Source of dataset

by hummingbird - opened

Hello! Would it be possible to get more information about the source of the data? From which platforms did you get the data? And do you have 1 to 2 examples of how the data looks like? That would be really helpful for me. Thanks in advance!

Valurank org

Hi Malina, the source in scraping.

The adult content is scraped as follows: use a blacklist of adult content websites ( and scrape their description meta tags;
the non-adult content is craped as follows: use a list of popular twitter users and scrape their twitter bios.

In other words, we are piggybacking on other people's judgments -
whoever moderates the blacklist already made sure all these websites have adult content;
whoever moderates twitter already made sure all these accounts don't have adult content.

For how the data looks like, go to the "Files and versions" section and download the excel file to take a look at it.

Thank you for your information :)

hummingbird changed discussion status to closed

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