of additional duties to occupy time between flying that really consumes more of my time than anything else. Flying is just the thing that gets in the way of the squadron admin queep. tl;dr...Do not recommend. Do a real aircrew job, preferably on a plane that doesn't sound like mating whales.
AWACS Surveillance Operator (1A4X1)...I'm the overpaid, flying version of a 1C5X1. I enable data links. Talk to dudes on other aircraft or the ground every once in awhile. I used to track/identify aircraft, but even that's automated now. The only responsibility I really have is making sure everybody gets their meals. There's about 15 minutes of real excitement in a month. We'd be hella busy in World War III, but we're essentially wasting LOX the rest of the time. We can go to other platforms. From my understanding, JSTARS is just a slower version of the sheer excitement that is AWACS. We can do gunships and MC-12s, which are awesome. But mama Tinker doesn't give her kids up without a fight. I generally can't stand my job and have been trying to get out of it for nearly all 12 years, but we've been chronic critical my entire career...except now we're in an overage and cross-training is on hold for all. That all said, being aircrew is pretty great. But there's a lot of additional duties to occupy time between flying that really consumes more of my time than anything else. Flying is just the thing that gets in the way of the squadron admin queep.
Do not recommend. Do a real aircrew job, preferably on a plane that doesn't sound like mating whales.
This job has very high "good times" and very low "bad time". The problem with this job is it covers to many fucking things. most people that sign up for this job assume they're going to be working with IT equipment and/or phones. That however is not the case a lot of the time. I was part of a ACS for 2 years which consisted of us maintaining big green boxes full of equipment from the 60's that had nothing to do with IT or phones. Are career also gets us pushed to AWACS and ADSOC. Not to mention when you do do IT like you assumed, it's more of being a help desk with "end users" who, you don't know how they passed the ASVAB or even graduate High School. TL;DR Be careful picking this job you could despise it for life
This job has very high "good times" and very low "bad time". The problem with this job is it covers to many fucking things. most people that sign up for this job assume they're going to be working with IT equipment and/or phones. That however is not the case a lot of the time. I was part of a ACS for 2 years which consisted of us maintaining big green boxes full of equipment from the 60's that had nothing to do with IT or phones. Are career also gets us pushed to AWACS and ADSOC. Not to mention when you do do IT like you assumed, it's more of being a help desk with "end users" who, you don't know how they passed the ASVAB or even graduate High School. TL;DR Be careful picking this job you could despise it for life
This job has very high "good times" and very low "bad time". The problem with this job is it covers to many fucking things. most people that sign up for this job assume they're going to be working with IT equipment and/or phones. That however is not the case a lot of the time. I was part of a ACS for 2 years which consisted of us maintaining big green boxes full of equipment from the 60's that had nothing to do with IT or phones. Are career also gets us pushed to AWACS and ADSOC. Not to mention when you do do IT like you assumed, it's more of being a help desk with "end users" who, you don't know how they passed the ASVAB or even graduate High School.
Be careful picking this job you could despise it for life
> In a more general sense, I am asking where you get your priors from. This is incredibly important in experimental design in the Bayesian framework. Using some cultural predictions about god strongly implies a choice of distribution. > because there is some validity to those culturally predicated myths. Because the evidence/information given by STAP is essentially a uniform distribution, we are given back the prior distribution as the posterior distribution. It's a flawed experimental framework that enables circular reasoning. TL; DR: if you use a Bayesian framework, come prepared to defend your choice of prior distributions. If not, be prepared for circular reasoning.
> In a more general sense, I am asking where you get your priors from. This is incredibly important in experimental design in the Bayesian framework. Using some cultural predictions about god strongly implies a choice of distribution. > because there is some validity to those culturally predicated myths. Because the evidence/information given by STAP is essentially a uniform distribution, we are given back the prior distribution as the posterior distribution. It's a flawed experimental framework that enables circular reasoning. TL; DR: if you use a Bayesian framework, come prepared to defend your choice of prior distributions. If not, be prepared for circular reasoning.
In a more general sense, I am asking where you get your priors from. This is incredibly important in experimental design in the Bayesian framework. Using some cultural predictions about god strongly implies a choice of distribution. > because there is some validity to those culturally predicated myths. Because the evidence/information given by STAP is essentially a uniform distribution, we are given back the prior distribution as the posterior distribution. It's a flawed experimental framework that enables circular reasoning.
if you use a Bayesian framework, come prepared to defend your choice of prior distributions. If not, be prepared for circular reasoning.
Really quickly, I gotta say that the dishwasher excuse is pretty weak. That's what it is too--an excuse. It's a bullshit reason you give yourself for doing something you know is stupid. I haven't had a dishwasher in my home for a long time; so much so that when I go back home it's always this ridiculous luxury. If you are cooking for one or two people it will take you less than 15 minutes to clean everything, including pots and pans. It is a special kind of privilege to spend hundreds of extra dollars a month to avoid one 10 minute a day chore. TL; DR You are literally saying that you would rather not wash dishes than have financial security.
Really quickly, I gotta say that the dishwasher excuse is pretty weak. That's what it is too--an excuse. It's a bullshit reason you give yourself for doing something you know is stupid. I haven't had a dishwasher in my home for a long time; so much so that when I go back home it's always this ridiculous luxury. If you are cooking for one or two people it will take you less than 15 minutes to clean everything, including pots and pans. It is a special kind of privilege to spend hundreds of extra dollars a month to avoid one 10 minute a day chore. TL; DR You are literally saying that you would rather not wash dishes than have financial security.
Really quickly, I gotta say that the dishwasher excuse is pretty weak. That's what it is too--an excuse. It's a bullshit reason you give yourself for doing something you know is stupid. I haven't had a dishwasher in my home for a long time; so much so that when I go back home it's always this ridiculous luxury. If you are cooking for one or two people it will take you less than 15 minutes to clean everything, including pots and pans. It is a special kind of privilege to spend hundreds of extra dollars a month to avoid one 10 minute a day chore.
You are literally saying that you would rather not wash dishes than have financial security.
It depends on the person (Like everything to do with drugs) Alcohol was my first drug simply because its legal. Everybody (Well...most people) drinks alcohol so it seems like a okay thing to do. My second drug was cannabis, I was very 'anti-drugs' but I ended up smoking cannabis kinda gave in the peer-pressure in the end which is another story for another time. After smoking cannabis I got the 'Okay drugs aint that bad as long as you don't lose yourself (Which unfortunately happens to alot of people but once again thats a another story for another time)', mind set. After smoking cannabis and seeing other people do other drugs, I looked up the drugs on many websites before doing them. Learning whats a 'okay', drug to do and what is a 'No go', drug to do, how to handle it and everything. - Just educating myself to drugs with much more to learn when I may think about doing those drugs. Well theres my little story, hope you enjoyed the little read. TL:DR - The 'Gateway', depends on the person, not the drugs.
It depends on the person (Like everything to do with drugs) Alcohol was my first drug simply because its legal. Everybody (Well...most people) drinks alcohol so it seems like a okay thing to do. My second drug was cannabis, I was very 'anti-drugs' but I ended up smoking cannabis kinda gave in the peer-pressure in the end which is another story for another time. After smoking cannabis I got the 'Okay drugs aint that bad as long as you don't lose yourself (Which unfortunately happens to alot of people but once again thats a another story for another time)', mind set. After smoking cannabis and seeing other people do other drugs, I looked up the drugs on many websites before doing them. Learning whats a 'okay', drug to do and what is a 'No go', drug to do, how to handle it and everything. - Just educating myself to drugs with much more to learn when I may think about doing those drugs. Well theres my little story, hope you enjoyed the little read. TL:DR - The 'Gateway', depends on the person, not the drugs.
It depends on the person (Like everything to do with drugs) Alcohol was my first drug simply because its legal. Everybody (Well...most people) drinks alcohol so it seems like a okay thing to do. My second drug was cannabis, I was very 'anti-drugs' but I ended up smoking cannabis kinda gave in the peer-pressure in the end which is another story for another time. After smoking cannabis I got the 'Okay drugs aint that bad as long as you don't lose yourself (Which unfortunately happens to alot of people but once again thats a another story for another time)', mind set. After smoking cannabis and seeing other people do other drugs, I looked up the drugs on many websites before doing them. Learning whats a 'okay', drug to do and what is a 'No go', drug to do, how to handle it and everything. - Just educating myself to drugs with much more to learn when I may think about doing those drugs. Well theres my little story, hope you enjoyed the little read.
The 'Gateway', depends on the person, not the drugs.
Why does this even need to be said or is continually brought up? It's more of a reassurance to the younger spectrum of modern society and an attempt to awaken older generations, especially parents. The amount of times I heard that pot was a gateway drug growing up was crazy. These kind of articles still amaze me, not because any of it is new in relation to the past 5 years, but because it blows the "pot gateway drug" out of the water. I grew up learning that smoking marijuana was most liking going to lead to other drugs, sub sequentially, heroin in my mind. I developed that mentality from hearing my father. Although this is probably true in some cases, it's not true for the majority or the 100% probability that I grew up thinking and believing. My dad is a pretty flexible guy when it comes to discussions and arguments as long as you have the evidence to support what your saying. He's always been against smoking primarily because of the gateway factor. That being said I still think he would stand his ground and say marijuana is worse than alcohol. So once again this article is in my opinion more focused on older generations than newer. TL;DR Why this article is still relevant today no matter how many times it has been brought up.
Why does this even need to be said or is continually brought up? It's more of a reassurance to the younger spectrum of modern society and an attempt to awaken older generations, especially parents. The amount of times I heard that pot was a gateway drug growing up was crazy. These kind of articles still amaze me, not because any of it is new in relation to the past 5 years, but because it blows the "pot gateway drug" out of the water. I grew up learning that smoking marijuana was most liking going to lead to other drugs, sub sequentially, heroin in my mind. I developed that mentality from hearing my father. Although this is probably true in some cases, it's not true for the majority or the 100% probability that I grew up thinking and believing. My dad is a pretty flexible guy when it comes to discussions and arguments as long as you have the evidence to support what your saying. He's always been against smoking primarily because of the gateway factor. That being said I still think he would stand his ground and say marijuana is worse than alcohol. So once again this article is in my opinion more focused on older generations than newer. TL;DR Why this article is still relevant today no matter how many times it has been brought up.
