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indianproblems00mitriala | Indian problems | Mitra, Siddha Mohana, 1856-1925 | 1,908 | 444 | OL7088229M | OL1769371W | https://archive.org/download/indianproblems00mitriala/indianproblems00mitriala_djvu.txt |
irrigationregs00unitrich | Regulations governing operation and maintenance of irrigation works, state of Washington, approved by the Secretary of the Interior, April 24, 1911, and instructions for water users and for employees whose duties pertain to operation and maintenance | United States. Bureau of Reclamation | 1,911 | 46 | OL14015508M | OL2385838W | https://archive.org/download/irrigationregs00unitrich/irrigationregs00unitrich_djvu.txt |
themarryers00bachrich | The marryers: a history gathered from a brief of the Honorable Socrates Potter | Bacheller, Irving, 1859-1950 | 1,914 | 246 | OL7172800M | OL7026263W | https://archive.org/download/themarryers00bachrich/themarryers00bachrich_djvu.txt |
underhisshadowla00have | Under his shadow : the last poems of Frances Ridley Havergal | Havergal, Frances Ridley, 1836-1879 | 1,880 | 240 | OL19372914M | OL4140670W | https://archive.org/download/underhisshadowla00have/underhisshadowla00have_djvu.txt |
futureofkanaka00jacorich | The future of the Kanaka | Jacomb, Edward | 1,919 | 234 | OL7064384M | OL7690264W | https://archive.org/download/futureofkanaka00jacorich/futureofkanaka00jacorich_djvu.txt |
principlesdentist00harr | The principles and practice of dentistry, including anatomy, physiology, therapeutics, dental surgery and mechanism .. | Harris, Chapin Aaron, 1806-1860; Austen, Philip Hiss, 1822-1878 | 1,875 | 852 | OL22890590M | OL6376904W | https://archive.org/download/principlesdentist00harr/principlesdentist00harr_djvu.txt |
prehistorictime00lubb | Prehistoric times as illustrated by ancient remains and the manners and customs of modern savages | Lubbock, John, Sir, 1834-1913 | 1,913 | 650 | OL23326818M | OL1532354W | https://archive.org/download/prehistorictime00lubb/prehistorictime00lubb_djvu.txt |
fairycirclestale00villiala | Fairy circles : tales and legends of giants, dwarfs, fairies, water-sprites and hobgoblins | Villamaria, 1830-1895 | 1,877 | 318 | OL7215630M | OL7903107W | https://archive.org/download/fairycirclestale00villiala/fairycirclestale00villiala_djvu.txt |
punctuationother00bige | Punctuation, and other typographical matters : for the use of printers, authors, teachers, and scholars | Bigelow, Marshall T. (Marshall Train), 1822-1902 | 1,881 | 144 | OL7225791M | OL231668W | https://archive.org/download/punctuationother00bige/punctuationother00bige_djvu.txt |
lastwordsofthoma00carl | Last words of Thomas Carlyle | Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881; Varnhagen von Ense, Karl August, 1785-1858; Preuss, Richard | 1,892 | 320 | OL23309746M | OL1064748W | https://archive.org/download/lastwordsofthoma00carl/lastwordsofthoma00carl_djvu.txt |
jockeyclubitsfou00blacrich | The jockey club and its founders : in three periods | Black, Robert | 1,891 | 460 | OL7109649M | OL4743289W | https://archive.org/download/jockeyclubitsfou00blacrich/jockeyclubitsfou00blacrich_djvu.txt |
greatemergencyan00ewiniala | A great emergency, and other tales; | Ewing, Juliana Horatia Gatty, 1841-1885 | 1,911 | 280 | OL7222115M | OL1795297W | https://archive.org/download/greatemergencyan00ewiniala/greatemergencyan00ewiniala_djvu.txt |
