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Well, when you have an unreliable pen whose 6th and 7th inning guys seem to get one or two outs and then blow up, I do not think taking a chance was a terrible idea. I do think Black left him in too long--maybe to prove a point?
The Rockies desperately needed someone to shore up the bullpen and we got a catcher whose offense is not as good as the current guys on the roster? Yeah, he is experienced, but we seem to have a huge hole in the bullpen which needed fixing more than the catcher position. | unbiased | 5709969 | 1 |
Life is full of choices... | unbiased | 294661 | 2 |
Numerous times, the experts thought the era of the close-range dogfight was over.
Each time, actual conflict put the lie to theoretical dogma. | unbiased | 623180 | 3 |
Greed will always kill you in the end. "Free" is not FREE! | biased | 5097587 | 4 |
PERSON never needed a big fancy multimillion dollar church to preach to his people nor did he ask for a percentage of their wages so that the church can survive which really means so the pastor can get rich | unbiased | 6243772 | 5 |
When I want to know how all things are everywhere at all times among all people, I will either do my own research or I'll ask God directly, since God is the only person who knows those things.Furthermore, I am talking about information I have gleaned from American history and cultural studies, something I have studied in depth for more than 55 years. I'm talking about America, despite the widespread incessant pressure to leap to the omniscient perspective to explain and explain away all subjects, and limiting it to America is good enough.
As I wrote to PERSON, outside of basic biological functions, there is not a human alive nor has there ever been who understands or knows these many sweeping cosmic judgments that spew so ridiculously from so many Americans. What absurd grandiosity. We're not God, and we cannot just go into our minds and decide the entire history and cultural understandings of all humans everywhere, even though many people think they can. They are deeply confused. | biased | 615597 | 6 |
If I declare that I am a vegetarian even though I eat bacon for breakfast chicken for lunch and beef for dinner I would be appropriately labeled a lunatic. If I declare that I am a woman even though I have a penis you would be liable for denying my constitutional rights if you disagree with me. What's wrong with this scenario? | biased | 305368 | 7 |
As I explained above, it is not "religious intolerance" to say that "an innocent human being's right to live cannot be dependent on the religion of the person who asserts the right to take that life away." The question is not whether the life taker is Jewish or Christian, but whether this this thing whose life is to be taken is human.
You say that the idea that life begins at conception is relatively recent. That, for one, is irrelevant. The same could be said two weeks after it was learned that the world is not flat. What's relevant is that as time progresses, and we learn more about the development of life in the womb, we have more basis than ever to say that human life begins at conception, rather than at, say, quickening. | unbiased | 955928 | 8 |
To understand the difficulty in approving gay seminarians–priests, one needs a broader context. Please read the important work of PERSON. PERSON, Ph.D., "With the Pope against the Homoheresy". Doing a web search for that title, in quotes, should return as the top result a link to the English translation of PERSON. PERSON's article, as posted to the Rorate Caeli blogsite on 2 Feb 2013. | biased | 686242 | 9 |
Afraid of Sharia Law?
I think that would rank about 158th on a list of things that should engender fear in Americans. (Item 159 is minor toenail fungus.) | biased | 5616097 | 10 |
My wife and I distinctly remember 2 incidents that happened in Sweden as if they happened yesterday. Both incidents were covered extensively in the media and investigated by the police. One of them was in the Swedish version and the other was in the English version - of the "Wallender" TV detective show.
In the show the media blamed refugees in a camp for a crime spree and murder that took place and there was a period where racism and violence resulted in large part from the media coverage of the events. The acting was very good and the story line was quite credible given recent events.
Perhaps President PERSON watched the show last night and didn't realize it was just a TV drama. Let's hope he doesn't watch a TV show where the Russians attack the USA or he might press the "Red Button" instead of the TV remote. | unbiased | 1017412 | 11 |
Good thing isis recruits the dumbest muslims who fail so regularly. | biased | none | 12 |
... and a very difficult part of the story to believe, along with the notion they were at a meth dealer's house only to look for a missing gold ring... | unbiased | 573083 | 13 |
Ha, this is hilarious, and shows you just how statistics can be used to paint two very different pictures.
