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'My son just left to spend his freshman year of college in Italy. I am struggling with my feelings of sadness and loss over him being away, but also pride and excitment for the adventures he will experience.'
| 'My son has left the country. That was what I thought to myself as I left the airport last week. Those thoughts brought on a wave of emotions, both good and bad. My son, who has been a daily part of my life for the past 18 years, was going away. My wife and I would not seen him again for about nine months. We always knew when he graduated from high school that he would likely be leaving the state for college. That expectation took on a new twist when he was accepted at a school that had a program allowing freshman student to apply to spend their entire first college year studying in Italy. He was thrilled when he was accepted in to the program, and I was happy and proud. However I was also nervous and sad. While I am exicted for him and the opportuniy he has in front of him over the next year, it still hurts to think of him being so far away. The idea of "losing" someone I am used to seeing every day, that I won\'t be able to help him if he gets sick or hurt, hat we won\'t be able to take a walk together, or throw a ball, or share a soda, or just talk... leaves me with an empty feeling inside. Sure we will text and email, and (hopefully) speak on the phone several times each week, but it is not the same. Should I feel guilty over being sad instead of happy for him? In truth, I feel both. I am proud to see him take another step towards growing up and becoming his own man... but I also miss my little boy.'
'I have a savings account that I rely on to help pay for bills, and to buy things that the kids may need. My husband took half of my savings for reasons unknown. He lacks remorse to this day.'
| 'One event that I can think of is when I found out that my husband took 400 dollars out of my bank account. I had the rest of my savings in our shared account (what was left since I lost my job), which was around 750 to 800 dollars. So he took about half of it. He said that he was spending the money on bills, but I doubt it. You don\'t need to withdraw cash from the ATM to pay bills. I was going to transfer some of the savings to my checking to put toward a bill, and to get started ahead of time on school supply shopping for my oldest. Then I saw that like half of the money was gone. I confronted my husband about it, and he was super casual about the whole thing. Like "Oh. 400 dollars? That\'s fine. It\'s money that YOU made, so it doesn\'t matter. It\'s actually my money anyway". I think that the most memorable (and chilling) thing about the entire incident was the "flat affect" that he gave off when he didn\'t think that anyone aside from me was looking (in regard to this situation). He kept up the flat affect until I told someone about what happened. It was like a light switch, and it was like he had to "pretend" to feel bad about what he did. Living with someone who seems to lack remorse for taking things from people is pretty memorable, I would say'
'I went to London on vacation. I had always wanted to visit England. I went with my boyfriend and we had a great time. We rode on the London Eye and went to Madame Tussauds and Buckingham Palace among other places.'
| 'Going to England had always been a dream of mine. So when we were able to go it truly was a dream come true. The whole time that we were there the weather was amazing. I went with my boyfriend. My favorite site to see was Buckingham Palace. I am a huge fan of the royals so this was quite exciting for me. The English countryside was so charming that it made me wish I could just move there. Madame Tussauds was very interesting. I wanted to stay there forever. Riding the London Eye was quite thrilling. I took so many pictures that I had to download them every night to make room on the camera for the next day. I had always imagined the English people as being kind of stuck up. I was quite surprised that our experiences were the opposite of that. Everyone was warm and friendly. I saw one section of London that reminded of a scene out of the movie Mary Poppins. This was fun as that is one of my favorite movies. This was an adventure of a lifetime and something that I will never forget.'
'At the practicum placement I am at, there is a student I have bonded with. After a particularly tough morning, he reached out for comfort and support before he began his day. He left his picture with me to remember him by.'
| 'My teaching practicum this year has been mostly uneventful and not at all difficult. I was feeling quite optimistic in my ability to become a good teacher, based on my experience thus far in the practicum. That is, until three weeks ago when a male student I am particularly fond of approached me before class and shared a personal situation that is causing him much anguish, making it difficult to concentrate on what\'s happening in the classroom and on his studies in general. He clearly came to me for comfort and reassurance, which I deeply felt moved to provide. Then he did such an odd and alarming thing, it has stayed in my mind and worried me ever since: he gave me a photograph of himself. He said he wanted me to have it "to remember him by." Now I often find myself lying awake at night wondering if he just wanted me to remember him after my practicum is finished and I am no longer in his classroom, or if there is some darker, more ominous message in his gesture. There was a time in my life when I was so despairing I thought I couldn\'t go on living. Fortunately there was a very kind and wise psychologist who worked as a counselor at my high school and I had the presence of mind to take myself to see her. I credit her with helping me not only stay in school, but keep my grades up, study for the SAT, and send in my college applications. Having access to help can make all the difference in a young person\'s life. I have placed his photo on the mirror that hangs above my dresser, where I see it every morning and evening. Each time I wonder, could he be contemplating suicide? Surely I am being alarmist and reading too much into it, yet, the question will not go away. I ask myself, what is my responsibility in this situation? Most importantly, how would a truly great teacher handle this? Finally, last night, after lying awake yet again with worry, I made the decision to speak to his teacher, in confidence, about the incident and my concern. I will ask not to tell him that I said anything or to do anything that would cause him to suspect I had, but I realize that may prove difficult. In the end, what matters is making sure he is safe from self-harm and has someone to talk to and a place to get help. I also hope to learn from this teacher, who has impressed me with her teaching style, how a good teacher manages such delicate matters as a student with a serious problem outside the classroom. I am going to talk to her today after class. I am committed now to this course of action and praying it is the right one.'
"There is no treatment for secondary progressive MS, I will continue to worsen rapidly if I don't change my lifestyle."
| 'On August 19, 2019, I went to see my new neurologist concerning my MS. I have had MS for many years but over the last 10 years or so, I moved from relapsing remitting to secondary progressive. I have been having a lot of problems with falling and stumbling and the fatigue has been horrible. To further complicate the issue I fell on April 2nd this year and tore up my knee, which exacerbated the MS. I started back to work the first day of school, August 14th. I substitute in high needs SPED. I knew I wasn\'t doing well with my MS, but it came as a complete shock to me when my doctor told me I was "running out of reserves/ basically about out of reserves" and I need to conserve my energy NOW. She said I should not be working, which I love my students, but she understood why I continued. Now, I am having to cut back my days at school and have accepted the fact that this year will be last year of teaching, I want to use my energy for doing the other things I love, which is travelling. I am going to Italy in September and will have to go on a rollator/wheelchair. I am devastated, I have been bursting into tears, even at school, I am having problems coping with this new news. It\'s almost like when I was first diagnosed, but worse now because of my age. I have always "pushed through" and tried to exercise my legs. I have been told I should really STOP now to reserve whatever I have left. I am using my walker at home now, so that is helping with my falling. However, because I used to be paralyzed from my waist down and spent years on my scooter, I do not want to have to use a scooter again. I donated both of mine. I also had hand controls in my vehicle, which I am afraid I might have to do again. I am okay with that aid. I simply feel like I am going backwards, even though I have known for the 34 years I\'ve had MS it is a progressive disease. Now that my husband is retired and we can do things, it is so difficult for me, though I thoroughly enjoy travelling This new news about my MS has been emotionally and mentally exhausting.'
'I set up a date with a girl I had been talking to. We went out to a restaurant and were having a good time. I ended the date by tripping into a table and cutting my forehead open and spilling the table on myself and my date.'
| "This story was about me going on a date for the first time in a while. I had to work the day of the date which was fine I would be off work with plenty of time, and it would make it so I didn't overthink what I was doing and make me nervous. I decided to take a shower around an hour and a half before I left so my hair was fully dry and I wouldn't look weird. I brushed my hair after getting out of the shower and got the clothes I was wearing to the date on. I then decided to chill out until it was time to leave, since I didn't want to walk around thinking about what I should do. I wanted to act natural and like I planned everything in advance. It came time to leave and I headed out to the restaurant we were meeting at. I got there pretty much as she got there and we took our seats at the table. We both ordered and then talked while we were waiting for the food to come out. I thought we were at least somewhat making a connection, since we had some similar interests. I learned enough about her that I definitely would have gone on a second date with her if she wanted to. The conversation died down a bit when the food came out because we were both pretty hungry. As we were both getting down eating I had to use the restroom, so I excused myself. The floors must've been wet in the bathrooms or by our table because as I was walking back I slipped and fell face first into our table. I landed right on the corner and busted my forehead open and started bleeding. As if that wasn't bad enough, I also spilled what was left of our dinners and drinks onto both of us. I started apologizing right away to the girl, but there is only so much apologizing while having a busted open forehead can do. I ended up going to the hospital and getting stitched up. She never responded to if she wanted another date and I don't really blame her for that."
'I discussed my 35th birthday party in Las Vegas. I talked about celebrating with my friends and going to the pool, out to dinners, gambling and going to clubs.'
| 'I\'ve been 35 for 4 months now and it doesn\'t feel too bad. You know what they say, "35 is the new 25" ! I\'m still recovering from my big Las Vegas birthday weekend, so maybe that saying isn\'t true. Anyway, we had so much fun. We got it in and partied hard. I realized that I was getting older and wanted to make up for lost time. I wasn\'t much of a partier when I was younger, too shy and introverted. Severe social anxiety kept me cut off from life. Plus, I come from a highly dysfunctional family and was burdened with huge responsibilities from a early age. Once I got into my thirties I decided that enough was enough. You only get one life to live so you might as well live it. Back to the celebration! I\'ve never been to Las Vegas before, never even been on a plane, it was huge and overwhelming but in a good way. Very hot too. I just wanted to stay in my air conditioned room or lounge by the infinity pool but my friends dragged me up and down the Strip. We went from casino to casino, buffet to buffet, indulging almost all of the seven deadly sins. Marie tried to take us to a strip club, but they were too full. Oh well. I won about $500 but spent it getting us bottle service at the dance club. I almost felt kind of foolish being my age, like the old auntie in the club trying to keep up with the young ones. I had much more fun eating my way through the elaborate buffets and shopping at the fancy stores. I bought some cute clothes but I can\'t fit them. I think I gained 10 lbs that weekend and I\'m still trying to work it off. My friends liked the casinos the best, especially since I gave them the money to gamble! Overall, I had a good time and I can say that I did something fun in life. Hopefully, I can have more fun in the future and not just on my birthday.'
'My brothers wedding party gets shaken up by one his groomsmen. It involved a lot of panic and chaos. But I learned a lesson.'
| "The thing that comes to mind of something memorable in the last six months would be my brother getting married. My brother and I have been close since I can remember. Life has lead us in different directions and caused us to distant because of his relocation for work. I still feel like he is one of the only people who know me best. So when he asked me to be the best man in his wedding, I was honored. We all gathered before hand, the wedding party just the groom and groomsmen because of the bad luck seeing your spouse and all. We where getting ready and chatting when we suddenly realized one of the groomsman who was one of my brothers friends was not with us. One at time we started calling him on his cell phone. We called and called for around a half hour. The wedding was going to begin in about another hour and a half. We decided to go looking for my brothers friend/groomsmen because we had seen him earlier that day. In fact he was with us when entered the facility the wedding was taking place at. We decided that maybe his phone was dead and we should go search for him. So me and cousin who was also a groomsmen went to look for him. We looked and looked but didnt have any luck. After half an hour we went back to tell my brother we couldnt find him. With about an hour left until wedding things became panicky. About 20 minutes later of chaos and panic we got a call from housekeeping. My brothers friend who is almost 30 years old was passed out drunk in the closet where they keep extra chairs and tables. After he was confronted he began to cry about his drinking problem. This lead to a quick chat about him and who he was and what he needed to do. We didnt have him in the wedding and just went with an uneven number of groomsmen and bridesmaid's. I havent heard from my brothers friend in awhile nor about him but it was very eye opening. It made me realize how fortunate I am to be free of an addiction. He wasnt someone you would expect to go through something like this and I hope he gets better."
'We visited my parents which is rare when given a bonus from work. We spent our days having nonstop fun and enjoy4d multiple evenings that reminded me of childhood by catching fireflies as a family.'
| "About three months ago I had been putting in a lot of overtime at my job. I was surprised and excited that my employer recognized all of my hard work and gave me a nice bonus. My boss encouraged me to take some time off and go and do something to relax and get away. I talked to my husband and we decided to use the money to take a rare trip home to visit my parents. Since moving to California I don't get back to the Midwest often to see them. It was during the summer when we visited . The weather was hot but cool in the evenings. We spent our days having nonstop fun and taking in some of the local areas that I had not visited since I was a young child. We enjoyed evenings sitting outside by their fire pit. One evening while sitting out there the dark sky became filled with fireflies. It reminded me of my childhood and catching them with my parents and siblings. Now that I live in a big city I don't see them anymore. I was surprised by how nostalgic it made me feel to see them. I even ran around the yard catching some of them. The week flew by but was the rest and relaxation that my body and mind needed. I enjoyed the time catching up with my parents and vowed that I would not let so much time pass between visits. My husband enjoyed seeing me so relaxed and getting to see where I grew up. I think I even wiped away a few tears the day we left. I'm already looking forward to the next trip."
'I feel and hit my head at home, my parents called 911 and I was taken to the hospital. I ended up being fine outside of a lot of lightheartedness, although I had to stay in the hospital overnight. I spent the next two weeks recovering.'
| 'A few months ago, I was walking into the kitchen from the living room and slipped on the tile floor. I landed on my head and ended up being basically knocked out cold. Luckily both my parents were home at the time and called 911. The ambulance came out picked me up to take me to the hospital, although I was told I had kind of regained consciousness before they arrived. I work up in the hospital to my whole family being there, at least that is what they told me as my memory of the day is hazy, which was nice. It was the since I was liked 4 years old that I had ever been in a hospital. I basically just sat on a bed while they ran tests on me. Luckily nothing was bad at all, I had no broken bones or trauma or anything. I did have to stay overnight in the hospital just so they could evaluate me to me fully sure I was fine since I was still very lightheaded. My family left to go home, although my mother did stay overnight at the hospital with me since she insisted. I got discharged in the morning and came home. I then spend the next two weeks recovering as I had to let my head recover. My memory was also not very good during that time but everything is back to normal now. My brother took a picture of me when I was out of it on the hospital bed. It is funny to look back at now, although I still basically have a fuzzy memory regarding the events of the day. This was the first time in my life I have had to deal with a serious injury, as before this the worst thing to happened to me was just stuff like stubbing my toe. It was also my first time having to deal with hospital bills in the aftermath, that was a lot of fun. Luckily, I had insurance so it was not as bad as it could have been.'
