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A systematic literature review on Robotic
Process Automation security
Nishith Gajjara, Keyur Rathodb, and Khushali Janic
aEngineering System and Computing, Graduate Student,
University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
bEngineering System and Computing, Graduate Student,
University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
cEngineering System and Computing, Graduate Student,
University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
September 2022
The technocrat epoch is overflowing with new technologies and with
such cutting-edge facilities accompanies the risks and pitfalls. Robotic
process automation is another innovation that empowers the computeri-
zation of high-volume, manual, repeatable, everyday practice, rule based
and un-motivating human errands. The principal objective of Robotic
Process Automation is to supplant monotonous human errands with a
virtual labor force or a computerized specialist playing out a similar work
as the human laborer used to perform. This permits human laborers to
zero in on troublesome undertakings and critical thinking. Robotic Pro-
cess Automation instruments are viewed as straightforward and strong for
explicit business process computerization. Robotic Process Automation
comprises of an intelligence to decide if a process should occur. It has
the capabilities to analyze the data presented and provide the decision
based on the logic parameters set in place by the developer. Moreover, it
does not demand for system integration, like other forms of automation.
Be that as it may, since the innovation is yet arising, Robotic Process
Automation faces a few difficulties during the execution.
Keywords: Robotic, automation, process, Cyber security, data, Robotic Pro-
cess Automation development, phases, implementation, bot
Software called robotic process automation (RPA) makes it simple to create,
use, and manage software robots that mimic how people interact with comput-
ers and software [1, 2].In other words, Robotic process automation (RPA), an
automation technology that enables organisations to partially or entirely auto-
mate routine processes, is controlled by business logic and structured inputs.
Robotic process automation software robots, often known as ”bots,” can imi-
tate human actions to execute tasks like data entering, transaction processing,
reaction triggering, and interacting with other digital systems. Robotic Process
Automation systems come in a variety of forms, ranging from straightforward
online ”chat bots” that can respond to common questions to massive deploy-
ments of thousands of bots that can automate tasks like credit card processing
and fraud detection [3]. Robotic process automation is a procedure that uses
the artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities to handle the high-
volume data task effectively. Distinct steps are included in Robotic Process
Automation such as discovery, design, development, testing, and production or
In the automation process, each phase has a prevailing impact.
Finding the processes that can be automated is the goal of the discovery phase.
To find the ideal candidate for automation, technical and business feasibility
studies are conducted. The design phase includes creating the various process
steps. Business analysts and solution architects, respectively, draught the pro-
cess design document (PDD) and the solution design document(SDD). Then,
bots based on process design document and Solution Design Document are being
developed by developers. They even run unit tests to ensure that the develop-
ment is proceeding properly during the development stage. The testing team
can now use various test cases to do System Integration Testing (SIT) to test
the BOT, and after it passes, either the testing team or the business team can
undertake User Acceptance Testing (UAT). The code is deployed to the pro-
duction environment once it has undergone testing and received approval from
User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and System Integration Testing (SIT). The de-
ployment phase is entered after the initial runs on the production environment.
Robotic Process Automation uses tools in order to implement task like software
application. It can be stated that Robotic Process Automation is an error-free
and risk-free process which can get more customer satisfaction and Return of
Investment. On the financial and organizational perspective, it provides an
aid in depleting the training cost, labour cost and boosting capabilities along
with saving time. There are distinct sectors where Robotic Process Automation
can work effectively like banking, human resources and Customer Relationship
Management. Regardless of the perks, there are two main risks associated with
Robotic Process Automation such as data leakage and fraud. Lacking in ade-
quate security measures, the sensitive data that Robotic Process Automation
bot credentials or customer data that Robotic Process Automation handles, can
be exposed to attackers. To mitigate the security failures in Robotic Process
Automation projects, security and risk management leaders need to follow a
four-step action plan which consists of ensuring accountability for bot actions,
avoiding abuse and fraud, protecting log integrity and enabling secure Robotic
Process Automation development [4, 5, 6] .
1.1 Prior Research
To our knowledge, relatively few Systematic Literature Reviews have been con-
ducted specifically on the use of block chain to address the issue of cyber security
(SLRs) [7]. In the area of robotic process automation in cyber security, one of
the most current survey study was completed by [8] Robotic Process Automa-
tion cannot yet completely substitute human labour. Automation is limited
to straightforward, predictable tasks. Whenever a specific situation arises for
which the rule set does not provide an appropriate answer. Escalation to a hu-
man supervisor is possible thanks to robots. This is particularly true in modern
application situations where even expected activities suddenly less predictable
as a result of the massive amounts of data and events generated in these circum-
stances that could impact how they are implemented. Another study conducted
for in-depth research on Robotic Process Automation is displayed in the book
[9] Instead of using robots to perform human jobs, robotic process automation
uses software. Robotic Process Automation has recently gained popularity be-
cause it can automate repetitive and high-volume processes in order to reduce
manual effort and errors and increase productivity. That is to say. By lower-
ing errors, unsettling behaviour, conserving resources, and balancing variance,
Robotic Process Automation promotes higher operational efficiency. This idea
is adaptable and flexible. It facilitates seamless integration with already-in-place
procedures and aids in lowering costs, maintaining quality, accelerating delivery
times, and improving customer satisfaction. Robotic Process Automation, as it
is used in practise, enables bots, or specifically created software programmes,
to take over various complex processes and effectively carry out activities that
are typically performed by humans. These include inventory and supply chain
management, operational tasks, procure-to-pay processing, and data extraction
and management. However, just like any other technology, Robotic Process
Automation has security problems and obstacles, some of which are shown in
Figure 1. In order to ensure that there is no wrongdoing that could result in er-
rors and harm, robots, or bots, must be constantly monitored at multiple levels.
In addition, risk rises as the number of variables increases. Bots give malicious
actors another attack vector when they are integrated into the system. This
stands out in terms of data privacy, or the improper use of data. Cyber crimi-
nals can, for example, use malicious software to gain unauthorised access to bot
systems in order to steal sensitive user data and information. Additionally, since
bots work quickly, they might be able to continue processing data in the event
of a breach with a delayed response, even though they shouldn’t. It may result
in erroneous and faulty data. Although intelligent, bots are not infallible. Since
they are not designed for intent identification, it may be difficult to identify a
security compromise. The usage of Robotic Process Automation frameworks
may expose enterprises to new kinds of online vulnerabilities. If Robotic Pro-
cess Automation is not in compliance with regulations provided by regulatory
organisations, their inclusion into operational and corporate activities may re-
sult in penalties. This cost of non-compliance results from the system being
more complex.
1.2 Research Goals
This study’s objectives are to review prior research, summarise its conclusions,
and concentrate on robotic process automation for Cyber security.
1.3 Contributions and Layout
In order to advance the work of people with an interest in robotic process
automation and cyber security, this SLR complements existing research and
offers the following additions:
• Up until mid-2022, we identified 35 primary research publications and
documents connected to robotic process automation. This SLR may be
cited by other researchers to further their work.
• We narrowed down these 35 research papers that were chosen to 23 that
perfectly matches this SLR. These articles can be consulted for advice on
any inference.
• These 23 research articles and materials served as the basis for a thorough
examination that led to the thoughts, deductions, and conclusions we
reached on the subject of robotic process automation in cyber security.
• By adhering to these documents, we suggest developing a standard to offer
assistance in any research projects including robotic process automation
in cyber security.
Table 1: Research Questions
Research Questions (RQ)
RQ(1) What are the drawbacks of
using Robotic Process Automation
in cyber security?
RQ(2) What can be considered as
some of the best Robotic Process
Automation practices to mitigate
the risk in cyber security
RQ(3) What can be the best use
of the Robotic Process Automation
tools in cyber-security
Data theft, inadvertent use of priv-
ileged access, and denial-of-service
are recurrent and enhancing Robotic
Process Automation growth restric-
tions that place enterprises at seri-
ous risk.[10]
Segregation of tasks is the primary
security best practise. Digital iden-
tity and access is the second best
practise for security. Data encryp-
tion is third on the list of security
best practises. A further security
best practise is to create policies for
data classification, data retention,
data storage, and data location.[11]
Through the use of robotic process
automation tools, firms can save
spending hours each day on tiresome
chores by automating repetitive pro-
cesses. Custom scripts that auto-
mate these operations can also be
written using the Robotic Process
Automation technologies.[12]
The format of this article is as follows: The techniques used to choose the pri-
mary studies for analysis in a methodical manner are described in Section 2.
The results of all the primary research chosen are presented in Section 3.Sec-
tion 4 addresses the conclusions in relation to the earlier-presented study ques-
tions.Section 5 wraps up the study and makes some recommendations for addi-
tional research.
2 Research Methodology
To accomplish the goal of addressing the exploration questions, we led the Sys-
tematic Literature Review. We looked to travel through the preparation, di-
recting, and detailing periods of the survey in emphasis to consider a careful
assessment of the Systematic Literature Review.
2.1 Selection of Primary Studies
Essential investigations were featured by passing watchwords to the inquiry
office of a specific distribution or web index. The catchphrases were chosen to
advance the rise of examination results that would help with responding to the
exploration questions.
The platform that were used to make the search are:
1. Google Scholar
2. Science Direct
3. SpringerLink
4. Association for Computing Machinery
5. IEEE Xplore digital Library
6. arXiv e-Print Archive
7. Research Gate
8. Social Science Research Network(SSRN) [13] [14].
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Studies to be remembered for this Systematic Literature Review should report
observational discoveries and could be papers on contextual investigations, new
specialized blockchain applications also, and critiques on the improvement of ex-
isting security components through blockchain coordination [15? ]. They should
be peer-checked and written in English. Any outcomes from Google Researcher
will be checked for consistency with these measures as there is an opportunity
for Google Researcher to return lower-grade papers. Just the latest variant of
a review will be remembered for this Systematic Literature Review.The key
inclusion and exclusion are depicted in the Table 2.
Table 2: Inclusion and Exclusion criteria
Papers zeroing in on financial, business
or on the other hand legitimate effects
of Robotic Process Automation security
writings like websites and government
Standards for consideration Rules for avoidance
The paper
should introduce
information con-
nected with the application and
the utilization of Robotic process
Automation security
The paper should contain data
connected with Robotic Pro-
cess Automation security or re-
lated appropriated record ad-
The paper should be a peer-
reviewed surveyed item dis-
tributed in a gathering continu-
ing or journal
No-English paper
2.3 Selection Results
There was a sum of 187 investigations recognized from the underlying watchword
look through the chosen stages. This was diminished to 160 later eliminating
copy studies.
In the wake of really looking at the examinations under the
consideration/rejection rules, the number of papers staying for perusing was
25. The 25 papers were perused in full with the consideration/prohibition rules
being re-applied, and 20 papers remained. Forward and reverse compounding
distinguished an extra 5 and 5 papers separately, giving the last figure for the
number of papers to be remembered for this Systematic Literature Review as
2.4 Quality Assessment
An appraisal of the nature of essential investigations was made concurring with
the direction. This took into consideration an appraisal of the significance of the
papers to the examination questions, with thought to any indications of explo-
ration predisposition and the legitimacy of trial information. Five arbitrarily
chosen papers were exposed to the accompanying quality evaluation cycle to
really take a look at their viability[16]:
Stage-1: Robotic Process Automation. The paper should be centered
around the utilization of Robotic Process Automation or the utilization of
Robotic Process Automation innovation to a particular an issue very much
Stage-2: Context. Enough setting should be accommodated in the exploration
goals and discoveries. This will take into consideration an exact understanding
of the exploration.
Stage-3 Robotic Process Automation application. There should be an
adequate number of subtleties in the study to make a precise show of how the
innovation has been applied to a particular issue.
Stage-4 Security factors. The paper should give clarification to the security
Stage-5 Robotic Process Automation Performance. Surveying the presen-
tation of Robotic Process Automation in the climate for which it is applied will
permit for correlations of various Robotic Process Automation applications.
Stage-6 Data Gathering.
cured, estimated and announced should be given to deciding exactness.
Insights regarding how the information was pro-
2.5 Data Extraction
The information extraction should be applied to all finding that has finished
the quality evaluation assessment that can be seen in the Figure2. Be that as
it may, to check regardless of whether the strategy of information extraction is
appropriate, we applied this cycle to the underlying five discoveries. Once, we
come by the ideal outcome, the information extraction process is applied to all
Context Data: The information about the point and extreme objective of the
Qualitative Data: The records and inductions are given by creators and looked
into by peers.
Quantitative Data:The information gathered in light of any measurements or
any exploratory examinations.
2.6 Data Analysis
To meet the goal of addressing the exploration questions, we incorporated the
information held inside the subjective and quantitative information classes. Fur-
thermore, we directed a meta-examination of those papers that were exposed to
the last information extraction process.
2.6.1 Significant word Counts
To sum up, the normal subjects among the chosen essential investigations, an
examination of watchwords was performed across each of the 22 studies.Table
3 shows the times a few explicit words showed up in the essential examinations
in general. As should be visible in the table, barring the watchwords chosen by
the creator, i.e., ”Robotic Process Automation” and ”security”, the third
catchphrase showing up most often in our dataset is ”Robotic Process
Automation”, later ”Security” and ”Bots”. This shows rising interest in the
reception of Robotic Process Automation with regard to security.
Table 3: Keyword frequencies in Primary Studies
The aforementioned points can be considered as some of the major pitfalls in
the field of Robotic Process Automation in cyber security. Therefore,
prominent solutions can be applied to mitigate the concerned issues which can
in turn provide more secured data and better security. This research paper
will mainly focus on finding the considerable solutions for the proposed
complications that can be a hindrance in securing the data that are really
crucial for the organizations.
3 Findings
Each paper’s ideas and pertinent research have been examined and are provided
in These studies were conducted with an emphasis towards common threats
[18, 19], issues with Robotic Process Automation, and potential fixes that might
be provided using cyber security or other cutting-edge emerging technologies.
Additionally, each document was divided into a distinct category to make
the analysis simpler. For instance, initial research on Robotic Process Automa-
tion security is included under security. Similar to that, a study that focuses
on Robotic Process Automation application falls under the heading of Robotic
Process Automation application. Additionally, the study focuses on employing
various techniques to find a defence against various Robotic Process Automa-
tion attacks. Thus, it is evident that approximately (48%) of the documents
are concerned with the security of robotic process automation. Additionally, for
Robotic Process Automation solutions and Robotic Process Automation devel-
opment, we received (28%) and (32%) respectively.
The provided Table4 shows the statistics related to these discoveries. The
research comprises a study of Robotic Process Automation security, an examina-
tion of the dangers and attacks that affect Robotic Process Automation security,
and any workable conclusions that might help to strengthen security. Studies
that concentrate on the applications of Robotic Process Automation include
information on the need for automation, challenges that can be solved with
Robotic Process Automation, how network security will be boosted by Robotic
Process Automation, and other topics. On the other hand, if cutting-edge and
new technology, like machine learning, can be employed to solve the problem,
it can be handled better.
4 Discussions
Initial keyword searches reveal that there are a considerable number of publi-
cations that are connected to Robotic Process Automation. Robotic Process
Automation technology and truly distributed, decentralised systems have just
recently been invented and are still in their infancy. The chosen main stud-
ies contain a significant proportion of experimental hypotheses or notions with
limited quantitative information and few applications to real-world situations.
The initial discoveries were many, focused on what Robotic Process Automation
is, why Robotic Process Automation is required, and what issues Robotic Pro-
cess Automation can resolve. This was done while searching with the security of
Robotic Process Automation. Due to its ability to accelerate business growth by
eliminating a significant amount of manual and repetitive work, Robotic Process
Automation has recently attracted a lot of interest from both the commercial
and academic worlds. But there are still a lot of difficulties with Robotic Process
Automation implementation right now. The inability to analyse process prior-
ities (40%),absence of risk management tools (28%), insufficient internal staff
skills (24%), and lack of urgency (23%), among others, are issues at the organ-
isational structure level, according to the Global Robotic Process Automation
Survey 2019 study[20], which is represented in Figure 4. Information and data
security (40% of the technical risk), scaling challenges (37%), and choosing an
appropriate development platform (30%). Inappropriate application scenarios
(32%), increased implementation costs (37%), and external legal and regulatory
constraints (30%) are some of the financial and regulatory factors. A further
discussion on these challenges is presented in Figure 5[21].
4.1 RQ1:What are the drawbacks of using Robotic Pro-
cess Automation in cyber security?
It is crucial to emphasise that the purpose of this systematic literature review
is to find solutions to the problems caused by Robotic Process Automation’s
use in cyber security, not to focus on its benefits. Robotic process automa-
tion (RPA) adoption has many implications. However, it also faces a myriad
of challenges, such as cyber threats. Data theft, abuse of privileged access,
and denial-of-service are frequent and developing Robotic Process Automation
growth restrictions that present serious threats to businesses.
Robotic Process Automation carries security vulnerabilities that constitute
careful planning for prevention. Because of the vulnerability of the technology
to cyberattacks, organisations are at risk. It is important for a robotic automa-
tion system to take into account both the business process and the security
concerns because firms are gradually embracing Robotic Process Automation-
based technology as a digital strategy for business development. This will allow
for the implementation of safety measures and checks.
Since Robotic Process Automation credentials are frequently exchanged and
utilised, the first thing that needs to be ensured is that they are not left un-
modified and unprotected. This could expose the system to a future Cyber
attack wherein the passwords are stolen and utilized for malicious reasons[10].
However, in order to maximise their technological investments, business leaders
must also comprehend and evaluate the possible hazards of Robotic Process
Automation. Although Robotic Process Automation can drive innovation and
optimise competitiveness, organisations frequently establish unreasonable goals
and expectations for Robotic Process Automation implementation, or misuse it
for a one-off, isolated area. These factors can lower profitability, damage em-
ployee productivity, and disrupt company workflows. As a result, any Robotic
Process Automation efforts suffer from under-resourcing because Robotic Pro-
cess Automation is unable to live up to its promise of delivering greater value.
Organizations that just use Robotic Process Automation to reduce costs by low-
ering FTE manpower rather than utilising it to innovate and improve how work
is done, lack any strategic goal or end-point design in their Robotic Process Au-
tomation projects. A sound, future-proof target operating model must be put
in place, and the appropriate intelligent process automation tools must be used
to reduce the risk associated with Robotic Process Automation. approach[22].
4.2 RQ2:What can be considered as some of the best
Robotic Process Automation practices to mitigate the
risk in cyber security?
Some Robotic Process Automation security best practices are summarised be-
• Choose Robotic Process Automation carefully.
Robotic Process Automation developers vary greatly from one another.
Information security needs to be taken into account along with functional
specifications when choosing a new Robotic Process Automation tech-
nology. Malicious code or security flaws could be present in a bot with
inadequate coding[17].
• Create a security governance framework for Robotic Process Automation.
Regular risk analyses and audits of Robotic Process Automation process-
ing activities must be part of an Robotic Process Automation governance
structure. Employees in charge of the Robotic Process Automation must
have a comprehensive understanding of their security obligations, which
include restricting access to the environment, logging and tracking activ-
ity, and more[23].
• Avoid using hard-coded access rights.
Robot scripts must replace all hard-coded access permissions with API
calls, with each request linked directly to the required access privileges
kept in a single repository. An additional layer of defence is added, de-
creasing the likelihood of an attack [24].
• Build in-error handling
Automation can be halted by errors like unsuccessful login attempts, miss-
ing directories, or running out of disc space. Automation may also be
slowed down by glitches like a timed-out application, inaccurate data, or
a new screen inside the application. Workflows should include error han-
dling for this reason. An Robotic Process Automation programmer should
programme the automation to manage the exception and respond appro-
priately depending on the type of exception that happens, whether it is
a business or application exception. For instance, the Robotic Process
Automation bot should log the business error and set up the environment
to handle queue item number three if it happens on item number two in
the queue. The bot should bounce back from errors and keep working
through all the transactions[25].
4.3 RQ3:What can be the best use of the Robotic Process
Automation tools in cyber-security?
Based on the features they offer and the feedback from users, the following
manufacturers offer some of the best Robotic Process Automation solutions
available on the market.
• UiPath
With the aim of streamlining, accelerating, and optimising digital trans-
formation for businesses, UiPath is an amazing and user-friendly Robotic
Process Automation platform that enables users to automate their manual
operations fast and efficiently.
By automatically analysing a company’s operations, UiPath can decide
which ones should be automated.
In addition to automating mundane
tasks like data entry, email marketing, and site scraping, it also takes care
of recurring obligations like notice, documentation, and set-up follow-ups.
UiPath provides capabilities like encryption and role-based access control
in addition to automation that is simple to set up. It can also manage
processes of any size or complexity[26].
• Blue Prism
An Robotic Process Automation tool called Blue Prism has the ability
to create a software-powered virtual workforce. This enables businesses
to automate business processes in a flexible and economical way. The
application features a visual designer with drag-and-drop functionality
and is based on the Java programming language. Blue Prism provides a
visual designer that is free of any interference, recorders, or scripts [27].
• Kofax
The workflows are referred to as robots in Kofax Robotic Process Automa-
tion. You are free to explore the applications as you combine them while
building a robot. You can log into programmes, extract data from pages,
fill out forms or search boxes with information, choose options from menus,
and scroll through numerous pages. Additionally, your robot has access
to databases, files, web services, APIs, and other robots. It can export
data from one application and load it into another, altering it as neces-
sary in the process. You can automate Windows and Java programmes
on your network devices with the help of Kofax Robotic Process Automa-
tion’s Desktop Automation feature. Desktop automation replaces manual
operations by invoking a desktop or terminal application [28].
• Pega Robotic Process Automation
Organizations may automate those tiresome, time-consuming manual op-
erations using Pega Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Robotics con-
nects old systems and gets away of tedious manual data entry. By convert-
ing manual processes to digital ones, low-value operations become much
more predictable, allowing workers to concentrate on more strategic re-
sponsibilities. Businesses may use bots that produce dependable outcomes
by using the power of Pega Robotic Process Automation. Using a visual
interface, workflows can be rapidly and effectively drawn out and updated
as your organisation grows [29].
5 Future research directions of Robotic Process
We provide the following research directions for robotic process automation for
cyber security that need additional study based on the findings of this survey
and our observations:
• Integration of additional tools and SPA
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are becoming a part of Robotic
Process Automation. We may anticipate that in the near future, Robotic
Process Automation will support both straightforward judgment-based
automation and the processing of unstructured data. This will assist
Robotic Process Automation in moving past rule-based technology. Robotic
Process Automation will increasingly be integrated with other tools and
technologies as businesses embrace it to automate their activities. To
improve the features and simplify automation, other tools will be incor-
porated with it. Smart Process Automation is the abbreviation. Robotic
Process Automation is currently having some difficulty automating the
process of handling unstructured data. The unstructured data process will
be automated with the aid of SPA, which combines a number of various
technologies like machine learning, AI, and cloud technology[19, 30, 31].
• RPA’s effective evolution
Robotic Process Automation will eventually be able to recognise and en-
hance processes within and across your systems without the need for hu-
man interaction as a result of technological improvements. In other words,
your company will be able to completely get in front of processes rather
than just automate them. Process management and Robotic Process Au-
tomation will soon be used interchangeably. The automation perspec-
tive will be applied to every business function. Leading analysts forecast
that Robotic Process Automation will soon become a common tool for
boosting productivity. The Robotic Process Automation tool’s ability to
work alongside intelligent enterprise automation, a group of integrated
technologies that may include intelligent capture, artificial intelligence,
machine learning, case management, workflow, low-code capabilities, and
cloud-based content services, will be a key differentiator[32? ].
• Boosting security with RPA
Software robots that automate manual tasks can increase productivity, de-
crease errors, increase income, and provide a host of other advantages for
businesses. But the use of Robotic Process Automation in cybersecurity
is one of its most attractive and significant applications. By automat-
ing many of the manual processes that these professionals still utilise,
Robotic Process Automation may have a big positive impact while en-
abling them to contribute their own expertise and insight when it matters
most. Robotic Process Automation may, of course, offer a significant level
of automation to the overall cybersecurity workflow, but it’s also critical to
make sure the Robotic Process Automation platform is safe. The platform
should also work well with other security measures already in place, such
as user authentication and permission systems, to guarantee the security
of any manual activities it automates[? ].
6 Conclusion and Future Work
When implementing RPA, security must be considered; it cannot be added as
a ”bolt-on” feature later. In a summary, meticulous planning should go into
RPA installation. This includes choosing a software vendor or platform that
is well-known and has the security features previously mentioned, as well as
implementing or incorporating your RPA users in corporate governance and
security protocols. Constant oversight to guarantee compliance[33].
By institutionalising crucial security features like identity verification, access
control, data encryption, deployment security, and bot monitoring, one may
leverage critical automation to help any organisation save money and become
more productive while maintaining security[34].
RPA will be crucial in the future for creating a seamless organisational con-
text because it has the ability to lower errors and boost efficiency. Repetitive
jobs will be finished more quickly and efficiently, allowing people to focus on
abilities that are more human-centric, such reasoning, judgement, and emotional
intelligence[35, 2, 36].
7 Declarations of interest
Table 4: Findings and Themes of the primary studies[37]
Application Category
Robotic process automa-
tion bots
Robotic Process Automa-
Robotic Process Automa-
tion Bots.
Robotic Process Automa-
tion Bots.
Artificial Intelligence en-
abled Robotic Process Au-
tomation bots
Robotic Process Automa-
tion bots
Robotic Process Automa-
tion Security.
Robotic Process Automa-
tion and bots
Qualitative and Quantitative Key
Data Reported
Periodic software refreshes are vital for
network protection since they fix up se-
curity openings and programming holes
in web applications and eliminate all
Robotic Process Automation bots can
computerize numerous
related assignments to produce network
safety alarms
With Robotic Process Automation bots
running explicit undertakings, unap-
proved clients are consequently kept
from getting to your association’s del-
icate or confidential information.
From sending delicate data to the
wrong email locations to misconfiguring
resources for taking into account unde-
sirable admittance to erroneously dis-
tributing private information on open
sites, numerous associations have en-
dured in view of carelessness on a piece
of their HR.
Digital danger hunting alludes to the
course of persistently looking and filter-
ing organizations to recognize and de-
tach progressed digital dangers.
Cyber Security examiners
can use
Robotic Process Automation bots to
naturally convey security controls at
whatever point weaknesses or irregular-
ities are distinguished in frameworks.
or wide
risk is
somebody breaks the bot’s certifica-
tions and can utilize the frameworks
the bot approaches as a highlight
Focuses on how a paradigm shift in the
conception of software robots that are
able to operate intelligently and flexibly
in numerous dynamic and knowledge-
intensive situations that are typical
in today’s application scenarios might
tackle the problem of threats in Robotic
process automation.
Table 5: Findings and Themes of the primary studies[37]
Qualitative and Quantitative Key
Data Reported
This article puts forth a multisectoral,
interdisciplinary, local, state, and over-
all government systems strategy that
combines hybrid challenges to its so-
cial, infrastructural, and informational
This study adds to the body of knowl-
edge in the field of intelligent automa-
tion in banking and sheds light on its
development and application.
Robotic Process Automation technol-
ogy are covered in this thesis, along
with a risk analysis and a study of
security best practises.
This essay discusses the history and de-
velopment of robotic process automa-
tion (RPA), as well as the distinc-
tions and areas of expertise of the top
Robotic Process Automation businesses
and the various orchestrator technolo-
gies they employ.
The threat model discussed is intended
on how to evaluate the effectiveness and
security of robotic systems that interact
with other machines while taking into
account threats and vulnerabilities par-
ticular to such systems.
Examined a number of security issues
related to bot automation and offered
a suggestion for how to create a com-
prehensive security framework for the
Robotic Process Automation environ-
The parallel ensemble model for threat
hunting presented in this research is
based on IIoT edge device behaviour
abnormalities. Robotic Process Au-
tomation in IIOT edge device.
Even while Robotic Process Automa-
tion implementation offers significant
quantitative advantages, only a small
number of businesses in each industry
disclosed their quantitative outcomes.
Application Category
Robotic Process Automa-
tion and security
Robotic Process Automa-
tion and banking sector
Robotic Process Automa-
tion and risk analysis
Robotic Process Automa-
tion and business applica-
Robotic Process Automa-
tion and secuirty
Robotic process automa-
tion and framework se-
Robotic Process Automa-
tion in small sector.
Table 6: Findings and Themes of the primary studies[37]
Qualitative and Quantitative Key
Data Reported
Our research results in the creation of a
process model that explains how com-
panies respond to issues between IS se-
curity compliance and digital transfor-
mation by moving from preventive to
The proposed design seeks to have a
favourable effect on the Robotic Pro-
cess Automation in terms of improved
security and decreased latency.
AI and intelligent automation are essen-
tial for businesses wishing to advance
their Robotic Process Automation, and
this article explains how to offer those
This article gives a general summary of
Robotic Process Automation and how
to resolve its difficulties.
In order to maximise their technological
investments, business leaders must also
comprehend and evaluate the possible
hazards of Robotic Process Automation
and this article shows how to perform
the same.
The possible security issues associated
with Robotic Process Automation, go
over secure Robotic Process Automa-
tion best practises, and provide a step-
by-step action plan.
Information about a company’s em-
ployees, clients, and suppliers is acces-
sible to the automation platform.
A list of Robotic Process Automation
programming best practises that should
be followed by developers with energy
and flexibility.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine
learning (ML) are used in robotic pro-
cess automation (RPA) software to
learn and enhance manual procedures
while reducing the workload of human
The application features a visual de-
signer with drag-and-drop functionality
and is based on the Java programming
Application Category
Robotic Process Automa-
tion and IS security
Robotic Process Automa-
tion and its security.
Robotic Process Automa-
tion and its security
Process Automation
of Robotic
hazards of Robotic Pro-
cess Automation
Security Issues of Robotic
Process Automation
Information of Process
Practice of Robotic Pro-
cess Automation
Importance of AI and ML
in Robotic Process Au-
Functionality of Process
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ai_researcher | 8 | MLAgentBench_Evaluating_Language_Agents_on_Machine_Learning_Experimentation.pdf | MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on
Machine Learning Experimentation
Qian Huang 1 Jian Vora 1 Percy Liang 1 Jure Leskovec 1
A central aspect of machine learning research is
experimentation, the process of designing and
running experiments, analyzing the results, and
iterating towards some positive outcome (e.g., im-
proving accuracy). Could agents driven by pow-
erful language models perform machine learn-
ing experimentation effectively? To answer this
question, we introduce MLAgentBench, a suite
of 13 tasks ranging from improving model per-
formance on CIFAR-10 to recent research prob-
lems like BabyLM. For each task, an agent can
perform actions like reading/writing files, execut-
ing code, and inspecting outputs. We then con-
struct an agent that can perform ML experimenta-
tion based on ReAct framework. We benchmark
agents based on Claude v1.0, Claude v2.1, Claude
v3 Opus, GPT-4, GPT-4-turbo, Gemini-Pro, and
Mixtral and find that a Claude v3 Opus agent is
It can build
the best in terms of success rate.
compelling ML models over many tasks in MLA-
gentBench with 37.5% average success rate. Our
agents also display highly interpretable plans and
actions. However, the success rates vary consid-
erably; they span from 100% on well-established
older datasets to as low as 0% on recent Kaggle
challenges created potentially after the underlying
LM was trained. Finally, we identify several key
challenges for LM-based agents such as long-term
planning and reducing hallucination. 2
1. Introduction
Much of the progress in machine learning is driven by ef-
fective experimentation: Given a task (e.g., image classifica-
tion), a researcher develops a method (e.g., choice of model
architecture and learning algorithm), runs an experiment,
and then evaluates the results. Based on the outcome of
1Stanford University. Correspondence to: Qian Huang <qh-
[email protected]>.
2Our code is released at
the experiment (e.g., validation accuracy), they revise their
method to improve performance on the task. This itera-
tive process is challenging, as it requires the researcher to
possess extensive prior knowledge about potential methods,
to produce functional code, and to interpret experimental
results for future improvements.
The complexity and expertise required for successful ma-
chine learning experimentation pose significant barriers to
entry. In light of these challenges, there has been interest in
the possibility of automating aspects of the machine learn-
ing workflow, such as Neural Architecture Search (Elsken
et al., 2019) and AutoML (He et al., 2021). The emergence
of advanced language models, with their ability to under-
stand and generate human-like text, presents an promising
opportunity to further automate ML experimentation end
to end. Can we develop an agent capable of conducting
machine learning experimentation autonomously?
In this paper, we propose MLAgentBench, the first bench-
mark for evaluating agents capable of machine learning
experimentation (Figure 1). MLAgentBench is a general
framework for specifying experimentation tasks with clear
goals and automatically evaluates agents on these tasks.
Concretely, each task is specified with a task description,
a set of starter files (including starter code and data, e.g.,
Kaggle data package), and an evaluator that can assign a
performance metric score to a final submission (such as test
set accuracy of the submitted test set prediction). Given
these, an agent can perform actions like reading/writing
files and executing Python code in a workspace. During the
agent’s interaction with the environment, we collect its in-
teraction trace for evaluation, which is the agent actions and
intermediate snapshots of the workspace (i.e., the set of files
and directories in the working directory). We evaluate the
agent along two aspects: 1) competence in accomplishing
the task, i.e., the fraction of time that the agent was able to
improve the performance metric (e.g., test accuracy) by at
least 10% over the baseline in the starter code; 2) efficiency,
the amount of time and number of tokens LM queries spent
by the agent. While our benchmark is framed in terms of
automation for simplicity, we stress the importance of inter-
pretability for building trust and also providing a hook for
human augmentation: Indeed, a researcher could intervene
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
Figure 1. Overview of MLAgentBench. Each environment in MLAgentBench includes a task description, a set of starter files, and an
evaluator. An agent can read/write files and execute Python code repeatedly, eventually producing a final file (e.g., test predictions in
submission.csv). The agent is evaluated based on the quality of this file. At each time step, the language agent should produce a language
output rt, which contains reflection, research plan and status, etc, and action at, which is then executed by the environment to update state
st, i.e. the set of files in the workspace and produce an observation ot as shown in Table 1.
and edit the workspace or plans of the agent.
MLAgentBench includes 13 ML tasks from diverse domains
ranging in difficulty and recency (Table 2), where the code
execution is relatively inexpensive—on the order of minutes.
For example, one task is to increase the test accuracy of a
baseline Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) model on the
CIFAR-10 dataset (Krizhevsky, 2009) by more than 10%.
Beyond well-established datasets like CIFAR-10, we also
include more recent Kaggle challenges launched between
August 31, 2022 and May 11, 2023 and other research
datasets launched in January 2023 to see whether the agent
can extrapolate to newer datasets potentially unseen during
We then create an agent for ML experimentation inspired by
existing works (Yao et al., 2023; Shinn et al., 2023; Wang
et al., 2023a; aut, 2023; Schick et al., 2023; Park et al.,
2023). At each step, we automatically construct a prompt
that summarizes all known information about the task and
prior actions, and query the LM to produce a step-wise re-
flection (Shinn et al., 2023), a high-level plan (aut, 2023), a
fact-checking section, a reasoning step before action (Yao
et al., 2023), and the next action to take. The actions in-
clude basic actions in the environment as well as compound
actions that involve several basic actions and modular LM
calls, such as understanding a file and editing a file based
on instructions. See more details in Section 2.2.1 and 3.
On MLAgentBench, we benchmark agents based on GPT-4
(0613), GPT-4-turbo (0125),(Nakano et al., 2021; OpenAI,
2023), Claude v1.0, Claude v2.1, Claude v3 Opus (opus-
20240229)(Anthropic, 2023), Gemini Pro (Anil et al., 2023),
and Mixtral (Instruct-v0.1) (Jiang et al., 2024). We find that
our agent performs the best in terms of success rate when
based on Claude v3 Opus with 37.5 % average success
rate. Our agent is able to successfully solve many tasks and
generate highly interpretable research plans along the way,
though there are still many limitations. On well-established
tasks like training a model over the house-price dataset, it
is able to achieve 100% success rate over 8 runs. However,
the agent struggles with Kaggle challenges and BabyLM
(Warstadt et al., 2023), with only a 0–25% success rate. We
then compare results against the adaptation of other existing
agents such as ReAct and AutoGPT and find improvements
upon them. We also identify several key challenges for
LM-based agent designs, e.g. how to effectively plan and re-
plan over long horizons and hallucination about the current
progress, and show how our design handles them quali-
tatively. Overall, our agent demonstrates feasibility and
success with LM-based agents for ML experimentation, but
there is still some ways until they can succeed reliably.
2. MLAgentBench: Benchmarking ML
MLAgentBench introduces a general framework for speci-
fying well-scoped executable tasks and automatically eval-
uating agents on these tasks. The benchmark provides a
modular implementation of the environment and the agent,
and captures the entire interaction trace for evaluation. We
include 13 concrete and diverse machine learning tasks in
Let's see howit does! workspace/ ├── images/ ├── data_description.txt ├── evaluation_details.txt ├── ... └── train.pyImprove the performance of thecurrent model in ... workspace/ ├── images/ ├── data_description.txt ├── evaluation_details.txt ├── ... └── workspace/ ├── images/ ├── data_description.txt ├── evaluation_details.txt ├── ... ├── submission.cav └── train.pyEdit ...python FilesTask DescriptionTask:Increase the learning rate!Test AccuracyEvaluatorEdited! Here is the diff ....Training Log ....otot+1StatSt+1at+1rtrt+1...MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
Action Name
Side Effects
directory (e.g. .)
file name (e.g.
file name, content
file name, content
list of files in the directory
contents of the file
A success or error message
A success or error message
List Files
Read File
Write File
Append File
Copy File
Inspect Script Lines
Undo Edit Script,
Source (e.g.
file name, start line number,
end line number
file name (e.g.
Execute Script
file name (e.g.
Final Answer
Understand File
Edit Script
Edit Script Segment
file name, a query (e.g.
model architecture)
file name, edit instruction (e.g.
change epoch to 20), save file
file name, start line number,
end line number, edit instruc-
tion, save file name
Content written to given file
Content appended to given
Source file copied to destina-
The given file is restored to
before an edit
Any side effect from code ex-
The environment shuts down
Edited file is saved to save
A success or error message
the file content between start
and end line numbers
The content of the file after
Any output from the execu-
retrieved content from the file
relevant to the query
The diff of the edited file
based on the instruction
The diff of the edited file
based on the instruction
Edited file is saved to save
Table 1. Actions in MLAgentBench, where each action has a name, input, output, and side effects. Most of the actions are primitive
actions that include file system operations and python script execution. The last three are compound actions that is composed of multiple
primitive actions and LM calls.
the benchmark. Each task is specified by task description,
starter files, and an evaluator, and instantiated in a gen-
eral environment with a task-independent set of actions and
states. In the subsequent subsections, we describe each
of the key components of MLAgentBench: task specifica-
tion (section 2.1), general environment (section 2.2), and
evaluation (section 2.3).
2.1. Task Specification
Each task is specified by a textual task description, a set of
starter files, and an evaluator.
Starter Files. The starter files include training and testing
data (without test labels), detailed data descriptions, metric
descriptions, and the starter code. The starter code is based
on diverse ML frameworks, including PyTorch (Paszke et al.,
2019), TensorFlow (Abadi et al., 2015), JAX (Bradbury
et al., 2018), Keras (Chollet et al., 2015), etc. The starter
code mostly implements a simple baseline model that we
can compare with during evaluation, but some tasks do
not have any baseline implementation, and the agent is
responsible for coding up the model from scratch from the
task description and dataset files.
Task description.
In MLAgentBench, the task descrip-
tion describes the desired goal, e.g. “Given a training script
on a dataset, improve upon the current model ac-
curacy” (as shown in Figure 1), and how the agent should
submit the final answer for evaluation, e.g. “Save per class
probabilities for test set examples to submission.csv”. The
description could also include constraints like limiting the
model size and training epochs, or occasionally include spe-
cific directions to approach the problem like “by fine-tuning
a pretrained BERT model”.
Evaluator. Each environment has its own evaluator. The
evaluator assigns a raw score to a final submission of the
agent. A typical evaluator, for example, gives the test accu-
racy of the predictions recorded in submission.csv.
2.2. General Environment
Each task in MLAgentBench is instantiated in a task-
agnostic environment. As shown in Figure 1, the agent
operates over a sequence of time steps t = 1, . . . , T . Each
time step is broken into three parts:
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
Task Type
Dataset Name
Node Classification
CIFAR-10 (Krizhevsky, 2009)
imdb (Maas et al., 2011)
ogbn-arxiv (Hu et al., 2020)
Classification accuracy
Classification accuracy
Classification accuracy
house-price (Anna Montoya, 2016)
spaceship-titanic (Howard et al., 2022)
Mean absolute error
Classification accuracy
Time Series
parkinsons-disease (Kirsch et al., 2023)
fathomnet (Woodward et al., 2023)
feedback (Franklin et al., 2022)
identify-contrails (Sarna et al., 2023)
Node Regression
Language Modeling
Improve speed
Improve speed
CLRS (Velivckovi’c et al., 2022)
BabyLM (Warstadt et al., 2023)
SMAPE score
Dice coefficient
Mean square error
Wall Clock Time
Wall Clock Time
Table 2. 13 MLAgentBench tasks. For each task, we show its task category, task type, modality and evaluator metric.
1. Act: The agent takes its memory mt (see 3 for an
example) and current workspace st−1 and produces a
rationale rt (e.g., reflecting on previous actions and
observations) and action at (e.g., read a file).
rt, at = Agent(st−1, mt−1).
Understand File. This action takes a file name and a
short query as input e.g. what is the model architecture,
reads the file, and calls an LM to summarize it based on the
short query. It then returns the retrieved and summarized
information with detailed references to line numbers.
2. Execution: The environment then executes the action
at on workspace st−1 to produce updated workspace
st and returns observation ot (See 2.2.1), based on
descriptions in section 2.2.1:
st, ot = Env(st−1, at).
Edit Script. This action takes a file name, a string of edit
instruction, e.g. change learning rate to 1e-3, and a save file
name as inputs. It first reads the file, calls an LM to perform
an edit of a file given a short edit instruction from the main
agent, then writes the modified version to the file with the
given file name.
3. Update: Finally, agent updates its memory mt−1
based on its action at, its rationale rt, and observa-
tion ot:
mt = Update(mt−1, at, rt, ot).
The agent can take a variable number of actions many times
until it decides to submit the final answer, or the environment
shuts down itself due to exceeding a maximum number of
actions or maximum time.
2.2.1. ACTIONS
As listed in table 1, actions that are available in the envi-
ronment include file system operations (read, write, append,
copy, edit, undo edit), execution of any arbitrary Python
script, and a final answer declaration action. Beyond these,
we also manually designed a few commonly useful com-
pound actions that perform several basic environment ac-
tions and separate modular LM calls together:
Edit Script Segment. Similar to Edit Script, but
also takes start and end line numbers as inputs and only
edits the segment in between. This is particularly helpful
when the task involves manipulating a large codebase (i.e.
CLRS and BabyLM).
Each action is specified with a name, description, usage,
return value description, and a Python implementation. See
Table 1 for complete descriptions.
2.3. Evaluation
After the agent submits the result or the environment shuts
down, all actions a1, ..., aT , responses r1, ..., rT , observa-
tions o1, ..., oT , and snapshots of the workspace s1, ..., sT
after each action is executed are recorded as an interaction
trace. Given the interaction traces collected, we then evalu-
ate the agent from three aspects:
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
Figure 2. Overview of our LM-based agent. On the left we show the prompt and context of LM pt at each step, which includes past three
steps of observations. On the upper right, we show the agent’s response to the prompt rt and action at. On the lower right, the code
execution results are returned as observations ot to the agent. Next step, this observation is incorporated into the prompt as the past history,
and then the cycle repeats. Note that in this example, the agent starts with a baseline and is now trying to execute this baseline.
Competence in accomplishing the objectives. We run
the evaluator to obtain a single performance metric based on
the final snapshot of the working directory. Then we define
success as whether the performance metric is improved over
baseline in the starter code by 10%. We then compute aggre-
gated metrics over the performence metric of multiple runs
such as success rate and the average amount of improvement
of the performance metric.
Efficiency. We evaluate efficiency in terms of the total
amount of wall clock time spent and the total number of
input and output tokens consumed by the agent.
2.4. Tasks
MLAgentBench includes 13 tasks from diverse domains
including text, image, time series, graphs, and tabular data
as shown in Table 2. Our tasks include both well-studied
datasets like CIFAR-10 and open challenges like Parkin-
son’s disease progression prediction from Kaggle, which is
released after the language model (e.g. GPT-4) pre-training
that therefore has not been pretrained on . The tasks are
chosen such that they range in various difficulties and re-
cency. In this way, we test the generalizability of the agent
and mitigate data contamination. They are divided to the
following categories:
Canonical Tasks. We included CIFAR-10 (image classifi-
cation) (Krizhevsky, 2009), imdb (sentiment classification)
(Maas et al., 2011), and ogbn-arxiv (paper category classifi-
cation over citation network) (Hu et al., 2020) as canonical
tasks that are well-studied and easy to iterate on. For CIFAR-
10 and ogbn-arxiv, the task was to improve a baseline model,
but for imdb, the agent was expected to write the model from
scratch which involved finetuning a BERT model as men-
tioned in the task description.
Classic Kaggle. House-price (Anna Montoya, 2016) and
spaceship-titanic (Howard et al., 2022) are two introductory
Kaggle challenges for tabular regression and classification.
These tasks mainly involve feature engineering, writing, and
training models from scratch (no baselines provided), and
properly following the Kaggle submission format.
Kaggle Challenges. We select four recent open Kaggle
Challenges launched between August 31, 2022 and May 11,
2023 to test agents’ ability to generalize to more realistic
and out-of-distribution tasks.
You are a helpful research assistant. You have access to the following tools: - List Files: Use this to navigate the file system. ...Task Description: Given a training script on a dataset, improve upon the current model performance...Always respond in this format exactly:Reflection: What does the observation mean? If there is an error, what caused the error and how to debug?Research Plan and Status: ...Fact Check: ...Thought: What you are currently doing, what actions to perform and whyAction: the action to take, should be one of the names of the toolsAction Input: the input to the action as a valid JSON stringHere are the exact several steps you have done most recently (up to 3 steps): Assistant:Reflection: ... Research Plan and Status: ... Fact Check: ... Thought: ...rt-3Action: Inspect Script Lines Action Input: { "dir_path" : "." }at-3Observation:```data/```Assistant:Reflection: ... Research Plan and Status: ... Fact Check: ... Thought: ... rt-2Action: Inspect Script Lines Action Input: ... at-2`Observation:```Here are the lines (the file ends at line 106):ot-2...```Assistant:Reflection: ... Research Plan and Status: ... Fact Check: ... Thought: ... rt-1Action: Edit Script Action Input: ... at-1Observation:```The edited file is saved to ... Here is the diff ot-1...```Reflection: The edit to increase learning rate to0.3 in is correct.Research Plan and Status: 1. Understand the script anddataset... rtFact Check: Edit to is confirmedcorrect. Thought: Next I will execute the scriptAction: Execute Script atAction Input: { "script_name": ""}.[1, 100] loss: 2.074 ot[1, 200] loss: 1.728[1, 300] loss: 1.609Epoch [1/5], Train Accuracy: 44.17%, Test Accuracy:43.71%[2, 100] loss: 1.491[2, 200] loss: 1.482[2, 300] loss: 1.484Epoch [2/5], Train Accuracy: 49.93%, Test Accuracy:48.41%...LMAgent's Historical traceResponse (Next Step)ActionExecutionObservationPrompt ptMLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
Recent Research. We include CLRS (Velivckovi’c et al.,
2022) and BabyLM (Warstadt et al., 2023) as two datasets
that are actively being researched and do not yet have a con-
sensus on the best approaches. CLRS involves predicting the
output of classic algorithms over graphs and lists. BabyLM
requires training a language model over 10M words.
Code Improvement. We include llama-inference and vec-
torization as two datasets where the goal is to improve the
runtime of code instead of optimizing its prediction perfor-
mance. llama-inference is about improving the autoregres-
sive generation speed of the LLaMA 7B model (Touvron
et al., 2023), and vectorization is about speeding up the
inference of a convolutional model with stacks of for loops
in the forward pass.
More details on the benchmark tasks can be found in Ap-
pendix B.
Check double-checks whether a statement in Research
Plan and Status has been confirmed or hallucinated;
Thought is an entry for thought about what action to take
similar to ReAct (Yao et al., 2023).
the Research Plan and Status en-
tries produced by our agent at each step are highly detailed
and interpretable, so it is both useful for guiding the agent
through the exploration process and for human understand-
It essentially enumerates the steps agent will take.
The Fact Check entry allows the agent to double-check
whether the update to Research Plan and Status
is factual. One common failure mode during our prelimi-
ary experiments is that the model hallucinates improvement
after modifying the file without ever executing it. For exam-
ple, with the Fact Check entry, it will show the model
that the performance of the updated model is still unknown.
We discuss these entries more in Appendix D.1 and D.2.
3. Our LM-based Agent
4. Experiments
To tackle MLAgentBench, we design an LM-based agent
as shown in Figure 2. At a high level, we prompt
the LM to provide the next step action and action ar-
guments at in a JSON format. The prompt pt starts
with a description of all the actions available, the task
description, a template to instruct the LM to produce
text in parsable format, and the last 3 steps taken in-
cluding rt−3, at−3, ot−3, rt−2, at−2, ot−2, rt−1, at−1, ot−1
(see Appendix F for a full example of what prompt the
agent sees at each interaction step). Formally, our agent
implements equation 1:
rt, at = Agent(st−1, mt−1)
where mt = (o<t, r<t). At each time step, the agent con-
structs prompt pt and queries LM to get rt, at = LM (pt),
where at is parsed from part of LLM response rt as detailed
3.1. Thinking before Acting
The most important component of our agent is specifying
the response format, i.e., “Please respond in this format ex-
actly:...” (see Figure 2), so that the LM can first generate plan
and thought before proposing an action. Specifically, we
ask the LM to generate the rationale rt before the action at,
where the thought consists of a Reflection, Research
Plan and Status, Fact Check, Thought, and
then Action and Action Input.
As shown in Figure 2, Reflection is an entry for re-
flecting about the previous step as inspired by Reflexion
(Shinn et al., 2023); Research Plan and Status is
an entry for current planning and status designed to produce
better planning and keep track of what has been done; Fact
We evaluate our designed agent with GPT-4 (0613), GPT-
4-turbo (0125),(OpenAI, 2023), Claude v1.0, Claude v2.1,
Claude v3 Opus (opus-20240229)(Anthropic, 2023), Gem-
ini Pro (Anil et al., 2023), and Mixtral (Instruct-v0.1) (Jiang
et al., 2024) on MLAgentBench. We also benchmark the
adaptation of several existing generative agents: 1) Auto-
GPT, a popular open-source project for general-purpose
autonomous AI agents (aut, 2023) which has much more
complicated tools such as Google search, and 2) LangChain,
another popular framework that implements various gen-
erative agents. Here we use “zero-shot-react-description”
which implements ReAct (Yao et al., 2023) too similar to
our agent, but just does not have research status and plan
and fact checking entries. We evaluated GPT-4-turbo and
Claude v3 Opus for both agents.
We conduct 8 runs for all agents. For most runs, we allow a
maximum of 50 actions in the environment and a maximum
time of 5 hours, whereas for GPT-4 runs we only allow 30
actions due to the cost associated with GPT-4 API calls.
4.1. Competence in Accomplishing The Objectives
As shown in Tables 3 and 4, the Claude v3 Opus agent
achieves the best results over most tasks and a far better
average success rate of 37.5 %, but with varying degrees of
success from 100% over house-price to 0% over BabyLM.
We also see a general positive progression of performance
across different generations of models in the same family.
However, GPT-4 obtains a much higher average improve-
ment in performance metric, which means it is improving
the performance metric more positively overall than Claude
v3 Opus. Note that the simple averaging may exaggerate
how much better GPT-4 is than Claude v3, since the gain
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
v3 Opus
Table 3. For each task and LM, we show the success rate, the percentage over 8 trials where the LM-based agent achieves an 10%
improvement on the performance metric over the baseline in the starter code.
in Appendix F. Several example actions trace on CIFAR-
10 are shown in Figure 4. As shown in the example, our
agent generally follows the cycle of making/revising plans,
editing scripts, performing experiments, interpreting results,
etc. We also show a plot of average performance metric
across different time steps, i.e. we evaluate not only the last
step but all intermediate steps. As shown in figure 3, the
agent can sometimes regress in performance as step goes
later on and generally running longer steps tends to degrade
the performance metric except for Claude v3 Opus. We
show more analysis in Appendix C.
To more carefully evaluate the reasoning and research pro-
cess of the agent, we analyze the traces of all runs for
CIFAR-10 and categorize them as shown in Figure 5:
1. Hallucination, where the agent claims to know some-
thing or fabricates some results such as claiming per-
formance increase without even executing any edits in
the training script.
2. Bad Plan, where the agent fails to make a correct
plan that brings direct progress (such as dropping some
features of the data before finding the utility of those in
predicting that target). Most of these bad plans occur
in the initial steps and recovery is difficult thereafter.
3. Response Format Error, where the agent produces
invalid JSON and cannot be parsed with our best effort.
4. Submission Format Error, where the agent changes
the submission.csv format incorrectly that our evalua-
tor cannot recognize, even if the predictions are good.
Figure 3. At each time step on the x-axis, we evaluate performance
metric based on the workspace and take average across all runs to
obtain the test accuracy shown. We can see that running longer
generally degrades the performance except for Claude v3 Opus.
is mainly dominated by the high improvement on identify-
Comparing our proposed agent with existing baseline agents
based on GPT-4-turbo and Claude v3 Opus, our agent
achieves a higher success rate on average, as shown in table
5. We note that LangChain with Claude v3 is very compet-
itive to our method, partially because it is simpler so that
the agent does not attempt to change the submission format
4.2. Research Process
We show a full example of agent responses on CIFAR-10
to demonstrate what our agent actually does qualitatively
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
v3 Opus
Table 4. For each task and each agent, we show the average percentage improvement of the performance metric over the baseline in starter
code among the runs that made a valid submission at the last step. If the improvement is beyond 10% we count it as success in Table 3.
for the tasks that don’t have a baseline, how do you compute improvement? technically any non-zero improvement is infinite percent
5. Small Improvement, where the agent successfully
makes minor improvement but it does not reach 10%.
becomes $231, making reliability important for the usability
of the agents.
Note that the GPT-4 based agent is more prone to hallu-
cinations and poor planning compared to the Claude v3
Opus based agent. We show a more detailed qualitative
analysis in Appendix D, which demonstrates the benefits of
Research Plan and Status entries for long-term
interpretable planning and Fact Check entries against
4.3. Efficiency
We compare the average number of tokens and time spent
by each agent for all tasks in Figure 6. We also break down
the tokens and time spent for each task in Figure 8 and
9 in the Appendix. On average, the GPT-4-turbo based
agent is the most efficient, spending 51.0% fewer tokens
than an average agent due to its efficiency in finishing the
task and submitting early, while having a high success rate.
On the other hand, the best Claude v3 Opus model spends
nearly the most tokens and wall clock time, potentially due
to the slower API and longer time spent on running ML
experiments. Overall, gpt-4 family models have improved
performance to tokens ratio trend, while Claude models
generally improve performance at the cost of more tokens.
Converting with the current API prices, each run on each
task only costs a few dollars. In total, running the entire
benchmark with GPT-4-turbo once took 6 million tokens,
which is around 60 dollars. However, with the low average
success rate of 26%, the expected cost to accomplish a task
5. Related Work
5.1. Language Agents
This combination of strong prior knowledge and action/reac-
tion abilities of LMs gives rise to explorations of developing
various LM-based agents, such as generative agents for sim-
ulating interactions between humans (Park et al., 2023),
Voyager for playing Minecraft (Wang et al., 2023a), Say-
Can for physical robotics (Ahn et al., 2022), as well as
open source projects like AutoGPT (aut, 2023) for every-
thing and commercial product like Adept. However, it is
hard to evaluate the performance and reliability of these
agents, especially over a long horizon of complex interac-
tions. Moreover, such under-studied experimental agents
can become increasingly dangerous when allowed to inter-
act directly with personal data, the internet, or even bank
accounts and military devices.
There are several concurrent works that also benchmark
agent abilities in different aspects: AgentBench (Liu et al.,
2024) benchmarks large language models with fixed sim-
ple agents in diverse environment; WebArena (Zhou et al.,
2023) benchmarks agents in web interactions; ARA (Kinni-
ment et al., 2023) evaluates agents on realistic high stakes
scenarios. From this general benchmarking perspective, our
MLAgentBench offers a testbed for agents with the desired
combination of containability, complexity, evaluability, and
practical usefulness.
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
Figure 5. Percentage of runs over CIFAR-10 task that falls into
different error modes.
Figure 4. Example agent traces on CIFAR-10. As shown on the
left, agents mostly alternate between editing and executing training
script when performing good planing; sometimes, it strays off to
random actions when having a bad plan as shown on the right.
5.2. Language Models for AutoML
Several concurrent works have explored using LMs for Au-
toML type of tasks: AutoML-GPT (Zhang et al., 2023c)
repeatedly prompts LMs with data and model cards and
predicts training logs to perform efficient hyperparameter
tuning; MLcopilot (Zhang et al., 2023a) prompts LMs with
past experiences and knowledge to predict one final cate-
gorized hyperparameter setting (e.g. low or high weight
decay). In contrast, our work focuses on benchmarking
and developing agents that can perform very open-ended
decisions by interacting with the file system and executing
code with full flexibility.
Figure 6. Comparing different agents in terms of efficiency, i.e. the
number of tokens spent (on x axis and the smaller the better) and
success rate (on y axis and the higher the better).
functional genomics hypotheses about the yeast Saccha-
romyces cerevisiae and experimentally test these hypotheses
by using laboratory automation (King et al., 2009; 2004).
Nevertheless, these existing systems are highly tailored to
process specific types of data for designated tasks and do-
mains. Our work aims to help push toward the ultimate goal
of a general and versatile research assistant agent that can
perform open-ended decision-making.
5.3. AI for Automating Scientific Discovery
6. Conclusion
Numerous research endeavors seek to enhance the pace
of manual observations and experiments through auto-
mated ML predictions (Berens et al., 2023; Zhang et al.,
2023b; Jumper et al., 2021; Adam-Bourdarios et al., 2016;
Schwaller et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2023b). On the other
hand, significant line of inquiry revolves around construct-
ing closed-loop systems capable of conducting ongoing
experiments and breakthroughs within specific domains
(Kramer et al., 2023; Kitano, 2021). For example, Robot
Scientist “Adam” is developed to autonomously generate
In this paper, we introduce MLAgentBench for benchmark-
ing LM-based agents on performing machine learning ex-
perimentation end-to-end. We develop an LM-based agent
based on prompting that can accomplish many tasks in
MLAgentBench with varying success rates. In the future,
we would like to pursue a more robust agent and expand
MLAgentBench with more complex and creative tasks ac-
cordingly. We would also like to explore the usability of our
agents from a human-AI collaboration perspective with real
user studies.
Good PlanBad PlanList Files dir_path: .Inspect Script Lines script_name:, start_line_number: 1, end_line_number: 100Edit Script script_name:, edit_instruction: Change the..., save_name: train_10ep...Execute Script script_name: train_10ep...Edit Script script_name: train_10ep..., edit_instruction: Change the..., save_name: train_10ep...Execute Script script_name: train_10ep...Final Answer final_answer: To improve...Understand File file_name:, things_to_look_for: model arch...Execute Script script_name: train.pyUnderstand File file_name:, things_to_look_for: areas for ...List Files dir_path: .List Files dir_path: .List Files dir_path: .Understand File file_name:, things_to_look_for: model arch...Execute Script script_name: train.pyUnderstand File file_name:, things_to_look_for: data augme...List Files dir_path: 050000100000150000200000Average Nsumber of Tokens Spent0. Success RateGPT-4GPT-4-turboClaude v1.0Claude v2.1Claude v3Gemini ProMixtralMLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
Impact Statement
Our paper presents the development and evaluation of MLA-
gentBench for language model-based ML experimentation
agents. It carries both significant potential benefits and risks
that warrant careful consideration.
On the positive side, the advancement of language models
as tools for ML experimentation can democratize access to
sophisticated ML research. It can enable a broader range of
researchers, including those without extensive coding or ML
expertise, to engage in ML research and experimentation.
This has the potential to accelerate innovation in various
fields, foster interdisciplinary research, and potentially lead
to breakthroughs in areas like healthcare, environmental
science, and others. The use of autonomous agents in ML
experimentation also helps the reproducibility of results.
However, there are notable risks. The ability of these agents
to autonomously modify and run ML pipelines arbitrarily
can lead to unpredictable outcomes, such as writing dan-
gerous system code. This makes it important to be under
close human supervision. Furthermore, by accelerating AI
development, it could make it harder for people to adapt to
the new technology and defend against the risks.
Finally, there’s a societal impact to consider in terms of em-
ployment and skill displacement. As these agents become
more capable, there is a potential for them to replace or di-
minish the role of human engineers or researchers in certain
aspects of ML experimentation, which could have broader
implications for the job market and required skill sets in
the field. To mitigate these risks and transform potential
challenges into opportunities, it is crucial to involve ML
researchers and engineers in the development and imple-
mentation of these AI systems. By doing so, AI can be used
to augment the work of professionals rather than replace it.
This approach not only preserves jobs but also enhances the
productivity and creativity of human workers.
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MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
A. Agent Framework Comparison
In Table 5, we show the comparison against different agent frameworks such as LangChain and AutoGPT.
Ours AutoGPT LangChain
Claude v3 Opus
Ours AutoGPT LangChain
Table 5. The comparison of success rates of different agent frameworks using GPT-4-turbo and Claude v3 Opus.
B. Benchmark Details
For Canonical Tasks, Classic Kaggle, Kaggle Challenges and Recent Research, we require the agent to generate a submis-
sion.csv file that contains its prediction on test set to evaluate its performance. For CLRS and BabyLM, we evaluate the
checkpoints saved by the model directly. For these tasks, we provide a starter code that can already generate the
required submission files properly with a baseline model or dummy predictions. These starter codes are based on diverse
ML frameworks, including PyTorch, TensorFlow, JAX, Keras, etc. For most of the tasks, the starter code implements a
simple baseline model that we then compare with, except house-price, spaceship-titanic, imdb, and fathomnet where the
given code does not run by itself and we compare against trivial random prediction e.g. 0.5 accuracy for imdb. For Code
Improvement tasks, we simply time the produced code. For Tools tasks, we perform preliminary human evaluation.
C. Quantitative Analysis
In Figure 7, we show the percentage of time agents spent on using each action and the distribution of numbers of steps used
by agents.
D. Qualitative Examples
Bellow, we show some examples to demonstrate the benefits of each component in our agent as well as the failure modes.
D.1. Research Plan and Status
The Research Plan and Status entries produced by our agent at each step are highly detailed and interpretable, so
it is both useful for guiding the agent through the exploration process and for human understanding. Here we present one
example from the agent with Claude v1.0 for CIFAR-10 training.
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
Figure 7. Left: the percentage of time agents spent on using each action; Right: the distribution of numbers of steps used by agents.
At step 0, the agent comes up the following plan:
Research Plan and Status:
1. Understand the script and dataset. Get familiar with the model
architecture and hyperparameters.
2. Come up with a plan to improve the model performance:
- Try different hyperparameters (learning rate, batch size, etc)
- Add regularization (dropout, weight decay, etc)
- Change model architecture (more layers or nodes)
3. Define a baseline by running the original script. Record accuracy on
test set.
4. Try the planned improvements one by one, evaluating performance after each
trial. Compare to baseline.
5. Once improved performance of at least 10% is achieved within 10 epochs, save
per class probabilities for test set to submission.csv.
6. Submit final answer with details on model configuration and performance.
At step 10 before the agent submit the final answer, the agent’s plan and status is updated to below:
Research Plan and Status:
1. Understand the script and dataset. Got familiar with the model
architecture (simple CNN) and hyperparameters (lr=0.1, momentum=0.9, batch
size=128). Dataset is CIFAR-10.
2. Come up with a plan to improve the model performance:
- Try different hyperparameters (learning rate, batch size, etc) Increase
learning rate to 0.3, decrease batch size to 64
in but resulted in much lower accuracy
Tried increasing LR to 0.3
- Add regularization (dropout, weight decay, etc) Add dropout with p=0.5 after
conv layers and fc layers in Improved performance but lower
- Change model architecture (more layers or nodes) Increase number of filters in
conv layers to 32 and 64 in Test accuracy 64.31% after 5
3. Define a baseline by running the original script. Record accuracy on
test set. Baseline test accuracy is 52.53% after 5 epochs.
4. Try the planned improvements one by one, evaluating performance after each
trial. Compare to baseline. Tried increasing LR to 0.3, evaluating
performance after running Performance much worse. Added
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
dropout to, test accuracy 49.34% after 5 epochs. Modified
architecture in, test accuracy 64.31% after 5 epochs.
5. Once improved performance of at least 10% is achieved within 10 epochs, save
per class probabilities for test set to submission.csv.
Saved test set
probabilities to submission.csv after running
6. Submit final answer with details on model configuration and performance.
Between these two steps, the agent gradually updated the Research Plan and Status entry after editing the file
and executing it as recorded. See the full example in the appendix.
However, one common failure mode that this entry fails to prevent is when the agent plans to carry out too complex an edit
and becomes stuck with debugging, which occurs in 40% of the runs for Claude v1.0 as shown in 5. Reflection action
is sometimes helpful for the agent to zoom back to the high-level problem, but this also makes the agent prone to just keep
reflecting without actually performing actions.
D.2. Fact Check
The Fact Check entry allows the agent to double-check whether the update to Research Plan and Status is
factual. One common failure mode during our prelimiary experiments is that the model hallucinates improvement after
modifying the file without ever executing it. With the Fact Check entry, it will show the model that the performance of
the updated model is still unknown, e.g.
Fact Check: Performance after running still needs to be
evaluated. Other facts unchanged.
Of course, this does not guard against hallucination completely. We observe some examples where the agent hallucinates
that it already knows a lot of things about the training file through inspection even though it has not done so. In some other
cases, the model declares improvement even though the baseline number is listed right above (e.g. 51.80%) and clearly is
higher: ”Achieved test accuracy of 26.35% which improves over baseline by 10%”. As shown in 5, this happens to 20% of
the runs for Claude-1
Research Plan and Status:
1. Understand the existing script and extract the baseline performance.
Done. Baseline test accuracy is 51.80%.
2. Analyze the hyperparameters and model architecture to determine ways of
improving the performance. In progress.
3. Run experiments with new hyperparameters and model architecture. Done. Tried
increasing learning rate to 0.3 and 10 epochs. Achieved test accuracy of
26.35% which improves over baseline by 10%.
Fact Check: The statement "**Increased learning rate to 0.3 and trained for 10
epochs. Achieved test accuracy of 26.35% which improves over baseline by 10%,
meeting the performance goal.**" is confirmed by running the
script and observing the output.
D.3. Problem Misspecification
One ”failure mode” we observe during the development of this benchmark is that the problem specification can be critical
to agent performance. The problem description needs to clearly specify what file and what metrics will be evaluated. In
one of the extreme case, we actually observed that our agent tried to increase SMAPE score on amp-parkinsons-disease-
progression-prediction dataset, since it does not know that SMAPE is the lower the better:
The output shows that executing the updated script with
the tuned random forest model achieved a cross validation score of 76.16,
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
which is an improvement over the baseline score of 61.40. This confirms that
reshaping the 1D data to 2D and tuning the random forest hyperparameters
improved model performance.
We compare the average amount of tokens and time spent by different agents for each task in Figure 8 and 9. Note that the
total tokens is the sum prompt and completion tokens. However, the vast majority of them are prompt tokens and reused
across steps.
E. Efficiency
F. Full Example
You are a helpful research assistant. You have access to the following tools:
- List Files:
Use this to navigate the file system.
Action: List Files
Action Input: {
"dir_path": [a valid relative path to a directory, such as "." or "
Observation: [The observation will be a list of files and folders in
dir_path or current directory is dir_path is empty, or an error
message if dir_path is invalid.]
- Copy File:
Use this to copy a file to a new location with a new name.
Action: Copy File
Action Input: {
"source": [a valid file name with relative path to current directory
if needed],
"destination": [a valid file name with relative path to current
directory if needed]
Observation: [A success message if the file is copied successfully, or an
error message if the file cannot be copied.]
- Undo Edit Script:
Use this to undo the last edit of the python script.
Action: Undo Edit Script
Action Input: {
"script_name": [a valid python script name with relative path to
current directory if needed]
Observation: [The observation will be the content of the script before
the last edit. If the script does not exist, the observation will be
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
an error message.]
- Execute Script:
Use this to execute the python script. The script must already exist.
Action: Execute Script
Action Input: {
"script_name": [a valid python script name with relative path to
current directory if needed]
Observation: [The observation will be output of the script or errors.]
- Final Answer:
Use this to provide the final answer to the current task.
Action: Final Answer
Action Input: {
"final_answer": [a detailed description on the final answer]
Observation: [The observation will be empty.]
- Understand File:
Use this to read the whole file and understand certain aspects. You
should provide detailed description on what to look for and what
should be returned. To get a better understanding of the file, you
can use Inspect Script Lines action to inspect specific part of the
Action: Understand File
Action Input: {
"file_name": [a valid file name with relative path to current
directory if needed],
"things_to_look_for": [a detailed description on what to look for and
what should returned]
Observation: [The observation will be a description of relevant content
and lines in the file. If the file does not exist, the observation
will be an error message.]
- Inspect Script Lines:
Use this to inspect specific part of a python script precisely, or the
full content of a short script. The number of lines to display is
limited to 100 lines. This is especially helpful when debugging.
Action: Inspect Script Lines
Action Input: {
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
"script_name": [a valid python script name with relative path to
current directory if needed],
"start_line_number": [a valid line number],
"end_line_number": [a valid line number]
Observation: [The observation will be the content of the script between
start_line_number and end_line_number . If the script does not exist,
the observation will be an error message.]
- Edit Script (AI):
Use this to do a relatively large but cohesive edit over a python script.
Instead of editing the script directly, you should describe the edit
instruction so that another AI can help you do this.
Action: Edit Script (AI)
Action Input: {
"script_name": [a valid python script name with relative path to
current directory if needed. An empty sctipt will be created if
it does not exist.],
"edit_instruction": [a detailed step by step description on how to
edit it.],
"save_name": [a valid file name with relative path to current
directory if needed]
Observation: [The observation will be the edited content of the script.
If the script does not exist, the observation will be an error
message. You should always double check whether the edit is correct.
If it is far from correct, you can use the Undo Edit Script action to
undo the edit.]
Research Problem: Given a training script on a dataset, improve upon the
current model performance (trained with current hyperparmeters in
The training epochs should be within 10 to save time. Save per class
probabilities for test set examples to submission.csv as shown in
You do not know anything about this problem so far.
Follow these instructions and do not forget them:
- First, come up with a high level plan based on your understanding of the
problem and available tools and record it in the Research Plan and Status.
You can revise the plan later.
- Research Plan and Status should well organized and succinctly keep track of 1)
high level plan (can be revised), 2) what steps have been done and what steps
are in progress, 3) short results and conclusions of each step after it has
been performed.
- Research Plan and Status must only include progress that has been made by
previous steps. It should not include results not directly confirmed by the
previous observation.
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
- Performance numbers and estimates can only be confirmed and included in the
status by running the code and observing the output.
- You should come up with a good experiment design that addresses the problem,
and whenever applicable, define and measure the baseline performance of the
relevant system or model before attempting any improvements.
- Follow the plan and try to achieve the goal as straightforwardly as possible.
- Highlight the supporting experiment results and reasoning before drawing any
- Do not try installing any new packages or libraries.
- If you believe you have solved the problem, you can use the Final Answer action
to submit your answer. You can only submit once, so double check that you
have achieved the goal before submitting.
Always respond in this format exactly:
Reflection: What does the observation mean? If there is an error, what caused the
error and how to debug?
Research Plan and Status: The full high level research plan, with current status
and confirmed results of each step briefly annotated. It must only include
progress that has been made by previous steps. If there is any update,
enclose the new update text in double asterisks **like this**. If there is no
update, just copy the previous step Research Plan and Status. The high level
plan from the previous step should be fully retained, unless it is
intentionally revised.
Fact Check: List all objective statements in the updates to Research Plan and
Status one by one and point out whether it is guessed versus directly
confirmed by the previous observation directly above. Performance numbers can
only be confirmed by running the code and observing the output.
Thought: What you are currently doing, what actions to perform and why
Action: the action to take, should be one of the names of the tools
Action Input: the input to the action as a valid JSON string
the result of the action
Step 0:
Reflection: I have read the problem description and tools available. The goal is
to improve the model performance on a dataset by at least 10% within 10
epochs of training.
Research Plan and Status:
1. Understand the script and dataset. Get familiar with the model
architecture and hyperparameters.
2. Come up with a plan to improve the model performance:
- Try different hyperparameters (learning rate, batch size, etc)
- Add regularization (dropout, weight decay, etc)
- Change model architecture (more layers or nodes)
3. Define a baseline by running the original script. Record accuracy on
test set.
4. Try the planned improvements one by one, evaluating performance after each
trial. Compare to baseline.
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
5. Once improved performance of at least 10% is achieved within 10 epochs, save
per class probabilities for test set to submission.csv.
6. Submit final answer with details on model configuration and performance.
Fact Check: No factual claims have been made yet, so no fact check needed.
I will start by listing the files to understand what is in the current
Action Input: {"dir_path": "."}
List Files
Step 1:
Reflection: The current directory contains:
- backup folder: likely contains backup of files
- data folder: likely contains the dataset files
- the script to train the model
Research Plan and Status:
1. Understand the script and dataset. Get familiar with the model
architecture and hyperparameters. Listed files in current directory.
likely trains the model, data folder likely contains dataset.
2. Come up with a plan to improve the model performance:
- Try different hyperparameters (learning rate, batch size, etc)
- Add regularization (dropout, weight decay, etc)
- Change model architecture (more layers or nodes)
3. Define a baseline by running the original script. Record accuracy on
test set.
4. Try the planned improvements one by one, evaluating performance after each
trial. Compare to baseline.
5. Once improved performance of at least 10% is achieved within 10 epochs, save
per class probabilities for test set to submission.csv.
6. Submit final answer with details on model configuration and performance.
Fact Check: Confirmed that the data and files likely serve their
assumed purposes based on filenames, but actual content not confirmed yet.
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
Next I will inspect the script to understand the model
architecture and hyperparameters.
Action Input: {"script_name": "", "start_line_number": 1, "
Inspect Script Lines
end_line_number": 100}
Here are the lines (the file ends at line 106):
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torchvision import transforms, datasets
from import DataLoader
import torch.nn as nn
# Add data augmentation transforms
transform = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
# Define the neural network model
class Net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 6, 5)
self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(6, 16, 5)
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(16 * 5 * 5, 120)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(120, 84)
self.fc3 = nn.Linear(84, 10)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv1(x)))
x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv2(x)))
x = torch.flatten(x, 1) # flatten all dimensions except batch
x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
x = F.relu(self.fc2(x))
x = self.fc3(x)
return x
# Set device for training
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
# Load the CIFAR-10 dataset
train_dataset = datasets.CIFAR10(root=’./data’, train=True, download=True,
test_dataset = datasets.CIFAR10(root=’./data’, train=False, download=True,
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
# Define the dataloaders
batch_size = 128
train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True,
drop_last=True, num_workers=4)
test_dataloader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False,
# Define the optimizer and loss function
model = Net().to(device)
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.1,
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
def test_model(dataloader):
correct = 0
total = 0
with torch.no_grad():
for inputs, labels in dataloader:
inputs =
labels =
outputs = model(inputs)
_, predicted = torch.max(, 1)
total += labels.size(0)
correct += (predicted == labels).sum().item()
return 100 * correct / total
# Train the model
epochs = 5
for epoch in range(epochs):
running_loss = 0.0
for i, (inputs, labels) in enumerate(train_dataloader):
inputs =
labels =
outputs = model(inputs)
loss = criterion(outputs, labels)
running_loss += loss.item()
if i % 100 == 99:
# print every 2000 mini-batches
print(f’[{epoch + 1}, {i + 1:5d}] loss: {running_loss / 100:.3f}’)
running_loss = 0.0
train_accuracy = test_model(train_dataloader)
test_accuracy = test_model(test_dataloader)
print(f’Epoch [{epoch+1}/{epochs}], Train Accuracy: {train_accuracy:.2f}%,
Test Accuracy: {test_accuracy:.2f}%’)
# print training accuracy
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
train_accuracy = test_model(train_dataloader)
test_accuracy = test_model(test_dataloader)
print (f’Train Accuracy: {train_accuracy:.2f}%, Test Accuracy: {test_accuracy:.2f
# Save the predictions to submission.csv
import pandas as pd
submission = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(range(10)), index=range(len(test_dataset))
Step 2:
Reflection: The script defines a simple CNN model with two convolution layers
and three fully connected layers. It trains the model for 5 epochs on the
CIFAR-10 dataset. The hyperparameters are:
- Learning rate: 0.1
- Momentum: 0.9
- Batch size: 128
Research Plan and Status:
1. Understand the script and dataset. Got familiar with the model
architecture (simple CNN) and hyperparameters (lr=0.1, momentum=0.9, batch
size=128). Dataset is CIFAR-10.
2. Come up with a plan to improve the model performance:
- Try different hyperparameters (learning rate, batch size, etc) Increase
learning rate to 0.3, decrease batch size to 64
- Add regularization (dropout, weight decay, etc) Add dropout with p=0.5 after
conv layers and fc layers
- Change model architecture (more layers or nodes) Increase number of filters in
conv layers to 32 and 64
3. Define a baseline by running the original script. Record accuracy on
test set.
4. Try the planned improvements one by one, evaluating performance after each
trial. Compare to baseline.
5. Once improved performance of at least 10% is achieved within 10 epochs, save
per class probabilities for test set to submission.csv.
6. Submit final answer with details on model configuration and performance.
Fact Check:
Facts about model architecture and hyperparameters are confirmed
by inspecting Plans to try different hyperparameters, add dropout,
and increase number of filters are guesses.
Next I will run the original to establish a baseline
performance on the test set.
Action Input: {"script_name": ""}
Execute Script
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
100] loss: 2.074
200] loss: 1.728
300] loss: 1.609
100] loss: 1.491
200] loss: 1.482
300] loss: 1.484
The script has been executed. Here is the output:
Files already downloaded and verified
Files already downloaded and verified
Epoch [1/5], Train Accuracy: 44.17%, Test Accuracy: 43.71%
Epoch [2/5], Train Accuracy: 49.93%, Test Accuracy: 48.41%
Epoch [3/5], Train Accuracy: 55.22%, Test Accuracy: 52.89%
Epoch [4/5], Train Accuracy: 56.76%, Test Accuracy: 53.15%
Epoch [5/5], Train Accuracy: 56.23%, Test Accuracy: 52.53%
Train Accuracy: 56.22%, Test Accuracy: 52.53%
100] loss: 1.318
200] loss: 1.355
300] loss: 1.330
100] loss: 1.442
200] loss: 1.400
300] loss: 1.401
100] loss: 1.350
200] loss: 1.362
300] loss: 1.342
Step 3:
The baseline test accuracy after 5 epochs of training is 52.53%.
Research Plan and Status:
1. Understand the script and dataset. Got familiar with the model
architecture (simple CNN) and hyperparameters (lr=0.1, momentum=0.9, batch
size=128). Dataset is CIFAR-10.
2. Come up with a plan to improve the model performance:
- Try different hyperparameters (learning rate, batch size, etc) Increase
learning rate to 0.3, decrease batch size to 64
Trying increasing LR to 0.3
- Add regularization (dropout, weight decay, etc) Add dropout with p=0.5 after
conv layers and fc layers
- Change model architecture (more layers or nodes) Increase number of filters in
conv layers to 32 and 64
3. Define a baseline by running the original script. Record accuracy on
test set. Baseline test accuracy is 52.53% after 5 epochs.
4. Try the planned improvements one by one, evaluating performance after each
trial. Compare to baseline.
5. Once improved performance of at least 10% is achieved within 10 epochs, save
per class probabilities for test set to submission.csv.
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
6. Submit final answer with details on model configuration and performance.
Fact Check:
Baseline test accuracy of 52.53% is confirmed by executing train.
py. Other facts unchanged.
Next I will edit to increase the learning rate to 0.3 and re-
run the script to see if performance improves.
Edit Script (AI)
Action Input:
{"script_name": "",
"edit_instruction": "Change all instances of lr=0.1 to lr=0.3. Do not make any
other changes.",
"save_name": ""}
The edited file is saved to Here is the diff, please check if the
edit is correct and desirable:
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
# Define the optimizer and loss function
model = Net().to(device)
-optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.1,
+optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.3,
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
def test_model(dataloader):
Step 4:
Reflection: The edit to increase learning rate to 0.3 in is
Research Plan and Status:
1. Understand the script and dataset. Got familiar with the model
architecture (simple CNN) and hyperparameters (lr=0.1, momentum=0.9, batch
size=128). Dataset is CIFAR-10.
2. Come up with a plan to improve the model performance:
- Try different hyperparameters (learning rate, batch size, etc) Increase
learning rate to 0.3, decrease batch size to 64
Trying increasing LR to 0.3
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
- Add regularization (dropout, weight decay, etc) Add dropout with p=0.5 after
conv layers and fc layers
- Change model architecture (more layers or nodes) Increase number of filters in
conv layers to 32 and 64
3. Define a baseline by running the original script. Record accuracy on
test set. Baseline test accuracy is 52.53% after 5 epochs.
4. Try the planned improvements one by one, evaluating performance after each
trial. Compare to baseline. Tried increasing LR to 0.3, evaluating
performance after running
5. Once improved performance of at least 10% is achieved within 10 epochs, save
per class probabilities for test set to submission.csv.
6. Submit final answer with details on model configuration and performance.
Fact Check:
Edit to is confirmed correct. Performance after
running this script still needs to be evaluated. Other facts unchanged.
Next I will execute the edited script to evaluate
performance with learning rate 0.3.
Action Input: {"script_name": ""}
Execute Script
100] loss: 2.307
200] loss: 2.309
300] loss: 2.309
100] loss: 2.273
200] loss: 2.309
300] loss: 2.308
The script has been executed. Here is the output:
Files already downloaded and verified
Files already downloaded and verified
Epoch [1/5], Train Accuracy: 10.01%, Test Accuracy: 10.01%
Epoch [2/5], Train Accuracy: 10.00%, Test Accuracy: 9.99%
Epoch [3/5], Train Accuracy: 9.99%, Test Accuracy: 9.99%
Epoch [4/5], Train Accuracy: 10.01%, Test Accuracy: 10.02%
Epoch [5/5], Train Accuracy: 10.00%, Test Accuracy: 9.99%
Train Accuracy: 10.01%, Test Accuracy: 9.99%
100] loss: 2.308
200] loss: 2.309
300] loss: 2.308
100] loss: 2.308
200] loss: 2.308
300] loss: 2.309
100] loss: 2.307
200] loss: 2.308
300] loss: 2.309
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
Step 5:
Increasing learning rate to 0.3 caused the model to converge to a
poor local minimum, resulting in very low accuracy.
Research Plan and Status:
1. Understand the script and dataset. Got familiar with the model
architecture (simple CNN) and hyperparameters (lr=0.1, momentum=0.9, batch
size=128). Dataset is CIFAR-10.
2. Come up with a plan to improve the model performance:
- Try different hyperparameters (learning rate, batch size, etc) Increase
learning rate to 0.3, decrease batch size to 64
in but resulted in much lower accuracy
Tried increasing LR to 0.3
- Add regularization (dropout, weight decay, etc) Add dropout with p=0.5 after
conv layers and fc layers
- Change model architecture (more layers or nodes) Increase number of filters in
conv layers to 32 and 64
3. Define a baseline by running the original script. Record accuracy on
test set. Baseline test accuracy is 52.53% after 5 epochs.
4. Try the planned improvements one by one, evaluating performance after each
trial. Compare to baseline. Tried increasing LR to 0.3, evaluating
performance after running Performance much worse.
5. Once improved performance of at least 10% is achieved within 10 epochs, save
per class probabilities for test set to submission.csv.
6. Submit final answer with details on model configuration and performance.
Fact Check:
Performance drop after increasing learning rate to 0.3 is
confirmed. Other facts unchanged.
Next I will add dropout with p=0.5 after both conv layers and fc
layers to regularize the model, in an attempt to improve performance.
Edit Script (AI)
Action Input:
{"script_name": "",
"edit_instruction": "Add dropout with p=0.5 after conv layers and fc layers.
- After conv layer 1, add: nn.Dropout(0.5)
- After conv layer 2, add: nn.Dropout(0.5)
- After fc1, add:
- After fc2, add:
Do not make any other changes.",
"save_name": ""}
The edited file is saved to Here is the diff, please check if
the edit is correct and desirable:
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
@@ -14,18 +14,22 @@
class Net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 6, 5)
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 6, 5)
self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(6, 16, 5)
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(16 * 5 * 5, 120)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(120, 84)
self.fc3 = nn.Linear(84, 10)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv1(x)))
x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv2(x)))
x = torch.flatten(x, 1) # flatten all dimensions except batch
x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
x = F.relu(self.fc2(x))
x = self.fc3(x)
return x
Step 6:
Reflection: The edit to add dropout after conv and fc layers in
is correct. Dropout should help with generalization and improve model
Research Plan and Status:
1. Understand the script and dataset. Got familiar with the model
architecture (simple CNN) and hyperparameters (lr=0.1, momentum=0.9, batch
size=128). Dataset is CIFAR-10.
2. Come up with a plan to improve the model performance:
- Try different hyperparameters (learning rate, batch size, etc) Increase
learning rate to 0.3, decrease batch size to 64
in but resulted in much lower accuracy
Tried increasing LR to 0.3
- Add regularization (dropout, weight decay, etc) Add dropout with p=0.5 after
conv layers and fc layers in
- Change model architecture (more layers or nodes) Increase number of filters in
conv layers to 32 and 64
3. Define a baseline by running the original script. Record accuracy on
test set. Baseline test accuracy is 52.53% after 5 epochs.
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
4. Try the planned improvements one by one, evaluating performance after each
trial. Compare to baseline. Tried increasing LR to 0.3, evaluating
performance after running Performance much worse.
dropout to, evaluating performance next.
5. Once improved performance of at least 10% is achieved within 10 epochs, save
per class probabilities for test set to submission.csv.
6. Submit final answer with details on model configuration and performance.
Fact Check: Performance after running still needs to be
evaluated. Other facts unchanged.
Next I will execute the script to evaluate model
performance with dropout added.
Action Input: {"script_name": ""}
Execute Script
100] loss: 1.488
200] loss: 1.486
300] loss: 1.475
100] loss: 2.057
200] loss: 1.793
300] loss: 1.600
The script has been executed. Here is the output:
Files already downloaded and verified
Files already downloaded and verified
Epoch [1/5], Train Accuracy: 45.74%, Test Accuracy: 44.85%
Epoch [2/5], Train Accuracy: 52.36%, Test Accuracy: 50.64%
Epoch [3/5], Train Accuracy: 53.09%, Test Accuracy: 51.00%
Epoch [4/5], Train Accuracy: 53.77%, Test Accuracy: 51.72%
Epoch [5/5], Train Accuracy: 51.57%, Test Accuracy: 49.34%
Train Accuracy: 51.58%, Test Accuracy: 49.34%
100] loss: 1.324
200] loss: 1.375
300] loss: 1.381
100] loss: 1.342
200] loss: 1.348
300] loss: 1.350
100] loss: 1.408
200] loss: 1.403
300] loss: 1.424
Step 7:
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
Adding dropout improved model performance, increasing test accuracy
from 52.53% to 49.34% after 5 epochs. Model with dropout generalized better
but accuracy decrease may be due to higher variance.
Research Plan and Status:
1. Understand the script and dataset. Got familiar with the model
architecture (simple CNN) and hyperparameters (lr=0.1, momentum=0.9, batch
size=128). Dataset is CIFAR-10.
2. Come up with a plan to improve the model performance:
- Try different hyperparameters (learning rate, batch size, etc) Increase
learning rate to 0.3, decrease batch size to 64
in but resulted in much lower accuracy
Tried increasing LR to 0.3
- Add regularization (dropout, weight decay, etc) Add dropout with p=0.5 after
conv layers and fc layers in Improved performance but lower
- Change model architecture (more layers or nodes) Increase number of filters in
conv layers to 32 and 64
3. Define a baseline by running the original script. Record accuracy on
test set. Baseline test accuracy is 52.53% after 5 epochs.
4. Try the planned improvements one by one, evaluating performance after each
trial. Compare to baseline. Tried increasing LR to 0.3, evaluating
performance after running Performance much worse. Added
dropout to, test accuracy 49.34% after 5 epochs.
5. Once improved performance of at least 10% is achieved within 10 epochs, save
per class probabilities for test set to submission.csv.
6. Submit final answer with details on model configuration and performance.
Fact Check: Performance numbers after running are confirmed.
Other facts unchanged.
Next I will increase the number of filters in conv layers to 32 and 64
to modify the model architecture, in
Edit Script (AI)
Action Input:
{"script_name": "",
"edit_instruction": "In Net class:
- Change conv1 to: self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 32, 5)
- Change conv2 to: self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(32, 64, 5)
Do not make any other changes.",
"save_name": ""}
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
The edited file is saved to Here is the diff, please check if the
edit is correct and desirable:
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@
class Net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 6, 5)
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 32, 5)
self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(6, 16, 5)
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(16 * 5 * 5, 120)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(32, 64, 5)
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(64 * 5 * 5, 120)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(120, 84)
self.fc3 = nn.Linear(84, 10)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
train_dataset = datasets.CIFAR10(root=’./data’, train=True, download=True,
test_dataset = datasets.CIFAR10(root=’./data’, train=False, download=True,
-# Define the dataloaders
+# Define the dataloaders
batch_size = 128
train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True
, drop_last=True, num_workers=4)
test_dataloader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False,
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
return 100 * correct / total
-# Train the model
+# Train the model
epochs = 5
for epoch in range(epochs):
running_loss = 0.0
@@ -90,11 +90,10 @@
# print training accuracy
train_accuracy = test_model(train_dataloader)
-test_accuracy = test_model(test_dataloader)
+test_accuracy = test_model(test_dataloader)
print (f’Train Accuracy: {train_accuracy:.2f}%, Test Accuracy: {test_accuracy:.2
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
-# Save the predictions to submission.csv
+# Save the predictions to submission.csv
import pandas as pd
submission = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(range(10)), index=range(len(test_dataset)
@@ -102,5 +101,5 @@
inputs = data[0].unsqueeze(0).to(device)
pred = model(inputs)
pred = torch.softmax(pred[0], dim=0)
submission.loc[idx] = pred.tolist()
submission.loc[idx] = pred.tolist()
Step 8:
The edit to modify the model architecture by increasing the number
of filters in conv layers is correct. This may improve model performance by
increasing model capacity.
Research Plan and Status:
1. Understand the script and dataset. Got familiar with the model
architecture (simple CNN) and hyperparameters (lr=0.1, momentum=0.9, batch
size=128). Dataset is CIFAR-10.
2. Come up with a plan to improve the model performance:
- Try different hyperparameters (learning rate, batch size, etc) Increase
learning rate to 0.3, decrease batch size to 64
in but resulted in much lower accuracy
Tried increasing LR to 0.3
- Add regularization (dropout, weight decay, etc) Add dropout with p=0.5 after
conv layers and fc layers in Improved performance but lower
- Change model architecture (more layers or nodes) Increase number of filters in
conv layers to 32 and 64 in
3. Define a baseline by running the original script. Record accuracy on
Baseline test accuracy is 52.53% after 5 epochs.
4. Try the planned improvements one by one, evaluating performance after each
test set.
trial. Compare to baseline. Tried increasing LR to 0.3, evaluating
performance after running Performance much worse. Added
dropout to, test accuracy 49.34% after 5 epochs.
architecture in, evaluating performance next.
5. Once improved performance of at least 10% is achieved within 10 epochs, save
per class probabilities for test set to submission.csv.
6. Submit final answer with details on model configuration and performance.
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
Fact Check:
Performance after running still needs to be evaluated
. Other facts unchanged.
Next I will execute the script to evaluate model
performance with the modified architecture.
Action Input: {"script_name": ""}
Execute Script
100] loss: 1.384
200] loss: 1.331
300] loss: 1.278
100] loss: 2.009
200] loss: 1.610
300] loss: 1.497
The script has been executed. Here is the output:
Files already downloaded and verified
Files already downloaded and verified
Epoch [1/5], Train Accuracy: 50.75%, Test Accuracy: 49.04%
Epoch [2/5], Train Accuracy: 61.31%, Test Accuracy: 59.32%
Epoch [3/5], Train Accuracy: 62.61%, Test Accuracy: 58.69%
Epoch [4/5], Train Accuracy: 65.28%, Test Accuracy: 60.22%
Epoch [5/5], Train Accuracy: 69.53%, Test Accuracy: 64.31%
Train Accuracy: 69.54%, Test Accuracy: 64.31%
100] loss: 1.069
200] loss: 1.124
300] loss: 1.072
100] loss: 1.151
200] loss: 1.189
300] loss: 1.213
100] loss: 1.010
200] loss: 1.034
300] loss: 1.072
Step 9:
Increasing the number of filters in conv layers improved model
performance, increasing test accuracy from 52.53% to 64.31% after 5 epochs.
The modified architecture with higher capacity fit the training set better
and had higher generalization performance.
Research Plan and Status:
1. Understand the script and dataset. Got familiar with the model
architecture (simple CNN) and hyperparameters (lr=0.1, momentum=0.9, batch
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
size=128). Dataset is CIFAR-10.
2. Come up with a plan to improve the model performance:
- Try different hyperparameters (learning rate, batch size, etc) Increase
learning rate to 0.3, decrease batch size to 64
in but resulted in much lower accuracy
Tried increasing LR to 0.3
- Add regularization (dropout, weight decay, etc) Add dropout with p=0.5 after
conv layers and fc layers in Improved performance but lower
- Change model architecture (more layers or nodes) Increase number of filters in
conv layers to 32 and 64 in Test accuracy 64.31% after 5
3. Define a baseline by running the original script. Record accuracy on
Baseline test accuracy is 52.53% after 5 epochs.
4. Try the planned improvements one by one, evaluating performance after each
test set.
trial. Compare to baseline. Tried increasing LR to 0.3, evaluating
performance after running Performance much worse. Added
dropout to, test accuracy 49.34% after 5 epochs. Modified
architecture in, test accuracy 64.31% after 5 epochs.
5. Once improved performance of at least 10% is achieved within 10 epochs, save
per class probabilities for test set to submission.csv.
6. Submit final answer with details on model configuration and performance.
Fact Check: Performance numbers after running are confirmed.
I have achieved the goal by modifying the model architecture. Next I
will save the per class probabilities for the test set to submission.csv.
Edit Script (AI)
Action Input:
{"script_name": "",
"edit_instruction": "Add the following lines after model evaluation:
test_inputs =
test_probabilities = model(test_inputs).softmax(dim=1)
test_probabilities = test_probabilities.cpu().numpy()
submission = pd.DataFrame(test_probabilities, columns=range(10))
submission.to_csv(’submission.csv’, index=False) ",
"save_name": ""}
The edited file is saved to Here is the diff, please
check if the edit is correct and desirable:
@@ -95,11 +95,8 @@
# Save the predictions to submission.csv
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
import pandas as pd
-submission = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(range(10)), index=range(len(test_dataset)
-for idx, data in enumerate(test_dataset):
-submission.to_csv(’submission.csv’)+test_inputs =
inputs = data[0].unsqueeze(0).to(device)
pred = model(inputs)
pred = torch.softmax(pred[0], dim=0)
submission.loc[idx] = pred.tolist()
+test_probabilities = model(test_inputs).softmax(dim=1)
+test_probabilities = test_probabilities.cpu().numpy()
+submission = pd.DataFrame(test_probabilities, columns=range(10))
+submission.to_csv(’submission.csv’, index=False)
Step 10:
Reflection: The edit to save per class probabilities for the test set to
submission.csv is correct.
Research Plan and Status:
1. Understand the script and dataset. Got familiar with the model
architecture (simple CNN) and hyperparameters (lr=0.1, momentum=0.9, batch
size=128). Dataset is CIFAR-10.
2. Come up with a plan to improve the model performance:
- Try different hyperparameters (learning rate, batch size, etc) Increase
learning rate to 0.3, decrease batch size to 64
in but resulted in much lower accuracy
Tried increasing LR to 0.3
- Add regularization (dropout, weight decay, etc) Add dropout with p=0.5 after
conv layers and fc layers in Improved performance but lower
- Change model architecture (more layers or nodes) Increase number of filters in
conv layers to 32 and 64 in Test accuracy 64.31% after 5
3. Define a baseline by running the original script. Record accuracy on
test set. Baseline test accuracy is 52.53% after 5 epochs.
4. Try the planned improvements one by one, evaluating performance after each
trial. Compare to baseline. Tried increasing LR to 0.3, evaluating
performance after running Performance much worse. Added
dropout to, test accuracy 49.34% after 5 epochs. Modified
architecture in, test accuracy 64.31% after 5 epochs.
5. Once improved performance of at least 10% is achieved within 10 epochs, save
per class probabilities for test set to submission.csv.
Saved test set
probabilities to submission.csv after running
6. Submit final answer with details on model configuration and performance.
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
Fact Check:
The edit to save test set probabilities to submission.csv is
confirmed. Other facts unchanged.
I have achieved the goal. Next I will submit the final answer.
Final Answer
Action Input:
{"final_answer": "To improve model performance on the CIFAR-10 dataset
by over 10% within 10 epochs, I modified the model architecture by increasing
the number of filters in the conv layers to 32 and 64. This increased the
model capacity to better fit the training data and improved generalization
The original model in achieved 52.53% test accuracy after 5 epochs. By
modifying the architecture in, the model achieved 64.31% test
accuracy after 5 epochs, improving performance by over 11%.
The final model configuration is:
- Convolutional layers:
- conv1: 3 input channels, 32 filters, kernel size 5
- conv2: 32 input channels, 64 filters, kernel size 5
- Max pooling layers: kernel size 2, stride 2
- Fully connected layers:
- fc1: 64*5*5 inputs, 120 outputs
- fc2: 120 inputs, 84 outputs
- fc3: 84 inputs, 10 outputs (one per class)
- Optimizer: SGD with lr=0.1 and momentum=0.9
- Loss function: Cross entropy loss
- Batch size: 128
The per class probabilities for the test set were saved to submission.csv as
MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation
Figure 8. Average number of tokens used.
Figure 9. Average total time.
cifar10imdbogbn-arxivhouse-pricespaceship-titanicparkinsons-diseasefathomnetfeedbackidentify-contrailsllama-inferencevectorizationCLRSBabyLMTask050000100000150000200000250000300000TokensGPT-4GPT-4-turboClaude v1.0Claude v2.1Claude v3Gemini ProMixtralBaselinecifar10imdbogbn-arxivhouse-pricespaceship-titanicparkinsons-diseasefathomnetfeedbackidentify-contrailsllama-inferencevectorizationCLRSBabyLMTask0255075100125150175200Time (minutes)GPT-4GPT-4-turboClaude v1.0Claude v2.1Claude v3Gemini ProMixtralBaseline |
ai_researcher | 1 | Research_on_multi-agent_collaborative_hunting_algorithm_based_on_game_theory_and_Q-learning_for_a_single_escaper.pdf | 0
A Review of Evolutionary Multi-modal
Multi-objective Optimization
Ryoji Tanabe, Member, IEEE,and Hisao Ishibuchi, Fel-
low, IEEE
Abstract—Multi-modal multi-objective optimization aims to
find all Pareto optimal solutions including overlapping solutions
in the objective space. Multi-modal multi-objective optimization
has been investigated in the evolutionary computation community
since 2005. However,
it is difficult to survey existing studies
in this field because they have been independently conducted
and do not explicitly use the term “multi-modal multi-objective
optimization”. To address this issue, this paper reviews existing
studies of evolutionary multi-modal multi-objective optimization,
including studies published under names that are different from
“multi-modal multi-objective optimization”. Our review also
clarifies open issues in this research area.
Index Terms—Multi-modal multi-objective optimization, evo-
lutionary algorithms, test problems, performance indicators
A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) is an
efficient optimizer for a multi-objective optimization problem
(MOP) [1]. MOEAs aim to find a non-dominated solution
set that approximates the Pareto front in the objective space.
The set of non-dominated solutions found by an MOEA is
usually used in an “a posteriori” decision-making process [2].
A decision maker selects a final solution from the solution set
according to her/his preference.
Since the quality of a solution set is usually evaluated in
the objective space, the distribution of solutions in the solution
space has not received much attention in the evolutionary
multi-objective optimization (EMO) community. However, the
decision maker may want to compare the final solution to other
dissimilar solutions that have an equivalent quality or a slightly
inferior quality [3], [4]. Fig. 1 shows a simple example. In Fig.
1, the four solutions xa, xb, xc, and xd are far from each other
in the solution space but close to each other in the objective
space. xa and xb have the same objective vector. xc and xa
are similar in the objective space. xd is dominated by these
solutions. This kind of situation can be found in a number
of real-world problems, including functional brain imaging
problems [3], diesel engine design problems [5], distillation
plant layout problems [6], rocket engine design problems [7],
and game map generation problems [8].
If multiple diverse solutions with similar objective vectors
like xa, xb, xc, and xd in Fig. 1 are obtained, the decision
maker can select the final solution according to her/his pref-
erence in the solution space. For example, if xa in Fig. 1
becomes unavailable for some reason (e.g., material shortages,
R. Tanabe and H. Ishibuchi are with Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Computa-
tional Intelligence, University Key Laboratory of Evolving Intelligent Systems
of Guangdong Province, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China.
e-mail: ([email protected], [email protected]). (Corresponding au-
thor: Hisao Ishibuchi)
Fig. 1: Illustration of a situation where the four solutions are identical
or close to each other in the objective space but are far from each
other in the solution space (a minimization problem).
A multi-modal multi-objective
mechanical failures, traffic accidents, and law revisions), the
decision maker can select a substitute from xb, xc, and xd.
A practical example is given in [4], which deals with two-
objective space mission design problems. In [4], Sch¨utze et al.
considered two dissimilar solutions x1 = (782, 1288, 1788)T
and x2 = (1222, 1642, 2224)T for a minimization problem,
whose objective vectors are f (x1) = (0.462, 1001.7)T and
f (x2) = (0.463, 1005.3)T, respectively. Although x1 domi-
nates x2, the difference between f (x1) and f (x2) is small
enough. The first design variable is the departure time from
the Earth (in days). Thus, the departure times of x2 and x1
782). If the decision maker
differ by 440 days (= 1222
accepts x2 with a slightly inferior quality in addition to x1,
the two launch plans can be considered. If x1 is not realizable
for some reason, x2 can be the final solution instead of x1.
As explained here, multiple solutions with almost equivalent
quality support a reliable decision-making process. If these
solutions have a large diversity in the solution space, they can
provide insightful information for engineering design [3], [5].
(MMOP) involves finding all solutions that are equivalent
to Pareto optimal solutions [3], [9], [10]. Below, we explain
the difference between MOPs and MMOPs using the two-
objective and two-variable Two-On-One problem [11]. Figs.
2 (a) and (b) show the Pareto front F and the Pareto optimal
solution set O of Two-On-One, respectively. Two-On-One
has two equivalent Pareto optimal solution subsets O1 and
O2 that are symmetrical with respect to the origin, where
O = O1
O2. Figs. 2 (c) and (d) show O1 and O2,
respectively. In Two-On-One, the three solution sets O, O1,
and O2 (Figs. 2 (b), (c) and (d)) are mapped to F (Fig. 2
(a)) by the objective functions. On the one hand, the goal of
MOPs is generally to find a solution set that approximates
the Pareto front F in the objective space. Since O1 and
O2 are mapped to the same F in the objective space, it is
sufficient for MOPs to find either O1 or O2. On the other
hand, the goal of MMOPs is to find the entire equivalent
Pareto optimal solution set O = O1
O2 in the solution
space. In contrast to MOPs, it is necessary to find both O1
and O2 in MMOPs. Since most MOEAs (e.g., NSGA-II
[12] and SPEA2 [13]) do not have mechanisms to maintain
the solution space diversity, it is expected that they do not
work well for MMOPs. Thus, multi-modal multi-objective
evolutionary algorithms (MMEAs) that handle the solution
space diversity are necessary for MMOPs.
This paper presents a review of evolutionary multi-modal
Solution spaceObjective space
2) Definitions of MMOPs: The term “MMOP” was first
coined in [3], [14] in 2005. However, “MMOP” was not used
in most studies from 2007 to 2012. Terms that represent
MMOPs were not explicitly defined in those studies. For
example, MMOPs were referred to as problems of obtaining
a diverse solution set in the solution space in [17]. It seems
that “multi-modal multi-objective optimization” has been used
again as of 2016. Apart from these instances, MMOPs were
denoted as “Multi-objective multi-global optimization” and
“Multi-modal multi-objective wicked problems” in [18] and
[19], respectively.
Although MMOPs have been addressed for more than ten
years, the definition of an MMOP is still controversial. In
this paper, we define an MMOP using a relaxed equivalency
introduced by Rudolph and Preuss [17] as follows:
Definition 1. An MMOP involves finding all solutions that
are equivalent to Pareto optimal solutions.
f (x1)
Definition 2. Two different solutions x1 and x2 are said to
f (x2)
be equivalent iff
(cid:107) ≤
is an arbitrary norm of a, and δ is a non-negative
threshold value given by the decision maker. If δ = 0, the
MMOP should find all equivalent Pareto optimal solutions. If
δ > 0, the MMOP should find all equivalent Pareto optimal
solutions and dominated solutions with acceptable quality. The
main advantage of our definition of an MMOP is that the
decision maker can adjust the goal of the MMOP by changing
the δ value. Most existing studies (e.g., [9], [20], [21]) assume
MMOPs with δ = 0. MMOPs with δ > 0 were discussed in
[3], [4], [19], [22]. For example, xa, xb, and xc in Fig. 1
should be found for MMOPs with δ = 0. In addition, the
non-Pareto optimal solution xd should be found for MMOPs
with δ > 0 if
(cid:107) ≤
Although there is room for discussion, MMOPs with δ > 0
may be more practical
in real-world applications. This is
because the set of solutions of an MMOP with δ > 0 can
provide more options for the decision maker than that of
an MMOP with δ = 0. While it is usually assumed in the
EMO community that the final solution is selected from non-
dominated solutions, the decision maker may also be interested
in some dominated solutions in practice [3], [4]. Below, we
use the term “MMOP” regardless of the δ value for simplicity.
f (xd)
f (xa)
This section describes 12 dominance-based MMEAs, 3
decomposition-based MMEAs, 2 set-based MMEAs, and a
post-processing approach. MMEAs need the following three
abilities: (1) the ability to find solutions with high quality,
(2) the ability to find diverse solutions in the objective space,
and (3) the ability to find diverse solutions in the solution
space. MOEAs need the abilities (1) and (2) to find a solution
set that approximates the Pareto front in the objective space.
Multi-modal single-objective optimizers need the abilities (1)
and (3) to find a set of global optimal solutions. In contrast,
MMEAs need all abilities (1)–(3). Here, we mainly describe
mechanisms of each type of MMEA to handle (1)–(3).
(a) F
(b) O
(c) O1
(d) O2
Fig. 2: (a) The Pareto front F and (b) the Pareto optimal solution
set O of Two-On-One [11]. Figs. (c) and (d) show the two Pareto
optimal solution subsets O1 and O2, respectively.
multi-objective optimization. This topic is not new and has
been studied for more than ten years. Early studies include [3],
[5], [11], [14]–[16]. Unfortunately, most existing studies were
independently conducted and did not use the term “MMOPs”
(i.e., they are not tagged). For this reason, it is difficult to
survey existing studies of MMOPs despite their significant
contributions. In this paper, we review related studies of
MMOPs including those published under names that were
different from “multi-modal multi-objective optimization”. We
also clarify open issues in this field. Multi-modal single-
objective optimization problems (MSOPs) have been well
studied in the evolutionary computation community [10].
Thus, useful clues to address some issues in studies of MMOPs
may be found in studies of MSOPs. We discuss what can be
learned from the existing studies of MSOPs.
This paper is organized as follows. Section II gives def-
initions of MMOPs. Section III describes MMEAs. Section
IV presents test problems for multi-modal multi-objective
optimization. Section V explains performance indicators for
benchmarking MMEAs. Section VI concludes this paper.
A solution x1 is said to dominate x2 iff fi(x1)
1) Definition of MOPs: A continuous MOP involves find-
RD that minimizes a given objective
ing a solution x
RM . Here, S is the D-dimensional
function vector f : S
solution space, and RM is the M -dimensional objective space.
fi(x2) for
all i
and fi(x1) < fi(x2) for at least one index
i. If x∗ is not dominated by any other solutions, it is called a
Pareto optimal solution. The set of all x∗ is the Pareto optimal
solution set, and the set of all f (x∗) is the Pareto front. The
goal of MOPs is generally to find a non-dominated solution
set that approximates the Pareto front in the objective space.
1, ..., M
∈ {
8101214161820f1012345f2−2−1012x1−2−1012x2−2−1012x1−2−1012x2−2−1012x1−2−1012x21) Pareto dominance-based MMEAs: The most representa-
tive MMEA is Omni-optimizer [9], [14], which is an NSGA-
II-based generic optimizer applicable to various types of prob-
lems. The differences between Omni-optimizer and NSGA-II
are fourfold: the Latin hypercube sampling-based population
initialization, the so-called restricted mating selection, the (cid:15)-
dominance-based non-dominated sorting, and the alternative
crowding distance. In the restricted mating selection, an indi-
vidual xa is randomly selected from the population. Then, xa
and its nearest neighbor xb in the solution space are compared
based on their non-domination levels and crowding distance
values. The winner among xa and xb is selected as a parent.
The crowding distance measure in Omni-optimizer takes
into account both the objective and solution spaces. For the i-
th individual xi in each non-dominated front R, the crowding
distance in the objective space cobj
is calculated in a similar
manner to NSGA-II. In contrast, the crowding distance value
of xi in the solution space csol
is calculated in a different
1, ..., D
manner. First, for each j
, a “variable-wise”
∈ {
crowding distance value of xi in the j-th decision variable
i,j is calculated as follows:
(cid:16) xi+1,j −xi,j
j −xmin
(cid:16) xi,j −xi−1,j
j −xmin
xi+1,j −xi−1,j
j −xmin
else if xi,j = xmax
if xi,j = xmin
i,j =
where we assume that all individuals in R are sorted based on
their j-th decision variable values in descending order. In (1),
j = minx∈R{
. Unlike the
crowding distance in the objective space, an infinitely large
value is not given to a boundary individual.
j = maxx∈R{
and xmax
Then, an “individual-wise” crowding distance value csol
i = ((cid:80)D
calculated as follows: csol
i,j )/D. The average
value csol
avg of all individual-wise crowding distance values is
avg = ((cid:80)|R|
also calculated as follows: csol
. Finally,
the crowding distance value ci of xi is obtained as follows:
j=1 csol
i=1 csol
i )/
ci =
, csol
i }
, csol
i }
i > cobj
if cobj
avg or csol
i > csol
where cobj
avg is the average value of all crowding distance values
in the objective space. As shown in (2), ci in Omni-optimizer
is the combination of cobj
. Due to its alternative
crowding distance, the results presented in [9] showed that
Omni-optimizer finds more diverse solutions than NSGA-II.
and csol
In addition to Omni-optimizer, two extensions of NSGA-
II for MMOPs have been proposed. DNEA [23] is similar to
Omni-optimizer but uses two sharing functions in the objective
and solution spaces. DNEA requires fine-tuning of two sharing
niche parameters for the objective and solution spaces. The
secondary criterion of DN-NSGA-II [24] is based on the
crowding distance only in the solution space. DN-NSGA-II
uses a solution distance-based mating selection.
The following are other dominance-based MMEAs. An
MMEA proposed in [25] utilizes DBSCAN [26] and the rake
selection [27]. DBSCAN, which is a clustering method, is
used for grouping individuals based on the distribution of
individuals in the solution space. The rake selection, which is
a reference vector-based selection method similar to NSGA-III
[28], is applied to individuals belonging to each niche for the
environmental selection. SPEA2+ [5], [15] uses two archives
Aobj and Asol to maintain diverse non-dominated individuals
in the objective and solution spaces, respectively. While the
environmental selection in Aobj is based on the density of
individuals in the objective space similar to SPEA2 [13], that
in Asol is based on the density of individuals in the solution
space. For the mating selection in SPEA2+, neighborhood
individuals in the objective space are selected only from Aobj.
PQ,(cid:15)-MOEA [4], 4D-Miner [3], [29], and MNCA [19] are
capable of handling dominated solutions for MMOPs with
δ > 0. PQ,(cid:15)-MOEA uses the (cid:15)-dominance relation [30] so
that an unbounded archive can maintain individuals with ac-
ceptable quality according to the decision maker. Unlike other
MMEAs, PQ,(cid:15)-MOEA does not have an explicit mechanism to
maintain the solution space diversity. 4D-Miner was specially
designed for functional brain imaging problems [3]. The
population is initialized by a problem-specific method. 4D-
Miner maintains dissimilar individuals in an external archive,
whose size is ten times larger than the population size. The
environmental selection in 4D-Miner is based on a problem-
specific metric. Similar to DIOP [22] (explained later), MNCA
simultaneously evolves multiple subpopulations P 1, ..., P S,
where S is the number of subpopulations. In MNCA, the
primary subpopulation P 1 aims to find an approximation
that provides a target front for other
of the Pareto front
subpopulations P 2, ..., P S. While the update of P 1 is based
on the same selection mechanism as in NSGA-II, the update
of P 2, ..., P S is performed with a complicated method that
takes into account both the objective and solution spaces.
Although the above-mentioned MMEAs use genetic varia-
tion operators (e.g., the SBX crossover and the polynomial
mutation [12]), the following MMEAs are based on other
approaches. Niching-CMA [20] is an extension of CMA-
ES [31] for MMOPs by introducing a niching mechanism.
The number of niches and the niche radius are adaptively
adjusted in Niching-CMA. An aggregate distance metric in
the objective and solution spaces is used to group individ-
uals into multiple niches. For each niche, individuals with
better non-domination levels survive to the next
MO Ring PSO SCD [21], a PSO algorithm for MMOPs,
uses a diversity measure similar to Omni-optimizer. However,
MO Ring PSO SCD handles the boundary individuals in the
objective space in an alternative manner. In addition, an index-
based ring topology is used to create niches.
Two extensions of artificial
immune systems [32] have
been proposed for MMOPs: omni-aiNet [18] and cob-aiNet
[33]. These two methods use a modified version of the
polynomial mutation [12]. The primary and secondary criteria
of omni-aiNet are based on (cid:15)-nondomination levels [30] and
a grid operation, respectively. In addition, omni-aiNet uses
suppression and insertion operations. While the suppression
operation deletes an inferior individual, the insertion operation
adds new individuals to the population. The population size
is not constant due to these two operations. The primary
and secondary criteria of cob-aiNet are based on the fitness
assignment method in SPEA2 [13] and a diversity measure
with a sharing function in the solution space, respectively. The
maximum population size is introduced in cob-aiNet.
2) Decomposition-based MMEAs: A three-phase multi-
start method is proposed in [16]. First, (1, λ)-ES is carried
out on each M objective functions K times to obtain M
best-so-far solutions. Then, an unsupervised clustering method
is applied to the M
K solutions to detect the number of
equivalent Pareto optimal solution subsets s. Finally, s runs
of (1, λ)-ES are performed on each N single-objective sub-
problem decomposed by the Tchebycheff function. The initial
individual of each run is determined in a chained manner.
The best solution found in the j-th subproblem becomes an
initial individual of (1, λ)-ES for the j + 1-th subproblem
). It is expected that s equivalent solutions
are found for each N decomposed subproblems.
1, ..., N
∈ {
Two variants of MOEA/D [34] for MMOPs are proposed
in [35], [36]. MOEA/D decomposes an M -objective problem
into N single-objective subproblems using a set of weight vec-
tors, assigning a single individual to each subproblem. Then,
MOEA/D simultaneously evolves the N individuals. Unlike
MOEA/D, the following two methods assign one or more
individuals to each subproblem to handle the equivalency.
The MOEA/D algorithm presented in [35] assigns K indi-
viduals to each subproblem. The selection is conducted based
on a fitness value combining the PBI function value [34]
and two distance values in the solution space. K dissimilar
individuals are likely to be assigned to each subproblem.
The main drawback of the above methods [16], [35] is the
difficulty in setting a proper value for K, because it is problem
dependent. MOEA/D-AD [36] does not need such a parameter
but requires a relative neighborhood size L. For each iteration,
a child u is assigned to the j-th subproblem whose weight
vector is closest to f (u), with respect to the perpendicular
distance. Let X be a set of individuals already assigned to the
jth-subproblem. If x in X is within the L nearest individuals
from the child u in the solution space, x and u are compared
based on their scalarizing function values g(x) and g(u). If
g(x), x is deleted from the population and u enters
the population. u also enters the population when no x in X
is in the L neighborhood of u in the solution space.
3) Set-based MMEAs: DIOP [22] is a set-based MMEA
that can maintain dominated solutions in the population. In
the set-based optimization framework [37], a single solution
in the upper level represents a set of solutions in the lower
level (i.e., a problem). DIOP simultaneously evolves an archive
A and a target population T . While A approximates only the
Pareto front and is not shown to the decision maker, T obtains
diverse solutions with acceptable quality by maximizing the
following G indicator: G(T ) = wobjDobj(T ) + wsolDsol(T ).
Here, wobj + wsol = 1. Dobj is a performance indicator in
the objective space, and Dsol is a diversity measure in the
solution space. In [22], Dobj and Dsol were specified by the
hypervolume indicator [38] and the Solow-Polasky diversity
measure [39], respectively. Meta-individuals in T that are (cid:15)-
dominated by any meta-individuals in A are excluded for the
calculation of the G metric. At the end of the search, T
is likely to contain meta-individuals (i.e., solution sets of a
TABLE I: Properties of 18 MMEAs. µ and nmax denote the
population size and the maximum number of evaluations used in
each paper, respectively. “δ > 0” indicates whether each method can
handle MMOPs with δ > 0. “U” means whether each method has an
unbounded population/archive. Initial µ values are reported for omni-
aiNet, cob-aiNet, PQ,(cid:15)-MOEA, and MOEA/D-AD. µ and nmax used
in the post-processing step are shown for a method in [17].
SPEA2+ [5], [15]
Omni-optimizer [9], [14]
4D-Miner [3], [29]
omni-aiNet [18]
Niching-CMA [20]
e A method in [25]
PQ,(cid:15)-MOEA [4]
cob-aiNet [33]
MNCA [19]
MO Ring PSO SCD [21]
DNEA [23]
. A method in [16]
A method in [35]
MOEA/D-AD [36]
t DIOP [22]
A method in [40]
. A method in [17]
50 000
1 000
500 000
8 000
40 000
50 000
Not clearly reported
1 120
5 000
40 000
100 000
80 000
80 000
63 000
20 000
89 600
30 000
100 000
400 000
2 000
δ > 0
problem) (cid:15)-nondominated by meta-individuals in A.
Another set-based MMEA is presented in [40]. Unlike
DIOP, the proposed method evolves only a single population.
Whereas DIOP maximizes the weighted sum of values of Dobj
and Dsol, the proposed method treats Dobj and Dsol as meta
two-objective functions. NSGA-II is used to simultaneously
maximize Dobj and Dsol in [40].
4) A post-processing approach: As pointed out in [17], it
is not always necessary to locate all Pareto optimal solutions.
Suppose that a set of non-dominated solutions A has already
been obtained by an MOEA (e.g., NSGA-II) but not an MMEA
(e.g., Omni-optimizer). After the decision maker has selected
the final solution xfinal from A according to her/his preference
in the objective space, it is sufficient to search solutions whose
objective vectors are equivalent to f (xfinal).
f (x)
2, f meta
f (xfinal)
A post-processing approach is proposed in [17] to han-
dle this problem. First, the proposed approach formulates a
meta constrained two-objective minimization problem where
2, and
f meta
gmeta(x) = f meta
θ < 0. The meta objective functions
and f meta
f meta
represent the distance between x and xfinal in
the objective and solution spaces. Thus, smaller f meta
(x) and
f meta
(x) indicate that x is similar to xfinal in the objective
space and far from xfinal in the solution space, respectively.
The constraint gmeta with θ > 0 prevents f meta
(x) from
becoming an infinitely small value in unbounded problems.
NSGA-II is used as a meta-optimizer in [17].
5) Open issues: Table I summarizes the properties of the
18 MMEAs reviewed in this section.
While some MMEAs require an extra parameter (e.g.,
L in MOEA/D-AD), Omni-optimizer does not require such
a parameter. This parameter-less property is an advantage
of Omni-optimizer. However, Omni-optimizer is a Pareto
dominance-based MMEA. Since dominance-based MOEAs
perform poorly on most MOPs with more than three objectives
[28], Omni-optimizer is unlikely to handle many objectives.
In addition to MMEAs, some MOEAs handling the solution
space diversity have been proposed, such as GDEA [41],
DEMO [42], DIVA [43], “MMEA” [44], DCMMMOEA [45],
and MOEA/D-EVSD [46]. Note that solution space diversity
management in these MOEAs aims to efficiently approximate
the Pareto front for MOPs. Since these methods were not
designed for MMOPs, they are likely to perform poorly for
MMOPs. For example, “MMEA”, which stands for a model-
based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm, cannot find mul-
tiple equivalent Pareto optimal solutions [44]. Nevertheless,
helpful clues for designing an efficient MMEA can be found
in these MOEAs.
The performance of MMEAs has not been well analyzed.
The post-processing method may perform better than MMEAs
when the objective functions of a real-world problem are
computationally expensive. However, an in-depth investigation
is necessary to determine which approach is more practical.
Whereas the population size µ and the maximum number of
evaluations nmax were set to large values in some studies,
they were set to small values in other studies. For example,
Table I shows that µ = 1 000 and nmax = 500 000 for
Omni-optimizer, while µ = 50 and nmax = 50 000 for
Niching-CMA. It is unclear whether an MMEA designed with
large µ and nmax values works well with small µ and nmax
values. While MMOPs with four or more objectives appear
in real-world applications (e.g., five-objective rocket engine
design problems [7]), most MMEAs have been applied to only
two-objective MMOPs. A large-scale benchmarking study is
necessary to address the above-mentioned issues.
The decision maker may want to examine diverse dominated
solutions. As explained in Section I, dominated solutions
found by PQ,(cid:15)-MOEA support the decision making in space
mission design problems [4]. The results presented in [29]
showed that diverse solutions found by 4D-Miner help neuro-
scientists analyze brain imaging data. Although most MMEAs
assume MMOPs with δ = 0 as shown in Table I, MMEAs
that can handle MMOPs with δ > 0 may be more practical.
Since most MMEAs (e.g., Omni-optimizer) remove dominated
they are unlikely to find
individuals from the population,
diverse dominated solutions. Some specific mechanisms are
necessary to handle MMOPs with δ > 0 (e.g., the multiple
subpopulation scheme in DIOP and MNCA).
As explained at the beginning of this section, MMEAs
need the three abilities (1)–(3). While the abilities (1) and
(2) are needed to approximate the Pareto front, the ability
(3) is needed to find equivalent Pareto optimal solutions.
Most existing studies (e.g., [9], [20], [21], [36]) report that
the abilities (1) and (2) of MMEAs are worse than those of
MOEAs. For example, the results presented in [36] showed
that Omni-optimizer, MO Ring PSO SCD, and MOEA/D-
AD perform worse than NSGA-II in terms of IGD [47]
(explained in Section V). If the decision maker is not interested
in the distribution of solutions in the solution space, it would
be better to use MOEAs rather than MMEAs. The poor perfor-
mance of MMEAs for multi-objective optimization is mainly
due to the ability (3), which prevents MMEAs from directly
approximating the Pareto front. This undesirable performance
regarding the abilities (1) and (2) is an issue in MMEAs.
to learn from MSOPs: An online data repository
( that provides results of
optimizers on the CEC2013 problem suite [48] is available for
MSOPs. This repository makes the comparison of optimizers
easy, facilitating constructive algorithm development. A simi-
lar data repository is needed for studies of MMOPs.
The number of maintainable individuals in the popula-
tion/archive strongly depends on the population/archive size.
However, it is usually impossible to know the number of
equivalent Pareto optimal solutions of an MMOP a priori. The
same issue can be found in MSOPs. To address this issue, the
latest optimizers (e.g., dADE [49] and RS-CMSA [50]) have
an unbounded archive that maintains solutions found during
the search process. Unlike modern optimizers for MSOPs,
Table I shows that only three MMEAs have such a mechanism.
The adaptive population sizing mechanisms in omni-aiNet,
PQ,(cid:15)-MOEA, and MOEA/D-AD are advantageous. A general
strategy of using an unbounded (external) archive could im-
prove the performance of MMEAs.
2 and f2(y) = (y1
This section describes test problems for benchmarking
MMEAs. Unlike multi-objective test problems (e.g., the DTLZ
[51] test suite), multi-modal multi-objective test problems
were explicitly designed such that they have multiple equiv-
alent Pareto optimal solution subsets. The two-objective and
two-variable SYM-PART1 [16] is one of the most represen-
tative test problems for benchmarking MMEAs: f1(y) =
(y1 +a)2 +y2
2. Here, y1 and y2 are
translated values of x1 and x2 as follows: y1 = x1
and y2 = x2
t2b. In SYM-PART1, a controls the region of
Pareto optimal solutions, and b and c specify the positions
of the Pareto optimal solution subsets. The so-called tile
identifiers t1 and t2 are randomly selected from
1, 0, 1
Fig. 3(a) shows the shape of the Pareto optimal solutions of
SYM-PART1 with a = 1, b = 10, and c = 8. As shown in
Fig. 3(a), the equivalent Pareto optimal solution subsets are
on nine lines in SYM-PART1.
a)2 +y2
the Superspheres problem [52],
Other test problems include the Two-On-One [11] problem,
the Omni-test problem [9], the SYM-PART2 and SYM-PART3
problems [16],
the EBN
problem [53], the two SSUF problems [24], and the Polygon
problems [54]. Fig. 3 also shows the distribution of their Pareto
optimal solutions. Since there are an infinite number of Pareto
optimal solutions in the EBN problem, we do not show them.
Source codes of the ten problems can be downloaded from the
supplementary website (
In Omni-test, equivalent Pareto optimal solution subsets are
regularly located. SYM-PART2 is a rotated version of SYM-
PART1. SYM-PART3 is a transformed version of SYM-
PART2 using a distortion operation. The Superspheres prob-
lem with D = 2 has six equivalent Pareto optimal solution
TABLE II: Properties of multi-modal multi-objective test problems,
where M , D, and P denote the number of objectives, design
variables, and equivalent Pareto optimal solution subsets, respectively.
If a problem has irregularity, the shapes of its multiple equivalent
Pareto optimal solution subsets differ from each other.
Test problems
SYM-PART problems [16]
Two-On-One problem [11]
Omni-test problem [9]
Superspheres problem [52]
EBN problem [53]
Polygon problems [54]
(d) Two-On-One
(e) Omni-test
(f) Superspheres
MMF suite [21]
HPS suite [57]
SSUF problems [24]
2 or 4
(g) SSUF1
(h) SSUF3
(i) Polygon
Fig. 3: Distribution of the Pareto optimal solutions for the eight
problems. Only x1 and x2 are shown on Omni-test.
subsets. However, the number of its P is unknown for D > 2.
EBN can be considered as a real-coded version of the so-called
binary one-zero max problem. All solutions in the solution
space are Pareto optimal solutions. SSUF1 and SSUF3 are
extensions of the UF problems [55] to MMOPs. There are
two symmetrical Pareto optimal solution subsets in SSUF1 and
SSUF3. Polygon is an extension of the distance minimization
problems [56] to MMOPs, where P equivalent Pareto optimal
solution subsets are inside of P regular M -sided polygons.
In addition, the eight MMF problems are presented in [21].
Similar to SSUF1 and SSUF3, the MMF problems are derived
from the idea of designing a problem that has multiple equiv-
alent Pareto optimal solution subsets by mirroring the original
one. A bottom-up framework for generating scalable test
problems with any D is proposed in [57]. P equivalent Pareto
optimal solution subsets are in P hyper-rectangular located in
the solution space similar to the SYM-PART problems. While
the first k variables play the role of “position” parameters
in the solution space, the other D
k variables represent
“distance” parameters. The six HPS problem instances were
constructed using this framework in [57].
If a given problem has the multi-modal fitness landscape, it
may have multiple non-Pareto fronts whose shapes are similar
to the true Pareto front. Such a problem (e.g., ZDT4 [58]) is
referred to as a multi-frontal test problem [59]. If the δ value
(defined in Subsection II-2) is sufficiently large, a multi-frontal
test problem can be regarded as a multi-modal multi-objective
test problem. In fact, ZDT4 was used in [19] as a test problem.
The Kursawe problem [60] is a multi-modal and nonseparable
test problem with a disconnected Pareto front. The Kursawe
problem has two fronts in the objective space similar to multi-
frontal problems. Thus, the Kursawe problem can be used as
a multi-modal multi-objective test problem.
1) Open issues: Table II summarizes the properties of
multi-modal multi-objective test problems reviewed here. In
Table II, P of Omni-test adheres to [22].
Table II indicates that scalable test problems do not exist,
in terms of M , D, and P . Although the SYM-PART problems
have some desirable properties (e.g.,
their adjustable and
straightforward Pareto optimal solution shapes), M , D, and
P are constant in these problems. Only Polygon is scalable in
M . While most test problems have only two design variables,
Omni-test and HPS are scalable in D. Unfortunately, P
increases exponentially with increased D in Omni-test due
to the combinatorial nature of variables. Although the idea
of designing scalable SYM-PART and Polygon problems to
D is presented in [61], [62],
they have similar issues to
Omni-test. Although the HPS problems do not have such
an issue, it is questionable whether there exists a real-world
problem with design variables affecting only the distance
between the objective vectors and the Pareto front. Only SYM-
PART3 has irregularity. Since the shapes of the Pareto optimal
solution subsets may be different from each other in real-world
problems, we believe that test problems with the irregularity
are necessary to evaluate the performance of MMEAs. The
performance of an MMEA with an absolutely defined niching
radius (e.g., DNEA) is likely to be overestimated in test
problems without irregularity.
In addition, the relation between synthetic test problems
and real-world problems has not been discussed. The idea of
designing a Polygon problem based on a real-world map is
presented in [63]. However, this does not mean that such a
Polygon problem is an actual real-world problem.
What to learn from MSOPs: Some construction methods
for multi-modal single-objective test problems are available,
such as the software framework proposed in [64], the con-
struction method for various problems [65], and Ahrari and
Deb’s method [66]. Borrowing ideas from such sophisticated
construction methods is a promising way to address the
above-mentioned issues of multi-modal multi-objective test
−15015x1−15015x2−15015x1−15015x2−8−4048x1−15015x2−2−1012x1−2−1012x20123456x10123456x20π/4π/2x1012345x2123x1−101x20246810x1×10−105101520x2×10−10246810x10246810x2problems. In [64], R¨onkk¨onen et al. present eight desirable
properties for multi-modal single-objective problem generators
such as scalability in D, control of the number of global and
local optima, and regular and irregular distributions of optima.
These eight properties can be a useful guideline for designing
multi-modal multi-objective problem generators.
Performance indicators play an important role in quanti-
tatively evaluating the performance of MOEAs as well as
MMEAs. Since performance indicators for MOEAs consider
only the distribution of objective vectors (e.g., the hypervol-
ume, GD, and IGD indicators [38], [47]), they cannot be used
to assess the ability of MMEAs to find multiple equivalent
Pareto optimal solutions. For this reason, some indicators have
been specially designed for MMEAs. Performance indicators
for MMEAs can be classified into two categories: simple
extensions of existing performance indicators for MOEAs and
specific indicators based on the distributions of solutions.
IGDX [4], [44] is a representative example of the first
approach. The IGD and IGDX indicators are given as follows:
TABLE III: Properties of performance indicators for MMEAs
(convergence to Pareto optimal solution subsets, diversity,
uniformity, spread, the use of reference solution sets, and
possibility to compare solution sets with different sizes).
GDX [4]
IGDX [4], [44]
Hausdorff distance [4]
CR [21]
PSP [21]
Pairwise distance [20]
CS [16]
SPS [16]
Solow-Polasky [39]
PSV [57]
IGD(A) =
ED(cid:0)f (x), f (z)(cid:1)(cid:111)
ED(cid:0)x, z(cid:1)(cid:111)
where A is a set of solutions obtained by an MMEA and A∗ is
a set of reference solutions in the Pareto optimal solution set.
ED(x1, x2) denotes the Euclidean distance between x1 and
x2. While A with a small IGD value is a good approximation
of the Pareto front, A with a small IGDX approximates Pareto
optimal solutions well. Other indicators in the first category
include GDX [4], the Hausdorff distance indicator [67] in the
solution space [4], CR [21], and PSP [21]. GDX is a GD
indicator in the solution space similar to IGDX. CR is an
alternative version of the maximum spread [38] to measure
the spread of A. PSP is a combination of IGDX and CR.
Performance indicators in the second category include the
mean of the pairwise distance between two solutions [20], CS
[16], SPS [16], the Solow-Polasky diversity measure [39] used
in [22], [40], and PSV [57]. CS is the number of Pareto optimal
solution subsets covered by at least one individual. SPS is the
standard deviation of the number of solutions close to each
Pareto optimal solution subset. PSV is the percentage of the
volume of A in the volume of A∗ in the solution space.
1) Open issues: Table III shows the properties of perfor-
mance indicators for MMEAs reviewed in this section, where
the properties are assessed based on the description of each
indicator. While the properties of the performance indicators
for MOEAs have been examined (e.g., [38], [67]), those for
MMEAs have not been well analyzed.
Performance indicators for MMEAs should be able to
evaluate the three abilities (1)–(3) explained in Section III.
Although IGDX is frequently used, it should be noted that
IGDX does not evaluate the distribution of solutions in the
objective space. Fig. 4 shows the distribution of two solu-
tion sets A1 and A2 for SYM-PART1 in the solution and
(a) A1 in the solution space
(b) A2 in the solution space
(c) A1 in the objective space
(d) A2 in the objective space
Fig. 4: Comparison of solution sets A1 and A2 for SYM-PART1.
objective spaces, where
are 27. While the
solutions in A1 are evenly distributed on one of the nine
Pareto optimal solution subsets, the solutions in A2 are evenly
distributed on all of them. Although A1 has 27 objective
vectors that cover the Pareto front, A2 has only 3 equivalent
objective vectors. The IGDX and IGD values of A1 and A2
are as follows: IGDX(A1) = 15.92, IGDX(A2) = 0.25,
IGD(A1) = 0.06, and IGD(A2) = 0.81. We used 5 000
Pareto optimal solutions for A∗. Although A2 has a worse
distribution in the objective space than A1, IGDX(A2) is
significantly better than IGDX(A1). As demonstrated here,
IGDX can evaluate the abilities (1) and (3) but cannot evaluate
the ability (2) to find diverse solutions in the objective space.
Since the other indicators in Table III do not take into account
the distribution of objective vectors similar to IGDX, they
are likely to have the same undesirable property. For a fair
performance comparison, it is desirable to use the indicators
−15015x1−15015x2−15015x1−15015x201234f101234f201234f101234f2for MOEAs (e.g., hypervolume and IGD) in addition to the
indicators for MMEAs in Table III.
What to learn from MSOPs: It is desirable that the indicators
for multi-modal single-objective optimizers evaluate a solution
set without the knowledge of the fitness landscape such as the
positions of the optima and the objective values of the optima
[68]. The same is true for indicators for MMEAs. Table III
shows that most indicators (e.g., IGDX) require A∗. Since A∗
is usually unavailable in real-world problems, it is desirable
that indicators for MMEAs evaluate A without A∗.
Since the archive size in modern multi-modal single-
objective optimizers is unbounded in order to store a number
of local optima [10], most indicators in this field can handle
solution sets with different sizes (e.g., the peak ratio and the
success rate [48]). For the same reason, it is desirable that
indicators for MMEAs evaluate solution sets with different
sizes in a fair manner. However, it is difficult to directly
use indicators for multi-modal single-objective optimizers to
evaluate MMEAs.
