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average length of a school day in the us | [
"The average school day in the United States varies from state to state, but most stays require approximately 180 days for the school year to be complete. Each stateâs Department of Education determines its own minimum school day length and stipulations for fulfilling the 180 days.The way states add this time up can get complicated, but typically if schools or districts choose to add time to the legal minimum school day, the day would be considered extended.It was exhausting,â he says of those first two years. But, the school was âable to offer longer class periods, build in restroom breaks and student celebrations, and provide teachers with time for meetings and planning time inside the school day so that we had less out-of-school-time meetings.â."
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"Average length of school year and average length of school day, by selected characteristics: United States, 2003â04.",
"The minimum length of instructional time that must be offered to constitute a school day is 180 minutes. (Education Code sections 46117 and 46201). The current Preppie and transitional kindergarten instructional schedule will be the same.",
"The typical school year for most kids in the United States is about 180 days long. Students usually spend about six and a half hours a day in school.According to some education experts, that may not be enough time. Maryland is one of several states thinking about adding one to two hours to the school day.ome parents are worried that an extended day might be too exhausting for students. There are also concerns that longer school hours will take away from family time. A longer school day wouldn't just affect students. Teachers and other school staff members would have to stay longer during the school day.",
"The state sets the number of minutes in the school day and the school has to work within those boundaries. Each class is 40-45 minutes long and if another 5 minutes was added to each passing period out of 6 periods that would be an additional 30 minutes a day added to the school day. This means each day you would have to be in school 30 minutes more. The time adds up to 600 minutes a month.",
"0520-1-3-.02 ORGANIZATION OF SCHOOLS, REQUIREMENT A. (1) Length of School Day for Students. (a) The minimum length of the school day for students shall be 6 1/2 hours. (b) School systems may provide for professional development during the school day under.",
"There are typically 180 days of teaching each year in schools in the USA, excluding weekends and breaks, while there are 190 days for pupils in state schools in Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, and 200 for pupils in Australia.",
"Public elementary and secondary schools averaged (at the state level) between 171 and 184 school days in the 2007-08 academic year. Different states have different legal minimum requirements for instructional days and hours per year.",
"Usually, it is 36 5-day weeks or 180 days of school. Still, the schedule for public schools lies with each particular school district of which it is a part; as such, the total number of weeks in a school year can vary considerably.",
"For the international equivalent of U.S. middle-schoolers, average annual required hours increased to 925 (ranging from 741 hours in Sweden to 1,167 hours in Mexico). The OECD did not have data for high schoolers. Nor did the OECD report include U.S. figures, since instructional-time rules are set by individual states.",
"And the OECD data donât include time spent with tutors, in âcram schoolsâ or in other supplemental classes, which are very common in some countries. Nor are all U.S. school hours created equal. Texas, for instance, would seem to require the most school time: 7 hours a day for 180 days, or 1,260 hours in all.",
"The typical school day is from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and lunch is eaten at school. Students are required to attend school for at least eleven years, but they usually attend for twelve years. The average class size is eighteen students and there are about six computers per classroom.",
"There are 460minutes in a school day [only if you go to school from 7:00am to 2:40pm]. This includes time for lunch and other breaks. Class time will necessarily be less than 460 minutes. In Canada, a school day is considered to be 300 to 330 minutes, depending on grade and school district, but this total does not include time for lunch, recess, announcements, arrival and departure, etc. It is common for students to be in school for approximately 8 hours.",
"⢠1,020 hours grades 7 -12 (equivalent of 170 days @ 6 hours) Lunch doesnât count, so it works out to 170 days. In Iowa, and Wisconsin, and most of the nation the minimum is 180. The average for Minnesota public schools, according to Briner, is 174 days.",
"Average number of hours in the school day and average number of days in the school year for public schools, by state: 2007â08 ; State Average number of hours in the school day Average number of days in the school year ; United States : 6.64 : 180 : Alabama : 7.03 : 180 : Alaska : 6.48 : 180 : Arizona : 6.43 : 181 : Arkansas : 6.89 : 179 : California : 6.24 : 181 : Colorado",
"(June 2015). In the United States, the academic year typically has about 180 school days for K-12, running from the early in the Northern Hemisphere fall to early summer.",
"Average number of hours in the school day and average number of days in the school year for public schools, by state: 2007â08. State. Average number of hours in the school day.",
"That headline caught my attention as I expect it would most education support professionals (ESPs) and teachers. While most school days average 6.5 hours, the article said that Maynard Academy in Cambridge, Massachusetts was experimenting with an 8-hour school day, one of only 10 states to do so.Consult Everyone.n my particular school an 8-hour school day would force most students to get up at 5:30 a.m., board a bus at 6:30 a.m., and arrive at school at 7:30 a.m. Then, put in eight hours of class, leave at about 4:00 p.m. and return home at 5:00 p.m. This would mean that the students would be putting in almost 12-hour days.",
"School start dates are about as varied as the styles and colors of backpacks you find at local retailers. The federal government doesnât mandate the number of days in a school year, but most states require about 180. How those days work into the calendar is usually set by local school boards. For example, in Cherokee County, Georgia, students went back to school on August 1 this year. Yes, you read that right, the first day of August.",
"In 1998, the average public school building in the United States was 42 years old. The mean age ranged from 46 years in the Northeast and Central states to 37 years in the Southeast (table 1).",
"In elementary school and junior high school, an average school day lasts between 8.15 a.m. and 3 p.m. In high school days can run a bit longer, but rarely past 4 p.m. As good as schools in Sweden are they are not that great and have been sliding down the ladder big time for more than 10 years.n elementary school and junior high school, an average school day lasts between 8.15 a.m. and 3 p.m. In high school days can run a bit longer, but rarely past 4 p.m. As good as schools in Sweden are they are not that great and have been sliding down the ladder big time for more than 10 years.",
"Statistics, the typical school day offers a six-period day. with about 5.6 hours of classroom time. However, of. this time, only a portion is actually available for direct. instruction. Time is lost in passing between classes, maintaining discipline, structuring classroom. activities, and recordkeeping.",
"Thanks for the A2A. For public K-12 schools, each U.S. state has its own law regarding the minimum number of school days in a year. In the states where I've lived it's been 180 and I think that's pretty common. That's a total of 36 5-day weeks. I've heard of states with minimums as low as 160 days and as high as 200.",
"While Georgia still lagged far behind the rest of the nation, and even much of the South at the end of the Progressive Era, statistics from the early twentieth century indicate substantial improvement. In 1900 the average length of the school term was 112 days; in 1920, it had expanded to 145 days.",
"1 Five out of six middle and high schools in the United States start the school day too early (before 8:30 a.m.) according to the CDC.2 The CDC's Youth Risk Behavior Survey in 2011 showed that 69% of U.S. high school students get fewer than 8 hours of sleep on school nights, and 40% get 6 or fewer hours. The average public high school in the U.S. starts at 7:59 a.m. 2 The average American high school starts class at 7:59 a.m. 3 Over 20% of U.S. middle schools start the school day at 7:45 a.m. or earlier.",
"In the United States, the academic year typically has about 180 school days for K-12, running from the early in the Northern Hemisphere fall to early summer. Colleges and universities often have shorter years.",
"The CPS school year is made up of 170 classroom instructional days. High schools get 421 minutes or about 7 hours in a school day, while the elementary school day is 354 minutes or 5 hours and 45 minutes long, CPS spokesman Bobby Otter said. The amount of time in the elementary school day is the number being used by Emanuel and the media in reference to the short length of the district's academic day.",
"Generally speaking, students in the US have about a 180 day school year. Depending upon how the calendar is constructed, the school year tuns about 40 weeks. Teachers will work anywhere from 5 to 10 days above that. This varies by state and school district.",
"A: The number of school days in a year depends on the state; 30 states have 180 school days, according to Education Commission of the States, 2013 update. Two states set minimum school days higher than 180 days, and 11 states have a minimum that falls between 160 and 179 days. Continue Reading",
"Powers:. Length of school day and year. (1) The district shall be in compliance with length of school day and year requirements as defined in Section 22-2-8. Within the statutory requirements, the local board determines the length of the school year, which includes equivalent hours.",
"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In the United States, the academic year typically has about 180 school days for K-12, running from the early in the Northern Hemisphere fall to early summer. Colleges and universities often have shorter years.",
"Quick Answer. The number of school days in a year depends on the state; 30 states have 180 school days, according to Education Commission of the States, 2013 update. Two states set minimum school days higher than 180 days, and 11 states have a minimum that falls between 160 and 179 days.",
"Local Time Requirements and Homework. Total Instructional Time. The total instructional time of each school day in all schools and at all grade levels shall be not less than 6. hours or 360 minutes, exclusive of lunch periods, recess, or time used for changing classes (Code of. Alabama, 1975, §16-1-1).",
"By 1969-1970 that average had climbed to 161 school days; today that number is approaching 180 days. This means that the high school graduates of today are in class for what amounts to more than four additional school years â at the 180-day school year level â than graduates of 1910.innesota debated expanding its school year by 25 days. The debate ended when the estimated costs for the state came in at $750 million. In fact, studies estimate that increasing school time by 10 percent increases costs by 6 to 7 percent.",
"The school day in elementary schools is usually from 8.30am to 3pm or 3.30pm, with an hour for lunch. In high schools, hours are usually from 7.30am to 2pm or 2.30pm. This is divided into six one-hour classes or four 90-minute classes (with a five-minute break between classes) and a 30-minute lunch break. Extra-curricular activities and sports are scheduled after school hours.",
"Texas Education Code requires districts provide at least 75,600 minutes of instruction, therefore the number of days in a school calendar is dependent on the length of the school day. The length of the shortest school day in BISD is 450 minutes.",
"This could be the source of Secretary Duncanâs assertion: 220 days is nearly 25 percent more than the typical 180 days students attend school in the U.S. But this does not mean they are receiving 25 percent more instruction because the total actual instructional hours are quite similar.",
"A: Shortened days may count toward the 180 school days, but only the actual time spent on structured learning time can count towards the 900 hour requirement for elementary schools, 990 hour requirement for secondary schools, and 425 hour requirement for kindergarten.",
"Here we can see that depending on how it is measured â that is, students missing 21, 20 days or 18 days, respectively -- that between one-fifth and one-third of students are not attending school regularly. Table 3 also begins to highlight the sheer magnitude of the challenge some school districts face.",
"Fewer school hours per day would permit students to have enough time to study, complete school assignments, participate in after-school activities and be able to get to bed by a decent hour. The school day is primarily seven hours long. Most of us have a wide range of after-school activities.",
"students are in school: Fifteen states have increased the minimum number of instructional days while. only nine states have reduced that minimum. While state requirements vary on the number of instructional days and hours in the year, the majority of. states set the school year at 180 days (30 states). Eleven states set the minimum number of instructional. days between 160 and 179 days, and two states set the minimum above 180 days (Kansas and Ohio). Finally, eight states currently do not set a minimum number of instructional days.",
"The average school day in Sweden is longer than the school day in the United States. It averages about eight hours, lasting from 8 am until 4:30 with one half hour for lunâ¦ch.",
"School holidays in the United States. In the United States, the academic year typically has about 180 school days for K-12, running from the early (Northern Hemisphere) fall to early summer. Colleges and universities often have shorter years.",
"It depends on the school district, and the school itself. School usually starts in August, or even as late as September. The class length is quite variable. In districts that have 8 classes a day, the classes are 45 minutes to an hour long.",
"If u mean like from todays date 8/8/11 to the first day of school which is 9/8/11 its about 31 days. If u mean from like the first day of summer or last day of school which is june 28 [somtimes]...til the first day of school sep.8 its about 71 days . 7 people found this useful.",
"The typical school year for most kids in the United States is about 180 days long. Students usually spend about six and a half hours a day in school.According to some education experts, that may not be enough time. Maryland is one of several states thinking about adding one to two hours to the school day.he typical school year for most kids in the United States is about 180 days long. Students usually spend about six and a half hours a day in school.",
"If you think about it, although school is very important, it does not really take up very much of a child's time. In the United States, the school year averages 180 days; in other nations, the school year can last up to 240 days and students are often in school more hours per day than American students.",
"Most districts dip below the required 176 days. America's traditional 180-day school year is more myth than reality in Illinois, as a jumble of state laws, rules and waivers allow districts to chip away instruction time, shorten school hours and cut the number of days students come to school.",
"3 Information provided by schools with physical education classes that varied in length was used to calculate the average length per class. For example, if a school reported three physical education classes of 20 minutes and one class of 40 minutes, the average class length was calculated as 25 minutes. Small schools had a higher number of average minutes per week of scheduled physical education than did medium-sized and large schools, and rural schools had higher averages than did schools located in other locales (table 18).",
"Average length of school year and average length of school day, by selected characteristics: United States, 2001-02. (Standard Errors for this table) Selected characteristics. Average length of school year in days.",
"By 1969-1970 that average had climbed to 161 school days; today that number is approaching 180 days. This means that the high school graduates of today are in class for what amounts to more than four additional school years â at the 180-day school year level â than graduates of 1910.he cost of lengthening the school year also should not be ignored. There are few reforms that would cost districts more than mandating they increase the number of days in their school year. Minnesota debated expanding its school year by 25 days.",
"Thirty states have 180-day school years, two have school years longer than 180 days, and 11 have school years shorter than 180 days. Minnesota is the only state that doesn`t require a set number of days or instructional hours for schools.",
"Repeal and new rule filed March 16, 1992; effective June 29, 1992. 0520-1-3-.02 ORGANIZATION OF SCHOOLS, REQUIREMENT A. (1) Length of School Day for Students. (a) The minimum length of the school day for students shall be 6 1/2 hours. (b) School systems may provide for professional development during the school day under.",
"Days in student school year: elementary: 173 (except kindergarten which is 172 days, and grade 8 which is 174 days); secondary: 175 (except grade 11 which is 176 days, and grade 12 which is 168 days).",
"The average teacher is out for at least five days a year. Whereas the other days/hours off are hard to predict, this one isnât. Overall, I think you have to discount U.S. school day counts/hours by at least 10%.",
"1 Elementary school children should spend at least 30 minutes a day in PE class. 2 Middle school and high school students should get an average of 45 minutes a day in PE.",
"While state requirements vary on the number of instructional days and hours in the year, the majority of. states set the school year at 180 days (30 states). Eleven states set the minimum number of instructional. days between 160 and 179 days, and two states set the minimum above 180 days (Kansas and Ohio). Finally, eight states currently do not set a minimum number of instructional days. Instead, the school year. in these states is measured in numbers of hours.",
"Their school year is divided into four terms, with each term lasting 9 to 11 weeks. Students then have two weeks of vacation between each term. The typical school day is from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and lunch is eaten at school.",
"Any instruction more than 300 minutes each day can go toward shortening a school day in the future. The Chicago and Tinley Park districts use minutes more than 300 to reduce school days in the academic year. The formula means families can find themselves juggling a variety of shortened schedules. On a recent Friday in Lake Villa, parent Carrie Stargardt was picking up her third-grader at Thompson Elementary School at 2:25 p.m. â an hour earlier than normal.",
"Q: Is there a minimum length required for a school day? A: No, effective July 1, 1998, there is no longer a minimum length for aschool day, but there must be a minimum of 1,000 hours of instructionfor students and at least 180 days of instruction over at least 9 calendarmonths. Days do not have to be the same length.",
"That is Illinois' minimum requirement, which also lags national averages. Any instruction more than 300 minutes each day can go toward shortening a school day in the future. The Chicago and Tinley Park districts use minutes more than 300 to reduce school days in the academic year. The formula means families can find themselves juggling a variety of shortened schedules.",
"Average number of hours in the school day and average number of days in the school year for public schools, by state: 2007â08. State. Average number of hours in the school day. Average number of days in the school year. United States. 6.64."
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what is materially participate | [
"1 A significant participation activity is any trade or business activity in which you participated for more than 100 hours during the year and in which you did not materially participate under any of the material participation tests, other than this test.ou did not materially participate in the activity under test (7) if you participated in the activity for 100 hours or less during the year. Your participation in managing the activity does not count in determining whether you materially participated under this test if:"
] | [
"Material-UI is a set of React components, so understanding how React fits into web development is important. (If you're not familiar with Node, or with the concept of Single Page Applications (SPAs), head over to the documentation website for a quick introduction before you read on.).",
"Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, 12(1), 2010 274 QUALITATIVE FACTORS OF MATERIALITY-A REVIEW OF EMPIRICAL RESEARCH Popa Irimie Emil 1 Åpan Georgeta AncuÅ£a 2 Fulop Melinda Timea 3 ABSTRACT: Determination of materiality is a crucial step in an audit mission because it affects the entire audit process.esearches conducted since that time indicates that the main determinant of materiality is the percentage effect (distortion) on net profit, as a financial qualitative factor. The oldest research was the study conducted by Woolsey (1954), an analysis by questionnaire.",
"A ceramic is an inorganic, nonmetallic solid material comprising metal, nonmetal or metalloid atoms primarily held in ionic and covalent bonds. The crystallinity of ceramic materials ranges from highly oriented to semi-crystalline, and often completely amorphous (e.g., glasses). ceramic is an inorganic, nonmetallic solid material comprising metal, nonmetal or metalloid atoms primarily held in ionic and covalent bonds. The crystallinity of ceramic materials ranges from highly oriented to semi-crystalline, and often completely amorphous (e.g., glasses).",
"Participant support costs (PSC) are defined by the National Science Foundation (NSF) as âdirect costs for items such as stipends or subsistence allowances, travel allowances and registration fees paid to or on behalf of participants or trainees (but not employees) in connection with meetings, conferences, symposia or training projects.â.",
"32 Unfortunately, the preamble to the proposedpassive activity loss material participation regula-tions states that no inference is intended for any 28 See REG-109369-10. 29 Section 1402(a)(13). 30 Prop. reg. section 1.1402(a)-2(h).",
"26 CFR 20.2032A-3 - Material participation requirements for valuation of certain farm and closely-held business real property.",
"Material culture studies is an interdisciplinary field telling of relationships between people and their things: the making, history, preservation, and interpretation of objects.",
"By Kenneth A. AdTAms. HE WORD âmaterialâ crops up in many. different legal contexts. As regards. contract drafting, what has garnered. most attention is the role of materiality. in mergers-and-acquisitions transactions. Indeed,",
"Participation in student organizations is a great way to develop or strengthen your skills in collaboration, communication, and leadership and to apply what you learn in the classroom in real world situations.",
"Your employer has until its tax-filing deadline, including extensions, to deposit a particular year's contributions. So, if a 2012 contribution was made in 2013, you are considered an active participant for the 2012 tax year, the year to which the contribution applies. Profit-Sharing Plans and SEP IRAs.",
"Material Representation Law & Legal Definition. Material representation is a convincing statement, information or explanation made to a person to induce that person to enter into a contract or to take a decision, which s/he would not have done without such persuasion.aterial representation is a convincing statement, information or explanation made to a person to induce that person to enter into a contract or to take a decision, which s/he would not have done without such persuasion.",
"Profit Participating Loans. The profit participating loan is a special form of a loan. The lender receives a participation in the profits or turnover of the company in return for the provision of capital. This participation can be confined to the purpose for which the loan was provided or pertain to the whole business of the company.",
"Alternative approach I: Community based waste managementCommunity participation is a crucial element in solid waste management (Anschutz, 1996). Case studies from different countries have documented the success of community and private sector participation in waste management (UNESCAP, 2002).",
"Materialization (paranormal) In spiritualism, paranormal literature and some religions, materialization (or manifestation) is the creation or appearance of matter from unknown sources. The existence of materialization has not been confirmed by laboratory experiments.",
"A diamond cuboctahedron showing seven crystallographic planes, imaged with scanning electron microscopy. The interdisciplinarity field of materials science, also commonly termed materials science and engineering, involves the discovery and design of new materials, with an emphasis on solids.",
"According to Gartner, General BPM certification will grow in value but will not be materially relevant to BPM hiring decisions before 2015.The need for skilled and experienced personnel to lead and participate in BPM activities is clear.",
"A representation, omission, act, or practice is material if it is likely to affect a consumerâs choice of, or conduct regarding, the product or service. Information that is important to consumers is material. Certain categories of information are presumed to be material.",
"The ESG-financial materiality nexus is evolving The companies and financial institutions that participated in the workshops argue that ESG factors can have long-term consequences on a companyâs financial performance, either for better or for worse. They accept that ESG factors are now at the core of business.",
"Analyze the different ways norms, values and beliefs interact to form non-material culture. 1 In contrast to material culture, non-material culture does not include physical objects or artifacts. It includes things that have no existence in the physical world but exist entirely in the symbolic realm.",
"Material culture refers to the objects or belongings of a group of people. Metro passes and bus tokens are part of material culture, as are automobiles, stores, and the physical structures where people worship. Nonmaterial culture, in contrast, consists of the ideas, attitudes, and beliefs of a society. Material and nonmaterial aspects of culture are linked, and physical objects often symbolize cultural ideas. A metro pass is a material object, but it represents a form of nonmaterial culture, namely, capitalism, and the acceptance of paying for transportation. Clothing, hairstyles, and jewellery are part of material culture, but the appropriateness of wearing certain clothing for specific events reflects nonmaterial culture.",
"The materiality concept is the principle in accounting that trivial matters are to be disregarded, and all important matters are to be disclosed. Items that are important enough to matter are material items.",
"What is PARTICIPATION? Consultation done jointly in any establishment of a goal, sharing of profits or when it comes to making a decision. Teamwork is an example of participation. It helps increasing the commitment of the employees to collective objectives. The Difference Between a Profit Sharing Plan and a Thrift Sharing Plan.",
"If a taxpayer's passive losses are limited in the current year, the losses can be carried forward until the passive loss is used or until the activity that generated the passive loss is sold or otherwise disposed. TaxSlayer Pro will automatically carryover any unused passive loss until used. There are two kinds of passive activities. 1 Trade or business activities in which the taxpayer did not materially participate during the year. 2 Rental activities, even if the taxpayer materially participate in them, unless the taxpayer is a real estate professional.",
"Further, the court noted that the legisla-tive history to the passive activity loss rules statedthat the limitation on material participation forlimited partners was created because they were notpermitted to participate in management.",
"The materiality concept is the universally accepted accounting principle that all material matters are to be disclosed. The materiality concept is the principle in accounting that trivial matters are to be disregarded, and all important matters are to be disclosed.Items that are large enough to matter are material items.ere, materiality refers to ... the magnitude of an omission or misstatement of accounting information that, in the light of surrounding circumstances, makes it probable that the judgment of a reasonable person relying on the information would have been changed or influenced by the omission or misstatement. 1.",
"Word Root of participate. The Latin word pars, meaning âpart,â and its form partis give us the root part. Words from the Latin pars have something to do with a part, section, or portion. To participate is to take part in some activity. Anything partial involves only part of something. A particle is a tiny bit or portion of something.",
"Synonyms and Antonyms of participate. to take a share or part eager to participate in the city's cultural life Synonyms partake, shareRelated Words endure, experience, feel, know, see, taste, undergo; encounter, meet; accept, receive.",
"Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit 321 particular classes of transactions, account balances, or disclo-sures. Performance materiality is to be distinguished from tol-erable misstatement.",
"Instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) are the complex skills needed to successfully live independently. These skills are usually learned during the teenage years and include the following: 1 Managing finances. 2 Handling transportation (driving or navigating public transit). 3 Shopping.",
"Materiality is a key concept in accounting because it helps accountants and auditors in deciding which figures need separate reporting and what is the maximum amount above which errors or omissions should be avoided at all costs. Deciding whether a piece of information is material or not requires considerable judgment.",
"Material culture is a term developed in the late 19 and early 20 centuries, that refers to the relationship between artifacts and social relations. In contrast, non-material culture does not include physical objects or artifacts. Examples include any ideas, beliefs, values, or norms that shape a society. When sociologists talk about norms, they are talking about what's considered normal, appropriate, or ordinary for a particular group of people.",
"Participant support cost policy ensures funds provided for participant costs are separately. accounted for and expended for appropriate and intended objectives. The National Science. Foundation (NSF) has the most restrictive policies governing participant support expenditure. and reporting of these funds.",
"Material culture refers to the objects or belongings of a group of people. Metro passes and bus tokens are part of material culture, as are automobiles, stores, and the physical structures where people worship. Nonmaterial culture, in contrast, consists of the ideas, attitudes, and beliefs of a society. Material and nonmaterial aspects of culture are linked, and physical objects often symbolize cultural ideas.",
"Companies Act and RC49. Transaction with a related party will be considered material if the transaction/transactions to be entered individually or taken. together with previous transactions during a financial year, exceeds 5% of the annual turnover or 20% of the net worth of the.",
"Participant â Citizens are able to influence the government in various ways and they are affected by it. The individual is oriented toward the system as a whole, to both the political and administrative structures and processes (to both the input and output aspects).",
"In this example of commuting, culture consists of thoughts (expectations about personal space, for example) and tangible things (bus stops, trains, and seating capacity). Material culture refers to the objects or belongings of a group of people. Metro passes and bus tokens are part of material culture, as are automobiles, stores, and the physical structures where people worship. Nonmaterial culture, in contrast, consists of the ideas, attitudes, and beliefs of a society.",
"In common parlance it is a methodology or research paradism in which the researcher joins in with the activities of the group that he or she is studying. Famous examples of participant observation include Marchâs (1978) study of football hooligans and Corsaroâs (1985) study of children friendship.",
"Contribution to knowledge is a key criterion for all activities, albeit not the only one. In a learning laboratory, tremendous amounts of knowledge and skill are embedded in physical equipment and processes and embodied in people.",
"Material Definition: the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object",
"Summary of Material Modifications (SMM) definition Under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), pensions providers must provide a summary of material modifications any time a change is a material modification to the policy. Material modifications include plans to reduce or remove benefits, changes to the responsibilities on individuals enrolled in the scheme and changes to the eligibility criteria.",
"Materiality Concept. Definition. Information is material if its omission or misstatement could influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the financial statements (IASB Framework). Materiality therefore relates to the significance of transactions, balances and errors contained in the financial statements. Materiality defines the threshold or cutoff point after which financial information becomes relevant to the decision making needs of the users.",
"Rental real estate is considered a passive activity, the losses from which are only allowed against passive income. Passive income is income from business activities in which you don't materially participate, including other rental activities. As always is the case in tax law, there are exceptions.",
"Materiality is a concept or convention within auditing, accounting, and securities regulation relating to the importance/significance of an amount, transaction, or discrepancy.nformation is material if its omission or misstatement could influence the economic decision of users taken on the basis of the financial statements. Materiality depends on the size of the item or error judged in the particular circumstances of its omission or misstatement.",
"Material culture refers to the physical pieces that make up a culture. Material culture consists of things that are created by humans. Examples include cars, buildings, clothing, and tools. Nonmaterial culture refers to the abstract ideas and ways of thinking that make up a culture. Examples of nonmaterial culture include traffic laws, words, and dress codes. Unlike material culture, nonmaterial culture is intangible. So what are the components of nonmaterial culture?",
"See the Instructions for Forms W-2 and W-3 for a complete list of codes. Form W-2, Box 13 The âRetirement planâ indicator in Box 13 shows whether an employee is an active participant in your companyâs plan. If this box is checked, it lets the recipient know that depending on their filing status and modified adjusted gross income, they may not be entitled to a full deduction for their traditional IRA contributions.",
"See Elizabeth MacDonald SEC Readies New Rules for Companies About What is 'Material' for Disclosure, Wall St. J. at A2, Nov. 3, 1998 ([m]ost auditors - and their corporate clients - define materiality as any event of news that might affect a company's earnings positively or negatively, by 3 percent to 10 percent ...",
"Material culture. Material culture is the physical aspect of a culture in the objects and architecture that surround people. It includes usage, consumption, creation and trade of objects, and the behaviors, norms and rituals these objects create or take part in. The term is commonly used in archeological and anthropological studies, specifically focusing on the material evidence which can be attributed to culture, in the past or present.",
"Dream Interpretation: Material Aspects Bus is a mode of transport and a very common occurrence in the dreams of people. If you see it in your dreams, it is likely that you are experiencing a long journey in your life along with others.",
"Materiality is a concept or convention within auditing, accounting, and securities regulation relating to the importance/significance of an amount, transaction, or discrepancy.ateriality depends on the size of the item or error judged in the particular circumstances of its omission or misstatement. Thus, materiality provides a threshold or cut-off point rather than being a primary qualitative characteristic which information must have if it is to be useful..",
"Income and losses from the following activities would generally be passive: 1 Equipment leasing. 2 Rental real estate (with some exceptions) 3 Sole proprietorship or farm in which the taxpayer does not materially participate. 4 Limited partnerships with some exceptions.",
"Materialism (adj. materialistic) is the excessive desire to acquire and consume material goods.",
"Materialism plays an important methodological role in all fields of scientific knowledge and is applicable to all problems of philosophy and all theoretical problems in natural and social science. It shows science the correct path to knowledge of the real world.",
"Passive income is the income you earn from rental real estate or other passive activities. An activity other than real estate is considered passive if you don't materially participate in it--that is, work at it for a minimum number of hours each year--usually 750 hours.",
"Popular Answers. Definition used by the ISA (International Society of Automation): A Material Take Off (MTO) is the process of analyzing the drawings and determining all the materials required to accomplish the design. We then use the material takeoff to create a bill of materials (BOM). Inspection does not aid in creating a bill of materials. Procurement and requisition are activities that occur after the bill of materials is complete.",
"Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit 325 Performance Materiality (Ref: par. .11) .A14 Planningtheauditsolelytodetectindividualmaterialmisstatementsoverlooks the fact that the aggregate of individually immaterial misstatementsmay cause the ï¬nancial statements to be materially misstated and leaves ...",
"Materials Performance: Materials-Associated. Complications. The late l9th century ushered in the concept of aseptic surgery, and with refinement of this principle came the possibility of implanting foreign materials into the body with an acceptably low risk of rejection due to infection.",
"Participation is a key ingredient in the learning process. I like this article because it reminded me of some of the ways to get a student engaged. I have also found that when doing an activity or lab, the students always participate more when they have seen a clear demonstration and also have seen the final outcome.",
"Definition. Materiality is a concept, a threshold, an intangible. What makes misstatement material to one user of the accounts may not be material to another user.",
"⢠To encourage participation from all sectors of the society. in the development of educational programmes. ⢠To ensure that all sectors of the society are informed of, and benefit from developments in solid waste management. Methodology ÅRevival of dying cultural activities e.g. Tea-Meetings that successfully saw the participation from target audience ÅUse of approaches normally associated with political mobilisation, e.g. Whistle Stops and Motorcades ÅCultural Wakes, which allows for involvement from other",
"Material-UI. Material-UI is a set of React components that implement Google's Material Design specification. Check out our documentation site for live examples. It's still a work in progress, but hopefully you can see where we're headed.",
"Citizen participation is a process which provides private individuals an opportunity to influence public decisions and has long been a component of the democratic decision-making process. The roots of citizen participation can be traced to ancient Greece and Colonial New England.",
"Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit 323 if applicable, materiality level or levels for particular classes of transactions,account balances, or disclosures) in an audit of the ï¬nancial statements of agovernmental entity, therefore, may be inï¬uenced by law or regulation.ateriality in Planning and Performing an Audit 321 particular classes of transactions, account balances, or disclo-sures. Performance materiality is to be distinguished from tol-erable misstatement.",
"UIGEA defines a participant as an operator of a designated payment system, a financial transaction provider that is a member of or, has contracted for financial transaction services with, or is otherwise participating in, a designated payment system, or a third-party processor..",
"A material factor; a basic component. The term is used to mean one of several parts that unite to form a whole, as in elements of a criminal action or civil action. In the tort of Assault and Battery, an essential element of the offense would be unwanted physical contact.An element of the crime of rape is lack of consent on the part of the victim. material factor; a basic component. The term is used to mean one of several parts that unite to form a whole, as in elements of a criminal action or civil action. In the tort of Assault and Battery, an essential element of the offense would be unwanted physical contact.",
"Learn More about participate. Dictionary: Definition of participate Spanish Central: Translation of participate Nglish: Translation of participate for Spanish speakers Britannica English: Translation of participate for Arabic speakers."
] |
what is gabapentin used for? | [
"BRAND NAME(S): Neurontin. USES: Gabapentin is used with other medications to prevent and control seizures. It is also used to relieve nerve pain following shingles (a painful rash due to herpes zoster infection) in adults."
] | [
"What is the most important information I should know about gabapentin: Gabapentin is a prescription medication not FDA approved for veterinary use; however, it is a commonly accepted practice for veterinarians to use this medication in dogs and cats. Gabapentin is available as 100 mg and 300 mg capsules. The usual dose to treat seizures in dogs is 4.5 to 13.5 mg per lb every 8 to 12 hours. For cats, the usual dose to treat seizures is 2.3 mg per lb 3 times a day. For dogs and cats as an aid in chronic pain treatment or cancer pain, the usual dose is 1.4 mg per lb once a day. Gabapentin is used as an anticonvulsant.",
"Can gabapentin and hydrocodone be taken together. Gabapentin (Neurontin) and hydrocodone (Vicodin) Drug Interactions. Hydrocodone is a semi synthetic opioid derivative of codeine. Hydrocodone is used orally as an analgesic and antitussive. Gabapentin is a drug used to treat seizures and post herpetic neuralgia. When gabapentin is taken with hydrocodone, interaction between gabapentin and hydrocodone ranges from mild to moderate.",
"What is Lyrica (pregabalin)? Lyrica (pregabalin) is an oral medication that is chemically related to gabapentin (Gralise, Neurontin). It is used for treating pain caused by neurologic diseases such as postherpetic neuralgia as well as seizures. It also is used for treating fibromyalgia.",
"But people who take Neurontin (gabapentin) for pain, as fibromyalgia is far too common in the bipolar community, Neurontin (gabapentin) has a weird drug-drug interaction with opiates. The opiates make Neurontin (gabapentin) work better, but the Neurontin (gabapentin) makes the opiates less efficient! It's weird, and since Neurontin (gabapentin) isn't really metabolized, who the hell knows what the deal is with that.",
"What are the uses for Lyrica vs. gabapentin? What are the side effects of Lyrica vs. gabapentin? Is gabapentin addictive? Is it a narcotic? What is the dosage of Lyrica vs. gabapentin? What drugs interact with Lyrica vs. gabapentin? Are Lyrica or gabapentin safe to take if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?"
] |
what is pegfilgrastim used for | [
"USES: Pegfilgrastim is a long-acting form of the drug, filgrastim. These drugs, called colony-stimulating factors, are used to help stimulate the bone marrow to make white blood cells in patients who are not able to produce enough white blood cells on their own.White blood cells help the body fight infections."
] | [
"It is used to help your body make more white blood cells. White blood cells are important to help you fight off infections. Filgrastim is given to people whose ability to make white blood cells is reduced (for instance, due to chemotherapy, chronic neutropenia, or exposure to large amounts of radiation). It is also used in certain treatment procedures (such as bone marrow/stem cell transplant).",
"Neulasta is given in order to encourage the growth of white blood cells known as neutrophils. Neulasta is very similar to the colony-stimulating factor Neupogen (filgrastim): In Neulasta, filgrastim is attached to a molecule known as polyethylene glycol (known as PEG, thus the Neulasta name, pegfilgrastim).",
"Certolizumab pegol (CDP870, tradename Cimzia) is a biologic medication for the treatment of Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. It is a fragment of a monoclonal antibody specific to tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and is manufactured by UCB.",
"Polyethylene glycol, referred to as PEG, is used as an inactive ingredient in the pharmaceutical industry as a solvent, plasticizer, surfactant, ointments and suppository base, and tablet and capsule lubricant. PEG has low toxicity with systemic absorption less than 0.5%.",
"BRAND NAME(S): Accolate. USES: Zafirlukast is used to prevent asthma symptoms and to decrease the number of asthma attacks in people 5 and older. It helps make breathing easier by reducing swelling (inflammation) in the airways.",
"If they find that your counts are low, one of the things which your oncologists may do is prescribe a dose of Neupogen (figrastim). I have always been confused between Neupogen and another drug which does essentially the same thing, Neulasta (pegfilgrastim). I finally asked what the difference was.",
"PEGylated proteins have been used in the textile industry, for example limiting the hydrolysis of wool to just its cuticles, giving the resulting fabric shrink resistance and felt-like properties while maintaining its strength and weight (11).And I think that has been where the industry has been going in general when you look at things like Neulasta, PegIntron, and Pegasys.â. PEGylation is usually not required for antibody therapeutics because they are large proteins and therefore cleared slowly by the kidneys.",
"PEG may be used as an alternative treatment when other treatments fail to work. PEG is usually prescribed with two other HCV medications, ribavirin and a DAA. With over 40 potential side effects, PEG is the HCV medication with the highest risk. These are the most common side effects: Cough, runny nose, sore throat",
"Chlorpromazine (CPZ), marketed under the trade names Thorazine and Largactil among others, is an antipsychotic medication. It is primarily used to treat psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia. Other uses include the treatment of bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, nausea and vomiting, anxiety before surgery, and hiccups that do not improve following other measures.",
"11 DESCRIPTION Neulasta (pegfilgrastim) is a covalent conjugate of recombinant methionyl human G-CSF (filgrastim) and monomethoxypolyethylene glycol. Filgrastim is a water-soluble 175 amino acid protein with a molecular weight of approximately 19 kilodaltons (kD).",
"This is not a chemotherapy drug. This medication is usually given at least 24 hours after chemotherapy to stimulate the growth of new, healthy, white blood cells (WBC). Pegfilgrastim is a longer acting form of filgrastim and the manufacturer recommends that it should not be given within 14 days prior to chemotherapy.",
"Gemfibrozil is also used to lower the risk of stroke, heart attack, or other heart complications in people with high cholesterol and triglycerides who have not been helped by other treatment methods. Gemfibrozil may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.",
"Filgrastim is a human granculocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), produced by recombinant DNA technology. Pegfilgrastim is a covalent conjugate of recombinant methionyl human G-CSF and monomethoxypolyethylene glycol.",
"Venlafaxine (Effexor), duloxetine (Cymbalta), and desvenlafaxine (Pristiq) are used to treat depression, anxiety disorders, diabetic neuropathy, chronic pain, and fibromyalgia. Potential side effects include nausea, dry mouth, sweating, headache, decreased appetite, insomnia, increased blood pressure, and sexual dysfunction.",
"Filgrastim, sold under the brand name Neupogen among others, is a medication used to treat low blood neutrophils due to a number of causes. This includes when it occurs following chemotherapy, radiation poisoning, HIV/AIDS, or is of unknown cause.",
"Polyethylene glycol-electrolyte solution ( PEG-ES ) is used to empty the colon ( large intestine , bowel ) before a colonoscopy ( examination of the inside of the colon to check for colon cancer and other abnormalities ) or barium enema ( a test in which the colon is filled with a fluid and then x-rays are taken ) so that the doctor will have a ...",
"What is PegIntron? PegIntron (peginterferon alfa-2b) is made from human proteins that help the body fight viral infections. PegIntron is used to treat chronic hepatitis C in adults. PegIntron is often used in combination with another medication called ribavirin (Rebetol, Ribasphere). PegIntron may be used in combination with boceprevir (Victrelis) or telaprevir (Incivek) to treat hepatitis C. The Sylatron brand of peginterferon alfa-2b is used to treat melanoma (skin cancer) after surgery.",
"Gris-PEG (griseofulvin ultramicrosize) is used to treat fungal infections of the skin, hair, and nails such as jock itch, athlete's foot, and barber's itch. It is an antifungal medication. Common side effects include headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach upset, tiredness, dizziness, or trouble sleeping.ris-PEG (griseofulvin ultramicrosize) is used to treat fungal infections of the skin, hair, and nails such as jock itch, athlete's foot, and barber's itch. It is an antifungal medication. Common side effects include headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach upset, tiredness, dizziness, or trouble sleeping.",
"Neupogen (filgrastim) is a drug given to chemotherapy patients who have neutropenia (low neutrophil count). An injection of Neupogen stimulates white blood cell production. It is a clear liquid that is usually given as a shot (injection). Use For Breast Cancer:",
"Polyethylene glycol, referred to as PEG, is used as an inactive ingredient in the pharmaceutical industry as a solvent, plasticizer, surfactant, ointments and suppository base, and tablet and capsule lubricant.",
"It stimulates production of neutrophils in bone marrow. (Difference between Pegfilgrastim & Filgrastim) Pegfilgrastim is just Filgrastim + Polyethylene glycol (pegylated) and this increases the half life by delaying its excretion from kidneys.",
"Clopidogrel (INN) is an oral, thienopyridine-class antiplatelet agent used to inhibit blood clots in coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, and to prevent myocardial infarction (heart attack).It is marketed by Bristol-Myers Squibb and Sanofi under the trade name Plavix.edical use Edit. Clopidogrel is used to prevent myocardial infarction (heart attack) and stroke in people who are at high risk of these events, including those with a history of myocardial infarction and other forms of acute coronary syndrome, stroke, and those with peripheral artery disease.",
"Fluphenazine, sold under the brand names Prolixin among others, is an antipsychotic medication. It is used in the treatment of chronic psychoses such as schizophrenia, and appears to be about equal in effectiveness to low-potency antipsychotics. It is given by mouth, injection into a muscle, or just under the skin. There is a long acting injectable version that may last for up to four weeks.",
"G-CSF is another name for pegfilgrastim. In some cases, health care professionals may use the trade name neulasta or other names G-CSF when referring to the generic drug name pegfilgrastim. Drug type: Pegfilgrastim is a biologic response modifier. It is classified as a colony stimulating factor. (For more detail, see How this drug works section below).",
"Other names: G-CSF, Granlocyte - Colony Stimulating Factor Chemocare.com uses generic names in all descriptions of drugs. Neulasta is the trade name for Pegfilgrastim. G-CSF and Granlocyte - Colony Stimulating Factor are other names for Pegfilgrastim. In some cases, health care professionals may use the trade name Neulasta or other names G-CSF and Granlocyte - Colony Stimulating Factor when referring to the generic drug name Pegfilgrastim. Drug type: Neulasta is a biologic response modifier. It is classified as a colony stimulating factor. (For more detail, see How this drug works section below). What This Drug Is Used For: This medicine is used to stimulate the growth of healthy white blood cells in the bone marrow, once chemotherapy ...",
"Peganum harmala has been used as an emmenagogue and abortifacient agent. The root is applied to kill lice and when burned, the seeds kill insects and inhibit the reproduction of the Tribolium castaneum beetle.It is also used as an anthelmintic (to expel parasitic worms).eganum harmala has been used as an emmenagogue and abortifacient agent. The root is applied to kill lice and when burned, the seeds kill insects and inhibit the reproduction of the Tribolium castaneum beetle.",
"Last reviewed on RxList 1/4/2016. Lamisil Oral Granules (terbinafine hydrochloride) is an antifungal antibiotic used to treat infections caused by fungus that affect the fingernails or toenails and is also used to treat a fungal infection of scalp hair follicles in children who are at least 4 years old.",
"Filgrastim (Neupogen) has been designated an orphan drug and approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of severe, chronic neutropenia; and it has become a standard treatment for acquired agranulocytosis.",
"Gemfibrozil helps reduce cholesterol and triglycerides (fatty acids) in the blood. High levels of these types of fat in the blood are associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis (clogged arteries). Gemfibrozil is used together with diet to treat very high cholesterol and triglyceride levels in people with pancreatitis. Gemfibrozil is also used to lower the risk of stroke, heart attack, or other heart complications in people with high cholesterol and triglycerides who have not been helped by other treatment methods.",
"GENERIC NAME: peginterferon beta-1a. DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Peginterferon beta-1a (Plegridy) is a protein produced by recombinant DNA technology using genetically engineered Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells into which the human interferon beta genes have been introduced. It is used for treating multiple sclerosis (MS).",
"One of the most used and useful polymers, poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) was used as a carrier for warfarin. The drugâpolymer conjugate was freely water soluble at room temperature. The hydrolytic stability of the PEGâwarfarin was investigated at physiological pH and confirmed the stability of the conjugate.",
"BRAND NAME: Plegridy. DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Peginterferon beta-1a (Plegridy) is a protein produced by recombinant DNA technology using genetically engineered Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells into which the human interferon beta genes have been introduced. It is used for treating multiple sclerosis (MS).",
"Gemfibrozil helps reduce cholesterol and triglycerides (fatty acids) in the blood. High levels of these types of fat in the blood are associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis (clogged arteries). Gemfibrozil is used to treat very high cholesterol and triglyceride levels in people with pancreatitis.",
"Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is a surgical procedure for placing a tube for feeding without having to perform an open operation on the abdomen (laparotomy). It is used in patients who will be unable to take in food by mouth for a prolonged period of time.",
"Sildenafil (Revatio, Viagra) and tadalafil (Cialis, Adcirca) are sometimes used to treat pulmonary hypertension. These drugs work by opening the blood vessels in the lungs to allow blood to flow through more easily.",
"Filgrastim, sold under the brand name Neupogen among others, is a medication used to treat low blood neutrophils due to a number of causes. This includes when it occurs following chemotherapy, radiation poisoning, HIV/AIDS, or is of unknown cause. It may also be used to increase white blood cells for gathering during leukapheresis.",
"Peginterferon alfa-2b may be used in combination with boceprevir (Victrelis) or telaprevir (Incivek) to treat hepatitis C. The Sylatron brand of peginterferon alfa-2b is used to treat melanoma (skin cancer) after surgery. Peginterferon alfa-2b may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.",
"Filgrastim-sndz is a man-made version of a certain natural substance made in your body. It is used to help your body make more white blood cells. White blood cells are important to help you fight off infections. Filgrastim-sndz is given to people whose ability to make white blood cells is reduced (for instance, due to chemotherapy or chronic neutropenia). It is also used in certain treatment procedures (such as bone marrow/stem cell transplant).",
"Generic name: Pegfilgrastim Other names: G-CSF, Granlocyte - Colony Stimulating Factor. Chemocare.com uses generic names in all descriptions of drugs. Neulasta is the trade name for Pegfilgrastim. G-CSF and Granlocyte - Colony Stimulating Factor are other names for Pegfilgrastim.",
"Filgrastim is a granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) analog used to stimulate the proliferation and differentiation of granulocytes; it is a pharmaceutical analog of naturally occurring G-CSF.",
"Use in Cosmetics. PEG s (polyethylene glycols) are petroleum-based compounds that are widely used in cosmetics as thickeners, solvents, softeners, and moisture-carriers. PEG s are commonly used as cosmetic cream bases.",
"Pegfilgrastim may cause side effects. Tell your doctor if any of these symptoms are severe or do not go away: ... Some side effects can be serious. If you experience any of these symptoms, call your doctor immediately: ... Since its introduction to the market in late 1999, Splenda has overtaken nearly two-thirds of the estimated $1.5 ...",
"Dapsone is commonly used in combination with rifampicin and clofazimine for the treatment of leprosy. It is used to both treat and prevent Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) and prevent toxoplasmosis in people unable to tolerate trimethoprim with sulfamethoxazole.ral dapsone was one of the first medications used to treat moderate to severe acne vulgaris, and is still occasionally prescribed for the treatment of severe cases. A topical form of dapsone is also effective with potentially less side effects.",
"Praziquantel is used to treat infections caused by parasites such as liver flukes (worms) or schistosoma (blood fluke). These infections are also known as snail fever, schistosomiasis, or bilharziasis.Praziquantel may also be used for other worm infections as determined by your doctor.However, it will not work for pinworms or other roundworms. Praziquantel belongs to the family of medicines called anthelmintics.hese infections are also known as snail fever, schistosomiasis, or bilharziasis. Praziquantel may also be used for other worm infections as determined by your doctor. However, it will not work for pinworms or other roundworms. Praziquantel belongs to the family of medicines called anthelmintics.",
"Pegloticase is prescribed for people with ârefractory goutâ where their uric acid levels are not being lowered by the more commonly used drugs Allopurinol or Febuxostat. Pegloticase is also being prescribed for people with tophaceous gout, since it has shown the ability reduce and resolve tophi lumps.",
"Description. PEG 8000 is a compound used to modify therapeutic proteins and peptides to increase their solubility. It is often used as a polar stationary phase for Gas Chromatorgraphy. Commonly also used in mass spec experiments. It is also used to preserve objects that have been retrieved from the ocean.",
"PEG 8000 is a compound used to modify therapeutic proteins and peptides to increase their solubility. It is often used as a polar stationary phase for Gas Chromatorgraphy. Commonly also used in mass spec experiments.",
"Gemfibrozil helps reduce cholesterol and triglycerides (fatty acids) in the blood. High levels of these types of fat in the blood are associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis (clogged arteries). Gemfibrozil is used together with diet to treat very high cholesterol and triglyceride levels in people with pancreatitis. Gemfibrozil is also used to lower the risk of stroke, heart attack, or other heart complications in certain people with high cholesterol and triglycerides who have not been helped by other treatment methods.",
"Neupogen and Neulasta (filgrastim and pegfilgrastim) For people on chemo, keeping up the white blood cells, or more specifically neutrophils can sometimes be difficult. Neutrophil granulocytes are part of the immune system and comprise the largest type of white blood cells we have.",
"Filgrastim is a man-made form of a protein that stimulates the growth of white blood cells in your body. White blood cells help your body fight against infection. Filgrastim is used to treat neutropenia, a lack of certain white blood cells caused by cancer, bone marrow transplant, receiving chemotherapy, or by other conditions. Filgrastim may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.",
"Pegloticase is used when standard medications are unable to lower the uric acid level, a condition known as refractory chronic gout. Pegloticase reduces uric acid quickly and to lower levels than other medications. The drug is administered every two weeks by intravenous (IV) infusion. Side effects can include infusion reactions, gout flares, nausea, bruising, sore throat, constipation, chest pain and vomiting.",
"Praziquantel is used to treat diseases caused by infection with several types of internal/gastrointestinal, and external parasites, including: 1 Hydatid disease caused by infection of various organs with larval stages of tapeworms of the genus Echinococcus.",
"Antagonists Growth hormone receptor antagonists such as pegvisomant (trade name Somavert) are used in the treatment of acromegaly. They are used if the tumor of the pituitary gland causing the acromegaly cannot be controlled with surgery or radiation, and the use of somatostatin analogues is unsuccessful.",
"Pegloticase is used when standard medications are unable to lower the uric acid level, a condition known as refractory chronic gout. Pegloticase reduces uric acid quickly and to lower levels than other medications. The drug is administered every two weeks by intravenous (IV) infusion.",
"PEG 8000 is a compound used to modify therapeutic proteins and peptides to increase their solubility. It is often used as a polar stationary phase for Gas Chromatorgraphy. Commonly also used in mass spec experiments. It is also used to preserve objects that have been retrieved from the ocean.",
"Fluphenazine, sold under the brand names Prolixin among others, is an antipsychotic medication. It is used in the treatment of chronic psychoses such as schizophrenia, and appears to be about equal in effectiveness to low-potency antipsychotics. It is given by mouth, injection into a muscle, or just under the skin.",
"Making the world better, one answer at a time. Danzen tablets are taken as an anti-inflammatory and helps to improve circulation. They may also be sold under their generic name, which is Serratiopeptidase.iagra is the brand name for Sildenafil citrate, and is used for treating erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension. Originally developed by scientists in ⦠Great Britain, it was brought onto the market by Pfizer Inc., a US pharmaceutical company. Viagra is also sold under brand name Revatio.",
"Tbo-filgrastim is a prescription medication used to in adults with certain types of cancer who are taking chemotherapy medicines that cause a severe decrease in the production of neutrophils in the bone marrow.",
"It is also used in the treatment of certain T-cell lymphomas, particularly mycosis fungoides. Peginterferon alfa-2a is a long acting interferon. Interferons are proteins released in the body in response to viral infections. Interferons are important for fighting viruses in the body, for regulating reproduction of cells, and for regulating the immune system.",
"Before using tbo-filgrastim, tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to it; or to filgrastim or pegfilgrastim; or if you have any other allergies. This product may contain inactive ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details.",
"Peginterferon alfa-2b is made from human proteins that help the body fight viral infections. Peginterferon alfa-2b is used to treat chronic hepatitis C in adults. Peginterferon alfa-2b is often used in combination with another medicine called ribavirin (Rebetol, Ribasphere).",
"Pegloticase (Krystexxa) is used in severe cases of gout when standard medications are unable to lower the uric acid level, a condition known as chronic refractory gout. Pegloticase lowers uric acid quickly and to lower levels than other medications, but it can lose potency over time.",
"Colistin is used as a sulphate or as sulphomethylated form, colistimethate. Colistin sulphate tablets are used to treat intestinal infections, or to suppress colon flora.Colistin sulphate is also used as topical creams, powders, and otic solutions.Colistimethate is used for parenteral administration, and also as an aerosol to treat pulmonary infections.olistin sulphate tablets are used to treat intestinal infections, or to suppress colon flora. Colistin sulphate is also used as topical creams, powders, and otic solutions. Colistimethate is used for parenteral administration, and also as an aerosol to treat pulmonary infections.",
"Because OLYSIO® is used only in combination with other antiviral drugs (including PegâIFNâalfa and RBV) for the treatment of chronic HCV infection, the contraindications to other drugs also apply to the combination regimen. Refer to the respective prescribing information for a list of contraindications.",
"Ribavirin is used in combination with injectable interferon alfa-2b, peginterferon alfa-2a, or peginterferon alfa-2b to treat chronic hepatitis C infection. The combination of ribavirin and peginterferon alfa-2b is used to treat adults and children 3 years of age and older who show symptoms of liver damage.Ribavirin is an antiviral agent that treats hepatitis C virus.he combination of ribavirin and peginterferon alfa-2b is used to treat adults and children 3 years of age and older who show symptoms of liver damage. Ribavirin is an antiviral agent that treats hepatitis C virus."
] |
highest market cap companies in the us | [
"China) are the top risers since 31 March 2014. ⢠The market cap of the most valuable company at 31 March 2015, Apple, has increased by 54%. to $725bn. The US has the highest combined market capitalisation of national Global Top 100. companies ($9.3trn), a 12% increase since 31 March 2014. ⢠In 2015 there are 53 US companies in the Global Top 100 against 47 in 2014. China has taken. the second position over the UK, which lies now third in terms of market cap."
] | [
"Cargill, Koch Industries, Bechtel, Publix, Pilot Corp., Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (one of the members of the Big Four accounting firms), Hearst Corporation, Cox Enterprises, S. C. Johnson, McWane, Carlson Companies, and Mars are among the largest privately held companies in the United States.",
"About the benchmark. 1 CRSP US Mega Cap Growth Index represents the growth companies of the CRSP US Mega Cap Index. 2 The index is designed to accurately represent the mega-cap growth segment of the U.S. equity market and deliver low turnover.",
"1. United Continental Holdings, Inc. United is one of the largest airline holding companies in the world. As of May 2015, the company had a market cap of $23.1 billion and sales of $38.9 billion. It operates internationally, as well as in the U.S., competing directly with Delta.",
"Google passed Exxon Mobil on Friday to become the second largest company in the United States by market value. The search engine giant has a market capitalization of almost $395 billion, compared to a market value of about $392 billion for Exxon. Apple, worth about $465 billion, is the most valuable company in the U.S.",
"Citigroup was ranked the top company in Forbes annual list of 2,000 biggest public companies. The company reported more than $120 billion in sales. The Forbes 2000 is not only a comprehensive list of the world's largest, most powerful, public companies, but also unique in its way of measuring corporate size.",
"Largest Companies by Market Cap Table Description: The following table lists the 50 largest companies by market cap (available on major US stock exchanges).",
"ExxonMobil was the top company in the rankings with a total market capitalization of $406 billion. The average annual year-over-year growth in equity market capitalization has increased 27 percent between 1990 and 2005.",
"Volume leaders are those stocks with the greatest volume for the day. In order to be included on the list of stocks with highest volume, these top stocks must be trading above $2. In addition, OTCBB stocks with highest volume must be trading at or above $0.25 and have a (daily volume * last price) above 10,000.",
"From the 2012 Fortune 500 list of largest companies by market value, numbers one and three -- Apple and Microsoft -- list on the NASDAQ. The two largest companies on the NYSE were Exxon-Mobil and IBM. However, once you get past the top four stocks, the NYSE dominates the large-company list.",
"June 4th, 2013 by Dave Flessner in Business Around the Region. The largest privately held companies in the United States last year were: 1. Cargill, food, drink and tobacco, including Horizon Milling in Chattanooga, $133.9 billion in revenues.2. Koch Industries, conglomerate business, $115 billion in revenues.he largest privately held companies in the United States last year were: 1. Cargill, food, drink and tobacco, including Horizon Milling in Chattanooga, $133.9 billion in revenues.",
"20 Largest U.S. Companies By Market Capitalization. #20. Merck & Co., Inc (NYSE:MRK) â $175.01B. Merck & Co. is a health care company that provides prescription medicines, vaccines, biologic therapies and animal health products.",
"Understanding market capitalization. 1 Large-cap companies are typically firms with a market value of $10 billion or more. Large-cap firms often have a reputation for producing quality goods and services, a history of consistent dividend payments, and steady growth.",
"1 2015 PrivCo's Top 50 US Family-Owned Companies; Cargill and Koch Industries Top the Rankings; Technology Firms Largely Absent ⦠Read More 2 ». America's Largest Private Companies: The PrivCo 100: Cargill Takes Top Spot with $134B+ in Sales, Republican-Backed Koch Industries Number 2.",
"The Top 5 Apple Shareholders (AAPL) By John Edwards | December 1, 2015 â 11:51 AM EST. Individual and institutional investors have large positions in Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL). Apple is the largest company in the United States, with a market cap of $633 billion as of November 2015.",
"In December 2000, Microsoft had a market capitalization of $510 billion, making it the worldâs most valuable company. As of June it is No. 3, with a market cap of $249 billion. In December 2000, Apple had a market cap of $4.8 billion and didnât even make the list.",
"Apple's dwarfs that of virtually all companies, including its closest rivals for the title of most valuable business. Oil giant ExxonMobil (xom) has a market capitalization of $382 billion, for example. Meanwhile, Google (goog) comes in at $365 billion while Microsoft (msft) is valued at $349 billion.",
"#70 General Motors. Market Cap As of May 2017; $50.8 Billion; Ticker GM $41.09 $-0.32 (-0.008%) Industry Auto & Truck Manufacturers Founded 1908 Country United States Chief Executive Officer Mary Teresa Barra Website http://www.gm.com Employees 225,000 Sales $166.38 B Headquarters Detroit, Michigan",
"As of 2012, Apple is the largest publicly traded corporation in the world by market capitalization, with an estimated value of US$626 billion as of September 2012. Apple Inc's market cap is larger than that of Google and Microsoft combined.",
"By the beginning of the second quarter of 2015, Vanguard had passed State Street Advisors as the second-largest ETF provider in the world. Vanguard is probably the most unique and noteworthy ETF provider on this list, and it had the best 2014 of any company in this market.ounded in 1792, State Street Global Advisors offers more than 100 ETFs. Most of these are referred to as SPDR funds. The SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) is the oldest and largest such ETF, with nearly $125 billion in AUM. SPY is the most actively traded ETF in the world.",
"This metric is how investors measure a company's size. Market capitalization is one of the best measures of a company's size. Also known as market cap, market capitalization is the total market value of a company's outstanding shares of stock. For example, you may have heard Apple referred to as the most valuable company in the world.. That's because Apple currently has the highest market cap of any publicly traded company.",
"Dowell | Getty Images. With markets now soaring to all-time highs, CNBC.com takes a look at the top U.S.-based public corporations â from old-school, decades-old stalwarts to newfangled tech disruptors â based on market capitalization. â By CNBC.com's Kenneth Kiesnoski. Posted 8 March 2017. Sources: Google Finance/Yahoo Finance/MSN Money.",
"Indeed, the gains were strong enough to make May 2015 the highest-volume May ever for the auto industry in the United States. General Motors was the top-ranked automaker in America in May 2015 as the market grew slightly less than 2% and GM sales increased 3%. Ford led all auto brands.",
"Top 50 Insurance Companies. Below are the top 50 insurance companies and best insurance companies in the United States ranked by total assets. Metlife is the largest insurance company in the U.S. based on assets and direct premiums written. The company offers a wide array of insurance products and services including life and health insurance, accident insurance, auto insurance, home insurance as well as annuities and retirement and savings products.",
"Walt Disney Moves Up In Market Cap Rank, Passing Gilead Sciences. In the latest look at the underlying components of the S&P 500 ordered by largest market capitalization, Walt Disney Co. (NYSE: DIS) has taken over the #24 spot from Gilead Sciences, Inc. (NASD: GILD), according to The Online Investor.",
"Tesla's market cap briefly tops GM after intraday record for the company's shares. Tesla Inc. was briefly the No. 1 car maker in the U.S. by market capitalization earlier Monday, a milestone it hit around the open after the shares hit a fresh record intraday high for the stock and an upgrade from analysts at Piper Jaffray.",
"Alaskaâs largest public company, General Communication, trades at a market capitalization of only $700 million. Meanwhile, Wyomingâs biggest company is technically a smallcap: Cloud Peak Energy is worth only $166 million in value. Original graphic by: Blender Media.",
"Forecast: 10 most profitable U.S. companies in 2013. Each January, 24/7 Wall St. forecasts the publicly traded U.S. companies that will have the highest profits in the year ahead. This year, Apple (AAPL) almost certainly will keep first place, well ahead of No.",
"Mid-cap stocks did best of all at 7.08% (more on them later): Source: Bloomberg. In fact, the small-cap Russell 2000 Index (^RUT) hit 12 new all-time closing highs in January, whereas the large-cap S&P 500 Index (^SPX) remains 4% below its 2007 all-time high.January outperformance by small caps is very good news for the remainder of 2013.id-cap stocks did best of all at 7.08% (more on them later): Source: Bloomberg. In fact, the small-cap Russell 2000 Index (^RUT) hit 12 new all-time closing highs in January, whereas the large-cap S&P 500 Index (^SPX) remains 4% below its 2007 all-time high.",
"Rounding out the top 10 emerging markets by weight are Taiwan, Russia, India, South Africa, Mexico, Malaysia, and Israel. Brazil is also now the 10th largest market in the world, as measured by the MSCI All Country World index, with a free float market capitalization of $509.1 billion. The U.S. market is the largest, coming in with a free float market cap of $12.57 trillion.",
"This statistic shows the United States' ten largest oil and gas companies based on market value in 2015. As of March 2015, American oil and gas company Chevron reached a market value of some 197.4 billion U.S. dollars. The values are based on the Financial Times Global 500 list. Download as ...",
"Mean/high targets for the 3 largest U.S. Real Estate Development companies â Howard Hughes Corporation, Alexander & Baldwin, St. Joe Company - range from 33% to 58% above current prices. Find out which among Howard, Alex and Joe offers the best stock performance and investment value.",
"Travelers is currently 116 on the Fortune 500 list of largest U.S. companies. On June 8, 2009, Travelers replaced its former parent Citigroup on the Dow Jones Industrial Average. On August 4, 2015 the company announced that Alan Schnitzer would succeed Jay Fishman as Chief Executive Officer effective December 1, 2015.",
"The Biggest Stock Brokerage Firms in the US (SCHW, ETFC) Each of these firms, Scottrade, Charles Schwab, Fidelity Investments, E-Trade and TD Ameritrade, comprise the top five in terms of customers and assets. Scottrade. According to the company's March 31, 2015 financial statements, Scottrade held net capital of $330,116,869.",
"NEW YORK (AP) -- A look at the 10 biggest percentage gainers on Nasdaq at the close of trading: corium International Inc. rose 15.5 percent to $9.03. Rocky Brands Inc. rose 13.0 percent to $22.60. Bel Fuse Inc. rose 13.0 percent to $20.43. LogMeIn Inc. rose 12.8 percent to $66.11.",
"Stock Screens: Current Doggishness | 2017 Dogs of the Dow | Highest Dividend Paying Stocks. Highest Dividend Paying Large-Cap Stocks Today | Highest Dividend Paying Mega-Cap Stocks. Largest Companies by Market Cap Today | Dow Jones Industrial Average Companies Today.",
"Dow Jones rises to highest point EVER: Market floats to 16,998 on strength of Chinese and American manufacturing. 1 Chinese manufacturing has expanded for the first time in six months. 2 The American manufacturing sector has had its 13 straight month of growth.",
"In the latest look at stocks ordered by largest market capitalization, Russell 3000 component Alliant Techsystems Inc. was identified as having a larger market cap than the smaller end of the S&P 500, for example GameStop Corp , according to The Online Investor. Jun 5, 2014 4:38 PM EDT.",
"7 Most Reliable Growth Stocks in the Market. NEW YORK ( Stockpickr) -- Here's a curious stat: Of the 1,500 companies that make up the S&P 400, S&P 500 and S&P 600 (which are the key indices for mid-caps, large-caps and small-caps, respectively), exactly 1%, or 15 of them, can boast of forecasted sustained strong sales growth.",
"1 . Market Cap Definition: Market cap (i.e. market capitalization) is the total market value of the company's outstanding shares. 2 Largest Companies by Market Cap Table Description: The following table lists the 50 largest companies by market cap (available on major US stock exchanges).",
"S&P 500®. The S&P 500® is widely regarded as the best single gauge of large-cap U.S. equities. There is over USD 7.8 trillion benchmarked to the index, with index assets comprising approximately USD 2.2 trillion of this total. The index includes 500 leading companies and captures approximately 80% coverage of available market capitalization.",
"Deloitte Consulting, PwC / Strategy& and EY Advisory are the largest consulting firms of the globe, reveals new research by Gartner. The Big Four accounting and consulting giants together hold 40% of the market, with the top 200 firms globally distributing nearly 80% of the $125 billion advisory market. Every year Gartner, a global analyst firm, conducts research in the state of the consulting industry.",
"Key findings: 1 US companies are extending their leading position, with over half of the world's Top 100 listed companies coming from America. ( 2 China/HK now has the second most companies) with the UK in third place.",
"Fortune magazine's annual list of the top 500 U.S. companies is out this morning. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is still the largest U.S. company with sales last year of $476.3 billion. Wal-Mart and Exxon Mobil often trade places on the Fortune 500, but not this year. Exxon Mobilâs revenue dropped by 9 percent last year to $407.7 billion.",
"Small cap - Typically new or relatively young companies, small caps have a market cap between $300 million to $2 billion. Although their track records won't be as lengthy as those of the mid to mega caps, small caps do present the possibility of greater capital appreciation - but at the cost of greater risk.",
"The housing crisis took a toll on the company, reducing its price to $332.77 in February 2009. It has since recovered and once again is approaching record highs. Google ($767.65) Technology giant Google (Nasdaq:GOOG) reached its record high in October 2012, making it one of the highest-priced stocks in history.",
"NEW YORK (AP) -- A look at the 10 biggest percentage gainers on Nasdaq at the close of trading: corium International Inc. rose 15.5 percent to $9.03. Rocky Brands Inc. rose 13.0 percent to $22.60. Bel Fuse Inc. rose 13.0 percent to $20.43. LogMeIn Inc. rose 12.8 percent to $66.11. GoPro Inc. rose 12.6 percent to $52.96.",
"The 100 largest companies in the world by market value in 2015 (in million U.S. dollars) This present statistic portrays the top 100 companies in the world by their market value on as of March 31, 2015. Google was ranked 4th with a market value of around 345.85 billion U.S. dollars. Follow this link to get access to the top 500 companies from all industries list.",
"There are a number of reasons that attract investors towards large-cap companies such as Coty Inc (NYSE:COTY), with a market cap of $14.62B.",
"20 Largest U.S. Companies By Market Capitalization. #20. Chevron Corporation (NYSE:CVX) â $201.01B. Chevron is engaged in energy and chemicals operations. Upstream operations consist of, among others, exploring for, developing and producing crude oil and natural gas; transporting, storage and marketing of natural gas; and a gas-to-liquids plant.",
"Stocks in the top 70% of the capitalization of the U.S. equity market are defined as large-cap. Value is defined based on low valuations (low price ratios and high dividend yields) and slow growth (low growth rates for earnings, sales, book value, and cash flow). Morningstar®.",
"Market cap measures what a company is worth on the open market, as well as the marketâs perception of its future prospects, because it reflects what investors are willing to pay for its stock. 1 Large-cap companies are typically firms with a market value of $10 billion or more.",
"1. Deloitte. Deloitte is one of the largest big four accounting firms in the world and is obviously the largest in the US. Their revenues topped $17 billion in the US with employees over 65,000. Deloitteâs able to pass up PwC in the United States because they have a much lower share of big four audit work for US companies.",
"The highest ranked company was British American Tobacco (BAT), whose top score on governance measures held up against a relatively low perception ranking of 42. Others in the overall top 10 included Unilever, Next and Royal Mail.",
"Top 100 Companies in India. 1 Top 10 It Companies Of India. 2 Top Ten It Companies Of India. 3 Companies By Market Cap. 4 Top 50 Business. 5 Largest Market Cap. 6 Company With Largest Market Cap. 7 Largest Company By Market Cap. 8 Largest Market Cap Company. 9 Top Market Cap Companies.",
"Apple is one of the most successful companies in the entire world and is headquartered in Cupertino, California. The company has a current market cap of $650.8 billion and a price-earnings (P/E) ratio of 12.83 as of 2015.",
"American's net profit came to around 2.9 billion U.S. dollars in 2014. In 2014, Emirates Airlines was the airline with the highest brand value, closely followed by Delta, American and Lufthansa. Emirates had an estimated brand value of just under 5.5 billion U.S. dollars.",
"Services (+163%) and Healthcare(+159%), which are the leading sectors to have grown. market cap in the Top 100, driven by innovation and recovery from the financial crisis. ⢠Among all these industries are largely dominated by US companies.",
"The Top 5 Apple Shareholders (AAPL) Individual and institutional investors have large positions in Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL). Apple is the largest company in the United States, with a market cap of $633 billion as of November 2015. The ubiquitous company is known for its iPhones and iPads.",
"Exclusive: Impact Databankâs Ranking Of The Top 10 U.S. Spirits Marketers. After a half-decade characterized by titanic brand shifts, one of the worst economic downturns in U.S. history and a renaissance in the whisky category, the U.S. marketâs 10 largest spirits companies all displayed volume growth in 2012 for the second consecutive year.",
"The search engine giant has a market capitalization of almost $395 billion, compared to a market value of about $392 billion for Exxon. Apple, worth about $465 billion, is the most valuable company in the U.S.",
"All the world's 10 most valuable companies, including Alphabet, Apple and Microsoft , are based in the U.S., according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Capital IQ based on the S&P Global 1200 index. Alphabet's rise to No. 1 with a market value Tuesday of $554.8 billion is a historic moment.",
"1 US companies are extending their leading position, with over half of the world's Top 100 listed companies coming from America. ( 2 China/HK now has the second most companies) with the UK in third place.",
"Dow Jones rises to highest point EVER: Market floats to 16,998 on strength of Chinese and American manufacturing. A better outlook for global manufacturing pushed the stock market to an all-time high on Tuesday. The Dow Jones industrial average climbed within two points of 17,000 for the first time after separate surveys showed that manufacturing expanded in China and the U.S., the world's two biggest economies.",
"The companies with the largest market caps are all big, well-known names and by definition are among the most widely held stocks. It's worth noting that market cap measures only the market value of a company's equity, and you may remember that companies have access to two sources of capital: equity and debt.",
"All the world's 10 most valuable companies, including Alphabet, Apple (AAPL) and Microsoft (MSFT), are based in the U.S., according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Capital IQ based on the S&P Global 1200 index. Alphabet's rise to No. 1 with a market value Tuesday of $554.8 billion is a historic moment."
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lack of seminal fluid causes | [
"So what causes Low Semen Volume? The need to increase semen volume is felt by millions of men across the world, as they suffer from a condition where their body is unable to produce sufficient seminal fluid. This condition is called low semen volume. In medicine, it is defined as a condition in which a less than normal amount of semen is produced in each ejaculation. Because there is an inadequate amount of fluid to bring the sperm in contact with the cervix, the low semen volume condition can cause fertility problems.",
"Aspermia is the complete lack of semen with ejaculation (not to be confused with azoospermia, the lack of sperm cells in the semen). It is associated with infertility. One of the causes of aspermia is retrograde ejaculation, which can be brought on by excessive drug use, or as a result of prostate surgery. It can also be caused by alpha blockers such as tamsulosin and silodosin.",
"Low semen volume has several causes, including: Low Semen Volume Cause #1: Blockages in a seminal vesicle or ejaculatory duct, sometimes due to a varicocele (varicose vein), or cyst. Low Semen Volume Cause #2: Retrograde ejaculation, a condition in which part or all of the semen flows backwards into the bladder."
] | [
"This fluid almost always contains some live sperm cells, and can indeed cause pregnancy; it only takes one to do the job. That is why withdrawal is not truly effective in birth control, and anytime the penis enters the vagina without a condom, there's a possibility of pregnancy without ejaculation. e w · 7 years ago.",
"The main cause of male infertility is low semen quality. In men who have the necessary reproductive organs to procreate, infertility can be caused by low sperm count due to endocrine problems, drugs, radiation, or infection. There may be testicular malformations, hormone imbalance, or blockage of the man's duct system.",
"Seminal gland. The seminal gland, more commonly referred to as the seminal vesicle, holds the liquid that mixes with sperm to form semen. Semen combines fluid elements from the epididymis, seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and vas deferens.Each body part plays a key role in semen production.The fluids help the sperm swim towards the egg and keep the sperm nourished during the transit process.emen combines fluid elements from the epididymis, seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and vas deferens.",
"Seminal gland. The seminal gland, more commonly referred to as the seminal vesicle, holds the liquid that mixes with sperm to form semen. Semen combines fluid elements from the epididymis, seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and vas deferens.Each body part plays a key role in semen production.The fluids help the sperm swim towards the egg and keep the sperm nourished during the transit process.his gland is located behind the bladder, above the prostate gland, and in front of the rectum. It is about two inches long, on average. This gland releases a fluid rich in sugars (especially fructose), which feeds the sperm. The fluid also has clotting properties that make the semen sticky.",
"Benign polyps and malignant tumors of the prostate, testicles, epididymis, and seminal vesicles may cause hematospermia. Men whose sole symptom is hematospermia are more likely to have prostate cancer than men who donât have blood in their semen, but the chances are slim.",
"Clear liquid often contains some, but often not much. A thin texture to the semen is also a potential indication of a low sperm count, particularly if it is ejaculated without its customarily coagulated consistency.",
"The chief cause of fluid overload is heart failure, a condition in which the heart muscle loses its ability to pump adequately. As the heart's contractions (beats) become weaker and less able to pump out the blood that enters the heart, blood backs up in the veins, causing fluid buildup in the body's tissues.",
"Liver disease: Severe liver disease (such as cirrhosis) causes you to retain fluid. Cirrhosis also leads to low levels of albumin and other proteins in your blood. Fluid leaks into the abdomen and can also cause leg edema.",
"1 This may continue for some time after men stop using the drug. 2 Both Propecia and Proscar may cause male infertility and/or poor semen quality. 3 This side effect lessens or goes away after men stop taking the drugs.ow labels on both drugs will include new warnings: 1 Propecia may cause loss of sexual desire, inability to ejaculate, and inability to reach orgasm. 2 Proscar may cause loss of sexual desire. 3 Both Propecia and Proscar may cause male infertility and/or poor semen quality.",
"After the seminal vesicles, the next accessory gland to contribute to the semen production is the prostate gland. The prostate produces prostatic fluid. This acidic fluid makes up about 20-30% of the semen. It also contains proteins with antibiotic properties that help prevent infections in the male reproductive tract.",
"Spontaneous rupture of membranes or SROM is the most common cause of leaking amniotic fluid. This is caused at the end of the pregnancy when membranes holding the amniotic fluid rupture, causing a leak. This is frequently referred to as a woman's water breaking and is a common sign that a woman is going into labor.eaking amniotic fluid may be a sign that the mother is preparing to deliver. Amniotic fluid is the substance which surrounds the fetus as it grows in the uterus. The fetus may move about in this fluid, but it limits the wall of the uterus from contracting too tightly around the growing baby.",
"Seminal gland. The seminal gland, more commonly referred to as the seminal vesicle, holds the liquid that mixes with sperm to form semen. Semen combines fluid elements from the epididymis, seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and vas deferens.Each body part plays a key role in semen production.his gland is located behind the bladder, above the prostate gland, and in front of the rectum. It is about two inches long, on average. This gland releases a fluid rich in sugars (especially fructose), which feeds the sperm.",
"4 7 Male Reproductive System 8 Seminal Fluid Formation of Seminal Fluid ⢠It is composite solution formed by the testes as well as the accessory organs and consists basically of spermatozoa suspended in seminal plasma. 5 9 Seminal Fluid, Cont âd Function of Seminal Plasma 1.",
"Failure to fill results from poor blood flow into the penis. The inability to develop an erection rigid enough for intercourse is caused by blockage in the arteries, common in cases of pelvic trauma, hypertension, smoking, diabetes and high cholesterol.",
"Report Abuse. Semen is composed of spermatozoa (sperm) and seminal plasma Seminal plasma is the fluid portion of an ejaculum, but only one of several distinctly different fluids to which sperm are exposed. just now. Report Abuse. the prostate gland adds fluid to the sperm to form semen, this liquid gives the sperm energy. if he becomes sexual stimulated again yes he can have sex again, not straight away though. Star · 7 years ago.",
"inadequate active fluid volume loss merely restates the nursing problem (deficient fluid volume). the remainder of that (from dehydration secondary to npo) makes no sense as a sign and symptom. evidence (manifestations) of deficient fluid volume, or dehydration, would be things such as a low blood pressure, low urine outputs, concentrated urine, dry mucous membranes, high temperatures, complaints of thirst, and weakness. things like being npo and having an ngt are treatments (medical ...",
"A gland in the male that surrounds the neck of the bladder and urethra. The prostate contributes to the seminal fluid. A firm partly muscular chestnut sized gland in males at the neck of the urethra; produces a viscid secretion that is the fluid part of semen.A gland associated with the male reproductive area, that adds various components to semen.",
"Pleural effusion is an abnormal, excessive collection of this fluid. There are two types: Transudative pleural effusion is caused by fluid leaking into the pleural space. This is from increased pressure in the blood vessels or a low blood protein count. Congestive heart failure is the most common cause.",
"Birth defects â Problems with the development of the kidneys or urinary tract which could cause little urine production, leading to low levels of amniotic fluid. Placental problems â If the placenta is not providing enough blood and nutrients to the baby, then the baby may stop recycling fluid. Leaking or rupture of membranes âThis may be a gush of fluid or a slow constant trickle of fluid. This is due to a tear in the membrane. Premature rupture of membranes (PROM) can also result in low amniotic fluid levels. Post Date Pregnancy â A post date pregnancy (one that goes over 42 weeks) can have low levels of amniotic fluid, which could be a result of declining placental function.",
"1. Swollen Abdomen. Cirrhosis, the serious progression of liver disease, causes fluid build-up in the abdomen (a condition referred to as ascites), as levels of albumin and proteins in the blood and fluid are retained. This may actually make the patient appear pregnant.",
"Semen is mostly water, but it also contains amino acids and protein, sugars, minerals, and in fertile men sperm cells! 1. The combination of fluids that comprise the seminal fluid are produced by a series of male sex glands: namely the prostate, seminal vesicle, and bulbourethral (Cowperâs) glands.ppearance and Consistency. Semen is a semi-transparent fluid that may be white, gray, or slightly yellow in color. *. Semen immediately thickens upon leaving the penis into a sticky, viscoelastic/gelatinous material and slowly liquefies over the course of 5 to 30 minutes to become a watery substance.",
"It is composed of seminal fluid from the seminal vesicles, fluid from the prostate, fluid from the Cowper's gland, and sperm. Sperm move from the testicles to the seminal vesicles through tubes called the vas deferens.",
"Blood vessel abnormalities in the seminal vesicles, bladder, prostate, seminal vesicles, and spermatic cord (the vas deferens and its accompanying arteries, veins, nerves, and lymphatic vessels) may be the source of bleeding.",
"Severe infections â Severe infections which can trigger a dangerous decrease* in blood pressure, pneumonia and poor blood flow into the intestines are among the causes. Obstructed blood vessels or an excessively bloated intestine can result in lack of blood flow to the intestines. This can also occur in case of severe constipation.",
"Birth defects â Problems with the development of the kidneys or urinary tract which could cause little urine production, leading to low levels of amniotic fluid. Placental problems â If the placenta is not providing enough blood and nutrients to the baby, then the baby may stop recycling fluid.",
"The seminal gland, more commonly referred to as the seminal vesicle, holds the liquid that mixes with sperm to form semen.his gland is located behind the bladder, above the prostate gland, and in front of the rectum. It is about two inches long, on average. This gland releases a fluid rich in sugars (especially fructose), which feeds the sperm. The fluid also has clotting properties that make the semen sticky.",
"It is a condition in which the semen contains insufficient Sperms and is watery. Semen is a thick white fluid which contains sperms. Sperms are produced by Testicles. The purpose of sperm is to fertilize the female.",
"Excess Vaginal Lubrication Cause By Medication. Excess vaginal wetness could be caused by high levels of estrogen or oxytocin in the cervix, uterus and vagina. The causes behind these hormonal fluctuations are usually the side-effects of birth control pills or prescription drugs.",
"The most common cause for a lack of power whilst accelerating is a clogged exhaust system or lack of sufficient fuel being delivered to the engine. Check your catalytic conver ⦠ter if your vehicle has one, and then change your fuel filter and go from there.",
"Most males with cystic fibrosis have obstruction of the sperm canal known as congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD). This results from the abnormal electrolyte transport system in the cells, causing the secretions to become thick and may lead to obstruction and even infertility.",
"Most Common Cause. A lack of estrogen is the most common cause of postmenopausal spotting in women not taking hormone therapy. Estrogen production drops to a low level after menopause, causing the tissues of both the vagina and uterus can become dry, thin and fragile. This is known as atrophy, which can cause bleeding.",
"It is composed of seminal fluid from the seminal vesicles, fluid from the prostate, fluid from the Cowper's gland, and sperm. Sperm move from the testicles to the seminal vesicles through tubes called the vas deferens. In the seminal vesicles, they mix with other fluids to form semen.",
"Azoospermia or absence of sperms in semen is not a single disease. It can be caused due to a lot of different conditions. There are only two main functions for the testis. One is reproduction and other is maintenance of serum testosterone levels.",
"Pleural effusion is an abnormal, excessive collection of this fluid. There are two types: 1 Transudative pleural effusion is caused by fluid leaking into the pleural space. 2 This is from increased pressure in the blood vessels or a low blood protein count. 3 Congestive heart failure is the most common cause.",
"If fluid buildup occurs quickly, fluid in the lungs, known as pulmonary edema, can develop. If your heart failure is on the right side of your heart, edema can develop in the abdomen, as well. Liver disease: Severe liver disease (such as cirrhosis) causes you to retain fluid. Cirrhosis also leads to low levels of albumin and other proteins in your blood.",
"These glands are surrounded by blood vessels, nerve tissue, and connective tissue for protection. Muscle tissue inside of the vesicles provide the pressure needed to release the fluid from the glands. Seminal vesicles release up to 60% of the fluid found in semen. The other 40% is produced by the prostate and bulbourethral glands. The fluid produced by seminal vesicles will contain several key components: Fructose: which is a sugar that is produced to provide energy for swimming sperm cells.",
"Obstructed ducts, such as the ejaculatory duct, and the formation of cysts in the prostate or seminal vesicles can cause hematospermia. When ducts are blocked, nearby blood vessels can dilate and rupture. An enlarged prostate, also called benign prostatic hyperplasia, pinches the urethra and can lead to hematospermia, too. Tumors Benign polyps and malignant tumors of the prostate, testicles, epididymis, and seminal vesicles may cause hematospermia.",
"A low sperm count could also possibly cause watery semen in some men, due to the same reason: not enough sperm in the semen. Several factors can affect a man's sperm count.",
"But dry orgasm â the ejaculation of little or no semen â can also be caused by other conditions, including: 1 Surgical removal of the prostate (prostatectomy). 2 Surgical removal of the bladder (cystectomy).",
"Semen is mostly water, but it also contains amino acids and protein, sugars, minerals, and in fertile men sperm cells! 1. The combination of fluids that comprise the seminal fluid are produced by a series of male sex glands: namely the prostate, seminal vesicle, and bulbourethral (Cowperâs) glands.emen (meaning seed in Latin), male ejaculate, or âcum, is a combination of seminal fluid and mature sperm (spermatozoa), which is ejaculated through the urethra during the male orgasm. Semen is the medium through which a maleâs sperm is delivered to a femaleâs egg cell, or ovum, during procreative sex.",
"The male gonads are the _____. This component of the male duct system carries sperm from outside the body into the abdominal cavity. Of the five accessory glands of the male, this one produces the bulk of the seminal fluid. T OR F: Pain during ovulation is called dysmenorrhea. An ovulating oocyte is actually activated by hormones about ________ days before ovulation.",
"men remain fertile until death. The lack of ejaculate is a different thing. What *** actually is is sperm in semen. It could be that your prostate is not producing as much semen as before, but sperm production is continuous in males. Your sperm count is not low, just the production or presence of semen.",
"Thus if sperm are âleft overâ in the urethra and then a manâs Cowperâs glands release pre-ejaculatory fluid, and it comes forth to the tip of the penis during arousal, then there is a chance that some sperm could be carried in this fluid and get into his partnerâs body, if they are having intercourse without a condom.",
"Poor processing functions of the liver results in poor protein albumin synthesis. Protein albumin helps to hold fluid in the bloodstream thus when it is too low, swelling in the ankles and abdominal fluid retention starts to occur. Cirrhosis of the liver is the main cause of fluid retention in patients with chronic liver disease. It is a condition where the liver is permanently injured and scarred because of chronic disease. The scars obstruct the flow of the blood through the liver causing the liver loses its normal function.",
"Best Answer: Seminal vesicles basically secrete a fluid that is the base component of semen. They contain a 'lumen', or a sac, that holds the seminal fluid.est Answer: Seminal vesicles basically secrete a fluid that is the base component of semen. They contain a 'lumen', or a sac, that holds the seminal fluid.",
"The sperm then move to the vas deferens, or sperm duct. The seminal vesicles and prostate gland produce a whitish fluid called seminal fluid, which mixes with sperm to form semen when a male is sexually stimulated.The penis, which usually hangs limp, becomes hard when a male is sexually excited.n human reproduction, two kinds of sex cells or gametes are involved. Sperm, the male gamete, and a secondary oocyte (along with first polar body and corona radiata), the female gamete must meet in the female reproductive system to create a new individual.",
"Severe liver disease (such as cirrhosis) causes you to retain fluid. Cirrhosis also leads to low levels of albumin and other proteins in your blood. Fluid leaks into the abdomen and can also cause leg edema.",
"The volume status, particularly the presence of obvious volume depletion or volume overload, suggests certain causes (see Table: Common Causes of Volume Depletion). 1 Overtly hypovolemic patients usually have an obvious source of fluid loss and typically have been treated with hypotonic fluid replacement.",
"Non-communicating, or obstructive, hydrocephalus is caused when there is an obstruction in the flow of CSF within the ventricular system of the brain. Hydrocephalus is often associated with Dandy-Walker syndrome, neural tube defects, and spinal bifida.ydrocephalus is considered congenital when its origin can be traced to a birth defect or brain malformation that causes an increased resistance to the drainage of CSF. A variety of factors can cause congenital hydrocephalus.",
"Causes of Sudden onset of fluid volume deficit: The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Sudden onset of fluid volume deficit. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. 1 Hemorrhage.",
"In men, a more or less complete state of erection of the penis, with discharge of urine, mucus or prostatic fluid is a frequent occurrence ... Other causes of death may also result in these effects, including fatal gunshots to the head, damage to major blood vessels, and violent death by poisoning.",
"This section shows a full list of all the diseases and conditions listed as a possible cause of Sudden onset of fluid volume deficit in our database from various sources. 1 After a major surgery. 2 Allergic reactions. 3 Anaphylactic shock. 4 Beta blockers. 5 Blood donation.",
"A low sperm count could also possibly cause watery semen in some men, due to the same reason: not enough sperm in the semen. Several factors can affect a man's sperm count. If the testicles are kept at too high of a temperature, for instance, sperm might not develop properly.",
"The ovaries begin to produce less estrogen causing some unusual symptoms such as light brown discharge, hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats and insomnia. Vaginal atrophy: The lack of reproductive estrogen hormone is the common cause of vaginal atrophy, which is the thinning or shrinking of vaginal tissues.",
"Most milky discharge is caused by lactation or increased mechanical stimulation of the nipple due to fondling, suckling or irritation from clothing during exercise or activity. Drugs or hormones that stimulate prolactin secretion can cause spontaneous, persistent production of milk (galactorrhea).",
"Semen is actually made up of two things namely the sperm cells coming from the vas deferens and the seminal fluid. The seminal fluid is composed of the fluid coming from the prostate gland and the seminal vesicles.In a single ejaculation, a man averagely releases 50 to 500 million sperm cells.emen is actually made up of two things namely the sperm cells coming from the vas deferens and the seminal fluid. The seminal fluid is composed of the fluid coming from the prostate gland and the seminal vesicles.",
"severe liver disease (such as cirrhosis) causes you to retain fluid. cirrhosis also leads to low levels of albumin and other proteins in your blood."
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when using jewelweed for poison ivy do you use the leaves, flowers, stems or all parts | [
"The juice of jewelweed is a traditional remedy for all sorts of skin ailments including poison ivy. An oft-repeated folk saying, Wherever poison ivy is found, jewelweed grows close by. To use it, you can simply crush the leaves and rub it on the itchy places."
] | [
"Each leaf on a poison ivy plant has three smaller leaflets. Contact with any part of the poison ivy plant can cause red, swollen skin, blisters and severe itching, sometimes within hours after exposure. A poison ivy rash usually resolves on its own within a few weeks. In the meantime, soothe irritated skin with an over-the-counter topical treatment, such as calamine lotion. Oatmeal baths and cool compresses also might be helpful. Consult your doctor if you have a severe poison ivy rash or if the rash involves your face or genital area.",
"Poison ivy grows as vines or low shrubs in most climates. Each leaf on a poison ivy plant has three smaller leaflets. Contact with any part of the poison ivy plant can cause red, swollen skin, blisters and severe itching, sometimes within hours after exposure. A poison ivy rash usually resolves on its own within a few weeks. In the meantime, soothe irritated skin with an over-the-counter topical treatment, such as calamine lotion.",
"The best way in how to get rid of poison ivy with these herbicides is to apply the herbicide to the leaves of the poison ivy plant. Like pulling, the poison ivy will regrow, as even the most powerful herbicide will not kill all of the roots. But as the poison ivy plant regrows, spray the herbicide on any new growth. A few applications on new growth will deplete the poison ivy plantâs ability to regrow and the plant will die back completely.",
"Confidence votes 80. You can, if you have placed the leaves in contact with your tongue, or with something that had the plant's toxins (Urushiol) on it. There's no topical treatment for poison ivy in your mouth except perhaps sucking on ice chips to numb the area.",
"Most people get the rash from touching leaves, while gardening, hiking, or looking for a ball lost in the weeds. From a tool, from a pet, from clothing: from anything that has touched any of these plants. Using a weed eater to remove poison ivy will result in spraying your legs with poison ivy. If you are bare-legged and get scratches while splattered with sap from poison ivy, you may be headed to the emergency room. The most dangerous way to come into contact with poison ivy, oak, or sumac is by breathing smoke from a fire burning any of those plants. This happens often in California brush fires. But people have gotten very sick from breathing smoke from campfires and fireplaces where these plants are burned.",
"Internally, you can take blood-cleansing and -building herbs, such as chaparral, yellow dock, and echinacea, to help stop the reaction. Internally, lobelia and valerian or catnip or camomile can stop the pain. Aloe Vera: It has been used to reduce the itch of insect bites, the itching and burning of poison ivy.",
"The leaves of the poison ivy plant are green in the summer, but can be red, orange, or yellow in the spring and fall. The plant may flower with greenish-yellow blossoms and produce small, green berries that turn white in the fall. The sap of the poison ivy plant contains an oil called urushiol. This is the irritant that causes an allergic reaction. You donât even have to come in direct contact with the plant to have a reaction. The oil can be lingering on your gardening equipment, golf clubs, or even your shoes.",
"Poison ivy sap is found in nearly every part of the plant, including the leaves, stems, and roots. The sap contains an oil called urushiol-if any of this extremely sticky oil comes in contact with the skin it can cause a blistering skin rash.",
"Brew the mixture till you see dark orange liquid. Strain and pour the liquid into ice cube tray once it cools down. Place the ice tray in the freezer to get ice cubes of jewelweed. Use these ice cubes wrapped in a clean cloth to get relief from itching and rashes resulting from poison oak or ivy allergies.",
"The sooner you begin treatment, the more effective it is. Before going over the poison ivy symptoms in detail, lets first go over some basic poison ivy facts. The poison ivy plant has three leaves. Each leaf is 2-4 inches long, with the middle leaf being the largest.",
"1 If needed, protect your skin by wearing socks, boots, pants, long sleeves and vinyl gloves. Remove or kill the plants. In your yard, you can get rid of poison ivy by applying an herbicide or pulling it out of the ground, including the roots, while wearing heavy gloves.",
"There are several kinds of commercial herbicides used to effectively eliminate poison ivy. Most of these products also get rid of unwanted grass and weeds, but use care during application, as some products can threaten nearby desirable plants.",
"Thirteen Effective Poison Ivy Treatments-Contact with poison ivy is extremely common if you are camping or engaging in other outdoor activities. Poison ivy's danger does not come from its leaves, but rather a colourless oil that it emits called urushiol.ow to treat poison ivy: Poison Ivy, Toxicodendron radicans, is a plant that grows in North America that causes a skin rash in most people who come in contact with it.",
"How Can I Prevent Rashes From Poison Ivy, Oak, or Sumac? The best way to deal with this poisonous threesome is to learn to recognize the plants, then avoid them. Poison ivy -- with its shiny, sometimes reddish, yellow- or orange-colored leaves -- shares with poison oak a characteristic three-leaf pattern. Poison sumac has paired, pointed leaves, sometimes with yellow-white berries. Each leaf has seven to 13 leaflets.",
"If you get a poison ivy rash, bath the area in PECAN LEAF tea. Put the leaves in water, bring just to a boil, then remove from the heat. Let it steep until cool. Strain and apply it with a clean cloth. This remedy is THE MOST EFFECTIVE relief from poison ivy rashes we have ever tried.",
"The center leaf has a longer stem than the other two. Poison ivy clings to tree trunks and other vertical surfaces with hair-like aerial rootlets that grow out of the stem. If a climbing surface isn't available, poison ivy will grow as a free standing shrub.",
"It is very commonly found at the edge of a meadow or wooded area, where it gets partial sunlight. Wherever the land has been disturbed, poison ivy is one of the first plants to take root. Ecological role The toxins of poison ivy do not generally affect animals. The plant is an important food source for wildlife.yths Facts Only the leaves of poison ivy/oak/sumac can cause the rash Nearly all parts of the plant, including stems, roots, flowers, berries and leaves contain urushiol. Wearing long sleeves, gloves and pants will always prevent a reaction to poison ivy.",
"Once again, the poisonous urushiol in poison ivy is in every part of the plant. You will need to wear gloves, long pants, long sleeves, etc. Armor yourself as much as you feel necessary. Mike is highly sensitive to poison ivy so he is careful to cover his face with a mask and his eyes with goggles.",
"The stems and leaves of the poison ivy plants contain an allergen that is known as urushiol. When this allergen comes in contact with the body. It leads to poison ivy rash. The mild rash of poison ivy last for 5 to 12 days and the severe poison ivy lasts for a month. As soon as you come in the contact of the poison ivy plant, rinse your skin before the rash starts appear.Wash it thoroughly with cold water. To prevent the rash from spreading apply rubbing alcohol. Soak a cotton ball in the rubbing alcohol and dab it on the affected skin. It will treat the rashes at the onset.",
"You can treat mild cases of poison ivy rash at home with soothing lotions and cool baths. You may need prescription medication for a rash that's severe or widespread â especially if it's on your face or genitals.1 Symptoms.oison ivy rash. Poison ivy rash is caused by an allergic reaction to an oily resin called urushiol (u-ROO-she-ol). This oil is in the leaves, stems and roots of poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac.",
"Poison Ivy and Diabetes Patients: What you should know and use to treat. Poison Ivy stems and leaves seemingly innocent will ride on trees and hanging just enough over the trail to lend a devastating strike. Poison ivy will fight back hard when it is touched.",
"POISON IVY LEAVES. Poison Ivy is a native plant that is not always easy to recognize, because some of its features can vary from plant to plant. Even leaves of a single plant can vary. You may have heard that Poison Ivy has three leaves, but that is not accurate.The photo above shows three Poison Ivy leaves, each of which has three leaflets. If a leaf has two or more leaflets it is called a compound leaf.OISON IVY LEAVES. Poison Ivy is a native plant that is not always easy to recognize, because some of its features can vary from plant to plant. Even leaves of a single plant can vary. You may have heard that Poison Ivy has three leaves, but that is not accurate.",
"poison ivy sap is found in nearly every part of the plant including the leaves stems and roots the sap contains an oil called urushiol if any of this extremely sticky oil comes in contact with the skin it can cause a blistering skin rashash your skin if you ve come in contact with poison ivy immediately rinse your skin with water use soap and then rinse thoroughly use a skin cream containing bentoquatam before going outdoors to an area with poison ivy you can always apply an over the counter barrier cream containing bentoquatam",
"Myths Facts Only the leaves of poison ivy/oak/sumac can cause the rash Nearly all parts of the plant, including stems, roots, flowers, berries and leaves contain urushiol. Wearing long sleeves, gloves and pants will always prevent a reaction to poison ivy.yths Facts Only the leaves of poison ivy/oak/sumac can cause the rash Nearly all parts of the plant, including stems, roots, flowers, berries and leaves contain urushiol. Wearing long sleeves, gloves and pants will always prevent a reaction to poison ivy.",
"You may get a rash if you touch: 1 Any part of the poison ivy plant: This includes the leaves, stem, vine, roots, flowers, and berries. Pets with poison ivy on their fur: They can spread poison ivy oil to your skin and to items inside your car and house.",
"Vinegar - Just sprinkle liberally on rash or blisters for instant relief from itch. caused by poison ivy. Although the smell may not be to everybody's liking, vinegar seems to help draw out the poison from poison ivy while it also helps healing. White distilled vinegar or apple cider vinegar seem to work best. Banana peel - Touted by many as a homemade miracle cure, the inside of a banana peel rubbed on poison ivy rashes seems to bring instant, cooling relief. By some accounts, banana skins may even do the trick when all other poison ivy treatments fail.",
"Its blue-purple berries have been used in recipes for flavoring. The safety of juniper berries as a food item is questionable since abdominal cramps and diarrhea have been reported when large amounts were eaten. Pokeweed can grow up to five feet tall and has thick green-purple stems similar to rhubarb.f youâre not sure of this information, take a cutting (a 6- to 8-inch piece that includes leaves, berries and flowers) from the shrub to a garden center, nursery or florist for identification. If an accidental ingestion does happen, this information will be very helpful to the Poison Control Center.",
"Both glyphosate herbicides (Round-up) or triclopyr herbicides (Brush-B-Gon) are both good poison ivy killers. The best way in how to get rid of poison ivy with these herbicides is to apply the herbicide to the leaves of the poison ivy plant.Like pulling, the poison ivy will regrow, as even the most powerful herbicide will not kill all of the roots.he best way in how to get rid of poison ivy with these herbicides is to apply the herbicide to the leaves of the poison ivy plant. Like pulling, the poison ivy will regrow, as even the most powerful herbicide will not kill all of the roots.",
"Avoid hot baths, as heat usually increases itching and inflammation. During the blistering phase of the poison ivy rash, the use of calamine lotion helps relieve itching and dries up the blisters. Once the blisters have dried, use hydrocortisone cream 1 percent, which is available over-the-counter.",
"Look for the vine with clusters of three leaves. Poison ivy always has clusters of three leaves. Use this as the defining characteristic, as this plant is not so obvious in most other ways. Poison ivy is remarkable with its ability to grow in a variety of ways.",
"Part 3. Tricky Things to Be Aware Of. 1. Avoid confusing poison oak with other plants. Some other plants have two or three similar-looking leaves. Such other plants may have spines on the leaf tips (holly or Mahonia) or thorns on the stems (blackberry). However, it is better to avoid plants that resemble poison ivy.",
"Apply the crushed leaves to the area affected. 1 The actual science behind the use of plants to treat this condition is very limited. 2 A dock weed plant commonly grows in the same general areas as the stinging nettle plant. 3 A jewelweed plant is the same plant as an impatiens.",
"If this is too much work, get a weed killer that works on poison ivy, and use a small pump sprayer to spray it directly on the plants, while avoiding getting spray on other plants as best you can.This is generally the best option depending on the size of the job. Follow the directions for use of the weed killer EXACTLY.",
"essential oils for poison ivy ~ 2 T water / 2T apple cider vinegar (use / Braggâs âwith the motherâ) / 1t sea salt / 3 drops tea tree oil (cleansing) 3 drops peppermint (cooling) / 3 drops lavendar (calming) ~~ Mix this in a bowl or bottle and apply several times a day with a cotton square.",
"One plant that should definitely be avoided is Poison Ivy, and that can be a real challenge because it grows in different forms, does not have a consistent leaf shape and there are some plants in the same habitat that look like it! Poison Ivy is a woody vine or sub-shrub that has a very wide distribution.rushiol is the active ingredient in Poison Ivy that causes the rash and irritation. It is present in all parts of the plant, but particularly in the sap. People vary in their sensitivity to urushiol. Some have no problem with it and others experience severe allergic reactions.",
"Using Essential Oils for Poison Ivy. First of all, wash the effected area with soap and water, I would suggest using On Guard Foaming Hand Wash. Then choose from one of the applications below. These applications can be applied as needed, but at least 3 times a day until the redness and itching are gone.",
"Wash off with dish soap. The toxins from the poison ivy plant are an oil, and therefore wonât be able to be removed completely with just water. Use a dish soap that advertises breaking up oil to wash the affected area. The dish soap should help to minimize the spread of the poison and limit the rash. 4. Put on an ice pack.",
"exists and is an alternate of . You can, if you have placed the leaves in contact with your tongue, or with something that had the plant's toxins (Urushiol) on it. There's no topical treatment for poison ivy in your mouth except perhaps sucking on ice chips to numb the area.",
"In the meantime, you can use poison ivy remedies, such as oatmeal baths and cool compresses, as well as over-the-counter anti-itch medications to relieve your signs and symptoms. In severe cases topical and oral cortisone are needed. ...Read more.",
"1 Wear protective clothing. If needed, protect your skin by wearing socks, boots, pants, long sleeves and vinyl gloves. Remove or kill the plants. In your yard, you can get rid of poison ivy by applying an herbicide or pulling it out of the ground, including the roots, while wearing heavy gloves.",
"CONIUM MACULATUM. Common Name: Poison Hemlock, Poison Root, Poison snakeweed.. This herb, as the name suggests, is a virlent poison . An old remedy, rendered classsical by Plato's graphic description of its employment in the death of Socrates. It is used in our day to day practice for the following conditions: Geriatric and climacteric disorders(of women) - Fibroids- Tumors - Prostate.",
"Poison ivy is all green. The stem of poison ivy is brown and cylindrical, while blackberry and raspberry stems can be green, can be squared in cross-section, and can have prickles. Raspberries and blackberries are never truly vines; that is, they do not attach to trees to support their stems.",
"Impatiens capensis, the orange jewelweed, common jewelweed, spotted jewelweed, spotted touch-me-not, or orange balsam, is an annual plant native to North America. It is common in bottomland soils, ditches, and along creeks, often growing side-by-side with its less common relative, Yellow Jewelweed (I. pallida).",
"Poison Ivy and other Toxic Plants Meets education Standards: Indiana Standard 4: The Living Environment 5.4.7 and 7.4.14 Illinois Learning Standards: Stage F â Science, 12B Objective: To educate the student to be able to identify poison ivy and be familiar with preventives and treatments.yths Facts Only the leaves of poison ivy/oak/sumac can cause the rash Nearly all parts of the plant, including stems, roots, flowers, berries and leaves contain urushiol. Wearing long sleeves, gloves and pants will always prevent a reaction to poison ivy.",
"First of all it is POISON ivy not poision. Poison Ivy and oak both contain urishiol oil that binds to the proteins on the keratin layer of our skin. While the oil is completely harmless; our immune systems become confused resulting in 90% of humans responding with an allergic reaction.",
"An antihistamine can put break on the natural action of histamines. It is antihistamine that helps to cure allergic symptoms of many diseases and hives as well. Some herbs can be suggested for its treatment.Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) : It is a wonderful herb which can cure hives. It has got a compound named lawsone which can work wonderfully to treat hives.t is antihistamine that helps to cure allergic symptoms of many diseases and hives as well. Some herbs can be suggested for its treatment. Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) : It is a wonderful herb which can cure hives.",
"To prevent poison ivy rash, follow these tips: 1 Avoid the plants. Learn how to identify poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac in all seasons. 2 Wear protective clothing. If needed, protect your skin by wearing socks, boots, pants, long sleeves and vinyl gloves. 3 Remove or kill the plants.",
"One of the other best remedies to get rid of poison ivy plant is to put boiling water over it. Boiling water will burn off the plant and will regulate its growth. Make sure to do this on a regular basis and it will hamper its spread. Moreover boiling water also directly enters the root.",
"Poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac are best known for causing the problem, but there's a long list of other offenders, such as tomato plant leaves and many flowers, including marigolds, chrysanthemums, poinsettias, and philodendrons. Other plants protect themselves with spines and thorns.",
"Table 1 Urushiol Is an oil found in plants of the Family Anacardiaceae, especially Toxicodendron spp. (e.g. poison oak, poison ivy, and poison sumac). It is also found in the nut shell of cashew fruit (Anacardium occidentale).It causes an allergic skin rash on contact, known as urushiol-induced contact dermatitis.yths Facts Only the leaves of poison ivy/oak/sumac can cause the rash Nearly all parts of the plant, including stems, roots, flowers, berries and leaves contain urushiol. Wearing long sleeves, gloves and pants will always prevent a reaction to poison ivy.",
"Poison ivy has leaves in groups of three. Each left has its own stem, and the middle leaf has the longest stem. Sometimes you might see fewer leaves, if a deer ate one of them and left two behind, and there are a few cases where the plant is damaged and grows four leaves instead of three, but 99 percent of the time, poison ivy has all its leaves in groups of three.",
"Poison ivy is a plant. Most people remember poison ivy as a plant that can cause a serious, long-lasting rash, if touched. The leaves are used to make medicine. Poison ivy is used to treat pain.",
"You may get a rash if you touch: 1 Any part of the poison ivy plant: This includes the leaves, stem, vine, roots, flowers, and berries. 2 Pets with poison ivy on their fur: They can spread poison ivy oil to your skin and to items inside your car and house.",
"Poison ivy sap is found in nearly every part of the plant, including the leaves, stems, and roots. The sap contains an oil called urushiol, a pale-yellow, oily substance. If any of this extremely sticky oil touches the skin, it can cause a blistering skin rash. Urushiol is also found in poison oak and poison sumac.",
"1.) Rinse the Area to Get Rid of Poison Ivy. As soon as you come in the contact of the poison ivy plant, rinse your skin before the rash starts appear.Wash it thoroughly with cold water. To prevent the rash from spreading apply rubbing alcohol. Soak a cotton ball in the rubbing alcohol and dab it on the affected skin.",
"11 Natural Remedies for Poison Ivy. Many a family picnic or outing has been cut short because someone ended up with a case of itchiness from coming into contact with poison ivy. Poison ivy, and its companions, poison oak, poison sumac, poison elder, poison dogwood and markweed, are the most common allergenic plants in North America.",
"A Mixture of Essential Oils. While there are some great choices, you can also use a mix of essential oils for poison ivy. For this, you need 3 drops each of lavender oil, chamomile oil, helichrysum oil, geranium oil and cypress oil.",
"11 Natural Remedies for Poison Ivy. Many a family picnic or outing has been cut short because someone ended up with a case of itchiness from coming into contact with poison ivy. Poison ivy, and its companions, poison oak, poison sumac, poison elder, poison dogwood and markweed, are the most common allergenic plants in North America. They occur in every state, except Alaska, and are common along roadsides and streams, in forests and pastures, and even in gardens.",
"Poison ivy is a common plant that can be a shrub or rope-like vine that is hairy with three leaves (either shiny-green or red in the fall). Occasionally, it may have yellow or green flowers or berries that are either amber or white to yellow-green in color.",
"To eradicate poison oak and poison ivy chemically, use an herbicide that contains glyphosate, triclopyr, or a 3-way herbicide that contains 2,4-D amine, dicamba and mecoprop. See Table 1 for products containing these active ingredients. These herbicides can kill desirable plants, so be careful. If the poison ivy or poison oak is growing among plants you want to save, you can cut back the poison ivy or poison oak and spray or paint the herbicide only on the freshly cut stems or stump.",
"This is what you want to achieve in seeking a poison ivy cure. 1 Topical medicines: Calamine lotion, Aveeno, apple cider vinegar, unsweetened yogurt, or tea tree oil applied directly onto the affected areas can dry it out. 2 Internal medicine: Taking vitamin C is a helpful poison ivy treatment as well.",
"It's found in the leaves, stems and roots of poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac. This resin is very sticky, so it easily attaches to your skin, clothing, tools, equipment and pet's fur. You can get a poison ivy reaction from: Direct touch. If you touch the leaves, stem, roots or berries of the plant, you may have a reaction.",
"Boiling water is also an effective poison ivy killer. If the area where you will be killing poison ivy has no other plants you wish to keep, pour boiling water over the poison ivy plant. Boiling water will kill any part of a plant that it comes in contact with, so be careful using this around desirable plants.",
"The best way in how to get rid of poison ivy with these herbicides is to apply the herbicide to the leaves of the poison ivy plant. Like pulling, the poison ivy will regrow, as even the most powerful herbicide will not kill all of the roots. But as the poison ivy plant regrows, spray the herbicide on any new growth.",
"1 Poison ivy and poison oak have a triple-leaf structure you can learn to recognize -- and then avoid. 2 Avoid any contact with these plants when possible. Cover your skin completely when hiking, camping, or working in forests and around shrubs; wear long sleeves, long pants, gloves, socks, and boots."
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is dail a name? | [
"How popular is Dail? Dail is an uncommonly occurring given name for women but a very prominent last name for all people (#8891 out of 150436, Top 6%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)"
] | [
"Jamie Dailey is a married t-girl from New England. Though not technically fulltime, wearing her own hair long (no wigs for this gal!) and countless hours of electrolysis has blurred things for her gender-wise in her everyday life.",
"Most of the names popular in Ireland today â names like Jack, Sarah, Adam and Emma â are easy to pronounce. But others can be tricky for non-Irish-speakers to decipher. So, in honor of St. Patrickâs Day, hereâs how to pronounce popular Irish names like Aoife, Cian, Niamh and Cillian. Irish Girl Names: 1 Aoife is pronounced EE-fa. 2 Caoimhe is pronounced KEE-va or KWEE-va.*. 3 Ciara is pronounced KEE-ar-a or KEE-ra.*. 4 Maeve is pronounced MAYV. 5 Niamh is pronounced NEE-av or NEEV. 6 Saoirse is pronounced SEER-sha or SAIR-sha.",
"add a comment |. up vote 2 down vote. It doesn't really stand for anything, but it is part of the naming scheme used by Microsoft in early 2000s, out of which (as far as I know), only the .NET Framework, and Visual Studio .NET, survived.It was supposed to be much more expansive-for example, Windows Server 2003 was supposed to be Windows Server .NET.p vote 2 down vote. from http://looselycoupled.com/glossary/.NET : Microsoft's web services architecture, pronounced dot-net. Despite the capital letters, it's not an acronym. .NET is the brand name for a set of proprietary Microsoft frameworks and technologies founded on XML web services standards.",
"There were angry scenes as the Government dumped all Dail business in favour of a debate on the sale which will net the taxpayer less than [euro]400million.",
"Is the bluegrass singer, Jamie Dailey, married. Answer. Jamie Dailey, the lead tenor vocalist and guitar player with Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver, is not married. He tours with Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver over 200 days a year. what does she mean by your like an Indian summer in the middle of winter in the song thinking of you by Katy Perry She means the person is refreshing and surprising, exciting.",
"5 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption â Sgt. Maj. of the Army Daniel Dailey addresses the graduating class of the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy Sergeants Major Course Class 65 during ceremonies held June 12 at the Abundant Living Faith Center in El Paso.",
"Dail comes to DLA after having served as the deputy commander, United States Transportation Command, Scott Air Force Base, Ill. Lt. Gen. Robert Dail Named Director, Defense Logistics Agency However, Dail said, the recently fought Iraq War revealed communication problems between front-line combat units and their rear-line suppliers.",
"McCarthy Name History. McCarthy Coat of Arms and Family Name. MacCarthy or McCarthy (Mac Cárthaigh in Irish), meaning Son of the Loving One or Loving, is a common surname that originated in Ireland. There are several forms today, including Carthy and Carty.",
"Baby names that sound like Dayla include Daila, Dahliah, Dahlya, Daleka (Czech), Dalice (English), Dalis, Dalka (Czech), Dalla, Dallas (English), Dallis (English), Dallus, Dallys, Dalyce, Dalys, Dalia (Dália), Hungarian, Dehlia, Delcee (Delice), English (Delise english And), spanish And (Delja). polishaby names that sound like Dayla include Daila, Dahliah, Dahlya, Daleka (Czech), Dalice (English), Dalis, Dalka (Czech), Dalla, Dallas (English), Dallis (English), Dallus, Dallys, Dalyce, Dalys, Dalia (Dália), Hungarian, Dehlia, Delcee (Delice), English (Delise english And), spanish And (Delja). polish",
"As much as advancing a political cause, SarahPAC seems to be a lifestyle play, propping up an expensive ideological entourage. Kate Dailey is a senior articles editor at Newsweek, where she covers health, lifestyle, society, and culture.",
"The name Dublin comes from the Irish word Dubhlinn, early Classical Irish Dubhlind/Duibhlind, from dubh (/d̪uβ/, /d̪uw/, /d̪uË/) meaning black, dark, and lind (/lʲiɲ(d̪ʲ)/) pool, referring to a dark tidal pool.",
"From these descended the families of ó Conchubhair Ruadh (now extinct) and ó Conchubhair Donn. Ireland's pre-eminent 19th century historian, John O'Donovan (scholar) once said of the O'Conor's.... The O'Conor name has produced many other surnames, some of which are O'Connor, Connor, Conner, Conners, Connors.",
"Dail eireann definition, the lower house of the parliament of the Republic of Ireland. See more.",
"Once network connectivity has been verified, you can use Oracle Net Configuration Assistant to create a net service name, a simple name for the database service. The net service name resolves to the connect descriptor, that is, the network address of the database and the name of the database service.",
"Irish Names. Irish baby names tend to be magical, timeless, and musical in nature. And a few of todayâs trendiest Irish names are actually surnames. (Do Brady, Cullen, and Quinn ring a bell?) Other infamous Irish names: Sinead, Connor, and Arthur.",
"The actress, best known for her work on Saturday Night Live, Scream Queens and New Girl, will play Daila, who was not a character in the animated classic. According to Disney, this character will be Jasmine's handmaiden and friend.",
"The other name, I have never seen it if it is Hughes (as in Howard Hughes) then it would be jius The gh is silent in these names/words (or pronounced as f as tough) Grumpus",
"Although some live and die by the spelling of the name, i.e. O'Connor, Conor, Connors or O'Conner, no distinction can be made in the spelling of the name today as these spellings have been interchanged at will. The O Connors are outstanding in Irish history, highlighting its triumphs and its tragedies.",
"Other contact info. 1 Please contact my agent Elana Roth Parker at Laura Dail Literary Agency, Inc. for any rights inquiries or serious business. Librarians and educators, media contacts, and event/festival planners, please email my publicist if you have questions: olivia [dot] russo [at] harpercollins [dot] com.",
"Click on a circle in the chart to view Dail immigration records. You can find out when most of the Dail families immigrated to the United States. You can focus your search to immigration records dating from that era. Immigration records can tell you an ancestor's name, ship name, port of departure, port of arrival and destination.",
"Connor, Conner. Conor is a male given name that comes from the Irish name Conchobhar/Conchubhar or from the name Conaire, found in Irish legend as the name of the high king Conaire Mór and other heroes. It is popular in the English-speaking world.",
"Dáil Ãireann (/ d Éɪ l Ë ÉÉr É n / lit. Assembly of Ireland) is the lower house, and principal chamber, of the Oireachtas (Irish legislature), which also includes the President of Ireland and Seanad Ãireann (the upper house).",
"Mark Dailey. Mark Edward Dailey (August 1, 1953 â December 6, 2010) was an American-born Canadian television journalist and announcer. He was the host of 11 p.m. weeknight CityNews newscasts in Toronto, Ontario, and a prominent continuity announcer voicing interstitial program announcements on CITY-TV. 1 Career.",
"Meet The Band. JAMIE DAILEY. Jamie grew up singing and playing with family and regional groups all over middle Tenn and Ky, but gained national attention when he joined Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver in 1998 as lead, baritone and tenor singer.",
"2. computed or measured by the day: daily quota; a daily wage. -noun 3. a newspaper appearing each day or each weekday. 4. dailies, Movies. a series of hastily printed shots from the previous day's shooting, selected by the director to be viewed for possible inclusion in the final version of the film; rushes.",
"The name Dáil Ãireann is taken from the Irish language but is the official title of the body in both English and Irish, including both language versions of the Irish constitution. Since the Dáil was first established in 1919, it has also been described variously as a National Assembly, a Chamber of Deputies and a House of Representatives.",
"The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of O'Donnabhain, which was dated circa 1169, in the Annals of the Four Masters, during the reign of Rory O'Connor, known as The High King of Ireland, 1166 - 1198. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation.",
"The surname Conner was first found in Connacht. There were six different septs of this famous name scattered throughout Ireland, of which four continue to boast many members. However, the most important O'Connors were those of Connacht, divided into three main branches: O'Conor Don; O'Conor Roe; and O'Conor Sligo.",
"In the past, one could often use a pseudonym for all editorial correspondence, and simply make an arrangement with one's bank to have checks deposited under one's pen name. Now, however, publishers are required to inform the IRS (via Form 1099) of payments made to writers, which means that they must have your social security number and your real name.",
"Newspaper Contact Form or Email here. Milo Dailey is the Editor of the Butte County Post in Belle Fourche South Dakota. Download all 31 South Dakota mailing addresses in Excel Spreadsheet or Word Mailing label format for $4.99. Information included in the files are newspaper name, address, city, state and zip code plus most telephone numbers, fax numbers and editor names are included in the Excel file.",
"(Redirected from McCarthy (surname)). MacCarthy (Irish: Mac Carthaigh), cárthaigh also McCarthy, mccarthy is A Gaelic irish clan originating From, munster an area they ruled during The Middle. ageseveral variants are found, such as McCarty (most common in North America) as well as Carthy and Carty (though these latter are also the Anglicization of an unrelated name, O ó). carthaighcárthaigh 60 % of people with the Surname in ireland still Live In county cork where the family was very powerful In The. middle ages",
"It was a triumphant night overall for the Vincent family. Dailey & Vincent, the duo comprised of Jamie Dailey and Rhondaâs younger brother, Darrin Vincent, marched away with the best contemporary gospel group and best vocal group awards. Dailey was voted best contemporary male vocalist, as well.",
"The Official Name of Ireland (Origin) The Constitution states the name of the country is ire, or in the English language, Ireland. Normally practice the name ire is restricted to texts Ireland is used in all English-language texts, and of course equivalent translations are used in other languages.",
"Dayla [day-la] as a girls' name is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Dayla is valley. Dayla is a version of Dale (Old English): place name. ASSOCIATED WITH old english. VARIANTS Daly, Dalla. OTHER FORMS VIA DALE Dael, Daelyn, Dail, Daile, Dalena, Dalina, Dayle.",
"While Daila Ojeda, 32, is best known as Chris Sharmaâs girlfriend, the Canary Island-native is also strong athlete who takes on routes reserved for the worldâs best climbers. In this video by Prana, Ojeda talks about her hometown on the Spanish island of Gran Canaria that sits off the coast of Morocco.",
"Ulster Surnames, McDaneil. McDaniel is a common surname across Ulster. It is almost always a anglicised form of the Gaelic surname of Mac Dónaill and can be either Irish or Scottish in origin. The root name is Dónall which means 'world mighty' and it is a very old and very common Gaelic personal name.",
"The original surname being Renault. Throughout Ireland's rich history, the Reynolds family name was a prominent one, and even today, County Leitrim is the principal stronghold of the name, nearly half the people in Ireland so called hailing from that area.",
"Conner Genealogy & History. Conner is an Irish surname, an anglicized form of the Gaelic Conchobhair. The name translates as a descendant of hound?desire, showing the influence of the Viking raiders on Irish names. Variant spellings include Conor, Connor, Connors, Connar and Conner.",
"The Republic of Ireland is a parliamentary democracy (a form of republic as its name suggests). Ireland's chief executive, the prime minister, is the Taoiseach ⦠and is appointed (actually only approved) by the president after designation by the lower house of Parliament, known as Dail Ãireann. eireann éireann",
"In Ireland, the surname Connell or O'Connell is an Anglicized form of the famous Gaelic clan name O'Conaill, meaning strong as a wolf, from the Gaelic siol cuin or siol con which translates as descendant of Connall or Con.. The name possibly derives from cú (con) meaning hound or wolf, and gal meaning valour..",
"Click on a place to view Dail immigration records. The information for this chart came from the U.S. Immigration Collection at Ancestry. You can find out where the majority of the Dail families were living before they immigrated to the U.S and learn where to focus your search for foreign records. Immigration records can tell you an ancestor's name, ship name, port of departure, port of arrival, and destination.",
"Traynor (surname) Traynor (also Trainor, Trainer, Treanor, Trener, Trenor, Trinor, Tronor, Trynor, Triner, Trinner, MacTreanor, MacCreanor, and McCrainor) is a surname of ancient Irish origin. It descends from Threin Fhirmeans strong man in Irish Gaelic.",
"At a private sitting of the Dail dáil on 10 may 1921 The Sinn fein, féin representatives who refused to Accept the british concession Of a Parliament For, southern ireland adopted a resolution declaring that the parliamentary elections which were to take place should be regarded as Elections Ãireann. dail dáil eireann éireann",
"MTN Night Plan Unlimited by pkkpro: 10:25am On May 15, 2016. NEW MTN CHEAP NIGHT PLANS 9PM TO 6AM. > No much story just dail *198# , dail 2 then dail 8 again. > For 1gb for #200 naira. > 2.5Gb for #500 9pm to 6am. >5Gb for #1000 9pm to 6am.",
"Dail - the lower house of the parliament of the Irish Republic. Dail Eireann. house - an official assembly having legislative powers; a bicameral legislature has two houses. Oireachtas - the parliament of the Irish Republic.",
"An unusually short lifespan might indicate that your Dail ancestors lived in harsh conditions. A short lifespan might also indicate health problems that were once prevalent in your family. The SSDI is a searchable database of more than 70 million names.",
"Services Dailey Dental is a dentist/dental office located in Mitchell, SD. A dentist is trained to diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases of the gums, teeth, and jaw. Please call Dailey Dental at (605) 996-2228 to schedule an appointment in Mitchell, SD or get more information. Consumer Feedback.",
"In the Dail dáil that same Day Kevin'O higgins was asked why The government had not responded to the petitions from the juries to McMullen. Mcmullen the question was asked on behalf Of McGrath, mcgrath who had until recently been a member of The. government",
"The name Connor is popular in the United States, England and Scotland, but in Ireland they opt for the more traditional Irish spelling Conor (with one ânâ). Conner is not as popular in English-speaking countries as Connor. The name Conner first entered the U.S. popularity charts in 1987, six years after Connor.",
"Daily quests (popularly nicknamed dailies) are repeatable quests that can be acquired and completed once per day. These quests have significantly better rewards than other repeatable quests. Daily quests come in many different flavors, and many are for reputation, instances, professions, and battlegrounds. Players are not limited in how many daily quests they complete each day. Prior to patch 5.0.4, players were limited to 25 quests per day. The daily quest lists below include ongoing and new quests designated for level 85 players and players leveling in 0400 Cataclysm zones.",
"This echoing of the first name can still be heard today in many of the most instantly recognisable Irish last names, with or without Mac or O' prefixes, such as Connor/O'Connor, Cormack/MacCormack, Dermot/MacDermot, Leary/O'Leary.",
"Last name: Brannon. Recorded in various spellings including Brannan, Brannon, Brannen and Brennan, this is a complex surname of Irish origins. It derives from either of two distinct Gaelic surnames originally O'Braonain and Mac Branan. The prefix o' indicated a male descendant of, whilst braon, was a personal or baptismal name which may have translated as sorrow.",
"Dail - the lower house of the parliament of the Irish Republic. Dail Eireann. house - an official assembly having legislative powers; a bicameral legislature has two houses Oireachtas - the parliament of the Irish Republic",
"Dailey (formerly Ms. McDermott)Period 2 - Fall Semester. This half year course introduces the field of Marketing within the sports and entertainment industries. This course will provide a basic introduction to the scope and importance of marketing in the global economy.",
"2. computed or measured by the day: daily quota; a daily wage. -noun 3. a newspaper appearing each day or each weekday. 4. dailies, Movies. a series of hastily printed shots from the previous day's shooting, selected by the director to be viewed for possible inclusion in the final version of the film; rushes. 5.",
"Baby names that sound like Daila include Dayla, Dahliah, Dahlya, Daleka (Czech), Dalice (English), Dalis, Dalka (Czech), Dalla, Dallas (English), Dallis (English), Dallus, Dallys, Dalyce, Dalys, Dalia (Dália), Hungarian, Dehlia, Delcee (Delice), English (Delise english And), spanish And (Delja). polishaby names that sound like Daila include Dayla, Dahliah, Dahlya, Daleka (Czech), Dalice (English), Dalis, Dalka (Czech), Dalla, Dallas (English), Dallis (English), Dallus, Dallys, Dalyce, Dalys, Dalia (Dália), Hungarian, Dehlia, Delcee (Delice), English (Delise english And), spanish And (Delja). polish",
"Dailey is a full-service, creative ad agency. We're based in Los Angeles where we've been telling memorable brand stories for almost 50 years.",
"Last name: Conner. It is common outside Ireland for the clan name O' Connor to lose its Gaelic identity and to be found spelt as Conor, Connor, Connors, Connar and Conner, but all are originally descendants of Conchobhair. Historically the clan is the most famous of the Irish, representing the last true Irish Monarchy.",
"Names of the language. Irish is known as Irish, Gaelic or Irish Gaelic in English. The official standard name in Irish is Gaeilge /'geɪlɪk/. Before the 1948 spelling reform, this was spelled Gaedhilge.rish is known as Irish, Gaelic or Irish Gaelic in English. The official standard name in Irish is Gaeilge /'geɪlɪk/. Before the 1948 spelling reform, this was spelled Gaedhilge.",
"1. of, occurring, or issued each day or each weekday: daily attendance; a daily newspaper. 2. computed by the day: a daily quota. n. 3. a newspaper appearing each day or each weekday. 4. dailies, the quickly printed film from one day's shooting of a motion picture, for review by the director; rushes.",
"Cambodia has had several name changes-when the new ruling party wanted to erase all traces of the previous one. The following names have been used since 1954. Edit-Kampuchea is a name that the Khmer people prefer to call themselves.",
"Fergus or Feargus is a popular Irish, Manx and Scottish given name. Sir Fergus is also mentioned as one of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table in Le Morte d'Arthur.",
"The comfort enhancing properties of Focus Dailies Aqua Comfort Plus lenses are further enhanced by the addition of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC), which is present in the packaging saline, and polyethylene glycol (PEG), which binds to the PVA, prolonging its release.",
"#1. Once you have finished all of the story quests in a certain area you will then get dailies which will give you a bit of cash and notoriety.I have merely listed below the area in which the dailies are given and what rep is given. Goboro Reef (60-62 Zone). The Well - 2 Quests.rafting Dailies are in Draumheim in Choreburg. Only done them once and each gave me 250 Onir rep. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------. What do reputations get you :- (In order of importance-in my mind anyway).",
"Last name: Finley. This is a Scottish surname, which is also found widely in Ireland. The spellings recorded range widely from the original Gaelic Fionlagh and include Findlay, Finely, Finelly, Finelay, Fennelly, Finlry and Finlray. However spelt it is composed of the original elements fionn meaning fair, plus lagh, a hero."
] |
comparing rn and bsn: what's the difference | [
"The BSN trains nurses for a professional role, along with the coursework in nursing science, leadership, research and nursing informatics. Summary: RN is a Registered Nurse, while BSN is a graduate program in nursing."
] | [
"The RN with a bachelorâs degree can work in a community health setting, which is very different than home care. And very importantly, a BSN degree prepares nurses to assume expanded leadership roles like mid-level administration and chairing hospital committees.",
"You're an RN regardless of whether you pursue the ADN or the BSN first (as long as you pass the nclex). In most places you start at the same base pay too. The BSN will prepare you for management or future graduate studies. But RN's are RN's, doesnt matter what program they came from! Babs0512 likes this.",
"RNs are busy professionals who can rarely take the time off that traditional on-campus programs require. In turn, pursuing distance learning only makes sense: by earning a BSN online, nurses can invest the time they need to take their career further while also continuing to work.",
"In the end, the outcome is the same. The major difference is the path and time commitment required to become an RN. You can go straight to the job market as an RN or you can further your education with a BSN degree. If you decide on going the ADN route but eventually want to earn the higher academic credential, you can earn a BSN through a completer program in as little as 12 additional months and it can often be done online.",
"Training to become an RN requires at least an Associates of Nursing Degree, but in many cases nurses find that they have better opportunities by earning a Bachelorâs degree. An AND will take about 2 to 3 years for completion, while a BSN will take 4 years.",
"Before deciding if an RN to BSN Completion program is the next step for you, it's important to understand the differences. Take a look at the important features of each level of education: Initially, an RN and a nurse with a BSN degree might both receive the same salary for the same nursing position.",
"That additional level of education means that BSNs generally have more opportunities and larger salaries than RNs. Getting your BSN isnât just something you do for yourself, though. It also benefits your patients. Studies have shown that BSNs have lower patient mortality rates and lower failure to rescue rates.",
"LPN is a Licensed Practical Nurse and RN is a Registered Nurse. The main difference that can be noticed between LPN and RN is in their duties and practice.A registered nurse is one who has graduated with a 4 year nursing program with a Bachelor of Science degree or a 2-year nursing program with an Associateâs Degree.On the other hand, a Licensed Practical Nurse is a person who has graduated with a one year Practical Nursing program. registered nurse is one who has graduated with a 4 year nursing program with a Bachelor of Science degree or a 2-year nursing program with an Associateâs Degree. On the other hand, a Licensed Practical Nurse is a person who has graduated with a one year Practical Nursing program.",
"BSN, RN, CCRN. You have your bachelors and RN, so you would list as this: BSN, RN. That is the formal, correct way. And to the poster that said no one gets their bachelors unless they want to do administrative work, not true. I have many co-workers with a Bachelors degree, simply because they wanted it.",
"I have always wanted to become a Nurse and I have been doing some research and came across the different Nursing 'titles' such as RN (Registered Nurse), BSN(Bachlor's in Science of Nursing) NA?(Nurse Assistant), CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist), LPN and LVN.SN = Bachelor of Science in Nursing, which is just a 4 year RN degree. Both the 2 year and the BSN graduates sit for the exact same licensure exam and earn the same RN license.",
"0 Help me out here pls. What is the difference between a BSN and an RN. Don't you go through the four year program to get the BSN/RN. I've noticed that people put a stress on the BSN-route -RN -attained degree. I'm truly confused.",
"For example, a hemodialysis nurse with a BSN degree earns $6,000 more than an RN with a ASN degree who works in the same area. RN and BSN Demands and Salary. With all else equal, RNs with BSN degrees receive higher salaries than those with ASN or ADN degrees.n 2011, ADNs earned about $64,000 on average while BSNs made $76,000. These rates are based on the Indeed website as the BLS does not calculate the pay difference between RNs with ASN and BSN degrees. RN versus BSN Salary Based on Experience. Generally, the salary rates go higher as a nurse gains experience.",
"lpn is a licensed practical nurse and rn is a registered nurse the main difference that can be noticed between lpn and rn is in their duties and practice",
"0 I am wondering what the differences in RN and BSN are. I am in the process of deciding to get my RN or go all out and get my BSN. Is there a big difference in pay for BSN, or do (small towns) just want nurses, not depending on length of school?! Thanks so much!",
"While you can work as an RN with an associateâs degree, nurses with a BSN are typically given more responsibility, supervisory roles and higher salaries. A BSN program, which typically takes four years, will include both liberal arts courses which fulfill general education requirements and classes specific to your major in nursing.",
"LPN is a Licensed Practical Nurse and RN is a Registered Nurse. The main difference that can be noticed between LPN and RN is in their duties and practice. A registered nurse is one who has graduated with a 4 year nursing program with a Bachelor of Science degree or a 2-year nursing program with an Associateâs Degree.",
"The biggest immediate difference between the LPN versus RN career path is the degree youâll earn. RNs earn a professional nursing degree, while LPNs earn a practical nursing degree. A professional nursing degree consists of more courses, so it takes more time to complete than a practical nursing degree.",
"It is an appealing career choice, particularly, because you can become a registered nurse (RN) in eighteen months and go straight into the job market. An alternate path involves further education, resulting in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree. Read on to find out the real difference between becoming an RN versus a BSN.",
"In the end, the outcome is the same. The major difference is the path and time commitment required to become an RN. You can go straight to the job market as an RN or you can further your education with a BSN degree.",
"Quote from sosiouxme. An RN with only the ADN (which, by the way, is not considered a college degree) would make as much as someone with a BSN only if they hold the same position. However, most BSN's are hired at higher levels than the non-degreed RN's to begin with.",
"A: It takes 4 years to complete the RN to BSN programs. However, if you have completed your Associate's Degree in Nursing already, your credits for the two year education already achieved will be transferred and you will only have to invest two more years and receive your RN to BSN Degree.: RN is the abbreviation for Registered Nurse and BSN means Bachelor of Science in nursing. At the moment these are the two types of registered nursing degrees offered by colleges in the US. You become an RN by earning associate's degree which roughly takes about two years for completion.",
"Definitely. RN-to-BSN programs are designed to allow nurses to continue working while theyâre in school. This flexibility is a major advantage of the bridge program model. That said, you may find it too difficult to hold down a full-time job during your BSN program â most students work only part-time.",
"RN stands for registered nurse. RNs are very different from LPNs. The amount of schooling and education is longer for an RN. RNs usually go through two to four year programs at community colleges and universities. They graduate with a BSN (Bachelor's of Science In Nursing) or an ADN (Associate's Degree In Nursing).",
"What is the Difference Between RN and LPN. In the hierarchy of the Nursing staff you may think that a nurse is just a nurse but there are a few things that you may need to know if you are considering a degree as a Registered Nurse or a Licensed Practical Nurse. Registered Nurse. A Registered Nurse or R.N. is at the top of the nursing staff.",
"Perhaps the most glaring difference when comparing a Nurse Practitioner vs RN is the education that is required before starting work and obtaining a title. Registered Nurses need, at minimum, an Associateâs Degree in nursing while Nurse Practitioners need at least a Masterâs Degree.erhaps the most glaring difference when comparing a Nurse Practitioner vs RN is the education that is required before starting work and obtaining a title. Registered Nurses need, at minimum, an Associateâs Degree in nursing while Nurse Practitioners need at least a Masterâs Degree.",
"the biggest immediate difference between the lpn versus rn career path is the degree you ll earn rns earn a professional nursing degree while lpns earn a practical nursing degree a professional nursing degree consists of more courses so it takes more time to complete than a practical nursing degree",
"The biggest immediate difference between the LPN versus RN career path is the degree youâll earn. RNs earn a professional nursing degree, while LPNs earn a practical nursing degree. A professional nursing degree consists of more courses, so it takes more time to complete than a practical nursing degree.he biggest immediate difference between the LPN versus RN career path is the degree youâll earn. RNs earn a professional nursing degree, while LPNs earn a practical nursing degree. A professional nursing degree consists of more courses, so it takes more time to complete than a practical nursing degree.",
"A nurse with a BSN may do the same things as an RN, or they may choose to work in public health or be a nurse educator. Public health nurses generally educate communities on health issues, while nurse educators prepare the next generation of LPNs and RNs.",
"To recap, a traditional BSN program takes four years to complete, while an RN-to-BSN program may be more accelerated at 12-18 months. Graduates can become registered nurses after passing the national exam, and they can expect positive job growth in the field.",
"LPN is a Licensed Practical Nurse and RN is a Registered Nurse. The main difference that can be noticed between LPN and RN is in their duties and practice.A registered nurse is one who has graduated with a 4 year nursing program with a Bachelor of Science degree or a 2-year nursing program with an Associateâs Degree.he RNS can administer medicines, develop and manage nursing plans, assist physicians in examinations and treatments and take independent decisions. In Hierarchy, the RNs are above the LPNs. Another difference that can be noticed between the LPN and the RN is their salaries. The RNs are paid more than the LPNs.",
"LPN is a Licensed Practical Nurse and RN is a Registered Nurse. The main difference that can be noticed between LPN and RN is in their duties and practice.A registered nurse is one who has graduated with a 4 year nursing program with a Bachelor of Science degree or a 2-year nursing program with an Associateâs Degree.he RNS can administer medicines, develop and manage nursing plans, assist physicians in examinations and treatments and take independent decisions. In Hierarchy, the RNs are above the LPNs. Another difference that can be noticed between the LPN and the RN is their salaries.",
"An RN degree is sort of like an Associate's degree. The required coursework typically takes about two years to complete; sometimes more if you haven't completed certain basic prerequisites in general education subjects like math and education.A BSN is like a Bachelor's--it's usually a four-year degree.A lot of schools have RN-to-BSN programs that will accept transfer students who already have a two-year nursing degree. As for how long it will take you to get your BSN, that depends on the school's transfer policies.n RN degree is sort of like an Associate's degree. The required coursework typically takes about two years to complete; sometimes more if you haven't completed certain basic prerequisites in general education subjects like math and education.",
"In 2011, ADNs earned about $64,000 on average while BSNs made $76,000. These rates are based on the Indeed website as the BLS does not calculate the pay difference between RNs with ASN and BSN degrees. RN versus BSN Salary Based on Experience. Generally, the salary rates go higher as a nurse gains experience.In the first few years in service, RNs with BSN degrees may earn about $57,280. On the other hand, RNs with an ASN or ADN degree may land entry-level positions that will provide them with $40,250 on average.n 2011, ADNs earned about $64,000 on average while BSNs made $76,000. These rates are based on the Indeed website as the BLS does not calculate the pay difference between RNs with ASN and BSN degrees. RN versus BSN Salary Based on Experience. Generally, the salary rates go higher as a nurse gains experience.",
"Traditional vs. Accelerated BSN. A bachelorâs in nursing (BSN) is typically favored and sometimes required for practice as an RN in the areas of case management, military, K-12 schools, certain clinical specialties and travel nursing or working abroad.",
"rn is the longer of the two and takes 2 years to complete whereas lpn is a one year course there is also a bachelor s degree in rn which takes about 4 years to complete degree of certification of rn is either an associate s or a bachelor s degree of science while that of lpn is a diploma or a certificate",
"Explore TX nursing programs that offer ASN, BSN, MSN, RN to BSN, RN to MSN, and doctoral degrees in nursing. Accredited nursing schools in Texas. Explore TX nursing programs that offer ASN, BSN, MSN, RN to BSN, RN to MSN, and doctoral degrees in nursing. Accredited nursing schools in Texas. Explore TX nursing programs that offer ASN, BSN, MSN, RN to BSN, RN to MSN, and doctoral degrees in nursing. Colleges & Universities",
"There are many pathways into nursing, but earning a BSN versus an Associates Degree in Nursing (ADN) to become a registered nurse (RN) has many advantages including extra career opportunities and better pay.his is a common question asked by many students who are looking into the medical field to possibly pursue a career as a nurse. BSN is the acronym for a Bachelor of Science in Nursing college degree or (BSN) and is often used in discussion to distinguish the type of nursing program a student is considering.",
"the main difference that can be noticed between lpn and rn is in their duties and practice a registered nurse is one who has graduated with a 4 year nursing program with a bachelor of science degree or a 2 year nursing program with an associate s degree",
"Jul 26, '08 by sosiouxme. An RN with only the ADN (which, by the way, is not considered a college degree) would make as much as someone with a BSN only if they hold the same position. However, most BSN's are hired at higher levels than the non-degreed RN's to begin with.",
"Knowledge is Power. There are many pathways into nursing, but earning a BSN versus an Associates Degree in Nursing (ADN) to become a registered nurse (RN) has many advantages including extra career opportunities and better pay.his is a common question asked by many students who are looking into the medical field to possibly pursue a career as a nurse. BSN is the acronym for a Bachelor of Science in Nursing college degree or (BSN) and is often used in discussion to distinguish the type of nursing program a student is considering.",
"An RN, or registered nurse, is a nurse that has studied in a nursing program for at least two years. Some also continue on to receive a four-year degree known a BSN which stands for Bachelors of Science in Nursing. RN jobs make up the largest number of jobs in healthcare.",
"The BSN is an undergraduate degree program designed to give RNs a foundation in formal education and specialized skills for todayâs healthcare environment. In addition, the BSN can give RNs the qualifications to seek advanced nurse specialty or leadership positions.",
"RN-to-BSN programs are designed to allow nurses to continue working while theyâre in school. This flexibility is a major advantage of the bridge program model. That said, you may find it too difficult to hold down a full-time job during your BSN program â most students work only part-time.",
"Students without nursing experience can take a full 4-year BSN program and licensure exam, while those with an ADN or prior RN licensure can take a 2-year RN-to-BSN program. Prospective nurses with a bachelor's degree in a field other than nursing can enroll in a 2-year accelerated BSN program.",
"The RN to BSN option is designed for nurses who have completed an Associate's Degree or Diploma in Nursing from an institution with accreditation from the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).",
"There are many pathways into nursing, but earning a BSN versus an Associates Degree in Nursing (ADN) to become a registered nurse (RN) has many advantages including extra career opportunities and better pay.",
"An alternate path involves further education, resulting in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree. Read on to find out the real difference between becoming an RN versus a BSN.",
"With the bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) coming to be considered the standard in the nursing profession, many nurses want to learn more about RN to BSN programs. These accelerated programs offer already practicing RNs the opportunity to earn their bachelorâs degree while continuing to work. One advantage of these programs is that they typically do not take as long to complete as a traditional BSN degree. Why a BSN? Nurses have always been important, but their role has increased in importance as health care and health care delivery has expanded.",
"Help me out here pls. What is the difference between a BSN and an RN. Don't you go through the four year program to get the BSN/RN. I've noticed that people put a stress on the BSN-route -RN -attained degree. I'm truly confused. Thanks."
] |
how much curcumin to take | [
"The recommended dosage for curcumin as an anti-inflammatory is 400 to 600 milligrams three times per day. To achieve a similar amount of curcumin in the form of turmeric would require a dosage of 8,000 to 60,000 milligrams three times a day."
] | [
"One gram of ground turmeric powder is about ½ teaspoon. Three grams is about 1½ teaspoons of ground turmeric powder. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, there is no recommended dose for children. For adults, the general recommended dose is 400-600mg of standardized curcumin powder 1-3 times per day.",
"There are varying opinions as to the dosage and confusion between the active ingredient curcumin and turmeric doses. For these amounts, a few good grinds of pepper is sufficient (roughly 1/16 tsp. per 3 g. turmeric). Itâs not rocket science so donât worry about exactness.",
"For the most curcumin, be sure to use turmeric rather curry powderâa study analyzing curcumin content in 28 spice products described as turmeric or curry powders found that pure turmeric powder had the highest concentration of curcumin, averaging 3.14% by weight.ach patient received curcumin (480 mg) and quercetin (20 mg) orally 3 times a day for 6 months. Although the amount of quercetin was similar to what many people consume daily, the curcumin consumed was more than would be provided in a typical diet because turmeric only contains on average 3-5 % curcumin by weight.",
"Curcumin (also known as curcuminoids or phenolic compounds) is the active ingredient in turmeric. The largest issue with curcumin products is its bioavailability. This refers to how much of the substance actually gets absorbed into your blood stream.urcumin (also known as curcuminoids or phenolic compounds) is the active ingredient in turmeric. The largest issue with curcumin products is its bioavailability. This refers to how much of the substance actually gets absorbed into your blood stream.",
"Anyway, I share your perspective on dietary changes. I get my curcumin the way that you do: by adding turmeric, olive oil, and freshly ground pepper to my food. I also eat raw ginger; drink unsweetened green tea with lemon; and have a bunch of fresh vegetables, fruits, and salads every day.I stay away from all forms of sugar and have eliminated most meat.s ReWriter is doing, cook at least once a day with turmeric in a little olive oil and add a dash of pepper. Then sautee whatever you are eating in it. Take a capsule (with or without bioperine) of 400 to 500 mgs of curcumin three times a day, with meals.",
"Curcumin makes up only about 2 to 6 percent of turmeric, so be sure to check the standardized amount of curcumin, advises Randy Horowitz, MD, medical director of the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine in Tucson. High doses of turmeric can act as a blood thinner and cause stomach upset.",
"1 Bypass surgery (coronary artery bypass graft surgery). 2 Early research suggests that taking curcumin, a chemical found in turmeric, 3 days before surgery and continuing for 5 days after surgery can lower the risk of a heart attack following bypass surgery. 3 A type of inflammatory bowel disease called Crohnâs disease.",
"Potential issues and benefits. It is important to note that the amount of curcumin in turmeric as we buy it can vary, depending on species, growing conditions, harvesting etc. Most of the studies use turmeric extracts that contain mostly curcumin alone, with dosages usually exceeding 1 gram per day.",
"The Advanced Rejuvenation Institute specializes in Intravenous Curcumin. Under the supervision of a medical doctor or a licensed RN, an intravenous (IV) treatment of Curcumin is administered. Curcumin is readily absorbed into your system. The treatment is done in our office and will not take up much of your time.",
"I started Curcumin yesterday (4 pills a day), from AOR supplements. It's a derivative of turmeric and is 95% curcumin, the active ingredient known for it's super health and anti-inflam properties. I've had 3 normal bms since this afternoon, which hasn't happened in nearly a year, since constipation is often a problem.",
"Different concentrations of curcumin was added to 5 ml of oils in test tubes and mixed using vortex mixer to dissolve curcumin properly. The mixture was then centrifuged at 1,300 Ã g for 10 min to find visible undissolved particles.esults and Discussion The solubility of curcumin before heating in butter oil, palm oil and olive oil were 0.5, 0.4, and 0.2 mg/ ml respectively. While solubility increased to 0.7, 0.6 and 0.3 mg/ ml respectively on heating.",
"So, in order to have 8 grams of curcumin, you will have to have a bucketful of tumeric powder everyday. Regarding curcumin capsules that already has pepper component included, I noticed they are considerably more expensive. I take curcumin capsules, and simply chew a few whole pepper cones, No big deal.",
"Therefore 5% of 250 mg of the turmeric is curcuminoids, which makes it about 12 mg. in total, this curcumin-turmeric supplement has a total of 500 mg of which about 250 mg is pure curcumin.We provide the highest curcumin quality we can find.Read your stuff on curcumin.herefore 5% of 250 mg of the turmeric is curcuminoids, which makes it about 12 mg. in total, this curcumin-turmeric supplement has a total of 500 mg of which about 250 mg is pure curcumin.",
"To get pure curcumin you probably have to use chromatography (Chromatography), which is not something you can really do at home. How do you find the concentration of curcumin in a solution: To try and find how much curcumin is in a particular solution, the most straightforward method is to use HPLC.'m also going to assume you want to end up with something that is food safe. If you want to extract curcumin from turmeric, you can soak ground turmeric in 99% ethanol for a day or two.",
"Curcumin (also known as curcuminoids or phenolic compounds) is the active ingredient in turmeric. The largest issue with curcumin products is its bioavailability. This refers to how much of the substance actually gets absorbed into your blood stream. The two best and most common curcumin formulas are: 1 Meriva® â âis a patented formulation of curcumin, a dietary phenolic, with soy lecithin (non-GMO)(1).",
"Powdered turmeric root has traditionally been used as a stimulant and carminative at dosages of 0.5 to 3 g/day. Dosages of 3 to 6 g/day have been investigated to protect against ulcers. Daily oral doses of curcumin 3.6 g have been typically used in clinical trials, but dosages of curcumin up to 8 g/day have been used.",
"Powdered turmeric root has traditionally been used as a stimulant and carminative at dosages of 0.5 to 3 g/day. Dosages of 3 to 6 g/day have been investigated to protect against ulcers. Daily oral doses of curcumin 3.6 g have been typically used in clinical trials, but dosages of curcumin up to 8 g/day have been used. Higher doses are associated with adverse GI effects.",
"Studies show that just one 400 mg capsule of Super Bio-Curcumin® with BCM-95® per day provides curcumin blood concentrations equivalent to 2,772 mg of typical 95% curcumin products. Inhibits inflammatory factor NF-kappaB.",
"NOTE: for more recent posts, please scroll down. I have been taking eight grams of curcumin for almost 4 years (=in January 2010), and can report no harmful side effects. Quite the opposite. However, I have read or been told of a few side effects that are worth reporting. First, my experience.",
"Early research suggests that taking curcumin, a chemical found in turmeric, twice daily for 6 weeks is as effective as the antidepressant medication fluoxetine in people with depression. Diabetes. Early research suggests that taking turmeric extract twice daily for 9 months can reduce the number of people with prediabetes who develop diabetes.",
"Therefore 5% of 250 mg of the turmeric is curcuminoids, which makes it about 12 mg. in total, this curcumin-turmeric supplement has a total of 500 mg of which about 250 mg is pure curcumin. We provide the highest curcumin quality we can find.Read your stuff on curcumin.enefit of turmeric root extract In lab tests, the active ingredient in turmeric, called curcumin, can enhance the cancer-fighting power of treatment with TRAIL, a naturally occurring molecule that helps kill cancer cells. TRAIL stands for tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand.",
"Researchers have concluded that high doses, as much as 10 grams or 10,000 mg do not significantly increase the amount of curcumin in the bloodstream. Researchers refer to this as low bio-availability and it is one of the reasons that the turmeric health benefits and recommended daily amount of intake are uncertain. You might think that a higher dose would be better, but high doses are accompanied by unwanted side effects, including nausea and stomach upset.",
"Curcumin: SIDE EFFECTS and WARNINGS NOTE: for more recent posts, please scroll down. I have been taking eight grams of curcumin for almost 4 years (=in January 2010), and can report no harmful side effects.",
"Turmeric (Curcumin) Try this supplement for you arthritic pain and stomach problems. The herb is safe to use so there are no dangers or major concerns for most people. Start with 500 mg once or twice daily and increase to four times daily as needed.",
"We hypothesised that curcumin would be effective for the treatment of depressive symptoms in individuals with major depressive disorder. METHODS: In a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 56 individuals with major depressive disorder were treated with curcumin (500 mg twice daily) or placebo for 8 weeks.The primary measure was the Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology self-rated version (IDS-SR30).urcumin for the treatment of major depression: a randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled study. Lopresti AL(1), Maes M(2), Maker GL(3), Hood SD(4), Drummond PD(5).",
"The turmeric supplement I take, Nutrigold's Turmeric Curcumin Gold, contains 500mg of turmeric per capsule. To avoid side effects of turmeric, don't take more than 3 to 4 capsules of supplements like this one per day based on NIH recommended dosages. The dose shown on the label is 1 to 3 capsules per day.",
"One of the major problems with curcumin is perceived to be the bioavailability. How curcumin should be delivered in vivo, how bioavailable is it, how well curcumin is absorbed and how it is metabolized, is the focus of this review. Various formulations of curcumin that are currently available are also discussed.",
"Curcumin is 25 times more concentrated than any turmeric supplement. Each Super Curcumin Caplet contains 1000 mg of 95% Curcuminoids with 5 mg Bioperine (piperine) Highest Dosage to provide Fast acting, Long lasting, Bio-available Curcumin Supplement.",
"meat products, fish and fish products, eggs and eggs products, spices, soups, sauces and protein products, foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses,beverages, ready-to-eat savouries and composite foods. Use levels of curcumin are in the range from 5 to 500 mg/kg depending on the food category.",
"year, the testing company ConsumerLab.com found that 20 percent of curcumin and turmeric supplements it tested failed the company's quality review. And the cost of getting the amount of curcumin used in this study would range from 39 cents to $1.50 per day, depending on ...ome patients have benefit with one hour or less stimulation per day, and others ... The buoyancy of water makes us lighter â âas much as 50%-70% lighter in chest-deep water ... Osteoarthritis treatment #9: Ginger and turmeric âI eat lots of turmeric root, ginger â anything to help with ...",
"The new findings suggest that curcumins -- the yellow pigment in turmeric -- may be able to ease ... four times a day, starting three days before their surgery and continuing for five days afterward ... and Indian medicine, can be bought over-the-counter for about a dollar per day for the ...For example, curcumin â found in turmeric, the herb used ... Or you can opt for 1,000 milligrams (mg) to 1,200 mg of fish oil supplements per day, says Alpana Gowda, MD, co-author of The ... âIf your body isn't used to regular exercise, the pain can flare for a couple of days, and you ...",
"A single one-hour infusion of 800 mg/M2 (Cmax 400 ug/mL) liposomal curcumin was followed by irreversible hemolysis and life threatening anemia6. Extrapolating to humans from the dog, Cmax in the blood should not surpass Cmax 200 ug/ml (following 300 mg/M2) to avoid hemolysis.",
"20 were treated with 1000 mg of curcumin alone, 20 were treated with Prozac, and 20 were given both. 77.8 percent responded to curcumin/Prozac treatment, 64.7 percent responded to the Prozac treatment, and 62.5 percent responded to the curcumin treatment.0 were treated with 1000 mg of curcumin alone, 20 were treated with Prozac, and 20 were given both. 77.8 percent responded to curcumin/Prozac treatment, 64.7 percent responded to the Prozac treatment, and 62.5 percent responded to the curcumin treatment.",
"There are varying opinions as to the dosage and confusion between the active ingredient curcumin and turmeric doses. For these amounts, a few good grinds of pepper is sufficient (roughly 1/16 tsp. per 3 g. turmeric). Itâs not rocket science so donât worry about exactness. If you are just starting out with turmeric powder, try 1/4 tsp. twice a day for several days before increasing to the suggested dose.",
"However, if you want to estimate how much curcumin is in solution, you could purchase pure curcumin from a health store and make several solutions of it at different concentrations. Then you could compare the color of your unknown to the color of the solutions at different concentrations.'m also going to assume you want to end up with something that is food safe. If you want to extract curcumin from turmeric, you can soak ground turmeric in 99% ethanol for a day or two.",
"Tumeric powder is only 2% curcumin. So, in order to have 8 grams of curcumin, you will have to have a bucketful of tumeric powder everyday. Regarding curcumin capsules that already has pepper component included, I noticed they are considerably more expensive.s ReWriter is doing, cook at least once a day with turmeric in a little olive oil and add a dash of pepper. Then sautee whatever you are eating in it. Take a capsule (with or without bioperine) of 400 to 500 mgs of curcumin three times a day, with meals."
] |
what is a lecturn | [
"A lectern (from the Latin lectus, past participle of legere, to read) is a reading desk, with a slanted top, usually placed on a stand or affixed to some other form of support, on which documents or books are placed as support for reading aloud, as in a scripture reading, lecture, or sermon.n a church, the lectern is usually the stand on which the Bible rests and from which the lessons (reading from Scripture) are read during the service. The lessons may be read or chanted by a priest, deacon, minister, or layperson, depending upon the liturgical traditions of the community."
] | [
"âNocturneâ was a term that was normally applied to certain types of musical compositions before James Abbott McNeill Whistler (1834â1903), inspired by the language of music, began using the word within the titles of many of his works, such as Nocturne in Blue and Silver (1871), in the collection of the Tate Gallery, London, United Kingdom.",
"Pectin (from Ancient Greek: ÏηκÏικÏÏ pÄktikós, congealed, curdled) is a structural heteropolysaccharide contained in the primary cell walls of terrestrial plants. It was first isolated and described in 1825 by Henri Braconnot.",
"Last reviewed on RxList 6/12/2015. Lupron Injection (leuprolide acetate) is a synthetic gonadotropin-releasing hormone used in men to treat symptoms of prostate cancer, and in women to treat symptoms of endometriosis (overgrowth of uterine lining outside of the uterus) or uterine fibroids.ell your doctor promptly if regular periods continue after 2 months of treatment with leuprolide. Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects.",
"Lepidoptera (/ Ë l É p ɪ Ë d É p t Ér É / lep-i-DOP-tÉr-É) is an order of insects that includes butterflies and moths (both are called lepidopterans). About 180,000 species of the Lepidoptera are described, in 126 families and 46 superfamilies, 10% of the total described species of living organisms.",
"Loctite® Epoxy Plastic Bonder. Loctite Epoxy Plastic Bonder is an acrylic formula that is specially formulated to bond and repair plastic surfaces. The convenient double syringe dispenses equal amounts of each component every time. When mixed in equal volumes, the components react to produce a tough, rigid, high strength bond in 20 to 25 minutes.",
"You can help confirm this entry by contributing facts, media, and other evidence of notability and mutation. âTurntâ, a variation of the word âturned,â is a slang term for the feeling of being excited to participate in a party of other social event often centered around intoxication.",
"LEUKINE® (sargramostim) is a recombinant human granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (rhu GM-CSF) produced by recombinant DNA technology in a yeast (S. cerevisiae) expression system. GM-CSF is a hematopoietic growth factor which stimulates proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic progenitor cells.",
"The work of some researchers indicates that lectins could contribute to gastrointestinal problems, food intolerances and inflammatory and autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, according to Carolyn Pierini, a nutritional consultant and clinical laboratory scientist specializing in medical microbiology.",
"Leptin is a small, hormone-like protein that is also present in colostrum. It can suppress appetite and is involved in regulating the metabolism of fats. Insulin, which is also found in colostrum, and leptin work together. When insulin is present, mature fat cells (adipocytes) in the body release leptin. It is also believed that the size of the fat cells is a major factor in determining how much leptin will be released, small fat cells release more than large fat cells.",
"Lecithin is an additional supplement that supports digestive function following gallbladder removal. Research suggests that this substance keeps cholesterol from solidifying in your body and helps support your digestion of fats.",
"Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (December 2009) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Diurnal motion (Latin diurnus â²dailyâ², from dies â²dayâ²) is an astronomical term referring to the apparent daily motion of stars around the Earth, or more precisely around the two celestial poles.",
"duraplasty[dÅ«â²rÄ-plas-tÄ] Type:Term. Definitions. 1. A reconstructive operation on the open dura mater that involves a primary closure or secondary closure with another soft tissue material (muscle, fascia, allograft dura).",
"Lectins purified are used to determine one's blood type (ABO). Lectins from the castor bean are highly toxic and can kill if ingested in even small amounts. Lectins from kidney beans have been implicated as cause in an outbreak of 'food poisoning' with no known pathogen.",
"The Interim Brigade Combat Team (now Stryker Brigade Combat Team [SBCT]) has been designed as a full spectrum, early entry combat force. The brigade has utility, confirmed through extensive analysis, in all operational environments against all projected future threats, but is optimized primarily for employment in small scale contingencies.",
"here are the objectives of this lesson learn what ado net is understand what a data provider is understand what a connection object is understand what a command object is understand what a datareader object is understand what a dataset object is understand what a dataadapter object is",
"a half-peck apple bag. A peck is an imperial and United States customary unit of dry volume, equivalent to 2 gallons or 8 dry quarts or 16 dry pints (9.09 (UK) or 8.81 (US) liters). Two pecks make a kenning (obsolete), and four pecks make a bushel.",
"What is Hosting? What do these terms mean? What is a Web Server? What does HTTP stand for? What is a Domain Name? What is an IP Address? What is a URL? What does DNS do? What is FTP? What does...",
"I searched the web for a solution to weight loss plateau and that was when I came across BioTrust LeptiBurn. To be perfectly honest, the first thing that caught my eye when I visited the BioTrust official website and caught sight of LeptiBurn was the banner saying that it came with a 1 year money-back guarantee.",
"EarlyReturns is a miles-based program that allows users to accumulate Award Miles to put towards free flights, hotels, rental cars, charity donations, and magazines. In order to redeem a flight within the continental United States, a user must earn at least 10,000 Award Points.",
"Definition of grief for Students. 1 1 : very deep sorrow. 2 2 : a cause of sorrow The dog was nothing but grief to its owner. 3 3 : things that cause problems I've had enough grief for one day. 4 4 : an unfortunate happening The boat came to grief on the rocks.",
"Medical Definition of diurnal. 1 1: having a daily cycle diurnal rhythms. 2 2a: of, relating to, or occurring in the daytime diurnal activityb: chiefly active during the daytime diurnal mosquitoes.",
"Leptospirosis - bacterial disease that affects animals and humans; infection occurs through contact with water, food, or soil contaminated by animal urine; symptoms include high fever, severe headache, vomiting, jaundice, and diarrhea; untreated, the disease can result in kidney damage, liver failure, meningitis, or respiratory distress; fatality rates are low but left untreated recovery can take months.",
"The common abbreviated term for polymorphonuclear (many-shaped nucleus) neutrophil leukocyte, the small phagocytic white cell of the immune system present in enormous numbers in the blood and the tissues.",
"A thunderstorm is a series of sudden electrical discharges resulting from atmospheric conditions. These discharges result in sudden flashes of light and trembling sound waves, commonly known as thunder and lightning. Thunderstorms are associated with convective clouds and are often accompanied by precipitation.",
"Grief is a multifaceted response to loss, particularly to the loss of someone or something that has died, to which a bond or affection was formed. Although conventionally focused on the emotional response to loss, it also has physical, cognitive, behavioral, social, and philosophical dimensions.hile the terms are often used interchangeably, bereavement refers to the state of loss, and grief is the reaction to loss. Grief is a natural response to loss. It is the emotional suffering one feels when something or someone the individual loves is taken away.",
"Related Search Terms: What is a centrifugal pump, What is a sealless pump, What is a chemical pump, What is an industrial pump, What is a petrochemical pump, What is a Run-Dry pump, What is a corrosion-resistant pump, What is a magnetic drive pump, What is a mag drive pump.",
"What is a Child Abuse Pediatrician? What is a Child Neurologist? What is a Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrician? What is a Hospice and Palliative Medicine Pediatrician? What is a Neonatologist? What is a Pediatric Allergist/Immunologist? What is a Pediatric Anesthesiologist? What is a Pediatric Cardiologist? What is a Pediatric Critical Care Specialist?",
"The MBL2 gene provides instructions for making a protein that assembles into a protein complex called mannose-binding lectin. Functional mannose-binding lectins are made up of two to six protein groups called trimers, which are each composed of three of the protein pieces (subunits) produced from the MBL2 gene.he MBL2 gene provides instructions for making a protein that assembles into a protein complex called mannose-binding lectin. Functional mannose-binding lectins are made up of two to six protein groups called trimers, which are each composed of three of the protein pieces (subunits) produced from the MBL2 gene.",
"What does Full Free Lift mean? What forklift truck do I need? What is a cosmetic refurbishment? What is a forklift truck hydraulic accumulator? What is a LOLER or Thorough Examination? What is a sideshift? What is intrusive stacking? What is Kion Baoli's background? What Should I Do If My Forklift Breaks Down?",
"Lecount had done, and felt, with a profound sense of humiliation, that his female enemy had taken him by surprise. Penitence, humiliation, shame, pride, love, and trustfulness - I see them all; and in them all, I see that horror of I don't know what. A frouzy mourning of soot and smoke attired this forlorn creation of Barnard, and it had strewn ashes on its head, and was undergoing penance and humiliation as a mere dust-hole.",
"Monkeys are haplorhine (dry-nosed) primates, a paraphyletic group generally possessing tails and consisting of approximately 260 known living species. Many monkey species are tree-dwelling (arboreal), although there are species that live primarily on the ground, such as baboons.Most species are also active during the day (diurnal). Monkeys are generally considered to be intelligent, particularly Old World monkeys.Lemurs, lorises, and galagos are not monkeys; instead they are strepsirrhine (wet-nosed) primates. Like monkeys, tarsiers are haplorhine primates; however, they are also not monkeys.onkeys are generally considered to be intelligent, particularly Old World monkeys. Lemurs, lorises, and galagos are not monkeys; instead they are strepsirrhine (wet-nosed) primates. Like monkeys, tarsiers are haplorhine primates; however, they are also not monkeys.",
"When this happens, now the lectins are free to bind to any tissue throughout the body (kidneys, liver, pancreas, etc). Our bodyâs response to these attacks is to then attack the particles and the otherwise healthy tissue. Our body becomes itâs worst enemy, also known as autoimmunity hell.",
"A shibboleth (/ËÊɪbÉËlÉθ, -Élᵻθ/; listen ) is either a saying that people repeatedly cite but which is wrong (or thought to be wrong by some), or a word or custom whose variations in pronunciation or style are used to distinguish members of ingroups from those of outgroups, with an implicit value judgment based on familiarity with the shibboleth.",
"lech, lecher, satyr. degenerate, deviant, deviate, pervert - a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior",
"Last reviewed on RxList 6/12/2015. Lupron Injection (leuprolide acetate) is a synthetic gonadotropin-releasing hormone used in men to treat symptoms of prostate cancer, and in women to treat symptoms of endometriosis (overgrowth of uterine lining outside of the uterus) or uterine fibroids.ast reviewed on RxList 6/12/2015. Lupron Injection (leuprolide acetate) is a synthetic gonadotropin-releasing hormone used in men to treat symptoms of prostate cancer, and in women to treat symptoms of endometriosis (overgrowth of uterine lining outside of the uterus) or uterine fibroids.",
"Prolactin (PRL), also known as luteotropic hormone or luteotropin, is a protein that in humans is best known for its role in enabling female mammals to produce milk; however, it is influential over a large number of functions with over 300 separate actions of PRL having been reported in various vertebrates.rolactin provides the body with sexual gratification after sexual acts: The hormone counteracts the effect of dopamine, which is responsible for sexual arousal. This is thought to cause the sexual refractory period. The amount of prolactin can be an indicator for the amount of sexual satisfaction and relaxation.",
"Overview. Mannose-binding lectin protein (MBL) deficiency is a complement component deficiency that alters the function of the body's immune system. This condition usually causes frequent and sometimes severe infections in infants and young children.annose-binding lectin protein (MBL) deficiency is a complement component deficiency that alters the function of the body's immune system. This condition usually causes frequent and sometimes severe infections in infants and young children.",
"The Stryker brigade combat team (SBCT) is a full-spectrum combat force that provides division, corps, or joint task force commanders a unique capability across the spectrum of conflict. The SBCT balances lethality, mobility, and survivability against the requirements for rapid strategic deployability.",
"Noun[edit] lectern â(plural lecterns) A stand with a slanted top used to support a bible from which passages are read during a church service.",
"overview of the stryker brigade combat team The Stryker brigade combat team (SBCT) is a full-spectrum combat force that provides division, corps, or joint task force commanders a unique capability across the spectrum of conflict. The SBCT balances lethality, mobility, and survivability against the requirements for rapid strategic deployability.",
"Prolactin (PRL), also known as luteotropic hormone or luteotropin, is a protein that in humans is best known for its role in enabling mammals, usually females, to produce milk. It is influential in over 300 separate processes in various vertebrates.",
"Punts and passengers in Cambridge, UK. A punt is a flat-bottomed boat with a square-cut bow, designed for use in small rivers or other shallow water. Punting refers to boating in a punt. The punter generally propels the punt by pushing against the river bed with a pole.",
"The name lemniscate is sometimes given to any crunodal quartic curve having only one real finite branch which is symmetric about the axis. The expression (ab) 4 properly appertains to a quartic; for a quadratic it may also be written (ab) 2 (cd) 2, and would denote the square of the discriminant to a factor pres.",
"Latin Entymology of Legal Terms; Link Room; PREMIUM ROOMS. Legal Forms; Legal Articles; Legal Questions; MISC BUSHWAH. Ralf's Amazing Library Tour; The 'Lectric Looker-Upper; Our Privacy Policy; Contact Info; Lectlaw Blog",
"lech, lecher, satyr degenerate, deviant, deviate, pervert - a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior Want to thank TFD for its existence?",
"C-Type Lectin Receptors - Review 2012 C-type lectin receptors (CLRs) comprise a large family of receptors that bind to carbohydrates in a calcium-dependent manner.",
"(PHA) (fÄ«'tÅ-hÄ'mÄ-glÅ«'ti-nin) A phytomitogen from plants that agglutinates red blood cells. Commonly used specifically for the lectin obtained from the red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), which is also a mitogen. Synonym(s): phytolectin, phytohaemagglutinin.",
"In the early church of the 200s, some Christians chose to withdraw and seek God in the desert as a way of life. They lived an austere and simple existence, and it was in the desert that the ancient practice of lectio divina (Latin for âdivine readingâ) began.atch for the next post in this series later this month! In the meantime, you can read more of Brianâs writing in Passages, or follow his work at Daily Audio Bible. You can keep up with him each day at his blog, Twitter feed, or Facebook or G+ pages.",
"A rosz szomszed (The Bad Neighbour), by Charles Vadnay (1878), is a felicitous representation of the power of love. She is the subject of a beautiful poem by Longfellow, Santa Filomena, and the popular estimate of her character and mission was summed up in a particularly felicitous anagram, Flit on, cheering angel.",
"Prolactin (PRL), also known as luteotropic hormone or luteotropin, is a protein that in humans is best known for its role in enabling female mammals to produce milk; however, it is influential over a large number of functions with over 300 separate actions of PRL having been reported in various vertebrates.rolactin is secreted from the pituitary gland in response to eating, mating, estrogen treatment, ovulation, and nursing. Prolactin is secreted in a pulsatile fashion in between these events. Prolactin also plays an essential role in metabolism, regulation of the immune system, and pancreatic development."
] |
north east, md population | [
"North East, MD Profile. North East, MD, population 2,872, is located in Maryland's Cecil county, about 41.7 miles from Baltimore and 48.0 miles from Philadelphia. Through the 90's North East's population has grown by about 43%. It is estimated that in the first 5 years of the past decade the population of North East has grown by about 3%."
