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Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Using Reinforcement Learning
[ "Muhammad Tahir Rafique", "Ahmed Mustafa", "Hasan Sajid" ]
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Traffic demand is continuously increasing, leading to significant congestion issues in major urban areas. Constructing new infrastructure is a potential solution but presents a substantial financial burden on national economies. An alternative approach involves optimizing existing traffic networks through the dynamic control of traffic signals at intersections. Recent advancements in Reinforcement Learning (RL) techniques have demonstrated their capability to address the complexities associated with traffic congestion. In this paper, we propose a solution to traffic congestion using reinforcement learning. We define the state as a scalar representing the queue length, demonstrating that the algorithm can effectively learn from this simplified state representation. This approach can potentially reduce deployment costs by minimizing the number of sensors required at intersections. We have developed two RL algorithms: a turn-based agent, which prioritizes traffic signals for the intersection side with higher traffic, and a time-based agent, which adheres to a fixed phase cycle, adjusting the phase duration based on traffic conditions. To assess the performance of these algorithms, we designed four distinct traffic scenarios and computed seven evaluation metrics for each. Simulation results indicate that both algorithms outperform conventional traffic signal control systems.
[ "cs.AI" ]
Advanced POD-Based Performance Evaluation of Classifiers Applied to Human Driver Lane Changing Prediction
[ "Zahra Rastin", "Dirk Söffker" ]
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Machine learning (ML) classifiers serve as essential tools facilitating classification and prediction across various domains. The performance of these algorithms should be known to ensure their reliable application. In certain fields, receiver operating characteristic and precision-recall curves are frequently employed to assess machine learning algorithms without accounting for the impact of process parameters. However, it may be essential to evaluate the performance of these algorithms in relation to such parameters. As a performance evaluation metric capable of considering the effects of process parameters, this paper uses a modified probability of detection (POD) approach to assess the reliability of ML-based algorithms. As an example, the POD-based approach is employed to assess ML models used for predicting the lane changing behavior of a vehicle driver. The time remaining to the predicted (and therefore unknown) lane changing event is considered as process parameter. The hit/miss approach to POD is taken here and modified by considering the probability of lane changing derived from ML algorithms at each time step, and obtaining the final result of the analysis accordingly. This improves the reliability of results compared to the standard hit/miss approach, which considers the outcome of the classifiers as either 0 or 1, while also simplifying evaluation compared to the \^a versus a approach. Performance evaluation results of the proposed approach are compared with those obtained with the standard hit/miss approach and a pre-developed \^a versus a approach to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The comparison shows that this method provides an averaging conservative behavior with the advantage of enhancing the reliability of the hit/miss approach to POD while retaining its simplicity.
Manuscript: 8 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables
[ "eess.SY", "cs.AI", "cs.LG", "cs.SY" ]
Evaluating Model Robustness Using Adaptive Sparse L0 Regularization
[ "Weiyou Liu", "Zhenyang Li", "Weitong Chen" ]
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Deep Neural Networks have demonstrated remarkable success in various domains but remain susceptible to adversarial examples, which are slightly altered inputs designed to induce misclassification. While adversarial attacks typically optimize under Lp norm constraints, attacks based on the L0 norm, prioritising input sparsity, are less studied due to their complex and non convex nature. These sparse adversarial examples challenge existing defenses by altering a minimal subset of features, potentially uncovering more subtle DNN weaknesses. However, the current L0 norm attack methodologies face a trade off between accuracy and efficiency either precise but computationally intense or expedient but imprecise. This paper proposes a novel, scalable, and effective approach to generate adversarial examples based on the L0 norm, aimed at refining the robustness evaluation of DNNs against such perturbations.
Accepted by the 20th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA 2024)
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "F.2.2, I.2.7" ]
G-Style: Stylized Gaussian Splatting
[ "Áron Samuel Kovács", "Pedro Hermosilla", "Renata G. Raidou" ]
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We introduce G-Style, a novel algorithm designed to transfer the style of an image onto a 3D scene represented using Gaussian Splatting. Gaussian Splatting is a powerful 3D representation for novel view synthesis, as -- compared to other approaches based on Neural Radiance Fields -- it provides fast scene renderings and user control over the scene. Recent pre-prints have demonstrated that the style of Gaussian Splatting scenes can be modified using an image exemplar. However, since the scene geometry remains fixed during the stylization process, current solutions fall short of producing satisfactory results. Our algorithm aims to address these limitations by following a three-step process: In a pre-processing step, we remove undesirable Gaussians with large projection areas or highly elongated shapes. Subsequently, we combine several losses carefully designed to preserve different scales of the style in the image, while maintaining as much as possible the integrity of the original scene content. During the stylization process and following the original design of Gaussian Splatting, we split Gaussians where additional detail is necessary within our scene by tracking the gradient of the stylized color. Our experiments demonstrate that G-Style generates high-quality stylizations within just a few minutes, outperforming existing methods both qualitatively and quantitatively.
[ "cs.GR", "cs.AI", "cs.CV" ]
An Extremely Data-efficient and Generative LLM-based Reinforcement Learning Agent for Recommenders
[ "Shuang Feng", "Grace Feng" ]
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Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have enabled understanding webpage contexts, product details, and human instructions. Utilizing LLMs as the foundational architecture for either reward models or policies in reinforcement learning has gained popularity -- a notable achievement is the success of InstructGPT. RL algorithms have been instrumental in maximizing long-term customer satisfaction and avoiding short-term, myopic goals in industrial recommender systems, which often rely on deep learning models to predict immediate clicks or purchases. In this project, several RL methods are implemented and evaluated using the WebShop benchmark environment, data, simulator, and pre-trained model checkpoints. The goal is to train an RL agent to maximize the purchase reward given a detailed human instruction describing a desired product. The RL agents are developed by fine-tuning a pre-trained BERT model with various objectives, learning from preferences without a reward model, and employing contemporary training techniques such as Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) as used in InstructGPT, and Direct Preference Optimization (DPO). This report also evaluates the RL agents trained using generative trajectories. Evaluations were conducted using Thompson sampling in the WebShop simulator environment. The simulated online experiments demonstrate that agents trained on generated trajectories exhibited comparable task performance to those trained using human trajectories. This has demonstrated an example of an extremely low-cost data-efficient way of training reinforcement learning agents. Also, with limited training time (<2hours), without utilizing any images, a DPO agent achieved a 19% success rate after approximately 3000 steps or 30 minutes of training on T4 GPUs, compared to a PPO agent, which reached a 15% success rate.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.IR" ]
EMP: Enhance Memory in Data Pruning
[ "Jinying Xiao", "Ping Li", "Jie Nie", "Zhe Tang" ]
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Recently, large language and vision models have shown strong performance, but due to high pre-training and fine-tuning costs, research has shifted towards faster training via dataset pruning. Previous methods used sample loss as an evaluation criterion, aiming to select the most "difficult" samples for training. However, when the pruning rate increases, the number of times each sample is trained becomes more evenly distributed, which causes many critical or general samples to not be effectively fitted. We refer to this as Low-Frequency Learning (LFL). In other words, LFL prevents the model from remembering most samples. In our work, we decompose the scoring function of LFL, provide a theoretical explanation for the inefficiency of LFL, and propose adding a memory term to the scoring function to enhance the model's memory capability, along with an approximation of this memory term. Similarly, we explore memory in Self-Supervised Learning (SSL), marking the first discussion on SSL memory. Using contrastive learning, we derive the memory term both theoretically and experimentally. Finally, we propose Enhance Memory Pruning (EMP), which addresses the issue of insufficient memory under high pruning rates by enhancing the model's memory of data, thereby improving its performance. We evaluated the performance of EMP in tasks such as image classification, natural language understanding, and model pre-training. The results show that EMP can improve model performance under extreme pruning rates. For example, in the CIFAR100-ResNet50 pre-training task, with 70\% pruning, EMP outperforms current methods by 2.2\%.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
A Deep Learning Approach to Localizing Multi-level Airway Collapse Based on Snoring Sounds
[ "Ying-Chieh Hsu", "Stanley Yung-Chuan Liu", "Chao-Jung Huang", "Chi-Wei Wu", "Ren-Kai Cheng", "Jane Yung-Jen Hsu", "Shang-Ran Huang", "Yuan-Ren Cheng", "Fu-Shun Hsu" ]
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This study investigates the application of machine/deep learning to classify snoring sounds excited at different levels of the upper airway in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) using data from drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE). The snoring sounds of 39 subjects were analyzed and labeled according to the Velum, Oropharynx, Tongue Base, and Epiglottis (VOTE) classification system. The dataset, comprising 5,173 one-second segments, was used to train and test models, including Support Vector Machine (SVM), Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM), and ResNet-50. The ResNet-50, a convolutional neural network (CNN), showed the best overall performance in classifying snoring acoustics, particularly in identifying multi-level obstructions. The study emphasizes the potential of integrating snoring acoustics with deep learning to improve the diagnosis and treatment of OSA. However, challenges such as limited sample size, data imbalance, and differences between pharmacologically induced and natural snoring sounds were noted, suggesting further research to enhance model accuracy and generalizability.
[ "cs.SD", "cs.AI", "cs.LG", "eess.AS" ]
An Empirical Study on Self-correcting Large Language Models for Data Science Code Generation
[ "Thai Tang Quoc", "Duc Ha Minh", "Tho Quan Thanh", "Anh Nguyen-Duc" ]
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Large Language Models (LLMs) have recently advanced many applications on software engineering tasks, particularly the potential for code generation. Among contemporary challenges, code generated by LLMs often suffers from inaccuracies and hallucinations, requiring external inputs to correct. One recent strategy to fix these issues is to refine the code generated from LLMs using the input from the model itself (self-augmented). In this work, we proposed a novel method, namely CoT-SelfEvolve. CoT-SelfEvolve iteratively and automatically refines code through a self-correcting process, guided by a chain of thought constructed from real-world programming problem feedback. Focusing on data science code, including Python libraries such as NumPy and Pandas, our evaluations on the DS-1000 dataset demonstrate that CoT-SelfEvolve significantly outperforms existing models in solving complex problems. The framework shows substantial improvements in both initial code generation and subsequent iterations, with the model's accuracy increasing significantly with each additional iteration. This highlights the effectiveness of using chain-of-thought prompting to address complexities revealed by program executor traceback error messages. We also discuss how CoT-SelfEvolve can be integrated into continuous software engineering environments, providing a practical solution for improving LLM-based code generation.
[ "cs.SE", "cs.AI" ]
Harnessing the Intrinsic Knowledge of Pretrained Language Models for Challenging Text Classification Settings
[ "Lingyu Gao" ]
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Text classification is crucial for applications such as sentiment analysis and toxic text filtering, but it still faces challenges due to the complexity and ambiguity of natural language. Recent advancements in deep learning, particularly transformer architectures and large-scale pretraining, have achieved inspiring success in NLP fields. Building on these advancements, this thesis explores three challenging settings in text classification by leveraging the intrinsic knowledge of pretrained language models (PLMs). Firstly, to address the challenge of selecting misleading yet incorrect distractors for cloze questions, we develop models that utilize features based on contextualized word representations from PLMs, achieving performance that rivals or surpasses human accuracy. Secondly, to enhance model generalization to unseen labels, we create small finetuning datasets with domain-independent task label descriptions, improving model performance and robustness. Lastly, we tackle the sensitivity of large language models to in-context learning prompts by selecting effective demonstrations, focusing on misclassified examples and resolving model ambiguity regarding test example labels.
PhD thesis
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
Hierarchical Blockmodelling for Knowledge Graphs
[ "Marcin Pietrasik", "Marek Reformat", "Anna Wilbik" ]
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In this paper, we investigate the use of probabilistic graphical models, specifically stochastic blockmodels, for the purpose of hierarchical entity clustering on knowledge graphs. These models, seldom used in the Semantic Web community, decompose a graph into a set of probability distributions. The parameters of these distributions are then inferred allowing for their subsequent sampling to generate a random graph. In a non-parametric setting, this allows for the induction of hierarchical clusterings without prior constraints on the hierarchy's structure. Specifically, this is achieved by the integration of the Nested Chinese Restaurant Process and the Stick Breaking Process into the generative model. In this regard, we propose a model leveraging such integration and derive a collapsed Gibbs sampling scheme for its inference. To aid in understanding, we describe the steps in this derivation and provide an implementation for the sampler. We evaluate our model on synthetic and real-world datasets and quantitatively compare against benchmark models. We further evaluate our results qualitatively and find that our model is capable of inducing coherent cluster hierarchies in small scale settings. The work presented in this paper provides the first step for the further application of stochastic blockmodels for knowledge graphs on a larger scale. We conclude the paper with potential avenues for future work on more scalable inference schemes.
31 pages, 11 figures
[ "cs.AI" ]
GANs Conditioning Methods: A Survey
[ "Anis Bourou", "Auguste Genovesio", "Valérie Mezger" ]
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In recent years, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have seen significant advancements, leading to their widespread adoption across various fields. The original GAN architecture enables the generation of images without any specific control over the content, making it an unconditional generation process. However, many practical applications require precise control over the generated output, which has led to the development of conditional GANs (cGANs) that incorporate explicit conditioning to guide the generation process. cGANs extend the original framework by incorporating additional information (conditions), enabling the generation of samples that adhere to that specific criteria. Various conditioning methods have been proposed, each differing in how they integrate the conditioning information into both the generator and the discriminator networks. In this work, we review the conditioning methods proposed for GANs, exploring the characteristics of each method and highlighting their unique mechanisms and theoretical foundations. Furthermore, we conduct a comparative analysis of these methods, evaluating their performance on various image datasets. Through these analyses, we aim to provide insights into the strengths and limitations of various conditioning techniques, guiding future research and application in generative modeling.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Structural Optimization of Lightweight Bipedal Robot via SERL
[ "Yi Cheng", "Chenxi Han", "Yuheng Min", "Linqi Ye", "Houde Liu", "Hang Liu" ]
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Designing a bipedal robot is a complex and challenging task, especially when dealing with a multitude of structural parameters. Traditional design methods often rely on human intuition and experience. However, such approaches are time-consuming, labor-intensive, lack theoretical guidance and hard to obtain optimal design results within vast design spaces, thus failing to full exploit the inherent performance potential of robots. In this context, this paper introduces the SERL (Structure Evolution Reinforcement Learning) algorithm, which combines reinforcement learning for locomotion tasks with evolution algorithms. The aim is to identify the optimal parameter combinations within a given multidimensional design space. Through the SERL algorithm, we successfully designed a bipedal robot named Wow Orin, where the optimal leg length are obtained through optimization based on body structure and motor torque. We have experimentally validated the effectiveness of the SERL algorithm, which is capable of optimizing the best structure within specified design space and task conditions. Additionally, to assess the performance gap between our designed robot and the current state-of-the-art robots, we compared Wow Orin with mainstream bipedal robots Cassie and Unitree H1. A series of experimental results demonstrate the Outstanding energy efficiency and performance of Wow Orin, further validating the feasibility of applying the SERL algorithm to practical design.