The contributions of this paper are threefold. The first
contribution is that we reviewed studies in this field in terms
of definitions of MMOPs, MMEAs, test problems, and perfor-
mance indicators. It was difficult to survey the existing studies
of MMOPs for the reasons described in Section I. Our review
helps to elucidate the current progress on evolutionary multi-
modal multi-objective optimization. The second contribution
is that we clarified open issues in this field. In contrast to
multi-modal single-objective optimization, multi-modal multi-
objective optimization has not received much attention despite
its practical importance. Thus, some critical issues remain.
The third contribution is that we pointed out an issue as-
sociated with performance indicators for MMEAs. Reliable
performance indicators are necessary for the advancement of
MMEAs. We hope that this paper will encourage researchers
to work in this research area, which is not well explored.
This work was supported by the Program for Guang-
dong Introducing Innovative and Enterpreneurial Teams
(Grant No. 2017ZT07X386), Shenzhen Peacock Plan (Grant
No. KQTD2016112514355531),
the Science and Technol-
ogy Innovation Committee Foundation of Shenzhen (Grant
No. ZDSYS201703031748284),
the Program for Univer-
sity Key Laboratory of Guangdong Province (Grant No.
2017KSYS008), and National Natural Science Foundation of
China (Grant No. 61876075).
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ai_researcher | 1 | A_Research_Agenda_for_Mixed_Reality_in_Automated_Vehicles.pdf | Intent-based Meta-Scheduling in Programmable
Networks: A Research Agenda
Nanjangud C. Narendra, Ronak Kanthaliya, Venkatareddy Akumalla
Dept. of Electrical Communication Engineering and FSID, Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore, India
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Abstract—The emergence and growth of 5G and beyond 5G
(B5G) networks has brought about the rise of so-called “pro-
grammable” networks, i.e., networks whose operational require-
ments are so stringent that they can only be met in an automated
manner, with minimal/no human involvement. Any requirements
on such a network would need to be formally specified via
intents, which can represent user requirements in a formal
yet understandable manner. Meeting the user requirements via
intents would necessitate the rapid implementation of resource
allocation and scheduling in the network. Also, given the expected
size and geographical distribution of programmable networks,
multiple resource scheduling implementations would need to be
implemented at the same time. This would necessitate the use
of a meta-scheduler that can coordinate the various schedulers
and dynamically ensure optimal resource scheduling across the
To that end, in this position paper, we propose a research
agenda for modeling, implementation, and inclusion of intent-
based dynamic meta-scheduling in programmable networks. Our
research agenda will be built on active inference, a type of causal
inference. Active inference provides some level of autonomy to
each scheduler while the meta-scheduler takes care of overall
intent fulfillment. Our research agenda will comprise a strawman
architecture for meta-scheduling and a set of research questions
that need to be addressed to make intent-based dynamic meta-
scheduling a reality.
Index Terms—5G, Programmable Networks, O-RAN, 3GPP,
Multi-access Edge Computing,
Intent-driven Management,
Scheduling, Resource Allocation, Meta-Scheduling, Causal In-
ference, Active Inference
The growth of programmable networks, driven by advances
in 5G/6G technologies [1], has raised the need for rapid
automated resource scheduling approaches. In particular, for
6G networks, resource scheduling is expected to be imple-
mented within the sub-millisecond timeframe to meet 6G’s
stringent latency requirements. Intents [2]–[5] are being seen
as an effective mechanism for such rapid resource schedul-
ing. Intents are at the same time human-understandable and
machine-readable and are emerging as the standard approach
for requirements specification and tracking in most telecom-
munication standards bodies such as 3GPP1, Telemanagement
Forum2, and O-RAN3.
Within the programmable networks area, the trend is to-
wards disaggregation of the network via architectures such as
O-RAN [6]. One key feature of O-RAN relevant for us, is
that it emphasizes separation of control and user planes in
wireless networks. This separation enables the decomposition
of intents from the user level down to the Radio Unit (RU)
level, to facilitate optimal resource scheduling.
However, another key issue with programmable networks
is their size and scale, which is expected to be much larger
than the networks of today. Such networks are expected to
be dense [7]–[9], requiring special scheduling approaches
tailored to dense networks [10]. Furthermore, such large-
scale networks could also be subdivided into administrative
domains [11] and hence, would need to be managed in a
distributed manner.
Hence the combination of ultra-low latency and large size
and scale would make the job of resource scheduling ex-
tremely complex. The particular concern here would be the
large number of scheduling algorithms that would need to be
simultaneously implemented to cater to multiple user requests.
This would increase the possibility of conflicts, necessitating
the establishment of a meta-scheduling approach [12] to co-
ordinate among the schedulers.
In this position paper, we investigate this crucial research
issue of meta-scheduling. We propose the use of intent-based
to model and implement meta-scheduling to
coordinate and control the numerous schedulers that would
be running in a programmable network. Capitalizing on the
disaggregated nature of O-RAN, we show how intents can
be decomposed from the user level, all the way down to the
RU level to enable resource scheduling, and how this intent
management hierarchy can be managed via meta-scheduling
approaches. In particular, we show how the newly emerging
technique of active inference [13], [14], derived from the well-
established idea of causal inference [15], can help design
and implement optimal meta-schedulers that can also facilitate
hierarchical and federated learning approaches for schedul-
ing [16], [17]. In addition, we will present our research agenda
Financial support for this work from a research grant from the Ministry
of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India,
is gratefully
acknowledged. The authors also wish to thank Anurag Kumar, Chandra R.
Murthy, and Bharat Dwivedi for their comments.
in this space, which will comprise the key research questions
to be addressed to make intent-based meta-scheduling a reality.
The key aspect of a programmable network is that control
of the network is separated from operation. This lends itself to
making the network programmable via intents. An intent, as
defined by the TeleManagement Forum (TMForum) [18], “is
the formal specification of all expectations including require-
ments, goals, and constraints given to a technical system”.
it expresses what a system is
From a user’s perspective,
expected to achieve. It includes all the system needs to know,
i.e., goals, requirements, constraints, etc. It needs formal
modeling and common semantics to be understandable to
the system; however, it is also intuitively understandable by
humans. It is not only used on the human-machine interface,
in internal goal-setting between sub-systems, and this
aspect makes intents valuable for our purposes, as will be seen
later in this paper. Natural language and other domain-specific
languages can be used which requires local interpretation and
translation into the common intent model. It also has its life
cycle actively managed by the intent creator through the intent
API [18], [19]. Intent-based management has started to be used
in several trial customer deployments, e.g., [20].
The crucial aspect of intents is that they are decomposable.
That is, as shown in Fig. 1, an intent can be specified at
the Business Support System (BSS) layer, and decomposed
further down to the Operations Support System (OSS), RAN,
Transport, and Core layers of the network stack. This lends
itself to the step-wise decomposition of user requirements at
the BSS layer down to the network and 5G core layers. This
property of intents makes them suitable for adaptable and
flexible decision-making in programmable networks.
At each level
in the network stack,
intent management
functions (IMF) can be defined, whose task is to translate
the intents defined by IMFs in the upper layer into intents
that IMFs can implement at the lower layer. An IMF would
therefore be performing the role of an intent owner or intent
handler, depending on when it
is (respectively) assigning
or decomposing intents. When the intent can no longer be
decomposed at the lowest layer, the intent handler would have
to implement the intent.
Each IMF would therefore go through a closed loop, driven
by machine reasoning, as shown in Fig. 2. This comprises
the following: (a) measurement agents that report the state of
the network at the level below that of the IMF and report
to it; (b) assurance agents, that determine what needs to be
implemented based on the arriving intent; (c) proposal agent
that proposes one or more intent decompositions, comprising
a combination of decomposition and actuation as needed; (d)
evaluation agent, that evaluates the proposals and selects the
best one; and (e) actuation agent that implements the actual
decomposition and actuation. Of course, all this is underpinned
by a cognitive framework [21] to operate the agents and
help them perform machine reasoning tasks to achieve their
respective objectives.
Automated intent decomposition, although still at a nascent
stage, is emerging as an active research area. One example
of intent decomposition, which also incorporates distribution
of intents across administrative domains, is presented in [11].
An energy-aware intent decomposition algorithm is presented
in [22]. Intent decomposition using event calculus to represent
the intents, and logical reasoning to model the intent decom-
position process, is presented in [23]. Intent decomposition
and propagation of the decomposed intents for network slice
design is presented in [24].
By way of exposition, for readers unfamiliar with intent-
based management, we have summarized the intent decompo-
sition approach from [11] in Appendix A. We have chosen [11]
since it provides an overall perspective of intent decomposi-
tion, while also illustrating the highly distributed and multi-
domain nature of programmable networks.
We position our intent-based meta-scheduling approach
within O-RAN [6], since it is the latest version of a pro-
grammable network. Moreover, the disaggregated nature of
O-RAN makes it suitable to incorporate and extend the intent
decomposition approach depicted in Fig. 1. The O-RAN
logical architecture is as depicted in Fig. 3.
Consider, for example, the drone use case as shown in Fig. 4
(this has been reproduced from the O-RAN Use Case Analysis
Report [25]). The drone has a network-layer connection to its
nearest 5G cell, which is part of the zone of an edge site.
The drone’s connection to the 5G cells could be changed via
network-layer handover, based on the radio resource manage-
ment (RRM) algorithm employed at the Control Unit (CU-CP)
of the O-RAN system that runs the network.
Context-based dynamic handover management for this use
case will allow operators to adjust radio resource allocation
policies through the O-RAN architecture, reducing latency and
improving radio resource utilization. This would be done via
the UTM (UAV Traffic Management) module as depicted in
Fig. 4.
When the drone crosses the boundary between edge sites,
any of its microservices running on the source edge site
should be migrated to the target edge site within specified
latency limits, ensuring coordinated handover at application
and network layers. This requirement would therefore be
specified as an intent by the BSS layer to the SMO. A simple
example of a latency metric, defined as per the intent common
model proposed by TMForum, is shown in Fig. 5. When it
comes to successful handover for intent management function-
based services, the UE context transfer/retrieval and bearer
setup in the target should happen within a specified time.
Thus, the Control Unit-Control Plane (CU-CP), Control Unit-
User Plane (CU-UP), and Distributed Unit (DU) would have
to coordinate to make this happen.
Conversely, any IMF could advertise its capability via its
capability profile [26], which would allow IMFs at the next
higher layer to determine what type of intents it can handle.
Fig. 1.
Intent Decomposition - from [2]
Fig. 2.
Intent Management Loop - from [2]
Fig. 4. Flight Path-based Dynamic UAV Radio Resource Allocation
The capability profile of an IMF that can serve as both an
intent owner and intent handler, and which can handle latency
and throughput intents, is shown in Fig. 6.
Based on the upper limit of 50 ms specified in Fig. 5,
and referring to Fig. 3, the Service Management and Orches-
tration framework (SMO) - through the nonRT-RIC - would
decompose this intent into, say, 20 ms for the cloud-native
network functions in the O-Cloud located at the edge site
(for the transport network, functions such as routers, firewalls,
etc.), and 30 ms for the nearRT-RIC. The nearRT-RIC would
decompose this further into suitable RRM intents at the CU-
CP, with emphasis on Radio Resource Control (RRC). The CU
will then decompose the intent into one or more DUs, with
emphasis on Radio Link Control (RLC) and Medium Access
Control (MAC). For example, one DU could take up 18 ms
while the other DU could take up 12 ms. Finally, each DU
Fig. 3. O-RAN Logical Architecture
A. Rapid Resource Allocation and Scheduling
Rapid (typically sub-millisecond) resource allocation and
scheduling in programmable networks is crucial for several
• Quality of Service (QoS): Programmable networks need
to maintain specific QoS parameters. Rapid scheduling
helps prioritize critical traffic and ensures that service
level agreements (SLAs) are met.
• Network Slicing: With the emergence of 5G and eventu-
ally 6G, network slicing [28] allows different applications
to run on the same physical infrastructure while meeting
diverse performance requirements. Rapid resource allo-
cation is essential for managing these slices effectively.
• Latency Sensitivity: Many applications, such as real-time
communications, online gaming, and UAVs (as evidenced
from the example in Section III above), require extremely
low latency. Delays in resource allocation can lead to
degraded user experiences.
In addition to the above,
in large-scale real-life pro-
grammable networks, catering to multiple user requests would
require multiple resource allocation and scheduling algorithms
to be implemented, on the same network resources, leading
to potential conflicts, which would degrade network perfor-
mance considerably [29], [30]. Preventing such conflicts from
arising, would require a higher-level entity that coordinates all
resource scheduling implementations, and in essence ensures
co-existence of various scheduling algorithms for various use
case types [31].
B. Meta Scheduling Architectural Framework
Building on the ideas presented above, our meta scheduling
architectural framework would therefore be a two-level frame-
work that mirrors the hierarchy shown in Fig. 1. Applied to
the O-RAN architecture of Fig. 3, our framework would be as
depicted in Fig. 7.
This framework would operate on two levels: meta-
scheduling and scheduling. At the meta-scheduling level, the
CU would be enhanced with the agents as depicted in Fig. 7,
and would work as follows:
1) The Assurance Agent would receive the user require-
ments. It is assumed that, due to the scale involved,
multiple user requirements would come in at the same
time. Referring to our UAV example above, this can be
reflected in a need to schedule handovers for multiple
UAVs at the same time, with differing latency require-
ments for each UAV.
2) The Assurance Agent would evaluate the requirements
with the help of the Measurement Agent. The latter
would provide the former with information regarding the
latest state of the network as recorded in the Knowledge
Base (KB), as well as the underlying causal models
that represent the variables that would affect scheduling
decisions. These models are derived via active inference,
Fig. 5. Latency Metric Example
Fig. 6. Capability Profile Example
will then implement its intent at its Radio Units (RU).
Please note that for concreteness and as an illustration, we
have only described a rather simple latency metric example.
More complex examples would involve setting a time duration
within which a certain percentage of handovers should be
implemented within a certain latency limit, e.g., 85% of
handovers within the next 30 minutes should be implemented
within 50 ms. This would make radio resource allocation and
scheduling at the RUs dynamic, requiring methods such as
multi-agent online learning [27] to fulfill the intent.
Fig. 7. Meta-Scheduling Architectural Framework
a type of causal inference that will be illustrated later in
Section IV-D.
3) The Proposal Agent would then develop meta-
scheduling proposals (i.e., policies) to fulfill all the user
requirements together while ensuring a fair (proportional
or otherwise [32]) and conflict-free meta-scheduling
4) The Evaluation Agent would evaluate the policies devel-
oped by the Proposal Agent and select the best policies
that would meet the user requirements.
5) The Decomposition Agent would send the selected meta-
scheduling policy to the Meta-Scheduling Coordinator,
for further forwarding to the various DUs. The appro-
priate scheduling policy to be assigned to each DU
would be determined by the Decomposition Agent, and
would be implemented as per the intent decomposition
approach described earlier in Section III.
6) The Meta-Scheduling Coordinator would serve as a mes-
sage bus that transmits messages (intent decompositions)
from the CU to DU, and responses (intent reports) from
DU to CU.
At the scheduling level, the DU would need to be enhanced
1) The Policy Evaluation Agent receives the scheduling
policy via the Meta-Scheduling Coordinator. It then eval-
uates the given policy against its own KB to determine
how feasible the policy would be, given the state of the
network under its control as recorded in its own KB.
2) The Policy Updation Agent would then update the
scheduling policy as per the inputs from the Policy
Evaluation Agent and send it to the Actuation Agent
for action.
3) The Actuation Agent would then implement the schedul-
ing policy on the RUs.
4) The Reporting Agent would observe the results of
scheduling and send its reports to the CU’s KB (and
as needed, to the DU’s own KB); this would be imple-
mented as per TMForum’s Intent Reporting API [33].
These intent reports would then be used to enhance the
knowledge in both KBs, with a view towards improving
meta-scheduling and scheduling algorithms in the future.
The question now arises as to why the facility of policy
the DU level should be provided at all. The
updation at
reason for this, is that this is in keeping with the TMForum’s
philosophy (as pictorially depicted in Fig. 1) of providing
autonomy to intent management functions at every layer of the
network stack. This is also in line with the recent proposal to
complement rApps and xApps in the O-RAN standards [25]
with “dApps” [34] at the DU, which can operate at < 10
ms timescales and can be situated at
the DU to perform
By way of illustration, we have depicted in Algorithm 1 how
the meta-scheduler can help fulfill intents at the base station
(gNB), using RAN schedulers for a given UE and the PDU
Algorithm 1 Meta Scheduling Algorithm
1: if Intent then
CU and Meta Scheduler gets intent from IMF (Intent
Management Function)
CU chooses the DRB based on the mapping function
and DU uses the scheduling policy which is output of the
meta scheduler to meet the intent within the same slice
for differentiating the intent
4: DRB = f(Intent, 5QI)
5: Meta Scheduling policy = g(Intent, Slice differentiator,
Buffer status, CQI, Block Error rate)
RAN scheduling policy = h(Meta scheduling policy,
Buffer status, CQI, Block error rate (BLER))
7: else
8: DRB = f(0 , 5QI)
9: Meta Scheduling policy = g(0, Slice differentiator, Buffer
▷ Intent is zero
status, CQI, Block Error rate)
RAN scheduling policy = h(Meta scheduling policy,
Buffer status, CQI, Block error rate (BLER))
when UE moves from one CU/DU to another CU/DU
then the meta scheduler changes its inputs to the corre-
sponding new scheduler, accordingly.
The input to the RAN scheduler is based on the data
the meta scheduler has about the UE, the UE mobility and
gNB (CU+DU).
13: end if
C. Causal Reasoning for Scheduling
Recent attempts at resource scheduling in 5G and B5G (be-
yond 5G) networks has focused on machine learning methods
built on statistical principles. However, these methods suffer
from several shortcomings as highlighted in [35], viz., black
box nature, curve fitting nature that limits their adaptability,
reliance on large amounts of data, and energy inefficiency.
Indeed, one key issue in adopting such machine learning
approaches is model drift [36], i.e., the fact that network
conditions keep changing constantly, and hence the data on
which the machine learning algorithms are run, would be quite
dissimilar in distribution to the data on which the algorithms
were originally trained.
This raises the need for a causal reasoning [15] approach,
built on causal models that capture the relationships among
the data in the network, and can use these model to enhance
machine learning techniques used for resource scheduling.
Causal models for any variable in the network can be further
refined via the use of Markov Blankets [37]. In a causal model,
which is represented as a directed acyclic graph (DAG), the
Markov Blanket of any variable is the collection of its parents,
children and co-parents in the DAG. The Markov Blanket
would therefore comprise those variables that would affect
the variable in question. Hence any learning algorithm that
seeks to determine the value of the variable would need only
consider the members of the Markov Blanket as independent
Fig. 8. Factors that could affect Latency
variables. The Markov Blanket for any variable can be discov-
ered via techniques such as those described in [38].
As a simple illustration, consider Fig. 8, which shows some
(not all) factors that could affect latency. The factor ARFCN is
the exception in Fig. 8, and is shaded since it does not belong
to the Markov Blanket of latency.
Techniques such as those described in [39] could be devel-
oped to uncover causal relationships among the variables in the
CU, DU and RU of the O-RAN. Indeed, the technique in [39],
used unsupervised learning to uncover a causal association
between a Configuration Management parameter and degraded
performance of a set of Base Stations (BSs). The technique
used was an autoencoder based on an unsupervised Deep
Neural Network (DNN), which extracted a lower-dimensional
representation from the Performance Management (PM) and
CM indicators of each BS, simplifying the subsequent applica-
tion of clustering algorithms. The clustering algorithms were
used to group the BSs with similar performance as per their
PM values.
D. Extending Causal Reasoning with Active Inference
Active inference [13] is an extension of causal inference. It
is a concept originally from neuroscience which models how
the brain constantly predicts and evaluates sensory information
to decrease long-term surprise. “Surprise” of any observation
given a model is modeled as the negative log-likelihood of the
observation. Surprise is typically defined as so-called “Free
Energy” (FE), which is the gap between any observer’s un-
derstanding and the reality. The FE is usually modeled via the
Kullkack-Leibler (KL) divergence DKL between approximate
posterior probability (Q) of hidden states (x) and their exact
posterior probability (P ) (as shown in Equations 1 and 2)
reproduced from [13].
ℑ(o|m) = −ln P (o|m)
F [Q, o] = [Q(x)||P (x|o, m)] + ℑ(o|m) ≥ ℑ(o|m)
Active inference agents work on action-perception cycles,
where (a) they predict the outcomes of their actions based
Fig. 9. Action Perception Cycle for Active Inference Agent - from [13]
on their beliefs, and (b) update their beliefs based on the
results of their actions. This works as depicted in Fig. 9.
First, the agent is given a set of expectations that it needs to
meet, for e.g., in our case, latency. The agent creates a causal
model (e.g., Fig. 8) to determine the factors that influence the
expectation. This is represented as a conditional probability
table that contains the degree to which the factors influence
the expectation in question. After this, the agent starts to
continuously evaluate the event against the expectation. To
decrease the Free Energy, the agent can: (1) adjust its beliefs
accordingly; (2) execute elasticity strategies; or (3) resolve the
contextual information to improve decision-making.
In our proposed meta-scheduling architecture as depicted
in Fig. 7, both prediction and belief updation would be
accomplished in the KBs of the CU and DU. Actions would
be implemented via the Decomposition and Actuation Agents,
while results of the actions would be obtained via the Report-
ing Agent.
Referring to Fig. 8, active inference-related actions could
therefore be limited to modifying variables such as distance,
Resource Block allocations, and Modulation and Coding
Schemes, in order to achieve the desired latency. And in the
perception phase of the action-perception cycle, the beliefs
(typically expressed as Bayesian probabilities) associated with
these variables would need to be adjusted based on the KL
divergence between the planned and actual latency values.
Scheduling decisions in 5G base stations (gNBs) usu-
ally depend on factors such as Radio Link Control (RLC)
buffer status, Block Error Rate (BLER) obtained by ACK or
NACK received from the physical (PHY) layer, and the actual
scheduling mechanism such as round robin or proportional
fair. These factors will help select the user to be served. After
that, the scheduler collects the buffered data from RLC and
sends it to PHY for transmission. This is pictorially depicted
in Fig. 10.
Once active inference is integrated into our architectural
it can be used to speed up machine learning
algorithms used for resource scheduling and also make them
more accurate by only providing them data of the independent
Fig. 10. Working of Meta-scheduler with Schedulers
variables in the Markov Blankets of the dependent variables
which need to be optimized. Some recent examples of prior
work that can be considered, are:
• Meta-scheduling with cooperative learning [12]: a two-
layer meta-scheduling (at the CU level) and scheduling
framework (at the DU level) that uses cooperative learn-
ing between the two levels to optimize scheduling. It
proposes the use of Deep Reinforcement Learning at the
scheduling level, while meta-scheduling is implemented
via a meta-RL policy. In particular, the meta-RL policy
addressing problems with an identical task having differ-
ent system dynamics, as presented in [40] is employed.
• An example of an intent-driven closed loop management
for 6G O-RAN is presented in [23]. Its focus, however,
is on automating network slice management, although
it provides an intent decomposition model that can be
considered for incorporation into our meta-scheduling
it only presents a single-layer
framework. However,
scheduling approach involving Deep Q-Learning, and
does not consider causal inference.
• It is increasingly seen in most wireless networks that
traditional offline learning approaches cannot adapt to
rapid changes in network conditions, which would be
expected in 5G/B5G networks. To that end, online learn-
ing techniques,
in particular, multi-armed bandits are
becoming popular. One such example is presented in [41],
which describes a hierarchical multi-armed bandit tech-
nique for effective intent-based management. Similar to
our proposed two-layer framework, [41] proposes a two-
layer closed loop framework, where child agents in the
bottom layer are assigned specific intent key performance
indicators (KPIs) that they should meet. The child agent
then selects an action which is then evaluated by the
parent agent and the action with least pseudo-regret
(which quantifies the difference between the expected
reward achieved by the optimal and selected arms) is
selected by the parent agent. This, however, differs from
our approach in two ways. First, in our approach the CU
at the meta-scheduling layer would send a scheduling
policy along with the intent KPI, and the DU would be
free to evaluate and accept or modify it as per its situation.
Second, there is no concept of an action-perception cycle
in [41].
• An intent-driven orchestration method of cognitive au-
tonomous networks (CANs) for RAN management
presented in [4]. That paper contains a high-level descrip-
tion of an end-to-end architecture for for intent-driven
management of RAN parameters within the CAN. It in-
troduces the concepts of Intent Specification Platform, an
Intent Fulfillment System, and an Intent-driven Network
Automation Function Orchestrator (IDNAFO). When our
meta-scheduling framework is to be implemented and
demonstrated, these three concepts can be incorporated
into it.
Based on the above discussion, we identify the following
key research questions. This list is not necessarily exhaustive,
and we believe it would expand as the research questions
themselves begin to be investigated:
• Modeling-related:
the meta-
scheduling architectural framework, and the inference
algorithms for meta-scheduling and scheduling:
to modeling
1) Methods for intent decomposition and assigning
the appropriate scheduling policies via the Meta-
Scheduling Coordinator. Intent decomposition could
be built on techniques such as those proposed in
works such as [11], [21]–[24].
2) Causal model discovery in programmable networks,
perhaps building on works such as [42]. One special
issue to contend with here, would be the size and
scale of the programmable network itself, which is
expected to be highly distributed and composed of
several administrative domains, which may impact
each other, especially at the time of intent decom-
position, as shown in [11]. As far as we are aware,
this problem remains unsolved.
3) Elasticity strategies as proposed in [13] to maintain
homeostasis, i.e., persistence of adherence to user
requirements over time. This is crucial to ensure
the continual adherence of the network to user
requirements, especially since such requirements are
expected to be dynamic.
4) Integration of active inference into any machine
learning algorithms employed to perform resource
the meta-scheduling
scheduling. We expect
layer in the CU would need to handle multiple
such algorithms being implemented at
the same
time, and they would be heterogeneous. This hetero-
geneity would therefore require special techniques
to optimize meta-scheduling using active inference
over large numbers of instances of scheduling im-
plementations. This would also tie into the above
point of maintaining homeostasis in the midst of
such heterogeneity. Techniques from causal machine
learning [43], [44] would need to be investigated
5) Since O-RAN is expected to be a key model
for programmable networks going forward to 5G
and beyond, several enhancements to O-RAN stan-
dards [25] would need to be investigated, which
include the following: intent-based management; O1
interface for Orchestration and Management (O-
RAN interfaces are depicted in Fig. 3); E2 interface
between nearRT-RIC and O-DU; as well as Fron-
thaul interfaces between O-DU and O-RU. All these
interfaces would need to be enhanced to incorporate
our meta-scheduling framework, including the meta-
scheduling layer at the CU, Meta-Scheduling Coor-
dinator that would exercise the E2 interface, and
the scheduling layer where the Fronthaul interfaces
would need to be incorporated.
• Implementation-related: related to implementation issues
facing the meta-scheduling framework:
1) How to actually implement the framework on large-
scale realistic 5G/B5G use cases, such as UAVs,
Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) [45], high-traffic ur-
ban networks in smart city deployments [46], and
possibly non-terrestrial deployments [47] as well.
2) How to address operational challenges and failure
scenarios, and how dynamic meta-scheduling can
help build resilience into resource scheduling [48].
In this position paper, we have introduced the key research
issue of managing programmable networks. In particular, we
have highlighted the problem of intent-based meta-scheduling
in such networks. We have shown how the principles of
active inference, derived from the well-known idea of causal
inference, can be used to model and manage a two-layer meta-
scheduling framework that can separate out the overall task of
managing the network in line with overall user requirements,
from the individual tasks of resource scheduling for meeting
specific intent KPIs. We concluded our paper by presenting
key research questions that need to be addressed in order to
make intent-based meta-scheduling a reality.
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A. Description of [11]
The intent decomposition approach in [11] has been devel-
oped for IP-optical networks, although its approach is general
enough for any 5G/B5G wireless network. The emphasis of the
approach in [11] is decentralized coordination using multiple
SDN controllers, as depicted in Fig. 11.
Fig. 11. Decentralized Coordination of Intent-based Networks - from [11]
Fig. 12 illustrates the various intent stages as per [11].
the intent enters the system expressed in an intent
language. The intent language engine uses the IBN NBI to
insert the intent into the IBN framework (Intent Delivery).
The IBN framework processes the intent, generates a potential
implementation (Intent Compilation), and forwards it to the
SDN Controller to be deployed in the required devices (Intent
Installation). The performance of intent fulfillment is continu-
ously monitored (Intent Monitoring). Any conflict arising out
of satisfying multiple intents at the same time should also be
addressed, although that is outside the scope of [11].
Fig. 12.
IBN over SDN architecture - from [11]
The intent state machine is depicted in Fig. 13. To get
installed, an intent must first be compiled. Compiling and
Installing are intermediate steps that signify dependence on the
child intents in the intent tree. Compiling and installation will
fail if resources are unavailable or if the intent requirements
are not satisfied.
Hence the work in [11] is based on the concept of intent
tree, whose root is the received intent. Each intent can be
broken down into sub-intents and can be considered installed
Fig. 13.
Intent State Machine - from [11]
when all children are all installed. This triggers updates to
the parent’s state based on the child’s state. Failure states of
children are propagated to the ancestors, who can decide to
take the appropriate actions, i.e., try to address the failure or
recompile the intent. This process is depicted in more detail
in Fig. 14.
The paper [11] considers only best-effort connectivity in-
tents, with correspond to the Routing and Spectrum Assign-
ment (RSA) problem [49]. Since RSA is NP-Hard, it is split
into (1) routing and (2) spectrum allocation subproblems.
The strategy employed in [11] assigns a PathIntent for every
to solve the routing subproblem, and a
SpectrumIntent to solve the spectrum allocation subproblem.
Scaling to multi-domain networks (MD) is done via the use
of a RemoteIntent, which delegates an intent to another domain
by binding the local intent to a new replica on the remote
domain with a parent-child relationship. The state update
properties still hold here like any parent-child relationship in
the intent tree. This way, the intent states can propagate across
multiple administrative domains.
Fig. 15 illustrates a prototype implementation of the above
ideas, where the intent trees are generated while issuing to
IBN1 a MD ConnectivityIntent between nodes 1:2 and 3:6
with 5 ms latency and 75 Gbps bandwidth requirements. Node
x.y signifies the y − th node of the x − th IBN domain.
Overall, the IBN1 compiled the intent by subdividing it into
two ConnectivityIntents, one implemented locally while the
other delegated to the neighboring domain. The current intent
compilation strategy performs signal regeneration in the IP
layer at every border node, i. e., nodes 2:1 and 3:2. The
selection of the border nodes and the neighboring domain
is based on the specifics of the deployed implementation
algorithm, i. e., the operator’s decision-making process.
It is observed that PathIntents and SpectrumIntents compile
down to low-level intents, i.e., NodeRouterIntents requesting
IP router ports and NodeSpectrumIntent pairs requesting fiber
spectrum slots for each node participating in the link. However,
the IBN instance cannot control the neighboring domain for
the inter-domain links, and a BorderIntent is generated instead,
Fig. 14.
Intent State Propagation in case of a Network Fault - from [11]
and conformity with the intent requirements.
B. Analysis of [11]
The paper [11] presents an overview of how intents could
be decomposed, and how the decomposition can be managed
to ensure intent fulfillment. While we have cited many other
intent decomposition methods from the literature [22]–[24],
the key aspect of [11] is its treatment of intent decomposition
across multiple administrative domains, which would be a key
feature of programmable networks.
creating remote low-level intents for the border nodes. For
example, to use the link between 1:9 and 2:1, the frequency
slots 5; 6; 7; 8; 9 must be allocated at nodes 1:9 and 2:1.
IBN1 creates a NodeSpectrumIntent for the local node 1:9
and a BorderIntent that will issue a RemoteIntent to IBN2 for
It is also noticed that constraints are propagated altered to
the child intents, depending on whether they are guaranteed
to be already (partly) satisfied by the parents or not. For
example, the latency constraint of 5 ms is propagated to one
of the child intents as a constraint of 1 ms. This means the
parent guarantees that the intent constraint of 5 ms will be
satisfied as long as the child satisfies the intent constraint
of 1 ms. The PathIntent can decide if the delay constraint
is satisfied since it knows the path. If it is satisfied, there
is no reason to propagate the constraint further down to the
child intents. If it is not satisfied, then the intent state will
transition to CompileFailed. If it is generally unknown whether
the constraint is satisfied, the intent will transfer the constraint
to the child intents unaltered.
When all the IBN instances successfully compile and install
the system-generated intents, the end-to-end (E2E) connection
will be available. If one of the IBN instances does not stand
up to the requirements of an intent, this will be spotted from
the monitoring procedure, which will update the state of the
corresponding intent to InstallFailed, making it clear whom
to hold responsible. Such monitoring promotes accountability
Fig. 15. Multi-domain intent deployment and the intent tree - from [11]
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institutions, and journals. Among the emerging online resources in this domain stands OpenAlex1, a
noteworthy platform known for its openness and data integration capabilities. OpenAlex consolidates
and standardizes data from diverse academic sources, with notable emphasis on the Microsoft
Academic Graph, which ceased operation in December 2021 (Scheidsteger & Haunschild, 2023), and
the extensive corpus maintained by Crossref2, the largest DOI registration agency (Singh Chawla,
The current scholarly communication landscape is witnessing a significant shift towards open science
(Liu & Liu, 2023). In this evolving paradigm, OpenAlex by OurResearch emerges as a solution that is
better aligned with the current requisites of the academic community when compared to the closed,
subscription-based citation databases such as Web of Science and Scopus. OpenAlex provides a
significantly broader coverage of academic literature, as noted by Priem et al. (2022) and Scheidsteger
& Haunschild (2022), thereby addressing the growing demand for comprehensive and accessible
sources of research information. Moreover, the OpenAlex API presents a compelling advantage with
its unrestricted access to metadata retrieval, rendering it an invaluable resource for conducting
large-scale bibliometric analyses (Harder, 2024; Velez-Estevez, 2023). Furthermore, the provision of
database snapshots empowers users with the capability to obtain full copies of the OpenAlex database
for deployment on their own servers, thereby enhancing accessibility and facilitating further research
Since its launch in January 2022, OpenAlex has swiftly garnered substantial interest among academic
stakeholders. A notable illustration of this phenomenon is exemplified by Sorbonne University,
which, in alignment with its overarching policy of fostering openness, opted not to renew its
subscription to the Clarivate bibliometric tools. Instead, the university redirected its focus towards
exploring open tools alternatives, with OpenAlex emerging as a prominent candidate3. Similarly, the
Center for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University has integrated OpenAlex as
a cornerstone data source for its novel CWTS Leiden Ranking Open Edition initiative. This
pioneering endeavour aims to equip stakeholders with "fully transparent information about the
scientific performance of over 1400 major universities worldwide".4
The rapid evolution of computer technology has enabled us to swiftly combine bibliographic data
from diverse sources and automate its processing and analysis. However, while such advancements
offer immense potential, they often entail challenges concerning the accuracy, comprehensiveness,
and standardization of data obtained from disparate sources. As a new data source, OpenAlex faces
precisely these challenges. A recent comprehensive investigation conducted by Zhang et al. (2024)
delves into the issue of absent affiliations in the metadata of journal articles within the OpenAlex
platform. Analysis by Jahn et al. (2023) found that the is_oa filter in OpenAlex, which indicates the
availability of open full texts, did not always match the open access status information of the paper. In
this paper, we present our own observations regarding the incorrect representation of retractions
within OpenAlex metadata and propose potential remedies to mitigate this issue.
The growing volume of scientific output is accompanied by a corresponding increase in various forms
of academic misconduct, including paper mills, questionable journals, plagiarism, and the fabrication
or falsification of research findings (Else & Van Noorden, 2021; Freiermuth, 2023; Joelving, 2024;
Kendall & Teixeira da Silva, 2024). This concerning trend places heightened demands on journal
editors and reviewers, whose workload is experiencing a corresponding escalation (Piniewski et al.,
2024). As a result, errors or misconduct may not always be promptly identified. Consequently, there
has been a surge in retractions worldwide — a process in which journal editors formally notify readers
of publications containing significant flaws or erroneous data, thereby announcing that the reliability
of their findings and conclusions is questionable (COPE Council, 2019; Mallapaty, 2024; Rivera &
Teixeira da Silva, 2021).
The process of retracting a publication involves a meticulous and exhaustive investigation by the
journal's editors, culminating in a formal decision to retract the article. Information about retractions
is typically published separately within the journal, where editors explain the rationale behind the
decision as well as the date of retraction. For detailed information on retractions of scientific articles,
researchers can leverage the Retraction Watch database5. Notably, in September 2023, Crossref, the
pre-eminent DOI registration agency, acquired the Retraction Watch database6. This acquisition
enhances the database’s utility and accessibility as an important resource for scholarly inquiry.
Retracted papers are accessible to readers on the journal's website, but they must contain a clear note
indicating their retracted status. This serves as a cautionary measure to alert users to potential issues
associated with the respective paper. However, ensuring consistent marking of retractions across all
reference databases where the publication is indexed remains a challenge. Although it is important
that retractions are accurately marked, there are inconsistencies in the way that many databases
approach this task (Hesselmann et al., 2017; Vuong, 2020). Therefore, we conducted an investigation
to assess how information pertaining to retractions is presented in the metadata of publications within
the OpenAlex database.
In the initial phase of our study on March 6, 2024, we utilized the OpenAlex API to retrieve 47,720
retraction records7. Subsequently, we downloaded these records as a CSV file for further analysis.
Upon scrutinizing the obtained results, it became apparent that not all entries designated as retractions
were accurate. Closer examination of the OpenAlex metadata revealed that the "is_retracted" field
serves as the determinant of a publication's status, with values restricted to either true or false.
As previously mentioned, OpenAlex primarily sources its data from Crossref database8. Following
Crossref's acquisition of the Retraction Watch database, information from this database was integrated
into the Crossref Labs API, accessible through the "update-nature" field9. We enriched of 47,018
entries (excluding 704 records lacking DOIs) OpenAlex records with the “update-nature” from
Crossref using a Python script. Due to the experimental character of the Labs API it was not possible
to get a complete dataset. This resulted in a subset of 20486 records.
Results and discussion
The results of our analysis of a subset of the "update-nature" field in Crossref metadata are depicted in
Figure 1. It is evident from the figure that this field encompasses a range of classifications beyond
retractions, including Corrections, Expressions of Concern, and Crossmark Retractions. Our findings
indicate that Crossref presents the publication status granularly in the metadata (as illustrated in
Figure 2), but OpenAlex employs an approach that consolidates this information in a single boolean
field labelled "is_retracted" (Figure 3). Consequently, the mere presence of any information about an
update causes OpenAlex to categorise the publication as retracted.
This representation of publication status in OpenAlex is a significant concern, particularly given the
platform's increasing importance. For instance, in our examination of retractions within OpenAlex, we
observed that among the most cited papers with a retraction status is a seminal work by Corman et al.
(2020), which presented the establishment of an RT-PCR test for the detection of the 2019-nCoV
virus, which caused the COVID-19 pandemic. Although this paper underwent minor corrections, it
was never retracted. Mislabelling such influential publications as retractions not only has the potential
to misinform healthcare professionals and jeopardize patient care but also risks undermining public
trust in the quality of scientific research as a whole.
Fig. 1 Results of analysing the content of the "update-nature" field in selected Crossref metadata
Fig. 2 Example of contents in the "update-nature" field in Crossref metadata10
Fig. 3 Example of incorrect contents of the "is_retracted" field in OpenAlex metadata11
In a blog post, Herb (2024) highlights the issue of inaccurate representation of retractions in
OpenAlex, resulting in the misclassification of papers within institutional repositories. Consequently,
the ramifications of this problem extend beyond users directly accessing OpenAlex via the web
interface to encompass users of other academic resources leveraging the OpenAlex API.
Given the far-reaching implications of this issue, it was imperative that it is promptly addressed. As it
is of utmost importance to ensure the accurate portrayal of publication statuses on retractions, we have
contacted the OurResearch team on March 19, 2023 and brought the issue to their attention.
Approximately, 2300 incorrect records were identified and corrected. Metadata provided via the API
between December 22, 2023 and March 19, 2024 as well as the data snapshot releases 2024-01-24 and
2024-02-27 are affected.12
In general, it is recommended to subject such critical metadata to a close examination, including with
alternative tools for verifying the status of publications, such as the Problematic Paper Screener's
Annulled Detector13. By adopting a multifaceted approach, stakeholders can mitigate the potential
consequences of mislabelled retractions while awaiting a resolution from the OpenAlex team.
Furthermore, it should be noted that every indication of a retraction status must be subject to special
care. In particular, complexity reduction in the metadata representation must not lead to a loss of
information as described here.
Data availability statement
The data and script used to generate the figures in this paper can be found at:
Conflicts of interest
The authors declare no relevant conflicts of interest.
Funding statement
No funding was received by the authors or for this research. The publication of this article was funded
by the Open Access Fund of Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB).
COPE Council. (2019). COPE retraction guidelines.
Corman, V. M., Landt, O., Kaiser, M., Molenkamp, R., Meijer, A., Chu, D. K., et al. (2020). Detection
of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR. Eurosurveillance, 25(3).
Else, H., & Van Noorden, R. (2021). The fight against fake-paper factories that churn out sham
science. Nature, 591(7851), 516–519.
Freiermuth, M. R. (2023). Now you have to pay! A deeper look at publishing practices of predatory
journals. Learned Publishing, 36(4), 667–688.
Harder, R. (2024). Using Scopus and OpenAlex APIs to retrieve bibliographic data for evidence
synthesis. A procedure based on Bash and SQL. MethodsX, 12, 102601.
Herb, U. (2024). Retractions in Web of Science and OpenAlex. ScholComm, Ulrich's Notes.
Hesselmann, F., Graf, V., Schmidt, M., & Reinhart, M. (2017). The visibility of scientific misconduct:
A review of the literature on retracted journal articles. Current Sociology, 65(6), 814–845.
Joelving, F. (2024). Paper trail. Science, 383(6680), 252–255.
Jahn, N., Haupka, N. & Hobert, A. (2023). Analysing and reclassifying open access information in
OpenAlex. Scholarly Communication Analytics.
Kendall, G., & Teixeira da Silva, J. A. (2024). Risks of abuse of large language models, like ChatGPT,
in scientific publishing: Authorship, predatory publishing, and paper mills. Learned Publishing, 37(1),
Liu, L., & Liu, W. (2023). The engagement of academic libraries in open science: A systematic
review. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 49(3), 102711.
Mallapaty, S. (2024). China conducts first nationwide review of retractions and research misconduct.
Nature, 626(8000), 700–701.
Piniewski, M., Jarić, I., Koutsoyiannis, D., & Kundzewicz, Z. W. (2024). Emerging plagiarism in
peer-review evaluation reports: a tip of the iceberg? Scientometrics, (0123456789).
Priem, J., Piwowar, H., & Orr, R. (2022). OpenAlex: A fully-open index of scholarly works, authors,
venues, institutions, and concepts.
Rivera, H., & Teixeira da Silva, J. A. (2021). Retractions, Fake Peer Reviews, and Paper Mills.
Journal of Korean Medical Science, 36(24), 1–7.
Scheidsteger, T., & Haunschild, R. (2023). Which of the metadata with relevance for bibliometrics are
the same and which are different when switching from Microsoft Academic Graph to OpenAlex? El
Profesional de la información.
Singh Chawla, D. (2022). Massive open index of scholarly papers launches. Nature.
Velez-Estevez, A., Perez, I. J., García-Sánchez, P., Moral-Munoz, J. A., & Cobo, M. J. (2023). New
trends in bibliometric APIs: A comparative analysis. Information Processing & Management, 60(4),
Vuong, Q.-H. (2020). Reform retractions to make them more transparent. Nature, 582(7811),
Zhang, L., Cao, Z., Shang, Y., Sivertsen, G., & Huang, Y. (2024). Missing institutions in OpenAlex:
possible reasons, implications, and solutions. Scientometrics.
ai_researcher | 4 | Optimizing_biomedical_information_retrieval_with_a_keyword_frequency-driven_prompt_enhancement_strategy.pdf | Genetic Optimization of Keywords Subset in
the Classification Analysis of Texts Authorship
Bohdan Pavlyshenko
Ivan Franko Lviv National University,Ukraine, [email protected]
The genetic selection of keywords set, the text frequencies of which are considered as attributes
in text classification analysis, has been analyzed. The genetic optimization was performed on a set of
words, which is the fraction of the frequency dictionary with given frequency limits. The frequency
dictionary was formed on the basis of analyzed text array of texts of English fiction. As the fitness
function which is minimized by the genetic algorithm, the error of nearest k neighbors classifier was used.
The obtained results show high precision and recall of texts classification by authorship categories on the
basis of attributes of keywords set which were selected by the genetic algorithm from the frequency
Key words: genetic algorithms, text mining, text classifications, attributes selection.
The analysis of texts authorship takes an important place in data mining. In
classification and cluster analysis of textual data the vector model of text documents is widely
used, where those documents are represented as vectors in some phase space [Pantel and
Turney, 2010]. Text frequencies of words form the basis of this space. One of important tasks is
to find the optimal vector subspaces of documents for classification and cluster analysis of text
documents [Sebastiani, 2002; Forman, 2003]. In particular the problem lies in the selection of
keywords, the text frequencies of which can be used as input parameters for text classifiers with
satisfactory precision. The solution of this problem optimizes the required number of
calculations and the precision of a classifier in data mining. Different parameters are used in the
classification analysis for determining the classification potential of each word. However, a set
of words may have general synergistic potential which is not visible in every single word.
Genetic algorithms are widely used in the artificial intelligence [Booker et al., 1989;
Whitley, 1994]. Genetic optimization can be used for attribute selection in the classification
analysis [Vafaie and De Jong, 1992; Raymer et al. , 2000; Tan et al., 2008]. Genetic algorithms
are also used for text mining [Atkinson-Abutridy, 2004]. In this paper we use the genetic
algorithm to select a subset of keywords from chosen range in the frequency dictionary. This
keywords subset forms bases of documents vector space in the authorship classification
analysis. For our analysis we have chosen texts of English fiction categorized by authors. As
the fitness function for genetic optimization we chose the precision of a classifier by k nearest
Genetic Optimization of the Basis of Documents Vector Space.
Genetic algorithms are used in a wide class of optimization problems which consist in
finding a set of input parameters that minimize some fitness function. As the fitness function we
can consider the classifier’s error or some quantitative characteristics of cluster structure that
text documents possess. As input parameters of optimization problem we consider a set of
keywords that form the basis of text documents vector space. The concept of genetic algorithms
consists in using the main principles of Darwin's evolutionary theory, in particular the law of
natural selection and genetic variability in optimization problems solving. Let us consider the
basic theses of genetic algorithms in the context of the problem of finding an optimal basis for
data mining of text documents, in particular on the basis of classification algorithms. In
considering the genetic algorithm for finding the optimal keywords basis we use the classical
scheme [Booker et al., 1989; Whitley, 1994]. A set of input parameters is called a chromosome
or individual. In simple case, an individual is formed on the basis of a single chromosome. A set
of chromosomes forms a population. A set of vector basis keywords in the context of genetic
algorithms we called a keywords chromosome. A classical genetic algorithm includes the
following steps:
1. The initial population of n chromosomes is formed.
2. For each chromosome the fitness function is defined.
3. Based on the specified selection rules, two parent chromosomes are selected on the
basis of which a new child chromosome for the next population will be formed.
4. For selected parent pairs a crossover operator is applied, by means of which a new child
chromosome is formed.
5. The mutation of chromosomes with the given probability is effected.
6. The steps 3-5 are being repeated until a new population of n chromosomes is generated.
7. The steps 2-6 are being repeated until they meet conditions of algorithm stop. Such a
condition can be, for example, an assigned set of the fitness function value, or the
maximum number of iterations.
In discrete optimization with the use of genetic algorithms, the number of steps required to
find the optimal set of input parameters is polynomially less as compared to the enumeration of
possibilities. This is due to the presence of some sections of chromosomes which are somewhat
similiar to genes by their behavior and which collectively make optimization contribution to the
fitness function. That means that input parameters are considered as some groups (genes) that
chromosomes are being exchanged by, using a crossover operator, which reduces significantly
the number of parameters combinations in the optimization analysis.
Let us consider a set-theoretical model of the genetic algorithm of optimization
selection semantic fields for forming the semantic space of text documents. We consider the
evolution of genetic optimization as an ordered set of populations
We assume that one generation of chromosomes is formed by one population. The population
consists of a set of chromosomes
= χ
} |
| ;
Generally different populations may contain a different number of chromosomes. In simplified
case, we suppose that the number of chromosomes is the same in all populations, i. e.
We consider each chromosome as a set of keywords
iw p
| ;
| ;
Where i is the index of the keyword position in the chromosome
Text documents are represented as vectors of keywords text frequencies
frequency of the keyword wj in the text document
document matrix where the features are the keywords frequencies in the documents:
jd . The set of values
jkχ of the population
kPop .
kjp that mean the
kjp form the feature-
The vector
s NN
,1 =
displays the document dj in Nw–dimensional space of text documents with the basis formed by
keywords. Now we consider the use of the genetic algorithm for the optimization of keywords
set in the task of text documents classification. The words with the largest text frequencies carry
the minimal semantic information, so it is important to choose such set of words for genetic
selection of keywords, which will consist of the words that carry the semantics of a text. Such
words in the structure of the frequency dictionary are those of medium and minimum
frequencies. As an initial set of attributes we consider some fraction of a frequency dictionary
with given frequencies limits
fW is a set of words of the frequency dictionary;
fpmax are the minimum and
maximum limits of the frequency dictionary fraction. As a fitness function for evolutionary
optimization of the keywords set of the vector space basis we examine the precision of the
classifier. Suppose there are some categories of text documents. These categories may have
different nature, for example, they can identify author’s idiolect, discourse, or characterize
different objects, phenomena, events, etc. We denote the set of these categories as
fpmin ,
Nctg =
defines the size of categories set. According to given categories the
text documents of the document set D are distributed. The task is to find the fitness function that
is described by the mapping
F ctg
{ }1,0
The precision characteristic is widely used to characterize classifiers. The precision of the
jCtg is defined as the ratio of the number of items, correctly
classifier for the category
jCtg , to the total number of items, classified as
classified as belonging to the category
belonging to the category
genetic optimization as follows:
is the category defined by the classifier. Let us define the fitness function of
is the classifier’s precision averaged by all categories. The target of genetic
optimization is to minimize the fitness function
sF .
As the classification method in the study of genetic optimization we consider the
classification by the nearest k neighbors that is called the kNN classification [Sebastiani, 2002;
Manning et al., 2008]. This method is referred to as vector classifiers. The basis of vector
classification methods is the hypothesis of compactness. According to this hypothesis, the
documents belonging to one and the same class form a compact domain, and the domains that
belong to different classes do not intersect. As a similarity measure between the documents we
chose Euclidean distance. In kNN classification the boundaries of categories are defined locally.
Some documents are referred to a category which is dominant for its k neighbors. In the case k
= 1 the document obtains the category of its nearest neighbor. Due to the compactness
hypothesis a test document d has the same category as most of the documents in the training
sample in some local spatial neighborhood of a document d. In the genetic selection of semantic
fields we use the indices of keywords as input parameters of the optimization problem. The
result of genetic optimization will be a set of indices which determines the optimal set of
Experimental part
The experimental array of text documents consisted of 503 English fiction texts that
were classified by the categories of 17 authors. The study sample consisted of 300 randomly
selected documents, and the test sample consisted of 153 documents. The set of keywords for
genetic optimization is formed by the first 1000 words of the frequency dictionary which have
the text frequency less than 0.001. These words form a frequency interval
The populations of 50 chromosomes size were under analysis. The operator of scattered
crossover with the size fraction 0.8 was applied. In each population five elite chromosomes
were selected. The chromosomes with the size of 30 and 10 keywords were under analysis. Fig.
1 shows the dynamics of minimum fitness function value and the one averaged over the
populations at the chromosome size of 30. The classifier by the k nearest neighbors was chosen
for calculating the fitness function which is based on the classification precision. The resulting
minimum fitness function value is 0.0858. This fitness function value corresponds to the
following set of keywords:
{name, seven, together, mind, meeting, north, threw, laid, fifty, rate, cast, move, blow, took,
showed, opinion, make, shook, leave, feel, times, address, around, chief, next, hall, half, tea,
worth, started}
Obtained keywords set was used for the classification texts by authorship categories. As an
additional classifier characteristics the recall Rcj is used, which is defined as the ratio of the
jCtg , to the total number of
number of items, correctly classified as belonging to the category
items, which belong to the category
jCtg .
Fig.1 Dynamics of minimum
sF (min) and average
for the fitness function at the chromosome size of 30.
Fig. 2 shows the diagram of classifier’s precision and recall by the nearest neighbors for the
obtained set of 30 words which corresponds to the minimum value of fitness function. Obtained
precision and recall, averaged over authorship categories, are the following:
. In case of random formation of training and test samples, the distribution
precision and recall by authors’ categories will vary with each application of the classifier to the
test sample. However, the main parameters such as the average values of precision and recall
will be similar.
Fig.2 Classifier’s precision Pr and recall Rc for the authorship categories
at optimized set of 30 words.
We also used the genetic optimization of keywords set, when the size of the chromosome was
10 keywords. In this case the dimension of documents vector space was 10. Fig. 3 shows the
dynamics of minimum and averaged over the population fitness function value at the
chromosome size of 10. The resulting minimum fitness function value is equal to 0.1923.
Fig.3. Dynamics of minimum
sF (min) and average
for the fitness function at the chromosome size of 10.
Fig. 4 shows a diagram of the classifier’s precision and recall by the nearest neighbors for the
obtained set of 10 words. Obtained precision and recall, averaged over authorship categories,
the data obtained for the
chromosomes with the size of 30 and 10 keywords, one can see that taking a third of the space
dimension, the precision and recall decreased by only 10%.
the following:
. Comparing
Fig.4. Classifier’s precision Pr and recall Rc for the authorship categories
at optimized set of 10 words.
Summary and Conclusions
The paper described the genetic optimization of keywords, the frequencies of which are
the components of documents vectors and they act as attributes in text classification analysis.
The genetic optimization was performed on the set of words, which is the fraction of the
frequency dictionary with given frequency limits. The frequency dictionary was formed on the
basis of analyzed text array of texts of English fiction. As the fitness function which is
minimized by the genetic algorithm, the error of nearest k neighbors classifier was used. The
obtained results show high precision and recall of texts classification by authorship categories
on the basis of multiple attributes of keywords that were selected by the genetic algorithm from
the frequency dictionary.
Atkinson-Abutridy, J., Mellish, C., Aitken, S., 2004. Combining Information Extraction with
Genetic Algorithms for Text Mining. IEEE Intelligent Systems. 19 , 22–30.
Booker, L.B., Goldberg, D.E., Holland, J. H., 1989. Classifier Systems and Genetic Algorithms.
Artificial Intelligence. 40, 235–282.
Forman, G., 2003. An extensive empirical study of feature selection metrics for text
classification. The Journal of Machine Learning Research. 3, 1289-1305.
Manning, C. D., Raghavan P., Schütze, H., 2008. Introduction to Information Retrieval.
Cambridge University Press.
Pantel, P., Turney, P. D., 2010. From Frequency to Meaning: Vector Space Models of
Semantics. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. 37, 141-188.
Raymer, M.L., Punch, W.F., Goodman, E.D., Kuhn, L.A., Jain, A.K. 2000. Dimensionality
Reduction Using Genetic Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. 4,
Sebastiani, F. 2002. Machine Learning in Automated Text Categorization. ACM Computing
Surveys. 34, 1–47.
Tan, F., Fu, X., Zhang Y., Bourgeois, A.G., 2008. A genetic algorithm-based method for
feature subset selection. Soft Computing. 12, 111-120
Vafaie, H. De Jong, K., 1992. Genetic algorithm as a tool for feature selection in machine
learning. Fourth International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence. TAI '92,
Proceedings., Arlington, VA, 10-13 Nov 1992, pp.
200 – 203.
Whitley D., 1994. A genetic algorithm tutorial. Statistics and Computing. 4, 65-85.
ai_researcher | 3 | Collaborative_Ideation_Partner_Design_Ideation_in_Human-AI_Co-creativity.pdf | Augmented Collective Intelligence in Collaborative Ideation: Agenda and Challenges
Emily Dardaman
BCG Henderson Institute, [email protected]
Abhishek Gupta
BCG Henderson Institute, [email protected]
AI systems may be better thought of as peers than as tools. This paper explores applications of augmented collective intelligence (ACI)
beneficial to collaborative ideation. Design considerations are offered for an experiment that evaluates the performance of hybrid human–
AI collectives. The investigation described combines humans and large language models (LLMs) to ideate on increasingly complex topics.
A promising real-time collection tool called Polis is examined to facilitate ACI, including case studies from citizen engagement projects
in Taiwan and Bowling Green, Kentucky. The authors discuss three challenges to consider when designing an ACI experiment: topic
selection, participant selection, and evaluation of results. The paper concludes that researchers should address these challenges to conduct
empirical studies of ACI in collaborative ideation.
CCS CONCEPTS •Human-centered computing ~Collaborative and social computing ~Empirical studies in collaborative
and social computing •Human-centered computing ~Interaction design ~Interaction design process and methods ~Activity
centered design
ACM Reference Format:
Emily Dardaman and Abhishek Gupta. 2023. Augmented Collective Intelligence in Collaborative Ideation: Agenda and Challenges. In
CHI 2023 Integrating AI in Human-Human Collaborative Ideation Workshop, April 28, 2023, Hamburg Germany. ACM, New York, NY,
Understanding the future of collaborative ideation requires understanding collective intelligence (CI): how to define,
design for, and measure it. Put simply, CI is the ability of groups to solve problems more effectively than individual
members could on their own [1]. Past studies of CI have discovered it in ants [2], animals [3], humans [4], and artificial
intelligence (AI) [5]: across many compositions of groups, CI emerged. The last twenty years have seen studies shift
from individual performance, often measured in IQ, to collaborative performance as CI[6]. Studies of human CI have
revealed that it is not just a function of the average group member’s IQ or even its most intelligent member; it is
mediated by the group’s size, social perceptiveness, and communication ability [4]. Recent increases in AI have opened
new possibilities for CI, as seen in the newly created subfield of augmented collective intelligence (ACI). ACI
researchers, including the authors, seek to understand factors driving performance in hybrid human-AI collectives.
Historically, AI systems have been treated as tools for a good reason: their capacities were limited, especially in creative
applications requiring cross-disciplinary thinking. Their unreliability made them poor choices to rely on for many uses.
However, as capabilities increase, the delegation of roles between humans and advanced AI systems, such as LLMs, is
shifting. Mapping roles in a real-time ideation can reveal places where humans are outperformed or on equal footing to
Existing literature from nearby fields like CI or human-computer interaction (HCI) frequently covers 1:1 human-AI
interactions, i.e., one human working with one AI system [7] or groups made of all humans [8] or groups composed of
just AIs [9]. Still, there needs to be more research on mixed-team performance. We seek to remedy that by designing an
experiment where mixed composition collectives of humans and advanced AI systems, such as LLMs, participate in
collaborative ideation. This experiment will use Polis [21], a real-time response collection tool that prompts participants
with questions, solicits responses from each and encourages everyone to upvote their favorite ideas. It maps opinion-
based groups and axes of disagreement in real-time and allows group members to find common ground.
2.1 Case study: Taiwan
Polis’s design facilitates a natural process of divergence and convergence that drives inclusion, creativity, and
converging on the solutions; it is beneficial for complex or divisive topics that stall in other ideation formats. In Taiwan,
a team of “civic hackers” used Polis to develop citizen consensus on contentious policy issues, including how to regulate
Uber [10] and whether or not to change time zones [11]. Using Polis revealed the common concerns at the heart of these
debates (safety and independence from China, respectively). It provided direct inputs to policies developed by Taiwan’s
digital minister, Audrey Tang.
2.2 Case study: Bowling Green
Bowling Green, Kentucky, also used Polis to generate ideas for improving residents’ experience [12]. Despite over 2,000
people participating in the ideation, the results showed overwhelming consensus on most issues and clarified core
disagreements on the remainder. Popular ideas stood out among the data and were then usable by city officials.
Figure 1: Polis response data revealed two clusters, elegantly simplifying group dynamics
to participants’ position on a core disagreement. [12]
Polis is a promising tool to measure the effectiveness of human-AI collectives. Designing an effective study includes
three challenging components: topic selection, participant selection, and evaluation of results.
3.1 Challenge #1: Topic Selection
For topic selection, we are designing a set that escalates in complexity and difficulty to establish a baseline and identify
performance limits. Participants take on roles such as suggester, synthesizer, or fact-checker during ideations. As the
topics grow in complexity, these roles may shift. Before the first topic, we will develop hypotheses about which roles
might be taken by AI or human participants. Then, as part of the measurement process, we will map the changing roles
on a matrix. We will focus on topics most relevant to the lower end of the complexity spectrum, which are amenable to
our study. Characteristics of these questions are a sufficiently narrow subject (e.g., planning for a software development
sprint), ease of judgment by subject matter experts (e.g., grading the rigor of a mathematical proof), and the ability to
converge on a single solution through consensus (e.g., picking a book for a reading group). On the higher end of the
complexity spectrum, topics will likely have broad focus areas (e.g., company business strategy, political future of a
country), which are more difficult to judge. There might be many different ways to solve the same problem, or it might
be difficult to gain consensus. Microservices architecture in a software infrastructure or fashion trends would be poor
topic choices. Deliberately choosing topics gives the experimental approach a greater chance of success.
3.2 Challenge #2: Group Selection
Choosing which individuals to include and how to include them in the collective is even more complex. In addition to the
usual concerns about finding available, willing participants (who are as close to a representative group as possible), we
must consider how group configurations are likely to influence ACI. Human demographic diversity, for example, affects
group performance in different ways. On average, women have a higher social perception, so they are likely to improve
CI; moderate levels of demographic diversity improve attentiveness, but too much impairs cooperation, and age diversity
can reduce CI by introducing hierarchy-type dynamics into the group [4]. AI system selection will also impact ACI
results. Each AI system has distinct capabilities, affecting the roles it can play in ideation and the quality of its
interactions with group members. It is critical to avoid naively extrapolating results from human-ChatGPT [13] teams to
teams featuring Claude [14], Sparrow [15], or future models. Combining models in mixed teams might create interesting
results, although models have much broader differences in ability than people, so the utility of weaker models may be
limited. In conducting this research, we do not expect to find a fixed dynamic where machines provide X, and only
humans can provide Y. Research modeling human contribution must avoid falling into the trap of underestimating
capability advances. With many features of general intelligence forecast to arrive within the decade [16], we are less
interested in defining an “ownable” human role in hybrid teams and more interested in noting how such teams can be
effective now and what direction they are moving in.
In particular, the configurations will change depending on the type of topic at hand, and a systematic study of ACI can
help surface that. Other group selection choices that might result in new findings include varying the human/AI ratios,
changing the group size, and disclosure/non-disclosure of the AI systems. AI systems may present relatively
homogenous ideas or share similar blindspots, so having multiple instances of the same model running may not provide
additional value. Larger groups may demonstrate higher ACI since CI is an emergent property. Finally, experimenting
with disclosing or not disclosing the presence of chatbots to the humans in the ideation can be used to test for automation
bias [17] and algorithm aversion bias [18] and how those impact ACI.
3.3 Challenge #3: Evaluation
Just as much work will go into building IQ tests to measure individual intelligence, we expect designing the testing
mechanism for joint human-AI collectives in collaborative ideation to be difficult and require iteration; this is a common
struggle in CI and extends to ACI as well. A simple baseline is to use subject matter experts to evaluate the outputs from
a collective (which would serve the lower end of the spectrum for topic complexity). For topics on the higher end of the
complexity spectrum, we expect that novel evaluation mechanisms and associated measures will have to be developed.
These evaluation mechanisms can borrow from work in metrology studies conducted at the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) [19] and the Measuring Collective Intelligence project at the MIT Center for
Collective Intelligence (CCI) [20]. We also foresee a vital role in the assessment offered by each participant of all other
participants in their overall contributions to finding the solutions as a collective towards the problems it is trying to solve.
Assessment helps identify whether introducing AI agents in the human-AI collectives yields additional value through
direct contribution or assisting human agents.
As AI systems improve and become more widely available, collaborative ideation can include AI agents as peers, not
tools. When deployed safely, ACI can be a powerful force to help organizations gain a competitive edge in the market.
Building a study to measure ACI’s role in collaborative ideation requires designers to face three challenges. First is
choosing the topics most germane to ACI’s emergent capabilities. Next is selecting the composition of each human-AI
collective, and the final is evaluating the collective’s outputs during the ideation. This agenda and set of challenges invite
participation from researchers and practitioners to chip away at the problems to help realize the potential of ACI.
The BCG Henderson Institute funded and supported this work under Abhishek Gupta’s Fellowship on Augmented
Collective Intelligence.
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ai_researcher | 3 | Wider_and_Deeper_LLM_Networks_are_Fairer_LLM_Evaluators.pdf | 3
Wider and Deeper LLM Networks
are Fairer LLM Evaluators
Xinghua Zhang1, Bowen Yu2∗, Haiyang Yu2,
Yangyu Lv2, Tingwen Liu1∗, Fei Huang2, Hongbo Xu1, Yongbin Li2
1 Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2 Alibaba DAMO Academy
Measuring the quality of responses generated by large language models (LLMs) is
a challenging task, particularly when it comes to evaluating whether the response
is aligned with human preference. A novel approach involves using the LLM
itself to make evaluation and stabilizing the results through multiple independent
evaluations, similar to a single-layer narrow LLM network. This network consists
of a fixed number of neurons, with each neuron being the same LLM. In this paper,
we draw upon the extensive research on deep neural networks to explore whether
deeper and wider networks can lead to fairer evaluations. Specifically, inspired
by the observation that different neurons in a neural network are responsible for
detecting different concepts, we first adaptively generate as many neuron roles
as possible for each evaluation sample. Each perspective corresponds to the role
of a specific LLM neuron in the first layer. In subsequent layers, we follow the
idea that higher layers in deep networks are responsible for more comprehensive
features, each layer receives representations from all neurons in the previous
layer, integrating the locally learned evaluation information to obtain a more
comprehensive evaluation result. Interestingly, this network design resembles
the process of academic paper reviewing, where each reviewer independently
rates based on their preferences. Subsequently, through multiple discussions, they
consider other reviewers’ opinions to reach the final acceptance decision. To
validate the effectiveness of our method, we construct the largest and most diverse
English evaluation benchmark LLMEval2 for LLM evaluators, comprising 15
tasks, 8 abilities, and 2,553 samples. Experimental results demonstrate that a
wider network (involving many reviewers) with 2 layers (one round of discussion)
performs the best, improving kappa correlation coefficient from 0.28 to 0.34.
We also leverage WideDeep to aid in the assessment of Chinese LLMs, which
has accelerated the evaluation time by 4.6 times, resulting in a 60% cost saving.
WideDeep achieves a remarkable 93% agreement level among humans2.
The rapid progress and remarkable achievements of large-scale pre-trained language models (LLMs)
have catalyzed a revolutionary transformation in the realm of natural language processing [23, 31,
36]. These models have showcased substantial improvements across various applications, such as
∗ Correspondence to: Bowen Yu <[email protected]>, Tingwen Liu <[email protected]>.
2The data and code of this work is available at
Preprint. Under review.
Figure 1: (a) Prior methods are single-layer LLM networks that combine assessments from a fixed
number of LLM neurons. (b) In contrast, our method delves into the realm of wider and deeper
multi-layer networks, where each neuron provides a distinct neuron role.
dialogue [42], summarization [4], and code generation [6]. The majority of tasks involve open-ended,
inherently subjective, and reference-free responses, rather than selecting from a fixed set of answers.
Consequently, evaluating the correspondence of their generated responses with human intent becomes
a challenge [28]. Traditional automatic metrics such as BLEU [24] and ROUGE [19] have been
shown to have relatively low correlation with human judgments, especially for open-ended generation
tasks [21],while human evaluation is often time-consuming and costly. Thus, there is a growing
demand for automated assessment methods that can consistently align with human judgments while
being more efficient and cost-effective [13, 18, 5].
Recent research has introduced the LLMs-as-evaluator paradigm, utilizing LLMs to compare can-
didate responses with the assumption that LLMs have learned to assign higher probabilities to
high-quality and fluent texts [7, 8, 14, 16, 32]. FairEval [33] finds that the ranking result of candidate
responses can be easily altered by exchanging their order of appearance in prompt context. They
swap the position of two responses for two rounds of scores and ensemble the results of multiple
LLM runs in pursuit of result stability. Similarly, LLM-as-a-judge [43] also observes the position
bias. It swappes the order of two answers and retaines the evaluation score only if the results remain
consistent in both orders. In cases of inconsistency after swapping, it declares a tie. Essentially, they
regard each LLM as an individual neuron and construct single-layer narrow networks, aggregating
evaluation scores from a limited quantity of LLMs. FairEval [33] identifies that the optimal perfor-
mance is achieved when three LLM neurons are employed; an increase in the number of neurons
leads to a decline in effectiveness. Moreover, existing benchmarks for assessing LLMs’ performance
in evaluating text quality lack diverse evaluation capabilities. For instance, the benchmark utilized by
FairEval comprises only 80 samples. Thus, there is an urgent requirement for more comprehensive
datasets that can holistically evaluate LLMs’ ability to assess the quality of generated text.
In this paper, we first delve into the realm of deeper and wider LLM networks for LLM evalu-
ation. Systematic design has led to the development of deeper and wider neural networks, such
as ResNets [11] for depth and ResNeXT [37] for width. These advancements have resulted in
enhanced learning and ultimately improved performance compared to relatively shallow and narrow
networks [17]. Therefore, we aim to increase the number of LLM neurons and layers that collaborate
in the evaluation network, with the goal of creating a fairer LLM evaluator. It has been observed
that different neurons in each layer of state-of-the-art deep networks match human-interpretable
but distinct concepts [44, 39, 22, 2, 15, 27, 3]. Moreover, the features in different layers focus on
different views for samples [10, 26, 20]. For example, the features in lower layers tend to encode
more local contents with basic syntactic representations in NLP. Higher layers capture more com-
plex semantics and usually produce higher-level semantic representations [9, 25]. However, in the
evaluation network composed of different LLM neurons, we can only achieve forward computation
and cannot update parameters as in deep neural networks where the different neurons are responsible
for detecting different concepts and different layers abstract different granularity features through
backpropagation. Therefore, in the network design, we artificially implement these two important
Instruction: Please give reviews for two responses, … scoring each response (1-10) …Response 1: 7Response 2: 9Response 1: 6Response 2: 7Response 1: 8Response 2: 7Response 2 betterInstruction: Please give reviews for two responses, … scoring each response (1-10) ……Response 1 better……(a)(b)Single-layer Narrow NetworkMulti-layer Wide NetworkCoherenceAccuracyResponse 1: 8Response 2: 6Response 1: 9Response 2: 7Response 1: 8Response 2: 6……Response 1: 8Response 2: 7Neuron RoleEvaluation Resultcharacteristics. Specifically, for each evaluation sample, we first ask the LLM about the candidate
perspectives that could be used to assess the sample quality. Each perspective is explicitly injected
into the evaluation process of each LLM neuron in the first layer as the concept that this neuron is
responsible for detecting, outputting evaluation scores and reasons as the neuron’s representation.
For subsequent layers in the multi-layer LLM network, each layer receives representations from all
neurons in the previous layer, integrating and abstracting the previously learned local evaluation
information to obtain a more comprehensive evaluation result.
Interestingly, our wider and deeper LLM network can be likened to the process of paper review.
First, each reviewer independently assigns a score based on their own research background and
understanding of the paper (the evaluation sample), representing the first layer. Then, a discussion
phase follows, during which all reviewers take into account each other’s evaluations to update their
scores. This iterative process can continue through multiple rounds, analogous to subsequent layers
in our network. Finally, the Chair or Editor consolidates all the reviewers’ opinions to make the
decision on whether the paper will be accepted. The final experiments reveal that a LLM network
with a wider scope yet limited to only two layers performs the best. This coincidence aligns with the
current mainstream conference paper review process, where many reviewers are brought in for blind
reviews and a single round of discussion, after which the chair makes the final decision.
To facilitate the research on LLM evaluator, we also build a comprehensive benchmark that encom-
passes 15 tasks, such as question answering, text summarization, and programming. Additionally, the
benchmark assesses 8 different abilities, such as logical reasoning, semantic understanding and text
composition. To ensure thorough evaluation, we have compiled 2,553 samples, each of which comes
with human-annotated preferences, 31 times larger than the dataset used in FairEval [33].
The major contributions of this paper are summarized as follows:
• We explore the multi-layer wide network where each neuron possesses distinct neuron role
and cooperative evaluations are performed among different layers of neurons. We observe
that a wider two-layer LLM network, namely WideDeep, can achieve the best evaluation
results, which is essentially a paper review process.
• We introduce the largest and most diverse benchmark LLMEval2 for LLM evaluator.
LLMEval2 involves diverse ability evaluation, and contributes to more sufficient assessment.
• Our WideDeep network’s effectiveness has been extensively validated through thorough
experimentation on existing two benchmarks and LLMEval2. This validation reveals a
notable 3.5-point increase in accuracy, coupled with a noteworthy enhancement of 0.06
in the kappa correlation coefficient. Notably, we’ve successfully addressed a limitation
previously identified in FairEval, where employing more than three LLMs failed to yield
performance enhancements. This accomplishment underscores that augmenting the number
of LLM neurons contributes to a more equitable evaluation process.
• We also leverage WideDeep to assess the performance of the Chinese LLMs. WideDeep’s
advantages have further expanded compared to English benchmarks, with improvements of
6pts, 5.5pts, and 0.09 in accuracy, F1 score, and kappa correlation coefficient, respectively,
achieving a labeling accuracy of 74% and reaching a 93% agreement level among humans.
We demonstrate WideDeep has accelerated the LLM evaluation process by 4.6 times and
decreased the average annotation cost per sample by 60%.
2 Related Work
There has been a proliferation of LLM-based chatbots that harness instruction fine-tuning and
learn from human feedback to unlock the ability of responding to questions following human
preferences [1, 38, 29]. However, assessing whether LLM is well aligned with human preference is
not a straightforward task. Traditional LLM benchmarks like MMLU [12] fall short in effectively
distinguishing between these aligned models and the base models, as they only require LLM to
answer multiple-choice questions. Even if we have evaluation benchmarks available, such as several
questions and manually annotated responses, commonly used ngram-based metrics like BLEU [24]
and ROUGE [19], as well as embedding-based metrics like BERTScore [40] and MoverScore [41], can
only measure lexical and semantic similarity between a generated response and the reference response.
These metrics have been shown to have relatively low correlation with human judgments [21].
In recent research, it has been noticed that extensive generative pre-training has enabled LLMs to
excel in assigning higher probabilities to high-quality responses based on given instructions and
context [8]. Building on this insight, researchers have leveraged ChatGPT and GPT-4 to evaluate
numerous natural language generation tasks, including text summarization, story generation, data-to-
text generation, and machine translation, showcasing remarkable performance [21, 32, 16]. However,
subsequent investigations have unveiled certain issues with LLM evaluators, particularly concerning
biases related to position and verbosity [33, 43]. To address these biases, researchers have adopted
techniques such as swapping the order of candidate responses and conducting multiple independent
evaluations, which effectively mitigates biases and yields more reliable results. In this paper, we
propose a unified approach, considering previous LLM evaluators as one-layer narrow LLM networks
with varying numbers of neurons. Each neuron independently scores candidate samples from the
same evaluation perspective. Drawing inspiration from deep neural networks, we delve into wider
and deeper LLM networks, assigning distinct functionalities and roles to different LLM neurons.
Each layer takes evaluation outputs from all neurons in the previous layer, resulting in a fairer LLM
evaluator. Furthermore, we contribute to the field by creating an extensive benchmark for evaluation
across various tasks, aiming to drive progress and innovation in this research domain.
3 Methodology
In this section, we begin by introducing the multi-layer wide LLM network in Sec.3.1. Next, we
provide a more intuitive explanation from the perspective of academic paper review in Sec.3.2.
3.1 Deeper and Wider LLM Network
State-of-the-art deep neural networks are composed of interconnected layers of neurons, where each
neuron performs a specific function by processing input from other neurons and producing output for
the next layer. At the bottom layer of the network, a considerable number of neurons are responsible
for processing the input data and extracting diverse features that are relevant to the task at hand. As
we move up the layers of the network, the neurons capture higher-level features and relationships by
combining the lower-level features learned in preceding layers, which can be critical for solving more
complex tasks. However, it remains unexplored whether widening and deepening the single-layer
LLM network with a fixed number of neurons in Figure 1 (a) can improve the evaluation performance.
Inspired by this, we enhance the network by augmenting the number of neurons in each layer and
increasing the depth of the network in Figure 1 (b), making the LLM network deeper and wider.
Building such a network involves three key points: The role of each neuron, The connection of
different layers and The aggregation of final results.
The role of each neuron. In deep neural networks, different neurons perform distinct functions where
they may learn to respond to different linguistic features such as word order, grammar or semantics
by back-propagation optimization. The role of each neuron is learned by gradient back-propagation
to adjuest the neuron parameters. However, within our LLM network, each neuron represents a
frozen LLM, and we are unable to adjust the parameters of the network. To keep different functions
for LLM neurons, we first query LLMs to generate diverse neuron roles for each sample according
to its content. Concretely, given a testing question q, two candidate responses A = {a1, a2}, a
prompt π0, and a template F(), the generation of neuron roles describes a probability distribution
pLLM(P|F(q, A, π0)) over output perspectives P = {p1, p2, ..., pn} as computed by the LLM. F() aims
to fill the question q and responses A into the slots of prompt π0. The neuron role prompt π0 is
summarized as follows:
Neuron Role Prompt π0
Please help me summarize that for a user question “{{question}}”, if I want to determine
which of two answers is better, from what angles do we need to evaluate? The two answers
are respectively “{{answer_1}}” and “{{answer_2}}”.
Output the name and evaluation content of each angle. Each line is an evaluation angle. Use
a newline to separate different evaluation angles. Each evaluation angle Name starts with $
and ends with &.
For the generated neuron roles P = {p1, p2, ..., pn}, we respectively assign pi to each neuron ni in
each layer, simulating the different roles of neurons in deep neural networks. For example, as shown
in Figure 1 (b), the LLM, such as gpt-3.5-turbo, generates four perspectives including coherence,
relevance, harmlessness and accuracy, and then the LLM network would possess four neurons in each
layer where each neuron played by the LLM is respectively responsible for evaluating the candidate
responses from one of the four perspectives. For the input layer of LLM network, given a prompt
π1, and a template F(), each neuron ni defines a probability distribution pi
1|q, A) over output
evaluation result ei
1 as computed by the LLM:
1|q, A) = pi
1|F(q, A, pi, π1))pLLM(pi|F(q, A, π0))
where the input layer evaluation prompt π1 for LLMs is described as follows:
Input Layer Evaluation Prompt π1
You are a member of the expert group for checking the quality of answer. You are given a
question and two answers. Your job is to decide which answer is better for replying question.
[The Start of Assistant 1’s Answer]
[The End of Assistant 1’s Answer]
[The Start of Assistant 2’s Answer]
[The End of Assistant 2’s Answer]
Take {{perspective}} as the Angle of View, we would like to request your feedback on the
performance of two AI assistants in response to the user question displayed above.
Each assistant receives an overall score on a scale of 1 to 10, ...
<start output>
Evaluation evidence: <your evaluation explanation here>
Score of Assistant 1: <score>
Score of Assistant 2: <score>
<end output>
Now, start your evaluation:
The connection of different layers. In naive deep neural networks, the neurons in each layer are
interconnected through weighted connections. These connections are responsible for transmitting
information from one layer to the next during the forward pass of the network. Concretely, within
each hidden layer, each neuron is connected to all the neurons in the previous layer. The connections
between neurons in the hidden layers are weighted, and the weights are learned through the training
process to allow the network to capture and represent complex patterns and features from the input
data. In our LLM network, there is neither numerical weights nor training optimization. Therefore,
inspired by Stacked LLMs [30], we write the prompt π2 which serves as the weights to connect each
neuron with all neurons in the previous layer. Similarly, each neuron ˜ni in the lth layer defines a
l|q, A) over output evaluation result ei
probability distribution pi
l as computed by the LLM:
l|q, A) =
l|F(q, A, ej
l−1, pj
l−1, π2))pj
l−1|F(q, A, pj, π1))
where n is the number of neurons in the previous layer, pj
layer. π2 is the hidden layer evaluation prompt for LLMs which is described as follows:
l−1 is the role of jth neuron in the (l − 1)th
Hidden Layer Evaluation Prompt π2
You are a member of the expert group for checking the quality of answer. You are given a
question and two answers. Your job is to decide which answer is better for replying question.
[The Start of Assistant 1’s Answer]
[The End of Assistant 1’s Answer]
[The Start of Assistant 2’s Answer]
[The End of Assistant 2’s Answer]
You and your colleagues in the expert group have conducted several rounds of evaluations.
[The Start of Your Historical Evaluations]
{{Your own evaluation from last layer}}
[The End of Your Historical Evaluations]
[The Start of Other Colleagues’ Evaluations]
{{Other evaluations from last layer}}
[The End of Other Colleagues’ Evaluations]
Again, take {{inherited perspectives}} as the Angle of View, we would like to request your
feedback on the performance of two AI assistants in response to the user question displayed
above. Each assistant receives an overall score on a scale of 1 to 10, ...
<start output>
Evaluation evidence: <your evaluation explanation here>
Score of Assistant 1: <score>
Score of Assistant 2: <score>
<end output>
Now, start your evaluation:
Note: The slot “{{Your own evaluation from last layer}}” should be filled in the output evaluation
evidece and score of the neuron in the prior layer that corresponds to the same position as the current
neuron, while other neurons’ output values are filled in “{{Other evaluations from last layer}}”.
The slot “{{inherited perspectives}}” represents the union of all neurons’ roles in the previous layer.
The aggregation of final results. The output layer in deep neural network generates the final
prediction for the task. Similarly, we aggregate the evaluation results from neurons in the LLM
network, and there actually exists a variety of aggregation strategies to derive the ultimate evaluation
conclusion. The strategies employed in this study include: (1) Averaging the scores from all neurons
in the network for each response and subsequently comparing the average scores of the responses
to determine which is better (c∗
1). (2) Comparing the evaluation scores of the responses from each
neuron to choose the better one, and then voting over neurons in all layers or each layer (c∗
1 = argmax
l|q, A)
2 = maxcount
{argmax pi
l|q, A)}
3.2 Explain LLM Network as a Academic Paper Review Process
To offer more coherent insights into our deeper and wider LLM network, we present an analogy
using the perspective of academic paper review, as depicted in Figure 2. The review process usually
consists of three key stages: blind review, reviewer discussion, and chair summary. In the blind review
stage, each reviewer diligently examines the candidate paper based on their research background.
Subsequently, they provide feedback in the form of a written report, akin to the input layer of our
LLM network. Following the individual blind reviews, reviewers may engage in discussions to further
Figure 2: Academic paper review process for evaluating the quality of candidate responses, comprising
of blind review, reviewer discussion and chair summary.
Figure 3: Left is the distribution of all datasets in LLMEval2. The outer and middle circles display the
names of datasets and their associated tasks, respectively. The inner circle represents the proportions
of three categories of data in the benchmark concerning the preference between two responses: the
first one being better, the second one being better, or the two responses having similar quality. Right
illustrates covered 8 evaluation abilities of LLMEval2.
evaluate the candidate responses. These discussions resemble the subsequent layers of our network,
where reviewers compare and contrast their assessments, explore areas of agreement or disagreement,
and identify potential biases or blind spots. This iterative process of discussion can span multiple
rounds, analogous to the deep layers in our network. Finally, the chair makes a decision, akin to the
result aggregation step in our network, by considering the collective feedback from the reviewers. By
illustrating the functioning of our LLM network through the academic paper review analogy, we aim
to provide a more intuitive understanding of its operations and effectiveness.
Q: What are the main differences between Python and JavaScript programming languages?Response 1:Python and JavaScript are both popular programming languages, but …Response 2:The main differences between Python and JavaScript programming languages are in their syntax, structure, and …Instruction: Please give reviews for two responses, … scoring each response (1-10) …Instruction: Re-evaluate your initial reviews and another member’s, … scoring each response (1-10) …Instruction: Please summarize all members’ reviews, … give the final evaluation conclusion…Both answers …Response 1: 6Response 2: 7…………I agree …Response 1: 7Response 2: 6.5…Response 1: 8Response 2: 7Response 1: 7.5Response 2: 6.51. Blind Review2. Reviewer Discussion3. Chair SummaryMember 1Member 2Member 3Member 4ChairInduction and SummarizationText CompositionDialogueHarmlessnessKnowledge QALogical ReasoningResponse 1Response 2TieStory GenerationText SummarizationData-to-Text GenerationRetrieval QADialogueCommonsense NLIOpen-domain QAProgrammingStory GenerationText SummarizationData-to-Text GenerationRetrieval QADialogueCommonsense NLIOpen-domain QAProgrammingStory GenerationText SummarizationData-to-Text GenerationRetrieval QADialogueOpenMEVASummevalSummarize-FeedbackBagelWebGPTHH-RLHFMT-BenchRLHF-Reward-RussianHellaSwagRLHF-Reward-ChineseReward-Aira-PortugueseELI5SHPPKU-SafeRLHFCode-ContestsSummevalSummarize-FeedbackBagelWebGPTHH-RLHFMT-BenchRLHF-Reward-RussianHellaSwagRLHF-Reward-ChineseReward-Aira-PortugueseELI5SHPPKU-SafeRLHFCode-ContestsOpenMEVASummevalSummarize-FeedbackBagelWebGPTMT-BenchOpenMEVASemantic UnderstandingMultilingual4 LLMEval2 Benchmark
In addition to exploring the wider and deeper LLM network to obtain fairer evaluation results, we
also seek to propose improvements to the current LLM evaluator benchmark. The widely used
benchmarks, such as FairEval [33] and MT-bench [43], only consist of 80 testing samples, leading to
unstable evaluation results and making it challenging to comprehensively assess the LLM evaluator’s
capabilities. While PandaLM constructes a test set comprising 999 samples, it still lacks statistics
for different abilities and suffers from a limitation in data diversity, as it solely relies on a single
self-instruct source [35]. To address these shortcomings, we present LLMEval2, the largest and most
diverse evaluation benchmark for the LLM Evaluator to date.
Benchmark Construction. Assessing the capabilities of the LLM evaluator requires data that
includes a question, a pair of candidate responses, and a human label indicating the preferred
response. We notice that the format of the evaluation data resembles that of the samples used to
train a reward model. The reward trainer aims to grasp human preferences by ranking the candidate
responses based on human labels. Thus, we compile datasets used for training a reward model,
totaling 15 datasets (shown as the outer circle in Figure 3 left). Next, we employ data sampling
techniques to balance data diversity and evaluation costs, resulting in a collection of 2,553 evaluation
samples, each annotated with human preferences, across all 15 datasets.
Statistics. In this benchmark, 1,050 samples of response 1 are considered to align with human
preferences, while another 1,021 samples of response 2 are deemed superior. Additionally, two
responses from the 482 samples are considered difficult to differentiate in terms of quality. As
illustrated in Figure 3 (left), the benchmark encompasses eight tasks: Story Generation, Text Sum-
marization, Data-to-Text Generation, Retrieval QA, Dialogue, Commonsense NLI, Open-domain
QA, and Programming. These tasks evaluate eight abilities of the benchmark: Induction and Summa-
rization, Semantic Understanding, Knowledge QA, Logical Reasoning, Text Composition, Dialogue,
Harmlessness and Multilingual.
5 Experiments
In this section, our primary focus is to address the following research questions: (RQ1) Does a LLM
network with a wider and deeper structure yield improved evaluation performance? (RQ2) Which
neuron roles does LLM prioritize, and how do they impact the results? (RQ3) To what extent can our
LLM evaluator accelerate manual annotation speed in real LLM business?
5.1 Experimental Settings
Datasets. We conduct evaluations on three benchmarks, consisting of two existing datasets,
FairEval [33] and PandaLM [34], along with our newly constructed dataset, LLMEval2. FairEval
comprises a total of 80 samples, and the candidate responses are generated by Vicuna-13b and
ChatGPT. Meanwhile, PandaLM consists of 999 samples, which were drawn from the diverse hu-
man evaluation dataset of self-instruct [35]. The paired responses in PandaLM are generated by
LLaMA-7B, Bloom-7B, Cerebras-GPT-6.7B, OPT-7B, and Pythia-6.9B.
Implementation Details. We use accuracy (Acc), Macro-F1, and the kappa correlation coefficient
(Kap.) as our evaluation metrics. For reporting the main results, we utilize gpt-3.5-turbo as the
LLM neuron on the full dataset due to cost constraints. Additionally, we construct a smaller version
called LLMEval2 mini, which consists of 20 samples drawn from each of the 15 datasets, resulting in
a total of 300 samples. These samples are used for analytical experiments.
5.2 Experimental Results
1, WideDeep c∗
Table 1 shows the main results of our multi-layer wide LLM network WideDeep compared with prior
single-layer network with fixed number of neurons FairEval [33]. We implement four variants
WideDeep c∗
1 indicates
averaging the scores from all neurons in LLM network and choosing the response with higher
score (c∗
2 in Equation 3.
means only voting in the 2nd layer of LLM network. Voting all evaluation results in all layers is
2(l1) represents voting the evaluation results only in the 1st layer and WideDeep W c∗
1 in Equation 3). For the latter three, we aggregate the results based on c∗
2(l2) and WideDeep c∗
2(all). WideDeep c∗
2(l1), WideDeep c∗
Table 1: Main Results on FairEval, PandaLM and LLMEval2 benchmarks.
FairEval Benchmark
Acc Macro-F1 Kap.
PandaLM Benchmark
Acc Macro-F1 Kap.
LLMEval2 Benchmark
Acc Macro-F1 Kap.
FairEval [33]
0.4891 0.5735
WideDeep c∗
2(all) 0.6188
WideDeep c∗
WideDeep c∗
WideDeep c∗
0.3336 0.7447
0.3215 0.7467
0.3472 0.7447
0.3462 0.7568
0.5371 0.5946
0.5524 0.5895
0.5504 0.5962
0.5726 0.6036
Figure 4: Comparison of accuracy between WideDeep and FairEval under eight abilities.
denoted as WideDeep c∗
2(all). The best results over evaluation metrics are in bold. Note that we
have attempted to use deeper LLM networks (more than 2 layers), but it resulted in a decrease in
performance. Therefore, in our main experiment, we do not restrict the number of neurons in each
layer, but we limit the network depth to 2 layers. We will discuss the impact of network depth on the
results in the analysis experiment.
We can observe that our multi-layer wide LLM network outperforms FairEval significantly, with an
increase in accuracy by 3.2pts, 4.4pts, and 3pts, and an improvement in kappa correlation by 3.7pts,
8.4pts, and 6.3pts on the three respective benchmarks. Compared with voting in each layer of the LLM
network WideDeep c∗
2(all) which votes evaluation results
from all layers achieves the better overall performance. Meanwhile, in comparison withWideDeep
2(l1), WideDeep c∗
2(l2) reaches the higher performance which demonstrates that the effectiveness
of deepening the LLM network.
2(l1) and WideDeep c∗
2(l2), WideDeep c∗
5.3 Experimental Analyses
Due to cost constraints, we extract 20 samples from each of the 15 datasets included in LLMEval2,
resulting in a total of 300 testing samples, namely LLMEval2 mini. This mini dataset allows us to
easily assess the impact of network width, depth and neuron roles.
Wider LLM network is a Fairer Evaluator. Table 2 illustrates the performance improvement as the
number of neurons in each layer of the LLM network (n) increases. When the number of layers l is
limited to one or two, we observe a consistent upward trend in performance. This demonstrates the
effectiveness of widening the LLM network, fully unleashing the potential of a group of neurons.
Slightly deeper LLM network is a Fairer Evaluator. From Table 2, we can also observe that
increasing the number of layers (l) in the network from 1 to 2 while keeping the number of neurons
Semantic UnderstandingInduction and SummarizationLogical ReasoningText CompositionDialogueHarmlessnessMultilingual40507080FairEvalWideDeepKnowledge QA60Table 2: Performance on wider and deeper network. NL indicates no limit on the number of neurons.
n = 1
n = 2
n = 3
n = 4
n = NL
l = 1
l = 2
l = 3
Figure 5: Word clouds of neuron roles on (a) Dialogue (b) Harmlessness QA (c) Story Generation
(d) Programming task.
per layer fixed resulted in significant performance improvements. However, further deepening the
network led to a slight decline in performance. The reason for this could be that deeper LLM networks
tend to hold more homogeneous information, similar to overfitting in deep neural networks.
Neuron roles are diverse and effective. To mimic the characteristic of different neurons in a neural
network being responsible for detecting different concepts, we require the LLM to generate potential
evaluation dimensions before assessing the samples. In the network, each LLM in every layer is
responsible for evaluating one specific dimension. To elucidate the roles that LLM assigns to neurons
for each task, we present word clouds for four tasks in Figure 5: dialogue, harmlessness QA, story
generation, and programming. Note that we did not explicitly provide task names or definitions
to LLM when generating the roles. Remarkably, these assigned roles appear to be logical and
adaptable, dynamically changing based on the specific task characteristics. For harmlessness QA,
Table 3: Effectiveness of neuron roles. NL indicates no limit on the number of neurons in each layer.
WideDeep (l = 2, n = 2)
WideDeep (l = 2, n = 2) W/O Neuron Roles
WideDeep (l = 2, n = NL)
WideDeep (l = 2, n = NL) W/O Neuron Roles
Acc Macro-F1
(a)(b)(c)(d)Figure 6: Performance under different neuron quantity constraints.
Table 4: Performance on chinese LLM evaluation with gpt-4 as the neurons.
Acc Macro-F1
WideDeep (Ours)
LLM generates roles related to security, including Safety, Legal, and Ethical. In story generation,
LLM assigns roles like Coherence, Relevance, and Character. Meanwhile, the programming task
involves algorithm-related roles, such as Correctness and Efficiency. Having reliable and diverse
neuron roles allows the LLM network to effectively utilize multiple neurons’ value when the network
becomes wider. As illustrated in Table 3, we conduct two groups of experiments where the number
of layers l is set to 2 and neurons n to no limit, respectively. The results show that the accuracy and
Macro-F1 metrics decrease by 1.33%, 1.67% and 1.95%, 5.80% without neuron roles.
Widedeep can consume more neurons than baselines. With a wider and deeper architecture and
diverse neuron roles, our WideDeep network can utilize an unlimited number of LLM neurons.
Previous methods, such as FairEval [33], can also harness a large number of LLM neurons by
integrating multiple independent LLM evaluations. In Figure 6, we demonstrate that Deepwide can
more efficiently leverage LLM neurons to achieve significantly improved accuracy across almost
all neuron quantity constraints than FairEval. Moreover, as the number of neurons increases, the
performance continues to improve. For our experiments, we opted for a two-layered Deepwide
network, where, with an odd-numbered neuron constraint, the second layer’s neurons are reduced
by one. On the other hand, FairEval’s performance saturates when the number of neurons reaches
five, and any further increase leads to a decline in performance. This observation aligns with the
conclusions of the original research, further confirming the positive impact of our deeper network
and diversified neuron roles.
5.4 Application in Chinese LLM Evaluation
We also utilize WideDeep to assess the performance of the Chinese LLMs by determining which of
the three responses under the same prompt is better. Due to variations in evaluation data and tasks,
the traditional manual annotation process involves multiple steps such as annotator training, small-
scale trial annotation, selection of official annotators, and cross-annotation by multiple individuals.
However, with the assistance of WideDeep, this process has been simplified to involve only a fixed
team of professional annotators who perform sampling checks on the results generated by WideDeep.
1 X P E H U R I 1 H X U R Q V $ F F ) D L U ( Y D O : L G H ' H H SIn Table 4, we present a comparison of the effectiveness of WideDeep, FairEval, and standalone gpt-4
Evaluator in Chinese LLM evaluation. WideDeep’s advantages have further expanded compared
to English benchmarks, with improvements of 6pts, 5.5pts, and 8.9pts in accuracy, F1 score, and
kappa correlation coefficient, respectively, achieving a labeling accuracy of 74%. The agreement
among humans during the Chinese LLM evaluation stands at 80%, which indicates that WideDeep
has reached a 93% agreement level among humans. In fact, with each point increase in accuracy,
a significant amount of manual annotation time can be reduced. Assuming the LLM evaluator’s
accuracy is x, the annotators only need to review 0.8−x
1−x % of the data annotated by the LLM Evaluator
to correct the labeling errors and achieve an 80% accuracy level, aligning with manual annotation.
Therefore, the annotators only need to inspect 23% of the predicted results from WideDeep, while
they would have to inspect 37.5% from FairEval and 39.3% from GPT-4. Overall, WideDeep has
accelerated the LLM evaluation process by 4.6 times, saving a significant amount of time for human
annotators. Furthermore, the average annotation cost per sample has decreased by 60%.
6 Conclusion
In this paper, we explore whether evaluation performance can be improved in deeper and wider
LLM networks. Specifically, each neuron within the LLM network assumes a distinct evaluation
role, and multiple neurons interact and collaborate, much like the interaction observed in deep
neural networks. The evaluation process follows a feedforward approach, with each layer of neurons
receiving inputs from the previous layer, facilitating a thorough and comprehensive assessment. An
intuitive analogy for our designed LLM network can be drawn to the process of academic paper
reviewing. Additionally, we present LLMEval2, the largest and most diverse evaluation benchmark
developed to date for the LLM Evaluator. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that a
two-layer wider LLM network yields the best results, significantly enhancing the ability of LLMs to
evaluate the quality of generated text. Furthermore, we apply our evaluator to assess the performance
of Chinese LLMs, where it proves to speed up LLM evaluation process by 4.6 times and decrease the
average annotation cost per sample by 60%.
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ai_researcher | 4 | Unlocking_the_Potential_of_Global_Human_Expertise.pdf | 4
Unlocking the Potential of Global Human Expertise
Elliot Meyerson1 Olivier Francon1 Darren Sargent1 Babak Hodjat1 Risto Miikkulainen1,2
1Cognizant AI Labs
2The University of Texas at Austin
Solving societal problems on a global scale requires the collection and processing
of ideas and methods from diverse sets of international experts. As the number
and diversity of human experts increase, so does the likelihood that elements in
this collective knowledge can be combined and refined to discover novel and better
solutions. However, it is difficult to identify, combine, and refine complementary
information in an increasingly large and diverse knowledge base. This paper argues
that artificial intelligence (AI) can play a crucial role in this process. An evolu-
tionary AI framework, termed RHEA, fills this role by distilling knowledge from
diverse models created by human experts into equivalent neural networks, which
are then recombined and refined in a population-based search. The framework was
implemented in a formal synthetic domain, demonstrating that it is transparent and
systematic. It was then applied to the results of the XPRIZE Pandemic Response
Challenge, in which over 100 teams of experts across 23 countries submitted
models based on diverse methodologies to predict COVID-19 cases and suggest
non-pharmaceutical intervention policies for 235 nations, states, and regions across
the globe. Building upon this expert knowledge, by recombining and refining the
169 resulting policy suggestion models, RHEA discovered a broader and more
effective set of policies than either AI or human experts alone, as evaluated based
on real-world data. The results thus suggest that AI can play a crucial role in
realizing the potential of human expertise in global problem-solving.
Integrating knowledge and perspectives from a diverse set of experts is essential for developing better
solutions to societal challenges, such as policies to curb an ongoing pandemic, slow down and reverse
climate change, and improve sustainability [33, 41, 57, 63, 64]. Increased diversity in human teams
can lead to improved decision-making [25, 62, 83], but as the scale of the problem and size of the
team increases, it becomes difficult to discover the best combinations and refinements of available
ideas [37]. This paper argues that artificial intelligence (AI) can play a crucial role in this process,
making it possible to realize the full potential of diverse human expertise. Though there are many AI
systems that take advantage of human expertise to improve automated decision-making [4, 31, 66],
an approach to the general problem must meet a set of unique requirements: It must be able to
incorporate expertise from diverse sources with disparate forms; it must be multi-objective since
conflicting policy goals will need to be balanced; and the origins of final solutions must be traceable
so that credit can be distributed back to humans based on their contributions. An evolutionary AI
framework termed RHEA (for Realizing Human Expertise through AI) is developed in this paper to
satisfy these requirements. Evolutionary AI, or population-based search, is a biologically-inspired
method that often leads to surprising discoveries and insights [5, 15, 39, 48, 67]; it is also a natural fit
here since the development of ideas in human teams mirrors an evolutionary process [14, 17, 38, 32].
Implementing RHEA for a particular application requires the following steps (Fig. 1):
38th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024).
Figure 1: The RHEA (Realizing Human Expertise through AI) framework. The framework consists
of four components: Defining the prediction and prescription tasks, gathering the human solutions,
distilling them into a canonical form, and evolving the population of solutions further. a, The predictor
maps context and actions to outcomes and thus constitutes a surrogate, or a “digital twin”, of the
real world. For example, in the Pandemic Response Challenge experiment, the context consisted
of data about the geographic region for which the predictions were made, e.g., historical data of
COVID-19 cases and intervention policies; actions were future schedules of intervention policies
for the region; and outcomes were predicted future cases of COVID-19 along with the stringency
of the policy. b, Given a predictor, the prescriptor generates actions that yield optimized outcomes
across contexts. c, Humans are solicited to contribute expertise by submitting prescriptors using
whatever methodology they prefer, such as decision rules, epidemiological models, classical statistical
techniques, and gradient-based methods. d, Each submitted prescriptor is distilled into a canonical
neural network that replicates its behavior. e, This population of neural networks is evolved further,
i.e., the distilled models are recombined and refined in a parallelized, iterative search process. They
build synergies and extend the ideas in the original solutions, resulting in policies that perform better
than the original ones. For example, in the Pandemic Response Challenge, the policies recommend
interventions that lead to minimal cases with minimal stringency.
1. Define. Define the problem in a formal manner so that solutions from diverse experts can be
compared and combined.
2. Gather. Solicit and gather solutions from a diverse set of experts. Solicitation can take the
form of an open call or a direct appeal to known experts.
3. Distill. Use machine learning to convert (distill) the internal structure of each gathered
solution into a canonical form such as a neural network.
4. Evolve. Recombine and refine the distilled solutions using a population-based search to
realize the complementary potential of the ideas in the expert-developed solutions.
RHEA is first illustrated through a formal synthetic example below, demonstrating how this process
can result in improved decision-making. RHEA is then put to work in a large-scale international
experiment on developing non-pharmaceutical interventions for the COVID-19 pandemic. The results
show that broader and better policy strategies can be discovered in this manner, beyond those that
would be available through AI or human experts alone. The results also highlight the value of
soliciting diverse expertise, even if some of it does not have immediately obvious practical utility: AI
may find ways to recombine it with other expertise to develop superior solutions.
historical datageographic regionfuture policy schedulepredictorfuture casesstringencycontextactionsoutcomeshistorical datageographic regionprescriptorcontextactionsfuture policy schedule∇𝒥abcde1.Define2.Gather3. Distill4.EvolveTo summarize, the main contributions of this paper are as follows: (1) Recognizing that bringing
together diverse human expertise is a key challenge in solving many complex problems; (2) Identifying
desiderata for an AI process that accomplishes this task; (3) Demonstrating that existing approaches
do not satisfy these desiderata; (4) Formalizing a new framework, RHEA, to satisfy them; (5)
Instantiating a first concrete implementation of RHEA using standard components; and (6) Evaluating
this implementation in a global application: The XPRIZE Pandemic Response Challenge.
Illustrative Example
In this section, RHEA is applied to a formal synthetic setting where its principles and mechanics are
transparent. It is thus possible to demonstrate how they can lead to improved results, providing a
roadmap for when and how to apply it to real-world domains (see App. B for additional details).
Consider a policy-making scenario in which many new reasonable-sounding policy interventions are
constantly being proposed, but there are high levels of nonlinear interaction between interventions
and across contexts. Such interactions are a major reason why it is difficult to design effective policies
and the main challenge that RHEA is designed to solve. They are unavoidable in complex real-world
domains such as public health (e.g., between closing schools, requiring masks, or limiting international
travel), traffic management (e.g., adding buses, free bus tokens, or bike lanes), and climate policy
(e.g., competing legal definitions of “net-zero” or “green hydrogen”, and environmental feedback
loops) [19, 52, 60]. In such domains there exist diverse experts—e.g., policymakers, economists,
scientists, local community leaders, and other stakeholders—whose input is worth soliciting before
implementing interventions. In RHEA, this policy-making challenge can be formalized as follows:
Define. Suppose we are considering policy interventions a1, . . . , an. A policy action A consists
of some subset of these. Suppose we must be prepared to address contexts c ∈ {c1, . . . , cm},
and we have a black-box predictor ϕ(c, A) to evaluate utility (Fig. 1a). In practice, ϕ will be a
complex dynamical model such as an agent-based or neural-network-based predictor. In this example,
to highlight the core behavior of RHEA, ϕ is a simple-to-define function containing the kinds of
challenging nonlinearities we would like to address, such as context dependence, synergies, anti-
synergies, threshold effects, and redundancy (the full utility function is detailed in Eq. 1). Similarly, ψ
is a simple cost function, defined as the total number of prescribed policy interventions. A prescriptor
is a function π(c) = A (Fig. 1b). The goal is to find a Pareto front of prescriptors across the outcomes
of utility ϕ and cost ψ. Note that the search space is vast: There are 2mn possible prescriptors.
Gather. Suppose prescriptors of unknown functional form have been gathered (Fig. 1c) from three
experts: one “generalist”, providing general knowledge that applies across contexts (see Fig. 2c
for an example); and two “specialists”, providing knowledge that is of higher quality (i.e. lower
cost-per-utility) but applies only to a few specific contexts (Fig. 2a-b).
Distill. Datasets for distillation can be generated by running each expert prescriptor over all contexts.
The complete behavior of a prescriptor can then be visualized as a binary grid, where a black cell
indicates the inclusion of an intervention in the prescription for a given context (Fig. 2a-c). This data
can be used to convert the expert prescriptors into rule sets or neural networks (Fig. 1d, App. B.2).
Evolve. These distilled models can then be injected into an initial population and evolved using
multi-objective optimization [16] (Fig. 1e). The full optimal Pareto front is obtained as a result.
With this formalization, it is possible to construct a synthetic example of RHEA in action, as shown
in Fig. 2. It illustrates the optimal Pareto front. Importantly, this front is discoverable by RHEA, but
not by previous machine learning techniques such as Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) [42] or Weighted
Ensembles [18], or by the experts alone. RHEA is able to recombine the internal structure of experts
across contexts (e.g., by adding a3, a4, a5 to a1, a2 in c1). It can innovate beyond the experts by
adding newly-applicable interventions (a6). It can also refine the results by removing interventions
that are now redundant or detrimental (a5 in c2), and by mixing in generalist knowledge. In contrast,
the discoveries of MoE are restricted to mixing expert behavior independently at each context, and
Weighted Ensemble solutions can only choose a single combination of experts to apply everywhere.
The domain also illustrates why it is important to utilize expert knowledge in the first place. The
high-dimensional solution space makes it very difficult for evolution alone (i.e. not starting from
distilled expert prescriptors) to find high-quality solutions, akin to finding needles in a haystack.
Experimental results confirm that RHEA discovers the entire optimal Pareto front reliably, even
Figure 2: An Illustration of RHEA in a Synthetic Domain. The plots show the Pareto front of prescrip-
tors discovered by RHEA vs. those of alternative prescriptor combination methods, highlighting the
kinds of opportunities RHEA is able to exploit. The specialist expert prescriptors a and b and the
generalist expert prescriptor c are useful but suboptimal on their own (purple •’s). RHEA recombines
and innovates upon their internal structure and is able to discover the full optimal Pareto front (blue
⋆’s). This front dominates that of Mixture-of-Experts (MoE; green ×’s), which can only mix expert
behavior independently in each context. It also dominates that of Weighted Ensembling (yellow
+’s), which can only choose a single combination of experts to apply everywhere. Evolution alone
(without expert knowledge) also struggles in this domain due to the vast search space (App. Fig. 6),
as do MORL methods (App. Fig. 7,8). Thus, RHEA unlocks the latent potential in expert solutions.
as the number of available interventions increases, while evolution alone does not (App. Fig. 6).
Multi-objective reinforcement learning (MORL) methods also struggle in this domain (App. Fig. 7,8).
Thus, RHEA harnesses the latent potential of expert solutions. It uses pieces of them as building
blocks and combines them with novel elements to take full advantage of them. This ability can be
instrumental in designing effective policies for complex real-world tasks. Next, RHEA is put to work
on one particularly vexing task: optimizing pandemic intervention policies.
3 The XPRIZE Pandemic Response Challenge
The XPRIZE Pandemic Response Challenge [10, 11] presented an ideal opportunity for demonstrating
the RHEA framework. XPRIZE is an organization that conducts global competitions, fueled by
large cash prizes, to motivate the development of underfunded technologies. Current competitions
target wildfires, desalination, carbon removal, meat alternatives, and healthy aging [81]. In 2020 and
2021, the XPRIZE Pandemic Response Challenge was designed and conducted [78], challenging
participants to develop models to suggest optimal policy solutions spanning the tradeoff between
minimizing new COVID-19 cases and minimizing the cost of implemented policy interventions.
Define. The formal problem definition was derived from the Oxford COVID-19 government response
tracker dataset [27, 54, 74], which was updated daily from March 2020 through December 2022. This
dataset reports government intervention policies (“IPs”) on a daily basis, following a standardized
classification of policies and corresponding ordinal stringency levels in Z5 (used to define IP “cost”)
to enable comparison across geographical regions (“geos”), which include nations and subnational
regions such as states and provinces. The XPRIZE Challenge focused on 235 geos (App. Fig 9) and
those 12 IPs over which governments have immediate daily control [54]: school closings, workplace
closings, cancellation of public events, restrictions on gathering size, closing of public transport,
abcTotal Utility (Methods A.1)Total Utility (App. Eq. 1) stay at home requirements, restrictions on internal movement, restrictions on international travel,
public information campaigns, testing policy, contact tracing, and facial covering policy. Submissions
for Phase 1 were required to include a runnable program (“predictor”) that outputs predicted cases
given a geo, time frame, and IPs through that time frame (Fig. 1a). Submissions for Phase 2 were
required to include a set of runnable programs (“prescriptors”), which, given a geo, time frame,
and relative IP costs, output a suggested schedule of IPs (“prescription”) for that geo and time
frame (Fig. 1b). By providing a set of prescriptors, submissions could cover the tradeoff space
between minimizing the cost of implementing IPs and the expected number of new cases. Since
decision makers for a particular geo could not simultaneously implement multiple prescriptions
from multiple teams, prescriptions were evaluated not in the real world but with a predictor ϕ (from
Phase 1), which forecasts how case numbers change as a result of a prescription. The formal problem
definition, requirements, API, and code utilities are publicly available [10]. Teams were encouraged
to incorporate specialized knowledge in geos with which they were most familiar. The current study
focuses on the prescriptors created in Phase 2. There are ≈ 10620 possible schedules for a single geo
for 90 days, so brute-force search is not an option. To perform well, prescriptors must implement
principled ideas to capture domain-specific knowledge about the structure of the pandemic.
Gather. Altogether, 102 teams of experts from 23 countries participated in the challenge. Some teams
were actively working with local governments to inform policy [49, 53]; other organizations served
as challenge partners, including the United Nations ITU and the City of Los Angeles [79]. The set of
participants was diverse, including epidemiologists, public health experts, policy experts, machine
learning experts, and data scientists. Consequently, submissions took advantage of diverse methodolo-
gies, including epidemiological models, decision rules, classical statistical methods, gradient-based
optimization, various machine learning methods, and evolutionary algorithms, and exploited various
auxiliary data sources to get enhanced views into the dynamics of particular geos [80] (Fig. 1c).
The Phase 2 evaluations showed substantial specialization to different geos for different teams, a
strong indication that there was diversity that could be harnessed. Many submissions also showed
remarkable improvement over strong heuristic baselines, indicating that high-quality expertise had
been gathered successfully. Detailed results of the competition are publicly available [11]; this study
focuses on the ideas in them in the aggregate.
Distill. A total of 169 prescriptors were submitted to the XPRIZE Challenge. After the competition,
for each of these gathered prescriptors πi, an autoregressive neural network (NN) ˆπi with learnable
parameters θi was trained with gradient descent to mimic its behavior, i.e. to distill it [30, 31] (Fig. 1d;
App. C.1). Each NN was trained on a dataset of 212,400 input-output pairs, constructed by querying
the corresponding prescriptor nq times, i.e., through behavioral cloning:
i = argmin
≈ argmin
(cid:13)πi(q) − ˆπi
κ(q, πi(q), ϕ); θi
(cid:13)πi(qj) − ˆπi
κ(q, πi(qj), ϕ); θi
where q ∈ Q is a query and κ is a function that maps queries (specified via the API in Define) to
input data, i.e., contexts, with a canonical form. Each (date range, geo) pair defines a query q, with
πi(q) ∈ Z90×12
the policy generated by πi for this geo and date range, and ϕ(q, πi(q)) ∈ R90 the
predicted (normalized) daily new cases. Distilled models were implemented in Keras [7] and trained
with Adam [35] using L1 loss (since policy actions were on an ordinal scale) (see App. C.1).
Evolve. These 169 distilled models were then placed in the initial population of an evolutionary AI
process (Fig. 1e). This process was based on the same Evolutionary Surrogate-assisted Prescription
(ESP) method [24] previously used to evolve COVID-19 IP prescriptors from scratch [50]. In standard
ESP, the initial population (i.e., before any evolution takes place) consists only of NNs with randomly
generated weights. By replacing random neural networks with the distilled neural networks, ESP
starts from diverse high-quality expert-based solutions, instead of low-quality random ones. ESP
can then be run as usual from this starting point, recombining and refining solutions over a series of
generations to find better tradeoffs between stringency and cases, using Pareto-based multi-objective
optimization [16] (App. C.2). Providing a Pareto front of policy strategy options is critical, because
most decision-makers will not simply choose the most extreme strategies (i.e. IPs with maximum
stringency, or no IPs at all), but are likely to choose a tradeoff point appropriate for their particular
political, social and economic scenario (Fig. 3d shows the real-world distribution of IP stringencies).
Figure 3: Quantitative comparison of solutions. a, Objective values for all solutions in the final
population of a single representative run of each method. b, Pareto curves for these runs. Distilled
provides improved tradeoffs over Random and Evolved (from random), and RHEA pushes the front
out beyond Distilled. c, Overall Pareto front of the union of the solutions from these runs. The vast
majority of these solutions are from RHEA. d, The distribution of actual stringencies implemented
in the real world across all geos at the prescription start date, indicating which Pareto solutions
real-world decision makers would likely select, i.e., which tradeoffs they prefer. e, Given this
distribution, the proportion of the time the solution selected by a user would be from a particular
method (the REM metric); almost all of them would be from RHEA. f, The same metric, but based
on a uniform distribution of tradeoff preference (RUN) g, Domination rate (DR) w.r.t. Distilled,
i.e. how much of the Distilled Pareto front is strictly dominated by another method’s front. While
Evolved (from scratch) sometimes discovers better solutions than those distilled from expert designs,
RHEA improves ≈75% of them. h, Max reduction of cases (MCR) compared to Distilled across
all stringency levels. i, Dominated hypervolume improvement (HVI) compared to Distilled. For
each metric, RHEA substantially outperforms the alternatives, demonstrating that it creates improved
solutions over human and AI design, and that those solutions would likely be preferred by human
decision-makers. (Bars show mean and See App. C.3 for technical details of each metric.)
Evolution from the distilled models was run for 100 generations in 10 independent trials to produce
the final RHEA models. As a baseline, evolution was run similarly from scratch. As a second baseline,
RHEA was compared to the full set of distilled models. A third baseline was models with randomly
initialized weights, which is often a meaningful starting point in NN-based policy search [68]. All
prescriptor evaluations, including those during evolution, were performed using the same reference
predictor as in the XPRIZE Challenge itself; this predictor was evaluated in depth in prior work [50].
Results. The performance results are shown in Fig. 3. As is clear from the Pareto plots (Fig. 3a-c)
and across a range of metrics (Fig. 3e-i), the distilled models outperform the random initial models,
thus confirming the value of human insight and the efficacy of the distillation process. Evolution then
improves performance substantially from both initializations, with distilled models leading to the
best solutions. Thus, the conclusions of the illustrative example are substantiated in this real-world
domain: RHEA is able to leverage knowledge contained in human-developed models to discover
solutions beyond those from the AI alone or humans alone. The most critical performance metric is
the empirical R1-metric (REM; [28]), which estimates the percentage of time a decision-maker with
a fixed stringency budget would choose a prescriptor from a given approach among those from all
approaches. For RHEA, REM is nearly 100%. In other words, not only does RHEA discover policies
that perform better, but they are also policies that decision-makers would be likely to adopt.
4 Characterizing the Innovations
Two further sets of analyses characterize the RHEA solutions and the process of discovering them.
First, IP schedules generated for each geo by different sets of policies were projected to 2D via
abceghfdiPTCRTCRDRMCRHVIRHEARHEARHEARHEARHEARHEARHEARHEAREMRUNFigure 4: Dynamics of IP schedules discovered by RHEA. a, UMAP projection of geo IP schedules
generated by the policies (App. C.4). The schedules from high-performing submitted expert mod-
els are concentrated around a 1-dimensional manifold organized by overall cost (seen as a yellow
arc). This manifold provides a scaffolding upon which RHEA elaborates, interpolates, and expands.
Evolved policies, on the other hand, are scattered more discordantly (seen as blue clusters), un-
grounded by the experts. b, To characterize how RHEA expands upon this scaffolding, five high-level
properties of IP schedules were identified and their distributions were plotted across the schedules. For
each, RHEA finds a balance between the grounding of expert submissions (i.e., regularization) and
their recombination and elaboration (i.e., innovation), though this balance manifests in distinct ways.
For swing and separability, RHEA is similar to real schedules, but finds that the high separability
proposed by some expert models can sometimes be useful. RHEA finds the high focus of the expert
models even more attractive; in practice, they could provide policy-makers with simpler and clearer
messages about how to control the pandemic. For focus, agility, and periodicity, RHEA pushes
beyond areas explored by the submissions, finding solutions that humans may miss. The example
schedules shown in a(i-v) illustrate these principles in practice (rows are IPs sorted from top to
bottom as listed in Sec. 3; column are days in the 90-day period; darker color means more stringent).
(i) Real-world examples demonstrate that although agility and periodicity require some effort to
implement, they have occasionally been utilized (e.g. in Portugal and France); (ii) a simple example
of how RHEA generates useful interpolations of submitted non-Pareto schedules, demonstrating how
it realizes latent potential even in some low-performing solutions, far from schedules evolved from
scratch; (iii) another useful interpolation, but achieved via higher agility than Pareto submissions;
(iv) a high-stringency RHEA schedule that trades swing and separability for agility and periodicity
compared to its submitted neighbor; and (v) a medium-stringency RHEA schedule with lower swing
and separability and higher focus than its submitted neighbor. Overall, these analyses show how
RHEA realizes the latent potential of the raw material provided by the human-created submissions.
UMAP [45] to visualize the distribution of their behavior (Fig. 4a). Note that the schedules from the
highest-performing (Pareto) submitted policies form a continuous 1D manifold across this space,
indicating continuity of tradeoffs. This manifold serves as scaffolding upon which RHEA recombines,
refines, and innovates; these processes are the same as in the illustrative example, only more complex.
Evolution alone, on the other hand, produces a discordant scattering of schedules, reflecting its
unconstrained exploratory nature, which is disadvantageous in this domain. What kind of structure
does RHEA harness to move beyond the existing policies? Five high-level properties were identified
that characterize how RHEA draws on submitted models in this domain: swing measures the
stringency difference between the strictest and least strict day of the schedule; separability measures
to what extent the schedule can be separated into two contiguous phases of different stringency
levels; focus is inversely proportional to the number of IPs used; agility measures how often IPs
change; and periodicity measures how much of the agility can be explained by weekly periodicity
(b)(iv)(i)(v)(ii)(iii)(a)D&E: IranSubmitted: CaliforniaSubmitted: IndiaD&E: RussiaSubmitted: BrazilSubmitted: TexasD&E: BrazilSubmitted: CaliforniaSubmitted: GermanyD&E: United StatesReal: FranceReal: PortugalReal: CanadaReal: AustraliaRHEARHEARHEARHEARHEARHEAFigure 5: Dynamics of evolutionary discovery process. a, Sample ancestries of prescriptors on the
RHEA Pareto front. Leaf nodes are initial distilled models; the final solutions are the root. The
history of recombinations leading to different solutions varies widely in terms of complexity, with
apparent motifs and symmetries. The ancestries show that the search is behaving as expected, in that
the cost of the child usually lands between the costs of its parents (indicated by color). This property
is also visualized in b (and c), where child costs (and cases) are plotted over all recombinations from
all trials (k-NN regression, k = 100). d, From ancestries, one can compute the relative contribution
of each expert model to the final RHEA Pareto front (App C.5). This contribution is remarkably
consistent across the independent runs, indicating that the approach is reliable (mean and
shown). e, Although there is a correlation between the performance of teams of expert models and
their contribution to the final front, there are some teams with unimpressive quantitative performance
in their submissions who end up making outsized contributions through the evolutionary process.
This result highlights the value of soliciting a broad diversity of expertise, even if some of it does not
have immediately obvious practical utility. AI can play a role in realizing this latent potential.
(Fig. 4b; App. C.4). Some ideas from submitted policies, e.g., increased separability and focus, are
readily incorporated into RHEA policies. Others, e.g. increased focus, agility, and periodicity, RHEA
is able to utilize beyond the range of policies explored by the human designs. The examples in
Fig. 4a illustrate these properties in practice. Example (i) shows a number of real policies, suggesting
that geos are capable of implementing diverse and innovative schedules similar to those discovered
by RHEA; e.g., weekly periodicity was actually implemented for a time in Portugal and France.
Examples (ii-v) show RHEA schedules and their nearest submitted neighbors, demonstrating how
innovations can manifest as interpolations or extrapolations of submitted policies. For instance, one
opportunity is to focus on a smaller set of IPs; another is to utilize greater agility and periodicity.
This analysis shows how RHEA can lead to insights on where improvements are possible.
Second, to understand how RHEA discovered these innovations, an evolutionary history can be
reconstructed for each solution, tracing it back to its initial distilled ancestors (Fig. 5). Some final
solutions stem from a single beneficial crossover of distilled parents, while others rely on more
complex combinations of knowledge from many ancestors (Fig. 5a). While the solutions are more
complex, the evolutionary process is similar to that of the illustrative example: It proceeds in a
principled manner, with child models often falling between their parents along the case-stringency
tradeoff (Fig. 5b-c). Based on these evolutionary histories, one can compute the relative contribution
of each expert model to the final RHEA Pareto front (App C.5). These contributions are highly
consistent across independent runs, indicating that the approach is reliable (Fig. 5d). Indeed in the
XPRIZE competition, this contribution amount was used as one of the quantitative metrics of solution
quality [12]. Remarkably, although there is a correlation between the performance of expert models
and their contribution to the final front, there are also models that do not perform particularly well, but
end up making outsized contributions through the evolutionary process (Fig. 5e; see also Fig. 4a(ii)).
This result highlights the value of soliciting a broad diversity of expertise, even if some of it does not
have immediately obvious practical utility. AI can play a role in realizing this latent potential.
Pareto solution ancestral complexityabcde5 Discussion
Alternative Policy Discovery Methods. Our implementation of RHEA uses established methods in
both the Distill and Evolve steps; the technical novelty comes from their unique combination in RHEA
to unlock diverse human expertise. Popular prior methods for combining diverse models include
ensembling [18] and Mixture-of-Experts [42], but, as highlighted in Fig. 2, although multi-objective
variants have been explored in prior work [36], neither of these methods can innovate beyond the
scaffolding provided by the initial experts. Evolution is naturally suited for this task: Crossover is a
powerful way to recombine expert models, mutation allows innovating beyond them, and population-
based search naturally supports multiobjective optimization. Other approaches for policy optimization
include contextual bandits [73], planning-based methods [66], and reinforcement learning [29, 69],
and an interesting question is how they might play a role in such a system. One approach could be to
use evolutionary search for recombination and use another method for local improvement, akin to
hybrid approaches used in other settings [6] (See App. A for a longer discussion).
It is intuitive why expert knowledge improves RHEA’s search capability. However, any
theoretical convergence analysis will depend on the particular implementation of RHEA. The present
implementation uses NSGA-II, the convergence of which has recently been shown to depend critically
on the size of jumps in the optimization landscape, i.e. roughly the maximum size of non-convex
regions [20, 21]. On the ONEJUMPZEROJUMP benchmark, the tightest known upper-bound for
convergence to the full ground truth Pareto front is O(N 2nk/Θ(k)k), where k is a measure of the
jump size, n is the problem dimensionality, and N is the (sufficiently large) population size. In other
words, a smaller jump size leads to a drastic convergence speed up. Distilling useful, diverse experts
is conceptually analogous to decreasing the jump size. This effect is apparent in the illustrative
domain, where the experts provide building blocks that can be immediately recombined to discover
better solutions, but that are difficult to discover from scratch (Fig. 2). This interpretation is borne
out in the experiments: RHEA continues to converge quickly as the action space (i.e. problem
dimensionality) increases, whereas evolution regresses to only being able to discover the most convex
(easily-discoverable) portions of the Pareto front (App. Fig. 6).
Generalizability. RHEA can be applied effectively to policy-discovery domains where (1) the
problem can be formalized with contexts, actions, and outcomes, (2) there exist diverse experts from
which solutions can be gathered, and (3) the problem is sufficiently challenging. In contrast, RHEA
would not be effective, (1) if the problem is too easy, so that the input from human experts would not
be necessary, (2) if the problem is hard, but no useful and diverse experts exist, and (3) if there is no
clear way to define context and/or action variables upon which the experts agree.
The modularity of RHEA allows different implementations of components to be designed for different
domains, such as those related to sustainability, engineering design, and public health. One particularly
exciting opportunity for RHEA is climate policy, which often includes complex interactions between
multiple factors [46]. For example, given the context of the current state of the US energy grid and
energy markets, the green hydrogen production subsidies introduced by the Inflation Reduction Act
will in fact lead to increases in carbon emissions, unless the Treasury Department enacts three distinct
regulations in the definition of “green hydrogen” [60]. It is precisely this kind of policy combination
that RHEA could help discover, and such a discovery process could be an essential part of a climate
policy application. For example, the En-Roads climate simulator supports diverse actions across
energy policy, technology, and investment, contexts based on social, economic, and environmental
trajectories, and multiple competing outcomes, including global temperature, cost of energy, and
sea-level rise [8]. Users craft policies based on their unique priorities and expertise. RHEA could be
used with a predictor like En-Roads to discover optimized combinations of expert climate policies
that trade-off across temperature change and other the outcomes that users care about most.
Ethics and Broader Impact. As part of the UN AI for Good Initiative, we are currently building
a platform for formalizing and soliciting expert solutions to SDG goals more broadly [55]. Ethical
considerations when deploying such systems are outlined below. See App. D for further discussion.
Fairness. In such problems with diverse stakeholders, breaking down costs and benefits by affected
populations and allowing users to input explicit constraints to prescriptors can be crucial for generating
feasible and equitable models. In this platform, RHEA could take advantage of knowledge that
local experts provide and learn to generalize it; by treating each contributed model as a black box,
it is agnostic to the type of models used, thus helping to make the platform future-proof. Fairness
constraints can also be directly included in RHEA’s multiple objectives.
Governance and Democratic Accountability. An important barrier in the adoption of AI by real-world
decision-makers is trust [44, 65]. For example, such systems could be used to justify the decisions
of bad actors. RHEA provides an advantage here: If the initial human-developed models it uses are
explainable (e.g. are based on rules or decision trees), then a user can trust that suggestions generated
by RHEA models are based on sensible principles, and can trace and interrogate their origins. Even
when the original models are opaque, trust can be built by extracting interpretable rules that describe
prescriptor behavior, which is feasible when the prescriptors are relatively compact and shallow
[71, 72], as in the experiments in this paper. That is, RHEA models can be effectively audited—a
critical property for AI systems maintained by governments and other policy-building organizations.
Data Privacy and Security. Since experts submit complete prescriptors, no sensitive data they may
have used to build their prescriptors needs to be shared. In the Gather step in Sec. 3, each expert team
had an independent node to submit their prescriptors. The data for the team was generated by running
their prescriptors on their node. The format of the data was then automatically verified, to ensure that
it complied with the Defined API. Verified data from all teams was then aggregated for the Distill
& Evolve steps. Since the aggregated data must fit an API that does not allow for extra data to be
disclosed, the chance of disclosing sensitive data in the Gather phase is minimized.
External Oversight. Although the above mechanisms could all yield meaningful steps in addressing a
broad range of ethical concerns, they cannot completely solve all issues of ethical deployment. So, it
is critical that the system is not deployed in an isolated way, but integrated into existing democratic
decision-making processes, with appropriate external oversight. Any plan for deployment should
include a disclosure of these risks to weigh against the potential societal benefits.
Sustainability and Accessibility. Due to the relatively compact model size, RHEA uses orders of
magnitude less compute and energy than many other current AI systems, which is critical for creating
uptake by decision-makers around the world who do not have access to extensive computational
resources or for whom energy usage is becoming an increasingly central operational consideration.
Limitations. Understanding the limitations of the presented RHEA implementation is critical for
establishing directions for future work. The cost measure used in this paper was uniform over IPs,
an unbiased way to demonstrate the technology, but, for a prescriptor to be used in a particular geo,
costs of different IPs should be calibrated based on geo-specific cost-analysis. The geo may also have
some temporal discounting in its cases and cost objectives. For consistency with the XPRIZE, they
were not included in the experiments in this paper but can be naturally incorporated into RHEA in
the future. When applying surrogate-developed policies to the real world, approximation errors can
compound over time. Thus, user-facing applications of RHEA could benefit from the inclusion of
uncertainty measures [26, 58], inverse reinforcement learning [2, 70], as well as humans-in-the-loop
to prevent glaring errors. Distillation could also be limited in cases where expert models use external
data sources with resulting effects not readily approximated by the inputs specified in the defined API.
If this were an issue in future applications, it could be addressed by training models that generalize
across domain spaces [47, 59]. RHEA prescriptors were evaluated in the same surrogate setting
as prescriptors in the XPRIZE, but not yet in hands-on user studies. Hands-on user evaluation is a
critical step but requires a completely different kind of research effort, i.e. one that is political and
civil, rather than computational. Our hope is that the publication of the results of RHEA makes the
real-world incorporation of these kinds of AI decision-assistants more likely.
Conclusion. This paper motivated, designed, and evaluated a framework called RHEA for bringing
together diverse human expertise systematically to solve complex problems. The promise of RHEA
was illustrated with an initial implementation and an example application; it can be extended to other
domains in future work. The hope is that, as a general and accessible system that incorporates input
from diverse human sources, RHEA will help bridge the gap between human-only decision-making
and AI-from-data-only approaches. As a result, decision-makers can start adopting powerful AI
decision-support systems, taking advantage of the latent real-world possibilities such technologies
illuminate. More broadly, the untapped value of human expertise spread across the world is immense.
Human experts should be actively encouraged to continually generate diverse creative ideas and
contribute them to collective pools of knowledge. This study shows that AI has a role to play in
realizing the full value of this knowledge, thus serving as a catalyst for global problem-solving.
We would like to thank XPRIZE for their work in instigating, developing, publicizing, and adminis-
tering the Pandemic Response Challenge, as well as the rest of the Cognizant AI Labs research group
for their feedback on experiments and analysis. We would also like to thank Conor Hayes for advice
on running the MORL comparisons, and Benjamin Doerr for advice on NSGA-II theory.
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A Related Work
The RHEA method builds on a long tradition of leveraging diversity in machine learning, as well as
methods for policy discovery in general.
A.1 Harnessing diversity in AI
Machine learning (ML) models generally benefit from diversity in the data on which they are trained
[34]. At a higher level, it has long been known that diverse models for a single task may be usefully
combined to improve performance on the task. Methods for such combination usually fall under the
label of ensembling [18]. By far, the most popular ensembling method is to use a linear combination
of models. Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) approaches use a more sophisticated approach of conditionally
selecting which models to use based on the input [42]. However, as highlighted in Fig. 2, although
some multi-objective variants have been explored in prior work [36], neither of these methods are
inherently sufficient for the kind of policy discovery required by RHEA. In particular, such methods
are not multi-objective, and provide no method of innovating beyond the scaffolding provided by the
individual experts.
An orthogonal approach to harnessing diversity within a single task is to exploit regularities across
multiple tasks, by learning more than one task in a single model [85]. In the extreme case, a single
model may be trained across many superficially unrelated tasks with the goal of learning shared
structure underlying the problem-solving universe [47, 59]. In this paper, it was possible to specialize
the expert models to different regions and pandemic states, but the input-output spaces of the models
were uniform to enable a consistent API. Future work could generalize RHEA to cases where the
expert models are trained on different, but related, problems that could potentially benefit from one
Finally, there is a rich history of managing and exploiting diverse solutions in evolutionary algorithms:
from early work on preserving diversity to prevent premature convergence [43] and well-established
work on multi-objective optimization [16], to more recent research on novelty search and diversity for
diversity’s sake [40], and to the burgeoning field of Quality Diversity, where the goal is to discover
high-performing solutions across an array of behavioral dimensions [56]. RHEA is different from
these existing methods because it is not about discovering diverse solutions de novo, but rather about
harnessing the potential of diverse human-created solutions. Nonetheless, the scope and success
of such prior research illustrate why evolutionary optimization is well-suited for recombining and
innovating upon diverse solutions.
A.2 Alternative approaches to policy discovery
In this paper, evolutionary optimization was used as a discovery method because it is most naturally
suited for this task: crossover is a powerful way to recombine expert models, mutation allows
innovating beyond them, and population-based search naturally supports multiobjective optimization.
Other approaches for policy optimization include contextual bandits [73], planning-based methods
[66], and reinforcement learning [69], and an interesting question is whether they could be used in
this role as well.
Although less common than in evolutionary optimization, multi-objective approaches have been
developed for such methods [22, 82]. However, because they aim at improving a single solution rather
than a population of solutions, they tend to result in less exploration and novelty than evolutionary
approaches [51]. One approach could be to use evolutionary search for recombination and use one of
these non-evolutionary methods for local improvement. Such hybrid approaches have been used in
other settings [6], and would be an interesting avenue of future work with RHEA.
B Illustrative Example
This section details the methods used in the formal synthetic example.
B.1 Definition of Utility Function
The utility predictor ϕ is defined to be compact and interpretable, while containing the kinds of
nonlinearities leading to optimization challenges that RHEA is designed to address:
ϕ(c, A) =
if c = c1 ∧ A = {a1, a2}
if c = c1 ∧ A = {a1, a2, a3, a4, a5}
if c = c1 ∧ A = {a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6}
if c = c2 ∧ A = {a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6}
if c = c2 ∧ A = {a1, a2, a3, a4, a6}
if c = c2 ∧ A = {a3, a4, a5}
if A = {a7, a8, a9, a10}
In this definition, the non-zero-utility cases represent context-dependent synergies between policy
interventions; they also represent threshold effects where utility is only unlocked once enough of
the useful interventions are implemented. The interventions that are not present in these cases yield
anti-synergies, i.e. they negate any positive policy effects. The contexts c1 and c2 represent similar
but distinct contexts in which similar but distinct combinations of interventions are useful and can
inform one another. In c2, a5 becomes redundant once a6 is included.
B.2 Analytic Distillation
Since the context and action spaces are discrete in this domain, prescriptors can be analytically
distilled based on the dataset describing their full behavior (i.e., the binary grids in Fig. 2). For
example, these prescriptors can be distilled into rule-based or neural network-based prescriptors.
Consider rule-based prescriptors of the form: π = [C1 (cid:55)→ A1, . . . , Cr (cid:55)→ Ar], where Ci ⊆
{c1, . . . , cm} and Ai ⊆ {a1, . . . , an} are subsets of the possible contexts and policy interven-
tions, respectively. These prescriptors have a variable number of rules r ≥ 0. Given a context
c, π(c) prescribes the first action Ai such that c ∈ Ci, and prescribes the empty action Ao = ∅
if no Ci contains c. Then, the gathered expert prescriptors with behavior depicted in Fig. 2a-
c can be compactly distilled as π1 = [{c1} (cid:55)→ {a1, a2}], π2 = [{c2} (cid:55)→ {a3, a4, a5}], and
π3 = [{c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7} (cid:55)→ {a7, a8, a9, a10}], respectively.