greatepochsinart00hopprich | Great epochs in art history | Hoppin, J. M. (James Mason), 1820-1906 | 1,901 | 296 | OL7245619M | OL7137005W | https://archive.org/download/greatepochsinart00hopprich/greatepochsinart00hopprich_djvu.txt |
greatermystery00defrrich | The greater mystery | De Fremery, Edna | 1,920 | 226 | OL7172096M | OL210760W | https://archive.org/download/greatermystery00defrrich/greatermystery00defrrich_djvu.txt |
rochambeaucommem00unitrich | Rochambeau. A commemoration by the Congress of the United States of America of the services of the French auxiliary forces in the war of independence | United States. Congress. Joint Committee on the Library; Griffin, Appleton P. C. (Appleton Prentiss Clark), 1852-1926; Keim, De B. Randolph (De Benneville Randolph), 1841-1914 | 1,907 | 816 | OL7225188M | OL2814856W | https://archive.org/download/rochambeaucommem00unitrich/rochambeaucommem00unitrich_djvu.txt |
guiltofwilliamho00kautiala | The guilt of William Hohenzollern | Kautsky, Karl, 1854-1938 | 1,920 | 284 | OL7111034M | OL1095786W | https://archive.org/download/guiltofwilliamho00kautiala/guiltofwilliamho00kautiala_djvu.txt |
spleenanaemiaexp00peariala | The Spleen and anaemia; experimental and clinical studies | Pearce, Richard Mills, 1874-1930 | 1,918 | 472 | OL7094717M | OL245007W | https://archive.org/download/spleenanaemiaexp00peariala/spleenanaemiaexp00peariala_djvu.txt |
dictionaryofengl00sharrich | A dictionary of English authors, biographical and bibliographical, Being a compendicous account of the lives and writings of upwars of 800 British and American writers from the years 1400 to the present time | Sharp, R. Farquharson (Robert Farquharson), 1864-1945 | 1,904 | 386 | OL14003955M | OL36193W | https://archive.org/download/dictionaryofengl00sharrich/dictionaryofengl00sharrich_djvu.txt |
earlylifeadventu00mackiala | The early life and adventures of Sylvia Scarlett | Mackenzie, Compton, Sir, 1883-1972 | 1,918 | 476 | OL7197718M | OL1167539W | https://archive.org/download/earlylifeadventu00mackiala/earlylifeadventu00mackiala_djvu.txt |
fallofutopia00baynrich | The fall of Utopia | Bayne, Charles Joseph, 1870- | 1,900 | 198 | OL7189110M | OL7887913W | https://archive.org/download/fallofutopia00baynrich/fallofutopia00baynrich_djvu.txt |
englishofcommerc00opdyrich | The English of commerce | Opdycke, John B. (John Baker), 1878-1956 | 1,920 | 468 | OL7047817M | OL172411W | https://archive.org/download/englishofcommerc00opdyrich/englishofcommerc00opdyrich_djvu.txt |
farmdevelopmenti00haysrich | Farm development; an introductory book in agriculture, including a discussion of soils, selecting & planning farms, subduing the fields, drainage, irrigation, roads, fences, together with introductory chapters concerning farm business, and the relations of general science to agriculture | Hays, W. M. (Willet Martin), 1859-1916 | 1,910 | 428 | OL7067619M | OL3871446W | https://archive.org/download/farmdevelopmenti00haysrich/farmdevelopmenti00haysrich_djvu.txt |
cellintelligence00queviala | Cell intelligence : the cause of growth, heredity, and instinctive actions, illustrating that the cell is a concious, intelligent being, and, by reason thereof, plans and builds all plants and animals in the same manner that man contructs houses, railroads, and other structures | Quevli, Nels | 1,917 | 490 | OL7220864M | OL204230W | https://archive.org/download/cellintelligence00queviala/cellintelligence00queviala_djvu.txt |