Why does this even need to be said or is continually brought up? It's more of a reassurance to the younger spectrum of modern society and an attempt to awaken older generations, especially parents. The amount of times I heard that pot was a gateway drug growing up was crazy. These kind of articles still amaze me, not because any of it is new in relation to the past 5 years, but because it blows the "pot gateway drug" out of the water. I grew up learning that smoking marijuana was most liking going to lead to other drugs, sub sequentially, heroin in my mind. I developed that mentality from hearing my father. Although this is probably true in some cases, it's not true for the majority or the 100% probability that I grew up thinking and believing. My dad is a pretty flexible guy when it comes to discussions and arguments as long as you have the evidence to support what your saying. He's always been against smoking primarily because of the gateway factor. That being said I still think he would stand his ground and say marijuana is worse than alcohol. So once again this article is in my opinion more focused on older generations than newer.
Why this article is still relevant today no matter how many times it has been brought up.
This is a common misconception - that off-season in Costa Rica is like a Ski resort in July. Fact is - its NOTHING like that. Green season / off-season / peak - if you have the time you can find something worthwhile in Costa Rica. Several of the places have different rates for different times of the year, but it isn't necessarily due to weather. It's mostly lower traffic times of the year, times when there are fewer tourists or fewer locals on vacation. Caribbean side is a bit hippy, but - Tortuguero is amazing. Not sure I'd recommend it for honeymoon unless you're into turtles/wildlife. There are excursions from Tortuguero to see the volcano (Arenal). The place you stay in Tortuguero will likely be where you'd eat. Good food, but not a buffet type selection. Around Arenal - go to Baldi or Tabacon - the trip there and back from beach (either side) is probably $50/$60 in transit, and $100+ to spend a day in some very luxurious hot springs. For honeymoon - I would recommend Pacific Northwest. Guanacaste province. Even in rainy season - it does not rain 24 hours * 7 days a week. Rainy is 4-6 hours a day, usually in late afternoon and then into the evening. It is also quite the sight to see - it isn't just rain, its dumping water from the sky. Its also not as cold rain as you might be used to - walking around with an umbrella or poncho is fun (at least for me). I'm also guessing if you stayed 7 days you'd get 2-4 good sunsets. I enjoy all-inclusive resorts, but it may not be for you if you want to take a lot of excursions (you'll end up paying twice for lunch - one you don't eat...) TL DR - option 2.
This is a common misconception - that off-season in Costa Rica is like a Ski resort in July. Fact is - its NOTHING like that. Green season / off-season / peak - if you have the time you can find something worthwhile in Costa Rica. Several of the places have different rates for different times of the year, but it isn't necessarily due to weather. It's mostly lower traffic times of the year, times when there are fewer tourists or fewer locals on vacation. Caribbean side is a bit hippy, but - Tortuguero is amazing. Not sure I'd recommend it for honeymoon unless you're into turtles/wildlife. There are excursions from Tortuguero to see the volcano (Arenal). The place you stay in Tortuguero will likely be where you'd eat. Good food, but not a buffet type selection. Around Arenal - go to Baldi or Tabacon - the trip there and back from beach (either side) is probably $50/$60 in transit, and $100+ to spend a day in some very luxurious hot springs. For honeymoon - I would recommend Pacific Northwest. Guanacaste province. Even in rainy season - it does not rain 24 hours * 7 days a week. Rainy is 4-6 hours a day, usually in late afternoon and then into the evening. It is also quite the sight to see - it isn't just rain, its dumping water from the sky. Its also not as cold rain as you might be used to - walking around with an umbrella or poncho is fun (at least for me). I'm also guessing if you stayed 7 days you'd get 2-4 good sunsets. I enjoy all-inclusive resorts, but it may not be for you if you want to take a lot of excursions (you'll end up paying twice for lunch - one you don't eat...) TL DR - option 2.
This is a common misconception - that off-season in Costa Rica is like a Ski resort in July. Fact is - its NOTHING like that. Green season / off-season / peak - if you have the time you can find something worthwhile in Costa Rica. Several of the places have different rates for different times of the year, but it isn't necessarily due to weather. It's mostly lower traffic times of the year, times when there are fewer tourists or fewer locals on vacation. Caribbean side is a bit hippy, but - Tortuguero is amazing. Not sure I'd recommend it for honeymoon unless you're into turtles/wildlife. There are excursions from Tortuguero to see the volcano (Arenal). The place you stay in Tortuguero will likely be where you'd eat. Good food, but not a buffet type selection. Around Arenal - go to Baldi or Tabacon - the trip there and back from beach (either side) is probably $50/$60 in transit, and $100+ to spend a day in some very luxurious hot springs. For honeymoon - I would recommend Pacific Northwest. Guanacaste province. Even in rainy season - it does not rain 24 hours * 7 days a week. Rainy is 4-6 hours a day, usually in late afternoon and then into the evening. It is also quite the sight to see - it isn't just rain, its dumping water from the sky. Its also not as cold rain as you might be used to - walking around with an umbrella or poncho is fun (at least for me). I'm also guessing if you stayed 7 days you'd get 2-4 good sunsets. I enjoy all-inclusive resorts, but it may not be for you if you want to take a lot of excursions (you'll end up paying twice for lunch - one you don't eat...)
option 2.
but that's like the most irrational thing they could ever do, if they're playing the pretend-game of "calm down and go home and everything will be oookay" They'd just cripple non-protesters more than they do protesters. They fail to understand that social networks is not, for the most part, how the most of our protests are organized. There's no single "hub" or whatever they want to believe there is. For example, I'm going to the riots tomorrow and all my "organization" is: Hey, bro (I'll leave out name of my friend), let's go there tomorrow. And that's all. There's no chieftain that we communicate to. Basically, when you get to the protest itself you just blend in with others, doing what you can to help. No one would mind if you'll bring everyone tea, or you'll want to assist medics or simply want to be battling force. No one would say: "wow, bro, you didn't signed up for our riot on" TL;DR: I guess they simply cannot comprehend that this riot is not organized by some politician who wants to take over the government. It's organized by every single Ukrainian who's fed up with their bullshit and their attempts to turn Ukraine into another police state
but that's like the most irrational thing they could ever do, if they're playing the pretend-game of "calm down and go home and everything will be oookay" They'd just cripple non-protesters more than they do protesters. They fail to understand that social networks is not, for the most part, how the most of our protests are organized. There's no single "hub" or whatever they want to believe there is. For example, I'm going to the riots tomorrow and all my "organization" is: Hey, bro (I'll leave out name of my friend), let's go there tomorrow. And that's all. There's no chieftain that we communicate to. Basically, when you get to the protest itself you just blend in with others, doing what you can to help. No one would mind if you'll bring everyone tea, or you'll want to assist medics or simply want to be battling force. No one would say: "wow, bro, you didn't signed up for our riot on" TL;DR: I guess they simply cannot comprehend that this riot is not organized by some politician who wants to take over the government. It's organized by every single Ukrainian who's fed up with their bullshit and their attempts to turn Ukraine into another police state
but that's like the most irrational thing they could ever do, if they're playing the pretend-game of "calm down and go home and everything will be oookay" They'd just cripple non-protesters more than they do protesters. They fail to understand that social networks is not, for the most part, how the most of our protests are organized. There's no single "hub" or whatever they want to believe there is. For example, I'm going to the riots tomorrow and all my "organization" is: Hey, bro (I'll leave out name of my friend), let's go there tomorrow. And that's all. There's no chieftain that we communicate to. Basically, when you get to the protest itself you just blend in with others, doing what you can to help. No one would mind if you'll bring everyone tea, or you'll want to assist medics or simply want to be battling force. No one would say: "wow, bro, you didn't signed up for our riot on"
I guess they simply cannot comprehend that this riot is not organized by some politician who wants to take over the government. It's organized by every single Ukrainian who's fed up with their bullshit and their attempts to turn Ukraine into another police state
because Georgia invaded first attempting to reclaim south Ossetia and Abkhazia who had fought for independence and were under protection of Russian peacekeeping forces. TL;DR Georgia started it
because Georgia invaded first attempting to reclaim south Ossetia and Abkhazia who had fought for independence and were under protection of Russian peacekeeping forces. TL;DR Georgia started it
because Georgia invaded first attempting to reclaim south Ossetia and Abkhazia who had fought for independence and were under protection of Russian peacekeeping forces.
Georgia started it
STORY TIME :) Please make sure you have A) a nice warm drink B) a comfortable chair C) a deep breath. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) **On "fire-mediator":** I'm sure this will bug some people who really enjoy the gender binary (haha), but I have to say: there is no "male" monopoly on aggression or fighting. It just so happens that we live in a society that due to historic reasons and some biological reasons (I'm not claming muh biotruths, it just has to do with how the reproductive system works such that the only way in a patrilineal society to ensure descent is to control and oppress the sexuality of the wife, turning her into the private property of the husband), is patriarchal, hence men have been in the role of oppressor over women and thus "aggression", "activity", etc. are "male" to us, while "passivity" and "conciliation" are "female". While I do agree that fire is undoubtedly useful and not always to be fought against, the entire job of a fire-fighter *is* to *fight* fire. They aren't helping people light barbecues, cigarettes, or start camp-fires. They exist *solely* to *fight* fire, whenever it has gotten out of hand and is trying to *kill* people. The fire-fighter aims to *kill* and *destroy* the fire (in as much as we can be permitted the metaphor of a living being) before it *kills* and *destroys* human lives. No part of this is really all that peaceful, measured, polite, etc... 2) **On "police helper":** Please just follow me here, and if you don't fully agree or there are further questions, don't hesitate to engage in a dialogue. I just want to provide a viewpoint that is not likely often represented outside of certain spaces set up specifically to discuss these problems: i. *Tentatively defining the state* The police, the army, the navy, the prisons, etc. are part of the groups of armed people, a special force of violence and coercion, that are alienated from the rest of the body politic and in some sense stand "above" it - these forces are part of this complex social organism/structure/process called "the state". ii. *The division of society into classes* Phenomena like a police force and a standing army originate and appear historically wherever society has become divided into *classes* with antagonistic interests. The self-armed, self-acting assembly of the armed people which characterized our existence as hunter gatherers (a society which is not divided into classes) becomes no longer *possible*, since to self-arm and self-act for these antagonistic classes would mean to bring them into bloody conflict, destroying society. The state arises as a force alienating itself from the rest of society for the purpose of maintaining social interactions, despite this class struggle, within the bounds of "order" - mediating this struggle. You can do in depth analysis of societies from north america to africa to greece to germany etc... pretty much all over the world, to see how this process took place slowly over many generations as we were transitioning from hunter-gatherers to settled agriculturists. iii. *The private property and patriarchy connection* Now get this, this is the real mind-fucker: at the same time as we were transitioning out of the hunter-gatherer phase, all tied up together with this process of becoming agriculturalists, producing a surplus, several other changes were occurring: the dominant form of property was transitioning away from communal towards private property, the form of the family was transitioning away from a matrilineal form of descent based on group marriage towards the patriarchal, monogamous family, and *money* was being invented socially as a universal equivalent to be used in market exchange of goods produced not for direct use but produced *for* the purpose of exchange. Private property was accumulating through the newly-acquired social formation of patrilineal inheritance, consisting of this new money-form and non-perishable goods produced by the social surplus available due to the productivity of labour above the mere cost of survival which became available due to agriculture. The accumulation over generations of these differences in wealth between family lines within the clan/tribe began to distort the social constitution holding these societies together, necessitating new forms of thought, new social organizations, new politics, new structures, to arise. All of these changes are connected in numerous ways which it would be difficult to outline much further without turning this comment more than it already is, into a book, hahaha. But it's a bit of a mind-fuck. iv. *The real job of the police force* **So**, since the state (again, defined as these special forces alienated from society, placing themselves above it in a sense - the army, the prisons, the police, the bureaucracy and courts, etc...) arises when and where society is already splitting up into antagonistic and furthermore *oppressing and oppressed* classes, it is everywhere the property of - under the control of - the ruling, oppressing class. The police, prisons, exist, first and foremost, to protect the currently prevailing conditions of property, conditions of appropriation of socially-produced surplus, and division of labour, being as all these support and allow the existence of this oppressing, ruling class which in every instance sets the program and directions for the police to carry out. Hence while the police officer might be seen to help an old lady across the street, this is not their *essential* job, but rather an incidental feature. In times of budget cuts, in times of political turmoil, all of these "good samaritan", "friendly" features of the police disappear and they are forced to prioritize their most essential goal - maintenance of the existing relations of property, maintenance of the existing relations of power, maintenance of the rule of the ruling class(es). Ask somebody in Egypt who was demonstrating against their oppressive government how often the police were firing rubber bullets into crowds vs. how often they were "helping" people. Ask somebody from the hood, somebody living in abject poverty, the hard-core of the working oppressed classes, how they feel about the police, how the police appear before them in *their* position in society. v. *To conclude* To have an experience of the state which is one of being more helped than commanded or oppressed by it, presupposes one of two things - membership of the upper gradations of this class-divided society *or* living a lifestyle which has not brought one into collision with the bounds imposed by the ruling class. As a great woman revolutionary [Rosa Luxemburg]( once said: **Those who do not move, do not notice their chains**. Incidentally, how true for us, no? who often hardly notice our gender-chains until we decide to *move* towards our true expression, rather than remaining within the limits imposed by the gender binary. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **tl;dr:** I'm comfortable with fighting certain fires - call it self defense. Also, police are not there to help you *in the last analysis*, unless you are an owner of private property. My experience of the police has rather been the experience of the rest of the majority of society - as an oppressive, violent force which keeps me in my box. Their job is much more accurately described by "officer". They are a hired weapon of the ruling class against the rest of the majority of society.