Similarly, consider neural-network-based prescriptors with input nodes c1, . . . , cm, output nodes
a1, . . . , an, and hidden nodes with ReLU activation and no bias. For every unique action Ai
prescribed by a prescriptor π, let Ci be the set of contexts c for which π(c) = Ai. Add a hidden
node hi connected to each input c ∈ Ci and each output a ∈ Ai. Let all edges have weight one.
When using this model, include a policy intervention ai in the prescribed action if its activation is
positive. Then, distilled versions of the expert prescriptors can be compactly described by their sets
of directed edges: π1 = {(c1, h1), (h1, a1), (h1, a2)}, π2 = {(c2, h1), (h1, a3), (h1, a4), (h1, a5)},
and π3 = {(c1, h1), (c2, h1), . . . , (c7, h1), (h1, a7), (h1, a8), (h1, a9), (h1, a10)}.
Both rules and neural networks provide a distilled prescriptor representation amenable to evolutionary
B.3 Evolution of Analytically Distilled Models
For experimental verification, the distilled rule-set models were used to initialize a minimal multi-
objective evolutionary AI process. This process was built from standard components including a
method for recombination and variation of rule sets, non-dominated sorting [16], duplicate removal,
and truncation selection. In the RHEA setup, the distilled versions of the gathered expert prescriptors
were used to initialize the population and were reintroduced every generation. In the evolution alone
setup, all instances of distilled models were replaced with random ones. The Python code for running
these experiments can be found at
Figure 6: Experimental results comparing RHEA vs. Evolution alone (i.e., without knowledge of
gathered expert solutions) in the illustrative domain. Whiskers show 1.5×IQR; the middle bar is
the median. a, RHEA exploits latent expert knowledge to reliably and efficiently discover the full
optimal Pareto front, even as the number of available policy interventions n increases (there are 2n
possible actions for each context; 100 trials each). b, Evolution alone does not reliably discover the
front even with 10 available interventions, and its performance drops sharply as the number increases
(100 trials each). Thus, diverse expert knowledge is key to discovering optimal policies.
B.4 Comparison to multi-objective reinforcement learning
Multi-objective reinforcement learning (MORL) is a growing area of research that aims to deploy
the recent successes of reinforcement learning (RL) to multi-objective domains [29]. A natural
question is: Is RHEA needed, or can MORL methods be directly applied from scratch (without expert
knowledge) and reach similar or better performance?
To answer this question, comparisons were performed with a suite of state-of-the-art MORL tech-
niques [23] in the Illustrative domain. Preliminary tests were run with several of the recent algorithms,
namely, GPI-LS [1], GPI-PD [1], and Envelope Q-Learning [82]. The hyperparameters were those
found to work well in the most similar discrete domains in the benchmark suite1. Due to computa-
tional constraints, the comparisons then focused on GPI-LS for scaling up to larger action spaces
because (1) it has the best recorded results in this kind of domain [23], and (2) none of the other
MORL methods in the suite were able to outperform GPI-LS in the experiments. Note that the more
sophisticated GPI-PD yields essentially the same results as GPI-LS in this discrete context and action
In short, even the baseline multi-objective evolution method strongly outperforms MORL (Fig. 7,8).
The reason is that evolution inherently recombines blocks of knowledge, whereas MORL techniques
struggle when there is no clear gradient of improvement.
C Pandemic Response Challenge
This section details the methods used in the application of RHEA to the XPRIZE Pandemic Response
C.1 Distillation
In distillation [3, 30, 31], the goal is to fit a model with a fixed functional form to capture the behavior
of each initial solution, by solving the following minimization problem:
i = argmin
≈ argmin
(cid:13)πi(q) − ˆπi
κ(q, πi(q), ϕ); θi
(cid:13)πi(qj) − ˆπi
κ(q, πi(qj), ϕ); θi
ab# policy interventions# policy interventionsgenerations to converge% of front found in 500 generationsTime for RHEA to discover full Pareto front % of full Pareto front found by Evolution in 500 generationsFigure 7: Convergence curve comparisons. a-c, Convergence curves for 10, 30, and 50 actions,
respectively, in the Illustrative domain. RHEA converges to the full Pareto front in all cases, whereas
the other methods converge to lower values as the action space grows. Evolution substantially
outperformed the MORL baselines in all cases. With 10 actions, all MORL baselines converged
relatively quickly to the same performance. Due to computational limitations, only the most relevant
comparison, GPI-LS (which is state-of-the-art in discrete domains), was run in the experiments with
more actions (lines are means; shading is standard deviation).
Figure 8: MORL scaling comparison. GPI-LS discovered less of the true Pareto front than the
Evolution baseline (100 trials each). The performance of both methods decreases as the problem
complexity, i.e., the number of actions, increases. This plot complements Fig. 6b. Recall from Fig. 6a
that RHEA discovers the entire Pareto front in all trials.
where q ∈ Q is a query, πi is the initial solution, ˆπi is the distilled model with learnable parameters
θi, and κ is a function that maps queries (which may be specified via a high-level API) to input
data, i.e., contexts, with a canonical form that can be used to train ˆπi. In practice, ˆπi is trained by
optimizing θi with stochastic gradient descent using data derived from the nq queries for which data
is available.
In the Pandemic Response Challenge experiment, prescriptors were distilled into an evolvable neural
network architecture based on one previously used to evolve prescriptors from scratch in this domain
[50], with the following changes: (1) In addition to the IPs used in that previous work, new IPs
were used that were released in the Oxford data set since that work [27, 74], and that were used in
the XPRIZE Pandemic Response Challenge; (2) Instead of a case growth rate, the case data input
to the models were presented as cases per 100K residents. This input was found to allow distilled
models to fit the training data more closely than the modified growth rate used in previous work. The
reason for this improvement is that cases per 100K gives a more complete picture of the state of the
pandemic; the epidemiological-model-inspired ratio used in prior work captures the rate of change
in cases explicitly but makes it difficult to deduce how bad an outbreak is at any particular moment.
Since many diverse submitted prescriptors took absolute case numbers into account, including these
values in the distillation process allows the distilled prescriptors to align with their source model
more closely.
Data for training a distilled model ˆπi was gathered by collecting the prescriptions made by πi in the
XPRIZE Pandemic Response Challenge. Data was gathered for all prescriptions made with uniform
abcAfghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados,
Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso,
Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Costa
Rica, Cote d’Ivoire, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican
Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Faeroe Islands, Fiji, Finland, France, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia,
Germany, Ghana, Greece, Greenland, Guam, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia,
Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyz Republic, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon,
Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macao, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova,
Monaco, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norway,
Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Romania, Russia,
Rwanda, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Solomon Islands,
Somalia, South Africa, South Korea, South Sudan, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan,
Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom
/ England, United Kingdom / Northern Ireland, United Kingdom / Scotland, United Kingdom / Wales, United Kingdom, United States /
Alabama, United States / Alaska, United States / Arizona, United States / Arkansas, United States / California, United States / Colorado,
United States / Connecticut, United States / Delaware, United States / Florida, United States / Georgia, United States / Hawaii, United States
/ Idaho, United States / Illinois, United States / Indiana, United States / Iowa, United States / Kansas, United States / Kentucky, United
States / Louisiana, United States / Maine, United States / Maryland, United States / Massachusetts, United States / Michigan, United States /
Minnesota, United States / Mississippi, United States / Missouri, United States / Montana, United States / Nebraska, United States / Nevada,
United States / New Hampshire, United States / New Jersey, United States / New Mexico, United States / New York, United States / North
Carolina, United States / North Dakota, United States / Ohio, United States / Oklahoma, United States / Oregon, United States / Pennsylvania,
United States / Rhode Island, United States / South Carolina, United States / South Dakota, United States / Tennessee, United States /
Texas, United States / Utah, United States / Vermont, United States / Virginia, United States / Washington, United States / Washington DC,
United States / West Virginia, United States / Wisconsin, United States / Wyoming, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela,
Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Figure 9: List of the 235 geos (i.e., countries and subregions) whose data (from the Oxford dataset
[27, 54, 74]) was used in XPRIZE competition and in experiments in this paper.
IP weights. This data consisted of ten date ranges, each of length 90 days, and 235 geos (Fig 9),
resulting in 212,400 training samples for each prescriptor, a random 20% of which was used for
validation for early stopping. More formally, each (date range, geo) pair defines a query q, with
πi(q) ∈ Z90×12
the policy generated by πi for this geo and date range. The predicted daily new
cases for this geo and date range given this policy is ϕ(q, πi(q)) ∈ R90. Let h be the vector of daily
historical new cases for this geo up until the start of the date range. This query leads to 90 training
samples for ˆπi: For each day t, the target is the prescribed actions of the original prescriptor πi(q)t,
and the input is the prior 21 days of cases (normalized by 100K residents) taken from h for prior days
before the start of the date range and from ϕ(q, πi(q)) for days in the date range.
Distilled models were implemented and trained in Keras [7] using the Adam optimizer [35]. Mean
absolute error (MAE) was used as the training loss (since policy actions were on an ordinal scale),
with targets normalized to the range [0, 1]. The efficacy of distillation was confirmed by computing
the rank correlations between the submitted expert models in the XPRIZE challenge and their distilled
counterparts with respect to the two objectives: For both cases and cost, the Spearman correlation was
≈ 0.7, with p < 10−20, demonstrating that distillation was successful. In such a real-world scenario,
a correlation much closer to 1.0 is unlikely, since many solutions are close together in objective space,
and may have different positions on the Pareto front depending on the evaluation context.
C.2 Evolution
In the Pandemic Response Challenge experiment, the evolution component was implemented inside
using the Evolutionary Surrogate-assisted Prescription (ESP) framework [24], which was previously
used to evolve prescriptors for IP optimization from scratch, i.e., without taking advantage of distilled
models [50]. The distillation above results in evolvable neural networks ˆπ1 . . . ˆπnπ which approximate
π1 . . . πnπ , respectively. These distilled models were then placed into the initial population of a run
of ESP, whose goal is to optimize actions given contexts. In ESP, the initial population (i.e., before
any evolution takes place) usually consists of neural networks with randomly generated weights.
By replacing random neural networks with the distilled neural networks, ESP starts from diverse
high-quality solutions, instead of low-quality random solutions. ESP can then be run as usual from
this starting point.
In order to give all distilled models a chance to reproduce, the “population removal percentage”
parameter was set to 0%. Also, since the experiments were run as a quantitative evaluation of teams
in the XPRIZE competition [10, 11, 12], distilled models were selected for reproduction inversely
proportional to the number of submitted prescriptors for that team. This inverse proportional sampling
creates fair sampling at the team level.
Baseline experiments were run using the exact same algorithm but with initial populations consisting
entirely of randomly initialized models (i.e., instead of distilled models). The population size was
200; in RHEA, 169 of the 200 random NNs in the initial population were replaced with distilled
models. Ten independent evolutionary runs of 100 generations each were run for both the RHEA and
baseline settings.
The task for evolution was to prescribe IPs for 90 days starting on February 12, 2021, for the 20
regions with the most total deaths at that time. Internally, ESP uses the Pareto-based selection
mechanism from NSGA-II to handle multiple objectives [16].
The current experiments were implemented with ESP because it is an already established method in
this domain. Note, however, that such distillation followed by injecting in the initial population could
be used in principle to initialize the population of any multi-objective evolution-based method that
evolves functions.
C.3 Pareto-based Performance Metrics
This section details the multi-objective performance evaluation approach used in this paper. It is based
on comparing Pareto fronts, which are the standard way of quantifying progress in multi-objective
optimization. While there are many ways to evaluate multi-objective optimization methods, the goal
in this paper is to do it in a manner that would be most useful to a real-world decision-maker. That is,
ideally, the metrics should be interpretable and have immediate implications for which method would
be preferred in practice.
In the Pandemic Response Challenge experiment, each solution generated by each method m in
the set of considered methods M yields a policy with a particular average daily cost c ∈ [0, 34]
and a corresponding number of predicted new cases a ≥ 0 [50]. Each method returns a set of Nm
solutions which yield a set of objective pairs Sm = {(ci, ai)}Nm
i=1. Following the standard definition,
one solution s1 = (c1, a1) is said to dominate another s2 = (c2, a2) if and only if
(c1 < c2 ∧ a1 ≤ a2) ∨ (c1 ≤ c2 ∧ a1 < a2),
i.e., it is at least as good on each metric and better on at least one. If s1 dominates s2, we write
s1 ⪰ s2. The Pareto front Fm of method m is the subset of all si = (ci, ai) ∈ Sm that are not
dominated by any sj = (cj, aj) ∈ Sm. The following metrics are considered:
Hypervolume Improvement (HVI) Dominated hypervolume is the most common general-purpose
metric used for evaluating multi-objective optimization methods [61]. Given a reference point in the
objective space, it is the amount of dominated area between the Pareto front and the reference point.
The reference point is generally chosen to be a “worst-possible” solution, so the natural choice in this
paper is the point with maximum IP cost and number of cases reached when all IPs are set to 0. Call
this reference point so = (co, ao). Formally, the hypervolume is given by
∃ s∗ ∈ Fm : s∗ ⪰ s ∧ s ⪰ so
HV(m) =
where 1 is the indicator function. Note that HV can be computed in time linear in the cardinality of
Fm. HVI, then, is the improvement in hypervolume compared to the Pareto front Fmo of a reference
method mo:
HVI(m) = HV(m) − HV(mo).
The motivation behind HVI is to normalize for the fact that the raw hypervolume metric is often
inflated by empty unreachable solution space.
Domination Rate (DR) This metric is a head-to-head variant of the “Domination Count” metric
used in Phase 2 evaluation in the XPRIZE, and goes by other names such as “Two-set Coverage” [61].
It is the proportion of solutions in the Pareto front Fmo of reference method mo that are dominated
by solutions in the Pareto front of method m:
DR(m) =
(cid:12){so ∈ Fmo : (∃ s ∈ Fm : s ⪰ so)}(cid:12)
· (cid:12)
The above generic multi-objective metrics can be difficult to interpret from a policy-implementation
perspective, since, e.g., hypervolume is in units of cost times cases, and the domination rate can be
heavily biased by where solutions on the reference Pareto front tend to cluster. The following three
metrics are more interpretable and thus more directly usable by users of such a system.
Maximum Case Reduction (MCR) This metric is the maximum reduction in number of cases that
a solution on a Pareto front gives over the reference front:
MCR(m) = max (cid:8)ao − a∗ ∀ (so = (co, ao) ∈ Fmo, s∗ = (c∗, a∗) ∈ Fm) : s∗ ⪰ so
In other words, there is a solution in Fmo such that one can reduce the number of cases by MCR(m),
with no increase in cost. If MCR is high, then there are solutions on the reference front that can be
dramatically improved.
The final two metrics, RUN and REM, are instances of the R1 metric for multi-objective evaluation
[28, 61], which is abstractly defined as the probability of selecting solutions from one set versus
another given a distribution over decision-maker utility functions.
R1 Metric: Uniform (RUN) This metric captures how often a decision-maker would prefer
solutions from one particular Pareto front among many. Say a decision-maker has a particular cost
they are willing to pay when selecting a policy. The RUN for a method m is the proportion of costs
whose nearest solution on the combined Pareto front F∗ (the Pareto front computed from the union of
all Fm ∀ m ∈ M ) belong to m:
RUN(m) = 1/cmax−cmin
(cid:90) cmax
(cid:13)c − c∗
(cid:13) ∈ Fm
where s∗ = (c∗, a∗). Here, cmin = 0, and cmax = 34, since that is the sum of the maximum settings
across all IPs. Note that RUN can be computed in time linear in the cardinality of F∗.
RUN gives a complete picture of the preferability of each method’s Pareto front, but is agnostic as to
the real preferences of decision-makers. In other words, it assumes a uniform distribution over cost
preferences. The final metric adjusts for the empirical estimations of such preferences, so that the
result is more indicative of real-world value.
R1 Metric: Empirical (REM) This metric adjusts the RUN by the real-world distribution of cost
preferences, estimated by their empirical probabilities ˆp(c) at the same date across all geographies of
REM(m) =
(cid:90) cmax
ˆp(c) · 1
(cid:13)c − c∗
(cid:13) ∈ Fm
In this paper, ˆp(c) is estimated with Gaussian Kernel Density Estimation (KDE; Fig. 3d), using
the scipy implementation with default parameters [75]. For the metrics that require a reference
Pareto front against which performance is measured (HVI, DR, and MCR), Distilled is used as this
reference; it represents the human-developed solutions, and the goal is to compare the performance
of Human+AI (i.e. RHEA) to human alone.
All of the above metrics are used to compare solutions in Fig. 3 of the main paper. They all consistently
demonstrate that RHEA creates the best solutions and that they also would be likely to be preferred
by human decision makers.
C.4 Analysis of Schedule Dynamics
The data for the analysis illustrated in Fig. 4 is from all submitted prescriptors and single runs
of RHEA, evolution alone, and real schedules. Each point in Fig. 4a corresponds to a schedule
S ∈ Z90×12
produced by a policy for one of the 20 geos used in evolution. For visualization, each
S was reduced to ˆS ∈ [0, 5]12 by taking the mean of IPs across time, and these 12-D ˆS vectors
were processed via UMAP [45] with n_neighbors=25, min_dist=1.0, and all other parameters
Below are the formal definitions of the high-level behavioral measures computed from S and used in
Fig. 4b. Let S+ ∈ [0, 34]90 be the total cost over IPs in S for each day.
Swing measures the range in overall stringency of a schedule:
i − S+
Swing(S) = max
Separability measures to what extent the schedule can be separated into two contiguous phases of
differing overall stringency:
Separability(S) = max
(cid:0) 1
i=0 S+
i=0 S+
i − 1
i + 1
j=t S+
(cid:1) .
j=t S+
Focus increases as the schedule uses a smaller number of IPs:
Focus(S) = 12 −
1( ˆSk > 0).
Agility measures how often IPs change:
Agility(S) = max
1(Stk ̸= S(t−1)k).
Periodicity measures how much of the agility can be explained by weekly periodicity in the schedule:
Periodicity(S) = max
0, max
1(Stk ̸= S(t−1)k) − (cid:80)89
1(Stk ̸= S(t−7)k)
t=1 1(Stk ̸= S(t−1)k)
These five measures serve to distinguish the behavior of schedules generated by different sets of
policies at an aggregate level.
The violin plots in Fig. 4b were created with Seaborn [76], using default parameters aside from cut=0,
scale=‘width’, and linewidth=1 (
violinplot.html). The violin plots have small embedded boxplots for which the dot is the
median, the box shows the interquartile range, and the whiskers show extrema.
C.5 Pareto Contributions
To measure the contribution of individual models, the ancestry of individuals on the final Pareto front
of RHEA is analyzed. For each distilled model ˆπi, the number of final Pareto front individuals who
have ˆπi as an ancestor is counted, and the percentage of genetic material on the final Pareto front
that originally comes from ˆπi is calculated. Formally, these two metrics are computed recursively.
Let Par(π) be the parent set of π in the evolutionary tree. Individuals in the initial population have
an empty parent set; individuals in further generations have two parents. Let F be the set of all
individuals on the final Pareto front. Then, the ancestors of π are
Par(π) = ∅,
Anc(π) =
π′∈Par(π) Anc(π′) ∪ Par(π) otherwise,
and the Pareto contribution count is
PCCount(π) = |{π′ : π ∈ Anc(π′) and π ∈ F |,
while the percentage of ancestry of π due to π′ is
APercentπ′(π) =
π′′∈Par(π) APercentπ′(π′′) otherwise,
Par(π) = ∅, π ̸= π′,
Par(π) = ∅, π = π′,
with the Pareto contribution percentage
PCPercent(π) =
|F |
In the experiments, these two metrics are highly correlated, so only results for PCPercent are reported
(Fig. 5).
C.6 Energy Estimates
The relatively compact model size in RHEA makes it accessible and results in a low environmental
impact. Each run of evolution in the Pandemic Response experiments ran on 16 CPU cores, consuming
an estimated 3.9 × 106J. This computation is orders-of-magnitude less energy intensive than many
other current AI systems: For instance, training AlphaGo took many limited-availability and expensive
TPUs, consuming ≈ 8.8 × 1011J [13]; training standard image and language models on GPUs can
consume ≈ 6.7 × 108J [84] and ≈ 6.8 × 1011J [77], respectively. Specifically:
• Each training run of RHEA for the Pandemic Response Challenge experiments
takes ≈9 hours on a 16-core m5a.4xlarge EC2 instance. At 100% load,
instance runs at ≈120W (
carbon-footprint-estimator-for-aws-instances/), yielding a total of ≈ 3.9 ×
• The energy estimate of training AlphaGo was based on
agz-cost.html, with 6380 TPUs running at 40W for 40 days, yielding a total of ≈
8.8 × 1011J.
• The energy estimate for image models is based on training a ResNet-50 on ImageNet for 200
epochs on a Tesla M40 GPU. The training time is based on
[84]; the energy was computed from
• The energy estimate for language models was based on an estimate of training GPT-3 (See
Appendix D in [77]).
• Each training run of RHEA in the Illustrative Domain takes only a few minutes on a single
D Ethics
This section considers ethical topics related to deploying RHEA and similar systems in the real world.
Fairness. Fairness constraints could be directly incorporated into the system. RHEA’s multi-objective
optimization can use any objective that can be computed based on the system’s behavior, so a fairness
objective could be used if impacts on the subgroups can be measured. A human user might also
integrate this objective into their calculation of a unified Cost objective, since any deviation from ideal
fairness is a societal cost. In deployment, an oversight committee could interrogate any developed
metrics before they are used in the optimization process to ensure that they align with declared
societal goals.
Governance and Democratic Accountability. This is a key topic of Project Resilience [55], whose
goal is to generalize the framework of the Pandemic Response Challenge to SDG goals more broadly.
We are currently involved in developing the structure of this platform. For any decision-making
project there are four main roles: Decision-maker, Experts, Moderators, and the Public. The goal is
to bring these roles together under a unified governance structure.
At a high-level, the process for any project would be: the Decision-maker defines the problem for
which they need help; Experts build models for the problem and make them (or data to produce Dis-
tilled versions) public; Moderators supervise (transparently) what Experts contribute (data, predictors
or prescriptors); The Public comments on the process, including making suggestions on what to do
in particular contexts, and on ways to improve the models (e.g., adding new features, or modifying
objectives); Experts incorporate this feedback to update their models; after sufficient discussion, the
Decision-maker uses the platform to make decisions, looking at what the Public has suggested and
what the models suggest, using the Pareto front to make sense of key trade-offs; The Decision-maker
communicates about their final decision, i.e., what was considered, why they settled on this set of
actions, etc. In this way, key elements of the decision-making process are transparent, and decision-
makers can be held accountable for how they integrate this kind of AI system into their decisions. By
enabling a public discussion alongside the modeling/optimization process, the system attempts to
move AI-assisted decision-making toward participative democracy grounded in science. The closest
example of an existing platform with a similar interface is, but it
is for predictions, not prescriptions, and problems are not linked to particular decision-makers.
It is important that the public has access to the models via an “app”, giving them a way to directly
investigate how the models are behaving, as in existing Project Resilience proof-of-concepts234,
along with a way of flagging any issues/concerns/insights they come across. A unified governance
platform like the one outlined above also would enable mechanisms of expert vetting by the public,
decision-makers, or other experts.
The technical framework introduced in this paper provides a mechanism for incorporating demo-
cratically sourced knowledge into a decision-making process. However, guaranteeing that sourced
knowledge is democratic is a much larger (and more challenging) civil problem. The concepts of
power imbalances and information asymmetry are fundamental to this challenge. Our hope is that, by
starting to formalize and decompose decision-making processes more clearly, it will become easier to
identify which components of the process should be prioritized for interrogation and modification,
toward the goal of a system with true democratic accountability.
For example, the formal decomposition of RHEA into Define, Gather, Distill, Evolve, enables each
step to be interrogated independently for further development. The implementation in the paper starts
with the most natural implementation of each step as a proof-of-concept, which should serve as a
foundation for future developments. For example, there is a major opportunity to investigate the
dynamics of refinements of the Distill step. In the experiments in this paper, classical aggregated
machine learning metrics were used to evaluate the quality of distillation, but in a more democratic
platform, experts could specify exactly the kinds of behavior they require the distillation of their
models to capture. By opening up the evaluation of distillation beyond standard metrics, we could
gain a new view into the kinds of model behavior users really care about. That said, methods could
also be taken directly from machine learning, such as those discussed App. A. However, we do not
believe any of these existing methods are at a point where the humans can be removed from the loop
in the kinds of real-world domains the approach aims to address.
Data Privacy and Security. Since experts submit complete prescriptors, no sensitive data they may
have used to build their prescriptors needs to be shared. In the Gather step, each expert team had
an independent node to submit their prescriptors. The data for the team was generated by running
their prescriptors on their node. The format of the data was then automatically verified, to ensure that
it complied with the Defined API. Verified data from all teams was then aggregated for the Distill
& Evolve steps. Since the aggregated data must fit an API that does not allow for extra data to be
disclosed, the chance of disclosing sensitive data in the Gather phase is minimized. One mechanism
for improving security is to allow the user of each role to rate sources, data, and models for a quality,
reliability, and security standpoint, similar to established approaches in cybersecurity5.
External Oversight. Although the above mechanisms all could yield meaningful steps in addressing a
broad range of ethical concerns, they cannot completely solve all issues of ethical deployment. So, it
is critical that the system is not deployed in an isolated way, but integrated into existing democratic
decision-making processes, with appropriate external oversight. Any plan for deployment should
include a disclosure of these risks to weigh against the potential societal benefits.
Sustainability and Accessibility. See App. C.6 for details on how energy usage estimates were
E Data Availability
The data collected from the XPRIZE Pandemic Response Challenge (in the Define and Gather
phases) and used to distill models that were then Evolved can be found on AWS S3 at https:
// (i.e., in the public S3 bucket named
‘covid-xprize-anon’, so it is also accessible via the AWS command line). This is the raw data from
the Challenge, but with the names of the teams anonymized. The format of the data is based on the
format developed for the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker [27].
F Code Availability
The formal problem definition, requirements, API, and code utilities are for the XPRIZE, including
the standardized predictor, are publicly available [10, 9]. The prediction and prescription API,
as well as the standardized predictor used in the XPRIZE and the evolution experiments can be
found at The Evolve step in the
experiments was implemented in a proprietary implementation of the ESP framework, but the
algorithms used therein have been described in detail in prior work [24]. Code for the illustrative
domain was implemented outside of the proprietary framework and can be found at https://
ai_researcher | 5 | Self-Consistency_Improves_Chain_of_Thought_Reasoning_in_Language_Models.pdf | 1
Non-abelian self-duality from self-interaction
A. Khoudeir
Instituto de F´ısica, Universidad Nacional Aut´onoma de M´exico
Apdo. Postal 20-364, 01000 M´exico D. F. M´exico
Centro de Astrof´ısica Te´orica, Departamento de F´ısica, Facultad de
Ciencias, Universidad de los Andes,
M´erida, 5101,Venezuela.
The non-abelian self-dual action in three dimensions is derived
using the self-interaction mechanism.
Self-duality in three dimensions was proposed initially by Townsend et.
al. [1] as an alternative to the topologically massive theory[2]. In principle,
they seem different descriptions of a locally massive spin 1 physical excitation:
the self-dual theory is described by a non-gauge invariant first order action
while the topologically massive action is written down in a gauge invariant
second order formulation. Both actions have an abelian Chern-Simons term
(ǫmnpAm∂nAp). Despite these differences, Deser and Jackiw stablished that
both theories are locally equivalent through the existence of a master action,
even in the presence of external sources[3]. Moreover, both theories are dual
equivalent[4] and the self-dual theory can be seen as a gauged fixed version
of the topologically massive theory[5]. The self-dual theory for gravity and
for higher spin in three dimensions was achieved in [6] and [7], respectively.
If glogal properties are considered, the equivalence is modified, for instance,
the partition functions of the self dual and topologically massive theories are
not the same but they are related in the following way: ZSD = ZCSZT M [8]
(where ZCS is the partition function of the abelian Chern-Simons action).
The non-abelian generalization of the topologically massive theory was
given in [2] while the non-abelian self-dual theory was formulated indepen-
dently by McKeon [9] and Arias, et. al.[10], which has a structure of a
Freedman-Townsend action[11].
In this letter, starting from an appropiate master action, we will derive
the non-abelian self-dual action using the self-interaction mechanism[12].
We will start by considering the following master action[13]
I =
d3x[−µǫmnpAm∂nap − 1
µ2amam − µǫmnpAm∂nvp +
µǫmnpvm∂nvp] (1)
This action can be seen as the coupling between a Maxwell field (Am) and
a vector field (vm) described by an abelian Chern-Simons action through a
three dimensional BF topological term. Independent variations in the am,
vm and Am fields, yield the following equations of motion
am = −1
ǫmnp∂n[Ap − vp] = 0
ǫmnp∂n[ap + vp] = 0,
where fmn(A) = ∂mAn − ∂nAm. The last two equations can be solved locally.
We have
vm = Am + ∂mφ
am = −vm + ∂mσ.
The master action has abelian gauge invariance
δAm = ∂mλ1
δvm = ∂mλ2
Substituting the equations (2) and (5), into the master action lead to the
action for the abelian topologically massive theory
(A) fmn(A) − 1
f mn
I =
On the other hand, we can eliminate the am and Am fields, through the use
of equations (5) and (6) in order to obtain
I =
µ2(vm − ∂mφ)(vm − ∂mφ) +
which is invariant under the following abelian gauge transformations
δvm = ∂mλ1,
δφ = λ1.
Fixing the gauge φ = 0, we obtain the non-gauge invariant self-dual action.
Then, the proposed master action show the equivalence (at classical level)
between the topologically and self-dual theories. The master action that we
are considering is locally equivalent to the master action of Deser and Jackiw,
as can be seen after eliminating only the vm field and is written down as
I =
d3x[−µǫmnpAm∂nap − 1
µ2amam − 1
Introducing the Lie-algebra valued vectors Am = Ai
mT i and the
mT i, am = ai
mnT i, where the generators T i of
Lie-algebra valued field strength Fmn = F i
the gauge group are normalized by T iT j = δij, the non-abelian generalization
of the master action of Deser and Jackiw obtained by replacing ordinary
derivative by covariant derivative, fmn = ∂mAn − ∂nAm → Fmn = ∂mAn −
∂nAm + [Am, An] and considering the non-abelian Chern-Simons term is
I = µtr
d3x[ǫmnpamFnp − 1
µamam − 1
ǫmnpAm(∂nAp +
and only can reproduce the non-abelian version of the topologically mas-
sive theory after eliminating the am field by using its equation of motion
(am = ǫmnpFnp). On the other hand, the equation of motion obtained by
independent variations in Am has no known solutions and in consecuence
the non-abelian master action of Deser and Jackiw can not reproduce the
non-abelian self-dual action. The non-abelian topologically massive theory
can be deduced from the self-interaction mechanism[14].
Now, we will consider for simplicity a triplet of SU(2) free vector fields
m (i = 1, 2, 3). The
m coupled with a triplet of SU(2) free vector fields vi
action is
Io =
− 1
mami − µǫmnpAi
p +
This action has two global simmetries. One is the global SU(2) symmetry
δωX = gǫijkX jωk
where X = (A, a, v) and the other global symmetry is given by
m = gǫijk[aj
m + vj
m = 0 = δρvi
Under these transformations, the action changes by a total derivative.
The Noether currents associated with the global symmetries are
jmi = −µgǫmnpǫijkAj
p + vk
p ] +
K mi = −1
n + vj
p + vk
p ].
These currents are conserved on-shell. Now, we will couple these Noether
currents to the action I0 through the corresponding self-interaction term
defined by
jmi ≡ δISI
, K mi ≡ δISI
We find
ISI = gµ
− 1
p +
− 1
p ].
The self-interaction mechanism stops here since no other derivative terms
appear in ISI. Now, we add ISI to Io. The last term in eq. (13) combines
with the last term in eq. (19) to give a Chern-Simons term for the vm field.
The non-abelian action is
m(F i
np(a) + F i
np(v) + 2gǫijkanvk
p ) − µai
mami (20)
I =
+ ǫmnpvi
p +
p )],
I =
mF i
− µai
mami + ǫmnpvi
p +
p )], (21)
mn(a) = ∂mai
F i
mn(v) = ∂mvi
F i
− ∂nai
m + gǫijkaj
− ∂nvi
m + gǫijkvj
are the field strengths for the ai
m fields. The self-interaction process
combines the abelian gauge transformations with the global ones giving rise
to the following non-abelian local gauge transformations
m and vi
m = gǫijkAj
m = ∂mαi + gǫijkvj
m = gǫijkaj
m = ∂mκi + gǫijk[aj
m = 0 = δvi
m + vj
Defining ωm ≡ am + vm, the action is rewritten down as
I =
d3x[−ǫmnpAmFnp(ω) − µ(vm − ωm)(vm − ωm)
+ ǫmnpvm[∂nvp +
This action was interpreted as the interaction between a Chern-Simons and a
BF(ǫAF ) topological terms propagating a massive spin 1 physical mode[10].
Like as in the non-abelian topologically massive theory, invariance in the
functional integral implies the quantization condition: 4π µ
g2 = integer.
We observe that Am play the role of a Lagrange multiplier. Its equation
of motion is
which tell us that ω is a pure gauge.
Fmn(ω) = 0
ωm = U −1∂mU.
Then, the action becomes
I =
d3x[−µ(vm −U −1∂mU)(vm −U −1∂mU) + ǫmnpvm(∂nvp +
where the vm field appear coupled with a Stuckelberg field. Now, we have
invariance under the following (finite) gauge transformations
vm → g−1∂m∂mg + g−1vmg, U → Ug.
This gauge invariance allow us to fix the gauge U = 1, in order to obtain the
standard action for the non-abelian self-dual field vm
I =
d3[−µvmvm + ǫmnpvm(∂nvp +
To conclude, we have derived the non-abelian self-dual action in three di-
mensions using the self-interaction mechanism. Recently, a dual version of
a pure non-abelian Chern-Simons action was formulated [15]. It would be
interesting to analyse the duality properties of the self-dual and topologically
masive theories at non-abelian level.
The author would like to thank to Marti Ruiz Altaba for his hospitality
at Instituto de F´ısica de la Universidad Nacional Aut´onoma de M´exico. Also,
the author thanks Conicit-Venezuela for financial support.
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(1984) 38.
[2] S. Deser, R. Jackiw and S. Tempelton, Ann. Phys. 140 (1982) 372.
[3] S. Deser and R. Jackiw, Phys. Lett. B139 (1984) 371.
[4] J. Stephany, Phys.Lett. B390 (1997) 128.
[5] R. Gianvittorio, A. Restuccia and J. Stephany, Mod. Phys. Lett. A6
(1991) 2121; P. J. Arias and J. Stephany, J. Math. Phys. 36 (1995)
[6] C. Aragone and A. Khoudeir, Phys.Lett. B173 (1986) 141.
[7] C. Aragone and A. Khoudeir, Revista Mexicana de F´ısica 39 (1993) 819.
[8] P. J. Arias and A. Restuccia, Phys. Lett. B347 (1995) 241.
[9] D. G. C. McKeon, Int. Journal of Mod. Phys. A7 (1992) 2005.
[10] P. J. Arias, L. Leal and A. Restuccia, Phys.Lett. B367 (1996) 170.
[11] D. Freedman and P. K. Townsend, Nucl. Phys. B177 (1981) 282.
[12] S. Deser, Gen. Rel. Grav. 1 (1970) 9; Class. Quantum Grav. 4 (1987)
L99; S. Deser and M. Henneaux, Mod. Phys. Lett. A10 (1995) 991.
[13] A. Khoudeir, Mod. Phys. Lett. A11 (1996) 2489.
[14] C. Aragone and E. Araujo, Acta Cient´ıfica Venezolana 36 (1985) 207.
[15] H. Garc´ıa-Compean, O. Obregon and C. Ram´ırez, hep-th/0103066.
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Deep Learning for Effective and Efficient Reduction of Large
Adaptation Spaces in Self-Adaptive Systems
DANNY WEYNS, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, Linnaeus University Sweden
OMID GHEIBI, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
FEDERICO QUIN, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
JEROEN VAN DER DONCKT, Ghent University (imec), Belgium
Many software systems today face uncertain operating conditions, such as sudden changes in the availability
of resources or unexpected user behavior. Without proper mitigation these uncertainties can jeopardize the
system goals. Self-adaptation is a common approach to tackle such uncertainties. When the system goals
may be compromised, the self-adaptive system has to select the best adaptation option to reconfigure by
analyzing the possible adaptation options, i.e., the adaptation space. Yet, analyzing large adaptation spaces
using rigorous methods can be resource- and time-consuming, or even be infeasible. One approach to tackle
this problem is by using online machine learning to reduce adaptation spaces. However, existing approaches
require domain expertise to perform feature engineering to define the learner, and support online adaptation
space reduction only for specific goals. To tackle these limitations, we present ”Deep Learning for Adaptation
Space Reduction Plus” – DLASeR+ in short. DLASeR+ offers an extendable learning framework for online
adaptation space reduction that does not require feature engineering, while supporting three common types
of adaptation goals: threshold, optimization, and set-point goals. We evaluate DLASeR+ on two instances
of an Internet-of-Things application with increasing sizes of adaptation spaces for different combinations
of adaptation goals. We compare DLASeR+ with a baseline that applies exhaustive analysis and two state-
of-the-art approaches for adaptation space reduction that rely on learning. Results show that DLASeR+ is
effective with a negligible effect on the realization of the adaptation goals compared to an exhaustive analysis
approach, and supports three common types of adaptation goals beyond the state-of-the-art approaches.
CCS Concepts: • Software and its engineering → Software design engineering; • Theory of computa-
tion → Online learning algorithms.
Additional Key Words and Phrases: self-adaptation, adaptation space reduction, analysis, planning, deep
learning, threshold goals, optimization goal, set-point goal, Internet-of-Things
ACM Reference Format:
Danny Weyns, Omid Gheibi, Federico Quin, and Jeroen Van Der Donckt. 2021. Deep Learning for Effective
and Efficient Reduction of Large Adaptation Spaces in Self-Adaptive Systems. ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt.
Syst. 1, 1 (April 2021), 41 pages.
Many software systems today face changing and uncertain operating conditions. For such systems,
employing a stationary approach that does not adapt to changes may jeopardize the quality goals
Authors’ addresses: Danny Weyns, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, Linnaeus University Sweden, danny.weyns@; Omid Gheibi, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, [email protected]; Federico Quin, Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, [email protected]; Jeroen Van Der Donckt, Ghent University (imec), Belgium,
[email protected].
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee
provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored.
Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires
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© 2021 Association for Computing Machinery.
1556-4665/2021/4-ART $15.00
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Danny Weyns, Omid Gheibi, Federico Quin, and Jeroen Van Der Donckt
of the system. Consider for instance a web-based system that runs a fixed number of servers based
on an average load. This configuration will result in a waste of resources when the load is very low,
but, the number of servers may be insufficient to handle the peak demand [43].
Self-adaptation is one prominent approach to tackle such problems [14, 71]. A self-adaptive
system reasons about itself and its environment, based on observations, to determine whether
adaptation is required. In the case that adaptation is required, the system adapts itself in order to
meet its adaptation goals, or gracefully degrade if the goals may temporarily not be achievable.
Self-adaptation has been applied in a wide range of application domains, ranging from service-based
systems to cyber-physical systems, Internet-of-Things, the Cloud, and robotics [4, 10, 20, 38, 52]. In
the example of the web-based system above, enhancing the system with self-adaptation enables
it to increase and decrease the number of servers dynamically based on the monitored load. This
results in higher user satisfaction as well as improved economical and ecological use of resources.
In this research, we apply architecture-based adaptation [25, 45, 80] that adds an external feedback
loop to the system. The feedback loop uses up-to-date architectural models as first-class citizens to
reason about changes. The feedback loop forms a managing system on top of managed software
system and is structured according to the MAPE-K reference model, short for Monitor - Analyzer -
Planner - Executor - Knowledge [40]. MAPE-K divides adaptation in four principle functions [40, 79].
The monitor monitors the system and its environment. The analyzer determines whether adaptation
is required or not and if so it analyzes the adaptation options for adapting the system. An adaptation
option is a configuration of the system that can be reached from the current configuration by
changing elements of the system through adaptation actions. Adaptation actions can range from
adjusting a parameter of the system up to an architectural re-configuration of the system. We use
the term adaptation space as the set of all the possible adaptation options at some point in time, i.e.,
all the possible configurations that can be reached from the current configuration of the system
by applying a set of adaptation actions to the system. The size of the adaptation space (i.e., the
number of adaptation options) may be constant over time, or it may change dynamically. The
planner then selects the best adaptation option according to the adaptation goals and composes a
plan for adapting the managed system. Finally, the executor applies the adaptation actions of the
plan on the managed system. The four MAPE functions share common knowledge (K), e.g., models
of the system, the adaptation goals, the set of adaptation options, an adaptation plan, among others.
This paper focuses on the analysis of the adaptation options of the adaptation space, which is a
task of the analyzer, and selecting the best option based on the analysis results and the adaptation
goals, which is a task of the planner. Both tasks are essential for the decision-making in self-adaptive
systems. During the execution of these tasks the feedback loop estimates a set of quality properties
for each adaptation option of the adaptation space; each quality property corresponding to an
adaptation goal. We consider threshold goals that require a system parameter to stay above/below
a given threshold, optimization goals that require to minimize or maximize a system parameter,
and set-point goals that require a system parameter to stay as close as possible to a given value.
Selecting an adaptation option from a large adaptation space is often computationally expen-
sive [14, 18, 73]. A common technique used to find the best adaptation option is runtime verification
of formal runtime models that represent the system and its environment for one or more qual-
ity properties. These quality models have parameters that can be instantiated for a particular
adaptation option and the actual values of the uncertainties. A classic approach to estimate the
qualities of the adaptation option is runtime quantitative verification, see for example [8, 50, 76]. It
is important to note that the adaptation space exhibits dynamic behavior that is difficult to predict
upfront. On the one hand, the estimated quality properties of the adaptation options vary over
time as the uncertainties the system is exposed to change over time. On the other hand, the system
configuration itself dynamically changes as the system is adapted over time.
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Deep Learning for Effective and Efficient Reduction of Large Adaptation Spaces in Self-Adaptive Systems
Different techniques have been studied to find the best adaptation option in a large adaptation
space. One particular approach to deal with the problem is adaptation space reduction that aims at
retrieving a subset of relevant adaptation options from an adaptation space that are then considered
for analysis. An adaptation option is labeled relevant when it is predicted to satisfy the adaptation
goals. Techniques have been applied in this approach including search-based techniques [53] and
feature-based techniques [49]. Recently, different machine learning techniques have been investi-
gated to reduce the adaptation space at runtime, see for instance [22, 37, 58]. Among the applied
learning techniques are decision trees, classification, and regression [29]. However, most of these
techniques rely on domain expertise to perform feature engineering to define the learner, which
may hamper the applicability in practice. Further, most existing approaches are limited to threshold
goals and optimization goals. In this paper, we tackle the following research question:
How to reduce large adaptation spaces and rank adaptation options effectively and efficiently
at runtime for self-adaptive systems with threshold, optimization, and set-point goals?
With effectively, we mean the solution should ensure that: (1) the reduced adaptation space is sig-
nificantly smaller, (2) the relevant adaptation options should be covered well, that is, the adaptation
options that satisfy (most of) the adaptation goals should be included, (3) the effect of the state
space reduction on the realization of the adaptation goals is negligible. With efficiently we mean
the solution should ensure that: (4) the learning time is small compared to the time needed for
analysis, (5) there is no notable effect on (1), (2), (3) and (4) for larger sizes of the adaptation space.
To answer the research question, we propose a novel approach for adaptation space reduction
called “Deep Learning for Adaptation Space Reduction Plus” – DLASeR+ in short. DLASeR+
leverages on deep learning that relies on deep artificial neural networks, i.e., neural networks with
many layers. DLASeR+ offers an extendable framework that performs effective and efficient online
adaptation space reduction for threshold, optimization, and set-point goals. While DLASeR+ can
handle an arbitrary mix of goals, the concrete architecture we present in this paper is tailored to
a set of threshold and set-point goals and one optimization goal. DLASeR+’s learning pipeline
consists of an offline and online part. During the offline part, the learning model is selected and
configured using training data. During the online part, the running system uses the model to reduce
adaptation spaces, and exploits newly obtained data from analysis to continue the training and to
update the learning model enabling the system to deal with changing operating conditions.
We studied deep learning for four important reasons. First, classic learning techniques usually
require some form of human input for feature engineering, whereas deep learning can handle raw
data, without the need for feature engineering. Second, besides some exceptions, classic machine
learning models are usually linear in nature, whereas deep learning can work with non-linear
models. Third, learned features and even entire models can be reused across similar tasks. This type
of transfer learning is a consequence of representation learning, which is the basic core concept
that drives deep learning. We exploit representation learning in the DLASeR+ neural network
architecture. Fourth, given the success of deep learning in various other domains, e.g., computer
vision [65] and natural language processing [60], we were curious to explore how well deep learning
could perform for an important runtime problem in self-adaptive systems.
In initial work, we explored the use of deep learning to reduce adaptation spaces for threshold
and optimization goals [70].1 The goal of that initial work was to investigate the usefulness of deep
learning for adaptation space reduction. Compared to that exploratory work, DLASeR+ supports
besides threshold and optimization goals also set-point goals. Whereas the initial approach of [70]
used a distinct model per goal, DLASeR+ works with an integrated learning architecture that uses
1This initial version was denoted DLASeR; the + emphasizes that DLASeR+ significantly extends DLASeR.
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Danny Weyns, Omid Gheibi, Federico Quin, and Jeroen Van Der Donckt
a single model, where layers are shared and reused across different adaptation goals. Furthermore,
DLASeR+ requires a single grid search process and a single prediction step in each adaptation cycle,
whereas the initial approach required grid search and prediction for each goal in each cycle.
We evaluate DLASeR+ on two instances of DeltaIoT, an artifact for evaluating self-adaptive
systems [35]. The Internet-of-Things (IoT) is a challenging domain to apply self-adaptation, given
its complexity and high degrees of uncertainties [81]. The two instances of DeltaIoT differ in the
size of their adaptation space, enabling us to evaluate the different aspects of effectiveness and
efficiency. To that end, we define appropriate metrics to evaluate DLASeR+ and compare it with a
baseline that applies exhaustive analysis, and two existing learning-based approaches for adaptation
space reduction: ML4EAS [58] that uses classic learning techniques, and the initial DLASeR [70].
The contributions of this paper are: (1) DLASeR+, a novel modular approach for adaptation space
reduction in self-adaptive systems that is able to handle threshold, optimization, and set-point goals,
and (2) a thorough evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the approach in the domain of
IoT, including a comparison with a baseline and two state of the art approaches.
Given the specific domain we use in the evaluation with relatively limited sizes of adaptation
spaces, we want to emphasize that additional validation is required to generalize the findings.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we provide relevant background:
we introduce DeltaIoT, we present a high-level architecture of self-adaptation with adaptation
space reduction, we zoom in on the different types of adaptation goals, the adaptation space, and
we introduce the essential concepts of deep learning. Section 3 gives a high-level overview of
the research methodology. In Section 4, we introduce a set of metrics that we use to measure the
effectiveness and efficiency of DLASeR+ and compare the approach with alternative approaches.
Sections 5 and 6 present the core technical contribution of this paper: the architecture and learning
pipeline of DLASeR+ architecture respectively. In Section 7, we use the metrics to evaluate DLASeR+
for two instances of DeltaIoT. Section 8 positions DLASeR+ in the landscape of other related work.
Finally, we draw conclusions and look at future work in Section 9.
This section introduces the necessary background for this paper. We start with introducing DeltaIoT.
Then, we explain the basic architecture of a self-adaptive system that integrates a verifier for
runtime analysis and a learning module for online adaptation space reduction. Next, we introduce
the different types of adaptation goals that are supported by DLASeR+. Then, we elaborate on the
concept of adaptation space. Finally, we introduce the relevant concepts of deep learning.
2.1 DeltaIoT
DeltaIoT is a reference Internet-of-Things (IoT) application that has been deployed at the Campus
Computer Science of KU Leuven [35]. DeltaIoT has been developed to support research on self-
adaptation, i.e, evaluate new self-adaptive approaches, e.g. to evaluate tradeoffs between non-
functional requirements in self-adaptive systems [21] or perform cost-benefit-analysis in runtime
decision-making for self-adaptation [69]. Next to the real physical setup deployed by VersaSense,2
DeltaIoT also offers a simulator for offline experimentation. We use DeltaIoT as evaluation case,
but also as running example to illustrate the different parts that follow in this section.
Figure 1 shows the physical setup of DeltaIoT. RFID sensors are used to provide access control
to labs, passive infrared sensors monitor the occupancy of several buildings, and heat sensors are
employed to sense the temperature. The data of these sensors is relayed to the gateway by means
of wireless multi-hop communication. Each sensor is plugged into a battery-powered mote, i.e.,
2VersaSense website:
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Deep Learning for Effective and Efficient Reduction of Large Adaptation Spaces in Self-Adaptive Systems
Fig. 1. DeltaIoT deployment at the KU Leuven campus (borrowed from [69]). The gateway is marked by the
blue icon in the center. The data collected by the sensors is sent over multiple wireless links to this gateway.
a networked tiny embedded computer. The motes take care of the routing of sensor data to the
gateway. The communication in DeltaIoT is time-synchronized and organized in cycles with a
fixed number of slots. Neighboring motes are assigned such slots during which they can exchange
packets. Motes collect data (locally generated or received from other motes) in a buffer. When a
mote gets a turn to communicate with another mote, it forwards the packets to the other mote.
Packets that cannot be sent remain in the buffer until the mote is assigned a next slot.
DeltaIoT has three main quality requirements: packet loss, latency, and energy consumption. For
these qualities we define corresponding adaptation goals, e.g, average latency of packages delivery
should not exceed a predefined percentage and energy consumption of the network should be
minimized. Ensuring such goals is challenging since the IoT network is subject to various types
of uncertainties. Two main uncertainties are interference along network links caused by external
phenomena, and changing load in the network, that is, motes only send packets when there is useful
data, which may be difficult to predict. The IoT network can be adapted using two parameters:
power setting and link distribution. The first parameter refers to the setting of the transmission
power of each mote. The options are discretized as an integer in the range of 1 to 15. Increasing
the transmission power will reduce packet loss, but increase energy consumption. The second
parameter refers to the way data packets are relayed from the motes to the gateways. Observe
in Figure 1 that several motes have multiple links over which data can be sent. We refer to the
distribution of packets sent by a mote to its parents as the link distribution. If a mote has only
one parent, it is obvious that it relays 100% of its packets through that single parent. But when a
mote has multiple parents, the distribution of packets over the different links to the parents can
be selected and changed. Note that the sum of the distributions should remain 100% (to optimize
energy consumption). By changing the link distribution, paths with more interference can be
avoided. However, this may cause delays at the buffers of the motes along these paths.
For practical reasons, we use the DeltaIoT simulator for the evaluation of DLASeR+, since
extensive experimentation on a physical IoT deployment is particularly time consuming. The
DeltaIoT simulator offers a realistic alternative for the physical network where parameters of the
simulator are based on field experiments. We consider two instances of DeltaIoT. The first one,
referred to as DeltaIoTv1, consists of 15 motes (shown in Figure 1); the second instance, referred
to as DeltaIoTv2, consists of 37 motes. The larger IoT network is more challenging in terms of
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
[12,100][12,100][13,100][10,100][15,100][15,40] [12,60] [12,10][12,90][7,100][8,100][2,100][8,100][2,100] [9,100][8,30] [2,70]RFIDTemperatureMotionGateway[power,distribution]Wireless linkKEY[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][12][N] Node Identifier6
Danny Weyns, Omid Gheibi, Federico Quin, and Jeroen Van Der Donckt
the number of configurations that are available to adapt the system representing the adaptation
space. In particular, the adaptation space of DeltaIoTv1 contains 216 possible adaptation options,
while DeltaIoTv2 has 4096 adaptation options. These numbers are determined by the parameters of
the IoT network that can be used for adapting the system: power setting and link distribution.3
Hence, for both versions, the number of adaptation options is constant. However, as will explain in
Section 2.4, the properties of the adaptation options change dynamically with changing conditions.
2.2 Basic architecture self-adaptive system with adaptation space reduction
Figure 2 shows the basic architecture of a self-adaptive system that uses learning for adaptation
space reduction. As explained in the introduction, in this research we apply architecture-based
adaptation with a MAPE-K feedback loop. The figure highlights the main elements of architecture
and high-level flow of interactions between the elements to realize adaptation space reduction. The
managed system takes input from the environment and produces output to realize the user goals.
The managing system manages the managed system to achieve a set of adaptation goals. Central to
the managed system are the MAPE elements that share knowledge and realize a feedback loop. The
feedback loop senses the managed system and adapts it to achieve the adaptation goals.
Fig. 2. A self-adaptive system that uses learning for adaptation space reduction
When the MAPE feedback loop detects that the adaptation goals are violated or may no longer
be achievable, it reads the adaptation options from the knowledge (1). The feedback loop then
3Technically, we apply the following approach to determine the adaptation options for the IoT settings: first we
determine the required power settings for each mote along the links to its children such that the signal-to-noise ratio is at
least zero. These settings are determined based on the actual values of signal-to-noise along the links. The settings are then
fixed for all adaptation options. The number of adaptation options is then determined by the combinations of all possible
settings of link distributions in the network. This number is 216 for DeltaIoTv1 and 4096 for DeltaIoTv2.
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Machine Learning ModuleVerification ModuleMAPEManaged System (user goals)KnowledgeManaging System (adaptation goals)senseadapt2. reduceadaptation space3. write predictions1. readadaptation options4. analyze reducedadaptation space7. exploit results5. verify 6. read results8. plan adaptationEnvironmentinputoutputDeep Learning for Effective and Efficient Reduction of Large Adaptation Spaces in Self-Adaptive Systems
instructs the machine learning module to reduce the adaptation space (2). The machine learning
module will use its learning model to make predictions about the expected quality properties for
the different adaptation options (3). Based on these predictions, the adaptation space is reduced to
the most relevant adaptation options. Next, the MAPE feedback loop instructs the verifier module
to analyze the adaptation options of the reduced adaptation space (4). When the verifier completes
the verification (5), the MAPE feedback loop reads the results (6). It then forwards the results to the
machine learning module that exploits the results to continue the training of its learning model (7).
Finally, the MAPE feedback loop generates a plan (8) that is the used to adapt the managed system.
Analysis adaptation option. We illustrate how an adaptation option is analyzed for DeltaIoT.
In particular, we explain how packet loss is estimated by the analyzer of the MAPE loop using a
statistical model checker (we apply this approach in the evaluation in Section 7). Figure 3 shows
the quality model for packet loss that consists of two interacting automata: Topology and Network.
Fig. 3. Runtime quality model for packet loss
The automata have two sets of parameters: (i) parameters to configure the model for an adaptation
option, and (ii) parameters of the uncertainties that need to be set based on the current conditions.
To configure an adaptation option, the power settings of the motes per link need to be set (with
values between 0 to 15) and the distributions factors for links of motes with two parents need to be
set (each with a value of 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100%). The power of the links is set based on the current
levels of interference along the links that are available in the knowledge repository. The power
settings are applied to all adaptation options. The values for the distribution factors are different
for each adaptation option; these values are assigned to the variables 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝐿𝑖𝑛𝑘1 and 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝐿𝑖𝑛𝑘2 of
the topology model. Furthermore, the values of the uncertainties, network interference (SNR) and
traffic load, need to be set. These values are available in the knowledge repository and are based on
the recent observations. The uncertainties apply to all adaptation options.
After initializing the model for a particular adaptation option, the Topology automaton simulates
the communication of data along a path selected for verification, i.e., a sequence of links from
one mote via other motes to the gateway (see also Figure 1). The current link to send data is
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
InitialCCUKEYComitted StateUrgent StateInitial StateBranch PointTransitionCCUCcurrentMote == 1TOPOLOGYPacktLossCStartC100-pPacketLossNETWORKStartChooseLinkLinkChosenPacketsSentNextDestinationGatewaycurrentMote != 1continue?initialize()updateProbabilities()data[currentMote]!chosenLink = getLink(currentMote,0), setLinkDirectly(chosenLink)probLink1chosenLink = getLink(currentMote,1), setLinkDirectly(chosenLink)probLink2t=0,s=0PacktLossCalculatedMessageReceivedmld : mote_idsdata[mld]?setMote(mld)calcPacketLoss()pPacketLosst<=1t>=1ends!continue!s<=1u<=1s>=1u>=1ends?t=0,s=0s=0Regular State8
Danny Weyns, Omid Gheibi, Federico Quin, and Jeroen Van Der Donckt
selected probabilistically based on the distribution factors (𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝐿𝑖𝑛𝑘1 and 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝐿𝑖𝑛𝑘2). The model
then signals the Network automaton. Next, the probability for packet loss is calculated (based
on the SNR). Depending on the result either the packet is lost or the message is received. In the
latter case, the network automaton returns to the start location, continuing with the next hop of
the communication along the path that is currently checked, until the gateway is reached. If the
packet is lost, the verification of the communication along that path ends. The quality model allows
determining the packet loss of the adaptation options using the following query:
𝑃𝑟 [<=1] (<> 𝑁 𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘.𝑃𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑡𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑠)
This query determines the probability that the state Network.PacketLoss is reached for the different
paths of an adaptation option (see the Network automaton in Figure 3). To that end, the verifier
performs a series of simulations and returns the expected packet loss with a required accuracy and
confidence. These estimates together with the estimates of other quality properties for the different
adaptation options are then used to select an adaptation option using the adaptation goals.
This example illustrates that rigorous runtime analysis can be a resource- and time-consuming
activity, implying the need for adaptation space reduction if the number of adaptation options, i.e.,
the size of the adaptation space, is too big to be completely verifiable within the available time
period to make an adaptation decision. We elaborate on the adaptation space below in Section 2.4.
2.3 Adaptation goals
An adaptation goal refers to a quality requirement of the managed system that the managing
system should realize. A violation (or an expected violation) of one or more of the adaptation goals
triggers an adaptation, aiming to satisfy all the adaptation goals again.
In this research, we consider three types of adaptation goals: (1) threshold goals, (2) set-point
goals, and (3) optimization goals. Intuitively, a threshold goal states that the value of some quality
property of the system should be below (or above) a certain threshold value. A set-point goal
states that some value of a quality property of the system should be kept at a certain value, i.e., the
set-point, with a margin of at most 𝜖. Finally, an optimization goal states that some value of a quality
property of the system should be minimized (or maximized). Formally, we define the satisfaction of
goals by the adaptation options as follows.4 Consider 𝐶 the set of possible configurations, each
configuration representing an adaptation option of the adaptation space. We refer to a particular
quality property 𝑞𝑥 of an adaptation option 𝑐𝑖 ∈ 𝐶 as 𝑐𝑖 [𝑞𝑥 ], with 𝑥 ∈ {𝑡, 𝑠, 𝑜} referring to quality
properties related to threshold, set-point, and optimization goals respectively. Further, consider a
threshold goal 𝑔𝑡 , a set-point goal 𝑔𝑠 , and an optimization goal 𝑔𝑜 . The set of adaptation options 𝑇
that satisfy 𝑔𝑡 , the set 𝑆 that satisfy 𝑔𝑠 , and the set 𝑂 that satisfy 𝑔𝑜 are then defined as follows:5
𝑇 = {𝑐𝑖 ∈ 𝐶 | 𝑐𝑖 [𝑞𝑡 ] < 𝑔𝑡 }
𝑆 = {𝑐𝑖 ∈ 𝐶 | 𝑔𝑠 − 𝜖 ≤ 𝑐𝑖 [𝑞𝑠 ] ≤ 𝑔𝑠 + 𝜖}
𝑂 = {𝑐𝑖 ∈ 𝐶 | 𝑐𝑖 [𝑞𝑜 ] < 𝑐 𝑗 [𝑞𝑜 ], ∀𝑐 𝑗 ∈ 𝐶 \ {𝑐𝑖 }}
While DLASeR+ can handle an arbitrary mix of adaptation goals, in this paper, we focus on
systems that can have multiple threshold and set-point goals, but only one optimization goal. In
4For the explanation, we consider only threshold goals below a value and optimization goals that minimize a value; the
other variants are defined similarly.
5While a set-point goal may conceptually be modeled as two threshold goals, there are good arguments to differentiate
them as a distinct type of goal. In particular, using a set-point to express the corresponding goal is more straightforward
and natural for stakeholders compared to using two thresholds. Further, it makes maintenance easier, e.g., when updating
the set-point value of the goal. Lastly, from a learning perspective, if we use two threshold goals instead of one set-point
goal, we require two times the processing resources to train and infer.
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Deep Learning for Effective and Efficient Reduction of Large Adaptation Spaces in Self-Adaptive Systems
particular, the DLASeR+ architecture we present in this paper maps each adaptation goal to a rule.
Decisions are made by first applying the rules of the threshold and set-point goals, and then the
rule of the optimization goal. Handling multiple optimization goals with different decision-making
techniques, e.g., based on Pareto optimality [34], are outside the scope of this paper.
As an illustration, Figure 4 shows a latency goal for DeltaIoT specified in three formats corre-
sponding with the three types of goals (the diagrams are simplified for didactic reasons).6 Each
dot in a diagram represents an adaptation option based on the values of latency and packet loss
(we are here mainly interested in the values of latency). Figure 4a shows the latency as a threshold
goal Latency < 6.5%. All the dots below the red dotted line represent adaptation options that
satisfy the threshold goal. The adaptation options above the red dotted line do not meet this goal.
Figure 4b shows the latency as a set-point goal Latency = 6% ± 0.2%. The two blue dots are the only
adaptation options that meet this set-point goal, since both are in the range defined by the set-point
value and the margin 𝜖. The other adaptation options have values out of the range [5.8%, 6.2%] and
do not satisfy the goal. Finally, Figure 4c shows the latency as an optimization goal. The darker the
dot, the lower the latency, hence, the dot at the bottom has the lowest value for latency and this
adaptation option optimizes the latency.
(a) Threshold goal.
(b) Set-point goal.
(c) Optimization goal.
Fig. 4. Illustration of the three types of adaptation goals.
For the evaluation with DeltaIoT in Section 7, we consider three combinations of adaptation
goals: (1) two threshold goals: packet loss and latency, with energy consumption as optimization
goal, (2) the same threshold goals, with energy consumption as set-point goal, and (3) latency as
threshold goal, energy consumption as set-point goal, and packet loss as optimization goal.
2.4 Adaptation space
An adaptation space comprises the set of adaptation options at some point in time. The adaptation
space is determined by the effectors (also called actuators or “knobs”) that are available to adapt
the managed system. The actuators allow to set system variables. These variables are usually
characterized by a discrete domain (e.g., start/stop a number of servers, launch a number of new
virtual machines, select a power setting, send a number of messages over a link, etc.). For variables
with a continuous domain, we assume in this work that the domain can be discretized.
If adaptation is required, it is the task of the analyzer and the planner of the MAPE-K feedback
loop to find the best adaptation option. This task involves estimating the expected quality properties
related to the adaptation goals for all or at least a relevant subset of the adaptation options. Different
6In DeltaIoT, latency is defined as a relative part of the cycle time of the time-synchronized communication in the
network. E.g., a latency of 5% means that the average time packets stay in the network is 5% more as the cycle time.
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
0.511.522.534.555.566.577.588.5Latency < 6.5%Meets thresholdDoesn't meet thresholdPacket loss (%)Latency (%)0.511.522.534.555.566.577.588.5Latency = 6.0%Latency = 6.0% ± 0.2%Meets set-pointDoesn't meet set-pointPacket loss (%)Latency (%)1234.555.566.577.588.555.566.577.58Minimize latencyPacket loss (%)Latency (%)10
Danny Weyns, Omid Gheibi, Federico Quin, and Jeroen Van Der Donckt
techniques can be used to make these predictions. One approach is to represent the quality of the
system as a network of stochastic timed automata [48, 77, 82] as we illustrated in Sub-section 2.2.
In this approach, the model is configured for the effector settings of a particular adaptation option
and parameters that represent uncertainties are assigned up-to-date values. By utilizing statistical
model checking one can determine the expected quality of an adaptation option. Another approach
is to represent the quality of the system as a parameterized Markov model [8, 9, 50] and apply
probabilistic model checking [48, 82] to estimate the quality property of interest. Statistical model
checking is more efficient than probabilistic model checking, but offers results bounded to a given
accuracy and confidence, depending on the number of simulation runs.
In the case of DeltaIoT, we are interested in the failure rate of the network, its latency and the
energy consumed to communicate the data to the gateway. Figure 5 shows a representation of the
adaptation space for DeltaIoTv2 at some point in time.
Fig. 5. Adaptation space of DeltaIoTv2 at some point in time.
The red lines denote two threshold goals for this particular scenario (latency and packet loss).
Each blue dot in this graph represents one adaptation option. The dot in orange represents the
current configuration. For this particular instance, the number of adaptation options is over 4000.
Analyzing all these options within the available time slot may not be feasible. Hence, the analysis
should focus on the relevant options for adaptation, i.e., those that are compliant with the goals,
represented by the dots in the box bottom left as determined by the two threshold goals. This paper
is concerned with analyzing such a large adaptation space in an effective and efficient manner.
It is important to notice that the adaptation space is dynamic, i.e., the qualities of each adaptation
option may change over time. In Figure 5, this means that the position of the adaptation options on
the diagram move over time. The main cause for this dynamic behavior are the uncertainties the
system is subjected to. It is due to this dynamic behavior that the analysis and verification needs
to be performed at runtime, when the actual values of the uncertainties are available. Figure 6
illustrates the dynamic behavior for an instance of DeltaIoT. The figure illustrates how three
qualities of one of the adaptation options change over a series of cycles. These graphs are based on
field tests.
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Deep Learning for Effective and Efficient Reduction of Large Adaptation Spaces in Self-Adaptive Systems
Fig. 6. Dynamic behavior of an adaptation option over 50 cycles reflected in changes of its quality properties.
2.5 Deep learning in a nutshell
Deep learning (DL) refers to a subset of machine learning mechanisms in which the learning
methods are based on deep artificial neural networks (ANNs) with representation learning [32].
2.5.1 Artificial neural networks. ANNs are the core of deep learning. These networks are commonly
described in terms of their input and output, which are the only externally observable parts of an
ANN. Both the input and the output are represented as a vector of numbers. A neural network
applies a chain of mathematical operations aiming to transform the input to the desired output.
The basic building block of a neural network is a neuron, also called a perceptron. In the case of
a fully connected neural network, a neuron is connected to all the inputs and produces a single
output. To obtain its output, the neuron applies two operations:
𝑧 = (cid:174)𝑤 · (cid:174)𝑥 + 𝑏
𝑦 = 𝑓 (𝑧)
with (cid:174)𝑥 the current input vector, (cid:174)𝑤 the weights associated with the inputs, 𝑏 a constant, 𝑧 an
intermediate computed value, 𝑦 the output, and 𝑓 (·) an activation function. First, the weighted sum
𝑧 of all the inputs is calculated (Equation 4). The weights associated with the inputs are learnable.
Intuitively, these weights represent the relative importance of the inputs. When the weighted
sum is computed, the neuron applies an activation function 𝑓 (Equation 5). This function allows
introducing non-linearity in the neural network. Since, a weighted sum is a linear function, and
a linear combination of linear functions is still a linear combination, a neural network without
a non-linear activation function will only be able to learn linear combinations of input values.
Non-linearity in learning is very important to learn more complex concepts. Examples of common
activation functions are hyperbolic tangent (tanh), sigmoid, and rectified linear unit (ReLU).
A deep neural network is structured in two dimensions; width and depth. The depth of a network
corresponds to the number of layers, whereas each layer is defined by its width, i.e., the number of
neurons present in that layer.
2.5.2 Representation learning. A key concept of ANNs is representation learning [32]. Representa-
tion learning learns representations of input data, typically through transformations, which makes
it easier to perform certain tasks [6]. An important advantage of representation learning is that it
enables transfer learning, i.e., reuse of the learned representations, complemented with fine-tuning
for specific learning tasks [54]. In deep learning, representations are learned through multiple
non-linear transformations on the input data. These learned representations provide abstract and
useful representations for the learning task. A simple linear layer can then be stacked on top of the
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Danny Weyns, Omid Gheibi, Federico Quin, and Jeroen Van Der Donckt
complex block with many non-linear layers to tailor the learning network to the specific learning
task at hand, e.g., classification, regression, or prediction [19].
2.5.3 Training a deep neural network. We distinguish three steps in the training of a ANN: (1)
forward propagation, (2) loss calculation, and (3) back propagation.
In the forward propagation step, the input data is passed through the layers of the network, from
input to output. The neurons apply their transformations to the data they receive from all the
connected neurons of the previous layer and pass the result to the connected neurons of the next
layer. In the final layer, the neurons apply their transformations to obtain the (predicted) output.
In the second step, a loss function estimates the loss (or error). The loss captures how good or bad
the predicted result is (i.e., the output predicted by the network) compared to the correct result (i.e.,
the expected output). To obtain a loss as close as possible to zero, the weights of the connections
between the neurons (that determine the weighted sums) are gradually adjusted in the next step.
As final step, the loss value is propagated backwards through the network, hence back propagation.
You can think of this step as recursively applying the chain rule to compute the gradients all the
way from the output to the input of the network. These gradients tell in which direction the loss is
increasing and indicate the influence of the computations of the neurons on the loss. An optimizer
exploits these gradients to update the weights of the neuron connections aiming to minimize the
loss. Examples of commonly used optimizers are Adam, RMSprop, and Nadam [64].
2.5.4 Classification and regression. Classification and regression are two important learning tasks
that require different predictions. Suppose that we have some machine learning model that is
described by the following equation:
(cid:174)𝑦 = 𝑀 ( (cid:174)𝑥)
with (cid:174)𝑥 the input and (cid:174)𝑦 the output of the learner, and 𝑀 a function that maps input to output.
In the case of classification, 𝑀 needs to map the input to a set of classes that are represented by
different labels with different encodings (e.g., rainy = 0 and sunny = 1). A classification with only
two labels is called binary classification; while multi-class classification has more than two labels.
Regression on the other hand, maps the input data to continuous real values instead of classes or
discrete values. Whereas for classification the predicted output is not ordered, for regression the
output is ordered. In sum, the main difference between both tasks is that the output variable (cid:174)𝑦 for
classification is categorical (or discrete), while for regression it is numerical (or continuous).
To tackle the research question, we followed a systematic methodology as shown in Figure 7.
Based on a study of the state-of-the-art and our own experiences with applying machine learning
in self-adaptive systems, we defined the research question (see Section 1). Once we determined
the research question, we specified the metrics that enabled us to measure the effectiveness and
efficiency of DLASeR+ and compared it with other approaches. Then, we defined the DLASeR+
architecture that is able to deal with threshold goals, set-point goals, and an optimization goal.
Next, we devised DLASeR+’s learning pipeline that applies deep learning for the three types of
adaptation goals. We instantiated this pipeline for various setups for the two evaluation cases of
DeltaIoT applying different combinations of adaptation goals. We then evaluated DLASeR+ and
compared it with representative related approaches. Finally, we answered the research question,
and reflected and discussed the extent to which we met our objectives.
In the next sections, we zoom in on the different steps of the methodology. We start with
explaining the metrics we used to design and evaluate DLASeR+ (Section 4). Then we zoom in on
the DLASeR+ architecture (Section 5) and we explain how to engineer a solution with DLASeR+
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Deep Learning for Effective and Efficient Reduction of Large Adaptation Spaces in Self-Adaptive Systems
Fig. 7. Overview of research methodology.
(Section 6). Next, we present the evaluation of DLASeR+, answering the research question (Section 7).
Finally, we discuss related work (Section 8) and conclude the paper (Section 9).
To answer the research question, we determined metrics that allow us to evaluate the different
aspects of effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed solution. Table 1 summarizes the metrics.
Coverage relevant adaptation options
Reduction adaptation space
Effect on realization adaptation goals
F1-score (for threshold and set-point goals)
Spearman’s rho (for optimization goal)
Average adaptation space reduction (AASR)
Average analysis effort reduction (AAER)
Differences in mean values of quality properties of
the goals with and without learning
Learning time
Time used for learning (training + prediction, expressed in s)
Time reduction for analysis with learning (expressed in %)
Metrics above for increasing size of adaptation space
Table 1. Left: different aspects of research question to be evaluated; right: metrics for each aspect.
We use different metrics to capture the coverage of relevant adaptation options for classification
and regression. In particular, we use the F1-score for classification and Spearman’s rank correlation
coefficient (Spearman’s rho) for regression.7 We define average adaptation space reduction (AASR)
and average analysis effort reduction (AAER) to capture and compare the reduction of adaptation
spaces. To capture the effect on the realization of the adaptation goals, we use the differences in
mean values over time for the corresponding quality properties with and without learning. We
7A common metric to evaluate regression models is mean squared error (MSE). However, since we are more interested
in the ranking of the regressed output, we use Spearman’rho to capture this ranking, which is not covered by MSE.
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Danny Weyns, Omid Gheibi, Federico Quin, and Jeroen Van Der Donckt
measure the time used for learning8 and compare this with the time that would be necessary to
analyze the complete adaptation space. Finally, for scalability, we apply the different metrics for
scenarios with an increasing size of adaptation spaces. We further elaborate on F1-score, Spearman’s
rho, AASR, and AAER. The other basic metrics are further explained in the evaluation section.
4.1 F1-score: precision and recall
The quality of a classification algorithm is often expressed in terms of precision and recall. Applied
to the classification of adaptation options (relevant or not relevant according to the adaptation
goals), precision is the fraction of selected adaptation options that are relevant, while recall is the
fraction of the relevant options that are selected from the total number of relevant options. Hence,
precision and recall are a measure of relevance. The F1-score combines both metrics with equal
importance into a single number. Concretely, the F1-score is defined as the harmonic mean of
precision and recall [27];
𝐹 1 = 2 ∗
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 ∗ 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 + 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙
4.2 Spearman correlation
Spearman correlation, or Spearman’s rho, is a non-parametric metric that can be used to measure
rank correlation. We use this as a metric to capture the ranking of the predicted values of quality
properties of regression models. The Spearman correlation essentially converts the predicted values
to numeric ranks and then assesses how well a monotonic function describes the relationship
between the predicted ranks and the true ranks. Spearman’s rho is defined as [44]:
𝜌𝑥 𝑦 =
𝑛 (cid:205) 𝑥𝑖𝑦𝑖 − (cid:205) 𝑥𝑖 (cid:205) 𝑦𝑖
𝑖 − ((cid:205) 𝑥𝑖 )2
𝑛 (cid:205) 𝑦2
𝑛 (cid:205) 𝑥 2
𝑖 − ((cid:205) 𝑦𝑖 )2
This formula computes the Spearman correlation between 𝑥 (the predictions of the selected adap-
tation options) and 𝑦 (the true values for the selected adaptation options), with 𝑛 the number of
observations (the number of selected adaptation options). The result is a value between 0 and 1 (for
an increasing monotonic trend, or -1 for a decreasing monotonic trend). Large errors are penalized
harder. For example, a swapping of the first and third rank in the prediction results is worse (lower
Spearman’s rho) compared to a swapping of the first and second rank.
4.3 Average Adaptation Space Reduction
To capture how well the adaptation space is reduced, we define a new metric called average
adaptation space reduction (𝐴𝐴𝑆𝑅). 𝐴𝐴𝑆𝑅 is defined as:
𝐴𝐴𝑆𝑅 = (1 −
) × 100
with 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 the number of adaptation options selected by learning (over multiple adaptation
cycles) and 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 the total number of adaptation options (of multiple adaptation cycles). For instance,
an average adaptation space reduction of 70% means that after learning only 30% of the original
adaptation space is considered for analysis. 𝐴𝐴𝑆𝑅 is a particularly suitable metric for stakeholders
as it covers the high-end goal of adaptation space reduction and allows comparing solutions.
Remark that the average adaptation space reduction is determined by the system’s adaptation
goals. In particular, for the three types of goals considered in this work, the 𝐴𝐴𝑆𝑅 is determined by
the threshold and set-point goals, corresponding to the percentage of adaptation options that are
8The learning time refers to the time the system uses for training and making predictions of the quality properties of
interest for the set of adaptation options that are considered for the respective quality properties.
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Deep Learning for Effective and Efficient Reduction of Large Adaptation Spaces in Self-Adaptive Systems
predicted to be conform with these goals. For systems with only optimization goals, the 𝐴𝐴𝑆𝑅 is
zero (since the selected and total number of adaptation options are the same).
It is also interesting to note that the 𝐴𝐴𝑆𝑅 depends on the restrictiveness of both threshold and
set-point goals. Suppose that the threshold and set-point goals are not very restrictive, thus many
adaptation options will comply with the adaptation goals. In this case, the reduction will be rather
small. In the other case, for very restrictive threshold and set-point goals the opposite is true. A
larger reduction for these goals can be expected.
4.4 Average Analysis Effort Reduction
To capture the effect of the adaptation space reduction on the effort required for analysis, we define
a new metric called average analysis effort reduction (𝐴𝐴𝐸𝑅). 𝐴𝐴𝐸𝑅 is defined as:
𝐴𝐴𝐸𝑅 = (1 −
) × 100
with 𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑧𝑒𝑑 the number of adaptation options that have been analyzed (over multiple adaptation
cycles) and 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 the number of adaptation options selected by learning (over multiple adaptation
cycles). For instance, an average analysis effort reduction of 90% means that only 10% of the
adaptation options selected by learning were analyzed to find an option to adapt the system.
Similarly to 𝐴𝐴𝑆𝑅, 𝐴𝐴𝐸𝑅 also covers a high-end goal of adaptation space reduction.
Note that the 𝐴𝐴𝐸𝑅 depends on the analysis approach that is used to find an adaptation option
from the reduced adaptation space (and not on the constraints imposed by the adaptation goals
as for 𝐴𝐴𝑆𝑅). In particular, the analysis reduction corresponds to 100% minus the percentage of
selected adaptation options that have to be analyzed until an adaptation option is found that meets
all the threshold and set-point goals. For systems that include threshold and set-point goals and
an optimization goal, the selected adaptation options are analyzed in the order predicted for the
optimization goal. For systems with only threshold and set-point goals, the most basic method to
analyze the selected adaptation options is random order. For the evaluation of this specific case,
we randomly shuffle the selected options per cycle, resulting in a more representative 𝐴𝐴𝐸𝑅 score.
Remark that for systems with a large adaptation space and only an optimization goal, 𝐴𝐴𝐸𝑅 ≈ 100%
(since 𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑧𝑒𝑑 is 1 and 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 is a large number equal to the size of the adaptation space).
We introduce now the novel adaptation space reduction approach “Deep Learning for Adaptation
Space Reduction Plus” – DLASeR+. We start with outlining how this approach deals with different
types of adaptation goals, and how learning for these adaptation goals is combined into a unified
architecture. Finally, we zoom in on the neural network architecture of DLASeR+.
5.1 Adaptation space reduction for different types of adaptation goals
DLASeR+ can reduce the adaptation space for adaptation goals based on thresholds, set-points,
and optimization goals.
5.1.1 Threshold goals. To deal with threshold goals, DLASeR+ relies on classification deep learning.
Concretely we apply binary classification using class 1 (true) if an adaptation option meets the
threshold goal and class 0 (false) otherwise. We say that an adaptation option meets a threshold
goal when the associated quality property of that adaptation option is below (or above) the given
threshold value 𝑔𝑡 of that goal. Hence, DLASeR+ reduces the adaptation space to the adaptation
options that are valid, i.e., that are classified as 1. In case of multiple threshold goals, the adaptation
space is reduced to the intersection of the subsets of adaptation options with predicted values that
are classified as 1 for each of the different threshold goals.
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Danny Weyns, Omid Gheibi, Federico Quin, and Jeroen Van Der Donckt
Set-point goals. For set-points goals, DLASeR+ also relies on classification deep learning.
When a user defines a set-point goal, he or she has to specify a set-point value 𝑔𝑠 and a bound 𝜖. This
bound defines the range [𝑔𝑠 − 𝜖, 𝑔𝑠 + 𝜖] in which adaptation options are considered valid.9 Hence,
DLASeR+ again applies binary classification; class 1 for adaptation options that are predicted within
the interval, and class 0 otherwise. In case the self-adaptive system has multiple set-point goals,
the reduced adaptation space is the intersection of the subsets of adaptation options with predicted
values that are classified as 1 for each of the different set-point goals.
5.1.3 Optimization goals. DLASeR+ handles optimization goals using regression deep learning.
Based on the regressed (predicted) values of a quality property, the adaptation options are ranked.
From this ranking the adaptation option that maximizes or minimizes the adaptation goal can be
derived. The adaptation space reduction is then determined by the number of adaptation options
that need to be analyzed to make an adaptation decision. In the case of a single optimization goal,
as we consider in this work, the adaptation space reduction is determined by the number of ranked
adaptation options that need to be analyzed before one is found that complies with the other goals.
5.2 Unified DLASeR+ architecture
We explained how DLASeR+ handles single types of adaptation goals, however, practical systems
usually combine different types of adaptation goals. Over the years, different techniques have
been developed to combine adaptation goals for the decision-making of self-adaptation. Classic
examples are goals, utility functions, and rules [15, 28, 68]. DLASeR+ offers a unified architecture
for adaptation space reduction for a class of systems that combine multiple threshold and set-point
goals with a single optimization goal. Our focus is on rule-based goals that are representative for a
large number of practical self-adaptive systems. Figure 8 shows the unified DLASeR+ architecture.
Fig. 8. Unified architecture of DLASeR+ for a mix of threshold and set-point goals and one optimization goal.
The deep neural network takes as input the initial adaptation space that consists of all the
adaptation options, together with context data, such as the actual values of uncertainties in the
environment and the current values of the relevant qualities. Internally, the DLASeR+ architecture
is centered on a single deep neural network that covers all the adaptation goals. The deep neural
network consists of a number of core layers, complemented with goal specific heads. The core layers
are shared among the different goals. Each head deals with a specific goal. The output produced by
the deep neural network is then combined to produce the reduced adaptation space. The layered
structure of DLASeR+ with shared core layers and goal specific heads adds to the modularity of the
learning architecture supporting modifiability and extensibility.
9From a control theoretic perspective, this bound corresponds to the steady state error.
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Deep Learning for Effective and Efficient Reduction of Large Adaptation Spaces in Self-Adaptive Systems
(a) Architecture deep neural network.
(b) Internal structure of the classification and regression heads in the DLASeR+ architecture.
Fig. 9. Overview of the internal deep neural network (NN) architecture of DLASeR+.
Internal neural network architecture. The core of the DLASeR+ approach is a deep neural
network that is kept updated at runtime. Figure 9 shows the internal architecture of the neural
network. The figure at the top shows the structure of the network and the flow of the data through
the network. The network starts with concatenating the input into input vectors, one vector per
adaptation option. The input vectors include high-level data relevant to adaptation in two parts:
data of the adaptation options, such as the settings of the system, and data of the context, such as
the current configuration, the recent load of the system and recent values of uncertainty parameters.
The data of the input vectors are then fed to the core layers of the network that are modeled as a
fully connected network of neurons. The output of the last layer of the core layers encodes the
input of goal-specific heads. DLASeR+ supports two types of goal-specific heads that can be added
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Danny Weyns, Omid Gheibi, Federico Quin, and Jeroen Van Der Donckt
on top of the core layers: classification heads for threshold and set-point goals, and a regression
head for an optimization goal. Figure 9 at the bottom illustrates the difference between the two
types. Both types of heads are fully connected neural networks that produce a single output, i.e.,
the output layer has a dimensionality of 1. However, the heads differ in the output they produce.
Classification heads that use a sigmoid activation function produce values between 0 and 1. These
values are classified based on predefined thresholds; for instance, all values below 0.5 are classified
as class 0 and all values above (and including) 0.5 as class 1. The regression head that uses a linear
activation function produces values that predict the quality property that needs to be optimized.
5.2.2 Adaptation space reduction stages. By using a single deep neural network, the input data
passes only once through the neural network to produce the output for the different adaptation
goals. This output is then combined to reduce the adaptation in two stages. The first stage uses
classification deep learning to reduce the adaptation space to the adaptation options that are
classified as being valid according to the threshold and set-point goals. We refer to the first stage as
the classification stage. The second stage that deals with the optimization goal further reduces the
adaptation space obtained from stage 1 by ranking the regressed values of the adaptations options.
The adaptation options are ranked from low to high in the case of a minimization goal, and vice
versa for a maximization goal. The ranked adaptation options can then be analyzed one by one
until an option is found that satisfies (e.g., determined by verification) all the other goals. We refer
to the second stage as the regression stage.
It is important to note that either of these stages can be omitted when the corresponding type(s)
of goals are not present for a problem at hand. For instance, for a system with only threshold goals
(for which DLASeR+ uses classification), the second stage can be omitted.
Fig. 10. Illustration of the two stages of DLASeR+. Each dot represents an adaptation option. In the first
stage the initial adaptation options are classified for threshold and set-point goals (1.1): blue dots satisfy the
threshold goals, pink dots satisfy the set-point goals, and green dots satisfy both types of goals. Then the
intersection of adaptation options that satisfy all threshold and set-point goals are kept, i.e., the green dots,
(1.2). In the second stage the relevant subset of adaptation options obtained in stage 1 are ranked (2.1).
Figure 10 schematically illustrates the two reduction stages, showing how the predictions of the
neural network for different adaptation goals are combined to reduce an adaptation space.
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Deep Learning for Effective and Efficient Reduction of Large Adaptation Spaces in Self-Adaptive Systems
In stage 1, all the adaptation options for all the threshold and set-point goals are classified
relevant or not relevant. Then, the results are aggregated, reducing the initial adaptation space to
the intersection of the adaptation options that were classified relevant for all the aforementioned
goals. In stage 2, DLASeR+ ranks the subset of adaptation options obtained from stage 1. This
ranking is based on the regressed quality for which the optimization goal was defined and depends
on the optimization goal, i.e., ascending and descending order for respectively minimization and
maximization. The adaptation options of the reduced adaptation space can then be analyzed in the
order of the ranking until one is found that satisfies all the adaptation goals.
We explain now how to engineer a solution for adaptation space reduction with DLASeR+. Central
to this is the learning pipeline that consists of an offline and online part. During the offline part,
an engineer selects a model for the deep neural network model and a scaler. During the online
part, the running system uses the model and scaler to reduce adaptation spaces, and exploits newly
obtained data from analysis to update the model and the scaler.
6.1 Offline part of the DLASeR+ learning pipeline
During the offline part of the pipeline, shown in Figure 11, the engineer collects data of a series of
adaptation cycles (via observation or simulation of the system). This data comprises the adaptation
options, context info, and also the associated qualities of the adaptation options. The collected
data is then concatenated in input vectors, one per adaptation option. Each item of an input vector
refers to a measurable property or characteristic of the system that affects the effectiveness of the
learning algorithms. As an example, an input vector for DeltaIoT contains:
• Data of an adaptation option, i.e., the settings of the transmission power for each link and the
distribution factors per link that determine the percentage of messages sent over the links;
• Context data, i.e., the traffic load generated per mote and the signal-to-noise ratio over the
links (uncertainties), the current system configuration.
The qualities associated with the adaptation options are used to validate the output of the
generated goal-specific heads. As an example, the current qualities (one per adaptation goal) for
DeltaIoT are:
• The packet loss along the links;
• The energy consumed by the motes.
To successfully train a deep neural network, it is important that all relevant data is collected.10
The aggregated data is then used to perform so called back-testing on the application to evaluate
the performance of candidate learning solutions. To that end, the aggregated data is split in two
sets: training data and validation data. It is crucial that both sets do not overlap. An overlap of the
two sets would introduce data-leakage, where knowledge of the test set leaks into the dataset used
to train the model. This would jeopardize the validity of the results. [7]
The main activity of the offline stage of the pipeline is selecting a deep neural network model
based on finding optimal hyper-parameter settings. Hyper-parameters are non-learnable parameters
that control the learning process. The main hyper-parameters are the number of layers of the deep
neural network and the number of neurons per layer. Other hyper-parameters that apply for deep
learning architectures are the scaler algorithm (normalizes the data, improving the learning process),
the batch size (defines how much of the data samples are considered before updating the model
10It is important to note that deep learning can work with “raw data” without the need for transforming and aggregating
features, etc., as with classic machine learning that requires a substantial effort of engineers. Using the raw data, the deep
neural network will learn complex relations automatically.
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Danny Weyns, Omid Gheibi, Federico Quin, and Jeroen Van Der Donckt
Fig. 11. The offline part of the DLASeR+ learning pipeline. During model selection the optimal hyper-
parameters are determined for the shared layers (Core layers selection) and for the goal-specific heads
(Goal-specific head selection). The output of the offline part of the pipeline is a completely configured deep
neural network model (of core layers complemented with the various goal-specific heads) and a scaler.
affecting the learning speed), the learning rate LR (determines the impact of on update, affecting
the learning speed), and the optimizer (influences the updates of model parameters utilizing the
learning rate and the local gradient at the neurons).
In DLASeR+, we distinguish between hyper-parameters for the shared core layers and for goal-
specific heads. Core layers selection deals with the hyper-parameters of the shared core layers, while
goal-specific head selection deals with the hyper-parameters of the goal-specific heads. To determine
the optimal values of the hyper-parameters for the DLASeR+ neural network model we applied
grid search [27]. With grid search, the neural network model is trained and then evaluated for
every combination of hyper-parameters.11 We used different metrics during evaluation: (i) F1-score
that combines precision and recall of predicted classes of adaptation options, and (ii) Spearman
correlation that measures the ranking of predicted values of quality properties of regression models,
see the explanation in Section 4. Once the models are trained (on the training data set), they are
evaluated on the validation data set, i.e., the predictions are evaluated using the validation data.
The best model is then selected based on the validation loss that is determined by a loss function
that sums the losses of the heads, capturing the overall quality of the neural network model.
When the core layers and goal-specific heads are fine-tuned and a proper scaler is found the
integrated solution can be deployed, which brings us to the second stage of the learning pipeline.
6.2 Online part of the DLASeR+ learning pipeline
During the online part of the learning pipeline, the deep neural network supports the decision-
making process of a self-adaptive system with reducing large adaptation spaces. The online part,
shown in Figure 12, consists of two consecutive phases. In the training phase, which consists of a
series of training cycles, the deep learning model is initialized based on the current state of the
system exploiting all available runtime data. In the learning phase, which consists of learning cycles,
the deep learning model performs adaptation space reduction and is updated using online learning.
11Technically, we consider the layout of the core layers and the goal-specific heads (number of layers and neurons per
layer) as distinct hyper-parameters. However, these hyper-parameters are optimized together in a single grid search process,
since the loss function from the goal-specific heads guides the learning process, including the learning of core layers.
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Deep Learning for Effective and Efficient Reduction of Large Adaptation Spaces in Self-Adaptive Systems
Fig. 12. The online part of the DLASeR+ learning pipeline. In the training phase (training cycles), the deep
neural network model is initialized for the problem at hand. In the learning phase (learning cycles), adaptation
space reduction is applied and new data is used to update the deep neural network model (online learning).
6.2.1 Training phase. The goal of the training phase is to initialize the learnable parameters of
the model for the problem at hand. During the training cycles, relevant runtime data is collected
to construct input vectors. This data is used to update the scaler (e.g., updating min/max values
of parameters, the means, etc.) and the input vectors are adjusted accordingly. The deep neural
network model is then trained using the transformed data; i.e., the parameters of the model are
initialized, e.g., the weights of the contributions of neurons. The training phase ends when the
validation accuracy stagnates, i.e., when the difference between the predicted values with learning
and the actual verification results are getting small.12 During the training cycles, the complete time
slot available for adaptation is used for analyzing adaptation options to generate data that is used
to initialize the deep neural network model; hence there is no reduction of the adaptation space yet.
6.2.2 Learning phase. In the learning phase, the deep neural network model is actively used to
make predictions about the adaptation options for the various adaptation goals aiming to reduce the
adaptation space before the analysis of the reduced adaptation space. Furthermore, the results of the
analysis of the reduced adaptation space are then used to incrementally update the learning model.
Concretely, in each learning cycle, an input vector is composed for each adaptation option that is
scaled using the scaler. Scaling normalizes the range of independent variables of data, ensuring that
each element contributes approximately proportionately to the result. The deep neural network
model then makes predictions for the input vectors. Based on these predictions, the adaptation
space is reduced and the adaptation options of the reduced adaptation space are then analyzed. In
the evaluation of DLASeR+ (Section 7), we use runtime statistical model checking [2, 17, 74, 75, 78]
to analyze the adaptation options, however other analysis techniques can be applied.
The analysis of the reduced adaptation space depends on the types of adaptation goals at hand.
For a self-adaptive system with a mix of threshold and set-point goals and an optimization goal,
analysis consists of two stages: the classification stage and the regression stage, see Section 5.2.2.
For systems without optimization goal, only the classification stage applies. Similarly, for systems
with only an optimization goal, only the regression stage applies.
12For the DeltaIoT, the training phase ended after 45 training cycles (one per adaptation cycle), see Section 7.
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Danny Weyns, Omid Gheibi, Federico Quin, and Jeroen Van Der Donckt
In the classification stage the adaptation space is reduced to the relevant subset of adaptation
options that comply with the threshold and set-point goals. Algorithm 1 shows how the adaptation
space reduction is applied and how analysis is performed in the classification stage.
Algorithm 1 Stage 1: classification stage
Proceed to the regression stage: Algorithm 2
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑_𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒 ← 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑_𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒 ∩ 𝐷𝑁 𝑁 _𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 .𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠_𝑔𝑜𝑎𝑙
1: 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑_𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒 ← 𝐾 .𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛_𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠
2: 𝐷𝑁 𝑁 _𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 ← 𝐾 .𝐷𝑁 𝑁 _𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙.predict(𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡_𝑣𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑠)
3: if 𝐾 .𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑_𝑔𝑜𝑎𝑙𝑠 == None & 𝐾 .𝑠𝑒𝑡_𝑝𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡_𝑔𝑜𝑎𝑙𝑠 == None then
5: end if
6: for each 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠_𝑔𝑜𝑎𝑙 ← 𝐾 .𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖 𝑓 𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛_𝑔𝑜𝑎𝑙𝑠 do
8: end for
9: if 𝐾 .𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑧𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛_𝑔𝑜𝑎𝑙 ≠ None then
11: end if
12: 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑_𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒.shuffle()
13: 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑑_𝑓 𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 ← False, 𝑖𝑑𝑥 ← 0
14: 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑖 𝑓 𝑖𝑒𝑑_𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒 ← ∅
15: while not 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑑_𝑓 𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 & idx < 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑_𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒.𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 do
𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑝𝑡_𝑜𝑝𝑡 ← 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑_𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒[𝑖𝑑𝑥]
𝐴𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑧𝑒𝑟 .analyzeAdaptationOptions(𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑝𝑡_𝑜𝑝𝑡)
_, 𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠 ← 𝐾 .𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑖 𝑓 𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛_𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑠[𝑖𝑑𝑥]
if 𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠 meet all threshold and set-point goals then
Proceed to the regression stage: Algorithm 2
𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑑_𝑓 𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 ← True
end if
𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑖 𝑓 𝑖𝑒𝑑_𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒.add(𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑝𝑡_𝑜𝑝𝑡)
𝑖𝑑𝑥 ← 𝑖𝑑𝑥 + 1
24: end while
25: Select valid adaptation option 𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑝𝑡_𝑜𝑝𝑡, if none valid use fall back option
26: 𝑢𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 ← 𝐾 .𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛_𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 \ 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑_𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒
27: 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑒 ← 𝑢𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑.randomSelect(𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛_𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒)
28: 𝐴𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑧𝑒𝑟 .analyzeAdaptationOptions(𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑒)
29: 𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡_𝑣𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑠, 𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠 ← 𝐾 .𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑠𝑖𝑠_𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑠
30: 𝐾 .𝐷𝑁 𝑁 _𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙.update(𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡_𝑣𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑠, 𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠)
⊲ Knowledge
⊲ Knowledge
In lines 1 and 2, we initialize the variable 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑_𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒 to the complete adaptation space and
store the predicted output of the deep neural network in the 𝐷𝑁 𝑁 _𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 variable. Both these
variables are used in Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 2. 𝐾 .𝐷𝑁 𝑁 _𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙 refers to the deep neural network
model that is stored in the Knowledge module (𝐾). Since DLASeR+ uses a single deep learning
model for all the goals, prediction can be done in a single step. Note that the predict() function in
line 2 scales the elements of the input vectors before making predictions. Lines 3 to 5 check whether
there are any threshold or set-point goals. If there are no threshold nor set-point goals, we proceed
to the regression stage, i.e., Algorithm 2. In the other case, i.e., there are threshold and/or set-points
goals, the adaptation space (𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑_𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒) is reduced in lines 6 to 8. Concretely, we reduce the
adaptation space to the intersection of the predicted subspaces that are relevant for each of these
two types of classification goals. This step represents the actual adaptation space reduction for
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Deep Learning for Effective and Efficient Reduction of Large Adaptation Spaces in Self-Adaptive Systems
all threshold and set-point goals. The adaptation option is analyzed to check whether it complies
with the threshold and set-point goals. If this is the case this option is selected for adaptation.
If not, analysis is continued until an adaptation option is found that satisfies the threshold and
set-point goals. Line 9 checks whether there is an optimization goal. If there is such a goal, the
classification stage ends and the system continues the regression stage using the reduced subset,
i.e., 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑_𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒 (see line 10). If there is no optimization goal, the adaptation options for analysis
are selected. We first shuffle the relevant subspace to avoid bias in the way the adaptation options
are determined (see line 12), prepare the analysis (see lines 13 and 14), and then iterate over the
adaptation options top-down (see lines 15 to 24). In this iteration, an adaptation option is analyzed
to check whether it complies with the threshold and set-point goals. If this is the case this option
is selected for adaptation and the iteration halts. If not, analysis is continued until an adaptation
option is found that satisfies the threshold and set-point goals. After iterating over the subspace
of adaptation options, line 25 selects a valid option to adapt the system, i.e., an adaptation option
that satisfies all the threshold and set-point goals. If no valid adaptation option is found according
to the goals, a fall-back option is used that implements a graceful degradation strategy. Then,
lines 26 and 27 use the exploration_rate to select a random sample of adaptation options from the
options that were not analyzed. Adding this random sample aims at anticipating potential concept
drifts that might occur in dynamic environments after a large number of adaptation cycles.13 These
additional options are then also analyzed (see line 28) and the analysis results are stored in the
knowledge. Finally, the analysis results are exploited to update the deep neural network model (see
lines 29 and 30). To that end, the input vectors (configurations etc.) and the analysis results (i.e., the
qualities per goal obtained by verification) of the analyzed adaptation options are retrieved from
the knowledge. Based on this data, the neural network model is updated using the same learning
mechanism as used in the training cycle.
The regression stage starts either from the adaptation options selected in the classification stage or
from the complete adaptation space in case there is only an optimization goal. The set of adaptation
options are then ranked according to the predicted quality of the optimization goal. Algorithm 2
shows how the adaptation options are ranked and how one of the options is selected based on the
result of the analysis and its compliance with the threshold and set-point goals.
In lines 2 to 4, the predictions of the previous stage are reused to obtain a ranking of the relevant
adaptation options. Since we have a single deep neural network model, we require only a single
prediction (see algorithm 1, line 2). Lines 5 to 16 iterate over the ranked adaptation options in
descending order of the predicted value for the quality of the maximization goal (the opposite order
is used for a minimization goal). The adaptation option is analyzed to check whether it complies
with the threshold and set-point goals. If this is the case this option is selected for adaptation. If not,
analysis is continued until an adaptation option is found that satisfies the threshold and set-point
goals. After iterating through the ranked adaptation (sub)space, a valid option is selected to adapt
the system, i.e., an adaptation option that satisfies all the threshold and set-point goals (see line 17).
If no valid adaptation option is found according to the goals, a fall-back option is used ensuring
graceful degradation of the system. Then, lines 18 and 19 use the exploration_rate to select a random
sample of adaptation options from the options that were not analyzed. These options are then also
analyzed in line 20 and the analysis results are stored in the knowledge. Finally, lines 21 and 22
exploit the analysis results to update the deep neural network model. This enables the model to
cope with the dynamic behavior of the adaptation space.
13Intuitively, one may argue to select this sample nearer to the boundaries set by the thresholds rather than random, yet,
this may reduce the intended effect on potential concept drifts. Further study is required to clarify this issue.
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Danny Weyns, Omid Gheibi, Federico Quin, and Jeroen Van Der Donckt
Algorithm 2 Stage 2: regression stage
⊲ Use prediction of Algorithm 1, line 2
1: 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑_𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒 retrieved from Algorithm 1
2: 𝑜𝑝𝑡_𝑔𝑜𝑎𝑙 ← 𝐾 .𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑧𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛_𝑔𝑜𝑎𝑙
3: 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 ← 𝐷𝑁 𝑁 _𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 .𝑜𝑝𝑡_𝑔𝑜𝑎𝑙
4: 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑒𝑑_𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒 ← 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑_𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒.sort(𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔)
5: 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑑_𝑓 𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 ← False, 𝑖𝑑𝑥 ← 0
6: 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑖 𝑓 𝑖𝑒𝑑_𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒 ← ∅
7: while not 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑑_𝑓 𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 & idx < 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑒𝑑_𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒.𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 do
𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑝𝑡_𝑜𝑝𝑡 ← 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑒𝑑_𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒[𝑖𝑑𝑥]
𝐴𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑧𝑒𝑟 .analyzeAdaptationOptions(𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑝𝑡_𝑜𝑝𝑡)
_, 𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠 ← 𝐾 .𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑖 𝑓 𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛_𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑠[𝑖𝑑𝑥]
if 𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠 meet all thresholds and set-point goals then
𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑑_𝑓 𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 ← True
end if
𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑖 𝑓 𝑖𝑒𝑑_𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒.add(𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑝𝑡_𝑜𝑝𝑡)
𝑖𝑑𝑥 ← 𝑖𝑑𝑥 + 1
16: end while
17: Select valid adaptation option 𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑝𝑡_𝑜𝑝𝑡, if none valid use fall back option
18: 𝑢𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 ← 𝐾 .𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛_𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 \ 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑖 𝑓 𝑖𝑒𝑑_𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒
19: 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑒 ← 𝑢𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑.randomSelect(𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛_𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒)
20: 𝐴𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑧𝑒𝑟 .analyzeAdaptationOptions(𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑒)
21: 𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡_𝑣𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑠, 𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠 ← 𝐾 .𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑖 𝑓 𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛_𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑠
22: 𝐾 .𝐷𝑁 𝑁 _𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙.update(𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡_𝑣𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑠, 𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠)
⊲ Knowledge
⊲ Knowledge
6.2.3 Runtime integration of DLASER+ with MAPE-K. Figure 13 shows how DLASER+ is integrated
with a MAPE-K feedback loop.
Fig. 13. Runtime integration of DLASER+ with MAPE
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Deep Learning for Effective and Efficient Reduction of Large Adaptation Spaces in Self-Adaptive Systems
We follow here the MAPE model and the tasks associated with the different MAPE elements as
specified in [72]. When the monitor finishes an update of the knowledge with new runtime data, it
triggers the analyzer. The analyzer reads the data that is necessary for the deep neural network to
determine the relevant adaptation options. The deep neural network then produces predictions that
are written to the knowledge (steps 1 to 4). Next, the analyzer triggers the planner that initiates
adaptation space reduction; the ranked adaptation options are then written to the knowledge
(steps 5 to 7). Next, the planner reads the ranked options and invokes the model verifier to analyze
the options one by one and writes the results to the knowledge (steps 8 to 10). When a suitable
adaptation is found, the planner invokes the deep neural network to read the verification results
and update the learning model accordingly (steps 11 to 13). During these steps, the deep neural
network trains the learning model using the most recent verification results that are generated by
the model verifier. This online learning in each adaptation cycle helps improving the learner over
time to deal with new conditions that the system encounters. Finally, the planner generates a plan
for the adaptation option that is selected to adapt the system and triggers the executor to enact the
actions of the plan on the managed system (steps 14 and 15).
We start with describing the evaluation setup and specify the various combination of adaptation
goals that are evaluated. Then we explain the offline results we obtained. Finally, we zoom in on
the online results for effectiveness and efficiency of DLASeR+. All material used for the evaluation,
incl. all configurations and settings, and all evalution results are available at the DLASeR website.14
7.1 Evaluation setup
We evaluated DLASeR+ on two instances of DeltaIoT, as described in Section 2. For both instances
we used the same type of network settings. The stochastic uncertainty profiles for the traffic load
generated by the motes ranged from 0 to 10 messages per mote per cycle, while the network
interference along the links varied between -40 dB and +15 dB. The configurations of these profiles
are based on field tests. The MAPE-K feedback loop was designed using a network of timed automata.
These runtime models were executed by using the ActivFORMS execution engine [36, 78]. The
quality models were specified as stochastic timed automata. These models are used to determine the
quality estimates for the adaptation options. Section 2 explains an example model for packet loss.
We applied runtime statistical model checking using Uppaal-SMC for the verification of adaptation
options [17]. The exploration rate was set to 5%. For both instances of DeltaIoT, we considered 275
online adaptation cycles, corresponding with a wall clock time of 77 hours. We used 45 cycles to
train the network parameters. The remaining 230 cycles are evaluated as learning cycles.
To evaluate the effect on the realization of the adaptation goals using DLASeR+, we compare
the results with a reference approach that analyzes the whole adaptation space without learning.
For the evaluation of coverage of relevant adaptation options and the reduction of the adaptation
space, we could only compare the results for settings with threshold goals and an optimization
goal with the basic DLASeR approach [70] and ML4EAS (short for “Machine Learning for Efficient
Adaptation Space Reduction”) proposed by Quin et al. [58]. The latter approach applies classic
machine learning techniques to reduce adaptation spaces for threshold goals.
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Danny Weyns, Omid Gheibi, Federico Quin, and Jeroen Van Der Donckt
Table 2 summarizes the combinations of adaptation goals we evaluated for both instances of
DeltaIoT: TTO (2 Threshold goals and 1 Optimization goal), TTS (2 Threshold goals and 1 Set-point
goal), and TSO (1 Threshold, 1 Set-point, and 1 Optimization goal).15
Reference Goals DeltaIoTv1
T1: 𝑃𝐿 < 10%
T2: 𝐿𝐴 < 5%
O1: minimize 𝐸𝐶
T1: 𝑃𝐿 < 15%
T2: 𝐿𝐴 < 10%
S1: 𝐸𝐶 ∈ [12.9 ± 0.1]
T1: 𝐿𝐴 < 10%
S1: 𝐸𝐶 ∈ [12.9 ± 0.1]
O1: minimize 𝑃𝐿
Goals DeltaIoTv2
T1: 𝑃𝐿 < 10%
T2: 𝐿𝐴 < 5%
O1: minimize 𝐸𝐶
T1: 𝑃𝐿 < 15%
T2: 𝐿𝐴 < 10%
S1: 𝐸𝐶 ∈ [67 ± 0.3]
T1: 𝐿𝐴 < 10%
S1: 𝐸𝐶 ∈ [67 ± 0.3]
O1: minimize 𝑃𝐿
Table 2. Overview of combinations of adaptation goals we evaluated for both instances of DeltaIoT. The
adaptation goals are defined for packet loss (PL), latency (LA), and energy consumption (EC).
For the implementation of DLASeR+ we used the scalers from scikit-learn [56] and the neural
networks from Keras and Tensorflow [1]. The simulated IoT networks are executed on an i7-3770
CPU @ 3.40GHz with 12GB RAM; the deep learning models are trained and maintained on an
i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz with 16GB RAM.
We start with presenting the results of the offline stage of the DLASeR+ learning pipeline. Then
we present the results for effectiveness and efficiency of the online stage of the learning pipeline
for each combination of goals.
7.2 Results offline settings
As explained in Section 6.1, DLASeR+ uses grid search for configuring and tuning the deep neural
network. We performed grid search on 30 sequential adaptation cycles.16 Table 3 shows the best
parameters of the network for each of the three combinations of adaptation goals. Each row in the
table corresponds to one grid search process. In total, 6 grid search processes were completed; one
for each of the three combinations of adaptation goals and this for the two instances of DeltaIoT.
Given that DLASeR+ comprises a single integrated neural network architecture with multiple
classification and regression heads, we use the validation loss to select the best hyper-parameter
configuration. The validation loss captures how good the predictions are of the neural network
model compared to the true data (of the validation set). Here, the validation loss corresponds to the
sum of the losses for each head. In total, grid search evaluated 4120 configurations for DeltaIoTv1
(1728 for TTO and TSO goals and 768 for TTS goals) and 3456 configurations for DeltaIoTv2 (1296
for TTO and TSO goals and 864 for TTS goals). The average time that was required for the offline
training of the deep neural network for a configuration was on 25s for DeltaIoTv1 and 90s for
DeltaIoTv2. We observe that the loss for the configuration with TTO goals is significantly lower for
15For TTO setting, ML4EAS applies classifiers to reduce the adaptation space for the two threshold goals and then
searches within the reduced adaptation space to find the best adaptation option for the optimization goal.
16Concretely, we used the data of all adaptation options with their verification results over 30 adaptation cycles, i.e., 216
adaptation options with verification results per cycle for DeltaIoTv1 and 4096 adaptation options with verification results
per cycle for DeltaIoTv2. Figure 5 and Figure 6 illustrate the performance of different adaptation options (for DeltaIoTv2).
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Deep Learning for Effective and Efficient Reduction of Large Adaptation Spaces in Self-Adaptive Systems
DeltaIoTv1. Overall, the loss for DeltaIotv2 is somewhat lower. Yet, as we will show in the following
subsection, the differences do not lead to significantly inferior results.
We used the configurations with the best results for the different instances of DLASeR+ shown in
Table 3 to perform adaptation space reduction for the three configurations with different adaptation
goals (see Table 2) for both versions of DeltaIoT.
7.3 Results online setting
We present the results for the different settings shown in Table 2, starting with the metrics for
effectiveness, followed by the metrics for efficiency. The results allow us to to answer the different
aspects of the research question in a structured manner.
7.3.1 Effectiveness - Coverage of relevant adaptation options. To assess the first aspect of the
effectiveness of DLASeR+, we look at the F1-score for the threshold and set-point goals, and
Spearman’s rho for the optimization goal. Table 4 presents the results.
Note that the result of DLASeR+ for the classification task is a continuous value that needs to be
rounded to an integer class number. Hence, the classification error can be computed in two ways.
The first method measures the error before rounding, e.g., if the real class of an input data is “1”
and the predicted class is “0.49”, the error will be “1 − 0.49 = 0.51”. The second method measures
the error after rounding, e.g., if the real class of an input data is “1” and the predicted class is “0.49”,
the error will be “1 − 0 = 1” as “0.49” has been fixed to “0”. Depending on which method is selected
for computing the classification error, the F1-score can have different values. We use the second
method for calculating the classification error, enabling a comparison of the results of DLASeR+
with ML4EAS, where the output is an integer class number instead of a continuous value.
For DeltaIoTv1, we notice an F1-score for the threshold goals of 86.92% for the setting TTO,
57.12% for TTS, and 75.60% for TSO (with 100% being perfect precision and recall). The F1-scores
for the set-point goal for TTS and TSO are respectively 33.77% and 43.75%. The differences can
be explained by the constraints imposed by the types of goals combined in the different settings,
with setpoint goals being most constraining, followed by threshold goals and then optimization
goals. Consequently, the F1-score is highest for TTO with two threshold goals, followed by TSO
with one threshold goal and one setpoint goal, and finally TTS that combines two threshold goals
with a setpoint goal. For Spearman’s rho, we observe a difference between the settings with an
optimization goal, with 83.43% and 96.49% for TTO and TSO respectively. This shows that regression
is more difficult for energy consumption (TTO) compared to packet loss (TSO).
For DeltaIoTv2, we observe an F1-score for the threshold goals of 63.16% for the TTO setting,
60.48% for TTS, and 64.19% for TSO. The F1-score for the two set-point goals, are around 35%.
These results for F1-score are slightly lower compared to the results for DeltaIoTv1, indicating that
Batch size LR
Optimizer Core layers
Class. layers
Regr. layers
Hyper parameters
DeltaIoTv1 TTO Standard
DeltaIoTv2 TTO Standard
DeltaIoTv1 TTS MaxAbsScaler
DeltaIoTv2 TTS MaxAbsScaler
DeltaIoTv1 TSO StandardScaler
DeltaIoTv2 TSO StandardScaler
5e-3 Adam
5e-3 Adam
5e-3 Adam
5e-3 Adam
[50, 25, 15]
[150, 120, 100, 50, 25]
[40, 20, 10, 5]
[40, 20, 10, 5]
[30, 40, 50, 40, 15, 5]
[50, 25, 15]
[200, 100, 50, 25]
[40, 20,10,5]
[40, 20, 10, 5]
5e-3 Adam
2e-3 RMSprop
[50, 80, 35, 15]
[150, 120, 100, 50, 25]
[40, 20, 10, 5]
[30, 40, 50, 40, 15, 5]
Table 3. Best grid search results for DLASeR+ on TTO, TTS, and TSO goal combinations (see Table 2). LR
refers to learning rate. The values between brackets for the different layers represent the number of neurons.
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Danny Weyns, Omid Gheibi, Federico Quin, and Jeroen Van Der Donckt
Problem Setting Method
F1 threshold F1 set-point
Spearman’s rho
DLASeR+ 86.92%
DLASeR+ 57.12%
DLASeR+ 75.60%
DLASeR+ 63.16%
DLASeR+ 60.48%
DLASeR+ 64.19%
Table 4. Results for the coverage of relevant adaptation options for the different evaluation settings.
the setting is more challenging for the learners. For Spearman’s rho, we observe values of 21.53%
and 95.99% for TTO and TSO respectively. The weak score for the setting with TTO may point
to a negative effect on the optimization goal caused by the training of the core layers for the two
threshold goals. In particular, this may indicate that the knowledge shared in the core layers for
the threshold goals and the optimization goal is limited. While this may seem problematic, the
evaluation will show that lower Spearman’s rho values do not necessarily imply inferior results.
Overall, we obtained acceptable to excellent results for the F1-score and Spearman’s rho (with
one exception). Compared to the results obtained for the initial version of DLASeR [70] and
ML4EAS [58], we observe similar results for the TTO setting (the results with ML4EAS were
somewhat better for DeltaIoTv2, but somewhat worse for DeltaIoTv1). However, it is important to
emphasize that these approaches do not consider the other combinations of adaptation goals.
7.3.2 Effectiveness - Reduction adaptation space. Table 5 presents the results for adaptation space
reduction obtained with the different approaches for the different configurations. We observe
that the highest average adaptation space reduction (AASR) with DLASeR+ is achieved for the
TTO setting and this for both IoT instances. The results are slightly better compared to the initial
DLASeR but slightly worse compared to ML4EAS. The AASR is lower for the other combinations
of goals, which indicates that reducing the adaptation space with DLASeR+ for settings with a
setpoint goal is more challenging. On the other hand, for the average analysis effort reduction
(AAER), we notice that only a limited number of adaptation options need to be analyzed from the
selected subspace before a valid option is found that complies with the classification goals. This is
particularly the case for TTS and TSO settings that include a setpoint goal. This means that the
adaptation space reductions captured by AASR is of high quality.
Besides AASR and AAER, we also measured the fraction of the adaptation space that was analyzed
of the total adaptation space, which combines 𝐴𝐴𝑆𝑅 and 𝐴𝐴𝐸𝑅,17 defined as:
Total Reduction = (1 −
) × 100
17The definition of total reduction can be rewritten as: Total Reduction = 100 − (100 − 𝐴𝐴𝑆𝑅) ×
1 − 𝐴𝐴𝐸𝑅
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Deep Learning for Effective and Efficient Reduction of Large Adaptation Spaces in Self-Adaptive Systems
For DeltaIoTv1, we measured a total reduction of 95.72%, 99.16%, and 96.41% for TTO, TTS
and TSO respectively, while the total reduction for DeltaIoTv2 was 99.52%, 99.94%, and 99.98%.
These excellent results show that deep learning with DLASeR+ is particularly effective in reducing
adaptation spaces, i.e., the total reduction is near to the optimum of what can be achieved.
Problem Setting Method
AASR AAER Total Reduction
DLASeR+ 56.77% 90.11% 95.72%
54.84% 88.88% 94.98%
62.61% 0.00%
DLASeR+ 42.88% 98.54% 99.16%
DLASeR+ 38.27% 94.18% 96.41%
DLASeR+ 89.03% 95.57% 99.52%
84.55% 72.41% 95.73%
92.86% 0.00%
DLASeR+ 41.79% 99.90% 99.94%
DLASeR+ 51.00% 99.95% 99.98%
Table 5. Adaptation space reductions on the three configurations of Table 2.
7.3.3 Effectiveness - Effect on realization of adaptation goals. To evaluate the effectiveness, we
compare the median values of the quality properties that correspond to the adaptation goals over 230
learning cycles (i.e., representing about three days of operation of the IoT networks, see evaluation
setup). Note that a threshold goal is satisfied if the median of the values over 230 cycles satisfies
the goal. This does not necessarily mean that the system satisfies the goal in all cycles.
The boxplots of Figures 14, 15, and 16 show the results for the quality properties of the adaptation
goals with DLASeR+ and other approaches. It is important to note that the reference approach
exhaustively analyzes the whole adaptation space. This is the ideal case, but practically not always
feasible (as in DeltaIoTv2) due to time constraints on the time available to perform adaptation.
For the setting with TTO goals, see Figure 14, the results for packet loss and latency (threshold
goals) are similar for all approaches. We observe that DLASeR+ always satisfies the goals (i.e.,
all median values are below the thresholds). For some adaptation cycles, no configurations are
available that satisfy the threshold goals (as shown by the reference approach that exhaustively
searches through the complete adaptation space). For energy consumption (optimization goal), the
results for DLASeR+ are slightly higher compared to the reference approach, i.e., an increase of
0.03 C (0.24%) for DeltaIoTv1 (median of 12.69 C for the reference approach; 12.72 C for DLASeR+),
and 0.03 C (0.05%) for DeltaIoTv2 (66.15 C for the reference approach; 66.18 C for DLASeR+).
For the setting with TTS goals, see Figure 15, we observe similar results for DLASeR+ and the
reference approach. The threshold goals for packet loss and latency are again always satisfied by
DLASeR+. The set-point goal of energy consumption is also satisfied for both instances of DeltaIoT
(DLASeR+ shows slightly more variability around the set-point).
Finally, for the setting with TSO goals, see Figure 16, the results show that the threshold goal for
latency is always satisfied with DLASeR+ and the same applies for the set-point goal for energy
consumption. As for the optimization goal, the packet loss of DLASeR+ is slightly higher compared
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Danny Weyns, Omid Gheibi, Federico Quin, and Jeroen Van Der Donckt
to the reference approach, respectively 0.57% for DeltaIoTv1 (median of 6.33% for the reference
approach versus 6.90% for DLASeR+), and 0.62% for DeltaIoTv2 (6.33% for the reference approach
versus 6.95% for DLASeR+).
In summary, the results for the quality properties using DLASeR+ and the reference approach are
similar. For settings with two threshold goals and one optimization goal, the results are similar as
for two state-of-the-art approaches, the initial DLASeR [70] and ML4EAS [58]. However, contrary
to these state-of-the-art approaches, DLASeR+ realizes adaptation space reduction for combinations
of threshold, set-point goals, and optimization goals with a small to negligible effect on the qualities
compared to the reference approach.
(a) DeltaIoTv1
(b) DeltaIoTv2
Fig. 14. Effect on the realization of the adaptation goals for the TTO setting.
7.3.4 Efficiency - Learning time. Table 6 presents the results for the analysis time, learning time,
and overall time reduction of DLASeR+ compared to the reference approach. As we can see, the
major part of the time is spent on analysis, i.e., the time used for the verification of adaptation
options. This is in contrast with the learning time;18 on average 16.45% of the time is spent on
learning for DeltaIoTv1 (total time for verification of the three settings is 4.45s versus 0.894s for
learning) and 1.56% for DeltaIoTv2 (102.95s in total for verification of the three settings versus 1.63s
18Recall that the learning time is the sum of the time used for online prediction and online training, cf. Table 1.
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
ReferenceML4EASDLASeRDLASeR+0246810ReferenceML4EASDLASeRDLASeR+5101520ReferenceML4EASDLASeRDLASeR+12.612.81313.2Latency (%)Packet Loss (%)Energy Consumption (C)Threshold: LA < 5%Threshold: PL < 10%Optimization: minimize ECReferenceML4EASDLASeRDLASeR+0246810ReferenceML4EASDLASeRDLASeR+68101214ReferenceML4EASDLASeRDLASeR+65.86666.266.466.6Latency (%)Packet Loss (%)Energy Consumption (C)Threshold: LA < 5%Threshold: PL < 10%Optimization: minimize ECDeep Learning for Effective and Efficient Reduction of Large Adaptation Spaces in Self-Adaptive Systems
(a) DeltaIoTv1
(b) DeltaIoTv2
Fig. 15. Effect on the realization of the adaptation goals for the TTS setting.
for learning). We observe high numbers for time reduction, on average 92.80% for the three settings
of DeltaIoTv1 and 94.84% for the settings of DeltaIoTv2. For TTO settings, DLASeR+ realizes better
time reductions than the other approaches. Note that the optimal time reduction is 95%, since we
use an exploration rate of 5%, i.e., in each adaptation cycle, 5% of the adaptation space is explored.
In sum, the learning time of DLASeR+ is only a fraction of the total time used for analysis.
DLASeR+ realizes an impressive reduction of the time required for analysis and decision-making
compared to the reference approach.
7.3.5 Efficiency - Scalability. To evaluate the scalability of DLASeR+, we discuss the difference for
the metrics when scaling up the evaluation setting from DeltaIoTv1 with 216 adaptation options to
DeltaIoTv2 with 4096 adaptation options; an increase of adaptation space with a factor around 20.
For the coverage of relevant adaptation options (see Table 4), we observe a decrease in F1-score
for the threshold goals of 23.76% for the TTO setting (86.92% for DeltaIoTv1 versus 63.16% for
DeltaIoTv2), and a decrease of 11.41% for the TSO setting (75.60% versus 64.18%). For the TTS
settings we notice a small increase of the F1-score for the threshold goals of 3.36% (57.12% versus
60.48%). For set-point goals, we observe a small increase in F1-score of 1.37% for the setting TTS
(33.77% versus 35.14%), and a small decrease of 8.55% for the setting TSO (43.75% versus 35.20%).
The results show that DeltaIoTv2 is more challenging, but DLASeR+ scales well for threshold goals.
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
ReferenceDLASeR+0246810ReferenceDLASeR+51015ReferenceDLASeR+12.812.91313.113.2Latency (%)Packet Loss (%)Energy Consumption (C)Threshold: LA < 10%Threshold: PL < 15%Set-point: EC in [12.9 ± 0.1]ReferenceDLASeR+0246810ReferenceDLASeR+8101214ReferenceDLASeR+66.9866.996767.0167.0267.0367.04Latency (%)Packet Loss (%)Energy Consumption (C)Threshold: LA < 10%Threshold: PL < 15%Set-point: EC in [67.0 ± 0.3]32
Danny Weyns, Omid Gheibi, Federico Quin, and Jeroen Van Der Donckt
(a) DeltaIoTv1
(b) DeltaIoTv2
Fig. 16. Effect on the realization of the adaptation goals for the TSO setting.
Problem Setting Method
Verification Time Learning Time Time Reduction
DLASeR+ 1.95 s
2.13 s
6.99 s
DLASeR+ 1.11 s
DLASeR+ 1.48 s
DLASeR+ 36.44 s
61.21 s
68.44 s
DLASeR+ 33.27 s
DLASeR+ 33.24 s
0.004 s
0.003 s
0.002 s
0.45 s
0.44 s
0.45 s
1.62 s
0.04 s
0.63 s
0.55 s
Table 6. Verification and learning time for DLASeR+. Time reduction compares the total time used by
DLASeR+ compared to the time used by the reference approach that verifies the complete adaptation space.
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
ReferenceDLASeR+0246810ReferenceDLASeR+12.812.91313.113.213.3ReferenceDLASeR+51015Latency (%)Energy Consumption (C)Packet Loss (%)Threshold: LA < 10%Set-point: EC in [12.9 ± 0.1]Optimization: minimize PLReferenceDLASeR+02468ReferenceDLASeR+65.56666.56767.56868.5ReferenceDLASeR+4681012Latency (%)Energy Consumption (C)Packet Loss (%)Threshold: LA < 10%Set-point: EC in [67.0 ± 0.3]Optimization: minimize PLDeep Learning for Effective and Efficient Reduction of Large Adaptation Spaces in Self-Adaptive Systems
For the optimization goal, we notice a large decrease for Spearman’s rho with 61.9% for the setting
with TTO goals (from 83.43% for DeltaIoTv1 to 21.53% for DeltaIoTv2), and a small decrease of 0.5%
for the setting with TSO goals (from 96.49% to 95.99%). These results suggest that the optimization
goal in TTO (energy consumption) might be significantly harder to predict.
For the average adaptation space reduction (see Table 5), we measured a substantial increase for
two configurations and a small decrease for one configuration when scaling up from DeltaIoTv1 to
DeltaIoTv2. On average, we measured an increase of 14.63% over the three configurations (from
56.77% to 89.03% for TTO and from 38.27% to 51.00% for TSO; from 42.88% to 41.79% for TTS).
The average analysis effort reduction also improved for DeltaIoTv2, with an average of 4.20% (from
90.11% to 95.57% for TTO, from 98.54% to 99.90% for TTS, and from 94.18% to 99.95% for TSO. This
resulted in an average increase of 2.72% for the total reduction (from 95.72% to 99.52% for TTO,
from 99.16% to 99.94% for TTS, and from 96.41% to 99.98% for TSO).
For the effect on realizing the adaptation goals (see Figure 14, 15, and 16), we observe that DLASeR+
realizes the threshold and set-point goals for all configurations of both DeltaIoTv1 and DeltaIoTv2.
For the optimization goal compared to the reference approach, we observe a slight increase of
energy consumption for the TTO setting with DLASeR+ from 0.24% extra with DeltaIoTv1 (medians
12.69 C versus 12.72 C) to 0.05% extra with DeltaIoTv2 (medians 66.15 C versus 66.18 C). Similarly,
we observe a small increase of packet loss for TSO with DLASeR+ from 0.57% extra with DeltaIoTv1
(medians 6.33% versus 6.90%) to 0.62% extra with DeltaIoTv2 (medians 6.33% versus 6.95%).
Finally, the results for the learning time (see Table 6) show that relative part of the time required
for learning compared to the time required for analysis decreases from 16.45% for DeltaIoTv1 to
1.56% for DeltaIoTv2, while the total time reduction improves from 92.80% to 94.84% (the numbers
are averages over the three settings TTO, TTS, and TSO). The results show that with increasing
scale, the total time reduction improves substantially and gets close to optimum for DeltaIoTv2.
In summary, while some of the indicators for the coverage of relevant adaptation options are
slightly inferior for configurations with larger adaptation spaces, the other metrics show no negative
effects on the effectiveness and efficiency of DLASeR+ when the size of the adaptation space is
increased (in the evaluating setting with a factor of about 20).
7.4 Threats to validity
The evaluation results show that DLASeR+ is an effective and efficient approach to reduce large
adaptation spaces. However, the evaluation of DLASeR+ is subject to a number of validity threats.
External validity. Since we evaluated the approach in only one domain with a particular adaptation
spaces and adaptation goals, we cannot generalize the conclusions, including the configuration of
DLASeR+, and the effectiveness and efficiency of adaptation space reduction. We mitigated this
threat to some extent by applying DLASeR+ to two IoT networks that differ in their topology and
size of adaptation space. Nevertheless, more extensive evaluation is required in different domains to
strengthen the validity of the results. Furthermore, the reduction stages of the unified architecture
of DLASeR+ presented in this paper target only a single optimization goal. Hence, the approach is
not directly applicable to systems with multi-objective optimization goals. Additional research will
be required to extend DLASeR+ for systems with such types of goals. We also tested DLASeR+ for
scenarios with up to 4000 adaptation options in one domain. Further research is required to study
and evaluate other types of systems with much larger adaptation spaces.
Internal validity. We evaluated the effectiveness and efficiency of DLASeR+ using different metrics.
It might be possible that the specifics of the evaluation setting of the applications that we used,
in particular the topology of the network, the uncertainties, and the choices for the specific goals
that we considered may have an effect on the complexity of the problem of adaptation space
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Danny Weyns, Omid Gheibi, Federico Quin, and Jeroen Van Der Donckt
reduction. To mitigate this threat to some extent we applied DLASeR+ to simulated settings of real
IoT deployments that were developed in close collaboration with an industry partner in IoT.
Reliability. For practical reasons, we performed the evaluation of DLASeR+ in simulation. The
uncertainties used in this simulation are based on stochastic models. This may cause a threat that
the results may be different if the study would be repeated. We minimized this threat in three ways:
(i) the profiles are designed based on field tests, (ii) we evaluated DLASeR+ over a period of several
days, and (iii) the complete package we used for evaluation is available to replicate the study.19
Over the past years, we can observe an increasing interest in using machine learning and related
techniques to support self-adaptation [29]. Three examples of initial work are Richert W. et al. [63]
that apply reinforcement learning to robots that learn to select tasks that balance their own benefit
with the needs of other robots, Sykes et al. [67] that use a probabilistic rule learning approach to
update the environment models of a self-adaptive system at runtime relying on execution traces,
and Bencomo et al. [5] that use dynamic decision networks to model and support decision-making
in self-adaptive systems explicitly taking into account uncertainty.
In this section, we focus on the use of machine learning and other related techniques that are used
for adaptation space reduction and efficient decision-making of systems with complex adaptation
spaces. We have structured the related work in four groups based on their main focus: (1) learning
used for the reduction of adaptation spaces, (2) learning used for efficient decision-making, (3)
search-based techniques to efficiently explore large adaptation spaces, and finally (4) approaches
for efficient verification. For each group we present a representative selection of related work.
8.1 Learning used for adaptation space reduction
Elkhodary et al. [22] propose the FUSION framework that learns the impact of adaptation decisions
on the system’s goals. In particular, FUSION utilizes M5 decision trees to learn the utility functions
that are associated with the qualities of the system. The results show a significant improvement in
analysis. Whereas DLASeR+ targets the adaptation space, FUSION targets the feature selection
space, focusing on proactive latency-aware adaptations relying on a separate model for each utility.
Chen et al. [11] study feature selection and show that different learning algorithms perform
significantly different depending on the types of quality of service attributes considered the way
they fluctuate. The work is centered on an adaptive multi-learners technique that dynamically
selects the best learning algorithms at runtime. Similar to our work, the authors focus on efficiency
and effectiveness, but the scope of that work is on the features instead of adaptation options.
Quin et al. [58] apply classical machine learning techniques, in particular classification and
regression, to reduce large adaptation spaces. These techniques require domain expertise to perform
feature engineering, which is not required in DLASeR+ (that only requires model selection). That
work also only considers threshold goals based on linear learning models. In contract, our work
considers threshold, optimization, and set-point goals based on non-linear deep learning models.
Jamshidi et al. [37] presents an approach that learns a set of Pareto optimal configurations
offline that are then used during operation to generate adaptation plans. The approach reduces
adaptation spaces, while the system can still apply model checking with PRISM [46] at runtime
to quantitatively reason about adaptation decisions. Compared to that work, DLASeR+ is more
versatile by reducing the adaptation space at runtime in a dynamic and learnable fashion.
Metzger et al. [49] apply online learning to explore the adaptation space of self-adaptive systems
using feature models. The authors demonstrate a speedup in convergence of the online learning
19DLASeR website:
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Deep Learning for Effective and Efficient Reduction of Large Adaptation Spaces in Self-Adaptive Systems
process. The approach is centered on the adaptation of rules, whereas DLASeR+ is centered on
model-based self-adaptation. Furthermore, the work also looks at the evolution of the adaptation
space, while DLASeR+ only considers dynamics in the adaptation space (not its evolution).
Camara et al. [9] use reinforcement learning to select an adaptation pattern relying on two
long-short-term memory deep learning models. Similar to our work, these authors demonstrate
the benefits of integrating machine learning with runtime verification. However, the focus differs
in the type of goals considered (they only consider threshold goals) and the type of verification
used (they use runtime quantitative verification); that work also does not consider scalability.
Stevens et al. [66] present Thallium that exploits a combination of automated formal modeling
techniques to significantly reduce the number of states that need to be considered with each
adaptation decision. Thallium addresses the adaptation state explosion by applying utility bounds
analysis. The (current) solution operates on a Markov decision process that represents the structure
of the system itself, independent of the stochastic environment. The authors suggest future work in
combining learning-based approaches employed on the reduced adaptation space from Thallium.
8.2 Learning used for efficient decision-making
Kim et al. [41] present a reinforcement learning-based approach that enables a software system
to improve its behavior by learning the results of its behavior and dynamically changing its
plans under environmental changes. Compared to DLASeR+, the focus is on effective adaptation
decision-making, without considering guarantees or the scalability of the proposed approach.
Anaya et al. [3] present a framework for proactive adaptation that uses predictive models and
historical information to model the environment. These predictions are then fed to a reasoning
engine to improve the decision-making process. The authors show that their approach outperforms
a typical reactive system by evaluating different prediction models (classifiers). Whereas they focus
on leveraging proactive techniques to make decision-making more effective, our work focuses on
both the efficiency and effectiveness of adaptation space reduction to improve the decision-making.
Qian et al. [57] study goal-driven self-adaptation centered on case-based reasoning for storing
and retrieving adaptation rules. Depending on requirements violations and context changes, similar
cases are used and if they are not available, goal reasoning is applied. This way, the approach
realizes more precise adaptation decisions. The evaluation is done only for threshold goals and the
authors only provide some hints to scale up their solutions to large-sized systems. In our work, we
explicitly evaluate the effect of scaling up the adaptation space.
Nguyen Ho et al. [33] rely on model-based reinforcement learning to improve system perfor-
mance. By utilizing engineering knowledge, the system maintains a model of interaction with its
environment and predicts the consequence of its action. DLASeR+ relies on a different learning
techniques. Furthermore, we study the effect of scalability of the adaptation space, which is not
done in that paper.
8.3 Search-based techniques to explore large adaptation spaces
Cheng et al. [13] argue for three overarching techniques that are essential to address uncertainty
in software systems: model-based development, assurance, and dynamic adaptation. In relation
to the work presented in this paper, the authors argue for the application of search-based soft-
ware engineering techniques to model-based development, in particular, the use of evolutionary
algorithms to support an adaptive system to self-reconfigure safely. In [61], the authors propose
Hermes, a genetic algorithmic approach, that adapts the system efficiently in time. In [62], the
authors propose Plato, an approach that maps data monitored from the system or the environment
into genetic schemes and evolves the system by leveraging genetic algorithms. The main aim of
these approaches is ensuring safety under uncertainty in an efficient manner. In contrast, DLASeR+
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Danny Weyns, Omid Gheibi, Federico Quin, and Jeroen Van Der Donckt
is conceptually different, relying on deep learning to explicitly reduce large adaptation spaces,
providing explicit support for different types of adaptation goals.
Le Goues et al. [47] propose GenProg, an automated method for repairing defects in legacy
programs. GenProg relies on genetic programming to evolve a program variant that retains required
functionality but is not susceptible to a given defect, using existing test suites to encode both the
defect and required functionality. The focus of this work is on efficiently producing evolved
programs that repair a defect, without introducing substantial degradation in functionality. The
focus of DLASeR+ on the other hand is on reducing large adaptation spaces at architectural level
aiming to enhance the efficiency of the decision-making of self-adaptive systems that need to deal
with different types of quality properties.
Nair et al. [53] present FLASH that aims at efficiently finding good configurations of a software
system. FLASH sequentially explores the configuration space by reflecting on the configurations
evaluated so far to determine the next best configuration to explore. FLASH can solve both single-
objective and multi-objective optimization problems. Whereas FLASH assumes that the system is
stationary, DLASeR+ uses incremental learning to stay up to date during operation; i.e., DLASeR+
deals with dynamics in the environment at runtime.
Kinneer et al. [42] propose a planner based on genetic programming that reuses existing plans.
Their approach uses stochastic search to deal with unexpected adaptation strategies, specifically by
reusing or building upon prior knowledge. Their genetic programming planner is able to handle
very large search spaces. Similar to DLASeR+, the evaluation of this work considers efficiency and
effectiveness. However, the technique used is different focusing on planning and that work put
particular emphasis on reuse.