] | [
"Cecil County is an area in Cecil County, Eastern Shore, Maryland with a population of 101,802. There are 50,855 male residents living in Cecil County and 50,947 female residents. The total number of households is 37,789 with 2.65 people per household on average. Total household expenditures in Cecil County are above the national average. The median age of the current population is 38.12 with 37,555 people being married and 30,874 being single. The employment numbers show that there are 64% white collar employees and 36% blue collar employees in Cecil County.",
"Between 2000 and 2010, Maryland's population gained 477,066 persons, an increase of 9%. Southern Maryland grew the fastest with an increase of 21% for the region overall, led by St. Mary's County at 22%. In 2000, Maryland ranked 19th in the nation in population.",
"Coordinates: 39°24â²N 76°36â²W / 39.400°N 76.600°W / 39.400; -76.600. Baltimore County is a county located in the northern part of the U.S. state of Maryland. As of 2015, the county's estimated population stood at 831,128, making it the third-most populous county in Maryland. Its county seat is in Towson, in the north-central section just north of the adjacent City of Baltimore.",
"GeoFacts for Laurel, MD. Laurel, MD, is a city located in the central part of Maryland. Cities Neighboring Laurel, MD. The following Cities are next to Laurel, MD: South Laurel is 2.6 miles south of Laurel, MD. Maryland City is 3.1 miles east of Laurel, MD. North Laurel is 2.4 miles north of Laurel, MD.",
"East Point, GA Population and Races. As of 2010-2014, the total population of East Point is 35,070, which is 11.43% less than it was in 2000. The population growth rate is much lower than the state average rate of 21.03% and is much lower than the national average rate of 11.61%.",
"Current North East, Maryland Population, Demographics and stats in 2016, 2015.",
"Figure 3 compares the population change from 2010 to 2016 and we can see North East shows an increase of 54 (2%). The population percent change for all areas for 2010 to 2016 is shown in Figure 4 and for North East shows it has 1.5% Population Change which is the 4th in Population Change out of 10 total in the area.",
"Baltimore County is a county located in the northern part of the U.S. state of Maryland. As of 2015, the county's estimated population stood at 831,128, making it the third-most populous county in Maryland. Its county seat is in Towson, in the north-central section just north of the adjacent City of Baltimore.",
"The 2016 Hagerstown, Maryland, population is 40,432. There are 3,324 people per square mile (population density). The median age is 33.5. The US median is 37.4. 43.46% of people in Hagerstown, Maryland, are married. 13.65% are divorced.",
"Between 2000 and 2010, Maryland's population gained 477,066 persons, an increase of 9%. Southern Maryland grew the fastest with an increase of 21% for the region overall, led by St. Mary's County at 22%. In 2000, Maryland ranked 19th in the nation in population. With 529.1 persons per square land mile in 1999, it ranked 6th in population density among states (including the District of Columbia).",
"3pm: The North East, MD forecast for Feb 01 is 46 degrees and Partly cloudy. There is 58 percentage chance of rain and 9 mph winds from the South-Southwest. 6pm: The North East, MD forecast for Feb 01 is 43 degrees and Cloudy. There is 68 percentage chance of rain and 6 mph winds from the South-Southwest. 9pm: The North East, MD forecast for Feb 01 is 41 degrees and Moderate rain.",
"North East Township. Our Township was established in 1802 and as of. the 2010 Census our Population is approximately 6,315. We are located in the heart of the largest concord grape growing. industry in the world. This has had a positive impact on our.",
"According to the federal 2010 census, Maryland has a population of 5,773,552. As of the 2010 census, Montgomery County was the most populated county in Maryland, with 971,777 residents, followed by Prince George's County (863,420), and Baltimore County (805,029). Kent County was the least populated, with 20,197 residents.",
"The 2016 population of North Oak Cliff is estimated to be 73,206. Thatâs a change of +4.8% in the last five years. Over the next five years, the population is projected to change by +4.5%.",
"Population Demographics for North East, Maryland in 2016 and 2015.",
"Total population in North Lynnwood ; Total Population: 16,574; Male Population: 8,225; Female Population: 8,349",
"Welcome to NorthHanoverTwp.com B. The Official North Hanover Township Government Website. The North Hanover Municipal Building is located at 41 Schoolhouse Rd., Jacobstown, NJ 08562. Directions. North Hanover Township has a total area of 17.423 square miles with a population of approximately 7,680 people.",
"Linthicum is a census-designated place (CDP) and unincorporated community in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, United States. The population was 10,324 at the 2010 census. It is located directly north of Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI).",
"Hourly Forecast Detailed. 1 0am:The North East, MD forecast for Aug 22 is 75 degrees and Fog. There is 93 percentage chance of rain and 6 mph winds from the South. 2 3am:The North East, MD forecast for Aug 22 is 71 degrees and Fog. There is 97 percentage chance of rain and 5 mph winds from the South.",
"Population Demographics for North East, Maryland in 2016 and 2017. Other Counties and Cities in Maryland.",
"For the university, see University of Maryland Eastern Shore. The Eastern Shore of Maryland is a part of the U.S. state of Maryland that lies predominantly on the east side of the Chesapeake Bay and consists of nine counties. As of the 2010 census, its population was 449,226, with just under 8 percent of Marylanders living in the region.",
"Eastham, Massachusetts. Eastham /ËiËsthæm/ is a town in Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States, Barnstable County being coextensive with Cape Cod. The population was 4,956 at the 2010 census. For geographic and demographic information about the village of North Eastham, please see North Eastham, Massachusetts.",
"The United States Census Bureau estimates that the population of Maryland was 6,006,401 on July 1, 2015, a 4.03% increase since the 2010 United States Census. In 2015 Maryland had an estimated population of 6,006,401, which is an increase of 29,994, from the prior year and an increase of 232,849, or 4.03% percent, since 2010.",
"East Carroll Parish, Louisiana. East Carroll Parish (French: Paroisse de Carroll Est) is a parish located in the U.S. state of Louisiana. As of the 2010 census, the population was 7,759. The parish seat is Lake Providence. The original Carroll Parish, before it was divided into East and West segments, was named for Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Maryland, the only Roman Catholic signer of the Declaration of Independence and the last surviving signer of the document. The parish was split in 1877.",
"Visiting North East. North East, Maryland is located at the head of the Chesapeake Bay, on the Northeast River, about 50 miles from Baltimore and Philadelphia. Northeast, settled prior to 1700 and incorporated in 1850, is rich in history.",
"Prince Georgeâs County is a county in the U.S. state of Maryland, bordering the eastern portion of Washington, D.C. As of the 2010 U.S. Census, the population was 863,420, making it the second-most populous county in Maryland. Its county seat is Upper Marlboro.",
"Most / Least Educated Cities in MD. As of 2010-2014, the total population of Bowie is 56,335, which is 12.07% more than it was in 2000. The population growth rate is higher than the state average rate of 11.16% and is about the same as the national average rate of 11.61%.",
"Main Street in downtown North East offers a selection of antique shops, stores, and restaurants. St. Mary Anneâs Episcopal Church dates back to the 1700âs and the adjacent cemetery is one of the oldest in Maryland. The North East Community Park is a nice place to enjoy a quite walk and scenic views.",
"Current North East, Maryland Population, Demographics and stats in 2016, 2017.",
"Kent County was the least populated, with 20,197 residents. Between 2000 and 2010, Maryland's population gained 477,066 persons, an increase of 9%. Southern Maryland grew the fastest with an increase of 21% for the region overall, led by St. Mary's County at 22%. In 2000, Maryland ranked 19th in the nation in population. With 529.1 persons per square land mile in 1999, it ranked 6th in population density among states (including the District of Columbia).",
"East Northport, NY. Sponsored Topics. East Northport is a hamlet and census-designated place (CDP) in the Town of Huntington in Suffolk County, New York, United States. The population was 20,845 at the 2000 census. Soon after the establishment of a village in the Huntington area, English settlers sought to further expand their territory.",
"IEA definition of Middle East Middle East consists of as Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. According to this definition, Middle East has a population of 218 million in 2013, i.e. 3.05% of the total world population (7.2 billion) in 2013. See also. Demographics of the Arab League; List of Middle Eastern countries by population; References",
"Cities with similar population. Source: The North East, MD weather data displayed above is derived from the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric). Air quality and pollution data is derived from the EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency).",
"Eastern Shore of Maryland. Maryland Eastern Shore redirects here. For the university, see University of Maryland Eastern Shore. The Eastern Shore of Maryland is a part of the U.S. state of Maryland that lies predominantly on the east side of the Chesapeake Bay and consists of nine counties. As of the 2010 census, its population was 449,226, with just under 8 percent of Marylanders living in the region.",
"With a net increase of 1,000 people, Washington County ranks first in Maryland for the largest total migration increase according to the U.S. Census Bureau 2007 Statistics. The population of the county is 147,430 and is projected to grow to 169,300 by 2020, according to the Maryland Department of Planning.",
"Most / Least Educated Cities in GA. As of 2010-2014, the total population of East Point is 35,070, which is 11.43% less than it was in 2000. The population growth rate is much lower than the state average rate of 21.03% and is much lower than the national average rate of 11.61%.",
"north east md weather copyright © 2018 Weather for North East, MD - North East, MD 21901 Weather, Current Weather in North East, MD. Local weather report for North East, MD, Local North East, MD 21901 weather. Forecast for North East, Maryland, North East, MD weather forecast. Find your local North East weather forecast. North East, MD weather conditions. Weather outlook for North East, MD. Weather report for North East, MD. Weather Maps and Driving Directions north east md weather.",
"Between 2000 and 2010, Maryland's population gained 477,066 persons, an increase of 9%. Southern Maryland grew the fastest with an increase of 21% for the region overall, led by St. Mary's County at 22%.",
"East Northport's population exploded as a housing boom transformed the rural farmland into modern suburbs. Today East Northport is the largest community in the town of Huntington, by land area, and third in population behind Huntington Station and Dix Hills.",
"The Town of North East is located within District 5, North East, a minor civil division (MCD) of Cecil County. Beneath the boundary map are tables with North East population, income and housing data, five-year growth projections and peer comparisons for key demographic data. The estimates are for July 1, 2017.",
"North Laurel is a census-designated place (CDP) in Howard County, Maryland, United States.",
"East Northport, New York. East Northport is a hamlet and census-designated place (CDP) in the town of Huntington in Suffolk County, New York, United States. The population was 20,217 at the 2010 census.",
"Cecil County is an area in Cecil County, Eastern Shore, Maryland with a population of 101,802. There are 50,855 male residents living in Cecil County and 50,947 female residents. The total number of households is 37,789 with 2.65 people per household on average. Total household expenditures in Cecil County are above the national average. The median age of the current population is 38.12 with 37,555 people being married and 30,874 being single. The employment numbers show that there are 64% white collar employees and 36% blue collar employees in Cecil County.",
"East New Market is located in Dorchester County, MD. The population is 370, making East New Market the 5th largest city in Dorchester County. There are 0 public schools in East New Market with an average Homefacts rating of NA.",
"According to the federal 2010 census, Maryland has a population of 5,773,552. As of the 2010 census, Montgomery County was the most populated county in Maryland, with 971,777 residents, followed by Prince George's County (863,420), and Baltimore County (805,029). Kent County was the least populated, with 20,197 residents. Between 2000 and 2010, Maryland's population gained 477,066 persons, an increase of 9%. Southern Maryland grew the fastest with an increase of 21% for the region overall, led by St. Mary's County at 22%. In 2000, Maryland ranked 19th in the nation in population. With 529.1 persons per square land mile in 1999, it ranked 6th in population density among states (including the District of Columbia). Population Growth Rates From 1990 to 2000, Maryland population grew by 10.8%, a gain of 515,733 persons.",
"The population was 41,567 at the 2010 census. The community lies to the west of Baltimore along the city's border. Catonsville is dominated economically and demographically by the presence of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), a major public research university with close to 14,000 students.",
"Comparing Population Change to the United States average of 3.2%, North East is approximately half the size. Also, compared with the state of Maryland, Population Change of 3.2%, North East is approximately half the size.",
"The North East population density is 1,758.93 people per square mile, which is much higher than the state average density of 474.59 people per square mile and is much higher than the national average density of 82.73 people per square mile. The most prevalent race in North East is white, which represent 88.10% of the total population. The average North East education level is lower than the state average and is lower than the national average.",
"North Laurel, Maryland. North Laurel is a census-designated place (CDP) in Howard County, Maryland, United States. The published population was 4,474 at the 2010 census. This population was substantially less than the CDP's population in 2000, and was the result of an error in defining the boundary prior to tabulation and publication of 2010 Census results.",
"The population was 39,820 at the 2000 census. Catonsville is bordered by Woodlawn to the north, by Baltimore to the east, by Elkridge to the south, and by Ellicott City to its west. Catonsville is the home of University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), a public research university with over 12,000 students.",
"The 2016 Odenton, Maryland, population is 38,787. There are 2,626 people per square mile (population density).",
"East Northport is a hamlet and census-designated place (CDP) in the town of Huntington in Suffolk County, New York, United States. The population was 20,217 at the 2010 census.",
"Kent County was the least populated, with 20,197 residents. Between 2000 and 2010, Maryland's population gained 477,066 persons, an increase of 9%. Southern Maryland grew the fastest with an increase of 21% for the region overall, led by St. Mary's County at 22%. In 2000, Maryland ranked 19th in the nation in population.",
"North City is a village in Franklin County, Illinois, United States. As of the 2010 census the population was 608.",
"Middle Schools. High Schools. Dorchester County, Maryland, with a population of 29,300, is the Eastern Shore's largest county with 593 square miles of land and 108 square miles of water. While the county is home to more than 750 businesses, it is also rich in recreational facilities and natural resources.",
"North York is a former municipality in the city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Geographically, it comprises the central part of the northern section of Toronto. As of the 2011 Census, it had a population of 655,913. The official 2001 census count was 608,288.",
"Prince Georgeâs County is a county in the U.S. state of Maryland, bordering the eastern portion of Washington, D.C. As of the 2010 U.S. Census, the population was 863,420, making it the second-most populous county in Maryland. Its county seat is Upper Marlboro. Prince Georgeâs County is included in the Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV Metropolitan Statistical Area.",
"North Windham, Maine. North Windham is a census-designated place (CDP) within the town of Windham in Cumberland County, Maine, United States. The population was 4,904 at the 2010 census. It is part of the PortlandâSouth PortlandâBiddeford, Maine Metropolitan Statistical Area.",
"Nearest cities: Edmonston, MD (0.9 miles ), University Park, MD (1.0 miles ), East Riverdale, MD (1.0 miles ), Hyattsville, MD (1.1 miles ), Bladensburg, MD (1.2 miles ), North Brentwood, MD (1.3 miles ), Brentwood, MD (1.4 miles ), Highland, MD (1.5 miles ).",
"The 2016 East Hemet, California, population is 18,188. There are 3,489 people per square mile (population density).",
"North East, Maryland 21901 View Profile Email Change is hard, though good intentions may be there, they usually don't result in long lasting change in our behavior.",
"Not to be confused with New Market, Maryland. East New Market is a town located in Dorchester County, Maryland. The population was 400 at the 2010 census. The ZIP code is 21631.",
"9am: The North East, MD forecast for Feb 10 is 40 degrees and Partly cloudy. There is 95 percentage chance of rain and 2 mph winds from the South-Southwest. 12am: The North East, MD forecast for Feb 10 is 45 degrees and Cloudy. There is 89 percentage chance of rain and 3 mph winds from the South-Southwest. 3pm: The North East, MD forecast for Feb 10 is 45 degrees and Patchy light drizzle. There is 86 percentage chance of rain and 3 mph winds from the South-Southwest. 6pm: The North East, MD forecast for Feb 10 is 44 degrees and Light rain.",
"North East High is ranked 54th within Maryland. Students have the opportunity to take Advanced Placement® course work and exams. The AP® participation rate at North East High is 34 percent. The student body makeup is 50 percent male and 50 percent female, and the total minority enrollment is 15 percent. North East High is 1 of 5 high schools in the Cecil County Public Schools.",
"Howard County is a county located in the central part of the U.S. state of Maryland. As of the 2010 census, the population was 287,085. Its county seat is Ellicott City."
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how many calaries is diet coke | [
"Diet coke has 0 calories. There are under 10 calories in a 2litre bottle."
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"Claim: Diet Coke (or Diet Pepsi) contains more calories than claimed, but the company gets away with the deception by paying a yearly fine. Examples: Origins: How long this particular belief about low-calorie sodas has been around is anyone's guess, but we have recorded sightings of it dating back to 1990. We've encountered claims of Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, or Pepsi One (which are listed as containing zero, zero, and one calories per.",
"Euromonitor said that between 2007 and 2012, sales of Diet Coke declined in France and the US, but sales of Coke Zero increased. Which coke should you buy? One can of normal Coca-Cola contains 35g of sugars, or 39 per cent of your recommended daily allowance. Both Diet Coke and and Coke Zero contain no sugars at all, but they contain artificial sweeteners such as aspartame.",
"It is a low-calorie (0.3 kcal per 100ml) variation of Coca-Cola specifically marketed to men, who were shown to associate diet drinks with women.It is marketed as having a taste that is indistinguishable from standard Coca-Cola, as opposed to Diet Coke which has a different flavor profile.t is a low-calorie (0.3 kcal per 100ml) variation of Coca-Cola specifically marketed to men, who were shown to associate diet drinks with women.",
"Coca-Cola, Diet Coke and Coke Zero logos are also giving way to group names like âFamilyâ and âFriendsâ on 1.25- and 2-liter bottles, and 12-oz. cans feature nicknames like âBFF,â âStar,â âBestie,â âLegend,â âGrillmaster,â âBuddyâ and âWingman.â.",
"You may drink Diet Coke for the energy boost its caffeine provides, but caffeine can cause harm in some cases. A 12-ounce can of Diet Coke contains 47 milligrams of caffeine -- a moderate amount for most people.",
"Aspartame, which is an artificial sweetener, is also present in Pepsi Max at 77mg. Meanwhile, Diet Pepsi is an older variant introduced in 1964 in the United States. It is branded as a âzero calorie, zero carbohydratesâ cola. Its variants include: Diet Pepsi Lime Twist, Diet Pepsi Lemon Twist, Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi. Compared to Pepsi Max, a 7.5 fl.oz bottle/can of Diet Pepsi contains a lower amount of caffeine at 22mg.",
"The Rum Dictates Your Calories. Diet Coke does not have any calories, regardless of the amount you add to your rum and cola drink. The calories you consume in the beverage are entirely from the variety of Captain Morgan rum you choose. A 1.5-ounce serving of Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum has 86 calories, while the Captain Morgan Caribbean White variety contains 98 calories per 1.5-ounce serving. The 100 Proof line, which contains the highest alcohol by volume percentage of any Captain Morgan product, has 122 calories per serving.",
"Bacardi Rum - Bacardi Rum & Diet Coke. *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.",
"When you're counting calories, remember to include your drink and to check its serving size. This list gives you an idea of how many calories are in various drinks. The exact numbers may vary between brands. Soda. Serving: 12 ounces. Calories: 124-189. Diet soda. Serving: 12 ounces.",
"A 330ml can of Coca-Cola Life will now contain 76 calories and 19 grams of sugar. The new recipe will replace the current version from April, and, based on 2015 sales data, will potentially remove more than 800 million calories from the nationâs diet.",
"There are 240 calories in a 1 bottle serving of Coca-Cola Coca-Cola Classic (20 oz). Calorie breakdown: 0% fat, 100% carbs, 0% protein.",
"Not only are most of the beverages high in sugar and calories, but we also have a habit of drinking them mindlessly. The calories in Coke, for example, are fairly straightforward if you drink a single can. There are 140 calories and 39 grams of sugar in a single 12-ounce serving. That means Coca-cola provides about 12 calories per ounce.",
"Here are the foods from our food nutrition database that were used for the nutrition calculations of this recipe. Calories per serving of Diet Coke Chicken. 37 calories of Chicken Breast (cooked), no skin, roasted, (0.13 breast, bone and skin removed). 18 calories of Salsa, (0.25 cup). 0 calories of Diet Coke, (3 oz).",
"Calories in cherry coke In Coca-Cola Company cherry coke there are: 104 calories in 8 oz can or bottle154 calories in a 12 oz can 260 calories in one 20 oz bottle1 calorie in⦠an 8 oz diet cherry coke. Making the world better, one answer at a time.",
"Diet Coke, also known as Coca-Cola light in some markets, is a sugar- and calorie-free soft drink. It was first introduced in the United States on August 9, 1982, as the first new brand since 1886 to use the Coca-Cola Trademark.",
"Besides the difference in taste between diet coke and coke zero, diet coke has 30% more caffeine (3.8 mg / oz vs 2.9 mg / oz): http://www.energyfiend.com/the-c...",
"If you use diet coke then the calories drop to 56 80 proof vodka contains 40% alcohol 1 gram of alcohol has 7 caâ¦lories (7 calories per gram) 1 shot is about 45 milliliters by volume A shot of 80 proof vodka would consist of 18 milliliters of alcohol (40%) and 27 milliliters of water (60%) 1 ml of alcohol weighs .8 grams 1 shot would contain about ...",
"Cola always seems to be the face of this sugary beverage enemy, but Coke and Pepsi are only the beginning. A 12-ounce can of Coca Cola clocks in at 140 calories, and the same size Pepsi has 150. But a can or bottle of these 11 sugary drinks has even more. Click through the slideshow below, and tell us in the comments what else should be added to the list.",
"A typical can of Coca-Cola (12 fl ounces/355 ml) contains 38 grams of sugar (usually in the form of HFCS), 50 mg of sodium, 0 grams fat, 0 grams potassium, and 140 calories. On May 5, 2014, Coca-Cola said it is working to remove a controversial ingredient, brominated vegetable oil, from all of its drinks.",
"The Big Mac meal contains 1,130 calories with a Coca-Cola Classic and 920 calories with a Diet Coke. The meal also includes 1,325 mg of sodium, which is almost a full day of the recommended sodium level for good health -- 1,500 mg to 2,300 mg -- according to MayoClinic.com.",
"There are 170 calories per 12-ounce can of this sweet drink. A 12-ounce can clocks in at 150 calories, more than a can of Coke and the same as a can of Pepsi. Even the small size of this frozen concoction from the coffee chain is a diet danger, with 230 calories in 16 ounces.",
"Diet Mountain Dew contains 36 mg per 8 oz., while Diet Coke has 24 mg. One cup of coffee contains between 60 and 80 mg of caffeine. Those with sensitivity to caffeine or are trying to maintain low-caffeine or caffeine-free diets are much better off choosing Lipton Diet Green Tea with Citrus over a soda or coffee.Bottom LineYes, Lipton Diet ... more.",
"How Many Calories in Bacardi and Diet Coke Tweet View calories and nutrition info per 1 Single/275ml of Bacardi and Diet Coke and see how many calories are in 100ml of Bacardi and Diet Coke and its nutrition information. Bacardi and Diet Coke Calories and Nutrition per Serving (1 Serving=1 Single/275ml)",
"A 12-ounce can clocks in at 150 calories, more than a can of Coke and the same as a can of Pepsi. Photo from Amazon.com. Dunkin' Donuts Strawberry Coolatta. Flickr: ReneS. Even the small size of this frozen concoction from the coffee chain is a diet danger, with 230 calories in 16 ounces. 12-ounce can of Coca Cola clocks in at 140 calories, and the same size Pepsi has 150. But a can or bottle of these 11 sugary drinks has even more.",
"1000 Calorie Diet Sample Menu. Drinks throughout the day can include water, black tea and/or coffee without sugar and negligible calorie carbonated drinks such as Diet Coke. This menu provides 1000 calories, 60g protein, 145g carbohydrate, 21g fat.",
"Cola always seems to be the face of this sugary beverage enemy, but Coke and Pepsi are only the beginning. A 12-ounce can of Coca Cola clocks in at 140 calories, and the same size Pepsi has 150. But a can or bottle of these 11 sugary drinks has even more.Click through the slideshow below, and tell us in the comments what else should be added to the list. 12-ounce can of Coca Cola clocks in at 140 calories, and the same size Pepsi has 150. But a can or bottle of these 11 sugary drinks has even more.",
"1 to 10 of 12050 for Jack in the Box Coke (Large) Coke (Large) (Jack in the Box) Per 1 serving - Calories: 499kcal | Fat: 0.00g | Carbs: 137.00g | Protein: 0.00g Nutrition Facts - Similar Diet Coke (20 fl oz) (Jack in the Box)",
"However, given that the formula has always remained secret-this may simply be an embellishment. The Diet Coke range actually contains about 32% more caffeine than the standard coke formula. Coca-Cola Blak had the highest amount of caffeine of any coca-cola drink, but has since been discontinued.oca-Cola Classic contains 2.83 mgs of caffeine per fluid ounce (9.58mg/100 ml).",
"Calories in caffeine free diet coke. There is a caffeine free version of diet coke as well, but this has no extra calories in than the normal version of the diet drink. 1 In a 12 fl oz can of caffeine free diet coke there is just 1 calorie.",
"There are 240 calories in a 1 bottle serving of Coca-Cola Coca-Cola Classic (20 oz). Calorie breakdown: 0% fat, 100% carbs, 0% protein.dditional Description/Notes: Changed calories from 258 to 240, changed sodium from 60 to 75,changed total carbs from 64 to 65. These are the nutritional guidelines as provided by Coca Cola. Do not change unless you check your facts first at the source.",
"How much sugar is there in a glass of Coke? A 12-ounce glass of Coke contains 33 grams, or about 8 teaspoons, of sugar and provides 136 calories. The USDA notes that this value is correct for soda that is poured straight from a can or bottle.",
"A popular variation of coca cola is coke zero, here we show you coke zero calories. 1 In a 12 fl oz can of coke zero there is just the 1 calories. 2 In 1 fl oz of coke zero there are 0 calories. 3 In 25 ml of coke zero there are 0 calories.",
"In fact, a Diet Coke has 47 milligrams -- and the FDA won't allow sodas to have more than that per 12-ounce serving -- so you'd have to drink more than 50 ounces (a little more than four cans of soda) to surpass the recommended caffeine limit.",
"Calories in 7-Eleven Diet Coke BIg Gulp 1.0L (32 oz or 4 cups).",
"Cola always seems to be the face of this sugary beverage enemy, but Coke and Pepsi are only the beginning. A 12-ounce can of Coca Cola clocks in at 140 calories, and the same size Pepsi has 150.",
"If you pick up a 14-ounce bottle of Coke, you will consume 170 calories and 46 grams of sugar. If you drink an 8-ounce can of Pepsi, you will consume 100 calories and 27 grams of sugar. According to health.yahoo.net, we are supposed to limit our sugar intake to 6 percent of our total dayâs calories, which would be 32 grams of sugar. Figure that there are 4 grams of sugar per teaspoon. That means nearly 12 teaspoons of sugar in that bottle of Coke, nearly 7 teaspoons of sugar in the smaller can of Pepsi.",
"Calories in cherry coke In Coca-Cola Company cherry coke there are: 104 calories in 8 oz can or bottle154 calories in a 12 oz can 260 calories in one 20 oz bottle1 calorie in ⦠an 8 oz diet cherry coke.",
"'As Diet Coke has no calories and no recognised ingredients we know it is a cocktail of chemicals that encourage your body to gain and store weight especially on your legs and bottom away from your organs. Diet drinks are not good for your body your health or even as it turns out, for dieting.' When contacted for comment a spokesperson for Coca-Cola told FEMAIL: 'Diet Coke has been enjoyed by millions of people around the world for more than 30 years.",
"Answer Wiki. Yes, about the same as regular Coke (though less than Diet Coke): approximately 34 mg in a regular 12 ounce can. Note that the company does produce a caffeine-free version of Coke Zero. Related Questions.",
"Diet Coke contains 47mg of caffeine per 12 ounces (355ml) as does Diet Coke With Lime. Classic Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Zero, and Coco-Cola Cherry each contain 37mg of caffeine per 12 ounces. The caffeine in soda varies between different brands.",
"Coke Zero is touted as the next step from Diet Coke but closer in taste to the original Coke. Coca-Cola India recently brought its wildly anticipated Zero drink to India amidst much fanfare â Coke Zero is touted as the next step from Diet Coke by the global beverage giant. It is also low-calorie, but closer in taste to the original Coke. To achieve this, Coke has used a different flavoured base (caramel) for Zero, leading to its immense popularity abroad where it was originally launched in 2005. Diet Coke contains 0.2 kcal in a serving of 100 ml, while Coke Zero contains 0.3 kcal.",
"So, letâs see. If you pick up a 14-ounce bottle of Coke, you will consume 170 calories and 46 grams of sugar. If you drink an 8-ounce can of Pepsi, you will consume 100 calories and 27 grams of sugar.",
"How Many Calories in Bacardi and Diet Coke. View calories and nutrition info per 1 Single/275ml of Bacardi and Diet Coke and see how many calories are in 100g of Bacardi and Diet Coke and its nutrition information. Bacardi and Diet Coke Calories and Nutrition per Serving (1 Serving=1 Single/275ml)",
"How many calories in 1 glass of coke? Cola, Coca Cola = 105 calories Coke, Coca Cola 1 Can/330ml = 139 calories http://www.herbalvitality.info/articles/how-many-calories-in-wine-beer.htm.",
"How Many Calories in Bacardi and Diet Coke. Tweet. View calories and nutrition info per 1 Single/275ml of Bacardi and Diet Coke and see how many calories are in 100g of Bacardi and Diet Coke and its nutrition information.",
"The Rum Dictates Your Calories. Diet Coke does not have any calories, regardless of the amount you add to your rum and cola drink. The calories you consume in the beverage are entirely from the variety of Captain Morgan rum you choose.",
"Diet Coke has a pH level of 2.97, more than 10,000 times more acidic than pH neutral water. Erik 9th April 2009 at 6:06 pm Reply I did not notice anything about alcohol, aside from the mention of yeast in beer.",
"If there is the tiniest bit of truth to this rumor, it's that even though sodas such as Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi are advertised as having zero calories, they do have. caloric content from ingredients such as artificial sweeteners, citric acid, and caramel coloring.",
"A can of Coke (12 fl ounces/355 ml) has 39 grams of carbohydrates (all from sugar, approximately 10 teaspoons), 50 mg of sodium, 0 grams fat, 0 grams potassium, and 140 calories.",
"Thatâs more than youâll find in Diet Dr. Pepper (41 mg), Diet Coke (47 mg) or even Mountain Dew (54 mg). So you get all of the pop, with none of the caloriesâand each flavor is sweetened not with aspartame, but with fruit juice or spice.",
"How many calories in Cherry Coke? Calories in cherry coke In Coca-Cola Company cherry coke there are: 104 calories in 8 oz can or bottle154 calories in a 12 oz can 260 calories in one 20 oz bottle1 calorie in⦠an 8 oz diet cherry coke. 5 people found this useful.",
"Tweet. View calories and nutrition info per 1 Single/275ml of Bacardi and Diet Coke and see how many calories are in 100g of Bacardi and Diet Coke and its nutrition information.",
"Cola always seems to be the face of this sugary beverage enemy, but Coke and Pepsi are only the beginning. A 12-ounce can of Coca Cola clocks in at 140 calories, and the same size Pepsi has 150. But a can or bottle of these 11 sugary drinks has even more.",
"Diet Coke and Coke Zero are both popular, no-calorie alternatives to Coca-Cola. Each has its own distinctive flavor and a unique sweetener blend. Both are refreshing, calorie-free cola options â choosing a great tasting no-calorie option just depends on your preference!",
"Related tags: , , , The US version of Coca-Cola Life - which has 60 calories per 8-oz glass bottle (vs 93 cals for 8oz of regular Coke) - is rolling out in 65 Fresh Market stores in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida.",
"But I usually drank Diet coke from McDonalds. No coffee, tea, energy drinks. Just Diet coke. So I am interested in how much caffeine is in a large Diet coke from them. I tried to limit myself to just 1 a day.But would have more when I got home. So the canned amounts are helpful.ut I usually drank Diet coke from McDonalds. No coffee, tea, energy drinks. Just Diet coke. So I am interested in how much caffeine is in a large Diet coke from them. I tried to limit myself to just 1 a day.",
"While it has the same sweeteners as Diet Coke (a blend of aspartame and acesulfame-K), it has a different flavor base, though both are low calorie and zero sugar.. Here are the only differences found in the ingredients: Diet coke has 'food acid 330' where as Zero has 'food acid 331'.",
"Soda and Calories. On average, a can of non-diet cola contains about 135 calories. If you drink three cans a day, you're getting roughly 405 daily calories from soft drinks.A pound of fat equals 3,500 calories, so if all other things in your diet are equal, cutting out soda spares you more than a pound of fat every 10 days.t 155 pounds, you will most likely lose weight eating 1,860 calories per day. This assumes that you exercise, which is also key to losing weight. If you're inactive or have high levels of body fat, subtract a few hundred calories from your calculated total.",
"How many calories in Cherry Coke? Calories in cherry coke In Coca-Cola Company cherry coke there are: 104 calories in 8 oz can or bottle154 calories in a 12 oz can 260 calories in one 20 oz bottle1 calorie in ⦠an 8 oz diet cherry coke. typical glass of 25 ml Scotch whiskey and 100 ml Coca- ⦠Cola will normally contain about 65 calories for the whiskey and about 45 calories for the Coca-Cola, making it about 110 calories in total. 35 ml of Scotch and 90 ml of Coca-Cola is about 120 calories.",
"Cut back on the Diet Cokes if your caffeine consumption is above 200 mg a day, the amount found in approximately two cups of coffee or three to four 12 oz cans of caffeinated soda. And avoid artificial sweeteners as much as you can.urrently, the acceptable daily intake for aspartame is set at 50 mg/kg body weight in the United States, the equivalent of about 20 cans of Diet Coke a day for an adult weighing 165 pounds! (There are 180 mg of aspartame in a 12 oz can of diet soda).",
"by the way, regular tonic water is 10 cals/oz (not that bad, but diet coke is better). Diet tonic water has ZERO calories. Worst case, you can bring a bottle of the diet stuff with you and ask for your shot in a bigger glass so you can do your own mixing.",
"Caffeine is the other draw to these waistline-friendly beverages. Diet Coke contains 46.5 mg of caffeine per can. Drinking more than 500 to 600 mg of caffeine a day (about four to seven cups of coffee or ten cans of Diet Coke), can cause restlessness, anxiety and headaches.Caffeine also acts as a diuretic, which makes Diet Coke potentially dehydrating.urrently, the acceptable daily intake for aspartame is set at 50 mg/kg body weight in the United States, the equivalent of about 20 cans of Diet Coke a day for an adult weighing 165 pounds! (There are 180 mg of aspartame in a 12 oz can of diet soda)."
] |
symbolism lamb of god | [
"Lamb of God (Greek: á¼Î¼Î½á½¸Ï Ïοῦ θεοῦ, amnos tou theou; Latin: Agnus Dei) is a title for Jesus that appears in the Gospel of John. It appears at John 1:29, where John the Baptist sees Jesus and exclaims, Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world..t appears at John 1:29, where John the Baptist sees Jesus and exclaims, Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.."
] | [
"Holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy. Holy is the Lamb, the Lamb of God. Worthy, worthy, worthy, worthy, worthy, worthy. Worthy is the Lamb of God. He who sits high up on the throne, yes. On the right hand of the Father's heart. Oh, surrounded by angels who have fallen on their knees. They're waiting to crown Him. Lord of Lords and King of Kings.",
"(sÄmâ²bÉl) n. 1. a. Something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something invisible: The lamb is a symbol of innocence.",
"sym·bol. n. 1. a. Something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something invisible: The lamb is a symbol of innocence.",
"The overall theme of this worship songâand Easter classicârevolves around the following biblical revelation: In a loud voice they were saying: âWorthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory andâ¦.",
"Worthy is the Lamb. Worthy is the Lamb. You are Holy, Holy, Are you Lord God Almighty. Worthy is the Lamb. Worthy is the Lamb. Amen. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, For our Lord God Almighty Reigns. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, For our Lord God Almighty Reigns. Hallelujah. Holy, Holy, Are you Lord God Almighty.",
"Lambo is a mix between the rugged nature of the well acclaimed character of Rambo and the soft, gentle nature of a lamb. Calling somebody a Lambo is a sign of great repect, and acknowledgement of the person's perfect balance of behaviour.",
"where Jehovah or the Lord is called God of gods from the Divine truth which proceeds from Him, and Lord of lords from the Divine good which is in Him. [3] So in the Revelation:-- The Lamb shall overcome them; for He is Lord of lords, and King of kings (Rev. 17:14).",
"The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb. By Raffaela Fazio Smith, February 15, 2012. Detail from the Ghent altarpiece-The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb by Jan and Hubert van Eyck. The 24-panel altarpiece in the Cathedral of Saint Bavo in Ghent is a masterpiece of Flemish art by the brothers Hubert and Jan van Eyck. Art historian Raffaela Fazio Smith examines the theme of the Christ-Eucharist in the panel of the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb. The panel in question, that of the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb, is part of a 24-panel polyptych in the Cathedral of Saint Bavo in Ghent, Belgium. The work (oil on wood) was begun in c.1420 by Hubert van Eyck and completed by his younger brother Jan van Eyck in 1432.",
"This lamb carries a white pennant-like flag,with a red cross (the meaning is not given but it very likely means Christianity). It sits on top of a book with the seven Apocalyptic seals. This image (lamb plus flag plus book) is considered to be a symbol of Saint John the Baptist.",
"Egyptian lion symbolism conveys wealth represented by the solar energy of gold. Lion Spirit Animal Symbol of Focus and Control Lion brings the symbolic message... to focus on self control, that true strength is the ability to control and master your emotions. Learn to stay centered in your core power, the power stirring deep within your solar plexus.",
"9/24/2012 2:32:42 PM. The Lion and the Lamb. Another song that teaches the truths of scripture. Just as the Father is both Judge and Justifier, so Christ is the Lion of Judah and the Lamb of Salvation! Both concepts which separate our God from all other gods. Looking forward to presenting this by our childrens choir this season.",
"Holy, holy, are you Lord God almighty. Worthy is the lamb. Worthy is the lamb. You are holy, holy. Are you Lord God almighty. Worthy is the lamb. Worthy is the lamb. You are holy, holy, Are you Lord God almighty. Amen. Hallelujah, hallelujah, for our Lord God almighty reign. Hallelujah, hallelujah, for our Lord God almighty reign.",
"The Darling of Heaven crucified. Worthy is the Lamb. Worthy is the Lamb. Thank you for the cross, Lord (thank you) Thank you for the price You paid. Bearing all my sin and shame. In love You came. And gave amazing grace. Thank you for this love, Lord. Thank you for the nail pierced hands.",
"DESIGN ELEMENTS OF THE LAMBORGHINI LOGO. The Lamborghini logo stands for the founderâs zodiac sign- the Taurus (a bull). Ferruccio Lamborghiniâs love of bullfights is depicted in the logo and Lamborghini car models get their names from famous bulls. Shape of the Lamborghini Logo: The logo of Lamborghini represents coat of arms and shows a gold snorting bull on the fore ground. The bull signifies stability, strength and determination.",
"Scripture Reading â Revelation 5. Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise! â Revelation 5:12. Today followers of Jesus will gather to worship the Savior who was slain.",
"Answer: When Jesus is called the Lamb of God in John 1:29 and John 1:36, it is referring to Him as the perfect and ultimate sacrifice for sin.he sacrifice of lambs played a very important role in the Jewish religious life and sacrificial system. When John the Baptist referred to Jesus as the âLamb of God who takes away the sin of the worldâ (John 1:29), the Jews who heard him might have immediately thought of any one of several important sacrifices.",
"The breathtaking refrain climactically rings with affirmation and praise of the Lamb. The musicâs rich texture and expansive phrasing stirringly captures the weight and majesty of the text: âWorthy, worthy, worthy is the Lamb who was slain.â Christ is called the Lamb 23 times in the Book of Revelation.",
"It tells the story of The Ghent Altarpiece (also known as âThe Adoration of the Mystic Lamb,â or simply âThe Mystic Lambâ), a monumental oil painting by the Flemish master Jan van Eyck, currently on display in the cathedral of Saint Bavo, in the city of Ghent.",
"Western symbolism. 1 A reversed pentagram, with two points projecting upwards, is a symbol of evil and attracts sinister forces because it overturns the proper order of things and demonstrates the triumph of matter over spirit. It is the goat of lust attacking the heavens with its horns, a sign execrated by initiates..",
"Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb Lyrics. âThe only reward of those who make war upon Allah, and His messenger, and strive after corruption in the land, will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land.",
"Traditionally, lambs represent innocence. In the Christian Gospels, Jesus Christ is compared to a lamb because he goes meekly to be sacrificed on behalf of humanity. Moreover, lambs, as baby sheep, are connected to the theme of childhood that runs throughout the Songs of Innocence. Line 3: The story of the lamb's making is probably a distant allusion to the creation story in the Book of Genesis in the Bible. 2 Lines 5-6: The lamb is personified as having clothing, which is actually just its wool.",
"Something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something invisible: The lamb is a symbol of innocence.",
"You said it. A lamb is the young offspring of sheep. The term baby lamb may be applied to certain lamb meat in some jurisdictions. That's why God in the Bible *Exodus, had the people bring in a Lamb (being under a year) into their homes on the 10th of Nisan(Aviv).",
"That is the reason why the Ark of the Covenant is important to Masons. Masons believe that the Ark of the Covenant is the reason why Solomon`s temple was built. Masonic Lamb - The lamb is a symbol of innocence and purity. In Ancient Craft Masonry, the Lamb is the symbol of innocence.",
"The altar was made of wood from the acacia tree and overlaid with bronze (usually symbolic of judgment on sin in the Bible), measuring 7.5 feet on all four sides and 4.5 feet deep.is blood was sprinkled and poured out at the cross for us. The Bible says much about this: Horns were a symbol power and strength in biblical times. When the sacrifice was made, blood was dabbed on the horns of the altar, signifying the power of the blood to atone for sins.",
"'The Lamb' is a short poem written by William Blake, an English poet who lived from 1757 to 1827 and wrote at the beginning of the Romantic movement. This movement centered on human spirituality and expressiveness with a focus on nature.",
"The Christiam cross is an example of symbolism. noun. Symbolism is the practice of giving special meaning to objects, things, relationships or events. An example of symbolism is Christians making the cross a representation of Jesus. the representation of things by use of symbols, esp. in art or literature.",
"Aries â the Crowned Ram. Carnelian as a birthstone of Aries is a symbol of the blood of the sacrificial lamb. As an initiator of the Zodiac, the lamb possesses all the most precious qualities: undeniable courage, limitless energy, elasticity and contagious life zest. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac.",
"Christian symbolism is the use of symbols, including archetypes, acts, artwork or events, by Christianity. It invests objects or actions with an inner meaning expressing Christian ideas. peacock drinking from a vase is used as a symbol of a Christian believer drinking from the waters of eternal life. The peacock can also symbolise the cosmos if one interprets its tail with its many eyes as the vault of heaven dotted by the sun, moon, and stars.",
"The lion is a symbol of Haile Selassie. Jesus Christ is described as the lion of Judah in the Bible, and for this reason, Haile Selassie is seen as the reincarnation of Jesus.",
"sym·bol. n. 1. a. Something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something invisible: The lamb is a symbol of innocence.. (Psychoanalysis) psychoanal the end product, in the form of an object or act, of a conflict in the unconscious between repression processes and the actions and thoughts being repressed: the symbols of dreams. 5. (Psychology) psychol any mental process that represents some feature of external reality.",
"Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord,",
"Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! (John 1:29). When John the Baptist saw Jesus approaching, this is what he proclaimed.So what does it mean that Jesus is the Lamb of God?ehold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! (John 1:29). When John the Baptist saw Jesus approaching, this is what he proclaimed. So what does it mean that Jesus is the Lamb of God?",
"Dove Animal Totem Symbolism. The elegant white dove animal totem has long been a symbol of purity, grace, and divinity. It is featured in the Hebrew religion as a beacon of hope and the Christian faith as a symbol of the Virgin Mary. In Ancient Assyrian beliefs, the dove was also symbolic of Ishtar, the great mother.",
"29 The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and said, Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! 30 This is He on behalf of whom I said, 'After me comes a Man who has a higher rank than I, for He existed before me.'â¦.he author of 'Ecce Homo,' by identifying the Lamb of God with the imagery of Psalm 23, supposed that John saw, in the inward repose and spiritual joyfulness of Jesus, the power he would wield to take away the sin of the world.",
"Egyptian lion symbolism conveys wealth represented by the solar energy of gold. Lion Spirit Animal Symbol of Focus and Control. Lion brings the symbolic message ... to focus on self control, that true strength is the ability to control and master your emotions.",
"It is a symbol for Christ taken from the Old Testament. Reference to the Ram Christian Symbol in the Bible The following reference to the ram in the Bible: Gen. 22:13 Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram(n) caught by its horns.eference to the Ram Christian Symbol in the Bible The following reference to the ram in the Bible: Gen. 22:13 Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram(n) caught by its horns.",
"5. A symbol of evil, the wolf represented the Satan in opposition to the lamb that is symbol of Jesus. Thus the Bible represented the centuries-old struggle between wolves and humans, as well as the metaphorical fight between the bad and evil, in both external and inner world.",
"The darling of Heaven, crucified, worthy is the Lamb, worthy is the Lamb. Thank you for the cross, Lord. And thank you for the price You paid. Bearing all my sin and shame, in love You came. And gave amazing grace. Thank you for this love, Lord. And thank you for the nail-pierced hands.",
"Hallelujah, Hallelujah, For our Lord God Almighty Reign. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, For our Lord God Almighty Reign. Hallelujah, Holy, Holy. Are you Lord God Almighty. Worthy is the Lamb. Worthy is the Lamb. You are Holy, Holy, Are you Lord God Almighty. Worthy is the Lamb. Worthy is the Lamb. You are Holy. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, For our Lord God Almighty Reign. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, For our Lord God Almighty Reign. Hallelujah. Holy, Holy,",
"However, because of Christ and His death on the cross, the meaning of the cross today is completely different. In Christianity, the cross is the intersection of Godâs love and His justice. Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). The reference to Jesus as the Lamb of God points back to the institution of the Jewish Passover in Exodus 12.",
"For the Lord God almighty reigns. Hallelujah, hallelujah. For the Lord God almighty reigns. Hallelujah, holy, holy. Are You Lord God almighty. Worthy is the Lamb. Worthy is the Lamb. You are holy, holy. Are You Lord God almighty. Worthy is the Lamb.",
"Worthy is the Lamb. Worthy is the Lamb. You are Holy, Holy, Are you Lord God Almighty. Worthy is the Lamb. Worthy is the Lamb. Amen. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, For our Lord God Almighty Reign. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, For our Lord God Almighty Reign. Hallelujah. Holy, Holy, Are you Lord God Almighty. Worthy is the Lamb.",
"Best Answer: Judaism, Messianic Judaism, and Christianity all share the belief that the lamb is a symbol of purity and innocence.est Answer: Judaism, Messianic Judaism, and Christianity all share the belief that the lamb is a symbol of purity and innocence.",
"The Christiam cross is an example of symbolism. The Christiam cross is an example of symbolism. Symbolism is the practice of giving special meaning to objects, things, relationships or events. An example of symbolism is Christians making the cross a representation of Jesus.",
"The Lamb is worthy because he was slain. It is not simply that he died. Rather, the meaning of his death is what is in view. Through the death of the Lamb he has ransomed people for God from every tribe, language, people, and nation.",
"Symbol: dove (modesty, humility, meekness, innocence, divine inspiration, peace) The dove is a symbol of peace, humility, meekness, modesty, divine inspiration, and innocence. St. Gregory embodied all of these during his life of service to the Church, as priest, theologian, and bishop.",
"sym·bol. n. 1. a. Something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something invisible: The lamb is a symbol of innocence.. something used for or regarded as representing something else, esp. a material object representing something immaterial; emblem or sign. 2. a letter, figure, or other conventional mark designating an object, quantity, operation, function, etc., as in mathematics or chemistry.",
"The Darling of Heaven crucified. Worthy is the Lamb. Worthy is the Lamb. Thank you for the cross, Lord (thank you) Thank you for the price You paid. Bearing all my sin and shame. In love You came. And gave amazing grace. Thank you for this love, Lord.",
"The other symbols consist of the Egyptian Uraeus and the solar disk with the crescent, which refers to Tanit, the lamb referring to Baal Hammón, the caduceus, the elephant, the bull, the rabbit, the fish, the palm tree, the rudder , the anchor, the ax, the flower of the lotus, vessels of various forms, ships and fruits.",
"New Zealand and Australian varieties of lamb are prized for their flavor, but some prefer the taste of American lamb, which is slightly milder and less gamey. History. Eating lamb is a celebrated Spring tradition as it is a symbol of rebirth in various religions, including Christianity, Judaism and Islam. It was commonly used in ancient cultures as a sacrifice to the gods, and is prominently featured in Biblical texts.",
"On the morrow he seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold, the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world! Webster's Bible Translation. The next day John seeth Jesus coming to him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world.he author of 'Ecce Homo,' by identifying the Lamb of God with the imagery of Psalm 23, supposed that John saw, in the inward repose and spiritual joyfulness of Jesus, the power he would wield to take away the sin of the world."
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what were the ancient sumerian famous for | [
"Sumer was the southernmost region of ancient Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq and Kuwait) which is generally considered the cradle of civilization.The name comes from Akkadian, the language of the north of Mesopotamia, and means âland of the civilized kingsâ.he last period in Sumerian history is known as The Ur III Period (2047-1750 BCE) so named for the Third Dynasty of the city of Ur. This period is also known as The Sumerian Renaissance due to the remarkable advances in culture â touching upon virtually every single aspect of civilized human life â which were made."
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"The Sumerians disappeared from history about 2000 B.C. as a result of military domination by various Semitic peoples. In particular, in about 2000 B.C. Sargon established an empire in Mesopotamia which included the area of Sumer. But long before Sargon's conquest Semitic peoples had been entering the area of Sumer.",
"The ancient Egyptians are famous for many scientific achievements: 1 metal working, including working with copper and gold: 2 glass-blowing: 3 knowledge of anatomy and medicine; 4 invention of a calendar; 5 the standardisation of measurement; 6 paper-making from papyrus reeds;",
", studied anthropology at UCLA. 1 Ancient Assyrians are best known for being those people in Mesopotamia who were not Sumerians. Indeed, they spoke a language related to Hebrew and Arabic, and lived in the northern part of Mesopotamia. Modern Assyrians (Syriac Christians) have made their way into the awareness of the masses by becoming refugees, since ISIS has been attacking them.",
"However, it is not the only reference to water, and definitely not the first,since there is strong evidence that Sumerians from ancient Mesopotamia (southern Iraq) used them for irrigation at around 5000-4000 BC.",
"Ancient Mesopotamia Later Peoples - Babylon and Assyria. After the fall of the Akkadian Empire, the Amorites were the next people to dominate Mesopotamia. The Amorites were a Semitic tribe that moved into central Mesopotamia. King Hammurabi of the city of Babylon is the most famous of the Amorite rulers. Hammurabi founded an empire known as the Babylonian Empire, which was named after his capital city. Hammurabi ruled from about 1792-1750 BC.",
"The ancient Egyptians believed that it was important to record and communicate information about religion and government. Thus, they invented written scripts that could be used to record this information. The most famous of all ancient Egyptian scripts is hieroglyphic. However, throughout three thousand years of ancient Egyptian civilisation, at least three other scripts were used for different purposes.",
"Egyptian women and men also used makeup. They were very fond of eyeliner and eyeshadows in dark colors including blue, red, and black. Ancient Sumerian men and women were possibly the first to invent and wear lipstick, about 5,000 years ago.",
"A brief treatment of Sumerian civilization follows. For full treatment, see Mesopotamia, history of: Sumerian civilization. Sumer was first settled between 4500 and 4000 bce by a non-Semitic people who did not speak the Sumerian language. These people now are called proto-Euphrateans or Ubaidians, for the village Al-Ubaid, where their remains were first discovered.",
"Another reason is because of how intelligent the Sumerians were and the development of not only writing, but also the development of crafts making. For example, jugs and jewelry made from all typed or natural resources (glass, sand, rocks, etc.) Another reason is something that all of us love to do.",
"Ancient Mesopotamia-Babylon and Assyria. After the fall of the Akkadian Empire, the Amorites were the next people to dominate Mesopotamia. The Amorites were a Semitic tribe that moved into central Mesopotamia. King Hammurabi of the city of Babylon is the most famous of the Amorite rulers.Hammurabi founded an empire known as the Babylonian Empire, which was named after his capital city. Hammurabi ruled from about 1792-1750 BC.he Amorites were a Semitic tribe that moved into central Mesopotamia. King Hammurabi of the city of Babylon is the most famous of the Amorite rulers. Hammurabi founded an empire known as the Babylonian Empire, which was named after his capital city. Hammurabi ruled from about 1792-1750 BC.",
"The Akkadians and Sumerians of Mesopotamia (Babylonia) were the originators of the Zodiac signs which consisted of the original Taurus the bull, Cancer the crab, Virgo the moon goddess, Scorpio the scorpion, Capricorn the goat-man, and Pisces the fisherman.",
"Apparently the Babylonians. You know, the first civilization in the world was the Sumerians, followed by the Babylonians, then Hittites, Akkadian, etc. Time (like hours, minutes, seconds) were invented next after the calendar system. Short history: Sumerians were pagans, they were the one who invented the calendar. The calendar of Sumerians were based on astronomy and developed by their system of agriculture.",
"Hittites were famous for their iron processing and the beautiful adornment of their iron-made objects. In fact, they are the FIRST people known to process iron, and during the Neo-Hittite kingdom, during the 12th century BC, iron metallurgy spread from them to the whole Middle East. Iron revolutionized the weaponry.",
"The original Sumerian script was adapted for the writing of the Akkadian, Eblaite, Elamite, Hittite, Luwian, Hattic, Hurrian, and Urartian languages, and it inspired the Ugaritic and Old Persian alphabets. Cuneiform writing was gradually replaced by the Phoenician alphabet during the Neo-Assyrian Empire. By the 2nd century C.E., the script had become extinct, and all knowledge of how to read it was lost until it began to be deciphered in the 19th century.",
"Archaic Sumerian is the earliest stage of inscriptions with linguistic content, beginning with the Jemdet Nasr (Uruk III) period from about the 31st to 30th centuries BC. It succeeds the proto-literate period, which spans roughly the 35th to 30th centuries.he Sumerian language is one of the earliest known written languages. The proto-literate period of Sumerian writing spans c. 3,300 to 3,000 BC. In this period, records are purely logographic, with no linguistic or phonological content. The oldest document of the proto-literate period is the Kish tablet.",
"Gilgamesh, the best known of all ancient Mesopotamian heroes. Numerous tales in the Akkadian language have been told about Gilgamesh, and the whole collection has been described as an odysseyâthe odyssey of a king who did not want to die.",
"WEAPONS The Sumerians were pioneers of ancinet weoponry, and although they fell to neighbouring civilizations, they invented a large amount of battle techniques and weopons that were used for years afterwards.he Sumerians were pioneers of ancinet weoponry, and although they fell to neighbouring civilizations, they invented a large amount of battle techniques and weopons that were used for years afterwards.",
"Sumerian cuneiform is the earliest known writing system. Its origins can be traced back to about 8,000 BC and it developed from the pictographs and other symbols used to represent trade goods and livestock on clay tablets.",
"The Sumerians believed they could defeat death if they proved themselves while living, rather than being faithful throughout their life. Sumerians were constantly under attack and had to live life as if this was their last day on earth. One of the largest cemeteries in Mesopotamia was excavated at Ur.",
"During the growth of the ancient civilizations, ancient technology was the result from advances in engineering in ancient times.erhaps the most important advance made by the Mesopotamians was the invention of writing by the Sumerians. With the invention of writing came the first recorded laws called Hammurabi's Code as well as the first major piece of literature called the Epic Tale of Gilgamesh. The Wheel.",
"Sumer (/ËsuËmÉr/) was one of the ancient civilizations and historical regions in southern Mesopotamia, modern-day southern Iraq, during the Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze ages.",
"Sumerian mythology tells of a planet that comes near to Earth once every 3,600 years on an extremely long orbit around our sun. More recently Planet Nibiru has also come to be called Planet X, or The Twelfth Planet by Astronomers or Astrophysicists.",
"AP World History 101. Ancient Sumer, Babylon, Assyria - Middle East History for AP World History. Sumer, Babylon, Assyria 4000 BC â c. 500 BC. Major Accomplishments: probably the oldest civilization, invented first writing, first calendar, first numberical system (base 60), first wheel, and oldest kingdom; first significant monotheism. The Politics of Mesopotamia and the Middle East 2500bce - 1450ce.",
"Thus, they invented written scripts that could be used to record this information. The most famous of all ancient Egyptian scripts is hieroglyphic. However, throughout three thousand years of ancient Egyptian civilisation, at least three other scripts were used for different purposes. Using these scripts, scribes were able to preserve the beliefs, history and ideas of ancient Egypt in temple and tomb walls and on papyrus scrolls.",
"Archaic Sumerian is the earliest stage of inscriptions with linguistic content, beginning with the Jemdet Nasr (Uruk III) period from about the 31st to 30th centuries BC. It succeeds the proto-literate period, which spans roughly the 35th to 30th centuries.he cuneiform script is adapted to Akkadian writing from the mid third millennium. Our knowledge of Sumerian is based on Akkadian glossaries. During the Sumerian Renaissance (Ur III) of the 21st century BC, Sumerian is written in already highly abstract cuneiform glyphs directly succeeded by Old Assyrian cuneiform.",
"We have to accept the truth. we are the second most ancient civilization. first is Sumerian culture. Most important is we were the most advanced culture during ancient and medieval time along with china.",
"Sumer (/ËsuËmÉr/) was one of the ancient civilizations and historical regions in southern Mesopotamia, modern-day southern Iraq, during the Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze ages.umer (/ËsuËmÉr/) was one of the ancient civilizations and historical regions in southern Mesopotamia, modern-day southern Iraq, during the Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze ages.",
"Epic of Gilgamesh. The Epic of Gilgamesh is an epic poem from ancient Mesopotamia that is often regarded as the earliest surviving great work of literature. The literary history of Gilgamesh begins with five Sumerian poems about 'Bilgamesh' (Sumerian for 'Gilgamesh'), king of Uruk, dating from the Third Dynasty of Ur (circa 2100 BC). These independent stories were later used as source material for a combined epic.",
"Sumerian. The Sumerian speaking people settled in the land they called Sumer, in a region of the Fertile Crescent that lay along the southern portions of the valley of the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers.he Sumerian speaking people settled in the land they called Sumer, in a region of the Fertile Crescent that lay along the southern portions of the valley of the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers.",
"When I tell people that I write and like to study a culture that was born around 6,000 years ago, they invariable start making jokes about mastodons and caves. In actuality, the Sumerian culture was considerably developed, exceeding military technology that took the Egyptian culture a thousand years to reinvent.",
"Several centuries passed before somebody had the idea to use writing for different uses from the accounting ones. One of the oldest funerary Sumerian scripts dates from 2700/2600 BC and it indicates the name and the title of the dead person. In 2400 BC, a Sumerian sovereign described his own exploits in a long text.",
"The Sumerians, because Sumeria was the first true civilization on planet Earth. It developed in Mesopotamia, and the people who created this first civilization are known as th ⦠e Sumerians.",
"Sumerian is not related to any other known language so is classified as a language isolate.umerian cuneiform is the earliest known writing system. Its origins can be traced back to about 8,000 BC and it developed from the pictographs and other symbols used to represent trade goods and livestock on clay tablets.",
"Widely considered to be one of the cradles of civilization by the Western world, Bronze Age Mesopotamia included Sumer and the Akkadian, Babylonian, and Assyrian empires, all native to the territory of modern-day Iraq. In the Iron Age, it was controlled by the Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian Empires.",
"The ancient Egyptians believed that it was important to record and communicate information about religion and government. Thus, they invented written scripts that could be used to record this information. The most famous of all ancient Egyptian scripts is hieroglyphic. However, throughout three thousand years of ancient Egyptian civilisation, at least three other scriptswere used for different purposes.",
"The Sumerians lived in the Middle East between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in modern Iraq, Iran and Syria. They were nomads, which means they moved from place to place to gather food.",
"One of the greatest sources of information on ancient Mesopotamia is the so-called âKing List,â a clay tablet that documents the names of most of the ancient rulers of Sumer as well as the lengths of their reigns.",
"Phrygia was famous for its wine and had brave and expert horsemen. According to the Iliad, before the Trojan War, a young king Priam of Troy had taken an army to Phrygia to support it in a war against the Amazons. Homer calls the Phrygians the people of Otreus and godlike Mygdon.",
"Sumer-2. 1 Modern Iraq. 2 The cities of Sumer, first built around 4,000 B.C, {maybe before}, provide the world's first examples of genuine urban centers of large size. 3 The main cities of Sumer were Kish, Uruk (in the Bible, Erech), Ur, Sippar, Akshak, Larak, Nippur, Adab, Umma, Lagash, Bad-tibira, Larsa and others. Each of these City-states was comprised of a walled city and its surrounding villages and land. Each city worshiped its own deity, whose temple was the central structure of the city.",
"Babylon was one of the largest of the Mesopotamian city-states and pioneered several important advances in the ancient world.; a) Architecture: The Babylonians were well-known for their large-scale buildings, such as the Ishtar Gate and the Hanging Gardens. b) Code of Laws: King Hammurabi helped define several modern legal concepts in his ancient code of laws, one of the earliest in human history.",
"Ancient Mesopotamia-Babylon and Assyria. After the fall of the Akkadian Empire, the Amorites were the next people to dominate Mesopotamia. The Amorites were a Semitic tribe that moved into central Mesopotamia. King Hammurabi of the city of Babylon is the most famous of the Amorite rulers. Hammurabi founded an empire known as the Babylonian Empire, which was named after his capital city. Hammurabi ruled from about 1792-1750 BC. The beginning of Hammurabi's reign was peaceful. As a defensive measure, Hammurabi had the walls around Babylon improved, and through diplomacy, made allies with many of the cities north of Babylon. In the last ten years of his reign, Hammurabi conquered Lower Mesopotamia.",
"The Epic of Gilgamesh is an epic poem from ancient Mesopotamia that is often regarded as the earliest surviving great work of literature. The literary history of Gilgamesh begins with five Sumerian poems about 'Bilgamesh' (Sumerian for 'Gilgamesh'), king of Uruk, dating from the Third Dynasty of Ur (circa 2100 BC). These independent stories were later used as source material for a combined epic.",
"Content. Ancient Egypt was one of the earliest, longest-lasting and most influential civilizations in world history. The civilization of Ancient Egypt is known for its stupendous achievements in a whole range of fields, including art and architecture, engineering, medicine and statecraft.Its great buildings on the banks of the River Nile still strike awe into those who see them.he civilization of Ancient Egypt is known for its stupendous achievements in a whole range of fields, including art and architecture, engineering, medicine and statecraft. Its great buildings on the banks of the River Nile still strike awe into those who see them.",
"1 Written in STONEâ3,700-year-old Babylonian tablet is OLDEST evidence of Trigonometry. 2 The mark of history: The incredible ancient Sumerian cylinder seals. 3 The incredible similarities between the Sumerian King List and accounts in Genesis.",
"The Sumerians organized a complex mythology based on the relationships among the various local gods of the temple towns. In Sumerian religion, the most important gods were seen as human forms of natural forces--sky, sun, earth, water, and storm.",
"The original Sumerian script was adapted for the writing of the Akkadian, Eblaite, Elamite, Hittite, Luwian, Hattic, Hurrian, and Urartian languages, and it inspired the Ugaritic alphabet and Old Persian cuneiform.",
"1,000 B.C. - Aramaic Script - While Aramaic was displacing Akkadian in the course of the first millennium B.C., it absorbed a host of Sumerian words from Akkadian and transmitted them to the rest of the Near East.Some got into Arabic and have been carried to the ends of the eastern hemisphere by Islam.,600 B.C. - Giza Pyramids - There is no doubt that the Pyramids of Giza, the best known of all the Egyptian monuments, have a strong connection to the epoch 2,600 to 2,300 BC, the same dates as Stonehenge.",
"There were many great Pharaohs throughout the history of Ancient Egypt. Here are some of the more famous ones: Akhenaten-Akhenaten was famous for saying there was only one god, the sun god. He ruled with his wife, Nefertiti, and they closed many of the temples to other gods. He was the father of the famous King Tut.",
"A cuneiform letter from a Sumerian queen to her king, dating from the third millennium BC. The earliest language was that developed in the fertile crescent , which is modern-day Iraq. The Sumerian and Babylonian civilizations which lived there developed a writing system known as cuneiform.s the tallying system used by the early Sumerians became more complex, the cuneiform symbols began to represent individual sounds, which came from the first sound of the word they once represented. One of the earliest complete documents we have is the Sumerian King List, which listed the kings of ancient Sumer.",
"Which culture is best known for its development of irrigation? a : babylonians b : egyptians c : hebrews d : phoenicians."
] |
how to file late state taxes | [
"If you file a late return and/or make a late tax payment, you are liable for interest and penalty charges. If you file a sales tax return after the due date, the discount is not allowed. Taxpayers are required to file sales tax returns by the due date.f you file a late return and/or make a late tax payment, you are liable for interest and penalty charges. If you file a sales tax return after the due date, the discount is not allowed. Taxpayers are required to file sales tax returns by the due date."
] | [
"Get our online tax forms and instructions to file your past due return, or order them by calling 1-800-Tax-Form (1-800-829-3676) or 1-800-829-4059 for TTY/TDD. If you are experiencing a hardship and you canât file your past due return, you can call or write your local Taxpayer Advocate Office for your state.",
"The first time you file Form 720, type or print your name, address (including the suite, room, or other unit number), and the quarter ending date (month and year). After that, the IRS will mail you a Package 720 with a preprinted label every quarter.Use the preprinted label on your form. File the first taxpayer's report with Form 720 for the quarter for which the report relates; and. 2 Write EXCISE-FIRST TAXPAYER'S REPORT across the top of a separate copy of the report, and by the due date of Form 720, send the copy to: Internal Revenue Service Center, Cincinnati, OH 45999-0555.",
"How to File Your Taxes in Florida. Florida, the sunshine state, the income tax free state! Floridians are not required to pay state income taxes on personal income. Florida residents are still required to file a federal income tax return by April 18. Another thing to keep in mind is that corporations, business and non-profit organizations are required to pay certain taxes.",
"You will probably face two types of penalties: one for not filing or efiling a tax return or extension on time, and one for not paying your taxes on time. The failure-to-file penalty is 5% of your balance due for every month (or part of a month) in which your taxes go unpaid.he failure-to-file penalty amount will be reduced by the amount you owe for failure-to-pay. The maximum amount you will owe for filing late will be 25% of your unpaid taxes. If you file more than 60 days late, your minimum failure-to-file penalty will be 100% of your unpaid taxes or $135 (whichever is smaller).",
"Yes, TurboTax will help you file your state taxes. Every state is differentâeach with their own tax laws. In fact, there are some states don't levy a state income tax at all. But if you live in a state where you have to file a state tax return, TurboTax will let you know and help you get them done right.After you finish you federal tax return, we'll ask if you want to prepare your state taxes.n fact, there are some states don't levy a state income tax at all. But if you live in a state where you have to file a state tax return, TurboTax will let you know and help you get them done right. After you finish you federal tax return, we'll ask if you want to prepare your state taxes.",
"Here are some ideas on how to file your taxes this current year: 1 File your tax for free online in IRS website if your earnings are below $54,000. 2 You can use IRS e-file when your earnings are above $54,000. 3 Send the printout of forms from IRS website to their office. 4 Get the services of a professional tax consultant and file a tax form.",
"What Tax Fraud Victims Can Do. File your taxes as early as possible. If you file your state taxes this year and discover that your state return has already been filed, you should report the matter to your state revenue agency. For a list of state agencies, their hotlines and Web sites, see the second half of this page.",
"If you have skipped filing in the past, or owe money on taxes from previous years, you will want to get up-to-date as soon as possible. File back taxes by gathering the necessary information and paperwork, and forwarding your completed tax forms to the IRS.",
"Keep in mind that filing for an extension for your federal tax return doesn't automatically extend the filing deadline for your state return. So, make sure to also file for an extension for your state and pay the state income taxes you owe as well.eep in mind that filing for an extension for your federal tax return doesn't automatically extend the filing deadline for your state return. So, make sure to also file for an extension for your state and pay the state income taxes you owe as well.",
"File your taxes manually or electronically. After you have finished your tax return, you can file your taxes in one of two ways: by mail or by selecting the e-file feature. The filing date is usually April 15th. If you owe any money, you may need to file your taxes and send in your owed taxes to separate locations.",
"Florida requires that any seller with a sales tax permit file a sales tax return on your due date even if you donât have any sales tax to report or pay. They will charge a late fee ofa minimum of $50 if 10% of Line 10 is less than $50 or 10% of the amount due on Line 10.",
"If you are under the minimum income to file taxes, and are unsure whether or not filing your taxes will benefit you, use our Tax Calculator to compute your tax liability and refund. Tax Filing Online Now that you know how much money you have to make to file taxes, go ahead and file your free federal and state taxes online with TurboTax!",
"How to File for an Extension of State Taxes. While the IRS requires you to file tax extensions, Form 4868 for your federal tax return, each state has its own requirements for obtaining a similar state tax extension. Read more.",
"If you donât file your taxes at all (which is different from not paying your taxes). T he IRS charges taxpayers who fail to file federal taxes (a form 1040) 5% of their unpaid taxes for each month their tax return is late (this fee maxes out at 25% of the total tax bill).f you donât file your taxes at all (which is different from not paying your taxes). T he IRS charges taxpayers who fail to file federal taxes (a form 1040) 5% of their unpaid taxes for each month their tax return is late (this fee maxes out at 25% of the total tax bill).",
"If you have received a notice in the mail, promptly send your past due tax return to the appropriate IRS address. How to File Back Taxes. Gather important documents. For each year that you failed to file a federal tax return, make sure you have your W-2 or Form 1099 on hand. Remember that well-kept receipts are needed to claim certain deductions and credits. Locate missing paperwork. A copy of your income information can be requested from your employer. Tax documents can also be requested from the IRS by filing Form 4506-T, Request for Transcript of Tax Return. The IRS will send transcripts that contain the most important information, not duplicate copies, from your previous W-2s and Forms 1098 and 1099. File your back taxes using the necessary forms.",
"This Form is so easy to E-File online, and thanks to Express Truck Tax, there is no reason to be late, as you can see from the following points: ⢠IRS Fines. The IRS can add all kinds of interest and late fees, but if you end up in court over the matter it will lead to the court costs as well as heavy fines.",
"You need to file any required year-end forms with the state, as well as Form W-3 and Form W-2 Copy A with the Social Security Administration. You need to prepare a Schedule H and file it with your federal income tax return. Quarterly filings. You should file state tax returns, typically on a quarterly basis.",
"Not only will you get slapped with late fees for the taxes you owe, but the IRS will hit you with a failure-to-file fee as well. While you wait to get your act together, those fees (plus interest) are only piling up higher, month after month. Hereâs a rundown of what fees you can expect if you donât file your taxes: If you donât file your taxes at all (which is different from not paying your taxes). T he IRS charges taxpayers who fail to file federal taxes (a form 1040) 5% of their unpaid taxes for each month their tax return is late (this fee maxes out at 25% of the total tax bill).",
"The efile.com tax software makes it easy for you to efile your state tax return and use the correct state tax forms. Prepare and efile your Wisconsin state tax return (resident, nonresident, or part-year resident) and Federal tax return together or separately at efile.com. View the federal filing requirements to see if you need to file a federal income tax return. The regular deadline to file a Wisconsin state income tax return is April 15.",
"File a Dissolution Formally Close a Business With The State. Save money on annual fees and taxes by notifying the state that you are formally closing your business. The Benefits of Filing a Dissolution: Formally close your business with the state of incorporation; Avoid paying unnecessary taxes and annual state fees; Prevent late fees and additional charges",
"How to File Back Taxes. 1 Gather important documents. For each year that you failed to file a federal tax return, make sure you have your W-2 or Form 1099 on hand. 2 Locate missing paperwork. A copy of your income information can be requested from your employer. 3 File your back taxes using the necessary forms.",
"Yes, TurboTax will help you file your state taxes. Every state is differentâeach with their own tax laws. In fact, there are some states don't levy a state income tax at all. But if you live in a state where you have to file a state tax return, TurboTax will let you know and help you get them done right.here are usually some additional questions we need to ask to make sure you're getting every state credit and deduction available. Because filing a state return is an entirely separate process from your federal taxes there may be an additional charge, based on whether you use TurboTax Online or CD/Download.",
"A step-by-step guide to late fees. 1 1. Start by specifying a late fee in your contracts and on your invoices. 2 2. Make sure your invoice clearly states when their payment is due. 3 4. If you donât get paid, send another invoice that reflects your late-payment charges. Include a note on the invoice such as âSecond notice â 30 days past due.â Keep following up until youâve established a payment plan or received your money. 5.",
"If you cannot file your state tax return on time, North Carolina requires that you apply for an extension of time to file, whether or not you owe state tax. You do not have to attach the extension form to your NC state return.",
"1 Have an efile TaxPro complete and file your Arizona state tax amendment! 2 Enjoy all the benefits of working with a TaxPro, including: 3 You can get answers to your tax questions from a licensed tax professional! 4 Enjoy the peace of mind that your taxes are being prepared and filed by a professional!he state of Arizona charges a late payment penalty if you fail to file your return by the due date, you owe tax on your amended return, and you don't pay the tax due on your amended tax return.",
"If you owe taxes, you must pay at least 90% of your tax liability by April 18, 2017 and file your return by October 16, 2017 (you will be charged interest for any balance unpaid). Otherwise, a late-payment penalty will be assessed. Be sure to list your extension payment on your Form M1.",
"Here are some ideas on how to file your taxes this current year: 1 File your tax for free online in IRS website if your earnings are below $54,000. 2 You can use IRS e-file when your earnings are above $54,000. You can as well find additional details from IRS website. 3 Send the printout of forms from IRS website to their office."
] |
what nationality is Donald Trump | [
"Donald Trump. by ethnic on. Birth Name: Donald John Trump. Place of Birth: Queens, New York City, New York, United States. Date of Birth: June 14, 1946. Ethnicity: *German (father) *Scottish (mother). Donald Trump is an American businessman, investor, television personality, and writer.He is the chairman and CEO of the Trump Organization, hosted the reality show The Apprentice from 2004 to 2015, and was a candidate for the Reform Party presidential nomination in 2000.onaldâs paternal grandfather was Friederich/Frederick Drumpf/Trump (the son of Christian Johannes Drumpf/Trump and Katherina Kober). Friederich was German, born in Kallstadt, Pfalz. Christian was the son of Johannes Trump/Drumpf and Susanna Maria Bechtloff."
] | [
"Date of Birth: April 26, 1970. Ethnicity: Slovenian. Melania Trump is a Slovenian-born American model. She is the First Lady of the United States, as of January 20, 2017. She is married to Donald Trump, a businessperson, television personality, and the 45th President of the United States. Their son is Barron Trump.",
"Melania Trump. by ethnic on. Birth Name: Melanija Knavs. Place of Birth: Sevnica, Slovenia. Date of Birth: April 26, 1970. Ethnicity: Slovenian. Melania Trump is a Slovenian-born model. She is married to American businessman and politician Donald Trump.",
"President Donald Trump is an American media personality, real estate developer, and businessman with a net worth of between $3.9 billion and $10 billion, depending on whoâs calculating it.",
"This list answers the questions, What are the best Donald Trump quotes? and What is the most famous Donald Trump quote? You can see what subjects these historic Donald Trump quotes fall under displayed to the right of the quote.",
"It is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Donald is great chief; world mighty. Donald is one of the clan names of Scotland. Linked nowadays to the cartoon duck created by Disney. Actors Donald Sutherland, Don Cheadle, Donal Logue; real estate tycoon Donald Trump; singer Donny Osmond.",
"Melania Trump (/ m É Ë l ÉË n i É /; born Melanija Knavs; [mÉËlaËnija ËknaËu̯s], Germanized to Melania Knauss; April 26, 1970) is the current First Lady of the United States and wife of the 45th U.S. President Donald Trump. She was born in Novo Mesto, Slovenia and grew up in Sevnica, in the Lower Sava Valley.",
"President Trumpâs current wife, Melania Trump, is originally from Slovenia She speaks and impressive five languages. In addition to her native language, Slovenian, Trump speaks English, French, German, and Serbian. The couple they met in 1998, married in 2005, and have one child together.",
"For one thing, âTrumpâ is not his real name. There are some interesting elements from Donald Trumpâs own ancestry. For one thing, âTrumpâ is not his real name. The Donaldâs grandfather was a German immigrant named Frederick Drumpf who emigrated to the U.S. in 1885 and became a naturalized citizen in 1892. At some point, he started calling himself âFrederick Trump,â but it is unclear if he ever changed his name officially.",
"Born on: 14th Jun 46 Born in: United States Marital status: Married Occupation: President of The Trump Organization. Donald Trump net worth is estimated at $4 billion according to Forbes as of 2015. Donald Trump also commonly known as The Donald is an American business magnate, television personality and author.Donald Trump net worth came from his several business including as chairman and CEO of The Trump organization.onald Trump net worth is estimated at $4 billion according to Forbes as of 2015. Donald Trump also commonly known as The Donald is an American business magnate, television personality and author. Donald Trump net worth came from his several business including as chairman and CEO of The Trump organization.",
"Trump, Donald. Biography. American businessman, television personality, author, and politician who is the President-elect of the United States, scheduled to take office as the 45th president under the 20th amendment on 20 January 2017.",
"Donald John Trump was born on June 14, 1946, to parents Mary Macleod Trump and Frederick Christ Trump, and grew up in Jamaica Bay, N.Y. His father, Fred C. Trump, a son of German immigrants, was a real estate magnate who became a millionaire by offering residential real estate in the Queens, Brooklyn and Staten Island boroughs of New York City.",
"The family of Donald Trump, the President of the United States, is a prominent American family active in real estate, entertainment, business, and politics. Trump's immediate family circle is the First Family of the United States. They are part of the broader Trump family originating from Germany.",
"The newest American President and his Multilingual Family. Donald Trump is the newest President of the USA. He may speak only English himself, but he has quite the multilingual family. Having married three times, there are a mixture of languages spoken between his three wives and five children.",
"For one thing, âTrumpâ is not his real name. The Donaldâs grandfather was a German immigrant named Frederick Drumpf who emigrated to the U.S. in 1885 and became a naturalized citizen in 1892. At some point, he started calling himself âFrederick Trump,â but it is unclear if he ever changed his name officially.. 0. Amidst the national uproar that Donald Trump is creating over where US President Barack Obama was born (Trump said he believes Obama was really born in Kenya, which would make him ineligible to occupy the White House), there are some interesting elements from Trumpâs own ancestry.",
"What are the names of Donald Trump's kids? Donald Trump has 5 children: Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka- mother Ivana Trump Tiffany -mother Marla Maples Barron-mother Malania Trump Donald Trump Jr. has 2 children: ⦠Kai Madison Trump and Donald Trump III.",
"Christian Johannes Trump (1829-1877) and Katherina Kober (1836-1922) lived in Pfalz, Germany in the 1700s. Their great grandson (Friederich Trump (1869-1918)) immigrated to the United States. Johann Paul and Maria Elisabetha are the 3rd great grandparents of billionaire Donald John Trump (1946) .",
"How tall is Donald Trump? Donald Trumpâs height is 6ft 2in (188 cm). How much does Donald Trump weigh? Donald Trump weighs 198 lbs (90 kg). What is Donald Trumpâs shoe size? Donald Trumpâs shoe size is 12 US (45 EU).",
"Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946, at the Jamaica Hospital Medical Center, Queens, New York City. He was the fourth of five children born to Frederick Christ Fred Trump (1905â1999) and Mary Anne Trump (née MacLeod, 1912â2000).",
"Melania Trump is the current First Lady of the United States and wife of the 45th U.S. President Donald Trump. She was born in Novo Mesto, Slovenia and grew up in Sevnica, in the Lower Sava Valley. She worked as a fashion model for agencies in Milan and Paris, later moving to New York City in 1996. Her modeling career was associated with Irene Marie Models and Trump Model Management. In 2001, she became a permanent resident of the United States. She married Donald Trump in 2005 and obtained U.S. citizenship in 2006. She is the first naturalized U.S. citizen to become First Lady of the United States.",
"Donald Trump's Original Family Surname Has An Apt Translation. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump signs autographs for supporters at the conclusion of a Donald Trump rally at Millington Regional Jetport on February 27, 2016 in Millington, Tennessee.",
"Donald John Trump was born on June 14, 1946, to parents Mary Macleod Trump and Frederick Christ Trump, and grew up in Jamaica Bay, N.Y.His father, Fred C. Trump, a son of German immigrants, was a real estate magnate who became a millionaire by offering residential real estate in the Queens, Brooklyn and Staten Island boroughs of New York City.",
"Melania Trump Weight, Height, Bra Size, Shoe Size, Body, Measurements, Waist, Hips. Spouse: Donald Trump (m. Melania Trump is a Slovene-American former model who is married to American businessman and President of the United States, Donald Trump. Born in Slovenia, she became a permanent resident of the United States in 2001 and a citizen in 2006.",
"Main article: Ancestry of Donald Trump. Trump was born on June 14, 1946, in Jamaica Estates, Queens, a neighborhood in New York City. He was the second youngest child of Mary and Fred Trump's five children. Of his four siblings, three are living: Maryanne, Elizabeth, and Robert.",
"Melania Knauss-Trump (born April 23, 1970) is an American Model, jewelry and watch designer. Melania is White by ethnicity. Melania was born in Slovenia. Name of melania father is VIktor Knavs and he is Manager by profession. Melania mother is Amalija Knavs and she is fashion designer. Melania completed melania college from .",
"Amidst the national uproar that Donald Trump is creating over where US President Barack Obama was born (Trump said he believes Obama was really born in Kenya, which would make him ineligible to occupy the White House), there are some interesting elements from Trumpâs own ancestry. For one thing, âTrumpâ is not his real name. The Donaldâs grandfather was a German immigrant named Frederick Drumpf who emigrated to the U.S. in 1885 and became a naturalized citizen in 1892. At some point, he started calling himself âFrederick Trump,â but it is unclear if he ever changed his name officially.",
"Like Ivana Trump, Melania Trump is also a naturalized citizen, an immigrant â though not from one of those countries her husband suggests walling off from the continental United States. Born Melania Knavs in Sevnica, Yugoslavia, now Slovenia, she is the daughter of a onetime auto dealership manager and a woman described in differing accounts as a fashion designer or seamstress, depending on the source.",
"Donald Trumpâs mother, Mary, was an immigrant. But Trump doesnât often bring up his Scottish ancestry on the campaign trail. In November of 1929, a seventeen-year-old Scotswoman, Mary Anne MacLeod, boarded the S.S. Transylvania in Glasgow, bound for New York City.",
"Donald John Trump was born on June 14, 1946, in the New York City borough of Queens, the youngest of five children. His mother, Mary Anne, was born on the Isle of Lewis, off the west coast of Scotland, later immigrating to the United States.",
"She became a permanent resident of the United States in 2001, and obtained U.S. citizenship in 2006. Trump is the first naturalized U.S. citizen to become First Lady, and the second First Lady born overseas after Louisa Adams, who was born in London to an American father.",
"For one thing, âTrumpâ is not his real name. The Donaldâs grandfather was a German immigrant named Frederick Drumpf who emigrated to the U.S. in 1885 and became a naturalized citizen in 1892. At some point, he started calling himself âFrederick Trump,â but it is unclear if he ever changed his name officially.",
"Chairman and President, The Trump Organization. Donald J. Trump is the very definition of the American success story, continually setting the standards of excellence while expanding his interests in real estate, sports, and entertainment. He is the archetypal businessman â a deal maker without peer.",
"For his son, see Fred Trump. Frederick Trump (born Friedrich Trump; March 14, 1869 â May 27, 1918) was a German American businessman. Born in Kallstadt, in the Kingdom of Bavaria (now in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany), he emigrated to the United States at the age of 16 and started working as a barber. Several years later in 1891, he moved to the Northwest.",
"donald trump s height is 6ft 2in 188 cm how much does donald trump weigh donald trump weighs 198 lbs 90 kg what is donald trump s shoe size donald trump s shoe size is 12 us 45 eu",
"Who Is Donald Trump? Donald John Trump is the 45th and current President of the United States who took office January 20, 2017. Previously, he was a real estate mogul, and a former reality TV star. Born in Queens, New York, in 1971 Trump became involved in large, profitable building projects in Manhattan.",
"President Trumpâs father, Fred Trump (Frederick Christ Trump), a real estate developer, was born in New York, to German immigrants. President Trumpâs mother, Mary Anne (MacLeod), was Scottish, born in Stornoway, on the Isle of Lewis.",
"Barron Trump. Barron William Trump (born March 20, 2006) is Donald Trump's youngest child and his only child with Melania Trump. He is of German and Scottish descent on his father's side and Slovenian descent on his mother's side.",
"Caroline John Earn The Necklace 2016-11-09T03:06:34Z 2016-11-09 08:06:54 what states has Donald Trump won did Donald Trump win the election Donald Trump president did Donald Trump win donald trump wins donald trump victory speech Donald Trump has got a surprising leap in the votes by winning four states.",
"Real estate developer Donald John Trump was born June 14, 1946, in Queens, New York. In 1971 he became involved in large, profitable building projects in Manhattan."
] |
what is colovesical fistula | [
"A colovesical fistula is the presence of a communication between the lumen of the colon and that of the bladder, either directly or via an intervening abscess cavity (foyer intermediaire). When the communication is between the rectum and urinary bladder, the term rectovesical fistula is used.reatment and prognosis. Surgical resection of the fistula and abnormal segment of bowel is usually required for cure, although in the setting of malignancy this suggests advanced disease (T4) making surgery complex."
] | [
"Labyrinthine fistula. A labyrinthine fistula is an abnormal opening in the bony capsule of the inner ear, resulting in leakage of the perilymph from the semicircular canals into the middle ear. This includes specifically a perilymph fistula (PLF), an abnormal connection between the fluid of the inner ear and the air-filled middle ear.",
"A fistula is defined as a communication between two major organs. A Rectovaginal Fistula (RVF) is a tract or hole between the rectum and the vagina. It allows the involuntary passage of faeces from the rectum through the vagina. Watch The Doctors TV: Rectovaginal Fistula explained.",
"Tracheoesophageal fistula. Definition. Tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF) is a birth defect in which the trachea is connected to the esophagus. In most cases, the esophagus is discontinuous (an esophageal atresia ), causing immediate feeding difficulties. The trachea, or windpipe, carries air to the lungs. The esophagus carries food to the stomach.",
"Only 0.6% of carcinomas of the colon lead to fistula formation. Colovesical fistulae occur more commonly in males, with a male-to-female ratio of 3:1. The lower incidence in females is thought to be due to interposition of the uterus and adnexa between the bladder and the colon.he mean duration of Crohn disease at the time of first symptoms of fistula formation is 10 years, and the average patient age is 30 years. Less common inflammatory causes of colovesical fistulae include Meckel diverticulum, genitourinary coccidioidomycosis, and pelvic actinomycosis.",
"Vaginal fistula, colovesical fistula (particularly due to diverticular disease), Crohn's disease or carcinoma of the colon or bladder, instrumentation and after trauma are other causes of gas production, and differential diagnosis should be made with emphysematous cystitis.",
"olovesical fistula is the most common type offistula associated with diverticular disease of thecolon. It occurs in 2% to 22% of patients withknown diverticular disease. 1â4 The preferredmanagement of colovesical fistula is primary resectionwith anastomosis performed as a 1-stage procedure.lovesical fistula is the most common type offistula associated with diverticular disease of thecolon. It occurs in 2% to 22% of patients withknown diverticular disease. 1â4 The preferredmanagement of colovesical fistula is primary resectionwith anastomosis performed as a 1-stage procedure.",
"An arteriovenous fistula (AV fistula) is the connection of a vein and an artery, usually in the forearm, to allow access to the vascular system for hemodialysis, a procedure that performs the functions of the kidneys in people whose kidneys have failed. Connecting the vein and artery is a surgical procedure.",
"The symptoms largely depend on the type of fistula but colovesical fistulas are the most common. With this type of fistula you may have symptoms of bubbly urine, painful urination, irritative symptoms or blood in the urine. You will often pass air and stools from the large bowel to the connecting organ.",
"Feces may also pass into the urine (fecaluria) as a colovesical fistula is the most common type of enterovesical fistula. A fistula may be due to various causes, and is either congenital or acquired. Persistent inflammation, recurrent infections, surgical complication or tumor.",
"urinary fistula any fistula communicating between the urinary tract and another organ or the surface of the body. vesicoenteric fistula (vesicointestinal fistula) enterovesical fistula. vesicovaginal fistula one from the bladder to the vagina.",
"Takedown of colovesical fistula. Premium Questions. Suggest treatment for colovesical fistula. Hi. I have a colovasical fistula and am awaiting a visit to the surgeon. I have had some UTI's and I am taking cipro . In the evenings my pee is finally without poop and bits of veg and is finally ... Suggest treatment for colovesical fistula. I have a colovasical fiatula.",
"A fistula is a joining between two body areas. Examples include arteriovenous fistuala between an artery and a vein. You need to provide more details, like the other structure involved. However, the most likely disorder you're referring to is spontanious scrotal faecal fistula which is found in young babies (neonates).",
"Relevant Anatomy. Vesicovaginal fistula is a free communication between the urinary bladder and the vagina. Ureterovaginal fistula is a communication between the distal ureter and the vagina. For further discussion of relevant anatomy, see Surgical Therapy.",
"Enterovesical fistula (EVF) represents an abnormal communication between the intestine and the bladder. Although EVF are uncommon, they cause significant morbidity and may markedly affect patient's quality of life. Enterovesical fistulae most frequently occur as a consequence of advanced-stage disease or due to traumatic or iatrogenic injuries.",
"Gastrocolic fistulas (between the stomach and colon) and gastrojejunocolic fistulas (between the stomach, second segment of the small intestine, and colon) are other examples of abnormal connections between the gastrointestinal organs themselves. Enterovesical fistulas.",
"These fistulas may form a connection between the bladder and the vagina (vesicovaginal), the skin of the abdomen (vesicocutaneous), or the intestinal tract. Fistulas that connect to any part of the intestine are collectively referred to as vesicoenteric fistulas.Fistulas between the bladder and intestine can occur at the colon (colovesical, most common), rectum (rectovesical), ileum (ileovesical), or the appendix (appendicovesical).The result of any of these conditions is a free exchange of fluids between the bladder and the area connected by the fistula.istulas between the bladder and intestine can occur at the colon (colovesical, most common), rectum (rectovesical), ileum (ileovesical), or the appendix (appendicovesical).",
"Only 0.6% of carcinomas of the colon lead to fistula formation. Colovesical fistulae are more common in males, with a male-to-female ratio of 3:1. The lower incidence in females is thought to be due to interposition of the uterus and adnexa between the bladder and the colon.rohn disease accounts for approximately 10% of vesicoenteric fistulae and is the most common cause of an ileovesical fistula. Ileovesical fistulae develop in 10% of patients with regional ileitis.",
"A tracheo-esophageal fistula (TEF) is an abnormal pathway between the trachea, or windpipe, and the esophagus, which connects the throat with the stomach. There are two forms of TEF: Primary TEF - this form is present from birth (congenital) and almost exclusively diagnosed in infants and children.",
"An arteriovenous fistula, or DAVF, is an abnormal connection of vessels in the tissues around the brain or spinal cord in which one or more arteries are directly connected to one or more veins or venous spaces called sinuses.",
"Introduction: Colovesical fistula. These medical condition or symptom topics may be relevant to medical information for Colovesical fistula: Related Topics. These medical condition or symptom topics may be relevant to medical information for",
"A vesicointestinal fistula (or intestinovesical fistula) is a form of fistula between the bladder and the bowel.",
"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A bronchopleural fistula (BPF) is a fistula between the pleural space and the lung. It can develop following pneumonectomy, post traumatically, or with certain types of infection. It may also develop when large airways are in communication with the pleural space following a large pneumothorax or other loss of pleural negative pressure, especially during positive pressure mechanical ventilation. On imaging, the diagnosis is suspected indirectly on radiograph.",
"A fistula-in-ano is an abnormal hollow tract or cavity that is lined with granulation tissue and that connects a primary opening inside the anal canal to a secondary opening in the perianal skin; secondary tracts may be multiple and can extend from the same primary opening.",
"A bronchopleural fistula is a communication between the bronchial tree and pleural space. Clinically, it may be best described as a persistent air leak or a failure to re-inflate the lung despite chest tube drainage for 24 h.",
"Vesical fistula, not elsewhere classified. 2016 2017 Billable/Specific Code. N32.2 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. This is the American ICD-10-CM version of N32.2. Other international versions of ICD-10 N32.2 may differ.",
"Radiographic features. In most cases the fistula occurs thought the dome of the bladder (~ 60%). The posterior wall (~ 30%) and trigone (~ 10%) are less frequent sites 2. A colovesical fistulas and its cause can be visualised in a number of ways, although the fistulous tract itself is often difficult to demonstrated.adiographic features. In most cases the fistula occurs thought the dome of the bladder (~ 60%). The posterior wall (~ 30%) and trigone (~ 10%) are less frequent sites 2. A colovesical fistulas and its cause can be visualised in a number of ways, although the fistulous tract itself is often difficult to demonstrated.",
"Tracheoesophageal fistula. Definition. Tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF) is a birth defect in which the trachea is connected to the esophagus. In most cases, the esophagus is discontinuous (an esophageal atresia ), causing immediate feeding difficulties.",
"A fistula is an abnormal connection or passageway that connects two organs or vessels that do not usually connect. They can develop anywhere between an intestine and the skin, between the vagina and the rectum, and other places. Some fistulas include: Urinary Tract Fistulas. Abnormal openings within a urinary tract organ or an abnormal connection between a urinary tract organ and another organ. Vesicouterine fistula occurs between the bladder and the uterus. Vesicovaginal fistula is where a hole develops between the bladder and the vagina.",
"A Fistula is a permanent abnormal passageway between two organs in the body or between an organ and the exterior of the body. Fistulas can arise in any part of the body, but they are most common in the digestive tract. They can also develop between blood vessels and in the urinary, reproductive, and lymphatic systems. Fistulas can occur at any age or can be present at birth (congenital).",
"Radiographic features. In most cases the fistula occurs thought the dome of the bladder (~ 60%). The posterior wall (~ 30%) and trigone (~ 10%) are less frequent sites 2. A colovesical fistulas and its cause can be visualised in a number of ways, although the fistulous tract itself is often difficult to demonstrated.reatment and prognosis. Surgical resection of the fistula and abnormal segment of bowel is usually required for cure, although in the setting of malignancy this suggests advanced disease (T4) making surgery complex.",
"vesicovaginal fistula one from the bladder to the vagina. a pathologic communication between a salivary duct or gland and the cutaneous surface or between the oral cavity, pharynx, or esophagus to the cutaneous surface of the neck as a complication of head and neck cancer surgery.",
"Colovesical fistula usually results from bowel disease, with the bladder being secondarily involved. Half of such fistulas are complications of diverticulitis, secondary to abscess formation between the two organs.olovesical fistula usually results from bowel disease, with the bladder being secondarily involved. Half of such fistulas are complications of diverticulitis, secondary to abscess formation between the two organs.",
"An obstetric fistula is a hole between the vagina and rectum or bladder that is caused by prolonged obstructed labor, leaving a woman incontinent of urine or feces or both.",
"A fistula-in-ano is an abnormal tract or cavity with an external opening in the perianal area that is communicating with the rectum or anal canal by an identifiable internal opening. Most fistulas are thought to arise as a result of cryptoglandular infection with resultant perirectal abscess.",
"What Is Fistula? An obstetric fistula is a hole between the vagina and rectum or bladder that is caused by prolonged obstructed labor, leaving a woman incontinent of urine or feces or both. For women with obstructed labor, labor that goes unattended, the labor can last up to six or seven days.",
"Tracheoesophageal fistula is an abnormal connection in one or more places between the esophagus (the tube that leads from the throat to the stomach) and the trachea (the tube that leads from the throat to the windpipe and lungs). Normally, the esophagus and the trachea are two separate tubes that are not connected.",
"colocutaneous fistula. Type:Term. Definitions 1. a fistulous passage connecting the colon and the skin.",
"Vesicovaginal fistula, or VVF, is an abnormal fistulous tract extending between the bladder (or vesico) and the vagina that allows the continuous involuntary discharge of urine into the vaginal vault. In addition to the medical sequela from these fistulas, they often have a profound effect on the patient's emotional well-being.",
"PILONIDAL CYST AND FISTULA. It is a chronic wound tissue including skin in the region of the buttock crease and has nothing to do with the anus and anal canal. More frequent in males (approximately 3:1) and aged between 15 and 30 years, only rarely is complicated and requires surgical care over the age of 30.",
"Coronary artery fistula is an abnormal connection between one of the coronary arteries and a heart chamber or another blood vessel. The coronary arteries are blood vessels that bring oxygen-rich blood to the heart. Fistula means abnormal connection.",
"Gastrojejunocolic fistula (GJF) is a late, severe complication of a stomal ulcer, which develops as a result of inadequate resection of the stomach or incomplete vagotomy (1). As a result of the recent development of proton pump inhibitors and Helicobacter pylori eradication regimens for the treat-",
"An endoscopic view of colovesical fistula (upper right). Note the prominent edema and erythema characteristic of the fistula (ie, herald patch). Occasionally, a whitish discharge with the consistency of toothpaste can be observed emanating from the orifice.",
"Tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF) (TRAY-KEY-o-i-SOF-uh-JEAL FIS-chu-luh) is a condition in which an abnormal channel, called a fistula, connects the windpipe (trachea) to the tube that leads from the mouth to the stomach (esophagus). Food and saliva can get into the trachea and lungs through this channel. This can make a child cough or choke and lead to lung infections or pneumonia. Esophageal atresia (EA) (i-SOF-uh-JEAL uh-TREE-zhuh) is a condition where the esophagus does not form completely. This usually means the tube leading down from the mouth and the tube leading up from the stomach do not meet.",
"Vesicocutaneous Fistula. Vesicocutaneous Fistula. A fistula is defined as an abnormal connection or passageway between two organs or one organ and the body's exterior. A vesicocutaneous fistula, therefore, is an abnormally formed connection between the bladder (vesico-) and the exterior surface of the body (-cutaneous).",
"Vesicointestinal fistula. A vesicointestinal fistula (or intestinovesical fistula) is a form of fistula between the bladder and the bowel.",
"External intestinal fistula is connected to the skin (enterocutaneous fistula). Internal intestinal fistula can be connected to a number of organs, such as stomach (gastrocolic fistula), the biliary tract (cholecystoduodenal fistula), or the urinary bladder of the urinary tract (colovesical fistula).",
"Problem. A fistula is defined as a communication between 2 organ sites. Vesicovaginal fistula is a free communication between the urinary bladder and the vagina. The urine from the bladder freely flows into the vaginal vault, leading to total or continuous incontinence. Ureterovaginal fistula is a communication between the distal ureter and the vagina.",
"Tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF) (TRAY-KEY-o-i-SOF-uh-JEAL FIS-chu-luh) is a condition in which an abnormal channel, called a fistula, connects the windpipe (trachea) to the tube that leads from the mouth to the stomach (esophagus). Food and saliva can get into the trachea and lungs through this channel. This can make a child cough or choke and lead to lung infections or pneumonia. Esophageal atresia (EA) (i-SOF-uh-JEAL uh-TREE-zhuh) is a condition where the esophagus does not form completely.",
"A vesicocolic fistula means that a connection has formed between the urinary bladder and the colon. Sometimes an edema, an accumulation of fluid beneath the skin, can form on the base of the bladder. When air bubbles are released from the middle of the edema, they can show up in the urine.",
"MRI may be useful in identifying deep perineal fistulae but is not generally used in the routine workup of colovesical fistulae. In a study of 22 patients who presented with symptoms suggestive of colovesical fistula, MRI was performed in conjunction with cystoscopy. Afterward, 19 of the patients underwent laparotomy and repair. They found that MRI correctly identified 18 cases of fistula. Fistula was ruled out in the remaining patient.",
"A white mucinous exudate is observed emanating from the site of a colovesical fistula in a patient with both a sigmoid diverticular abscess and colon cancer. After a bladder wash-out, the fistula appears as a raised, edematous, sessile lesion in the bladder.",
"A tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF, or TOF; see spelling differences) is an abnormal connection (fistula) between the esophagus and the trachea. TEF is a common congenital abnormality, but when occurring late in life is usually the sequela of surgical procedures such as a laryngectomy.",
"Definition Tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF) is a birth defect in which the trachea is connected to the esophagus. In most cases, the esophagus is discontinuous (an esophageal atresia ), causing immediate feeding difficulties.",
"Enterovesical Fistulae: Aetiology, Imaging, and Management. 1 1Department of Urology, Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University, Ulica Grzegorzecka 18, 31-531 Cracow, Poland. 2 2Department of Interventional Radiology and Neuroradiology, Medical University of Lublin, Ulica Jaczewskiego 8, 20-954 Lublin, Poland.",
"Vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) is a subtype of female urogenital fistula (UGF).",
"Background and Study Objectives. Enterovesical fistula (EVF) is a devastating complication of a variety of inflammatory and neoplastic diseases. Radiological imaging plays a vital role in the diagnosis of EVF and is indispensable to gastroenterologists and surgeons for choosing the correct therapeutic option.",
"Anovaginal and rectovaginal fistulas are abnormal tracts that connect the lower gastrointestinal tract with the vagina. Other types of urogenital or anorectal fistulas are discussed elsewhere. (See Urogenital tract fistulas in women and Anorectal fistula: Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management principles.) ETIOLOGY.",
"A fistula involving the bladder can have one of many specific names, describing the specific location of its outlet: 1 Bladder and intestine: vesicoenteric, enterovesical, or vesicointestinal. 2 Bladder and colon: vesicocolic or colovesical. 3 Bladder and rectum: vesicorectal or rectovesical.",
"enterocutaneous fistula see enterocutaneous fistula. enterovesical fistula one connecting some part of the intestine with the urinary bladder; called also vesicoenteric f. fecal fistula one between the colon and the external surface of the body, discharging feces. gastric fistula. 1. one communicating between the stomach and some other body part.",
"Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content. Link to this page: <a href=http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/colovesical+fistula>colovesical fistula</a>. Facebook.",
"External intestinal fistula is connected to the SKIN (enterocutaneous fistula). Internal intestinal fistula can be connected to a number of organs, such as STOMACH (gastrocolic fistula), the BILIARY TRACT (cholecystoduodenal fistula), or the BLADDER of the URINARY TRACT (colovesical fistula).ntestinal fistula: An abnormal anatomical passage between the INTESTINE, and another segment of the intestine or other organs.",
"What is Bladder Fistula? Bladder fistula refers to an abnormal connection between the bladder and another organ or the skin. Most commonly this involves the bowel (enterovesical fistula) or the vagina (vesicovaginal fistula).",
"Obstetric fistula (or vaginal fistula) is a medical condition in which a fistula (hole) develops between either the rectum and vagina (see rectovaginal fistula) or between the bladder and vagina (see vesicovaginal fistula) after severe or failed childbirth, when adequate medical care is not available.",
"Fistulae complicating diverticulitis are the result of a localized perforation into adjacent viscera, and occur in 4â23% of patients hospitalized for diverticular disease. 1 The types of fistulae include colovesical, colovaginal, colotubal, coloenteric, and colocutaneous fistulae. 1 Colocutaneous fistulae occur very rarely, accounting for 1â4% of the total number of fistulae complicating colonic diverticular disease. 1 Herein we describe a case of a fistula connecting the ...",
"Vesical fistula, not elsewhere classified. N32.2 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. This is the American ICD-10-CM version of N32.2. Other international versions of ICD-10 N32.2 may differ."
] |
what is avidity | [
"Medical Definition of avidity. : a characteristic of antibodies (such as antitoxins) that tends to enhance their rate or stability in binding with an antigen Antibody avidity is an average measure of the affinity of the antibodies for a particular antigen in a serum sample.âDominic F. Kelly, The New England Journal of Medicine, 21 Dec. 2005."
] | [
"AVID, Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a schoolwide college readiness system. AVID focuses on leadership, systems, instruction, and culture to assist schools in helping students be prepared for college and career. AVID is designed to increase the number of students who enroll and succeed in higher education and in their lives beyond high school.",
"Automaticity /ËÉËtÉmÉËtɪsáµ»ti/ is the ability to do things without occupying the mind with the low-level details required, allowing it to become an automatic response pattern or habit. It is usually the result of learning, repetition, and practice. Examples of automaticity are common activities such as walking, speaking, bicycle-riding, assembly-line work, and driving a car (the last of these sometimes being termed highway hypnosis).",
"AVIDâs mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.",
"AVID TEAM. AVID is an elective class offered to students who would like to prepare for four-year colleges and universities. Students must have satisfactory citizenship, good attendance, and a G.P.A. of 2.0 or higher. Applicants must be motivated to work toward college eligibility.",
"AVID Secondary (grades 7-12) develops learning, study and academic behavioral skills that are essential to success in rigorous coursework. It acts as a catalyst for schools to develop a culture of college readiness for all students across the campus. In the AVID Elective class, students receive daily instruction and support to prepare them for college from a trained AVID Elective teacher.",
"AVID, an acronym for Advancement Via Individual Determination, is an untracking program designed to help underachieving students with high academic potential prepare for entrance to colleges and universities.",
"Antibody Avidity and HIV Testing. The reason that avidity tests can be used to determine the length of an HIV infection is that over time, the avidity of the anti-HIV antibodies made by the immune system will improve. This method, however, is limited by prompt, effective treatment.",
"Advancement Via Individual Determination is a non-profit organization that provides professional learning for educators to improve college readiness for all students, especially those traditionally underrepresented in higher education. AVID's College Readiness System had its start at the secondary level, with the AVID Elective class and AVID Schoolwide, and now also includes work in elementary schools and college campuses. These efforts are known as AVID Elementary and AVID for Higher Education.",
"Originality: ability to generate a product or idea that is unique or very unusual, unexpected, first of its kind. E.g. oxymorons, juxtapositions, unprompted shifts in time/place/role/capabilities, unique combinations. Originality is the pinnacle of creativity. Of the four FFOE skills, originality is most difficult to force but can be REINforced. Originality by definition means producing ideas and products that have not existed before, but we judge it in relative terms.",
"Official website. Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a non-profit organization that provides professional learning for educators to improve college readiness for all students, especially those traditionally underrepresented in higher education. AVID's College Readiness System had its start at the secondary level, with the AVID Elective class and AVID Schoolwide, and now also includes work in elementary schools and college campuses.",
"AVID is designed to teach students the skills they need to achieve academic and personal excellence. Students will learn methods for organizing their time and work. They will ⦠learn to use the Inquiry Method to think deeply about their work, learn to work successfully in collaborative teams, and enhance their writing, reading, and research skills in order to strive for excellence in all that they do.",
"What AVID is... 1 AVID is an acronym that stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination. 2 AVID is an in-school academic support program for grades 4-12 that prepares students for college eligibility and success. 3 AVID places academically average students in advanced classes.",
"What is AVID Schoolwide? AVID is schoolwide when a strong AVID system transforms the Instruction, Systems, Leadership, and Culture of a school, ensuring college readiness for all AVID Elective students and improved academic performance for all students based on increased opportunities.",
"Advancement Via Individual Determination. AVID is schoolwide when a strong AVID system transforms the Instruction, Systems, Leadership, and Culture of a school, ensuring college readiness for all AVID Elective students and improved academic performance for all students based on increased opportunities.",
"Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) What Is It? AVID, an acronym for Advancement Via Individual Determination, is an untracking program designed to help underachieving students with high academic potential prepare for entrance to colleges and universities.",
"avid. 1 showing great enthusiasm for or interest in: an avid moviegoer. Synonyms: enthusiastic, ardent, keen; devoted, dedicated; zealous, fanatic. 2 extremely desirous (often followed by for or sometimes of): avid for pleasure; avid of power. Synonyms: eager; hungry, greedy, insatiable; covetous.",
"(Adj.) avid- eager; a love for a certain thing; obsessed synonym- passionate antonym- unexcited special usage: noun- avidity verb- avidly by- krystle ;) ⦠your welcome :D What does WIC stand for?",
"What AVID Is: an acronym that stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination an in-school academic support program for grades 4 â 12 that prepares students for college eligibility and success; for all students, but it targets those in the academic middle; implemented school-wide and district-wide; What AVID Is Not:",
"AVID is profiled by CBS 60 Minutes II, which acknowledges AVID as âa fresh idea in education, and an answer to increasing student achievement.â AVID is named one of the top 10 not-for-profits in the U.S. by Worth Magazine.",
"AVID is a structured, college preparatory system working directly with schools and districts. Ourgoal is to implement AVID strategies or Best Practices throughoutthe school. The AVID Curriculum is based on WICR - Writing, Inquiry,Collaboration, and Reading.",
"If the patient is pregnant, and IgG/IgM positive, an IgG avidity test should be performed. A high avidity result in the first 12 to 16 weeks of pregnancy (time dependent upon the commercial test kit) essentially rules out an infection acquired during gestation.",
"Fluency (automaticity) is reading words with no noticeable cognitive or mental effort. It is having mastered word recognition skills to the point of overlearning. Fundamental skills are so automatic that they do not require conscious attention. Examples of automaticity: shifting gears on a car.",
"Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a program to prepare fifth to 12th grade students in the academic middle for four-year college eligibility. It has a proven track record for bringing out the best in students and closing the achievement gap. AVID has partnered with GEAR UP programs in several cities.",
"AVID is not just another programâ¦. at its heart, AVID is a philosophy Hold students accountable to the highest standards, provide academic and social support, and they will rise to the challenge. Introduction to AVID.",
"AVID Elementary is a functional component of the AVID college readiness system. AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) has a mission to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society. The components are: 1. student success skills.",
"Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID), is a College Readiness System dedicated to preparing all students for college, career and other postsecondary choices. Today, AVID impacts nearly 1.5 million students in 46 states and 16 countries/territories. The DoDEA school system has 74 AVID sites.",
"NovaLisa ® Toxoplasma gondii IgG Avidity Test*: The avidity determination is a diagnostic method which is used to differentiate a recent (acute) and a more distant (past) infection with Toxoplasma gondii in patient sera.",
"AVID, Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a college readiness system for elementary through higher education that is designed to increase schoolwide learning and performance.",
"(Ävâ²Äd) adj. 1. Having or marked by keen interest and enthusiasm: an avid golfer; an avid interest in cooking. 2. Having or marked by strong desire or craving; greedy: an economy with an avid appetite for consumer goods.",
"Avidin is a biotin-binding protein that is believed to function as an antibiotic in the eggs of birds, reptiles and amphibians. Chicken avidin has a mass of 67,000-68,000 Daltons and is formed from four 128 amino acid-subunits, each binding one molecule of biotin.lthough the avidin-biotin system is simple to set up and use, it does have certain limitations. Because any biotinylated molecule will bind to any biotin-binding protein, these reagents must be used in combination with other detection-probe systems (i.e., primary-secondary antibodies) for multiplex experiments.",
"avid - (often followed by `for') ardently or excessively desirous; avid for adventure; an avid ambition to succeed; fierce devouring affection; the esurient eyes of an avid curiosity; greedy for fame. 2. avid - marked by active interest and enthusiasm; an avid sports fan.",
"The AVID College Readiness System is a catalyst for developing a school culture that closes the achievement, expectation, and opportunity gaps many students face, and it prepares all students for success in a global society.",
"AVID is a new elective class for students who need some extra support getting ready to. be successful in high school and who have the goal of attending college. Students are selected as a good candidateâs for AVID based on their current grades, attendance, behavior, and their interest in attending college. Students in AVID must be. willing and committed to working hard toward academic success, so part of the selection. criteria is that they have excellent attendance and school behavior. A typical AVID. participant is a student who earns a GPA of 2.0â3.0 and is often a âfirst in familyâ college. attender.",
"How does AVID help you? AVID is designed to teach students the skills they need to achieve academic and personal excellence. Students will learn methods for organizing their time and work. They will â¦learn to use the Inquiry Method to think deeply about their work, learn to work successfully in collaborative teams, and enhance their writing, reading, and research skills in order to strive for excellence in all that they do.",
"Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word AVID. Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: avid, devouring(a), esurient, greedy(adj) (often followed by `for') ardently or excessively desirous.",
"AVID's mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society. AVID Center. AVID Center is the non-profit that school districts and college campuses contract with to provide AVID's professional learning, curriculum, and support services.",
"Sign In. Register. AVID is a course in which any student could benefit. AVID is a campus-wide college readiness support system that will work hand-in-hand with the core content courses to prepare students for challenging, rigorous work. In the AVID elective class, students engage in writing, inquiry, collaboration, and reading strategies to help them master rigorous academic content.",
"Advancement Via Individual Determination. Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a global nonprofit organization that operates with one guiding principle: Hold students accountable to the highest standards, provide academic and social support, and they will rise to the challenge.",
"AVIDâs mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society. AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a college readiness system designed to help students in the middle prepare for and succeed in colleges and universities. AVID is offered in approximately 4,800 elementary, middle and high schools in 48 states and 16 countries/territories.",
"The Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Program is designed to help middle and high school students prepare for and succeed in colleges and universities. Students in the program commit themselves to improvement and preparation for college. AVID offers a rigorous program of instruction in academic survival skills and college level entry skills. The AVID program teaches the student how to study, read for content, take notes, and manage time. Students participate in collaborative study groups or tutorials led by tutors who use skillful questioning to bring students to a higher level of understanding.",
"Confidentiality is the ability to take information that is given discreetly and not reveal it to others. Certain professions... Autonomy is the principle of acting, speaking, and thinking freely within a society. You are independent of everyone else to the degree that you can govern yourself.",
"AVID@Home is an opportunity for parents to support AVID strategies at home with their own children. WICOR Definition: WICOR is an acronym for strategies used in AVID classrooms. The letters stand for. Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading. This edition AVID@Home focuses on Inquiry. Inquiry Definition: In the classroom, Inquiry refers to the asking and answering of high level questions.",
"AVID is a program that is funded by the state and targets potential college students. AVID classes prepare students for college by teaching them study and organizational skills.",
"IgG avidity. IgG avidity has been used in research settings to determine if a person who is IgG positive for VZV was infected with the virus in the past or more recently. Avidity testing can be used to determine if the most recent VZV rash was due to primary infection (varicella) or reactivation (herpes zoster).",
"Elasticity is a measure of responsiveness. The responsiveness of behavior measured by variable Z to a change in environment variable Y is the change in Z observed in response to a change in Y. Specifically, this approximation is common: elasticity = (percentage change in Z) / (percentage change in Y). The smaller the percentage change in Y is practical, the better the measure is and the closer it is to the intended theoretically perfect measure..",
"The AVID elective is a class that meets five hours per week within the regular school day. The class is composed of several different elements, making students more successful in all their classes. The week is divided into curriculum days, tutorial days, and motivational activity days.",
"Avid Life Media, Inc. is a social entertainment company that operates online social networking and dating communities for women and men worldwide. The company was founded in 2007 and is based in Toronto, Canada. PO Box 67027.",
"The AVID Curriculum. The AVID curriculum, based on rigorous standards, was developed by middle and senior high school teachers in collaboration with college professors. It is driven by the WICOR method, which stands for writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading.",
"Hi Kendra, You can cite this page as follows: Avidity Medical Design (2014, October 16). Why Medical Terminology Is So Important To Learn. I am glad that you enjoyed the article. Stay tuned for future updates on the availability of new healthcare courses being offered by Avidity Medical Design Academy.",
"AVID is an elective class at each high school and middlel school in Humble ISD. AVID helps to place students in a more personally challenging course load supported by specialized tutoring and lessons on organizational and study skills. Guest speakers are also a major part of the class. Each semester the AVID class will visit a college campus and experience, for that day, what college is like.",
"AVID motivates students and provides the skills and confidence to reach their goals. The AVID elective is a class that meets five hours per week within the regular school day. The class is composed of several different elements, making students more successful in all their classes.",
"Avidin is a glycoprotein consisting of four identical subunits. It is a minor constituent of the egg white of reptiles, amphibians, and birds. In the chicken, it is synthesized in the oviduct in response to progesterone and in several tissues in connection with inflammation and tissue damage (Elo et al.ecent work with avidin has found its use in a variety of cancer treatments (Lesch et al. 2010). Both avidin and its derivatives continue to be used in the isolation of biotinylated proteins (Bolivar et al. 2008), and it has been incorporated into assays to detect levels of biotin in urine and serum (Zarogiannis et al.",
"AVID, which stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a college readiness program designed to help students develop the skills they need to be successful in college. The program places special emphasis on growing writing, critical thinking, teamwork, organization and reading skills.",
"Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word zealous. Princeton's WordNet(3.67 / 3 votes)Rate this definition: avid, zealous(adj) marked by active interest and enthusiasm. an avid sports fan.",
"What Is It? AVID, an acronym for Advancement Via Individual Determination, is an untracking program designed to help underachieving students with high academic potential prepare for entrance to colleges and universities.",
"Advancement Via Individual Determination. Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a non-profit organization that provides professional learning for educators to improve college readiness for all students, especially those traditionally underrepresented in higher education.",
"The word avid is relatively new, coming into the language in the 18th century from the French word avide, which comes from the Latin word avidus. That word, in turn, comes from the Latin verb avÄre, a multifaceted word that is translated as âto crave, long for,â but incorporates many levels of desire, from eagerness to hunger to outright lust.",
"What is AVID? AVID is not just another programâ¦. at its heart, AVID is a philosophy Hold students accountable to the highest standards, provide academic and social support, and they will rise to the challenge. Introduction to AVID.",
"Specificity is a measure of the ability of a test to correctly classify an individual as healthy or disease-free. Parikh and others reckons that sensitivity and specificity are inversely proportional, which means that as the value of sensitivity increases, the value of specificity decreases and vice versa."
] |
can bipolar disorder creates fear | [
"With mood disorders like depression and bipolar disorder, sometimes anxiety is a symptom. Other times it is a separate illness. It also may have physical, environmental or lifestyle-related causes. Symptom of a mood disorder."
] | [
"Panic disorders and PTSD are associated with increased risk for suicidal thoughts. Social phobias and OCD also increase the risk of suicide. If a person has an anxiety disorder and a mood disorders (such as depression), the risk for suicide is even higher.",
"Fear of the unknown or irrational fear is caused by negative thinking (worry) which arises from anxiety accompanied with a subjective sense of apprehension or dread. Irrational fear like any other fears share common neural pathway that engages to mobilize bodily resources in the face of threat.",
"This description is not really negative things. What makes hypomania scary is that an individual may make bad choices with the increased energy. A common error made by Bipolar folks is to stop taking medications, because some degree of hypomania feels good.",
"Many people with an anxiety disorder do not realize they have a defined, treatable disorder and so anxiety disorders are thought to be underdiagnosed conditions. (Take our anxiety disorder test). People with an anxiety disorder often have co-occurring mental health problems, such as depression, and this can increase serious risks like suicide. Often severe anxiety disorder symptoms and panic attacks are a warning sign and increase the risk of suicide.",
"F31.10 Bipolar disorder, current episode manic witho... F31.11 Bipolar disorder, current episode manic witho... F31.12 Bipolar disorder, current episode manic witho... F31.13 Bipolar disorder, current episode manic witho... F31.2 Bipolar disorder, current episode manic sever... F31.3 Bipolar disorder, current episode depressed, ...",
"[citation needed] The sufferer may feel this phobia all the time. The sufferer may also experience this sensation when something triggers the fear, like a close encounter with a dead animal or the funeral of a loved one or friend. The fear may have developed when a person witnessed a death, or was forced to attend a funeral as a child.",
"Different hypotheses about the role of genes in the development of bipolar disorder have been proposed. One theory says the risk for bipolar disorder is due to a few susceptibility genes; another says that many susceptibility genes contribute modestly to the risk for disease.",
"1 Children of a parent with bipolar disorder have a 50% chance of having a major psychiatric illness. 2 Children remain at an increased risk even if they are raised in the home of parents without the illness.",
"Like other specific phobias, Achondroplasiaphobia can be debilitating and affect a personâs ability to function normally. Psychotherapy is one of the most effective ways of treating and overcoming the fear of midgets. Talking out about the fear can help one rationalize it.",
"The family of fear can include many things that a person is afraid of such as the 210 phobias recognized by psychiatrists. Fears can include the families of jealousy, sensitiveness, persecution, paranoia, worry, and many other spirits.",
"Thus fear is judged as rational or appropriate and irrational or inappropriate. An irrational fear is called a phobia. Psychologists such as John B. Watson, Robert Plutchik, and Paul Ekman have suggested that there is only a small set of basic or innate emotions and that fear is one of them.This hypothesized set includes such emotions as joy, sadness, fright, dread, horror, panic, anxiety, acute stress reaction and anger.sychologists such as John B. Watson, Robert Plutchik, and Paul Ekman have suggested that there is only a small set of basic or innate emotions and that fear is one of them. This hypothesized set includes such emotions as joy, sadness, fright, dread, horror, panic, anxiety, acute stress reaction and anger.",
"Hypochondriac fear, such as the aids phobia, can be extremely burdening and even lead to depression and schizophrenia. There âs also a comorbidity with obsessive compulsive disorders. OCD and fear of HIV can be interlinked. So take your fear of aids seriously if itâs restricting your day to day life.",
"The term erotophobia can also be used when describing genophobia. It comes from the name of the Greek god of erotic love, Eros. Genophobia can induce panic and fear in individuals, much like panic attacks. People who suffer from the phobia can be intensely affected by attempted sexual contact or just the thought of it. The extreme fear can lead to trouble in romantic relationships.",
"It takes a lot of courage to seek support. I know because when I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, I resisted receiving support for a really long time. In my depressions I felt so alone. I didnât have the ability to go to therapy because I leaving the house was really hard for me. am not my illness, nor is anyone else living with a mental illness. It is my passion and mission to support people in thriving with bipolar disorder and other similar highly stigmatized disorders. To me, thriving means to live responsibly while daring to go after our vision and dreams in life.",
"Fear of the unknown or irrational fear is caused by negative thinking which arises from anxiety. Many people are scared of the unknown. The irrational fear can branch out to many areas such as the hereafter, the next ten years, or even tomorrow.",
"Foods to Avoid with Bipolar Disorder. Just as there are foods that can help with the treatment of bipolar disorder, some foods can exacerbate negative signs of bipolar disorder or can interfere with medications prescribed for its treatment.",
"Can ECT Treat Bipolar Disorder? 5 Types of Bipolar Disorder; Signs of a Bipolar Manic Episode",
"Thus, the difference between social phobia and the extreme fear of people is subtle and hence diagnosis is often difficult. In Anthropophobia, the individual might even fear close friends and relatives and perceive them as being threatening as much as a stranger. The person with the extreme fear of people understands that his/her fear is illogical. Despite this, they let the phobia affect their daily lives, education or occupation.",
"Report Abuse. 1 RE: 2 It has been my experience having GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) that when I am on medication it seems to be alot worse. 3 Yes Xanax caused me to have a host of symtoms. Yes, Xanax can cause anxiety and more panic 1 attacks. For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/0KvdW.",
"At what age does bipolar disorder start? Topics | Mental Health | Bipolar Disorder | At what age does bipolar disorder start? The average age of onset for bipolar disorder is 23, although late-adolescent onset is fairly common. Bipolar disorder can occur as early as 6 years old or as late as 50.",
"Other causes include childhood sexual abuse, claustrophobia, agoraphobia, cross phobias (where patients exhibit a number of phobic disorders), panic disorders, anxiety disorders and what I call phobia by association. Phobia by association happens when a patient learns to fear something without any direct experience.",
"In many cases, the person is aware that the fear is unreasonable, yet is unable to overcome it. People with social anxiety disorder suffer from distorted thinking, including false beliefs about social situations and the negative opinions of others.",
"1 In Anthropophobia, the individual might even fear close friends and relatives and perceive them as being threatening as much as a stranger. 2 The person with the extreme fear of people understands that his/her fear is illogical. 3 Despite this, they let the phobia affect their daily lives, education or occupation.",
"Medications for Bipolar Disorder. Other names: Bipolar Affective Disorder; Bipolar Affective Mood Disorder; Bipolar I Disorder; Bipolar II Disorder; Manic Depression; Manic Depressive Disorder; Manic Depressive Illness; Mood Disorder.",
"And i know if they were going to stick me beyond a TB test I would not be able to do it. Fear is a crazy irrational thing. You may have to present evidence of MMR/Tdap/Varicella vaccination or recent titers. If you haven't had them drawn, it's possible that you'll have to have them drawn.",
"Disorders often mistaken for teenage bipolar disorder include: 1 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 2 Borderline personality disorder. 3 Conduct disorders. 4 Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 5 Schizophrenia.",
"Almost any job that involves carrying a gun will disqualify people who have bipolar disorder. This includes the military and police forces. There are occasionally exceptions to this, and you should feel free to ask a recruiter, but those exceptions are rare. Donât use any deception, especially in the military.",
"In case of any symptoms of monophobia or fear of being alone, it is important to refer to a psychologist as soon as possible, especially if you have children. You family members may not cause monophobia or fear of being alone genetically but watching someone having phobia can create phobia in children.",
"According to medicalnewstoday a phobia can be described as âan irrational fear, a kind of anxiety disorder in which the sufferer has a relentless dread of a situation, living creature, place or thingâ. Many people who suffer from a phobia will often go to great lengths to avoid getting confronted with their fears. They will often perceive something as much more dangerous in their minds than it actually is in real life. In some cases people who are directly confronted with their phobia may suffer from huge amounts of stress and panic attacks.",
"Irrational fears. Some anxiety isn't generalized at all; on the contrary, it's attached to a specific situation or thingâlike flying, animals, or crowds. If the fear becomes overwhelming, disruptive, and way out of proportion to the actual risk involved, it's a telltale sign of phobia, a type of anxiety disorder.",
"Xyrophobia is the fear of razors. While some are well-recognized, others are unheard of, but whatever the phobia, the person suffering from it is living with fear and anxiety. Phobias are the most common mental disorder, says R. Reid Wilson, PhD, spokesman for the American Psychological Association.",
"Phobias: The Irrational Fear. Phobias are irrational fear to a person, place or object and they are classified as an anxiety disorder. There is a term for every phobia imaginable. Phobias affect approximately nineteen million individuals, with the fears ranging from blood to women and every thing in between.",
"In addition, bipolar disorder seems to relate to divorce by virtue of how long and how severe the depressive episodes are, and the amount of life stress associated with a manic episode (for example: debt incurred or partner betrayed by cheating).",
"Fear of the unknown or irrational fear is caused by negative thinking which arises from anxiety accompanied with a subjective sense of apprehension or dread. Irrational fear shares a common neural pathway with other fears, a pathway that engages the nervous system to mobilize bodily resources in the face of danger or threat."
] |
what is stuxnet? | [
"Stuxnet is a family of cleverly written malware worms that primarily target SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquistition) control systems for large infrastructures such as industrial power plants."
] | [
"It is typically introduced to the target environment via an infected USB flash drive. The worm then propagates across the network, scanning for Siemens Step7 software on computers controlling a PLC. In the absence of either criterion, Stuxnet becomes dormant inside the computer.",
"The implications of Flame and Stuxnet go beyond state-sponsored cyberattacks. âRegular cybercriminals look at something that Stuxnet is doing and say, thatâs a great idea, letâs copy that,â Schouwenberg says.",
"Stuxnet: Computer worm opens new era of warfare. Computer virus's evident success in damaging Iran's nuclear facility has officials asking if our own infrastructure is safe. Steve Kroft reports. 2012 Jun 04.",
"Before they knew what targets Stuxnet had been designed to go after, the researchers at Kaspersky and other security firms began reverse engineering the code, picking up clues along the way: the number of infections, the fraction of infections in Iran, and the references to Siemens industrial programs, which are used at power plants.",
"Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) is a statement-based scripting language used to define, manipulate, and retrieve data from multidimensional objects in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS).",
"Stunnel is a free software authored by MichaÅ Trojnara. Although distributed under GNU GPL version 2 or later with OpenSSL exception, stunnel is not a community project.tunnel uses the OpenSSL library for cryptography, so it supports whatever cryptographic algorithms are compiled into the library. It can benefit from the FIPS 140-2 validation of the OpenSSL FIPS Object Module, as long as the building process meets its Security Policy.",
"stubhub is an online ticket trading platform it allows you to purchase event tickets from other users and then print them off the website or an email or have them mailed to you you can also use stubhub to list tickets that you don t need or want for sale and see if other users are looking to buy them",
"Definition - What does Multiplexer (MUX) mean? A multiplexer (MUX) is a device allowing one or more low-speed analog or digital input signals to be selected, combined and transmitted at a higher speed on a single shared medium or within a single shared device. Thus, several signals may share a single device or transmission conductor such as a copper wire or fiber optic cable.",
"Recognition of such threats exploded in June 2010 with the discovery of Stuxnet, a 500-kilobyte computer worm that infected the software of at least 14 industrial sites in Iran, including a uranium-enrichment plant.",
"From EduTech Wiki. This article or section is a stub. A stub is an entry that did not yet receive substantial attention from editors, and as such does not yet contain enough information to be considered a real article. In other words, it is a short or insufficient piece of information and requires additions.",
"It's not clear how long it took Stuxnet to reach its target after infecting machines at Neda and the other companies, but between June and August the number of centrifuges enriching uranium gas at Natanz began to drop. Whether this was the result solely of the new version of Stuxnet or the lingering effects of the previous version is unknown.",
"There has been speculation that Washington had a role in developing Flame, but the collaboration on the virus between the United States and Israel has not been previously confirmed. Commercial security researchers reported last week that Flame contained some of the same code as Stuxnet.",
"Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the Worldâs First Digital Weapon. In January 2010, inspectors with the International Atomic Energy Agency visiting the Natanz uranium enrichment plant in Iran noticed that centrifuges used to enrich uranium gas were failing at an unprecedented rate.",
"Image caption Iran's nuclear enrichment systems were hit by the Stuxnet virus that targeted centrifuges. The risk of a serious cyber attack on nuclear power plants around the world is growing, warns a report.The civil nuclear infrastructure in most nations is not well prepared to defend against such attacks, it added.n June this year the International Atomic Energy Agency held its first international conference about the cyber threats facing plants and manufacturing facilities. At the conference Yukiya Amano, director of the IAEA, said both random and targeted attacks were being directed at nuclear plants.",
"WikiLeaks and the Stuxnet worm are raising the profile of cyber security, says Piers Wilson. Behind the job title: Cyber security consultant. Cyber security is a rapidly growing market, with 90% of employers finding it hard to fill all positions.",
"Again, the cause of the problem was a mystery. That is, until the researchers found a handful of malicious files on one of the systems and discovered the world's first digital weapon. Stuxnet, as it came to be known, was unlike any other virus or worm that came before. Rather than simply hijacking targeted computers or stealing information from them, it escaped the digital realm to wreak physical destruction on equipment the computers controlled.",
"Stuxnet could spread stealthily between computers running Windowsâeven those not connected to the Internet. If a worker stuck a USB thumb drive into an infected machine, Stuxnet could, well, worm its way onto it, then spread onto the next machine that read that USB drive.",
"Training Center XML (TCX) is a data exchange format introduced in 2007 as part of Garmin's Training Center product. The XML is similar to GPX since it exchanges GPS tracks, but treats a track as an Activity rather than simply a series of GPS points.",
"the changes mapped precisely however to what stuxnet was designed to do reprinted from countdown to zero day stuxnet and the launch of the world s first digital weapon copyright 2014 by kim zetter published by crown publishers an imprint of random house llc",
"StubHub (often styled StubHub!) is an online marketplace owned by eBay, which provides services for buyers and sellers of tickets for sports, concerts, theater and other live entertainment events.",
", I work on several security sites, mostly on http://www.2-viruses.com providing removal instructions for par... Stuxnet name was derived from strings existing in its code. Why these strings were used one should ask makers of this worm.",
"It features the usage of the Stuxnet virus as a main plot line for the story, and the attempt of Iran to bypass it. In Ghost in the Shell: Arise Stuxnet is the name of the computer virus which infected Kusunagi and Manamura allowing false memories to be implanted.",
"The DECnet raw sockets option allows the reading and writing of DECnet packets at a lower level than users normally need. It is very useful for debugging and monitoring activity, and might be required by future user-level routing daemons.",
"excerpted from countdown to zero day stuxnet and the launch of the world s first digital weapon in january 2010 inspectors with the international atomic energy agency visiting the natanz uranium enrichment plant in iran noticed that centrifuges used to enrich uranium gas were failing at an unprecedented rate",
"If both the conditions are fulfilled, Stuxnet introduces the infected rootkit onto the PLC and Step7 software, modifying the codes and giving unexpected commands to the PLC while returning a loop of normal operations system values feedback to the users.",
"Introduction. Serial Tunneling (STUN) is the tunneling of SDLC frames across a WAN. In the traditional systems network architecture (SNA) world, remote controllers are attached to the front-end processor (FEP) through a set of modems attached over POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) or leased lines.",
"For other uses, see STUN (disambiguation). Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) is a standardized set of methods, including a network protocol, for traversal of network address translator (NAT) gateways in applications of real-time voice, video, messaging, and other interactive communications.",
"countdown to zero day stuxnet and the launch of the world s first digital weapon written by wired senior staff writer kim zetter tells the story behind stuxnet s planning execution and discovery",
"Symantec, based on this report, continued the analysis of the threat, calling it nearly identical to Stuxnet, but with a completely different purpose, and published a detailed technical paper. The main component used in Duqu is designed to capture information such as keystrokes and system information.",
"Only after years of undetected infiltration did the U.S. and Israel unleash the second variation to attack the centrifuges themselves and self-replicate to all sorts of computers. And the first version of Stuxnet was only detected with the knowledge of the second.",
"The stunnel is an open-source multi-platform application used to provide universal TLS/SSL tunneling service. The stunnel can be used to provide secure encrypted connections for clients or servers that do not speak TLS or SSL natively. It runs on a variety of operating systems, including most Unix-like operating systems and Windows. Stunnel relies on the OpenSSL library to implement the underlying TLS or SSL protocol.",
"Serial Tunneling (STUN) is the tunneling of SDLC frames across a WAN. In the traditional systems network architecture (SNA) world, remote controllers are attached to the front-end processor (FEP) through a set of modems attached over POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) or leased lines.",
"Stucchi is an ISO 9001 / Vision 2000 certified manufacturer of hydraulic quick disconnects based in Brignano, Italy with U.S. operations in Romeoville, IL.he U.S. operation began in 2001 to support the growing needs of its OEM customer base here in the U.S. and to set up a North America distribution network to support those OEMâs and the aftermarket.",
"Using stunnel. The stunnel program is an encryption wrapper between a client and a server. It listens on the port specified in its configuration file, encrypts the communitation with the client, and forwards the data to the original daemon listening on its usual port.",
"An Unprecedented Look at Stuxnet, the World's First Digital Weapon. 1 This recent undated satellite image provided by Space Imaging/Inta SpaceTurk shows the once-secret Natanz nuclear complex in Natanz, Iran, about 150 miles south of Tehran.",
"Some computer security experts believe that an attack as sophisticated as Stuxnet could have only been conducted with nation-state support, although there havenât been any confirmations to date as to which country or countries might have been involved in developing Stuxnet.",
"Although Stuxnet may have temporarily slowed the enrichment program in Iran, it did not achieve its end goal. âWhoever spent millions of dollars on Stuxnet, Flame, Duqu, and so onâall that money is sort of wasted. That malware is now out in the public spaces and can be reverse engineered,â says Carr.",
"STUN (Simple Traversal of UDP through NAT) Simple Traversal of UDP through NAT (STUN) is a protocol that governs the exchange of data over a User Datagram Protocol (UDP) connection by communications devices operating behind a Network Address Translator (NAT) or firewall. The main objective of STUN is to overcome some of the problems associated with the lack of standardized behaviors in NATs.",
"Since the discovery of Stuxnet, Schouwenberg and other computer-security engineers have been fighting off other weaponized viruses, such as Duqu, Flame, and Gauss, an onslaught that shows no signs of abating.",
"stunnel is a program that can turn any non-SSL or non-encrypted TCP port into an encrypted port. Further, it has the ability to decrypt the data as well. When configured properly stunnel can be a mini, port-only VPN that will allow you safely transmit data across unsecured channels. stunnel is available on most major Linux distributions and Windows. Ports may be available for other operating systems.",
"Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the Worldâs First Digital Weapon In January 2010, inspectors with the International Atomic Energy Agency visiting the Natanz uranium enrichment plant in Iran noticed that centrifuges used to enrich uranium gas were failing at an unprecedented rate.",
"Stub (stock) A stub is the stock representing the remaining equity in a corporation left over after a major cash or security distribution from a buyout, a spin-out, a demerger or some other form of restructuring removes most of the company's operations from the parent corporation. A stub may retain the name of the original corporation, or in some cases may take another name as part of the restructuring.",
"Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World's First Digital Weapon, written by WIRED senior staff writer Kim Zetter, tells the story behind Stuxnet's planning, execution and discovery. In this excerpt from the book, which will be released November 11, Stuxnet has already been at work silently sabotaging centrifuges at the Natanz plant for about a year.",
"Stuxnet has three modules: a worm that executes all routines related to the main payload of the attack; a link file that automatically executes the propagated copies of the worm; and a rootkit component responsible for hiding all malicious files and processes, preventing detection of the presence of Stuxnet.",
"uranium 311 the stuxnet virus that has infected iran s nuclear installations may have been behind the decommissioning of 1000 centrifuges at the natanz uranium enrichment facility earlier this year according to a new analysis of the malicious software",
"Acronym for Simple Traversal of UDP (User Datagram Protocol) through NAT (Network Address Translation). STUN is is a protocol for assisting devices behind a NAT firewall or router with their packet routing. STUN allows applications to discover the presence and types of NATs and firewalls between them and the public Internet.",
"Sandro Gaycken from the Free University Berlin argued that the attack on Iran was a ruse to distract from Stuxnet's real purpose.",
"Allocated Bullion Exchange (ABX) is the worldâs leading electronic institutional exchange for allocated physical precious metals. ABX has Modernised, Globalised & Integrated the precious metal markets by redefining the way physical bullion is traded. We connect all major global liquidity centres and break down the barriers of entry to the global wholesale market for all market participants.",
"The Stuxnet Attack On Iran's Nuclear Plant Was 'Far More Dangerous' Than Previously Thought. The Stuxnet virus that ravaged Iran's Natanz nuclear facility was far more dangerous than the cyberweapon that is now lodged in the public's imagination, cyber security expert Ralph Langer writes in Foreign Policy.",
"The Stuxnet worm is detected. It is the first worm known to attack SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) systems. 2011. The Duqu worm is discovered. Unlike Stuxnet, to which it seems to be related, it was designed to gather information rather than to interfere with industrial operations. 2012 Flame is discovered and found to be used in cyberespionage in Iran and other Middle Eastern countries.",
"Breaking: VT Hit with Stuxnet as Trumpâs Complicity in Gas Attack is Confirmed. Gordon Duff - This story is why VT was hit with Stuxnet, Trump's cyber nuclear-option in bringing VT down, so this story would not be out on the huge news day yesterday. Losing this story on the Easter Weekend was critical â learn why.â¦.",
"A stub is a short projection (Webster) of conduit and is terminated with a ground bushing or similar termination fitting. On the stub ends, the project called out bonding the ground bushings together and to the ductbank 4/0 equipment ground conductor (EGC) as well as the ground bus of the enclosed equipment.",
"Although Stuxnet may have temporarily slowed the enrichment program in Iran, it did not achieve its end goal. âWhoever spent millions of dollars on Stuxnet, Flame, Duqu, and so onâall that money is sort of wasted.",
"Originally, STUN was an acronym for Simple Traversal of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) through Network Address Translators, but this title was changed in a specification of an updated set of methods published as RFC 5389, retaining the same acronym.",
"excerpted from countdown to zero day stuxnet and the launch of the world s first digital weapon as the excerpt begins it s june 2009 a year or so since stuxnet was first released but still a year before the covert operation will be discovered and exposed",
"Definition of stub. 1 1a : stump 2b : a short piece remaining on a stem or trunk where a branch has been lost. 2 2 : something made or worn to a short or blunt shape; especially : a pen with a short blunt nib. 3 3 : a short blunt part left after a larger part has been broken off or used up a pencil stub. 4 4 : something cut short or stunted.",
"Troj/Stuxnet-A [Sophos], W32/Stuxnet-B [Sophos], W32.Temphid [Symantec], WORM_STUXNET.A [Trend], Win32/Stuxnet.B [Computer Associates], Trojan-Dropper:W32/Stuxnet [F-Secure], Stuxnet [McAfee], W32/Stuxnet.A [Norman], Rootkit.Win32.Stuxnet.b [Kaspersky], Rootkit.Win32.Stuxnet.a [Kaspersky]",
"again the cause of the problem was a mystery that is until the researchers found a handful of malicious files on one of the systems and discovered the world s first digital weapon stuxnet as it came to be known was unlike any other virus or worm that came before",
"stutâ¢ter. 1. to speak with the rhythm interrupted by repetitions, blocks or spasms, or prolongations of sounds or syllables. 2. to proceed or operate with spasmodic interruptions or repetitions. 3. to say with a stutter. 4. an act or instance of stuttering.",
"Techopedia explains DECnet DECnet is a set of networking hardware and software products that make use of the DIGITAL Networking Architecture (DNA), a collection of documents that state the specifications of each layer of the architecture and describe the protocols operating in those layers.",
"Although the authors of Stuxnet havenât been officially identified, the size and sophistication of the worm have led experts to believe that it could have been created only with the sponsorship of a nation-state, and although no oneâs owned up to it, leaks to the press from officials in the United States and Israel strongly suggest that those two countries did the deed.",
"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Training Center XML (TCX) is a data exchange format introduced in 2007 as part of Garmin's Training Center product. The XML is similar to GPX since it exchanges GPS tracks, but treats a track as an Activity rather than simply a series of GPS points.",
"Stuxnet initially spreads via infected removable drives, particularly USB flash drives, before utilizing additional methods to infect other computers on private networks. The original Stuxnet worm was designed to exploit four zero-day attack vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows operating systems.",
"stunnel: Home. Stunnel is a proxy designed to add TLS encryption functionality to existing clients and servers without any changes in the programs' code. Its architecture is optimized for security, portability, and scalability (including load-balancing), making it suitable for large deployments.tunnel uses the OpenSSL library for cryptography, so it supports whatever cryptographic algorithms are compiled into the library. It can benefit from the FIPS 140-2 validation of the OpenSSL FIPS Object Module, as long as the building process meets its Security Policy.",
"So a tool like Stuxnet is Israel's obvious weapon of choice.. Iran uses P-1 centrifuges at Natanz, the design for which A. Q. Khan stole in 1976 and took to Pakistan. His black market nuclear-proliferation network sold P-1s to, among other customers, Iran.o a tool like Stuxnet is Israel's obvious weapon of choice.. Iran uses P-1 centrifuges at Natanz, the design for which A. Q. Khan stole in 1976 and took to Pakistan. His black market nuclear-proliferation network sold P-1s to, among other customers, Iran."
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what language do people speak in the us | [
"Surveys/Programs. Working Papers. Most people in the United States speak English and most governmental functions are in English. The bureau collects data on language use to know what languages to use, and where, to get information to people about public health, voting, and safety."
] | [
"American Indian. My native language is Spanish, but I also speak English and German. a person who has spoken a particular language ever since he was able to speak at all. I am a native speaker of English; a native Spanish speaker. moedertaalspreker ÙاطÙ٠اÙÙغÙ٠говоÑÐµÑ ÑÐ¾Ð´Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñи език falante rodilý mluvÄà jemand mit der Muttersprache ...",
"Why is it important to learn Spanish? First, almost 500 million people worldwide speak Spanish. Even more compelling is the fact that about half of the population in the Western hemisphere speaks Spanish, making it the primary language for as many people as English in this region of the world. Most citizens in South America speak primarily Spanish (aside from Brazil), as do people living in just about all of Central America, Mexico, and Latin Americaâmore than 15 countries in total.",
"The most common language of the Americas is Spanish. We are American and we speak spanish. They are not taking anything from you and pretty soon this whole country and the world will be mixed. So if your still around in 100 years please let me know if white still exists in America.",
"Indeed, the National Journal reports that only 10% of native-born Americans can speak a second language, compared to 56% of European Union citizens. The ability to speak a second (or third) language is clearly important for becoming a global leader, as Iâve previously written. But â for better or worse â it seems that English may be the most essential language for global business success at the moment. Indeed, even in powerhouse China, more people are currently studying English than in any other country. An incredible 100,000 native English speakers are currently teaching there.",
"Native American. In America, one of the languages we speak is English, not American. If you meant American-English, tha ⦠t is acceptable as well. Secondly, there were many English-speaking Native Americans, and there still are.ative Americans consist of many tribes. Each Native American tribe has their own language and that tribe may or may not still speak it. There are 310 reservations in the United States but not all native American tribes have their own reservation.",
"That state with the highest percentage of people who speak another language than English at home is California, with 44%. West Virginia has the lowest, with 2%. Laredo, Texas, is the metro area with the highest percentage, with 92%.",
"American Sign Language is the most common sign language in the United States although there are unrelated sign languages which have been developed in the States and its territoriesâmostly in the Pacific. No concrete numbers exist for signers but something upwards of 250,000 is common.",
"American Sign Language (ASL) is the predominant sign language of deaf communities in the United States and most of anglophone Canada. Besides North America, dialects of ASL and ASL-based creoles are used in many countries around the world, including much of West Africa and parts of Southeast Asia. ASL is also widely learned as a second language, serving as a lingua franca. ASL is most closely related to French Sign Language (FSL).",
"American Sign Language (ASL) is a natural language[6] that serves as the predominant sign language of Deaf communities in the United States and most of Anglophone Canada. Besides North America, dialects of ASL and ASL-based creoles are used in many countries around the world, including much of West Africa and parts of Southeast Asia.",
"Even children who have only a mildhearing loss read at a lower level than do hearing children (Allen & Schoem, 1997).In the U.S., most deaf people prefer American Sign Language (ASL) to English.",
"In other words, what language do people in Tanzania speak? The language that people speak in Tanzania is Swahili and English. Okay, now that you know what people from Tanzania are called and you know what language they speak, you may want to learn more about the people of Tanzania. Here is more information about the country of Tanzania. More information.",
"In the modern day, there are only eight Native American languages still spoken. Most of these languages are spoken only by older generations and are feared to be on the verge of going extinct. The languages still spoken are Navajo, Cherokee, Cree, Ojibwa, Dakota, Apache, Blackfoot and Choctaw.",
"American Sign Language (ASL) is a natural language that serves as the predominant sign language of Deaf communities in the United States and most of Anglophone Canada. Besides North America, dialects of ASL and ASL-based creoles are used in many countries around the world, including much of West Africa and parts of Southeast Asia.",
"American Sign Language (ASL) is the predominant sign language of Deaf communities in the United States and most of anglophone Canada. Besides North America, dialects of ASL and ASL-based creoles are used in many countries around the world, including much of West Africa and parts of Southeast Asia. ASL is also widely learned as a second language, serving as a lingua franca. ASL is most closely related to French Sign Language (LSF).",
"American Sign Language. American Sign Language (ASL) is a natural language that serves as the predominant sign language of Deaf communities in the United States and most of Anglophone Canada. Besides North America, dialects of ASL and ASL-based creoles are used in many countries around the world, including much of West Africa and parts of Southeast Asia.",
"Those that want an official language in the United States or for that matter in any other nation, is for controlling and manipulating the entire population to their way of thinking and violating the peoples freedom of making decisions and choosing their own culture and way of living life on earth.",
"We must speak one languageâour national languageâand not have our motives questioned for insisting on that basic requirement. No other country abandons its language to accommodate âlanguage minoritiesâ who donât speak its national language. One of the beauties of America is that we are free to disagree.",
"American Sign Language (ASL) is a natural language that serves as the predominant sign language of Deaf communities in the United States and most of anglophone Canada.",
"American Sign Language (ASL) is a complex visual-spatial language that is used by the Deaf community in the United States and English-speaking parts of Canada. It is a linguistically complete, natural language. It is the native language of many Deaf men and women, as well as some hearing children born into Deaf families.",
"In other words, what language do people in Malaysia speak? The language that people speak in Malaysia is Malay and English. Okay, now that you know what people from Malaysia are called and you know what language they speak, you may want to learn more about the people of Malaysia. Here is more information about the country of Malaysia. More information.",
"some different words), French and German. But most of us speak fluent English and because there are a lot of foreigners living in Belgium (because the headquarters of the European community is in Brussels) a lot of other languages are spoken...Turkish (or is it Islamic), Spanish, Polish, Russian,...",
"The following table gives selected statistics from the 2000 census for language spoken at home by persons five years old and over. The category Other Native North American languages includes Apache, Cherokee, Choctaw, Dakota, Keres, Pima, and Yupik. The category Other Indo-European languages includes Albanian, Gaelic, Lithuanian, and Rumanian. The category Scandinavian languages includes Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish.",
"Bill Summary â Aug 16, 2016 8:05 a.m. An estimated 21.1 percent of U.S. residents now speak a language other than English at home, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Thatâs 63.2 million residents, approximately doubled since 1990 and tripled since 1980. Some members of Congress see this as a worrying sign or even a threat. Rep. Steve King (R-IA4) and Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) are two such members. Together theyâve introduced H.R. 997 and S. 678, the English Language Unity ...",
"In other words, what language do people in Czech Republic speak? The language that people speak in Czech Republic is Czech. Okay, now that you know what people from Czech Republic are called and you know what language they speak, you may want to learn more about the people of Czech Republic.",
"Speakers in the Americas total some 418 million. In the European Union, Spanish is the mother tongue of 8% of the population, with an additional 7% speaking it as a second language. Spanish is the most popular second language learned in the United States.",
"Russian enjoys minority status in some two dozen countriesâincluding the US. Major Russian enclaves are in San Francisco and the Brighton Beach area of New York City. So now you know! In fact, the next time that someone asks you how many languages are spoken in the US, you can say, âThatâs easyâ381.â. Sources: âLanguage Use in the United States: 2011.â American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau.",
"What language do people in Palau speak? already exists. already exists as an alternate of this question. exists and is an alternate of. What's your secret to juggling life as a parent and as an actress? What languages do people in Charlottetown speak? What is the language the people in France speak? What language do people speak in Rwanda? What ...",
"Spanish: speak the language of 400 million people. In the recent Languages for the Future report, Spanish was highlighted as the most important language for people in the UK to learn. In the third of our series of posts on the ten languages in the report, the British Council's Catherine Mansfield explains why.",
"In other words, what are people from Sudan called? A person from Sudan and/or a citizen of Sudan is called Sudanese. You may also be interested in what people from Sudan speak? In other words, what language do people in Sudan speak?The language that people speak in Sudan is Arabic. Okay, now that you know what people from Sudan are called and you know what language they speak, you may want to learn more about the people of Sudan.Here is more information about the country of Sudan. person from Sudan and/or a citizen of Sudan is called Sudanese. You may also be interested in what people from Sudan speak? In other words, what language do people in Sudan speak?",
"Native North American languages are spoken by about 380,000 Americans, according to the 2000 census. The Navajo Nation numbers almost 300,000 people, of whom about 178,000 speak the Navajo language, making it the most widely spoken Native American language....",
"The following table gives selected statistics from the 2000 census for language spoken at home by persons five years old and over. The category Other Native North American languages includes Apache, Cherokee, Choctaw, Dakota, Keres, Pima, and Yupik.",
"The majority of Filipino-Americans are found in the American west: Tagalog is the most spoken language after English in Hawaii and the third most spoken language (behind English and Spanish) in California and Nevada.he majority of Filipino-Americans are found in the American west: Tagalog is the most spoken language after English in Hawaii and the third most spoken language (behind English and Spanish) in California and Nevada.",
"A 2010 Rasmussen poll found 87 percent of Americans approved of making English the official language, and 16 percent opposed. The states currently considering legislation that would make English their official language are Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. h/t Stateline",
"In other words, according to Lane, Hoffmeister and Bahan, ASL is currently the sixth most-used language in the U.S., or the fifth most-used non-English language in the U.S. However, depending on the figures and data chosen, other interpretations yield other rankings."
] |
aggrenox generic name | [
"Teva Launches Generic Aggrenox® Capsules in the United States. JERUSALEM--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jul. 1, 2015-- Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., (NYSE:TEVA) today announced the launch of generic Aggrenox® (aspirin/extended-release dipyridamole) capsules in the United States."
] | [
"GENERIC NAME: oxycodone and acetaminophen. BRAND NAMES: Percocet, Primlev, Roxicet, Endocet, Xartemis XR. DISCONTINUED BRANDS: Xolox, Tylox, Oxycet, Roxilox. USES: Oxycodone/acetaminophen is prescribed for the relief of moderate to moderately-severe pain. 1 vomiting. spasm of the ureter, which can lead to difficulty in urinating.",
"⢠Aggrenox capsules should be taken exactly as directed by your doctor. One capsule is normally taken by mouth in. the morning and then one capsule is taken by mouth in the evening. Take Aggrenox with a full glass of water. ⢠Aggrenox can be taken with food or without food. ⢠Aggrenox capsules should be swallowed whole and should not be crushed or chewed. The capsules should not be. opened or pulled apart and the contents should not be dissolved in water.",
"This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Tell your doctor about any unusual or bothersome side effect. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. Read the Aggrenox (aspirin, extended-release dipyridamole capsules) Side Effects Center for a complete guide to possible side effects.",
"Fluoxetine was first manufactured by Eli Lilly and Company. However, it has since come off patent and has been available as a generic for quite some time. A generic version of Prozac Weekly (a long-acting formulation) first became available in March 2010. Sarafem ® , a brand-name fluoxetine medication, is licensed to treat premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), but Prozac (and generic Prozac) are not approved for this use. Sarafem is available in generic form (see Generic Sarafem for more information) . It can be difficult for the average consumer to know if a particular fluoxetine medication is generic for Prozac or Sarafem, although it can be argued that there are no important differences between the two, anyway.",
"GENERIC NAME: naproxen. BRAND NAME: Anaprox, Naprelan, Naprosyn, Aleve, Mediproxen. DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Naproxen belongs to a class of drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Other members of this class include ibuprofen (Motrin), indomethacin (Indocin), nabumetone (Relafen) and several others.",
"Generic Name: Pimecrolimus. Generic for Elidel* (Pimecrolimus) is a topical cream used to treat mild-to-moderate eczema (atopic dermatitis). This medication is prescribed in people who have not responded well to other eczema medications. It belongs to a class of drugs known as topical calcineurin inhibitors.",
"Because AGGRENOX contains aspirin, AGGRENOX can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. Maternal aspirin use during later stages of. pregnancy may cause low birth weight, increased incidence for intracranial hemorrhage in premature infants, stillbirths and neonatal death. Because of the above and.",
"What are the possible side effects of aspirin and dipyridamole (Aggrenox)? Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.",
"Fluoxetine was first manufactured by Eli Lilly and Company. However, it has since come off patent and has been available as a generic for quite some time. A generic version of Prozac Weekly (a long-acting formulation) first became available in March 2010.Sarafem ® , a brand-name fluoxetine medication, is licensed to treat premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), but Prozac (and generic Prozac) are not approved for this use.Sarafem is available in generic form (see Generic Sarafem for more information) .It can be difficult for the average consumer to know if a particular fluoxetine medication is generic for Prozac or Sarafem, although it can be argued that there are no important differences between the two, anyway.luoxetine was first manufactured by Eli Lilly and Company. However, it has since come off patent and has been available as a generic for quite some time. A generic version of Prozac Weekly (a long-acting formulation) first became available in March 2010.",
"Nolvadex, Clomid and HCG in Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) One of the most frequently asked questions on MuscleTalk is how to properly use the Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) drugs Nolvadex, Clomid and HCG correctly. Why Bodybuilders Use Clomid. Clomid is a generic name for Clomiphene Citrate and is a synthetic oestrogen. It is prescribed medically to aid ovulation in low fertility females. Another generic name is Serophene. Most anabolic steroids, especially the androgens, cause inhibition of the body's own testosterone production.",
"The efficacy and safety of Aggrenox was established in the European Stroke Prevention Study-2 (ESPS2). ESPS2 was a double-blind, placebo-controlled study that evaluated 6602 patients over the age of 18 years who had a previous ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack within ninety days prior to entry.",
"Nolvadex is the generic name of Tamoxifen Citrate, a type of drug that is classified as a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) and originally formulated as treatment for some types of breast cancer in both men and women.",
"GENERIC NAME: miconazole. DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Miconazole is an anti-fungal medication related to fluconazole (Diflucan), ketoconazole (Nizoral), itraconazole (Sporanox), and clotrimazole (Lotrimin, Mycelex). It is used either on the skin or in the vaginal for fungal infections.",
"Patients were randomized to one of four treatment groups: AGGRENOX (aspirin/extended-release dipyridamole) 25 mg/200 mg; extended-release dipyridamole (ER-DP) 200 mg alone; aspirin (ASA) 25 mg alone; or placebo. Patients received one capsule twice daily (morning and evening).",
"BRAND NAME: Aciphex. GENERIC AVAILABLE: Yes. PRESCRIPTION: Yes. USES: Rabeprazole is used for treating ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, erosive or ulcerative gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (in which there is overproduction of acid caused by tumors).",
"A Stacy Wiegman, PharmD , Pharmacy, answered. Currently there is no generic version of Dexilant (dexlansoprazole) -- formerly sold under the brand name Kapidex -- available on the market. Dexlansoprazole is the active ingredient in, and generic name for, this gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) medication, but it is not a generic version. You may be able to get a generic version of a different proton pump inhibitor, though -- talk with your doctor.",
"GENERIC NAME: rabeprazole. BRAND NAME: Aciphex. PRESCRIPTION: Yes. USES: Rabeprazole is used for treating ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, erosive or ulcerative gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (in which there is overproduction of acid caused by tumors).",
"Generic Name: Levodopa, Carbidopa. Strength: 100 mg, 25 mg. Manufacturer: Teva Pharmaceuticals. Trade Name: N/A. Type: Antiparkinson. Class: RX. Size (mm): 8 (diameter). Comment: Image courtesy of 4andsic.eneric Name: Levodopa, Carbidopa. Strength: 100 mg, 25 mg. Manufacturer: Teva Pharmaceuticals. Trade Name: N/A. Type: Antiparkinson. Class: RX. Size (mm): 8 (diameter). Comment: Image courtesy of 4andsic.",
"Know the safety and side effects of AGGRENOX. Some people who take AGGRENOX may experience side effects. The most common side effects of AGGRENOX include headache, upset stomach, and diarrhea. Because AGGRENOX contains aspirin, the risk of bleeding is increased and it may take longer to stop bleeding. These are not all the possible side effects of AGGRENOX.",
"Less serious side effects of Aggrenox may include: 1 diarrhea. 2 drowsiness. 3 headache. heartburn. joint 1 pain. nausea. upset 1 stomach. vomiting.",
"A patent currently prohibits any generic olmesartan from being manufactured. Olmesartan medoxomil (Benicar ®) is a prescription medication that has been licensed to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Olmesartan is part of a class of drugs called angiotensin II receptor blockers, or ARBs for short.",
"Ovidrel Side Effects. Generic Name: chorionic gonadotropin (hcg) Note: This page contains side effects data for the generic drug chorionic gonadotropin (hcg). It is possible that some of the dosage forms included below may not apply to the brand name Ovidrel. Applies to chorionic gonadotropin (hcg): powder for solution, solution. As well as its needed effects, chorionic gonadotropin (hcg) may cause unwanted side effects that require medical attention.",
"But with todayâs launch of the Market Vectors Generic Drugs ETF (GNRX), the fundâs sponsor, Van Eck Global, says it has rolled out the first ETF targeting global makers of generic drugs and biosimilars. Generic drugs are less expensive knock-offs of brand-name, chemically synthesized drugs. Biosimilars perform the same role with drugs known as biologics, which are medicines generally derived from living cells. What generics are to Big Pharma, biosimilars are to biotechââonly much more complex to manufacture.",
"GNRX Fund Description. The VanEck Vectors Generic Drugs ETF is composed of U.S. and international companies that have a primary business focus on the generic drug industry. GNRX FactSet Analytics Insight. GNRX is the first ETF to focus specifically onâGNRX is the first ETF to focus specifically on generics manufacturersâ generic drug manufacturers. With more people than ever taking prescription drugs across the globe, the generic drug industry is expected to grow strongly as it provides a lower cost alternative to brand name pharmaceuticals.",
"Generic Name: metoclopramide (MET oh KLOE pra mide) Brand Names: Metozolv ODT, Reglan. You should not take this medication if you are allergic to metoclopramide, or if you have bleeding or blockage in your stomach or intestines, epilepsy or other seizure disorder, or an adrenal gland tumor (pheochromocytoma).",
"Generic Name: digoxin (oral) (di JOX in) Brand Names: Lanoxin, Lanoxicaps, Cardoxin, Digitek. Digoxin is derived from the leaves of a digitalis plant. Digoxin helps make the heart beat stronger and with a more regular rhythm. Digoxin is used to treat heart failure. Digoxin is also used to treat atrial fibrillation, a heart rhythm disorder of the atria (the upper chambers of the heart that allow blood to flow into the heart).",
"Generic Name: Hydroxyurea. Other Trade Names: DroxiaTM, MylocelTM. Drug type: Hydrea is an anti-cancer (antineoplastic or cytotoxic) chemotherapy drug. Hydrea is classified as an antimetabolite.. (For more detail, see How this drug works section below).",
"Aggrenox is indicated to reduce the risk of stroke in patients who have had transient ischemia of the brain or completed ischemic stroke due to thrombosis.",
"About 130,000 people will die as the result of a stroke each year. Aggrenox® (aspirin/extended-release dipyridamole) capsules had annual sales of approximately $457 million in the United States, according to IMS data as of April 2015.",
"The generic human form of a (this) anti-inflammatory is Meloxicam, also known as the brand name of Mobicox. This is used as off-label use in dogs, and used as a prescribed medication in humans to control arthritic pain. The brand-name form for dogs is Metacam. ADD: Thank you Nekkid for making that clear.",
"Allergan (NYSE: AGN), maker of Botox, is a global specialty pharmaceutical company that researches, develops and manufactures prescription and over the counter specialty pharmaceuticals.he share price of Allergan PLC (NYSE: AGN) has declined 17.25 percent over the past month, after having reached a high of $308.995 on August 31.",
"AGGRENOX reduced the risk of stroke by 22.1% compared to aspirin 50 mg/day alone (p =0.008) and reduced the risk of stroke by 24.4% compared to extended-release dipyridamole 400 mg/day alone (p = 0.002) (Table 1).",
"For patients or people who stand a high risk of hypertension, high blood pressure or stroke, they can settle for Aggrenox half-life as it would go a long way in keeping the possibility of stroke in check. They can also opt for Aggrenox cranberry juice to prevent stroke or ease the pains.",
"Invokana has been subject to intense scrutiny and speculation because last year a similar drug, Forxiga (generic name dapagliflozin), developed by Bristol-Myers Squibb in partnership with AstraZeneca, was rejected by the FDA.",
"GENERIC NAME: meloxicam. BRAND NAME: Mobic. DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Meloxicam is in a class of drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that are used to treat pain and/or inflammation. Other members of this class include ibuprofen (Motrin), indomethacin (Indocin), nabumetone (Relafen) and several others.",
"Aggrenox Prices. This Aggrenox price guide is based on using the Drugs.com discount card which is accepted at most U.S. pharmacies. The cost for Aggrenox oral capsule, extended release (25 mg-200 mg) is around $223 for a supply of 60 capsules, depending on the pharmacy you visit. Prices are for cash paying customers only and are not valid with insurance plans. A generic version of Aggrenox is available, see aspirin/dipyridamole prices.",
"Protease Inhibitors Nucleotide Reverse Agenerase ( generic name : amprenavir ) Transcriptase Inhibitor Crixivan ( indinavir ) Viread ( tenofovir , PMPA ) Fortovase ( saquinavir ) Kaletra ( lopinavir plus ritonavir ) Nucleoside Reverse Norvir ( ritonavir ) Transcriptase Inhibitors Viracept ( nelfinavir ) Combivir ( AZT plus 3TC ) Epivir ( lamivudine ...",
"Trade Names: Neupogen®, Granix®, Zarxio® Other Names: G-CSF, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor. Chemocare.com uses generic names in all descriptions of drugs. Neupogen, Granix and Zarxio are trade names for filgrastim. Granulocyte - colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) is another name for filgrastim. In some cases, health care professionals may use the trade name Neupogen, Granix or Zarxio when referring to the generic drug name filgrastim. Drug type: Filgrastim is a biologic response modifier. It is classified as a colony stimulating factor and a hematopoietic agent.",
"The generic name of Fetzima is levomilnacipram, and there are no other brand names for this drug. It is important to note it should not be confused with a similarly named drug, a fibromyalgia medication called milnacipran. As an MDD medication with no generic, the retail cost of Fetzima gets pricy. We offer a free Fetzima coupon that works like a discount card and gets you up to 75% off. Simply click Claim Discount and print or download your free Fetzima discount card/coupon.",
"To help you save money, sign up for our free price comparison alerts for Aggrenox 200/25 mg.",
"Risk of Bleeding. Aggrenox increases the risk of bleeding. Risk factors for bleeding include the use of other drugs that increase the risk of bleeding (e.g., anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, heparin, anagrelide, fibrinolytic therapy, and chronic use of NSAIDs) [see Drug Interactions (7.1)].",
"Brand Name(s): Plavix ®. IMPORTANT WARNING. ... Clopidogrel may cause other side effects ... If you experience a serious side effect, you or your doctor may send a report to the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program online [at Web Site ...ntiplatelet Therapy. Common names include: Aspirin; Clopidogrel (Plavix); Aspirin and dipyridamole (Aggrennox). Aspirin. ... This medicine is able to reduce recurring heart attacks by about 25%. Its effect on embolic stroke is about the same. Possible side effects include ...",
"Brand name benzodiazepines include Ativan, Dalmane, Klonopin, Halcion, Librium, Restoril, Serax, Tranxene, Valium and Xanax. Generic options include lorazepam, flurazepam, clonazepam, triazolam, chlordiazepoxide, temazepam, oxazepam, clorazepate, diazepam and alprazolam.",
"Tamoxifen, the generic name of Nolvadex, is the oldest and most-prescribed SERM. Tamoxifen is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat:ecause it's a SERM, it selectively either blocks or activates estrogen's action on specific cells. While tamoxifen blocks estrogen's action on breast cells, it activates estrogen's action in bone and liver cells.",
"Aggrenox (Aspirin / Dipyridamole) prevents blood clots and stroke, but cheaper options are available that work just as well. Price and discounts. (1) 60 capsules of 25mg/200mg dose pack. Cost for (1) 60 capsules of 25mg/200mg dose pack of Aggrenox (Aspirin / Dipyridamole) at pharmacies. $405.60New price:$141.96Save:65%.",
"meloxicam - oral, Mobic. GENERIC NAME: MELOXICAM - ORAL (mel-OX-i-kam) BRAND NAME(S): Mobic. Warning | Medication Uses | How To Use | Side Effects | Precautions | Drug Interactions | Overdose | Notes | Missed Dose | Storage. WARNING: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (including meloxicam) may rarely increase the risk of a heart attack or stroke.",
"Generic Elidel. There are no generic Elidel (pimecrolimus) products available at this time. The earliest predictable date that a generic version could become available is after the patent for this medication expires in December 2016. Although pimecrolimus is considered a generic name for Elidel, it is not a generic version of the drug.",
"Duratears â Alcon. Categories: Drug List D. The drug brand named Duratears contains generic salt-Lanolin Oil and is manufactured by Alcon. Duratears is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- S01XA20-Artificial Tears and other indifferent preparations.Generic Salts.Lanolin Oil.uratears is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- S01XA20-Artificial Tears and other indifferent preparations.",
"Drug Details. 1 Drug Name: Meloxicam. 2 Common Name: Metacam, and Mobic for humans. 3 Generics: Generic tablets available. Drug Type: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) in a class called 1 oxicam. Used For: Pain and Inflammation associated with osteoarthritis. Species: 1 Dogs. Administered: Liquid. How Dispensed: Prescription Only.",
"Other names: Amethopterin, Methotrexate Sodium, MTX. Methotrexate is the generic name for the trade drug names Otrexupâ¢, Rasuvo®, Rheumatrex® and Trexallâ¢. MTX, Amethopterin, and Methotrexate Sodium are other names for Methotrexate.",
"Drug Name: Meloxicam. Common Name: Metacam, and Mobic for humans. Generics: Generic tablets available. Drug Type: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) in a class called oxicam. Used For: Pain and Inflammation associated with osteoarthritis. Species: Dogs. Administered: Liquid. How Dispensed: Prescription Only.",
"AGGRENOX should be avoided in patients who are allergic to any ingredient in AGGRENOX, or allergic to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), or who have the combination of asthma, runny nose, and nasal polyps. AGGRENOX should not be given to a child or teenager.",
"This medicine is used to treat dry mouth from radiation treatment or from Sjogren's syndrome. Similar Generic Drugs: Pilocarpine: Oral tablet (5mg) | Pilocarpine: Oral tablet (7.5mg).",
"Here is a list of the blood thinners most commonly used for stroke prevention, as well as some of their side effects. Aggrenox: Aggrenox is a combination of aspirin and extended-release dipyridamole.",
"Generic Name: Fluvoxamine Meleate. Luvox (Fluvoxamine) is used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD, and treat depression. Uses, dosage, side effects of Luvox.Outside U.S., Brand Names also known as: Dumirox; Dumyrox; Faverin; Favoxil; Fevarin; Floxyfral; Maveral.luvoxamine (Luvox) is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).",
"The incidence rate of all-cause mortality was 11.3% for AGGRENOX, 11.0% for aspirin alone, 11.4% for extended-release dipyridamole alone and 12.3% for placebo. alone. The differences between the AGGRENOX, aspirin alone and extended-release dipyridamole alone treatment groups were not statistically significant.",
"Generic Name: human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) (injectable) (HUE man KORE ee ON ik goe NAD oh TRO pin) Brand Names: Novarel, Ovidrel, Pregnyl. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is given as an injection under the skin or into a muscle.",
"home > drugs a-z list > aggrenox (aspirin, extended-release dipyridamole capsules) side effects drug center > aggrenox (aspirin, extended-release dipyridamole capsules) drug - patient side effects and images.",
"Generic Name: Meloxicam. Generic for Mobic* (Meloxicam) is used to treat inflammation, pain, stiffness, and tenderness caused by osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.It is in a class of drugs called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).f any side effects of Generic for Mobic* develop or change in intensity, the doctor should be informed as soon as possible. Generic for Mobic* can cause side effects such as diarrhea, constipation, gas, dizziness, nervousness, headache, dry mouth, blurred vision, and runny nose.",
"Aggrenox after you have had a stroke or a transient ischemic attack (TIA) can decrease your chance of having. another stroke or TIA. ⢠Aggrenox capsules contain 25 mg of aspirin and 200 mg of extended-release dipyridamole in each capsule. The. normal dose is one capsule by mouth twice daily, in the morning and evening.",
"It is part of a group of antidepressant medications called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Brand-name Lexapro is manufactured by Forest Pharmaceuticals. However, the first patent for this medication has expired, and the drug is now available in generic form.",
"Brand Name: Acidophilus, Bacid (LAC), Florajen, Flora-Q, Lactinex, Risa-Bid, RisaQuad, Superdophilus. 1 Side Effects. 2 Reviews. 3 Images. 4 Q & A. 5 More.",
"Generic Name: Piroxicam. Generic for Mobilis* (Piroxicam) is used to relieve inflammation, swelling, and joint stiffness associated with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Piroxicam is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, which works by reducing hormones that cause inflammation and pain.t is pertinent to note that side effects of Generic for Mobilis* cannot be anticipated. If any side effects of Generic for Mobilis* develop or change in intensity, the doctor should be informed as soon as possible.",
"Nolvadex is the generic name of Tamoxifen Citrate, a type of drug that is classified as a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) and originally formulated as treatment for some types of breast cancer in both men and women.olvadex is the generic name of Tamoxifen Citrate, a type of drug that is classified as a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) and originally formulated as treatment for some types of breast cancer in both men and women.",
"Trade names: Otrexupâ¢, Rasuvo®, Rheumatrex®, TrexallTM. Other names: Amethopterin, Methotrexate Sodium, MTX. Methotrexate is the generic name for the trade drug names Otrexupâ¢, Rasuvo®, Rheumatrex® and Trexallâ¢. MTX, Amethopterin, and Methotrexate Sodium are other names for Methotrexate. In some cases, health care professionals may use the trade names Otrexupâ¢, Rasuvo®, Rheumatrex® and Trexall⢠or other names MTX, Amethopterin, and Methotrexate Sodium when referring to the generic drug name Methotrexate."
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proscription meaning | [
"Proscription (Latin: proscriptio) is, in current usage, a decree of condemnation to death or banishment and can be used in a political context to refer to state-approved murder or banishment. The term originated in Ancient Rome, where it included public identification and official condemnation of declared enemies of the state."
