9 values
Select the description that doesn't belong.
- clever - foolish - friendly - unintelligent
Friendly doesn't belong. Foolish, unintelligent, and clever all describe how smart someone is.
What is the volume of a bathroom sink?
- 11 milliliters - 11 liters
The better estimate for the volume of a bathroom sink is 11 liters. 11 milliliters is too little.
Complete the statement. Assume that the robin's mass did not change. The gravitational potential energy stored between the robin and Earth () as the robin flew to the tree branch.
- increased - decreased - stayed the same
Think about how the distance between the robin and the center of Earth changed. The tree branch is higher than the land below the tree. As the robin flew toward the tree branch, the distance between the robin and the center of Earth increased. So, the gravitational potential energy stored between the robin and Earth increased as the robin flew to the tree branch.
Would you find the word bright on a dictionary page with the following guide words? beat - blessing
- yes - no
Put the words in alphabetical order. Since bright is not between the guide words beat - blessing, it would not be found on that page.
Which word would you find on a dictionary page with the following guide words? three - tomato
- title - terrible
Put the words in alphabetical order. Since title is between the guide words three - tomato, it would be found on that page.
What do these two changes have in common? cellular respiration compost rotting
- Both are chemical changes. - Both are only physical changes. - Both are caused by heating. - Both are caused by cooling.
Step 1: Think about each change. Cellular respiration is a chemical change. Cells use oxygen to break down sugar. Breaking the chemical bonds in sugar molecules releases energy that a cell can use. The atoms from the broken molecules then combine to form different molecules such as carbon dioxide and water. These molecules are different types of matter than sugar and oxygen. Compost forms from the remains of plants and animals, such as vegetable scraps and egg shells. Compost rotting is a chemical change. As the compost rots, it breaks down and turns into a different type of matter. Step 2: Look at each answer choice. Both are only physical changes. Both changes are chemical changes. They are not physical changes. Both are chemical changes. Both changes are chemical changes. The type of matter before and after each change is different. Both are caused by heating. Neither change is caused by heating. Both are caused by cooling. Neither change is caused by cooling.
What information supports the conclusion that Reba inherited this trait?
- Reba's parents have red hair. They passed down this trait to Reba. - Reba and her mother both wear their hair in braids.
Which phrase has a more negative connotation?
- request something - demand something
Demand something has a more negative connotation. If you demand something, you ask for it in a bossy, rude way. If you request something, you ask for it in a polite way.
Based on this information, what is this pea plant's genotype for the pea color gene?
- yellow peas - Ee
An organism's genotype for a gene is its combination of alleles for that gene. The pea plant has one allele for yellow peas (E) and one allele for green peas (e). So, the plant's genotype for the pea color gene is Ee.
Which word would you find on a dictionary page with the following guide words? larger - lip
- lean - loose
Put the words in alphabetical order. Since lean is between the guide words larger - lip, it would be found on that page.
Select the one substance that is not a mineral.
- Wool is made by living things. It is formed in nature. - Corundum is a solid. It is a pure substance. - Turquoise is a solid. It is not made by living things.
Compare the properties of each substance to the properties of minerals. Select the substance whose properties do not match those of minerals. Wool is made by living things. But minerals are not made by living things. So, wool is not a mineral. Corundum is a mineral. Turquoise is a mineral.
What information supports the conclusion that Diane acquired this trait?
- Diane's friends like to make chili with her. - Diane learned how to make chili from a recipe book. - When Diane was young, her grandmother taught her how to cut chili peppers.
Which is a compound sentence?
- The thermometer and the cough syrup are in the medicine cabinet next to the cotton balls. - Amelia can eat the leftover tomato soup, or she can make herself a tuna sandwich.
The second sentence is the compound sentence. It is made up of two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction or. Amelia can eat the leftover tomato soup, or she can make herself a tuna sandwich.
Choose the poem that uses anaphora.
- She stands there like a beacon through the night, A pale clear beacon where the storm-drift is— She stands alone, a wonder deathly-white. She stands there patient nerved with inner might. - Again I reply to the triple winds running chromatic fifths of derision outside my window: Play louder.
This poem uses anaphora. It repeats the same word or words at the beginning of multiple lines or phrases. She stands alone, a wonder deathly-white. She stands there patient nerved with inner might.
Which tense does the sentence use? Ariana parked her scooter in front of the store.
- past tense - future tense - present tense
The sentence is in past tense. You can tell because it uses a past-tense verb, parked. The verb ends in -ed and tells you about something that has already happened.