Statement 1 (quote): "statewide robbery rates have decreased over the last 30 years". True.
Statement 2: statewide robbery rates are now at their highest point in almost two decades. Also true.
Statement 3: Alaska rape, assault and robbery all higher now than at turn of century. Also true.
Statement 1 (from the article) might lead you to believe that your personal experience of thefts going up is a hallucination. Statements 2 & 3 sound almost sensational, but no less true than 1 or 2.
Important to put the critical thinking cap on once in a while. I wonder what the value of the 30-year histogram is? Is it telling a story about generational changes? Are there conclusions one can draw from this and are they different than 5, 10 or 15-year views? What do they correlate to? | unbiased | 1022883 | 14 |
A Singhing duet. | unbiased | 6089307 | 15 |
Thanks for the reference PERSON has to be the best dumbest song I never heard before! | biased | 5118090 | 16 |
TFW when your dad has a norwood 1 and full beard at 50 but you have a norwood 3 and can't grow a moustache at 25
Please nuke me and my low T genetically inferior existence | biased | none | 17 |
Sounds like Alberta giving to Confederation.... they're just hated for it. | biased | 5463294 | 18 |
You're a "die-hard" Trump supporter....that's fine. However, there is no question that the 'wall' would be a total waste of billions which could, instead, be directed toward infrastructure repair and development. If we're going to spend billions of taxpayer dollars, let's at least build something worthwhile with it.
Also: "Actually, China is not the only country in history that built wall along its boundary. Athens, the Roman Empire, Denmark and Korea all did so at certain time in the past. The Hadrian锟斤拷s Wall in northern England, built "to separate the Romans from the barbarians", extended 117 kilometres from Wallsend-on-Tyne in the east to Bowness-on-Solway in the west. All the walls were built for the purpose of military defense, and the Great Wall of China was no exception." I don't think we're in danger of a military invasion from Mexico.
The idea that the "wall" is going to stop either illegal immigration or the drug trade has been thoroughly debunked. PERSON | unbiased | 5194742 | 19 |
Sanctimonious wrote:
"They belief that voicing their disatisfaction will change the result but it is quite obvious that it will not."
Demonstrations at this stage of a political process clearly aren't about changing the result; they are primarily about rallying others of like mind to show each other that they're not alone, and to not give up.
Despite what PERSON wrote, it's a recognized democratic right. | unbiased | 874876 | 20 |
I don't listen or watch EWTN. It provides a great service to millions and millions of faithful Catholics, and many many Protestants too. EWTN has brought many many many souls into the Church.
It's paradoxically and profoundly similar to NCR in a way, in that they both have a largely "clerical view" of the Church.
For me, too many stories from both NCR and EWTN revolve around "clerics, Rome, bishops, USSCB, sisters", with NCR being largely negative on those things..but unable to stop talking about them, and seeing all events through those lenses, and EWTN being largely positive on those things.
The key difference is that EWTN brings millions INTO the Church..I can't tell you how many former protestants that I know ran across EWTN on cable and eventually entered the Church, proud to say that EWTN was the impetus.
AND NCR doesn't bring anyone to the basically serves as an "exit" sign, piling on gripe after gripe that eventually these people just leave the Church. | biased | 5318179 | 21 |
another $50,000 dollar police car totaled | unbiased | 6079079 | 22 |
WRONG, it was the PERSON admin that changed the bank rules demanding companies give mortgages for people who could not afford them, try again pal,., | unbiased | 867695 | 23 |
Nearly 75% physically present because they "had to be" at a time when many believed it was mandatory and there would be h*ll to pay if they didn't.
Mentally, emotionally, spiritually present? That would be what matters, I think, not another check on the attendance list. | unbiased | 5667992 | 24 |
Oh. What a surprise that we can rely on the state legislature to bail out a city project filled with incompetent management and massive cost overruns for a second time. So what happens if Maui or any other county decides it needs a huge traffic alleviation project and forgets about internal controls? Congratulations geniuses. What a great precedent confirmed twice now. The least they could have done is create extreme hurdles to prevent rewarding future mismanagement by Honolulu and other jurisdictions, or even forcing Honolulu to repay state programs that will suffer from budget reallocation. But no. Looks like PERSON and the HART gang is getting a free lunch without preventing round 3 bailout talks. Really smart. Makes Souki look good. | unbiased | 5833025 | 25 |
...that too, Undeclared. | unbiased | 438681 | 26 |
Any relationship to Hartman Construction? (Killed the construction worker on King Street). If it is we can only hope they stay out of state for good. | unbiased | 308709 | 27 |
Boycott Spain and the whole EU. | unbiased | 6066356 | 28 |
My family had a similar experience in Ontario.