STORY TIME :) Please make sure you have A) a nice warm drink B) a comfortable chair C) a deep breath. 1) On "fire-mediator": I'm sure this will bug some people who really enjoy the gender binary (haha), but I have to say: there is no "male" monopoly on aggression or fighting. It just so happens that we live in a society that due to historic reasons and some biological reasons (I'm not claming muh biotruths, it just has to do with how the reproductive system works such that the only way in a patrilineal society to ensure descent is to control and oppress the sexuality of the wife, turning her into the private property of the husband), is patriarchal, hence men have been in the role of oppressor over women and thus "aggression", "activity", etc. are "male" to us, while "passivity" and "conciliation" are "female". While I do agree that fire is undoubtedly useful and not always to be fought against, the entire job of a fire-fighter is to fight fire. They aren't helping people light barbecues, cigarettes, or start camp-fires. They exist solely to fight fire, whenever it has gotten out of hand and is trying to kill people. The fire-fighter aims to kill and destroy the fire (in as much as we can be permitted the metaphor of a living being) before it kills and destroys human lives. No part of this is really all that peaceful, measured, polite, etc... 2) On "police helper": Please just follow me here, and if you don't fully agree or there are further questions, don't hesitate to engage in a dialogue. I just want to provide a viewpoint that is not likely often represented outside of certain spaces set up specifically to discuss these problems: i. Tentatively defining the state The police, the army, the navy, the prisons, etc. are part of the groups of armed people, a special force of violence and coercion, that are alienated from the rest of the body politic and in some sense stand "above" it - these forces are part of this complex social organism/structure/process called "the state". ii. The division of society into classes Phenomena like a police force and a standing army originate and appear historically wherever society has become divided into classes with antagonistic interests. The self-armed, self-acting assembly of the armed people which characterized our existence as hunter gatherers (a society which is not divided into classes) becomes no longer possible , since to self-arm and self-act for these antagonistic classes would mean to bring them into bloody conflict, destroying society. The state arises as a force alienating itself from the rest of society for the purpose of maintaining social interactions, despite this class struggle, within the bounds of "order" - mediating this struggle. You can do in depth analysis of societies from north america to africa to greece to germany etc... pretty much all over the world, to see how this process took place slowly over many generations as we were transitioning from hunter-gatherers to settled agriculturists. iii. The private property and patriarchy connection Now get this, this is the real mind-fucker: at the same time as we were transitioning out of the hunter-gatherer phase, all tied up together with this process of becoming agriculturalists, producing a surplus, several other changes were occurring: the dominant form of property was transitioning away from communal towards private property, the form of the family was transitioning away from a matrilineal form of descent based on group marriage towards the patriarchal, monogamous family, and money was being invented socially as a universal equivalent to be used in market exchange of goods produced not for direct use but produced for the purpose of exchange. Private property was accumulating through the newly-acquired social formation of patrilineal inheritance, consisting of this new money-form and non-perishable goods produced by the social surplus available due to the productivity of labour above the mere cost of survival which became available due to agriculture. The accumulation over generations of these differences in wealth between family lines within the clan/tribe began to distort the social constitution holding these societies together, necessitating new forms of thought, new social organizations, new politics, new structures, to arise. All of these changes are connected in numerous ways which it would be difficult to outline much further without turning this comment more than it already is, into a book, hahaha. But it's a bit of a mind-fuck. iv. The real job of the police force So , since the state (again, defined as these special forces alienated from society, placing themselves above it in a sense - the army, the prisons, the police, the bureaucracy and courts, etc...) arises when and where society is already splitting up into antagonistic and furthermore oppressing and oppressed classes, it is everywhere the property of - under the control of - the ruling, oppressing class. The police, prisons, exist, first and foremost, to protect the currently prevailing conditions of property, conditions of appropriation of socially-produced surplus, and division of labour, being as all these support and allow the existence of this oppressing, ruling class which in every instance sets the program and directions for the police to carry out. Hence while the police officer might be seen to help an old lady across the street, this is not their essential job, but rather an incidental feature. In times of budget cuts, in times of political turmoil, all of these "good samaritan", "friendly" features of the police disappear and they are forced to prioritize their most essential goal - maintenance of the existing relations of property, maintenance of the existing relations of power, maintenance of the rule of the ruling class(es). Ask somebody in Egypt who was demonstrating against their oppressive government how often the police were firing rubber bullets into crowds vs. how often they were "helping" people. Ask somebody from the hood, somebody living in abject poverty, the hard-core of the working oppressed classes, how they feel about the police, how the police appear before them in their position in society. v. To conclude To have an experience of the state which is one of being more helped than commanded or oppressed by it, presupposes one of two things - membership of the upper gradations of this class-divided society or living a lifestyle which has not brought one into collision with the bounds imposed by the ruling class. As a great woman revolutionary [Rosa Luxemburg]( once said: Those who do not move, do not notice their chains . Incidentally, how true for us, no? who often hardly notice our gender-chains until we decide to move towards our true expression, rather than remaining within the limits imposed by the gender binary. tl;dr: I'm comfortable with fighting certain fires - call it self defense. Also, police are not there to help you in the last analysis , unless you are an owner of private property. My experience of the police has rather been the experience of the rest of the majority of society - as an oppressive, violent force which keeps me in my box. Their job is much more accurately described by "officer". They are a hired weapon of the ruling class against the rest of the majority of society.
STORY TIME :) Please make sure you have A) a nice warm drink B) a comfortable chair C) a deep breath. 1) On "fire-mediator": I'm sure this will bug some people who really enjoy the gender binary (haha), but I have to say: there is no "male" monopoly on aggression or fighting. It just so happens that we live in a society that due to historic reasons and some biological reasons (I'm not claming muh biotruths, it just has to do with how the reproductive system works such that the only way in a patrilineal society to ensure descent is to control and oppress the sexuality of the wife, turning her into the private property of the husband), is patriarchal, hence men have been in the role of oppressor over women and thus "aggression", "activity", etc. are "male" to us, while "passivity" and "conciliation" are "female". While I do agree that fire is undoubtedly useful and not always to be fought against, the entire job of a fire-fighter is to fight fire. They aren't helping people light barbecues, cigarettes, or start camp-fires. They exist solely to fight fire, whenever it has gotten out of hand and is trying to kill people. The fire-fighter aims to kill and destroy the fire (in as much as we can be permitted the metaphor of a living being) before it kills and destroys human lives. No part of this is really all that peaceful, measured, polite, etc... 2) On "police helper": Please just follow me here, and if you don't fully agree or there are further questions, don't hesitate to engage in a dialogue. I just want to provide a viewpoint that is not likely often represented outside of certain spaces set up specifically to discuss these problems: i. Tentatively defining the state The police, the army, the navy, the prisons, etc. are part of the groups of armed people, a special force of violence and coercion, that are alienated from the rest of the body politic and in some sense stand "above" it - these forces are part of this complex social organism/structure/process called "the state". ii. The division of society into classes Phenomena like a police force and a standing army originate and appear historically wherever society has become divided into classes with antagonistic interests. The self-armed, self-acting assembly of the armed people which characterized our existence as hunter gatherers (a society which is not divided into classes) becomes no longer possible , since to self-arm and self-act for these antagonistic classes would mean to bring them into bloody conflict, destroying society. The state arises as a force alienating itself from the rest of society for the purpose of maintaining social interactions, despite this class struggle, within the bounds of "order" - mediating this struggle. You can do in depth analysis of societies from north america to africa to greece to germany etc... pretty much all over the world, to see how this process took place slowly over many generations as we were transitioning from hunter-gatherers to settled agriculturists. iii. The private property and patriarchy connection Now get this, this is the real mind-fucker: at the same time as we were transitioning out of the hunter-gatherer phase, all tied up together with this process of becoming agriculturalists, producing a surplus, several other changes were occurring: the dominant form of property was transitioning away from communal towards private property, the form of the family was transitioning away from a matrilineal form of descent based on group marriage towards the patriarchal, monogamous family, and money was being invented socially as a universal equivalent to be used in market exchange of goods produced not for direct use but produced for the purpose of exchange. Private property was accumulating through the newly-acquired social formation of patrilineal inheritance, consisting of this new money-form and non-perishable goods produced by the social surplus available due to the productivity of labour above the mere cost of survival which became available due to agriculture. The accumulation over generations of these differences in wealth between family lines within the clan/tribe began to distort the social constitution holding these societies together, necessitating new forms of thought, new social organizations, new politics, new structures, to arise. All of these changes are connected in numerous ways which it would be difficult to outline much further without turning this comment more than it already is, into a book, hahaha. But it's a bit of a mind-fuck. iv. The real job of the police force So , since the state (again, defined as these special forces alienated from society, placing themselves above it in a sense - the army, the prisons, the police, the bureaucracy and courts, etc...) arises when and where society is already splitting up into antagonistic and furthermore oppressing and oppressed classes, it is everywhere the property of - under the control of - the ruling, oppressing class. The police, prisons, exist, first and foremost, to protect the currently prevailing conditions of property, conditions of appropriation of socially-produced surplus, and division of labour, being as all these support and allow the existence of this oppressing, ruling class which in every instance sets the program and directions for the police to carry out. Hence while the police officer might be seen to help an old lady across the street, this is not their essential job, but rather an incidental feature. In times of budget cuts, in times of political turmoil, all of these "good samaritan", "friendly" features of the police disappear and they are forced to prioritize their most essential goal - maintenance of the existing relations of property, maintenance of the existing relations of power, maintenance of the rule of the ruling class(es). Ask somebody in Egypt who was demonstrating against their oppressive government how often the police were firing rubber bullets into crowds vs. how often they were "helping" people. Ask somebody from the hood, somebody living in abject poverty, the hard-core of the working oppressed classes, how they feel about the police, how the police appear before them in their position in society. v. To conclude To have an experience of the state which is one of being more helped than commanded or oppressed by it, presupposes one of two things - membership of the upper gradations of this class-divided society or living a lifestyle which has not brought one into collision with the bounds imposed by the ruling class. As a great woman revolutionary [Rosa Luxemburg]( once said: Those who do not move, do not notice their chains . Incidentally, how true for us, no? who often hardly notice our gender-chains until we decide to move towards our true expression, rather than remaining within the limits imposed by the gender binary.