[ "eess.SY", "cs.AI", "cs.SY" ]
CodeSift: An LLM-Based Reference-Less Framework for Automatic Code Validation
[ "Pooja Aggarwal", "Oishik Chatterjee", "Ting Dai", "Prateeti Mohapatra", "Brent Paulovicks", "Brad Blancett", "Arthur De Magalhaes" ]
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The advent of large language models (LLMs) has greatly facilitated code generation, but ensuring the functional correctness of generated code remains a challenge. Traditional validation methods are often time-consuming, error-prone, and impractical for large volumes of code. We introduce CodeSift, a novel framework that leverages LLMs as the first-line filter of code validation without the need for execution, reference code, or human feedback, thereby reducing the validation effort. We assess the effectiveness of our method across three diverse datasets encompassing two programming languages. Our results indicate that CodeSift outperforms state-of-the-art code evaluation methods. Internal testing conducted with subject matter experts reveals that the output generated by CodeSift is in line with human preference, reinforcing its effectiveness as a dependable automated code validation tool.
[ "cs.SE", "cs.AI" ]
CBF-LLM: Safe Control for LLM Alignment
[ "Yuya Miyaoka", "Masaki Inoue" ]
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This paper proposes a control-based framework for aligning large language models (LLMs) by leveraging a control barrier function (CBF) to ensure user-desirable text generation. The presented framework applies the safety filter, designed based on the CBF, to the output generation of the baseline LLM, i.e., the sequence of the token, with the aim of intervening in the generated text. The overall text-generation system is implemented with Llama 3 and a RoBERTa model, and the source code is available at https://github.com/Mya-Mya/CBF-LLM. The experiment demonstrates its control ability and effectiveness in reducing the number of interventions needed for user-specified alignment tasks.
[ "eess.SY", "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "cs.SY" ]
CGRA4ML: A Framework to Implement Modern Neural Networks for Scientific Edge Computing
[ "G Abarajithan", "Zhenghua Ma", "Zepeng Li", "Shrideep Koparkar", "Ravidu Munasinghe", "Francesco Restuccia", "Ryan Kastner" ]
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Scientific edge computing increasingly relies on hardware-accelerated neural networks to implement complex, near-sensor processing at extremely high throughputs and low latencies. Existing frameworks like HLS4ML are effective for smaller models, but struggle with larger, modern neural networks due to their requirement of spatially implementing the neural network layers and storing all weights in on-chip memory. CGRA4ML is an open-source, modular framework designed to bridge the gap between neural network model complexity and extreme performance requirements. CGRA4ML extends the capabilities of HLS4ML by allowing off-chip data storage and supporting a broader range of neural network architectures, including models like ResNet, PointNet, and transformers. Unlike HLS4ML, CGRA4ML generates SystemVerilog RTL, making it more suitable for targeting ASIC and FPGA design flows. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework by implementing and scaling larger models that were previously unattainable with HLS4ML, showcasing its adaptability and efficiency in handling complex computations. CGRA4ML also introduces an extensive verification framework, with a generated runtime firmware that enables its integration into different SoC platforms. CGRA4ML's minimal and modular infrastructure of Python API, SystemVerilog hardware, Tcl toolflows, and C runtime, facilitates easy integration and experimentation, allowing scientists to focus on innovation rather than the intricacies of hardware design and optimization.
[ "cs.AR", "cs.AI" ]
Trustworthy and Responsible AI for Human-Centric Autonomous Decision-Making Systems
[ "Farzaneh Dehghani", "Mahsa Dibaji", "Fahim Anzum", "Lily Dey", "Alican Basdemir", "Sayeh Bayat", "Jean-Christophe Boucher", "Steve Drew", "Sarah Elaine Eaton", "Richard Frayne", "Gouri Ginde", "Ashley Harris", "Yani Ioannou", "Catherine Lebel", "John Lysack", "Leslie Salgado Arzuaga", "Emma Stanley", "Roberto Souza", "Ronnie Souza", "Lana Wells", "Tyler Williamson", "Matthias Wilms", "Zaman Wahid", "Mark Ungrin", "Marina Gavrilova", "Mariana Bento" ]
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has paved the way for revolutionary decision-making processes, which if harnessed appropriately, can contribute to advancements in various sectors, from healthcare to economics. However, its black box nature presents significant ethical challenges related to bias and transparency. AI applications are hugely impacted by biases, presenting inconsistent and unreliable findings, leading to significant costs and consequences, highlighting and perpetuating inequalities and unequal access to resources. Hence, developing safe, reliable, ethical, and Trustworthy AI systems is essential. Our team of researchers working with Trustworthy and Responsible AI, part of the Transdisciplinary Scholarship Initiative within the University of Calgary, conducts research on Trustworthy and Responsible AI, including fairness, bias mitigation, reproducibility, generalization, interpretability, and authenticity. In this paper, we review and discuss the intricacies of AI biases, definitions, methods of detection and mitigation, and metrics for evaluating bias. We also discuss open challenges with regard to the trustworthiness and widespread application of AI across diverse domains of human-centric decision making, as well as guidelines to foster Responsible and Trustworthy AI models.
45 pages, 2 figures
[ "cs.AI" ]
An Investigation of Warning Erroneous Chat Translations in Cross-lingual Communication
[ "Yunmeng Li", "Jun Suzuki", "Makoto Morishita", "Kaori Abe", "Kentaro Inui" ]
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The complexities of chats pose significant challenges for machine translation models. Recognizing the need for a precise evaluation metric to address the issues of chat translation, this study introduces Multidimensional Quality Metrics for Chat Translation (MQM-Chat). Through the experiments of five models using MQM-Chat, we observed that all models generated certain fundamental errors, while each of them has different shortcomings, such as omission, overly correcting ambiguous source content, and buzzword issues, resulting in the loss of stylized information. Our findings underscore the effectiveness of MQM-Chat in evaluating chat translation, emphasizing the importance of stylized content and dialogue consistency for future studies.
IJCNLP-AACL 2023 Student Research Workshop
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI", "cs.CY", "cs.HC" ]
Kangaroo: A Powerful Video-Language Model Supporting Long-context Video Input
[ "Jiajun Liu", "Yibing Wang", "Hanghang Ma", "Xiaoping Wu", "Xiaoqi Ma", "Xiaoming Wei", "Jianbin Jiao", "Enhua Wu", "Jie Hu" ]
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Rapid advancements have been made in extending Large Language Models (LLMs) to Large Multi-modal Models (LMMs). However, extending input modality of LLMs to video data remains a challenging endeavor, especially for long videos. Due to insufficient access to large-scale high-quality video data and the excessive compression of visual features, current methods exhibit limitations in effectively processing long videos. In this paper, we introduce Kangaroo, a powerful Video LMM aimed at addressing these challenges. Confronted with issue of inadequate training data, we develop a data curation system to build a large-scale dataset with high-quality annotations for vision-language pre-training and instruction tuning. In addition, we design a curriculum training pipeline with gradually increasing resolution and number of input frames to accommodate long videos. Evaluation results demonstrate that, with 8B parameters, Kangaroo achieves state-of-the-art performance across a variety of video understanding benchmarks while exhibiting competitive results on others. Particularly, on benchmarks specialized for long videos, Kangaroo excels some larger models with over 10B parameters and proprietary models.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.MM" ]
TrafficGamer: Reliable and Flexible Traffic Simulation for Safety-Critical Scenarios with Game-Theoretic Oracles
[ "Guanren Qiao", "Guorui Quan", "Jiawei Yu", "Shujun Jia", "Guiliang Liu" ]
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While modern Autonomous Vehicle (AV) systems can develop reliable driving policies under regular traffic conditions, they frequently struggle with safety-critical traffic scenarios. This difficulty primarily arises from the rarity of such scenarios in driving datasets and the complexities associated with predictive modeling among multiple vehicles. To support the testing and refinement of AV policies, simulating safety-critical traffic events is an essential challenge to be addressed. In this work, we introduce TrafficGamer, which facilitates game-theoretic traffic simulation by viewing common road driving as a multi-agent game. In evaluating the empirical performance across various real-world datasets, TrafficGamer ensures both fidelity and exploitability of the simulated scenarios, guaranteeing that they not only statically align with real-world traffic distribution but also efficiently capture equilibriums for representing safety-critical scenarios involving multiple agents. Additionally, the results demonstrate that TrafficGamer exhibits highly flexible simulation across various contexts. Specifically, we demonstrate that the generated scenarios can dynamically adapt to equilibriums of varying tightness by configuring risk-sensitive constraints during optimization. To the best of our knowledge, TrafficGamer is the first simulator capable of generating diverse traffic scenarios involving multiple agents. We have provided a demo webpage for the project at https://qiaoguanren.github.io/trafficgamer-demo/.
[ "cs.AI", "cs.MA" ]
Improving Thompson Sampling via Information Relaxation for Budgeted Multi-armed Bandits
[ "Woojin Jeong", "Seungki Min" ]
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We consider a Bayesian budgeted multi-armed bandit problem, in which each arm consumes a different amount of resources when selected and there is a budget constraint on the total amount of resources that can be used. Budgeted Thompson Sampling (BTS) offers a very effective heuristic to this problem, but its arm-selection rule does not take into account the remaining budget information. We adopt \textit{Information Relaxation Sampling} framework that generalizes Thompson Sampling for classical $K$-armed bandit problems, and propose a series of algorithms that are randomized like BTS but more carefully optimize their decisions with respect to the budget constraint. In a one-to-one correspondence with these algorithms, a series of performance benchmarks that improve the conventional benchmark are also suggested. Our theoretical analysis and simulation results show that our algorithms (and our benchmarks) make incremental improvements over BTS (respectively, the conventional benchmark) across various settings including a real-world example.
Reinforcement Learning Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, 2024, pp. TBD
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
LRP4RAG: Detecting Hallucinations in Retrieval-Augmented Generation via Layer-wise Relevance Propagation
[ "Haichuan Hu", "Yuhan Sun", "Quanjun Zhang" ]
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Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) has become a primary technique for mitigating hallucinations in large language models (LLMs). However, incomplete knowledge extraction and insufficient understanding can still mislead LLMs to produce irrelevant or even contradictory responses, which means hallucinations persist in RAG. In this paper, we propose LRP4RAG, a method based on the Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) algorithm for detecting hallucinations in RAG. Specifically, we first utilize LRP to compute the relevance between the input and output of the RAG generator. We then apply further extraction and resampling to the relevance matrix. The processed relevance data are input into multiple classifiers to determine whether the output contains hallucinations. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that LRP has been used for detecting RAG hallucinations, and extensive experiments demonstrate that LRP4RAG outperforms existing baselines.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
Continual-learning-based framework for structural damage recognition
[ "Jiangpeng Shu", "Jiawei Zhang", "Reachsak Ly", "Fangzheng Lin", "Yuanfeng Duan" ]
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Multi-damage is common in reinforced concrete structures and leads to the requirement of large number of neural networks, parameters and data storage, if convolutional neural network (CNN) is used for damage recognition. In addition, conventional CNN experiences catastrophic forgetting and training inefficiency as the number of tasks increases during continual learning, leading to large accuracy decrease of previous learned tasks. To address these problems, this study proposes a continuallearning-based damage recognition model (CLDRM) which integrates the learning without forgetting continual learning method into the ResNet-34 architecture for the recognition of damages in RC structures as well as relevant structural components. Three experiments for four recognition tasks were designed to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the CLDRM framework. In this way, it reduces both the prediction time and data storage by about 75% in four tasks of continuous learning. Three experiments for four recognition tasks were designed to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the CLDRM framework. By gradual feature fusion, CLDRM outperformed other methods by managed to achieve high accuracy in the damage recognition and classification. As the number of recognition tasks increased, CLDRM also experienced smaller decrease of the previous learned tasks. Results indicate that the CLDRM framework successfully performs damage recognition and classification with reasonable accuracy and effectiveness.
18 pages, 12 figures
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
Towards Fully Autonomous Research Powered by LLMs: Case Study on Simulations
[ "Zhihan Liu", "Yubo Chai", "Jianfeng Li" ]
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The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has created new opportunities for the automation of scientific research, spanning both experimental processes and computational simulations. This study explores the feasibility of constructing an autonomous simulation agent (ASA) powered by LLM, through sophisticated API integration, to automate the entire research process, from experimental design, remote upload and simulation execution, data analysis, to report compilation. Using a simulation problem of polymer chain conformations as a case study, we assessed the performance of ASAs powered by different LLMs including GPT-4-Turbo. Our findings revealed that ASA-GPT-4o achieved near-flawless execution on designated research missions, underscoring the potential of LLMs to manage complete scientific investigations autonomously. The outlined automation can be iteratively performed up to twenty cycles without human intervention, illustrating the potential of LLMs for large-scale autonomous research endeavors. Additionally, we discussed the intrinsic traits of ASAs in managing extensive tasks, focusing on self-validation mechanisms and the balance between local attention and global oversight.
For additional code and data, please visit our GitHub repository: https://github.com/zokaraa/autonomous_simulation_agent
[ "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "physics.chem-ph" ]
AeroVerse: UAV-Agent Benchmark Suite for Simulating, Pre-training, Finetuning, and Evaluating Aerospace Embodied World Models
[ "Fanglong Yao", "Yuanchang Yue", "Youzhi Liu", "Xian Sun", "Kun Fu" ]
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Aerospace embodied intelligence aims to empower unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and other aerospace platforms to achieve autonomous perception, cognition, and action, as well as egocentric active interaction with humans and the environment. The aerospace embodied world model serves as an effective means to realize the autonomous intelligence of UAVs and represents a necessary pathway toward aerospace embodied intelligence. However, existing embodied world models primarily focus on ground-level intelligent agents in indoor scenarios, while research on UAV intelligent agents remains unexplored. To address this gap, we construct the first large-scale real-world image-text pre-training dataset, AerialAgent-Ego10k, featuring urban drones from a first-person perspective. We also create a virtual image-text-pose alignment dataset, CyberAgent Ego500k, to facilitate the pre-training of the aerospace embodied world model. For the first time, we clearly define 5 downstream tasks, i.e., aerospace embodied scene awareness, spatial reasoning, navigational exploration, task planning, and motion decision, and construct corresponding instruction datasets, i.e., SkyAgent-Scene3k, SkyAgent-Reason3k, SkyAgent-Nav3k and SkyAgent-Plan3k, and SkyAgent-Act3k, for fine-tuning the aerospace embodiment world model. Simultaneously, we develop SkyAgentEval, the downstream task evaluation metrics based on GPT-4, to comprehensively, flexibly, and objectively assess the results, revealing the potential and limitations of 2D/3D visual language models in UAV-agent tasks. Furthermore, we integrate over 10 2D/3D visual-language models, 2 pre-training datasets, 5 finetuning datasets, more than 10 evaluation metrics, and a simulator into the benchmark suite, i.e., AeroVerse, which will be released to the community to promote exploration and development of aerospace embodied intelligence.