forgottenislesim00vuilrich | The forgotten isles: impressions of travel in the Balearic isles, Corsica and Sardinia | Vuillier, Gaston, 1846-; Breton, Frederic | 1,896 | 422 | OL18068999M | OL6669217W | https://archive.org/download/forgottenislesim00vuilrich/forgottenislesim00vuilrich_djvu.txt |
mrkriskringle00mitcrich | Mr. Kris Kringle : a Christmas tale | Mitchell, S. Weir (Silas Weir), 1829-1914 | 1,893 | 68 | OL7116995M | OL1113789W | https://archive.org/download/mrkriskringle00mitcrich/mrkriskringle00mitcrich_djvu.txt |
newsystemofharmo00gariiala | A new system of harmony based on four fundamental chords | Gariel, Eduardo | 1,916 | 76 | OL7079085M | OL7880973W | https://archive.org/download/newsystemofharmo00gariiala/newsystemofharmo00gariiala_djvu.txt |
oldtimesrevisite00king | Old times re-visited in the borough and parish of Lymington, Hants | King, Edward | 1,900 | 380 | OL22888460M | OL3473673W | https://archive.org/download/oldtimesrevisite00king/oldtimesrevisite00king_djvu.txt |
renaorsnowbird00hentiala | Rena; or, The snow bird | Hentz, Caroline Lee, 1800-1856 | 1,869 | 304 | OL7127505M | OL6706416W | https://archive.org/download/renaorsnowbird00hentiala/renaorsnowbird00hentiala_djvu.txt |
rodgerlatimersmi00doneiala | Rodger Latimer's mistake : a novel | Donelson, Katharine | 1,891 | 396 | OL7036101M | OL7872178W | https://archive.org/download/rodgerlatimersmi00doneiala/rodgerlatimersmi00doneiala_djvu.txt |
playsbyjacintobe00bena | Plays by Jacinto Benavente : Second series | Benavente, Jacinto, 1866-1954; Underhill, John Garrett, 1876-1946 | 1,919 | 344 | OL14034590M | OL1523931W | https://archive.org/download/playsbyjacintobe00bena/playsbyjacintobe00bena_djvu.txt |
ramblesofdominie00knigrich | The rambles of a dominie | Knight, Francis Arnold | 1,891 | 236 | OL7233513M | OL7903046W | https://archive.org/download/ramblesofdominie00knigrich/ramblesofdominie00knigrich_djvu.txt |
thosebrewsterchi00kingiala | Those Brewster children | Kingsley, Florence Morse, 1859-1937 | 1,910 | 238 | OL7234166M | OL2340355W | https://archive.org/download/thosebrewsterchi00kingiala/thosebrewsterchi00kingiala_djvu.txt |
scaleformeasurin00ayrerich | A scale for measuring the quality of handwriting of school children | Ayres, Leonard Porter, 1879-1946 | 1,912 | 30 | OL14052919M | OL1532764W | https://archive.org/download/scaleformeasurin00ayrerich/scaleformeasurin00ayrerich_djvu.txt |
templeofmemory00digbrich | The temple of memory | Digby, Kenelm Henry, 1800-1880; Kohler Collection of British Poetry | 1,874 | 300 | OL7252671M | OL215002W | https://archive.org/download/templeofmemory00digbrich/templeofmemory00digbrich_djvu.txt |
valleysofgreatsa00denvrich | Valleys of the Great Salt Lake : describing the garden of Utah and the two great cities of Salt Lake and Ogden | Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company; Rio Grande Western Railroad | 1,890 | 64 | OL7129926M | OL16333884W | https://archive.org/download/valleysofgreatsa00denvrich/valleysofgreatsa00denvrich_djvu.txt |
newzealandadjace00marsiala | New Zealand and adjacent islands | Marshall, Patrick, 1869-1950 | 1,912 | 96 | OL14030754M | OL10710478W | https://archive.org/download/newzealandadjace00marsiala/newzealandadjace00marsiala_djvu.txt |