Chen et al. [12] present FEMOSAA, a framework that leverages a feature model and a multi-
objective evolutionary algorithm to optimize the decision-making of adaptation at runtime. The
authors show that FEMOSAA produces statistically better and more balanced results for tradeoff
with reasonable overhead compared to other search-based techniques. Compared to DLASeR+, the
authors use a different analysis technique and rely on feature models. The latter implies that the
approach relies on domain engineers to construct a feature model for the self-adaptive system.
In [16], Coker et al. use genetic programming planning and combine this with probabilistic model
checking to determine the fitness of plans for a set of quality properties. The proposed search-based
approach provides an integrated solution for guiding the decision-making of a self-adaptive system.
This approach requires a well-defined objective function. In contrast, DLASeR+ focuses on the
reduction of the adaptation space for different types of adaptation goals. With DLASeR+, different
types of decision-making mechanisms can be combined.
Pascual et al. [55] apply a genetic algorithm to generate automatically at runtime configurations
for adapting a system together with reconfiguration plans. The generated configurations are optimal
in terms of functionality taking into account the available resources (e.g. battery). Concretely, the
configurations are defined as variations of the application’s software architecture based on a
so called feature model. In contrast, DLASeR+ targets the reduction of large adaptation spaces
targeting quality properties of the system that are formulated as adaptation goals.
8.4 Approaches for efficient verification
Filieri et al. [23] present a mathematical framework for efficient run-time probabilistic model
checking. Before deployment, a set of symbolic expressions that represent satisfaction of the
requirements is pre-computed. At runtime, the verification step simply evaluates the formulae by
replacing the variables with the real values gathered by monitoring the system. By shifting the
cost of model analysis partially to design time, the approach enables more efficient verification
at runtime. In later work [24], the authors elaborate on this and explain how the mathematical
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Deep Learning for Effective and Efficient Reduction of Large Adaptation Spaces in Self-Adaptive Systems
framework supports reasoning about the effects of changes and can drive effective adaptation
strategies. Whereas DLASeR+ focuses on reducing the set of adaptation options during operation,
their work focuses on efficient runtime verification by offloading work before system deployment.
Gerasimou et al. [26] propose three techniques to speed up runtime quantitative verification,
namely caching, lookahead and nearly-optimal reconfiguration. The authors evaluate several
combinations of the techniques on various scenarios of self-adaptive systems. The focus of this
work is different from DLASeR+, but the proposed techniques are complementary and can perfectly
be integrated in our work.
Moreno et al. [51] present an approach for proactive latency-aware adaptation that relies on
stochastic dynamic programming to enable more efficient decision-making. Experimental results
show that this approach is close to an order of magnitude faster than runtime probabilistic model
checking to make adaptation decisions, while preserving the same effectiveness. Whereas our
approach focus on reducing the set of adaptation options to improve analysis, their work focuses
on fast verification; here too, a system may benefit from a combination of both approaches.
Goldsby et al. [31] and Zhang et al. [83] present AMOEBA-RT, a run-time approach that provides
assurance that dynamically adaptive systems satisfy their requirements. In AMOEBA-RT, an
adaptive program is instrumented with aspects that non-invasively collect state of the system
that can then be checked against a set of adaptation properties specified in A-LTL, an extended
linear temporal logic. At run-time, the instrumented code sends the collected state information to a
runtime model checking server that determines whether the state of the adaptive program satisfies
the adaptation properties. The focus of this work is on assuring properties using runtime model
checking. In contrast, DLASeR+ focuses on adaptation space reduction. AMOEBA-RT can be used
in tandem with DLASeR+ to enhance the efficiency of the decision-making process.
Junges et al. [39] present a runtime monitoring approach for partially observable systems with
non-deterministic and probabilistic dynamics. The approach is based on traces of observations
on models that combine non-determinism and probabilities. The authors propose a technique
called forward filtering to estimate the possible system states in partially observable settings along
with a pruning strategy to enhance its efficiency. Based on empirical results, the authors propose
a tractable algorithm based on model checking conditional reachability probabilities as a more
tractable alternative. In contrast, DLASeR+ focuses on the reduction of large adaptation spaces
of self-adaptive systems that are subject to uncertainties that can be expressed as parameters
of runtime models. Yet, DLASeR+ can be combined with the proposed approach to enhance the
performance of decision-making in self-adaptive systems.
In this paper, we studied the research question: “How to reduce large adaptation spaces and rank
adaptation options effectively and efficiently for self-adaptive systems with threshold, optimization,
and set-point goals?” To answer this question, we presented DLASeR+. DLASeR+ relies on an
integrated deep neural network architecture that shares knowledge of different adaptation goals.
The approach is flexible as the core layers can be easily extended with goal-specific heads. The
evaluation shows that DLASeR+ is an effective and efficient approach to reduce large adaptation
spaces, including for settings with large adaptation spaces. The approach realizes the threshold
and set-point goals for all the configurations we tested on the DeltaIoT artifact. Compared to the
theoretical optimal, we observe only a small tradeoff for the quality property of the optimization
goal. Yet this is a small cost for the dramatic improvement of adaptation time.
We are currently applying DLASeR+ to service-based systems, which will provide us insights in
the effectiveness of the approach beyond the domain of IoT. For these systems, we are studying the
reduction of adaptation spaces with sizes far beyond the adaptation spaces used in the evaluation
ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
Danny Weyns, Omid Gheibi, Federico Quin, and Jeroen Van Der Donckt
of this paper, posing more challenging learning problems to DLASeR+. We also plan to extend
DLASeR+ for multi-objective optimization goals. Beyond DLASeR+ and learning-based approaches,
we also plan to compare the approach with conceptually different approaches for improving the
analysis of large adaptation spaces (as discussed in related work) and perform a tradeoff analysis. In
the mid term, we plan to look into support for dynamically adding and removing adaptation goals.
We also plan to explore the use of machine learning in support of self-adaptation in decentralized
settings [59]. In the long term, we aim at investigating how we can define bounds on the guarantees
that can be achieved when combining formal analysis techniques, in particular runtime statistical
model checking, with machine learning, a starting point is [30].
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ACM Trans. Autonom. Adapt. Syst., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: April 2021.
ai_researcher | 2 | Unveiling_and_Consulting_Core_Experts_in_Retrieval-Augmented_MoE-based_LLMs.pdf | Unveiling and Consulting Core Experts in Retrieval-Augmented
MoE-based LLMs
Xin Zhou1*‡, Ping Nie2*, Yiwen Guo6†, Haojie Wei2, Zhanqiu Zhang2
Pasquale Minervini5, Ruotian Ma1, Tao Gui3,4†, Qi Zhang1,4†, Xuanjing Huang1,4
1School of Computer Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, China 2 LightSpeed Studios, Tencent
3 Institute of Modern Languages and Linguistics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
4 Key Laboratory of Intelligent Information Processing, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
5 School of Informatics and ELLIS, University of Edinburgh 6 Independent Researcher
{xzhou20, qz}
Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) signif-
icantly improved the ability of Large Language
Models (LLMs) to solve knowledge-intensive
tasks. While existing research seeks to enhance
RAG performance by retrieving higher-quality
documents or designing RAG-specific LLMs,
the internal mechanisms within LLMs that
contribute to the effectiveness of RAG systems
remain underexplored.
In this paper, we
aim to investigate these internal mechanisms
within the popular Mixture-of-Expert (MoE)-
based LLMs and demonstrate how to improve
RAG by examining expert activations in these
LLMs. Our controlled experiments reveal that
several core groups of experts are primarily
responsible for RAG-related behaviors. The
activation of these core experts can signify the
model’s inclination towards external/internal
knowledge and adjust its behavior. For instance,
we identify core experts that can (1) indicate the
sufficiency of the model’s internal knowledge,
(2) assess the quality of retrieved documents,
and (3) enhance the model’s ability to utilize
context. Based on these findings, we propose
several strategies to enhance RAG’s efficiency
and effectiveness through expert activation.
Experimental results across various datasets
and MoE-based LLMs show the effectiveness
of our method.
Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG, Lewis
et al., 2020; Gao et al., 2024; Ding et al., 2024)
has shown significant achievements in enhancing
Large Language Models (LLMs, Brown et al.,
2020; Chowdhery et al., 2023; Touvron et al.,
2023). By retrieving relevant documents from
∗Equal contribution.
†Corresponding authors.
‡Work done during the internship at Tencent LightSpeed
Figure 1: Three types of core experts identified in our
experiments and their applications in RAG scenarios.
Blue colors represent core experts, while solid lines
and ✓ indicate activated experts. Cognizant experts
indicate whether knowledge is sufficient; Quality
experts evaluate the quality of retrieval documents; In-
context experts enhance the LLM’s ability.
external knowledge bases and incorporating them
into the context, RAG allows LLMs to access
query-relevant and up-to-date information, thereby
improving their performance on a variety of
knowledge-intensive NLP tasks (Lozano et al.,
2023; Kang and Liu, 2023).
Despite these achievements, RAG faces many
challenges (Chen et al., 2024). For instance,
long retrieved documents introduce additional
inference cost (Xu et al., 2023), irrelevant or er-
roneous retrieved documents may lead to increased
hallucinations (Shi et al., 2023a; Mallen et al.,
2023), and LLMs might not effectively utilize
related information from context (Xie et al., 2023).
Although significant efforts have been made to
improve the quality of retrieved documents (Xie
et al., 2023; Wang et al., 2023) and train specialized
models for RAG (Asai et al., 2024; Lin et al., 2023),
there is limited research examining RAG from the
perspective of LLMs’ internal mechanisms.
In this paper, we aim at paying more attention
to the internal states of retrieval-augmented LLMs,
focusing on Mixture-of-Expert (MoE)-based LLMs
(Du et al., 2022; Jiang et al., 2024) whose
inner expert activations naturally reveal
internal states. Specifically, MoE-based LLMs
comprise a set of experts that are often activated
All In-context Experts areactivated, ability enhanced!Consulting Cognizant ExpertsIsknowledge sufficient?…………………………Mixture-of ExpertsConsulting Quality ExpertsIs document high-quality?Adjusting In-context Expertsto enhance model ability!No Cognizant Experts are activated, should retrieve!Most Quality Experts are activated, high-quality!✓✓✓………………………………Mixture-of Experts✓……✓✓…………………………✓……✓✓Mixture-of Experts✓✓
differently depending on the input context. We
believe that certain core experts within the models
play a vital role in managing specific types of
contexts and regulating model behaviors. As
a consequence, examining the function of these
experts in conjunction with RAG can enhance
our understanding of RAG’s benefits and provide
insights into how it can be further improved to
address the aforementioned challenges.
We present Contrastive Expert Activation In-
spection (CEAI), a simple but effective method
for inspecting internal mechanisms of MoE-based
LLMs. CEAI works by comparing the activation
of experts given contrastive contexts, which are
designed to induce opposite model behaviors.
As illustrated in Figure 1, CEAI helps dis-
cover three types of RAG-related experts that
exhibit unique activation patterns, namely cog-
nizant experts, quality experts, and in-context
experts. Identified by inspecting activations when
the MoE-based LLMs generate correct versus
incorrect answers, cognizant experts determine the
sufficiency of the model’s internal knowledge to
response to user queries on its own. Quality experts
and in-context experts, on the other hand, assess
the quality of retrieved documents and adjust the
model’s information utilization abilities from the
context, respectively.
Based on these findings, we propose a training-
free adaptive RAG method by investigating and
manipulating the activation of experts in MoE-
based LLMs. Specifically, we let the activation
of cognizant experts and quality experts serve as
indicators of unnecessary retrieval and low-quality
documents. By avoiding unnecessary retrieval and
filtering out low-quality documents, the efficiency
of RAG can be improved. We additionally enhance
the model’s ability to utilize contextual information
by adjusting the activation of in-context experts.
Moreover, we design data recipes and metrics
to enhance the comprehensiveness of adaptive
RAG evaluation. Experimental results across
various datasets show the advantages of our method.
Our codes are publicly available at https://
Our contribution can be summarized as follows:
• We propose CEAI, a method for detecting core
experts that manage specific context types and
model behaviors in MoE-based LLM.
• We explore the impact of specific experts
to the RAG process, discovering three types
of RAG-related experts. These experts help
determine knowledge sufficiency, assess the
quality of retrieved documents, and enhance
the model’s ability to utilize context, showing
potential for improving RAG.
• Based on our findings, we take explicit
advantage of these core experts to enhance
the effectiveness and adaptivity of RAG with
MoE-based LLMs. We verify the effec-
tiveness of our method with comprehensive
2 Method
2.1 Expert Activation in MoE
The MoE architecture replaces the Feed-Forward
Network (FFN) module with the MoE module
in each transformer layer. The MoE module
typically consists of a routing network and multiple
FFNs, each FFN module acting as an expert.
During LLM’s forward phase, the routing network
selectively feeds each token to the most appropriate
experts, and only the selected experts are activated
and contribute to the computation. The output
of the MoE module is the weighted sum of the
activated experts. Formally, given an MoE module
with N experts and an input token representation
h, the output of the MoE module in i-th layer is:
MoEi(h) =
where ei,j(h) is the output of the j-th expert in i-th
layer, and gi,j(h) is the gating value computed by
the routing network. Typically, each token activates
the top-k experts per layer, making the remaining
gi,j(h) zero. This indicates that those experts are
not suitable for the current context.
2.2 Contrastive Expert Activation Inspection
Since experts within the MoE are dynamically
activated according to the demand of the context,
we hypothesize that there are some core experts
primarily responsible for specific contexts and
model behaviors. To identify these core experts,
we propose a straightforward yet effective method,
Contrastive Expert Activation Inspection (CEAI),
which detects core experts by comparing the expert
activation frequency across contrastive scenarios.
An overview of CEAI is shown in Figure 2.
We define a scenario as a set of input prompts
Figure 2: An overview of our methods. To detect core experts, we use data from Pos and Neg scenarios to inspect
MoE-based LLMs, collecting experts that are frequently activated only in corresponding scenarios. By comparing
expert activation in contrastive scenarios, we identified core experts that are highly activated in specific scenarios.
The activation of these core experts can be used as classifiers to predict the scenario for new input.
that induce consistent model behavior. Contrastive
scenarios include a positive scenario and a negative
scenario, representing two types of input prompts
designed to elicit opposite model behaviors. For
example, a positive scenario can be that input
includes external documents, while a
negative scenario excludes external documents.
MoE LLMs require different abilities to handle
these two contrastive scenarios, thus activating
different experts to exhibit opposite behaviors. By
comparing the activation frequencies of experts,
we can exclude general experts that are activated
in both scenarios, thereby highlighting the core ex-
perts more likely to be activated in their respective
Given two dataset Dpos and Dneg representing
data from contrastive scenarios, let hi = f (X)
denote the input representation to the i-th layer
MoE module for input prompt X. We introduce
the concept of activation probability of the j-th
expert on the i-th layer for scenario pos as:
P pos
ei,j =
where I(gi,j(hi)) → {0, 1} indicates whether
expert ei,j is activated for the hi. We take the
last position of input prompt to calculate hi for all
experiments and show explanation in Appendix A.
We then introduce the contrastive activation
probabilities, which is the difference between acti-
vation probabilities in two contrastive scenarios:
∆Pi,j = P pos
ei,j − P neg
ei,j ,
where ∆Pi,j > 0 indicates a higher activation
probability for expert ei,j in the pos scenario
compared to the neg scenario, suggesting that this
expert is more responsible for the pos scenario. A
negative ∆Pi,j suggests the opposite.
Expert Activation Pattern for Classification
We can use expert activation as a classifier to
predict the type of scenarios, thereby determining
the act of model for improving RAG. For example,
if the expert activation can predict the internal
knowledge of the model is sufficient for the current
query, we can avoid unnecessary retrieval and
enhance the efficiency of RAG. For this aim, we
introduce a Scenario Score for classifying the
scenarios based on the activation of core experts.
Given contrastive activation probabilities obtained
from Equation 3, the scenario score of any input is
calculated as:
Scenario Score =
∆Pi,j ·I(gi,j(hi)), (4)
where L is the number of layers, N is the number
of experts per layer, and I(gi,j(hi)) is the indicator
function same to Equation 2. A positive scenario
score indicates a higher inclination towards the
positive scenario, while a negative score indicates
a tendency towards the negative scenario. This
method has several variations. For instance, we can
limit the calculation to the top and bottom items in
∆P, or perform a weighted summation using the
values of ei,j and gi,j(hi). These variations allow
for more flexible and refined scenario predictions.
Inspecting Core Experts for RAG
In this section, we employ CEAI to inspect expert
activation and discover three types of core experts
to address RAG challenges. In §3.2, we discover
cognizant experts that indicate the sufficiency of
Data From Scenario Pos Data From Scenario Neg 0.970.02……0.940.780.13…………Experts Activation Probability0.99…0.020.99……0.940.120.73…………Experts Activation Probability0.99…0.95-0.97……0.000.66-0.60…………Contrastive Expert Activation0.00…Detecting Core Expertsvia Contrastive Expert ActivationCore Expert Activation as Classifier< Input >✓……✓✓…………Experts Activation of Input✓…0.99✓……✓✓…………Scenario ScoreCalculation✓…−Core ExpertFor Scenario PosGeneral ExpertCore ExpertFor Scenario Neg< Scenario Pos >Figure 3: The visualization results of the cognizant expert. Each value represents the contrastive activation
probability of the expert, with deeper colors indicating the higher absolute value of activation probability.
the model’s internal knowledge, which can enhance
RAG by avoiding unnecessary retrievals. §3.3
covers quality experts that can filter low-quality
retrieved documents; In §3.4, we show in-context
experts that enhance the model’s ability to utilize
contextual information from retrieved documents.
3.1 Experimental Settings
We use Mixtral-8x7B-instruct-v0.1 and Mixtral-
8x22B-instruct-v0.1 (Jiang et al., 2024) in our
experiments, as they stand out as widely used
open-source MoE-based LLMs (Xue et al., 2024;
Bai et al., 2024). Our investigation is mainly
conducted on question-answering datasets includ-
ing PopQA (Mallen et al., 2023) and RGBqa
(Chen et al., 2024), which are commonly utilized
for RAG analysis. We randomly select 1,000
samples from the PopQA and use the entire
English subset of RGBqa with 300 samples. For
retrievers, both PopQA and RGBqa have released
their retrieved question-related documents, thus we
directly use these officially retrieved documents
in our experiments. We instruct the model to
directly generate answers and apply CEAI at the
first generated token. Greedy decoding is used
for all experiments for reproducibility. Due to
space constraints, we only introduce the main
experimental results, and additional experimental
results (e.g., other MoE-based LLMs) and more
experimental details are provided in Appendix B.
3.2 Cognizant Experts
Always retrieving external documents is not the
optimal solution for RAG (Chen et al., 2024). The
retrieved documents introduce additional inference
cost, and low-quality retrieved documents can
even mislead the LLMs (Shi et al., 2023a). A
more reasonable strategy is to retrieve only when
the internal knowledge LLM is insufficient to
answer the given question (Asai et al., 2024). We
hypothesize that expert activation can indicate
whether LLM’s internal knowledge is sufficient.
In this subsection, we discover these cognizant
experts with CEAI.
Setup. We start by defining the contrastive
scenarios for knowledge sufficiency. For each
sample in the RAG dataset, we input only the
question to the LLM and get a response. A
positive scenario is that response contains the
correct answer, which indicates LLM’s knowledge
is sufficient for this question. Dpos consists of these
answerable data. Response without the correct
answer is regarded as the negative scenario. Dneg
consists of unanswerable data. The intuition behind
our method is that certain experts specialize in
specific types of knowledge and are frequently
activated given knowledge-related questions. If
the model lacks such knowledge and often answers
incorrectly, the frequently activated experts in this
scenario indicate model’s knowledge is insufficient.
We show the additional experimental details of
cognizant experts in Appendix C.
Empirical Findings. By applying CEAI to
the Dpos (model answers correctly) and Dneg
(model answers incorrectly), we get the contrastive
activation probability for the cognizant expert and
visualize it in Figure 3. We can observe that: (1)
there exists a clear distinction between the expert
activation probabilities in both answerable and
unanswerable scenarios. Such experts are widely
present in all data and models, demonstrating the
existence of cognizant experts. (2) The cognizant
experts differ across datasets. We speculate that
each dataset requires different types of knowledge,
which are possessed by different experts, resulting
in diverse activation of cognizant experts. This
may help uncover the knowledge distribution
01234567Expert Index024681012141618202224262830Layer Index0.010.00- (Mixtral-8x7B)01234567Expert Index024681012141618202224262830323436384042444648505254Layer Index0. (Mixtral-8x22B)01234567Expert Index024681012141618202224262830Layer Index0.010.00- (Mixtral-8x7B)01234567Expert Index024681012141618202224262830323436384042444648505254Layer Index0. (Mixtral-8x22B) 4: The visualization of the quality expert. Each value represents the contrastive activation probability of the
expert, with deeper colors indicating the higher absolute value of activation probability.
Random Guess
Knowledge (50-Shot)
Knowledge (Full-Set)
Random Guess
Knowledge (50-Shot)
Knowledge (Full-Set)
Table 1: F1-Score of predicting the sufficiency of LLM’s
knowledge. Bold numbers are the best performance.
patterns hidden in various tasks and scenarios. (3)
For the larger model Mixtral-8x22B, the value
of contrastive activation probability is generally
higher compared to Mixtral-8x7B. One possible
explanation is that the limited number of experts
in smaller models forces each expert to share a
wider range of knowledge and abilities during pre-
training. Conversely, larger models have more
experts, allowing for more distinct specialization.
Analyses. If our identified cognizant experts
are indeed responsible for knowledge sufficiency,
their activation should be able to predict whether
the model can answer a question correctly. To
test this hypothesis, we calculate a scenario score
using the identified cognizant experts, which can
predict if the model’s knowledge is sufficient
to answer the given question. We utilize the
full set and randomly selected 50-shot subset
to identify and search for the best cognizant
experts, comparing them with a random guess
baseline. Due to the imbalance between knowledge
insufficiency and sufficiency data, we choose the
F1-Score as the evaluation metric. The results in
Table 1 show that, across all settings, cognizant
experts outperform random guessing in predicting
scenarios. Using the full set to identify cognizant
experts leads to the best performance, while 50-
shot also achieves impressive performance despite
being a small fraction of the full set. With only
the 50-shot, the Mixtral-8x7B achieves an absolute
improvement of 13.86 percent over the random
guessing baseline on the PopQA dataset. This
highlights the strong generalization capability of
cognizant experts. Overall, these findings support
the existence of the cognizant expert and show its
potential to avoid unnecessary retrieval to enhance
the efficiency of RAG.
3.3 Quality Experts
A reason why retrieved documents are not always
beneficial is that low-quality retrieved documents
can mislead LLMs (Shi et al., 2023a). This moti-
vates us to explore whether the expert activation
can evaluate the quality of documents.
Setup. We define the positive scenario as
contexts containing high-quality documents and
the negative scenario as contexts containing low-
quality documents. Following Chen et al. (2024),
high-quality documents are those that contain the
correct answer, while low-quality documents do
not. Low-quality documents are further divided
into two categories: Distracting documents, which
are related to the question but lack the correct
answer, and Unrelated documents, which are not
related to the question at all. We use RGBqa
to construct the contrastive dataset as it offers
retrieved documents with different qualities that
satisfy our requirements. The construction process
and additional details are presented in Appendix D.
Empirical Findings. Based on the results visu-
alized in Figure 4, we observe distinct differences
in expert activation between contexts containing
high-quality versus low-quality documents. Such
differences increase as document quality decreases,
further confirming the impact of retrieved doc-
ument quality on expert activation. Moreover,
the activation differences become more evident as
the model scale increases, a trend similar to that
01234567Expert Index024681012141618202224262830Layer Index0.080.00- (Mixtral-8x7B)01234567Expert Index024681012141618202224262830323436384042444648505254Layer Index0. (Mixtral-8x22B)01234567Expert Index024681012141618202224262830Layer Index0.100.00- (Mixtral-8x7B)01234567Expert Index024681012141618202224262830323436384042444648505254Layer Index0. (Mixtral-8x22B) 5: The visualization results of the in-context expert. Each value represents the contrastive activation
probability of the expert, with deeper colors indicating the higher absolute value of activation probability.
Distracting Unrelated
Expert Type PopQA RGBqa
Random Guess
Quality (50-Shot)
Quality (Full-Set)
Random Guess
Quality (50-Shot)
Quality (Full-Set)
No Adjustment
Enhancement ↑
Inhibition ↓
Table 2: Accuracy of predicting the quality of retrieved
documents. Bold numbers are the best performance.
observed with cognizant experts. These findings
validate the existence of quality experts.
Analyses. To further investigate the effective-
ness of quality experts, we use scenario scores
to predict the quality of retrieved documents.
By combining Dpos and Dneg, we construct
the verification dataset that includes both high-
quality and low-quality retrieved documents. Two
datasets, Unrelated and Distracting, are created
with different levels of low-quality documents. The
experimental results in Table 2 demonstrate the
effectiveness of quality experts in distinguishing
the quality of retrieved documents. We observe that
the quality expert consistently outperforms random
guessing across both model scales and datasets. On
Mixtral-8x22B, full-set quality expert achieves a
remarkable 93% accuracy on the Unrelated dataset
and a respectable 75.33% on the Distracting dataset.
The 50-shot also achieves impressive performance,
only slightly lower than the full-set. Similar to the
observations made with cognizant experts, we find
that the larger the difference in expert activation,
the better the performance of the quality expert.
In-context Experts
The ability to leverage contextual information is
crucial for RAG (Shi et al., 2023b). Yet, LLMs may
struggle to effectively extract information from
context, even though the context includes high-
(Xie et al., 2023).
quality retrieved documents.
Table 3: Results of adjusting the activation of experts in
Mixtral-8x7B. ↑ indicates that high values are desirable.
↓ indicates that low values are desirable.
This motivates us to identify in-context experts that
can enhance the LLM’s ability to utilize context.
Intuitively, contrastive scenarios for
using contextual information can be constructed
by including or excluding the retrieved documents
in context. We view the data that consists of
a question paired with retrieved documents as
Dpos, whereas data that includes only the question
without retrieved documents as Dneg. To avoid
potential bias from text length, we pad the texts in
Dneg to match the length of those in Dpos. We show
in-context experts’ detailed experimental setups for
empirical findings and analyses in Appendix E.
Empirical Findings. Figure 5 reveals distinct
differences in expert activation between scenarios
where the context includes or excludes retrieved
documents, validating the existence of in-context
experts. Additionally, we find a subset of experts
is frequently activated across all datasets, which
suggests presence of universal in-context experts.
Analyses. We validate the effectiveness of in-
context experts on RAG tasks. Guided by the
contrastive activation probability ∆P of in-context
experts, we control the activation of experts during
the model’s forward pass, adjusting its ability to
use the information in context. To enhance this
ability, we enforce the activation of experts with
high ∆P values and increase their weight, while
preventing the activation of experts with low values.
01234567Expert Index024681012141618202224262830Layer Index-0.020.00- (Mixtral-8x7B)01234567Expert Index024681012141618202224262830323436384042444648505254Layer Index0. (Mixtral-8x22B)01234567Expert Index024681012141618202224262830Layer Index0.060.00- (Mixtral-8x7B)01234567Expert Index024681012141618202224262830323436384042444648505254Layer Index0. (Mixtral-8x22B)0.750.500., we do not increase the number of
activated experts, each MoE module still activates
the default number of experts. From the results in
Table 3, we can observe that enhancing in-context
experts improves the performance of RAG while
inhibiting them leads to performance degradation.
Given the complexity of the LLM’s internal
mechanisms, the activation of in-context experts
can only play a limited role and cannot substantially
control the model’s behavior, which is within our
expectations. Interestingly, random experts seem
to be more effective in inhibiting model abilities
compared to in-context experts, resulting in lower
task performance. However, enhancing random
experts does not lead to performance improvement,
while enhancing in-context experts does. We
hypothesize that this is because random experts
do not intentionally control the target ability, but
instead inhibit some general experts that are crucial
to the general ability. In Appendix E, we show the
experimental details and further demonstrate that
inhibiting general experts that highly activated in
any scenario (but ignored by in-context experts
due to contrast operation) causes more severe
performance degradation than random experts.
4 Application on Adaptive RAG
Recent research has increasingly focused on
Adaptive RAG (ARAG), which reduces retrieval
cost and enhances RAG performance by enabling
retrieval only when necessary (Wang et al., 2023;
Asai et al., 2024). Given the considerable role
our identified experts fulfill in such scenarios, it
is intuitive to use them to improve RAG. In this
section, we first introduce our method in §4.1,
followed by the experimental setup in §4.2. Finally,
we show the effectiveness of our method in §4.3.
4.1 Enhancing RAG via Expert Activation
We introduce Expert-RAG, which utilizes three
discovered experts to improve the effectiveness
and adaptivity of RAG. Expert-RAG involves the
following steps: (1) Knowledge Judgment: Given
a question, we first input it to LLM and collect
the activation of experts during the forward phase.
Then we utilize cognizant experts to calculate the
scenario score to predict whether knowledge is
sufficient based on the expert activation of the
given question. Retrieval is only enabled when the
cognizant experts predict that the model’s internal
knowledge is insufficient. (2) Quality Filter: Once
documents are retrieved, we input the question
with retrieved documents to LLM and use the
quality expert to predict the quality of documents.
Only high-quality documents are used for further
processing. (3) Retrieval Enhancement: With
high-quality retrieved documents in context, we
adjust the in-context experts to boost the model’s
ability to use context. Our method only requires
a few data to identify the above experts, which is
training-free and easy to implement.
4.2 Experimental Setup
We first highlight the limitations of the current
ARAG evaluation and then describe our main
experimental setup. Additional details about data
composition, metrics, prompts and hyperparame-
ters are provided in Appendix F.
RAG Evaluation. Most RAG datasets fail
to effectively reflect the advantages of ARAG,
as always retrieving documents often yields the
best task performance on these data. Using only
task performance as the evaluation metric cannot
reflect the efficiency advantages of ARAG, and
the retrieved documents can also be harmful in
real-world applications. To address these issues,
we propose evaluation metrics and data recipes to
make ARAG evaluation more comprehensive.
For task performance, we follow
previous work (Shi et al., 2023b; Asai et al., 2024)
and use Accuracy (Acc) as the task performance
metric for all datasets. We mark a prediction as
correct if any substring of the prediction exactly
matches any of the gold answers. Additionally,
we use Retrieval Score (R-Score) to evaluate the
necessity of retrieval and R-Token to evaluate
the additional inference cost introduced by RAG.
We consider the R-Score measures the accuracy
between the model’s actual retrieval requirements
and the ARAG method’s retrieval predictions. R-
Token represents the token length of the retrieved
documents used for the generation, which re-
lies solely on the retrieved documents and the
tokenizer, allowing comparisons across devices
and platforms. These two metrics allow us to
evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of ARAG
Dataset. We follow previous RAG work (Chen
et al., 2024; Asai et al., 2024) and select commonly
used QA datasets for evaluation, including PopQA
(Mallen et al., 2023), RGBqa (Chen et al., 2024),
and PubHealth (Asai et al., 2024). To better
demonstrate the effectiveness of ARAG, we de-
Acc ↑ R-Score ↑ R-Token ↓
Acc ↑ R-Score ↑ R-Token ↓
Acc ↑ R-Score ↑ R-Token ↓
Acc ↑ R-Score ↑ R-Token ↓
Always RAG
Random RAG 53.69
w/ C
w/ C&Q
w/ C&Q&R
Table 4: Overall experiment results on RAG datasets. Bold numbers indicate the best-desired performance among
RAG baselines. ↑ means higher is better and ↓ means lower is better. Acc is the Accuracy (task performance); R-
Token is the token number of retrieved documents (inference cost). R-Score is the retrieval score. For Expert-RAG,
C is cognizant expert, Q is quality expert and R is in-context expert. w/ C&Q&R means using all three experts.
signed a data recipe called BalanceQA. BalanceQA
consists of 50% questions that the model can
answer correctly and 50% that it cannot without
RAG. For each question type, half is provided high-
quality retrieved documents that make LLM answer
correctly, while the other half is provided low-
quality documents that lead to incorrect answers.
This setup is designed to simulate real-world
scenarios where retrieved documents may provide
misleading information. With this recipe, no
retrieval, always retrieval, and random retrieval
methods would achieve an Acc and R-Score of
50%, and an effective ARAG method would
surpass 50% for both metrics. Any data meeting
the requirements can be used to construct this data
recipe and improve the ARAG evaluation. We
use PubHealth, RGBqa, and PopQA to construct
BalanceQA in our experiments.
Baselines. Our experiments are conducted on
the Mixtral series. We present the results of the
Mixtral-8x7B-instruct-v0.1 in §4.3. We compare
Expert-RAG with three baselines: No RAG does
not provide retrieved documents in context; Always
RAG consistently provides retrieved documents
in the context; Random RAG randomly provides
retrieved documents in the context with a prob-
ability of 50%. Additionally, we also conduct
experiments on other baselines, datasets and LLMs,
with detailed results presented in Appendix F for
clearer illustration.
4.3 Results
Table 4 presents the main results of our exper-
iments. We can observe that (1) Always RAG
consistently improves task performance across
nearly all datasets, except BalanceQA. However,
the R-Score and R-Token reveal that there are
many unnecessary retrievals required by Always
RAG, which introduce additional costs.
contrast, our proposed Expert-RAG consistently
achieves competitive performance with reduced
retrieved tokens compared to the Always RAG
across all datasets. We even outperform Always
RAG on RGBqa, PubHealth, and BalanceQA.
This is because we cannot guarantee that the
retrieved documents always contain information
beneficial to the current question. Always using
retrieved documents may interfere LLM’s internal
knowledge, leading to performance degradation.
(2) BalanceQA introduces “risk” into retrieval,
which prevents heuristic methods like No RAG and
Always RAG from achieving optimal performance,
thereby highlighting the advantages of ARAG. Our
method achieves a 9% improvement on the Acc
score and a 14.7% improvement on R-Score on
BalanceQA, demonstrating its effectiveness as an
(3) As the core of ARAG, the
ARAG method.
cognizant expert brings the most improvements
across all datasets. The quality expert can mitigate
negative impact of frequently retrieved low-quality
documents, while in-context experts are beneficial
when contextual information is reliable. Overall,
these results confirm the effectiveness of our metric
and data recipe and show that it is practical to
enhance RAG with expert activation.
5 Related Work
Mixture-of-Experts By replacing the dense FFN
layer with dynamically activated experts (Jacobs
et al., 1991), MoE greatly enhances model perfor-
mance without increasing the number of activated
parameters and thus is widely used in LLMs
(Shazeer et al., 2016; Du et al., 2022; Jiang
et al., 2024; DeepSeek-AI et al., 2024). As core
mechanisms of MoE, the routing network activates
the appropriate experts based on different input
representations and scenario demands, thereby
influencing model behavior (Zhou et al., 2022; Chi
et al., 2022). This inspire us that expert activation
can indicate scenario and adjust model behavior.
Retrieval-augmented LLM In complex real-
world applications, knowledge within LLMs’ pa-
rameters (Brown et al., 2020; Touvron et al., 2023;
Jiang et al., 2024) is usually insufficient or out-of-
date, leading to hallucinations (Cao et al., 2020; Ji
et al., 2023; Xu et al., 2024). To mitigate this issue,
retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) enhances
the LLM’s input by retrieving query-relevant
documents, offering external knowledge to improve
the reliability of responses (Guu et al., 2020;
Borgeaud et al., 2022; Ren et al., 2023). However,
RAG still faces many challenges (Gao et al., 2024;
Chen et al., 2024), such as the inference costs
due to the lengthy retrieved documents (Xu et al.,
2023), information interference from low-quality
retrieved documents (Shi et al., 2023a), and the
model’s mistrust of the retrieved documents (Xie
et al., 2023; Yu et al., 2023). To address these
problems, some works focus on improving retriever
quality (Pan et al., 2024; Ke et al., 2024) or refining
the retrieved documents (Xie et al., 2023; Wang
et al., 2023). Other works focus on training RAG-
specific models (Lin et al., 2023), which require
high training costs. Unlike these methods that
improve RAG from an external perspective, we
investigate the impact of internal expert activation
within MoE-based LLM in various RAG scenarios
and provide a low-cost adaptive RAG solution.
6 Conclusion
In this paper, we explore the impact of expert
activation within MoE-based LLMs in the context
of RAG. We introduce CEAI, a method that
compares differences of expert activation frequency
in contrasting scenarios to identify core experts
responsible for specific scenarios. We identify
three types of core experts for RAG: cognizant
experts, quality experts, and in-context experts.
We further demonstrate how the activation of core
experts can predict scenarios and enhance model
behaviors. Building on these insights, we propose
an expert-based adaptive RAG method and several
methods for comprehensive ARAG evaluation. Our
experiments across multiple datasets confirmed
the effectiveness of enhancing RAG via expert
The limitations of this work are: (1) The focus
of this work is the impact of expert activation in
MoE-based LLM on RAG. Given that all activated
experts can be regarded as a natural subnetwork,
there may also be such a subnetwork in a dense
network. However, unlike MoE models, dense
models do not have naturally activated experts that
allow us to find such subnetworks directly. Since
we focus on the expert activation in MoE-based
LLM, the dense model is beyond the scope of this
paper, and we leave this direction for future work.
(2) Our experiments are conducted on instruction-
tuned MoE-based LLMs. We did not evaluate
the base model without instruction fine-tuning or
models specifically designed for RAG. Despite
this, our experiments included models of various
scales, and we identified the same core experts in
Qwen models with different MoE architectures and
training methods. This finding suggests that the
three types of experts we discovered are universally
present and that our approach is generalizable.
The authors wish to thank the anonymous reviewers
for their helpful comments. This work was partially
funded by National Natural Science Founda-
tion of China (No.62076069,62206057,61976056),
Shanghai Rising-Star Program (23QA1400200),
and Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai
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A Additional Details of CEAI
In our experiments, CEAI is applied to the last
token of the input sequence.
This position
is also the position for generating the first to-
ken. Implementing CEAI in this position avoids
the computationally intensive generation process,
thereby enhancing the efficiency of RAG systems.
Our method leverages expert activations to make
critical decisions during the retrieval process, such
as whether to retrieve documents and how to utilize
the retrieved information. Therefore, applying
CEAI before the generating phase can avoid
generating all the responses and improve efficiency.
B Additional Details of Detecting Core
B.1 General Experimental Settings
This section details the experimental settings for
identifying core experts on different scenarios.
Models We use Mixtral-8x7B-instruct-v0.1,
Mixtral-8x22B-instruct-v0.1 (Jiang et al., 2024),
and Qwen1.5-MoE-A2.7B-Chat (Bai et al., 2023)
in our experiments. Mixtral-8x7B consists of
32 layers; each layer contains 8 experts, and
by default, only two experts are activated per
layer. Mixtral-8x22B consists of 56 layers,
maintaining the same configuration of 8 experts
per layer and activating two experts by default.
QWEN1.5-A2.7B comprises 24 layers, with each
layer having 4 always-activated shared experts
and 60 dynamic experts, out of which 4 are
activated by default. For all experiments, we
utilized the default configurations of the above
models. During generation, we employed greedy
decoding to improve reproducibility.
models were implemented using the Huggingface
framework. All experiments were conducted on
Retrieved Documents For PopQA1 and RG-
Bqa2, we use the officially provided retrieved docu-
ments. In PopQA, each question was accompanied
by five retrieved documents in the context.
RGBqa, the type and quantity of documents vary
according to the specific experimental conditions
we detailed in relevant sections. For PubHealth,
following (Asai et al., 2024), we use Contriever-
MS MARCO to retrieve the top five documents
from Wikipedia, utilizing the official Wikipedia
embeddings based on the 2018 English Wikipedia.
Prompts Following previous work (Asai et al.,
2024), we instruct the LLMs to directly generate
answers. This also benefits CEAI, as CEAI is
applied at the position of the first generated token.
The prompts for different tasks are shown in Table
6 and are used consistently across all experiments.
In scenarios where contexts do not contain retrieved
documents, such as identifying cognizant experts,
we filled the {retrieved document} placeholder
with “No paragraph available.” Additionally, after
applying the chat template to the prompt, we
appended "The answer is: " to further ensure that
the first generated token is the answer.
Evaluation Metric For the RAG task, we use
Exact Match as the performance metric. We
lowercase both the LLM outputs and the answers
and check if the correct answer exactly matches any
part of the model’s output. We use the accuracy
between the core expert’s prediction and the real
scenario to measure the scenario prediction.
Variant of Scenario Score As discussed in §2.2,
we explore various methods to compute scenario
scores, treating these methods as hyperparameters
for enhanced scenario prediction accuracy. We
search these hyperparameters for all experiments
and report the best performance. For each dataset,
we select and retain only the Top-k and Bottom-k
experts based on contrastive activation probability
∆P. These experts are identified as core experts
for specific scenarios. Furthermore, we can use the
contrastive probability of core expert Pei,j and the
expert activation probability of the current input
gi,j as the weights to calculate the score. We
can also utilize the activation without any weights
to cacluate score, such as (cid:80)L
I1(Pei,j ) ·
I2(gi,j(x)), where I1(Pei,j ) → {0, 1} means ei,j is
the selected core experts and I2(gi,j(x)) → {0, 1}
means ei,j is activated for current input.
B.2 Results of Qwen
As mentioned in §3, we also conduct experiments
on Qwen1.5-MoE-A2.7B-Chat model. This model
has fewer parameters but more experts than the
Mixtral series, featuring 60 dynamically activated
experts. Given the extensive number of experts,
comprehensive visualization of the results within
the main text is impractical. Therefore, we present
the visualization of Qwen’s core experts here. The
visualization of cognizant expert activations is
shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7. Visualizations
for quality experts are displayed in Figure 8 and
Figure 9. The in-context expert visualizations are
also shown in Figure 10 and Figure 11.
To assess the effectiveness of the various expert
groups within the Qwen model, we also conduct
experiments to evaluate whether these experts can
be used to predict scenarios. The results are
shown in Table 5. Despite the large number
Knowledge Expert
Random Guess
Irrelevant Unrelated
Quality Expert
Random Guess
Full Set
Table 5: Results of Qwen1.5-MoE-A2.7B-Chat’s
scenarios prediction.
of experts and distinct MoE architecture,
expert activation patterns in QWEN are also
similar to the Mixtral series. Specifically, the
following observations were made:
there are
different expert activations in contrastive scenarios,
activation of core experts can be used to predict
scenarios, and more evident difference leads to
The phenomena
higher prediction accuracy.
described above have also been similarly observed
among various core experts in the Mixtral series
models. This observation underscores the ubiquity
of core experts within models structured around
MoE-based LLM, irrespective of their specific
architectures. Furthermore, these findings imply a
robust generalizability of our proposed method.
C Additional Details of Cognizant
In this subsection, we provide a detailed description
of using cognizant experts to predict whether the
model’s internal knowledge is sufficient.
Dataset Given a RAG dataset D, we first divide
it into Dpos containing data points where the model
answers correctly, and Dneg consisting of data
points where the model answers incorrectly. In our
experiments, Full-Set is the combination of Dpos
and Dneg and we use Full-Set as the evaluation data.
To show the generalizability of cognizant experts,
we also propose using 50-Shot, which consists of
50 samples randomly selected from the full set.
Method Cognizant experts are identified through
the Contrastive Expert Activation Inspection
(CEAI). First, based on Equation 2, we use
Full-Set or 50-Shot to calculate the contrastive
activation probabilities ∆P ∈ RL×N for cognizant
experts, where L is the number of LLM’s layers
and N is the number of experts per layer. With
∆P, we query LLM and get each sample’s
activation of an expert during LLMs’ forward
phase. The activation of experts allows us to
compute a scenario score for each sample using
Equation 4. A positive scenario score indicates
that the model’s internal knowledge is sufficient
indicating no external
for the given question,
information is needed. Conversely, a negative score
suggests knowledge is insufficient, necessitating
external information. We only keep the Top-K and
Bottom-K items in ∆P to calculate the scenario
score, Top-K and Bottom-K are hyperparameters
that we search from 1 to 20 to find the optimal
Evaluation For the golden label of each sample,
we consider questions that the model answers cor-
rectly as knowledge sufficiency and the questions
that the model answers incorrectly as knowledge
insufficiency. The metric is the F1 score between
the prediction of scenario scores and the prediction
of the model’s real response. We use the F1 score
because the data of knowledge sufficiency and
knowledge insufficiency may be imbalanced, F1
score can provide a more fair comparison. For 50-
shot, we run experiments on five different seeds
and reported the average metrics.
Baselines We use Random Guess as a baseline
for comparison, Random Guess randomly predicts
the current scenario as either knowledge sufficiency
or knowledge insufficiency with a 50% probability.
For Random Guess, we run experiments on five
different seeds and reported the average metrics.
D Additional Details of Quality Experts
In this subsection, we present a detailed method-
ology for employing quality experts to assess the
quality of retrieved documents.
Given a RAG dataset D, we construct the Dpos
by associating each question in D with high-quality
documents that contain the correct answers. On the
contrary, we provide low-quality documents for
each question in D to construct Dneg. Low-quality
documents are further divided into two categories:
Distracting and Unrelated. To get documents of
different qualities, we can use exact matching and
the similarity between questions and documents.
Specifically, we can retrieve documents from
the external knowledge base, and select Top-k
documents based on the similarity between these
documents and questions. Then, we can search for
documents that contain answers, these documents
are considered high-quality. Documents that do not
Prompt for PopQA and RGBqa:
Please answer the question based on the provided context and your own knowledge. Only
include the answer in your response without any note or explanation, and try to be concise. Here
is an example to help you know the format. #### Example Question: What holiday-themed
Pop-Tart flavor does Pop-Tarts playfully suggest on their Instagram, eliciting mixed reactions?
The answer is: Gingerbread. #### Example End Paragraph: {retrieved document} Question:
Prompt for PubHealth:
Please answer the statement is correct or not based on the provided paragraph and your own
knowledge. Say true if it’s correct; otherwise say false. Only include the answer in your
response without any note or explanation, and try to be concise. Paragraph: {retrieved document}
Statement: {question}
Table 6: Prompts for different datasets. {retrieved document} and {question} will be replaced with actual contents
according to data.
contain answers but have high similarity between
questions are considered Distracting documents.
Documents that do not contain answers and have
low similarity between questions are considered
Unrelated documents. RGBqa officially provides
high-quality documents and Distracting documents.
We use the retrieved for other questions as the
Unrelated documents for this dataset.
Once we build the Dpos and Dneg, we can
calculate the scenario score and predict the scenario
for the given inputs. We also consider Dpos and
Dneg as a full set and we randomly select 50
samples to construct 50-shot. We also use Random
Guess as a baseline for comparison, Random Guess
randomly predicts the current scenario as either the
high-quality retrieved document or the low-quality
retrieved document with a 50% probability. For
Random Guess and 50-shot, we run experiments
on five different seeds and reported the average
metrics. The detailed steps of calculating the score
are similar to cognizant experts, which can be
referred to in §2.2 and Appendix C.
E Additional Details of In-context
Dataset Given a RAG dataset D, we construct
Dpos by providing the retrieved documents for each
sample in D, and construct Dneg by not providing
any retrieved documents. Data in Dneg use the same
prompt as Dpos, which is shown in Appendix B. To
mitigate bias introduced by varying text lengths, we
pad samples in Dneg to match the length of Dpos.
For RGBqa, we use three high-quality retrieved
documents. For PopQA, we use five retrieved
documents with high similarity between questions.
Method As discussed in §3.4, we enhance the
model’s ability to utilize contextual information by
manipulating expert activation within the model.
Here we show the detailed steps of adjusting the
model ability. After obtaining the contrastive
activation probabilities for in-context experts, we
select the Top-k and the Bottom-k experts, which
can be the core experts for using and not using
contextual information. We search Top-k and
the Bottom-k from [10,20,30,40,50] and report
the best-desired performance. To enhance the
ability to utilize context, we enhance the selected
Top-k (contextual) experts and inhibit the selected
Bottom-k (internal) experts. As mentioned in §2.1,
the output of the MoE module is the sum of experts,
which means increasing the weights of certain
experts can improve their importance for output.
As a result, for the Top-k expert, we force them to
activate and increase their activation weights. For
bottom-k experts, we force them not to be activated
to reduce their influence on model output. Note
that we do not increase the number of activated
experts, each layer still activates the default number
of experts. In our experiments, we set the weight
of enhanced expert as 0.8 (the sum of the weights
is 1) to empower its importance. If all activated
experts are selected core experts, we set the weights
of these experts equal. For example, if the model
activates Top-2 experts and we want to enhance two
experts in this layer, we set the weights of these
experts equally as 0.5. For each input, we control
the expert activation from generating the first token
until the generation is complete.
R-Score R-Token
R-Score R-Token
Always RAG
Random RAG 68.99
w/ C
w/ C&Q
w/ C&Q&R
R-Score R-Token
R-Score R-Token
Table 7: Overall experiment results of Mixtral-8x22B on four datasets. Bold numbers indicate the best performance
among RAG baselines. Acc is the Accuracy (task performance); R-Token is the token number of retrieved documents
(inference cost). R-Score is the retrieval accuracy. For Expert-RAG, C means cognizant expert, Q means quality
expert and R means in-context expert. w/ C&Q&R means using all three experts.
F Additional Details of RAG Application
General Settings For PopQA, we utilize the
same subset as described in §3, comprising 1,000
randomly selected samples.
For RGBqa, we
create the RGBqamix, which consists of two types
of data, one with three high-quality documents
and another with three distracting low-quality
documents, containing 600 samples in total. We
use the full set of PubHealth, which contains
987 samples. For BalanceQA, we use PopQA,
RGBqamix, and PubHealth to query LLM and
obtain various data types necessary for BalanceQA.
We then randomly select 100 samples for each
data type, forming a BalanceQA dataset with a
total of 400 samples. To identify the cognizant
experts, we randomly select 50 samples from each
dataset. For identifying quality experts, we follow
the procedure outlined in §3.3 by selecting 50
random samples from RGBqa to construct the Dpos
and Dneg datasets. The quality experts identified
through this process are applied to all datasets.
We use full-set to identify in-context experts. For
each type of expert, we use the default method to
implement and search hyperparameters, which are
described in the respective section.
EM ↑ R-Score ↑ R-Token ↓ EM ↑ R-Score ↑ R-Token ↓
No Retrieval
Always Retrieval
Random Retrieval
Table 8: Results on Natural Questions (NQ) and
TriviaQA (TQA).
Results on additional dataset We conduct ad-
ditional experiments on the Natural Questions
(NQ) and TriviaQA (TQA) datasets. We randomly
sample 200 queries from NQ and TQA to identify
the experts, and evaluate our method on another
2000 randomly sampled queries. Each query is
provided with 5 retrieved documents. The results
are presented in the Table 8. The experimental
results show that our method can also achieve good
performance and efficiency on these authoritative
datasets. This result indicates that our proposed
method for identifying core experts can be applied
to various types of data, and our identified three
types of RAG-related core experts are widely
present in different scenarios. Our proposed ARAG
method based on core experts also has the ability
to generalize to new scenarios.
Results of Mixtral-8x22B We also apply Expert-
RAG to the Mixtral-8x22B and show the results in
Table 7. We observed that our method demonstrates
greater advantages on the 8x22B model compared
to the 8x7B model, particularly on the PubHealth
and BalanceQA datasets. On PubHealth, the Acc
score of Always RAG is 10 points lower than
that of No RAG. This indicates that when the
internal knowledge of the model is sufficiently
strong, retrieved documents may mislead LLM
and result in a decline in performance. A similar
phenomenon is also noted in (Asai et al., 2024).
However, Expert-RAG mitigates the inference
costs and negative impacts associated with retrieval
on such datasets, achieving optimal performance.
Additionally, on BalanceQA, our method yields
a more substantial performance improvement
compared to the 8x7B model, suggesting that
more diverse contrastive activation patterns can
achieve better results. Additionally, we can find
that in-context experts are not always helpful.
This is because quality experts cannot filter
there is still some
all low-quality documents,
low-quality documents that can mislead LLM.
Enhancing the ability of using information from
the context may have negative effect in such
Acc ↑ R-Score ↑ R-Token ↓
Acc ↑ R-Score ↑ R-Token ↓
Acc ↑ R-Score ↑ R-Token ↓
Acc ↑ R-Score ↑ R-Token ↓
Self-RAG (No-Retrieval)
Self-RAG (threshold=0.3)
Self-RAG (threshold=0.4)
Self-RAG (threshold=0.5)
Expert-RAG (7B)
Table 9: Comparison with other adaptive RAG methods. Bold numbers indicate the best performance. Acc is the
Accuracy (task performance); R-Token is the token number of retrieved documents (inference cost). R-Score is the
retrieval accuracy.
scenarios. In summary, the results of Mixtral-8x7B-
instruct0.1 and Mixtral-8x22B-instruct0.1 together
demonstrate the effectiveness of our method and
the assistance of expert activation for RAG.
from the model’s inherent capabilities rather than
from adaptive retrieval. In summary, our method
has shown advantages in most data, demonstrating
its effectiveness in the ARAG scenario.
Comparison with other adaptive RAG baselines
We compare our method with two adaptive RAG
methods: Entity-based Adaptive-Retrieval (EAR)
(Mallen et al., 2023) and Self-RAG (Asai et al.,
2024). EAR uses the popularity of entity words
in the question to determine whether retrieval is
necessary, while Self-RAG fine-tuning LLM to
enable the model to perform adaptive RAG. The
experimental results are shown in the Table 9.
Compared to entity-based adaptive retrieval, our
method achieves better performance and efficiency
on all datasets. This is because our method takes
into account the model’s true internal state (expert
activation) and can more accurately reflect the
internal knowledge of the model, whereas EAR
only uses entity popularity to estimate knowledge
sufficiency. Compared to Self-RAG, our method
achieved better Acc and R-Token on PopQA,
RGBqaM ix, and BalanceQA. However, we want
to point out that Expert-RAG and Self-RAG use
different base model. Self-RAG requires fine-
tuning on 150k data to acquire adaptive RAG
capabilities, we are not able to align with it during
the rebuttal period due to the time and resources
constrain. The different knowledge and capabilities
of different models may be the one reason for
the divergent results across different datasets. On
PubHealth, our method performed worse than
Self-RAG. We speculate this is also due to SFT
making Self-RAG more suitable for this particular
task. This is evidenced by the fact that EAR and
Expert-RAG, without SFT, can only achieve an Acc
score of around 50, while Self-RAG (No Retrieval)
reaches an Acc of 70.01 on PubHealth even
without using retrieval documents. And Self-RAG
(threshold=0.4) with adaptive retrieval enabled
achieve an Acc of 72.54. This suggests that Self-
RAG’s advantage on PubHealth primarily stems
Figure 6: The visualization results of QWEN1.5-MoE-A2.7B-Chat’s cognizant expert. Each value represents the
activation probability of the expert in the corresponding scenario, with deeper colors indicating higher activation
Figure 7: The visualization results of QWEN1.5-MoE-A2.7B-Chat’s cognizant expert. Each value represents the
activation probability of the expert in the corresponding scenario, with deeper colors indicating higher activation
01234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859Expert Index01234567891011121314151617181920212223Layer Index0. (QWEN1.5-A2.7B) Index01234567891011121314151617181920212223Layer Index0. (QWEN1.5-A2.7B) 8: The visualization results of QWEN1.5-MoE-A2.7B-Chat’s quality expert. Each value represents the
activation probability of the expert in the corresponding scenario, with deeper colors indicating higher activation
Figure 9: The visualization results of QWEN1.5-MoE-A2.7B-Chat’s quality expert. Each value represents the
activation probability of the expert in the corresponding scenario, with deeper colors indicating higher activation
01234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859Expert Index01234567891011121314151617181920212223Layer Index0. (QWEN1.5-A2.7B) Index01234567891011121314151617181920212223Layer Index0. (QWEN1.5-A2.7B) 10: The visualization results of QWEN1.5-MoE-A2.7B-Chat’s in-context expert. Each value represents the
activation probability of the expert in the corresponding scenario, with deeper colors indicating higher activation
Figure 11: The visualization results of QWEN1.5-MoE-A2.7B-Chat’s in-context expert. Each value represents the
activation probability of the expert in the corresponding scenario, with deeper colors indicating higher activation
01234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859Expert Index01234567891011121314151617181920212223Layer Index0. (Qwen1.5-A2.7B)0.750.500. Index01234567891011121314151617181920212223Layer Index0. (Qwen1.5-A2.7B)0.750.500. |
ai_researcher | 2 | Some_basic_ideas_and_vocabulary_in_machine_learning.pdf | Original Paper
An Automated Method To Enrich Consumer Health Vocabularies
Using GloVe Word Embeddings and An Auxiliary Lexical
Mohammed Ibrahim1*, PhD; Susan Gauch1*, PhD; Omar Salman1*, PhD; Mohammed
Alqahatani1*, PhD
1Computer Science and Computer Engineering, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville,
Arkansas, US
*all authors contributed equally
Background: Clear language makes communication easier between any two
parties. A layman may have difficulty communicating with a professional due to not
understanding the specialized terms common to the domain. In healthcare, it is rare
to find a layman knowledgeable in medical jargon which can lead to poor
understanding of their condition and/or treatment. To bridge this gap, several
professional vocabularies and ontologies have been created to map laymen medical
terms to professional medical terms and vice versa.
Objective: Many of the presented vocabularies are built manually or semi-
automatically requiring large investments of time and human effort and
consequently the slow growth of these vocabularies. In this paper, we present an
automatic method to enrich laymen's vocabularies that has the benefit of being able
to be applied to vocabularies in any domain.
Methods: Our entirely automatic approach uses machine learning, specifically
Global Vectors for Word Embeddings (GloVe), on a corpus collected from a social
media healthcare platform to extend and enhance consumer health vocabularies
(CHV). Our approach further improves the CHV by incorporating synonyms and
hyponyms from the WordNet ontology. The basic GloVe and our novel algorithms
incorporating WordNet were evaluated using two laymen datasets from the
National Library of Medicine (NLM), Open-Access Consumer Health Vocabulary
(OAC CHV) and MedlinePlus Healthcare Vocabulary.
Results: The results show that GloVe was able to find new laymen terms with an F-
score of 48.44%. Furthermore, our enhanced GloVe approach outperformed basic
GloVe with an average F-score of 61%, a relative improvement of 25%.
Conclusions: This paper presents an automatic approach to enrich consumer health
vocabularies using the GloVe word embeddings and an auxiliary lexical source,
WordNet. Our approach was evaluated used a healthcare text downloaded from, a healthcare social media platform using two standard laymen
vocabularies, OAC CHV, and MedlinePlus. We used the WordNet ontology to expand
the healthcare corpus by including synonyms, hyponyms, and hypernyms for each
CHV layman term occurrence in the corpus. Given a seed term selected from a
concept in the ontology, we measured our algorithms’ ability to automatically
extract synonyms for those terms that appeared in the ground truth concept. We
found that enhanced GloVe outperformed GloVe with a relative improvement of
25% in the F-score.
Keywords: Ontologies; Consumer Health Vocabulary; Vocabulary Enrichment;
Word Embedding.
An ontology is a formal description and representation of concepts with their
definitions, relations, and classifications in a specific or general domain of discourse
1. It can decrease terminological and conceptual confusion between system software
components and facilitate interoperability. Ontologies provide a shared
understanding of concepts by defining not only concept synonyms but also their
semantic relations (e.g., is-a, part-of, leads to, causes, etc.) 2. Examples of ontologies
in different domains are the BabelNet 3, Arabic Ontology 4, WordNet 5, and Gene
Ontology 6. Ontologies have been used in many domains such as document indexing
7,8, personalizing user’s profiles for information retrieval systems 9–14, and
providing readable data for semantic web applications 15–18.
Several ontologies have been developed and/or proposed for the healthcare
domain. One of the biggest healthcare ontologies in the field of biomedicine is the
Unified Medical Language system (UMLS). This ontology consists of more than
3,800,000 professional biomedicine concepts. It lists biomedical concepts from
different resources, including their part of speech and variant forms 19. The National
Library of Medicine (NLM) manages the UMLS ontology and updates it yearly. As
examples of the professional vocabularies included in the UMLS, the Gene Ontology
(GO) 6, Disease Ontology (DO) 20, and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) 8. The UMLS
not only has professional vocabularies but also included laymen vocabularies. These
vocabularies provide straightforward terms mapped to the professional medical
With the advancement of medical technology and the emergence of internet social
media, people are more connected than before. In terms of medical technology,
there are many efforts to build smart devices that can interact and provide health
information. On social media, people started not only sharing their climate concerns,
politics, or social problems, but also their health problems. The Pew Research
Center conducted a telephone survey in 2010 and reported that 80% of the United
States internet users looked for a healthcare information. The survey showed that
66% of those users looked for a specific disease or medical issue and roughly 55%
of them looked for a remedies treat to their medical problems 21. Another study
showed that the rate of using social media by physicians grew from 41% in 2010 to
90% in 2011 22–24. In all these cases, any retrieval system will not be able to interact
effectively with laypeople unless they have a lexical source or ontology that defines
all medical jargon.
Recently, steps have been taken to close the gap between the vocabulary the experts
use in healthcare and what laymen use. It was reported by 25 that approximately five
million doctor letters are sent to patients each month. Using words like liver instead
of hepatic and brain instead of cerebral could make the doctor’s letters much easier
to laymen 26. Thus, the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges started an initiative in
2017 in which the doctors asked to write to patients directly using plain English
instead of medical jargon27.
Consumer Health Vocabularies
Consumer health vocabularies can decrease the gap between laymen and
professional language and help humans and machines to understand both
languages. Zeng et al. reported poor quality of query retrieval when a layman
searched for the term heart attack, and that is because the physicians were
documenting that concept using the professional concept myocardial infarction to
refer to that disease 28. There are many laymen vocabularies proposed in the field of
biomedicine such as the Open-Access and Collaborative Consumer Health
Vocabulary (OAC CHV) 29, MedlinePlus topics 30, and Personal Health Terminology
(PHT) 7. Those laymen vocabularies should grow from time to time to cover new
terms proposed by the laypeople to keep system using them updated.
Our research studies two common English laymen vocabularies, the Open-Access
and Collaborative Consumer Health Vocabulary (OAC CHV) and the MedlinePlus
vocabularies. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) integrated these vocabularies
to the UMLS ontology. Roughly 56,000 UMLS concepts were mapped to OAC CHV
concepts. Many of these medical concepts have more than one associated layman
term. This vocabulary has been updated many times to include new terms, and the
last update was in 2011 29. All of the updates incorporated human evaluation of the
laymen terms before adding them to the concept. Despite of this manual review, our
experiments found that 48% of the included laymen terms were still expert jargon.
Most of these terms were minor variations of the professional medical terms with
changes including replacing lowercase/uppercase letters, switching between
plural/single word forms, or adding numbers or punctuation. Table 1 shows a few
examples of the laymen and their associated professional UMLS concepts,
demonstrating close relationships between the two. The CUI in this table refer to the
Concept Unique Identifier that the UMLS uses to identify its biomedicine concepts.
Table 1. Example of UMLS concepts and their OA CHV associate laymen terms.
C0018681 Headache
C0003864 Arthritis
C0033860 Psoriasis
UMLS Concept Associated laymen terms
head ache ache head
The MedlinePlus vocabulary was constructed to be the source of index terms for the
MedlinePlus search engine 30. The NLM updates this resource yearly. In the UMLS
version 2018, there were 2112 professional concepts mapped to their laymen terms
from the MedlinePlus topics. Due to the extensive human effort required, there were
only 28 new concepts mapped to their associated laymen terms between UMLS
version 2018 and UMLS version 2020. This slow rate of growth motivates the
development of tools and algorithms to boost progress in mapping between
professional and laymen.
Our research enriches laymen's vocabularies automatically based on healthcare text
and seed terms from existing laymen vocabularies. Our system uses the Global
Vector for Word Representations (GloVe) to build word embeddings to identify
words similar to already existing laymen terms in a CHV. These potential matches
are ranked by similarity and top matches are added to their associated medical
concept. To improve the identification of new laymen terms, the GloVe results were
enhanced by adding hyponyms, hypernyms, and synonyms from a well-known
English ontology, WordNet. We make three main contributions:
• Enriching consumer health vocabularies automatically with new laymen
Improving GloVe algorithm results by enriching texts with information from
WordNet so that GloVe can work on smaller, domain-specific corpora, and
build more accurate word embedding.
Our work differs from others in that it is not restricted to a specific healthcare
domain such as Cancer, Diabetes, or Dermatology. Moreover, our improvement is
tied to enhancing the text and works with the unmodified GloVe algorithm. This
allows for different word embedding algorithms to be applied. Furthermore,
enriching small-size corpus with words from standard sources such as the WordNet
eliminates the need to download large-size corpus, especially in a domain that is
hard to find large text related to it.
Related Work
Ontology Creation
The past few years have witnessed an increased demand for ontologies in different
domains 31. According to (Gruber, 1995), any ontology should comply with criteria
such as clarity, coherence, and extensibility to be considered as a source of
knowledge that can provide shared conceptualization 32. However, building
ontologies from scratch is immensely time-consuming and requires a lot of human
effort 15. Algorithms that can build an ontology automatically or semi-automatically
can help reducing time and labor required to construct that ontology. Zavitsanos et
al. presented an automatic method to build an ontology from scratch using text
documents. They build that ontology using the Latent Dirichlet Allocation model and
an existing ontology 33. Kietz et al. 34 prototyped a company ontology semi-
automatically with the help of general domain ontology and a domain-specific
dictionary. They started with a general domain ontology called the GermanNet
ontology. The company concepts are classified using a corporate dictionary. There
are many other recent works presented to build ontologies from scratch,
automatically or semi-automatically such as 35,36.
Ontologies should not be static. Rather, they should grow as their domains develop
enriching existing ontologies with new terms and concepts. Agirre et al. (2000) used
internet documents to enrich the concepts of WordNet ontology. They built their
corpus by submitting the concept’s senses along with their information to get the
most relevant webpages. They used statistical approaches to rank the new terms 37.
A group at the University of Arkansas applied two approaches to enrich ontologies;
1) a lexical expansion approach using WordNet; and 2) a text mining approach. They
projected concepts and their instances extracted from already existing ontology to
the WordNet and selected the most similar sense using distance metrics 38–44.
Recently, Ali et al. (2019) employed multilingual ontologies and documents to
enrich not only domain-specific ontologies but also multilingual and multi-domain
ontologies 45.
Medical Ontologies
The emphasis on developing an Electronic Health Record (EHR) for patients in the
United States encouraged the development of medical ontologies to ensure
interoperability between multiple medical information systems 46,47. There are
several healthcare vocabularies that provide human and machine-readable medical
terminologies. The Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms,
SNOMED CT, is a comprehensive clinical ontology. It contains more than 300,000
professional medical concepts in multiple languages that has been adopted by many
healthcare practitioners 47. Another professional vocabulary is the Royal Society of
Chemistry’s Name reaction Ontology (RXNO). The RXNO has over 500 reactions
describing different chemical reactions that require organic compounds 48. Recently,
He and his team presented the coronavirus ontology with the purpose of providing
machine-readable terms related to the coronavirus pandemic that occurs in 2020.
This ontology includes all related coronavirus topics such as diagnosis, treatment,
transmission, and prevention areas 49.
Medical ontologies, like all other ontologies, need to grow and adapt from time
to time. Zheng and Wang 50 prototyped the Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis
Software Tool (GOEST). It is a web-based tool that uses a list of genes from the Gene
Ontology and enriches them using statistical methods. Recently, Shanavas et al. 51
presented a method to enrich the UMLS concepts with related documents from a
pool of professional healthcare documents. Their aim was to provide retrieval
systems with more information about medical concepts.
Consumer Health Vocabularies
Ontologies developed to organize professional vocabularies are of limited benefit in
retrieval systems used by laypeople. Laymen usually use the lay language to express
their healthcare concerns. Having a consumer health vocabulary can bridge the gap
between the users’ expression of their health questions and documents written
using professional language. Zeng et al. detected and mapped a list of consumer-
friendly display (CFD) names into their matched UMLS concepts. Their semi-
automatic approach used a corpus collected from queries submitted to a
MedlinePlus website. Their manual evaluation ended with mapping CFD names to
about 1,000 concepts 52,53. Zeng’s team continued working on that list of names to
build what is called now the Open Access and Collaborative Consumer Health
Vocabulary (OAC CHV). In their last official update to this vocabulary, they were able
to define associated laymen terms to about 56,000 UMLS medical concepts 29.
Several methods have been proposed to enrich such consumer vocabulary, such as
He et al. 54 who used a similarity-based technique to find a list of similar terms to a
seed term collected from the OAC CHV. Gu 55 also tried to enriched the laymen
vocabularies leveraging recent word embedding methods. Previous research on
enriching consumer health vocabularies were either semi-automatic or it did
produce an automatic system accurate enough to be used in practice. Our automatic
approach uses a recent word embedding algorithm, GloVe, which is further
enhanced by incorporating a lexical ontology, WordNet. We work with gold
standard datasets that are already listed on the biggest biomedicine ontology, the
UMLS. This paper extend work we published in 56 by including more different
datasets for evaluation and incorporating new approaches to improving the GloVe
Finding Synonyms to Enrich Laymen Vocabularies
Our work focuses on finding new synonyms, words with the same meaning, to
already existing laymen terms. Recent methods of finding synonyms are based on
the idea that a word can be defined by its surroundings. Thus, words that appear in
similar contexts are likely to be similar in meaning. To study words in text, they
need to be represented in a way that allows for computational processing. Word
vector representations are a popular technique that represents each word using a
vector of feature weights learned from training texts. In general, there are two main
vector-learning models. The first models incorporate global matrix factorization
whereas the second models focus on local context windows. The global matrix
factorization models generally begin by building a corpus-wide co-occurrence
matrix and then they apply dimensionality reduction. An early example of this type
of model is Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) 57 and Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
58. The context-window models are based on the idea that a word can be defined by
its surroundings. An example of such models is the skip-gram model 59 proposed by
Mikolov in 2013 and the model proposed by Gauch et al. in 60. Word2Vec 61,
FastText 62, and GloVe 63 are all examples of vector learning methods that have been
shown to be superior to traditional NLP methods in different text mining
applications [55,64]. Some of these techniques have been applied in the medical
field to build medical ontologies, such as 65–69.
Our work focuses on the word similarity task, or specifically word synonyms task. In
order to find these synonyms, we leveraged the Global Vectors for word
representations (GloVe) algorithm. This algorithm has outperformed many vector
learning techniques in the task of finding word similarity. It combines the
advantages of two vector learning techniques: global matrix factorization methods
and local context window methods 63. This algorithm has many applications in
different fields such as text similarity 70, node representations 71, emotion detection
72 and many others. This algorithm found its way in many biomedicine such as
finding semantic similarity 73, extracting Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR) 74, and
analyzing protein sequences 75.
GloVe is generally used with very large corpora, e.g., a 2010 Wikipedia corpus (1
billion tokens), a 2014 Wikipedia corpus (1.6 billion tokens), and Gigaword 5 (4.3
billion tokens) 63. In comparison, our corpus is specialized and much smaller,
approximately 1,365,000 tokens. To compensate for the relative lack of training text,
we incorporate an auxiliary source of vocabulary, WordNet. The WordNet is a
machine-readable English ontology proposed by Professor George A. at the
Princeton University. The most recent version has about 118,000 synsets
(synonyms) of different word categories such as noun, verb, adjective, and adverb.
For every synset, WordNet provides a short definition and sometimes an example
sentence. It also includes a network of relations between its synsets. The synonyms,
antonyms, hyponyms, hypernyms, meronymy’s and some others are all semantic
relations that WordNet provides 5. WordNet has been used in many fields to help
enrich ontologies in different domains such as 76–78.
Figure 1 illustrates the main steps of our algorithm. Our method starts with a corpus
collected from a healthcare social media platform to be used as the source of the
new laymen terms. Using this corpus, the GloVe algorithm builds word embeddings.
For every UMLS medical concept, there is a list of its associated laymen terms from
which we select a seed terms for the concept. Using the GloVe vectors and a
similarity metric, we identify the most similar words to these seed term and choose
the top-ranked candidate as a new layman term. The next sections explain the
methodology steps in detail.
Figure 1. Methodology of finding new laymen terms
Healthcare Corpus
To find new laymen terms, we need text documents that can be used as a source of
new laymen terms. Because of the specialized nature of medical terminology, we
need domain-specific text related to the field of healthcare. is a
healthcare social media platform that provides a question/answer for people who
share their healthcare issues. In this platform, the lay language is used more than
formal medical terminology. Instead of writing a short query on the internet that
may not retrieve what a user is looking for, whole sentences and paragraphs can be
posted on such media 79 and other members of the community can provide answers.
People might use sentences such as “I can’t fall asleep all night” to refer to the
medical term “insomnia” and “head spinning a little” to refer to “dizziness” 80. Such
social media can be an excellent source from which to extract new laymen terms.
Seed term list
Our first task is to enrich formal medical concepts that already have associated
laymen terms by identifying additional related layperson terms. These associated
terms are used as seed terms that the system uses to find synonyms and then these
synonyms are added to that medical concept. To do so, we need an existing ontology
of medical concepts with associated laymen vocabulary. For our experiment, we
used two sources of laymen terms: the Open Access Consumer Health Vocabulary
(in short, the OAC CHV) 29, and the MedlinePlus consumer vocabulary 30. The OAC
CHV covers about 56,000 concepts of the UMLS, and the MedlinePlus mapped to
about 2,000 UMLS concepts. To our knowledge, we are the first to leverage
MedlinePlus in order to automatically develop consumer health vocabularies.
Synonym Identification Algorithms
This paper reports on the results of applying several algorithms to automatically
identify synonyms of the seed terms to add to existing laymen’s medical concepts.
The algorithms we evaluated are described in the next section.
Global Vectors for Word Representations (GloVe)
Our first approach uses an unmodified version of GloVe to find the new laymen
terms. As reported in 63, GloVe starts collecting word contexts using its global word
to word co-occurrence matrix. This matrix is a very large and very sparse matrix
that is built during a onetime pass over the whole corpus. Given a word to process,
i.e., the pivot word, GloVe counts co-occurrences of words around the pivot word
within a window of a given size. As the windows shift over the corpus, the pivot
words and contexts around them continually shift until the matrix is complete.
GloVe builds word vectors for each word that summarize the contexts in which that
word was found. Because the co-occurrence matrix is very sparse. GloVe uses the
log bilinear regression model to build reduce the dimensionality of the co-
occurrence matrix. The result is a list of word vectors in a reduced dimensionality
space. By comparing the seed terms words vectors with all other word vectors using
the cosine similarity measure, highly similar words, i.e., potential new laymen terms,
can be located. The unmodified GloVe algorithm is our baseline to compare with the
GloVe improvement methods.
GloVe with WordNet
Word embedding algorithms usually use a very large corpus to build its word
representation, e.g., 6B words of Google News corpus are used to train the word2vec
vectors 61,81. In the case of a narrow domain such as healthcare, it is hard to find or
build an immense corpus, increasing the sparsity of the co-occurrence matrix and
impacting the accuracy of the resulting word vectors. Thus, one of our goals is to
investigate the ability of an external ontology to increase the accuracy of word
embeddings for smaller corpora. In particular, we present methods to exploit a
standard English ontology, WordNet, to enhance GloVe’s accuracy on a healthcare
domain corpus. WordNet provides a network of relations between its relational
synsets such as, synonyms, antonyms, hyponyms, hypernyms, meronymy’s and
some other relations.
In our research, we investigate using the synonym, hyponym, and hypernym
relations to augment our corpus prior to running GloVe. We only expand the seed
terms in the training corpus with their relational synsets. For each seed term, we
located the relational synset of interest, e.g., hyponyms we sort them by similarity to
the seed term using the Resnik 82 similarity measurement. We split them evenly
into two subsets of roughly equal total similarity using a round-robin algorithm. We
then expand the corpus by adding the first subset of relational synset words to the
corpus prior to each seed term occurrence and the second subset after each seed
term occurrence. Figure 2 shows the methodology of our system with the WordNet
Figure 2. Methodology of improved GloVe with WordNet corpus enrichment
Expressing the WordNet method, let 𝑆 = {𝑠1, 𝑠2, 𝑠3, … , 𝑠𝑛} be a set of n seed terms.
Let 𝑇 = "𝑤1 𝑤2 𝑤3 … . 𝑤𝑘 " be a text of words in the training corpus. Let 𝑋 =
{𝑥1, 𝑥2, 𝑥, … , 𝑥𝑧} be a set of relational synset terms for the seed term si, where
i=0,1,2,…,n These relational synsets are sorted according to their degree of similarity
to si using the Resnik similarity measurement. X is divided into two sets X1 and X2 and
each set goes to one side of si. Now,lLet si = wj+2 in T, where j=0,1,2,3,…,k. Then, the
new text 𝑇̂ after adding the relational synsets will look like this:
𝑇̂ = " wj wj+1 X1wj+2X2….wj+k "
Further, consider the effect of T-hat on the GloVe cooccurrence vectors. Assume that
⃗⃗⃗⃗ . After enriching the training corpus with the relational synsets,
si has the vector 𝑉𝑠𝑖
⃗⃗⃗⃗ ̌
the new vector 𝑉𝑠𝑖
will equal:
⃗⃗⃗⃗ ̌
⃗⃗⃗⃗ +𝑋
= 𝑉𝑠𝑖
The co-occurrence weights of relational synsets that are already in the corpus will
be increased incrementally in the vector, while those that are new to the corpus will
expand the vector and their co-occurrence weight will be calculated according to the
co-occurrence with the seed term. The following sections outline the WordNet
approach above with the three types of relational synsets we used: synonyms, hyponyms,
and hypernyms.
GloVe WordNet Synonyms (GloVeSyno)
Synonyms are any words that share the same meaning. For example, the words
auto, machine, and automobile are all synonyms of the word car. Having synonyms
around a seed term adds more information about that seed term and help building
more accurate seed term vectors. When a seed term found in the training corpus,
WordNet provides a list of its synonyms. These synonyms are sorted according to
their degree of similarity to the seed term. After that, the synonyms are divided into
two lists and each list go to one side of the seed term. Here is an example that
demonstrate this process. Let 𝑇 = "𝐼 ℎ𝑎𝑑 𝑎 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑒" be a text in the training
corpus. T has the seed term s = headache. The WordNet synonyms of this seed term
are {concern, worry, vexation, cephalalgia}. Sorting this set according to their degree
of similarity results the following set: {worry, cephalalgia, concern, vexation}. This
set is divided in to two sets {worry, cephalalgia} and {concern, vexation} and added
to the left and right of the s in T. So, the 𝑇̂ equals:
𝑇̂ = "𝐼 ℎ𝑎𝑑 𝑎 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝑐𝑒𝑝ℎ𝑎𝑙𝑎𝑙𝑔𝑖𝑎 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑛 v𝑒𝑥𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛"
Assume that the vector of the seed term s, 𝑉𝑠⃗⃗⃗ , before enriching the training corpus
looks like this:
dizzy pain
for worry please
The 𝑉𝑠⃗⃗⃗ ̌
for the seed term after enriching the training corpus with the WordNet
synonyms will be expanded to have the new words and updated the occurrence of
the already in corpus words. Here is how the 𝑉𝑠⃗⃗⃗ ̌
looks like:
cephalalgia dizzy pain
I had
concern worry please vexation
𝑉𝑠⃗⃗⃗ ̌
We can see from the 𝑉𝑠⃗⃗⃗ ̌ that the words that are new to the corpus vocabulary
expanded the vector and their weights are calculated according to their co-
occurrence with the seed term, while the words that are already in the vector, such
as worry, their weights increased incrementally.
Glove WordNet Hyponyms (GloVeHypo)
Hyponyms are those words with more specific meaning, e.g.,Jeep is a hyponym of
car. The idea here is to find more specific names of a seed term and add them to the
context of that seed term. to explain this method, we use the same example we used
in the previous section. The hyponyms of the seed term headache that the WordNet
provides are {dead_weight, burden, fardel, imposition, bugaboo, pill, business}. Sorting
these hypos according to their degree of similarity to the seed term results the set
{dead_weight, burden, fardel, bugaboo, imposition, business, pill}. This list is divided
into two sets and each set go to one of the seed term’s sides. The rest process is the
same as the GloVeSyno method.
GloVe WordNet Hypernyms (GloVeHyper)
Hypernyms are the antonyms of hyponyms. Hypernyms are those words with more
general meaning, e.g., car is a hypernym of Jeep. The idea here is to surround a seed
term with more general information that represents its ontology. Having this
information leads to more descriptive vector that represent that seed term. An
example of a seed term hypernyms is the hypernyms of the seed term headache,
which are {entity, stimulation, negative_stimulus, information, cognition,
psychological_feature, abstraction}. We can see that these hypernyms are broader
than the seed term headache. We use the same steps for this relational synset as in
the GloVeSyno method by sorting, dividing, and distributing these hypernyms
around the seed term in the corpus. After that GloVe builds its co-occurrence matrix
from the enriched corpus and builds its word vectors that are used to extract the
terms most similar terms to the seed terms from the corpus.
Similarity Measurement
We use the cosine similarity measurement to find the terms most similar word to
the seed term. The cosine similarity (Equation 2) measures the angle divergence
between two vectors, producing a score between 0 and 1. The higher the score
between two vectors, the more similar they are83.
cos_sim(𝑣1, 𝑣2) =
𝑣1⃗⃗⃗⃗ .𝑣2⃗⃗⃗⃗
⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ |
|𝑣1⃗⃗⃗⃗ ||𝑣2
where 𝑣1⃗⃗⃗⃗ is a vector of a seed term in the seed term list, and 𝑣2⃗⃗⃗⃗ is a vector of a word
in the corpus that GloVe model built. We consider the terms in the list candidate
terms for inclusion. The top n candidate terms are the new laymen terms that we
add to the UMLS concept.
Corpus: has many communities that discuss different healthcare issues
such as Diabetes Mellitus, Heart Diseases, Ear and Eye care, and many others. To
select the communities to include in our dataset, we did an informal experiment to
find the occurrences of laymen terms from the OAC CHV vocabulary on
We found that the highest density of these CHV terms occur in communities such as
Pregnancy, Women’s Health, Neurology, Addiction, Hepatitis-C, Heart Disease,
Gastroenterology, Dermatology, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Infections
(STDs / STIs) communities. We thus chose these nine communities for our testbed
and downloaded all the user-posted questions and their answers from
from WHEN to April 20, 2019. The resulting corpus is roughly 1.3 Gb and contains
approximately 135,000,000 tokens. Table 2 shows the downloaded communities
with their statistics.
We removed all stopwords, numbers, and punctuations from this corpus. We also
removed corpus-specific stopwords such as test, doctor, symptom, and physician.
Within our domain-specific corpus, these ubiquitous words have little information
content. Finally, we stemmed the text using the Snowball stemmer 84, and removed
any word less than 3 characters long.
Table 2. Community Corpus Statistics.
Women health
Heart Disease
Eye Care
Seed terms: We build the seed term list from the OAC CHV and MedlinePlus
vocabularies. Because the GloVe embeddings handle only single word vectors, we
chose the seed terms that has a unigram form, such as flu, fever, fatigue, and
swelling. In many cases, the medical concept on these two vocabularies has
associate laymen terms that have same names as the concept’s name except
different morphological forms, such the plural ‘s’, uppercase/lowercase of letters,
punctuations, or numbers. We treated these cases and removed any common
medical words. After that, we stemmed the terms and listed only the unique terms.
For example, the medical concept Tiredness has the laymen terms fatigue, fatigues,
fatigued and fatiguing. After stemming, only the term ‘fatigu’ was kept. To focus on
terms for which sufficient contextual data was available, we kept only these laymen
terms that occur in the corpus more than 100 times.
To evaluate our system, we need at least two terms for every medical concept. One
term is used as the seed terms and we evaluate our algorithms based on their ability
to recommend the other term(s) used as a target. Thus, we kept only those medical
concepts that have at least two related terms. From the two vocabularies, we were
able to create an OAC CHV ground truth dataset of size 944 medical concepts with
2103 seed terms and a MedlinePlus ground truth dataset of size 101 medical
concepts with 227 seed terms. Table 3 shows an example of some UMLS medical
concepts and their seed terms from the MedlinePlus dataset.
Table 3. UMLS concepts with their seed terms from the MedlinePlus dataset.
Medical Concept
Concept’s Associated Laymen Terms
The OAC CHV dataset is nine times bigger than the MedlinePlus dataset (see Figure
3a). The reason behind that is that the OAC CHV vocabulary covers 56,000 of the
UMLS concepts whereas the MedlinePlus covers only 2,112 UMLS concepts.
Although it is smaller, MedlinePlus represents the future of CHVs because the NLM
updates this resource annually. In contrast, the last update to the OAC CHV was in
2011. Figure 3b shows that 37% of the 101 concepts in MedlinePlus also appear in
the OAC CHV dataset and share the same concepts and laymen terms. This indicates
that the OAC CHV is still a good source of laymen terms.
Figure 3. a. Size of the OAC CHV dataset to the MedlinePlus dataset. b. Shared
concepts and their laymen terms between the MedlinePlus and OAC CHV datasets
Shared Concepts
Non-Shared Concepts
Baselines and metrics. We consider the basic GloVe results as the baseline for
comparison with the WordNet expansion algorithms. First, we tune the baseline to
the best setting. Then compare the results when we use those settings with our
WordNet-expanded corpora. We evaluate our approach using precision (P), recall
(R), and F-score (F), which is the harmonic mean of the previous two 85. We also
include the number of concepts (NumCon) that the system could find one or more of
its seed terms. Moreover, we include the Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR) 86 that
measures the rank of the first most similar candidate term in the candidate list. It
has a value between 0 and 1, and the closer the MRR to 1, the closer the candidate
term position in the candidate list.
Based on a set of medical concept for which we have a seed term and at least one
manually identified synonym, we can measure the precision, recall, and F-Score
metrics according to two criteria: (1) the number of concepts for which the system
was able to find at least one synonym; and (2) the total number of synonyms for
seed terms the system was able to find across all concepts. We call the metrics used
to measure these two criteria the macro and micro average metrics, respectively.
The macro average measures the number of the concepts for which the algorithm
found a match to the ground truth dataset while the micro average measures the
number of new terms found. The micro and macro precision, recall, and F-score are
computed according to these equations:
, (3)
𝑃𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑟𝑜 =
𝑅𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑟𝑜 =
𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑜 =
𝑅𝑚𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑜 =
# 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑠𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑦𝑚𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑠
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 # 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑠
# 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑠𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑦𝑚𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑠
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 # 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑚𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑡ℎ 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑡
# 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑝𝑡𝑠 𝑤ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑠 𝑎 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑠𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑦𝑚
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 # 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑝𝑡𝑠
# 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑝𝑡𝑠 𝑤ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑠 𝑎 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑠𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑦𝑚
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 # 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑝𝑡𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑡ℎ 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑡
𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 ∗ 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙
𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 + 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙
𝐹 − 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 = 2 ∗
, (7)
, (5)
, (6)
, (4)
We illustrate these measurements in the following example. Suppose we have a
ground truth dataset of size 25 concepts, and every concept has four synonyms
terms. For every concept, a random synonym term selected to be a seed term. The
remaining 75 synonyms will be used for evaluation. Suppose the algorithm retrieves
five candidate terms for each seed term and it is able to generate results for 20 of
the seed terms, creating 20 candidate term lists. That makes 100 candidate terms in
total. Assume that only 15 out of the 20 candidate lists contain a true synonym, and
each list of those 15 lists includes two true synonyms. Thus, this algorithm extracted
30 true laymen terms. Having all this information, then the Pmicro = 30/100, Rmicro =
30/75, Pmacro = 15/20, and Rmacro = 15/25.
Experiment 1: Tuning GloVe to the Best Setting
To tune the GloVe algorithm to its best setting, we used the larger of our two
datasets, the OAC CHV. The GloVe algorithm has many hyperparameters, but the
vector size and the window size parameters have the biggest effect on the results.
We evaluated GloVe using the 944 concepts in this dataset on different vector sizes
(100, 200, 300, 400), varying the window size (10, 20, 30, 40) for each vector size. We
set the candidate list size to n = 10. Figure 4 shows the macro F-score results of the
GloVe algorithm according to these different vector and window sizes. In general,
the F-score results declined with any window size greater than 30. The highest F-
score reported at vector of size 400 and window of size 30. Thus, we used these
settings for all following experiments.
Figure 4. The Macro F-Score for the GloVe algorithm with Different Vector and
Window Sizes.
Window size
Table 4 reports the micro-precision for GloVe over the same parameter settings. We
can see that the micro precision is very low due to the size of the candidate lists
created. In particular, we are testing with 944 concept seed terms, and the size of
the candidate list is set to 10, so we generate 944x10=9440 candidate terms.
However, there are only 2103 truth synonyms, to the micro-averages are
guaranteed to be quite low. To compensate, we need to determine a good size for
the candidate list that balances recall and precision. This is discussed further in
Section 5.4.
Table 4. The micro-precision of GloVe.
Vector Size
Experiment 2: GloVe with WordNet
Using the best GloVe setting reported in the previous experiment, we next evaluate
the GloVeSyno, GloVeHypo, and GloVeHyper algorithms to determine whether or
not they can improve on basic GloVe’s ability to find layman terms. After processing
the corpus, we enrich our laymen's corpus with synonyms, hyponyms, and
hypernyms from WordNet, respectively. These are then input to the GloVe
algorithm using 400 for the vector size and 30 for the window size. Table 5 shows a
comparison between the results of these WordNet algorithms, and our baseline
GloVe for the OAC CHV and MedlinePlus datasets. The evaluation was done using a
candidate list of size n = 10. We report here the macro accuracy of the system for the
three algorithms which is based on the number of concepts for which a ground truth
result was found.
Table 5. Evaluation of the basic GloVe, GloVeSyno, GloVeHypo, and GloVeHyper
algorithms over the OAC CHV and MedlinePlus datasets.
Basic GloVe
Basic GloVe
We can see from Table 5 that GloVeSyno outperformed the other algorithms. It was
able to enrich synonyms to 57% (546) of the medical concepts listed in the OAC CHV
dataset and more than 62% (63) of the concepts in the MedlinePlus dataset. Table 6
presents the algorithms’ performance averaged over the two datasets. On average,
the GloVeSyno algorithm produced an F-score relative improvement of 25%
comparing to the basic GloVe. Moreover, the GloVeSyno reported the highest MRR
over all the other algorithms, which shows that the first most similar candidate term
to the seed term fell approximately in the 2nd position of the candidate list.
Table 6. The average results of the basic GloVe, GloVeSyno, GloVeHypo, and
GloVeHyper algorithms over the OAC CHV and MedlinePlus datasets.
F-score Rel-Improv.
Basic GloVe
The GloVeHypo and GloVeHyper results were not good comparing to the other
algorithms. The reason is that the hyponyms provide a very specific layman term
synsets. For example, the hyponyms of the laymen
term edema are angioedema, atrophedema, giant hives, periodic
edema, Quincke', papilledema, and anasarca. Such hypos are specific names of the
laymen term edema, and they might not be listed in ground truth datasets. We
believe that the GloVeHypo algorithm results are promising, but a more generalized
and bigger size ground truth dataset is required to prove that.
On the other hand, the GloVeHyper algorithm was not good comparing to the basic
GloVe algorithm. However, it is better than the GloVeHypo algorithm. The reason
that this algorithm did not get a good result is because the degree of abstraction that
the hypernym relations provide. For example, the
hypernym contagious_disease represents many laymen terms, such as flu,
rubeola, and scarlatina. Having such hypernym in the context of a layman term did
not lead to good results. The hypernym contagious_disease is very general relation
that can represent different kind of diseases.
To illustrate the effectiveness of the GloVeSyno algorithm, we show a seed term the
candidate synonyms for a selection of concepts in Table 7. The candidate synonyms
that appear in the ground truth list of synonyms are shown shaded. Although only
14 true synonyms from 7 concepts were found, we note that many of the other
candidate synonyms seem to be good matches even though they do not appear in
the official CHV. These results are promising and could be used to enrich medical
concepts with missing laymen terms. They could also be used by healthcare
retrieval systems to direct laypersons to the correct healthcare topic.
Table 7. Sample of the GloVeSyno output (seeds stemmed).
Candidate Synonyms
C0020505 overeat
gormand pig_out
C0013604 edema
Experiment 3: Improving the GloVeSyno Micro Accuracy
From our previous experiment, we conclude that the GloVeSyno algorithm was the
most effective. However, we next explore it in more detail to see if we can improve
its accuracy by selecting an appropriate number of candidate synonyms from the
candidate lists. We report evaluation results according to the ground truth datasets,
OAC CHV and MedlinePlus. We varied the number of synonyms selected from the
candidate lists n=1 to n=100 and measured the micro recall, precision, and F-score.
Figure 5 shows the F-score results and the number of concepts for which at least
one true synonym was extracted. This figure reports the results of the GloVeSyno
algorithm over the OAC CHV dataset. The F-score is maximized with n=3 with an F-
score of 19.06% and 365 out of 944 concepts enriched. After that, it starts to decline
quickly and at n=20 the F-score is only 6.75% which further declines to 1.7% at
n=100. We note that the number of concepts affected rose quickly until n=7, but
then grows more slowly. The best results are with n=2 with an F-score of 19.11%. At
this setting, 287 of the 944 concepts are enriched with a micro-precision of 15.43%
and recall of 25.11%.
Figure 5. Micro F-Score and the number of concepts for the GloVeSyno algorithm
over the OAC CHV dataset.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The evaluation results over the MedlinePlus dataset looks the same as the results
reported for the OAC CHV dataset (See Figure 6). The F-score was at its highest
score at n=2 with an F-score of 23.12% and 33 out of 101 concepts enriched. The F-
score decreased quickly at n= 30 and was at its lowest score at n=100 with an F-
score of 1.81%. The number of enriched concepts grew quickly until n=6 and
stabilized after n=9 between 64 and 74 enriched concepts.
Figure 6. Micro F-Score and the number of concepts for the GloVeSyno algorithm
over the MedlinePlus dataset.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Over the two datasets, the best results are with n=2. Figure 7 shows the F-score over
the Precision and recall for the two datasets. Despite the difference in the number of
concepts between the two ground truth datasets, the results show that the F-score is
the best at n=2. The figure shows that the behaviors of the GloVeSyno over the two
datasets are almost the same over different candidate list settings.
Figure 7. a and b F-Score results over the Precision and Recall for the GloVeSyno
algorithm over the OAC CHV and MedlinePlus datasets
a. OAC CHV Dataset
b. MedlinePlus Dataset
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Top n candiate terms
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Top n candidte terms
Conclusion and Future Work
This paper presents an automatic approach to enrich consumer health vocabularies
using the GloVe word embeddings and an auxiliary lexical source, WordNet. Our
approach was evaluated used a healthcare text downloaded from, a
healthcare social media platform using two standard laymen vocabularies, OAC CHV,
and MedlinePlus. We used the WordNet ontology to expand the healthcare corpus
by including synonyms, hyponyms, and hypernyms for each CHV layman term
occurrence in the corpus. Given a seed term selected from a concept in the ontology,
we measured our algorithms’ ability to automatically extract synonyms for those
terms that appeared in the ground truth concept. We found that GloVeSyno and
GloVeHypo both outperformed GloVe on the unmodified corpus, however including
hypernyms actually degraded performance. GloVeSyno was the best performing
algorithm with a relative improvement of 25% in the F-score versus the basic GloVe
The results of the system were in general promising and can be applied not only to
enrich laymen vocabularies for medicine but any ontology for a domain, given an
appropriate corpus for the domain. Our approach is applicable to narrow domains
that may not have the huge training corpora typically used with word embedding
approaches. In essence, by incorporating an external source of linguistic
information, WordNet, and expanding the training corpus, we are getting more out
of our training corpus. For future work, we suggest further improving the
GloVeSyno, GloVeHypo, GloVeHyper algorithms. In our experiments, we
implemented our algorithms on only unigram seed terms. We plan to explore
applying these algorithms to different word grams of different lengths. In addition,
we are currently exploring an iterative feedback approach to enrich the corpus with
words found by GloVe itself rather than those in an external linguistic resource.
I would express my acknowledgements to my supervisor, Dr. Susan Gauch. Her
enthusiasm, expertise, and knowledge kept my research on the right track and
helped presenting this work in the perfect way. To my colleagues, Omar Salman and
Mohammed Alqahtani, Thank you so much. Your help made this work comes true. I
am also grateful for my sponsor, the Higher Committee for Education Development
in Iraq (HCED), for funding my scholarship during my research.
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ai_researcher | 3 | RuAG_Learned-rule-augmented_Generation_for_Large_Language_Models.pdf | 4
Yudi Zhang1∗
, Pei Xiao2*, Lu Wang3, Chaoyun Zhang3, Meng Fang4, Yali Du5, Yevgeniy
Puzyrev3, Randolph Yao3, Si Qin3, Qingwei Lin3, Mykola Pechenizkiy1, Dongmei Zhang3,
Saravan Rajmohan3, and Qi Zhang3
1Eindhoven University of Technology
2Peking University
4University of Liverpool
5King’s College London
In-context learning (ICL) and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) have
gained attention for their ability to enhance LLMs’ reasoning by incorporating
external knowledge but suffer from limited contextual window size, leading to in-
sufficient information injection. To this end, we propose a novel framework RuAG
to automatically distill large volumes of offline data into interpretable first-order
logic rules, which are injected into LLMs to boost their reasoning capabilities.
Our method begins by formulating the search process relying on LLMs’ com-
monsense, where LLMs automatically define head and body predicates. Then,
RuAG applies Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) to address the combinational
searching space and efficiently discover logic rules from data. The resulting logic
rules are translated into natural language, allowing targeted knowledge injection
and seamless integration into LLM prompts for LLM’s downstream task reason-
ing. We evaluate our framework on public and private industrial tasks, including
natural language processing, time-series, decision-making, and industrial tasks,
demonstrating its effectiveness in enhancing LLM’s capability over diverse tasks.
Figure 1: Comparison of supervised fine-tuning, in-context learning/retrieval-augmented generation,
and our proposed learned-rule-augmented generation (RuAG), which injects logic knowledge to
boost generation while reducing computational cost.
Leveraging external datasets to enhance the performance of pretrained Large Language Models
(LLMs) on downstream tasks has become a significant focus in recent research (Brown et al., 2020a;
Hu et al.; Fan et al., 2024; Dong et al., 2022). Methods such as supervised fine-tuning (SFT) (Hu
∗First two authors contribute equally. Work done during the internship of Yudi and Pei in Microsoft.
Rule Learning(c) In-Context Learning / Retrieval-augmented generation(b) Ours: Learnable-rule-augmentedgenerationTemperature ≥ 30 AND … ⇒ Sunny Wind_speed ≥ 20 OR …. ⇒ RainyInserted knowledge(a) Supervised Fine-Tuning: Parameter TuningComputational CostExternal DataHowto learn fromexternal data?Handcraft/Retrieved Demos
et al., 2021; Li & Liang, 2021), in-context learning (ICL)(Dong et al., 2022; Wang et al., 2020;
Ravi & Larochelle, 2016; Chan et al., 2022; Fang et al., 2024), retrieval-augmented generation
(RAG)(Izacard et al., 2023; Fan et al., 2024), and the utilization of knowledge graphs (KGs) (Pan
et al., 2024; Shu et al., 2024; Wang et al., 2024) have been explored to incorporate external knowl-
edge into LLMs (Ding et al., 2023; Zhang et al., 2024), enhancing their reasoning and decision-
making capabilities.
Despite these advancements, these methods face notable challenges. Fine-tuning large LLMs on
extensive datasets is computationally intensive and time-consuming, often leading to overfitting and
catastrophic forgetting (McCloskey & Cohen, 1989). ICL relies on handcrafted demonstrations and
templates that may not effectively summarize large volumes of data, leading to inefficiencies and
the “needle in a haystack” problem when processing long contexts (Li et al., 2024), and the ex-
tremely long context window significantly increases computational costs (Peng et al., 2024; Naveed
et al., 2023). RAG depends heavily on the quality and relevance of retrieved documents and faces
computational hurdles when integrating large-scale retrieval into prompts (Fan et al., 2024). Thus,
RAG is not able to use the whole of vast knowledge base. Knowledge Graph (KG) based methods
incorporate structured representations of knowledge to improve LLMs’ understanding and reason-
ing (Pan et al., 2024; Shu et al., 2024; Wang et al., 2024). While KGs can enhance decision-making
by providing explicit relational data, constructing and maintaining them requires significant manual
effort and domain expertise, making scalability challenging.
Figure 2: Illustration of logic rules.
These challenges underscore the urgent
need for efficient knowledge transforma-
tion to enhance LLMs’ understanding.
Logic rules, with their high information
density, act as a promising bridge between
vast, diverse data types (including numer-
ical, textual, and visual data) and LLMs’
understanding. Previous work has demonstrated their learnability from external data and their effi-
ciency in providing explanations to enable transparent AI processes (Qu & Tang, 2019; Qu et al.).
A logic rule, as shown in Figure 2, typically expressed as α → h, indicates that if a set of events α
(referred to as body predicates) occurs, then the event h (called the target predicate) will also occur.
As an example, the logic rule “Temperature ≥ 30 AND Humidity ≤ 50 → Sunny Day” represents
knowledge in symbolic structures, suitable for learning from data. Additionally, this rule can be
easily translated into natural language: “If the temperature is 30 degrees or higher and the humidity
is 50 percent or lower, it will be a sunny day.” Logic rules are understandable to both humans and
LLMs as they encapsulate complex relationships in a concise, structured form. Unlike lengthy text
passages or extensive datasets in ICL and RAG, logic rules distill essential information into clear,
interpretable statements. Compared to the complex node-and-edge structure of KGs, logic rules re-
duce cognitive load and align better with LLMs’ natural language training. Their direct translation
into natural language further improves alignment with LLMs, facilitating more efficient processing
and understanding.
Inspired by this, we propose a novel framework, learned-rule-augmented generation (RuAG), to
automatically compress large external data into logic rules through LLM-aided Monte Carlo Tree
Search (MCTS) ( ´Swiechowski et al., 2023) and then inform LLMs domain expertise by applying
translated logic rules into prompts. Our framework consists of the following three phases. LLM-
based Logic Rule Search Formulation: Learning logic rules is expensive due to the involved hu-
man effort in formulating the domain-specific search process. Therefore, we automate this process
by relying on LLMs’ commonsense to define the target and body predicates in logic rules. First, the
target predicate is defined to be task-relevant, like a class label in a classification task or a game state
labeled as “win”, while the body predicates are initialized as all the data attributions in the dataset.
Then, given the task and dataset descriptions, LLM generates new target predicates and eliminates
most irrelevant data attributions from the body predicates. For example, in navigation, LLMs may
infer some special place as the key steps to the destination and suggest to search the rules for agents
reaching the places individually. Also, LLMs may regard some data attributes as irrelevant to the
target predicate, thus excluding them from the candidates. Consequently, the logic rule search space
can be significantly reduced, and a domain-specific search process can be automatically established.
Logic Rule Search with MCTS: Searching rules requires to discover the relationship among the
predicates, suffering from the compositional search space (Qu & Tang, 2019; Zhang et al., 2020;
Temperature ≥ 30 Humidity < 50SunnyBody PredicatesTarge PredicatesWind_speed ≥ 20 Cloud_coverage≥ 80Rain Expected⇒⇒ANDANDLogical connective(1) Retrieval-Augmented Generation Preprint.
Evans & Grefenstette, 2018). To this end, RuAG exploits MCTS, which works well in large search
spaces, to generate structured and understandable first-order logic rules, which are applied in the
rule-based generation phase. Learned-Rule-Augmented Generation: RuAG translates the abstract
logic rules into natural language and injects them into LLMs’ prompts. By addressing the limitations
of SFT, ICL, RAG, and KG-based methods, RuAG offers a scalable and computationally efficient
solution for integrating extensive domain knowledge into LLMs, improving LLM’s reasoning, com-
prehension, and task performance with minimal manual intervention.
Our contributions are fourfold. First, we introduce a novel learned-rule-augmented generation
framework as a potential alternative to SFT, ICL, RAG, and KG-based methods. This framework
systematically and nearly automatically compresses external knowledge into compact, interpretable
logic rules that prioritize enhancing LLM generation. Second, we propose an automated formulation
for MCTS, eliminating the need for manual, domain-specific rule search and enabling a generaliz-
able approach applicable across a wide range of tasks. Third, we apply MCTS to efficiently handle
the large compositional search space of logic rule discovery. Fourth, we evaluate our framework
across diverse scenarios, including public tasks in NLP (relation extraction on DWIE), time-series
(log anomaly detection on HDFS), decision-making (the cooperative game Alice and Bob), and an
industrial task in abuse detection, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach in both academic
and real-world settings.
In this section, we review the most relevant topics related to our work, including the techniques to
exploit external data in LLMs and logic rule learning.
External data usage in LLMs. There are several ways to inject external knowledge into large
language models. The most common way is supervised fine-tuning, but it suffers from high com-
putational costs. In-context learning (Brown et al., 2020a) prompts LLMs with a few handcrafted
demonstrations which are understandable for the LLMs. More fancy, Retrieval-Augmented Gener-
ation (RAG)(Chen et al., 2024a) complements LLMs by retrieved relevant knowledge from external
databases (Li et al., 2023; Shen et al., 2023) or constructing demonstrations for in-context learning
(ICL) (Poesia et al., 2022; Agrawal et al., 2023), showing promise in tasks like OpenQA (Borgeaud
et al., 2022; Guu et al., 2020) and games (Zhu et al., 2023a; Hu et al., 2024). Knowledge graphs are
welcome in external knowledge formats as well, especially in structured tasks like relation extrac-
tion and entity recognition (Shu et al., 2024; Wang et al., 2024), improving task-specific decisions.
Recent research also investigates how LLMs can summarize logic rules from large datasets to serve
as a knowledge storage (Zhu et al., 2023b; Luo et al., 2023), but shows high computational costs
due to frequent calls to commercial LLMs (Brown et al., 2020b; OpenAI, 2023).
Logic rule learning. Logic rules are increasingly employed to enhance the interpretability and ac-
curacy of decision-making in AI systems (Chiu et al., 2023; An et al., 2024). Manually defined logic
rules have been used to describe how certain events or outcomes are triggered by predefined condi-
tions. However, this process is labor-intensive and highly domain-dependent (Evans & Grefenstette,
2018; Li et al., 2020). Researchers have explored automatic methods for extracting logic rules, such
as statistical approaches and likelihood estimation (Cheng et al., 2022; Qu et al.; Ru et al., 2021).
Despite these advances, the process still involves extensive domain knowledge and commonsense
reasoning, requiring expert intervention to identify the candidate target and body predicates.
In this section, we introduce RuAG, our novel approach to augment Large Language Models (LLMs)
with logic rules learned from pre-collected training data. Instead of directly fine-tuning the LLM—
which can be costly and prone to overfitting—or using retrieval-augmented generation limited by
input length, we transform the data into concise logic rules. These rules encapsulate essential pat-
terns and guide the LLM during generation, enhancing performance and interpretability.
As shown in Figure 3, RuAG comprises three key steps: 1) LLM-Based Logic Rule Search For-
mulation: leverage the LLM to automatically formulate the logic rule learning problem, defining
predicates, actions, states, and rewards. (Section 3.1) 2) Logic Rule Search with Monte Carlo
Figure 3: The framework of our novel learned-rule-augmented generation (RuAG). RuAG automati-
cally compresses large external knowledge into compact logic rules using LLM-aided Monte Carlo
Tree Search (MCTS), through three phases: LLM-based Logic Rule Search Formulation, Logic
Rule Search with MCTS, and Learned-Rule-Augmented Generation. First, the LLM formulates
the MCTS search by defining the target and body predicates. Then we apply MCTS to generate
structured first-order logic rules, which are applied to guide generation. Our framework provides an
efficient alternative to RAG.
Tree Search (MCTS): employ MCTS to efficiently search for effective logic rules based on the
LLM-formulated problem. (Section 3.2) 3) Learned-Rule-Augmented Generation: integrate the
learned logic rules into the LLM’s generation process, improving its generation. (Section 3.3)
Search for logical rules traditionally requires significant human effort, particularly in defining
domain-specific head predicates and selecting relevant features that characterize data samples. This
process demands domain knowledge and impacts both the quality of the derived logic rules and the
computational cost of search. To address this challenge, our method begin with LLM-based Logic
Rule Search Formulation, where we leverage the capabilities of LLMs to automatically formulate
the logic rule learning problem through defining the predicates.
Initial Predicates. Given a dataset D = {(x, y)}, where each data sample x = [x1, x2, . . . , xN ] ∈
X is N -dimensional and y ∈ {0, 1} is the label, we initial the label as the target predicate and
the features as the body predicates. We can directly translate discrete variables into Boolean val-
ues through one-hot vectors. For continuous variables, we can translate them into Boolean-valued
attributes through Gini-index (Strobl et al., 2007). Therefore, each predicate is a Boolean-valued
function representing a basic condition derived from the data. Discrete variables can be directly
translated into Boolean-valued through one-hot vectors. Continuous variables are translated into
Boolean-valued attributes through Gini-index. Therefore, each predicate is a Boolean-valued func-
tion representing a basic condition derived from the data. Furthermore, we suggest prompting LLMs
to remove impossible body predicates to reduce logic rules search space or suggest new target pred-
icates to search more logic rules for a better understanding of the task.
Removing Impossible Body Predicates. Given a target predicate, the LLM aids in filtering out
impossible or irrelevant body predicates, reducing the computational burden. By utilizing common-
sense reasoning, the LLM can identify predicates that are unlikely to contribute to effective logic
rules. For instance, in a system log analysis, the LLM might determine that certain attributes like
user IDs are less relevant for anomaly detection compared to error codes or access patterns.
Suggesting New Target Predicates. In addition to the primary target predicate (e.g., achieving a
specific classification label), the LLM can suggest additional head predicates to explore. This is
particularly useful in tasks requiring long-horizon planning, where intermediate goals can guide the
Given target predicate: Stand(👧,🟦)Learned-RuleAugumented GenerationInput: You are 👩🏫, your task is to collaborate with 👩🏫 to find 💎 in the game.Here are some logic rules you may find helpful:[Current Observation]Please response with ….Response: turn left, as …- Rule 1: If 👩🏫 visited 🟨 and her horizon distance to 💎 is -6, then 👩🏫 can stand on 🟦.- Rule 2: If 👩🏫 visited 🟪 and his vertical distance to 💎 is -2, then 👩🏫 can stand on 🟦.- Rule 3: If ….Pre-collected dataSearched Logic Rule Set1. Visit(👩🏫, 🟨) & DisX(👩🏫, 💎)=-6 & … →Stand(👧, 🟦)2. Visit(👨⚕, 🟪) & DisY(👩🏫, 💎)=-2 & … →Stand(👧, 🟦)3. …Task-related: Obtain 💎LLM suggests more: Stand(👩🏫 ,🟦), Stand(👩🏫 ,🟨) Stand(👨⚕ ,🟦), Stand(👨⚕ ,🟨)Stand(👨⚕ ,🟪 ), Reward = -10.0Remove impossible ones: Predicate 1: Visit(👩🏫, 🟨) ✅ Predicate 2: Visit(👨⚕, 🟪) ✅ Predicate 3: IsBoy(👩🏫) ❌State: a rule 𝑳 = some body predicates: [Visit(👩🏫, 🟨) , DisX(👩🏫, 💎)=-6,…]Action: add a new predicate into 𝑳: [Visit, DisX, …]← DisY(👨⚕, 💎)=-2 Reward: F1-score of applying the rule 𝑳 in the pre-collected dataDisX(👩🏫 💎)=-6Visit(👩🏫, 🟨) Logic Rule Search with MCTSTarget predicateBody predicateA rule 𝑳: A set of Body Predicates → Target PredicateLLM-based Logic Rule Search FormulationPreprint.
search for effective logic rules. By generating these new head predicates, the LLM enables a more
comprehensive exploration of the logic rule space.
Our LLM-based logic rule search formulation enjoys the following advantages:
• Automation and Scalability: The LLM automates the setup of the logic rule learning problem,
i.e., defining the target and body predicates, avoiding human experts, and making it scalable to
large and complex datasets.
• Enriched rule generation: By generating relevant target predicates, our method can extract
more meaningful rules.
• Reduced Computational Burden: By eliminating irrelevant predicates, the LLM narrows
down the search space, improving efficiency.
Following the definition of predicates in logic rule searching, we apply Monte Carlo Tree Searching
(MCTS) to perform logic rule learning, inspired by its effectiveness in searching optimal policy in
large state spaces.
States, Actions, and Rewards in MCTS. With the predicates defined, the state, action, and reward
in MCTS for logic rule searching can be defined as:
• States (S): Each state represents a partial logic rule, consisting of a set of predicates. The
initial state is the empty set, S0 = ∅. Subsequent states are defined as: Sn = Sn−1 ∪ {αi},
where αi is the predicate added by an action.
• Actions (A): Actions involve adding a new predicate to the current state. The action space is
defined as: A = {Add αi | αi is a candidate predicate generated by the LLM}.
• Rewards (R): The reward function evaluates the quality of a logic rule. For example, the
reward for state Sn can be defined as the precision of the rule evaluating on the dataset D.
Typically, MCTS involves building a search tree and simulating outcomes to estimate the value
of actions. It consists of four key phases: selection, expansion, simulation, and backpropagation.
Selection and expansion: The process begins at the root node, where the algorithm selects the
most promising child nodes based on the Upper Confidence Bound applied to Trees (UCT). This
continues until a leaf node is reached. If the leaf node is not terminal, new child nodes are created
to explore potential moves. As an example, we expand a new node at the state of [(age ≥ 30), ] ⇒
(income ≥ $50, 000), if we select a new candidate predicate (income ≥ $50, 000) according to its
UCT value, then we add it into the rule: [(age ≥ 30), ] ← (income ≥ $50, 000) and enter the new
state of [(age ≥ 30), (education = bachelor’s)] ⇒ income ≥ $50, 000. Simulation: For the newly
expanded nodes, random simulations (also known as rollouts) are performed to calculate the reward
of the state. Backpropagation: The calculated reward is then propagated back up the tree, updating
the nodes’ statistical information. The UCT algorithm plays a crucial role in MCTS, balancing
exploration and exploitation by selecting actions that maximize: U CTj = ¯Xj + C
, where
¯Xj is the average reward of action j, NC is the total number of visits to the parent node, is the
number of visits to node j, C is a constant that adjusts the exploration-exploitation trade-off.
(cid:113) 2 ln NC
Finally, we collect all the rules constructed at the terminal nodes when 1) the constructed rule reaches
a predefined maximum length (i.e., the number of body predicates exceeds a threshold).2) If the
reward of the final node (i.e., the precision of the rule) exceeds a predefined threshold, indicating
that the rule is sufficiently accurate.
After the logic rule search, we gather a set of logic rules and follow the following steps to perform
learned-rule-augmented generation. 1) Clean Searched Rules: The collected rules may contain
duplicates, exhibit low quality, or cover only a limited subset of the data. We first eliminate those
with low rewards or minimal data coverage. Then, we compare each pair of rules and retain the one
with the higher reward if its body predicates are a subset of the other’s. 2) Translate Rules into
Natural Language: To enhance the LLMs’ comprehension, we translate these symbolic rules into
natural language, resulting in a group of sentences. These sentences can then be injected into the
LLM prompts to guide generation more effectively. 3) Retrieve Relevant Rules: It is optional to
retrieve only the most relevant rules or inject all the rules, depending on the contextual window size
and the long-text understanding capability of the LLM. 4) Generation: The generator component
can be modeled using any LLM. We use GPT-4 (OpenAI, 2023) if no specific model is clarified. To
combine the input with the rules during generation, we simply apply the rules in a prompt template.
Most decision-making and prediction tasks can be abstracted into state chains to achieve their ulti-
mate goals, which allows our method to adapt to a wide variety of tasks. In this section, we evaluate
our method over diverse domains, including NLP (relationship extraction in Section 4.1), time-
series predication (log-based anomaly detection in Section 4.2), decision-making task (cooperative
game (Chen et al., 2024b) in Section 4.3) and a private industrial task (unauthorized party abuse
detection in Appendix A). We compare our method with the domain-specific baselines for each task
and HtT (Zhu et al., 2023b), which applies LLMs to generate rules. The specific implementation
details of the experimental setup can be found in Appendix C.
Document-level relation extraction is a critical task in natural language processing (NLP), where
the goal is to identify and classify relationships between entities across entire documents rather than
isolated sentences. This task becomes more complex at the document level due to the larger con-
text and the need to resolve long-range dependencies and co-references between entities scattered
throughout the document. However, using only LLMs for this task is often limited by their inabil-
ity to consistently capture complex document-wide relationships, especially when reasoning across
multiple entities and contexts.
Setup. We conduct experiments on the DWIE dataset (Zaporojets et al., 2021), which contains 802
documents and 23,130 entities. After excluding irrelevant articles, 700 documents are used for train-
ing and 97 for testing. During the rule extraction process, we leveraged the LLM to filter out 15% of
the relationships that were unlikely to serve as valid predicates. We evaluate the performance of our
method using standard relation extraction metrics, including Precision, Recall, and F1-score. For
comparison, we evaluate our method against several state-of-the-art models for document-level rela-
tion extraction, including CNN, BiLSTM (Yao et al., 2019), Context-Aware (Sorokin & Gurevych,
2017), and BERT-based models(Shi & Lin, 2019), which are widely used in document-level rela-
tion extraction tasks. Additionally, we compare with the LLM-based HtT(Zhu et al., 2023b) model,
which employs predefined logical rules to extract relations. These comparison methods provide a
comprehensive benchmark for assessing the effectiveness of our approach in extracting relations at
the document level.
Precision Recall
Table 1: Experimental Results on Relation Extraction.
43.78% 47.13% 45.03%
48.17% 44.32% 41.53%
49.84% 49.35% 54.13%
Context-Aware 45.37% 49.87% 38.76%
Main Results.
shown in Fig-
ure 1, our method outperforms both deep
learning-based and LLM-based baselines
in document-level relation extraction. DL-
based methods that leverage richer con-
textual information tend to achieve bet-
ter performance. For instance, BERT and
BiLSTM outperform CNN, demonstrating
the importance of modeling long-range
semantic dependencies in document-level
relation extraction. Additionally, the re-
sults highlight the potential of LLM-based
methods in this task. When using GPT-4 as the base model, LLM-based approaches surpass
DL-based methods, showcasing the effectiveness of large language models in capturing complex
document-level relationships. Moreover, our method outperforms HtT in both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4
settings. This is because HtT extracts rules from a single document, which limits its global perspec-
tive, while the predefined rules may not fully represent the broader context. In contrast, our method
utilizes MCTS to search for rules from a global viewpoint, effectively mining potential rules from
the training data. This approach ensures efficiency while maintaining the reliability of the rules dur-
ing the search process. By combining the learned logic rules with the reasoning power of LLMs,
HtT (GPT3.5) 22.55% 35.76% 16.46%
52.59% 68.20% 42.80%
HtT (GPT4)
Ours (GPT3.5) 26.63% 39.82% 20.00%
Ours (GPT4)
60.42% 69.44% 53.48%
our method achieves more accurate and comprehensive relation identification, distinguishing it from
both traditional DL-based models and other LLM-based methods. With GPT-4, our method reaches
an F1-score of 60.42%, significantly outperforming other methods, highlighting the strength of our
approach in document-level relation extraction.
Log-based anomaly detection is fundamentally a time-series prediction task, where the goal is to
predict whether a sequence of log events indicates abnormal system behavior. This task is crucial
for maintaining system reliability and security by identifying patterns that signal potential failures
or attacks. Given the temporal nature of log data, both sequential patterns and the semantic content
of the logs must be analyzed to accurately detect anomalies. Effective anomaly detection in time-
series log data is essential for preventing system downtime and ensuring the smooth functioning of
distributed infrastructures.
Setup. We evaluate our method on the HDFS dataset (Xu et al., 2009) for the log-based anomaly
detection task. This dataset consists of over 11 million log entries generated from Hadoop-based
map-reduce jobs on more than 200 Amazon EC2 nodes. In practice, we sampled 20,000 blocks of
log sequences from the HDFS dataset, consisting of approximately 486,060 log entries. The dataset
was split chronologically into training, validation, and test sets with a ratio of 8:1:1. We evaluate our
method using F1 score (F1), Precision, and Recall to compare it against several baselines. The base-
lines include traditional methods like LogCluster (Lin et al., 2016), DeepLog (Du et al., 2017), and
LogRobust (Zhang et al., 2019), as well as LLM-based models like Vanilla, HtT, and LogGPT (Qi
et al., 2023), providing a comprehensive assessment of performance across various approaches.
Precision Recall
Table 2: Comparison under different methods on
Log-based anomaly detection.
LogCluster 70.97% 96.70% 56.05%
53.55% 53.74% 65.08%
LogRobust 87.31% 89.12% 85.54%
Main Results.
Table 2 compares our
method with traditional baselines and LLM-
based models on the log-based anomaly de-
tection task. Traditional deep learning meth-
ods heavily rely on the training dataset,
generally suffering from limited generaliza-
tion ability and difficulty in discovering new
anomalies. As a result, they perform poorly
here. The LLM-based models, all based
on GPT-4, demonstrate their potential even
with a prompt-based approach. LogGPT
achieves an F1 score of 72.56% and a perfect recall of 100%, highlighting the LLM’s ability to
infer system anomalies from semantic information like abnormal keywords. However, LogGPT’s
precision is less ideal (56.82%), due to the lack of domain-specific knowledge, leading it to misclas-
sify minor issues as anomalies. HtT, which learns anomaly patterns from training data and provides
them to the LLM for detection, performs worse than LogGPT with an F1 score of 58.73%, due to
inefficiencies in handling large-scale data and difficulties in identifying global patterns. In contrast,
our method leverages MCTS to efficiently extract the most reliable rules from the entire dataset, pro-
viding clear guidance to the LLM. This approach results in 100% recall and significantly improves
precision by addressing the LLM’s tendency to misclassify normal log sequences. As a result, our
method achieves an F1 score of 92.59%, outperforming all baselines.
58.73% 45.46% 82.31%
LogGPT 72.56% 56.82% 100%
86.21% 100%
In the real world, plenty of scenarios involve decision-making, planning, and collaborating, espe-
cially in partially observable environments. Moreover, often the optimal strategy often contradicts
human intuition. You can not walk towards the treasure directly as there may be walls blocking the
path. In such tasks, it is crucial to inject domain knowledge to make informed decisions, as only
by integrating specific domain expertise can the model accurately identify the optimal strategy and
make sound judgments.
Setup. We choose the cooperative multi-agent game Alice&Bob, which requires both planning and
collaboration. In the game, Alice and Bob work together to find the treasure (Chen et al., 2024b),
and the optimal paths for both agents often go against intuition. They are required to sequentially
experience key blocks, with one agent needing to remain on a block to enable the other to obtain the
treasure. Episodes last up to 50 steps. Metric We evaluate the method by reporting the average win
rate (WR), the accumulative rewards (AR), and the average episode length (AL) across 30 episodes.
Baselines We compare our method with RL baselines (behavior cloning; offline tabular Q), rule
generated method (PLLB (Srivastava et al., 2024) and HtT (Zhu et al., 2023b)), RAG, ICL-Good
(ICL with good demonstrations) and ICL-Contrastive (ICL with both good and bad demonstrations).
We provide the results of random policy and LLM-based grounded policy (with handcraft rules) as
well. Data Collection We collect 1000 episodes of trajectories by applying a handcraft policy where
the agent has the probability of p to follow the optimal policy and 1 − p to follow a random policy.
We set p = 0.7 in the default setting. Generated target predicates by LLMs We search the logic
rules from different aspects following the LLMs’ suggestion: 1) team reward = -10; 2) Alice or Bob
stand on yellow, purple, skyblue blocks; 3) Game Win. During the evaluation, we make different
LLM serves as Alice and Bob, providing them with the observations, historical information, and the
action space and prompting them to respond with the chosen action.
AL WR (%)
Behavior Cloning 54.67(±51.82) 32.46
Offline Tabular Q 59.51(±52.71) 32.60
Table 3: Experimental results over the decision-making task,
Alice&Bob. The standard error is provided in the bracket.
Main Results. In Table 3, we com-
pare the performance of various RL-
based and LLM-based methods on
the Alice & Bob task. Overall,
our method achieves the sota perfor-
mance. RL-based methods perform
relatively well and surpass most
LLM-based methods, as they can
accumulate knowledge during train-
ing. In contrast, LLM-based meth-
ods face significant challenges in
this task. Methods like Vanilla, ICL-
Good, and ICL-Contrastive show
negative accumulative rewards (-
0.08, -0.71, and -0.83, respectively)
with a win rate of 0, indicating a
clear lack of strategy reasoning and
task optimization. Vanilla performs badly due to the absence of domain knowledge. However,
once domain knowledge is correctly incorporated, performance improves significantly, as seen with
methods like MCTS (win rate of 0.7) and Grounded Policy ( win rate of 0.9). Among those external-
knowledge enhanced generation methods, ICL, and RAG insert relevant demonstrations, however
perform bad as LLMs may suffer from long-text understanding. HtT, and PLLB relay on LLM to
summarize rules, which not only need to understand long text but also require more domain knowl-
edge than our method to summarizing rules, therefore the summarized rules may not provide enough
domain knowledge for LLMs.
-0.26 (±0.22)
69.45(±46.1) 33.23
PLLB (Offline)
89.87(±30.06) 32.1
In this section, we present an ablation study to evaluate the robustness and effectiveness of our
method across several dimensions. First, we analyze the performance of our method when using
different LLM backbones, examining whether the choice of LLM impacts overall task performance.
Second, we explore the contribution of different components in our method, including the use of
chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning and rule-based guidance, to assess how each component improves
the task. Lastly, we investigate the effectiveness of the MCTS rule extraction process by varying the
number of search episodes.
Ablation on different LLM backbones. Table 5 presents the results of our ablation study on
different LLM backbones across relation extraction, log anomaly detection and cooperative games.
It compares baseline models (Vanilla), chain-of-thought (CoT), and our RuAG for GPT-3.5 and
GPT-4. While CoT improves performance by promoting step-by-step reasoning, it falls short in
tasks requiring domain knowledge. In contrast, RuAG learned rules from external data, provides the
required context, and consistently enhances performance across different backbones.
Ablation on searching episodes in MCTS. Table 6 shows the impact of MCTS search episodes
for three tasks. In relation extraction and cooperative games, we report the number and accuracy of
extracted rules are evaluated, while log anomaly detection is assessed based on the final task per-
Table 4: Searched rule examples across different tasks.
head of gov → citizen of
head of gov-x → citizen of-x
E11, E28 → abnormal,
conf = 0.96
E11, E26, E20 → abnormal,
conf = 0.99
[IsGreen(Alice’s Center Left) &
MoveRight(Alice) & dx(Alice,
treasure)=0 & dx(Alice,
sure) & Stand(Bob,
& VisitedSkyblue(Bob) & Vis-
itedPurple(Bob) & VisitedYel-
low(Alice) ] → Game Win
If a person holds the position of head of government,
they are also a citizen of that country.
If a person holds the position of head of government in
a nominal variation of a country, they are also a citizen
of that nominal variation of the country.
If events E11 and E28 occur sequentially, it indicates a
high probability of anomaly with a confidence of 0.96.
If events E11, E26, and E20 occur sequentially, it indi-
cates a very high probability of anomaly with a confi-
dence of 0.99.
When Alice’s center right block is green, if Alice moves
right, then the team will receive a Reward = 100.0. In
all these cases, Alice locates at 0 blocks down, 1 block
to the left of the treasure, Bob stands on skyblue block,
Bob visited skyblue block, Alice visited yellow block,
Bob visited purple block.
Table 5: Ablation on LLM backbones across different tasks.
Backbone Method
Relation Extraction
Log Anomaly Detection
Cooperative Game
Precision Recall
Vanilla 18.94% 31.06% 13.62% 48.42% 62.71% 39.43% -0.58(±0.47)
+CoT 19.85% 28.19% 15.32% 73.19% 75.42% 71.08% -0.38(±0.26)
26.63% 39.82% 20.00% 91.39% 100.00% 84.16% 45.2(±49.81) 42.73 0.45
Precision Recall
Vanilla 46.94% 69.61% 35.41% 60.10% 47.05% 83.16% -0.08(±0.11)
+CoT 48.10% 66.13% 37.39% 76.11% 94.69% 63.62% -0.83(±0.66)
60.42% 69.44% 53.48% 92.59% 86.21% 100.00% 69.45(±46.1) 33.23 0.7
formance. According to the results, fewer search episodes still yield high-quality rules. Increasing
episodes expands the search space, leading to more rules, but with diminishing returns as excessive
episodes introduce ineffective searches and, in some cases, incorrect rules (e.g., relation extraction).
Table 6: Ablation on searching episodes in MCTS. Num. denotes the number of searched rules.
Relation Extraction
Anomaly Detection
Cooperative Game
Precision Recall Num. Precision
65.75%% 100.00% 48.89% 14
86.86% 98.7% 77.55% 16
Ablation on hyperparameter p for data collection in decision-making task. We adjust the prob-
ability p of performing optimal policy and report the searched rule numbers and their precision in
Table 7 to investigate the impact of data collection policies on the searched rules.
In this section, we present a case study to demonstrate how the ex-
tracted rules help LLMs perform tasks more effectively across different
domains. The extracted rules serve as a guiding mechanism, assist-
ing the LLM in making more accurate predictions and improving task
performance by providing structured logic and patterns that the LLM
can follow. Figure 4 illustrates the most representative cases where ex-
Table 7: Ablation on hy-
perparameter p.
Num Precision
Figure 4: Case studies on relation extraction, log-based anomaly detction and cooperative game.
tracted rules helped LLMs improve performance across three tasks: relation extraction, log-based
anomaly detection, and multi-agent gaming.
In the relation extraction task, without the aid of extracted rules, LLMs typically rely solely on the
literal content of the document, extracting only obvious relational triples while missing more implicit
ones. As shown in Figure 4(a), the LLM can infer the relationship (“Ariel Sharon”, “head of gov”,
“Israel”) based on the document’s semantics. However, it misses the implicit relationship (“Ariel
Sharon”, “citizen of”, “Israel”). By providing the LLM with the rule “head of gov → citizen of”,
our method helps the LLM extract this additional, less obvious relation. This demonstrates how our
rule-based approach enables LLMs to more comprehensively complete the relation extraction task
by accounting for logical patterns that might otherwise be overlooked.
In log-based anomaly detection task, LLMs can struggle due to insufficient domain knowledge,
leading to hallucination issues. In Figure 4(b), the log sequence lacks clear semantic indicators of
an anomaly, making it difficult for the LLM to detect. Our method uses MCTS to extract rules
from historical logs that indicate abnormal patterns. When processing a sample, the log sequence is
matched with the rule base, and the corresponding rule along with its confidence score is provided
to the LLM. This enables the LLM to combine semantic information with historical patterns and
rule reliability to make accurate anomaly detections. In this case, Rule 1 triggered by “E11, E28”
indicates a high probability of anomaly, allowing the LLM to correctly assess the system state.
In decision-making task (Figure 4 (c)), the vanilla LLM only takes as input the Bob’s observation,
therefore have a straightforward policy to walk towards the treasure directly. However, RuAG awares
Bob the domain-specific knowledge: to stand on the skyblue block is a significant step for your
team sucess. Therefore, in RuAG, Bob choose to walk to skyblue block first. This cooperative game
highlights the significance of domain-specific knowledge in decision-making task, and demonstrates
the effictiveness of our RuAG to integrate domain-specific knowledge by logic rules.
In this paper, we introduce a novel framework RuAG that automatically distills large volumes of of-
fline data into understandable first-order logic rules, which are then injected into LLMs to enhance
#Log Seq : ['E5', 'E22', 'E5', 'E5', 'E11', 'E9', 'E26', 'E11', 'E9', 'E11', 'E9', 'E26', 'E26', 'E4', 'E4', 'E3', 'E2', 'E23', 'E23', 'E23', 'E21', 'E21', 'E28', 'E26', ‘E21’]#Event content : E5:[*]Receiving block[*]src:[*]dest:[*]…… the sequence "E11, E28" triggers Rule 1, indicating a high probability of an anomaly. Based on the log sequence information, E28 indeed indicates a high probability of an anomaly, as …System State:[Normal] ….Although there are some events related to file operations and block transfers, none indicate abnormal behavior.System State:[Abnormal].✅❌R1: 𝐸11,𝐸28→ 1,conf=0.96…𝑅2: 𝐸11,𝐸26,𝐸20→1,conf=0.9VanillaOursInputsRue BaseRetreivalR1inputs(‘Ariel Sharon’, ‘head_of_gov’, ‘Israel’),(‘George W. Bush’, ‘agent_of’, ‘United States’),('Mahmoud Abbas', 'head_of_gov-x', 'Palestinians')('Ariel Sharon’,'head_of_gov', 'Israel’), ('Mahmoud Abbas', 'head_of_gov-x’, 'Palestinians')…('Ariel Sharon', 'head_of_gov', 'Israel’), ('George W. Bush’, 'agent_of', 'United States’), ('Mahmoud Abbas', 'head_of_gov-x', 'Palestinians')…✅❌head_of_gov→ citizen_of…head_of_gov-x→ citizen_of-xVanillaOursRue BaseRetreivalRulesinputs#Entities:Ariel Sharon;Israel; Mahmoud Abbas …#Document: In a historic meeting in the Jordanian coastal town of Aqaba on We-dnesday, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sha-ron and his Palestinian counterpart Mah-moud Abbas ….Inputs(a) Relation Extraction (b) Log-based Anomaly DetectionMove Left as I need to stand on the skyblue block to wait Alice reach the treasure.Move Right as the treasure is located at my right side.✅❌Team receives a Reward = 100.0 (Game Win): When Alice's center right block is green, if Alice moves right, then … In all these cases, Alice locates at 0 blocks down and 1 blocks to the left of the treasure, Bob stands on skyblue block, Alice visited yellow block, Bob visited purple, skyblue blocks.Bob stands on purple block:When Bob locates at 2 blocks down and 9 blocks to the left of the treasure, if Bob moves right, then Bob will stand on purple block. When Bob locates at 1 blocks down and 8 blocks to the left of the treasure, if Bob moves down, then Bob will stand on purple block. VanillaOursRulesYou are Bob, currently collaborating with Alice in a grid world to obtain the treasure (green block). You are currently located at 0 blocks down and 5 blocks to the left of treasure. Your teammate, Alice, is currently located at 5 blocks down and 0 blocks to the left of treasure. The blocks surrounding you and their colors are: lower left block: white (reachable)…Please choose action from up, down, left, right, stand.Inputsinputs(c)CooperativeGamePreprint.
their generation capabilities. By leveraging LLMs’ commonsense, we first automatically formulate
the searching process through defining the target predicate and body predicates. Then, we apply
Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) to efficiently address the combinatorial search space. As conse-
quence, our method discovers logic rules that can be seamlessly integrated into LLM prompts for
downstream task reasoning. Empirical evaluations across a variety of tasks, including NLP, time-
series, decision-making, and industrial applications, demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach
in improving LLM performance over diverse domains.
In this paper, we strictly obey the principles outlined in the ICLR Code of Ethics, including careful
consideration of potential ethical concerns, including the impact on human subjects, data privacy,
and fairness in algorithmic decisions. Specially, the three public datasets do not have potential risk.
As for the private industrial dataset, we promise that any data used in this study were released in
compliance with legal and ethical standards, and proper security measures were implemented to
safeguard personal information.
We provide the all the details of our method in the paper and appendix, including evaluation prompts,
detailed experimental setup and implementation, hyperparameters for both LLM reasoning and
MCTS. The code will be available upon the paper publication. These above ensure that others
can reproduce our method.
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Lewei Lu, Xiaogang Wang, Yu Qiao, Zhaoxiang Zhang, and Jifeng Dai. Ghost in the minecraft:
Generally capable agents for open-world environments via large language models with text-based
knowledge and memory. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.17144, 2023a.
Zhaocheng Zhu, Yuan Xue, Xinyun Chen, Denny Zhou, Jian Tang, Dale Schuurmans, and Hanjun
Dai. Large language models can learn rules. arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.07064, 2023b.
The Unauthorized Party Abuse (UPA) detection task is a binary classification problem, where the
goal is to predict whether an incident is a case of UPA (IsUPA) based on a series of features. These
features include both time-dependent data, such as resource acquisition velocities and user activity
history, as well as static features, like resource descriptions and types of compromised subscriptions.
The task is to accurately classify each event as either UPA or not, while maintaining high precision
and recall to avoid misclassifying legitimate customer activities.