I'm comfortable with fighting certain fires - call it self defense. Also, police are not there to help you in the last analysis , unless you are an owner of private property. My experience of the police has rather been the experience of the rest of the majority of society - as an oppressive, violent force which keeps me in my box. Their job is much more accurately described by "officer". They are a hired weapon of the ruling class against the rest of the majority of society.
That's a very good series of questions. I'll start out by staying that they don't necessarily own the rights to the show, but rather are licensing it from TV Tokyo/Sunrise. Being that the dubbed audio is their own creation, they likely own the rights to this. This is from my general understanding of how things like this work, but I could be wrong. So to answer your first question, they may or may not have the second half of Season 2 licensed. For certain, they don't have all of the show licensed. I think it's more likely they've only licensed what they've dubbed. To answer your second question, I highly highly doubt their contract with TV Tokyo/Sunrise includes a clause giving them the right to transfer or sell their license. I'm certain they're on a contract. tl;dr: remember license is different that rights, no, no, and yes.
That's a very good series of questions. I'll start out by staying that they don't necessarily own the rights to the show, but rather are licensing it from TV Tokyo/Sunrise. Being that the dubbed audio is their own creation, they likely own the rights to this. This is from my general understanding of how things like this work, but I could be wrong. So to answer your first question, they may or may not have the second half of Season 2 licensed. For certain, they don't have all of the show licensed. I think it's more likely they've only licensed what they've dubbed. To answer your second question, I highly highly doubt their contract with TV Tokyo/Sunrise includes a clause giving them the right to transfer or sell their license. I'm certain they're on a contract. tl;dr: remember license is different that rights, no, no, and yes.
That's a very good series of questions. I'll start out by staying that they don't necessarily own the rights to the show, but rather are licensing it from TV Tokyo/Sunrise. Being that the dubbed audio is their own creation, they likely own the rights to this. This is from my general understanding of how things like this work, but I could be wrong. So to answer your first question, they may or may not have the second half of Season 2 licensed. For certain, they don't have all of the show licensed. I think it's more likely they've only licensed what they've dubbed. To answer your second question, I highly highly doubt their contract with TV Tokyo/Sunrise includes a clause giving them the right to transfer or sell their license. I'm certain they're on a contract.
remember license is different that rights, no, no, and yes.
When I was in the YSA ward I was told on many occasions by the women in my ward, "I already put myself through college i will not put someone else through." It made it easy to find out who to spend my time with. I started to being forward with them by asking a girl out if i felt I wanted to get to know them better and then wait for the response. How I met my wife was I had to go across town (Las Vegas) to a YSA ward in a less expensive area to find women that did not have a problem with me still having to go through college. (background I lived with my aunt and uncle in a wealthier part of Las Vegas and I had not done any college and was just back from my mission.) TLDR: attend your YSA meetings but go to other YSA wards activities. just rock up not knowing any one there was the most fun.
When I was in the YSA ward I was told on many occasions by the women in my ward, "I already put myself through college i will not put someone else through." It made it easy to find out who to spend my time with. I started to being forward with them by asking a girl out if i felt I wanted to get to know them better and then wait for the response. How I met my wife was I had to go across town (Las Vegas) to a YSA ward in a less expensive area to find women that did not have a problem with me still having to go through college. (background I lived with my aunt and uncle in a wealthier part of Las Vegas and I had not done any college and was just back from my mission.) TLDR: attend your YSA meetings but go to other YSA wards activities. just rock up not knowing any one there was the most fun.
When I was in the YSA ward I was told on many occasions by the women in my ward, "I already put myself through college i will not put someone else through." It made it easy to find out who to spend my time with. I started to being forward with them by asking a girl out if i felt I wanted to get to know them better and then wait for the response. How I met my wife was I had to go across town (Las Vegas) to a YSA ward in a less expensive area to find women that did not have a problem with me still having to go through college. (background I lived with my aunt and uncle in a wealthier part of Las Vegas and I had not done any college and was just back from my mission.)
attend your YSA meetings but go to other YSA wards activities. just rock up not knowing any one there was the most fun.
The HPPD prevalence is around 1% of users I believe, so yeah, pretty damn rare. There is a correlation but not a causal relationship between using LSD and having psychological issues. The truth is that LSD can trigger previously unknown psychological illness but that is also extreme rare if you're not predisposed to mental illness. TL;DR you won't fry your brain, but there is a bit of risk, but it's rare.
The HPPD prevalence is around 1% of users I believe, so yeah, pretty damn rare. There is a correlation but not a causal relationship between using LSD and having psychological issues. The truth is that LSD can trigger previously unknown psychological illness but that is also extreme rare if you're not predisposed to mental illness. TL;DR you won't fry your brain, but there is a bit of risk, but it's rare.
The HPPD prevalence is around 1% of users I believe, so yeah, pretty damn rare. There is a correlation but not a causal relationship between using LSD and having psychological issues. The truth is that LSD can trigger previously unknown psychological illness but that is also extreme rare if you're not predisposed to mental illness.
you won't fry your brain, but there is a bit of risk, but it's rare.
When I was young (like 7-8 years old), I was out with my dad and he was shooting cans off a log with a 12ga shotgun. He asked me if I wanted to try to shoot one, and like any dumb seven year old, I said yes (note: this was not my first time shooting a gun ever. I had been around pellet guns and the like from a pretty young age and was familiar with how to aim and such). My dad handed me the gun, I aimed down the barrel at the can on the log perhaps 20 feet away. I pulled the trigger and got knocked flat onto my back, missing the can by about 4 feet in the air, and knocking the wind out of me. My dad of course thought this was the funniest thing he'd ever seen and is laughing too hard to check if I'm okay. All said and done, I ended up with just a bruised shoulder and an appreciation for how powerful low gauge shotguns were. TL;DR: Was young, shot a 12 gauge shotgun, got knocked on my ass. Wasn't a fun time.
When I was young (like 7-8 years old), I was out with my dad and he was shooting cans off a log with a 12ga shotgun. He asked me if I wanted to try to shoot one, and like any dumb seven year old, I said yes (note: this was not my first time shooting a gun ever. I had been around pellet guns and the like from a pretty young age and was familiar with how to aim and such). My dad handed me the gun, I aimed down the barrel at the can on the log perhaps 20 feet away. I pulled the trigger and got knocked flat onto my back, missing the can by about 4 feet in the air, and knocking the wind out of me. My dad of course thought this was the funniest thing he'd ever seen and is laughing too hard to check if I'm okay. All said and done, I ended up with just a bruised shoulder and an appreciation for how powerful low gauge shotguns were. TL;DR: Was young, shot a 12 gauge shotgun, got knocked on my ass. Wasn't a fun time.
When I was young (like 7-8 years old), I was out with my dad and he was shooting cans off a log with a 12ga shotgun. He asked me if I wanted to try to shoot one, and like any dumb seven year old, I said yes (note: this was not my first time shooting a gun ever. I had been around pellet guns and the like from a pretty young age and was familiar with how to aim and such). My dad handed me the gun, I aimed down the barrel at the can on the log perhaps 20 feet away. I pulled the trigger and got knocked flat onto my back, missing the can by about 4 feet in the air, and knocking the wind out of me. My dad of course thought this was the funniest thing he'd ever seen and is laughing too hard to check if I'm okay. All said and done, I ended up with just a bruised shoulder and an appreciation for how powerful low gauge shotguns were.
Was young, shot a 12 gauge shotgun, got knocked on my ass. Wasn't a fun time.