arcadianadventur00leaciala | Arcadian adventures with the idle rich | Leacock, Stephen, 1869-1944 | 1,914 | 334 | OL7135427M | OL626471W | https://archive.org/download/arcadianadventur00leaciala/arcadianadventur00leaciala_djvu.txt |
honestlawyer00ss__rich | The honest lawyer | S. S | 1,914 | 186 | OL6565531M | OL16754454W | https://archive.org/download/honestlawyer00ss__rich/honestlawyer00ss__rich_djvu.txt |
stateinrelationt00jevorich | The state in relation to labour | Jevons, William Stanley, 1835-1882 | 1,882 | 190 | OL7098265M | OL4764087W | https://archive.org/download/stateinrelationt00jevorich/stateinrelationt00jevorich_djvu.txt |
othersideofdeath00coherich | The other side of death : a critical examination of the belief in a future life, with a study of spiritualism | Cohen, Chapman, 1868- | 1,922 | 172 | OL7054854M | OL2367442W | https://archive.org/download/othersideofdeath00coherich/othersideofdeath00coherich_djvu.txt |
primarydayselect00chicrich | Primary days and election days as holidays, an instance of governmental absurdity and waste; | Chicago Bureau of Public Efficiency (Chicago, Ill.) | 1,917 | 30 | OL7245273M | OL16331775W | https://archive.org/download/primarydayselect00chicrich/primarydayselect00chicrich_djvu.txt |
peaceofaugustans00sainiala | The peace of the Augustans; a survey of eighteenth century literature as a place of rest and refreshment | Saintsbury, George, 1845-1933 | 1,916 | 428 | OL7075089M | OL1090942W | https://archive.org/download/peaceofaugustans00sainiala/peaceofaugustans00sainiala_djvu.txt |
oneoutsideothers00sullrich | The one outside, and other stories | Sullivan, Mary Fitz-Patrick | 1,914 | 268 | OL14032345M | OL10719406W | https://archive.org/download/oneoutsideothers00sullrich/oneoutsideothers00sullrich_djvu.txt |
greeceancientmod00feltiala | Greece, ancient and modern : lectures delivered before the Lowell Institute | Felton, C. C. (Cornelius Conway), 1807-1862 | 1,866 | 1,090 | OL7133371M | OL2513775W | https://archive.org/download/greeceancientmod00feltiala/greeceancientmod00feltiala_djvu.txt |
newenglandtearly00maclrich | Early New England towns; a comparative study of their development .. | MacLear, Anne Bush | 1,908 | 530 | OL7208271M | OL140314W | https://archive.org/download/newenglandtearly00maclrich/newenglandtearly00maclrich_djvu.txt |
lifeoftaipingwan00mackrich | Life of Tai-ping-wang, chief of the Chinese insurrection | Mackie, J. Milton (John Milton), 1813-1894 | 1,857 | 412 | OL7154744M | OL7273030W | https://archive.org/download/lifeoftaipingwan00mackrich/lifeoftaipingwan00mackrich_djvu.txt |
talesfromtokio00browiala | Tales from Tokio .. | Brownell, Clarence Ludlow, 1864-1927 | 1,900 | 260 | OL7031089M | OL221041W | https://archive.org/download/talesfromtokio00browiala/talesfromtokio00browiala_djvu.txt |
newzealandpastpr00bull | New Zealand: past and present | Buller, James, 1812-1884 | 1,880 | 244 | OL6948266M | OL7844288W | https://archive.org/download/newzealandpastpr00bull/newzealandpastpr00bull_djvu.txt |
ollapodridaperio00monriala | The Olla podrida, a periodical work, complete in forty-four numbers.. | Monro, Thomas, 1764-1815 | 1,788 | 458 | OL7090794M | OL16768641W | https://archive.org/download/ollapodridaperio00monriala/ollapodridaperio00monriala_djvu.txt |