"Someone who I came to love and care for a lot showed me that he had a drinking problem. He suddenly became verbally abusive and full of rage for no reason towards me. It was a very scary event, especially from someone who you've never had an actual argument with."
| 'The night of the abuse was scary. I had never seen that side of him before and it came out of nowhere. One minute we were sitting around laughing and the next I was up against the wall as I was being yelled at and spit on. Alcohol. Alcohol does this to people. People that you would least expect it to. I didn\'t even know my fiance was having any problems. He never told me of any emotional issues or issues at work that he was dealing with. That\'s the thing about men though, they bottle everything up inside of them because it\'s not "manly" to vent. We had never even had an argument. I didn\'t do or say anything to make him mad. It literally just happened in the blink of an eye. People that drink every day are covering up problems. It\'s not normal to come home and get drunk every night. This is the number one sign and I missed it. I should\'ve seen that something was wrong and for that I partially blame myself.'
'First time traveling with the wife to Las Vegas. We had to see the attractions and lights as well as the desert landscape. That type of landscape is unfamiliar to us as we are from a tropical island.'
| "I've traveled a decent amount of time and places before but I haven't really done much with my wife. we are normally working a lot and my work calls for travel so it's easier for me. On her end she doesn't really have the time to due to work. about 5 months ago we made the change to travel more. we had discussed places we'd like to go and vegas was one. So we chose to visit las vegas first. This would be first time traveling with the wife to las vegas. we had to catch a plane to vegas because driving would have cost about the same. So we decided that it would just be easier to fly. once we had got there we checked into our rooms gotten a litte confortable and then went to dinner. The same night we had to see the attractions and lights as well as the desert landscape. It was pretty dry in the air due to the desert. That type of landscape is unfamiliar to us as we are from a tropical island. So we had to adjust to the different climates. It was a good experience something new that we hadn't done before."
'My fiance and I visited out future wedding venue. Everything was perfect, except for the bathrooms. But we discovered a great hidden set of bathrooms just as close as the original ones.'
| "I am getting married in May, and my fiance and I recently visited the venue we are choosing for our wedding. We absolutely loved it. The building, inside and out, is beautiful, classy, and impressive. The woman we met with that gave us our tour was excited, personable, and relatable, and she answered our questions easily as we walked through the venue. The history of the place is magnificent, and the view of the mountains and river out the windows of the spaces were breathtaking. We loved everything about it, except the bathrooms. When we asked about the bathrooms that would be available to our guests she told us they would have to use the ones in the lobby of the hotel. It was fairly far from the rest of the spaces, but not an insurmountable problem. When we used these bathrooms after our tour though there was a problem. They were so tiny! It was difficult for me, a larger guy, to close the stall door behind me. There was no way a group of 100+ people would be able to use only those bathrooms. We bumped into our tour guide and asked about other options and she said she would get back to us about using the bathrooms on the level below the lobby, via elevator. We weren't really satisfied with this but continued looking around. We happened upon some super nice and roomy bathrooms as we were walking around the 2nd floor and realized they were just as close as the lobby bathrooms to our event space! Only a short walk and up a flight of stairs, or one could take the elevator. While still not overly convenient, it was certainly a better solution than the lobby bathrooms. I recently went back and visited again with my fiance's parent and sister to show them the venue and work out the nitty gritty details. We are very excited."
'My daughter and her family went on a California trip with my wife and I. We spent some time at some theme parks, and then spent 10 days at the beach.'
| 'Two months ago I had the opportunity to go on vacation with my daughter, her husband, and my two grandkids. It was a great time. We took a road trip to California, and we went to Disneyland, Universal Studios Hollywood, and then topped it off with 10 days at the beach. We love going to California anyway, but it was so much more fun with those little grandkids. My oldest grandchild is my granddaughter, and she is five years old. Her little brother is three years old. It was so much fun to see them having fun at Disneyland, and then at Universal Studios. It was even more fun to spend 10 days with them in a condominium right on the beach. Each day we spent playing in the sun, sand, and ocean. In addition, they loved swimming in the pool. Even though the kids are very young, we took lots of pictures so they should remember throughout their lives. I know that my wife and I will treasure it for the rest of our lives. It was such a special time to spend with my daughter and her family. We definitely plan on doing it again in the future. Who knows, she might have another baby by then!'
'As a mom of two toddlers, I was terrified to have a third child so soon. Over the past few months, I have realized how much our family needed this baby and how thankful we are for her.'
| "I gave birth to my first daughter in May. I have two toddler boys, so I was terrified to have a third so close in age. While I usually love being pregnant, this one was a little harder on me both physically and mentally. I was constantly exhausted due to running around with a 3 year old and one year old every day. When I found out I was pregnant we had planned on waiting a few years before deciding if we wanted a third child, but we were very surprised when I got a positive pregnancy test. It was a very trying pregnancy for me, and I spent most of my time panicking that I couldn't handle three kids. Everything changed when E was born. All of the things I had worried about wound up being much easier than expected. While things are a little more time consuming and difficult with three kids, I could not imagine life without her. Watching my sons interact with her, and seeing the love they have for her is such a blessing. Even though unplanned, I love having all my kids so close in age because then they will be able to play together as they grow older. My second child was a difficult baby, which was one of the reasons I was so scared to have another. So far, E has been the easiest baby. She sleeps decently, and is content on her own most of the time. I am constantly amazed at how perfect her and my boys are, and am so thankful for how our family turned out. I really feel as though our family is complete now."
'My girlfriend and I went to Rocky Gap Casino for a weekend. We did many activities and had a great time.'
| 'Last month, my girlfriend and I went away on a mini vacation to Rocky Gap Casino Resort in Western Maryland. We went for a long weekend for her birthday. We left early Friday morning. It was about a 2.5 hour drive. Upon arrival and check in, we check into our room overlooking the lake. After check in, we had massages scheduled, so we went and got them. It was very relaxing and just what I needed. It was my first real massage ever, and now I want more! After that we laid around the room a little bit. We went to the sports bar on site for dinner. I got a spicy chicken sandwich and it was pretty good. We then went and gambled in the casino some. Miranda has never gambled, and she ended up winning on one of her first spins. I was not as fortunate. On Saturday, we went for a hike around the lake, which was about a 5 mile walk. After we went stand up paddleboarding on the lake. We finished the night with a nice dinner at another restaurant on site. All in all it was a great weekend.'
'My dog got very sick one morning a few weeks ago, and I had to take the day off work to rush her to the veterinary hospital. She was placed on many medications to help with the symptoms, but I still do not know what caused the sickness to occur in the first place.'
| 'a few weeks ago my poor dog bear was so sick. I did not know what was wrong with him. I called into work to tell them I had an emergency and would be out for the day. I rushed bear to the vet. I was so scared he is like my third child and I could not stand it if something happened to him. When we got to the vet they took him right in. I was so nervous but the vet was calm so I tried to be as well. They gave me several meds for him. The vet did not know what caused the episode so that has me worried. It could happen again if I do not change whatever caused it in the first place. I felt unsettled because I did not know if it was something he ate or if he was allergic to something. What if the next time it is even worse? I did not know where to even start to try and find out the cause. I decided to take him back to the vet in a couple of days for a recheck and to talk to the vet in depth about steps I can take to make sure he stays well. I hope the vet does not think I worry too much.'
'Was asked to open for a reunion of a favorite band from the past. A good time was had by all and friends were made.'
| 'A few months ago, my band was asked to open for one of our favorite bands. They were embarking on a reunion tour and it was the first time they would play America. This band had broken up in the early nineties and no-one thought they would ever play together again. Naturally we were all excited and quite honored to be involved. I had already met the bass player before on a trip abroad. It was great to see him when we arrived for soundcheck, in fact the whole band were friendly and cool. We all had a few drinks downstairs at the bar as people wandered up. Our band, had, in fact broken up many years earlier so it was fantastic to play with my old pals again. One member is in France. One member is in New Mexico. The third member is actually in Greece so it is hard to get together. Rehearsals had gone well and we seemed ready to go. The joint was packed. The clock was ticking. The drinks were on hand. It was time to go. First song was fantastic and that was the last thing I remember. The crowd ate it up. Afterward, I got to kick back with a drink and watch one of my favorite bands play. Favorite bands, and now, friends. We still keep in touch.'
"Today is my son's wedding day! He finally found the girl of his dreams and is so happy. Their ceremony was beautiful and very touching to all that attended."
| "My son got married today. He is my only son and my first born. I am very excited for him to start this new chapter of his life. He is 32 years old and never really dated many people. It seems as if he was destined to meet his future wife. Even though theyhave only dated for about six months, they truly seem perfect for each other. The way he looks at her with such love and respect truly makes me so happy. It is a beautiful day and the ceremony was perfect. I couldn't help but cry through most of it. The best partof the day was my son telling me how much he loved me. He said I was the reason he was the person he is today! He is so kind and such a good person. They wrote their own vows and almost everyone in the church was crying by the time they finished. I often wondered if he would ever find someone and be happy. Now I am sure that he has found the perfect person!"
'I recently experienced a a life changing event which had a profound effect upon my sense of humanity. From this point forward, I have been enlightened to believe that there are forces beyond our control which work to call upon us in the time of need.'
| "Well, this story represents a spectacular time event in my past which dealt with the direct influence upon someone else's life in general. Remembering back to the day of this life changing event, I still remember and feel the sensations of that moment as it happened on that day. Memory has a way of staying vivid when something very powerful sets motion within your senses. Moments like this are never forgotten, as if the event took place recently, even though many years,perhaps decades have faded away. Time may fade away, but when you are responsible for changing the life of someone else for the better. Unlike time, this type of significance never fades away. To this day, I think about that moment when I helped that elderly man in the store, and what may have happened to him had I not been there, as if I was sent there by forces beyond my control to earn my role within humanity. I realize every day, that my life really did change from that moment, this which reflects the overall impact of my existence, and the value of it's meaning. I just hope that someday, when I am in a time of need, that some guardian angel may rescue me from whatever negative aspects which may abound me. If I had not been there in that store on that day, at that time, would this event be someone else's memory to reflect upon, or perhaps the opposite may hold true. These memories could have been dark and painful. For had this man died as a result of nobody there to save his life, this would have been an everlasting tragic event for others close to him. Funerals are hard to forget as well. Unfortunately, that is not the type of memory I want to hold onto. So, in the long run, I feel justified with an enriched focus upon my life focus. I truly feel as though I have earned significant credit toward my worthiness as a human being on this plane of existence."
'After a very long time, I was released from prison. At last I walked out the gate a free man, and reveled in that freedom and the world around me. I drank in the sights and sounds and feelings of freedom, and went home to face a challenging future.'
| "It has been over 5 months since it happened but I still find myself sitting here thinking about the day I was released from prison. 3 years spent behind bars. 3 years wasted because I made some terrible decisions. I often think about what I did to end up in prison and have to stop myself. Thinking about the past will not change it. I have to move forward. Being released from prison was the best feeling I have ever experienced. To walk out and see my parents waiting. They loved me. They didn't hate me like I had imagined they would. I was free. It had been a long time since I'd been able to do whatever I wanted. I could run down the road. I could stare at the sun. I could stop and get a milkshake. I remember just listening to every sound like I'd never heard before in my life. Every car driving past was amazing. Every bird chirping was mind blowing. I hope I never forget that feeling. I hope I never take freedom for granted again."
'We have to take our son to have a hearing test in which he had to be put to sleep for. It was not fun for him or us but the results were good and it is over.'
| "A few months ago we had to take our son for a hearing test. This is such a specialized thing that we had to take him to a children's hospital and hour and a half away. Since he is so young he had to be sedated for the test, which was done in a hospital operating room. It was a scary situation because he had to be completely put to sleep for that. When we got to the hospital he had to have an exam prior to the test, of which he hated. He was already scared and very confused, he had just turned three a month prior and has no verbal communication skills so that makes this even worse. We had to hold him down on the table in the operating room so that they could hold the anesthesia mask on him. It was so hard to do and very upsetting to watch him because you could see the fear in his eyes. Once he was asleep we went and got some lunch. Within 30 they were calling to tell us they were done with the test. We went back to the room and waited for him to wake up and got the test results. It came out normal and all was well. We had to wait for a little while to make sure that he was not going to have any after effects of the anesthesia or any vomiting. We were then free to take him and head home. It was a long a stressful day but I was glad to have it over with."
"A cousin's child died and made me question life and death. The years of trauma and being able to accept that trauma and move on with my life."
| "Three months ago, my cousin's child died. She was only four years old, and my only niece, and though she'd been born with some handicaps, and always been sickly, and the whole family knew this could shorten her lifespan, it still came as a shock. We thought, and had good reason to believe, she would live into her teens. My cousin was devastated, of course. I'd only met her a few times, so I wasn't as affected, but I still was. It reminded me of the fact that I'm getting older, she was the first family member of mine who was younger than me, who had died. I flew to the west coast for the funeral a few days later, it was very sad seeing her little body in the casket. The service was short, and nobody had too much to say, perhaps because her life had been so short. Later we went back to my cousin's place, and when some of the older family members left, we got pretty drunk. My cousin told me that losing her was the worst thing he'd ever experienced, that since I didn't have a child myself I couldn't understand, and I tend to agree with him. His wife came down and told him to stop drinking and come to bed, and I said goodnight to him. I sat up for awhile drinking beer and watching television by myself, and I wondered how I would handle the loss of my own child, or if I'd ever even have children of my own. The next day I woke up with a bad hangover, and flew home, and I was glad to be back and not living that situation anymore, at least for the moment. I knew, however, that as I continued to get older, this would happen more and more often. I can't say that I'm looking forward to it."
'My cousin recently passed away due to brain cancer. She was only 28 years old at the time and had been battling the cancer for the like 5 years. I attended her funeral with my parents, and the rest of my extended family.'
| "2 months ago, I lost my cousin due to brain cancer. It was such a sad loss for all of us. She was so very young. I can see this happening in someone older, but why so young? We're not sure what caused it. She has been fighting so hard for the past 5 years. I was sure because of her age she would fight this. Isn't younger people supposed to be more resilient? I miss my cousin badly right now. When I attended her funeral, I immediately broke down. The room was fill not only with many family members, but all of her friends, old teachers, and sports buddies. Life will not be the same without her. How do we all cope with such a loss? Instead of people donating flowers, the donations ended up going to the American Cancer foundation. We hope someday there will be a cure for cancer. May my cousin finally rest in peace!"