Which text uses the word ironic in its traditional sense?
- Last winter, Matthew took a vacation to Florida to escape Boston's cold, snowy weather. In an ironic twist, he just missed a few of his college friends, who had been in Florida the previous week. - Last winter, Matthew took a vacation to Florida to escape Boston's cold, snowy weather. In an ironic twist, a rare snowstorm happened to hit Florida that week.
The second text uses ironic in its traditional sense: contrary to what was intended, often in an amusing way. It's ironic because Matthew tried to get away from the snow but found himself in a snowstorm regardless. Last winter, Matthew took a vacation to Florida to escape Boston's cold, snowy weather. In an ironic twist, a rare snowstorm happened to hit Florida that week. The first text uses ironic in its nontraditional sense: marked by coincidence. It was a coincidence that Matthew's friends were in Florida the week before. Last winter, Matthew took a vacation to Florida to escape Boston's cold, snowy weather. In an ironic twist, he just missed a few of his college friends, who had been in Florida the previous week. Most style guides recommend to avoid using the nontraditional sense of the word ironic because it is generally considered incorrect.
Which phrase has a more positive connotation?
- a peculiar object - a unique object
A unique object has a more positive connotation. Unique and peculiar both denote unusualness. However, unique suggests something is special, while peculiar suggests something is strange or weird.
Which is the softest?
- cotton head band - brick path - glass window
Soft is a property. A soft material changes shape when pressed or squeezed. Look at each picture, one at a time. Imagine touching the material shown in each picture. Of the choices, the cotton head band is the softest. If you squeeze cotton fabric, it will change shape.
What information supports the conclusion that William acquired this trait?
- William's friend taught him how to fly a kite. - William's neighbor taught him how to repair a kite. - William likes to fly a kite with his younger brother.
Which text structure does the text use?
- compare-contrast - cause-effect
The text uses a compare-contrast structure to show how canoes and kayaks are alike and different. In the text, certain words and phrases help to organize ideas in a compare-contrast structure. Notice the words both, larger, and instead, as well as the phrase not exactly the same.
Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Did you really vote for Hassan as class treasurer? Didn't you hear that his uncle was imprisoned for embezzling $1.5 million?
- hasty generalization: a very broad claim based on very little evidence - guilt by association: a negative association intended to discredit someone or something
The text argues that Hassan can't be trusted with money, because his uncle embezzled money. However, even though his uncle couldn't be trusted with money, that doesn't necessarily mean that Hassan can't be trusted with it. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as guilt by association.
Select the vertebrate.
- Bactrian camel - flower hat jellyfish - diving beetle - saturn butterfly
A diving beetle is an insect. Like other insects, a diving beetle is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. A saturn butterfly is an insect. Like other insects, a saturn butterfly is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. A Bactrian camel is a mammal. Like other mammals, a Bactrian camel is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. Like other jellyfishes, a flower hat jellyfish is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has a soft body.
Which correctly shows the title of a book?
- ***When It Passes By*** - "When It Passes By"
A book should be in italics. The correct title is **When It Passes By**.
What does the Tenth Amendment say about government powers that are not listed in the Constitution?
- If the Constitution does not give a power to the United States government, the power belongs to the state governments or the people. - The United States government has any power, even if it isn't listed in the Constitution. - If the Constitution does not give a power to the United States government, no one can have that power.
According to the Tenth Amendment, the Constitution lists all of the powers given to the United States government. If the Constitution does not give a power to the United States government, the power belongs to the state governments or the people. The full text of the Tenth Amendment is below. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
Complete the sentence. Cutting an orange is a ().
- physical change - chemical change
Cutting an orange is a physical change. The orange gets a different shape. But it is still made of the same type of matter as the uncut orange.
Using only these supplies, which question can Gavin investigate with an experiment?
- Which type of soil will cause a certain kind of tomato plant to grow the most fruit? - Does a certain kind of tomato plant grow taller when planted in a clay pot or in a plastic pot? - Which of the three types of tomato seeds sprouts the fastest?
Does this passage describe the weather or the climate? Megan put on an extra pair of socks this morning because it was so cold.
- climate - weather
Read the text carefully. Megan put on an extra pair of socks this morning because it was so cold. This passage tells you about the temperature this morning where Megan lives. It describes the atmosphere at a certain place and time. So, this passage describes the weather.
How long is a hammer?