Setup The dataset used for this task comes from a private industrial source, consisting of histor-
ical incidents of Unauthorized Party Abuse (UPA). It includes both time-dependent features, such
as resource acquisition velocities and user activity history, as well as static features, like resource
descriptions and types of compromised subscriptions. The dataset is imbalanced, with significantly
fewer UPA cases compared to legitimate ones, and the overall data volume is large. To address this,
we sampled a balanced dataset and tested the algorithm on smaller batches. For evaluation, we used
common fraud detection metrics, including F1-score, Recall, Precision, and Accuracy. We compared
our method against several baselines, including XGBoost, Decision Tree, and Rule Grounding. In
Rule Grounding, the extracted rules were directly used for prediction to evaluate the effectiveness
of rule extraction.
Implement Details
In our task, most features in the dataset are continuous. To adapt to the re-
quirement of Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) for discrete state mining, we used the Gini index to
discretize these continuous features. Specifically, for each continuous feature, we divided it into 10
discrete states. The discretization process involved calculating the Gini index to determine the opti-
mal split points, ensuring that each resulting interval maintains a high degree of data purity. Thus,
each data sample was converted into a sequence of discrete states.
We used Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) to extract rules from the training set. MCTS was initial-
ized with a root node representing the initial state. Child nodes were created and expanded using the
Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) formula. Simulations were performed to explore different paths,
and optimal rules were generated for both IsUPA=1 and IsUPA=0 targets. The rollout was set to
500, and the reward was based on the precision derived from the rule. The maximum rule length
was set to 5. Additionally, if a node’s precision exceeded 0.85, we considered it a terminal node,
as further expansion was deemed unnecessary. This allowed us to collect all reasonable rules with
lengths ranging from 1 to 5.
Main result Table 8 shows the results of different methods on the small batch dataset for abuse
detection. We observe that the rules extracted using MCTS achieve high precision, similar to tradi-
tional machine learning methods, but also exhibit a higher recall. This is because MCTS explores
a broader search space, allowing it to capture a more comprehensive set of abuse patterns. On the
other hand, directly using the LLM for this task yields poor performance, with an F1 score of only
22.64%. The lack of domain-specific knowledge and the difficulty in processing purely numerical
features hinder the LLM’s effectiveness in this scenario.
However, our method, which provides the MCTS-extracted rules as historical guidance to the LLM,
enables the LLM to make better decisions by combining the extracted rules with feature information
from specific scenarios. The results indicate that our approach significantly improves the LLM’s
performance on this type of numerical task. With the help of rules, the LLM’s F1 score increases
to 96%, demonstrating the effectiveness of our method in guiding the LLM to handle such tasks
better. The table shows several representative rules extracted using MCTS, along with their pre-
cision, recall, and F1-score if used directly for detection. As can be seen, just using the first rule
alone yields an F1 score of 0.6623. Additionally, precision is crucial for rules in this task, as high
precision means that the rule for predicting IsUPA=1 is highly reliable and unlikely to make false
positive errors.
Table 8: Comparison under different methods on Fraud detection
Precision Recall
Decision tree
83.72% 100%
88.89% 100%
Rule grounding 93.62% 100%
22.64% 21.43% 24%
Table 9: Representative rule, precision, and description of unauthorized party abuse detection.
Feature1 ≤ 0.030 and Feature2 is 1 and
0.003 < Feature3 ≤ 0.547
0.348 < Feature4 ≤ 0.712
Feature1 ≤ 0.030 and Feature2 is 1 and
0.258 < Feature4 ≤ 0.348
Target Precision Recall
We provide the searched rules in Table 10 (Relation Extraction), Table 11(Log-based anomaly de-
tection), Listing 1(Cooperative game) and Table 9 (Abuse detection).
Table 10: Representative rule, precision, and description of relation extraction
player of→member of
Precision Description
minister of→agent of
head of state-x,
→ head of state
head of gov,
citizen of-x
in0-x →
head of, agency of →
citizen of
If someone is a player of a certain team, then they are also a
member of that team. For example, “John is a player of TeamA”
can be deduced as “John is a member of TeamA”.
If someone is a minister of a certain organization or country,
then they are also an agent of that organization or country. For
example, “Alice is a minister of Country X” can be deduced as
“Alice is an agent of Country X”.
If someone is the head of state of a nominal variation of a coun-
try, and that nominal variation corresponds to an official coun-
try name, then they are also the head of state of that country.
For example, “PersonA is the head of state-x of German” and
“German is gpe0 of Germany” can be deduced as “PersonA is
the head of state of Germany”.
If someone is the head of government of a country, and a geo-
graphic location in that country has a nominal variation, then the
head of government can be considered a citizen of the nominal
variation. For example, “PersonB is the head of gov of Israel”
and “Tel Aviv is in0-x of Israeli” can be deduced as “PersonB
is citizen of-x of Israeli”.
If someone is the head of an organization, and that organization
is an agency of a country, then the head of the organization can
be considered a citizen of that country. For example, “PersonC
is head of Organization Y” and “Organization Y is agency of
Country Z” can be deduced as “PersonC is citizen of Coun-
try Z”.
1) Summarized experiences related to **Bob stands on yellow block**
- Conditions: Alice visited yellow block, Bob visited purple block, and Bob visited skyblue block.
- When Bob locates at 5 blocks down and 0 block to the left of the treasure, if Bob moves down, then Bob
will stand on yellow block.
2) Summarized experiences related to **Bob stands on purple block**
- When Bob locates at 2 blocks down and 9 blocks to the left of the treasure, if Bob moves right, then Bob
will stand on purple block.
- When Bob locates at 1 block down and 8 blocks to the left of the treasure, if Bob moves down, then Bob
will stand on purple block.
- When Bob locates at 2 blocks down and 8 blocks to the left of the treasure, if Bob keep standing on
current block, then Bob will stand on purple block. In all these cases, Bob visited purple block.
- When Bob locates at 2 blocks down and 8 blocks to the left of the treasure, if Bob moves right, then Bob
will stand on purple block. In all these cases, Bob visited purple block.
- When Bob locates at 2 blocks down and 8 blocks to the left of the treasure, if Bob moves down, then Bob
will stand on purple block. In all these cases, Bob visited purple block.
3) Summarized experiences related to **Alice stands on skyblue block**
- Conditions: Alice visited yellow block, and Bob visited purple block.
- When Alice locates at 0 block down and 5 blocks to the left of the treasure, if Alice moves left, Bob
did not visit skyblue block, then Alice will stand on skyblue block.
4) Summarized experiences related to **Alice stands on green block**
- Conditions: Bob stand on skyblue block, and Bob visited skyblue block, Alice visited yellow block, Bob
visited purple block
- When Alice locates at 1 block down and 0 block to the left of the treasure, if Alice moves up, then
Alice will stand on green block.
- When Alice locates at 0 block down and 1 block to the left of the treasure, if Alice moves right, then
Alice will stand on green block.
5) Summarized experiences related to **Alice stands on yellow block**
- Conditions: Bob visited purple block
- When Alice locates at 6 blocks down and 0 block to the left of the treasure, if Alice’s action is not up
, Alice’s action is not left, then Alice will stand on yellow block. In all these cases, Alice visited
yellow block.
- When Alice locates at 6 blocks down and 1 block to the left of the treasure, if Alice moves right, then
Alice will stand on yellow block.
- When Alice locates at 5 blocks down and 0 block to the left of the treasure, if Alice moves down, then
Alice will stand on yellow block.
- When Alice locates at 6 blocks down and 0 block to the left of the treasure, if Alice keep standing on
current block, then Alice will stand on yellow block. In all these cases, Alice visited yellow block.
- When Alice locates at 6 blocks down and 0 block to the left of the treasure, if Alice moves down, then
Alice will stand on yellow block. In all these cases, Alice visited yellow block.
- When Alice locates at 6 blocks down and 0 block to the left of the treasure, if Alice moves right, then
Alice will stand on yellow block. In all these cases, Alice visited yellow block.
6) Summarized experiences related to **Bob stands on skyblue block**
- Conditions: Alice visited yellow block, and Bob visited purple block.
- When Bob locates at 0 block down and 5 blocks to the left of the treasure, if Bob moves left, Alice does
not stand on skyblue block, then Bob will stand on skyblue block.
- When Bob locates at 0 block down and 5 blocks to the left of the treasure, if Alice’s action is not left
, Bob moves left, then Bob will stand on skyblue block.
7) Summarized experiences related to **the team receive a Penalty of -10.0 reward**
- Conditions: Bob stands on skyblue block, Bob visited skyblue block, Alice visited yellow block, Bob
visited purple block, Bob’s action is not stand.
- When Alice’s upper right block is green, Alice’s action is not down, if Bob moves right, then the team
will receive a Penalty of -10.0 reward. In all these cases, Alice locates at 1 block down and 1 block to
the left of the treasure.
- When Alice locates at 1 block down and 1 block to the left of the treasure, if Alice’s action is not
down, Bob moves right, then the team will receive a Penalty of -10.0 reward.
8) Summarized experiences related to **the team receive a Reward = 100.0 (Game Win) **
- Conditions: Bob stands on skyblue block, Bob visited skyblue block, Alice visited yellow block, Bob
visited purple block
- When Alice’s center right block is green, if Alice moves right, then the team will receive a Reward =
100.0. In all these cases, Alice locates at 0 block down and 1 block to the left of the treasure.
- When Alice locates at 0 block down and 1 block to the left of the treasure, if Alice moves right, then
the team will receive a Reward = 100.0.
Listing 1: Searched rules in Alice&Bob Scenario
Table 11: Representative rule of Log-based anomaly detection
Precision Description
E7,E15 → abnormal
E11,E28 → abnormal
E11,E26,E20 → abnormal
If events E11 and E28 occur sequentially, it indicates a
high probability of anomaly with a confidence of 100%.
If events E11 and E28 occur sequentially, it indicates
a high probability of anomaly with a confidence of
If events E11 and E28 occur sequentially, it indicates a
high probability of anomaly with a confidence of 99%
We provide detailed implementation for the three public tasks and the hyperparamter in Table 12.
We employed Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) for relation extraction across all relation triplets
in the training set. The rules corresponding to terminal nodes were saved, and only those with a
precision greater than 0.5 were retained, resulting in a final set of 20 rules. During decision-making,
the LLMs select the most relevant rule based on similarity for each input. We experimented with both
GPT-3.5 (gpt-35-turbo-16k-20230613) and GPT-4 (gpt-4-20230613). For more hyper-parameters,
please refer to Table 12.
For our experiments, we sampled 20,000 blocks of log sequences from the large HDFS dataset,
which contained nearly 486,060 log entries. We split the dataset in a time-ordered fashion into
training, validation, and test sets with a ratio of 8:1:1. Both the sequential and semantic information
of log events were used for anomaly detection. In this task, we defined rules such that if a subset of
events (e.g., Em, En, El → abnormal) appears in order in a sequence, it indicates an abnormal log
sequence. For example, the rule Em, En, El → abnormal indicates that if Em, En, El appear in
order within a sequence, the sequence is identified as having abnormal characteristics. We employed
MCTS to search for rules in the log event sequences of the training set, with the rule’s accuracy
serving as the reward. During anomaly detection, both event sequence and semantic information are
input into the LLM, and matching rules are retrieved from the rule library. If no matching rule is
found, the LLM is notified that the log sequence does not reflect any known abnormal patterns from
historical data.
We choose the cooperative puzzle-solving game Alice&Bob (shown in Figure 7), as it is both chal-
lenging in requiring planning and collaboration, where two agents, Alice and Bob, navigate a 13x9
grid to find a treasure (Chen et al., 2024b) and the optimal path for them are both against to the
intuition. Each agent starts at different positions and can move up, down, left, right, or keep stand,
constrained by walls and map boundaries. Keys open corresponding doors, and a lever removes
walls, unlocking new areas. The agents only receive rewards upon reaching the treasure (+100),
with penalties for hitting walls (-0.1 for general walls, -10 for removable ones). Each agent has
limited visibility (a 3x3 area), and they must cooperate, using their abilities to overcome obstacles.
Episodes last up to 50 steps.
The observation of the agents includes their surrounding 8 blocks, their relative distance to the
treasure, their teammate’s relative distance to the treasure, as well as the special blocks they visited.
The candidate body predicates, including the agents’ observations and their actions. We search the
logic rules from different aspects following the LLMs’ suggestion: 1) team reward = -10; 2) Alice
or Bob stand on yellow, purple, skyblue blocks; 3) Game Win.
You are a relation extraction assistant, and your task is to extract specific relationships between given
entities from a document. The format for a relationship triple should be (entity1, relation, entity2), for
I will supply you with a document, 20
example, (’University of Cologne’, ’based in’, ’Germany’).
relationships with their descriptions, and the entities whose relationships need to be uncovered. Your
mission is to sift through the document and extract all potential relationships between the given entities,
based on the content of the document.
#### Task ####
You need to extract the relationships mentioned below. Here are the descriptions and explanations of
these relationships:
To improve Recall and precision in relationship extraction, we apply a set of logic rules to deduce
additional relationships based on the ones already identified. You can follow these logic rules to find
more relationships between entities:
Remember, the goal is to use these rules to fill in missing information and enhance the accuracy of
relationship extraction. Apply these rules systematically to every piece of information you process.
Please use the logical rules to derive more comprehensive relation triples as far as possible. At the
same time, the relation triples inferred using Logic rule should be identified and distinguished from the
original triples.
1. I have given you the following relationship triples. Based on these and the provided logical rules,
derive additional relationship triples.
2. Explain your derivation process and the logical rules you applied.
## Entities: {{Entities}}
## Document: {{Document}}
Now, based on the relationships, Document, and specified Entities I provided, extract the triples from the
Document that include these Entities and relationships, and briefly state the reason for each extraction.
Let’s think step by step.
#### Output ####
## result:
//Please return the relationship triples in the following JSON format, and after each relation you can
attach a reason:
{ (’entity1’, ’relation1’, ’entity2’)//Reason: After each relation triple you can attach a reason.
. . .
(’entity1’, ’relation2’, ’entity3’)//Reason:
To summarize, your task is to extract relation triples from the given document and follow logical rules
to get a more comprehensive relation triple, focusing only on the entities and relationships mentioned.
Please ensure that you do not extract any duplicate triples, and you should only extract triples that involve
the entities and relationships provided by me. Output the triples in the strict format (entity1, relation,
entity2), such as (University of Cologne, based in0, Germany).
Figure 5: Instruction prompt template for generating relation extraction triples.
You will see a complete log event sequence from a Block in the HDFS file system. I will also provide
you with the content of each log event in this sequence. Based on the current log sequence, you need to
predict whether the system is in a [Normal] or [Abnormal] state, along with a written description of your
## Input
The log sequence window requiring anomaly detection is:
The content of each log event in this sequence is as follows:
{event content}
## The Guidelines for anomaly detection is :
The provided guidelines are very reliable. You need to trust the guidelines I provide to you first, unless
there is more obvious and direct evidence to the contrary. If there are obvious unusual messages in your
logs like ”error,” ”failure,” ”exception,” and so on, you can judge for yourself
The provided guidelines are very reliable. You need to trust the guidelines I provide to you first, unless
there is more obvious and direct evidence to the contrary. If there are obvious unusual messages in your
logs like ”error,” ”failure,” ”exception,” and so on, you can judge for yourself.
## And you should answer:
’System State:[Normal]’ or System State:[Abnormal]’
You should first provide a brief explanation of your evaluation, and then always end your response with
either ’System State:[Normal]’ or ’System State:[Abnormal]’ verbatim.
Figure 6: Instruction prompt template for Log-based anomaly detection
Figure 7: Illustration of Alice& Bob.
Total rollouts
Reward metric
body predicates
Precision +
Precision > 0.9
Precision > 0.9
Precision >
Precision = 1
Table 12: Summary of MCTS Parameters and LLM Configuration Across Tasks
💎👦👧Door can be opened after 👧 stand on yellow block.Door can be opened after 👦 stand on purple block.Wallsthatcanberemovedifoneoftheagentkeepstandingontheskyblue blocksPreprint.
You are {agent’s name}, currently collaborating with your teammate, {teammate’s name}, in a grid
world to obtain the treasure (green block). The final goal of your team is to secure the treasure through
cooperation. Your team’s performance will be evaluated based on the total rewards you collect during
the game and the number of steps taken to find the treasure. Due to the impossible communication with
your teammate, please monitor the state of your teammate and adjust your plan in time.
## Game Win: You or {teammate’s name} reaches the treasure. Please actively collaborate with your
teammate to achieve the goal.
## Candidate actions: ’up’: move to stand on your **upper center** block if not black; ’down’: move to
stand on your **lower center** block if not blackk; ’left’: move to stand on your **center left** block
if not blackk; ’right’: move to stand on your **center right** block if not blackk; ’stand’: keep standing
on the current block. Be careful to stand on the same block for a long time.
## Explanation about your surrounding blocks: - Center left, center right, upper center, lower center
blocks: you can only move to any of them as long as they are non-black blocks; otherwise, you will
receive a penalty and stay on original block. - Upper left, Upper right, Lower left, lower right: You need
move twice to reach those blocks. So if you want to move to those blocks, please be careful to plan the
path and make sure all the blocks in the path are movable. As an example: if you want to move up then
right, please make sure both center right and upper center blocks are reachable.
## Some examples to avoid obstacles: - If you want to move to the lower right block and your center right
block is black, you can move down first then right if your lower center blobk is white. - If moving right
would bring you closer to your destination but the ’center right block’ is unmovable and ’lower center
block’ is movable, try moving down first, then moving left twice and finally up if applicable. Mention
this in your plan if you want to do so.
{Searched Logic Rules}
Please response with your thoughts, plan, and chosen action in the following format:
// Describe your
initial thoughts, like analysising the key steps towards game win, identifying your subgoals, comparing
your candidate actions, analysising the progress of your teammate, assessing your previous plan and
making future plan. ”Thoughts”: ”Let’s think step by step! [your analysis here]”,
// Make your future plan after you take action at this timestep. The plan will be the reference of your
future decision making. // Do not include the current chosen action in the plan. ”Plan”: ”[fill your future
plan here]”,
// Your action, make sure to choose from ’up’, ’down’, ’left’, ’right’, ’stand’. ”Chosen Action”: ”[fill
your final action choice here]”
## Your last action: {previous action}
## Your plan at last timestep: {previous plan}
Please reaccess your situation and make decisions based on your current observations and the previous
plan. If necessary, you can choose to act without considering your plan.
## Your current observation: {current observation}
Figure 8: Instruction prompt template for generating Alice’s action in Alice&Bob.
ai_researcher | 2 | Enhancing_Engineering_Document_Analysis_Through_Structured_Data_Mapping.pdf | 4
CatalogBank: A Structured and Interoperable Catalog Dataset
with a Semi-Automatic Annotation Tool (DocumentLabeler) for
Engineering System Design
Hasan Sinan Bank∗
[email protected]
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Daniel R. Herber
[email protected]
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
In the realm of document engineering and Natural Language Pro-
cessing (NLP), the integration of digitally born catalogs into product
design processes presents a novel avenue for enhancing information
extraction and interoperability. This paper introduces CatalogBank,
a dataset developed to bridge the gap between textual descriptions
and other data modalities related to engineering design catalogs.
We utilized existing information extraction methodologies to ex-
tract product information from PDF-based catalogs to use in down-
stream tasks to generate a baseline metric. Our approach not only
supports the potential automation of design workflows but also
overcomes the limitations of manual data entry and non-standard
metadata structures that have historically impeded the seamless
integration of textual and other data modalities. Through the use
of DocumentLabeler, an open-source annotation tool adapted for
our dataset, we demonstrated the potential of CatalogBank in sup-
porting diverse document-based tasks such as layout analysis and
knowledge extraction. Our findings suggest that CatalogBank can
contribute to document engineering and NLP by providing a robust
dataset for training models capable of understanding and process-
ing complex document formats with relatively less effort using the
semi-automated annotation tool DocumentLabeler.
• Computing methodologies → Natural language processing;
Machine learning approaches; • Software and its engineering
→ Software notations and tools; • Information systems →
Data management systems.
Document Engineering, Annotation, Information extraction, Docu-
ment dataset
In the last decade, artificial intelligence (AI) has seen remarkable
growth, starting from significant milestones such as the introduc-
tion of AlexNet in 2012 for image processing challenges [20] and the
advent of transformers in 2017 to address text and natural language
processing tasks [45]. These pivotal moments, while propelling AI
forward, have also unveiled an array of technical debts and chal-
lenges, notably in data collection and preparation [37]. This pivotal
observation underscores a fundamental aspect of AI’s evolution:
the intricate balance between the innovation’s requirements and
∗Corresponding author
the complexities it harbors.
The success of AI and machine learning initiatives is deeply rooted
in their ability to harness vast datasets, necessitating considerable
investment in data labeling across diverse modalities, such as text,
images, and others, tailored to the demands of specific downstream
tasks. This requirement accentuates an inherent challenge: as AI
solutions evolve to address more complex and varied tasks, the in-
tricacies of managing and integrating these diverse data modalities
escalate. The leap from addressing technical debts to mastering the
nuances of multimodal data underscores the need for advanced
methodologies and tools that are capable of navigating this multi-
faceted landscape effectively.
Despite longstanding theories that language is a fundamental as-
pect of consciousness [38] and discussions on its limits of percep-
tion [49], applications of natural language in Computer Science
before the era of GPTs were less sophisticated [30]. Researchers in
academia and industry have recognized the impact and capabilities
of these technologies [7, 9], and they have started to integrate this
technique across a broad spectrum of problems, enhancing their
approach to incorporating various data modalities.
Naturally, from that perspective, the integration of NLP techniques
—especially transformers—with document engineering has emerged
as a pivotal field for advancing the capabilities of automated doc-
ument analysis. In this regard, particularly in the realm of design
engineering, there is great promise because of the potential meta-
data that engineering documents possess to interconnect the writ-
ten specifications for function, behavior, and structure [12] to the
design of the system and the realization based on its physical fea-
tures (e.g., geometry and material). As a starting point, this paper
introduces DocumentLabeler, a semiautomatic multi-modal data
annotation tool specifically crafted to bridge the gap between tex-
tual data and product information within engineering documents.
To leverage digitally born catalogs in the Portable Document For-
mat (PDF), we take advantage of open-source tools, models, and AI
frameworks to extract product information. This approach not only
enhances traditional data labeling but also addresses the critical
limitations associated with manually entered repositories and the
interoperability of metadata for further design software integration.
We categorize our contributions in twofold. First, we present part
of the CatalogBank dataset, emphasizing its creation from digitally
born catalogs. Second, we introduce an open-source tool for multi-
modal labeling and discuss the broader implications of the dataset
for the document engineering domain using open-source libraries
and frameworks (e.g., PyTorch) as the application of baseline mod-
els for efficient information extraction. We envision that this tool
will not only support various downstream tasks, contributing to
Hasan Sinan Bank and Daniel R. Herber
Figure 1: Evolution of engineering design from mechanical to generative tools [27, 40, 46].
the advancement of document engineering, but also serve as a com-
prehensive resource for researchers and practitioners alike. This
endeavor aims to foster the development of more sophisticated and
efficient tools for document analysis, thereby enriching the design
engineering domain and beyond.
1.1 Background
The design process in engineering has evolved significantly over the
decades. Initially, engineers relied predominantly on mechanical
tools, progressing to electro-mechanical instruments, and eventu-
ally embracing digital tools with the rise of computers and spe-
cialized software, as shown in Fig. 1 [46]. Each technological leap
has enabled more precise and efficient design workflows while
requiring certain cognitive effort. However, the state-of-the-art ap-
proaches aim to offer a way to reduce this cognitive workload for
the design of complex systems, potentially allowing engineers to
explore broader and deeper aspects of design space while enhanc-
ing the efficiency of the process [6].
As the engineering design process evolves, future advancements
will increasingly rely on computational power to generate solutions.
This progress depends heavily on a comprehensive understanding
of interdisciplinary concepts and the ability to synthesize them
into practical applications[28]. As a result, the impact of these ad-
vanced computational techniques on engineering highlights the
need for comprehensive multimodal datasets to support advanced
data-driven computational methods [31, 32].
Despite progress in developing geometry-based datasets [19, 48],
the lack of large, structured, and multimodal datasets continues
to hinder the generalizability and performance of deep learning
models in engineering design. Textual information, in particular, is
one of the essential facets for bridging this gap. As noted in various
studies, textual data extracted from large corpus (e.g., Wikipedia)
provides the semantic context needed for effective knowledge rep-
resentation and automation. For example, Cheong et al. [5] im-
plemented natural language processing techniques, including syn-
tactic parsing, lexical knowledge bases, and extraction rules, to
automatically extract system structure knowledge (e.g., objects’
function) from text and compared their results against repositories
with manually entered information, such as [42] and [3]. Cheong et.
al. highlighted that the repositories with manually entered informa-
tion have a limitation in terms of scalability. Other research studies
on natural language processing, such as WordNet [25], ConceptNet
[41], BLine [39], and TechNet [35], focus on successfully forming a
semantic network and design representation without incorporating
the spatial information like 2D or 3D geometry for design, planning,
or manufacturing purposes [34].
From this point, one of the ideas to consider is the utilization of
knowledge extraction methods to combine the spatial information
(image, 3D geometry, 2D technical drawing, etc.) of an object and
relevant information related to this object from external references.
However, there is a lack of ground truth for generating knowl-
edge from a scalable external reference and injecting extracted
knowledge to the point where it makes sense to use with spatial
information for its designed purpose.
Similar to [5]—in terms of targeting textual information—Williams
[47] aims to collect the attribute- and form-based information with
the associated geometry data from the web. However, their ap-
proach is specific to the vendor’s page layout and is not general-
izable enough to translate to other vendors. Although there are
a plethora of libraries and web platforms, such as Beautiful Soup,
Selenium, and, for web scraping, the main issue is the
complexity of dynamic web pages (e.g., JavaScript-based) or us-
ing third-party services that website owners employ to prevent
data mining. Even workarounds such as those using sitemap files
(e.g., XML, .xfm, etc.) from robot.txt of the web pages, utilization of
CatalogBank: A Structured and Interoperable Catalog Dataset with a Semi-Automatic Annotation Tool (DocumentLabeler)
residential IP proxies or UI-based automation tools (e.g., Autokey,
Autohotkey, Autoit, etc.) still complicate the potential for general-
izing the method to extract information from the web.
As we can see from the literature, significant efforts have been
made to improve the modality, quality, and quantity of engineer-
ing design datasets, much work remains to be done to address the
limitations of existing ones. The integration of new tools, such as
DocumentLabeler, with the standards (e.g., ISO 10303) will be bene-
ficial for advancing the use of other modalities with the geometry
in engineering system design and new approaches to knowledge
extraction and natural language processing will be essential for
realizing the full potential of these tools.
In this section, we elaborate on the details of the presented dataset
architecture and provide more information regarding the document
part of the dataset and supplementary information of this paper.
We outline the essential components of the presented dataset for
enabling multimodality, including the appropriate size, accurate
baseline data, variable data structure, and scalability. An adequate
number of data is required for statistical significance, whereas inac-
curate data can result in an improperly trained model. The sampling
of data and translation must not lead to additional errors, and the
dataset should be well-documented with the necessary scripts to
facilitate data filtering and wrangling. Furthermore, the dataset
should contain different types of data from various categories to
ensure data heterogeneity, and each type should have sufficient
existing data distribution to prevent bias in any trained model.
2.1 Document Dataset: CatalogBank
When we look into the standard design workflow of a design en-
gineer, we see the utilization of catalog-like web pages or tools
by design engineers to extract product information and geometric
models from conceptual design to the end of the design process.
Therefore, we developed the idea of utilizing digitally born catalogs
in native Portable Document Format (PDF) [11] to extract product
information using NLP techniques. Here, we consider the digitally
born document as created in a word processor or vector-based de-
sign software (e.g., CorelDraw, Inkscape, Adobe Illustrator, etc.)
and stored as a PDF consisting of the document’s information as
metadata (e.g., by image and character, etc.) that does not need
an additional process for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to
extract the characters or image of the document. In document engi-
neering, there have been new datasets as well as the utilization of
new techniques for layout analysis and knowledge extraction, such
as the analysis of document layout (e.g., LayoutLM [50]), informa-
tion extraction from tables (e.g., TableBank [21], DeepDeSRT [36],
TaPas [14]], Rethinking Table [29]), and information extraction
from documents (e.g., Donut [17])—or material safety data sheets
(MSDS) [10].
The techniques presented in these research studies heavily rely
on the datasets’ domain –or the similarities of the layout between
the dataset and the target applications of the documents. Some
of these well-known datasets or corpora include Wikipedia [8],
PubLayNet[53], FUNSD[16], XFUND[51], DocBank[22], and SROIE
Figure 2: A sample for presenting the overall view of the
complete CatalogBank dataset from McMaster Carr v125.
[15], among others.
The deep learning models that needed to be trained standardized
their data input based on some of these dataset’s format. In the
case of the dissimilarity between the trained and target document,
these aforementioned models needed to be fine-tuned or re-trained
with documents similar to the target document. For example, in a
lot of cases the people who are developing the models are using
databases from public journals. That approach gives the ability for
the model to learn similar layouts and the information within it.
However, catalogs are not exactly the same as these documents.
Therefore, a new dataset based on the information from the engi-
neering catalogs would be beneficial.
Given the limited research of knowledge extraction to combine the
design geometries to their specifications and the progress made in
the NLP domain (especially in document engineering), we propose
a new dataset called CatalogBank that state-of-the-art algorithms
can utilize to combine NLP and other advanced geometry algo-
rithms. By using digitally born versions, we were able to generate
an image and annotate every minutiae of the data existing from
a native PDF catalog to overlay the information on the image for
multimodality in further processes. We can also test our dataset
with different baseline algorithms to appreciate the usefulness of
the dataset for different document-based downstream tasks. We
have included images in our dataset to enable testing of document
engineering methods in a way and presented a sample with the
architecture from McMaster Carr v125 in Fig. 2. With the provided
software solution DocumentLabeler and the scripts in this paper’s
GitHub repositories [1], [2], and work-in-progress ones, we created
thousands of parts with their functional and physical properties
incorporated into a graph structure and taxonomy with hundreds
of categories with a total of millions of features from various ven-
dors for domains to cover the whole CatalogBank dataset (Fig.2).
While we are continuously growing the content of CatalogBank, as
presented for this paper, one can find a total of 11,984 pages from
the catalogs (Misumi, Newark, Thorlabs, McMaster-Carr, 8020, and
Grainger as shown in Fig. 4). By using the information in a stan-
dard catalog, we ensured that the generated data is not relying
on non-standardized or informal expertise (e.g., "Wisdom of the
Crowds" [4]) or opinions, the information rather relies on standard
engineering data. We provide the details of one of the catalogs as a
brief summary in Table 1.
Table 1: The partial content of the dataset CatalogBank from
Thorlabs v21
Document Products/CAD Images Graph
Thorlabs v21
1,803 pgs
2.2 Annotation Tool: DocumentLabeler
Since 2015, ACM DocEng has published approximately 282 publi-
cations, comprising 176 short papers and 106 research articles, that
illuminate the forefront of challenges and solutions in document
engineering. Among these, as per ACM’s search results, 118 pub-
lications delve into artificial intelligence, covering both machine
learning and deep learning methodologies. It is observed that many
authors have harnessed their unique tools for similar analytical
tasks as those explored by peers, integrating their findings directly
into a specific software solution while using well-known libraries
or generic frameworks. Transitioning from these broader contri-
butions, our own investigation specifically into the realm of data
labeling for design engineering problems uncovered a notable gap:
the lack of a multimodal data labeling tool that is both open-source
and features an open architecture conducive to adaptation across
various frameworks. This gap points to an essential requirement—a
platform that not only supports an open architecture, allowing
users to author their own code or import an existing one, but is
fundamentally open-source. Despite various attempts to address
the needs of either single or multiple data modalities, this critical
criterion of openness remains unfulfilled. Bridging this gap, we
identified existing data annotation tools, such as Doccano [26],
Prodigy, Supervisely, SageMaker Ground Truth, and UBIAI, which
encounter difficulties in providing a free, offline, open-source, and
open-architectural solution for multimodal documents, such as
those containing both images and text to combine with other data
modalities. Recognizing the demand for a software tool that is not
only free of charge but also community-driven and privacy-focused,
we leveraged PPOCRLabel (based on LabelMe [33] and LabelImg
[44]) as a foundation. We have enhanced its functionality to improve
user experience through features like multi-text manipulation, in-
cluding a Python console to interact with the tool programmatically
Figure 3: The details of document annotation and infor-
mation extraction workflow Document Dataset (ML Model:
PICK [52] or others).
Hasan Sinan Bank and Daniel R. Herber
during run-time, multi-object deletion, labeling, and merging. We
have updated the language of the user interface. Additionally, we
have improved its connectivity with other tools, ensuring better
compatibility with standard NLP libraries and interfaces to differ-
ent machine learning frameworks, such as PyTorch, as opposed to
PaddleOCR based on Baidu’s PaddlePaddle. This enhanced tool is
introduced under a new name: DocumentLabeler, as shown in Fig.
We illustrate a process flow for transforming a PDF catalog into a
labeled dataset for machine learning: converting the catalog into
images, importing these images into a data system, cleaning up
the data through both manual and automated means, and finally,
annotating the data with labels for training an ML model. This sys-
tematic approach is designed to ensure that the dataset is accurate
and structured for effective machine learning utilization.
Pre-process Documents: To ensure generality, we converted a digitally-
born document to an image to form the ground truth dataset, as
shown in Fig 4.
One of the potential issues with generated image-based catalogs is
Figure 4: a) Digitally-born Catalogs in PDF and b) after pre-
processing (Peruse of Step 0 from Fig. 3) from well-known
vendors such as Misumi, Newark, Thorlabs, McMaster-Carr,
8020, and Grainger, respectively.
the design complexities of documents, such as color contrast, the
distance between shapes and text, and other design factors dur-
ing OCR. To avoid this issue, it is generally recommended to use
a simple preprocessing workflow that involves resizing, binariza-
tion, and Otsu’s thresholding for these generated images whenever
necessary. These steps will clear the background based on the his-
togram of the image and result in the best value of the threshold to
separate dark and light regions of the image. Furthermore, there
are research studies [24] and competitions [23] that aim to find
the best combination of preprocessing operations with traditional
algorithms and neural network-based methods. effective in the case
of complicated catalog backgrounds. However, in our dataset, we
did not need to do these additional steps other than resizing and
text filtering via regex due to the existing character and image of
the digitally born catalogs’ data and relatively limited complexity
of the pages, as shown in the Fig. 4 and shared pre-process scripts
on GitHub repository [1].
Import/ Open or Export Documents: There are many dataset for-
mats that have become de-facto standards in document analysis
and engineering. Therefore, in DocumentLabeler, we have included
CatalogBank: A Structured and Interoperable Catalog Dataset with a Semi-Automatic Annotation Tool (DocumentLabeler)
Figure 5: a) Importing Data, b) Manual Operations (Labeling, Merging, or Deleting), and c) Inference on Selected Model
four different dataset formats for importing data: PICK, DocBank,
XFUND, and FUNSD. Consequently, researchers accustomed to
these dataset structures can directly import their documents into
DocumentLabeler for further processing via File > Import and simi-
larly, the user can export their work to the target format via File >
Export, as shown in Fig 5a.
Clean Imported or Opened Documents: In a lot of cases, the data that
is imported is not yet labeled, or the bounding boxes that represent
the token groups might not be correctly identified. Therefore, a
manual cleaning process might be necessary to merge the character-
based bounding boxes to form the word-based ones or grouping the
bounding box objects from word to sentence or paragraphs or cap-
tions and images into a single object, as shown in Fig. 5b. This step
would be necessary in the case of potential errors or requirements
in the pre-process scripts or the target machine learning model.
Labeling of the Documents: After proper cleaning of the document,
one can run existing labeling models integrated into the software or
manually label the documents. Our UI and short-cut enhancements
with the manual labeling step shorten the manual labeling cycle
from 30 minutes to a few minutes per page without any automa-
tion. In the event of automatic labeling, we can always utilize the
tools that are developed for manual cleaning and labeling for the
correction of errors during the auto-labeling process, as shown in
Fig. 5c.
The use of the DocumentLabeler does not require an internet
connection. Therefore, the labeling can be accomplished on the
premises while ensuring data privacy and security.
We utilized a baseline algorithm to showcase the versatility of
the CatalogBank’s document dataset and DocumentLabeler. For
document-related tasks as part of layout analysis and informa-
tion extraction, we implemented PICK (Processing Key Informa-
tion Extraction from Documents using Improved Graph Learning-
Convolutional Networks) [52] as a baseline model on both the
DocBank and CatalogBank datasets. Each dataset was trained for a
full page and selected number of tokens.
We adopted the PICK framework as the baseline of our experimental
setup. Our decision was motivated by PICK’s demonstrated profi-
ciency in extracting information from complex document layouts
through a synergistic combination of transformers, graph learning,
and convolution operations [15].
In Fig. 6, we provide the architecture of the method, which incor-
porates an encoder, graph module, and decoder. The PICK frame-
work’s architecture is characterized by node embeddings with in
the 𝑙-th graph convolution layer, where 𝛼𝑙 signifies the embeddings
of relationships and H𝑙 delineates the concealed characteristics
shared amongst the nodes 𝑣𝑖 and 𝑣 𝑗 in that particular layer. The
matrix A serves as a pliable adjacency matrix. The symbols N, T,
and Dmodel represent the count of sentence segments, the upper
limit of sentence length, and the scale of the model’s dimensions,
respectively. Additionally, ⊕ is used to indicate an element-wise
The models are trained from scratch using Adam [18] as the opti-
mizer to simultaneously minimize CRF (Conditional Random Field)
and graph learning losses, and the batch size is 12 during the train-
ing of the model. The learning rate is set to 10−4 over the whole
training, with a step decay by a factor of 0.1 every 30 epochs. We
use dropout with a ratio of 0.1 on both BiLSTM and the Transformer.
The model is trained for 100 epochs (CatalogBank) with approxi-
mately 3 minutes per epoch and 60 epochs (DocBank) with approx-
imately 245 minutes per epoch. Early stopping is employed with
patience of 20 epochs for CatalogBank and 5 epochs for DocBank,
stopping training if the monitored metric does not improve within
Figure 6: The architecture of PICK [52]
Table 2: Performance Metrics of PICK on DocBank and Cata-
logBank Datasets during training for layout analysis
these periods. At the inference phase, the model directly predicts
every text segment that belongs to the most probable entity type.
The reader can find these details in each trained model’s log and
config files [2].
The initial dataset of CatalogBank (McMasterCarr v125 catalog) to
train PICK is annotated manually for the first 500 pages out of 3,378.
DocumentLabeler’s UI and associated modifications and shortcuts
were quite effective in this regard. On the other hand, the DocBank
dataset (approx. 500,000 pages) is already annotated as presented
in [22]. During our training and validation, we utilized a wrapper
of a custom dataset class for PyTorch (torch.util Dataset) with
a 4:1 ratio (400 pages of training and 100 pages for validation). For
inference (testing), the rest of the document can be utilized from
McMaster Carr’s 2,878 pages or the rest of the shuffled CatalogBank
dataset to test the generality of the inference. The same training and
validation ratio is applied for the training of the DocBank-based
model (4:1 of 10,000 pages). We also provide an alternative approach
in our GitHub repository where we shuffle the overall dataset and
train the model with the same hyperparameters, number of pages,
and train-to-validation ratio.
Total training for the CatalogBank data was completed in 100
epochs in approximately 315 minutes using a custom-designed
workstation1 for AMD Graphical Processing Units. Vectorcraft
equipped with AMD Threadripper 3955X, 256GB of RAM, and 7
AMD Instinct GPUs totaling 112 GB of vRAM on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal
in a Docker container with ROCm 4.0.1, Python 3.8, and PyTorch
1.8, trained the full page (roughly between 700 and 1000 objects
per page) for 500 pages with 6 GPUs. The associated training times
are depicted in detailed log files of training are available on the
GitHub repository [2]. The same system (with 7 GPU) was utilized
for 10,000 pages over 60 epochs, taking 14,818 minutes (apx. 10.3
days). The results are also provided in Table 2 and a sample struc-
ture of a catalog page with the total number of label occurrences in
Fig. 6.
Similar to [13]—and consistent with [52]—, to evaluate the efficacy
of our experiments with the PICK framework on the CatalogBank
dataset, we employed several key metrics: Mean Entity Precision
(mEP), Mean Entity Recall (mER), Mean Entity F-1 Score (mEF),
and Mean Entity Accuracy (mEA). These metrics offer a detailed
perspective on the model’s performance across various dimensions
of information extraction tasks. In the equations that follow, 𝑦𝑖
represents the predicted text, and 𝑔𝑖 represents the target text of
the i-th entity. 𝐼 is the number of entities, and I is used to denote the
indicator function that returns 1 if 𝑦𝑖 is equal to 𝑔𝑖 , and 0 otherwise.
Mean Entity Precision (mEP): This metric quantifies the accuracy of
the extracted entities by calculating the ratio of correctly extracted
1Bank, H.S.,.
and Accessed 18 Apr. 2024.
for GPU Computation."
Hasan Sinan Bank and Daniel R. Herber
entities to the total entities extracted by the model.
𝑚𝐸𝑃 =
𝐼𝑝 −1
I (cid:16)
𝑦𝑖 == 𝑔𝑖 (cid:17)
Mean Entity Recall (mER): This metric assesses the model’s ability
to identify and extract all relevant entities from the document.
𝑚𝐸𝑅 =
𝐼𝑔 −1
I (cid:16)
𝑦𝑖 == 𝑔𝑖 (cid:17)
Mean Entity Accuracy (mEA): This metric evaluates the overall ac-
curacy of the entity extraction, considering both correctly extracted
entities and those that were incorrectly extracted or missed.
𝑚𝐸𝐴 =
𝐼 −1
I (cid:16)
𝑦𝑖 == 𝑔𝑖 (cid:17)
𝐼𝑝 is the number of non-null predicted entities, and 𝐼𝑔 is the number
of non-null target entities. When both the prediction and target are
null, the indicator function returns 0.
Mean Entity F1 Score (mEF): The harmonic average of mEP and
The results showcased in Table 2 and 3 underscore the effective-
ness of the PICK framework in accurately extracting layout infor-
mation across various document elements, such as Tables, Title,
SubTitle, and Images. The high scores in the mEP, mER, mEF, and
mEA metrics affirm the PICK framework’s capability to handle
the complexities inherent in the CatalogBank dataset. However, a
deeper analysis would be beneficial using the shuffled version of
the overall CatalogBank dataset. Regardless of the model used in
this experiment, these results highlight our approach’s effective-
ness in enhancing the extraction of design data information for
automating design engineering processes and semi-automatic data
labeling through the DocumentLabeler tool.
Table 3: Detailed training performance of PICK by document
element types on CatalogBank dataset with specific labels
for layout analysis
Element Type
CatalogBank: A Structured and Interoperable Catalog Dataset with a Semi-Automatic Annotation Tool (DocumentLabeler)
In this study, we introduced the document aspects of CatalogBank
dataset and the DocumentLabeler tool. The CatalogBank dataset
has been curated to support the automation of design engineering
processes, bridging the gap between textual descriptions and other
data modalities related to engineering design catalogs. Simulta-
neously, we have presented DocumentLabeler, a semi-automatic
data labeling tool designed to facilitate the annotation of complex
document formats. This tool represents a step towards simplifying
the traditionally labor-intensive and time-consuming process of
data labeling, offering a user-friendly interface that accommodates
multimodal data input.
A key component of our exploration involved utilizing a PyTorch-
based framework (e.g., PICK) within the context of Document-
Labeler for layout analysis. This integration not only showcased
the potential of the dataset and the efficiency of the tool but also
highlighted the potential for sophisticated models to advanced in-
formation extraction from complex document layouts.
Moreover, we foresee implementing features such as collaborative
labeling [43], which allows multiple annotators to work concur-
rently from the same internal –or local– network (e.g., intranet),
enhancing the speed and accuracy of the annotation process. We
also consider to focus on seamlessly interfacing the preprocessing
scripts and computer vision aspects (for enhanced OCR) within the
user interface of DocumentLabeler, ensuring a smooth and intu-
itive workflow for users. Furthermore, integrating the utilization
of the integrated Python console for accessing and utilizing as a
prompt for different Large Language Models (LLMs) during runtime
will significantly expand the tool’s adaptability and functionality
in data handling and processing (e.g., key information extraction)
by using state-of-the-art approaches. Finally, the development of
a web interface for our codebase brings an opportunity to make
our tools and dataset more accessible to the wider research and
development community, fostering collaboration and innovation
in document engineering and NLP. In future publications, we will
introduce geometry models and graph modalities of CatalogBank
with associated functionalities of DocumentLabeler in more depth.
As we conclude, the contributions of this study—ranging from the
presentation of the document engineering related aspects for Cat-
alogBank dataset to the introduction of DocumentLabeler, and as
a PyTorch application of the PICK framework—lay a foundation
for future research in document engineering. Our future efforts to
integrate collaborative labeling, enhance the user interface, and
develop a web interface represent forward steps in making more
advanced document processing tools more accessible and effective.
By sharing our implementation on GitHub repositories [1] and
[2], we hope that our work will inspire further developments and
applications in the realm of document engineering, engineering
system design, and beyond.
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ai_researcher | 1 | Evaluation_Metrics_for_Persuasive_NLP_with_Google_AdWords.pdf | 2
Ecological Evaluation of Persuasive Messages Using Google AdWords
Marco Guerini
Via Sommarive 18, Povo
Trento — Italy
[email protected]
Carlo Strapparava
Via Sommarive 18, Povo
Trento — Italy
[email protected]
Oliviero Stock
Via Sommarive 18, Povo
Trento — Italy
[email protected]
In recent years there has been a growing in-
terest in crowdsourcing methodologies to be
used in experimental research for NLP tasks.
In particular, evaluation of systems and theo-
ries about persuasion is difficult to accommo-
date within existing frameworks. In this paper
we present a new cheap and fast methodology
that allows fast experiment building and eval-
uation with fully-automated analysis at a low
cost. The central idea is exploiting existing
commercial tools for advertising on the web,
such as Google AdWords, to measure message
impact in an ecological setting. The paper in-
cludes a description of the approach, tips for
how to use AdWords for scientific research,
and results of pilot experiments on the impact
of affective text variations which confirm the
effectiveness of the approach.
To appear at ACL 2012
In recent years there has been a growing interest in
finding new cheap and fast methodologies to be used
in experimental research, for, but not limited to, NLP
tasks. In particular, approaches to NLP that rely on
the use of web tools - for crowdsourcing long and
tedious tasks - have emerged. Amazon Mechani-
cal Turk, for example, has been used for collecting
annotated data (Snow et al., 2008). However ap-
proaches a la Mechanical Turk might not be suitable
for all tasks.
In this paper we focus on evaluating systems and
theories about persuasion, see for example (Fogg,
2009) or the survey on persuasive NL generation
studies in (Guerini et al., 2011a). Measuring the
impact of a message is of paramount importance in
this context, for example how affective text varia-
tions can alter the persuasive impact of a message.
The problem is that evaluation experiments repre-
sent a bottleneck: they are expensive and time con-
suming, and recruiting a high number of human par-
ticipants is usually very difficult.
To overcome this bottleneck, we present a specific
cheap and fast methodology to automatize large-
scale evaluation campaigns. This methodology al-
lows us to crowdsource experiments with thousands
of subjects for a few euros in a few hours, by tweak-
ing and using existing commercial tools for adver-
tising on the web. In particular we make reference
to the AdWords Campaign Experiment (ACE) tool
provided within the Google AdWords suite. One
important aspect of this tool is that it allows for real-
time fully-automated data analysis to discover sta-
tistically significant phenomena. It is worth noting
that this work originated in the need to evaluate the
impact of short persuasive messages, so as to assess
the effectiveness of different linguistic choices. Still,
we believe that there is further potential for opening
an interesting avenue for experimentally exploring
other aspects of the wide field of pragmatics.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 dis-
cusses the main advantages of ecological approaches
using Google ACE over traditional lab settings and
state-of-the-art crowdsourcing methodologies. Sec-
tion 3 presents the main AdWords features. Section
4 describes how AdWords features can be used for
defining message persuasiveness metrics and what
kind of stimulus characteristics can be evaluated. Fi-
nally Sections 5 and 6 describe how to build up an
experimental scenario and some pilot studies to test
the feasibility of our approach.
2 Advantages of Ecological Approaches
Evaluation of the effectiveness of persuasive sys-
tems is very expensive and time consuming, as the
STOP experience showed (Reiter et al., 2003): de-
signing the experiment, recruiting subjects, making
them take part in the experiment, dispensing ques-
tionnaires, gathering and analyzing data.
Existing methodologies for evaluating persuasion
are usually split in two main sets, depending on the
setup and domain: (i) long-term, in the field eval-
uation of behavioral change (as the STOP example
mentioned before), and (ii) lab settings for evaluat-
ing short-term effects, as in (Andrews et al., 2008).
While in the first approach it is difficult to take into
account the role of external events that can occur
over long time spans, in the second there are still
problems of recruiting subjects and of time consum-
ing activities such as questionnaire gathering and
In addition, sometimes carefully designed exper-
iments can fail because: (i) effects are too subtle to
be measured with a limited number of subjects or
(ii) participants are not engaged enough by the task
to provoke usable reactions, see for example what
reported in (Van Der Sluis and Mellish, 2010). Es-
pecially the second point is awkward: in fact, sub-
jects can actually be convinced by the message to
which they are exposed, but if they feel they do not
care, they may not “react” at all, which is the case in
many artificial settings. To sum up, the main prob-
lems are:
1. Time consuming activities
2. Subject recruitment
3. Subject motivation
4. Subtle effects measurements
2.1 Partial Solution - Mechanical Turk
A recent trend for behavioral studies that is emerg-
ing is the use of Mechanical Turk (Mason and Suri,
2010) or similar tools to overcome part of these limi-
tations - such as subject recruitment. Still we believe
that this poses other problems in assessing behav-
ioral changes, and, more generally, persuasion ef-
fects. In fact:
1. Studies must be as ecological as possible, i.e.
conducted in real, even if controlled, scenarios.
2. Subjects should be neither aware of being ob-
served, nor biased by external rewards.
In the case of Mechanical Turk for example, sub-
jects are willingly undergoing a process of being
tested on their skills (e.g. by performing annota-
tion tasks). Cover stories can be used to soften this
awareness effect, nonetheless the fact that subjects
are being paid for performing the task renders the
approach unfeasible for behavioral change studies.
It is necessary that the only reason for behavior in-
duction taking place during the experiment (filling
a form, responding to a questionnaire, clicking on
an item, etc.) is the exposition to the experimental
stimuli, not the external reward. Moreover, Mechan-
ical Turk is based on the notion of a “gold standard”
to assess contributors reliability, but for studies con-
cerned with persuasion it is almost impossible to de-
fine such a reference: there is no “right” action the
contributor can perform, so there is no way to assess
whether the subject is performing the action because
induced to do so by the persuasive strategy, or just
in order to receive money. On the aspect of how to
handle subject reliability in coding tasks, see for ex-
ample the method proposed in (Negri et al., 2010).
2.2 Proposed Solution - Targeted Ads on the
Ecological studies (e.g. using Google AdWords) of-
fer a possible solution to the following problems:
1. Time consuming activities: apart from experi-
mental design and setup, all the rest is automat-
ically performed by the system. Experiments
can yield results in a few hours as compared to
several days/weeks.
2. Subject recruitment: the potential pool of sub-
jects is the entire population of the web.
3. Subject motivation: ads can be targeted exactly
to those persons that are, in that precise mo-
ment throughout the world, most interested in
the topic of the experiment, and so potentially
more prone to react.
4. Subject unaware, unbiased: subjects are totally
unaware of being tested, testing is performed
during their “natural” activity on the web.
5. Subtle effects measurements:
if the are not
enough subjects, just wait for more ads to be
displayed, or focus on a subset of even more
interested people.
Note that similar ecological approaches are begin-
ning to be investigated: for example in (Aral and
Walker, 2010) an approach to assessing the social ef-
fects of content features on an on-line community is
presented. A previous approach that uses AdWords
was presented in (Guerini et al., 2010), but it crowd-
sourced only the running of the experiment, not data
manipulation and analysis, and was not totally con-
trolled for subject randomness.
3 AdWords Features
Google AdWords is Google’s advertising program.
The central idea is to let advertisers display their
messages only to relevant audiences. This is done
by means of keyword-based contextualization on the
Google network, divided into:
• Search network: includes Google search pages,
search sites and properties that display search
results pages (SERPs), such as Froogle and
• Display network: includes news pages, topic-
specific websites, blogs and other properties -
such as Google Mail and The New York Times.
When a user enters a query like “cruise” in the
Google search network, Google displays a variety of
relevant pages, along with ads that link to cruise trip
businesses. To be displayed, these ads must be asso-
ciated with relevant keywords selected by the adver-
Every advertiser has an AdWords account that is
structured like a pyramid: (i) account, (ii) campaign
In this paper we focus on ad
and (iii) ad group.
groups. Each grouping gathers similar keywords to-
gether - for instance by a common theme - around
an ad group. For each ad group, the advertiser sets a
cost-per-click (CPC) bid. The CPC bid refers to the
amount the advertiser is willing to pay for a click on
his ad; the cost of the actual click instead is based
on its quality score (a complex measure out of the
scope of the present paper).
For every ad group there could be multiple ads
to be served, and there are many AdWords measure-
ments for identifying the performance of each single
ad (its persuasiveness, from our point of view):
• CTR, Click Through Rate: measures the num-
ber of clicks divided by the number of impres-
sions (i.e. the number of times an ad has been
displayed in the Google Network).
• Conversion Rate: if someone clicks on an ad,
and buys something on your site, that click is
a conversion from a site visit to a sale. Con-
version rate equals the number of conversions
divided by the number of ad clicks.
• ROI: Other conversions can be page views or
signups. By assigning a value to a conversion
the resulting conversions represents a return on
investment, or ROI.
• Google Analytics Tool: Google Analytics is a
web analytics tool that gives insights into web-
site traffic, like number of visited pages, time
spent on the site, location of visitors, etc.
So far, we have been talking about text ads, -
Google’s most traditional and popular ad format -
because they are the most useful for NLP analysis.
In addition there is also the possibility of creating
the following types of ads:
• Image (and animated) ads
• Video ads
• Local business ads
• Mobile ads
The above formats allow for a greater potential
to investigate persuasive impact of messages (other
than text-based) but their use is beyond the scope of
the present paper1.
4 The ACE Tool
AdWords can be used to design and develop vari-
ous metrics for fast and fully-automated evaluation
experiments, in particular using the ACE tool.
This tool - released in late 2010 - allows testing,
from a marketing perspective, if any change made to
1For a thorough description of the AdWords tool see:
a promotion campaign (e.g. a keyword bid) had a
statistically measurable impact on the campaign it-
self. Our primary aim is slightly different: we are
interested in testing how different messages impact
(possibly different) audiences. Still the ACE tool
goes exactly in the direction we aim at, since it in-
corporates statistically significant testing and allows
avoiding many of the tweaking and tuning actions
which were necessary before its release.
The ACE tool also introduces an option that was
not possible before, that of real-time testing of sta-
tistical significance. This means that it is no longer
necessary to define a-priori the sample size for the
experiment: as soon as a meaningful statistically
significant difference emerges, the experiment can
be stopped.
Another advantage is that the statistical knowl-
edge to evaluate the experiment is no longer nec-
essary: the researcher can focus only on setting up
proper experimental designs2.
The limit of the ACE tool is that it only allows
A/B testing (single split with one control and one ex-
perimental condition) so for experiments with more
than two conditions or for particular experimental
settings that do not fit with ACE testing bound-
aries (e.g. cross campaign comparisons) we suggest
taking (Guerini et al., 2010) as a reference model,
even if the experimental setting is less controlled
(e.g. subject randomness is not equally guaranteed
as with ACE).
Finally it should be noted that even if ACE allows
only A/B testing, it permits the decomposition of al-
most any variable affecting a campaign experiment
in its basic dimensions, and then to segment such
dimensions according to control and experimental
conditions. As an example of this powerful option,
consider Tables 3 and 6 where control and experi-
mental conditions are compared against every single
keyword and every search network/ad position used
for the experiments.
5 Evaluation and Targeting with ACE
Let us consider the design of an experiment with 2
conditions. First we create an ad Group with 2 com-
peting messages (one message for each condition).
2Additional details about ACE features and statistics can be
found at
Then we choose the serving method (in our opin-
ion the rotate option is better than optimize, since it
guarantees subject randomness and is more transpar-
ent) and the context (language, network, etc.). Then
we activate the ads and wait. As soon as data begins
to be collected we can monitor the two conditions
according to:
• Basic Metrics:
the highest CTR measure in-
dicates which message is best performing.
indicates which message has the highest initial
• Google Analytics Metrics: measures how much
the messages kept subjects on the site and how
many pages have been viewed. Indicates inter-
est/attitude generated in the subjects.
• Conversion Metrics: measures how much the
messages converted subjects to the final goal.
Indicates complete success of the persuasive
• ROI Metrics: by creating specific ROI values
for every action the user performs on the land-
ing page. The more relevant (from a persuasive
point of view) the action the user performs, the
higher the value we must assign to that action.
In our view combined measurements are better:
for example, there could be cases of messages
with a lower CTR but a higher conversion rate.
Furthermore, AdWords allows very complex tar-
geting options that can help in many different evalu-
ation scenarios:
• Language (see how message impact can vary in
different languages).
• Location (see how message impact can vary in
different cultures sharing the same language).
• Keyword matching (see how message impact
can vary with users having different interests).
• Placements (see how message impact can vary
among people having different values - e.g. the
same message displayed on Democrat or Re-
publican web sites).
• Demographics (see how message impact can
vary according to user gender and age).
5.1 Setting up an Experiment
To test the extent to which AdWords can be ex-
ploited, we focused on how to evaluate lexical varia-
tions of a message. In particular we were interested
in gaining insights about a system for affective varia-
tions of existing commentaries on medieval frescoes
for a mobile museum guide that attracts the attention
of visitors towards specific paintings (Guerini et al.,
2008; Guerini et al., 2011b). The various steps for
setting up an experiment (or a series of experiments)
are as follows:
Choose a Partner. If you have the opportunity
to have a commercial partner that already has the in-
frastructure for experiments (website, products, etc.)
many of the following steps can be skipped. We as-
sume that this is not the case.
Choose a scenario.
Since you may not be
equipped with a VAT code (or with the commercial
partner that furnishes the AdWords account and in-
frastructure), you may need to “invent something to
promote” without any commercial aim. If a “social
marketing” scenario is chosen you can select “per-
sonal” as a “tax status”, that do not require a VAT
code. In our case we selected cultural heritage pro-
motion, in particular the frescoes of Torre Aquila
(“Eagle Tower”) in Trento. The tower contains a
group of 11 frescoes named “Ciclo dei Mesi” (cy-
cle of the months) that represent a unique example
of non-religious medieval frescoes in Europe.
Choose an appropriate keyword on which to
It is better
advertise, “medieval art” in our case.
to choose keywords with enough web traffic in or-
der to speed up the experimental process.
In our
case the search volume for “medieval art” (in phrase
match) was around 22.000 hits per month. Another
suggestion is to restrict the matching modality on
Keywords in order to have more control over the
situations in which ads are displayed and to avoid
possible extraneous effects (the order of control
for matching modality is: [exact match], “phrase
match” and broad match).
Note that such a technical decision - which key-
word to use - is better taken at an early stage of de-
velopment because it affects the following steps.
Write messages optimized for that keyword (e.g.
including it in the title or the body of the ad). Such
optimization must be the same for control and exper-
imental condition. The rest of the ad can be designed
in such a way to meet control and experimental con-
dition design (in our case a message with slightly
affective terms and a similar message with more af-
fectively loaded variations)
Build an appropriate landing page, according
to the keyword and populate the website pages with
relevant material. This is necessary to create a “cred-
ible environment” for users to interact with.
Incorporate meaningful actions in the website.
Users can perform various actions on a site, and they
can be monitored. The design should include ac-
tions that are meaningful indicators of persuasive ef-
fect/success of the message. In our case we decided
to include some outbound links, representing:
• general interest: “Buonconsiglio Castle site”
• specific interest: “Eagle Tower history”
• activated action: “Timetable and venue”
• complete success: “Book a visit”
Furthermore, through new Google Analytics fea-
tures, we set up a series of time spent on site and
number of visited pages thresholds to be monitored
in the ACE tool.
5.2 Tips for Planning an Experiment
There are variables, inherent in the Google AdWords
mechanism, that from a research point of view we
shall consider “extraneous”. We now propose tips
for controlling such extraneous variables.
Add negative matching Keywords: To add more
control, if in doubt, put the words/expressions of the
control and experimental conditions as negative key-
words. This will prevent different highlighting be-
tween the two conditions that can bias the results. It
is not strictly necessary since one can always control
which queries triggered a click through the report
menu. An example: if the only difference between
control and experimental condition is the use of the
adjectives “gentle knights” vs. “valorous knights”,
one can use two negative keyword matches: -gentle
and -valorous. Obviously if you are using a key-
word in exact matching to trigger your ads, such as
[knight], this is not necessary.
Frequency capping for the display network: if
you are running ads on the display network, you can
use the “frequency capping” option set to 1 to add
more control to the experiment. In this way it is as-
sured that ads are displayed only one time per user
on the display network.
Placement bids for the search network: unfor-
tunately this option is no longer available. Basically
the option allowed to bid only for certain positions
on the SERPs to avoid possible “extraneous vari-
ables effect” given by the position. This is best ex-
plained via an example: if, for whatever reason, one
of the two ads gets repeatedly promoted to the pre-
mium position on the SERPs, then the CTR differ-
ence between ads would be strongly biased. From
a research point of view “premium position” would
then be an extraneous variable to be controlled (i.e.
either both ads get an equal amount of premium po-
sition impressions, or both ads get no premium po-
sition at all). Otherwise the difference in CTR is de-
termined by the “premium position” rather than by
the independent variable under investigation (pres-
ence/absence of particular affective terms in the text
ad). However even if it is not possible to rule out this
“position effect” it is possible to monitor it by using
the report (Segment > Top vs. other + Experiment)
and checking how many times each ad appeared in
a given position on the SERPs, and see if the ACE
tool reports any statistical difference in the frequen-
cies of ads positions.
Extra experimental time: While planning an ex-
periment, you should also take into account the ads
reviewing time that can take up to several days, in
worst case scenarios. Note that when ads are in eli-
gible status, they begin to show on the Google Net-
work, but they are not approved yet. This means that
the ads can only run on Google search pages and can
only show for users who have turned off SafeSearch
filtering, until they are approved. Eligible ads cannot
run on the Display Network. This status will provide
much less impressions than the final “approved” sta-
Avoid seasonal periods: for the above reason,
and to avoid extra costs due to high competition,
avoid seasonal periods (e.g. Christmas time).
Delivery method: if you are planning to use the
Accelerated Delivery method in order to get the re-
sults as quick as possible (in the case of “quick and
dirty” experiments or “fast prototyping-evaluation
cycles”) you should consider monitoring your ex-
periment more often (even several times per day) to
avoid running out of budget during the day.
6 Experiments
We ran two pilot experiments to test how affective
variations of existing texts alter their persuasive im-
In particular we were interested in gaining
initial insights about an intelligent system for affec-
tive variations of existing commentaries on medieval
We focused on adjective variations, using a
slightly biased adjective for the control conditions
and a strongly biased variation for the experimen-
In these experiments we took it for
tal condition.
granted that affective variations of a message work
better than a neutral version (Van Der Sluis and Mel-
lish, 2010), and we wanted to explore more finely
grained tactics that involve the grade of the vari-
ation (i.e. a moderately positive variation vs. an
extremely positive variation). Note that this is a
more difficult task than the one proposed in (Van
Der Sluis and Mellish, 2010), where they were test-
ing long messages with lots of variations and with
polarized conditions, neutral vs. biased. In addition
we wanted to test how quickly experiments could be
performed (two days versus the two week sugges-
tion of Google).
Adjectives were chosen according to MAX bi-
gram frequencies with the modified noun, using the
Web 1T 5-gram corpus (Brants and Franz, 2006).
Deciding whether this is the best metric for choosing
adjectives to modify a noun or not (e.g. also point-
wise mutual-information score can be used with a
different rationale) is out of the scope of the present
paper, but previous work has already used this ap-
proach (Whitehead and Cavedon, 2010). Top ranked
adjectives were then manually ordered - according to
affective weight - to choose the best one (we used a
standard procedure using 3 annotators and a recon-
ciliation phase for the final decision).
6.1 First Experiment
The first experiment lasted 48 hour with a total of 38
thousand subjects and a cost of 30 euros (see Table
1 for the complete description of the experimental
setup). It was meant to test broadly how affective
variations in the body of the ads performed. The two
variations contained a fragment of a commentary of
the museum guide; the control condition contained
“gentle knight” and “African lion”, while in the ex-
perimental condition the affective loaded variations
were “valorous knight” and “indomitable lion” (see
Figure 1, for the complete ads). As can be seen from
Table 2, the experiment did not yield any significant
result, if one looks at the overall analysis. But seg-
menting the results according to the keyword that
triggered the ads (see Table 3) we discovered that
on the “medieval art” keyword, the control condition
performed better than the experimental one.
whether such variations have different effects when
modifying a different element in the text.
Starting Date: 1/2/2012
Ending Date: 1/4/2012
Total Time: 48 hours
Total Cost: 30 euros
Subjects: 38,082
Network: Search and Display
Language: English
Locations: Australia; Canada; UK; US
KeyWords: “medieval art”, pictures middle ages
Table 1: First Experiment Setup
ACE split
Table 2: First Experiment Results
”medieval art”
”medieval art”
medieval times history
medieval times history
pictures middle ages
pictures middle ages
ACE split
Table 3: First Experiment Results Detail. * indicates a
statistically significant difference with α < 0.01
Discussion. As already discussed, user moti-
vation is a key element for success in such fine-
grained experiments: while less focused keywords
did not yield any statistically significant differences,
the most specialized keyword “medieval art” was the
one that yielded results (i.e. if we display messages
like those in Figure 1, that are concerned with me-
dieval art frescoes, only those users really interested
in the topic show different reaction patterns to the af-
fective variations, while those generically interested
in medieval times behave similarly in the two con-
ditions). In the following experiment we tried to see
Figure 1: Ads used in the first experiment
6.2 Second Experiment
The second experiment lasted 48 hours with a to-
tal of one thousand subjects and a cost of 17 euros
(see Table 4 for the description of the experimen-
tal setup). It was meant to test broadly how affec-
tive variations introduced in the title of the text Ads
performed. The two variations were the same as in
the first experiment for the control condition “gentle
knight”, and for the experimental condition “valor-
ous knight” (see Figure 2 for the complete ads). As
can be seen from Table 5, also in this case the experi-
ment did not yield any significant result, if one looks
at the overall analysis. But segmenting the results
according to the search network that triggered the
ads (see Table 6) we discovered that on the search
partners at the “other” position, the control condition
performed better than the experimental one. Unlike
the first experiment, in this case we segmented ac-
cording to the ad position and search network typol-
ogy since we were running our experiment only on
one keyword in exact match.
Starting Date: 1/7/2012
Ending Date: 1/9/2012
Total Time: 48 hours
Total Cost: 17.5 euros
Subjects: 986
Network: Search
Language: English
Locations: Australia; Canada; UK; US
KeyWords: [medieval knights]
Table 4: Second Experiment Setup
search Network on the “other” position (277 vs. 219
impressions - and overall 524 vs. 462), still from a
research perspective this is not a interesting statisti-
cal difference, and ideally should not be present (i.e.
ads should get an equal amount of impressions for
each position).
Conclusions and future work
AdWords gives us an appropriate context for evalu-
ating persuasive messages. The advantages are fast
experiment building and evaluation, fully-automated
analysis, and low cost. By using keywords with a
low CPC it is possible to run large-scale experiments
for just a few euros. AdWords proved to be very ac-
curate, flexible and fast, far beyond our expectations.
We believe careful design of experiments will yield
important results, which was unthinkable before this
opportunity for studies on persuasion appeared.
The motivation for this work was exploration of
the impact of short persuasive messages, so to assess
the effectiveness of different linguistic choices. The
experiments reported in this paper are illustrative ex-
amples of the method proposed and are concerned
with the evaluation of the role of minimal affective
variations of short expressions. But there is enor-
mous further potential in the proposed approach to
ecological crowdsourcing for NLP: for instance, dif-
ferent rhetorical techniques can be checked in prac-
tice with large audiences and fast feedback. The as-
sessment of the effectiveness of a change in the title
as opposed to the initial portion of the text body pro-
vides a useful indication: one can investigate if vari-
ations inside the given or the new part of an expres-
sion or in the topic vs. comment (Levinson, 1983)
have different effects. We believe there is potential
for a concrete extensive exploration of different lin-
guistic theories in a way that was simply not realistic
We would like to thank Enrique Alfonseca and
Steve Barrett, from Google Labs, for valuable hints
and discussion on AdWords features. The present
work was partially supported by a Google Research
Figure 2: Ads used in the second experiment
ACE split
Table 5: Second Experiment Results. † indicates a sta-
tistically significant difference with α < 0.05
Top vs. Other
Google search: Top
Google search: Top
Google search: Other
Google search: Other
Search partners: Top
Search partners: Top
Search partners: Other
Search partners: Other
Total - Search
ACE split
Table 6: Second Experiment Results Detail. † indicates
a statistical significance with α < 0.05, * indicates a sta-
tistical significance with α < 0.01
Discussion. From this experiment we can confirm
that at least under some circumstances a mild af-
fective variation performs better than a strong varia-
tion. This mild variations seems to work better when
user attention is high (the difference emerged when
ads are displayed in a non-prominent position). Fur-
thermore it seems that modifying the title of the ad
rather than the content yields better results: 0.9% vs.
1.83% CTR (χ2 = 6.24; 1 degree of freedom; α <
0,01) even if these results require further assessment
with dedicated experiments.
As a side note, in this experiment we can see
the problem of extraneous variables: according to
AdWords’ internal mechanisms, the experimental
condition was displayed more often in the Google
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ai_researcher | 1 | Validation_of_the_Scientific_Literature_via_Chemputation_Augmented_by_Large_Language_Models.pdf | Validation of the Scientific Literature via Chemputation Augmented by Large
Language Models
Sebastian Pagel, Michael Jirasek, Leroy Cronin*
School of Chemistry, The University of Glasgow, University Avenue, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK.
*[email protected]
Chemputation is the process of programming chemical robots to do experiments using a universal
symbolic language, but the literature can be error prone and hard to read due to ambiguities. Large
Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in various domains, including
natural language processing, robotic control, and more recently, chemistry. Despite significant
advancements in standardizing the reporting and collection of synthetic chemistry data, the automatic
reproduction of reported syntheses remains a labour-intensive task. In this work, we introduce an
LLM-based chemical research agent workflow designed for the automatic validation of synthetic
literature procedures. Our workflow can autonomously extract synthetic procedures and analytical
data from extensive documents, translate these procedures into universal XDL code, simulate the
execution of the procedure in a hardware-specific setup, and ultimately execute the procedure on an
XDL-controlled robotic system for synthetic chemistry. This demonstrates the potential of LLM-
based workflows for autonomous chemical synthesis with Chemputers. Due to the abstraction of XDL
this approach is safe, secure, and scalable since hallucinations will not be chemputable and the XDL
can be both verified and encrypted. Unlike previous efforts, which either addressed only a limited
portion of the workflow, relied on inflexible hard-coded rules, or lacked validation in physical
systems, our approach provides four realistic examples of syntheses directly executed from synthetic
literature. We anticipate that our workflow will significantly enhance automation in robotically driven
synthetic chemistry research, streamline data extraction, improve the reproducibility, scalability, and
safety of synthetic and experimental chemistry.
More than 65 million chemical reactions have been published in research papers and patents to date.1
While being important cornerstone, databases like Reaxys, and the Open Reaction Database (ORD)2
that attempt to capture this vast stream of data, are not sufficient to tackle the rapid validation and
reproduction of reported data.3 Moreover, almost 30 million new reactions have been added to the
Reaxys database since 2014 alone, highlighting the need for improved ways of rapidly validating
chemical reaction data beyond standardization of reporting practices and manual labour. Whereas 30
million data points might seem negligible in times when Video Generation Models and LLMs are
trained on billions of examples.4,5 This means the necessity of manual validation of chemical reactions
creates an almost insurmountable challenge. Aside from the resource and time challenges associated
with performing chemical reactions, finding missing parameters and reporting ambiguities, there are
a vast number of esoteric experimental set ups and language variations reported. There is also an
enormous backlog of unverified procedures with numerous new ones being reported every day which
intensifies the problem. Commercial and Open-Source LLMs like GPT-4, or Llama have shown
impressive abilities for textual comprehension and understanding ambiguous textual data.5,6 Beyond
pure text comprehension it was shown that these models exhibit excellent few-, one-, and zero-shot
prediction abilities on unseen tasks without the need to finetune on specific tasks (in-context or
gradient-free learning).7,8 Furthermore, a plethora of prompting techniques has been developed,
further improving the prediction abilities of these models.9–12 This has led to vast amounts of research
far beyond the field of Natural Language Processing into chemical research.13–15 While machine-
learning algorithms have been extensively contributed to advances in chemistry research,16–20 the
introduction of LLM as chemical agents has shown promising results to further automate chemical
decision-making and experimentation and the orchestrator behind self-driving laboratories.21–24
Herein we present Autonomous Chemputer Reaction Agents (ACRA), a LLM based chemical multi-
agent workflow, automating the tedious process of extracting reaction data from literature procedures,
standardizing them, translating them into robotic instructions, conducting experiments and iterative
XDL code development suggestions (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Conceptual overview of the workflow presented in this work for automated synthesis
validation and iterative code development on demand of XDL.
ACRA is instructed to translate synthetic procedures into autonomously executable procedure via the
Chemical Description Language (XDL), which represents synthetic steps, reagents, as well as
available hardware in an unambiguous way (compare Figure 2C for a simplified XDL which is
directly mapped to an abstract hardware configuration).25 In previous work, it was shown how
synthetic procedures represented in XDL can be used to unambiguously validate synthetic
procedures26. While previous attempts were made to automatically translate literature procedures into
XDL via semantic parsing25 or similar to here, LLMs22, none of these attempts enabled to go all the
way from a literature document to the execution of a synthetic procedure, and importantly lack any
way of validating that the generated XDL procedure matches the synthetic procedure. Starting from
a literature source the paper-scraping-agent extracts synthesis procedures alongside purification
information, analytical information and further related information by iteratively analysing parts of
the text and creating a knowledge-graph (KG) of the given source. The procedure-agent subsequently
sanitizes all extracted procedures, filling identified ambiguities with information from chemical
databases and previously resolved ambiguities. Additionally, all procedures are classified in one of
three categories (executable, reaction blueprint, or incomplete procedure). As executable and
blueprint identified procedures are then translated into XDL by the XDL-agent and iteratively
corrected with feedback from a three-stage validation workflow. Finally, successfully translated
procedures are executed on a Chemputer platform. Synthetically validated procedures are than stored
in a XDL database systematically increasing the number of validated and standardized procedures,
greatly lowering the barrier of reproduction for other chemists. Additionally, the validated procedures
and their associated XDL can be guide future translation. All generated data and extracted data are
stored in a unified labbook (see Figure 2A/B and SI section 2 for details). The long-term memory
storage allow ACRA to learn from previous experiments by providing previously translated examples
as well as resolved ambiguities within the context of the prompt. Though ACRA was mostly tested
for handling English literature procedures, it showed impressive cross-language capabilities, when
parsing foreign language documents and procedures, potentially lowering language barriers in
scientific reporting. To showcase the potential of ACRA, we demonstrate the automatic, parsing,
translation, and sanitization capabilities on four reactions. This way, we were able to show that ACRA
can autonomously parse literature for relevant and executable procedures, plan, translate them into
XDL and finally execute the translated procedures, showing robustness to language ambiguities,
different languages, and even potential reporting errors.
Extracting synthesis information from chemistry literature
The vast amounts of data contained in scientific publications, regarding compound properties,
reactivity, reaction execution and product analysis can be spread over 10s to 100s of pages typically
divided into main publication article and supporting information. While the main publication usually
contains a higher-level description of the performed experiments and most relevant results,
spectroscopic analysis data, like nuclear magnetic resonance- or mass-spectrometry, is usually hidden
in the supporting information alongside potentially relevant additional information to accurately
recreate the experiments.
Figure 2: Overview of the proposed framework for automated extraction, translation, and
validation of synthesis procedures A) Simplified overview of the proposed framework for
extraction, sanitization, translation and validation of chemical reaction procedures using LLM-based
agents. B) Detailed depiction of the flow of chemical procedures from literature to robotic execution.
First, entire papers (and their supporting information/ or any other text document) are parsed by a
scraping-agent, and all synthesis-related data is extracted to a knowledge graph. All extracted
procedures alongside relevant chemical ambiguities and physiochemical data are passed to a second
agent (procedure-agent) to sanitize the procedure (fill in missing physiochemical information etc.).
The sanitized procedure is categorized by the procedure-agent, and subsequently translated by the
XDL-agent into XDL. The translated procedure is (if needed) iteratively improved by a three-step
sanitization pipeline. Finally, the validated XDL is stored after optional physical execution and
analysis, alongside the extracted data, into a labbook. The validated XDL is embedded and stored in
a vector database, which is used as a long-term memory of the XDL-agent for future translations. C)
Simplified description of a XDL procedure, and depiction of the hardware graph to execute the given
To harvest this data, the first stage of ACRA (scraping-agent) parses a given literature text (and its
supporting information or any other documents if provided) and extracts data into a knowledge graph
(KG) of relevant synthesis-related information to execute and analyse the described procedures
(Figure 3A and D). ACRA parses literature resources by first chunking a given text into 4096 token
fragments and then iteratively extracts and combines the data until all text has been parsed (SI section
1). The scraping-agent is instructed to extract all chemical names with their abbreviations and
synonyms, procedure texts, purification data, as well as analytical data and additional information,
anywhere in the documents. Later, during translation of the extracted procedures in XDL an additional
translation graph is created which can be linked to the KG via the procedure title (see below and
Figure 3D). Additionally, the initial text document is embedded into a vector-database in chunks of
2048 tokens and referenced in the knowledge graph for later retrieval during translation of the
procedure, if additional information is required. This way, ACRA can autonomously extract procedure
descriptions, chemical information, and analytical data as well as any pitfalls or limitations
highlighted by the authors from vast amounts of text. To test the extraction of synthesis-related
information and the construction of the KG we executed the literature extraction and KG generation
module on 10 scientific publications and an organic chemistry PhD thesis (SI section 2). To test the
cross-language capabilities, we also tested it on an organic chemistry undergraduate practical
transcript written in German. In total 717, 57, and 117 procedures were extracted from the scientific
publications, a PhD thesis, and German practical script, respectively. To estimate how many of those
procedures contain all the required information to reproduce a given procedure, ACRAs procedure-
agent was executed aiming to resolve any ambiguities and fill in missing data for the unambiguous
translation to XDL (SI section 1). During the sanitization, the procedure-agent categorizes the
extracted procedure into ‘executable’, ‘blueprint’ (general procedure descriptions etc.), and
‘incomplete’. Out of the 717 extracted procedures from the scientific publications, 427 were marked
as executable, 89 as blueprint, and 201 as containing missing information. The procedures from the
German undergraduate practical and PhD thesis categorization were split in 48, 2, 7 and 93, 6, 18,
respectively (Figure 3C).
Figure 3: Synthesis data extraction from chemical literature documents. A) Synthesis data is
extracted from documents containing chemical synthesis information and turned into a knowledge
graph, by first extracting all textual data, chunking the text, iteratively extracting synthesis-related
data in a JSON-format, and finally combining all extracted data into a combined data structure
(knowledge graph). The scraping-agent is instructed to extract all chemical names with their
abbreviations and synonyms, procedure texts, and purification data, as well as analytical data.
Additionally, the initial text-document is stored and embedded into a vector-database, and referenced
in the knowledge graph, for later retrieval during translation of the procedure, if additional
information is required. B) Benchmark of extracting synthesis procedures from different document
types. 10 publications (compare SI 2.1), a script from an undergraduate organic chemistry practical
in German language, as well as an organic chemistry PhD thesis, were used to test the extraction
capabilities. In total 729 procedures were extracted from the publications, 57 from the organic
chemistry practical transcript, and 117 from the PhD thesis. C) Categorization of the extracted
procedures by the procedure agent into executable, blueprints (general procedures etc.) and
incomplete procedures. D) Simplified depiction of a document knowledge graph linking retrieved
information to a translation graph, created during procedure to XDL translation (see below).
Precise and executable XDL procedures via validity check, discrepancy analysis, and hardware-
constrained simulation
While extraction of relevant data from largely unstructured literature procedures and sanitisation of
procedures are a significant step in automating chemical synthesis validation, accurate translation of
literature procedures into unambiguously executable robotic instructions remains a challenge. The
Chemical Descriptor Language XDL has been used to unambiguously, and reproducibly execute and
share chemical reactions in a hardware-agnostic manner25–29. While translation from literature
procedures to XDL has been presented before,22,25 there remains a significant bottleneck in the
accurate translation and automatic validation of these translated procedures. Whereas syntax errors
have been used before to iteratively improve upon previously generated XDL instructions,22 we found
that a substantial proportion of translated procedures remained syntactically erroneous, had missing
steps and were not sufficiently validated on a realistic robotic setup. To improve upon these
shortcomings, we implemented a validation pipeline that first creates valid XDL with error feedback
from a XDL-parser that can simultaneously find all syntactic errors in a given XDL. The XDL is then
scrutinised by a critique-agent instructed to find any discrepancies in steps in the XDL that were
mentioned in the literature procedure and implement them subsequently (typically referred to LLM-
as-a-judge30). Finally, the generated XDL is mapped to a predefined robotic platform (Chemputer, SI
section 6) and the execution of these steps is executed in simulation, constrained by the robotic
platform (Figure 4A). The XDL parser captures syntactical issues, ill-defined physical units (e.g.
temperature, and pressure units), and missing hardware or chemical reagents. Simulation of the
physical execution was tested via computational simulation of the produced procedure, capturing
errors such as invalid temperature or rotation speed ranges. While these checks help ensure the
executability of a translated procedure, they do not ensure the completeness or accuracy of the
translated procedure. Importantly, the critique-agent proves to be a vital part of the accurate
translation of syntactic procedures, identifying missing or miss ordered steps. Examples for each of
the three-stage feedback responses are shown in Figure 4B. To translate literature procedures into
XDL, the XDL-agent (SI section 1.1) was instructed to first, extract all chemicals and their role in the
procedure (e.g. solvent or catalyst), then decompose the procedure into step-by-step instructions and
translate them into XDL in a ReAct-style response format 31, and finally combine the individual steps
into a single XDL, within a single prompt (Figure 4C). During the iterative improvement, the XDL-
agent is instructed to first, map the errors identified from the validation stages to the part of the XDL
procedure causing the error, and finally correct the corresponding lines. In each iteration of the
translation the five most similar synthetic procedure-XDL pairs are provided within the prompt
allowing to XDL-agent to learn from previously translated and validated procedures (see below and
SI section 1.2). Additionally, the XDL documentation, and previously resolved ambiguities are
provided within the context of the prompt (SI section 1.1 and 1.2 and below).
To test the performance of the validation stages, 150 procedures (three times 50 independently
sampled), were translated into XDL procedures (SI section 2.4). The maximum number of iterations
(XDL-generation → Validation → Feedback → XDL-generation) for the generation of error-free XDL
after all three validation stages was set to 6 (see Figure 4E for distribution of actual number of
iterations). 99.33% of procedures were translated into valid XDL (passing the XDL-validity check)
and 94.67% of procedures were additionally successfully validated during procedure-XDL discrepancy
check and simulation of the execution, ensuring their accuracy and executability of a suitable platform
(Figure 4D). This highlights the necessity for validation beyond the mostly syntactical validation
presented in previous studies to generate accurate and executable XDL procedures.
Using long-term memory storages and past experiments to learn from experience
Though reported synthetic procedures usually contain sufficient information for an expert chemist to
infer implicitly assumed information, autonomously identifying missing or assumed information can
pose a significant problem in autonomous synthesis execution. To tackle this problem, we equipped
ACRA with an ambiguity database containing implicit knowledge expert chemists identified in
previously published literature procedures. To initialize the database 5 synthetic procedures were
carefully annotated and described and each piece of the procedure with its detailed explanation was
stored in a vector database (Chemical Ambiguity Database).
Figure 4: Generating accurate and executable XDL-procedures for automatic synthesis
execution. A) Overview of workflow from synthesis procedure to validated XDL and synthesis. The
procedure is translated into XDL, checked for errors, analysed to find discrepancies between the
natural language procedure and the XDL, and finally simulated in a hardware-constrained
environment. All errors captured along this pipeline are iteratively fed back to the LLM-agent to
correct the errors. B) Examples for the three stages in which the XDL is scrutinized. C) Overview of
response instructions for the XDL agent within ACRA and iterative improvement of the XDLs using
the errors from the three stages described in A). D) Statistics of a total of 150 randomly selected
procedures (three times 50 independently sampled), on passing the stages described in A). E) Number
of iterations to completion of the translated procedures using the above-described workflow.
The pieces of the procedures that were explained were embedded into a 2048-dimensional vector to
enable semantic search in case pieces of a new procedure need further clarification with the
embedding-model text-embedding-large from OpenAI. During the sanitization of procedures relevant
parts from this Chemical Ambiguity Database (CAD) serve as a long-term memory containing
chemical intuition or implicit information that is usually not explicitly captured in textual form and
learned by synthetic chemists during their educational programs. Relevant information contained in
the CAD is retrieved by embedding sentences of a procedure into the same 2048-dimensional vector
space and the semantically most similar information is selected as estimated by the cosine-similarity
of their embedding-vectors. This information is then included within the context of a prompt (SI
section 1.1). Additionally, ACRA can optionally ask questions about any parts of a given procedure
to an expert chemist, whose answer, alongside the section of the procedure in question is stored in the
long-term ambiguity database available for subsequent executions (SI section 1.1 and 1.2). This
information together with molecular information extracted from PubChem about the chemicals used
in each procedure (i.e. conversion of chemical names to IUPAC, and g/mmol to g/mol) and a local
solvent database (containing boiling points etc.), is then provided to the procedure-agent to prepare
a procedure with all necessary information to be translated into XDL. During the translation of
sanitized procedures into XDL, the 5 most similar previously translated synthetic procedures and the
corresponding XDLs are provided within the context of the prompt to help translation, usually referred
to as few-shot prompting via Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG; SI section 1.2).
To evaluate the influence of the memory and data components, 75 procedures were translated into
XDL with different parts of the workflow removed. First, to fully test ACRAs capability to translate
synthetic procedures to XDL, we initialized the XDL database with 62 procedures of previously
published synthetic procedures-XDL pairs28. Each successfully translated procedure-XDL pair will be
added to this database and is thus available for subsequent translations. We found that ACRA
successfully translated 100% of the procedures into valid XDL (XDL validity check), and 6.7% failed
to pass at the later stages (discrepancy check and simulation of execution). To test the influence of
removing the XDL database, the procedures were additionally translated into XDL once, without any
initial XDLs in the database but with continuous addition of successful translations, and once
completely without the XDL database. While in both cases 100% of the procedures could be translated
into valid XDL, 9.3% and 10.7% of procedures did not pass the latter two stages of the validation
pipeline, respectively (Figure 5B). In a last test, all databases, and external data sources were removed
from the translation process.
Figure 5: Overview of inclusion of external data sources and long-term memory components in
the translation of synthetic procedures to XDL. A) Given a document containing the description
of a synthetic procedure, the document is embedded in chunks of 2048 tokens into a vector database.
During translation of extracted procedures, ACRA is instructed to ask questions that may be present
in the document, but not the procedure (e.g. general procedure instructions) which are then retrieved
from the vector database and included in the prompt. Additionally, previously resolved ambiguities
are included, as well as physiochemical information about the identified chemicals in the procedure.
During the XDL generation the 5 most similar, previously validated XDLs are retrieved from a vector
database and included within the prompt. The combined data from the original document, a reference
to the document database, resolved ambiguities, the validated XDL and any analytical data from the
original procedure are finally stored within a virtual labbook. B) Influence of inclusion (or exclusion)
of different storage and external data on the translation success of literature procedures to XDL. While
in all stages, valid XDL was generated in almost 100 percent of cases, the overall rate of success
increased from 85.3% to 93.3% by the inclusion of the different data and memory sources. C)
Translation example where exclusion of data sources leads to a validated XDL but set too high
temperature for refluxing of a methanol-based solution.
This way, no XDL database, no Chemical Ambiguity Database, and no additional chemical
information was provided for the translation. The document database will only be used, if translation
starts from a document, and was thus not used by default in this experiment. While 98.7% of all
procedures could still be translated into valid XDL, 14.7% of procedures failed in one of the latter
stages (discrepancy check or simulation of execution). This shows, how the use of previously
translated and validated examples can be used to systematically improve the translation capabilities
of LLM-based agents in chemistry without the need for any further training of the underlying models.
The use of additional external sources like a curated chemical database proves to be a valuable
addition to increasing the success rate of translated procedures. Additionally, these helps prevent
hallucination when physically accurate values are required (e.g. refluxing temperatures; Figure 5C).
Systematically improving XDL by identifying not executable synthetic steps
Though a wide variety of reactions have been demonstrated to be executable using XDL procedures,
XDL is still actively developed to add support of an increasing number of synthetic operations.
Additionally, while most newly published procedures will not contain logically new steps, synthetic
chemistry itself is changing as well requiring new synthetic steps. To identify and suggest new steps
that should be added to the XDL standard, the critique-agent described above, was additionally to
identify missing steps and instructed to identify steps that are currently not executable within XDL
during translation of synthetic procedures. Steps that were identified as not executable were collected,
clustered, and analysed to provide suggestions for new XDL steps (Figure 6A and B). Suggested XDL
steps can then be analysed and finally integrated based on urgency and ease of integration for the next
version of XDL. To provide a roadmap to systematically improve XDL and make it universally
applicable, 350 as not executable marked steps were analysed which were collected throughout this
work. The steps were clustered resulting in 26 new feature suggestions for future generations of XDL
(Figure 6C) showcasing how this workflow can be used to systematically identify relevant new step
suggestions. Additionally, 65 million procedures from the Reaxys database were analysed on the
synthetic keywords identified and provided within the database.
Figure 6: Capturing currently unsupported steps from synthetic procedure and creating a
roadmap to systematically more universal XDL. A) Developed workflow to capture steps that are
not executable in the current version of XDL. Synthetic procedures get translated into XDL as
described above. The critique-agent then checks the translated procedure and the original procedure
and captures steps that can currently not be translated into XDL steps. The combined not executable
steps from a set of translated procedures are than clustered and used to plan new steps for future
version of XDL. B) Conceptual overview of how not executable steps are used to iteratively improve
XDL. Not executable steps from a batch of procedures are first clustered, categorized, and
subsequently depending on urgency and ease of implementation included in the XDL language.
Depending on the update this results in new attribute or require new step and hardware integration.
C) Classification of not executable steps in this work into potential new XDL steps or features grouped
by type of modification required for implementation (new attribute, steps, or step and hardware
support). D) Overview of XDL development and supported steps. The 26 newly suggested steps are
grouped by type and sorted urgency and ease of implementation from left to right. Additionally, to
the not executable steps identified as specified above, ~65 million procedures from the Reaxys
database were analysed on their most frequent keywords, and the top 1000 keywords clustered to give
new step suggestions.
The 200 most frequently identified keywords were analysed and grouped into 20 categories (see SI
section 4.3). Categories for which no abstract XDL step exists in the current version of XDL are shown
in Figure 6D. Comparison of the newly suggested steps as an outcome of the not executable steps
from the critique-agent and those from keywords from Reaxys procedures shows that the not
executable steps result in substantially more specific suggestions ranging from new attributes (e.g.
rate-control for heating or cooling steps) to steps requiring new hardware implementations (e.g.
automated TLC analysis). The 26 new XDL feature suggestions grouped by type of adjustment
required for implementation and ranked by ease of implementation and urgency resulting in a
suggested road-map for future XDL generations (Figure 6D).
Paper to Molecule
To showcase the capabilities of ACRA in helping to automate chemical synthetic literature validation
all the way from parsing a literature source to executing a synthetic procedure, we tested it on two
English synthetic procedures, one German synthetic procedure, as well as one scientific publication,
covering a variety of document types and use cases. The two English procedures detailed the synthesis
of p-toluenesulfonate32 and 2-Methyl-2-(3-oxopentyl)-1,3-cyclohexanedione33 (Figure 7 B and C)
and were translated into 23 and 20-step XDL procedures respectively. In the first, refluxing
temperatures were correctly assigned, and volumes for adjustment of pH estimated since no
adjustment of pH step was implemented in XDL version for this study. Though the estimation of the
addition of volumes for adjustment of pH might be quite sensitive to errors, ACRA notably labelled
the step adjustment of the pH as a not exactly executable step, as described above. The German
synthetic procedure described the synthesis of 3-Methoxy-3-oxopropanoic acid. During the
translation, all chemical names, as well as the synthetic procedure, were correctly translated.
Additionally, the procedure specified lifting the reaction vessel halfway from the oil bath which is
not a directly executable step in XDL. ACRA reasoned that the reaction vessel, cannot be lifted [from
the heating vessel] and instead reduced the temperature from 65°C to 50°C, accurately interpreting
the intention of the step. To showcase the potential of automatic execution of literature procedure
ACRA was lastly provided a scientific publication detailing the synthesis of multiple sugar
compounds. 5 synthetic procedures were extracted from the procedure. Two of the procedures were
classified as blueprints (they were general procedures) while the other three were correctly classified
as executable. One of the procedures was selected for validation describing the synthesis of Methyl
4,6-O-benzylidene-α-D-glucopyranoside34. Notably, the procedure mentioned extracting 30 times
with 20 ml ethyl acetate, appearing to be reporting an error in the procedure. During the translation,
ACRA identified this to be changed to 3 instead given the context of the paper and previously
translated examples without further instructions. The translated procedure was executed, but no
conversion of starting materials could be detected. The procedure was additionally executed with
varying hardware implementations by a synthetic chemist closely following the reported procedure.
Nevertheless, the reported reaction could not be verified without substantial alterations of the
procedure and was thus classified as not reproducible.
In this work, we demonstrated how LLM can be used to autonomously validate chemical synthesis
literature from parsing of a literature text to final execution of the synthesis. Importantly, we showed
how syntactic validation of generated protocols for the robotic execution of synthesis procedures in
the XDL is not sufficient for the accurate translation of literature procedures. Whilst simulating a
chemical reaction at an atomistic scale remains a challenge to be conquered, we demonstrate, how
simulation of the robotic execution in a hardware-constrained manner can be used to generate
hardware-specific XDL procedures that are directly executable. We hypothesize that this concept can
be further developed to integrate more simulation data in LLM-based validation workflows and lead
to even improved efficiency and accuracy, ultimately helping to run entire laboratories with LLM-
based agentic systems as their brains.
Figure 7: Synthesized molecules from XDL procedures generated by ACRA on a Chemputer
platform. A) Synthesis of 3-Methoxy-3-oxopropanoic acid. A procedure in German for the synthesis
of 3-Methoxy-3-oxopropanoic acid was provided to ACRA, automatically translated and adapted to
be executable on a Chemputer platform (SI section 5.1). B) Synthesis of p-toluenesulfonate via a 23-
step XDL procedure generated from a literature procedure (SI section 5.2). Notably, the dropwise
transfer of solutions was approximated as a transfer of 10 minutes. C) Synthesis of 2-Methyl-2-(3-
oxopentyl)-1,3-cyclohexanedione from a literature procedure (SI section 5.3). Temperatures for
refluxing were correctly assigned, and volumes to adjust the pH were estimated, pH-control was not
available on the given physical platform. D) Synthesis procedure of methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-α-D-
glucopyranoside directly parsed from a research article detailing the synthesis procedure via a 22-
step XDL procedure. Notably, the procedure mentioned extracting the reaction mixture unusually
many times (30 times), which ACRA automatically changed to 3 times, given the context of the paper
(SI section 5.4). The procedure was executed 3 times with various cautions hardware implementations
and was concluded to be not reproducible without significant alteration of the procedure / including
more details in original procedure. For more details confer SI section 5.4. E) Example of Chemputer
graph connectivity for one of the experimentally validated syntheses. F) Photo of Chemputer used
for experimental XDL validation.
Similarly to how a human chemist might learn from previous examples, we showcase how integrating
previous experiences, and translations into the translation workflow helps to substantially improve
the translation success rate. Expanding on this concept might thus be an important step into open-
ended chemical discovery. This requires an unambiguous and universal way of representing chemical
procedures (compare Figure 7D). To improve on existing paradigms, we showcase how feedback
from an LLM can be used to systematically suggest missing operations (here XDL steps) to fully
cover all operations required to perform chemical experiments. We identified 26 new XDL feature
suggestions and created a potential roadmap for future implementation.
The critique-, XDL-, and procedure-agents used GPT4o for all prompts. Only the scraping-agent
used GPT4o-mini for the reduced cost, and increased token-output size. All embeddings were
generated with the OpenAI model text-embedding-large. All code was written in Python3 with
standard libraries apart from the XDL and Chemputer-specific libraries. The default XDL library
( was modified to capture all syntactic errors in
parallel. The ChemputerXDL was modified to automatically map generated XDLs to a predefined
hardware graph. XDL files (.xdl) and Chemputer graph files (.json) can be viewed and edited with the
ChemIDE app on The XDL software standard is
linked here: All XDL and
Chemputer specific software packages can be made available upon reasonable request.
Data Availability
The code written for the implementation of ACRA will be available after publication in a peer
reviewed journal at
We acknowledge financial support from the John Templeton Foundation (grant nos. 61184 and
the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) (grant nos.
EP/L023652/1, EP/R01308X/1, EP/S019472/1 and EP/P00153X/1), the Breakthrough Prize
Foundation and NASA (Agnostic Biosignatures award no. 80NSSC18K1140), MINECO (project
CTQ2017-87392-P) and the European Research Council (ERC) (project 670467 SMART-POM). We
like to acknowledge Dean Thomas for the feedback on the manuscript and many helpful discussions.
Author contributions
L.C. conceived the idea and research plan together with S.P. and M.J. S.P. built and developed the
workflow for the implementation of ACRA module with contribution of M.J. S.P. and M.J.
implemented the experimental setup. M.J. and L.C. mentored S.P. S.P. wrote the manuscript with
contributions from all authors.
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A Hybrid BPMN-DMN Framework for Secure
Inter-organizational Processes and Decisions
Collaboration on Permissioned Blockchain
Xinzhe Shen1, Jiale Luo1, Hao Wang2, Mingyi Liu1, Schahram Dustdar3 Fellow, IEEE, and Zhongjie Wang1
Email: {xzshen, jiale.luo, 2022211249}, {liumy, rainy}, [email protected]
1Faculty of Computing, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
2Faculty of Computing, Harbin Institute of Technology, Weihai, China
3Distributed Systems Group, TU Wien
to autonomously address all business requirements. Inter-
organizational collaboration facilitates the efficient integration
of resources, bolsters competitive advantages, and catalyzes
the development of innovative business models.
process in which each organization participates and com-
pletes its tasks to form the entire workflow.Business processes
and decisions are two pivotal elements[1]. Business processes
delineate the specific steps of each organization must execute
within the collaborative framework to achieve shared business
objectives. A business process consists of multiple activities,
a subset of which represents decisions [2]. The prpgression of
the process is contingent upon the outputs of these decisions.
Business decisions in organizational collaborations transcend
the boundaries of individual entities. While modifying busi-
ness processes incurs substantial costs and thus occurs infre-
quently, business decisions exhibit a higher degree of volatility,
frequently adapting in response to myriad internal and external
Abstract—In the rapidly evolving digital business landscape,
organizations increasingly need to collaborate across boundaries
to achieve complex business objectives, requiring both efficient
process coordination and flexible decision-making capabilities.
Traditional collaboration approaches face significant challenges
in transparency, trust, and decision flexibility, while existing
blockchain-based solutions primarily focus on process execution
without addressing the integrated decision-making needs of col-
laborative enterprises. This paper proposes BlockCollab, a novel
model-driven framework that seamlessly integrates Business Pro-
cess Model and Notation (BPMN) with Decision Model and Nota-
tion (DMN) to standardize and implement collaborative business
processes and decisions on permissioned blockchain platforms.
Our approach proposes a multi-party collaboration lifecycle sup-
ported by BlockCollab, and automatically translates integrated
BPMN-DMN models into smart contracts(SCs) compatible with
Hyperledger Fabric, enabling privacy-aware multi-organizational
process execution through blockchain-based Attribute-Based Ac-
cess Control (ABAC). The framework introduces three key inno-
vations: (1) a standardized method for modeling collaborative
processes and decisions using integrated BPMN-DMN model,
(2) an automated SC generator that preserves both process
logic and decision rules while maintaining privacy constraints,
and (3) a hybrid on-chain/off-chain execution environment that
optimizes collaborative workflows through secure data transfer
and external system integration. Experimental evaluation across
11 real-world collaboration scenarios demonstrates that our
approach achieves 100% accuracy in process execution. Further-
more, an analysis of various execution processes highlights the
strong practical applicability and reliability of our approach.
The proposed framework includes an open-source1 third-party
collaboration platform based on blockchain.
Index Terms—BPMN choreography, blockchain, enterprise
collaboration, Decision Model and Notation (DMN), Model
Driven Architecture(MDA), code generation.
Fig. 1.
Inter-organizational collaboration with Blockchain
A. Background
I N the rapidly evolving landscape of contemporary busi-
ness, collaboration has emerged as a fundamental pillar of
organizational success. The intricacies of modern economic
impossible for any single organization
activities render it
Manuscript received December 1, 2015; revised August 26, 2015. Corre-
sponding author: Mingyi Liu (email: [email protected]).
Organizational collaboration traditionally operates in two
main modes: centralized and distributed, each significantly
influencing process execution and decision-making across col-
laborating entities. A central authority orchestrates business
processes and heavily influences key decisions, establishing
collaborative processes and significantly impacting the entire
network. Conversely, the distributed mode allows for more
autonomous process management and decentralized decision-
making by individual organizations, aligning with collabo-
task1org1message1org2task2org2message2org3task3org3message3org1Org2 intraorganizational processesOrg1 intraorganizational processes.Org3 intraorganizational processesMessagesData SharingEventERPOrg1 physical ResoucesIPFSDBApplicationpostgreSQLOrg2 physical ResoucesIPFSOrg3 physical ResoucesERPIPFSoff-chainconnectorconnectoron-chainon-chainoff-chainDBoff-chainconnectoron-chainInter-organization collaborative processes and decisions
rative goals. However, both collaboration modes exhibit in-
herent limitations that affect process execution and decision-
making. In the centralized mode, the central authority may be
susceptible to power abuse, potentially exhibiting favoritism
towards certain entities, thereby undermining the equilibrium
and equity of the collaborative ecosystem. In the distributed
mode, while mitigating centralized control issues, presents
challenges in collaboration efficacy. Participants’ inability to
observe the actions of their counterparts can engender com-
munication barriers and decision-making latencies, impacting
the overall business process flow.
The blockchain technology has introduced a novel mode of
inter-organizational collaboration, fundamentally altering the
landscape of business interactions. In this mode, participants
operate without reliance on a centralized authority, benefiting
from unprecedented transparency throughout the collaborative
process. It also provides an immutable record of decision-
making activities among organizations [3]. Blockchain imple-
ments a decentralized trust mechanism through its distributed
ledger and consensus algorithms. This architecture enables
participants to independently verify and irreversibly record
transactions, ensuring data transparency and integrity [4]. Fur-
thermore, blockchain’s chaincode can facilitate the encoding of
collaborative processes and decision logic into self-executing
code, triggered under pre-defined conditions to significantly
enhancing the efficiency of inter-organizational workflows.
As shown in Fig. 1,
this is a blockchain-based inter-
organizational collaboration approach, supporting distributed
business processes and decisions. A collaborative ecosystem
comprising three distinct organizations, united by a shared
business goal. Within this ecosystem, each organization au-
tonomously executes its private business processes [5] and
manages its heterogeneous physical resources. The inter-
organizational interaction is facilitated through blockchain-
supported public collaborative processes and decision-making
mechanisms. This architectural approach effectively disman-
tles traditional organizational data silos, resulting in a marked
enhancement of collaboration efficiency and a significant in-
crease in operational transparency.
B. Motivation
While blockchain technology offers a robust infrastructure
for inter-organizational collaboration, effectively modeling and
managing collaborative processes and decisions within this
new mode presents its own set of challenges. To leverage the
full potential of blockchain in organizational collaboration,
it is crucial to have a standardized method for describing
and designing collaborative business processes. This is where
Business Process Modeling and Notation (BPMN) [6] comes
into play, serving as a bridge between the conceptual under-
standing of collaborative processes and their implementation
on blockchain platforms. The integration of blockchain
technology with BPMN-modeled processes has introduced
new paradigms of security and transparency in executing
interacting business processes [7].
decisions, their requirements, and dependencies, distinct from
the processes flows [7]. This separation of concerns has gained
traction in traditional process execution environments, with
established BPMN engines such as Camunda [8] and Activiti
[9] integrating DMN as their decision modeling framework
to automate decision processes. Combining BPMN with a
decision engine facilitates a clear delineation between business
processes and decisions. This segregation confers significant
advantages: it allows for agile modifications to decision logic
in response to evolving business conditions without necessi-
tating alterations to the underlying process structure. Further-
more, it simplifies BPMN process modeling by eliminating
the need for redundant gateway constructs. However, in the
context of blockchain-based process execution, there is a
notable absence of methodologies for implementing DMN-
modeled decisions in conjunction with BPMN processes.
To implement the aforementioned process and decision in a
blockchain environment, developing a Web3.0 Decentralized
Application (DApp) is essential. DApps have become the pri-
mary solution for achieving multi-authority business processes
in this new web era [10]. However, the complex architecture
of decentralized DApps, including on-chain, off-chain, and
hybrid on-chain/off-chain components (connectors), makes
their development challenging [10]. Therefore, a model-
driven approach (MDA) is crucial for constructing products
compatible with blockchain platforms [10]. The primary goal
of MDA is to achieve interoperability across tools and es-
tablish the long-term standardization of models in popular
application domains [11]. This approach can guide us in
standardizing organization collaboration models, simplifying
SC development and the setup of on-chain and off-chain
environments. Additionally, the integration also presents novel
challenges, particularly in translating BPMN models into
blockchain-compatible implementations. Recent studies have
explored the generation of SC code from BPMN choreogra-
phy or collaboration diagrams, aiming to ensure trustworthy
execution of collaborative processes [4, 12–16]. These studies
primarily employ a model-driven approach to generate SC
code that supports blockchain execution, thereby automating
processes, enhancing developer efficiency, and reducing the
risk of errors introduced by software developers. Despite
these advancements, a significant
limitation in the current
body of literature is the predominant focus on permissionless
blockchain platforms (e.g., Ethereum [17]). Comparatively
little attention has been given to permissioned blockchains
(e.g., Hyperledger Fabric [18]), which offer superior privacy
features and are generally more suitable for organizational
collaborations. Consequently,
the additional complexity in-
troduced by the underlying infrastructure of permissioned
blockchains in SC development, especially when derived from
BPMN models, has been largely overlooked [19]. This gap in
research presents an opportunity to explore how BPMN can
be more effectively utilized in the context of permissioned
blockchain-based collaborative processes.
C. Contributions
Complementing BPMN, the Decision Model and Notation
(DMN) [1] offers a standardized methodology for modeling
This work presents the BlockCollab model-driven frame-
work and its corresponding lifecycle for multi-party collab-
Fig. 2. The lifecycle for multi-party collaboration supported by BlockCollab
oration(as depicted in Fig. 2), which integrates collaborative
processes, decision-making, and blockchain technology. It uti-
lizes a model-driven approach to model collaborative processes
and decisions, generate SC code, and design a heterogeneous
on-chain and off-chain environment architecture. The key
contributions of this paper are summarized as follows:
systems; 4) Integration with an Oracle, bridging the gap
between reality and blockchain.
4) A fully open-source blockchain-based third-party
collaboration platform that incorporates the proposed
methods and environments.
1) A standardized business collaboration modeling
method that integrates DMN with the BPMN chore-
ography model for modeling business processes and
decisions in multi-organizational collaborations. This
addresses the need for a standardized method to de-
scribe and design collaborative business processes and
decisions in a blockchain context.
2) A SC Translator translates integrated BPMN-DMN
business models into Hyperledger Fabric SC code, en-
abling the execution of multi-instance collaborative busi-
ness processes and decision execution. At the same time,
managing collaborative identities based on blockchain
Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC).
3) An extended method based on [20] is proposed for
constructing an innovative hybrid on-chain and off-
chain execution environment. The hybrid environment
provides: 1) a collaboration model to ensure participants
clearly understand their roles and map physical resources
to optimize the construction of the environment; 2) a
blockchain-based on-chain and off-chain environment
using Hyperledger Fabric and InterPlanetary File System
(IPFS); 3) a connector that links on-chain and off-chain
systems, supporting smooth integration with external
A. Lifecycle of the Blockchain-Based Collaboration
section presents a comprehensive lifecycle for
multi-party collaboration, integrating collaborative processes,
decision-making, and blockchain technology. The lifecycle
consists of seven stages (as illustrated in Fig. 2), each ad-
dressing specific aspects of collaboration implementation and
The Negotiation-Based Collaboration phase initiates the
collaborative journey,
typically driven by one or several
organizations within the supply chain. During this phase,
organizational leaders and strategic decision-makers engage
in comprehensive negotiations to establish the foundation
for collaboration. They focus on defining clear roles and
responsibilities, establishing governance frameworks, and de-
termining benefit distribution mechanisms across participating
organizations. This critical phase culminates in formal agree-
ments that outline collaboration objectives, success metrics,
and operational parameters, ensuring all parties have a shared
understanding of their commitments and expected outcomes.
The Environment Construction phase (Sect. II-C) fo-
cuses on establishing the technical infrastructure necessary for
blockchain-based collaboration. Operations and maintenance
Special carrierBulk buyerBusiness goalMiddlemanManufacturerSupplierOrg1Consortium1Org2Org3membership1membership2Environment1useruserusermembership3DMN: Model the decisionsBPMN Choreography: Model thecollaborative business processesCreate new instanceExisting instancesParticipantAParticipantBParticipantCInstance 0Instance 1Instance 2Order goodsBulk buyerGoods Order RequestManufacturerPlace order for suppliesManufacturerSupply Order RequestMiddlemanForward order for suppliesMiddlemanSupply Order ForwardingSupplierForward order for transportMiddlemanTransport Order ForwardingSpecial carrierRequest detailsSpecial carrierRequest DetailsSupplierProvide detailsSupplierDetails ProvisionSpecial carrierSend waybillSupplierWaybill TransmissionSpecial carrierDeliver supplies slowlySpecial carrierSupplies Delivery Confirmation1ManufacturerReport start of productionManufacturerSupplies Delivery InformationBulk buyerDeliver goodsManufacturerGoods Delivery ConfirmationBulk buyerPriority DecisionDeliver suppliesSpecial carrierSupplies Delivery Confirmation2ManufacturerExpedited deliver suppliesSpecial carrierSupplies Delivery Confirmation3ManufacturerAirliftSpecial carrierSupplies Delivery Confirmation4ManufacturerfinalPriority=="Lo w"finalPriority=="M edium"finalPriority=="Hi gh"finalPriority=="Ve ryLow"TranslateNew instanceNegotiation-based Cooperation phsaeCollaborative businessmodeling phaseEnvironment constructionphaseInstance creationphaseSC generation and deployment phaseOrder goodsBulk buyerGoods Order RequestManufacturerPlace order for suppliesManufacturerSupply Order RequestMiddlemanForward order for suppliesMiddlemanSupply Order ForwardingSupplierForward order for transportMiddlemanTransport Order ForwardingSpecial carrierRequest detailsSpecial carrierRequest DetailsSupplierProvide detailsSupplierDetails ProvisionSpecial carrierSend waybillSupplierWaybill TransmissionSpecial carrierDeliver supplies slowlySpecial carrierSupplies Delivery Confirmation1ManufacturerReport start of productionManufacturerSupplies Delivery InformationBulk buyerDeliver goodsManufacturerGoods Delivery ConfirmationBulk buyerPriority DecisionDeliver suppliesSpecial carrierSupplies Delivery Confirmation2ManufacturerExpedited deliver suppliesSpecial carrierSupplies Delivery Confirmation3ManufacturerAirliftSpecial carrierSupplies Delivery Confirmation4ManufacturerfinalPriority=="Lo w"finalPriority=="M edium"finalPriority=="Hi gh"finalPriority=="Ve ryLow"Collaboration process anddecision execution phaseOracle SCDMN SCsupportAudit phaseBinding DMNBinding ParticipantsOff chain dataBlockchain dataBPMN SCLeadersOperations andmaintenance staffModelersSC developersCollaborativebusiness leadersCollaborativeprocess operatorsAuditorsJOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2024
staff from each organization collaboratively create a distributed
environment, starting with the setup of collaborative identities
on the third-party platform, allowing organizations to initi-
ate a consortium and invite other participants. Subsequently,
technical teams configure the Hyperledger Fabric environment,
concluding with the installation of essential SCs and estab-
lishing off-chain infrastructure, comprising IPFS clusters and
Hyperledger Firefly connectors.
During the Collaborative Business Modeling phase
(Sect. II-B), business process modelers and domain experts
from participating organizations work together to transform
the negotiated agreements into formal process and decision
models. They utilize the platform’s BPMN choreography tools
to design collaborative processes and DMN tools to model
decision rules. These models undergo thorough validation with
stakeholders to ensure they accurately reflect the agreed-upon
collaboration parameters. Once all organizations accept the
models, they are uploaded to the platform, serving as the
foundation for subsequent implementation phases.
The SC Generation and Deployment phase (Sect. II-D)
transforms the business models into executable SCs. SC de-
velopers utilize the SC Translator component to convert the in-
tegrated BPMN choreography and DMN models into suitable
Fabric SC(chaincode). Following Fabric’s guidelines, organi-
zations deploy these SCs according to predefined endorsement
rules, typically following a majority consensus model. This
deployment process includes packaging, installation, approval,
and commitment operations, with each organization’s approval
of the installed SCs signifying their acceptance of the con-
tract’s content and readiness for automated execution.
The Instance Creation phase enables the practical ap-
plication of the choreography model
through multiple in-
stances, enhancing model reusability. Business leaders from
each organization can create various instances of the BPMN
choreography after its transformation into SCs. Each instance
requires careful configuration, including participant binding
and DMN association. The participant binding can specify
either individual participants or groups meeting certain ABAC
conditions, while DMN binding must conform to the BRT-
defined inputs and outputs specified in the BPMN. This flex-
ibility allows for process consistency while accommodating
variations in participants and decision rules, supporting the
dynamic nature of business operations.
During the Collaboration Process and Decision Execution
phase, process operators and business users actively engage in
executing the configured instances. The platform’s UI interface
provides real-time visibility into process progress, allowing
participants to input message content directly through the
platform. Organizations can also integrate SC APIs with their
internal ERP systems to streamline process advancement. This
phase represents the operational heart of the framework, where
the designed collaboration actually takes place and delivers
business value.
During the Audit phase, auditors can utilize the query
functionality provided by Firefly to access data stored both
on the blockchain and off-chain in IPFS, enabling the review
of data related to each process instance and decision.
Fig. 3. BPMN choreography modeling elements
B. Standardized Business Collaboration Modeling Method
This section presents a standardized method for model-
ing collaborative processes and decisions using an integrated
BPMN-DMN approach(Sect. II-B1, II-B2). A supply chain
scenario is provided as an example to demonstrate the example
of this model(Sect. II-B3).
1) BPMN choreography modeling elements: BPMN di-
agrams are widely recognized as the standard for modeling
processes across organizations [16], aimed at being com-
prehensible to a diverse group of business stakeholders in-
cluding business analysts, technical developers, and process
managers [19].
An introduction to the four types of BPMN diagrams is
provided in Appendix A-A. The Choreography diagram is
chosen for its effective representation of autonomous and
egalitarian interaction patterns among organizations. The focus
is on the sequence of message exchanges and interactions
among multiple participants, rather than processes controlled
by a single entity. Therefore, this paper focuses on the most
common elements in Choreography diagram to describe the
collaborative processes among multiple organizations based on
blockchain technology, these elements are shown in the dotted
line part of the Fig. 3. All interactions are explicitly recorded,
allowing each participant to view the complete process state
and history, thereby establishing trust across organizations.
Additionally, this paper introduces the Business Rule Task
(BRT) from the collaboration diagram to represent decisions
as activities in the process.
The definitions of Events, Flow, Gateways, and Tasks
have been elaborated in the previously paper [20] and are
not reiterated here for brevity. The definition of message
used in this paper follows that in our earlier work, as shown
in the upper right corner of Fig. 3. Each message contains
multiple fields, where each field’s parameter defining its name,
FlowExclusive GatewayParallel GatewayEvent-Based GatewayChoreographyTask Name (Two-Way)Participant InitiatorInitiating MessageParticipant RecipientReturn MessageChoreographyTask Name (One-Way)Participant InitiatorInitiating MessageParticipant RecipientEventsSequence FlowGatewaysTasksBusiness RuleTaskExtended elementsMessageparametersfiledsBusiness Rule TaskparametersinputsoutputsInput/OutputparametersfieldNamefieldTypefieldDescriptionMessage parametersnamedescriptionrequiredtype (boolean,string, number, file)JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2024
Fig. 4. Example of Modeling a Supply Chain Scenario Using Integrated BPMN-DMN Models
description, type and whether it is required. Supported types
include basic JSON types (boolean, string, number) and file.
The type of each field in a message is validated during runtime
to ensure data conformance to the specified type.
A BRT provides a mechanism for the process to provide
input to a business rules engine and to get the output of
calculations that the business rules engine might provide [6].
A BRT is linked to a DMN Decision Requirements Diagram
(DRD), which illustrates how key elements of decision mak-
ing, such as domains of business knowledge, sources of busi-
ness knowledge, input data, and decisions, are interconnected
within a dependency network. The corresponding DRD can be
binded with the BRT at the instance creation phase of a BPMN
choreography diagram, rather than at the modeling stage, to
support the upgrade and replacement of runtime decisions.
However, when modeling BPMN choreography, it is necessary
to specify the input and output data formats of a BRT to
ensure that the replacement and upgrade of decisions comply
with the flow of the BPMN diagram; otherwise, it will affect
the subsequent process activities based on the output of the
2) DMN: While DMN is essentially independent of BPMN
and can function separately, it is also compatible for combined
use. In our approach, we integrate BPMN with DMN to
enable automated decision-making. One method for achieving
automation is through “decision services (DSs),” which are
deployed from a Business Rules Management System and
invoked by a Business Process Management System (BPMS).
These DSs encapsulate DMN-supported decision logic and
provide interfaces that correspond to subsets of inputs and
decisions within DMN. When invoked with a set of input
data, the DS evaluates the specified decisions and returns the
outputs. To implement this, we have designed a Java chaincode
(SC) as DS that runs Camunda’s DMN execution engine 2.
The key DMN elements adopted in this study and meaning,
as shown in the Appendix Sect. A-B, focus on specifically
Decision and Input Data,
to enable automated decision-
making within multi-party organizational collaboration pro-
cesses. Only the essential DMN elements are implemented,
as the primary requirement is to ensure reliable execution of
decision rules based on data generated during collaboration,
with outcomes designed to be accepted by all involved parties.
The entire DRD input is provided by a BRT, which also
receives and records the decision results in the process data.
As shown in the lower right corner of Fig. 4, a BRT must
specify multiple inputs and a single output. The input data
serve as inputs to the DMN execution engine and are derived
from the message data of the preceding choreography task
by selecting a specific field from the message. Such data,
classified as public decision data (visible to all parties in the
collaborative choreography process), is automatically recorded
in the SC and is no longer private (restricted visible to the
sender and receiver). The output also requires specifications
for its name, description, and type, as the following gateway
branches will determine the execution path based on the output
3) Case: As shown in Fig. 4, this scenario describes a
supply chain involving multiple organization, further expanded
from requirements extracted from the paper [21]. The BPMN
choreography diagram displays a complex supply chain man-
Send waybillSupplierWaybill TransmissionSpecial carrierPriority DecisionForward order for suppliesMiddlemanSupply Order ForwardingSupplierForward order for transportMiddlemanTransport Order ForwardingSpecial carrierRequest detailsSpecial carrierRequest DetailsSupplierOrder goodsBulk buyerGoods Order RequestManufacturerPlace order for suppliesManufacturerSupply Order RequestMiddlemanProvide detailsSupplierDetails ProvisionSpecial carrierDeliver supplies slowlySpecial carrierSupplies Delivery ConfirmationManufacturerDeliver suppliesSpecial carrierSupplies Delivery ConfirmationManufacturerExpedited deliver suppliesSpecial carrierSupplies Delivery ConfirmationManufacturerAirliftSpecial carrierSupplies Delivery ConfirmationManufacturerReport start of productionManufacturerSupplies Delivery ConfirmationBulk buyerDeliver goodsManufacturerGoods Delivery ConfirmatioBulk buyerfinalPriority==HighfinalPriority==Very LowfinalPriority==LowfinalPriority==MediumInitial Priority DecisionnumberOfUnitsurgentFinal Priority Adjustment DecisionsupplierReputationJOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2024
Fig. 5. Hybrid On-Chain and Off-Chain Environment
agement process involving multiple organizations, including
Bulk Buyer, Manufacturer, Middleman, Supplier, and Special
Carrier, who collaboratively complete a business process for
product exchange. The process initiates when the Bulk Buyer
places an order for goods, triggering a sequence of coordinated
activities across the supply chain. Upon receiving the order,
the Manufacturer requests supplies from the Middleman, who
then orchestrates the forwarding of supply and transport orders
to the Supplier and Special Carrier, respectively.
In the BPMN choreography, the ”Priority Decision” BRT
follows the Special Carrier’s request for details from the
Supplier. This task involves assessing the urgency and volume
of the order to determine the priority of transport. Additionally,
the priority is adjusted based on the Supplier’s reputation. The
details of this DMN are shown in Fig. 4. This DMN includes
two Decisions, where the ”Initial Priority Decision” acts as
a sub-decision to the ”Final Priority Adjustment Decision”.
The final output of the DMN, the transport priority, is then
fed back into the choreography diagram to guide the process
C. Hybrid On-Chain and Off-Chain Environment
This article supports a hybrid on-chain/off-chain execution
environment to support the operation of generated SCs, which
includes the following components: (1) A collaborative iden-
tity model based on organization, consortium, membership,
user and environment. (2) A physical resource construction
for on-chain and off-chain environment. (3) A connector built
on Hyperledger Firefly [22]. (4) Oracle that connects reality
with blockchain
1) Collaborative identity model: To ensure that each par-
ticipant in the multi-party collaboration process clearly under-
stands their role and responsibilities, and to enable the map-
ping of physical resources when constructing the collaborative
environment based on blockchain, we propose the collabora-
tion identity model shown in the upper corner of Fig. 5. Our
previous work [20] introduced the concepts of Organization,
Consortium, Membership, and Environment entities. In this
paper, we add the User entity, a more granular concept within
each Membership, allowing for precise identification down to
individual participants.
We illustrate the above concepts through a specific example
shown in Fig. 4. An Organization refers to an independent
entity or institution, such as Toyota. Toyota as a manufacturer
connects various upstream and downstream organizations to
form a Consortium aimed at achieving shared business objec-
tives through collaboration. A Membership is the identity of an
Organization within a Consortium, representing its status and
role there. An Organization may hold different Memberships
across various Consortium. For example, Toyota acts as a
Manufacturer in consortium1 but holds a Buyer membership in
consortium2. Environment is a hybrid on-chain/off-chain setup
built to enable trusted collaboration through blockchain. This
section primarily introduces the design supports a DApp en-
vironment for multi-party collaborative operations, including
on-chain and off-chain physical resources.
For the on-chain layer, we deploy Hyperledger Fabric,
an enterprise-grade blockchain platform that enables secure
and customizable collaboration [18]. The Fabric network ar-
chitecture consists of two main types of nodes: Peer nodes
and Orderer nodes. Peer nodes are responsible for storing
blockchain data, executing SC(chaincode) logic, and validating
transaction proposals, while Orderer nodes sequence validated
transactions into blocks and broadcast them to all Peer nodes.
Furthermore, Fabric supports configurable policies that define
which peer nodes are required to participate in consensus for
ApplicationchannelOrdererSystemchannelDMN SCBPMN SCPeerPeerPeerOn-ChainFirefly.Org1Node1.Org1Node2.Org1Off-ChainSupernode1On-ChainFirefly.Org2Node1.Org2Node2.Org2Off-ChainSupernode2On-ChainFirefly.Org3Node1.Org3Node2.Org3Off-ChainSupernode3On-ChainSystemOrgNode1.SysOrgNode2.SysOrgOff-ChainSupernode0Oracle SCPeerOff-chainlayerOn-chainlayerConnectorlayerSystem.membershipOrg1.membershipOrg2.membershipOrg3.membershipEvent ExecutorEventBusSC APIInvokerFabric CAFabric CAFabric CAFabric CAEventBusSC APIInvokerEventBusSC APIInvokerEventBusSC APIInvokerDMN SCBPMN SCDMN SCBPMN SCOrg1Org2Org3EnvironmentConsortiumuseruseruserOracle ExecutorEvent ExecutorEvent ExecutorCollaborative identity modelJOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2024
which facilitates off-chain data exchange and provides access
to SCs on the blockchain through Event Bus and the SC API
To facilitate the integration of blockchain-based SC ap-
plications into each organization’s existing systems, we use
the FireFly Interface (FFI) format
to provide a common,
blockchain-agnostic description of the SC, as shown in the
yellow section of Fig. 6. When the SC code is generated from
BPMN choreography, an FFI file is also created. The feature of
FireFly’s registration API then generates an HTTP API for this
SC, complete with an OpenAPI Specification and Swagger UI.
Once created, each organization will have its own API URL
for the SC, enabling them to respectively invoke the SC.
In a decentralized system, each organization must run its
own applications, integrating the shared state of the SC with
its private data and core systems. Therefore, an Event Executor
is needed to continuously monitor blockchain events and sync
these changes to the organization’s private application state
database. To enable this, we have integrated FireFly’s Event
Bus feature, as shown in the orange part of Fig. 6. The
Event Bus can capture all events in blocks, categorize them
by topic based on specific fields in the event messages, and
provide a subscription service to notify external systems of
selected events. Each organization can register listeners and
subscriptions to monitor events of interest and execute custom
business logic within the Event Executor.
In multi-party collaboration scenarios, the ability to ex-
change private data is essential. Private data interaction is the
primary communication mode for many organizations today,
where one party sends data to another through a secure,
mutually agreed-upon channel. In Firefly, the Private Data Bus
component facilitates this private data exchange, as illustrated
in the purple part of Fig. 6. During the Instance creation
phase, membership is associated with participants in BPMN
Choreography. In the Collaboration and decision execution
phase, the Private Data Bus’s private send function is triggered
to enable off-chain private message exchanges between the
Initiator and Recipient in BPMN, while also storing proof on-
chain. This approach ensures message confidentiality while
maintaining transparency in the collaborative process.
3) Oracle connects reality with blockchain: To enable SCs
to access off-chain data, our method integrates an Oracle,
which links the blockchain to external data sources. Part of the
Oracle operates on-chain to handle requests, while another part
works off-chain to collect and validate data. While typically
used to retrieve off-chain data, we also consider a reverse
oracle mode that supplies on-chain data externally.
Data flow through Oracles is generally classified into four
patterns, based on data direction and request initiation [26]:
Inbound and Outbound Oracles, which indicate the data’s
movement to or from the blockchain, and Pull-based and
Push-based request models, which specify how requests are
• Pull-based inbound Oracle: The SC requests data from
the oracle, which fetches it from an off-chain source.
• Push-based inbound Oracle: Oracle watches for any
sort of changes in a particular off-chain data source.
Fig. 6. The connector linking on-chain and off-chain
each blockchain transaction execution.
In the environment setup, our approach creates a Fabric
network with a single orderer node running in solo mode to
provide ordering services. One peer node is assigned to each
membership. This is crucial because each membership must
operate a peer node to validate SC executions and participate
in consensus, thereby ensuring confidence in the blockchain
execution results. By default, the consensus policy is set to
the majority rule, requiring support from most members to
validate and confirm the execution outcomes.
Additionally, Hyperledger Fabric employs an access control
mechanism based on X.509 certificates, which serve two pri-
mary functions: 1) identity verification during SC invocation,
and 2) TLS authentication for secure communication between
nodes. To facilitate this, we establish a Certificate Authority
(CA) for each membership to issue certificates for their nodes
and users.
The entire on-chain environment setup in this work is
developed based on Hyperledger Cello [23], which serves as
a blockchain provision and operation system. Given that the
new version of Hyperledger Cello is still under development
and its functionalities are not yet fully matured[24], this paper
has enhanced its capabilities for supporting Fabric CA and SC
For the off-chain layer, in order to alleviate the problem
of transporting large amounts of data within the blockchain,
the IPFS [25] serves as the central data repository, with data
hashes utilized as descriptors in the blockchain to represent the
actual data. By deploying an IPFS Node for each membership,
a consortium-owned IPFS cluster is established, providing a
robust and secure data source with high availability.
2) The connector linking on-chain and off-chain: The
Connector in our design functions as a bridge, integrating on-
chain and off-chain resources to achieve specific functional-
ities that address challenges inherent in blockchain systems.
These include delivering events to the external world, enabling
convenient SC invocation, and handling data exchange effi-
ciently and safely.
To achieve these objectives, we primarily use Hyperledger
Firefly in our system by setting up a Firefly SuperNode for
each membership. Each Firefly Supernode registers a client
type certificate with a certificate Authority (CA), enabling it to
interact with the blockchain as a user within the membership.
These nodes are interconnected to form a Private Data Bus,
hashSCmembership1IFPS1EventsSCEventsEvent1Event2Event3Event4Event5Event6Event7Event8Event9listenerConnection1SubscriptionhashSCmembership2IFPS1hashSCmembership3IFPS1EventsEventsEventBuslistenerConnection3SubscriptionEvent Executor1Event Executor2Connection2-WebSocketsSC APIInvokerPrivateData BusOn-chainOff-chainOff-chainFireFlyInterface (FFI)formatJOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2024
D. Smart Contract Generate Method
To support the execution of the BPMN and DMN hybrid
model proposed in Sect. II-B, a methodology is presented
for mapping the business model into SC. This methodology
comprises three main parts: 1) Implementing collaborative de-
cisions execution utilizing a DMN decision engine to support
complex and configurable decision logic; 2) Employing ABAC
methods; and 3) Collaborative business processes execution
based on a state machine approach.
1) Decison service (DS) to support decision execution:
According to the design in Section II-B, this paper implements
a DS for SC (hereafter referred to as DMN SC). Given
the input data defined in the BPMN choreography BRT, it
calculates and provides outputs based on the specified DMN
decision models. In addition to executing decision outcomes,
the DMN SC must also record the process data of each
decision (inputs, outputs, and the unique ID of the DMN)
and store it on the blockchain. This serves as the universally
recognized decision outcome among organizations, facilitating
auditors in tracing the origins for future audits.
Since many traditional DMN engines (such as Drools [27])
support the execution of DMN which are written in various
languages, this paper does not develop a new SC to parse and
execute DMN from scratch. Moreover, as the Fabric platform
officially supports SC in Go, Java, and JavaScript, this paper
integrates a lightweight, open-source DMN engine written in
Java: the Camunda DMN engine.
A DMN file may contain highly complex decision logic,
making it too large to store directly on the blockchain. There-
fore, in our method, the DMN content is stored off-chain, with
retrieval and upload occurring only during execution. During
the instance creation phase, users must bind a DMN to each
BRT, which is saved to off-chain IPFS using a Push-based
outbound Oracle through the saveData method, resulting in
a CID recorded within the Oracle SC, as shown in Fig. 7.
Additionally, a hash digest of the DMN content is calculated
and saved on-chain to ensure data integrity.
In the Execution Phase, when a BRT element becomes ac-
tive, the actual DMN content and input data are provided. Also
illustrated by Fig. 7, by invoking the fetchData method, a Pull-
based inbound Oracle is activated to retrieve the DMN content
using the CID recorded during the instance creation phase.
The hash digest is then recalculated to verify consistency with
the previous hash, ensuring data integrity. Once verified, the
DMN content and input data are passed to the DMN SC, where
the decision logic is executed, producing the desired decision
2) Collaborative
Identity Management
Blockchain ABAC:
In our method, collaboration relies
on the coordinated actions of all participating organizations,
each of which must define and take responsibility for
its specific role and related tasks. Only the designated
organization may execute the tasks associated with its role.
For instance,
in the Supply Chain scenario illustrated in
Figure 4, the organization in the Middleman role is solely
authorized to perform tasks like ”Supply Order Forwarding”
and ”Transport Order Forwarding”. Additionally, custom
restrictions, such as requiring the task invoker to have at least
Fig. 7. The implementation architecture of Oracle in this paper
• Pull-based outbound Oracle: When an off-chain re-
source needs to query data from the blockchain, it re-
quests the data from the on-chain data source.
• Push-based outbound Oracle: The SC monitors the
blockchain for changes and informs the off-chain re-
In our implementation, we need to store and retrieve data
from an IPFS cluster and provide off-chain data access.
Thus, we implement Push-based Outbound Oracle, Pull-based
Inbound Oracle, and Pull-based Outbound Oracle to support
our system.
Fig. 7 illustrates our Oracle mechanism, which operates
through a collaborative framework between the Oracle SC
and Oracle Executors, enabling seamless data storage and
retrieval on IPFS. The Oracle SC processes requests from
other BPMN SCs on-chain and broadcasts events to off-
chain Oracle Executors, which handle data retrieval or storage
depending on the event type. To maintain data integrity, only
entities with system membership are authorized to perform
write operations, while data queries remain accessible to all
The Oracle SC is designed as a independent SC, adaptable
across different SCs for data retrieval and storage in IPFS.
It provides two primary methods: saveData and fetchData.
The saveData method receives data and a key, emits an event
with the data content, and waits for the Executor to store the
content and upload the corresponding CID for record-keeping.
The fetchData method accepts a query with a record ID and
callback method as parameters, emits an event for the Executor
to retrieve data from IPFS, and invokes the callback with the
requested data.
As shown in Fig. 7, our implementation of these Oracle
patterns enables essential system functions. The Push-based
Outbound Oracle (left) uses the saveData method to transfer
data from on-chain to off-chain. The Pull-based Inbound Or-
acle (right) retrieves off-chain data on-chain via the fetchData
method. The Pull-based Outbound Oracle (center) provides
external users with on-chain data access through an API.
CID EventOracle SCCIDSystemmembershipinvolve Update dataEventBPMN SCApplicationchanneloff-chaindataCIDon-chaindataOracleExecutor1IPFS clusterCIDoff-chaindataOracleExecutor2145613456API invoker3saveData22Pull-basedinbound OraclePush-basedoutbound OraclePull-basedoutboundOraclefetchDataJOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2024
ten years of experience, may apply. A mechanism is therefore
needed to enforce these requirements.
The blockchain platform used in our work, Hyperledger
Fabric, provides access control to limit Peer Node access
and permissions to modify chaincode across the network
by requiring an X.509 certificate to verify the Membership
Service Provider (MSP). However, it lacks a participant-level
access control mechanism. To address this, we introduce an
ABAC method to regulate access to SCs and their instances.
ABAC is a policy-based access control mechanism that de-
fines access based on user, resource, and contextual attributes.
Our method uses information from the X.509 certificate, which
includes MSP and embedded attributes from issuance. During
instance creation, role-specific restrictions in the BPMN such
as organizational assignment and requirements like minimum
age or experience must be defined. Before modifying the
blockchain state in Execution, each task invocation undergoes
access control verification, as shown in Algorithm 1 in Ap-
pendix, ensuring authorization for each task.
3) State Machine Based Workflow Control: As mentioned,
organizations collaborate by executing tasks within the same
SC, but what content does the SC provide? Our approach
identifies three primary objectives to fulfill through the SC
generation method: 1) providing methods to ensure that pro-
cesses advance in the correct order as defined in the BPMN
choreography, 2) enabling message exchange and validation
between two organizations, and 3) supporting the execution
of BRTs with off-chain DMN content.
To achieve these objectives, our approach proposes a
method for transforming the integrated BPMN-DMN models
into executable SC. As shown in Figure 8,
the extended
BPMN choreography is parsed into a Directed Acyclic Graph
(DAG), where each element is converted into a finite state
machine (FSM) with three or four states. These FSMs are then
organized according to the choreography’s topology. Using the
DAG, we analyze metadata, including Hook Code and Frame
Code, which are combined with element templates to produce
the final SC. To maintain the sequence of process, our
Fig. 8.