My mother was diagnosed as having senile dementia. My sister, who had power of attorney for my mother, had passed away before that diagnosis. One of my brothers, who was under the impression that he had been designated as an alternate power of attorney, was unable to find any paperwork to that effect. Other family members were willing to have that brother handle my mother's affairs. The Ontario agency responsible for the finances of people incapable of handling their own affairs seized control of my mother’s substantial finances nonetheless. To add injury to insult they sold her investments near the bottom of the market during the 2008 financial crisis.
My brother investigated suing the government agency but was told by his lawyer that such a suit was not likely to be successful. | unbiased | 942980 | 29 |
When you anonymously send a flier it says, you don't truly believe in your argument, it says in fact I am free to lie. Folks more cuts will devastate our economy, our schools and services. We do not have enough Troopers, we have cut schools to the bone, we have been short on Corrections officer for years. UAA has hundreds less employees than just a few years ago. This does not take into account infrastructure and the maintenance it requires. I prefer to say these Representatives voted FOR Alaska, they voted for our schools and Law Enforcement. There comes a point when you say okay we have cut enough now we need to pony up, regardless of what the Senate says we are there. | unbiased | 5190319 | 30 |
PERSON reached his highest level of competency when he was a low-level employee at Sears. That he now is in the process of advancing himself as the next Speaker of the House is simply laughable. The voters should vote to return PERSON to his previous job at Sears. | unbiased | 573594 | 31 |
What it really gets down to when it comes to inheritance is the same thing that tears apart families. Everyone wants as much of the free pie as they can get. They can get 5 million dollars worth for free and they can pay for the rest out of the pie on the table, but they want more. | unbiased | 6291723 | 32 |
I didn't ask where your bubble resides, I asked about its thickness. Inadvertently, you answered anyway.
Envy is not a good color on you. Stick with angry. | biased | 5586933 | 33 |
The problem with the proposed broad based tax, as I understand it, is it taxes Social Security and pensions, capital gains, and does not allow for deductions which are allowed on our federal returns. Missing from the PERSON's commentary, and during the house debate, are the high number of seniors living in Alaska who will be adversely impacted and that don't already have a lot of expendable income and are just getting by as it is.
Alaska has a spending problem, and an oil tax problem, and the sooner we bring these two items to sustainable levels the sooner we can have a discussion on broad based taxes. Which by the way, the decision to have a sales tax or an income tax should be voted on by eligible voters. | unbiased | 5248261 | 34 |
It is clear that the intention is good, but as always there is no such thing as a free lunch. Advance scheduling at places like restaurants will mean that labor and demand cannot be adjusted for as demand fluctuates. Likely this will lead to overstaffing and thus increases in prices. But hey it sounds good and certainly will be advertised as having no cost. | unbiased | 487227 | 35 |
Funny how social democratic politicians who believe in "the greater social good", in laws and regulations to guarantee such greater social good, suddenly turn into extreme libertarians when it comes to this issue... | unbiased | 6193997 | 36 |
If you're iced up that bad, it's no longer "controlled." | unbiased | 855257 | 37 |
Ooh, you sound like a "real 'PERSON man", please, come save me from the scary bears ;-) | unbiased | 5601119 | 38 |
What are you talking about? The FBI under PERSON/Lynch/Obama "investigated" the hell out of PERSON. PERSON called a news conference to spell out her felonies and then suggested that "intent" would be difficult to establish and recommended to Lynch not to prosecute. Never mind that "intent" is not the legal standard for prosecution... the fix was in. | unbiased | 5441647 | 39 |
The First amendment has to do, among other things with a prohibition against government abridgement of the freedom of speech. It has nothing to do with the right of a private entity to require that those participating in comboxes be civil when commenting. | unbiased | 5059058 | 40 |
Australia confounds this, though. Also a small population in a large country, and they do better. | unbiased | 5609095 | 41 |