"I met up with my family for a big reunion for the first time in 20+ years. I got to see my Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt and Uncle who I hadn't seen or talked to in a long time and it was pretty cool. We pledged to keep in touch and try to be better family."
| "We had a family reunion about 4 months ago that was a really great time. I got to see my distant family that I hadn't seen in decades since I was a kid and close ones that I rarely see. It was cool to see my grandpa because It's honestly been at least 25 years and since he is handicap it's hard for him to get around. He also lives on the opposite coast so it is just hard to meet up. He was looking in pretty good health about the same as when he left so that was good to see considering all the time that has passed. My grandma was there too I had my issues in the past with her but it was still nice to see her. She treated my mom poorly so we don't talk much but I put aside my issues just for this small time period to make the gathering go smooth. I got to see my favorite aunt and uncle who both shared similar passions to me with computers and tech stuff and it's been like 20 years since I saw them so that was sweet. Basically they are the same as I remember just older but they are just as into tech stuff as they were back then. I remember I would bring my GameBoy or old PC games over to their house and they would know about them or have them themselves. Just really good memories honesty that I was happy to remember with how stressful life has been. Finally I got to just catch up with some other family members like my cousins and some others who I didn't remember as well cause I was so young back then. This might have been the last time a lot of us get to meet because we all live so far apart and aren't exactly wealthy so we tried to make the most of it. We took a lot of pictures and overall had a great time and we pledged to try and talk over the phone/webcam more often. I hope everyone gets to meet up with their family at some point because in the end it's all that you have and you don't want to waste that."
"The event is about my favorite concert. John Mayer is on tour, and I was able to get tickets to his sold out shows. The concert exceeded my expectations and brought tears to my eyes. I have listened to John Mayer's music for the last 10 years."
| "I was able to go to see John Mayer live. I quickly was able to snag some tickets for really great seats. It was an amazing experience. His instrumentals and lyrics really speak to me personally, they are just extremely relatable. I also still remember how great and beautiful the art visuals were at his show. He had beautiful natural backgrounds like deserts and trees but with great colors that lit up the stage. Some of my favorite parts of the show were his guitar solos. They were simply insane, he would just get lost in the chords and just go on and on with the solo for sometimes 5 minutes. That may not be everyone's cup of tea, but you could really feel the music. Another moment in the show that really stood out to me was the confetti released at the end. Me and my friend got so excited, but also we were a little sad the show was over. I have been listening to John Mayer's music steadily since after the show. Since he's been around for so many years, I would go through periods where I didn't listen to him as much, but after hearing him live my appreciation for him has grown so much more. I still remember his show bringing tears to my eyes. My friend and I now share such a beautiful memory of that weekend. I still watch back video clips that I caught of the show every once in a while when I want to re-live the experience."
'my husband cheating on me and even getting a child with another woman. I had marital problems but never expected that my husband having an affair was the main cause of my woes until I made an intresting discovery.'
| "Two weeks ago I made the most horrible discovery. For months now, my husband has not been interested in sex. He's also been more irritable than normal. I thought maybe I had done something to irritate him and he wasn't able or willing to tell me about it. I tried talking to my girls friends about the situation and they didn't have anything useful to add. Well, Shelly did make an interesting comment that his behavior sounded like a character in a romance novel she was reading. I tried to get her to say more, but she seemed to regret the comment. Well, I had errands to run so after meeting with my friends, I stopped at Costco, Walmart, and Starbucks for some overpriced coffee. This all happened two weeks ago and my life will never be the same. Well, the errands ended up taking less than I expected. So I got home earlier than I'd told my husband I would. I parked in the driveway and started carrying in the groceries. My husband didn't bother to help carry them in which really annoyed me. But I held my tongue because I didn't want to lash out in anger. Once I finished putting everything away, I started walking to his man cave. He was yelling; I thought maybe he was playing a video game with friends. But as I rounded the corner, I saw him FaceTiming with a woman who was nursing a baby. That really freaked me out so I stopped to listen. After a few minutes of eavesdropping, it dawned on me that this child was his and that he had been cheating on me for nearly a year. Maybe longer. I was devastated and my life will never be the same."
'I was jogging in Indonesia while high on marijuana. A guy on the street offered sex with thirteen and fourteen year old females. I said "NO" and went back to my hotel.'
| 'About four or five months ago, I was travelling around Indonesia with my wife, and I went jogging by myself late at night. I like to jog and explore on my own, especially when I\'m in another country. Anyway, I was jogging, and I was high on some marijuana that I was able to purchase through Indonesian friends. After a while, I became tired and started walking. I was sweaty, high, and feeling great. All of a sudden, I walk past a group of people, and one of the guys in the group calls out to me and asks, "Girls?" I knew what he meant, but I wanted to make sure, so I pretended to be confused. He then asked me if I wanted girls. I told him that I\'m married. He laughed and said, "It\'s okay. You want girls, very beautiful. Thirteen years old, fourteen years old." I said, "NO! NO WAY! Thank you. My wife is waiting for me." I walked for a while, and when I got back to the place I was staying at, I told my wife what happened. There is a lot of shady stuff that goes on in this world.'
'HUSBAND and I got into a fight. It made me question things like if staying with him thru everything was really the right thing to do. If it was the best thing I could have done. We started drinking and things went too far over something stupid, so we ended up in a physical fight.'
| "Two months ago, my husband and I got into a fight. We have been struggling in our marriage, and this pushed it over the top. It made me question whether staying with him was worth it or not. I felt it was the right thing to do because you stick with your partner for better or worse, through sickness and health. Both of us are at fault. We started drinking and things got too far over something minuscule. After endless arguing, we ended up in a physical altercation. I was trying to get out of the house, and he wouldn't let me. I started hitting him. He wouldn't budge. I already hated when we argued, but now, I'm not allowed to leave my own house. I felt like a prisoner. Why can't he just let me leave? We would fight for a few hours before anything subsided and got to sleep. However, we only got a few hours of sleep because of the hours we stayed up arguing and fighting."
'I ran a credit report on myself and found unexplained debt. I was shocked, but found out who it was. I made them pay it back.'
| "A few months ago I was trying to get on top of my financial situation. I am three years out of school now with student loans to be repaid. I thought it would be a responsible thing to do. I decided to run a full credit report on myself as I have never done one before. I never understood why my credit score was so low. I have always made payments on time, never kept a balance, and barely used my cards. When I saw the results, I was shocked. I had two credit cards that were basically maxed out that I never knew about. I called the company that said I had accounts there and they said payments were being made on them so it doesn't seem to be fraud and I should ask people I know. So, it turns out my own parent had falsely opened the cards under my name. I had 12,000 in credit card debt because of that associated with my name. And this is on top of my student loans! I was so upset and hurt by this. I forced her to find a way to pay it back and get it off my name. Eventually she did. I am still hurt and weary of it all."
'i have to find a way to get my love back...I will do whatever I have too and realize that love only happens once to some and she was it.'
| "so about 3 months ago I lost a very important person in my life. she was truly the love of my life and because of my stupid ego she is gone forever. it was a mistake of me walking out during an argument. and i shouldn't have now she is getting married to her high school sweet heart. i'm pretty devastated. We had argued a million times in the past but always worked through them. we traveled the world together , and never really had many arguments we couldn't get past. I don't know what happened. I just got angry and said , well or thought. the hell with this I'm leaving.. I should have just got away until we both had calmed down. now I am always along and its sad. I only think of her, I cant eat , I cant sleep . I'm just beside myself with anguish. She wont answer my phone call, or letters, and I try every day to get in touch but her ex answers her phone and tell me to get lost.. hes not good for her, and she knows it, we have even discussed it a hundred times. So now I'm gonna have to find a way to get her back...also I am taking to her family for help. They want me to get her back and they also pass messages to her from me. I think she has made a grave mistake not allowing time to pass to see how this is such a bad choice on both of our parts but we shall see."
"The story is about a trip I took to Budapest, Hungary with one of my best friends. The trip was a very enriching experience. We were exposed to Hungary's culture, beautiful scenery, and were able to catch up after not having seen each other for almost a year."
| "I was able to take a trip to Budapest with one of my best friends who I had not seen for a year or more. It was such a lovely trip. We took a boat ride a sunset over the beautiful water and were able to see the parliament building lit up at night. We ate absolutely amazing food. I had initially been worried they had a very meat-centric diet, and as a vegetarian I thought I wouldn't get to enjoy authentic dishes but I had some delicious goulash and many other unique plates at restaurants. I bought a jacket that I absolutely love one day when were walking down the street of our airbnb. We stumbled upon a hole in the wall thrift shop, it had such beautiful pieces. I easily could have bought many things but settled for a cute vibrant blue cropped blazer. I have worn it many times since and always get complements. My friend and I still talk about the trip to this day, we had such an amazing time together. Our feet were about to fall off from all the walking we did, but it truly gave us the best experience in seeing the most we could in our short time. One of the most surprising and beautiful moments of the trip was definitely when we went to the fisherman's lookout. I had not known what to expect because one moment we were on level ground and the next we came out of a tunnel that offered us the most stunning view of Budapest and the river. We had a cocktail at the top and just soaked in the beauty of the moment. That had to be one of my favorite moments of the trip."
'I went to the hospital with chest pain. I spent a day and a half there without a diagnosis. I went home only to find out three weeks later that I had had another heart attack.'
| "So I ended up having a heart attack at the beginning of this month. I've actually had a heart attack previously. That was a full on STEMI with a complete blockage of my RCA and all the bells and whistles of a typical heart attack - basically a fireball in my chest. This time it was more of a slow crackling fire with a few spurts here and there. Anyways, I really wasn't sure it was a heart attack, but I got a little bag ready and call the ambulance. My blood pressure was 200-something over 108 in the ambulance and they said the EKG looked fine. At the hospital no one actually told me I had a heart attack. After about an hour or two sitting there I felt fine. A little winded, but otherwise no pain. They wanted me to stick around to MAYBE do a heart cath, but that would have been another two days in the hospital and as I said I was feeling fine. So I left. The nurse was a bit annoyed since this was against medical advice and she actually pulled my IV out the wrong way causing my hand to bleed heavier than normal which ticked me off. Otherwise no one came to tell me I had had a heart attack. I found out almost three weeks later when I checked my records online which showed a diagnosis NSTEMI. Needless to say I wish there was a different hospital that was closer."
'I went on a little roadtrip with my husband and a friend for a few days. We had no where in particular in mind to go but we went camping, saw waterfalls, went to an arcade, tag-sales, sight seeing areas, and fun spots. We enjoyed lots of good food and beverages and was a fun little trip!'
| 'AT the camp, we also built a fire and sang old songs. Around the fire we told ghost stories that sent chills up our spines. We had some light beer and had some good laughs. The cascading waterfalls were amazing. The water was very loud. We could hardly hear each other talking. The waterfalls were more than 20 feet high. At the bottom where water fell it was very deep. At the arcade , we played some of the old favorites like pacman and space invaders. Ping ball machines were also available. I loved playing ping balls when I was in my youth. I still love it. At the tag-sales I picked up an antique vase. It was white and Victorian style. It was a true treasure to me.'
"My uncle died and we had his funeral. Being the youngest uncle, it made me realize the fragility of life and how it's important to live your life to the fullest."
| 'As I returned home from my trip, I received bad news from my family: my uncle is in the hospital. He had trouble breathing, and he had been in the emergency room since a week ago. I assumed for the worst, hoped for the best. My uncle had throat cancer for about a year now. He couldn\'t speak with the majority of his tongue removed. My cousin, his son, said he realistically had limited time, about a week. I lived with their family for a while when I was young. I could hear the words, but it just didn\'t register. If that\'s the case, I couldn\'t imagine what they were feeling. And, just like that, a week later, he died. I woke up in a groggy state from a phone call. He said "my dad passed away earlier this morning." And for the next few days, it\'s just been a gloomy state. We had the funeral shortly afterwards as well as attending services. I\'m fine, but it\'s just weird knowing someone you knew your entire life is gone, just like that. I can come visit their house...but the body is gone. And my other family members are freaking out because he is the youngest from the brothers and sisters. It just makes you realize you can die at any given moment and to just live your life. You can die in twenty-five years, or you can die today. So while it\'s not about the length of time you lived, it\'s what you did in that lifetime. As Abraham Lincoln stated,"it\'s not how many years you lived but how you lived in those years."'
"My cat has only one eye and is losing his vision to ocular cancer. He doesn't seem to be in pain or suffering, but I'm afraid of the cancer spreading. Do I have his good eye removed and force blindness on him, or do I take a chance that the cancer will not spread?"
| "I have a cat as my pet. I love it so much and I care for it. One day my cat's walking seemed to be strange because it suffered from eye problem. At first I thought it was usual. But it continued for days. Hence I decided to take it to the veterinary doctor. After taking my cat to him, he examined it carefully. Then from the reports he came to a conclusion that my pet has ocular cancer. I was shocked to hear that. He said that my pet is losing his vision due to this. He gave me two options. One was to force blindness on him, second is to take a chance that the cancer will not spread. Both the options were very difficult and painful for me. I was not in a situation like this before. I left it with the doctor and asked him to move on with the best decision among the both."
'A police officer randomly showed up at my door thinking I was making drugs. The next day child protective services showed up throwing my life into chaos.'
| "The strangest thing happened to me a police officer randomly knocked on my door and said he had a complaint of a strange smell like that of drugs being made. He asked if he could look in the house and of course I had nothing to hide so I let him. He checked assured me that everything was okay and then left. The next day it got even stranger. I had another random knock on the door and when I answered it was Child Protective Services. The caseworker claimed that they got a call that my children were living in unacceptable conditions and she was doing a follow up. It was trash day and I had the trash waiting to be taken out to the curb but that was the only thing wrong with my house. She took pictures of the trash and took a tour of the house. She looked at everything even the bathroom to make sure that I had running water (who doesn't). After she was done looking around she talked to my girls and took pictures of them. It felt like such a violation. She gave me a paper saying I was being investigated for child neglect and left. After she was out of the door the first thing I did was call my wife and she came home from work immediately. We went insane on cleaning the house and I mean over the top. We were scrubbing floors and making sure there wasn't a speck of dirt anywhere. It was just unbelievable that this was happening to us. For the next several weeks the case worker would show up at random. This made it to where we didn't even let the girls have their toys out to play. It felt like we were the worst parents in the world and if even a small mess got made it was a complete disaster. This was three weeks of hell. Finally without notice the case worker completely dropped the case without even filing it. We had to call Child Protective services to even find this out. Overall I don't think I have been more scared or worried about anything in my entire life. You hear horror stories about how this happens to other good parents but you never believe it until it happens to you."
"My cousin's wife texted me, revealing that my conservative relative was leading a double life. It turns out that he identifies as trans and has been cheating on her."
| "I just found out that my relative who is a republican is actually trans and cheating on my cousin. I don't really like trans people so I wasn't happy to hear this result. When we first had the wedding, I thought they would be such a great couple. After a few months, I thought they were going to have children and start a life like that. When someone cheats they are violating a sacred bond between man and women. When someone goes trans, they are doing something perverse and subversive. The trans community is immersed in sinful behavior. They sexualize kids and do obscene behavior and pursue vices at their night clubs. I do not approve of this behavior by my cousin. And all the while, I thought he was a god fearing republican. Next time I see him I don't think I could look him in the eye. I feel really bad for my cousin. Now she will have to break up with him. She will be devastated. It's good that they didn't have children yet."