storyofbaby00turniala | The story of a baby | Turner, Ethel, 1872-1958 | 1,896 | 184 | OL7211551M | OL16333173W | https://archive.org/download/storyofbaby00turniala/storyofbaby00turniala_djvu.txt |
successwithsmall00roeeiala | Success with small fruits | Roe, Edward Payson, 1838-1888 | 1,881 | 396 | OL7076467M | OL1491820W | https://archive.org/download/successwithsmall00roeeiala/successwithsmall00roeeiala_djvu.txt |
olivercromwell00harr | Oliver Cromwell | Harrison, Frederic, 1831-1923 | 1,888 | 252 | OL22888470M | OL61497W | https://archive.org/download/olivercromwell00harr/olivercromwell00harr_djvu.txt |
memoirsoflifewri00irviiala | Memoirs of the life and writings of George Buchanan | Irving, David, 1778-1860 | 1,807 | 366 | OL7138013M | OL6913411W | https://archive.org/download/memoirsoflifewri00irviiala/memoirsoflifewri00irviiala_djvu.txt |
oldwhalingdays00barrrich | Old whaling days | Barron, William | 1,895 | 234 | OL7058501M | OL2791527W | https://archive.org/download/oldwhalingdays00barrrich/oldwhalingdays00barrrich_djvu.txt |
manofmarkanovel00hope | A man of mark. [A novel] | Hope, Anthony, 1863-1933 | 1,895 | 314 | OL7121381M | OL464287W | https://archive.org/download/manofmarkanovel00hope/manofmarkanovel00hope_djvu.txt |
privatechapterof00bailrich | A private chapter of the war (1861-5) | Bailey, George W., b. 1841 | 1,880 | 302 | OL7038609M | OL7600846W | https://archive.org/download/privatechapterof00bailrich/privatechapterof00bailrich_djvu.txt |
twoessaysuponmat00galtrich | Two essays upon Matthew Arnold with some of his letters to the author | Galton, Arthur Howard, 1852-1921 | 1,897 | 140 | OL7085377M | OL107746W | https://archive.org/download/twoessaysuponmat00galtrich/twoessaysuponmat00galtrich_djvu.txt |
pedagogicalideal00bennrich | Pedagogical ideals as portrayed by leading, living educators. Being a compilation of the best thoughts of many of the leading educators of the day upon living educational issues and actual school-room life | Bennett, Jasper | 1,888 | 196 | OL7111897M | OL7886933W | https://archive.org/download/pedagogicalideal00bennrich/pedagogicalideal00bennrich_djvu.txt |
physicalgeogb00ramsrich | The physical geology and geography of Great Britain : six lectures to working men delivered in the Royal School of Mines in 1863 | Ramsay, Andrew Crombie, Sir, 1814-1891 | 1,864 | 226 | OL7209903M | OL7593678W | https://archive.org/download/physicalgeogb00ramsrich/physicalgeogb00ramsrich_djvu.txt |
philosophyofrhet00camp | The philosophy of rhetoric | Campbell, George, 1719-1796 | 1,854 | 452 | OL14034260M | OL4124149W | https://archive.org/download/philosophyofrhet00camp/philosophyofrhet00camp_djvu.txt |
poemsmackenzie00mack | Poems | MacKenzie, William Andrew, 1870- | 1,893 | 68 | OL7229054M | OL7902467W | https://archive.org/download/poemsmackenzie00mack/poemsmackenzie00mack_djvu.txt |
circularrelating00unitrich | Circular relating to enrollments in and transfers to the Fleet Naval Reserve, United States Naval Reserve Force | United States. Bureau of Naval Personnel | 1,916 | 28 | OL7214945M | OL438711W | https://archive.org/download/circularrelating00unitrich/circularrelating00unitrich_djvu.txt |
evolutionofhorti00sladrich | The evolution of horticulture in New England | Slade, Daniel Denison, 1823-1896 | 1,895 | 200 | OL7051477M | OL7712318W | https://archive.org/download/evolutionofhorti00sladrich/evolutionofhorti00sladrich_djvu.txt |