- 23 centimeters - 23 meters
The better estimate for the length of a hammer is 23 centimeters. 23 meters is too long.
Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Don't ever get a ride from Alana. Her brother has been driving for only six months, and he's already gotten three speeding tickets.
- guilt by association: a negative association intended to discredit someone or something - false dichotomy: an argument that presents only two choices when more options exist
The text argues that Alana must be a reckless driver, because her brother is a reckless driver. However, even though Alana's brother is reckless, that doesn't necessarily mean that Alana is, too. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as guilt by association.
What is the volume of a bathtub?
- 315 milliliters - 315 liters
The better estimate for the volume of a bathtub is 315 liters. 315 milliliters is too little.
Which is a simple sentence?
- September has thirty days, and July has thirty-one. - After dinner I brush my teeth very carefully.
The second sentence is the simple sentence. It has one subject and predicate. After dinner I brush my teeth very carefully.
Which tense does the sentence use? The friends collect old baseball cards.
- present tense - future tense - past tense
The sentence is in present tense. You can tell because it uses a present-tense verb, collect. The verb tells you about something that is true or happening now.
Select the one substance that is not a mineral.
- Native gold is not made by living things. It is a pure substance. - Diamond is formed in nature. It is a solid. - Paper is made by humans. It is not a pure substance.
Compare the properties of each substance to the properties of minerals. Select the substance whose properties do not match those of minerals. Paper is made by humans. But minerals are not made by living things. Paper is not a pure substance. But all minerals are pure substances. So, paper is not a mineral. Diamond is a mineral. Native gold is a mineral.
Which text uses the word disinterested in its traditional sense?
- The restaurant reviews on this website are not exactly disinterested—restaurants can pay to remove unflattering reviews—but Simon still finds it useful for finding new places to eat. - Simon is disinterested in reading page after page of restaurant reviews on the Internet; he prefers to try out new restaurants for himself and make up his own mind.
The second text uses disinterested in its traditional sense: unbiased or impartial. The restaurant reviews on this website are not exactly disinterested—restaurants can pay to remove unflattering reviews—but Simon still finds it useful for finding new places to eat. The first text uses disinterested in its nontraditional sense: uninterested or indifferent. Simon is disinterested in reading page after page of restaurant reviews on the Internet; he prefers to try out new restaurants for himself and make up his own mind. Most style guides recommend to use the traditional sense of the word disinterested because it is considered more standard.
What do these two changes have in common? shaking up salad dressing using a large magnet to remove pieces of iron from a junkyard
- Both are only physical changes. - Both are caused by heating. - Both are chemical changes. - Both are caused by cooling.
Step 1: Think about each change. Shaking up salad dressing is a physical change. The different parts mix together, but they are still made of the same type of matter. Using a large magnet to remove pieces of iron from a junkyard is a physical change. Both the iron and the magnet are still made of the same type of matter as before. Step 2: Look at each answer choice. Both are only physical changes. Both changes are physical changes. No new matter is created. Both are chemical changes. Both changes are physical changes. They are not chemical changes. Both are caused by heating. Neither change is caused by heating. Both are caused by cooling. Neither change is caused by cooling.
Select the vertebrate.
- coral snake - monarch butterfly - castor bean tick - black widow spider
A monarch butterfly is an insect. Like other insects, a monarch butterfly is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. A coral snake is a reptile. Like other reptiles, a coral snake is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A castor bean tick is an insect. Like other insects, a castor bean tick is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. Like other spiders, a black widow spider is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton.
Would you find the word company on a dictionary page with the following guide words? cross - cutting
- yes - no
Put the words in alphabetical order. Since company is not between the guide words cross - cutting, it would not be found on that page.
What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? Devon had her fifteen minutes when her video of kayaking with dolphins went viral.
- Greek history - modern history
The source of the allusion fifteen minutes is modern history. In a catalog that accompanied an exhibit of his work, pop artist Andy Warhol said, "In the future, everybody will be world-famous for fifteen minutes," meaning that fame would be briefly available even to those who did nothing spectacular. The allusion fifteen minutes means a temporary moment of celebrity status.
What do these two changes have in common? burning a marshmallow over a campfire rust forming on a bicycle frame
- Both are only physical changes. - Both are caused by heating. - Both are chemical changes. - Both are caused by cooling.