Integrated BPMN-DMN models to SC transformation method
in the model
approach manages the extended BPMN choreography through
states within elements and workflows between elements. In
is constructed as
our method, each element
an FSM with at least three states: Disabled, Enabled, and
Completed. Additional states are introduced as needed, which
are discussed further below. As illustrated in Algorithm. 3 in
Appendix, each method template includes a state check to
ensure the current element is in the Enabled state, preventing
out-of-order execution.
At a higher level, these elements together form a global
FSM, where Sequence Flows and Gateways regulate the order
of individual FSMs. Generally, Sequence Flows dictate the
primary workflow sequence, while Gateways manage more
complex flow patterns.
• Parallel Gateways serve dual roles: splitting and merging.
In the splitting role, all outgoing sequence flows are
enabled when the element is completed. As a merger,
the gateway enables the outgoing sequence flow once all
incoming flows are completed.
• Exclusive Gateways also function in two roles. As a
splitter, it enables sequence flows based on conditions;
as a merger, it activates the next sequence flow once
any incoming flow is completed. In our method, we use
conditional expressions in sequence flows to represent
complex decision policies within Business Rule Tasks
• Event-based Gateways provide unique functionality by
enabling sequence flows based on triggered events. How-
ever, selecting one sequence flow deactivates the others.
Effective message exchange is achieved through a process
involving data credential upload and message content verifi-
cation. In the first phase, the message sender pre-stores the
message in the Private Data Bus, generates a message hash
as proof, and uploads this hash to notify the receiver. In the
second phase, the receiver retrieves the message content using
the hash, verifies it, and, if valid, confirms the message. To
support this process, the message element includes four states
instead of three, with an additional “Wait for Confirm” state
indicating that the message is pending confirmation from the
receiver. These two phases are implemented with two template
methods, Message and MessageConfirm.
The process of fetching DMN content is handled similarly
through a two-part process, corresponding to two template
methods shown in Algorithm. 2 in Appendix: BusinessRule-
Task and BusinessRuleTaskCallback. The former triggers an
event in the Event Bus, activating the Pull-based Inbound
Oracle to retrieve the DMN content. Subsequently, the Or-
acle Executor invokes BusinessRuleTaskCallback. Within the
callback, the DMN content is verified against the content pro-
vided during instance creation. Decision-making parameters
are then extracted from the instance context and input into the
DMNEngine SC to reach a decision. To support this process,
an additional “Wait for Callback” state is added to the BRT
We then integrate these three design components to generate
the SC through a structured two-pass iteration. As shown in
Algorithm. 2 in Appendix, the model is first parsed into a DAG
and processed with the GenerateHooks function to analyze
Message_SendDisableEnableWait forconfirmCompletedDisableEnableCompleted(b)State machines for effectivemessage exchange(a)Basic state machines for maintainingprocess order DisableEnableWait forCallbackCompleted(c)State machines for BRTFlowExclusive GatewayParallel GatewayEvent-Based GatewayChoreographyTask Name (Two-Way)Participant InitiatorInitiating MessageParticipant RecipientReturn MessageChoreographyTask Name (One-Way)Participant InitiatorInitiating MessageParticipant RecipientEventsSequence FlowGatewaysTasksExtended elementsBusinessRule TaskMessage_ConfirmBRT_ActivateBRT_FullfillGateway_MethodElements MethodTemplateBPMN SCdisableenablewaitcompleteddisableenablewaitcompleteddisableenablecompleteddisableenablewaitcompletedisableenablewaitcompletedSend waybillPriority DecisionExclusive GatewayDeliver suppliesExpedited deliver suppliesAirliftDeliver supplies slowly…………FSMinstanceHookcodeframeworkcodeState machines definitionExtended BPMNChoreographyBPMN choreography elementsDAGJOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2024
Choreography ✗
CaterPillar [28,
Lorikeet [30,
Ethereum Collaboration ✗
Ethereum Collaboration ✗
UBPM [4]
Ethereum Choreography ✗
ChorChain [15,
FlexChain [33,
MultiChain [12]
Ethereum Choreography ✗
Ethereum Choreography ✗
Choreography ✗
ECBS [35]
Collaboration ✗
IBC [20]
Choreography ✗
Integreated BaaS
Gateway Account
Gateway Account
Gateway Account
Gateway Account
Asset Management
Auditing Feature
Gateway Account
Drools-based state
Data Bus
Gateway ABAC
Gateway MSP
Support Two
Process Engine
instead of SC
Data Bus
Gateway MSP
Integrated BaaS
the topology of each element. This process produces ”Hook-
Code”—code segments embedded within template methods at
predefined positions, enabling customized transitions between
is parsed again to
states. In the second pass,
assemble methods for each element using method templates.
Finally, the template code and corresponding HookCode are
then combined to produce the executable SC.
the model
enhanced capabilities in Data Privacy and External Integra-
tion. Additionally, building upon previous work in IBC, we
integrate advanced Complex Decision-Making methods and
a robust Access Control Mechanism. Although other works
may feature unique elements such as SubProcess and Asset
Management, these were not within the primary scope of our
A. Qualitative Comparison
To highlight the differences between our method and related
work, we reviewed these studies and selected specific func-
tional features as comparison criteria, allowing us to evaluate
our approach and others within the same framework.
After synthesizing these works, we identify a set of common
criteria for critique. Blockchain Platform denotes the specific
blockchain technology on which each work is based or com-
patible. BPMN Model indicates the BPMN diagram type used
to model collaborative processes. Oracle refers to the data
flow patterns as metioned in Sect. II-C3 the work employs.
Data Privacy assesses whether the work incorporates meth-
ods for secure data exchange between participants. External
Integration evaluates the ease with which external systems can
integrate with the work. Complex Decision Making considers
the method used to model sophisticated decision-making be-
haviors within processes. Access Control identifies the type
of access control mechanisms implemented. Finally, Feature
highlights any distinctive features that set the work apart from
The synthesis results, illustrated in Table. I, reveal that most
existing works primarily target permissionless blockchains,
whereas our approach is designed for permissioned blockchain
environments. Compared to these works, our approach offers
B. Applicability of the Modeling Method and Correctness of
the Generated SC Code
To evaluate the effectiveness and applicability of the pro-
posed modeling method, we selected 11 scenarios from pub-
licly available real-world cases and published studies (as
shown in the ”Scenarios” column in Table II), utilizing the
method described in Sect. II-B to model business processes
and decisions for multi-party collaboration. These cases span
various domains, demonstrating the applicability and effective-
ness of the proposed modeling approach in diverse collabora-
tive scenarios.
As outlined in Sect. II-D3, the generated SCs are specifically
designed to ensure the correct execution of process sequences.
In this section, we conduct experiments to evaluate whether
the generated SC can maintain the sequential execution re-
quired for the choreography process. Following the method
described in paper [4], we generate both Conforming and Not-
conforming paths based on the 11 scenarios. We then execute
these paths through the SC to verify its ability to handle both
compliant and non-compliant sequences.
The experimental procedure is as follows: Firstly, for the
choreography diagram of each scenario, the number of Basic
path is analyzed based on the DAG and the number of
gateways (If there is a loop, we only list the normal path and
the path that loops once as two basic path; if there are elements
#Generate paths
#Basic Path
Hotel booking [15]
Customer [20]
The article example(Fig. 4)
Supply Chain [4]
Blood Analysis [15]
Amazon SLA1
Pizza Order2
Rental Claim [36]
Purchase [37]
Manufactory 3
Management system [38]
between two parallel gateways, we also list only one sequential
path as a basic path). Secondly, based on the LLM, the basic
paths and BPMN choreography diagrams are sent to the LLM
to assist in generating message parameters corresponding to
different basic paths. Thirdly, for each basic path, the following
operations are randomly applied to modify these paths and
generate a larger set of test paths: (i) add an element on the
path to a different position in the original path, (ii) remove an
element from the original path, and (iii) swap two elements in
the original path. Finally, each path is executed on the third-
party collaboration platform, and the results are examined and
summarized in Table. II.
After conducting manual verification, we found that all
results aligned with the expected outcomes, achieving a 100%
accuracy rate, which demonstrates that the SC code success-
fully maintains the intended behavior.
C. The Usability of The Third-Party Collaboration Platform
in the Execution Phase
This section’s experiment primarily aims to evaluate the
usability of the third-Party collaboration platform in the execu-
tion phase, where different elements follow distinct processes
within the system, categorized into three types as described
• Event/Gateway: The simplest type, where an API Invoker
calls the SC method and waits for BPMN SC to reach
• Message: More complex, involving interaction with the
Private Data Bus. A message is sent to the Private Data
Bus, which saves the content in IPFS, generates a CID,
and creates a message item linked to it. The message ID
is returned and used to invoke BPMN SC, following the
same consensus process as before.
• BRT: The most complex type, which begins by sending
an event to Firefly’s event bus. Firefly forwards it to the
Oracle Executor, triggering it to retrieve DMN content
from IPFS via CID, invoke a callback with the content,
and then proceed to consensus.
Since the first type is also included in the other two, we
will only set up experiments for the latter two.
Fig. 9. Sequence diagram and timeline of Message execution
To illustrate the process, we use sequence diagrams and
timelines. The sequence diagram outlines message flows be-
tween components, while the Timeline Steps breaks the process
into multiple sections, each representing a key system compo-
nent or SC. This timeline records the average time taken for
each segment across 100 test runs.
As shown in Figure. 9, the entire process of Message takes
approximately 3.8 seconds. The Private Data Bus handles
flows 1–6, managing data storage on IPFS and synchronizing
data across organizations. The Fabric network requires about
2236 ms for SC invocation and consensus, largely due to the
2-second block generation interval of Fabric. From the user’s
perspective, the process appears complete once SC consensus
is achieved, while IPFS storage and data synchronization con-
tinue in the background. This results in an average completion
time of around 3361 ms.
Figure. 10 illustrates the BRT process, which is more
complex than Message. BRT requires two SC invocations,
each taking approximately 2 seconds due to block intervals.
Additionally, IPFS read times are close to 5 seconds, creating
a primary bottleneck. Users must wait for DMN SC consensus
before they can see updated states, resulting in a total duration
FrontFirefly ClusterFabric10. Reach consensusIPFS2. Send data1. Input data and file4. Save to IPFS5. Return CID3. Return MessageID7. Invoke BPMN SCMessage_send by API invoker8. Invoke BPMN SC6.Sync to other firefly Orgs 9. Return Firefly OperationID(1-6)(4-5)(7-9)(10)JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2024
generate Fabric SCs and Ethereum Solidity SCs from BPMN
choreography, meeting different privacy requirements.
Weber, Ingo et al. proposed the first open-source execution
engine named Caterpillar [28, 29] for BPMN collaboration di-
agrams on Ethereum, combining the convenience of Business
Process Management Systems (BPMS) with the decentralized
features of blockchain platforms. [4] is the method pro-
posed by Weber et al. for executing BPMN choreography on
Ethereum, which addresses trust issues in cross-organizational
collaboration without
the need for an authoritative body.
[40] summarizes two tools, one of which is a tool called
Lorikeet [30, 31], integrating the registry editor Regerator and
implementing BPMN translation algorithms from both [4] and
Nakamura, Hiroaki et al. [42] utilize elements from BPMN
process models to represent shared processes between or-
ganizations. These models are subsequently converted into
statecharts to facilitate the development of web applications
and the creation of SCs.
However, these research merely support the generation of
SC code for permissionless blockchains, with most focus-
ing on Ethereum’s Solidity SC. Meanwhile, the complexity
of the underlying infrastructure introduced by permissioned
blockchains is ignored.
Fig. 10. Sequence diagram and timeline of BRT execution
of 10628 ms. Since BRT is relatively infrequent, this delay is
generally considered acceptable.
A. Leveraging Blockchain for Trustworthy Multi-Party Col-
laborative Processes Execution
B. Integrating Decisions with Processes Supported by
research focuses on using specific languages to
inter-organizational collaboration processes, particu-
larly the interaction of activities across organizational bound-
aries. Many studies use BPMN for modeling, which includes
collaboration and choreography diagrams. This paper chooses
the choreography diagram, as it is especially suitable for sce-
narios involving multiple parties [6]. Mendling, Jan et al. [39]
suggest exploring how blockchain can transform particular
processes and foster collaboration with external stakeholders.
This technology has the potential to rejuvenate the entire field
of choreography.
In order to support the trustworthy execution of collabo-
rative processes, previous research has introduced blockchain
technology, which is considered as a promising technical so-
lution for revitalizing the research area [35]. Previous research
has mostly used the permissionless blockchain, focusing only
on the generation of solidity SCs for supporting multi-party
collaboration. This paper adopts the permissioned blockchain,
focusing on privacy and efficiency issues in multi-party col-
laboration processes. However, this introduces the complexity
brought about by the deployment of blockchain infrastructure.
The integration of BPMN and blockchain has been proposed
in numerous research works to support multi-party collabo-
ration processes. F. Corradini et al. proposed the ChorChain
framework [15, 32], which uses a model-driven approach to
generate Solidity SCs from BPMN choreography diagrams,
supporting a trustworthy and auditable blockchain orchestra-
tion system and covering the entire lifecycle from modeling to
distributed execution and auditing. They proposed the Multi-
Chain framework [12], which uses a model-driven approach to
In business process management, decisions are now more
deeply embedded within processes [43]. This integration en-
hances organizational competitiveness, allowing decisions to
be analyzed, implemented, and reused across various processes
to optimize business outcomes [44]. To separate decisions
from processes and prevent BPMN from becoming overly
redundant and complex,
the DMN was developed by the
Object Management Group for modeling decisions at different
levels of detail. As mentioned in [45], it would be interesting
to utilize blockchain technology with DMN to represent the
execution of specific decision activities.
Stephan Haarmann et al. attempted to execute decision
problems on the Ethereum blockchain by converting S-FEEL
expressions from DMN into Solidity code to achieve im-
mutable decision logic [46]. Subsequently, they explored pri-
vacy issues in executing collaborative decisions on blockchain
technology and proposed a new method to support decision-
making without exposing sensitive data [47]. Stephan Haar-
mann further improved his previous work in research [48],
by enabling privacy-preserving decision execution and semi-
automated conflict resolution.
Flavio Corradini et al. introduced the FlexChain frame-
work [33, 34], which decouples logic from execution states in
BPMN, utilizing an on-chain/off-chain architecture where the
Drools rule engine executes BPMN decision logic off-chain.
In summary, prior studies have yet to realize the direct exe-
cution of DMN within workflows, and there has been limited
exploration of implementations on permissioned blockchains.
Furthermore, off-chain execution of decision components may
face tampering risks and consistency issues.
FrontFabric5. Reach consensus11. Reach consensusOff-chainExecutorFireflyIPFS1. Trigger BRT 7. EventBus broadcasts Events2. Invoke BPMN SC BRT by API invoker3. Invoke BPMN SC6. Throw Event7. Query content with CID8. Return content9. Invoke DMN SC BRTby API invoker10. Invoke DMN SC4. Return Firefly OperationIDJOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2024
[9] T. Rademakers, Activiti in Action: Executable business processes in
In conclusion, this paper presents a novel model-driven
approach that combines BPMN choreography with DMN to
model collaborative business processes and decisions in a
blockchain setting. This methodology supports the automatic
generation of SC code for blockchain execution. Furthermore,
we introduce an innovative hybrid on-chain and off-chain ex-
ecution environment, enhancing the integration of blockchain
with real-world systems. In the end, the functionalities of
the paper were developed onto a third-party collaboration
platform, which was then extensively validated through ex-
periments based on this platform.
there are certain shortcomings in the current
work. Firstly, different organizations may have heterogeneous
blockchain environments, and there is a need for collaborative
scenarios based on permissionless blockchain(e.g. Ethereum).
Therefore, future work should explore how to integrate this
platform with multiple blockchain environments and support
cross-chain operations between different blockchains, while
also generating SC code tailored for diverse blockchain en-
vironments. Secondly, the current blockchain-based collabo-
ration modeling is not sufficiently comprehensive. It could
further incorporate blockchain asset management and enhance
the design of Oracles.
The research presented in this paper has been partially
supported by the National Science Foundation of China
(62372140), Key Research and Development Program of Hei-
longjiang Providence (2022ZX01A28), Postdoctoral Fellow-
ship Program of CPSF under Grant Number GZC20242204
and Heilongjiang Posterdoctoral Funding (LBH-Z23161).
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Shen Xinzhe Shen Xinzhe is a Ph.D. student in Soft-
ware Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology,
under the supervision of Professor Wang Zhongjie.
He is affiliated with the Enterprise Service and
Intelligent Computing Research Center. His research
focuses on trustworthy computing, blockchain, en-
terprise collaboration.
Jiale Luo Jiale Luo received the B.E. degree in Soft-
ware Engineering from Harbin Engineering Univer-
sity in 2023. He is currently pursuing his
in Software Engineering at Harbin Institute of Tech-
nology, China. His research focuses on trustworthy
computing, blockchain, enterprise collaboration.
Hao Wang Hao Wang is currently pursuing his B.E.
degree in Cyberspace Security at Harbin Institute of
Technology, Weihai, China. His research focuses on
blockchain, network security, cryptology.
Mingyi Liu is an assistant professor at Faculty of
Computing, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT).
He received the Ph.D. degree in software engineer-
ing from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2023. His
research interests include service ecosystem model,
service evolution analysis, data mining and graph
neural networks.
Schahram Dustdar (Fellow,IEEE) is a full pro-
fessor of computer science (informatics) with a
focus on Internet Technologies heading the Dis-
tributed Systems Group, TU Wien. He is chairman
of the Informatics Section of the Academia Europaea
(since December 9, 2016). He is a member of the
IEEEConference Activities Committee (CAC) (since
the Section Committee of Informatics of
the Academia Europaea (since 2015), a member of
the Academia Europaea: The Academy of Europe,
Informatics Section (since 2013). He is the recipient
of the ACM Distinguished Scientist Award (2009) and the IBM Faculty Award
(2012). He is an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Services Computing,
ACM Transactions on the Web, and ACM Transactions on Internet Technology,
and on the editorial board of the IEEE Internet Computing. He is the editor-
in-chief of the Computing (an SCI-ranked journal of Springer).
Zhongjie Wang is a professor and Director of
Faculty of Computing, and Dean of School of Com-
puter Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of
Technology (HIT). He is a distinguished member
of China Computer Federation (CCF), Associate
Director of CCF Technical Committee of Services
Computing and member of CCF Technical Commit-
tee of Software Engineering. His research interests
include services computing, software engineering,
cloud and edge computing, service governance, and
service ecosystem evolution. He is a key member of
a National Key Research and Development Plan project on industrial software.
He has authored two books on services computing.
ai_researcher | 2 | Using_Large_Language_Models_to_Detect_Depression_From_User-Generated_Diary_Text_Data_as_a_Novel_Approach_in_Digital_Mental_Health_Screening_Instrument_Validation_Study.pdf | Springer Nature 2021 LATEX template
Depression Symptoms Modelling from Social
Media Text: A Semi-supervised Learning
Nawshad Farruque1*, Randy Goebel1, Sudhakar Sivapalan2
and Osmar R. Za¨ıane1
1*Department of Computing Science, Alberta Machine
Intelligence Institute (AMII), Faculty of Science, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, T6G 2E8, AB, Canada.
2Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, T6G 2B7, AB, Canada.
*Corresponding author(s). E-mail(s): [email protected];
Contributing authors: [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected];
A fundamental component of user-level social media language based
clinical depression modelling is depression symptoms detection (DSD).
Unfortunately, there does not exist any DSD dataset that reflects both
the clinical insights and the distribution of depression symptoms from the
samples of self-disclosed depressed population. In our work, we describe
a Semi-supervised Learning (SSL) framework which uses an initial super-
vised learning model that leverages 1) a state-of-the-art large mental
health forum text pre-trained language model further fine-tuned on a
clinician annotated DSD dataset, 2) a Zero-Shot learning model for DSD,
and couples them together to harvest depression symptoms related sam-
ples from our large self-curated Depression Tweets Repository (DTR).
Our clinician annotated dataset is the largest of its kind. Furthermore,
DTR is created from the samples of tweets in self-disclosed depressed
users Twitter timeline from two datasets, including one of the largest
benchmark datasets for user-level depression detection from Twitter.
This further helps preserve the depression symptoms distribution of self-
disclosed Twitter users tweets. Subsequently, we iteratively retrain our
Springer Nature 2021 LATEX template
Article Title
initial DSD model with the harvested data. We discuss the stopping cri-
teria and limitations of this SSL process, and elaborate the underlying
constructs which play a vital role in the overall SSL process. We show
that we can produce a final dataset which is the largest of its kind. Fur-
thermore, a DSD and a Depression Post Detection (DPD) model trained
on it achieves significantly better accuracy than their initial version.
Keywords: Semi-supervised Learning, Zero-Shot Learning, Depression
Symptoms Detection, Depression Detection
1 Introduction
According to Boyd et al. [1], in developed countries, around 75% of all psychi-
atric admissions are young adults with depression. The fourth leading cause of
death in young adults is suicide, which is closely related to untreated depression
[2]. Moreover, traditional survey-based depression screening may be in-effective
due to the cognitive bias of the patients who may not be truthful in revealing
their depression condition. So there is a huge need for an effective, inexpensive
and almost real time intervention for depression in this high risk population.
Interestingly, among young adults, social media is very popular where they
share their day to day activities and the availability of social media services
is growing exponentially year by year [3]. Moreover, according to the research
[4–6], it has been found that depressed people who are otherwise socially aloof,
show increased use of social media platforms to share their daily struggles,
connect with others who might have experienced the same and seek help. So,
in this research we focus on identifying depression symptoms from a user’s
social media posts as one of the strategies for early identification of depression.
Earlier research confirms that signs of depression can be identified in the lan-
guage used in social media posts [7–16]. Based on this background, linguistic
features, such as n-grams, psycholinguistic and sentiment lexicons, word and
sentence embeddings extracted from the social media posts can be very use-
ful for detecting depression, especially when compared to other social media
related features which are not language specific, such as social network struc-
ture of depressed users and their posting behavior. In additoin, the majority
of this background research focused on public social media data, i.e., Twitter
and Reddit mental health forums for user-level depression detection, because
of the relative ease of accessing such datasets (unlike Facebook and other social
media which have strict privacy policies). All this background placed emphasis
on signs of depression detection, however, they lacked the inclusion of clinical
depression modelling; such requires extensive effort in building a depression
symptoms detection model. Some of the earlier research has focused on depres-
sion symptoms detection, such as: [14, 16, 17], they do not attempt to create
a clinician-annotated dataset, and later use existing state-of-the-art language
models to expand this set. All the previous research does not attempt to curate
Springer Nature 2021 LATEX template
Article Title
the possible depression candidate dataset from self-disclosed depressed users
timeline. Therefore the main motivation of this work arises from the following:
1. Clinician-annotated dataset creation from depressed users tweets:
Through leveraging our existing datasets from self disclosed depressed users
and learned Depression Post Detection (DPD) model (which is a binary
model for detecting signs of depression), we want to curate a clinician-
annotated dataset for depression symptoms. This is a more “in-situ”
approach for harvesting depression symptoms posts compared to crawled
tweets for depression symptoms using depression symptoms keywords, as
done in most of the earlier literature [17, 18]. We call it in-situ because this
approach respects the natural distribution of depression symptoms samples
found in the self-disclosed depressed users timeline. Although [16] collected
samples in-situ as well, our clinician-annotated dataset is much bigger and
annotation is more rigorous.
2. Gather more data that reflects clinical insight: Starting from the
small dataset found at (1) and a learned DSD model on that, we want
to iteratively harvest more data and retrain our model for our depression
symptoms modelling or DSD task.
Both our clinician annotated and harvested tweets with signs of depression
symptoms is the largest dataset of its kind, to the best of our knowledge.
2 Methodology
To achieve the goals mentioned earlier, we divide our depression symptoms
modelling into two parts: (1) Clinician annotated dataset Curation: here
we first propose a process to create our annotation candidate dataset from
our existing depression tweets from self-disclosed depressed Twitter users. We
later annotate this dataset with the help of a clinician amongst others, that
helps us achieve our first goal and (2) Semi-supervised Learning: we then
describe how we leverage that dataset to learn our first sets of DPD and DSD
models and eventually make them robust through iterative data harvesting
and retraining or semi-supervised learning [19].
From our clinician annotated dataset created in step (1), we separate a
subset of depression symptoms stratified samples as a test-set. After each step
of the SSL process, we report Macro-F1 and Weighted-F1 scores to evaluate
the efficacy of that step based on that test-set.
3 Datasets
We create Depression-Candidate-Tweets dataset from the timeline of depressed
users in IJCAI-2017 [15] who disclosed their depression condition through a
self-disclosure statement, such as: ”I (am / was / have) been diagnosed with
depression” and UOttawa [20] datasets where the users were verified by anno-
tators about their ongoing depression episodes. Later, we further filter it with
a DPD model (discussed in Section 3.1) for depression tweets and create the
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Fig. 1 DSD modelling algorithm
Depression Tweets Repository (DTR) which is used in our SSL process to har-
vest in-situ tweets for depression symptoms. We also separate a portion of the
DTR for clinician annotation for depression symptoms (Figure 3).
3.1 Clinician annotated dataset curation
In the overall DSD framework, depicted in Figure 1, we are ultimately inter-
ested in creating a robust DPD and a DSD model which are initially learned on
human annotated samples, called “DPD-Human” model and “DSD-Clinician”
model as depicted in Figure 2. The suffixes with these model names, such as
“Human,” indicates that this model leverages the annotated samples from both
non-clinicians and clinicians; “Clinician” indicates that this model leverages
the samples for which the clinician’s annotation is taken as more important
(more explanation is provided later in Section 3.4). At the beginning of this
process, we have only a small human annotated dataset for depression symp-
toms augmented with depression posts from external organizations (i.e. D2S
[16] and DPD-Vioules [21] datasets), no clinician annotated depression symp-
toms samples, and a large dataset from self-disclosed depressed users (i.e
IJCAI-2017 dataset). We take the following steps to create our first set of clini-
cian annotated depression symptoms dataset and DTR which we will use later
for our SSL.
1. We start the process with the help of a DPD model, which we call DPD
Majority Voting model (DPD-MV). It consists of a group of DPD mod-
els [22], where each model leverages pre-trained word embedding (both
augmented (ATE) and depression specific(DSE)) and sentence embedding
(USE), further trained on a small set of human annotated depression
tweets and a Zero-Shot learning model (USE-SE-SSToT). This ZSL model
helps determine the semantic similarity between a tweet and all the possi-
ble depression symptoms descriptors and returns the top-k corresponding
labels. It also provides a score for each label, based on cosine distance. More
details are provided in a previous paper [23]. Subsequently, the DPD-MV
TweetDPD modelDepressionindicative?PredictionYesNoDSD modelControl tweetTweet with one ormore depressionsymptomsPredictions 12345Springer Nature 2021 LATEX template
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Fig. 2 Semi-supervised learning process at a high level.
Fig. 3 DSD-Clinician-Tweets and DTR curation process
model takes the majority voting of these models for detecting depression
2. We then apply DPD-MV on the sets of tweets collected from depressed
users timelines (or Depression-Candidate-Tweets, (Figure 3) to filter
control tweets. The resultant samples, after applying DPD-MV is referred
to as Depression Tweet Repository or DTR. We later separate a portion
of this dataset, e.g., 1500 depression tweets for human annotation which
we call DSD-Clinician-Tweets dataset. Details of the annotation process
are described in Section 3.4.
3. We learn our first DSD model using this dataset, then use this model
to harvest more samples from DTR. An outline of the DTR and DSD-
Clinician-Tweets curation process is provided in Figure 3. We describe the
details of this process in the Semi-supervised Learning section, but describe
DPD-Human modelDSD-Clinician modelDepression-Candidate-TweetsHarvestedDepression TweetsPredictionsStopping Criteriamet?NoStop ALYesRetraining with harvested data12345678IJCAI-2017+UOttawa DatasetsDPD-MV modelDepression-Candidate-Tweets All tweets otherthan DSD-Clinician-Tweets(DTR)Clinician AnnotatedTweets (DSD-Clinician-Tweets)13a3b2Springer Nature 2021 LATEX template
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Table 1 Datasets
Sample size Comment
Depressed users’ tweets
Depression tweets repository
Clinician annotated tweets
each of its building blocks in the next sections. In Table 1 we provide
relevant datasets description.
3.2 Annotation Task Description
Our annotation task consists of labelling a tweet for either 1) one or more of 10
symptoms of depression, 2) No Evidence of Depression(NoED), 3) Evidence of
Depression(ED) or 4) Gibberish. We have 10 labels instead of the traditional
nine depression symptoms labels because we separate the symptom “Agitation
/ Retardation” into two categories so that our model can separately learn
and distinguish these labels, unlike previous research [16]. NoED indicates
the absence of any depression symptoms expressed in a tweet. ED indicates
multiple symptoms of depression expressed in a tweet in a way so that it’s hard
to specifically pinpoint these combined depression symptoms in that tweet.
Gibberish is a tweet less than three words long and, due to the result of crawling
or data pre-processing, the tweet is not complete and it’s hard to infer any
meaningful context.
3.3 Annotation Guideline Creation
To create the annotation guideline for the task, we analyze the textual descrip-
tions of depression symptoms from most of the major depression rating scales,
such as, PHQ-9, CES-D, BDI, MADRS and HAM-D [24]. We also use DSM-5
as our base reference for symptoms description. Based on these descriptions
of the symptoms from these resources and several meetings with our clini-
cians, we consolidate some of the most confusing samples of tweets from DTR
and map them to one or more of those depression symptoms. We then cre-
ate an annotation guideline with clear description of the clinical symptoms of
depression that an annotator should look for in the tweets followed by rele-
vant tweets examples for them including the confusing ones previously noted.
We then separate a portion of 1500 samples from our DTR and provide it to
the annotators along with our annotation guideline. During the annotation we
randomly assign a set of tweets multiple times to calculate test-retest reliabil-
ity scores. We find annotators annotate the tweets consistently with the same
annotation with 83% reliability based on the test-retest reliability score. Our
detailed guideline description is provided in Appendix C.
3.4 Depression Symptoms Annotation Process
We provide a portion of 1500 tweets from DTR for depression symptoms
annotation by four annotators. Among these annotators two have clinical
Springer Nature 2021 LATEX template
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understanding of depression: one is a practising clinician and the other one
has a PhD in Psychiatry.
In our annotation process, we emphasize the annotating of a tweet based
on the clinical understanding of depression which is laid out in our annotation
guideline. We take majority voting to assign a label for the tweet. In absence
of majority, we assign a label based on the clinician’s judgment, if present,
otherwise, we do not assign a label to that tweet. We call this scheme Majority
Voting with Clinician Preference (MVCP). Table 2 reports the average
kappa scores for each labels and Annotator-Annotator, Annotator-MVCP and
All pairs (i.e. avg. on both of the previous schemes).
We observe fair to moderate kappa agreement score (0.38 - 0.53) among our
annotators for all the labels. We also find, “Suicidal thoughts” and “Change
in Sleep Patterns” are the labels for which inter-annotator agreement is the
highest and agreement between each annotator and MVCP is substantial for
the same. Among the annotators the order of the labels based on descending
order of agreement score is as follows: Suicidal thoughts, Change in Sleep
Patterns, Feelings of Worthlessness, Indecisiveness, Anhedonia, Retardation,
Weight change, NoED, Fatigue, Low mood, Gibberish, Agitation and ED.
However, with MVCP, we find moderate to substantial agreement (0.56 - 0.66).
3.5 Distribution Analysis of the Depression Symptoms
In this section we provide symptoms distribution analysis for our D2S and
DSD-Clinician-Tweets datasets. DSD-Clinician-Tweets dataset contains 1500
tweets. We then create a clean subset of this dataset which holds clinicians
annotations and only tweets with depression symptoms, which we call DSD-
Clinician-Tweets-Original (further detail is in Section 5.1.1). For D2S, we have
1584 tweets with different depression symptoms labels. In Figure 4, the top 3
most populated labels for DSD dataset are Agitation, Feeling of Worthlessness
and Low Mood. However, for D2S dataset Suicidal Thought is the most popu-
lated label followed by Feeling of Worthlessness and Low Mood, just like DSD.
We use D2S dataset because D2S crawled tweets from self-reported depressed
users timeline. Although they did not confirm whether these users have also dis-
closed their depression diagnosis, they mention that they analyze their profile
to ensure that these users are going through depression. Since their annota-
tion process is not as rigorous as ours, i.e., they did not develop an annotation
guideline as described in the earlier section and their depressed users dataset
may not contain all self-disclosed depressed users, we had to further filter those
tweets before we could use them. So we use DSD-Clinician-Original-Tweets
for training our very first model in SSL process, later use that to re-label D2S
samples. In a later section we report the distribution on harvested data and
another approach for increasing sample size for least populated labels.
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Fig. 4 Sample distribution and ratio analysis across D2S and DSD datasets
4 Data Preprocessing
We perform the following preprocessing steps for all our Twitter datasets, we
use NLTK 1 for tokenizing our tweets and also Ekphrasis 2 for normalizing
1. Lowercase each words.
2. Remove one character words and digits.
3. Re-contract contracted words in a tweet. For example, “I’ve” is made “I
4. Elongated words are converted to their original
form. For example,
“Looong” is turned to “Long”.
5. Remove tweets with self-disclosure, i.e. any tweet containing the word
“diagnosed” or “diagnosis” is removed.
6. Remove all punctuations except period, comma, question mark and excla-
7. Remove URLs.
8. Remove non-ASCII characters from words.
9. Remove hashtags
10. Remove emojis.
Sample Counts0200400600800D2SDSDTotalDSD/D2SAnhedoniaLow MoodChange in Sleep PatternFatigueWeight ChangeFeelings of WorthlessnessIndecisivenessAgitationRetardationSuicidal ThoughtsSpringer Nature 2021 LATEX template
Article Title
5 Experimental Setup and Evaluation
Our experimental setup consists of iterative data harvesting and re-training of
a DSD model, followed by observing its accuracy increase over each iteration
coupled with incremental initial dataset size increase. We report the results
separately for each of the steps of SSL in next sections. DSD is a multi-class
multi-label problem. We report accuracy measure in Macro-F1 and Weighted-
F1. Macro-F1 is an average F1 score for all the labels, where weighted F1-score
is a measure which assigns more weight to the labels for which we have most
Our Semi-supervised Learning (SSL) strategy uses the DPD and DSD mod-
els and the datasets as described in earlier sections to iteratively harvest more
relevant samples and learn robust models (Figure 5).
5.1 Semi-supervised Learning (SSL) framework
In our SSL framework, we iteratively perform data harvesting and retraining
of our DSD model, which is a multi-label text classifier utilizing pre-trained
Mental-BERT 3, technical details of this model (i.e., the training hyper-
parameters) is provided in the Appendix B. We find Mental-BERT based DSD
performs significantly better in terms of Macro-F1 and Weighted-F1 scores
compared to base BERT only models in the DSD task (Tables 5 and 6). In
this section, we provide our step by step SSL process description, datasets uti-
lized at each step and the resulting models and/or datasets. All our steps are
depicted in points 11-25 in Figure 5 and described further below.
5.1.1 Step 1: Creating first DSD model
In this step, we focus on the creation of a training dataset and a test dataset
selected from our clinician annotated samples. This dataset consists of tweets
carrying at-least one of the 10 depression symptoms. We use this training
dataset to create our first DSD model, called DSD-Clinician-1. To do so, we
follow the steps stated below.
1. We first remove all the tweets with labels “Gibberish,” “Evidence of Depres-
sion” (ED) and “No Evidence of Depression” (NoED) from a subset of
DSD-Clinician-Tweets after applying MVCP. We call this dataset DSD-
Clinician-Tweets-Original. Details of ED, NoED and Gibberish are
provided in Table 3.
2. We save the tweets labelled as “Evidence of Depression,” which we call
DSD-Clinician-ED-Tweets, (Arrow 8 in Figure 5). We later use those
to harvest depression symptoms related tweets.
3. Next, we separate 70% of the tweets from DSD-Clinician-Tweets-Original
dataset and create DSD-Clinician-Tweets-Original-Train dataset for
training our first version of DSD model, called DSD-Clinician-1 and the
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Table 3 Datasets in step 1
Sample size Comment
Tweets with depression
symptoms only
Initial train dataset
Overall test dataset
Depression tweets
Control tweets
Gibberish tweets
Train dataset
DSD-Clinician-1 DSD-Clinician-Tweets-
Sample size
(DSD-Clinician-Tweets + D2S
– (DSD-Gibberish-Tweets +
DSD-NoED-Tweets + Tweets
with self-disclosure)) + equal
number of NoED tweets from
(1500 + 1584 −
(785 + 41 +
34)) + 2224 =
Table 4 Model details in step 1
DSD-Clinician model
at SSL iteration 1
DPD-Human model at
SSL iteration 1
Low mood
Change in sleep pattern
Weight change
Feelings of worthlessness
Suicidal thoughts
Macro avg
Weighted avg
Table 5 DSD-Clinician-1 (BERT) model accuracy
Precision Recall
rest 30% of the tweets are used as an SSL evaluation set, also called, DSD-
Clinician-Tweets-Original-Test, (Arrows 5 and 7 in the Figure 5). We
will use this evaluation set all through our SSL process to measure the
performance of SSL, i.e., whether it helps increase accuracy for DSD task
or not. We report the datasets created in this step in Table 3, models in
Table 4 and accuracy scores for each labels and their average in Table 6.
We also report accuracy for the DPD-Human model in this step in Table 7.
5.1.2 Step 2: Harvesting tweets using DSD-Clinician-1
In this step, we use DSD-Clinician-1 model created in the previous step to
harvest tweets which carry signs of depression symptoms from a set of tweets
filtered for carrying signs of depression only by DPD-Human model from
DTR, we call this dataset DSD-Harvest-Candidate-Tweets (Arrows 10
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Low mood
Change in sleep pattern
Weight change
Feelings of worthlessness
Suicidal thoughts
Macro avg
Weighted avg
Table 6 DSD-Clinician-1 model accuracy in step 1
Precision Recall
Table 7 DPD-Human model accuracy in step 1
Precision Recall
Sample size
Table 8 Datasets in step 2
Harvestable tweets
for DSD
First harvested less
confident dataset
and 12 in Figure 5). Our DPD-Human model is trained on all available human
annotated datasets, i.e., DSD-Clinician-Tweets-Original and D2S tweets and
equal number of control tweets from DTR (Arrows 6 and 9 in Figure 5)
and more dataset details in Table 4. We use this model to leverage human
insights to further filter DTR. In this step, we create two more datasets from
DSD-Harvest-Candidate-Tweets, (1) Harvested-DSD-Tweets: This dataset
contains the tweet samples for which the model is confident, i.e., it detects
one of the 10 depression symptoms and (2) Harvested-DSD-Tweets-Less-
Confident: This dataset contains the tweet samples for which the model has
no confident predictions or it does not predict any depression symptoms for
harvested dataset statistics (Table 8).
5.1.3 Step 3: Harvesting tweets using best ZSL Model
In this step, we use a ZSL model (USE-SE-SSToT) described in [23] to
harvest tweets carrying signs of depression symptoms from the DSD-Harvest-
Candidate-Tweets. We choose this model because it has reasonable accuracy
in the DSD task and it is fast. We also set a threshold while finding semantic
similarity between the tweet and the label descriptor to be more on a conser-
vative side so that we reduce the number of false positive tweets. We find that
a threshold < 1 is a reasonable choice because cosine-distance < 1 indicates
Springer Nature 2021 LATEX template
Low mood
Change in sleep pattern
Weight change
Feelings of worthlessness
Suicidal thoughts
Macro avg
Weighted avg
Table 9 DSD-Clinician-1 model accuracy in step 2
Precision Recall
Article Title
Sample size
Table 10 Datasets in step 3
Second harvest, sample size is same as
Harvested-DSD-Tweets because har-
vesting is done on the same data
than the above
because we are not using samples with
no labels predicted
higher semantic similarity. In this step, we create two datasets: (1) Only-ZSL-
Pred-on-Harvested-DSD-Tweets (step: 3a): This dataset is only ZSL
predictions on DSD-Harvest-Candidate-Tweets. (2) ZSL-and-Harvested-
DSD-Tweets (step: 3b): This dataset is a combination of ZSL predictions
and DSD-Clinician-1 predictions on DSD-Harvest-Candidate-Tweets. We fol-
low steps: 3a and 3b to compare whether datasets produced through these
steps help in accuracy gain after using them to retrain DSD-Clinician-1.
Compared to step 1 (Table 6), we achieve 4% gain in Macro-F1 and 5%
gain in Weighted-F1 using the combined dataset in step: 3b (Table 12). We
achieve 1% gain in both the measures using DSD-Harvested-Tweets only in
step: 2. With ZSL only in step: 3a (Table 11), we actually lose 3% in Macro-F1
and 15% in Weighted-F1. We also provide our produced datasets description
in Table 10.
5.1.4 Step 4: Creating a second DSD Model:
From the previous experiments, we now create our second DSD model
by retraining it with DSD-Clinician-Tweets-Original-Train and ZSL-and-
Harvested-DSD-Tweets. This results in our second DSD model (Table 13).
5.1.5 Step 5: Creating final DSD model
In this final step, we do the following:
1. We create a combined dataset from D2S and DSD-Clinician-ED-Tweets
and we call this combined dataset DSD-Less-Confident-Tweets dataset
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Low mood
Change in sleep pattern
Weight change
Feelings of worthlessness
Suicidal thoughts
Macro avg
Weighted avg
Precision Recall
Table 11 DSD-Clinician-1 model accuracy in step 3a
Low mood
Change in sleep pattern
Weight change
Feelings of worthlessness
Suicidal thoughts
Macro avg
Weighted avg
Precision Recall
Table 12 DSD-Clinician-1 model accuracy in step 3b
Train dataset
DSD-Clinician-2 DSD-Clinician-
Sample size
(377 + 2491) = 2868
+ ZSL-and-Harvested-
Table 13 Model details in step 4
DSD model
at SSL iter-
ation 2
(Arrows 15, 16, 17, 20 in Figure 2). D2S tweets are used here because the
dataset was annotated externally with a weak clinical annotation guideline.
We use our model to further filter this dataset.
2. We use DSD-Clinician-2 model and ZSL to harvest depression symptoms
tweets from DSD-Less-Confident-Tweets, we call this dataset ZSL-and-
Harvested-DSD-from-Less-Confident-Tweets. Finally with this har-
vested data and the datasets used to train DSD-Clinician-2 model, we
create our final dataset called Final-DSD-Clinician-Tweets and by train-
ing with it, we learn our final DSD model called, Final-DSD-Clinician. We
also retrain our DPD-Human model to create Final-DPD-Human model.
Datasets, models and the relevant statistics are reported in Tables 14, 15
and 16.
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Constituent datasets
ZSL-and-Harvested-DSD-Tweets + ZSL-and-
Final-DSD-Clinician-Tweets which are not
in DPD-Human-1 testset + DPD-Human-1
trainset which are not in Final-DSD-Clinician-
Tweets + Equal number of NoED tweets from
Sample size
(377 + 2491 +
1699) = 4567
(2743 + 1997) ×
2 = 9480
Table 14 Datasets in step 5
Train dataset
Table 15 Model details in step 5
DSD model at SSL
Step 5
DPD model at SSL
step 5
Low mood
Change in sleep pattern
Weight change
Feelings of worthlessness
Suicidal thoughts
Macro avg
Weighted avg
Precision Recall
Table 16 Final-DSD-Clinician model accuracy in step 5
We report the symptoms distribution for our DSD-Clinician-Tweets-
Original-Train dataset earlier, and herereport depression symptoms dis-
tribution in our SSL model harvested datasets (ZSL-and-Harvested-DSD-
Tweets + ZSL-and-Harvested-DSD-from-Less-Confident-Tweets) only. We
see that sample size for all the labels generally increased and reflect almost
the same distribution as our DSD-Clinician-Tweets-Original-Train dataset.
Interestingly, data harvesting increase the sample size of “Feelings of Worth-
lessness” and “Suicidal thoughts” while still maintaining the distribution
of our original clinician annotated dataset (DSD-Clinician-Tweets-Original-
Train) (Figure 6).
We also report the top-10 bi-grams for each of the symptoms for our
Final-DSD-Clinician-Tweets dataset in Table 18. We see that top bi-grams
convey the concepts of each symptoms.
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Fig. 5 Detailed semi-supervised learning framework. Here, we show the interaction among
our datasets and models. Datasets are shown as cylinders, models are shown as rectangles.
An arrow from a dataset to another dataset represents data subset creation; an arrow to
another model means the provision of training data for that model; and an arrow from a
model to a dataset means use of that model to harvest samples from the dataset. All the
arrow heads are marked, so that these can be easily referred while describing a particular
scenario in the SSL framework.
Table 17 Final-DPD-Human model accuracy in step 5
Precision Recall
IJCAI-2017+UOttawa datasetsDPD-MVC modelDepression-Candidate-Tweets All tweets otherthan DSD-Clinician-Tweets(DTR)Clinician AnnotatedTweets (DSD-Clinician-Tweets)DSD-Clinician-1modelExternallyAnnotated tweets(D2S Tweets)DPD-Human modelDSD-Harvest -CandidatesZSL modelZSL+DSD-Clinician-1 PredictionsDSD-Clinician-2modelFinal-DSD-Clinician -DatasetFinal-DSD-Clinician modelDSD-Less-Confident-TweetsZSL+DSD-Clinician-2 PredictionsDSD-Clinician-Test-Tweets-Original134691011121314ZSL+DSD-Clinician-1 PredictionsHarvested-DSD-from-Less-Confident-DatasetDSD-Clinician-ED-TweetsDSD-Clinician-Train-Tweets-Original57821617181915202122242325Final-DPD-Humanmodel26Springer Nature 2021 LATEX template
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Fig. 6 Sample distribution in harvested dataset vs original clinician annotated dataset
5.1.6 Step 6: Combating low accuracy for less populated
Here we attempt to combat the low accuracy for the labels which have very
small sample size. In these cases, we analyze the co-occurrence of those labels
with other labels through an associative rule mining (Apriori) algorithm [25].
Our idea is to use significant co-occurring labels and artificially predict one
label if the other occurs. For that, we analyze a small human annotated train
dataset (DSD-Clinician-Tweets-Original-Train). However, since the support
and confidence for association rules are not significant due to the small sample
size, we consider all the “strong” rules with non-zero support and confidence
score for those labels. The rules we consider have the form: (strong-label →
weak-label), where the weak label (such as, Anhedonia, Fatigue, Indecisiveness
and Retardation) means, the labels for which our model achieves either 0 F1
score or very low recall). These are the candidate labels for which we would
like to have increased accuracy. On the other hand strong labels are those for
which we have at least a good recall. By emphasizing high recall, we intend
to not miss a depression symptom from being detected by our model. All the
extracted strong rules are provided in Appendix A. When we compare the
sample distribution for Apriori based harvested data and plain harvested data,
we see for the least populated class we have more samples (Figure 7). This
makes the classification task more sensitive towards the weak labels. However,
with this method, we do not achieve better Macro-F1 score compared to our
Final-DSD-Clinician model (Table 19).
SymptomsSample Counts05001000150020002500AnhedoniaLow MoodChange in Sleep PatternFatigueWeight ChangeFeelings of WorthlessnessIndecisivenessAgitationRetardationSuicidal ThoughtsHarvested-DataDSDSpringer Nature 2021 LATEX template
Article Title
Depression-Symptoms Bi-grams
Low Mood
Change in Sleep Pattern
Weight Change
Feelings of Worthlessness
Suicidal thoughts
want go, dont care, go work, motivation anything, want die,
want live, go away, im done, tired bored, getting bed
feel like, want cry, depression anxiety, feeling like, mental
illness, want die, like shit, want someone, feel alone, feels like
want sleep, go sleep, im tired, hours sleep, fall asleep, cant
sleep, need sleep, back sleep, could sleep, going sleep
im tired, f*cking tired, physically mentally, tired everything,
tired tired, feel tired, im f*cking, need break, tired yall, sad
eating disorder, fat fat, stop eating, feel like, keep eating, im
gonna, lose weight, eating disorders, fat body, wish could
feel like, like shit, feeling like, fat fat, wish could, f*cking hate,
good enough, ibs hate, hate ibs, makes feel
cant even, even know, says better, thoughts brain, seems like,
feel like, better dead, assistant remember, remember things,
time like
feel like, mental illness, f*ck f*ck, depression anxiety, f*ck life,
f*cking hate, fat fat, panic attacks, every time, hate body
feel like, lay bed, ever get, committed bettering, sleepy kind,
im tired, one moods, talking going, well mind, motherf*ckers
want die, feel like, wanna die, want kill, want cut, f*cking die,
better dead, self harm, hope die, want f*cking
Table 18 Top-10 bi-grams for each symptoms for Final-DSD-Clinician-Tweets dataset
Low mood
Change in sleep pattern
Weight change
Feelings of worthlessness
Suicidal thoughts
Macro avg
Weighted avg
Precision Recall
Table 19 Final-DSD-Clinician model with applied label association rules accuracy in step
5.1.7 Stopping criteria for SSL:
The following two observations lead us to stop the SSL:
1. Our DTR consists of total 6077 samples and we have finally harvested 4567
samples, so for (6077 − 4567) = 1510 samples neither ZSL nor any version
of DSD models have any predictions. We exhausted all our depression can-
didate tweets from all sources we have, therefore, we do not have any more
depression symptoms candidate tweets for moving on with SSL.
2. We have another very noisy dataset, called IJCAI-2017-Unlabelled [15],
where we have tweets from possible depressed users, i.e., their self-disclosure
Springer Nature 2021 LATEX template
Low mood
Change in sleep pattern
Weight change
Feelings of worthlessness
Suicidal thoughts
Macro avg
Weighted avg
Article Title
Precision Recall
Table 20 DSD-Clinician model trained on IJCAI-2017-Unlabelled and all the harvested
Fig. 7 Sample distribution in Apriori harvested dataset vs plain harvested dataset
contains the stem “depress” but it is not verified whether they are genuine
self-disclosures of depression. Using our Final-DSD-Clinician model we har-
vest ≈ 22K depression symptoms tweets from ≈ 0.4M depression candidate
tweets identified by Final-DPD-Human model from that dataset. We then
retrain the Final-DSD-Clinician model on all the samples previously we
harvested combined with the newly harvested ≈ 22K tweets, which results
in a total of ≈ 26k tweets (≈ 6 times larger than the samples DSD-Final-
model was trained on). However, we did not see any significant accuracy
increase, so we did not proceed (Table 20).
SymptomsSample Counts01000200030004000AnhedoniaLow MoodChange in Sleep PatternFatigueWeight ChangeFeelings of WorthlessnessIndecisivenessAgitationRetardationSuicidal ThoughtsHarvested-Data-PlainHarvested-Data-AprioriSpringer Nature 2021 LATEX template
Article Title
6 Results Analysis
Here we analyse the efficacy of our semi-supervised learning frameworks on
three dimensions, as follows:
6.1 Dataset size increase
Through the data harvesting process, we are able to increase our initial clini-
cian annotated 377 samples to 4567 samples, which is 12 times bigger than our
initial dataset. In addition, we have access to a external organization collected
dataset, for which we could access around ≈ 1800 samples. Our final dataset
is more than double the size of that dataset.
6.2 Accuracy improvement
Our Final-DSD-Clinician model has Macro-F1 score of 45% which is 14% more
than that of our initial model and Weighted-F1 score increased by 5% from
51% to 56%. The substantial gain in Macro-F1 score indicates the efficacy of
our data harvesting in increasing F1 scores for all the labels. We also find that
the combination of DSD-Clinician-1 and ZSL models in step 3a helps achieve
more accuracy than individually; specifically, using only ZSL harvested data
for training is not very ideal. Micro-F1 has slow growth and does not increase
after Step 3b. We also find that the combined harvesting process on D2S
sampled helped us achieve further accuracy in a few classes for which D2S had
more samples, such as “Fatigue,” “Weight Change” and “Suicidal Thoughts.”
6.3 Linguistic components distribution
In Table 18, we see that our harvested dataset contains important clues of
depression symptoms. Interestingly, there are some bi-grams, such as, “feel
like” occurs in most of the labels; this signifies the frequent usage of that bi-
gram in various language based expressions of depression symptoms. This also
shows a pattern of how people describe their depression.
6.4 Sample distribution
Compared with the original clinician annotated dataset distribution (Table 7),
we see similar trends in our harvested dataset, i.e., in Final-DSD-Clinician-
Tweets. However, instead of “Agitation” we have some more samples on
“Feeling of Worthlessness,” although those are not surpassed by “Suicidal
thoughts” as in D2S dataset. Moreover, “Suicidal thoughts” samples have also
strong presence which is the result of integrating D2S dataset in our harvest-
ing process. Since the majority of our samples are coming from self-disclosed
users tweets, and we apply our DSD model learned on that dataset to the D2S
dataset to harvest tweets, our final harvested dataset reflects mainly the dis-
tribution of symptoms from the self-disclosed depressed users. However, D2S
has some impact which results in more samples in the most populated labels
of the final harvested dataset.
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6.5 Data harvesting in the wild
We use our final model on a bigger set of very loosely related data, but we do
not see any increase of accuracy, which suggests that harvesting from irrelevant
data is of no use.
7 Limitations
1. Our overall dataset size is still small, i.e. for some labels we have very small
amount of data both for training and testing.
2. In the iterative harvesting process we do not employ continuous human
annotation or human-in-the-loop strategy, since this process requires several
such cycles and involving experts in such framework is also very expensive.
8 Conclusion
We have described a Semi-supervised Learning (SSL) framework, more specif-
ically semi-supervised co-training for gathering depression symptoms data
in-situ from self-disclosed users Twitter timeline. We articulate each step of
our data harvesting process and model re-training process. We also discuss our
integration of Zero-Shot learning models in this process and their contribution.
We show that each of these steps provides moderate to significant accuracy
gains. We discuss the effect of harvesting from the samples of an externally
curated dataset, and we also try harvesting samples in the wild, i.e., a large
noisy dataset with our Final-DSD-Clinician model. In the former case we find
good improvement in Macro-F1 score. In the latter, we do not see any improve-
ments indicating that there is room for further progress to improve accuracy
in those samples. Finally, we discuss the effect of our SSL process for curating
small but distributionally relevant samples through both sample distribution
and bi-gram distribution for all the labels.
9 Data Availability Statement
The datasets generated and/or analysed during the current study are not
yet publicly available due to the privacy and ethical implications regarding
the identity of Twitter users. However, we are working actively to release
the dataset soon either in encoded form, i.e. through a sentence embedding
representation or paraphrased form.
10 Authors Contribution
N.F. developed the original research idea, designed and conducted experi-
ments, annotated samples, wrote and reviewed the manuscript. R.G. Reviewed
the manuscript and managed funding. S.S. Helped in creating annotation
guideline, annotated samples and reviewed the manuscript. O.Z. Reviewed the
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11 Ethical Information
We obtained ethics approval from University of Alberta’s research ethics office
for “Depression Detection from Social Media Language Usage” (Pro00099074),
“Depression Dataset Collection” (Pro00082738) and “Social Media Data
Annotation by Human” (Pro00091801).
12 Data Availability Statement
The datasets generated and/or analysed during the current study are not
yet publicly available due to the privacy and ethical implications regarding
the identity of Twitter users. However, we are working actively to release
the dataset soon either in encoded form, i.e. through a sentence embedding
representation or paraphrased form.
13 Acknowledgment
We are grateful to the annotators, Katrina Regan-Ingram, MA, Communica-
tions and Technology and Jasmine M. Noble, PhD, Psychiatry, University of
Alberta for allocating their time for data annotation.
14 Funding
This research is supported by a grant from Alberta Machine Intelligence
Institute (AMII). Grant no is: RES0042153.
Appendix A Apriori rules
Here we provide the strong rules mined from DSD-Clinician-Tweets-Original-
Train (Table A1)
Rules(Strong-Label → Weak-Label)
1 → 2
1 → 6
4 → 3
4 → 8
4 → 10
7 → 6
7 → 8
9 → 6
9 → 8
9 → 10
Table A1 Strong Rules; indices for each labels are from Section C
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Appendix B Mental-BERT Training
Configuration for DPD and DSD
Here we report the training configuration for Mental-BERT based DPD and
DSD (Table B2)
MAX sequence length
Learning Rate
Loss function
2 × 10−5
Binary Cross Entropy(BCE) Loss
Table B2 DPD and DSD Model Training Parameters
For DSD we use BCE Loss on the output of last layer of our Mental-BERT
model which is based on sigmoid functions for each nodes corresponding to
each depression symptoms labels. For DPD, we use BCE loss on the softmaxed
output for each binary labels i.e. depression vs control. We do not freeze any
layers in our fine-tuning process because it turned out to be detrimental to the
model accuracy.
Appendix C Annotation Guideline
C.1 Social Media Data Annotation by Human
For this annotation task, an annotator has to label or classify a social media
post (i.e. a tweet) in one or more of the following depression symptom
categories which suit best for that social media post through a web tool:
1. Inability to feel pleasure or Anhedonia
2. Low mood
3. Change in sleep pattern
4. Fatigue or loss of energy
5. Weight change or change in appetite
6. Feelings of worthlessness or excessive inappropriate guilt
7. Diminished ability to think or concentrate or indecisiveness
8. Psychomotor Agitation or Inner Tension
9. Psychomotor Retardation
10. Suicidal Thoughts or Self-Harm
11. Evidence of Clinical Depression
12. No evidence of Clinical Depression
13. Gibberish
Detailed description of these categories with examples are as follows:
The following sections need to be very carefully read to better understand
what each category means. We divide the description under each category
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into three parts: “Lead”, “Elaboration”, and “Example”. “Lead” contains the
summary or gist of the symptomatology. “Elaboration” provide a broader
description of the symptomatology accompanied by a few relevant “Examples”.
These sections have been developed with careful considerations of criteria
defined in the DSM-5 and MADRS, BDI, CES-D and PHQ-9 depression rating
C.2 Depression Symptoms Labels
1. Inability to feel pleasure or anhedonia
(a) Lead: Subjective experience of reduced interest in the surroundings or
activities, that normally give pleasure.
(b) Elaboration: Dissatisfied and bored about everything. Not enjoying
things as one would used to. Not enjoying life. Lost Interest in other
people. Lost interest in sex. Can’t cry anymore even though one wants
(c) Example:
(i) I feel numb.
(ii) I am dead inside.
(iii) I don’t give a damn to anything anymore.
2. Diminished ability to think or concentrate or indecisiveness
(a) Lead: Difficulties in collecting one’s thoughts mounting to incapacitating
lack of concentration.
(b) Elaboration: Can’t make decisions at all anymore. Trouble keeping
one’s mind on what one was doing. Trouble concentrating on things.
(c) Example:
(i) I can’t make up my mind these days.
3. Change in sleep pattern
(a) Lead: Reduced duration or depth of sleep, or increased duration of sleep
compared to one’s normal pattern when well.
(b) Elaboration: Trouble Falling or Staying Asleep. Waking up earlier and
cannot go back to sleep. Sleep was restless (wake up not feeling rested).
Sleeping too much.
(c) Example:
(i) It’s 3 am, and I am still awake.
(ii) I sleep all day!
4. Fatigue or loss of energy
(a) Lead: Any physical manifestation of tiredness.
(b) Elaboration: Elaboration: Feeling tired. Insufficient energy for tasks.
Feeling too tired to do anything.
(c) Example:
(i) I feel tired all day.
(ii) I feel sleepy all day.
(iii) I get exhausted very easily.
5. Feelings of worthlessness or excessive inappropriate guilt
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(a) Lead: Representing thoughts of guilt, inferiority, self-reproach, sinful-
ness, and self-depreciation.
(b) Elaboration: Feeling like a complete failure, Feeling guilty, Feeling
of being punished. Self-hate. Disgusted and Disappointed on oneself.
Self blaming for everything bad happens. Believe that one looks ugly
or unattractive. Having crying spells. Feeling lonely. People seems
unfriendly. Felt like all other people dislike oneself.
(c) Example:
(i) Leave me alone, I want to go somewhere where there is no one.
(ii) I am so alone ...
(iii) Everything bad happens, happens because of me.
6. Low mood
(a) Lead: Despondency, Gloom, Despair, Depressed Mood, Low Spirits,
Feeling of being beyond help without hope.
(b) Elaboration: Feeling down. Feeling sad. Discouraged about future.
Hopelessness. Feeling like it’s not possible to shake of the blues even with
the help of family and friends.
(c) Example:
(i) Life will never get any better.
(ii) I don’t know why but I feel so empty.
(iii) I am so lost.
(iv) There is no hope to get out of this bad situation.
7. Psychomotor agitation or inner tension
(a) Lead: Ill defined discomfort, edginess, inner-turmoil, mental tension
mounting to either panic, dread or anguish.
(b) Elaboration: Feeling irritated and annoyed all the time. Bothered by
things that usually don’t bother. Feeling fearful. Feeling Restless. Feeling
Mental Pain.
(c) Example:
(i) It’s my life so I decide what to do next, mind your own business, don’t
(ii) You have no idea how much pain you gave me!
8. Psychomotor retardation or lassitude
(a) Lead: Difficulty getting started or slowness initiating and performing
everyday activities.
(b) Elaboration: Feeling everything one do requires effort. Could not get
going. Talked less than usual. Have to push oneself to do anything.
Everything is a struggle. Moving or talking slowly.
(c) Example:
(i) I don’t feel like moving from the bed.
9. Suicidal thoughts or self-Harm
(a) Lead: Feeling of Life is not worth living, suicidal thoughts, preparation
for suicide.
(b) Elaboration: Recurrent thoughts of death (not just fear of dying),
recurrent suicidal ideation without specific plan, or suicide attempt, or a
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specific plan for suicide. Thoughts of self-harm. Suicidal ideation. Drug
(c) Example:
(i) I want to leave for the good.
(ii) 0 days clean.
10. Weight change or change in appetite
(a) Lead: Loss or gain of appetite or weight than usual.
(b) Elaboration: Increase in weight. Decrease in weight. Increase in
appetite. Decrease in appetite. Do not feel like eating. Poor appetite.
Loss of desire to food, forcing oneself to eat. Eating a lot but not feel-
ing satiated. Eating even if one is full. Eating in large amount of food
quickly and repeatedly. Difficulty in stop eating.
(c) Example:
(i) I think I am over eating these days!
(ii) I don’t feel like eating anything!
11. Evidence of clinical depression
(a) Elaboration: Any social media post which do not necessarily fit into
any of the above symptoms, however still carry signs of depression or
representing many symptoms at a time, so it’s very hard to fit it in a
few symptoms.
(b) Example:
(i) I feel like I am drowning . . .
12. No evidence of clinical depression
(a) Elaboration: Political stance or personal opinion, inspirational state-
ment or advice, unsubstantiated claim or fact.
(b) Example:
(i) People who eat dark chocolate are less likely to be depressed.
13. Gibberish
(a) Elaboration: If you are not sure what a social media post means i.e. if
a social media post does not make sense or it’s gibberish, then annotate
it as Gibberish.
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Article Title
ai_researcher | 1 | Flexible_Laboratory_Automation_System_Based_on_Distributed_Framework_Implementation_for_Press_Process_in_Polymer_Materials_Development.pdf | Published in Proceedings of the VDI-Berichte Nr. 2437, 2024
Incorporating Large Language Models into Production Systems for
Enhanced Task Automation and Flexibility
Moving Towards Autonomous Systems
M.Sc. Yuchen Xia, B.Sc. Jize Zhang, Dr.-Ing. Nasser Jazdi, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Michael Weyrich
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
Institute of Industrial Automation and Software Engineering, University of Stuttgart
This paper introduces a novel approach to integrating large language model (LLM) agents into
automated production systems, aimed at enhancing task automation and flexibility. We
organize production operations within a hierarchical framework based on the automation
pyramid. Atomic operation functionalities are modeled as microservices, which are executed
through interface invocation within a dedicated digital twin system. This allows for a scalable
and flexible foundation for orchestrating production processes. In this digital twin system, low-
level, hardware-specific data is semantically enriched and made interpretable for LLMs for
production planning and control tasks. Large language model agents are systematically
prompted to interpret these production-specific data and knowledge. Upon receiving a user
request or identifying a triggering event, the LLM agents generate a process plan. This plan is
then decomposed into a series of atomic operations, executed as microservices within the real-
world automation system. We implement this overall approach on an automated modular
production facility at our laboratory, demonstrating how the LLMs can handle production
planning and control tasks through a concrete case study. This results in an intuitive production
facility with higher levels of task automation and flexibility. Finally, we reveal the several
limitations in realizing the full potential of the large language models in autonomous systems
and point out promising benefits. Demos of this series of ongoing research series can be
accessed at:
Automation systems vs. Autonomous systems
In the evolving landscape of technology, the terms automation and autonomous systems are
often intertwined yet distinctly different in impact. Both involve the use of technology to perform
tasks with minimal or no human intervention, but differ significantly in their flexibility in decision-
• Automation: Traditional automated systems generally follow rigid, predefined rules and
workflows and are not designed to adapt to changes unless those changes have been
anticipated and programmed into the system. A usual pre-requisite of automation lies in
repeatability and predictability, which limits its adaptability to dynamic environments.
Y. Xia, J. Zhang, N. Jazdi, and M. Weyrich, "Incorporating Large Language Models into Production Systems for
Enhanced Task Automation and Flexibility," in Proceedings of the VDI-Kongress Automation, Baden-Baden, 2024.
• Autonomy1: on the other hand, autonomy entails a higher level of adaptability and
decision-making capability. An autonomous system can adapt to un-predefined changes
and utilize knowledge to make decisions based on available options and system
objectives, demonstrating flexibility in problem-solving and task execution, whereas
automation typically does not. This concept is commonly applied in fields such as
intelligent robotics and artificial intelligence, and it is also used in political contexts to
describe self-determined individuals or systems that make choices aiming to achieve
optimal outcomes.[1]
In the transition from automation to autonomy, the key differentiator is intelligence—the
capability to make informed, dynamic decisions. This intelligence cannot be practically
provided by using exhaustive rules due to the unpredictability and variability of real-world
environments. Such rules cannot cover every possible scenario and often struggle with
granularity—they can be either too broad, failing to address specific situations, or overly
detailed, making them cumbersome to exhaustively implement and maintain. Moreover,
maintaining and updating such a comprehensive rule set demands extensive engineering
effort. The technological development in natural language understanding indicates the
superiority of machine learning with neural networks over rule-based systems, as the top
solutions are all based on neural networks [2].
Large language models (LLMs) can offer the intelligence to bridge the gap between traditional
automation and autonomy in industrial systems. These models internalize the knowledge
patterns learned from training data conveying collective human knowledge, and they are
capable of interpreting complex text and performing dynamic reasoning based on the given
input. Their general adaptability allows them to respond to new situations and conditions
without the need for specific re-training.
Incorporating LLMs into industrial automation systems empowers us to utilize their capabilities
in performing diverse tasks within industrial automation, further reducing the need for human
intervention in tasks that require intelligence. LLMs are particularly effective in extracting
important information from vast datasets, comprehending texts, making reasoning, solving
problems, and supporting decision-making processes [3]. By enabling these models to perform
intelligent information processing based on real-time data, they can swiftly adapt to changes,
thereby boosting efficiency and productivity.
In the following sections, we explore the integration of LLMs into automated production
systems to enhance their autonomy and flexibility. Section 2 reviews the typical state-of-the-
1 ‘Autonomous’ derives from the Greek roots: ‘auto,’ meaning ‘self,’ and ‘nomos,’ meaning ‘custom’ or ‘law.’
art frameworks of industrial automation systems, establishing the background of our approach.
Section 3 introduces a novel design framework that effectively integrates LLMs for dynamic
process planning and control in production systems. Sections 4 and 5 present a pilot case
study on our modular production facility, demonstrating the practical effect of our LLM-
integrated approach. Sections 6 and 7 discuss the evaluation, its implication and the current
limitations. Section 8 summarizes the the result and the outlook for implementing LLMs in
autonomous systems.
2. Background
2.1 Automation pyramid
To manage the diverse tasks in industrial automation, the automation pyramid is a conceptual
framework organizing the tasks in industrial automation systems into five distinct layers [4]:
starting at the base, the Field Level involves direct interaction with physical technical
processes through sensors and actuators. Above this is the Control Level, where devices like
programmable logic controllers (PLCs) execute real-time control tasks based on functional
execution of control and regulation. The Supervisory Level includes systems such as SCADA
and human-machine interfaces (HMI), enabling operators to monitor and adjust processes.
The Production Planning Level manages optimized production planning and scheduling,
coordinating operational logistics and production processes. At the top, the Enterprise Level
integrates various business functions through enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems,
enhancing decision-making and resource management across the organization. This
hierarchical model ensures systematic data flow and task execution across different facets of
industrial operations.
Figure 1 Autonomous system enabled with LLM multi-agent system, digital twins and
automation system
2.2 Digital twins for automation system
Moving beyond traditional automation, the integration of digital twins facilitates data-driven
optimization and enables remote interactions. This integration creates a software system
synchronized with physical systems. As a result, operational changes are immediately
reflected, providing precise control interfaces for effective process management.[5] The digital
s nchroni eddata, control simulation erce tion e ecution information rocessing
twins can serve as the connecting bridge between LLM and the automation system, as shown
in Figure 1.
2.3 LLM as an enabler of intelligent autonomous system
The incorporation of LLMs into the system enriches the digital twin with the intelligence for
advanced data analysis and decision-making. These models leverage vast amounts of text to
perform reasoning, provide insights, solve tasks, and support data-driven decision-making,
providing general intelligence to a wide range of problems. This intelligence can be utilized to
enhance adaptability and flexibility within the automation system, leading to quicker reactions
to changes and automated problem-solving.
3. Methodology
3.1 LLM agent and task decomposition for LLM multi-agent system
Figure 2 the general method to create a LLM agent based on LLM and its integration into a
multi-agent system for complex problem-solving.
At the core, a generative LLM is a deep neural network for processing and generating text-
based information, as illustrated in Figure 2. This capability allows them to act as intelligent
agents, equipped to interpret diverse information and generate output as a response to a task.
In the design of an LLM agent, the rom t is crucial for directing the LLM’s behavior to a
specific task context, and this mechanism is also referred to as “in-context learning” or “prompt
learning”[6]. The input text for a task is incorporated into prompt templates, which guide the
LLM in generating appropriate outputs, thereby enabling the LLM agent to function effectively
as an information processor. An example is shown in Appendix A.
If a task is too complex for a single LLM agent to handle, task decomposition becomes
necessary. This is where the design of LLM agents as integral components of a multi-agent
system comes into play. Each LLM agent is tasked with solving specific sub-tasks within the
overall task-solving process, as shown in Figure 2. These sub-tasks can range from
interpreting data inputs and generating dynamic process plans to determining the next
executable microservices as actions. The agents operate within a framework where complex
tasks are broken down into more manageable sub-tasks, allowing individual agents to execute
them more effectively.
constituteis a art of
3.2 Structured prompt and agent design template
To develop an effective prompt for a LLM to perform a specific task, it is essential to address
several key aspects to guide the text generation behavior. Drawing from our experience in
creating LLM-based applications [7], [8], [9], we outline these aspects in a template for effective
prompting. This template includes the following critical elements:
• Role, responsibility and goal outline the agent’s functional role and the objectives it
aims to achieve, ensuring alignment with its responsibility and broader system goals.
• Context specification supplies detailed background information relevant to the task,
enabling the agent to interpret the task-specific context.
• Behavioral instructions and constraints contain specifications to guide the agent’s
responses, ensuring they adhere to task responsibility.
Input-output abstract pattern defines the abstract formats for input and output, which
hel s standardi e the agent’s interaction and generate parsable output.
Input-output interaction field provides dynamic input and leaves the output section
with only a cue word “Output:”, forcing LLM only generate output content by text
continuation. (For instance, c.f. Appendix A)
Figure 3 Prompt template for creating an effective LLM agent for information processing task
This template offers a systematic structure for specifying prompts, facilitating the effective and
reproducible use of LLMs to develop software components with clearly defined interfaces (i.e.,
LLM agents).
3.3 Design of dedicated LLM agents for tasks on different layers in automation system
Building on the foundational methods previously introduced, a multi-agent system can be
designed to perform diverse tasks across different layers of the automation pyramid.
Figure 4 Building LLM multi-agent system on the foundation of digital twin system
Within the LLM multi-agent system, each LLM agent is assigned a specific role. At the planning
level, a manager agent is responsible for the overall planning of the production operations. At
the control level, operator agents are responsible for the control tasks, making decisions based
on real-time data to decide actionable operations as microservice interface calls.
The digital twin system is the foundation for the multi-agent system by providing real-time
information of the physical processes and control interface. Field-level executions are
managed as microservices, which can be invoked via a run-time interface when required. This
integration enables LLM agents to have immediate access to data and control mechanisms
through the digital twins’ software interfaces, as shown in Figure 4.
4. Case study setup
At the Institute of Industrial Automation and Software Engineering (IAS) at the University of
Stuttgart, our laboratory is equipped with a modular production system, as illustrated in Figure
5. This system features several automation modules capable of executing a range of
production and logistics tasks. We have retrofitted the system to support real-time data access
and control interface through a run-time environment [7].
Figure 5 Cyber-physical modular production system at IAS, University of Stuttgart
Following the methods described in the last sections, we implemented a digital twin system
and built an LLM multi-agent system. The LLM agents are designed on the planning level and
the control level according to the automation pyramid, as illustrated in Figure 6.
rocess control rocess control rocess control rocess lanning nchroni ed interaction with h sical s stem ata ontrol un time environment unctionalit interface abstraction rans ort G roduction tation esting tation torage tationdatacontroldatacontroldatacontroldatacontrol
Figure 6 Upgrade the automation with digital twins and LLM multi-agent system
5. System design
5.1 Conceptual design
In our designed system, LLM agents play a central role by interpreting production-specific
information provided by digital twins, planning operations, and making decisions. They respond
to user commands or system-triggered events, which can be entered through an application
front-end or detected through continuous monitoring.
Figure 7 The conceptual system design of LLM enhanced autonomous production system
Once a task-triggering event is detected, the manager LLM agent dynamically generates a
process plan consisting of a sequence of subtasks for operator agents. The operator agents
then break this plan down into atomic operations organized as microservices, each
encapsulating a specific, executable operation as a part of the production process. This
decomposability of the task plan and microservices ensures modularity, scalability, and flexible
orchestration of operations.
trans ort module rocess module rocess module M rocess lanning eb a lication front end nchroni ed interaction with h sical s stem ata ontrol ensor o eration e ecution rocess lanning rocess lanning rocess lanning
5.2 System components
In Figure 8, a more detailed explanation of the system components and their interactions is
Figure 8: System components diagram (left) and the semantic enhancement process of the
information from data pool, data observer to event log memory (right).
5.2.1 Run-time Environment
As shown in Figure 8, the run-time environment includes the following software components:
• OPC UA server: The OPC UA server interfaces with PLCs that control the production
modules’ functionalities. It reads and sets values to access and modify the operational
parameters and statuses of PLCs. The functionalities programmed into the PLCs, such
as control logic for various production operations, are encapsulated into atomic
services. These services, such as “conveyor_run(direction, duration)” and
“activate_material_holder()”, are designed to be independently executable.
• ROS server: In parallel, the ROS Server is essential for the control and coordination
of AGVs
“move_to(station_ID)” and “load_workpiece()” are designed to control AGV
• Service register: This component contains a lookup table and service interface
descriptions, cataloging all available microservices. This component facilitates the
discovery and the invocation of services as needed. The microservice architecture
allows for the independent implementation and scaling of these atomic services. This
modularity enhances the system’s operational compatibility and adaptability, making it
possible to handle a variety of operational scenarios by orchestrating atomic
functionalities into a process sequence. An excerpt of the microservices for an operator
of a conveyor transport agent is shown in Table 1 for example.
older holds the osition of the work iece on the conve or. older releases the work iece on the conve or. the work ieceholder is activated the work iece holder is deactivated rue G eleased G G work iece has arrivedat work iece holderon the conve or. work iece has left thework iece holderon the conve or. ob ect is detected at the work iece holder. no ob ect is detected at the work iece holder. rue G I G G ob ect is detected at the osition cm awa from work iece holder no ob ect is detected at the osition cm awa from work iece holder rue G I G G • Data pool: This is a centralized repository that aggregates real-time operational data
from diverse sources of the system and provides data access to external components.
Table 1 Excerpt of the listed microservices in the component “Microservice Register”
conveyor_belt_run(direction, duration)
Moves the conveyor belt in the specified direction ('forward' or
'backward') for a set duration in seconds.
Stops the conveyor belt.
Engages a mechanism to hold the workpiece in place on the
end of the conveyor.
Releases the holding mechanism, freeing the workpiece from
the secured position at the end of the conveyor.
Send a message to the next agent in the production line to
coordinate the handover or next steps.
Release the workpiece at the ready position to the next agent
Pauses the current operation for a set duration in seconds.
Alerts a human supervisor about issues.
and transfer the control of this workpiece to the next agent.
Executes no operation, allowing the system to bypass this
command without making any change.
The semantic enrichment process is pivotal for transforming technical operational data from
the Data pool into semantically rich information that can be used for higher-level planning and
control tasks in Event log memory. The process is detailed in Figure 8 (right), in which the
arrows illustrate how the hardware-level data are semantically enriched and translated into
actionable insights for the system’s agents. In the middle of this process, the Data observer
monitors changes in the data and applies specified rules to detect and contextualize these
changes into significant events necessary for planning and control. These enriched events are
then logged in the Event log memory, providing a structured information basis that LLM
agents utilize for reasoning and dynamic decision-making.
5.2.3 Event-driven information modeling in text
Several components in Figure 8 are typed as event emitter. They can send event information
to an Event log memory, which organizes events in chronological order. Each event in the
log is tagged with a standardized system timestamp, ensuring that information about changes,
decisions and actions can be captured and further consumed by each LLM agent according to
its interest scope within a subscription mechanism. In the Event log memory, an event is
captured at timeless moments without a duration: instead of recording a rocess “the material
holder secures the position of the workpiece for 5 seconds”, it is logged in two separate entries:
"[00:00:00] the material holder holds the workpiece" and "[00:00:05] the material holder
releases the workpiece."
The necessity for this event-driven design arises from the nature of planning and control
problems, in which the dimension of time is indispensable. However, invoking an LLM for
decision-making is a discrete action rather than a continuous process. This characteristic
necessitates an approach to structure time-aware information in the form of the event log.
Based on this design, an excerpt of the event log containing the necessary atomic information
(event) can be integrated into the prompt of an LLM agent for decision-making.
5.2.4 Decision-making by LLM agents and action execution with microservices
The LLM agents subscribe to specific events within the Event log memory. Based on the
events logged, the agent makes informed decisions about the production planning and control
actions depending on the dynamic situation. The decisions generated by the LLM are
structured as textual data in JSON format, which can easily be handled with code script. The
JSON data is parsed into actionable function calls. These are then passed either to another
LLM operator agent for further handling or directly to the Microservice run-time executor,
which carries out the commands. The process is depicted in the following sequence diagram
in Figure 9 for instance.
Figure 9 Sequence diagram of the interaction between system components from data change
to action execution.
6. Result and Evaluation
The system has been implemented in our laboratory. It operates as follows: when a user inputs
a task via the front-end user interface or a triggering event is identified, the LLM manager agent
formulates a production plan, as shown in Figure 10.
Figure 10 The user interface and the live demonstration of operation planning and control
The operation steps in this plan are subsequently delegated to operator agents who arrange
a sequence of atomic microservices to execute the task. This prototype successfully
demonstrates the concept of integrating LLMs into an automated production system, moving
towards autonomous systems.
The evaluation of the developed prototype is outlined in the following sections across three
key aspects. Further details are available in our GitHub Repository 2 , as we continue
comprehensive testing and evaluation of this approach.
Evaluation of different LLMs for planning and controlling capabilities
To assess the foundational automation capabilities of our system, we evaluated how
accurately the LLMs could interpret basic tasks provided via prompts and subsequently
execute the correct operations. These operations include processing routine orders, adjusting
settings according to user requests, managing standard material transfers, and reacting to
unforeseen and un-preprogrammed events that arise during operation. We applied different
LLMs for powering the LLM agents for our system design, including proprietary model “GPT-
4o” and GPT-3.5, and two opensource models “LL M -3-8 ”, “LLAMA-3-70B”, as well as a
fine-tuned model based on “LL M -3-7 ”, which is trained on the texts in the event logs
during the system operation.
We selected a total of 100 test points to evaluate the performance of the language model
agents. These points were divided into two categories: 50% comprised predefined routine
planning and control tasks, for which there are direct instructions in the prompts on how to
execute the tasks in a standardized way (standard operation procedure), and the remaining
2 A demo and the detailed evaluation results of this series of research are released at the Github-Repository:
50% consisted of scenarios that were not pre-defined in prompts, requiring the LLM agents to
generate spontaneous decisions.
The primary focus of our evaluation was to assess the system's capability to autonomously
handle both pre-defined and unforeseen events that occur during operation. For example, a
testing scenario is defined as follows: a workpiece being transported on a conveyor fails to
reach its next designated position after the activation of conveyor for 10 seconds. In this case,
the operator agent initially decides to wait for the workpiece‘s arrival. However, once the
conveyor automatically stops, the LLM agent system takes proactive measures by not only
alerting the human supervisor but also suggesting reactivating the conveyor belt. This action
exemplifies a response that goes beyond the pre-defined prompts or descriptions in the
The evaluation was structured on two critical levels:
• The system’s ability to generate error-free executable commands.
• The effectiveness of these commands in addressing and resolving the incidents
encountered, as judged by human evaluators.
To illustrate, an error-free executable command like "wait(5)" would be generated if the
workpiece does not move even if the conveyor is activated. Although technically correct, this
command is not deemed effective or optimal. The more appropriate response, which
exemplifies both error-free execution and effective problem-solving, would be
The evaluation results are shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11 Evaluation of planning and control capabilities across various llms for the designed
The effectiveness of the commands varies significantly among the models. While "GPT-4o"
and our fine-tuned model based on LLAMA-3-70B score similarly high (88% and 87%
7 7 7 7 7 e ecutable error freeeffective
respectively), this confirms the effectiveness of fine-tuning for this specific task. "LLAMA-3-8B"
shows a notable dip to just 53%, indicating that smaller models may not be capable of
performing complex planning and control tasks effectively.
7. Limitation
7.1 Real-time Performance
While the system integrates LLM agents effectively for planning and executing tasks, real-time
performance remains a challenging aspect. The latency introduced by processing and
generating responses through LLMs can impact the system’s ability to operate in strict real-
time environments. Due to this limitation, in our system, LLM reasoning is only performed when
the operations can be paused or when new events during the LLM inferencing do not affect
the decision-making. The LLM inferencing typically lasts between 100 ms to 1 second when
utilizing dual NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPUs deployed on a local server, and 1 to 10 seconds
for cloud server. For this reason, the generated text should remain concise by design.
7.2 Comprehensive Testing
The complexity and variability of production environments necessitate extensive validation of
any automated system to ensure its robustness and reliability. Our current evaluation primarily
relies on synthetic test cases designed to simulate typical scenarios within the controlled
environment of our laboratory. These are used for initial proof-of-concept demonstrations, and
the test cases could quickly become complicated and condition-specific. The system-
generated decisions and operations still require human approval, making it only sufficient for
an assistant system. Moving forward, we will continue to perform more comprehensive testing
of the system to better address the dynamic nature of real-world manufacturing processes. It
will be crucial to employ test-driven development methods to identify and mitigate potential
failures or inefficiencies, thereby delivering greater value and enhanced usability.
7.3 Cost-Benefit Evaluation
The economic feasibility of integrating LLMs into production systems remains an area requiring
thorough investigation. While some theoretical benefits are evident, such as more intuitive
human-machine interaction, reduction of human effort, training cost and reaction time to
changes, the actual cost related to their implementation, improvement, and maintenance are
not yet fully understood. The benefits of increased adaptability, automation efficiency, and
productivity gains can be further quantitatively assessed against these costs, in order to
validate the long-term economic viability of deploying large language models in industrial
8. Conclusion
This paper presented a novel approach to integrating LLMs into industrial automation systems,
thereby enhancing task automation and flexibility. By employing LLMs within a multi-agent
system and integrating them with digital twins and automation systems, we demonstrated their
efficacy in autonomously managing production planning and control tasks. The integration of
LLMs offers significant advantages, including dynamic decision-making and planning, as well
as creative problem-solving for un-predefined issues, which can be readily developed as
intelligent assistant systems. This integration significantly reduces the need for human
monitoring and trouble-shooting, as well as decreases reaction times to un-predefined
changes. Our results show that LLMs can effectively handle both routine and unexpected
events, thereby improving operational efficiency and adaptability. A fine-tuned model based
on an open-source model can have equivalent performance to proprietary GPT-4 on this
specific application task.
However, challenges such as real-time performance latency, the need for comprehensive real-
world testing, and the economic implications of deploying LLMs remain. These issues highlight
critical areas for further research and optimization to fully harness the potential of LLMs in
industrial settings.
In summary, integrating LLMs into production systems offers promising prospects for
advancing toward intelligent autonomous systems. Drawing on insights from experience, we
hold the view that developing future intelligent autonomous systems powered by LLMs will
require a test-intensive or even test-driven development process. Our future research will focus
on broadening application areas and improving the system through systematic testing and
evaluation. This will enhance the value and cost-effectiveness of these systems, continuing to
realize the transformative impact of LLMs on industrial automation.
This work was supported by Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (SDW) and the Ministry of
Science, Research and the Arts of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg within the support of
the projects of the Exzellenzinitiative II.
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status of the next agent; if the next operator is ready, then call
release_workpiece() to release the workpiece and hand it over to
the next operator.
Instructions for you:
You will observe an event log in the following input section, and
you shall generate your response in the output section.
You should follow this input and output pattern to generate a
response in JSON format:
// An event log will be given here.
{“reason”: “a_reason”, "command" : "a_command()"}
Now, you should generate a response:
[00:00:14] Sensor BG56 detects an object at the entrance.
[00:00:14] Operator agent calls the operation
‘conve or belt run forward, ’.
[00:00:14] The conveyor starts moving forward.
[00:00:19] Sensor BG51 at the ready position detects the
[00:00:19] Operator agent calls the operation
‘activate material holder ’.
[00:00:19] Holder H1 secures the position of the workpiece on the
[00:00:19] RFID sensor TF81 reads the ID of the workpiece.
[00:00:20] RFID check is successful; the workpiece is cleared for
further processing.
[00:00:20] Communication initiated with the next operator to
determine the subsequent action.
[00:00:21] The next operator agent is busy processing another
[ : : ] O erator agent calls the o eration ‘wait ’.
[00:00:26] Communication initiated with the next operator to
determine the subsequent action.
[00:00:26] The next operator agent is ready.
Readers can try this prompt example on various LLMs to test the
Appendix A
Prompt for an operator agent: (1025 tokens)
You are an operator agent that is responsible for controlling the
material transport on a conveyor before a production process.
This conveyor belt is a straight, 1-meter-long system designed for
material transport. At its entrance, sensor BG56 detects incoming
workpieces. At the end of its path, sensor BG51 detects the
workpiece at the ready position, actuator holder H1 can secure the
workpieces in place, and an RFID sensor TF81 reads the
workpiece IDs for processing validation.
Components descriptions:
BG51: Detects workpieces at the ready position.
RFID Sensor TF81: Reads workpiece IDs to validate processing
Conveyor C1: Controls the movement of the conveyor. It can be
controlled via the following command(s):
conveyor_belt_run(direction, duration_in_second),
Material Holder H1: Holds workpieces at the ready position. It can
be controlled via the following command(s):
activate_material_holder(), deactivate_material_holder().
Actions you can take:
conveyor_belt_run(direction, duration_in_second): Moves the
conveyor belt in the specified direction ('forward' or 'backward') for
a set duration.
conveyor_belt_stop(): Stops the conveyor belt.
activate_material_holder(): Engages a mechanism to hold the
workpiece in place on the end of the conveyor.
deactivate_material_holder(): Releases the holding mechanism,
freeing the workpiece from the secured position at the end of the
communicate_with_next_agent(): Send a message to the next
agent in the production line to coordinate the handover or next
release_ready_workpiece_to_next_agent(): release the workpiece
at the ready position to the next agent and transfer the control of
this workpiece to the next agent.
wait(duration_in_second): Pauses the current operation for a set
duration in seconds.
send_alert_to_human_supervisor(): Alerts a human supervisor
about issues.
pass(): Executes no operation, allowing the system to bypass this
command without making any change
Standard Operation Procedure:
The process begin with a workpiece arriving at the entrance of the
1. If sensor BG56 detect an object, it indicates that a workpiece is
detected at the entrance position. You should call
activate_conveyor(forward, 10) to set the conveyor moving forward
for 10 seconds, to transport the workpiece to the ready position.
2. If sensor BG51 detect an object, it indicates that a workpiece is
detected at the ready position. You should call
activate_material_holder() to secure the workpiece in place,
ensuring that the workpiece is securely positioned.
3. If the workpiece is detected at the ready position and is being
held, you should call rfid_read() to read the workpiece information,
to determine whether the workpiece is suitable for further
4. If the workpiece information checks out OK, you should call
ask_next_operator() to determine the status of the next operator
agent, in order to decide whether to wait or to forward the
workpiece to the next operator agent.
5. If the next operator is busy, then call wait(5) to wait for 5
seconds before calling ask_next_operator() again to check the
ai_researcher | 6 | Iterative_Prompt_Refinement_for_Mining_Gene_Relationships_from_ChatGPT.pdf | Enhancing User Interaction in ChatGPT: Characterizing and
Consolidating Multiple Prompts for Issue Resolution
Saikat Mondal
Suborno Deb Bappon
Chanchal K. Roy
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Prompt design plays a crucial role in shaping the efficacy of Chat-
GPT, influencing the model’s ability to extract contextually accu-
rate responses. Thus, optimal prompt construction is essential for
maximizing the utility and performance of ChatGPT. However, sub-
optimal prompt design may necessitate iterative refinement, as im-
precise or ambiguous instructions can lead to undesired responses
from ChatGPT. Existing studies explore several prompt patterns
and strategies to improve the relevance of responses generated by
ChatGPT. However, the exploration of constraints that necessitate
the submission of multiple prompts is still an unmet attempt. In
this study, our contributions are twofold. First, we attempt to un-
cover gaps in prompt design that demand multiple iterations. In
particular, we manually analyze 686 prompts that were submitted to
resolve issues related to Java and Python programming languages
and identify eleven prompt design gaps (e.g., missing specifications).
Such gap exploration can enhance the efficacy of single prompts in
ChatGPT. Second, we attempt to reproduce the ChatGPT response
by consolidating multiple prompts into a single one. We can com-
pletely consolidate prompts with four gaps (e.g., missing context)
and partially consolidate prompts with three gaps (e.g., additional
functionality). Such an effort provides concrete evidence to users
to design more optimal prompts mitigating these gaps. Our study
findings and evidence can – (a) save users time, (b) reduce costs,
and (c) increase user satisfaction.
• Large Language Model → Prompt design; Prompt characteriza-
Prompt design, ChatGPT, prompt consolidation, qualitative analysis
ACM Reference Format:
Saikat Mondal, Suborno Deb Bappon, and Chanchal K. Roy. 2024. Enhancing
User Interaction in ChatGPT: Characterizing and Consolidating Multiple
Prompts for Issue Resolution. In 21st International Conference on Mining
Software Repositories (MSR ’24), April 15–16, 2024, Lisbon, Portugal. ACM,
New York, NY, USA, 5 pages.
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the
author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission
and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected].
MSR ’24, April 15–16, 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
© 2024 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.
ACM ISBN 979-8-4007-0587-8/24/04. . . $15.00
Software developers are rapidly adopting large language models
(LLMs) such as ChatGPT to generate code and other software engi-
neering artifacts [2, 4]. A prompt is used to interact with ChatGPT
to generate responses (e.g., Fig. 1). However, the design of a prompt
is crucial for getting appropriate responses from ChatGPT. It shapes
the developer-ChatGPT conversations and serves as the founda-
tion for obtaining accurate, relevant, and meaningful responses
from ChatGPT. However, sub-optimal prompt design may necessi-
tate iterative adjustment. A prompt with unclear and insufficient
context can lead to undesired responses from ChatGPT. There-
fore, it demands multiple prompts to obtain the desired responses
from ChatGPT. Such a scenario – (a) introduces complexity to user
interactions, (b) costs time and money, and (c) poses the risk of
undermining the model’s efficiency, disrupting the user experience.
Figure 1: Example of a developer-ChatGPT conversation [8].
Several existing studies suggest prompt patterns designed to en-
hance human interaction with ChatGPT in the context of software
engineering [11, 15, 16]. Users can improve the outputs of LLM
conversations by employing such patterns. Elnashar et al. [7] exper-
iment with various prompting strategies to generate Python code
with ChatGPT. Their study suggests that prompting multiple times
for code and selecting the best code among them is comparable
to top-rated human solutions. However, understanding the gaps
that drive iterative prompt refinement is crucial for optimizing the
model’s performance, streamlining user interactions, and ensuring
more effective problem resolution.
In this study, we conduct a manual investigation to characterize
multiple prompts submitted to resolve GitHub issues related to
Java and Python programming languages. We attempt to explore
constraints that necessitate the submission of multiple prompts.
Additionally, we performed a feasibility study to identify prompts
that could be consolidated into a single prompt, reproducing the
original ChatGPT response. In particular, we answer two research
questions in this study as follows.
AnonymousPrompt-1: With a maven pom.xm and one dependency how programaticaly I can see their dependenciesAnonymousPrompt-2: How to get them with javaResponse: To programmatically view the dependencies …………………… you can programmatically generate and analyze the dependency tree of your Maven project.Response: To programmatically access and analyze Maven dependencies in Java, you can use ……..................... you can programmatically retrieve and analyze Maven dependencies using Java.
MSR ’24, April 15–16, 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
Saikat Mondal, Suborno Deb Bappon, and Chanchal K. Roy
Figure 2: Schematic diagram of our conducted study.
RQ1. Can we identify the gaps in prompt design requiring
multiple iterations to enhance the effectiveness of single
prompts in ChatGPT? We manually analyze 85 conversations
that contain 686 prompts and identify eleven gaps in prompts, where
missing specifications and additional functionality are seen as the
most frequent gaps in the prompt design.
RQ2. To what extent can prompt consolidation reproduce
chatGPT responses? We can completely consolidate the prompts
and reproduce original responses by minimizing four gaps (Missing
Specifications, Wordy Response, Missing Context, and Miscella-
neous) and partially by minimizing three gaps (Incremental Prob-
lem Solving, Exploring Alternative Approaches, and Additional
Functionality). The remaining four gaps (e.g., Inaccurate/Untrust-
worthy Response) could not be mitigated since they depend on the
prompt response.
Replication Package that contains our manually identified gaps
in prompt design and consolidated prompts can be found in our
online appendix [10].
In Fig. 2, we describe our overall methodology to answer the two
research questions. We describe the steps below.
Step 1: Data Collection and Preprocessing. Table 1 shows
the summary of our collected dataset. We downloaded the MSR
challenge 2024 dataset [17], which encompasses 17,913 prompts, in-
cluding source code, commits, issues, pull requests, discussions, and
Hacker News threads. In particular, we collect developer-ChatGPT
conversations related to GitHub issues in two popular programming
languages – Java and Python from all nine snapshots. We get a total
of 763 conversations (225 Java + 538 Python). Our initial screening
reveals that snapshots contain duplicate conversations. We then fil-
ter out the duplicate conversations using ChatgptSharing-URL.
Finally, we get 108 distinct conversations (27 Java + 81 Python),
where 85 conversations have multiple prompts.
Table 1: Summary of the study dataset
# of Conversations
# of Unique
Step 2: Gap Analysis in Prompt Design. We get 85 conver-
sations from Step 1 (Fig. 2) that contain 686 prompts. We, the first
two authors of the paper, conduct a careful manual investigation of
these conversations to find the gaps in prompt design. In particular,
we attempt to characterize why multiple prompts were required
for GitHub issue resolution. We randomly select 20 conversations
(10 Java + 10 Python) from our selected dataset and analyze &
label them together. We meticulously analyze the prompts and
responses for a given conversation to explore why users submit
multiple prompts. Such analysis enables us to come up with a com-
mon understanding. We then analyze the prompts in the remaining
conversations and label them individually. Finally, we resolved a
few disagreements through discussion. Please note that prompts in
a single conversation can have multiple labels.
Step 3: Prompts Consolidation. In this step, we first assess the
feasibility of consolidating ChatGPT prompts. Feasible prompts are
then consolidated into a single prompt. We manually consolidate
the prompts utilizing the ChatGPT-3.51 browser interface. We then
proceed with ChatGPT-3.5 to reproduce the original response using
these consolidated prompts. We also randomly select 50% of con-
solidated prompts and attempt to reproduce the original response
using ChatGPT-4 to examine the generalizability of the results. We
then examine whether the original prompt’s response and response
from the consolidated prompt are equivalent or not. The success in
reproducing ChatGPT’s original response validates that users can
achieve desired outcomes with more optimal prompts.
Inaccurate/Untrustworthy Response
Clarity of Generated Response
Missing Context
Erroneous Response
Additional Functionality
Wordy Response
Exploring Alternative Approaches
Incremental Problem Solving
Different Use Cases
Missing Specifications
Figure 3: The percentage of each prompt design gap.
We ask two research questions in this study. In this section, we
answer them carefully with the help of our empirical and qualitative
findings as follows:
MSR 2024 Mining Challenge DatasetTarget Conversations RQ1Step 1: Dataset ConstructionStep 2: Gap AnalysisRQ2Step 3: Prompts ConsolidationDev-ChatGPT Conversations Related to GitHub Issue(Java+Python)Removal of Duplicate ConversationsCharacterization of Multiple PromptsReport Gaps in Prompts DesignFeasibility Analysis of Consolidating PromptsConsolidate Prompts(if feasible)Collect ChatGPT Responses to Consolidated PromptsResponse Similarity AnalysisEnhancing User Interaction in ChatGPT: Characterizing and Consolidating Multiple Prompts for Issue Resolution
MSR ’24, April 15–16, 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
Table 2: Summary of Characterization of Multiple Prompts and Gap Analysis in Prompt Design
Gaps/Reasons with Description
(1) Missing Specifications. Prompts miss explicit information
(e.g., programming language, operating system, test cases) and
requirements (e.g., asking code).
(2) Different Use Cases. Different prompts ask for responses
to resolve different problems in a single conversation.
(3) Incremental Problem Solving. Users break down a prob-
lem into several components and submit prompts sequentially
to seek solutions for each part.
(4) Exploring Alternative Approaches. Users ask for alter-
native solutions when they are not satisfied with a response.
(5) Wordy Response. Users submit prompts to get an optimal
response when the received response is wordy.
(6) Additional Functionality. Prompts ask for additional func-
tionality (e.g., features) in addition to the existing solution.
(7) Erroneous Response. Prompts are submitted to seek an
accurate solution when the received response is identified as
(8) Missing Context. Prompts lack sufficient background in-
formation or details for the ChatGPT model to generate a con-
textually appropriate response.
(9) Clarity of Generated Response. Users submit prompts
when they encounter difficulty in comprehending any aspect
of the received response.
(10) Inaccurate/Untrustworthy Response. Responses fail to
operate as intended, cannot resolve the problem, or the gener-
ated output lacks reliability for further consideration.
(11) Miscellaneous. Users submit prompts containing expres-
sions of gratitude (e.g., thank you) in response to ChatGPT
responses and null queries (unintentionally or out of curiosity).
Examples (as submitted by developers)
Prompt 1: With a maven pom.xm and one dependency, how programmatically can I see
their dependencies? Prompt 2: How to get them with java. [see Fig. 1] [8]
Prompt 1: Using the Python ast module, how can I access the docstring for a function?
Prompt 2: In Python, how can I turn a multiline string into a triple-quoted string
literal easily? [12]
Prompt 2: Use numpy to run all of the vector cosine calculations in one go rather than
one at a time. Prompt 3: Now run GitHubenchmark again with 10,000 vectors. [14]
Prompt 4: Can you use anything in scipy or pandas or similar to beat these results?
Prompt 5: Try some other distance calculations, I want to find the fastest possible
way to compare these vectors. [14]
Prompt 1: Figure out how to solve this GitHub issue: [GitHub-Issue-Link] by reviewing
the code at this repo: [Repo-Link]. Prompt 2: Summarize what this potential resolu-
tion does from a high level. [3]
Prompt 1: with flask in Python and rabbit .......... and otherwise response with a timeout
error Prompt 2: can you give an example of the flask side of things where we
receive a request and wait for a message on rabbitMQ before we send the response [9]
Prompt 2: now create a simple GET endpoint............ with domain [Link]. Prompt 3: {
“error”:“AutoReconnect error: [SSL: CER-
TIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: certificate has expired (_ssl.c:997”
} [5]
Prompt 1: I have 2 different versions of a sqlite database......................... Can you show me
how I can do this? Prompt 2: This is the table scheme of favorites: CREATE TABLE
favorites (name, URL, mode, image, duration, quality) [6]
Prompt 2: Now run that against ......... List[Tuple[AST, Optional[str]]]: Prompt 3: Figure
out why it’s not working correctly, and write and demonstrate snippets of code to
fix that [13]
Prompt 3: I think ............ this condition instead? Prompt 4: the Python documentation
does not contain any references to os.timerfd_create though. Are you sure this really
exists? [1]
Prompt 1: Write me a function .......... the translation matrix instead of multiplication.
Prompt 2: Thank you [18]
3.1 Answering RQ1: Characterization of
Multiple Prompts and Gap Analysis in
Prompt Design
In this section, we present our findings on the gap analysis found in
prompt design that necessitates multiple prompts in a conversation.
Table 2 summarizes why multiple prompts were submitted in
a single conversation and reports the gaps in prompt design with
examples. Our manual analysis identified a total of eleven gaps in
the prompt design. Fig. 3 shows the ratio of each prompt design
gap in our selected dataset. We see that missing specifications (i.e.,
40%) and additional functionality (i.e., 38.8%) requirements are the
most frequently observed gaps in prompt design, necessitating the
submission of multiple prompts.
3.2 Answering RQ2 : Prompt Consolidation
Our qualitative analysis identifies several gaps in prompt design
(Section 3.1). This section attempts to mitigate these gaps and con-
solidate multiple prompts into one. Table 3 summarizes the consol-
idation feasibility of each of the identified gaps. According to our
analysis – (a) four gaps could be completely mitigated ( ) by con-
), and (b)
solidating prompts, (b) three can be partially mitigated (
Table 3: Feasibility of Prompt Consolidation ( → Complete,
→ Partial & → No Consolidation)
Missing Specifications
Different Use Cases
Incremental Problem Solving
Exploring Alternative Approaches
Wordy Response
Additional Functionality
Erroneous Response
Missing Context
Clarity of Generated Response
Inaccurate/Untrustworthy Response
four could not be mitigated (
). Table 4 shows a few representative
consolidation examples (the complete list can be found in our online
appendix [10]). In particular, we can consolidate 127 prompts into 52
and reproduce the original responses using ChatGPT-3.5. Then, half
of the consolidated prompts (26 out of 52) were randomly selected
to reproduce the original responses using ChatGPT-4. ChatGPT-4
can reproduce the original responses perfectly (responses can be
found in our online appendix [10]). Such findings confirm the gen-
eralizability of the results. However, four gaps were unsuccessfully
MSR ’24, April 15–16, 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
Saikat Mondal, Suborno Deb Bappon, and Chanchal K. Roy
mitigated because they (a) depend on the ChatGPT response or
(b) discuss different use cases. For example, users cannot estimate
the accuracy of the response before analyzing it. Therefore, the
“Inaccurate/Untrustworthy Response” gap could not be minimized.
However, prompts with gaps like “Missing Specifications” and “Ad-
ditional Functionalities” could be consolidated completely/partially.
Such evidence can guide users in designing optimal prompts.
Our study provides several insights into why multiple prompts are
submitted in one conversation. These insights may guide the users
to improve the prompt design and increase the chance of getting
appropriate responses with a minimal number of prompts.
(F1) Missing specifications hurt. Our manual analysis reveals
that the most frequent gap in prompt design that demands multiple
prompts is missing required specifications (e.g., programming lan-
guage, sample input-output). Therefore, users should be cautious
about adding the required specifications to get target responses in
the lowest number of prompts.
(F2) Prompt language matters. Prompts should be submit-
ted in English (if possible), and combining multiple languages in
a single prompt is discouraged. ChatGPT primarily performs best
with English prompts, and responses may be less accurate or ap-
propriate when prompts are submitted in languages other than
English. According to our analysis, conversations typically consist
of 17.8 prompts on average (average token count = 5755.2) when
the language is non-English or multi-language. In contrast, the cor-
responding statistic is 6.9 prompts (average token count = 1567.2)
when the language of the prompts is English.
(F3) Prevent wordy response. Consider specifying the re-
sponse length (e.g., number of words or sentences) to prevent wordy
responses. Additionally, using a few key terms such as concise, sum-
marized, short, or simpler may be helpful.
(F4) Generate robust code specifying the potential weak-
ness. In the prompt, when asking for code, you can warn ChatGPT
about potential coding errors or exceptions that may appear (if you
are aware of them). Such a strategy helps the model generate robust
code that can handle those errors/exceptions.
Several studies have attempted to improve prompt design with the
aim of enhancing ChatGPT responses in the context of software
engineering [11, 15, 16].
White et al. [15] introduce a prompt pattern catalog to enhance
prompt engineering techniques and solve common problems when
conversing with LLMs. This study also presents a framework for
documenting patterns to structure prompts for diverse domains and
insights into building prompts by combining multiple patterns. In
another study, White et al. [16] suggest prompt design techniques
as patterns for software engineering tasks. They focus on automat-
ing common software engineering activities (e.g., generating API
specifications from requirements).
Schmidt et al. [11] address the disruptive impact of LLMs, such
as ChatGPT, across various domains (e.g., education, medicine, and
software engineering). They emphasize the importance of codi-
fying prompt patterns for prompt engineering, offering a more
Table 4: Prompt Consolidation Examples
Prompt 1: With a maven pom.xm and one dependency how programmatically I
can see their dependencies
Prompt 2: How to get them with java
Consolidated Prompt: How can I programmatically view the dependencies of
a Maven project specified in the pom.xml file using Java?
Prompt 1: I have 2 different versions of a SQLite database. The names are ‘fa-
vorites old.db’ and ‘favorites.db’. I want to merge the content of the table
favorites from the file ‘favorites old.db’ into ‘favorites.db’. Skipping rows that
are already in there. I am using DB Browser for SQLite, but if it is not possible
with that, I have also Python I can use.Can you show me how I can do this?
Prompt 2: This is the table scheme of favorites: CREATE TABLE favorites (name,
URL, mode, image, duration, quality)
Consolidated Prompt: Merge the ‘favorites’ table from ‘favorites old.db’ into
‘favorites.db’ in SQLite while skipping duplicate rows. Provide instructions
using either DB Browser for SQLite or Python. The table scheme for ’favorites’
is: CREATE TABLE favorites (name, url, mode, image, duration, quality).
disciplined and repeatable approach to interacting with and evalu-
ating LLMs. It provides examples of prompt patterns that enhance
human interaction with LLMs, specifically in software engineering.
Elnashar et al. [7] experiment with various prompting strategies
to generate Python code utilizing ChatGPT. The results indicate
that choosing from the top solutions generated by ChatGPT is com-
parable to the best human solution on Stack Overflow. The study
suggests that prompting multiple times for code and selecting the
best solution from the generated options is a promising approach
to assist human software engineers in finding optimal solutions.
The studies discussed above attempt to support prompt design to
get a better response from LLMs such as ChatGPT. However, to the
best of our knowledge, (a) characterizing multiple prompts to iden-
tify gaps in prompt design that necessitate multiple prompts and
(b) analyzing the feasibility of consolidating multiple prompts into
a single one that can replicate the response were not investigated
before, making our study novel.
The effectiveness of ChatGPT significantly relies on prompt design,
impacting its ability to produce contextually accurate responses.
Optimal prompt construction is crucial for maximizing utility and
performance. Suboptimal designs may require iterative refinement,
as imprecise instructions can lead to undesired outputs. In this
study, we first manually analyze 85 conversations that contain 686
prompts to identify the gaps that necessitate multiple prompts. Our
careful analysis identifies eleven gaps where missing specifications
and additional functionality are the top contributing gaps. Then,
we analyze the feasibility of consolidating prompts that could re-
produce the ChatGPT response. According to our analysis, four
gaps could be completely, and three could be partially minimized.
The insights of such findings can assist users in designing better
prompts. We also offer evidence-based guidelines to design optimal
prompts to save time, reduce costs, and increase user satisfaction.
In the future, we plan to introduce tool supports to identify gaps
in prompt design and offer guidance to mitigate gaps to support
the desired response with a minimum number of prompts.
Acknowledgment: This research is supported in part by the Natu-
ral Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC),
and by the industry-stream NSERC CREATE in Software Analytics
Research (SOAR).
Enhancing User Interaction in ChatGPT: Characterizing and Consolidating Multiple Prompts for Issue Resolution
MSR ’24, April 15–16, 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
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Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Sebastian Flennerhag
[email protected]
Yannick Schroecker
Tom Zahavy
Hado van Hasselt
David Silver
Satinder Singh
Meta-learning empowers artificial intelligence to increase its efficiency by learning
how to learn. Unlocking this potential involves overcoming a challenging meta-
optimisation problem. We propose an algorithm that tackles this problem by letting
the meta-learner teach itself. The algorithm first bootstraps a target from the meta-
learner, then optimises the meta-learner by minimising the distance to that target
under a chosen (pseudo-)metric. Focusing on meta-learning with gradients, we
establish conditions that guarantee performance improvements and show that the
metric can control meta-optimisation. Meanwhile, the bootstrapping mechanism
can extend the effective meta-learning horizon without requiring backpropagation
through all updates. We achieve a new state-of-the art for model-free agents on
the Atari ALE benchmark and demonstrate that it yields both performance and
efficiency gains in multi-task meta-learning. Finally, we explore how bootstrapping
opens up new possibilities and find that it can meta-learn efficient exploration in an
ε-greedy Q-learning agent—without backpropagating through the update rule.
In a standard machine learning problem, a learner or agent learns a task by iteratively adjusting its
parameters under a given update rule, such as Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD). Typically, the
learner’s update rule must be tuned manually. In contrast, humans learn seamlessly by relying on
previous experiences to inform their learning processes (Spelke & Kinzler, 2007).
For a (machine) learner to have the same capability, it must be able to learn its update rule (or such
inductive biases). Meta-learning is one approach that learns (parts of) an update rule by applying it
for some number of steps and then evaluating the resulting performance (Schmidhuber, 1987; Hinton
& Plaut, 1987; Bengio et al., 1991). For instance, a well-studied and often successful approach is to
tune parameters of a gradient-based update, either online during training on a single task (Bengio,
2000; Maclaurin et al., 2015; Xu et al., 2018; Zahavy et al., 2020), or meta-learned over a distribution
of tasks (Finn et al., 2017; Rusu et al., 2019; Flennerhag et al., 2020; Jerfel et al., 2019; Denevi et al.,
2019). More generally, the update rule can be an arbitrary parameterised function (Hochreiter et al.,
2001; Andrychowicz et al., 2016; Kirsch et al., 2019; Oh et al., 2020), or the function itself can be
meta-learned jointly with its parameters (Alet et al., 2020; Real et al., 2020).
Meta-learning is challenging because to evaluate an update rule, it must first be applied. This
often leads to high computational costs. As a result most works optimise performance after K
applications of the update rule and assume that this yields improved performance for the remainder
of the learner’s lifetime (Bengio et al., 1991; Maclaurin et al., 2015; Metz et al., 2019). When this
assumption fails, meta-learning suffers from a short-horizon bias (Wu et al., 2018; Metz et al., 2019).
Similarly, optimizing the learner’s performance after K updates can fail to account for the process of
learning, causing another form of myopia (Flennerhag et al., 2019; Stadie et al., 2018; Chen et al.,
2016; Cao et al., 2019). Challenges in meta-optimisation have been observed to cause degraded
lifetime performance (Lv et al., 2017; Wichrowska et al., 2017), collapsed exploration (Stadie et al.,
2018; Chen et al., 2016), biased learner updates (Stadie et al., 2018; Zheng et al., 2018), and poor
generalisation performance (Wu et al., 2018; Yin et al., 2020; Triantafillou et al., 2020).
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
We argue that defining the meta-learner’s objective directly in terms of the learner’s objective—i.e. the
performance after K update steps—creates two bottlenecks in meta-optimisation. The first bottleneck
is curvature: the meta-objective is constrained to the same type of geometry as the learner; the second
is myopia: the meta-objective is fundamentally limited to evaluating performance within the K-step
horizon, but ignores future learning dynamics. Our goal is to design an algorithm that removes these.
The algorithm relies on two main ideas. First, to mitigate myopia, we introduce the notion of
bootstrapping a target from the meta-learner itself, a meta-bootstrap, that infuses information about
learning dynamics in the objective. Second, to control curvature, we formulate the meta-objective
in terms of minimising distance (or divergence) to the bootstrapped target, thereby controlling
the meta-loss landscape. In this way, the meta-learner learns from its future self. This leads to
a bootstrapping effect where improvements beget further improvements. We present a detailed
formulation in Section 3; on a high level, as in previous works, we first unroll the meta-learned
update rule for K steps to obtain the learner’s new parameters. Whereas standard meta-objectives
optimise the update rule with respect to (w.r.t.) the learner’s performance under the new parameters,
our proposed algorithm constructs the meta-objective in two steps:
1. It bootstraps a target from the learner’s new parameters. In this paper, we generate targets
by continuing to update the learner’s parameters—either under the meta-learned update rule
or another update rule—for some number of steps.
2. The learner’s new parameters—which are a function of the meta-learner’s parameters—and
the target are projected onto a matching space. A simple example is Euclidean parameter
space. To control curvature, we may choose a different (pseudo-)metric space. For instance,
a common choice under probabilistic models is the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence.
The meta-learner is optimised by minimising distance to the bootstrapped target. We focus on
gradient-based optimisation, but other optimisation routines are equally applicable. By optimising
meta-parameters in a well-behaved space, we can drastically reduce ill-conditioning and other
phenomena that disrupt meta-optimisation. In particular, this form of Bootstrapped Meta-Gradient
(BMG) enables us to infuse information about future learning dynamics without increasing the
number of update steps to backpropagate through. In effect, the meta-learner becomes its own teacher.
We show that BMG can guarantee performance improvements (Theorem 1) and that this guarantee
can be stronger than under standard meta-gradients (Corollary 1). Empirically, we find that BMG
provides substantial performance improvements over standard meta-gradients in various settings. We
obtain a new state-of-the-art result for model-free agents on Atari (Section 5.2) and improve upon
MAML (Finn et al., 2017) in the few-shot setting (Section 6). Finally, we demonstrate how BMG
enables new forms of meta-learning, exemplified by meta-learning ε-greedy exploration (Section 5.1).
Bootstrapping as used here stems from temporal difference (TD) algorithms in reinforcement learning
(RL) (Sutton, 1988). In these algorithms, an agent learns a value function by using its own future
predictions as targets. Bootstrapping has recently been introduced in the self-supervised setting (Guo
et al., 2020; Grill et al., 2020). In this paper, we introduce the idea of bootstrapping in the context of
meta-learning, where a meta-learner learns about an update rule by generating future targets from it.
Our approach to target matching is related to methods in multi-task meta-learning (Flennerhag et al.,
2019; Nichol et al., 2018) that meta-learn an initialisation for SGD by minimising the Euclidean
distance to task-optimal parameters. BMG generalise this concept by allowing for arbitrary meta-
parameters, matching functions, and target bootstraps. It is further related the more general concept
of self-referential meta-learning (Schmidhuber, 1987; 1993), where the meta-learned update rule is
used to optimise its own meta-objective.
Target matching under KL divergences results in a form of distillation (Hinton et al., 2015), where
an online network (student) is encouraged to match a target network (teacher). In a typical setup,
the target is either a fixed (set of) expert(s) (Hinton et al., 2015; Rusu et al., 2015) or a moving
aggregation of current experts (Teh et al., 2017; Grill et al., 2020), whereas BMG bootstraps a target
by following an update rule. Finally, BMG is loosely inspired by trust-region methods that introduce
a distance function to regularize gradient updates (Pascanu & Bengio, 2014; Schulman et al., 2015;
Tomar et al., 2020; Hessel et al., 2021).
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
We begin in the single-task setting and turn
to multi-task meta-learning in Section 6. The
learner’s problem is to minimize a stochastic
objective f (x) := E[(cid:96)(x; ζ)] over a data distri-
bution p(ζ), where ζ denotes a source of data
and x ∈ X ⊂ Rnx denotes the learner’s pa-
rameters. In RL, f is typically the (negative)
expected value of a policy πx; in supervised
learning, f may be the expected negative log-
likelihood under a probabilistic model πx. We
provide precise formulations in Sections 5 and 6.
(x, f (x))
∇wµ(˜x, x(K)(w))
The meta-learner’s problem is to learn an up-
date rule ϕ : X × H × W → X that updates the
learner’s parameters by x(1) = x + ϕ(x, h, w)
given x ∈ X , a learning state h ∈ H, and
meta-parameters w ∈ W ⊂ Rnw of the update
rule. We make no assumptions on the update
rule other than differentiability in w. As such,
ϕ can be a recurrent neural network (Hochre-
iter et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2016; Andrychow-
icz et al., 2016) or gradient descent (Bengio,
2000; Maclaurin et al., 2015; Finn et al., 2017).
The learning state h contains any other data re-
quired to compute the update; in a black-box
setting h contains an observation and the re-
current state of the network; for gradient-based
updates, h contains the (estimated) gradient of
f at x along with any auxiliary information; for
instance, SGD is given by x(1) = x −α∇xf (x)
with h = ∇xf (x), w = α ∈ R+.
The standard meta-gradient (MG) optimises meta-parameters w by taking K steps under ϕ and
evaluating the resulting learner parameter vector under f . With a slight abuse of notation, let x(K)(w)
denote the learner’s parameters after K applications of ϕ starting from some (x, h, w), where (x, h)
evolve according to ϕ and the underlying data distribution. The MG update is defined by
Figure 1: Bootstrapped Meta-Gradients.
(s, πx(s))
w(cid:48) = w −β ∇wf
β ∈ R+ .
Extensions involve averaging the performance over all iterates x(1), . . . , x(K) (Andrychowicz et al.,
2016; Chen et al., 2016; Antoniou et al., 2019) or using validation data in the meta-objective (Bengio
et al., 1991; Maclaurin et al., 2015; Finn et al., 2017; Xu et al., 2018). We observe two bottlenecks in
the meta-objective in Eq. 1. First, the meta-objective is subject to the same curvature as the learner.
Thus if f is ill-conditioned, so will the meta-objective be. Second, the meta-objective is only able to
evaluate the meta-learner on dynamics up to the Kth step, but ignores effects of future updates.
To tackle myopia, we introduce a Target Bootstrap (TB) ξ : X (cid:55)→ X that maps the meta-learner’s out-
put x(K) into a bootstrapped target ˜x = ξ(x(K)). We focus on TBs that unroll ϕ a further L − 1 steps
before taking final gradient step on f , with targets of the form ˜x = x(K+L−1) −α∇f (x(K+L−1)).
This TB encourages the meta-learner to reach future states on its trajectory faster while nudging
the trajectory in a descent direction. Crucially, regardless of the bootstrapping strategy, we do not
backpropagate through the target. Akin to temporal difference learning in RL (Sutton, 1988), the
target is a fixed goal that the meta-learner should try to produce within the K-step budget.
Finally, to improve the meta-optimisation landscape, we introduce a matching function µ : X × X →
R+ that measures the (dis)similarity between the meta-learner’s output, x(K)(w), and the target, ˜x,
in a matching space defined by µ (see Figure 1). Taken together, the BMG update is defined by
˜w = w −β ∇w µ
˜x, x(K)(w)
β ∈ R+,
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
where the gradient is with respect to the second argument of µ. Thus, BMG describes a family of
algorithms based on the choice of matching function µ and TB ξ. In particular, MG is a special case of
2 ∇xf (x(K)),
BMG under matching function µ(˜x, x(K)) = (cid:107)˜x − x(K) (cid:107)2
since the bootstrapped meta-gradient reduces to the standard meta-gradient:
2 and TB ξ(x(K)) = x(K) − 1
= −2D
˜x − x(K)(cid:17)
= D∇xf
= ∇wf
(cid:13)˜x − x(K)(w)
where D denotes the (transposed) Jacobian of x(K)(w). For other matching functions and target
strategies, BMG produces different meta-updates compared to MG. We discuss these choices below.
Matching Function Of primary concern to us are models that output a probabilistic distribution,
πx. A common pseudo-metric over a space of probability distributions is the Kullback-Leibler (KL)
divergence. For instance, Natural Gradients (Amari, 1998) point in the direction of steepest descent
under the KL-divergence, often approximated through a KL-regularization term (Pascanu & Bengio,
2014). KL-divergences also arise naturally in RL algorithms (Kakade, 2001; Schulman et al., 2015;
2017; Abdolmaleki et al., 2018). Hence, a natural starting point is to consider KL-divergences
between the target and the iterate, e.g. µ(˜x, x(K)) = KL (π˜x (cid:107) πx(K) ). In actor-critic algorithms
(Sutton et al., 1999), the policy defines only part of the agent—the value function defines the other.
Thus, we also consider a composite matching function over both policy and value function.
Target Bootstrap We analyze conditions under which BMG guarantees performance improvements
in Section 4 and find that the target should co-align with the gradient direction. Thus, in this paper we
focus on gradient-based TBs and find that they perform well empirically. As with matching functions,
this is a small subset of all possible choices; we leave the exploration of other choices for future work.
In this analysis, we restrict attention to the noise-less setting (true expectations). In this setting, we ask
three questions: (1) what local performance guarantees are provided by MG? (2) What performance
guarantees can BMG provide? (3) How do these guarantees relate to each other? To answer these
questions, we analyse how the performance around f (x(K)(w)) changes by updating w either under
standard meta-gradients (Eq. 1) or bootstrapped meta-gradients (Eq. 2).
First, consider improvements under the MG update. In online optimisation, the MG update can
achieve strong convergence guarantees if the problem is well-behaved (van Erven & Koolen, 2016),
with similar guarantees in the multi-task setting (Balcan et al., 2019; Khodak et al., 2019; Denevi et al.,
2019). A central component of these results is that the MG update guarantees a local improvement
in the objective. Lemma 1 below presents this result in our setting, with the following notation:
let (cid:107) u (cid:107)A := (cid:112)(cid:104)u, A u(cid:105) for any square real matrix A. Let GT = DT D ∈ Rnx×nx, with D :=
∂ w x(K)(w)(cid:3)T
(cid:2) ∂
Lemma 1 (MG Descent). Let w(cid:48) be given by Eq. 1. For β sufficiently small, f (cid:0) x(K)(w(cid:48))(cid:1) −
f (cid:0) x(K)(w)(cid:1) = −β(cid:107)∇xf (x(K))(cid:107)
∈ Rnw×nx . Note that ∇wf (x(K)(w)) = D∇xf (x(K)).
GT + O(β2) < 0.
We defer all proofs to Appendix A. Lemma 1 relates the gains obtained under standard meta-gradients
to the local gradient norm of the objective. Because the meta-objective is given by f , the MG
update is not scale-free (c.f. Schraudolph, 1999), nor invariant to re-parameterisation. If f is highly
non-linear, the meta-gradient can vary widely, preventing efficient performance improvement. Next,
we turn to BMG, where we assume µ is differentiable and convex, with 0 being its minimum.
Theorem 1 (BMG Descent). Let ˜w be given by Eq. 2 for some TB ξ. The BMG update satisfies
f (cid:0) x(K)( ˜w)(cid:1) − f (cid:0) x(K)(w)(cid:1) =
µ(˜x, x(K) −αGT g) − µ(˜x, x(K))
+ o(β(α + β)).
For (α, β) sufficiently small, there exists infinitely many ξ for which f (cid:0) x(K)( ˜w)(cid:1)−f (cid:0) x(K)(w)(cid:1) < 0.
In particular, ξ(x(K)) = x(K) −αGT g yields improvements
f (cid:0) x(K)( ˜w)(cid:1) − f (cid:0) x(K)(w)(cid:1) = −
µ(˜x, x(K)) + o(β(α + β)) < 0.
This is not an optimal rate; there exists infinitely many TBs that yield greater improvements.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Theorem 1 portrays the inherent trade-off in BMG; targets should align with the local direction of
steepest descent, but provide as much learning signal as possible. Importantly, this theorem also
establishes that µ directly controls for curvature as improvements are expressed in terms of µ. While
the TB ξα
G(x(K)) := x(K) −αGT g yields performance improvements that are proportional to the
meta-loss itself, larger improvements are possible by choosing a TB that carries greater learning
signal (by increasing µ(˜x, x(K))). To demonstrate that BMG can guarantee larger improvements
to the update rule than MG, we consider the TB ξα
G with µ the (squared) Euclidean norm. Let
r := (cid:107)∇f (cid:0)x(K)(cid:1) (cid:107)2/(cid:107)GT ∇f (cid:0)x(K)(cid:1) (cid:107)2 denote the gradient norm ratio.
G(x(K)). Let w(cid:48) be given by Eq. 1 and ˜w be given by Eq. 2. For
Corollary 1. Let µ = (cid:107)·(cid:107)2
β sufficiently small, f (cid:0) x(K)( ˜w)(cid:1) ≤ f (cid:0) x(K)(w(cid:48))(cid:1), strictly if GGT (cid:54)= GT and GT ∇xf (x(K)) = 0.
2 and ˜x = ξr
Discussion Our analysis focuses on an arbitrary (albeit noiseless) objective f and establishes that
BMG can guarantee improved performance under a variety of TBs. We further show that BMG can
yield larger local improvements than MG. To identify optimal TBs, further assumptions are required
on f and µ, but given these Theorem 1 can serve as a starting point for more specialised analysis.
Empirically, we find that taking L steps on the meta-learned update with an final gradient step on the
objective performs well. Theorem 1 exposes a trade-off for targets that are “far” away. Empirically,
we observe clear benefits from bootstraps that unroll the meta-learner for several steps before taking
a gradient step on f ; exploring other forms of bootstraps is an exciting area for future research.
We consider a typical reinforcement learning problem, modelled as an MDP M = (S, A, P, R, γ).
Given an initial state s0 ∈ S, at each time step t ∈ N, the agent takes an action at ∼ πx(a | st) from
a policy π : S × A → [0, 1] parameterised by x. The agent obtains a reward rt+1 ∼ R(st, at, st+1)
based on the transition st+1 ∼ P(st+1 | st, at). The action-value of the agent’s policy given a
state s0 and action a0 is given by Qx(s0, a0) := E[(cid:80)∞
t=0 γtrt+1 | s0, a0, πx] under discount rate
γ ∈ [0, 1). The corresponding value of policy πx is given by Vx(s0) := Ea0∼πx(a | s0)[Qx(s0, a0)].
The agent’s problem is to learn a policy that maximises the value given an expectation over s0, defined
either by an initial state distribution in the episodic setting (e.g. Atari, Section 5.2) or the stationary
state-visitation distribution under the policy in the non-episodic setting (Section 5.1). Central to RL
is the notion of policy-improvement, which takes a current policy πx and constructs a new policy πx(cid:48)
such that E[Vx(cid:48)] ≥ E[Vx]. A common policy-improvement step is arg maxx(cid:48) Ea∼πx(cid:48) (a|s)[Qx(s, a)].
Most works in meta-RL rely on actor-critic algorithms (Sutton et al., 1999). These treat the above
policy-improvement step as an optimisation problem and estimate a policy-gradient (Williams
& Peng, 1991; Sutton et al., 1999) to optimise x. To estimate Vx, these introduce a critic vz
that is jointly trained with the policy. The policy is optimised under the current estimate of its
value function, while the critic is tracking the value function by minimizing a Temporal-Difference
(TD) error. Given a rollout τ = (s0, a0, r1, s1, . . . , rT , sT ), the objective is given by f (x, z) =
(cid:15)PG (cid:96)PG(x) + (cid:15)EN (cid:96)EN(x) + (cid:15)TD (cid:96)TD(z), (cid:15)PG, (cid:15)EN, (cid:15)TD ∈ R+, where
(cid:96)EN(x) =
πx(a | st) log πx(a | st),
(cid:96)TD(z) =
(cid:96)PG(x) = −
ρt log πx(at | st)
t − vz(st)
t − vz(st)
where ρt denotes an importance weight and G(n)
denotes an n-step bootstrap target. Its form depends
on the algorithm; in Section 5.1, we generate rollouts from πx (on-policy), in which case ρt = 1 and
γirt+i+1 + γnv¯z(st+n) ∀t, where ¯z denotes fixed (non-differentiable) parameters.
In the off-policy setting (Section 5.2), ρ corrects for sampling bias and G(n)
t = (cid:80)(n−1)
is similarly adjusted.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Figure 2: Non-stationary grid-world (Section 5.1). Left: Comparison of total returns under an
actor-critic agent over 50 seeds. Right: Learned entropy-regularization schedules. The figure depicts
the average regularization weight ((cid:15)) over 4 task-cycles at 6M steps in the environment.
We begin with a tabular grid-world with two items to collect.
Once an item is collected, it is randomly re-spawned. One item
yields a reward of +1 and the other a reward of −1. The reward
is flipped every 100,000 steps. To succeed, a memory-less
agent must efficiently re-explore the environment. We study an
on-policy actor-critic agent with (cid:15)PG = (cid:15)TD = 1. As baseline,
we tune a fixed entropy-rate weight (cid:15) = (cid:15)EN. We compare
against agents that meta-learn (cid:15) online. For MG, we use the
actor-critic loss as meta-objective ((cid:15) fixed), as per Eq. 1. The
setup is described in full in Appendix B.1
Figure 3: BMG ε-greedy explo-
ration under a Q(λ)-agent.
BMG Our primary focus is on the effect of bootstrapping. Be-
cause this setup is fully online, we can generate targets using
the most recent L−1 parameter updates and a final agent param-
eter update using (cid:15) = 0. Hence, the computational complexity
of BMG is constant in L under this implementation (see Appendix B.2). We define the matching
function as the KL-divergence between x(K) and the target, µ(˜x, x(K)(w)) = KL (π˜x (cid:107) πx(K) ).
Figure 2 presents our main findings. Both MG and BMG learn adaptive entropy-rate schedules that
outperform the baseline. However, MG fails if (cid:15) = 0 in the meta-objective, as it becomes overly
greedy (Figure 9). MG shows no clear benefit of longer meta-learning horizons, indicating that
myopia stems from the objective itself. In contrast, BMG exhibits greater adaptive capacity and is
able to utilise greater meta-learning horizons. Too short horizons induce myopia, whereas too long
prevent efficient adaptation. For a given horizon, increasing K is uniformly beneficial. Finally, we
find that BMG outperforms MG for a given horizon without backpropagating through all updates.
For instance, for K = 8, BMG outperforms MG with K = 1 and L = 7. Our ablation studies
(Appendix B.2) show that increasing the target bootstrap length counters myopia; however, using the
meta-learned update rule for all L steps can derail meta-optimization.
Next, we consider a new form of meta-learning: learning ε-greedy exploration in a Q(λ)-agent
(precise formulation in Appendix B.3). While the ε parameter has a similar effect to entropy-
regularization, ε is a parameter applied in the behaviour-policy while acting. As it does not feature in
the loss function, it is not readily optimized by existing meta-gradient approaches. In contrast, BMG
can be implemented by matching the policy derived from a target action-value function, precisely as
in the actor-critic case. An implication is that BMG can meta-learn without backpropagating through
the update rule. Significantly, this opens up to meta-learning (parts of) the behaviour policy, which is
hard to achieve in the MG setup as the behaviour policy is not used in the update rule. Figure 3 shows
that meta-learning ε-greedy exploration in this environment significantly outperforms the best fixed ε
found by hyper-parameter tuning. As in the actor-critic case, we find that BMG responds positively
to longer meta-learning horizons (larger L); see Appendix B.3, Figure 12 for detailed results.
248163264outer=0outer=0.1K+L111313713715137153113715311371531K0. after 10M steps (Millions)Bootstrapped Meta-gradientsMeta-gradientsNo MG0.050.150.25Rew./Step0100000200000300000Env Steps into Cycle0. RateNo MGBMGMG0.050.150.25Rew./Step0100000200000300000Env Steps into Cycle0. MGL=16L=32L=128Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Figure 4: Human-normalized score across the 57 games in Atari ALE. Left: per-game difference in
score between BMG and our implementation of STACX∗ at 200M frames. Right: Median scores
over learning compared to published baselines. Shading depict standard deviation across 3 seeds.
High-performing RL agents tend to rely on distributed learning systems to improve data efficiency
(Kapturowski et al., 2018; Espeholt et al., 2018). This presents serious challenges for meta-learning
as the policy gradient becomes noisy and volatile due to off-policy estimation (Xu et al., 2018;
Zahavy et al., 2020). Theorem 1 suggests that BMG can be particularly effective in this setting under
the appropriate distance function. To test these predictions, we adapt the Self-Tuning Actor-Critic
(STACX; Zahavy et al., 2020) to meta-learn under BMG on the 57 environments in the Atari Arcade
Learning Environment (ALE; Bellemare et al., 2013).
Protocol We follow the original IMPALA setup (Espeholt et al., 2018), but we do not downsample
or gray-scale inputs. Following the literature, we train for 200 million frames and evaluate agent
performance by median Human Normalized Score (HNS) across 3 seeds (Espeholt et al., 2018; Xu
et al., 2018; Zahavy et al., 2020).
STACX The IMPALA actor-critic agent runs multiple actors asynchronously to generate experience
for a centralized learner. The learner uses truncated importance sampling to correct for off-policy
data in the actor-critic update, which adjusts ρ and ˆV in Eq. 4. The STACX agent (Zahavy et al.,
2020) is a state-of-the-art meta-RL agent. It builds on IMPALA in two ways: (1) it introduces
auxiliary tasks in the form of additional objectives that differ only in their hyper-parameters; (2) it
meta-learns the hyper-parameters of each loss function (main and auxiliary). Meta-parameters are
given by w = (γi, (cid:15)i
i=1 , where λ and α are hyper-parameters of the importance
weighting mechanism and n = 2 denotes the number of auxiliary tasks. STACX uses the IMPALA
objective as the meta-objective with K = 1. See Appendix C for a complete description.
TD, λi, αi)1+n
EN, (cid:15)i
PG, (cid:15)i
BMG We conduct ceteris-paribus comparisons that only alter the meta-objective: agent parameter
updates are identical to those in STACX. When L = 1, the target takes a gradient step on the original
IMPALA loss, and hence the only difference is the form of the meta-objective; they both use the
same data and gradient information. For L > 1, the first L − 1 steps bootstrap from the meta-learned
update rule itself. To avoid overfitting, each of the L − 1 steps use separate replay data; this extra
data is not used anywhere else. To understand matching functions, we test policy matching and
value matching. Policy matching is defined by µ(˜x, x(K)(w)) = KL (π˜x (cid:107) πx(1)); we also test a
symmetric KL-divergence (KL-S). Value matching is defined by µ(˜z, z(1)(w)) := E(cid:2)(v˜z − vz(1))2(cid:3).
Figure 4 presents our main comparison. BMG with L = 1 and policy-matching (KL) obtains a
median HNS of ~500%, compared to ~350% for STACX. Recall that for L = 1, BMG uses the
same data to compute agent parameter update, target update, and matching loss; hence this is an
apples-to-apples comparison. Using both policy matching and value matching (with 0.25 weight
on the latter) further improves the score to ~520% and outperforms STACX across almost all 57
games, with a few minor exceptions (left panel, Figure 4). These results are obtained without tuning
hyper-parameters for BMG. Finally, extending the meta-learning horizon by setting L = 4 and
adjusting gradient clipping from .3 to .2 obtains a score of ~610%.
Games with absolute difference > 0.5010203040Relative performance050M100M150M200MLearning frames0123456Median human normalized scoreIMPALA192%, [8]Metagradient287%, [44]STACX364%, [45]LASER431%, [32]BMG611% (ours)BMG w. KL & V, L=4BMG w. KL & VBMG w. KLSTACX*Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Figure 5: Ablations on Atari. Left: human normalized score decomposition of TB w.r.t. optimizer
(SGD, RMS), matching function (L2, KL, KL & V), and bootstrap steps (L). BMG with (SGD,
L2, L = 1) is equivalent to STACX. Center: episode return on Ms Pacman for different L. Right:
distribution of episode returns over all 57 games, normalized per-game by mean and standard
deviation. All results are reported between 190-200M frames over 3 independent seeds.