ladybirdtale01full | Lady-bird. A tale | Fullerton, Georgiana, Lady, 1812-1885 | 1,852 | 320 | OL22884409M | OL6879691W | https://archive.org/download/ladybirdtale01full/ladybirdtale01full_djvu.txt |
descriptionofwoo00eame | Description of a wood engraving illustrating the South American Indians | Eames, Wilberforce, 1855-1937 | 1,922 | 24 | OL14003522M | OL7139306W | https://archive.org/download/descriptionofwoo00eame/descriptionofwoo00eame_djvu.txt |
furtradeofameric00lautiala | The fur trade of America | Laut, Agnes C. (Agnes Christina), 1871-1936 | 1,921 | 406 | OL7023645M | OL3121024W | https://archive.org/download/furtradeofameric00lautiala/furtradeofameric00lautiala_djvu.txt |
humesmollettscel00humerich | Hume and Smollett's celebrated history of England, from its first settlement to the year 1760 | Hume, David, 1711-1776; Smollett, Tobias George, 1721-1771; Robinson, John, 1774-1840 | 1,827 | 550 | OL7245135M | OL93518W | https://archive.org/download/humesmollettscel00humerich/humesmollettscel00humerich_djvu.txt |
cornproductionac00blac | Corn production act, 1917 with explanatory memorandum | Black, C. Crofton (Charles Crofton); Great Britain. Laws, statutes, etc | 1,917 | 92 | OL23291200M | OL13789035W | https://archive.org/download/cornproductionac00blac/cornproductionac00blac_djvu.txt |
harrylucyconclud01edgeiala | Harry and Lucy concluded; Being the last part of early lessons | Edgeworth, Maria, 1767-1849; Edgeworth, Richard Lovell, 1744-1817 | 1,825 | 662 | OL7021765M | OL1124017W | https://archive.org/download/harrylucyconclud01edgeiala/harrylucyconclud01edgeiala_djvu.txt |
greatpiratestori00fren | Great pirate stories | French, Joseph Lewis, 1858-1936 | 1,922 | 664 | OL23302213M | OL6729480W | https://archive.org/download/greatpiratestori00fren/greatpiratestori00fren_djvu.txt |
johnshermansaid00bronrich | John Sherman; what he has said and done, being a history of the life and public services of the Hon. John Sherman, secretary of the Treasury of the United States | Bronson, Sherlock A., 1807-1890 | 1,880 | 292 | OL7049220M | OL243906W | https://archive.org/download/johnshermansaid00bronrich/johnshermansaid00bronrich_djvu.txt |
buddhismimmortal00bigerich | Buddhism and immortality | Bigelow, William Sturgis, 1850-1926 | 1,908 | 102 | OL7077293M | OL237993W | https://archive.org/download/buddhismimmortal00bigerich/buddhismimmortal00bigerich_djvu.txt |
inclayinbronzest00macniala | In clay and in bronze : a study in personality | MacNamara, Brinsley, 1890-1963 | 1,920 | 286 | OL7116359M | OL3232160W | https://archive.org/download/inclayinbronzest00macniala/inclayinbronzest00macniala_djvu.txt |
howprintsaremade00curtrich | How prints are made | Curtis, Atherton | 1,902 | 38 | OL7243018M | OL1436719W | https://archive.org/download/howprintsaremade00curtrich/howprintsaremade00curtrich_djvu.txt |
farmingirrigatio00wilcrich | Irrigation farming; a handbook for the proper application of water in the production of crops | Wilcox, Lucius Merle, b. 1858 | 1,902 | 526 | OL7217893M | OL7725405W | https://archive.org/download/farmingirrigatio00wilcrich/farmingirrigatio00wilcrich_djvu.txt |