[ "cs.RO", "cs.AI" ]
Measuring the Reliability of Causal Probing Methods: Tradeoffs, Limitations, and the Plight of Nullifying Interventions
[ "Marc Canby", "Adam Davies", "Chirag Rastogi", "Julia Hockenmaier" ]
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Causal probing is an approach to interpreting foundation models, such as large language models, by training probes to recognize latent properties of interest from embeddings, intervening on probes to modify this representation, and analyzing the resulting changes in the model's behavior. While some recent works have cast doubt on the theoretical basis of several leading causal probing intervention methods, it has been unclear how to systematically and empirically evaluate their effectiveness in practice. To address this problem, we propose a general empirical analysis framework to evaluate the reliability of causal probing interventions, formally defining and quantifying two key causal probing desiderata: completeness (fully transforming the representation of the target property) and selectivity (minimally impacting other properties). Our formalism allows us to make the first direct comparisons between different families of causal probing methods (e.g., linear vs. nonlinear or counterfactual vs. nullifying interventions). We conduct extensive experiments across several leading methods, finding that (1) there is an inherent tradeoff between these criteria, and no method is able to consistently satisfy both at once; and (2) across the board, nullifying interventions are always far less complete than counterfactual interventions, indicating that nullifying methods may not be an effective approach to causal probing.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.CL" ]
Meta-Learn Unimodal Signals with Weak Supervision for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
[ "Sijie Mai", "Yu Zhao", "Ying Zeng", "Jianhua Yao", "Haifeng Hu" ]
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Multimodal sentiment analysis aims to effectively integrate information from various sources to infer sentiment, where in many cases there are no annotations for unimodal labels. Therefore, most works rely on multimodal labels for training. However, there exists the noisy label problem for the learning of unimodal signals as multimodal annotations are not always the ideal substitutes for the unimodal ones, failing to achieve finer optimization for individual modalities. In this paper, we explore the learning of unimodal labels under the weak supervision from the annotated multimodal labels. Specifically, we propose a novel meta uni-label generation (MUG) framework to address the above problem, which leverages the available multimodal labels to learn the corresponding unimodal labels by the meta uni-label correction network (MUCN). We first design a contrastive-based projection module to bridge the gap between unimodal and multimodal representations, so as to use multimodal annotations to guide the learning of MUCN. Afterwards, we propose unimodal and multimodal denoising tasks to train MUCN with explicit supervision via a bi-level optimization strategy. We then jointly train unimodal and multimodal learning tasks to extract discriminative unimodal features for multimodal inference. Experimental results suggest that MUG outperforms competitive baselines and can learn accurate unimodal labels.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
EmoAttack: Utilizing Emotional Voice Conversion for Speech Backdoor Attacks on Deep Speech Classification Models
[ "Wenhan Yao", "Zedong XingXiarun Chen", "Jia Liu", "yongqiang He", "Weiping Wen" ]
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Deep speech classification tasks, mainly including keyword spotting and speaker verification, play a crucial role in speech-based human-computer interaction. Recently, the security of these technologies has been demonstrated to be vulnerable to backdoor attacks. Specifically speaking, speech samples are attacked by noisy disruption and component modification in present triggers. We suggest that speech backdoor attacks can strategically focus on emotion, a higher-level subjective perceptual attribute inherent in speech. Furthermore, we proposed that emotional voice conversion technology can serve as the speech backdoor attack trigger, and the method is called EmoAttack. Based on this, we conducted attack experiments on two speech classification tasks, showcasing that EmoAttack method owns impactful trigger effectiveness and its remarkable attack success rate and accuracy variance. Additionally, the ablation experiments found that speech with intensive emotion is more suitable to be targeted for attacks.
Submitted to ICASSP 2025
[ "cs.SD", "cs.AI", "eess.AS" ]
What Machine Learning Tells Us About the Mathematical Structure of Concepts
[ "Jun Otsuka" ]
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This paper examines the connections among various approaches to understanding concepts in philosophy, cognitive science, and machine learning, with a particular focus on their mathematical nature. By categorizing these approaches into Abstractionism, the Similarity Approach, the Functional Approach, and the Invariance Approach, the study highlights how each framework provides a distinct mathematical perspective for modeling concepts. The synthesis of these approaches bridges philosophical theories and contemporary machine learning models, providing a comprehensive framework for future research. This work emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary dialogue, aiming to enrich our understanding of the complex relationship between human cognition and artificial intelligence.
25 pages, 3 figures
[ "cs.AI" ]
RoboSense: Large-scale Dataset and Benchmark for Multi-sensor Low-speed Autonomous Driving
[ "Haisheng Su", "Feixiang Song", "Cong Ma", "Panpan Cai", "Wei Wu", "Cewu Lu" ]
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Robust object detection and tracking under arbitrary sight of view is challenging yet essential for the development of Autonomous Vehicle technology. With the growing demand of unmanned function vehicles, near-field scene understanding becomes an important research topic in the areas of low-speed autonomous driving. Due to the complexity of driving conditions and diversity of near obstacles such as blind spots and high occlusion, the perception capability of near-field environment is still inferior than its farther counterpart. To further enhance the intelligent ability of unmanned vehicles, in this paper, we construct a multimodal data collection platform based on 3 main types of sensors (Camera, LiDAR and Fisheye), which supports flexible sensor configurations to enable dynamic sight of view for ego vehicle, either global view or local view. Meanwhile, a large-scale multi-sensor dataset is built, named RoboSense, to facilitate near-field scene understanding. RoboSense contains more than 133K synchronized data with 1.4M 3D bounding box and IDs annotated in the full $360^{\circ}$ view, forming 216K trajectories across 7.6K temporal sequences. It has $270\times$ and $18\times$ as many annotations of near-field obstacles within 5$m$ as the previous single-vehicle datasets such as KITTI and nuScenes. Moreover, we define a novel matching criterion for near-field 3D perception and prediction metrics. Based on RoboSense, we formulate 6 popular tasks to facilitate the future development of related research, where the detailed data analysis as well as benchmarks are also provided accordingly.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
MODULI: Unlocking Preference Generalization via Diffusion Models for Offline Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning
[ "Yifu Yuan", "Zhenrui Zheng", "Zibin Dong", "Jianye Hao" ]
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Multi-objective Reinforcement Learning (MORL) seeks to develop policies that simultaneously optimize multiple conflicting objectives, but it requires extensive online interactions. Offline MORL provides a promising solution by training on pre-collected datasets to generalize to any preference upon deployment. However, real-world offline datasets are often conservatively and narrowly distributed, failing to comprehensively cover preferences, leading to the emergence of out-of-distribution (OOD) preference areas. Existing offline MORL algorithms exhibit poor generalization to OOD preferences, resulting in policies that do not align with preferences. Leveraging the excellent expressive and generalization capabilities of diffusion models, we propose MODULI (Multi-objective Diffusion Planner with Sliding Guidance), which employs a preference-conditioned diffusion model as a planner to generate trajectories that align with various preferences and derive action for decision-making. To achieve accurate generation, MODULI introduces two return normalization methods under diverse preferences for refining guidance. To further enhance generalization to OOD preferences, MODULI proposes a novel sliding guidance mechanism, which involves training an additional slider adapter to capture the direction of preference changes. Incorporating the slider, it transitions from in-distribution (ID) preferences to generating OOD preferences, patching, and extending the incomplete Pareto front. Extensive experiments on the D4MORL benchmark demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art Offline MORL baselines, exhibiting excellent generalization to OOD preferences.
23 pages, 7 figures
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Deep Learning to Predict Late-Onset Breast Cancer Metastasis: the Single Hyperparameter Grid Search (SHGS) Strategy for Meta Tuning Concerning Deep Feed-forward Neural Network
[ "Yijun Zhou", "Om Arora-Jain", "Xia Jiang" ]
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While machine learning has advanced in medicine, its widespread use in clinical applications, especially in predicting breast cancer metastasis, is still limited. We have been dedicated to constructing a DFNN model to predict breast cancer metastasis n years in advance. However, the challenge lies in efficiently identifying optimal hyperparameter values through grid search, given the constraints of time and resources. Issues such as the infinite possibilities for continuous hyperparameters like l1 and l2, as well as the time-consuming and costly process, further complicate the task. To address these challenges, we developed Single Hyperparameter Grid Search (SHGS) strategy, serving as a preselection method before grid search. Our experiments with SHGS applied to DFNN models for breast cancer metastasis prediction focus on analyzing eight target hyperparameters: epochs, batch size, dropout, L1, L2, learning rate, decay, and momentum. We created three figures, each depicting the experiment results obtained from three LSM-I-10-Plus-year datasets. These figures illustrate the relationship between model performance and the target hyperparameter values. For each hyperparameter, we analyzed whether changes in this hyperparameter would affect model performance, examined if there were specific patterns, and explored how to choose values for the particular hyperparameter. Our experimental findings reveal that the optimal value of a hyperparameter is not only dependent on the dataset but is also significantly influenced by the settings of other hyperparameters. Additionally, our experiments suggested some reduced range of values for a target hyperparameter, which may be helpful for low-budget grid search. This approach serves as a prior experience and foundation for subsequent use of grid search to enhance model performance.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.NE", "q-bio.QM" ]
Remove Symmetries to Control Model Expressivity
[ "Liu Ziyin", "Yizhou Xu", "Isaac Chuang" ]
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When symmetry is present in the loss function, the model is likely to be trapped in a low-capacity state that is sometimes known as a "collapse." Being trapped in these low-capacity states can be a major obstacle to training across many scenarios where deep learning technology is applied. We first prove two concrete mechanisms through which symmetries lead to reduced capacities and ignored features during training. We then propose a simple and theoretically justified algorithm, syre, to remove almost all symmetry-induced low-capacity states in neural networks. The proposed method is shown to improve the training of neural networks in scenarios when this type of entrapment is especially a concern. A remarkable merit of the proposed method is that it is model-agnostic and does not require any knowledge of the symmetry.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "stat.ML" ]
CTRQNets & LQNets: Continuous Time Recurrent and Liquid Quantum Neural Networks
[ "Alejandro Mayorga", "Alexander Yuan", "Andrew Yuan", "Tyler Wooldridge", "Xiaodi Wang" ]
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Neural networks have continued to gain prevalence in the modern era for their ability to model complex data through pattern recognition and behavior remodeling. However, the static construction of traditional neural networks inhibits dynamic intelligence. This makes them inflexible to temporal changes in data and unfit to capture complex dependencies. With the advent of quantum technology, there has been significant progress in creating quantum algorithms. In recent years, researchers have developed quantum neural networks that leverage the capabilities of qubits to outperform classical networks. However, their current formulation exhibits a static construction limiting the system's dynamic intelligence. To address these weaknesses, we develop a Liquid Quantum Neural Network (LQNet) and a Continuous Time Recurrent Quantum Neural Network (CTRQNet). Both models demonstrate a significant improvement in accuracy compared to existing quantum neural networks (QNNs), achieving accuracy increases as high as 40\% on CIFAR 10 through binary classification. We propose LQNets and CTRQNets might shine a light on quantum machine learning's black box.
[ "quant-ph", "cs.AI", "cs.LG", "cs.NE" ]
Pathfinding with Lazy Successor Generation
[ "Keisuke Okumura" ]
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We study a pathfinding problem where only locations (i.e., vertices) are given, and edges are implicitly defined by an oracle answering the connectivity of two locations. Despite its simple structure, this problem becomes non-trivial with a massive number of locations, due to posing a huge branching factor for search algorithms. Limiting the number of successors, such as with nearest neighbors, can reduce search efforts but compromises completeness. Instead, we propose a novel LaCAS* algorithm, which does not generate successors all at once but gradually generates successors as the search progresses. This scheme is implemented with k-nearest neighbors search on a k-d tree. LaCAS* is a complete and anytime algorithm that eventually converges to the optima. Extensive evaluations demonstrate the efficacy of LaCAS*, e.g., solving complex pathfinding instances quickly, where conventional methods falter.
14 pages
[ "cs.AI", "cs.RO" ]
Online Event-Triggered Switching for Frequency Control in Power Grids with Variable Inertia
[ "Jie Feng", "Wenqi Cui", "Jorge Cortés", "Yuanyuan Shi" ]
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The increasing integration of renewable energy resources into power grids has led to time-varying system inertia and consequent degradation in frequency dynamics. A promising solution to alleviate performance degradation is using power electronics interfaced energy resources, such as renewable generators and battery energy storage for primary frequency control, by adjusting their power output set-points in response to frequency deviations. However, designing a frequency controller under time-varying inertia is challenging. Specifically, the stability or optimality of controllers designed for time-invariant systems can be compromised once applied to a time-varying system. We model the frequency dynamics under time-varying inertia as a nonlinear switching system, where the frequency dynamics under each mode are described by the nonlinear swing equations and different modes represent different inertia levels. We identify a key controller structure, named Neural Proportional-Integral (Neural-PI) controller, that guarantees exponential input-to-state stability for each mode. To further improve performance, we present an online event-triggered switching algorithm to select the most suitable controller from a set of Neural-PI controllers, each optimized for specific inertia levels. Simulations on the IEEE 39-bus system validate the effectiveness of the proposed online switching control method with stability guarantees and optimized performance for frequency control under time-varying inertia.
[ "eess.SY", "cs.AI", "cs.SY" ]
Fast and Modular Autonomy Software for Autonomous Racing Vehicles
[ "Andrew Saba", "Aderotimi Adetunji", "Adam Johnson", "Aadi Kothari", "Matthew Sivaprakasam", "Joshua Spisak", "Prem Bharatia", "Arjun Chauhan", "Brendan Duff Jr.", "Noah Gasparro", "Charles King", "Ryan Larkin", "Brian Mao", "Micah Nye", "Anjali Parashar", "Joseph Attias", "Aurimas Balciunas", "Austin Brown", "Chris Chang", "Ming Gao", "Cindy Heredia", "Andrew Keats", "Jose Lavariega", "William Muckelroy III", "Andre Slavescu", "Nickolas Stathas", "Nayana Suvarna", "Chuan Tian Zhang", "Sebastian Scherer", "Deva Ramanan" ]
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Autonomous motorsports aim to replicate the human racecar driver with software and sensors. As in traditional motorsports, Autonomous Racing Vehicles (ARVs) are pushed to their handling limits in multi-agent scenarios at extremely high ($\geq 150mph$) speeds. This Operational Design Domain (ODD) presents unique challenges across the autonomy stack. The Indy Autonomous Challenge (IAC) is an international competition aiming to advance autonomous vehicle development through ARV competitions. While far from challenging what a human racecar driver can do, the IAC is pushing the state of the art by facilitating full-sized ARV competitions. This paper details the MIT-Pitt-RW Team's approach to autonomous racing in the IAC. In this work, we present our modular and fast approach to agent detection, motion planning and controls to create an autonomy stack. We also provide analysis of the performance of the software stack in single and multi-agent scenarios for rapid deployment in a fast-paced competition environment. We also cover what did and did not work when deployed on a physical system the Dallara AV-21 platform and potential improvements to address these shortcomings. Finally, we convey lessons learned and discuss limitations and future directions for improvement.
Published in Journal of Field Robotics
Field Robotics Volume 4 (2024) 1-45
[ "cs.RO", "cs.AI", "cs.SE" ]
Simultaneous Training of First- and Second-Order Optimizers in Population-Based Reinforcement Learning
[ "Felix Pfeiffer", "Shahram Eivazi" ]
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The tuning of hyperparameters in reinforcement learning (RL) is critical, as these parameters significantly impact an agent's performance and learning efficiency. Dynamic adjustment of hyperparameters during the training process can significantly enhance both the performance and stability of learning. Population-based training (PBT) provides a method to achieve this by continuously tuning hyperparameters throughout the training. This ongoing adjustment enables models to adapt to different learning stages, resulting in faster convergence and overall improved performance. In this paper, we propose an enhancement to PBT by simultaneously utilizing both first- and second-order optimizers within a single population. We conducted a series of experiments using the TD3 algorithm across various MuJoCo environments. Our results, for the first time, empirically demonstrate the potential of incorporating second-order optimizers within PBT-based RL. Specifically, the combination of the K-FAC optimizer with Adam led to up to a 10% improvement in overall performance compared to PBT using only Adam. Additionally, in environments where Adam occasionally fails, such as the Swimmer environment, the mixed population with K-FAC exhibited more reliable learning outcomes, offering a significant advantage in training stability without a substantial increase in computational time.