Step 1: Think about each change. Burning a marshmallow is a chemical change. The heat from the fire causes the type of matter in the marshmallow to change. The marshmallow becomes black and crispy. Rust forming on a bicycle frame is a chemical change. Oxygen in the air reacts with iron in the bicycle frame. The outside of the frame turns into a different type of matter called rust. Rust is reddish-brown and falls apart easily. Step 2: Look at each answer choice. Both are only physical changes. Both changes are chemical changes. They are not physical changes. Both are chemical changes. Both changes are chemical changes. The type of matter before and after each change is different. Both are caused by heating. Burning is caused by heating. But rust forming on a bicycle frame is not. Both are caused by cooling. Neither change is caused by cooling.
Suppose Dwayne decides to go as a ghost. Which result would be a cost?
- Dwayne will spend some time and money to get the costume. - Dwayne will get to wear the costume he is more excited about.
This result is a cost. It involves giving up or spending something that Dwayne wants or needs: Dwayne will spend some time and money to get the costume.
What is the temperature of the air on a cold, snowy day?
- 24°F - 24°C
The better estimate for the temperature of the air on a cold, snowy day is 24°F. 24°C is too hot.
Select the plant.
- Sheep eat plants. - Octopuses eat animals that live underwater. - Raspberry bushes have green leaves. - Bumble bees drink nectar from flowers.
A bumble bee is an animal. It drinks nectar from flowers. A bumble bee is an insect. Bumble bees have soft hairs that make them look fuzzy. An octopus is an animal. It eats animals that live underwater. An octopus has two eyes and eight arms. A sheep is an animal. It eats plants. People raise sheep for their fur, meat, and milk. A raspberry bush is a plant. It has green leaves. Most raspberries are red. But raspberries can also be purple or yellow.
Which is a compound sentence?
- Rumors about Mayor Wilkinson were spreading like wildfire, so she set the record straight at a press conference. - Madison Chock and Gracie Gold were two American figure skaters in the Sochi 2014 Olympics.
The first sentence is the compound sentence. It is made up of two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction so. Rumors about Mayor Wilkinson were spreading like wildfire, so she set the record straight at a press conference.
Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Mr. Silva argues that we need to do more to prevent workplace injuries and fatalities. I doubt that someone so socially awkward would know a thing about office safety.
- ad hominem: a personal attack against one's opponent - false dichotomy: an argument that presents only two choices when more options exist
The text argues that being socially awkward determines knowledge of workplace safety. This is a personal attack that isn't relevant to Mr. Silva's desire to prevent workplace injuries. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as ad hominem.
Would you find the word serious on a dictionary page with the following guide words? slack - split
- yes - no
Put the words in alphabetical order. Since serious is not between the guide words slack - split, it would not be found on that page.
Which correctly shows the title of a magazine?
- where It's At - Where It's At
Capitalize the first word, the last word, and every important word in between. The correct title is Where It's At.
Which word does not rhyme?
- pat - tie - pie
The words pie and tie rhyme. They both end with the ie sound. The word pat does not rhyme. It ends with a different sound.
Look at the word. Does it have a closed syllable or an open syllable? drip
- closed - open
The word drip ends with a consonant and has a short vowel sound. So, it has a closed syllable.
Would you find the word fault on a dictionary page with the following guide words? fifteen - flashlight
- yes - no
Put the words in alphabetical order. Since fault is not between the guide words fifteen - flashlight, it would not be found on that page.
Which figure of speech is used in this text? There was a clear consensus in the Vance family that they should put their dog to sleep, rather than let him continue to suffer.
- euphemism - paradox
The text uses a euphemism, a polite or indirect expression that is used to de-emphasize an unpleasant topic. Put their dog to sleep is a more indirect way of saying have the veterinarian kill their dog.
Select the one animal that has all of the reptile traits listed above.
- Burmese pythons hatch from eggs with shells. They can grow to over 12 feet long! Their scaly, waterproof skin is brown and black. - California newts have moist, smooth skin that is brown and orange. Their eggs have no shells, but they are protected by a poisonous gel. Young California newts live in shallow pools or streams. Adult newts live mostly on land.
To decide if an animal is part of a group, look at the traits of the group. Reptiles have the following traits: They have scaly, waterproof skin. They make eggs with shells. Compare each animal's traits to the group's traits. Select the animal with traits similar to the group's traits. A Burmese python has the following traits: It has scaly, waterproof skin. It makes eggs with shells. A Burmese python has the traits of a reptile. A Burmese python is a reptile. A California newt has the following traits: It spends part of its life in water and part on land. It has moist skin. It makes eggs with no shells. A California newt does not have all of the traits of a reptile. A California newt is an amphibian.