Five years from now AI will handle this role. And many others. | unbiased | 5211278 | 42 |
They could afford children if they were willing to spend less on themselves, if you are a little older you will remember that the summer holiday was a week in Wasaga not twice a year to the Caribbean, that each family had only one (small) car, a VW for instance. | unbiased | 6273200 | 43 |
The many ways to say "laugh out loud." LOL, ROFL, LMAO, ROTFL. | unbiased | 6115510 | 44 |
BLM is a political and fascist movement. Agree with us or suffer the consequences is their motto. What has everyone learned from this? If you are black, you can defy authority and suffer little or no consequences. If you are not black, and defy BLM, be prepared to pay. | biased | 594900 | 45 |
PERSON: Good question! All we get to hear of America's wars is propaganda about "respecting" the flag and the national anthem. Likely because these are all business wars...and wars to establish global power. In other words, the US military is being used to grab up the petroleum and other resources...and to keep them from Russia or China. Furthermore, the US military is being employed to mass murder thousands of innocent people in order to accomplish these profit goals...likely why more US soldier are committing suicide than dying in combat. Even further, our "security" agencies are working to undermine and destabilize governments across the globe. The media is, of course, under the control of the big money/military-industrial complex interests. And those who dare question any of this are labelled "haters" and "traitors." For most Americans, this reality is simply too horrible to they don't. | biased | 6021325 | 46 |
PERSON, Sen. PERSON is no doubt supporting PERSON because he's not PERSON or PERSON. | unbiased | 313259 | 47 |
I realize that facts mean nothing to you, but the state of California found that prisoners who get visits from no one in their last year of incarceration have six times the rate of recidivism of those who have three or more visitors. How much money annually do you "have to pay for their travel?" I'm guessing it's about $1 for every point in your I.Q. | unbiased | 404043 | 48 |
The funny part is that you actually see a difference between yourself and those that you oppose. How very dissonant of you. | biased | 5253254 | 49 |
PERSON: "I [do not] think you have any knowledge or evidence to support that contention." For purposes of this discussion, I will plead guilty PERSON: "I think most lawyers would find your assertion nonsensical." I wonder if PERSON thought clearly about writing "lawyers (remember we are talking about lawyers as a group here) would find your assertion nonsensical?" Not being trained in the law, I'm certainly not sure but, may I ask PERSON, would not lawyers find this assertion nonsensical or not depending on which side of a dispute hired them? | unbiased | 573214 | 50 |
Next are they going to tax the gains on principal residences?
Are PERSON and PERSON thinking that it's time for home owners to "pay their fair share" | unbiased | 5024651 | 51 |
Environment is important, but so is keeping energy costs down for Hawaii's poor who are already impacted by our regressive economic and tax climate. AES could have or still could upgrade their general plant and emissions scrubbing technology if HECO payed them a better rate per unit produced or invested in the outcomes. Instead, AES struggles to maintain their now dated plant and standards. Ultimately, HECO should acquire AES before or after the 2022 'decommissioning', make it a 'turnover', hire all the AES workers (not management) and upgrade the plant fuel feed, boilers, generators and scrubbers in phases. Biofuel is notoriously hard to efficiently burn and supplies on an island may be erratic. State of the art scrubbing tech could reduce the emissions considerably, to where the ratio of cost to environmental impact may be reasonable and acceptable. At least until 2030+ when solar farms and storage are all viable, affordable and in place. | unbiased | 5847775 | 52 |
It is time to move forward with this critical North American infrastructure. | unbiased | 5725896 | 53 |
Oh PERSON. Hello PERSON or PERSON Wording re this by you: " pretending to be Hispanic", which has what to do with what I wrote here and you answered with the Hispanic nonsense ? --> "As we know guns have never been a true issue of this magnitude until the past decade or two-what is the driver behind these mentally unbalanced mass murdering people? PERSON what we do know it is not gun ownership. I give a hoot. (re this line of yours: "No one buys that give a hoot." by Como_)
Have a good evening.