8 pages, 5 figures
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Intertwined Biases Across Social Media Spheres: Unpacking Correlations in Media Bias Dimensions
[ "Yifan Liu", "Yike Li", "Dong Wang" ]
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Media bias significantly shapes public perception by reinforcing stereotypes and exacerbating societal divisions. Prior research has often focused on isolated media bias dimensions such as \textit{political bias} or \textit{racial bias}, neglecting the complex interrelationships among various bias dimensions across different topic domains. Moreover, we observe that models trained on existing media bias benchmarks fail to generalize effectively on recent social media posts, particularly in certain bias identification tasks. This shortfall primarily arises because these benchmarks do not adequately reflect the rapidly evolving nature of social media content, which is characterized by shifting user behaviors and emerging trends. In response to these limitations, our research introduces a novel dataset collected from YouTube and Reddit over the past five years. Our dataset includes automated annotations for YouTube content across a broad spectrum of bias dimensions, such as gender, racial, and political biases, as well as hate speech, among others. It spans diverse domains including politics, sports, healthcare, education, and entertainment, reflecting the complex interplay of biases across different societal sectors. Through comprehensive statistical analysis, we identify significant differences in bias expression patterns and intra-domain bias correlations across these domains. By utilizing our understanding of the correlations among various bias dimensions, we lay the groundwork for creating advanced systems capable of detecting multiple biases simultaneously. Overall, our dataset advances the field of media bias identification, contributing to the development of tools that promote fairer media consumption. The comprehensive awareness of existing media bias fosters more ethical journalism, promotes cultural sensitivity, and supports a more informed and equitable public discourse.
Accepted to ASONAM 2024
[ "cs.SI", "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "I.2.7" ]
A Statistical Framework for Data-dependent Retrieval-Augmented Models
[ "Soumya Basu", "Ankit Singh Rawat", "Manzil Zaheer" ]
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Modern ML systems increasingly augment input instances with additional relevant information to enhance final prediction. Despite growing interest in such retrieval-augmented models, their fundamental properties and training are not well understood. We propose a statistical framework to study such models with two components: 1) a {\em retriever} to identify the relevant information out of a large corpus via a data-dependent metric; and 2) a {\em predictor} that consumes the input instances along with the retrieved information to make the final predictions. We present a principled method for end-to-end training of both components and draw connections with various training approaches in the literature. Furthermore, we establish excess risk bounds for retrieval-augmented models while delineating the contributions of both retriever and predictor towards the model performance. We validate the utility of our proposed training methods along with the key takeaways from our statistical analysis on open domain question answering task where retrieval augmentation is important.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.CL" ]
SCAN-Edge: Finding MobileNet-speed Hybrid Networks for Diverse Edge Devices via Hardware-Aware Evolutionary Search
[ "Hung-Yueh Chiang", "Diana Marculescu" ]
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Designing low-latency and high-efficiency hybrid networks for a variety of low-cost commodity edge devices is both costly and tedious, leading to the adoption of hardware-aware neural architecture search (NAS) for finding optimal architectures. However, unifying NAS for a wide range of edge devices presents challenges due to the variety of hardware designs, supported operations, and compilation optimizations. Existing methods often fix the search space of architecture choices (e.g., activation, convolution, or self-attention) and estimate latency using hardware-agnostic proxies (e.g., FLOPs), which fail to achieve proclaimed latency across various edge devices. To address this issue, we propose SCAN-Edge, a unified NAS framework that jointly searches for self-attention, convolution, and activation to accommodate the wide variety of edge devices, including CPU-, GPU-, and hardware accelerator-based systems. To handle the large search space, SCAN-Edge relies on with a hardware-aware evolutionary algorithm that improves the quality of the search space to accelerate the sampling process. Experiments on large-scale datasets demonstrate that our hybrid networks match the actual MobileNetV2 latency for 224x224 input resolution on various commodity edge devices.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
On Stateful Value Factorization in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
[ "Enrico Marchesini", "Andrea Baisero", "Rupali Bathi", "Christopher Amato" ]
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Value factorization is a popular paradigm for designing scalable multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithms. However, current factorization methods make choices without full justification that may limit their performance. For example, the theory in prior work uses stateless (i.e., history) functions, while the practical implementations use state information -- making the motivating theory a mismatch for the implementation. Also, methods have built off of previous approaches, inheriting their architectures without exploring other, potentially better ones. To address these concerns, we formally analyze the theory of using the state instead of the history in current methods -- reconnecting theory and practice. We then introduce DuelMIX, a factorization algorithm that learns distinct per-agent utility estimators to improve performance and achieve full expressiveness. Experiments on StarCraft II micromanagement and Box Pushing tasks demonstrate the benefits of our intuitions.
22 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables
[ "cs.AI" ]
Toward Time-Continuous Data Inference in Sparse Urban CrowdSensing
[ "Ziyu Sun", "Haoyang Su", "Hanqi Sun", "En Wang", "Wenbin Liu" ]
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Mobile Crowd Sensing (MCS) is a promising paradigm that leverages mobile users and their smart portable devices to perform various real-world tasks. However, due to budget constraints and the inaccessibility of certain areas, Sparse MCS has emerged as a more practical alternative, collecting data from a limited number of target subareas and utilizing inference algorithms to complete the full sensing map. While existing approaches typically assume a time-discrete setting with data remaining constant within each sensing cycle, this simplification can introduce significant errors, especially when dealing with long cycles, as real-world sensing data often changes continuously. In this paper, we go from fine-grained completion, i.e., the subdivision of sensing cycles into minimal time units, towards a more accurate, time-continuous completion. We first introduce Deep Matrix Factorization (DMF) as a neural network-enabled framework and enhance it with a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN-DMF) to capture temporal correlations in these finer time slices. To further deal with the continuous data, we propose TIME-DMF, which captures temporal information across unequal intervals, enabling time-continuous completion. Additionally, we present the Query-Generate (Q-G) strategy within TIME-DMF to model the infinite states of continuous data. Extensive experiments across five types of sensing tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our models and the advantages of time-continuous completion.
11 pages, 11 figures
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.NI" ]
Handling Geometric Domain Shifts in Semantic Segmentation of Surgical RGB and Hyperspectral Images
[ "Silvia Seidlitz", "Jan Sellner", "Alexander Studier-Fischer", "Alessandro Motta", "Berkin Özdemir", "Beat P. Müller-Stich", "Felix Nickel", "Lena Maier-Hein" ]
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Robust semantic segmentation of intraoperative image data holds promise for enabling automatic surgical scene understanding and autonomous robotic surgery. While model development and validation are primarily conducted on idealistic scenes, geometric domain shifts, such as occlusions of the situs, are common in real-world open surgeries. To close this gap, we (1) present the first analysis of state-of-the-art (SOA) semantic segmentation models when faced with geometric out-of-distribution (OOD) data, and (2) propose an augmentation technique called "Organ Transplantation", to enhance generalizability. Our comprehensive validation on six different OOD datasets, comprising 600 RGB and hyperspectral imaging (HSI) cubes from 33 pigs, each annotated with 19 classes, reveals a large performance drop in SOA organ segmentation models on geometric OOD data. This performance decline is observed not only in conventional RGB data (with a dice similarity coefficient (DSC) drop of 46 %) but also in HSI data (with a DSC drop of 45 %), despite the richer spectral information content. The performance decline increases with the spatial granularity of the input data. Our augmentation technique improves SOA model performance by up to 67 % for RGB data and 90 % for HSI data, achieving performance at the level of in-distribution performance on real OOD test data. Given the simplicity and effectiveness of our augmentation method, it is a valuable tool for addressing geometric domain shifts in surgical scene segmentation, regardless of the underlying model. Our code and pre-trained models are publicly available at https://github.com/IMSY-DKFZ/htc.
Silvia Seidlitz and Jan Sellner contributed equally
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
What Is Required for Empathic AI? It Depends, and Why That Matters for AI Developers and Users
[ "Jana Schaich Borg", "Hannah Read" ]
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Interest is growing in artificial empathy, but so is confusion about what artificial empathy is or needs to be. This confusion makes it challenging to navigate the technical and ethical issues that accompany empathic AI development. Here, we outline a framework for thinking about empathic AI based on the premise that different constellations of capabilities associated with empathy are important for different empathic AI applications. We describe distinctions of capabilities that we argue belong under the empathy umbrella, and show how three medical empathic AI use cases require different sets of these capabilities. We conclude by discussing why appreciation of the diverse capabilities under the empathy umbrella is important for both AI creators and users.
To appear at the 7th AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, 2024
[ "cs.AI", "cs.CY", "cs.HC" ]
What makes math problems hard for reinforcement learning: a case study
[ "Ali Shehper", "Anibal M. Medina-Mardones", "Bartłomiej Lewandowski", "Angus Gruen", "Piotr Kucharski", "Sergei Gukov" ]
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Using a long-standing conjecture from combinatorial group theory, we explore, from multiple angles, the challenges of finding rare instances carrying disproportionately high rewards. Based on lessons learned in the mathematical context defined by the Andrews-Curtis conjecture, we propose algorithmic improvements that can be relevant in other domains with ultra-sparse reward problems. Although our case study can be formulated as a game, its shortest winning sequences are potentially $10^6$ or $10^9$ times longer than those encountered in chess. In the process of our study, we demonstrate that one of the potential counterexamples due to Akbulut and Kirby, whose status escaped direct mathematical methods for 39 years, is stably AC-trivial.
39 pages, 18 figures, 1 table
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "math.CO", "math.GR", "math.GT" ]
The Mamba in the Llama: Distilling and Accelerating Hybrid Models
[ "Junxiong Wang", "Daniele Paliotta", "Avner May", "Alexander M. Rush", "Tri Dao" ]
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Linear RNN architectures, like Mamba, can be competitive with Transformer models in language modeling while having advantageous deployment characteristics. Given the focus on training large-scale Transformer models, we consider the challenge of converting these pretrained models for deployment. We demonstrate that it is feasible to distill large Transformers into linear RNNs by reusing the linear projection weights from attention layers with academic GPU resources. The resulting hybrid model, which incorporates a quarter of the attention layers, achieves performance comparable to the original Transformer in chat benchmarks and outperforms open-source hybrid Mamba models trained from scratch with trillions of tokens in both chat benchmarks and general benchmarks. Moreover, we introduce a hardware-aware speculative decoding algorithm that accelerates the inference speed of Mamba and hybrid models. Overall we show how, with limited computation resources, we can remove many of the original attention layers and generate from the resulting model more efficiently. Our top-performing model, distilled from Llama3-8B-Instruct, achieves a 29.61 length-controlled win rate on AlpacaEval 2 against GPT-4 and 7.35 on MT-Bench, surpassing the best instruction-tuned linear RNN model.
Code is open-sourced at https://github.com/jxiw/MambaInLlama
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Into the Unknown Unknowns: Engaged Human Learning through Participation in Language Model Agent Conversations
[ "Yucheng Jiang", "Yijia Shao", "Dekun Ma", "Sina J. Semnani", "Monica S. Lam" ]
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While language model (LM)-powered chatbots and generative search engines excel at answering concrete queries, discovering information in the terrain of unknown unknowns remains challenging for users. To emulate the common educational scenario where children/students learn by listening to and participating in conversations of their parents/teachers, we create Collaborative STORM (Co-STORM). Unlike QA systems that require users to ask all the questions, Co-STORM lets users observe and occasionally steer the discourse among several LM agents. The agents ask questions on the user's behalf, allowing the user to discover unknown unknowns serendipitously. To facilitate user interaction, Co-STORM assists users in tracking the discourse by organizing the uncovered information into a dynamic mind map, ultimately generating a comprehensive report as takeaways. For automatic evaluation, we construct the WildSeek dataset by collecting real information-seeking records with user goals. Co-STORM outperforms baseline methods on both discourse trace and report quality. In a further human evaluation, 70% of participants prefer Co-STORM over a search engine, and 78% favor it over a RAG chatbot.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI", "cs.IR", "I.2.7; H.5.2; H.3.3" ]
Bi-Factorial Preference Optimization: Balancing Safety-Helpfulness in Language Models
[ "Wenxuan Zhang", "Philip H. S. Torr", "Mohamed Elhoseiny", "Adel Bibi" ]
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Fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) on human preferences, typically through reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), has proven successful in enhancing their capabilities. However, ensuring the safety of LLMs during the fine-tuning remains a critical concern, and mitigating the potential conflicts in safety and helpfulness is costly in RLHF. To address this issue, we propose a supervised learning framework called Bi-Factorial Preference Optimization (BFPO), which re-parameterizes a joint RLHF objective of both safety and helpfulness into a single supervised learning objective. In the supervised optimization, a labeling function is used to capture global preferences ranking to balance both safety and helpfulness. To evaluate BFPO, we develop a benchmark including comprehensive discriminative and generative tasks for helpfulness and harmlessness. The results indicate that our method significantly outperforms existing approaches in both safety and helpfulness. Moreover, BFPO eliminates the need for human prompting and annotation in LLM fine-tuning while achieving the same level of safety as methods that heavily rely on human labor, with less than 10% of the computational resources. The training recipes and models will be released.
[ "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "cs.LG" ]
Fundus2Video: Cross-Modal Angiography Video Generation from Static Fundus Photography with Clinical Knowledge Guidance
[ "Weiyi Zhang", "Siyu Huang", "Jiancheng Yang", "Ruoyu Chen", "Zongyuan Ge", "Yingfeng Zheng", "Danli Shi", "Mingguang He" ]
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Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (FFA) is a critical tool for assessing retinal vascular dynamics and aiding in the diagnosis of eye diseases. However, its invasive nature and less accessibility compared to Color Fundus (CF) images pose significant challenges. Current CF to FFA translation methods are limited to static generation. In this work, we pioneer dynamic FFA video generation from static CF images. We introduce an autoregressive GAN for smooth, memory-saving frame-by-frame FFA synthesis. To enhance the focus on dynamic lesion changes in FFA regions, we design a knowledge mask based on clinical experience. Leveraging this mask, our approach integrates innovative knowledge mask-guided techniques, including knowledge-boosted attention, knowledge-aware discriminators, and mask-enhanced patchNCE loss, aimed at refining generation in critical areas and addressing the pixel misalignment challenge. Our method achieves the best FVD of 1503.21 and PSNR of 11.81 compared to other common video generation approaches. Human assessment by an ophthalmologist confirms its high generation quality. Notably, our knowledge mask surpasses supervised lesion segmentation masks, offering a promising non-invasive alternative to traditional FFA for research and clinical applications. The code is available at https://github.com/Michi-3000/Fundus2Video.
The paper has been accepted by Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society (MICCAI) 2024
[ "eess.IV", "cs.AI", "cs.CV" ]
Can Unconfident LLM Annotations Be Used for Confident Conclusions?