Complete the sentence. Soaking cucumbers in vinegar to make pickles is a ().
- chemical change - physical change
Soaking cucumbers in vinegar to make pickles is a chemical change. The vinegar causes the type of matter in the cucumbers to change. The new matter is sour and salty.
Select the solid.
- caramel sauce - coffee - air from a hair dryer - ring
Caramel sauce is a liquid. A liquid takes the shape of any container it is in. If you pour caramel sauce into a container, the caramel sauce will take the shape of that container. But the caramel sauce will still take up the same amount of space. Coffee is a liquid. A liquid takes the shape of any container it is in. If you pour coffee into a different container, the coffee will take the shape of that container. But the coffee will still take up the same amount of space. A ring is a solid. A solid has a size and shape of its own. A ring keeps its shape, even when you take it off your finger. The air from a hair dryer is a gas. A gas expands to fill a space. A hair dryer uses a fan to blow warm air out. When the air leaves the hair dryer, the air expands to fill a much large space.
Last year, 50,000 people lived in the city of Burlington. But since then, 8,000 people have moved away. What probably happened to the overall supply of houses for sale in Burlington?
- The supply probably went down. - The supply probably went up.
The population of Burlington fell by 8,000 people. Many of the people who have left are probably trying to sell their houses. Since more people are trying to sell their houses, the number of suppliers of houses for sale in Burlington has gone up. So, the supply of houses for sale probably went up, too.
Complete the statement. Assume that Pedro's mass did not change. The gravitational potential energy stored between Pedro and Earth () as he hiked toward the summit.
- stayed the same - increased - decreased
Think about how the distance between Pedro and the center of Earth changed. The summit of the mountain was higher than the point where Pedro started hiking. As he hiked toward the summit, the distance between Pedro and the center of Earth increased. So, the gravitational potential energy stored between Pedro and Earth increased as he hiked toward the summit.
Which logical fallacy is used in the text? My opponent claims that testing products on animals is cruel. But I, for one, cannot support exposing humans to harmful chemicals!
- circular reasoning: an argument that supports a claim with the claim itself - straw man: a misrepresentation of an opponent's position that makes it easier to argue against - slippery slope fallacy: the false assumption that a small first step will lead to extreme consequences
The text argues that the speaker's opponent supports exposing humans to harmful chemicals. However, the speaker's opponent only argued against testing products on animals. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as a straw man.
Which figure of speech is used in this text? At twenty-one, Kenji felt overwhelmed with adult responsibilities and wished he could fly off to Neverland.
- simile - allusion
The text uses an allusion, a brief reference to someone or something well known. Neverland alludes to the story of Peter Pan, a boy who lived in Neverland and never grew up.
Which is a simple sentence?
- Mr. Keller's afternoon lecture was about art and culture in Germany before World War II. - I can review the draft of your story unless you're still editing it.
The first sentence is the simple sentence. It is a single independent clause. Mr. Keller's afternoon lecture was about art and culture in Germany before World War II.
Which figure of speech is used in this text? Caleb remarked that the new book on anti-gravity was impossible to put down.
- pun - allusion
The text uses a pun, a word or phrase that humorously suggests more than one meaning. Impossible to put down means that the book is so good that it is hard to stop reading. The phrase impossible to put down is also a joke about anti-gravity: if gravity pulls things down, perhaps anti-gravity does the opposite and makes them impossible to put down.
Which type of sentence is this? Bryan always approaches difficult tasks enthusiastically, and he frequently motivates others with his energy and fervor.
- complex - compound - compound-complex - simple
The sentence is compound. It is made up of two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction and. Bryan always approaches difficult tasks enthusiastically, and he frequently motivates others with his energy and fervor.
Which word would you find on a dictionary page with the following guide words? clown - crocodile
- cobbler - customer
Put the words in alphabetical order. Since cobbler is between the guide words clown - crocodile, it would be found on that page.
What does this Works Cited entry indicate about the cited work? Taylor, David A. "Homestay among the Ruins in Cambodia." The Washington Post 23 Apr. 2015: n. pag. Web. 23 Apr. 2015.
- Taylor is the author's first name. - It doesn't have page numbers. - It is a short story.
Look closely at the Works Cited entry: Taylor, David A. "Homestay among the Ruins in Cambodia." The Washington Post 23 Apr. 2015: n. pag. Web. 23 Apr. 2015. You can tell that the cited work has no available page numbers because the entry contains the abbreviation n. pag, which means no pages.