"I went to the eye doctor to get my eyes checked and he recommended surgery to get my eyes realigned. Three months later, I had the surgery done and it has completely changed my life. I love having eyes that don't look weird now."
| 'People have always made fun of my eyes and how they look crooked. Growing up other kids would call me "Crooked Eyes" and tease me endlessly. Thinking back, I guess I struggled socially because of the way I was treated through school. Now that I have health insurance, I decided to get my eyes checked and see if there was anything that could be done. The eye doctor I visited told me that I could have surgery to have my eyes realigned. He reassured me that it was a safe procedure and would greatly improve the appearance. I didn\'t really need much time to think it over, and I immediately signed up for an appointment scheduled for three months later. I could barely sit still during those three months because I was overcome with joy and anxiousness. Despite not being able to see on the day following my surgery, I was so thrilled to finally have this procedure done. And once everything finally healed it was absolutely unbelievable! The doctor did a fabulous job! My eyes look normal for the first time in my life. Now I do not have to be so self conscious about the way I look. All those years of being teased are gone! I can\'t wait to go to my 10 year high school reunion and see everyone\'s faces!'
'My girlfriend, friend , and I went to a water park. We got on a ride after a long wait, got food, and played in the wave pool.'
| "Going to a pool is something I love doing. It allows me to be a child, in a way. It's fun. It relieves stress. Plus, it's just good exercise. My girlfriend, I, and my friend went to a water park. The wait was rough, but that's to be expected. It was a warm day. We were able to get on rides after a long wait. I didn't really mind too much. It was fun to just be in good company. It was fun to experience the journey. I loved spending time with them. The food was pretty great too, so that didn't hurt. We also played in the wave pool, as an added bonus. I think it was a journey that I won't soon forget."
'I was very surprised when I went into the auditorium and was told of my promotion. Everyone was looking at me quite pleasingly. It was a moment I will never forget'
| 'I got an email from management telling me to meet with others in the auditorium. I was a bit worried at first, thinking I did something wrong. However I saw others in top management position smiling as I entered the room. I was pleasantly surprised when they announced that I was been promoted. I was applauded and told that I was promoted as a manager. They told me that my performance is top performance. They said that cooperate was extremely pleased with how I do my work. I would be in charge of 25 people in my group. I must say that I was trying to pinch myself to see if I was dreaming. I was then presented with gifts. I was also given a gift card valuing one thousand dollars. I was also given gift card to eat at Red Lobster. I am happy that I really worked hard and I am very grateful for this position. They told me that there is more room for growth. Eventually I could be an executive, if I continue on the same pace. Members from cooperate gave a lengthy speech about my performance.'
'It is always a journey for me to go to burning man. I am having a hard time catching up on my bills now. I need extra money somehow and also, need to pay people back and get current on all of my bills.'
| "Burning Man metamorphoses was perfect. I am definitely still recovering from it. It is strange, now that I go out there and actually enjoy it more, I have a much harder time out in the default world. I was gifted a tourmalized quartz by a super nice guy that was a volunteer at the box office. I met him at the airport out there. I have been having issues with money and just basically not caring at all. I have had this problem before after coming home from burning man, but this year is definitely different. I feel like since my journey to get there is (now) much easier on me that always, when I come back home to the default world, I need to account for the default world to pick up the slack. It really does suck, though, this year I had to borrow money from Quickstep so that I wouldn't be evicted! I have been having such issues, from me not working enough and also all of the regular Burning Man bills. I really wish that I had a lot more sources of income because there really is nothing I can do about it. I wasn't able to go into work last week because I didn't have the money and no one will let me borrow any money. It really sucks. Thank god for Quickstep. I still am not out of trouble yet. Now, I am not feeling well. I have a cold or something from my ear, but I found some allergy medicine that has been working. I still owe Ashley money, Jason the puppy sitter, and I am late on paying my credit cards. I wish that I would have just not paid my camp fees. and also, worked more when I came back. I also can't rent a car through Turo anymore because they want to charge me for some chipped paint."
'We continued to watch as her swaying became more pronounced, and then she proceeded to fall over like a fresh cut tree right between the bride and groom. Out like a light. My friends and former coworkers thought it was hilarious. By the 3rd or 4th time, we were all cracking up.'
| 'I witnessed something funny today. It was a wedding. The wedding went fine, but one of the people involved has a mishap. They were standing between the bride and groom. But I assume their knees locked. They swayed and rocked quite a bit but they went out. It was funny to many. And they did it more then once. It was several times over, I believe 4 times total. It was funny while at the same time a bit shocking. I had never been to a wedding with such a show before. I felt sorry for them. Some ceremonies can be quite long. Most of the coworkers laughed also. We ended up talking about it later on in the night.'
'I got a part time job to supplement my income, and it has been difficult. My children are the reason I got the job, but also why it has been difficult being away from home working two jobs.'
| "I recently took a second job to increase my income. I have three children, and unfortunately their father is not consistent with his child support payments. Under the circumstances, I either had to pull the kids out of their extra-curricular activities, or earn more money. I work at Starbucks part time, in addition to my regular job. Because I do have a day job, my Starbucks shifts are usually at night. I am gone from before the children get home from school until 10:30 or so at night. Lately I have been working 3 or 4 nights each week, which means I have very little time in the evenings with the kids. Schoolwork is starting to suffer, and I am exhausted. I don't really get enough sleep when I work a night shift, since I still have to get up at the usual time to get the kids off to school, and me to work. I keep hoping that I can cut back to no more than two nights during the week, and one Saturday morning, but I have to be available when the store needs me. I also try to stay involved in the children's activities, and volunteer when I can. It seems like there is never enough time. I don't glorify busyness, either. I really do try to find ways to cut back, but with three children, two jobs, and no help, it is super hard. I know it is just a season in my life, and I try to stay focused on being lucky enough to be able to manage two jobs, but I am tired. So very tired."
'My brother, Steve sent me on a trip of a lifetime to Ireland, as a gift for caring full-time for our aging parents. The trip was wonderful, the weather perfect, and I kept a journal of the daily events. I met relatives I had never even known in Galway, Ireland!'
| "My parents were reported to us siblings, by neighbors, that they were not doing well mentally and physically recently. My father was in the ER with reported confusion and having lost weight. Concerned I decided to leave work and drive the 2 hours to the ER to find out what was going on. My father was dehydrated and that was the cause of his confusion. Neighbors reported him also driving erratically with them in the car on the way to breakfast, and on other occasions. My siblings and I decided if things were to get bad, we needed to intervene to protect them. I decided that since I was unmarried, and in the Medical profession that I would leave my job and condo (in my son's hands) and move 2 hours to live with and care for them. This all happened within 2 months of the neighbors report. After about a year of living in this small town, my oldest brother decided to give me a gift. He granted me a trip of a lifetime to Ireland for 3 weeks. He and my sister would cover for me while I was gone. He knew that I had always wanted to go. My other brother and sister-in-law were heading up the trip for students to go (for college credit) through the University where they were teaching. I was so touched by his generosity that I could not even speak to describe how I was feeling. I was so beyond grateful that he was doing this for me it was difficult to put into words just how excited I was to go. I knew that I would never have been able to afford to go on my own."
"I was featured in Woman's World magazine a couple of months ago to share my incredible weight loss journey with the whole world. I lost 200 pounds with no weight loss surgery and a complete lifestyle change. As a result, I'm healthier and more fit than I have been since high school and I'm now 57."
| "About two months ago, I was chosen to be featured in Woman's World magazine. The story was about my amazing weight loss journey. Approximately 4 years ago, I was nearly 400 pounds and in extremely bad health. Because of my extreme obesity and sedentary lifestyle, I was putting a lot of strain on my heart and developed many ailments due to my condition and the shape that I was in. The most distressing was my diagnosis of congestive heart failure. My heart was not functioning problem because of the huge amount of weight that I was carrying. I also suffered from hypertensive, sleep apnea, irregular heart beat and chronic muscle and joint pain. I was extremely depressed and receiving this diagnosis made matters even worse. My cardiologist informed me that my heart was on the brink of completely giving out and I was put on blood thinners to help protect me from stokes and blood clots. Because of the blood thinners, weight loss surgery was risky and not recommended. To top things off, I had a sluggish thyroid which meant that my metabolism was not working effectively either, making weight loss almost impossible. My only option was to hold on to my faith in God and push past the barriers before me. The first thing that I did was change my eating habits. I chose a complete lifestyle change, one that I could live with for the rest of my life. I avoided high carb foods and sugary sweets and instead ate plenty of fruit and vegetables. I did internet research looking for healthy choices that would help me achieve my goals. I chose low carbs as opposed to no carbs because I knew this was a lifestyle change. I also ate plenty of protein, starting each day off with eggs and turkey breakfast sausages. I had healthy salads for lunch with a bowl of delicious homemade soup, packed with ingredients that helped boost my metabolism naturally. Dinner was lean protein, healthy vegetables, a huge salad and fresh fruit for dessert. I notices rapid results and soon I was able to begin walking. I started off slow and worked my way up to 2 miles each day. It took me about 4 years but I was able to lose 200 pounds and have kept it off. Woman's World magazine heart about my awesome journey through Shapefit and contacted me for a story in their magazine. I have been able to inspire so many people and I turned my health around for the better and being in the magazine was an amazing accomplishment and I look forward to having a professional photo shoot done soon for another story in the magazine."
'I developed a sudden severe pain, enduring it for many hours - decided to go to the ER after worrying it could be very serious (such as a stroke) and was given the all clear. I fully recuperated and was given medicine, and the healing was rather quick.'
| "That fateful day in June - June Seventh 2019 was a day like any other ordinary day. It began the same, mid way also. The night was what changed everything. I developed and woke up to an extreme pain. This pain radiated in my jaw, teeth, and neck, but was not the ordinary tooth or molar pain. It was intense, extreme, unbearable. Nothing would help it, not over the counter medications, or rest. It was an intense, tremoring pain --- the kind you'd experience during a boxing match or worse, during surgery without numbing. Being that I suffer from anxiety and am getting up there in age, I began to worry. Was this very serious? I contemplated my options all the while suffering. Do I go to the ER? A local Urgent Care? I tried everything I could think of to numb the pain. It was almost as if I was bitten by a poisonous creature. Was it a spider bite? So many things raced through my mind. Eventually, I realized the inside of my mouth was irritated. This was possibly from spicy food or acid reflux, and that it appeared to be possibly infected. After finally coming to and going to the ER, this was confirmed. I was given antibiotics and went home. I have since fully recuperated thankfully."
'We took a family vacation with my sister and her family back in May to Seaside, Florida. The week was spent relaxing and making memories with our children. We have been blessed because God made a way.'
| "When we first started planning our vacation, we knew that we wanted some place that was relaxing, that we could take our children and just not have to travel around too. We picked the beautiful city of Seaside, Florida. We planned out where we would stay, the things that we would do and how many times we would eat out. My sister and I decided that she would pay for the beach house and my husband and I would pay for the rental van and the cost of the gas and then we would split the cost of the food on days that we didn't eat out. We planned a pretty relaxing time and most days were uneventful and we spent 5-6 hours at the beach. There was one day that we spent in Panama City and we toured the town, shopped and ate at Pompano Joes. There was another day that we drove back into Destin, toured the city, watched the fisherman fillet huge fish and ate at Dewey Destin. We spent a few different evenings walking about 2-3 miles to the beach, to catch little crabs, dig for seashells and just splash around in the water, while my sister was snapping pictures. We spent one Thursday evening having our family pictures professionally taken and those memories will never be lost! I seen my children having a fantastic time just being kids. My smaller little one was getting brave the last day that we were there, riding an intertube out into the ocean just a bit. The last time that she seen the ocean was when she was about 8 months old, so this was such a blessing to be able to take her back. I love spending time with my family and having those memories to hold onto. We seen sea turtles, dolphins, manatees and a baby shark, while we were on the pier in Panama City. My oldest experienced a ferris wheel and getting to gaze over the city with my niece and sister. We seen the cities biggest candy shop and I seen my little girls eyes, as big as saucers. I have a new found love for my husband, as I know the drive was torture and it wasn't cheap. I seen him playing with my kids, especially my girls that made me fall inlove with him all over again. It made me wish that we lived closer and could experience that same things on more of a regular basis. The city of Seaside will always have a piece of my heart and I can't wait to return."
'My boyfriend and I went to a concert together and had a great time. We met some of my friends there and really enjoyed ourselves watching the sunset.'
| "Concerts are my most favorite thing, and my boyfriend knew it. That's why, for our anniversary, he got me tickets to see my favorite artist. Not only that, but the tickets were for an outdoor show, which I love much more than being in a crowded stadium. Since he knew I was such a big fan of music, he got tickets for himself, and even a couple of my friends. He is so incredibly nice and considerate to me and what I like to do. I will always remember this event and I will always cherish him. On the day of the concert, I got ready, and he picked me up and we went out to a restaurant beforehand. He is so incredibly romantic. He knew exactly where to take me without asking. We ate, laughed, and had a wonderful dinner date before the big event. We arrived at the concert and the music was so incredibly beautiful. I loved every minute of it. My friends, boyfriend, and I all sat down next to each other. As the music was slowly dying down, I found us all getting lost just staring at the stars. It was such an incredibly unforgettable and beautiful night."
'Surprise party for my 45 birthday. Family and friends surprised me at one of my favorite restaurants .'
| "Looking back, I couldn't have asked for a lovelier evening! Having struggled with the passage of time, and my inexorable march to the grave over much of my adult life, there have been occasions when the clouds have parted, permitting fleeting shafts of light to fall before me. Last month was one of those occasions. That night, my beloved wife took me out for dinner to Poochy's Buffet, my all-time favorite family restaurant. Since we have no kids of our own, we dressed our child-like dolls in their finest embellished tweed jumpsuits and packed them into the back of my 1975 Cutlas Supreme, and away we sped to a very fine dining experience, and nothing more... Or so I thought! When we arrived, we carted our child-like dolls through the entrance of Poochy's Buffet and were asked to be seated against the back wall, as I detest eating with strangers behind me. After situating our child-like dolls on either side of us, and just as I was about to sit, I heard a boisterous commotion and witnessed the waitstaff cascading away in a choreographed series of movements to reveal my entire extended family doing a Russian dance routine and singing Happy Birthday! To me! What a perfect performance! What a perfect way to celebrate another year. Seeing their smiling face-- little Susie, little Tyler, fat Charlie-- it sent chills down my spine. We asked the waiters to push some tables together. I couldn't wait for the gifts, so I didn't let anyone eat until after my presents were opened. This angered the children severely, but it was my special day, not theirs. Afterwards, we all went our separate ways. Me and my wife packed our child-like dolls back into the car and came home. I am so blessed!"