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"conscripts; consecrate; consecrate (someone or something) to God; consecrate to God; consent; consent to; consent to (something) consequence; consider; consider (someone) for (something) consider for; consideration; considered; consign; consign (something) to (someone or something) consign to; consist; consist of; consist of (something) console",
"(prosody) a group of 2 or 3 syllables forming the basic unit of poetic rhythm. Classified under: Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents. Synonyms: metrical foot; metrical unit; foot.",
"Procrastination (from latin's procrastinare, that translates in to: the prefix pro-, 'forward', and suffix -crastinus, 'till next day' from cras, 'tomorrow') is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished. Sometimes, procrastination takes place until the last minute before a deadline.",
"Definition of 'provocation'. provocation (prÉvÉkeɪÊÉn ) If you describe a person's action as provocation or a provocation, you mean that it is a reason for someone else to react angrily, violently, or emotionally. He denies murder on the grounds of provocation. The soldiers fired without provocation.",
"Definition of superscript for English Language Learners. : a symbol (such as a number or letter) written above and immediately to the left or right of another character.",
"In linguistics, prosody (from Ancient Greek ÏÏοÏῳδία prosÅidÃa [prosÉË(i)dÃaË], song sung to music; tone or accent of a syllable) is concerned with those elements of speech that are not individual phonetic segments (vowels and consonants) but are properties of syllables and larger units of speech.",
"Synonym Discussion of proclivity leaning, propensity, proclivity, penchant mean a strong instinct or liking for something. leaning suggests a liking or attraction not strong enough to be decisive or uncontrollable. a student with artistic leanings; propensity implies a deeply ingrained and usually irresistible inclination. a propensity to offer advice",
"Word Origin and History for prescriptive Expand. adj. 1748, from Late Latin praescriptivus, from praescript-, past participle stem of praescribere (see prescription). Or formed in English from archaic prescript a direction (1530s), from Latin praescriptum.",
"Prescribe means to set down authoritatively for direction or to set down a medical procedure in order to cure or alleviate symptoms.. The noun form is prescription, that is, something prescribed. Proscribe means prohibit or limit or ostracize or avoid in a social sense.. The noun form is proscription. The words perscription and perscribe do not exist in English.",
"After all, his brother, Pratyush, had taken home the 2002 crown for spelling the word prospicience, meaning foresight. They would be the first sibling champs in the history of the bee. Unbelievably, Buddiga rose from the ground a moment later and successfully spelled the word. After I got back up, I didn't really care about spelling it anymore.",
"proclivity suggests a strong natural proneness usually to something objectionable or evil. a proclivity for violence; penchant implies a strongly marked taste in the person or an irresistible attraction in the object. a penchant for taking risks",
"Proviso.] 1. (a) (Law) The body of a statute, or that part which begins with Be it enacted, as distinguished from the preamble. --Cowell. (b) Hence: The limit or scope of a statute; the whole extent of its intention or provisions. --Marshall. [1913 Webster] Profanations within the purview of several statutes.",
"late 14c. (implied in superscription), address or direction on a letter, from Middle French superscript, from Latin superscriptus written above, past participle of superscribere write over or above something as a correction, from super above (see super-) + scribere write (see script (n.)).",
"Prescriptive rules describe what participants can do, and what they should do. Proscriptive rules are the opposite of prescriptive rules, telling participants what they canât do. Proscriptive rules will typically also define penalties which are incurred for breaking those rules. A good example of a proscriptive rule in X-wing is revealing a red maneuver while your ship has a stress token.",
"Insurance Company. (When. this Evidence of Coverage says âwe,â âus,â or âour,â it means SilverScript Insurance. Company. When it says âplanâ or âour plan,â it means SilverScript Choice (PDP).) SilverScript is a Prescription Drug Plan with a Medicare contract offered by SilverScript.",
"Caveat Subscriptor is a Latin term which means let the signer beware. Caveat subscriptor is a tacit warning to the signors to agreements or contracts that, unless expressly provided for in the document, they are liable for the ensuing consequences and obligations.",
"conscience does make cowards of us all; conscience money; conscientious objector; conscript; conscript into; conscript into (something) conscripted; consecrate; consecrate (someone or something) to God; consecrate to God; consent; consent to; consent to (something) consequence; consider; consider (someone) for (something) consider for; consideration; considered; consign",
"It is the prescriptive sense that people mean when they say they do not believe in luck. In the descriptive sense, people speak of luck after events that they find to be fortunate or unfortunate, and maybe improbable. Therefore, cultural views of luck vary from perceiving luck as a matter of random chance to attributing to such explanations of faith or superstition.",
"Mindful of that proscription, state governments are suggesting that people treat their organs as tax breaks instead. Kidney kickbacks: organs and incentives. In England the proscription of Calvinism in the 1620's was a major cause of the civil war that broke out in 1642.",
"At the root of conscript is the Latin word conscriptus, meaning âenroll.â Conscript does involve enrollment â but itâs a forced enrollment, used to describe someone who has been forced to join the military, such as someone who has been drafted. As a verb, conscript means force to join, like a military that conscripts new soldiers.",
"Definition of proscription in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is proscription? Meaning of proscription as a legal term.",
"Pronunciation /ËprÉstreɪt/. 1 1Lying stretched out on the ground with one's face downwards. âthere was a man praying before an idol, lying prostrateâ. 2 2Botany. Growing along the ground.",
"Examples of proscription in a Sentence. 1 the proscription against bicycles and skateboards is intended to make the plaza a more pedestrian-friendly place. 2 a strongly worded proscription against smoking indoors.",
"Definition of prescriptive. 1 1 : serving to prescribe prescriptive rules of usage. 2 2 : acquired by, founded on, or determined by prescription or by long-standing custom.",
"Not to be confused with prescription and other meanings of proscription. The Proscribed Royalist, 1651, painted by John Everett Millais ca. 1853, in which a Puritan woman hides a fleeing Royalist proscript in the hollow of a tree.",
"tr.v. pro·tracted, pro·tracting, pro·tracts. 1. To draw out or lengthen in time; prolong: disputants who needlessly protracted the negotiations. 2. Mathematics To draw to scale by means of a scale and protractor; plot.",
"uk â /prÉËtruË.ÊÉn/ us â /prÉËtruË.ÊÉn/. ⺠something that sticks out from a surface, or the act of doing this: It has a series of protrusions along its back. The condition results in weight loss, rapid heart beat and protrusion of the eyes. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words.",
"Cicero was included in the first 17 victims of the proscription. proscription, the miserable invention of ungenerous ambition. This proscription of Sulla was the first instance of the kind, but it was repeated at a later time. proscription has its advantagesâfor one thing, it binds human hearts like hoops of steel.",
"Persona non grata (Latin, plural: personae non gratae), literally meaning an unwelcome person, is a legal term used in diplomacy that indicates a proscription against a foreign person entering or remaining in the country.",
"Root : PRO Meaning : ( in front of, before, forward, in favor of (prefix) ) Example : Proclaim - 6, Prognosticate - HS, Progressive - 7, Projection - 8, Promotion - 8, Proposal - 7, Prospect - 5, Provoke - 7",
"He does not call for proscription, insisting that researchers and theorists have an absolute right to pursue their topic of their choice and to offer interpretations or practical application as they see fit.",
"Proscriptions (death of Cicero). 42 BC Battle of Phillipi. 31 BC Battle of Actium, Octavian defeats Marc Antony and Cleopatra27 BC Octavian, became, as Augustus Caesar, the first emperor of Rome and the Roman Republic comes to an end.Timeline DatesTimeline of Important Events and Dates in the Roman Republic History of Rome-Roman Republic Timeline.e is murdered by members of the senate whose wealth and power is threatened 112-105 BC The Jugurthine War with Numidia.104 - 100 BC Second Sicilian slave war (2nd Servile War).107 BC Consul Gaius Marius makes dramatic reforms to the Roman army. History of Rome-Roman Republic Timeline.",
"A Smaller History of Rome William Smith and Eugene Lawrence. proscription, the miserable invention of ungenerous ambition. Selections from the Speeches and Writings of Edmund Burke Edmund Burke. This proscription of Sulla was the first instance of the kind, but it was repeated at a later time. Plutarch's Lives, Volume II Aubrey Stewart & George Long. proscription has its advantagesâfor one thing, it binds human hearts like hoops of steel.",
"pl. prod·i·gies. noun. 1 A person with exceptional talents or powers: a math prodigy. 2 An act or event so extraordinary or rare as to inspire wonder: âThe Spies performed prodigies of activity in clambering over the rooftops and cutting the streamers that fluttered from the chimneysâ (George Orwell).",
"Definition of prodigious. 1 1a obsolete : being an omen : portentousb : resembling or befitting a prodigy : strange, unusual. 2 2 : causing amazement or wonder. 3 3 : extraordinary in bulk, quantity, or degree : enormous.",
"In linguistics and grammar, a pronoun (abbreviated PRO) is a word that substitutes for a noun or noun phrase. It is a particular case of a pro-form.",
"* the praescriptio is the prescription itself; that is, directions to the dispensing pharmacist to supply medication, made up of the following: the invocatio, consisting of the abbreviation Rp; this is analogous to the Rx used in the English-speaking world, and stands for recipe, Latin for take [from the shelf]; and.",
"pro·na·tion. The condition of being prone; the act of assuming or of being placed in a prone position; a specific rotational motion of the forearm that moves the palm into a downfacing position, a specific rotational motion of the foot in which the plantar surface is rotated outward. Synonym(s): pronatio [TA].",
"Pro-form is a word or phrase that can take the place of another word (or word group) in a sentence. The process of substituting pro-forms for other words is called proformation. In English, the most common pro-forms are pronouns, but other words (such as here, there, so, not, and do) can also function as pro-forms. (See Examples and Observations, below.) The pro-form is the referring word in a sentence; the word or word group that's referred to is the antecedent.",
"In Common Usage. prescriptive is one of the 10000 most commonly used words in the Collins dictionary.",
"Cease & Desist Orders (C&D): Banking organizations subject to cease and desist orders are required to take actions or follow proscriptions in the orders. 12 U.S.C. § 1818(b). Civil Money Penalty Orders (BCMP): Banking organizations subject to civil money penalties must pay fines. 12 U.S.C. § 1818(i)(2) Formal Agreements (FA): Banking organizations that are subject to formal agreements agree to take actions or follow proscriptions in the written agreement. 12 U.S.C. § 1818(b).",
"A pronaos (UK /proÊËneɪ.És/ or US /proÊËneɪ.És/) is the inner area of the portico of a Greek or Roman temple, situated between the portico's colonnade or walls and the entrance to the cella, or shrine.",
"pro for·ma. adj. 1. Done as a formality; perfunctory. 2. Provided in advance so as to prescribe form or describe items: a pro forma copy of a document.",
"Procrastination is the reluctance to act when it is in our best interest to. I know I should be completing my assignment but i am looking at famous dresses of Kate Middleton. It gets so ingrained in us that it becomes our habitual,natural response to a task or a situation.",
"The English predestination is translated from the Greek word proorizo which means 1) to predetermine, decide beforehand; 2) in the NT, of God decreeing from eternity; 3) to foreordain, appoint beforehand.1 Predestination, then, is the biblical teaching that God predestines certain events and people to accomplish what He so desires.",
"probâ¢lem. 1. any question or matter involving doubt, uncertainty, or difficulty. 2. a question proposed for solution or discussion. 3. Math. a statement requiring a solution, usu. by means of a mathematical operation or geometric construction. 4. difficult to train or guide; unruly: a problem child.. (Mathematics) maths a statement requiring a solution usually by means of one or more operations or geometric constructions. 4. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) (modifier) designating a literary work that deals with difficult moral questions: a problem play.",
"verb. Prorate is defined as to separate or give out in a specific proportion. An example of prorate is a landlord charging a tenant $500 for staying in a house for fifteen days, where the rent is $1,000 per month.erb. Prorate is defined as to separate or give out in a specific proportion. An example of prorate is a landlord charging a tenant $500 for staying in a house for fifteen days, where the rent is $1,000 per month.",
"1. countable noun. A conscript is a person who has been made to join the armed forces of a country. 2. verb. If someone is conscripted, they are officially made to join the armed forces of a country.",
"GCIDE (5.00 / 1 vote) Rate this definition: Prescriptive (a.) Of or pertaining to the doctrine that acceptable grammatical rules should be prescribed by authority, rather than be determined by common usage. Origin: [L. praescriptivus of a demurrer or legal exception.]",
"The word is Latin, and. can be translated as organization or arrangement.. It is the second of five canons of classical rhetoric (the first being inventio, and the remaining being elocutio, memoria, and pronuntiatio) that concern the crafting and delivery of speeches and writing.",
"A prescriptive right is a right that is acquired through adverse possession of someone elseâs water right. It is similar to a âsquatterâs rightâ to land. Prescriptive rights are difficult to obtain and can only be granted by a court. Most people in California do not have and cannot acquire a prescriptive right.",
"Definition of superscript. : a distinguishing symbol (as a numeral or letter) written immediately above or above and to the right or left of another character.",
"1 These values can be codified as a strict set of proscriptions on behavior. A realized value system contains exceptions to resolve the contradictions between ideal values and practical realities in everyday circumstances.",
"Procrastination (from Latin's procrastinare, that translates in to: the prefix pro-, 'forward', and the suffix -crastinus, 'till next day' from cras, 'tomorrow') is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished. Sometimes, procrastination takes place until the last minute before a deadline.",
"No person could inherit money or property from proscribed men, nor could any woman married to a proscribed man remarry after his death. Many victims of proscription were decapitated and their heads were displayed on spears in the Forum.",
"Trends of 'conscript'. Translations for 'conscript'. British English: conscript NOUN. A conscript is a person who has been made to join the armed forces of a country.Most of the soldiers are reluctant conscripts. Brazilian Portuguese: recruta.",
"There is a prescriptive environment which defines the capability of ships and characters, and then a few proscriptive rules governing things like how the in-game police will respond if you attack a player, but beyond that the game is very, very open.",
"Pro- definition, a prefix indicating favor for some party, system, idea, etc., without identity with the group (pro-British; pro-Communist; proslavery), having anti- as its opposite. See more.",
"âTranscription is the process through which a DNA sequence is enzymatically copied by an RNA polymerase to produce a complementary RNA.",
"Classical Latin ; from opprobrare, to reproach ; from ob- (see ob-) + probrum, a disgrace ; from pro- (see pro-) + base of ferre, bear, formed after Classical Greek propherein, to bring forward, allege, reproach. noun. Disgrace arising from exceedingly shameful conduct; ignominy.",
"As a result, the desire and ability of members to embrace new modes of thought became increasingly problematic--especially following the proscription in 1651 of some thirty propositions of natural philosophy as a last-ditch effort by the society's grandees to attain the elusive uniformity and solidity of doctrine.",
"pro-1. 1 a prefix indicating favor for some party, system, idea, etc., without identity with the group (pro-British; pro-Communist; proslavery), having anti- as its opposite.",
"A subscript or superscript is a number, figure, symbol, or indicator that is smaller than the normal line of type and is set slightly below or above it.",
"pro·logue. also pro·log (prÅâ²lôgâ², -lÅgâ²) n. 1. An introduction or preface, especially a poem recited to introduce a play. 2. An introduction or introductory chapter, as to a novel.",
"Definition of 'prescriptive'. prescriptive. A prescriptive approach to something involves telling people what they should do, rather than simply giving suggestions or describing what is done. ...prescriptive attitudes to language on the part of teachers. The psychologists insist, however, that they are not being prescriptive. Synonyms: dictatorial, rigid, authoritarian, legislating More Synonyms of prescriptive"
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side effects of insulin shots during pregnancy | [
"SIDE EFFECTS: Hypoglycemia is the most common side effect that may occur during insulin therapy. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include: 1 confusion, 2 nausea, 3 hunger, 4 tiredness, 5 perspiration, 6 headache,"
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"Irregular Menses: Some side effects of depo shot include, menstrual irregularity/ flow changes, bone loss.The 1st shot should be within 5 days of menses onset/then 1 shot every 3 months. Do not miss any dose as this may result in pregnancy. Over time most women stop having periods so keep taking your scheduled shots.",
"Gestational diabetes happens when your body can't make enough insulin during pregnancy. Insulin is a hormone made in your pancreas, an organ located behind your stomach. Insulin helps your body use glucose for energy and helps control your blood glucose levels.",
"DM results either from failure of the pancreas to produce insulin (type 1 DM) or from insulin resistance, with inadequate insulin secretion to sustain normal metabolism (type 2 DM). Either type of DM may damage blood vessels, nerves, kidneys, the retina, and the developing fetus and the placenta during pregnancy.Type 1 or insulin-dependent DM has a prevalence of just 0.3 to 0.4%. Type 2 DM (formerly called adult-onset DM) has a prevalence in the general population of 6.6%.M results either from failure of the pancreas to produce insulin (type 1 DM) or from insulin resistance, with inadequate insulin secretion to sustain normal metabolism (type 2 DM). Either type of DM may damage blood vessels, nerves, kidneys, the retina, and the developing fetus and the placenta during pregnancy.",
"Drug interactions include alcohol, barbiturates, and narcotics. Klonopin use during pregnancy may cause adverse effects in the fetus and it is secreted in breast milk. If Klonopin is discontinued abruptly after long term use, it may lead to seizures, tremors, muscle cramping, vomiting, and/or sweating. Our Klonopin Side Effects Drug Center provides a comprehensive view of available drug information on the potential side effects when taking this medication.",
"Common side effects include abdominal pain, constipation, sleepiness, vomiting, and a dry mouth. It may increase the risk of toxic megacolon. Loperamide's safety in pregnancy is unclear, but there is no evidence of harm. It appears to be safe in breastfeeding.",
"What are the possible side effects of insulin aspart (NovoLog, NovoLog FlexPen, NovoLog PenFill)? Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of insulin allergy: itching skin rash over the entire body, wheezing, trouble breathing, fast heart rate, sweating, or feeling like you might pass out.",
"Insulin Side Effects. Insulin side effects may affect some people and not others. If you have recently been prescribed insulin, or have switched to a new type of insulin, you may be concerned about the side effects. You might also be experiencing side effects and not know where they are coming from.",
"Normal, frequent or expectable temporary side effects of pregnancy: 1 exhaustion (weariness common from first weeks). 2 altered appetite and senses of taste and smell. 3 nausea and vomiting (50% of women, first trimester). 4 heartburn and indigestion. 5 constipation. 6 weight gain.",
"1. pregnant women who have never had diabetes before but have high blood sugar levels during pregnancy 2. pregnancy hormone blocks the action of mother's insulin in her body causing insulin resistance 3. baby produces more insulin, causing increased growth, larger babies (macrosomia), may require C section.",
"Insulin (medication) Insulin is used as a medication to treat high blood sugar. This includes in diabetes mellitus type 1, diabetes mellitus type 2, gestational diabetes, and complications of diabetes such as diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar hyperglycemic states. It is also used along with glucose to treat high blood potassium levels. Typically it is given by injection under the skin, but some forms may also be used by injection into a vein or muscle. The common side effect is low blood sugar. Other side effec",
"Common side effects with long-term use include osteoporosis, cataracts, weakness, easy bruising, and yeast infections. Short-term use around the time of delivery is safe for the baby; however, long-term use during pregnancy may result in harm. Methylprednisolone is in the glucocorticoid family of medication.",
"Share this: Hypoglycemia is a condition that is caused by low blood sugar levels and excessive insulin. While it can occur at any time, it tends to be common during pregnancy. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include dizziness, lightheadedness, shaking, headache, sweating, confusion and changes in vision. If you experience these symptoms, mention it to your health care provider. There are several causes of hypoglycemia.",
"If you have diabetes, cortisone injections can raise your blood sugar. If you have an infection, these shots can make it harder to recover. You may not be able to get this treatment if you have problems with blood clotting. Long-term side effects depend on the dose and how often you get this treatment. With higher doses and frequent shots, potential side effects include: 1 Thinning of the skin. 2 Easy bruising. 3 Weight gain. 4 Puffiness of the face. 5 Higher blood pressure.",
"Everyoneâs basal insulin needs are different, but an endocrinologist can help you decide which basal insulin dosage is right for you. Some potential side effects associated with basal insulin usage include: 1 hypoglycemia. 2 weight gain. 3 bronchitis. 4 allergic reactions. 5 peripheral edema.",
"Endometrin (progesterone) Vaginal Insert is a progestin used to help support pregnancy in women who have fertility problems. Common side effects of Endometrin include: bloating, stomach pain or cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, breast pain/swelling/tenderness, headache, drowsiness, dizziness, tired feeling, mood swings, irritability,",
"Side effects include diarrhea, nausea, and allergic reactions including anaphylaxis. It is not recommended in those with a history of penicillin allergy. It is relatively safe for use during pregnancy. It is in the penicillin and beta lactam family of medications. It usually results in bacterial death.",
"The adverse effects of diabetes on pregnancy are as follows: A higher risk of the following outcomes: Cesarean delivery: 46 versus 12 percent. Large for gestational age infant. Shoulder dystocia. Erb's palsy. Preeclampsia. Major malformations: 4.7 versus 1.8 percent.",
"HCG Injections/Shots and Side Effects. This is where the medication HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) comes in. It helps prevent the side effects of infertility and testicle shrinkage that commonly occurs during testosterone treatment.",
"This blocking effect creates a condition known as insulin resistance ... Side effects of these medicine include: Low blood sugar symptoms: Shakiness; Hunger; Irritability; Dizziness; ... Stomach pain (metformin); Diarrhea (metformin); Loss of appetite (metformin); Abnormal taste (metformin ...",
"Common side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and upset stomach. An allergic reaction or a type of diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile is possible. No harm has been found with use during pregnancy. Its safety during breastfeeding is unclear but likely okay. Azithromycin is an azalide, a type of macrolide antibiotic.",
"For Patients. Lantus (insulin glargine [rdna origin]) Injection is a man-made form of a hormone that is produced in the body used to treat type 1 (insulin-dependent) or type 2 (non insulin-dependent) diabetes. The most common side effects of Lantus is hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. Symptoms include: headache,",
"ãExposure Effectsã. Chronic exposure can lead to iodism characterized by salivation, nasal discharge, sneezing, conjunctivitis, fever, laryngitis, bronchitis, stomatitis, and skin rashes. Chronic ingestion of iodides during pregnancy has resulted in fetal death, severe goiter, and cretinoid appearance of the newborn.",
"The birth control shot, Depo-Provera, is a hormone injection that can prevent unplanned pregnancy. The birth control shot delivers a high dose of the hormone progestin. Progestin is a synthetic version of progesterone, which is a naturally occurring sex hormone in the body. Irregular bleeding is the most common side effect of the birth control shot.",
"Women with PCOS often have insulin resistance, which leads to weight gain, anovulation, lack of ovulation and an inability to get pregnant and hirsutism. Several types of vitamins have been tried to reduce insulin resistance and induce ovulation.",
"Side effects of whooping cough vaccine in pregnancy - What are side effects of whooping cough vaccine? Whooping cough TDAP. This vaccine causes some significant muscle soreness with the shot. But, this should quickly resolve and be normal.",
"The most important side effect of rapid injection of oxytocin prior to delivery is tetanic uterine contraction which can result in fetal death and/or uterine rupture. In the postpartum state, the most important potential side effect of intravenous oxytocin bolus is hypotension. Tetanic contractions often lasting several minutes and a sharp decrease in blood pressure have been described following as little as 5 units of oxytocin bolus.",
"Apidra (insulin glulisine [rdna origin] inj) is a hormone that is produced in the body used to treat diabetes in adults and children who are at least 4 years old. Apidra is usually given together with a long-acting insulin. Common side effects of Apidra include: injection site reactions (pain, redness, or irritation).",
"Linked to the use of insulin or certain diabetes pills, hypoglycemia can cause symptoms such as shakiness, confusion and dizziness. Hypoglycemia rarely occurs in pregnant women without diabetes. Prevention and treatment are important as low blood sugar levels can have negative consequences for both the mom and baby.",
"[back to insulin injections during pregnancy questions]. Pregnancy and Insulin Injections: During pregnancy you can use the same injection sites that you normally use. However, you may not be able to inject into the front of the stomach when it becomes very stretched.",
"Although rare, potential side effects of glucosamine supplements include: indigestion, nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, skin reactions and headaches. Itâs not well known how glucosamine effects women during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, so itâs best to avoid taking supplements during those times unless being monitored.",
"Side effects to Menactra vaccine include pain, redness, swelling at the injection site, headache, tiredness, and joint pain. In infants, side effects include irritability, abnormal crying, drowsiness, loss of appetite, and fever. Other side effects may occur.",
"It is also used along with glucose to treat high blood potassium levels. Side effects may include: low blood sugar levels, skin reactions at the site of injection and low potassium levels among others. Insulin was first used as a medication in Canada by Charles Best and Frederick Banting in January 1922.",
"A declining insulin requirement in the late first trimester of pregnancy with type 1 diabetes was previously reported (18), and overinsulinization has been suggested as a contributing reason for severe hypoglycemia in early pregnancy (18).",
"If you fall into one of these categories, your doctor may recommend additional vaccinations before or during pregnancy. Hepatitis B vaccine It's safe to get this shot when you're pregnant, and if you're a healthcare worker or you live with someone who has the disease, consider vaccination. Hepatitis B is a viral infection that causes liver inflammation, nausea, fatigue, and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes).",
"Another common side effect of pregnancy is an increase in nasal congestion (a.k.a. rhinitis of pregnancy). This can occur any time during pregnancy and is believed to be caused by fluctuating hormones. Here are a few things that will help you breathe easier: Drink plenty of fluids. Keep your head elevated at night.",
"Birth Control Pill Side Effects. In addition to preventing pregnancy, the pill can have all sorts of side effects -- some negative, some positive. The most common side effect of the pill is breakthrough bleeding or spotting, which is when a woman bleeds in the weeks she's taking active pills. This is due to the changes in hormone levels. Most women's bodies adjust after a few months of being on the pill. Other common side effects include: 1 nausea. 2 headaches.",
"Side Effects Of Licorice Consumption During Pregnancy: Recent studies reveal the side effects associated with licorice root and pregnancy can lead to the following health complications: 1 A high dose of licorice extract during pregnancy may cause a miscarriage or a preterm delivery.",
"Common side effects include nausea, vomiting, headaches, and increased intestinal gas. Serious side effects may include Clostridium difficile colitis, an increased risk of pneumonia, an increased risk of bone fractures, and the potential of masking stomach cancer. It is unclear if it is safe for use in pregnancy. Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor and as such blocks the release of stomach acid.",
"Lantus (insulin glargine [rdna origin]) Injection is a man-made form of a hormone that is produced in the body used to treat type 1 (insulin-dependent) or type 2 (non insulin-dependent) diabetes. Common side effects of Lantus include pain, redness, swelling or itching at the injection site.",
"Diabetes During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Risks and Treatment. Diabetes is a serious disease in which your body cannot properly control the amount of sugar in your blood because it does not have enough insulin. Diabetes is the most common medical complication during pregnancy, representing 3.3% of all live births. No matter what type of diabetes you have, there are many steps you and your health care team can take in order to have a safe and healthy pregnancy.",
"Many may need extra insulin during pregnancy to reach their blood sugar target. Insulin is not harmful for the baby.Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) affects between 2% and 5% of pregnant women.",
"Some of the side effects of Depo Provera can mimic the symptoms of early pregnancy. After your scheduled shot, you may experience loss of your period, weight gain, dizziness, changes in appetite and more. These symptoms can lead women to think they may be pregnant.",
"Both Humalog and Humulin R are considered safer drugs to control high blood sugar during pregnancy. They are both forms of insulin, and insulin is the preferred treatment for pregnant women with diabetes. Breastfeeding while taking either of these two types of insulin is generally considered safe.",
"Side effects of Cozaar include diarrhea, stomach pain, muscle cramps, leg or back pain, dizziness, headache, sleep problems (insomnia), tiredness, and cold or flu symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, fever, and cough.ozaar should not be used during pregnancy, and it is not known whether it is excreted in breast milk. Our Cozaar Side Effects Drug Center provides a comprehensive view of available drug information on the potential side effects when taking this medication.",
"Lantus (insulin glargine [rdna origin]) Injection is a man-made form of a hormone that is produced in the body used to treat type 1 (insulin-dependent) or type 2 (non insulin-dependent) diabetes. The most common side effects of Lantus is hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. Symptoms include: headache,",
"Additionally, antidepressants can cause a wide array of side effects in both the expectant mother and her baby. These effects often range from minor headaches to severe suicidal tendencies. The most common side effects pregnant women may experience include: 1 Headaches. 2 Nausea. 3 Dizziness. 4 Dry mouth. 5 Panic attacks. 6 Hypomania. 7 Seizures. 8 Mania.",
"Mother's Side Effects. Women who take the birth control pill while pregnant typically have more nausea, vomiting, bloating and fatigue than other women who are not taking birth control while pregnant. Many women dismiss these symptoms because they coincide with many premenstural symptoms.",
"What are the possible side effects of insulin glargine (Lantus, Lantus OptiClik Cartridge, Lantus Solostar Pen)? Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of insulin allergy: itching skin rash over the entire body, wheezing, trouble breathing, fast heart rate, sweating, or feeling like you might pass out.",
"Pregnancy hormones can block insulin from doing its job. When this happens, glucose levels may increase in a pregnant woman's blood. You are at greater risk for gestational diabetes if you: Are older than 25 when you are pregnant.",
"Side Effects of Abortion Pills. 1 Low weight gain during pregnancy can deprive your baby of his nutriotion and cause a host of other complications. 2 Know the effects that low weight gain has on you during pregnancy...",
"ACIP says safety data show Tdap is safe for both the mother and fetus and that any potential risks are likely to be small. The most common side effects reported were pain, redness and swelling at the site of the injection. Fever, headache and muscle pain were also reported, but there were no serious adverse events linked to the vaccine.",
"1 Hypotension and shock may also occur with any insulin, including Tresiba. 2 Hypersensitivity like swelling of tongue and lips, tiredness, and itching can also ocurr as Tresibaâs side effects. Visual disturbances or impairment can also occur.",
"When the body has an allergic reaction to medication that's injected, such as cortisone shots, the results can be very severe. Drugs.com reports that some of these side effects include difficulty breathing, hives, or swelling of the face, tongue, throat or lips.",
"Seek emergency medical attention if you think you have used too much of this medicine. An insulin overdose can cause life-threatening hypoglycemia. Symptoms of severe hypoglycemia include extreme weakness, blurred vision, sweating, trouble speaking, tremors, stomach pain, confusion, seizure (convulsions), or coma.",
"In young women with PCOS, high insulin levels can cause the ovaries to make more androgen hormones such as testosterone. This can cause increased body hair, acne, and irregular or few periods. Having insulin resistance can increase your risk of developing diabetes.",
"Depo-Provera side effects may occur as your body adjusts to the progestin provided by each depo injection. Each Depo Provera shot slowly releases medroxyprogesterone acetate and can protect against pregnancy for a period of 11-14 weeks.",
"Treatment for gestational diabetes during pregnancy includes: 1 Eating balanced meals. 2 Getting regular exercise. 3 Checking blood sugar levels. Monitoring fetal growth and well- 1 being. Getting regular medical checkups. Taking diabetes medicine and insulin shots.",
"Resistance to insulin, the hormone that helps glucose (sugar) metabolism, leads to glucose intolerance in the second half of pregnancy. Gestational diabetes occurs in up to 8% of pregnancies. Significant changes occur to maternal biology, metabolism and body composition during pregnancy.",
"Birth Control. Depo-Provera side effects may occur as your body adjusts to the progestin provided by each depo injection. Each Depo Provera shot slowly releases medroxyprogesterone acetate and can protect against pregnancy for a period of 11-14 weeks.",
"For Patients. Lantus (insulin glargine [rdna origin]) Injection is a man-made form of a hormone that is produced in the body used to treat type 1 (insulin-dependent) or type 2 (non insulin-dependent) diabetes. The most common side effects of Lantus is hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. seizure (severe hypoglycemia can be fatal).",
"Diabetes During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Risks and Treatment. Diabetes is a serious disease in which your body cannot properly control the amount of sugar in your blood because it does not have enough insulin. Diabetes is the most common medical complication during pregnancy, representing 3.3% of all live births.",
"It's an inhaler with pre-measured, rapid-acting insulin you use before meals. It's not for diabetes emergencies such as diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Common side effects of inhaled insulin are low blood sugar, a cough, and a scratchy or sore throat. If you have type 1 diabetes, you'll still need to take long-acting insulin, too, to help control your blood sugar. If you smoke or you have a lung disease, such as asthma or COPD, you shouldn't use inhaled insulin.",
"Depo-Medrol is available in generic form. Common side effects of Depo-Medrol include nausea, vomiting, heartburn, headache, dizziness, trouble sleeping, appetite changes, increased sweating, acne, or pain/redness/swelling at the injection site. Depo-Medrol may also cause a rise in blood sugar, and it may lower your ability to fight infections.",
"The site of the shot and exercise may influence. the insulin action. Increased temperature (bath, shower, hot tub, sauna) may increase blood. supply to the skin and cause the insulin to be. absorbed more rapidly. Average times of action.",
"Oral fertility drugs (like Clomid or letrozole) have milder side effects than injectable fertility drugs (like gonadotropins or GnRH agonists and antagonists.) That said, the most common fertility drug side effects are bloating, headache, breast tenderness, upset stomach, hot flashes, and mood swings. The most common fertility drug risks are conceiving a multiple pregnancy (like twins or triplets or more) and developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). These arenât the only potential side effects and risks, just the most common ones. Fertility drugs can create miracles and are generally effective."
] |
did food lion bought out martins | [
"RICHMOND, VA (WWBT) -. European based grocery chains Royal Ahold and Delhaize Group, parent company of Martin's and Food Lion grocery stores, announced Wednesday morning their intention to combine their businesses into a new company, Ahold Delhaize.hey need to not merge. They need to not take away my Food Lion. I need my Food Lion!â said Wiggins. According to representatives at both Food Lion and Martin's, customers can expect things to remain the same until the merger is finalized sometime in mid-2016."
] | [
"As reported by Rex Springston in the Richmond Times Dispatch recently, there is a stand of trees on 17th Street in Shockoe Bottom that has created quite a controversy. Purple Martins are well known to eat large numbers of flying insects, and are considered desirable by most people.r. Fitzgerald has been studying Purple Martins since 1992, says that âPurple Martins are probably Americaâs most popular bird, or as some would say the most wanted bird in the countryâ.",
"Food Lion in Advance, NC - They sold my husband 3 totally ROTTEN CHICKENS!!! My husband does not have a very good nose for smells. I sent him to the store to pick up something and he comes back with these chickens that were on sale.",
"Food Lion - 11/17/2011 We are proud to have a new Manager, 11/17/2011 We are proud to have a new Manager, Fred Peace at the Beatties Ford/LaSalle. Street location. Our store has a face lift inside and out. The isles are wide.",
"I just shopped at the food lion on Main Street in Elgin sc and could not get over how slack they are. I bought $170.00 worth of groceries and at the checkout I was so busy unloading my cart that I didn't notice at first how my groceries were getting crunched at the other end.",
"European parents of Giant and Food Lion to merge in $29 billion deal. The $29 billion merger of the European owners of Giant, long the Baltimore region's dominant supermarket chain, and Food Lion would make both grocery brands more competitive with nontraditional grocers such as Wal-Mart, analysts said Wednesday.",
"Food Lion parent company Delhaize has agreed to a merger with Ahold. The deal is expected to close in mid-2016 and will create the fifth largest supermarket retailer in the U.S. This Food Lion is located at 226 Park Road. Business.",
"friday april 13 2007 nestle agreed yesterday to buy the gerber brand from the swiss drugmaker novartis for $ 5 5 billion in cash giving the world s biggest food company 82 percent of the u s baby food market gerber with revenue of $ 1 6 billion in 2006 sells pureed carrots and strained peas in 80 countries nestle will add the unit to its nutrition division which includes jenny craig diet foods and neslac infant formula chief executive peter brabeck said in vevey switzerland",
"In this year's ranking, Giant was joined in the top 10 by such nontraditional food retailers as Wal-Mart, Rite Aid, CVS and Target. Food Lion, which ranked 11th in the Baltimore area, has about 79 stores in Maryland, with about 40 to 50 employees per store.",
"horrible and rude management. My family of 4 has had the most disrespectful visit to food lion ever. We were there getting wic today the store is located in prince frederick maryland. My family and I always go to this store to grocery shop and to get our wic done.",
"Lion did not move from the place where he lay concealed. Then Little Jackal went out, and Lion pursued him, but he got away. Lion watched for him, and one day, when Little Jackal was out hunting, he came upon him in a place where he could not escape.",
"Home » Williams Sausage Co. buys remainder of J.C. Potter Sausage Co. Williams Sausage Co. buys remainder of J.C. Potter Sausage Co. Williams Sausage Company, Inc. based in Union City, Tennessee has purchased the remaining 50% interest in a joint venture with J.C. Potter Sausage Company from partner Atlantic Premium Brands. Williams Sausage Company is a private family-owned company that has been in the pork sausage business since 1958.",
"Delhaize, which owns supermarkets throughout Belgium, also operates the Hannaford and Food Lion stores in the eastern United States. As well as its U.S. stores, Ahold owns the Albert Heijn chain of supermarkets, which has more than 850 stores in the Netherlands and 25 in Belgium.",
"Food Lion LLC is a grocery store company headquartered in Salisbury, North Carolina, that operates more than 1,100 supermarkets in 11 of the South-Eastern United States under the Food Lion banner.ood Lion LLC is a grocery store company headquartered in Salisbury, North Carolina, that operates more than 1,100 supermarkets in 11 of the South-Eastern United States under the Food Lion banner.",
"Food Lion is a king among grocery chains in the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic regions where it operates about 1,100 supermarkets under the Food Lion banners. About half of the company's stores are in the Carolinas, but it also has outlets in 10 other states, including Virginia, Georgia, and Tennessee. Food Lion, which prides itself on low prices, has taken a beating from low-cost competitors, most notably Wal-Mart Supercenters, and a weak economy. The company's private-label Food Lion brand products accounts for about 20% of sales.",
"Price war. On December 12, 1957, Food Town opened the largest supermarket in Salisbury â a long, low, 15,000-square-foot store on the edge of town. Food Townâs debut also launched a yearlong price war as competitors â including a vengeful Winn-Dixie â tried to put the upstart company out of business.",
"Food Lion did, however, see a decline in market share and expansion throughout the 1990s after it sold its Bangkok, Thailand, stores to a different supermarket chain and pulled out of a number of American cities, including Houston and Dallas.",
"At the low end of the market, Food Lion has launched a deep discount, limited assortment grocery store format called Bottom Dollar Food. About 45 Bottom Dollar stores, offering 6,500 to 8,000 branded and private-label products, are currently in operation.",
"Martin Franklin & Noam Gottesman's Nomad Swallows Iglo for $2.8B. Nomad Holdings Ltd., the acquisition vehicle co-founded by consumer products tycoons Martin Franklin and Noam Gottesman, said Monday it has agreed to acquire Iglo Foods Holdings Ltd. from London private equity firm Permira Advisers.",
"Kellogg's Product 19 and General Mills Total Raisin Bran, plus generic brands from Food Lion, Safeway and Stop & Shop. Just a tiny, tiny percentage of cereals have nutrition labels that list proper nutrient amounts for kids, said EWG's director of research, Renee Sharp.",
"Should the data support otherwise, the Food Lion store would be remodeled and rebranded as either Bloom or Bottom Dollar. In early 2012, Food Lion closed 113 stores. These were in Georgia, North and South Carolina, Kentucky, and Tennessee as well as all the stores in Florida. In 2014, Food Lion began remodels in 76 of their stores in the greater Wilmington and Greenville North Carolina markets.",
"Weis Markets Will Purchase 38 Food Lion Stores, 21 in Md. Packages of bacon at a Maryland Food Lion. BALTIMORE (WJZ) â Weis Markets announced Thursday morning that it has reached an agreement to purchase 38 Food Lion supermarkets, including 21 in Maryland.",
"While the deal would, if approved, create one of the largest supermarket operators in the United States, marrying Delhaizeâs Food Lion and Hannaford chains to Stop & Shop and Giant stores owned by Ahold, the move followed a string of grocery store mergers and a burst of new competitors across the United States.",
"CHARLOTTE, NC (WBTV) - The parent company of Food Lion, Delhaize Group, has said it will buy a majority of Bi-Lo stores and assets for $425 million.HARLOTTE, NC (WBTV) - The parent company of Food Lion, Delhaize Group, has said it will buy a majority of Bi-Lo stores and assets for $425 million.",
"In 2004, Tops Friendly Markets fully remodeled a store in Perinton, and rebranded it Martin's Super Food Store in an effort to revitalize the marketplace. Martin's Food Markets is a brand owned by Tops Friendly Markets' then-parent company, Ahold, via their subsidiary Giant-Carlisle.",
"September 28, 2012 at 8:27 PM. I have been supporting my local Food Lion in Middletown, De for 20 years now, however, I have decided it's time to move onto another store such as Giant or Safeway because I have asked MANY times to have a flyer sent to my home and on and off I'll receive a flyer, but it's mostly off.",
"By leveraging our longstanding heritage of low prices and convenient locations, Food Lion is working to provide the easiest full shop grocery experience in the Southeast for our customers, anchored by a strong commitment to affordability, freshness and the communities we serve.",
"1970s and 1980s: PET Foods of St Louis Missouri own the B&M business 1990s: Pillsbury purchased B&M from PET March 1999: B&G Foods, Inc. purchased B&M from the Pillsbury Company.",
"(Photo credit: JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images) BALTIMORE (WJZ) â Weis Markets announced Thursday morning that it has reached an agreement to purchase 38 Food Lion supermarkets, including 21 in Maryland.",
"One of the first investors to contact James Martin after his 2011 appearance on the TV show âShark Tankâ with his product, Copa di Vino, was a man named John Babikian.hile the land was initially bought for $2 million and had $5 million in improvements, it still sold for $2 million. Martin said, âThe only thing I can guess is itâs typical to sell land and improvements separately, and it may be for tax reasons.â.",
"A wholly owned subsidiary of Delhaize America, Food Lion LLC is a discount supermarket chain. Food Lion LLC was created in 1983, when Delhaize America, a division of Delhaize Group, renamed Food Town Stores Inc. â the southeastern grocery chain it had purchased in 1976.",
"Unfortunately, Food Lion stores currently exist in only 10 U.S. states, making it impossible for most Americans to try them out. Maybe in the future, they would expand their market to more states. Find out what time does Food Lion open and what time does Food Lion close here on operating-hours.com.",
"Delhaize entered the U.S. market through its acquisition of Food Town Stores in 1983, renaming it Food Lion and expanding from 22 stores to 226. In 1985, it became a franchisee for Cub Foods and opened the first of many stores in the Atlanta area and in 1996 acquired Kash n' Karry, a Florida grocery chain. Both its Cub Foods stores, and the Kash n' Karry chain have since been sold by Delhaize. In 2007, the company left the Czech market after 16 years and sold all of its 97 supermarkets to Billa. In 2009, the company left the German market after 6 years and sold all of its 4 supermarkets to REWE Group.",
"In a transaction that will create the world's most profitable food company, Philip Morris, the parent of Kraft Foods, announced yesterday that it would buy Nabisco Holdings, the food company that Home â",
"Bloom was Food Lion's upscale grocery model that opened on May 26, 2004. As of December 2009, 65 Bloom stores were in North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, and Virginia. On March 14, 2011, Delhaize announced that all Bloom supermarkets in North and South Carolina would close or be converted to the Food Lion banner.",
"Company Overview. Food Lion LLC is a grocery store in America that is popular for operating near about 1,300 super markets in almost 11 South Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic venues. Headquarter of the company is in Salisbury, North America.",
"Food Lion is a very popular grocery store chain that operates in the Southeastern United States. The very first Food Lion was opened a number of years ago in 1957 in Salisbury, North Carolina. Today there are over 1100 stores in ten States of the country.",
"Food Lion, LLC Company Profile Food Lion is a king among grocery chains in the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic regions where it operates about 1,100 supermarkets under the Food Lion banners. About half of the company's stores are in the Carolinas, but it also has outlets in 10 other states, including Virginia, Georgia, and Tennessee.",
"Home: Brussels. 2014 annual sales: $23.9 billion. U.S. assets: Food Lion, based in Salisbury, N.C., operates 1,100 stores across the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast from Delaware to Georgia, and Hannaford, based in Scarborough, Maine, operates 186 stores in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York and Vermont.",
"In the early 1990s, Food Lion stores appeared in new markets such as Delaware and southern Pennsylvania; Orlando, Florida; Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Oklahoma; Shreveport; the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex; and Houston.",
"In April 2012, the announcement was made that Merrick Pet Care, Inc. purchased Castor & Pollux. Well, Castor & Pollux founders are back in business, partnering with investment firm CanAm to purchase Darfordâs Pet Food and Treats.",
"When do mosquitoes come out about dark and when do most birds, (including purple martins) go to bed about dark. Mosquitoes hang out near low bushes and shrubbery martins forage very high in the air (as high as 300 feet). Mosquitoes are very small martins prefer larger prey.",
"Food Lion closes several stores in Virginia. RICHMOND, VA (WWBT) - A major grocery store is closing its doors. Two Food Lion locations in the Richmond area, one on Ridgefield parkway and Quioccasin road, will soon close down. Soon, the sound of shopping carts and grocery bags will be a sign of the past.",
"Food Lion LLC. A wholly owned subsidiary of Delhaize America, Food Lion LLC is a discount supermarket chain. History. Food Lion LLC was created in 1983, when Delhaize America, a division of Delhaize Group, renamed Food Town Stores Inc. â the southeastern grocery chain it had purchased in 1976.",
"Food Lion parent company Delhaize has agreed to a merger with Ahold. The deal is expected to close in mid-2016 and will create the fifth largest supermarket retailer in the U.S. This Food Lion is located at 226 Park Road. T. Ortega Gaines [email protected].",
"The combined Ahold Delhaize and will be headquartered in the Netherlands and will be listed on the Amsterdam and Brussels stock exchanges. Besides Stop & Shop, Ahold owns the Giant supermarket chain in Pennsylvania, Delaware and surrounding states. Delhaize owns Food Lion in many of those same markets. Stop & Shop/ Hannaford merger factsheet.",
"Walter Lomax. On December 2, 1967, a man armed with a pistol robbed Giles Food Market in Baltimore City, Maryland. The gunman fatally shot the night manager, 56-year-old Robert Brewer, then emptied the cash registers and fled on foot.",
"From Business: The Food Lion Grocery Store of Mooresville is everything you need in a grocery store. Browse our variety of items and competitive prices today! Sponsored Links",
"Through Food Lion Feeds our company has committed to provide 500 million meals to individuals and families struggling with hunger by the end of 2020. Food Lion is a company of Delhaize America, the U.S. division of Brussels-based Delhaize Group (NYSE: DEG). â less.",
"Food Lion stores have the My Essentials brand, as well as the Hannaford brand. At the end of 2014, the My Essentials, as well as the Home 360 names, were retired and the more traditional Food Lion brand name was used as a replacement.",
"About half of the company's stores are in the Carolinas, but it also has outlets in nine other states, including Virginia, Georgia, and Tennessee. Food Lion, which â more... prides itself on extra low prices, has taken a beating from low-cost competitors, most notably Wal-Mart Supercenters, and a weak economy. The company's private-label Food Lion brand products accounts for about 20% of sales. Founded in 1957 as Food Town, Food Lion is the largest US subsidiary of Delhaize America, a subsidiary of Brussels-based grocer Delhaize.",
"SHARE: Labels: Address, Complain, complaints, Corporate Headquarters, Corporate Office, customer service, Food Lion, Grocery Stores, North Carolina, phone number, Review, Reviews, Salisbury. Location: Food Lion Corporate Offices. Next PostNewer Post Previous PostOlder Post Home.",
"Food Lion completes Raleigh market renewal. Food Lion said Tuesday that it has completed the rollout of its âEasy Fresh and Affordableâ branding campaign to its 162 stores in the Raleigh, N.C. market....",
"Whole Foods locations bought not only retail outlets, but in 1997, Whole Foods joined the manufacturer of food supplements Amrion (after the deal that cost $ 146 million, the company started selling dietary supplements online), Coffee Company Allegro Coffee and store chain Merchant of Vino.",
"By Deb Belt (Patch Staff) - September 19, 2016 2:01 pm ET. GAITHERSBURG, MD â Weis Markets has expanded its footprint in Maryland with the purchase of 21 Food Lion stores in late July â including two stores in Gaithersburg that will reopen Friday, Sept. 23, under the new name.",
"Weis Markets has purchased 21 Food Lion locations in Maryland, including two Gaithersburg stores. They are set to reopen Sept. 23. GAITHERSBURG, MD â Weis Markets has expanded its footprint in Maryland with the purchase of 21 Food Lion stores in late July â including two stores in Gaithersburg that will reopen Friday, Sept. 23, under the new name.",
"Founded in 1957 as Food Town, Food Lion is owned by supermarket operator Ahold Delhaize. â Some telephone numbers on the Hooverâs site may be on a countryâs do not call or do not contact list including, but not limited to, the United Kingdomâs CTPS or TPS registers.",
"Food lion doesn't care about their empoyee otherwise the distance manger would be fired. ReplyDelete. November 14, 2012 at 10:43 AM. To whom it may concern dunlopefarms store I wonder when is the theft and loss of money going to stop, also you need cameras on the whole store to work and monitored.",
"Richard Czimer, owner of Czimer's Game and Sea Foods Inc. in Homer Glen, Illinois, sometimes buys USDA-certified lion meat. In his view, Arroyo's proposed lion-meat ban is trying to curtail a choice in what people eat.",
"In March 2011, Delhaize America and its Bloom banner announced that it would convert 15 of its stores in the Charlotte, North Carolina and Greenville, South Carolina markets into Food Lion stores.",
"Reviews For Food Lion Customer Service (8) SoBE Water. I bought four SoBe coconut waters yesterday in the blue bottles. I have bought them many times from my local Food Lion with no problem. Last night I opened one of them before bed for a sip and something hit my lip.",
"Your food lion Iin Mt.Airy,MD has a deli associate and a grocery manager who treat customers like their a joke. Laughing loud being rude,smoking outside by the store in packs like they are at home.",
"Holy Smokes...my neighborhood food store. Not as fancy as Harris-Teeter, not the variety of Kroger, not as high brow as Fresh Market, not as funky as Trader Joes. However......the closest to my house, cold beer and good prices. I'm happy. Since moving last summer. this Food Lion has become my neighborhood grocery store. I find that it's very clean and well organized, but it's lacking in some brands that most Food Lions seem to carry."
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what causes urine odor | [
"Underlying Medical Causes of Urine Odor. Several conditions can cause strong or unusual urine odor. The most common causes include: Dehydration. Dehydration occurs when you do not drink enough fluids. If you are dehydrated, you may notice that your urine is a dark yellow or orange color and smells like ammonia.",
"The presence of bacteria in the urine, such as with a urinary tract infection (UTI), can affect the appearance and smell of urine. When there is an infection in the urinary tract, the urine may take on a foul-smelling odor as well as appear cloudy or bloody."
] | [
"1 Ankle swelling AND Ketoacidosis AND Urine odor: Causes of All Symptoms. 2 Ankle swelling OR Ketoacidosis OR Urine odor: 115 causes. 3 Ankle swelling: 98 causes. Ankle swelling: Introduction.",
"Ankle swelling and Ketoacidosis and Urine odor. Results: Causes of Ankle swelling AND Ketoacidosis AND Urine odor. Note: Do not use for diagnosis; see limitations of results. Results: 115 causes of Ankle swelling OR Ketoacidosis OR Urine odor. 1. 2.",
"1 Ankle swelling AND Ketoacidosis AND Urine odor: Causes of All Symptoms. 2 Ankle swelling OR Ketoacidosis OR Urine odor: 115 causes. Ankle swelling: 98 causes.",
"The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Sweet smelling urine. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. Uncontrolled diabetes. Maple syrup urine disease. Diabetic ketoacidosis. Diabetes mellitus. more causes...».",
"See your GP if: 1 You have symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI) , such as pain or a burning sensation when urinating and a need to urinate often. 2 This is the most likely cause of unexplained foul-smelling urine.",
"1 Ankle swelling AND Ketoacidosis AND Urine odor: Causes of All Symptoms. 2 Ankle swelling OR Ketoacidosis OR Urine odor: 115 causes. 3 Ankle swelling: 98 causes. 4 Ankle swelling: Introduction. Ketoacidosis: Causes.",
"1 Ankle swelling AND Ketoacidosis AND Urine odor - Causes of All Symptoms. Ankle swelling OR Ketoacidosis OR Urine odor - 115 causes.",
"More Information About Sweet smelling urine. List of 4 causes of Sweet smelling urine. This section shows a full list of all the diseases and conditions listed as a possible cause of Sweet smelling urine in our database from various sources. Diabetes mellitus. Diabetic ketoacidosis. Maple syrup urine disease."
] |
does full body workout increase metabolism | [
"Boost Your Metabolism in 15 Minutes 4 Moves to Rev Your Metabolism Kick calorie burning into overdrive with this quick full-body workout Read more: Exercises that Boost Your Metabolism - How to Boost Your Metabolism - Woman's Day."
] | [
"Add strength training to your exercise regimen. Building muscle helps raise your resting metabolism. A pound of muscle burns six calories per day while a pound of fat burns only two calories per day. This may not seem like much, but the amount of calories that your body burns while resting will add up over time.",
"MORE: Boost Your Metabolism All Day Long. Also, make sure to give yourself off-days between workouts to let your body recover from new muscle activations; pushing yourself too far can lead to injury and slow your strength improvementânot fun. But donât forget about your diet.",
"Metabolism increases when your body has a higher amount of lean muscle. To increase your lean muscle, exercise and diet are important. Try to eat a minimum of 0.8-1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. (One kilogram is equal to 2.2 lbs.) For example, a person who weighs 150 lbs weighs 68 kgs.",
"Calories Burned Through Strength Training. Strength training can help burn calories and boost your metabolism. Photo Credit dumbbell image by Evgeny Rodionov from Fotolia.com. If you want to lose weight and change your bodyâs appearance, it may be beneficial for you to lift weights. Not only does it burn calories and boost your metabolism, but it can potentially help make you stronger and increase your self-esteem. Always consult your doctor before beginning a new exercise regimen. It takes 3,500 calories to equal one pound of fat, meaning youâll need to burn an extra 3,500 calories per week for each pound you wish to lose. If you burn 500 calories more per day with exercise one day a week, you can reach that goal.",
"While you may burn more calories running for half an hour than lifting weights, weight training has a bigger impact on your metabolism. Your metabolic rate is the speed at which your body burns calories, and the higher it is, the quicker you lose fat.",
"It does not, however, raise heart rate enough to be a substitiute for a workout! It is also somewhat counteracted if you are adding flavoring, milk or sugar to your beverage, so keep those calories in check! Althletes know that caffeine consumption increases speed and performance because of increased cellular activity.",
"...and building calorie-blasting muscle. Workouts that combine cardio and strength burn more calories per minute than other methods, so we created a metabolism-boosting routine to get you fast results. Bonus: The more muscle you build, the more calories youâll continue to torch throughout the day.",
"This is top priority as results will come faster this way. This full body workout schedule will help you achieve fast gains in strength and some increase in lean muscle mass. â BASE 3Ã5 Full Body Strength Specific Workout Schedule.",
"1 Start your day off with this 10-minute muscle-building workout to increase your metabolism and help you look your best. 2 Midmorning snack: Snacking is a good strategy for maintaining weight, but make sure you choose ones that are filling and healthy.",
"Real exercise is essential if you truly want to increase your metabolism, and thatâs something to be excited about. Exercise is beneficial to the body and the mind. Forget the adverse side effects of antidepressants, experience the beneficial mental-health byproducts of exercise. fast metabolism operates in converse fashion, quickly using energy and not storing it. Your bodyâs metabolism is controlled by your thyroid gland and a sluggish thyroid can cause metabolic deficiencies, leading to an increase in fat stores. In fact, an inefficient metabolism is a very common causes of weight gain.",
"The 3 Day Full Body Split. 1 Monday: Full Body Workout. 2 Tuesday: off. 3 Wednesday: Full Body Workout. 4 Thursday: off. 5 Friday: Full Body Workout. 6 Saturday: off. 7 Sunday: off.",
"SHARE SHARE TWEET EMAIL. Working out does improve your metabolism, but there is no advantage to exercising before bed. In fact, hitting the gym too late can interfere with sleep, which itself is an important component of weight loss.Rather than worrying about the time of your workout, focus on maintaining a regular exercise routine.HARE SHARE TWEET EMAIL. Working out does improve your metabolism, but there is no advantage to exercising before bed. In fact, hitting the gym too late can interfere with sleep, which itself is an important component of weight loss.",
"As much as you can is really a help for your metabolism, and if you do it in the morning, you'll raise your metabolism all day. Build muscle with weight training or resistance exercise. At least two to three times a week, you should add weight training or progressive resistance exercise that builds muscle.",
"WHY IT WORKS: Exercise is by far the safest and most effective way to boost your metabolism, Barton says. Exercise not only raises our metabolic rate, but as you exercise, it also keeps your resting energy expenditure high during the recovery period.",
"Boosting metabolism is the holy grail of weight watchers everywhere, but how fast your body burns calories depends on several things. Some people inherit a speedy metabolism. Men tend to burn more calories than women, even while resting. And for most people, metabolism slows steadily after age 40. Although you can't control your age, gender, or genetics, there are other ways to improve your metabolism.",
"Weight training will improve muscle size and boost your metabolism. Weightlifting can have many positive long term effects on your overall well-being. The four primary benefits are improved strength, increased muscle mass and metabolism, improved coordination and improved bone mineral density. Each of these benefits results from aspects of weight training that are unique to its use.",
"Designing a Full Body Workout. How many exercises does one do per muscle group? For example would you do only one exercise for chest or the three listed on full body workout card? On a full body workout (performing all major body parts in one session on 3 non-consecutive days per week), it is suggested you only perform one exercise per muscle group.",
"A high protein diet is great for building muscle, but one of the side effects of protein metabolism is increased production of Urea. Drinking plenty of water, for bodybuilders on high protein diets, helps the bodyâs renal system to remove this waste product, and pass it as Urine.",
"Increase Your Basal Metabolism. Metabolism is somewhat a function of genetics, but you can increase basal metabolism by building muscle. Muscle cells are up to eight times more metabolically active than fat cells, and muscle burns more calories than fat.",
"yoga poses. Thatâs right, yoga isnât just a bunch of stretchingâit can torch major calories! It builds muscle, which causes fat to melt, and can also increase your heart rate, which aids in boosting your metabolism. These poses are some of the best to burn calories. Do this entire sequence three to five days a week, and any extra padding on your body will turn into sleekly sculpted muscle in no time. Down Dog Split, Knee-to Nose-Repetitions: From down dog, inhale your right leg high, opening the hip if that feels nice.",
"The higher REE observed in the protein-supplemented experiment can be explained by increased muscle protein synthesis, which is a metabolically costly process. Older studies show that consuming pre-workout protein increase protein synthesis far more effectively than pre-workout carbs. This effect is due to shuttling amino acids to the working muscles, which in turn may increases protein synthesis for up to 48 hours.",
"Can You Make Your Metabolism Better? Boosting metabolism is the holy grail of weight watchers everywhere, but how fast your body burns calories depends on several things. Some people inherit a speedy metabolism. Men tend to burn more calories than women, even while resting. And for most people, metabolism slows steadily after age 40.",
"Muscle is metabolic currency, and building muscle helps boost your metabolism, Prisk says. Consider this: If you increase your muscle mass by 20%, you'll increase your resting metabolic rate by 4â5%. Thatâs approximately an additional 65 calories a day (based on a 30-year-old woman who weighs 135 pounds and is 5'4).",
"Itâs not just any additional weight that boosts metabolism. Muscle, in particular, has a huge effect on the amount of overall calories someone burns throughout the day. Comparing two individuals of similar weight, the person with the larger amount of muscle will generally have the faster metabolism.",
"This allows the body to go into fat-burning mode. Get enough aerobic exercise. As much as you can is really a help for your metabolism, and if you do it in the morning, you'll raise your metabolism all day. Build muscle with weight training or resistance exercise.",
"Make some muscle. Not only does muscle weigh more than fat, but it uses more energy, too. The average woman in her 30s who strength-trains 30 to 40 minutes twice a week for four months will increase her resting metabolism by 100 calories a day.",
"But if you are adamant about boosting your metabolism, there are some options. Yes, exercise helpsâthe added muscle and increased lung capacity will help you feel more energetic; you'll stay active and burn more calories throughout your day.",
"Your metabolism increases not only when you are challenging your muscles but also during the repair process that occurs when you stop working out.. To help put you on the path to success, here are some expert tips on how to start a weight lifting workout and stick with it until you reach your goals. For any exercise program, it's important to start with a realistic goal in mind. But for weight training, it's essential.",
"It's called your metabolism, and it's the sum of everything your body does. Each time you eat, enzymes in your body's cells break down the food and turn it into energy that keeps your heart beating, your mind thinking, and your legs churning during a grueling workout.",
"Whether the metabolism speeds up for hours after exercise an old question, first studied a century ago, and over the years, study after study has been carried out, with decidedly mixed results. Some investigators found no post-exercise effect. Others reported effects so small they were almost unnoticeable â one found male triathletes burned just 12 to 30 extra after a workout. Others found as many as 700 additional calories were burned after a long and exhausting exercise session.",
"Not only does muscle weigh more than fat, but it uses more energy, too. The average woman in her 30s who strength-trains 30 to 40 minutes twice a week for four months will increase her resting metabolism by 100 calories a day.",
"Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, and building muscle can help increase your metabolism (36, 37, 38, 39). This means you will burn more calories each day, even at rest (40). Lifting weights will also help you retain muscle and combat the drop in metabolism that can occur during weight loss (41, 42, 43, 44).",
"Hence consuming Diet versions of Coca Cola or Pepsi have proved to produce more impairment than the sweet versions. 3) Metabolism Level Decreases: A glass of warm water can speed up you metabolic rate but may taste awful after a workout session.",
"A good way to slow your metabolism and gain weight fast is to switch your exercise routine to be more weight focused. Weight lifting builds muscle mass, and when combined with a good protein intake it can really increase your weight.",
"It may be tempting to blame your failed weight loss attempts or weight gain on a slow metabolism. However, it is rare that excessive weight gain from a medical problem slows metabolism, as in cases of Cushing's syndrome or an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). Exercise to Boost Metabolism.",
"'Medium to high intensity work out - such as rowing, brisk walking or running - over a long period is the only way to burn up fat and elevate metabolism. 'Deep breathing and gentle exercises for 15 minutes a day is not going to burn up enough calories to transform body shape.'. In fact, Professor Ian Macdonald, professor of metabolic physiology at the School of Biomedical Sciences in Derbyshire, warns breathing too deeply can do more harm than good.",
"After your workout, you may notice that you're breathing faster than usual. Your body requires excess oxygen for at least several minutes after you exercise, causing your respiratory rate to remain elevated.Following a very strenuous workout, your body's oxygen consumption may remain higher for up to a hour.pinephrine also stimulates your heart and circulatory system, as well as your respiratory system, to provide oxygen to your muscles. After your workout, these circulating hormones keep your metabolic rate elevated until they can be cleared from the bloodstream, contributing to your need for excess oxygen.",
"Exercising burns calories and builds muscle, which is essential for increasing your metabolism so that you can burn even more calories and lose more weight. So dust off those workout clothes and pick one of these nine best exercises for weight loss to get started today on your path to a slimmer, healthier you.",
"In that case I don't think their metabolism is significantly higher. I always try to keep in mind that my muscles ARE my metabolism. Yes, an increase in muscle mass usually does mean that your metabolism will be higher--if you remain lean without starving yourself. Consider Sumo Wrestlers who have quite a bit of lean body weight but they also have a lot of adipose tissue as well (fat).",
"The best way to speed up your metabolism is to increase the muscle mass in your body. You don't have to bulk up (and women can't do that naturally anyway) but the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism (even at rest).",
"The more intense your run, the more calories you burn. Running is one of the most effective ways to rev up your metabolism. While you donât have much control over your metabolic rate, aerobic activity, such as running on a regular basis can temporarily increase your metabolism, which burns calories for energy. This can lead to a reduction in your body-fat percentage and weight loss.",
"5 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism All Day Long. Speed up your metabolism to lose weight now. Here's a secret: slaving away inside your bodyâright this minuteâis your very own personal trainer working tirelessly to help you burn calories and shed fat. It's called your metabolism, and it's the sum of everything your body does. Each time you eat, enzymes in your body's cells break down the food and turn it into energy that keeps your heart beating, your mind thinking, and your legs churning during a grueling workout. A fast metabolism means more calories burned.",
"Tweet. 1 Get active-it's a sure-fire way to increase the amount of muscle you have, which in turn will speed up your metabolism. 2 Do a mixture of aerobic and resistance training for best results. 3 And don't forget to be more active in your daily life too.",
"Without a doubt, exercise can boost your metabolic rate. The degree depends on your current fitness level and the kind of activity you choose. All other things being equal, working out in the morning will help to boost your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories for the rest of the day.",
"With the PiYo Strength DVD, you get TWO accelerated strength workouts to help you incinerate calories and define every single muscle, faster! Full Body Blast (30 min.) A total-body workout that uses the Beachbody® Strength Slides to push your fat-burning potential into overdrive in just 30 minutes.",
"One easy way to ramp up your metabolism is to build muscle through lifting weights. Alongside modifying your workout routine, there are several other ways to be sure youâre burning calories at a higher rate: 1 Sleep more. 2 The amount of rest you get each night doesnât only affect your mood and productivity the next day.",
"2.Improved metabolism. Regular cardiovascular exercises help to improve the rate of various metabolic reactions taking place in the body. So, it enhances up the overall rate of body metabolism. 3.Helps to improve hormonal profile. Regular cardiovascular exercises help to improve the hormonal profile of a person.",
"Tip #1: Build muscle mass. When you increase your muscle mass, you boost your resting metabolism -- and that makes your body burn more calories, says Heimburger. Some examples: using hand weights to do bicep curls, using weight machines at a gym, even doing specific calisthenics like push-ups and abdominal crunches.",
"Strength training is another great way to make sure your metabolism is at its peak. Through strength training, you can tone your muscles and boost your metabolism. The great thing about muscles, other than looking lean, is that they burn more calories than fat. No need to bust out the big weights for strength training â try some basics, like push-ups, sit-ups, resistance bands, or yoga.",
"Adding protein shakes to womenâs diet. Adding them in your workout regime can increase your weight loss process and provide you with the effective results in less time. It is a great way to boost up your body natural workout mechanism by activating metabolism instead of stressing out the body with extreme workout routines.",
"1 Get active-it's a sure-fire way to increase the amount of muscle you have, which in turn will speed up your metabolism. 2 Do a mixture of aerobic and resistance training for best results.",
"While many popular publications would lead you to believe otherwise, metabolism can only be boosted in two ways: increasing the body's muscle mass and increasing the body's heart rate. Muscle Mass Losing some muscle mass is considered to be an expected part of weight loss because a smaller body needs less muscle to move the body's weight around. Resistance (i.e., weight) training as part of a comprehensive exercise plan can increase lean muscle mass in weight-stable individuals and minimize ...",
"Normally, this would reduce basal metabolism and make weight loss harder (14) but with exercise, basal metabolism is increased (16) and the drive to regain weight is reduced (16). A combination of exercise with a mini medicine ball and diet with a meal replacement shake as a synergistic program to increases fitness and produces weight loss",
"4. Bacon. This breakfast treat is actually OK in moderation, but only if you eat it at the start of your day when it can prepare you to burn calories throughout the day, not at the end of your workout. Thatâs because itâs slow to metabolize after a high-octane, calorie-burning workout, and will slow down the metabolism spike you got from exercising.",
"When you think about shaking up your metabolism you think exercise. Indeed, a gym session can represent 15 to 30 percent of your total daily energy expenditure, along with 10 percent required in the digestion and assimilation of nutrients. But keep in mind that protein produces the highest impact on this process.",
"Supplements, like vitamins and green tea extract, can raise your metabolism -- but check with your doctor before you take them. (Image: Getty Images) Certain vitamins and herbals supplements can also speed up your metabolism. The B-complex vitamins help you get the most energy from your food, providing a boost that powers your workouts and revs up your metabolism, says Jones. Green tea extract, or GTE, contains caffeine, a natural metabolism booster.",
"Weightlifting is not the only way to speed up your basal metabolism. Your heart, which is made of cardiac muscle, can also be strengthened by aerobic activity, making it better able to pump blood through your body and burn calories throughout the day.",
"The amount of lean body mass (LBM) has the greatest influence upon Basal Metabolic Rate. Increase your overall muscle mass and you increase or boost your metabolism. Here are some examples:â¢A hyperactive thyroid has a large effect on the metabolic rate.â¢The younger you are, the higher your metabolism.",
"The Lose 10 Pounds in 30 Days Workout. These exercises will burn fat, tone muscle, and boost your metabolism. This all-over makeover will help you lose weight in just one month! These exercises will burn fat, tone muscle, and boost your metabolism. This all-over makeover will help you lose weight in just one month!",
"1 Improves metabolism ââ¬â There is no doubt that physical fitness makes the metabolism work better. This improves general wellbeing as it also has positive effects on the immune system. Increases stamina and energy levels ââ¬â Physical fitness banishes lethargy and fatigue from the system.",
"Sweat produced with infrared can contains as much as 20% toxins! That is in comparison to only 3%-5% toxins that are contained in normal sweat. Infrared can rebalance and increase your metabolism which helps with weight loss both during and after a FIT Bodywrap session.",
"How to Boost Your Metabolism. Not only does muscle weigh more than fat, but it uses more energy, too. The average woman in her 30s who strength-trains 30 to 40 minutes twice a week for four months will increase her resting metabolism by 100 calories a day.",
"Adding protein shakes to womenâs diet Adding them in your workout regime can increase your weight loss process and provide you with the effective results in less time. It is a great way to boost up your body natural workout mechanism by activating metabolism instead of stressing out the body with extreme workout routines.",
"As much as you can is really a help for your metabolism, and if you do it in the morning, you'll raise your metabolism all day. Build muscle with weight training or resistance exercise.",
"Increasing Your Heart Rate. The heat in a steam room helps increase your circulation, and that can result in an elevated heart rate. But because you're not expending energy, it isn't a workout. That's why cardio is the better choice for boosting your metabolism to increase your heart rate and burn calories."
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what is an operetta | [
"Operetta is a genre of light opera, light in terms both of music and subject matter.he operetta is a precursor of the modern musical theatre or the musical. In the early decades of the 20th century, the operetta continued to exist alongside the newer musical, with each influencing the other."
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"1 Operetta's favorite food, fried peanut butter and banana sandwich, is referred to as an Elvis Sandwich. 2 During the early development months of Monster High, Operetta was supposed to be a starter character.he is a phantom, specifically the daughter of the Phantom of the Opera, and a student at Monster High. Operetta has the reputation of both a diva and a rebel, demanding respect from those around her but also not being a fan of etiquette, convention, and rules.",
"Proper noun. 1 A novel by Voltaire (in which the protagonist shares his moniker with the title.) 2 The Operetta of the same name, by Leonard Bernstein. 3 A naïve and innocent person.",
"Candide (operetta) Candide is an operetta with music composed by Leonard Bernstein, based on the novella of the same name by Voltaire. The operetta was first performed in 1956 with a libretto by Lillian Hellman; but since 1974 it has been generally performed with a book by Hugh Wheeler which is more faithful to Voltaire's novel.",
"Libretto. (lÉbrÄt`Å) [Ital.,=little book], the text of an opera or an oratorio. Although a play usually emphasizes an integrated plot, a libretto is most often a loose plot connecting a series of episodes.Characterization and emotion are suggested by the words of a libretto but are expressed by the music.The first major librettist was Ottavio Rinuccini, an Italian poet of the 16th cent.lÉbrÄt`Å) [Ital.,=little book], the text of an opera or an oratorio. Although a play usually emphasizes an integrated plot, a libretto is most often a loose plot connecting a series of episodes.",
"One of the most famous zarzuela (Spanish operetta) pieces in the género chico (smaller genre) is La Verbena de la Paloma (The Fair of the Dove), set at a verbena on the night of the Virgin of the Paloma, August 14; it was also made into a 1963 movie. There is a 1939 film called Verbena Tragica (also known as Tragic Festival).",
"Fresh off the smashing success of their operetta H.M.S. Pinafore, the unstoppable British duo comprised of composer Sir Arthur Sullivan and lyricist/librettist W.S. Gilbert decided to premiere a new project in New York City.",
"Audran's operetta was so popular that it was translated into English as The Mascot, introducing into the English language a word for any animal, person, or object that brings good luck.The word with this definition was then incorporated into many other languages, although often in the French form mascotte.any sports teams in the United States (U.S.) have official mascots, sometimes enacted by costumed humans or even live animals. One of the earliest was a taxidermy mount for the Chicago Cubs, in 1908, and later a live animal used in 1916 by the same team.",
"Norma (opera) Norma (Italian: [ËnÉrma]) is a tragedia lirica or opera in two acts by Vincenzo Bellini with libretto by Felice Romani after Norma, ou L'infanticide (Norma, or The Infanticide) by Alexandre Soumet. It was first produced at La Scala in Milan on 26 December 1831.",
"Full Definition of OPERA. 1. : a drama set to music and made up of vocal pieces with orchestral accompaniment and orchestral overtures and interludes; specifically: grand opera. 2. : the score of a musical drama. 3. : the performance of an opera; also: a house where operas are performed.",
"Patience is a passive virtue turned engaging name, fresher than Hope, Faith, or even Charity. Its resemblance to the trendy Payton may be one reason for its recent spike in popularity. Common in the seventeenth century, Patience is the eponymous heroine of a Gilbert & Sullivan comic operetta.",
"Opera seria (plural: opere serie; usually called dramma per musica or melodramma serio) is an Italian musical term which refers to the noble and serious style of Italian opera that predominated in Europe from the 1710s to c. 1770.",
"Baroque suite). Aria: A lyrical type of singing with a steady beat, accompanied by orchestra; a songful monologue or duet in an opera or other dramatic vocal work.",
"1819-1895; Romantic era composer of operettas and other staged musical compositions. Remembered mostly for two popular overtures, the Light Cavalry Overture and the Poet and Peasant Overture, both of which have been used prominently as cartoon music.",
"A summer 1884 cure in Franzensbad left Strauss recharged and impatient to start the music for his next operetta, one on which he and his new librettist, lgnatz Schnitzer, lavished more care than on any other in the composer's career.",
"Around 1850, the French composer Herve hervé was experimenting with a form of comic musical theatre he called. Operette opérette the best known composers of Operetta Were jacques offenbach from the 1850s to the 1870s And JOHANN strauss ii in the 1870s. and 1880s",
"the word mascot is derived from the provencal and appeared in french dictionaries at the end of the 19th century. âIt caught on following the triumphant performance of Mrs Grizier-Montbazon in an operetta called La Mascotte, set to music by Edmond Audran in 1880.",
"Moving from the Golden Age of Hollywood to the Silver Age of Operetta, we introduce Hungarian actress Martha Mártha, eggerth who has been hailed as one of theâcountry s national idols since the tender age of. 10",
"OPA is a Greek Word that may be used as an âExclamationâ, or âUtteranceâ, or âDeclarationâ, or âAffirmationâ or a lovingly gentle way of telling you to âStopâ ... depending on the situational context. It is a word or pronouncement of celebration; the celebration of life itself.",
"A latte (/Ëlaeteɪ/) Ëlæteɪ is a coffee drink made with espresso and steamed. Milk the term as used In english is a shortened form of The italian caffe [caffè latte] , kafËfÉ [lËlatte] caffelatte kaffeËlatte [or] , caffellatte kaffelËlatte which means. milk coffees with a caffe caffè, macchiato which is espresso with a spot of milk, atop indicating'there s a hint of milk underneath the espresso, foam a latte macchiato is the, opposite to indicate there is espresso in the. Milk the use of the 'term' macchiato has been widened to include a huge array of beverages and ice. creams",
"Opacity (optics) Opacity is the measure of impenetrability to electromagnetic or other kinds of radiation, especially visible light. In radiative transfer, it describes the absorption and scattering of radiation in a medium, such as a plasma, dielectric, shielding material, glass, etc. An opaque object is neither transparent nor translucent. When light strikes an interface between two substances, in general some may be reflected, some absorbed, some scattered, and the rest transmitted. Reflection can be diffuse,",
"To move (i.e.; the hip) Ono : A large mackerel type fish `Ono: Delicious: O`o: The act of ... `O`opu akupa: An endemic stream fish without fused pelvic fin; does not climb `O`opu alamo`o: An endemic native stream fish that climbs middle to upper stream reaches `O`opu nakea: An endemic stream fish often found in taro patches; likes warm water `O`opu naniha",
"Operculata. The operculum is not a product of the mantle. It is produced by a separate organ, the opercular disc, a pad of specialized secretory epithelial cells located right where the operculum is attached-on the posterior, dorsal aspect of the foot.perculata. The operculum is not a product of the mantle. It is produced by a separate organ, the opercular disc, a pad of specialized secretory epithelial cells located right where the operculum is attached-on the posterior, dorsal aspect of the foot.",
"Opera is a type of theatrical drama told entirely through music and singing. It's one of the traditional Western art forms, and there are several different genres. Two of the traditional ones, dating back to the 18th century, are the opera seria and opera buffa.",
"Jacques Offenbach (1819 â 1880), composer and cellist of the Romantic era, was one of the originators of the operetta form. He was one of the most influential composers of popular music in Europe in the 19th century, and many of his works remain in the repertory.",
"Opacity is the measure of impenetrability to electromagnetic or other kinds of radiation, especially visible light. In radiative transfer, it describes the absorption and scattering of radiation in a medium, such as a plasma, dielectric, shielding material, glass, etc.",
"In the second half of the 19th century, Jacques Offenbach dominated the new genre of operetta with witty and cynical works such as Orphée aux enfers; Charles Gounod scored a massive success with Faust; and Bizet composed Carmen, probably the most famous French opera of all.",
"[manÉÌ]) is an opera opéra comique in five acts By Jules massenet to A french libretto By Henri meilhac And Philippe, gille based on the 1731 Novelâl histoire du chevalier Des grieux et De Manon lescaut by The Abbe. Abbé prevost prévost it was first Performed-At the Opera opéra comique In paris. on 19 january 1884anon is Massenet's most popular and enduring opera and, having quickly conquered the world's stages, it has maintained an important place in the repertory since its creation. It is the quintessential example of the charm and vitality of the music and culture of the Parisian Belle Ãpoque. époque",
"1 Operetta's character is a very elaborate play on her father's character. 2 While her father is the Phantom of the Opera, she is the Phantom of the Opry.he is a phantom, specifically the daughter of the Phantom of the Opera, and a student at Monster High. Operetta has the reputation of both a diva and a rebel, demanding respect from those around her but also not being a fan of etiquette, convention, and rules.",
"op·pres·sive. adj. 1. Exercising power arbitrarily and often unjustly; tyrannical. 2. Difficult to cope with; causing hardship or depressed spirits: oppressive demands.",
"An orchestra (/ËÉËrkáµ»strÉ/ or US: /ËÉËrËkÉstrÉ/; Italian: ) is a large instrumental ensemble typical of classical music, which mixes instruments from different families, including bowed string instruments such as violin, viola, cello and double bass, as well as brass, woodwinds, and percussion instruments, each grouped in sections.",
"[orËkÉstra]) is a large instrumental ensemble used in classical music that contains sections of string (violin, viola, cello and double bass), brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments.t the time of the invention of the valved brass, the pit orchestra of most operetta composers seems to have been modest. An example is Sullivan 's use of two flutes, one oboe, two clarinets, one bassoon, two horns, two cornets (a piston), two trombones, drums and strings.",
"An op-ed (originally short for opposite the editorial page ) is a piece typically published by newspapers, magazines, and the like which expresses the opinions of a named author usually not affiliated with the publication's editorial board.",
"Opera is an art form in which singers and musicians perform a dramatic work combining text (called a libretto) and musical score. Opera is part of the Western classical music tradition. Opera incorporates many of the elements of spoken theatre, such as acting, scenery, and costumes and sometimes includes dance.",
"Anatomy. a small area on the retina that is insensitive to light due to the interruption, where the optic nerve joins the retina, of the normal pattern of light-sensitive rods and cones. 2. an area or subject about which one is uninformed, prejudiced, or unappreciative: I confess that operettas are my blind spot.",
"opera seria. n, pl opere serie (Italian Ëopere ËsÉËrje). 1. (Classical Music) a type of opera current in 18th-century Italy based on a serious plot, esp a mythological tale.",
"On his return to Vienna, Johann began developing ideas for an operetta which eventually became Der Carneval in Rom. It was premiered in Vienna in 1873; although not a sensation, it was sufficiently popular to encourage Strauss to continue in this vein.",
"Costumed mascots are commonplace, and are regularly used as goodwill ambassadors in the community for their team, company, or organization such as the U.S. Forest Service's Smokey Bear.udran's operetta was so popular that it was translated into English as The Mascot, introducing into the English language a word for any animal, person, or object that brings good luck. The word with this definition was then incorporated into many other languages, although often in the French form mascotte.",
"par·fait. n. 1. A dessert made of cream, eggs, sugar, and flavoring frozen together and served in a tall glass. 2. A dessert made of several layers of different flavors of ice cream or ices, variously garnished and served in a tall glass.",
"On Wikipedia. Elektra, Op. 58, is a one-act opera by Richard Strauss, to a German-language libretto by Hugo von Hofmannsthal, which he adapted from his 1903 drama Elektra. The opera was the first of many collaborations between Strauss and Hofmannsthal.It was first performed at the Dresden State Opera on January 25, 1909.oday, as then, Elektraâs desperate need to avenge the murder of her father by her mother makes for gripping drama. At 90 minutes, the opera is one of Straussâs most concentrated works, and in style and instrumentation one of his most modernist scores.",
"A slang term for the vagina. Usually used to refer to particularly unappealing vaginas. Is spelled with a accent called an enyeah. I saw Oprah getting out of a limo yesterday, and when she stuck her leg out, I totally saw Oprah's guana.",
"1 Opisthotonos is a posture in which the neck is tilted back and the back is stiff and arched. 2 Decorticate posture is characterized by a stiff body, straight legs, and clenched fists. Decerebrate posture is characterized by rigid limbs, pointed toes, and a backward tilt to the head and neck.",
"The opera orchestra is visible in the lowered area in front of the stage. Opera (Italian: [ËÉËpera]; English plural: operas; Italian plural: opere [ËÉËpere]) is an art form in which singers and musicians perform a dramatic work combining text (libretto) and musical score, usually in a theatrical setting.",
"Use candide in a sentence. Proper noun. A novel by Voltaire (in which the protagonist shares his moniker with the title.) The Operetta of the same name, by Leonard Bernstein. A naïve and innocent person.",
"Opéra comique is a French term for opera which has some spoken words. Surprisingly it does not mean a âcomicâ opera. An opera like Carmen, which is a tragedy, is still an opéra comique due to the fact that it uses spoken dialogues instead of recitatives.",
"Characteristics. The libretto may be serious or comic, although neither form necessarily excludes elements of the other. Opera differs from operetta in its musical complexity and usually in its subject matter.ften, the music in opera is continuous, with set pieces such as solos, duets, trios, quartets, etc., and choral pieces, all designed to dramatize the action and display the particular vocal skills of the principal singers.",
"Otello (. [oËtÉllo]) is an opera in four acts by Giuseppe Verdi to an Italian libretto by Arrigo Boito, based on Shakespeare 's play Othello. It was Verdi's penultimate opera, and was first performed at the Teatro alla Scala, Milan, on 5 February 1887.",
"An appoggiatura (/ É Ë p É dÊ É Ë t jÊÉr É /; Italian: [appoddÊaËtuËra]; German Vorschlag, Vorhalt; French Port de voix) is a musical ornament that consists of an added non-chord note in a melody that is resolved to the regular note of the chord.",
"For the insect, see glow worm. Das Glühwürmchen, known in English as The Glow-Worm, is a song from Paul Lincke's 1902 operetta Lysistrata, with German lyrics by Heinz Bolten-Backers. In the operetta, it is performed as a trio with three female solo voices singing alternately and the women's chorus joining in the refrain.",
"Opera seria (Italian pronunciation: [ËÉËpera ËsÉËrja]; plural: opere serie; usually called dramma per musica or melodramma serio) is an Italian musical term which refers to the noble and serious style of Italian opera that predominated in Europe from the 1710s to c. 1770.",
"Opacity Opacity is the measure of impenetrability to electromagnetic or other kinds of radiation, especially visible light. In radiative transfer, it describes the absorption and scattering of radiation in a medium, such as a plasma, dielectric, shielding material, glass, etc.",
"...The actual grace to which free consent is given by the will so that the grace produces its divinely intended effect Ex Opere Operato A Latin phrase that means literally by the very fact that the",
"List of operas by title. The following is a list of operas and operettas with entries in Wikipedia. The entries are sorted alphabetically by title, with the name of the composer and the year of the first performance also given. For a list of operas sorted by name of composer, see List of notable operas.",
"OPA is a Greek Word that may be used as an âExclamationâ, or âUtteranceâ, or âDeclarationâ, or âAffirmationâ or a lovingly gentle way of telling you to âStopâ ... depending on the situational context. It is a word or pronouncement of celebration; the celebration of life itself. It is another way of expressing joy and gratitude to God, Life, and others, for bringing us into the state of ultimate wisdom; that all that really matters is health, family, and friends.",
"Audran's operetta was so popular that it was translated into English as The Mascot, introducing into the English language a word for any animal, person, or object that brings good luck.The word with this definition was then incorporated into many other languages, although often in the French form mascotte. famous example of a band mascot is Eddie the Head of the English heavy metal band Iron Maiden. Eddie is a zombie-like creature which is personified in different forms on all of the band's albums, most of its singles and some of its promotional merchandise.",
"Opera (Italian: [ËÉËpera]; English plural: operas; Italian plural: opere [ËÉËpere]) is an art form in which singers and musicians perform a dramatic work combining text (libretto) and musical score, usually in a theatrical setting.",
"An op-ed (originally short for opposite the editorial page though sometimes interpreted as opinion editorial) is a written prose piece typically published by a newspaper or magazine which expresses the opinion of a named author usually not affiliated with the publication's editorial board.",
"A libretto for any opera, including Aida, is the creation of the words to sbe sung. If it is sung AND spoken, it is generally considered a musical or an operetta.The vo ⦠ices sing what the composer wrote in terms of music, but the poetry or words that tell the story are based on the librettist's work. A libretto for any opera, including Aida, is the creation of the words to sbe sung. If it is sung AND spoken, it is generally considered a musical or an operetta.",
"January 3, 2013 in Grocery & Retail News â. The music is from a 155-year-old French operetta; the dance associated with it is even older. But to at least two generations of Northeastern grocery shoppers, the âcan canâ is that song from the ShopRite commercials that sticks in your head every January.",
"Opera (Italian:; English plural: operas; Italian plural: opere ) is an art form in which singers and musicians perform a dramatic work combining text (libretto) and musical score, usually in a theatrical setting.",
"Opor Opor is a type of dish cooked and braised in coconut milk from Indonesia, especially from Central Java. In Indonesia the term opor refer to the method of cooking in coconut milk. Opor is a popular dish for lebaran or Eid ul-Fitr, usually eaten with ketupat and sambal goreng ati (beef liver in sambal). In Yogyakarta chicken or egg opor often eaten with gudeg and rice.",
"Opera buffa (Italian, plural: opere buffe; English: comic opera) is a genre of opera. It was first used as an informal description of Italian comic operas variously classified by their authors as commedia in musica, commedia per musica, dramma bernesco, dramma comico, divertimento giocoso.",
"Libretto. the verbal text of a work of musical drama, such as an opera or operetta and, in the past, of a cantata or oratorio; a ballet scenario; a brief summary of the content of an opera, operetta, or ballet.lthough a play usually emphasizes an integrated plot, a libretto is most often a loose plot connecting a series of episodes. Characterization and emotion are suggested by the words of a libretto but are expressed by the music.",
"Audran's operetta was so popular that it was translated into English as The Mascot, introducing into the English language a word for any animal, person, or object that brings good luck.The word with this definition was then incorporated into many other languages, although often in the French form mascotte.udran's operetta was so popular that it was translated into English as The Mascot, introducing into the English language a word for any animal, person, or object that brings good luck. The word with this definition was then incorporated into many other languages, although often in the French form mascotte.",
"Buy Study Guide. Amoretti is an Elizabethan sonnet-cycle, a series of interconnected poems which conventionally trace a man's attempt to woo his beloved, the moment she capitulates to him and returns his love, and his sorrow at somehow losing her again.",
"1 Other forms of this opera are opera buffa and operetta, to name a few. 2 In this type of opera the dialogue is often spoken and not sung. 3 An example of this opera is La serva padrona (The Maid as Mistress) by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi. Opera Semiseria-This type of opera has a serious story but has a happy ending. 2 This is why some loosely define it as a combination of the elements of both comic and serious opera."
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how much time does an average spent online | [
"The average adult will spend over 5 hours per day online, on nonvoice mobile activities or with other digital media this year, eMarketer estimates, compared to 4 hours and 31 minutes watching television. Daily TV time will actually be down slightly this year, while digital media consumption will be up 15.8%."
] | [
"Europe spends much per average customer. The global ranking shows Europe is doing pretty well, considering Norway is the number two with $2,448 spent online per average customer in 2015. Only the average revenue per user in Hong Kong was higher, with $2,868.",
"The students reported spending the most time texting, with an average of 94.6 minutes a day. That was followed by sending emails (48.5 minutes), checking Facebook (38.6 minutes), surfing the Internet (34.4 minutes), and listening to music (26.9 minutes). The study also found that women spend more time on their cell phones.",
"Share. In 2012, it is nearly impossible to imagine a world where information is not at your fingertips. Modern-day technology, such as the Internet, has become a part of daily life, but it is unknown how much of a price comes with this luxury. The average American spends 66 hours a month on the computer, and this is not including the time spent on it at work (â10 Mostâ¦â).",
"The British company ranked the countries that spend the most money online per average customer. To make it easier for comparison they put all the amounts in US dollars. The global ranking shows Europe is doing pretty well, considering Norway is the number two with $2,448 spent online per average customer in 2015.",
"If time is money, then the Facebook.com site represents the most valuable Internet property on the web today, Needham analysts write in their research note. Although 20+ minutes is the global average, people in the US spend much more time than that, according to Facebook's internal numbers.",
"Average daily media use in the United States from 2010 to 2014 (in minutes) About This Statistic. This statistic contains data on the average daily media use in the United States. In 2010, an average American spent 184 minutes surfing the internet on desktop and laptop devices each day. Download as ...",
"1 80% - What is the average price spent on dry cleaning? 2 72% - What is the average amount of money people spend on cleaning supplies? 3 65% - How much does the average household pay for dry cleaning each month? 4 58% - How much does an average american pay for cleaning a month?",
"In one survey, American adults spend an average of 3.2 hours a day using social networks! This data is shocking enough, but it gets even more interesting: 1 Business owners spend 50% more time on social media than non-business owners.",
"According to a new cross-platform report from Nielsen, our suspicions are confirmed: The average American adult spends 11 hours per day with electronic media.",
"About This Statistic. This statistic contains data on the average daily media use in the United States in as of April 2017. During the survey period, it was found that U.S. adults spent an average of 128 minutes (two hours and eight minutes) on laptop and desktop activities every day. The source estimated that the average American spent 727 minutes per day with media.",
"YouTube says it has more than 1bn users and half of the views on its site come from mobile devices. The GWI report stressed âthe rising importance of the mobile internetâ, noting that people now spend 2 hours a day browsing the web online, up from around 1 hour and 15 minutes in 2012.",
"During most recently measured survey period ending September 2016, it was found that Prime members spend an average of 1,200 U.S. dollars on the online shopping platform every year, compared to 600 U.S. dollars spending of non-Prime members.",
"1 65% - How much does the average 25 year old spent on entertainment? 2 75% - How much is the average spent on entertainment for one person? 3 86% - What is the average cost if entertainment per month? 4 60% - How much a month does an average family spend on entertainment?. Average entertainment budget is about $200 a month. Thats surprisingly a lot but it is like this and in countries like Canada, USA and Britain it can go up to $550.US consumer spend $2698 per year making it around 5.4% of the average income.And this is for a family of 3.",
"It is estimated that the Average American spends nearly one-quarter of their work day browsing social media for non-work related activities. People are wasting their precious time on social media networking sites. Between 60 percent and 80 percent of people time on the internet of work has nothing to do with work.",
"On average, global internet users spend some 109 minutes per day surfing social networks. This prompts worldwide brands and their marketers to use that time and screen space to promote various products and services via social media marketing or social advertising.",
"The General asks, What does it do?. The Senator asks, How much does it cost?. The soldier asks, How much does it weigh?. We think of soldiers as warfighters, but for even the most combat-hardened vet, the amount of time spent in firefights is a fraction of the time spent hauling their gear around.",
"Americans aged 18-64 who use social networks say they spend an average of 3.2 hours per day doing so, according to new research released by Ipsos Open Thinking Exchange (OTX).",
"The average person spends 8 hours and 41 mins on electronic devices. This is 20 minutes more than the average night's sleep, it is claimed. Four in 10 smartphone users check their phone in the night if it wakes them. More time is spent checking emails in the morning than eating breakfast.",
"3. 3. Family of four members may spend 600 dollar to 1200 dollar on average per month for their entertainment in which a small shopping, movies at theater, picnic and traveling included. This is an estimated monthly entertainment cost for a middle class family who have 12000 to 18000 dollar per year income. 75% - How much is the average spent on entertainment for one person? 2 86% - What is the average cost if entertainment per month? 3 60% - How much a month does an average family spend on entertainment? 4 69% - How much does the average person spend on entertainment recreation per month?",
"Americans spend 58 minutes a day on their smartphones. New data from Experian Marketing Servicesâ Simmons® ConnectSM mobile and digital panel sheds light on the way smartphone users spend time using their phone, with the average adult clocking 58 minutes daily on their device. On average, smartphone owners devote 26% of the time they spend on their phone talking and another 20% texting. Social networking eats up 16% of smartphone time while browsing the mobile web accounts for 14% of time spent. Emailing and playing games account for roughly 9% and 8% of daily smartphone time, respectively, while use of the phoneâs camera and GPS each take up another 2% of our smartphone day. *Activities include use of a smartphoneâs native features dedicated to each activity ...",
"Comments. Young people aged between 16 and 24 spend more than 27 hours a week on the internet, communications watchdog Ofcom said as it laid bare the extent of the UKâs changing internet habits over the last decade.",
"Online teaching does seem to take more time, but I've never systematically compared it to a classroom-based course. Up front, it takes a great deal of time to put curricular materials together for an online class. I've spent as much as several weeks reshaping my classroom materials to work for online students.",
"This handy table shows how much data some standard online activities use. Bear in mind that the figures are only rough estimates - your actual usage is likely be around these amounts, but could be more or less depending on a number of factors. Activity. Data consumption. One hour of web browsing. 10 - 25MB.",
"How Baby Boomers Use the Web, Social Networks, and Mobile. Baby Boomers and seniors now spend more time online than watching television, according to a report by Ipsos and Google. On average, seniors and Boomers (defined in the report as those age 45 or older) spend 19 hours a week online, but they spend 16 hours watching television.",
"On average we spend 91 minutes a day listening to the radio, while around 80 minutes a day are spent on text messaging, social networking and emailing. In 2009 Britons sent 104billion texts, up from 27billion in 2004.",
"The students reported spending the most time texting, with an average of 94.6 minutes a day. That was followed by sending emails (48.5 minutes), checking Facebook (38.6 minutes), surfing the Internet (34.4 minutes), and listening to music (26.9 minutes).",
"U.S. adults now spend an average of two hours and 21 minutes per day using their mobile devices for activities other than phone calls, up 46 minutes from last year. Time spent on smartphones, tablets and feature phones now also exceeds time spent on PCs, which clocked in at two hours and 19 minutes. The figure for PC use may seem low to any office worker who spends most days in front a computer screen, but eMarketer is taking all U.S. adults into account, some 20% of which still don't use the internet, according to Clark Fredrickson, VP-communications at the research firm."
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is meadowmere park open | [
"Meadowmere Park is an 80 acre park that was leased in 1988 from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Meadowmere is a regional park located in Northwest Grapevine and contains five soccer fields. Open seven days a week. Hours are 9 AM to one half hour past daily sunset, Monday through Friday and 8 AM to one half hour past daily sunset, Saturday and Sunday."
] | [
"Cut-price ticket offer to tempt stay-away fans by Coventry Evening Telegraph (England). TRANMERE'S FA Cup third round tie against Derby County will take place on Saturday January 5 at Pride Park with reduced admission for season. of both clubs.",
"Highland Village Latest News. Highland Village Dog Park Opens April 14 A ribbon cutting will be held on Friday, April 14 at 10:00 a.m. to officially open the Unity Dog Park. The Park is located at 2200 Briarhill Boulevard. The Park will officially open after the ribbon cutting ceremony.",
"Flintknapping and hornblowing at Bradgate Park â photos from Fieldschool Facebook page. We went to the Bradgate Park Fieldschool Open Day at the beginning of July. This is a student training and research excavation project being run by the University of Leicester.",
"Spring over to Meadowbrook and see what everyone is talking about! Our community offers a 24 hour fitness center, swimming pool, club room with wifi accessibility and laundry facility, on-site management, and 24 hour emergency maintenance. We also provide your water and trash pickup at no additional charge.",
"Bushcrafting in the Lake District. Learn to live off the land on a bush crafting course with Woodsmoke. Enjoy a family day out at Walby Farm Park. If youâre looking for a fun day out for all the family, whatever the weather, pay a visit to Walby Farm Park in Cumbria. Soak up romantic views of England's longest lake. With scenery that has inspired poets and artists for generations, Lake Windermere is one of Englandâs most renowned romantic settings.",
"Within the Philadelphia area there were four of these Woodside Park, on the fringe of Fairmount Park, Point Breeze Park, the last to be established and the first to expire, Erdenheim, at Chestnut Hill, and Willow Grove, the subject of this sketch.",
"Allaire State Park is located in Monmouth County on the New Jersey Coastal plain and has sandy soils. The forest is a mix of oak, cedar and pine, and is on the northern fringe of the pine barrens with iron tinged waterways. The Manasquan River flows through the park.",
"The USGA also will formally announce Wednesday that the 2023 US Open will be held at Los Angeles Country Club, and the 2024 US Open will return to Pinehurst No. 2. Future US Opens are scheduled to be held at Oakmont Country Club (2016), Erin Hills (2017), Shinnecock Hills (2018), Pebble Beach (2019), Winged Foot (2020), and Torrey Pines (2021).",
"You can follow the progress of spring road clearing in Yellowstone on the web at http://www.nps.gov/yell/planyourvisit/plowing.htm. Weather permitting, the road from Canyon Junction to Lake and Lake to the park's East Entrance (Sylvan Pass) will open to travel on Friday, May 6th.",
"ACCESS AND PARKING: Van Saun County Park open daily dawn to dusk. Bergen County Zoological Park is open 10am to 4:30pm daily. Check website for availability and fees pertaining to zoo, pony rides, carousel and train. New Jersey Fishing license is required to fish Van Saun Mill Brook.",
"PARKS > MEADOW VISTA. This beautiful scenic park has a walk path that runs around the perimeter of the park. A small pond with an island⦠a place to relax and enjoy. Three shaded picnic areas around the pond are available on first come, first served basis. Park Amenities.",
"The Meadowhall Retail Park is a separate development located less than a mile away from the main Meadowhall complex, here shoppers will find a choice of shops that include Homebase, Toys R Us and McDonald's. The Meadowhall centre is open 7 days a week, however individual store times vary.he Sheffield Supertram offers one of the best ways to get to and from the shopping centre. Services are available to the shopping centre from the city centre trams take visitors to the Meadowhall Supertram stop at the Transport Interchange.",
"Bloomingdale Park. Opened in 2004, Bloomingdale Park is a 138-acre retreat in Southern Staten Island. Featuring pathways, jogging trails, ballfields, a soccer field and basket ball court, Bloomingdale Park offers great opportunities for active recreation.",
"Reds Meadow Road to open Wednesday, June 29. A record snowfall and resulting damage has delayed the opening of the Reds Meadow Road to Wednesday, June 29. The target date of June 24 was not met due to the time required to remove hazards and debris, and to make repairs along the roadway as a result of winter avalanches and harsh conditions.",
"East Rutherford is the home of the Meadowlands Sports Complex, which includes Meadowlands Arena and MetLife Stadium, and was previously the location of Giants Stadium. The arena is best known as the longtime home of the New Jersey Nets of the National Basketball Association and the New Jersey Devils of the National Hockey League, and also hosted college basketball, arena football, concerts, and other events.",
"Grapevine_Parks_Rec, Manager at Meadowmere Park, responded to this review. Next time you are in the park stop by the gate house for your kayak rental. We have plenty of two seat kayaks available for you to take your little one out on the water. Sorry about the confusion with the other vendor.",
"May 29 to June 8 â Reds Meadow is open to cars for day use only. June 9 to approx. Labor Day â Reds Meadow open for full summer operations. All day-use visitors are required to ride the shuttle into the valley, which departs from the Mammoth Adventure Center every half hour from 7am to 7pm. Cost is $7 per person ($4 kids 3 to 15).",
"Highland Village Dog Park Opens April 14 A ribbon cutting will be held on Friday, April 14 at 10:00 a.m. to officially open the Unity Dog Park. The Park is located at 2200 Briarhill Boulevard. The Park will officially open after the ribbon cutting ceremony.",
"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Nashville Zoo at Grassmere is a 200-acre (81 ha) zoo and historic plantation farmhouse located 6 miles (9.7 km) southeast of downtown Nashville, Tennessee. The Nashville Zoo at Grassmere is an accredited member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA).",
"Greenwood Meadows Park. Greenwood Meadows Park is located off of Liberty Corner Road and is open to the public from dawn to dusk. The park offers a playground area, recreational softball and multi-sports field, tennis courts, 9-hole Disc golf and a gazebo for public use.",
"Treat yourself to a day filled with nature and endless scenery at Meadowmere Park in Grapevine. The perfect place to take the kids, this park won't cost you a sitter. Friendly pooches can come on in at Meadowmere Park, which welcomes dogs as well as their owners.",
"Reopen May 1, 2017. Come Experience the Wild! Located on 80 acres of land in Alto, MI, Boulder Ridge Wild Animal Park is a unique, hands-on experience for the entire family. The park boasts a distinct collection of exotic animals and reptiles, and the variety and dynamic atmosphere make Boulder Ridge anything but your average zoo.",
"Meadowbank Park. Meadowbank Park is one of our major sporting and recreation areas. There are more than 10 playing fields used mainly for soccer and cricket, as well as netball hard courts and tennis courts.There are three playgrounds and walking and cycling paths along the Parramatta River as part of the Ryde Riverwalk.eadowbank Park. Meadowbank Park is one of our major sporting and recreation areas. There are more than 10 playing fields used mainly for soccer and cricket, as well as netball hard courts and tennis courts.",
"Meadowmere Park Real Estate Listings & Homes for Sale. 1 Research Meadowmere Park real estate market trends and find homes for sale. Search for new homes, open houses, recently sold homes and reduced price real estate in Meadowmere Park.",
"Valleyfair opened in 1976 featuring 20 rides and attractions on 26 acres (110,000 m 2), with the roller coaster High Roller being the main attraction. The carousel in the park came from Excelsior Amusement Park which was closed in 1973. It is the oldest ride in the park.",
"Hotels closest to Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion at Meadowbrook. Not pet-friendly - no pets allowed. Most Recent HotelGuides Review The hotel was nice and clean, and had good views of the beautiful natural surroundings. However, some kitchen items weren't provided, and the plug for the whirlpool tub didn't work well.",
"The Dollywood theme park opened in 1986 and is also expanding. A new coaster, the FireChaser Express, will open next year. The ride is being billed as the nation's first dual launch family coaster, where riders go both forward and back.",
"The amphitheater was also renamed Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion in April 2013. Meadowbrook is one of only a few outdoor amphitheaters located in New England that is not owned by the major media conglomerate, Live Nation. Sugarland currently holds the venue's attendance record.",
"One of Meadowhall's largest stores of the past was Sainsbury's which closed in mid-2005. There was a Namco Station arcade which closed in September 2007 after more than 15 years at the shopping centre.ith over 280 stores, Meadowhall was widely blamed for the closure of shops in Sheffield City Centre and in Rotherham. Meadowhall is owned by British Land, a property developer. The centre attracted 19.8 million visitors in its first year of opening, and now attracts about 30 million visitors a year.",
"The Pebble Creek Recreational Trail is closed from 19th St. to the Century Ave. bridge. Wachter Park will be closed until Fall of 2017. Due to the construction of the new rink at Schaumberg, the current Wachter Park is closed and will be replaced to make way for the new building and parking lot. Central Plains Regional Baseball Tournament.",
"Hillsborough County, Fla. (Oct. 4, 2016) â Hillsborough County will reopen Lake Park to the public on Thursday, Oct. 6, with proper safety precautions in place to continue a commitment to public safety. The park, located at 17302 N. Dale Mabry Hwy. in Lutz, will be open daily from 8 a.m. to 7...",
"The snowpack in the valley is variable and is preventing the opening of several campgrounds and trails. Facilities that will be open on June 29th include Reds Meadow Resort, Devils Postpile National Monument (including trails to the Postpile and Rainbow Falls), and Reds Meadow Campground. Devils Postpile Campground will open on July 1st, but may have snow patches.",
"The passage from dawn to dusk is covered in a very brief time, yet the changing light registers the time of day, along with the movement and changing brightness of a star that creates a perspectival vanishing point. The park is open from dawn to dusk and the centre is open weekdays from 9am until 4.",
"Welcome To Meadowbrook Resort in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin! One of the chosen Superior Small Lodgings in America and the exclusive lodging choice of DellsPackages.com, Meadowbrook is a premier Northwoods water adventure theme resort where scenery and nature abound with a babbling brook and nightly campfires.",
"Rydalmere wharf opened in December 1993, when ferry services resumed operating between Meadowbank and Parramatta after an 85-year break. Today Rydalmere wharf is served by Sydney Ferries Parramatta River services operating between Circular Quay and Parramatta. The single wharf is served by RiverCat class ferries. During periods of low tide, services terminate at Rydalmere with passengers completing the final part of the journey by State Transit bus. ^ Parramatta ferry service celebrates 20 years Parramatta City Council 9 December 2013.",
"Meadowmere Park. Be the first to recommend this place! At Grapevine's Meadowmere Park, TX, you can indulge in the scenic views as you walk or run through the park. For some great, quality leisure time, Meadowmere Park offers the perfect park to keep you relaxed.",
"Located at 363 Oakwood Avenue in East Aurora, the museum is open June 1 - October 31 with hours on Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday, 1 to 4 pm. The park's 633 acres are comprised of a variety of habitats, including 400 acres of grasslands and 100 acres of woodlands, ponds and several wetland areas.",
"Glacier Point Road, Monitor Pass open; no date for Tioga opening. The Glacier Point Road in Yosemite National Park opened for the season Friday. There will be limited visitor services available at Glacier Point.Vault toilets will be available, and there will be no running water.There is no projected opening date for the Bridalveil Creek Campground.he Glacier Point Road in Yosemite National Park opened for the season Friday. There will be limited visitor services available at Glacier Point. Vault toilets will be available, and there will be no running water. There is no projected opening date for the Bridalveil Creek Campground.",
"The legendary Back Bowls and the majority of terrain in Blue Sky Basin are open, and Vail currently has 96 percent of its 5,289 total acres open. Vail has received more than four feet of snow in December and is anticipating being 100 percent open by Christmas Day.",
"Big Meadows is near many of the major facilities and popular hiking trails in the park. Three waterfalls are within walking distance, and the Meadow, with its abundant plant growth and wildlife, is an ideal nearby attraction.",
"PARKING FACILITY. Serving both NJ TRANSIT and AMTRAK customers, Metropark Parking Facility is open 24 hours a day. Located at the heart of New Jerseyâs Northeast Corridor, Metropark is one of the top three busiest parking facilities in the state for daily commuters using mass transit.",
"This beautiful campground is located within Meadowmere Park on the southwestern shores of Lake Grapevine. The park is operated by the City of Grapevine. $35 per site (Includes; 2 cars, up to 6 adults, 2 tents) This is primitive tent camping, back to nature style, no hook ups at tent sites.",
"Pevâs Paintball Park is currently open âUnder Constructionâ. While you are playing walk-ons you are able to play all of the fields that are ready for play. These include The Fort Tippmann, District 7, Hard Rock Field, Devastation,Deadwood, Outpost, Sniper Ridge, Borderlands and Airball on Turf.",
"Bartholdi Park is open from dawn to dusk, daily, including all weekends and holidays. It is located across Independence Avenue from the Conservatory, with access from any of the three bordering streets - Independence Avenue, Washington Avenue or First Street. Admission to the U.S. Botanic Garden is FREE.",
"nyc parks celebrates newly restored sustainable landscape around meadow lake in flushing meadows corona park; more news",
"Open Yard Day Saturday in Eastpointe, May 20. The city will hold its annual Open Yard Day for residents who want to get rid of household waste on Saturday, May 20 at the Department of Public Works, 17800 10 Mile Road. The 9 a.m.-2 p.m. event is intended for residents only.",
"Meadowmere Park is perfect for all of your outdoor activities with great views of Lake Grapevine. $5 per car or motor cycle. $1 per walk ins or bicycles. Holiday Day Use costs are $10 per vehicle and $2 per walk ins or bicycle. This park is best known for the sloping sandy beaches and lake front camping.",
"The Massanutten Meeting Room accommodates up to 40 people and has Wifi connectivity. Call the Group Sales Office for information and to schedule a site visit. Big Meadows Lodge is open May 10 through noon, November 4, 2017. Located at mile 51 on Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park. Managed by Delaware North, an official concessionaire of the National Park Service.",
"A new dog park opened in Stafford County on Saturday, June 6, 2015. Residents were invited to bring their four-legged friends to the new park at Duff McDuff Green Memorial Park on Route 3 for a ribbon cutting ceremony. Two new parks were opened: a 7,500 square foot small dog park and a 15,000 large dog park. Both are the first such county parks in Stafford. The parks are complete with water bowls, toys, and benches for people to sit on. Members of the Stafford County Board of Supervisors were on hand to cut the ribbon for the new park.",
"The Meadowlands Sports Complex is a sports and entertainment complex located in East Rutherford, Bergen County, New Jersey, United States, owned and operated by the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority (NJSEA).[1]",
"The Bloomingdale Park District offers 160 plus acres of open space, 2,400 programs that are fun, safe, affordable and convenient. Location & Amenities. The Johnston Recreation Center (JRC) is the main building of the Park District, located at: 172 S. Circle Ave.",
"Skate parks are open daily from 7 AM to 10 PM, no lighting. On Golden West Street near Warner Ave., Murdy Park Skate center has concrete undersized banks, ledges, and a little room to push. Free to public, rules and regulations posted at facilities. Huntington Beach Parks List.",
"LOSELEY PARK HOUSE AND GARDENS ARE NOW CLOSED AND RE-OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ON MONDAY 1ST MAY 2017. We suggest you need to spend at least four hours at Loseley Park to appreciate it fully, although on summer days we do find people stay considerably longer and youâre always welcome to spend the entire day with us.",
"Welcome to Bank of NH Pavilion. Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion (formerly Meadowbrook) is a 9,000-seat amphitheater on the shores of beautiful Lake Winnipesaukee in Gilford, New Hampshire. What started as a vision on a grass field on a tree farm, has since evolved into northern New England's premier summer concert venue.",
"Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art Sculpture Garden open all year. Ten to fifteen sculptures on the 1.5-acre sloping lawn adjacent to the museum. Works on loan by well known contemporary artists including Finley, Grosvenor, Kirilli, Le Witt and others. 258 Main St., Ridgefield 06877. (203) 438-4519.",
"There are currently 5 homes for sale in Meadowmere Park at a median listing price of $364,000. Search for Queens, Valley Stream, Woodmere, Rosedale, Springfield Gardens, Five Towns, Hewlett Gardens, Brookville, Cedarhurst Park, Valley Greens, Rosedale Manor, South Brookfield, Woodmere Estates, Jfk Airport, and North Woodmere Estates.",
"After Elise Croftâs death in 1985, the museum began development of a wildlife park, which opened there in 1990. Meanwhile, the separate Nashville Zoo opened in Joelton in 1991. By 1995, the museum decided to close the Grassmere Wildlife Park.",
"Reds Meadow Road opens Saturday. The Reds Meadow Road will open on Saturday, June 18th at 7:00 am. With a snow pack closer to average conditions, the seasonal opening date for 2016 is closer to an average opening date. In the past few years, the Reds Meadow Valley has opened at unusually early dates due to warm and dry conditions.",
"Bloomingdale Park. Credit: Vinnie Amesse. Opened in 2004, Bloomingdale Park is a 138-acre retreat in Southern Staten Island. Featuring pathways, jogging trails, ballfields, a soccer field and basket ball court, Bloomingdale Park offers great opportunities for active recreation.",
"The stadium opened as New Meadowlands Stadium on April 10, 2010, featuring the Big City Classic lacrosse event. In 2011, MetLife, an insurance company based in New York City, acquired the naming rights to the stadium.",
"Open year-round, Boggy Depot Park in Atoka features a fishing lake, nature trail, baseball diamond, playground, picnic tables, group picnic shelters, charcoal grills, and comfort stations with showers. Lodging includes 35 acres of campgrounds for tents and RV camping.",
"Cranbourne Park is open seven days a week with late night trading on Thursdays and Fridays.",
"Meadowville Technology Park. Meadowville Technology Park (MTP) is a 1,300-acre industrial development located in Chesterfield County in the Richmond, Virginia metropolitan area. For businesses seeking a profitable and stable environment in which to operate, MTP is a superb location.",
"Welcome To The Meadowlands Exposition Center. North New Jerseyâs premier Convention Center! In addition to offering a professional staff of trade show specialists and facilities to match, the Meadowlands Exposition Center is conveniently located just minutes outside of New York City. The center offers 61,000 sq.ft. of exhibit space with five additional meeting rooms and a maximum capacity of 5,000 people at one time.",
"Meadowlands Regional Chamber. Just Announced - The Meadowlands Regional Chamber will host a Cyber Security Summit on April 6th at Montclair State University! The threat of cyber hacking and business interruption has reached a fever pitch and is now mainstream in our everyday lives."
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what was bubonic plague | [
"Bubonic plague: An infectious disease that is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis and is transmitted to humans from infected rats by the oriental rat flea. It is named for the characteristic feature of buboes (painfully enlarged lymph nodes) in the groin, armpits, neck, and elsewhere. Other symptoms of bubonic plague include headache, fever, chills, and weakness. Bubonic plague can lead to gangrene (tissue death) of the fingers, toes, and nose. Also called Black Death and Black Plague."
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"plague [(playg)] A highly contagious disease, such as bubonic plague, that spreads quickly throughout a population and causes widespread sickness and death. Note: The term is also used to refer to widespread outbreaks of many kinds, such as a âplague of locusts.â",
"Anatomy of 14th Century Bubonic Plague Hazmat Suits. The Bubonic Plague, also known as the Black Death, killed at least 75 million people on three continents. Described as the most lethal epidemic in history, the plague began in China in the 1330s and made its way through Europe from 1346 to 1353.",
"Yersinia pestis are Gram-negative bacteria found in certain parts of the world. This bacteria causes about 1,000 to 3,000 plague cases each year, mostly in Africa, Asia, and South America. Between 10 to 20 cases occur annually in southwest areas of the United States.ithin two to six days of exposure to the bacteria that causes the bubonic plague, symptoms may develop, such as: 1 Headache. 2 Chills. 3 Fever. 4 Weakness. 5 Swollen, tender lymph glands (called buboes, hence the name bubonic).",
"bubonic plague of the 'black death' It is caused by a bacterium known as Yersinia pestis, which uses the flea as a host and is usually transmitted to humans via rats.",
"The bubonic plague causes are bacteria called Yersinia pestis. Bubonic plague is the most common form of plague. Bubonic plague is caused by Yersinia pestis, also known as plague bacteria. This bacteria also causes the other two forms of plague: septicemic plague and pneumonic plague (see Types of Plague) .nce infected, bubonic plague causes such symptoms as headaches, fever, and swollen, tender lymph glands. Bubonic plague is the most common form of plague. Bubonic plague is caused by Yersinia pestis, also known as plague bacteria.",
"A: Today, it's best known as the Black Death or the bubonic plague. The name bubonic comes from the medieval Latin word bubo via Italian bilbo--meaning a pustule, growth, or swelling.",
"The black death or bubonic plague originated in the asian plains and traveled in fleas that lived on rats that were regular passengers on ships. The plaque really started take effect and show up around AD 1346 in Crimea. The plaque reached its peak amount of deaths in Europe.",
"Causes of Bubonic Plague: An Overview. Bubonic plague is the most common form of plague. The causes of bubonic plague are bacteria called Yersinia pestis. This bacteria also causes the other two forms of plague: septicemic plague and pneumonic plague (see Types of Plague).auses of Bubonic Plague: Yersinia Pestis. Yersinia pestis bacteria are usually only found in certain parts of the world, such as Africa, Asia, and South America.",
"Plague is believed to be the cause of the Black Death that swept through Asia, Europe, and Africa in the 14th century and killed an estimated 50 million people. This was about 25% to 60% of the European population. Because the plague killed so many of the working population, wages rose due to the demand for labor. Some historians see this as a turning point in European economic development. The term bubonic plague is derived from the Greek word βοÏ
βÏν, meaning groin.",
"The Black Death, formerly known as the Bubonic Plague, is by far one of the most horrifying and yet the most fascinating subjects toed to the Middle Ages.",
"Bubonic Plague or Black Plague started in Europe around 1347. It was a terrible disease that was carried out with black rats and fleas. This terrible disease was affected the ⦠Medieval society.",
"The Great Plague of 1665/1666 was the last major outbreak of bubonic plague in Great Britain. The last recorded death from plague came in 1679, and it was removed as a specific category in the Bills of Mortality after 1703.he 1664â66 epidemic was on a far smaller scale than the earlier Black Death pandemic; it was remembered afterwards as the great plague mainly because it was the last widespread outbreak of bubonic plague in England during the 400-year timespan of the Second Pandemic.",
"The microbe that caused the bubonic plague that wiped out millions of Europeans in the 14th century â also known as the Black Death â started out as a mild stomach bug.",
"An often fatal disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, transmitted to humans usually by fleas that have bitten infected rats or other rodents. Bubonic plague, the most common type, is characterized by the tender, swollen lymph nodes called buboes, fever, clotting abnormalities of the blood, and tissue necrosis.",
"The bubonic plague causes are bacteria called Yersinia pestis. Bubonic plague is the most common form of plague. Bubonic plague is caused by Yersinia pestis, also known as plague bacteria. This bacteria also causes the other two forms of plague: septicemic plague and pneumonic plague (see Types of Plague) .ubonic plague is caused by Yersinia pestis, also known as plague bacteria. This bacteria also causes the other two forms of plague: septicemic plague and pneumonic plague (see Types of Plague) .",
"The bubonic plague causes are bacteria called Yersinia pestis. Bubonic plague is the most common form of plague. Bubonic plague is caused by Yersinia pestis, also known as plague bacteria. This bacteria also causes the other two forms of plague: septicemic plague and pneumonic plague (see Types of Plague) .owever, other animals can carry this bacteria, too, such as prairie dogs, lice, and chipmunks. Bubonic plague is the most common form of plague. Bubonic plague is caused by Yersinia pestis, also known as plague bacteria.",
"The Black Death was an outbreak of bubonic plague that lasted from about 1347 to 1352. The first cures of bubonic plague did not happen until effective antibiotics were develo ⦠ped in the 20th century. Throw sweet smelling herbs onto the fire to clean the air. 2 Carry pockets of sweet-smelling herbs. 3 Plague-proofing homes by putting glazes over southern windows to block the polluted southern wind. 4 Sit in a sewer so the bad air of the plague is driven off by the even worse one of the sewer.",
"Bubonic Plague. Bubonic plague is another life-threatening disease caused by bacteria. The bacteria that cause the plague are the yersinia pestis variety. The different kinds of bubonic plague include the common form that spreads through certain rats and fleas.hile a majority of bacteria in the human body are countered by the immune system, there are a few that are pathogenic in nature. Pathogenic bacteria cause infectious diseases like leprosy, cholera, anthrax, and bubonic plague.",
"Yersinia pestis: The bacteria that causes the bubonic plague which in the year 541 (as the Black Death) and later in the Middle Ages decimated Europe. The effects of the plague are described in the nursery rhyme We all fall down.. Y. pestis mainly infects rats and other rodents which are the prime reservoir for the bacteria. Fleas are the prime vectors carrying the bacteria from one species to another. They bite rodents infected with Y. pestis, then they bite people and so transmit the disease to them. Transmission of the plague to people can also occur from eating infected animals such as squirrels. Once someone has the plague, they can transmit it to another person via aerosol droplets.",
"By Jerrod R Anderson. Disease etiology. Plague is an infectious disease of animals and humans caused by a bacterium named Yersinia pestis. (1) There are three different types of plague, Bubonic, the most commonly plague found in humans, Septicemic and Pneumonic.(2). Disease transmission. The disease is transmitted via animals or insect vectors and are injected into humans or animals via a flea bite, or a bite from infected animals or rodents.his particular plague differed from the first two in the fact that it was not only bubonic plague, but it was also pneumonic plague as well. The third pandemic lasted for over a century when it hit Hawaii in 1959. This pandemic is what eventually led to the modern treatment methods of plague.",
"Bubonic Plague Causes. The bubonic plague causes are bacteria called Yersinia pestis. Usually, the bacteria is spread through the bites of infected fleas or rodents. However, other animals can carry this bacteria, too, such as prairie dogs, lice, and chipmunks.",
"The plague is an infectious disease caused by a bacterium called Yersinia pestis that can affect both animals and humans. There have been many outbreaks of plague in human history, which have killed more than 200 million people around the world. Perhaps the most widely known plague is the Black Death of 14th century Europe. This was bubonic plague. Outbreaks of plague are a rare occurrence today.",
"The Black Death came in three forms, the bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic. Each different form of plague killed people in a vicious way. All forms were caused by a bacterium called Yersinia pestis. The bubonic plague was the most commonly seen form of the Black Death. The mortality rate was 30-75%. The symptoms were enlarged and inflamed lymph nodes (around arm pits, neck and groin). The term 'bubonic' refers to the characteristic bubo or enlarged lymphatic gland.",
"A: Today, it's best known as the Black Death or the bubonic plague. Medieval people called it the blue sickness, La pest (the Pestilence), and the Great Mortality.. The name bubonic comes from the medieval Latin word bubo via Italian bilbo--meaning a pustule, growth, or swelling.",
"The Black Death: Bubonic Plague. In the early 1330s an outbreak of deadly bubonic plague occurred in China. The bubonic plague mainly affects rodents, but fleas can transmit the disease to people. Once people are infected, they infect others very rapidly. Plague causes fever and a painful swelling of the lymph glands called buboes, which is how it gets its name.",
"Yersinia pestis: The bacteria that causes the bubonic plague which in the year 541 (as the Black Death) and later in the Middle Ages decimated Europe. Y. pestis mainly infects rats and other rodents which are the prime reservoir for the bacteria.",
"Once infected, bubonic plague causes such symptoms as headaches, fever, and swollen, tender lymph glands. Bubonic plague is the most common form of plague. Bubonic plague is caused by Yersinia pestis, also known as plague bacteria.This bacteria also causes the other two forms of plague: septicemic plague and pneumonic plague (see Types of Plague) .ubonic Plague Causes: Yersinia Pestis. Yersinia pestis are Gram-negative bacteria found in certain parts of the world, primarily Africa, Asia, and South America.",
"The Black Death had three manifestations -- bubonic plague, pneumonic plague, and septicaemic plague. The bubonic plague had a thirty to seventy-five percent mortality rate.This manifestation of the disease was characterized by the characteristic swelling of lymph nodes (buboes) along the neck, armpits, and groin.he Black Death had three manifestations -- bubonic plague, pneumonic plague, and septicaemic plague. The bubonic plague had a thirty to seventy-five percent mortality rate.",
"The noun BUBONIC PLAGUE has 1 sense: 1. the most common form of the plague in humans; characterized by chills, prostration, delirium and the formation of buboes in the armpits and groin; does not spread from person to person.Familiarity information: BUBONIC PLAGUE used as a noun is very rare.he most common form of the plague in humans; characterized by chills, prostration, delirium and the formation of buboes in the armpits and groin; does not spread from person to person. Classified under:",
"The bubonic plague causes are bacteria called Yersinia pestis. Bubonic plague is the most common form of plague. Bubonic plague is caused by Yersinia pestis, also known as plague bacteria. This bacteria also causes the other two forms of plague: septicemic plague and pneumonic plague (see Types of Plague) .ubonic Plague Causes: Yersinia Pestis. Yersinia pestis are Gram-negative bacteria found in certain parts of the world, primarily Africa, Asia, and South America.",
"History of Bubonic Plague. During the Middle Ages, bubonic plague was known as the Black Death.. During that time many people became sick and died of pneumonia when the bubonic plague bacteria infected the lungs, called the pneumonic plague which saw the spread of the disease bacteria through coughing and sneezing.",
"Plagues: Pneumonic, Bubonic, and Septicemic. The plague is a bacterial disease caused by Yersinia pestis, which generally effects wild rodents, like rats. Bubonic infection, which includes a rapid onset of fever, painful and swollen lymph glands (buboes).",
"bubonic plague [BACK TO TOP]. Meaning: The most common form of the plague in humans; characterized by chills, prostration, delirium and the formation of buboes in the armpits and groin; does not spread from person to person.Classified under:he most common form of the plague in humans; characterized by chills, prostration, delirium and the formation of buboes in the armpits and groin; does not spread from person to person. Classified under:",
"Plague is a serious illness caused by bacteria called Yersinia pestis. The disease is carried by rodents (rats and mice) and their fleas, which can then spread the disease to humans as well as to other animals. Plague is very rare in the United States, but cases are sometimes reported in the southwestern states. The most common form of plague is bubonic plague which affects the bodyâs lymph glands. When the infection involves the lungs, the disease is called pneumonic plague. Plague could be used as a bioterrorist weapon.",
"The plague is an infectious disease caused by a bacterium called Yersinia pestis that can affect both animals and humans.There have been many outbreaks of plague in human history, which have killed more than 200 million people around the world.hey are bubonic, pneumonic and septicemic plague. 1 Bubonic plague is the most common. 2 The infection appears in the lymph nodes, causing them to swell and become painful. 3 Infection results from the bite of an infected flea that has fed on an infected rodent, such as a rat.",
"Like us on Facebook. The Bubonic Plague, also known as the Black Death, killed at least 75 million people on three continents. Described as the most lethal epidemic in history, the plague began in China in the 1330s and made its way through Europe from 1346 to 1353.",
"Once infected, bubonic plague causes such symptoms as headaches, fever, and swollen, tender lymph glands. Bubonic plague is the most common form of plague. Bubonic plague is caused by Yersinia pestis, also known as plague bacteria.This bacteria also causes the other two forms of plague: septicemic plague and pneumonic plague (see Types of Plague) .nce infected, bubonic plague causes such symptoms as headaches, fever, and swollen, tender lymph glands. Bubonic plague is the most common form of plague. Bubonic plague is caused by Yersinia pestis, also known as plague bacteria.",
"An epidemic of bubonic plague in fourteenth-century Europe and Asia was known as the Black Death.",
"Bubonic Plague or Black Plague started in Europe around 1347. It was a terrible disease that was carried out with black rats and fleas. This terrible disease was affected the Medieval society.It was a terrible because so many peasants died and that nobody was left to farm the land and do the daily work.nswer to Bubonic Plaque The Bubonic Plague started in 1347. It was a terrible disease that was carried out with Fleas on rats. This terrible disease was affected the Medieval ⦠society. It was a terrible because so many peasants died and that nobody was left to farm the land and do the daily work.",
"Bubonic Plague in the Middle Ages. The bubonic plague in the Middle Ages was one of the most devastating outbreaks in human history. Also called the black plague or the black death, the bubonic plague resulted in the deaths of approximately 30-60 percent of those living in Europe during the 14th century. Plagues, like the bubonic plague, are caused an infectious agent.",
"The Black Death was an epidemic of bubonic plague, a disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis that circulates among wild rodents where they live in great numbers and density. Such an area is called a âplague focusâ or a âplague reservoirâ.",
"The bubonic plague was the most commonly seen form of the Black Death. The mortality rate was 30-75%. The symptoms were enlarged and inflamed lymph nodes (around arm pits, n ⦠eck and groin). The term 'bubonic' refers to the characteristic bubo or enlarged lymphatic gland.",
"The bubonic plague became known as the Black Death when it swept through Europe in the 14th century, killing 75million people. Although it is now rare, there are still between 10 to 15 cases in the U.S. each year, half of which are in New Mexico.",
"The Black Death: Bubonic Plague. In the early 1330s an outbreak of deadly bubonic plague occurred in China. The bubonic plague mainly affects rodents, but fleas can transmit the disease to people. Once people are infected, they infect others very rapidly. Plague causes fever and a painful swelling of the lymph glands called buboes, which is how it gets its name. The disease also causes spots on the skin that are red at first and then turn black.",
"A widespread epidemic of bubonic plague that occurred in several outbreaks between 1347 and 1400. It originated in Asia and then swept through Europe, where it killed about a third of the population.",
"Bubonic Plague. Bubonic plague is another life-threatening disease caused by bacteria. The bacteria that cause the plague are the yersinia pestis variety. The different kinds of bubonic plague include the common form that spreads through certain rats and fleas.uberculosis is an infectious disease. The bacteria that cause tuberculosis are called mycobacterium tuberculosis. People with TB or tuberculosis cough excessively and suffer a terrible pain in the chest. They cough up blood and display excessive weight loss, fatigue, loss of appetite, and persistent fever.",
"Bubonic plague: In this form of the infection, bacteria infiltrate the lymph nodes, causing enlarged, painful, tender lymph nodes called buboes. Accompanying symptoms are fever, chills, headaches, and weakness. If not treated, the infection can spread to other areas of the body.verview. Plague is an infectious disease caused by bacteria called Yersinia pestis. These bacteria are found mainly in rodents, particularly rats, and in the fleas that feed on them. Other animals and humans usually contract the bacteria from rodent or flea bites.",
"The Black Death (AKA Septicemic Plague) is a rare form (and the most famous in the Medieval Ages (Dark Ages) of Bubonic Plague. The Bubonic Plague has buboes (hence the name) due to the infected places on your body. Here are the symptoms of the Bubonic Plague: 1. Chills 2.",
"During the Middle Ages, bubonic plague was known as the Black Death.. During that time many people became sick and died of pneumonia when the bubonic plague bacteria infected the lungs, called the pneumonic plague which saw the spread of the disease bacteria through coughing and sneezing.",
"The plague is a serious bacterial infection that can be deadly. Sometimes referred to as the black plague, the disease is caused by bacteria called Yersinia pestis.This bacteria is found on animals throughout the world and is usually transmitted to humans through fleas.ou may also experience painful, swollen lymph glands, called buboes. These typically appear in the groin, armpits, neck, or site of the insect bite or scratch. The buboes are what gives bubonic plague its name.",
"Answer to Bubonic Plaque The Bubonic Plague started in 1347. It was a terrible disease that was carried out with Fleas on rats. This terrible disease was affected the Medieval⦠society. It was a terrible because so many peasants died and that nobody was left to farm the land and do the daily work.",
"It was the bubonic plague, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. This outbreak, the first known bubonic plague pandemic in recorded human history, marked the first of many outbreaks of plague - a disease that claimed as many as 200 million lives throughout history.",
"Overview. Plague is an infectious disease caused by bacteria called Yersinia pestis. These bacteria are found mainly in rodents, particularly rats, and in the fleas that feed on them. Other animals and humans usually contract the bacteria from rodent or flea bites.Historically, plague destroyed entire civilizations.sually, you get bubonic plague from the bite of an infected flea or rodent. In rare cases, Y. pestis bacteria, from a piece of contaminated clothing or other material used by a person with plague, enter the body through an opening in the skin."
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what is 4th nerve palsy | [
"A Few Facts About 4th Nerve Palsy. A little known or understood disorder, 4th Nerve Palsy is an eye disorder in which the usual symptom is that of double vision.In this particular case, double vision means the image seen through one eye appears to be slightly above the image seen by the other eye. The exact cause of this disorder is not always known.hen this nerve suffers from a disorder, such as palsy, the movement of the eye is affected. The eye's gaze will tend to drift upward and perhaps slightly inward. The upward drift of the eye's gaze is called hypertropia."
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"Nerve palsy is a collective term for a range of nervous disorders that result in weakness or immobility of nerves in some region of the body. In some cases, the palsy is only temporary and will fade over time. However, there are some types that do not respond well to either the passing of time or various treatment options.",
"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Sixth nerve palsy, or abducens nerve palsy, is a disorder associated with dysfunction of cranial nerve VI (the abducens nerve), which is responsible for causing contraction of the lateral rectus muscle to abduct (i.e., turn out) the eye.",
"Fourth Nerve Palsy. Go to Academy Store Learn more and Purchase. A fourth nerve palsy typically causes diplopia that is worse in downgaze; hence, patients almost always report diplopia (or the tendency to close 1 eye) while reading.ourth Nerve Palsy. Go to Academy Store Learn more and Purchase. A fourth nerve palsy typically causes diplopia that is worse in downgaze; hence, patients almost always report diplopia (or the tendency to close 1 eye) while reading.",
"1 A disorder affecting the brain, such as an aneurysm or brain tumor, may also cause third nerve palsy. Diabetes and migraines are other possible causes. Fourth nerve palsy is often a congenital birth defect, which means that a baby is born with it. But a head injury, stroke, or tumor can also cause fourth nerve palsy.",
"Facial nerve (7th cranial nerve) palsy is often idiopathic (formerly called Bell palsy). Idiopathic facial nerve palsy is sudden, unilateral peripheral facial nerve palsy. Symptoms of facial nerve palsy are hemifacial paresis of the upper and lower face.tiology. Historically, Bell palsy was thought to be idiopathic facial nerve (peripheral 7th cranial nerve) palsy. However, facial nerve palsy is now considered a clinical syndrome with its own differential diagnosis, and the term Bell palsy is not always considered synonymous with idiopathic facial nerve palsy.",
"1 Fourth cranial nerve palsy is difficult to diagnose in the presence of third cranial nerve palsy because the small increment of depressor deficit (superior oblique muscle) cannot be discerned readily from the depressor palsy that results from weakness of the third nerve innervated depressor (inferior rectus muscle).",
"3rd nerve palsy. 3rd nerve palsy: Introduction. 3rd nerve palsy: 3rd nerve palsy refers to an inability to move the eye normally in all directions due to damage to the oculomotor nerve (3rd cranial nerve). See detailed information below for a list of 20 causes of 3rd nerve palsy, Symptom Checker, including diseases and drug side effect causes.",
"Sixth nerve palsy is a disorder affecting the sixth nerve, which supplies the lateral rectus muscle.This ocular muscle is responsible for turning the eyeball outward, away from the nose. When a person has sixth nerve palsy, the eye begins to point inward toward the nose, often resulting in double vision.Sixth nerve palsy is sometimes known as abducens nerve palsy or cranial nerve VI palsy.his ocular muscle is responsible for turning the eyeball outward, away from the nose. When a person has sixth nerve palsy, the eye begins to point inward toward the nose, often resulting in double vision. Sixth nerve palsy is sometimes known as abducens nerve palsy or cranial nerve VI palsy.",
"Pathology: Oculomotor Nerve Palsy. Oculomotor Palsy, otherwise known as paralysis of the oculomotor nerve, is a real pathology; however, oculomotor nerve palsy is rare. Oculomotor nerve palsy can occur as a result of direct trauma, multiple sclerosis, or diabetes.The image below is a frontal view of an individual with oculomotor nerve palsy.ranial nerve # 3, the oculomotor nerve, is now up, please make sure to take a look at some of the pictures. Cranial Nerve # 4, the trochlear nerve, should be up shortly.",
"Go to Academy Store Learn more and Purchase. A fourth nerve palsy typically causes diplopia that is worse in downgaze; hence, patients almost always report diplopia (or the tendency to close 1 eye) while reading.",
"Fourth cranial (trochlear) nerve palsy is often idiopathic. Few causes have been identified. Causes include closed head injury (common), which may cause unilateral or bilateral palsies, and infarction due to small-vessel disease (eg, in diabetes).ourth cranial (trochlear) nerve palsy is often idiopathic. Few causes have been identified. Causes include closed head injury (common), which may cause unilateral or bilateral palsies, and infarction due to small-vessel disease (eg, in diabetes).",
"However, since 4th nerve palsy is often congenital, fourth nerve palsy treatment options are usually limited to surgery to correct the alignment of the eyes by attaching muscles to the eye to hold it in place. Afterwards, patients also usually require some form of vision correction. palsy of the third cranial nerve generally affects a patientâs ability to move the eyes, constrict the pupils and focus or move the upper eyelids. People who suffer from nerve palsy may experience abnormal, involuntary eye movements.",
"The most common cause of acquired fourth nerve palsy is trauma.31,49,50 The troch-. lear nerve is the longest and thinnest of all the cranial nerves, coursing along the. free edge of the tentorium through the prepontine cistern, where it is vulnerable.",
"It can cause drooping of part of the face, and is often caused by a virus that causes swelling, which puts pressure on the facial nerve. It usually only affects one side of the face. Microvascular cranial nerve palsy. This condition affects the nerves in the eye.lso called superior oblique palsy, this affects the superior oblique muscle. That muscle is controlled by the fourth cranial nerve. Fourth nerve palsy can cause the eye (or eyes) to turn abnormally and sometimes makes you see double. It's often a congenital birth defect, which means that a baby is born with it.",
"But an injury to the head, or a stroke or tumor can also cause fourth nerve palsy. Sixth nerve palsy. Also called cranial nerve VI palsy, this affects the sixth cranial nerve. The sixth cranial nerve can be damaged by some sort of infection, a stroke or tumor, increased pressure in the brain, and even migraines.Damage to the sixth cranial nerve can cause abnormal movement of the eye and double vision.ut an injury to the head, or a stroke or tumor can also cause fourth nerve palsy. Sixth nerve palsy. Also called cranial nerve VI palsy, this affects the sixth cranial nerve. The sixth cranial nerve can be damaged by some sort of infection, a stroke or tumor, increased pressure in the brain, and even migraines.",
"Trochlear nerve. The trochlear nerve,[help 1] also called the fourth cranial nerve or cranial nerve IV, is a motor nerve (a somatic efferent nerve) that innervates only a single muscle: the superior oblique muscle of the eye, which operates through the pulley-like trochlea.",
"6th nerve palsy. 6th nerve palsy is characterised by double vision (diplopia) caused by damage to the nerve controlling the muscle (the lateral rectus muscle) responsible for lateral (side-to-side) eye-movements. The left lateral rectus muscle pulls the left eye outwards and the right pulls the right eye outwards.",
"Facial Paralysis (7th Nerve Injury, Bell's Palsy) or Eyelid Scarring. Facial Nerve Injury. The Facial Nerve or the Seventh (7th) Cranial Nerve is responsible for facial and eyelid muscle contraction and movement. If this nerve is injured or dysfunctional, then a facial droop and incomplete eyelid closure may result. This condition is called âFacial Nerve Palsyâ or âSeventh Nerve Palsyâ.",
"Spinal Accessory Nerve Palsy. Spinal accessory nerve palsy (SANP) is an abnormal shoulder condition that arises due to injury of the spinal accessory nerve. This nerve is a cranial nerve, originating from the brain and supplying the trapezius and sternomastoid muscles in the neck.",
"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Sixth nerve palsy, or abducens nerve palsy, is a disorder associated with dysfunction of cranial nerve VI (the abducens nerve), which is responsible for causing contraction of the lateral rectus muscle to abduct (i.e., turn out) the eye.rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Sixth nerve palsy, or abducens nerve palsy, is a disorder associated with dysfunction of cranial nerve VI (the abducens nerve), which is responsible for causing contraction of the lateral rectus muscle to abduct (i.e., turn out) the eye.",
"Nerve palsy is a collective term for a range of nervous disorders that result in weakness or immobility of nerves in some region of the body. In some cases, the palsy is only temporary and will fade over time. palsy of the third cranial nerve generally affects a patientâs ability to move the eyes, constrict the pupils and focus or move the upper eyelids. People who suffer from nerve palsy may experience abnormal, involuntary eye movements.",
"I is often referred to as 4th nerve palsy or hypertropia ... March 27, 2011 | craniokids.org. I is often referred to as 4th ...At this point they are unlikely to do much before skull surgery. ...The eye drs usually want to see how the surgery will affect the placement of everything around the eyes..",
"Introduction. Bilateral facial nerve palsy (FNP) is a rare condition, representing less than 2% of all cases of FNP. Majority of these patients have underlying medical conditions, ranging from neurologic, infectious, neoplastic, traumatic, or metabolic disorders. Objective.",
"1 Damage is usually the result of illness, injury, or too much pressure on the ulnar nerve. People with ulnar nerve palsy typically have tingling or complete loss of sensation in their fourth and fifth fingers. This is sometimes accompanied by pain or muscle weakness.",
"Sixth cranial nerve palsy: Diseases of the sixth cranial (abducens) nerve or its nucleus in the pons. The nerve may be injured along its course in the pons, intracranially as it travels along the base of the brain, in the cavernous sinus, or at the level of superior orbital fissure or orbit.",
"Bell's Palsy is a form of nerve palsy that causes paralysis or weakness on one side of the face.Treatment for various forms of nerve palsy may include massage therapy. Untreated nerve palsy may leave the feet completely incompacitated. palsy of the third cranial nerve generally affects a patientâs ability to move the eyes, constrict the pupils and focus or move the upper eyelids. People who suffer from nerve palsy may experience abnormal, involuntary eye movements.",
"1 But it may also be caused by a head injury or an infection. A disorder affecting the brain, such as an aneurysm or brain tumor, may also cause third nerve palsy. Diabetes and migraines are other possible causes. Fourth nerve palsy is often a congenital birth defect, which means that a baby is born with it.",
"Sixth nerve palsy. Sixth nerve palsy, or abducens nerve palsy, is a disorder associated with dysfunction of cranial nerve VI (the abducens nerve), which is responsible for causing contraction of the lateral rectus muscle to abduct (i.e., turn out) the eye.",
"Treatment For 4th Nerve Palsy-When 4th Nerve Palsy does require treatment, such treatment may vary from prescribing special eyeglass prisms to surgery. Surgery usually involves repair of the eye muscles or adjusting the muscle attach points to put the eyes back in alignment.hen this nerve suffers from a disorder, such as palsy, the movement of the eye is affected. The eye's gaze will tend to drift upward and perhaps slightly inward. The upward drift of the eye's gaze is called hypertropia.",
"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Sixth nerve palsy, or abducens nerve palsy, is a disorder associated with dysfunction of cranial nerve VI (the abducens nerve), which is responsible for causing contraction of the lateral rectus muscle to abduct (i.e., turn out) the eye.ecause the nerve emerges near the bottom of the brain, it is often the first nerve compressed when there is any rise in intracranial pressure. Different presentations of the condition, or associations with other conditions, can help to localize the site of the lesion along the VIth cranial nerve pathway.",
"Disease Entity. Disease. Abducens nerve palsy is the most common ocular motor paralysis. The abducens (sixth) cranial nerve controls the lateral rectus muscle, which abducts the eye. Abducens nerve palsy causes an esotropia due to the unopposed action of the antagonistic medial rectus muscle.",
"The best marker for fourth cranial nerve function in the presence of dense third cranial nerve palsy is intorsion of the globe on attempted down gaze. If no intorsion is present, one should suspect concomitant fourth cranial nerve palsy as part of a cavernous sinus syndrome.",
"Sixth nerve palsy is a nerve disorder that occurs when the sixth cranial nerve is damaged. The disorder prevents some of the muscles that control eye movement from working properly. Affected people cannot turn the eye outwards toward the ear. Other signs and symptoms may include double vision, headaches, and pain around the eye. Sixth nerve palsy may be caused by many things, including stroke, brain aneurysm, diabetic neuropathy, trauma, infections, inflammation, tumors, migraine headaches or intracranial pressure. Eye patches, glasses, corticosteroids, and/or botulinum toxin may be used to ease symptoms.",
"The trochlear nerve, also called the fourth cranial nerve or cranial nerve IV, is a motor nerve (a somatic efferent nerve) that innervates only a single muscle: the superior oblique muscle of the eye, which operates through the pulley-like trochlea.he trochlear nerve, also called the fourth cranial nerve or cranial nerve IV, is a motor nerve (a somatic efferent nerve) that innervates only a single muscle: the superior oblique muscle of the eye, which operates through the pulley-like trochlea.",
"Fourth cranial nerve palsy is difficult to diagnose in the presence of third cranial nerve palsy because the small increment of depressor deficit (superior oblique muscle) cannot be discerned readily from the depressor palsy that results from weakness of the third nerve innervated depressor (inferior rectus muscle).",
"Sixth nerve palsy is a nerve disorder that occurs when the sixth cranial nerve is damaged. The disorder prevents some of the muscles that control eye movement from working properly. Affected people cannot turn the eye outwards toward the ear. Other signs and symptoms may include double vision, headaches, and pain around the eye.",
"Sixth cranial nerve palsy is weakness of the nerve that innervates the lateral rectus muscle. The lateral rectus muscle rotates the eye away from the nose and when the lateral rectus muscle is weak, the eye crosses inward toward the nose (esotropia).",
"Phrenic nerve palsy or paralysis is the loss of the ability to move the diaphragm and to feel the sensations of the chest and upper abdomen.hrenic nerve palsy or paralysis is the loss of the ability to move the diaphragm and to feel the sensations of the chest and upper abdomen.",
"Trochlear nerve. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The trochlear nerve, also called the fourth cranial nerve or cranial nerve IV, is a motor nerve (a somatic efferent nerve) that innervates only a single muscle: the superior oblique muscle of the eye, which operates through the pulley-like trochlea.he trochlear nerve carries axons of type GSE, general somatic efferent, which innervate skeletal muscle of the superior oblique muscle. The superior oblique muscle ends in a tendon that passes through a fibrous loop, the trochlea, located anteriorly on the medial aspect of the orbit.",
"paralysis of the fourth nerve A condition characterized by a hypertropia of the eye with the affected superior oblique muscle. It may be due to a lesion of the fourth cranial nerve or its nucleus as a result of injury (the most common cause), vascular lesions, aneurysm or tumour.aralysis results from damage to parts of the nervous system. The kind of paralysis resulting, and the degree, depend on whether the damage is to the central nervous system or the peripheral nervous system.",
"Sixth nerve palsy, also referred to as a lateral rectus palsy, cranial nerve VI palsy or an abducens palsy, is a weakness or temporary paralysis of the nerve that transmits nerve impulses to the lateral rectus muscle. The lateral rectus muscle is one of the six eye muscles that control eye movement.",
"Trochlear nerve. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The trochlear nerve, also called the fourth cranial nerve or cranial nerve IV, is a motor nerve (a somatic efferent nerve) that innervates only a single muscle: the superior oblique muscle of the eye, which operates through the pulley-like trochlea.rochlear nerve. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The trochlear nerve, also called the fourth cranial nerve or cranial nerve IV, is a motor nerve (a somatic efferent nerve) that innervates only a single muscle: the superior oblique muscle of the eye, which operates through the pulley-like trochlea.",
"A patient with left third nerve palsy. .. A patient with a left aberrant third nerve regeneration. Note left upper lid elevation on downgaze. Third nerve palsy has been mentioned in ptosis (refer to ptosis section for questions). Here we will look at the features. of ocular motility in third nerve palsy. In complete third nerve palsy, the patient will have complete ptosis.",
"Sixth nerve palsy is a disorder affecting the sixth nerve, which supplies the lateral rectus muscle. This ocular muscle is responsible for turning the eyeball outward, away from the nose.When a person has sixth nerve palsy, the eye begins to point inward toward the nose, often resulting in double vision.ixth nerve palsy is a disorder affecting the sixth nerve, which supplies the lateral rectus muscle. This ocular muscle is responsible for turning the eyeball outward, away from the nose.",
"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Oculomotor nerve palsy or third nerve palsy is an eye condition resulting from damage to the third cranial nerve or a branch thereof. As the name suggests, the oculomotor nerve supplies the majority of the muscles controlling eye movements.Thus, damage to this nerve will result in the affected individual being unable to move his or her eye normally.s the name suggests, the oculomotor nerve supplies the majority of the muscles controlling eye movements. Thus, damage to this nerve will result in the affected individual being unable to move his or her eye normally.",
"To compensate for the double-vision resulting from the weakness of the superior oblique, patients characteristically tilt their head down and to the side opposite the affected muscle. When present at birth, it is known as congenital fourth nerve palsy.his condition often causes vertical or near vertical double vision as the weakened muscle prevents the eyes from moving in the same direction together. Because the fourth cranial nerve is the thinnest and has the longest intracranial course of the cranial nerves, it is particularly vulnerable to traumatic injury.",
"Overview. 1 A bulbar palsy is a lower motor neuron lesion of cranial nerves IX, X and XII. 2 A pseudobulbar palsy is an upper motor neuron lesion of cranial nerves IX, X and XII.seudobulbar palsy. The clinical features include: 1 Gag reflex â increased or normal. 2 Tongue â spastic. â 3 it cannot be protruded, lies on the floor of the mouth and is small and tightâ.",
"Zenker's paralysis. Zenkerâs paralysis, also known as peroneal nerve paralysis or palsy, is a paralysis on common fibular nerve that affects patientâs ability to lift the foot at the ankle. The condition was named after Friedrich Albert von Zenker.",
"What are the symptoms of a cranial nerve palsy? 3rd, 4th, and 6th nerve palsies can limit eye movements and produce diplopia (double vision). The positioning of the two images will be different based on which cranial nerve is affected.",
"How eye movement is affected depends on which nerve is affected. The eye is moved by three pairs of muscles, controlled by the 3rd, 4th, and 6th cranial nerves (see Third Cranial Nerve (Oculomotor Nerve) Palsy, see Fourth Cranial Nerve (Trochlear Nerve) Palsy, and see Sixth Cranial Nerve (Abducens Nerve) Palsy). These muscles move the eye up and down, right and left, and diagonally.",
"Sixth nerve palsy is a disorder affecting the sixth nerve, which supplies the lateral rectus muscle. This ocular muscle is responsible for turning the eyeball outward, away from the nose. When a person has sixth nerve palsy, the eye begins to point inward toward the nose, often resulting in double vision. Sixth nerve palsy is sometimes known as abducens nerve palsy or cranial nerve VI palsy.",
"Bell's Palsy is a form of nerve palsy that causes paralysis or weakness on one side of the face.Treatment for various forms of nerve palsy may include massage therapy. Untreated nerve palsy may leave the feet completely incompacitated.A palsy of the third cranial nerve generally affects a patientâs ability to move the eyes, constrict the pupils and focus or move the upper eyelids.People who suffer from nerve palsy may experience abnormal, involuntary eye movements. palsy of the third cranial nerve generally affects a patientâs ability to move the eyes, constrict the pupils and focus or move the upper eyelids. People who suffer from nerve palsy may experience abnormal, involuntary eye movements.",
"The fourth cranial nerve innervates the superior oblique muscle, so weakness of the nerve is also known as superior oblique palsy. Weakness of the superior oblique muscle causes a combination of vertical, horizontal and torsional misalignment of the eyes.",
"Aneurysmal Third Nerve Palsy. Third cranial nerve palsy caused by internal carotid - Posterior communicating Aneurysm is one of the most challenging problems facing the ophthalmologist. This Pcom aneurysm is responsible for 13 - 30% of acquired oculomotor palsy. Usually present with three clinical signs, includes 1. Ipsilateral facial, orbital or ocular pain, 2. Extraocular muscle and levator involvement and 3. Pupillary paresis.",
"paralysis of the fourth nerve A condition characterized by a hypertropia of the eye with the affected superior oblique muscle. It may be due to a lesion of the fourth cranial nerve or its nucleus as a result of injury (the most common cause), vascular lesions, aneurysm or tumour.",
"1 Ulnar nerve palsy is a condition caused by damage to the ulnar nerve. Damage is usually the result of illness, injury, or too much pressure on the ulnar nerve. People with ulnar nerve palsy typically have tingling or complete loss of sensation in their fourth and fifth fingers.",
"Third Cranial Nerve (Oculomotor Nerve) Palsy. Third cranial nerve palsy, also known as oculomotor nerve palsy, can result from head injuries, aneurysms, hemorrhages, tumors, or diabetes. The symptoms include one eye turning outward while the other is oriented normally, causing double vision.",
"147 CME April 2013 Vol. 31 No. 4. An overview of the third, fourth and sixth cranial nerve palsies. Palsies of the third, fourth and sixth cranial nerves have ophthalmological consequences. W Marais, MB ChB, MMed (Ophth); S Barrett, MB ChB, MMed (Ophth) Consultants, Department of Ophthalmology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa.",
"Medical Definition of Cranial nerve IV Cranial nerve IV: The fourth cranial nerve, the trochlear nerve, is the nerve supply to the superior oblique muscle of the eye, one of the muscles that moves the eye. Paralysis of the trochlear nerve results in rotation of the eyeball upward and outward (and, therefore, double vision).",
"I am 54 and have had 4th nerve palsy diagnosis 1 year agoâ¦no known cause. no blunt trauma; mri came back clearâ¦so frustrating. I even had 6months of chiropractor care to get my neck and upper back in check and no improvement.",
"A fourth nerve palsy typically causes diplopia that is worse in downgaze; hence, patients almost always report diplopia (or the tendency to close 1 eye) while reading.",
"Trochlear nerve. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The trochlear nerve, also called the fourth cranial nerve or cranial nerve IV, is a motor nerve (a somatic efferent nerve) that innervates only a single muscle: the superior oblique muscle of the eye, which operates through the pulley-like trochlea.he trochlear nerve is unique among the cranial nerves in several respects: 1 It is the smallest nerve in terms of the number of axons it contains. 2 It has the greatest intracranial length.",
"What is Sixth nerve palsy? 1 Sixth nerve palsy: A nerve disorder where the cranial nerve VI doesn't function properly and hence the eye can't look outwards towards the ears.ixth nerve palsy is listed as a rare disease by the Office of Rare Diseases (ORD) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This means that Sixth nerve palsy, or a subtype of Sixth nerve palsy, affects less than 200,000 people in the US population. Source-National Institutes of Health (NIH).",
"Bell's Palsy is a form of nerve palsy that causes paralysis or weakness on one side of the face.Treatment for various forms of nerve palsy may include massage therapy. Untreated nerve palsy may leave the feet completely incompacitated.A palsy of the third cranial nerve generally affects a patientâs ability to move the eyes, constrict the pupils and focus or move the upper eyelids.People who suffer from nerve palsy may experience abnormal, involuntary eye movements.reatment for various forms of nerve palsy may include massage therapy. Untreated nerve palsy may leave the feet completely incompacitated. A palsy of the third cranial nerve generally affects a patientâs ability to move the eyes, constrict the pupils and focus or move the upper eyelids.",
"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Oculomotor nerve palsy or third nerve palsy is an eye condition resulting from damage to the third cranial nerve or a branch thereof. As the name suggests, the oculomotor nerve supplies the majority of the muscles controlling eye movements.rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Oculomotor nerve palsy or third nerve palsy is an eye condition resulting from damage to the third cranial nerve or a branch thereof. As the name suggests, the oculomotor nerve supplies the majority of the muscles controlling eye movements."
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where is kataremwa centre? | [
"Katalemwa Cheshire Home was founded in Uganda in 1970 and officially opened in 1971, with the aim of providing a family home environment to people who were incurably sick or with physical disabilities. This was significant, as at the time, institutional rehabilitation was the only option for people with disabilities."
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"Kata is not quite as lively as Patong and a bit cut off. The cheapest way to get from Kata to Patong is buy... Jack, I don't know where the sports bar are but I imagine they will be found around the Northern end of Beach. Kata is not quite as lively as Patong and a bit cut off. The cheapest way to get from Kata to Patong is buy renting a motor cycle but you take your life in your hands up and down the hills and hair pin bends.",
"Ancient Maya City and Protected Tropical Forests of Calakmul, Campeche. The site is located in the central/southern portion of the Yucatán Peninsula, in southern Mexico and includes the remains of the important Maya city Calakmul, set deep in the tropical forest of the Tierras Bajas.",
"Katarina Witt is a retired German figure skater. She won two Olympic gold medals for East Germany, first at the 1984 Sarajevo Olympics and the second in 1988 at the Calgary Olympics. She is a four-time World champion and twice World silver medalist. She won six consecutive European Championships from 1983 to 1988.",
"Strem also provides custom synthesis (including high pressure synthesis) and cGMP manufacturing services. Strem's corporate headquarters is located in Newburyport 38 miles (60km) north of Boston, Massachusetts, USA.",
"Full Answer. Moscow is at the center of Russia's government, with the Kremlin located within the city. Visitors can visit centuries-old architecture and the Tretyakov Gallery, which is the most important museum of art in Russia.",
"At its height, in the 14 th century, Kilwa Kisiwani was the single most important trading centre on the East African coast and its ruins include a number of mosques, a well-preserved Omani fortress, graves, and the remnants of a Great Palace that was, in its day, the largest permanent building in sub-Saharan Africa.",
"4) Holland State Park Beach: with an expansive, sandy beach on Lake Michigan and Lake Macatawa, each with their own campgrounds. 5) CityFlatsHotel: a sister property to the CityFlats in Downtown Grand Rapids, this is hands down the hippest hotel you will find in any of Michigan's lakefront communities, guaranteed.",
"The capital has been rebuilt so many times that those wanting a glimpse of what it looked like years ago head to places like the Museum Meiji-Mura, more than two hours away. But the city of Kawagoe, right in Tokyoâs backyard, is a more practical alternative. Less than 45 minutes by train, the center of Kawagoe is filled with a well-preserved collection of century-old kura, or warehouses, that still double as stores, workshops and homes.",
"This enormous, cathedral-like building is the main water tank of the Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel facility in Kasukabe City, 19 miles north of Tokyo, Japan, which is one of the most famous water infrastructure complex in the world, and also the worldâs largest underground flood diversion facility.",
"The Montreal Eaton Centre is a shopping mall located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It is located in the heart of the Montreal underground city, and is connected to the Montreal Metro via McGill station.",
"1 Manâs body found in open area off South High and Broadway in Akron. 2 University of Akron president says school needs to evolve into ânational universityâ. 3 Two people wounded in East Akron shooting. 4 Former Omnova headquarters in Fairlawn to go to auction.",
"One Corporate Centre. One Corporate Centre is an office skyscraper in Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines. It is the 13th-tallest building in the country and Metro Manila as well with a height of 202 metres (662.73 feet) from ground to tip of architectural antenna.",
"Kata Beach: Address, Phone Number, Attraction Reviews. 1 Asia. 2 Thailand. 3 Phuket. 4 Karon. 5 Kata Beach. 6 Things to Do in Kata Beach. 7 Kata Beach.",
"Katawa Shoujo. Katawa Shoujo (Japanese: ãããå°å¥³, lit. Cripple Girls, translated Disability Girls) is a bishÅjo-style visual novel by Four Leaf Studios that tells the story of a young man and five young women living with varying disabilities.",
"The first one-room school was located on a hill east of Sasakwa. In 1910 a new two story school was built at its present site. In 1927 a fire destroyed the school, it was rebuilt that same year at the cost of ten-thousand dollars.",
"Lukurmata, located in the Katari valley was the second great city of the Tiwanaku empire. Between 600 and 800 it expanded from 20 hectares to 120 hectares. First established nearly two thousand years ago, it grew to be a major ceremonial center in the Tiwanaku state, a polity that dominated the south-central Andes from 400 to 1200.",
"Kilwa Masoko The most modern of the three âKilwasâ, Kilwa Masoko is where most people base themselves to visit the ruins of Kilwa Kisiwani. There is little of historical interest here, but Jimbizi Beach â where Kimbilio Hotel is situated â is pleasant enough for a day or two.",
"The centre is situated in the Dr J.S. Moroka Local Municipality in the Nkangala District Municipality. The centre is unlaunched and provides the following services: Home Affairs, Social Services, Health, GCIS, SAPS, Parliamentary Constituency Office.IC Manager: Mbuso Malale. Tel: (013) 781 0659 Fax: (013) 781 0659 Cell: 083 771 2254. Located in the Ehlanzeni District Municipality fifty kilometers from Malelane in Mpumalanga, the Matsamo MPCC was officially launched by the Premier of the Province, Ndaweni Mahlangu in November 2000.",
"Parking is available in Park Street Car Park operated by Cambridge City Council. Street parking on Jesus Lane is often available for minibuses and other large vehicles. The Cambridge Science Centre is a 10-minute walk from Cambridge's Drummer Street Bus Station.From St. Andrew's Street, continue to the end of Sidney Street, turn right onto Jesus Lane where the Cambridge Science Centre is on the left. The Cambridge Science Centre is a 30-minute walk from Cambridge Station.Regular services run from London King's Cross and other stations across the region. From Cambridge Station, follow Hills Road (which becomes Regent Street, St Andrew's Street and Sidney Street) into the centre of Cambridge.Turn right onto Jesus Lane where the Cambridge Science Centre is on your left.rom Cambridge Station, follow Hills Road (which becomes Regent Street, St Andrew's Street and Sidney Street) into the centre of Cambridge. Turn right onto Jesus Lane where the Cambridge Science Centre is on your left.",
"Email: [email protected]. The Keremeos Visitor Centre is a replica of the historic CN Railway Station, complete with wrap around veranda, history murals inside, washrooms, picnic tables and a playground with waterpark. The Visitor Centre is the starting point to the village Promanade Walking Trail.mail: [email protected]. The Keremeos Visitor Centre is a replica of the historic CN Railway Station, complete with wrap around veranda, history murals inside, washrooms, picnic tables and a playground with waterpark. The Visitor Centre is the starting point to the village Promanade Walking Trail.",
"TÅdai-ji (æ±å¤§å¯º, TÅdai-ji, Eastern Great Temple), is a Buddhist temple complex located in the city of Nara, Japan. Its Great Buddha Hall (大ä»æ®¿ Daibutsuden), the largest wooden building in the world, housâ¦",
"Then the temple was built on the same land. Here in Cuttack, the residents strongly believe Maa Katak Chandi as The Living Goddess. The temple of Maa Katak Chandi, the presiding deity of the city is visited by hundreds of devotees every day. The image of the deity is older than the temple.",
"Ada Hasloecher is a Divorce Mediator and provides affordable Legal Separation and Divorce services in the following towns & cities in Nassau County, New York-Levittown, NY 11756, Hicksville, NY 11801, 11802, 11815, 11819, 11854, 11855, Plainview, NY 11803, Lynbrook.",
"Lakeside Building, formerly Lakeside Hospital, in historic DeFuniak Springs, Florida is now the headquarters of the Flor...ida Chautauqua Center, Inc. and Assembly.",
"Wahgo Katta Shrine. Edit Page Last Edit: March 28, 2017 - 23 days 19 hours ago. The is one one of the Shrines in the Central Hyrule Region of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Location: is located on the Southeast side of Central Hyrule, located just up the road from the Riverside Stable.",
"Anatomic differences: child vs. adult. The long bone in a child is divided into four regions: the diaphysis (shaft or primary ossification centre), metaphysis (where the bone flares), physis (or growth plate) and the epiphysis (secondary ossification centre).he long bone in a child is divided into four regions: the diaphysis (shaft or primary ossification centre), metaphysis (where the bone flares), physis (or growth plate) and the epiphysis (secondary ossification centre).",
"Mahale and Katavi. Katavi National Park, while one of the best in Tanzania, is a very season park and, while it is still accessible in these months, this is not considered to be the best time to head here. Mahale National Park, likewise, becomes a lot harder to access by plane as the airstrip becomes a long mudslide into Lake Tanganyika!",
"One Corporate Centre is an office skyscraper in Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines. It is the 13th-tallest building in the country and Metro Manila as well with a height of 202 metres from ground to tip of architectural antenna. The building has 45 floors above ground including 7 floors for commercial purposes, and 9 basement levels for parking. One Corporate Centre was designed by Philip H. Recto Architects, and is developed and owned by Amberland Corporation.",
"Toyoko Inn. Toyoko Inn headquarters in Kamata. The Toyoko Inn Shinagawa-eki Takanawa-guchi in the Takanawa section of Minato, Tokyo, near Shinagawa Station. Toyoko Inn Co., Ltd. (æ ªå¼ä¼ç¤¾æ±æ¨ªã¤ã³, Kabushiki Kaisha TÅyoko In) is a chain of no-frills business hotels in Japan, founded in 1986 and expanding rapidly from the 1990s.",
"Location in Edmonton. The Royal Alberta Museum (RAM) (formerly the Provincial Museum of Alberta) is a museum of natural history and anthropology. The newly constructed museum, is located in Downtown Edmonton, north of City Hall, and East of CN Tower on the northwest corner of 103A Avenue and 97 Street.",
"Toyoko Inn headquarters in Kamata The Toyoko Inn Shinagawa-eki Takanawa-guchi in the Takanawa section of Minato, Tokyo, near Shinagawa Station Toyoko Inn Co., Ltd. (æ ªå¼ä¼ç¤¾æ±æ¨ªã¤ã³, Kabushiki Kaisha TÅyoko In) is a chain of no-frills business hotels in Japan, founded in 1986 and expanding rapidly from the 1990s.",
"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. RyÅgoku Kokugikan (両å½å½æ館, RyÅgoku Kokugikan) , also known as Ryougoku Sumo Hall, is an indoor sporting arena located in the Yokoami neighborhood (bordering to the RyÅgoku neighborhood) of Sumida, one of the 23 wards of Tokyo in Japan, next to the Edo-Tokyo Museum.",
"Teavana Outlet Store in Miller Hill Mall, Minnesota - MN Teavana outlet store is located in Duluth city, Minnesota - MN area. Teavana is placed at Miller Hill Mall on address 1600 Miller Trunk Hwy, Duluth, Minnesota - MN 55811 - 5640 with GPS coordinates 46.804011, -92.158792. Make a review Shopping hours",
"So happy we stayed at the resort as it made napping easier LOL. Catherine, United States of America. Featuring a casino and multiple on-site restaurants, the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Resort is in Hogansburg, New York. Free Wi-Fi access is available in this resort. Cable TV, a sitting area and air conditioning are included in each room. There is also a coffee machine.",
"Assessment centre. (Redirected from Assessment center) An asessment centre is a process where candidates are assessed to determine their suitability for specific types of employment, especially management or military command.",
"The New Century Global Center is located in an entirely new planned area of Chengdu called Tainfu New District. Chengdu is also currently expanding its subway line and plans to construct a new airport by 2020, further suggesting official ambitions to make the city an economic and cultural capital of western China.",
"Mount Katahdin (pronounced /kÉËtÉËdÉn/ , kÉ-TAH-dÉn ) is the highest mountain in Maine at 5,270 feet (1,606 m). Named Katahdin by the Penobscot Indians, which means The Greatest Mountain, Katahdin is the centerpiece of Baxter State Park.",
"Where to find the NH München Unterhaching. 1 Area: Unterhaching. 2 Leipziger Str. 1, , 82008 Unterhaching. Munich - Germany. + 3 49 89 665520. Marienplatz (City 1 Center) Tennisclub. Munich Central 1 Station. Alte Pinakothek (Art Gallery)",
"About the Center. The Lowell Center, a department of the City of Wisconsin Rapids, is located in the Centralia Center at 220 Third Avenue South, and is connected to the Rapids Mall. The Centralia Center, a beautifully renovated building, opened in 2003. It also houses the Aging and Disability Resource Center of Central Wisconsin, and Park Place Adult Day Services.",
"Tanunda-Bethany and District is bounded by Seppeltsfield Road and Siegersdorf Road in the north, the localities of Angaston and Flaxman Valley in the east, the localities of Pewsey Vale and Altona in the south, and the North Para River and the Light Regional Council area in the west.",
"The Ritz-Carlton is10 minutesâ drive from the cultural center of Doha, Katara Cultural Village and its conveniently located across Lagoona Mall. West Bay is a great choice for travelers interested in Beach, Relaxation and Culture.estled on the shores of the Arabian Sea, the Ritz-Carlton resort boasts a world-class spa, modern fitness centre and eight elegant restaurants and bars.",
"Welcome to Forest Cafe,Yunnan, Xishuangbanna, South China!!! Thank you for paying attention to our trekking service!!! herewith weâd like to announce that from now on FOREST CAFé was closed, We nowadays only operate as a booking website . This enables us to fully concentrate of our trekking tour core business.",
"OTTUMWA â Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement is hosting meetings across the state, including one in Wapello County, to discuss ways to strengthen the master matrix, a scoring system used to evaluate the sites of confinement feeding operations.",
"Welcome to Puerta Calakmul The hotel Puerta Calakmul is an ecological retreat located in Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico. It is a very special place where resting, relaxing and totally disconnecting from your daily routine is natural.",
"Main content starts here. This museum is a unique building that is joined with Shibamata Park. From Azumaya, located at the summit of the park that is connected to the museum interior by an elevator, visitors can enjoy panoramic views of Taishakuten, Yamamototei, and the majestic Edo River. The Katsushika Shibamata Tora-san Museum is divided up into 16 areas that introduce the world of the Otoko wa Tsurai yo (âItâs Tough Being a Manâ) movies.",
"3) If the inn was a courtyard, the Innkeeper was generous and shrewd. Although kataluma could mean an upper room of a house, in essence it is defined as âa loosing down place.â Such places were widely known throughout the middle east as caravan rest stops.",
"Ottumwa (/ÉËtÊmwÉ/ É-TUM-wÉ) is a city in and the county seat of Wapello County, Iowa, United States. The population was 25,023 at the 2010 census. Located in southeastern Iowa, the city is split into northern and southern halves by the Des Moines River.",
"The Temple of Maa Thawewali is situated in âThaweâ, in Gopalganj District in the State of Bihar, INDIA. This is only 6 K.M. from Gopalganj town on the Gopalganj-Siwan National Highway.",
"Dettmer Tire and Auto Centre is a full-service automotive repair facility in Kitchener, Ontario. This auto-specialty company offers a wide range of services for all makes and models of cars, including regular maintenance programs, tire advice, and other services to ensure your vehicle is operating in peak condition.",
"Medihelp Hospital in Colombo, Central, categorized as Hospital,Medical Center,Medical Lab,Pharmacy located in Panadura-Horana-Ratnapura Hwy, Horana 12400, Sri Lanka. Here you can read and write consumer reviews and articles, and view map, photos and videos shared by customers about Medihelp Hospital in Colombo, Central.",
"Sprint Center. Sprint Center is a large, multi-use indoor arena in downtown Kansas City, Missouri. The building is at 14th Street and Grand Boulevard, on the east side of the Power & Light District. The arena's naming rights partner is the telecommunications company Sprint, whose headquarters is in nearby Overland Park, Kansas.",
"'District Institute of Education and Training,Thawe,Gopalganj (Bihar) is a Single Teacher's Training Institute of Gopalganj District was established in the year 1961, DIET,Thawe is situated at 1 km East of Thawe Railway Junction,Gopalganj District, Bihar. The Institute offers various courses.",
"Assessment centre. An asessment centre is a process where candidates are assessed to determine their suitability for specific types of employment, especially management or military command.",
"A fordÃtást készÃtem! /balagexp/. Karazhan 300px (a.k.a. Medivh's Tower, Ivory Tower of Karazhan, or Ivory Spire of Karazhan) is an abandoned citadel (or castle) located on a nexus of ley lines in southern Deadwind Pass. The tower is best known for its last known occupant â Medivh, the last Guardian of Tirisfal.",
"1 Augusta is the most eastern capital city in the United States. 2 Mount Katahdin is the state's highest point at 5,268 feet above sea level. 3 Togus was the first Veteran's Hospital in the United States. 4 The facility was founded in 1866.",
"5# Wahgo Katta. Where Is Wahgo Katta Shrine: Located on the Southeast side of Central Hyrule, located just up the road from the Riverside Stable. 6# Katah Chuki. Where Do I Find Katah Chuki Shrine: This location can be found West of the Hyrule Castle Town Ruins, near the fortification.",
"Uluá¹u-Kata Tjuṯa National Park is the location of a world-renowned sandstone monolith, which stands 348 metres in height and bears various inscriptions made by ancestral indigenous peoples, located in Northern Territory of Australia.he park entrance fee for Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park is $25 per person 16 years of age and over. This fee is valid for 3 consecutive days and helps to maintain the park.",
"TÅdai-ji (æ±å¤§å¯º, TÅdai-ji, Eastern Great Temple), is a Buddhist temple complex located in the city of Nara, Japan. Its Great Buddha Hall (大ä»æ®¿ Daibutsuden), the largest wooden building in the world, houses the world's largest bronze statue of the Buddha Vairocana, known in Japanese simply as Daibutsu (大ä»).",
"Moscow is at the center of Russia's government, with the Kremlin located within the city. Visitors can visit centuries-old architecture and the Tretyakov Gallery, which is the most important museum of art in Russia.",
"Rural Municipality of Meota No. 468. Meota No. 468 is a rural municipality in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. The municipality is located in the Census Division 17 which is a part of SARM Division 6.",
"Find out when and where buses run in the area with the York Bus Route Map. The August 2015 edition is now available.The bus route map covers the city centre, suburbs and many surrounding villages within the City of York.The city centre map shows you where each bus service stops at the various city centre interchanges.ind out when and where buses run in the area with the York Bus Route Map. The August 2015 edition is now available.",
"The Keremeos Visitor Centre is a replica of the historic CN Railway Station, complete with wrap around veranda, history murals inside, washrooms, picnic tables and a playground with waterpark.The Visitor Centre is the starting point to the village Promanade Walking Trail.mail: [email protected]. The Keremeos Visitor Centre is a replica of the historic CN Railway Station, complete with wrap around veranda, history murals inside, washrooms, picnic tables and a playground with waterpark. The Visitor Centre is the starting point to the village Promanade Walking Trail.",
"Kata Tjuta - The Olgas, Australia, NT. The rocks and gorges of Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park. Kata Tjuta, formerly calld the Olgas, is the second major feature and attraction of Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park. (The main one is of course Uluru.) Kata Tjuta consists of 36 steep sided monoliths, which, just like Uluru, look most impressive at sunrise and sunset.",
"The facility will operate under a joint venture called Golden State FC LLC. Additionally, Amazon plans to open a 1-milion-square-foot fulfillment center in Patterson, CA, which is just east of the San Francisco Bay area. That facility should open in the second quarter of 2013, says USAA Real Estate Co., the developer.",
"OCALA, FL | MAR 18, 2015 â Rick Langhorne, President of JWA Ventures, LLC, an affiliate of Jim Wilson & Associates, LLC, announced the closing of its first build to suit transaction for a location in Ocala, Florida."
] |
drywall installation cost per sheet | [
"Cost of new drywall or gypsum panels installation calculated per sheet (4â x 8â) as its manufactured dimensions or estimated as a charge per square foot.Every remodeling project associated with small drywall repair priced base on work complexity, time spent, and hourly rate of a drywall installer.Average cost of a new drywall to get installed will vary from $41.5 to $60.0 per 4'x8'x5/8 sheet including labor and materials or from $1.30 to $1.88 per square foot.abor cost estimated as a charge per 8â x 4â sheet accounting basic installation and finishing of minimum 120 gypsum boards excluding any preparation work.",
"Using this type of method to determine drywall install and finish costs is pretty common in the new construction industry, but does have a place within large remodeling projects as well. Installing and finishing drywall will cost around 85¢ to $1.15 per sq.ft. for drywall prices, with an average of about $1 per sq.ft.You should expect to pay, however, about $30/sheet for a decent quality hanging and finishing job.sing this type of method to determine drywall install and finish costs is pretty common in the new construction industry, but does have a place within large remodeling projects as well. Installing and finishing drywall will cost around 85¢ to $1.15 per sq.ft. for drywall prices, with an average of about $1 per sq.ft."
] | [
"1 4 Clearance to local drywall our 7 project support!the average drywall. 2 5 Drywall Sheets Price. 3 Average Cost Drywall Installation, Cost of Drywall Per Square Foot, How to Hang Drywall. 4 5.1 Average Cost Drywall Installation.",
"Complication of work is a main factor of establishing the total cost to install a drywall. Custom work on a multilevel ceiling, hanging and finishing drywall on arches, or other supplementary house design details will increase the cost of installation up to 100% or even more.abor cost estimated as a charge per 8â x 4â sheet accounting basic installation and finishing of minimum 120 gypsum boards excluding any preparation work.",
"Drywall Installation Cost. The installation cost of drywall will vary depending on the size of the job you're trying to complete. Learn about drywall installation cost with help from a foreman for Lighty Contractors in this free video clip. Part of the Video Series: Wall Repair.",
"Drywall Installation-Average Cost Per Square Foot. Expect to pay in the high end of the estimated price range for a licensed, bonded and insured contractor and for complex or rush projects. Hire carefully, only after verifying prior work quality.rywall Installation-Average Cost Per Square Foot. Expect to pay in the high end of the estimated price range for a licensed, bonded and insured contractor and for complex or rush projects. Hire carefully, only after verifying prior work quality.",
"Labor Costs for Sheetrock Installation. The cost of paying by the hour to have sheetrock installed can vary, according to what the local labor market will bear. You might also pay an additional fee if your carpenter is part of the local union -- known as a union wage -- which can range from $50 to $100 per hour. A 200-square-foot sheetrock project typically takes three hours for a carpenter to install, meaning the labor cost for the carpenter will range from $150 to $300.",
"When it comes to drywall, all projects fall under the ceiling or wall category. According to our ceiling installation cost estimator, the average price to install a ceiling is $1,279."