Based on this information, what is Kevin's phenotype for the Marfan syndrome trait?
- having Marfan syndrome - not having Marfan syndrome
Kevin's genotype for the Marfan syndrome gene is mm. Kevin's genotype of mm has only m alleles. The m allele is for not having Marfan syndrome. So, Kevin's phenotype for the Marfan syndrome trait must be not having Marfan syndrome. To check this answer, consider whether Kevin's alleles are dominant or recessive. The allele for not having Marfan syndrome (m) is recessive to the allele for having Marfan syndrome (M). This means M is a dominant allele, and m is a recessive allele. Kevin's genotype of mm has only recessive alleles. An organism with only recessive alleles for a gene will have the recessive allele's version of the trait. So, Kevin's phenotype for the Marfan syndrome trait must be not having Marfan syndrome.
What information supports the conclusion that Bill acquired this trait?
- Bill likes to look at butterflies and beetles. - Bill learned to identify insects by reading many books about insects.
Which is a complete sentence?
- Deb fell asleep, Mom put a blanket on her. - The conductor took tickets from everyone on the train.
The conductor took tickets from everyone on the train is a complete sentence. The subject is the conductor, and the verb is took.
Select the mammal.
- human - American toad - alpine newt - green frog
An American toad is an amphibian. It has moist skin and begins its life in water. Toads do not have teeth! They swallow their food whole. An alpine newt is an amphibian. It has moist skin and begins its life in water. Some newts live in water. Other newts live on land but lay their eggs in water. A human is a mammal. It has hair and feeds its young milk. Humans are a type of animal called a primate. Monkeys and apes are also primates. A green frog is an amphibian. It has moist skin and begins its life in water. Frogs live near water or in damp places. Most frogs lay their eggs in water.
Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Linda claims that the Newberg Ferrets' new quarterback is better than their old one. I think Linda is being unfair: the Ferrets' old quarterback wasn't a terrible player.
- circular reasoning: an argument that supports a claim with the claim itself - guilt by association: a negative association intended to discredit someone or something - straw man: a misrepresentation of an opponent's position that makes it easier to argue against
The text argues that Linda thinks the Ferrets' old quarterback was a terrible player. But this misrepresents Linda's argument. Linda only claims that the Ferrets' new quarterback is better. This argument doesn't necessarily imply that the old quarterback was a bad player. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as a straw man.
Use the evidence in the text to select the photosynthetic organism.
- Strelitzia reginae, also called bird of paradise, is a flowering plant from South Africa. This plant uses carbon dioxide and water to make sugars, which it uses as food. - Wilson's bird of paradise is a type of bird that has two curved tail feathers. This bird relies on fruits and insects for food.
This organism is photosynthetic: The text tells you that Strelitzia reginae plants use carbon dioxide and water to make sugars, which they use as food. This is evidence that the Strelitzia reginae plant is a photosynthetic organism. This organism is not photosynthetic: The text does not provide evidence that the Wilson's bird of paradise is photosynthetic.
Which type of sentence is this? An avid reader, Will attends weekly book club meetings, and he finishes several novels every month.
- simple - compound - compound-complex - complex
The sentence is compound. It is made up of two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction and. An avid reader, Will attends weekly book club meetings, and he finishes several novels every month.
What is the mass of a vacuum cleaner?
- 8 grams - 8 kilograms
The better estimate for the mass of a vacuum cleaner is 8 kilograms. 8 grams is too light.
What does this Works Cited entry indicate about the cited work? Ulin, David L. "The Magic Is Missing in Toni Morrison's 'God Help the Child.'" Rev. of God Help the Child, by Toni Morrison. Los Angeles Times 23 Apr. 2015: n. pag. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.
- It is a magazine article. - The author's first name is Toni. - It is a review.
Look closely at the Works Cited entry: Ulin, David L. "The Magic Is Missing in Toni Morrison's 'God Help the Child.'" Rev. of God Help the Child, by Toni Morrison. Los Angeles Times 23 Apr. 2015: n. pag. Web. 30 Apr. 2015. You can tell that the cited work is a review because the entry contains the term Rev. of, which means review of.
What kind of sentence is this? Don't overlook Jayla when choosing the new principal.
- exclamatory - imperative - interrogative
The sentence makes a request, so it is an imperative sentence. Here, it ends with a period.
Which correctly shows the title of a book?
- Let's Go for a Drive! - let's Go for a drive!