'I left on a morning run to find myself at a school I once attended. I wandered into the school yard and sat beneath an old tree. I rediscovered what silence means to me.'
| "Lately I have really started to build my cardio up with running. I got into a habit of setting my alarm at 5am and going for a morning run before work. It really seems to give me energy through the day, and is the best workout imaginable at that time in the morning. My stamina has also increased nearly three times over, and I can run for a few miles easily without even feeling winded. About a month ago I went for a super long run back to my old hometown. It was still before sunrise and the town was eerily silent. I kept going towards an old elementary school that I attended as a kid. I'm not sure what came over me but I opted to stop running immediately noticed a massive tree I remember from school. We often used to climb this same tree during recess, and it brought positive memories to once again be in its presence. A tree that I took for granted at the time was standing before me, looking the same as always. I sat down under it and really started to think about life and how time passes us by. I felt a great deal of peace for the twenty odd minutes I sat down pondering. Then as I began to see the sun begin to wake, I gave one final stretch and look over my surroundings. I felt strangely at peace with everything in life, filled with nostalgia even. I then hopped to my feet and began my long run back home as the sun escaped from the horizon."
'The story is about me learning how to surf a few months ago. It explains how my friends took me to the beach, and taught me how to surf. It also depicts how much I liked it, and how I fell in love with surfing.'
| 'The story was about the time when my friends took me to the beach and taught me how to surf. I had always wanted to learn how to surf, but either never had enough time for it, because I traveled a lot for work, or just never got around to it. Years went by, and I still had not learned how to surf, and I got older. Finally, I got around to finding some time, and my friends were willing to teach me. One Saturday they took me to the beach, and since they are all very good surfers, they took turns showing me what to do. I have always been a good swimmer, so I was not too frightened of the water and the waves, but I am older now, and I was afraid that I would not even be able to get up on the board, let alone surf. I managed to paddle out with them on the first try. They had gone over with me what I needed to do in order to push myself up on the board. So, in theory I had everything memorized, and now I just needed to put it into practice. Surprisingly getting up on the board was nowhere as hard as I thought it would be. I missed the first nice sized wave that came around, but I paddled and caught the following one. My friends were yelling and laughing, and then I heard clapping. Surprisingly I managed to push myself up, and stand up on the board on my first try. That was the biggest surprise. I rode the wave all the way to the shore without falling off. It was amazing. I fell in love with surfing that day, and I surf now as much as I can. I am practicing my technique, and just getting better with every time I get up on that board again.'
'It was during Easter holidays, I took my friend to the hospital and told him I could not reach my girlfriend. When I finally got a hold of her, a male voice picked her phone. He said he was her fiance. My heart broke'
| 'Monday April, 22nd 2019, Diary Entry 101Today started out in a very depressing way, my best friend called me about am saying he was very sick and needed a ride to the hospital, which was an hour away. I did not sleep at during the night, I tried but I could not. My girlfriend has been away for three days now, I have been calling her in vain, her phone rings and she sends me straight to voicemail. I scratched my head several times those past few days wondering what I did wrong so I could apologize but I could not place my finger on anything, I tried to assume that being Easter Holidays she must have traveled to her home town. But why did she not tell me? Anyway, I got up and showered quickly and went and picked up my friend and on the way to the hospital he could tell something was off. I decided to open up since we rarely kept anything from each other, I told him how we had spent Christmas together with my girlfriend, for the first time I did not go home to my parents home to celebrate because I wanted to spend it with her, this was also her idea, she did not have to convince me much to do it, I was in love. My friend felt disappointed, he tried to encourage me to just hang in there and everything will be work out for the greater good, this sounded like Greek to me at this point, I just wanted her back. Halfway to the hospital she called, I asked her to call me back in hour after I had checked my friend in the hospital and was free to talk. My heart was racing all the way to the hospital, anxious of what she was about to tell me, were we breaking up? where was she?. Questions and all sorts of reasoning clouded my mind and I could not wait to hear what she had to say. Finally, I was free to call back. I dialed her number and an unfamiliar male voice picked up the phone, I apologized and hang up assuming I had dialed a wrong number, I tried again and got the same voice, I tried to contain my composure and asked him if I could speak to my girlfriend, his answer ripped my heart in a million little pieces! He calmly told me "his" fiance was on holiday and he did not appreciate me calling her all the time. I am safely back home now. I just have to rest my head and my heart! It has been a long and stressful day and there is nothing I can do to forget about it. I just hope that tomorrow when I wake I will be level headed and start my healing and moving on journey. I do not know whether I will have the strength or the courage to fight for this love. Only time will tell, I highly doubt it though. Matters of the heart are very complex, no matter what age one is. All in all, life has to go on and I have to keep my head high, I will try however hard it is. Maybe next time I will love with my head and not my head, there could have been red flags but I was too blind to see.'
'An emotional day, July 20, 2019. One family begins and another family changes. It was a beautiful day.'
| "One family emerges from two. This happened on July 20, 2019 when my son and daughter-in-law got married. It was somewhat of a stressful and emotional day beginning at six in the morning. We were excited and yet nervous for the unknown. The weather was beautiful, but I still felt scared. My husband had to drive my daughter and other son who were both in the wedding to the hotel so that they could join the wedding party for pictures. I texted my son and my future daughter-in-law to congratulate them and to remind them of the special day that lies ahead. The rest of us not in the wedding began to prepare. I went to the hairdresser came back around noon. I quickly ate something because I knew it would be a long day. Additionally, I had to bring the wedding license. This little piece of paper seemed like a huge burden to carry and to remember. We called for the Uber and piled in the car. The wedding venue was a gorgeous hotel. We found the room, but we just sat and waited for everything to unfold. The wedding started about 30 minutes late which didn't help to calm me. Finally, it is time. My husband and escort my son down the aisle. I tear up and feel very sad. He will no longer be just ours; we have to share him with his wife and new family. The bride appears looking lovely and the two become one. We rejoice and cheer, but still feel tearful. We move on the party and celebration. I am happy but still sad thinking will they successfully merge their two lives together. We eat, drink, dance and wish the happy couple well. The party is over and we go back to our ordinary lives."
'my husband and i got married in florida. we honeymooned in disney. we had a great time and it was the most fun i have ever had.'
| "My husbnd and I were married at disney. We loved every second of it. It was magical. We stayed at the French Quarter and my husband had never been before. We went to all the parks and for our honeymoon night diner we ate at the california grill. it was the first time either of us was able to eat at a fancy restaurant. we were treated like royalty because we wore our honeymoon pins in the park. my husband actually got to star in the festival of the lion king thanks to those pins. i don't think we could hae picked a better place to get married. we talk about it all the time and we have so many fond memories. we loved bein in florida. we especially loved being in disney. we will be going back every year for our honeymoon. i know it won't always be as perfect, but i hope it will be close. we loved our trip and we will definitely be back."
'I celebrated my birthday last month in August. I travel to Saint Lucia with a sex worker as a companion.'
| 'In August of this year I celebrated my birthday. I decided to visit a place a spent some time as a child in, St. Lucia. When I was a young boy I lived there with my mother and siblings. It has always been a place of significance and nostalgia to me. I decided that I did not want to travel alone. I sought out the services of a professional travel companion. At first I experienced considerable trepidation and ambivalence. Though I have indulged the services of professional sex workers in the past, this was different. My previous encounters had always been rather ephemeral. I had no way of knowing what to expect. I spent weeks carefully setting up appointments and considering my options. I finally decided to travel a very beautiful and professional young lady. The woman I traveled with was quite lovely and made my journey even more pleasurable. We spent some time together on the beach. We even visited an active volcano. She also did not mind that I had my own itinerary. She was very professional and not too needy at all. Overall I thoroughly enjoyed myself and look forward to making similar plans in the future.'
"I was planning to celebrate my wedding anniversary, I don't have much cash on me. My son and my friend surprised me without begging or discoursing money issues with them. All went well."
| "3 weeks ago I was EXTREMELY stressed out--it was my wedding anniversary. Look, I'm not one for formal events. I forget my own birthday sometimes, that's just how it is sometimes. But my husband would never let me hear the end of it if I forgot or I didn't do anything, so I just had to. I didn't have any money--just paid mortgage, didn't want to dip into savings. Husband wouldn't like that at all. My son though, the best kid in the whole world, talked with my friend. And they figured things out for me--I didn't even ask. They gave me the money I needed to take my husband out. My son is only 2 years old and he's already doing things like this for me. When he's an adult, I can't see him not being the best son in the entire universe. Me and my husband went to a nice restaurant, and all went pretty well. He was happy, I was happy. I do owe my friend a treat sometime in the next few months. It's all good, though!"
'put my dog to sleep a few years ago and never wanted another dog. Get a call for a dog that would be put to sleep if i couldnt take him. Got the new dog and im so glad that i did'
| 'I recently just got a new dog after 2 years since I had to put my old dog to sleep. I had the other dog for 12 years of my life. He was my first dog that was mine and mine only. I thought he was going to be my only dog id ever have because I didnt want to go through losing another pet again. It was something I just accepted that Id never be a dog owner because I couldnt handle losing another one. Until recently when i got a call of a dog that was taken to the vet a family member works at that a young dog was left to be euthanized. Turns out the dog had parvo and the owners either couldnt afford the treatment or didnt think it was worth it. My family member she could take the dog home and make sure he has constant fluids. She said she has a good chance at saving him but she cannot keep another dog. So i agreed id take him if he made it though. And eventually he got better. Tested negative for any signs of parvo. Hes a ~1 year old bull terrier mix ive been told and hes been so much fun. Ive never seen a dog love the water more than him. He sleeps in my old dogs bed now. I know they wouldve been best friends had they met eachother. Im glad i gave another dog a chance.'
'My daughter gave birth to her first child. She and her husband were overwhelmed by emotions that came with it.'
| "The story is about when my daughter gave birth to her first child. My daughter had been married for some years. She and her husband have been trying to get a child but things were not working as expected. She was able to conceive last year and she was able to give birth to her child in May. Since she stayed in the same state as I do, I decided to be with her on the day she went into labor. That day was very hectic and scary for everybody involved. I think immediately she went into labor, her husband called me and then drove her to the hospital. I joined her at the hospital. When we got the hospital things became a little bit complicated. Her husband tried his best to be with her and to keep her strong. She eventually delivered perfectly. After deliver, she had to stay at the hospital for a while. Back at her home, I had been planning a surprise return for her. It was expected that the surprise return party would make her feel happy. Finally, she was discharged from the hospital. When she got home, and saw the surprise return party she just burst into tears. According to her a tsunami of emotions engulfed her at that moment. Her husband couldn't help but started crying as well. It was beautiful to watch and really emotional."
'A walk with my grandson in a cemetery on a beautiful spring day. It turns out to be funny and educational at the same time.'
| "When my youngest son was about 2 or 3 years old we went for a walk near my home. I live out in the country and it wasn't safe to push a stroller on the gravel along side of the road so I would push the stroller across the road and on the sidewalks in the little cemetery. It was a beautiful spring day, the sun was shinning and my son was sniffing the air and it wasn't long and he asked me what that smell was? I knew what it was but decided to ask him, what do you think it is? He replied I didn't know dead people smelled so good! I couldn't help but chuckle and I had to show him where the wonderful smell was coming from. There was a little shed in the back of the cemetery where the lawn mower was kept and behind the shed was a lilac bush in full bloom. The smell was being blown in the wind and it was delightful. My little son just assumed it came from the people that were buried in the cemetery. It was so funny and I will always remember that day. Out of the mouths of babes, as they always say! To this day whenever I smell lilacs I recall that beautiful spring day and our walk in that little cemetery. Time passes quickly but memories linger on like the beautiful smells of a warm spring day. We just never know what each new day will bring. When we have children its amazing what they will say. Our lives are enriched by everything in nature."
'To celebrate our anniversary, my wife and I went to the White Mountains for two nights without kids. During that time we had the opportunity to reflect on the past 10 years of our life and I came to realize how much I love the experiences we have had.'
| "Over the past 6 years my wife and I have had three kids and have taken care of both of her parents as they suffered through cancer. Three months ago she and I decided to take a break from it all and booked a room at a hotel in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. To warrant the costs we treated it as an early anniversary gift to ourselves, as we were coming up on 10 years of being married. As my family is in another state, and her parents are no longer with us, we also booked our favorite babysitter to watch the three kids. The kids were ecstatic to learn that the babysitter was going to be watching them for two nights. We left once Lauren came and made our way to the White Mountains. It was a nostalgic trip up as we hadn't been in that area since before we were married. A lot had changed in the 10 plus years, more shops and everything looked new and expensive. The one exception was the restaurant that we had visited more times than we could count when we were fresh out of college and in that area, the Moat! We had dinner that night in the restaurant and walked through all that had changed since we were last there. We reflected on the hardships, where our life had turned in unforeseen ways and how little we were eventually prepared for all that had happened since. As we continued on throughout the weekend I reflected on how comfortable I had become with being next to my wife. Reflecting on the feeling I can only think of our relationship as a well worn tool that has seen the passage of hundreds of hours of time. Worn down a little, but smooth and comfortable. It sounds almost like a bad thing when I read it here but I also know that I find myself more and more in love with my wife the deeper into life we go."
'My dog was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. He hung on for 9 months. We eventually had to put him to sleep.'
| "When my kids were in kindergarten and second grade we decided to get a family dog. We named him Cosmo after Cosmo in the fairly odd parents cartoon for the kids. The adults liked the name Cosco because he was kind of goofy like Cosmo Kramer on Seinfeld. He ended up becoming my wife's dog as she was home with him most of the time. He loved the kids and loved walking to school with them. He was a great watch dog, he watched over the house and watched the kids from the window when they were old enough to ride bikes to school alone. I remember one day our son fell off his bike and Cosmo ran to me in the office and barked like crazy. I had no idea why he was barking. My son walked in all scratched up and told me he fell off his bike. We had many good years with Cosmo. He loved being with his family and going to the dog park. He loved cuddling on my wife's legs. When he was only 8 years old the vet detected a heart murmur. The murmur progressed to heart failure. My wife was very depressed and so was Cosmo. We got a puppy to cheer everyone up and it worked for about 9 months. It gave Cosmo a job to do and got him out of his depression. Sadly, he had a stroke and could no longer stand up. We had a vet come to our house to put him to sleep. It was one of the saddest days of our lives."