] |
what is appleiedav.exe | [
"Appleiedav.exe is a type of EXE file associated with iCloud Control Panel developed by Apple Computer, Inc. for the Windows Operating System. The latest known version of Appleiedav.exe is, which was produced for Windows 7. This EXE file carries a popularity rating of 1 stars and a security rating of UNKNOWN."
] | [
"vsserv.exe is a process which forms a critical part of the Bull Guard Internet Security suite and the BitDefender AntiVirus. This application protects your computer against Internet-bound threats.This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated.un Windows Repair Tool to repair vsserv.exe related Windows Errors. 3. Run MalwareBytes to remove persistent malware. Process name: BitDefender Security Service or Bitdefender Security Service or The Shield Deluxe or The Shield Deluxe Security Service or Defender Pro Security Service.",
"Onavo is the award winning mobile analytics company and a subsidiary of Facebook, Inc. Founded in 2010, Onavo primarily serves netizens with smartphone privacy needs. The company is currently headquartered in Palp Alto, California, The United States, but also operates from Israel. At present, Onavo Protect is available on Android and iOS devices, be it smartphones or tablets.",
"Most non-system processes that are running can be stopped because they are not involved in running your operating system. Scan your system now to identify unused processes that are using up valuable resources. apagent.exe is used by 'AirPort Base Station Agent'.This is an application created by 'Apple Inc.'. To stop apagent.exe permanently uninstall 'AirPort Base Station Agent' from your system. Uninstalling applications can leave invalid registry entries, accumulating over time.",
"SANTA CLARA, Calif.,--March 7, 2017 -- Arista Networks (NYSE:ANET) today announced Containerized EOS (containerized Extensible Operating System) to support alternate models of procuring, packaging and deploying Aristaâs EOS® across cloud, enterprises and service providers.",
"MpSigStub.exe is a type of EXE file associated with Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit developed by Microsoft for the Windows Operating System. The latest known version of MpSigStub.exe is, which was produced for Windows. This EXE file carries a popularity rating of 4 stars and a security rating of UNKNOWN.",
"What is ACDaemon.exe? The genuine ACDaemon.exe file is a software component of ArcSoft Connect by ArcSoft. ACDaemon.exe is an executable file that is associated with ArcSoft Connect, a program that provides access to help files for any ArcSoft products installed on the system. This is not an essential process for Windows and can be disabled if known to create problems.",
"Speed up Apple Push and optimize your PC. Process - apsdaemon.exe is an instance of a running program. This 64-bit program executes with the privileges as the currently logged in user account. apsdaemon.exe is executed by the process svchost.exe (Host Process for Windows Services by Microsoft).",
"ODBC.EXE is a type of EXE file associated with InstallShield CdSource developed by InstallShield Software Co. for the Windows Operating System. The latest known version of ODBC.EXE is, which was produced for Windows. This EXE file carries a popularity rating of 1 stars and a security rating of UNKNOWN.",
"The cscript.exe is a Microsoft (R) Console Based Script Host. Sometimes itâs called Microsoft (r) Console Based Script Host and Microsoft ® Console Based Script Host. This file is part of Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host. Cscript.exe is developed by Microsoft Corporation. Itâs a system and hidden file. Cscript.exe is usually located in the %WINDOWS% sub-folder and its usual size is 139,264 bytes.",
"The genuine distnoted.exe file is a software component of iTunes by Apple. Distnoted.exe is an executable file that is associated with iTunes, a cross-platform desktop media manager primarily for audio files developed by Apple Inc. DLL files store data, code and resources needed by one or more programs in order to function correctly.",
"Autosave essentials.exe is a type of EXE file associated with AutoSave Essentials developed by Avanquest Software for the Windows Operating System. The latest known version of Autosave essentials.exe is, which was produced for Windows XP.",
"RuntimeBroker.exe is a safe Microsoft process included in Windows 8 and Windows 10 to assist with app permissions. It has a light system footprint, using less than 3,000 k of RAM. Youâre not going to see a performance hit from this process running in the background.",
"Because svchost.exe is used as a common system process, some malware often uses a process name of âsvchost.exeâ to disguise itself. The original system file svchost.exe is located in C:\\Windows\\System32 folder. Any file named âsvchost.exeâ located in other folder can be considered as a malware.",
"avgwdsvc.exe is part of AVG Internet Security and developed by AVG Technologies CZ, s.r.o. according to the avgwdsvc.exe version information. avgwdsvc.exe's description is AVG Watchdog Service . avgwdsvc.exe is digitally signed by AVG Technologies. avgwdsvc.exe is usually located in the 'c:\\progra~1\\avg\\avg8\\' folder. If you have additional information about the file, please share it with the FreeFixer users by posting a comment at the bottom of this page.",
"appleiedav.exe No Data. PC Pitstop recommends WinPatrol Plus for monitoring all of the background activity on your PC. WinPatrol Plus provides an easy to understand descriptions of over 15,000 processes and programs.",
"Process-sppextcomobj.exe is an instance of a running program. This program executes under the NETWORK SERVICE account within Windows with minimum privileges on the local computer and acts as the computer on the network.sppextcomobj.exe is executed by the process svchost.exe (ระà¸à¸à¸à¸à¸´à¸à¸±à¸à¸´à¸à¸²à¸£ Microsoft® Windows® by Microsoft).e stand behind Boost. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your software purchase, simply contact our Customer Support within 30 days, and we'll refund the purchase price. We won't make you jump through hoops to get all your money back! Optimize KMS Connection Broker and speed up your PC.",
"MpSigStub.exe is part of Microsoft Malware Protection and developed by Microsoft Corporation according to the MpSigStub.exe version information. MpSigStub.exe is digitally signed by Microsoft Corporation. MpSigStub.exe is usually located in the 'c:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\' folder.",
"BDSurrogateHost.exe is a type of EXE file associated with Microsoft Windows developed by Microsoft Corporation for the Windows Operating System. The latest known version of BDSurrogateHost.exe is 1.3.395.0, which was produced for Windows 8.1.",
"To uninstall the product, including âigfxtray.exe,â select âIntel Graphics Media Acceleratorâ in the Control Panelâs âUninstall a Programâ applet. Intel is a multinational corporation headquartered in Santa Clara, CA, USA, and is the worldâs largest and highest-valued semiconductor manufacturer.",
"What is apsdaemon.exe? The Apple Push Notification Service is a service created by Apple Inc. that uses push technology through a constantly open IP connection to forward notifications from the servers of third party applications to the Apple devices; such notifications may include badges, sounds or custom text alerts.",
"Important: Some malware camouflages itself as AppleIEDAV.exe, particularly when located in the C:\\Windows or C:\\Windows\\System32 folder. Therefore, you should check the AppleIEDAV.exe process on your PC to see if it is a threat. We recommend Security Task Manager for verifying your computer's security.",
"VoiceOver is a revolutionary screen reader that lets you know whatâs happening on your Multi-Touch screen â and helps you navigate it â even if you canât see it.Touch the screen to hear whatâs under your finger, then use gestures to control your device.oiceOver is a revolutionary screen reader that lets you know whatâs happening on your Multi-Touch screen â and helps you navigate it â even if you canât see it.",
"Results will be exported to the lower window. Instacheck kicked the bucket a couple of months ago, but it didnât take too long for someone to create a replacement for the tool. Yes, KeySav is another tool that gives Pokemon X/Y players the ability to check their trainer shiny value (TSV) and egg shiny value (ESV).esults will be exported to the lower window. Instacheck kicked the bucket a couple of months ago, but it didnât take too long for someone to create a replacement for the tool. Yes, KeySav is another tool that gives Pokemon X/Y players the ability to check their trainer shiny value (TSV) and egg shiny value (ESV).",
"asav.exe is a Microsoft or Windows process but some versions of this exe carry viruses. Check your PC for the bad versions of this file - with this Free Security Scan.",
"PC Pitstop Libraries > Process Library > appleiedav.exe. Welcome to the PC Pitstop process library the most comprehensive and accurate library in the world. All PC Pitstop products are cloud based enabling greater tracking of the world's running processes including malware, good software and performance hogs.",
"Ehtray.exe file information Ehtray.exe process in Windows Task Manager. The process known as Media Center Tray Applet or Windows Media Center belongs to software Microsoft Windows Operating System by Microsoft (www.microsoft.com). Description: Ehtray.exe is an important part of Windows, but often causes problems. Ehtray.exe is located in a subfolder of C:\\Windows.",
"igfxtray.exe is a task bar process that points to the Intel® Common User Interface, known also as the Intel Graphics Accelerator. The process allows the user to modify settings tied to the monitor and graphics, including screen rotation, hot keys and extended desktop settings.",
"Process - atibtmon.exe is an instance of a running program. This program executes under the SYSTEM account within Windows with extensive privileges on the local computer, and acts as the computer on the network. atibtmon.exe is executed by the process atieclxx.exe (AMD External Events by AMD).",
"The process known as distnoted belongs to software Apple Application Support or Apple Mobile Device Support by Apple (www.apple.com). Description: Distnoted.exe is not essential for Windows and will often cause problems. Distnoted.exe is located in a subfolder of C:\\Program Files\\Common Files. Known file sizes on Windows 10/8/7/XP are 13,672 bytes (26% of all occurrences), 13,712 bytes and 8 more variants. The program has no visible window.",
"Purpose: accelerometerst.exe is a System Tray Applet from Hewlett-Packard Corporation belonging to Mobile Data Protection System or 3D DriveGuard System. accelerometerst.exe is a user invoked program and a normal part of PC operations. No action required.",
"What is msoidsvcm.exe? The .exe extension on a filename indicates an exe cutable file. Executable files may, in some cases, harm your computer.",
"LockScreenContentServer.exe is a type of EXE file associated with Microsoft Windows developed by Microsoft Corporation for the Windows Operating System. The latest known version of LockScreenContentServer.exe is 6.3.9600.17031, which was produced for Windows 8.1.",
"What is esif_assist.exe? esif_assist.exe is part of Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Utility Application and developed by Intel Corporation according to the esif_assist.exe version information. esif_assist.exe is digitally signed by Intel(R) Software. esif_assist.exe is usually located in the 'C:\\Windows\\Temp\\DPTF\\' folder.",
"vsserv.exe is a process which forms a critical part of the Bull Guard Internet Security suite and the BitDefender AntiVirus. This application protects your computer against Internet-bound threats.This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated.Non-system processes like vsserv.exe originate from software you installed on your system.Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that over time your registry suffers fragmentation and accumulates invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance.his application protects your computer against Internet-bound threats. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated. Non-system processes like vsserv.exe originate from software you installed on your system.",
"wmiapsrv.exe is a WMI performance adapter which collects information regarding performance. This program is a non-essential system process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems. wmiapsrv.exe is a system process that is needed for your PC to work properly. It should not be removed.",
"C:\\Program Files\\common files\\apple\\internet services\\appleiedav.exe. A module is a dynamic link library (DLL) or an executable file that is loaded into the process. Below is a list of non-system modules that are loaded by iCloud Control Panel.",
"The Microsoft Windows Installer (Msiexec.exe) is an executable program that interprets packages and installs products. Msiexec enables you to specify property values from the command line. This method gives you the ability to install Microsoft BizTalk Server 2002 silently (without constant interaction or prompts).A silent installation of BizTalk Server 2002 is ideal for test scenarios or as part of a large-scale enterprise deployment.he Microsoft Windows Installer (Msiexec.exe) is an executable program that interprets packages and installs products. Msiexec enables you to specify property values from the command line. This method gives you the ability to install Microsoft BizTalk Server 2002 silently (without constant interaction or prompts).",
"MpSigStub.exe is part of Microsoft Malware Protection and developed by Microsoft Corporation according to the MpSigStub.exe version information. MpSigStub.exe's description is Microsoft Malware Protection Signature Update Stub. MpSigStub.exe is digitally signed by Microsoft Corporation. MpSigStub.exe is usually located in the 'c:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\' folder. If you have additional information about the file, please share it with the FreeFixer users by posting a comment at the bottom of this page.",
"accelerometerst.exe is a windows process file, accelerometerst.exe is a System Tray Applet from Hewlett-Packard Corporation part of Mobile Data Protection System. You can usually find the accelerometerst.exe file in C:Windowssystem32 folder. If it is found anywhere else,please know that accelerometerst.exe may be a virus, adware, trojan, or worm.",
"AppCmd.exe is the single command line tool for managing IIS 7 and above. It exposes all key server management functionality through a set of intuitive management objects that can be manipulated from the command line or from scripts.",
"What is APSDaemon.exe? The genuine APSDaemon.exe file is a software component of Apple Application Support by Apple. APSDaemon.exe is an executable file that belongs to Apple Application Support, a program that is required to synchronize devices through iTunes. This is not an essential Windows process and can be disabled if known to create problems.",
"MSASCuiL.exe is a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and it will brother you with tens of thousands of ads. And it gets name of adware which means an ad-supported malware. Although ads may not be a noxious item, but too many them will cause troubles, let alone some of which are scams which can cheat you out of money.",
"MpSigStub.exe is a type of EXE file associated with Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit developed by Microsoft for the Windows Operating System. The latest known version of MpSigStub.exe is, which was produced for Windows.This EXE file carries a popularity rating of 3 stars and a security rating of UNKNOWN.hese EXE error messages can appear during program installation, while a MpSigStub.exe-related software program (eg. Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit) is running, during Windows startup or shutdown, or even during the installation of the Windows operating system.",
"How does appleiedav.exe start? Startup files (user) run - appleiedav.exe is registered with the run identifier 'AppleIEDAV' and the execution command 'C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Apple\\Internet Services\\AppleIEDAV.exe' in the Windows registry HKCU\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run.",
"What is AGCInvokerUtility.exe AGCInvokerUtility.exe is a harmful executable file is a Adobe GC Invoker Utility tool which is gets insider of your computer by the help of spam email attachments, downloading freeware apps, injecting any external storage devices to your computer.",
"audiodg.exe is a Microsoft or Windows process but some versions of this exe carry viruses. Check your PC for the bad versions of this file - with this Free Security Scan. audiodg.exe Technical Information",
"MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe is a type of EXE file associated with Windows 10 Operating System developed by Microsoft Corporation for the Windows Operating System. The latest known version of MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe is 11.0.10240.16384, which was produced for Windows.",
"asav.exe is a Microsoft or Windows process but some versions of this exe carry viruses. Check your PC for the bad versions of this file - with this. Free Security Scan.",
"The genuine ubd.exe file is a software component of iCloud by Apple. Ubd.exe is an executable file that belongs to Apple iCloud for Windows, a program that enables users to upload data from their Windows-based PCs to Apple servers.",
"EXE (executable) files, such as OneDriveSetup.exe, are files that contain step-by-step instructions that a computer follows to carry out a function. When you double-click an EXE file, your computer automatically executes these instructions designed by a software developer (eg.",
"Overview of TiResumeSrv.exe What Is TiResumeSrv.exe? TiResumeSrv.exe is a type of EXE file associated with Trend Micro Titanium Antivirus+ 2011 developed by Trend Micro Inc. for the Windows Operating System. The latest known version of TiResumeSrv.exe is, which was produced for Windows.",
"Purpose of this file: APSDaemon.exe is a file that you most likely installed yourself on your computer. The exact disk location is also shown below to verfiy it is not spyware, as many spyware programs use similiar names and just locate them elsewhere on your hard drive.",
"5. We know some parts of Africa are not the safest. Now thereâs an app to help you when youâre caught up in a spot of trouble. Olalashe, (which means âbrotherâ in Maasai), on the Android platform, sends an SOS message to all emergency contacts on the userâs mobile, alerting them that the owner needs help.",
"Olav is a rare first name for men. Olav is an equivalently rare last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. Census). Popular alternative forms of Olav (not in Top 1000) listed in the Top 1000 are Olle, Olof, Olin, Ole, Olaf and Ola.Forms like Olaff are uncommon.lav is an equivalently rare last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. Census). Popular alternative forms of Olav (not in Top 1000) listed in the Top 1000 are Olle, Olof, Olin, Ole, Olaf and Ola.",
"The genuine ACDaemon.exe file is a software component of ArcSoft Connect by ArcSoft. ACDaemon.exe is an executable file that is associated with ArcSoft Connect, a program that provides access to help files for any ArcSoft products installed on the system. This is not an essential process for Windows and can be disabled if known to create problems.",
"What is TiResumeSrv.exe? The .exe extension on a filename indicates an exe cutable file. Executable files may, in some cases, harm your computer. Therefore, please read below to decide for yourself whether the TiResumeSrv.exe on your computer is a Trojan that you should remove, or whether it is a file belonging to the Windows operating system or to a trusted application. Click to Run a Free Scan for TiResumeSrv.exe related errors",
"vsserv.exe is a process which forms a critical part of the Bull Guard Internet Security suite and the BitDefender AntiVirus.This application protects your computer against Internet-bound threats. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated.sserv.exe is a process which forms a critical part of the Bull Guard Internet Security suite and the BitDefender AntiVirus.",
"accelerometerst.exe is a System Tray Applet from Hewlett-Packard Corporation belonging to Mobile Data Protection System. It is an essential process for the correct operation of the system so it should not be removed from your computer. Non-system processes like accelerometerst.exe originate from software you installed on your system.",
"Home AV Review. 120. Egreat A10 Android Media Player Review Egreat makes a very credible assault on the upper end of the Android media streaming market with the A10. It lacks some of the features of the competition but, in pure playback terms, it is right up there with the best.",
"apagent.exe â What is it ? apagent.exe is a dangerous exe file. apagent.exe is a AirPort Base Station Agent part of AirPort Base Station Agent from Apple Inc. You can usually find the dangerous exe file apagent.exe in the Program Filesairport folder.We suggest you to delete the file. Check your PC with an advanced antivirus program to ensure it is deleted completely. The advanced antivirus program has spyware, adware, trojans and worms removal engines. Warming! apagent.exe is found as a dangerous file.",
"Sapisvr.exe is a type of EXE file associated with Microsoft Windows developed by Microsoft Corporation for the Windows Operating System. The latest known version of Sapisvr.exe is 5.3.16421.0, which was produced for Windows 8.1. This EXE file carries a popularity rating of 1 stars and a security rating of UNKNOWN.",
"Igfxtray.exe is the System Tray Applet for the Intel Integrated Display Adapter. It is installed along with Intel Integrated Graphics driver. Its purpose is to facilitate configuration changes via a convenient system tray icon.gfxtray.exe with description IgfxTray is a process file from company Intel Corporation belonging to product Intel(R) Common User Interface. The file is digitally signed from Intel Corporation-VeriSign Time Stamping Services Signer-G2. We do not recommend removing digitally signed files from Intel Corporation.",
"PeopleApp.exe is a type of EXE file associated with Windows 10 Operating System developed by Microsoft Corporation for the Windows Operating System. The latest known version of PeopleApp.exe is 10.0.10159.0, which was produced for Windows.",
"HPSF.exe is a type of EXE file associated with HP Support Assistant developed by HP Hewlett-Packard Company for the Windows Operating System. The latest known version of HPSF.exe is, which was produced for Windows. This EXE file carries a popularity rating of 1 stars and a security rating of UNKNOWN.",
".exe is a common filename extension denoting an executable file (the main execution point of a computer program) for DOS, OpenVMS, Microsoft Windows, Symbian or OS/2.he original DOS executable file format. These can be identified by the letters MZ at the beginning of the file in ASCII. 16-bit New Executable. Introduced with the multitasking MS-DOS 4.0 and also used by 16-bit OS/2 and Windows, NE can be identified by the NE in ASCII."
] |
who is regina george | [
"Regina George. Regina George is the most popular girl in the school, she is also the dominant leader of the clique Plastics Regina isn't as wealthy as her friend Gretchen Wieners, but is still considerably wealthy. Her home life seems great but her parents don't get along and are separated but still living together."
] | [
"In 1994, Robert Ben Rhoades was convicted of the first degree murder of Regina Kay Walters and sentenced to life without parole at Menard Correctional Center in Chester, Illinois.",
"Regina George, MB http://d1ffafozi03i4l.cloudfront.net/img/silhouettes/silhouette-female_w120h160_v1.jpg Visit Healthgrades for information on Regina George, MB. Save Saved.",
"Regina King certainly falls into this category. You might not know her name, but you do know her as the wife of Cuba Gooding Jr. in Jerry Maguire or the wife of Will Smith in Enemy of the State. Regina King is one of those actresses whose talent overshadows one irrefutable fact: Sheâs a total fox! Her big brown eyes, beaming smile and undeniable spark have allowed her to carve a niche playing proud, strong, beautiful women. And even now, as she approaches 40, this USC grad continues to wow.",
"Lindsay Lohan first read for Regina George, but the casting team felt she was closer to what they were looking for in the actress who played Cady, and since Lohan feared the mean girl role would harm her reputation, she agreed to play the lead.",
"Regina: Regina is one of the classic baby names that mean queen, with a royal elegance. Most of the queens, including Queen Victoria attached Regina in their name. Regina was one of the top queen baby names in 1960s, but this does not mean that you canât use it for your daughter now.",
"Persons. 1 Regina (name) 2 Regina (concubine), 8th century French concubine of Charlemagne. 3 Regina (martyr), 3rd century French martyr. RegÄ«na Ezera (1930â2002), Latvian 1 writer. Regina Richards (born 1961), American singer with stage name of Regina. Regina (singer) (born 1965), Slovenian singer.",
"This page provides all possible meanings and translations of the word Curious George. Curious George. Curious George is the protagonist of a series of popular children's books by the same name, written by Hans Augusto Rey and Margret Rey. The books feature a curious brown monkey named George, who is brought from his home in Africa by The Man with The Yellow Hat to live with him in a big city.",
"Your name of Regina has created a most expressive nature, idealistic and inspirational, driven with a strong inner urge to be of service in some way that would uplift humanity as a whole. However, there is a tendency to assume too heavy a burden of responsibility for others, which leads to worry and over-concern.",
"Regina is one of the classic baby names that mean queen, with a royal elegance. Most of the queens, including Queen Victoria attached Regina in their name. Regina was one of the top queen baby names in 1960s, but this does not mean that you canât use it for your daughter now.",
"Regina (/rɨËdÊaɪnÉ/ Assiniboine: huhužubina; Huhúžubina: cree oskana-kÄ) asastÄki is the capital city of The canadian province Of. Saskatchewan the city is the-second largest in the province and a cultural and commercial centre for Southern. Saskatchewan it is governed By Regina City. councilt is governed by Regina City Council. The city is surrounded by the Rural Municipality of Sherwood No. 159. In 2013, Regina was named the 6th best Canadian mid-sized city (17th best overall) in which to live by MoneySense magazine.",
"Regina Taylor. Regina Annette Taylor (born August 22, 1960) is an American actress and playwright. She has won several awards throughout her career, including a Golden Globe Award and NAACP Image Award. 1 Life and career 1.1 Acting.",
"In the series finale, Kramer suggests that he, George, Elaine, and Seinfeld do a musical such as Bye, Bye, Birdie or My Fair Lady. Jason Alexander, who plays George, did in fact star in Bye Bye Birdie (1995) as Albert Peterson.",
"Regina Spektor is an acclaimed musician and singer-songwriter, born in 1980 in Russia. After studying classical music in her home country, Regina moved to the Bronx in New York.",
"Regina (/rɨËdÊaɪnÉ/ Assiniboine: huhužubina; Huhúžubina: cree oskana-kÄ) asastÄki is the capital city of The canadian province Of. Saskatchewan the city is the-second largest in the province and a cultural and commercial centre for Southern. saskatchewant is governed by Regina City Council. The city is surrounded by the Rural Municipality of Sherwood No. 159. In 2013, Regina was named the 6th best Canadian mid-sized city (17th best overall) in which to live by MoneySense magazine.",
"George is a listless, impoverished man whose only passion is his love for his wife, Myrtle. He is devastated by Myrtle's affair with Tom. After her death, the magnitude of his grief drives Wilson to murder Jay Gatsby before committing suicide himself.",
"Regina King. Regina Rene King (born January 15, 1971) is an American actress and television director. She became known for her role as Brenda Jenkins on the NBC sitcom 227 (1985â90) and a supporting role in the feature film Jerry Maguire, then for her roles in the television shows 24, The Boondocks and Southland.",
"Regina is a city found in Saskatchewan, Canada. It is located 50.45 latitude and -104.62 longitude and it is situated at elevation 577 meters above sea level. Regina has a population of 176,183 making it the 2nd biggest city in Saskatchewan.",
"Constance Marie. Constance Marie Lopez (born September 9, 1965) is an American actress, known professionally as Constance Marie. She is known for her role as Angie Lopez on George Lopez (2002â07) and her role as Marcela Quintanilla (mother of Selena) in the 1997 film Selena. She portrayed Regina Vasquez on the ABC Family/Freeform drama Switched at Birth.",
"Regina Spektor Tickets & Tour Dates 2015 / 2016. Regina Spektor. Regina Spektor is a Russian-born American singer-songwriter-pianist who sings and plays anything from indie, rock, pop, blues, and, most prominently, anti-folk.",
"Chicago-based singer/songwriter, independent dance music remixer/producer, and founder of Music Plant and Vinyl Soul, Georgie Porgie (aka George Andros) debuted with the release of Baby Come Back toâ¦. Read Full Biography.",
"Regina, Saskatchewan. Regina (/ráµ»ËdÊaɪnÉ/ is the capital city of the Canadian province of Saskatchewan and within the Treaty 4 territories. The city is the second-largest in the province, after Saskatoon, and a cultural and commercial centre for southern Saskatchewan. It is governed by Regina City Council.",
"Regina Spektor is an acclaimed musician and singer-songwriter, born in 1980 in Russia. After studying classical music in her home country, Regina moved to the Bronx in New York. New York is where she found underground fame in the trendy music venues of the East Village district.",
"Regina Lourdes Vasquez is the biological mother of Bay and the legal mother of Daphne. Regina, an alcoholic, had a child with Angelo Sorrento, who left when he realized that the girl he and Regina were raising was not biologically his, and thought Regina had had an affair.",
"Regina Fenton is a Senior Nurse Practitioner at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC. In this video, she talks about her career and accomplishments at UPMC. Learn More",
"âLana Parrilla. Lana Parrilla is the American actress who portrays the Evil Queen, Regina Mills and the Evil Queen (Serum) on ABC's Once Upon a Time. Lana Marie Parrilla was born on July 15, 1977, in Brooklyn, New York to an Sicilian mother, who is a painter, and Puerto Rican Sam Parrilla, an ex-Major League baseball player.",
"Claire Regina Fox (born 5 June 1960 in Barton-upon-Irwell, Greater Manchester) is a British libertarian writer. She is the director and founder of the think tank the Institute of Ideas and a former member of the Revolutionary Communist Party.",
"For the past twenty-eight years Regina has spent her policy, managerial and legal career in both the private and public sector. She is presently a Partner at Wolf, Haldenstein, Adler, Freeman & Herz. Regina recently served as Executive Director of two of NYS Governor Cuomo's commissions and Deputy General Counsel of the New York State Insurance Fund.",
"Uses physical appearance to draw attention (Clothes, hair, makeup, etc.) Regina is obsessed with receiving the title of Homecoming Queen. Manipulative. Regina calls the mom of a girl that is dating her friend's ex-boyfriend, saying that she is pregnant, which is a lie.",
"Regina Vasquez is the widow of Angelo Sorrento, the mother of Bay Kennish and Daphne Vasquez, and the stepmother of Abby Sorrento.",
"Regina Calcaterra. REGINA Calcaterra was a partner at a high-powered Manhattan law firm and is now a successful politician, working for Gov. Andrew Cuomo as an executive director investigating public corruption. She's surrounded by New York's powerful elite.",
"Regina Gina McCarthy (born 1954) is an American public administrator and an environmental health and air quality expert, currently administrator for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.rom 2004 to 2009 she was commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. In this capacity she implemented a regional policy to trade carbon credits to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants.",
"Regina is the co-author of Girl Unbroken, A Sisterâs Harrowing Story of Survival from the Streets of Long Island to the Farms of Idaho, which she co-wrote with her sister Rosie Maloney and is the author of her New York Times Best Selling memoir Etched in Sand, A True Story of Five Siblings Who Survived an Unspeakable Childhood on Long Island.",
"Thank You. Our records show that you have already confirmed your survey for Regina George. Please note: it takes 24 hours for your survey results to show up on the doctorâs profile.",
"Chicago-based singer/songwriter, independent dance music remixer/producer, and founder of Music Plant and Vinyl Soul, Georgie Porgie (aka George Andros) debuted with the release of Baby Come Back to Me..",
"For the play, see Victoria Regina (play). Victoria (Alexandrina Victoria; 24 May 1819 â 22 January 1901) was Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 20 June 1837 until her death. From 1 May 1876, she adopted the additional title of Empress of India.",
"Fiona Fox and Gemma Fox (sisters) Claire Regina Fox (born 5 June 1960) is a British libertarian writer. She is the director and founder of the think tank the Institute of Ideas and a former member of the Revolutionary Communist Party",
"Edward Nathan George Jr. (born September 24, 1973) is a former professional American football player who was a running back in the National Football League (NFL) for nine seasons. He played college football for Ohio State University and won the Heisman Trophy in 1995.",
"George Alagiah. George Maxwell Alagiah OBE (/ËælÉËÉ¡aɪÉ/ born 22 November 1955) is a British newsreader, journalist and television news presenter. Since 3 December 2007, he had been the sole presenter of the BBC News at Six and had also been the main presenter of GMT on BBC World News since its launch on 1 February 2010.",
"Sponsored Topics. The city of Regina is the capital of Saskatchewan, but only the second-largest city in the province, after Saskatoon. Located about 180 kilometres from the U.S. border, above Montana and North Dakota, the city was coaxed from the flat and featureless Northern Plains.",
"Gretchen Wieners is one of the main characters in Mean Girls. She is portrayed by Lacey Chabert. Gretchen is a member of the Plastics. She is the 'gossip girl' in the group and the loyal sidekick of Regina George. She comes from an extremely rich family, as her father is the inventor of Toaster Strudel. Through the entire movie, Gretchen is shown to be one of the nicer members of the Plastics, only being mean-spirited under the influence of Regina.",
"Constance Marie is an American actress who plays Regina Vasquez. She is a Mexican American actress. In her personal life, Constance recently welcomed her first child into the world, Luna Marie Katich. Constance has been candid about the difficulties she faced trying to get pregnant and eventually turning to IVF.",
"Oops, you entered a bad link for Regina George! The link you entered contains bad characters or identifiers. Please enter the link exactly as it appears in your email or text message.",
"Biography. Reina King was born in the year of 1975 to Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Gloria King. She is also the younger sister of actress Regina King. Reina began her acting career with the role as Caroline (Rodger's and Nadine's adopted child) on the hit show What's Happening Now!⦠more.",
"Born and raised in Saskatoon she still lives on the same street where she grew up. http://www.dklette.com Subjects: Klette, Denyse Artists--Saskatchewan Donna Kriekle Donna Kriekle is a Regina illustrator and painter.tudio visits are welcome by appointment. http://www.beate-epp.com/ Subjects: Artists--Saskatchewan Epp, Beate Bill Haussecker 1932-2005 A self taught artist who worked in most media with varying degrees of success and satisfaction.",
"Jason George was born on February 9, 1972 in Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA as Jason Winston George. He is an actor and producer, known for Eve (2003), Grey's Anatomy (2005) and Sunset Beach (1997). He has been married to Vandana Khanna since July 10, 1999. They have three children.",
"Lindsay Lohan: I Wanted to Play Regina George in Mean Girls. Lindsay Lohan as Regina George? The idea seems almost unfathomable, but the star of 2004âs smash hit Mean Girls actually wanted that part, rather than the lead role of Cady, the iconic comedyâs heroine. Ten years after the movie debuted, Lohan says she argued with director Mark Waters over playing âQueen Beeâ Regina.",
"Masiela Lusha (/ËmÉËsiËÉlÉ ËluËÊÉ/; born on October 23, 1985) is a female actress known for portraying the role of Carmen Lopez on the ABC comedy series, George Lopez.. Lusha is the only Non-Latino member of the main cast. Masiela was born in Tirana, Albania and is the only child of Max and Daniela Lusha.",
"Hereâs what Nicole Crimi, who played Regina Georgeâs little sister in Mean Girls, looks like nowâ¦. If youâve seen the 2004 teen classic Mean Girls, then the image of Regina Georgeâs little sister Kylie dancing rather inappropriately to Kelisâ Milkshake is probably etched on your brain.",
"Regina L. Fortener, 85, Delphos, and formerly of Ottoville, died at 12:20 a.m. Saturday, January 28, 1989, at Delphos Memorial Home. She was born March 1,1903, in Ottoville, the daughter of Peter and Louise (Perrin) Schmitt. On November 22, 1922, she married Robert E. Fortener, who died August 10, 1971.",
"How popular is Regina? Regina is a very prominent first name for women (#168 out of 4276, Top 4%) and also a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#16960 out of 150436, Top 11%). (2000 u.s. demographics) Regina reached its peak rank of #84 in the U.S. in the 1960s, and is presently at #437.",
"Chances are, your friends are probably guilty of one or two things on this list of friendship don'ts because no friend is perfect. But if you find that your friend is guilty of doing an uncomfortable amount of items on this list, chances are, they're the Regina George to your Cady Heron. 1. They never want to hang out.",
"Regina (/rɨËdÊaɪnÉ/ Assiniboine: huhužubina; Huhúžubina: cree oskana-kÄ) asastÄki is the capital city of The canadian province Of. Saskatchewan the city is the-second largest in the province and a cultural and commercial centre for Southern. saskatchewan",
"Dr. Jennifer A George, is a female doctor, specializes in nurse practitioner in Davenport IA. She studied medicine at the Other, 2001. Her hospital/clinic affiliations include Genesis Health System and more. She accepts Medicare assignment.",
"Reviews: 543 user | 160 critic | 39 from Metacritic.com. Cady Heron is a hit with The Plastics, the A-list girl clique at her new school, until she makes the mistake of falling for Aaron Samuels, the ex-boyfriend of alpha Plastic Regina George.",
"Actress | Director | Producer. Regina King was born in Los Angeles, California, to Gloria, a special education teacher, and Thomas King, an electrician. She began her career in the television show 227 (1985), followed by a role in Boyz n the Hood (1991). She began to be recognized by a mainstream audience after her role as Cuba Gooding Jr.",
"Regina (/rɨËdÊaɪnÉ/ Assiniboine: huhužubina; Huhúžubina: cree oskana-kÄ) asastÄki is the capital city of The canadian province Of. saskatchewant is governed by Regina City Council. The city is surrounded by the Rural Municipality of Sherwood No. 159. In 2013, Regina was named the 6th best Canadian mid-sized city (17th best overall) in which to live by MoneySense magazine.",
"Regina recently served as Deputy General Counsel to the New York State Insurance Fund and Executive Director of two of New York State Governor Cuomoâs commissions. The first commission was charged with investigating the states utility companyâs preparation and response to recent significant weather events.",
"The daughter of a Professor of music, Regina's passion for music was clear from childhood. She was lea... Regina Spektor is an acclaimed musician and singer-songwriter, born in 1980 in Russia. After studying classical music in her home country, Regina moved to the Bronx in New York.",
"Regina Marie Calcaterra was born in New York on November 9, 1966. Her birth certificate identifies her mother as Camille Diane Calcaterra. No father is identified on the birth certificate. However, Regina Calcaterra believes that John Manfra is her biological father.2 Manfra now lives in Whatcom County, Washington.",
"Claire Fox. Claire Regina Fox (born 5 June 1960[1] in Barton-upon-Irwell, Greater Manchester) is a British libertarian writer. She is the director and founder of the think tank the Institute of Ideas and a former member of the Revolutionary Communist Party.",
"Regina (/rɨËdÊaɪnÉ/ Assiniboine: huhužubina; Huhúžubina: cree oskana-kÄ) asastÄki is the capital city of The canadian province Of. Saskatchewan the city is the-second largest in the province and a cultural and commercial centre for Southern. Saskatchewan it is governed By Regina City. council",
"Regina Nunes, Managing Director of S&P Global Ratings has been recognized by Forbes as one of 50 powerful women in Brazil.",
"Regina Calcaterra: I was homeless - now I'm fabulous. REGINA Calcaterra was a partner at a high-powered Manhattan law firm and is now a successful politician, working for Gov. Andrew Cuomo as an executive director investigating public corruption. She's surrounded by New York's powerful elite.",
"Regina King had dabbled in film during her tenure on 227 (including a small part in Scrooged). When that sitcom ended in 2000, Regina threw herself into film full-time. First up was a role in John Singleton âs Boyz n the Hood, followed by Poetic Justice with Janet Jackson and Tupac Shakur.",
"Regina Calcaterra is the best selling author of Etched in Sand which has been incorporated into high school and college curricula and selected as community and college reads nationwide."
] |
upsetting meaning | [
"upset - thrown into a state of disarray or confusion; troops fleeing in broken ranks; a confused mass of papers on the desk; the small disordered room; with everything so upset"
] | [
"An upset stomach is a feeling of nausea or indigestion that can come from many sources. You can have an upset stomach because of something you ate, stress, motion sickness, or from some illness such as the flu. One of the most common causes of upset stomach comes from eating or drinking too much and being full.",
"2 a state of wildly excited activity or emotion the ref's controversial call sent the crowd into an uproar Synonyms agitation, deliriousness, delirium, distraction, fever, feverishness, flap, furor, furore, fury, hysteria, rage, rampage, frenzyRelated Words chaos, confusion, disorder, havoc, pandemonium, turmoil; bedlam, bother, brouhaha, bustle, ...",
"1The feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something. âI sometimes feel like screaming with frustrationâ. âThis party knows the depth of my commitment to the Middle East peace process and shares my frustration at the lack of progress.â. âI understand the frustration of the police, who are trying to prevent a possible tragedy.â.",
"annoy, vex, irk, bother mean to upset a person's composure. annoy implies a wearing on the nerves by persistent petty unpleasantness. their constant complaining annoys us; vex implies greater provocation and stronger disturbance and usually connotes anger but sometimes perplexity or anxiety.",
"4. Gutted. âGuttedâ â a British slang term that is one of the saddest on the lists in terms of pure contextual emotion. To be âguttedâ about a situation means to be devastated and saddened. For example, âHis girlfriend broke up with him.",
"play \\ËflÉ-st(É-)riÅ\\. 1 transitive verb. 2 1 : to make tipsy. 3 2 : to put into a state of agitated confusion : upset The speaker was obviously flustered by the interruption. intransitive 1 verb. : to move or behave in an agitated or confused manner The annoyed woman flustered out of the room.",
"discompose, disquiet, disturb, perturb, agitate, upset, fluster mean to destroy capacity for collected thought or decisive action. discompose implies some degree of loss of self-control or self-confidence especially through emotional stress. discomposed by the loss of his beloved wife; disquiet suggests loss of sense of security or peace of mind.",
"Definition of lilting. 1 1 : characterized by a rhythmical swing or cadence a lilting stride. 2 2 : cheerful, buoyant a lilting comedy.",
"upset price. the lowest price at which a person is permitted to bid for something being sold at auction. Origin of upset price.",
"irritate, exasperate, nettle, provoke, rile, peeve mean to excite a feeling of anger or annoyance. irritate implies an often gradual arousing of angry feelings that may range from mere impatience to rage constant nagging that irritated me greatly. exasperate suggests galling annoyance and the arousing of extreme impatience his exasperating habit of ...",
"A disruption is a major disturbance, something that changes your plans or interrupts some event or process. A screaming child on an airplane can be a disruption of the passengers' sleep. A break in the action, especially an unplanned and confusing one, is a disruption. A sudden thunderstorm is an unwelcome disruption of an outdoor wedding ceremony, and a flat tire on an elaborate float will probably cause a parade disruption. When you disrupt something, you upset it or mess it up.",
"1. making things, events, or actions normal people dismiss as trivial or insignificant into excuses to be upset, uncooperative, childish, or stubborn. 2. A person who habitually overreacts. 3. A person who is purposefully childish with the intent of illiciting a reaction (sometimes funny). 4. An immature over reaction in retaliation of an undesired outcome. 1. Susie is upset the teacher didn't call on her after answering three times in a row. She's petty.",
"discompose, disquiet, disturb, perturb, agitate, upset, fluster mean to destroy capacity for collected thought or decisive action. discompose implies some degree of loss of self-control or self-confidence especially through emotional stress. disquiet suggests loss of sense of security or peace of mind.iscompose, disquiet, disturb, perturb, agitate, upset, fluster mean to destroy capacity for collected thought or decisive action. discompose implies some degree of loss of self-control or self-confidence especially through emotional stress. disquiet suggests loss of sense of security or peace of mind.",
"1. infuriating-extremely annoying or displeasing; his cavelier curtness of manner was exasperating; I've had an exasperating day; her infuriating indifference; the ceaseless tumult of the jukebox was maddening. exasperating, maddening, vexing. displeasing-causing displeasure or lacking pleasing qualities.he color is hideous enough, and unreliable enough, and infuriating enough, but the pattern is torturing. The Yellow Wallpaper by Gilman, Charlotte Perkins View in context. And if I have not also shown that German is a harassing and infuriating study, my execution has been at fault, and not my intent.",
"Definition of lilting. 1 : characterized by a rhythmical swing or cadence a lilting stride. 2 : cheerful, buoyant a lilting comedy.",
"Upset the apple cart meaning. Upset the apple cart is an idiom which means changed the established order of things. It is a reference to the way that carts for selling apples are traditionally stacked in a neat and orderly manner. This keeps the round(ish) apples from rolling out of the cart and all over the floor.",
"Meaning: Get very angry, very quickly. Origin: Refers to axe heads, which, in the days before mass merchandising, were sometimes fastened poorly to their handles. If one flew off while being used, it was a dangerous situation ... with unpredictable results.",
"Forging uses seven basic operations or techniques: 1 Drawing down. 2 Shrinking (a type of upsetting) 3 Bending. 4 Upsetting. 5 Swaging. 6 Punching. 7 Forge welding.",
"transitive verb. 1 : to cause to turn over : upset overturned the vase. 2a : invalidate, destroy the degree to which accident could overturn the schemes of wise men â Oscar Handlinb : reverse 2a overturn a court ruling. intransitive verb. : upset, turn over The car went off the road and overturned several times.",
"1 causing worry or anxiety distressing signs that another war might be imminent Synonyms discomforting, discomposing, disquieting, troublesome, disturbing, nagging, nasty, perturbing, troubling, troublous, unsettling, upsetting, worrisomeRelated Words daunting, demoralizing, discomfiting, disconcerting, discouraging, disheartening, dismaying, ...",
"annoyed, antagonized, as black as thunder, at daggers drawn, choked, choleric, cross, displeased, enraged, exasperated, fit to be tied (slang) foaming at the mouth, furious, hacked (off) (U.S. slang) heated, hot, hot under the collar (informal) ill-tempered, incensed, indignant, infuriated, in high dudgeon, irascible, irate, ireful, irritable, ...",
"pet peeve. Something that is maybe a bit annoying to most people but is very annoying or upsetting to a particular person. Related to the word peeve meaning an annoyance or grievance, a pet peeve is something that a person has adopted(like a pet) to be extra annoying or upsetting to them. Like a pet, they pay a lot of attention to this peeve and may talk about it a lot and share funny pictures of it on the internet.",
"However, the main evidence that the term did not originate from Upset's upset of Man o' War was discovered by researcher George Thompson.ORSE RACING LEGEND: The term upset to describe an underdog winning a sporting event was derived from a horse named Upset defeating the heavily favored Man o' War in 1919. STATUS: False. There are certain sports stories that are just so good that you almost feel bad debunking them.",
"uk â /tÉËnt/ us â /tÉËnt/. ⺠to intentionally annoy and upset someone by making unkind remarks to them, laughing unkindly, etc.: The other kids used to taunt him in the playground because he was fat and wore glasses. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words. Mocking and taunting.",
"The expression upset the apple cart is very common in the UK. Basically it means overturning the status quo. In some ways Don't upset the apple-cart is a little (I stress a little) like Let sleeping dogs lie.",
"What is Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress (IIED)? Intentional infliction of emotional distress is sometimes referred to as the tort of outrage.. In some cases, the circumstances of termination are so cruel, intimidating, and severe that an employee suffers extreme emotional upset.",
"How to Settle My Stomach. Fruit juices are a healthy way to nourish yourself while soothing your stomach. Photo Credit fruit juice image by timur1970 from Fotolia.com. The term upset stomach is a broad term relating to symptoms accompanying inflammation or other problems in the stomach or intestines. This inflammation is also called gastroenteritis and may result from infections, viruses, contaminated food or adverse reactions to medications.",
"Quick Answer. Emotional turmoil is a negative psychological state involving feelings of confusion, panic and agitation. People experiencing emotional turmoil sometimes feel physically ill and have difficulty making decisions. Some have sleep disturbances and constant anxiety.",
"de·sta·bi·lize. tr.v. de·sta·bi·lized, de·sta·bi·liz·ing, de·sta·bi·liz·es. 1. To upset the stability or smooth functioning of: a policy that threatens to destabilize the economy; a new weapon that threatens to destabilize nuclear deterrence.2. To undermine the power of (a government or leader) by subversive or terrorist acts.o upset the stability or smooth functioning of: a policy that threatens to destabilize the economy; a new weapon that threatens to destabilize nuclear deterrence. 2. To undermine the power of (a government or leader) by subversive or terrorist acts.",
"What are upset bowels? Upset bowels are a common way that people describe any bowel problems where there is diarrhea, abdominal cramping or pain and/or excessive gas (flatulence) among other symptoms. It can be acute or chronic. The more common acute upset of the bowels occurs with food poisoning and gastroenteritis.",
"To upset one of the president's wives may be regarded as a misfortune. To upset two looks like carelessness. That was the predicament of the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) when two of Jacob Zuma's spouses turned up for the same interview, the Mail & Guardian newspaper reported.",
"Adjective to describe something so painfully emotional, and tragic, that your stomach feels knotted. It relates to feelings of guilt, sadness and devastated sympathy. The really tragic suicide of ten year old Ashlynn Conner, from Illinois, suffering after being bullied, was described as 'gut-wrenching'. #devastated #heartbroken #shocked #horrified #disturbed #horrific #dreadful #gut wrenching #heart wrenching.",
"Understanding plot, conflicts, structure, and their relationship will help a reader understand the meaning in a story. Plot is not just what happens in a story. Rather, plot is a pattern of cause and effect or conflicts upsetting the equilibrium of a situation.",
"uk â /sÉËmæt.ɪk/ us â /sÉËmæt.ɪk/ specialized. ⺠relating to the body as opposed to the mind: Children of parents affected by post-traumatic stress disorder can become angry, depressed, and show somatic symptoms such as stomach aches or headaches. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words.",
"SYNONYMY NOTE: irritate, the broadest in scope of these terms, may suggest temporary superficial impatience, or constant annoyance in, or an outburst of anger from, the person stirred to feeling [their smugness irritated him]; to provoke is to arouse strong annoyance or resentment, or, sometimes, vindictive anger [provoked by an insult]; nettle ...",
"Deliberate upsetting of the meter or pulse through a temporary shifting of the accent to a weak beat or an offbeat.",
"Upset the apple cart meaning. Upset the apple cart is an idiom which means changed the established order of things. It is a reference to the way that carts for selling apples are traditionally stacked in a neat and orderly manner. This keeps the round(ish) apples from rolling out of the cart and all over the floor.",
"indigestion, stomach upset, upset stomach. 1 symptom - (medicine) any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease. 2 bellyache, gastralgia, stomach ache, stomachache - an ache localized in the stomach or abdominal region.",
"subjected to and reacting with irritation he gets put out if anyone disturbs his dinner Synonyms aggravated, bothered, exasperated, galled, irked, irritated, narked [British], peeved, annoyed, scunnered [chiefly Scottish], teed off, vexedRelated Words displeased, distressed, disturbed, perturbed, troubled, upset; angered, angry, indignant, inflamed ...",
"1. upset, bother, disturb, ruffle, heat, excite, confuse, hurry, rattle (informal), bustle, hassle (informal), flurry, agitate, confound, unnerve, perturb, throw off balance, make nervous She was calm. Nothing could fluster her.",
"adj. an·gri·er, an·gri·est. 1. Feeling or showing anger; incensed or enraged: angry at my boss; angry with her. 2.Indicative of or resulting from anger: an angry silence. 3.e laughed angrily at his own foolishness: it was absurd to care what an anaemic little waitress said to him; but he was strangely humiliated.",
"Advertisement. An upset stomach is our body's way of responding to unwanted invaders or irritants in the stomach. It causes a feeling of nausea and may eventually lead to vomiting or diarrhea, which is nothing but a way of ejecting the unwanted irritants from the stomach.",
"See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com. 3. tease, harry, hector, badger, disquiet. Worry, annoy, harass all mean to disturb or interfere with someone's comfort or peace of mind. To worry is to cause anxiety, apprehension, or care: to worry one's parents. To annoy is to vex or irritate by continued repetition of interferences: to annoy the neighbors. Harass implies long-continued worry and annoyance: Cares of office harass a president. 6. apprehension, solicitude, disquiet, misgiving, fear.",
"Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: irritation, annoyance, vexation, botheration(noun) the psychological state of being irritated or annoyed. annoyance, chafe, vexation(noun) anger produced by some annoying irritation. aggravator, annoyance(noun) an unpleasant person who is annoying or exasperating.",
"Accept your diagnosis. As upsetting as a diagnosis of schizophrenia can be, resolving to take a proactive role in treatment and self-help is crucial to your recovery. That means making healthy lifestyle changes, taking prescribed medications, and attending medical and therapy appointments.",
"The Upset Sale is a public auction with the minimum bid starting at the amount of delinquent taxes, costs and any municipal liens that may be due on the property. The property is sold subject to all liens, mortgages and judgements. It is the responsibility of the bidder to research the title of the property. The Tax Claim Bureau sells the property as outlined in the Assessment records and makes no warranty or representation as to the existence or condition of the property.",
"Definition of upset in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of upset. What does upset mean? Information and translations of upset in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.",
"(auction) the minimum price at which a seller of property will entertain bids. Classified under: Nouns denoting possession and transfer of possession. Hypernyms (upset price is a kind of...): asking price; selling price (the price at which something is offered for sale) Domain category: auction; auction sale; vendue (the public sale of something to the highest bidder)",
"1.Agitation, disturbance, excitement, turmoil imply inner unrest, uneasiness, or apprehension. Agitation implies a shaken state of emotions, usually perceptible in the face or movements: With evident agitation she opened the telegram. Disturbance implies an inner disquiet caused by worry, indecision, apprehension, or the like: Long-continued mental disturbance is a cause of illness.",
"distressing (or disturbing) news; lived in heroic if something distressful isolation; a disturbing amount of crime; a revelation that was most perturbing; a new and troubling thought; in a particularly worrisome predicament; a worrying situation; a worrying time.",
"Distress is. When we are upset about something, we feel distress, a generalized sensation of discomfort and emotional arousal. Distress is the opposite of contentment. Both are general emotional states, one being negatively aroused whilst the other is positively calmed.",
"The term, upset stomach, requires some definition. For some, this means an uncomfortably full feeling, and perhaps a small amount of queasiness. Others use the term to describe painful tummies with diarrhea, vomiting or flatulence. Another definition is acid indigestion, which can cause heartburn.",
"An upset stomach is an affliction that is common in people of all ages and walks of life. Stomach problems can be caused by a myriad of problems big and small including stress, food poisoning, food allergies and problems with digestion.",
"When children lie, it can be upsetting for parents. Here's how you can keep your cool and handle lying in children with love and reassurance. When children lie, it can be upsetting for parents.",
"From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishturmoilturâ§moil /ËtÉËmÉɪl $ ËtÉËr-/ âââ noun [singular, uncountable] CONFUSEDa state of confusion, excitement, or anxietypolitical/emotional/economic/religious etc turmoil the prospect of another week of political turmoilin (a) turmoil Ashley gazed at him, her thoughts in turmoil.",
"irritate, exasperate, nettle, provoke, rile, peeve mean to excite a feeling of anger or annoyance. irritate implies an often gradual arousing of angry feelings that may range from mere impatience to rage. exasperate suggests galling annoyance and the arousing of extreme impatience.",
"Compulsive overeating, or emotional eating, is the tendency to eat in response to negative emotions. Empirical studies have indicated that anxiety leads to decreased food consumption in people with normal weight and increased food consumption in the obese.",
"subjected to and reacting with irritation overworked, exasperated parents barking at their children over little things Synonyms aggravated, bothered, annoyed, galled, irked, irritated, narked [British], peeved, put out, scunnered [chiefly Scottish], teed off, vexedRelated Words displeased, distressed, disturbed, perturbed, troubled, upset; angered, ...",
"Compulsive overeating, or emotional eating, is âthe tendency to eat in response to negative emotionsâ. Empirical studies have indicated that anxiety leads to decreased food consumption in people with normal weight and increased food consumption in the obese.",
"ir·ri·ta·ble. adj. 1. Easily irritated or annoyed. 2. Medicine Abnormally or excessively sensitive to a stimulus: irritable bladder. 3. Capable of responding to a stimulus.",
"HELP! I'm Going to A White Party Even Though I'm Too Fat to Wear White. White says Hello, here are my exact proportions, hope you don't find them upsetting!. White says Hello, here are my exact proportions, hope you don't find them upsetting!.",
"Mom is irritating her son. verb. The definition of irritate is to aggravate or annoy, or to cause itchiness, inflammation or discomfort in or on the body. When you annoy someone, this is an example of a time when youirritate them.",
"Definition of irritate. irritated. ; irritating. transitive verb. 1 : to provoke impatience, anger, or displeasure in : annoy. 2 : to induce irritability in or of. intransitive verb.",
"annoy, vex, irk, bother mean to upset a person's composure. annoy implies a wearing on the nerves by persistent petty unpleasantness.ex implies greater provocation and stronger disturbance and usually connotes anger but sometimes perplexity or anxiety. irk stresses difficulty in enduring and the resulting weariness or impatience of spirit. bother suggests interference with comfort or peace of mind.",
"Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: disquieted, distressed, disturbed, upset, worried(adj) afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble or grief. too upset to say anything; spent many disquieted moments; distressed about her son's leaving home; lapsed into disturbed sleep; worried parents; a worried frown; one last worried check of the sleeping children."
] |
where is dna located in the eukaryotic cell | [
"Report Abuse. DNA may be located in two particular locations within a Eukaryotic cell. In the nucleus and in the mitochondria (and chloroplast). However, DNA found in the mitochondria (and chloroplast) are similar in structure to those found in prokaryotic cells.You should be more specific the next time you ask a question like this.Source(s): http://www.cod.edu/PEOPLE/FACULTY/FANCHE...n the nucleus and in the mitochondria (and chloroplast). However, DNA found in the mitochondria (and chloroplast) are similar in structure to those found in prokaryotic cells."
] | [
"1 Cell walls may or may not be present. 2 The eukaryotic DNA is organized in one or more linear molecules, called chromosomes, which are associated with histone proteins. 3 All chromosomal DNA is stored in the cell nucleus, separated from the cytoplasm by a membrane.",
"In prokaryotes, the DNA (chromosome) is in contact with the cellular cytoplasm and is not in a housed membrane-bound nucleus. In eukaryotes, however, the DNA takes the form of compact chromosomes separated from the rest of the cell by a nuclear membrane (also called a nuclear envelope). Eukaryotic cells also contain a variety of structures and organelles not present in prokaryotic cells.",
"Prokaryotic DNA can be found in a coiled loop floating in the cytoplasm in a region called the nucleoid (meaning nucleus-like). In other words, the nucleoid is the area in a prokaryotic cell where DNA is located.Prokaryotes compress their DNA into a small space through a process called supercoiling. Supercoiling DNA allows it to be packaged efficiently into the small cell.danimai | (Level 1) Honors.n other words, the nucleoid is the area in a prokaryotic cell where DNA is located. Prokaryotes compress their DNA into a small space through a process called supercoiling. Supercoiling DNA allows it to be packaged efficiently into the small cell. danimai | (Level 1) Honors.",
"Protists, fungi, plants and animals are made to be Eukaryotic. Eukaryotic Cells have a true nuâ¦cleus bound by a membrane, while prokaryotic cells contain a nucleoid region. The nucleoid region in a prokaryotic cell generally has no boundaries so it is just generally where the DNA is located in the cell.",
"The DNA in a prokaryote is found in a (usually single) chromosome and in plasmids within the cytoplasm. The chromosome is circular, and consists of a circular molecule of DNA associated with proteins. Its length ranges from about 160,000 to 12,000,000 base pairs.",
"Mitochondrial Heteroplasmy and Disease. Abstract. In addition to the nuclear genome, most eukaryotic cells also have multiple copies of a small circular genome located within the mitochondrion (mtDNA), the presence of which is critical for cellular respiration. All the mtDNA within the cells of young individuals is usually thought to be identical, a condition known as homoplasmy.",
"Eukaryotic transcription occurs within the nucleus where DNA is packaged into nucleosomes and higher order chromatin structures. The complexity of the eukaryotic genome necessitates a great variety and complexity of gene expression control.",
"Identify the major similarities and differences... 1. Identify the major similarities and differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. 2. Where is the DNA housed in a prokaryotic cell? Where is it housed in a eukaryotic cell? 3. Identify three structures which provide support and protection in a eukaryotic cell.",
"Location. Prokaryotes do not have nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles, like mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and golgi bodies. The prokaryotic DNA is present as a DNA-protein complex called nucleoid. The replication occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell. In case of eukaryotes, the organisms that contain a membrane-bound nucleus, the DNA is sequestered inside the nucleus.",
"Cells are divided into two types according to the way their DNA is stored. 1. Prokaryotic cells, which lack a membrane covered nucleus, have their DNA located in a part of the cell called the nucleoid. 2. Eukaryotic cells have a membrane-covered nucleus which stores the cell's DNA.",
"Nucleus [edit]. The nucleus contains most of the genes in the eukaryotic cell; some genes are located in mitochondria and chloroplast. It is generally the most conspicuous organelle in a eukaryotic cell. The nuclear envelope encloses the nucleus, sparating its contents from the cytoplasm.",
"Mitochondrial DNA is only a small portion of the DNA in a eukaryotic cell; most of the DNA can be found in the cell nucleus and, in plants, in the chloroplast. In humans, the 16,600 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA encode for only 37 genes.",
"DNA is stored in threadlike, tangled structures called chromatin inside the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell. During mitosis, chromatin changes into structures called chromosomes.here are two kinds of DNA in a eukaryotic cell, nuclear and mitochondrial. Nuclear is found in the nucleus and mitochondrial is found in the mitochondria. However, not as man ⦠y people know about mitochondrial DNA and the only time it is ever refered to is when you are tracking the mother's side of a family with DNA.",
"DNA is the genetic material of a cell. The DNA contains the genetic code or instructions for how to make proteins. Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus, which is like the control center for the cell. It is in this organelle that DNA resides. However, prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus. Instead, the DNA exists in a coiled loop floating around in the cytoplasm in the nucleoid region. Ribosomes Ribosomes are small organelles that float in the cytoplasm or are attached to other structures.",
"Eukaryotic DNA All the animals, plants, and fungus are eukaryotic organisms; nuclear envelope is the most defining character for all eukaryotic organisms. In eukaryotes, mostly DNA is stored inside the cell nucleus, but some are found within the organelles such as chloroplasts and mitochondria. Histone protein and organized DNA are compacted inside the chromosome.",
"The nucleus contains most of the genes in the eukaryotic cell; some genes are located in mitochondria and chloroplast. It is generally the most conspicuous organelle in a eukaryotic cell. The nuclear envelope encloses the nucleus, sparating its contents from the cytoplasm.",
"1 The eukaryotic DNA is organized in one or more linear molecules, called chromosomes, which are associated with histone proteins. 2 All chromosomal DNA is stored in the cell nucleus, separated from the cytoplasm by a membrane. 3 Some eukaryotic organelles such as mitochondria also contain some DNA. Some eukaryotic cells (plant cells and fungal cells) also have a cell wall. 2 Inside the cell is the cytoplasmic region that contains the genome (DNA), ribosomes and various sorts of inclusions. 3 The genetic material is freely found in the cytoplasm.",
"Protists, fungi, plants and animals are made to be Eukaryotic. Eukaryotic Cells have a true nu ⦠cleus bound by a membrane, while prokaryotic cells contain a nucleoid region. The nucleoid region in a prokaryotic cell generally has no boundaries so it is just generally where the DNA is located in the cell.",
"No, really. In eukaryotic cells, the first stage of this process takes place in the nucleus and consists of specific portions of the DNA, called genes, being copied, or transcribed, into small strands of ribonucleic acid, or RNA. RNA containing a copy, or transcript, of DNA is called messenger RNA, or mRNA. cell is defined as eukaryotic if it has a membrane-bound nucleus. Any organism composed of eukaryotic cells is also considered a eukaryotic organism. Case in point: You. Biologists do not know of any single organism on Earth that is composed of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.",
"In prokaryotes, the DNA (chromosome) is in contact with the cellular cytoplasm and is not in a housed membrane-bound nucleus. In eukaryotes, however, the DNA takes the form of compact chromosomes separated from the rest of the cell by a nuclear membrane (also called a nuclear envelope).Eukaryotic cells also contain a variety of structures and organelles not present in prokaryotic cells.n fact, the mere presence of a nucleus is considered one of the defining features of a eukaryotic cell. This structure is so important because it is the site at which the cell's DNA is housed and the process of interpreting it begins. Recall that DNA contains the information required to build cellular proteins.",
"Definition: Mass of genetic material composed of DNA and proteins that condense to form chromosomes during eukaryotic cell division. Chromatin is located in the nucleus of a cell.efinition: Mass of genetic material composed of DNA and proteins that condense to form chromosomes during eukaryotic cell division. Chromatin is located in the nucleus of a cell.",
"7. Which substance is commonly found in a cell membrane? (Points : 3) DNA proteins RNA cellulose 8. What is the process whereby molecules in vesicles are exported out of a cell? (Points : 3) diffusion osmosis exocytosis endocytosis 9. In a eukaryotic cell, where is most of the DNA located? (Points : 3) in the cell wall in the Golgi body",
"Prokaryotic DNA can be found in a coiled loop floating in the cytoplasm in a region called the nucleoid (meaning nucleus-like). In other words, the nucleoid is the area in a prokaryotic cell where DNA is located. Prokaryotes compress their DNA into a small space through a process called supercoiling.",
"Where is the DNA housed in a prokaryotic cell;Within the Chromosome itself. is located all throughout the cytoplasm.Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus so the DNA is located in the cytoplasm.he DNA in prokaryotic cells is also usually found in a circular ring that is coiled up into figure eights called supercoils.prokaryotes are single celled organisms so they have their dna located in the cytoplasm since they have no specific organelles inside the cell.",
"1 The eukaryotic DNA is organized in one or more linear molecules, called chromosomes, which are associated with histone proteins. 2 All chromosomal DNA is stored in the cell nucleus, separated from the cytoplasm by a membrane. 3 Some eukaryotic organelles such as mitochondria also contain some DNA.",
"⢠In eukaryotes, DNA is found mostly in the cell nucleus, but some are in mitochondria and chloroplast while, in prokaryotes, it is found in the cytoplasm. ⢠DNA usually occurs as circular chromosomes in Prokaryotes while it is linear chromosomes in Eukaryotes.⢠Eukaryote DNA has the histone protein, but prokaryote doesnât have that. ⢠Prokaryotes contain only a single loop of chromosomal DNA, whereas Eukaryote DNA is found on tightly bound and organized chromosomes. In eukaryotes, DNA is found mostly in the cell nucleus, but some are in mitochondria and chloroplast while, in prokaryotes, it is found in the cytoplasm. ⢠DNA usually occurs as circular chromosomes in Prokaryotes while it is linear chromosomes in Eukaryotes.",
"The prokaryotic DNA is present as a DNA-protein complex called nucleoid. The replication occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell. In case of eukaryotes, the organisms that contain a membrane-bound nucleus, the DNA is sequestered inside the nucleus.Hence, the nucleus is the site for DNA replication in eukaryotes.he replication occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell. In case of eukaryotes, the organisms that contain a membrane-bound nucleus, the DNA is sequestered inside the nucleus. Hence, the nucleus is the site for DNA replication in eukaryotes.",
"All the animals, plants, and fungus are eukaryotic organisms; nuclear envelope is the most defining character for all eukaryotic organisms. In eukaryotes, mostly DNA is stored inside the cell nucleus, but some are found within the organelles such as chloroplasts and mitochondria. In eukaryotes, DNA is found mostly in the cell nucleus, but some are in mitochondria and chloroplast while, in prokaryotes, it is found in the cytoplasm. ⢠DNA usually occurs as circular chromosomes in Prokaryotes while it is linear chromosomes in Eukaryotes.",
"The genome in a prokaryote is held within a DNA/protein complex in the cytosol called the nucleoid, which lacks a nuclear envelope. The complex contains a single, cyclic, double-stranded molecule of stable chromosomal DNA, in contrast to the multiple linear, compact, highly organized chromosomes found in eukaryotic cells. In addition, many important genes of prokaryotes are stored in separate circular DNA structures called plasmids."
] |
what is bok financial | [
"BOK Financial Corporation. BOK Financial Corporation is a US-based financial services holding company in the West South Central States region of the United States with 4,800 employees and operations in ten states, servicing clients around the country."
] | [
"Bank of Hawaii. The Bank of Hawaii Corporation (BOH) is a regional commercial bank headquartered in Honolulu, Hawaii. It is Hawaii's second oldest bank and its largest locally owned bank in that the majority of the voting stockholders reside within the state.",
"BofI Holding, Inc. is the publicly traded, California-based parent company for Bank of Internet Federal Bank. BofI Federal Bank is a federally chartered, OCC-regulated branchless bank that distributes a variety of financial products through a branchless distribution network.",
"BO is a user focused BI suite which have reporting, data exploration, and dashboard tools, it has its own server for publishing and sharing, it is not a data repository by itself, but utilize HANA and BW as sources of data and pretty much any database.",
"Bosley's www.bosleys.com Bosley's is the leading pet food retail chain in British Columbia specializing in holistic and specialty brands with a focus on pet health and wellness. ,1, Market SectorFranchise / Multi-Unit ⺠More About Roark's Portfolio Companies âº.",
"1 Info updated 2012/02/28: Bank assets: $25,360.0 mil, Deposits: $19,171.3 mil, headquarters in Tulsa, OK, positive income, Commercial Lending Specialization, 189 total offices, Holding Company: Bok Financial Corporation. Grand Bank: Bixby Branch at 12345 S. Memorial, Suite 117, branch established on 2005/05/09.",
"George Kaiser. Chairman, BOK Financial. The core of George Kaiser's fortune is Bank of Oklahoma, which he bought out of federal receivership in 1991 or $60 million. The origin of his fortune is oil and gas. In the 1930s his mother and father fled Nazi Germany and settled in Tulsa, where his uncle founded Kaiser-Francis Oil Company.",
"(March 2011) A PIK (Payment In Kind) loan is a type of loan which typically does not provide for any cash flows from borrower to lender between the drawdown date and the maturity or refinancing date, not even interest or parts thereof (see mezzanine loan), thus making it an expensive, high-risk financing instrument.",
"or Tk, code: BDT) is the official currency of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. Issuance of banknotes ৳ 5 and larger is controlled by Bangladesh Bank, and for the ৳ 1 and ৳ 2 banknotes, which are the responsibility of the Ministry of Finance of the government of Bangladesh.n the region of Bengal, the term has always been used to refer to currency. In the 14th century, Ibn Battuta noticed that people in the Bengal Sultanate referred to gold and silver coins as taka instead of dinar.",
"ENP Test & Body of Knowledge. The BOK is the source of the questions used on the ENP exam. The reader is cautioned to understand that these pages constitute a snapshot in timeâ of the BOK. The actual BOK is a living document that changes when the Board members deem it necessary to keep it up to date.",
"Securities offered through BOK Financial Securities, Inc., a registered broker/dealer, member FINRA/SIPC and a subsidiary of BOK Financial Corporation. Investments and insurance are not insured by the FDIC; are not deposits or other obligations of, and are not guaranteed by, any bank or bank affiliate.",
"BofI Holding, Inc. (BofI) is the holding company for BofI Federal Bank (the Bank). The Bank is a diversified financial services company. The Bank provides consumer and business banking products through its branchless, distribution channels and affinity partners.",
"SAP BusinessObjects BI (also known as BO or BOBJ) is a suite of front-end applications that allow business users to view, sort and analyze business intelligence data.",
"BOLI is an acronym commonly used to describe bank-owned life insurance, or more generally, business-owned life insurance. The product is basically a permanent life insurance policy in which the bank insures the life of its key executive(s).",
"Boleto Bancario, bancário simply referred to As (Boleto: English) ticket is a payment method In brazil regulated BY, febraban short For Brazilian federation Of. banks",
"Business Summary. Industry, sector and description for BofI Holding. A holding company for Bank of Internet USA that provides consumer banking services, focusing on gathering retail deposits over the Internet and originating and purchasing multifamily, single-family and home equity mortgage loans and vehicle loans. Updates from The Motley Fool. Latest updates on BofI Holding from Fool.com.",
"BOK Financial's holdings include BOKF, NA, BOSC, Inc. and the Milestone Group. BOKF, NA operates TransFund, Cavanal Hill Investment Management and seven banking divisions: Bank of Albuquerque, Bank of Arizona, Bank of Arkansas, Bank of Kansas City, Bank of Oklahoma, Bank of Texas, and Colorado State Bank and Trust.",
"BofI Federal Bank is an American financial institution headquartered in San Diego, California. Company stock is traded on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the symbol BOFI.",
"Bank of Albuquerque is part of BOK Financial (NASDAQ: BOKF), which traces its roots to 1910. BOK Financial is a strong and stable partner with more than $30 billion in assets and 4,700 employees in 10 states, with services throughout the nation.",
"Bank-Owned Life Insurance (BOLI). Bank-Owned Life Insurance (BOLI) is defined as all life insurance which a bank purchases and owns or in which a bank has a financial interest.",
"Company Description (as filed with the SEC) BofI Holding, Inc., is the holding company for BofI Federal Bank, a diversified financial services company with over $5.8 billion in assets that provides consumer and business banking products through its branchless, low-cost distribution channels and affinity partners.",
"Financial Strength. Bank of Oklahoma is part of BOK Financial (NASDAQ: BOKF), which traces its roots to 1910. BOK Financial is a strong and stable partner with more than $30 billion in assets and 4,700 employees in 10 states, with services throughout the nation.",
"Market Trends. Investment Advisory Services offered through BOK Financial Asset Management, Inc., an SEC registered investment advisor, and a subsidiary of BOKF, NA, a wholly owned subsidiary of BOK Financial Corporation (BOKF), a financial holding company.",
"What is a 'Bank-Owned Life Insurance - BOLI'. A bank-owned life insurance (BOLI) is a form of life insurance purchased by banks where the bank is the beneficiary, and/or owner. This form of insurance is a tax shelter for the administering bank, as it is a tax-free funding scheme for employee benefits. Next Up.",
"Capital One Financial Corp. (NYSE: COF) is a U.S.-based bank holding company specializing in credit cards, home loans, auto loans, banking and savings products.",
"Bok choy is a vegetable that has been cultivated for thousands of years in China and it's often known as Chinese cabbage. You'll find it in abundance in Chinese cuisine, and also in late season CSA boxes. It should have dark green leaves and white stalks.",
"BofI Federal Bank is an American diversified financial services company headquartered in San Diego, California. The branchless bank is federally chartered, regulated by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Their holding company, BofI Holding, Inc., is publicly traded on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the symbol BOFI. As of June 2016, BofI Federal Bank claimed approximately $7.7 billion in total assets .",
"What is BOLI? ï Bank-Owned Life Insurance (BOLI) is a special type of life insurance where the Bank is the owner and beneficiary of the policy. ï BOLI is an asset of the Bank and is normally funded with a single payment. ï Most BOLI policies do not have premium loads and do not have surrender charges.",
"Now Available: MARKENDIUM. MARKENDIUM, also known as the SMPS Body of Knowledge (BOK), is the comprehensive educational resource for the successful practice of marketing and business development in the A/E/C industry. Learn more.",
"A body of knowledge is the accepted ontology for a specific domain. A BOK is more than simply a collection of terms; a professional reading list; a library; a website or a collection of websites; a description of professional functions; or even a collection of information.",
"Who Is BofI Federal Bank? BofI Federal Bank, a diversified financial services company with approximately $8.2 billion in assets, provides innovative checking, money market, savings, and lending products and services to our personal and business banking customers throughout the United States. We operate our bank from our headquarters in San Diego, California.",
"Financial Strength. Bank of Texas is part of BOK Financial (NASDAQ: BOKF), which traces its roots to 1910. BOK Financial is a strong and stable partner with more than $30 billion in assets and 4,700 employees in 10 states, with services throughout the nation.",
"World file photo. Two Oklahoma institutions ranked in the top half of Forbesâ annual list of the nationâs 100 biggest banks. Tulsa-based BOK Financial Corp., parent company of Bank of Oklahoma, was 34th among âAmericaâs Best and Worst Banks 2015â profiled by the financial magazine.",
"Modeling and Simulation Body of Knowledge. The Modeling and Simulation Body of Knowledge (M&S BoK) is the domain of knowledge (information) and capability (competency) that identifies the modeling and simulation community of practice and the M&S profession, industry and market.",
"# 8. BOQ means bill of quantities in this the rate will be mention by contractor and at the end of month will be send by construction manager and received by finance and finance will calculated that the project is made how much profit.",
"Prior to becoming OSU President, Mr. Hargis served as Vice Chairman, BOK Financial and BOK and Director of BOSC, Inc. since 1997; formerly Attorney and Shareholder of the law firm of McAfee & Taft (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma). Mr. Hargis is also a director of Chesapeake Energy Corporation.",
"Details ». BofI Federal Bank is an online financial services company that offers a variety of banking and lending products through a number of brands including Bank of Internet USA, UFB Direct, Bank X, and Netbank. Headquartered in San Diego, California, BofI is an FDIC-insured, award-winning, and publicly traded online bank.",
"What is BOLI? ï Bank-Owned Life Insurance (BOLI) is a special type of life insurance where the Bank is the owner and beneficiary of the policy. ï BOLI is an asset of the Bank and is normally funded with a single payment.",
"BO is the Business objects is basically for developed by Business objects company and later acquired by SAP , just to visualize your data in more colorful way using Xcelsius Dashboards, Web intelligence and crystal reports.",
"1 Info updated 2011/07/21: Bank assets: $921.1 mil, Deposits: $580.8 mil, headquarters in Fort Worth, TX, positive income, Mortgage Lending Specialization, 8 total offices. BOKF, National Association: Hurst Branch at 500 Grapevine Highway, branch established on 1981/05/11.",
"BOQ means bill of quantities in this the rate will be mention by contractor and at the end of month will be send by construction manager and received by finance and finance will calculated that the project is made how much profit.",
"Brotherhood of Steel (commonly abbreviated to BoS) is a techno-religious paramilitary organization with characteristics of a military order, founded by deserters from the United States Army security detail at Mariposa Military Base and their families, dedicated to controlling and regulating technology in the wasteland.",
"BofI Federal Bank, a diversified financial services company, with approximately $5.8 billion in assets provides innovative banking and lending products and services to our personal and business banking customers throughout the United States.",
"A bill of materials (BoM) is a list of the parts or components that are required to build a product. At its most complex, a BoM is a multi-level document that provides build data for multiple sub-assemblies, which are essentially products within products. Download this free guide.",
"DEFINITION of 'Bank-Owned Life Insurance-BOLI'. A form of life insurance purchased by banks where the bank is the beneficiary, and/or owner.This form of insurance is a tax shelter for the administering bank, as it is a tax-free funding scheme for employee benefits.Next Up.ll premiums paid into the fund, as well as all capital appreciation, are tax free for the bank. Therefore, banks can use the BOLI system to fund employee benefits on a tax-free basis.",
"Bank Owned Life Insurance | BOLI-is an allowable transaction that serves the bank as a competitive tax-free investment. BOLI has its roots in Corporate Owned Life Insurance, which has been used by large corporations for decades to offset employee benefit plan costs and other liabilities.",
"SAP BusinessObjects BI (also known as BO or BOBJ) is a suite of front-end applications that allow business users to view, sort and analyze business intelligence data. High-Performance Analytic Appliance (HANA) is a platform for processing high volumes of operational and transactional data in real time.",
"1 BOLI is a tax favored asset with returns that typically exceed after-tax returns of more traditional bank investments such as Muni Funds, Mortgage Backed Securities and 5 & 10 Year Treasuries by 150 to 300 basis.",
"PIK loan. A PIK (Payment In Kind) loan is a type of loan which typically does not provide for any cash flows from borrower to lender between the drawdown date and the maturity or refinancing date, not even interest or parts thereof (see mezzanine loan), thus making it an expensive, high-risk financing instrument.",
"Financial Strength. Bank of Arizona is part of BOK Financial (NASDAQ: BOKF), which traces its roots to 1910. BOK Financial is a strong and stable partner with more than $30 billion in assets and 4,700 employees in 10 states, with services throughout the nation.",
"We know the challenges our clients face because weâve faced the same highs and lows over the past 100 years. Regardless of the economic cycle, BOK Financial continues to be a strong and stable company, adapting to ever-changing economic conditions.",
"Popular Terms. 1. Collection of all the available knowledge on a topic, or all the published material on a subject. Also called body of knowledge (BOK). 2. Trust property. 3. Principal amount or the 'thing' itself as distinct from its interest or income.",
"Boscov's, along with Belk, Von Maur and Dillard's, is one of the last family-owned department store chains in the United States, and has yearly revenue of over $1 billion. The chain of stores competes with the prices and products of The Bon-Ton.",
"At BOK Financial, weâre proud to trace our roots to a small energy bank founded in Tulsa, Oklahoma over 100 years ago during an oil boom.",
"BofI Holding, Inc. (BOFI) is the holding company for BofI Federal Bank, a nationwide bank that provides financing for single and multifamily residential properties, small-to-medium size businesses in target sectors, and selected specialty finance receivables.",
"A registered broker/dealer in all 50 states and the full-service brokerage subsidiary of BOK Financial Corporation: securities.bokfinancial.com © 2018 Bank of Oklahoma, a division of BOKF, NA.",
"Boleto Bancario, bancário simply referred to As (Boleto: English) ticket is a payment method In brazil regulated BY, febraban short For Brazilian federation Of. Banks a boleto can be paid ATMs, atms branch facilities and internet banking of Any, Bank Post, Office Lottery agent and some supermarkets until its due. date",
"BOK Financial's Chief Investment Officer. Federal Reserve expects to raise rates two more times this year and three times in 2018. Economic news has been solid and inflation has started to move higher. Federal Reserve Announces a .25% Hike In Short-Term Rates. Federal Reserve expects to raise rates two more times this year and three times in 2018. Economic news has been solid and inflation has started to move higher. (March 15, 2017)",
"BOLI is an acronym for institutionally price, investment grand Bank-Owned Life Insurance. The BOLI asset is offered to banks on a select basis by insurance carriers through a limited number of sophisticated consulting organizations.",
"BOKF NA (2) Bank Routing Number. A routing number is a 9 digit code for identifying a financial institution for the purpose of routing of checks (cheques), fund transfers, direct deposits, e-payments, online payments, and other payments to the correct bank branch.",
"Equalizationâs (BOE) financial management and reporting practices over the BOEâs State Retail. Sales Tax Fund (RSTF), Office Revolving Fund (ORF), accounts receivable cycle, and. apportionment and allocation processes for the period of July 1, 2013, through April 30, 2015.",
"BofI Federal Bank, a diversified financial services company, with approximately $8.6 billion in assets, provides banking and lending products and services to our personal and business banking customers throughout the United States. We operate our bank from a single location headquartered in San Diego, California.",
"Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. In the business world, BoQ means bill of quantities.. A bill of quantities is a document used in tendering in the construction industry in which materials, parts, labor, and labor costs are itemized.",
"The Bank of Canada. The BOC was chartered under the Bank of Canada Act of 1935, initially as a privately owned corporation. It was legally deemed a federal Crown corporation in 1938, its shares being owned by the Canadian government. The central role of the BOC is to maintain the financial and economic health and stability of Canada.",
"The transaction was structured as a Loan Participation Notes offering by KOKS Finance Limited special purpose vehicle. KOKS Group is the world's largest exporter of merchant pig iron, as well as a leading producer of merchant coke in Russia and Russia's largest coke exporter. KOKS Group Paid First Coupon Under US$350M Eurobond Issue",
"Bank of America (abbreviated as BofA) is a multinational banking and financial services corporation headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina. It is ranked 2nd on the list of largest banks in the United States by assets. As of 2016, Bank of America was the 26th largest company in the United States by total revenue."
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what woman sang living without you | [
"Without You (Badfinger song) Without You is a song written by Pete Ham and Tom Evans of British rock group Badfinger, and first released on their 1970 album No Dice. The song has been recorded by over 180 artists, and versions released as singles by Harry Nilsson (1971) and Mariah Carey (1994) became international best-sellers."
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"It was Gary Wright, and that was years before he hit it big with 'Dream Weaver.'. Without You was released as a single in December 1971 and spent four weeks at the top of the charts that February. In March, Nilsson received an RIAA Gold Disc Award, for sales surpassing one million copies. Soon after that, he also picked up a Grammy, for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance. Without You itself was nominated for Record of the Year and Nilsson Schmilsson for Album of the Year. That album also produced Nilsson's next couple of hits, Jump into the Fire, and Coconut, both in 1972.",
"When she was with The Supremes the group had 12 #1 songs and 18 top ten songs in the US. Her ex-husband, Arne Naess Jr., died on 13th January, 2004 in a climbing accident in South Africa. Ranked #38 on VH1's Greatest Women of Rock N Roll",
"All I ask of you in Phantom of the Opera (Korean Ver.). Woman Singer: ê¹ìí Kim So-Hyun. Man singer: ì ìì¤ Jung Sang-Yun.",
"She recorded several tribute albums, including one to Buddy Holly, which featured Waylon Jennings on guitar and also one to her friend Dolly Parton. She also re-recorded âMay You Never Be Aloneâ, a Davis Sisters success, with NRBQ in 1985. From 1960-64, Davis was married to well-known WSM radio and television personality Ralph Emery, but she subsequently received heavy criticism in Emeryâs autobiography.",
"Lorraine Ellison (March 17, 1931 â January 31, 1983) was an American soul singer known for her recording of the song Stay with Me (sometimes known as Stay With Me Baby) in 1966. 1 1 Life and career.he signed with Warner Bros. Records, and in 1966 recorded Stay with Me at a last minute booking, following a studio cancellation by Frank Sinatra. Stay with Me reached number 11 in the U.S. Billboard R&B chart and number 64 in the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart.",
"(Redirected from I Can't Live With You) I Can't Live with You is a song by the British rock group Queen. It was released as a promo single from their 1991 album Innuendo. The single was released by Hollywood Records in the United States only, peaking at #28 on the Mainstream Rock Chart. The song was written by Brian May but credited to all four members of Queen. I Can't Live with You was originally written for May's solo album. He gave it to the band since all three other members of Queen were fond of the track. Drums were programmed on synth by May, and the keyboard-pads were added by the producer David Richards.",
"Lorraine Ellison (March 17, 1931 â January 31, 1983) was an American soul singer known for her recording of the song Stay with Me (sometimes known as Stay With Me Baby) in 1966. Contents.he signed with Warner Bros. Records, and in 1966 recorded Stay with Me at a last minute booking, following a studio cancellation by Frank Sinatra. Stay with Me reached number 11 in the U.S. Billboard R&B chart and number 64 in the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart.",
"Several versions of Have You Ever Loved a Woman were subsequently recorded by English guitarist-singer Eric Clapton. The first was a live rendition in November 1965 when he was a member of John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers.",
"More News. Divinyls singer Chrissy Amphlett, known for the Australian band's 1991 hit I Touch Myself, died yesterday at home in New York after battling breast cancer and multiple sclerosis, Reuters reports. She was 53.",
"The song without you was first recorded by Badfinger in 1970 on their album No Dice. The most famous version was by Harry Nilsson a year later. Badfinger's version is a bit ⦠rougher and without the orchestration.Good guitar riff in the middle though.he song without you was first recorded by Badfinger in 1970 on their album No Dice. The most famous version was by Harry Nilsson a year later. Badfinger's version is a bit ⦠rougher and without the orchestration. Good guitar riff in the middle though.",
"KIM LAWTON, correspondent: Before cancer, Joni Eareckson Tada lived an extremely busy life. One of the longest surviving quadriplegics on record, she led an international Christian ministry for people with disabilities. She was also a popular speaker, bestselling author, and acclaimed artist.",
"A piano+vocal cover of I Am Woman (Hear Me Roar). Original by Helen Reddy. Yeah, I sang this. Yeah, I'm male. WHAT OF IT? Thanks to JC for the suggestion: http://youtube.com/bonezjc.",
"Making the world better, one answer at a time. Hello! I´ve got answer from Kia that the song is Nothing without you and the singer is Slizzy Bob from Germany. I´ve listen to him but I can´t find the title on his records and I don´t think it is he who sings it. Hope you can find the right song.aking the world better, one answer at a time. Hello! I´ve got answer from Kia that the song is Nothing without you and the singer is Slizzy Bob from Germany. I´ve listen to him but I can´t find the title on his records and I don´t think it is he who sings it. Hope you can find the right song.",
"an english professor wrote on the board a woman without her man is nothing the class was then asked to punctuate the sentence the men wrote a woman without her man is nothingthe women wrote a woman without her man is nothingn english professor wrote on the board a woman without her man is nothing the class was then asked to punctuate the sentence the men wrote a woman without her man is nothing",
"One , heard Badfinger's recording of Without You at a party, and mistook it for a Beatles song. After realising it was not, he decided to cover the song for his album Nilsson Schmilsson in 1971.",
"Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts. Solved: I think the song is called Stay or Stay With Me this song was late 80's/early 90's sang by a woman the only lyrics I remember are Stay with Me.. The woman had this haunting voice somewhat in the style of Amy Lee of Evanescence (when she sings high).",
"Lionel Richie (1982) 1 I've been through so many changes in my life woman. It's a wonder I ain't lost my mind. 2 Girl, tell me only this: That I'll have your heart for always. 3 I need you, and with your love I'm free. And truly, you know you're alright with me. You are the sun, You are the rain.",
"Apr 22, 2013. Like most of us, Chrissy Amphlett touched herself. The difference is that she was fearless enough to sing about it. The beloved lead singer of The Divinyls and co-writer of the pop hit I Touch Myself, died in her home in New York City yesterday at 53 years old. Amphlett died from a long battle with breast cancer, while also struggling with multiple sclerosis.",
"New listing Brett Young Self Titled Debut Album Sleep Without You In Case You Didnt Know",
"Chrissy Amphlett -- whose hit song I Touch Myself while lead singer of the Divinyls dominated the 1990s -- passed away on Sunday. She was 53. Her husband has released a statement explaining, Amphlett succumbed to the effects of breast cancer and multiple sclerosis..",
"If it wasnât for a telling comment from Blake Sheltonâs father, the ACM Award-nominated song âOver Youâ might never have been recorded. Written by Blake and his wife Miranda Lambert, the touching song is about the loss of Blakeâs brother, who was killed in a car accident when Blake was a teenager. âOver Youâ was recorded by Miranda and released on her album Four the Record, and it hit Number One last year on the country singles charts.",
"Christian Cuevas - How Am I Supposed To Live Without You - Studio Version - The Voice 11 - Duration: 3:31. TheVoiceStudioRecordings 1,245,624 views",
"Living on light: woman attempts to prove humans can live without food. A 65-year-old Seattle woman is attempting to go 100 days on just water, shunning all medical advice in the process.",
"Living on light: woman attempts to prove humans can live without food. Living on light: woman attempts to prove humans can live without food. Naveena Shine has lost 30lbs since beginning her experiment. A Seattle woman is attempting to go 100 days without eating to prove that humans can live on light. Naveena Shine says she believes it is possible for human beings to survive without food and is conducting what she describes as an experiment to prove it. The 65-year-old, originally from Birmingham in the UK, has been consuming just water and one, maybe two cups of tea a day for the past 41 days, losing 30lbs in the process.",
"Tablature player for this song: Without You tabs @ 911Tabs. People who played Lana Del Rey-Without You Chords also played these songs by Lana Del Rey: Video Games Chords, This Is What Makes Us Girls Chords, Born To Die Chords, Blue Jeans Chords, Summertime Sadness Chords, Ride Chords, Dark Paradise Chords.how us your talent, perform Without You Chords! Here you can post a video or audio performance. Tell me more ... Here you can post a video of you playing the Without You Chords, so your fellow guitarists will be able to see you and rate you.",
"Tammy Wynette was an American country music singer-songwriter and one of country music's best-known artists and biggest-selling female singers. Wynette was called the First Lady of Country Music, and her best-known song, Stand by Your Man, is one of the best-selling hit singles by a woman in the history of country music. Many of her hits dealt with classic themes of loneliness, divorce, and the difficulties of life and relationships. During the late 1960s and early 1970s, Wynette charted 20",
"This article is from the archive of our partner . Last night, Mary Travers, one-third of the iconic folk-rock group Peter, Paul & Mary, passed away from leukemia at 72. The singer's death prompted widespread mourning and reminiscing among baby boomers, while younger bloggers offered praise and recognition of her legacy.",
"Find out more at BBC. âFlying Without Wingsâ was originally sung by Westlife, it was a huge hit and was voted Song Of The Year in 1999 in the ITV end-of-year phone music poll. The song was written in 3 hours by Steve Mac and Wayne Hector.merican Idol winner Ruben Studdard also sang tthe song on the finale of the second season and turned it into a #2 hit in America. Just recently, Nicholas McDonald and Shane performed the hit Westlife song âFlying Without Wingsâ in Wembley Arena.",
"May You Never Be Alone - Cover versions. 1 Porter Wagoner cut a version of the song. 2 Wanda Jackson included it on her 1963 album Love Me Forever. 3 New York City band the Godz covered the song in 1966. 4 Skeeter Davis covered the song on her 1986 LP She Sings, She Plays.",
"Christina Amphlett, Divinyls Singer, Dies at 53. Christina Amphlett, the lead singer of Divinyls, the Australian rock band whose hit âI Touch Myselfâ brought her international fame in the early 1990s, died on Sunday at her home in New York City. She was 53. The cause was breast cancer and multiple sclerosis, her husband, the drummer and bassist Charley Drayton, said.",
"Never Say Never Again was the title song to the 1983 film by the same name. It was sung by Lani Hall and composed by Michel Legrand with lyrics by Alan & Marilyn Bergman. You walk in a room, A woman can feel the heat. One look is a guarantee.",
"By JON PARELES. Tammy Wynette, whose 1968 hit ''Stand By Your Man'' established her as a queen of country music, died on Monday in her sleep at her home in Nashville. She was 55.",
"Songs Without Words. Songs Without Words (Lieder ohne Worte) is a series of short lyrical piano pieces by the Romantic composer Felix Mendelssohn, written between 1829 and 1845.",
"Arts. Tammy Wynette, whose 1968 hit ''Stand By Your Man'' established her as a queen of country music, died on Monday in her sleep at her home in Nashville.",
"Solved: I think the song is called Stay or Stay With Me this song was late 80's/early 90's sang by a woman the only lyrics I remember are Stay with Me. The woman had this haunting voice somewhat in the style of Amy Lee of Evanescence (when she sings high). I remember a few details of the video.",
"Who sang What is Love,it's an 80s song. What Is Love by Haddaway Album: Haddaway Released: 1993 Haddaway (born Alexander... Who sings the song baby you don't know what it's like, to love somebody? You dont know what its like, baby you dont know what its like, To love somebody,... Who sang somebody find me some love? The group QUEEN sang Somebody to Love, BABYFACE sings Somebody to Love Me....",
"I´ve got answer from Kia that the song is Nothing without you and the singer is Slizzy Bob from Germany. I´ve listen to him but I can´t find the title on his records and I don´t think it is he who sings it.aking the world better, one answer at a time. Hello! I´ve got answer from Kia that the song is Nothing without you and the singer is Slizzy Bob from Germany. I´ve listen to him but I can´t find the title on his records and I don´t think it is he who sings it. Hope you can find the right song.",
"In the second act of the musical, Nettie Fowler, the cousin of the female protagonist Julie Jordan, sings You'll Never Walk Alone to comfort and encourage Julie when her husband, Billy Bigelow, the male lead, commits suicide after a failed robbery attempt."
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is broadleaf plantain edible? | [
"Broadleaf Plantain is a perennial broadleaf plant that grows in many locations from spring to autumn. Not only is this a vital wild edible plant for overall good health, this wild weed can be used to treat chronic diarrhea as well as digestive tract disorders.ields of Nutrition has medicinal benefits and vitamin/mineral content of Broadleaf Plantain. Leaves: The leaves grow in a rosette and can range from 5 to 30 cm in length. Plantain leaves have stems that contain string-like veins and these veins are seen on the leaf."
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"Plantago major (broadleaf plantain or greater plantain) is a species of plantago, family Plantaginaceae. The plant is native to most of Europe and northern and central Asia, but has widely naturalised elsewhere in the world.lantago major is an herbaceous perennial plant with a rosette of leaves 15â30 cm in diameter. Each leaf is oval-shaped, 5â20 cm long and 4â9 cm broad, rarely up to 30 cm long and 17 cm broad, with an acute apex and a smooth margin; there are five to nine conspicuous veins.",
"Plantain is a mineral rich perennial grazing herb that is high in protein (up to 23%). It is fast establishing and will be productive and persistent over a wide range of soils and climatic conditions because it has both a tap root and a fibrous root system.",
"Broadleaf plantain is packed with nutrients and is safe to ingest. If a person chomps on some fresh leaves, these can be applied to the skin to treat minor burns, insect bites or open wounds. - click to play video -. Distinguishing Features: Broadleaf plantain has green, oval to egg-shaped leaves that grow in a rosette.These leaves have thick stems that meet at a base. When these stems are broken, they reveal string-like veins that resemble those in celery.ields of Nutrition has medicinal benefits and vitamin/mineral content of Broadleaf Plantain. Leaves: The leaves grow in a rosette and can range from 5 to 30 cm in length. Plantain leaves have stems that contain string-like veins and these veins are seen on the leaf.",
"Both are edible, in fact, I have not read of an non-edible plantain. Plantago virginica, toothy leaves and fuzzy. Getting used to a skinny gray green hairy P. virginica leaf takes time, especially if youâre used to the larger, round, greener, smooth P. major.",
"3. plantain-starchy banana-like fruit; eaten (always cooked) as a staple vegetable throughout the tropics. veg, vegetable, veggie-edible seeds or roots or stems or leaves or bulbs or tubers or nonsweet fruits of any of numerous herbaceous plant.",
"Left: Broadleaf Plantain; Right: Narrowleaf Plantain. Plantain leaves form a rosette, growing out from the center-point. Broadleaf plantain has oval shaped leaves, while the Narrowleaf variety has lance-shaped leaves. The backside of Narrowleaf Plantain.Notice the prominent veins. Both have prominent veins running parallel from the base to the tip of the leaf.lantain leaves form a rosette, growing out from the center-point. Broadleaf plantain has oval shaped leaves, while the Narrowleaf variety has lance-shaped leaves. The backside of Narrowleaf Plantain. Notice the prominent veins. Both have prominent veins running parallel from the base to the tip of the leaf.",
"Broadleaf Plantains. Broadleaf plantain is a common broadleaf weed in lawns. It is a cool-season perennial weed found practically in any habitat. The leaves are arranged in a rosette and have prominent veins. dense, healthy stand of grass is the best way to reduce broadleaf weeds in home lawns. To achieve a healthy lawn, plant the best-adapted turfgrass species and use accepted turf management practices. Even with proper management, however, the best-cared-for lawns can still be invaded by troublesome broadleaf weeds.",
"Found in moist soil, shade ⢠spreads by seeding ⢠appears in spring and continues through summer ⢠broadleaf plantain common in wet, compacted soil. Related: Common Plantain, Rugel's Plantain, Blackseed Plantain, Buckthorn Plantain, Narrowleaved Plantain, Ribgrass.",
"Plantain has a nutritional profile similar to dandelion â that is, loaded with iron and other important vitamins and minerals. The leaves are tastiest when small and tender, usually in the spring but whenever new shoots appear after being cut back by a lawnmower. Bigger leaves are edible but bitter and fibrous.",
"Plantain (or Plantago Major) is a common backyard herb with broad leafs. Most people think of it as a weed, though it is an incredibly useful herb. According to Mountain Rose Herbs: âLegend has it that Alexander the Great discovered it and brought it with him back to Europe in 327 BCE.",
"(Not to be confused with Musa paradisiacae, or edible plantain.) Common names: Plantain also is known as Spanish psyllium, French psyllium, blond plantago, Indian plantago, psyllium seed, flea seed, and black psyllium.",
"Broadleaf Plantains. Broadleaf plantain is a common broadleaf weed in lawns. It is a cool-season perennial weed found practically in any habitat. The leaves are arranged in a rosette and have prominent veins.",
"Broadleaf weeds can be tough, aggressive plants that pounce on any weak areas in your lawn. Broadleaf weeds are easily identified in the lawn because they do not resemble grass. Examples of broadleaf weeds include dandelions, chickweed, and plantain.",
"Broadleaf weeds, such as dandelions, broadleaf plantain, and ground ivy, can be pulled out by hand anytime. Protect your turf: Late season lawn care. -- Glossy Abelia (A. x grandiflora) is a shade-tolerant broadleaf evergreen shrub that grows about 3 to 6 feet high and wide with a long season of flower.",
"Broadleaf Plantains. Broadleaf plantain is a common broadleaf weed in lawns. It is a cool-season perennial weed found practically in any habitat. The leaves are arranged in a rosette and have prominent veins. dense, healthy stand of grass is the best way to reduce broadleaf weeds in home lawns. To achieve a healthy lawn, plant the best-adapted turfgrass species and use accepted turf management practices.",
"Often broadleaf evergreens from temperate climates are glossy or waxy or leathery in texture to help retain moisture through winter. Tropical broadleaf evergreens possess a variety of leaf sizes and shapes. Some common broadleaf evergreen trees include the Southern magnolia, live oak, Japanese ligustrum and camellia.",
"For the herbaceous plant, see Plantago. For other uses, see Plantain (disambiguation). A plantain, or cooking plantain, (/Ëplæntáµ»n/, US /plænËteɪn/, UK /ËplÉËntáµ»n/) is one of the less sweet cultivated varieties (cultivars) of the genus Musa whose fruit is also known as a banana.",
"Nearly one thousand species of plants with edible leaves are known. Leaf vegetables most often come from short-lived herbaceous plants such as lettuce and spinach. Woody plants whose leaves can be eaten as leaf vegetables include Adansonia, Aralia, Moringa, Morus, and Toona species.The leaves of many fodder crops are also edible by humans, but usually only eaten under famine conditions.oody plants whose leaves can be eaten as leaf vegetables include Adansonia, Aralia, Moringa, Morus, and Toona species. The leaves of many fodder crops are also edible by humans, but usually only eaten under famine conditions.",
"Plantago Side Dish. This is a winner! Broadleaf Plantain leaves boiled for 4 minutes in salted water then placed in ice water right away. Seasoning: 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 1 tablespoon soy, 1 garlic clove and, in my case because I didnât have sesame seeds I used roasted white sage seeds.",
"A plantain, or cooking plantain, (/Ëplaentɨn/ , ËPLæNTɨN /us/ , PLAENËTEɪN /plænËteɪn/) uk ËplÉËntɨn is one of the less sweet (cultivated) varieties cultivars of The genus musa whose fruit is also known as. the bananalantains are a major food staple in West and Central Africa (Cameroon and DR Congo), Central America, the Caribbean islands and northern, coastal parts of South America (Colombia, Venezuela, etc.). Their attractiveness as food is that they fruit all year round, making them a reliable all-season staple food.",
"Plantain sends up a leafless flower stock in summer/fall - the stalks can be up to ten inches tall. There are over 200 species in the plantain family, and they are found worldwide. Many have herbal uses. Plantago major is the most common one in North America, but Plantago lanceolata can also be found. Both have the same medicinal uses, and are very similar in appearance.",
"English thyme, Thymus 'Broadleaf English' and French thyme, Thymus vulgaris 'Narrow-leaf French' are completely different although both names are often incorrectly used interchageably.English has a broad, flat, obvoid leaf, French has narrow leaves that upon closer inspection seem to roll over around the edges.Silver thyme Thymus 'Argenteus' is a sterile hybrid of unknown parentage and has silver/white edged leaves. Like daisyduckworth says. They are all edible.An ornamental herb doesn't mean it's inedible, it just doesn't taste very good or at all and isn't the prefered culinary type.nglish has a broad, flat, obvoid leaf, French has narrow leaves that upon closer inspection seem to roll over around the edges. Silver thyme Thymus 'Argenteus' is a sterile hybrid of unknown parentage and has silver/white edged leaves. Like daisyduckworth says. They are all edible.",
"Keep these tough competitors out of your lawn. Broadleaf weeds can be tough, aggressive plants that pounce on any weak areas in your lawn. Broadleaf weeds are easily identified in the lawn because they do not resemble grass. Examples of broadleaf weeds include dandelions, chickweed, and plantain.",
"The edible portion is the underground stem (corm). White pine The sweet inner bark (phloem) was eaten by Native Americans. Some wild plants with edible stems. There are also many wild edible plant stems.",
"Plantain is very high in vitamins A and C and in calcium. Medicinally, Native Americans used plantain leaves to relieve the pain of bee stings and insect bites, stop the itching of poison ivy and other allergic rashes, and promote healing in sores and bruises.",
"Trientalis latifolia (Broadleaf Starflower) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the ground layer of forests in western North America. An herbaceous plant (in American botanical use simply herb) is a plant that has leaves and stems that die down at the end of the growing season to the soil level.",
"And by âpart,â I mean the unconventional parts of the plant that you typically donât think to eat. This was how I came to love artichoke stems, leek greens, and cucumber leaves, parts that are normally discarded or composted, but are in fact quite tasty. So one day, when I was walking by my tomato plants, I started wondering whether the leaves were edible or not. With vines that sometimes grow to 10 feet long, it seemed like such a waste that the leaves werenât used when the amount of fruit seemed so small in proportion.",
"Product Selection- Broadleaf herbicide products are available in liquid (applied with a spray) or granular (applied with a spreader) forms. Because the herbicide is absorbed through the leaves I have found the liquid broadleaf herbicide formulation to work best.",
"Broadleaf plantain is a common weed in lawns and gardens. Clover, a common weed in lawns and gardens. Dandelion, a common weed in lawns and gardens. Field bindweed is a common weed in lawns, gardens, and farm fields. Field bindweed is a common weed in lawns, gardens, and farm fields.",
"Habitat: Dandelions are the most common broadleaf weed in most lawns. It is found in virtually every kind of habitat, from openings in deep woods to cultivated fields, from rocky hillsides to fertile gardens and lawns. Edible parts: Leaves, root, and flower.Dandelion leaves can be added to a salad or cooked.They can also be dried and stored for the winter or blanched and frozen. Flowers can be made into juice, or added into many recipes.abitat: Dandelions are the most common broadleaf weed in most lawns. It is found in virtually every kind of habitat, from openings in deep woods to cultivated fields, from rocky hillsides to fertile gardens and lawns. Edible parts: Leaves, root, and flower.",
"Plantain seeds can survive passage through the gut of birds and other animals, facilitating their distribution. Plantain, or psyllium seeds, are small (1.5 to 3.5 mm), oval, boat-shaped, dark reddish-brown, odorless, and nearly tasteless.",
"Broadleaf plantain is widespread across North America and is a commonly occurring plant in all types of pastures and rough turf. It readily survives overgrazing and compacted horse pastures, especially when rainfall is limited.",
"The leaves are quite edible, and often used raw in salads and cooked as greens. Older leaves have a stronger, sometimes objectionable flavor, and can be tough and stringy, but can be used to make tea. Plantain is very high in vitamins A and C and in calcium. Medicinally, Native Americans used plantain leaves to relieve the pain of bee stings and insect bites, stop the itching of poison ivy and other allergic rashes, and promote healing in sores and bruises.",
"Edible Plants: Achillea millefolium : Yarrow : all : Achillea millifolium: Aegopodium podagraria : bishop's goutweed; ground elder: all : Aegopodium podagaria page: Agave sp. Agave: leaves: Edible Plants: Alcea Rosea : Hollychock: all : Desert_tropicals.com: Alchemilla vulgaris : Lady's Mantle: all : Lary's Mantle: Aloe Vera : Aloe : all : aloe-vera.org/ althaea officinialis",
"Start with the number-one habitat for wild edible plants â your lawn. Any place that is regularly cleared is loaded with weeds such as dandelion, chickweed, plantain, wild onion, violets, wood sorrel, henbit, clover, dead-nettle and sow thistle â all of which are 100% edible.1 Start with grass. 2 All grass is edible. If you want to avoid the stems, and eat mostly the new growth, pluck off the tops and eat those. 2 Wood Sorrel (oxalis spp): The whole plant is great raw-it has a nice acid flavor, refreshing. 3 The flowers of the cosmopolitan weeds are yellow, but many varieties grow in the wild with pinkish flowers.",
"Plantago major (broadleaf plantain or greater plantain) is a species of plantago, family Plantaginaceae. The plant is native to most of Europe and northern and central Asia, but has widely naturalised elsewhere in the world.Plantago major is one of the most abundant and widely distributed medicinal crops in the world.lantago major is an herbaceous perennial plant with a rosette of leaves 15â30 cm in diameter. Each leaf is oval-shaped, 5â20 cm long and 4â9 cm broad, rarely up to 30 cm long and 17 cm broad, with an acute apex and a smooth margin; there are five to nine conspicuous veins.",
"(Not to be confused with Musa paradisiacae, or edible plantain.) Common names: Plantain also is known as Spanish psyllium, French psyllium, blond plantago, Indian plantago, psyllium seed, flea seed, and black psyllium. Efficacy rating: ÃÃÃ...Positive clinical trials. Safety rating: ...Little exposure or very minor concerns. What is Plantain?",
"Health Benefits of Plantain Leaf. Not to be confused with the banana-like fruit of the same name, the Plantago major is a green, weedy plant native to North America, Europe and Asia. Cultures around the world have used the plantain leaf (Plantago major) to help relieve health ailments for millennia. The plant is one of nine sacred herbs mentioned in the ancient Lacnunga (âRemediesâ), a collection of Anglo-Saxon medical texts.",
"Plantago major. Plantago major (broadleaf plantain, white man's foot, or greater plantain) is a species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae. The plant is native to most of Europe and northern and central Asia, but has widely naturalised elsewhere in the world.",
"Plantain is a useful herb that is often considered a weed by most people. It is native to Europe and parts of Asia, but was said to have been introduced to North America when the settlers came from Europe.tâs scientific name is Plantago Major, and it likely grows in your yard. The leaves are actually edible and somewhat similar to spinach, though slightly more bitter. They can be used in salads or other culinary uses. We dry and freeze plantain leaf from our yard and I also order it from Mountain Rose Herbs.",
"Plantain is edible and medicinal, the young leaves are edible raw in salad or cooked as a pot herb, they are very rich in vitamin B1 and riboflavin. The herb has a long history of use as an alternative medicine dating back to ancient times.",
"Broadleaf weeds, such as dandelions, broadleaf plantain, and ground ivy, can be pulled out by hand anytime. -- Glossy Abelia (A. x grandiflora) is a shade-tolerant broadleaf evergreen shrub that grows about 3 to 6 feet high and wide with a long season of flower.",
"The leaves, roots and flowers of the common mallow plant (Malva sylvestris) are all edible and have a long history of use in herbal medicine as a wild food source.allow or malva is a broad leaf plant, which is one of the reasons it makes a great one to harvest as a wild edible because you only need to pick about 10 or so for a meal-sized handful.",
"Description. Plantago major is often called plantain, not to be confused with the banana-like plantain which is delicious fried. Plantago is an Eurasian plant that is naturalized throughout much of the United States and considered to be an annoying weed by most who come across it.lantago lanceolata or narrowleaf plantain is a similar species with longer, thinner leaves and a shorter flower cluster on top of a longer stem. It has similar magical and medicinal properties to broadleaf plantain.",
"The red species is slightly more productive than the green species (Table 1). Edible leaf yield was. 385 g/m for the red species compared to 344 g/m for the green species. Malabar spinach is one of the rapidly growing tropical leaf vegetables in the Virgin Islands, responds well to pruning and nitrogen fertilizer.",
"Broadleaf plantain is a common broadleaf weed in lawns. It is a cool-season perennial weed found practically in any habitat. The leaves are arranged in a rosette and have prominent veins.",
"Magical Attributes. Plantago is feminine in nature and resonates with the planet Venus and the element earth. It is used in spells related to strength, healing and protection and as a charm against snakebites. It can also be used in any working to enhance the affect of other herbs.lantago lanceolata or narrowleaf plantain is a similar species with longer, thinner leaves and a shorter flower cluster on top of a longer stem. It has similar magical and medicinal properties to broadleaf plantain.",
"Great plantain is a plant. The leaves and seed are used to make medicine. Be careful not to confuse great plantain with buckhorn plantain, water plantain, or other similar sounding medicines.",
"There are over 200 species in the plantain family, and they are found worldwide. Many have herbal uses. Plantago major is the most common one in North America, but Plantago lanceolata can also be found. Both have the same medicinal uses, and are very similar in appearance.Plantago major has wide rounded leaves, with a flowering spike covered with small nubbly seeds; Plantago lanceolata has longer, slender leaves, and a mostly bare flowering stem, with a conelike cluster of flowers on the top.t will grow in sun to shade, and in almost any soil-plantain is very adaptable. Plantain spreads by seeds. Plantain is a low-growing, green plant with oval, ribbed short-stemmed leaves. The leaves form basal rosettes which tend to hug the ground.",
"A plantain, or cooking plantain, (/Ëplaentɨn/ , ËPLæNTɨN /us/ , PLAENËTEɪN /plænËteɪn/) uk ËplÉËntɨn is one of the less sweet (cultivated) varieties cultivars of The genus musa whose fruit is also known as. the bananan Kerala, different types of plantain are made into chips. They are usually cut thick, fried in coconut oil and seasoned with salt or spices. Sharkaravaratti is a variety of chips which is coated with jaggery, powdered ginger and cumin. In Tamil Nadu, a thin variety made from green plantains is common.",
"The plantain is a Latin American fruit related to the banana. Their textures and flavors vary, though. Plantains have thick skin, which is harder to peel than a bananaâs skin, and their flavor is starchy rather than sweet. Most consumers use them like vegetables and cook them, since the firm texture and starchy taste make them difficult to eat raw, unless they ripen long enough to become black and sweet.",
"Woody plants whose leaves can be eaten as leaf vegetables include Adansonia, Aralia, Moringa, Morus, and Toona species. The leaves of many fodder crops are also edible by humans, but usually only eaten under famine conditions.",
"Is it true that broad bean pods are edible? Yes, you can, and very good they are too. The important thing is that you choose beans that are very, very young, otherwise they will be tough and the fur inside will be indigestible.",
"Plantago major (broadleaf plantain or greater plantain) is a species of plantago, family Plantaginaceae. The plant is native to most of Europe and northern and central Asia, but has widely naturalised elsewhere in the world.Plantago major is one of the most abundant and widely distributed medicinal crops in the world.he plant is native to most of Europe and northern and central Asia, but has widely naturalised elsewhere in the world. Plantago major is one of the most abundant and widely distributed medicinal crops in the world.",
"Trientalis latifolia (Broadleaf Starflower) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the ground layer of forests in western North America. Herbaceous plants (in botanical use frequently simply herbs) are plants that have no persistent woody stem above ground.",
"Pan-fry in olive oil for just a few seconds to bring out this taste. The longer, browner shoots are also tasty prepared the same way, but the inner stem is too fibrous. You'll need to place the shoot in your mouth, clench with your teeth, and quickly pull out the stem. What you're eating are the plantain seeds. The leaves of the equally ubiquitous narrow-leaf plantain, or Plantago lanceolata, also are edible when young. The shoot is edible only with quotation marks.",
"Native to the Americas but found on most continents, amaranth is an edible weed. You can eat all parts of the plant, but be on the look out for spines that appear on some of the leaves. While not poisonous, amaranth leaves do contain oxalic acid and may contain large amounts of nitrates if grown in nitrate-rich soil. Itâs recommended that you boil the leaves to remove the oxalic acid and nitrates.",
"Fields of Nutrition has medicinal benefits and vitamin/mineral content of Broadleaf Plantain. Leaves: The leaves grow in a rosette and can range from 5 to 30 cm in length. Plantain leaves have stems that contain string-like veins and these veins are seen on the leaf.ields of Nutrition has medicinal benefits and vitamin/mineral content of Broadleaf Plantain. Leaves: The leaves grow in a rosette and can range from 5 to 30 cm in length. Plantain leaves have stems that contain string-like veins and these veins are seen on the leaf.",
"Harvesting Mallow Leaves. Mallow or malva is a broad leaf plant, which is one of the reasons it makes a great one to harvest as a wild edible because you only need to pick about 10 or so for a meal-sized handful.allow or malva is a broad leaf plant, which is one of the reasons it makes a great one to harvest as a wild edible because you only need to pick about 10 or so for a meal-sized handful.",
"The plantain is a crop from the genus Musa. Its fruits are edible, and are generally used for cooking. This is different from the soft and sweet banana (which is often called dessert banana).Dessert bananas are more common to import in countries in the European Union or the United States.he plantain is a crop from the genus Musa. Its fruits are edible, and are generally used for cooking. This is different from the soft and sweet banana (which is often called dessert banana).",
"The sub-species, sapientum, formerly regarded as a distinct species (M. sapientum), is the source of the fruits generally known in England as Bananas and eaten raw, while the name Plantain is given to forms of the species itself which require cooking. The species is probably a native of India and Southern Asia. Other species are M. acuminata in the Malay Archipelago, M. Fehi, in Tahiti, and M. Cavendishii, the so-called Chinese Banana, which has a thinner rind and is found in cooler countries.",
"For a change of pace, try growing chicory â a tough cool-season perennial crop that is a preferred deer forage â in your next fall food plot. This nutritious broadleaf crop is actually in the sunflower family, but looks more like the common weed plantain.",
"Buckhorn plantain is widespread across North America and is common in various pastures and turf. Also called narrow leaf plantain, this weed is well-known because of its unique growth habit. Leaves are narrow and have three to five prominent veins. Flowers and seeds are born on a leafless, slightly hairy stem.",
"(Please note that plantain-the starchy, banana-like fruit, is completely different and not related to the plantain weed we are talking about!). Plantain is edible-harvest the young, tender leaves for use in a salad, or steamed and used as a spinach substitute.rowth & Habitat --- A perennial weed that can be found almost anywhere in North America and much of Europe. You probably have some in your backyard! Plantain is thought to be indigenous to Eurasia. It will grow in sun to shade, and in almost any soil-plantain is very adaptable.",
"Plantain has a nutritional profile similar to dandelion â that is, loaded with iron and other important vitamins and minerals. The leaves are tastiest when small and tender, usually in the spring but whenever new shoots appear after being cut back by a lawnmower.Bigger leaves are edible but bitter and fibrous.lantain has a nutritional profile similar to dandelion â that is, loaded with iron and other important vitamins and minerals. The leaves are tastiest when small and tender, usually in the spring but whenever new shoots appear after being cut back by a lawnmower."
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"For instance, you can get dentures for as low as $250 while others may cost as high as $10,000. This is because there are many factors affecting how much you are going to be charged. Dental Services. One of the primary considerations when computing the cost of dentures is the cost of the dentistâs services. The dentist will prescribe the required dentures for your particular case. Apart from that, s/he will prepare your mouth for your new dentures and do the fitting."
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"The material cost for a chairside soft reline is about $50, vs. $250 in lab fees. Material cost for a hard reline is as low as $5 for an upper denture, compared to $185 to have a lab do it. See how much you could save by using the financial calculator at IsChairsideRightForMe.com.TOP 5 REASONS TO CONSIDERCHAIRSIDE RELINE 5.inancial benefits are also easy to see. While the typical lab fee for a soft reline runs about $250, the material cost for relining an upper denture with Tokuyama Sofreliner is just about $50.",
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"How Many Mini Implants are Needed to Support a Denture? Typically at least four mini implants are required to secure the lower denture and at least six to secure the upper denture. Your dentist may want to place more mini dental implants to secure the denture although this is dependent on how much bone the patient has.",
"1 A dentist is usually going to charge per tooth and on average, the dental crown cost is going to be anywhere from $750 to $2,800 per tooth.2 This will all depend on the severity of the problem as well as the location of the tooth. A crown made from porcelain is going to cost anywhere from $750 to $2,800, while a gold crown can be significantly more due to the cost of the materials.",
"Cost Summary of Dental Crowns. The prices for dental crowns range from $500 to $2,500 per crown and are dependent upon the materials used, location of tooth and geographic location. The average cost of a crown is $825, with or without dental insurance coverage. The cheapest cost of a dental crown is $500 for a simple metal crown.",
"How Much do Dentures Cost? Denture cost is an important part of your decision-making process. The cost of your dentures depends on the style of denture you choose. For up-to-date pricing and offers, visit your local Aspen Dental office page."
] |
what is a pork breakfast chops | [
"Pork chops, cooked and served. A pork chop is a chop of pork (a meat chop) cut perpendicularly to the spine of the pig and usually containing a rib or part of a vertebra, served as an individual portion. pork chop is a chop of pork (a meat chop) cut perpendicularly to the spine of the pig and usually containing a rib or part of a vertebra, served as an individual portion."
] | [
"Baking pork chops in convection oven how long at what temp? Pork chops should be baked for 45 minutes, in a convection oven, at a temperature of 325°. Pork chops should not be considered done until the internal temperature is a â¦minimum of 165°.",
"Breakfast of Champions: Why New Jersey is Crazy for Pork Roll. By every measure, Maggie Kowalski is a successful young woman. A graduate of Northeastern University in Boston, she works in New York City as an account manager at a financial technology company.",
"If youâre looking for the healthiest pork options, you want lean cuts â tenderloin, loin chops and sirloin roast. Bacon and other fatty cuts are very high in artery-clogging saturated fat and cholesterol and not for everyday eating. Baked ham and lunch meat fall somewhere in the middle when it comes to fat and calories.",
"Pork chops between 1/4-inch and 1/2-inch thick are referred to as thin cut pork chops. If you add a few extra ingredients to the baking pan, the whole dinner can cook in the oven... Pork chops between 1/4-inch and 1/2-inch thick are referred to as thin cut pork chops.",
"Pork chops with green beans and potatoes makes a perfect whole food meal. Following a whole food diet involves maximizing your nutrient intake from natural sources and avoiding nutrient-poor processed foods.Whole foods mainly include plant-based foods such as vegetables, fruits and nuts, and animal foods such as eggs, meat, fish and poultry.A whole food diet can provide you with all of the nutrients you need for optimal health. whole food diet can provide you with all of the nutrients you need for optimal health.",
"Lino. Chops (ãã³ãã¡ã³,, Tonfan) is a smug pig villager who first appeared in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. His English name is a reference to pork chops, as the food itself comes from pigs. Appearance Chops is a light colored pig with brown and yellow curly hair. He has a dark brown mustache and brown hands and feet. He has narrow blue eyes and thick black eyebrows. Personality Below is a brief description of the smug personality. For more information, click here.",
"1 Other names: Blade chops, blade steaks, blade-end pork loin chops, pork loin blade chops, pork shoulder steaks, pork shoulder blade steaks, pork steaks. 2 Where it's from: The shoulder. 3 What it looks like: Shoulder chops have dark-colored meat, lots of fat and connective tissues, and some blade bone.",
"Buttermilk-Brined Pork Chops An overnight brine transforms center-cut chops into a fall-off-the-bone tender main dish. The brine, made from buttermilk, salt, sugar, lemon rind, rosemary, and sage, adds such bright flavor that, when cooking, a sprinkle of pepper is all the chops need. Pair with a green veggie and roasted sweet potatoes for a top-notch main dish. Buttermilk-Brined Pork Chops Recipe.",
"A delicious low fat and low cal pork chop dish with a slighly sweet sauce that goes well with brown rice and green beans. Submitted by: WEEDENMJ.CALORIES: 360.3 | FAT: 10.4 g | PROTEIN: 21.2 g | CARBS: 46.6 g | FIBER: 2.9 g. Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Pirates pineapple chops Calories. by: LOVINGMOTHER79 4 pork lion (chops) Can be used with round steak. 2 Small can of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup 1...",
"Simple and Tasty Pork Chop Dinner. Italian herb baked pork chops with green beans and egg noodles, topped with the pan gravy from the chops. Submitted by: BIZIBOD",
"Center-cut pork chops, also known as top loin chops or America's cut, are thick, lean, boneless chops cut from the loin portion of the hog. Treat them first with a marinade or brine to increase flavor and juiciness, and to keep the cooking time brief.",
"All pork chops are cut from the loin, a strip of meat about two feet long that runs from the shoulder of the pig to the hip. Starting at the shoulder blade end of the loin are blade chops. These have the most fat of any pork chop and great flavor, but they also have more gristle and bone and can be chewy.",
"What are boneless pork sirloin chops? A: Boneless pork sirloin chops are a cut of pork that comes from the pig's hip area. These chops have had the piece of hip bone removed that is usually attached to them, and they are between 1/2 and 1 inch thick.",
"Pork chops come from the loin of the pig, the portion of meat located between the pigâs shoulder and hip. When shopping for pork chops, you may find that labels can have various names including loin, rib, sirloin, top loin and blade chops. âAll pork chops cook the same. The length of cooking primarily depends on the thickness of the chop.",
"Pork Chop Dinner. pork chops, vegetable oil, potatoes, quartered and 9 More pork chops, vegetable oil, potatoes, quartered, carrots , cut into 1 inch thick slices, onion, chopped, celery, chopped, chicken stock cube, boiling water, salt, pepper, flour, water. 1 hour 5 min, 12 ingredients.",
"Grilled Cuban Pork Chops (Loin) This is a dish that is packed with flavor, yet easy and light. Perfect for that dinner guest, or bbq. Pair it with black bean salad in my recipe book, and you have a super dish. Top with pork with mangos if desired.Submitted by: BEETFACE.",
"Grilled Cuban Pork Chops (Loin) This is a dish that is packed with flavor, yet easy and light. Perfect for that dinner guest, or bbq. Pair it with black bean salad in my recipe book, and you have a super dish.",
"These Shake N Bake Pork Chops are a homemade version of the classic dish you loved as a kid. Pork chops are coated in a tasty breadcrumb mixture and baked until golden brown and delicious. I have FOF - Fear of Frying. I believe that I have yet to make any recipe that calls for deep frying. I vow to someday get over that fear.",
"Pork chops make a quick, delicious weeknight dinner, and they're also perfect for entertaining guests. They taste great on their own, but you can also bread pork chops or cook them with a sweet glaze. Read on to learn how to fry pork chops three ways.",
"Credit: Mike McCune CC-BY-2.0. Boneless pork sirloin chops are best suited for grilling, braising and sauteing cooking methods. They pair well with a variety of fruits, like a mango salsa or apple chutney, and they pair well with most barbecue fare.",
"Oven-Fried Pork Chops. In this recipe, pork loin chops are breaded and baked for scrumptious fried flavor without the added fat and calories. First the pork chops are dipped in a mixture of milk and egg, then they are coated with corn bread stuffing mix. The chops are baked at 425 degrees F for 20 minutes or until the chops reach an internal temperature of 145 degrees F. Allow chops to stand for 3 minutes at room temperature before serving.",
"Pork chops come from the part of the pig that runs from the shoulder back to the hip. Itâs called the loin and includes the tenderloin, # 6, #7, and #8 on the diagram above.",
"Thin pork chops are usually boneless and very lean, so they cook quickly. Most cooks prefer to pan saute them or grill them briefly, which gives the cook a bit more control since they are easily visible and readily accessible when using these methods.",
"Pork chops marinate overnight in a sweet and savory Asian-inspired mixture of pineapple juice, brown sugar, and soy sauce before they're grilled and served with grilled pineapple slices.",
"6. Check the internal temperature of the baked stuffed pork chops. After 30 minutes, check the internal temperature of the stuffed pork chops. Check the meat right next to the stuffing, sorta in the middle of the pork chops. Pork is safe to eat at 150 degrees F, so that is what I recommend cooking your pork chop to.. Check the internal temperature of the baked stuffed pork chops. After 30 minutes, check the internal temperature of the stuffed pork chops. Check the meat right next to the stuffing, sorta in the middle of the pork chops. Pork is safe to eat at 150 degrees F, so that is what I recommend cooking your pork chop to.",
"Bake the pork chop on a rack in your oven. Baked pork chops are quick to prepare and pair well with steamed vegetables or tossed summer salad. This meat provides several beneficial nutrients and is lower in fat and calories than some other cuts of pork, including ribs.",
"Pork Chop Skillet Dinner. My mom found this recipe in the newspaper in the 1950âs, and she makes it to this day. Iâve made it several times, but donât know why I donât make it more often. The pork chops are fork tender (and how many recipes have you made with pork chops that they come out fork tender?).",
"Pork Chops with Grits and Red-Eye Gravy These skillet pork chops are topped with a classic red-eye gravy and served with quick-cooking grits. They are the perfect entree when you need a quick and easy weeknight dinner! Pork Chops with Grits and Red-Eye Gravy Recipe.",
"Pork chops cook in a tangy marinade of soy sauce, Worcestershire, and ketchup-15-minute prep!.. My family loves this recipe. It is quick and easy, and makes for a tasty weekday supper. I often double the sauce to serve over rice. Read more details and learn how to make it in just few steps! Allrecipes is the No.1 place for recipes, cooking tips, and how-to food videos--all rated and reviewed by home cooks.",
"Chipolatas are small pork sausages that are Italian in origin. They are enjoyed throughout Europe, with special popularity in the UK as a breakfast sausage. The origins of these sausages suggest however, that Italians most frequently used these them as main dishes during luncheon or dinner meals.",
"Tavis: The new book from the longest-serving Chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Dr. Mary Frances Berry, is called âFive Dollars and a Pork Chop Sandwich: Vote Buying and the Corruption of Democracyâ.",
"Shoulder Chop. Traditional lamb chops come from the rib, loin, sirloin and shoulder of the animal. Shoulder chops (also called blade and arm chops) require a shorter amount of cooking time than other cuts, making them an economical and flavorful choice for quick and easy meals. Loin Chop.",
"How to Cook Pork Chops Three Methods: Baking Pork Chops Grilling Pork Chops Frying Pork Chops Community Q&A Pork chops make a fast, easy, and scrumptious meal for hectic weeknight dinners and special occasions alike. And because pork is such a versatile meat, it can be prepared a variety of different ways, making it easy to adapt to your busy schedule or dietary restraints.",
"Pork Butterfly Chops are quite expensive, but make a great plate centrepiece for a fancy meal. Cook by frying, grilling (aka barbequing in the UK), broiling (aka grilling in the UK), or baking.",
"Grilled pork chops get an Italian-style topping of ham, fresh tomato, and mozzarella cheese slices for a dinner that's ready in just 30 minutes.",
"(plural chops) 1 A cut of meat, often containing a section of a rib. I only like lamb chops with mint jelly. 2 A blow with an axe, cleaver, or similar utensil. It should take just one good chop to fell the sapling. ( 3 martial arts) A blow delivered with the hand rigid and outstretched. A karate chop.",
"If you don't have foil, however, you can easily cook thick pork chops using a dry roasting method. Use a baking dish with deep sides so the grease doesn't splatter in the oven, and watch the pork chops closely. Boneless pork chops are convenient and easy for kids to eat, but bone-in types usually have more flavor. Season and sear the pork chops and place them in a baking dish. 2 Add a little apple juice to the pan. 3 Peel some tart apples and coat them with brown sugar and cinnamon. 4 Place them in the dish and bake until the pork chops are golden brown and the apples are tender.",
"A three-ounce pork chop (broiled or baked) provides 135 calories, 25 grams protein, 3 grams fat, 1 grams saturated fat, 430 milligrams of sodium and 0 grams carbohydrate, if you eat only the lean part of the chop.",
"A three-ounce pork chop (breaded and fried) provides 227 calories, 20 grams protein, 11 grams fat, 3 grams saturated fat, 458 milligrams of sodium and 11 grams carbohydrate if you eat both the lean and fatty part of the chop.",
"Pork chops used to be on the doctorsâ hit list. Today, however, pork is âthe other white meatâ and is a healthy alternative to red meat. And when itâs eaten in reasonable quantities (8 oz), a pork chop can be quite good for you. Pork chops can be relatively lean, but theyâre typically not as low-fat as chicken or fish.",
"North American breakfast or country sausage is made from uncooked ground pork mixed with pepper, sage, and other spices. It is widely sold in grocery stores in a large synthetic plastic casing, or in links which may have a protein casing. It is also available sold by the pound without a casing.",
"Pork chops are a delicious, quick option for weeknight dinners and special occasions alike. Pork is a versatile meat that tastes great with a variety of flavor combinations and cooking methods. Read on to learn how to fry pork chops on the stove, bake them in the oven or grill, or broil them to perfection.1 Prep time: 5 minutes. 2 Cook time (frying): 6-8 minutes. 3 Total time: 11-13 minutes.ead on to learn how to fry pork chops on the stove, bake them in the oven or grill, or broil them to perfection. 1 Prep time: 5 minutes. 2 Cook time (frying): 6-8 minutes. 3 Total time: 11-13 minutes.",
"Pork chops between 1/4-inch and 1/2-inch thick are referred to as thin cut pork chops. If you add a few extra ingredients to the baking pan, the whole dinner can cook in the oven at the same time, giving you freedom to relax and enjoy the aromas coming from the kitchen.",
"Other names: Blade chops, blade steaks, blade-end pork loin chops, pork loin blade chops, pork shoulder steaks, pork shoulder blade steaks, pork steaks. Where it's from: The shoulder. What it looks like: Shoulder chops have dark-colored meat, lots of fat and connective tissues, and some blade bone.",
"Lamb chops are cut from the rib, loin, and shoulder areas. The rib chops include a rib bone; the loin chops include only a chine bone. Shoulder chops are usually considered inferior to loin chops; both kinds of chops are usually grilled. Breast of lamb (baby chops) can be cooked in an oven.",
"Fruehstueck (Frühstück) Breakfast the Classic german breakfast consists of a variety of breads and, rolls, honey, jam and coffee or. Tea for those who prefer a savoury start to the day cheese and cold meats are also. served",
"A three-ounce pork chop (broiled or baked) provides 164 calories, 24 grams protein, 7 grams fat, 2 grams saturated fat, 433 milligrams of sodium and 0 grams carbohydrate, if you eat both the lean and the fatty part of the chop.",
"These pork breakfast sausage links are made with fresh pork cuts and a unique blend of flavorful spices. Tender and meaty texture combine with outstanding flavor! Meaty and tender texture performs like cooked from raw sausage. Virtually 100% yield allows the customer to meet peak business demands with ease.",
"Green vegetables and starches are typically served with pork chops. There are no hard and fast rules about the best way to prepare side dishes. Mashing, roasting, steaming, boiling or stir-frying side dishes yields a variety of textures that complement pork chops.",
"Stuffed Pork Chops with Cranberries. Thick pork chops are stuffed with a seasoned mixture of dried cranberries and pine nuts, seared to a golden-brown, and finished in the oven with a cranberry-wine sauce reduction in this easy yet elegant fall dish.",
"Pork chops with green beans and potatoes makes a perfect whole food meal. Following a whole food diet involves maximizing your nutrient intake from natural sources and avoiding nutrient-poor processed foods.Whole foods mainly include plant-based foods such as vegetables, fruits and nuts, and animal foods such as eggs, meat, fish and poultry.A whole food diet can provide you with all of the nutrients you need for optimal health.ork chops with green beans and potatoes makes a perfect whole food meal. Following a whole food diet involves maximizing your nutrient intake from natural sources and avoiding nutrient-poor processed foods.",
"These Shake N Bake Pork Chops are a homemade version of the classic dish you loved as a kid. Pork chops are coated in a tasty breadcrumb mixture and baked until golden brown and delicious. I have FOF â Fear of Frying. I believe that I have yet to make any recipe that calls for deep frying. I vow to someday get over that fear.",
"The pork chop is to the pig what a beef steak is to the cow. Theyâre a similar cut from a similar area of the animal. Pork chops are taken from the pigâs loin, an area that includes the tenderloin. The loin chop, in fact, will often contain meat from the loin and the tenderloin separated by a T-shaped bone.",
"December 12, 2011. Barbecue pork chops are a basic grilling recipe that everyone standing over the coals should know how to master. And while I too am a fan of the thick cut pork chops, sometimes it is hard to pass up the deals on the thinner cut chops when you've got a house full of guests to feed.",
"Polish Pork chop (Kotlet schabowy). A Polish style, breaded pork chop happens to be a typical Polish meat dish. Pork stew â Polish style (gulasz wieprzowy). Another dish borrowed by the Poles which has become mainstream, traditional cuisine.",
"Creamy Potato Pork Chop Bake. Sauteed pork chops are baked over a comfy nest of hashbrown potatoes and Cheddar cheese in a sour cream sauce, with some crunchy onion rings thrown in to keep things interesting. Add some green beans and you have a warm and homey one-dish meal.",
"Dale's Seasoning Pork Chops Recipe // Easy Pork Chop Recipe // How to cook pork chops (Favorite Recipes Pork Chops) How to make homemade southern style smothered pork chops and gravy in the slow cooker! What tastes better than a juicy tender pork chop? Ingredients 4 bone-in pork chops 1 oz packet onion soup mix 1",
"PORK CHOPS. Thick or thin, bone-in or bone-less pork chops are cut from meat perpendicular to the spine, often from the loin. Cook : âThese are a high heat, fry or grill kind of thing,â says Mylan. Pork chops from the shoulder end are fattier than from the loin end. If you have chops from the shoulder end, theyâre great for slow roasting or lower, longer grill cooking.",
"PORK CHOPS | FRENCH-CUT. Product Description. Robinson's Prime Reserve French-Cut Pork Chops are cut from the center of the pork loin giving it optimal flavor and tenderness. The French-cut bone portion of the chop adds to an elegant presentation. Pigs are raised on ranches in the Midwest and Kentucky.",
"The pork chops are then rubbed with a flavorful mixture of black pepper, oregano, crushed red pepper, and thyme before they are baked at 375 degrees F for 35 minutes or until they reach an internal temperature of 145 degrees F. Allow chops to stand for 3 minutes at room temperature before serving.",
"Baked boneless pork chops drizzled with an orange sauce. Baked pork chops provide a high-protein, satisfying and delicious entree, provided you don't overcook them. Today's pork is relatively lean, and baking requires no extra calories from cooking fat. Just pay attention to your additions to keep things healthy.",
"Pork chops are the most popular cut from the pork loin, which is the strip of meat that runs from the pigâs hip to shoulder. Depending on where they originate, pork chops can be found under a variety of names, including loin, rib, sirloin, top loin and blade chops.ork chops are the most popular cut from the pork loin, which is the strip of meat that runs from the pigâs hip to shoulder. Depending on where they originate, pork chops can be found under a variety of names, including loin, rib, sirloin, top loin and blade chops.",
"Lamb chops with new potatoes and green beans. A meat chop is a cut of meat cut perpendicularly to the spine, and usually containing a rib or riblet part of a vertebra and served as an individual portion. The most common kinds of meat chops are pork and lamb.A thin boneless chop, or one with only the rib bone, may be called a cutlet, though the difference is not always clear. The term chop is not usually used for beef, but a T-bone steak is essentially a loin chop, and a rib steak a rib chop.he most common kinds of meat chops are pork and lamb. A thin boneless chop, or one with only the rib bone, may be called a cutlet, though the difference is not always clear. The term chop is not usually used for beef, but a T-bone steak is essentially a loin chop, and a rib steak a rib chop.",
"Frühstück (Breakfast) The classic German breakfast consists of a variety of breads and rolls, honey, jam, and coffee or tea. For those who prefer a savoury start to the day cheese and cold meats are also served. For a more lavish breakfast you may also be offered a boiled egg, yoghurt or quark (a very popular cream cheese), fruit and muesli or cornflakes.",
"North American breakfast or country sausage is made from uncooked ground pork mixed with pepper, sage, and other spices. It is widely sold in grocery stores in a large synthetic plastic casing, or in links which may have a protein casing."
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"Workersâ compensation tax rates are generally based on each $100 in wages an employee earns. In the state of Washington, the Department of Labor and Industries administers the workersâ compensation system."
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"Industries involving more risk pay higher workers' compensation insurance rates. Related Articles. Workersâ compensation tax laws and rates vary by state. Although in most states, employers can purchase workersâ compensation insurance from private insurance companies, some states require employers to pay quarterly workersâ compensation tax.",
"of the employment have been included as income from employment. Act 592 did not provide for this. This was previously provided for in a Petroleum Agreement. Gifts received were taxed separately under Gift Tax â a separate chapter under Act 592.",
"Persons who manufacture products in this state are subject to the manufacturing business and occupation (B&O) tax upon the value of the products, including by-products, unless the activity qualifies for one of the special manufacturing B&O tax rates discussed later in the chapter.",
"Even though PIT withholding on these wages is not. mandatory, the wages are considered taxable income. to the recipient and must be reported on the recipientâs. California income tax return. Without exception, payments for third-party sick pay are not subject to State. Disability Insurance* (SDI).",
"TAX FROM THEIR. CUSTOMERS. ï·Persons in the construction trades generally must collect sales tax on both the services (labor) provided. to their customers and on any appliances, equipment or materials sold to their customers in conjunction. with the work they perform and remit the tax collected to the state.",
"(The cost of materials includes the sales or use tax paid by the contractor for the materials.) If the contractor does not separate the charges for labor and the costs of materials, the entire billing is taxable.",
"Paying Sales Tax on Home Improvements Taxable Services. A contractorâs bill should separately state the charges for materials and for labor. The contractor charges Sales Tax on the labor portion of the bill only when he/she performs a taxable capital improvement, repair, maintenance, or installation service. (There is no Sales Tax due on the charge for labor when the contractorâs work results in an exempt capital improvement, the contractor may not collect Sales Tax from you on any charges (materials or labor) if you give the contractor a completed Certificate of Exempt Capital Improvement (Form STâ8).",
"It is taken out of your salary depending on how much you earn, similar to income tax. But because it isn't called a tax, governments can say they haven't increased income tax even though they've put up National Insurance. Labour is planning to increase how much both employers and employees pay.",
"Occasionally workers' compensation benefits are paid with interest, often when the insurance company caused a considerable delay or was involved in egregious conduct. Any interest paid is considered taxable income.",
"Payments will be taxable to the employee when any of these situations are true: ⢠No expense report is filed with the employer, ⢠The expense report filed does not include the date, time, place, amount and business purpose of the expense, ⢠A flat amount is given to the employee and no expense report is required, or.",
"With individual direct employee taxes, the total industry generated an estimated $37.8 billion in wage and income-based taxes to state and federal government treasuries, not including the taxes paid by indirect and induced industry employment. The report does not include the users of these products and services.",
"Currently, the supply of goods is taxable in the form of VAT and the service is taxable under service tax. If a new product appears in the process of completing a works contract, Central Excise duty is levied. So, different aspects of one a single activity are taxed by different laws.",
"Injury and Illness. The tax laws for workers' comp also apply to other benefits, such as black-lung compensation for miners or Jones Act job-injury pay for the Merchant Marine.Generally, if you get money because you became sick or injured due to your job -- regardless of which law covers you -- the money doesn't count as taxable income.njury and Illness. The tax laws for workers' comp also apply to other benefits, such as black-lung compensation for miners or Jones Act job-injury pay for the Merchant Marine.",
"change the taxability of wages paid to employees. Payments are considered wages even if the employee. is a casual worker, a day or contract laborer, a part-time. or temporary worker, or is paid by the job, day, hour, piece rate, salary, or any other method or measurement. Supplemental payments, including bonuses, overtime. pay, sales awards, commissions, and vacation pay, are. also considered wages.",
"Many sellers believe there is a general exemption from sales tax for labor charges. However, in California many types of labor charges are subject to tax. Tax applies to charges for producing, fabricating, or processing tangible personal property for your customers.",
"On this page: The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federal income tax benefit administered by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) for employers who hire individuals from specified target populations. WOTC reduces a businessâs federal tax liability, serving as an incentive to select job candidates who may be disadvantaged in their efforts to find employment.",
"The Internal Revenue Service allows labor costs to be considered part of cost of goods sold if the company is in the mining or manufacturing business.he Internal Revenue Service allows labor costs to be considered part of cost of goods sold if the company is in the mining or manufacturing business.",
"Federal unemployment benefits, state unemployment insurance benefits, and railroad unemployment compensation benefits are all taxable. If you receive unemployment benefits from a private or union fund to which you voluntarily contribute, you pay tax on the amount you receive that exceeds the total amount you have paid into the fund.",
"FAQ: Does sick pay get any special tax treatment? The term âsick payâ can refer to a variety of payments. Some of these payments are nontaxable, while others are treated as taxable income. Some of the taxable payments are treated as compensation, subject to income tax withholding and employment taxes; others are exempt from some employment taxes.",
"VA pensions, which are administered based on years of service, are considered taxable income. Also, be careful not to confuse VA benefits with other disability payments, such as Social Security disability benefits, which are sometimes taxable if you earn income in addition to your monthly disability benefit amount.elated Payments. In addition to your VA benefits, other types of payments made to you that relate to your disability are nontaxable as well. For example, VA benefits from a public welfare fund and workersâ compensation payments are not taxable and should not be listed on your return.",
"The contractor charges sales tax on the labor portion of the bill only when he perÂforms a taxable capital improvement, repair, maintenance, or installation service. (There is no sales tax due on the charge for labor when the contractorâs work results in an exempt capital improvement.",
"Yes. The construction industry (Standard Industrial Classification Codes [SIC] 152-179) is specifically exempted from coverage under 5193, as stated in the Exception to 5193(a). However, construction industry employers still have a regulatory responsibility to protect their employees from bloodborne pathogens.",
"The Internal Revenue Service allows labor costs to be considered part of cost of goods sold if the company is in the mining or manufacturing business. In these businesses, labor costs applied to cost of goods sold must be an expense directly attributable to taking raw material and fabricating it into a finished product suitable for sale. Wages, which include salaries and payroll taxes, can be considered part of cost of goods sold as long as they are direct or indirect labor costs. Wages that are paid to employees who work directly on manufacturing the product are considered direct labor costs.",
"However, in order to receive the federal small business tax credit, the employer must pay at least 50% of an employeeâs premium. In this case, the employer is billed by the carrier and the employer collects the premium contributions from the employees and pays the insurance carrier in one payment.",
"A: No, child support payments are not considered taxable income, according to the IRS. Child support payments are neither deductible by the payer nor taxable to the payee. So when you calculate your gross income to see if you are required to file a tax return, do not include child support payments received.",
"How do I pay the B&O tax? More questions & answers about B&O tax... What is the business and occupation (B&O) tax? The state B&O tax is a gross receipts tax. It is measured on the value of products, gross proceeds of sale, or gross income of the business. Washington, unlike many other states, does not have an income tax. Washingtonâs B&O tax is calculated on the gross income from activities. This means there are no deductions from the B&O tax for labor, materials, taxes, or other costs of doing business. What is the B&O tax rate? The B&O tax rate varies by classification.",
"Is Workers Compensation Considered Income When Filing Taxes? Although most income is taxed at different rates, it is generally taxable. Taxpayers who meet the requirement to file, based upon income and filing status, are usually taxed based upon the tax bracket into which their income falls.",
"Construction-related installation labor (labor to affix or convert tangible personal property to realty) is taxable in 14 states to varying extents.",
"If the H&W increase is paid directly to employees, it is considered . taxable wages. The Contractor will incur an accompanying expense in FICA, WCIand possibly FUTA and SUTA. If H&W is paid to a third-party provider, Contractor incurs no increase in payroll taxes so no FICA or WCI adjustment is due on the H&W increase FICA and WCI adjustment are due on the H&W amount when H&W is paid directly to the employees.",
"Employees' federal income and social security taxes paid for by the employer Payment of the employee portion of the FICA tax by the employer for domestics working in the employer's home and for agricultural laborers is an exception to this rule.",
"âPayrollâ means payments to employees, where those payments are required to be reported to state and federal agencies, such as the IRS, Social Security Administration, Washington Employment Security Department, and Washington Department of Labor & Industries.",
"All employers paying wages subject to New York's income tax law must withhold from all payments of taxable wages paid to residents regardless of where their services are performed, and from payments of taxable wages paid to nonresidents for services performed within the state.",
"The Department of Labor announced that employers will be subject to an increased FUTA tax rate in January 2015 based on FUTA taxable wages paid during 2014 in these affected states: California, Connecticut, Indiana, Kentucky, New York, North Carolina, Ohio and the Virgin Islands.",
"Labor services of installing or applying tangible personal property is sub ject to sales tax (as a general rule). Therefore, the labor fee that contractors and subcontractors charge to install or apply the materials is subject to sales tax.",
"Federal Income Tax Withholding from Payments That Are Not Wages. There are some types of pay (both cash and non-cash) that must be reported as taxable wages, but are not subject to withholding. The most common example for state employees is the imputed value of life insurance in amounts above $50,000.",
"If the fringe benefits are paid directly to the employee, the entire hourly labor rate is taxable. In the worksheet, the burden is calculated based on the total hourly labor rate. Workersâ Compensation Insurance: will vary widely from Contractor to Contractor. It can be as low as 5% and as high as 30 or 40%.",
"However, overlapping treatments of installation and repairs are built into the sales and use tax statutes of a few of the states, so some duplication of the applicable commentary is inevitable. The states that tax all construction-related installation labor are Arizona, Hawaii, New Mexico, and Washington.",
"Individual income tax and payroll taxes from labor in the marijuana industry, which would be reported after legalization, contributes $1.5 billion in federal revenue and an additional $1 billion in state and local revenues.",
"Fabrication or assembly labor is taxable even when performed at a job site or on a customer's premises. The tax must be collected on charges for assembling pre-manufactured computer workstations and modular office furniture on a customer's premises for the first time.",
"Know your wage laws, or pay a steep price: The stateâs Department of Labor & Industries is tasked with enforcing rules and regulations relating to workersâ wages. In 2011, the L&I collected $1.9 million in unpaid wages for employees from Washington businesses. Pay issues can be contentious and litigious.",
"If the employer paid $9,000 in taxable wages in the first quarter of the year and their effective tax rate was 1.00%, the amount of tax due is 1.00% of $9,000, or $90. No tax is due for the second, third and fourth quarters.",
"The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federal tax credit available to all private sector businesses as an incentive to employers to hire workers in certain groups who consistently experience high rates of unemployment. The tax credit allows employers to reduce their federal tax liability by up to $9,600 per new hire.",
"(See appropriate Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Order) In the case of Murphy v. Cole, the California Supreme Court held that the remedy for meal and rest period violations of âone additional hour of payâ under Labor Code section 226.7 is a wage subject to a three-year statute of limitations.",
"Paying Sales Tax on Home Improvements Taxable Services. A contractorâs bill should separately state the charges for materials and for labor. The contractor charges Sales Tax on the labor portion of the bill only when he/she performs a taxable capital improvement, repair, maintenance, or installation service. (There is",
"What is the business and occupation (B&O) tax? The state B&O tax is a gross receipts tax. It is measured on the value of products, gross proceeds of sale, or gross income of the business. Washington, unlike many other states, does not have an income tax.",
"Per Diem and other travel expense payments for most employees are taxable. only nontaxable as long as the employee is away from their tax home. determine the tax home for most employees as the work at one main location. taxable. another location, making this location their principle place of business.",
"For state and federal income tax purposes, payments to the AIA and its components are generally deductible as trade or business expenses except for the percentage spent on lobbying federal or state governments. Consult a tax professional to determine the appropriate tax treatment of your dues.",
"Employer's responsibility regarding employment taxes. Employment taxes such as federal income tax, social security (FICA) tax, unemployment (FUTA) tax and various state taxes (note that state issues are not addressed in this article) are all. required to be withheld from an employee's wages.",
"If either party fails to comply with the law both parties may be held liable. Finally, most agricultural employers, agricultural associations, and farm labor contractors are subject to another statute, also administered by the Wage and Hour Division -- the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act.",
"Can I deduct exempt transactions? Yes. You will report (1) the total sales for your business and (2) purchases that are subject to use tax. Some sales will not be taxable and can be deducted to reduce the total amount subject to tax. For example, some labor charges are not subject to tax. If your total reported sales include nontaxable labor charges, you will need to claim a deduction for those charges. Otherwise you pay too much tax.",
"Workers' compensation benefits are not normally considered taxable income on your federal or state return. There is an exception when you receive both workersâ compensation and Social Security (or Railroad Retirement) benefits and part of your workers' compensation reduces your Social Security, that part may be taxable.",
"TAX CASE. ny cash or noncash remuneration received for employment, unless specifically exempt, is considered wages subject to the FICA tax. FICA wages can include amounts received by the employee after the employment relationship has ended.",
"Yes, in the state of New York you can charge sales tax on labor. This tax law is different for each state, so if you travel away from NY, be sure to check local state law.",
"The pay-ments were excluded from gross income becausethey were for the promotion of general welfare.Similarly, in a 1967 letter ruling 28 the IRS ruledthat payments to participants in a tribal programdesigned to train unemployed and underemployedresidents in construction skills were excluded fromincome under the GWE.",
"All Illinois Workersâ Compensation Benefits are Tax Free. Happy Labor Day! In response to a question from a reader, please note that every benefit you receive for workersâ compensation is tax free. Time off work payments, compensation for unpaid medical bills and any lump sum or long term payment does not need to be reported to Uncle Sam.",
"All employers, except those making reimbursable payments, have an assigned tax rate. An employer's rate may change each year. The Division of Employment Security (DES) calculates the tax rates for all employers. For its first two or three years, an employer receives the new employer rate. This is a rate assigned to all new employers of the same industrial classification.",
"The Social Security tax is a tax applied to income related to labor. All employees and self-employed entrepreneurs pay into Social Security through the Social Security tax, which is also known as Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI). The Social Security tax functions very much like a flat tax.",
"November 13, 2010. 1 Although most income is taxed at different rates, it is generally taxable. 2 Workers' compensation benefits are paid as a result of an occupational sickness or a work-related injury. 3 Workers' compensation pay is generally considered an exception to the general filing requirements and is exempt from taxation.",
"If you go back to work but can only manage light duties, any wages you get are still taxable, just as your regular salary is. Income you receive under FECA -- the Federal Employees' Compensation Act -- for injury or illness is tax-free.If you get benefits to tide you over while the government reviews your FECA claims, however, those benefits are taxable.njury and Illness. The tax laws for workers' comp also apply to other benefits, such as black-lung compensation for miners or Jones Act job-injury pay for the Merchant Marine.",
"The tax on labor performed in auto repair shops is a sales tax. Whether sales tax is charged depends on state law. In the states that impose sales tax, the answer sometimes hinges on the definition of the word labor.. It also depends on whether parts and labor are billed separately or as a flat charge.xempt. In some states the bill for labor in auto repair shops is exempt from sales tax. Texas and California are examples. Owners of repair shops in those states give customers an itemized bill that breaks down the cost of parts installed and the labor charge for installation.",
"Is Workers Compensation Considered Income When Filing Taxes? November 13, 2010. Although most income is taxed at different rates, it is generally taxable. Taxpayers who meet the requirement to file, based upon income and filing status, are usually taxed based upon the tax bracket into which their income falls.",
"The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) program for home care is a Federal tax credit program that provides tax credit incentives for employers to hire certain classes of individuals. This is a tax credit for your home care business, not the caregiver. 20-30% of caregivers qualifiy and the average tax credit is $2,600.",
"Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, however, that is not the test. Rather, the employee must be paid a salary and perform certain kinds of duties. In Rock v. Ray Anthony Intâl LLC, the Eleventh Circuit held that a crane dispatcher was not entitled to overtime compensation because he was an administrative employee.",
"SSDI Monthly Payments. When figuring out what's taxable, SSDI payments are treated like regular Social Security payments and reported to you on Form SSA-1099. So in general, up to 50 percent of your benefits may be taxable each year, plus all your other income (including tax-exempt interest).SDI Monthly Payments. When figuring out what's taxable, SSDI payments are treated like regular Social Security payments and reported to you on Form SSA-1099. So in general, up to 50 percent of your benefits may be taxable each year, plus all your other income (including tax-exempt interest).",
"A small portion of workers' compensation benefits may be taxable, but few injured workers have to pay taxes on it. Workers' compensation benefits are not normally considered taxable income at the state or federal level."
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what typeface is similar to helvetica | [
"There have been questions about free alternatives to Helvetica and also similar fonts to Helvetica Neue, but the answers were based on available fonts from at least a couple years ago and I would like to know if there have been changes or new fonts since.elvetica's closest cousins would include: 1 Helvetica Neue. 2 Nimbus Sans. 3 Akzidenz-Grotesk (this one is maybe more of an uncle)."
] | [
"40 Excellent Logos Created with Helvetica. Itâs over fifty years old, itâs the most widely used font ever, and it has recently become the subject of its own movie. Weâre talking about the worldâs most recognizable font: Helvetica. Its relevance in design through the years and even today seems unbeatable. The appeal for a distinctive, professional and timeless typeface has never dwindled and it keeps gaining more followers day by day.",
"Product Description. .50 Bandwidth Fee. Helvetica was developed in 1957 by Max Miedinger with Eduard Hoffmann at the Haasâsche Schriftgiesserei (Haas Type Foundry) ofMünchenstein, Ofmünchenstein. Switzerland haas set out to design a new-sans serif typeface that could compete with the Successful-Akzidenz grotesk in The swiss. marketroduct Description. .50 Bandwidth Fee. Helvetica was developed in 1957 by Max Miedinger with Eduard Hoffmann at the Haasâsche Schriftgiesserei (Haas Type Foundry) ofMünchenstein, Ofmünchenstein. switzerland",
"Historical model. Helvetica is based on the Akzidenz-Grotesk model. It pretends to be the epitome of modernity but it actually more or less resembles the modernity of the end of the 19th century.",
"Helvetica Fonts Free Download Review. Helvetica font family is widely used by web designers it is one of the best fonts available on market. Creating graphic designs for web or design logo for company, web designers need to choose best font to make their project successful.ere are the main features of Helvetica Font Family Free Download. 1 Huge Collection. 2 Easy to read. 3 Best for logo creation. 4 Used by web developers. 5 Clear and crispy.",
"Neue Haas Grotesk is the most recent digitisation of Helvetica's precursor created by type designer Christian Schwartz. This project, which he referred to as a restoration, was completed in 2010 and published by Font Bureau. It was promoted with an article on the history of Helvetica by Indra Kupferschmid.he font family is made up of 51 fonts including 9 weights in 3 widths (8, 9, 8 in normal, condensed, extended widths respectively), and an outline font based on Helvetica 75 Bold Outline (no Textbook or rounded fonts are available). Linotype distributes Neue Helvetica on CD.",
"Helvetica's default substitution is Arial. However, I'd like to replace it with Linotype's Helvetica Neue, I have the whole font family so all forms are available. Currently, I've replaced Helvetica's default to HelveticaNeueLTPro-Roman.otf, but I have not seen changes even after...o if the site calls for Helvetica, and Helvetica is not available it will default to your specified san serif. So, you might not see the changes unless your visiting a site that is using a specific font that you do not have installed, in which your browser will default to the font you specify.",
"Helvetica's closest cousins would include: 1 Helvetica Neue. 2 Nimbus Sans. 3 Akzidenz-Grotesk (this one is maybe more of an uncle).",
"One example of the derivations is the Helvetica Neue Light Condensed that comes with lighter strokes and height, integrated with additional spacing and stronger punctuation marks to increase the impact and legibility of the font.",
"I think it offers the same readability and clean style as Helvetica, but with a bit of character that is more restrained than some of the others you mention in your question so it doesn't stand out too much. A good Myriad font will also offer nearly as many weights as Helvetica, so it has a lot of versatility.",
"The 10 most popular typeface families in American newspapers according to a study by Ascender Corporation : 1. Poynter. 2. Franklin Gothic. 3. Helvetica. 4. Utopia. 5. Times. 6.Nimrod. 7.he 10 most popular typeface families in American newspapers according to a study by Ascender Corporation : 1. Poynter. 2. Franklin Gothic. 3. Helvetica. 4. Utopia. 5. Times. 6. Nimrod. 7.",
"Good point! But âHelvetica Neueâ is nicer than âHelveticaâ, so I prefere: font-family: âHelvetica Neueâ, sans-serif; what gives you: âHelvetica Neueâ, Helvetica on Mac, and âHelvetica Neueâ, Arial on PC. I donât care about minority changing default browser font setting âcause itâs less than 1%.",
"4. Re: What is a good Helvetica substitute on Windows/PC? phi nupe Sep 22, 2010 10:55 AM (in response to BobLevine) Good to know - somewhere along the way, years ago, I picked up the idea that Arial was a web-only typeface. TranslateShow OriginalTranslating...",
"Of all the fonts discussed, there was only one that all three designers could agree on: good olâ Helvetica. âHelvetica is so no-fuss, it doesnât really lean in one direction or another,â states Hoff in the article. âIt feels professional, lighthearted, honest.",
"I'm working on a big website project where 'Helvetica Neue' is used heavily. I need a font that looks almost the same, is free for personal and commercial use, and looks good even when used with copytext (e.g. fontsize for copytext = 11px, for headlines = 16px).ut you can get Helvetica Neue for web from Fonts.com for web use for a fair price too. I would probably use font-family:Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Liberation Sans, Arial, sans-serif; so those pcs with the font installed can see it, and those who don't have it can see a replacement. share | improve this answer.",
"Apple has changed the iPhone interface font several times. The original iPhone, iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS system interface uses Helvetica. DaringFireball also notes that this change is related to the iPhone 4 display and older iPhone models running iOS 4 or later still use Helvetica as the system font.",
"Posted on July 3, 2013 by Eric Silva Posted in Helvetica Neue Light Condensed 7 Comments. Helvetica Neue is simply a contemporary version of the Helvetica font. The font was introduced by Wolfgang Schimpf with the assistance of Reinhard Haus, Erik Spiekermann and Rene Kerfante.",
"show more Helvetica's default substitution is Arial. However, I'd like to replace it with Linotype's Helvetica Neue, I have the whole font family so all forms are available. Currently, I've replaced Helvetica's default to HelveticaNeueLTPro-Roman.otf, but I have not seen changes even after restart.o if the site calls for Helvetica, and Helvetica is not available it will default to your specified san serif. So, you might not see the changes unless your visiting a site that is using a specific font that you do not have installed, in which your browser will default to the font you specify.",
"Helvetica Neue is the new default font in Apple's next desktop OS, OS X Yosemite, replacing the font Lucida Grande. ... except Neue Helvetica 75 Bold Outline.1 In Word 2007, Helvetica Neue Font will change font type ...lease note: If you want to create professional printout, you should consider a commercial font. Free fonts often have not all characters and signs, and have no kerning pairs (Avenue â A venue, Tea â T ea). Check it for free with Typograph.",
"Itâs called Helvetica Neue Ultra Thin, and itâs a tall, narrow, modern font that adds a lot to the clean, minimalistic feel of iOS 7 and 8. Apple already uses Helvetica Neue on several design elements in iOS (see below).",
"Neue Helvetica uses a numerical design classification scheme, like Univers. The font family is made up of 51 fonts including 9 weights in 3 widths (8, 9, 8 in normal, condensed, extended widths respectively), and an outline font based on Helvetica 75 Bold Outline (no Textbook or rounded fonts are available).Linotype distributes Neue Helvetica on CD.he font family is made up of 51 fonts including 9 weights in 3 widths (8, 9, 8 in normal, condensed, extended widths respectively), and an outline font based on Helvetica 75 Bold Outline (no Textbook or rounded fonts are available). Linotype distributes Neue Helvetica on CD.",
"ï¼ Use appropriate size font that is large enough and contrasts easily with the posterâs background. Non-serif fonts such as Helvetica for title and headings and a serif font like Palatino for the body text are easier to read. Never use dark backgrounds.",
"It works great as a Helvetica substitute, and even looks extremely sharp even in small font sizes due to the ClearType enhancements. And thereâs no better if you need to create a fake Microsoft logo. To note, this is not just Segoe UI which comes with Vista or Office 2007.",
"There are those that say Helvetica is the best font for a resume. Helvetica is a pretty, easy-to-read sans serif font. The only problem is that Helvetica is not free. You arenât going to find it listed under fonts in Microsoft Word. You are going to have to buy it if you want to use it and donât have a Mac.",
"Background. Helvetica was developed in 1957 by Max Miedinger with Eduard Hoffmann at the Haasâsche Schriftgiesserei (Haas type foundry) of Muenchenstein, Münchenstein. Switzerland haas set out to design a new-sans serif typeface that could compete With-Akzidenz grotesk in The swiss. marketackground. Helvetica was developed in 1957 by Max Miedinger with Eduard Hoffmann at the Haasâsche Schriftgiesserei (Haas type foundry) of Muenchenstein, Münchenstein. Switzerland haas set out to design a new-sans serif typeface that could compete With-Akzidenz grotesk in The swiss. market",
"The type design for a set of fonts is the typeface and variations of this design form the four colors used in 4-color process printing (see 4-color the typeface family. Thus, 21093 Forbes Avenue, Hayward, CA 94545 â (510) 887-5656 â www.folgergraphics.com. 2. Aa Helvetica is a typeface family, process).",
"Fonts â Helvetica Neue (Web and Mobile) Twitter recently reverted a high-profile font change, returning to Helvetica Neue for the web after a brief period of using Gotham Narrow SSm. On mobile devices, the font remains Helvetica Neue, Arial or the system default sans-serif font.",
"The bolder version of the Helvetica Neue is especially suitable for signage because it can be easily read from a distance and also because it stands out among other fonts because of its simplicity. See also: Free Helvetica Font: Helvetica Neue.he bolder version of the Helvetica Neue is especially suitable for signage because it can be easily read from a distance and also because it stands out among other fonts because of its simplicity. See also: Free Helvetica Font: Helvetica Neue.",
"Neue Helvetica (German for âNewâ) is the most complete and usable set of Helvetica fonts. Over the years, the Helvetica family was expanded to include many different weights, but these were not as well coordinated with each other as they might have been.here are many reasons why Helvetica is so widespread. The most obvious being that a few weights have been bundled with the Mac OS for years. It is arguably the most respectable of the âdefaultâ fonts. But itâs also used because itâs a safe, neutral choice.",
"FF Schulbuch ⢠â A series of fonts based on the historical textbook types used in Northern and Southern Germany, and Bavaria. The Nord (North) variant is the closest relative of Helvetica. Why itâs not Helv: A single-story âaâ and tailed âlâ.",
"font - Computer Definition A set of type characters of a particular typeface design and size. Each typeface, such as Times Roman, Helvetica and Arial, is typically made available in four variations: normal weight, bold, italic and bold italic.",
"1 Alte Haas Grotesk comes in Regular and Bold versions. 2 It's a grotesk with a Helvetica look. 3 Lowvetica is inspired by Helvetica but eliminating all highs and lows.. 4 Helveticrap from Tension Type is an all-caps slightly messy and distressed take on Helvetica.",
"Since the introduction of the 1st-generation iPhone in 2007, Apple has used Helvetica in its software design. iOS for the iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, and Apple TV employs the font, alongside its use on iPods beginning with the 6th-generation iPod classic and 3rd-generation iPod nano.",
"Without a doubt, Helvetica is the most heavily used font by professionals (and also by the not so professional) in graphic design. Although some praise the font, many believe that it is spaced too tightly.",
"Best Answer: From their website: The John Deere logotype was changed using a hand-modified version based on the Helvetica font.. This one is pretty close. Swiss 721 Black Condensed. http://www.jabroo.com/download/7f2ba4fd2...",
"I'm pretty sure size 12 is the standard. Berlin sans is a nice font. You can use pretty much any font as long as its not ridiculous and please don't use comic sans for essays. Visit steveoyo's homepage! Helvetica is sans serif doesn't read as well for body, good for headers, I'd suggest a serif typeface for body of text. 50 - 70 characters per line, maybe 0.25 line space possibly 0.5.",
"The font costs like 200 bucks, but Arial is the closest font to it According to the New York Times' recently published obit for Bob Noâ¦orda, the designer of the NYC Subway system signage, the type is internal to the system, Standard Medium, but was originally designed by Mr. Noorda using Helvetica.",
"It is common to have sans serif fonts for display text in books where a serif font is used for the body text. Helvetica is the most popular choice for chapter headings, being the most distinctive font from Times Roman [if this is your choice for the main text].eadability-depends on how letters work together in words and in lines of text. The best way here is to use a standard paragraph and try it in different fonts-you will be surprised how the right one jumps out at you.",
"font - Computer Definition. A set of type characters of a particular typeface design and size. Each typeface, such as Times Roman, Helvetica and Arial, is typically made available in four variations: normal weight, bold, italic and bold italic.",
"Helvetica Without a doubt, Helvetica is the most heavily used font by professionals (and also by the not so professional) in graphic design. Although some praise the font, many believe that it is spaced too tightly.",
"body { font-family: Sans-Serif; }. Macs will get awesome Helvetica by default. On PC's, even if they have Helvetica it can look worse than Arial for whatever reason, so this way they get Arial by default. And you're still covered by the generic keyword."
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granulocytic leukemia symptoms | [
"The signs and symptoms of chronic granulocytic leukemia (CGL) or CML are: 1 Patient will bleed easily. 2 Being tired or run-down. 3 Fever. Losing weight unintentionally. Losing the urge to 1 eat. Below the left rib will be a fullness that is painful. The skin becomes 1 pale. Night sweating or severe sweating during sleep."