Capitalize the first word, the last word, and every important word in between. The words for and a are not important, so they should not be capitalized. The correct title is Let's Go for a Drive!
What do these two changes have in common? a puddle freezing into ice on a cold night sewing an apron
- Both are only physical changes. - Both are chemical changes. - Both are caused by heating. - Both are caused by cooling.
Step 1: Think about each change. A puddle freezing into ice on a cold night is a change of state. So, it is a physical change. Liquid water freezes and becomes solid, but it is still made of water. A different type of matter is not formed. Sewing an apron is a physical change. The fabric and thread that make up the apron get a new shape, but the type of matter in each of them does not change. Step 2: Look at each answer choice. Both are only physical changes. Both changes are physical changes. No new matter is created. Both are chemical changes. Both changes are physical changes. They are not chemical changes. Both are caused by heating. Neither change is caused by heating. Both are caused by cooling. A puddle freezing is caused by cooling. But sewing an apron is not.
Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Did you really vote for Jim as class treasurer? Didn't you hear that his uncle was imprisoned for embezzling $1.5 million?
- guilt by association: a negative association intended to discredit someone or something - straw man: a misrepresentation of an opponent's position that makes it easier to argue against
The text argues that Jim can't be trusted with money, because his uncle embezzled money. However, even though his uncle couldn't be trusted with money, that doesn't necessarily mean that Jim can't be trusted with it. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as guilt by association.
Select the vertebrate.
- monarch butterfly - atlantic salmon - red-kneed tarantula - hissing cockroach
Like other tarantulas, a red-kneed tarantula is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. A monarch butterfly is an insect. Like other insects, a monarch butterfly is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. An atlantic salmon is a fish. Like other fish, an atlantic salmon is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A hissing cockroach is an insect. Like other insects, a hissing cockroach is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton.
Which object has the least thermal energy?
- a watermelon at a temperature of 75°F - a watermelon at a temperature of 85°F - a watermelon at a temperature of 83°F
All three watermelons have the same mass but different temperatures. Since the 75°F watermelon is the coldest, it has the least thermal energy.
Select the amphibian.
- olive toad - emu - rabbit - anchovy
An anchovy is a fish. It lives underwater. It has fins, not limbs. An anchovy is a small fish that lives in the ocean. Like some other types of fish, anchovies swim in large groups called schools. A rabbit is a mammal. It has fur and feeds its young milk. Rabbits live underground in burrows. A group of rabbit burrows is called a warren. An olive toad is an amphibian. It has moist skin and begins its life in water. Toads do not have teeth! They swallow their food whole. An emu is a bird. It has feathers, two wings, and a beak. Emus cannot fly, but they can run very fast. They run to avoid predators.
Would you find the word never on a dictionary page with the following guide words? navy - not
- yes - no
Put the words in alphabetical order. Since never is between the guide words navy - not, it would be found on that page.
Which body part tells other body parts what to do?
- heart - brain - stomach
Which object has the most thermal energy?
- a 175-gram glass of milk at a temperature of 63°F - a 175-gram glass of milk at a temperature of 42°F - a 175-gram glass of milk at a temperature of 51°F
All three glasses of milk have the same mass but different temperatures. Since the 63°F glass of milk is the hottest, it has the most thermal energy.
Is the following trait inherited or acquired? Isaiah knows how to type.
- inherited - acquired
People are not born knowing how to type. Instead, many people learn how to type. So, typing is an acquired trait.
Based on this information, what is Asgore's phenotype for the coat color trait?
- a reddish-brown coat - a black coat
You need to determine Asgore's phenotype for the coat color trait. First, consider the alleles in Asgore's genotype for the coat color gene. Then, decide whether these alleles are dominant or recessive. The allele for a reddish-brown coat (l) is recessive to the allele for a black coat (L). This means L is a dominant allele, and l is a recessive allele. Asgore's genotype of Ll has one dominant allele and one recessive allele. An organism with at least one dominant allele for a gene will have the dominant allele's version of the trait. So, Asgore's phenotype for the coat color trait must be a black coat.
Which figure of speech is used in this text? Dr. Jefferson is unhappy with her new assistant because simple tasks, like fetching coffee, take him years to finish.
- anaphora - hyperbole
The text uses hyperbole, an obvious exaggeration that is not meant to be taken literally. Take him years to finish is an exaggeration, since it probably does not take him entire years to fetch coffee.
Does the sentence use a simile or a metaphor? The colorful, blooming flowers of spring are nature's grandest artwork.