[ "Kristina Gligorić", "Tijana Zrnic", "Cinoo Lee", "Emmanuel J. Candès", "Dan Jurafsky" ]
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Large language models (LLMs) have shown high agreement with human raters across a variety of tasks, demonstrating potential to ease the challenges of human data collection. In computational social science (CSS), researchers are increasingly leveraging LLM annotations to complement slow and expensive human annotations. Still, guidelines for collecting and using LLM annotations, without compromising the validity of downstream conclusions, remain limited. We introduce Confidence-Driven Inference: a method that combines LLM annotations and LLM confidence indicators to strategically select which human annotations should be collected, with the goal of producing accurate statistical estimates and provably valid confidence intervals while reducing the number of human annotations needed. Our approach comes with safeguards against LLM annotations of poor quality, guaranteeing that the conclusions will be both valid and no less accurate than if we only relied on human annotations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Confidence-Driven Inference over baselines in statistical estimation tasks across three CSS settings--text politeness, stance, and bias--reducing the needed number of human annotations by over 25% in each. Although we use CSS settings for demonstration, Confidence-Driven Inference can be used to estimate most standard quantities across a broad range of NLP problems.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI", "cs.HC" ]
Automatic 8-tissue Segmentation for 6-month Infant Brains
[ "Yilan Dong", "Vanessa Kyriakopoulou", "Irina Grigorescu", "Grainne McAlonan", "Dafnis Batalle", "Maria Deprez" ]
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Numerous studies have highlighted that atypical brain development, particularly during infancy and toddlerhood, is linked to an increased likelihood of being diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental condition, such as autism. Accurate brain tissue segmentations for morphological analysis are essential in numerous infant studies. However, due to ongoing white matter (WM) myelination changing tissue contrast in T1- and T2-weighted images, automatic tissue segmentation in 6-month infants is particularly difficult. On the other hand, manual labelling by experts is time-consuming and labor-intensive. In this study, we propose the first 8-tissue segmentation pipeline for six-month-old infant brains. This pipeline utilizes domain adaptation (DA) techniques to leverage our longitudinal data, including neonatal images segmented with the neonatal Developing Human Connectome Project structural pipeline. Our pipeline takes raw 6-month images as inputs and generates the 8-tissue segmentation as outputs, forming an end-to-end segmentation pipeline. The segmented tissues include WM, gray matter (GM), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), ventricles, cerebellum, basal ganglia, brainstem, and hippocampus/amygdala. Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Network (CycleGAN) and Attention U-Net were employed to achieve the image contrast transformation between neonatal and 6-month images and perform tissue segmentation on the synthesized 6-month images (neonatal images with 6-month intensity contrast), respectively. Moreover, we incorporated the segmentation outputs from Infant Brain Extraction and Analysis Toolbox (iBEAT) and another Attention U-Net to further enhance the performance and construct the end-to-end segmentation pipeline. Our evaluation with real 6-month images achieved a DICE score of 0.92, an HD95 of 1.6, and an ASSD of 0.42.
11 pages, 4 figures, to be published in MICCAI PIPPI workshop
[ "eess.IV", "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
PoseWatch: A Transformer-based Architecture for Human-centric Video Anomaly Detection Using Spatio-temporal Pose Tokenization
[ "Ghazal Alinezhad Noghre", "Armin Danesh Pazho", "Hamed Tabkhi" ]
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Video Anomaly Detection (VAD) presents a significant challenge in computer vision, particularly due to the unpredictable and infrequent nature of anomalous events, coupled with the diverse and dynamic environments in which they occur. Human-centric VAD, a specialized area within this domain, faces additional complexities, including variations in human behavior, potential biases in data, and substantial privacy concerns related to human subjects. These issues complicate the development of models that are both robust and generalizable. To address these challenges, recent advancements have focused on pose-based VAD, which leverages human pose as a high-level feature to mitigate privacy concerns, reduce appearance biases, and minimize background interference. In this paper, we introduce PoseWatch, a novel transformer-based architecture designed specifically for human-centric pose-based VAD. PoseWatch features an innovative Spatio-Temporal Pose and Relative Pose (ST-PRP) tokenization method that enhances the representation of human motion over time, which is also beneficial for broader human behavior analysis tasks. The architecture's core, a Unified Encoder Twin Decoders (UETD) transformer, significantly improves the detection of anomalous behaviors in video data. Extensive evaluations across multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate that PoseWatch consistently outperforms existing methods, establishing a new state-of-the-art in pose-based VAD. This work not only demonstrates the efficacy of PoseWatch but also highlights the potential of integrating Natural Language Processing techniques with computer vision to advance human behavior analysis.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
Parameter-Efficient Quantized Mixture-of-Experts Meets Vision-Language Instruction Tuning for Semiconductor Electron Micrograph Analysis
[ "Sakhinana Sagar Srinivas", "Chidaksh Ravuru", "Geethan Sannidhi", "Venkataramana Runkana" ]
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Semiconductors, crucial to modern electronics, are generally under-researched in foundational models. It highlights the need for research to enhance the semiconductor device technology portfolio and aid in high-end device fabrication. In this paper, we introduce sLAVA, a small-scale vision-language assistant tailored for semiconductor manufacturing, with a focus on electron microscopy image analysis. It addresses challenges of data scarcity and acquiring high-quality, expert-annotated data. We employ a teacher-student paradigm, using a foundational vision language model like GPT-4 as a teacher to create instruction-following multimodal data for customizing the student model, sLAVA, for electron microscopic image analysis tasks on consumer hardware with limited budgets. Our approach allows enterprises to further fine-tune the proposed framework with their proprietary data securely within their own infrastructure, protecting intellectual property. Rigorous experiments validate that our framework surpasses traditional methods, handles data shifts, and enables high-throughput screening.
Paper published at ICML 2024 Workshop on Foundation Models in the Wild
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.CV" ]
TCNFormer: Temporal Convolutional Network Former for Short-Term Wind Speed Forecasting
[ "Abid Hasan Zim", "Aquib Iqbal", "Asad Malik", "Zhicheng Dong", "Hanzhou Wu" ]
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Global environmental challenges and rising energy demands have led to extensive exploration of wind energy technologies. Accurate wind speed forecasting (WSF) is crucial for optimizing wind energy capture and ensuring system stability. However, predicting wind speed remains challenging due to its inherent randomness, fluctuation, and unpredictability. This study proposes the Temporal Convolutional Network Former (TCNFormer) for short-term (12-hour) wind speed forecasting. The TCNFormer integrates the Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN) and transformer encoder to capture the spatio-temporal features of wind speed. The transformer encoder consists of two distinct attention mechanisms: causal temporal multi-head self-attention (CT-MSA) and temporal external attention (TEA). CT-MSA ensures that the output of a step derives only from previous steps, i.e., causality. Locality is also introduced to improve efficiency. TEA explores potential relationships between different sample sequences in wind speed data. This study utilizes wind speed data from the NASA Prediction of Worldwide Energy Resources (NASA POWER) of Patenga Sea Beach, Chittagong, Bangladesh (latitude 22.2352{\deg} N, longitude 91.7914{\deg} E) over a year (six seasons). The findings indicate that the TCNFormer outperforms state-of-the-art models in prediction accuracy. The proposed TCNFormer presents a promising method for spatio-temporal WSF and may achieve desirable performance in real-world applications of wind power systems.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Evaluating the Energy Consumption of Machine Learning: Systematic Literature Review and Experiments
[ "Charlotte Rodriguez", "Laura Degioanni", "Laetitia Kameni", "Richard Vidal", "Giovanni Neglia" ]
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Monitoring, understanding, and optimizing the energy consumption of Machine Learning (ML) are various reasons why it is necessary to evaluate the energy usage of ML. However, there exists no universal tool that can answer this question for all use cases, and there may even be disagreement on how to evaluate energy consumption for a specific use case. Tools and methods are based on different approaches, each with their own advantages and drawbacks, and they need to be mapped out and explained in order to select the most suitable one for a given situation. We address this challenge through two approaches. First, we conduct a systematic literature review of all tools and methods that permit to evaluate the energy consumption of ML (both at training and at inference), irrespective of whether they were originally designed for machine learning or general software. Second, we develop and use an experimental protocol to compare a selection of these tools and methods. The comparison is both qualitative and quantitative on a range of ML tasks of different nature (vision, language) and computational complexity. The systematic literature review serves as a comprehensive guide for understanding the array of tools and methods used in evaluating energy consumption of ML, for various use cases going from basic energy monitoring to consumption optimization. Two open-source repositories are provided for further exploration. The first one contains tools that can be used to replicate this work or extend the current review. The second repository houses the experimental protocol, allowing users to augment the protocol with new ML computing tasks and additional energy evaluation tools.
52 pages,
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.CY", "I.2" ]
The Uniqueness of LLaMA3-70B with Per-Channel Quantization: An Empirical Study
[ "Minghai Qin" ]
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We have observed a distinctive quantization-related behavior in the LLaMA3/3.1-70B models that is absent in both the LLaMA2-70B and LLaMA3/3.1-8B/405B models. Quantization is a crucial technique for deploying large language models (LLMs) efficiently. Among various bit widths and representations for weights and activations, the 8-bit integer weight and 8-bit integer activation (W8A8) configuration is particularly popular due to its widespread hardware support. However, the impact of W8A8 post-training quantization on model accuracy remains contentious. While several studies have suggested calibrating either weights or activations to mitigate accuracy degradation, a comprehensive solution has yet to be identified. In this paper, we empirically investigate multiple LLMs featured on an open LLM leaderboard, discovering that the LLaMA3-70B model series have a unique accuracy degradation behavior with W8A8 per-channel post-training quantization. In contrast, other model series such as LLaMA2, LLaMA3-8B, Qwen, Mixtral, Mistral, Phi-3, and Falcon demonstrate robust performance with W8A8, sometimes surpassing their FP16 counterparts. Contrary to previous assertions attributing degradation to the large dynamic range of activations, our findings indicate that the weight distribution of the LLaMA3-70B is the primary factor behind the vulnerability. By meticulously analyzing the distinct characteristics of weight distributions across Transformer blocks, we propose a mixed strategy with less than 3% of the layers enabling finer W8A8 quantization granularity, while the remaining 97% of layers retain the per-channel configuration. As a result, the average accuracy of LLaMA3-70B-W8A8 is increased from 45.5% to 73.4% (just 0.7% shy of LLaMA3-70B-FP16) across eight reasoning tasks. Notably, our method requires neither calibration nor fine-tuning.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Aligning XAI with EU Regulations for Smart Biomedical Devices: A Methodology for Compliance Analysis
[ "Francesco Sovrano", "Michael Lognoul", "Giulia Vilone" ]
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Significant investment and development have gone into integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) in medical and healthcare applications, leading to advanced control systems in medical technology. However, the opacity of AI systems raises concerns about essential characteristics needed in such sensitive applications, like transparency and trustworthiness. Our study addresses these concerns by investigating a process for selecting the most adequate Explainable AI (XAI) methods to comply with the explanation requirements of key EU regulations in the context of smart bioelectronics for medical devices. The adopted methodology starts with categorising smart devices by their control mechanisms (open-loop, closed-loop, and semi-closed-loop systems) and delving into their technology. Then, we analyse these regulations to define their explainability requirements for the various devices and related goals. Simultaneously, we classify XAI methods by their explanatory objectives. This allows for matching legal explainability requirements with XAI explanatory goals and determining the suitable XAI algorithms for achieving them. Our findings provide a nuanced understanding of which XAI algorithms align better with EU regulations for different types of medical devices. We demonstrate this through practical case studies on different neural implants, from chronic disease management to advanced prosthetics. This study fills a crucial gap in aligning XAI applications in bioelectronics with stringent provisions of EU regulations. It provides a practical framework for developers and researchers, ensuring their AI innovations advance healthcare technology and adhere to legal and ethical standards.
Accepted for publication at ECAI 2024, main-track
[ "cs.AI", "cs.CY" ]
Urdu Digital Text Word Optical Character Recognition Using Permuted Auto Regressive Sequence Modeling
[ "Ahmed Mustafa", "Muhammad Tahir Rafique", "Muhammad Ijlal Baig", "Hasan Sajid", "Muhammad Jawad Khan", "Karam Dad Kallu" ]
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This research paper presents a novel word-level Optical Character Recognition (OCR) model developed specifically for digital Urdu text. The model utilizes transformer-based architectures and attention mechanisms to address the unique challenges of recognizing Urdu script, which includes handling a diverse range of text styles, fonts, and variations. Trained on a comprehensive dataset of approximately 160,000 Urdu text images, the model incorporates a permuted autoregressive sequence (PARSeq) architecture. This design enables context-aware inference and iterative refinement by leveraging bidirectional context information, significantly enhancing its ability to accurately recognize Urdu characters. The model achieves a character error rate (CER) of 0.178, highlighting its effectiveness and precision in real-world applications. However, the model has some limitations, such as difficulties with blurred images, non-horizontal orientations, and the presence of trailing punctuation marks, which can introduce noise into the recognition process. Addressing these challenges will be a key focus of future work. Future research will aim to further refine the model through advanced data augmentation techniques, optimization of hyperparameters, and the integration of context-aware language models, ultimately enhancing the model's performance and robustness in Urdu text recognition.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
Evaluating Stability of Unreflective Alignment
[ "James Lucassen", "Mark Henry", "Philippa Wright", "Owen Yeung" ]
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Many theoretical obstacles to AI alignment are consequences of reflective stability - the problem of designing alignment mechanisms that the AI would not disable if given the option. However, problems stemming from reflective stability are not obviously present in current LLMs, leading to disagreement over whether they will need to be solved to enable safe delegation of cognitive labor. In this paper, we propose Counterfactual Priority Change (CPC) destabilization as a mechanism by which reflective stability problems may arise in future LLMs. We describe two risk factors for CPC-destabilization: 1) CPC-based stepping back and 2) preference instability. We develop preliminary evaluations for each of these risk factors, and apply them to frontier LLMs. Our findings indicate that in current LLMs, increased scale and capability are associated with increases in both CPC-based stepping back and preference instability, suggesting that CPC-destabilization may cause reflective stability problems in future LLMs.
[ "cs.AI" ]
Few-Shot Unsupervised Implicit Neural Shape Representation Learning with Spatial Adversaries
[ "Amine Ouasfi", "Adnane Boukhayma" ]
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Implicit Neural Representations have gained prominence as a powerful framework for capturing complex data modalities, encompassing a wide range from 3D shapes to images and audio. Within the realm of 3D shape representation, Neural Signed Distance Functions (SDF) have demonstrated remarkable potential in faithfully encoding intricate shape geometry. However, learning SDFs from sparse 3D point clouds in the absence of ground truth supervision remains a very challenging task. While recent methods rely on smoothness priors to regularize the learning, our method introduces a regularization term that leverages adversarial samples around the shape to improve the learned SDFs. Through extensive experiments and evaluations, we illustrate the efficacy of our proposed method, highlighting its capacity to improve SDF learning with respect to baselines and the state-of-the-art using synthetic and real data.