'I graduated college this past May with my girlfriend. We were nervous, but it went well and had a great time.'
| "I can remember it like yesterday most days. It was five months ago in May, but it was memorable to say the least. Memorable in both the positive and negative sense. Considering we lived together, we were both up all night feeling nervous yet excited. We wanted to walk across that stage so badly yet we were so afraid of what the future held for us. I think I was more nervous than she was though. The day of the ceremony, we both had overslept. She was freaking out about that more than me because she wanted to do her makeup and hair. All I had to do was shower and get dressed really. Thankfully, we made it on time. As we sat waiting for our names to be called, I was shaking whereas she held a calm composure. Her name was before mine so she got up and claimed her degree and everything. When it was my turn, that's when I full out embarrassed myself. Walking up the three steps to the stage, I tripped and fell down in front of hundreds, if not thousands. I laughed it off but I was crying on the inside. Nonetheless, we both achieved what we worked so hard on the past few years."
'My cat had a medical emergency and nearly died. I felt terrified that he was not going to make it but the urinary catheter and surgery saved his life.'
| "My cat had a medical emergency and nearly died due to having a blocked bladder. I was absolutely terrified that he was no going to live. I had gotten home and discovered him laying on his side in pain in the middle of the night. I felt his bladder and realized that it was a hard as a rock. I immediately put him in a carrier and brought him to the emergency medical center for pets. The vet there had a urinary catheter placed but not without complications. His urethral passage was no narrow that she was struggling to place the catheter. Without the urinary catheter, my cat was going to need a surgery I knew I wouldn't be able to afford. I was so heartbroken and scared that I was going to have to euthanize my cat. Thankfully, the vet was able to place the urinary catheter and flushed out his bladder. I felt so relieved that he was going to be able to make it through the night. It gave me the time needed to be able to contact our regular vet in the morning and to be able to transfer him there. I spent all night thinking about my cat and hoping that he would be okay. Once I did transfer him to the regular vet, she recommended that he have surgery to widen his urethral passage. This would help prevent future blockages that he would like have. Thankfully, surgery at our regular vet is much cheaper than surgery at the medical emergency center. Therefore, I was able to provide him the preventive surgery. After that surgery was done, I felt so much better. All he had to do was recover from the surgery and I was grateful that he was going to live. This experience has made me more aware of how both my cats are doing in terms of their health. I think about this event a few times of month because I know that cats who have been blocked before can get blocked again. It makes me feel cautious and truly appreciate having my cat with me today."
'after some day passed my dad do business and run the business very well finally he achieve the goal give a trible amount to that man. but the we never forget the shameful moment. the painful moment in my life...'
| "In my childhood i was studying. my dad was in money problem. we don't have a enough money to run or family. So my dad brought a money from his office mate. but we couldn't return his money. so he complain against us in police station. that is very horrible moment. that is very painful moment. the police come and arrest my dad. i was cry too much everyone see. that we felt very shame. and cry a lot. after some day passed my dad do business and run the business very well finally he achieve the goal give a trible amount to that man. but the we never forget the shameful moment. the painful moment in my life."
'Hospital started taking money from my husband check. We have figure out how to make it work. We might struggle every month but we find a way to survive.'
| 'My husband calls me on the way to wash clothes one day. He tells me that his boss gave him a letter. They will now be taking 25% out of every pay check he earns until a the hospital debt is paid off. This makes things hard on us. We are now stressing about bills and other stuff. 25% out of 2 checks a month is a big lose of income when you only have one person in the house working. The other person just works on mturk. I manage to make a good bit each month, but it is still very hard to make it. You just push and push and do what you kind. You have to sometimes tell you kids no on something you could have gotten them before. Or you have to decide not to eat out when you would usually do it at least once a week. You find ways to make it work until everything is paid off. You do what you need to do to make it day after day. You take the stress and you roll it in a ball and throw it away. We struggle and struggle, but we know that we will make it. We love each other and we will make it though anything that is thrown at us. That is what you do as a family.'
'Vacation Bible School in Summer was a blast. Both participants and facilitator sure enjoy every bit of the events. It was really a great project for GOD and our church.'
| "Last month we had vacation bible school in our church, It was a week celebration and i am so grateful that i was able to experience such events, And i was given a chance to facilitate some a group of kids. It was great projects and we were able to make it successful. Every afternoon we have a lot of activity for both kids and adults it was fun, we enjoy every bit of the event of it. We all happily shared the word of God and the foods. Everybody did participate real good. We also have a lot of games and prizes all kids enjoyed it, 1 full week don't seem enough for each on of us. We had different groups for all ages from toddler up to the old ones. It was indeed a blast, it was the first of many more to come. We are looking forward to make it more enjoyable and memorable every year. We all trying to make our church active again like it used to be when we were young. I am glad that we were given a chance to make our church alive again for our kids and next generation. Hoping for more projects next year again. And happy to see that our community is inflating. My kids had so much fun that they are really excited going to church now. And because of the events people in the community was become more closer to each other. And we came up with the decisions having youth assembly every Wednesday of the week. God is indeed good all the time. God really works in each of us and we really did experience his presence."
'This story is about taking my father on a fishing trip to Wisconsin. It describes what we did while we were there and what it took to get him on the trip.'
| "One of my favorite recent memories was my trip to Wisconsin with my Dad. The reason it was so memorable was for starters it caused a fight within my family. Since my mother is sick and my father is the primary caregiver I had to ask my siblings if they would take care of her for a week while I took my father on the trip. They weren't happy about this. It caused a big argument. In the end they agreed. We set a date for my father and boyfriend to pack up and head 8 hours north with my father's fishing boat which he hadn't taken out in years. My father is 80 years old. He grew up in WI and misses trips tremendously. It made me feel goo inside to take him. You never know when it may be their last. We spent the trip fishing, telling stories, visiting old friends and eating as much as we could. Lake time was super important so we made sure to get up early and spend a lot of time fishing the lake. Although we didn't catch a lot of fish due to the time of year, we still have a great time. It was well worth it to see that big grin on my father's face. In the end everyone pitched in to give a really nice memorable gift to my father."
"My diary entry is about my youngest son's first day at nursery school and our experience with dropping him off."
| "I remember when my youngest son, age one year and five months, started his first day of nursery school. His is very much attached to his mom and I, so we were nervous for him being away from us. We figured his natural curiosity would carry him through the day until we would pick him up in the afternoon. We were wrong! The drop-off was tough. We were supposed to bring him in to his cubby, change his shoes to his slippers, and then help walk him over to the gate of his classroom. We saw the wheels turning in his mind - he knew what was happening and he didn't like it. The tears started as soon as he heard other kids starting to cry. He didn't want to let go of us and he looked like he could not understand why were leaving him with the teachers at the school. We were told that we should make a quick exit upon dropping off, so as to not prolong the experience for him, but it was difficult! After we got back to our car and were on our way home, we saw that the teacher had sent us a picture of him in the classroom, already taking an interest to some of the class materials and activities for him. The day was long and when we went to pick him up that afternoon, he looked worse for wear! Even though he looked relieved to see us he started to cry again. The teacher told us he had a fine day and that every day would get a little easier. We trust her, but the process has been difficult so far! It's hard to drop him off (now on his second week) knowing that it is so emotionally upsetting to be left at school in the morning!"
"Took a vacation to Colorado. Sampled some legal flower, then headed out to find a fun activity. Landed on horseback riding, but had to wait, so we hit up a casino. Casino ended up hitting me back in the wallet. Rode a horse, and halfway in I was told that I hadn't been holding the reins."
| "About 2 months ago me and some friends took a road trip down to Colorado to take part in the legal weed. We purchased their best plants and then headed out to enjoy the rest of the nature and scenery as well as a few other fun activities. We decided to do a bit of hiking in some near by woods, set down on a homemade blanket my mom made me when I was 12 and enjoyed our surroundings whilst lighting up a blaze. I laid back to admire the tall tress reaching for the heavens, I closed my eyes to listen to the wind blowing through the leaves. I could hear the others laughing and talking among themselves and I smiled, I smiled because they were smiling. I stretched out my arms, stretched them out as wide as I could, as if I was trying to each either side of the woods. I dug my fingers into the soil, as the soil dug back deep underneath my finger nails. After passing our rolled plant around a bit, a few puffs later we decided to head down to a local ranch to do a bit of horseback riding but first we stopped by a casino because someone wanted to hit the slots. I'm not much for throwing my coins down the toilet so I just watched the others and after just a bit we left. When we finally got to the ranch my head was a bit funny, I had the giggles and the horses were absolutely stunning. We went into the barn to pick out the horses we wanted and I picked out the one that I felt was my spirit animal, her name was June and she was magnificent. We all got saddled up and started along a path, the sun was shinning, the whether was perfect and I had this powerful beast between my legs, it was turning out to be the perfect day, until I slipped off and nearly busted my ass; turns out I got so wrapped up in the moment that I forgot to hold on to the reins. After falling off the horse, I was a little shook but I barely felt a thing, thanks to the legal plants we part took earlier that day. We headed to a local dinner after the ranch, being that we were all starving and/or had the munchies; I ordered something greasy and unhealthy, like the rest; I promise to hit the gym sometime next Tuesday. After a long day we all headed back, I fell asleep in the back of the car, my head resting of the shoulder of my BFF and my wannabe lover, with the light summer breeze on my skin, and a smile permanently print on my soul...This was definitely a day I will always remember."
'It was about the day I married my wife. It was raining but the rain let up so that we could get married at the waterfall.'
| "May 3, 2019: Today my life has forever changed for the better. It has been a whirlwind year with many changes, however today was by far the biggest change. I woke up this morning in in the queen size bed of the hotel room my fiance and I stayed in while in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Excitement, nervousness, and joy were racing through my veins as I crawled out of bed and looked at my fiance sleeping in the queen sized bed beside mine. I quickly got up and ready for the historic day. I located my phone to check the weather hoping that it had magically changed from the previous day. As I looked down at what my phone said, I let out a soft curse word out of frustration. It was still calling for a 60% chance of rain. My fiance woke up asking what was wrong. I told her, and she said it was okay. We had made alternate plans just in case this were to happen. My fiance got out of bed and kissed me. She proceeded to calmly get ready for the day as I continued pacing nervously. It stopped raining about 30 minutes before it was time for us to leave. I looked at my fiance with hopeful eyes praying that the rain would hold for a couple of hours. We hopped into my car and began driving towards our destination. As we got closer to our destination I could begin to see a patch of blue sky begin to form from the surrounding gray spots. We finally arrived at the waterfall, and the preacher was there waiting for us. My fiance's eyes lit up at the site. She had always wanted to be married by a waterfall. It was a short ceremony but one that would forever change our lives. Today was the day that I married the love of my life."
'I volunteered to the Animal Defense League. I enjoyed comforting the cats and dogs. I adopted a dog.'
| 'Two months ago I volunteered at the Animal Defense League. My job was to walk and play with the dogs. Sometimes I would also go to the cat and kitten building and play with the cats. It was a rewarding experience. I loved bring a little joy and comfort to all the animals. It also brought joy to me and helped me with my depression. The unexpected thing that came about was that I really got attached to one particular dog and adopted her a month ago. It was the best decision of my life. She brings me so much happiness. I will never regret spending my spare time with these pets. I often take Pippen to the shelter to interact with some of the dogs. It is so sweet when she recognizes some of the dogs that are still there. Adopting Pippen has been so emotionally good for me and my family. I post online picture from the shelter. I would encourage everyone I know to do the same.'
"We went to see a comedian at a club that he doesn't normally perform in. The seats were not ideal nor was the food but the comedian made the whole night worth it."
| "The room was jovial. The crowd waiting for the experience. Food was being served as the comedian hit the stage. The warm up act was not too impressive. There was a chill in the air as our table was right under the air conditioning vent. Food got cold quickly but the room was bustling with excitement for the main act. Our table was shared with friends and we couldn't wait for Sebastian to take the stage. Finally the main event! The comedian we came to see is on stage and killing it! Every joke was fantastic. He normally doesn't play small clubs like this, which made it more special. Joke after joke, jokes inside jokes, he had us rolling all night long even after the show was over. So many memorable lines to repeat. The night was fantastic. My wife looked so beautiful and the entire room knew it. I'll never forget this night."
'my 2nd son being born. being so happy he was here safe and i was safe. being able to introduce my 1st son to his baby brother.'
| 'i remember the day my 2nd son was born. it was a stressful situation my wife had to go to the hospital immediately from her routine dr appointment. her blood pressure had spiked and they were worried about the baby. she unfortunately had to get induced again which she did not want to happen. our 2nd son was born 10 days early but it was a long 2 day process. they were worried she was going to be preeclampsia. they started her on medication to help dilate. that was a long 12 hour process. once things got moving though things were moving. even though she was induced for 34 hours she only pushed 4 times and he was finally here. he was perfect and healthy and my wife was happy and healthy and doing good. she was a champ. the next day we got to introduce our 1st son to our new son. it was the most precious and lovable moment i will never forget. his face and his face towards my wife. it was the best.'
"It was a long journey to have our son. But three months ago I gave birth to our beautiful son and I couldn't be happier."
| "Three months ago my child was born. It was the best day of my life. I always wanted children but it took me and my husband five years to conceive. We went through many miscarriages and heartache to get our baby. We also went through 4 rounds of ivf. So, when our son was born it just felt incredible. The most memorable part of my sons birth was seeing my husband meet our son. He was so in love and was crying. My husband never cries so it was a rare beautiful moment to see. I also loved looking into my sons eyes and talking to him. My son's birth signified that I was finally a mom. I have wanted to be a mom since I was a little girl. My dreams finally came true and I couldn't be happier. Child birth was really hard but I would do it again to have my baby. I also had a traumatic hemmorage after I gave birth but I pulled through. My son was worth everything."
'We took a family vacation with my sister and her family back in May to Seaside, Florida. The week was spent relaxing and making memories with our children. We have been blessed because God made a way.'
| "I could write about a few different things, but I am going to write about our recent family vacation. This took place back in May. My family and I typically vacation with my sister and her family. This year was no different. We rent a big, 15 passenger van and all 10 of us went to Seaside, Florida together. We left early in the morning and got at our beach house late that evening. This was such a memorable vacation, yet the most relaxing that we have taken with my sister and her family. I have always envisioned vacationing with my sister, realizing that the day will come that my niece and nephew will graduate and family vacations such as this will be a thing of the past. We played at the beach most days (basically there for 5-6 hrs each day) and just relaxed watching our children play in the ocean, build sandcastles and ride innertubes. We would drive to Destin and Panama City and tour the city, walk on the pier, eat and shop. The last time we were in Florida, my youngest was 8 months old, so this was fun to see her reaction to the ocean this time around. Time passes so quickly, both years and on vacation. The time you spend together is something so valuable that you can't get that back once its gone. I feel blessed that God made a way for us to take this vacation, as we knew that it was going to be a bit pricey. I feel like there is nothing in this world that you can buy your children that could even compare to spending those fun moments as a family. We watched dolphins, sea turtles and sting rays and enjoyed ice cream and slushies on the pier twice. Seeing those things through the eyes of children is seriously priceless. A few days before we were to head home, we took family pictures on the beach and it was the best experience ever. I have those memories to cherish. My children were perfectly content collecting seashells and different sand dollars. I hate seeing things such as this come to an end and having to head back to reality. We all can't wait to go back."