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"1 Common symptoms of chronic or acute leukemia may include. 2 pain in the bones or joints, 3 swollen lymph nodes that usually don't hurt, 4 fevers or night sweats, 5 feeling weak or tired, 6 bleeding and bruising easily, 7 frequent infections, 8 discomfort or swelling in the abdomen, 9 weight loss or loss of appetite.",
"Undifferentiated AML - M0: In this stage of acute myelogenous leukemia, the bone marrow cells show no significant signs of differentiation. Myeloblastic leukemia - M1: Bone marrow cells show some signs of granulocytic differentiation with or without minimal cell maturation.",
"Other common symptoms of leukemia include headache, weight loss, pain in the bones or joints, swelling or discomfort in the abdomen (from an enlarged spleen), and swollen lymph nodes, especially in the neck or armpit. Symptoms of acute leukemia may include vomiting, confusion, loss of muscle control, and seizures.ther common symptoms of leukemia include headache, weight loss, pain in the bones or joints, swelling or discomfort in the abdomen (from an enlarged spleen), and swollen lymph nodes, especially in the neck or armpit. Symptoms of acute leukemia may include vomiting, confusion, loss of muscle control, and seizures.",
"Chronic myelogenous leukemia. (Redirected from Chronic granulocytic leukemia) Chronic myelogenous (or myeloid or myelocytic) leukemia (CML), also known as chronic granulocytic leukemia (CGL), is a cancer of the white blood cells. It is a form of leukemia characterized by the increased and unregulated growth of predominantly myeloid cells in the bone marrow and the accumulation of these cells in the blood.",
"In some cases, symptoms may progress to include nausea, vomiting, cough, diarrhea, loss of appetite (anorexia), and/or confusion. If Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis is left untreated, life-threatening symptoms, such as kidney failure and/or respiratory problems, may develop in some cases.",
"The symptoms of leukemia include: 1 excessive sweating, especially at night. 2 fatigue and weakness that do not go away with rest. 3 unintentional weight loss. 4 bone pain and tenderness. 5 painless, swollen lymph nodes (especially in the neck and armpits). 6 enlargement of the liver or spleen. 7 red spots on the skin (petechiae).",
"The symptoms of Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis (HGE) may include a sudden high fever, headache, muscle aches (myalgia), chills, and a general feeling of weakness and fatigue (malaise) within a week or so after initial infection.",
"Leukemia symptoms vary, depending on the type of leukemia. Common leukemia signs and symptoms include: 1 Fever or chills. 2 Persistent fatigue, weakness. 3 Frequent or severe infections. 4 Losing weight without trying. 5 Swollen lymph nodes, enlarged liver or spleen. 6 Easy bleeding or bruising. 7 Recurrent nosebleeds. 8 Tiny red spots in your skin (petechiae). 9 Excessive sweating, especially at night. 10 Bone pain or ....",
"Chronic myelogenous leukemia: »Introduction: Chronic myelogenous leukemia. »Symptoms of Chronic myelogenous leukemia. Chronic granulocytic leukemia: A slowly progressing disease in which too many white blood cells (not lymphocytes) are made in the bone marrow. Also called chronic myelogenous leukemia or chronic myeloid leukemia.",
"Early Symptoms of Leukemia: Chronic Leukemia. Chronic leukemia includes such types of the disease as chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). In the early stages of chronic leukemia, the leukemia cells function almost normally. Therefore, there may be no early symptoms of leukemia. In most cases, doctors will find chronic leukemia during a routine checkup before there are any symptoms. When symptoms of CLL do appear, they are generally mild at first and progress gradually. Pain or a feeling of fullness below the ribs on the left side.",
"Some general symptoms of leukemia include: 1 Fever, chills. 2 Fatigue, weakness. 3 Loss of appetite, weight loss. 4 Night sweats. 5 Bone/joint pain. 6 Abdominal discomfort. 7 Headaches. 8 Shortness of breath. 9 Frequent infections. 10 Easy bruising or bleeding. 11 Petechiae (small red spots under the skin).",
"According to MedicineNet, a low granulocyte count can be caused by bacterial or viral infections, certain cancers, chemotherapy drugs, radiation treatment or certain autoimmune disorders. A low... According to MedicineNet, a low granulocyte count can be caused by bacterial or viral infections, certain cancers, chemotherapy drugs, radiation treatment or certain autoimmune disorders. A low granulocyte count can also occur in healthy people without any known cause.",
"The granulomatous stage may present with a variety of cerebral symptoms and signs including seizures, focal neurological deficits, and intracranial hypertension. The occurrence of seizures has been documented in rare cases of histologically proven neurological involvement in schistosomiasis ().",
"Symptoms of acute leukemia depend on how much the cancer has grown. They may include: 1 A new lump or swollen gland in your neck, under your arm, or in your groin. 2 Frequent nosebleeds, bleeding from the gums or rectum, more frequent bruising, or very heavy menstrual bleeding.3 Frequent fevers. 4 Night sweats.ymptoms of acute leukemia depend on how much the cancer has grown. They may include: 1 A new lump or swollen gland in your neck, under your arm, or in your groin. 2 Frequent nosebleeds, bleeding from the gums or rectum, more frequent bruising, or very heavy menstrual bleeding.",
"acute lymphocytic leukemia. symptoms a pallor, shortness of breath, infection, bleeding gums, predominance of immature and abnormally functioning leukocytes, and low numbers of mature neurophils in a young child may indicate a likely diagnosis of.",
"Lung granuloma AND Lung symptoms: Causes of All Symptoms. Lung granuloma OR Lung symptoms: 3200 causes. Lung granuloma: Causes. Lung granuloma: Introduction. Lung symptoms: 3200 causes. Lung symptoms: Introduction. Lung granuloma and Lung symptoms and Respiratory symptoms (16 causes) Lung granuloma and Lung symptoms and Nerve symptoms (15 causes) Lung granuloma and Lung symptoms and Body symptoms (14 causes) Lung granuloma and Lung symptoms and Head symptoms (14 causes) Lung granuloma and Lung symptoms and Skin symptoms (14 causes) Lung granuloma and Lung symptoms and Breath symptoms (13 causes) Lung granuloma and Lung symptoms and Cough (13 causes) Lung granuloma and Lung symptoms and Pain (13 causes) Lung granuloma and Lung symptoms and Sensory symptoms (13 causes) Lung granuloma and Lung symptoms and Throat symptoms (13 causes) Lung granuloma and Lung symptoms and MORE SYMPTOMS",
"In some severe cases, if Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis is left untreated, life-threatening symptoms may develop, such as respiratory insufficiency, severe gastrointestinal bleeding, kidney (renal) failure, and/or liver damage.",
"Common signs and symptoms of acute leukemia include: Easy bruising and/or bleeding. Fever. Fatigue and weakness. Frequent infections. Frequent or severe nosebleeds. Loss of weight and/or appetite. Night sweats.",
"Common leukemia signs and symptoms include: 1 Fever or chills. 2 Persistent fatigue, weakness. 3 Frequent or severe infections. 4 Losing weight without trying. 5 Swollen lymph nodes, enlarged liver or spleen. 6 Easy bleeding or bruising. 7 Recurrent nosebleeds. 8 Tiny red spots in your skin (petechiae). 9 Excessive sweating, especially at night. 10 Bone pain or ....",
"Understanding CML. 1 Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) is referred to by a variety of names, such as chronic granulocytic, chronic myelocytic, or chronic myeloid leukemia. It is one of the more rare forms of leukemia and can go undetected for great amounts of time without acute symptoms.",
"In both adults and children, sarcoidosis most often affects the lungs. If granulomas (inflamed lumps) form in your lungs, you may wheeze, cough, feel short of breath, or have chest pain. Or, you may have no symptoms at all. Some people who have sarcoidosis feel very tired, uneasy, or depressed. Night sweats and weight loss are common symptoms of the disease. Common signs and symptoms in children are fatigue (tiredness), loss of appetite, weight loss, bone and joint pain, and anemia. Children who are younger than 4 years old may have a distinct form of sarcoidosis.",
"Healthline states that some of the major causes of granulocytosis are bone marrow disorders. Chronic myelogenous leukemia, primary myelofibrosis and polycythemia vera are some kinds of bone marrow diseases that cause high granulocyte count.",
"Chronic myelogenous leukemia (also called CML or chronic granulocytic leukemia) is a slowly progressing blood and bone marrow disease that usually occurs during or after middle age, and rarely occurs in children. Leukemia may affect red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.",
"Leukemia (American English) or leukaemia (British English) is a group of cancers that usually begin in the bone marrow and result in high numbers of abnormal white blood cells. These white blood cells are not fully developed and are called blasts or leukemia cells. Symptoms may include bleeding and bruising problems, feeling tired, fever, and an increased risk of infections. These symptoms occur due to a lack of normal blood cells.",
"Symptoms may depend on what type of leukemia you have, but common symptoms include: 1 A new lump or swollen gland in your neck, under your arm, or in your groin. 2 Frequent nosebleeds, bleeding from the gums or rectum, more frequent bruising, or very heavy menstrual bleeding. 3 Frequent fevers. 4 Night sweats. 5 Bone pain.",
"Granuloma Annulare Symptoms. Granuloma annulare is normally marked by: Reddish, skin-colored and raised bump or lesions that can grow or can link to form patterns of a ring and are most common on the feet or hands. These patterns can resemble ringworm.",
"What are the symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukemia? Early symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukemia include chills, sweating, fever without infection, and fatigue. Later symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukemia are due to decreasing function of the bone marrow and include: 1 Bone and joint pain may occur as the bone marrow pressure increases due to an excess build-up of white blood cells.",
"Other Common Symptoms. Other common symptoms of leukemia include headache, weight loss, pain in the bones or joints, swelling or discomfort in the abdomen (from an enlarged spleen), and swollen lymph nodes, especially in the neck or armpit.Symptoms of acute leukemia may include vomiting, confusion, loss of muscle control, and seizures.ther Common Symptoms. Other common symptoms of leukemia include headache, weight loss, pain in the bones or joints, swelling or discomfort in the abdomen (from an enlarged spleen), and swollen lymph nodes, especially in the neck or armpit.",
"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Chronic myelogenous (or myeloid or myelocytic) leukemia (CML), also known as chronic granulocytic leukemia (CGL), is a cancer of the white blood cells.t is a form of leukemia characterized by the increased and unregulated growth of predominantly myeloid cells in the bone marrow and the accumulation of these cells in the blood.",
"Symptoms. Leukemia symptoms vary, depending on the type of leukemia. Common leukemia signs and symptoms include: Fever or chills; Persistent fatigue, weakness; Frequent or severe infections; Losing weight without trying; Swollen lymph nodes, enlarged liver or spleen; Easy bleeding or bruising; Recurrent nosebleeds; Tiny red spots in your skin (petechiae)",
"Leukemia Signs and Symptoms. 1 Night sweats and fever. 2 Fatigue. 3 Body aches. Poor blood 1 clotting. Weakened immune system. 2 Anemia. Loss of appetite leading to weight 3 loss. Abdominal discomfort.",
"Leukemia (American English) or leukaemia (British English) is a group of cancers that usually begin in the bone marrow and result in high numbers of abnormal white blood cells. These white blood cells are not fully developed and are called blasts or leukemia cells.Symptoms may include bleeding and bruising problems, feeling tired, fever, and an increased risk of infections. These symptoms occur due to a lack of normal blood cells.n children under 15, the five-year survival rate is greater than 60 to 85%, depending on the type of leukemia. In children with acute leukemia who are cancer-free after five years, the cancer is unlikely to return.",
"The child with leukemia often shows symptoms of an infection such as fever, runny nose, and cough. Bone and joint pain. Pain in bones and joints is another common symptom of leukemia. This pain is usually a result of the bone marrow being overcrowded and full.hronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is uncommon in children. Chronic myelogenous leukemia is cancer of the blood in which too many granulocytes, a type of white blood cell, are produced in the marrow. The granulocytes normally fight infection.",
"Common early symptoms of chronic leukemias include: 1 Fatigue. 2 Fullness in the abdomen due to an enlarged spleen. 3 Low-grade fevers or sweats. 4 Swollen lymph nodes. 5 Weight loss for no reason.",
"General signs and symptoms of the early stages of acute myelogenous leukemia may mimic those of the flu or other common diseases. Signs and symptoms may vary based on the type of blood cell affected. Signs and symptoms of acute myelogenous leukemia include: Fever. Bone pain. Lethargy and fatigue. Shortness of breath. Pale skin. Frequent infections.",
"Note: Symptoms of Wegener's granulomatosis include fatigue, fever, weight loss, runny nose, nosebleed, sinus pain, cough, shortness of breath, and skin sores. Left untreated, Wegener's granulomatosis can progress to life-threatening organ failure especially of the kidneys or lungs.",
"Chronic myelogenous leukemia is a disease in which the bone marrow makes too many white blood cells. Chronic myelogenous leukemia (also called CML or chronic granulocytic leukemia) is a slowly progressing blood and bone marrow disease that usually occurs during or after middle age, and rarely occurs in children. Enlarge Anatomy of the bone.",
"Other symptoms of leukemia can include: 1 pain in the bones or joints, sometimes causing a limp. 2 swollen lymph nodes (sometimes called swollen glands) in the neck, groin, or elsewhere. 3 an abnormally tired feeling. 4 poor appetite. 5 fevers with no other symptoms.",
"The symptoms of leukemia arise from a loss of function of the normal blood cells or from accumulation of the abnormal cells in the body. Signs and symptoms of leukemia typically include the following: 1 Fevers. 2 Night sweats. 3 Swollen lymph nodes that are usually painless. 4 Feelings of fatigue, tiredness.",
"Acute leukemia is characterized by fatigue, headache, sore throat, and dyspnea, followed by symptoms of acute tonsillitis, stomatitis, bleeding from the mucous membranes of the mouth, alimentary canal, and rectum, and pain in the bones and joints. There eventually is enlargement of the lymph nodes, liver, and spleen. Common to all leukemias are the tendency to bleed and the resultant anemia and increased susceptibility to infection. The diagnosis of leukemia requires confirmation of leukemic cells in the bone marrow by bone marrow biopsy and aspiration.",
"In both adults and children, sarcoidosis most often affects the lungs. If granulomas (inflamed lumps) form in your lungs, you may wheeze, cough, feel short of breath, or have chest pain. Or, you may have no symptoms at all. Some people who have sarcoidosis feel very tired, uneasy, or depressed. Night sweats and weight loss are common symptoms of the disease. Common signs and symptoms in children are fatigue (tiredness), loss of appetite, weight loss, bone and joint pain, and anemia.",
"Chronic Granulocytic Leukemia: Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Treatment. Chronic granulocytic leukemia (CGL) or CML is a rare cancer affecting the blood cells. Chronic in the chronic granulocytic leukemia (CGL) is a term that indicates a type of cancer that slowly progresses as compared to acute types of cancer. Children are less affected as compared to adults.",
"These are some of the common symptoms of leukemia: 1 Fever, chills, and other flu-like symptoms; 2 Weakness and fatigue; 3 Frequent infections; 4 Loss of appetite and/or weight; 5 Swollen or tender lymph nodes , liver , or spleen 6 ; Easy bleeding or bruising; 7 Tiny red spots (called petechiae ) under the skin; 8 Swollen or bleeding gums;",
"Therefore, there may be no early symptoms of leukemia. In most cases, doctors will find chronic leukemia during a routine checkup before there are any symptoms. When symptoms of CLL do appear, they are generally mild at first and progress gradually. Common symptoms of chronic leukemia include: 1 Feeling very tired. 2 Weight loss for no known reason. 3 Night sweats. 4 Fever. Pain or a feeling of fullness below the ribs on the left side.",
"Chronic granulocytic leukemia: Chronic granulocytic leukemia is listed as a type of (or associated with) the following medical conditions in our database: 1 Myelogenous leukemia. 2 Cancer. 3 Blood cancers. Blood 1 conditions. Bone marrow conditions. Flu-like conditions.",
"granulocytic leukemia myelogenous leukemia. hairy cell leukemia a form of chronic leukemia marked by splenomegaly and by an abundance of abnormal large mononuclear cells covered by hairlike villi (hairy cells) in the bone marrow, spleen, liver, and peripheral blood.",
"Acute myeloid leukemia is also known as acute myelogenous leukemia or acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL). The early signs of AML may be similar to the flu or other common diseases with fever, weakness and fatigue, loss of weight and appetite, and aches and pains in the bones or joints.",
"Signs and symptoms of acute myelogenous leukemia include: 1 Fever. 2 Bone pain. 3 Lethargy and fatigue. Shortness of 1 breath. Pale skin. Frequent 1 infections. Easy bruising. Unusual bleeding, such as frequent nosebleeds and bleeding from the gums.",
"Chronic myelogenous leukemia is a disease in which the bone marrow makes too many white blood cells. Leukemia may affect red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Signs and symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukemia include fever, night sweats, and tiredness. Most people with CML have a gene mutation (change) called the Philadelphia chromosome. Tests that examine the blood and bone marrow are used to detect (find) and diagnose chronic myelogenous leukemia.",
"Symptoms may depend on what type of leukemia you have, but common symptoms include: 1 A new lump or swollen gland in your neck, under your arm, or in your groin. 2 Frequent nosebleeds, bleeding from the gums or rectum, more frequent bruising, or very heavy menstrual bleeding.3 Frequent fevers. 4 Night sweats.5 Bone pain. Chronic leukemia gets worse slowly and may not cause symptoms for years. 2 It may be lymphocytic or myelogenous. 3 Lymphocytic (or lymphoblastic) leukemia affects white blood cells called lymphocytes. 4 Myelogenous leukemia affects the other type of cells that normally become granulocytes, red blood cells, or platelets.",
"Leukemia symptoms vary, depending on the type of leukemia. Common leukemia signs and symptoms include: 1 Fever or chills. 2 Persistent fatigue, weakness. 3 Frequent or severe infections. 4 Losing weight without trying. 5 Swollen lymph nodes, enlarged liver or spleen.6 Easy bleeding or bruising. 7 Recurrent nosebleeds. 8 Tiny red spots in your skin (petechiae).9 Excessive sweating, especially at night.10 Bone pain or ....ommon leukemia signs and symptoms include: 1 Fever or chills. 2 Persistent fatigue, weakness. 3 Frequent or severe infections. 4 Losing weight without trying. 5 Swollen lymph nodes, enlarged liver or spleen. 6 Easy bleeding or bruising. 7 Recurrent nosebleeds.",
"Many granulomas can form in various parts of the body, and symptoms will vary depending on the areas involved. When granulomas form in the lungs, a person may experience coughing, wheezing or chest pain. Fatigue, night sweats, and weight loss are also common to the disease. Sarcoidosis has a variable course. Many people with the illness will have few symptoms or the illness might resolve.",
"Symptoms may depend on what type of leukemia you have, but common symptoms include: 1 A new lump or swollen gland in your neck, under your arm, or in your groin. 2 Frequent nosebleeds, bleeding from the gums or rectum, more frequent bruising, or very heavy menstrual bleeding.3 Frequent fevers. 4 Night sweats.5 Bone pain.ymptoms may depend on what type of leukemia you have, but common symptoms include: 1 A new lump or swollen gland in your neck, under your arm, or in your groin. 2 Frequent nosebleeds, bleeding from the gums or rectum, more frequent bruising, or very heavy menstrual bleeding.",
"Signs and symptoms of oral pyogenic granuloma. Pyogenic granuloma and pregnancy epulis are relatively soft, deep reddish-purple harmless single swellings on the gums which are often extensively ulcerated. Pregnancy epulis is regarded as pyogenic granuloma on the gums occurring in a pregnant female.",
"Leukemia (American English) or leukaemia (British English) is a group of cancers that usually begin in the bone marrow and result in high numbers of abnormal white blood cells. These white blood cells are not fully developed and are called blasts or leukemia cells.Symptoms may include bleeding and bruising problems, feeling tired, fever, and an increased risk of infections. These symptoms occur due to a lack of normal blood cells.iagnosis is usually based on repeated complete blood counts and a bone marrow examination following observations of the symptoms. Sometimes, blood tests may not show that a person has leukemia, especially in the early stages of the disease or during remission.",
"1 Leukemia may affect red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. 2 Previous chemotherapy and exposure to radiation may increase the risk of developing ALL. 3 Signs and symptoms of adult ALL include fever, feeling tired, and easy bruising or bleeding. Adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes too many lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell).",
"Early Symptoms of Leukemia. People with acute leukemia are more likely to experience early symptoms of the disease than those people with chronic forms of the cancer. Early symptoms of leukemia for people with acute forms of the disease may include fever, fatigue, frequent infections, and painless lumps in the neck, underarm, stomach, or groin. Like all blood cells, leukemia cells travel through the body.",
"Quick Answer. Common symptoms of leukemia in children include fatigue or pale skin, infections and fever, easy bleeding or bruising, extreme weakness, shortness of breath, and coughing, according to WebMD. Other symptoms may include bone or joint pain, swelling in the abdomen, swelling above the collarbone, loss of appetite, weight loss, headaches, seizure, balance problems or abnormal vision.",
"Signs and symptoms of leukemia include: 1 Fatigue. 2 Fever. 3 Abnormal paleness. 4 Weight loss. 5 Shortness of breath. 6 Easy bruising. 7 Bleeding. 8 Repeated infections. 9 Bone pain.",
"Chronic myelogenous (or myeloid or myelocytic) leukemia (CML), also known as chronic granulocytic leukemia (CGL), is a cancer of the white blood cells.t is a form of leukemia characterized by the increased and unregulated growth of predominantly myeloid cells in the bone marrow and the accumulation of these cells in the blood.",
"Granuloma: Related Patient Stories. 1 Granuloma / Fibromyalgia Symptoms. 2 Granuloma / Fibromyalgia symptoms. 3 Searching for proper diagnosis: HLA-B27, non-caseating granulomas, ACE, CK, MVP. Granuloma / Fibromyalgia 1 symptoms. Granuloma disease.",
"Symptoms may depend on what type of leukemia you have, but common symptoms include: 1 A new lump or swollen gland in your neck, under your arm, or in your groin. 2 Frequent nosebleeds, bleeding from the gums or rectum, more frequent bruising, or very heavy menstrual bleeding.3 Frequent fevers. 4 Night sweats.5 Bone pain.eukemia is cancer of the blood cells. It starts in the bone marrow, the soft tissue inside most bones. Bone marrow is where blood cells are made. 1 White blood cells help your body fight infection. 2 Red blood cells carry oxygen to all parts of your body.",
"The National CML Society. Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) is referred to by a variety of names, such as chronic granulocytic, chronic myelocytic, or chronic myeloid leukemia. It is one of the more rare forms of leukemia and can go undetected for great amounts of time without acute symptoms.",
"Symptoms of acute leukemia depend on how much the cancer has grown. They may include: 1 A new lump or swollen gland in your neck, under your arm, or in your groin. 2 Frequent nosebleeds, bleeding from the gums or rectum, more frequent bruising, or very heavy menstrual bleeding. 3 Frequent fevers. 4 Night sweats. 5 Bone pain.",
"Many types of leukemia produce no obvious symptoms in the early stages. Eventually, symptoms may include any of the following: Anemia and related symptoms, such as fatigue, pallor, and a general feeling of illness."
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where is silver creek wa | [
"Silver Creek, Washington. Silver Creek is an unincorporated community in Lewis County, Washington, United States. Silver Creek is located along U.S. Route 12 near its junction with Washington State Route 122, 5 miles (8.0 km) west of Mossyrock. Silver Creek has a post office with ZIP code 98585. A post office called Silver Creek has been in operation since 1875. The community takes its name from nearby Silver Creek."
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"Spring runs of Steelhead, fall migrations of salmon, and the resident brook trout populations make the Silver an excellent fishing stream. The Main Stream descends through rugged topographythat ranges in elevation from 1600 ft. near the headwaters to 690 feet at the mouth in a short 20 miles.",
"Silver Creek is a town in Lawrence County, Mississippi. The population was 209 at the 2000 census. Silver Creek is accessed from U.S. Route 84 and Mississippi Highway 43. The movie Jesse James' Women (1954) was filmed in Silver Creek.",
"Silverdale is located in west Washington. Silverdale is part of Kitsap County. Silverdale has 12.63 square miles of land area and 0.96 square miles of water area. As of 2010, the total Silverdale population is 19,204, which has grown 21.42% since 2000. The population growth rate is much higher than the state average rate of 14.09% and is much higher than the national average rate of 9.71%.",
"Silverton is a former silver mining camp, most or all of which is now included in a federally designated National Historic Landmark District, the Silverton Historic District. The town population was 531 at U.S. Census 2000.",
"Our mining operation officially began operations in 1983. We are still one of the top-producing surface mines in this region. Silver Creek Materials offers competitive prices, fast, professional services, and high quality products that have made us a recycling, compost, mining and organic products industry leader.e are still one of the top-producing surface mines in this region. Silver Creek Materials offers competitive prices, fast, professional services, and high quality products that have made us a recycling, compost, mining and organic products industry leader.",
"Sponsored Topics. Silverton is a city in Marion County, Oregon, United States, along the 45th parallel. The population was 7,414 at the 2000 census. It is part of the Salem Metropolitan Statistical Area.",
"Other notable areas in Elmore County include the areas near present day Pine and Featherville. Located near the headwaters of the South Fork Boise River, all waters in this area produced gold and are worth prospecting. Silver City is a well-known mining town in Owyhee County, Idaho. Silver was found here on War Eagle Mountain in 1864, and thousands converged on the high desert valley.",
"Spring Creek is located in a large valley between the Elko Hills to the northwest, and the Ruby Mountains to the southeast. To the southwest is Huntington Valley and the South Fork of the Humboldt River, while to the north is the main branch of the Humboldt.",
"For other uses, see Silver Springs. Silver Springs is a U.S. unincorporated community and the site of aquatic springs in Marion County, Florida. The springs are one of the largest artesian spring formations in the world, producing nearly 550 million gallons of crystal-clear water daily. Silver Springs forms the headwaters of the Silver River, the largest tributary on the Ocklawaha River, a part of the St. Johns River system. The springs were designated a National Natural Landmark in 1971. One of Florida's first tourist attractions, the springs drew visitors even before the U.S. Civil War.",
"Silver Spring Regional Area encompasses the area south of the beltway (plus Four Corners), east to the Prince George County line, south to the Washington DC line and west to Rock Creek Park.",
"Silverton is situated on the eastern edge of the Willamette Valley, a fertile and alluvial plain which stretches from the western foothills of the Cascade Range on the east, known as the Waldo Hills, to the eastern foothills of the Oregon Coast Range on the west.",
"Silverton, Oregon. Silverton is a city in Marion County, Oregon, United States. The city is situated along the 45th parallel about 12 miles (19 km) northeast of Salem, in the eastern margins of the broad alluvial plain of the Willamette Valley.",
"Looking for rural homes and land for sale in Silver Creek, Lawrence County, Mississippi? LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Silver Creek, Lawrence County, Mississippi, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates.",
"Sponsored Topics. Silver Springs is a census-designated place (CDP) in Lyon County, Nevada, United States at the intersection of U.S. 50 (California Trail) and U.S. 95A. The population was 4,708 at the 2000 census. Lahontan Reservoir, Lahontan State Recreation Area and historic Fort Churchill State Historic Park are all located nearby.",
"Silverdale lies at the north tip of Dyes Inlet, which connects it to Bremerton via Sinclair Inlet and the Pacific Ocean via Puget Sound. According to the United States Census Bureau, the CDP of Silverdale has a total area of 7.9 square miles (20.4 km²), of which 6.9 square miles (18.0 km²) is land and 0.9 square miles (2.4 km²) is water. Silverdale is located at (47.659410, -122.676630",
"Coboconk, Ontario. Silver Lake is a small lake near Coboconk, in the Canadian province of Ontario. It is the lowest lake on the Gull River watershed, supplying water to Balsam Lake at the top of the Trent-Severn Waterway.",
"Silver City. Silver City, ghost town, Owyhee county, southwestern Idaho, U.S., 37 miles (60 km) southwest of Boise. Founded March 10, 1863, it quickly displaced Ruby City as the centre of the Owyhee mines and was county seat from 1866 to 1935.",
"The Village at Baker Creek is located in the heart of Bellingham, WA, with great access to the Guide Meridian and very close to the Sunset and Barkley neighborhoods. Our Property has 1 and 2 bedroom apartment homes that are ready for you to rent. We pay trash and the larger portion of water & sewer.",
"Silverdale is a census-designated place (CDP) in Kitsap County, Washington, in the United States. The population was 19,204 at the 2010 census. Despite many attempts at incorporation, Silverdale remains an unincorporated community.[citation needed]",
"Explore Tacoma. Welcome to Silver Cloud Tacoma, Washington. Located in Tacomaâs Old Town community is the Silver Cloud Inn Tacoma Waterfront, Tacomaâs only waterfront hotel. Our hotel is conveniently located just two miles north of downtown Tacomaâs amazing museum district, and is only ten minutes from Tacoma Dome & Convention Center.",
"Snoqualmie National Forest. Melakwa Lake via Denny Creek Trail is a 8.5 mile heavily trafficked out and back trail located near North Bend, Washington that features a lake and is rated as moderate. The trail offers a number of activity options and is best used from March until October. Dogs are also able to use this trail.",
"Canyon Creek. Canyon Creek, Washington, the lower. Copyright © 2007, Oregon Kayaking. No part of this page may be reproduced, linked, or copied without the express written permission of the Oregon Kayaking webmaster. Canyon Creek Washington is one of the Pacific Northwests most precious whitewater resources. This run is beloved by paddlers of every variety, and for good reason: Reliable flows, big, clean drops, and beautiful canyon scenery make this creek well worth paddling.",
"Residents of a large swath of South-Eastern Montgomery County have Silver Spring mailing addresses. This area extends roughly from the Washington, D.C., Prince George's County, Maryland and Howard County, Maryland lines to the south, east and north, and Rock Creek Park and Plyers Mill Road to the west and north-west. These boundaries make Silver Spring larger in area than any city in Maryland except for Baltimore.",
"According to our research of Mississippi and other state lists there were 9 registered sex offenders living in Silver Creek, Mississippi as of August 14, 2016. The ratio of number of residents in Silver Creek to the number of sex offenders is 23 to 1. Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Jackson, MS (50.9 miles , pop. 184,256). Nearest city with pop. 200,000+: Baton Rouge, LA (104.1 miles , pop. 227,818).",
"The Village at Baker Creek is located in the heart of Bellingham, WA, with great access to the Guide Meridian and very close to the Sunset and Barkley neighborhoods. ... + Read More Floor Plans and Pricing",
"The area was settled around 1820 by the Kirby, Neal, Longino, Price and Williams families. Originally named The Hall, it was changed in 1893 to Silver Creek for a nearby stream. A depot was established in Silver Creek when the Pearl & Leaf Rivers Railroad (later Illinois Central Railroad) was completed in 1903.",
"Cinnabon in Kitsap Mall is located in Silverdale, Washington - WA. Store location: 10315 Silverdale Way NW Get Directions to Cinnabon (GPS: 47.660748, -122.68954)",
"A Short History of Silver City, Idaho. Silver City, Idaho is one of the few old mining towns that did not burn down or become commercialized into a modern city. Visiting Silver City is like going back into history. The Idaho Hotel is as it was 100 years ago with a few modern amenities. Sinker Creek Outfitters will provide you with a historic ride back into history on horse back exploring the Owyhee Mountains, Silver City, Empire City, Ruby City and more.",
"Park entrance. Silver Springs is a group of artesian springs that feed into the Silver River in Marion County, Florida. It is the largest artesian spring in the world and the site of the oldest commercial tourist attraction in Florida. In 1971 it was designated as a National Natural Landmark. Its main features are the glass-bottom boat tours on the river, which have operated in one form or another ever since their first usage there in 1878. Long privately owned and operated, the springs area was formerly the f",
"Nearest cities: North Sultan, WA (1.1 miles ), Startup, WA (1.7 miles ), Woods Creek, WA (2.1 miles ), Gold Bar, WA (2.3 miles ), May Creek, WA (2.5 miles ), Monroe, WA (2.9 miles ), Monroe North, WA (2.9 miles ), Chain Lake, WA (2.9 miles ).",
"Silverdale is a census-designated place in Kitsap County, Washington, in the United States. The population was 19,204 at the 2010 census. Despite many attempts at incorporation, Silverdale remains an unincorporated community. Silverdale ranks 158th of 522 areas in Washington for which per capita income data is collected.",
"Silver Creek is a town in Lawrence County, Mississippi, United States. The population was 209 at the 2000 census. Silver Creek is located at 31°36â²17â³N 90°0â²6â³W / 31.60472°N 90.00167°W / 31.60472; -90.00167 (31.604656, -90.001588). According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 1.1 square miles (2.7 km²), all of it land.",
"Doctors Express - Everett 607 SE Everett Mall Way Ste 2 Everett, WA 98208 425-265-7000 http://www.doctorsexpress.com/Everett Edmonds Family Medicine 7315 212th ST SW Suite 101 Edmonds, WA 425-775-9474 www.edmondsfamilymed.com The Everett Clinic â Everett Campus 3927 Rucker Ave Everett, WA 98201 425-259-0966 http://www.everettclinic.com/Walk_In_Clinic.ashx?p=920 The Everett Clinic â Harbour Pointe 4410 106th ST SW Mukilteo, WA 98275 425-493-6000 http://www.everettclinic.com/Locations/Harbour%20Pointe.ashx?p=859 The Everett Clinic â Lake Stevens 8910 Vernon Rd Lake Stevens, WA 98258 425-397-1700 Fax: 425-335-5145 http://www.everettclinic.com/Locations/Lake%20Stevens.ashx?p=860 The Everett Clinic â Marysville 4420 76th ST NE Marysville, WA 98270 360-651-7490 http://www.everettclinic.com/Locations/Marysville.ashx?p=861 The Everett Clinic â Mill Creek 15418 Main Street Mill Creek, WA 98012 425-225-8000 Fax: 225-8020 http://www.everettclinic.com/Locations/Mill_Creek.ashx?p=2419 The Everett Clinic â Silver Lake 1818 121st ST SE Silver Lake, WA 98208 425-357-3300 Fax: 425-357-3317 http://www.everettclinic.com/Locations/Silver%20Lake.ashx?p=864 The Everett Clinic â Smokey Point 2901 174th St. NE",
"silverdale, wa, silverdale, wa is a census place located in kitsap county, wa with a population of 20,053 and a median age of 353. More references related to population of",
"Finding the right home is no picnic. Looking through the homes for sale in Silver Creek, WA, prioritizing what features are most important, considering the viability of differing locations, prices and options.",
"Silverwood Theme Park is an amusement park located in northern Idaho, United States, near the town of Coeur d'Alene, approximately 47 miles from Spokane, Washington on U.S. Route 95. Owner Gary Norton opened the park in June 20, 1988.",
"Silver Spring is an unincorporated community and census-designated place (CDP) in Montgomery County, Maryland, United States. It had a population of 76,716 according to 2013 estimates by the United States Census Bureau, making it the fourth most populous place in Maryland, after Baltimore, Columbia, and Germantown.",
"Canyon Creek, Washington. Canyon Creek is a census-designated place (CDP) in Snohomish County, Washington, United States. The population was 3,200 at the 2010 census. Prior to the 2010 census, the CDP was known as Jordan Road-Canyon Creek. Geography.",
"52.5 Acres Silver Creek, Lawrence County, Mississippi. $105,000. 52.5 Acres at 387 Benson Road, Silver Creek, MS For Sale with good Hunting and timber value. This property has frontage on Hwy 43 as well as Benson Road, and also has good timber, but the tract has not yet been cruised for its value.",
"Silver Springs State Park, formerly known as Silver River State Park, is a Florida State Park located on the Silver River in Marion County. The park contains Silver Springs, Florida's first tourist attraction.The Silver Springs attraction dates to the 1870s.",
"DOUGLAS CREEK PLACER GOLD DISTRICT, MEDICINE BOW MOUNTAINS, WYOMING. The cool mountain air trimmed the harsh Wyoming sun making the day pleasant. Winter had finally receded, but evidence of an occasional snow drift hid in the shadows of the forest. I drove into the heart of the Medicine Bow National Forest with a group of prospecting students.",
"Silverton, Washington. Silverton is located in Snohomish County. Silverton is 1,530 feet [466 m] above sea level.<1>. Time Zone: Silverton lies in the Pacific Time Zone (PST/PDT) and observes daylight saving time.",
"Silver Spring Regional Area encompasses the area south of the beltway (plus Four Corners), east to the Prince George County line, south to the Washington DC line and west to Rock Creek Park. Silver Spring Area Sample Happenings and Some News-U-Can-Share.",
"811 Marine Drive, Point Roberts WA : Lily Point Marine Park 2315 APA Road, Point Roberts WA : Lookout Mountain 2537 Lake Louise Road, Bellingham WA : Lummi Island Beach Access 2198 North Nugent Road, Ferndale WA : Maple Beach Boundary Bay Road, Point Roberts WA : Maple Creek Park 7842 Silver Lake Road, Maple Falls WA : Monument Park 25 Marine Drive, Point Roberts WA : Phillips 66 Soccer Park 5238 Northwest Drive, Bellingham WA : Nugent's Corner River Access 3685 Mt. Baker Highway, Everson WA : Ostrom Conservation Site 4304 South Pass Road, Everson WA : Plantation Rifle Range",
"Heritage Bank Mill Creek branch is one of the 59 offices of the bank and has been serving the financial needs of their customers in Mill Creek, Snohomish county, Washington for over 26 years. Mill Creek office is located at 1504 132nd St Se, Mill Creek. You can also contact the bank by calling the branch phone number at 425-338-4300. Heritage Bank Mill Creek branch operates as a full service brick and mortar office.",
"A 60-mile (97 km) drive south of Portland in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, Silver Falls State Park is a popular spot for hikers because of its Trail of Ten Falls.",
"Silver Lake (Ontario) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Silver Lake is a small lake near Coboconk, in the Canadian province of Ontario. It is the lowest lake on the Gull River watershed, supplying water to Balsam Lake at the top of the Trent-Severn Waterway.",
"Downstream from the attraction is the Silver River State Park. Also located in Silver Springs is a water park, Wild Waters (opened in 1978). The T. W. Randall House, on the National Register of Historic Places, is located to the northeast.",
"Jim Creek Recreation Area is located just outside of Arlington, WA, about 1 1/2 hours north of Seattle. Nestled in the foothills of the North Cascades, Jim Creek serves as a Naval Radio Station and regional outdoor recreation facility for active duty, reservists, retired military, DoD civilians and sponsored guests.",
"Silverdale, Washington. Silverdale is a census-designated place (CDP) in Kitsap County, Washington, in the United States. The population was 19,204 at the 2010 census. Despite many attempts at incorporation, Silverdale remains an unincorporated community. [citation needed] Silverdale ranks 158th of 522 areas in Washington for which per capita income data is collected.",
"For other uses, see Silver Springs. Silver Springs Park. Silver Springs is a U.S. unincorporated community and the site of aquatic springs in Marion County, Florida. The springs are one of the largest artesian spring formations in the world, producing nearly 550 million gallons of crystal-clear water daily.",
"Mill Creek is a city in Snohomish County, Washington, United States. It is located approximately 20 miles north-northeast of downtown Seattle and is part of the Seattle metropolitan area.",
"Surrounding 98315, WA; Surrounding Bangor, WA; Surrounding Bangor Submarine Base, WA; Surrounding Silverdale, WA; Surrounding Poulsbo, WA; Surrounding Breidablick, WA; Surrounding Central Valley, WA; Surrounding Island Lake, WA; Surrounding Lemolo, WA; Surrounding Lofall, WA; Surrounding 98370, WA; Kitsap County, WA",
"The attraction features native animal exhibits and 30 or 90 minute glass bottom boat tours of the springs. Downstream from the attraction is the Silver River State Park. Also located in Silver Springs is a water park, Wild Waters (opened in 1978). The T. W. Randall House, on the National Register of Historic Places, is located to the northeast.",
"Silverwood is located in Fountain County. The following counties adjoin and form the boundaries of Fountain County: Montgomery, Parke, Tippecanoe, Vermillion & Warren. Below are the counties that are near Silverwood.",
"Find Silver Creek, WA homes for sale and other Silver Creek real estate on realtor.com®. Search Silver Creek houses, condos, townhomes and single-family homes by price and location.",
"(November 2014) Silverwood Theme Park is an amusement park located in northern Idaho, United States, near the town of Coeur d'Alene, approximately 47 miles from Spokane, Washington on U.S. Route 95. Owner Gary Norton opened the park in June 20, 1988.",
"5-22-2003 See Article History. Silver City, ghost town, Owyhee county, southwestern Idaho, U.S., 37 miles (60 km) southwest of Boise. Founded March 10, 1863, it quickly displaced Ruby City as the centre of the Owyhee mines and was county seat from 1866 to 1935.",
"Search for Silver Creek real estate here today. If the Silver Creek properties for sale are a bit to numerous or random for your browsing pleasure, you can easily narrow your search by the features that are important to you, popular factors include a minimum number of bedrooms and a price range.",
"From Business: Cold Creek Behavioral health located in Holladay, Utah is a drug rehabilitation and alcohol addiction treatment company with centers across Utah.",
"Campsite of April 25, 1806 ... Alder Creek ... Alder Creek, Washington, is located at Columbia River Mile (RM) 258.5, four miles downstream from the lower tip of Crow Butte, and sixteen miles upstream of Roosevelt, Washington. Today the mouth of Alder Creek is flooded by the waters of Lake Umatilla, the reservoir behind the John Day Dam.",
"Finding the right real estate in Silver Creek is hard, and that's not even mentioning the financial and legal aspects that are included in buying real estate. Regardless, you can simplify the process here on realtor.com® where you can search for homes easily and find the details that make or break a potential home.",
"Silver Springs, Nevada. Not to be confused with Silver Springs (disambiguation). Silver Springs is a census-designated place (CDP) in Lyon County, Nevada, United States at the intersection of U.S. 50 (California Trail) and U.S. 95A. The population was 5,296 at the 2010 census. Lahontan Reservoir, Lahontan State Recreation Area and historic Fort Churchill State Historic Park are all located nearby.",
"Silverdale is a census-designated place (CDP) in Kitsap County, Washington, in the United States. The population was 19,204 at the 2010 census. Despite many attempts at incorporation, Silverdale remains an unincorporated community."
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guy that can stretch in fantastic four | [
"Mister Fantastic/Reed Richards is the Fantastic 4 member who can stretch & shift his body. Played by Ioan Gruffudd in movie."
] | [
"Leeâs answer is not surprising as he agrees with the majority of Marvel fans out there: Julian McMahonâs Doctor Doom in the 2005 Fantastic Four movie wasnât the best. Lee said: I was a little disappointed in the very first Fantastic Four, because I didnât care for how Doctor Doom was portrayed.",
"Created by writer Stan Lee and artist/co-plotter Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in The Fantastic Four #1 (Nov. 1961). He was one of the four main characters in the title. Lee has stated the stretch powers were inspired by DC's Plastic Man, which had no equivalent in Marvel.",
"1 Perhaps the ultimate Omnidisciplinary Scientist is Reed Richards, Mr. Fantastic of the Fantastic Four, who is openly acknowledged as a genius in every conceivable branch of science, including at least one he invented.",
"Hugh Jackman workout. Hugh Jackman has one of the best physiques in Hollywood. I mean, the man is over 40, but his body is more lean and muscular than 90% of the 20 year old pretty boys in Hollywood. If youâve seen Hugh in Wolverine then you know how lean and ripped he is.",
"Jake Gyllenhaal is on a mission to stretch himself and his CV as wide as possible. This has been happening thanks to the likes of Zodiac, Source Code, and End Of Watch, but it was with Nightcrawler, which he followed up with Southpaw, Everest, and the forthcoming Demolition, that people stood up and took notice.",
"Johnny Storm or The Human Torch is the 3rd member of the Fantastic Four. He is voiced by Christopher Jacot. Johnny, like the rest of the team wears the Fantastic Four uniform and has spiked up white hair with with blue eyes, just like his sister but when he goes up in flames, he is a mixture of red, orange and yellow.",
"1 One issue of Ultimate Fantastic Four states that Reed Richards' status as an Omnidisciplinary Scientist is at least partly due to the nature of his powers. 2 Just as his body has become infinitely flexible and stretchable, his brain has as well, allowing him to adapt his mind to tackle any number of subjects.",
"I'm not a guy, but most guys accept stretch marks as part of the girl they love. If they gross out on that-they are not the guy for you. There are plenty of guys that are accepting and realistic about stretch marks. The others are a**es.",
"The One-Above-All seemingly appears to the Fantastic Four in Heaven, at the time of the Thing's death, praising them for their persistence in exploring the universe and promising extraordinary new wonders to be discovered in the years ahead, and eventually restores the Thing back to life.",
"The Incredibles. Helen Parr, known by the superhero name Elastigirl in the golden age of superheroism, is a resourceful and dexterous superhero. Elastigirl has the flexibility superpower so she can stretch any part of her body up to 100' (30 m) to a minimum thickness of 1 mm, and mold it into several shapes and sizes.",
"The story follows a limo driver named Stretch who picks up an eccentric millionaire who offers to payoff Stretch's gambling debts if he sticks with him throughout a wild night of debauchery. Co-starring Jessica Alba, Ed Helms, and Chris Pine, the film has a pretty good cast.",
"The Clippers could bring back Nate Robinson (knee) once he's healthy enough to play. Los Angeles signed Lester Hudson to a 10-day deal, but Doc Rivers seems to prefer Robinson if he's healthy. It's a strong possibility.",
"The hero of The Fall Guy, Colt Seavers--played by Lee Majors, the former Six Million Dollar Man--is a Hollywood stunt man, which lets the show do all kinds of spectacular car crashes with no justification whatsoever, and he's a bounty hunter, which lets him get into all kinds of fist fights and ridiculous plots with no justification whatsoever.",
"Mister Fantastic. Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards) is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character is a founding member of the Fantastic Four. Richards possesses a mastery of mechanical, aerospace and electrical engineering, chemistry, all levels of physics, and human and alien biology.",
"Biography. Michael is best know for The Shield, The Commish, Fantastic Four... Chiklis joined the cast of American Horror Story as Wendell Del Toredo, for its fourth season, American Horror Story: Freak Show.ichael is best know for The Shield, The Commish, Fantastic Four... Chiklis joined the cast of American Horror Story as Wendell Del Toredo, for its fourth season, American Horror Story: Freak Show.",
"Fantastic Four (I) (2005) Plot Summary. Reed Richards, a brilliant but timid and bankrupt scientist, is convinced that evolution can be triggered by clouds of cosmic energy, and has calculated that Earth is going to pass one of these clouds soon.",
"Sixteen years later, Delisa has her house, and Marshawn Lynch is all grown up. He has grown into a man known as Beast Mode, a fearsome running back who has powered the Seattle Seahawks into next Sundayâs Super Bowl XLVIII, a 5-11, 215-pound ox of a runner who has come into his own at age 27.",
"Four astronauts have their lives changed forever, when they end up being hit by a cloud of cosmic radiation. Reed Richards now has the ability to stretch his body like elastic. Sue Storm (Alba) is now the invisible woman. Johnny Storm becomes the human touch and Ben Grimm becomes the 'Thing', a man made out of rock. But there is one problem.",
"Patrick Stump performs Sophomore Slump with Daryl Hall (from Hall & Oates) and his band. visit www.livefromdarylshouse.com for more. 1 People & Blogs. 2 Standard YouTube License.",
"Actor Michael Bailey Smith played Ben Grimm in The Fantastic Four film from 1994, Michael Chiklis portrayed the Thing in the 2005 film Fantastic Four and its 2007 sequel Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, while Jamie Bell acted the part in Fantastic Four (2015).",
"When his travels took him to Earth, he met the Fantastic Four, a team of powerful superheroes who helped him rediscover his humanity and nobility of spirit. Betraying Galactus, the Surfer saved Earth but was exiled there as punishment. In 2011, IGN ranked Silver Surfer 41st in its Top 100 Comic Heroes list.",
"Relax â a well-hung guy won't stretch it out. As explained above, is incredibly elastic and can fit a supersize penis â yet it always returns to its usual tightness after sex. But it might be a different story once you pop out a baby, according to some moms. You can tighten up by doing certain exercises (see no. 7).",
"Find the answer here and learn how you can get a physique like the Hulk. 1 slide 1 of 4. 2 slide 2 of 4. Hulk Hogan, born Terry Gene Bollea, is rumored to have been able to bench press 550 pounds during his prime. 3 slide 3 of 4. Working Out Hulk Hogan is best known for his â24 inch pythons (massive biceps) and his muscular chest and torso. slide 4 of 4.",
"While having Gi(ant-Man) in the game is a literal dream come true for me, no Wolverine would be extremely painful. I hope that X-men/Fantastic 4 characters are in the game, but I doubt Disney will let Capcom use them.",
"Luffy can stretch every part of his body like rubber. In One Piece, Luffy gathers an awesome crew and travels the seas in search for gold and adventure. One Piece has a great story and does not have a lot of filler episodes.",
"Jump to filmography: Video-game, Archive Footage. 1 2010s. 2 2000s. 3 1990s. 1960s. Fantastic Four (2015) Played by Michael B. 1 Jordan. Torched: The Movie (2015) Played by Matt Hester. The Badly Animated Adventures of Spider-Man (2013) (V) Played by Justin 1 Chumas. The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes.",
"Human Torch. Human Torch. Jonathan Storm, the youngest member of the Fantastic Four, who gained super powers from cosmic radiation as well as the other three members during an unauthorized space flight, doctor Reed Richards, his sister Sue Storm and pilot Ben Grimm. Jim Hammond is the original Human Torch.",
"The Fantastic Four is a fictional superhero team appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The group debuted in The Fantastic Four #1 (cover dated Nov. 1961), which helped to usher in a new level of realism in the medium.",
"Are you ready for the next #Stretch role? by Anupam Kundu (co-edited by Dana Farbo) What do you do? This was probably the most asked question last night while people were mingling over beer and pizza at a popular meet-up held at the event space of a well-known tech consulting company.",
"Wear with vintage heels, a satin clutch, and a pearl choker for a look that will take you to cloud nine. - 81% nylon, 19% spandex. - Fabric does not provide stretch. Elasticized at top back for additional stretch.",
"Rebecca Ferguson tells us about making âThe Greatest Showmanâ with Hugh Jackman and Zac Efron and what it's like returning for âMission: Impossible 6â. Rebecca Ferguson tells us about making âThe Greatest Showmanâ with Hugh Jackman and Zac Efron and what it's like returning for âMission: Impossible 6â. Facebook Messenger Click the button below and wait for a message from our Facebook bot in Messenger!",
"Mr. Fantastic's Powers Are Causing An Unusual Problem For The Fantastic Four. The Fantastic Four has been cementing itself as a superhero movie thatâs moving as far away from its comic book roots as possible. The tone is more grounded, the main antagonistâs background has been changed and the first trailer looked more like a preview for a sci-fi flick than a comic book adaptation.",
"Mister Fantastic is a playable character in the Fantastic Four PlayStation game. Mister Fantastic has a cameo appearance in the Spider-Man game based on his 1990s animated series for Sega Genesis and Super NES. By reaching certain levels of the game, Mr. Fantastic can be called a limited number of times for assistance.",
"They are probably my two biggest complaints about the Divergent films. Teller is annoying and has already destroyed Fantastic Four; please do not give him a shot at Han Solo, too! And nothing I have seen Ansel Elgort in suggests he has the personality to play a convincing Han Solo. Of the rest on that short list, Dave Franco probably comes the closest to having an on-screen presence that might be able to pull off playing Han Solo.",
"NEWS: Michael B. Jordan responds to Fantastic Four backlash. Jason LaVeris/FilmMagic/Alexander Tamargo/WireImage. Michael B. also dished that he has seen the NBA player at parties such as the All Star Weekend events and wears his shoes all the time, but still hasn't met him. You think he would have summoned you at some point, Kimmel joked.",
"The Origin. The Fantastic Four is an internationally-renowned group of superhuman champions (often dubbed the world's premiere super hero team or the first family of super heroes) based in New York City and dedicated to the betterment of the world through scientific discovery and defense against evil.",
"In THE INCREDIBLES, Elastigirl (Holly Hunter), a superheroine whose limbs and torso can stretch the length of an Olympic swimming pool, pauses for just a second on the way to saving the world to check out her rear end in the form-fitting super-suit.",
"2 years ago. 1 The Fantastic Four has been cementing itself as a superhero movie thatâs moving as far away from its comic book roots as possible. The tone is more grounded, the main antagonistâs background has been changed and the first trailer looked more like a preview for a sci-fi flick than a comic book adaptation.",
"Dan Fogler as Jacob Kowalski in 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.'. Jaap Buitendijk / Warner Bros. Dan Fogler as Jacob Kowalski in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.. Dan Fogler as Jacob Kowalski in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. (Jaap Buitendijk / Warner Bros.) Meredith WoernerContact Reporter. Dan Fogler must believe in magic, because landing his latest role in âFantastic Beasts and Where to Find Themâ felt to him like it had been preordained by the cosmos.",
"I'm not a guy, but most guys accept stretch marks as part of the girl they love. If they gross out on that-they are not the guy for you. There are plenty of guys that are accepting and realistic about stretch marks.",
"In the March 1963 issues of Fantastic Four (#12) and Spider-Man (first issue), the Thing and the Hulk battle and Spider-Man meets the Fantastic Four, setting the stage for a shared universe in which all Marvel characters can cross over into each others' series.",
"This headache I called the Incredible Hulk Brain Stretch. The way I understand it is that the stroke can destroy brain cells, but they can reorganize and recruit from elsewhere. There is swelling in this extremely painful process. In my case, this was a sign of healing.",
"In my Hulk book, it says that the hulk is more muscular, more bigger, more tough, and more stronger by the way the hulk can carry a car but in fantastic 4, the thing couldn't ⦠carry a car he asked fire for help carrying the car.",
"The Mummy Magisword has super stretchy arms. It is the only Magisword to appear in Both episodes of Mighty Magiswords. In To Boulderly Go it moves the rock and in Pig Iron Prohyas fails to defeat Robot a Piggy with it.",
"Every time a new Marvel movie comes out, the one thing hardcore fans can count on is a special cameo from comic book legend Stan Lee. Some have been fun surprises, while others have been underwhelming. With his next expected appearance in X-Men Apocalypse bringing the cameo count to 25, we're ranking all his guest roles thus far.",
"To get to my point, one of the main TMZ gossip guys who appears on the show every day is this surfer dude with long blond hair. Heâs kind of the star of the âmorning meetingâ and usually gets the most screen time. Apparently he even has a name, Max Hodges. The weird thing is Max, who reports on celebrities, is starting to think he IS a celebrity. I guess he kind of is in a weird way. The point is, heâs starting to act like a douchebag and heâs wrecking my little TMZ utopia.",
"Hard luck limo driver Stretch (Patrick Wilson) is struggling to go straight and pay off a debt to his bookie when he picks up a crazed passenger (Chris Pine) whose sought-after ledger implicates some seriously dangerous criminals.",
"Well, I'm deviating here. This isn't a plate post but a leather set. A few weeks back a guildie from Throned got The First Satyr's Spaulders off of Xavius in Emerald Nightmare. Crazain is an orc Monk, not a Demon Hunter. Here's the transmog Crazian is wearing. Since an orc is wearing these shoulders, not an elf, you really, really see them!",
"Manute Bol is a Sudanese born basketball player and political activist. He is also 7 feet 7 inches, and is slightly shorter than Gheorghe. He played in the NBA for ten years, from 1985-1995. 3. Shawn Paul Bradley is a retired American and German basketball player who stands at 7 feet 6 inches.",
"âJohnny Storm. Jonathan Johnny Storm, also known as the Human Torch, is a member of the Fantastic Four. When Johnny got hit by the cosmic radiation that gave the Fantastic Four their powers, Johnny gained the power of fire generation and flight.",
"The costumes of the Incredibles are red unitards with black collars, trunks, gloves and boots with an i emblem in the chest area. The costumes of the Fantastic Four are blue unitards with black collars, belts, gloves, and boots with a 4 emblem in the chest area.",
"In addition to appearing in the Fantastic Four, the Thing has been the star of Marvel Two-in-One, Strange Tales (with his fellow Fantastic Four member the Human Torch), and two incarnations of his own eponymous series, as well as numerous miniseries and one-shots.",
"Keith Pollard. Keith Pollard (born January 20, 1950) is an American comic book artist. Originally from the Detroit area, Pollard is best known for his simultaneous work on the Marvel Comics titles The Amazing Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and Thor in the late 1970sâearly 1980s. 1 Career.",
"1 Reed Richards is one of the four scientists Spider-Man tries to call in the 2008 video game Spider-Man: Web of Shadows, along with Tony Stark, Hank McCoy and Henry Pym. 2 Mr. Fantastic makes a cameo in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 in Frank West 's ending.",
"He certainly experienced a lot! Image: Warner Bros. Jacob Kowalski is the key. He's a wonderful character, adding real humor and joy to Fantastic Beasts, and he gets the ending we want him to get; he clearly still has some vague recollection of magic, buried deep down in his subconscious.",
"Johnny Storm. Johnny Storm or The Human Torch is the 3rd member of the Fantastic Four. He is voiced by Christopher Jacot. Appearance. Johnny, like the rest of the team wears the Fantastic Four uniform and has spiked up white hair with with blue eyes, just like his sister but when he goes up in flames, he is a mixture of red, orange and yellow.",
"Evans, who plays the superhero in films like Fantastic Four and now Captain America, shows of an artfully hairy chest, with an equally perfect stubble and eyebrows to match, in this new Gucci ad - something we hardly see in the glossy world of perfectly muscled male models.",
"Line stretch, or lack of, also played into Griffin's decision to stick with fluorocarbon line. When a big smallmouth comes up and hits the bait, the first thing it's going to do is jump and the second thing is to go straight down into the thick grass, he says.",
"The Hulk is famous for claiming to be the strongest one there is.. That is the whole point of his magazine. But only the Fantastic Four has any claim to continuity, for reasons discussed on this site's home page. So if we restrict ourselves to evidence from the FF's own magazine, we see something interesting.",
"Stretch Therapy. You might not have heard of Fascial Stretch Therapy, but it is a revolutionary training program that can help to Build Muscles and help Maintain a Healthy Body. Fascial Stretch Therapy is a fantastic way to Rehabilitate your body.tretch Therapy. You might not have heard of Fascial Stretch Therapy, but it is a revolutionary training program that can help to Build Muscles and help Maintain a Healthy Body. Fascial Stretch Therapy is a fantastic way to Rehabilitate your body.",
"No other superhero name in the Marvel universe suggests more meager earnings than that of Doorman. As a mutant, DeMarr Davis has the ability to teleport anywhere in the worldâ¦just as long as heâs already in a room adjacent to the target location.",
"Newt is portrayed by Eddie Redmayne in the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them film series. Newt Scamander is a playable character in the LEGO Dimensions video game and appears as part of the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them themed LEGO Dimensions Story set.",
"The Incredibles 2 Voice Cast And Character Details: Mr. Incredible: Since Supers were outlawed, Bob has been focusing on raising his family with Helen Parr. When Helen is called to change the public perception of Supers for the better in Incredibles 2, Bob manages the Parr household on his own and faces new challenges.",
"As it stands, there's still a lot that we don't know about the upcoming Fantastic Beasts plot-line. However, one thing has been cleared up and that is that the next movies in the franchise will most likely focus on Leta Lestrange, played by Zoë Kravitz. Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them: News, Trailer, Release Date & All You Need To Know.",
"A number of years back there were rumors that Vin Diesel was going to play the Silver Surfer role in Fantastic Four 2, but those rumors eventually proved to be untrue. However, if Vin Diesel is interested in playing the Vision, his bald head and muscular build would certainly help him look the part."
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what is ngdr | [
"What is the National Gestational Diabetes Register (NGDR)? The NGDR is part of the NDSS and is a register of all women in Australia who have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Women who have had gestational diabetes may have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the future. The purposes of the NGDR are to:"
] | [
"Gunshot residue (GSR) , also known as cartridge discharge residue (CDR), gunfire residue(GFR), or firearm discharge residue (FDR), is residue deposited on the hands and clothes of someone who discharges a firearm.unshot residue can travel over 3â5 feet (0.9â1.5 meters) from the gun. At the farthest distance, only a few trace particles may be present.",
"Nerve growth factor (NGF) is a neuropeptide primarily involved in the regulation of growth, maintenance, proliferation, and survival of certain target neurons. It is perhaps the prototypical growth factor, in that it is one of the first to be described.",
"Network Data Representation (NDR) is an implementation of the presentation layer in the OSI model.",
"Headquartered in London, National Grid PLC (NYSE: NGG) is a multinational electricity and gas utility company with principal activities in the United Kingdom and Northeastern United States. The company owns and maintains the high-voltage electricity transmission network in England and Wales.",
"A nasogastric (NG) tube is a flexible tube of rubber or plastic that is passed through the nose, down through the esophagus, and into the stomach. It can be used to either remove substances from, or add them to, the stomach. An NG tube is only meant to be used on a temporary basis and is not for long-term use. NG tubes after surgery for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) used to be very common and was done as a matter of course. It's now thought that an NG tube is not always needed for every type of surgery or for every patient.",
"NGB J3/DO Directorate is responsible for formulating, managing, and distributing resources to include two congressionally mandated programs: the National Guard Counterdrug Program and the National Guard Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civil Support Teams Program.",
"Nasogastric (NG) intubation is a procedure during which a thin, plastic tube is inserted through the nostril, down the esophagus, and into the stomach. Once an NG tube is in place, healthcare providers can deliver food and medicine directly to the stomach or remove substances from it. Nasogastric (NG) intubation is most often used to deliver food and medicine to a patient when they are unable to eat or swallow. Patients most likely to need an NG tube include: 1 comatose patients. 2 patients with neck or facial injuries, or recent surgeries. 3 patients breathing with the assistance of a mechanical ventilator.",
"In this section you provide information so that we can register you with the NGDR. Title Given Name(s) Family Name Date of Birth DD MM YYYY / / Previous Name Daytime Phone No. Mobile Phone No. Address House No. Street Name Suburb or Town State Postcode Postal Address (If different from above) Email",
"The Texas County & District Retirement System (TCDRS) is a non-profit public trust providing pension and. death benefits for eligible employees of participating subdivisions (counties and districts). The System is. governed by a nine-member Board of Trustees and is manage d by an administrative staff in Austin.",
"NATURAL GAS. Natural Gas (NGAS) is a fossil fuel formed from plants and animals buried underground and exposed to extreme heat and pressure. Natural gas is used domestically for cooking, as a power source, in agriculture, and in industrial manufacturing. Natural gas prices fluctuate constantly depending mainly on production issues, stockpiles, weather conditions, economic growth, crude oil prices, and more recently coal.",
"Nerve growth factor (NGF) is a neuropeptide primarily involved in the regulation of growth, maintenance, proliferation, and survival of certain target neurons.It is perhaps the prototypical growth factor, in that it is one of the first to be described.his pathway begins with the Trk receptor complex-recruitment of a second adaptor protein called growth factor-receptor bound protein-2 (Grb2) along with a docking protein called Grb2-associated Binder-1 (GAB1).",
"1 Northeast Georgia Health Partners (NGHP) is a preferred provider organization (PPO) based in Gainesville, Georgia. 2 NGHP is unique in that the network is the result of the combined efforts of community based physicians and hospitals in the area.",
"A next-generation firewall (NGFW) is a hardware-or software-based network security system that is able to detect and block ... See complete definition. screened subnet (triple-homed firewall). A screened subnet (also known as a 'triple-homed firewall') is a network architecture that uses a single. ...",
"NGU (Non-Gonococcal Urethritis) is an infection of the urethra caused by pathogens (germs) other than gonorrhea.",
"Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an integrative psychotherapy approach that has been extensively researched and proven effective for the treatment of trauma and many other mental health problems.",
"A nasogastric (NG) tube is a flexible tube of rubber or plastic that is passed through the nose, down through the esophagus, and into the stomach. It can be used to either remove substances from, or add them to, the stomach. An NG tube is only meant to be used on a temporary basis and is not for long-term use.",
"External Data Representation. External Data Representation (XDR) is a standard data serialization format, for uses such as computer network protocols. It allows data to be transferred between different kinds of computer systems. Converting from the local representation to XDR is called encoding.",
"Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an integrative psychotherapy approach that has been extensively researched and proven effective for the treatment of trauma. EMDR is a set of standardized protocols that incorporates elements from many different treatment approaches.",
"SFDR is defined as the ratio of the RMS value of the carrier wave (maximum signal component) at the input of the ADC or output of DAC to the RMS value of the next largest noise or harmonic distortion component (which is referred to as a âspuriousâ or a âspurâ) at its output.",
"An ngstrm or angstrom is a non-SI unit of length that is internationally recognized, equal to 0.1 nanometre (nm). It is sometimes used in expressing the sizes of atoms, lengths of chemical bonds and visible-light spectra, and dimensions of parts of integrated circuits.",
"nitroglycerin, Nitroglycerin (NG), also known as nitroglycerine, trinitroglycerin (TNG), trinitroglycerine, nitro, glyceryl trinitrate (GTN), or Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies.",
"The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) is both a combat support agency, under the United States Department of Defense, and an intelligence agency of the United States Intelligence Community, with the primary mission of collecting, analyzing, and distributing geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) in support of national security.",
"Hereditary Neuropathies NGS Panel. GTR Test ID Help Each Test is a specific, orderable test from a particular laboratory, and is assigned a unique GTR accession number. The format is GTR00000001.1, with a leading prefix 'GTR' followed by 8 digits, a period, then 1 or more digits representing the version.",
"NGP, which grew out of a film production class in Pacoima Middle School's theater-fine arts magnet program, is a nonprofit educational organization that provides teens citywide with access to careers in the media arts.",
"Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy developed by Francine Shapiro that emphasizes disturbing memories as the cause of psychopathology. It is used to help with the symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).",
"next-generation firewall (NGFW) A next-generation firewall (NGFW) is a hardware- or software-based network security system that is able to detect and block sophisticated attacks by enforcing security policies at the application level, as well as at the port and protocol level. Download this free guide.",
"Natural hormone replacement therapy (NHRT) is a misnomer. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BNRT) is the proper term. This article will explain the important differences and why you should use Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy.",
"This regulation revises the utilization of the Inactive Army National Guard (ING) by the Army National. Guard. It is to be used in conjunction with National Guard Regulation (NGR) 600-200 â Enlisted Personnel. Management. This regulation prescribes rules for use of the ING, enlistment into the ING as part of the Recruit.",
"Nasogastric tube (NG-tube) An NG-tube is a small thin tube inserted through a persons nose, throat and down into the stomach. The tube is usually attached with tape to the side of the face to hold it in place. NG-tube feeding is usually only a temporary solution.",
"Revised NASPE/BPEG Generic (NGB) Pacemaker Code. For example DDDRO would mean: 1 D: The pacemaker is capable of pacing both the atria and ventricles. D: The pacemaker is capable of sensing intrinsic cardiac activity in both the atria and ventricles.",
"1 nanogram [ng] = 0.000001 milligram [mg]. A nanogram (ng) is a decimal fraction of the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI) kilogram, which is defined as being equal to the mass of the International Prototype Kilogram, which is almost exactly equal to the mass of one liter of water.",
"Next generation sequencing (NGS) is defined as technology allowing one to determine in a single experiment the sequence of a DNA molecule(s) with total size significantly larger than 1 million base pairs (1 million bp or 1 Mb).",
"Vitamin D receptor (VDR) is an intracellular hormone receptor that specifically binds 1,25(OH)2D3 and mediates its effects (summary by Baker et al., 1988, Liberman and Marx, 2001, and Koren, 2006).",
"Special drawing rights (XDR-aka: SDR) are supplementary foreign exchange reserve assets defined and maintained by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The XDR is not a currency per se. It instead represents a claim to currency held by IMF member countries for which they may be exchanged.",
"A global depository receipt (GDR), also known as international depository receipt (IDR), is a certificate issued by a depository bank, which purchases shares of foreign companies and deposits it on the account. They are the global equivalent of the original American depository receipts (ADR) on which they are based. global depository receipt (GDR), also known as international depository receipt (IDR), is a certificate issued by a depository bank, which purchases shares of foreign companies and deposits it on the account. They are the global equivalent of the original American depository receipts (ADR) on which they are based.",
"Nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) is an inflammation of the urethra that is not caused by gonorrheal infection. For treatment purposes, doctors usually classify infectious urethritis in two categories: gonococcal urethritis, caused by gonorrhea, and nongonococcal urethritis (NGU).",
"Looking for online definition of NGDR or what NGDR stands for? NGDR is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms NGDR - What does NGDR stand for? The Free Dictionary",
"Top 10 facts about the world. Nerve growth factor (NGF) is a type of neurotrophin molecule that controls the creation of the nervous system in embryos and regulates the function, growth, and repair of neurons in adults. To execute these roles, an NGF molecule must attach itself to the receptor of a neuron, which is also known as a nerve cell. The symmetrical design of the nerve growth factor molecule enables it to attach to nerve cells by using either side or to attach to two cells at once. Alpha polypeptide chains, beta polypeptide chains and gamma polypeptide chains comprise the protein-based NGF.",
"Optical time-domain reflectometer. An optical time-domain reflectometer (OTDR) is an optoelectronic instrument used to characterize an optical fiber. An OTDR is the optical equivalent of an electronic time domain reflectometer. It injects a series of optical pulses into the fiber under test and extracts, from the same end of the fiber, light that is scattered (Rayleigh backscatter) or reflected back from points along the fiber.",
"A QCDR is a CMS-approved entity (such as a registry, certification board, collaborative, etc.) that collects medical and/or clinical data for the purpose of patient and disease tracking to foster improvement in the quality of care provided to patients.",
"Online dispute resolution (ODR) is a relatively new form of arbitration. By using computers and specially developed software, the parties can file an initial dispute, find and appoint an arbitrator, produce evidence and even participate in hearings online.",
"Registration with, and participation in, the NDSS and NGDR requires the collection, use and disclosure of information about you. The information you provide is protected by Commonwealth laws, including the Privacy Act 1988.",
"MDDR is an acronym that some enterprises use for Mobile DDR SDRAM, a type of memory used in some portable electronic devices, like mobile phones, handhelds, and digital audio players. Through techniques including reduced voltage supply and advanced refresh options, Mobile DDR can achieve greater power efficiency.",
"Key Terms & Definitions. Backup and disaster recovery (BDR) is a combination of data backup and disaster recovery solutions that work cohesively to ensure a companyâs business continuity. Remote data backup is the process of backing up data created by remote and branch offices (ROBOs) and storing it securely.",
"Nominal group technique. The nominal group technique (NGT) is a group process involving problem identification, solution generation, and decision making.",
"The Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) is an interagency committee that promotes the coordinated development, use, sharing, and dissemination of geospatial data on a national basis. This nationwide data publishing effort is known as the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI).The NSDI is a physical, organizational, and virtual network designed to enable the development and sharing of this nation's digital geographic information resources.his nationwide data publishing effort is known as the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). The NSDI is a physical, organizational, and virtual network designed to enable the development and sharing of this nation's digital geographic information resources.",
"Basics of Varistor. A varistor/voltage dependent resistor (VDR) is a component which has a voltage â current characteristics that is very much similar to that of a diode. This component is used to protect electrical devices from high transient voltages.",
"(Learn how and when to remove these template messages) Gunshot residue (GSR), also known as cartridge discharge residue (CDR), gunfire residue (GFR), or firearm discharge residue (FDR), is residue deposited on the hands and clothes of someone who discharges a firearm.",
"Special drawing rights (XDR or SDR) are supplementary foreign exchange reserve assets defined and maintained by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Their value is based on a basket of key international currencies reviewed by IMF every five years.pecial drawing rights (XDR or SDR) are supplementary foreign exchange reserve assets defined and maintained by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Their value is based on a basket of key international currencies reviewed by IMF every five years.",
"For a group of extinct Germanic languages, see East Germanic languages. East Germany, formally the German Democratic Republic (GDR; German: Deutsche Demokratische Republik pronounced [ËdÉÊtÊÉ demoËkÊaËtɪÊÉ ÊepuËbliËk], DDR), was an Eastern Bloc state during the Cold War period.",
"Calcitriol receptor. The calcitriol receptor, also known as the vitamin D receptor (VDR) and also known as NR1I1 (nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group I, member 1), is a member of the nuclear receptor family of transcription factors.",
"Special drawing rights. Special Drawing Rights (ISO 4217 currency code XDR, also abbreviated SDR) are supplementary foreign-exchange reserve assets defined and maintained by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The XDR is the unit of account for the IMF, and is not a currency per se.",
"ngdr; ngdrs; ngds; ngdt; ngdu; nge; ngea; ngea-mac; ngeao; ngeap; ngec; nged; ngedac; ngef; ngei; ngem; ngemc; ngen; ngen+; ngeo; ngep; ngepl; nger; ngerac; nges; ngesd",
"Nonproliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (NPDR) and Macular Edema. Normal retinal blood vessels are watertight and do not leak. In diabetes, the retinal blood vessels can become damaged and develop tiny leaks. This is called nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR). Blood and fluid seep from the leaks in the damaged retinal blood vessels, and fatty material (called exudate) can deposit in the retina. This causes swelling of the retina.",
"What is a QCDR? A Qualified Clinical Data Registry, or QCDR, is a CMS-approved entity that collects medical and/or clinical data for the purpose of patient and disease tracking to foster improvement in the quality of care provided to patients.",
"Nitroglycerin (NG), also known as nitroglycerine, trinitroglycerin (TNG), trinitroglycerine, nitro, glyceryl trinitrate (GTN), or 1,2,3-trinitroxypropane, is a heavy, colorless, oily, explosive liquid most commonly produced by nitrating glycerol with white fuming nitric acid under conditions appropriate to the formation of the nitric acid ester.",
"A natural gas vehicle (NGV) is an alternative fuel vehicle that uses compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a cleaner alternative to other fossil fuels. Natural gas vehicles should not be confused with vehicles powered by propane (LPG), which is a fuel with a fundamentally different composition.",
"definition : nitroglycerin Nitroglycerin (NG), also known as nitroglycerine, trinitroglycerin (TNG), trinitroglycerine, nitro, glyceryl trinitrate (GTN), or 1,2,3-trinitroxypropane, is a heavy, colorless, oily, explosive liquid most commonly produced by nitrating glycerol with white fuming nitric acid under conditions appropriate to the formation of the nitric acid ester.",
"National Green Tribunal Act. National Green Tribunal Act, 2010 (NGT) is an Act of the Parliament of India which enables creation of a special tribunal to handle the expeditious disposal of the cases pertaining to environmental issues.",
"The system offers full customization to allow a user to properly match the trucks' performance with the skill of the operator. The NR and NDR series of reach trucks provide more versatility, more flexibility and are available in a range of single and double reach models. These superbly designed trucks bring even greater levels of performance within easy reach.",
"The gang estimates presented in the 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment (NGTA) represent the collection of data provided by the National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC) through the National Drug Threat Survey, Bureau of Prisons, State Correctional Facilities, and National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) law enforcement partners.",
"From: To: 1 nanogram [ng] = 0.000001 milligram [mg]. A nanogram (ng) is a decimal fraction of the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI) kilogram, which is defined as being equal to the mass of the International Prototype Kilogram, which is almost exactly equal to the mass of one liter of water.",
"Special drawing rights (XDR or SDR) are supplementary foreign exchange reserve assets defined and maintained by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Their value is based on a basket of key international currencies reviewed by IMF every five years.",
"TCDRS Is a Savings-Based Plan 1. A percentage of each employeeâs paycheck is deposited into his TCDRS account. That percentage is set by the employer at 4, 5, 6 or 7%. 2. The employeeâs savings grow at an annual, compounded rate of 7% regardless of market ups or downs. 3. At the same time, you, the employer, are contributing. Your"
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diet for dogs with congestive heart failure | [
"Diet Guidelines for Dogs with Heart Disease. Diets for dogs with heart disease should be high in protein, particularly meat, which supplies amino acids that are good for the heart and helps to preserve lean body mass. Beef heart and other heart meats may be particularly beneficial."
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"dog s suffer from a weakening of the heart muscle called congestive heart failure in dog your dog s body requires a certain amount of blood to be pumped through it when the heart cannot keep up with what your dog needs dog congestive heart failure occurs to compensate your dog s heart may beat faster resulting in more damage congestive heart failure in dog is usually not curable however with treatment your dog could continue to live a good quality of life",
"Dogs are omnivores, like their relatives, bears. They can eat both fruits and vegetables. My dog loves fruit-especially strawberries. Additionally, oranges, grapefruit and cayenne pepper are good for dogs; cayenne stimulates digestion.Generally, dogs can eat raspberries, blueberries, bananas, pears, mangoes, pineapples, apricots, peaches, and strawberries, as well as many other types of fruit.You will want to stay away from citrus fruits as they may upset your dog's stomach.As for vegetables, you can give your dog carrots, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, cucumber, beets, zucchini, peas, green bell peppers and the list goes on. It's important that you figure out what foods your dog likes best.hen it comes to fruit, you don't want to give your dog grapes, raisins, and citrus fruits like oranges. Grapes and raisins are toxic to dogs. You will want to avoid giving your dog raw onions as they can also be toxic.",
"Here are some of the best foods you can add to your dogâs diet: 1. Eggs: Few foods can beat the nutritional impact of eggs, with their combination of high-quality protein and fat along with a wide variety of vitamins and minerals.Eggs are inexpensive and easy to feed, too.. Vegetables and fruits: Berries, especially blueberries, are packed with antioxidants. Other good fruits to feed include bananas, apples, and melon; some dogs even like citrus. Donât feed the pits, and avoid grapes and raisins, which can cause kidney failure when eaten in large quantities.",
"Following a high-fiber diet id beneficial, but it is not relevant to the teaching needs of the client with congestive heart failure. Prescribing an exercise program for the client, such as walking 2 miles everyday, would not be appropriate at discharge.",
"1 It has been shown to improve the quality of life (lowered syncope, dyspnea, exercise intolerance, and ascites) in dogs and cats suffering from congestive heart failure (CHF). 2 Pimobendan is commonly used in combination with other drugs such as an ACE-inhibitor and diuretic (furosemide).",
"Veterinarians often recommend owners feed dogs that have diarrhea a diet consisting of boiled hamburger and white rice for a few days. This type of bland, easily digested diet gives the intestinal tract a bit of a break while still providing needed calories and nutrients.",
"Re: Diet for dog with GERD (Acid Reflux). Add a probiotic or a digestive enzyme to aide in digestion and you should be able to feed any low fiber food (not more than 3% on the nutrition label) low fat food. Grease is the main component that could aggravate gerd.",
"Patients with congestive heart failure should aggressively treat the underlying disease that has caused their heart failure, if it can be discovered. They should eat a low-salt diet (weighing themselves to gauge water buildup in tissues), control obesity and abstain from smoking and excessive alcohol drinking.",
"Vaccinating dogs against canine infectious hepatitis (acute liver infection) and avoiding drugs that contain potentially harmful hepatotoxins is recommended to prevent acute hepatic failure in dogs. Acute liver failure is fatal to dogs and can cause death within 24 hours if left untreated. In most cases, hospitalization is required, i.e. for IV fluids, electrolytes, and oxygen, as well as colloid replacements. Activities will have to be restricted to allow time for the liver to regenerate. Vitamins (E and K), antioxidants, and liver supplements for dogs (like MaxxiSAMe) are also highly beneficial to help dogs recover from acute canine liver failure. Canine Infectious Hepatitis Or infectious canine hepatitis is caused by a virus called canine adenovirus type 1 (CAV-1).",
"Diets that are hypoallergenic have helped some dogs with colitis. Hypoallergenic food means the ingredients aren't as likely to provoke an allergic reaction in dogs. Hypoallergenic commercial dog foods avoid ingredients like corn and wheat, both of which are major allergens for dogs. Instead, the companies often use easier to tolerate sources of fiber, such as rice, barley, oatmeal and even sweet potato.",
"Leafy Greens. Leafy greens provide humans and dogs with essential vitamins and nutrients. These vitamins and nutrients are essential to the diet of any canine. Try feeding your dog cabbage, spinach, collard greens and other leaf vegetables for healthy doses of vitamin C, vitamin K, protein, fiber, calcium and other nutrients.",
"Congestive heart failure with right heart failure Congestive heart failure with unknown left ventricular ejection fraction Congestive heart failure, chronic with acute flare up Congestive left heart failure with right heart failure",
"As with all dog food, itâs best to avoid those that contain excessive fillers and preservatives, like corn, soy, or sodium selenite. Our recommended dry dog foods all contain hearty, real ingredients, like sweet potatoes, fish, eggs, carrots, and other healthy, nutrient-dense food products.",
"This constitutes the condition known as congestive heart failure (CHF) and it is very serious! Part of the treatment of CHF involves restriction of sodium intake in the diet and it is of the utmost important that owners of pets with cardiac disease observed this restriction!",
"Congestive heart failure (chf) with cardiomyopathy; Congestive heart failure (chf), acute; Congestive heart failure (chf), chronic; Congestive heart failure (chf), chronic with acute flare up; Congestive heart failure as post-operative complication of cardiac surgery; Congestive heart failure as post-operative complication of non-cardiac surgery",
"It has long been known that vitamin D is important in human heart health. Research in people has found a strong relationship between congestive heart failure and vitamin D deficiency. In fact, vitamin D blood levels are useful predictors of survival in congestive heart failure patients. Heart disease leading to congestive heart failure is a common cause of illness and death in dogs, but little is known about whether vitamin D deficiency plays a role.",
"Conventional Medications For CHF. Veterinarians generally treat congestive heart failure in dogs with enalapril maleate, an ACE inhibitor drug that helps the heart pump more efficiently. Lasix (generic name furosemide) is a diuretic that is used to remove fluid from the body. Other medications are available to aid heart function and remove fluid buildup. Exercise can help. Exercise can be helpful for dogs that are not exhibiting symptoms of fatigue or shortness of breath.",
"Leafy greens provide humans and dogs with essential vitamins and nutrients. These vitamins and nutrients are essential to the diet of any canine. Try feeding your dog cabbage, spinach, collard greens and other leaf vegetables for healthy doses of vitamin C, vitamin K, protein, fiber, calcium and other nutrients. Oranges are a healthy, non-toxic treat for dogs, as long as you serve orange portions in moderation.",
"Dogs can eat bananas in moderation. Bananas are a good source of potassium, manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C, fiber, biotin and copper. Bananas are low in sodium and cholesterol, but due to the sugar content in bananas, dogs should only eat them as a treat, and not as a regular part of their diets. Side Effects of Bananas for Dogs. Bananas fed in excess can lead to constipation and dog owners should never feed their dog a banana peel.",
"Less Fluid. Healthy individuals are encouraged to drink at least 8 cups of water per day, but if you have congestive heart failure, your total fluid intake should be around 4 cups. This allowance has to cover all beverage intake, including water. More than 6 cups per day is considered a large intake for CHF patients.",
"In the early stages of congestive heart failure, your dog may show no signs at all. 1 As the disease progresses, signs may include: 2 Coughing. 3 Difficult or rapid breathing. 4 Difficulty exercising. 5 Weakness or lethargy (tiredness) 6 Fainting episodes. 7 Gray or blue gums. 8 Abdominal distention. 9 Collapse. 10 Sudden death.",
"A: A dog with diabetes can eat a variety of vegetables including broccoli, cauliflower, green and red sweet peppers and carrots. These vegetable options can be used as treats to supplement the decrease in meat and grains eaten by diabetic dogs.",
"General treatment for congestive heart failure usually includes: 1 Healthy heart diet: 2 Low cholesterol diet. 3 Low fat diet. Low salt diet for 1 CHF. Fluid restriction for congestive heart failure. Elastic support stockings fro swollen lower 1 legs. Exercise plan developed by a doctor. Smoking cessation.",
"The heart progressively loses its ability to pump blood. But, it has been noted that all the possible causes of congestive heart failure in dogs commonly affect two dog heart mechanisms, which are Degenerative valvular disease (DVD) and Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Intact female sent to investigation because bradycardia was detected in routine veterinary consultation.",
"Yes, dogs can eat oatmeal. Itâs nice as a dog treat. Oatmeal is rich in soluble fibre. It can avoid constipation, help lower cholesterol, reduces the risk of heart disease promote healthy colon. Especially if your dogs are allergic to wheat, oatmeal can be the substitute.If your dogs are overweight, oatmeal can help maintain or lose weight. Oatmeal is good for older dogs who have problems with their bowels as oatmeal can help with digestive issues.The catch: Donât feed the dog uncooked oatmeal because it may cause dogs cough and swallowing difficulties.Oatmeal should be cooked with no sugar or food flavorings before feeding your dogs.If your dogs donât like the taste, you can add yogurt or milk to the oatmeal and make sure dogs with no lactose intolerance. Many dog owners make oatmeal homemade dog biscuits as a treat.atmeal is good for older dogs who have problems with their bowels as oatmeal can help with digestive issues. The catch: Donât feed the dog uncooked oatmeal because it may cause dogs cough and swallowing difficulties. Oatmeal should be cooked with no sugar or food flavorings before feeding your dogs.",
"When the heart canât deliver enough blood to the body and fluid consequently backs up into a dogâs lungs or abdomen, itâs called congestive heart failure. There are many causes of congestive heart failure (CHF) in dogs. CHF can be brought on by high blood pressure, congenital heart defects, heartworm disease, or a variety of other disorders. A dog with congestive heart failure may cough, have trouble breathing, experience fatigue, loss of appetite, or might die suddenly.",
"If you have congestive heart failure, follow these nutrition guidelines: 1 Check food labels, and limit salt and sodium to 1,500 to 2,000 milligrams per day. 2 Replace salt and other high-sodium seasonings with alternatives that have no salt or are low in sodium (such as Mrs. Dash).",
"Researchers are still exploring what diet is best for dogs with diabetes. Most vets recommend a high-fiber, low-fat diet. Fiber slows the entrance of glucose into the bloodstream and helps your dog feel full. Low-fat foods have fewer calories. Together, the diet can help your dog eat less and lose weight. But make sure your pooch drinks plenty of water. Fiber takes water from the body, and that can cause constipation and other problems. Most dogs do fine with food you can buy at the store.",
"Nutrition Tips for Congestive Heart Failure. If you have congestive heart failure, follow these nutrition guidelines: Check food labels, and limit salt and sodium to 1,500 to 2,000 milligrams per day. Replace salt and other high-sodium seasonings with alternatives that have no salt or are low in sodium (such as Mrs. Dash).",
"A dog's digestive problems will receive food low in fat, high in fiber you can digest, vitamins, fruit and a minimum protein intake. Therefore, the composition of dietary food rations will take into account the following proportions:45% fiber (from cereals); 35% vegetables;ecipes. Cereal with yogurt. Whole grains contain enough vitamins and other nutrients that it compensate the lack of vegetables, so, in yogurt or buttermilk conbinatie are healthy, and appreciated by the dog. Ingredients: 40% whole grains, oatmeal or 40% corn, 20% yogurt / buttermilk.",
"Food for Anemic Dogs To quickly boost the amount of oxygen your dog's blood can carry, serve him foods with a lot of iron and B vitamins. Avoid supermarket or generic foods for canine anemia. The nutrients in them are harder for dogs to absorb. Start your anemic dog's meal plan by incorporating the following healthy foods: Cooked liver: 4 ounces for a large dog; 2 ounces for a smaller dog. Good dog food full of iron. Lean meats like ground beef and lamb. Fish, nuts and vegetables. Foods with Vitamin B9: Carrots, egg yolks, whole wheat, rye and pumpkin.",
"Non-starchy vegetables can also be included in your dogâs meals to increase the quantity you feed without adding significant calories. Cruciferous veggies, such as broccoli, are especially nutritious, but watch out: too much can cause gas.5.. Vegetables and fruits: Berries, especially blueberries, are packed with antioxidants. Other good fruits to feed include bananas, apples, and melon; some dogs even like citrus. Donât feed the pits, and avoid grapes and raisins, which can cause kidney failure when eaten in large quantities.",
"What is congestive heart failure? Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is a term that refers to the heart's inability to pump adequate blood to the body. There are many causes of CHF in dogs. The two most common causes are mitral valve insufficiency (MVI), or a leaky mitral valve, the valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM).",
"there are many causes of congestive heart failure chf in dogs chf can be brought on by high blood pressure congenital heart defects heartworm disease or a variety of other disorders a dog with congestive heart failure may cough have trouble breathing experience fatigue loss of appetite or might die suddenly",
"The symptoms of congestive heart failure in dogs include many of the more serious symptoms of mitral valve disease. These include: 1 An inability to, or lack of interest in, any sort of exercise or physical activity. 2 Heavy, chronic panting (even when Fido is resting).",
"Quick Answer. A dog with diabetes can eat a variety of vegetables including broccoli, cauliflower, green and red sweet peppers and carrots. These vegetable options can be used as treats to supplement the decrease in meat and grains eaten by diabetic dogs.",
"Pets less than a year old that develop congestive heart failure often have genetic heart defects. Congestive heart failure may occur more commonly in certain dog breeds, including King Charles Cavalier Spaniels, Doberman Pinschers, Schnauzers, and Boxers.",
"Heart Failure, Congestive (Right-sided) in Dogs. Congestive Heart Failure (Right-sided) in Dogs. Right-sided congestive heart failure occurs when the heart fails to pump blood at the rate required to meet the basic needs of the body. While it is not curable, there are treatment options that can improve the quality of life for your dog. All organ systems in the body can be affected by congestive heart failure.",
"As a result of either disease, fluid may back up into the lungs, making breathing difficult, or into the abdomen, giving the dog a pot-bellied appearance. Other causes of congestive heart failure in dogs include: 1 Defects in the heart walls. 2 Fluid in the sac surrounding the heart. 3 Heart rhythm abnormalities. 4 Heartworm disease. 5 Increased blood pressure. 6 Endocarditis (an infection of the heart valves).",
"Congestion of the lungs and fluid accumulation are common. Fluid can also build up in the abdomen and around the lungs, if the right side of the heart is also involved. Congestion and fluid buildup indicate heart failure. Dogs with DCM-induced heart failure often have left-sided congestive failure. Symptoms include decreased ability to exercise, tiring quickly, increased respiration, and excessive panting and coughing. There may be recurrences of sudden episodes of weakness or fainting.",
"According to dog nutritionists, a canine pancreatitis diet may include skinless white meat chicken, lean and low-fat ground beef, beef heart, beef kidney, beef liver, egg whites, non-fat plain yogurt, oatmeal, barley and non-fat cottage cheese.",
"Dogs and cats with left-side congestive heart failure (CHF) can develop respiratory distress due to pulmonary edema. Which of the following intravenous diuretics is the most appropriate treatment for life-threatening pulmonary edema caused by CHF?",
"Congestive Heart Failure Can Cause Dog Respiratory Symptoms. One reason for heavy dog breathing is congestive heart failure. Congestive heart failure occurs when the heart, damaged by poor diet or genetic abnormalities, fails to pump an adequate amount of blood through the body. This leads to fluid retention in the lung and body cavities.",
"1. BLUEBERRIES. A whole foods diet that includes fresh blueberries can be a great way to provide your dog with mini-powerhouses of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which help protect him from the effects of stress. Wild blueberries have even more valuable polyphenols than cultivated blueberries do.",
"The two most common causes of congestive heart failure in dogs are mitral valve insufficiency and dilated cardiomyopathy. In cats, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most common heart disease. Genetic predisposition is clearly the most common underlying reason for the development of congestive heart failure.",
"Dog Heartworm. Canine heartworm disease is transmitted through the bite of a mosquito. Mosquitoes infect dogs with a parasite which infests the heart. If left untreated, canine heartworm disease can lead to congestive heart failure in dogs. Dog heartworm disease is preventable through the use of routine doses of medication.",
"1 Chicken: If your dog requires extra protein in his diet, cooked, unseasoned chicken is an easy addition to his regular food. 2 It also makes a good meal replacement if you're out of dog food. 3 Salmon: Dogs can benefit from omega 3 fatty acids too, so slip some cooked salmon into the food bowl for a healthier, shinier coat. Grapes and raisins: While this fruit is nutritious for you, it's toxic to dogs and can cause kidney failure. 2 Onions: They may make you cry, but they can make your dog very sick by causing damage to his red blood cells.",
"symptoms diagnosis congestive heart failure symptoms in dogs cats symptoms of congestive heart failure in dogs and cats vary depending on whether left and or right sided heart failure is present the most common clinical signs are decreased endurance and exercise intolerance lethargy coughing and difficulty breathing",
"If your dog with Cushingâs Disease has high blood pressure (hypertension), you should minimize the amount of salt (sodium) he eats by feeding a high quality natural dog food as well as avoiding high sodium treats (packaged treats, lunch meat, cheese and dairy products, etc).hen choose a natural dog food with high quality proteins that will help promote a lean body. Exercise is also important for dogs with Cushingâs Disease, and as they are often overweight or intolerant to warm temperatures, swimming is an excellent form of exercise to promote weight loss and good health.",
"congestive heart failure in dog congestive heart failure in dog refers to any weakening of the heart muscle and its ability to maintain normal blood pressure treatment options are similar to humans including the use of many of the same medications",
"At home, for a dog with heart disease and an enlarged heart diagnosis, care should be taken in the dog's daily routine. The dog should not be allowed to jump, run or chase. Similarly, a dog heart diet should not contain extra fats. A simple diet is always better for a canine heart patient.",
"Home Prepared Diets for Canine Heart Disease. Amounts to feed will vary according to the metabolism and activity level of each individual dog. Let your dogâs appetite and weight be the ultimate gauge, remember a dog on the leaner side is always healthier than an overweight dog especially when dealing with heart disease.",
"A raw food diet for dogs consists of raw meat; uncooked bones either whole or ground; fruit, such as apples; vegetables including broccoli, spinach and celery; raw eggs; dairy, such as yogurt; and vitamin supplements in the proper dosage.esides potentially contaminating your home, a raw food diet poses other risks: Toxicity can occur over an extended period of time when you feed your pet an unbalanced diet; your pet can develop anemia due to a lack or excess of essential nutrients, and orthopedic issues such as bone fractures can occur.",
"NRC guidelines are to feed no more than 22.25 mg/kg phosphorus daily (about 10 mg per pound of body weight)for a dog with advanced kidney failure. For dogs in early stages, recommended phosphorus amounts can be as high as 60 mg/kg (or 30 mg/lb) .Anywhere from 15-40 mg/kg (7 - 18 mg/lb) is considered a low phosphorus diet. In general, foods highest in phosphorus include bones, dairy products, fish (with bones) , organ meats, and egg yolks. Omega-6 fatty acids have been found to be harmful to dogs with kidney disease. 2 Instead of vegetables oils, use Fish Oil, such as Salmon Oil or EPA oil (NOT cod liver oil). 3 While Flax seed oil has more omega-3 fatty acids than most plant oils, it is also high in omega-6 and so is not recommended.",
"as a result of either disease fluid may back up into the lungs making breathing difficult or into the abdomen giving the dog a pot bellied appearance other causes of congestive heart failure in dogs include defects in the heart walls fluid in the sac surrounding the heart",
"As usual dog eating healthy, avoid bread and potatoes, which are indigestible and usually responsible for the majority of dog digestive problems due to food (dog saliva contains a small amount of ptialina, enzyme that helps digest starch).ecipes. Cereal with yogurt. Whole grains contain enough vitamins and other nutrients that it compensate the lack of vegetables, so, in yogurt or buttermilk conbinatie are healthy, and appreciated by the dog. Ingredients: 40% whole grains, oatmeal or 40% corn, 20% yogurt / buttermilk.",
"Treatment for canine kidney failure is usually just an effort to make the dog more comfortable, but there are ways you can help a dog suffering from kidney failure, just by changing their diet. Low-Phosphorus Foods Slow Kidney Disease. Studies have shown that diets, which contain large numbers of low-phosphorus foods, can slow the progression of kidney disease in dogs.",
"Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is a term that refers to the heart's inability to pump adequate blood to the body. There are many causes of CHF in dogs. The two most common causes are mitral valve insufficiency (MVI), or a leaky mitral valve, the valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM).",
"Dogs suffering from Cushingâs disease should be subjected to potassium rich foods like beans, broccoli, potatoes with skin and salmon fish. Potassium rich diet is recommended as potassium helps these dogs recover from the condition faster and stay healthy while on Cushingâs medications.",
"Congestive heart failure in pets may occur when diseases of the heart muscle (known as cardiomyopathy), narrowing of major blood vessels (seen with many congenital heart defects and heart valve issues), and heart rhythm irregularities are present.",
"Causes of Heart Failure in Dogs. Heart failure, also known as congestive heart failure, is the end result of a progressively weakened heart muscle and almost always is ultimately fatal.",
"To quickly boost the amount of oxygen your dog's blood can carry, serve him foods with a lot of iron and B vitamins. Avoid supermarket or generic foods for canine anemia. The nutrients in them are harder for dogs to absorb. Start your anemic dog's meal plan by incorporating the following healthy foods: 1 Cooked liver: 4 ounces for a large dog; 2 ounces for a smaller dog. 2 Good dog food full of iron. 3 Lean meats like ground beef and lamb. 4 Fish, nuts and vegetables. 5 Foods with Vitamin B9: Carrots, egg yolks, whole wheat, rye and pumpkin. more information...",
"Canned pumpkin, which is in puree form, contains lots of dietary fiber which can absorb the excess water in your dogâs stool; thus, making his poop more firm. This makes it perfect for when your dog has diarrhea. Interestingly, the same product can treat constipation.",
"congestive heart failure in dog congestive heart failure in dog refers to any weakening of the heart muscle and its ability to maintain normal blood pressure the dog health guide is a complete resource for understanding heart disease and congestive heart failure in dog is usually not curable however with treatment your dog could continue to live a good quality of life depending on the extent of heart failure the disease can worsen slowly as the heart gets weaker other organs are strained causing multiple health problems",
"Congestive Heart Failure (Right-sided) in Dogs . Right-sided congestive heart failure occurs when the heart fails to pump blood at the rate required to meet the basic needs of the body. While it is not curable, there are treatment options that can improve the quality of life for your dog. Symptoms"
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at what temp should i take my baby to er | [
"You should take children older than 3 months to the emergency room (ER) for a fever if the fever is more than 104 degrees for a long period of time. Ice them down first and then bring them to the ER."
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"It is important to make sure that your baby is a comfortable temperature â not too hot or too cold. The chance of SIDS is higher in babies who get too hot.A room temperature of 16-20°C, with light bedding or a lightweight well-fitting baby sleep bag that is comfortable and safe for sleeping babies.dvice on room temperature is intended as a guide. Every baby is different, so while itâs important to be informed about overheating you need to check your baby regularly to see if he or she is too hot. Feel the baby's tummy or the back of their neck (your babyâs hands and feet will usually be cooler, which is normal).",
"Overheating is associated with an increased risk of cot death (sudden infant death syndrome). The safest temperature range for your baby to sleep in is actually between 16 degrees C and 20 degrees C (you can buy a thermometer to check the temperature is constant). What temperature do you like to keep the room your baby sleeps in?",
"What temp should an engine run at? How do you know if your engine is operating at its correct temp? I know my temp gauge is always around the same mark and about how long it takes to get at that mark, but how do I know it's not running to hot or to cool at that mark?",
"If your child is between 3 months of age and 3 years of age and has a low-grade fever (up to 102°F [38.8°C]), you may want to avoid giving him or her medicine.If your child is achy and fussy, and his or her temperature is above 102°F (38.8°C), you may want to give him or her some medicine.If your baby is younger than 3 months of age and has a rectal temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher, call the doctor or go to the emergency room right away.iving your child acetaminophen and a lukewarm bath may help lower his or her fever. Give the acetaminophen before the bath. If the bath is given without medicine, your child may start shivering as his or her body tries to raise its temperature again.",
"If your child is between 3 months of age and 4 years of age and has a low-grade fever (up to 37.8°C [100.2°F]), you may want to avoid giving him or her medicine. If your child is achy and fussy, and his or her temperature is above 37.8°C (100.2°F), you may want to give him or her some medicine. If your baby is younger than 3 months of age and has a rectal temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher, call the doctor or go to the emergency room right away.",
"In infants under 3 months of age, any fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher should be reported to a doctor. For babies older than 3 months, the benchmark is 102 degrees. Newborns who have a rectal temperature of less than 97 degrees should also be seen by a doctor.ormal Temperature. Normal temperature for a baby actually depends on what method you use to measure it. The 98.6 benchmark is generally for temperatures taken orally, but you can't measure temperature this way in a baby.",
"Most doctors â and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) â agree that a normal body temperature for a healthy baby is between 97 and 100.3 degrees Fahrenheit. If your baby's rectal temperature is 100.4 degrees or higher, he has a fever. How to take your newborn's temperature.",
"For babies under 3 months, fever is urgent. If your baby is under 3 months old, your fever phobia is warranted. A temperature of 100.4 or higher in a baby this young is considered a medical emergency. Call your baby's doctor immediately, and make sure he or she understands that your baby is younger than 3 months. If medical advice is unavailable, go to the emergency room, even if it's the middle of the night.",
"Most doctors say a baby has a fever if her temperature rises to 100.4 F or above. Itâs best to take her temperature rectally. Take a few readings when your infant is well to get a sense of what her normal temperature is. When to See a Doctor. If your baby is under age 3 months and has a fever, take her to a doctor. For at least the first 6 months of life, call your doctor anytime she has a fever. At your babyâs next checkup you can ask if the doctor has a âfever policy.â That will give you a better idea about when you need to call.",
"When to See a Doctor. If your baby is under age 3 months and has a fever, take her to a doctor. For at least the first 6 months of life, call your doctor anytime she has a fever.At your babyâs next checkup you can ask if the doctor has a âfever policy.â That will give you a better idea about when you need to call.ost doctors say a baby has a fever if her temperature rises to 100.4 F or above. Itâs best to take her temperature rectally. Take a few readings when your infant is well to get a sense of what her normal temperature is.",
"When giving for a fever, consider the child's temperature and age. If you have an infant 3 months or younger with a rectal temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher, call your doctor or go to the emergency department immediately.",
"In infants under 3 months of age, any fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher should be reported to a doctor. For babies older than 3 months, the benchmark is 102 degrees. Newborns who have a rectal temperature of less than 97 degrees should also be seen by a doctor.ormal temperature for a baby actually depends on what method you use to measure it. The 98.6 benchmark is generally for temperatures taken orally, but you can't measure temperature this way in a baby. The two most common ways to measure temperature in babies is rectally or in the ear.",
"Temperature / Fever. Normal axillary (under the arm) temperature ranges from 97.5 to 99.3 degrees Fahrenheit (36.5 to 37.4 degrees Celsius)*. Taking a rectal temperature. Normal rectal temperature is 100.2 degrees Fahrenheit or less (37.9 degrees Celsius or less)*.*These are the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended ranges. It is suggested that you discuss this with your baby's health care provider. babyâs temperature should usually be taken under the armpit (axillary temperature). However, your babyâs health care provider may ask you to take a rectal temperature as well. Tell your babyâs health care provider which way you took the babyâs temperature.",
"1 The normal body temperature of a child can vary between 36.5 degrees Celsius/97.7 degrees Farenheit and 37.5 degrees Celsius/99.5 degrees Farenheit. In newborns (younger than 28 days), any body temperature above 38.3 degrees Celsius/101 degrees Farenheit should be treated as a medical emergency.",
"At What Temperature Does My Baby Have a Fever? A baby's normal temperature can range from about 97 degrees Fahrenheit up to 100.3 degrees Fahrenheit. Most doctors consider a rectal temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher as a fever. When to Call Your Doctor. According to the AAP, call your doctor if your baby:",
"Temperature / Fever. Normal axillary (under the arm) temperature ranges from 97.5 to 99.3 degrees Fahrenheit (36.5 to 37.4 degrees Celsius)*. Taking a rectal temperature. Normal rectal temperature is 100.2 degrees Fahrenheit or less (37.9 degrees Celsius or less)*.*These are the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended ranges. It is suggested that you discuss this with your baby's health care provider. You do not need to take your babyâs temperature on a regular basis. babyâs temperature should usually be taken under the armpit (axillary temperature). However, your babyâs health care provider may ask you to take a rectal temperature as well. Tell your babyâs health care provider which way you took the babyâs temperature.",
"Here's a list of when to call a doc, but not sure when it becomes dangerous. i guess at the same temp that you call a doc: If your baby is less than 3 months old and has a temperature of 100.4 degrees F (38 degrees C) or higher, call the doctor immediately.",
"The NHS recommends parents always contact a health professional if: Your baby is under three months old and their temperature is 38°C (101°F) or higher. Your baby is aged three to six months and their temperature is 39°C (102°F) or higher. Your baby is older than six months and their temperature is above 40°C (104-105°F). Your child has other signs of illness as well as a raised temperature.",
"If you baby feels cool or your babyâs temperature is less than 97.6 degree Fahrenheit, try a putting a t-shirt under a terry cloth sleeper on your baby, or put your baby on a blanket that has been warmed in the dryer.You can also try placing your baby skin-to-skin with you. Take your baby's temperature if your:ormal rectal temperature is 100.2 degrees Fahrenheit or less (37.9 degrees Celsius or less)*. *These are the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended ranges. It is suggested that you discuss this with your baby's health care provider.",
"But it's important not to overdo it. Overheating is associated with an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The safest temperature range for your baby to sleep in is actually between 16 degrees C and 20 degrees C (you can buy a thermometer to check the temperature is constant).hat do people in warmer countries do? e.g. look at this babycentre web site for malaysia: http://www.babycenter.com.my/a419/cot-death-sids#ixzz3241JG3Ua It says Keep the room your baby sleeps in at a comfortable temperature (24 to 26 degrees C).. Are Malaysian babies different to UK babies? Makes no sense to me.",
"You control your babyâs environment. Adjust your thermostat to keep your Babyâs Room at a temperature that is conducive to sleeping. A suggested range between 65 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit is a good starting point. Feel your baby to find if you have the right temperature for them. Their hands or feet should not be cold to the touch nor should the back of their neck be sweaty.",
"Call Doctor Now or Go to ER. 1 Pain low on the right side. 2 Could be pregnant. 3 Constant pain or crying for more than 2 hours. Recent injury to the 1 stomach. High-risk child such as diabetes, sickle cell disease, recent abdominal surgery. Age less than 2 1 years. Fever over 104° F 2 (40° C) Your child looks or acts very sick.",
"Hi i have an amd fx4300 and i was looking to see at what temp my cpu is supposed to be at, and also what is the most i can take it to without damaging it? i have an asrock 970 extreme3 mobo also.",
"Taking your baby's temperature. An electronic digital thermometer is very accurate and recommended. A babyâs temperature should usually be taken under the armpit (axillary temperature). However, your babyâs health care provider may ask you to take a rectal temperature as well. Tell your babyâs health care provider which way you took the babyâs temperature.",
"1 If your baby is under 3 months old and has a temperature of 100.4 degrees F (38 degrees C) or higher, call the doctor immediately. 2 A baby this young needs to be checked for serious infection or disease.3 If your baby is 3 months old or older, the most important thing is how he looks and acts.ou're the best judge of whether your baby is really ill â so do call if you're worried, no matter what his temperature is. Ask your baby's doctor for more specific advice, but generally: 1 If your baby is under 3 months old and has a temperature of 100.4 degrees F (38 degrees C) or higher, call the doctor immediately.",
"Most doctors â and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) â agree that a normal body temperature for a healthy baby is between 97 and 100.3 degrees Fahrenheit. If your baby's rectal temperature is 100.4 degrees or higher, he has a fever.",
"How to take your baby's temperature. A normal temperature in babies and children is about 36.4C (97.5F), but this can vary slightly. A fever is usually considered to be a temperature of 38C (100.4F) or above. Your baby may have a fever if they: feel hotter than usual to the touch â on their forehead, back or stomach.",
"RE: What temperature does solder (heat) melt at? When i stick a circuit board in the oven (witch you can do) to melt the solder so i can take the diodes, capacitor, and buttons off what temp do i set the oven at?Hence my original question what temperature does solder melt at?E: What temperature does solder (heat) melt at? When i stick a circuit board in the oven (witch you can do) to melt the solder so i can take the diodes, capacitor, and buttons off what temp do i set the oven at? Hence my original question what temperature does solder melt at?",
"An electronic digital thermometer is very accurate and recommended. A babyâs temperature should usually be taken under the armpit (axillary temperature). However, your babyâs health care provider may ask you to take a rectal temperature as well. Tell your babyâs health care provider which way you took the babyâs temperature.",
"Babies under 12 weeks old who have a fever higher than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit taken rectally, and children with a fever of 105 degrees Fahrenheit or higher when taken by any method, or 104 degrees Fahrenheit if the temperature is taken in the armpit, should be taken to see the doctor immediately.lthough 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit and 99.6 degrees Fahrenheit are considered normal temperatures, depending on which method you use, there is actually a range of what is considered normal.",
"Age and Fever Thresholds. The most worrisome fever is one in a baby less than 3 months old, according to Palo Alto Medical Foundation. Take a child 3 months or younger to a doctor right away if he has a rectal temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit and no other symptoms.A rectal temperature, recommended for children this young, is one degree warmer than an oral temperature.ake a child 3 months or younger to a doctor right away if he has a rectal temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit and no other symptoms. A rectal temperature, recommended for children this young, is one degree warmer than an oral temperature.",
"NOTE: A thermometer used for taking temperatures should not be used for other methods. Babies under age 3 months. The rectal method is the most reliable for young infants. If your baby is under 3 months of age and has a temperature of 100.4°F or higher, contact your doctor right away. Babies this young need to be checked for infection or disease.",
"1 In newborns (younger than 28 days), any body temperature above 38.3 degrees Celsius/101 degrees Farenheit should be treated as a medical emergency. 2 Even up to the age of 3 months, any body temperature above 38 degrees Celsius should be monitored very closely and if possible, immediate medical attention should be sought. A core body temperature (rectal) above 38 degrees Celsius/100.4 degrees Farenheit is considered as a fever in a child. 2 In most cases this is just considered as a mild fever and may be managed in the home environment until medical attention can be sought by the next day.",
"How to take your baby's temperature. A normal temperature in children is about 36.4C (97.5F) but this does differ slightly from child to child. A fever is usually considered to be a temperature of over 37.5C (99.5F). You may be concerned that your baby has a fever if they: feel hotter than usual to the touch â on their forehead, back or stomach.",
"So, if your baby is less than 8 weeks old and has a temperature of 100.4 or higher, you need to call your doctor immediately. There may be circumstances (such as overbundling) where the high temperature does not mean there is something very wrong with your baby, but you should let your doctor help you sort it out.",
"Taking a rectal temperature. Normal rectal temperature is 100.2 degrees Fahrenheit or less (37.9 degrees Celsius or less)*. *These are the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended ranges. It is suggested that you discuss this with your baby's health care provider. You do not need to take your babyâs temperature on a regular basis.",
"If your baby is less than 3 months old and has a temperature of 100.4 degrees F (38 degrees C) or higher, call the doctor immediately. A baby this young needs to be checked for serious infection or disease.For a baby between 3 and 6 months old, call if his temperature reaches 101 degrees F (38.3 degrees C) or higher.est Answer: No-not always. A fever alone without other symptoms isnt dangerous. Try to give him some fever reducer first, after an hour if the fever has not gone away then I would take him.",
"Rectal temperature higher than 100.4 degrees F (38 C) If your baby is younger than 3 months old and has a fever higher than 100.4 degrees, contact her healthcare provider or go to the emergency room. A fever in an infant this young can indicate a potentially serious illness. Babies and Children Between 3 Months and 3 Years Old Temperature higher than 102.2 degrees F (39 C)",
"Babies under 12 weeks old who have a fever higher than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit taken rectally, and children with a fever of 105 degrees Fahrenheit or higher when taken by any method, or 104 degrees Fahrenheit if the temperature is taken in the armpit, should be taken to see the doctor immediately.",
"Warnings. 1 Do not give your infant over-the-counter cold medications unless specifically instructed to do so by her pediatrician. 2 The Nemours Foundation warns that a rectal temperature greater than 100.4 degrees F in your 1-month old baby requires medical attention, especially before a cold diagnosis is given.",
"Rectal Temperature: How to Take. 1 Age: Birth to 4 years old. 2 Have your child lie stomach down on your lap. 3 Put some petroleum jelly on the end of the thermometer and the anus. Slide the thermometer gently into the anus about 1 1 inch. Hold your child still. Your child has a fever if the rectal temp is above 100.4° F (38° C).",
"A normal temperature is about 98.6°F (37°C) when taken orally (in your childâs mouth) and 99.6°F (37.5°C) when taken rectally (in your childâs bottom). If youâre taking your childâs temperature rectally, place him or her belly-down across your lap. No. In rare cases, aspirin can cause Reyeâs syndrome in children.",
"1 In newborns (younger than 28 days), any body temperature above 38.3 degrees Celsius/101 degrees Farenheit should be treated as a medical emergency.2 Even up to the age of 3 months, any body temperature above 38 degrees Celsius should be monitored very closely and if possible, immediate medical attention should be sought. In newborns (younger than 28 days), any body temperature above 38.3 degrees Celsius/101 degrees Farenheit should be treated as a medical emergency.",
"Also, talk to your child's provider or go to the emergency room if your child: 1 Is younger than age 3 months and has a rectal temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher. Is 3 to 12 months old and has a fever of 102.2°F (39°C) or higher.",
"When Is It a Fever? Most doctors say a baby has a fever if her temperature rises to 100.4 F or above. Itâs best to take her temperature rectally. Take a few readings when your infant is well to get a sense of what her normal temperature is. When to See a Doctor. If your baby is under age 3 months and has a fever, take her to a doctor. For at least the first 6 months of life, call your doctor anytime she has a fever. At your babyâs next checkup you can ask if the doctor has a âfever policy.â That will give you a better idea about when you need to call. If youâre worried, take the better-safe-than-sorry approach: Dial him up. Fever is only part of the story.",
"In general, most experts recommend that you: 1 keep your home at a 'comfortable' temperature of between 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit. don't over-bundle your baby, but instead consider dressing her with one extra layer than you are wearing yourself.",
"If you notice a temperature that is even just slightly above the normal range ââ 38°C (101°F) taken rectally or 37.5°C (99.5°F) taken under the armpit â bring your newborn baby to the doctor as soon as possible.Also bring your newborn baby to the doctor if he has any of the following symptoms:n armpit temperature of 37.2°C (99°F) or higher means a fever. 1 Wait for the thermometer to take the reading. 2 The normal range for a temperature taken under the armpit is 36.7°C to 37.1°C (98.0°F to 98.8°F).",
"In babies younger than 3 months, a rectal temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher needs to be brought to a doctor's attention as soon as possible, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Call your baby's doctor immediately to let her know that your baby is younger than 3 months and has a fever.",
"How to take your baby's temperature. A normal temperature in babies and children is about 36.4C (97.5F), but this can vary slightly. A fever is usually considered to be a temperature of 38C (100.4F) or above. If you think your baby has a fever, it's best to check their temperature with a thermometer.",
"1 keep your home at a 'comfortable' temperature of between 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit. 2 don't over-bundle your baby, but instead consider dressing her with one extra layer than you are wearing yourself. check you baby for overheating, including sweating or your baby's chest feeling hot.",
"For babies under 3 months, fever is urgent. If your baby is under 3 months old, your fever phobia is warranted. A temperature of 100.4 or higher in a baby this young is considered a medical emergency.Call your baby's doctor immediately, and make sure he or she understands that your baby is younger than 3 months.If medical advice is unavailable, go to the emergency room, even if it's the middle of the night.or babies under 3 months, fever is urgent. If your baby is under 3 months old, your fever phobia is warranted. A temperature of 100.4 or higher in a baby this young is considered a medical emergency.",
"According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), if your child is less than 2 months old and is running a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, don't just call the doctor. Your baby should be seen immediately, in the office or, if it's after hours, in an emergency room.",
"If your baby is under age 3 months and has a fever, take her to a doctor. For at least the first 6 months of life, call your doctor anytime she has a fever. At your babyâs next checkup you can ask if the doctor has a âfever policy.â That will give you a better idea about when you need to call.ost doctors say a baby has a fever if her temperature rises to 100.4 F or above. Itâs best to take her temperature rectally. Take a few readings when your infant is well to get a sense of what her normal temperature is.",
"If none of these types of child fevers fit your current situation, then you probably donât need to call your doctor. 1 If your infant is 6 weeks or younger, and has a fever of 101 degrees or higher, this is considered a medical emergency. Your doctor should evaluate your infant right away, either during business hours or in an emergency room after hours. Do not give any fever-reducing medications in this situation (you donât want to hide the fever until after a doctor has evaluated your baby).",
"1 A body temperature of 40 degrees Celsius/104 degrees Farenheit or more is considered as a high fever and requires immediate medical attention as this is an emergency. 2 In newborns (younger than 28 days), any body temperature above 38.3 degrees Celsius/101 degrees Farenheit should be treated as a medical emergency. In newborns (younger than 28 days), any body temperature above 38.3 degrees Celsius/101 degrees Farenheit should be treated as a medical emergency.",
"In babies younger than 3 months, a rectal temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher needs to be brought to a doctor's attention as soon as possible, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Call your baby's doctor immediately to let her know that your baby is younger than 3 months and has a fever. If you can't reach your baby's doctor, go to an urgent care clinic or the emergency room right away, even if it's the middle of the night.",
"In general, you should call your pediatrician if your: 1 infant under three months of age has a rectal temperature at or above 100.4 F., 2 infant aged 3-6 months has a temperature above 101 F., or. 3 infant above 6 months has a temperature above 103 F.",
"Rectal temperatures provide the best readings for infants, reports the Mayo Clinic. Place your infant on her back and lift her legs. For infants up to 3 months, lubricate the tip of a rectal digital thermometer and insert it 1/2 to 1 inch into her rectum. It should slide in easily, but if you feel any resistance, stop.",
"In terms of a typical range for baby, as outlined by the AAP, anywhere between 97.5° F (36.4° C) and 99.5° F (37.5° C) is totally normal. A temperature reading of 100.4° F (38° C) is considered to be the beginning of a fever and should typically be accompanied by other symptoms.",
"In general, most experts recommend that you: 1 Keep your home at a 'comfortable' temperature of between 68 to 72 F. 2 Don't over-bundle your baby, but instead consider dressing her with one extra layer than you are wearing yourself. 3 Check you baby for overheating, including sweating or your baby's chest feeling hot.",
"at what temp should my cooling fans come on in my 1991 pontiac grand prix.",
"Also, talk to your child's provider or go to the emergency room if your child: 1 Is younger than age 3 months and has a rectal temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher. 2 Is 3 to 12 months old and has a fever of 102.2°F (39°C) or higher. Is under age 2 and has a fever that lasts longer than 48 hours.",
"Normal rectal temperature is 100.2 degrees Fahrenheit or less (37.9 degrees Celsius or less)*. *These are the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended ranges. It is suggested that you discuss this with your baby's health care provider.You do not need to take your babyâs temperature on a regular basis.f you baby feels cool or your babyâs temperature is less than 97.6 degree Fahrenheit, try a putting a t-shirt under a terry cloth sleeper on your baby, or put your baby on a blanket that has been warmed in the dryer.",
"Should I go to the ER, urgent care, my doctor, or an obgyn? I ⦠â Should I go to the ER, urgent care, ⦠The pain in your back is what is causing all the problems ⦠though? my lower back hurts too.muscle relaxers and asprin and ibuprofin donât work at all. i canât really afford emergency room.hould I go to the ER, urgent care, my doctor, or an obgyn? I ⦠â Should I go to the ER, urgent care, ⦠The pain in your back is what is causing all the problems ⦠though? my lower back hurts too.",
"If your baby is 3 months or younger, call the doctor right away for a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher. Babies under 3 months are at higher risk for more serious problems when they get sick, so we like to see them right away, Swanson says."
] |
which policy was used by the united states to prevent the spread of communism abroad? | [
"From Wikipedia: Containment was a United States policy using numerous strategies to prevent the spread of communism abroad. A component of the Cold War, this policy was a response to a series of moves by the Soviet Union to enlarge communist influence in Eastern Europe, China, Korea, and Vietnam."
] | [
"The containment policy was first suggested by George Kennan. Its primary was to stop the spread of communism through political and economic means. Main Body: The containment policy had been quite successful in the initial stages.",
"America did not invade Viet Nam. We had a policy to prevent the spread of communism. Initially, we responded to a call for help from the South's regime with supplies and weapons. Then we sent advisors. The advisors became involved in battles. Then we sent troops to support the advisors.",
"The Truman Doctrine (1947) was designed to support anti-communists and resist the spread of communism. Initially, it stated that the United States would support both Turke ⦠y and Greece with economic and military aid, preventing them falling into the Soviet sphere.",
"I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted [conquest] by armed minorities or by outside pressures. President Harry Truman, 1947 The United States must help protect independent nations from communist aggression.",
"On March 12, 1947, in an address to Congress, President Harry S. Truman declared it to be the foreign policy of the United States to assist any country whose stability was threatened by communism. His initial request was specifically for $400 million to assist both Greece and Turkey, which Congress approved.",
"The point of the Containment Policy was for the United States during the Cold War to keep Communism from spreading.Also if they failed then the domino effect would occur and eventually, more and more countries would fall to Communism. This is the reason the USA fought in the Vietnam War and the Korean War.onfidence votes 116. The point of the Containment Policy was for the United States during the Cold War to keep Communism from spreading. Also if they failed then the domino effect would occur and eventually, more and more countries would fall to Communism.",
"In response to the Russian Revolution that led to the creation of the communist Soviet Union, the United States: pursued a policy of anticommunism that would remain at the center of American foreign policy during the twentieth century.",
"First laid out by George F. Kennan in 1947, Containment stated that communism needed to be contained and isolated, or it would spread to neighboring countries. The US's attempt to stop the spread of communism and Russian expansive tendencies through economic and military measures.",
"A foreign policy developed by diplomat George Kennan that claimed that the only way to stop Russia's expansionist ways was to contain it. It was the basis of US foreign policy after WWII designed to stop the spread of communism. America's strategy against the Soviet Union based on ideas of George Kennan.",
"Eisenhowerâs âNew Lookâ. In addition to his desire to halt the advance of âcreeping socialismâ in U.S. domestic policy, Eisenhower also wanted to âroll backâ the advances of Communism abroad. After taking office in 1953, he devised a new foreign policy tactic to contain the Soviet Union and even win back territory that had already been lost.",
"1 The âTruman Doctrine,â outlined in a presidential speech to Congress, makes it U.S. policy to protect nations threatened by communism. June 5, 1947. In a speech at the Harvard commencement, Secretary of State George C. Marshall calls for an American plan to help Europe recover from World War II.",
"Containment Truman's policy against Communism was defined by an advisor, George F. Kennan. His policy, called containment, planned to leave Communism where it was already established, yet keep it from spreading to other countries. The policy of containment was applied and tested throughout Truman's administration and the Cold War as well.",
"- Under containment policy, the United States would not instigate a war with the Soviet Union; the U.S. would, however, attempt to contain Soviet influence by defending countries facing Soviet takeover. -This idea of containment formed the basis of American foreign policy throughout much of the Cold War.",
"The Truman Doctrine (1947) was designed to support anti-communists and resist the spread of communism. Initially, it stated that the United States would support both Turkeâ¦y and Greece with economic and military aid, preventing them falling into the Soviet sphere.",
"The point of the Containment Policy was for the United States during the Cold War to keep Communism from spreading. Also if they failed then the domino effect would occur â¦and eventually, more and more countries would fall to Communism. This is the reason the USA fought in the Vietnam War and the Korean War.",
"George F. Kennan-State Department analyst who developed containment doctrine in 1947, arguing that Communism and the USSR could not be allowed to spread; this doctrine became the basis of U.S. foreign policy strategy during the Cold War.",
"George F. Kennan - State Department analyst who developed containment doctrine in 1947, arguing that Communism and the USSR could not be allowed to spread; this doctrine became the basis of U.S. foreign policy strategy during the Cold War.",
"Containment was a foreign policy strategy followed by the United States during the Cold War.First laid out by George F. Kennan in 1947, Containment stated that communism needed to be contained and isolated, or it would spread to neighboring countries.irst laid out by George F. Kennan in 1947, Containment stated that communism needed to be contained and isolated, or it would spread to neighboring countries.",
"1 The âTruman Doctrine,â outlined in a presidential speech to Congress, makes it U.S. policy to protect nations threatened by communism. 2 June 5, 1947. In a speech at the Harvard commencement, Secretary of State George C. Marshall calls for an American plan to help Europe recover from World War II. June 19, 1947.",
"Confidence votes 221. The Truman Doctrine (1947) was designed to support anti-communists and resist the spread of communism. Initially, it stated that the United States would support both Turkey and Greece with economic and military aid, preventing them falling into the Soviet sphere.",
"Which American president committed the United States to a policy of preventing the spread of communism? John F. Kennedy Dwight Eisenhower Harry Truman <--- Ronald Reagan Which Cold War leader would be most likely to agree with the statement shown below? no pic sorry. refer to sources Mao Zedong Fidel Castro Nikita Khrushchev <--- Chiang Kai-shek",
"What were the goals of US foreign policy in the cold war? How was President Kennedy's foreign policy consistent with the US's Cold War goal of containing communism? How was President Kennedy's foreign policy consistent with the US's Cold War goal of containing communism?",
"A policy aimed at controlling the spread of communism around the world, developed in the administration of President Harry S. Truman. The formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1949 was an important step in the development of containment.",
"it is to stop the spread of communism, but also the US wanted to be the one and only super power. so the goals could also mean the exploitation and control of the countries the USSR was occupying at the time of the cold war (such as eastern europe) its always about power. stop the spread of communism and protect the free world.",
"Containment was a foreign policy strategy followed by the United States during the Cold War.",
"1 March 12, 1947. The âTruman Doctrine,â outlined in a presidential speech to Congress, makes it U.S. policy to protect nations threatened by communism. June 5, 1947. In a speech at the Harvard commencement, Secretary of State George C. Marshall calls for an American plan to help Europe recover from World War II.",
"A: The United States got involved in Vietnam to prevent the spread of communism throughout Southeast Asia. The domino theory, prevalent in the U.S. government, posited that if Vietnam became communist, it would lead to communist conquests of surrounding countries; victory in Vietnam was crucial to stopping communist expansion.",
"Quick Answer. The United States got involved in Vietnam to prevent the spread of communism throughout Southeast Asia. The domino theory, prevalent in the U.S. government, posited that if Vietnam became communist, it would lead to communist conquests of surrounding countries; victory in Vietnam was crucial to stopping communist expansion.",
"Under the Truman Doctrine, the United States was prepared to send any money, equipment, or military force to countries that were threatened by the communist government, thereby offering assistance to those countries resisting communism.",
"For the most part, the United States was pretty successful in preventing the world-wide spread of Communism. In the 1940s, Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union wanted Communism to be much more widespread, and basically wanted to overtake the region. At this time, the United States stepped in and put many successful programs in place that helped to contain the rising threat of Communism.",
"The Truman Doctrine (1947) was designed to support anti-communists and resist the spread of communism.",
"Many foreign policy thinkers subscribed to this theory at the height of the Cold War, and this led the United States to support anti-Communist regimes throughout the world, whether or not they upheld democratic ideals.",
"in United States: The Truman Doctrine and containment. ...to appropriate aid to Greece and Turkey and asserting, in effect, that henceforth the United States must help free peoples in general to resist communist aggression.",
"President Dwight D. Eisenhower. 1 Eisenhower Doctrine - Eisenhower wanted to stop the spread of communism. He stated that any country could request aid or military help from the U.S. if it was being threatened by another. This was designed to stop the Soviet Union.",
"In addition to these international efforts, a domestically framed policy of isolationism was written into neutrality acts, reflecting Congress's worries over war in South America and the increasing threat of war in Europe, in 1935, 1936, 1937, and 1939 that were unevenly enforced by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.",
"In all three areas, Korea, Vietnam and Cuba the policy of containment was mainly unsuccessful as in each area USA was unable to prevent the spread of communism and USSRâs ussrâs influence over. them",
"Central to Americaâs foreign policy in the post-war period was the containment of the Soviet Union and communism. During the Cold War, the United States and its allies competed with the Soviet Union and its allies militarily, economically, and ideologically.",
"1 The USA interpreted the Soviet takeover of Eastern Europe as the start of spreading communism around the world and responded with the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan which was to help the vulnerable European economy suffering from the after effects of war. 2 The USSR saw this as a threat.",
"President Truman developed a new foreign policy strategy based on the idea of containment. First proposed by George F. Kennan in 1947, the primary goal of this policy was to keep Soviet Union-based communism isolated and to prevent the spread of it to neighboring countries.",
"Containment in the Cold War containment is the term used to refer to the US policy stating that any attempt to spread communism would be seen as a threat to the dâ¦emocratic nations of the world. this allowed the US to fight back at the communists to contain their ideas to one place.",
"The United States entered the Vietnam war to prevent the spread of communism. China was already a communist country, and the United States believed that China would spread it to other Asian countries if it did not intervene. Continue Reading.",
"During the early stage of the cold war, the us employed containment policy in western europe so as to curb communism influecen. It was more of an economic and political approach rather than military.Also the containment in Asia was marked by large sum of aid.merica had already come to grips with the reality that there were going to be two superpowers, it and Communist Russia. In preventing its future increase in other countries, the United States never really confronted Russia directly, but rather sought to combat Communism's growth in other nations.",
"Confidence votes 116. The point of the Containment Policy was for the United States during the Cold War to keep Communism from spreading. Also if they failed then the domino effect would occur and eventually, more and more countries would fall to Communism.This is the reason the USA fought in the Vietnam War and the Korean War.onfidence votes 116. The point of the Containment Policy was for the United States during the Cold War to keep Communism from spreading. Also if they failed then the domino effect would occur and eventually, more and more countries would fall to Communism.",
"The United States entered the Vietnam war to prevent the spread of communism. China was already a communist country, and the United States believed that China would spread it to other Asian countries if it did not intervene.",
"American policy of containment refers to the foreign policy strategy of the US in the early years of the Cold war. The policy was to defeat the Soviet Union by preventing it from expanding the territories under its Communist control or otherwise extending its influence.",
"Text Preview. During the Cold War, America's basic policy was that of containment of the Soviet Union. The policy of containment was based upon several principles. First, the Soviet Union wanted to spread socialism to all areas of the world.",
"the United States would not challenge communism in the countries where it already existed but would act to stop it from spreading, especially in Europe.",
"Containment Facts - 1: The purpose of the US Containment policy was to restrict communist expansion response to a series of moves by the Soviet Union to enlarge its communist sphere of influence in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, China, Korea, Cuba and Vietnam.",
"The United States got involved in Vietnam to prevent the spread of communism throughout Southeast Asia. The domino theory, prevalent in the U.S. government, posited that if Vietnam became communist,...",
"Talk0 Share. The United States tried to stop the spread of Communism by actively engaging in wars where the country in concern was in danger of being overwhelmed by a Communist Neighbor. For example, the United States defended South Korea against the Communist North Korea, and lost South Vietnam to the Communist of South Vietnam. North Vietnam.",
"The Truman and Eisenhower Doctrines showed that the United States was most concerned with helping the Soviet Union fight off communism. sending US military aid to all countries in need. halting the spread of communism throughout the world. letting communism spread in Europe, but nowhere else.",
"The Berlin Airlift, the Korean War, and the Cuban Missile Crisis were all extremely successful strategies that stopped the spread of communism. The United States did a very good job of keeping communism out. If they hadn't stepped in and helped the needy nations, it is very likely that Germany, Korea, and Cuba would all be communist nations. What would have transpired without the United States, we will never know. Berlin.",
"3. (p. 575) The basis for containment policy was the assumption that. A. the Soviet Union could be stopped from achieving its global ambitions only by the forceful use of American power. B. the spread of nuclear weapons is a danger to the world and must be prevented.",
"The United States entered the Vietnam war to prevent the spread of communism. China was already a communist country, and the United States believed that China would spread it to other Asian countries if it did not intervene. Vietnam was divided between North Vietnam and South Vietnam.",
"The US policy of containment, inextricably linked with the domino theory (one country goes communist, they all go communist) led them into one of the worst wars in their history, Vietnam.ontainment lead to American administrations accepting a status quo with the Soviet Union and admitting to each having their own sphere of influence in the world. Containment lead to pointless bloody police action wars and spread false hopes over the Eastern Bloc via Radio Free Europe.",
"The United States did not go to war in Vietnam to prevent the spread of communism to two tiny states of Indochina, but rather to prevent the fall of all Southeast Asia, the eventual undermining of much of the rest of the world, and the spread of communism to the shores of America.",
"Containment was a foreign policy strategy followed by the United States during the Cold War. First laid out by George F. Kennan in 1947, Containment stated that communism needed to be contained and isolated, or it would spread to neighboring countries.",
"During the Truman administration, a containment policy was developed. The policy eventually became the central concept defining U.S. foreign policy in the Cold War. To contain Soviet Communism, President Harry Truman used American military and financial resources to help rebuild Western Europe after World War II.",
"In addition, the policy guidance during this periodhighlights the degree to which this information was used on the state and local level in the name of preventing thesubversion of the American system by Communists and Communist-sympathizers. 1946 0743 May. Ip. 1947 0744 April.",
"Truman was sure that USSR wanted to spread communism. Britain could no longer afford to support Royalist side in Greek civil war against the communists. USA stepped in with necessary aid to prevent communism spreading. Truman did not want to use military forces to prevent communism. He believed in economic help to countries that were at a risk of becoming communist. Increase US exports when Europe recovered. It was in response to the Truman Doctrine to organise Eastern European communist governments. It was set up in response to the Marshall Plan.",
"1 The âTruman Doctrine,â outlined in a presidential speech to Congress, makes it U.S. policy to protect nations threatened by communism. 2 June 5, 1947. 3 In a speech at the Harvard commencement, Secretary of State George C. Marshall calls for an American plan to help Europe recover from World War II. 4 June 19, 1947."
] |
what temperature does the body get hypothermia | [
"Hypothermia is a physical condition that occurs when the body's core temperature falls below a normal 98.6° F (37° C) to 95° F (35° C) or cooler. Think of hypothermia as the opposite of heat stroke.",
"Hypothermia is a medical emergency that occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce heat, causing a dangerously low body temperature. Normal body temperature is around 98.6 F (37 C). Hypothermia (hi-poe-THUR-me-uh) occurs as your body temperature passes below 95 F (35 C)."
] | [
"The Facts on Hypothermia and Cold Weather. Cold water (less than 70° F) can lower your body temperature, causing hypothermia. If your body temperature drops too low, you may pass out and then drown. The human body cools 25 times faster in cold water than it does in air.old water (less than 70° F) can lower your body temperature, causing hypothermia. If your body temperature drops too low, you may pass out and then drown.",
"What is hypothermia?Hypothermia occurs when the body gets cold and loses heat faster than the body can make it. A normal rectal body temperature ranges from to and for most people is .Sometimes a normal, healthy adult has a low body temperature, such as .",
"At that temperature, frostbite can occur in as little as 10 minutes. You can, however, survive a winter scenario like this. Check out these tipsâ like wearing mittens instead of gloves. Extremely cold temperature can also cause hypothermia, when the body's temperature dips below 95 degrees Fahrenheit.",
"1 the body temperature is usually abnormally low (hypothermia), the core temperature may be as low as 80 F (26.6 C); 2 severe mental changes including hallucinations, disorientation, seizures, and ultimately, deep coma; significant swelling (edema) all over the body with swollen eyes and thickening of the tongue,",
"Hypothermia, or abnormally low body temperature, is a dangerous condition that can occur when a person is exposed to extremely cold temperatures. Stay safe this winter by learning more about hypothermia, including who is most at risk, signs and symptoms, and what to do if someone develops hypothermia. What is Hypothermia? Hypothermia is caused by prolonged exposures to very cold temperatures. When exposed to cold temperatures, your body begins to lose heat faster than itâs produced. Body temperature that is too low affects the brain, making the victim unable to think clearly or move well.",
"Hypothermia is when your body temperature gets too low. But you might be surprised to find out it doesnât really need to be all that cold to get hypothermia. Dr. Troy Madsen talks about the conditions required for hypothermia to happen, discuses the signs and symptoms, when it becomes life threatening and what you can do to help someone with hypothermia.",
"Best Answer: Hypothermia can occur at any temperature if you're losing heat to the environment and can't warm up. People can die of hypothermia in 50-degree weather if they get wet and can't find dry shelter. The time it takes for hypothermia to set in depends on environmental factors (temperature, wind speed, wetness) as well as human factors (body fat, exposed surface area, blood flow to the skin, etc.). Source(s):",
"At that temperature, frostbite can occur in as little as 10 minutes. You can, however, survive a winter scenario like this. Check out these tips â like wearing mittens instead of gloves. Extremely cold temperature can also cause hypothermia, when the body's temperature dips below 95 degrees Fahrenheit.",
"Severe Hypothermia - core temperature 92 - 86 degrees and below (immediately life threatening) Shivering occurs in waves, violent then pause, pauses get longer until shivering finally ceases - because the heat output from burning glycogen in the muscles is not sufficient",
"Dangers of Low Body Temperature + 5 Ways to Prevent Hypothermia Hypothermia causes a lot more deaths than many people realize and it affects people of all ages. Hypothermia can occur both outdoors as well as indoors and it doesnât have to be below zero for someoneâs body temperature to get dangerously low fast!"
] |
what is dax? | [
"DAX is a collection of functions, operators, and constants that can be used in a formula, or expression, to calculate and return one or more values. Stated more simply, DAX helps you create new information from data already in your model. Itâs easy to create a workbook and import some data into it."
] | [
"EDATE Function (DAX) Returns the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date. Use EDATE to calculate maturity dates or due dates that fall on the same day of the month as the date of issue.",
"Dax Shepard is a 42 year old American Actor. Born Dax Randall Shepard on 2nd January, 1975 in Milford, Michigan and educated at Walled Lake Central High School and The Groundlings school, he is famous for Punked. His zodiac sign is Capricorn. More about Dax Shepard.",
"He's from Daxam, a fictional DC world with a people who have powers and abilities similar to those of Kryptonians -- but instead of being weakened by Kryptonite, it's lead that kills them. Lar Gand studied forbidden lore on Daxam, including stories of Krypton. When he decided to follow Kal-El's rocket to Earth, he crashed and lost his memory. Given his similar abilities, a then-teenage Superboy supposed that the two might be related, and Lar Gand took on the name Mon-El.",
"Jadzia Dax / dÊ Ã¦ d Ë z iË É Ë d æ k s /, played by Terry Farrell, is a fictional character from the science fiction television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Jadzia Dax is a joined Trill. Though she appears to be a young woman, Jadzia lives in symbiosis with a wise and long-lived creature, known as a symbiont, named Dax.",
"The series follows the life of a boy named Dax Jones and is primarily set in England, firstly in the Cornwall area and later in the Lake District. During the first book, Finding the Fox, Dax discovers his ability to shapeshift into a fox, and is whisked away from his hated stepfamily by the government.",
"The appealingly energetic Dax, with its trendy X-ending, has been on the popularity list for the past nine years. Its somewhat sci-fi vibe emanates from his appearance as a fictional being in the Star Trek universe, seen on the TV show Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. The Power Rangers character Dax Lo was the Blue Ranger. In real life, actor Dax Shepard plays the TV character of Crosby Braverman on Parenthood.. His parents named him for the protagonist of the best-selling Harold Robbins novel, The Adventurers-- Dax Xenos. Dax is also a French community famous as a spa. Dax is unlikely to become popular in Australia, sounding too much like the word dacks, which means boys underwear.",
"Jadzia in song, story & screen: | Edit. Jadzia Dax, a character from the science fiction television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.. This character's name was pronounced jad-ZEE-uh. Jadzia, fictional character played by Lena Olin in the film Polish Wedding..",
"About Dax Shepard. Dax Randall Shepard has an estimated net worth of $10 million. Born January, 2, 1975 in Milford, Michigan, he is best known for his work as a comedian, and actor. Shepard has worked in writing, and directing field, although this is a lesser known part of his portfolio.",
"Mane Men: Ditch the Dax and Sportin' Waves. 1 Petrolatum: Occlusive hair conditioning agent made from a semisolid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum. Also acts as a UV absorber. 2 Water: Nothin' wrong with that. 3 Glycerin: Vegetable-based humectant; absorbs and retains moisture.",
"The best way to learn DAX is to create some basic formulas, use it with some actual data, and see the results for yourself. The examples and tasks here use the Contoso Sales Sample for Power BI Desktop Preview file. This is the same sample file used in the Tutorial: Create your own measures in Power BI Desktop article.",
"Information Functions (DAX) - These functions look at a table or column provided as an argument to another function and tells you whether the value matches the expected type. For example, the ISERROR function returns TRUE if the value you reference contains an error.",
"The name Dax has Water element. Moon is the Ruling Planet for the name Dax. The name Dax having moon sign as Cancer is represented by The Crab and considered as Cardinal . Normally, people with the name Dax are usually determined toward their goals. They are also imaginative and have a great memory.",
"The baby boy name Dax is of English origin. Dax meaning, Dax popularity, Dax hieroglyphics, Dax numerology, and other interesting facts. Great Names For Little Feet To Grow On",
"If you are new to Power BI, the first language you will likely consciously encounter and use is Data Analysis Expressions (DAX). DAX is a library of functions and operators that can be combined to build formulas and expressions.",
"Meaning of Daxon: Daxon is a modern English elaboration of the name Dax, which is originally a surname that was derived from the town of Dax, France.It might also have derived independently from the town of Dax from the Old English name Daecca. dæccaaxon is a modern English elaboration of the name Dax, which is originally a surname that was derived from the town of Dax, France. It might also have derived independently from the town of Dax from the Old English name Daecca. Dæcca. tweet",
"What Is Clonus? Clonus is a condition that causes involuntary contractions and relaxing of the muscles, usually in a particular part of the body. It most commonly affects the ankle, knee, upper or lower arm muscles, or the jaw.",
"7 definitions of DAX. Meaning of DAX. What does DAX stand for? DAX abbreviation. Define DAX at AcronymFinder.com",
"Theresa Lee Farrell Grussendorf (born 19 November 1963; age 51), known professionally as Terry Farrell, is the actress who played Jadzia Dax on the first six seasons of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.",
"British Airways (BA) is one of the worldâs most recognised airlines and a founding member of the oneworld alliance. The airline and its affiliates service more than 170 destinations in nearly 80 countries throughout Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Africa and Australia, with its main hub London Heathrow.",
"Custom Numeric Formats for the FORMAT Function (DAX) A user-defined format expression for numbers can have from one to three sections separated by semicolons. If the Style argument of the Format function contains one of the predefined numeric formats, only one section is allowed. The format expression applies to all values.",
"Corynebacterium (/kÉËrËaɪnÉbækËtɪÉriÉm/, /kÉËrËɪnÉ-/) is a genus of bacteria that are gram-positive and aerobic. They are bacilli (rod-shaped), and in some phases of life they are, more particularly, club-shaped, which inspired the genus name (coryneform means club-shaped).",
"What does Locations, Regional & international DAX stand for? Hop on to get the meaning of DAX. The Locations, Regional & international Acronym /Abbreviation/Slang DAX means Dachuan, Dazhou, China. by AcronymAndSlang.com",
"Dax Shepard was born in Michigan and has an estimated net worth of $10 million dollars. An actor, Dax Shepard is most widely recognized for his work on Punk'd and in movies such as Employee of the Month, Baby Mama, and When in Rome. He is currently working on the television series, Parenthood.",
"However, DAX formulas are different in the following important ways: 1 A DAX function always references a complete column or a table. If you want to use only particular values from a table or column, you can add filters to the formula.",
"Digitalis (/ËdɪdÊɪËteɪlɪs/[1] or /ËdɪdÊɪËtælɪs/[2]) is a genus of about 20 species of herbaceous perennials, shrubs, and biennials commonly called foxgloves.",
"Character(s): Jadzia Dax (primary); see additional characters. Theresa Lee Farrell Grussendorf (born 19 November 1963; age 51), known professionally as Terry Farrell, is the actress who played Jadzia Dax on the first six seasons of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.",
"Text Functions (DAX) - With these functions, you can return part of a string, search for text within a string, or concatenate string values. Additional functions are for controlling the formats for dates, times, and numbers.",
"Please check back later. The German Stock Index is a total return index of 30 selected German blue chip stocks traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The equities use free float shares in the index calculation. The DAX has a base value of 1,000 as of December 31, 1987. As of June 18, 1999 only XETRA equity prices are used to calculate all DAX indices.",
"Jadzia Dax /dÊaedËziËÉ dÊædËziËÉ/ , Ëdaeks Ëdæks Played By, terry farrell was a main character during the first six seasons of the science fiction Television Series: Star Trek Deep. space nine",
"Like Excel, DAX provides a variety of functions that you can use to work with strings, perform calculations using dates and times, or create conditional values. However, DAX formulas are different in the following important ways: A DAX function always references a complete column or a table.",
"Westfield and Dax. one or two Lancias a smattering of exotic racing cars and b udget sports cars or coupes. but at the same time it's both. de Dion suspension is a weird bastardisation of live-axle solid-beam suspension and fully independent trailing -arm suspension.",
"Dax Randall Shepard (born January 2, 1975) is an American actor, writer and director.",
"Other Functions (DAX) - These functions perform unique actions that cannot be defined by any of the categories most other functions belong to. Parent and Child Functions (DAX) - These Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) functions help users manage data that is presented as a parent/child hierarchy in their data models.",
"Date and Time Functions (DAX) Many of the date and time functions in DAX are very similar to the Excel date and time functions. However, DAX functions use a datetime data type, and can take values from a column as an argument. DAX also includes a set of time intelligence functions that enable you to manipulate data using time periods, including days, months, quarters, and years, and then build and compare calculations over those periods.",
"Types of DAX Functions. DAX provides functions that have the same functionality and names as the Excel functions that you might already be familiar with. However, the functions have been modified to use DAX data types and to work with tables and columns.",
"This QuickStart is for users new to Power Pivot in Excel or tabular model projects authored in SQL Server Data Tools. It is meant to give you a quick and easy introduction on how you can use Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) to solve a number of basic data modeling and analytical problems. This topic includes conceptual information, a series of tasks you can complete, and a few quizzes to test what youâve learned.",
"The Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) (pronounced eye-jess) is a vendor-neutral file format that allows the digital exchange of information among computer-aided design (CAD) systems.",
"In This Section. Date and Time Functions (DAX) - These functions in DAX are similar to date and time functions in Microsoft Excel. However, DAX functions are based on the datetime data types used by Microsoft SQL Server.",
"Other origins for the name Dax include - English, French, French.The name Dax is most often used as a boy name or male name. In English, the name Dax means - Water..",
"Cinder (real name Ben Ferris) is a playable character featured in the Killer Instinct franchise. He is a human male with a body composed completely of plasma and flames. He is a dashing-rushdown character in the original Killer Instinct, and an aerial-dashing-trapping character in Killer Instinct (2013).",
"Jadzia Dax is a joined Trill. Jadzia is the name of the young Trill woman, while Dax refers to a slug-like symbiont that resides in her abdomen; Jadzia's actual family name was never revealed on the show. In the novels, her original name is said to be Jadzia Idaris. While Jadzia is 28 years old at the beginning of the series, the creature Dax is roughly 300 years old, having previously been hosted by seven other Trill. As a result, Dax may be considered the oldest crewmate on Deep Space Nine.",
"Jadzia Dax /dÊædËziËÉ Ëdæks/, played by Terry Farrell, is a fictional character from the science fiction television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Jadzia Dax is a joined Trill. Though she appears to be a young woman, Jadzia lives in symbiosis with a wise and long-lived creature, known as a symbiont, named Dax.",
"Jadzia Dax (primary); see additional characters. Theresa Lee Farrell Grussendorf (born 19 November 1963; age 51), known professionally as Terry Farrell, is the actress who played Jadzia Dax on the first six seasons of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.",
"Logical DAX Functions. Function. Description. Sample code. IF(logical_test>, <value_if_true> , value_if_false) Checks if a condition provided as the first argument is met. Returns one value if the condition is TRUE, and returns another value if the condition is FALSE. Changes FALSE to TRUE, or TRUE to FALSE. Returns all the rows in a table, or all the values in a column, ignoring any filters that might have been applied.",
"In general, a DAX formula in a column is always applied to the entire set of values in the column (never to only a few rows or cells). Tables in PowerPivot must always have the same number of columns in each row, and all rows in a column must contain the same data type.",
"(*DS9 Season 1 Episode Dax). Jadzia Dax is the station's chief science officer, and is close friends with commander Benjamin Sisko and Bajoran first officer Kira Nerys. Later in the series, she becomes involved with the Klingon character Worf, and they marry during the sixth season of the show.",
"See also: Dax (Star Trek) Jadzia Dax is a joined Trill. Jadzia is the name of the young Trill woman, while Dax refers to a slug-like symbiont that resides in her abdomen; Jadzia's actual family name was never revealed on the show. In the novels, her original name is said to be Jadzia Idaris.",
"Digitalis (/ËdɪdÊɪËteɪlɪs/ or /ËdɪdÊɪËtælɪs/) is a genus of about 20 species of herbaceous perennials, shrubs, and biennials commonly called foxgloves. This genus was traditionally placed in the figwort family Scrophulariaceae, but recent phylogenetic research has placed it in the much enlarged family Plantaginaceae.",
"What does DAX stand for? DAX stands for Dachuan, Dazhou, China. Q: A: How to abbreviate Dachuan, Dazhou, China? Dachuan, Dazhou, China can be abbreviated as DAX. Q: A: What is the meaning of DAX abbreviation? The meaning of DAX abbreviation is Dachuan, Dazhou, China. Q: A: What is DAX abbreviation? One of the definitions of DAX is Dachuan, Dazhou, China. Q: A: What does DAX mean?",
"For other uses, see Beech (disambiguation). Beech (Fagus) is a genus of deciduous trees in the family Fagaceae, native to temperate Europe, Asia and North America. Recent classification systems of the genus recognize ten to thirteen species in two distinct subgenera, Engleriana and Fagus.",
"The result of a function and its required arguments. Some DAX functions return a table instead of a scalar, and must be wrapped in a function that evaluates the table and returns a scalar; unless the table is a single column, single row table, then it is treated as a scalar value.",
"Today, lets talk about DAX formulas & measures for Power Pivot. What is a Measure? A measure is a formula for the values area of Power Pivot table. A measure can be implicit or explicit. Implicit measures are created automatically when you drag and drop a field in to Power Pivot values area.",
"About the Tutorial. DAX functions play an important role in the usage of DAX for data modeling and reporting. It is an inbuilt function provided in the DAX language that helps you perform commonly. used data calculations on the Data Model. Some of the DAX functions have the same names and functionality as that of Excel. functions, however, they have been modified to use DAX data types and to work with. tables and columns.",
"The DAX function library is based on the Excel function library, but there are some important differences: 1 Many DAX functions have the same name and the same general behavior as Excel functions but have been modified to take different types of inputs, and in some cases, might return a different data type.",
"De Dax Name Meaning Historically, surnames evolved as a way to sort people into groups - by occupation, place of origin, clan affiliation, patronage, parentage, adoption, and even physical characteristics (like red hair).",
"Dax The name Dax is a baby boy name. Meaning English Meaning: The name Dax is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Dax is: Water. American Meaning: The name Dax is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Dax is: Water. French Meaning: The name Dax is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Dax is: A town in southwestern France dating from before the Roman occupation.",
"DAX: Developer API (Application Programming Interface) eXtensions: DAX: Deutscher Aktien Index (German stock index) DAx: Data Acquisition and Analysis (Van Mierlo Software Consultancy) DAX: Decorated Apparel Expo (textile trade show) DAX: Digital Access Exchange: DAX: Driver Anger Expression Inventory: DAX: Data Analysis Expressions (Microsoft)",
"DAX member companies represent roughly 75% of the aggregate market cap that trades on the Frankfurt Exchange. breaking down 'dax' In a different twist from most indexes, the DAX is updated with futures prices for the next day, even after the main stock exchange has closed."
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how much does sunroom panel costs | [
"How Much Does it Cost? As a custom home improvement project, the cost of a TEMO sunroom can range from approximately $10,000 to over $70,000, depending on the room size, style, features and foundation needs. Your TEMO-authorized dealer is a professional in sunroom design and can help you choose the right sunroom to fit your home and your budget."
] | [
"Types. The overall cost depends on the type of your patio enclosure. For example, as of May 2011, a screened-in porch costs $500 to $15,000, while a four-season, custom-built sunroom with glass windows and temperature control costs upwards of $70,000, according to website Cost Helper.Prefabricated enclosed patios cost $10,000 to $30,000.or example, as of May 2011, a screened-in porch costs $500 to $15,000, while a four-season, custom-built sunroom with glass windows and temperature control costs upwards of $70,000, according to website Cost Helper. Prefabricated enclosed patios cost $10,000 to $30,000.",
"How to Estimate the Cost for a Patio Enclosure. Enclosures can range from a cozy retreat to a summer party venue. A patio enclosure costs an average of $11,000, with the low end at $3,000 and the high end at $20,000, according to HomeAdvisor.com.At the extremes, a basic roof-plus-screening job can cost about $500 while a fully tricked-out sunroom averages $73,000.Considering the range of options available, you'll need some fairly firm ideas of what you want in a patio enclosure to estimate the cost.t the extremes, a basic roof-plus-screening job can cost about $500 while a fully tricked-out sunroom averages $73,000. Considering the range of options available, you'll need some fairly firm ideas of what you want in a patio enclosure to estimate the cost.",
"Sunroom Cost Sunroom costs are determined by the material and labor prices of a sunroom and the size, style, option, design, permits and foundation are important factors to consider.",
"1 According to Hanley Wood and their Remodeling magazine the average sunroom addition in which a slab is poured, post and beam construction is used, and a four-season space is created will cost $72,000.2 The resale value of this update would hold at $51,840, or a nearly 72% return on investment. Install bead board ceiling-Average price per bundle (6 boards at 8' lengths) $30. 2 Total cost $240, plus installation time of roughly 12 hours; 3 Moldings-Average of $3.00 per foot of installed molding for a total of roughly $750 to complete framing around all doors, windows, and skylights;",
"Adding a sunroom to a home can mean extra living space or simply a three-season room that becomes a great deal more hospitable than the average porch or deck. For this discussion we will consider the costs and requirements of adding a 200 square foot (roughly 14'x14') sunroom suitable for year-round usage. According to Hanley Wood and their Remodeling magazine the average sunroom addition in which a slab is poured, post and beam construction is used, and a four-season space is created will cost $72,000.",
"1 According to the site, a screened-in porch can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000. 2 A custom-built (four-season) sunroom with glass windows and temperature control can cost $70,000 or beyond. 3 In addition, prefabricated enclosed patios can cost $10,000 to $30,000. A custom-built (four-season) sunroom with glass windows and temperature control can cost $70,000 or beyond. 2 In addition, prefabricated enclosed patios can cost $10,000 to $30,000. 3 This will generally include everything ranging from materials to the labor.",
"1 The website eHow.com provides some estimates on common types of enclosed patios. 2 According to the site, a screened-in porch can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000. 3 A custom-built (four-season) sunroom with glass windows and temperature control can cost $70,000 or beyond. A custom-built (four-season) sunroom with glass windows and temperature control can cost $70,000 or beyond. 2 In addition, prefabricated enclosed patios can cost $10,000 to $30,000. 3 This will generally include everything ranging from materials to the labor.",
"For example, as of May 2011, a screened-in porch costs $500 to $15,000, while a four-season, custom-built sunroom with glass windows and temperature control costs upwards of $70,000, according to website Cost Helper. Prefabricated enclosed patios cost $10,000 to $30,000.",
"How much does it cost? If you use a mediator or arbitrator from our ADR panel, it costs $100 ($50 per person). The session lasts 90 minutes. You have to pay the neutral in advance. Top. How long does it take? Most mediation and arbitration sessions last about 1½ to 2 hours.",
"Sunroom Cost Guides. 1 A sunroom is a room where the light comes in through many windows. Some sunrooms are more like greenhouses, with full walls of windows while others are more like enclosed porches. 2 No matter the type of enclosed patio or sunroom you choose, the area can be used in many ways.",
"1. No Excavation Costs. With a sunroom or a screen room, you can add extra space without having to dig. Adding a basement or tradition addition, for example, is time consuming and expensive because of excavation costs. Adding a sunroom or a screen room onto your manufactured home, however, is much easier and quicker.2.dding a basement or tradition addition, for example, is time consuming and expensive because of excavation costs. Adding a sunroom or a screen room onto your manufactured home, however, is much easier and quicker. 2.",
"Sunroom Cost Guides. A sunroom is a room where the light comes in through many windows. Some sunrooms are more like greenhouses, with full walls of windows while others are more like enclosed porches.",
"What are the hard costs per square foot of a building like 135 East 79th Street? How much does a sunroom cost per square foot? About how much would it cost to have a 100,000 square foot mansion built?",
"1 According to Hanley Wood and their Remodeling magazine the average sunroom addition in which a slab is poured, post and beam construction is used, and a four-season space is created will cost $72,000. 2 The resale value of this update would hold at $51,840, or a nearly 72% return on investment. Install bead board ceiling-Average price per bundle (6 boards at 8' lengths) $30. 2 Total cost $240, plus installation time of roughly 12 hours; 3 Moldings-Average of $3.00 per foot of installed molding for a total of roughly $750 to complete framing around all doors, windows, and skylights;",
"In a conventional solar panel, if a single cell is covered by a leaf or dirt, the panel could see a 33 percent reduction in power output. A SunPower X-Series panel might only see a 6 percent reduction in output. How Much Energy Does a Solar Panel Produce? So how much power does a SunPower panel produce?",
"Sunroom Cost Guides. A sunroom is a room where the light comes in through many windows. Some sunrooms are more like greenhouses, with full walls of windows while others are more like enclosed porches.Still others are just light filled rooms facing the back yard.unroom Cost Guides. A sunroom is a room where the light comes in through many windows. Some sunrooms are more like greenhouses, with full walls of windows while others are more like enclosed porches. Still others are just light filled rooms facing the back yard.",
"Pop Up Sunroof Installation Costs. Depending on the size of the sunroof and whether the panel is removable, the cost of an installed pop up sunroof is between $249 and $699. Prices vary between shops so it is smart to get several quotes and compare them."
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who can testify against a suspect | [
"UPDATED: Murder Suspect To Testify Against Co-Defendant. A Summersville man who allegedly conspired with his girlfriend to murder her parents pled guilty Friday, according to Texas County Prosecutor Michael Anderson."
] | [
"Bill Cosby's wife must testify in civil case against him, judge rules. (Reuters) - In the same week that comedian Bill Cosby was arrested on sexual assault charges, his wife, Camille Cosby, learned she must testify in a civil case against the entertainer filed by seven women who said he defamed them, court documents said.",
"Being Subpoenaed to Testify. However, witnesses other than criminal defendants may also be compelled to testify in the form of a subpoena issued by a court. A subpoena may request a person to testify, provide documents, or bring other evidence to a court.",
"The witness makes a statement to the police that another unidentified person committed the crime, not the accused. The witness's statement is exculpatory evidence as it introduces reasonable doubt as to the guilt of the accused. The police either do not believe the witness's account or else find the witness unreliable and choose not to follow up on the lead.",
"You also cannot be compelled to give evidence against a co-accused where you are both being tried in the same proceedings. However, if the prosecution refuses to offer any evidence against you and you are acquitted, then you can be compelled to testify against a co-accused.",
"A person will be tried as an accused only if a case has been openerd against the person. The main difference between the suspect and the accused is that, unlike a suspect, an indictment is confirmed against an accused. It is important to mention that an accused does not mean convicted person. An accused becomes a convicted person if he is pronounced guilty for committing a crime in a final verdict.",
"Even though the person who made the spontaneous exclamation is not available (such as he/she is dead or missing), a person who heard the exclamation may testify about it as an exception to the rule against hearsay evidence.",
"1 Criminal defendants can never be forced to testify. 2 The witness is married to someone involved in the case: Communication between two spouses is considered privileged by courts. 3 This means that in most cases, you can't be forced to testify against your spouse in court.",
"If the child victim cannot testify, and there is no other evidence available, defense attorneys know that the case usually cannot be proved. Although some people believe young children are not competent to testify in court, in fact a child as young as 3 or 4 is usually as reliable a witness as an adult.",
"However, witnesses other than criminal defendants may also be compelled to testify in the form of a subpoena issued by a court. A subpoena may request a person to testify, provide documents, or bring other evidence to a court.If a person fails to obey the subpoena, they can be held in contempt and subject to fines, jail, or both. There are several other types of witness who may be excused from testifying, even if they are subpoenaed:owever, witnesses other than criminal defendants may also be compelled to testify in the form of a subpoena issued by a court. A subpoena may request a person to testify, provide documents, or bring other evidence to a court.",
"July 23, 1987. Suspended Blue Island Police Officer Ronald Tellez was indicted Wednesday by a Cook County grand jury on charges that he killed Blue Island businessman George Mueller 16 months ago in a plot allegedly hatched by Mueller's wife and a former husband to acquire his wealth.",
"Testimony and Legal Recountings. In the event that a homicide detectiveâs findings lead to an arrest or conviction, he or she may be called to testify in court or provide other statements of the case and its facts. Courts often depend on detective testimony to help judges and juries make sense of what occurred.",
"Treason, the only crime specifically defined in the U.S. Constitution, consists of levying war against the United States, adhering to its enemies and giving them aid and comfort.. A person cannot be convicted of treason unless two witnesses testify to the act, or the suspect confesses.",
"Or your child may have been the victim of a family or nonfamily abduction. A child may also have to testify in court if he or she was simply a witness to a crime or accident. Depending on the kind of offense and laws in your state, your child could testify in criminal court, civil court, or family court. Matters of child sexual exploitation and abuse are most often handled in criminal court.",
"In a criminal case, you can be âsubpoenaedâ to testify in court. In a civil case, you may be subpoenaed to appear at a deposition, which is testimony taken outside of court. A subpoena may also require that you provide certain documents to the court or a party in the case.",
"TABLE OF CONTENTS. Victims of crime, and other people who have knowledge about the commission of a crime, are often required to testify at a trial or at other court proceedings. The federal criminal justice system cannot function without the participation of victims and witnesses.",
"At the preliminary hearing, hearsay (out of court statements) is admissible. Because of this the alleged victim may not take the stand; instead, the police officer who took the report may take the stand and say what the victim would if called to testify.",
"But with a formal case now filed against him, prosecutors can seek to have other women who have accused Cosby of sex assault testify. They could do so under a Pennsylvania law that allows victims whose accusations never resulted in charges to testify in sexual assault cases.",
"1 This means that in most cases, you can't be forced to testify against your spouse in court. 2 The witness is one party's attorney, psychotherapist, or priest: These professions require their clients to tell them everything without fear of the consequences.",
"D. Conclusion. A. INTRODUCTION. Victims of crime, and other people who have knowledge about the commission of a crime, are often required to testify at a trial or at other court proceedings. The federal criminal justice system cannot function without the participation of victims and witnesses.",
"Interview: the police are trying to get very general types of information such as what a person saw. Perhaps find out how much a person knows, are they a good witness, are they a potential suspect? Interrogation: police believe a person is guilty and are trying to gather information to have them locked away.",
"Criminal defendants have the right to confront their accusers, and this right includes the ability to call witnesses into court to testify and be cross-examined. Even if a witness does not have to appear in court, he or she may be ordered to give a recorded deposition under oath.",
"A witness may testify to a matter only if evidence is introduced sufficient to support a finding that the witness has personal knowledge of the matter. Evidence to prove personal knowledge may consist of the witnessâs own testimony. This rule does not apply to a witnessâs expert testimony under Rule 703.",
"If you have been subpoenaed to testify at a legal proceeding, you should contact an experienced criminal defense attorney, especially if you think your testimony may incriminate you. A lawyer can protect your rights and help you file an objection to the subpoena if there are legal grounds for doing so.",
"If an alibi defense is based on witness testimony, the credibility of the witness can strengthen or weaken the defense dramatically. The jury or the judge deciding whether the defendant is guilty needs to believe and trust the witness who is testifying that the defendant was not at the scene of the crime.",
"If you are charged with a crime, you do not have to testify. The freedom not to testify is part of your PRIVILEGE AGAINST SELF-INCRIMINATION. The privilege means that you may testify if you want to, but you may not be called as a witness against your will by the prosecution at your own trial.",
"WASHINGTON , July 27 â By issuing a subpoena to President Clinton to testify before a grand jury that is investigating him for possible Federal crimes , Kenneth W. Starr has made urgent and concrete the theoretical question that has hovered at the margins of the independent counsel 's four-year-old investigation : can a sitting President be subject ...",
"In addition, when Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates testified (with James Clapper), she too spoke of the importance of Bill Priestap as her liaison and contact within the FBI on the counterintelligence operation. [Yates never mentioned Peter Strzok â not once.]",
"Each suspect. is lined up as part of a group which may include other suspects in. police custody, prisoners, or police officers dressed in civilian clothing. In some jurisdictions, suspects' counsel are permitted to be present during. the lineup, while in others, counsel are not admitted, even when a suspect. requests that his attorney be present. In some cities, lineups are held in specially-designed auditoriums.",
"It's true that at the preliminary hearing the district attorney presents evidence against the defendant, including presenting testimony from the victim. And further, as in a trial, the defense attorney cross examines the prosecution's witness(es), including, of course, the victim witness.",
"Usually, the person who called the Police (in most cases the (alleged) victim, or, in some cases, an independent witness, who can sometimes be the investigating Police Officer) is designated as the âComplaining Witness.â. Prosecutors will not, and for lots of reasons, cannot âdropâ domestic violence charges. Amongst the strongest reason these charges cannot be âdroppedâ is a general fear for the welfare of the (alleged) victim.",
"The grand jury can compel a witness to testify. The target of a grand jury investigation has no right to testify or put on a defense before the grand jury. The U.S. Attorney's Manual anticipates the possibility of allowing investigatory targets to testify.",
"1 Criminal defendants can never be forced to testify. The witness is married to someone involved in the case: Communication between two spouses is considered privileged by courts. This means that in most cases, you can't be forced to testify against your spouse in court.",
"Witnesses were prohibited to testify as to common rumor unless they could allege reasons and details. All that a nation could do was done to testify respect for his memory. Men frequently are deceived when they testify their opinions, but never deceived when they testify they have a knowledge. You will be prepared to testify to that effect in case the need ever arises.",
"The prosecutor represents the complainant and the state to present evidence to prove that the accused is guilty of the crime charged. The defense attorney presents evidence to disprove the allegations of the complainant and witnesses.",
"While the exact language above is not required by Miranda, the police must advise the suspect that: 1 they have the right to remain silent; 2 anything the suspect does say can and may be used against them in a court of law; 3 they have the right to have an attorney present before and during the questioning; and.",
"Tips For Testifying In Court. VICTIM WITNESS. In-court testimony from those who have knowledge of or are victims of a crime is crucial for our criminal justice system. We thank you for your cooperation with our office and for your service as a witness. We appreciate the sacrifice of your time that being a witness requires.",
"The Fifth Amendment protects criminal defendants from having to testify if they may incriminate themselves through the testimony. A witness may plead the Fifth and not answer if the witness believes answering the question may be self-incriminatory.",
"Review the opposing expert's report and look for any holes that are inconsistent with the facts or issues in your case. Have your experts review their report and, if possible, prepare cross-examination questions. In complex cases, it may be necessary for your expert to attend the opposing expert's deposition.. Testifying Expert Witnesses -- Rule 195. The basic rule is that the only three ways to discover information about testifying expert witnesses is through a Request for Disclosure under Rule 194, through depositions and through expert reports.",
"Can a Witness refuse to testify in a criminal case? Denver, CO | March 29, 2010 7:54pm. My exboyfriend is on trial for a criminal case, I have been subpoena to testify by the DA, but was not involved or even there when the alleged crime happened. I've told them this repeatedly and they refuse to drop my subpoena.",
"If you receive a subpoena which will require you to testify against your husband or wife, you have a right to talk to an attorney who can help you understand your rights, and protect those rights. Stephen Howard is an experienced criminal defense attorney, based in Salt Lake City and practicing throughout Utah.",
"However, the second part of the Miranda warning protects a suspect's Sixth Amendment right to counsel, and this is triggered not by the suspect's custodial status but whether criminal charges have been filed against him. Take, for example, People v. Viray (2005) 134 Cal.App.4th 1186.",
"A. INTRODUCTION. Victims of crime, and other people who have knowledge about the commission of a crime, are often required to testify at a trial or at other court proceedings. The federal criminal justice system cannot function without the participation of victims and witnesses.",
"Utah's State Constitution provides protection to spouses who are subpoenaed to testify against their own spouse in a criminal case. Article I, Section 12 of the Utah Constitution provides that a wife shall not be compelled to testify against her husband, nor a husband against his wife..",
"Share on Google Plus. Children who are witnesses to or victims of crimes may be ordered to testify in criminal cases. Generally, judges decide on a case-by-case basis whether a child is competent (qualified) to testify.",
"The Supreme Court held that once a suspect becomes the target of an investigation and was not warned about his constitutional rights, he is entitled to representation under the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments. Escobedo v. Illinois gave suspects the right to counsel during the interrogation phase.",
"The prosecutor has the power to demand that the victim testify by issuing a subpoena to appear at trial. If the person ignores the subpoena and does not appear or refuses to testify, the judge can issue a bench warrant (like an arrest warrant), hold the victim in contempt and put the person in jail.",
"The basic version goes like this: Two criminals are arrested, but police can't convict either on the primary charge, so they plan to sentence them to a year in jail on a lesser charge. Each of the prisoners, who can't communicate with each other, are given the option of testifying against their partner. If they testify, and their partner remains silent, the partner gets three years and they go free. If they both testify, both get two.",
"Further, under state rules, a testifying expert. is an expert who may be called to testify as. an expert witness at trial.3 The Texas rules. make a further differentiation between. experts retained by, employed by, or. otherwise subject to the control of the. responding party and other experts.4. EXPERT REPORTS.",
"Unlike a criminal defendant, however, these witnesses can generally invoke their Fifth Amendment rights selectively during their testimony. Being Subpoenaed to Testify. However, witnesses other than criminal defendants may also be compelled to testify in the form of a subpoena issued by a court. A subpoena may request a person to testify, provide documents, or bring other evidence to a court. If a person fails to obey the subpoena, they can be held in contempt and subject to fines, jail, or both. There are several other types of witness who may be excused from testifying, even if they are subpoenaed:",
"Whether to present evidence and whether the defendant should testify at the preliminary hearing are questions that a defendant and his attorney must answer in each individual case. In some cases, it may be best for the defense to simply let the prosecution present its evidence and say very little.",
"(b) The spouse of the defendant shall be competent but not compellable to testify for the State against the defendant in any criminal action or grand jury proceedings, except that the spouse of the defendant shall be both competent and compellable to so testify:",
"Bill Cosby's wife must testify in civil case against him, judge rules. ReutersJanuary 2, 2016. (Reuters) - In the same week that comedian Bill Cosby was arrested on sexual assault charges, his wife, Camille Cosby, learned she must testify in a civil case against the entertainer filed by seven women who said he defamed them, court documents said.",
"to be a witness against someone or something. Who will testify against him in court? I cannot testify against the company I work for.",
"No person shall be incompetent to testify as a witness in any criminal cause or prosecution by reason of being the person on trial or examination, or by reason of being the husband or wife of the accused, but any such facts may be shown for the purpose of affecting the credibility of such witness; provided, that no person on trial or examination, ...",
"Definition of testify against in the Idioms Dictionary. testify against phrase. What does testify against expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.",
"Best Answer: A suspect is someone suspected of committing the crime, but has not been charged, due to lack of evidence. A defendant is the person who has been accused and charged with the crime and must now defend themselves in the court of law. Source(s):",
"Pasco judge rules Curtis Reeves will stand trial for murder. Curtis Reeves testified for 6 hours during a 'Stand Your Ground' hearing on Feb. 28, 2017. DADE CITY, Fla. (WFLA) â The judge in the high-profile Stand Your Ground hearing ruled on Friday that Curtis Reeves will be tried on murder charges. The retired Tampa Police Department captain shot and killed Chad Oulson on January 13, 2014 in a Wesley Chapel movie theater during an argument over texting.",
"1 This means that in most cases, you can't be forced to testify against your spouse in court. The witness is one party's attorney, psychotherapist, or priest: These professions require their clients to tell them everything without fear of the consequences.",
"If youâre charged with a crime and choose to take the stand to testify in your own defense, you canât take the Fifth to avoid questions by the prosecution. You can, however, choose not to testify at all, and avoid all questioning on the witness stand.",
"A suspect is a person who is believed to be guilty of a crime. If you leave the scene of a murder with blood on your hands and a weapon in your pocket, youâre likely to become a prime suspect. If others believe you have committed a crime, you are a suspect. The word can also be used as a verb and an adjective. To suspect someone of something is to believe that they probably did it. Do you ever suspect your parents of taking some of your Halloween candy? If something such as someone's excuse or motive is suspect, it seems a bit off.",
"A witness or victim can identify the wrong person, circumstances can lead police to think that an innocent suspect committed a crime, and an innocent person can even be formally charged with a crime he did not commit. What to Do First. If you have been falsely accused or charged with a crime, you should retain an attorney as soon as possible.",
"Robson was called to testify because she saw Bartlett and Fugateâs mother and sister grocery shopping shortly before they were murdered. During the time of the murders, Fugate was 14 and Starkweather 19.",
"Victims of crime, and other people who have knowledge about the commission of a crime, are often required to testify at a trial or at other court proceedings. The federal criminal justice system cannot function without the participation of victims and witnesses. Complete cooperation and truthful testimony of all witnesses and victims are essential to the determination of the guilt or innocence of a person accused of committing a crime.",
"First, he must testify against his friends. Prosecutors say Curry, Randy Lloyd and Amari Covington are accused of a rash of crimes that crisscrossed the city on the morning of March 30, 2014. Assistant District Attorney Samantha Pendergrass said the group robbed a couple outside a club before daybreak. They took turns stealing cars.",
"Download article as a PDF. As a general rule, a court can force you to testify after sending you a subpoena informing you what testimony they need. There are only a few reasons someone might be excused from testifying:"
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what is a unique ffactor of the grasslands | [
"Grassland Biome Facts. Grassland biomes are made mostly of grasses. They are said to be between a forest and a desert when it comes to rainfall. They do not receive enough rainfall to grow trees like a forest but they contain lots of grass so they receive more rain than a desert.Interesting Grassland Biome Facts:Grasslands are also known as prairies, pampas, steppes, and savannas.rassland biomes are made mostly of grasses. They are said to be between a forest and a desert when it comes to rainfall. They do not receive enough rainfall to grow trees like a forest but they contain lots of grass so they receive more rain than a desert."
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"This sturdy ground cover is fast becoming one of the most dependable grasses for creating drought-tolerant meadows. Clumping evergreen foliage is a rich khaki green and grows in an arching clump. The flowers, while noticeable, are not showy.",
"Javelinas. Roaming around the western part of the state and the brush country of South Texas is a unique animal known as the javelina, or collared peccary.It has a piglike snout and a stout little body, but these characteristics are not enough to make it a member of the true pig family.avelinas. Roaming around the western part of the state and the brush country of South Texas is a unique animal known as the javelina, or collared peccary.",
"Prairies are unique ecosystems dominated by grasses and other non-woody plants called forbs. These ecosystems are the result of the interactions between the precipitation and temperature of a region, the landforms, how quickly water drains from soil, fire, plants, and animals.",
"Explore dairy farming and the production and processing of dairy foods. Archwilio ffermio llaeth a chynhyrchu a phrosesu bwydydd llaeth. Resources to support teaching and learning about food provenance, food and farming. Explore different aspects of dairy farming.",
"Rainfall: Rainfall is generally less in temperate grasslands than in tropical savannas, although drought usually plays less of a roll effecting biodiversity than it does in savannas. Rain usually falls in temperate grasslands in the late spring and early summer.There is an average of 20 â 35 inches of rainfall a year.The amount of rainfall however determines the height of grasses in the grassland.ain usually falls in temperate grasslands in the late spring and early summer. There is an average of 20 â 35 inches of rainfall a year. The amount of rainfall however determines the height of grasses in the grassland.",
"You can also read about the research that the Wildflower Center has done on Native Lawns. Unfortunately, neither of the other two short native grasses, Bouteloua gracilis (blue grama) and Hilaria belangeri (curly-mesquite), are native to East Texas. There are no other native turf grasses that meet your criteria but there are several grass-like sedges that have been used as substitutes for grass lawns. They are evergreen, require little or no mowing, some will grow in both sun and shade, and some will survive without supplemental watering.",
"The Grassland Biomes: There are two main types of grassland biomes: the Savanna Grasslands and the Temperate Grasslands. The Tundra Biomes: There are two major tundra biomesâThe Artic Tundra and the Alpine Tundra. Biomes play a crucial role in sustaining life on earth.For example, the Aquatic biome is home to millions of fish species and the source of the water cycle. It also plays a very important role in climate formation.he Tundra Biomes: There are two major tundra biomesâThe Artic Tundra and the Alpine Tundra. Biomes play a crucial role in sustaining life on earth. For example, the Aquatic biome is home to millions of fish species and the source of the water cycle.",
"All three belong to the genus Equus, along with other living equids. The unique stripes of zebras make them one of the animals most familiar to people. They occur in a variety of habitats, such as grasslands, savannas, woodlands, thorny scrublands, mountains, and coastal hills.",
"LOCATION: The name for this biome, temperate grasslands, is a great description for what it is like here. The most important plants in this biome are grasses! Temperate grasslands have some of the darkest, richest soils in the world (not in wealth, but in nutrients).",
"The Grassland Biomes: There are two main types of grassland biomes: the Savanna Grasslands and the Temperate Grasslands. The Tundra Biomes: There are two major tundra biomesâThe Artic Tundra and the Alpine Tundra. Biomes play a crucial role in sustaining life on earth.",
"Hello again need2know, The Miracle Gro liquid lawn fertilizer works instantly and usually on stays in the grass for up to 14 days. The Scotts Turf Builder also begins to work right away and stays in grass for 4 weeks. It is OK to apply a granular fertilizer once the others are out of the lawn.",
"Tropical grasslands are found in tropical wet and dry climates. These areas are hot year-round, usually never dropping under 64 degrees Farenheit. Although these areas are overall very dry, they do have a season of heavy rain.Annual rainfall is from 20-50 inches per year.ropical grasslands are found in tropical wet and dry climates. These areas are hot year-round, usually never dropping under 64 degrees Farenheit. Although these areas are overall very dry, they do have a season of heavy rain.",
"Which of the following is characteristic of grasslands, but not savannas? a. wide temperature range b. two seasons c. droughts and fires d. wet and dry seasons I believe B? ya its B.two seasons A grassland is an ecosystem which there is more water than in a desert, but not enough water to support a forest.",
"(Missouri Botanical Garden). This graph shows the average amount of rainfall of grasslands compared to other biomes. They get about 20 inches more a year than deserts, but between 40 and 60 inches less than forests.Percipitation is a very essentail abiotic point to grasslands, because of what they are made of.Missouri Botanical Garden). This graph shows the average amount of rainfall of grasslands compared to other biomes. They get about 20 inches more a year than deserts, but between 40 and 60 inches less than forests. Percipitation is a very essentail abiotic point to grasslands, because of what they are made of.",
"As with virtually all habitats, a number of different biotic and abiotic factors affect temperate grasslands. Abiotic factors include the soil chemistry, temperature, winds, precipitation and pollution, while biotic factors include the plants, animals, bacteria, fungi and diseases in the habitat. Continue Reading. The biotic factors affecting a grassland can change quickly.",
"NuStep TRS 4000 T4 Recumbent Stepper. The NuStep TRS 4000 T4 Recumbent Cross Trainer is highly recommended by physicians and physical therapists for older patients, providing a natural stepping motion that is easy on the hip and knee joints in a biomechanically correct workout position.",
"Best Answer: Grasslands occur naturally on all continents except Antarctica. In temperate latitudes, such as northwest Europe, grasslands are dominated by perennial species, whereas in warmer climates annual species form a greater component of the vegetation. Grasslands can be found in most terrestrial climates.",
"Answers.com ® WikiAnswers ® Categories Science Biology Ecology and Bionomics Ecosystems Biomes Grasslands What are some omnivores in Grasslands? What would you like to do? Flag",
"labrador on a green grass image by Viacheslav Anyakin from Fotolia.com. The Scotts Miracle-Gro company creates many popular fertilizer products, such as the Turf Builder line of lawn fertilizers. Pet lovers are often concerned about using fertilizers on their lawn and the effects the chemicals may have on their animals.abrador on a green grass image by Viacheslav Anyakin from Fotolia.com. The Scotts Miracle-Gro company creates many popular fertilizer products, such as the Turf Builder line of lawn fertilizers. Pet lovers are often concerned about using fertilizers on their lawn and the effects the chemicals may have on their animals.",
"Grasslands often occur in areas with annual precipitation between 600 mm (24 in) and 1,500 mm (59 in) and average mean annual temperatures ranges from â5 and 20 °C (Woodward et al. 2004). However, some grasslands occur in colder (â20 °C) and hotter (30 °C) climatic conditions.",
"The Grassland Biomes: There are two main types of grassland biomes: the Savanna Grasslands and the Temperate Grasslands. The Tundra Biomes: There are two major tundra biomesâThe Artic Tundra and the Alpine Tundra. Biomes play a crucial role in sustaining life on earth.he Grassland Biomes: There are two main types of grassland biomes: the Savanna Grasslands and the Temperate Grasslands. The Tundra Biomes: There are two major tundra biomesâThe Artic Tundra and the Alpine Tundra. Biomes play a crucial role in sustaining life on earth.",
"The Grassland Biomes: There are two main types of grassland biomes: the Savanna Grasslands and the Temperate Grasslands. The Tundra Biomes: There are two major tundra biomesâThe Artic Tundra and the Alpine Tundra. Biomes play a crucial role in sustaining life on earth.For example, the Aquatic biome is home to millions of fish species and the source of the water cycle.It also plays a very important role in climate formation.he Tundra Biomes: There are two major tundra biomesâThe Artic Tundra and the Alpine Tundra. Biomes play a crucial role in sustaining life on earth. For example, the Aquatic biome is home to millions of fish species and the source of the water cycle. It also plays a very important role in climate formation.",
"With cold winters, itâs surprising how hot the grassland summers can get! Sometimes the temperature is more than 100°F (37.8°C). Rain in the temperate grasslands usually occurs in the late spring and early summer. The yearly average is about 20 - 35 inches (55 - 95 cm), but much of this falls as snow in the winter.Fire is not foreign in temperate grasslands.ith cold winters, itâs surprising how hot the grassland summers can get! Sometimes the temperature is more than 100°F (37.8°C). Rain in the temperate grasslands usually occurs in the late spring and early summer. The yearly average is about 20 - 35 inches (55 - 95 cm), but much of this falls as snow in the winter.",
"Because there are two different types of grasslands, the percipitation (which includes not only rain but also snow, ect.) extremly varies between the types. Here are is a graph comparing the precipitation in Ndjamena, Chad and Fort Saskatchewan, Canada.",
"Location. The Fframia workshop and gallery is located in Parc Padarn, Llanberis, North Wales. Situated on the shores of Lake Padarn, in the shadow of Mount Snowdon and next to the National Slate Museum of Wales.ocation. The Fframia workshop and gallery is located in Parc Padarn, Llanberis, North Wales. Situated on the shores of Lake Padarn, in the shadow of Mount Snowdon and next to the National Slate Museum of Wales.",
"South Africa is a spectacularly beautiful country, rich in wildlife. In the southwest there are two unique habitats, the stark heath-like fynbos and the expansive semi-desert Karoo. In the northeast, South Africa metamorphoses into golden-green grasslands and tropical savanna where species diversity increases dramatically.",
"Animals that live in temperate grasslands must adjust to dry terrain in which just 10 to 30 inches of rain falls per year, making temperate grasslands less diverse than the wetter savanna grasslands. Temperate grasslands are characterized by short grasses measuring just a few inches in height.",
"Grassland types by Schimper (1898, 1903): 1 meadow (hygrophilous or tropophilous grassland) 2 steppe (xerophilous grassland) 3 savannah (xerophilous grassland containing isolated trees)"
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why does lemon juice prevent tea from absorbing in water | [
"If you really want tea (and you want it now!) then shoot for bottled versions with an acid like lemon juice or citric acid, which help stabilize EGCg levels. 10. Squeeze on the Citrus Adding lemon increases teaâs antioxidant potential. Vitamin C provides an acidic condition for catechins inside our bodies, making them more available for absorption. Normally teaâs catechins become super-unstable in the high acidity of our intestines."