- simile - metaphor
The colorful, blooming flowers of spring are nature's grandest artwork. The words flowers and artwork are compared without the word like or as. So, the sentence uses a metaphor.
What is the temperature of a cool glass of milk?
- 45°C - 45°F
The better estimate for the temperature of a cool glass of milk is 45°F. 45°C is too hot.
What information supports the conclusion that Sidney inherited this trait?
- Sidney's biological mother often wears her straight hair in a ponytail. - Sidney's biological parents have red hair. Sidney also has red hair. - Sidney's neighbor also has straight hair.
Compare the motion of three ships. Which ship was moving at the lowest speed?
- a ship that moved 175kilometers south in 5hours - a ship that moved 215kilometers west in 5hours - a ship that moved 355kilometers north in 5hours
Look at the distance each ship moved and the time it took to move that distance. The direction each ship moved does not affect its speed. Notice that each ship moved for 5 hours. The ship that moved 175 kilometers moved the shortest distance in that time. So, that ship must have moved at the lowest speed.
Select the invertebrate.
- wolf spider - red kangaroo
A red kangaroo is a mammal. Like other mammals, a red kangaroo is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. Like other spiders, a wolf spider is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has a hard outer cover.
Select the vertebrate.
- redback spider - human - grasshopper - saturn butterfly
A saturn butterfly is an insect. Like other insects, a saturn butterfly is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. Like other spiders, a redback spider is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. A grasshopper is an insect. Like other insects, a grasshopper is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. A human is a mammal. Like other mammals, a human is a vertebrate. It has a backbone.
How long is a road from one end of a city to the other?
- 7 meters - 7 kilometers - 7 centimeters
The best estimate for the length of a road from one end of a city to the other is 7 kilometers. 7 centimeters and 7 meters are both too short.
What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? Despite Dana's insistence that she would raise Cain if we ever got lost, we decided to try taking a shortcut.
- U.S. history - the Bible
The source of the allusion raise Cain is the Bible. In the Bible, Adam and Eve's son Cain murders his brother in a jealous rage. The allusion raise Cain means to resort to violence.
Suppose Pam decides to bake bran muffins. Which result would be a cost?
- Pam will get to eat more muffins. She can make more bran muffins than apple muffins. - Pam will give up the chance to eat apple muffins. She thinks apple muffins are tastier than bran muffins.
This result is a cost. It involves giving up or spending something that Pam wants or needs: Pam will give up the chance to eat apple muffins. She thinks apple muffins are tastier than bran muffins.
Suppose Destiny decides to watch the action movie. Which result would be a cost?
- Destiny will give up the chance to watch the movie that she is more excited about. - Destiny will get to watch a movie with her sister.
This result is a cost. It involves giving up or spending something that Destiny wants or needs: Destiny will give up the chance to watch the movie that she is more excited about.
What information supports the conclusion that Roy acquired this trait?
- Roy knits sweaters using cotton, wool, and other types of yarn. - Roy learned how to knit in an after school program.
Select the animal that has a backbone.
- bess beetle - bald eagle
A bess beetle is an insect. Like other insects, a bess beetle does not have a backbone. It has a hard outer cover. A bald eagle is a bird. Like other birds, a bald eagle has a backbone.
Which is a complex sentence?
- Unless the weather forecast is wrong, you'll probably need an umbrella tomorrow. - Babe Ruth hit 714 home runs during his baseball career but struck out 1,330 times.
The first sentence is the complex sentence. It is made up of an independent clause and a dependent clause. The dependent clause begins with the subordinating conjunction unless. Unless the weather forecast is wrong, you'll probably need an umbrella tomorrow.
Which sentence states a fact?
- Rainforests supply one out of every four ingredients used in modern medicine. - People rely too heavily on the resources that rainforests provide.
The second sentence states a fact. Rainforests supply one out of every four ingredients used in modern medicine. It can be proved by looking up where medicines come from. The first sentence states an opinion. People rely too heavily on the resources that rainforests provide. Too heavily shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about how much people should rely on these resources.
What information supports the conclusion that Carson inherited this trait?
- Carson's biological mother has long hair. Carson also has long hair. - Carson uses a headband to keep his wavy hair out of his face. - Carson's biological parents have wavy hair.
What information supports the conclusion that Mark acquired this trait?
- Mark won a competition at his school with his jump rope tricks. - Mark has three jump ropes, each made of a different material. - Mark's sister taught him how to do tricks with a jump rope.