ICML 2024
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.GR", "cs.LG" ]
GIFT-SW: Gaussian noise Injected Fine-Tuning of Salient Weights for LLMs
[ "Maxim Zhelnin", "Viktor Moskvoretskii", "Egor Shvetsov", "Egor Venediktov", "Mariya Krylova", "Aleksandr Zuev", "Evgeny Burnaev" ]
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Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) methods have gained popularity and democratized the usage of Large Language Models (LLMs). Recent studies have shown that a small subset of weights significantly impacts performance. Based on this observation, we introduce a novel PEFT method, called Gaussian noise Injected Fine Tuning of Salient Weights (GIFT-SW). Our method updates only salient columns, while injecting Gaussian noise into non-salient ones. To identify these columns, we developeda generalized sensitivity metric that extends and unifies metrics from previous studies. Experiments with LLaMA models demonstrate that GIFT-SW outperforms full fine-tuning and modern PEFT methods under the same computational budget. Moreover, GIFT-SW offers practical advantages to recover performance of models subjected to mixed-precision quantization with keeping salient weights in full precision.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
MTMamba++: Enhancing Multi-Task Dense Scene Understanding via Mamba-Based Decoders
[ "Baijiong Lin", "Weisen Jiang", "Pengguang Chen", "Shu Liu", "Ying-Cong Chen" ]
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Multi-task dense scene understanding, which trains a model for multiple dense prediction tasks, has a wide range of application scenarios. Capturing long-range dependency and enhancing cross-task interactions are crucial to multi-task dense prediction. In this paper, we propose MTMamba++, a novel architecture for multi-task scene understanding featuring with a Mamba-based decoder. It contains two types of core blocks: self-task Mamba (STM) block and cross-task Mamba (CTM) block. STM handles long-range dependency by leveraging state-space models, while CTM explicitly models task interactions to facilitate information exchange across tasks. We design two types of CTM block, namely F-CTM and S-CTM, to enhance cross-task interaction from feature and semantic perspectives, respectively. Experiments on NYUDv2, PASCAL-Context, and Cityscapes datasets demonstrate the superior performance of MTMamba++ over CNN-based and Transformer-based methods. The code is available at https://github.com/EnVision-Research/MTMamba.
arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2407.02228
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
No Regrets: Investigating and Improving Regret Approximations for Curriculum Discovery
[ "Alexander Rutherford", "Michael Beukman", "Timon Willi", "Bruno Lacerda", "Nick Hawes", "Jakob Foerster" ]
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What data or environments to use for training to improve downstream performance is a longstanding and very topical question in reinforcement learning. In particular, Unsupervised Environment Design (UED) methods have gained recent attention as their adaptive curricula enable agents to be robust to in- and out-of-distribution tasks. We ask to what extent these methods are themselves robust when applied to a novel setting, closely inspired by a real-world robotics problem. Surprisingly, we find that the state-of-the-art UED methods either do not improve upon the na\"{i}ve baseline of Domain Randomisation (DR), or require substantial hyperparameter tuning to do so. Our analysis shows that this is due to their underlying scoring functions failing to predict intuitive measures of ``learnability'', i.e., in finding the settings that the agent sometimes solves, but not always. Based on this, we instead directly train on levels with high learnability and find that this simple and intuitive approach outperforms UED methods and DR in several binary-outcome environments, including on our domain and the standard UED domain of Minigrid. We further introduce a new adversarial evaluation procedure for directly measuring robustness, closely mirroring the conditional value at risk (CVaR). We open-source all our code and present visualisations of final policies here: https://github.com/amacrutherford/sampling-for-learnability.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.RO" ]
Ensuring Equitable Financial Decisions: Leveraging Counterfactual Fairness and Deep Learning for Bias
[ "Saish Shinde" ]
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Concerns regarding fairness and bias have been raised in recent years due to the growing use of machine learning models in crucial decision-making processes, especially when it comes to delicate characteristics like gender. In order to address biases in machine learning models, this research paper investigates advanced bias mitigation techniques, with a particular focus on counterfactual fairness in conjunction with data augmentation. The study looks into how these integrated approaches can lessen gender bias in the financial industry, specifically in loan approval procedures. We show that these approaches are effective in achieving more equitable results through thorough testing and assessment on a skewed financial dataset. The findings emphasize how crucial it is to use fairness-aware techniques when creating machine learning models in order to guarantee morally righteous and impartial decision-making.
8 pages, 7 figures
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Post-processing fairness with minimal changes
[ "Federico Di Gennaro", "Thibault Laugel", "Vincent Grari", "Xavier Renard", "Marcin Detyniecki" ]
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In this paper, we introduce a novel post-processing algorithm that is both model-agnostic and does not require the sensitive attribute at test time. In addition, our algorithm is explicitly designed to enforce minimal changes between biased and debiased predictions; a property that, while highly desirable, is rarely prioritized as an explicit objective in fairness literature. Our approach leverages a multiplicative factor applied to the logit value of probability scores produced by a black-box classifier. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method through empirical evaluations, comparing its performance against other four debiasing algorithms on two widely used datasets in fairness research.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
BaichuanSEED: Sharing the Potential of ExtensivE Data Collection and Deduplication by Introducing a Competitive Large Language Model Baseline
[ "Guosheng Dong", "Da Pan", "Yiding Sun", "Shusen Zhang", "Zheng Liang", "Xin Wu", "Yanjun Shen", "Fan Yang", "Haoze Sun", "Tianpeng Li", "Mingan Lin", "Jianhua Xu", "Yufan Zhang", "Xiaonan Nie", "Lei Su", "Bingning Wang", "Wentao Zhang", "Jiaxin Mao", "Zenan Zhou", "Weipeng Chen" ]
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The general capabilities of Large Language Models (LLM) highly rely on the composition and selection on extensive pretraining datasets, treated as commercial secrets by several institutions. To mitigate this issue, we open-source the details of a universally applicable data processing pipeline and validate its effectiveness and potential by introducing a competitive LLM baseline. Specifically, the data processing pipeline consists of broad collection to scale up and reweighting to improve quality. We then pretrain a 7B model BaichuanSEED with 3T tokens processed by our pipeline without any deliberate downstream task-related optimization, followed by an easy but effective supervised fine-tuning stage. BaichuanSEED demonstrates consistency and predictability throughout training and achieves comparable performance on comprehensive benchmarks with several commercial advanced large language models, such as Qwen1.5 and Llama3. We also conduct several heuristic experiments to discuss the potential for further optimization of downstream tasks, such as mathematics and coding.
19 pages, 6 figures
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
MMASD+: A Novel Dataset for Privacy-Preserving Behavior Analysis of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
[ "Pavan Uttej Ravva", "Behdokht Kiafar", "Pinar Kullu", "Jicheng Li", "Anjana Bhat", "Roghayeh Leila Barmaki" ]
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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by significant challenges in social interaction and comprehending communication signals. Recently, therapeutic interventions for ASD have increasingly utilized Deep learning powered-computer vision techniques to monitor individual progress over time. These models are trained on private, non-public datasets from the autism community, creating challenges in comparing results across different models due to privacy-preserving data-sharing issues. This work introduces MMASD+, an enhanced version of the novel open-source dataset called Multimodal ASD (MMASD). MMASD+ consists of diverse data modalities, including 3D-Skeleton, 3D Body Mesh, and Optical Flow data. It integrates the capabilities of Yolov8 and Deep SORT algorithms to distinguish between the therapist and children, addressing a significant barrier in the original dataset. Additionally, a Multimodal Transformer framework is proposed to predict 11 action types and the presence of ASD. This framework achieves an accuracy of 95.03% for predicting action types and 96.42% for predicting ASD presence, demonstrating over a 10% improvement compared to models trained on single data modalities. These findings highlight the advantages of integrating multiple data modalities within the Multimodal Transformer framework.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
MiWaves Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
[ "Susobhan Ghosh", "Yongyi Guo", "Pei-Yao Hung", "Lara Coughlin", "Erin Bonar", "Inbal Nahum-Shani", "Maureen Walton", "Susan Murphy" ]
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The escalating prevalence of cannabis use poses a significant public health challenge globally. In the U.S., cannabis use is more prevalent among emerging adults (EAs) (ages 18-25) than any other age group, with legalization in the multiple states contributing to a public perception that cannabis is less risky than in prior decades. To address this growing concern, we developed MiWaves, a reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm designed to optimize the delivery of personalized intervention prompts to reduce cannabis use among EAs. MiWaves leverages domain expertise and prior data to tailor the likelihood of delivery of intervention messages. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the algorithm's design, including key decisions and experimental outcomes. The finalized MiWaves RL algorithm was deployed in a clinical trial from March to May 2024.
arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2402.17739
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Interactive dense pixel visualizations for time series and model attribution explanations
[ "Udo Schlegel", "Daniel A. Keim" ]
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The field of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for Deep Neural Network models has developed significantly, offering numerous techniques to extract explanations from models. However, evaluating explanations is often not trivial, and differences in applied metrics can be subtle, especially with non-intelligible data. Thus, there is a need for visualizations tailored to explore explanations for domains with such data, e.g., time series. We propose DAVOTS, an interactive visual analytics approach to explore raw time series data, activations of neural networks, and attributions in a dense-pixel visualization to gain insights into the data, models' decisions, and explanations. To further support users in exploring large datasets, we apply clustering approaches to the visualized data domains to highlight groups and present ordering strategies for individual and combined data exploration to facilitate finding patterns. We visualize a CNN trained on the FordA dataset to demonstrate the approach.
5 pages, 2 figures, accepted at MLVIS 2023
[ "cs.AI", "cs.HC", "cs.LG" ]
TourSynbio: A Multi-Modal Large Model and Agent Framework to Bridge Text and Protein Sequences for Protein Engineering
[ "Yiqing Shen", "Zan Chen", "Michail Mamalakis", "Yungeng Liu", "Tianbin Li", "Yanzhou Su", "Junjun He", "Pietro Liò", "Yu Guang Wang" ]
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The structural similarities between protein sequences and natural languages have led to parallel advancements in deep learning across both domains. While large language models (LLMs) have achieved much progress in the domain of natural language processing, their potential in protein engineering remains largely unexplored. Previous approaches have equipped LLMs with protein understanding capabilities by incorporating external protein encoders, but this fails to fully leverage the inherent similarities between protein sequences and natural languages, resulting in sub-optimal performance and increased model complexity. To address this gap, we present TourSynbio-7B, the first multi-modal large model specifically designed for protein engineering tasks without external protein encoders. TourSynbio-7B demonstrates that LLMs can inherently learn to understand proteins as language. The model is post-trained and instruction fine-tuned on InternLM2-7B using ProteinLMDataset, a dataset comprising 17.46 billion tokens of text and protein sequence for self-supervised pretraining and 893K instructions for supervised fine-tuning. TourSynbio-7B outperforms GPT-4 on the ProteinLMBench, a benchmark of 944 manually verified multiple-choice questions, with 62.18% accuracy. Leveraging TourSynbio-7B's enhanced protein sequence understanding capability, we introduce TourSynbio-Agent, an innovative framework capable of performing various protein engineering tasks, including mutation analysis, inverse folding, protein folding, and visualization. TourSynbio-Agent integrates previously disconnected deep learning models in the protein engineering domain, offering a unified conversational user interface for improved usability. Finally, we demonstrate the efficacy of TourSynbio-7B and TourSynbio-Agent through two wet lab case studies on vanilla key enzyme modification and steroid compound catalysis.
[ "q-bio.BM", "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
Causal Rule Forest: Toward Interpretable and Precise Treatment Effect Estimation
[ "Chan Hsu", "Jun-Ting Wu", "Yihuang Kang" ]
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Understanding and inferencing Heterogeneous Treatment Effects (HTE) and Conditional Average Treatment Effects (CATE) are vital for developing personalized treatment recommendations. Many state-of-the-art approaches achieve inspiring performance in estimating HTE on benchmark datasets or simulation studies. However, the indirect predicting manner and complex model architecture reduce the interpretability of these approaches. To mitigate the gap between predictive performance and heterogeneity interpretability, we introduce the Causal Rule Forest (CRF), a novel approach to learning hidden patterns from data and transforming the patterns into interpretable multi-level Boolean rules. By training the other interpretable causal inference models with data representation learned by CRF, we can reduce the predictive errors of these models in estimating HTE and CATE, while keeping their interpretability for identifying subgroups that a treatment is more effective. Our experiments underscore the potential of CRF to advance personalized interventions and policies, paving the way for future research to enhance its scalability and application across complex causal inference challenges.
The 25th IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science (IRI 2024)
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Earth Observation Satellite Scheduling with Graph Neural Networks
[ "Antoine Jacquet", "Guillaume Infantes", "Nicolas Meuleau", "Emmanuel Benazera", "Stéphanie Roussel", "Vincent Baudoui", "Jonathan Guerra" ]
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The Earth Observation Satellite Planning (EOSP) is a difficult optimization problem with considerable practical interest. A set of requested observations must be scheduled on an agile Earth observation satellite while respecting constraints on their visibility window, as well as maneuver constraints that impose varying delays between successive observations. In addition, the problem is largely oversubscribed: there are much more candidate observations than what can possibly be achieved. Therefore, one must select the set of observations that will be performed while maximizing their weighted cumulative benefit, and propose a feasible schedule for these observations. As previous work mostly focused on heuristic and iterative search algorithms, this paper presents a new technique for selecting and scheduling observations based on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). GNNs are used to extract relevant information from the graphs representing instances of the EOSP, and DRL drives the search for optimal schedules. Our simulations show that it is able to learn on small problem instances and generalize to larger real-world instances, with very competitive performance compared to traditional approaches.
Accepted at 17th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2024)
[ "cs.AI", "cs.LG", "cs.SY", "eess.SY" ]
Evidence-Enhanced Triplet Generation Framework for Hallucination Alleviation in Generative Question Answering
[ "Haowei Du", "Huishuai Zhang", "Dongyan Zhao" ]
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To address the hallucination in generative question answering (GQA) where the answer can not be derived from the document, we propose a novel evidence-enhanced triplet generation framework, EATQA, encouraging the model to predict all the combinations of (Question, Evidence, Answer) triplet by flipping the source pair and the target label to understand their logical relationships, i.e., predict Answer(A), Question(Q), and Evidence(E) given a QE, EA, and QA pairs, respectively. Furthermore, we bridge the distribution gap to distill the knowledge from evidence in inference stage. Our framework ensures the model to learn the logical relation between query, evidence and answer, which simultaneously improves the evidence generation and query answering. In this paper, we apply EATQA to LLama and it outperforms other LLMs-based methods and hallucination mitigation approaches on two challenging GQA benchmarks. Further analysis shows that our method not only keeps prior knowledge within LLM, but also mitigates hallucination and generates faithful answers.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
Mamba2MIL: State Space Duality Based Multiple Instance Learning for Computational Pathology
[ "Yuqi Zhang", "Xiaoqian Zhang", "Jiakai Wang", "Yuancheng Yang", "Taiying Peng", "Chao Tong" ]
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Computational pathology (CPath) has significantly advanced the clinical practice of pathology. Despite the progress made, Multiple Instance Learning (MIL), a promising paradigm within CPath, continues to face challenges, particularly related to incomplete information utilization. Existing frameworks, such as those based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), attention, and selective scan space state sequential model (SSM), lack sufficient flexibility and scalability in fusing diverse features, and cannot effectively fuse diverse features. Additionally, current approaches do not adequately exploit order-related and order-independent features, resulting in suboptimal utilization of sequence information. To address these limitations, we propose a novel MIL framework called Mamba2MIL. Our framework utilizes the state space duality model (SSD) to model long sequences of patches of whole slide images (WSIs), which, combined with weighted feature selection, supports the fusion processing of more branching features and can be extended according to specific application needs. Moreover, we introduce a sequence transformation method tailored to varying WSI sizes, which enhances sequence-independent features while preserving local sequence information, thereby improving sequence information utilization. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Mamba2MIL surpasses state-of-the-art MIL methods. We conducted extensive experiments across multiple datasets, achieving improvements in nearly all performance metrics. Specifically, on the NSCLC dataset, Mamba2MIL achieves a binary tumor classification AUC of 0.9533 and an accuracy of 0.8794. On the BRACS dataset, it achieves a multiclass classification AUC of 0.7986 and an accuracy of 0.4981. The code is available at https://github.com/YuqiZhang-Buaa/Mamba2MIL.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
Sequence-aware Pre-training for Echocardiography Probe Guidance
[ "Haojun Jiang", "Zhenguo Sun", "Yu Sun", "Ning Jia", "Meng Li", "Shaqi Luo", "Shiji Song", "Gao Huang" ]
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Cardiac ultrasound probe guidance aims to help novices adjust the 6-DOF probe pose to obtain high-quality sectional images. Cardiac ultrasound faces two major challenges: (1) the inherently complex structure of the heart, and (2) significant individual variations. Previous works have only learned the population-averaged 2D and 3D structures of the heart rather than personalized cardiac structural features, leading to a performance bottleneck. Clinically, we observed that sonographers adjust their understanding of a patient's cardiac structure based on prior scanning sequences, thereby modifying their scanning strategies. Inspired by this, we propose a sequence-aware self-supervised pre-training method. Specifically, our approach learns personalized 2D and 3D cardiac structural features by predicting the masked-out images and actions in a scanning sequence. We hypothesize that if the model can predict the missing content it has acquired a good understanding of the personalized cardiac structure. In the downstream probe guidance task, we also introduced a sequence modeling approach that models individual cardiac structural information based on the images and actions from historical scan data, enabling more accurate navigation decisions. Experiments on a large-scale dataset with 1.36 million samples demonstrated that our proposed sequence-aware paradigm can significantly reduce navigation errors, with translation errors decreasing by 15.90% to 36.87% and rotation errors decreasing by 11.13% to 20.77%, compared to state-of-the-art methods.