Those picks mostly work because: * The summoner is skilled with that champ enough to fill the role (and the champions kit isn't too bad at doing it) * You also aren't likely to expect it, the advantage is in the mind games If you aren't expecting to have a duo top and you keep playing like its a solo lane, you're going to be destroyed. Recognize that and adjust your play accordingly, but your question was about why the meta is meta so I'll just answer that. #Bot lane: I main ADC/Support so I'll just give my impressions, however wrong they might be. Bottom lane started to become a thing because marksmen are squishy. They get gibbed easily because early on they usually don't have very strong disengage, and once caught they are easy to kill because you typically aren't building any defences. By having a support to protect and assist you in your weak laning phase, you have a higher chance of surviving a gank or trade by having someone who can peel for you. In addition to that, a support with crowd control can help in getting early kills to get your game rolling. Having two people bot lane also helps later on when the dragon becomes valuable. After a successful gank bot lane by your jungler, you three (or four if mid joins in) can go get an easy dragon. #Top lane: There isn't much up there. Baron isn't relevant to the game until later, so there is no point in putting people up there to defend it as you're leaving dragon open. I don't have much to contribute on this since I don't play top lane often. Having a 2v1 lane can be a pain in the butt, but as you might be at a disadvantage, your team is at an advantage as a whole. #Ignoring the meta Its a total pain in the ass to have to go against a cheese pick. Recently I had gone up against a Lee Sin ADC and a Dr. Mundo support. I gave them first blood because I wasn't expecting such a powerful lvl3 all in from them. Here's how I beat it: Lee Sin and Mundo are both strong, but they are two melee champs in a ranged lane. They are going to kill you if they get close to you, but they both have ranged abilities and Lee has a gap closer. To defeat this, I kited the shit out of them, hid behind minions to avoid Lee Sin and Mundo Q's, and thanks to my positioning I beat them out of the lane and took bot by storm. Cheese may seem impossible to beat, but if you don't lose your shit raging at your teammates or raging at yourself because you're getting shit on, you can win once their early cheese starts to wear off and the effects of putting champs who need solo lanes to get strong fast enough in a bot lane sharing experience and gold, you will win. tl;dr: **Cheese can be defeated by recognizing how strong your opponents are and adjusting your playstyle. Cheese team comps usualy fall off late game if you can keep your teams and your own emotions in check and concentrate.**
Those picks mostly work because: The summoner is skilled with that champ enough to fill the role (and the champions kit isn't too bad at doing it) You also aren't likely to expect it, the advantage is in the mind games If you aren't expecting to have a duo top and you keep playing like its a solo lane, you're going to be destroyed. Recognize that and adjust your play accordingly, but your question was about why the meta is meta so I'll just answer that. Bot lane: I main ADC/Support so I'll just give my impressions, however wrong they might be. Bottom lane started to become a thing because marksmen are squishy. They get gibbed easily because early on they usually don't have very strong disengage, and once caught they are easy to kill because you typically aren't building any defences. By having a support to protect and assist you in your weak laning phase, you have a higher chance of surviving a gank or trade by having someone who can peel for you. In addition to that, a support with crowd control can help in getting early kills to get your game rolling. Having two people bot lane also helps later on when the dragon becomes valuable. After a successful gank bot lane by your jungler, you three (or four if mid joins in) can go get an easy dragon. Top lane: There isn't much up there. Baron isn't relevant to the game until later, so there is no point in putting people up there to defend it as you're leaving dragon open. I don't have much to contribute on this since I don't play top lane often. Having a 2v1 lane can be a pain in the butt, but as you might be at a disadvantage, your team is at an advantage as a whole. Ignoring the meta Its a total pain in the ass to have to go against a cheese pick. Recently I had gone up against a Lee Sin ADC and a Dr. Mundo support. I gave them first blood because I wasn't expecting such a powerful lvl3 all in from them. Here's how I beat it: Lee Sin and Mundo are both strong, but they are two melee champs in a ranged lane. They are going to kill you if they get close to you, but they both have ranged abilities and Lee has a gap closer. To defeat this, I kited the shit out of them, hid behind minions to avoid Lee Sin and Mundo Q's, and thanks to my positioning I beat them out of the lane and took bot by storm. Cheese may seem impossible to beat, but if you don't lose your shit raging at your teammates or raging at yourself because you're getting shit on, you can win once their early cheese starts to wear off and the effects of putting champs who need solo lanes to get strong fast enough in a bot lane sharing experience and gold, you will win. tl;dr: Cheese can be defeated by recognizing how strong your opponents are and adjusting your playstyle. Cheese team comps usualy fall off late game if you can keep your teams and your own emotions in check and concentrate.
Those picks mostly work because: The summoner is skilled with that champ enough to fill the role (and the champions kit isn't too bad at doing it) You also aren't likely to expect it, the advantage is in the mind games If you aren't expecting to have a duo top and you keep playing like its a solo lane, you're going to be destroyed. Recognize that and adjust your play accordingly, but your question was about why the meta is meta so I'll just answer that. Bot lane: I main ADC/Support so I'll just give my impressions, however wrong they might be. Bottom lane started to become a thing because marksmen are squishy. They get gibbed easily because early on they usually don't have very strong disengage, and once caught they are easy to kill because you typically aren't building any defences. By having a support to protect and assist you in your weak laning phase, you have a higher chance of surviving a gank or trade by having someone who can peel for you. In addition to that, a support with crowd control can help in getting early kills to get your game rolling. Having two people bot lane also helps later on when the dragon becomes valuable. After a successful gank bot lane by your jungler, you three (or four if mid joins in) can go get an easy dragon. Top lane: There isn't much up there. Baron isn't relevant to the game until later, so there is no point in putting people up there to defend it as you're leaving dragon open. I don't have much to contribute on this since I don't play top lane often. Having a 2v1 lane can be a pain in the butt, but as you might be at a disadvantage, your team is at an advantage as a whole. Ignoring the meta Its a total pain in the ass to have to go against a cheese pick. Recently I had gone up against a Lee Sin ADC and a Dr. Mundo support. I gave them first blood because I wasn't expecting such a powerful lvl3 all in from them. Here's how I beat it: Lee Sin and Mundo are both strong, but they are two melee champs in a ranged lane. They are going to kill you if they get close to you, but they both have ranged abilities and Lee has a gap closer. To defeat this, I kited the shit out of them, hid behind minions to avoid Lee Sin and Mundo Q's, and thanks to my positioning I beat them out of the lane and took bot by storm. Cheese may seem impossible to beat, but if you don't lose your shit raging at your teammates or raging at yourself because you're getting shit on, you can win once their early cheese starts to wear off and the effects of putting champs who need solo lanes to get strong fast enough in a bot lane sharing experience and gold, you will win.
Cheese can be defeated by recognizing how strong your opponents are and adjusting your playstyle. Cheese team comps usualy fall off late game if you can keep your teams and your own emotions in check and concentrate.
When this film came out, everyone was talking about it. I went to the movie store (a long, long time ago, one had to get in the car and drive to the store to rent movies) and I couldn't remember the name of it. The store clerk says, "Assassins"? So, I take [Assassins]( home, watch it and wonder why in the fuck people are so obsessed with this movie. It took like two or three years before I found out about the actual Leon: The Professional. Lol, much better film. TLDR: Watched Assassins, thinking it was The Professional, did not get why people LOVED this movie.
When this film came out, everyone was talking about it. I went to the movie store (a long, long time ago, one had to get in the car and drive to the store to rent movies) and I couldn't remember the name of it. The store clerk says, "Assassins"? So, I take [Assassins]( home, watch it and wonder why in the fuck people are so obsessed with this movie. It took like two or three years before I found out about the actual Leon: The Professional. Lol, much better film. TLDR: Watched Assassins, thinking it was The Professional, did not get why people LOVED this movie.
When this film came out, everyone was talking about it. I went to the movie store (a long, long time ago, one had to get in the car and drive to the store to rent movies) and I couldn't remember the name of it. The store clerk says, "Assassins"? So, I take [Assassins]( home, watch it and wonder why in the fuck people are so obsessed with this movie. It took like two or three years before I found out about the actual Leon: The Professional. Lol, much better film.
Watched Assassins, thinking it was The Professional, did not get why people LOVED this movie.
As someone who solo's this. You really see the power of the animosity of the internet. I've had my head smashed in while (freshspawn) getting wood or stone. I've been hunted as game by clans. Yes, hunted. I had another man shoot me because he wanted the torch I spawned with. But then you meet a sort of friendly person here and there. A man once dropped me food because he heard me barf up my uncooked chicken. I have spent an entire night in a raided shack together with two other loners, cooking the bits of meat I had while they kept a look out for anyone creeping up. We met as hungry strangers and split up as friends. This game shows you how far humanity would thruthfuly diminish. Most want you dead, just for the sake of you being dead. But there are a few here and there who still have a conscience. Like me. **TL;DR:** Fuck humanity.
As someone who solo's this. You really see the power of the animosity of the internet. I've had my head smashed in while (freshspawn) getting wood or stone. I've been hunted as game by clans. Yes, hunted. I had another man shoot me because he wanted the torch I spawned with. But then you meet a sort of friendly person here and there. A man once dropped me food because he heard me barf up my uncooked chicken. I have spent an entire night in a raided shack together with two other loners, cooking the bits of meat I had while they kept a look out for anyone creeping up. We met as hungry strangers and split up as friends. This game shows you how far humanity would thruthfuly diminish. Most want you dead, just for the sake of you being dead. But there are a few here and there who still have a conscience. Like me. TL;DR: Fuck humanity.
As someone who solo's this. You really see the power of the animosity of the internet. I've had my head smashed in while (freshspawn) getting wood or stone. I've been hunted as game by clans. Yes, hunted. I had another man shoot me because he wanted the torch I spawned with. But then you meet a sort of friendly person here and there. A man once dropped me food because he heard me barf up my uncooked chicken. I have spent an entire night in a raided shack together with two other loners, cooking the bits of meat I had while they kept a look out for anyone creeping up. We met as hungry strangers and split up as friends. This game shows you how far humanity would thruthfuly diminish. Most want you dead, just for the sake of you being dead. But there are a few here and there who still have a conscience. Like me.
Fuck humanity.
He has probably only tried the *newer* zelda games... I have played the **FIRST** one!!! TL;DR Fuck I'm old.
He has probably only tried the newer zelda games... I have played the FIRST one!!! TL;DR Fuck I'm old.
He has probably only tried the newer zelda games... I have played the FIRST one!!!
Fuck I'm old.
The only real animosity is between those who follow Islam and those who are Jewish. It started back when Abraham was trying for a child with his wife, and ended up sleeping with her main servant girl. A boy was soon born and named Ishmael. Abraham's wife became jealous, and soon later bore him a son Issac. Now, Abraham sent away Ishmael ( to whom all those who follow Islam trace their roots) and his mother due to God's covenant being sworn through Issac (to whom the Jews, and Christians, trace both our religious and biological history roots.) Now the reason for the real fighting was that the Israelites (and modern day Christians) have the promise and inheritance of Heaven from God through Issac, the younger brother, where in those days, the real inheritance should normally go to the older brother (Ishmael). It's Cain and Abel all over again. **TL;DR:** Younger brother inherited God's promises, while older brother, born out of wedlock and to a slave girl, was sent away.
The only real animosity is between those who follow Islam and those who are Jewish. It started back when Abraham was trying for a child with his wife, and ended up sleeping with her main servant girl. A boy was soon born and named Ishmael. Abraham's wife became jealous, and soon later bore him a son Issac. Now, Abraham sent away Ishmael ( to whom all those who follow Islam trace their roots) and his mother due to God's covenant being sworn through Issac (to whom the Jews, and Christians, trace both our religious and biological history roots.) Now the reason for the real fighting was that the Israelites (and modern day Christians) have the promise and inheritance of Heaven from God through Issac, the younger brother, where in those days, the real inheritance should normally go to the older brother (Ishmael). It's Cain and Abel all over again. TL;DR: Younger brother inherited God's promises, while older brother, born out of wedlock and to a slave girl, was sent away.