electriclighting00dumorich | Electric lighting [microform] | Du Moncel, Th., comte, 1821-1884; Routledge, Robert | 1,882 | 346 | OL7218077M | OL5227183W | https://archive.org/download/electriclighting00dumorich/electriclighting00dumorich_djvu.txt |
starofgoldandoth00parsiala | The star of gold, and other poems | Parslow, Eva Ashley | 1,921 | 86 | OL7132501M | OL211300W | https://archive.org/download/starofgoldandoth00parsiala/starofgoldandoth00parsiala_djvu.txt |
evolutionofrelig01cairiala | The evolution of religion; the Gifford lectures delivered before the University of St. Andrews in sessions 1890-91 and 1891-92. | Caird, Edward, 1835-1908 | 1,899 | 428 | OL7052533M | OL7134724W | https://archive.org/download/evolutionofrelig01cairiala/evolutionofrelig01cairiala_djvu.txt |
goodlyfellowship00schaiala | The goodly fellowship | Schauffler, Rachel Capen | 1,912 | 362 | OL7197108M | OL7723653W | https://archive.org/download/goodlyfellowship00schaiala/goodlyfellowship00schaiala_djvu.txt |
descriptiveminer00kraurich | Descriptive mineralogy, with especial reference to the occurrences and uses of minerals | Kraus, Edward Henry, 1875- | 1,911 | 646 | OL7021916M | OL189264W | https://archive.org/download/descriptiveminer00kraurich/descriptiveminer00kraurich_djvu.txt |
adventuresonmosq00squirich | Adventures on the Mosquito shore | Squier, E. G. (Ephraim George), 1821-1888 | 1,890 | 384 | OL7143210M | OL1616923W | https://archive.org/download/adventuresonmosq00squirich/adventuresonmosq00squirich_djvu.txt |
andpippadancesam00haup | And Pippa dances. (a mystical tale of the glass-works, in four acts) | Hauptmann, Gerhart, 1862-1946 | 1,907 | 140 | OL25396976M | OL16731497W | https://archive.org/download/andpippadancesam00haup/andpippadancesam00haup_djvu.txt |
furtherexperimen00dorsiala | Further experiments concerning the production of immunity from hog cholera | Dorset, M. (Marion), 1872-1935; Niles, W. B. (William Benjamin), 1858-; McBryde, C. N. (Charles Neil), b. 1872 | 1,908 | 104 | OL7233602M | OL7905799W | https://archive.org/download/furtherexperimen00dorsiala/furtherexperimen00dorsiala_djvu.txt |
altarofdeadbeast00jameiala | The altar of the dead : The beast in the jungle; The birthplace, and other tales | James, Henry, 1843-1916 | 1,922 | 524 | OL7031437M | OL276451W | https://archive.org/download/altarofdeadbeast00jameiala/altarofdeadbeast00jameiala_djvu.txt |
architecturalhis00smit | The architectural history of Mission San Carlos Borromeo, California | Smith, Frances Rand | 1,921 | 98 | OL22849403M | OL12284182W | https://archive.org/download/architecturalhis00smit/architecturalhis00smit_djvu.txt |
corporatetaxbill00newyrich | Report of the committee on state and municipal taxation of the Chamber of commerce of the state of New York, on the corporation tax bill | New York (State) Chamber of commerce of the state of New York. Committee on state and municipal taxation; Seward, George F. (George Frederick), 1840-1910 | 1,902 | 18 | OL7113293M | OL243952W | https://archive.org/download/corporatetaxbill00newyrich/corporatetaxbill00newyrich_djvu.txt |
glancebackwardat00warriala | A glance backward at fifteen years of missionary life in north India | Warren, Joseph; Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. (Old School). Board of Publication | 1,856 | 268 | OL7188940M | OL7648378W | https://archive.org/download/glancebackwardat00warriala/glancebackwardat00warriala_djvu.txt |