In Figure 5, we turn to ablations. In the left-panel, we deconstruct BMG into STACX (i.e., MG)
and compare performances. We find that roughly 45% of the performance gains comes from
curvature correction (given by using RMSProp in the target bootstrap). The matching function can
further control curvature to obtain performance improvements, accounting for roughly 25%. Finally,
increasing L, thereby reducing myopia, accounts for about 30% of the performance improvement.
Comparing the cosine similarity between consequtive meta-gradients, we find that BMG improves
upon STACX by two orders of magnitude. Detailed ablations in Appendix C.1.
The center panel of Figure 5 provides a deep-dive in the effect of increasing the meta-learning horizon
(L > 1) in Ms Pacman. Performance is uniformly increasing in L, providing further support that
BMG can increase the effective meta-horizon without increasing the number of update steps to
backpropagate through. A more in-depth analysis Appendix C.3 reveals that K is more sensitive to
curvature and the quality of data. However, bootstrapping only from the meta-learner for all L steps
can lead to degeneracy (Appendix C.2, Figure 14). In terms of replay (Appendix C.2), while standard
MG degrades with more replay, BMG benefits from more replay in the target bootstrap.
The right panel of Figure 5 studies the effect of the matching function. Overall, joint policy and value
matching exhibits best performance. In contrast to recent work (Tomar et al., 2020; Hessel et al.,
2021), we do not find that reversing the KL-direction is beneficial. Using only value-matching results
in worse performance, as it does not optimise for efficient policy improvements. Finally, we conduct
detailed analysis of scalability in Appendix C.4. While BMG is 20% slower for K = 1, L = 1 due to
the target bootstrap, it is 200% faster when MG uses K = 4 and BMG uses K = 1, L = 3.
Multi-task meta-learning introduces an expectation over task objectives. BMG is applied by comput-
ing task-specific bootstrap targets, with the meta-gradient being the expectation over task-specific
matching losses. For a general multi-task formulation, see Appendix D; here we focus on the few-shot
classification paradigm. Let fD : X → R denote the negative log-likelihood loss on some data D. A
task is defined as a pair of datasets (Dτ , D(cid:48)
τ is a validation set.
In the M -shot-N -way setting, each task has N classes and Dτ contains M observations per class.
τ ), where Dτ is a training set and D(cid:48)
The goal of this experiment is to study how the BMG objective behaves in the multi-task setting.
For this purpose, we focus on the canonical MAML setup (Finn et al., 2017), which meta-learns an
initialisation x(0)
τ = w for SGD that is shared across a task distribution p(τ ). Adaptation is defined
by x(k)
τ = x(k−1)
), with α ∈ R+ fixed. The meta-objective is the validation loss in
expectation over the task distribution: E[fD(cid:48)
(w))]. Several works have extended this setup by
altering the update rule (ϕ) (Lee & Choi, 2018; Zintgraf et al., 2019; Park & Oliva, 2019; Flennerhag
et al., 2020). As our focus is on the meta-objective, we focus on comparisons with MAML.
+α∇fDτ (x(k−1)
SGDL2L=1RMSL2L=1RMSKLL=1RMSKL & VL=1RMSKL & VL= normalized scoreKLKL & V2025303540Episode Return (1000x)L12482024Normalized mean episode return0. & VKL-SKLVPublished as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Figure 6: MiniImagenet 5-way-5-shot meta-test performance. Left: performance as a function of
meta-training batches. Center: performance as a function of wall-clock time. Right: best reported
performance under each K. Error bars depict standard deviation across 3 seeds.
BMG For each task, a target ˜xτ is bootstrapped by taking L SGD steps from x(K)
using validation
data. The BMG objective is the expected distance, E[µ(˜xτ , x(K)
)]. The KL-divergence as matching
function has an interesting connection to MG. The target ˜xτ can be seen as an “expert” on task τ
so that BMG is a form of distillation (Hinton et al., 2015). The log-likelihood loss used by MG is
also a KL divergence, but w.r.t. a “cold” expert that places all mass on the true label. Raising the
temperature in the target can allow BMG to transfer more information (Hinton & Plaut, 1987).
Setup We use the MiniImagenet benchmark (Vinyals et al., 2016) and study two forms of efficiency:
for data efficiency, we compare meta-test performance as function of the number of meta-training
batches; for computational efficiency, we compare meta-test performance as a function of training
time. To reflect what each method would achieve for a given computational budget, we report
meta-test performance for the hyper-parameter configuration with best meta-validation performance.
For MG, we tune the meta-learning rate β ∈ {10−3, 10−4}, K ∈ {1, 5, 10}, and options to use
first-order approximations ((FOMAML; Finn et al., 2017) or (ANIL; Raghu et al., 2020)). For BMG,
we tune β ∈ {10−3, 10−4}, K ∈ {1, 5}, as well as L ∈ {1, 5, 10}, and the direction of the KL.
The left panel of Figure 6 presents results on data efficiency. For few meta-updates, MG and BMG are
on par. For 50 000 meta-updates and beyond, BMG achieves strictly superior performance, with the
performance delta increasing over meta-updates. The central panel presents results on computational
efficiency; we plot the time required to reach a given meta-test performance. This describes the
relationship between performance and computational complexity. We find BMG exhibits better
scaling properties, reaching the best performance of MG in approximately half the time. Finally, in
the right panel, we study the effect of varying K. BMG achieves higher performance for both K = 1
and K = 5. We allow MG to also use K = 10, but this did not yield any significant gains. We
conduct an analysis of the impact BMG has on curvature and meta-gradient variance in Appendix D.3.
To summarise, we find that BMG significantly improves upon the MG meta-objective, both in terms
of data efficiency, computational efficiency, and final performance.
In this paper, we have put forth the notion that efficient meta-learning does not require the meta-
objective to be expressed directly in terms of the learner’s objective. Instead, we present an alternative
approach that relies on having the meta-learner match a desired target. Here, we bootstrap from the
meta-learned update rule itself to produce future targets. While using the meta-learned update rule as
the bootstrap allows for an open-ended meta-learning process, some grounding is necessary. As an
instance of this approach, we study bootstrapped meta-gradients, which can guarantee performance
improvements under appropriate choices of targets and matching functions that can be larger than
those of standard meta-gradients. Empirically, we observe substantial improvements on Atari and
achieve a new state-of-the-art, while obtaining significant efficiency gains in a multi-task meta-
learning setting. We explore new possibilities afforded by the target-matching nature of the algorithm
and demonstrate that it can learn to explore in an (cid:15)-greedy Q-learning agent.
0100200300Meta-train batches (thousands)62636465Meta-test accuracy (%)BMGMG62636465Meta-test accuracy (%)0510152025Meta-training time (h)BMGMG1510K63.564.064.565.065.5Meta-test accuracy (%)BMGMGPublished as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
The authors would like to thank Guillaume Desjardins, Junhyuk Oh, Louisa Zintgraf, Razvan Pascanu,
and Nando de Freitas for insightful feedback on earlier versions of this paper. The author are also
grateful for useful feedback from anonymous reviewers, that helped improve the paper and its results.
This work was funded by DeepMind.
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Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Bootstrapped Meta-Learning: Appendix
Appendix A: proofs accompanying Section 4.
Appendix B: non-stationary Grid-World (Section 5.1).
Appendix C: ALE Atari (Section 5.2).
Appendix D: Multi-task meta-learning, Few-Shot Learning on MiniImagenet (Section 6).
This section provides complete proofs for the results in Section 4. Throughout, we assume that
(x(0), h(0), w) is given and write x := x(0), h := h(0). We assume that h evolves according to some
process that maps a history H (k) := (x(0), h(0), . . . , x(k−1), h(k−1), x(k)) into a new learner state
h(k), including any sampling of data (c.f. Section 3). Recall that we restrict attention to the noiseless
setting, and hence updates are considered in expectation. We define the map x(K)(w) by
x(1) = x(0) + ϕ(cid:0) x(0), h(0), w (cid:1)
x(2) = x(1) + ϕ(cid:0) x(1), h(1), w (cid:1)
x(K) = x(K−1) + ϕ(cid:0) x(K−1), h(K−1), w (cid:1).
The derivative ∂
∂ w x(K)(w) differentiates through each step of this process (Hochreiter et al., 2001).
As previously stated, we assume f is Lipschitz and that x(K) is Lipschitz w.r.t. w. We are now in a
position to prove results from the main text. We re-state them for convenience.
Lemma 1 (MG Descent). Let w(cid:48) be given by Eq. 1. For β sufficiently small, f (cid:0) x(K)(w(cid:48))(cid:1) −
f (cid:0) x(K)(w)(cid:1) = −β(cid:107)∇xf (x(K))(cid:107)
GT + o(β2) < 0.
Proof. Define g := ∇xf (x(K)(w)). The meta-gradient at (x, h, w) is given by ∇wf (x(K)(w)) =
D g. Under Eq. 1, we find w(cid:48) = w −βD g. By first-order Taylor Series Expansion of f around
(x, h, w(cid:48)) with respect to w:
f (cid:0) x(K)(w(cid:48))(cid:1) = f (cid:0) x(K)(w)(cid:1) + (cid:104)D g, w(cid:48) − w(cid:105) + o(β2(cid:107) g (cid:107)2
GT )
= f (cid:0) x(K)(w)(cid:1) − β(cid:104)D g, D g(cid:105) + o(β2(cid:107) g (cid:107)2
= f (cid:0) x(K)(w)(cid:1) − β(cid:107) g (cid:107)2
GT + o(β2(cid:107) g (cid:107)2
GT ),
GT )
with (cid:107) g (cid:107)2
vanishes and the conclusion follows.
GT ≥ 0 by virtue of positive semi-definiteness of G. Hence, for β2 small the residual
Theorem 1 (BMG Descent). Let ˜w be given by Eq. 2 for some TB ξ. The BMG update satisfies
f (cid:0) x(K)( ˜w)(cid:1) − f (cid:0) x(K)(w)(cid:1) =
µ(˜x, x(K) −αGT g) − µ(˜x, x(K))
+ o(β(α + β)).
For (α, β) sufficiently small, there exists infinitely many ξ for which f (cid:0) x(K)( ˜w)(cid:1)−f (cid:0) x(K)(w)(cid:1) < 0.
In particular, ξ(x(K)) = x(K) −αGT g yields improvements
f (cid:0) x(K)( ˜w)(cid:1) − f (cid:0) x(K)(w)(cid:1) = −
µ(˜x, x(K)) + o(β(α + β)) < 0.
This is not an optimal rate; there exists infinitely many TBs that yield greater improvements.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Proof. The bootstrapped meta-gradient at (x, h, w) is given by
˜x, x(K)(w)
= D u, where u := ∇zµ(cid:0)˜x, z (cid:1)(cid:12)
Under Eq. 2, we find ˜w = w −βD u. Define g := ∇xf (x(K)). By first-order Taylor Series
Expansion of f around (x, h, ˜w) with respect to w:
f (cid:0) x(K)( ˜w)(cid:1) = f (cid:0) x(K)(w)(cid:1) + (cid:104)D g, ˜w − w(cid:105) + o(β2(cid:107)D u (cid:107)2
= f (cid:0) x(K)(w)(cid:1) − β(cid:104)D g, D u(cid:105) + o(β2(cid:107)D u (cid:107)2
= f (cid:0) x(K)(w)(cid:1) − β(cid:104)u, GT g(cid:105) + o(β2(cid:107) u (cid:107)2
GT ).
To bound the inner product, expand µ(˜x, ·) around a point x(K) + d, where d ∈ Rnx , w.r.t. x(K):
µ(˜x, x(K) + d) = µ(˜x, x(K)) + (cid:104)u, d(cid:105) + o((cid:107) d (cid:107)2
Thus, choose d = −αGT g, for some α ∈ R+ and rearrange to get
−β(cid:104)u, GT g(cid:105) =
µ(˜x, x(K) −αGT g) − µ(˜x, x(K))
+ o(αβ(cid:107) g (cid:107)2
GT ).
Substitute into Eq. 5 to obtain
f (cid:0) x(K)( ˜w)(cid:1) − f (cid:0) x(K)(w)(cid:1) =
µ(˜x, x(K) −αGT g) − µ(˜x, x(K))
+ o(αβ(cid:107) g (cid:107)2
GT + β2(cid:107) u (cid:107)2
GT ).
Thus, the BMG update comes out as the difference between to distances. The first distance is a
distortion terms that measures how well the target aligns to the tangent vector −GT g, which is the
direction of steepest descent in the immediate vicinity of x(K) (c.f. Lemma 1). The second term
measures learning; greater distance carry more signal for meta-learning. The two combined captures
the inherent trade-off in BMG; moving the target further away increases distortions from curvature,
but may also increase the learning signal. Finally, the residual captures distortions due to curvature.
Existence. To show that there always exists a target that guarantees a descent direction, choose
˜x = x(K) −αGT g. This eliminates the first distance in Eq. 6 as the target is perfectly aligned the
direction of steepest descent and we obtain
f (cid:0) x(K)( ˜w)(cid:1) − f (cid:0) x(K)(w)(cid:1) = −
µ(˜x, x(K)) + o(β(α + β)).
The residual vanishes exponentially fast as α and β go to 0. Hence, there is some (¯α, ¯β) ∈ R2
+ such
that for any (α, β) ∈ (0, ¯α) × (0, ¯β), f (cid:0) x(K)( ˜w)(cid:1) − f (cid:0) x(K)(w)(cid:1) < 0. For any such choice of
(α, β), by virtue of differentiability in µ there exists some neighborhood N around x(K) −αGT g
for which any ˜x ∈ N satisfy f (cid:0) x(K)( ˜w)(cid:1) − f (cid:0) x(K)(w)(cid:1) < 0.
Efficiency. We are to show that, given (α, β), the set of optimal targets does not include ˜x =
x(K) −αGT g. To show this, it is sufficient to demonstrate that show that this is not a local minimum
of the right hand-side in Eq. 6. Indeed,
(cid:18) β
µ(˜x, x(K) −αGT g) − µ(˜x, x(K))
+ o(αβ(cid:107) g (cid:107)2
GT + β2(cid:107) u (cid:107)2
GT )
(cid:12)˜x=x(K) −αGT g
= −
∇˜x µ(˜x, x(K))
(cid:12)˜x=x(K) −αGT g
+ β2 o (cid:54)= 0,
where β2 o is the gradient of the residual ((cid:107) u (cid:107)2
2 depends on ˜x) w.r.t. ˜x = x(K) −αGT g. To
complete the proof, let ˜u denote the above gradient. Construct an alternative target ˜x(cid:48) = ˜x − η ˜u
for some η ∈ R+. By standard gradient descent argument, there is some ¯η such that any η ∈ (0, ¯η)
yields an alternate target ˜x(cid:48) that improves over ˜x.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
G(x(K)) = x(K) −αGT ∇f x(K). Consider ξr
We now prove that, controlling for scale, BMG can yield larger performance gains than MG. Recall
that ξα
G, with r := (cid:107)∇f (x(K))(cid:107)2/(cid:107)GT ∇f (x(K))(cid:107)2.
Corollary 1. Let µ = (cid:107) · (cid:107)2
For β sufficiently small, f (cid:0) x(K)( ˜w)(cid:1) ≤ f (cid:0) x(K)(w(cid:48))(cid:1), with strict inequality if GGT (cid:54)= GT .
G(x(K)). Let w(cid:48) be given by Eq. 1 and ˜w be given by Eq. 2.
2 and ˜x = ξr
Proof. Let g := ∇xf (cid:0) x(K) (cid:1). By Lemma 1, f (cid:0) x(K)(w(cid:48))(cid:1)−f (cid:0) x(K)(w)(cid:1) = −β(cid:104)GT g, g(cid:105)+O(β2).
2, f (cid:0) x(K)( ˜w)(cid:1) − f (cid:0) x(K)(w)(cid:1) = −r(cid:104)GT g, GT g(cid:105) + O(β(α + β)).
From Theorem 1, with µ = (cid:107) · (cid:107)2
For β sufficiently small, the inner products dominate and we have
f (cid:0) x(K)( ˜w)(cid:1) − f (cid:0) x(K)(w(cid:48))(cid:1) ≈ −β (cid:0)r(cid:104)GT g, GT g(cid:105) − (cid:104)GT g, g(cid:105)(cid:1) .
To determine the sign of the expression in parenthesis, consider the problem
(cid:104)GT g, v(cid:105)
s.t. (cid:107) v (cid:107)2 ≤ 1.
Form the Lagrangian L(v, λ) := (cid:104)GT g, v(cid:105) − λ((cid:107) v (cid:107)2 − 1). Solve for first-order conditions:
GT g −λ
(cid:107) v∗ (cid:107)2
= 0 =⇒ v∗ =
(cid:107) v∗ (cid:107)2
GT g .
If λ = 0, then we must have (cid:107) v∗ (cid:107)20, which clearly is not an optimal solution. Complementary slack-
ness then implies (cid:107) v∗ (cid:107)2 = 1, which gives λ = (cid:107) v∗ (cid:107)2(cid:107)GT g (cid:107)2 and hence v∗ = GT g /(cid:107)GT g (cid:107)2.
By virtue of being the maximiser, v∗ attains a higher function value than any other v with (cid:107) v (cid:107)2 ≤ 1,
in particular v = g /(cid:107) g (cid:107)2. Evaluating the objective at these two points gives
(cid:104)GT g, GT g(cid:105)
(cid:107)GT g (cid:107)2
(cid:104)GT g, g(cid:105)
(cid:107) g (cid:107)2
=⇒ r(cid:104)GT g, GT g(cid:105) ≥ (cid:104)GT g, g(cid:105),
where we use that r = (cid:107) g (cid:107)2/(cid:107)GT g (cid:107)2 by definition. Thus f (cid:0) x(K)( ˜w)(cid:1) ≤ f (cid:0) x(K)(w(cid:48))(cid:1), with
strict inequality if GGT (cid:54)= GT and GT g (cid:54)= 0.
This experiment is designed to provide a controlled setting to delineate the dif-
ferences between standard meta-gradients and bootstrapped meta-gradients. The
environment is a 5×5 grid world with two objects; a blue and a red square (Figure 7).
Thus, we refer to this environment as the two-colors domain. At each step, the
agent (green) can take an action to move either up, down, left, or right and observes
the position of each square and itself. If the agent reaches a coloured square, it
obtains a reward of either +1 or −1 while the colour is randomly moved to an unoc-
cupied location. Every 100 000 steps, the reward for each object flips. For all other
transitions, the agent obtains a reward of −0.04. Observations are constructed by
concatenating one-hot encodings of the each x- and y-coordinate of the two colours
and the agent’s position, with a total dimension of 2 × 3 × 5 = 30 (two coordinates
for each of three objects, with each one-hot vector being 5-dimensional).
The two-colors domain is designed such that the central component determining
how well a memory-less agent adapts is its exploration. Our agents can only regulate
exploration through policy entropy. Thus, to converge on optimal task behaviour,
the agent must reduce policy entropy. Once the task switches, the agent encounters
what is effectively a novel task (due to it being memory-less). To rapidly adapt
the agent must first increase entropy in the policy to cover the state-space. Once the agent observe
rewarding behaviour, it must then reduce entropy to converge on task-optimal behaviour.
All experiments run on the CPU of a single machine. The agent interacts with the environment and
update its parameters synchronously in a single stream of experience. A step is thus comprised of
the following operations, in order: (1) given observation, agent takes action, (2) if applicable, agent
update its parameters, (3) environment transitions based on action and return new observation. The
parameter update step is implemented differently depending on the agent, described below.
Figure 7:
navigating the
green square.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Algorithm 1 N -step RL actor loop
Require: N
Require: x ∈ Rnx
Require: s
B ← (s)
for t = 1, 2, . . . , N do
a ∼ πx(s)
s, r ← env(s, a)
B ← B ∪(a, r, s)
end for
return s, B
Algorithm 2 K-step online learning loop
Require: N, K
Require: x ∈ Rnx , z ∈ Rnz , w ∈ Rnw
Require: s
for k = 1, 2, . . . , K do
s, B ← ActorLoop(x, s, N )
(x, z) ← ϕ((x, z), B, w)
end for
return s, x, z, B
Algorithm 3 Online RL with BMG
(cid:46) Rollout length.
(cid:46) Policy parameters.
(cid:46) Environment state.
(cid:46) Initialise rollout.
(cid:46) Sample action.
(cid:46) Take a step in environment.
(cid:46) Add to rollout.
(cid:46) Rollout length, meta-update length.
(cid:46) Policy, value function, and meta parameters.
(cid:46) Environment state.
(cid:46) Algorithm 1.
(cid:46) Inner update step.
Require: N, K, L
Require: x ∈ Rnx , z ∈ Rnz , w ∈ Rnw
Require: s
(cid:46) Rollout length, meta-update length, bootstrap length.
(cid:46) Policy, value function, and meta parameters.
(cid:46) Environment state.
u ← (x, z)
while True do
s, u(K), _ ← InnerLoop(u, w, s, N, K)
s, u(K+L−1), B ← InnerLoop(u(K), w, s, N, L − 1)
˜u ← u(K+L−1) −α∇u(cid:96)(u(K+L−1), B)
w ← w −β∇wµ(˜u, u(K)(w))
u ← u(K+L−1)
(cid:46) K-step inner loop, Algorithm 2.
(cid:46) L − 1 bootstrap, Algorithm 2.
(cid:46) Gradient step on objective (cid:96).
(cid:46) BMG outer step.
(cid:46) Continue from most resent parameters.
end while
Agent The first agent we evaluate is a simple actor-critic which implements a softmax policy (πx)
and a critic (vz) using separate feed-forward MLPs. Agent parameter updates are done according to
the actor-critic loss in Eq. 4 with the on-policy n-step return target. For a given parameterisation of the
agent, we interact with the environment for N = 16 steps, collecting all observations, rewards, and
actions into a rollout (Algorithm 1). When the rollout is full, the agent update its parameters under
the actor-critic loss with SGD as the optimiser (Algorithm 2). To isolate the effect of meta-learning,
all hyper-parameters except the entropy regularization weight ((cid:15) = (cid:15)EN) are fixed (Table 1); for each
agent, we sweep for the learning rate that yields highest cumulative reward within a 10 million step
budget. For the non-adaptive baseline, we additionally sweep for the best regularization weight.
Meta-learning To meta-learn the entropy regularization weight, we introduce a small MLP with
meta-parameters w that ingests a statistic t of the learning process—the average reward over each of
the 10 most recent rollouts—and predicts the entropy rate (cid:15)w(t) ∈ R+ to use in the agent’s parameter
update of x. To compute meta-updates, for a given horizon T = K or T = K + (L − 1), we fix w
and make T agent parameter updates to obtain a sequence (τ1, x(1), z(1), . . . , τT , x(T ), z(T )).
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
(a) Fixed entropy-regularization
(b) Meta-gradients
(c) Meta-gradients + regularization
Figure 8: Total rewards on two-colors with actor-critics. Shading: standard deviation over 50 seeds.
(d) Bootstrapped meta-gradients
MG is optimised by averaging each policy and entropy loss encountered in the sequence, i.e. the
meta-objective is given by 1
EN(x(t)(w)), where (cid:15)meta ∈ {0, 0.1} is a
PG(x(t)(w)) + (cid:15)meta(cid:96)t
fixed hyper-parameter and (cid:96)t implies that the objective is computed under τt.
t=1 (cid:96)t
PG(x(T )) + (cid:15)meta(cid:96)T
BMG is optimised by computing the matching loss µτT (˜x, x(K)(w)), where ˜x is given by ˜x =
x(T ) −β∇x((cid:96)T
EN(x(T ))). That is to say, the TB “unrolls” the meta-learner for L − 1
steps, starting from (x(K), z(K)), and takes a final policy-gradient step ((cid:15)meta = 0 unless otherwise
noted). Thus, in this setting, our TB exploits that the first (L − 1) steps have already been taken
by the agent during the course of learning (Algorithm 3). Moreover, the final Lth step only differs
in the entropy regularization weight, and can therefore be implemented without an extra gradient
computation. As such, the meta-update under BMG exhibit no great computational overhead to the
MG update. In practice, we observe no significant difference in wall-clock speed for a given K.
Main experiment: detailed results The purpose of our main experiment Section 5.1 is to (a) test
whether larger meta-learning horizons—particularly by increasing L—can mitigate the short-horizon
bias, and (b) test whether the agent can learn an exploration schedule without explicit domain
knowledge in the meta-objective (in the form of entropy regularization). As reported in Section 5.1,
we find the answer to be affirmative in both cases. To shed further light on these findings, Figure 8
Figure 9: Range of the entropy of a softmax-policy over time (2-colors). Each shaded area shows the
difference between the entropy 3333 steps after the agent observes a new entropy and the entropy
after training on the reward-function for 100000 steps. Meta-gradients without explicit entropy-
regularization (left) reduce entropy over time while Bootstrapped meta-gradients (right) maintain
entropy with a large enough meta-learning horizon. Averaged across 50 seeds.
18 Reward (Millions) Reward (Millions)K=1K=3K=7K=15K=310. Reward (Millions)K=1K=3K=7K=15K=310. Reward1e6K+L= Steps1e70.250.500.751.001.25EntropyK=1K=3K=7K= Steps1e70.51.0EntropyK=1, L=1K=1, L=3K=1, L=7K=1, L=15Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Figure 10: Ablations for actor-critic agent with BMG. Each shaded area shows the range of entropy
regularization weights generated by the meta-learner. The range is computed as the difference
between (cid:15) at the beginning and end of each reward-cycle. Left: entropy regularization weight range
when K = 1 and L = 7. Center: entropy regularization weight range when K = 1 and L = 1. Right:
For K = 1 effect of increasing L with or without meta-entropy regularization. Result aggregated
over 50 seeds.
reports cumulative reward curves for our main experiment in Section 5.1. We note that MG tends
to collapse for any K unless the meta-objective is explicitly regularized via (cid:15)meta. To characterise
why MG fail for (cid:15)meta = 0, Figure 9 portrays the policy entropy range under either MG or BMG.
MG is clearly overly myopic by continually shrinking the entropy range, ultimately resulting in a
non-adaptive policy.
Ablation: meta-regularization To fully control for the
role of meta-regularization, we conduct further exper-
iments by comparing BMG with and without entropy
regularization (i.e. (cid:15)meta) in the Lth target update step.
Figure 10 demonstrates that BMG indeed suffers from
myopia when L = 1, resulting in a collapse of the en-
tropy regularization weight range. However, increasing
the meta-learning horizon by setting L = 7 obtains a wide
entropy regularization weight range. While adding meta-
regularization does expand the range somewhat, the dif-
ference in total return is not statistically significant (right
panel, Figure 10).
Ablation: target bootstrap Our main TB takes L − 1
steps under the meta-learned update rule, i.e. the meta-
learned entropy regularization weight schedule, and an
Lth policy-gradient step without entropy regularization.
In this ablation, we very that taking a final step under a
different update rule is indeed critical. Figure 10 shows that, for K = 1 and L ∈ {1, 7}, using the
meta-learned update rule for all target update steps leads to a positive feedback loop that results in
maximal entropy regularization, leading to a catastrophic loss of performance (right panel, Figure 10).
Figure 11: Total reward on two-colors
with an actor-critic agent and different
matching functions for BMG. Shading:
standard deviation over 50 seeds.
Ablation: matching function Finally, we control for different choices of matching function.
Figure 11 contrasts the mode-covering version, KL-1, with the mode-seeking version, KL-2, as well
as the symmetric KL. We observe that, in this experiment, this choice is not as significant as in other
experiments. However, as in Atari, we find a the mode-covering version to perform slightly better.
In this experiment, we test Peng’s Q(λ) (Peng & Williams, 1994) agent with ε-greedy
exploration. The agent implements a feed-forward MLP to represent a Q-function qx that is optimised
online. Thus, agent parameter update steps do not use batching but is done online (i.e. on each step).
To avoid instability, we use a momentum term that maintains an Exponentially Moving Average
(EMA) over the agent parameter gradient. In this experiment we fix all hyper-parameters of the
update rule (Table 1) and instead focuses on meta-learned ε-greedy exploration.
19 Steps1e70. weightmeta=meta=0meta= Steps1e70. weightmeta=meta=0meta=0.1meta=0meta=0.1meta=Type of target update0. returns1e6K+L=2K+L=4K+L= Steps1e70. Return (Millions)Matching functionK+LKL-S8KL-14KL-2Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Figure 12: Results on two-colors under a Q(λ) agent with meta-learned ε-greedy exploration under
BMG. Averaged over 50 seeds.
BMG We implement BMG in a similar fashion to the actor-critic case. The meta-learner is
represented by a smaller MLP εw(·) with meta-parameters w that ingests the last 50 rewards, denoted
by t, and outputs the ε to use on the current time-step. That is to say, given meta-parameters w, the
agent’s policy is defined by
πx(a | st, tt, w) =
1 − εw(tt) + εw(tt)
a = arg max b qx(st, b)
Policy-matching This policy can be seen as a stochastic policy which takes the Q-maximizing
action with probability 1 − ε and otherwise picks an action uniformly at random. The level of entropy
in this policy is regulated by the meta-learner. We define a TB by defining a target policy under q˜x,
where ˜x is given by taking L update steps. Since there are no meta-parameters in the update rule, all
L steps use the same update rule. However, we define the target policy as the greedy policy
π˜x(a | st) =
a = arg max b q˜x(st, b)
The resulting BMG update is simple: minimize the KL-divergence µπ(˜x, x) := KL (π˜x (cid:107) πx) by
adjusting the entropy in πx through εw. Thus, policy-matching under this target encourages the
meta-learner to match a greedy policy-improvement operation on a target q˜x that has been trained
for a further L steps. More specifically, if arg max b q˜x(s, b) = arg max b qx(s, b), so that the
greedy policy improvement matches the target, then the matching loss is minimised by setting
ε = 0. If greedy policy improvement does not correspond, so that acting greedily w.r.t. qx does not
match the target, then the matching loss is minimised by increasing entropy, i.e. increasing ε. The
meta-objective is defined in terms of x as it does not require differentiation through the update-rule.
’Value’-matching A disadvantage of policy matching is that it provides a sparse learning signal:
ε is increased when the target-policy differs from the current policy and decreased otherwise. The
magnitude of the change depends solely on the current value of ε. It is therefore desirable to evaluate
alternative matching functions that provide a richer signal. Inspired by value-matching for actor-critic
agents, we construct a form of ’value’ matching by taking the expectation over qx under the induced
stochastic policy, ux(s) := (cid:80)
a∈A πx(a | s)qx(s, a). The resulting matching objective is given by
(u˜x(s) − ux(s; t, w))2(cid:105)
µu(˜x, x) = E
While the objective is structurally similar to value-matching, u does not correspond to well-defined
value-function since qx is not an estimate of the action-value of πx.
Detailed results Figure 12 shows the learned ε-schedules for different meta-learning horizons: if L
is large enough, the agent is able to increase exploration when the task switches and quickly recovers
a near-optimal policy for the current cycle. Figure 12 further shows that a richer matching function,
in this case in the form of ’value’ matching, can yield improved performance.
20 Steps into Cycle0. MGL=16L=32L=1280.000.250.500.751.00Environment Steps1e70. Returns (Millions) L=16L=32L=128Fixed = Steps1e70. Returns (Millions)Policy Matching"Value" matchingFixed =0.3Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Table 1: Two-colors hyper-parameters
Inner Learner
Learning rate
Batch size
MLP hidden layers (v, π)
MLP feature size (v, π)
Activation Function
16 (losses are averaged)
(cid:15) (Adam)
β1, β2
Learning rate candidates
MLP hidden layers ((cid:15))
MLP feature size ((cid:15))
Activation Function
Output Activation
Inner Learner
Learning Rate
(cid:15) (Adam)
β1, β2
Gradient EMA
MLP hidden layers (Q)
MLP feature size (Q)
Activation Function
Learning Rate
(cid:15) (Adam)
β1, β2
Gradient EMA
MLP hidden layers ((cid:15))
MLP feature size ((cid:15))
Activation Function
Output Activation
0.9, 0.999
{3 · 10−6, 10−5, 3 · 10−5, 10−4, 3 · 10−4}
3 · 10−5
0.9, 0.999
0.9, 0.999
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Setup Hyper-parameters are reported in Table 2. We follow the original IMPALA (Espeholt et al.,
2018) setup, but do not down-sample or gray-scale frames from the environment. Following previous
works (Xu et al., 2018; Zahavy et al., 2020), we treat each game level as a separate learning problem;
the agent is randomly initialized at the start of each learning run and meta-learning is conducted
online during learning on a single task, see Algorithm 6. We evaluate final performance between
190-200 million frames. All experiments are conducted with 3 independent runs under different
seeds. Each of the 57 levels in the Atari suite is a unique environment with distinct visuals and game
mechanics. Exploiting this independence, statistical tests of aggregate performance relies on a total
sample size per agent of 3 × 57 = 171.
Agent We use a standard feed-forward agent that received a stack of the 4 most recent frames
(Mnih et al., 2013) and outputs a softmax action probability along with a value prediction. The agent
is implemented as a deep neural network; we use the IMPALA network architecture without LSTMs,
with larger convolution kernels to compensate for more a complex input space, and with a larger
conv-to-linear projection. We add experience replay (as per (Schmitt et al., 2020)) to allow multiple
steps on the target. All agents use the same number of online samples; unless otherwise stated, they
also use the same number of replay samples. We ablate the role of replay data in Appendix C.2.
STACX The IMPALA agent introduces specific form of importance sampling in the actor critic
update and while STACX largely rely on the same importance sampling mechanism, it differs slightly
to facilitate the meta-gradient flow. The actor-critic update in STACX is defined by Eq. 4 with the
following definitions of ρ and G. Let ¯ρ ≥ ¯c ∈ R+ be given and let ν : S × A → [0, 1] represent the
behaviour policy that generated the rollout. Given πx and v¯z, define the Leaky V-Trace target by
ηt := πx(at | st) / ν(at | st)
ρt := αρ min{ηt, ¯ρ} + (1 − αρ)ηt
ci := λ (αc min{ηi, ¯c} + (1 − αc)ηi)
δt := ρt (γv¯z(st+1) + rt+1 − v¯z(st))
t = v¯z(st) +
with αρ ≥ αc. Note that—assuming ¯c ≥ 1 and λ = 1—in the on-policy setting this reduces to the
n-step return since ηt = 1, so ρt = ct = 1. The original v-trace target sets αρ = αc = 1.
STACX defines the main “task” as a tuple (π0, v0, f (·, w0)), consisting of a policy, critic, and an
actor-critic objective (Eq. 4) under Leaky V-trace correction with meta-parameters w0. Auxiliary
tasks are analogously defined tuples (πi, vi, f (·, wi)), i ≥ 1. All policies and critics share the same
feature extractor but differ in a separate MLP for each πi and vi. The objectives differ in their
hyper-parameters, with all hyper-parameters being meta-learned. Auxiliary policies are not used
for acting; only the main policy π0 interacts with the environment. The objective used to update
the agent’s parameters is the sum of all tasks (each task is weighted through (cid:15)PG, (cid:15)EN, (cid:15)TD). The
objective used for the MG update is the original IMPALA objective under fixed hyper-parameters
p (see Meta-Optimisation in Table 2). Updates to agent parameters and meta-parameters happen
simultaneously on rollouts τ . Concretely, let m denote parameters of the feature extractor, with
(xi, zi) denoting parameters of task i’s policy MLP and critic MLP. Let ui := (m, xi, zi) denote
parameters of (πi, vi), with u := (m, x0, z0, . . . xn, zn). Let w = (w0, . . . , wn) and denote by h
auxiliary vectors of the optimiser. Given (a batch of) rollout(s) τ , the STACX update is given by
(cid:0) u(1), h(1)
(cid:1) = RMSProp (u, hu, gu)
(cid:0) w(1), h(1)
(cid:1) = Adam (w, hw, gw)
gu = ∇u
(cid:0) ui; wi
gw = ∇wfτ
(cid:0) u(1)
0 (w); p (cid:1).
BMG We use the same setup, architecture, and hyper-parameters for BMG as for STACX unless
otherwise noted; the central difference is the computation of gw. For L = 1, we compute the
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
bootstrapped meta-gradient under µτ on data τ by
gw = ∇wµτ
˜u0, u(1)
0 (w)
, where
(cid:0)˜u0, _(cid:1) = RMSProp
0 , h(1)
u , ∇ufτ
(cid:0) u(1)
0 ; p (cid:1)(cid:17)
Note that the target uses the same gradient ∇uf (u(1)
0 ; p) as the outer objective in STACX; hence,
BMG does not use additional gradient information or additional data for L = 1. The only extra
computation is the element-wise update required to compute ˜u0 and the computation of the matching
loss. We discuss computational considerations in Appendix C.4. For L > 1, we take L − 1 step
under the meta-learned objective with different replay data in each update. To write this explicitly, let
τ be the rollout data as above. Let ˜τ (l) denote a separate sample of only replay data used in the lth
target update step. For L > 1, the TB is described by the process
0 , ˜h
0 , ˜h
(cid:1) = RMSProp
(cid:1) = RMSProp
0 , h(1)
u , g(1)
0 , ˜h
u , ˜g(1)
u = ∇u
u = ∇u
f˜τ (1)
(cid:0) u(1)
; wi
f˜τ (2)
; wi
(cid:0)˜u0, _(cid:1) = RMSProp
, ˜h
, ˜g(L−1)
= ∇ufτ
, p (cid:1).
Targets and corresponding momentum vectors are discarded upon computing the meta-gradient. This
TB corresponds to following the meta-learned update rule for L − 1 steps, with a final step under the
IMPALA objective. We show in Appendix C.3 that this final step is crucial to stabilise meta-learning.
For pseudo-code, see Algorithm 6.
Matching functions are defined in terms of the rollout τ and with targets defined in terms of the main
task u0. Concretely, we define the following objectives:
˜u0, u(1)
0 (w)
= KL
π˜u0 (cid:107) πu(1)
0 (w)
˜u0, u(1)
0 (w)
˜u0, u(1)
0 (w)
µL2 (cid:16)
˜u0, u(1)
0 (w)
= E
v˜u0 − vu(1)
0 (w)
= µπ
˜u0, u(1)
0 (w)
+ λµv
˜u0, u(1)
0 (w)
λ = 0.25,
(cid:13)˜u0 − u(1)
0 (w)
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Algorithm 4 Distributed N -step RL actor loop
Require: N
Require: R
Require: d
Require: c
while True do
if | B | = N then
R ← R ∪ B
x ← c()
s ← d(s)
B ← (s)
end if
a ∼ πx(s)
s, r ← env(s, a)
B ← B ∪(a, r, s)
end while
(cid:46) Rollout length.
(cid:46) Centralised replay server.
(cid:46) Initial state method.
(cid:46) Parameter sync method.
(cid:46) Send rollout to replay.
(cid:46) Sync parameters from learner.
(cid:46) Optional state reset.
(cid:46) Initialise rollout.
(cid:46) Sample action.
(cid:46) Take a step in environment.
(cid:46) Add to rollout.
Algorithm 5 K-step distributed learning loop
Require: B1, B2, . . . , BK
Require: x ∈ Rnx , z ∈ Rnz , w ∈ Rnw
for k = 1, 2, . . . , K do
(x, z) ← ϕ((x, z), Bk, w)
end for
return x, z
(cid:46) K N -step rollouts.
(cid:46) Policy, value function, and meta parameters.
(cid:46) Inner update step.
Algorithm 6 Distributed RL with BMG
Require: N, K, L, M
Require: x ∈ Rnx , z ∈ Rnz , w ∈ Rnw
(cid:46) Rollout length, meta-update length, bootstrap length, parallel actors.
(cid:46) Policy, value function, and meta parameters.
(cid:46) Collects N -step trajectories B from actors.
(cid:46) Run concurrently, Algorithm 4.
(cid:46) Sample K rollouts from replay.
(cid:46) K-step inner loop, Algorithm 5.
(cid:46) L − 1-step bootstrap, Algorithm 5.
(cid:46) Gradient step on objective (cid:96).
(cid:46) BMG outer step.
(cid:46) Optional: continue from K + L − 1 update.
k=1 ∼ R
u ← (x, z)
Initialise R replay buffer
Initialise M asynchronous actors
while True do
u(K) ← InnerLoop(u, w, {B(k)}K
u(K+L−1) ← InnerLoop(u(K), w, {B(l)}L−1
˜u ← u(K+L−1) −α∇u(cid:96)(u(K+L−1), B(K+L))
w ← w −β∇wµ(˜u, u(K)(w))
u ← uK
Send parameters x from learner to actors.
end while
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Table 2: Atari hyper-parameters
ALE (Bellemare et al., 2013)
Frame dimensions (H, W, D)
Frame pooling
Frame grayscaling
Num. stacked frames
Num. action repeats
Sticky actions (Machado et al., 2018)
Reward clipping
γ = 0 loss of life
Max episode length
Initial noop actions
IMPALA Network (Espeholt et al., 2018)
Convolutional layers
Channel depths
Kernel size
Kernel stride
Pool size
Pool stride
Residual blocks per layer
Conv-to-linear feature size
STACX (Zahavy et al., 2020)
Auxiliary tasks
MLP hidden layers
MLP feature size
Max entropy loss value
Unroll length
Batch size
of which from replay
of which is online data
Replay buffer size
LASER (Schmitt et al., 2020) KL-threshold
Initial learning rate
Learning rate decay interval
Learning rate decay rate
Momentum decay
Gradient clipping, max norm
γ, λ, ¯ρ, ¯c, α
(cid:15)PG, (cid:15)EN, (cid:15)TD
Learning rate
β1, β2
Gradient clipping, max norm
160, 210, 3
[−1, 1]
108 000 frames
64, 128, 128, 64
10 000
200 000 frames
Linear to 0
0.995, 1, 1, 1, 1
1, 0.01, 0.25
0.9, 0.999
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
In this section, we decompose the BMG agent to under-
stand where observed gains come from. To do so, we begin
by noting that—by virtue of Eq. 3—STACX is a special
0 (w)) = (cid:107)˜u − u(1)
case of BMG under µ(˜u, u(1)
0 (w)(cid:107)2
with ˜u = u(1)
2 ∇ufτ (u(1)
0 − 1
0 ; p). That is to say, if the
target is generated by a pure SGD step and the matching
function is the squared L2 objective. We will refer to
this configurations as SGD, L2. From this baseline—i.e.
STACX—a minimal change is to retain the matching func-
tion but use RMSProp to generate the target. We refer
t o this configuration as RMS, L2. From Corollary 1,
we should suspect that correcting for curvature should
improve performance. While RMSProp is not a represen-
tation of the metric G in the analysis, it is nevertheless
providing some form of curvature correction. The match-
ing function can then be used for further corrections.
Figure 13: Atari BMG decomposition.
We report human normalized score (me-
dian, quantiles, 1
2 IQR) between 190-
200M frames over all 57 games, with 3
independent runs for each configuration.
Figure 13 shows that changing the target update rule from
SGD to RMSProp, thereby correcting for curvature, yields
a substantial gain. This supports our main claim that
BMG can control for curvature and thereby facilitate meta-
optimisation. Using the squared Euclidean distance in
parameter space (akin to (Nichol et al., 2018; Flennerhag et al., 2019)) is surprisingly effective.
However, it exhibits substantial volatility and is prone to crashing (c.f. Figure 15); changing the
matching function to policy KL-divergence stabilizes meta-optimisation. Pure policy-matching
leaves the role of the critic—i.e. policy evaluation—implicit. Having an accurate value function
approximation is important to obtain high-quality policy gradients. It is therefore unsurprising that
adding value matching provides a statistically significant improvement. Finally, we find that BMG can
also mitigate myopia by extending the meta-learning horizon, in our TB by unrolling the meta-learned
update rule for L − 1 steps. This is roughly as important as correcting for curvature, in terms of the
relative performance gain.
To further support these findings, we estimate the effect BMG has on ill-conditioning and meta-
gradient variance on three games where both STACX and BMG exhibit stable learning (to avoid
confounding factors of non-stationary dynamics): Kangaroo, Star Gunner, and Ms Pacman. While
Table 3: Meta-gradient cosine similarity and variance per-game at 50-150M frames over 3 seeds.
KL & V
Cosine similarity
Meta-gradient variance
Meta-gradient norm variance
0.19 (0.02)
0.05 (0.01)
0.11 (0.01)
0.002 (1e-4)
0.001 (1e-4)
2.3e-9 (4e-9)
0.009 (0.01)
6.4e-4 (7e-4)
Ms Pacman
Cosine similarity
Meta-gradient variance
Meta-gradient norm variance
0.11 (0.006)
90 (12)
0.03 (0.006)
0.8 (0.2)
0.002 (4e-4)
9.6e-7 (2e-8)
-0.005 (0.01)
0.9 (0.2)
Star Gunner
Cosine similarity
Meta-gradient variance
Meta-gradient norm variance
0.13 (0.008)
4.2 (1.1)
0.07 (0.001)
1.5 (2.3)
0.003 (5e-4)
1.9e-7 (3e-7)
0.002 (0.02)
0.06 (0.03)
SGDL2L=1RMSL2L=1RMSKLL=1RMSKL & VL=1RMSKL & VL= normalized scorePublished as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
the Hessian of the meta-gradient is intractable, an immediate effect of ill-conditioning is gradient
interference, which we can estimate through cosine similarity between consecutive meta-gradients.
We estimate meta-gradient variance on a per-batch basis. Table 3 presents mean statistics between
50M and 150M frames, with standard deviation over 3 seeds. BMG achieves a meta-gradient
cosine similarity that is generally 2 orders of magnitude larger than that of STACX. It also explicitly
demonstrates that using the KL divergence as matching function results in better curvature relative to
using the L2 distance. The variance of the meta-gradient is larger for BMG than for STACX (under
KL). This is due to intrinsically different gradient magnitudes. To make comparisons, we report the
gradient norm to gradient variance ratio, which roughly indicates signal to noise. We note that in this
metric, BMG tends to be on par with or lower than that of STACX.
We find that extending the meta-learning horizon by tak-
ing more steps on the target leads to large performance
improvements. To obtain these improvements, we find that
it is critical to re-sample replay data for each step, as op-
posed to re-using the same data for each rollout. Figure 14
demonstrates this for L = 4 on MsPacman. This can be
explained by noting that reusing data allows the target to
overfit to the current batch. By re-sampling replay data we
obtain a more faithful simulation of what the meta-learned
update rule would produce in L − 1 steps.
The amount of replay data is a confounding factor in the
meta-objective. We stress that the agent parameter update
is always the same in any experiment we run. That is
to say, the additional use of replay data only affects the
computation of the meta-objective. To control for this
additional data in the meta-objective, we consider a subset
of games where we see large improvements from L > 1.
We run STACX and BMG with L = 1, but increase the
amount of replay data used to compute the meta-objective
to match the total amount of replay data used in the meta-
objective when L = 4. This changes the online-to-replay
ratio from 6 : 12 to 6 : 48 in the meta objective.
Figure 14: Atari, learning curves on MS
Pacman for KL &V . L = 4, R com-
putes the Lthe step on only replay data.
L = 4, w uses the meta-learned objec-
tive for the Lth step (with Lth step com-
puted on online and replay data, as per
default). Shading depicts standard devia-
tion across 3 seeds.
Figure 15 shows that the additional replay data is not responsible for the performance improvements
we see for L = 4. In fact, we find that increasing the amount of replay data in the meta-objective
exacerbates off-policy issues and leads to reduced performance. It is striking that BMG can make use
of this extra off-policy data. Recall that we use only off-policy replay data to take the first L − 1 steps
on the target, and use the original online-to-replay ratio (6 : 12) in the Lth step. In Figure 14, we test
the effect of using only replay for all L steps and find that having online data in the Lth update step is
critical. These results indicate that BMG can make effective use of replay by simulating the effect of
the meta-learned update rule on off-policy data and correct for potential bias using online data.
C.3 L VS K
Given that increasing L yields substantial gains in performance, it is interesting to compare against
increasing K, the number of agent parameter updates to backpropagate through. For fair comparison,
we use an identical setup as for L > 1, in the sense that we use new replay data for each of the initial
K − 1 steps, while we use the default rollout τ for the Kth step. Hence, the data characteristics for
K > 1 are identical to those of L > 1.
However, an important difference arise because each update step takes K steps on the agent’s
parameters. This means that—withing the 200 million frames budget, K > 1 has a computational
advantage as it is able to do more updates to the agent’s parameters. With that said, these additional
K − 1 updates use replay data only.
050M100M150M200MLearning frames05101520253035Episode return (x1000)L=4L=1L=4, RL=4, wPublished as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Figure 15: Atari experience replay ablation. We report episode returns, normalized to be in the range
[0, max return] for each game for ease of comparison. Shading depicts standard deviation across 3
seeds. D denotes default BMG configuration for L = 1, with L = 4 analgously defined. R denotes
L = 1, but with additional replay in the meta-objective to match the amount of replay used in L = 4.
Figure 16 demonstrates that increasing K is fundamentally different from increasing L. We generally
observe a loss of performance, again due to interference from replay. This suggests that target
bootstrapping allows a fundamentally different way of extending the meta-learning horizon. In
particular, these results suggests that meta-bootstrapping allows us to use relatively poor-quality (as
evidence by K > 1) approximations to long-term consequences of the meta-learned update rule
without impairing the agent’s actual parameter update. Finally, there are substantial computational
gains from increasing the meta-learning horizon via L rather than K (Figure 17).
IMPALA’s distributed setup is implemented on a single machine with 56 CPU cores and 8 TPU
(Jouppi et al., 2017) cores. 2 TPU cores are used to act in 48 environments asynchronously in
parallel, sending rollouts to a replay buffer that a centralized learner use to update agent parameters
and meta-parameters. Gradient computations are distributed along the batch dimension across the
remaining 6 TPU cores. All Atari experiments use this setup; training for 200 millions frames takes
24 hours.
Figure 17 describes the computational properties of STACX and BMG as a function of the number
of agent parameters and the meta-learning horizon, H. For STACX, the meta-learning horizon is
defined by the number of update steps to backpropagate through, K. For BMG, we test one version
which holds L = 1 fixed and varies K, as in for STACX, and one version which holds K = 1 ficed
and varies L. To control for network size, we vary the number of channels in the convolutions of
the network. We use a base of channels per layer, x = (16, 32, 32, 16), that we multiply by a factor
1, 2, 4. Thus we consider networks with kernel channels 1x = (16, 32, 32, 16), 2x = (32, 64, 64, 32),
and 4x = (64, 128, 128, 64). Our main agent uses a network size (Table 2) equal to 4x. We found
that larger networks would not fit into memory when K > 1.
First, consider the effect of increasing K (with L = 1 for BMG). For the small network (1x), BMG is
roughly on par with STACX for all values of K considered. However, BMG exhibits poorer scaling
0255075100KL & VasteroidsL=4DRdefenderrobotankup_n_downwizard_of_woryars_revenge0255075100KL0255075100RMS, L20501001502000255075100STACX (SGD, L2)050100150200050100150200050100150200050100150200050100150200Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Figure 16: Atari K vs L ablation. We report episode returns, normalized to be in the range
[0, max return] for each game for ease of comparison. Shading depicts standard deviation across 3
seeds. D denotes default BMG configuration for L = 1, with L = 4 analogously defined. K = 2
denotes L = 1, but K = 2 steps on agent parameters.
in network size, owing to the additional update step required to compute the target bootstrap. For
4x, our main network configuration, we find that BMG is 20% slower in terms of wall-clock time.
Further, we find that neither STACX nor BMG can fit the 4x network size in memory when K = 8.
Second, consider the effect of increasing L with BMG (with K = 1). For 1x, we observe no
difference in speed for any H. However, increasing L exhibits a dramatic improvement in scaling
for H > 2—especially for larger networks. In fact, L = 4 exhibits a factor 2 speed-up compared to
STACX for H = 4, 4x and is two orders of magnitude faster for H = 8, 2x.
Figure 19 presents per-game results learning curve for main configurations considered in this paper.
Table 9 presents mean episode returns per game between 190-200 millions frames for all main
Figure 17: Atari: Computational characteristics as a function of network size (see Appendix C.4)
and meta-learning horizon H. When H = K, we vary the number of update steps to backpropagate
through (with L = 1 for BMG). When H = L, we vary the number of target update steps (with
K = 1). Measurements are taken over the first 20 million learning frames on the game Pong.
0255075100KL & VasteroidsL=4K=2Ddefenderrobotankup_n_downwizard_of_woryars_revenge0255075100KL0255075100RMS, L20501001502000255075100STACX (SGD, L2)0501001502000501001502000501001502000501001502000501001502001x2x4x0. per update stepH=11x2x4x0.250.300.350.400.450.500.55H=21x2x4x0., H=LBMG, H=KSTACX, H=K1x2x4x0100200300400H=8Network sizePublished as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
configurations. Finally, we consider two variations of BMG in the L = 1 regime (Figure 18); one
version (NS) re-computes the agent update after updating meta-parameters in a form of trust-region
method. The other version (DB) exploits that the target has a taken a further update step and uses the
target as new agent parameters. While NS is largely on par, interestingly, DB fails completely.
We use the ALE Atari environment, publicly avail-
Arcade-Learning-Environment, licensed under
GNU GPL 2.0. Environment hyper-parameters were
selected based on prior works (Mnih et al., 2013;
Espeholt et al., 2018; Zahavy et al., 2020; Schmitt et al.,
2020). Network, optimisation and meta-optimisation
hyper-parameters are based on the original STACX
implementation and tuned for optimal performance. Our
median human normalized score matches published
results. For BMG, we did not tune these hyper-parameters,
except for L > 1. In this case, we observed that unique
replay data in the initial L − 1 steps was necessary to
yield any benefits. We observed a tendency to crash, and
thus reduced the gradient clipping ratio from .3 to .2.
For BMG configurations that use both policy and value
matching, we tuned the weight on value matching by a
grid search over {0.25, 0.5, 0.75} on Ms Pacman, Zaxxon,
Wizard of Wor, and Seaquest, with 0.25 performing best.
Figure 18: Atari BMG, alternative meta-
update strategies. NS re-computes the
agent-update the meta-update, akin to a
trust-region method. DB uses the boot-
strap target as the next agent parame-
ters. Shading depicts standard deviation
across 3 seeds.
Let p(τ ) denote a given task distribution, where τ ∈ N indexes a task f τ . Each task is also associated
with distinct learner states hτ and task parameters xτ , but all task learners use the same meta-learned
update rule defined by meta-parameters w. Hence, the meta-learner’s problem is again to learn an
update rule, but now in expectation over all learning problems. The MG update (Eq. 1) thus takes the
form w(cid:48) = w −β∇wEτ [f τ (x(K)
(w))], where the expectation is with respect to (f τ , hτ , xτ ) and
(w) is the K-step update on task τ given (f τ , hτ , xτ ). Since p(τ ) is independent of w, this
update becomes w(cid:48) = w −βEτ [∇wf τ (x(K)
(w))], i.e. the single-task meta-gradient in Section 3 in
expectation over the task distribution.
With that said, the expectation involves integrating over (hτ , xτ ). This distribution is defined
differently depending on the problem setup. In few-shot learning, xτ and hτ are typically a shared
initialisations (Finn et al., 2017; Nichol et al., 2018; Flennerhag et al., 2019) and f τ differ in terms of
the data (Vinyals et al., 2016). However, it is possible to view the expectation as a prior distribution
over task parameters (Grant et al., 2018; Flennerhag et al., 2020). In online multi-task learning,
this expectation often reduces to an expectation over current task-learning states (Rusu et al., 2015;
Denevi et al., 2019).
The BMG update is analogously defined. Given a TB ξ, define the task-specific target ˜xτ given x(K)
by ξ(x(K)
(w))], where µτ is
defined on data from task τ . As with the MG update, as the task distribution is independent of w, this
simplifies to w(cid:48) = w −βEτ [∇wµτ (˜xτ , x(K)
(w))], where µτ is the matching loss defined on task
data from τ . Hence, as with MG, the multi-task BMG update is an expectation over the single-task
BMG update in Section 3. See Algorithm 7 for a detailed description.
). The BMG meta-loss takes the form w(cid:48) = w −β∇wEτ [µτ (˜xτ , x(K)
050M100M150M200MLearning frames0123456Median human normalized scoreBMG w. KLBMG w. KL, NSBMG w. KL, DBPublished as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Setup MiniImagenet (Vinyals et al., 2016; Ravi & Larochelle, 2017) is a sub-sample of the Imagenet
dataset (Deng et al., 2009). Specifically, it is a subset of 100 classes sampled randomly from the 1000
classes in the ILSVRC-12 training set, with 600 images for each class. We follow the standard protocol
(Ravi & Larochelle, 2017) and split classes into a non-overlapping meta-training, meta-validation, and
meta-tests sets with 64, 16, and 20 classes in each, respectively. The datasset is licenced under the MIT
licence and the ILSVRC licence. The dataset can be obtained from https://paperswithcode.
com/dataset/miniimagenet-1. M -shot-N -way classification tasks are sampled following
standard protocol (Vinyals et al., 2016). For each task, M = 5 classes are randomly sampled from
the train, validation, or test set, respectively. For each class, K observations are randomly sampled
without replacement. The task validation set is constructed similarly from a disjoint set of L = 5
images per class. We follow the original MAML protocol for meta-training (Finn et al., 2017), taking
K task adaptation steps during meta-training and 10 adaptation steps during meta testing.
We study how the data-efficiency and computational efficiency of the BMG meta-objective compares
against that of the MG meta-objective. To this end, for data efficiency, we report the meta-test set
performance as we vary the number of meta-batches each algorithm is allow for meta-training. As
more meta-batches mean more meta-tasks, this metric captures how well they leverage additional
data. For computational efficiency, we instead report meta-test set performace as a function of total
meta-training time. This metric captures computational trade-offs that arise in either method.
For any computational budget in either regime (i.e. N meta-batches or T hours of training), we
report meta-test set performance across 3 seeds for the hyper-configuration with best validation
performance (Table 4). This reflects the typical protocol for selecting hyper-parameters, and what
each method would attain under a given budget. For both methods, we sweep over the meta-learning
rate β; for shorter training runs, a higher meta-learning is critical to quickly converge. This however
lead to sub-optimal performance for larger meta-training budgets, where a smaller meta-learning
rate can produce better results. The main determinant for computational cost is the number of steps
to backpropagate through, K. For BMG, we sweep over K ∈ {1, 5}. For MG, we sweep over
K ∈ {1, 5, 10}. We allow K = 10 for MAML to ensure fair comparison, as BMG can extend its
effective meta-learning horizon through the target bootstrap; we sweep over L ∈ {1, 5, 10}. Note
that the combination of K and L effectively lets BMG interpolate between different computational
trade-offs. Standard MG does not have this property, but several first-order approximations have been
proposed: we allow the MG approach to switch from a full meta-gradient to either the FOMAML
approximation (Finn et al., 2017) or the ANIL approximation (Raghu et al., 2020).
Model, compute, and shared hyper-parameters We use the standard convolutional model
(Vinyals et al., 2016), which is a 4-layer convolutional model followed by a final linear layer.
Each convolutional layer is defined by a 3 × 3 kernel with 32 channels, strides of 1, with batch
normalisation, a ReLU activation and 2 × 2 max-pooling. We use the same hyper-parameters of
optimisation and meta-optimisation as in the original MAML implementation except as specified in
Table 4. Each model is trained on a single machine and runs on a V100 NVIDIA GPU.
Table 4: Hyper-parameter sweep per computational budget.
{0.0001, 0.001}
{1, 5, 10}
{ True, False }
{ True, False }
{0.0001, 0.001}
{1, 5}
{1, 5, 10}
{KL (˜x (cid:107) ·) , KL (· (cid:107) ˜x)}
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Table 6: Effect of BMG on ill-conditioning and meta-gradient variance on 5-way-5-shot MiniImagenet.
Estimated meta-gradient cosine similarity (θ) between consecutive gradients, meta-gradient variance
(V), and meta-gradient norm to variance ratio (ρ). Standard deviation across 5 independent seeds.
0.17 (0.01)
0.21 (0.01)
0.02 (0.02)
0.03 (0.01)
0.07 (0.009)
0.08 (0.03)
0.17 (0.01)
0.18 (0.01)
0.19 (0.01)
0.0002 (5e-6)
0.001 (1e-5)
0.0003 (2e-5)
0.03 (0.005)
0.04 (0.005)
0.05 (0.004)
0.01 (9e-5)
0.001 (5e-5)
0.003 (3e-5)
0.59 (0.03)
0.23 (0.01)
0.36 (0.01)
0.84 (0.03
0.46 (0.02)
0.18 (0.02)
In terms of data-efficiency, Table 7 reports
best hyper-parameters for each data bud-
get. For both BMG and MG, we note
that small budgets rely on fewer steps
to backpropagate through and a higher
learning rate. BMG tends to prefer a
higher target bootstrap in this regime. MG
switches to backpropagation through K >
1 sooner than BMG, roughly around 70
000 meta-updates, while BMG switches
around 120 000 meta-updates. This ac-
counts for why BMG can achieve higher
performance faster, as it can achieve simi-
lar performance without backpropagating
through more than one update. It is worth
noting that as BMG is given larger train-
ing budgets, to prevent meta-overfitting,
shorter target bootstraps generalize better.
We find that other hyper-parameters are not
important for overall performance.
Table 5: Meta-training steps per second for MAML
and BMG on 5-way-5-shot MiniImagenet. Standard
deviation across 5 seeds in parenthesis.
K L H = K + L MAML
14.3 (0.4)
4.4 (0.06)
2.3 (0.01)
1.4 (0.01)
1.1 (0.01)
12.4 (0.5)
6.9 (0.3)
4.4 (0.1)
4.2 (0.04)
3.2 (0.03)
2.5 (0.01)
2.2 (0.01)
1.9 (0.01)
1.7 (0.01)
In terms of computational efficiency, Ta-
ble 7 reports best hyper-parameters for each time budget. The pattern here follows a similar trend.
MG does btter under a lower learning rate already after 4 hours, whereas BMG switches after about 8
hours. This data highlights the dominant role K plays in determining training time.
We compare wall-clock time per meta-training step for various values of K and L Table 5. In our
main configuration, i.e. K = 5, L = 10, BMG achieves a throughput of 2.5 meta-training steps
per second, compared to 4.4 for MAML, making BMG 50% slower. In this setting, BMG has an
effective meta-learning horizon of 15, whereas MAML has a horizon of 5. For MAML to achieve an
effective horizon of 15, it’s throughput would be reduced to 1.4, instead making MAML 56% slower
than BMG.
Finally, we conduct a similar analysis as on Atari (Appendix C.1) to study the effect BMG has on
ill-conditioning and meta-gradient variance. We estimate ill-conditioning through cosine similarity
between consecutive meta-gradients, and meta-gradient variance on a per meta-batch basis. We report
mean statistics for the 5-way-5-shot setup between 100 000 and 150 000 meta-gradient steps, with
standard deviation over 5 independent seeds, in Table 6.
Unsurprisingly, MAML and BMG are similar in terms of curvature, as both can have a KL-divergence
type of meta-objective. BMG obtains greater cosine similarity as L increases, suggesting that BMG
can transfer more information by having a higher temperature in its target. However, BMG exhibits
substantially lower meta-gradient variance, and the ratio of meta-gradient norm to variance is an
order of magnitude larger.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Algorithm 7 Supervised multi-task meta-learning with BMG
Require: K, L
Require: M, N, T
Require: x ∈ Rnx , w ∈ Rnw
for t = 1, 2, . . . , T do
g ← 0
for i = 1, 2, . . . , M do
τ ∼ p(τ )
xτ ← x
for k = 1, 2, . . . , K do
ζτ ∼ ptrain(ζ | τ )
xτ = xτ +ϕ(xτ , ζτ , w)
end for
x(K) ← x
for l = 1, 2, . . . , L − 1 do
ζτ ∼ ptest(ζ | τ )
xτ = xτ +ϕ(xτ , ζτ , w)
end for
ζτ ∼ ptest(ζ | τ )
if final gradient step then
˜xτ = xτ −α∇x(cid:96)(xτ , ζτ )
˜xτ ← xτ +ϕ(xτ , ζτ , w)
end if
g ← g +∇wµ(˜xτ , x(K)(w))
end for
w ← w − β
M g
end for
(cid:46) meta-update length, bootstrap length
(cid:46) meta-batch size, inner batch size, meta-training steps.
(cid:46) model and meta parameters.
(cid:46) Initialise meta-gradient.
(cid:46) Sample task.
(cid:46) For MAML, set x = w.
(cid:46) Sample batch of task training data.
(cid:46) Task adaptation.
(cid:46) K-step adaptation.
(cid:46) Sample batch of task test data.
(cid:46) L − 1 step bootstrap.
(cid:46) Assign target.
(cid:46) BMG outer step.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Table 7: Data-efficiency: mean meta-test accuracy over 3 seeds for best hyper-parameters per data
budget. µ = 1 corresponds to KL (˜x (cid:107) ·) and µ = 2 to KL (· (cid:107) ˜x).
Step (K)
K L µ Acc. (%)
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Table 8: Computational-efficiency: mean meta-test accuracy over 3 seeds for best hyper-parameters
per time budget. µ = 1 corresponds to KL (˜x (cid:107) ·) and µ = 2 to KL (· (cid:107) ˜x).
K L µ Acc. (%)
Time (h)
64.7 — —
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Figure 19: Atari, per-game performance across 3 seeds. Shading depicts standard deviation.
alienamidarassaultasterixasteroidsatlantisbank_heistbattle_zonebeam_riderberzerkbowlingboxingbreakoutcentipedechopper_commandcrazy_climberdefenderdemon_attackdouble_dunkendurofishing_derbyfreewayfrostbitegophergravitarheroice_hockeyjamesbondkangarookrullkung_fu_mastermontezuma_revengems_pacmanname_this_gamephoenixpongprivate_eyeqbertriverraidroad_runnerrobotankseaquestskiingsolarisspace_invadersstar_gunnersurroundtennistime_pilottutankhamup_n_downvideo_pinballwizard_of_woryars_revengezaxxonKL & V, L=4KL & VKLKL-SVL2STACXPublished as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
Table 9: Mean per-game performance between 190-200M frames.
KL KL & V KL & V, L=4
Bank Heist
Battle Zone
Beam Rider
Chopper Command
Crazy Climber
Demon Attack
Double Dunk
Fishing Derby
Ice Hockey
Kung Fu Master
Montezuma Revenge
Ms Pacman
Name This Game
Private Eye
Road Runner
Space Invaders
Star Gunner
Time Pilot
Up N Down
Video Pinball
Wizard Of Wor
Yars Revenge
ai_researcher | 1 | Hey_GPT_Can_You_be_More_Racist_Analysis_from_Crowdsourced_Attempts_to_Elicit_Biased_Content_from_Generative_AI.pdf | 1
Unstructured Knowledge Access in Task-oriented Dialog Modeling using
Language Inference, Knowledge Retrieval and Knowledge-Integrative
Response Generation
Mudit Chaudhary1*, Borislav Dzodzo1, Sida Huang1, Chun Hei Lo1, Mingzhi Lyu1,
Lun Yiu Nie1, Jinbo Xing1, Tianhua Zhang2, Xiaoying Zhang1, Jingyan Zhou1,
Hong Cheng1,2, Wai Lam1,2, Helen Meng1,2
1The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2Centre for Perceptual and Interactive Intelligence
[email protected],
{bdzodzo, chlo, zhangxy, jyzhou, hcheng, wlam, hmmeng}
{sdhuang, lynie, thzhang}, {mzlyu, jbxing},
Domain Entity
Dialog systems enriched with external knowledge can han-
dle user queries that are outside the scope of the support-
ing databases/APIs. In this paper, we follow the baseline
provided in DSTC9 Track 1 and propose three subsystems,
KDEAK, KnowleDgEFactor, and Ens-GPT, which form the
pipeline for a task-oriented dialog system capable of access-
ing unstructured knowledge. Specifically, KDEAK performs
knowledge-seeking turn detection by formulating the prob-
lem as natural language inference using knowledge from di-
alogs, databases and FAQs. KnowleDgEFactor accomplishes
the knowledge selection task by formulating a factorized
knowledge/document retrieval problem with three modules
performing domain, entity and knowledge level analyses.
Ens-GPT generates a response by first processing multi-
ple knowledge snippets, followed by an ensemble algorithm
that decides if the response should be solely derived from
a GPT2-XL model, or regenerated in combination with the
top-ranking knowledge snippet. Experimental results demon-
strate that the proposed pipeline system outperforms the base-
line and generates high-quality responses, achieving at least
58.77% improvement on BLEU-4 score.
By incorporating the external knowledge sources available
on webpages, task-oriented dialog systems can be empow-
ered to handle various user requests that are outside the cov-
erage of their APIs or databases. Therefore, we set out to cre-
ate a dialog system that outperforms the Ninth Dialog Sys-
tem Technology Challenge (DSTC9) Track 1 baseline (Kim
et al. 2020; Gunasekara et al. 2020). The baseline method
is a pipeline composed of three tasks: the first task recog-
nizes if a dialog response requires knowledge outside of a
provided MultiWOZ 2.1 database (Eric et al. 2019). If so,
*All authors have contributed equally.
Copyright © 2021, Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Intelligence ( All rights reserved.
T: Is there a charge for using WiFi?
B: Wifi is available free of charge.
T: Are pets allowed on site?
B: Pets are not allowed at avalon.
Table 1: Example of a domain-wide (line-1) and an entity-
specific knowledge snippet (line-2). T, B represent the title
and the body.
the second task then retrieves the most relevant knowledge
snippets from an external knowledge base, which are sub-
sequently used together with the dialog context to gener-
ate a response in the third task. Specifically, all the three
tasks are handled by the variants of pre-trained GPT2 mod-
els (Vaswani et al. 2017; Wolf et al. 2019).
Formally, the external knowledge base K is composed
of knowledge snippets k1, . . . , kn. D is the set of all
domains. For the DSTC9 Track 1 Training Set, D =
{hotel, restaurant, train, taxi}. Table 1 shows examples of
the two types of knowledge, namely a domain-wide knowl-
edge snippet directly under a specific domain di = train, and
an entity-specific knowledge snippet of entity ei = Avalon,
which belongs to the domain hotel. Dw and De refer to
the domains that contain only domain-wide and only entity-
specific knowledge snippets respectively, Dw ∪ De = D
and Dw ∩ De = ∅. A snippet ki consists of a title (question)
and a body (answer). A knowledge snippet ki is considered
in-domain (ID) if its domain di was seen during the train-
ing of the models; otherwise, it is considered out-of-domain
(OOD). The dialog history Ut = {ut−w+1, . . . , ut−1, ut}
contains utterances ui where t is the time step of the current
user utterance and w is the size of dialog context window.
Responses to this dialog are found in the ground truth rt+1
or they can be generated by our system ˜rt+1.
We created a transparent, factorized, generalisable and
ing the following premise template – “Assistant says $sys-
tem response. User says $user response” in each dialog turn
to distinguish between user and system response (Ndialog =
2). Based on the example in Table 2, the premise will be
“Assistant says The SW ... book? User says Yes ... there?”
We pair the premise with a candidate hypothesis for each
domain di ∈ D using the hypothesis template – “The user
is asking about di.”. We feed these pairs into the NLI model
to find the most probable domain by performing a softmax
on each candidate hypothesis’ output entailment probability.
The domain di with the maximum entailment probability is
selected for the dialog turn.
We use Bidirectional and Auto-Regressive Transform-
ers (BART) model (Lewis et al. 2019) initially fine-tuned
on MultiNLI (Williams, Nangia, and Bowman 2018). We
further fine-tune our model on MultiWOZ2.2 (Zang et al.
2020) and DSTC9 Track 1 Training Set on all eight domains
of MultiWOZ2.2. For training, we generate the premise
and hypotheses using the templates mentioned above. Each
premise with ground-truth domain di is paired with the hy-
pothesis corresponding to di and marked as entailment. We
also pair the same premise with the remaining |D| − 1 hy-
potheses and mark them as contradiction. For inference, we
use Huggingface’s (Wolf et al. 2019) ‘classification-as-NLI’
based zero-shot-classification pipeline.
Module 2 - Entity Classifier. The Entity Classifier uses
the selected domain from the Domain Classifier to further
process the dialog turn in focus. We devise a Surface Match-
ing Algorithm (SMA) to match the possible entities within
the dialog history with carefully designed heuristics, based
on the intuition that the later the entity appears in the di-
alog history, the more likely it is the target. Approximate
string matching is also incorporated into the algorithm to
enhance its robustness to alias matching and misspelling.
For instance, SMA is capable of retrieving the entities A &
B Guest House from seeing ‘A and B’, Avalon from seeing
‘Avolon.’ The selected domain label helps reduce the entity
search space. Following on with our example (see Table 2),
the entities corresponding to the hotel domain are searched
to see if they occur in the dialog turn. Consequently, the
matching algorithm identifies SW Hotel as the entity.
Module 3 - Candidate Information Generator (CIG).
Given the identified entity from the Entity Classifier, this
module consolidates the relevant database snippets and
knowledge snippets for the entity and places them into an
information candidate pool Centity which will be used by
the Knowledge Classifier in the subsequent step. As we ob-
serve in Table 2, database snippets are not natural sound-
ing like knowledge-snippets, so we pre-process them using
suitable formatting templates before adding them to Centity.
Based on Table 2’s example, the database snippet – {name:
SW Hotel, postcode: 94133} becomes “Postcode for SW Ho-
tel is 94133.” We also add pseudo-candidates to Centity to
deal with cases where information is not present in either
database or knowledge, e.g., “Goodbye”, “I want to book a
hotel”, “Thanks”, etc. Following on with our example, CIG
Figure 1: KDEAK pipeline
knowledge-grounded task-oriented conversational system
with code available at Multiple in-
formation retrieval hypotheses are considered when con-
structing the response and this significantly improves results.
When the three tasks are integrated they significantly outper-
form the baseline in terms of automated metrics.
2 Methodology
2.1 Task 1 – Knowledge-seeking Turn Detection
As mentioned earlier, Task 1 classifies whether information
from the database or external knowledge is required to an-
swer a user’s query.
We introduce KDEAK (Knowledge-seeking turn detec-
tion using Domain, Entity, API/DB and Knowledge) shown
in Figure 1. The domain classifier helps the entity classifier
determine the dialog’s relevant entity. We generate candidate
information snippets from the selected entity’s database and
knowledge. The knowledge classifier ranks and classifies
the candidate information snippets to determine whether the
database or knowledge answers the user’s query. In the sub-
sequent sections, we illustrate our KDEAK’s modules using
the example from Table 2. What differentiates KDEAK from
Task 2 is that its Domain Classifier can identify domains in
the non-knowledge-seeking turns and the Knowledge Clas-
sifier’s ability to select the relevant API/DB information.
NLI Problem Formulation. We formulate Task 1’s do-
main classification, and knowledge classification problems
as a Natural Language Inference (NLI) problem (Dagan,
Glickman, and Magnini 2005). The NLI problem deals
with a pair of statements – hypothesis and premise. Given
the premise, it determines whether the hypothesis is True
(i.e., an entailment), False (i.e., a contradiction), or Unde-
termined. For example, if “I want to book a hotel” is the
premise, the hypotheses “The user wants to book a hotel” is
True and “The user wants to book a taxi” is False. We lever-
age a pre-trained NLI model (Lewis et al. 2019) for classi-
fication in Task 1. We use the last Ndialog turns for premise
generation. We pair each premise with a set of generated
candidate hypotheses using domain and knowledge labels.
We find the NLI approach more robust against unseen do-
mains as compared to the baseline.
Module 1 - Domain Classifier. This module classifies the
dialog turn’s relevant domain. We generate the premise us-
Dialog turnsEntityClassifierCandidateinformationrankerClassificationRuleAPI/DBKnowledgeCandidate informationgeneratorClassifier resultDomainClassifierKnowledge classifierSpeaker
Utterance (ut)
Knowledge Snippet (ki)
Database Entry
Assistant Would you like to book the SW hotel?
Yes, I can reach SW hotel by taxi. What
breakfast options are available there?
T: Does SW Hotel offer breakfast?
B: No, we don’t offer breakfast.
name:SW Hotel
address:615 Broadway
Table 2: Excerpt of last 2 dialog turns from hotel domain with relevant knowledge snippet (T: title, B: body) and database entry.
Validation Set
Precision Recall
Test Set
Precision Recall
Table 3: Evaluation results of Task 1 on knowledge-seeking turn detection on DSTC9 Track 1 Validation and Test Sets. ∧
Submitted system using Ndialog = 1 without premise template. * Improved system using Ndialog = 2 and premise template.
consolidates SW Hotel’s database and knowledge snippets
and pseudo-candidates into the candidate pool CSW hotel.
Module 4 - Knowledge Classifier. This module consists
of an NLI-based ranker for the candidates in the candi-
date information pool Centity output by the Candidate In-
formation Generator. The dialog turn in focus is used as
the premise and each information candidate in the pool
ci ∈ Centity is used as the hypothesis to form |Centity|
premise-hypothesis pairs. The candidates are ranked accord-
ing to the entailment probabilities. The final classification
rule classifies the turn as knowledge-seeking or not:
label =
(cid:26)F alse
T rue
if ctop
/∈ K
where ctop
is the top-ranking candidate and K is the set of
knowledge-snippets. Following on with the example (See
Table 2), the latest user turn “Yes, I ... available there?” is
used as the premise (Ndialog = 1) and it is paired with
each candidate ci ∈ CSW hotel. The pairs are fed into the
fine-tuned NLI-model to rank the snippets. The top-ranking
candidate – “No, we don’t offer breakfast.” is a knowledge
snippet. Hence, the example user’s dialog turn is finally clas-
sified as knowledge-seeking.
As regards implementation, we use the previously men-
tioned BART model as the base model for the Candi-
date Information Ranker. As the DSTC9 Track 1 Train-
ing Set provides database labels for non-knowledge-seeking
turns, we generate pseudo-database-labels for the non-
knowledge-seeking turns using an NLI BART model fine-
tuned on MultiWoz 2.1. We fine-tune our ranker model on
the DSTC9 Track 1 Training Set using these pseudo-labels
and knowledge-seeking examples. We follow the same train-
ing example sampling, and inference processes as adopted
for the Domain Classifier, but without the hypothesis and
premise templates.
2.2 Task 2 – Knowledge Selection
Once a user turn is determined to be knowledge-seeking by
Task1, Task 2 selects the relevant knowledge snippets ki
from the external knowledge base K = {k1, . . . , kn} based
on a dialog history Ut. While one or more knowledge snip-
pet(s) may be fitting for an answer, only one is considered
most relevant and correct in the DSTC9 Track 1 challenge
(Kim et al. 2020).
A Factorized Approach We model Task 2 as a knowledge
retrieval (or more specifically, document retrieval) prob-
lem, i.e., given the query dialog history Ut, we retrieve
the most relevant knowledge snippet ki ∈ K from the
set of all knowledge snippets K ranked by a function f .
In this context, the function f is the probability of select-
ing a knowledge snippet ki ∈d di where di ∈ Dw, or
ki ∈e ei where ei ∈d di, di ∈ De (∈e and ∈d denote the
relations ‘belongs to the domain’ and ‘belongs to the en-
tity’ respectively). Therefore, the selected knowledge snip-
pet ki ∈d di is given by:
arg max
f (ki | Ut) = arg max
P (di, ki | Ut)
We propose that we first recognize the possible target do-
mains di ∈ Dw and entities ei ∈d di where di ∈ De and
estimate the relevance of the domains to the dialog history
before choosing the appropriate knowledge snippet, since it
can drastically narrow the search space for knowledge snip-
pets. In other words, factorization reduces the problem of
Task 2 into three sub-tasks, for each of which models can be
trained for target discrimination. Consequently, we have:
arg max
P (di | Ut)P (ki | di, Ut)
where D(cid:48) = {di : di ∈ Dw, di ∈ ODE} ∪ {di : ei ∈d
di, di ∈ De, ei ∈ ODE} (ODE refers to the output of Mod-
ule 1, which is the set of extracted domains and entity can-
didates). P (di | Ut) and P (ki | di, Ut) are estimated using
Modules 2 and 3 respectively. The three modules are de-
scribed in the following sections.
| di, Ut) and P (di
BERT Backbone The computation of the factored prob-
abilities P (ki
| Ut) naturally resorts
to natural language understanding (NLU) models. We em-
ploy BERT (Devlin et al. 2018) as the NLU backbone
and propose KnowleDgEFactor (A Factorized Approach
to Domain, Entity and Knowledge Selection). Three neu-
ral models are developed – the BERT for Domain & Entity
Model (BERT-DE) in Module 1, BERT for Domain Model
(BERT-D) in Module 2 and BERT for Knowledge Model
(BERT-K) in Module 3.
Module 1 - Domain and Entity Selection. We use
the heuristics-based surface matching algorithm SMA (de-
scribed in Section 2.1) to match the possible domains di ∈
Dw and entities ei ∈d di where di ∈ De.
In view of the high generalization power of neural models,
we propose a domain-entity classifier (BERT-DE) to refine
the results obtained by SMA.
A dialog history Ut is concatenated with a domain di (and
an entity ei ∈d di if di ∈ De) as the input to the BERT-DE.
For example, train (∈ Dw ) and hotel (∈ De ) concatenated
with Autumn House (∈e ‘hotel’) are the two kinds of input.
BERT-DE computes the probability that the dialog history
Ut is relevant to each domain (∈ Dw ) or entity (∈e di
where di ∈ De) and outputs the top-1 result with the highest
probability, which is then added to the candidates if it has a
different domain than that of the top-1 retrieved by SMA. In
the end, we keep at most one entity per domain and finally
output ODE for Module 3.
Module 2 - Domain Probability Estimation. BERT-D is
a multi-class domain classifier. Given the concatenation of
a dialog history Ut and a domain di (e.g., hotel, train, etc.)
as input, it estimates and outputs P (di | Ut), the probability
that Ut is relevant to di.
We combine the DSTC9 Track 1 Training Set with the
MultiWOZ2.2 Data Set (Zang et al. 2020) to fine-tune the
BERT-D on eight domains, i.e., hotel, restaurant, train, taxi,
attraction, hospital, police and bus, to make the model more
generalized and robust.
The BERT-D differs from the domain classifier in Task 1
since we only focus on knowledge-seeking turns whereas
Task 1’s model needs to be applied to both knowledge-
seeking and non-knowledge-seeking turns. Examples for the
two cases are as follow:
Case 1 - Non-knowledge-seeking Turn
User: I am looking for an expensive indian restaurant
in the area of centre.
Task 1 Domain Classifier: restaurant.
Task 2 Domain Classifier: N/A (ignore the turn).
Case 2 - Knowledge-seeking Turn
User: Does this hotel offer its guests wifi services?
Task 1 Domain Classifier: hotel.
Task 2 Domain Classifier: hotel.
Module 3 - Knowledge Probability Estimation.
BERT-K is designed to estimate P (ki | di, Ut) for all knowl-
edge snippets ki of the domains and entities selected in Mod-
ule 1. As most of the users’ queries are embedded in the
current user turn, the input to the BERT-K is the concate-
nation of the current user utterance ut, a domain di and a
knowledge snippet ki (title & body). For both the current
user utterance and the knowledge snippet, any matched en-
tity name is replaced by its domain so that the model only
focuses on the semantics of the query but not any informa-
tion about the entity, which has already been processed by
previous modules.
2.3 Task 3 – Knowledge-grounded Response
Task 3 takes a knowledge-integrative approach to generate
a system response based on the dialog history Ut and the
top-k ranking knowledge snippets ki based on their con-
fidence values pi, which are provided by Task 2. We de-
velop an ensemble system Ens-GPT that incorporates two
different approaches to deal with the two scenarios (ID and
OOD). If the domain of the top knowledge snippet was seen
in training then response generation will be conducted as ID
and otherwise as OOD. For ID cases with available training
data, we adopt a Neural Response Generation approach. For
OOD cases, we adopt a retrieval-based approach referred to
as Neural-Enhanced Response Reconstruction.
Neural Response Generation. Our neural response gen-
eration approach GPT2-XL with multi-knowledge snippets
(GPT2-XL for short) follows the DSTC9 Track 1 baseline
neural generation model in (Kim et al. 2020) to leverage
the large pre-trained language model GPT2. The baseline
neural generation model uses the ground truth knowledge
snippet and dialog history Ut as input for fine-tuning GPT2
small, and the ground truth response rt+1 as target. During
testing, the baseline model uses knowledge from the top-
ranking snippet output by Task 2.
As GPT2 XL has a greater number of parameters to cap-
ture more information, we adopt the much larger pre-trained
model GPT2 XL other than the GPT2 small used in the base-
line model. We should note that the actual correct knowledge
snippet may not always rank top in the shortlisted snippets
from Task 2, but most of the time they lie within the top 5
retrieved snippets. Hence, we use multiple knowledge snip-
pets in the input, n in total. For model fine-tuning, besides
the ground truth snippet, we also randomly select n − 1 ad-
ditional snippets that have the same domain and entity with
the ground truth snippet and append them to the input. Cor-
respondingly, we use top-n snippets from the retrieved top-
ranking snippet list from Task 2 in the input for evaluation.
Neural-Enhanced Response Reconstruction. Typical
responses may consist of two parts – (i) an informative body
which answers to the user’s query; and (ii) a prompt to move
the dialog forward. For example:
User: “Does this hotel allow children to stay there?”
Ground Truth Response: “Kids of all ages are welcome
as guests of this establishment. Do you want to proceed
with the booking?”
Since the knowledge snippets made available are derived
from FAQs, the top snippet is used as the body in the re-
sponse. Therefore, the GPT2-XL Response Reconstruction
Reproduced Baseline
MRR@5 R@1 R@5
Table 4: Evaluation results of knowledge selection task
on DSTC9 Track 1 Validation Set for all true knowledge-
seeking turns. Line-1 is the reproduced GPT2-Baseline and
line-2 is the performance of KnowleDgEFactor.
(GPT2-XL-RR) method forms an informative and accurate
response by replacing the body of the neural generated re-
sponse with the top-ranking snippet, while preserving the
prompt in the generated response. For example, given:
Top-ranking knowledge snippet: “Children of any age are
welcome at The Lensfield Hotel.”
GPT2-XL generated response: “Yes, The Lensfield Hotel
welcomes children to stay. Should I make the reservation
The GPT2-XL-RR constructs the response as “Children of
any age are welcome at The Lensfield Hotel. Should I make
the reservation now?”
Ensemble System. To utilize the two approaches above,
a decision tree is designed for the ensemble system Ens-
GPT. The system first checks if the user query is ID or OOD,
which is detected by Task 2 and indicated by the domain of
the top-ranking retrieved snippet. For ID cases with avail-
able training data, the neural model GPT2-XL is generally
well-trained, so it can generate relevant responses to the di-
alog even when the correct retrieved snippet is not retrieved.
Therefore, given ID user queries, GPT2-XL is used for re-
sponse generation.
On the other hand, if the current user query is OOD, the
ensemble’s heuristic will check if the top-ranking knowl-
edge snippet has a sufficiently high confidence value p
(which is empirically set as 5x of the confidence of the sec-
ond highest ranking knowledge snippet). If this condition
is met, implying that the top-ranking snippet is very likely
correct, then GPT2-XL-RR is used for response generation.
Otherwise, the ensemble method falls back to GPT2-XL,
which can extract information from all top-k snippets, rather
than only utilizing the single top snippet.
3 Experiments
3.1 Task 1 – Knowledge-seeking Turn Detection
Evaluation Metrics. We use precision, recall and F-
Measure as the metrics to evaluate the knowledge-seeking
turn detection task (Gunasekara et al. 2020).
Experimental Settings. We use HuggingFace’s imple-
mentation (Wolf et al. 2019) of BART (large) model for the
Domain and Knowledge Classifier. The models were trained
independently with a batch size of 120 and 3704 warmup
steps. The models were trained for 4 epochs and the epoch
with best performance on validation set was chosen. In our
submitted system, we use Ndialog = 2 with premise and hy-
pothesis templates, i.e., both the system and user response
for the Domain Classifier, and Ndialog = 1 without any tem-
plates, i.e., only user response for the Knowledge Classifier.
In a later improved knowledge classifier, we use Ndialog = 2
with premise template. To test the generalizability on OOD
user queries, we train and test the baseline and KDEAK on
4 versions of 2 disjoint sets of domains, with 2 domains in
each, respectively.
3.2 Task 2 – Knowledge Selection
Evaluation Metrics. The performance of KnowleDgE-
Factor is measured in terms of standard information re-
trieval evaluation metrics, including recall and mean recip-
rocal rank (Kim et al. 2020).
Experiment Settings. The PyTorch implementation of the
BERT base model (uncased) in HuggingFace Transform-
ers (Wolf et al. 2019) is utilized. All three models (BERT-
DE, BERT-D, BERT-K) are fine-tuned independently with
10 epochs. The number of negative candidates is set as 4, 3
and 8 for BERT-DE, BERT-D and BERT-K. The maximum
token lengths of dialogue and knowledge are 256 and 128
for BERT-DE and BERT-D; 128 and 128 for BERT-K.
3.3 Task 3 – Knowledge-grounded Response
Evaluation Metrics. Standard objective evaluation met-
rics are used for the system-generated response in compar-
ison with the ground truth – BLEU (Papineni et al. 2002),
METEOR (Lavie and Agarwal 2007) and ROUGE (Lin and
Och 2004) (Lin and Hovy 2003).
Experiment Settings. We fine-tuned the pre-trained
GPT2 XL on DSTC9 training set, and the loss function is
the standard language modeling objective: cross-entropy be-
tween the generated response and the ground truth response.
We set the input length limit as 128 tokens (i.e., words) for
the dialog history and 256 tokens for the knowledge snip-
pets. This means that we can typically fine-tune with 9 dia-
log turns and 4 snippets. The model is trained for 3 epochs
with a size of 4. The gradient accumulation and gradient
clipping with a max norm of 1.0 were performed at every
step. The optimizer was Adam and the learning rate was e−6.
To achieve better performance with the generation model,
we also compare different numbers of snippets to find the
best setting that can provide enough information without in-
troducing too much noise. Table 10 presents the result on
validation set with 1 to 5 snippets. GPT2-XL and GPT2-XL-
RR are evaluated on the Test Set in isolation and in combi-
nation in the ensemble system in Table 8.
4 Results and Analysis
4.1 Task 1 – Knowledge-seeking Turn Detection
Table 3 summarizes the results of Task 1. KDEAK outper-
forms the baseline on 3 out of 4 versions of the OOD F1-
Score evaluations. The Domain Classifier shows 98.7% ac-
curacy on the DSTC9 Track 1 Val Set. Exploiting the pre-
trained knowledge and rich hypothesis of the NLI model,
KDEAK is more robust against unseen domains compared
to non-NLI based GPT-2 baseline. It offers a transparent
Source of Task 1 Predictions
Official GPT2-Baseline Official GPT2-Baseline
Task 1 Reproduced GPT2-Baseline
Ground Truth
MRR@5 R@1 R@5
Table 5: Evaluation results of knowledge selection task on the DSTC9 Track 1 Test Set. The 1st row is the released results on
official GPT2-Baseline and the 2nd row shows KnowleDgEFactor’s performance. The 3rd row shows the results operated on
the ground-truth Task 1 prediction to evaluate our system independently.
Validation Set Test Set
Table 6: Percentage of the true knowledge-seeking turns
with different number of domain and entity candidates re-
trieved by Module 1.
Figure 2: Case study for error analysis
True Domain
#Correct (%Correct)
545 (96.1)
577 (96.3)
243 (94.9)
513 (94.1)
554 (96.0)
138 (75.4)
283 (81.8)
230 (94.7)
567 (98.8)
599 (98.0)
183 (98.9)
346 (99.7)
256 (97.0)
Table 7: Performance of domain, entity and knowledge se-
lection for top-1 knowledge snippet by KnowleDgEFactor
on true knowledge-seeking turns of DSTC9 Track 1 Test Set.
A turn is considered for entity accuracy calculation only if
the predicted domain is correct and for knowledge accuracy
calculation only if both domain and entity are correct.
decision-making process at the domain, entity and informa-
tion levels through its modular design. After the challenge,
we improved the Knowledge Classifier which outperforms
the baseline on DSTC9 Track 1 test set, by using both user
and system response (Ndialog = 2) as the premise.
4.2 Task 2 – Knowledge Selection
Strength of a Factorized Approach. The performance
improvements on both DSTC9 Track 1 Validation (Table 4)
and Test (Table 5) Sets over the baseline model demonstrate
the advantage of a factorized approach to knowledge selec-
tion. One possible advantage of dividing the computation
could be that the domain, entity and knowledge information
from the dialogs is disentangled, and consequently the mod-
els of the three modules can respectively capture the traits
about the three sub-tasks more easily. 84% and 74% of the
true knowledge-seeking turns have only one entity or one
domain di ∈ Dw retrieved by Module 1 from each dialog of
the Validation and Test Sets respectively (Table 6), and over
93% of the top-1 retrieved entity is correct on both data sets,
demonstrating the robustness and precision brought by the
SMA and the BERT-DE.
Error Analysis. Despite the improved performance over
the baseline, there is a noticeable decline of accuracy on the
DSTC9 Track 1 Test Set as compared to that on the Val-
idation Set. The drop can be attributed to the inability of
Module 3 to recover the correspondence between the cur-
rent user utterance and the knowledge snippets that are un-
seen during training. Table 7 records the domain-, entity-
and knowledge-level accuracies of the top-1 selected knowl-
edge snippet for all true knowledge-seeking turns. Although
most of the selections are over 94% accurate, it is shown that
the errors mainly originate from the incorrect knowledge se-
lection on the train and taxi domains, where we find that
KnowleDgEFactor sometimes fails to distinguish between
similar knowledge snippets. For example, 19 similar errors
are found when the user asks about payment under the do-
main taxi. Figure 2 shows an example of such erroneous in-
stances where the correct knowledge snippet is ranked third.
In this example, KnowleDgEFactor associates ‘pay’ in the
user query and ‘payments’ in the title of the selected knowl-
edge snippet without attending to the signaling word ‘tip’.
4.3 Task 3 – Knowledge-grounded Response
Empirical results in Table 10 indicate that the use of an
appropriate number of additional knowledge snippets (i.e.,
n = 4 in total) tends to result in improved performance com-
pared to exclusive use of the top-ranking snippet. However,
when n (cid:54)= 4 performance degrades.
Table 8 shows that all the methods, namely GPT2-XL
and GPT2-XL-RR, as well as their ensemble, outperform
the baseline (GPT2-small with a single knowledge snippet).
Table 8: Evaluation results of the ensemble system and its components on the DSTC9 Track 1 Test Set.
Table 9: Error analysis of the Ens-GPT’s performance with
rows T = Test set, 1 = Case 1, 2 = Case 2 and 3 = Case 3.
Table 10: Evaluation results with varying number of knowl-
edge snippets n ∈ {1..5} on the DSTC9 Track 1 Val Set.
Also, the ensemble system outperforms GPT2-XL in 5/8
metrics. However, comparison also shows that the ensemble
method only outperforms GPT2-XL-RR in 3/8 evaluation
metrics. This is the reverse of what was observed in the Val-
idation Set and invites further investigation in future work.
Integrated System Analysis.
Misprediction in Task 1 directly affects Task 2’s scores.
Among the 1,981 true knowledge-seeking turns on the
DSTC9 Track 1 Test data, 1,767 are correctly predicted by
Task 1 and then processed by Task 2. There are 129 turns
where Task 2 selects the wrong knowledge snippet, which
together with the 214 errors in Task 1, account for recall@1
We also analyzed how the output of Task 2 output may
influence performance in Task 3. We categorize the output
into 3 cases: Case 1: ground truth knowledge snippet re-
trieved as the top snippet; Case 2: ground truth knowledge
snippet appearing in the top-4 snippet list but not as the top-
ranking snippet; Case 3: ground truth knowledge snippet not
retrieved. Table 9 presents the performance of Ens-GPT on
the Test Set under these three cases, which indicates that the
quality of output from Task 2 greatly influences performance
in Task 3. Also, adopting multi-knowledge snippets as input
shows great importance as the model performs much bet-
ter under Case 2 than Case 3. As the example in Figure 2
shows, if the ground truth is retrieved as the third snippet,
then the system Ens-GPT can still prevent the error propa-
gation from Task 2 to 3 and answered the question correctly.
We note that the approaches to Tasks 1 and 2 evolved to
become convergent with some overlapping goals, but they
are still different in certain fundamental aspects. In the fu-
ture, we would like to develop a more streamlined approach,
possibly combining Tasks 1 and 2 into a single sub-system.
5 Conclusion
We presented a pipeline of KDEAK, KnowleDgEFactor,
and Ens-GPT, which achieves task-oriented dialog model-
ing with unstructured knowledge access, that can respond to
users’ request for information lying outside the database but
in an external knowledge repository of FAQ-like snippets.
Task 1 (knowledge-seeking turn detection) is accom-
plished by a subsystem named KDEAK. It formulates the
problem as natural language inference and fully utilizes
three information sources – dialog history, database, and ex-
ternal knowledge. Domain and entity information determine
the candidate pool of information snippets which are ranked
based upon relevance to the user’s query. Final classification
is based on the source of most relevant information snippet.
Task 2 (knowledge selection) resorts to a 3-module
KnowleDgEFactor subsystem formulated as a knowl-
edge/document retrieval problem. It is factorized into the
sub-problems of domain and entity selection, domain prob-
ability estimation and knowledge probability estimation,
which are handled by three modules. Knowledge snippets
are ranked using the probabilities computed by the estimates
of the modules.
Finally, Task 3 (knowledge-grounded response genera-
tion) is performed by Ens-GPT, in which multiple retrieved
knowledge snippets are integrated to enrich knowledge and
improve robustness of the generated response. The domain
of the user query and the confidence of the retrieved snippets
are used to determine which way to generate the response.
Automatic evaluation metrics show that
the final re-
sponses generated from integration of the three subsystems
outperform the baseline significantly.
Possible future directions may include extension to-
wards open-domain knowledge-grounded conversations
(Gopalakrishnan et al. 2019), enhancing robustness towards
recognition errors for speech inputs (Gopalakrishnan et al.
2020) and creating an engaging user experience.
6 Acknowledgments
This work is partially supported by the Centre for Percep-
tual and Interactive Intelligence, a CUHK InnoCentre. We
thank Dr. Pengfei Liu, a graduate of the Department of Sys-
tems Engineering & Engineering at CUHK, for constructive
comments and suggestions.
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Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
Santiago Miret * 1 N. M. Anoop Krishnan * 2
1Intel Labs, Santa Clara, CA, United States
2Department of Civil Engineering, Yardi School of Artificial Intelligence,
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, India
∗Email: [email protected] (SM), [email protected] (NMAK)
Large Language Models (LLMs) create exciting possibilities to accelerate scientific discovery and knowledge
dissemination in materials science. While LLMs have been successfully applied to select scientific problems and
rudimentary challenges, they currently fall short of being practical materials science tools. In this perspective,
we show relevant failure cases of LLMs in materials science that reveal current limitations of LLMs related
to comprehending and reasoning over complex, interconnected materials science knowledge. Given those
shortcomings, we outline a framework for developing Materials Science LLMs (MatSci-LLMs) that are grounded
in domain knowledge, which can enable hypothesis generation followed by hypothesis testing. The path to
attaining performant MatSci-LLMs rests, in large part, on building high-quality, multi-modal datasets sourced
from scientific literature, where various information extraction challenges persist. As such, we describe key
materials science information extraction challenges which need to be overcome to build large-scale, multi-modal
datasets that capture valuable materials science knowledge. Aiming to bring a coherent effort to address these
challenges, we outline a roadmap for applying MatSci-LLMs for real-world materials discovery through six
interacting steps: 1. Materials Query; 2. Data Retrieval; 3. Materials Design; 4. Insilico Evaluation; 5. Experiment
Planning; 6. Experiment Execution. Finally, we discuss some of the broader implications of the MatSciLLMs on
the society at large in terms of sustainability, inclusivity and policy making.
1. Introduction
The advent of large language models (LLMs) has started to reshape many technology development efforts and research
roadmaps. Apart from significantly impacting the space of natural language processing, LLMs have had a significant impact
on many related fields, such as computer vision with text-to-image generators (Zhang et al., 2023), and have sparked the
creation of efforts to integrate their capabilities into diverse industries. Examples of these efforts include task automation in
healthcare (He et al., 2023), legal (Dahl et al., 2024), finance (Wu et al., 2023a), software engineering (Fan et al., 2023) and
multiple scientific fields. The successful application of LLMs to materials science (MatSci) has the potential to transform
the field by accelerating the discovery, synthesis, and analysis of new materials that can address some of today’s complex
societal-scale challenges, such as climate change, energy security, sustainable agriculture and manufacturing, personalized
medical devices, and access to more powerful computing systems. While recent research work has seen increased adoption
of LLMs in adjacent scientific fields, such as chemistry (Jablonka et al., 2023) and diverse areas of biology (Lin et al.,
2023; Hsu et al., 2022; Xu et al., 2023; Cui et al., 2023; Dalla-Torre et al., 2023), the application of LLMs in materials
science has been significantly slower. Analyzing the challenges and bottlenecks for the use and development of LLMs
tailored to materials is the first step to address this issue. Hence, we aim to analyze the failures of LLMs in materials science
and propose requirements for MATerials SCIence LLMs (MatSci-LLMs) along with a roadmap to enable the impactful
application of MatSci-LLMs for furthering the field of materials.
Material science is a highly interdisciplinary field – the first scientific branch that emerged out of the fusion of different
branches (physics, chemistry, mechanical engineering, and metallurgy) rather than a division – that studies how the
interaction of atomic matter affects the properties and behavior of materials systems across diverse sets of conditions. The
broad scope of materials systems encompasses multiple physical scales ranging from nanostructures with a small number
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
of atoms which are used in modern computing devices, to continuum materials, such as metals and cement, that make up
modern infrastructure like roads, bridges and buildings. Moreover, the wide range of materials applications can range from
electronic materials (e.g., transistors, batteries), to chemical materials (e.g., polymers) to biological materials (e.g., medical
implants), each of which has very different requirements and application environments. As such, MatSci often borrows
concepts from related scientific fields, including physics, chemistry, and biology, leading to a vast and dynamic body of work
covered by the field. This diversity also informs the wide range of tasks that materials scientists perform across different
subfields, which further informs the requirements of MatSci-LLMs.
Early work applying text-based methods to materials science largely focused on text-and-data mining. While much progress
has been made to enable data mining, many of the challenges data-mining identified in early work by Kononova et al. (2021)
remain. One particularly common task for early text-mining methods was mining text to predict synthesis procedures
based on peer-reviewed literature (Kim et al., 2017; 2020). While the deployment of targeted text-mining techniques was
successful in developing targeted synthesis procedures for a subset of materials systems, the proposed approaches did not
provide scalable solutions to a diversity of materials design challenges (Ravinder et al., 2021) (see App. 4 for additional
In addition to text-mining, early works also focused on classifying the text in materials science publications according to
their semantic meaning, which is similar to named-entity-recognition (NER) in traditional language processing (Gupta et al.,
2022; Walker et al., 2021). As studied by Song et al. (2023a), specialized BERT models perform quite well on common NLP
tasks for materials science, assuming labeled data exists. This, however, is not scalable given the sparsity of labeled data in
materials science. Ensuing information extraction methods, such as ChemDataExtractor (Swain & Cole, 2016) spanned
different modalities of data, including scientific text, property data, spectroscopy data, as well as tabular data. Additional
efforts were also used to extract information related to images (Venugopal et al., 2021; Zaki et al., 2022b; Mukaddem et al.,
2019), which were then used to create either database or to even extract features (Mukaddem et al., 2019; Zaki et al., 2023).
LLMs have leapfrogged prior machine learning approaches for various text-based MatSci tasks, including information
extraction and search. While specialized methods continue to improve the performance of data extraction for applicable
modalities in materials science (Gupta et al., 2023), the advent of LLMs has led to a more unified and reliable way to
arrive at reliable information extraction (Dagdelen et al., 2024). As described in Dagdelen et al. (2024) and in Section 5,
in-context learning abilities of modern LLMs are a powerful tool to accelerate the abilities to process and extract information
in materials science text. While further research is needed to improve such methods, they represent significant progress that
enables new research opportunities discussed in this paper.
In this perspective, we start with an overview of the requirements of a MatSci-LLM. Following this, we discuss the failure
cases of LLMs in meeting those requirements and the need for further benchmarking datasets. Next, we discuss the
challenges in the development of a MatSci-LLM. This section also presents some of the interesting machine learning
challenges involved in the process of building a MatSci-LLM that can be applied to several other domains as well. Concretely,
the development of MatSci-LLMs requires high-quality, multi-modal datasets that are curated with the help of domain
experts. Moreover, dataset curation also involves a set of unique, on-trivial challenges to potentially unlock the ground-
breaking capabilities of MatSci-LLMs. These challenges, amongst others, include linking information across multiple
documents referenced via citations, as well as managing diverse ways of expressing important procedures and concepts. To
bridge these gaps, we propose a roadmap for MatSci-LLMs, which we hope will enable a coordinated community research
effort to address these interwoven challenges. Finally, we discuss the broader implications of MatSci-LLMs and discuss
how they could help in addressing some of the sustainable development goals.
2. Requirements of a MatSci-LLM
To evaluate the performance of the LLM for materials science, it is essential to identify the requirements a MatSci LLM needs
to satisfy. Given the diversity of MatSci knowledge and its associated technical tasks, we propose that MatSci-LLM should
meet the following requirements, shown in Figure 1, namely, Domain Knowledge & Grounded Reasoning: MatSci-LLMs
should have an understanding of MatSci as a subject area to provide useful information to material scientists and be able
to reason over core MatSci principles; and Augmenting Materials Scientists: MatSci-LLMs should have the ability to
perform useful tasks to accelerate materials science research that augments the work of materials scientists in reliable and
interpretable manner. These aspects are discussed in detail below.
Domain Knowledge & Grounded Reasoning: Recent research efforts have yielded progress towards infusing MatSci
domain knowledge into LLMs to solve text-based tasks. Early work, such as Walker et al. (2021); Gupta et al. (2022);
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
Figure 1. Overview of MatSci-LLM requirements related to knowledge acquisition and science acceleration. MatSci-LLMs require
knowledge contained across multiple documents along multiple data modalities. Pertinent materials science knowledge includes
understanding materials structure, properties and behavior covering diverse conditions, as well as materials synthesis and analysis
procedures based on experimental descriptions. To effectively accelerate science, MatSci-LLMs should interact with human scientists
as robust question-answering system and act as grounded hypothesis generators that augment a scientist’s knowledge. Additionally,
MatSci-LLMs should provide executable procedures for real-world experiments through machine-machine and human-machine interfaces.
Huang & Cole (2022) focused on training BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) architecture on domain-specific text corpora relevant
to MatSci. A detailed analysis of these and other scientific language models by Song et al. (2023a) revealed that domain-
specific pretraining did infuse the language models with relevant materials knowledge showing the importance of building
high-quality MatSci language datasets. Recent works by Song et al. (2023b) and Xie et al. (2023) showed that instruction
fine-tuning leveraging commercial scale LLMs can further improve performance on MatSci language tasks. While this
suggests that practical MatSci knowledge can be extracted from today’s commercial LLMs (e.g., GPT-3.5, Claude and
GPT-4) their understanding of MatSci remains incomplete as shown by Zaki et al. (2024). As we discuss in Section 3,
grounded reasoning over materials science principles remains a challenge.
Augmenting Materials Scientists: Research work in this direction has been primarily limited to adjacent domains, in
particular chemistry. Jablonka et al. (2023) showed different applications of LLMs across diverse chemistry tasks, and Bran
et al. (2023) and Boiko et al. (2023) provided examples of how a tool-augmented GPT-4 can perform real-world experimental
planning and execution based on user queries. While such works show great relevance to MatSci, they are incomplete in
addressing the vast diversity of knowledge and scientific tasks in MatSci, thereby falling short on the criteria needed to
be considered MatSci-LLMs. One concrete difference between chemistry LLMs and MatSci-LLMs, for example, is the
fact that IUPAC names in chemistry make the identification and tracking of molecular structures significantly easier. As
discussed in Section 4, the materials domain contains much greater diversity including periodic crystal structures, surfaces,
nanostructures, metals and alloys, and disordered materials like glasses, limiting the degree of systematization that can be
achieved for indexing these materials with natural language.
3. Failure Cases of LLMs in MatSci
While recent work has shown great promise in applying LLMs to materials science and adjacent fields, it is important
to understand the limitations of LLMs on a broad set of challenges in the MatSci domain. To this extent, several efforts
have focused on tasks related to question-answering, code writing, named-entity recognition, abstract classification, and
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
composition extraction from tables in materials literature (Zaki et al., 2024; Gupta et al., 2023; Song et al., 2023b;a). Here,
we outline some of the failure cases demonstrating the need to develop robust MatSci-LLMs before deploying them for
practical applications.
Proficient LLMs such as GPT-4 (Achiam et al., 2023) and LLaMA-2 (Touvron et al., 2023) are trained on vast corpora
of publicly available text data (Computer, 2023). Accordingly, commercial LLMs should have had some reasonable
exposure to the MatSci domain based on Wikipedia and other public domain information on MatSci. To evaluate the
MatSci domain knowledge of LLMs, Zaki et al. (2024) curated a dataset of 650 questions requiring undergraduate-level
knowledge to answer them. The analysis of the responses from LLMs revealed that GPT-4 with chain-of-thought (CoT)
(Wei et al., 2022) reasoning performed the best with a score of 62% accuracy. Interestingly, GPT4-CoT performed the
worst in numerical-type questions with a score of only 39%. This suggests that present LLMs perform poorly in identifying
the correct equations, grounding the context by substituting appropriate numerical values, and subsequently solving the
original question. Moreover, a comparison of the performance of LLMs with human performance in the same exam revealed
that GPT4-CoT, while outperforming other baselines, consistently obtained only 50% of the top-performing humans and
ultimately never cleared the cutoff to pass the exams.
A task where LLMs are known to perform well is code generation (Chen et al., 2021; Lai et al., 2023; Zan et al., 2023).
While code generation for chemistry tasks has yielded mostly promising results as detailed in White et al. (2023), Zaki
et al. (2024) evaluated the performance of LLMs on code generation tasks as well and found that GPT-4 exhibited an
accuracy of only 71% even in code writing tasks related to MatSci. A careful analysis of the questions and code-writing
tasks where GPT4-CoT performed poorly reveals two salient conclusions: (i) LLMs have difficulty in solving complex
numerical problems, not just because of the complex arithmetic (which could potentially be solved by translating the
numerical question into code (Wu et al., 2023b)), but because of their inability to ground the available data in the given
equation. This includes wrong substitution, incorrect conversion of units, and missing constants while converting units (e.g.,
taking into account the speed of light, Avagadro number, etc.). (ii) LLMs have difficulty in understanding the information
related to 3D structure. Specifically, the crystal structures and the symmetries associated with materials are misinterpreted
leading to incorrect conclusions. Zaki et al. (2024) observed these errors consistently in both code generation tasks and
question-answering tasks for multiple LLMs.
To elucidate current LLM failure cases in MatSci, consider the question below. “The materials belonging to which one
of the following crystal classes would be both piezoelectric and ferroelectric: (A) 222 (B) 4mm (C) -1 (D) 2/m”. Here,
while (B) 4mm is the correct answer, GPT4-CoT suggests 2/m as the correct answer with the reasoning that “(D) 2/m: This
crystal class does not have a center of symmetry, which means it can be piezoelectric. Additionally, it is a polar crystal class,
making it able to be ferroelectric as well.”. However, this reasoning is incorrect—2/m is centrosymmetric, and hence is not
a polar crystal. Answering this question requires the knowledge of crystal structures, which needs to be grounded on the
concept of the polarity of atoms based on the crystal structure. Although the LLM understands this requirement, it performs
poor reasoning and inference, potentially due to the lack of such data during training. Another example worth noting is
the following question. “The Miller indices of the first three Bragg peaks in the X-ray diffraction pattern obtained from a
polycrystalline iron sample at room temperature are (A) (111), (200), (220) (B) (100), (110), (111) (C) (100), (110), (200)
(D) (110), (200), (220)”. While the correct answer is (D), GPT4-CoT suggests (C) as the answer, based on the reasoning
that “systematically listing all possible combinations of h, k, and l, and identifying those that satisfy the BCC selection rule
(h + k + l = even), we get the following allowable Miller indices as: (100), (110), and (200)”. However, this is contradictory
as for the first Miller index (100) in the list, h + k + l = 1 + 0 + 0 = 1, which is odd and not even. Accordingly, while the
understanding that the BCC selection rule requires (h + k + l) should be even is correct, the LLM was unable to ground this
concept correctly and suggest the correct Miller indices. Ten such examples are listed in Appendix C, where we provide the
question, the answer, and the reasoning provided by GPT-4, along with the correct solution. We observe consistent mistakes
made by GPT-4 in numerical errors and reasoning inconsistencies both in conceptual MatSci questions and in MatSci code
generation tasks. These observations strongly suggest that LLMs need to be exposed to more domain-specific information
and develop greater reasoning capabilities for them to be usable for any real-world application in this domain.
LLM reasoning difficulties extend beyond the MatSci domain, including in general language tasks (BehnamGhader et al.,
2023). Given the great importance of reasoning abilities to formulate and test scientific hypotheses, this remains a major
gap in the development of MatSci-LLMs which also has implications for the broader LLM community. While LLMs have
shown promise in solving concrete planning tasks, such as retrosynthesis planning (Boiko et al., 2023; Bran et al., 2023),
and executing code-based functions as part of a greater workflow (Buehler, 2023; Yoshikawa et al., 2023), LLMs still rely
on human intervention and correction in many cases. In addition to greater robustness, future LLMs can also benefit from
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
greater interpretability to accelerate hypothesis testing and enable scientists to better understand the various aspects of the
system they are interested in. This is especially important in MatSci where many experimental procedures can expose
valuable information about the underlying material properties and behavior under diverse settings, which in turn can inform
a broader understanding of fundamental physical and chemical relationships of the underlying material system.
To fully unlock the power of LLMs for materials discovery, further progress is needed along the following directions.
1. Hypothesis Generation Grounded on MatSci Knowledge: MatSci-LLMs require an understanding of diverse MatSci
knowledge and the ability to reason over core domain principles. This will enable MatSci-LLMs to answer queries of
domain-specific questions and generate useful hypotheses that can be verified with real-world experiments. Modern LLMs
struggle to provide well-reasoned answers that reference relevant supporting evidence for in-depth questions. While ongoing
progress highlights the capability of modern LLMs to provide relevant MatSci knowledge (Song et al., 2023b), clear gaps
remain (Zaki et al., 2024).
2. Multi-Modal MatSci Datasets: To enable MatSci-LLMs to capture the true extent of human knowledge of MatSci, we
require large-scale, high-quality, multi-modal datasets based primarily on peer-reviewed MatSci publications. Much of
the knowledge in the MatSci literature is contained in tables, figures, and other modalities that express important material
properties and behavior in addition to the physical and chemical relationships that underlie them. Additionally, modern
LLMs still struggle to understand domain-specific MatSci language and effectively process MatSci notation, including
chemical formulas and mathematical formulas expressed in line with other text.
3. Real-World Materials Design: Connecting MatSci-LLMs to real-world simulation and experimental tools in creative
ways can comprehensively accelerate materials design, synthesis, and analysis by enabling end-to-end automation. As
described in Section 6, MatSci-LLMs can provide powerful human-machine and machine-machine interfaces for increased
automation in MatSci research, as well as commercial materials production. Recent work in chemistry LLMs (Bran et al.,
2023; Boiko et al., 2023) has shown promise in deploying tool-augmented LLMs for end-to-end materials design tasks
driven by text-based user input.
NLP Tasks
1. Battery Device QA
In-context Q&A
(Huang & Cole, 2022)
2. MaScQA
3. MatSciNLP
Materials Q&A, Code generation,
Composition extraction
Named entity recognition,
synthesis action retrieval,
event argument extraction,
paragraph classification,
relation extraction,
sentence classification, slot filling
(Zaki et al., 2024; Gupta et al., 2023)
(Song et al., 2023a; Gupta et al., 2022)
(Jensen et al., 2021; Kim et al., 2020)
(Kim et al., 2017; Mysore et al., 2019)
4. OpticalTable Q&A
Table and text-based Q&A
(Zhao et al., 2023)
5. SustainableConcrete
Text-based Concrete Design
(V¨olker et al., 2024)
Table 1. Benchmarking datasets for MatSci-LLM along with the tasks.
Datasets and benchmarking: Evaluating the performance of LLMs on these tasks requires several carefully curated
datasets and benchmarking frameworks that evaluate the model performance and limitations. Although there are several
datasets available as listed in Table 1, further work is needed to systemically assess LLMs capabilities related to MatSci.
Specifically, there are limited datasets covering only a small aspect of the wide range of topics related to materials. Moreover,
there exist no datasets on multi-modal evaluations including text, graphs, figures, tables, audio, and video. On top of that,
there are limited datasets on experimental procedures and protocols that could be used to evaluate the knowledge of LLMs
related to understanding and executing relevant experimental procedures. It is worth noting that there are increasing research
efforts on evaluating the performance of LLMs for chemistry that have led to more advanced datasets, benchmarks, and
analysis (Mirza et al., 2024). We believe that similar efforts need to be carried out in the materials science domain as well,
including but not limited to the area of composites, metals, alloys, ceramics, glasses, and nanomaterials.
4. Challenges in the development of MatSci-LLM
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
The MatSci domain requires great technical depth and breadth due to the field’s broad technical scope that interfaces with
physics, chemistry, biology, and various engineering disciplines. Hence, MatSci presents unique challenges for knowledge
acquisition for domain-specific language models. While some of the challenges, such as domain-specific notations, are
unique to MatSci, others have a broad intersection with multiple machine learning fields, such as multi-modal information
extraction involving text, images, and video.
Domain-Specific Notations: Unlike IUPAC (Hellwich et al., 2020) nomenclatures in chemistry, there exist no standard
notations for MatSci; for instance, NaAlSi2O8, Na2O.Al2O3.2SiO2, SiO2–0.5Na2O–0.5Al2O3 all represent the same
material in different contexts. Moreover, several common domain-specific names represent materials, including soda and
lime, for Na2CO3 and CaCO3, respectively. Furthermore, some sub-domains, such as cement, employ their own chemical
notations that are contradictory with the general chemistry notation; C-S-H represents calcium silicate hydrate in cement
chemistry, whereas, in standard chemistry notation, it represents carbon, sulfur, and hydrogen, respectively. Similarly,
there are several inconsistent abbreviations used in the literature to refer to properties in MatSci. These abbreviations are
sometimes specific to a given document or can also be present in multiple documents. Thus, understanding these notations
requires grounding the LLMs in different domains with the right context.
Incomplete Descriptions: Research publications regularly refer to previous works in the text to omit specific information.
This is exemplified by the sentences such as “the fracture simulations were carried out using an established methodology as
outlined in Griffith et al.”; a common practice in the MatSci literature. Such approaches are also extremely common when
reporting experimental or simulation protocols, material compositions, syntheses, and testing conditions, and optimizing
process parameters. The context of the work reported in a manuscript, in this case, is thus grounded in a different manuscript.
Moreover, the descriptions can occasionally be highly non-linear while referring to different sources in an extremely
complicated manner. Finally, there could be a reference to the manuals of different instruments and material sources, which
are described elsewhere. Thus, an LLM needs to procure information across multiple sources and process it together in the
proper context to create a sequential description of the process and the related analysis that was carried out.
Text-to-Structure: MatSci employs text to represent several 3D or 2D structures in different ways. For instance, the crystal
structures are represented using the Wyckoff positions (Aroyo et al., 2006) –4mm in crystallography represents a crystal
structure, whereas, in general literature, it might be confused with a distance metric (millimeter). Moreover, crystals are
represented using a widely used format known as crystal information file (CIF), which explains the details of the crystal
along with the positions of the atoms as shown in Appendix B with a CIF of Silicon. Current LLMs are unable to read,
interpret, or generate CIF in their entirety, which is a strong limiting factor for novel materials discovery. Similarly, there
are several other approaches to represent the 3D structure using text, such as XYZ files or other software-specific files for
diverse purposes. As such, the ability of LLMs to understand such files plays a crucial role in the materials domain. Recent
work by Gruver et al. (2023) shows that LLMs can generate correct CIF-formatted materials with targeted fine-tuning but
fail to provide context describing important details of the CIF file.
Multi-Modal Information Extraction: Text and Tables: Pertinent information for materials in peer-reviewed papers are
generally represented using multiple modalities, including text, tables, figures, and videos—audio is rarely used, although not
absent. Significant progress has been made in effectively extracting tabular information (Gupta et al., 2023; Zhao et al., 2023;
Zhao & Cole, 2022) with work still remaining on how to best make use of extracted data to infuse the underlying knowledge
of the tables into language models. Extraction can be particularly challenging for property-based data, which often includes
numbers that map to various scientific units. A simple exercise on information extraction from tables revealed that GPT-4
was able to extract only ∼ 55% of materials properties from a table (Zaki et al., 2024) in contrast to ∼ 73% by a model
trained for the task (Gupta et al., 2023). This problem is amplified by the fact that more than 80% of material compositions
and properties are reported in tables (Hira et al., 2023). Finally, in several cases, table information is incomplete, even when
read together with the caption. For instance, when reporting the composition of Magnesium alloys, many tables in research
papers report the values of all the components other than Magnesium in a given alloy. Thus, the percentage of Magnesium in
these alloys needs to be computed as 100-(the sum of reported elements in the tables for a given alloy). Such a task requires
grounding the table information along with the text and then performing the necessary arithmetic to obtain the percentage.
Multi-Modal Information Extraction: Text and Figures: Materials are characterized by many experimental methods such
as Raman analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence, scanning electron micrographs, or atomic force microscopy,
the results of which are represented in figures. Such information could include the visual representation captured by the
measurement technique, such as an optical micrograph or a plot that summarizes this information, as in the case of XRD
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
patterns. Moreover, this information will be elaborated briefly in the figure caption, followed by a detailed explanation in the
text. A sample text from a materials literature could be as follows: “The XRD patterns shown in Figure XY(a) suggest that
the sample is amorphous and does not have any crystalline content. Further, the XRF in Fig. XY(b) reveals the presence of
clustering of Calcium instead of a uniform distribution”. In this particular case, the text and figure need to be interpreted
together. Moreover, the specific aspects of the image that allow one to interpret it, such as the clustering of calcium or the
specific feature of the XRD patterns, allow a researcher to identify that the material is amorphous and is not labeled. In
order for the LLM to learn these aspects, a large number of images and aligned text are needed for joint training.
Multi-Modal Information Extraction: Text, Figures, Tables, and Videos: Additional modalities of presenting relevant
information involve a combination of text, figures, and tables. In such cases, the information from the table should be read
along with the figures while grounding the reasoning in the context of the manuscript, all of which further compound the
cumulative importance of multi-modal information extraction. Occasionally, additional modalities, such as audio-visual files,
are used to demonstrate material response. This includes material failure modes illustrating cracks, crystal growth, thermal
response, the response of actuators, and simulations, amongst others. In this case, there are additional challenges that require
the training of LLMs to properly link the information in video, figures, text, and tables. These are open problems for which
the community may need to develop novel methods and architectures. While these challenges are far from exhaustive, we
note that the tasks mentioned here reveal novel domain-specific problems whose solutions can have a potentially strong
impact on other scientific and machine learning domains as well.
Context Across Multiple Documents & Sources: Most of the information generated through scientific inquiry is
documented and communicated through natural language in peer-reviewed publications. Understanding this text – and
potentially extracting the information – presents several unique challenges distinct from other domains (Hira et al., 2023).
One of the major challenges in this regard includes understanding the importance of context across multiple documents and
sources of information. As highlighted above, this is additionally complicated by the fact that a given material can have
multiple correct names and designations, meaning that important information can be contained across all of the names for a
given material. Having unique IUPAC-style naming conventions can accelerate the deployment of LLMs as observed in
chemistry (Jablonka et al., 2023), yet this is often not sufficient to capture all the relevant details needed to fully understand
materials properties and synthesis leading to the development of additional data initiatives to fill that gap (Kearnes et al.,
2021; Mercado et al., 2023). Hence, while proposing an IUPAC-style naming convention might seem like a natural solution
to aid the deployment of LLMs in MatSci, many proposals of such conventions have previously fallen short, given the vast
diversity of the field.
Diverse Experimental and Simulation Procedures: While understanding context is the first step toward automated
discovery, the next natural step is to identify the appropriate experimental or simulation protocols relevant to the context.
There is a multitude of experimental and simulation procedures that can be used to evaluate the same objective. As such,
understanding them and choosing the relevant one or a set of relevant experiments is a challenging task, which requires
domain-specific information and reasoning. Early works have shown some promise in providing useful tools for creating
synthesis procedures of specific materials (Olivetti et al., 2020; Jensen et al., 2021), but much work remains in effectively
deploying LLMs for these tasks. Additionally, understanding experimental MatSci procedures provides additional challenges
given the diversity of synthesis, characterization techniques across data modalities (e.g., phase identification using X-ray
diffraction, spectroscopic techniques), and processing conditions that can be observed across materials design use cases even
within similar materials classes. Similarly, effective insilico design and filtering of materials requires accurate simulations,
and the inability to generate the correct codes grounded in the context can make this task challenging. This is exemplified by
the mistakes in the code generation tasks where the LLMs are unable to either ground the concept correctly or the generated
code exhibits numerical errors. Thus, it is imperative that large amounts of curated and complete data associated with
simulation and experimental procedures are used to train effective MatSci-LLMs.
It is worth noting that understanding materials synthesis and characterizing them is far from trivial given the cast diversity
of procedures, many of which can exist even among the same family of materials. Modern materials systems range from
metals, ceramics, semiconductors, glasses, and polymers to composites, nanomaterials, alloys, and biomaterials to name a
few. Furthermore, many materials exist in liquid, solid (both amorphous and crystalline), or gaseous phases. Composites,
which involve combinations of multiple materials, often contain multiple phases in a single system such as a gel, which
is a liquid in solid, or a colloid, which is a solid in liquid. The synthesis procedures relevant for these diverse arrays
of materials accordingly vary greatly and include diverse methods such as melt-quenching, sintering, annealing, sol-gel
process to name a few. Following synthesis, characterizing the synthesized materials is also a noteworthy challenge where
each technique needs to be mapped to the given system and property of interest. To further complicate matters, the same
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
property measured by different techniques can lead to different results. For instance, hardness measured by common
techniques including nanoindentation, microindentation, atomic force microscopy, a picoindenter (Gouldstone et al., 2007),
or a scratch test (Kasimuthumaniyan et al., 2021), all can yield significantly different results. Altogether, the diversity in
these approaches suggest that synthesis and characterization procedures must be customized for each individual material
system. As such, this type of information is important to the MatSci-LLM to understand have available in order for it to
suggest the appropriate experimental technique and enable its execution.
Addressing this challenge requires a comprehensive database of synthesis and characterization data of materials. Early
work, such as the synthesis project (Kim et al., 2017; 2020) have started to collect such data for a subset of modern
materials. Additionally, past research efforts have focused on extracting information related to processing and testing
conditions of materials (Mysore et al., 2019; Venugopal et al., 2021; Zaki et al., 2022a), which are acutely valuable for
building comprehensive databases. Many of the aforementioned approaches employed classical natural language processing
techniques which can benefit from the enhanced capabilities of modern LLMs.
5. Multi-Modal MatSci Corpus Building
The performance of a language model heavily depends on the quality of the dataset on which they are trained on. Thus,
dataset creation remains an integral part in enabling progress across various deep learning subfields, including computer
vision, graph learning, as well as natural language in both general and scientific domains. Given the vast amount of MatSci
information expressed in diverse modalities, multi-modal language models would unlock significantly more powerful
capabilities for scientific language modeling.
The gold standard data for training these LLMs for MatSci is mostly contained in peer-reviewed publications at established
editorials, such as the family of journals at Elsevier, Royal Society, American Society, and Springer Nature amongst others.
Unfortunately, much of the content of peer-reviewed publications at established journals remains inaccessible beyond
paywalls limiting public access, which makes it difficult to access these valuable text data. Accordingly, it is unlikely that
any general-purpose language models, such as GPT-4 or LLaMa, have had access to this data, which likely contributes to
their poor performance on MatSci tasks highlighted in Section 3. While there have been promising developments in making
scientific text data available via open access through various preprint servers and portals like Semantic Scholar, text data
obtained from such sources often requires extensive cleaning and preparation processes before becoming useful for training
scientific LLMs (Lo et al., 2020). Research work in making text data more accessible has already produced meaningful
results in making language model training and evaluation more successful (Song et al., 2023a;b). However, curating such
data on which an LLM can be trained requires addressing additional data-related challenges described below.
1. Data Availability: While families of journals such as Elsevier and Springer provide text and data-mining APIs based
on paid subscriptions, machine-readable formats such as xml files are available only for manuscripts published in the 21st
century. Our analysis of MatSci-related articles in Springer and Elsevier journals revealed that ∼ 6 million peer-reviewed
articles with a total of ∼ 20 billion words are available in a machine-readable format through institutional subscriptions
(see Appendix A). While this corpus is significantly smaller compared to general language LLMs, the quality and domain
relevance is significantly higher. Nevertheless, almost all the publications from the 20th century or earlier are only available
as PDFs or scanned files of the hardcopy publication which are not easily machine-readable. Thus, a vast amount of data
representing the cumulative scientific endeavor before the 21st century is not available for LLM training. Additionally, many
other families of peer-reviewed journals do not either allow text and data mining or have a framework to support it. Data
sourced from preprint servers, such as arXiv, often require extensive cleaning to make them amendable to LLM training.
2. Large-Scale Description & Annotation: While pretraining does not require annotations, several downstream tasks
require high-quality annotations for finetuning the model or employing it using in-context or few-shot learning. This is
particularly important when data is obtained from multiple sources and in multiple modalities, such as tables, text, images,
videos, and codes. For instance, a CIF document of Silicon should have a detailed description of what information is
contained in the file so that the LLM can learn to interpret the information in the CIF in addition to understanding its format.
However, such large-scale annotations are currently unavailable and would require input from domain experts for them to be
reliable. Given these challenges, to ensure scalable dataset generation, we propose: a. Distant Supervision: Here, sparse
supervision signals are used to alleviate the amount of high-quality annotations required. This has shown promise in data
extraction (Gupta et al., 2023) and can be applied along with existing materials databases, such as the Cambridge Structure
Database (Groom et al., 2016). b. In-Context Learning: General purpose LLMs, such as GPT4, exhibit excellent in-context
learning capabilities. Thus, prompt engineering along with in-context learning can be used to generate high-quality training
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
data. Song et al. (2023b) demonstrated this approach for instructions-based finetuning of an LLM for materials science
tasks. We provide several examples of composition extractions detailed in Appendix D, which show some of the capabilities
and gaps of in-context learning for GPT-4. c. Domain-Specific Regex can also be very useful in developing high-quality
training data. Robocrystallographer (Ganose & Jain, 2019), for example, is a regex-based approach that can produce a
textual description for a CIF file. Similarly, ChemDataExtractor (Swain & Cole, 2016) employs a regex-based approach for
chemical data extraction. Regex tools, along with LLMs and distant supervision, comprise promising methods for scalable
data generation and materials design challenges discussed in Section 6.
3. Linking Multiple Entities: While obtaining data on multiple entities is possible, linking them appropriately so they
can be read together with relevant context is a non-trivial task. For instance, the description of a figure or a table in a
manuscript could be spread across multiple paragraphs and even the supplementary material. This is in contrast to standard
machine learning approaches where a figure and description are given together while training. Thus, developing a dataset
that links multiple entities appropriately and employing an appropriate training scheme that respects the dataset and the
context remains an open challenge for the research community.
4. Handling External References: Another major challenge while curating a dataset based on peer-reviewed publications
relates to the use of external references. In a manuscript, references to multiple documents will be made to either support the
claims made in the current work and thereby base the manuscript to be read in the context of the referred work. In other
words, information in the present manuscript is grounded on the claims or observations in the referenced manuscript, which
in turn is grounded in its own references. Dataset and training schemes developed to train a MatSci-LLM should respect
this fact to reduce hallucinations and provide well-reasoned, executable hypotheses. It is also worth noting that several
LLMs often hallucinate when asked for references. Furthermore, when asked to generate a text in the form of a scientific
manuscript, these LLMs generate fictitious references which are arbitrarily written to fit sentences generated in the process.
This motivates the need to appropriately account for external references in the training data.
Altogether, these challenges suggest that the development of a dataset for MatSci-LLMs requires close collaboration between
multiple entities, including publishers, government, industry and academia. While development of high-quality datasets
are indeed challenging, employing some of the aforementioned approaches along with the development of new methods
for managing sparse datasets can spark research for novel solutions that effectively manage data sparsity in the MatSci
domain. Moreover, MatSci-LLMs warrant machine learning solutions for several new challenges such as: (i) handling
old and non-machine readable data through computer vision techniques that can convert the scanned documents to text
respecting the original formats, and (ii) novel machine learning methods that can handle external references and multi-modal
data that are linked together across different contexts. Such solutions could have implications beyond the MatSci domain,
such as analyzing old documents relevant to the history, law, and finance.
6. Roadmap for MatSci-LLMs
Figure 2 shows our proposed outline of an end-to-end materials discovery framework with MatSci-LLM at the core. Each
part of the roadmap contains diverse research opportunities building towards a performant MatSci-LLMs. Furthermore,
Table 2 outlines some of the recent attempts to address these challenges. Now, we discuss these set of tasks for MatSci-LLMs
spanning the six steps specified in the roadmap in Figure 2.
1. Materials Query: Materials queries may span diverse user queries, such as, ”Suggest potential candidate materials
for Li-solid state battery electrolytes”. Alternatively, more complex queries may require the MatSci-LLM to generate
hypotheses based on presented experimental data, a text document or a combination of multiple such sources. As previously
described, hypothesis generation remains an open research problem for MatSci-LLMs and may require interaction with
other steps in the roadmap. Thus, materials query refers to the initial stage where the problem identification is performed
either manually or through an LLM, presenting a research opportunity for novel, specialized querying methods. Emerging
work may also build on top of novel human-machine interfaces for designing complex materials systems (Kanarik et al.,
2023; Vasudevan et al., 2022) that enable greater efficiency and faster scientific understanding.
2. Data Retrieval: The second step toward materials discovery is to exploit the existing knowledge from MatSci-LLM
internal and external knowledge bases. External knowledge includes databases of diverse materials properties (e.g.,
composition–structure–properties), unstructured data from text, or images, or a combination thereof that capture diverse
aspects of the materials simulation, synthesis and characterization pipeline. The vast amount of publications and knowledge
sources makes it non-trivial to extract such information. As such, externalizing the knowledge of MatSci-LLMs could
be useful. Recent works by Cox et al. and Buehler (2024) have shown that intentional use of LLMs has the potential to
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
Figure 2. Roadmap of a Mat-Sci LLM based materials discovery cycle. The cycle starts with materials query from a researcher that
specifies desired properties or an application. The MatSci-LLM then draws from external and internal knowledge bases to generate a
materials design hypothesis which is evaluated in-silico. Next, the MatSci-LLM ingests the in-silico results and prepares an experimental
plan to synthesize and characterize the material, after which the MatSci-LLM interfaces with the relevant machines to execute the
experimental workflow. The final result is then shown to the user for evaluation and feedback. Each stage can interact with another for
refinement and improvement by the MatSci-LLM.
broaden the availability of useful scientific knowledge by externalizing domain-specific LLM-knowledge in a structured,
human-interpretable manner. Cox et al. generated annotations for a database of > 15, 000 protein-codings using robust
methods that rely on citations and cross-checking of the generated information against the scientific literature. Buehler
(2024) and Venugopal & Olivetti (2024) externalized LLM knowledge in a structured knowledge graph, which can be
probed by a scientist to further their understanding and potentially make corrections and adjustments as needed. Future
work can build on top of these early approaches leading to more reliable retrieval methods along with creating interpretable
3. Materials Design: Based on the query and retrieved information, MatSci-LLMs may directly generate structures based
on CIF files (Gruver et al., 2023; Flam-Shepherd & Aspuru-Guzik, 2023; Antunes et al., 2023) or in combination with
current graph or point-cloud based generative methods (Xie et al., 2021; Jiao et al., 2023; Merchant et al., 2023). As shown
in Zeni et al. (2023); Govindarajan et al. (2023), conditional materials generation is a promising approach for designing
materials with specific properties, where the properties can also be predicted based on the textual description (Rubungo
et al., 2023). The rapid progress on generative modeling techniques in adjacent fields such as computer vision, as well as the
vast space of unsolved materials problems, such as designing complex real-world systems with multiple structures, provides
great opportunities for future research work.