The only real animosity is between those who follow Islam and those who are Jewish. It started back when Abraham was trying for a child with his wife, and ended up sleeping with her main servant girl. A boy was soon born and named Ishmael. Abraham's wife became jealous, and soon later bore him a son Issac. Now, Abraham sent away Ishmael ( to whom all those who follow Islam trace their roots) and his mother due to God's covenant being sworn through Issac (to whom the Jews, and Christians, trace both our religious and biological history roots.) Now the reason for the real fighting was that the Israelites (and modern day Christians) have the promise and inheritance of Heaven from God through Issac, the younger brother, where in those days, the real inheritance should normally go to the older brother (Ishmael). It's Cain and Abel all over again.
Younger brother inherited God's promises, while older brother, born out of wedlock and to a slave girl, was sent away.
It's simple human nature, really. People like to feel somehow superior to others. If you follow the One True Religion, then you know that you're Blessed and will be Saved for Eternity. Anyone who believes or follows something else is therefore wrong, and doomed. It *has* to be that way, because if they're *not* wrong, then it means that *you're* the one that might be wrong . . . TL;DR: Blind faith is *so* much simpler than asking the hard questions . . .
It's simple human nature, really. People like to feel somehow superior to others. If you follow the One True Religion, then you know that you're Blessed and will be Saved for Eternity. Anyone who believes or follows something else is therefore wrong, and doomed. It has to be that way, because if they're not wrong, then it means that you're the one that might be wrong . . . TL;DR: Blind faith is so much simpler than asking the hard questions . . .
It's simple human nature, really. People like to feel somehow superior to others. If you follow the One True Religion, then you know that you're Blessed and will be Saved for Eternity. Anyone who believes or follows something else is therefore wrong, and doomed. It has to be that way, because if they're not wrong, then it means that you're the one that might be wrong . . .
Blind faith is so much simpler than asking the hard questions . . .
Sperm Doner - the screening is intense, you can't have any health complications, you basically have to be 5'11 or your sperm won't be taken, genetics have to be on point, only a small portion of people can do that. Gay porn - Again you'd have to literally change your sexual orientation if you're a straight man, you wouldn't have to do that as a female UNLESS you wanted to make *more* money. 8) Web Cam - Again the gay issue, no girls are watching to watch (even less pay) to see a guy jerk off on web cam. The market isn't there. Stripper - much like a fine stripper, male strippers (for female clients) is a very small market. Bartender - Unless you work at a center city hot bar, males won't make shit. I'm saying, if a girl and a boy work at a TGI Fridays, and the girl has an extra button undone on her shirt, or flirts with the customers, it'll most likely end up getting her a bigger tip, as a male does the same thing and it's creepy and unnecessary. Porn - Again small market for porn actors to actually make a solid living. You say guys do the same thing for money, there's a difference. If we dropped everything right now, and took myself, and another girl from this sub who's (18+) that girl could find work almost immediately, if not that she could sell her toenail clippings online for money to some creepy guy, you think some lucky girl is going to want to by my toe nail clippings? Fuck no, it's gross and weird. Guys and girls might have the same opportunities, but girls don't have to do shit to success at them. tl;dr Supply and Demand
Sperm Doner - the screening is intense, you can't have any health complications, you basically have to be 5'11 or your sperm won't be taken, genetics have to be on point, only a small portion of people can do that. Gay porn - Again you'd have to literally change your sexual orientation if you're a straight man, you wouldn't have to do that as a female UNLESS you wanted to make more money. 8) Web Cam - Again the gay issue, no girls are watching to watch (even less pay) to see a guy jerk off on web cam. The market isn't there. Stripper - much like a fine stripper, male strippers (for female clients) is a very small market. Bartender - Unless you work at a center city hot bar, males won't make shit. I'm saying, if a girl and a boy work at a TGI Fridays, and the girl has an extra button undone on her shirt, or flirts with the customers, it'll most likely end up getting her a bigger tip, as a male does the same thing and it's creepy and unnecessary. Porn - Again small market for porn actors to actually make a solid living. You say guys do the same thing for money, there's a difference. If we dropped everything right now, and took myself, and another girl from this sub who's (18+) that girl could find work almost immediately, if not that she could sell her toenail clippings online for money to some creepy guy, you think some lucky girl is going to want to by my toe nail clippings? Fuck no, it's gross and weird. Guys and girls might have the same opportunities, but girls don't have to do shit to success at them. tl;dr Supply and Demand
Sperm Doner - the screening is intense, you can't have any health complications, you basically have to be 5'11 or your sperm won't be taken, genetics have to be on point, only a small portion of people can do that. Gay porn - Again you'd have to literally change your sexual orientation if you're a straight man, you wouldn't have to do that as a female UNLESS you wanted to make more money. 8) Web Cam - Again the gay issue, no girls are watching to watch (even less pay) to see a guy jerk off on web cam. The market isn't there. Stripper - much like a fine stripper, male strippers (for female clients) is a very small market. Bartender - Unless you work at a center city hot bar, males won't make shit. I'm saying, if a girl and a boy work at a TGI Fridays, and the girl has an extra button undone on her shirt, or flirts with the customers, it'll most likely end up getting her a bigger tip, as a male does the same thing and it's creepy and unnecessary. Porn - Again small market for porn actors to actually make a solid living. You say guys do the same thing for money, there's a difference. If we dropped everything right now, and took myself, and another girl from this sub who's (18+) that girl could find work almost immediately, if not that she could sell her toenail clippings online for money to some creepy guy, you think some lucky girl is going to want to by my toe nail clippings? Fuck no, it's gross and weird. Guys and girls might have the same opportunities, but girls don't have to do shit to success at them.
Supply and Demand
My concern with buying digital is that 15 years from now, who's to say they wont shut off the servers that let me download these games? Then if anything happens to the digital copy on my hard drive I can never play that game again. Slightly different issue, but I already feel burned that I can't play XBLA games I bought on 360 on the Xbox One. My 360 broke, so am I going to go buy a new one when I have a XB1? Nope. I guess what I'm saying is it all comes down if my purchase is future proof or not. When I buy a game on Steam, I know I can play that game forever, regardless of what computer I own. That makes me feel comfortable buying digital because I will likely always own a PC. If all my digital Xbox 360 games were playable on my Xbox One, I'd feel confident buying all digital going forward, but they're not. So unless Microsoft comes out and says "We guarantee digital Xbox One games will be compatible with all future Xbox consoles" which wont happen, I still feel like I need to have a disc to actually own that game forever. Compounding this frustration for me further is the fact that I live in Japan and imported my Xbox One, so digital would be way easier for me than importing discs. TLDR: Not convinced I'll actually own the game forever buying digital, so buying disc at a higher price/longer wait. :(
My concern with buying digital is that 15 years from now, who's to say they wont shut off the servers that let me download these games? Then if anything happens to the digital copy on my hard drive I can never play that game again. Slightly different issue, but I already feel burned that I can't play XBLA games I bought on 360 on the Xbox One. My 360 broke, so am I going to go buy a new one when I have a XB1? Nope. I guess what I'm saying is it all comes down if my purchase is future proof or not. When I buy a game on Steam, I know I can play that game forever, regardless of what computer I own. That makes me feel comfortable buying digital because I will likely always own a PC. If all my digital Xbox 360 games were playable on my Xbox One, I'd feel confident buying all digital going forward, but they're not. So unless Microsoft comes out and says "We guarantee digital Xbox One games will be compatible with all future Xbox consoles" which wont happen, I still feel like I need to have a disc to actually own that game forever. Compounding this frustration for me further is the fact that I live in Japan and imported my Xbox One, so digital would be way easier for me than importing discs. TLDR: Not convinced I'll actually own the game forever buying digital, so buying disc at a higher price/longer wait. :(
My concern with buying digital is that 15 years from now, who's to say they wont shut off the servers that let me download these games? Then if anything happens to the digital copy on my hard drive I can never play that game again. Slightly different issue, but I already feel burned that I can't play XBLA games I bought on 360 on the Xbox One. My 360 broke, so am I going to go buy a new one when I have a XB1? Nope. I guess what I'm saying is it all comes down if my purchase is future proof or not. When I buy a game on Steam, I know I can play that game forever, regardless of what computer I own. That makes me feel comfortable buying digital because I will likely always own a PC. If all my digital Xbox 360 games were playable on my Xbox One, I'd feel confident buying all digital going forward, but they're not. So unless Microsoft comes out and says "We guarantee digital Xbox One games will be compatible with all future Xbox consoles" which wont happen, I still feel like I need to have a disc to actually own that game forever. Compounding this frustration for me further is the fact that I live in Japan and imported my Xbox One, so digital would be way easier for me than importing discs.
Not convinced I'll actually own the game forever buying digital, so buying disc at a higher price/longer wait. :(
Best case going second: * turn 1: coin secret keeper x2 * enemy turn 2: 2 drop with 2 toughness. * turn 2: Repentance, noble sac, slam their face for 3x2 * enemy turn 3: they trade their 2 drop for noble sac, and play a 3 drop, beeing set to 1 health with repentance. * turn 3: lights justice, eye for an eye, Repentance, kill off their 3-drop with lights justice slam their face for another 5x2+likely 3 from eye for an eye. * enemy turn 4: play yeti, gets set to 1 health * turn 4: divine favour, eye for an eye, you now have 1 less card than enemy. Slam their yeti with lights justice, and hit them for 6x2 + 4 from yeti. for a total of 35 damage and game won. and two 6/7 secretkeepers on board. worst case: * play secret keeper * play noble sac , get frostbolted secret get popped for nothing. you could also pay one secretkeeper on turn 1 and do somewhat the same, with half the damage. **tl;dr:** With perfect sequence of cards, its epic, if enemy run removal, it can turn out trading worse than 1 for 1. **edit: reddit formatting not beeing cooperative.**
Best case going second: turn 1: coin secret keeper x2 enemy turn 2: 2 drop with 2 toughness. turn 2: Repentance, noble sac, slam their face for 3x2 enemy turn 3: they trade their 2 drop for noble sac, and play a 3 drop, beeing set to 1 health with repentance. turn 3: lights justice, eye for an eye, Repentance, kill off their 3-drop with lights justice slam their face for another 5x2+likely 3 from eye for an eye. enemy turn 4: play yeti, gets set to 1 health turn 4: divine favour, eye for an eye, you now have 1 less card than enemy. Slam their yeti with lights justice, and hit them for 6x2 + 4 from yeti. for a total of 35 damage and game won. and two 6/7 secretkeepers on board. worst case: play secret keeper play noble sac , get frostbolted secret get popped for nothing. you could also pay one secretkeeper on turn 1 and do somewhat the same, with half the damage. tl;dr: With perfect sequence of cards, its epic, if enemy run removal, it can turn out trading worse than 1 for 1. edit: reddit formatting not beeing cooperative.