imposterdetected00bradrich | The imposter detected, or, A review of some of the writings of "Peter Porcupine" | Bradford, Samuel Fisher, 1776-1837 | 1,796 | 90 | OL7053966M | OL7876010W | https://archive.org/download/imposterdetected00bradrich/imposterdetected00bradrich_djvu.txt |
transferoflouisiana00nolarich | Official souvenir programme of the transfer of Louisiana from France to the United States. Commemoration by the Louisiana Historical Society at New Orleans, La., December 18th, 19th and 20th, 1903. Historical and statistical data of Louisiana and New Orleans | Louisiana Historical Society; Augustin, James M., 1858- | 1,903 | 54 | OL7183860M | OL7835292W | https://archive.org/download/transferoflouisiana00nolarich/transferoflouisiana00nolarich_djvu.txt |
amongorientals00boulrich | An American among the Orientals | Boulden, James E. P; Making of America Project | 1,855 | 204 | OL7120434M | OL7675309W | https://archive.org/download/amongorientals00boulrich/amongorientals00boulrich_djvu.txt |
amongsioux00poolrich | Among the Sioux of Dakota : eighteen months experience as an Indian agent | Poole, D. C. (Dewitt Clinton), 1828-1917 | 1,881 | 252 | OL7187404M | OL4979282W | https://archive.org/download/amongsioux00poolrich/amongsioux00poolrich_djvu.txt |
adolescent00slauiala | The adolescent | Slaughter, John Willis, b. 1878 | 1,922 | 132 | OL7110232M | OL218686W | https://archive.org/download/adolescent00slauiala/adolescent00slauiala_djvu.txt |
aestheticdancing00rath | Æsthetic dancing | Rath, Emil, 1873-1943 | 1,914 | 156 | OL23269546M | OL7645837W | https://archive.org/download/aestheticdancing00rath/aestheticdancing00rath_djvu.txt |
aesopinrhymewith00tayliala | Aesop in rhyme, with some originals | Taylor, Jefferys, 1792-1853; Aesop | 1,828 | 218 | OL7203160M | OL11879052W | https://archive.org/download/aesopinrhymewith00tayliala/aesopinrhymewith00tayliala_djvu.txt |
taleoffrithiof00tegnrich | The tale of Frithiof | Tegnér, Esaias, 1782-1846; Spalding, H | 1,872 | 224 | OL14044544M | OL1274258W | https://archive.org/download/taleoffrithiof00tegnrich/taleoffrithiof00tegnrich_djvu.txt |
americasisawitor00alecrich | America as I saw it; or, America revisited | Alec-Tweedie, Mrs. (Ethel), d. 1940 | 1,913 | 528 | OL7032228M | OL6022506W | https://archive.org/download/americasisawitor00alecrich/americasisawitor00alecrich_djvu.txt |
annalsofscottish00dick | Annals of Scottish printing from the introduction of the art in 1507 to the beginning of the seventeenth century | Dickson, Robert, 1828-1893; Edmond, J. P. (John Philip), 1850-1906 | 1,890 | 572 | OL23277792M | OL233892W | https://archive.org/download/annalsofscottish00dick/annalsofscottish00dick_djvu.txt |
venusiadotherpoe00cars | The Venusiad, and other poems | Carswell, Douglas | 1,904 | 132 | OL7246058M | OL7907606W | https://archive.org/download/venusiadotherpoe00cars/venusiadotherpoe00cars_djvu.txt |
arsnelupin00jepsiala | Arsène Lupin | Jepson, Edgar, 1863-1938; Leblanc, Maurice, 1864-1941; Croisset, Francis de, 1877-1937 | 1,909 | 406 | OL13994995M | OL2340326W | https://archive.org/download/arsnelupin00jepsiala/arsnelupin00jepsiala_djvu.txt |
artofdebate00shawrich | The art of debate | Shaw, Warren Choate, 1887- | 1,922 | 492 | OL7183823M | OL6565757W | https://archive.org/download/artofdebate00shawrich/artofdebate00shawrich_djvu.txt |
Subsets and Splits