I should have known the wording style earlier :( | unbiased | 6296815 | 54 |
Welcome to Cantario. | unbiased | 619020 | 55 |
Good photo Justin. Good report PERSON.
The kind of behaviour or misbehavior reported here is why we need some guidance on the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) and public comment from the state for local governments. The First Amendment is not an absolute document. | unbiased | 855295 | 56 |
This is great to see. Along with others, we advocated for the proposed legislation that resulted in this law.
Just yesterday a woman was attempting to enter the flow of traffic from the center lane while holding a talking on her phone. When I yelled for her to get off the phone, she gave me the finger. That gesture pales in comparison to what damage she can do while distracted.
Now some will claim that the law has some limitation. Sure. But it is better than what we had.
Most motorists who are distracted by electronic devices will not change from reading the new rules (few will even know about it). But the ones that get the fine and see they can go to jail for the third offense, are the target offenders the law will address. | unbiased | 5986878 | 57 |
What's extreme about time, the worlds been going around in a circle for quite a long time, now that humanity knows quite positively that the PERSON is not a piece of cheese or a playful god, the phenomena that accompany it (from its monthly cycles to lunar eclipses) are well-explained. It was quite a mystery to the ancient Greeks, though, and in their quest for knowledge, they came up with a few insightful observations that helped humanity figure out the shape of our planet. | unbiased | 481272 | 58 |
BTW you're correct. We don't care about addicts croaking themselves. | biased | 720147 | 59 |
Unhelpful and rather foolish comment given all the Albertans of a progressive bent posting on this thread. And in the face of what our current provincial government is trying to do.
Are you a Conservative plant or just not a very sensible strategist? | biased | 771342 | 60 |
Collins has demonstrated her lack of class many times in the past. A terrible example of her home state. I'm surprised they tolerate such a lout. | biased | 5656270 | 61 |
Actually, it's been proven that a death sentence is more expensive to carry out than a life sentence. And prisoners themselves say that they prefer execution to a life in prison. | unbiased | 6043005 | 62 |
Yummy | unbiased | 5797802 | 63 |
It is also false to say PERSON is a misogynist, but that did not stop the liberal elite. In politics, if the arrow hits the barn, it is considered a bulls-eye. | unbiased | 669658 | 64 |
Respectfully AMBER COLLINS, your last reply to a comment I made on another thread recently, was a pedestran personal insult. Please take no offense, as I explained then in rebuttal to your personal insult directed at me then, I do not care to engage in none constructive discussions, especially with those who often resort to personally insulting others on these threads with whom they disagree with.
All the same, you have wonderful day... | unbiased | 6069301 | 65 |
We would have adequate revenue if the legislature didn't give it away at a rate that exceeds it's intake.
You want to give them more money?
They will only hand that out to their corporate handlers along with what they already gifted them with. | unbiased | 6229815 | 66 |
I see the haters, buoyed by their leader, is out in full force. Is anyone wondering where, how this will end? | unbiased | 916543 | 67 |
PERSON is a traitor. He belongs in shakeles and chains. He should be fed dog food and drifted out on the cook inlet on a piece of plywood at a changing tide | biased | 507844 | 68 |
OMG. PERSON must be guilty of collusion.
What's good for the gander is good for the goose. | biased | 5848169 | 69 |
A very good and useful piece by the writer.