Best case going second: turn 1: coin secret keeper x2 enemy turn 2: 2 drop with 2 toughness. turn 2: Repentance, noble sac, slam their face for 3x2 enemy turn 3: they trade their 2 drop for noble sac, and play a 3 drop, beeing set to 1 health with repentance. turn 3: lights justice, eye for an eye, Repentance, kill off their 3-drop with lights justice slam their face for another 5x2+likely 3 from eye for an eye. enemy turn 4: play yeti, gets set to 1 health turn 4: divine favour, eye for an eye, you now have 1 less card than enemy. Slam their yeti with lights justice, and hit them for 6x2 + 4 from yeti. for a total of 35 damage and game won. and two 6/7 secretkeepers on board. worst case: play secret keeper play noble sac , get frostbolted secret get popped for nothing. you could also pay one secretkeeper on turn 1 and do somewhat the same, with half the damage.
With perfect sequence of cards, its epic, if enemy run removal, it can turn out trading worse than 1 for 1. edit: reddit formatting not beeing cooperative.
Think of a playstyle you like best. Are you a good twitch shooter? Can you spot, and hit, a stray pixel at 1000m while accounting for bullet drop and movement? Do you prefer to see the whites of your enemies eyes before you shoot? Do you go in the front door screaming like a monkey on fire, or sneak around back and stab that motherfucker camping sniper? Are you a team player, or do you tend to lonewolf? Based on these, you can sort of form a basic overall playstyle. If you find yourself in close encounters most of the time, Support running with a shotgun is absolutely devastating. If you are mostly a teambased player, assault with medkits/revive paddles become good. If you are a sniper, choose between camping whore, or aggressive recon. Either way, the best way to get over the "oh god how am I so bad" stage is to pick a class, find a decent weapon and kit setup, and then use that and nothing else. You will learn the ranges you are best at, how to control your engagement range, and most important, positioning. Once you are comfortable and can pull an average kdr you are happy with, whether its .5, 1.0, 1.5, or higher(I personally aim for 2.1) you can start exploring other options. Learn the basics while minimizing variables by using a consistent playstyle/kit/setup, then expand once you get the hang of that. Personally, I'm an aggressive recon. So, for my first 2000 or so kills, I used the M4A01, with m9 silenced pistol, C4, and the MAV. It wasn't until I could consistently play to my satisfaction(2.1 kdr) that I expanded and started using other classes. Because of the knowledge I obtained on my M4A01 spree, I was able to hop into nearly any other class, with any other weapon, and adapt instantly(with the exception of PDW and LMG, can't use either of those for the life of me). tl;dr... learn with one setup, expand later.
Think of a playstyle you like best. Are you a good twitch shooter? Can you spot, and hit, a stray pixel at 1000m while accounting for bullet drop and movement? Do you prefer to see the whites of your enemies eyes before you shoot? Do you go in the front door screaming like a monkey on fire, or sneak around back and stab that motherfucker camping sniper? Are you a team player, or do you tend to lonewolf? Based on these, you can sort of form a basic overall playstyle. If you find yourself in close encounters most of the time, Support running with a shotgun is absolutely devastating. If you are mostly a teambased player, assault with medkits/revive paddles become good. If you are a sniper, choose between camping whore, or aggressive recon. Either way, the best way to get over the "oh god how am I so bad" stage is to pick a class, find a decent weapon and kit setup, and then use that and nothing else. You will learn the ranges you are best at, how to control your engagement range, and most important, positioning. Once you are comfortable and can pull an average kdr you are happy with, whether its .5, 1.0, 1.5, or higher(I personally aim for 2.1) you can start exploring other options. Learn the basics while minimizing variables by using a consistent playstyle/kit/setup, then expand once you get the hang of that. Personally, I'm an aggressive recon. So, for my first 2000 or so kills, I used the M4A01, with m9 silenced pistol, C4, and the MAV. It wasn't until I could consistently play to my satisfaction(2.1 kdr) that I expanded and started using other classes. Because of the knowledge I obtained on my M4A01 spree, I was able to hop into nearly any other class, with any other weapon, and adapt instantly(with the exception of PDW and LMG, can't use either of those for the life of me). tl;dr... learn with one setup, expand later.
Think of a playstyle you like best. Are you a good twitch shooter? Can you spot, and hit, a stray pixel at 1000m while accounting for bullet drop and movement? Do you prefer to see the whites of your enemies eyes before you shoot? Do you go in the front door screaming like a monkey on fire, or sneak around back and stab that motherfucker camping sniper? Are you a team player, or do you tend to lonewolf? Based on these, you can sort of form a basic overall playstyle. If you find yourself in close encounters most of the time, Support running with a shotgun is absolutely devastating. If you are mostly a teambased player, assault with medkits/revive paddles become good. If you are a sniper, choose between camping whore, or aggressive recon. Either way, the best way to get over the "oh god how am I so bad" stage is to pick a class, find a decent weapon and kit setup, and then use that and nothing else. You will learn the ranges you are best at, how to control your engagement range, and most important, positioning. Once you are comfortable and can pull an average kdr you are happy with, whether its .5, 1.0, 1.5, or higher(I personally aim for 2.1) you can start exploring other options. Learn the basics while minimizing variables by using a consistent playstyle/kit/setup, then expand once you get the hang of that. Personally, I'm an aggressive recon. So, for my first 2000 or so kills, I used the M4A01, with m9 silenced pistol, C4, and the MAV. It wasn't until I could consistently play to my satisfaction(2.1 kdr) that I expanded and started using other classes. Because of the knowledge I obtained on my M4A01 spree, I was able to hop into nearly any other class, with any other weapon, and adapt instantly(with the exception of PDW and LMG, can't use either of those for the life of me).
learn with one setup, expand later.
Supposed to be groin issues. Hopefully we don't have another Laich on our hands. tl;dr - The caps are having serious issues with the D.
Supposed to be groin issues. Hopefully we don't have another Laich on our hands. tl;dr - The caps are having serious issues with the D.
Supposed to be groin issues. Hopefully we don't have another Laich on our hands.
The caps are having serious issues with the D.
MSM? The only ACTUAL reference to this acronym, that I am familiar with is "Methylsulfonylmethane". Talking in acronyms doesn't make you "clever". Q&A, MSM, DUI... Here watch: Driving Under Influence (DUI) ...see? That wasn't hard to do, either! Acronyms are fine when you've DEFINED it first. You sound like a 12 year-old on 4chan. ...unless of course, you are ACTUALLY telling us that a bunch of "methylsulfonylmethane outlets" are covering Justin Bieber, in which case I don't give a shit, because I have no idea what a methylsulfonylmethane outlet is, and neither does anyone else, and thus the real-world impact of this story is zero. TL;DR - What the fuck is an MSM?
MSM? The only ACTUAL reference to this acronym, that I am familiar with is "Methylsulfonylmethane". Talking in acronyms doesn't make you "clever". Q&A, MSM, DUI... Here watch: Driving Under Influence (DUI) ...see? That wasn't hard to do, either! Acronyms are fine when you've DEFINED it first. You sound like a 12 year-old on 4chan. ...unless of course, you are ACTUALLY telling us that a bunch of "methylsulfonylmethane outlets" are covering Justin Bieber, in which case I don't give a shit, because I have no idea what a methylsulfonylmethane outlet is, and neither does anyone else, and thus the real-world impact of this story is zero. TL;DR - What the fuck is an MSM?
MSM? The only ACTUAL reference to this acronym, that I am familiar with is "Methylsulfonylmethane". Talking in acronyms doesn't make you "clever". Q&A, MSM, DUI... Here watch: Driving Under Influence (DUI) ...see? That wasn't hard to do, either! Acronyms are fine when you've DEFINED it first. You sound like a 12 year-old on 4chan. ...unless of course, you are ACTUALLY telling us that a bunch of "methylsulfonylmethane outlets" are covering Justin Bieber, in which case I don't give a shit, because I have no idea what a methylsulfonylmethane outlet is, and neither does anyone else, and thus the real-world impact of this story is zero.
What the fuck is an MSM?
The Metro always feels sketchy but crime on them is surprisingly low. When I went to NYC for the first time last December, I was amazed, and I can't believe we haven't picked up a few tips from them. For one: clean cars. Not just clean seats and clean floors, but cars clean of graffiti. NYC subway cars aren't allowed to service the public with graffiti on them. That's a superficial but an important step. I would love to see the stations refurbished. Everything at most stations is disgusting, broken and graffitied elevators, they basically look like they haven't been touched since they opened in the eighties and that's unacceptable. They need to be more reliable. They're not so bad on the time, they GENERALLY (though not always) arrive according to the rotation for the period of the day (however X number of minutes a train is supposed to pass). In fact, that could be fixed by fixing what puts them off schedule: why do trains keep breaking? I'm tired of taking a train and having it stop in its tracks for 10 minutes, 20 minutes, or half an hour. I'm tired of taking a train and being told I have to get off at the next station and wait for another one because the one I'm riding is broken. Shit like that happens, but the consistency of it happening in Miami is ridiculous and unacceptable. You can't plan trips on the Metro because you never know when it's just going to stop and set you back an hour. And the final thing, the thing we never get and I'm starting to believe we will never get, is the extension. I live in Hialeah so I have perfect access to the MetroRail... but it doesn't go anywhere I need to go. For two years, I would love to have been able to take the Metro to work right off the South Miami stop and save the gas money, but I couldn't because then I had to go to FIU and of course the MetroRail doesn't venture anywhere into the western portion of Miami-Dade where most people live, where FIU is, and where plenty of people have places to go. Nothing goes east to the beaches, or into the NE corridor of Wynwood, Midtown, Design District, or Aventura. It's just not useful unless I have to go to a Heat game or a show at the Arsht or jury duty, and in the first two cases, I don't feel safe taking the train back when those things end at 10PM+ because there are no security guards to be seen. Anywhere. My phone died when I was the only person to get off at Okeechobee and I was shit outta luck until another train arrived with some more people because there was NO SECURITY GUARD whatsoever. There are less than two dozen MetroRail stops and we seriously can't even manage one on-duty cop or security guard at them while the train is running? What parent wants to let their kids take that train? Or for that matter, who themselves wants to take that risk? tl;dr a lot has to be done, a fucking lot.