Tech Report
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
Cross-subject Brain Functional Connectivity Analysis for Multi-task Cognitive State Evaluation
[ "Jun Chen", "Anqi Chen", "Bingkun Jiang", "Mohammad S. Obaidat", "Ni Li", "Xinyu Zhang" ]
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Cognition refers to the function of information perception and processing, which is the fundamental psychological essence of human beings. It is responsible for reasoning and decision-making, while its evaluation is significant for the aviation domain in mitigating potential safety risks. Existing studies tend to use varied methods for cognitive state evaluation yet have limitations in timeliness, generalisation, and interpretability. Accordingly, this study adopts brain functional connectivity with electroencephalography signals to capture associations in brain regions across multiple subjects for evaluating real-time cognitive states. Specifically, a virtual reality-based flight platform is constructed with multi-screen embedded. Three distinctive cognitive tasks are designed and each has three degrees of difficulty. Thirty subjects are acquired for analysis and evaluation. The results are interpreted through different perspectives, including inner-subject and cross-subject for task-wise and gender-wise underlying brain functional connectivity. Additionally, this study incorporates questionnaire-based, task performance-based, and physiological measure-based approaches to fairly label the trials. A multi-class cognitive state evaluation is further conducted with the active brain connections. Benchmarking results demonstrate that the identified brain regions have considerable influences in cognition, with a multi-class accuracy rate of 95.83% surpassing existing studies. The derived findings bring significance to understanding the dynamic relationships among human brain functional regions, cross-subject cognitive behaviours, and decision-making, which have promising practical application values.
[ "cs.HC", "cs.AI" ]
Prior-free Balanced Replay: Uncertainty-guided Reservoir Sampling for Long-Tailed Continual Learning
[ "Lei Liu", "Li Liu", "Yawen Cui" ]
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Even in the era of large models, one of the well-known issues in continual learning (CL) is catastrophic forgetting, which is significantly challenging when the continual data stream exhibits a long-tailed distribution, termed as Long-Tailed Continual Learning (LTCL). Existing LTCL solutions generally require the label distribution of the data stream to achieve re-balance training. However, obtaining such prior information is often infeasible in real scenarios since the model should learn without pre-identifying the majority and minority classes. To this end, we propose a novel Prior-free Balanced Replay (PBR) framework to learn from long-tailed data stream with less forgetting. Concretely, motivated by our experimental finding that the minority classes are more likely to be forgotten due to the higher uncertainty, we newly design an uncertainty-guided reservoir sampling strategy to prioritize rehearsing minority data without using any prior information, which is based on the mutual dependence between the model and samples. Additionally, we incorporate two prior-free components to further reduce the forgetting issue: (1) Boundary constraint is to preserve uncertain boundary supporting samples for continually re-estimating task boundaries. (2) Prototype constraint is to maintain the consistency of learned class prototypes along with training. Our approach is evaluated on three standard long-tailed benchmarks, demonstrating superior performance to existing CL methods and previous SOTA LTCL approach in both task- and class-incremental learning settings, as well as ordered- and shuffled-LTCL settings.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.CV" ]
YOLO-Stutter: End-to-end Region-Wise Speech Dysfluency Detection
[ "Xuanru Zhou", "Anshul Kashyap", "Steve Li", "Ayati Sharma", "Brittany Morin", "David Baquirin", "Jet Vonk", "Zoe Ezzes", "Zachary Miller", "Maria Luisa Gorno Tempini", "Jiachen Lian", "Gopala Krishna Anumanchipalli" ]
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Dysfluent speech detection is the bottleneck for disordered speech analysis and spoken language learning. Current state-of-the-art models are governed by rule-based systems which lack efficiency and robustness, and are sensitive to template design. In this paper, we propose YOLO-Stutter: a first end-to-end method that detects dysfluencies in a time-accurate manner. YOLO-Stutter takes imperfect speech-text alignment as input, followed by a spatial feature aggregator, and a temporal dependency extractor to perform region-wise boundary and class predictions. We also introduce two dysfluency corpus, VCTK-Stutter and VCTK-TTS, that simulate natural spoken dysfluencies including repetition, block, missing, replacement, and prolongation. Our end-to-end method achieves state-of-the-art performance with a minimum number of trainable parameters for on both simulated data and real aphasia speech. Code and datasets are open-sourced at https://github.com/rorizzz/YOLO-Stutter
Interspeech 2024
[ "eess.AS", "cs.AI", "cs.CL" ]
CVPT: Cross-Attention help Visual Prompt Tuning adapt visual task
[ "Lingyun Huang", "Jianxu Mao", "Yaonan Wang", "Junfei Yi", "Ziming Tao" ]
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In recent years, the rapid expansion of model sizes has led to large-scale pre-trained models demonstrating remarkable capabilities. Consequently, there has been a trend towards increasing the scale of models. However, this trend introduces significant challenges, including substantial computational costs of training and transfer to downstream tasks. To address these issues, Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) methods have been introduced. These methods optimize large-scale pre-trained models for specific tasks by fine-tuning a select group of parameters. Among these PEFT methods, adapter-based and prompt-based methods are the primary techniques. Specifically, in the field of visual fine-tuning, adapters gain prominence over prompts because of the latter's relatively weaker performance and efficiency. Under the circumstances, we refine the widely-used Visual Prompt Tuning (VPT) method, proposing Cross Visual Prompt Tuning (CVPT). CVPT calculates cross-attention between the prompt tokens and the embedded tokens, which allows us to compute the semantic relationship between them and conduct the fine-tuning of models exactly to adapt visual tasks better. Furthermore, we introduce the weight-sharing mechanism to initialize the parameters of cross-attention, which avoids massive learnable parameters from cross-attention and enhances the representative capability of cross-attention. We conduct comprehensive testing across 25 datasets and the result indicates that CVPT significantly improves VPT's performance and efficiency in visual tasks. For example, on the VTAB-1K benchmark, CVPT outperforms VPT over 4% in average accuracy, rivaling the advanced adapter-based methods in performance and efficiency. Our experiments confirm that prompt-based methods can achieve exceptional results in visual fine-tuning.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
Multilingual Arbitrage: Optimizing Data Pools to Accelerate Multilingual Progress
[ "Ayomide Odumakinde", "Daniel D'souza", "Pat Verga", "Beyza Ermis", "Sara Hooker" ]
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The use of synthetic data has played a critical role in recent state-of-art breakthroughs. However, overly relying on a single oracle teacher model to generate data has been shown to lead to model collapse and invite propagation of biases. These limitations are particularly evident in multilingual settings, where the absence of a universally effective teacher model that excels across all languages presents significant challenges. In this work, we address these extreme difference by introducing "multilingual arbitrage", which capitalizes on performance variations between multiple models for a given language. To do so, we strategically route samples through a diverse pool of models, each with unique strengths in different languages. Across exhaustive experiments on state-of-art models, our work suggests that arbitrage techniques allow for spectacular gains in performance that far outperform relying on a single teacher. In particular, compared to the best single teacher, we observe gains of up to 56.5% improvement in win rates averaged across all languages when switching to multilingual arbitrage. We observe the most significant gains for the least resourced languages in our pool.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
NeuralOOD: Improving Out-of-Distribution Generalization Performance with Brain-machine Fusion Learning Framework
[ "Shuangchen Zhao", "Changde Du", "Hui Li", "Huiguang He" ]
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Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have demonstrated exceptional recognition capabilities in traditional computer vision (CV) tasks. However, existing CV models often suffer a significant decrease in accuracy when confronted with out-of-distribution (OOD) data. In contrast to these DNN models, human can maintain a consistently low error rate when facing OOD scenes, partly attributed to the rich prior cognitive knowledge stored in the human brain. Previous OOD generalization researches only focus on the single modal, overlooking the advantages of multimodal learning method. In this paper, we utilize the multimodal learning method to improve the OOD generalization and propose a novel Brain-machine Fusion Learning (BMFL) framework. We adopt the cross-attention mechanism to fuse the visual knowledge from CV model and prior cognitive knowledge from the human brain. Specially, we employ a pre-trained visual neural encoding model to predict the functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) from visual features which eliminates the need for the fMRI data collection and pre-processing, effectively reduces the workload associated with conventional BMFL methods. Furthermore, we construct a brain transformer to facilitate the extraction of knowledge inside the fMRI data. Moreover, we introduce the Pearson correlation coefficient maximization regularization method into the training process, which improves the fusion capability with better constrains. Our model outperforms the DINOv2 and baseline models on the ImageNet-1k validation dataset as well as six curated OOD datasets, showcasing its superior performance in diverse scenarios.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
Quotient Normalized Maximum Likelihood Criterion for Learning Bayesian Network Structures
[ "Tomi Silander", "Janne Leppä-aho", "Elias Jääsaari", "Teemu Roos" ]
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We introduce an information theoretic criterion for Bayesian network structure learning which we call quotient normalized maximum likelihood (qNML). In contrast to the closely related factorized normalized maximum likelihood criterion, qNML satisfies the property of score equivalence. It is also decomposable and completely free of adjustable hyperparameters. For practical computations, we identify a remarkably accurate approximation proposed earlier by Szpankowski and Weinberger. Experiments on both simulated and real data demonstrate that the new criterion leads to parsimonious models with good predictive accuracy.
Accepted to AISTATS 2018
PMLR 84:948-957, 2018
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Distance-Forward Learning: Enhancing the Forward-Forward Algorithm Towards High-Performance On-Chip Learning
[ "Yujie Wu", "Siyuan Xu", "Jibin Wu", "Lei Deng", "Mingkun Xu", "Qinghao Wen", "Guoqi Li" ]
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The Forward-Forward (FF) algorithm was recently proposed as a local learning method to address the limitations of backpropagation (BP), offering biological plausibility along with memory-efficient and highly parallelized computational benefits. However, it suffers from suboptimal performance and poor generalization, largely due to inadequate theoretical support and a lack of effective learning strategies. In this work, we reformulate FF using distance metric learning and propose a distance-forward algorithm (DF) to improve FF performance in supervised vision tasks while preserving its local computational properties, making it competitive for efficient on-chip learning. To achieve this, we reinterpret FF through the lens of centroid-based metric learning and develop a goodness-based N-pair margin loss to facilitate the learning of discriminative features. Furthermore, we integrate layer-collaboration local update strategies to reduce information loss caused by greedy local parameter updates. Our method surpasses existing FF models and other advanced local learning approaches, with accuracies of 99.7\% on MNIST, 88.2\% on CIFAR-10, 59\% on CIFAR-100, 95.9\% on SVHN, and 82.5\% on ImageNette, respectively. Moreover, it achieves comparable performance with less than 40\% memory cost compared to BP training, while exhibiting stronger robustness to multiple types of hardware-related noise, demonstrating its potential for online learning and energy-efficient computation on neuromorphic chips.
[ "cs.NE", "cs.AI" ]
Evaluating the Predictive Features of Person-Centric Knowledge Graph Embeddings: Unfolding Ablation Studies
[ "Christos Theodoropoulos", "Natasha Mulligan", "Joao Bettencourt-Silva" ]
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Developing novel predictive models with complex biomedical information is challenging due to various idiosyncrasies related to heterogeneity, standardization or sparseness of the data. We previously introduced a person-centric ontology to organize information about individual patients, and a representation learning framework to extract person-centric knowledge graphs (PKGs) and to train Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). In this paper, we propose a systematic approach to examine the results of GNN models trained with both structured and unstructured information from the MIMIC-III dataset. Through ablation studies on different clinical, demographic, and social data, we show the robustness of this approach in identifying predictive features in PKGs for the task of readmission prediction.
Published in the 34th Medical Informatics Europe Conference
Studies in health technology and informatics vol. 316 (2024): 575-579
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
VHAKG: A Multi-modal Knowledge Graph Based on Synchronized Multi-view Videos of Daily Activities
[ "Shusaku Egami", "Takahiro Ugai", "Swe Nwe Nwe Htun", "Ken Fukuda" ]
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Multi-modal knowledge graphs (MMKGs), which ground various non-symbolic data (e.g., images and videos) into symbols, have attracted attention as resources enabling knowledge processing and machine learning across modalities. However, the construction of MMKGs for videos consisting of multiple events, such as daily activities, is still in the early stages. In this paper, we construct an MMKG based on synchronized multi-view simulated videos of daily activities. Besides representing the content of daily life videos as event-centric knowledge, our MMKG also includes frame-by-frame fine-grained changes, such as bounding boxes within video frames. In addition, we provide support tools for querying our MMKG. As an application example, we demonstrate that our MMKG facilitates benchmarking vision-language models by providing the necessary vision-language datasets for a tailored task.
5 pages, 4 figures, accepted by CIKM2024 Resource Track
[ "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "cs.CV", "68T30", "I.2.4; H.5.1" ]
The VoxCeleb Speaker Recognition Challenge: A Retrospective
[ "Jaesung Huh", "Joon Son Chung", "Arsha Nagrani", "Andrew Brown", "Jee-weon Jung", "Daniel Garcia-Romero", "Andrew Zisserman" ]
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The VoxCeleb Speaker Recognition Challenges (VoxSRC) were a series of challenges and workshops that ran annually from 2019 to 2023. The challenges primarily evaluated the tasks of speaker recognition and diarisation under various settings including: closed and open training data; as well as supervised, self-supervised, and semi-supervised training for domain adaptation. The challenges also provided publicly available training and evaluation datasets for each task and setting, with new test sets released each year. In this paper, we provide a review of these challenges that covers: what they explored; the methods developed by the challenge participants and how these evolved; and also the current state of the field for speaker verification and diarisation. We chart the progress in performance over the five installments of the challenge on a common evaluation dataset and provide a detailed analysis of how each year's special focus affected participants' performance. This paper is aimed both at researchers who want an overview of the speaker recognition and diarisation field, and also at challenge organisers who want to benefit from the successes and avoid the mistakes of the VoxSRC challenges. We end with a discussion of the current strengths of the field and open challenges. Project page : https://mm.kaist.ac.kr/datasets/voxceleb/voxsrc/workshop.html
TASLP 2024
[ "cs.SD", "cs.AI", "eess.AS" ]
Adversarial Attacks and Defenses in Multivariate Time-Series Forecasting for Smart and Connected Infrastructures
[ "Pooja Krishan", "Rohan Mohapatra", "Saptarshi Sengupta" ]
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The emergence of deep learning models has revolutionized various industries over the last decade, leading to a surge in connected devices and infrastructures. However, these models can be tricked into making incorrect predictions with high confidence, leading to disastrous failures and security concerns. To this end, we explore the impact of adversarial attacks on multivariate time-series forecasting and investigate methods to counter them. Specifically, we employ untargeted white-box attacks, namely the Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) and the Basic Iterative Method (BIM), to poison the inputs to the training process, effectively misleading the model. We also illustrate the subtle modifications to the inputs after the attack, which makes detecting the attack using the naked eye quite difficult. Having demonstrated the feasibility of these attacks, we develop robust models through adversarial training and model hardening. We are among the first to showcase the transferability of these attacks and defenses by extrapolating our work from the benchmark electricity data to a larger, 10-year real-world data used for predicting the time-to-failure of hard disks. Our experimental results confirm that the attacks and defenses achieve the desired security thresholds, leading to a 72.41% and 94.81% decrease in RMSE for the electricity and hard disk datasets respectively after implementing the adversarial defenses.