Couple of things to add. The nationalist-extreme-right in Quebec morally feed off the extreme right in France, good old Le Pen, whose father was an open Nazi, racist, and Vichy sympathiser. PERSON is just the new boy on that team. The PQ under Marois stoked anti-Arab prejudice for crass electoral gain, all in vain, thank God. Marois pasted PERSON law against wearing religious regalia into its odious Charter, then baited the French prime-minister with an invitation to support the PQ charter, which he very stupidly did, not realizing that he was in a foreign country built around English ideas of personal liberty; but that's also typical of the continental French --narrow field of vision. For a good British opinion piece, see PERSON article in the UK Guardian entitled "What Connects Attacks in Quebec and Charlston. | biased | 927934 | 70 |
In The Canadian Oxford Dictionary the preferred spelling is "Quebecers", while in the Gage Canadian Dictionary the preferred spelling is"Quebeckers". Both list the alternate spelling. | unbiased | 6158214 | 71 |
Clearly its time for KFC to get in on the Twitter lovefest for fastfood companies so they'll listen and raise wages for loyal employees like this. | unbiased | 5335900 | 72 |
The law is clear - no covering your face. Doesn't matter what religion one is, you must be able to communicate with the rest of our society. | biased | 6327626 | 73 |
Well UAF and UAA already have an alumni association, so they're already got most of what they need. When PERSON says he hears "anecdotally that [grads] are still getting jobs", that tells me they're not tracking recruitment too well, and the benefits of that should be obvious. | unbiased | 5035277 | 74 |
If doing nothing while his union paymasters sacrifice Canadian jobs in favour of American jobs is mature and responsible, PERSON is your man. But what PERSON needs at this juncture is action, something that hurts the US financially. Action takes courage and fortitude. PERSON has neither. PERSON has both in spades. | biased | 5222524 | 75 |
"And don’t get me started about the delays, or the inherent bias and conflict of interest in having the athletics department investigate itself, the lack of remedies and accountability"
That's right.
For anyone who thinks any establishment organization, even the Girl Guides, can "police themselves",
I have a toy plastic water pistol and a tin Sherrif's badge. | unbiased | 5012996 | 76 |
Seriously? PERSON reminds me of the call to stop getting annual mammograms. After three of my relatives died from colon cancer I prefer to defer to my doctor's orders to get one ever 5 years. Get your colon checked folks, its a lifesaving exam! | unbiased | 263881 | 77 |
those measures will never be officially considered but an info display could suffice for those interested, the typical problem being that most people don't want to be told, even in their best interest, they'd rather do their thing and possibly learn the hard way. whether on land, air, or sea too many get in over their heads and often prone to panic when faced with unfamiliar situations, even inhaling a little water can quickly cause a death spiral in shallow areas. especially for the young and elderly these critical moments can prove far worse. | unbiased | 5774424 | 78 |
let PERSON pay for it ... | unbiased | 5527912 | 79 |
I haven't. | unbiased | 595621 | 80 |
Excellent, well said. | unbiased | 762224 | 81 |
"What is an "alt-right" white supremicist anyway?"
If you don't know, you should know. Why? Because you are talking about something you know almost nothing about and it shows. I'd stop digging that hole until you figure it out if I were you.
Still don't know how to spell "supremacist". Sorry I overlooked that. If you can't even spell it, how could you be it? My perspective is askew I guess. | unbiased | 5834036 | 82 |
A referendum is a very, very bad idea. | unbiased | 648190 | 83 |
The word "unprecedented" is apt for this article and the reasons why are explained therein. The word wasn't used to describe the collapse in general, but the scale of the collapse in comparison to historical economic problems elsewhere. | unbiased | 5701468 | 84 |
Turkey? Erdogen?....oh i feel better now!! | unbiased | 5122657 | 85 |
Dont fear the tweaker. 😨 | unbiased | 6029514 | 86 |
Was Mr. PERSON always a friend to real estate agents? I know he took this job after leading his party to defeat in 2014 Ont. election, but was he always on their side to this degree? Or is this just a recent conversion? I ask in all seriousness, I don't know. There was no chance I was voting for the Conservatives under his leadership, so I didn't care what most of his platform was.
It's just making me shudder at the thought of him being Ont. Premier at this time, since the upward spiral in housing prices we were getting through April here in Toronto would likely have continued unabated. Given this piece, doesn't seem like he'd be interested in doing anything about it.
PERSON This doesn't mean I'm a Liberal apologist. Just saying, sort of feel like we dodged a bullet on that one. | unbiased | 5955471 | 87 |
Can you give us a figure? | unbiased | 5295774 | 88 |
Washington is protecting a terrorist at home (Montano isn't the only one) because he was 'on our side'. So much for standing up for democracy in world affairs! 'Terrorist' has become a label we apply to people we don't like, and when the 'terrorist' is on our side, we call them 'freedom fighters.' America is willing to let the hungry starve and deprive the poor of health care, but it draws the line at forcing terrorists to face justice... | biased | 5273936 | 89 |
Pretty hard news, and changes, for the coastal villages | unbiased | 338113 | 90 |
"Those were the rules going into the vote." 52% wasn't any "rule" it was the result. The rule was that the final vote had to go before Parliament.