The Metro always feels sketchy but crime on them is surprisingly low. When I went to NYC for the first time last December, I was amazed, and I can't believe we haven't picked up a few tips from them. For one: clean cars. Not just clean seats and clean floors, but cars clean of graffiti. NYC subway cars aren't allowed to service the public with graffiti on them. That's a superficial but an important step. I would love to see the stations refurbished. Everything at most stations is disgusting, broken and graffitied elevators, they basically look like they haven't been touched since they opened in the eighties and that's unacceptable. They need to be more reliable. They're not so bad on the time, they GENERALLY (though not always) arrive according to the rotation for the period of the day (however X number of minutes a train is supposed to pass). In fact, that could be fixed by fixing what puts them off schedule: why do trains keep breaking? I'm tired of taking a train and having it stop in its tracks for 10 minutes, 20 minutes, or half an hour. I'm tired of taking a train and being told I have to get off at the next station and wait for another one because the one I'm riding is broken. Shit like that happens, but the consistency of it happening in Miami is ridiculous and unacceptable. You can't plan trips on the Metro because you never know when it's just going to stop and set you back an hour. And the final thing, the thing we never get and I'm starting to believe we will never get, is the extension. I live in Hialeah so I have perfect access to the MetroRail... but it doesn't go anywhere I need to go. For two years, I would love to have been able to take the Metro to work right off the South Miami stop and save the gas money, but I couldn't because then I had to go to FIU and of course the MetroRail doesn't venture anywhere into the western portion of Miami-Dade where most people live, where FIU is, and where plenty of people have places to go. Nothing goes east to the beaches, or into the NE corridor of Wynwood, Midtown, Design District, or Aventura. It's just not useful unless I have to go to a Heat game or a show at the Arsht or jury duty, and in the first two cases, I don't feel safe taking the train back when those things end at 10PM+ because there are no security guards to be seen. Anywhere. My phone died when I was the only person to get off at Okeechobee and I was shit outta luck until another train arrived with some more people because there was NO SECURITY GUARD whatsoever. There are less than two dozen MetroRail stops and we seriously can't even manage one on-duty cop or security guard at them while the train is running? What parent wants to let their kids take that train? Or for that matter, who themselves wants to take that risk? tl;dr a lot has to be done, a fucking lot.
The Metro always feels sketchy but crime on them is surprisingly low. When I went to NYC for the first time last December, I was amazed, and I can't believe we haven't picked up a few tips from them. For one: clean cars. Not just clean seats and clean floors, but cars clean of graffiti. NYC subway cars aren't allowed to service the public with graffiti on them. That's a superficial but an important step. I would love to see the stations refurbished. Everything at most stations is disgusting, broken and graffitied elevators, they basically look like they haven't been touched since they opened in the eighties and that's unacceptable. They need to be more reliable. They're not so bad on the time, they GENERALLY (though not always) arrive according to the rotation for the period of the day (however X number of minutes a train is supposed to pass). In fact, that could be fixed by fixing what puts them off schedule: why do trains keep breaking? I'm tired of taking a train and having it stop in its tracks for 10 minutes, 20 minutes, or half an hour. I'm tired of taking a train and being told I have to get off at the next station and wait for another one because the one I'm riding is broken. Shit like that happens, but the consistency of it happening in Miami is ridiculous and unacceptable. You can't plan trips on the Metro because you never know when it's just going to stop and set you back an hour. And the final thing, the thing we never get and I'm starting to believe we will never get, is the extension. I live in Hialeah so I have perfect access to the MetroRail... but it doesn't go anywhere I need to go. For two years, I would love to have been able to take the Metro to work right off the South Miami stop and save the gas money, but I couldn't because then I had to go to FIU and of course the MetroRail doesn't venture anywhere into the western portion of Miami-Dade where most people live, where FIU is, and where plenty of people have places to go. Nothing goes east to the beaches, or into the NE corridor of Wynwood, Midtown, Design District, or Aventura. It's just not useful unless I have to go to a Heat game or a show at the Arsht or jury duty, and in the first two cases, I don't feel safe taking the train back when those things end at 10PM+ because there are no security guards to be seen. Anywhere. My phone died when I was the only person to get off at Okeechobee and I was shit outta luck until another train arrived with some more people because there was NO SECURITY GUARD whatsoever. There are less than two dozen MetroRail stops and we seriously can't even manage one on-duty cop or security guard at them while the train is running? What parent wants to let their kids take that train? Or for that matter, who themselves wants to take that risk?
a lot has to be done, a fucking lot.
I know what I did was a mistake but I just have a feeling that there has to be more that can be done. When going over the damage that was done to the car it they kept saying very "minor". They never mentioned anything about the frame of the car being the way it is. Basically I want to know how a vehicle that isn't considered "safe to drive" able to be sold? This was what someone from /r/legaladvice had to say: "So there's two issues here: 1) contract issues relating to an implied warranty of merchantability and misrepresentation. 2) A tort issue relating to fraud. The first one is straightforward. In most states the sale of goods is governed by the UCC, which is basically a set of rules that put requirements on transactions. A warranty of merchantability is usually included with any goods that are purchased. You can find what this means if you google UCC §2-314. However, this warranty can be excluded as per UCC §2-316. It is possible (likely) that what you signed would in fact exclude the warranty under §2-316. If I was your lawyer (and I am not), I would want to see what exactly that letter said, to make the determination whether you are in fact excluded as per §2-316. I would also want to see this letter (and the rest of the contract) to determine whether there was misrepresentation in the contract in regards to the damage. For fraud, fraud has five elements: (1) a false statement of a material fact,(2) knowledge on the part of the defendant that the statement is untrue, (3) intent on the part of the defendant to deceive the alleged victim, (4) justifiable reliance by the alleged victim on the statement, and (5) injury to the alleged victim as a result. Thing is, fraud, particularly element 2, is very hard to prove. TL;DR. Get a lawyer, show him the documentation you have. This will probably be a very straightforward and easy determination as to whether you're good or you're out of luck."
I know what I did was a mistake but I just have a feeling that there has to be more that can be done. When going over the damage that was done to the car it they kept saying very "minor". They never mentioned anything about the frame of the car being the way it is. Basically I want to know how a vehicle that isn't considered "safe to drive" able to be sold? This was what someone from /r/legaladvice had to say: "So there's two issues here: 1) contract issues relating to an implied warranty of merchantability and misrepresentation. 2) A tort issue relating to fraud. The first one is straightforward. In most states the sale of goods is governed by the UCC, which is basically a set of rules that put requirements on transactions. A warranty of merchantability is usually included with any goods that are purchased. You can find what this means if you google UCC §2-314. However, this warranty can be excluded as per UCC §2-316. It is possible (likely) that what you signed would in fact exclude the warranty under §2-316. If I was your lawyer (and I am not), I would want to see what exactly that letter said, to make the determination whether you are in fact excluded as per §2-316. I would also want to see this letter (and the rest of the contract) to determine whether there was misrepresentation in the contract in regards to the damage. For fraud, fraud has five elements: (1) a false statement of a material fact,(2) knowledge on the part of the defendant that the statement is untrue, (3) intent on the part of the defendant to deceive the alleged victim, (4) justifiable reliance by the alleged victim on the statement, and (5) injury to the alleged victim as a result. Thing is, fraud, particularly element 2, is very hard to prove. TL;DR. Get a lawyer, show him the documentation you have. This will probably be a very straightforward and easy determination as to whether you're good or you're out of luck."
I know what I did was a mistake but I just have a feeling that there has to be more that can be done. When going over the damage that was done to the car it they kept saying very "minor". They never mentioned anything about the frame of the car being the way it is. Basically I want to know how a vehicle that isn't considered "safe to drive" able to be sold? This was what someone from /r/legaladvice had to say: "So there's two issues here: 1) contract issues relating to an implied warranty of merchantability and misrepresentation. 2) A tort issue relating to fraud. The first one is straightforward. In most states the sale of goods is governed by the UCC, which is basically a set of rules that put requirements on transactions. A warranty of merchantability is usually included with any goods that are purchased. You can find what this means if you google UCC §2-314. However, this warranty can be excluded as per UCC §2-316. It is possible (likely) that what you signed would in fact exclude the warranty under §2-316. If I was your lawyer (and I am not), I would want to see what exactly that letter said, to make the determination whether you are in fact excluded as per §2-316. I would also want to see this letter (and the rest of the contract) to determine whether there was misrepresentation in the contract in regards to the damage. For fraud, fraud has five elements: (1) a false statement of a material fact,(2) knowledge on the part of the defendant that the statement is untrue, (3) intent on the part of the defendant to deceive the alleged victim, (4) justifiable reliance by the alleged victim on the statement, and (5) injury to the alleged victim as a result. Thing is, fraud, particularly element 2, is very hard to prove.
Get a lawyer, show him the documentation you have. This will probably be a very straightforward and easy determination as to whether you're good or you're out of luck."
10cs/min is perfect. If you get this then... well you should probably be a pro As others said, 80cs/10min is damn good, if you can get that consistently then you should be happy. More than your lane opponent should be you goal. Let's face it, you are only going to get 80 cs in 10 minutes in a pretty passive lane so you need to change your goal based on the flow of the game. If you have 80 cs at 10 minutes but your lane opponent has 100 then you haven't been farming well enough. On the other hand, if you have 60 but your opponent has 45 then you are doing great. TL:DR. Shoot for 10 cs per minute(but don't expect to get it), be very happy with 8 per minute, be adequately happy with having more than your opponent
10cs/min is perfect. If you get this then... well you should probably be a pro As others said, 80cs/10min is damn good, if you can get that consistently then you should be happy. More than your lane opponent should be you goal. Let's face it, you are only going to get 80 cs in 10 minutes in a pretty passive lane so you need to change your goal based on the flow of the game. If you have 80 cs at 10 minutes but your lane opponent has 100 then you haven't been farming well enough. On the other hand, if you have 60 but your opponent has 45 then you are doing great. TL:DR. Shoot for 10 cs per minute(but don't expect to get it), be very happy with 8 per minute, be adequately happy with having more than your opponent
10cs/min is perfect. If you get this then... well you should probably be a pro As others said, 80cs/10min is damn good, if you can get that consistently then you should be happy. More than your lane opponent should be you goal. Let's face it, you are only going to get 80 cs in 10 minutes in a pretty passive lane so you need to change your goal based on the flow of the game. If you have 80 cs at 10 minutes but your lane opponent has 100 then you haven't been farming well enough. On the other hand, if you have 60 but your opponent has 45 then you are doing great.
Shoot for 10 cs per minute(but don't expect to get it), be very happy with 8 per minute, be adequately happy with having more than your opponent