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"Adding juice to warm water is best for digestion. Cold water is very hard on digestion and tends to hinder it. Too hot water will kill the enzymes in freshly squeezed juice. Their are benefits to drinking lemon or lime water 30 minutes before all of your meals.",
"Studies indicate that in cases where toxins have built up in the body, the lemon juice and peel have cleansing properties. Using lemon water, especially after meals may help you lower the amount of toxins in your body. 2. Improve Digestion with Lemon Water.",
"There is no harm in drinking lemon tea during pregnancy, however it is recommended to drink in moderation since the sugar content might be high for some. Too much sugar will put you to the risk of excessive weight gain. Lemon tea contains flavones and antioxidants, which are essential for leading a healthy life.",
"10 Benefits to Drinking Warm Lemon Water Every Morning. 1) Aids Digestion. Lemon juice flushes out unwanted materials and toxins from the body. Itâs atomic composition is similar to saliva and the hydrochloric acid of digestive juices.",
"4. Helps with Digestion. Lemon water first thing in the morning will help you digest your breakfast better, which means your body will be able to absorb the nutrients from your breakfast more effectively, which should mean a much better start to your day.",
"Urinary tract infections thrive in a damp and acidic environment, so lemon juice, due to its cooling and alkalising effect, is a beneficial way of using natural food as medicine to help relieve the symptoms of bladder and urinary tract infection and cystitis.",
"Alkaline water reduces the acidity of fruit juices, making them easier on your stomach. You can make sour lemonade taste good by adding sugar, but sugar makes lemon juice acidic. If you add sugar to your lemon water, it defeats the whole purpose. The good news is, alkaline water from a water ionizer makes acidic fruit juices (like lemon juice) less sour.",
"Kills bacteria: The citric acid of lemon juice also acts as an antiseptic. Since bacteria have a difficult time adjusting to acidic environments, the lemon juice can help reduce the number of bacteria that are living inside or on top of your skin.",
"Lemongrass tea is an excellent help in digestion of food, therefore drinking one cup of tea right after a meal eliminates that full feeling and in addition, assists eliminate unhealthy food additives, chemical substances as well as excessive fats.",
"Blood Pressure Effects. Proponents of green tea often suggest that flavonoids in tea leaves may promote heart health and even lower blood pressure. Still, the caffeine content may actually cause a temporary rise in blood pressure because of the rapid rate the body absorbs the substance.here is also the added benefit of the antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate, a catechin that may help prevent free radicals from destroying cells that can lead to chronic diseases. If you're worried about overall caffeine intake and blood pressure, it's important to consume green tea in moderation.",
"If you drink lemon water on a regular basis, it will decrease the acidity in your body, which is where disease states occur. It removes uric acid in your joints, which is one of the main causes of inflammation.",
"2. Make lemon iced tea. To make this citrus-flavored tea, begin by making ordinary black tea by boiling 2 cups of water, steeping 3-5 tea bags in it for 5 minutes, and pouring 2 cups of water into the mix. Then, squeeze the juice from a lemon to fill 1/2 a cup with lemon juice. Stir this into the cooled mix.",
"The acidic nature of lemon juice can kill bacteria and viruses, and relieve various symptoms of laryngitis. Plus, it helps loosen mucus. Squeeze the juice of a lemon into a glass of warm water. Add one-half teaspoon of sea salt (if you do not have sea salt then just use table salt)",
"In fact, lemon juice is a really useful liquid that can be used to clean your home, treat cold symptoms, and even be part of your beauty regimen.",
"Drinking lemon juice can put you at risk for tooth erosion, a condition where the thin, protective layer of enamel slowly wears away from your teeth. Lemon juice contains acid, which irritates gums and softens tooth enamel. Frequent consumption of products that contain acid will eventually destroy the enamel and expose underlying dentin, leaving your teeth vulnerable to sensitivity and tooth decay.",
"Calming for Stomach Ailments. One of the reasons why lemon balm tea may be considered so useful with intestinal issues or cramps is due to the fact that it contains special oils which can help relax the muscles in the uterus, stomach, and bladder.",
"Discover the Benefits of Lemon Grass Tea Whether or not it aids digestions or helps high blood pressure, lemongrass tea is a refreshing beverage. And if you live in a warm climate you can grow the plant yourself.",
"Adding a dash of lemon juice in green tea multiplies the weight loss effect. 1 Add 1 tsp green tea leaves to a cup of boiling water and simmer for 1 minute. 2 Switch off heat and cover the utensil with a lid to steep the tea leaves for 2 minutes. Strain green tea in a cup and add 1 tsp fresh lemon juice.",
"People use lemons to make lemonade by mixing lemon juice and water. Many people also use lemon as a washing agent, because of its ability to remove stains. The scent of lemons can also repel mosquitoes, while drinking lemon juice with olive oil helps to get rid of gall stones.",
"1. Cleanses Your System and is a Diuretic. Being an antiseptic acid, lemon juice has the ability to cleanse your entire system, flushing out all harmful chemicals andtoxins. As it increases urination to flush all toxins, it helps in normal bowel movement.",
"Another popular myth concerning lemon juice is that when it is mixed with either very cold or luke-warm water it will burn or dissolve fat that is already on your body. This is not true. While lemon juice certainly does have positive aspects, it cannot take the place of a healthy diet and exercise.",
"Lemon juice simply brings countless health benefits, such as lowered cholesterol levels, normalized blood pressure, reduced blood sugar level, and improved blood flow. In addition, it also helps avoid depression and anxiety so your mental health can benefit from the daily lemon water routine as well.",
"Everyone knows this. Itâs a citrus fruit. Inside the body however, when lemon juice has been fully metabolized and its minerals are dissociated in the bloodstream, its effect is alkalizing and therefore raises the pH of body tissue (pH above 7 is alkaline). Please notice the difference.",
"Green tea is an anti-oxident and a mild diuretic. but for water retention I would try caffiene or better yet cranberry juice. Beneplacitum · 8 years ago.",
"For those who weigh less than 150 pounds, squeeze half a lemonâs worth of juice into a glass of water. If over 150 pounds, use an entire lemonâs juice. You can of course dilute the lemon juice more, depending on your personal taste. Not only are the benefits of lemon water endless, itâs one of the most substantial yet simple changes you can make for your health. Learn about green tea's many health benefits:: 11 Benefits of Green Tea That You Didnât Know About.",
"Lemon juice can actually go along way in preventing hair loss and thinning hair. In this case you actually apply the lemon to the hair. The result is it thickens the hair and consequently helps to prevent hair from falling while encouraging new hair to grow.",
"As Lily Gold of Simply Healthy and Happy says, lemon water can help reduce uric acid in our joints, which is one of the main causes of inflammation, especially as related to arthritis. Reduces Phlegm. It's a sad fact of our cold weather existence â phlegm happens, especially in the morning, but lemon juice can help.",
"By increasing the production of urine, lemon water also helps the body to flush toxins from the urinary tract, with enzyme production stimulated by the citric acid. A natural source of vitamin C, lemon juice also helps to fight colds, with potassium stimulating brain and nerve function.",
"Make lemon iced tea. To make this citrus-flavored tea, begin by making ordinary black tea by boiling 2 cups of water, steeping 3-5 tea bags in it for 5 minutes, and pouring 2 cups of water into the mix. Then, squeeze the juice from a lemon to fill 1/2 a cup with lemon juice. Stir this into the cooled mix.",
"Water is a natural lubricant that softens stool and promotes evacuation of the bowels. Lemon juice has a high acid content and works on the digestive system to get things moving. Together, these make a powerful antidote for constipation.",
"To reap the most health benefits of lemon juice, you should consume it after mixing it with warm water. Cures constipation: Lemon water is useful for curing constipation, so drink warm lemon water every morning and get relief from constipation for the rest of the day.",
"Drinking lemon juice can put you at risk for tooth erosion, a condition where the thin, protective layer of enamel slowly wears away from your teeth.Lemon juice contains acid, which irritates gums and softens tooth enamel.Frequent consumption of products that contain acid will eventually destroy the enamel and expose underlying dentin, leaving your teeth vulnerable to sensitivity and tooth decay.emon juice contains acid, which irritates gums and softens tooth enamel. Frequent consumption of products that contain acid will eventually destroy the enamel and expose underlying dentin, leaving your teeth vulnerable to sensitivity and tooth decay.",
"Lemon juice will accelerate body detoxification. Too much lemon water too quickly can cause uncomfortable detoxification symptoms such as headaches, bowel movement changes, fatigue and mood swings. Once your body has gotten rid of some toxins - you will be able to add a bit of lemon juice to all water you drink -.",
"We canât explain or vouch for it⦠but it has been popular for a long time to promote regularity. âI have always had problems with regularity and recently I read that a teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey mixed in 8 ounces of warm water can act as a cure for constipation. I tried it and it worked.",
"Method 1 Foods That Help Relieve Phlegm. Drink lemon tea with honey. You can either buy lemon tea, or make yourself some warm lemon water by mixing 2 teaspoons of lemon juice with a cup of warm water. The acidity of the lemon juice breaks up the mucus. Adding a tablespoon of honey to the mixture soothes your throat.",
"Digestive Aid. One of the most important benefits of drinking lemon water regularly is its effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Lemon water assists in the process of digestion and elimination. Lemon juice is similar in atomic structure to saliva, hydrochloric acid, bile and the stomachâs other digestive juices.",
"If the stone is made of uric acid, lemon juice won't help. You may need lithotripsy (shock waves) or a cystoscopy to manually remove the stone if it doesn't eventually pass. If the stone is blocking the ureter, it could damage the kidney. ...Read more.",
"Resistance in the body and the immune system are also boosted by consumption of lemons, it also aids in digestion and buffers the body against toxins. A nutritious drink can be made by mixing a little lemon juice and the yolk of a raw egg in a glass of orange juice - this mixture is also excellent as a mild laxative.",
"10 Benefits to Drinking Lemon Water Everyday. Lemon Juice frees your body from toxic substances; its chemical structure is almost identical to saliva and other digestive enzymes. It stimulates the bile secretion as one of the fundamental acids required for digestion.",
"Fennel Tea â Fennel can be considered an entry amongst both diuretic foods and drinks. This tasty culinary component if consumed in abundance can have water reducing effects. 10. Lemon Water â Frequently used in cleanses and detoxification procedures, itâs easy to see how lemon water can act as a diuretic.",
"Lemon is acidic, but it alkalizes the body because it supplies healthy alkaline minerals. Unfortunately, thereâs a drawback to making your alkaline water with lemon juice: To get enough alkaline minerals for health benefits you have to use a lot of lemon juice. What you end making is very sour lemonade. But you can get benefits in water with a lot less lemon juice if you use alkaline water. When you mix lemon juice with alkaline water it TRIPLES the antioxidant benefit of the Vitamin C in lemon juice! You end up with a less-acidic lemon juice with lots of antioxidant punch!",
"Gives Your Immune System a Healthy Boost. Lemon juice has a high vitamin C content; this important vitamin helps you fight off the seasonal onset of colds and flu. Lemons also help your body absorb more iron from the various foods that you eat.",
"The lemonade cleanse involves making a drink out of water, lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper which you will consume exclusively for a period of between three and ten days. The lemonade cleanse is intended to help you flush toxins from your system, while also effectively aiding weight loss. To make one glass of the lemonade, mix four tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and half a teaspoon of organic maple syrup into a ten ounce glass of water.",
"Lemon is a vitamin C rich citrus fruit that enhances your beauty, by rejuvenating skin from within and thus bringing a glow on your face. Daily consumption of lemon water can make a huge difference in the appearance of your skin. It acts as an anti-aging remedy and can remove wrinkles and blackheads. Lemon water if applied on the areas of burns can fade the scars. As lemon is a cooling agent, it reduces the burning sensation on the skin.",
"Related posts: 5 Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water Every Morning Watermelon Detox Water Recipe Detox Tea with Apple Cider Vinegar Honey Lemon Water for Weight Loss Green Juice Detox Drink Recipe Green Tea with Lemon and Mint Green Tea with Lemon and Ginger for Weight Loss 5 Green Tea Weight Loss Drinks.",
"1 You can sprinkle the apple slices with lemon juice to prevent browning. 2 Add apple slices to 1 part lemon juice mixed with 3 parts water to prevent browning. 3 Use the sliced apples within two hours of adding to the lemon water.4 Or refrigerate apple slices stored in water for later use. Slice or core apples as needed for recipe. 2 Use apples immediately after slicing to prevent browning. 3 You can sprinkle the apple slices with lemon juice to prevent browning. 4 Add apple slices to 1 part lemon juice mixed with 3 parts water to prevent browning.",
"As such, lemon juice in water makes a low-calorie alternative to drinks such as fruit juice and soda. Additionally, lemon juice can help to boost your metabolic rate, according to nutritionist Shannon Kadlovski. As this rate increases, your body burns more calories, which can play a role in weight loss.",
"Weight Loss: If a person drinks lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water and honey, it can help reduce body weight. Read more. Respiratory Disorders: Lemon juice assists in relieving respiratory problems and breathing problems, such as its ability to soothe a person suffering from an asthma attack.",
"People use lemons to make lemonade by mixing lemon juice and water. Many people also use lemon as a washing agent, because of its ability to remove stains. The scent of lemon can also repel mosquitoes, while drinking lemon juice with olive oil helps to get rid of gall stones.",
"Lemon Water Flushes Out Toxins And Is Extremely Beneficial For The Body. Warm lemon water serves as the perfect âgood morning drinkâ, as it aids the digestive system and makes the process of eliminating the waste products from the body easier. It prevents the problem of constipation and diarrhea, by ensuring smooth bowel functions.",
"But drinking tea is said to block the bodyâs absorption of dietary iron, potentially causing a deficiency. Studies have shown that there is some truth to the idea. Compounds in tea called tannins can act as chelators, binding to minerals and inhibiting the bodyâs ability to absorb them. Although that can reduce a personâs levels of iron, studies have also found that it is unlikely to have much of an impact.",
"As an antioxidant, it can cleanse your blood from various toxins. Another benefit of a lemon juice is that it can also help removing gallstones from the bladder. Every time you mix a lemon juice with Epsom salts and olive oil, the bile produced by the liver is not used anymore. The pileup of the bile will pressure the gallstones outside of your bladder. Iâve posted some recommendations on our Facebook Page on how to drink lemon juice.",
"Water with lemon cleanses blood, blood vessels and arteries. Water with lemon can help lower blood pressure. A daily intake of one lemon can reduce high blood pressure by 10%. Water with lemon creates an alkalizing effect in the body. Even if you drink it immediately before a meal, it can help your body maintain a higher level of pH. The higher the pH, the more your body is able to fight diseases. Water with lemon is good for the skin. Vitamin C in lemon, improves our skin by rejuvenating the body. Drinking water with lemon regularly (every morning) will improve the condition of your skin. Water with lemon helps to dilute uric acid, the built up of which leads to pain in the joints and gout.",
"One of the most important benefits of drinking lemon water regularly is its effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Lemon water assists in the process of digestion and elimination. Lemon juice is similar in atomic structure to saliva, hydrochloric acid, bile and the stomachâs other digestive juices.",
"But drinking tea is said to block the bodyâs absorption of dietary iron, potentially causing a deficiency. Studies have shown that there is some truth to the idea. Compounds in tea called tannins can act as chelators, binding to minerals and inhibiting the bodyâs ability to absorb them.",
"Lemongrass tea will help keep the cholesterol levels healthy. The manganese present in lemongrass tea performs a crucial role in controlling the bodyâs cholesterol. Ayurvedic benefits of lemongrass Tea. Lemongrass tea can deal with poor digestion of food, stomach aches, gas, bowel spasms, as well as diarrhea. It is stated to become a mild sedative and may calm nerves. Since it includes vitamin A, it may be useful in keeping the eyes as well as skin healthy.",
"Why it works: Probiotic yogurt will keep your digestive system humming, while tea and coffee can help with water retention. Look for potassium-rich foods like avocado and banana for system balance, and use lemon as a natural detoxifier. Cording also suggests a couple green veggies to fight bloat.",
"A lot of people will tell you to squeeze some lemon juice into the water first, which acidulates it; lemon contains ascorbic acid, which not only lowers pH (as does the citric acid also found in lemons) but can also reverse the oxidation reaction through a process chemists call reduction.",
"Lemon juice may not do much for your pH control, but it can provide other benefits. Its high concentration of vitamin C promotes immune system strength, increasing your body's ability to fight off illness and disease.",
"1 Make a cup of lemon tea by grating 1 teaspoon lemon rind and adding it to 1 cup of boiling water. Why the rind? The lemon peel has the majority of the lemons nutrients! If one does not treat bronchitis, or does not catch it in time (it is a rapid illness), it can result in pneumonia, which is more serious. Pneumonia still affects the respiratory tract, but it obstructs it even more, making it harder to breathe.",
"Since lemon water purifies toxins from your blood, it would also be helping to keep your skin clear from the inside towards outside and restores the skin from within your body. Psychologically speaking, lemons have a great effect of your mood as it enhances and increases energy in the body.",
"Lemon water assists in the process of digestion and elimination. Lemon juice is similar in atomic structure to saliva, hydrochloric acid, bile and the stomachâs other digestive juices. The digestive qualities of lemon juice help to relieve symptoms of indigestion, such as heartburn, belching and bloating.",
"Weight loss fads sweep across the culture at lightning speed. Many are silly and even dangerous, but every so often a fad appears that actually makes sense. Adding lemon juice to your drinking water is a good idea if you are trying to lose weight. Studies like the one done in 2008 at the Sugiyama Jogakuen University in Japan suggest that the polyphenols in lemons aid in weight loss. While a lemon juice diet alone is not recommended, drinking lemon water alone or with meals is an excellent way to stay hydrated.",
"For those trying to prevent pregnancy, lemon juice and other acidic substances from fruits were used as spermicides long before spermicide was used in condoms. People in ancient times would place lemon juice and honey on a contraceptive sponge for extra protection. Sponges were used because of their ability to absorb semen. [7]",
"Drinking lemon juice can also help prevent the formation of kidney stones for people after kidney transplant, so it can be good for them. 3. Prevent cardiovascular disease. Lemon juice also has the function of preventing cardiovascular disease, which can be good for kidney transplant patients to prevent kidney damage. In addition, there are also some other benefits of drinking lemon juice for people after kidney transplant."
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"1 No fee from Commerce; other bank's ATM fees may apply. 2 To send an email that contains confidential information, please visit the Secure Message Center where there are additional instructions about whether to use Secure Email or Online Banking messaging. 3 Deposit Agreement & Disclosures. 4 Call: Call us at 800-453-2265.",
"IFSC Code Details and Punnaiyapuram Branch Information. TAMILNAD MERCANTILE BANK LTD - PUNNAIYAPURAM is located at TAMIL NADU state, TIRUNELVALI district, CHOCKAMPATTI city and the bank branch's address is [442 - 6,TENKASI MAIN ROAD, KODESWARAN COMPLEX, CHOKKAMPATTI PANCHAYAT,PUNNAIYAPURAM-627855.]. Contact phone number / numbers - 9688623378. The IFSC Code is TMBL0000250.",
"Commerce Bank: Creve Coeur Banking Center Branch at 12275 Olive Blvd, branch established on 1992/11/02. Info updated 2011/07/07: Bank assets: $20,493.6 mil, Deposits: $16,805.3 mil, headquarters in Kansas City, MO, positive income, 206 total offices, Holding Company: Commerce Bancshares, Inc.",
"1 The Merchants National Bank: London Branch at 279 Lafayette Street, branch established on 1998/12/07. 2 Info updated 2009/09/09: Bank assets: $570.5 mil, Deposits: $475.2 mil, headquarters in Hillsboro, OH, positive income, Commercial Lending Specialization, 12 total offices, Holding Company: Merchants Bancorp, Inc.",
"Check the Commerce Bank company profile in Liberty , MO . Find the latest business information using the D&B Business Directory at DandB.com.",
"Citizens Bank on 683 Belmont St in Brockton, MA. Welcome to Citizens Bank (B2B Banks - ATMs) on 683 Belmont St in Brockton, Massachusetts. This bank is listed on Bank Map under Banks - B2B Banks - ATMs. You can reach us on phone number (508) 587-4025, fax number or email address . Our office is located on 683 Belmont St, Brockton, MA.",
"For inquiries or complaints, you maycontact Standard Chartered Bank at 830-1111 (Metro Manila), 1-800-1-888-1188 (Toll-Free, outside Metro Manila) or the BSP Financial Consumer Protection Department at 708-7087 or e-mail to [email protected].",
"(800)222-2114. Claims: (877)224-5677. American Commerce Insurance Company is part of the MAPFRE Insurance group. They originated in Massachusetts as The Commerce Group, Inc. (CGI), founded in the town of Webster, Massachusetts in 1972. They are the largest private passenger automobile insurer, homeownersâ insurer and commercial automobile insurer in Massachusetts.",
"Peoples Bank Of Commerce Routing Number Search. Peoples Bank Of Commerce Routing number is a Nine digit code assigned by American Bankers Association (ABA) to Peoples Bank Of Commerce. It uniquely identifies the financial institution and check-processing center.",
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"You can also contact the bank by calling the branch phone number at 662-287-3171. BancorpSouth Bank Corinth branch operates as a full service brick and mortar office. For lobby hours, drive-up hours and online banking services please visit the official website of the bank at www.bancorpsouth.com.",
"You can also contact the bank by calling the branch phone number at 662-287-3171 BancorpSouth Bank Corinth branch operates as a full service brick and mortar office. For lobby hours, drive-up hours and online banking services please visit the official website of the bank at www.bancorpsouth.com.",
"Commerce Bank Branches in Saint Louis, Missouri. 1 13 branches found. 2 Commerce Bank - Vandeventer-Chouteau Branch. 3 Commerce Bank - Tower Grove Branch. Commerce Bank - Spanish Lake 1 Branch. Commerce Bank - Natural Bridge Branch. Commerce Bank - Chippewa 1 Branch. Commerce Bank - Demun Branch. Commerce Bank - Met Square Branch.",
"COMMERCE BANK & TRUST COMPANY Routing Number This web site is not associated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by and has no official or unofficial affiliation with . Based on public records.",
"Commerce Bank is a national commercial bank located in Liberty, Missouri. View phone number, website, employees, products, revenue, and more. IPOs Nonprofits Execs",
"Commerce Bank & Trust Company has a total of 3 routing numbers. The status, location, and other information of the Commerce Bank & Trust Company routing numbers are listed. Login | Create Account",
"Sears Mastercard Address The address of Sears Mastercard is 3333 Beverly Rd Hoffman Estates, IL 60179, Illinois, United State. Sears Mastercard Website The Website of Sears Mastercard is www.sears.com. Sears Mastercard Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Sears Mastercard is 1-(847) 286-2500 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Sears Mastercard Service Center and Sears Mastercard customer service phone number is given below.",
"For inquiries or complaints, you maycontact Standard Chartered Bank at 830-1111 (Metro Manila), 1-800-1-888-1188 (Toll-Free, outside Metro Manila) or the BSP Financial Consumer Protection Department at 708-7087 or e-mail to [email protected]. Standard Chartered Bank.",
"Commerce Bank is a mature organization in the national commercial banks industry located in Liberty, MO.",
"Business Banking: 877-BUS-BNKG (877-287-2654) Welcome to PNC business banking center, please select from the following sales and services options. for automated information on business accounts and loans, to re orders business checks or to change your telephone banking pin, press one.",
"Key in first three characters of City eg. 031307125 Routing Transit Number (RTN) for First Keystone Community Bank Main Office located at Berwick, Oklahoma, PA, 18603, United States, Street Address 111 W FRONT ST, Telephone Number 570-752-3671, Servicing FRB Number 031000040. Detaild information for First Keystone Community Bank in Berwick.",
"Commerce Bank in Missouri Routing Number, Address, Swift Codes. 114 branches found. A routing number is a 9 digit code for identifying a financial institution for the purpose of routing of checks (cheques), fund transfers, direct deposits, e-payments, online payments, and other payments to the correct bank branch.",
"Our mission is to facilitate a pleasant community be enforcing ordinances and building code requirements for the citizens of Commerce Township. Contact Oakland County for billing questions on water and sewer at (248) 858-1110.",
"Commerce Bank & Trust Company in Massachusetts Routing Number, Address, Swift Codes.",
"PEOPLES BANK OF COMMERCE Routing Number Search PEOPLES BANK OF COMMERCE Routing number is a Nine digit code assigned by American Bankers Association (ABA) to PEOPLES BANK OF COMMERCE. It uniquely identifies the financial institution and check-processing center.",
"Commerce Bank in Saint Louis, Missouri Routing Number, Address, Swift Codes. 13 branches found. A routing number is a 9 digit code for identifying a financial institution for the purpose of routing of checks (cheques), fund transfers, direct deposits, e-payments, online payments, and other payments to the correct bank branch.",
"Banks with branches in Commerce City (2011 data): 1 Wells Fargo Bank, National Association: Reunion Village at 18220 E 104th Avenue, Suite 101, branch established on 2006/11/21; Parkway Center Branch at 6025 E Parkway Drive, branch established on 1996/03/04.",
"Contact Information. Commerce Bank serves customers in Missouri, Kansas, Illinois, Oklahoma and Colorado. Note: All times given in Central Time."
] |
who is imhotep? | [
"Imhotep (2667 BC - 2648 BC) Bronze statue of Imhotep © Imhotep was chief architect to the Egyptian pharaoh Djoser (reigned c.2630 - c.2611 BC). He was responsible for the world's first known monumental stone building, the Step Pyramid at Sakkara and is the first architect we know by name."
] | [
"2| Understanding Aṣẹ à ṣẹ and i Ts Relation TO Eá¹£u èṣú Among the Yoruba.and ase T In â Ancient Egypt Asar Imhotep introduction this is a preliminary article to discuss the, possible(origins) meaning s and applications for the concept In The yoruba yorùbá ifa. ifá tradition called aṣẹ à ṣẹ",
"The exact details of Imhotep's life are not known. The inscription of his name at the base of a statue at Saqqara, has led some researchers to believe that he might have been a brother or son of the Pharaoh Djoser (3rd Dynasty).",
"The scroll is buried with him, so that no one would ever again have the chance to use it again like he did. Imhotep is accidentally revived as a mummy when an archaeological expedition discovers his mummy and one of the archaeologists unknowingly reads the scroll's ancient life-giving spell.",
"Emperor Han (Jet Li), also known as The Dragon Emperor, is a primary character in the third film and serves as The Mummy (he replaces Imhotep; the Mummy of the first two films). He was a ruthless warlord who desired immortality. To do so, he sought the sorceress Zi Yuan for the secrets of immortality.",
"Starring actors Brendan Fraser as Rick O'Connell, Rachel Weisz as Evelyn Carnahan, Arnold Vosloo as Imhotep, John Hannah as Jonathan Carnahan, and Oded Fehr as Ardeth Bay, the film was written and directed by Stephen Sommers, and produced by Sean Daniel and James Jacks.",
"Apep (Apophis) Apep (Aapep, Apepi or Apophis) was the ancient Egyptian spirit of evil, darkness and destruction who threatened to destroy the sun god Ra as he travelled though the underworld (or sky) at night. Originally Set and Mehen (the serpent headed man) were given the job of defending Ra and his solar barge.",
"Otep. Otep (anagram for Poet) is a band featuring a lead female singer, Otep Shamaya. Arguably the only female singer who can pull off such a style, screamo/heavy metal. Otep herself is a poet and writes all her songs from her heart, based on past experiances, political opinions, and mochary of Christianity.",
"Imhotep's historicity is confirmed by two contemporary inscriptions made during his lifetime on the base or pedestal of one of Djoser's statues (Cairo JE 49889) and also by a graffito on the enclosure wall surrounding Sekhemkhet's unfinished step-pyramid.",
"D.J. Moore Scout Spotlight (1:15) D.J. Moore is a wide receiver from Imhotep High School in Philadelphia, Pa. who is committed to play college football for the Maryland Terrapins. 11/28/2014",
"Sidharth Malhotra (born 16 January 1985) is an Indian actor and former model who appears in Bollywood films. Malhotra began a career as a model at the age of 18. Dissatisfied by the profession, he went on to work as an assistant director to Karan Johar in the 2010 film My Name Is Khan.",
"21| Understanding Aṣẹ à ṣẹ and i Ts Relation TO Eá¹£u èṣú Among the Yoruba.and ase T In â Ancient Egypt asar imhotep is empowered by the tools, of insight of knowing languages and, cultures intimately one can unlock the secrets of these age. old traditions",
"Amenhotep III, one of the most powerful pharaohs in all of Egyptian history. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'pharaoh.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors.",
"Meanwhile, Burns, who remains in his quarters, meets with the mummy himself, who Burns is informed is a prince seeking to buy Burns' canopic jar. Imhotep wears a mask and long dark robes to conceal his identity, with Beni as a mediator.",
"A New Religion. Akhenaten came to the throne as Amenhotep IV. At the time, Egypt was the world's most powerful nation, thanks largely to his father's political achievements.",
"1 Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten): Egypt's Heretic Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, better known as Akhenaten, is one of ancient Egypt's most fascinating and complex rulers. 2 Married to the famously beautiful Nefertiti, five years into his reignâ¦. 3 The History of Egyptian Religion Egyptian religion began in prehistoric times.",
"Amenhotep IV succeeded his father after Amenhotep III's death at the end of his 38-year reign, possibly after a short coregency lasting between either 1 to 2 years. Pharaoh Akhenaten was known as the Heretic King. He was the tenth King of the 18th Dynasty.khenaten was the son of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiyee, a descendent of a Hebrew tribe. The largest statue in the Cairo Museum shows Amenhotep III and his family. He and Queen Tiye (pronounced 'Tee') had four daughters and two sons.",
"17| Understanding Aṣẹ à ṣẹ and i Ts Relation TO Eá¹£u èṣú Among the Yoruba.and ase T In â Ancient Egypt asar imhotep characters. In mythology i am going hip the reader on âaâ few secrets on how To read african signs. And symbols take note that each figure is associated wAs âtheâ was scepter. of authority",
"Sidharth Malhotra is an Indian model-turned-actor who acts in Bollywood films. He came into limelight with Karan Johar's movie Student of the year along with Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhawan.",
"Akhenaten (/ËækÉËnÉËtÉn/; also spelled Echnaton, Akhenaton, Ikhnaton, and Khuenaten; meaning Effective for Aten) known before the fifth year of his reign as Amenhotep IV (sometimes given its Greek form, Amenophis IV, and meaning Amun Is Satisfied), was an Ancient Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty who ruled for 17 years and died perhaps in ...",
"in history of medicine: The ancient Middle East and Egypt. When the medicine of ancient Egypt is examined, the picture becomes clearer. The first physician to emerge is Imhotep, chief minister to King Djoser in the 3rd millennium bce, who designed one of the ... The Step Pyramid of Djoser, second king of the 3rd dynasty, was built within a vast enclosure on a commanding site at á¹¢aqqÄrah, overlooking the city of Memphis.",
"Hotep is a Khemetic (Ancient Egyptian) term with no direct translation into the American English Language. Hotep is most often used as a Greeting or Salutation. Hotep carries a spiritual connotation Granting Blessings of Divine Peace and the Creator's Favor.mhotep, the worldâs first multi-genius, was called âImouthesâ in Greece and deified as Aesculapius, the Greek god of Medicine.",
"Imhotep's father, Kanofer, a celebrated architect, was later known to be the first of a long line of master builders who contributed to Egyptian works through the reign of King Darius the First (522â486. ).",
"Architect of the famous pyramid at Sakkara. The Step Pyramid at Sakkara is the only of Imhotep's achievements that can still be seen and appreciated today. Its reputation is largely based on Imhotep's accomplishments as the pyramid's inventor and builder.",
"The President of the United States from G.I. Joe: Retaliation. Reprising his role from G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, Pryce's U.S. president was actually being impersonated by the dude who played Imhotep in The Mummy and The Mummy Returns.",
"Akhenaten | The Heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten (aka Akhenaton) is one of Ancient Egypt's most controversial and notable pharaohs. He ruled for 17 years during the 18th Dynasty and came to be known by some fascinating names, including Great Heretic , The Heretic Pharaoh, and Rebel Pharaoh .",
"Contradictions. 1 Certain myths and records show that Imhotepâs father was an architect named Kanofer. Many of those who believe he was Joseph have pointed out that the myths and documents were created centuries later and used to solidify the credentials of a line of professional architects that dated back to Kanofer.",
"1 IMhotep Has Many thots! 2 I used to call people I knew third cause they were but then they caught leukemia from someone's dock and died as a thot a,a stupid,ratchet ass thot that she was. 3 I am a thot and I am also a bitch. 4 See more words with the same meaning: acronyms (list of) .",
"Pharaoh Akhenaten. Akhenaten-meaning living spirit of Aten - known before the fifth year of his reign as Amenhotep IV (sometimes given its Greek form, Amenophis IV, and meaning Amun is Satisfied), was a Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt who ruled for 17 years and died perhaps in 1336 BC or 1334 BC.",
"Rickipedia has a collection of images and media related to Imhotep. 1 The Mummy (First appearance) The Mummy (novelization) The Mummy (PC) The Mummy (video game) 2 The Mummy: Valley of the Gods (Mentioned only) 3 The Mummy Returns The Mummy Returns (novelization) 4 The Mummy: Secrets of the Medjai The Summoning.",
"The Step Pyramid has been thoroughly examined and investigated over the last century and it is now known that the building process went through many different stages and there were a few false starts. Imhotep seems to have first begun building a simple mastaba tomb. The highest mastaba was 20 feet (6 meters) but Imhotep decided to go higher.",
"Pharaoh Akhenaten. Akhenaten-meaning living spirit of Aten - known before the fifth year of his reign as Amenhotep IV (sometimes given its Greek form, Amenophis IV, and meaning Amun is Satisfied), was a Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt who ruled for 17 years and died perhaps in 1336 BC or 1334 BC.khenaten was the son of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiyee, a descendent of a Hebrew tribe. The largest statue in the Cairo Museum shows Amenhotep III and his family. He and Queen Tiye (pronounced 'Tee') had four daughters and two sons.",
"Scientists examining documents dating back 3,500 years say they have found proof that the inception lies not with Hippocrates (460BC-370BC) and the Greeks but in ancient Egypt and the likes of Imhotep (2667BC - 2648BC), who designed the pyramids at Saqqara and was elevated to become the god of healing.",
"For other uses, see Marshall Mathers (disambiguation) and Slim Shady (disambiguation). Marshall Bruce Mathers III (born October 17, 1972), known professionally as Eminem (often stylized as EMINÇM), is an American rapper, record producer, and actor. Eminem is the best-selling artist of the 2000s in the United States.",
"Akhenaten (alternatively Akhnaten, Akhenaton, Akhnaton, Ikhnaton, and so on), also known as Amenhotep IV at the start of his reign, was a Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. He is thought to have been born to Amenhotep III and his Chief Queen Tiy in the year 26 of their reign (1379 BC or 1362 BC).khenaten (alternatively Akhnaten, Akhenaton, Akhnaton, Ikhnaton, and so on), also known as Amenhotep IV at the start of his reign, was a Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. He is thought to have been born to Amenhotep III and his Chief Queen Tiy in the year 26 of their reign (1379 BC or 1362 BC).",
"Even in ancient times, it seems that the location of Imhotepâs tomb is unknown, as mentioned in an ancient Egyptian poem called The Lay of the Harper . According to consensus, Imhotepâs tomb is hidden somewhere in Saqqara, perhaps close to or even under the Step Pyramid of Djoser.",
"Pharaoh Djoser, Build 1st pyramid. Netjerikhet or Djoser is the best-known pharaoh of the Third dynasty of Egypt. He commissioned his official, Imhotep (ca. 2650-2600 BC), to build the first of the pyramids, a step pyramid for him at Saqqara.",
"Imhotep's father, Kanofer, a celebrated architect, was later known to be the first of a long line of master builders who contributed to Egyptian works through the reign of King Darius the First (522â486 B.C.E. ).",
"Rick and Evelyn now married with a son, find themselves amidst the second coming of Imhotep. After their Son Alex is kidnapped by Imhotep as he seeks the Scorpion King (The Rock) Rick and Evelyn must pursue their sons capture, with the aid of the clues Alex leaves along the way.",
"Imhotep's priests were mummified alive and buried inside the walls of the city. Imhotep meanwhile was forced to suffer the Hom Dai, a legendary curse which granted the victim unholy powers and control over the Ten Plagues of Egypt."
] |
when was one flew over the cuckoo's nest made | [
"A year later, Kesey allowed Dale Wasserman to make a play adaptation of âOne Flew over the Cuckooâs Nestâ, but the play was a flop, only making a few months run. The film adaptation, directed by Milos Foreman in 1975, does a good job of expressing the novelâs theme which questions what sanity is. All in all One flew Over the Cuckooâs Nest was a good film adaptation of the novel. The novel is set during the late 1950âs in an insane asylum in Oregon."
] | [
"The award for original screenplay was won by Bo Goldman for his fictional re-creation of the relationship between Melvin Dummar and Howard R. Hughes, ''Melvin and Howard.'' Mr. Goldman had previously won for his screenplay of ''One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.''.",
"One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest - Monopoly Scene - Duration: 1:24. SeriousDox 123,712 views",
": : : One flew east, One flew west, : : : One flew over the cuckoo's nest : : : O-U-T spells out : : : Goose swoops down and plucks you out.: : Although this may have nothing to do with the meaning of the nursery rhyme, most European cuckoos lay their eggs in other birds' nests and build no nests of their own.",
"Cuckoo is a 2014 Tamil romantic drama film directed by Raju Murugan and produced by Fox Star Studios. The film stars Dinesh and Malavika Nair as a visually challenged pair, while Aadukalam Murugadoss plays a pivotal role. The film was released on March 21, 2014 and received generally positive reviews.",
"In July 1936, Purdue and other sponsors helped Earhart purchase a Lockheed Electra 10E, which she called her flying laboratory, and she began planning a trip to fly around the world at the equator. In early 1937, she and Frank Noonan, her navigator, began their first attempt.",
"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is the famous novel by Ken Kesey about insanity and the individual--with the concept of revolution figured in. The book is set in an Oregon insane asylum and centers around the struggles of patients to gain some sense of freedom in the repressive environment.",
"Kesey, the author of One Flew Over the Cuckooâs Nest and a source of inspiration in the counterculture movement, was first exposed to LSD and other psychedelic drugs as a part of the MKULTRA project while still a graduate student at Stanford University.",
"Wiley Post with Gatty in Germany, 1931. In 1930 the record for flying around the world was not held by a fixed-wing aircraft, but by the Graf Zeppelin, piloted by Hugo Eckener in 1929 with a time of 21 days.",
"Published: December 15, 2006. On Saturday, May 9th, 1992, NBC aired the last episode of The Golden Girls entitled âOne Flew Out of the Cuckooâs Nest.â Dorothy was set to marry Blancheâs Uncle Lucas and Dorothy & Sophia prepared to leave Miami. Would the marriage go through? We started the synopsis yesterday.",
"Nurse Ratched. Nurse Ratched (also known as Big Nurse) is a fictional character and the main antagonist of Ken Kesey's 1962 novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, as well as the 1975 film. A cold, heartless tyrant, Nurse Ratched has become the stereotype of the nurse as a battleaxe.",
"It's no surprise One Flew Over the Cuckooâs Nest was adapted to a movie, and we can tell you exactly why it made the silver screen.",
"In Chapter 4 of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, why is the fog there and what does Bromden need... 1 educator answer In Chapter 1, what is the Combine in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?",
"I know I don't own this video. No copyright infringement was intended here. 1 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.",
"On December 17, 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright capped four years of research and design efforts with a 120-foot, 12-second flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina-the first powered flight in a heavier-than-air machine. Prior to that, people had flown only in balloons and gliders.",
"The V-1 flying bomb (German: Vergeltungswaffe 1,)âalso known to the Allies as the buzz bomb, or doodlebug, and in Germany as Kirschkern (cherrystone) or Maikaefer (maikäfer: maybug Literally + may) âchafer was an early-pulsejet powered cruise. missilehe first complete V-1 airframe was delivered on 30 August 1942, and after the first complete As.109-014 was delivered in September, the first glide test flight was on 28 October 1942 at Peenemuende, peenemünde from under A-Focke Wulf fw. 200",
"June 04, 1987|BURT A. FOLKART | Times Staff Writer. Will Sampson, the gentle Indian giant best remembered for his portrayal of the feigning mute chief in the alternately amusing and poignant film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, died Wednesday in Houston.",
"The Cuckoo's Calling is a 2013 crime fiction novel by J. K. Rowling, published under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. It is the first novel in the Cormoran Strike series of detective novels and was followed by The Silkworm in 2014 and Career of Evil in 2015.",
"1987: Will Sampson who played the 'good spirit' in Poltergeist II, died after receiving a heart-lung transplant. Will was also known as the tall 'mute' Indian in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest. 1988: the young girl in all three movies was played by Heather O'Rourke.",
"The common cuckoo is a brood parasite; it lays its eggs in the nests of other birds. At the appropriate moment, the hen cuckoo flies down to the host's nest, pushes one egg out of the nest, lays an egg and flies off. The whole process takes about 10 seconds. A female may visit up to 50 nests during a breeding season.",
"bird of prey (Milvus ictinus), Old English cyta kind of hawk, probably imitative of its cries (cf. ciegan to call, German Kauz screech owl). The toy kite first so-called 1660s, from its way of hovering in the air like a bird. The dismissive invitation to go fly a kite is attested by 1942, American English, probably tracing to the popular song of the same name (lyrics by Johnny Burke), sung by Bing Crosby in The Star Maker (1939):",
"Study Guide for One Flew Over the Cuckooâs Nest One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest study guide contains a biography of Ken Kesey, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. About One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest",
"It would be hard to cite one acceptance speech as the best. But one of the most memorable was Louise Fletcher's podium appearance after winning the 1975 Academy Award for Best⦠Actress in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.. She used sign language at the end of her remarks, addressing her deaf parents who were watching television from their home in Birmingham, Alabama.",
"One of the most beloved novelty clocks of all time, the cuckoo clock was created by Franz Anton Ketterer in 1730. Ketterer resided in a village in the Black Forest of Germany. Since then, the Black Forest has been synonymous with cuckoo clocks. Cuckoo clocks have weight-driven movements.",
"Cuckoo (TV series) Cuckoo is a British sitcom that began airing on BBC Three on 25 September 2012, repeating on BBC One, and in 2016 began airing worldwide on Netflix. Written by Robin French and Kieron Quirke, Cuckoo stars Andy Samberg, Taylor Lautner, Greg Davies, Tamla Kari and Helen Baxendale. The series launch became BBC Three's most-watched comedy launch, beating the record set by Bad Education, which debuted the previous month.",
"In the novel âOne Flew Over the Cuckooâs Nestâ, author Ken Kesey made an interesting choice of epigraph, which is a phrase, quotation, or poem that is set in the beginning of a component. Surprisingly, it was an excerpt from a nursery rhyme: Three geese in a flock, One flew East, one flew West, One flew over the Cuckooâs nest",
"exists and is an alternate of . The book and film of One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest takes place in a lunatic asylum or Cuckoo's Nest. In the nursery rhyme one flies east, one flies west, and one flies over the cuckoo's nest. In the story Chief Bromden and others are totally controlled by ex-army Nurse Rached.",
"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Details. Full Cast and Crew; Release Dates; Official Sites; Company Credits; Filming & Production; Technical Specs",
"Character Analysis for One Flew Over the Cuckooâs Nest. by lindamerrill, October 21, 2016. Billy Bibbit derives his sense of self from other people in his life and allows society to determine how he views and treats himself.",
"That's exactly the sort of questions that are on the mind of Ken Kesey in his novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. With this famous portrait of a mental instituteâits rebellious patients and domineering caretakersâcounter-culture icon Kesey is doing a whole lot more than just spinning a great yarn.",
"Nicholson won his first Best Actor Oscar® playing Randle Patrick Mac McMurphy in the Best Picture winner One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (1975).",
"Nurse Ratched. The antagonist in the 1962 Ken Kesey novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and in the 1975 movie of the same title. The overbearing, cruel, perfectionist nurse (ranked number 5 in AFI's list of Greatest Movie Villains) rules the asylum in the story with an iron fist. The name Nurse Ratched can be applied as an insult to a person (usually a woman) of similar characteristics.",
"Share. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is the famous novel by Ken Kesey about insanity and the individual--with the concept of revolution figured in. The book is set in an Oregon insane asylum and centers around the struggles of patients to gain some sense of freedom in the repressive environment.",
"Buy the print One Flew Over the Cuckooâs Nest SparkNote on BN.com; Buy the ebook of this SparkNote on BN.com; Order One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest at BN.com; Previous Next",
"We have only the finest German cuckoo clocks for sale and each is certified by the Black Forest Cuckoo Clock Association-this guarantees you that the cuckoo clock was manufactured in the Black Forest, Germany. German-owned USA store. Full 2-Year Warranty.",
"Share. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is the famous novel by Ken Kesey about insanity and the individual--with the concept of revolution figured in.",
"The goose that flies over the cuckooâs nest would be McMurphy, because heâs the one that ends up crazy (or cuckoo) in the end because of his lobotomy. Notice how one goose also escapes and is plucked from the cuckooâs nest or the asylum. That one goose would be Chief.",
"Construction was completed by September 1938, seven months before the building was officially presented to Hitler as a birthday gift on April 20, 1939 by the Nazi party. Widely known to Americans as The Eagle's Nest, the house is one of Germany's top tourist attractions and can be reached by a Tour bus from Munich.",
"a sheep a duck and a rooster on the 19th sept 1783 the montgolfier brothers successfully launched their first load carrying hot air balloon balloon made of paper and cloth sheep a duck and a rooster on the 19th sept 1783 the montgolfier brothers successfully launched their first load carrying hot air balloon balloon made of paper and cloth",
"One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest (DVD) (Rpkg) A nice rest in a state mental hospital beats a stretch in the pen, right? Randle P. McMurphy (Jack Nicholson), a free-spirited con with lightning in his veins and glib on his tongue, fakes insanity and moves in with what he calls the nuts.",
"The caption alongside reads: ''Feather that fell at my feet from a flying bird in Pitt Street, Sydney - a few days before I sailed for England on Feb 9th 1924.''. These are the words of the little- known P.L. Travers, the Australian creator of the quintessentially English nanny Mary Poppins.",
"Post. Share. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is the famous novel by Ken Kesey about insanity and the individual--with the concept of revolution figured in. The book is set in an Oregon insane asylum and centers around the struggles of patients to gain some sense of freedom in the repressive environment.",
"The Master of Suspense: The Birds (1963) was British director Alfred Hitchcock's 49th film and based on a freak incident when birds fell from the sky in California several years earlier.",
"Web Exclusive Appraisal | Eugene, OR. 1970 Will Sampson Original Drawings. Laura Woolley appraises two original drawings by Will Sampson, a Native American artist better known for his acting career â he played Chief Bromden in the 1975 film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest with Jack Nicholson.",
"In 1937 Amelia Earhart attempted an around-the-world flight. Flying a custom-built Lockheed Model 10E Electra, equipped with extra-large gas tanks, she would follow a 'close to the Equator' route, thus going one better than Wiley Post's northern, mid-latitude route.",
"Here's a summary of the last episode, called One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Pt.2.. Dorothy accepts Lucas' proposal. The two plan to tye the knot two months later and on the way to the chapel, Dorothy takes a limo. However, this limo is driven by none other than Stanley Zbornak.",
"A Cuckoo is a bird. It lays one egg in a nest of another bird species. When the Cuckoo chick hatches, it ejects from the nest the eggs and/or chicks of the birds which built t ⦠he nest, and is fed all the food by the parent birds. The parent Cuckoo takes no part in bringing up it's chick."
] |
where was facebook founded | [
"Facebook is an online social networking service, whose name stems from the colloquial name for the book given to students at the start of the academic year by some university administrations in the United States to help students get to know each other."
] | [
"John Thompson and Grice McMullan founded what is now ThompsonMcMullan over 40 years ago in a small office building on Foushee Street in Richmond, Virginia. Even then, both founding members focused their efforts on building a strong and successful law firm that focused on solving the business needs and legal issues of their clients.",
"Vine (/ v aɪ n /) was a short-form video hosting service where users could share six-second-long looping video clips. The service was founded in June 2012, and American microblogging website Twitter acquired it in October 2012, just before its official launch. Users' videos were published through Vine's social network and could be shared on other services such as Facebook and Twitter.",
"Who founded Chicago and where was he born? Answer 1772 --- A black man from Haiti named Jean-Baptiste Pointe du Sable, a fur trader, founded a settlement called Eschikagou on the north bank of the Chicago River.ho founded Chicago and where was he born? Answer 1772 --- A black man from Haiti named Jean-Baptiste Pointe du Sable, a fur trader, founded a settlement called Eschikagou on the north bank of the Chicago River.",
"Visitors' Center Facebook Page. Submit A Photo. Come visit Historic Kirtland, a small settlement in northern Ohio where members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gathered shortly after the Church was founded.",
"Vine is a short-form video sharing service where users can share six-second-long looping video clips. The service was founded in June 2012, and American microblogging website Twitter acquired it in October 2012, just before its official launch. Users' videos are published through Vine's social network and can be shared on other services such as Facebook and Twitter.",
"It's Hard To Believe How Drastic The Changes To Facebook Have Been Over The Years. Facebook has made some pretty significant changes to its web platform since launching back in 2004. What started off as a place for college students to connect with each other has grown into the world's largest social network. In Facebook's maturation, its design has also evolved quite a bit. (Although it seems that every time Facebook makes even a subtle change, users become outraged.)",
"Vine (service) Vine (/Ëvaɪn/) was a short-form video hosting service where users could share six-second-long looping video clips. The service was founded in June 2012, and American microblogging website Twitter acquired it in October 2012, just before its official launch. Users' videos were published through Vine's social network and can be shared on other services such as Facebook and Twitter.",
"Founded in Austria. Founded X interviewed our head and lead dev Marcus. The Austrian Startup Scene-An Interview With Marcus PohorelyPart of the reasoning behind the Founded X initiative was to give startup communities around the world a chance to promote what they do.ounded in Austria. A software service that enables you to visually analyze social media accounts on the basis of visual pattern identification."
] |
what was atahualpa | [
"The Dramatic Life and Death of Atahualpa, the Last Emperor of the Inca Empire. The Inca ruler, Atahualpa, is one of the key figures in the history of the European colonialization of South America. As the last emperor of the largest empire in pre-Columbian Empire, Atahualpa was an immensely powerful leader. In 1532, however, Atahualpa was taken captive by a small Spanish force of 200 men under the conquistador Francisco Pizarro at Cajamarca."
] | [
"Land of the Four Quarters or Tahuantinsuyu is the name the Inca gave to their empire. It stretched north to south some 2,500 miles along the high mountainous Andean range from Colombia to Chile and reached west to east from the dry coastal desert called Atacama to the steamy Amazonian rain forest.",
"Portuguese explorer who made a voyage around the world to prove that the Earth was round- named the Pacific Ocean Francisco Pizarro Spanish conquistador took the Inca leader Atahualpa hostage, had him killed, and then conquered the Inca city of Cuzco.",
"This Day In History: 11/16/1532 - Pizarro Traps Atahualpa. Find out what happened on November 16 in this video of This Day in History. On November 16, 1973, President Richard Nixon signed a bill for the construction of the Alaskan Pipeline. This bill was protested by environmentalists.",
"Did Bernal Diaz del Castillo captured and executed the emperor Atahualpa in order to take over the Incan empire? No. He had nothing to do with the conquest of Peru. Atahualpa was slain by Pizaro & his Conquistadors. its true Pizarro is spelled with two rr and his first name is Francisâ¦co.",
"A+E Networks. Atahuallpa, the 13th and last emperor of the Incas, dies by strangulation at the hands of Francisco Pizarroâs Spanish conquistadors. The execution of Atahuallpa, the last free reigning emperor, marked the end of 300 years of Inca civilization.",
"The song is not about a bird at all. The word âAlbatraozâ refers to the band that AronChupa (the artist of the song) is part of. They are a Swedish Electro-Pop band and the lines âIâm an Albatraozâ refer to being part of the band/the fanbase/movement around the band rather than to a large sea bird.",
"Updated March 31, 2017. Emiliano Zapata (1879-1919) was a village leader, farmer, and horseman who became an important leader in the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920). He was instrumental in bringing down the corrupt dictatorship of Porfirio DÃaz in 1911 and joined forces with other revolutionary generals to defeat Victoriano Huerta in 1914.",
"Explorers have already found various artefacts on the flat roof of the structure - perhaps the mausoleum of Atahualpa, the last emperor of the Inca people who was executed by the Spanish - where sacrifices may have taken place.",
"London, Feb 29 ( ANI ): The location of the tomb of last Inca emperor Atahualpa has mystified researchers for centuries but now an expert has pinpointed a site in the Andes mountains, nearly 45 miles south of Quito, Ecuador, as the emperor's resting place.",
"Realizing that a free Atahualpa could rally his people, Pizarro ordered him executed by strangulation in August 1533. With his death, the Incan Empire fell under Spanish control. The Incan Empire, with more than 16 million people, was crisscrossed with an elaborate network of paved roads. Its artists produced exquisite works in gold and silver.",
"On November 16, 1532, Francisco Pizarro, the Spanish explorer and conquistador, springs a trap on the Incan emperor, Atahualpa. With fewer than 200 men against several thousand, Pizarro lures Atahualpa to a feast in the emperorâs honor and then opens fire on the unarmed Incans.",
"Zapataâs footsteps in Morelos Cuernavaca Emiliano Zapata is one of the most important and charismatic leaders of the Mexican Revolution (1910-1917), who transcended national borders when, in 1914 he was the icon of the Zapatista movement in southeastern Mexico.apataâs footsteps in Morelos Cuernavaca Emiliano Zapata is one of the most important and charismatic leaders of the Mexican Revolution (1910-1917), who transcended national borders when, in 1914 he was the icon of the Zapatista movement in southeastern Mexico.",
"Land of the Four Quarters or Tahuantinsuyu is the name the Inca gave to their empire. It stretched north to south some 2,500 miles along the high mountainous Andean range from Colombia to Chile and reached west to east from the dry coastal desert called Atacama to the steamy Amazonian rain forest.ith the arrival from Spain in 1532 of Francisco Pizarro and his entourage of mercenaries or conquistadors, the Inca empire was seriously threatened for the first time. Duped into meeting with the conquistadors in a peaceful gathering, an Inca emperor, Atahualpa, was kidnapped and held for ransom.",
"Before Atahualpa became the Emperor of the Inca, he only owned part of the land. He owned a small part called Quito and the rest was controlled by his half brother Huascar. Both of their dad was Huayna, but they had different moms.",
"Offended by the wasting of the chicha, Atahualpa threw the letter or whatever it was on the ground, telling them to leave. On November 16, Atahualpa arrived at Cajamarca with no weapons for battle or harnesses for defense, although they did carry tomes (knives) and lassos for hunting llamas. The Spanish approached and told Atahualpa that Virococha had ordered them to tell the Inca who they were.",
"Emiliano Zapata Salazar (Spanish pronunciation: [emiËljano saËpata]; 8 August 1879 â 10 April 1919) was a leading figure in the Mexican Revolution, the main leader of the peasant revolution in the state of Morelos, and the inspiration of the agrarian movement called Zapatismo.",
"Huascar huáscar Ruled, cuzco capital of The Inca. Empire he therefore commanded the loyalty of most of the. People, atahualpa, however had the loyalty of the Large inca professional army and three outstanding: Generals, Chalcuchima quisquis And. ruminahui rumiñahui",
"How he did it. He captured the Inca ruler, Atahualpa, and massacred 1, 500 of his followers. Atahualpa realized the Spanish wanted gold so he climbed as high as he could on the wall and promised to fill the room to that height with gold if Pizarro released him. It was a fatal mistake.",
"The empire proved relatively short-lived however: by 1533, Atahualpa, the last Sapa Inca (emperor) of the Inca Empire, was killed on the orders of the conquistador Francisco Pizarro, marking the beginning of Spanish rule. The last Inca stronghold, the Neo-Inca State in Vilcabamba was conquered by the Spanish in 1572.",
"Pizarro himself captured Atahualpa Inca. Fearing for his life, Atahualpa told Pizarro if he would spare him, within two months his people would fill a room 24-feet long by 18-feet wide and a height of 8-feet with gold, and twice that amount with silver. Even Pizarro was taken aback by this amount of wealth and instantly agreed to the ransom.",
"The Lost Inca Empire. Land of the Four Quarters or Tahuantinsuyu is the name the Inca gave to their empire. It stretched north to south some 2,500 miles along the high mountainous Andean range from Colombia to Chile and reached west to east from the dry coastal desert called Atacama to the steamy Amazonian rain forest.",
"While Atahuallpa was enjoying the hot springs near the small Inca town of Cajamarca, preparatory to entering Cuzco in triumph, Pizarro entered the city with a force of about 180 men. On November 15, 1532, Pizarro and Atahuallpa met in what was to prove one of the most fateful encounters in the New World. Invited by the Spaniard to attend a feast in his honour, the Inca chief accepted.",
"With the arrival from Spain in 1532 of Francisco Pizarro and his entourage of mercenaries or conquistadors, the Inca empire was seriously threatened for the first time. Duped into meeting with the conquistadors in a peaceful gathering, an Inca emperor, Atahualpa, was kidnapped and held for ransom.",
"of 10. Francisco Pizarro, Lord of Peru. Francisco Pizarro. Francisco Pizarro took a page from Cortes' book, capturing Atahualpa, Emperor of the Inca, in 1532. Atahualpa agreed to a ransom and soon all the gold and silver of the mighty Empire was flowing into Pizarro's possession.",
"As late as 1528, the Inca Empire was a cohesive unit, ruled by one dominant ruler, Huayna Capac. He died, however, and two of his many sons, Atahualpa and Huáscar, began to fight over his empire. For four years, a bloody civil war raged over the Empire and in 1532 Atahualpa emerged victorious.",
"As he waited for the Incaâs arrival, Pizarro planned a trap of his own. Atahualpa arrived at their meeting point carried in a litter by 80 noblemen and surrounded by 6,000 soldiers.",
"Though precise dates for its beginnings remain elusive, the realm known to the Inca as Tahuantinsuyu, or The Four Parts Together, arose sometime in the early 1400s. By 1532, when the Spaniard Pizarro executed the final Inca ruler, Atahualpa, the empire covered about 300,000 square miles.",
"The Atatuerk Atatürk (Dam: Turkish Atatuerk), atatürk barajı Originally The, karababa dam is a-zoned rock fill dam with a central core On The euphrates river on the Border Of adıyaman Åanlıurfa And Åanlıurfa province In The Southeastern anatolia Region. of turkey",
"Cuajimalpa de Morelos ( kwa 'ximalpa ) (more commonly known simply as Cuajimalpa) is one of the 16 boroughs of Mexico City. It is located on the west side of the Federal District in the Sierra de las Cruces mountains which separate Mexico City from the State of Mexico. The borough is named after the former rural town of Cuajimalpa, which has since been absorbed by urban sprawl.",
"Emiliano Zapata was the greatest idealist of the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920). He led a rebel army and championed land reform until assassinated. Emiliano Zapata was the greatest idealist of the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920). He led a rebel army and championed land reform until assassinated. The Full Story of Revolutionary Emiliano Zapata",
"The Atacama Desert (Spanish: Desierto de Atacama) is a plateau in South America, covering a 1,000-kilometre (600 mi) strip of land on the Pacific coast, west of the Andes mountains. It is the driest non-polar desert in the world.According to estimates the Atacama Desert proper occupies 105,000 square kilometres (41,000 sq mi), or 128,000 square kilometres (49,000 sq mi) if the barren lower slopes of the Andes are included.Most of the desert is composed of stony terrain, salt lakes (salares), sand, and felsic lava that flows towards the Andes.ccording to estimates the Atacama Desert proper occupies 105,000 square kilometres (41,000 sq mi), or 128,000 square kilometres (49,000 sq mi) if the barren lower slopes of the Andes are included. Most of the desert is composed of stony terrain, salt lakes (salares), sand, and felsic lava that flows towards the Andes.",
"The song is not about a bird at all. The word âAlbatraozâ refers to the band that AronChupa (the artist of the song) is part of. They are a Swedish Electro-Pop band and the lines âIâm an Albatraozâ refer to being part of the band/the fanbase/movement around the band rather than to a large sea bird. The opening lines even translate to. Ladies and Gents.",
"Atahualpa's wife, 10-year-old Cuxirimay Ocllo, was with the army and stayed with him while he was imprisoned. Following his execution she was taken to Cuzco and took the name Dona Angelina. By 1538 she was Pizarro's mistress, bearing him two sons, Juan and Francisco.",
"Alfalfa /aelËfaelfÉ/ , ælËfælfÉ medicago, sativa also called, lucerne is a perennial flowering plant in the pea Family fabaceae cultivated as an important forage crop in many countries around the. world",
"He remained in the capital while Atahualpa proceeded to conquer territories in the North and South. Since the whole dispute was between Huascarâhuáscar s mercenaries And'atahualpa s professional, soldiers the dice were loaded Against. Huascar Huáscar'soon atahualpa s troops ran out of territories to conquer and set Off. for cuzco",
"Thupa Inka Yupanki (also known as Topa Inca), Pachakuti's successor from 1471 CE, is credited with having expanded the empire by a massive 4,000 km (2,500 miles). The Incas themselves called their empire Tawantinsuyo (or Tahuantinsuyu) meaning 'Land of the Four Quarters' or 'The Four Parts Together'.",
"The Inca Emperor, Huayna Capac had died of smallpox and his son, Huascr was appointed the ruler of the empire by the by the court elite. But, Atahualpa, his other son had control over his father's professional army and was successful in conquering regions in Ecuador and Colombia.",
"At the time of Huayna Capac's death, Huáscar was in the capital Cuzco, while Atahualpa was in Quitu with the main body of the Inca army. Huáscar had himself proclaimed Sapa Inca (i.e. Only Emperor) in Cuzco, but the army declared loyalty to Atahualpa. The resulting dispute led to the Inca Civil War.",
"1) Ending in 1565 with the execution of its leader, Tupac Amaru, the nephew of the Inca ruler, Atahualpa, who was ransomed and murdered by the conquistador Pizarro and his men 30 years before.",
"Atahualpa was taken prisoner and Pizarro demanded a room filled with gold and two chambers filled with silver in ransom. To save their king, Incans across the empire tore gold and silver from their temples and their homes and sent it to Pizarro. In May 1533, Pizarroâs men built nine forges to melt the metal into bars.",
"After years of preliminary exploration and military skirmishes, 168 Spanish soldiers under Francisco Pizarro and their native allies captured the Sapa Inca Atahualpa in the 1532 Battle of Cajamarca.",
"Huáscar might have had the legitimacy but Atahualpa had the charisma and an army to match. Although Huáscar proclaimed himself ruler of the empire, he had little following to support his claim. He remained in the capital while Atahualpa proceeded to conquer territories in the North and South.",
"For other uses, see Ushuaia (disambiguation). Ushuaia (/uËËÊwaɪ.É/; Spanish pronunciation: [uËswaÊa]) is the capital of Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur Province, Argentina. It is commonly regarded as the southernmost city in the world. Ushuaia is located in a wide bay on the southern coast of Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, bounded on the north by the Martial mountain range, and on the south by the Beagle Channel.",
"Atahuallpa rejected demands by the friar Vicente de Valverde, who had accompanied Pizarro, that he accept the Christian faith and the sovereignty of Charles V of Spain, whereupon Pizarro signaled his men.",
"Chinampa (Nahuatl: chinÄmitl [tÊiËnaËmitɬ]) is a method of Mesoamerican agriculture which used small, rectangular areas of fertile arable land to grow crops on the shallow lake beds in the Valley of Mexico.urther reading [edit]. 1 Blanton, Richard. 2 Calnek, Edward E., Settlement Pattern and Chinampa Agriculture, American Antiquity 1972, 37(104-15). 3 Chapin, Mac. 4 Cline, S.L., Colonial Culhuacan, 1580-1600: A Social History of an Aztec Town. 5 Parsons, Jeffrey R. The Role of Chinampa Agriculture in the Food Supply of Aztec Tenochtitlan, in Cultural ...",
"Ushuaia (/uËËÊwaɪ.É/; Spanish pronunciation: [uËswaÊa]) is the capital of Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur Province, Argentina. It is commonly regarded as the southernmost city in the world. Ushuaia is located in a wide bay on the southern coast of Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, bounded on the north by the Martial mountain range, and on the south by the Beagle Channel.",
"It became the capital and most important city in the Spanish Viceroyalty of Peru. In 1532, a group of Spanish conquistadors led by Francisco Pizarro defeated the Inca ruler Atahualpa and took over his Empire. The Spanish government made Pizzaro governor of the lands he conquered.",
"This was likely smallpox brought by the Spanish conquistadors. A large portion of the Inca population will die from smallpox and other diseases over the next several years. 1525 AD-The sons of Emperor Huayna, Atahualpa and Huascar, fight over the crown. The Inca Empire fights a civil war for the next five years. 1532 AD-Atahualpa defeats Huascar and becomes the emperor. At the same time, Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro arrives in Peru. Pizarro captures Atahualpa and holds him for ransom.",
"The Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire was one of the most important campaigns in the Spanish colonization of the Americas. After years of preliminary exploration and military skirmishes, 180 Spanish soldiers under conquistador Francisco Pizarro, his brothers, and their native allies captured the Sapa Inca Atahualpa in the 1532 Battle of Cajamarca. It was the first step in a long campaign that took decades of fighting but ended in Spanish victory in 1572 and colonization of the region as the Vi",
"The Battle of Cajamarca was the ambush and capture of the Inca ruler Atahualpa by Francisco Pizarro and a small Spanish force on November 16, 1532.",
"The first target of the Spanish attack was Atahualpa and his top commanders. Pizarro rushed at Atahualpa on horseback, but the Inca remained motionless. The Spanish severed the hands or arms of the attendants carrying Atahualpa's litter to force them to drop it so they could reach him.",
"What did Atahualpa do that led to the Spanish attacking? When a Spanish religious book didn't speak to him, he threw it on the ground. Why did the Spanish kill Atahualpa?",
"Noticing their lust for precious metals, Atahualpa offered to fill a large room about 22 feet (6.7 m) long and 17 feet (5.2 m) wide up to a height of 8 feet (2.4 m) once with gold and twice with silver within two months.e was given the name Francisco Atahualpa in honor of Francisco Pizarro. In accordance with his request, he was strangled with a garrote on 26 July 1533. Following his execution, his clothes and some of his skin were burned, and his remains were given a Christian burial.",
"The Inca civil war had been fought between two brothers, Atahuallpa and Huascar. Each brother thought he had the right to rule. The war ended when Atahuallpa killed his brother and became emperor. Atahuallpa was carried to Pizarro on a golden throne lined with parakeet feathers. Around his neck he wore a necklace of giant green emeralds. Gold ornaments decorated his hair.",
"In the lull after kidnapping the Inca Atahualpa, as they waited for the tons of ransom gold to arrive, the secretary Francisco de Jerez wrote an eyewitness account of the civilization they found in Peru and Pizarro's conquest of it.",
"The Inca did not know of writing, horses, or metal weapons, so what happened next took the empire by surprise. A priest appeared before Atahualpa and the Incas as Pizarro kept his horses and cannon hidden from view. The priest presented Atahualpa with a holy book, telling the ruler that it was the word of God."
] |
what does a clineometer do | [
"Basic Inclinometer Function. An inclinometer is a device used to measure the tilt of an angle. It is also called a tilt sensor.. The device can be used to measure an angle to a point, such as a star, or to track the shift of an object, such as a building.Inclinometers can be used for both vertical and horizontal angle measurements, and devices designed for easy use in either orientation are available.he device can be used to measure an angle to a point, such as a star, or to track the shift of an object, such as a building. Inclinometers can be used for both vertical and horizontal angle measurements, and devices designed for easy use in either orientation are available."
] | [
"/Clin·i·test/ (-test) trademark for alkaline copper sulfate reagent tablets used to test for reducing substances, e.g., sugars, in urine. a trademark for reagent tablets used to test for the presence of reducing sugars, such as glucose, in the urine.The tablets contain copper sulfate, and the procedure is a modified version of Benedict's qualitative test.Clin·i·test/ (-test) trademark for alkaline copper sulfate reagent tablets used to test for reducing substances, e.g., sugars, in urine. a trademark for reagent tablets used to test for the presence of reducing sugars, such as glucose, in the urine.",
"What is zeptometer (unit). A zeptometer (zm) is a derived metric measurement unit of length. The metric unit prefix zepto means one sextillionth, or one (1) with twenty (20) nulls in front of it, i.e. 0.000,000,000,000,000,000,001 or 1Ã10 -21. That makes one zeptometer equal to one sextillionth of a meter.",
"In this method, a monitoring liquid is filled in the interstice surrounding the (inner) main fuel tank. This liquid is mainly Calcium Chloride brine. This monitoring liquid has a hydrostatic head at least 12â higher than any level of fuel in the tank, including a 100% full tank.",
"The sphygmomanometer (figure 5-2) is usually called the âblood pressure cuff.â. There are several different types of blood pressure cuffs in use. Some are made to be attached to a wall (next to a patientâs hospital bed, for example), but most are portable.",
"The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) establish quality standards for laboratory testing to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and timeliness of patient test results.",
"The utility company often connects their power lines to the weatherhead on you electrical power pole. It is connected to a pipe that connects to your electric meter. This the the device that will measure the power your electrical system of your uses throughout the month.The electric meter not only measures power, but is one way the utility company can disconnect power from your home.The electric meter is a glass-encased metering device. It's almost like an oversized mason jar. Since it is clear glass, you can see through the glass.he electric meter not only measures power, but is one way the utility company can disconnect power from your home. The electric meter is a glass-encased metering device. It's almost like an oversized mason jar.",
"What is the present tense of 'do'? DO or DOES I do you do (singular) he does she does it does we do you do (plural) they do Examples are: He does better when nobody is looking. We do what ⦠we like when we're on holiday.",
"The diagram above identifies basic functions found on Flukeâs best-selling clamp meter, the Fluke 376 True-RMS AC/DC Clamp Meter with iFlex®: Current-sensing jaw. Tactile barrier (to protect fingers from shocks). Hold button: Freezes the display reading. Reading is released when button is pushed a second time.",
"Dial indicators can also be differentiated by the way in which they connect to the machine they are measuring. The most common ways in which a dial indicator connects is with the use of a C-clamp or a swivel clamp. A swivel clamp can also be used in conjunction with a swivel post.",
"What is Hosting? What do these terms mean? What is a Web Server? What does HTTP stand for? What is a Domain Name? What is an IP Address? What is a URL? What does DNS do? What is FTP? What does...",
"Salinity can also be measured with a hand held refractometer. A refractometer measures the change of direction or bending of the light as it passes from air to water. Light moves slower in water than air. The more salt in the water, the slower the light moves.",
"Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) is a type of bacteria that is associated with diarrhea resulting from antibiotic use. C. difficile testing and C. difficile toxin tests identify the presence of these bacteria and detect the toxins produced by them.ormal bacterial flora that are susceptible to the antibiotic are eliminated from the digestive tract, while C. difficile that are resistant to the antibiotic remain and begin to overgrow, or new types (strains) of C. difficile are acquired.",
"salmeterol, a sympathomimetic, long-acting bronchodilator. indications It is prescribed in the maintenance treatment of reversible bronchospasm associated with asthma (including nocturnal asthma) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and to prevent exercise-induced asthma.almeterol, a sympathomimetic, long-acting bronchodilator. indications It is prescribed in the maintenance treatment of reversible bronchospasm associated with asthma (including nocturnal asthma) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and to prevent exercise-induced asthma.",
"The CLI was the primary means of interaction with most computer systems until the introduction of the video display terminal in the mid-1960s, and continued to be used throughout the 1970s and 1980s on OpenVMS, Unix systems and personal computer systems including MS-DOS, CP/M and Apple DOS.n RISC OS, the command prompt is a * symbol, and thus (OS)CLI commands are often referred to as star commands. It is also possible to access the same commands from other command lines (such as the BBC BASIC command line), by preceding the command with a * .",
"Clopidogrel (INN) is an oral, thienopyridine-class antiplatelet agent used to inhibit blood clots in coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, and to prevent myocardial infarction (heart attack).It is marketed by Bristol-Myers Squibb and Sanofi under the trade name Plavix.lopidogrel (INN) is an oral, thienopyridine-class antiplatelet agent used to inhibit blood clots in coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, and to prevent myocardial infarction (heart attack). It is marketed by Bristol-Myers Squibb and Sanofi under the trade name Plavix.",
"The salt content of the water can be measured very precisely using the conductivity method. Salinity can also be measured with a hand held refractometer. A refractometer measures the change of direction or bending of the light as it passes from air to water. Light moves slower in water than air. The more salt in the water, the slower the light moves. You can see the effect of light bending (refracting) as it passes from the water into the air by placing a pencil in a glass of water. The pencil appears to bend where it enters the water.",
"This page was tagged: 1 what do golden retrievers eat. 2 what does a golden retriever eat. 3 golden retriever eat. what does the golden retriever 1 eat. what do golden retrievers not 2 eat. what do golden retriever 3 eat. what do golden retriverse eat to stay heathy. food for golden retriever 1 puppy. what does golden retriever eat.",
"Uses. Salmeterol is used as a long-term (maintenance) treatment to prevent or decrease wheezing and trouble breathing caused by asthma or ongoing lung disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-COPD, which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema).almeterol must not be used alone to treat asthma. (See also Warning section.) It is also used to prevent asthma brought on by exercise (bronchospasm). Salmeterol works in the airways by relaxing muscles and opening air passages to improve breathing.",
"Holter and event loop monitors are used to help detect a heart rhythm problem, such as a heart beat that is too fast, too slow or irregular. Holter monitors are portable devices that track your heart rhythm constantly for several days. The data it records is then analyzed by your doctor.",
"pediatric nurse, pediatrician information, what does a pediatric nurse do on a daily basis, how many years does it take to become a pediatric nurse, what do pediatric nurses do on a daily basis, reasons to be a pediatric nurse, what does a pediatric nurse do, pediatric nurse pictures, pediatric nursing, what does it take to become a pediatric nurse, what do pediatric nurses do daily, reasons to become a pediatric nurse,",
"Clavamox (Augmentin) Antibiotic. Clavamox (amoxicillin trihydrate/clavulanate potassium) is an antibiotic for dogs and cats. This antibiotic has broad-spectrum activity and can be used to treat many infections including those that occur in soft tissues and skin of dogs and cats.Click CONTINUE button below, then choose further options on next screen.lavamox (amoxicillin trihydrate/clavulanate potassium) is an antibiotic for dogs and cats. This antibiotic has broad-spectrum activity and can be used to treat many infections including those that occur in soft tissues and skin of dogs and cats. Click CONTINUE button below, then choose further options on next screen.",
"Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) Overview. The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) regulations include federal standards applicable to all U.S. facilities or sites that test human specimens for health assessment or to diagnose, prevent, or treat disease. CDC, in partnership with CMS and FDA, supports the CLIA program and clinical laboratory quality.",
"One tool to make this measurement is the sclerometer. Another tool used to make these tests is the pocket hardness tester. This tool consists of a scale arm with graduated markings attached to a four-wheeled carriage. A scratch tool with a sharp rim is mounted at a predetermined angle to the testing surface.",
"Clonidine is also used and as an aid in smoking cessation therapy and to diagnose pheochromocytoma (a tumor that develops on a gland near the kidneys and may cause high blood pressure and fast heart rate). Talk to your doctor about the possible risks of using this medication for your condition.",
"A Holter monitor is a small of portable, battery-powered medical device that measures the heartâs activity such as rate and rhythm). This testing is ordered when your doctor needs more information about the functioning of your heart than a routine electrocardiogram (EKG) can give him or her.",
"The aneroid barometer was a newer addition to a field geologist's kit, being the lightest and most easily read instrument for determining altitude, although its readings varied with humidity and rough usage.",
"pertaining to a procedure, device, or substance that arrests the flow of blood. Direct pressure, tourniquets, and surgical clamps are mechanical hemostatic measures. Cold applications, including the use of an ice bag on the abdomen to halt uterine bleeding and irrigation of the stomach with an iced solution to check gastric bleeding, are hemostatic.",
"September 2016. Testing for Caseous Lymphadenitis (CL, occasionally abbreviated CLA) is recommended as part of the small ruminant herd biosecurity screen offered through the Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (WADDL) at Washington State University. This infection is a potential health threat to sheep or goat herds.",
"The eGFR is a test that is used to assess how well your kidneys are working. The test estimates the volume of blood that is filtered by your kidneys over a given period of time. The test is called the estimated glomerular filtration rate because the glomeruli are the tiny filters in the kidneys. If these filters do not do their job properly then the kidney is said to have reduced or impaired kidney function. The eGFR test involves a blood test which measures a chemical called creatinine. Creatinine is a breakdown product of muscle. Creatinine is normally cleared from the blood by the kidneys. If your kidneys are not working properly, the level of creatinine in the blood goes up.",
"What does a wall sit do? What does it do to the lower body muscles? Any benefits?",
"â¢. Clavamox is a prescription broad spectrum penicillin antibiotic that fights bacteria in the body, and comes in the form of either a tablet or drops. â¢. Clavamox can be used to treat many different types of bacterial infections such as respiratory, ear, urinary tract, and skin infections.teroids are used to treat this condition. But, along with the breathing problems, one of the cat's eyes will usually start to turn red, along with the inside vertical eye membrane. Clavamox is used for this reason, or otherwise the cat has a high chance of losing the eye.",
"A manometer is a pressure gauge. A Crane Manometer might be one adapted to use on a crane, probably a steam crane, but could be hydraulic pressure on a Diesel. These are calibâ¦rated in PSI- Pounds Per Square Inch.",
"Direct pressure, tourniquets, and surgical clamps are mechanical hemostatic measures. Cold applications, including the use of an ice bag on the abdomen to halt uterine bleeding and irrigation of the stomach with an iced solution to check gastric bleeding, are hemostatic.",
"Figure. 1 The flow of ions through a single membrane channel (channels are shown in red in the illustration at the left) can be detected by the patch clamp technique, which records current changes as the channel transits between the open and closed states. [(Left) (more...) 2 Acetylcholine Receptors.",
"Clostridium difficile (say: âklo-STRID-ee-um dif-uh-SEELâ), or C. diff. , is a type of bacteria that lives in many peopleâs intestines. For these people, C. diff. is part of the normal balance of bacteria living in the intestines. Itâs also present in the environment, such as in the soil, water and in animal feces.lostridium difficile (say: âklo-STRID-ee-um dif-uh-SEELâ), or C. diff. , is a type of bacteria that lives in many peopleâs intestines. For these people, C. diff. is part of the normal balance of bacteria living in the intestines. Itâs also present in the environment, such as in the soil, water and in animal feces.",
"Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis is a group of laboratory tests that measure chemicals in the fluid that surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord. The tests may look for proteins, sugar (glucose), and other substances. A sample of CSF is needed. A lumbar puncture, also called a spinal tap, is the most common way to collect this sample. Less common ways to take a fluid sample include: 1 Cisternal puncture. Removal of CSF from a tube that is already in the CSF, such as a shunt, ventricular drain, or pain pump.",
"Hemostats, curved and straight tip. A hemostat (also called a hemostatic clamp, arterial forceps, or pean after Jules-Ãmile Péan) is a surgical tool used in many surgical procedures to control bleeding. For this reason, it is common in the initial phases of surgery for initial incision to be lined with hemostats which close blood vessels awaiting ligation.",
"This map shows the approximate path of the 1900 Galveston hurricane. Click image for larger view and full description. Isaac M. Cline is most famous for his actions as Meteorologist in Charge of Galveston, Texas, during the Great Hurricane of 1900.",
"Clindamycin is a lincosamide antibiotic. It is usually used to treat infections with anaerobic bacteria but can also be used to treat some protozoal diseases, such as malaria. It is a common topical treatment for acne, and can be useful against some methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections.hese antibiotics exert their activity by binding to bacterial ribosomes and preventing the initiation of protein synthesis. Streptomycin binds to 30S subunit of the bacterial ribosome, specifically to the S12 protein which is involved in the initiation of protein synthesis."
] |
kappa definition lol | [
"The Kappa Page. This is a page all about the Twitch.tv Kappa. The Kappa is a meme among Twitch users (and now it seems other places.) The meme has become a sort of patron saint of light hearted trolling among the gaming community. Users typing Kappa into Twitch chat see a special emoticon featuring a smug looking human face."
] | [
"Anonymous function. In computer programming, an anonymous function (function literal, lambda abstraction) is a function definition that is not bound to an identifier. Anonymous functions are often: arguments being passed to higher-order functions, or used for constructing the result of a higher-order function that needs to return a function.",
"0.26-1.65 K/L ratio: Free light chains will normally be present in the blood at low levels, with a kappa/lambda ratio of about 0.26 to 1.65. Increased kappa free light chains and a higher kappa/lambda ratio may mean a plasma cell disorder producing excess monoclonal kappa chains.",
"Josh's face was uploaded as an emote named Kappa. Its popularity grew, and Kappa became the main symbol/emote of Twitch. tv. Twitch users use the emote to convey sarcasm, trolling, or simple mischief, and sentences ending withthe word Kappa should not be taken seriously.",
"The Legion of Merit (LOM) is a military award of the United States Armed Forces that is given for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements.",
"Python Nu Kappa (Pνκ, suggestive of pink) is one of the six sororities at Monsters University. 1 The female students here - aside from being near identical to each other with minor color differences, are smart, frozen-hearted, and merciless.",
"Anti-kappa and anti-lambda detect surface light chain immunoglobulins on normal and neoplastic B-cells in human lymphoid tissue. In normal lymphoid tissue the kappa and lambda cell ratio is approximately 2:1, but values in excess of that ratio indicate monoclonality caused by either a lymphoproliferative disorder or neoplasia such as lymphoma.",
"ALUA = ASYMMETRIC + LOGICAL UNIT ACCESS. WHAT IS LOGICAL UNIT ACCESS. LUN refers to logical unit derived from Physical Device/Drives & being accessed by SCSI protocol or SAN protocols like FC/iSCSI in Storage Environment. LUN is well understood but âAsymmetricalâ at the beginning makes it sound little complicated.",
"The exact normal ratio of kappa to lambda, according to a novel polyclonal free light chain assay, ranges from 0.26 to 1.65. Both the kappa and the lambda chains can increase proportionately, maintaining a normal ratio. This is usually indicative of something other than a blood cell dyscrasia, such as kidney disease.",
"Kappa Epsilon's National Project is the promotion of breast cancer awareness. Many ÎÎ chapters participate in the Race for the Cure or Relay For Life. KE chapters are also encouraged to promote awareness of other women's health issues such as osteoporosis.",
"Kappa Kappa Kappa's motto is 'Tui Filii Dartmuthensi Tuoque Honori Fidelis'.",
"If I remember correctly, someone who was a Twitch staff member with the screen name of 'Kappa' added his face as a default emoticon in the chat. People used it as a joke, then it devolved into what it is currently.",
"Is a sister of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Was in the same major (Marketing) and sorority (Kappa Kappa Gamma) as Speed TV's Connie LeGrand at Clemson University (1989) Stepson Tyler was born in 1996.",
"Level of Detail (LOD) and Level of Information (LOI) for Composite steel and concrete bridge deck systems, BIM object definition includes requirements and purpose at each level Sign in Homepage",
"Link to this slang definition. To link to this term in a web page or blog, insert the following. <a href=http://onlineslangdictionary.com/meaning-definition-of/lol>LOL</a>. To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following.",
"Games with 300+ answers. In the early days of the video streaming website Justin. tv, before it was rebranded as Twitch Interactive, an employee named Josh Kappa worked there. Josh's face was uploaded as an emote named Kappa. Its popularity grew, and Kappa became the main symbol/emote of Twitch. tv. Twitch users use the emote to convey sarcasm, trolling, or simple mischief, and sentences ending withthe word Kappa should not be taken seriously.",
"Light chains are proteins produced by immune cells called plasma cells. Also called kappa and lambda light chains, they link together with other proteins (heavy chains) to form immunoglobulins, or antibodies that target and neutralize specific threats to the body such as bacteria and viruses.",
"Anonymous function. In computer programming, an anonymous function (function literal, lambda abstraction) is a function definition that is not bound to an identifier. Anonymous functions are often: arguments being passed to higher-order functions, or.",
"NIL stands for. 1 8. NIL. Nothing. Morse aids, Morse code, Radio. 2 7. NIL. Near Isogenic Line. Medical, Biology, Science. 3 5. similar. NIL. Neurointermediate Lobe. Medical. 4 4. NIL. Neurointermediate lobes. Medical. 5 4. NIL. Nilvadipine. Medical. 6 1. similar. NIL. neurointermediate pituitary lobe. Medical. 7 1. NIL. neurointermediate lobe of the pituitary.",
"This lakes, rivers and ponds dwelling creature is said to be a demon. According to legends, the creature captures and devours children who are disobedient. Whatâs really interesting about this description is that Kappa turns out to be a selective demon.",
"In humans [edit]. There are two types of light chain in humans (as in other mammals), 1 kappa (κ) chain, encoded by the immunoglobulin kappa locus (IGK@) on chromosome 2. 2 lambda (λ) chain, encoded by the immunoglobulin lambda locus (IGL@) on chromosome 22.",
"Enlil. 1 Mesopotamian god of the atmosphere and a member of the triad of gods completed by Anu (Sumerian: An) and Ea (Enki). Enlil meant Lord Wind: both the hurricane and the gentle winds of spring were thought of as the breath issuing from his mouth and eventually as his word or command.",
"Kappa has a total membership of more than 260,000 women, with 140 collegiate chapters in the United States and Canada and 307 alumnae associations worldwide. Kappa Kappa Gamma is a women's fraternity, because it was founded before the term sorority came into use. Because men were able to create fraternity groups, Kappa's founders thought they should be able to do the same.",
"Kappa Light chains Light chains Lambda Serum free kappa light chains Normal range: 0.33-1.94 mg/dL Multiple myeloma or another plasma cell disorder may be indicated by increased kappa free light chains and an increased kappa/lambda ratio. Serum free lambda light chains Normal range: 0.57-2.63 mg/dL Multiple myeloma or another plasma cell disorder may be indicated by increased lambda free light chains and a decreased kappa/ lambda ratio. Serum free kappa/lambda ratio Normal range: 0.26-1.65 Abnormal kappa/lambda ratio may indicate excess production of the kappa or lambda light chain due to multiple myeloma.",
"Theory Five, Buddhist Monkey Mythology. Some say the Kappa originated from earlier Buddhist tales from mainland Asia, again tales concerning monkeys. This is actually a sub-theory supporting Theory Four above. Some examples include: 5A. The Monkey King and Water Demon",
"Kappa Delta Pi. Kappa Delta Pi, International Honor Society in Education, was founded in 1911 and was one of the first discipline-specific honor societies. Its membership is limited to the top 20 percent of those entering the field of education.",
"Tau Kappa Epsilon. Tau Kappa Epsilon (Ïκε or Teke, pronounced T-K-E or TÄk) is an international all-male secret and social college fraternity founded on January 10, 1899, at Illinois Wesleyan University.",
"Lol. A tens unit is a device that sends electrical stimulus to the muscles through the electrode pads. It causes muscles to contract and relax helping to promote back pain relief. It doesn't help everyone but it does help me. Specially when coupled with an ice pack.",
"Precision, as it pertains to agreement between ob-. servers (interobserver agreement), is often reported as. a kappa statistic. 2 Kappa is intended to give the reader. a quantitative measure of the magnitude of agreement. between observers.",
"Club LOL (ã¯ã©ã ã·ã·ã§ã¼, Club ShishÅ (444)) , stylized as CLUB lol , is a new building which debuts in Animal Crossing: New Leaf and replaces The Roost and The Marquee as the main entertainment venue.isitors. Villagers who live in the town will visit Club LOL to watch performances. Visiting Players may also watch performances in Club LOL. They do not need to sit down, as when they had to in Animal Crossing: City Folk.",
"Additional information. In serum, the kappa/lambda ratio of whole immunoglobulin molecules is 2:1, whereas the kappa/lambda ratio of free light chains is 1:1.5. The latter is attributed to the occurrence of lambda light chains as dimers whose serum half-life is approximately 3 times longer than that of monomeric kappa light chains. Excess production of kappa or lambda light chains alters the kappa/lambda ratio. Alterations that fall outside the normal range may be attributable to the presence of monoclonal light ...",
"Kappa Delta is a national sorority with more than 230,000 members. We make great things happen in women's lives, on campuses and in communities across the country.",
"Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) is a database and universal standard for identifying medical laboratory observations. First developed in 1994, it was created and is maintained by the Regenstrief Institute, a US non-profit medical research organization. LOINC was created in response to the demand for an electronic database for clinical care and management and is publicly available at no cost. It is endorsed by the American Clinical Laboratory Association and the College of American Pathologists.",
"KAPPA DELTA PI RECORD ⢠SUMMER 2008 167. ity, sheltered instruction has been around for a number. of years. Since its inception, however, the approach has. changed, particularly in the way it is implemented. Today, the approach is used in mainstream classes and is no lon-.",
"Variants. 1 lul: phonetic spelling of LOL. 2 lolz: Occasionally used in place of LOL. 3 lulz: Often used to denote laughter at someone who is the victim of a prank, or a reason for performing an action. 4 LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL: For added emphasis, LOL can be appended with any number of additional iterations of OL. In cases such as these, the abbreviation is not to be read literally (i.e., Laughing out loud out loud out loud out loud), but is meant to suggest several LOLs in a row. trolololol or trollololol: A portmanteau of troll and LOL iterated.",
"Derived from the Japanese lolicom/lolicon which, itself, is derived from lolita complex - from Nabokov's novel Lolita. 1) (Noun - plural: loli or lolis) A prepubescent girl; especially in Japanese anime/manga. 2) (Noun - plural: loli or lolis) Hentai porn depicting prepubescent girls. Sometimes extended (erroneously) to adolescent subjects.",
"Kappa Sigma is the largest college social fraternity in the world with more than 200,000 living members, including over 20,000 undergraduates and 320 chapters and colonies located throughout the United States and Canada. Founded in 1869 at the University of Virginia, Kappa Sigma International Headquarters is based in Charlottesville, Virginia.",
"The ratio of kappa to lambda is an important indicator. When one level (kappa or lambda)is high and the other is. low, this is an indication that myeloma is active. If both. kappa and lambda are increased, it can show a disease. other than myeloma (like kidney disease).",
"In a healthy individual, the total kappa to lambda ratio is roughly 2:1 in serum (measuring intact whole antibodies) or 1:1.5 if measuring free light chains, with a highly divergent ratio indicative of neoplasm.",
"The LOINC (Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes) vocabulary is a set of more than 10,000 names and codes developed for use as observation identifiers in standardized messages exchanged between clinical computer systems.",
"Volunteers (2016) Kappa Delta Pi, International Honor Society in Education, was founded in 1911 and was one of the first discipline-specific honor societies. Its membership is limited to the top 20 percent of those entering the field of education. Its motto is Knowledge, Duty, Power, and its mission is to sustain an honored community of diverse educators by promoting excellence and advancing scholarship, leadership, and service.",
"Like most correlation statistics, the kappa can range from -1 to +1. While the kappa is one of the most commonly used statistics to test interrater reliability, it has limitations. Judgments about what level of kappa should be acceptable for health research are questioned.",
"RANK Ligand (receptor activator of NF-kappa B ligand [RANKL], also called TNF-related activation-induced cytokines (TRANCE), osteoprotegerin ligand [OPGL], and osteoclast differentiation factor [ODF]), is a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family.",
"The exact normal ratio of kappa to lambda, according to a novel polyclonal free light chain assay, ranges from 0.26 to 1.65. Both the kappa and the lambda chains can increase proportionately, maintaining a normal ratio. This is usually indicative of something other than a blood cell dyscrasia, such as kidney disease.ther types of light chains can be found in lower vertebrates, such as the Ig-Light-Iota chain of Chondrichthyes and Teleostei. Camelids are unique among mammals as they also have fully functional antibodies which have two heavy chains, but lack the light chains usually paired with each heavy chain.",
"Kappa Delta Pi, International Honor Society in Education, (ÎÎÎ ) was founded in 1911 and was one of the first discipline-specific honor societies. Its membership is limited to the top 20 percent of those entering the field of education.",
"Kappa makes no distinctionamong various types and sources of disagreement. Be-cause it is affected by prevalence, it may not be appro-priate to compare kappa between different studies orpopulations. Nonetheless, kappa can provide more in-formation than a simple calculation of the raw propor-tion of agreement.",
"Kappa/lambda: Hi, the normal Kappa/lambda is approximately 0.26 to 1.65. this ratio has to be interpreted along with Serum electrophoresis and also the free light chain values (kappa and lambda), if the free chain is elevated and the ratio is elevated then that could be due to plasma cell disorders like multiple Myeloma or Primary Amyloidosis if the symptoms present.",
"There are two types of light chain in humans (as in other mammals), 1 kappa (κ) chain, encoded by the immunoglobulin kappa locus (IGK@) on chromosome 2. 2 lambda (λ) chain, encoded by the immunoglobulin lambda locus (IGL@) on chromosome 22.",
"To address this issue, there is a modification to Cohenâs kappa called weighted Cohenâs kappa. The weighted kappa is calculated using a predefined table of weights which measure the degree of disagreement between the two raters, the higher the disagreement the higher the weight.",
"The origin of kappa. The story behind Kappa is fairly simple! Back in the early days Justin.tv, there was an employee called Josh. Josh's face was uploaded as an emote, and the magnificent smug mug we know today was born. People used it to convey sarcasm, trolling, or simple mischief, popularity grew, and Kappa became viral.",
"Kappa Meme XD unknown A huge piss take commonly used in a friendly banterous conversation between the lads. Ken: What the fuck is that moron doing over there Harry: What a Kappa Meme XD! #meme #kappa #xd #kappa meme #kappa meme xd #noto #blitsen #kappamemedude by Blitsen November 28, 2016",
"Alpha Kappa Delta (ακδ) is an International Honor Society of Sociology. Alpha Kappa Delta is a non-secret, democratic organization founded in 1920 by Dr. Emory S. Bogardus. It is dedicated to encouraging and stimulating scholarship while promoting the scientific study and advancement of sociology.",
"By binding RANKL, OPG prevents RANK-mediated nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) activation which is a central and rapid acting transcription factor for immune-related genes, and a key regulator of inflammation, innate immunity, and cell survival and differentiation.",
"Derived from the Japanese lolicom/lolicon which, itself, is derived from lolita complex - from Nabokov's novel Lolita. 1) (Noun - plural: loli or lolis) A prepubescent girl; especially in Japanese anime/manga. 2) (Noun - plural: loli or lolis) Hentai porn depicting prepubescent girls.",
"Freebase(5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: In Philippine Culture, Loob or Kalooban refers to one's inner self, or, more specifically, to the internal dimension of a person's identity. It's external counterpart is labas - the physical, outward appearance.",
"The kappa statistic is frequently used to test interrater reliability. The importance of rater reliability lies in the fact that it represents the extent to which the data collected in the study are correct representations of the variables measured. Measurement of the extent to which data collectors (raters) assign the same score to the same variable is called interrater reliability.",
"kappa (κ) chain, encoded by the immunoglobulin kappa locus (IGK@) on chromosome 2; lambda (λ) chain, encoded by the immunoglobulin lambda locus (IGL@) on chromosome 22; Antibodies are produced by B lymphocytes, each expressing only one class of light chain. Once set, light chain class remains fixed for the life of the B lymphocyte.",
"1) (Noun - plural: loli or lolis) A prepubescent girl; especially in Japanese anime/manga. 2) (Noun - plural: loli or lolis) Hentai porn depicting prepubescent girls. Sometimes extended (erroneously) to adolescent subjects. 3) (Adjective - not comparable) Of or pertaining to lolicon pornography.",
"Prolia is a manufactured antibody that is designed specifically to bind to a protein known as receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand (RANKL). Prolia prevents RANKL from activating the RANK receptor on the surface of osteoclast cells (as well as immature cells that will eventually become osteoclast cells).",
"Freebase(5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: Loob. In Philippine Culture, Loob or Kalooban refers to one's inner self, or, more specifically, to the internal dimension of a person's identity. It's external counterpart is labas - the physical, outward appearance."
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in what state is statue of liberty located | [
"The statue stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, but the location of the Statue of Liberty has not always been so clear.Originally, the island was known as Bedloe Island and was officially renamed in 1956. Before Lady Liberty inhabited the island, it was home to Fort Wood.he statue stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, but the location of the Statue of Liberty has not always been so clear."
] | [
"What is the official name of the Statue of Liberty? Liberty Enlightening the World The formal name of the statue is Liberty Enlightening the World but everyone just calls it The Statue Of Liberty.",
"Ferry service from Liberty State Park to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty is available throughout the year. Tickets may be purchased at the ticket office located near the CRRNJ Terminal.Nearby parking is available for a fee.erry service from Liberty State Park to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty is available throughout the year. Tickets may be purchased at the ticket office located near the CRRNJ Terminal.",
"In order to get the Statue to the United States the Statue was broken down into 350 individual pieces and packed in 214 crates. On October 28, 1886 the Statue of Liberty dedication took place, ten years later than the centennial date of 1876. The Statue of Liberty was placed on the granite pedestal in the star-shaped walls of Fort Wood. Until 1901, the Statue of Liberty was the responsibility of the United States Lighthouse Board.",
"Older Statue of Liberty Torch, originally uploaded by Eddy~S. Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi-sculptor of Statue of Liberty-NPS Photo. An older version of the Statue of Liberty Torch is located in the pedistal now. The torch was the first item of the statue to be constructed in 1876. The Statue of Liberty Torch was removed in 1984 due to corrosion, the original torch was modified many times, including the addition of over 200 panes of glass in 1916 by Gutzon Borglum, who also created Mount Rushmore in South Dakota.",
"Definition of Statue of Liberty. 1 : a large copper statue of a woman holding a torch aloft in her right hand located on Liberty Island in New York harbor. 2 : a trick play in football in which the ballcarrier takes the ball from the raised hand of a teammate who is faking a pass.",
"The Statue of Liberty was built in France 1882, was transported to America on October 28, 1886 and was then pronounced the Statue of Liberty. France and America both worked on the Statue of Liberty.",
"What harbor is the Statue of Liberty located in? already exists. already exists as an alternate of this question. exists and is an alternate of. What dancing styles have you mastered? In which US harbor does the Statue of Liberty stand? How many Statues of Liberty are there and where are they located? What is the location of the statue of liberty?",
"Definition of Statue of Liberty. 1 1 : a large copper statue of a woman holding a torch aloft in her right hand located on Liberty Island in New York harbor. 2 2 : a trick play in football in which the ballcarrier takes the ball from the raised hand of a teammate who is faking a pass.",
"The statue had no comment on how it made her feel. Presented to America by the people of France in 1886, the statue sits on 12-acre Liberty Island in New York Harbor. It is just over 305 feet tall from the ground to the top of the torch flame. The crown has 25 windows and seven spikes. Speaking of seven, here are ...",
"The Statue of Liberty Arrived at Bedloe's Island. June 19, 1885. These toes belong to a famous American lady, but she wasn't born in America. The Statue of Liberty arrived at its permanent home on Bedloe's Island in New York Harbor on June 19, 1885, as a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States.",
"Jamaica to Statue of Liberty Allentown to Statue of Liberty Staten Island Ferry Whitehall Terminal to Statue of Liberty Hilton Times Square New York to Statue of Liberty Park Lane Hotel New York to Statue of Liberty Cape Liberty Cruise Port to Statue of Liberty Brighton Beach to Statue of Liberty Baltimore Airport BWI to Statue of Liberty Waycross ..."
] |
what causes knee spasms | [
"Leg Muscle Spasms. Muscle spasms in the legs are quite common and usually present themselves in the calves, just below the back of the knee. Pain during a muscle spasm can range from mild to severe, and can last up to 10 minutes. Poor circulation in the legs, alcohol consumption, high or low concentration of sodium or potassium, overexertion of muscles and some medication are among some of the reasons why leg muscle spasms occur."
] | [
"Chondromalacia patella is the most common cause of chronic knee pain. Chondromalacia patella has also been called patellofemoral syndrome. The pain of chondromalacia patella is aggravated by activity or prolonged sitting with bent knees.",
"Answer: Muscle spasm results from inflammation that occurs when a muscle is overstretched or torn. It begins as a muscle strain, which doesn't sound like a serious injury, but it can cause severe low back pain. Many people go to the emergency room each year because of a muscle strain.In fact, most episodes of acute lower back pain are caused by damage to the muscles and/or ligaments in the low back.any people go to the emergency room each year because of a muscle strain. In fact, most episodes of acute lower back pain are caused by damage to the muscles and/or ligaments in the low back.",
"The most common causes of neck cramps or spasms are torticollis, sprain or strain, and muscle spasm.Other possible causes, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (gerd), are more rare.he most common causes of neck cramps or spasms are torticollis, sprain or strain, and muscle spasm.",
"Causes: Wear and tear or sudden twisting of the knee when the foot is fixed. Symptoms: Knee pain when bending especially going up stairs or squatting down. Knee movement may be limited and in some cases the knee gets stuck when the loose fragment gets locked in the joint. The knee will most likely be swollen.",
"When the knee produces too much synovial fluid, the excess fluid causes the bursa behind the knee to expand and bulge. Common causes of Baker's cyst include arthritis, infection, torn knee cartilage and other knee injuries. Symptoms of a Baker's cyst. Often there are no symptoms and the cyst can remain unnoticed. If symptoms do occur, they can include:",
"A rhomboid muscle strain or spasm is usually caused by overuse of your shoulder and arm. A strain causes pain in the upper back between your shoulder blade and your spine. A spasm feels like a knot or tightness in the muscle. You may have pain when you move your shoulders or when you breathe.",
"The list below shows some of the causes of Sports related knee injuries mentioned in various sources: 1 Anterior cruciate ligament injury. 2 Arthritis. 3 Bursitis. 4 Menisci tear. 5 Posterior cruciate ligament injury. 6 Tibial fracture. 7 more causes...».",
"Causes of Back Muscle Spasms Video. Muscle spasm is an involuntary contraction of a muscle that can cause a great deal of pain. When the facet joints of the spine become injured or inflamed, the muscles supporting the spine can spasm causing low back pain and limitation in motion.",
"Brain tumor AND Muscle spasms: Causes of All Symptoms. Brain tumor OR Muscle spasms: 1038 causes. Brain tumor: Causes. Brain tumor: Introduction. Muscle spasms: 1010 causes. Muscle spasms: Introduction. Brain tumor and Muscle spasms and Balance symptoms (2 causes)",
"Depending on what type of surgery you had, it is not unusual to have muscle spasms. It can be caused by the surgeon pulling a part of the body, such as the shoulder, durin ⦠g surgery.",
"Knee Pain Causes. What causes knee pain? Learn the top causes and symptoms of joint pain in the knee including arthritis, injuries and other conditions. Read More >>",
"Osteochondritis dissecans is a joint problem that causes pain, swelling, and a locked up joint. A knee strain is a stretch or tear of a muscle or of a tendon and causes pain, swelling, and bruising. Dermatomyositis is a condition that causes muscle swelling and weakness, and a rash on the face and joints.",
"Arthritis in your knee can cause dips and grooves to form in the knee joint. These uneven surfaces cause the joint to âcatchâ instead of rotating smoothly. You might find yourself rising from a chair when the joint gets stuck and triggers an episode of knee buckling.",
"Sprains and tears may cause pain or discomfort in the thigh area near the joint. Meniscus tear (tear in the shock-absorbing cartilage of the knee) Muscle cramp (charley horse), commonly caused by dehydration or overuse. Strained or pulled thigh muscles, such as a hamstring or quadriceps muscle strain.",
"A groin strain causes sharp pain or spasms in the groin area. The pain can quickly resolve, or it can persist, developing into a throbbing pain at rest with sharp stabs of pain when you try to move your leg or walk. The muscles can feel tight or weak.roin strains make walking, lifting the knee, or moving the leg away from or toward the body difficult and painful. Groin strains can occur from overuse of the muscles, or from a sudden contraction of the muscles. Injury occurs when the muscles are either too forcefully contracted or too forcefully overstretched.",
"The cause of the muscle spasm lies in the fact that the bulging disc is pressing against the ligament that holds it in place. Since this ligament contains nerves, the result is pain.Because of the initial pain, the back muscles go into spasm as part of the body's effort to immobilize the painful area.he cause of the muscle spasm lies in the fact that the bulging disc is pressing against the ligament that holds it in place. Since this ligament contains nerves, the result is pain.",
"Let's review what we've learned about clonus. It's a condition that causes involuntary muscle spasms, and it may be a condition in itself or be a symptom of another medical condition. It most commonly affects the ankles and wrists but may also occur in the knee, upper arms, or jaw.",
"Overuse injury to the knee can lead to inflammation of the tendon below the kneecap (runner's knee or jumper's knee with patellar tendinitis) and bursitis. Trauma can cause dislocation or fracture of the bones of the knee. Diseases that cause knee pain can lead to symptoms and sign such as. knee swelling, joint redness, warmth of the knee,",
"Tendonitis of the hip flexors due to tight hip flexors. Patellorfemoral Pain Syndrome (Runnerâs Knee) due to the lack of strength of the quadriceps and its inability to track your knee properly. The opposing muscle to the quadriceps is the hamstring which tightens while sitting. Weak buttocks and outer hip muscles cause instability in the hips, knees and pelvis which can cause illiotibial band syndrome (IT Band Syndrome) among many other related hip and pelvis injuries. Weak abdominal muscles, caused by sitting, allow the pelvis to tilt forward while running and can result in lower back pain and hip flexor tendonitis.",
"A rhomboid strain is a stretch or tear of these muscles. A rhomboid spasm is a sudden tightening of the muscle that you cannot control. A rhomboid muscle strain or spasm is usually caused by overuse of your shoulder and arm.This can happen from: strain causes pain in the upper back between your shoulder blade and your spine. A spasm feels like a knot or tightness in the muscle. You may have pain when you move your shoulders or when you breathe.",
"Knee effusion or swelling of the knee occurs when excess synovial fluid accumulates in or around the knee joint. There are many common causes for the swelling, including arthritis, injury to the ligaments or meniscus, or fluid collecting in the bursa, a condition known as prepatellar bursitis.",
"Answer: Muscle spasm results from inflammation that occurs when a muscle is overstretched or torn. It begins as a muscle strain, which doesn't sound like a serious injury, but it can cause severe low back pain. Many people go to the emergency room each year because of a muscle strain. In fact, most episodes of acute lower back pain are caused by damage to the muscles and/or ligaments in the low back.",
"Chondromalacia patella is the most common cause of chronic knee pain. Chondromalacia patella has also been called patellofemoral syndrome. The pain of chondromalacia patella is aggravated by activity or prolonged sitting with bent knees. Abnormal tracking allows the kneecap (patella) to grate over the lower end of the thighbone (femur), causing chronic inflammation and pain.",
"When you overstretch a muscle in your back or tear a ligament, this can cause lumbosacral strains or sprains. When this happens, a spasm immobilizes the muscles in the injured area, acting as a splint to protect the ligaments and joints from further damage.",
"Other possible causes of knee swelling include abscesses (infections); tumors of the skin, soft tissue, or bones; bleeding; or deformity of the joint accompanying fracture of any of the bones of the knee joint. Search Now.",
"Overuse injury to the knee can lead to inflammation of the tendon below the kneecap (runner's knee or jumper's knee with patellar tendinitis) and bursitis. Trauma can cause dislocation or fracture of the bones of the knee. Diseases that cause knee pain can lead to symptoms and sign such as.",
"Sudden muscle spasms or prolonged contractions of the muscles in the toes can occur due to an overambitious exercise program, dehydration, ill-fitted shoes, certain medications and a deficiency of important electrolytes like calcium, magnesium and potassium.",
"Choking and Coughing spasms and Esophagus symptoms (2 causes) Choking and Coughing spasms and Food symptoms (2 causes) Choking and Coughing spasms and Head symptoms (2 causes) Choking and Coughing spasms and Infection (2 causes) Choking and Coughing spasms and Lung symptoms (2 causes) Choking and Coughing spasms and Pneumonia (2 causes) Choking and Coughing spasms and MORE SYMPTOMS.",
"A knee infection can be caused by a number of things including septic arthritis and a build-up of bacteria in the bursae. These infections can cause the knee to swell and feel warm. Intense pain and a fever may also accompany the infection.",
"Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is the most common cause of knee pain in the outpatient setting. It is caused by imbalances in the forces controlling patellar tracking during knee flexion and extension, particularly with overloading of the joint.atellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is the most common cause of knee pain in the outpatient setting. It is caused by imbalances in the forces controlling patellar tracking during knee flexion and extension, particularly with overloading of the joint.",
"Problems can also be caused when the muscles on the front or outside of the thigh are way too tight. A very common knee problem is when the patella moves as the knee bends or straightens. This happens because of a muscle or structural imbalance.",
"Muscle spasms are a common symptom with diabetes, abnormally low red blood cell count, kidney disease, and hormone conditions. Nervous system disorders like multiple sclerosis or a spinal cord injury can cause muscle spasms to occur as well.",
"Wearing a brace or a splint can help stabilize muscles and alleviate pain from a strain. Improperly lifting a heavy object may cause a back strain. A person with a sprained ankle. Strains frequently result from excessive exercise. Heating pads can be used to reduce the pain of a sprain or strain. Excessive exercise can cause strains in the knee.",
"This is one of the most common causes of knee pain around the front of the knee. Donât be fooled by the name. It is just as likely to affect those with sedentary lifestyles as it is active people. There are a number of causes including kneecap movement problems, flat feet and muscle imbalance.) Osgood Schlatters. This is the most common cause of knee pain in teenagers, especially males. It usually develops after a growth spurt due to the bones growing faster than the muscles, causing friction. This can lead to a bony lump forming just below the patella.",
"Table of Contents. 1 Knee pain facts. 2 What is knee pain? 3 What are knee pain symptoms and signs? 4 What causes knee pain? 5 What causes knee pain? 6 What are risk factors for knee pain? 7 When should people with knee pain call a health-care professional? 8 What are some of the complications of knee pain? 9 How do physicians diagnose knee pain? 10 What is the 11 ... Wha",
"Sudden, or acute, kneecap pain is often caused by an injury. Common causes include: 1 Repetitive minor injuries; for example, while playing sports. Forceful exercises and strains on the kneecap from running, jumping, squatting, deep knee bends, or falls.",
"These medical conditions that cause muscle twitching and pain are discussed below. Diseases Causing Muscle Spasms. Muscle spasms or muscle twitching occurs when a muscle forcibly undergoes contraction and is unable to relax. When muscle or even few muscle fibers contract involuntarily, it causes a spasm.",
"Bursitis of the knee bursa, also known as pes anserine bursitis or goosefoot bursitis, causes individuals, especially runners, to restrain motion; its most common causes are overuse and injury. The knee bursa is located on the inside of each knee, between the three hamstring muscle tendons and the shinbone. Thus, knee bursitis may be caused by being overweight, tight hamstring muscles, a lack of stretching, improper turnout of the lower leg or knee, arthritis, or infection. Back to Knee.",
"Muscle spasms in the legs are quite common and usually present themselves in the calves, just below the back of the knee. Pain during a muscle spasm can range from mild to severe, and can last up to 10 minutes.",
"Common knee injuries and problems that may occur as a result of hip weakness include: 1 Patellofemoral stress syndrome. 2 Iliotibial band friction syndrome. 3 Patellar tendonitis. 4 Pes anserine bursitis.",
"Other possible causes of knee swelling include abscesses (infections); tumors of the skin, soft tissue, or bones; bleeding; or deformity of the joint accompanying fracture of any of the bones of the knee joint.",
"Osteochondritis dissecans is a joint problem that causes pain, swelling, and a locked up joint. A knee strain is a stretch or tear of a muscle or of a tendon and causes pain, swelling, and bruising. Chronic kidney disease is a condition of the kidneys that can cause high blood pressure, fatigue, and weakness.",
"The main causes of abdominal muscle spasms are: 1 Pregnancy spasms and cramping can occur during your uterus changing shape, hormonal changes, stress, over-exercise, implantation of embryo, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and labour. 2 Over-exercising-too much exercise and incorrect posture during exercise especially when lifting weights can cause ....hildren and adults can have sporadic abdominal spasms and there are some disorders and diseases that can cause them so it is always best to check for a correct diagnosis. A spasm is the involuntary and sudden contraction of your abdominal muscles and it can lead to mild or severe pain lasting short or long periods."
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how long did it take to build the great pyramid of giza | [
"Quick Answer. Egyptian pyramids often took 10 years or more to complete. According to the Greek historian Herodotus, the Great Pyramid at Giza was built in 20 years by 100,000 workers and was meant to be a tomb for Pharaoh Khufu."
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"The Egyptians started building the Great Pyramid of Giza on August 23, 2470 B.C., according to controversial new research that attempts to place an exact date on the start of the ancient construction project. Enlarge Photo. Printer Friendly. Email to a Friend.",
"Founder of the Giza Plateau. Khufu (2589-2566 BC) was the 4th Dynasty (2613-2498) pharaoh who built the Great Pyramid of Giza. Originally, the Great Pyramid stood 481 feet (146.6 m) tall.",
"Khufu â 2575-2566 BC. The largest of the three pyramids at Giza, known as the Great Pyramid, is truly an astonishing work of engineering. It was built over a twenty year period.hufu â 2575-2566 BC. The largest of the three pyramids at Giza, known as the Great Pyramid, is truly an astonishing work of engineering. It was built over a twenty year period.",
"The ancient Greek scholar Herodotus who lived around 450BC when the Great Pyramid was already 2000 years old, was told that it took 100,000 slaves twenty years to build. ⦠Most modern historians accept the twenty years but believe it was more like 20,000 or 30,000.",
"The Giza Pyramids, built to endure an eternity, have done just that. The monumental tombs are relics of Egypt's Old Kingdom era and were constructed some 4,500 years ago. Egypt's pharaohs expected to become gods in the afterlife.is Great Pyramid is the largest in Giza and towers some 481 feet (147 meters) above the plateau. Its estimated 2.3 million stone blocks each weigh an average of 2.5 to 15 tons. Khufu's son, Pharaoh Khafre, built the second pyramid at Giza, circa 2520 B.C.",
"The oldest and largest of the three pyramids at Giza, known as the Great Pyramid, is the only surviving structure out of the famed seven wonders of the ancient world. It was built for Khufu (Cheops, in Greek), Sneferuâs successor and the second of the eight kings of the fourth dynasty. Though Khufu reigned for 23 years (2589-2566 B.C.), relatively little is known of his reign beyond the grandeur of his pyramid. The sides of the pyramidâs base average 755.75 feet (230 meters), and its original height was 481.4 feet (147 meters), making it the largest pyramid in the world.",
"The oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and the only one that survives today, the Great Pyramid of Giza was constructed as a tomb for the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. The precise details regarding the pyramidâs construction remain a mystery, as no written records have been found, but a number of estimates place its completion at sometime between 2560 B.C. and 2540 B.C.",
"How long did it take to build a pyramid? It could take up to 20 or more years to build In building the pyramids, how did the Egyptians get the heavy/huge blocks of stone in place? Workers used sleds, wooden rollers and levers. They dragged & pushed the huge blocks up ramps of packed rubble to the level they were working on.",
"The Great Pyramid of Giza was built for the Fourth Dynasty Pharaoh Khufu (or Cheops), and was completed around 2560 B.C. It is part of a complex of 3 large pyramids in the Giza Necropolis located in modern Cairo, Egypt.The Great Pyramid is the largest of the three pyramids, and it is part of its own smaller complex that also contain 3 small pyramids that were built for Khufu's wives.he Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest monument on the list of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.",
"Pharaoh Khufu began the first Giza pyramid project, circa 2550 B.C. His Great Pyramid is the largest in Giza and towers some 481 feet (147 meters) above the plateau. Its estimated 2.3 million stone blocks each weigh an average of 2.5 to 15 tons.is Great Pyramid is the largest in Giza and towers some 481 feet (147 meters) above the plateau. Its estimated 2.3 million stone blocks each weigh an average of 2.5 to 15 tons.",
"And it was anciently open to visitors from Greece and Rome. The Great Pyramid was built, according to Herodotus, over a period of about 20 years in the 3 months of each year during which the Nile overflowed and the people were idle.",
"We appear to have the Giza plateau being designed in 10,500 BC, but some of the pyramids not being built for another 8,000 years. Clearly something is wrong with the theory here, and that something is the star-shaft pointing theory, which is wrong with a capital 'W'.",
"On Wrangel Island, an island in the arctic ocean, they lasted until around 2000 BCE (possibly as late as 1600 BCE). The first pyramid in Egypt, the Step Pyramid at Saqarra, was built between 2667 and 2648 BCE. Work on the Great Pyramid at Giza, for comparison, began around 2580 BCE. This means that pyramids and mammoths technically overlap in time, though the two never met. Around 30,000 years ago, mammoth could have been found as far south as Spain and Italy (fossils have been found in these areas), though never as far south as Egypt and certainly not in the time when the pyramids were built.",
"All three of Giza's famed pyramids and their elaborate burial complexes were built during a frenetic period of construction, from roughly 2550 to 2490 B.C. The pyramids were built by Pharaohs Khufu (tallest), Khafre (background), and Menkaure (front).hufu's son, Pharaoh Khafre, built the second pyramid at Giza, circa 2520 B.C. His necropolis also included the Sphinx, a mysterious limestone monument with the body of a lion and a pharaoh's head. The Sphinx may stand sentinel for the pharaoh's entire tomb complex.",
"Pharaoh Khufu began the first Giza pyramid project, circa 2550 B.C. His Great Pyramid is the largest in Giza and towers some 481 feet (147 meters) above the plateau. Its estimated 2.3 million stone blocks each weigh an average of 2.5 to 15 tons.",
"All three of Giza's famed pyramids and their elaborate burial complexes were built during a frenetic period of construction, from roughly 2550 to 2490 B.C.The pyramids were built by Pharaohs Khufu (tallest), Khafre (background), and Menkaure (front).ll three of Giza's famed pyramids and their elaborate burial complexes were built during a frenetic period of construction, from roughly 2550 to 2490 B.C.",
"All three of Giza's famed pyramids and their elaborate burial complexes were built during a frenetic period of construction, from roughly 2550 to 2490 B.C. The pyramids were built by Pharaohs Khufu (tallest), Khafre (background), and Menkaure (front).he Giza Pyramids, built to endure an eternity, have done just that. The monumental tombs are relics of Egypt's Old Kingdom era and were constructed some 4,500 years ago. Egypt's pharaohs expected to become gods in the afterlife.",
"Khafre chose not to follow his predecessor Djedefre and build his pyramid at Abu Rawash. Instead he returned to Giza and built his monument beside the Great Pyramid of Khufu.",
"All three of Giza's famed pyramids and their elaborate burial complexes were built during a frenetic period of construction, from roughly 2550 to 2490 B.C. The pyramids were built by Pharaohs Khufu (tallest), Khafre (background), and Menkaure (front).Photograph by James Stanfield.hufu's son, Pharaoh Khafre, built the second pyramid at Giza, circa 2520 B.C. His necropolis also included the Sphinx, a mysterious limestone monument with the body of a lion and a pharaoh's head. The Sphinx may stand sentinel for the pharaoh's entire tomb complex.",
"Khufu â 2575-2566 BC. The largest of the three pyramids at Giza, known as the Great Pyramid, is truly an astonishing work of engineering. It was built over a twenty year period.Some believe that it was built by slaves, but this is not true.hufu â 2575-2566 BC. The largest of the three pyramids at Giza, known as the Great Pyramid, is truly an astonishing work of engineering. It was built over a twenty year period.",
"Scale of the Structures. We're going to look in particular at the Great Pyramid, which was built from about 2589 to 2566 B.C. The largest of the Giza pyramids is Khufu's Pyramid, after the pharaohâor rulerâfor whom it was built.",
"25 facts about the Great Pyramid of Giza. The Great Pyramid a true masterpiece and has rightly earned the title of a âWonderâ. It was built with such precision that our current technology cannot replicate it. Historical analysis shows that the Pyramids were built between 2589 and 2504 BC.",
"Soon the Egyptians decided to fill in the steps of the pyramid. The first really pointed pyramids were built at Giza. Khufu's Great Pyramid (shown here) was the tallest building on earth for almost five thousand years, until the Eiffel Tower was built in 1889. People often wonder how the Egyptians could build such huge buildings so long ago.",
"How long did it take to build the Empire State Building? It took 410 days, which is one year and 45 days to build the empire state building. That was over 200,000 hours of labor, during the course of roughly 14 months, to build what⦠was the tallest building at that time. 21 people found this useful.",
"But while that wouldnât be a problem in 2015, it would cost almost too much to build some of them in todayâs money, with the Great Pyramid of Giza alone coming in at just under $1bn (£650million). In todayâs money the limestone for the Great Pyramid of Giza would cost $776million (£500million)",
"The Great Pyramid of Giza was built for the Fourth Dynasty Pharaoh Khufu (or Cheops), and was completed around 2560 B.C. It is part of a complex of 3 large pyramids in the Giza Necropolis located in modern Cairo, Egypt.The Great Pyramid is the largest of the three pyramids, and it is part of its own smaller complex that also contain 3 small pyramids that were built for Khufu's wives.here is no wonder why the Great Pyramid of Giza was on the list of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It is a testament to human ingenuity and strength, and its size and near-perfect proportions must have been awe-inspiring to behold.",
"Pyramid-building reached its zenith with the construction of the Great Pyramid at Giza, on the outskirts of Cairo. Built for Khufu (or Cheops, in Greek), who ruled from 2589 to 2566 B.C., the pyramid was later named by classical historians as one of the ancient worldâs Seven Wonders. Two other pyramids were built at Giza for Khufuâs successors Khafra (2558-2532 B.C) and Menkaura (2532-2503 B.C.).",
"Thought to be a gigantic tomb built for the the pharaoh Khufu over a 10 to 20-year period that ended somewhere around 2560 BC, the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt is the single remaining vestige of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.hen it was first built it was 146.5 metres high, before crumbling to 138.8 metres tall, where it stands now. There are three known chambers in the Great Pyramid-the base chamber sits on the bedrock and supports the rest of the pyramid, while the upper two chambers are called the Queenâs and Kingâs Chambers.",
"The largest pyramid of Giza is called the Great Pyramid of Khufu. It is also the largest and grandest pyramid ever built. It is 479 feet tall (146 meters). The pharaoh Sneferu built this pyramid for his son, Khufu, in 2540 B.C. It was built from millions of blocks of limestone and granite.",
"The ancient seven wonders of the world are: The Great Pyramid of Giza build at 2.584 - 2.561 BCE is still standing.",
"The Great Pyramid of Giza was built for the Fourth Dynasty Pharaoh Khufu (or Cheops), and was completed around 2560 B.C.It is part of a complex of 3 large pyramids in the Giza Necropolis located in modern Cairo, Egypt.The Great Pyramid is the largest of the three pyramids, and it is part of its own smaller complex that also contain 3 small pyramids that were built for Khufu's wives.here is no wonder why the Great Pyramid of Giza was on the list of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It is a testament to human ingenuity and strength, and its size and near-perfect proportions must have been awe-inspiring to behold.",
"The Pyramid of Khafre. The Pyramid of Menkaure. Plus eight much smaller satellite pyramids. The plains of Giza are dominatâ¦ed by three pyramids, which were built by the pharaohs Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure about 4,500 years ago. The Great Pyramid, built by Khufu, is approximately 482 feet tall, and the base is immense-each side is 756 feet long. It took more than twenty years to construct.",
"The Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest pyramid ever built, it was built by for Pharaoh Khufu during the 4th Dynasty by his architect Hemon. - It contains 2,300,000 blocks of stone with an average weight of 2.5 tones.",
"When many of us were young, we were taught that the great pyramids required immense human resources to build, which of course, they did. We were told that as many as 100,000 slaves worked as forced labor for decades to build the Great Pyramid at Giza."
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what is an embargo | [
"An embargo (from the Spanish embargo, meaning hindrance, obstruction, etc. in a general sense, a trading ban in trade terminology and literally distraint in juridic parlance) is the partial or complete prohibition of commerce and trade with a particular country or a group of countries."
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"⺠politics & government a âgovernment âorder to temporarily âstop âtrading âcertain âgoods or with âcertain âcountries: They put an embargo on âimports of âsteel. (Definition of embargo from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press).",
"By Robert McNamara. Definition: The Embargo Act of 1807 was an attempt by President Thomas Jefferson and the U.S. Congress to punish Britain and France for interfering with American trade while the two major European powers were at war with each other.",
"The Embargo Act of 1807 was an attempt by President Thomas Jefferson and the U.S. Congress to punish Britain and France for interfering with American trade while the two major European powers were at war with each other.",
"The Embargo Act of 1807 was a law passed by the United State Congress and signed by President Thomas Jefferson on December 22, 1807, that prohibited American ships from trading in all foreign ports.",
"Definition: A trade embargo is a governmental order to restrict trade of certain goods or all goods entirely with a foreign country. This typically stems from political differences between the two nations or economic circumstances that make commercial trade undesirable. What Does Trade Embargo Mean? What is the definition of trade embargo? Trade embargos restrict trade between countries for a variety of reasons. The most common reason is political conflicts between the nations.",
"The Embargo Act of 1807 was a law passed by Congress forbidding all exportation of goods from the United States. Britian and France had been continuously harassing the U.S. and siezing U.S. ship's and men. The U.S. was not prepared to fight in a war, so Pres. Jefferson hoped to weaken Brittian and France by stopping trade. The Embargo Act ended up hurting our economy more than theirs.",
"What is the Embargo Act and what was the result of the act on Britain and the United States?",
"The Embargo Act of 1807 was a law passed by Congress forbidding all exportation of goods from the United States. Britain and France had been continuously harassing the U.S. and seizing U.S. ship's and men. The U.S. was not prepared to fight in a war, so Pres. Jefferson hoped to weaken Britain and France by stopping trade. The Embargo Act ended up hurting our economy more than theirs. It was repealed in 1809.",
"Definition of 'economic embargo'. Word Frequency. economic embargo (ËiËkÉËnÉmɪk ɪmËbÉËÉ¡ÉÊ) noun. politics. a legal stoppage of commerce, usually taken by one nation or group of nations to harm the economy of another nation or group, often to force a political change.",
"An arms embargo is an embargo that applies to weaponry. It may also include dual use items. An arms embargo may serve one or more purposes: 1 to signal disapproval of behavior by a certain actor, 2 to maintain neutral standing in an ongoing conflict, or. 3 to limit the resources an actor has to inflict violence on others.",
"News embargo. In journalism and public relations, a news embargo or press embargo is a request by a source that the information or news provided by that source not be published until a certain date or certain conditions have been met.",
"About Embarc® Embarc® is a vacation company made up of a small, tight-knit community of Members. These members can enjoy vacationing in beautifully-crafted Vacation Resorts across Canada, the United States and Mexico. Learn more about us.",
"Definition: A trade embargo is a governmental order to restrict trade of certain goods or all goods entirely with a foreign country. This typically stems from political differences between the two nations or economic circumstances that make commercial trade undesirable. What [â¦]",
"The Embargo Act was a law of Banning Trade with all foreign country's, because the British kept impressing (kidnapping) American merchants that were trading with France and Br ⦠itain while they were at war.",
"Definition of 'economic embargo'. Word Frequency. economic embargo (ËiËkÉËnÉmɪk ɪmËbÉËÉ¡ÉÊ) noun. politics. a legal stoppage of commerce, usually taken by one nation or group of nations to harm the economy of another nation or group, often to force a political change. the American economic embargo of Nicaragua.",
"The Embargo Act of 1807 was a law passed by Congress forbidding all exportation of goods from the United States. Britain and France had been continuously harassing the U.S. and seizing U.S. ship's and men. The U.S. was not prepared to fight in a war, so Pres.",
"John F. Kennedy and Fidel Castro. The United States embargo against Cuba (in Cuba called el bloqueo, the blockade) is a commercial, economic, and financial embargo imposed by the United States on Cuba. An embargo was first imposed by the United States on sale of arms to Cuba on March 14, 1958, during the Fulgencio Batista regime.",
"1. an order by a government prohibiting the movement of merchant ships into or out of its ports. 2. an order from a government agency restricting or barring certain freight for shipment. 3. any restriction imposed upon commerce by edict: an embargo on munitions. 4. any restraint or prohibition.",
"The Embargo of 1807 was a series of laws passed by the U.S. Congress 1806â1808, during the second term of President Thomas Jefferson. Britain and France were engaged in a major war; the U.S. wanted to remain neutral and trade with both sides, but neither side wanted the other to have the American supplies.",
"What is the U.S. embargo against Cuba and what needs to happen for it to be lifted. I look forward to engaging Congress in an honest and serious debate about lifting the embargo, President Obama said in a press conference.ccording to many, the U.S. embargo against Cuba was also about deposing former President and former Prime Minister of Cuba Fidel Castro-a Marxist leader who violently overthrew the previous government. In the years following the embargo, Cubans suffered.",
"put/place an embargo on sth We should place an embargo on the purchase of any diamonds originating from the region until a review can be carried out. an embargo against sb/sth He has asked for an end to the arms embargo against his government.",
"impose/enforce/tighten an embargo The U.N. Security Council imposed an embargo after the invasion. lift/end/ease an embargo We should lift the embargo and open up trade opportunities that relate to food and medicines. break/violate/defy an embargo Ships found to be breaking the embargo are sent to a holding area.",
"The Embargo Act of 1807 was a general Embargo that made illegal any and all exports from the United States. It was sponsored by President Thomas Jefferson and enacted by Congress. The goal was to force Britain and France to respect American rights during the Napoleonic Wars.",
"The United States embargo against Cuba (in Cuba called el bloqueo, the blockade) is a commercial, economic, and financial embargo imposed by the United States on Cuba.",
"Definition of 'oil embargo'. Word Frequency. oil embargo (Éɪl ɪmËbÉËÉ¡ÉÊ) noun. a prohibition of the trade of petroleum from one country to another. the threat of an oil embargo. At the time, the oil-producing Arab countries declared an oil embargo on countries supporting Israel.",
"Embargo Act, (1807), U.S. Pres. Thomas Jeffersonâs nonviolent resistance to British and French molestation of U.S. merchant ships carrying, or suspected of carrying, war materials and other cargoes to European belligerents during the Napoleonic Wars. zoom_in."
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flash card game definition | [
"Definition of flash card. : a card bearing words, numbers, or pictures that is briefly displayed (as by a teacher to a class) usually as a learning aid."
] | [
"Miniaturization is evident in memory card creation; over time, the physical card sizes grow smaller. A memory card, flash card or memory cartridge is an electronic flash memory data storage device used for storing digital information.",
"Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Adobe Flash. Adobe Flash is a multimedia and software platform used for authoring of vector graphics, animation, games and rich Internet applications that can be viewed, played and executed in Adobe Flash Player.",
"Card games. 1 Trumps (Tarot cards), or Major Arcana, special cards in the Tarot pack. 2 Court piece or Trumps, a trick-taking card game related to whist. 3 Trump: The Game, a board game.",
"Recent Examples of flash card from the Web Old-school is an all too literal way to describe classroom work: white boards, markers, flash cards, board games, and the occasional textbook have reappeared. â lizette alvarez, New York Times, Some Schools Reopen in Puerto Rico, Making Do Without Power, 24 Oct. 2017",
"Flash, a popular authoring software developed by Macromedia, is used to create vector graphics-based animation programs with full-screen navigation interfaces, graphic illustrations, and simple interactivity in an antialiased, resizable file format that is small enough to stream across a normal modem connection.",
"A variant, found in electronic flashcards, is what is known as a three-sided card. This is a particular kind of asymmetric two-sided card; abstractly, such a card has three fields, Q, A, A*, where Q & A are reversed on flipping, but A* is always in the answer â the two sides are thus Q/A,A* and A/Q,A*.",
"What is the longest game of war the card game? What do the hand symbols mean in the Uno Flash card game? The slap card replaces the reverse card from traditional Uno. After playing a slap card, the player hits the big yellow button; other players race to hit their own red bâ¦uttons, and the slowest draws two cards.",
"Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Adobe Flash is a multimedia and software platform used for authoring of vector graphics, animation, games and rich Internet applications that can be viewed, played and executed in Adobe Flash Player.",
"Miniaturization is evident in memory card creation; over time, the physical card sizes grow smaller. A 32GB SanDisk memory card with adapter. A memory card, flash card or memory cartridge is an electronic flash memory data storage device used for storing digital information.",
"Snap is a Fast Paced Card Game. Remember, speed and momentum make the game more fun and exciting to play! If a player makes a mistake by calling snap when there is no match, they must suffer a forfeit â either being exempt from the round, or handing other players a card each as a penalty.",
"Memory card. Alternatively referred to as a flash memory card, a Memory card is a type of storage media that is often used to store photos, videos, or other data in electronic devices. Devices that commonly use a memory card include digital cameras, digital camcorders, handheld computers, MP3 players, PDAs, cell phones, game consoles, and printers. The picture to the right is a MicroSD flash memory card, which is just one of the types of memory cards available. There are a handful of different types of memory cards on the market, each varying in size, compatibility, and storage capacity.",
"Three-card monte definition: a swindling game in which a certain card, after being shown , is palmed and then... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples English Dictionary | Thesaurus | Translator | Grammar | Scrabble | Blog",
"A card game is any game using playing cards as the primary device with which the game is played, be they traditional or game-specific. Countless card games exist, including families of related games. A small number of card games played with traditional decks have formally standardized rules, but most are folk games whose rules vary by region, culture, and person. Many games that are not generally placed in the family of card games do in fact use cards for some aspect of their gameplay. Similarly",
"Top definition. Nertz. A fast paced, real time, multiplayer card game in which each team/player has their own differentiated deck of cards to play with. The object of the game is to be the first team/player to get rid of their 13 card (or whatever number is predetermined) Nertz pile by playing a multiple solitaire style game. The National Nertz Association is an organization that focuses on the promotion and welfare for the game of Nertz.",
"Flash gamesâgames created with or for the Adobe Flash runtimesâare everywhere. You can find them on game arcade sites such as Newgrounds.com, AddictingGames.com, and numerous others. There are dozens of game genres to choose from, including action, adventure, casino, puzzle, and role-playing, among others.",
"(eɪËkÉËteɪ; French ekarte) n. 1. (Card Games) a card game for two, played with 32 cards and king high. 2. (Ballet) ballet. a. a body position in which one arm and the same leg are extended at the side of the body. b. (as adjective): the écarté position. [C19: from French, from écarter to discard, from carte card1] ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:",
"Definition - What does Secure Digital Card (SD Card) mean? A Secure Digital card (SD card) is a non-volatile form of flash memory for portable and mobile devices. Because it is not proprietary, SD card usage is widespread.",
"Related Flashcards. Vocabulary for Modern World History 4. Find, create, and access History, World History, US History, flashcards with Course Hero. Definition: A line of trenches and fortifications in World War I that stretched without a break from Switzerland to the North Sea.",
"USB flash drive. Related Terms. (n.) A small, portable flash memory card that plugs into a computers USB port and functions as a portable hard drive. USB flash drives are touted as being easy-to-use as they are small enough to be carried in a pocket and can plug into any computer with a USB drive.",
"(card games) In some games, a point awarded to the player whose cards add up to the largest sum. (countable) The equipment that enables such activity, particularly as packaged under a title. Some of the games in the closet we have on the computer as well. One's manner, style, or performance in playing a game.",
"SmartMedia card. A SmartMedia card (originally called a solid-state floppy disk card, or SSFDC) is a memory card developed by Toshiba that uses flash memory to store data and to make it portable among devices, such as digital cameras, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and other handheld devices.",
"Section 1: What is Flash? Flash is a multimedia software originally designed by Macromedia that has spawned a whole new genre of websites with fast, vector-based animation (uses mathematical equations to ensure they scale correctly based on monitor size) and sound. 1.1 A little history lesson.",
"A memory card, flash card or memory cartridge is an electronic flash memory data storage device used for storing digital information.",
"Collectible card game. Cards from various collectible card games. A collectible card game (CCG), also called a trading card game (TCG) or customizable card game, is a kind of card game that first emerged in 1993 and consists of specially designed sets of playing cards.",
"The following free medical terminology flash cards may help people to study common suffixes used in medical professions. Simply click on the first flash card to enlarge. Click on the next thumbnail to advance to the next flash card. These flash cards give the suffix first, followed by the definition.",
"Meaning of âcomputer gameâ in the English Dictionary. See all translations. uk â /kÉmËpjuË.tÉ ËÉ¡eɪm/ us â /kÉmËpjuË.tÌ¬É ËÉ¡eɪm/. ⺠a game that is played on a computer, in which the pictures that appear on the screen are controlled by pressing keys or moving a joystick. More examples. No you can't have a new computer game. I just can't afford it.",
"Ding Dong Ditch 1. Description: Another good flash game is ding-dong-ditch-1 a great fun online game to play, a very addictive miscellaneous game for your entertainment!",
"Adobe Flash Player software is a cross-platform browser plug-in that delivers breakthrough web experiences and is installed on more than 98% of Internet-connected desktops.",
"rummy - a card game based on collecting sets and sequences; the winner is the first to meld all their cards. rum. card game, cards - a game played with playing cards. gin rummy, knock rummy, gin - a form of rummy in which a player can go out if the cards remaining in their hand total less than 10 points. basket rummy, canasta, meld - a form of rummy using two decks of cards and four jokers; jokers and deuces are wild; the object is to form groups of the same rank.",
"A memory card (sometimes called a flash memory card or a storage card) is a small storage medium used to store data such as text, pictures, audio, and video, for use on small, portable or remote computing devices.",
"As Alter points out, the word âimplies victory and dominance.â The âtrump cardâ in bridge and other card games is a card of a suit that temporarily ranks above any other and is derived from âtriumph,â a name for an early card game.",
"Alternative definition of the noun three-card monte noun A confidence game in which the victim, or mark, is tricked into betting a sum of money that they can find the money card, for example the queen of hearts, among three face-down playing cards.",
"Definition - What does Flash Player mean? Flash Player is software that enables multimedia data viewing and streaming capabilities on Web browsers. Flash Player is used to execute multimedia files in Shockwave Flash Format (SWF). These files are created using the primary Adobe Flash and other supported software tools. Flash Player was initially developed by Macromedia Corporation and later acquired by Adobe Systems. Flash Player is also known as Adobe Flash Player.",
"a card game played by two or more persons, in which the players bet on the value of their hands, the winner taking the pool. Origin. 1825-35, Americanism; perhaps orig. braggart, bluffer; compare Middle Low German poken to brag, play, Middle Dutch poken to bluff, brag. Examples from the Web for poker.",
"A memory card (sometimes called a flash memory card or a storage card) is a small storage medium used to store data such as text, pictures, audio, and video, for use on small, portable or remote computing devices. Most of the current products use flash memory, although other technologies are being developed.",
"As your children progress, the flash cards teach them how to spell and form words, often with the aid of images and pictures related to the words. Other flash cards teach basic math skills, beginning with number identification and moving on to simple addition and subtraction.",
"card-game definition: Noun (plural card games) 1. Any of very many games played with playing cards. ...",
"Flash first appeared in the Time Spiral expansion, its first appearance in a core set was in Tenth Edition. Although this ability existed before Time Spiral, this is the first time it was used a keyword. The earliest card with Flash is King Cheetah from Visions. Older cards with this ability have received errata to give them Flash. Flash is primary in blue, secondary in green and tertiary in white, black and red.",
"Uno Flash is played the same way as standard Uno, in that when a player no longer has any cards he receives points. All opponents' cards are given to the winner of that round and points are counted. The first player with 500 points wins the game.",
"Adobe Flash (formerly called Macromedia Flash and Shockwave Flash) is a multimedia software platform for production of animations, browser games, rich Internet applications, desktop applications, mobile applications and mobile games.",
"BALL ON. (Snooker) A colored (non-red) ball a player intends to legally pocket; same as on ball. BANK SHOT. (Pocket games) A shot in which the object ball is driven to one or more cushions before it is pocketed; incidental contact as a ball moves along and adjacent to a cushion does not qualify as a cushion or bank. It is not an obvious shot and must be called in games requiring called shots. (See kick shot) BAULK.",
"A collection of Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. The Pokémon Trading Card Game (ãã±ã¢ã³ã«ã¼ãã²ã¼ã , Pokemon KÄdo GÄmu, Pokémon Card Game), abbreviated as PCG or Pokémon TCG is a collectible card game, based on the Pokémon video game series, first published in October 1996 by Media Factory in Japan.",
"Pokémon Trading Card Game. The Pokémon Trading Card Game (ãã±ã¢ã³ã«ã¼ãã²ã¼ã , Pokemon KÄdo GÄmu, Pokémon Card Game), abbreviated to PTCG or Pokémon TCG, is a collectible card game, based on the Pokémon video game series, first published in October 1996 by Media Factory in Japan.",
"Definition of flash. 1 1a : a sudden burst of lightb : a movement of a flag in signaling. 2 2 : a sudden and often brilliant burst a flash of wit. 3 3 : a brief time. 4 4a : show, display; especially : a vulgar ostentatious displayb archaic : a showy ostentatious personc : one that attracts notice; especially : an outstanding athleted : pizzazz.",
"Super Smash Flash 2. In constant development since 2010, SSF2 is the improved online version of the fighting game Super Smash Bros Brawl on the Nintendo console. Play as your favorite heroes (Mario, Link, Pikachu, Sonic, Zelda, Ichigo, Naruto, Goku, ...) and compete against up to 4 players or against the computer.",
"1. Copy files from a flash memory card by inserting the flash card into a compatible device, such as a digital camera, MP3 player or game console. 1 Insert the flash memory card into the card-slot of the compatible device. 2 Connect the device to the computer.",
"Course Hero Flashcards. The simplest way to learn and retain new material. Thousands of sets in hundreds of categories.",
"As Alter points out, the word âimplies victory and dominance.â The âtrump cardâ in bridge and other card games is a card of a suit that temporarily ranks above any other and is derived from âtriumph,â a name for an early card game.he name Trump carries a range of strong associations, veering on being an aptonym â a name whose definition is uniquely appropriate for someoneâs profession, like urologist (specializing in vasectomies) Dr. Richard Chopp or the late Filipino Cardinal (Jaime) Sin.",
"Evolution of the flash memory card. Earlier removable storage media, such as the PC card, smart card and similar cards used for computer gaming systems, are also considered memory cards. However, the newer types of memory cards are smaller, require less power, have higher storage capacities and are portable among a greater number of devices.",
"Flash cards are a simple, versatile, yet often underexploited resource. I would like to offer some reasons for using flash cards and a selection of activities for use in the Young Learner classroom, although some of the activities could also be used with fun-loving, lower level adult classes. In this article there is one example for each type of activity.",
"Jive. Adobe Flash Player is software used to stream and view video, audio and multimedia and Rich Internet Applications (RIA) on a computer or supported mobile device. Flash Player was originally created by Macromedia, but is now developed and distributed by Adobe Systems Inc.",
"Full Definition of VIDEO CARD. : a circuit board in a computer system designed to generate output for the system's video display screen.See video card defined for English-language learners.ADVERTISEMENT.ideo card. noun. Tweet. computers: a device in a computer system that controls the images that are shown on the computer's screen.",
"Flash is a blink summoner spell that activates instantly upon being cast, teleporting the player's champion a short distance in the direction of their cursor.",
"card game, cards-a game played with playing cards. draw poker, draw-poker in which a player can discard cards and receive substitutes from the dealer; he played only draw and stud. high-low-poker in which the high and low hands split the pot.",
"Copy files from a flash memory card by inserting the flash card into a compatible device, such as a digital camera, MP3 player or game console. 1 Insert the flash memory card into the card-slot of the compatible device. 2 Connect the device to the computer. 3 Power-up the device.",
"Flash cards are very useful when studying. They are very simple to make. All you are required to do is write a question or phrase on the front of the card, and the answer or its meaning on the back. You may find playing games with your flash cards is a fun way to memorize medical terminology. Whatever you decide to do, studying these medical terms makes your life easier.",
"10. uncountable noun. Snap is a simple British card game in which the players take turns to put cards down on a pile, and try to be the first to shout 'snap' when two cards with the same number or picture are put down.",
"USB flash drive. Related Terms. (n.) A small, portable flash memory card that plugs into a computers USB port and functions as a portable hard drive. USB flash drives are touted as being easy-to-use as they are small enough to be carried in a pocket and can plug into any computer with a USB drive. USB flash drives have less storage capacity than an external hard drive, but they are smaller and more durable because they do not contain any internal moving parts. USB flash drives also are called thumb drives, jump drives, pen drives, key drives, tokens, or simply USB drives.",
"a card having words, numerals, or pictures on it, designed for gaining a rapid response from pupils when held up briefly by a teacher, used especially in reading, arithmetic, or vocabulary drills. Origin of flashcard Expand",
"âNETS FlashPayâ A CashCard which is issued with NETSâ brand name, trademark and/or logo âNETS FlashPayâ and in addition to its use for payment of CashCard Services, is also used as a ticket and as a means of.",
"A must for all children! Flash cards are a favorite of children from toddlers to school age. They're also considered to be one of the most effective ways of retaining information - at any age. Itâs no wonder the Desert Dwellers Flash Cards are winning awards.",
"card game, 1834, American English, of unknown origin, perhaps from the first element of German Pochspiel, name of a card game similar to poker, from pochen to brag as a bluff, literally to knock, rap (see poke (v.)).",
"The Pokémon Trading Card Game (ãã±ã¢ã³ã«ã¼ãã²ã¼ã , Pokemon KÄdo GÄmu, Pokémon Card Game), abbreviated as PTCG or Pokémon TCG is a collectible card game, based on the Pokémon video game series, first published in October 1996 by Media Factory in Japan.",
"Collectible card game. A collectible card game (CCG), also called a trading card game (TCG) or customizable card game, is a kind of card game that first emerged in 1993 and consists of specially designed sets of playing cards.",
"Flash Player is a plugin you install on your computer that works with your web browser so you can view Flash content. It is commonly used to view content that was created on the Adobe Flash platform. Such content includes streaming audio and video, rich Internet media, and some web-based applications."
] |
which is the only state where coffee is grown | [
"Coffee production in Hawaii. The only state in the United States of America able to grow coffee plants commercially is Hawaii. (However, it is not the only coffee grown on U.S. soil; for example, Puerto Rico has had a coffee industry for some time, although it is not a state but a U.S. territory. Ramiro L. Colon worked in the coffee industry of Puerto Rico since 1925, for example."
] | [
"Brazil is the biggest coffee producing country in the world, with seemingly endless expanses available for its production. Coffee plantations in Brazil often cover immense areas of land, needing hundreds of people to manage and operate them to produce huge quantities of coffee.mall Mexican coffee farms are more common than large plantations, but with over 100,000 coffee farmers, Mexico ranks as one of the largest coffee producing countries in the world.",
"Confidence votes 72. well, LOTS of them are grown in the U.S. -- Maine is a big blueberry state --. The ones we get in the winter are grown in Argentina and Chile. 7 people found this useful.",
"Coffee Production Today. Coffee grows in around eighty countries in South and Central America, the Caribbean, Africa and Asia. Arabica coffee accounts for about three-quarters of coffee cultivated worldwide. It is grown throughout Latin America, Central and East Africa, India and, to some extent, Indonesia.Robusta coffee is grown in West and Central Africa, throughout South-East Asia and, to some extent. in Brazil.Brazil is the largest coffee exporting nation, but Vietnam tripled its exports between 1995 and 1999, and became a major producer of Robusta beans.offee Production Today. Coffee grows in around eighty countries in South and Central America, the Caribbean, Africa and Asia. Arabica coffee accounts for about three-quarters of coffee cultivated worldwide. It is grown throughout Latin America, Central and East Africa, India and, to some extent, Indonesia.",
"The plant was exported from Africa to countries around the world and coffee plants are now cultivated in over 70 countries, primarily in the equatorial regions of the Americas, Southeast Asia, India, and Africa.",
"The coffee production in Mexico is the world's 8th largest with 252,000 metric tonnes produced in 2009, and is mainly concentrated to the south central to southern regions of the country. The coffee is mainly arabica, which grows particularly well in the coastal region of Soconusco, Chiapas, near the border of Guatemala.",
"Brazil is the largest producer of coffee and the second largest coffee-consuming nation. Its coffee sector employs over five million people and contributes 40% of the worldâs total coffee supply. Vietnam is the second largest producer of coffee in the world, accounting for 16% of global production. It is the main producer of Robustas.",
"From Yemen to the World! Arabica coffee beans are believed to be the first coffee ever grown. It seems that they have been cultivated in parts of the Arabian peninsula for hundreds, even thousands of years. In fact, the plant still grows wild in Ethiopia.",
"The best coffee I ever tasted was while in the coffee growing regions of Mexico, in the state of Veracruz, in the town of Coatepec. The quality of the coffee was mostly due to the method of preparation rather than the quality of the grains (which is at about the same level as an average Colombian coffee).",
"Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, which are the seeds of berries from the Coffea plant. The genus Coffea is native to tropical Africa, and Madagascar, the Comoros, Mauritius and Réunion in the Indian Ocean.",
"Commercial coffee is indeed grown in the US, other than in Hawaii. Since Aug 2011, Yonah Coffee of Georgia has commercially grown coffee in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Habersham County. Hundreds of plant are being grown.",
"The coffee belt in Kona is approximately two miles wide from 700 feet (210 m) to 2,000 feet (610 m) elevation. Other districts on the island where coffee is grown include Kaʻū in the far south, Puna in the southeast, and HÄmÄkua in the northeast.",
"The coffee plant grows in Africa, Southern Asia, Central and Southern America and some Pacific Islands, where there is always hot weather and plentiful rainfall.",
"Coffee chicory is grown in many parts of the world, with the largest producers in France and South Africa.. The root is grown and harvested much like sugar beets.The roots are pulled from the ground with specialized equipment, cut into small pieces, kiln dried, roasted, ground and packaged.",
"Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, which are the seeds of berries from the Coffea plant. The genus Coffea is native to tropical Africa (specifically having its origin in Ethiopia and Sudan) and Madagascar, the Comoros, Mauritius, and Réunion in the Indian Ocean.",
"Coffee growing regions in India are divided into three categories â traditional (Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu); non-traditional (Andhra Pradesh and Orissa on the Eastern Ghats) and the northeastern region (Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh).",
"The majority of Mexico s coffee is grown in the southern states. Chiapas, Oaxaca, Puebla and Veracruz produce as much as 90% of all coffee crops, pumping a little economic life into some of the country s poorest states.As with corn, the government has subsidized the growing of coffee and Mexico has become one of the world s largest producers of organic coffee beans.he majority of Mexico s coffee is grown in the southern states. Chiapas, Oaxaca, Puebla and Veracruz produce as much as 90% of all coffee crops, pumping a little economic life into some of the country s poorest states.",
"For other uses, see Coffee (disambiguation). Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, which are the seeds of berries from the Coffea plant. The genus Coffea is native to tropical Africa, and Madagascar, the Comoros, Mauritius and Réunion in the Indian Ocean.",
"The highest quality coffee in Mexico is usually called Chiapas, and is grown near Mexicoâs border with Guatemala. There are a few types of Mexican coffee that are considered specialty coffees in Europe, such as Liquidambar, Santa Catarina, Irlandia, Germania, and Hamburgo. Grown: Small Farmer Grown Coffee",
"As coffee is often grown in mountainous areas, widespread use of mechanical harvesters is not possible and the ripe coffee cherries are usually picked by hand. The main exception is Brazil, where the relatively flat landscape and immense size of the coffee fields allow for machinery use.",
"Coffee Blossoms. The only coffee grown in the United States is grown in Hawaii, and most of that is grown in and around Kona. To learn more, visit a coffee farm for a tour. Youâll learn about the fascinating and labor intensive process involved in creating that world famous cup of Kona Coffee.f your arrival time is later than 6:00 PM, please contact us so late arrival arrangements can be made. Safety: Horizon Guest House is not designed for the safety and enjoyment of children under the age of 14. We are a smoke-free resort, and therefore smoking is not permitted within the rooms.",
"Today, Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer and is becoming a significant player in the specialty coffee industry. Bourbon, Typica, Caturra, and Mundo Novo coffee varietals are grown in the states of Parana, Paraná Espirito, Santos Sao, São Paulo, minas Gerais. and bahiahe vast majority of coffee farms in Brazil are less than ten hectares in size. According to the Diagnostico diagnóstico Da cafeicultura Em Minas, gerais71 % of farms are less than 10, hectares25 % of farms had less than 50, hectares and only4 % of farms were larger than 50. hectares",
"Coffee cultivation and trade began on the Arabian Peninsula. By the 15th century, coffee was being grown in the Yemeni district of Arabia and by the 16th century it was known in Persia, Egypt, Syria, and Turkey.",
"While India may not be the first nation that comes to mind when it comes to coffee production, they produced 349,980,000 kilograms of beans in 2015. Not just any region of the diverse nation is suited for coffee production, the majority of growing is done in the hilly tracts of South Indian states.",
"4. Indonesia. While not nearly as well-known as other nations for coffee, Indonesia's perfect location and climate have helped it become the second-largest exporter of robusta beans in the world, producing 411,000 metric tons of coffee in 2014.",
"Hawaii...however, commercial coffee is also grown in the US mainland in Habersham, Georgia in the Blue Ridge Mountains, southeastern US. Yonah Coffee of Georgia has been g ⦠rowing arabica coffee since 2010.",
"Minas Gerais. The largest coffee-growing region in Brazil, which accounts for nearly 50% of countryâs production, and is one of the major specialty-coffee sources. The coffee-growing area is a staggering 2,488,000 acres.1 Sul Minas: The region's climate is mild, and rainfalls are favorable.he largest coffee-growing region in Brazil, which accounts for nearly 50% of countryâs production, and is one of the major specialty-coffee sources. The coffee-growing area is a staggering 2,488,000 acres. 1 Sul Minas: The region's climate is mild, and rainfalls are favorable.",
"Indian coffee is said to be the finest coffee grown in the shade rather than direct sunlight anywhere in the world. There are approximately 250,000 coffee growers in India; 98% of them are small growers.",
"Coffee production in Brazil is responsible for about a third of all coffee, making Brazil by far the world's largest producer, a position the country has held for the last 150 years.razil is the world's largest exporter of instant coffee, with instant coffee constituting 10â20% of total coffee exports. Both types of coffee are mainly exported to the US, the world's largest coffee consumer.",
"Throughout the world, coffee is the second-most traded commodity after crude oil, which is cultivated across 80 nations namely Central and South America, Asia and Africa. The major coffee producing and exporting nations are Brazil, Columbia, Vietnam, Indonesia, India and Ethiopia. Among them, Brazil is the largest producer, consumer and exporter of coffee in the world. European nations and USA are the major importers of coffee.",
"The most important areas of production are in the southern Indian states of Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu which accounted for over 92 percent of India's coffee production in the 2005â2006 growing season.",
"For other uses, see Coffee (disambiguation). Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, which are the seeds of berries from the Coffea plant. The genus Coffea is native to tropical Africa, Madagascar, and the Comoros, Mauritius and Réunion in the Indian Ocean.",
"Where coffee is grown Today, coffee is enjoyed in every country in the world. In terms of trade, coffee is second only to oil in dollars traded. It is grown in more than 50 countries world wide with about 30 of those countries producing more than 5,000,000 tons of coffee each year.or many of these countries their economic success pivots on the success of their coffee crops. Brazil is by far the largest supplier of coffee today. Columbia is second with about 2/3rds of Brazil's production. Americans consume more than 1/3rd of the total coffee grown in the world.",
"TWO MAJOR SOURCES OF COFFEE & facts & hint. ⢠Coffea arabica --- grown primarily in Brazil and Colombia. ⢠Coffea robusta --- grown primarily in Indonesia and countries in Africa. Coffea arabica beans represent about 70 percent of the world's coffee production. Helpful Hint: The longer coffee is roasted, the less caffiene it has. For the most caffeine content, drink a mild coffee as opposed to bold or decaf.",
"A more effective method of growing coffee, used in Brazil, is to raise seedlings in nurseries that are then planted outside at six to twelve months. Coffee is often intercropped with food crops, such as corn, beans, or rice during the first few years of cultivation as farmers become familiar with its requirements. Coffee plants grow within a defined area between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, termed the bean belt or coffee belt. Of the two main species grown, arabica coffee (from C. arabica) is generally more highly regarded than robusta coffee (from C. canephora); robusta",
"Kentucky coffee tree (Gymnocladus dioicus) was planted in the National Grove of State Trees in 1989 to represent Kentucky. Since that time, Kentucky has switched its state tree to tulip poplar. You may see tulip poplar in the neighboring grove for Indiana.",
"In 1980, coffee export was down to 12.3% of the total, and by 2006 accounted for only to 2.5%. Brazil itself is the largest consumer of coffee by surpassing the United States in mid-2010's.rabica dominates both Brazil and the world as a whole with about 85% of the production; robusta accounts for the remaining 30%. In Brazil, arabica production is located in the main coffee-growing cluster of states led by Rio where arabica is produced almost exclusively.",
"Small Mexican coffee farms are more common than large plantations, but with over 100,000 coffee farmers, Mexico ranks as one of the largest coffee producing countries in the world.Most farms are in the southern states of Veracruz, Oaxaca and Chiapas.mall Mexican coffee farms are more common than large plantations, but with over 100,000 coffee farmers, Mexico ranks as one of the largest coffee producing countries in the world.",
"South Indian states are the major producer of Coffees in India with Karnataka 53%, Kerala 28%, Tamil Nadu 11% and remaining from the other states includes Andhra Pradesh, Orissa,Assam and Tripura. Hilly area and good monsoon in this region makes it best place for important varieties of coffee and tea plantation.",
"There are approximately 250,000 coffee growers in India; 98% of them are small growers. As of 2009, the production of coffee in India was only 4.5% of the total production in the world. Almost 80% of the country's coffee production is exported.",
"Arabica is a variety of coffee plant from which coffee beans are harvested; in the same way that Shiraz is a variety of vine from which grapes are harvested for producing wine. There are several varieties of coffee plant, but only two varieties are grown commercially: Arabica and Robusta.rabica is a variety of coffee plant from which coffee beans are harvested; in the same way that Shiraz is a variety of vine from which grapes are harvested for producing wine. There are several varieties of coffee plant, but only two varieties are grown commercially: Arabica and Robusta.",
"Karnataka State, which constitutes 53% of the country s production, produces both Arabica and Robusta. While Kerala predominantly produces Robusta coffee [28% of the total production in India is grown in this state], Tamilnadu produces both Arabica and Robusta, growing 11% of the total coffee grown in India.",
"Guatemala Huehuetenago Organic Coffee Beans â Espresso Roast. In particular the Strictly Hard Bean green coffees grown in the Atitlan and Antigua coffee growing regions in the countryâs central highlands exhibit these qualities as well as a floral acidity that is often spicy or chocolaty.",
"More recently, coffee has been re-introduced and the coffee industry is growing so rapidly that Vietnam is rapidly becoming one of the world's largest producers. Today, small plantations, located in the southern half of the country, produce mostly Robusta coffee.mall Mexican coffee farms are more common than large plantations, but with over 100,000 coffee farmers, Mexico ranks as one of the largest coffee producing countries in the world.",
"The Arabian Peninsula. Coffee cultivation and trade began on the Arabian Peninsula. By the 15th century, coffee was being grown in the Yemeni district of Arabia and by the 16th century it was known in Persia, Egypt, Syria, and Turkey. Coffee was not only enjoyed in homes, but also in the many public coffee houses â called qahveh khaneh â which began to appear in cities across the Near East.",
"The coffee industries are spread along 13 Brazilian states, but the largest ones are located in the states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, EspÃrito Santo, Bahia, Paraná and Goiás (listed here in order of importance).",
"While Kerala predominantly produces Robusta coffee [28% of the total production in India is grown in this state], Tamilnadu produces both Arabica and Robusta, growing 11% of the total coffee grown in India. In the State of Karnataka, the top quality coffee regions are Chikmagalur, Bababudan, Biligiris and Coorg.",
"Coffee Production Today. Coffee grows in around eighty countries in South and Central America, the Caribbean, Africa and Asia. Arabica coffee accounts for about three-quarters of coffee cultivated worldwide. It is grown throughout Latin America, Central and East Africa, India and, to some extent, Indonesia.Robusta coffee is grown in West and Central Africa, throughout South-East Asia and, to some extent. in Brazil.Brazil is the largest coffee exporting nation, but Vietnam tripled its exports between 1995 and 1999, and became a major producer of Robusta beans.obusta coffee is grown in West and Central Africa, throughout South-East Asia and, to some extent. in Brazil. Brazil is the largest coffee exporting nation, but Vietnam tripled its exports between 1995 and 1999, and became a major producer of Robusta beans.",
"Countries where coffee is grown for export tend to line the equator, where there will never be frost. The coffee plant grows year-round in this climate and has a lifespan of anywhere from 60 to 100 years, but it does not usually produce for the first 5 years after planting.",
"The climate of the United States does not allow for the growth of the coffee plant, but it remains one of the major consumers of the beverage--90 percent of the population consumes coffee daily--making the country a major importer of the coffee bean. Other People Are Reading.",
"Coffee beans grow between 30 degrees south of the Equator and 28 degrees north of the Equator, essentially between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Coffee is grown in significant quantities in Central America, Brazil, the Caribbean, West Africa, East Africa, Yemen, Madagascar, Indonesia, Vietnam and India. The coffee plant thrives in a variety of soils, from alluvial to volcanic.",
"Where coffee is grown Today, coffee is enjoyed in every country in the world. In terms of trade, coffee is second only to oil in dollars traded. It is grown in more than 50 countries world wide with about 30 of those countries producing more than 5,000,000 tons of coffee each year. For many of these countries their economic success pivots on the success of their coffee crops.",
"Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, which are the seeds of berries from the Coffea plant. The genus Coffea is native to tropical Africa and Madagascar, the Comoros, Mauritius, and Réunion in the Indian Ocean. The plant was exported from Africa to countries around the world. Coffee plants are now cultivated in over 70 countries, primarily in the equatorial regions of the Americas, Southeast Asia, India, and Africa. The two most commonly grown are the highly regarded ...",
"1 Wisconsin is perennially the top cranberry-producing state in the nation. 2 The five major states cranberries are grown in are: Wisconsin, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington. 3 Only three major fruits are native to North America: the cranberry, blueberry and Concord grape.",
"The majority of all coffee in the world comes from Brazil. They produce 28% of all the coffee consumed. Columbia is the second largest producing 16% of the coffee consumed in the world. Next is Indonesia at 7% and then Mexico at 4%.",
"Coffee Producing Countries. Brazil. Brazil grows roughly a third of the world's coffee. Much of the specialty from brazil is known by the name of the port through which it is shipped, Santos. Bourbon Santos and Brazil Cerrado are widely used as a base for quality espresso blends. Brazilian coffee is commonly dry-processed.",
"The Best Grocery Store Coffees, Ranked by a Barista. 8 (tie). I love the fact that Hawaii is the only place in the United States to produce coffee. And not only produce coffee, but a coffee that is truly exceptional.",
"United States - Hawaii. 1 Though coffee farms are found throughout the Hawaiian islands, it is Kona coffee, from the large island of Hawaii, that is best known and always in high demand. Here, nature provides just the right environment for the coffee trees on the slopes of the active Mauna Loa volcano.",
"One of the chief problems for California coffee is water. Most of the coffee grown in the world is dry farmed, relying mainly on tropical rains, more than 100 inches a year, to grow. Santa Barbara gets an average of about 20 inches a yearâand thatâs when the state isnât in a four-year drought.",
"Coffee Production Today. Coffee grows in around eighty countries in South and Central America, the Caribbean, Africa and Asia. Arabica coffee accounts for about three-quarters of coffee cultivated worldwide. It is grown throughout Latin America, Central and East Africa, India and, to some extent, Indonesia.Robusta coffee is grown in West and Central Africa, throughout South-East Asia and, to some extent. in Brazil.Brazil is the largest coffee exporting nation, but Vietnam tripled its exports between 1995 and 1999, and became a major producer of Robusta beans.offee grows in around eighty countries in South and Central America, the Caribbean, Africa and Asia. Arabica coffee accounts for about three-quarters of coffee cultivated worldwide. It is grown throughout Latin America, Central and East Africa, India and, to some extent, Indonesia.",
"Where coffee is grown. Today, coffee is enjoyed in every country in the world. In terms of trade, coffee is second only to oil in dollars traded. It is grown in more than 50 countries world wide with about 30 of those countries producing more than 5,000,000 tons of coffee each year.",
"Folgers uses coffee beans grown in Central America, the Caribbean, Asia, Africa, North America, Oceania⦠different areas, including Ethiopia and Mexico.â."
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when is chickenpox contagious | [
"Chickenpox incubation period. Chickenpox (varicella) is a common, highly contagious, viral infectious disease of childhood. Usually mild, itâs characterised by a very itchy rash that can spread over the whole body. In the UK, it is common and most cases occur during winter and spring.he incubation period is seven to 21 (usually 10 to 21) days after exposure to the herpes varicella-zoster virus to the development of the symptoms. The disease is most contagious a day or two before the rash appears and until the rash is completely dry and scabbed over, about five to six days after onset of the rash."
] | [
"Shingles is not contagious (able to spread) in the sense that people who are exposed to a patient with shingles will not catch shingles.. Anyone who has already had chickenpox or has received the chickenpox vaccine, and is otherwise healthy, should be protected and at no risk when around a patient with shingles.hingles is not contagious (able to spread) in the sense that people who are exposed to a patient with shingles will not catch shingles.. Anyone who has already had chickenpox or has received the chickenpox vaccine, and is otherwise healthy, should be protected and at no risk when around a patient with shingles.",
"Varicella (chickenpox) is a highly contagious disease that is very uncomfortable and sometimes serious. The chickenpox vaccine is the best protection against chickenpox. The vaccine is made from weakened varicella virus that produces an immune response in your body that protects you against chickenpox.",
"If the symptoms you have are flu-like and there are red, itchy bumps all over your back and stomach, it could be chickenpox. Chickenpox usually starts out as a cold, and tâ¦his is known as the incubation period when you are most contagious.",
"Studies of older adults and the prevention of shingles with this vaccine continue. 9 If you have never had chickenpox, avoid contact with people who have shingles or chickenpox. Fluid from shingles blisters is contagious, and exposure to it can cause chickenpox (but not shingles) in people who have never had chickenpox.tudies of older adults and the prevention of shingles with this vaccine continue. 9 If you have never had chickenpox, avoid contact with people who have shingles or chickenpox. Fluid from shingles blisters is contagious, and exposure to it can cause chickenpox (but not shingles) in people who have never had chickenpox.",
"Being with someone who has chickenpox or shingles does NOT cause shingles. Although shingles is not very contagious, direct contact with the rash of someone who has shingles can cause chickenpox in a person who has never had chickenpox.eing with someone who has chickenpox or shingles does NOT cause shingles. Although shingles is not very contagious, direct contact with the rash of someone who has shingles can cause chickenpox in a person who has never had chickenpox."
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word that means special circumstances | [
"special circumstances. Also found in: Wikipedia. special circumstances. n. in criminal cases, particularly homicides, actions of the accused or the situation under which the crime was committed for which state statutes allow or require imposition of a more severe punishment."