The problem arrises when people like Farage and PERSON say they will not respect the vote if it goes against them, a bit like the PQ here. Having totally undermined democracy, they can hardly complain when their tactic are copied by the opposition. | unbiased | 890339 | 91 |
Wow so much ignorance and falsehood in one article. Whether you like gun ownership or not, here's the bottom line; until we as a country address the underlying cause of these attacks (and no, it's not gun ownership or access to guns) nothing will change. Clearly the problem is a societal one and something in society has changed in the last 30-40 years and it's getting worse. We need to figure out what that is and determine how it relates to such a mental detachment that it causes some people dehumanize their fellow citizens to the point that they want to kill them enmasse.
The 2nd amendment isn't going to change and even if it did anyone who understands the constitution knows that the amendment is just a check on government to guarantee a right that already exists naturally. So rather than blaming the tools used to murder, how about we sit down and finally have the conversation that nobody is talking about. What is the root cause of the issue? | biased | 6112403 | 92 |
This is what happens when you hire on the cheap Mr. PERSON. | biased | 6106872 | 93 |
"PERSON, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore" | unbiased | 920703 | 94 |
Hello, this is PERSON from Public Health-Seattle & King County. Thanks for the continued conversation about the Food Safety Rating System. Please read more about why we make zip code adjustments and the research behind it by reading our blog on Public Health Insider and an op-ed published in the Seattle Times written by our research partner at Stanford University, PERSON PERSON | biased | 1027430 | 95 |
Fake comment. | biased | 5066565 | 96 |
Once again we see the horror of innocent people attacked by an often lone gunman -- and yes man -- who feels left out. While I apparently share his views of the man elected president, and his tribe, I would never consider violence, even when angry. This is because the voices I listen to bring about calming, are based on peace in the face of anger, don't require I respond in kind...I read, I consider, I catch my breath. I actually learn from the Bible, and see the value of all humankind, of all stripes and flavors, just as he tried to teach...till the Roman made it all power politics. But the current Pope is also a man of love and peace...and he acts like it! His actions are consistent with his words! When PERSON stops hurting people through his beliefs and actions I will believe his words...till then, 'talk is cheap.'
And having your crowds chat 'lock-er-up' and suggesting second amendment solutions is crud, stupid and anti-everything that makes us better people. | unbiased | 5421882 | 97 |
That is what Colorado was doing several years ago and no thank you. Not only do livestock die from breaking legs in their holes but they also spread the bubonic plague. Those animals are native to the Longmont area so either keep them there or kill them. | biased | 5587288 | 98 |
Publicizing the sins of others is the very definition of the sin of scandal. It is not defying the Church publicly as some hierarchists teach, as in PERSON’s insanity over gay spouses being recognized at funerals. | unbiased | 6221708 | 99 |
Don't expect PERSON to be honest with the American people during his good riddance speech to America. He will steadfastly refuse to accept how he weakened the world thanks to his actions and non-actions PERSON of thousands of people died around the world because of PERSON. His line in the sand was a leader gassing his own people. When the line was crossed he did nothing. Here at home we had riots in the streets .PERSON worked all eight years to divide Americans by the color of their skin and how much money they earned .He rewarded those with free stuff that refused to work. He disrespected police across the nation with his saying " police acted stupidly " ,and always sided with criminals and rioters of color. Now he's letting criminals out of prison before they pay their dues to society .Millions remain on food stamps because of PERSON's policies and millions more have their hands out for free , unearned medical care under PERSONcare. He will go down as our very worst president of all time. | biased | 781710 | 100 |
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Annotation process
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Who are the annotators?
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Personal and Sensitive Information
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Considerations for Using the Data
Social Impact of Dataset
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Discussion of Biases
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Other Known Limitations
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Additional Information
Dataset Curators
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Licensing Information
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Citation Information
[More Information Needed]
Thanks to @tosingithub for adding this dataset.
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- 91