'It was my sisters 20th birthday, so the family planned a surprise trip to the zoo for her. We got to see a bunch of cool animals, go out to eat, and eat some cake as well.'
| "My sister Jenna turned 20 this week! This is her last birthday before she leaves for the military so we wanted to make a big deal out of it and do something fun. Jenna has always loved animals so we thought it would be a good idea to take her to the zoo. My parents planned a surprise trip to the zoo for all of us. We spent the entire day walking around and seeing the animals, it was really nice. My sister was very happy. Afterwards we went to her favorite restaurant. It is a really good italian food place that has the absolute best meatballs on the planet. Everyone ate until they couldn't fit anymore food in their stomachs. After that everyone headed back to my parents house. When we got there some of our other relatives showed up. My parents had ordered a big custom cake from a local baker. My sisters favorite animal is the elephant, and they got the cake shaped like a giant elephant. It was a really cool looking cake, and it tasted even better than it looked! My sister looked so happy to be spending her last few weeks at home with everyone she loved. It was a great day, and since it is probably one of the last big gatherings with her for a while, it is something I will remember."
'I received a promotion at work. Everyone congratulated me and we celebrated in a bar at night. I am enjoying my new position very much. I am thankful for this. I am glad for my coworkers, family and friends that supported me in every way possible.'
| 'There was a meeting at work today. I did not know what it was about, except that someone was getting a prize. We arrived at the meeting room and waited for our supervisor. He came in and said that someone did an excellent job recently and was getting a promotion. I was excited but did not want to show it. He called my name and I was smiling. Everyone clapped and congratulated me. I was in cloud nine. I did not know how to respond, but I thanked my boss and my coworkers. I also said that I tried my best and would continue to do so. In addition, I went to celebrate with my friends and family to a nice restaurant. We had some amazing food, and good drinks. The promotion came with a salary increase, and more responsibility. I wanted to keep a memory of that day, and I guess writing about it is the best next thing. I was so grateful and happy about that moment in my life.'
"My wife and I took an impromptu trip to one of our favorite places. We didn't expect much out of it, but it became one of my favorite memories of all time."
| "My wife and I went on a small, last minute vacation to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. It was in April of this year. It was a very memorable trip for me. I love spending time with my wife, and when we can get away at the last minute that just makes it that much more special. Gatlinburg is where we spent our honeymoon, and it has special significance to us. This time was special because we just bonded so much more than we usually do. We got to do more things because the weather was warmer this time around. We got to stay close to downtown, so we took a lot of walks together to a lot of different places. The most memorable part was sitting on a balcony at a restaurant overlooking the main road that goes through town. We spent hours there just talking and people watching. I still think about that afternoon and how much fun we had together just being together and not really doing anything at all. Besides that day, we had a couple great meals at some neat places. We also went to try a new place out that was really bad, and yet we still made the most of it. Overall, that trip was one of my most favorite times of my life. It was because I spent it with my favorite person I've ever met. We still talk about how we can't wait to go back, but I don't think any trip will compare to that one."
'I had a wonderful, unexpected meeting with an art gallerist which has brought me a new friendship. My sister wants to do look at and purchase a painting by one of his top artists. I will continue to visit weekly.'
| 'From late March through mid-July, I visited many NYC art galleries in the Chelsea area and in the Madison Avenue Upper East Side gallery district. I met many interesting managers, owners and employees in many of them, but the most memorable to me was with a man who was Sales Director at first, and is now one of the owners of a gallery in Chelsea. I went to his gallery 5 or 6 times, but it was not only because I liked the painters he represented, but because I enjoyed talking and playing nice and sophisticated verbal \'games\' with him. He was very engaging as I talked to him about recommending some of one of his artists\' paintings to my sister, a collector, but even before that e discussed ballet because of one of the paintings that included a ballet dancer, about which I am very knowledgeable. He is not quite a close friend yet, but I was very impressed with his graceful technique, which most with the purpose of selling do not do nearly that well, so it looks like it will be something to look forward to in the coming months and years since I live close by and can go there often. Once there were some poster-type paintings, one of which included the George Bernard Shaw quote "If you say something cannot be done, do not interrupt those who are doing it". I told him about how funny I thought it was, and this was a kind of teasing that he responded to, understanding me completely. That was the second time I went to that gallery, mostly to see what had changed from coming early. He is a very experienced gallerist, and always patiently took time with the two artists I settled on, the two who interested me and who interested my sister, who is a collector. I found out she was interested in these works from an attachment he sent me, there were two abstract painters from which she might still choose to have in her home in Georgia. He then extended the invitation to me and her alike to visit the favourite painter\'s studio in New Jersey when she is ready for purchase. She comes to town once or twice a year, so she was excited that we would be able to do this. She has outlined her preference in colour to narrow it down for what works best in her home. I stay in touch with him about this eventuality, which may not happen due to family health problems till spring, but I also just go over and visit with him to see what new work he is showing and talk to him about art in general. It\'s a good physical exercise (the gallery is a little over a mile walk for me), and he is always funny and generous about giving me more information on the artists. So we may actually become real friends over the next few months. I enjoyed meeting someone by chance like this whom I truly liked.'
'My son followed his dream and opened up his own Texas BBQ restaurant. My wife and I had given him a couple of months to get things like he wanted before we came to eat for the first time. We finally made the drive over there to check it out.'
| "Nine weeks ago, I got to witness first hand the dreams of my son coming true. For a long time, he had dreamed of opening up a Texas BBQ restaurant. I encouraged him to follow his dreams and finally his dreams came true. He opened up his own restaurant and has been very successful. I envisioned how it would look in my mind and was eager to see it, but my wife and i wanted to give him some time to get it just how he wanted before we went to visit. This was difficult, as I would have liked to go there on opening day. I was very proud of my son and would have liked to be there every step of the way but he is an adult and I wanted to give him the space he needed. After a couple months had past and the business was booming, my wife and I decided to take our first trip there. I was filled with excitement and anticipation as we pulled up to the establishment. It was a little before noon but the cars were starting to pile up fast to beat the lunch hour. I walked in and I was amazed at the look and layout. It looked like a true authentic Texas BBQ restaurant. My son came out from out back and greeted me with a big smile and a hug. I sat down and looked at the menu and was so hungry that I ordered just about everything off the menu. The food was amazing and the whole experience was amazing. I couldn't have been more proud of my son."
'This is a story of how I was terminated from my previous employer. It discusses my thoughts and attitude after the event.'
| 'Well about four months ago, i was let go from the job I held for 5 years. I really liked my job. I was a coordinator of recreation at small local community college. I was under the impression that I was doing everything I was responsible for correctly. But leading up to my termination, my boss began writing me up for every little thing. The, when the time came, she said it was out of her hands and that HR had decided I was finished. Then, I find out a couple of weeks later that my old boss hired one of her really good friends to take my place. The whole thing has made me incredibly angry. I know for a fact the things she wrote me up for were not worth the punishment. Things that, in the past, she has laughed about with me. It was a set up so that she could get her friend in their. I felt seriously stepped on. Now when I think about it though, I realize that I would not want to work for a person who would do this to her employees. Why would I want to stay if that is a reflection of how she really feels about me. I wrote a letter to HR, justifying my thoughts and actions. But I dont think it has done any good. This was a really significant thing for me considering it was my first "real job" out of college. I think that is why it has hurt so much. But I am trying to be positive and see my worth and value.'
'I traveled to another state to meet with friends that I was speaking with online, but had never met in person before. We spend a long weekend together and enjoyed getting to know each other better.'
| "In July 2019, I made the decision to travel to a new state to meet friends from the internet that I had never met in person before. While I had met people from the internet in person in the past, this was the first time I was traveling overnight away from my home to do so. I would be visiting them in their home in Ohio. I was coming from Illinois, another internet friend was coming from New York, and we were meeting up with the 3rd friend in Ohio. I was nervous during the drive to Ohio. I had never been in the area before, and I didn't know anyone else in the area I could turn to in case things did not go as well as planned. Luckily, I was the first to arrive at the house, and I was finally able to meet my friend Tam in person. We were able to hang out and feel comfortable around one another like we had been friends for years (we had only spoken online for about 1 year). Soon, the 3rd person (Judy) arrived and we all had dinner together. There were a few awkward pauses, but for the post part, the trip went well and we all had a great time. We traveled around the Columbus area, went to a few different malls and went out for food and drinks. We all stayed in the same house and spent the evenings cooking together, watching movies and generally bonding and learning about each others lives and experiences. Overall, it was a very fun and memorable weekend. We are trying to plan another get together, but since we all live in different states and have busy lives, it is difficult to coordinate and time and place. I do hope that we can all get together again soon."
'The day of my grandsons birth, and how wonderful my daughter did while she went thought birth with her family there with suport.'
| "Dear diary, today I was with my daughter as she gave bith to her son – my grandson. It was a day to behold, 16 hours of labor, and all that time she was a perfect trooper with contractions and all. No way would I have done the same, remembering how difficult it was when I gave bith to her. I'm so glad she didn't suffer as I did and that her perfect boy had no problems what so ever. Thank goodness for miracles like today. Every one was in the room with her. Me and Steve. There was Michael of course her husband and father. Mom was with Steven our son who took lots of pics. That little boy was so lucky to have us there for his arrival. The world is a better place with him here. I know that there will be so much he'll learn from his mom and dad. I'll do my best too just like I know Steve – his grandfather will. Can you imageine, a new baby in the family! That makes 3 grand kids now in all. What a wonderful life this is. What a wonderful world. What a wonderful universe."
"Wrote about having a recent experience in getting a new job and the interview process. It's a well paying job, and had a lot of screening, interviews, and work to finally get accepted, and took several weeks, so I was very nervous, excited, and anxious about if I got the position or not."
| "Dear Diary, It's been one month since I started my new job. The process was so tedious, but I'm so excited I finally got the job. Now that the excitement has worn off though, I'm feeling a little bored. I'm starting to understand why the work pays so well. It's just so repetitive! If I didn't need the money so badly, I'd hand in my resignation tomorrow! I can't wait to look for something new. Still I'm afraid of looking for another job, because I may not find something as well paying as this one. Additionally, I know it looks super bad on a resume to skip out on a job after only a month! I honestly wish I had read more reviews on this job before I applied. The interview process was so long as well! It took almost a month for me to receive a formal job offer! That seems insane right? I know a lot of companies take that long, but with a company turn over this high, you'd think they would've been able to move it along a little faster. I remember going to the first interview, almost dying from nervousness! I wondered at the time if my boss could see it, and that seemed to make me even more nervous. I actually had to hold my leg down to keep it from shaking because when I get nervous that tends to happen. I guess it most not have bothered him too much since I got the job. I was only made more nervous not to get a formal job offer and be strung along for weeks. Anyway, I'll try to stick this out for awhile and build up some savings so I can look for something else. Maybe I'll be able to work up the ladder with this experience? Who knows?"
"We visited Laura Ingalls Wilder's childhood home, a working farm with re-enactors of historical life. Seeing the farm and encountering the animals and our fellow visitors was an experience we will always treasure."
| "This summer we went on a two month van camping trip across many states of the USA. We visited a lot of new places but the most memorable was visiting Laura Ingalls Wilder's childhood home. This was on a working farm. There were animals, including an adorable baby miniature horse. I was able to ride a covered wagon. I also visited a schoolhouse like the one she would have attended and taught in. A volunteer provided a lesson and challenged us with things children back then would have been required to know. We walked our dogs across fields and up to the edge of the crops. We could also see an old church in the distance across the field. There was a museum with a movie to watch as well. The best part was probably the reproductions of the sod house, the claim shack, and their first home on the prairie. Re-enactors demonstrated the ways of life in times past. We were able to camp right there on the farm. While camping, a neighbor family in a nearby camper had a birthday party for their little girl. They invited us to come over for ice cream cake. While we were all singing Happy Birthday around the picnic table, a lot of cows came right up to the fence to see what was going on. That was so funny."
'A co-worker passed away and instead of a traditional funeral his wife and family requested an informal celebration of life. They were encouraged to come in informal attire and even to where his favorite sports team jerseys.'
| 'A couple of weeks ago, there was a rumor that my co-worker, John had passed away. He was so very liked by many people. His down to earth and jovial personality will certainly be missed. The rumor was confirmed to us by his wife and family and everyone at worked was sad to hear the news. We did get together and reminisce about all the good time we had together; including giving him grief about his beloved sports team. We got news of the funeral. It was not too surprising to hear that the funeral will be informal. In fact, we heard that we would be encourage to wear jerseys of his favorite sports team. This took some of us by surprise. We wanted to show a formal amount of respect. But I guess this is the way he wanted it. It was nice to see everyone show up wearing sport jersey. Not everyone joined in on the informal attire. I think they felt uncomfortably overdressed. Ha ha ha, John was probably laughing in the casket! The ceremony was nice. We all paid our respects during the ceremony and at the grave site. Afterwards we were all invited to a reception at a local sports bar. Here, we all told our stories of John and the experiences we had with him. Although there was much laughter, there was also some somber moments. I for one will remember all the good times I had with John. I will miss him dearly. The following week at work, a number of us talked about Johns service. We filled in some people who were unable to attend. Our management decided to have one day a month where we could wear our sports jerseys.'
'Went out had some drinks saw a few bands. Had a good time but getting ready is a pain overall it is something that must be done to get to the good part which is the bands music and the drinks'
| 'So regarding this event. Overall i was happy for it because well it was something fun? who would not enjoy something that is a fun and good time out with people. i was looking forward to this since then and planned many since then. As nights out are not something that can be done daily. As fun as that could be but overall it is a highlight for me. Like so many things can be mundane. And not be what you really want them to be when you go out. its good that something at least is what it should be nothing more nothing less. Which since the time of the event i have done it a couple more times. And i plan to go again somewhere else again as drinking and kicking the bucket with friends with a band playing awesome music. Is some of the best moments i have had though that night was in paticular better. Because the bands that played killed it so hard. They were heavy hard and just ripped through their sets. Plus their were so many of them which was a good turn around.'