17 pages, 32 figures
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.CR", "cs.PF", "B.1.3; I.2.4" ]
Learning Robust Reward Machines from Noisy Labels
[ "Roko Parac", "Lorenzo Nodari", "Leo Ardon", "Daniel Furelos-Blanco", "Federico Cerutti", "Alessandra Russo" ]
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This paper presents PROB-IRM, an approach that learns robust reward machines (RMs) for reinforcement learning (RL) agents from noisy execution traces. The key aspect of RM-driven RL is the exploitation of a finite-state machine that decomposes the agent's task into different subtasks. PROB-IRM uses a state-of-the-art inductive logic programming framework robust to noisy examples to learn RMs from noisy traces using the Bayesian posterior degree of beliefs, thus ensuring robustness against inconsistencies. Pivotal for the results is the interleaving between RM learning and policy learning: a new RM is learned whenever the RL agent generates a trace that is believed not to be accepted by the current RM. To speed up the training of the RL agent, PROB-IRM employs a probabilistic formulation of reward shaping that uses the posterior Bayesian beliefs derived from the traces. Our experimental analysis shows that PROB-IRM can learn (potentially imperfect) RMs from noisy traces and exploit them to train an RL agent to solve its tasks successfully. Despite the complexity of learning the RM from noisy traces, agents trained with PROB-IRM perform comparably to agents provided with handcrafted RMs.
Preprint accepted for publication to the 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2024)
[ "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
Learning Granularity Representation for Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion
[ "Jinchuan Zhang", "Tianqi Wan", "Chong Mu", "Guangxi Lu", "Ling Tian" ]
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Temporal Knowledge Graphs (TKGs) incorporate temporal information to reflect the dynamic structural knowledge and evolutionary patterns of real-world facts. Nevertheless, TKGs are still limited in downstream applications due to the problem of incompleteness. Consequently, TKG completion (also known as link prediction) has been widely studied, with recent research focusing on incorporating independent embeddings of time or combining them with entities and relations to form temporal representations. However, most existing methods overlook the impact of history from a multi-granularity aspect. The inherent semantics of human-defined temporal granularities, such as ordinal dates, reveal general patterns to which facts typically adhere. To counter this limitation, this paper proposes \textbf{L}earning \textbf{G}ranularity \textbf{Re}presentation (termed $\mathsf{LGRe}$) for TKG completion. It comprises two main components: Granularity Representation Learning (GRL) and Adaptive Granularity Balancing (AGB). Specifically, GRL employs time-specific multi-layer convolutional neural networks to capture interactions between entities and relations at different granularities. After that, AGB generates adaptive weights for these embeddings according to temporal semantics, resulting in expressive representations of predictions. Moreover, to reflect similar semantics of adjacent timestamps, a temporal loss function is introduced. Extensive experimental results on four event benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of $\mathsf{LGRe}$ in learning time-related representations. To ensure reproducibility, our code is available at https://github.com/KcAcoZhang/LGRe.
15 pages. Accepted at ICONIP 2024
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.CL" ]
Enhancing Analogical Reasoning in the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus via Model-Based RL
[ "Jihwan Lee", "Woochang Sim", "Sejin Kim", "Sundong Kim" ]
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This paper demonstrates that model-based reinforcement learning (model-based RL) is a suitable approach for the task of analogical reasoning. We hypothesize that model-based RL can solve analogical reasoning tasks more efficiently through the creation of internal models. To test this, we compared DreamerV3, a model-based RL method, with Proximal Policy Optimization, a model-free RL method, on the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus (ARC) tasks. Our results indicate that model-based RL not only outperforms model-free RL in learning and generalizing from single tasks but also shows significant advantages in reasoning across similar tasks.
Accepted to IJCAI 2024 IARML Workshop
[ "cs.AI", "cs.LO" ]
Detecting AI Flaws: Target-Driven Attacks on Internal Faults in Language Models
[ "Yuhao Du", "Zhuo Li", "Pengyu Cheng", "Xiang Wan", "Anningzhe Gao" ]
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Large Language Models (LLMs) have become a focal point in the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence. However, a critical concern is the presence of toxic content within the pre-training corpus of these models, which can lead to the generation of inappropriate outputs. Investigating methods for detecting internal faults in LLMs can help us understand their limitations and improve their security. Existing methods primarily focus on jailbreaking attacks, which involve manually or automatically constructing adversarial content to prompt the target LLM to generate unexpected responses. These methods rely heavily on prompt engineering, which is time-consuming and usually requires specially designed questions. To address these challenges, this paper proposes a target-driven attack paradigm that focuses on directly eliciting the target response instead of optimizing the prompts. We introduce the use of another LLM as the detector for toxic content, referred to as ToxDet. Given a target toxic response, ToxDet can generate a possible question and a preliminary answer to provoke the target model into producing desired toxic responses with meanings equivalent to the provided one. ToxDet is trained by interacting with the target LLM and receiving reward signals from it, utilizing reinforcement learning for the optimization process. While the primary focus of the target models is on open-source LLMs, the fine-tuned ToxDet can also be transferred to attack black-box models such as GPT-4o, achieving notable results. Experimental results on AdvBench and HH-Harmless datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods in detecting the tendencies of target LLMs to generate harmful responses. This algorithm not only exposes vulnerabilities but also provides a valuable resource for researchers to strengthen their models against such attacks.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI", "cs.CR" ]
Project SHADOW: Symbolic Higher-order Associative Deductive reasoning On Wikidata using LM probing
[ "Hanna Abi Akl" ]
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We introduce SHADOW, a fine-tuned language model trained on an intermediate task using associative deductive reasoning, and measure its performance on a knowledge base construction task using Wikidata triple completion. We evaluate SHADOW on the LM-KBC 2024 challenge and show that it outperforms the baseline solution by 20% with a F1 score of 68.72%.
6 pages, 1 figure
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
Diffusion based Semantic Outlier Generation via Nuisance Awareness for Out-of-Distribution Detection
[ "Suhee Yoon", "Sanghyu Yoon", "Hankook Lee", "Ye Seul Sim", "Sungik Choi", "Kyungeun Lee", "Hye-Seung Cho", "Woohyung Lim" ]
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Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection, which determines whether a given sample is part of the in-distribution (ID), has recently shown promising results through training with synthetic OOD datasets. Nonetheless, existing methods often produce outliers that are considerably distant from the ID, showing limited efficacy for capturing subtle distinctions between ID and OOD. To address these issues, we propose a novel framework, Semantic Outlier generation via Nuisance Awareness (SONA), which notably produces challenging outliers by directly leveraging pixel-space ID samples through diffusion models. Our approach incorporates SONA guidance, providing separate control over semantic and nuisance regions of ID samples. Thereby, the generated outliers achieve two crucial properties: (i) they present explicit semantic-discrepant information, while (ii) maintaining various levels of nuisance resemblance with ID. Furthermore, the improved OOD detector training with SONA outliers facilitates learning with a focus on semantic distinctions. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework, achieving an impressive AUROC of 88% on near-OOD datasets, which surpasses the performance of baseline methods by a significant margin of approximately 6%.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
CL4KGE: A Curriculum Learning Method for Knowledge Graph Embedding
[ "Yang Liu", "Chuan Zhou", "Peng Zhang", "Yanan Cao", "Yongchao Liu", "Zhao Li", "Hongyang Chen" ]
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Knowledge graph embedding (KGE) constitutes a foundational task, directed towards learning representations for entities and relations within knowledge graphs (KGs), with the objective of crafting representations comprehensive enough to approximate the logical and symbolic interconnections among entities. In this paper, we define a metric Z-counts to measure the difficulty of training each triple ($<$head entity, relation, tail entity$>$) in KGs with theoretical analysis. Based on this metric, we propose \textbf{CL4KGE}, an efficient \textbf{C}urriculum \textbf{L}earning based training strategy for \textbf{KGE}. This method includes a difficulty measurer and a training scheduler that aids in the training of KGE models. Our approach possesses the flexibility to act as a plugin within a wide range of KGE models, with the added advantage of adaptability to the majority of KGs in existence. The proposed method has been evaluated on popular KGE models, and the results demonstrate that it enhances the state-of-the-art methods. The use of Z-counts as a metric has enabled the identification of challenging triples in KGs, which helps in devising effective training strategies.
16 pages, 3 figures
[ "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "cs.LG" ]
Diffusion Models Are Real-Time Game Engines
[ "Dani Valevski", "Yaniv Leviathan", "Moab Arar", "Shlomi Fruchter" ]
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We present GameNGen, the first game engine powered entirely by a neural model that enables real-time interaction with a complex environment over long trajectories at high quality. GameNGen can interactively simulate the classic game DOOM at over 20 frames per second on a single TPU. Next frame prediction achieves a PSNR of 29.4, comparable to lossy JPEG compression. Human raters are only slightly better than random chance at distinguishing short clips of the game from clips of the simulation. GameNGen is trained in two phases: (1) an RL-agent learns to play the game and the training sessions are recorded, and (2) a diffusion model is trained to produce the next frame, conditioned on the sequence of past frames and actions. Conditioning augmentations enable stable auto-regressive generation over long trajectories.
Project page: https://gamengen.github.io/
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.CV" ]
Strategic Optimization and Challenges of Large Language Models in Object-Oriented Programming
[ "Zinan Wang" ]
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In the area of code generation research, the emphasis has transitioned from crafting individual functions to developing class-level method code that integrates contextual information. This shift has brought several benchmarks such as ClassEval and CoderEval, which consider class-level contexts. Nevertheless, the influence of specific contextual factors at the method level remains less explored. This research focused on method-level code generation within the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) framework. Based on CoderEval, we devised experiments that varied the extent of contextual information in the prompts, ranging from method-specific to project-wide details. We introduced the innovative metric of "Prompt-Token Cost-Effectiveness" to evaluate the economic viability of incorporating additional contextual layers. Our findings indicate that prompts enriched with method invocation details yield the highest cost-effectiveness. Additionally, our study revealed disparities among Large Language Models (LLMs) regarding error type distributions and the level of assistance they provide to developers. Notably, larger LLMs do not invariably perform better. We also observed that tasks with higher degrees of coupling present more substantial challenges, suggesting that the choice of LLM should be tailored to the task's coupling degree. For example, GPT-4 exhibited improved performance in low-coupling scenarios, whereas GPT-3.5 seemed better suited for tasks with high coupling. By meticulously curating prompt content and selecting the appropriate LLM, developers can optimize code quality while maximizing cost-efficiency during the development process.
10 pages
[ "cs.SE", "cs.AI" ]
From Rule-Based Models to Deep Learning Transformers Architectures for Natural Language Processing and Sign Language Translation Systems: Survey, Taxonomy and Performance Evaluation
[ "Nada Shahin", "Leila Ismail" ]
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With the growing Deaf and Hard of Hearing population worldwide and the persistent shortage of certified sign language interpreters, there is a pressing need for an efficient, signs-driven, integrated end-to-end translation system, from sign to gloss to text and vice-versa. There has been a wealth of research on machine translations and related reviews. However, there are few works on sign language machine translation considering the particularity of the language being continuous and dynamic. This paper aims to address this void, providing a retrospective analysis of the temporal evolution of sign language machine translation algorithms and a taxonomy of the Transformers architectures, the most used approach in language translation. We also present the requirements of a real-time Quality-of-Service sign language ma-chine translation system underpinned by accurate deep learning algorithms. We propose future research directions for sign language translation systems.
[ "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "cs.CV", "cs.LG", "I.2, I.2.7, I.4, I.4.9" ]
A Comprehensive Benchmark of Machine and Deep Learning Across Diverse Tabular Datasets
[ "Assaf Shmuel", "Oren Glickman", "Teddy Lazebnik" ]
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The analysis of tabular datasets is highly prevalent both in scientific research and real-world applications of Machine Learning (ML). Unlike many other ML tasks, Deep Learning (DL) models often do not outperform traditional methods in this area. Previous comparative benchmarks have shown that DL performance is frequently equivalent or even inferior to models such as Gradient Boosting Machines (GBMs). In this study, we introduce a comprehensive benchmark aimed at better characterizing the types of datasets where DL models excel. Although several important benchmarks for tabular datasets already exist, our contribution lies in the variety and depth of our comparison: we evaluate 111 datasets with 20 different models, including both regression and classification tasks. These datasets vary in scale and include both those with and without categorical variables. Importantly, our benchmark contains a sufficient number of datasets where DL models perform best, allowing for a thorough analysis of the conditions under which DL models excel. Building on the results of this benchmark, we train a model that predicts scenarios where DL models outperform alternative methods with 86.1% accuracy (AUC 0.78). We present insights derived from this characterization and compare these findings to previous benchmarks.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Brain-inspired Artificial Intelligence: A Comprehensive Review
[ "Jing Ren", "Feng Xia" ]
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Current artificial intelligence (AI) models often focus on enhancing performance through meticulous parameter tuning and optimization techniques. However, the fundamental design principles behind these models receive comparatively less attention, which can limit our understanding of their potential and constraints. This comprehensive review explores the diverse design inspirations that have shaped modern AI models, i.e., brain-inspired artificial intelligence (BIAI). We present a classification framework that categorizes BIAI approaches into physical structure-inspired and human behavior-inspired models. We also examine the real-world applications where different BIAI models excel, highlighting their practical benefits and deployment challenges. By delving into these areas, we provide new insights and propose future research directions to drive innovation and address current gaps in the field. This review offers researchers and practitioners a comprehensive overview of the BIAI landscape, helping them harness its potential and expedite advancements in AI development.
35 pages, 4 figures
[ "cs.AI" ]
Poly2Vec: Polymorphic Encoding of Geospatial Objects for Spatial Reasoning with Deep Neural Networks
[ "Maria Despoina Siampou", "Jialiang Li", "John Krumm", "Cyrus Shahabi", "Hua Lu" ]
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Encoding geospatial data is crucial for enabling machine learning (ML) models to perform tasks that require spatial reasoning, such as identifying the topological relationships between two different geospatial objects. However, existing encoding methods are limited as they are typically customized to handle only specific types of spatial data, which impedes their applicability across different downstream tasks where multiple data types coexist. To address this, we introduce Poly2Vec, an encoding framework that unifies the modeling of different geospatial objects, including 2D points, polylines, and polygons, irrespective of the downstream task. We leverage the power of the 2D Fourier transform to encode useful spatial properties, such as shape and location, from geospatial objects into fixed-length vectors. These vectors are then inputted into neural network models for spatial reasoning tasks.This unified approach eliminates the need to develop and train separate models for each distinct spatial type. We evaluate Poly2Vec on both synthetic and real datasets of mixed geometry types and verify its consistent performance across several downstream spatial reasoning tasks.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]