"type": "dialogue",
"text": "At least it wasn't because you spent \ntoo much money on useless stuff, right?"
"line": 172,
"character": "Jill",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "..."
"line": 173,
"character": "Alma",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "...right?"
"line": 174,
"character": "Jill",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "About that..."
"line": 175,
"character": "Alma",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "Forget it. I don't wanna hear."
"line": 176,
"character": "Alma",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "Let's go to sleep. Tomorrow you'll \nregroup and think what to do next."
"line": 177,
"character": "Jill",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "Y-Yeah..."
"line": 178,
"character": "Jill",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "Thanks for letting me stay here by \nthe -- WHOA! Your bed is huge!"
"line": 179,
"character": "Alma",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "A Queen size. Considering I lived with \na guy for at least four years..."
"line": 180,
"character": "Alma",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "It can get lonely, but also really \ncomfortable. Just like single life I guess."
"line": 181,
"character": "Alma",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "Hope you don't mind sleeping with me, \nbut there's not enough space for the futon \nin here."
"line": 182,
"character": "Jill",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "I haven't slept in a mattress in... \nfuck, over two years now."
"line": 183,
"character": "Alma",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "That can be good for your back."
"line": 184,
"character": "Jill",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "And bad for my morale."
"line": 185,
"character": "Jill",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "Anyways, good night."
"line": 186,
"character": "Alma",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "Nighty night."
"line": 187,
"character": "None",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "..."