'A very close relative of mine was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer. My mother kept this a secret until the other day, and it has caused a bit of a "rift" between the two of us at the moment. I\'m just trying to stay positive until we find out more about whats going on.'
| "I recently found out from from my mom, that my uncle has terminal cancer. o This is HORRIBLE! The guy is like a father to me, and I'm not really sure whats gonna happen now, how I'm supposed to feel, and act. Growing up without a dad sucked, but having my uncle there, almost all the time was like having a dad around. The worst part about it is no one expected anything like this. He seemed like he was in just about perfect health, other than coming down with a minor cough. According to my mom, he's had the cough for a few weeks, and since it wasn't really getting better at all he went to the urgent care. They ran some tests, like normal, then called him the next day, and told him he needed to go to the hospital immediately. The hospital obviously ran more tests, and now says that the cancer is literally from his neck to his waist. They suspect it started in his lungs, and are blaming it on his smoking. They said a few days ago that he 3 to 6 months left to live. What really makes me mad about the whole thing is my mom keeping it a secret from me till a few days ago. She knows how close we are/were, and I understand not wanting to upset me. But its just kinda messed up in my opinion. I'm pretty upset with her at the moment, but I guess thats the least of my worries right now. She should have told me though. Anyways, I'm going up to the hospital to see him in a few days, thankfully my wife is coming with me. I'm not really sure how I'm going to handle this in the moment. For now, I'm just gonna try and hold it together, and hope for the best I suppose."
"I completed my Master's of Accounting Degree online. This was the last of the schooling I will ever need to complete."
| "Just last week I added another degree to my repertoire. I finished my Master's Degree in Accounting. This came after six months of hard work and determination. I worked endlessly day after day to finish ten demanding classes. I wrote papers, took numerous tests, and completed many different projects. This was all more than worth it. This degree will help me in my career. A Master of Accounting Degree will help me to make more money at a job. It will also help me to prepare for the CPA exam. Because of this degree I am now more marketable in the workforce and can be more prepared for my job. I feel very blessed that I received this degree. I had a few setbacks along the way that almost derailed my goals. I failed a few tests and papers. Thankfully, I was able to redo or resubmit the tests or papers. This way I could receive a passing grade and earn my degree!"
'I recently experienced a a life changing event which had a profound effect upon my sense of humanity. From this point forward, I have been enlightened to believe that there are forces beyond our control which work to call upon us in the time of need.'
| "The event I shall embark upon happened to me about 3 weeks ago. This event was one that I shall never forget. I still wake up and wonder about our true purpose in life, and how we come into play when called upon. Things happen in our lives which we really do not understand. We certainly do not have full control over all aspects of our lives. The element of surprise is always a real variable for which can play upon our actions at any time, and any place. What took place recently for me was certainly an element of surprise for which I was called to action without warning, or preparation. What this event did prove to me was that our worth as human beings is gauged by what we know, proving once again that knowledge is a very powerful force which absolutely can save lives. One particular morning I decided to stop into a major store to check on something I was interested in purchasing. For no other reason would I have been there that day. The real reason perhaps may have been out of my control, as though I was guided there to be in place for my contribution to mankind. As I was strolling through the store looking for my item of interest, I could not help noticing that someone seemed a bit irritated and somewhat irrational in how they were communicating with another person. I didn't think much about it and continued about my business. Just moments later, it was obvious that this person was having some sort of medical problem due to their behavior and the apparent breathing problems that I had detected. I am CPR certified, and am trained on what to do in case of a medical emergency. Probably a good thing since there was not anyone else around the scene which I believe was in any position to help this person. I then took control and intervened immediately to check on the situation. As I had surmised, the person in trouble was an elderly man who had just collapsed, struggling to breath, and very incoherent to response. Immediately I commanded the closest person to call 911 and get help as fast as possible. I then evaluated the situation and began administering CPR until the medics could arrive. I noticed that the man had a medical bracelet for which I instructed the caller to give that information to the 911 center to prepare the medics as they were en route to the scene. What seemed like an eternity to save this man's life while I was still in control, became like a major relief once the EMS team arrived, and took over. In short, The man lived without any severe consequences, and was doing great after a short stay in the hospital. This gave me a whole new perspective on life, and just how fragile we really are as we go about our lives. I still have to wonder what would have happened to that old man if I had not been called upon to be there in his time of need."
'Helped my brother out with the kids for 2 weeks. Needed to baby sit while he and my sister in law had to do other obligations.'
| 'I have had mixed feelings over the past two weeks. Helping my brother and sister in law out with the kids was both a blessing and a punishment. It had been a long time since I babysat and now I remember why. I am exhausted. The kids were sooo bad and so spoiled. They sure were not used to my kind of shopping and cooking. I took the little guy shopping and he started to cry when I picked up apples. He demanded grapples. What the heck is a grapple? And parmigano regiano cheese? Not in my house kiddo. Part of me feels like a bad aunt, but part o me knows that I taught them things they needed to know. They were horrified when I walked outside barefoot, this really amused me. I love them more than anything, we had some really great times. But I honestly do not think I can do that again,at least not or just a few hours a week. And their mom would have to pack their lunches.'
'I attended a large religious gathering that only occurs every five years. At the evening program, my group had a unique vantage point. During the final theme song, people pulled out their flashlights and lit up the area, creating a sense of belonging within me for people I had never even met.'
| "Every five years, a large event occurs in which thousands and thousands of people from my religion come together to fellowship, worship, and spend time together. Ten years ago, I attended it for the first time. Five years ago, I was one of the few selected to help be responsible for running all of the background events, activities, and safety. At that time, I thought it would be last one I was able to attend due to future work and school commitments. However, several weeks ago, my friend surprised me with the information that we would be able to go and participate, even if it were for only a few days instead of the entire week. I was so excited that I would be able to go and at least participate in some of the activities. We found a group of friends that agreed to host us and provide us with a place to camp (everyone camps out at this event) and feed us. The large evening meetings were the most impactful however. Since we were unable to go for the entire week, I had watched some of the previous programming on the live stream available. But the feeling and experience were not the same. With our group of friends, we managed to get seats right at the front which allowed for a one of a kind view. In years past, I had never been able to sit that close. The evening of the program, while we were sitting close, I could feel the emotion and inspiration around me and on the stage with the programming. When it came time to sing the theme song one last time, everyone was on their feet singing along, shouting the words as loudly as possible. It was dark, so the only lights were on the stage at that time, but turning a looking back it was a sea of starlight (provided by the flashlights on everyone's phones). It was beautiful sight to behold. It made me feel a sense of belonging and community, even though the majority of the people present I probably have never and never would meet. That sense of belonging, awe, and wonder made me realize just how connected we are throughout the entire world even when our paths only cross for a moment."
'My elderly mother tested positive for blood in her stool test. Her doctor said to re-do test in a month. We worried and worried. Re-test was good news.'
| 'I\'ve been taking care of my elderly mother for many years. In April, she did a stool test and it came back positive for blood. I hate it when they call it "positive". What\'s so positive about it? It\'s bad news. They should call it "OMG" instead. She had had a history of bleeding and polyps. I dreaded the possibility of going through colonoscopy again. She would have to drink GoLightly and sit on the toilet all night long. She was then down to 89 pounds due to eating soft food because of bad teeth. She would be exhausted. I took her to see her doctor, and the doctor was reluctant to put her through all that too. I said a few days prior doing the test, my mother had gone to her dentist for cleaning and her gum bled some. Could that have caused a false positive? Her doctor said yes, it could, and could my mom re-do the test in a month? Sure, I said. So for one month I was worried, a dark cloud formed above our heads as we waited. A month passed by. My mom re-did the stool test. Then we had to wait some more for the result. The result wouldn\'t show up online, so we made a trip to the doctor\'s office to get it. IT WAS NEGATIVE! NO BLOOD! Yea! Relief.'
'A, now adult, decides to rediscover their love for a sport that once consumed their life during their teenage years. It deals with making a painful decision and then living with that decision and feeling guilty.'
| "For as long as I can remember I have loved to swim. My mom told me that bath time was always my favorite time because I would swim around in the bathtub and that's why she decided to put me into swimming. I was 8 years old when I had my first swim meet and I can remember it clear as day even though it happened over a decade ago. I remember diving into the pool and swimming as fast as I could and even taking peeks at the lanes on either side of me to see how I was doing overall. When I touched the wall at the end I thought I had lost and the first thing I told my mother when I got out of the pool was that I sucked. My coach reassured me that I was better than I thought and shortly thereafter I was bumped up into the bigger pool where all the 'big kids' practiced. I would go on to swim for this team for 10 years during the summer. When I started my freshman year of high school I tried out for my high school swim team and made it and then around the same time I joined a club team so I was swimming pretty much the entire year with not many breaks in between. When I was a senior in high school I was given the opportunity to go to schools on a scholarship for swimming but I decided to go to a school that I really wanted to go to even though they hadn't offered me a scholarship, but I was allowed to try out as a walk-on. When I started my freshman year of college, however, I changed my mind. I just felt like I couldn't do another four years and I really needed a break and I didn't want my college experience to be consumed by swimming so decided not to try out for the team. It was a really hard decision and I felt guilty. It was eating away at my subconscious and I would always have nightmares and I felt like I was punishing myself. It took a long time but I finally got the courage to get back in the water. Swimming is pretty much all I've really known so when I got back in the water it just felt right and I've been doing it ever since."
'On a normal Sunday we were going to town when we got stuck in an unexpected line of stand-still traffic. After 45 minutes, we found out what happened was a fatal accident involving two vehicles and two children had died.'
| "One day my husband, two of my children, and I were going to pick up our oldest daughter from a friend's house. Where we live is very touristy and it being a summer weekend, there was a lot of traffic. But there was far more traffic than normal today. We thought it was probably normal since we don't normally leave our house on a Sunday, but after waiting for a very long time, we thought there must be something wrong. After quite awhile, a vehicle started passing everyone in the opposite lane, which we thought was crazy! So my husband called one of his employees (a park ranger, which is a police officer for a state park) and told him that a vehicle just passed everyone and they were driving strange. The park ranger said that vehicle had just reached him, that they were all responding to an accident (the passer was an off-duty fireman responding to the call). There had been a fatal accident. A car with a father, mother, and three kids had pulled out in front of an oncoming large SUV. Two children died in the accident. We eventually reached the scene and it was horrifying. It made me rethink our tiny car we drive with our three sweet children. I try not to think about that day. I do, however, stay even more cautious while driving than I used to. Like I mentioned earlier, it is very touristy here and those tourists drive unsafely - people not realizing they're on a highway at a high speed and just pulling out in front of others, passing people on the shoulder, etc... it gets so hectic. I hated that day. I hated to hear that someone's children died. It was definitely on our mind for awhile."
'I went on a family outing to a water park. While there, I conquered my fear of some of the rides and had a lot of fun in the process!'
| "It's always nice to spend time with my family. We usually don't all get together often, but I'm glad that we did this time. We ended up going to a water park, which is totally new for me! I've been to regular theme parks, but never a certified water park. I'm glad this is where we went because this day was super fun (even with the perils of summer). As always, the lines to get in were long. It was hot outside. I almost got stung by a bee! It was all well worth it because I got to conquer my fears. Theme park rides scare me. The speed, the slopes, that fluttering feeling in my stomach, the dark tunnels. Getting me on one takes an awful lot of persuasion! However, I faced my fear. I went on one of the most intense rides in the park, and I survived! I was screaming the whole way down, but I did it. I am proud of myself and had so much fun!"
'I moved from Denver to Houston to be with my girlfriend. It was a very stressful experience and took a lot of time.'
| "I recently moved to Houston, TX from Denver, CO to be with my now girlfriend. It was overall a very nerve wracking experience and I was very unsure how everything would play out. Suffice to say, I was taking a big risk. I think that it was a really difficult thing to do, but I wanted to do it because it was something I believed in. I was nervous the entire time. I took an uber to the train station in Downtown Denver and then the train to the airport. I was several hours early, but I had to wait forever because there were so many people flying that day. It took about 2 hours to get through TSA and to my terminal. I then tried everything I could to stay calm until my plane. It was delayed by a couple of hours and we didn't end up flying until around 9PM. I landed at 11AM, and was ecstatic to see my girlfriend. We got my luggage and left. I felt like the journey was finally over and I'm glad I made the decision I did. We drove to her house and on the way got Whataburger, which was delicious. I had never had it before."
'The story is about how I work hard towards my goal and at the end was rewarded for it. To never give up on what you believe. To only strive towards what you were aiming for cause you might just run into unexpected good words for it.'
| "A month ago, I worked hard towards my goal. I wanted to be the best lemonade stand salesman in the town. It wasn't easy at first. I had to establish my lemonade stand empire. I started with a couple of stands. I got enough money to expand it to a few streets. A month later, I had stands on every street in the town. This was a very exciting event for me. I made a lot of money because of this. I hope to expand my empire throughout the state. I will celebrate this occasion with a trip to the restaurant. I got a hamburger with some beer. They were both yummy to eat and drink. I hope my success continues. I will help a lot of people drink."
'It was like watching a movie of myself. I was doing things, seeing myself do things and I was in a fog. I was diagnosed with limbic encephalitis, inflammation on my brain.'
| "TERATOMA, ENCEPHALITIS, these are words that I had never heard before and in all honesty, never wish to hear again. These are words that caused a fully functioning adult and changed her into a child. A child who has to depend on everyone around her to keep her clean, to keep her healthy , to help her relearn to walk . I had a good life, great job, great coworkers or so I thought. In July of 2018 i started having symptoms of many things, none of which I would ever imagined would be a mass on my ovaries. I knew something was wrong with me, I did not feel like myself but I continued to do my everyday activities, going to my job, working out on my treadmill, occasionally lifting weights with my home gym. I was eating healthy and losing weight everyday, which I had finally gotten under control. One day I was picking up my car from the garage down the street and on my way home I thought I had passed my house. I literally had no idea where I was, and that was pretty f'in scary. I went to my PCP and told her I was no longer comfortable to drive. I had been driving everyday since I was 17 years old. I was able to work at home thanks to my employer but the more I worked, the less focused I was. I initially thought it was due to my vision, so i had my eyes checked. They weren't terrible, but I thought I would give my glasses a try to see if it helped. It didn't. I went on FMLA, never thinking I would have to go through what I went through. After 41 days in the hospital, undergoing a multitude of tests, plasma exchanges, testing for Lyme disease, I went to the rehab inpatient for 7 weeks. I had 4 sets of serial casts, fitted for my braces which I continue to wear everyday thanks to my father. I am finally in outpatient therapy and I should be happy as I am making some progress but negativity around me drags me down. I love my mother and my brother and sister but it seems I am never doing enough for myself. They don't understand that if I could do it I would be. I have started standing at the parallel bars, my knees pay for it later,but they aren't hurting in that moment. I got up on all fours,never thought I would be so happy to be on my knees but I could do it.. and that is what matters. I am focused on getting my legs strong enough to stand. Hoping for some solutions when I have my doctors appointments this week."
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