] | [
"Associated concepts: aggravating circumstance, change of circumstances, changed circumstance, circumstances be-yond control, exceptional circumstances, extraordinary cirrumstances, like circumstances, mitigating circumstances, special circumstances, unusual circumstances. See also: environment, position, situation.",
"Definition of special pleading. 1 1 : the allegation of special or new matter to offset the effect of matter pleaded by the opposite side and admitted, as distinguished from a direct denial of the matter pleaded. 2 2 : misleading argument that presents one point or phase as if it covered the entire question at issue.",
"Legal Definition of specialty. plural. specialties. 1 [from the special form of the contract] : formal contract at contract. 2 : a doctrine providing that a person extradited can be prosecuted only for the charges described in the order for extradition.",
"The word 'Française' may refer to a feminine singular adjective or noun. Under such circumstances, the word respectively means French or Frenchwoman. The word 'Française' also may refer to a masculine singular noun. Under such circumstances, the word means the French language.",
"Special, particular, specific refer to something pointed out for attention and consideration. Special means given unusual treatment because of being uncommon: a special sense of a word. Particular implies something selected from the others of its kind and set off from them for attention: a particular variety of orchid.",
"Meaning of âcircumstanceâ in the English Dictionary. circumstance in British English. circumstancenoun. I think she coped very well under the circumstances. Obviously we can't deal with the problem until we know all the circumstances.",
"Qualifying Life Event (QLE) A change in your situation â like getting married, having a baby, or losing health coverage â that can make you eligible for a Special Enrollment Period, allowing you to enroll in health insurance outside the yearly Open Enrollment Period. There are 4 basic types of qualifying life events.",
"special print definition, special print meaning | English dictionary. special. 7 a dish or meal given prominence, esp. at a low price, in a café, etc. 8 (Austral. history, slang) a convict given special treatment on account of his education, social class, etc.",
"General words for situations and circumstances:situation, circumstance, conditions... a change in circumstances: You are obliged by law to notify the agency of any change in circumstances. General words for situations and circumstances:situation, circumstance, conditions...",
"The 'Special' simply means Specialized. For example an ATF Special Agent will conduct criminal investigations that are related to Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, whereas a DEA Special Agent specializes in investigating individuals suspected of violating federal drug laws, as well as drug interdiction.",
"Social Circumstances. Definition of Social Circumstances: A set of concepts that results from or is influenced by criteria or activities associated with the social environment of a person. (NCI) A set of concepts that results from or is influenced by criteria or activities associated with the social environment of a person. Social Circumstances is part of the Conceptual Entities group.",
"Special-purpose entity. A special-purpose entity (SPE; or, in Europe and India, special-purpose vehicle/SPV, or, in some cases in each EU jurisdiction â FVC, financial vehicle corporation) is a legal entity (usually a limited company of some type or, sometimes, a limited partnership) created to fulfill narrow, specific or temporary objectives.",
"Definition of special pleading. 1 : the allegation of special or new matter to offset the effect of matter pleaded by the opposite side and admitted, as distinguished from a direct denial of the matter pleaded. 2 : misleading argument that presents one point or phase as if it covered the entire question at issue.",
"But âprivilegeâ has a special meaning under the law: protection from being forced to testify about communications between yourself and a person with whom you have a special relationship, such as a spouse. However, the spousal privilege is not absolute and comes with several exceptions and conditions.",
"Qualifying Life Event (QLE) A change in your situation â like getting married, having a baby, or losing health coverage â that can make you eligible for a Special Enrollment Period, allowing you to enroll in health insurance outside the yearly Open Enrollment Period. See if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period. GET STARTED.",
"Related Terms: Extraordinary Resolution. Also known as an extraordinary resolution. A special resolution is a high threshold and an exception to the rule of a simple majority, as required for ordinary resolutions.",
"Definition of special. 1 1 : one that is used for a special service or occasion caught the commuter special to work. 2 2 : something (as a television program) that is not part of a regular series. 3 3 : a featured dish at a restaurant the specials of the day.",
"The circumstances occurred prior to this date but the full effect or magnitude did not become apparent to the student until after. 4 weeks from the Unit of Study start date. CRICOS Provider No. 00124K (Melbourne) RTO Code: 3113 Definition-of-special-circumstances- last updated 17/07/20155 2.",
"A special exception is a use of land or buildings that is permitted, subject to specific conditions that are set forth in the ordinance. A variance is a waiver or relaxation of particular requirements of an ordinance when strict enforcement would cause undue hardship because of circumstances unique to the property.",
"The word circumstances first came onto the scene in the early 13th century, meaning âconditions surrounding and accompanying an event.â The Dalai Lama advised that âIn the present circumstances, no one can afford to assume that someone else will solve their problems.",
"Extenuating means making forgivable.. The adjective extenuating is unusual because it's almost always used with the word circumstances; the phrase extenuating circumstances describes the specific reasons that excuse or justify someone's actions.",
"Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 speciality(Noun) That in which one specialises; a chosen expertise or talent. 2 speciality(Noun) An attribute or quality peculiar to a species.",
"Definition of specialty. plural. specialties. 1 : a distinctive mark or quality. 2a : a special object or class of objects: such as (1) : a legal agreement embodied in a sealed instrument (2) : a product of a special kind or of special excellence fried chicken is my specialtyb : the state of being special, distinctive, or peculiar.",
"special. 1 of a distinct or particular kind or character: a special kind of key. 2 being a particular one; particular, individual, or certain: You'd better call the special number. 3 pertaining or peculiar to a particular person, thing, instance, etc.; distinctive; unique: the special features of a plan.",
"Synonym Discussion of special. special, especial, specific, particular, individual mean of or relating to one thing or class. special stresses having a quality, character, identity, or use of its own special ingredients. especial may add implications of preeminence or preference a matter of especial importance.",
"This page provides all possible meanings and translations of the word circumstances. Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Freebase(3.00 / 3 votes)Rate this definition: Circumstances is the second track on progressive rock band Rush's 1978 album Hemispheres. Lyrically, it is an autobiographical account, written by Peart, about the time he spent living in England, and his eventual disillusionment with his then-current occupations.",
"ⶠUSAGE Especial and especially have a more limited use than special and specially. Special is always used in preference to especial when the sense is one of being out of the ordinary: a special lesson; he has been specially trained. Special is also used when something is referred to as being for a particular purpose: the word was specially underlined for you. Where an idea of pre-eminence or individuality is involved, either especial or special may be used: he is my especial (or special) friend; he is especially (or specially) good at his job.",
"a regular term is one called for by law and a special term may be called by a judge or other official when the circumstances warrant it a jury may hear a case during the jury term while a motion for relief may be made to the court during the motion term",
"Meaning of âcircumstanceâ in the English Dictionary. See all translations. uk â /ËsÉË.kÉm.stÉËns/ us â /ËsÉË.kÉm.stæns/. B2 [ C usually plural ] a fact or event that makes a situation the way it is: I think she coped very well under the circumstances. Obviously we can't deal with the problem until we know all the circumstances. She died in suspicious circumstances.",
"3. circumstances Financial status or means: Prior came of a good family, much reduced in circumstances (George Sherburn). 4. Formal display; ceremony: the pomp and circumstance of a coronation. 5. A particular incident or occurrence: Your arrival was a fortunate circumstance.",
"Twins have a special claim upon our attention; it is, that their history affords means of distinguishing between the effects of tendencies received at birth, and those that were imposed by the special circumstances of their after lives.. -- Sir Francis Galton, 19th century behavioral genetics pioneer,",
"Circumstance or Circumstances may refer to: 1 Aggravating circumstance. 2 Attendant circumstance, a legal concept which Black's Law Dictionary defines as the facts surrounding an event.. 3 Exigent circumstance. Extenuating circumstances.",
"Special circumstances (Special Enrollment Periods) You can make changes to your Medicare Advantage and Medicare prescription drug coverage when certain events happen in your life, like if you move or you lose other insurance coverage. These chances to make changes are called Special Enrollment Periods (SEPs).",
"(July 2009) A special-purpose entity (SPE; or, in Europe and India, special-purpose vehicle/SPV, or, in some cases in each EU jurisdiction â FVC, financial vehicle corporation) is a legal entity (usually a limited company of some type or, sometimes, a limited partnership) created to fulfill narrow, specific or temporary objectives.",
"(Äk-sÄpâ²shÉ-nÉl) adj. 1. Being an exception; uncommon: This town is exceptional for the region in having a high tax rate. 2. Well above average; extraordinary: an exceptional memory. 3. Deviating widely from a norm, as of physical or mental ability: special educational provisions for exceptional children.",
"6 a special person or thing, such as an extra edition of a newspaper or a train reserved for a particular purpose. 7 a dish or meal given prominence, esp. at a low price, in a café, etc. 8 (Austral. history, slang) a convict given special treatment on account of his education, social class, etc.",
"Special treatment synonyms and Special treatment antonyms. Top synonym for special treatment (another word for special treatment) is mental reservation. Search for synonyms and antonyms",
"Words. Some words have special meaning in Probability: Experiment or Trial: an action where the result is uncertain. Tossing a coin, throwing dice, seeing what pizza people choose are all examples of experiments. Sample Space: all the possible outcomes of an experiment.",
"The courts have construed the term âexceptional circumstancesâ as used elsewhere in Part IV of our Court Rules. In considering the termâs use in the discovery extension rule, Rule 4:24-1, the court likened exceptional circumstances to ââextraordinary circumstances.'â Rivers v. LSC Pâship, 378 N.J. Super. 68, 78 (App.",
"3. circumstances Financial status or means: Prior came of a good family, much reduced in circumstances (George Sherburn). 4. Formal display; ceremony: the pomp and circumstance of a coronation.",
"Depending on dialect, the word could be spelled as (Peng). It means duckweed. [ping shui xiang feng] is a proverb which means strangers coming together by circumstances; more commonly used for females. Depending on dialect, the word could be spelled as (Poo). It means uncut jade, simple, down to earth.",
"circumstances - your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you); whatever my fortune may be; deserved a better fate; has a happy lot; the luck of the Irish; a victim of circumstances; success that was her portion. luck, destiny, fate, fortune, lot, portion.",
"3 n-plural Your circumstances are the conditions of your life, especially the amount of money that you have. usu with poss (=situation). ...help and support for the single mother, whatever her circumstances..., I wouldn't have expected to find you in such comfortable circumstances.",
"Description of Special Pleading. Special Pleading is a fallacy in which a person applies standards, principles, rules, etc. to others while taking herself (or those she has a special interest in) to be exempt, without providing adequate justification for the exemption. This sort of reasoning has the following form:",
"Special circumstances in murder cases may well result in the imposition of the death penalty (in states with capital punishment) for murder or life sentence without possibility of parole.",
"Qualifying Life Event (QLE) A change in your situation â like getting married, having a baby, or losing health coverage â that can make you eligible for a Special Enrollment Period, allowing you to enroll in health insurance outside the yearly Open Enrollment Period. See if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period.",
"circumstances - your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you); whatever my fortune may be; deserved a better fate; has a happy lot; the luck of the Irish; a victim of circumstances; success that was her portion.",
"Special circumstances (Special Enrollment Periods) You can make changes to your Medicare Advantage and Medicare prescription drug coverage when certain events happen in your life, like if you move or you lose other insurance coverage. These chances to make changes are called Special Enrollment Periods (SEPs). Rules about when you can make changes and the type of changes you can make are different for each SEP. You change where you live",
"In American English the adjective special is overwhelmingly more common than especial in all senses: He will be of special help if you can't understand the documentation. The reverse is true of the adverbs; here especially is by far the more common: He will be of great help, especially if you have trouble understanding the documentation.",
"SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES. If you don't initially meet every requirement, this doesn't necessarily mean you are disqualified. If you have questions about your eligibility, a Marine Recruiter or OSO can determine if your circumstances warrant a special waiver.",
"A distribution of non-random results caused by a single identifiable factor with clearly defined characteristics. Such a circumstance is imminently manageable. In statistical process control, this is sometimes known as a special cause or exceptional variation. The variation is due to an unusual event that is not normally part of the process.",
"The word sonder is found in German language. It means special in English, so my best guess is that the word from The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows is meant to show that each and every person is as special as the other.",
"A circumstance is the condition in which something happens. Say you were at a business luncheon and you were accidentally fed psychedelic mushrooms in your ravioli, your boss might excuse the weird things you said, given the circumstance. Circumstance comes from the Latin meaning the conditions around something. If you are born in a war zone, you're born into a difficult circumstance. If you're making decisions about awarding a scholarship to the most needy person, you'll need information about each candidate's circumstances.",
"The meanings of the adjectives special and especial are more or less the same. They both mean âdifferent and more than usual,â as in the examples below: 1 This is a matter of special importance.",
"A Special Condition (Japanese: ç¹æ®ç¶æ
Special Condition) is a result that some attacks have in the Pokemon Pokémon Trading Card. Game specific attacks may cause The Defending pokemon pokémon to be affected By A, special condition such as The common lick attack which has a chance Of. causing paralysis",
"The purpose of this definition is to detail what constitutes special circumstances for the purposes of an application by (i) a Higher. Education student for HELP and Student Learning Entitlement (SLE) balance and a VET FEE-HELP student to be re-credited and.",
"Special Populations. People who might be more sensitive or susceptible to exposure to hazardous substances because of factors such as age, occupation, sex, or behaviours (e.g., cigarette smoking). Children, pregnant women, and older people are often considered special populations.",
"Special relief varies by state. For example, in Pennsylvania, the law specifically lists some relief the courts can provide, such as protecting assets, but also allows the court to provide any relief that is needed in the case. New York law uses the term 'special relief,' but in a much more limited way, relating only to insurance policies.",
"special term: a court part set aside to hear specific types of cases. special verdict: a special finding of the facts of a case by a jury leaving to the court the application of the law to the facts thus found",
"Circumstance or Circumstances may refer to: Aggravating circumstance. Attendant circumstance, a legal concept which Black's Law Dictionary defines as the facts surrounding an event.. Exigent circumstance.",
"The noun CIRCUMSTANCES has 3 senses: 1. your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you) 2. the state (usually personal) with regard to wealth. 3. a person's financial situation (good or bad) Familiarity information: CIRCUMSTANCES used as a noun is uncommon.",
"Special circumstances (Special Enrollment Periods) You can make changes to your Medicare Advantage and Medicare prescription drug coverage when certain events happen in your life, like if you move or you lose other insurance coverage. These chances to make changes are called Special Enrollment Periods (SEPs). Rules about when you can make changes and the type of changes you can make are different for each SEP.",
"Definition of circumstance for English Language Learners. : 1 a condition or fact that affects a situation. 2 circumstances : the way something happens : the specific details of an event. : 3 an event or situation that you cannot control.",
"The adjective extenuating is unusual because it's almost always used with the word circumstances; the phrase extenuating circumstances describes the specific reasons that excuse or justify someone's actions.",
"Speciality(noun) see Specialty, 3. Speciality(noun) the special or peculiar mark or characteristic of a person or thing; that for which a person is specially distinguished; an object of special attention; a special occupation or object of attention; a specialty."
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weather in cedartown, georgia | [
"Hourly Forecast Detailed. 1 0am:The Cedartown, GA forecast for Jul 31 is 75 degrees and Partly cloudy. There is 72 percentage chance of rain and 3 mph winds from the East. 2 3am:The Cedartown, GA forecast for Jul 31 is 66 degrees and Partly cloudy. There is 76 percentage chance of rain and 3 mph winds from the Southeast."
] | [
"0am:The Donalsonville, GA forecast for Apr 08 is 53 degrees and Clear. There is 50 percentage chance of rain and 6 mph winds from the Northwest. 3am:The Donalsonville, GA forecast for Apr 08 is 49 degrees and Partly cloudy. There is 59 percentage chance of rain and 4 mph winds from the North-Northwest.",
"Georgia's subtropical climate depends on latitude and how close an area is to the Atlantic Ocean or the Gulf of Mexico. The state's weather is mostly moderate, but Georgia has occasional extreme weather. The highest temperature ever recorded is 112 °F (44.4 °C) and the lowest is -17 °F (-27.2 °C).",
"The fifth stakeholder meeting for gathering public input for Polk County's Comprehensive Plan will be at 5:00 pm, Thursday, June 9, 2016, at the Cedartown City Council Room, Cedartown City Hall, 201 East Avenue, Cedartown, 30125 The meeting is open to the public and citizen participation is encouraged.",
"Cedar City, Utah, gets 12 inches of rain per year. The US average is 39. Snowfall is 110 inches. The average US city gets 26 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 33. On average, there are 256 sunny days per year in Cedar City, Utah. The July high is around 89 degrees. The January low is 18. Sperling's comfort index for Cedar City is a 71 out of 100, where a higher score indicates a more comfortable year-around climate. The US average for the comfort index is 54.",
"Knightstown, IN - Weather forecast from Theweather.com. Weather conditions with updates on temperature, humidity, wind speed, snow, pressure, etc. for Knightstown, Indiana Today: Cloudy skies, with a maximum temperature of 46° and a minimum temperature of 25°.",
"Watertown 10 Day Weather. 1 Sunday:The Watertown forecast for Aug 27 is 70 degrees and Light rain shower. There is 84 percentage chance of rain and 11 mph winds from the South. 2 Monday:The Watertown forecast for Aug 28 is 72 degrees and Fog. There is 84 percentage chance of rain and 3 mph winds from the East-Southeast.",
"Climate data for cedar lake, Longitude: -121.756, Latitude: 47.4144. Average weather North Bend, WA - 98045 - 1981-2010 normals. Jan: January, Feb: February, Mar: March, Apr: April, May: May, Jun: June, Jul: July, Aug: August, Sep: September, Oct: October, Nov: November, Dec: December.",
"Polk County is a county located in the northwestern part of the U.S. state of Georgia. As of the 2010 census, the population was 41,475. The county seat is Cedartown. The county was created on December 20, 1851 by an act of the Georgia General Assembly and named after James K. Polk, the eleventh President of the United States.",
"Baytown 7 Day Weather. 1 Tuesday:The Baytown forecast for Aug 22 is 92 degrees and Partly cloudy. There is 62 percentage chance of rain and 3 mph winds from the East. 2 Wednesday:The Baytown forecast for Aug 23 is 93 degrees and Sunny. There is 58 percentage chance of rain and 4 mph winds from the Northeast.",
"Florida Weather > Cedar Key Weather Cedar Key, FL Weather Cedar Key, FL climate is hot during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 80's and cool during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 50's. The warmest month of the year is July with an average maximum temperature of 91.90 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is January with an average minimum temperature of 43.50 degrees Fahrenheit.",
"0%77°52°Sunny with a high of 75 °F (23.9 °C). Winds from SW to WSW at 9 mph (14.5 kph).Night - Mostly cloudy. Winds variable at 2 to 11 mph (3.2 to 17.7 kph). The overnight low will be 54 °F (12.2 °C).",
"Intellicast.com: The Authority in Expert Weather Cedar Key, Florida historic weather averages and records (32625). Cedar Key, Florida Climate report for average, high and low temperature, precipitation and snow. Monthly and Daily weather averages and records for Cedar Key, Florida Intellicast.com The Authority in Expert Weather",
"Folkston Weather Forecast for Wednesday, August 16. The 31537, GA forecast for Aug 16 is 94 degrees and Sunny . There is 59 percentage chance of rain and 5 mph winds from the West.",
"In Cartersville, the summers are hot and muggy; the winters are short, very cold, and wet; and it is partly cloudy year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 33°F to 89°F and is rarely below 20°F or above 95°F.",
"Cedartown, Georgia 30125 - Phone: 770-749-2213 Fax: 770-749-2277 TTY: 770-749-4313. Clayton County - Counties Served: Clayton, Fayette, Henry - Address: 2450 Mount Zion Pkwy., Building 10, Suite 100, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236-2500 - Phone: 678-479-5886 Fax: 678-479-5256 TTY: 678-479-3012.",
"Climate Cedar City - Utah. °C | °F. Climate data for cedar city ap, Longitude: -113.094, Latitude: 37.7086. Average weather Cedar City, UT - 84720 - 1981-2010 normals. Jan: January, Feb: February, Mar: March, Apr: April, May: May, Jun: June, Jul: July, Aug: August, Sep: September, Oct: October, Nov: November, Dec: December.",
"Cedartown Weather - AccuWeather Forecast for GA 30125. Get the Cedartown weather forecast. Access hourly, 10 day and 15 day forecasts along with up to the minute reports and videos for Cedartown, GA 30125 from ... www.accuweather.com",
"Clarkesville Weather Forecast for Sunday, August 13. The 30523, GA forecast for Aug 13 is 84 degrees and Partly cloudy . There is 80 percentage chance of rain and 3 mph winds from the East.",
"Katra weather summary for coming week. The maximum temperature for Katra over the next 7 day will be 33â (or 92â) on Friday 23 rd October at around 2 pm. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 16â (or 61â) on Tuesday 27 th October at around 5 am.",
"Ski Resorts: Brasstown Bald, North Carolina, United States Of America. The 7 day weather forecast summary for Springer Mountain, Georgia, United States Of America: Taking a look at the forecast over the coming week and the average daytime maximum will be around 17°C, with a high of 23°C expected on Wednesday afternoon.",
"Climate data for cedar rapids no 1, Longitude: -91.588, Latitude: 42.05 Average weather Marion, IA - 52302 - 1981-2010 normals Jan: January, Feb: February, Mar: March, Apr: April, May: May, Jun: June, Jul: July, Aug: August, Sep: September, Oct: October, Nov: November, Dec: December",
"Watertown Average Weather. 1 The highest monthly average temperature in Watertown for July is 70 degrees. 2 The lowest monthly average temperature in Watertown for February is 21 degrees. The most monthly precipitation in Watertown occurs in October with 5.2 inches.",
"Queenstown: Annual Weather Averages. January is the hottest month in Queenstown with an average temperature of 16°C (61°F) and the coldest is June at 4°C (39°F). The wettest month is October with an average of 90mm of rain.",
"Similar Weather; Savannah 9 °C (48 °F) Teneriffe 6 °C (43 °F) Asheville 6 °C (43 °F) Hilton Head Island 6 °C (43 °F) Cleveland 6 °C (43 °F) Yosemite 10 °C (50 °F) Columbus 7 °C (45 °F) Lego 7 °C (45 °F) Lee Valley 6 °C (43 °F) Renno 6 °C (43 °F) Alder Branch 6 °C (43 °F) Arnold Hill 6 °C (43 °F) Austral 8 °C (46 °F) Camak 7 °C (45 °F) Wrens 10 °C (50 °F) Hilyer 9 °C (48 °F) Saul 9 °C (48 °F) Polin",
"Waresboro Weather Forecast for Monday, January 15 Countries/United States/ Georgia/ Waresboro The Waresboro, GA forecast for Jan 15 is 41 degrees and Partly cloudy . There is 46 percentage chance of rain and 6 mph winds from the North-Northeast. Current Conditions",
"Welcome to the Polk County Assessors Office Web Site! The Polk County Board of Tax Assessors meets every Tuesday at 9:00 AM at the Polk County Administration Building, 144 West Avenue, Suite F, Cedartown, GA. 30125. PUBLIC NOTICE. Notice to the Polk County Property Owners and Occupants.",
"Cedartown is a city in Polk County, Georgia, United States. The population was 9,470 at the 2000 census. The city is the county seat of Polk County. Cedartown is the principal city of and is included in the Cedartown, Georgia Micropolitan Statistical Area, which is included in the Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Gainesville, Georgia-Alabama (part) Combined Statistical Area.",
"January is the wettest month with around 40mm (1.5) of rainfall, however the climate is considered dry and arid for most of the year. Autumn is one of the best times to visit Alice Springs, with warm days and cool nights. Average temperatures range from 12 - 27°C (53.6 - 80.6°F).",
"Peak Wind Gusts from Hurricane Irene, August 27, 2011.The peak wind gust recorded was 115 mph at the Cedar Island Ferry Terminal in Carteret County.",
"The city's annual mean temperature is 60°F (16°C), with averages of 41°F (5°C) in January and 78°F (26°C) in July. In some parts of the mountainous east, where the temperatures are considerably lower, the growing season is as short as 130 days. The record high temperature for the state is 113°F (45°C), set at Perryville on 9 August 1930; the record low, â32°F (â36°C), was registered at Mountain City on 30 December 1917.",
"Temperature variations between night and day tend to be moderate during summer with a difference that can reach 25 degrees Fahrenheit, and moderate during winter with an average difference of 25 degrees Fahrenheit. The annual average precipitation at Hueytown is 59.38 Inches. Rainfall in is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year.",
"Cedartown, GA Lowest Regular Gas Prices Summary. There are 6 Regular gas price reports in the past 5 days in Cedartown, GA. The average Regular gas price in Cedartown, GA is $2.13, which is $0.26 lower than U.S. national average Regular gas price $2.39. The lowest Regular gas price is $1.91 of Shell located at 731 N Main St, Cedartown, GA 30125.",
"Cedarburg Weather (4â7 days) Mostly dry. Freeze-thaw conditions (max 5°C on Sun afternoon, min -11°C on Fri morning). Mainly near gales. 10 Day Cedarburg Weather (7â10 days) A moderate fall of snow, heaviest on Tue night. Temperatures will be below freezing (max -1°C on Wed morning, min -5°C on Mon night). Mainly fresh winds.",
"In the same week the minimum temperature will be 16â (or 61â) on Tuesday 27 th October at around 5 am. Our Katra weather forecaster is reporting Monday 26 th October to be the wettest day in the coming week with around 3.80mm (or 0.1 inches) of rainfall.",
"1 The highest monthly average temperature in Watertown for July is 70 degrees. 2 The lowest monthly average temperature in Watertown for February is 21 degrees. The most monthly precipitation in Watertown occurs in October with 5.2 inches.",
"Hiawassee, Georgia, gets 57 inches of rain per year. The US average is 39. Snowfall is 4 inches. The average US city gets 26 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 76. On average, there are 207 sunny days per year in Hiawassee, Georgia. The July high is around 84 degrees. The January low is 26.",
"Tennessee Weather > Germantown Weather. Germantown, TN climate is hot during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 80's and cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 40's.",
"CLIMATE OVERVIEW : Cedar Rapids, Iowa, gets 37 inches of rain per year. The US average is 39. Snowfall is 29 inches. The average US city gets 26 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 67. On average, there are 193 sunny days per year in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The July high is around 84 degrees. The January low is 12. Sperling's comfort index for Cedar Rapids is a 35 out of 100, where a higher score indicates a more comfortable year-around climate. The US average for the comfort index is 54. Our index is based on the total number of days annually within the comfort range of 70-80 degrees, and we also applied a penalty for days of excessive humidity.",
"Cedar Park, Texas, gets 33 inches of rain per year. The US average is 39. Snowfall is 0 inches. The average US city gets 26 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 52. On average, there are 231 sunny days per year in Cedar Park, Texas. The July high is around 95 degrees. The January low is 37. Sperling's comfort index for Cedar Park is a 66 out of 100, where a higher score indicates a more comfortable year-around climate. The US average for the comfort index is 54.",
"CLIMATE OVERVIEW : Pine Mountain, Georgia, gets 49 inches of rain per year. The US average is 39. Snowfall is 0 inches. The average US city gets 26 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 72. On average, there are 210 sunny days per year in Pine Mountain, Georgia. The July high is around 90 degrees. The January low is 32. Sperling's comfort index for Pine Mountain is a 64 out of 100, where a higher score indicates a more comfortable year-around climate. The US average for the comfort index is 54. Our index is based on the total number of days annually within the comfort range of 70-80 degrees, and we also applied a penalty for days of excessive humidity.",
"Johnstown, CO Weather Forecast. 8:28 AM MST Sun Feb 4 2018. REST OF TODAY - Mostly cloudy. Chance of snow in the morning, then a slight chance of snow in the afternoon. Highs 26 to 34. Chance of precipitation 30 percent. TONIGHT - Partly cloudy. Lows 22 to 28. West winds 10 to 15 mph after midnight.",
"In some parts of the mountainous east, where the temperatures are considerably lower, the growing season is as short as 130 days. The record high temperature for the state is 113°F (45°C), set at Perryville on 9 August 1930; the record low, â32°F (â36°C), was registered at Mountain City on 30 December 1917.",
"Georgia Weather > Milledgeville Weather. Milledgeville, GA climate is warm during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 70's and cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 40's. The warmest month of the year is July with an average maximum temperature of 92.80 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is January with an average minimum temperature of 31.00 degrees Fahrenheit.",
"HARRIS , William Julius , ( great-grandson of Charles Hooks ) , a Senator from Georgia ; born in Cedartown , Polk County , Ga. , February 3 , 1868 ; attended the common schools and graduated from the University of Georgia at Athens in 1890 ; engaged in the general insurance business and banking at Cedartown ; served as private secretary to United ...",
"Weather during springtime in North Georgia and the mountains changes from day to day and year to year. Early spring in the North Georgia Mountains can be very chilly during the day; average highs are near 62 °F (17 °C). The weather can be highly variable with temperatures ranging between 75 °F (24 °C) and 40 °F (4 °C).",
"Donalsonville Weather Forecast for Monday, April 03. Countries/United States/ Georgia/ Donalsonville. The Donalsonville, GA forecast for Apr 03 is 79 degrees and Patchy light rain with thunder . There is 68 percentage chance of rain and 17 mph winds from the South-Southwest.",
"Folkston Weather Forecast for Tuesday, August 29. Countries/United States/ Georgia/ Folkston. The Folkston, GA forecast for Aug 29 is 78 degrees and Cloudy . There is 79 percentage chance of rain and 4 mph winds from the West-Northwest.",
"Lewistown, MT Weather. The average temperature of Lewistown is 44.04°F, which is about the same as the Montana average temperature of 44.18°F and is much lower than the national average temperature of 54.45°F. Historical Weather.",
"The annual average precipitation at Cedar Key is 59.65 Inches. Summer months tend to be wetter than winter months. The wettest month of the year is August with an average rainfall of 9.80 Inches. Weather Data Normal Climate Normal Temperatures",
"The highest monthly average temperature in Watertown for July is 70 degrees. The lowest monthly average temperature in Watertown for February is 21 degrees. The most monthly precipitation in Watertown occurs in October with 5.2 inches. The air quality index in Watertown is 37% better than the national average. The pollution index in Watertown is 95% better than the national average.",
"Folkston Weather Forecast for Wednesday, August 16. Countries/United States/ Georgia/ 31537. The 31537, GA forecast for Aug 16 is 94 degrees and Sunny . There is 59 percentage chance of rain and 5 mph winds from the West.",
"The Cherokee County Warriors football team has a home non-conference game vs. Cedartown on Friday, August 25 @ 7p.",
"Summer temperatures in Cedar Grove are generally hotter than the average for the middle elevations, and cooler than the foothills. Mid-summer temperatures may reach the 90°s (35-40°C). Cedar Grove is closed in the winter due to frequent rockfalls on the road.",
"Georgia's autumns are normally sunny and cool. September and October, the driest months of the year, qualify as Indian Summer weather with temperatures that are near 78 °F (26 °C) during the daytime. At night, the temperature drops to near 50 °F (10 °C).",
"A cold air mass was in place across the region, and high temperatures only reached the mid 30s. Portions of the forecast area received light snow â 2.0ââ in Hartsville, SC, 1.5ââ in Elizabethtown, NC, and 1.0ââ in Dillon, SC. Wilmington, NC and Florence, SC both reported traces of snowfall.",
"Queenstown: Annual Weather Averages. January is the hottest month in Queenstown with an average temperature of 16°C (61°F) and the coldest is June at 4°C (39°F) . The wettest month is October with an average of 90mm of rain.",
"0am:The Donalsonville, GA forecast for Apr 03 is 71 degrees and Clear. There is 64 percentage chance of rain and 5 mph winds from the South-Southeast. 3am:The Donalsonville, GA forecast for Apr 03 is 64 degrees and Partly cloudy. There is 72 percentage chance of rain and 4 mph winds from the Southeast.",
"El Nino-La Nina. Climatology for Cedar City UT Lat=37.4N Lon=113.0W Elevation=5852 feet. Number of years available from 1961 to 1990: 30 Maximum temperature 1961 to 1990: 105 F Minimum temperature 1961 to 1990: -24 F Mean Annual Precipitation: 11.5 inches Mean Annual Snowfall: 48.0 inches. Yearly [Annual] Average Maximum & Minimun.",
"Hourly Forecast Detailed. 1 0am:The Turtletown, TN forecast for Aug 15 is 67 degrees and Fog. There is 98 percentage chance of rain and 2 mph winds from the Southeast. 2 3am:The Turtletown, TN forecast for Aug 15 is 67 degrees and Fog. There is 99 percentage chance of rain and 2 mph winds from the Southeast.",
"Florida Weather > Cedar Key Weather. Cedar Key, FL climate is hot during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 80's and cool during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 50's. The warmest month of the year is July with an average maximum temperature of 91.90 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is January with an average minimum temperature of 43.50 degrees Fahrenheit.",
"Turtletown TN Weather Turtletown, TN current conditions with daily summary and 5 Day forecast. Local information is offered on humidity, precipitation, barometric pressure, heat index, wind chill, hourly forecast, sunrise, sunset, wind speed with direction, along with high and low temperatures presented in Fahrenheit and Celsius.",
"The climate in Georgia is a major reason so many people continue to move to the state. A warm summer brings an average temperature of 80 degrees and the added benefit of âIndian summerâ stretching into October. Autumn is brisk, with brilliant fall foliage throughout the state, particularly in the mountains.",
"Cedar Point Weather Forecast â 10 Day. Cedar Point 1 â 3 Day Weather Forecast Summary: Light rain (total 6mm), mostly falling on Mon night. Very mild (max 19.2°C on Sun afternoon, min 0.7°C on Sat morning). Winds increasing (light winds from the W on Sat morning, fresh winds from the SSW by Sun afternoon). °C°F.",
"Average Weather in Savannah Georgia, United States. In Savannah, the summers are hot and oppressive, the winters are cold, and it is wet and partly cloudy year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 42°F to 91°F and is rarely below 29°F or above 96°F.",
"Cedar Key, FL Weather. Cedar Key, FL climate is hot during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 80's and cool during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 50's."
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what is alternaria alternata | [
"Alternaria alternata. Alternaria alternata is a fungus which has been recorded causing leaf spot and other diseases on over 380 host species of plant. It is an opportunistic pathogen on numerous hosts causing leaf spots, rots and blights on many plant parts."
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"Spores in mushrooms are produced on special cells called basidia. Edit. Share to: 1 Alternaria Fungi Are a Source of Allergies Alternaria is a little-known source of allergies. 2 It's a fungus or mold that creates toxic pathogens that can attack plants, animals, and humans.",
"Many species of alternaria modify their secondary metabolites by sulfoconjugation, however the role of this process is not yet understood. The terms alternariosis and alternariatoxicosis are used for disorders in humans and animals caused by a fungus in this genus.",
"There are two primary fungus diseases that can produce black spots on tomato plant leaves: Septoria leaf spot and Alternaria leaf spot, also known as early blight. Septoria and Alternaria differ slightly in appearance and prefer slightly different weather climates.",
"Alternaria leaf blight. Michelle Grabowski, University of Minnesota, Extension Educator. Alternaria leaf blight is caused by the fungus Alternaria cucumerina. This disease is most problematic on melon but can also occur on cucumber, pumpkin and squash.Alternaria leaf blight does not commonly infect fruit but can reduce yield and quality through reduced plant vigor and sunscald of exposed fruit.lternaria leaf blight does not commonly infect fruit but can reduce yield and quality through reduced plant vigor and sunscald of exposed fruit.",
"What are its characteristics? 1 Spartina alterniflora is a tall, clumping, perennial grass, growing 2 to 7 feet in height with creeping rhizomes. 2 Leaves have flat blades and can be 1/4 to 3/5 inch wide and 12 to 20 inches long. Ligules, the outgrowth from the sheath of the leaf blade, consist of a fringe of hairs.",
"Strelitzia /strÉËlɪtsiÉ/ is a genus of five species of perennial plants, native to South Africa. It belongs to the plant family Strelitziaceae. The genus is named after the duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, birthplace of Queen Charlotte of the United Kingdom.A common name of the genus is bird of paradise flower / plant, because of a resemblance of its flowers to birds-of-paradise.In South Africa it is commonly known as a crane flower and is featured on the reverse of the 50 cent coin.trelitzia /strÉËlɪtsiÉ/ is a genus of five species of perennial plants, native to South Africa. It belongs to the plant family Strelitziaceae. The genus is named after the duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, birthplace of Queen Charlotte of the United Kingdom.",
"Apri® (desogestrel/ethinyl estradiol) is a prescription oral contraceptive (commonly known as a birth control pill) and is a generic version of Desogen®. 1 Solia⢠(made by Prasco Laboratories). Side Effects of Apri. As with any medicine, side effects are possible with Apri.",
"Tinea versicolor (also known as dermatomycosis furfuracea, pityriasis versicolor, and tinea flava) is a condition characterized by a skin eruption on the trunk and proximal extremities.inea versicolor (also known as dermatomycosis furfuracea, pityriasis versicolor, and tinea flava) is a condition characterized by a skin eruption on the trunk and proximal extremities.",
"When tomato plants leaves turn yellow, it could be from a fungus or bacterial problem, like Alternaria alternata or other tomato diseases. If disease is the case, you will want to treat this accordingly. Sometimes yellow leaves on tomato plants mean that there is a pest problem that needs to be handled.",
"Black or grey. These could be Alternaria, which is most common as an outdoor mold, growing around damp, dusty areas, soil and plants. But it has made its way indoors. In one study, Alternaria was found in more than 90 percent of house dust samples. Exposure to it may boost the risk of asthma.",
"alternation of generations. n. The regular alternation of forms or of mode of reproduction in the life cycle of an organism, such as the alternation between diploid and haploid phases, or between sexual and asexual reproductive cycles. See alternate generation. Fig. 26 Alternation of generations .(a) Life cycle of Obelia (Coelenterata).",
"Early Blight Alternaria â Treatment For Tomato Plant Leaf Spots And Yellow Leaves. If you have noticed tomato leaf spots and the lower leaves turning yellow, you may have tomato early blight alternaria. This tomato disease causes damage to the leaves, stems and even the fruit of the plant. Keep reading to learn more about what causes tomato early blight alternaria and how to treat leaf spot.",
"Gluten Allergy / Gluten Free Diet / Yeast Allergy / Asthma / + other Allergies. Alternaria is a genus of molds. They grow easily indoors, causing indoor air quality problems. They can trigger hay fever, which can lead to asthma. There are at least 44 known species, although there may be hundreds more yet to be classified.",
"Caused by a fungal pathogen, Alternaria solani, early blight gets started on the lower leaves of tomato and potato plants. Besides leaf yellowing, symptoms include spots or lesions that start out small but increase in size.aused by a fungal pathogen, Alternaria solani, early blight gets started on the lower leaves of tomato and potato plants. Besides leaf yellowing, symptoms include spots or lesions that start out small but increase in size.",
"What are its characteristics? 1 Spartina alterniflora is a tall, clumping, perennial grass, growing 2 to 7 feet in height with creeping rhizomes. Leaves have flat blades and can be 1/4 to 3/5 inch wide and 12 to 20 inches long.",
"(A) Symptoms of early blight on potato leaves caused by Alternaria solani and. (B) symptoms of brown leaf spot on potato leaves caused by Alternaria alternata. Photo credit: Willie Kirk and Phillip Wharton, MSU. However, the foliar lesions caused by brown leaf spot never develop the dark concentric rings characteristic of early blight.",
"Early blight, caused by the fungus Alternaria, and Septoria leaf spot, caused by the fungus Septoria, aretwo destructive tomato diseases which occur each year in the northeastern United States.arly blight, caused by the fungus Alternaria, and Septoria leaf spot, caused by the fungus Septoria, aretwo destructive tomato diseases which occur each year in the northeastern United States.",
"Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. In common parlance, the difference between a spore and a gamete (both together called gonites) is that a spore will germinate and develop into a sporeling, while a gamete needs to combine with another gamete before developing further.emale gametes form to the right of the wall of chromosomes, where as the gametes in males form to the left and in the middle of the wall. 4 people found this useful. Edit. Share to: 1 Alternaria Fungi Are a Source of Allergies Alternaria is a little-known source of allergies.",
"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Alternaria solani is a fungal pathogen, that produces a disease in tomato and potato plants called early blight. The pathogen produces distinctive bullseye patterned leaf spots and can also cause stem lesions and fruit rot on tomato and tuber blight on potato.arly blight caused by A. solani is the most destructive disease of tomatoes in the tropical and subtropical regions. Each 1% increase in intensity can reduce yield by 1.36%, and complete crop failure can occur when the disease is most severe.",
"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Alternaria solani is a fungal pathogen, that produces a disease in tomato and potato plants called early blight. The pathogen produces distinctive bullseye patterned leaf spots and can also cause stem lesions and fruit rot on tomato and tuber blight on potato.lternaria solani is a fungal pathogen, that produces a disease in tomato and potato plants called early blight.",
"Photo: Clemson University - USDA Cooperative Extension Slide Series, Bugwood.org Early blight is a common tomato disease caused by the fungus Alternaria solani. It can affect almost all parts of the tomato plants, including the leaves, stems, and fruits.",
"Aucuba japonica-Gold Dust AucubaCornaceae. Aucuba japonica or Gold Dust Aucuba is an attractive broadleaf evergreen shrub native to eastern Asia and Japan. They are slow to moderate growers and will reach a height of 4-12 feet (1.2-3.7 m) with a spread of 4-6 feet (1.2-1.8 m).ucuba japonica-Gold Dust AucubaCornaceae. Aucuba japonica or Gold Dust Aucuba is an attractive broadleaf evergreen shrub native to eastern Asia and Japan. They are slow to moderate growers and will reach a height of 4-12 feet (1.2-3.7 m) with a spread of 4-6 feet (1.2-1.8 m).",
"Use Cases and Deployment Scope. Alteryx is a strong ETL tool that can be used to manipulate. In the past, I've used the tool to prepare data for custom production teams as well as a member of a custom productions team to meet customer needs. The standardization and geospatial tools are particularly useful.",
"Specimens of Alternaria are often found growing on carpets, textiles and horizontal surfaces such as window frames. It is commonly found in soil, seeds and plants. It is known to be a common allergen. It appears as a velvety tuft with long soft hairs and its color ranges from dark olive green to brown.",
"Alternaria leaf spot in the garden is a real problem for growers of brassicas, but it also makes life miserable for tomato and potato growers, causing plaque-like spots on leaves and fruits.he fungal pathogens in the genus Alternaria can be devastating to plants year after year. The spores overwinter on old plant debris and attach themselves to seeds, making alternaria leaf spot especially tricky to completely eliminate if you save your own seeds.",
"AlterNet is a program of the Independent Media Institute (IMI), a nonprofit organization that empowers people with independent journalism, information, and media tools. IMI is dedicated to strengthening and supporting independent journalism, and to improving the public's access to independent information sources.",
"1 Spartina alterniflora is a tall, clumping, perennial grass, growing 2 to 7 feet in height with creeping rhizomes. 2 Leaves have flat blades and can be 1/4 to 3/5 inch wide and 12 to 20 inches long. Ligules, the outgrowth from the sheath of the leaf blade, consist of a fringe of hairs.",
"Informational table showing disease name, symptoms, pathogen/cause, and management of Geranium diseases. Alternaria leaf spot. Bacterial fasciation. Gray mold (Botrytis) on leaf and flowers.",
"Common Types Of Household Mold. The most common indoor molds are Cladosporium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Alternaria. Alternaria is a common fungus found on many types of fruits, vegetables and other plants.It starts out as a small and round dark spot which is covered with a black and fuzzy growth.enicillium is a common mold that is found in dust, has a greenish color and a powdery texture. It is characterized by its heavy and musty odor. Outdoors, penicillium is found in composting and rotting vegetation. Indoors, it grows on food items and on water damaged building materials.",
"Only two diseases are commonly troublesome on zinnias (Zinnia elegans), powdery mildew and Alternaria blight. Alternaria blight is the most common and conspicuous. Spotting of the foliage caused by the fungus, Alternaria zinniae, is the most conspicuous symptom of zinnia blight.",
"There are 299 species in the genus; they are ubiquitous in the environment and are a natural part of fungal flora almost everywhere. They are normal agents of decay and decomposition. The spores are airborne and found in the soil and water, as well as indoors and on objects. The club-shaped spores are single or form long chains. They can grow thick colonies which are usually green, black, or gray. At least 20% of agricultural spoilage is caused by Alternaria species; most severe losses may reach up to 80% of yield, though.",
"Alternaria symptoms once infection begins include small, dark, circular spots that regularly reach ½ inch in diameter. As they spread, alternaria leaf spots may change in color from black to tan or gray, with a yellow halo around the outside.Because spot development is heavily influenced by the environment, there are frequently noticeable concentric rings that spread from the initial point of infection.he fungal pathogens in the genus Alternaria can be devastating to plants year after year. The spores overwinter on old plant debris and attach themselves to seeds, making alternaria leaf spot especially tricky to completely eliminate if you save your own seeds.",
"Alternaria Leaf Spot. Alternaria leaf spot is a fungal disease that affects zinnias and several other plants, including asters, tomatoes, lettuce and sunflowers. The disease is evidenced by small, reddish-brown dots with tan or grayish-white centers. The spots, which gradually become larger and darker in color, are found on the tops of the leaves.",
"Alternaria Brown Spot. Alternaria brown spot affects Dancy and Murcott tangerines, among other varieties of tangerine and citrus. The disease causes brown spots and yellow discoloring of tangerine leaves; leaves can eventually fall off the tree.Branches and twigs may die back at the tips, and fruit can develop brown blemishes on its skin.lternaria Brown Spot. Alternaria brown spot affects Dancy and Murcott tangerines, among other varieties of tangerine and citrus. The disease causes brown spots and yellow discoloring of tangerine leaves; leaves can eventually fall off the tree.",
"alternet is liberal/progressive like dr. pepper is a real surgeon. maybe its their attemp to be fox news style 'fair and balanced', if thats the case, they have their fair and balanced share of neo-con mixed in with their liberalism.",
"Alternaria leaf and stem blight is the most serious foliar disease of American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) in Wisconsin. Left untreated, this disease can totally defoliate a ginseng garden in a few weeks.f available and legal to use, Dithane DF is the preferred fungicide for Alternaria leaf and stem blight control. Other, less effective fungicides such as a combination of Rovral and copper hydroxide, or Aliette may also be used.",
"Altera Quartus II is a programmable logic device design software produced by Altera.",
"It is one of the most common molds in the outdoor air during the summer and fall months of the year. The ability to sporulate heavily, ease of dispersal, and buoyant spores makes this fungus the most important fungal airway allergen; and together with Alternaria, it commonly causes asthma and hay fever in the Western hemisphere.",
"Common Types Of Household Mold. The most common indoor molds are Cladosporium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Alternaria. Alternaria is a common fungus found on many types of fruits, vegetables and other plants. It starts out as a small and round dark spot which is covered with a black and fuzzy growth.",
"Alternaria solani. 1 Infects leaves, stems and fruit. 2 Black leathery spots on fruit start on stem end. 3 Dark irregular leaf spots, often surrounded by yellow tissue. Sunken dark round stem lesion with concentric circles 1 inside. Occurs in warm wet weather, common at the end of summer. More information on Early Blight...",
"Mold Classification. Mold Description Where it is found. Alternaria. Downy âfuzzyâ appearance, gray-. white at beginning, later turning. greenish black to olive brown. Found on decaying wood, compost, plants, foods, in. different types of soil, house.",
"Tinea versicolor (also known as dermatomycosis furfuracea, pityriasis versicolor, and tinea flava) is a condition characterized by a skin eruption on the trunk and proximal extremities, hypopigmentation macule in area of sun induced pigmentation.",
"NEXT PAGENEXT. Alternaria is one of the types of mold that commonly causes allergic reactions. If you're allergic to mold and you breathe in alternaria spores, chances are that your immune system will go haywire. Your body thinks that alternaria is extremely dangerous, even though it isn't, and antibodies are released.",
"This page will give images and information on some of the diseases that may afflect your zinnias. DESCRIPTION: Alternaria is a fungus which causes leaf spotting. Leaf spots progress from older leaves to newer. Spots are circular, target-shaped, and often surrounded by a slight yellow area. Entire leaves may die and drop from the plant. They may also be found around stem ends on fruits and on stem.",
"Identifying plant diseases is the first step in treating the problem. There are many types of diseases that affect garden plants, leaving many gardeners scratching their heads. By using the following information, you can learn how to go about identifying plant diseases for effective disease control.lternaria leaf spot in the garden is a real problem for growers, causing plaque-like spots on leaves and fruits. Treating alternaria can be difficult, so this article will show you how to treat this gardenerâs nightmare.",
"Dahlia pinnata is the national flower of Mexico. Dahlias originated from the mountainous regions of Mexico and Central America and Colombia. Dahlia pinnata is a genus of bushy, summer and autumn flowering plant.",
"1 Spartina alterniflora is a tall, clumping, perennial grass, growing 2 to 7 feet in height with creeping rhizomes. 2 Leaves have flat blades and can be 1/4 to 3/5 inch wide and 12 to 20 inches long. 3 Ligules, the outgrowth from the sheath of the leaf blade, consist of a fringe of hairs. Stems are hairless and hollow.",
"Zinnia elegans. Bacteria Wilt (bacterium â Pseudomonas solanacearum): This bacterium has been shown to cause a wilt of zinnias in Florida. Blight (fungus â Alternaria zinniae): Small, reddish-brown spots with grayish centers are the first symptoms of this widespread and highly troublesome disease. Dark brown cankers also occur on the stems.",
"Alternaria is a dry spore and is readily found in air samples as well as on tape lift samples. Alternaria is commonly found in water damaged buildings, and a significant increase in its numbers compared to outdoor levels can be a sign of growth. Commonly found in outdoor air, on many kinds of plants and food products and prefers rotting farmland manure. It may be resistant to fungicides.",
"Alternaria leaf and stem blight is caused by the fungus Alternaria panax. This fungus first enters ginseng gardens as wind-borne spores. Once in a garden, the fungus can survive in diseased ginseng debris, and there produce spores that cause new infections.f available and legal to use, Dithane DF is the preferred fungicide for Alternaria leaf and stem blight control. Other, less effective fungicides such as a combination of Rovral and copper hydroxide, or Aliette may also be used.",
"Dahlia pinnata is the national flower of Mexico. Dahlias originated from the mountainous regions of Mexico and Central America and Colombia. Dahlia pinnata is a genus of bushy ⦠, summer and autumn flowering plant. Dahlia pinnata flowers are species having tuberous roots and showy rayed variously colored flower heads.",
"The Specific Mold and where it is found DESCRIPTION OF MOLDS ALTERNARIA (Air-borne) Colonies: grey, dark green, brown to black. This is an outdoor mold, which frequently grows in textiles, foodstuffs, and soils. The black spots seen on tomatoes are usually of the alternaria mold specie.Frequently found on condensed window frames; generally an outdoors mold and appears when the weather is warm.his is an outdoor mold, which frequently grows in textiles, foodstuffs, and soils. The black spots seen on tomatoes are usually of the alternaria mold specie. Frequently found on condensed window frames; generally an outdoors mold and appears when the weather is warm.",
"Plants that have been damaged are particularly susceptible to being infected by tomato early blight alternaria. When a plant is infected with Alternaria Alternata, it will normally appear first on the lower leaves of the plant in the form of plant leaf spots that are either brown or black. These tomato leaf spots will eventually migrate to the stem and even the fruit of the tomato.",
"Mechanical alternans (pulsus alternans) is a condition in which there is a beat-to-beat oscillation in the strength of cardiac muscle contraction at a constant heart rate.",
"1580s, offering one or the other of two, from Medieval Latin alternativus, from Latin alternatus, past participle of alternare (see alternate (v.)). Meaning purporting to be a superior choice to what is in general use was current by 1970 (earliest reference is to the media); e.g. alternative energy (1975).",
"Alternaria solani is a fungal pathogen, that produces a disease in tomato and potato plants called early blight.The pathogen produces distinctive bullseye patterned leaf spots and can also cause stem lesions and fruit rot on tomato and tuber blight on potato.lternaria solani is a fungal pathogen, that produces a disease in tomato and potato plants called early blight.",
"Dahlia pinnata is the national flower of Mexico. Dahlias originated from the mountainous regions of Mexico and Central America and Colombia. Dahlia pinnata is a genus of bushy, summer and autumn flowering plant. Dahlia pinnata flowers are species having tuberous roots and showy rayed variously colored flower heads.",
"If you have noticed tomato leaf spots and the lower leaves turning yellow, you may have tomato early blight alternaria. This tomato disease causes damage to the leaves, stems and even the fruit of the plant.Keep reading to learn more about what causes tomato early blight alternaria and how to treat leaf spot.he best treatment for tomato plant leaf spots is to make sure that you donât get it in the first place. Proper care of your tomato plants will make sure you avoid the dreaded yellow leaves and leaf spots that come with Alternaria Alternata.",
"1) Alternaria: This type of mold is not just commonly found in homes in the US, but is the most common type of contaminant found across the globe. It is also found on plants and soil, and is a type of allergenic mold.Alternaria causes allergies, and if inhaled by people, could result in hay fever, asthmatic reactions, and other allergies. 2) Mucor: This type of mold is found in soil and animal droppings, but is also commonly present in household dust.n recent years, mold has become more of a problem, not because it has become more widespread but because awareness and knowledge about mold has increased. There are more than 100,000 types and species of mold, some of which are harmless, and some, which can cause serious health problems.",
"Alternaria alternate, or tomato early blight alternaria, is a fungus that can cause cankers and plant leaf spots on tomato plants. It normally occurs during hot weather when there has been a significant amount of rain and humidity.nce a plant is infected tomato early blight alternaria, a fungicide can be sprayed on the plant. This can help reduce the damage from the plant, but frequently this will only lessen, not eliminate the problem. The best way how to treat leaf spot on tomatoes is to make sure it does not occur in the first place.",
"Airborne Fungi in Indoor Environments - Estelle Levetin's ... Many species of fungi are found as leaf surface microorganisms where they exist on . just cause mild or annoying conditions, such as athlete's foot and ringworm, other . Alternaria - common fungal genus especially in outdoor environments; .",
"Roccella tinctoria is a small, dry, perennial lichen, in appearance a bunch of wavy, tapering branched, drab-coloured stems from 2 to 6 inches high, springing from a narrow base. These bear nearly black warts at intervals, the apothecia or means of fructification peculiar to lichens.",
"Tomato blight, in its different forms, is a disease that attacks a plantâs foliage, stems, and even fruit. Early blight (one form of tomato blight) is caused by a fungus, Alternaria solani, which over-winters in the soil and infected plants. Affected plants underproduce. Leaves may drop, leaving fruit open to sunscald. Early blightâs Latin name is sometimes confused with a form of tomato rot, alternaria, a different tomato problem altogether.",
"The fungus that causes brown leaf spot, Alternaria alternata, is closely related to early blight (Alternaria solani). Like early blight, brown leaf spot overwinters as spores and mycelia on the infected tissue of various Solanaceous hosts.",
"Alternaria solani is a fungal pathogen, that produces a disease in tomato and potato plants called early blight.The pathogen produces distinctive bullseye patterned leaf spots and can also cause stem lesions and fruit rot on tomato and tuber blight on potato.arly blight caused by A. solani is the most destructive disease of tomatoes in the tropical and subtropical regions. Each 1% increase in intensity can reduce yield by 1.36%, and complete crop failure can occur when the disease is most severe."
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what is cool flow tubing | [
"When the tubing is cool, the warm and moist air may condense in the tubing. Not only will you not get the benefit of the moisture, but it can collect and drip into your face or gurgle with the air flow. It is often worse when the bedroom environment is cool or cold compared to the temperature of the pressurized air."
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"Bubbling air through warm water is a sure way to cool it quickly, he says. Some people also prefer the relaxation of bubbles, like in Vita Bath tubs, to the force of jets. And for clients with limited mobility tubs with doors are available which offer jets as a therapeutic option. Best Bath and Safetybath are two suppliers of these tubs.",
"The tubing sold as âIrrigation poly tubeâ is a lower quality, low pressure rated tube made for low pressure irrigation laterals. Do not use it for mainlines. PEX tubing. PEX tube is now used in place of polyethylene mainlines in most places and is now used extensively for plumbing inside buildings.",
"Trick Flow® Roller Rocker Arms. Trick Flow® aluminum roller rocker arms are excellent for use with stock and aftermarket cylinder heads. The rocker arms feature heat-treated CNC-machined bodies, premium needle-bearing fulcrums, roller tips, and a machined relief for improved valve spring clearance. Trick Flow® roller rockers come complete with polylocks and are available in sets of 16 or individually. Product Parts Results.",
"Hot Tub tripping gfi. Today I came across a hot tub tripping a 50 amp 240 gfci breaker. Runs fine on a regular breaker and the gfci holds when wires disconnected at the tub.here's been times where we needed a 50 amp gfci breaker outside and a 60 amp breaker inside. You should check all grounds, neutrals, and hots make sure they are all tight free of corrosion, neutrals are not crossed, wire is right size, if everything checks out I'd say call an hot tub tech.",
"What is PEX tubing? PEX (crosslinked polyethylene) tubing is a specially designed plastic tubing with distinctive properties that make it ideal for radiant floor heating and plumbing systems. Uponor produces PEX-a tubing, which is considered the superior type of PEX. What is Wirsbo hePEX� Wirsbo hePEX⢠is crosslinked polyethylene (PEX-a) heat-transfer tubing that features a patent-pending oxygen-barrier coating technology for closed-loop hydronic heating and cooling applications.",
"Coolant is the fluid that absorbs heat from the engine and then dissipates it through the radiator. It is also dissipated through the heat exchanger in the passenger compartment when you crank your heat in the winter. Coolant, which is commonly called antifreeze, is a mixture of ethylene or propylene glycol and water, usually in a 50/50 ratio.",
"Heat Shrink Tubing, also called heat shrinkable tubing, is a tube that contracts when warmed. When heat is applied to the heat shrink tubing, the adhesive material inside of the tube is activated.The adhesive material then secures it to the wire or cable. The process allows the wire or cable and the heat shrink tubing to become one unified product. 2:1 - This heat shrink tubing will become half of its original size once heat is applied. 2 The original heat shrinkable tubing is twice as large as its shrunken form. 3 3:1 - This heat shrink tubing will be one third of its original size once heat is applied.",
"Copper tubing. Copper pipe in a close quarters tubing cutter. Copper tubing is most often used for supply of hot and cold tap water, and as refrigerant line in HVAC systems. There are two basic types of copper tubing, soft copper and rigid copper. Copper tubing is joined using flare connection, compression connection, or solder.",
"Bubbling air through warm water is a sure way to cool it quickly, he says. Some people also prefer the relaxation of bubbles, like in Vita Bath tubs, to the force of jets. And for clients with limited mobility tubs with doors are available which offer jets as a therapeutic option..",
"No. The reservoir holds the coolant that flows back into when the engine coolant expands and will flow from the reservoir to the engine when the water cools. but there is no aâ¦ctual through current of liquid. Yes indeed it does on a lot of European vehicles. This occurs mainly in automatic coolant bleed vehicles.",
"Three kinds of tubing are used as water supply lines: 1 Factory-attached tubes: Some faucets come with factory-attached soft-copper supply lines on both the hot- and cold-water tailpieces, which means the only attaching will be directly to the shut-off valves.",
"1 Blue electrical nonmetal tubing (ENT) is for indoor use only. PVC fittings can be used with ENT inside walls, floors, some ceilings or encased in concrete. 2 Outdoor flexible nonmetallic tubing is strong and watertight, non-corrosive and weighs less. Metal or plastic boxes can be used with nonmetallic conduit.",
"Heat shrink Neoprene Tubing is a highly flexible thick wall tubing that can operate in severe environmental conditions. It provides superior abrasion resistance and chemical resistance while operating in temperatures up to 121C. Heat shrink Neoprene Tubing has a 2:1 shrink ratio. Uses of Heat shrink Neoprene Tubing:",
"A coolant is a substance, typically liquid or gas, that is used to reduce or regulate the temperature of a system. An ideal coolant has high thermal capacity, low viscosity, is low-cost, non-toxic, chemically inert, and neither causes nor promotes corrosion of the cooling system. Some applications also require the coolant to be an electrical insulator. While the term coolant is commonly used in automotive and HVAC applications, in industrial processing heat transfer fluid is one technical term m",
"Remove, Replace, Repair Your Bath Tub Overflow. The waste and over flow is the drain mechanism behind and under the bathtub and connects the overflow (itâs usually covered with a chrome plated cover above the tub drain near the top of the tub level.",
"Kenmore Elite top loading washing machine is leaking at the top right of the tub. There is a piece that looks like a funnel that's where the water is",
"100 - 500 cfs. Recreational flow- safe for all activities - tubing open for all levels of swimmers. 500 - 1000 cfs. Use extreme caution - all activities questionable - flows of this magnitude are usually caused by rainfall and involve turbid water and floating debris - contact river outfitters for more information. 1000 cfs.",
"When used in combination with a heated humidifier, heated tubing can improve the temperature and humidity of the pressurized air delivered by CPAP. A dry nose or mouth can occur if the air is not humidified. Many machines have a heated humidifier, yet not all have heated CPAP tubing. When the tubing is cool, the warm and moist air may condense in the tubing.",
"Tapered coiled tubing can increase the operating depths and pressures where CT is applicable. The typical design criteria for selecting transition points (desired lengths of specified-wall thickness segments) within the string includes weight and overpull loading, wellbore condition, and combined pressure loading.",
"Heat pipes are closed systems that employ some form of tubing filled with a liquid suitable for the applicable temperature range. Pure physics are used with this technology to achieve cooling to ambient temperatures; no outside mechanism is used. One end of the heat pipe is heated by the component being cooled.",
"Everhot Non-barrier PEX tubing is a cross-linked polyethylene pipe manufactured using silane method of cross-linking. It is a single-layer pipe with smooth inner surface and matte exterior and comes in red and blue colors for easier distinction between hot and cold water lines.",
"Coolant is the fluid that absorbs heat from the engine and then dissipates it through the radiator. It is also dissipated through the heat exchanger in the passenger compartment when you crank your heat in the winter. Coolant, which is commonly called antifreeze, is a mixture of ethylene or propylene glycol and water, usually in a 50/50 ratio. Servicing the coolant involves draining and/or flushing your car's cooling system and then replacing the old coolant with fresh coolant.",
"On releasing the handle the valve closes and hot water stops flowing. The cool water is then heated to up to about 94 °C (201 °F) ready for use however the Quooker PRO-VAQ water tank heats the water to 110 °C (230 °F) meaning the water flows out of the spout at 100 °C (212 °F).",
"Polyethylene tubing is flexible, lightweight, durable, and corrosion resistant. Poly tubing, also known as poly tubing or PE tubing, is an effective solution for a wide range of liquid, gas, and fluid transfer applications. PE tubing is FDA approved for food and beverage applications. Freelin-Wade offers linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) tubing, as well as our proprietary, extra-flexible Liquiflex POE polyethylene tubing.",
"Tell us what you want to have custom printed onto your heat shrink tubing and we will get it done. Kynar Heat Shrink Tubing, is highly rigid and highly chemical resistant, as well as low outgassing. The best way to shrink your heat shrink tubing is with a specially designed heat shrink tubing heat gun. Heat Shrinkable tape is a unique product that is commonly used in sealing when the heat shrink must be wrapped around.",
"Protective Sleeving & Tubing. U.S. Plastic Corp® carries a full line of Protective Sleeves & Tubing for protecting wires, cables and tubing lines. We offer Spiral Wrap, Heat Shrink Tubing, Split Tubing and Mesh Sleeves for protecting and routing single and multiple wires or cables. They also are a great way to improve the look of wiring and cable systems in exposed areas.",
"Re: \\'HELP\\'- Coolant direction of flow... I would think that will cut down on the heater output quite a bit.Maybe out of the core to your tank then from the tank to heater return hose.This way you will have full heat in the car.",
"A fan inside the freezer circulates air over the cold tubing and the refrigerant absorbs the heat from the freezerâs relatively warmer air. In this process the heat from inside the freezer is pumped out and the freezer remains cool. Cool air inside the freezer makes water or humidity in the air to condense.",
"âHoneywellâs VersaFlow Vortex Shedding flow meters are ideal for measuring steam, gasses, volumetric flow rate and low viscosity liquids in industrial applications. With built-in temperature and optional built-in pressure compensation, the flow meters are the most versatile products in their category.",
"Neoprene Tubing. Neoprene tubing is made from neoprene, a synthetic rubber, and is used to transport liquids and gases. Neoprene tubes can also protect cables and wires. Neoprene is chemical, heat, flame and abrasion resistant in addition to being waterproof, lightweight, stretchable and buoyant. It is flexible and usually has relatively thick walls compared to other rubber tubing such as surgical or latex tubing.",
"At the top of the tubing is a plastic spike covered with a plastic cap. Youâll keep the cap in place until you insert the spike into the bag of fluid. Below the spike is the drip chamber, a clear plastic reservoir that allows you to monitor the flow rate by counting the drops dripping into the chamber.",
"Our heat shrink tubing is a valued option for insulation, protection, and sealing when compared to taping, molding, or potting. When heated, the heat shrink tubing conforms to the size and shape of the substrate beneath for quick and easy installation. Heat shrink tubing is available in a wide variety of materials, colors, and sizes, and is delivered in easy-to-use forms such as spools, 1.2m lengths, and cut pieces.",
"Connect With Us. Our heat shrink tubing is a valued option for insulation, protection, and sealing when compared to taping, molding, or potting. When heated, the heat shrink tubing conforms to the size and shape of the substrate beneath for quick and easy installation.hen heated, the heat shrink tubing conforms to the size and shape of the substrate beneath for quick and easy installation.",
"The Dial-a-Flow functions by gravity and helps to prevent the accidental free flow of solution to the patient. This helps prevent fluid overload. It will help to provide a more consistent flow of the fluid than a regular roller clamp does. These also help with the prevention of the tubing getting crimped or the roller clamp drifting. The flow regulator will adjust from 0-250 ml/hr. This makes allowances for the rate that is ordered for the patient.",
"For continuous irrigation. open the flow clamp on the urinary drainage tubing. This allows the irrigating solution to flow out of the bladder continuously. Open the regulating clamp on the irrigating tubing and adjust the flow rate as prescribed by the primary care provider or 40-60 drops per minute if not specified.",
"Replacing a Cooling Pump Impeller. By Don Casey. Revised by BoatUS editors in April 2012. Fresh water (or coolant) is usually circulated through a boat engine by a centrifugal pump, the same type of pump that circulates the coolant in your car's engine.",
"An air conditioner cools your home with a cold indoor coil called the evaporator. The condenser, a hot outdoor coil, releases the collected heat outside. The evaporator and condenser coils are serpentine tubing surrounded by aluminum fins. This tubing is usually made of copper.",
"The slide clamp has a graduated opening through which the IV tubing passes. Pushing the tube into the narrow end of the opening constricts it and reduces the flow rate of the IV solution. Sliding the wide end of the opening over the tube increases the flow rate.",
"Spa & Hot Tub Bond And Seal. Looking at adhering a PVC wall fitting to the spa shell or creating a water tight seal for lights and jets? No problem. We have all kinds of bonding and sealing products like Spa Glue, PVC Cement, Hot Tub Silicone, Spa Silicone, and Grout. Description.",
"Coolant Reservoir Replacement Service and Cost. What is a coolant reservoir? The engine coolant reservoir is a storage tank for excess engine coolant, and allows engine coolant to flow in and out per the needs of the engine cooling system.",
"Heat Shrink Fabric, Fabric Sleeving, and More. Heat Shrinkable Fabric Tubing is flexible woven polyester and polyolefin fabric that shrinks to 1/2 the original size. It's abrasion resistant and works well for noise suppression. Use it to cover rubber hoses, plastic pipes and harnesses. Fabric heat shrink tubing woven assembly makes this product remarkably flexible and resistant to water, heat and humidity. Ideal for use on cables, wiring, rubber hoses, etc., heat shrinkable fabric tubing combines remarkable fluid resistance. Because of its high flexibility, shrink fabric can be used on bent hoses without fear of the tubing sliding off.",
"The slide clamp has a graduated opening through which the IV tubing passes. Pushing the tube into the narrow end of the opening constricts it and reduces the flow rate of the IV solution. Sliding the wide end of the opening over the tube increases the flow rate. Compare roller clamp, screw clamp.",
"Shop Heat-Shrink Tubing on Amazon.com. Heat-shrink tubing, heat shrink, or heatshrink, is a shrinkable plastic tube used for strain relief, abrasion resistance, environmental protection, and insulation for cables, joints, or terminals. Heat-shrink tubing comes in many sizes, shapes, and materials for specific applications.",
"Flowback water (aka backflow water) is the murky, salty water from fracing natural gas wells. It consists of frac fluid which returns to the surface (aka the frac load recovery) as well as produced water. This water contains clay, dirt, metals, chemicals and even diesel that may have been added. The frac load recovery can be anywhere from 15-40% percent of the volume of fluid that is injected, that is forced down a well, and it flows back over a period of 3-4 weeks after fracing--most of it within 7 to 10 days. More than half of the frac fluid remains in the formation.",
"Pump Tubing. Various types of pump tubing used for suction and discharge. Made of PVC and polyethylene, these models of tubing are flexible, clear, and heavy duty for water and chemical solutions.",
"In addition to domestic water supply systems, PEX tubing can be used for floor or wall radiant heating, and snow and ice melting systems in sidewalks and driveways. PEX tubing is light weight, and it can withstand operating temperatures of up to 200° F (93° C).",
"Suction Tubing. Silicon Tubing, Bio-Sil 1250 - SAINT-GOBAIN PPL, INC. Bio-Sil® 1250 is a medical-grade translucent silicone elastomer tubing ideally suited for applications where strength, durability, long-life and non-reactivity are of primary importance.",
"Common Misconceptions: 1 Geothermal is NOT the tubing that runs in the floor. Tubing that runs in or under a floor system is called radiant floor heat or radiant floor warming. It is a method for distributing heat (it cannot, in our climate be used for distributing cooling), not a method of producing heat.",
"Copper tubing. Copper tubing is most often used for supply of hot and cold tap water, and as refrigerant line in HVAC systems. There are two basic types of copper tubing, soft copper and rigid copper. Copper tubing is joined using flare connection, compression connection, or solder.",
"Lithocast acrylic is warm to the touch and comfortable on the skin; Integral slotted overflow allows for deep soaking; Center toe-tap drain with a Lithocast coveroffers a more complete look; 66-in L x 31.5-in W x 28.5-in H oval bathtub is designed for one person bathing; Tub is easy to clean and maintain",
"feasibility of cooling materials use in engines A coolant is a fluid which flows through or around a device to prevent its overheating, transferring the heat produced by the device to other devices that use or dissipate it.",
"When a small air bubble get in the tubing, you manipulate the tubing so that the air nears a close port. You can then flick the port and the air escapes. Non-vented tubing must be backflowed or advanced/re-primed to rid tubing of air. Primary tubing is used when infusing 1 or more fluids.",
"The C20 in line flow switch is a compact magnetically actuated piston flow switch that switches in response to low fluid flows. They are ideal for many types of pressure boosting and control applications in both hot and cold liquids, available with bodies in brass or 316 stainless steel.",
"With your Toyota Tundra Cold Air Intake, you upgrade your tubing and air filter. Mandrel-bent tubing and a high-quality air filter breathe cooler, cleaner air into your engine. Cool, clean air results in better combustion, meaning more horsepower and torque.",
"Liquid or gas flow through pipes or ducts is commonly used in heating and. cooling applications and fluid distribution networks. The fluid in such appli-. cations is usually forced to flow by a fan or pump through a flow section. We pay particular attention to friction, which is directly related to the pres-. sure drop and head loss during flow through pipes and ducts. The pressure. drop is then used to determine the pumping power requirement.",
"Liquid flows in and out of the heat exchanger through two. barbed fittings provided in the manifolds. Another quick. disconnect fitting is provided on the manifold for charging the. cooling system with coolant. Air flow through the heat. exchanger is provided by a 120 x 120 mm system fan in the. computer.",
"Copper tubing in a pipe cutter. Copper tubing is most often used for supply of hot and cold tap water, and as refrigerant line in HVAC systems. There are two basic types of copper tubing, soft copper and rigid copper. Copper tubing is joined using flare connection, compression connection, or solder.",
"I am not sure what is different about the tubing but sometimes to fluid will not flow through it no matter what you do. I have had this problem with primary tubing and secondary tubing. I have also had problems back priming the secondary tubing.",
"Wash your hands. 3. Open the package of tubing and then apply gloves. 4. Close the dial on rate flow tubing by turning the dial to the word âCloseâ. 5. Hold the bag upside down and pull the plastic tab off, being careful not to touch the sterile area. 6. Take the clear protector cap off the spike end of the tubing, being careful not to touch the sterile area. 7.",
"Use the red PEX tubing to connect the hot water outlet pipe on top of the water heater to the line that carries hot water to the faucets in your home, and the blue PEX tubing to connect the cold water inlet pipe on top of the water heater to the line that carries water into the water heater.",
"Answer Wiki. The overflow reservoir is designed to catch excess coolant in a closed system cooling system. When the fluid and spaces fill then it goes into the overflow. When the fluid contracts then the fluid gets sucked back in to the radiator.",
"Emitter Tubing or 1/4 Emitter Tubing. 1 Check to make sure that there are no kinks in tubing. 2 Check to see that a Figure-8 End Closure (for 1/2 Tubing) or Tubing Plug (for 1/4 Tubing) was used and installed properly. 3 Tubing may be clogged. Check for clogged 1 filter. Flow through system may be too high.",
"Electrical metallic tubing (EMT), sometimes called thin-wall, is commonly used instead of galvanized rigid conduit (GRC), as it is less costly and lighter than GRC. EMT itself is not threaded, but can be used with threaded fittings that clamp to it.",
"Tubing is made in several sizes and packaged in a variety of lengths. Air Filters, Pressure Regulators, Air Filter Regulator, and Air Filter-Regulator-Lubricator (FRL) Combined Units. SMC's air preparation (FRL) products offer a wide variety of filter, regulator, and lubricator units.",
"Selective production in multizone wells. The sliding sleeve separation tool allows flow from the casing and tubing annulus through an open sliding sleeve and up the production tubing, while blanking off the tubing just below the sliding sleeve."
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definition millimeters | [
"The millimetre (International spelling as used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures) or millimeter (American spelling) (SI unit symbol mm) is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one thousandth of a metre, which is the SI base unit of length."
] | [
"60 Millimeters (mm). =. 2.3622 Inches (in). Millimeters. The millimeter (SI symbol mm) is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to 1/1000 meter (or 1E-3 meter), which is also an engineering standard unit. 1 inch=25.4 mm. Inches. An inch (symbol: in) is a unit of length.",
"8 Nanometers to Millimeters = 0: 500 Nanometers to Millimeters = 0.0005: 9 Nanometers to Millimeters = 0: 600 Nanometers to Millimeters = 0.0006: 10 Nanometers to Millimeters = 0: 800 Nanometers to Millimeters = 0.0008: 20 Nanometers to Millimeters = 0: 900 Nanometers to Millimeters = 0.0009: 30 Nanometers to Millimeters = 0: 1,000 Nanometers to Millimeters = 0.001: 40 Nanometers to Millimeters = 0: 10,000 Nanometers to Millimeters = 0.01: 50 Nanometers to Millimeters = 0.0001: 100,000 ...",
"1 Inch = 25.4 Millimeters. Inch is an imperial and US customary measurement systems length unit. The abbreviation is in and the symbol is double prime (). Millimeter is a metric length unit and equal to one thousandth of a meter.",
"milli-. a combining form meaning âthousandâ (millipede); in the metric system, used in the names of units equal to 1/1000 of the given base unit (millimeter). milli-. A prefix that means one thousandth, as in millimeter, one thousandth of a meter. milli-. Prefix meaning one thousandth or 1â1000; e.g., one millimeter (mm) is a unit of length equal to 1â1000 (0.001) of a meter.",
"1 Centimeter = 10 Millimeters. Centimeter is a metric system length unit and equals to one hundredth of a meter. The abbreviation is cm. Millimeter is a metric length unit and equal to one thousandth of a meter. Used widely to measure small distances in engineering and machining. The abbreviation is mm.",
"Meaning: A metric unit of length equal to one thousandth of a meter. Classified under: Nouns denoting quantities and units of measure. Synonyms: millimeter; millimetre; mm. Hypernyms (mm is a kind of...): metric linear unit (a linear unit of distance in metric terms) Meronyms (parts of mm): micrometer; micron (a metric unit of length equal to one millionth of a meter) Holonyms (mm is a part of...): centimeter; centimetre; cm (a metric unit of length equal to one hundredth of a meter)",
"368 Millimeters (mm). =. 14.48819 Inches (in). Millimeters. The millimeter (SI symbol mm) is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to 1/1000 meter (or 1E-3 meter), which is also an engineering standard unit. 1 inch=25.4 mm. Inches. An inch (symbol: in) is a unit of length.",
"Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 shredded(Adjective) cut or torn into narrow pieces. 2 shredded(Adjective) : Having extreme muscular definition in which the thickness of the fat over the muscles is reduced to millimeters.",
"Centimeter is a metric system length unit and equals to one hundredth of a meter. The abbreviation is cm. Millimeter is a metric length unit and equal to one thousandth of a meter. Used widely to measure small distances in engineering and machining.",
"A square millimeter is a unit of area in the Metric System. The symbol for square millimeter is mm2. There are 100 square millimeters in a square centimeter. A square millimeter is calculated as the area of a square that has 1 millimeter on each side. The International spelling is square millimetre.",
"Ten millimeters is equal to approximately .39 inches. Millimeters are a much smaller unit than inches.",
"millimeter. The mm stands for millimeters, as in the diameter of the bullet (the cone-shaped part at the front of a cartridge that is propelled out of the front of the barrel, or muzzle). Some calibers are measured metrically (e.g. 7.62 x 39 mm or 9 mm), and some are measured using the English system (e.g. .357 magnum or .500 S&W).",
"To convert millimeters into inches, divide millimeters by 25.4. To convert inches into millimeters, multiply inches by 25.4. 1 inch = 25.4 millimeters. There are 25.4 mm in one inch after doing accurate metric conversions.y definition there are exactly 25.4 millimeters per inch. Units of measurements have always caused problems. One inch in the US was not necessarily the same as one inch elsewhere. The need for standards have always been there, but the will to agree upon one standard have not always been present.",
"centimeter - a metric unit of length equal to one hundredth of a meter. centimetre, cm. metric linear unit - a linear unit of distance in metric terms. millimeter, millimetre, mm - a metric unit of length equal to one thousandth of a meter. decimeter, decimetre, dm - a metric unit of length equal to one tenth of a meter. Translations.",
"Centimeter Definition. Centimeter is considered a common unit of length used in SI. It is equivalent to 10 millimeters or 1/100 th (10 -2) of a meter. Years ago it was a basic unit in formerly used CGS (centimeter-gram-second) unit system, but in modern times the role of basic unit of length is played by meter.",
"How to Measure Mm. To measure millimeters, you would typically use a metric ruler or meter stick. If you do not have a measuring stick, though, there are also ways to estimate the number of millimeters. Similarly, if you know the...",
"Millimeters to Centimeters Conversion. Metric length units millimeter to centimeter conversion factor is 0.1. To find out how many centimeters in millimeters, multiply by 0.1 or use the converter below. 1 Millimeter = 0.1 Centimeter. Millimeter (millimetre in british english) is a metric unit. Used widely to measure small distances in engineering and machining.",
"622 Millimeters (mm). =. 24.48819 Inches (in). Millimeters. The millimeter (SI symbol mm) is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to 1/1000 meter (or 1E-3 meter), which is also an engineering standard unit. 1 inch=25.4 mm. Inches. An inch (symbol: in) is a unit of length.",
"Definition: The millimetre is a unit of length in the metric system, equivalent to one thousandth of a metre (the SI base unit of length). Common references: 1 There are 25.4 millimetres in one inch.2 The head of a pin is approximately 2mm diameter. 3 A CD is approximately 1.2mm thick.efinition: The millimetre is a unit of length in the metric system, equivalent to one thousandth of a metre (the SI base unit of length). Common references: 1 There are 25.4 millimetres in one inch.",
"By definition there are exactly 25.4 millimeters per inch. Effective July 1, 1959, the United States and countries of the British Commonwealth defined the length of the international yard to be exactly 0.9144 meters. Consequently, the international inch is defined to be equal to exactly 25.4 millimeters.",
"Centimeter is a metric system length unit and equals to one hundredth of a meter. The abbreviation is cm. Millimeter is a metric length unit and equal to one thousandth of a meter. Used widely to measure small distances in engineering and machining. The abbreviation is mm.",
"1 Centimeter = 10 Millimeters. Centimeter is a metric system length unit and equals to one hundredth of a meter. The abbreviation is cm. Millimeter is a metric length unit and equal to one thousandth of a meter.",
"milli means a thousandth of - therefore a millimeter is a thousandth of a meter. A meter was orginally defined (in 1793) as 1/10,000,000th of the distance from the pole to the equator (going through Paris). However, this was found not to be accurate enough.",
"Definition. One-thousandth of a meter, 1/10th of a centimeter, or about 0.04 inch (1 inch equals 25.4 millimeters).",
"To find out how many millimeters in centimeters, multiply by 10 or use the converter below. 1 Centimeter = 10 Millimeters. Centimeter is a metric system length unit and equals to one hundredth of a meter. The abbreviation is cm. Millimeter is a metric length unit and equal to one thousandth of a meter. Used widely to measure small distances in engineering and machining. The abbreviation is mm.",
"The international inch is defined to be equal to 25.4 millimeters. âºâº Definition: Centimeter A centimetre (American spelling centimeter, symbol cm) is a unit of length that is equal to one hundreth of a metre, the current SI base unit of length.",
"393 Millimeters (mm). =. 15.47244 Inches (in). Millimeters. The millimeter (SI symbol mm) is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to 1/1000 meter (or 1E-3 meter), which is also an engineering standard unit. 1 inch=25.4 mm.",
"This calculator-converter provides conversion of millimeters to microns (mm to µm) and backwards microns to millimeters (µm to mm). Enter millimeters or microns for conversion: The millimeter (British spelling: millimetre, abbreviation and symbol: mm) is a unit of length in the SI system (metric system)."
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accrual legal definition | [
"Accrual (accumulation) of something is, in finance, the adding together of interest or different investments over a period of time. It holds specific meanings in accounting, where it can refer to accounts on a balance sheet that represent liabilities and non-cash-based assets used in accrual-based accounting."
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"Definition of Terms. The Mayo Clinic Institutional Review Board's definition of terms explains legal definitions related to research guidelines and the protection of human research subjects, including advocate, conflict of interest, emergency treatment, informed consent and more. Accrual.",
"accrual basis accounting. Definition. The most commonly used accounting method, which reports income when earned and expenses when incurred, as opposed to cash basis accounting, which reports income when received and expenses when paid.",
"Definition. A system of accounting based on the accrual principal, under which revenue is recognized (recorded) when earned, and expenses are recognized when incurred.efinition. A system of accounting based on the accrual principal, under which revenue is recognized (recorded) when earned, and expenses are recognized when incurred.",
"What is revenue realization? When are revenues realized in in accrual accounting? Is the realization concept really necessary? Related Topics. For an introduction to accrual accounting, see Accrual Accounting. For more in-depth definition and explanation of revenues from sales, see Sales Revenues.",
"accrual basis of accounting. The accounting method under which revenues are recognized on the income statement when they are earned (rather than when the cash is received).he accounting method under which revenues are recognized on the income statement when they are earned (rather than when the cash is received).",
"service revenues definition Under the accrual basis of accounting, the Service Revenues account reports the fees earned by a company during the time period indicated in the heading of the income statement.",
"Accrual accounting is an accounting method that measures the performance and position of a company by recognizing economic events regardless of when cash transactions occur. Accrual accounting is an accounting method that measures the performance and position of a company by recognizing economic events regardless of when cash transactions occur. Topics What's New",
"An example of an accrual is interest revenue that has been earned in one period even though the actual cash payment will not be received until early in the next period. An adjusting entry is made to recognize the revenue in the period in which it was earned.",
"Accrual accounting - What is accrual accounting? Accrual accounting is an accounting method that recognises financial events when they occur, regardless of when payment is made. Starting and maintaining solid, professional accounting practices is essential for the growth of a business. Make sure yours are in order with Debitoor. When a company uses the accrual accounting method, economic events are recognised in their accounts by matching revenues to expenses (the matching principle) at the time in which the transaction occurs (as opposed to when the payment is made or received).",
"The accrual method of accounting allows you to match revenue with the expenses incurred to generate the revenue during the same accounting period. You recognize sales when they occur, not when you receive the money. You recognize expenses when you incur the liability, not when you pay the bill.",
"5-0200.00 REVENUES AND RECEIVABLES. 5-0210.00 INTRODUCTION. 5-0210.10 DEFINITIONS. âModified Accrualâ is the process of recording revenues when measurable and available, regardless of. whether cash has been received. Accrual of revenue generally causes increases to be recorded in revenue.",
"All broker dealers must maintain their financial information on an accrual accounting basis. The question is what is accrual accounting? Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) defines accrual accounting as matching revenues with expenses for a particular period. However, this theory known as the matching concept sometimes causes an item in the balance sheet not to meet the definition of a liability.",
"Accrual accounting is an accounting method that recognises financial events when they occur, regardless of when payment is made. Starting and maintaining solid, professional accounting practices is essential for the growth of a business. Make sure yours are in order with Debitoor. When a company uses the accrual accounting method, economic events are recognised in their accounts by matching revenues to expenses (the matching principle) at the time in which the transaction occurs (as opposed to when the payment is made or received).",
"v. ac·crued, ac·cru·ing, ac·crues. v. intr. 1. To come to one as a gain, addition, or increment: interest accruing in my savings account. 2.",
"Amounts owed to a business by its customers. Accrual method of accounting. With the accrual method, a business records income when the sale occurs, not necessarily when the business receives payment. The business records an expense when it received goods or services, even thought it may not pay for them until later.",
"On the other hand, the accrual method accounts for revenue when it is earned and expenses goods and services when they are incurred. The revenue is recorded even if cash has not been recieved or if expenses have been incurred but no cash has been paid. Accrual accounting is the most common method used by businesses. For example: Let's say you own a business that sells machinery. If you sell $5,000 worth of machinery, under the cash method, that amount is not recorded in the books until the customer hands you the money or you receive the check.",
"3 : to be periodically accumulated in the process of time whether as an increase or a decrease the accruing of taxes allowing the receivable interest to accrue. transitive verb. 1 : to accumulate or have due after a period of time authorized by law to accrue leave in the maximum amount of 90 days.",
"Accrual accounting is an accounting method that measures the performance and position of a company by recognizing economic events regardless of when cash transactions occur.ccrual accounting is an accounting method that measures the performance and position of a company by recognizing economic events regardless of when cash transactions occur.",
"Overall, in accounting accruals refer to a situation when a company accrues revenues and expenses it recognizes earned but not yet received in cash revenue and recognizes incurred but not yet paid in cash expense. There are two types of accruals: accrued assets (revenues) and accrued liabilities (expenses).",
"1. What are accrual funds? Accrual funds are debt mutual funds which fo cus on earning interest income primarily from the coupon offered by securities they hold in their portfolio. On the other hand, duration funds, focus on generat ing a significant portion of returns from the capital appreciation that happens when in terest rates decline.",
"Accrual accounting is an accounting method that measures the performance and position of a company by recognizing economic events regardless of when cash transactions occur.herefore, the accrual accounting method instead recognizes the TV sale at the point at which the customer takes ownership of the TV. Even though cash isn't yet in the bank, the sale is booked to an account known in accounting lingo as accounts receivable , increasing the seller's revenue.",
"A method of accounting that recognizes expenses when incurred and revenue when earned rather than when payment is made or received. Thus, it is the act of sending the goods or receiving an inventory item that is important in determining when transactions are posted on financial statements. For example, using accrual accounting, sales are recorded as revenue when goods are shipped even though payment is not expected for days, weeks, or months. Most firms use the accrual basis of accounting in recording transactions. Compare cash basis accounting.",
"accrual basis accounting. A system of accounting based on the accrual principal, under which revenue is recognized (recorded) when earned, and expenses are recognized when incurred.",
"So recognition of events in books before cash flow is known as accruals whereas recognition of events after cash flow is referred to as deferrals. Revenue recognition is the basic principle of accrual accounting and there are two ways to recognize revenues. They can be recognized when they are realized or when good or services have been delivered or rendered."
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how much drywall do i need | [
"Installing new drywall on the walls and ceiling of a 12x12-foot-room with 8-foot-high walls means about 530 square feet of drywall. For about 4,000 square feet of drywall on all the walls and ceilings of a small home, it's $4,400-$8,600 or more."
] | [
"1 The Drywall-The room described above is going to demand around 600 square feet of drywall to cover the walls and the ceilings. 2 These will be sheets sized at 4'x8' and cost around $9 each. 3 This means that roughly 20 sheets are required for this project, which will cost around $180 total. Most carpenters estimate that they will require roughly one pound for every 500 square feet of drywall installed. 2 The average cost for a single pound is $6, which means that around two pounds will be necessary for the project, at a cost of $12.",
"Installing and finishing drywall will cost around 85¢ to $1.15 per sq.ft. for drywall prices, with an average of about $1 per sq.ft. You should expect to pay, however, about $30/sheet for a decent quality hanging and finishing job.",
"1 The Drywall-The room described above is going to demand around 600 square feet of drywall to cover the walls and the ceilings. 2 These will be sheets sized at 4'x8' and cost around $9 each.3 This means that roughly 20 sheets are required for this project, which will cost around $180 total. The Drywall-The room described above is going to demand around 600 square feet of drywall to cover the walls and the ceilings. 2 These will be sheets sized at 4'x8' and cost around $9 each.",
"1 1/2 regular drywall is for walls. 2 1/2 green or blue board drywall (water resistant) is for bathrooms or anywhere the has a lot of moisture or dampness in the room. 3 Always hang the lid (ceiling) first, then the walls, on a standard stud wall there should be a 1/2 space between the floor and the bottom of the drywall.",
"The cost to install drywall is about $1.50 per square foot. After material and labor are added in, the cost per panel can range from around $40.00 to $60.00. A typical 12x12 room, for example, will use 12 panels.he cost to install drywall is about $1.50 per square foot. After material and labor are added in, the cost per panel can range from around $40.00 to $60.00. A typical 12x12 room, for example, will use 12 panels.",
"Drywall Average Costs. 1 For drywall hanging alone (no taping) on a large job (50+ sheets), expect to pay $.30 to $.60 per square foot. 2 With taping, professional drywall installation costs closer to $1.00 per square foot and as much as $1.50 per square foot. 3 These prices donât include the cost of drywall (see below).",
"How much would it costs (ROUGHLY) to drywall my basement. It's roughly a 12X20 ft room (240 sq ft). HOw much would it cost to do it myself??ow much would it costs (ROUGHLY) to drywall my basement. It's roughly a 12X20 ft room (240 sq ft). HOw much would it cost to do it myself??",
"Note that surface texturing or skim coating is NOT included in this estimate. For a basic 500 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install Drywall ranges between $1.43 - $1.76 per square foot* .",
"Drywall Average Costs. 1 For drywall hanging alone (no taping) on a large job (50+ sheets), expect to pay $.30 to $.60 per square foot. 2 With taping, professional drywall installation costs closer to $1.00 per square foot and as much as $1.50 per square foot. These prices assume extensive drywall installation (throughout the home or in multiple rooms). 2 Smaller jobs, however (less than 40-50 sheets), arenât cost effective by the square foot and could run as much as $60 to $80 per hour.",
"All dried joint compound shall be flat, smooth and free of tool marks and ridges. Note that surface texturing or skim coating is NOT included in this estimate. For a basic 500 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install Drywall ranges between $1.43 - $1.76 per square foot* .",
"Bathroom Drywall. I am at the drywalling stage in my reno project and I need to put in the drywall in the shower section of my bath. So I think I am supposed to use a different type of drywall, right? If so, is there any diffence in how I install it?",
"Dont know current California drywall cost, but here (ny), a standard 4x8 sheet of 1/2 drywall cost about 12 bucks a sheet, at 10 sheets. but you'd want 10 foot drywall for the cielings, so about 16 a sheet for those.he garage size is approx 20'x18'x8'. I just need to sheetrock two sides (20'x8' each) and... show more I have a 2-car garage with the wooden rafters on the side and the ceiling exposed. This causes a lot of bugs, spiders etc and I basically want a clean look.",
"Assuming you have 8 foot ceilings, it would cost you about $150 in drywall from Home Depot, if you only have to do the walls. (18 sheets at about $7 ea.+ tax). If you have to do the ceiling also it will cost you about another $50 for 8 additional sheets. You need tape.That's about $5 for 300 feet of yellow mesh tape.ow much would it costs (ROUGHLY) to drywall my basement. It's roughly a 12X20 ft room (240 sq ft). HOw much would it cost to do it myself??",
"1 The Drywall-The room described above is going to demand around 600 square feet of drywall to cover the walls and the ceilings. 2 These will be sheets sized at 4'x8' and cost around $9 each. 3 This means that roughly 20 sheets are required for this project, which will cost around $180 total. These will be sheets sized at 4'x8' and cost around $9 each. 2 This means that roughly 20 sheets are required for this project, which will cost around $180 total. 3 The Materials-hanging drywall means the use of special 1 1/4 drywall screws.",
"Drywall is available in a variety of thicknesses. The recommended thickness is 5/8 inch for ceiling installation. Special 1/2 in ceiling board is also available. If the installation is to be inspected, the inspector can tell you what is acceptable.",
"Get enough mud for your job. As a rough estimate, figure about 1 gallon (3.7 liters) of mud for every 100 square feet of drywall. There are several brands and grades of mud. Use the all purpose mud for your base (first) coat to seat or cover the tape, and lightweight mud for the final coat.",
"Youâll need eight 4-by-12 drywall panels for the four walls and three panels of the same size for the ceiling. While construction materials fluctuate, sometimes from one day to the next, as of October 2011, a 1/2-inch thick panel cost about $10.50, so expect to spend about $115 for the panels.ouâll need eight 4-by-12 drywall panels for the four walls and three panels of the same size for the ceiling. While construction materials fluctuate, sometimes from one day to the next, as of October 2011, a 1/2-inch thick panel cost about $10.50, so expect to spend about $115 for the panels.",
"1 The Drywall-The room described above is going to demand around 600 square feet of drywall to cover the walls and the ceilings. 2 These will be sheets sized at 4'x8' and cost around $9 each.3 This means that roughly 20 sheets are required for this project, which will cost around $180 total. These will be sheets sized at 4'x8' and cost around $9 each. 2 This means that roughly 20 sheets are required for this project, which will cost around $180 total. 3 The Materials-hanging drywall means the use of special 1 1/4 drywall screws.",
"Average cost of a new drywall to get installed will vary from $41.5 to $60.0 per 4'x8'x5/8 sheet including labor and materials or from $1.30 to $1.88 per square foot.omplication of work is a main factor of establishing the total cost to install a drywall. Custom work on a multilevel ceiling, hanging and finishing drywall on arches, or other supplementary house design details will increase the cost of installation up to 100% or even more.",
"Drywall Average Costs. For drywall hanging alone (no taping) on a large job (50+ sheets), expect to pay $.30 to $.60 per square foot. With taping, professional drywall installation costs closer to $1.00 per square foot and as much as $1.50 per square foot. These prices don't include the cost of drywall (see below). For a 12' x 15' room, you might pay $1,000 to $1,200 (materials and labor).",
"Drywall sheets are heavy, so installation often requires at least two workers or specialized skills, tools and hoists. 1 Because each coat of joint compound has to dry thoroughly, any drywall project other than a small repair patch usually takes at least three days.",
"Drywall provides a thermal resistance R-value (in US units) of 0.32 for 3â8-inch board, 0.45 for 1â2-inch, 0.56 for 5â8-inch, and 0.83 for 1-inch board. In addition to increased R-value, thicker drywall has a higher sound transmission class.",
"Homeowners often need to repair a small section of drywall instead of a whole wall. According to experts, you can expect to pay $50 to $75 per hole for drywall repair, for an approximate total cost of $150 to $225. For some handymen or drywall contractors, the location of the holes may factor into the cost.",
"This gets you at about 6,000. That's roughly how many sq ft of drywall it would take to do your home throughout, assuming you have 8' ceilings. Then multiply your footage (6,000) by your area's going rate for hanging and finishing. A good company usually gets around $1.00/ft give or take 20 cents depending on area.",
"Installing and finishing drywall will cost around 85¢ to $1.15 per sq.ft. for drywall prices, with an average of about $1 per sq.ft.",
"While there is no such thing as a perfect building material, drywall comes pretty close. For one thing, it's dirt cheap, costing about $7 for a 1/2-in.-thick 4 x 8 panel. It's also DIY friendly--about all you need to work successfully with it is a small bunch of hand tools, some of which you already own. So it's no wonder that, since the 1940s, drywall has steadily replaced lath and plaster.",
"Note that surface texturing or skim coating is NOT included in this estimate. For a basic 500 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install Drywall ranges between $1.43 - $1.76 per square foot* . To estimate costs for your project:",
"1 These prices donât include the cost of drywall (see below). For a 12â x 15â room, you might pay $1,000 to $1,200 (materials and labor). These prices assume extensive drywall installation (throughout the home or in multiple rooms).",
"It is gutted down to the studs. How much might it cost to do drywall on the home if I did it myself? And what about if I hired a general cont... Source(s): cost drywall 1200 square foot home: https://knowledge.im/?s=cost+drywall+1200+square+foot+home.",
"1 For about 4,000 square feet of drywall on all the walls and ceilings of a small home, it's $4,400-$8,600 or more. 2 Factors such as cathedral ceilings or irregular layouts can bump the price higher. Drywall materials (drywall sheets plus screws or nails, joint compound, tape, etc.) average 25 cents - 65 cents a square foot; professional installation is an additional 85 cents -$1.50 per square foot.",
"Usually, you can find the drywall price by doing this little trick: Take the floor square footage, which in your case is 1,200. Multiply the floorspace by about 5, to be safe. (This would give you a ballpark figure of all your wall and ceiling surfaces, and a little over to be safe).This gets you at about 6,000.That's roughly how many sq ft of drywall it would take to do your home throughout, assuming you have 8' ceilings. Then multiply your footage (6,000) by your area's going rate for hanging and finishing. A good company usually gets around $1.00/ft give or take 20 cents depending on area.sually, you can find the drywall price by doing this little trick: Take the floor square footage, which in your case is 1,200. Multiply the floorspace by about 5, to be safe. (This would give you a ballpark figure of all your wall and ceiling surfaces, and a little over to be safe).",
"1 Do-It-Yourselfers can bring the costs down to $150-$250 for a 12x12 room and $1,000-$3,000 for a small house, but hanging drywall requires a lot of heavy lifting by at least two people, and getting a good finish on drywall requires a lot of patience and practice. For about 4,000 square feet of drywall on all the walls and ceilings of a small home, it's $4,400-$8,600 or more. 2 Factors such as cathedral ceilings or irregular layouts can bump the price higher.",
"Sheet of drywall: $6 to $12, depending on type. Acoustical drywall panels cost more. Small container of joint compound and a roll of tape: $15 to $20. Tools: Most will have their own tools, but if purchased, the cost will be $15 to $50 based on the quality of the tools.",
"Dear April: Unfortunately, the type of drywall damage you describe is quite common. Homeowners often need to repair a small section of drywall instead of a whole wall. According to experts, you can expect to pay $50 to $75 per hole for drywall repair, for an approximate total cost of $150 to $225. For some handymen or drywall contractors, the location of the holes may factor into the cost.",
"1 The Drywall-The room described above is going to demand around 600 square feet of drywall to cover the walls and the ceilings. 2 These will be sheets sized at 4'x8' and cost around $9 each. 3 This means that roughly 20 sheets are required for this project, which will cost around $180 total. These will be sheets sized at 4'x8' and cost around $9 each. 2 This means that roughly 20 sheets are required for this project, which will cost around $180 total. 3 The Materials-hanging drywall means the use of special 1 1/4 drywall screws. 4 These are sold by the pound and contain around 300 screws in each pound.",
"Jose, for a typical drywall installation job, you might pay around $25-$30 per sheet, or $0.75-$0.90 per square foot, for the labor, which should include hanging, taping and finishing the drywall.",
"How much does a 5/8 drywall board cost??? Hi all...i know this is a dumb question, but i can't find an answer online. How much does a 5/8 drywall board cost??? Also, how much would a 5/8 board of sheetrock cost.",
"1 Do-It-Yourselfers can bring the costs down to $150-$250 for a 12x12 room and $1,000-$3,000 for a small house, but hanging drywall requires a lot of heavy lifting by at least two people, and getting a good finish on drywall requires a lot of patience and practice. Drywall materials (drywall sheets plus screws or nails, joint compound, tape, etc.) average 25 cents - 65 cents a square foot; professional installation is an additional 85 cents -$1.50 per square foot.",
"1 For about 4,000 square feet of drywall on all the walls and ceilings of a small home, it's $4,400-$8,600 or more. 2 Factors such as cathedral ceilings or irregular layouts can bump the price higher. For about 4,000 square feet of drywall on all the walls and ceilings of a small home, it's $4,400-$8,600 or more. 2 Factors such as cathedral ceilings or irregular layouts can bump the price higher.",
"1 Drywall materials (drywall sheets plus screws or nails, joint compound, tape, etc.) average 25 cents - 65 cents a square foot; professional installation is an additional 85 cents -$1.50 per square foot. For about 4,000 square feet of drywall on all the walls and ceilings of a small home, it's $4,400-$8,600 or more. 2 Factors such as cathedral ceilings or irregular layouts can bump the price higher.",
"How much drywall should cost. Average costs and comments from CostHelper's team of professional journalists and community of users. Patch kits to repair small holes in existing drywall are $2-$20; the more expensive kits contain materials to patch several holes or up to four feet of cracks. Simple repairs can also be made using joint compound ($3-$15), a drywall hand saw ($5-$16) and average household tools such as a hammer, drill and utility knife.",
"1. Calculate how much paint and drywall mud youâll need to cover the wall. Mixing paint with drywall mud will thicken the paint and reduce coverage, so plan to use a gallon of paint for every 200 to 300 square feet of wall.. Calculate how much paint and drywall mud youâll need to cover the wall. Mixing paint with drywall mud will thicken the paint and reduce coverage, so plan to use a gallon of paint for every 200 to 300 square feet of wall.",
"The cost to install drywall is about $1.50 per square foot. After material and labor are added in, the cost per panel can range from around $40.00 to $60.00. A typical 12x12 room, for example, will use 12 panels.ther factors that can influence the cost of your project include: These can cause your costs to increase by as much as double. A standard 8'x4' drywall panel costs between $10.00 and $20.00, depending on the thickness and brand as well as certain characteristics such as mold resistance.",
"To hang and finish drywall, average drywall installation cost is around $1 per square foot when a contractor does the work. The cost to install drywall increases by around $.50 per square foot for small jobs done by a contractor; most contractors consider the hanging and finishing of 35 sheets or less a small job.",
"The cost to install drywall is about $1.50 per square foot. After material and labor are added in, the cost per panel can range from around $40.00 to $60.00. A typical 12x12 room, for example, will use 12 panels.rywall joint tape varies widely in price depending on if you just want basic joint tape, mold-resistant, fiber mesh, laminated, etc. Most typical rolls will cost you around $3.00 to $5.00, with some rolls as cheap as $1.75 and others up around $15.00, so shop wisely!",
"Drywall Average Costs. 1 For drywall hanging alone (no taping) on a large job (50+ sheets), expect to pay $.30 to $.60 per square foot. 2 With taping, professional drywall installation costs closer to $1.00 per square foot and as much as $1.50 per square foot.",
"1 The Drywall-The room described above is going to demand around 600 square feet of drywall to cover the walls and the ceilings. 2 These will be sheets sized at 4'x8' and cost around $9 each. 3 This means that roughly 20 sheets are required for this project, which will cost around $180 total.",
"How much drywall should cost. Average costs and comments from CostHelper's team of professional journalists and community of users. Patch kits to repair small holes in existing drywall are $2-$20; the more expensive kits contain materials to patch several holes or up to four feet of cracks. 1 Simple repairs can also be made using joint compound ($3-$15), a drywall hand saw ($5-$16) and average household tools such as a hammer, drill and utility knife.",
"In our example 528 / 100= 5.28 Gallons remembering to round up Five gallons of drywall mud all purpose= $11.99. example if your total length of seams is 645 / 500= 1.3 therefore you will need 2 rolls of tape Now multiply the numbers of rolls of tape by the current price.",
"1 The Drywall-The room described above is going to demand around 600 square feet of drywall to cover the walls and the ceilings. 2 These will be sheets sized at 4'x8' and cost around $9 each. 3 This means that roughly 20 sheets are required for this project, which will cost around $180 total. The Drywall-The room described above is going to demand around 600 square feet of drywall to cover the walls and the ceilings. 2 These will be sheets sized at 4'x8' and cost around $9 each. 3 This means that roughly 20 sheets are required for this project, which will cost around $180 total.",
"1 Installing new drywall on the walls and ceiling of a 12x12-foot-room with 8-foot-high walls means about 530 square feet of drywall. 2 For about 4,000 square feet of drywall on all the walls and ceilings of a small home, it's $4,400-$8,600 or more.dditional costs: 1 Drywall sheets are heavy, so installation often requires at least two workers or specialized skills, tools and hoists. 2 Because each coat of joint compound has to dry thoroughly, any drywall project other than a small repair patch usually takes at least three days.",
"1 Most carpenters estimate that they will require roughly one pound for every 500 square feet of drywall installed. 2 The average cost for a single pound is $6, which means that around two pounds will be necessary for the project, at a cost of $12. These will be sheets sized at 4'x8' and cost around $9 each. 2 This means that roughly 20 sheets are required for this project, which will cost around $180 total. 3 The Materials-hanging drywall means the use of special 1 1/4 drywall screws. 4 These are sold by the pound and contain around 300 screws in each pound.",
"Drywall Panel Sizes and Costs A basic drywall panel measures 8' tall and 4' wide with thicknesses varying from 1/4 to 5/8. Some drywall can measure up to 16' tall and is used for guaranteeing smooth finishes for very tall ceilings, but it requires several people to hang.",
"Estimate Drywall Screws. When estimating drywall you will also need to know how many screws are needed. To determine the pounds of screws required, will be made by dividing the square footage of drywall by 300. This is how many pounds of 1-1/4 inch drywall screws are needed.. When estimating drywall you will also need to know how many screws are needed. To determine the pounds of screws required, will be made by dividing the square footage of drywall by 300. This is how many pounds of 1-1/4 inch drywall screws are needed.",
"Adding On: $1,100 - $3,200. ⢠1 The Site: A 20âx20â addition requires drywall on both the walls and the ceiling, which is a standard 8â high. A pro can make quick work of a job like this, since there is plenty of space to move around and nothing in the way.",
"1 The Drywall-The room described above is going to demand around 600 square feet of drywall to cover the walls and the ceilings. 2 These will be sheets sized at 4'x8' and cost around $9 each. 3 This means that roughly 20 sheets are required for this project, which will cost around $180 total. This means that roughly 20 sheets are required for this project, which will cost around $180 total. 2 The Materials-hanging drywall means the use of special 1 1/4 drywall screws. 3 These are sold by the pound and contain around 300 screws in each pound.",
"Assuming you have 8 foot ceilings, it would cost you about $150 in drywall from Home Depot, if you only have to do the walls. (18 sheets at about $7 ea.+ tax). If you have to do the ceiling also it will cost you about another $50 for 8 additional sheets. You need tape. That's about $5 for 300 feet of yellow mesh tape.ow much would it costs (ROUGHLY) to drywall my basement. It's roughly a 12X20 ft room (240 sq ft). HOw much would it cost to do it myself??",
"Drywall Average Costs. For drywall hanging alone (no taping) on a large job (50+ sheets), expect to pay $.30 to $.60 per square foot. With taping, professional drywall installation costs closer to $1.00 per square foot and as much as $1.50 per square foot. These prices donât include the cost of drywall (see below). For a 12â x 15â room, you might pay $1,000 to $1,200 (materials and labor).",
"There are now a bunch of different varieties of drywall. This page will provide a summary of each type and where it is applicable to use. Standard 1/2 Drywall. This drywall is generally the least expensive and it is what you will want to use on the majority of your projects. Generally, it is designed to be fastened to studs that are 16 to 24 apart on on wall studs and ceiling studs that are no more than 16 apart.",
"1 The Drywall-The room described above is going to demand around 600 square feet of drywall to cover the walls and the ceilings. 2 These will be sheets sized at 4'x8' and cost around $9 each.3 This means that roughly 20 sheets are required for this project, which will cost around $180 total. Most carpenters estimate that they will require roughly one pound for every 500 square feet of drywall installed. 2 The average cost for a single pound is $6, which means that around two pounds will be necessary for the project, at a cost of $12.",
"A standard 8'x4' drywall panel costs between $10.00 and $20.00, depending on the thickness and brand as well as certain characteristics such as mold resistance. For small repairs such as patches, 16x16 squares can be found for around $5.00 each.",
"Drywall. Drywall, or sheetrock, is the first thing you need to buy. It is available in sheets of approximately 4 by 8 feet. You need to buy enough to cover an entire room, plus a little extra to allow for mistakes.",
"Drywall Sizes: 4' x 8' Sheets - This type of drywall is usually only available in one size. Weight per 4' x 8' Sheet - 43.65 lb. Availability - This thickness is available at most home supply and drywall supply stores. 1/2 Drywall - This is the most popular thickness of drywall."
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anterior cranial fossa definition | [
"They are known as the anterior cranial fossa, middle cranial fossa and posterior cranial fossa. Each fossae accommodates a different part of the brain. The anterior cranial fossa is the most shallow and superior of the three cranial fossae."
] | [
"Petrous part of the temporal bone - Surfaces. 1 The anterior surface forms the posterior part of the middle cranial fossa of the base of the skull, and is continuous with the inner surface of the squamous portion, to which it is united by the petrosquamous suture, remains of which are distinct even at a late period of life.",
"Pterygopalatine Fossa. Brief description. The pterygopalatine fossa has the shape of an inverted cone. It is located lateral to the nasal cavity, anterior inferior to the middle cranial fossa, inferior to the apex of the orbit and medial to the infratemporal fossa.",
"(âOccipitalâ refers to the occipital lobe which is a part of the cerebrum and is supratentorial.) The term âfossaâ refers to a âscooped outâ space, like the palm of your cupped hand. There are three fossa of the skull base: anterior, middle and posterior. The anterior fossa (green) is where the frontal lobe is located. The middle fossa (purple) is where the temporal lobe is located.",
"Definition of FOSSA. : a slender long-tailed carnivorous mammal (Cryptoprocta ferox) of Madagascar that has retractile claws and is often grouped with the mongooses or placed in a related family (Eupleridae). a slender long-tailed carnivorous mammal (Cryptoprocta ferox) of Madagascar that has retractile claws and is often grouped with the mongooses or placed in a related family (Eupleridae).",
"infratemporal fossa. area medial to the angle of the mandible bounded above by the infratemporal surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone, anteriorly by the alveolar border of the maxilla, laterally by the ramus of the mandible and deeply by the lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone.",
"Behind the iliac fossa is a rough surface, divided into two portions, an anterior and a posterior. The anterior surface (auricular surface), so called from its resemblance in shape to the ear, is coated with cartilage in the fresh state, and articulates with a similar surface on the side of the sacrum.he crest of the ilium is convex in its general outline but is sinuously curved, being concave inward in front, concave outward behind. It is thinner at the center than at the extremities, and ends in the anterior and posterior superior iliac spines.",
"The middle fossa, deeper than the anterior cranial fossa, is narrow medially and widens laterally to the sides of the skull.It is separated from the posterior fossa by the clivus and the petrous crest.ehind the tuberculum sellae sellæ is a deep, depression the sella, turcica containing the fossa, hypophyseos which lodges the, hypophysis and presents on its anterior wall the middle clinoid. processes",
"Keros classification of olfactory fossa. Dr Aditya Shetty â and Dr Mark Holland et al. The Keros classification is a method of classifying the depth of the olfactory fossa. The ethmoid labyrinth is covered by the fovea ethmoidalis of the frontal bone and separates the ethmoidal cells from the anterior cranial fossa.",
"Gross anatomy. The foramen magnum is found in the most inferior part of the posterior cranial fossa 3. It is traversed by vital structures including the medulla oblongata 1. In the midline, the anterior margin is the basion and the posterior margin is the opisthion.",
"A small amount of persisting enhancement is noted within the floor of the anterior cranial fossa. There is unchanged encephalomalacia in the inferior frontal lobes adjacent to this. No new nodular focal enhancement to suggest recurrence. Mucus retention cysts are noted in the left nasal cavity superiorly.",
"Switch to new thesaurus. glenoid fossa. os temporale, temporal bone - a thick bone forming the side of the human cranium and encasing the inner ear. fossa, pit - a concavity in a surface (especially an anatomical depression)",
"Cribriform Plate. It separates the nasal cavities from the anterior cranial fossa and fills the ethmoidal notch between the 2 orbital plates of the frontal bone. Itâs a number of small pores in it which carry the filaments of olfactory nerve from the olfactory epithelium of the nasal cavity to the olfactory bulb of the brain. Crista Galli",
"Posterior fossa meningiomas include tentorial, clival, cerebellopontine angle and foramen magnum meningiomas. Tentorial meningiomas are those located under the surface of the tentorium cerebelli. Kabil M, Shahinian HK: Application of the Supraorbital Endoscopic Approach to Tumors of the Anterior Cranial Base.",
"Antecubital fossa Anatomy The fossa of the anterior elbow, which is bounded laterally and medially by the humeral origins of the flexor and extensor tendons of the forearm and superiorly by a virtual line connecting the humeral condyles. small depression in the distal humerus on its anterior surface proximal to the capitulum. When the elbow is in complete flexion, the proximal end (the head) of the radius slides up along the capitulum and one edge of the head of the radius fits into the radial fossa.",
"nasal fossa the portion of the nasal cavity anterior to the middle meatus. navicular fossa. 1. the lateral expansion of the urethra of the glans penis. 2. a depression on the internal pterygoid process of the sphenoid, giving attachment to the tensor veli palatini muscle. 3. vestibular fossa.",
"Brain lobes - CT brain (inferior slice) 1 The most anterior parts of the frontal lobes occupy the anterior cranial fossae. 2 The temporal lobes occupy the middle cranial fossae. 3 The cerebellum and brain stem occupy the posterior fossa.",
"APPLIED ANATOMY: In severe head injuries involving the anterior cranial fossa, the olfactory bulb may be separated from olfactory nerves or the nerves may be torn, producing ANOSMIA⦠loss of olfaction.",
"The floor of the middle cranial fossa is comprised of the body and greater wings of the sphenoid bone and the anterior surfaces of the petrous parts of the temporal bones.he temporal lobes of the cerebral hemispheres, the optic chiasm, the hypophysis (pituitary), internal carotid arteries, circle of Willis, and cavernous sinuses lie in the middle cranial fossa. See also: fossa.",
"Mandibular Fossa Definition. Mandibular fossa is a concavity in the squamous portion of the skullâs temporal bone. This is the area where the head of the mandible articulates with the articular disk. It allows the mouth to be closed and opened, meaning it exists to perform mastication. Its articular exterior is sheathed by fibrocartilage [1].",
"The fossa (/ËfÉsÉ/ or /ËfuËsÉ/ ; Malagasy [ËfusÉÌ¥] ; Cryptoprocta ferox) is a cat-like, carnivorous mammal endemic to Madagascar.It is a member of the Eupleridae, a family of carnivorans closely related to the mongoose family (Herpestidae).he fossa appears as a diminutive form of a large felid, such as a cougar, but with a slender body and muscular limbs, and a tail nearly as long as the rest of the body. It has a mongoose-like head, relatively longer than that of a cat, although with a muzzle that is broad and short, and with large but rounded ears.",
"Brief description. The pterygopalatine fossa has the shape of an inverted cone. It is located lateral to the nasal cavity, anterior inferior to the middle cranial fossa, inferior to the apex of the orbit and medial to the infratemporal fossa.",
"It originates from the superior, anterior and posterior borders of the temporal fossa and resides within its concavity as the muscle fibers move towards their insertion point, which lies under the zygomatic arch.he Temporal Fossa. The temporal fossa is a depression on the temporal region and one of the largest landmarks on the skull. The temporal bone, the sphenoid bone, the parietal bone and the frontal bone contribute to its concave wall.",
"A wedge-shaped region just under the skin on either side of the lower end of the rectum and anal canal. The fossa is bounded laterally by the obturator internus muscle and the tuberosity of the ischium, medially by the levator ani and coccygeus muscles, and posteriorly by the gluteus maximus muscle.n the anterior surface of the lower end of the humerus, a depression proximal to the trochlea and between the lateral and medial epicondyles; it is analogous to the olecranon fossa on the opposite side of the humerus.",
"The middle cranial fossa contains the superior orbital fissures, optic canals, foramina rotundum, foramina ovale, foramina spinosum, and foramina lacerum.he temporal lobes of the cerebral hemispheres, the optic chiasm, the hypophysis (pituitary), internal carotid arteries, circle of Willis, and cavernous sinuses lie in the middle cranial fossa. See also: fossa.",
"The cribriform plate is a sieve-like structure between the anterior cranial fossa and the nasal cavity.t is a part of ethmoid bone and supports the olfactory bulb. It is perforated by foramina for the passage of the olfactory nerves and the nerves to the upper part of the nasal septum, the latter of those to the superior nasal concha.",
"These imaging features are typical of an arachnoid cyst. Axial T2-weighted MRI image through the body of the lateral ventricles, showing superior extension of a right middle cranial fossa lesion. The lesion is homogeneous, with no perceptible wall, no internal complexity, and CSF signal intensity.",
"Medical Definition of olecranon fossa. : the fossa at the distal end of the humerus into which the olecranon fits when the arm is in full extensionâcompare coronoid fossa.",
"The Keros classification is a method of classifying the depth of the olfactory fossa. The ethmoid labyrinth is covered by the fovea ethmoidalis of the frontal bone and separates the ethmoidal cells from the anterior cranial fossa.",
"They then enter the cranial cavity through the cribiform plate of the ethmoid bone â the roof of the nasal cavity. Olfactory Bulb. Once in the cranial cavity, the fibres enter the olfactory bulb, which lies in the olfactory groove, within the anterior cranial fossa. © 2015 TeachMeAnatomy.com [CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0]. Fig 1.2 â Initial course of the olfactory nerve fibres.",
"Structures passing through foramina of skull. The internal surface of the cranial base can be divided into 3 cranial fossae, the anterior, middle, and posterior. The anterior and middle fossae are separated by the lesser wing of sphenoid bone, and the middle and posterior fossae are separated by petrous part of temporal bone. Various structures (nerves, arteries, veins) passing through various foramina of skull are listed below: Foramen Ovale: Mnemonic: MALE 1. Mandibular Nerve (CN V3) 2. Accessory meningeal nerve 3. Lesser petrosal nerve 4. Emissary vein (Cavernous sinus to pterygoid plexus) 5. Occasionally anterior trunk of middle meningeal artery. Foramen Spinosum. Mnemonic: MEN 1. Middle meningeal artery and vein (posterior trunk) 2. Emissay vein 3. Nervus spinosus (Meningeal branch of mandibular nerve) Foramen Lacerum: Mnemonic: MEIG Structures passing whole length: 1. Meningeal branch of Ascending pharyngeal artery 2. Emissary vein. Other structures partially traversing: 3. Internal carotid artery 4.",
"cribriform plate. (anatomy). The horizontal plate of the ethmoid bone, part of the floor of the anterior cranial fossa.The bone lining a dental alveolus.1 Facebook.2 Twitter.ribriform plate. (anatomy). The horizontal plate of the ethmoid bone, part of the floor of the anterior cranial fossa. The bone lining a dental alveolus. 1 Facebook. 2 Twitter.",
"The anterior pituitary (or adenohypophysis) is a lobe of the gland that regulates several physiological processes (including stress, growth, reproduction, and lactation). The intermediate lobe synthesizes and secretes melanocyte-stimulating hormone.his contrasts with the posterior pituitary, which originates from neuroectoderm. Endocrine cells of the anterior pituitary are controlled by regulatory hormones released by parvocellular neurosecretory cells in the hypothalamus.",
"C) at birth the cranial bones are connected by areas of fibrous connective tissue. D) the growth of the cranium is usually coordinated with the growth of the brain. E) the bones of the skull develop from a single ossification focus. 32) 33) The anterior fontanel is located A) posterior to the frontal bone.",
"A). Frontal Bone: anterior portion above the eyes 1. anterior portion (external) i. supraorbital foramen ii. frontonasal suture iii. glabella 2). posterior portion (internal) i. superior wall of the orbits ii. anterior cranial fossa frontal sinus: opening in the bone. A).",
"an anterior cranial bone located between the eyes. It contributes to the medial wall of the orbit, the roof and walls of the nasal cavity and nasal septum. It is a very porous and delicate bone.",
"The fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox) is a unique carnivore, endemic to Madagascar, is EDGE Mammal number 43, and is today's IUCN Species of the Day. There has ... There has been considerable dispute over the taxonomy of the fossa. It was originally classified as a felid due to its cat-like head and body-shape. However, the fossa's resemblance to cats is a result of convergent evolution. Researchers later placed the fossa in the family Viverridae due to its apparent resemblance to civets and genets.",
"temporal fossa. On the side of the skull, a large fan-shaped depression containing the temporalis muscle. The fossa's upper edge forms a broad crescent (the temporal lines) along the frontal, parietal, and temporal bones, from the upper outer edge of the orbit to the most posterior edge of the zygomatic arch.n the anterior surface of the lower end of the humerus, a depression proximal to the trochlea and between the lateral and medial epicondyles; it is analogous to the olecranon fossa on the opposite side of the humerus.",
"antecubital fossa. The triangular region in the forearm on the anterior (flexor) surface of the elbow. Bounded laterally by the brachioradialis muscle and medially by the pronator teres muscle, the fossa contains the tendon of the biceps brachialis muscle and the brachial artery. small depression in the distal humerus on its anterior surface proximal to the capitulum. When the elbow is in complete flexion, the proximal end (the head) of the radius slides up along the capitulum and one edge of the head of the radius fits into the radial fossa.",
"The middle cranial fossa is formed from the posterior two thirds of the sphenoid bones (the greater wings, the dorsum sella, and the clinoid processes) and the petrous and squamous portions of the temporal bones.he temporal lobes of the cerebral hemispheres, the optic chiasm, the hypophysis (pituitary), internal carotid arteries, circle of Willis, and cavernous sinuses lie in the middle cranial fossa. See also: fossa.",
"The fossa (/ËfÉsÉ/ or /ËfuËsÉ/ ; Malagasy [ËfusÉÌ¥] ; Cryptoprocta ferox) is a cat-like, carnivorous mammal endemic to Madagascar.It is a member of the Eupleridae, a family of carnivorans closely related to the mongoose family (Herpestidae).he fossa is listed as Vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. It is generally feared by the Malagasy people and is often protected by their fady (taboo). The greatest threat to the species is habitat destruction.",
"trochanteric fossa. At the proximal end of the femur, an irregular recess along the upper inner (proximal medial) surface of the great trochanter, where the medial edge of the greater trochanter overhangs the neck of the femur.See also: fossa.emporal fossa. an area on the side of the cranium bounded by the temporal line and the zygomatic arch, lodging the temporal muscle. trochanteric fossa. the deep fossa at the proximal end of the femur between the greater and lesser trochanters.",
"Insertion. 1 discomfort! 2 malposition (e.g. curling in the mouth or nose, endotracheal and endobronchial placement) 3 epistaxsis. vomiting and aspiration. placement into the anterior cranial fossa (i.e. base of skull fracture or cranial floor 1 surgery) oesophageal variceal hemorrhage (if varices present) oesophageal or posterior pharyngeal perforation.",
"Quick Answer. LearntheHeart.com states that an anterior myocardial infarction is when the anterior, or front, wall of the heart experiences injury due to lack of blood flow. An artery known as the left anterior descending coronary artery usually supplies blood flow to this area of the heart. An anterior myocardial infarction generally indicates that there is a blockage in this artery.",
"Each fossae accommodates a different part of the brain. The middle cranial fossa is located, as its name suggests, centrally in the cranial floor. It is said to be âbutterfly shapedâ, with a middle part accommodating the pituitary gland and two lateral parts accommodating the temporal lobes of the brain. The hypophysial fossa or pituitary fossa (seat of the saddle) sits in the middle of the sella trucica. 2 It is a depression in the body of the sphenoid, which holds the pituitary gland. 3 The dorsum sellae (back of the saddle) forms the posterior wall of the sella turcica.",
"cubital fossa. Antecubital fossa Anatomy The fossa of the anterior elbow, which is bounded laterally and medially by the humeral origins of the flexor and extensor tendons of the forearm and superiorly by a virtual line connecting the humeral condyles.",
"deficit in the right eye to finger count confrontation. Otherwise cranial nerves II through XII are intact. Muscle strength is strong. Sensation is intact. Deep tendon reflexes are 1â2 and symmetrical. Her gait is stable. All other systems are normal. Imaging . 4/27 MRI, brain: There is an extra-axial well-defined homogeneously enhancing mass, measuring 7.2 x 7.2 x 5.2 cm, attached to the anterior cranial fossa. The lesion is consistent with olfactory groove meningioma. It compresses the anterior horn of the lateral ventricles bilaterally and stretches the optic chiasm and optic nerves inferiorly. The pituitary stalk and lamina terminalis are also stretched posteriorly. No hydrocephalus is noted. Impression:",
"anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), a strong band that arises from the posterior middle part of the lateral condyle of the femur, passes anteriorly and inferiorly between the condyles, and is attached to the depression in front of the intercondylar eminence of the tibia.",
"A more detailed neurosonographic evaluation is done in additional coronal and sagittal planes, visualised ideally with transvaginal ultrasound through the anterior fontanelle. Place the vacuum cup on the occiput of the fetal cranium toward the anterior fontanelle. 1] The anterior fontanelle is the unossified area of the skull situated at the junction of the frontal, coronal, and sagittal sutures.",
"The anterior or frontal division of the lateral ventricle of the brain, extending forward from Monro interventricular foramen. 2. The anterior or ventral gray column of the spinal cord as appearing in cross-section. Synonym(s): cornu anterius [TA] , precornu, ventral horn.",
"Olecranon fossa. The olecranon fossa is a deep triangular depression on the posterior side of the humerus, superior to the trochlea, in which the summit of the olecranon is received during extension of the forearm. Additional images.",
"The fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox) is the largest carnivore native to the island of Madagascar with a body length of 60 - 76 cm. It has a cat-like head, rounded ears, relatively short face, smooth reddish-brown coat, retractable claws and strong jaws and teeth.he fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox) is the largest carnivore native to the island of Madagascar with a body length of 60 - 76 cm. It has a cat-like head, rounded ears, relatively short face, smooth reddish-brown coat, retractable claws and strong jaws and teeth.",
"The pterygopalatine fossa has the shape of an inverted cone. It is located lateral to the nasal cavity, anterior inferior to the middle cranial fossa, inferior to the apex of the orbit and medial to the infratemporal fossa.",
"Sulabh Shrestha June 2, 2011 2011-06-02T18:37:11+00:00 2011-06-02T18:37:11+00:00 Anatomy 2 Comments. The internal surface of the cranial base can be divided into 3 cranial fossae, the anterior, middle, and posterior.",
"Mandibular Fossa Definition Mandibular fossa is a concavity in the squamous portion of the skull's temporal bone. This is the area where the head of the mandible articulates with the articular disk. It allows the mouth to be closed and opened, meaning it exists to perform mastication. Its articular exterior is sheathed",
"Causes. The posterior fossa is a small space in the skull, found near the brainstem and cerebellum. The cerebellum is the part of the brain responsible for movement, balance, and coordination. The brainstem is responsible for controlling vital body functions, such as breathing.",
"The boundary of Mandibular Fossaâs appears as a rounded projection in the anterior part. It is filled with a cartilage known as âEminentia articularisâ or âArticular tubercleâ. The posterior boundary of the fossa acts as the tymapanic section of the temporal bone. It is a curved bony structure that separates the mandibular fossa from the External Acoustic Meatus (popularly known as the ear canal) or External Auditory Meatus.",
"The fossa (/ËfÉsÉ/ or /ËfuËsÉ/; Malagasy [ËfusÉÌ¥]; Cryptoprocta ferox) is a cat-like, carnivorous mammal endemic to Madagascar. It is a member of the Eupleridae, a family of carnivorans closely related to the mongoose family (Herpestidae).",
"The infratemporal fossa is a complex and irregularly shaped space, located deep to the masseter muscle. It acts as a conduit for many neurovascular structures that travel between the cranial cavity and other structures of the head.",
"interpeduncular fossa a depression on the inferior surface of the midbrain, between the two cerebral peduncles, the floor of which is the posterior perforated substance. ischiorectal fossa a potential space between the pelvic diaphragm and the skin below it; an anterior recess extends a variable distance.",
"posterior cranial fossa. ii. hypoglossal canal : D). Temporal. 2 bones lateral and inferior i. zygomatic process. ii. external auditory (acoustic) meatus. iii. styloid process. iv. mastoid process. v. mandibular fossa : E). Sphenoid bone: Interior butterfly shaped bone.",
"antecubital fossa. The triangular region in the forearm on the anterior (flexor) surface of the elbow. Bounded laterally by the brachioradialis muscle and medially by the pronator teres muscle, the fossa contains the tendon of the biceps brachialis muscle and the brachial artery.",
"Define Antecubital fossa. Antecubital fossa synonyms, Antecubital fossa pronunciation, Antecubital fossa translation, English dictionary definition of Antecubital fossa. n. pl. fos·sae Anatomy A small cavity or depression, as in a bone. fosâ²sateâ² adj. n. A catlike carnivorous mammal of Madagascar, having reddish-brown fur, a...",
"The Keros classification is a method of classifying the depth of the olfactory fossa-ethmoid roof. The ethmoid labyrinth is covered by the fovea ethmoidalis of the frontal bone and separates the ethmoidal cells from the anterior cranial fossa.",
"The posterior fossa is a small space in the skull, found near the brainstem and cerebellum. The cerebellum is the part of the brain responsible for movement, balance, and coordination.",
"The term anterior glenohumeral instability refers to a shoulder in which soft-tissue or bony insult allows the humeral head to sublux or dislocate from the glenoid fossa. The function of such a shoulder is compromised. Patients typically experience apprehension, recurrent subluxations, and frank dislocations."
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who pays auction fees | [
"Auctioneer Fees. In most cases, the auctioneer is going to charge their fees to the seller. Many auctioneers require that the seller pay a listing fee similar to what would be charged by a real estate agent."
] | [
"Buyerâs Premium Explained Filed under Advice, Buying at Auction, Selling Buyerâs Premium: At auction, the Buyerâs Premium is an expense, added to the Hammer Price, which is price the auctioneer sells an item for on the sales floor during the auction. For example, if you go to an auction with a buyerâs premium of 15%, buy something on the sales floor for $100, when you go to pay, they will ask for $115 (sometimes sales tax on top of that). The buyerâs premium seems pretty straight forward and is industry standard.",
"Buyer: The GSA Reverse Auction Platform will collect a Open Market Reverse Auction Fee on all Open Market acquisitions. GSA will collect a 0.75% fee, not to exceed $1,500.00, per line item to be remitted by the Vendors to GSA. The bid price offered by the Vendor and viewed by the Buyer is inclusive of the fee. Vendor: The GSA Reverse Auction Platform will collect a fee on all Open Market acquisitions. GSA will collect a 0.75% fee, not to exceed $1,500.00, per line item to be remitted by the Vendors to GSA.",
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"Shutterstock's highest paying commission is for an EL sale. This is a flat fee sale worth $28.00. Shutterstock pays their contributors via PayPal, Moneybookers or by paper check. The minimum payout for PayPal and Moneybookers is set by default to $100, but can be changed in your Shutterstock account.",
"Whereas eBay used to charge depending on the item's initial listing cost, such as a lower fee for an auction starting at $1.00 compared to one starting at $100, this is now free. Where eBay makes its money, and where sellers will find the highest costs, is in the final value fee. This is what the buyer pays, whether he purchases something outright or ends up the highest bidder. eBay charges 9 percent, but caps this cost at $100 for auctions.",
"(By the way, if you start your listing at $1.00, your fee is $0.50.) But if you start your auction at $0.99 and set an undisclosed reserve price of $50.00, your auction costs $2.00 to post. When you place a reserve on your item, youâre charged an insertion fee based on the amount of the reserve plus the reserve price charge.",
"auction, Auction Law, auctioneer, auctioneers, auctions, buyer's premium, gavel, hammer, hammer price, Knights of the Hammer, sales tax, UCC 2-328. Auctioneers for centuries have had no need to say, âhammer price,â as the price paid at auction has always been just that â the price paid.",
"The buyer (who has a contract with, and owes a commission to the buyerâs agent) is assured that his/her agent has been paid in full at closing. In this scenario, the buyerâs agent takes the fee directly through the transaction (instead of the cooperative fee).",
"There are two parts of this fee: 1 The fee for the broker who lists and markets the property. 2 A fee for the broker who brings the buyer (cooperating broker). 3 If the listing agent procures a buyer without the assistance of a cooperating broker, he/she may keep the entire commission.",
"The fee paid to the sellerâs real estate broker for listing the. property and to the buyerâs broker for bringing the buyer to the sale. Normally, the total fee is split 50/50 between the sellerâs and buyerâs. brokers. The seller of the property generally pays this fee.",
"If you want to pay $100 for something at an auction house with a buyerâs premium of 15%, you need to set your top bid at about $85. Here is the calculation: 85 x .15 = 12.75 + 85 = 97.75, which is right around where your $100 top price and leaves wiggle room for taxes. What the buyerâs premium mean for sellers",
"If you end an auction early and buyers have already placed bids, you may be charged a fee. This fee is the same as a final value fee, based on the item price when you ended the auction. You won't pay a fee if you cancel your auction within the first 24 hours of listing your item, or if we have to end your auction.",
"When you purchase real estate at an auction, you often pay much less than market value. However, before you start bidding, you need to understand the costs involved, such as the buyer's premium. This premium is an extra expense added to the cost of the auctioned home.",
"There is no final value fee for selling on eBay Motors; instead, you pay the transaction service fee when your item gets a bid (or if youâve used a reserve, when bidding meets your reserve price). Take a look at the following tables for the significant differences. Vehicle-Specific Fees for eBay Motors.",
"Auction laws may vary from state to state so discuss the legal requirements with your agent. Opening bids: The auctioneer will then ask for an opening bid, setting an amount by which all bids must rise, such as in $5,000 increments. Alternative amounts can be bid â such as $1,000 â however it is up to the auctioneerâs discretion if the amount is accepted.",
"It is important for sellers to understand the cost associated with a home auction because even if the auctioneer has charged a listing fee to the seller, this does not mean that they will not charge the buyer a fee as well.",
"Buyout auction is an auction with an additional set price (the 'buyout' price) that any bidder can accept at any time during the auction, thereby immediately ending the auction and winning the item. If no bidder chooses to utilize the buyout option before the end of bidding the highest bidder wins and pays their bid.",
"Costs paid by HUD on accepted bids for one of its homes include real estate broker commissions and closing costs the bidder is asking HUD to pay. HUD pays 3 percent on real estate broker commissions and will contribute up to 3 percent toward buyer closing costs.",
"AuctionWeb was founded in California, on September 4, 1995, by French-born Iranian-American computer programmer Pierre Omidyar (born June 21, 1967) as part of a larger personal site. One of the first items sold on AuctionWeb was a broken laser pointer for $14.83.s of November 2012, the U.S.-based eBay.com charges $ 0.10 to $2, based on the opening or reserve price, as an insertion fee for a basic auction-style listing without any adornments. The Final Value Fee amounts to 10% of the total amount of the sale, which is the price of the item plus shipping charges.",
"All buyers have to pay escrow fees. The escrow officer manages all funds in a real estate transaction, and ensures that all outstanding bills are paid. The escrow fee varies from company to company, but averages $200 base plus $2 per $1,000 purchase price.",
"Save. Most auctioneers are paid on commission rather than with a salary, so their income can vary widely depending on what they are selling and how many people are bidding on it. The percentage of the selling price that an auctioneer keeps can vary widely between a low of 10 percent and a high of 30 percent.",
"which will list all the closing costs and . fees charged to you as the buyer. WHAT FEES CAN THE SELLER PAY? All parties may negotiate who pays which fees. A seller may offer to pay a portion of or all of the closing fees for the buyer. There are certain closing costs and fees that are customary for a buyer or seller to pay. For example, on a VA Loan it is customary for the seller to pay for a termite inspection. *RESPA or Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 is a Federal Statute which protects consumers in a real estate transaction.",
"They state if you end the auction early and there are no BUYERS you will be charged the whole fee. But I don't equate a bidder to a buyer necessarily. They give you one free end-early per year. Actually, I have to admit I don't blame them.",
"These fees vary greatly from state to state and area to area. If the closing agent or attorney is representing one party in the transaction, then the represented party should pay the fee. Sometimes both seller and buyer will have representation for the closing process. Again, the represented party should pay.",
"Costs vary based on companies used. Also, depending on the offer, you may pay part of your buyers fees. In Las Vegas, as in most states; selling a house is not as simple as finding a buyer, receiving a payment and handing over the keys.",
"A public auction, mandated by state statute, of tax-defaulted real property. Tax deeds are sold to the highest bidder. Typically, bidding begins at the amount of delinquent taxes, interest charges and related fees due to a County. Click here to view a list of states that conduct tax deed sales on Bid4Assets.",
"Who pays fees buyer or seller? My siblings and I own equal shares of our late mother's house. We are selling it to one of our brothers. The buying brother's lawyer has charged $4700 for preparing, recording and conveyance fees.",
"Auctions frequently utilize a buyerâs premium, which is a percentage of the final bid price, added to such to then calculate the final sales price. For example, a car selling at auction for $15,000 with a 10% buyerâs premium would then require the buyer to tender $15,000 + (.10*15000) = $16,500.",
"the fee paid to the seller s real estate broker for listing the property and to the buyer s broker for bringing the buyer to the sale normally the total fee is split 50 50 between the seller s and buyer s brokers",
"Bill Dermody is marketing the product to municipalities for use at public courts, school districts, colleges and private tennis facilities. Once one of the $179 bins is full, the balls are sent to a manufacturer, which pays for the shipping.",
"All parties may negotiate who pays which fees. A seller may offer to pay a portion of or all of the closing fees for the buyer. There are certain closing costs and fees that are customary for a buyer or seller to pay. For example, on a VA Loan it is customary for the seller to pay for a termite inspection. *RESPA or Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 is a Federal Statute which protects consumers in a real estate transaction.",
"The buyer pays the agent's fee on completion of the sale. It is not against the law for an estate agent to sell a property by a tender process but it can be confusing for the seller and buyer if the agent isn't clear about the process. You don't have to agree to sell your property by the tender process.",
"Begin your auction listings at lower prices to save on insertion fees. 1 Insertion fees are mandatory fees that you will pay for each item you list for sale on eBay. 2 You will pay the lowest insertion fee rates when you start your auction listing price at lower than 99 cents (0.72 euros).",
"Selling fees. 1 Estate Agent fees: Agents normally charge a percentage-based commission 2 -. usually 2-3%. 3 Auction fees: Usually amount to 2% of the selling price. 4 Private sale: You will usually incur some costs for marketing and advertising. Estate Agent fees: Agents normally charge a percentage-based commission 2 -. usually 2-3%. 3 This means that the higher the sale price of your home, the more money the Agent will earn. 4 Auction fees: Usually amount to 2% of the selling price.",
"Commissions on a Tophatter Auction range from 10% to 15% plus a $.25 to $2.75 scheduling fee that is charged whether or not your item sells. Source: Tophatter Fees from their website. Thatâs more than the competition and it does seem a bit out of line for an new auction site.",
"How much percentage does the auction house charge? Usually between 10-15%, but it varies depending on which auction house you go to. The best thing to do would be to contact the auction house directly and ask them. Making the world better, one answer at a time.",
"The Final Value Fee is a percentage of the highest bid on a sold item, and Special Services Fee are for things like listing enhancements, or services allowing you to track how many people have viewed your auction. Unlike eBay, we don't charge sellers an 'insertion' fee for a Basic auction.",
"Understanding Fees and Auctions. Sellers who are considering the possibility of selling their home at an auction, must understand what offers have to be accepted, what the final cost to seller in a home auction may be, and what other fees they may be required to pay.",
"To find the value of the buyer's premium for a specific auction, consult the written terms and conditions of the auction or contact the auction house itself. Considerations Buyer's premiums vary considerably based on the price of the home and the percentage that the auction house determines. When you apply for financing before the auction, request a loan equal to the maximum amount you would be willing to pay for the property plus the amount of the buyer's premium.",
"In auctions, the buyer's premium is a percentage additional charge on the hammer price (winning bid at auction) of the lot that must be paid by the winner. It is charged by the auctioneer to cover administrative expenses. The buyer's premium goes directly to the auction house and not to the seller.",
"All parties may negotiate who pays which fees. A seller may offer to pay a portion of or all of the closing fees for the buyer. There are certain closing costs and fees that are customary for a buyer or seller to pay.For example, on a VA Loan it is customary for the seller to pay for a termite inspection.*RESPA or Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 is a Federal Statute which protects consumers in a real estate transaction.ll parties may negotiate who pays which fees. A seller may offer to pay a portion of or all of the closing fees for the buyer. There are certain closing costs and fees that are customary for a buyer or seller to pay.",
"Annual Income. On average, auctioneers earn between $40,000 and $50,000 per year. Because they are paid through commission, this number may vary widely depending on how many auctions an auctioneer does in a year and how high the bids are at the auction.",
"(The hammer price is the final value called out at the auction.) The buyerâs premium is always paid by the buyer, and it is never waived or reduced because doing so would be considered giving unfair advantage to one buyer over another.",
"Depending on the type of auction that a seller is interested in, there may be additional home auction fees charged to the seller. Marketing can include newspaper advertising, Internet advertising, email advertising and may even include television advertising.",
"With Hawaii real estate, buyers and sellers split escrow fees. Sellers pay the title search costs and the conveyance tax. Buyers pay title insurance premiums for the ownerâs and lenderâs policies. Here are some of the typical fees built into the overall figure that is the sellers Closing Costs: seller may offer a buyer an incentive on paying points down for the buyerâs loan. This may mean more out of pocket for the seller at time of closing but can mean a higher purchase price overall. As the seller you are allowed to choose your escrow and title agency.",
"This fee is the same as a final value fee, based on the item price when you ended the auction. You won't pay a fee if you cancel your auction within the first 24 hours of listing your item, or if we have to end your auction.",
"Buyer's premium. In auctions, the buyer's premium is a percentage additional charge on the hammer price of the lot that must be paid by the winner. It is charged by the auctioneer to cover administrative expenses. The buyer's premium goes directly to the auction house and not to the seller.",
"The Buyer's premium is equivalent to a Auction fee, charged to Buyer for facilitating the online auction service Both these items are added in the purchase price, to let the Buyer realize, that it is their responsibility. Now comes the confusion, Then why is it declared as Seller concession in section 4.2.3 of contract.",
"1 Usually these fees are paid at the closing. 2 Brokerage Commissions â In the typical land transaction, the seller pays this fee. 3 I have been paid by the buyer when working on their behalf dealing with unlisted property. 4 Generally the seller is represented by an agent.",
"Itâs important to note that during this phase the lender cannot take advantage of the property owner in any way, nor can the lender make a profit at the auction. When the property is sold to the highest bidder, the liens are paid and any overage is given to the homeowner. Though typically, once the loans are paid, there is no money left. Auctions are usually cash only, which tends to limit the field of bidders to investors and other lenders.",
"First-price sealed-bid auction. A first-price sealed-bid auction (FPSBA) is a common type of auction. It is also known as blind auction,. In this type of auction, all bidders simultaneously submit sealed bids, so that no bidder knows the bid of any other participant. The highest bidder pays the price they submitted.",
"Foreclosure Auction. At auction, an opening bid on the property is set by the foreclosing lender. This opening bid is usually equal to the outstanding loan balance, interest accrued, and any additional fees and attorney fees associated with the Trustee Sale.",
"A buyerâs agent who is paid from the listing broker does not owe any client-level duties to the seller. When the cooperative fee offered by the listing broker is accepted by the buyerâs agent, there is no additional fee due.",
"Most auctioneers are paid on commission rather than with a salary, so their income can vary widely depending on what they are selling and how many people are bidding on it. The percentage of the selling price that an auctioneer keeps can vary widely between a low of 10 percent and a high of 30 percent.",
"Thatâs tough. Many sellers charge a flat fee for photographing, listing, and shipping that ranges from $5 to $10 per item, plus as much as a 40 percent commission on the final auction total (to absorb eBay fees).",
"Sale by tender process where the buyer pays the agent's fee. Some estate agents are selling properties by a tender process where buyers view the property at an open day and make an offer through a sealed bid. The buyer will usually enter into an agreement to pay the agent's commission fee as part of the tender process. You are only charged a small marketing fee or no fee.",
"Reserve Auctions: Unlike Basic auctions which don't have any fees if the item doesn't sell, there is a No-Sale Reserve Fee of $.99 if a Reserve auction closes without selling. The fee is charged at the close of the auction, and is non-refundable.",
"Final value fee. A fee eBay charges to a seller when a listing ends. This fee is based on the final value of the item, which is the closing bid or sale price. The final value fee is not charged if there are no bids on an item or the high bid did not meet the reserve price the seller set.",
"Buyer: The GSA Reverse Auction Platform will collect a Open Market Reverse Auction Fee on all Open Market acquisitions. GSA will collect a 0.75% fee, not to exceed $1,500.00, per line item to be remitted by the Vendors to GSA. The bid price offered by the Vendor and viewed by the Buyer is inclusive of the fee.",
"Final Value fees on auctions are pretty easy to figure out. If your item sells, you pay eBay 9% of the selling price to a maximum of $50.00. Even a rocket scientist would have trouble figuring out exactly how much eBay receives at the end of fixed-price listings. Its Final Value fees are based on the category you listed your item in, as well as how much the item sold for.",
"On average, auctioneers earn between $40,000 and $50,000 per year. Because they are paid through commission, this number may vary widely depending on how many auctions an auctioneer does in a year and how high the bids are at the auction.",
"Buyers have 2 days from end of auction to pay before you can open an Unpaid Item Dispute - some sellers will open when time allows, others may wait a few extra days. . Don't relist until you have been through the process and received the final value fee credit.",
"All parties may negotiate who pays which. fees. A seller may offer to pay a portion of. or all of the closing fees for the buyer. There are certain closing costs and fees. that are customary for a buyer or seller to. pay. For example, on a VA Loan it is. customary for the seller to pay for a termite. inspection.",
"Auction purchase price must be paid in cash on the same day as the auction -- no mortgage is usually allowed. No inspections allowed; as-is sale. Buyer may take property and owe other liens, back taxes and mortgages. Buyer must research state of title prior to auction.",
"Ceraldi paid a total commission of 3 per cent, including 2.5 per cent for the buyerâs agent. She used a service called feeDuck that connects frugal sellers with real estate agents keen to get new listings. Real estate commissions are negotiable."
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can you always use inc. for incorporation | [
"Inc. after a company name means that the business in question has incorporated within its home state. Status as a C-corporation or an S-Corporation depends on tax filings with the Internal Revenue Service. Incorporation produces a separate entity -- in essence a fictional person created by law."
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"Articles of Incorporation for Nonprofit Corporations explains what to include in your articles in order to qualify for 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Use Form 202: Certificate of Formation for a Nonprofit Corporation to create your articles of incorporation. You must file 2 copies of Form 202 with the Secretary of State. The filing fee is $25. Click here for a sample articles of incorporation. Note that you will have to file a periodic report with the Office of the Secretary of State every four years after incorporation.",
"Incorporation is designed to encourage investment in a company by relieving investors of the risk of losing their ... What Forms Do I Need to File for an S Corp? An incorporated business is automatically designated by the Internal Revenue Service as a C corporation for income tax ...",
"How to Choose Your State: Because incorporation costs vary from state-to-state, it is important to investigate various states' incorporation costs before deciding where to incorporate. If you intend to do business in only one state, it is usually a wise decision to incorporate in that state.he corporation itself pays taxes, at the corporate rate, on any profits of the corporation. However, incorporation can be a complicated and costly process, and it is important a business owner understands the general costs of incorporating before beginning the incorporation process.",
"$60 Nebraska Articles of Incorporation filing fee plus $5 per page recording fee. Nebraska Secretary of State does not provide filers with Articles of Incorporation templates. If you want to form a corporation in Nebraska, you can use our free Nebraska Articles of Incorporation.",
"Among other things, it states whether it will be an S Corporation or a C Corporation and how many authorized shares there will be. It also states how its corporate governance and operations will work. A company that seeks to incorporate must file articles of incorporation with the appropriate authority. In the United States, that authority is usually the states and sometimes the federal government. It is also called a corporate charter or simply a charter. See also: Charter Amendment Limitations.",
"LLCs: do you always need to add the word âLLCâ to your company name? When filing the articles of organization for a limited liability company, the company owners are required to add to the companyâs name words such as âLLCâ, âL.L.C.â or a âLimited Liability Companyâ. Often, for marketing purposes, these words are omitted when the company name appears in advertisements, on the business cards or on the website.",
"Can-Ameri Agri Co. Inc. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Year ended July 31, 2016 and period from incorporation on October 17, 2014 to July 31, 2015 (Expressed in Canadian dollars) 1. NATURE OF OPERATIONS AND GOING CONCERN Can-Ameri Agri Co. Inc.",
"Incorporation Numbers. An incorporation number, more often called a Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN) or an Employer Identification Number (EIN), is the federal number assigned to a business by the Internal Revenue Service. The Internal Revenue Service requires every corporation or partnership to have one.",
"Domestic Nonprofit Corporations - Filing Tips. While not required to name initial directors in Articles of Incorporation, if initial directors are named, all initial directors must sign and acknowledge the articles. (California Corporations Code sections 5120(b) [public benefit], 7120(b) [mutual benefit] or 9120(b) [religious}.)",
"Once your LLC or corporation application is approved, your name is protected in the state: No other business will be able to form an LLC or corporation with the same name in that state. However, thereâs nothing to stop a business that operates as a sole proprietorship or partnership from using your name in the state.",
"While many business owners realize the benefits of incorporation, they may feel the process is too daunting to tackle, but it does not need to be that way. When incorporating yourself, the information and questions concerning what to do and how to do it can be overwhelming and confusing.",
"File Articles of Incorporation with the Department of State. For organizations that plan to be incorporated, this is a key step. In Pennsylvania, you need to file your Articles of Incorporation with the Department of State. For more information or copies of the basic forms contact:",
"In the U.S., in those states where ltd. is allowed as an alternative to inc, a shareholder is not personally or individually liable for any corporate debt or obligation, no matter how much she invested in the business.",
"DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS. Attached is a form for filing Articles of Amendment to amend the articles of incorporation of a Florida Profit Corporation pursuant to. section 607.1006, Florida Statutes. This is a basic amendment form and may not satisfy all statutory requirements for amending. A corporation can amend or add as many articles as necessary in one amendment. The original incorporators cannot be amended.",
"The shareholders elect to have an incorporator make the action to incorporate an Oregon corporation to create a separate entity from them personally. How much do Oregon corporations cost? An Oregon corporation will cost $100 to file the articles of incorporation. How do I form an Oregon corporation? File Articles of Incorporation with the Oregon Secretary of State. It will take about 7-10 business days to process your OR corporation articles of incorporation if you mail the paper form.",
"The articles of incorporation legally establishes a business as a corporation in the state in which it operates. The articles are necessary to define the corporation's business activities, the name of the owners, as well as information related to the issuance of company stocks.",
"Except in cases of fraud or in some specific tax statutes, the directors do not have personal liability for the company's debts. Incorporation has many advantages for a business and its owners, including protection of the owner's assets, because the company is liable for its own debts.",
"Incorporation is the process that creates the corporation. The organizers must file articles of incorporation, or charter, with the state's corporations office. The corporation's birth certificate identifies the corporationâs name, which must be distinct from that of another corporation in the state and may not mislead.",
"LLC vs. corporation: Whatâs the real story? All incorporation options are not created equal. When deciding between a corp vs. LLC, the best choice for your business not only helps you start off on the right foot, but also acts as a foundation for your companyâs ongoing success and growth. As you consider which business type is right for you, thinking both about your short and long-term goals for your company is advisable.",
"The state where you choose to file the articles of incorporation for your business is considered its corporate domicile, or home state. Your corporation is considered a domestic corporation of that state and a foreign corporation of any other state where it transacts business.",
"1 Incorporator-An incorporator is the person who prepares and files the Certificate of Incorporation with the concerned state. 2 Share par value-It refers to the stated minimum value, and generally doesn't correspond to the actual value. 3 Usually, $0.01, $1.00 or no par are some of the common par values.",
"Rip N Dip, Inc Overview. Rip N Dip, Inc filed as a Articles of Incorporation in the State of California on Thursday, December 20, 2012 and is approximately five years old, according to public records filed with California Secretary of State. Learn More D&B Reports Available for Rip N Dip, Inc.",
"Incorporation, in U.S. law, is the process by which American courts have applied portions of the U.S. Bill of Rights to the states. Prior to 1925, the Bill of Rights was held only to apply to the federal government. Under the incorporation doctrine, most provisions of the Bill of Rights now also apply to the state and local governments.",
"Incorporation of the Bill of Rights. Incorporation, in U.S. law, is the process by which American courts have applied portions of the U.S. Bill of Rights to the states. Prior to 1925, the Bill of Rights was held only to apply to the federal government. Under the incorporation doctrine, most provisions of the Bill of Rights now also apply to the state and local governments.",
"Weâve been lobbying for at least a decade to bring agent incorporation to Ontario.â. Sandhu says despite the intense lobbying, the Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO) wouldnât change its position on allowing agent incorporations. So, Re/Max began looking for another way they could introduce it.",
"No, when starting a non-profit, an attorney is not a legal requirement to form a non-profit corporation. You can prepare and file the Articles of Incorporation yourself; however, you should understand the requirements of your intended state of incorporation.ack to Top. The first step when starting a non-profit organization is to file non-profit Articles of Incorporation with the proper state agency. It is important that the Articles of Incorporation contain the required clauses to ensure your non-profit will qualify for tax-exempt status.",
"In most states, you only need one person to form a corporation. Other state requirements vary, but usually no more than three are required to legally incorporate. An S corporation design is meant for small corporations. The major advantage of filing an S corporation as opposed to a standard C corporation is that you will not be required to file your shares with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC). In most states, you only need one person to form a corporation. Other state requirements vary, but usually no more than three are required to legally incorporate. As part of creating your corporation, youâll be required to fill out and file what are known as Articles of Incorporation.",
"It is a process by which a corporation is formed. Incorporation is the legal process of setting up a corporation. A. â when using incorporation as a, noun it can mean a businessâorganisation s corporate. Status the Term corporation should be used when talking of business institutions or organisations or. groups",
"Creating articles of incorporation for a nonprofit corporation can be more involved than creating one for a for-profit corporation because you will need to include language about the purpose of your nonprofit corporation in order to be eligible for 501(c)(3) tax exemptions.",
"If you incorporate in Delaware, but do business in New York, you face additional expenses not due from a domestic New York corporation: 1. A foreign corporation has to get authorization to do business in New York (Section 1304 Business Corporation Law).",
"Incorporation is the process by which a corporation is recognized as a separate legal entity under state law. To incorporate, the founders must draft articles of incorporation and file those with the relevant state agency â often the commerce department or Secretary of State â and pay any required filing fees.inally, the choice of where to incorporate will determine the amount of state taxes paid by the corporation, and state tax rates vary greatly. The state of incorporation is the domicile of the corporation.",
"If the directors of the corporation have been named in the Articles of Incorporation, the form Action by Incorporator is not required. Also, in this case, the corporation is not required to adopt bylaws. If the corporation does adopt bylaws, the board of directors will adopt the bylaws.",
"A: No. INCI names do not imply that an ingredient has been approved for use, or that an ingredient is. safe. INCI names provide the systematic name for the identification of a cosmetic ingredient.",
"Incorporation is the process through which the First Amendment came to apply to state and local governments-not just the federal government. The court incorporated the 1st amendment by combining it with the 14th Amendment due process clause.",
"While the information required can vary greatly by state, there is common information that most states require to be included in the Certificate of Incorporation, including: 1 Corporate name. 2 Business purpose. 3 General. 4 Specific. 5 Registered agent. 6 Incorporator. 7 Number of authorized shares of stock. 8 Share par value. 9 Preferred shares. 10 Directors. 11 Officer",
"Attached is a form for filing Articles of Amendment to amend the articles of incorporation of a Florida Profit Corporation pursuant to section 607.1006, Florida Statutes. This is a basic amendment form and may not satisfy all statutory requirements for amending. A corporation can amend or add as many articles as necessary in one amendment. The original incorporators cannot be amended. If amending the name of the corporation, the new name must be distinguishable on the records of the Florida Department of",
"Incorporation is the process by which a corporation is recognized as a separate legal entity under state law. To incorporate, the founders must draft articles of incorporation and file those with the relevant state agency â often the commerce department or Secretary of State â and pay any required filing fees.",
"Incorporation. In order to form a corporation, you must incorporate by filing articles of incorporation with your state business registrar. Conversely, an unincorporated association is typically a gathering of persons, often volunteers, working toward a common purpose.n unincorporated association is not an independent entity, but instead functions like a partnership. If an unincorporated association owns property or owes money, the owners of the association do as well, and will continue to do so even if the association no longer exists.",
"Typically, this is the department or secretary of state's office, located in your state's capital city. While most states use the term articles of incorporation to refer to the basic document creating the corporation, some states use other terms, such as certificate of incorporation or charter.. No state requires a corporation to have more than one owner.",
"This essentially puts its customers and other individuals on notice that the business is a corporation. In addition to filing the articles of incorporation, the company must continue to meet the stateâs continuing disclosure rules, like annual reports and fee requirements.",
"The inc instruction is very important because adding one to a register is a very common operation. Incrementing loop control variables or indices into an array is a very common operation perfect for the inc instruction. The fact that inc does not affect the carry flag is very important.",
"A Nebraska corporation will cost $60 to file the articles of incorporation. There is a extra $5 fee for each page you file. If you file online there is a $2 minimum service fee. File Articles of Incorporation with the Nebraska Secretary of State. Unlike other states, however, the Nebraska Secretary of State does not provide filers with Articles of Incorporation templates. If you want to form a corporation in Nebraska, you can use our free Nebraska Articles of Incorporation.",
"Youâll prepare the articles of incorporation differently depending on whether youâre starting a profit or nonprofit corporation. There isnât any form to fill out, so you can type it up in whatever word program you like and include the following information: Article 1. Corporationâs exact name.",
"If you decide to start a business in Ontario and you choose a corporation as your legal form of ownership, you can either incorporate your company federally or provincially. If you choose to incorporate your company provincially, there are three methods of incorporation for the do-it-yourselfer.1 Articles of incorporation can be filed electronically through one of the contracted service providers.t will cost you $300 to register Articles of Incorporation online plus any fees that the contracted services providers charge for their service. If you choose this route you will provide everything they need in digital form. The service providersâ websites will walk you through the process.",
"All incorporation options are not created equal. When deciding between a corp vs. LLC, the best choice for your business not only helps you start off on the right foot, but also acts as a foundation for your companyâs ongoing success and growth.",
"Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Yes. It is common to find the same name used by another business in a different state. When you form a corporation in your state, states only require that the corporation's name be distinguishable (ie.different) from the names of other corporations and/or other business entities that are registered in the state of incorporation. UNLESS one business has trademarked the name.hen you form a corporation in your state, states only require that the corporation's name be distinguishable (ie. different) from the names of other corporations and/or other business entities that are registered in the state of incorporation. UNLESS one business has trademarked the name.",
"DEFINITION of 'Incorporation'. The process of legally declaring a corporate entity as separate from its owners. Incorporation has many advantages for a business and its owners, including: 1) Protects the owner's assets against the company's liabilities. 2) Allows for easy transfer of ownership to another party. 3) Achieves a lower tax rate than on personal income.",
"There are typically four types of fees to incorporating: a fee to file the articles of incorporation with the Secretary of State; a first year franchise tax prepayment; fees for various governmental filings; and attorney fees.he corporation itself pays taxes, at the corporate rate, on any profits of the corporation. However, incorporation can be a complicated and costly process, and it is important a business owner understands the general costs of incorporating before beginning the incorporation process.",
"(a) Unless otherwise provided in the certificate of incorporation, any action required by this chapter to be taken at any annual or special meeting of stockholders of a corporation, or any action which may be taken at any annual or special meeting of such stockholders, may be taken without a meeting, without prior notice and without a vote, if a consent or consents in writing, setting forth the action so taken, shall be signed by the holders of outstanding stock having not less than the ...",
"Here are some things to consider if youâre deciding whether to form an LLC, incorporate as an S corporation or C corporation, or file a DBA. Compare Business Types. A DBA filing (doing business as, also called an assumed or fictitious business name) allows a company to transact business using a different name.",
"1 Incorporator - An incorporator is the person who prepares and files the Certificate of Incorporation with the concerned state. Share par value - It refers to the stated minimum value, and generally doesn't correspond to the actual value. Usually, $0.01, $1.00 or no par are some of the common par values.",
"1. Form a corporation. FedEx only partners with businesses that have legally registered as corporations in their respective states. To do this, you must file articles of incorporation with your state and pay an incorporation fee to the secretary of state's office.",
"In my opinion a person can use either Founder, Co-Founder, Partner or Owner in their title if they are an actual Founder, Co-Founder, Partner or Owner. Usually early employees at a company donât really get founders shares of equity so that is how I distinguish the difference.",
"A business becomes incorporated when the company's organizers file incorporation paperwork with the state. For example, corporations in Texas must file a certificate of formation with the Texas Secretary of State's office, as a condition of formation.tock. Unlike a sole proprietorship or a partnership, an incorporated business has the ability to issue stock to employees and investors. Corporations with unissued shares of stock can sell shares to raise money for the company.",
"1 Visit your state's filing office website or call your state's corporations division. Ask to see if the name is available or if it is already taken. If the name is available, then you can usually pay a small fee that will reserve the name for you until you've filed your Articles of Incorporation.",
"Incorporation by reference is treated as if it were actually integrated.Fear of fraudulent substitutions is probably the basis for the legal insistence upon compliance with certain conditions in order to incorporate a document into a will by reference. Certain requirements exist for incorporation by reference into a will."
] |
what color is urine when a person is dehydrated | [
"One of the first things you should do is take a look at your urine color. The color of your urine can be an early indicator of dehydration. If your urine is a dark yellow color it may be a sign that you are dehydrated.rink about 1/2 bottle of water (1/4 liter) right now, or drink a whole bottle (1/2 liter) of water if you're outside and/or sweating. Drink 2 bottles of water right now (1 liter). If your urine is darker than this and/or red or brown, then dehydration may not be your problem. See a doctor."
] | [
"Recognizing the Symptoms. 1 1. Pay attention to thirst. Mild dehydration can be marked by feeling slightly thirsty. 2 2. Monitor your urine color. Check the toilet bowl after you pee. 3 3. Tune in to your emotions. Dehydration can cause changes in mood. 4. Note changes in vision. If your vision is becoming blurry, this can be a sign of dehydration.",
"Urine Color and Dehydration. Believe it or not you can track your bodyâs hydration levels by monitoring your urine! The color of your urine can reflect how much water your body needs. Dehydration occurs when the body loses water faster than it can replenish the fluids.",
"Urine varies in appearance, depending principally upon a body's level of hydration, as well as other factors. Normal urine is a transparent solution ranging from colorless to amber but is usually a pale yellow. In the urine of a healthy individual the color comes primarily from the presence of urobilin.Urobilin in turn is a final waste product resulting from the breakdown of heme from hemoglobin during the destruction of aging blood cells. Reddish or brown urine may be caused by porphyria (not to be confused with the harmless, temporary pink or reddish tint caused by beeturia). 2 Blue urine can be caused by the ingestion of methylene blue (e.g., in medications) or foods or beverages with blue dyes. 3 Blue urine stains can be caused by blue diaper syndrome.",
"⢠Cells. A few large and small round cells may appear in normal urine, but their numbers may be increased in animals with cystitis, tumors, or other inflammation of the urinary tract. Evaluation of the urine sediment under the microscope is a good way to screen for urinary tract tumors.⢠Casts.rine color is clear when dilute; it is normally yellowish due to the urochromes in the urine, and the yellow color intensifies when concentrated (i.e., when the animal is dehydrated). Urine can pick up a variety of colors and odors, and these may indicate disease, diet, or drugs.",
"Urine in itself does not have a strong smell, unless it is concentrated. Dehydration, often causes foul-smelling urine. When you are dehydrated, the amount of water in the urine decreases, while that of ammonia and other chemicals increases, which makes the urine more concentrated, and changes its color and odor.",
"Bright/Dark Yellow Dog Urine Color. This color often indicates dehydration. Dehydration may occur if your dog has an illness which also has signs of lack of appetite and vomiting.",
"Dehydration has many dangers. Look for the following symptoms: 1 Dark Urine Your urine should be clear; if looks like tea when you go to the bathroom, youâre dehydrated. 2 Dry Skin If your body is dehydrated, it will do everything it can to hold onto fluids. 3 Your skin is the first place to be robbed of water.",
"Underlying Medical Causes of Urine Odor. Several conditions can cause strong or unusual urine odor. The most common causes include: Dehydration. Dehydration occurs when you do not drink enough fluids. If you are dehydrated, you may notice that your urine is a dark yellow or orange color and smells like ammonia.",
"Although it's rare, some medications and foods can make your urine look green, or even blue! Here's what your pee might be telling you: Straw-Colored To Transparent-Yellow Pee: This is the normal urine color of a healthy, well-hydrated body. This is what it should look like. Transparent Or Clear Pee: You should always be properly hydrated, but you can actually drink too much water, which will make your urine virtually colorless.",
"Best Answer: Thirst. While thirst is often an indication of dehydration, it won't be the first symptom you experience, according to Dr. Steven Dowshen, the Chief Medical Editor at the KidsHealth website. Urine Output and Color. If you are dehydrated, you may find the color of your urine is darker than normal, or you may not need to urinate as often as you normally do. One way to determine the degree to which you may be dehydrated is by the color and amount of urine output. The darker the color of the urine, the more severe the dehydration, reports MayoClinic.com. Mental Changes. Teens who are experiencing mild dehydration may feel dizzy or light-headed.",
"The color and clarity of urine, the urine specific gravity (the mass of urine is compared with that of equal amounts of distilled water), and the presence of ketones (carbon compounds that signify dehydration) in the urine may all help to indicate the degree of dehydration.",
"1 doctor agreed: Dehydration: Frequent urination can cause dehydration, if fluid is not administered to replace that lost in the urine. If a person has normal kidneys, they try to conserve water in a dehydrated state. The result, in this case, is a small amount of concentrated urine is eliminated by the dehydrated person. ...Read more.",
"Other signs of dehydration aside from darkening urine include: 1 Fatigue, excessive yawning. 2 Moodiness. 3 Lack of focus. Dry 1 mouth. Dry skin. 2 Headaches. Constipation.",
"Below is a tabular representation of urine color meanings. If ignored, dehydration can have severe consequences on your health. It can cause seizures, fainting spells, dizziness and even death, in extreme cases.Plus less water in your body, means permanent fatigue and tiredness.elow is a tabular representation of urine color meanings. If ignored, dehydration can have severe consequences on your health. It can cause seizures, fainting spells, dizziness and even death, in extreme cases.",
"The normal color of the urine varies from pale yellow to straw-yellow. If there is something wrong with your body, urine may be present dark yellow, orange, pink, red, green, blue, brown and even black. Sometimes you may notice the urine is colorless.oo much liquid or caffeine. If your urine is clear or very pale, you may be drinking a lot of liquids or drinking fluids with a high content of diuretics such as caffeine. 2. Diuretics. Medications, containing diuretics, may make your urine colorless, because they force the body to get rid of extra water.",
"The following Dehydration Urine Color Chart will help you use your urine color as an indicator of your level of dehydration and what actions you should take to help return your body back to a normal level of hydration.",
"Chart of Dehydration and Urine Color. Below is a tabular representation of urine color meanings. If ignored, dehydration can have severe consequences on your health. It can cause seizures, fainting spells, dizziness and even death, in extreme cases. Plus less water in your body, means permanent fatigue and tiredness.elow is a tabular representation of urine color meanings. If ignored, dehydration can have severe consequences on your health. It can cause seizures, fainting spells, dizziness and even death, in extreme cases."
] |
how does the skeletal system support | [
"Transcript of How The Skeletal and Muscular System Interact. Skeletal System: An adult consists of more than 206 bones which forms a strong framework that supports the body and also helps protect the internal organs. You have fours types of bones in your body."
] | [
"How does the nervous system work with the skeletal system to play soccer? The nervous system receives and interprets received signals, mostly visual, but also audio and tactile. It then controls the muscular system, which carries the skeletal system ⦠with it.",
"How does osteoporosis affect the skeletal system - Is osteoporosis a disease of the muscular or skeletal system? Skeletal disease. Bones can develop osteoporosis.",
"An adult's skeletal system consists 206 bones, 32 teeth and a network of other structures that connect the bones together. This system performs a number of vital functions, such as giving the body its form, assisting with bodily movements and producing new blood cells.",
"What is the Skeletal System? Parts of the Skeletal System; How the Skeletal System Works; How to Keep a Healthy Skeletal System; Diseases of the Skeletal System; Facts About the Skeletal System; Press Releases",
"Does the nervous system work with the skeletal system? The nervous system mainly works with the brain and peripheral nervous system. The skeletal system is comprised of bones. How ever the nervous system helps the skeletal sys ⦠tem move.",
"The bones have a hollow shaft down the middle which consists of a substance called bone marrow, which is basically an important energy source for our body. One of the main functions of the skeletal system is to provide a framework to our bodies, without which we would be a heap of skin, organs, blood vessels etc. The main skeletal system is divided into two parts: The Axial Skeleton. This part consists of 80 bones.",
"People also viewed. 1 What happens when the skeletal system fails. 2 What would happen if the skeletal system failed. 3 How does the immune system work with the skeletal systems. Skeletal system is not working properly."
] |
what qualifications does a therapist have? | [
"Educational Requirements for PTs. Before they are allowed to practice, physical therapists must have earned graduate degrees from accredited academic programs in physical therapy. These programs typically culminate in a doctoral degree and take at least three years to complete."
] | [
"What kind of education do you need and how long does it take to become a physical therapist? Answer One should have atleast 4 years of education for them to become a physical therapist. All states requrie Physical therapist to pass a lâ¦icensure exam before they can practice any type of therapy.",
"Massage Therapist Job Description â What Does a Massage Therapist Do? The massage therapist job description can depend on the specialization of the therapist and the work environment they practice in. This career is diverse and varied, and the massage therapist job description reflects that.",
"What exactly does a therapist/counselor do and can they really help? What Is A Therapist Or Counselor? The terms counselor and therapist are often used interchangeably to describe a pro who works with clients on relationship, personal and mental health issues.",
"8 Travel Occupational Therapist Salaries provided anonymously by employees. What salary does a Travel Occupational Therapist earn in your area?",
"103 Marriage and Family Therapist Salaries provided anonymously by employees. What salary does a Marriage and Family Therapist earn in your area?"
] |
smile direct cost | [
"How much does SmileDirectClub cost? The typical cost for SmileDirectClub ranges from $1,000 - $1,900 with an average cost of $1,500. Costs vary by surgeon, geographic region, and the complexity of the procedure. The typical cost for SmileDirectClub ranges from $1,000 - $1,850 with an average cost of $1,500."
] | [
"Although most of talk is about Disneyâs âDeluxeâ Dining Plan, a good case can be made for the Quick Service Plan for a lot of families. To review, Disneyâs Quick Service Dining Plan includes 2 counter service meals and 2 snacks per person per night of your resort stay, plus a refillable resort mug per person. The cost of this plan is $$46.34 for adults ages 10 and up and $20.18 for children (ages 3-9) year round.",
"1 Then weâll position the whitening light in front of your teeth and youâll relax, perhaps listening to your favorite music on your mp3 player, while the whitening gel goes to work for 10 (Gold) or 15 (Platinum) minutes.he Smile Clinic offers one home whitening system and two levels of laser teeth whitening treatments that cost from $119 to $599. 1 Silver: White-FX Home Whitening System | $119. 2 Gold: Cosmetic Laser Teeth Whitening | $299. 3 Platinum: Power Laser Teeth Whitening | $599.",
"$700-900 per tooth or $20-30 per month per tooth to be treated. Generally many of the teeth that show when you smile are treated. If 8 teeth require treatment, the fee would be around $6400. Payments of around $100 per month could be arranged.700-900 per tooth or $20-30 per month per tooth to be treated. Generally many of the teeth that show when you smile are treated. If 8 teeth require treatment, the fee would be around $6400. Payments of around $100 per month could be arranged.",
"I found out about Smile Direct Club on instagram and it seemed easy but is it garanteed to work? Should I even be taking the iniciative to do things that should be left to my dentist? And... show more I ve been wanting to get braces or invisilines just to close some gaps in my teeth but have been reluctant because of the cost.",
"Every time you go to your own Amazon account through smile.amazon.com/ch/59-3330495 to make your normal Amazon purr-chases Amazonâs Smile program donates .5% of your PURR-chase to the cats, at no extra cost to you.",
"For complete details, including the costs associated with the Restorative Phase (dental abutments, crowns, bridges, implant overdentures, and implant titanium frameworks), please see our FEES PAGE. For example: A single Implant with abutment and crown, complete, at the Leigh Smile Center costs $3,600. This includes the dental implant, the implant abutment or post, the final implant crown, and the surgical facility fee.",
"Braces cost about $5,000 and even if your family has insurance, it may not cover much of the bill. Fortunately, there are ways to get braces at a reduced cost: Smiles Change Lives. This program serves kids and teens between the ages of 10 and 18 in all 50 states. If you apply and are accepted, your child will receive braces for only about $600. To be eligible, your family can't earn more than a certain amount based on where you live and how many people are in your family.",
"The cost of invisible braces is approximately the same or higher than traditional orthodontic treatment, which ranges from $2,500 to $8,000. Products such as Invisalign Full may cost more than traditional braces, but they typically range from $3,500 to $8,000. The national average cost is approximately $5,000.",
"Dental Lab Direct saves its customers hundreds of dollars by sending them a Teeth Impression Kit - for retainers, instead of another TRIP TO THE DENTIST. The cost of these clear retainers at a dental office ranges from $250 to $500 and usually includes a full examination.",
"Cosmetic dental bonding (to repair chipped or cracked teeth, fill a small space between two teeth, or otherwise improve a smile) typically costs $300-$600 per tooth, but it can be as low as $100-$200 or as high as $800 -$1,000 per tooth depending on the complexity and extent of the bonding process, prevailing local rates, and the dentist's training ...",
"Typical costs: 1 Permanent makeup typically costs $50 to $800 per procedure, depending on the type of makeup, the body part and number of visits required. 2 A permanent beauty mark generally costs $50 to $150. 3 Permanent eyebrows, which usually require two visits, usually cost $400 to $600. For example, the Permanent Makeup Clinic charges $400 for eyebrows, and SD Permanent makeup charges $400 to $450. The Triad Permanent Cosmetic Clinic charges $595.",
"In fact, the cost can be as little as a postage stamp. We have found that corresponding with our donors through the mail is an effective way to reach a wide variety of people, educate them about our programs and increase donations so that Operation Smile can provide free surgery for even more children in need.peration Smile provides a financial statement from a certified independent auditor, KPMG LLP, every year as a part of its annual reporting. Operation Smile is deeply committed to being the best steward of your gifts.",
"A poor result may cost you far more in the long run. On average, Lumineers or traditional veneers can cost anywhere between $800 and $2,000 per tooth, depending on individual cases and needs. Factors that will influence the cost of treatment are case difficulty, size, geography, and more.he cost of Lumineers or other smile enhancement should never keep you from achieving the smile you've always wanted. Getting that perfect smile is an important investment because you are investing in yourself, which can pay important dividends in terms of self-esteem, confidence, career and relationships.",
"1 Porcelain (indirect) veneers, which must first be created to fit your teeth in a dental laboratory and require two visits to the dentist. Porcelain veneers cost between $900-$2,500 per tooth and last from 10 to 15 years or more. Composite (direct) veneers, in which enamel is bonded to your tooth in a single visit.",
"Imitrex Prices. This Imitrex price guide is based on using the Drugs.com discount card which is accepted at most U.S. pharmacies. The cost for Imitrex oral tablet 25 mg is around $268 for a supply of 9 tablets, depending on the pharmacy you visit. Prices are for cash paying customers only and are not valid with insurance plans. A generic version of Imitrex is available, see sumatriptan prices.",
"Cost by Number of Teeth Treated. The cost of dental bonding treatment will increase when more than one tooth is treated. When smiling, eight of the upper teeth (the central and lateral incisors, canines, and first molars) are highly visible. Treatment of all of these teeth can run from $800 to more than $3,000. Single tooth: $100-$400.",
"Your dentist will be able to advise this on examination. *** If the veneers were performed by us, the upgrade to ceramic veneers is $549/tooth. 2) Smile Make-over Package with 6 or more teeth from $4494 for Porcelain Ceramic Veneers â being $749 each. Smile is a reflection of your joy and happiness. It is often complimented as the best make-up or accessory one can have.",
"Invisalign® Cost Calculator. Your smile is an investment in yourself. The cost of Invisalign® treatment is similar to braces, but thatâs where the similarity ends. Invisalign clear aligners are removable and virtually invisible, so you can keep living your life and caring for your teeth throughout treatment the same way you always have.",
"I had 10 upper Veneers, 1 crown, 1 bridge, 2 fillings, a cleaning, and a home whitening system for only $4,700. The quality was superb and the price was even better. The clinic is Smile Signature Dental Clinic at Siam...",
"(a) Smile Train performs surgeries for $250 apiece. (b) Smile Trainâs main use of donations is to fund $250 surgeries. (c) A donation to Smile Train funds more surgeries than would the same donation to another cleft palate organization. (d) If Smile Train had much more money, it would fund many more $250 surgeries.he same Smile Train page linked above claims 90,000-95,000 surgeries provided in 2008. If this number is entirely correct (not exaggerated or estimated) and we divide it into the roughly $100 million of âmoney raisedâ shown above, we obtain a cost-per surgery of over $1000.",
"1 Cosmetic dental bonding averages anywhere $400 -$700 per tooth. 2 It can also be lower than $250 but can also be as expensive as much as $1,000 depending on the treatment needs. 3 If the tooth with the gap needs crowns, the cost can run $400 -$3,500 per tooth depending on materials.",
"Direct Costs. Itâs known industrywide that, on average, the direct cost of a recall to a food company is $10 million. Thatâs a lot of âcheddarâ going out the door to notify regulating bodies, every member of your supply chain, and consumers as to the details of the event.",
"However, the difference between the two is a smile makeover is a procedure that you elect to have performed while a full mouth rehabilitation is medically necessary due to severe dental or medical concerns. How much does a smile makeover cost? Many patients want to know smile design prices in NYC. However, the cost of the smile makeover treatment will vary depending on the treatment, the skills of the dentist, the materials used and of course the extent and scope of the case.",
"Total direct costs will increase to $818 billion by 2030, according to the AHA estimates, and the total indirect cost to the US in terms of lost productivity is close to $275 billion. Projections of Crude Cardiovascular Disease Prevalence (%). Year.",
"Use the Six Month Smiles Payment Calculator to estimate your monthly payment. While the cost of Six Month Smiles is generally less expensive than traditional braces, the cost varies depending on your specific treatment goals and location. The average cost of Six Month Smiles treatment for both your top and bottom teeth is approximately .",
"At just $34.95, Imako Cosmetic Teeth® are affordable and require no visit to a dentist. Imako® is a temporary veneer, or tooth cover that is safer, thinner and more comfortable than any similar device. No other clip on teeth (even the $1500 Snap-On-Smile®) allow you to close your bite naturally.You can speak without a lisp and avoid harming opposite teeth or jaw alignment.mako® is a temporary veneer, or tooth cover that is safer, thinner and more comfortable than any similar device. No other clip on teeth (even the $1500 Snap-On-Smile®) allow you to close your bite naturally.",
"Smiles Change Lives. This program serves kids and teens between the ages of 10 and 18 in all 50 states. If you apply and are accepted, your child will receive braces for only about $600. To be eligible, your family can't earn more than a certain amount based on where you live and how many people are in your family.",
"Some practices will lower the cost per implant to between $1,500 CAD ($1,300 USD) and $2,000 CAD ($1,800 USD) in more extensive cases requiring multiple implants. The total cost of rebuilding a patient's smile with implants differs dramatically from case to case because no two patients' needs are the same.",
"Direct Deposit is the best way to add money to your card. The amount of money you can add with Direct Deposit is not limited to a minimum or maximum amount. Typically, the maximum value of your Vision Prepaid Card is $2,500.00.",
"The gel is applied to the teeth via one-size-fits-all trays, whitening strips or paint-on applicators. In many cases this may only whiten a few of the front teeth unlike custom trays that can whiten the entire smile. Over-the-counter teeth whitening cost: $20 to $100.",
"Call us! 866-921-3350. For many children, braces are a necessity for healthy, happy smiles, which can leave parents wondering how much braces for teeth cost. Traditional dental braces range from $3,000 to $7,000, depending on the type of braces your child gets and how long they have to wear them. At Kool Smiles, we offer no-cost braces consultations to figure out which braces treatment is right for your child.",
"There is a lot of information about teeth Implants and the cost of dental implants available on the internet. However, only a direct consultation with a dentist will resolve all the questions that you may have on how to enhance your smile or regain full functionality of your teeth.here is a lot of information about teeth Implants and the cost of dental implants available on the internet. However, only a direct consultation with a dentist will resolve all the questions that you may have on how to enhance your smile or regain full functionality of your teeth.",
"About Smile Direct Club. The Smile Direct Club is the surest way to develop a beautiful smile. Correcting your teeth does not need to be constrained by dental visits, payment plans, and discomfort. Smile Direct Club, the latest teeth straightening solution, utilizes the power of 3D printing to help you achieve a beautiful and corrected smile.",
"Hello Fresh also offered a two-person and four-person subscription with a solid three meals per week. The plan was more expensive than Blue Apron at $69 for two people ($11.50 per person per meal) and $129 for the family plan ($10.75 per person per meal).",
"The FTC says that DirecTV's offer of a discounted 12-month subscription package constitutes deceptive advertising because it requires a two-year contract that increases by $45 per month in the second year, with early cancellation fees of up to $480 for anyone who tries canceling before the two-year term is up.",
"The price of dentures is dependent on the type of dentures needed and the materials used. For example, complete dentures will cost more than partial dentures, and chrome-plated dentures will cost more than acrylic. For a partial upper chrome denture, regular patients can pay up to $4,156 (in Qld), saving Smile members up to $1,971 in comparison! Smile members are guaranteed to save at least 15% on every dentist treatment, so you can enjoy quality treatments without the hefty price tag.",
"Damon Braces-this brand of low friction braces boasts faster treatment times than standard braces and the costs are higher. Prices range from £3000 to £6000. 6 month smiles / social 6 braces-these brace systems only focus on cosmetic teeth straightening of the front teeth and do not correct your bite.",
"The average cost of Six Month Smiles treatment for both your top and bottom teeth is approximately.",
"Boasting the âlargest job search engine and recruitment advertising network,âSimply Hired offers posting to their site for free and job marketing services for a cost. Ranging from $99 to $199, Simply Hiredâs paid services list job postings on over 5,000 sites, blogs and social networks, including LinkedIn, Facebook and Myspace.",
"How Much Do Dentures (False Teeth) Cost â Prices. Ballpark Estimate: $250 to $5,000. Nowadays a wide, bright smile is associated with health, success and attractiveness. So much so, that the loss of even one or two teeth can have a serious impact on a oneâs self-confidence.",
"What is a 'Direct Cost'. A direct cost is a price that can be completely attributed to the production of specific goods or services. Some costs, such as depreciation or administrative expenses, are more difficult to assign to a specific product and therefore are considered to be indirect costs. A direct cost can be considered a variable cost if it is inconsistent and changes amounts often.",
"I have friends that have really great smiles and you see them and you wish you had that perfect smile but the cost of veneers is just way more than I can afford. The Snap-On Smile is extremely affordable and it's a really quick great option for a perfect smile. I love my Snap-On Smile..",
"$700-900 per tooth or $20-30 per month per tooth to be treated. Generally many of the teeth that show when you smile are treated. If 8 teeth require treatment, the fee would be around $6400. Payments of around $100 per month could be arranged.",
"The Smile Direct Club Kit. When you get started with the program, you will first be directed to go through a Free Smile Assessment. The assessment provides you with a number of questions that enables the brandâs dental staff to assess how well the program works for you, if at all.",
"SmileDirectClub believes the smile you love shouldn't cost a fortune. That's why we offer two convenient ways to pay 70% less than other brands. Get started now with a free assessment. SmileDirectClub believes the smile you love shouldn't cost a fortune. That's why we offer two convenient ways to pay 70% less than other brands. Get started now with a free assessment.",
"LEIGH SMILE CENTER NEW 2015 FEE SUMMARY: TOTAL FEES 1. Single Dental Implant Surgical Fee: (includes ONLY the Surgical Placement and Implant Cost) $1,000. 2. Single Dental Implant (Root Form) with Implant CROWN and Abutment (Complete) EACH $3,600.Additional Implant / Crowns (Complete) EACH $3,200.e will place any other brand of dental implant the patient wishes for an additional fee of $300 each. Unfortunately, the final results of Dental Implant Treatments, as well as all other dental treatments, cannot be 'guaranteed'.",
"How much do Lumineers cost? Lumineers Can Be More Affordable Than You Think The cost of Lumineers or other smile enhancement should never keep you from achieving the smile you've always wanted. Getting that perfect smile is an important investment because you are investing in yourself, which can pay important dividends in terms of self-esteem, confidence, career and relationships.",
"Laguna Model Mission Model Normal costing Direct costs Direct materials Direct labor Indirect costs Assembly support ($50 Ã 900; $50 Ã 1,010) Total costs $106,450 36,276 142,726 45,000$187,726 $127,604 41,410 169,014 50,500$219,5142b.aguna Model Mission Model Normal costing Direct costs Direct materials Direct labor Indirect costs Assembly support ($50 Ã 900; $50 Ã 1,010) Total costs $106,450 36,276 142,726 45,000$187,726 $127,604 41,410 169,014 50,500$219,5142b.",
"There is no activation fee, monthly fee, or signature transaction fee. You can use the card at ATMs for a small fee of $0.85. A similar card is AccountNow Prepaid MasterCard. The Direct Express is better because the AccountNow charges a $4.95 activation fee, $1 transaction fee, and the annual cost is $144.",
"Total non-salary direct costs excluding indirect cost reimbursements are $984,656 of which direct is $861,966 and indirect is $122,690. Schedule A (attached) shows the computation of the indirect cost rate for the year ended June 30, 200X.",
"However, you must be a paid member to include contact information in sent messages and to view messages sent to you. Our paid subscription options are $14.99 for one month, $34.99 for three months ($11.66/month), or $49.99 for six months ($8.33/month) or you can upload a video and receive two weeks free. The best strategy is to start by sending 10-15 free smiles and messages to other members.",
"Her salary and benefits are the direct costs. The indirect costs could include: the Executive Directorâs and board membersâ time to go on donor and prospect visits, creation of materials, and the sending of thank you letters. The total for these direct and indirect costs would be $100,000.",
"For many children, braces are a necessity for healthy, happy smiles, which can leave parents wondering how much braces for teeth cost. Traditional dental braces range from $3,000 to $7,000, depending on the type of braces your child gets and how long they have to wear them. At Kool Smiles, we offer no-cost braces consultations to figure out which braces treatment is right for your child.",
"The same Smile Train page linked above claims 90,000-95,000 surgeries provided in 2008. If this number is entirely correct (not exaggerated or estimated) and we divide it into the roughly $100 million of âmoney raisedâ shown above, we obtain a cost-per surgery of over $1000.he same Smile Train page linked above claims 90,000-95,000 surgeries provided in 2008. If this number is entirely correct (not exaggerated or estimated) and we divide it into the roughly $100 million of âmoney raisedâ shown above, we obtain a cost-per surgery of over $1000.",
"The Snap-on-smile cost $1200 for a single arch. An alternative appliance is available called Snap it which includes five teeth or less. Snap it cost $650 dollars. Snap it is best for people missing one or two teeth in an area who need temporary coverage.",
"Indirect costs are assigned to projects as a percentage of direct costs. Thus if a campus uses an indirect cost rate of 50 percent, and if $1,000 of direct cost is incurred on a project, the campus would assign an indirect cost of $500 (50 percent of $1,000) and invoice the project sponsor for $1,500.",
"At Press On Veneers, we believe a Smile Makeover should not have to cost $10,000. I wasnât ready for the dentist chair, but I was told that expensive cosmetic dentistry was my only choice. Fortunately, I kept searching the Internet for an alternative, until i found Brighter Image Lab.",
"Megan Willett/Business Insider. Hello Fresh also offered a two-person and four-person subscription with a solid three meals per week. The plan was more expensive than Blue Apron at $69 for two people ($11.50 per person per meal) and $129 for the family plan ($10.75 per person per meal).",
"Labor + Total Mfg. Overhead Cost Concepts - * COST CLASSIFICATIONS Behavioral Fixed Variable Cost Concepts - * COST CLASSIFICATIONS Responsibility Fixed Variable A B C Cost Concepts - * COST RELATIONSHIPS: MANUFACTURING COMPANY Direct Mat. (Beg) Direct Mat. Purchases Direct Mat. (End) Direct labor incurred Direct Mat.",
"Refer your family and friends and receive $5 Starbucks gift card. Smile Now Dental accepts DSHS: all patients must have a Provider One Card. DSHS provides full dental coverage for children until their 19th birthday and patients who are 19 years old and above have limited coverage under DSHS. In 2011, due to state-wide budget cuts, legislation in Olympia made severe cuts in DSHS dental coverage for adults.",
"I'm watching an infomercial for Operation Smile, which sends plastic surgeons to developing countries to perform corrective surgeries for children born with cleft palette or cleft lip deformities. I'm wondering why it costs $240 for each surgery.It seems like a lot, especially considering:1. How far US$ and CAD$ go in the developing world 2. That most of the medical supplies are donated (according to the infomercial).3.'m wondering why it costs $240 for each surgery. It seems like a lot, especially considering: 1. How far US$ and CAD$ go in the developing world 2. That most of the medical supplies are donated (according to the infomercial). 3.",
"1 Operation Smile also operates the Operation Smile Foundation, a separate registered non-profit whose sole purpose is to raise funds for Operation Smile. 2 The Foundation spent $7,267,834 on fundraising and raised $8,387,513 in the tax year ending June 30, 2007. Operation Smile's 2013 Financial Overview report shows an income of $49,516,821 in cash contributions. 2 The report indicates an expenditure of $23,189,296 for fundraising and administration.",
"Across approximately 1,020 stores and at jcpenney.com, customers will discover a broad assortment of national, private and exclusive brands to fit all shapes, sizes, occasions and budgets. SMILE FOR SAVINGS FREE 8 x 10 traditional sheet (reg. $14.99) and 40% off your photo purchase Traditional sheets $3.99 (reg.",
"Protect your smile â and your health with the Aetna Dental Plan. Every $1 you spend on preventive dental care could save you $8 to $50 in future treatment costs.1. Dental coverage can help you pay for checkups, cleanings and common procedures. Most people know that they should see a dentist twice a year. Taking proper care of your teeth is just as important as going to the doctor.",
"1 A procedure such as permanent eyeliner and eyebrows can cost anywhere from $300 to $1,100. 2 A procedure such as a lip liner can cost between $250 to $600. 3 Getting rid of a beauty mark or a scar on the body can cost anywhere from $50 to $200 depending on the size."
] |
which market structure does platinum mining belong to | [
"The price depends on the structure of the market, and we will form the structure of the market.. Platinum and palladium prices rose following his comments. South Africa and Russia had signed only a framework accord, he said, with details yet to be decided.onde Maoto. SA and Russia plan âplatinum Opecâ in move to corner the global market. AN AMBITIOUS plan by South Africa and Russia to set up an Opec-style body to co-ordinate platinum exports has been described as a long shot that could harm the industry in the longer term."
] | [
"Platinum Group Metals Ltd. Completes Step One for US$58M Maseve Mine Sale. VANCOUVER, British Columbia and JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, Feb. 14, 2018-- Platinum Group Metals Ltd. reports that all remaining conditions precedent to the sale of the Maseve concentrator plant and certain ...",
"Mining asteroids is about iron and nickel as well as cobalt and platinum-group metals, but also water and energy, he says. In fact, four of 20 cells at cobalt were found to have bars across the cell to allow this. Roughly speaking, therefore, cobalt behaves oppositely to iron. I wish you'd call me cobalt, miss, said the man with a smile. The painting with cobalt is generally done on the biscuit before glazing.",
"The six metals of the platinum group (pgm) occur in nature in close association with one another and with nickel and copper. They are among the least abundant of the Earth's elements.Of the few known deposits, those in South Africa and Russia are by far the largest.he six metals of the platinum group (pgm) occur in nature in close association with one another and with nickel and copper. They are among the least abundant of the Earth's elements.",
"Platinum Group Metals Stock Getting Very Oversold. In trading on Monday, shares of Platinum Group Metals Ltd. entered into oversold territory, changing hands as low as $0.855 per share. Platinum Group Metals (PLG) Shares Enter Oversold Territory. In trading on Monday, shares of Platinum Group Metals Ltd. entered into oversold territory, changing hands as low as $0.97 per share. May 13, 2013 12:16 PM EDT.",
"Platinum Group Metals Stock Getting Very Oversold. 1 In trading on Tuesday, shares of Platinum Group Metals Ltd entered into oversold territory, changing hands as low as $1.72 per share. 2 In trading on Tuesday, shares of Platinum Group Metals Ltd entered into oversold territory, changing hands as low as $2.35 per share. We define oversold territory using the Relative Strength Index, or RSI, which is a technical analysis indicator used to measure momentum on a scale of zero to 100.",
"Platinum group metals (PGMs) are rare precious metals with unique physical properties that are used in diverse industrial applications and in jewellery. Palladium, like gold, silver and platinum, is a precious metal, as well as one of the six PGMs, which also include platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium and osmium. The unique physical characteristics of PGMs include: 1 Strong catalytic properties; 2 Excellent conductivity and ductility;",
"Platinum is a member of the platinum group of elements and group 10 of the periodic table of elements. It has six naturally occurring isotopes. It is one of the rarer elements in Earth's crust with an average abundance of approximately 5 μg /kg.",
"In the minerals sector of world economics, the Bushveld Complex in South Africa (Figure 1) is renowned for its overwhelming deposits of platinum group elements (PGE) and chromium (over 80% of the world's deposits of each according to Crowson (1)).here are enough platinum group element deposits in the Bushveld Complex in South Africa to supply world demands for many decades or even a century using current mining techniques.",
"News Platinum Group Metals Ltd.PLG. 1 Pre-Market Technical Pulse on Metals & Minerals Stocks -- Platinum Group Metals, Taseko Mines, Ferroglobe, and Smart Sand Press Release. ( 2 MKTW) Platinum Group Metals Ltd. 3 Platinum Group Metals Ltd. ( 4 MKTW) Platinum Group Metals Ltd. 5 Platinum Group Metals Ltd. Stock - PLG news, historical stock charts, analyst ratings, financials, and todayâs stock price. dow jones, a news corp company News Corp is a network of leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information services.",
"That's where companies that mine lithium (or lithium mining companies) come in... There's only a handful of lithium mining companies that are publicly traded. So let's start off in Chile, the Saudi Arabia of lithium.â In fact, a single Chilean lake bed holds 27% of the world's reserve base of lithium.",
"Processing Platinum Group Metals(PGMs) Total technology solutions across the mining & minerals value chain TENOVA is a worldwide supplier of advanced technologies, products and engineering services forthe metals and mining & minerals industries. Tenova Mining & Minerals is a total integrated solutions provider to the global mining, bulk materials handling andminerals beneficiation and processing sectors, offering innovative technological solutions and full process andcommodity knowledge across the mining & minerals industry value chain.",
"View All Platinum Products. Platinum, despite being third in popularity in the precious metals space, is a great product that offers many of the same advantages as gold and silver. Platinum typically trades at a similar price to gold, and its movements tend to correlate closely with gold, silver, and other commodities.",
"Platinum is found as the free element, usually mixed with other metals including gold, nickel, copper, palladium, ruthenium, rhodium, iridium, and osmium in Columbia, the USA, Ontario (Canada) and the Urals (USSR). Platiniridium is a naturally occurring platinum/iridium alloy.",
"Most catalytic converter thefts. James Goodson, a senior analyst with British Transport Police, says rises in the global price of platinum have fuelled the illegal trade. He said: We've seen that in the past metals such as platinum and palladium are affected by the changes in the market.",
"Market Structure: Oligopoly. In an Oligopoly market structure, there are a few interdependent firms dominate the market. They are likely to change their prices according to their competitors. Ex: If Coca Cola changes their price, Pepsi is also likely to.",
"As of 1 December, 2014 the LPPFCL has ceased to administer the the London Platinum and London Palladium fixing price processes. New benchmarks, the LBMA Platinum Price and the LBMA Palladium Price, are being administered by the London Metal Exchange (LME) by agreement with the London Bullion Market Association.",
"PLG Crosses Critical Technical Indicator. In trading on Tuesday, shares of Platinum Group Metals Ltd entered into oversold territory, changing hands as low as $2.35 per share. We define oversold territory using the Relative Strength Index, or RSI, which is a technical analysis indicator used to measure momentum on a scale of zero to 100.",
"Platinum is a precious metal commodity; its bullion has the ISO currency code of XPT. Coins, bars, and ingots are traded or collected. Platinum finds use in jewellery, usually as a 90â95% alloy, due to its inertness. It is used for this purpose for its prestige and inherent bullion value.",
"20 Jan 2014 , By Alex Létourneau (Kitco News) - As South African mining companies and mineworkers move towards another , served notice Monday to platinum and gold mining companies in South Africa that a strike would take place. » Learn More. Gold Mining in South Africa | Mining Industry | Chamber of , The Chamber of Mines of South Africa is proud to play a role in gold mining in South Africa , Thanks to the following companies for the use of their images: African Rainbow Minerals Limited, De Beers Group of Companies, Sibanye Gold.",
"PLATINUM (REVISED) Note: This article, originally published in 1998, was updated in 2006 for the eBook edition. Overview. Platinum is a transition metal in Group 10 (VIIIB) of the periodic table. The periodic table is a chart that shows how chemical elements are related to each other. Platinum is also a member of a group of metals named after itself. Other platinum metals include ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, and indium.",
"Palladium [edit]. Palladium is found as a free metal and alloyed with platinum and gold with platinum group metals in placer deposits of the Ural Mountains of Eurasia, Australia, Ethiopia, South and North America. However it is commercially produced from nickel-copper deposits found in South Africa and Ontario, Canada.smiridium is a naturally occurring alloy of iridium and osmium found in platinum-bearing river sands in the Ural Mountains and in North and South America. Trace amounts of osmium also exist in nickel-bearing ores found in the Sudbury, Ontario region along with other platinum group metals.",
"Background: The name platinum refers to a mineral, an element and a group of elements. As an element, platinum (chemical symbol Pt) is a silvery-gray metal with an atomic number of 78. It belongs to a group of elements that are in the second and third triads of Group VIII of the Periodic Table of the Elements.ackground: The name platinum refers to a mineral, an element and a group of elements. As an element, platinum (chemical symbol Pt) is a silvery-gray metal with an atomic number of 78. It belongs to a group of elements that are in the second and third triads of Group VIII of the Periodic Table of the Elements.",
"Platinum also owns a Ponyta which serves her as a form of transport. Although a weak battler with nothing but a streak of losses against every Gym Leader it had faced, in Canalave City, it was somehow able to defeat both of Byron 's Bronzong and evolve soon afterwards, becoming a Rapidash.",
"Magnus Ericsson. The corporate structure of the global mining industry is slowly changing. In parallel to. the relocation of production to developing countries, mostly south of the equator, new. corporate structures based in emerging economies are developing. The locus of control.",
"Advantages of Gold Mining in South Africa. Conversely, advantages include the following: gold mining in Africa not only provides vast opportunities for employment, but also is a good source of trade.t is by far the largest producer of gold as well as platinum in the international minerals market. In fact, its diamond industry is ranked as the fourth largest in the world and even though the entire mining industry is more than a century old, it is still considered largely untapped.",
"The Fund seeks to reflect the performance of the price of physical platinum. The Fund seeks to provide investors with a cost-effective and convenient way to invest in platinum with minimal credit risk. The Fund invests in physical platinum.",
"Naturally, platinum is produced as a by-product in several areas of the world, but this production source is very insignificant. Only South Africa and the CIS (formally known as the USSR) have been blessed with what might be termed deposits of industrial quantities of the Rich Man's Gold..5) Relative to volume mined, platinum has many more industrial uses than either silver or gold. In fact more than 50% of the yearly production of platinum is consumed (read destroyed) by industrial uses-unlike gold! (6) Also unlike gold, there are no large inventories of above-ground platinum.",
"Analyst Report. This fund offers exposure to one of the world's most expensive metals, platinum. PPLT is designed to track the spot price of platinum bullion by holding bars of the metal in a secure vault, allowing investors to free themselves from finding a place to store the commodity.",
"Ruthenium, like the other platinum group metals, is obtained commercially as a by-product from nickel and copper mining and processing as well as by the processing of platinum group metal ores.",
"Cost control and margin protection for the South African. mining and metals industry is based on research and. interviews conducted by EY between May 2013 and August. 2013 with senior executives from a number of mining and. metals companies operating in South Africa. Executives were.",
"Still, the welfare of the African people is not our only interest in Africa. Within this continent are 80% of the worldâs strategic minerals, which we and the rest of the developed world need to maintain our economies and lifestyles. An estimated 97% of the worldâs platinum is in Africa, especially South Africa and Zimbabwe.",
"Dishaba Mine, located 40km south of Thabazimbi and 15km north of Northam town in the Limpopo province of South Africa, produces platinum group metals (PGM).Dishaba is one of the nine platinum mines 100%-owned by world's largest platinum producer Anglo American Platinum in South Africa.ishaba Mine became a stand-alone operational entity since 2009 after Anglo Platinum's Amandelbult section was restructured into two mines, namely Tumela and Dishaba. The life of the Dishaba mine extends up to 2058.",
"To which family does vanadium belong? One of the rarest elements in the Earth's crust, platinum is most commonly found in thin layers of metal ores. Platinum is the least reactive of the metals and resistant to corrosion, even at high temperatures.",
"Jewelry: The second largest sector demand for PGM's, specifically platinum, is jewelry. America, China, and Japan the last few years have had a dramatic increase in the growth of platinum jewelry (not including for bullion investment demand).latinum and palladium fundamentals are extremely intriguing. On going mine strikes in South Africa (SA supplies 75% of PGMS globally). Increasing PGM demand; diminishing supplies. Adds to already prominent deficit.",
"Reserves South Africa has the worldâs largest resources of platinum group metals (87,7% of world total), manganese (80%), chromium (72,4%), gold (29,7%), alumino-silicates and accounts for over 40% of global production of ferrochromium, platinum group metals and vanadium.",
"Platinum Group Metals Ltd. acquires, explores, and develops platinum properties. The Company currently holds interests in properties located in South Africa and Canada.",
"In the minerals sector of world economics, the Bushveld Complex in South Africa (Figure 1) is renowned for its overwhelming deposits of platinum group elements (PGE) and chromium (over 80% of the world's deposits of each according to Crowson (1)).",
"Production The six metals of the platinum group (pgm) occur in nature in close association with one another and with nickel and copper. They are among the least abundant of the Earth's elements. Of the few known deposits, those in South Africa and Russia are by far the largest.",
"Platinum is found uncombined in alluvial deposits. Most commercially produced platinum comes from South Africa, from the mineral cooperite (platinum sulfide). Some platinum is prepared as a by-product of copper and nickel refining.",
"Some 95 percent of the worldâs platinum comes from South Africa and Russia where it's roasted at extremely high temperatures during extraction and refinement. The heat turns the sulfur in the ore into sulfur dioxide and releases osmium. Neither country has environmental regulations for the process.",
"Most notably, the broker has been associated with Pastor Colin Davidsâ Platinum Forex, which, in a joint operation with the Western Cape Asset Forfeiture Unit, FSB, the Hawks and the Financial Intelligence Centre, had its assets frozen due to allegedly running a multi-million rand Ponzi scheme.",
"About Platina Resources (ASX:PGM) Platina Resources Limited is an exploration and development company. The Company is engaged in the acquisition of mining tenements for mineral exploration with a focus on platinum group metals (PGM). The Company holds interest in the Skaergaard project in Greenland.",
"Platinum is a 'precious metal'. To be more specific; Ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, and platinum together make up a group of elements referred to as the platinum group metals (PGM). Funnily enough, the Platinum metals! Metal. I think it the Grain Family.",
"Platinum is a naturally occurring metal that is found with many of the other platinum group elements. They are commonly found in alluvial deposits throughout the Ural Mountains and in many western American states. Considerable amounts are found in sperrylite.",
"Hoffman Prinsloo, the managing director of Cranbrook Property Projects, was speaking at the launch of Motaganeng, a housing development in Burgersfort in Limpopo province. Prinsloo said that Burgersfort has become the hub of the mining expansion of platinum group minerals (PGMâs) and related mining activities on the eastern limb of the Bushveld igneous complex. âImpala Platinum, Anglo Platinum and other mining groups are developing various new platinum group mines, ie. Marula, Modikwa, Twickenham, Hackney, Pachaskraal, Der Brochen and Booysensdal in the vicinity of Burgersfort,â Prinsloo said.",
"Platinum is a rare metal. Unlike other minerals, platinum is largely concentrated around a single geographical location in South Africa; among total 14 million ounces of platinum produced in 2002, 57% was produced in South Africa, followed by 31% in Russia, and lesser amounts in the United States and Zimbabwe.hus the price and availability of platinum has a major impact on the driving force for transportation. In this report, current usage and production of platinum is reviewed, and a prospect of future platinum supply versus demand is discussed.",
"Platinum is a chemical element with symbol Pt and atomic number 78. It is a dense, malleable, ductile, highly unreactive, precious, gray-white transition metal. Its name is derived from the Spanish term platina, translated into little silver.",
"Lithium Americas Corp. is a Canadian-based mineral resource company. It engages in the acquisition, exploration, and development of lithium resource properties. The company focuses on the development of its Kings Valley lithium and hectorite clay deposit located in northwestern Nevada. It is a supplier of specialty drilling additives, Hectatone and other organoclay products for the oil and gas and other industries. Lithium Americas was founded by Raymond Edward Flood on November 27, 2007 and is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada.",
"The platinum group includes platinum, iridium, palladium, ruthenium, rhodium, and osmium. Platinum is the most abundant; however, it is not the only one of the group that is used for making jewelry. Rhodium is popular as a non-tarnishing plating for white gold, silver, and other platinum metals.",
"Answers. Best Answer: South Africa is the world leader in mining and minerals, - nearly 90% of the platinum metals on earth, 80% of the manganese, 73% of the chrome, 45% of the vanadium and 41% of the gold. The key as to why is found in the geology of the nation.ANGANESE South Africa has 80% of the worldâs known economically mineable manganese ore reserves which occur near Hotazel in the Northern Cape Province. Reserves are estimated at 12 billion tons produced in the middle Protozoic age.",
"Best Answer: South Africa is the world leader in mining and minerals, - nearly 90% of the platinum metals on earth, 80% of the manganese, 73% of the chrome, 45% of the vanadium and 41% of the gold.The key as to why is found in the geology of the nation.ANGANESE South Africa has 80% of the worldâs known economically mineable manganese ore reserves which occur near Hotazel in the Northern Cape Province. Reserves are estimated at 12 billion tons produced in the middle Protozoic age.",
"It is a dense, malleable, ductile, highly unreactive, precious, gray-white transition metal. Its name is derived from the Spanish term platina, translated into little silver. Platinum is a member of the platinum group of elements and group 10 of the periodic table of elements. It has six naturally occurring isotopes. It is one of the rarer elements in Earth's crust with an average abundance of approximately 5 μg/kg.",
"Last Ex-Dividend Date: N/A. Description: Platina Resources Ltd is engaged in the acquisition of mining tenements for mineral exploration with a focus on platinum group metals. The Company owns Owendale Scandium, Cobalt, Platinum and Nickel Project in central New South Wales, Australia.",
"Palladium, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium and osmium form a group of elements referred to as the platinum group metals (PGMs). These have similar chemical properties, but palladium has the lowest melting point and is the least dense of them.",
"1 StratMin Global Resources gave Bass Metals an option to buy a larger stake in its Loharano graphite mine in Madagascar. Jubilee Platinum reported operating expenses from continuing operations down 19% to £ 2.2 for year ended 30 June 2015.",
"Palladium (Pd) is a precious metal that, together with iridium (Ir), platinum (Pt), rhodium (Rh), ruthenium (Ru), and osmium (Os), belongs to the platinum group elements (PGEs). Pd is one of the rarest elements in the earth's crust and its main ore deposits are found in the Russian Federation and South Africa.",
"Atomic Structure of Platinum. Atomic Radius: 1.83Ã¥. Atomic Volume: 9.1cm3/mol. Covalent Radius: 1.3Ã¥. Cross Section (Thermal Neutron Capture) Ïa/barns: 0.96. Crystal Structure: Cubic face centered. Electron Configuration: 1s2 2s2p6 3s2p6d10 4s2p6d10f14 5s2p6d9 6s1. Electrons per Energy Level: 2,8,18,32,17,1 Shell Model.",
"Platinum is rare - 30 times rarer than gold. It is found in very few places throughout the world, mostly in South Africa, although it is also found in Russia and Canada, which means that it often incurs higher transportation costs than gold. The mining of platinum is a difficult, time-intensive process.",
"Platinum is a member of the platinum group of elements and group 10 of the periodic table of elements. It has six naturally occurring isotopes. It is one of the rarer elements in Earth's crust with an average abundance of approximately 5 μg/kg.",
"Platinum wedding ring. The metal platinum is a more expensive metal than gold as itâs a more rare metal and there are difficulties involved with mining it, which also adds to its price. Platinum is also used in a much higher concentrations in jewelry than the proportion of gold used in jewelry. The platinum alloy used in jewelry consists of 85% to 95% platinum, thatâs 850 to 950 parts platinum for every thousand parts.",
"Profile RIO. Rio Tinto Plc is engaged in the business of finding, mining and processing of mineral resources. It operates through five product groups: Aluminium, Copper, Diamonds & Minerals, Energy and Iron Ore. The Aluminium product group produces bauxite, alumina and primary aluminum...",
"In trading on Monday, shares of Platinum Group Metals Ltd entered into oversold territory, changing hands as low as $1.18 per share. We define oversold territory using the Relative Strength Index, or RSI, which is a technical analysis indicator used to measure momentum on a scale of zero to 100.",
"Platinum is a chemical element with the chemical symbol Pt and the atomic number of 78. Its name is derived from the Spanish term âplatina del Pintoâ, which is literally translated into âlittle silver of the Pinto Riverâ. It was discovered in South America by Ulloa in 1753 and by Wood in 1741.he least stable of these is 166 Pt with a half-life of 300 µs, while the most stable is 193 Pt with a half-life of 50 years. Most of platinum's isotopes decay by some combination of beta decay and alpha decay. 188 Pt, 191 Pt, and 193 Pt decay primarily by electron capture.",
"There are 350 million ounces of platinum per 1 km of vertical mining depth. Assuming that mining at the depth of two kilometers is straightforward, because there are other platinum mines operating at more than two-kilometer depth, there are at least 700 million ounces of platinum that can be mined in BIC.",
"Large platinum group metal producers that have exposure to rhodium include: 1 North American Palladium (AMEX: PAL) 2 Anglo American (NYSE: AAUK) 3 Norilsk Nickel (OTCBB: NILSY) 4 Anglo Platinum (JNB: AMS) 5 Impala Platinum (JNB: IMP) 6 Lonmin plc (LON: LMI, JNB: LOLMI) 7 Aquarius Platinum (LON: AQP)"
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when was calamus reservoir built | [
"Located in central Nebraska, the Calamus Reservoir is a wonderful place to relax, appreciate the beauty of nature, and enjoy some fun on the water. The reservoir was built by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation by constructing a dam across the Calamus River. The dam, which was completed in 1986, was originally ..."
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"LCRA and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation built the dam from 1937 to 1942. After a severe flood in July 1938, LCRA raised the height of the dam to add storage capacity for floodwaters. The dam was built across a deep canyon at Marshall Ford, a long-time river crossing and settlement. The Corps of Engineers still refers to the structure as Marshall Ford Dam. It was renamed in 1941 for U.S. Rep. J.J. Mansfield, who assisted in the project's development. For information about parks on Lake Travis, see map of parks and recreation areas.",
"Completed in 1956, the dam created the Novosibirsk Reservoir (informally known as the Ob Sea), a lake 160 km (100 mi) long. Located in Novosibirsk, on the east side of the Ob on the point of land between the river and the canal. Site open, tower closed. Information available on lost lighthouses:",
"Utah County reservoir and dam get seismic makeover. The Silver Lake Flat Dam was built in 1971 as a storage reservoir for irrigation water and as a flood control structure on the American Fork River.",
"The view up at the flood control tower at Lake Optima from what should be the bottom of the reservoir. Ed Rossman, planning branch chief for the Corps of Engineersâ Tulsa District, says if construction on the dam had been finished in 1968 instead of 1978, the lake wouldâve filled.",
"Calamus Reservoir (Virginia Smith Dam), NE. This location does not offer reservations on Recreation.gov. Please view the additional area details below for more information on your visit to Calamus Reservoir (Virginia Smith Dam).",
"When established, the Croton Aqueduct was once NYC's foremost water source. Amidst great fanfare, water was introduced into the Croton Distributing Reservoir on July 4, 1842. Prior to construction of the aqueduct, water was obtained from cisterns, wells and barrels from rain.",
"Calhan was established in 1888 as a water station for the now-defunct Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, with the first steam locomotive arriving on November 5, 1888. The town was named by and for Michael Calahan, who had the contract to lay railroad tracks from the Colorado/Kansas border to Colorado Springs.",
"Croton Reservoir Tavern was opened in 2003 and was created in memory of the forgotten landmark FORTRESS RESERVOIR which used to stand in place of the current New York Public Library and Bryant Park.",
"By 2-1, people voted in favor of all of it.â. Located 10 miles north of Redding, the Shasta Dam is a linchpin of Californiaâs water supply. Built by the Roosevelt administration from 1935 to 1945, it holds back a vast reservoir that when full contains enough water for the yearly needs of 20 million Californians.",
"The dam was constructed in 1971 by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works to supply water to the cityâs expanding urban boundary to the north and west. The structure is comprised of a 2.8km long earthfill and rockfill embankment with a clay core, 55m high at maximum section and impounding 27,500 ML of water.The upgrade works will bring Greenvale Reservoir in line with current industry best practice,â said Bill Welsford, Melbourne Waterâs Project Manager. âThe project has been through a rigorous design process, including review from internationally acknowledged experts.â.",
"Chatfield Reservoir Concept. Constructed in 1965 through 1975 in response to a disastrous flood along the South Platte River, the reservoir was originally intended for flood control with the secondary purpose of establishing a water supply for the city of Denver.",
"History of Kensico Dam. Before the current Kensico Dam was constructed, there was a smaller Dam that was built in 1885 out of layers of earth and gravel. The original dam impounded water flowing from the Bronx and Byram Rivers, creating a reservoir that could supply about 18 million gallons of water a day.",
"Maybe this is something that everybody else knew, but I didnât. It is a man-made lake that grew out of the Stoneâs River when the Percy Priest Dam was built between 1963 and 1968. I did a little research of my own and found out the lake covers 14,200 acres in Davidson, Wilson and Rutherford Counties. Many families had to give up their homes and land so it could be created.",
"There were even two country clubs built in the late 1920s, one of which would never open as a country club as a result of financial difficulties caused by the Great Depression. In 1951, Elsinoreâs lake went dry and would be in drought for the next 13 years, until it was eventually refilled with water during the 1960s.",
"Sponsored Topics. Calamus is a city in Clinton County, Iowa, United States. The population was 394 at the 2000 census. Calamus is located at 41°49â²36â³N 90°45â²35â³W / 41.82667°N 90.75972°W / 41.82667; -90.75972 (41.826669, -90.759793). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 0.5 square miles (1.3 km²), all of it land.",
"The first dam built by the Tennessee Valley Authority created Norris Lake. A hydroelectric dam whose construction was completed in 1936. The dam is 265 feet high and 1,860 feet long. It contains a million cubic yards of concrete.",
"Calamus Reservoir (Virginia Smith Dam) Virginia Smith Dam (formerly called Calamus Dam) and Calamus Reservoir, North Loup Division, P-SMBP , are on the Calamus River in Nebraska. Recreation at the site is managed for the Bureau of ...[more]",
"Motley (1994) suggests that A. calamus is the calamus mentioned in Exodus 3 for the anoint ing oil applied to priests and objects in the tabernacle. Milne and Milne (1967) state that A. calamus was found in the tombs of the Pharaohs but cite no reference. Acorus calamu s is not listed in a modern treatment of perfumery (Calkin and Jellinek 1994) but is still used in medicine and cosmetics (Leung and Foster 1996). The second candidate is lemon grass.",
"Select a Language. Before the current Kensico Dam was constructed, there was a smaller Dam that was built in 1885 out of layers of earth and gravel. The original dam impounded water flowing from the Bronx and Byram Rivers, creating a reservoir that could supply about 18 million gallons of water a day.",
"The initial concrete required for the dam was mixed in a river-level mixing plant which was located approximately 3/4 of a mile upriver from the dam site This plant provided the concrete for the linings in the diversion tunnels and for the lower levels of the dam. It went into operation on March 3, 1932.",
"The reservoir was created by the construction of Bradbury Dam, a 201 ft (61 m) earth-fill structure built by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation in 1953.",
"The first hydroelectric turbine was placed on line in March 1945 and the second in September 1949. Tenkiller Ferry Lake: Construction began in June 1947 and completed for full operation in July 1953. Installation of the two hydropower units was completed in December 1953, and power generation was initiated.",
"The earliest dams for which remains have been found were built around 3,000 BC as part of an elaborate water supply system for the town of Jawa in modernâday Jordan. The system included a 200 metre wide weir which diverted water via a canal into ten small reservoirs impounded by rock and earth dams.",
"The Georgetown and Granger Railroad was completed to Austin in 1904. Extensive loss from a 1921 flood led Georgetown to seek flood control, an effort that culminated in the building of a dam to impound Lake Georgetown, which opened officially on October 5, 1979.",
"Calm waters: Lago Calima is a reservoir near Cali, popular with watersports fans. Calimaâs DAM was built by PERINI Company between 1961 and 1964. Opened on may 29th 1966, in an area of 4780 acres flooded with 581 million cubic meters ready to produce energy.ourism Colombia Calima Lake tourist guide and travel information: Essential tourism information includes maps, top attractions, guide to hotels in Calima, villas for rent, cabins, Vacation Rentals, Homes, Cabins & Condos apartment rental and tips from locals living in Calima Lake.",
"Tracked: The red outline in the bottom right image shows how Lake Mead has shrunk from 1990, top left, to 2009, bottom left. Super size: When it was created in 1935, Lake Mead was the largest man-made reservoir in the world. Drop: A deep white bathrub ring has been exposed as the ongoing drought lowers the water level.",
"In 1837, New York City started to build its new water supply system. The project began with the construction of a 250-foot (76 m) wide and 55-foot (17 m) high dam approximately 6 miles (10 km) upstream of the mouth of the Croton River.",
"The Belo Monte Dam (formerly known as Kararao) kararaô is a hydroelectric dam complex currently under construction on The Xingu river in the state Of, Para. pará brazillans for what would eventually be called the Belo Monte Dam Complex began in 1975 during Brazil's military dictatorship, when Eletronorte contracted the Consorcio Consórcio nacional De Engenheiros (CONSULTORES) cnec to realize a hydrographic study to locate potential sites for a hydroelectric project on The Xingu. river",
"The project was completed in 1959 at a cost of approximately $11 million dollars, which was 30% less than the original estimate. The name was eventually changed to Twitchell Dam and Reservoir to honor Mr. T.A. Twitchell of Santa Maria, who was instrumental in bringing about the project.Twitchell Reservoir is operated and maintained by the Santa Maria Valley Water Conservation District.Twitchell Reservoir is important to both the water supply and the flood protection of the Santa Maria Valley.The reservoir supplies about 20,000 AF of recharge to the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin annually.he project was completed in 1959 at a cost of approximately $11 million dollars, which was 30% less than the original estimate. The name was eventually changed to Twitchell Dam and Reservoir to honor Mr. T.A. Twitchell of Santa Maria, who was instrumental in bringing about the project.",
"The aqueduct was built between 1879 and 1880 (the exact date is not known) to aid the industrial revolution; it was intended to carry water from Nerja town to the local sugar refinery in Maro, Las Mercedes (also known as Fábrica San Joaquin de Maro, built in 1884), for irrigation. The aqueduct was commissioned by the factory owner, Francisco Cantarero Senio; his signature is visible in the central pavilion of the aqueduct.",
"Wildhorse Reservoir was constructed in 1937 and reconstructed in 1970. Itâs primary purpose id for irrigation storage and, therefore, has large seasonal drawdowns. Most of the surrounding land is administered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, but is leased to the Duck Valley Indian Reservation.",
"Canyon Lake, California. References. Canyon Lake, sometimes referenced as Railroad Canyon Reservoir is an reservoir created in 1928 by the construction of the Railroad Canyon Dam in Railroad Canyon or (San Jacinto Canyon) in the Temescal Mountains of southwestern Riverside County, California.",
"Lake Havasu City, Arizona. Lake Havasu is a large reservoir behind Parker Dam on the Colorado River, on the border between California and Arizona. Lake Havasu City sits on the lake's eastern shore. The reservoir has an available capacity of 619,400 acre feet (764,000,000 m3). The concrete arch dam was built by the United States Bureau of Reclamation between 1934 and 1938. The lake's primary purpose is to store water for pumping into two aqueducts.",
"This brick kiln, located near Bacchus Marsh, was built around 1885 for Messrs. Pearce Brothers, and was used for processing chicory roots, which once baked and ground are frequently used to complement or even wholly substitute coffee. Image Copyright (C) by Rowan Crowe.ne wall contains advertising for Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills (For the Liver), with an older slightly different version of the ad showing through as the top coat of paint deteriorates. Today the area immediately surrounding the building is still used for agricultural purposes.",
"Construction of Davis Dam was a requirement of the 1944 Water Treaty with Mexico to regulate water released from Hoover Dam for delivery to Mexico. Lake Mohave is used for that purpose through integrated operations with Hoover Dam.",
"Construction of the Pineview Dam began on September 29, 1934 and was completed in June, 1937. The Ogden River Project and Pineview Dam were a major success. Today, Pineview Reservoir is capable of providing irrigation for nearly 25,000 acres.",
"Wildhorse Reservoir was constructed in 1937 and reconstructed in 1970. It is used primarily for irrigation storage and, therefore, can have a large seasonal drawdown. Most of the surrounding land is administered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, but is leased to the Duck Valley Indian Reservation (Sho-Pai).",
"Shasta Dam, which was completed in 1945 on the upper Sacramento River northwest of Redding, is the second-largest reservoir run by the Bureau of Reclamation in the country, behind Grand Coulee Dam in Washington.",
"The use of Calamus was even known to ancient Romans and Indians and it has had a significant place in the Indian system of medicines, called Ayurveda. Calamus is a plant that grows best in watery, marshy places. It is native to Europe and Asia. Botanically, Calamus is known as Acorus Calamus.",
"1 For more, please visit the U.S. Dept. of Energy's website at: www.etec.energy.gov/History/Major-Operations/SRE.html. 2 The Vallecitos Nuclear Power Plant near Pleasanton, Calif., was jointly built by PG&E and General Electric Company and operated from 1957 to 1967. 3 This was a small, 30 megawatt power plant.",
"Kemp, Texas. Kemp: Built in the early 1900's the calaboose was used to jail offenders of the law. It is legended that Bonnie Perker (of Bonnie and Clyde fame) and one other member of the Barrow Gang were held here in 1932.",
"In the early 1900s, the New England Power Company began intensive hydroelectric development of the Deerfield River along its entire length in Vermont and Massachusetts. A massive earthen dam was constructed in 1912-13 to create the Somerset Reservoir.",
"In 1881, the New York Legislature listened to Col. B.C. Butler of Warren County list the advantages of water reservoirs on the upper Hudson. Still the idea did not carry, although in that same year reservoirs were built at Old Forge and Sixth Lake in the Black River drainage basin. In 1895 a State Engineer and Surveyor by the name of George W. Rafter recommended a dam be built at Conklingville 20 feet high to hold four billion cubic feet of water. Again this idea was dropped because the unexplored expense would probably be too much.",
"Construction of the Wanaque Reservoir represented a significant achievement in enabling the supply of potable water to local areas that didn't have safe drinking water sources. The project took quite an extensive time. After eight years of construction, water was delivered to customers for the first time in 1930.",
"The source of reservoir water is Gunpowder Falls. Loch Raven Dam was initially constructed in 1915 with a spillway elevation of 192 feet above MSL and raised to its current spillway crest elevation of 240 feet above MSL in 1923.och Raven Dam was initially constructed in 1915 with a spillway elevation of 192 feet above MSL and raised to its current spillway crest elevation of 240 feet above MSL in 1923.",
"Construction began on McNary Dam, just east of the town of Umatilla, Oregon, in 1947 and the dam was fully completed in 1957. The water behind the dam was known as the Umatilla Rapids before the dam flooded them and the body of water was renamed Lake Wallula.",
"Lake Catoma, also known as the Catoma Reservoir, is nestled within the Alabama Mountains tourism region. It boasts a surface area of 536 acres and a normal elevation of 742 feet above sea level. The Lake Catoma Dam was constructed in 1966, designed by the City of Cullman Utilities Board to supply raw and drinking water to Cullman County. A water treatment plant was built just one year earlier to this end. At 1,800 feet in length, it also provides water to the neighboring Winston and Morgan Counties.",
"The Sherwood Dam, Lake Sherwood and surrounding community. Sherwood Dam, known also as Lake Sherwood Dam, Alturas Dam, and Potrero Dam, is a 270 feet (82 m) long concrete arch dam in the Santa Monica Mountains near Thousand Oaks, California. Completed in 1904, its construction led to the creation of the 165 acres (67 ha) Potrero Lake (since renamed Lake Sherwood) over the following winter. It was the first reservoir of its size in the area, and remains one of the oldest standing dams in California.",
"The Lake Mead Marina, in 2007 and 2014. The marina has been moved due to low water levels. Image: Ethan Miller/Getty Images. The massive body of water was created in 1936 after the construction of the Hoover Dam on the Colorado River.",
"Lake Havasu is a large reservoir behind Parker Dam on the Colorado River, on the border between California and Arizona. Lake Havasu City sits on the lake's eastern shore. The reservoir has an available capacity of 619,400 acre feet (764,000,000 m 3). The concrete arch dam was built by the United States Bureau of Reclamation between 1934 and 1938. The lake's primary purpose is to store water for pumping into two aqueducts.",
"The property is for sale only because the current owners moved to another state for business reasons. Located near the Calamus Reservoir, a spring fed lake with wonderful sand beaches, great fishing and water sports. This home would be a great place for full time living, a retirement home, or a weekend getaway. A super entertainment home with a working kitchen area on both floors. 1,305 sq.ft. on main level with full basement, 468 sq ft covered wrap around porch, and a 512 sq ft wood deck.",
"Though erroneous, Udden's theory led to the first major oil discovery in the West Texas Permian Basin. The Santa Rita No. 1, discovery well of the Big Lake Field, blew in on May 28, 1923, in Reagan County. It was drilled on University Lands by Frank Pickerell and Carl G. Cromwell of Texon Oil and Land Company.",
"KENNEY DAM, in the Grand Canyon of the NECHAKO R 95 km south of VANDERHOOF, was built in 1952.It impounded the water draining from a huge area, flooding several major lakes, creating a reservoir 925 sq km in size and redirecting water west through the COAST MTS to the KEMANO hydroelectric generating station.t impounded the water draining from a huge area, flooding several major lakes, creating a reservoir 925 sq km in size and redirecting water west through the COAST MTS to the KEMANO hydroelectric generating station.",
"Click link to drop to Road Trip Area and Pictures below: 1 Ord - Burwell - Brewster, Nebraska Via Scenic Hwys 11 and 91 - Includes Fort Hartsuff Historic Park & Calamus Reservoir Recreation Area on the edge of the Nebraska Sandhills - below.",
"Calamus, Iowa. Calamus is a small town in Clinton County, Iowa, United States located on the historical Lincoln Highway, which was the first transcontinental highway for automobiles across the U.S.. Calamus is the only town in Olive Township and had a population of 439 at the 2010 census, which was an 11.4% increase from the 2000 census.",
"The blue-green waters of Lake Havasu sparkle below California's Chemehuevi Mountains and add a touch of color to the Sonoran Desert. Created in the 1930s by damming the Colorado River, this man-made playground now attracts some 2.5 million visitors each year who flock to Havasu's shores to escape the summer heat.",
"Date: 3/20/2017 5:15:15 PM. excerpts from the Loup County Centennial Book 1883-1983 by Kevin P.Brown- Since 1983 another highway has been added to Loup County: Nebraska Highway 96, which goes on the northern edge of the Calamus Reservoir in Loup County.",
"In 1841, California's first water-powered sawmill was built at the junction of Bean Creek and Zayante Creek by Peter Lassen, Isaac Graham, J. Majors, and F. Hoeger. Mount Hermon, known as Tuxedo Junction prior to 1906, was a stop on the South Coast Pacific Railroad from Alameda to Santa Cruz.",
"Kemp, Texas. 1 Kemp: Built in the early 1900's the calaboose was used to jail offenders of the law. It is legended that Bonnie Perker (of Bonnie and Clyde fame) and one other member of the Barrow Gang were held here in 1932. 2 Kemp: December Birds in Kemp. 3 add. your.",
"Construction under Chief Engineer James Ross began in 1874 from Lindsay, Ontario , with authority to build through Victoria County to Haliburton, Ontario , to which it opened on November 24, 1878. The line is best known as having been built by a large group of Icelandic immigrants, who found the Kinmount winters too rough, and so they all moved to Gimli, Manitoba .",
"The first Roman aqueduct was built for the city of Roma by censor Appia Claudius Caecus, hence called Aqua Appia, and operational in 312 bc. Over 1000 Roman aqueducts are known today, built between 312 bc and the end of the Roman Empire (about 500 ad) and beyond.",
"1 Chickamauga Dam â Chickamauga Lake; on the Tennessee River; built 1940 by the TVA. 2 Chilhowee Dam on the Little Tennessee River; built in 1957 and owned by Alcoa. 3 Cordell Hull Dam â Cordell Hull Lake; on the Cumberland River; finished in 1973 by the United States Army Corps of Engineers.",
"Calamus Reservoir. excerpts from the Loup County Centennial Book 1883-1983 by Kevin P.Brown- Since 1983 another highway has been added to Loup County: Nebraska Highway 96, which goes on the northern edge of the Calamus Reservoir in Loup County. Follow 96 up towards the Calamus Reservoir and back towards US-183.",
"South end of Lake Havasu, near Havasu Springs. Lake Havasu, the southernmost of four large reservoirs on the Colorado River in Arizona, was formed in 1938 by completion of Parker Dam in a then uninhabited part of the Mojave Desert.",
"Together with Barker Reservoir, Addicks Reservoir was built in the 1940s as part of a federal project to reduce flooding risks along Buffalo Bayou, which runs west to east through downtown Houston. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) completed construction of Addicks Dam and the outlet facility in 1948."
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how long to cook an eye round roast | [
"Well, the 5lb. 2oz. eye of round roast went in the oven for 30 minutes at 500 degrees. After the two hour wait, the oven temp and the internal temp of the meat were both about 153.A little more done than I would have liked, but still very tasty and juicy. 5. Well, the 5lb. 2oz. eye of round roast went in the oven for 30 minutes at 500 degrees. After the two hour wait, the oven temp and the internal temp of the meat were both about 153. A little more done than I would have liked, but still very tasty and juicy."
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"td {padding: 3px; vertical-align: top !important;} Cut of Meat Weight in Pounds Approximate Total Roasting Time in Hours (unless noted otherwise) Remove from Oven When Internal Temperature Reaches Final Doneness Temperature (after standing time) Beef Rib Eye Roast (boneless) Roast at 350ºF.Let stand 10 to 15 minutes.d {padding: 3px; vertical-align: top !important;} Cut of Meat Weight in Pounds Approximate Total Roasting Time in Hours (unless noted otherwise) Remove from Oven When Internal Temperature Reaches Final Doneness Temperature (after standing time) Beef Rib Eye Roast (boneless) Roast at 350ºF.",
"Three Methods: Cooking the Roast in the Oven Cooking the Roast on the Stove-Top Cooking the Roast in a Slow Cooker. Eye of round roast is a cheap, lean cut of beef with a tendency to be tough if cooked improperly. However, when cooked the right way, this cut of meat transforms into a delicious, juicy roast.lace two teaspoons of oil (olive or salad) into the pot and add the roast. Heat it to a medium-high temperature. 4. Add the other ingredients to the pot. Once the meat has browned, add 2 1/2 cups (567ml) of water, two beef bouillon cubes and a bay leaf to the Dutch oven until it boils.",
"Slow cooking is the best method for an eye of round roast, I have cooked eye of round many times in a Crock-Pot with fantastic results, and you can use blade roast in place of the eye of round. The gravy from this roast goes well with mashed potatoes.",
"Eye of round roast. A circular, very lean roast from the bottom round. Like the other rump roasts, itâs best when roasted and thinly sliced; often used in pho and ramen.",
"It's best to cook it very slowly using moist heat. A steak cut from this roast is an eye round steak. eye round steak = eye steak = eye of round steak Notes: This is a small, boneless steak cut from an eye round roast. It's tough, so it's sometimes cut into stew meat or processed into cube steak.",
"1) Eye fillet and butt fillet: Brown beef in a little olive oil in a flameproof roasting pan (or in a frying pan and transfer to a roasting pan once sealed) over medium-high heat, turning occasionally, for 5-8 minutes or until well sealed. Roast in an oven preheated to 220C following cooking times below.eat 2 teaspoons of the butter and 2 teaspoons oil in a large shallow flameproof roasting pan over high heat. Cook the roast, turning occasionally, for 5 minutes or until well browned. (If you don't have a flameproof roasting pan, you can use a frying pan to brown the beef and then transfer to a roasting pan.). 1 Step 2.",
"Place the roast fat-side up so that as the fat melts it bathes the entire roast in flavor. 4 Cook the roast initially at 375°F (190°C) for half an hour, to brown it. Then lower the heat to 225°F (107°C). The roast should take somewhere from 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours additionally to cook.The shape of the roast will affect the cooking time.If your roast is long and narrow, rather than a more round shape, it may take less time to cook, so keep an eye on it. When juices start to drip from the roast, and it is browned on the outside, check the roast's internal temperature with a meat thermometer.lace the roast fat-side up so that as the fat melts it bathes the entire roast in flavor. 4 Cook the roast initially at 375°F (190°C) for half an hour, to brown it. Then lower the heat to 225°F (107°C). The roast should take somewhere from 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours additionally to cook.",
"Please share your experiences with me, I would like to hear from you, Thank You. Fill bottom tray with water and place Beef Eye Round Steak tray on top of it and Pre heat Oven and cook-Bake @400°F / 204.4ºC for 15 minutes, turn it over and then cook/bake for another 15 minutes. Thanks for watching, Enjoy, and please don't forget to: LIKE, COMMENT, FAVORITE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE.",
"Advertisement. When you decide to make eye of round roast, it is best to know the cooking time required for this cut of beef. It is one of the tender cut of beef, however, it does not have a lot of fat, due to which a number of people prefer this cut.ince eye of round is a dry cut, marinating has an important role to play in the recipes. It should be marinated for as long as is possible. The best would be to let it marinate overnight. * - Approximately for 2 to 3 lbs of eye of round. * - Approximately for 2 to 3 lbs of eye of round.",
"How to Cook Eye of Round Roast. Three Methods: Cooking the Roast in the Oven Cooking the Roast on the Stove-Top Cooking the Roast in a Slow Cooker Community Q&A. Eye of round roast is a cheap, lean cut of beef with a tendency to be tough if cooked improperly. However, when cooked the right way, this cut of meat transforms into a delicious, juicy roast. Try these three methods for cooking eye of round roast.",
"2. Here is my roast. It is an eye of round roast. From what my butcher says its a very lean roast that is tough if not cooked right. Today i will show you how to cook a tender roast with this cut.ere is my roast. It is an eye of round roast. From what my butcher says its a very lean roast that is tough if not cooked right. Today i will show you how to cook a tender roast with this cut.",
"Eye of round roast is a cheap, lean cut of beef with a tendency to be tough if cooked improperly. However, when cooked the right way, this cut of meat transforms into a delicious, juicy roast. Try these three methods for cooking eye of round roast.",
"How to Cook Eye of Round Roast Three Methods: Cooking the Roast in the Oven Cooking the Roast on the Stove-Top Cooking the Roast in a Slow Cooker Community Q&A Eye of round roast is a cheap, lean cut of beef with a tendency to be tough if cooked improperly.",
"Round Eye Pot Roast. The eye of round roast resembles a tenderloin but is much tougher. It has mediocre flavor and is less juicy than most roast. Most people cook the eye using the dry roasted method like most oven roast beef recipes, thinly sliced and not overcooked, about medium rare makes a good deli-style roast.ound Eye Pot Roast. The eye of round roast resembles a tenderloin but is much tougher. It has mediocre flavor and is less juicy than most roast. Most people cook the eye using the dry roasted method like most oven roast beef recipes, thinly sliced and not overcooked, about medium rare makes a good deli-style roast.",
"3. Place top round roast, fat side up, on rack in shallow roasting pan. Do not add water or cover roast. 4. Cook in in the oven for about 2 1/2 hours or until the internal temperature reaches 140°F for medium-rare or 155°F for medium.",
"How to Cook a 2 1/2-Lb. Cut eye of round roast into thin slices. Photo Credit angelsimon/iStock/Getty Images. You won't find eye of round roast on the menu at many fancy restaurants because it is an inexpensive cut of meat.",
"Three Methods: Cooking the Roast in the Oven Cooking the Roast on the Stove-Top Cooking the Roast in a Slow Cooker. Eye of round roast is a cheap, lean cut of beef with a tendency to be tough if cooked improperly.However, when cooked the right way, this cut of meat transforms into a delicious, juicy roast.lace two teaspoons of oil (olive or salad) into the pot and add the roast. Heat it to a medium-high temperature. 4. Add the other ingredients to the pot. Once the meat has browned, add 2 1/2 cups (567ml) of water, two beef bouillon cubes and a bay leaf to the Dutch oven until it boils."
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what is sales tax used for | [
"An aspect of fiscal policy. A sales tax is a tax paid to a governing body for the sales of certain goods and services. Usually laws allow (or require) the seller to collect funds for the tax from the consumer at the point of purchase. When a tax on goods or services is paid to a governing body directly by a consumer, it is usually called a use tax."
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"Here are some examples of sales or services subject to sales tax (this list is not all-inclusive): 1 Repairs of tangible personal property. 2 Rental or lease of personal property like motor vehicles or equipment. 3 Charges for admission to an amusement, sport, or recreation.",
"Sales taxes vary according to the taxable status of the merchandise and customer and can differ according to location.The 4 percent sales tax went into effect October 1st in an attempt to collect more revenue to help close the budget gap.Sales tax is a government tax on each item sold.",
"Sales tax is imposed on the sale of goods and certain services in South Carolina. Use tax is imposed on goods and certain services purchased out of state and brought into South Carolina or on which no sales tax has been paid. The statewide sales and use tax rate is 5%.",
"Definition of 'sales tax'. sales tax. The sales tax on things that you buy is the amount of money that you pay to the national government, or, in the United States, to the local or state government. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers",
Go directly to the calculator Ë
. The sales tax on goods and services in France is known as the value added tax (VAT) (or TVA in french, for taxe sur la valeur ajoutée). This tax is actually applied on every stage of a product commercialization, from the purchase of the raw materials to the final sale to the consumer.",
"The use tax rate is the same as your sales tax rate. To determine the correct rate for your area, check out our Local Sales Tax Rates or try our Tax Rate Lookup Tool. Use tax, unlike sales tax, is due at the rate where you first use the article, not where the sale takes place. To pay use tax.",
"Sales and Use Tax Rates Sales and Use Tax Rates vary across cities and counties in addition to what is taxed by the State. View a comprehensive list of state tax rates.",
"Sales Tax Basics. The sales tax you pay is a combination of any city, state and state taxes. Typically, a state-based sales tax is most or all of the tax that you pay. According to the Tax Foundation, 45 states collect statewide sales taxes as of 2015. Some cities and counties charge additional long-term or temporary sales taxes to cover the costs of infrastructure development or special building projects.",
"Business Tax TeleFile for Sales/Use Tax. Call, toll-free, 1-800-748-8299. The following is what you will need to use TeleFile for sales/use tax: Eight-digit Sales Tax Account ID Number.",
"Sales from fund-raising activities are exempt from sales tax to the extent that the proceeds are used for educational, religious, or charitable purposes. However, the gross receipts from games of skill, games of chance, raffles, and bingo are always subject to sales tax. More information is available in our publication for nonprofit entities. Back to Top. 5. What should I do if I don't receive my sales tax return? Iowa sales tax is filed and remitted electronically through eFile & Pay.",
"In Canada sales taxes are applied in three different ways - at the federal level through the Goods and Services Tax (GST), at the provincial level through a provincial sales tax (PST), sometimes called the retail sales tax, or through the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), a single tax combining the GST and PST.",
"Sales Tax Collected. Sales tax collected is the amount of tax you collect from customers during the sale. Sales tax is typically a percentage of the sale, which ranges from 2.9 percent to 7 percent, depending on the state in which you conduct business. Some counties and localities also impose sales tax.",
"Unlike value-added tax (which is not imposed in the U.S.), sales tax is only enforced on retail purchases; most transactions of goods or services between businesses are not subject to sales tax. In the U.S., sales tax can be deductible when filing tax return (Form 1040, and itemize deductions on Schedule A).",
"Sales tax exemptions are provided by state law, primarily in Chapter 144 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri, for a variety of items including, but not limited to: component parts, machinery used in the manufacture of products sold at retail, export sales, and resale.",
"State Taxes come in many different forms: Most states have a sales tax. The sales tax is assessed on most consumer goods in the state and ranges from 4% to 7%. Most states also have a state income tax, similar to the one used by the federal government. People can pay up to 16% of taxable income in state income taxes. Most states have a progressive sales tax.",
"However, State A can subject the cameras to its use tax once you bring them into the state. Use tax is a complementary tax. A state's use tax is designed to be no broader in scope than its sales tax. For the most part, exemptions are the same for both of the taxes.",
"How to use the California Sales Tax Rates dataset Sales tax is a consumption tax imposed when certain goods or services are purchased. The amount of sales tax owed is determined by a certain percentage of the purchase.",
"pa-1 use tax return and instructions IMPORTANT: This return should only be used by individuals and businesses without Pennsylvania sales tax licenses. Use of this form by registered sales tax account holders will result in non-filer notifications, and this form cannot be used as a replacement for the Sales Tax Return. WHAT IS USE TAX?Use tax is the 6 percent tax due on the purchase of items or services subject to Pennsylvania sales tax, when sales tax is not charged by and paid directly to the seller.",
"Sales tax. must be paid on all purchases for business or personal uses. The buyer does not have the option of paying consumer use tax later on. purchases for business or personal use. The seller must record the sales tax account numbers for sales to vendors for resale. The buyer must meet the requirements for sales tax. exemption out-lined above.",
"Sales taxes are imposed on the total amount of money a business takes in. No deductions are allowed for the cost of the goods or services to the business. If your business sells snacks through vending machines, the sales tax is imposed on the entire amount of money received from the vending machines.",
"sales tax. noun. Legal Definition of sales tax. : a tax levied on the sale of goods and services that is usually calculated as a percentage of the purchase price and collected by the seller.",
"What is the Wisconsin use tax? Use tax is the counterpart of sales tax. Use tax must be paid when Wisconsin sales tax (state, county, and stadium) is not charged and no exemption applies. If you purchase taxable items from retailers who do not collect Wisconsin sales tax or bring taxable items into Wisconsin from other states or foreign countries, you owe use tax.",
"The sales and use tax rates vary depending on your retail location. A base sales and use tax rate of 7.25 percent is applied statewide. In addition to the statewide sales and use tax rate, some cities and counties have voter- or local government-approved district taxes. District tax areas consist of both counties and cities.",
"What is a sales tax exemption reason? State law exempts certain types of transactions from the payment of state or local sales tax (see below). The purchaser must specify the reason for any tax exemption for a vehicle sale. What is a sales tax exemption qualifier? Additional information that describes your eligibility for tax exemption:",
"What tax rate do I use? The Texas state sales and use tax rate is 6.25%, but local taxing jurisdictions (cities, counties, special purpose districts, and transit authorities) may also impose sales and use tax up to 2% for a total maximum combined rate of 8.25%.",
"Individuals and businesses have always been required to pay sales or use tax on taxable purchases from out-of-state vendors if the item is sold, leased, or delivered in Colorado for use, storage, distribution, or consumption in the state. Colorado state use tax is the same rate as the sales tax. With proof of payment, sales tax paid to another state may be credited against state use tax due in Colorado for a particular item. Use tax is also collected by some local governments and special districts.",
"Sales taxes vary according to the taxable status of the merchandise and customer and can differ according to location. The 4 percent sales tax went into effect October 1st in an attempt to collect more revenue to help close the budget gap. Sales tax is a government tax on each item sold. Sales taxes vary according to the taxable status of the merchandise and customer and can differ according to location. The 4 percent sales tax went into effect October 1st in an attempt to collect more revenue to help close the budget gap. Sales tax is a government tax on each item sold. Collins English Dictionary.",
"Can a used motor vehicle dealer purchase a new motor vehicle under the resale exception? What tax rate is charged on the sale or lease of motor vehicles, watercraft or outboard motors? What tax rate is charged on the sale or lease of motor vehicles, watercraft or outboard motors? Do dealer cash discounts reduce the price for calculating sales or use tax? Is the amount charged for the federal excise tax (FET) included in the tax base for calculating sales tax?"
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when did justin timberlake marry jessica biel | [
"Yes, Justin Timberlake did marry Jessica Biel. The couple married at a ceremony in Fasano, Italy on October 19, 2012. Yes, Justin Timberlake did marry Jessica Biel. The couple married at a ceremony in Fasano, Italy on October 19, 2012."
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"Introducing the Timberlakes! Justin Timberlake debuted the first photo of his infant son Silas Randall Timberlake on Sunday, April 19 via Instagram. Just one week after welcoming their first child, Timberlake, 34, posted a shot of his wife Jessica Biel cradling little Silas and wrote, The Timberlakes are ready!!!",
"Justin Timberlake debuted the first photo of his infant son Silas Randall Timberlake on Sunday, April 19 via Instagram. PHOTOS: Justin and Jess' romance. Just one week after welcoming their first child, Timberlake, 34, posted a shot of his wife Jessica Biel cradling little Silas and wrote, The Timberlakes are ready!!!",
"âJustin Timberlake and Jessica Biel welcome baby boy. Justin Timberlake and his wife, actress Jessica Biel, arrive at the world premiere of Twentieth Century Fox and New Regency's film Runner Runner at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino on Sept. 18, 2013, in Las Vegas.",
"In her spare time, Biel is involved with charities such as Best Friends Animal Sanctuary and PETA. Her hobbies include ballet, soccer, running, yoga and hiking with her dog East.. She resides in Los Angeles. In 2012, Jessica Biel married actor and singer Justin Timberlake.",
"This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate. Justin Timberlake, Jessica Biel's Secret Italian Wedding. Tanya Rivero investigates how Hollywood power couple planned the event.",
"On 12-12-12, Frank Billingsley wed Kevin Gilliard in New York City. Read more about it here. KPRC meteorologist Frank Billingsley and Kevin Gilliard married in New York City on 12-12-12, a big day for weddings across the nation.",
"Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake Are Married! Blac Chyna Waiting to Marry Rob Kardashian Until After Pregnancy Because She Wants to ''Turn Up'' at the Wedding! Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are husband and wife! E! News has confirmed that the longtime couple kept us guessing for years, but said arrivederci to singledom today by tying the knot in front of family and close friends at the Borgo Egnazia resort in the southern Italian city of Fasano.",
"But this was no ordinary impromptu performance. Justin and his beautiful wife, Jessica Biel, 33, were in town for a close friend of Jessicaâs big day and he wanted to give her friend a big surprise! Find out what Justin told the crowd before hitting the stage!",
"Jessica Claire Timberlake (née Biel; born March 3, 1982) is an American actress. Biel began her career as a vocalist appearing in musical productions until she was cast as Mary Camden in the family-drama series 7th Heaven, for which she achieved recognition.",
"Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel Welcome Son Silas Randall. Itâs official: Justin Timberlake will be passing on his suit and tie. The singer-songwriter and his wife, actress Jessica Biel, have welcomed their first child, son Silas Randall Timberlake, their reps confirm to PEOPLE exclusively. Reps say mom and baby are doing well and dad is âecstatic.â Further details are not being released at this time.",
"Justin Timberlake makes surprise visit to pregnant wife Jessica Biel on set of her new movie. Heavily pregnant Jessica Biel got a surprise visit from her husband and father-to-be Justin Timberlake on the set of her new movie 'The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea' Thursday.",
"For Jessica Bielsâs college friend, this was her reality! Justin Timberlake, 34, took to the stage at a wedding in Connecticut on June 27, where he performed his hit song, âSenoritaâ señorita to the excited. Crowd but this was no ordinary impromptu. performance",
"'We're ecstatic!' Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel announce the birth of their son... and choose a refreshingly normal name. By Heather Waugh for MailOnline. Published: 10:53 EST, 11 April 2015 | Updated: 18:32 EST, 11 April 2015",
"By Zach Johnson. Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake attend the 2011 Vanity Fair Oscar Party Hosted by Graydon Carter at the Sunset Tower Hotel on February 27, 2011 in West Hollywood, California.",
"Justin Timberlake called wife Jessica Biel a MILF in an Instagram post calling her an amazing wife and mom on Mother's Day. (Evan Agostini/Evan Agostini/Invision/AP) One hot momma! Justin Timberlake didnât hold much back while posting a photo of his wife Jessica Biel holding their son Silas.",
"Leave a comment. Justin Timberlake may have been nominated at the Oscars on Sunday night, but if the 36-year-old was nervous he wasn't letting it show. Instead, the Mirrors hitmaker showed off his mischievous side after he and wife Jessica Biel had arrived for Hollywood's glitziest night and posed together for pictures.",
"Your life is no longer yours aloneâ¦and that's a wonderful thing-great times ahead! Prayers 2u â chad ricks (@cricks77) April 11, 2015 Justin Timberlake is now officially a DILF â Jamie Garrison (@idkmybffjaamie) April 11, 2015. All of that mother-loving has finally paid off. Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel have officially welcomed a healthy baby boy into the world! iHeartRadio. The babyâs name is Silas Randall Timberlake. Pretty legit name, if you ask us. Just a few weeks ago, Timberlake accepted the innovator award at the iHeartRadio Awards and let us all know this news was imminent.",
"'They just want a happy baby': Jessica Biel is 'expecting her first child with husband Justin Timberlake'. They recently enjoyed their second wedding anniversary, and now there could be another celebration on the cards. Sources have claimed that Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake are preparing to welcome their first child into the world. Speaking to Us Weekly, an insider said: 'Right now they are just enjoying the news for themselves.",
"Wedding bells are ringing! Avril Lavigne married Nickelback frontman Chad Kroeger on Saturday, June 29, in Cannes, France, a source confirms to Us Weekly. Described as a very intimate affair by an insider, the Here's To Never Growing Up singer wore a Johanna Johnson custom-made dress with her gay best friend serving as her maid of honor.",
"Justin Timberlake Net Worth. Justin Timberlake net worth: Justin Timberlake is an American singer, actor, entrepreneur and producer who has a net worth of $230 million. Justin Timberlake. Justin Timberlake is an American singer and actor who has been married to wife, actress Jessica Biel, since 2012.",
"Jessica Biel got a surprise from her doting husband Justin Timberlake Thursday. Justin Timberlake was photographed on the set of wife Jessica Biel's new movie 'The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea.'. Jessica Biel spotted on set of her new movie with husband and father-to-be Justin Timberlake.",
"Justin Timberlake photobombed wife Jessica Biel on the Oscars red carpet - see the hilarious photo here... Justin Timberlake may have been nominated at the Oscars on Sunday night, but if the 36-year-old was nervous he wasn't letting it show. Instead, the Mirrors hitmaker showed off his mischievous side after he and wife Jessica Biel had arrived for Hollywood's glitziest night and posed together for pictures.",
"Jessica Biel, Justin Timberlake Make New York City Their Runway (PHOTOS) For your viewing pleasure this Friday: Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel, one of the coolest celebrity couples (especially since that other couple broke up), looking awesome.",
"Justin and Jessica aren't alone: More big celebrity Italian weddings. Jimmy Fallon and his wife, Nancy Juvonen, Andy Samberg, Timbaland, Biel's 7th Heaven sister Beverley Mitchell, and Timberlake music manager Johnny Wright and his wife, Erika, were among the VIPs in attendance.",
"Jessica Claire Timberlake (née Biel; born March 3, 1982) is an American actress. Biel began her career as a vocalist appearing in musical productions until she was cast as Mary Camden in the family-drama series 7th Heaven, for which she achieved recognition. The series is the longest-running series that ever aired on The WB channel and is the longest-running family drama in television history.",
"Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel Enjoy Casual Dinner in Malibu â See Their Weekend Style. The couple hit up a celebrity hot spot over the weekend.",
"The newborn's name holds a special significance for the singer. Timberlake's maternal grandfather. who died in 2012, was named Bill Silas Bomar. Randall, meanwhile, is both Timberlake's middle name and his father's first name. Biel and Timberlake started dating in 2007 before getting engaged in 2011. They wed in 2012.",
"Kevin Mazur/Getty. Itâs official: Justin Timberlake will be passing on his suit and tie. The singer-songwriter and his wife, actress Jessica Biel, have welcomed their first child, son Silas Randall Timberlake, their reps confirm to PEOPLE exclusively.",
"Dara Kushner/INFphoto.com. Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are husband and wife! E! News has confirmed that the longtime couple kept us guessing for years, but said arrivederci to singledom today by tying the knot in front of family and close friends at the Borgo Egnazia resort in the southern Italian city of Fasano.",
"Diaz dated the actor Matt Dillon, for three years until 1998. She was also once engaged to Jared Leto, but they broke up in 2002. She then went on to date Justin Timberlake, whom she met in 2003. They split officially in 2007.",
"EXCLUSIVE: Jessica Biel Talks Working With Husband Justin Timberlake: 'I Like to Say That I Was His Boss'. Biel stars in and produced her new film 'The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea,' and got the chance to work with her superstar husband for the first time.Read More.",
"Justin Timberlake celebrated his birthday by sharing some big news with the world -- confirming he and wife Jessica Biel are expecting their first child.",
"Justin Timberlake Net Worth. Justin Timberlake net worth: Justin Timberlake is an American singer, actor, entrepreneur and producer who has a net worth of $230 million. Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel Net Worth. Justin Timberlake is an American singer and actor who has been married to wife, actress Jessica Biel, since 2012.",
"Sources have claimed that Jessica Biel - pictured with what appears to be a baby bump in October - and Justin Timberlake are preparing to welcome their first child into the world. The actress sparked rumours that she is pregnant after stepping out in late October revealing what appeared to be a baby bump.",
"back now with the brand-new details about justin timberlake's and jessica biel's star-studded italian wedding. The couple tying the knot over the weekend. And there's justin jumping for joy next to jessica. We have all of the scoop, including how the groom serenaded the bride. It's the first glimpse of a-list wedded bliss. Hollywood's hottest newlyweds, justin timberlake and jessica biel, gracing the cover of people magazine.",
"Justin Timberlake isn't one to go on and on about his love life, but the singer made an exception while promoting his new movie, Trouble With the Curve. During a recent press conference with the Hollywood Foreign Press, Timberlake, 31, spoke candidly about his fiancee and love of five years, Jessica Biel, 30.",
"âI canât wait to see our greatest creation yet,â said Timberlake, after calling wife Jessica Biel his best friend. âDaddyâs heading home right now to innovate by learning how to change a poopy diaper and get my swaddle on!â.",
"Jessica Biel, Justin Timberlake Make New York City Their Runway (PHOTOS) 03/01/2013 03:28 pm ET | Updated Mar 01, 2013. For your viewing pleasure this Friday: Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel, one of the coolest celebrity couples (especially since that other couple broke up), looking awesome.",
"Lily Collins once had a brief romance with Zac Efron. She was more recently in a relationship with Australian actor Thomas Cocquerel. They broke up just over a year ago. Chris Evans dated Jessica Bielâyes, the same Jessica Biel now married to Justin Tiimberlake and very pregnant with his babyâfrom 2004 to 2006. He dated Minka Kelly twiceâbreaking up most recently in 2013. Even if things are only in the beginning stages for Lily Collins and Chris Evans, itâs hard to deny theyâre a nice looking couple. It will certainly be interesting to see where the coming weeks and months take them.",
"Chad Kroeger and Avril Lavigne have been engaged in August 2012 and got married in the South of France on July 1, 2013.",
"Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel Step Out for Saturday Date Night. Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel leave Nobu restaurant with family members after dinner on Saturday night (August 6) in Malibu, Calif. The 35-year-old singer has been sporting a clean-shaven look this week for the first time in quite a while!",
"Justin Bieber has been in relationships with Sofia Richie (2016), Nicola Peltz (2016), Hailey Baldwin (2016), Kourtney Kardashian (2015), Jayde Pierce (2015), Cindy Kimberly (2015), Kylie Jenner (2014), Selena Gomez (2010 - 2015), Jasmine Villegas (2010), Mandy Rain (2009), Jessica Jarrell (2009 - 2010) and Caitlin Beadles (2007 - 2009).",
"#theresnothinglikefamily #7thheaven #love #blessed. Mackenzie Rosman, who played Ruthie, was not at the dinner. 7th Heaven ran for 11 years from 1996-2007 and was the breakout role for a young Biel, who everyone now knows and is married to Justin Timberlake.",
"'They just want a happy baby': Jessica Biel is 'expecting her first child with husband Justin Timberlake'. 1 Sources have claimed that Jessica Biel is pregnant with her first child. The actress sparked rumours that she is expecting after stepping out in late October revealing what appeared to be a baby bump.",
"Justin Timberlake has never married, but he is currently in a relationship with Jessica Biel.",
"'We're ecstatic!' Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel announce the birth of their son... and choose a refreshingly normal name. Published: 10:53 EDT, 11 April 2015 | Updated: 18:32 EDT, 11 April 2015. e-mail.",
"Next Image: Justin Timberlake, Justin Timberlake Wife Jessica Biel, Justin Timberlake And Jessica Biel, Justin Timberlake Oscars 2017, Who Is Justin Timberlake Married To. is a senior contributor to Heavy specializing in celebrity and reality television.",
"26 year-old Justin Biel is actress Jessica Bielâs younger brother, the second and only son of Kimberly Conroe Biel and Jonathan Biel, born in Ely, Minnesota. He went to Loyola Marymount University got his Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business in 2006.",
"Jessica and her husband Jerry Seinfeld in New York, April 2010. In June 1998, she married Eric Nederlander, a theatrical producer and the son of theater owner Robert Nederlander. Several months before the wedding, she met Jerry Seinfeld at a Reebok Sports Club.",
"Itâs a much different journey.â. Vaughn married Weber in January 2010 in a quiet ceremony in Lake Forest, Illinois, after popping the question on Valentineâs Day in 2009. Aniston, for her part, is happily engaged and gearing up to marry longtime love Justin Theroux.",
"Justin Timberlake confirms wife Jessica Biel is pregnant. Justin Timberlake and his wife, actress Jessica Biel, arrive at the world premiere of Twentieth Century Fox and New Regency's film Runner Runner at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino on Sept. 18, 2013, in Las Vegas. David Becker/Getty Images.",
"Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake Are Married! Blac Chyna Waiting to Marry Rob Kardashian Until After Pregnancy Because She Wants to ''Turn Up'' at the Wedding! Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are husband and wife!",
"Justin Timberlake called wife Jessica Biel a MILF in an Instagram post calling her an amazing wife and mom on Mother's Day. One hot momma! Justin Timberlake didnât hold much back while posting a photo of his wife Jessica Biel holding their son Silas. The âSexy Backâ singer captioned the Motherâs Day photo, âM.I.L.F. Alert!!!!â. âHappy Mother's Day to this AMAZING MOM AND WIFE.",
"'They just want a happy baby': Jessica Biel is 'expecting her first child with husband Justin Timberlake'. They recently enjoyed their second wedding anniversary, and now there could be another celebration on the cards. Sources have claimed that Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake are preparing to welcome their first child into the world.",
"Justin Timberlake & Wife Jessica Biel at the Oscars 2017. Justin Timberlake & Wife Jessica Biel. Justin Timberlake is a performer at tonight's 2017 Oscars, performing his hit song Can't Stop the Feeling for Best Song from the movie Trolls. Ryan Seacrest also stated on the red carpet that he heard Timberlake may be involved in the opening of the show."
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average shaft length of golf driver | [
"The standard length of a driver for men used to be 43.5 inches with a steel shaft and 44 inches for a graphite shaft. However, in the 21st century a standard driver is considered to be 45 inches."
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"The Diesel golf shaft features a low spin and torque graphite design to help the golfer gain additional distance on the drive. The Diesel shaft is available for both ladies' and men's drivers, unlike other high-end driver shafts, and is a popular choice for use by professionals on the PGA Tour.",
"You can determine whether you need a stiffer shaft or softer shaft with these general guidelines. Gauge the distance of your driver shot. If you consistently hit shots of 250 yards of more, a Stiff driver is best; shots of 230-250 yards suggest a Regular flex; 200-230 yards say Senior; less than 200 yards, Ladies.",
"Senior flex shafts are appropriate for golfers who swing between 75 and 90 mph and carry a driver about 180 to 200 yards, according to GolfSpyder.com. Regular flex shafts are designed for golfers who swing 90 to 100 mph and carry a driver about 200 to 240 yards.",
"Performance Highlights: 1 The longest driver for 2016. 2 Peak Distance average more than 13 yards longer than this club's overall average. 3 Peak Distance average is 19.8 yards longer than the lowest ranked club on this list.",
"This page highlights another new development: high-lofted drivers. Changes in golf technology and a greater understanding of optimal launch conditions have seen Tour pros switching from 7.5ãââº-8.5ãâ⺠drivers to 9.5ãââº-10.5ãâ⺠for maximum distance.",
"Graphite clubs are slightly longer, with a standard driver at 45 inches, 5-iron at 38.5 inches and a sand wedge 36 inches. Standard club lengths for women are one inch shorter than for men. Whether these club lengths make sense is another question.",
"Because golf club distance depends more on the player than on the clubs. Went out yesterday with my son; 18yrs old 6'0, 143lbs (yeah, a skinny guy), his longest drive straight down the alley 303yds (measured), his average drive 275yds.My longest drive, maybe 185yds, my average drive 165yds.est Answer: Here's an interesting fact: While PGA pros hit their drives anywhere from 280 yards to 320 yards on average, and LPGA pros hit their drives from 230 to 270 yards on average, most amateurs-according to Golf Digest-average somewhere around 195-205 yards with their drivers.",
"Most PGA tour players use X stiff shafts in their irons and woods. X stiff shafts are for players with swing speeds in excess of 100 mph. X stiff shafts provide the best accuracy with high swing speeds. A regular shaft is more flexible and for those with slower swing speeds (women & seniors).",
"You can check your entire bag for consistency. Standard graphite drivers are 45 inches in length, a 3-wood two inches shorter and other woods 42 inches. One-irons are 40.25 inches and the irons step down a half-inch from there until the 9-iron at 36.25 inches.",
"Rynamite, Actually, the recommended shaft length for a 23* hybrid is 40 for standard length. Some club makers will add an inch if it is a graphite shaft, but I am from the school where the correct length is the correct length regardless of shaft material.he reason a lot of OEM's add length for graphite shafts is for swing weighting purposes. I would rather have the correct length and deal with the swing weight in another way. More importantly is the tip trimming if the shaft you have requires it.",
"Standard graphite drivers are 45 inches in length, a 3-wood two inches shorter and other woods 42 inches. One-irons are 40.25 inches and the irons step down a half-inch from there until the 9-iron at 36.25 inches. All wedges are the same length as the 9-iron.",
"Clubmaker.net says youth clubs should be 66 percent to 75 percent of your child's height. To determine the right shaft length for a junior driver, Golfsmith recommends having your child stand with his knees slightly bent, his feet shoulder width apart and his arms hanging down.here is no standard, industry-wide maximum height for children's golf clubs, but there is a club length chart for juniors on the Clubmaker.net website.",
"A golf clubs length is measured from the heel of the club to the butt end of the grip. When fitting clubs and cutting clubs to length, cut the shaft 1/4 of an inch shorter than the desired length to allow for the butt end of the grip which is, on average, a 1/4 of an inch thick.Although, try finding out the actual depth of the butt end stopper and cut the shaft accordingly.hen fitting clubs and cutting clubs to length, cut the shaft 1/4 of an inch shorter than the desired length to allow for the butt end of the grip which is, on average, a 1/4 of an inch thick. Although, try finding out the actual depth of the butt end stopper and cut the shaft accordingly.",
"Model Reviewed: Callaway FT 9 tour driver 8.5* with PRO65 shaft. Summary: Advantages: very low spin rate below 2600. Perfect lanch angle. Maximum distance for swingspeed. reasonably forgiving. Disadvantages: not that easy to work right to left .. probably a good thing as my bad shot is a hook with a driver.",
"When erection, the average size is about 6.5-8 inches long. The shaft is about 1.5-2 inches in diameter, the knot is usually 2.7-3 inches in diameter. 34 people found this useful.",
"A lightweight shaft can help you increase your clubhead speed and hit the ball farther. Graphite shafts are lighter than steel and have the added benefit of reducing vibration during impact. Driver shafts typically weigh between 50 and 125 grams, while long-drive competitors often use shafts of less than 50 grams.",
"Professional long drivers can average over 350 yards (320 m) in competition, compared with 300 yard (274 m) averages from the top PGA Tour drivers and 200 yards (183 m) for an average amateur. Some shots in competitions surpass 400 yards (366 m).",
"Standard graphite drivers are 45 inches in length, a 3-wood two inches shorter and other woods 42 inches. One-irons are 40.25 inches and the irons step down a half-inch from there until the 9-iron at 36.25 inches.",
"The Perfect Shaft Length. Banging longer drives has been the holy grail of golf since the days of hickory shafts. Today's grip it and rip it mentality is the result of recent advancements in swing instruction, training methods and equipment (such as longer, lighter graphite shafts).",
"A club length that suits one player wonât necessarily suit another, which is why there are professional club fitters. With respect to off-the-shelf clubs, there is no organization authorized to set standard lengths for golf clubs.But a survey of major manufacturers shows that standard golf club lengths are fairly uniform across the board.allawayâs wedges range from 35 to 35.25 inches long. PINGâs website lists a steel set beginning with a 38.75-inch 3-iron and concluding with a 35.5-inch 9-iron, plus wedges at 35 to 35.5 inches. The companyâs hybrids are a bit longer. Its 3-hybrid is 40 inches long, while its 6-hybrid is 38.5 inches long.",
"Drivers. Drivers can be lengthened up to 48 inches, which is the maximum length for clubs allowed by the Rules of Golf. Though there isn't a standard length for a driver, most are sold between 45 and 46 inches.Adding length to a driver can boost clubhead speed and distance, but the extra length makes it harder to control the clubhead, and a center face hit has the most affect on distance.hile it may help some players, it's not best for every player and only a good idea for certain clubs in your bag. Drivers can be lengthened up to 48 inches, which is the maximum length for clubs allowed by the Rules of Golf. Though there isn't a standard length for a driver, most are sold between 45 and 46 inches.",
"Because seniors generally have slower swing speeds than younger golfers, they require a more flexible shaft. Senior flex shafts are appropriate for golfers who swing between 75 and 90 mph and carry a driver about 180 to 200 yards, according to GolfSpyder.com.",
"Features. 1 Series 4 medium/heavy pto shaft. 2 Minimum working length is 51.5. 3 Maximum working length is 70.9. 4 Tractor end is 1-3/8 6 splined (540) Implement end is 1-1/4 round with a 3/8 shear 1 pin. Weight of the shaft is 31 2 lbs. We stock all replacement parts for everything we 3 sell. We also have post hole digger gearboxes.",
"The shaftment was frequently used, but it was roughly 6.5 inches long. Several foot units were in use, including a foot equal to 12 inches, a foot equal to 2 shaftments (13 inches), and the natural foot (pes naturalis, an actual foot length, about 9.8 inches).",
"Because golf club distance depends more on the player than on the clubs. Went out yesterday with my son; 18yrs old 6'0, 143lbs (yeah, a skinny guy), his longest drive straight down the alley 303yds (measured), his average drive 275yds.My longest drive, maybe 185yds, my average drive 165yds.ou'd be surprised that the average golfer averages barely over 200 yards off the tee with driver because of inconsistency off the tee. My longest drive is 310 yards, but I have hit some pop flys as well that takes away from your average.",
"Golf Fix: Short shaft, more distance. Michael Breed, host of âThe Golf Fix,â teaches how to find the proper length of your driver shaft and gives a drill to maximize distance. Click HERE for more Golf Fix content. Copyright © 1996-2017 Golf Channel, All Rights Reserved.",
"Related: driver shaft stiff driver shaft regular golf driver golf driver shaft taylormade driver shaft oban shaft wood shaft driver shaft x-stiff callaway driver shaft.",
"Unfortunately, a $500 driver with a stock shaft on it is just as useful as a $200 driver with a premium shaft. The shaft of the driver plays a significant role in the clubhead speed and ensuing ball trajectory, distance and control of the drive. Choosing the right shaft for your driver can result in significantly improved performance over using stock shafts that may or may not be suited to your swing. Three of the best golf shafts for drivers are made by Aldila, Fujikura and Rifle.",
"While it may help some players, it's not best for every player and only a good idea for certain clubs in your bag. Drivers can be lengthened up to 48 inches, which is the maximum length for clubs allowed by the Rules of Golf. Though there isn't a standard length for a driver, most are sold between 45 and 46 inches.Adding length to a driver can boost clubhead speed and distance, but the extra length makes it harder to control the clubhead, and a center face hit has the most affect on distance.hile it may help some players, it's not best for every player and only a good idea for certain clubs in your bag. Drivers can be lengthened up to 48 inches, which is the maximum length for clubs allowed by the Rules of Golf. Though there isn't a standard length for a driver, most are sold between 45 and 46 inches.",
"You can check your entire bag for consistency. Standard graphite drivers are 45 inches in length, a 3-wood two inches shorter and other woods 42 inches. One-irons are 40.25 inches and the irons step down a half-inch from there until the 9-iron at 36.25 inches. All wedges are the same length as the 9-iron.",
"At our request, Wishon Golf built four 949 MC driversâ43 1/2-inches (the old standard), 45 inches (the new standard), 46 1/2-inches and 48 inches (the maximum length allowed by the Rules of Golf). Four handpicked testers hit these 460cc clubs and Golf Laboratories recorded their efforts.",
"377. Originally Posted by rhh7 Driver length = 42 inches, ball speed = 133.0 mph, carry distance = 209.7 yards Driver length = 46 inches, ball speed = 133.8 mph, carry distance = 211.0 yards Hi rhh7 I too personally find this hard to believe. I agree with Bernie B. that total wt. is critical to hitting longer drivers. am planning to build a 14 degree, 460cc driver, with a heavy 43 steel shaft, with the flex between A & R. I want to have a 15 degree 3 wood, 19 degree 5 wood, and a 23 degree 7 wood. Wishon says that 80% of the distance gap in a set comes from the loft increments, and the other 20% from the length increments.",
"Come on Jim. I am 17 and hit my driver about 270 yards. According to your driverX28 system, I should be playing a yardage of 7560 yards (longer than almost every pga course). Also, your idea states that a player who hits it 296, what you posted as the average pga drive, should play from 8288 yards.or example, most golfers will hit their 6 iron 64% of the distance of their driver. If a medium distance par 4 is a drive and #6 iron, you know the length of a good par four for you is 164% of the distance of your drive.",
"The appropriate golf club length along with a lie angle that is adjusted for an individual can greatly increase both accuracy and consistency. Fitting a golfer with the loft, golf shaft and golf shaft flex gives a golfer every advantage he need to increase distance, ball flight and accuracy. For fitting assistance on: shaft length (standard club lengths), driver loft, shaft flex, lie angle, grip choice.",
"If youâre measurement is 0-10âthen get a 36â shaft length, for 16-22â get a 42â shaft length, 22-28â get a 48-52â shaft length, and for 28-34â you will need a shaft length of 54-62â. For transom mount motors, measure from the transom of the boat to the waterline. For 0-10â measurements, get a 30â shaft.For 10-16â, get a 36â shaft. For 16-20 inches, get a 42â shaft. Although the measurements are a little more forgiving than with bow mounted motors, you still want to take the transom-to-waterline measurement to ensure the motor will work for you.rolling motors donât come in half poundsâor every single pound increment for that matterâso if you need at least 72.5 pounds of thrust then try to find a trolling motor with a thrust as close to that as you can get, such as 75 pounds.",
"The maximum listed club length is 38 to 39 inches for a youngster who is 5 feet tall. PING makes youth sets with drivers as long as 39 inches that are appropriate for 10-to-11 year olds who are 54 to 60 inches tall.",
"Originally Posted by rhh7 Driver length = 42 inches, ball speed = 133.0 mph, carry distance = 209.7 yards Driver length = 46 inches, ball speed = 133.8 mph, carry distance = 211.0 yards Hi rhh7 I too personally find this hard to believe. am planning to build a 14 degree, 460cc driver, with a heavy 43 steel shaft, with the flex between A & R. I want to have a 15 degree 3 wood, 19 degree 5 wood, and a 23 degree 7 wood. Wishon says that 80% of the distance gap in a set comes from the loft increments, and the other 20% from the length increments.",
"LH, The stock shaft in the G20 has a higher kick point, i believe; higher kick points have always worked better with my swing as well. Originally Posted by famousdavis Mr. T, You cannot bag a driver that is 10 yards shorter than your previous one.riginally Posted by Pky6471 Good to hear that you found a new love... My friend got the new G20 (not sure about the shaft) and he loves it also... Lets hope it's not just a honeymoon period The driver to have now is the Ping Anser. I tried the G20 in the simulator and I thought it felt great.",
"Michael Breed, host of âThe Golf Fix,â teaches how to find the proper length of your driver shaft and gives a drill to maximize distance. Click HERE for more Golf Fix content. Download our instruction app from iTunes or Google play.",
"Club Shaft. In general, the longer the shaft on a driver, the more distance you will get on a tee shot. However, a golfer should be fitted for the proper shaft length. Your height and wrist-to-floor measurement can be used by golf retailers to determine if you are suited for standard-length drivers. If not, the shaft can be adjusted.",
"Find The Right Driver Shaft Length for Your Game. The driver is the longest club in the bag, often making it the most inconsistent, and the biggest challenge to a struggling golfer. Additionally, the amount of whip and speed exerted through the ball from your driver is far more than any other club in your bag.",
"The shaft of a golf club is the long, tapered tube which connects the golferâs hands to the club head.While hundreds of different designs exist, the primary purpose of the golf shaft remains the same-to provide the player with a way to generate centrifugal force in order to effectively strike the ball.t all comes down to the shaft. The shaft is 80 percent of the club and can improve your distance by 20 yard. It is important to get the correct fitting in order for you to see the results you want. Fun Fact: An English golfer Arthur Benson Shot 76 with a cricket bat on a 6,547 yard golf course in 1939.",
"Firm Shaft. More commonly known as the stiff shaft (S), this flex is favored by golfers who have a fairly fast swing and drive the ball 250 yards on a consistent basis. Golfers who play a firm or stiff shaft have club speeds between 90-105 mph.",
"In Irons: The shaft length is based on the golfer's height, arm length and posture, as well as consistent clubhead delivery. Most of the time, a golfer who is tall, or has short arms, or both, will make better contact with an over-length club. The same would be true for a shorter golfer using an under-length club.",
"Long Shaft. The shaft is the portion of the outboard motor that connects the top of the engine to the propeller. For a long shaft design, the distance between the top of the motor and the propeller generally is 20 inches. Long shaft outboard motors are favorable for boat transoms that are 18 to 21 inches high.",
"Just depends on these factors mentioned. It is conceivable that the same swing with a longer club could add 10% in distance. However you could offset the dynamics to gain nothing or even lose yardage. FYI Reteef Goosen, one of the longest hitters on tour, shortens his Driver by one inch, and says everybody should do so. golfer who has just installed longer shafts on his club can expect an 10 to 15 percent increase in distance. The longer the swing, the more that can go wrong for the golfer. While the swing with the longer shaft should result in more distance, the shot may be more difficult for the golfer to control.",
"The loft of a long drive club is also much lower than a consumer club, sometimes around 4 or 5 degrees, as opposed to 10.5 degrees for an amateur's driver. The reason for lower lofted driver heads is to greatly reduce back spin.ong drive clubs, which are always drivers, are different in many ways from consumer clubs. Until the recent club length limitation rules, the shafts were much longer than a normal 45 in (114.3 cm) shaft, sometimes exceeding 55 in (139.7 cm).",
"One of the most electric players on the PGA Tour with a driver in his hands, Watson is fourth on the PGA Tour this season in driving distance with an average poke of 308.6 yards. Watson also owns the second- and third-longest drives recorded on the PGA Tour this season, traveling 411 yards and 409 yards, respectively.",
"The average steel shaft today weighs between 115 grams to 125 grams (4.0 to 4.4 ounces). Put that together with a typical 195-gram (6.9-ounce) driver head and a normal 50-gram (1.75-ounce) grip and you have a total weight for the driver of some 365 grams (12.9 ounces).Most graphite shafts for drivers today are made to a weight of around 65-70 grams.Assemble that with the driver head and the grip and the total weight of a typical graphite shaft driver will be about 11 ounces.ut that together with a typical 195-gram (6.9-ounce) driver head and a normal 50-gram (1.75-ounce) grip and you have a total weight for the driver of some 365 grams (12.9 ounces). Most graphite shafts for drivers today are made to a weight of around 65-70 grams.",
"The Exotics driver is available with one of three well-known graphite shafts, each tweaked for use in this driver. The Graphite Design YS-Exotics 50-gram shaft is available in four flexes and is best-suited to slower-swining golfers (up to 100mph, according to Tour Edge).",
"(January 2011). The shaft of a golf club is the long, tapered tube which connects the golferâs hands to the club head. While hundreds of different designs exist, the primary purpose of the golf shaft remains the same-to provide the player with a way to generate centrifugal force in order to effectively strike the ball.t all comes down to the shaft. The shaft is 80 percent of the club and can improve your distance by 20 yard. It is important to get the correct fitting in order for you to see the results you want. Fun Fact: An English golfer Arthur Benson Shot 76 with a cricket bat on a 6,547 yard golf course in 1939.",
"Optimal Shaft Length. Big Bertha Fusion is offered in two stock shaft lengths, 44.5 and 45.5â. The shorter length promotes more head control and a higher smash factor for high ball speed; the longer length promotes faster swing speed for high ball speed.",
"Series 4 medium/heavy pto shaft. Minimum working length is 51.5. Maximum working length is 70.9. Tractor end is 1-3/8 6 splined (540) Implement end is 1-1/4 round with a 3/8 shear pin. Weight of the shaft is 31 lbs. We stock all replacement parts for everything we sell. We also have post hole digger gearboxes.",
"The longer shaft, which many people assume is an automatic trick to generating more clubhead speed, didn't work at all. It threw my timing off, and I didn't hit the ball much farther even when I nailed it. I did much better with my standard 44½-inch driver, simply swinging a little harder.he instantly increased her carry distance to 215 yards with the same amount of roll she had before. Angie isn't much different from most male amateurs in that the quickest shortcut to more distance is getting a driver with more loft. And don't stop there; get a light, properly fitted shaft, too.",
"Distance[edit] Professional long drivers can average over 350 yards (320 m) in competition, compared with 300 yard (274 m) averages from the top PGA Tour drivers and 200 yards (183 m) for an average amateur. Some shots in competitions surpass 400 yards (366 m).",
"Because golf club distance depends more on the player than on the clubs. Went out yesterday with my son; 18yrs old 6'0, 143lbs (yeah, a skinny guy), his longest drive straight down the alley 303yds (measured), his average drive 275yds. My longest drive, maybe 185yds, my average drive 165yds.",
"Making the world better, one answer at a time. The length of the club car golf car is 94.5 inches while the width is 47 inches.In centimeters, the length is 240cm while the width is 119cm.aking the world better, one answer at a time. The length of the club car golf car is 94.5 inches while the width is 47 inches.",
"World number one Lee Westwood drives the ball an average of 295 yards. The record for the longest golf drive has stood unbeaten for 35 years and was achieved with a wooden club, so have three decades of improving golfing technology failed to make an impression?"
] |
what type of digestion does the mouth use | [
"Both mechanical and chemical. Chewing, also called mastication, is using your teeth with the help of your tongue to break down food into smaller particles, and the other a chemical process where salivary amylase which is a digestive enzyme that helps break down carbohydrates. 1 person found this useful."
] | [
"This type of fiber speeds digestion and makes your stools bulky and soft. Soluble fiber slows down digestion and helps nutrients absorb through intestinal walls, but it does not work to soften your stool.his type of fiber speeds digestion and makes your stools bulky and soft. Soluble fiber slows down digestion and helps nutrients absorb through intestinal walls, but it does not work to soften your stool.",
"What three processes does food undergo in the digestive system? A. Digestion, movement, absorption B. Digestion, elimination, restoration C. Digestion, absorption, elimination D.hat three processes does food undergo in the digestive system? A. Digestion, movement, absorption B. Digestion, elimination, restoration C. Digestion, absorption, elimination D.",
"kindle app file extension, kindle app file format, kindle app file formats, kindle app file type, kindle app file types, what file format does kindle app use, what file type does kindle app use, what file type does the kindle app use, what format does kindle app use, what type of file does kindle app use",
"1. Lozenges. Lozenge is the most common over the counter oral thrush treatment that is recommended by many health experts. Lozenge will help you cure infections around or in your mouth, tongue or throat. When you have oral thrush, you should choose sugar-free lozenges that can help you keep your mouth moist.",
"what does Eupepsia refer to what ChaCha Answer: Eupepsia - (noun) good digestion. From the Greek eupeptos. Dyspepsia - (noun) impaired digestion; indigestion. From the Greek duspepsia.",
"Lime has an irresistible aroma which causes your mouth to water and this aids primary digestion (the digestive saliva floods your mouth even before you taste it). The natural acidity in lime does the rest."
] |
effects of the medication zyban | [
"Note: This page contains side effects data for the generic drug bupropion. It is possible that some of the dosage forms included below may not apply to the brand name Zyban. Applies to bupropion: oral tablet, oral tablet extended release, oral tablet extended release 12 hr, oral tablet extended release 24 hr.",
"The most common side effects of bupropion are: 1 nervousness. 2 constipation. 3 trouble sleeping. 4 dry mouth. 5 headache. 6 nausea. 7 vomiting. 8 and shakiness (tremor)"
] | [
"Eye Medication Side Effects. Any medication can have side effects, eye medications included. Eye drops can cause redness, blurry vision, light sensitivity, narrowing of the pupils and stinging.ye Medication Side Effects. Any medication can have side effects, eye medications included. Eye drops can cause redness, blurry vision, light sensitivity, narrowing of the pupils and stinging.",
"Life-threatening side effects may occur if you take Onmel with cisapride, dihydroergotamine, disopyramide, dofetilide, dronedarone, eplerenone, ergonovine, ergotamine, felodipine, irinotecan, ivabradine, lurasidone, lovastatin, methadone, methylergonovine, oral midazolam, nisoldipine, pimozide, quinidine, ranolazine, simvastatin, ticagrelor, or triazolam.",
"Applies to simvastatin: oral suspension, oral tablet, oral tablet disintegrating. As well as its needed effects, simvastatin may cause unwanted side effects that require medical attention. If any of the following side effects occur while taking simvastatin, check with your doctor immediately:",
"25 Jul 2011. Hey vyay, Lisinopril, a hypertension medication, may have the serious side effect of low blood sodium which can cause mental or mood changes. I would consult with the prescribing doctor as soon as possible before discontinuing this medication.",
"Do not take this medication if you are allergic to sinecatechins, the extract of green tea leaves, or any ingredients of the medication. What side effects are possible with this medication? Many medications can cause side effects. A side effect is an unwanted response to a medication when it is taken in normal doses. Side effects can be mild or severe, temporary or permanent. The side effects listed below are not experienced by everyone who uses this medication.",
"Stopping treatment due to the side effects: 1 20 people out of 100 taking duloxetine or milnacipran stopped medication due to side effects. 2 11 people out of 100 taking fake medication stopped medication due to side effects.",
"Long-term haemodynamic effects of isosorbide 5-mononitrate in patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Garcia-GarcÃa PAGAN, Pagán Jc, Feu F, Navasa M, Bru c Ruiz Del, Arbol L, Bosch J. Rodes Rodés, J Liver unit Hospital, Clinic clÃnic I, Provincial. university of barcelona spain",
"Antipsychotic Side-effect Checklist (ASC) - Overview n Communication with patients about side-effects improves medication adherence. n The ASC was designed to assess for various side-effects of antipsychotic medication and the subjective distress associated with the side-effects.ntipsychotic Side-effect Checklist (ASC) - Overview n Communication with patients about side-effects improves medication adherence. n The ASC was designed to assess for various side-effects of antipsychotic medication and the subjective distress associated with the side-effects.",
"Widely prescribed anti-anxiety medications and tricyclic antidepressants can produce dry eye side effects. Symptoms of blurred vision, cycloplegia and dry eye are transient and reversible.7. Two well-known antidepressants are Zoloft (sertraline, Pfizer) and Paxil (paroxetine, GlaxoSmithKline).",
"Do not use this medication if you are allergic to mupirocin or any ingredients of the medication. What side effects are possible with this medication? Many medications can cause side effects."
] |
how much vitamin a should we get a day | [
"For adults, the recommended dietary reference intake for vitamin C is 65 to 90 milligrams (mg) a day, and the upper limit is 2,000 mg a day. Although too much dietary vitamin C is unlikely to be harmful, megadoses of vitamin C supplements may cause: Diarrhea."
] | [
"how much spending money - Argentina Forum. how much spending money. how much spending money should we bring for 11 days? we'll have breakfast at our hotel each day, and i've already figured in money for any activities we'll be doing, so I'm just trying to get an idea of how much we'll need for eating, drinking and getting around. how much should we budget for public transportation?",
"How Many Sheets Per Day. Do you guys prefer 2 or 3 man hangin crews and how much should they get done per day (TOTAL not per guy).Lets use 12' sheets and smaller as an example (we can't get anything longer here) and a 2000 sq ft house with 9' ceilings.ow Many Sheets Per Day. Do you guys prefer 2 or 3 man hangin crews and how much should they get done per day (TOTAL not per guy).",
"I'm confused about vitamin D. How much should I take? A. There's considerable controversy as to whether most people should take a vitamin D supplement at all. Most of the vitamin D in our bodies is made by our skin, when it is exposed to sunlight. In contrast to most other vitamins, we don't get much vitamin D in our diet. Authorities recommend, however, that children from age 1, and adults through age 70, take 600 international units (IU) daily, and that adults 71 years and older take 800 IU daily.",
"The new 2010 recommended daily allowance (RDA) is 600 IU for those 1-70 years of age and pregnant or breastfeeding women, and 800 IU for those over 71 years of age. An adequate blood level of vitamin D is 20 nanograms per milliliter, which can be achieved through daily skin exposure to sunlight.or prostate cancer treatment, 10 micrograms of doxercalciferol has been taken by mouth daily for 28 days. A dose of 45 micrograms of calcitriol (DN-101) has been taken by mouth weekly for three weeks out of every four weeks. Doses of 400-1,100 IU of vitamin D have been taken by mouth daily for 4-7 years.",
"1 1000IU per day is the minimum dose that can be expected to significantly raise an adults Vitamin D level and is the current recommendation of the Canadian Cancer Society. 2 1000IU per day is considered conservative by experts in the field.",
"Iâm Dr. Melina Jampolis and Iâm a medical doctor that specializes in nutrition. Many of my patients often ask me, âHow much Vitamin D do I need?â A typical dose is 1,000-2,000 IUs a day. But many people may require 5,000-10,000 IUs a day if theyâre found to be deficient. Nature Made has a variety of forms and doses of Vitamin D to help you and your healthcare practitioner determine the right supplement dose for you. For more information, go to www.naturemade.com. Recommended Resources",
"However a tablespoon of single cream (15g) provides 44µg of vitamin A and this is only 6% and 7% of the recommended daily requirement for men and women respectively (aged 19-50 years).espite cream providing vitamin A it is important that vitamin A is obtained from a variety of foods in the diet. Cream should only be consumed in small quantities as part of a healthy, balanced diet.",
"If you need to take Vitamin A capsules for your skin, you could take them in the form of retinyl palmitate or retinol supplements. The typical recommended dosage of Vitamin A capsules is 900 micrograms or 3,000 IU for men and 700 micrograms or 2,333 IU for women, notes the University of Maryland Medical Center.bout Vitamin A Capsules for the Skin. Vitamin A capsules can provide many benefits for your skin. Photo Credit areeya_ann/iStock/Getty Images. Also called retinol, Vitamin A is an essential nutrient that has many different functions in your body and is stored in your liver.",
"The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin A during pregnancy is 1,000 RE, which is equal to 3,300 IU of retinol or retinyl esters or 5,000 U in an average U.S. diet containing a mixture of retinol and carotenoids (Food and Nutrition Board, 1980) (Table 2).he recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin A during pregnancy is 1,000 RE, which is equal to 3,300 IU of retinol or retinyl esters or 5,000 U in an average U.S. diet containing a mixture of retinol and carotenoids (Food and Nutrition Board, 1980) (Table 2).",
"Vitamin D supplements can be taken with or without food. While your body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium, you do not need to take vitamin D at the same time as a calcium supplement. If you need help choosing a vitamin D supplement, ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist to recommend one. How Much Vitamin D Should You Supplement? To figure out how much vitamin D you need from a supplement, subtract the total amount of vitamin D you get each day from the recommended total daily amount for your age. For example, a 55 year old woman who gets 400 IU of vitamin D from her calcium supplement should take between 400 and 600 additional IU of vitamin D to meet the 800 â 1,000 IU recommended for her age.",
"Recommended Intakes. Postmenopausal women, especially those older than 70, should increase their daily vitamin D intake from 15 micrograms, or 600 IU, to 20 micrograms, or 800 IU, according to the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements.he National Osteoporosis Foundation recommends even higher daily intakes of 800 to 1,000 IU of vitamin D. Since the Institute of Medicine sets the tolerable upper intake level -- the maximum amount of a nutrient likely to pose no health risks -- at 4,000 IU per day, women can safely take these increased amounts.",
"While you technically donât need to get vitamin A every day because your body can tap into your vitamin A stores to keep functioning, you should try to meet your recommended daily intake of the nutrient to avoid depleting your reserves.",
"Iron is best absorbed if taken with vitamin C but not at the same time as Vitamin E. Vitamin C Begin with 1,000 mg a meal for a total of 3,000 mg per day. Your goal is bowel tolerance, which may be anywhere between 20,000 to 100,000 mg per day or even higher.It would be ideal to take some vitamin C every half hour you are awake, which is a real nuisance.ron is best absorbed if taken with vitamin C but not at the same time as Vitamin E. Vitamin C Begin with 1,000 mg a meal for a total of 3,000 mg per day. Your goal is bowel tolerance, which may be anywhere between 20,000 to 100,000 mg per day or even higher.",
"Research is mixed about whether calcium intakes above 1,400 mg per day can put people at risk for chronic disease. If you take a calcium supplement, itâs best not to go overboard. Most vegans taking 250-300 mg per day would not come close to 1,400 mg. Vitamin D.",
"Vitamin A in your child's diet. 1 Get the scoop on how much vitamin A children need, why vitamin A is important for kids, the best food sources, and how much vit... 2 Get the scoop on how much vitamin E children need, why vitamin E is important for kids, the best food sources, and how much vit..."
] |
what are the characteristics of a rat terrier | [
"The Rat Terrier is an intelligent, alert and loving dog. It is very inquisitive and lively. This affectionate dog makes an excellent companion for those who will enjoy an energetic dog. They are good with children, especially if they are raised with them from puppyhood.",
"They are, for the most part, friendly with strangers. Rat Terriers make good watchdogs. These dogs are quick, very playful and are not yappers. The temperament of these dogs is pure terrier. The lively, feisty, fearless nature can be found in the best of terriers. They are eager to please and respond and pick training up faster than most dogs. The Rat Terrier is a very well-mannered, well-rounded dog."
] | [
"Its distinctive head not only shows off its keen and determined expression, but also its great jaw strength. Its gait is smooth and easy. Its skin is tight, and its coat short, flat and harsh. Exuberant, comical, playful, assertive and very mischievous describes the bull terrier. It is an imaginative breed that often sees things its own way and is stubborn to the end. It needs daily physical and mental exercise lest it exercise its powerful jaws on your home.",
"Some notable terriers of this disposition are American Staffordshire Terrier or AmStaff, Airedale Terrier and Bedlington Terrier. One of the major features Terrier Dogs have is their capability to respond well to training.erriers are primarily bred to help hunters in catching vermin, otter, foxes, rats and the likes. Newer breeds though tend to be so domesticated that they are now included in the companion and toy breeds. As with many other dog breeds, Terrier Dogs have diverse characteristics that set one type from another.",
"The dogâs long, fluffy coat is a distinct Yorkie trait, and it tends to look scruffy if not a bit disheveled. Their coat may prevent them from looking like a classic beauty, but it ramps up their cute factor by an ample amount. The primary trait the Chorkie gets from the Chihuahua is their head. They do have a rounded skull, not unlike the classic apple head Chihuahua, and this shape enables their eyes to appear very round and expressive. One look from this dog could turn you into putty in their paws.",
"Easy. 1 The Rat Terrier is also known as the American Rat Terrier to emphasize its country of origin. 2 The American Kennel Club (AKC) recognized the breed in 2009. 3 Founded in 1993, the Rat Terrier Club of America (RTCA) is the official parent club for the dog.",
"Body Type: Overall impression is of a large, robust, long legged terrier full of fire and spirit. Height: 22-24 inches (at shoulder) Weight: 44-50 pounds. Whiskers and a goatee. Button ears are folded forward and carried to the side of the head; they are not altered.",
"Terrier Dog Breed Characteristics. Terriers are known for their sassy personalities and their penchant for picking fights with much larger dogs. Most of the breeds in this group are small, such as the Norfolk and Cairn, but there are also large terriers in the mix, such as the regal Airedale. The name terrier comes from the Latin word âterra,â meaning earth.",
"There are three types of dogs that have long, corded fur which resembles dreadlocks. The Puli, Komondor, and Bergamasco shepherd all have this mop-like appearance. Their high maintenance cording requires special care to keep from becoming matted and smelly.",
"Norfolk terrier (English breed of small terrier with a straight wiry grizzled coat and dropped ears). Norwich terrier (English breed of small short-legged terrier with a straight wiry red or grey or black-and-tan coat and erect ears).Yorkshire terrier (very small breed having a long glossy coat of bluish-grey and tan). rat terrier; ratter (any of several breeds of terrier developed to catch rats).fox terrier (small lively black-and-white terriers formerly used to dig out foxes).kye terrier (Scottish breed of terrier with shaggy hair and long low body with short legs; native to the Isle of Skye). soft-coated wheaten terrier (Irish breed of medium-sized terrier with an abundant coat any shade of wheat and very hairy head and muzzle).",
"26 types of terrier are recognised by the AKC which makes the terrier group varied and versatile indeed. Smart witted and feisty,try this must read quick guide to all types of terrier dogs.erriers are not so good for people: Who keep small animals especially rodents, even cats for larger terriers. Terriers retain a strong prey instinct and usually need to be socialised from puppyhood if they are to be relaxed around squeeking critters.",
"Rat's Personality by Blood Types. 1 Blood Type O: They are positive, kind, and warm hearted. People admire their uprightness and principles. 2 Blood Type A: They are acute and thoughtful, for they can always sense the subtle changes of others. Tidy and orderly, they can always make the living place comfortable and cozy.",
"The Whippet contributed the speed and agility and probably the blue and brindle colors. The smallest variety was derived from the Smooth Fox Terrier and Chihuahua. The Rat Terrier proved to be one of the best in the rat-baiting pits. One Rat Terrier is reported to have killed over 2,501 rats in a span of only seven hours in a rat infested barn. The Rat Terrier is a hard-working farm hand, able to rid an infested barn of vermin with no problem.",
"Rats are, in my opinion, the very best pets for people looking for a small animal companion. They are smart, adorable, easily trainable, social, and if given the proper exercise and nutrition they can live around two to three years. Rats are super cute, adorable little creatures that come in a wide variety of coat colors, textures, and breeds.",
"The UKC gives this description of the characteristics of the American Pit Bull Terrier: The essential characteristics of the American Pit Bull Terrier are strength, confidence, and zest for life. This breed is eager to please and brimming over with enthusiasm.",
"Rat Terrier facts including: history, training/temperament, and breed colors and markings. Rat Terrier facts including: history, training/temperament, and breed colors and markings. Home",
"Skye Terrier. The Skye is a typical Terrier: tough and tenacious with a propensity for barking and digging. He has a long silky gray coat that is relatively easy to care for, and his large ears can stand upright or hang down. The Skye is cautious with strangers and prefers adults to children.",
"True rats are members of the genus Rattus, the most important of which to humans are the black rat, Rattus rattus, and the brown rat, Rattus norvegicus.Many members of other rodent genera and families are also referred to as rats, and share many characteristics with true rats.rue rats are members of the genus Rattus, the most important of which to humans are the black rat, Rattus rattus, and the brown rat, Rattus norvegicus.",
"It is likely, however, that the majority of Jack-A-Bees will have traits common in both the Jack Russell Terrier and the Beagle. Jack-A-Bees are athletic, compact dogs. The Jack-A-Bee looks like a slightly bigger, rounder version of the Jack Russell Terrier. It has soft, floppy ears that are inclined to fall forward onto the cheek. The coat of the Jack-A-Bee is tight and sleek to the touch.",
"Characteristics [edit]. Three-toed sloths are about the size of a small dog or a large cat, with the head and body having a combined length around 45 cm (18 in) and a weight of 3.5â4.5 kg (8â10 lb). Unlike the two-toed sloths, they also have short tails of 6â7 cm (2â3 in), and they have three clawed toes on each limb.he four living species of three-toed sloths are the brown-throated sloth, the maned sloth, the pale-throated sloth, and the pygmy three-toed sloth.",
"Shelters and rescue groups are able to assess the personality of each Rat Terrier for adoption, and carefully match you up with the right dog for your lifestyle. When you adopt a puppy, there is a lot more guesswork involved.",
"Terriers are not so good for people: Who lack confidence in controlling their dog, The terrierâs traits of fronting up larger challenges can mean they spar or scrap with other dogs, unless trained and socialised properly this can lead to some dangerous confrontations especially with the more powerful terrier dog breeds.erriers are not so good for people: Who keep small animals especially rodents, even cats for larger terriers. Terriers retain a strong prey instinct and usually need to be socialised from puppyhood if they are to be relaxed around squeeking critters.",
"Hample and Maisy are Sprague Dawley female rats, an albino breed of rats that are commonly used in research laboratories. Sprague Dawley rats were first bred by the Sprague Dawley farm in Madison, Wisconsin in 1925 through multiple crosses with a single-hooded male and six albino female rats. The rats average about 5 grams of food per day per 100 grams of body weight and about 10-12 milliliters of water per 100 grams of body weight. The typical litter size of this rat is 10.5 and their average weight is 250-300 grams for females. The average life expectancy is between 2.5 and 3.5 years. Their respiratory rate is between 75 and 115 breaths per minute. Rats can breed between the ages of 65 and 100 days in both sexes. The rats are known for their tame disposition ...",
"Rat Terrier - a purebred, medium dog from United States with a typical lifespan of 23 years, height of 18 inches, and weight of 31 pounds. The #101 AKC breed. See data on personality, health, cost of ownership, and more.",
"The Rat Terrier is AKCâs 178th breed. At the July 2012 Board Meeting the Rat Terrier Club of America became the official parent club for the Rat Terrier. The Rat Terrier has been assigned the Terrier Group designation.",
"A spirited little dog bred to root small animals, such as fox, rats and otter, from their lairs, the Cairn Terrier is known for his tenacity. A quick learner, the Cairn instinctively likes to dig and chase small animals.ndoor/Outdoor. A spirited little dog bred to root small animals, such as fox, rats and otter, from their lairs, the Cairn Terrier is known for his tenacity. A quick learner, the Cairn instinctively likes to dig and chase small animals. This terrier has a compact body and broad head with a bushy topknot and eyebrows.",
"The best-known rat species are the black rat (Rattus rattus) and the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus). The group is generally known as the Old World rats or true rats, and originated in Asia. Rats are bigger than most Old World mice, which are their relatives, but seldom weigh over 500 grams (1.1 lb) in the wild.rue rats are members of the genus Rattus, the most important of which to humans are the black rat, Rattus rattus, and the brown rat, Rattus norvegicus.",
"Noodle the Rat-Cha (Chihuahua / Rat Terrier mix) at 1 year old. Noodle the Rat-Cha (Chihuahua / Rat Terrier mix) at 1 year old. Noodle the Rat-Cha (Chihuahua / Rat Terrier mix) at 1 year old. Chihuahua / Rat Terrier mix (Rat-Cha)âher owner says,She passed away July 2005 at 13 years of age.",
"Rattus rattus) is a medium to large rat (5-7 inches long). The tail is slender and usually longer than the head and body combined. The black rat, primarily an arboreal species, is an expert climber and wire scaler, and moderately susceptible to plague infection. This rat is found in agricultural areas, wooded gulches, kiawe forests, and both",
"If you thought that the terrier was a single dog breed, you're in for a pleasant surprise -- there are many types! Learn about the different terriers and how each breed is unique. Terriers arenât actually a single breed of dog, but rather a group originally bred for controlling pests like rats and rabbits. The AKC lists 30 types of terriers, and the UKC lists 44! Terriers dog breeds vary in size and characteristics, but they are known for their active, distinct personalities and wiry coats.",
"The brown rat is a rather large true murid and can weigh twice as much as a black rat and many times more than a house mouse. The length is commonly in the range of 20 to 25 cm (8 to 10 in), with the tail a further 18 to 25 cm (7 to 10 in), thus being roughly the same length as the body.he brown rat, also referred to as common rat, street rat, sewer rat, Hanover rat, Norway rat, brown Norway rat, Norwegian rat, or wharf rat (Rattus norvegicus) is one of the best known and most common rats.",
"The Rat Terrier typically weighs between 22 to 40 pounds, right about average for a dog's weight. It's typically 16 to 19 inches in height.",
"Many Rat Terrier dogs in shelters or with rescue groups are already trained and ready to go! Adults have a much longer attention span than puppies, too, which means they're easier and faster to teach. Adult dogs already have recognizable personality traits, so you'll be able to select one who is great with children.",
"The Rat Terrier life expectancy is about 25 years. Well, the long life span of Rat Terrier will never make you feel lonely and keep your house lively. The average Rat Terrier life span is about 15 - 18 years. With good dog care you can extend the life span of Rat Terrier to over 25 years. Many experts even say the Rat Terrier life expectancy is just 13 to 16 years.",
"Feist dogs, as a breed, are what we now call the Rat Terrier. The Rat Terrier is considered the progenitor of, and a specific breed within, the Feist umbrella. Because the word Feist refers to a general type of dog just as hound and terrier refer to a group of breeds, Rat Terriers are still often called feists.",
"The Rat Terrier needs a good amount of exercise. This breed needs to be taken on a daily long walk or jog. It should have at least 20-30 minutes a day, but would enjoy much more. The breed enjoys challenging games and outdoor romps.",
"The Flat Coated Retriever Dog Breed has a personality and temperament that is intelligent and energetic. While this breed requires plenty of mental stimulation and exercise, Flatties are wonderful family pets and will bond very closely with family members. They also get along great with other pets.",
"Characteristics[edit] Three-toed sloths are about the size of a small dog or a large cat, with the head and body having a combined length around 45 cm (18 in) and a weight of 3.5â4.5 kg (8â10 lb). Unlike the two-toed sloths, they also have short tails of 6â7 cm (2â3 in), and they have three clawed toes on each limb.",
"Comments. 1 My Rat Terriers hair stands up, its so cute she wants to rip someone to shreds and she's not even a foot tall. 2 the Ridge back an excellent guard dog whose hair stands up along his back. 3 cane corso , they are very protective, their whole back stands up when they're defending their home. 4 All of them (except the hairless breeds).",
"Terriers are not so good for people: Who lack confidence in controlling their dog, The terrierâs traits of fronting up larger challenges can mean they spar or scrap with other dogs, unless trained and socialised properly this can lead to some dangerous confrontations especially with the more powerful terrier dog breeds.6 types of terrier are recognised by the AKC which makes the terrier group varied and versatile indeed. Smart witted and feisty,try this must read quick guide to all types of terrier dogs.",
"Rattle Griffon (Griffon Rat Terrier). Nevada SPCA The mix of a Brussels Griffon and a Rat Terrier, this is another small breed that is very alert. They are not known for being good with children, however, and are better with families with no kids or teens. Maximum Life Expectancy: 18 Years.",
"Rattle Griffon (Griffon Rat Terrier) The mix of a Brussels Griffon and a Rat Terrier, this is another small breed that is very alert. They are not known for being good with children, however, and are better with families with no kids or teens.",
"Noodle the Rat-Cha (Chihuahua / Rat Terrier mix) at 1 year oldâHe is full of personality and loves to make up his own games! He sits at the top of our stairs and nudges a ball off the top step with his nose, then tries to get to the bottom step before the ball does! Although he loves to play, he is more of snuggler!",
"Originally bred as ratters, the breed has become more of a companion dog and is one of the most popular dogs in the country. Your Yorkshire Terrier puppy will be filled with energy and curiosity; always ready for a romp. Above all, he's a loyal, loving and gentle friend, who is happiest spending time with his people.",
"The Rat Terrier is an American breed whose family tree has roots extending back to England. In the early 1800âs the terrier of the day was crossed with the bulldog of the day, resulting in the first bull-n-terriers.",
"As a working dog that has shorter legs and is smaller than most in its breed group, the Australian terrier developed a gait that allows it to cover a fair ground area. The breed has a long head, dark nose, angular-shaped ears, dark luminous eyes, a scissors bite, and a strong chest.",
"The Decker Rat Terrier is a strain of the breed that is gaining popularity. It first began with a dog owned by avid hunter Milton Decker, who felt his own dog, Henry, possessed terrific qualities that he wanted to preserve in his breeding program.",
"The Yorkshire Terrier is a small dog breed of terrier type, developed during the 19th century in Yorkshire, England, to catch rats in clothing mills. The defining feature of the breed is its maximum size of 7 pounds (3.2 kg), although some may exceed this and grow up to 15 pounds (6.8 kg).",
"Breed's Talents and Facts. 1 The Rat Terrier is also known as the American Rat Terrier to emphasize its country of origin. 2 The American Kennel Club (AKC) recognized the breed in 2009. 3 Founded in 1993, the Rat Terrier Club of America (RTCA) is the official parent club for the dog.",
"The Rat Terrier life expectancy is about 25 years. Well, the long life span of Rat Terrier will never make you feel lonely and keep your house lively. The average Rat Terrier life span is about 15 - 18 years.With good dog care you can extend the life span of Rat Terrier to over 25 years. Many experts even say the Rat Terrier life expectancy is just 13 to 16 years.ell, the long life span of Rat Terrier will never make you feel lonely and keep your house lively. The average Rat Terrier life span is about 15 - 18 years.",
"This terrier must have a strong neck, powerful jaws and teeth, the fortitude to hold its quarry at bay, and the ability to squeeze into tight burrows. He must have great flexibility and endurance. The Patterdale is an extremely courageous working terrier, traditionally used to go to ground. Patterdales are extremely willing to work and have a high desire to please. They are very active and have a strong prey drive; and though they should be peaceful with humans, livestock and other dogs, they are not a dog for the average pet owner.",
"True rats are members of the genus Rattus, the most important of which to humans are the black rat, Rattus rattus, and the brown rat, Rattus norvegicus.Many members of other rodent genera and families are also referred to as rats, and share many characteristics with true rats.he term rat is also used in the names of other small mammals which are not true rats. Examples include the North American pack rats, a number of species loosely called kangaroo rats, and others.",
"There are also miniature Rat Terriers that stand under 13 inches and larger Rat Terriers that weigh more than 25 pounds. Most kennel clubs recognize both standard and miniature size divisions, but recognition of the giant Rat Terriers varies by individual club.",
"History of the Rat Terrier Chihuahua Mix. The Rat-chi was introduced for the very first time in the 1990s, and since then, it has often been claimed as the âbestâ designer dog. Temperament and Behavior. The Ratchas are affectionate and mostly long for attention.",
"An American breed, Rat Terriers are known to reach speeds of up to 27 mph. As the name suggests, they were originally used by British migrants in rat-baiting. However, due to their quick agility they soon became used for vermin control, hunting animals like squirrels and hares, particularly in American farms.",
"Embed the breed standard on your site. Download the complete breed standard or club flier PDFs. 01 02 03 04 05 06. General Appearance The Skye Terrier is a dog of style, elegance and dignity: agile and strong with sturdy bone and hard muscle. Long, low and level-he is twice as long as he is high-he is covered with a profuse coat that falls straight down either side of the body over oval-shaped ribs. The hair well feathered on the head veils forehead and eyes to serve as protection from brush and briar as well as amid serious encounters with other animals.",
"Characteristics: Norway rats have brownish fur, a yellowish-white belly and a scaly tail. Size: Adults generally weigh between 10 and 18 ounces and can reach lengths up to 18 inches, from nose to tail. Lifespan: The typical Norway rat in the city lives about six months to a year.",
"A Rattle is a mix between a Rat Terrier and a Poodle. They come in a variety of colors and their coats can range from wavy to straight.oat is medium length and can take on the wavy coat of the Poodle, or the straight coat of the Rat Terrier. *Many people with allergies prefer a poodle mix dog as their fur is more hypoallergenic than most dogs (a characteristic inherited from the Poodle).",
"Rat Terrier/Chihuahua Mix. Chile is an adorable rat terrier mix. He is 8 months old and weighs about 8 lbs. Chile has a super personality, loves to play with people and other dogs. He would do great in a home with another dog who can help him learn the ropes. He also gets along with cats, birds and guinea pigs!",
"The bull terrier personality is still more docile, intelligent obedient, faithful to his master and submissiveness strong, on children's special kind and friendly, kind patience, such as take care of proper, can become the faithful family guard dog. Body type. When viewed from the front, the chest is broad. There is great depth from the withers to the brisket, the brisket being nearer to the ground than the belly. The underline forms a graceful upward curve. Ribs are well sprung and the back is short and level behind the withers.",
"Various claims for 'Nipper' are Jack Russell Terrier, American Bull Terrier, Rat Terrier, Fox Terrier and Dalmatian. Part Bull Terrier and part Fox Terrier.<br /><br /><br />Various claims for 'Nipper' are Jack Russell Terrier, American Bull Terrier, Rat Terrier, Fox Terrier and Dalmatian.",
"English Bull Terrier Temperament, Personality, Behavior, Traits, and Characteristics, by Michele Welton. The Bull Terrier is sweet-tempered, yet also rowdy and clownish, full of fire and determination. This muscular, forceful, vigorous dog does best with active families, for he has a high energy level that comes in spurts and bursts.",
"The Rat-Cha is not a purebred dog. It is a cross between the Chihuahua and the Rat Terrier. The best way to determine the temperament of a mixed breed is to look up all breeds in the cross and know you can get any combination of any of the characteristics found in either breed.",
"The Scottish Terrier is a small and resilient dog with short legs that can move exceptionally fast. They have a muscular neck and body, short sturdy legs, which all contributes to their great strength and agility. They are great diggers with their large paws.Their small eyes are dark brown or black and almond shaped.escription. The Scottish Terrier, also known as the Aberdeen Terrier, is a strong and sturdy breed of little dog that is often called just the Scottie. He has a distinctive and unique shape and profile, which the dog is known for.",
"The Rat Terrier is also known as the American Rat Terrier to emphasize its country of origin The American Kennel Club (AKC) recognized the breed in 2009 Founded in 1993, the Rat Terrier Club of America (RTCA) is the official parent club for the dog"
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can you put flaxseed oil onto eyes | [
"Flaxseed oil and fish oil contain important dietary fatty acids that have multiple health benefits, including prevention or control of dry eyes. Other benefits include a lower risk of heart disease and a reduction of chronic inflammation that can lead to a variety of serious diseases, including cancer and stroke."
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"Flaxseed oil, also known as linseed oil, plays a role in healthy skin care as well. Flax seeds are cultivated from a flowering plant that is readily grown in Western Canada. Oil obtained from the flax seeds is beneficial for the skin and body because it is one if not the richest source of omega-3 fatty acids.",
"If you take more than 30 grams of flaxseed oil (about two tablespoonfuls a day), you might experience diarrhea or loose stools. Flaxseed oil is obtained from flaxseed, but does not cause all of the bothersome flaxseed side effects. Flaxseeds (which have a high fiber content) often cause gas and bloating.Flaxseed oil (which does not contain fiber) is not likely to cause such side effects.f you take more than 30 grams of flaxseed oil (about two tablespoonfuls a day), you might experience diarrhea or loose stools. Flaxseed oil is obtained from flaxseed, but does not cause all of the bothersome flaxseed side effects. Flaxseeds (which have a high fiber content) often cause gas and bloating.",
"1 Dip a couple of cotton balls in olive oil and rub them over your face to remove makeup. You can also moisten a cotton pad with olive oil and use it to remove makeup on your eyes. In addition to removing makeup, the oil can also soften the skin around your eyes.",
"Expertly designed Linseed Eye Heat Pack to help Dry Eyes and manufactured to order in the UK. 1 Eye-shaped design for maximum coverage. 2 Contains cleaned, UK-grown linseed. 3 Can help to relief the symptoms of dry eyes. 4 Optional Provence Lavender. 5 Warm in the microwave for effective use. 6 BS8433 regulation compliant. 7 Order.",
"You too can use olive oil to rejuvenate skin and get rid of wrinkles under your eyes. Simply warm two teaspoons of olive oil on the stove or in a microwave. The warmth of the oil helps it to penetrate to lower levels of skin where it can help restore your skinâs collagen and elastin.",
"Cucumber is another soothing remedy for eye rash. All you have to do is cut up the cucumbers in thick slices and soak them in cold water. Now place these cold cucumber slices on your eyes. The slices would warm up. As soon as they become warm, discard them and place another couple of slices on your eyes.",
"Consume ground flaxseed with other liquids. You can put the ground flaxseed in a liquid or consume it with a liquid on the side. Your intestines may be obstructed if you consume flaxseed without enough water or liquid. 4. Soak the seeds before you put them in smoothies or juices.Soaking the ground seeds will give them a soft, chewy texture that blends well in your smoothie or juice. 1 Put one heaping spoonful of ground flaxseed in a bowl. 2 Pour enough water to submerge the seeds and cover the bowl.art 1 of 3: Adding Flaxseed to Your Diet. 1. Start with a small dose of flaxseed. Ground flaxseed, also referred to as âmilled flaxseedâ or âflax mealâ, can cause bloating and abdominal discomfort if you do not give your body time to adjust to it.",
"If you donât eat fish or other seafood, you can get omega-3s from ground flaxseed or flaxseed oil, chia seeds, walnuts, canola oil, and soy oil. One to two servings per day can help you avoid a deficiency of omega-3s.",
"Answers (3) 1 Yes, the olive oil can work well on dry eyes. Because dry eyes often stem from a deficiency in essential fatty acids, and it is an increasing problem in this era of low fat diets, while Omega-3 fatty acids is found to reduce the risk of dry eyes and work well on dry eyes, since it is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.",
"Linseed oil, also known as flaxseed oil, is a colourless to yellowish oil obtained from the dried, ripened seeds of the flax plant (Linum usitatissimum). The oil is obtained by pressing, sometimes followed by solvent extraction.",
"Expertly designed Linseed Eye Heat Pack to help Dry Eyes and manufactured to order in the UK. 1 Eye-shaped design for maximum coverage. 2 Contains cleaned, UK-grown linseed. 3 Can help to relief the symptoms of dry eyes. 4 Optional Provence Lavender. 5 Warm in the microwave for effective use.",
"Report Abuse. Chlorophyll works on the Liver and probably works a little but Flax Seed Oil has omega 3,6 &9 in it and works on the Kidneys and will oxygenate the blood better.",
"In cases of lupus, flaxseed oil not only reduces inflammation in the joints, skin and kidneys, but also lowers cholesterol levels that may be elevated by the disease. (8) Taking flaxseed oil for gout may lessen the often sudden and severe joint pain or swelling that is a symptom of this condition.",
"Flax Seed Benefits for Skin. Flaxseeds and its oil contain several skin-friendly nutrients that can help to improve the health of the skin. Flaxseed oil is added to a number of skin care products like shower gels, moisturizers and sunscreen.",
"Treating acne, eczema, psoriasis, sunburn and rosacea. The essential fatty acids in flaxseed oil are largely responsible for its skin-healing powers. Red, itchy patches of eczema, psoriasis and rosacea often respond to the EFA's anti-inflammatory actions and overall skin-soothing properties. Sunburned skin may heal faster when treated with the oil as well.",
"1 Dry skin. 2 There is inconsistent evidence about the effects of flaxseed oil for dry skin. 3 Some research suggests that taking flaxseed oil by mouth with alpha-tocopherol daily for 12 weeks does not improve skin moisture in women with dry skin. Prostate cancer. 2 Research is inconsistent on the effect of the flaxseed oil ingredient, alpha-linolenic acid, in prostate cancer. 3 Some research suggests that high dietary intake of alpha-linolenic acid is linked with an increased risk for prostate cancer.",
"âIf using ground flaxseeds, just add 1 or 2 tablespoons of to an 8-ounce glass of water and mix. For heart disease prevention, gout, lupus, acne, eczema, cancer prevention, hair or nail problems, endometriosis, male infertility, prostate problems and impotence: Take l tablespoon of flaxseed oil in the morning.",
"Castor oil is another natural remedy that is applied directly to the eyelids, and not the eye. Apply castor oil once or twice a day; whichever is needed for your eyes to feel comfortable. Some eye drops contain castor oil. If you wish to use castor oil in your eyes, use a hexane free and cold pressed castor oil.",
"For best absorption, take flaxseed oil with food. It is easily mixed into juices and other drinks, and its nutty, buttery flavor complements cottage cheese, yogurt and many other foods. You can also use it instead of olive oil in a salad dressing.ike fish oil, the effect of flaxseed oil on blood pressure is likely due to its manipulation of prostaglandins. These are hormonelike substances involved in a variety of reactions in the body, including inflammation, the functioning of the heart and digestive system, and blood pressure.",
"What You Need To Do. 1 Dip a couple of cotton balls in olive oil and rub them over your face to remove makeup. You can also moisten a cotton pad with olive oil and use it to remove makeup on your eyes. In addition to removing makeup, the oil can also soften the skin around your eyes.",
"Flaxseed oil, also known as flax oil or linseed oil, is made from flaxseeds that have been ground and pressed to release their natural oil. This health-promoting oil has a wide variety of uses, ranging from cooking to skin care. This article will explore some of the top benefits of flaxseed oil and a few simple ways to use it.",
"Flaxseed oil also helps to: 1 Reduce the risk of cancer. 2 Aid in the growth of healthy hair and nails. 3 Promote healthy skin. 4 Reduce menopause symptoms. 5 Play a role in burning body fat.",
"Flaxseed Oil and Gout. My only events with gout came from starting fish oil. My doctor gave me a prescription for a high quality fish oil. I immediately came down with severe gout.First time ever. I stopped taking the fish oil and received treatment. The doctor thought it was coincidence and had me restart the fish oil.",
"Coconut oil can't damage your eyes. However, as a kind of oil, it does overwhelm our eyes, because the eyes can't fully absorb them. The discomfort and the blurred vision are really disturbing. When you get this problem, you need to clean your eyes with pure water or physiological saline at the first place.",
"The moisturizing effect of flax seed can help you avoid a dull-looking skin. Dry skin is a precursor to a variety of skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and signs of aging. Flax seed oil can be found in a variety of moisturizing skin care products on the market.",
"Dip a couple of cotton balls in olive oil and rub them over your face to remove makeup. You can also moisten a cotton pad with olive oil and use it to remove makeup on your eyes. In addition to removing makeup, the oil can also soften the skin around your eyes.",
"Potential Uses. Both vitamin E and flaxseed oil may help reduce your risks for heart disease and cancer. Additionally, flaxseed oil could potentially help in treating high blood pressure, high cholesterol, bipolar disorder, rheumatoid arthritis and Sjogrenâs syndrome.",
"Capsaicin can irritate or burn your eyes or hands. Chili oil can stick to the skin, so wash hands thoroughly after handling the peppers and be cautious about touching your hands to your eyes. Be aware that pepper dust from grinding dried peppers can irritate throat and eyes.",
"Expertly designed Linseed Eye Heat Pack to help Dry Eyes and manufactured to order in the UK. 1 Eye-shaped design for maximum coverage. 2 Contains cleaned, UK-grown linseed. 3 Can help to relief the symptoms of dry eyes.",
"Using flax seeds, or flax seed oil, in your skin care provides you with an all-natural remedy. Either rub plain flax seed oil gently into your skin or eat flax seeds on a daily basis. You can add them to your main dishes prior to serving, use them as a topping or snack on them.",
"Omega-3 fatty acids appear to limit the inflammatory reaction associated with these conditions. In cases of lupus, flaxseed oil not only reduces inflammation in the joints, skin and kidneys, but also lowers cholesterol levels that may be elevated by the disease.",
"Eye massage is one of the great ways to get rid of eye wrinkles, which you need try. First, ensure you have clean your hands and using a few drops of the various oils such as grape seed oil, olive oil or coconut oil to massage your under eyes with gently circular motions using your pinkies tip.",
"The conversation of flaxseed oil vs. fish oil is really a debate about ALA vs. DHA and EPA. Simply put, the DHA and EPA in fish oil is more effective for health when compared to the ALA in flaxseed oil, according to the research. There is also a limited amount of supportive evidence on flaxseed oil.",
"4. Whenever I run out of under eye gels, I use baby oil. Now, you canât just dab on a huge amount of oil and leave it on all night. Just take a few drops of the baby oil on your fingers, and massage your eye area for at least two minutes. Then use a dry tissue to remove the excess oil. 5. I use them to scrub my lips.",
"Quick Answer. Flaxseed oil is used as a laxative, to lose weight, to sooth rough or irritated skin, and to prevent breast, colon and prostate cancer, according to WebMD. The omega-3 fatty acids found in flaxseed oil may also be used to prevent heart disease and improve blood sugar levels. Continue Reading.",
"For skin conditions (sensitivity), two capsules of flaxseed oil were taken with breakfast and two with dinner daily for 12 weeks. Additionally, four capsules of flaxseed oil (555.32 milligrams per capsule) have been taken by mouth daily for 12 weeks.",
"Rub vegetable or olive oil on your skin and let it set for about a minute. Rinse it off. Apply rubbing alcohol to the area with a cotton ball or cotton pad. Rinse with water or a saline mist if habanero gets in your eye. Do not put oil or rubbing alcohol in your eyes. The habanero pepper oil should be completely off your skin before you touch your eyes.",
"Also called linseed oil, flax seed oil is derived from the seeds of the flax plant and has been proposed as a more aesthetically pleasing alternative to fish oil supplements (which may impart a fishy smell to the breath or skin).",
"Use coconut oil on the area around your eyes to prevent wrinkles and under-eye bags. Apply coconut oil to blemishes, and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Then wash it off with warm water and let your skin air dry (don't apply any other products). The anti-bacterial components in the oil will work to combat acne.",
"Use coconut oil on the area around your eyes to prevent wrinkles and under-eye bags. Treating Acne. Apply coconut oil to blemishes, and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Then wash it off with warm water and let your skin air dry (don't apply any other products).",
"The first type of concern involves its easily oxidized content and susceptibility to damage by heat and light. This concern is a valid one. But fortunately, you can greatly reduce this safety concern by being very selective about the quality of flaxseed oil you purchase, as well as your handling and use of the oil.",
"To counteract the essential oil that has strayed into your eye, use some form of vegetable oil: Coconut, olive oil, etc... Just put a little on your fingertip and put it inside the lower eyelid. DON'T USE WATER! Oil and water don't mix, so this is just going to make your problem worse.",
"Whether you're buying whole flaxseed, oil, or ground meal, make sure to look for bottles and bags that have opaque packaging, as light can damage sensitive nutrients in the flaxseed and cause its oils to go rancid.",
"Flaxseed oil comes from the seeds of the flaxseed plant. Research suggests flaxseed oil may help promote heart health, aid weight loss and provide other health benefits. Much of the research about what flaxseed oil can do for the body is preliminary, however.More research is needed.laxseed oil comes from the seeds of the flaxseed plant. Research suggests flaxseed oil may help promote heart health, aid weight loss and provide other health benefits. Much of the research about what flaxseed oil can do for the body is preliminary, however. More research is needed.",
"What are the benefits of flaxseed and fish oil? Flaxseed oil contains ALA and lignans, which both block pro-inflammatory agents in the body, helping to reduce inflammation associated with Parkinson's disease, asthma and other afflictions, according to WebMD.",
"The Verdict Is In. Natural flaxseed oil is packed with health benefits that you canât go wrong with. A daily intake of this healthy oil offers a lot of goodness. Talk to a natural health specialist and make organic flaxseed oil a part of your daily regime.",
"Proponents of flaxseed oil claim that the ravages of eczema, the annoyance of dry skin and even sunburned skin pain can be alleviated with this natural oil product found on store shelves.",
"Flaxseed oil is a pretty simple home remedy for constipation. It sort of coats the walls of the intestine, as well as stool, and increases the number of bowel movements you are having. Mix 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil with 1 glass of orange juice.",
"But did you know that fish and flaxseed oil that contain EFAs -- essential fatty acids -- can help keep your skin hydrated by protecting it from the damaging effects of the environment? Ask your health care provider about adding fish and flaxseed oil to help keep your skin moisturized.",
"I've been applying castor oil to my eyelashes (some of it gets into my eyes) for several months and it really improves my dry eye. Applying it at night removes the morning dryness. Allergan pharmaceuticals has formulated a castor oil approach called Endura - so there's nothing to be afraid of, I suppose.",
"1 Dry skin. 2 There is inconsistent evidence about the effects of flaxseed oil for dry skin. 3 Some research suggests that taking flaxseed oil by mouth with alpha-tocopherol daily for 12 weeks does not improve skin moisture in women with dry skin. There is inconsistent evidence about the effects of flaxseed oil for dry skin. 2 Some research suggests that taking flaxseed oil by mouth with alpha-tocopherol daily for 12 weeks does not improve skin moisture in women with dry skin.",
"Answers (3) Coconut oil does not harm our eyes, but it makes our eyes feel uncomfortable for sure. The first thing you need to do is cleaning, soak your eyes in pure water or physiological saline, milk and solution can also be helpful. Then rub your eyes slightly, try to blink your eyes to make the oil gathering.",
"Linseed oil. Linseed oil, also known as flaxseed oil or flax oil, is a colourless to yellowish oil obtained from the dried, ripened seeds of the flax plant (Linum usitatissimum). The oil is obtained by pressing, sometimes followed by solvent extraction. Linseed oil is a drying oil, meaning it can polymerize into a solid form.",
"âThere is some evidence that people 45 and older do not absorb the oil from ground flaxseeds as well as from flaxseed oil.2 The one study indicating this was only for four weeks and using 6 g of ALA per day. With smaller amounts and for longer periods, the difference might be negligible, but that hasnât been tested.â.",
"Carlos quick. Yes, grape seed oil is good for dark circles. Using grape seed oil around eyes area can not only reduce dark circles, but also help in draining fluids from this area. Different from other eye cream, grape seed oil is completely chemical free. It is really a good choice for using sensitive ski area like the skin around eyes.",
"Store flaxseed oil supplements in a cool, dry place, such as the refrigerator. Light, heat and air can break down flaxseed oil. Keep flaxseed oil and all other supplements out of children's reach.",
"Given all the other benefits that flaxseed oil provides, you must first consult your veterinarian to determine in flaxseed oil is the right supplement for your canine companion. Dangers/Risks of Using Flaxseed Oil on Your Dog. While weighing the benefits of fish oil against the benefits of flaxseed oil, one might readily proceed to use fish oil. However, fish oil may present side effects for some dogs, making flaxseed oil the next best alternative.",
"1 There is inconsistent evidence about the effects of flaxseed oil for dry skin. 2 Some research suggests that taking flaxseed oil by mouth with alpha-tocopherol daily for 12 weeks does not improve skin moisture in women with dry skin.lpha-linolenic acid from plant sources, such as flaxseed, does not seem to affect prostate cancer risk, although alpha-linolenic acid from dairy and meat sources has been linked in some studies with prostate cancer. Not enough is known about the safety of flaxseed oil when it is applied to the skin.",
"Almond & Coconut Oil. Almond oil is a great natural ingredient that is very beneficial for the delicate skin around your eyes. Regular usage of almond oil will help fade your under eye circles. In addition to almond oil, you can use vitamin E oil to eliminate dark circles under the eyes.",
"The essential fatty acids found in flaxseeds help keep your skin hydrated and smooth in appearance. Flaxseeds increase your body's natural oil production, according to Dr. Jeffrey Benabio, dermatologist. The fatty acids are necessary for keeping your skin soft. Using flax seed can both protect and moisturize your skin.Your skin is protected in three ways. First, when using a moisturizer containing flax seed, everyday irritants are kept from entering your pores.ealthier Skin Tone. By keeping your skin moisturized, flaxseed helps to prevent your skin from drying out. The moisturizing effect of flax seed can help you avoid a dull-looking skin. Dry skin is a precursor to a variety of skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and signs of aging.",
"Castor oil works great to remove tiredness from around your eyes. It works much like petroleum jelly but without the mess. Before you go to bed at night, just rub a little around your eyes and even on your eyelashes. Be careful not to get it in your eyes.",
"Answers (5) 1 I am sorry to heard that you got a bit of essential oi in your eyes. Just keep calm, it will be OK. 2 Well, this doesn' t sound good. You know, essential oil should never get in eyes. 3 Getting essential oil in your eyes may burn your cornea to different extents with regard to the amount of oil in your eyes. There are five layers in your cornea. The outer layer can heal itself if the oil doesn't get in deep. When it enter your eyes, there are few steps for you to follow: Stay calm.Nothing to worry.",
"It's true that flaxseed oil and linseed oil are the very same oil, extracted from the seeds of the flax plant, Linum usitatissimum . But I would not advise your daughter to do her grocery shopping in the hardware store. For one thing, the nuts are very hard to crack.",
"Flax Seeds-FlaxSeed Oil. Flaxseed (flaxseed oil, flaxoil) is a dietary supplement. The flax plant is a good source of essential omega-3 fatty acids. Studies assessing the effectiveness of flaxseed oils are inconclusive, but it may reduce inflammation for arthritis and lupus patients.",
"The oil can be used anywhere where the skin becomes saggy such as the abdomen, jowls, or under the eyes. Mix 6 drops of oil to one ounce of unscented oil and apply it directly to the skin. Be sure to always do a small patch area though first to test for possible allergic reactions."
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when were tampons created | [
"In the fifth century A.D, the tampons were created by Egyptian women from softened papyrus. In the year 1931, the first modern disposable tampons were created by an American, Dr. Earle Haas. The tampon is inserted into a wound or body cavity to absorb blood. It is made from a bulk of rayon or cotton or a mixture of the two."
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"After 1915 the words âMade inâ¦â were usually added. Beginning in 1921, U.S. Customs required country names to be in English, and the word âJapanâ was used instead of âNippon.â Items marked âMade in Occupied Japanâ were made between February 1947 and April 1952. After that, just the word âJapanâ was used again.",
"Dr. Earle Haas patented the first modern tampon, Tampax, with the tube-within-a-tube applicator. Gertrude Schulte Tenderich (née Voss) bought the patent rights to her company trademark Tampax and started as a seller, manufacturer, and spokesperson in 1933.",
"Quite independently, the Naval Research Labratory (NRL) had developed a pulse transponder in 1939. To challenge, the radar was switched to a special pulse repetition frequency (PRF) which triggered responses. In US Service, the CXAMM IFF system was considered equivalent to the British Mk II.",
"What it does proudly proclaim, though, is the fact that Tampax was the first tampon to be sold with an applicator. Several brands of tampons were around in the late 1920's and early 1930's before Tampax was introduced in 1936. Which one came first is not really known, though Fax seems like a likely candidate.",
"At the end of the 18th century, tambour evolved into what the French called crochet in the air, when the background fabric was discarded and the stitch worked on its own. Crochet began turning up in Europe in the early 1800s and was given a tremendous boost by Mlle.",
"When should your daughter start using tampons? All her friends are discussing it but you're just not sure if she's ready for tampons. Plus, you know it scares her a bit to think about inserting one. So, when is the right time for your daughter to start using tampons? The truth is that only she can decide if and when she is ready to use tampons. However, your attitude about tampons can influence her decision to use them.",
"In a very basic way, women seem more aware of the history of menstrual pads than that of tampons. Most people understand that there was a time when women used rags to catch their menstrual blood, instead of the disposable products we have today. Tampons are usually viewed as a wholly new invention, however.",
"Earle Haas topic. Earle Haas, D.O. , born in 1888, was an osteopathic physician and inventor of the tampon with an applicator, marketed as Tampax. He graduated from the Kansas City College of Osteopathy in 1918 and spent 10 years in Colorado as a country general practitioner , then went to Denver in 1928.",
"Large. 1 Resco invented the guillotine style nail trimmer in 1937 and has proudly manufactured them in the USA ever since. 2 Patented blade replacement technology - Replace your blade at a fraction of the cost of a new trimmer. 3 Deluxe grips and premium powder coat for style, performance, and comfort.",
"Women have used tampons during menstruation for thousands of years. In her book Everything You Must Know About Tampons (1981), Nancy Friedman writes, There is evidence of tampon use throughout history in a multitude of cultures.",
"[ tam´pon ]. a pack, pad, or plug made of cotton, sponge, or other material; different types are used to plug the nose, vagina, or other areas for the control of hemorrhage or the absorption of secretions. Superabsorbent tampons worn monthly and inserted roughly can cause ulceration of the vaginal mucosa.",
"It depends on what tampons you are referring to. Modern disposable tampons with an applicator were invented by Dr. Earle Haas, modern disposable tampons without applicator were invented by Dr. Judith Esser-Mittag and her husband Kyle Lucherini. Remember however that tampons have been used for thousands of years, with people using moss, grass, papyrus, cloth, and natural sponge - thus it is likely women themselves discovered how to do this.",
"Digital tampon (tampon sold without applicator). A tampon is a mass of absorbent material, primarily used as a feminine hygiene product. Historically, the word tampon originated from the medieval French word tampion, meaning a piece of cloth to stop a hole, a stamp, plug, or stopper.",
"Seventeen of Shakespeareâs plays are usually thought of as comedies: The Taming of the Shrew, created in about 1590-1591 or perhaps earlier. First printed in the first folio of 1623. Reprinted in quarto in 1631. The Two Gentlemen of Verona, created in about 1592-1593.eventeen of Shakespeareâs plays are usually thought of as comedies: The Taming of the Shrew, created in about 1590-1591 or perhaps earlier. First printed in the first folio of 1623. Reprinted in quarto in 1631. The Two Gentlemen of Verona, created in about 1592-1593.",
"By 1924, Band-Aids were machine made, sold sterilized in 1939, and made with vinyl tape in 1958. 1 An A-to-Z List of Important Inventions. 2 A Brief History of the Tampon. 3 Creative Teaching Resources About Inventors. 4 Meet Edwin Perkins: Inventor of Kool-Aid. 5 Simple Oatcakes, the Scottish Staple Especially Lovely with Cheese.",
"In her book Everything You Must Know About Tampons (1981), Nancy Friedman writes, [T]here is evidence of tampon use throughout history in a multitude of cultures. The oldest printed medical document, Papyrus Ebers, refers to the use of soft papyrus tampons by Egyptian women in the fifteenth century B.C.",
"Studies have shown that women who develop TSS are more likely to have used tampons with higher absorbencies, used tampons for several days of their cycle and kept a single tampon in place for a long period of time. Toxic shock syndrome occurred more often in the 1980âs, when higher absorbency tampons were available.",
"Resco invented the guillotine style nail trimmer in 1937 and has proudly manufactured them in the USA ever since. Patented blade replacement technology - Replace your blade at a fraction of the cost of a new trimmer. Deluxe grips and premium powder coat for style, performance, and comfort.",
"These bacteria can survive on dry surfaces, increasing the chance of transmission. S. aureus is also implicated in toxic shock syndrome; during the 1980s some tampons allowed the rapid growth of S. aureus, which released toxins that were absorbed into the bloodstream.",
"Toxic shock due to Staphylococcus aureus was first seen in the late 1970âs, and was linked to use of high absorbency tampons. Though less common now, it is still seen in association with menstruation, though can complicate any S. aureus infection, including the antibiotic resistant staph (MRSA).",
"Historically, the word tampon originated from the medieval French word tampion, meaning a piece of cloth to stop a hole, a stamp, plug, or stopper.[1] At present, tampons are designed to be easily inserted into the vagina during menstruation and absorb the menstrual flow. However, using tampons may be difficult or impossible for those with untreated vaginismus or an untreated imperforate hymen. Several countries regulate tampons as medical devices.",
"Apparently ancient Egyptian women used papyrus and other such things to create early tampons, and that they would have used cloth pads of some form (and a discussion here). Apparently Hippocrates documented that Roman women used wooden sticks wrapped with lint.",
"Digital tampon (tampon sold without applicator). A tampon is a mass of absorbent material, primarily used as a feminine hygiene product. Historically, the word tampon originated from the medieval French word tampion, meaning a piece of cloth to stop a hole, a stamp, plug, or stopper. At present, tampons are designed to be easily inserted into the vagina during menstruation and absorb the menstrual flow. However, using tampons may be difficult or impossible for those with untreated vaginismus or an untreated imperforate hymen. Several count",
"Instant noodles were invented by Taiwanese-Japanese inventor Momofuku Ando in Japan. It was first marketed on 25 August 1958 by Ando's company, Nissin, under the brand name Chikin Ramen. Ando developed the production method of flash frying noodles after they had been made, creating the instant noodle.",
"Tampons, like pads, are products used to absorb your menstrual flow. They are made of soft cotton pressed together to form a cylinder-like shape, so that they can be easily inserted into the opening of the vagina. A tampon absorbs your menstrual flow, or blood, before it has a chance to leave the body.",
"Digital tampon (tampon sold without applicator). A tampon is a mass of absorbent material, primarily used as a feminine hygiene product. Historically, the word tampon originated from the medieval French word tampion, meaning a piece of cloth to stop a hole, a stamp, plug, or stopper. At present, tampons are designed to be easily inserted into the vagina during menstruation and absorb the menstrual flow.",
"The prevailing thought seemed to be that if it was absorbent, chances are that it would work as a tampon. For instance, the earliest historical evidence of tampon use comes from ancient Egyptian medical records that described tampons comprised of material derived from the papyrus plant.",
"Characteristics and Functions. The Incas built many of their tambos when they began to upgrade the road system during the reign of Thupa Inka Yupanki from 1471 to 1493. Scholars estimate that there were 2,000 or more tambos. Given this amount, the sheer variety of tambo size and function are hard to fully describe.",
"Valenciennes described the tarpon in 1847, classifying it under the genus Megalops, which translates from the Greek into âlarge-eyed,â a conspicuous feature of the tarpon.",
"Instant noodles were invented by Momofuku Ando (born Go Pek-Hok) of Nissin Foods in Japan. They were launched in 1958 under the brand name Chikin Ramen. In 1971, Nissin introduced Cup Noodles, a dried noodle block in a polystyrene cup (It is referred to as Cup Ramen in Japan).",
"Japonisme is a French term coined in the late nineteenth century to describe the craze for Japanese art and design in the West.aponisme is a French term coined in the late nineteenth century to describe the craze for Japanese art and design in the West.",
"Caron launched Alpona in 1939, created by Ernest Daltroff. A Chypre created for the World's Fair held in New York City in 1939. They do list it as a women's perfume, but this is definitely unisex with the citrus composition on that Mousse de Saxe dark base of Caron.nfortunately, we cannot refund any product that you do not like. If you are new to perfume or wanting to break out of wearing the same scent, try our starter sampler packs so that you can find the perfume that works for you.",
"Apparently the ancient Egyptians were using tampons made from the papyrus plant; the ancient Greeks used lint wrapped around a small piece of wood; and others used wool, paper, vegetable fibres, grass, sponge and of course cotton.",
"Tampons were very popular by the 1950s and a company called Pursettes started to make tampons that didnât have applicators. This was the first time that womenâs sanitary products were marketed in fashionable ways with Pursettes being packaged in a black carrying case and marketed to trendy women.",
"In 1996, the company was founded (initially as Therapon Skin Health), and even more research and development led to the four-step Skin Renewal System, which is still sold by the company today, along with a number of other products that each target a unique skin concern.",
"Part of the Tampax menstrual tampon patent Tampax enjoys its fame from having sold the first tampon with an applicator, patented (1926900, filed 19 November 1931, dated 12 September 1933, above) by Dr. Earle Haas of Denver, Colorado (U.S.A.).",
"Dr. Earle Haas patented the first modern tampon, Tampax, with the tube-within-a-tube applicator. Gertrude Tendrich bought the patent rights to their company trademark Tampax and started as a seller and spokesperson in 1933.",
"1 Light absorbency tampons meaning that these tampons absorb 6 grams of blood or less. Light absorbency tampons are good for the last days of your period when your blood flow is lightest. Regular absorbency tampons hold from six to nine grams.",
"The synthetic dye Mauve was first so named in 1859. Chemist William Henry Perkin, then eighteen, was attempting to create artificial quinine in 1856.",
"The technology at the time would have been relatively primitive, and masks ranged from chemical-impregnated pouches attached to the full-face precursors to modern gas masks. For example, the french 'Tampon T' is a multi-layered fabric pouch with a face strap. It was usually issued with goggles to protect the wearers eyes.",
"In others, they made tampons out of local plants, such as papayrus. Until the invention of modern tampons in the early 20th century, it was common for women to make pads on their own out of cloth, which they fastened to their clothing.",
"Tampon: A pack or pad that is used to stop or collect the flow of blood or other fluids. A tampon may be made of cotton, sponge, or another material. Tampons serve in surgery to control bleeding and are used to stop severe nosebleeds. Vaginal tampons collect the flow of menstrual blood.",
"Before tampons were sanitary pads, which are still preferred by many women. Before disposable pads, there was the belt: (Picture is of an old newspaper advertisement showing a 'washable cloth belt' for 27 cents, circa 1900) Variations on the cloth belt were used for hundreds of years.",
"Haas wanted to invent something better than the rags his wife and other women had to wear, he said, and got the idea for his tampon from a friend in California who used a sponge in the vagina to absorb menstrual flow . So he developed a plug of cotton inserted by means of two cardboard tubes; he did not want the woman to have to touch the cotton.",
"(Source: www.arnotts.com). Tim Tams were first launched in 1963. They were named after a horse that ran in the Kentucky Derby in 1958. A member of the Arnott family, Ross Arnott, attended the race day and decided Tim Tam was the perfect name for the new biscuit he was about to launch.",
"At present, tampons are designed to be easily inserted into the vagina during menstruation and absorb the menstrual flow. Several countries regulate tampons as medical devices. In the United States, they are considered to be a Class II medical device by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).",
"Another similar and popular type of disposable tampon is the o.b. Tampon. Invented by German gynecologist Dr. Judith Esser-Mittag in the 1940âs, the o.b. Tampon was marketed as a âsmarterâ alternative to applicator tampons by emphasizing greater comfort and doing away with the need for an applicator.",
"Women have used tampons during menstruation for thousands of years. In her book Everything You Must Know About Tampons (1981), Nancy Friedman writes, [T]here is evidence of tampon use throughout history in a multitude of cultures. The oldest printed medical document, Papyrus Ebers, refers to the use of soft papyrus tampons by Egyptian women in the fifteenth century B.C.",
"A study by Tierno also determined that all-cotton tampons were less likely to produce the conditions in which TSS can grow; this was done using a direct comparison of 20 brands of tampons including conventional cotton/rayon tampons and 100% organic cotton tampons from Natracare.",
"But the tampon has a fascinating and somewhat disgusting history in human medicine. Made from everything you can think of (rock salt, opium, and elephant dung are all on the list), tampons have been used for centuries for a huge swathe of purposes.",
"A tampon is a mass of absorbent material, primarily used as a feminine hygiene product. Historically, the word tampon originated from the medieval French word tampion , meaning a piece of cloth to stop a hole, a stamp, plug, or stopper.",
"The modern sanitary napkins have made womenâs life much easier but before they were invented, women used sand, wood, paper, grass and other things to control their menstrual bleed. Hereâs how they used them. 1. Sanitary belts. When there were no sanitary pads, sanitary belts were used to soak up the period blood. The belts were basically diapers with elastic belts on which cotton pads were to be clipped and then used. They were invented in the 1800s and they stayed popular till 1970s. 2. Sand. Chinese women literally used sand to combat their menstrual bleed. They used to make period pads by putting sand in a cloth and wrapping it tightly.",
"Historically, the word tampon originated from the medieval French word tampion , meaning a piece of cloth to stop a hole, a stamp, plug, or stopper. At present, tampons are designed to be easily inserted into the vagina during menstruation and absorb the menstrual flow.",
"In 1955, Mayfield® introduced a piece of equipment called a Vacurator that ensured the milk always tasted fresh and delicious. In 1962, we introduced the first tamper-proof ice cream container, and in 1998, pioneered the scround ice cream carton design that has become an industry standard.",
"And, again, it's not for menstrual purposes: it's for stopping baby-making. According to Nelly Stromquist's Women In The Third World, 4th century Sanskrit texts like the Kama Sutra recommended the use of tampons made out of oil and rock salt as contraceptive devices.",
"From there it spread through the linguistic stew of Europe and became the modern âJapanâ in English today. â âNipponâ came first A long time ago Japan used to be known as âWaâ or âYamatoâ and used the kanji å. Time passed and the official kanji was changed to æ¥æ¬ in 640.",
"The History Of Kites Between 1000 BC and 0 BC. Somewhere between 770 BC and 221 BC large wooden kites called muyuan were invented for military purposes. This period actually contained 2 separate periods of Chinese history, the Spring and Autumn Period (770 BC - 476 BC) and the following Warring States Period (475-221 BC).",
"The tampon has been in use as a medical device since the 18th century, when antiseptic cotton tampons treated with salicylates were used to stop bleeding from bullet wounds. Drs. Earle Haas patented the first modern tampon, Tampax, with the tube-within-a-tube applicator.",
"Updated April 19, 2017. The first tampons were made using a wide variety of materials found in nature. The prevailing thought seemed to be that if it was absorbent, chances are that it would work as a tampon.",
"Sanitary napkins have been used since the 10th century, but not one person is given credit for their invention; the disposable pads appear to have been first commercially available from around 1895 through Curads and Hartmann's. This Site Might Help You.",
"Haas wanted to invent something better than the rags his wife and other women had to wear, he said, and got the idea for his tampon from a friend in California who used a sponge in the vagina to absorb menstrual flow. So he developed a plug of cotton inserted by means of two cardboard tubes; he did not want the woman to have to touch the cotton.",
"In the United States, tampons are a Class II medical device. The word tampon originated from the medieval French word tampion, meaning a piece of cloth to stop a hole, a stamp, plug, or stopper. Chambers 20th Century Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition:",
"The fact that Tamagotchis came in different colors added to their appeal. [Image taken from http://webs.adam.es/rllorens/news.htm] The Tamagotchi was a small, egg-shaped, hand-held LCD video game that was created in Japan in 1996. It became wildly popular in Japan, the United States, and other locations across the world, but only for a very brief period of time.",
"This disease made headlines in the late 1970s and early 1980s after the deaths of several young women who were using a brand of super-absorbent tampon that was later removed from the market. Toxic shock syndrome is still mostly a disease of menstruating women who use tampons. But it has also been linked to the use of menstrual sponges, diaphragms, and cervical caps. A woman who has recently given birth also has a higher chance of getting toxic shock."
] |
how long will medicaid cover skilled nursing | [
"Medicare provides no coverage after 100 days. If you have a Medigap policy or are in a Medicare Advantage Plan, you may have additional coverage. There are other ways to get help paying for skilled care and other healthcare costs."
] | [
"Myth #8: TRICARE For Life will pay for long-term nursing care services, so I won't need long-term care insurance. Reality: TFL does not cover long-term custodial care. Medicare and TRICARE cover certain medically-necessary skilled nursing care either in a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) or at home.",
"HCPCS Long Description. Direct skilled nursing services of a licensed nurse (lpn or rn) in the home health or hospice setting, each 15 minutes. Contains all text of procedure or modifier long descriptions. As of 2013, this field contains the consumer friendly descriptions for the AMA CPT codes.",
"A quick look at Medicare coverage of skilled nursing facility (SNF) care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Whatâs skilled nursing facility (SNF) care? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Why would I need skilled nursing or therapy care? . . . . . . . . . . 9 How do I find and choose a skilled nursing facility (SNF)? . . . 10 Section 2: Medicare SNF Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 When will Medicare cover skilled nursing facility (SNF)",
"Medicare does cover: 1 Care in a long-term care hospital. 2 Skilled nursing care in a skilled nursing facility. 3 Eligible home health services. Hospice & respite care.",
"There are several ways to help cover the cost of nursing home care. 1 Medicare: For some patients, Medicare A can help with the cost of nursing home placement. 2 Medicaid: Medicaid can help cover the cost of skilled nursing care in Medicaid-certified nursing homes, for patients who qualify.",
"Myth #8: TRICARE For Life will pay for long-term nursing care services, so I won't need long-term care insurance.. Reality: TFL does not cover long-term custodial care. Medicare and TRICARE cover certain medically-necessary skilled nursing care either in a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) or at home."
] |
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