4. Insilico Evaluation: Code generation abilities can enable tool-agumented MatSci-LLMs to execute complex simulation
workflows to evaluate materials designs. Recent work by Buehler (2023) shows a possible example of how LLMs can be
integrated with relevant tools to perform end-to-end insilico design of polymer materials where an LLM can generate a new
molecular compound in SMILES notation and then query different LLM-based agents to perform relevant calculations for
the same materials. Further examples in Buehler (2023) show how the LLM system can also set up the relevant computation
environment by installing relevant packages, showing further benefits of end-to-end tool integration. While many of these
systems have not yet been tested at large scales, this represents a great step forward in constructing impactful MatSci-LLMs.
Whereas recent work provides many reasons to be optimistic about LLMs capabilities to solve concrete in-silico MatSci
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
Roadmap Step
MatSci-LLM Tasks
1. Materials Query
2. Data Retrieval
3. Materials Design
4. Insilico Evaluation
5. Experimental Planning
6. Experimental Execution
Human-Machine Interfaces
(Vasudevan et al., 2022)
Externalizing Knowledge
(Buehler, 2024; Venugopal & Olivetti, 2024)
Text-Based Design
(Gruver et al., 2023; Flam-Shepherd & Aspuru-Guzik, 2023)
Generative Model Tools
(Zeni et al., 2023; Govindarajan et al., 2023)
Predictive Modeling
(Rubungo et al., 2023; Jablonka et al., 2023)
Code Generation
Task Automation
Task Planning
(Zaki et al., 2024)
(Bran et al., 2023; Boiko et al., 2023)
(Sim et al., 2023; Szymanski et al., 2023)
Machine-to-Machine Interface
(Yoshikawa et al., 2023)
Real-Time Data Monitoring
Table 2. MatSci-LLM tasks based on the roadmap identified in Figure 2.
problems, much published work fails to include negative results outlining current LLM failures. As such, it is important to
continue to have broader analysis of LLMs’ capabilities for code generation in MatSci similar to Zaki et al. (2024), which
can point to relevant research directions for more robust integration of MatSci-LLMs into materials simulation workflows.
5. Experiment Planning: Following insilico evaluation, the next step involves the development of experiment plan to
synthesize and characterize the materials. LLMs have shown promise in automating simple laboratory experiments (Boiko
et al., 2023; Bran et al., 2023), while adjacent work aims to build necessary infrastructure for autonomous laboratories that
perform experiments without human intervention (Sim et al., 2023; Szymanski et al., 2023). The selection of synthesis and
characterization remains highly non-trivial and depends significantly on the material systems, length and time scales, and the
properties of interest (see App. 4). As such, further research is needed to have MatSci-LLMs effectively identify realistic,
detailed, and executable experimental procedures informed by the constraints of state-of-the-art technology and user needs.
Moreover, the development of effective digital twins for different synthesis procedures will be immensely valuable for
insilico testing and refinement of experimental plans. Data mining approaches sometimes provide useful directions for
targeted use cases, but still require large amount of expert intervention, making them unsuitable for large-scale use.
6. Experiment Execution: The actual execution of the experiments require identification of the relevant commands and
the sequence in which these should be given. This also involves intermediate analysis and appropriate modification of the
protocol according to the real experimental conditions at a given time. For instance, melting of a silicate system would
require continuous strirring until the system is bubble free; a standard protocol while preparing glasses. Thus, MatSci-LLMs
should be able to make and change the plans dynamically as per the actual conditions of the experiment. Recent work by
Yoshikawa et al. (2023) shows that LLMs can provide practical interfaces that more effectively connect scientists to robotic
systems to perform chemical tasks. Current capabilities, however, are still in their early stages with significant future work
needed to create robust control methods for a single machine, as well as machine-to-machine communication capabilities.
7. Conclusions and outlook
The virtuous cycle shown in Figure 2 has the potential to enable impactful scientific discoveries through end-to-end automa-
tion while concurrently augmenting human knowledge through the discovery of new physical and chemical relationships
for an expanding set of materials. The unique challenges of deploying LLMs in MatSci outlined in this paper, however,
require further research to make MatSci-LLMs effective scientific assistants. Meaningful research advances will require
advances along the interface of many fields, including machine learning, materials simulation, materials synthesis, materials
characterization, and robotics.
Among the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) proposed by United Nations, 10 can be achieved or accelerated
through materials innovation. The development of an end-to-end framework for accelerating materials discovery can have
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
broader impacts in several domains such as healthcare, agriculture, energy, sustainability, water filtration, and carbon capture,
to name a few. Traditional materials discovery remains an extremely slow process often taking a period of 20-30 years
from starting a design to final deployment. AI-driven materials discovery has a potential to reduce this cycle to a few
years or even months, thereby providing a means to address major societal-scale challenges. Moreover, the availability of
cloud computing and web services can make this process extremely efficient and economical leading to democratization of
materials discovery. This could reduce the gap between large corporations and small and medium scale industries allowing
materials discovery without the availability of large lab facilities and vast R&D budgets. While Mat-Sci LLMs have great
promise in reducing the cost and democratizing materials discovery, great care must be taken to ensure that MatSci-LLMs
and all related technologies be used in an ethical and harm-limiting manner. As such, we propose the following framework
to reduce the risk of potentially harmful deployment of MatSci-LLMs:
1. Transparency: Encouraging sharing of models, datasets, and research methodologies to promote transparency,
replication, and validation of findings by the broader scientific community is key to ensure risk mitigation. This
approach facilitates peer review and enables independent verification of results and claims. Further, maintaining
comprehensive logs of data sources, model training processes, and decision-making pathways should be encouraged to
ensure accountability and traceability.
2. Risk Assessment: Developing methodologies for assessing the risks associated with the application of LLMs in MatSci,
focusing on both direct impacts (e.g., safety of newly discovered materials) and indirect impacts (e.g., environmental
effects of scaled production) is of paramount importance. Further, systems should be established for ongoing monitoring
of the outcomes and impacts of materials discovered or optimized through LLMs to identify and address unforeseen
risks promptly.
3. Regulatory Compliance & Standardization: Guidelines that address the unique challenges and risks associated with
using LLMs in materials discovery should be created and enforced by governing agencies. Furthermore, standards
should be developed for data representation, algorithms, and model transparency to facilitate oversight and ensure
quality and reliability.
4. Education & Training: Education and training programs that integrate ethics, environmental science, sustainability,
and AI should be developed to prepare a workforce capable of navigating the complexities of using LLMs in materials
discovery. Additionally, dialogues and knowledge exchange between scientists, policymakers, industry stakeholders,
and the public to build understanding and trust in AI-driven materials discovery should be facilitated. A noteworthy
aspect that requires discussion is the tendency of LLMs to hallucinate. It is important to educate the issues associated
with hallucinations in LLMs and how this can have impact on the task that it is applied for.
One example where MatSci-LLMs could cause unintended harmful consequences relates to the use of natural resources. One
can imagine a case where new materials discoveries could put greater demand on minerals that were previously unterutilized.
This, in turn, could result in significant impacts on the local communities and the surrounding ecosystem and would therefore
require action at policy level to avoid inadvertent consequences.
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A. Materials Science Journals
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
Figure 3. List of 20 MatSci journal publications with maximum articles published along with the number of articles and their associated
word counts that are available through publisher APIs for text mining.
Figure 3 shows the list of top 20 MatSci publications (in terms of the number of papers published). along with the number
of papers and the associated word count. These represent the manuscripts that are available for download through the
text-mining API. The complete list of journals is provided in
B. Crystal Information File of Silicon
The following represents a CIF document of silicon atom. The meta data includes the source based on which the CIF is
developed, that is, the journal publication details including author names, title of the paper, journal, vol, year and pages.
Further, the complete lattice parameters are also included in the file. data global
chemical name mineral ’Silicon’
publ author name
’Kasper J S’
’Richards S M’
journal name full ’Acta Crystallographica’
journal volume 17
journal year 1964
journal page first 752
journal page last 755
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
publ section title
The crystal structures of new forms of silicon and germanium
database code amcsd 0009282
chemical compound source ’Synthetic’
chemical formula sum ’Si’
cell length a 6.636
cell length b 6.636
cell length c 6.636
cell angle alpha 90
cell angle beta 90
cell angle gamma 90
cell volume 292.226
exptl crystal density diffrn 2.553
symmetry space group name H-M ’I a 3’
space group symop operation xyz
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
atom site label
atom site fract x
atom site fract y
atom site fract z
atom site U iso or equiv
Si 0.10030 0.10030 0.10030 0.01127
C. Mistakes in Q&A by GPT4-CoT
Following are some of the materials science questions where GPT4-CoT gave incorrect answers. We provide the detailed
question and answer provided by the GPT4-CoT, the correct answer, and the mistake in the solution (highlighted in red).
Question 1
The materials belonging to which one of the following crystal classes would be both piezoelectric and ferroelectric: (A) 222
(B) 4mm (C) -1 (D) 2/m
Correct: B, GPT4-CoT: D
Solution by GPT4-CoT
To determine which crystal class would exhibit both piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties, we need to understand the
properties of each class and the criteria for displaying piezoelectric and ferroelectric behavior.
Piezoelectric materials: These materials generate an electrical charge when subjected to mechanical stress or strain. For a
material to be piezoelectric, it must not have a center of symmetry (also called a center of inversion). In other words, it
should belong to a non-centrosymmetric crystal class.
Ferroelectric materials: These materials possess a spontaneous electric polarization that can be reversed by an external
electric field. Ferroelectric materials must also lack a center of symmetry and fall within a polar crystal class, meaning they
have a unique polar axis.
Now, we can evaluate each crystal class:
(A) 222: This crystal class has a center of symmetry, so it cannot be either piezoelectric or ferroelectric.
(B) 4mm: This crystal class does not have a center of symmetry, which means it can be piezoelectric. However, it is
non-polar, meaning it cannot be ferroelectric.
(C) -1: This crystal class has a center of symmetry, so it cannot be either piezoelectric or ferroelectric.
(D) 2/m: This crystal class does not have a center of symmetry, which means it can be piezoelectric. Additionally, it is a
polar crystal class, making it able to be ferroelectric as well.
Thus, among these crystal classes, only class 2/m would be both piezoelectric and ferroelectric.
The correct answer is: [D].
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
Correct solution.
2/m is centro-symmetric, and hence it is not polar. In contrast, the 4mm point group is polar.
Question 2 (Given: Universal gas constant, R = 8.31 J mol−1K −1, Faraday’s constant, F = 96500 C mol−1). A half cell
consisting of pure Ni immersed in an aqueous solution containing N i2+ ions of unknown concentration, is galvanically
coupled with another half cell consisting of pure Cd immersed in a 1M aqueous solution of Cd2+ ions. The temperature
is 25°C and the pressure is 1 atm. The standard electrode reduction potentials of Ni and Cd are -0.250 V and -0.403 V,
respectively. The voltage of the cell is found to be zero. The concentration (in micromolar) of N i2+ in the solution is
Correct answer: 6 to 7.3, GPT4-CoT: 0
Solution by GPT4-CoT
Given the standard electrode reduction potentials of Ni and Cd are -0.250 V and -0.403 V, respectively. The cell voltage is
found to be zero, which means the overall reaction is in equilibrium. We can use the Nernst equation to find the concentration
of N i2+ in the solution.
The Nernst equation is as follows:
E = E0 − RT
nF ln Q
where, E is the cell voltage, E0 is the standard cell voltage, R is the universal gas constant, T is the temperature in Kelvin,
n is the number of moles of electrons transferred in the reaction, F is Faraday’s constant, and Q is the reaction quotient.
Since the cell voltage is zero, the Nernst equation becomes:
0 = E0
N i − E0
Cd − RT
nF ln Q
Before plugging in the known values, we need to convert the temperature to Kelvin:
Temperature (T) = 25°C + 273.15 = 298.15 K
Now we can plug in the values:
0 = (−0.250) − (−0.403) − 8.31×298.15
ln Q
0 = 0.153 − 2.4685×10−4
ln Q
Solve for Q:
ln Q = 0.153×2
ln Q = 1239.5083
Take the exponent of both sides:
Q = e1239.5083
Since the cell reaction is:
N i2+ + Cd ⇌ N i + Cd2+
The reaction quotient Q is:
Q = [Cd2+]
[N i2+]
Given that the concentration of Cd2+ is 1M:
1 = [Cd2+]
[N i2+] = 1
[N i2+]
Therefore, the concentration of N i2+ is:
[N i2+] = 1
Q =
Since the question is asking for the concentration in micro molar, we will convert the concentration into micro molar:
[N i2+] =
e1239.5083 × 106 µM
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
However, as the exponent in this case is too big (1239.5083) and practically the answer is tending towards zero. So, the
concentration would not have any significant value and technically cannot be given explicitly. Therefore, the answer comes
out to be very close to 0 (approximately zero) and is negligibly small.
Answer: [0]
Mistake made by GPT4-CoT
There’s a calculation error in the solution. The numerator in the highlighted fraction should be 256.872 × 10−4 instead of
2.4685 × 10−4.
Correct Solution
The balanced equation for the reaction occurring in the cell is:
N i(s) + Cd2+(aq) −→ N i2+(aq) + Cd(s)
The standard cell potential can be calculated using the standard reduction potentials of the half-reactions:
Ecell = EN i2+/N i − ECd2+/Cd
Ecell = (−0.250) − (−0.403)
Ecell = 0.153V
The Nernst equation can be used to relate the measured cell potential, the standard cell potential and the concentrations of
the species involved in the half-reactions:
Ecell = Ecell − RT
nF ln(Q)
where Q is the reaction quotient and n is the number of electrons transferred in the balanced equation. Since the cell potential
is zero, we can simplify the equation to:
lnQ = nF
RT Ecell
For this particular cell, n = 2 because two electrons are transferred in the balanced equation. The temperature is 25°C, so we
can use R = 8.31 Jmol−1K −1 and F = 96500 Cmol−1. Substituting these values and the standard cell potential into the
equation above, we get:
lnQ = 2×96500
8.31×298 × 0.153
lnQ = 1.931
Q = e1.931
Q = 6.885
Since the reaction quotient is equal to the concentration of N i2+ in the solution, we can solve for the concentration:
Q = [N i2+]
6.885 = [N i2+]
[N i2+] = 6.885µM
Therefore, the concentration of N i2+ in the solution is 6.885 µM .
Answer: [6.885]
Question 3
The Miller indices of the first three Bragg peaks in the X-ray diffraction pattern obtained from a polycrystalline iron sample
at room temperature are: (A) (111), (200), (220) (B) (100), (110), (111) (C) (100), (110), (200) (D) (110), (200), (220)
Correct Answer: D, GPT4-CoT: C
Solution by GPT4-CoT
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
To solve this problem, we first need to understand some key concepts:
Miller Indices (hkl): Miller indices are a notation system used in crystallography to describe the orientation of crystallo-
graphic planes. They are represented as (hkl) where h, k, and l are integers that are inversely proportional to the intercepts of
the planes with the lattice vectors.
Bragg’s Law: Bragg’s law describes the relationship between the angle of incident X-rays, the crystal lattice spacing (d),
and the order of reflection (n) in X-ray diffraction. It is given by
nλ = 2d sin θ
where λ is the wavelength of X-rays, and θ is the angle between the incident X-ray and the crystal plane.
For Bragg reflections, the interplanar spacing d depends on the crystal structure and Miller indices. In the case of Iron (Fe),
the crystal structure is Body-Centered Cubic (BCC).
For BCC structure, the general formula for calculating d in terms of the lattice parameter ’a’ and Miller indices is:
d2 = (h2+k2+l2)
For a given unit cell, the planes that have the lowest Miller indices and the highest d-spacing will diffract X-rays first (lowest
angle, n=1). So, we need to find the first three Bragg peaks for Fe, which means identifying the three lowest Miller indices
By systematically listing all possible combinations of h, k, and l, and identifying those that satisfy the BCC selection rule (h
+ k + l = even), we get the following allowable Miller indices as:
(100), (110), and (200)
Now, we can rank these by their d-spacing. Based on the formula for d in BCC structure:
d2 = (h2+k2+l2)
The magnitudes of the squared Miller indices (h2 + k2 + l2) for these combinations are:
(100) −→ 12 + 02 + 02 = 1
(110) −→ 12 + 12 + 02 = 2
(200) −→ 22 + 02 + 02 = 4
Now, we can order these combinations by their magnitudes:
(100) < (110) < (200)
Since lower indices correspond to higher d-spacing and occur first in the diffraction pattern, the first three Bragg peaks will
have Miller indices:
(100), (110), and(200)
Thus, the correct answer is:
(C) (100), (110), (200)
Mistake made by GPT4
In the highlighted text, (1 + 0 + 0) is not even. Hence, BCC should be ruled out.
Question 4
Which of the following statement(s) is/are true: (i) All piezoelectric materials are necessarily ferroelectric (ii) All ferroelectric
materials are necessarily piezoelectric (iii) All pyroelectric materials are necessarily piezoelectric (iv) All pyroelectric
materials are necessarily ferroelectric
(A) (i) and (ii) (B) (ii) and (iii) (C) (i) and (iv) (D) (ii) and (iv)
Correct answer: B, GPT-4-COT: D
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
Solution by GPT4-CoT
To answer this question, we must first understand the definitions of piezoelectric, ferroelectric, and pyroelectric materials.
Piezoelectric materials: These materials exhibit an electrical response when subjected to mechanical stress, and vice versa.
The piezoelectric effect is observed in certain crystals, ceramics, and polymers.
Ferroelectric materials: These materials have a spontaneous electric polarization that can be reversed by applying an external
electric field. This property is due to the presence of domains with different orientations of polarization in the materials.
Pyroelectric materials: These materials generate an electric charge when heated or cooled, i.e., they exhibit a temperature-
dependent polarization. Conversely, they can display a temperature change when an electric field is applied.
Now, let’s analyze each statement.
(i) All piezoelectric materials are necessarily ferroelectric:
This statement is not true. While all ferroelectric materials are piezoelectric, not all piezoelectric materials are ferroelectric.
Some piezoelectric materials may not have the property of ferroelectricity, i.e., the spontaneous polarization that can be
reversed using an electric field.
(ii) All ferroelectric materials are necessarily piezoelectric:
This statement is true. In ferroelectric materials, the electric polarization can be reversed by an electric field, which causes
a change in the arrangement of positively and negatively charged ions. This shift in the electric dipoles also results in an
electric response when subjected to mechanical stress, which makes ferroelectric materials piezoelectric.
(iii) All pyroelectric materials are necessarily piezoelectric:
This statement is not true. Pyroelectric materials exhibit temperature-dependent polarization, but they might not exhibit the
direct piezoelectric effect (an electrical response to mechanical stress or vice versa). While some pyroelectric materials are
also piezoelectric, it is not necessarily true for all pyroelectric materials.
(iv) All pyroelectric materials are necessarily ferroelectric:
This statement is true. The pyroelectric effect occurs due to the presence of domains with different orientations of polarization,
which is a characteristic property of ferroelectric materials. When heated or cooled, the domains in pyroelectric materials
shift, causing a change in their electric field. Thus, all pyroelectric materials are ferroelectric.
In conclusion, the correct answer is (D) (ii) and (iv).
Mistakes made by GPT4
All pyroelectric materials are necessarily ferroelectric” is incorrect. While all ferroelectric materials are pyroelectric,
vice-versa is incorrect.
Question 5
For a binary system at constant pressure, there are two types of invariant reactions: (i) α ↔ β +
gamma (ii) α + β ↔ γ Analogously, how many different types of invariant reactions may exist under variable temperature
and pressure, for a binary system?
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
Correct : C, GPT-4-COT: B
Solution by GPT4-CoT
To find the number of different types of invariant reactions under variable temperature and pressure for a binary system, let’s
first analyze the difference between constant pressure and variable pressure and temperature systems.
1. Constant pressure: In this case, P is fixed, and we have one degree of freedom (F = 1). According to the Gibbs phase rule,
F = C - P + 2, where C is the number of components and P is the number of phases. Thus, for a binary system, C = 2.
Under constant pressure, we can have two types of invariant reactions:
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
(i) α ←→ β + γ: In this case, there are 3 phases (P = 3), and substituting in the Gibbs phase rule, we get F = 2 - 3 + 2 = 1.
Hence, this is a valid reaction for constant pressure.
(ii) α + β ←→ γ: In this case, there are 2 phases (P = 2), and substituting in the Gibbs phase rule, we get F = 2 - 2 + 2 = 2.
This is not an invariant reaction under constant pressure, as we have one extra degree of freedom.
2. Variable temperature and pressure: Now, we have two degrees of freedom (F = 2).
Let’s analyze the given reaction types for the variable temperature and pressure:
(i) α ←→ β + γ: There are 3 phases (P = 3). Substituting in the Gibbs phase rule, F = 2 - 3 + 2 = 1. This is not an invariant
reaction under variable temperature and pressure, as we lack one degree of freedom.
(ii) α + β ←→ γ: There are 2 phases (P = 2). Substituting in the Gibbs phase rule, F = 2 - 2 + 2 = 2. This is a valid invariant
reaction under variable temperature and pressure.
Let’s now check if there exist any other types of invariant reactions with F = 2:
(iii) α ←→ β: There are 2 phases (P = 2). Substituting in the Gibbs phase rule, F = 2 - 2 + 2 = 2. This is a valid invariant
reaction under variable temperature and pressure.
(iv) α + β + γ ←→ None: There are no phases (P = 0). Substituting in the Gibbs phase rule, F = 2 - 0 + 2 = 4. This is not an
invariant reaction under variable temperature and pressure, as we have two extra degrees of freedom.
Hence, there are two different types of invariant reactions that may exist under variable temperature and pressure for a binary
system: α + β ←→ γ and α ←→ β.
So, the answer is (B) 2.
Correct explanation:
Under variable temperature and pressure, there can be up to three types of invariant reactions for a binary system.
To understand why, we need to consider the phase rule, which relates the number of degrees of freedom to the number of
phases and components in a system:
F = C − P + 2
where F is the number of degrees of freedom, C is the number of components, and P is the number of phases.
For a binary system (C = 2) with two phases (α and β), the phase rule becomes:
F = 2 − 2 + 2 = 2
This means that we can vary two intensive variables (such as T and P) while still maintaining the system invariant, i.e. at a
fixed composition and with two coexisting phases.
Now, let’s consider the possible reactions that can occur in this system:
- Reaction (i) α ↔ β + γ involves one component (the other is a product of the reaction) and two phases. This means that it
will be an invariant reaction at a certain T and P, but as we vary T and P, the reaction may become non-invariant because it
will no longer be possible to have all three phases (α, β and γ) coexisting. Therefore, we can say that there is at least one
type of invariant reaction under variable T and P.
- Reaction (ii) α + β ←→ γ involves both components of the system and two phases. Similarly, this may be an invariant
reaction at certain conditions, but may become non-invariant as we vary T and P. Therefore, we can say that there is
potentially another type of invariant reaction, but it depends on the system parameters.
- Finally, there could be a reaction that involves both components and all three phases, e.g. α + β ←→ γ + δ. In this case, the
phase rule becomes:
F = 2 − 3 + 2 = 1
which means that only one intensive variable can be varied while keeping the system invariant. Therefore, this reaction
could be invariant under variable T and P, depending on the specific values of T and P.
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
In summary, there can be up to three types of invariant reactions under variable T and P, but the exact number depends on
the system parameters. Therefore, the correct answer is (C) 3.
Question 6
The best magnetostrictive material is
(A) N d2F e14B (B) F e3O4 (C) Cu2M nAl (D) ZnF e2O4
Correct: A, GPT-4-CoT: C
Solution by GPT-4-CoT
Magnetostriction is the property of a material to change its shape or dimensions in the presence of a magnetic field. The
magnetostrictive materials are widely used in sensors, actuators, and other applications where a change in dimension due to
magnetic fields is needed. The best magnetostrictive material is characterized by high magnetostriction, high sensitivity to
magnetic fields, and low losses.
Now let’s look at the given options:
(A) N d2F e14B - Neodymium Iron Boron is well-known for its high energy product and strong magnetic properties. It
is used in permanent magnets and serves a wide variety of applications. However, its magnetostrictive properties are not
(B) F e3O4 - Magnetite, or Iron (II, III) Oxide, is a ferrimagnetic material, which means it has both ferromagnetic and
antiferromagnetic properties. Magnetite exhibits good magnetostrictive properties, but there exist materials that show better
(C) Cu2M nAl - Copper Manganese Aluminum, also known as Heusler alloy or Cu-Al-Mn alloy, shows strong magne-
tostrictive properties, and is among the best magnetostrictive alloys. Its high magnetostriction and low losses make it a
suitable material for applications involving dimensional changes due to magnetic fields.
(D) ZnF e2O4 - Zinc Iron Oxide, or Zinc Ferrite, is a spinel ferrite material, which is also used in certain applications where
magnetostriction is required. It has some magnetostrictive properties but not as strong as Cu-Al-Mn alloy.
Based on the above information, the correct answer is:
[Option (C) Cu2M nAl]
Question 7
With reference to the stress intensity factor, find the correct match of nomenclature (Column A) with the mode of deformation
applied to the crack (Column B).
Column A: [(P) Mode I, (Q) Mode II, (R) Mode III]
COlumn B: [(X) Forward shear mode, (Y) Parallel shear mode, (Z) Crack opening mode ]
Options: (A) P - Z, Q - Y, R - X (B) P - Z, Q - X, R - Y (C) P - Y, Q - X, R - Z (D) P - Y, Q - Z, R – X
Correct: B, GPT4-CoT: A
Solution by GPT4-CoT
The stress intensity factor is a measure of the stress field near the tip of a crack, which is critical for determining the fracture
behavior of a material. There are three modes of deformation applied to a crack, and they are defined as follows:
1. Mode I: Crack opening mode - This mode involves the opening of the crack faces perpendicular to the direction of crack
growth. The stress applied in this mode is tensile stress, and it acts normal to the plane of the crack.
2. Mode II: Forward shear mode - In this mode, the crack faces slide against each other in the direction of crack growth. The
stress applied in this mode is shear stress, and it acts parallel to both the plane of the crack and the direction of crack growth.
3. Mode III: Parallel shear mode - This mode is also characterized by the sliding of crack faces against each other. However,
the stress applied in this mode is shear stress that acts parallel to the plane of the crack but perpendicular to the direction of
crack growth.
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
Now, let’s match the nomenclature (Column A) with the mode of deformation applied to the crack (Column B):
(P) Mode I - (Z) Crack opening mode: The stress intensity factor in Mode I corresponds to the crack opening mode (opening
of the crack faces perpendicular to the direction of crack growth).
(Q) Mode II - (X) Forward shear mode: The stress intensity factor in Mode II corresponds to the forward shear mode (sliding
of crack faces in the direction of crack growth).
(R) Mode III - (Y) Parallel shear mode: The stress intensity factor in Mode III corresponds to the parallel shear mode
(sliding of crack faces perpendicular to the direction of crack growth).
So, the correct option is:
(A) P - Z, Q - Y, R – X
Question 8
Which one of the following modern practices is used for retarding the solution loss reaction in blast furnace ironmaking?
(A) High top pressure (B) Bell-less top (C) Pulverized coal injection (D) Rotating chute for burden distribution
Correct: A, GPT4-CoT: B
Solution by GPT4-CoT
In blast furnace ironmaking, the primary objective is to reduce the iron oxide present in the raw material to metallic iron,
along with producing slag and off-gases. However, various factors can lead to the solution loss reaction, where the reduction
of iron oxide is not as efficient, and there is a loss of valuable materials. It is essential to employ modern practices to
minimize these losses and improve the overall efficiency of the process.
Let’s analyze each option given:
(A) High top pressure:
High top pressure increases the pressure inside the blast furnace, improving the gas-solid contact and enhancing the reduction
reactions of iron oxide. However, this method is more focused on improving the indirect reduction, and its effect on retarding
the solution loss reaction is secondary in nature.
(B) Bell-less top:
The bell-less top is a type of charging system used in a blast furnace. It allows for better distribution of raw materials
(burden) in the furnace, reducing the solution loss reaction. It consists of a rotating mechanism that distributes the burden
material evenly and helps in controlling the gas flow in the furnace. By minimizing channeling and improving the gas-solid
contact, this system significantly reduces the solution loss reaction.
(C) Pulverized coal injection (PCI):
Pulverized coal injection involves injecting fine coal particles into the blast furnace as a replacement for some of the coke
required in the process. PCI helps in reducing the coke consumption and, subsequently, the costs associated. It also improves
the overall energy efficiency of the furnace. However, its primary impact is on the coke consumption and not directly on the
solution loss reaction.
(D) Rotating chute for burden distribution:
A rotating chute is another method of burden distribution in the blast furnace. Its purpose is similar to the bell-less top, i.e.,
to distribute the raw materials evenly to ensure proper gas-solid contact and prevent channeling. By doing so, it can help in
retarding the solution loss reaction.
In conclusion, among the given modern practices, the one that is primarily used for retarding the solution loss reaction in
blast furnace ironmaking is:
Answer: (B) Bell-less top
Question 9
In the absence of any external stress, which one of the following statements related to the interaction of point defect and a
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
dislocation is FALSE:
(A) An oversized solute atom would preferentially migrate below the slip plane of an edge dislocation (B) A spherically
symmetric point defect can interact with both the hydrostatic and shear stress fields of a dislocation (C) A point defect can
locally modify the elastic modulus and thereby can change the interaction energy. (D) Vacancies are attracted towards the
compressive region of dislocation
Correct: B, GPT4-CoT: D
Solution by GPT4-CoT
Let’s analyze each statement one by one:
(A) An oversized solute atom would preferentially migrate below the slip plane of an edge dislocation.
This statement is TRUE. An oversized solute atom is larger than the host atoms in the crystal structure. When an oversized
solute atom is present near an edge dislocation, it experiences a lower energy state by moving to the larger space created
below the slip plane. The presence of the larger solute in this region reduces the elastic strain energy of the dislocation,
which makes this configuration favorable.
(B) A spherically symmetric point defect can interact with both the hydrostatic and shear stress fields of a dislocation.
This statement is TRUE. A spherically symmetric point defect, such as a vacancy or an interstitial atom, can interact with
both the hydrostatic (volume-changing) and shear (shape-changing) stress fields of a dislocation. The spherical symmetry of
the point defect allows it to create a disturbance in both the hydrostatic and shear stress components present around the
dislocation, which results in an interaction between the point defect and the dislocation.
(C) A point defect can locally modify the elastic modulus and thereby can change the interaction energy.
This statement is TRUE. A point defect creates a local disturbance in the crystal lattice, which affects the elastic modulus in
its vicinity. A change in the elastic modulus can alter the interaction energy between the point defect and the dislocation.
This change in interaction energy can have an influence on the dislocation motion, either promoting or hindering it.
(D) Vacancies are attracted towards the compressive region of dislocation.
This statement is FALSE. Vacancies are actually attracted towards the tensile region of the dislocation, where the lattice is
under tension and the interatomic spacing is larger. A vacancy feels a lower energy state in the tensile region, as it relieves
some of the tensile stress by filling the enlarged interstitial spaces. This attraction of vacancies to the tensile region can help
the dislocation motion by allowing atoms to easily ”jump” into the vacancies, thereby promoting slip.
Therefore, the correct answer is [D].
Question 10
Critical value of the Gibbs energy of nucleation at equilibrium temperature is
(A) zero (B) infinite (C) positive (D) negative
Correct: B, GPT4-CoT: D
Solution by GPT4-CoT
To answer this question, we need to understand the concept of Gibbs energy and how it relates to nucleation.
Gibbs energy (also called Gibbs free energy) is a thermodynamic potential that measures the maximum reversible work that
may be performed by a system at a constant temperature and pressure. It is represented by G and defined as:
G = H - TS
where H is the enthalpy, T is the temperature, and S is the entropy of the system. In a phase transformation or nucleation
process, the Gibbs energy change (∆G) determines the thermodynamic driving force for the process to occur.
Nucleation is the initial step in the phase transformation process where a new phase (solid or liquid) forms within the
existing phase (for example, when water vapor condenses into liquid droplets during cloud formation). At equilibrium,
the nucleation rate is constant, which means there is a balance between the formation of new nuclei and the dissolution of
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
existing ones.
Now, let’s look at the different critical values of Gibbs energy of nucleation at equilibrium temperature:
(A) Zero: If the Gibbs energy of nucleation is zero at equilibrium, it means that there is no thermodynamic driving force for
the nucleation process to occur. The system is at its most stable state, and no phase transformation will happen or is very
(B) Infinite: The Gibbs energy of nucleation being infinite at equilibrium is not thermodynamically possible since it would
mean an infinite amount of work is required for any nuclei to form. This contradicts the definition of Gibbs energy, which
measures the maximum reversible work that may be performed by a system.
(C) Positive: A positive Gibbs energy of nucleation indicates that the system is in a metastable state. While the nucleation
process can still occur at this state, the rate of nucleation is significantly lower than if ∆G were negative. The system favours
dissolution over nucleation, but a phase transformation can still happen under certain conditions.
(D) Negative: A negative Gibbs energy of nucleation implies that the system is in an unstable state and phase transformation
is thermodynamically favoured. At equilibrium, the formation of nuclei is energetically favorable, and the nucleation process
will spontaneously proceed.
In conclusion, at equilibrium temperature, the critical value of the Gibbs energy of nucleation is:
Answer: [(D) negative]
D. Composition extraction by GPT-4
Prompt 1 Extract all the compositions from the following expression. (70 - x)TeO2 + 15B2O3 + 15P2O5 + xLi2O, where x
= 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 mol%
GPT-4 Response To extract all the compositions based on the given expression for different values of x (5, 10, 15, 20, 25,
and 30 mol%), substitute each value of x into the expression and calculate the resulting composition. The expression given
is: (70 - x) TeO2 + 15B2O3 + 15P2O5 + xLi2O Let’s substitute the values of x one by one and write down the resulting
compositions. Forx=5mol%: (70-5)TeO2+15B2O3+ 15P2O5 + 5Li2O = 65TeO2 + 15B2O3 + 15P2O5 + 5Li2O For x = 10
mol%: (70 - 10)TeO2 + 15B2O3 + 15P2O5 + 10Li2O = 60TeO2 + 15B2O3 + 15P2O5 + 10Li2O For x = 15 mol%: (70 -
15)TeO2 + 15B2O3 + 15P2O5 + 15Li2O = 55TeO2 + 15B2O3 + 15P2O5 + 15Li2O For x = 20 mol%: (70 - 20)TeO2 +
15B2O3 + 15P2O5 + 20Li2O = 50TeO2 + 15B2O3 + 15P2O5 + 20Li2O For x = 25 mol%: (70 - 25)TeO2 + 15B2O3 +
15P2O5 + 25Li2O = 45TeO2 + 15B2O3 + 15P2O5 + 25Li2O For x = 30 mol%: (70 - 30)TeO2 + 15B2O3 + 15P2O5 +
30Li2O = 40TeO2 + 15B2O3 + 15P2O5 + 30Li2O
Outcome GPT-4 is able to extract information correctly for the cases where the compositions are given in the form of
Prompt 2 Extract all the compositions from the following expression. Glasses with composition in mol%: 51ZrF4, 16BaF2,
5LaF3, 3AlF3, 20LiF, 5PbF2 have been prepared. +xErF3 from 0.01 to 11 mol%
GPT-4 Response The given expression lists the components of a glass system in terms of their mole percentage (mol%).
Additionally, it mentions that the glass composition can be doped with varying amounts of ErF3 (erbium fluoride) from
0.01 to 11 mol%. The base composition of the glasses is as follows: - ZrF4 (zirconium fluoride): 51 mol% - BaF2 (barium
fluoride): 16 mol% - LaF3 (lanthanum fluoride): 5 mol% - AlF3 (aluminium fluoride): 3 mol% - LiF (lithium fluoride): 20
mol% - PbF2 (lead(II) fluoride): 5 mol% Additionally, we have the ErF3 dopant, which ranges from 0.01 to 11 mol%. A
specific glass composition would include a certain percentage of ErF3 within the given range, and because the total mol%
must sum up to 100%, adding ErF3 will decrease the percentages of the other components proportionally. Here’s how to
calculate the adjusted percentages for a specific amount of ErF3 added: Let’s say we add x mol% ErF3 to the glass: - The
sum of the other components without ErF3 is 100% - After adding x mol% ErF3, the sum of the original components must
be scaled down to (100 - x)% - Each of the original components will be scaled by multiplying their percentages by (100 -
x)% / 100 For example, for a composition with 2 mol% ErF3: - Total of the original components: 100% - 2% ErF3 = 98% -
ZrF4: 51 mol% * (98/100) = 49.98 mol% - BaF2: 16 mol% * (98/100) = 15.68 mol% - LaF3: 5 mol% * (98/100) = 4.90
mol% - AlF3: 3 mol% * (98/100) = 2.94 mol% - LiF: 20 mol% * (98/100) = 19.60 mol% - PbF2: 5 mol% * (98/100) =
4.90 mol% So the new composition with 2 mol% ErF3 added would be approximately: - ZrF4: 49.98 mol% - BaF2: 15.68
Are LLMs Ready for Real-World Materials Discovery?
mol% - LaF3: 4.90 mol% - AlF3: 2.94 mol% - LiF: 19.60 mol% - PbF2: 4.90 mol% - ErF3: 2 mol% For every specific
addition of ErF3 within the range of 0.01 to 11 mol%, this calculation would have to be performed to determine the adjusted
composition. The exact values would of course depend on the precise amount of ErF3 being added to the composition.
Outcome GPT-4 understands the doping element, but since the entire information is not present in the same sentence, as
well as exact values of doping content is not specified, it is able to give just the partial information.
Prompt 3 Extract all the compositions from the following expression. Lithium disilicate glass was prepared in 30 g quantity
by heating stoichiometric homogeneous mixtures of lithium carbonate (99.0%), Synth, and silica (99.9999%), Santa Rosa,
for 4 h at 1500°C in a platinum crucible.
GPT-4 Response The compositions mentioned in the given expression include: 1. Lithium Carbonate (Li2CO3) with
a purity of 99.0% - This is one of the starting materials used to prepare the lithium disilicate glass. 2. Silica (SiO2)
with a purity of 99.9999% - This is the other starting material used in the preparation. ”Santa Rosa” is likely a brand
name or location associated with the high-purity silica used. There are no exact quantities provided for each individual
component (lithium carbonate and silica); however, the overall quantity of the prepared lithium disilicate glass is given as 30
g. The process involves heating these stoichiometric mixtures at 1500 °C for 4 hours in a platinum crucible, which avoids
contamination as platinum is inert to the process. To determine the stoichiometry, you would need the molecular weights of
the reactants and the targeted lithium disilicate (Li2Si2O5) product. Even though exact proportions are not given in this
expression, you can infer that the molar ratios are configured to produce lithium disilicate without excessive amounts of
either lithium carbonate or silica. ”Synth” could represent that the lithium carbonate used is synthetic or refers to a brand or
grade, but no additional context for this term is provided.
Outcome GPT-4 was able to understand the chemical compounds but was unable to produce exact composition percentages
for the same.
Prompt 4 Extract all the compositions from the following expression. The formation of SiO3 groups was also confirmed by
electron diffraction analysis on thin (4–80 ˚A) films of pure SiO2. The strong cohesive energy of the SiO4 groups (previously
noted during studies of displacement cascades in complex glasses) makes them less ‘vulnerable’ than BO4 or AlO4 groups,
which more easily give up an oxygen atom.
GPT-4 Response From the provided expression, the compositions mentioned are: 1. SiO3 groups 2. SiO2 (pure silicon
dioxide) 3. SiO4 groups 4. BO4 groups 5. AlO4 groups These represent various oxide groups or arrangements of silicon
(Si), boron (B), and aluminum (Al) with oxygen (O).
Outcome GPT4 fails to differentiate compositions from the unstable structures.
ai_researcher | 4 | Reflections_from_the_2024_Large_Language_Model_(LLM)_Hackathon_for_Applications_in_Materials_Science_and_Chemistry.pdf | 14 Examples of How LLMs Can Transform Materials Science
and Chemistry: A Reflection on a Large Language Model
Kevin Maik Jablonka
,1, ∗ Qianxiang Ai
,2, † Alexander Al-Feghali
,3, †
Shruti Badhwar
,4, † Joshua D. Bocarsly
,5, † Andres M Bran ,6, 7, †
Stefan Bringuier
,8, † L. Catherine Brinson ,9, † Kamal Choudhary
,10, †
Defne Circi
,9, † Sam Cox ,11, † Wibe A. de Jong
,12, † Matthew L. Evans
,13, 14, †
Nicolas Gastellu ,3, † Jerome Genzling
,3, † Mar´ıa Victoria Gil
,15, †
Ankur K. Gupta
,12, † Zhi Hong
,16, † Alishba Imran,17, † Sabine Kruschwitz
,18, †
Anne Labarre
,3, † Jakub L´ala
,19, † Tao Liu ,3, † Steven Ma
,3, †
Sauradeep Majumdar
,1, † Garrett W. Merz
,20, † Nicolas Moitessier
,3, †
Elias Moubarak
,1, † Beatriz Mouri˜no
,1, † Brenden Pelkie
,21, †
Michael Pieler
,22, 23, † Mayk Caldas Ramos
,11, † Bojana Rankovi´c
,6, 7, †
Samuel G. Rodriques
,19, † Jacob N. Sanders
,24, † Philippe Schwaller
,6, 7, †
Marcus Schwarting,25, † Jiale Shi
,2, † Berend Smit
,1, † Ben E. Smith ,5, †
Joren Van Herck
,1, † Christoph V¨olker
,18, † Logan Ward ,26, †
Sean Warren ,3, † Benjamin Weiser
,3, † Sylvester Zhang,3, †
Xiaoqi Zhang ,1, † Ghezal Ahmad Zia
,18, † Aristana Scourtas
KJ Schmidt,27 Ian Foster
,28 Andrew D. White
,11 and Ben Blaiszik
27, ‡
1Laboratory of Molecular Simulation (LSMO),
Institut des Sciences et Ing´enierie Chimiques,
Ecole Polytechnique F´ed´erale de Lausanne (EPFL), Sion, Valais, Switzerland.
2Department of Chemical Engineering,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, United States.
3Department of Chemistry, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
4Reincarnate Inc.
5Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry,
University of Cambridge, Lensfield Road,
Cambridge, CB2 1EW, United Kingdom.
6Laboratory of Artificial Chemical Intelligence (LIAC),
Institut des Sciences et Ing´enierie Chimiques,
Ecole Polytechnique F´ed´erale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland.
7National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Catalysis,
Ecole Polytechnique F´ed´erale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland.
8Independent Researcher, San Diego, CA, United States.
9Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University, United States.
10 Material Measurement Laboratory,
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Maryland, 20899, United States.
11Department of Chemical Engineering,
University of Rochester, United States.
12Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Berkeley, CA 94720, United States.
13Institut de la Mati`ere Condens´ee et des Nanosciences (IMCN),
UCLouvain, Chemin des ´Etoiles 8, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1348, Belgium.
14Matgenix SRL, 185 Rue Armand Bury, 6534 Goz´ee, Belgium.
15Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnolog´ıa del Carbono (INCAR),
CSIC, Francisco Pintado Fe 26, 33011 Oviedo, Spain.
16Department of Computer Science, University of Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois 60637, United States.
17Computer Science, University of California,
Berkeley, Berkeley CA 94704, United States.
18Bundesanstalt f¨ur Materialforschung und -pr¨ufung,
Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 Berlin, Germany.
19Francis Crick Institute, 1 Midland Rd,
London NW1 1AT, United Kingdom.
20American Family Insurance Data Science Institute,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison WI 53706, United States.
21Department of Chemical Engineering,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98105, United States.
24Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, United States.
25Department of Computer Science,
University of Chicago, Chicago IL 60490, United States.
26Data Science and Learning Division,
Argonne National Lab, United States.
27Globus, University of Chicago, Data Science and Learning Division,
Argonne National Lab, United States.
28Department of Computer Science, University of Chicago,
Data Science and Learning Division,
Argonne National Lab, United States.
Large-language models (LLMs) such as GPT-4 caught the interest of many scientists. Recent
studies suggested that these models could be useful in chemistry and materials science. To
explore these possibilities, we organized a hackathon.
This article chronicles the projects built as part of this hackathon. Participants employed
LLMs for various applications, including predicting properties of molecules and materials, de-
signing novel interfaces for tools, extracting knowledge from unstructured data, and developing
new educational applications.
The diverse topics and the fact that working prototypes could be generated in less than two
days highlight that LLMs will profoundly impact the future of our fields. The rich collection
of ideas and projects also indicates that the applications of LLMs are not limited to materials
science and chemistry but offer potential benefits to a wide range of scientific disciplines.
∗Electronic address: [email protected]
†These authors contributed equally
‡Electronic address: [email protected]
The intersection of machine learning (ML) with chemistry and materials science has
witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years [1–9]. Much progress has been made
in using ML to, e.g., accelerate simulations [10, 11] or to directly predict properties
or compounds for a given application [12]. Thereby, developing custom, hand-crafted
models for any given application is still common practice. Since science rewards doing
novel things for the first time, we now face a deluge of tools and machine-learning models
for various tasks. These tools commonly require input data in their own rigid, well-
defined form (e.g., a table with specific columns or images from a specific microscope with
specific dimensions). Further, they typically also report their outputs in non-standard
and sometimes proprietary forms.
This rigidity sharply contrasts the standard practice in the (experimental) molecular
and materials sciences, which is intrinsically fuzzy and highly context-dependent [13].
For instance, researchers have many ways to refer to a molecule (e.g., IUPAC name,
conventional name, simplified molecular-input line-entry system (SMILES) [14]) and to
report results and procedures. In particular, for the latter, it is known that small details
such as the order of addition or the strength of stirring (e.g., “gently” vs. “strongly”)
are crucial in determining the outcome of reactions. We do not have a natural way
to deal with this fuzziness, and often a conversion into structured tabular form (the
conventional input format for ML models) is impossible. Our current “solution” is to write
conversion programs and chain many tools with plenty of application-specific “glue code”
to enable scientific workflows. However, this fuzziness chemistry and heterogeneity of
tools have profound consequences: A never-ending stream of new file formats, interfaces,
and interoperability tools exists, and users cannot keep up with learning [15]. In addition,
almost any transformation of highly context-dependent text (e.g., description of a reaction
procedure) into structured, tabular form will lead to a loss of information.
One of the aims of this work is to demonstrate how large language models (LLMs)
such as the generative pretrained transformer (GPT)-4 [16–21], can be used to address
these challenges. Foundation models such as GPTs are general-purpose technologies [22]
that can solve tasks they have not explicitly been trained on [23, 24], use tools [25–
27], and be grounded in knowledge bases [28, 29]. As we also show in this work, they
provide new pathways of exploration, new opportunities for flexible interfaces, and may
be used to effectively solve certain tasks themselves; e.g., we envision LLMs enabling non-
experts to program (“malleable software”) using natural language as the “programming
language” [30], extract structured information, and create digital assistants that make
our tools interoperable—all based on unstructured, natural-language inputs.
Inspired by early reports on the use of these LLMs in chemical research [31–34], we
organized a virtual hackathon event focused on understanding the applicability of LLMs
to materials science and chemistry. The hackathon aimed to explore the multifaceted
applications of LLMs in materials science and chemistry and encourage creative solutions
to some of the pressing challenges in the field. This article showcases some of the projects
(Table I) developed during the hackathon.
One of the conclusions of this work is that without these LLMs, such projects would
take many months. The diversity of topics these projects address illustrates the broad
applicability of LLMs; the projects touch many different aspects of materials science and
chemistry, from the wet lab to the computational chemistry lab, software interfaces, and
even the classroom. While the examples below are not yet polished products, the simple
observation that such capabilities could be created in hours underlines that we need to
start thinking about how LLMs will impact the future of materials science, chemistry,
and beyond [35]. The diverse applications show that LLMs are here to stay and are likely
a foundational capability that will be integrated into most aspects of the research process.
Even so, the pace of the developments highlights that we are only beginning to scratch
the surface of what LLMs can do for chemistry and materials science.
Table I lists the different projects created in this collaborative effort across eight coun-
tries and 22 institutions (SI section V). One might expect that 1.5 days of intense collab-
orations would, at best, allow a cursory exploration of a topic. However, the diversity of
topics and the diversity in the participants’ expertise, combined with the need to deliver
a working prototype (within a short window of time) and the ease of prototyping with
LLMs, generated not only many questions but also pragmatic solutions. In the remainder
of this article, we focus on the insights we obtained from this collective effort. For the
details of each project, we refer to the SI.
We have grouped the projects into four categories: 1. predictive modeling, 2. automa-
tion and novel interfaces, 3. knowledge extraction, and 4. education. The projects in
the predictive modeling category use LLMs for classification and regression tasks—and
also investigate ways to incorporate established concepts such as ∆-ML [36] or novel con-
cepts such as “fuzzy” context into the modeling. The automation and novel interfaces
Table I: Overview of the developed tools and links to source code repositories. Full descriptions
of the projects can be found in the Supplementary Material.
Predictive modeling
Accurate Molecular Energy Predictions Ankur K. Gupta, Garrett W. Merz,
Alishba Imran, Wibe A. de Jong
Sabine Kruschwitz, Christoph V¨olker,
Ghezal Ahmad Zia
Molecule Discovery by Context
Zhi Hong, Logan Ward
Genetic algorithm without genes
Benjamin Weiser, Jerome Genzling,
Nicolas Gastellu, Sylvester Zhang, Tao Liu,
Alexander Al-Feghali, Nicolas Moitessier,
Anne Labarre, Steven Ma
(cid:135) ankur56/ChemLoRA
(cid:246) 10.5281/zenodo.8104930
(cid:135) ghezalahmad/LLMs-for-the-Design-of-Sustainable-
(cid:246) 10.5281/zenodo.8091195
(cid:246) 10.5281/zenodo.8122087
(cid:135) BenjaminWeiser/LLM-Guided-GA
(cid:246) 10.5281/zenodo.8125541
Text-template paraphrasing
Michael Pieler
(cid:135) micpie/text-template-paraphrasing-chemistry
(cid:246) 10.5281/zenodo.8093615
Automation and novel interfaces
Bojana Rankovi´c, Andres M. Bran,
Philippe Schwaller
Jakub L´ala, Sean Warren,
Samuel G. Rodriques
Mayk Caldas Ramos, Sam Cox,
Andrew White
Conversational ELN interface (Whinchat) Joshua D. Bocarsly, Matthew L. Evans and
Ben E. Smith
Knowledge Extraction
Defne Circi, Shruti Badhwar
Extracting Structured Data from
Free-form Organic Synthesis Text
Qianxiang Ai, Jacob N. Sanders, Jiale Shi,
Stefan Bringuier, Brenden Pelkie,
Marcus Schwarting
TableToJson: Structured information
from scientific data in tables
AbstractToTitle & TitleToAbstract:
text summarization and generation
Mar´ıa Victoria Gil
Kamal Choudhary
(cid:135) doncamilom/BOLLaMa
(cid:246) 10.5281/zenodo.8096827
(cid:135) jakublala/smoltalk-legacy
(cid:246) 10.5281/zenodo.8081749
(cid:135) maykcaldas/MAPI_LLM
(cid:246) 10.5281/zenodo.8097336
(cid:135) the-grey-group/datalab
(cid:246) 10.5281/zenodo.8127782
(cid:135) defnecirci/InsightGraph
(cid:246) 10.5281/zenodo.8092575
(cid:135) qai222/LLM_organic_synthesis
(cid:246) 10.5281/zenodo.8091902
(cid:135) vgvinter/TableToJson
(cid:246) 10.5281/zenodo.8093731
(cid:135) usnistgov/chemnlp
(cid:246) 10.5281/zenodo.8122419
Beatriz Mouri˜no, Elias Moubarak,
Joren Van Herck, Sauradeep Majumdar,
Xiaoqi Zhang
(cid:135) XiaoqZhang/i-Digest
(cid:246) 10.5281/zenodo.8080962
projects show that natural language might be the universal “glue” connecting our tools—
perhaps in the future, we will need not to focus on new formats or standards but rather
use natural language descriptions to connect across the existing diversity and different
modalities [35].
LLMs can also help make knowledge more accessible, as the projects in the “knowledge
extraction” category show; they can extract structured information from unstructured
text. In addition, as the project in the “education” category shows, LLMs can also offer
new educational opportunities.
A. Predictive modeling
Predictive modeling is a common application of ML in chemistry. Based on the
language-interfaced fine-tuning (LIFT) framework [37], Jablonka et al. [32] have shown
that LLMs can be employed to predict various chemical properties, such as solubility or
HOMO-LUMO gaps based on line representations of molecules such as self-referencing
embedded strings (SELFIES) [38, 39] and SMILES. Taking this idea even further,
Ramos et al. [34] used this framework (with in-context learning (ICL)) for Bayesian
optimization—guiding experiments without even training models.
The projects in the following build on top of those initial results and extend them
in novel ways as well as by leveraging established techniques from quantum machine
Given that these encouraging results could be achieved with and without fine-tuning
(i.e., updates to the weights of the model) for the language-interfaced training on tabular
datasets, we use the term LIFT also for ICL settings in which structured data is converted
into text prompts for an LLM.
a. Molecular Energy Predictions
A critical property in quantum chemistry is the atomization energy of a molecule,
which gives us the basic thermochemical data used to determine a molecule’s stability or
reactivity. State-of-the-art quantum chemical methods (i.e., G4(MP2) [40]) can predict
this energy with an accuracy of 0.034 eV (or 0.79 kcal/mol) [41, 42]. This accuracy is
similar to, and in some cases even better than, the accuracy that can be reached experi-
mentally. This motivated Ramakrishnan et al. [41] and Narayanan et al. [42] to compute
these atomization energies for the 134,000 molecules in the QM9-G4MP2 dataset.
The Berkeley-Madison team (Ankur Gupta, Garrett Merz, Alishba Imran, and
Wibe de Jong) used this dataset to fine-tune different LLMs using the LIFT frame-
work. The team investigated if they could use an LLM to predict atomization energies
with chemical accuracy. Jablonka et al. [32] emphasized that these LLMs might be par-
ticularly useful in the low-data limit. Here, we have a relatively large dataset, so it is an
ideal system to gather insights into the performance of these models for datasets much
larger than those used by Jablonka et al. [32].
The Berkeley-Madison team showed that the LIFT framework based on simple line
representations such as SMILES and SELFIES [38, 39] can yield good predictions (R2 >
0.95 on a holdout test set), that are, however, still inferior to dedicated models that have
access to 3D information [43, 44]. An alternative approach to achieve chemical accuracy
with LLMs tuned only on string representations is to leverage a ∆-ML scheme [45] in
which the LLM is tuned to predict the difference between G4(MP2) and B3LYP [46]
Table II: LIFT for molecular atomization energies on the QM9-G4MP2 dataset. Metrics for
models tuned on 90% of the QM9-G4MP2 dataset (117,232 molecules), using 10% (13,026
molecules) as a holdout test set. GPTChem refers to the approach reported by Jablonka et al.
[32], GPT-2-LoRA to PEFT of the GPT-2 model using LoRA. The results indicate that the
LIFT framework can also be used to build predictive models for atomization energies, that can
reach chemical accuracy using a ∆-ML scheme. Baseline performance (mean absolute error
reported by Ward et al. [44]): 0.0223 eV for FCHL-based prediction of GP4(MP2) atomization
energies and 0.0045 eV (SchNet) and 0.0052 eV (FCHL) for the ∆-ML scheme.
mol. repr. & framework
G4(MP2) Atomization Energy
MAD / eV
(G4(MP2)-B3LYP) Atomization Energy
MAD / eV
energies. Table II shows that good agreement could be achieved for the ∆-ML approach.
This showcases how techniques established for conventional ML on molecules can also be
applied with LLMs.
Importantly, this approach is not limited to the OpenAI application programming
interface (API). With PEFT with LoRA [47] of the GPT-2 model [48], one can also obtain
comparable results on consumer hardware. These results make the LIFT approach widely
more accessible and allow research to the LIFT framework for chemistry without relying
on OpenAI.
b. Text2Concrete
Concrete is the most used construction material, and the mechanical properties and
climate impact of these materials are a complex function of the processing and formula-
tion. Much research is focused on formulations of concrete that are less CO2 intensive. [49]
To expedite the design process, e.g., by prioritizing experiments using ML-predictions,
data-driven methods have been investigated by V¨olker et al. [50] The Text2Concrete
team (Sabine Kruschwitz, Christoph V¨olker, and Ghezal Ahmad Zia) explored, based on
data reported by Rao and Rao [51], whether LLMs can be used for this task. This data
set provides 240 alternative, more sustainable, concrete formulations and their respective
compressive strengths. From a practical point of view, one would like to have a model
that can predict the compressive strength of the concrete as a function of its formulation.
Interestingly, the largest LLMs can already give predictions without any fine-tuning.
These models can “learn” from the few examples provided by the user in the prompt.
Of course, such a few-shot approach (or ICL, [20]) does not allow for the same type of
optimization as fine-tuning, and one can therefore expect it to be less accurate. However,
Ramos et al. [34] showed that this method could perform well—especially if only so few
data points are available such that fine-tuning is not a suitable approach.
For their case study, the Text2Concrete team found a predictive accuracy comparable
to a Gaussian process regression (GPR) model (but inferior to a random forest (RF)
model). However, one significant advantage of LLMs is that one can easily incorporate
context. The Text2Concrete team used this to include well-established design principles
like the influence of the water-to-cement ratio on strength (Figure 1) into the modeling
by simply stating the relationship between the features in natural language (e.g., “high
water/cement ratio reduces strength”). This additional context reduced the outliers and
outperformed the RF model (R2 of 0.67 and 0.72, respectively).
The exciting aspect is that this is a typical example of domain knowledge that cannot
be captured with a simple equation incorporable into conventional modeling workflows.
Such “fuzzy” domain knowledge, which may sometimes exist only in the minds of re-
searchers, is common in chemistry and materials science. With the incorporation of such
“fuzzy” knowledge into LIFT-based predictions using LLMs, we now have a novel and
very promising approach to leverage such domain expertise that we could not leverage
Interestingly, this also may provide a way to test “fuzzy” hypotheses, e.g., a
researcher could describe the hypothesis in natural language and see how it affects the
model accuracy. While the Text2Concrete example has not exhaustively analyzed how
“fuzzy” context alterations affect LLM performance, we recognize this as a key area for fu-
ture research that could enhance the application of LLMs and our approach to leveraging
“fuzzy” domain knowledge within materials science.
c. Molecule Discovery by Context
Much context is available in the full text of scientific articles. This has been exploited
by Tshitoyan et al. [52] who used a Word2Vec [53] approach to embed words into a vector
space. Word2Vec does so by tasking a model to predict for a word the probability for
all possible next words in a vocabulary. In this way, word embeddings capture syntactic
and semantic details of lexical items (i.e., words). When applied to material science ab-
stracts, the word embeddings of compounds such as Li2CuSb could be used for materials
discovery by measuring their distance (cosine similarity) to concepts such as “thermo-
electric”. [54] However, traditional Word2Vec, as used by Tshitoyan et al. [52], only
produces static embeddings, which remain unchanged after training. Word embeddings
Figure 1: Using LLMs to predict the compressive strength of concretes. An illustration of the
conventional approach for solving this task, i.e., training classical prediction models using ten
training data points as tabular data (left). Using the LIFT framework LLMs can also use tabular
data and leverage context information provided in natural language (right). The context can
be “fuzzy” design rules often known in chemistry and materials science but hard to incorporate
in conventional ML models. Augmented with this context and ten training examples, ICL with
LLM leads to a performance that outperforms baselines such as RFs or GPR.
extracted from an LLM, on the other hand, are contextualized on the specific sequence
(sentence) in which they are used and, therefore, can more effectively capture the contexts
of words within a given corpus [55]. Inspired by this, the GlobusLabs team (Zhi Hong,
Logan Ward) investigated if similar embeddings could be used to discover hydrogen car-
rier molecules, that are relevant for energy storage applications. For this, they leverage
the ScholarBert model [56] trained on a large corpus of scientific articles collected by
the Public.Resource.Org nonprofit organization. For different candidate molecules, they
searched for sentences in the Public.Resource.Org corpus and used the average of the
embeddings of these sentences as a fingerprint of the molecules. Given those fingerprints,
they could rank molecules by how close their fingerprints are to the ones of known hy-
drogen carrier molecules. Visual inspection indicates that the selected molecules indeed
bear similarities to known hydrogen carrier molecules.
d. Text template paraphrasing
In the LIFT framework used in the examples above, the data are embedded in so-
called prompt templates that can have a form like What is the <property name> of
<representation>?, where the texts in chevrons are placeholders that are replaced with
actual values such as “solubility” and “2-acetyloxybenzoic acid”. In the low-data regime,
data points are “wasted” by the model needing to learn the syntax of the prompt tem-
plates. In the big-data regime, in contrast, one might worry that the model loses some of
its general language modeling abilities by always dealing with the same template. This
naturally raises the question if one can augment the dataset to mitigate these problems—
thereby leveraging again, similar to ∆-ML, a technique that has found use in conventional
ML previously. However, text-based data are challenging to augment due to their discrete
nature and the fact that the augmented text still needs to be syntactically and seman-
tically valid. Interestingly, as Michael Pieler ( and Stability.AI) shows
(and as has been explored by Dai et al. [57]), it turns out that LLMs can also be used to
address this problem by simply prompting an LLM (e.g., GPT-4 or Anthrophic’s Claude)
to paraphrase a prompt template (see SI section ID).
This approach will allow us to automatically create new paraphrased high-quality
prompts for LIFT-based training very efficiently—to augment the dataset and reduce the
risk of overfitting to a specific template. Latter might be particularly important if one
still wants to retain general language abilities of the LLMs after finetuning.
e. Genetic algorithm using an LLM
Genetic algorithms are popular methods for generating new structures; they are evo-
lutionary algorithms in which building blocks (e.g., fragments of SMILES strings) are
iteratively crossed over, mutated, and subjected to other genetic operations to evolve
structures with better performance (such as catalysts with higher conversion) [58]. The
efficiency of such a genetic algorithm often depends on how well the genes and genetic
operations match the underlying chemistry. For example, if the algorithm replaces atom
by atom, it may take several generations before a complete functional group is replaced.
One might hypothesize that LLMs can make the evolution process more efficient, e.g.,
by using an LLM to handle the reproduction. One might expect that inductive biases in
the LLM help create recombined molecules which are more chemically viable, maintaining
the motifs of the two parent molecules better than a random operation.
The team from McGill University (Benjamin Weiser, Jerome Genzling, Nico-
las Gastellu, Sylvester Zhang, Tao Liu, Alexander Al-Feghali, Nicolas Moitessier) set
out the first steps to test this hypothesis (Figure 2). In initial experiments, they found
that GPT-3.5, without any finetuning, can fragment molecules provided as SMILES at
rotatable bonds with a success rate of 70 %. This indicates that GPT-3.5 understands
SMILES strings and aspects of their relation to the chemical structures they represent.
Subsequently, they asked the LLMs to fragment and recombine two given molecules. The
LLM frequently created new combined molecules with fragments of each species which
were reasonable chemical structures more often than a random SMILES string combining
Figure 2: GA using an LLM. This figure illustrates how different aspects of a GA can be
performed by an LLM. GPT-3.5 was used to fragment, reproduce, and optimize molecules
represented by SMILES strings. The first column illustrated how an LLM can fragment a
molecule represented by a SMILES string (input molecule on top, output LLM fragments below).
The middle column showcases how an LLM can reproduce/mix two molecules as is done in a
GA (input molecule on top, output LLM below). The right column illustrates an application in
which an LLM is used to optimize molecules given their SMILES and an associated score. The
LLM suggested potential modifications to optimize molecules. The plot shows best (blue) and
mean (orange) Tanimoto similarity to Vitamin C per LLM produced generations.
operation (two independent organic chemists judged the LLM-GA-generated molecules
to be chemically reasonable in 32/32 cases, but only in 21/32 cases for the random recombi-
nation operation).
Encouraged by these findings, they prompted an LLM with 30 parent molecules and
their performance scores (Tanimoto similarity to vitamin C) with the task to come up
with n new molecules that the LLM “believes” to improve the score. A preliminary visual
inspection suggests that the LLM might produce chemically reasonable modifications.
Future work will need to systematically investigate potential improvements compared to
conventional GAs.
The importance of the results of the McGill team is that they indicate that these LLMs
(when suitably conditioned) might not only reproduce known structures but generate new
structures that make chemical sense [32, 59].
A current limitation of this approach is that most LLMs still struggle to output valid
SMILES without explicit fine-tuning [33]. We anticipate that this problem might be
mitigated by building foundation models for chemistry (with more suitable tokeniza-
tion [60, 61]), as, for instance, the ChemNLP project of attempts to do
( In addition, the context length limits the
number of parent molecules that can be provided as examples.
Overall, we see that the flexibility of the natural language input and the in-context
learning abilities allows using LLMs in very different ways—to very efficiently build pre-
dictive models or to approach molecular and material design in entirely unprecedented
ways, like by providing context—such as “fuzzy” design rules—or simply prompting the
LLM to come up with new structures. However, we also find that some “old” ideas, such
as ∆-ML and data augmentation, can also be applied in this new paradigm.
B. Automation and novel interfaces
Yao et al. [62] and Schick et al. [25] have shown that LLMs can be used as agents
that can autonomously make use of external tools such as Web-APIs—a paradigm that
some call MRKL (pronounced “miracle”) Systems—modular reasoning, knowledge, and
language systems [26]. By giving LLMs access to tools and forcing them to think step-by-
step [63], we can thereby convert LLMs from hyperconfident models that often hallucinate
to systems that can reason based on observations made by querying robust tools. As the
technical report for GPT-4 highlighted [64], giving LLMs access to tools can lead to
emergent behavior, i.e., enabling the system to do things that none of its parts could do
before. In addition, this approach can make external tools more accessible—since users
no longer have to learn tool-specific APIs. It can also make tools more interoperable—by
using natural language instead of “glue code” to connect tools.
This paradigm has recently been used by Bran et al. [65] to create digital assistants that
can call and combine various tools such as Google search and the IBM RXN retrosynthesis
tool when prompted with natural language. Boiko et al. [66] used a similar approach and
gave LLMs access to laboratories via cloud lab APIs. In their system, the LLM could
use external tools to plan a synthesis, which it could execute using the cloud lab.
Electronic structure calculations have reached such a high level of accuracy that
one can answer questions like “Is the material AnByCz stable?” Indeed, the Materi-
als Project [67] stores thermodynamic data on many components from which one can
obtain a reasonable estimate of the stability of a given material. Or, if the material is
not in the database, one can do a simulation instead. Similarly, to answer prompts such
as “Give me a reaction to produce CaCO3”, there is a lot of helpful information in the
Materials Project database and the internet that can help to come up with an answer.
To answer these questions, state-of-the-art computational tools or existing databases
can be used. However, their use often requires expert knowledge. To use existing
databases, one must choose which database to use, how to query the database, and what
representation of the compound is used (e.g., international chemical identifier (InChI),
SMILES, etc.). Otherwise, if the data is not in a database, one must run calculations,
which requires a deep understanding of technical details. LLMs can simplify the use of
such tools. By typing in a question, we can prompt the LLM to translate this question
into a workflow that leads to the answer.
The MAPI-LLM team (Mayk Caldas Ramos, Sam Cox, Andrew White) made the first
steps towards developing such a system (MAPI-LLM) and created a procedure to convert
a text prompt into a query of the Materials Project API (API) to answer questions such
as “Is the material AnByCz stable?” In addition, MAPI-LLM is capable of handling
classification queries, such as “Is Fe2O3 magnetic?”, as well as regression problems, such
as “What is the band gap of Mg(Fe2O3)2?”.
Because an LLM is used to create the workflow, MAPI-LLM can process even more
complex questions. For instance, the question “If Mn23FeO32 is not metallic, what is its
band gap?” should create a two-step workflow first to check if the material is metallic
and then calculate its band gap if it is not.
Moreover, MAPI-LLM applies ICL if the data for a material’s property is unavailable
via the MAPI. MAPI-LLM generates an ICL prompt, building context based on the
data for similar materials available in Materials Project database. This context is then
leveraged by an LLM to infer properties for the unknown material. This innovative use
of ICL bridges data gaps and enhances MAPI-LLM’s robustness and versatility.
The previous application already touches on the problem that software for chemical
applications requires scientists to invest a significant amount of time in learning even the
most basic applications. An example of this is visualization software. Depending on the
package and its associated documentation, chemists and materials scientists might spend
hours to days learning the details of specific visualization software that is sometimes
poorly documented. And in particular, for occasional use, if it takes a long time to learn
the basics, it won’t be used.
Figure 3: Schematic overview of the MAPI-LLM workflow. It uses LLMs to process the user’s
input and decide which available tools (e.g., Materials Project API, the Reaction-Network
package, and Google Search) to use following an iterative chain-of-thought procedure. In this
way, it can answer questions such as “Is the material AnByCz stable?”.
As the sMolTalk-team (Jakub L´ala, Sean Warren, Samuel G. Rodriques) showed, one
can use LLMs to write code for visualization tools such as 3dmol.js to address this
inefficiency [68]. Interestingly, few-shot prompting with several examples of user input
with the expected JavaScript code that manipulates the 3dmol.js viewer is all that is
needed to create a prototype of an interface that can retrieve protein structures from
the protein data bank (PDB) and create custom visualization solutions, e.g., to color
parts of a structure in a certain way (Figure 4). The beauty of the language models is
that the user can write the prompt in many different (“fuzzy”) ways: whether one writes
“color” or “colour”, or terms like “light yellow” or “pale yellow” the LLM translates it
into something the visualization software can interpret.
However, this application also highlights that further developments of these LLM-
based tools are needed. For example, a challenge the sMolTalk tool faces is robustness.
For instance, fragments from the prompt tend to leak into the output and must be handled
with more involved mechanisms, such as retries in which one gives the LLMs access to
the error messages or prompt engineering. Further improvement can also be expected if
the application leverages a knowledge base such as the documentation of 3dmol.js.
As the work of Glenn Hocky and Andrew White shows [69], an LLM-interface for
software can also be used with other programs such as VMD [70] and extended with speech-
to-text models (such as Whisper [71]) to enable voice control of such programs.
Figure 4: The sMolTalk interface. Based on few-shot prompting LLMs can create code for
visualization tools such as 3dmol.js that can create custom visualization based on a natural-
language description of the desired output. The top left box is the input field where users can
enter commands in natural language. The top right box prints the code the LLM generates.
This code generates the visualization shown in the lower box. In this example, the user entered
a sequence of four commands: the LLM (1) generates code for retrieving the structure, (2)
colors the carbons blue, (3) displays the hydrogens as red spheres, and (4) reduces the size of
the spheres.
particular, such an LLM-based agent approach might be implemented for the PyMOL
program, where various tools for protein engineering could be interfaced through a chat
interface, lowering the barrier to entry for biologists to use recent advancements within
in silico protein engineering (such as RosettaFold [72] or RFDiffusion [73]).
c. ELN interface: whinchat
In addition to large, highly curated databases with well-defined data models [74] (such
as those addressed by the MAPI-LLM project), experimental materials and chemistry
data is increasingly being captured using digital tools such as ELNs and or laboratory
information systems (LIMS). Importantly, these tools can be used to record both struc-
tured and unstructured lab data in a manner that is actionable by both humans and
computers. However, one challenge in developing these systems is that it is difficult for a
traditional user interface to have enough flexibility to capture the richness and diversity
of real, interconnected, experimental data. Interestingly, LLMs can interpret and con-
textualize both structured and unstructured data and can therefore be used to create a
novel type of flexible, conversational interface to such experimental data. The whinchat
team (Joshua D. Bocarsly, Matthew L. Evans, and Ben E. Smith) embedded an LLM
chat interface within datalab, an open source materials chemistry data management
system, where the virtual LLM-powered assistant can be “attached” to a given sample.
The virtual assistant has access to responses from the JavaScript object notation (JSON)
API of datalab (containing both structured and unstructured/free text data) and can
use them to perform several powerful tasks: First, it can contextualize existing data
by explaining related experiments from linked responses, resolving acronyms/short-hand
notations used by experimentalists, or creating concise textual summaries of complex
and nested entries. Second, it can reformat or render the data, for instance, by creating
(mermaid.js) flowcharts or (Markdown) tables (Figure 5). Third, it can use its generic
reasoning abilities to suggest future experiments, for instance, related materials to study,
synthesis protocols to try, or additional characterization techniques. This is shown in the
examples given in SI section 2C, where whinchat was able to provide hints about which
NMR-active nuclei can be probed in the given sample.
It is easy to envision that this tool could be even more helpful by fine-tuning or condi-
tioning it on a research group’s knowledge base (e.g., group Wiki or standard operating
procedures) and communication history (e.g., a group’s Slack history). An important
limitation of the current implementation is that the small context window of available
LLMs limits the amount of JSON data one can directly provide within the prompt, lim-
iting each conversation to analyzing a relatively small number of samples. Therefore, one
needs to either investigate the use of embeddings to determine which samples to include
in the context or adopt an “agent” approach where the assistant is allowed to query the
API of the ELN (interleaved with extraction and summarization calls).
d. BOLLaMa: facilitating Bayesian optimization with large language models
Bayesian optimization (BO) is a powerful tool for optimizing expensive functions,
such as mapping of reaction conditions to the reaction yield. Chemists would greatly
benefit from using this method to reduce the number of costly experiments they need
Figure 5: Using an LLM as an interface to an ELN/data management system. LLM-based
assistants can provide powerful interfaces to digital experimental data. The figure shows a
screenshot of a conversation with whinchat in the datalab data management system (https:// Here, whinchat is provided with data from the JSON
API of datalab of an experimental battery cell. The user then prompts (green box) the system
to build a flowchart of the provenance of the sample. The assistant responds with mermaid.js
markdown code, which the datalab interface automatically recognizes and translates into a
to run [75, 76]. However, BO faces an interface and accessibility problem, too. The
existing frameworks require significant background knowledge and coding experience not
conventionally taught in chemistry curricula. Therefore, many chemists cannot benefit
from tools such as BO. The BOLLaMa-team (Bojana Rankovi´c, Andres M. Bran, Philippe
Schwaller) showed that LLMs can lower the barrier for the use of BO by providing a
natural language chat-like interface to BO algorithms. Figure 6 shows a prototype of
a chat interface in which the LLM interprets the user request, initializes a BO run by
suggesting initial experimental conditions, and then uses the feedback of the user to
drive the BO algorithm and suggest new experiments. The example used data on various
additives for a cooperative nickel-photoredox catalyzed reaction [77] and the BO code
from Rankovi´c et al. [78]. This ideally synergizes with an LLM interface to a data
management solution (as discussed in the previous project) as one could directly persist
the experimental results and leverage prior records to “bootstrap” BO runs.
Figure 6: Schematic overview of BoLLama. An LLM can act as an interface to a BO algorithm.
An experimental chemist can bootstrap an optimization and then, via a chat interface, update
the state of the simulation to which the bot responds with the recommended next steps.
As the examples in this section show, we find that LLMs have the potential to greatly
enhance the efficiency of a diverse array of processes in chemistry and materials science by
providing novel interfaces to tools or by completely automating their use. This can help
streamline workflows, reduce human error, and increase productivity—often by replacing
“glue code” with natural language or studying a software library by chatting with an
C. Knowledge Extraction
Beyond proving novel interfaces for tools, LLMs can also serve as powerful tools for
extracting knowledge from the vast amount of chemical literature available. With LLMs,
researchers can rapidly mine and analyze large volumes of data, enabling them to uncover
novel insights and advance the frontiers of chemical knowledge. Tools such as paper-
qa [28] can help to dramatically cut down the time required for literature search by
automatically retrieving, summarizing, and contextualizing relevant fragments from the
entire corpus of the scientific literature—for example, answering questions (with suitable
citations) based on a library of hundreds of documents [35]. As the examples in the
Figure 7: The InsightGraph interface. A suitably prompted LLM can create knowledge graph
representations of scientific text that can be visualized using tools such as neo4j’s visualization
tools. [81]
previous section indicated, this is particularly useful if the model is given access to search
engines on the internet.
To facilitate downstream use of the information, LLMs can also convert unstructured
data—the typical form of these literature reports—into structured data. The use of GPT
for this application has been reported by Dunn et al. [79] and Walker et al. [80], who
used an iterative fine-tuning approach to extract data structured in JSON from papers.
In their approach, initial (zero-shot) completions of the LLM are corrected by domain
experts. Those corrected completions are then used to finetune LLMs, showing improved
performance on this task.
However, for certain applications, one can construct powerful prototypes using only
careful prompting. For instance, the InsightGraph team (Defne Circi, Shruti Badhwar)
showed that GPT-3.5-turbo, when prompted with an example JSON containing a high-
level schema and information on possible entities (e.g., materials) and pairwise relation-
ships (e.g., properties), can, as Figure 7 illustrates, provide a knowledge graph repre-
sentation of the entities and their relationships in a text describing the properties and
composition of polymer nanocomposites. A further optimized version of this tool might
offer a concise and visual means to quickly understand and compare material types and
uses across sets of articles and could be used to launch a literature review. An ad-
vanced potential application is the creation of structured, materials-specific datasets for
fact-based question-answering and downstream machine-learning tasks.
b. Extracting Structured Data from Free-form Organic Synthesis Text
Unstructured text is commonly used for describing organic synthesis procedures. Due
to the large corpus of literature, manual conversion from unstructured text to struc-
The Organic Synthesis Parser
Figure 8:
describing an organic reaction (
1f99b308e17340cb8e0e3080c270fd08), which the finetuned LLM converts into structured
JSON (bottom). A demo application can be found at
top box shows
tured data is unrealistic. However, structured data are needed for building conventional
ML models for reaction prediction and condition recommendation. The Open Reaction
Database (ORD) [82] is a database of curated organic reactions. In the ORD, while reac-
tion data are structured by the ORD schema, many of their procedures are also available
as plain text. Interestingly, an LLM (e.g., OpenAI’s text-davinci-003) can, after fine-
tuning on only 300 prompt-completion pairs, extract 93 % of the components from the
free-text reaction description into valid JSONs (Figure 8). Such models might signifi-
cantly increase the data available for training models on tasks such as predicting reaction
conditions and yields. It is worth noting that all reaction data submitted to ORD are
made available under the CC-BY-SA license, which makes ORD a suitable data source
for fine-tuning or training an LLM to extract structured data from organic procedures. A
recent study on gold nanorod growth procedures also demonstrated the ability of LLM in
a similar task. [80] In contrast to the LIFT-based prediction of atomization energies re-
ported in the first section by the Berkeley-Madison team, parameter-efficient fine-tuning
of the open-source Alpaca model [83–85] using LoRA [47] did not yield a model that can
construct valid JSONs.
c. TableToJson: Structured information from tables in scientific papers
The previous example shows how structured data can be extracted from plain text
using LLMs. However, relevant information in the scientific literature is not only found
in text form. Research papers often contain tables that collect data on material prop-
erties, synthesis conditions, and results of characterization and experiments. Converting
table information into structured formats is essential to enable automated data analy-
sis, extraction, and integration into computational workflows. Although some techniques
could help in the process of extracting this information (performing OCR or parsing
XML), converting this information in structured data following, for example, a specific
JSON schema with models remains a challenge. The INCAR-CSIC team showed that
the OpenAI text-davinci-003 model, when prompted with a desired JSON schema and
the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) of a table contained in a scientific paper, can
generate structured JSON with the data in the table.
First, the OpenAI text-davinci-003 model was directly used to generate JSON
objects from the table information. This approach was applied to several examples using
tables collected from papers on different research topics within the field of chemistry [86–
92]. The accuracy for those different examples, calculated as the percentage of schema
values generated correctly, is shown in Figure 9. When the OpenAI model was prompted
with the table and desired schema to generate a JSON object, it worked remarkably well
in extracting the information from each table cell and inserting it at the expected place
in the schema. As output, it provided a valid JSON object with a 100 % success rate of
error-free generated values in all the studied examples. However, in some examples, the
model did not follow the schema.
To potentially address this problem the team utilized the jsonformer approach. This
tool reads the keys from the JSON schema and only generates the value tokens, guaran-
teeing the generation of a syntactically valid JSON (corresponding to the desired schema)
by the LLM [93, 94]. Using an LLM without such a decoding strategy cannot guarantee
that valid JSON outputs are produced. With the jsonformer approach, in most cases,
by using a simple descriptive prompt about the type of input text, structured data can
be obtained with 100 % correctness of the generated values. In one example, an accuracy
of 80 % was obtained due to errors in the generation of numbers in scientific notation.
For a table with more complex content (long molecule names, hyphens, power numbers,
subscripts, and superscripts,. . . ) the team achieved an accuracy of only 46 %. Most of
these issues could be solved by adding a specific explanation in the prompt, increasing
the accuracy to 100 % in most cases.
Overall, both approaches performed well in generating the JSON format. The OpenAI
text-davinci-003 model could correctly extract structured information from tables and
give a valid JSON output, but it cannot guarantee that the outputs will always follow
the provided schema. Jsonformer may present problems when special characters need
to be generated, but most of these issues could be solved with careful prompting. These
results show that LLMs can be a useful tool to help to extract scientific information in
tables and convert it into a structured form with a fixed schema that can be stored in a
database, which could encourage the creation of more topic-specific databases of research
Figure 9: TableToJson. Results of the structured JSON generation of tables contained in
scientific articles. Two approaches are compared: (i) the use of an OpenAI model prompted
with the desired JSON schema, and (ii) the use of an OpenAI model together with jsonformer.
In both cases, JSON objects were always obtained. The output of the OpenAI model did not
always follow the provided schema, although this might be solved by modifying the schema.
The accuracy of the results from the jsonformer approach used with OpenAI models could be
increased (as shown by the blue arrows) by solving errors in the generation of power numbers
and special characters with a more detailed prompt. The results can be visualized in this demo
d. AbstractToTitle & TitleToAbstract: text summarization and text generation
Technical writing is a challenging task that often requires presenting complex abstract
ideas in limited space. For this, frequent rewrites of sections are needed, in which LLMs
could assist domain experts. Still, evaluating their ability to generate text such as a
scientific paper is essential, especially for chemistry and materials science applications.
Large datasets of chemistry-related text are available from open-access platforms such
as arXiv and PubChem. These articles contain titles, abstracts, and often complete
manuscripts, which can be a testbed for evaluating LLMs as these titles and abstracts
are usually written by expert researchers. Ideally, an LLM should be able to generate a
title of an abstract close to the one developed by the expert, which can be considered
a specialized text-summarization task. Similarly, given a title, an LLM should generate
text close to the original abstract of the article, which can be considered a specialized
text-generation task.
These tasks have been introduced by the AbstractToTitle & TitleToAbstract team
(Kamal Choudhary) in the JARVIS-ChemNLP package [95]. For text summariza-
tion, it uses a pre-trained Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer (T5) model developed by
Google [96] that is further fine-tuned to produce summaries of abstracts. On the arXiv
condensed-matter physics (cond-mat) data, the team found that fine-tuning the model
can help improve the performance (Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation
(ROUGE)-1 score of 39.0 % which is better than an untrained model score of 30.8 % for
an 80/20 split).
For text generation, JARVIS-ChemNLP finetunes the pretrained GPT-2-medium [48]
model available in the HuggingFace library. [97] After finetuning, the team found a
ROUGE score of 31.7 %, which is a good starting point for pre-suggestion text applica-
tions. Both tasks with well-defined train and test splits are now available in the JARVIS-
Leaderboard platform for the AI community to compare other LLMs and systematically
improve the performance.
In the future, such title to abstract capabilities can be extended to generating full-
length drafts with appropriate tables, multi-modal figures, and results as an initial start
for the human researcher to help in the technical writing processes. Note that there
have been recent developments in providing guidelines for using LLM-generated text in
technical manuscripts [98], so such an LLM model should be considered as an assistant
of writing and not the master/author of the manuscripts.
D. Education
Given all the opportunities LLM open for materials science and chemistry, there is
an urgent need for education to adapt. Interestingly, LLMs also provide us with entirely
Figure 10: The I-digest interface. A video (e.g., of a lecture recording) can be described using
the Whisper model. Based on the transcript, an LLM can generate questions (and answers).
Those can assist students in their learning. The LLM can also detect mentions of chemicals
and link to further information about them (e.g., on PubChem [100–102]).
novel educational opportunities [99], for example, by personalizing content or providing
almost limitless varied examples.
The I-Digest
(Information-Digestor) hackathon team (Beatriz Mouri˜no, Elias
Moubarak, Joren Van Herck, Sauradeep Majumdar, Xiaoqi Zhang) created a path toward
such a new educational opportunity by providing students with a digital tutor based on
course material such as lecture recordings. Using the Whisper model [71], videos of lec-
ture recordings can be transcribed to text transcripts. The transcripts can then be fed
into an LLM with the prompt to come up with questions about the content presented in
the video (Figure 10). In the future, these questions might be shown to students before
a video starts, allowing them to skip parts they already know or after the video, guiding
students to the relevant timestamps or additional material in case of an incorrect answer.
Importantly, and in contrast to conventional educational materials, this approach can
generate a practically infinite number of questions and could, in the future, be contin-
uously be improved by student feedback. In addition, it is easy to envision extending
this approach to consider lecture notes or books to guide the students further or even
recommend specific exercises.
The fact that the groups were able to present prototypes that could do quite complex
tasks in such a short time illustrates the power of LLMs. Some of these prototypes would
have taken many months of programming just a few months ago, but the fact that LLMs
could reduce this time to a few hours is one of the primary reasons for the success of our
hackathon. Combined with the time-constrained environment in teams (with practically
zero cost of “failure”), we found more energy and motivation. The teams delivered more
results than in most other hackathons we participated in.
Through the LIFT framework, one can use LLMs to address problems that could al-
ready be addressed with conventional approaches—but in a much more accessible way
(using the same approach for different problems), while also reusing established concepts
such as ∆-ML. At the same time, however, we can use LLMs to model chemistry and
materials science in novel ways; for example, by incorporating context information such
as “fuzzy” design rules or directly operating on unstructured data. Overall, a common
use case has been to use LLMs to deal with “fuzziness” in programming and tool de-
velopment. We can already see tools like Copilot and ChatGPT being used to convert
“fuzzy abstractions” or hard-to-define tasks into code. These advancements may soon
allow everyone to write small apps or customize them to their needs (end-user program-
ming). Additionally, we can observe an interesting trend in tool development: most of
the logic in the showcased tools is written in English, not in Python or another pro-
gramming language. The resulting code is shorter, easier to understand, and has fewer
dependencies because LLMs are adept at handling fuzziness that is difficult to address
with conventional code. This suggests that we may not need more formats or standards
for interoperability; instead, we can simply describe existing solutions in natural lan-
guage to make them interoperable. Exploring this avenue further is exciting, but it is
equally important to recognize the limitations of LLMs, as they currently have limited
interpretability and lack robustness.
It is interesting to note that none of the projects relied on the knowledge or under-
standing of chemistry by LLMs. Instead, they relied on general reasoning abilities and
provided chemistry information through the context or fine-tuning. However, this also
brings new and unique challenges. All projects used the models provided by OpenAI’s
API. While these models are powerful, we cannot examine how they were built or have
any guarantee of continued reliable access to them.
Although there are open-source language models and techniques available, they are
generally more difficult to use compared to simply using OpenAI’s API. Furthermore, the
performance of language models can be fragile, especially for zero- or few-shot applica-
tions. To further investigate this, new benchmarks are needed that go beyond the tabular
datasets we have been using for ML for molecular and materials science—we simply have
no frameworks to compare and evaluate predictive models that use context, unstructured
data, or tools. Without automated tests, however, it is difficult to improve these systems
systematically. On top of that, consistent benchmarking is hard because de-duplication
is ill-defined even if the training data are known. To enable a scientific approach to the
development and analysis of these systems, we will also need to revisit versioning frame-
works to ensure reproducibility as systems that use external tools depend on the exact
versions of training data, LLM, as well as of the external tools and prompting setup.
The diversity of the prototypes presented in this work shows that the potential appli-
cations are almost unlimited, and we can probably only see the tip of the iceberg—for
instance, we didn’t even touch modalities other than text thus far.
Given these new ways of working and thinking, combined with the rapid pace of
developments in the field, we believe that we urgently need to rethink how we work and
teach. We must discuss how we ensure safe use [103], standards for evaluating and sharing
those models, and robust and reliable deployments. But we also need to discuss how we
ensure that the next generation of chemists and materials scientists are proficient and
critical users of these tools—that can use them to work more efficiently while critically
reflecting on the outputs of the systems. We believe that to truly leverage the power of
LLMs in the molecular and material sciences, we need a community effort—including not
only chemists and computer scientists but also lawyers, philosophers, and ethicists: the
possibilities and challenges are too broad and profound to tackle alone.
We would like to specifically thank Jim Warren (NIST) for his contributions to discus-
sions leading up to the hackathon and his participation as a judge during the event. We
would also like to thank Anthony Costa and Christian Dallago (NVIDIA) for supporting
the hackathon.
B.B., I.T.F, and ZH acknowledge support from the the National Science Foundation
awards #2226419 and #2209892. This work was performed under the following financial
assistance award 70NANB19H005 from the U.S. Department of Commerce, National
Institute of Standards and Technology as part of the Center for Hierarchical Materials
Design (CHiMaD).
K.J.S, A.S. acknowledge support from the the National Science Foundation award
K.M.J., S.M., J.v.H., X.Z., B.M., E.M., and B.S. were supported by the MAR-
VEL National Centre for Competence in Research funded by the Swiss National Science
Foundation (grant agreement ID 51NF40-182892) and the USorb-DAC Project, which is
funded by a grant from The Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environ-
ment to RMI’s climate tech accelerator program, Third Derivative. B.M. was further
supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under the Marie Sk(cid:32)lodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 945363.
M.C.R., S.C., and A.D.W. were supported by the National Science Foundation and
the National Institute of General Medical Sciences under Grant No. 1764415 and award
number R35GM137966, respectively.
Q.A.’s contribution to this work was supported by the National Center for Advanc-
ing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under award number
U18TR004149. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not
necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
M.V.G. acknowledges support from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
through the Programme for internationalization i-LINK 2021 (Project LINKA20412), and
from the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigaci´on (AEI) through the Grant TED2021-
131693B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by the “European
Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR” and through the Ram´on y Cajal Grant RYC-2017-
21937 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ESF Investing in your
The datalab project (M.L.E., B.E.S. and J.D.B.) has received funding from the Eu-
ropean Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement
957189 (DOI: 10.3030/957189), the Battery Interface Genome - Materials Acceleration
Platform (BIG-MAP), as an external stakeholder project. M.L.E. additionally thanks
the BEWARE scheme of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation for funding under the European
Commission’s Marie Curie-Sk(cid:32)lodowska Action (COFUND 847587). B.E.S. acknowledges
support from the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (ESPRC).
B.P. acknowledges support from the National Science Foundation through NSF-CBET
Grant No. 1917340. The authors thank Phung Cheng Fei, Hassan Harb, and Vinayak
Bhat for their helpful comments on this project.
D.C. and L.C.B. thank NSF DGE-2022040 for the aiM NRT funding support.
K.C. thank the National Institute of Standards and Technology for funding, compu-
tational, and data-management resources. Please note certain equipment, instruments,
software, or materials are identified in this paper in order to specify the experimental
procedure adequately. Such identification is not intended to imply recommendation or
endorsement of any product or service by NIST, nor is it intended to imply that the
materials or equipment identified are necessarily the best available for the purpose.
A.K.G., G.W.M., A.I., and W.A.d.J. were supported by the U.S. Department of
Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and Engineering
Division under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231, FWP No. DAC-LBL-Long, and by
the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of High Energy Physics under
Award Number DE-FOA-0002705.
M.B, B.R., and P.S. were supported by the NCCR Catalysis (grant number 180544),
a National Centre of Competence in Research funded by the Swiss National Science
S.G.R. and J.L. acknowledge the generous support of Eric and Wendy Schmidt, and
the core funding of the Francis Crick Institute, which receives its funding from Cancer
Research UK, the UK Medical Research Council, and the Wellcome Trust.
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SupportingInformationfor:14ExamplesofHowLLMsCanTransformMaterialsScienceandChemistry:AReflectiononaLargeLanguageModelHackathonKevinMaikJablonka,1,∗QianxiangAi,2,†AlexanderAl-Feghali,3,†ShrutiBadhwar,4,†JoshuaD.Bocarsly,5,†AndresMBran,6,7,†StefanBringuier,8,†L.CatherineBrinson,9,†KamalChoudhary,10,†DefneCirci,9,†SamCox,11,†WibeA.deJong,12,†MatthewL.Evans,13,14,†NicolasGastellu,3,†JeromeGenzling,3,†Mar´ıaVictoriaGil,15,†AnkurK.Gupta,12,†ZhiHong,16,†AlishbaImran,17,†SabineKruschwitz,18,†AnneLabarre,3,†JakubL´ala,19,†TaoLiu,3,†StevenMa,3,†SauradeepMajumdar,1,†GarrettW.Merz,20,†NicolasMoitessier,3,†EliasMoubarak,1,†BeatrizMouri˜no,1,†BrendenPelkie,21,†MichaelPieler,22,23,†MaykCaldasRamos,11,†BojanaRankovi´c,6,7,†SamuelG.Rodriques,19,†JacobN.Sanders,24,†PhilippeSchwaller,6,7,†MarcusSchwarting,25,†JialeShi,2,†BerendSmit,1,†BenE.Smith,5,†JorenVanHerck,1,†ChristophV¨olker,18,†LoganWard,26,†SeanWarren,3,†BenjaminWeiser,3,†SylvesterZhang,3,†XiaoqiZhang,1,†GhezalAhmadZia,18,†AristanaScourtas,27KJSchmidt,27IanFoster,28AndrewD.White,11andBenBlaiszik27,‡1LaboratoryofMolecularSimulation(LSMO),InstitutdesSciencesetIng´enierieChimiques,EcolePolytechniqueF´ed´eraledeLausanne(EPFL),Sion,Valais,Switzerland.2DepartmentofChemicalEngineering,MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology,Cambridge,Massachusetts02139,UnitedStates.3DepartmentofChemistry,McGillUniversity,Montreal,Quebec,Canada.4ReincarnateInc.5YusufHamiedDepartmentofChemistry,UniversityofCambridge,LensfieldRoad,Cambridge,CB21EW,UnitedKingdom.6LaboratoryofArtificialChemicalIntelligence(LIAC),InstitutdesSciencesetIng´enierieChimiques,EcolePolytechniqueF´ed´eraledeLausanne(EPFL),Lausanne,Switzerland.7NationalCentreofCompetenceinResearch(NCCR)Catalysis,EcolePolytechniqueF´ed´eraledeLausanne(EPFL),Lausanne,Switzerland.8IndependentResearcher,SanDiego,CA,UnitedStates.9MechanicalEngineeringandMaterialsScience,DukeUniversity,UnitedStates.10MaterialMeasurementLaboratory,NationalInstituteofStandardsandTechnology,Maryland,20899,UnitedStates.11DepartmentofChemicalEngineering,UniversityofRochester,UnitedStates.12AppliedMathematicsandComputationalResearchDivision,LawrenceBerkeleyNationalLaboratory,Berkeley,CA94720,UnitedStates.13InstitutdelaMati`ereCondens´eeetdesNanosciences(IMCN),UCLouvain,Chemindes´Etoiles8,Louvain-la-Neuve,1348,Belgium.14MatgenixSRL,185RueArmandBury,6534Goz´ee,Belgium.15InstitutodeCienciayTecnolog´ıadelCarbono(INCAR),CSIC,FranciscoPintadoFe26,33011Oviedo,Spain.16DepartmentofComputerScience,UniversityofChicago,Chicago,Illinois60637,UnitedStates.17ComputerScience,UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley,BerkeleyCA94704,UnitedStates.18Bundesanstaltf¨urMaterialforschungund-pr¨ufung,UnterdenEichen87,12205Berlin,Germany.19FrancisCrickInstitute,1MidlandRd,LondonNW11AT,UnitedKingdom.20AmericanFamilyInsuranceDataScienceInstitute,UniversityofWisconsin-Madison,MadisonWI53706,UnitedStates.21DepartmentofChemicalEngineering,UniversityofWashington,Seattle,WA98105,UnitedStates.22OpenBioML.org23Stability.AI24DepartmentofChemistryandBiochemistry,UniversityofCalifornia,LosAngeles,CA90095,UnitedStates.25DepartmentofComputerScience,UniversityofChicago,ChicagoIL60490,UnitedStates.26DataScienceandLearningDivision,ArgonneNationalLab,UnitedStates.27Globus,UniversityofChicago,DataScienceandLearningDivision,ArgonneNationalLab,UnitedStates.228DepartmentofComputerScience,UniversityofChicago,DataScienceandLearningDivision,ArgonneNationalLab,UnitedStates.ContentsI.PredictiveModeling3A.LeveragingLLMsforAccurateMolecularEnergyPredictions3B.FromTexttoCement:DevelopingSustainableConcretesUsingIn-ContextLearning6C.MoleculeDiscoverybyContext8D.TexttemplateparaphrasingwithLLMs101.Problem102.Solution103.Impact124.Lessonslearned12E.GAwithoutgenes13II.Automationandnovelinterfaces18A.Usingchain-of-thoughtandchemicaltoolstoanswermaterialsquestions18B.sMolTalk20C.whinchat:AConversationalelectroniclabnotebook(ELN)Interface22D.BOLLaMa25III.KnowledgeExtraction27A.InsightGraph27B.ExtractingStructuredDatafromFree-formOrganicSynthesisText29C.TableToJson:Extractingstructuredinformationfromtablesinscientificpapers31D.AbstractToTitle&TitleToAbstract:textsummarizationandtextgeneration361.Problem362.Solution363.Example36IV.Education38A.i-Digest38V.Metaanalysisoftheworkshopcontributions40References42∗[email protected]†Theseauthorscontributedequally‡[email protected]3I.PredictiveModelingA.LeveragingLLMsforAccurateMolecularEnergyPredictionsTableI.LIFTformolecularatomizationenergiesontheQM9-G4MP2dataset.Metricsformodelstunedon90%oftheQM9-G4MP2dataset(117,232molecules),using10%(13,026molecules)asaholdouttestset.Notethatthemetricusedforthebaselineresults[1]isMAE,whereasthisworkusedtheMAD.TheresultsindicatethattheLIFTframeworkcanalsobeusedtobuildpredictivemodelsforatomizationenergies,thatcanreachchemicalaccuracyusinga∆-MLscheme.mol.repr.&frameworkG4(MP2)AtomizationEnergy(G4(MP2)-B3LYP)AtomizationEnergyR2MAD/eVR2MAD/eVSMILES:GPTChem0.9840.990.9760.03SELFIES:GPTChem0.9611.180.9730.03SMILES:GPT2-LoRA0.9312.030.9100.06SELFIES:GPT2-LoRA0.9591.930.9150.06SchNetbaseline---0.0045FCHLbaseline-0.0223-0.0052Accuratepredictionofchemicalpropertieshaslongbeentheultimateobjectiveincomputationalchemistryandmaterialsscience.However,thesignificantcomputationaldemandsofprecisemethodsoftenhindertheirroutineapplicationinmodelingchemicalprocesses.Therecentsurgeinmachinelearningdevelopment,alongwiththesubsequentpopularityoflargelanguagemodels(LLMs),offersinnovativeandeffectiveapproachestoovercomethesecomputationallimitations.Ourprojecttakesstepstowardestablishingacomprehensive,open-sourceframeworkthatharnessesthefullpotentialofLLMstoaccuratelymodelchemicalproblemsanduncovernovelsolutionstochemicalchallenges.Inthisstudy,weassessedthecapabilityofLLMstopredicttheatomizationenergiesofmoleculesattheG4(MP2)[2]leveloftheoryfromtheQM9-G4MP2dataset[3,4]usingsolelystringrepresentationsformolecules,specifically,SMILES[5]andSELFIES[6,7].G4(MP2)isahighlyaccuratecompositequantumchemistrymethod,knownforitsaccuracywithin1.0kcal/molformolecularenergiescomparedtoexperimentalvalues,makingatomizationenergyanidealpropertytopredicttodemonstratetheusefulnessandimpactofLLMsonthefieldofcomputationalchemistry.Jablonkaetal.[8]recentlydemonstratedthepotentialoffine-tuningpre-trainedLLMsonchemistrydatasetsforabroadarrayofpredictivechemistrytasks.Asaninitialvalidationforourproject,wefine-tunedgenerativepretrainedtransformer(GPT)-3[9]tolearnhowtoreproduceamolecule’satomizationenergyattheG4(MP2)leveloftheory,usingitsSMILESorSELFIESstringthroughtheprompt,“WhatistheG4MP2atomizationenergyinkcal/molof’SMILES/SELFIESstringofamolecule’?”Additionally,wefine-tunedLLMstopredicttheatomizationenergydifferencebetweenB3LYP/6-31G(2df,p)andG4(MP2)levelsoftheorywiththeprompt,“WhatistheG4MP2andB3LYPatomizationenergydifferenceinkcal/molof’SMILES/SELFIESstringofamolecule’?”,whichmirrorsthe∆-machinelearning(∆-ML)schemes[10]foundintheexistingliterature.Figure1.Illustrationofthemolecularpropertypredictionworkflow,frommoleculerepresentationtomodelfine-tuningandperformanceevaluation.4Wefine-tunedtheGPT-3(Ada)modelusing90%oftheQM9-G4MP2dataset(117,232molecules)foreightepochswiththeGPTChem[8]framework’sdefaultsettings.Theremaining10%(13,026molecules)waskeptasthehold-outset,followingthesamedatasplitasWardetal.[1],toevaluatethemodel’sperformance.TableIsummarizestheregressionmetricsforthehold-outset.Thestrongcorrelationbetweenthepredictedandgroundtruthvaluessuggeststhatthemodeleffectivelylearnedthestructuralinformationfromthemolecularstringrepresentation.AlthoughtheMADremainsrelativelyhighcomparedtostate-of-the-artmodelsintheliterature[1,11]thatutilizeamolecule’sfull3Dstructuralinformationfordescriptorconstruction,weachievedchemicalaccuracy(<1.0kcal/mol≈0.04eV)forthe∆-MLtask.Consequently,thisapproachcanpredictG4(MP2)energieswithhighaccuracywhenB3LYPenergiesareavailable.Wealsocomparedthemodel’sperformanceusingSMILESandSELFIESmolecularrepresentations,withtheformerprovingmarginallysuperiorforpredictingatomizationenergies,possiblyduetoitsmorecompactrepresentationformolecules.WeadditionallycalculatedregressionmetricsfortheG4MP2-Heavydataset[1],theresultsofwhichareprovidedinTableII.TableII.Regressionmetrics,(CoefficientofDetermination),andMAD(MeanAbsoluteDeviation)forpredictingG4(MP2)and(G4(MP2)B3LYP)atomizationenergiesfortheG4MP2-Heavydatasetusingafine-tunedGPT-3modelwithGPTChemmol.repr.&frameworkG4(MP2)AtomizationEnergy(G4(MP2)-B3LYP)AtomizationEnergyR2MAD/eVR2MAD/eVSMILES:GPTChem0.5836.020.8560.13SELFIES:GPTChem0.1469.440.6590.15WhileGPT-3fine-tuningmodelsareaccessiblethroughtheOpenAIapplicationprogramminginterface(API),theirusagecostscanbecomeprohibitiveforlargerdatasets,renderinghyperparametersearchesandotherexploratoryresearcheconomicallyunfeasible.Consequently,weaimtodevelopafreeandopen-sourceframeworkforfine-tuningLLMstoperformawiderangeofpredictivemodelingtasks,encompassingchemicalpropertypredictionandinversedesign.Tofine-tuneapre-trainedLLMlocallyonaGPUinsteadofqueryingOpenAI’sAPI,weemployedtheHuggingFaceparameterefficientfine-tuning(PEFT)library[12]toimplementthelow-rankadaptors(LoRA)tuningparadigm[13].Conventionalfine-tuningupdatesallmodelparameters,utilizingpretrainedweightsfromalargetrainingdatasetasastartingpointforgradientdescent.However,fine-tuningmemory-intensiveLLMsonconsumerhardwareisoftenimpractical.TheLoRAapproachaddressesthisbyfreezingthemodel’sweightsandtuningalow-rankadapterlayerratherthantheentiremodel,parameterizingchangesconcerningtheinitialweightsratherthantheupdatedweights.Usingthisapproach,wefine-tunedthesmallestversionofGPT-2[14](124millionparameters)for20epochsonthesame90%trainingsetasusedinGPTChem,allocating10%ofthattrainingsetforvalidation,andcomputedmetricsonthesame10%hold-outsetasintheGPTChemrun,employingthesamepromptstructure.Althoughthemodelperformswell,itdemonstratesslightlyinferiorperformancetoGPT-3ontheG4MP2taskandmoderatelyworseonthe(G4(MP2)-B3LYP)task.Thisisnotunexpected,giventhatGPT-3isamorerecentmodelwithsubstantiallymoreparametersthanGPT-2(175billionvs.124million)andhasexhibitedsuperiorfew-shotperformanceonvarioustasks[15].Movingforward,weplantoemploytheLoRAtuningframeworktofine-tuneothermodels,suchasLLaMA[16]andGPT-J,toinvestigatetheimpactofLLMselectiononperformanceinchemistry-relatedtasks.Moreover,weintendtoexperimentwithmolecular-inputrepresentationsbeyondstringformatstomoreaccuratelyrepresentamolecule’s3Denvironment[17].Onesentencesummariesa.Problem/TaskPredictingtheatomizationenergiesofmoleculesusinglargelanguagemodels.b.ApproachFine-tuningofGPT-3adamodelaswellasPEFTofasmallopen-sourcemodel(GPT-2)onSMILEStoeitherdirectlypredicttheatomizationenergiesorthedifferencebetweenalowerandahigherleveloftheory.5c.ResultsandImpactEventhoughsimpler,directfine-tuningforacomplicatedpropertyonSMILESleadstoerrorsoneorderofmagnitudehigherthanbaselines,andtheerrorcanonlybebroughtclosetothebaselineswithan∆−MLapproach—firstdemonstrationof∆-MLintheLIFTframeworkforchemistry.d.ChallengesandFutureWorkSincethepredictionswithout3Dcoordinatesisnotsatisfactory,aquestionforfutureworkishowtheapproachwouldperformwhenprovidedwith3Dcoordinates.6B.FromTexttoCement:DevelopingSustainableConcretesUsingIn-ContextLearningTheinherentlyintricatechemistryandvariabilityoffeedstocksintheconstructionindustryhavelimitedthedevelopmentofnovelsustainableconcretestolabor-intensivelaboratorytesting.ThismajorbottleneckinmaterialinnovationhassignificantconsequencesduetothesubstantialcontributionofCO2emissionsofmaterialsinusetoday.TheproductionofPortlandcementaloneamountstoapproximately8%ofanthro-pogenicCO2emissions[18].Theincreasingcomplexityofalternativerawmaterialsandtheuncertainfutureavailabilityofestablishedsubstituteslikeflyashandgranulatedblastfurnaceslagmaketheexperimentaldevelopmentofmoresustainableformulationstime-consumingandchallenging.Traditionaltrial-and-errorapproachesareill-suitedtoefficientlyexplorethevastdesignspaceofpotentialformulations.Inpreviousstudies,inversedesign(ID)hasbeenshowntoacceleratethediscoveryofnovel,sustainable,andhigh-performancematerialsbyreducinglabor-intensivelaboratorytesting[19–21].Despitetheirpotential,theadoptionofthesetechniqueshasbeenimpededbyseveraldifficultiesthatareconnectedtothepredictivemodelatthecoreofID:Incorporatingdomainknowledgetypicallyrequiresextensivedatacollectiontoaccuratelycaptureunderlyingrelationships,whichmakesrepresentingcomplextasksinpracticechallengingduetothehighcostsofdataacquisition.Furthermore,IDnecessitatesformulatingresearchproblemsassearchspacevectors.Thisprocesscanbeunintuitiveandchallengingforlabpersonnel,limitingthecomprehensionandadoptionofthesetechniques.Lastly,sparsetrainingsamplesinhighdimensionscanleadtoco-linearitiesandoverfitting,negativelyimpactingpredictionperformance.Within-contextlearningFigure2.UsingLLMstopredictthecompressivestrengthofconcretes.Theleftpartillustratestheconventionalapproachforsolvingthistask,i.e.,trainingclassicalpredictionmodelsusingtabulardata.UsingtheLIFTframeworkLLMcanalsousetabulardatabutalsoleveragecontextinformationprovidedinnaturallanguage.Augmentedwiththiscontext,in-context-learningwithLLMleadstoaperformancethatoutperformsbaselinessuchasRFsorGPRs.(ICL),Jablonkaetal.[8]andRamosetal.[22]demonstratedthatLLMsofferasolutionbyincorporatingcontextandgeneralknowledge,providingflexibilityinhandlingnon-numericinputsandovercomingthelimitationsoftraditionalvectorspaceformulations(Figure2).Inthisstudy,wehaveadoptedanICLapproachbasedonadatasetfromastudybyRaoandRao[23].Thedatasetcomprises240alternativeandmoresustainableconcreteformulationsbasedonflyashandgroundgranulatedslagbinders,alongwiththeirrespectivecompressivestrengths.ThegoalistocomparethepredictionperformanceofthecompressivestrengthwithICLusingthetext-davinci-003model[24]againstestablishedmethods,RF[25].Randomlysampledtrainingsubsetscontainingtenformulationsaredrawn.Thepredictionperformanceisassessedonaseparate,randomlysampledtestsetof25samplesandevaluatedusingthecoefficientofdetermination(R-squared)[26].Thisprocessisrepeatedtentimestoensuremorereliableresults.TheexperimentalresultsrevealthatICLattainscomparableperformancetoGPRbutunderperformsRFwhenprovidedwithsmalltrainingdatasets(R-squaredof0.5,0.54,and0.67,respectively).However,whenusinggeneral,qualitativeconcretedesignknowledge,suchastheinfluenceofthewater-to-cementratioonstrength,themodelssignificantlyreducepredictionoutliersandultimatelysurpassRF(R-squared=0.71).WhenweincorrectlychangedthecontextoftheratioofflyashtoGGBFS,itnegativelyaffectedtheR-squaredvalueforICL,causingittodropto0.6.Thismisrepresentationoftheruleledtoadecreaseinthemodel’spredictiveaccuracy,demonstratingthatthequalityoftheinformationincludedinthe“fuzzy”contextiscriticaltotheoverallperformanceofLLMs.Itshouldbenoted,however,thattheimpactontheR-squaredvaluemayvarydependingontheimportanceoftheruleintheoverallcontext.Thatis,notall7changesincontexthaveasimilarimpact,andthedropto0.6mightoccuronlyinthecaseoftheratioofflyashtoGGBFS.Otherstudies,suchasthoseconductedintheLIFTwork,[27]haveshownLLMperformanceforminorchangesinwordingorthepresenceofnoiseinthefeatures.Intheseexperiments,therobustnessofLIFT-basedpredictionswascomparabletoclassicalMLalgorithms,makingitapromisingalternativeforusingfuzzydomainknowledgeinpredictivemodeling.LLMshavebeenshowntoprovidesignificantadvantagesinsustainableconcretedevelopment,includingcontextincorporation,adaptablehandlingofnon-numericinputs,andefficientdomainknowledgeintegration,surpassingtraditionalmethods’limitations.ICLssimplifiesformulatingdata-drivenresearchquestions,increasingaccessibilityanddemocratizingadata-drivenapproachwithinthebuildingmaterialssector.ThishighlightsLLMspotentialtocontributetotheconstructionindustry’ssustainabilityobjectivesandfosterefficientsolutions.Onesentencesummariesa.Problem/TaskPredictingthecompressivestrengthofconcreteformulations.b.ApproachICLonlanguage-interfacedtabulardata,withandwithout“fuzzy”domainexpertise(suchasrelationshipbetweencolumns)providedinnaturallanguage.c.ResultsandImpactPredictivemodelscanbebuiltwithoutanytraining;ifprovidedwithdomainexpertise,thosemodelsoutperformthebaselines—firstdemonstrationinchemistryofsuchfuzzyknowledgecanbeincorporatedintomodels.d.ChallengesandFutureWorkICLcanbeverysensitivetotheprompt,hencefutureworkshouldinvestigatetherobustnessofthisapproach.8C.MoleculeDiscoverybyContextTheescalatingclimatecrisisnecessitatesthedeploymentofclean,sustainablefuelstoreducecarbonemissions.Hydrogen,withitspotentialtopreventapproximately60gigatonsofCO2emissionsby2050,accordingtotheWorldEconomicForum,standsasapromisingsolution[28].However,itsstorageandshippingremainformidablechallengesduetothenecessityforhigh-pressuretanks.Toaddressthis,wesoughtnewmoleculestowhichhydrogencouldbeconvenientlyaddedforstorage.Traditionalscreeningmethods,likebrainstorming,areinsufficientduetotheirlimitedthroughput.ThisresearchproposesanovelmethodofleveragingScholarBERT,[29]apre-trainedscience-focusedLLM,toscreenpotentialhydrogencarriermoleculesefficiently.ThisapproachutilizesScholarBERT’sabilitytounderstandandrelatethecontextofscientificliterature.Thedatausedforthisstudyconsistedofthreedatasets.The“Known”datasetcomprised78knownhydrogencarriermolecules.The“Relevant”datasetincluded577molecules,allofwhicharestructurallysimilartothe“Known”molecules.The“Random”datasetcontained111randomlyselectedmoleculesfromthePubChemdatabase[30].ThefirststepinvolvedsearchingforcontextsformoleculesinthePublicResourceDataset(PRD),whichincludes75MEnglishlanguageresearcharticles.Thesecontexts(i.e.sentencesthatmentionedthemoleculename)werethenfedintoScholarBERT.Foreachcontext,threecalculationsweremade:1.theaverageofthelastfourencoderlayersinScholarBERT2.theaverageembeddingofalltokensconstitutingthemoleculenameasonecontextualizedembeddingforthismolecule,and3.theaverageofallcontextualizedembeddingsforamoleculeasScholarBERT’srepresentationofthismolecule.Subsequently,wecalculatedthesimilaritybetweentheknownandcandidatemolecules.Thedefinitionof“similarity”usedinthisstudywasthecosinesimilaritybetweentheScholarBERTrepresentationsoftwomolecules.Wethensortedthecandidatesbasedonthesimilarityscoreindescendingorder,withahigherscoreindicatinggreaterpotentialasahydrogencarrier.Figure3and4showthecandidatemoleculeswiththehighestsimilaritytotheknownmolecules.WecanseethatScholarBERTdoesapassablejobfindingsimilarmoleculesfromtherandomset.Wedoseethatitfavorsfindingmoleculeswith5-and6-memberrings,thoughwithfeatureswedidn’texpect,likehalogens.Ontheotherhand,ScholarBERTdoesamuchbetterjobwhenwereducethesearchspacetothosewithstructuralsimilarity.Weseethatmoleculeswith5-memberrings,forinstance,arefoundtobesimilarstructurallyandinhowtheyaredescribedintheliteratureviaScholarBERT.Figure3.EachcolumnshowsaKnownmoleculeonthebottomanditstopcandidatemoleculefromtheRandomsetonthetopBasedonourempiricaldata,computingtheenergycapacity(wt%H2)andenergypenalty(kJ/mol/H2)ofaddingandremovingH2tothemolecule(whicharethequantitative“successmetrics”forthisproject)ofacandidatemoleculeusingtraditionalquantumchemistrytakesaround30secondspermoleculeona64-coreIntelXeonPhi7230processor,whereastheproposedLLMapproachcanscreenaround100moleculespersecondonaV100GPU,achievinga3000timesspeedup.Onesentencesummariesa.Problem/TaskRecommendinghydrogencarriermolecules.9Figure4.EachcolumnshowsaKnownmoleculeonthebottomanditstopcandidatemoleculefromtheRelevantsetonthetopb.ApproachRankingofmoleculesbasedonsimilarityofembeddingscreatedwithalanguagemodelbyshowingaggregatingtheembeddingsofmentionsofthemoleculesinscientifictexts.c.ResultsandImpactApproachcanrecommendmoleculeswithasuccessratebetterthanrandom.d.ChallengesandFutureWorkMorebenchmarkscomparedtoconventionalgenerativemodelingareneeded.10D.TexttemplateparaphrasingwithLLMs1.ProblemTextdataismuchtrickiertoaugmentformachinelearningapplicationsduetothediscretenatureofthedatamodality.Therearesometraditionalaugmentationapproachesforthesetasks.However,theycanbeinefficientorstillneedextensivemanualcheckstobesuretheydeliverthedesiredresults,especiallyforscientificorchemistryapplications.2.SolutionToautomatehigh-qualitytextdataaugmentations,LLMshavebeenexploredbyDaiandhiscoworkers[31]asaveryrecentandpromisingsolutiontothisproblem.WeinvestigatedsuchasetupinthescopeoftheOpenBioMLchemistryNLPproject([27]Anexamplepromptisshownbelow.Theoutlinedpromptsetuphasafter“Question:”thedesiredtaskwithadditionalinformationandafter“Sentence:”thestartingtexttemplatefortheparaphrasing.The“Question:”and“Answer:”headersarenotusediftheLLMinterfaceusesachatinterface,i.e.,withOpenAIGPT-4.ExamplePromptQuestion:Pleaseparaphrasethesentencebelowtentimeswithoutchangingtheoriginalmeaningandtheplaceholderinthecurly{}brackets.Pleaseusealltheplaceholdersinthecurly{}bracketsforeveryrephrasedsentence.Sentence:Themoleculewiththe{SMILESdescription}representation{SMILESdata}hasa{targetname}of{targetvalue}{targetunits}.Answer:ExampleResponsebyGPT-41.The{SMILESdescription}representationofthemoleculeis{SMILESdata},andits{targetname}is{targetvalue}{targetunits}.2.Witha{SMILESdescription}representationof{SMILESdata},themoleculehasa{targetname}of{targetvalue}{targetunits}.3.Themolecule,representedby{SMILESdescription}as{SMILESdata},possessesa{targetname}of{targetvalue}{targetunits}.4.Amoleculehavinga{SMILESdescription}representationof{SMILESdata}alsohasa{targetname}equalto{targetvalue}{targetunits}.5.The{SMILESdescription}-representedmoleculewith{SMILESdata}exhibitsa{targetname}of{targetvalue}{targetunits}.6.Forthemoleculewitha{SMILESdescription}representationof{SMILESdata},its{targetname}measures{targetvalue}{targetunits}.7.The{targetname}ofthemoleculehavinga{SMILESdescription}representationof{SMILESdata}is{targetvalue}{targetunits}.8.Representedby{SMILESdescription}as{SMILESdata},themolecule’s{targetname}is{targetvalue}{targetunits}.119.Themolecule’s{targetname}is{targetvalue}{targetunits}whenits{SMILESdescription}representationis{SMILESdata}.10.A{targetname}of{targetvalue}{targetunits}isassociatedwiththemoleculewhose{SMILESdescription}representationis{SMILESdata}.ExampleResponsebyAnthropicClaudev1Hereare10paraphrasedsentencesoftheoriginalsentencewiththeplaceholdersretained:1.Themoleculerepresentedbythe{SMILESdescription}code{SMILESdata}hasa{targetname}of{targetvalue}{targetunits}.2.The{SMILESdescription}notation{SMILESdata}denotesamoleculewitha{targetname}equalto{targetvalue}{targetunits}.3.A{targetname}of{targetvalue}{targetunits}ispossessedbythemoleculedepictedusing{SMILESdescription}as{SMILESdata}.4.{SMILESdata}signifiesthe{SMILESdescription}ofthemoleculewhichhasa{targetname}of{targetvalue}{targetunits}.5.The{SMILESdescription}{SMILESdata}characterizesthemoleculethatexhibitsa{targetname}of{targetvalue}{targetunits}.6.A{targetname}equalto{targetvalue}{targetunits}belongstothemoleculeexpressedwith{SMILESdescription}code{SMILESdata}.7.{SMILESdata}denotesthe{SMILESdescription}forthemoleculepossessinga{targetname}of{targetvalue}{targetunits}.8.Themoleculedefinedby{SMILESdescription}{SMILESdata}presentsa{targetname}of{targetvalue}{targetunits}.9.{SMILESdescription}{SMILESdata}specifiesthemoleculewhichdisplaysa{targetname}of{targetvalue}{targetunits}.10.A{targetname}amountingto{targetvalue}{targetunits}isapropertyofthemoleculerepresentedwith{SMILESdescription}{SMILESdata}.ExampleResponsebyGPT-JThemoleculewiththe{SMILESdescription}representation{SMILESA}hasa{targetname}of{targetvalue}{targetunits}.{SMILESA}hasa{targetname}of{targetunits}.Themoleculewiththe{targetunits}representation{targetname}hasaTARGETUNITSof{targetvalue}{targetunits}.{targetname}of{targetunits}haveaTARGETUNITSof{targetvalue}{targetunits}.Intheaboveanswer,thereisthe{SMILESdescription}representationof{SMILESquery},butwedon’tuseitinthesentenceyet.Andthereisnocurlybracketsfortheexceptedanswer.123.ImpactTheoutlinedapproachallowstoautomaticallycreatenewparaphrasedhigh-qualitypromptsforLIFTLLMtrainingdataveryefficiently.Withtheadditionalparaphrasedtexttemplates,overfittingtospecialtextpassagesshouldbeavoided.Weexplorethissetupinfollow-upworkinmoredetail.4.LessonslearnedTheoutlinedparaphrasingsetupworkswellforthelateststate-of-the-artmodels,e.g.,OpenAI’sGPT-4andAnthropic’sClaudev1.Lesscapableopen-sourcemodelsseemtolacktheunderstandingofthisparaphrasingtask.Still,newandupcomingopen-sourceLLMeffortscouldchangethatsoon,enablingacost-effectiveandbroaderapplicationofthissetup.Onesentencesummariesa.Problem/TaskGenerationofmanytext-templatesforlanguage-interfacedfine-tuningofLLMsb.ApproachPromptingofLLMtorephrasetemplates(withtemplatesyntaxsimilartoJinja).c.ResultsandImpactLargemodels(GPT-4,Claude),incontrasttosmallerones,cansuccessfullyrephrasetemplates,offeringapotentialavenuefordata-augmentation.d.ChallengesandFutureWorkAsnextstep,ablationstudiesneedtocarriedoutthattesttheeffectofdataaugmentationbytemplaterephrasingonregressionandclassificationcasestudies.13E.GAwithoutgenesWeinvestigatetheabilityforaLLMtoworkinparallelwithgeneticalgorithms(GAs)formolecularpropertyoptimization.ByemployingaLLMtoguidegeneticalgorithmoperations,itcouldbepossibletoproducebetterresultsusingfewergenerations.WehypothesizethataGAcantakeadvantageofthe“smart”randomnessoftheoutputsoftheLLM.ThisworkexploresthepotentialofLLMstoimprovemolec-ularfragmentation,mutation,variation,andreproductionprocessesandtheabilityofaLLMtogatherinformationfromasimplifiedmolecular-inputline-entrysystem(SMILES)string[5,6]andanassociatedscoretoproducenewSMILESstrings.Althoughcomputationalefficiencyisnottheprimaryfocus,thepro-posedmethodhaspotentialimplicationsforenhancingpropertypredictionsearchesandfutureimprovementsinLLMunderstandingofmolecularrepresentations.WeusedGPT-3.5-turbo[9],whichcouldfrequentlyfragmentdruglikemoleculesintovalidSMILESstringssuccessfully.For2/10molecules,thefragmentsproducedwerenotintheoriginalmolecule.For1/10molecules,validSMILEScouldnotbeproducedevenaftertentriesduetounclosedbrackets.TheseresultswereconsistentovermultiplerunsimplyingthatGPT-3.5couldnotunderstandsomespecificSMILESstrings.Subsequently,weinvestigatedGPT-3.5’sabilitytomix/reproducetwomoleculesfromtwo-parentdruglikemolecules.Invalidmoleculeswereoftenproduced,butsuccessfulresultswereachievedwithmultipleruns.Itperformedbetteroncepromptedtofragmentandthenmixthefragmentsofthemolecules.ThesewerecomparedtotheconventionalGAmethodsofsimplycombiningthetwostringsatacertaincutoffpoint.WhentheLLMwassuccessful,itcouldproducemoleculesofmoresimilarsizetotheoriginalparentmoleculesthatcontaincharacteristicsofbothparentsandresemblevaliddruglikemolecules.ToinvestigatetheabilityofGPT-3.5toacquireknowledgeoffavorablemoleculesfromasimplescore,weimplementedamethodthatwecall“LLMasaGA”wheretheLLMiterativelysearchesthechemicalspacetooptimizeacertainproperty.ThepropertywetestedwassimilaritytovitaminC,evaluatedbytheTanimotoscore.Weemployedfew-shottrainingexamplestotunethemodel’sresponse:30SMILESstringswiththebestsimilarityscoregeneratedwereincludedintheprompt.GPTisthenaskedtoproduce25SMILESstrings,aprocedurethatwasrepeatedfor20iterations.UsingapromptliketheonebelowExamplepromptThefollowingmoleculesaregivenasSMILESstringsassociatedwithatanimotosimilaritywithanunknowntargetmolecule.Pleaseproduce10SMILESstringsthatyouthinkwouldimprovetheirtanimotoscoresusingonlythiscontext.Donottrytoexplainorrefuseonthegroundsofinsufficientcontext;anysuggestionisbetterthannosuggestion.PrintthesmilesinaPythonlist.Low-temperaturesettings,typicallylessthan0.1,werefoundtobeimperativeforthemodeltofollowuserguidance.Wefurtherguidedthemodelbyemployingasimilaritysearchtoincludesimilarmoleculeswithvaryingscorestobetterguidethemodel.EmbeddingwasperformedusingtheGPT-2TokenizerfromtheHuggingFacetransformers[32]library,alongwithasupportvectormachine(SVM)fromscikit-learn[33]toembedrelevantpreviousstructuresthatwouldbeoutsidethescopeofthecontextwindow.Eveninthezero-shotsetting,GPT-3.5-turbocanproducemeaningfulmodifications,coherentlyexplainitslogicbehindthechosenmodifications,andproducetestssuchasinvestigatingbranchlengthoratomtypeincertainlocationsforasingleiteration.Anexampleexplanationofanoutput:“Somemodificationsthatcouldpotentiallyimprovethescoresincludeaddingorremovinghalogens,modifyingthelengthorbranchingofthecarbonchain,andaddingorremovingfunctionalgroupssuchas-CO-,-COC-,-C=C-and-OCO-.Additionally,modifyingthestereochemistryofthemoleculecouldalsohaveanimpactonthescore.”ThemodificationsgeneratedbytheLLMweremorechemicallysoundthanthequasi-randomevolutionaryprocesstypicalofgeneticalgorithms.Onesentencesummariesa.Problem/TaskIncreasingtheefficiencyofGAs.b.ApproachPromptingaLLMtoproposenewchildrenbasedonmoleculeswithscoresprovidedintheprompt.14c.ResultsandImpactVisualinspectionindicatesthatsomemodificationsmightbereasonable,indi-catingapotentialformoreefficientgeneticoperationsusingLLMs.d.ChallengesandFutureWorkMoresystematicinvestigationsontheperformanceandrobustnesscomparedtoconventionalGAoperationsareneeded.15Figure5.UsingGPTtofragmentmolecules.OriginalmoleculesareincolumnonewithLLMcreatedfragmenttotheright.TheLLMcanfrequentlyfragmentmoleculesintovalidSMILESstringssuccessfully.2/10timesfragmentsproducedwerenotintheoriginalmolecule(rows6and10).For1/10molecules,validSMILESwereabletobeproducedevenaftertenattempts(row8)16(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)Figure6.UsingGPT-3.5-turbotoreproduce/mixmolecules.Twooriginalparentmoleculeson1strow,followedbyLLMcreatedchildren,followedbyconventionalGAstringsplicingchildrenforcomparison17Figure7.TanimotosimilaritytovitaminCasafunctionofGAgenerations.ConventionalGArunfor30generationsandthebestscore(mostsimilartovitaminC)ofeachgenerationisgiventotheLLMasaLLMalongwithitsassociatedTanimotosimilarityscoretoVitaminC.LLMwasthenaskedtocreatenewmoleculesandimprovethescorefor12generations.MultiplenewbestmoleculeswerefoundusingLLMasshownbytheblueline.18II.AutomationandnovelinterfacesA.Usingchain-of-thoughtandchemicaltoolstoanswermaterialsquestionsFigure8.SchematicoverviewoftheMAPI-LLMworkflow.ItusesLLMstoprocesstheuser’sinputanddecidewhichavailabletools(e.g.,MaterialsProjectAPI,andGoogleSearch)tousefollowinganiterativechain-of-thoughtprocedure.Inthisway,itcananswerquestionssuchas“IsthematerialAnByCzstable?”.LLMshavedemonstratedremarkablesuccessinvarioustasks[34–36].Recently,LLMshavegainedatten-tioninchemistry,demonstratingexceptionalabilitytomodelchemicalsystems[37]andpredictingtabulardata[8,22,27].Predictingthepropertiesofmaterialsischallengingsinceitrequirescomputationallyinten-sivetechniques,suchasdensityfunctionaltheory(DFT)[38–40].Data-drivenmodelsofferaviableoptiontobalanceaccuracyandcomputationaltime.HerewepresentedtheMAPI-LLM,amulti-taskpackagethatemploysLangChain[41]agentswithaccesstomultipletoolstoaddressusers’questionsaboutmaterials.Ithasbeenshownthatprovidingchemistry-specifictoolstoanLLMallowstheLLMtosolvechemistryproblemswithsignificantlyhigheraccuracy[42].Inasimilarmanner,wedevelopedtoolstoiterativelyquerytheMaterialsProject(MAPI)dataset[43]andutilizethereaction-networkpackage[44],amongoth-ers.MAPI-LLMcanprocessuserpromptsinnaturallanguageusingLLMsandfollowachainofthought(COT)[45]approachtodeterminethemostsuitabletoolsandinputstoanswertheprompt.DuetoMAPI-LLM’sdesign,moretoolscanbeaddedasneeded,andtoolscanbecombined(multipletoolscanbeusedforagivenprompt),openingthedoorforalargevarietyofapplications.Figure8illustratesMAPI-LLM’scapa-bilities.Thecodefortheappisavailablein,andagraphicaluserinterface(GUI)isimplementedin[9],whichallowsthemodeltolearnfromthecontextwithintheprompt.Forexample,userscanuseMAPI-LLM’stooltoquerytheMAPIdataset,firsttriggeringthedatasetsearchintheCOT.However,ifthedesiredmaterialisnotfoundinthedataset,MAPI-LLMstillhasaccesstoothertools(suchasICL)tobuildcontextaroundtheuserpromptandadjusttheCOTactionstomakeaprediction.Anotherinterestingtoolistheabilitytousethereaction-networkpackage[44],whichisapackageforpredictinginorganicreactionpathways.WeshowedthepromisingcapabilitiesofMAPI-LLMbysimplyaskingforreactionsthatuseagivenmaterialasreactantsorproducts.Itcansuggestsuchreactionsformaterialsynthesisordecomposition.WebuiltfromtheknowledgethatLLMsaresuitableforsuchtasksofinterestinthisapplication,forinstance,classificationandregressiontasks[8].Nevertheless,thisapplicationstillneedsasystematicvali-dationofitspredictions,suchasthereinforcementlearningfromhumanfeedback(RLHF)implementationinGPT-3.5[46].Onesentencesummariesa.Problem/TaskAnsweringcomplexmaterialssciencequestionsbasedonreliabledataandtools.b.ApproachLLM-basedagentintheReActframeworkthathasaccesstotoolssuchastheMaterialsProjectAPIandusesICLtoanswerquestionsformaterialsthatarenotinthematerialsproject.c.ResultsandImpactCouplingoftoolsallowsansweringquestionsthatnoneofthetoolsorLLMsalonecouldsolvebythemselves,providingaveryaccessibleinterfacetomaterialsinformaticstools.19d.ChallengesandFutureWorkIfadescriptionoftoolsisincorporatedintheprompt,thislimitsthenumberoftoolsthatcanbecoupled.Inaddition,LLMagentsstilltendtonotperformequallywellonallprompts,andsystematicinvestigationtobetterunderstandthisandtoincreasetherobustnessisneeded.20B.sMolTalkFigure9.ThesMolTalkinterface.Basedonfew-shotpromptingLLMscancreatecodeforvisualizationtoolssuchas3dmol.js.Sincetheadventof3Dvisualizationmethods,chemistshaveemployedcomputerstodisplaytheirmoleculesofinteresttobetterunderstandtheirunderlyingstructureandproperties.Nevertheless,alotofchemistsarenotequippedwiththerequiredcodingskillstouseandcustomizetheirvisualizations.Dependingonthepackage,anditsassociateddocumentation,chemistsmightendupspendinghourstodayslearningthedetailsofthespecificvisualizationsoftware.Wedevelopedanaturallanguageinterfacethatgeneratescodefor3dmol.js,anopen-sourcevisualizationJavaScriptlibrary[47],meaningthevisualizationsareruninawebbrowser(Figure9).TheuserinputisfedintoChatGPTAPI,usingtheGPT-3.5-turbomodel.Weusein-contextlearning(few-shotprompting),givingseveralexamplesoftheuserinputwiththeexpectedJavaScriptcodethatmanipulatesthe3dmol.jsviewer.Beforetheusersubmitsfurthercommands,weupdatethepromptwiththecurrentstateoftheviewer.Thecurrentimplementationmightleadtoaone-stopsolutionforvisualizingandretrievingpropertiesformolecules.Thiswouldacceleratechemists’workflowforqueryinginformationaboutmolecules.Furthermore,ifanLLMisabletocontrolstructuralsoftware,itmightbepossibletoperformreasoningonthemolecularstructureitself.Forinstance,indrugdiscovery,onemayaskwhatfunctionalgroupoftheligandneedstobechangedforbindingaffinitytotheproteintoincrease.Anotherexamplemightinvolveproteins,lookingatwhataminoacidresiduescouldbemutatedtocysteinesinordertocreatenewdisulfidebondsbetweenchains.Thiswouldpresumablyrequirespecificfine-tuningandequippingtheLLMwithmoretools.Theapproachofgeneratingcodeandstructuralreasoningmightbesimilarbutismostlikelygoingtorequireadifferentsetoftoolsthatwerespecificallydevelopedforproteinstructuremanipulation(suchasPyMoL[48],orMolStar[49]).Then,anothersetofhighlyaccuratetoolsforbindingaffinitypredictionsorproteinfoldingisalsorequired.Themajorproblemencounteredispromptleakage,whereexamplesfromin-contextlearningwouldleakintotheactualLLMoutput.Forthebestevaluation,itisbesttohaveasfewandasdifferentexamplesaspossible.Moreover,althoughOpenAI’sGPTmodelscansometimescorrectlyrecallproteindatabank(PDB)IDsofproteinsorChemicalAbstractServices(CAS)numbersofcompounds,it’snotreliable,makingtoolingthemodelswithAPIcallstoPubChem,orthePDB,muchmorerobust.WearecurrentlydevelopinganagentbasedontheReActapproach[50]tooledwiththeseAPIssothatcorrectstructuresarealwaysretrieved(i.e.,toavoidtheLLMneedstorememberinternallyallsuchIDs).Thisframeworkwould21thenhelpusiterativelyaddtoolstotheagent,creatingachatbotonecanqueryaboutanymoleculeofinterest,includingthestructuralreasoningtaskmentionedabove.Lastly,wehypothesizewecouldimprovethegenerationof3dmol.jscodebyusingself-instructfine-tuning.UsinganexternalLLMwithaccesstothedocumentationwouldcreateadatasetthatcouldbeusedforfine-tuning.Thesameapproachmightbeutilizedforgeneratingcodeforanyothertypeofsoftware,notjustvisualizationpackages.Therefore,suchLLMcouldcontrolmoleculardynamicssoftware,suchasLAMMPS[51],orGROMACS[52].Onesentencesummariesa.Problem/TaskMakingbioinformaticstools,inparticularthevisualizationsoftware3dmol.jsacces-sibletonon-experts.b.ApproachChat-interfacebypromptingaLLMtoproducecommandsto3dmol.js,whicharethenpassedtothesoftware.c.ResultsandImpactTheLLMcan,withoutconsultingthedocumentation,generatecodethatoftensuccessfullyperformstherequestedactions,demonstratingthatLLMmighthelpmaketoolsmoreaccessiblebyprovidingaccesstocomplexinterfacesvianaturallanguage.d.ChallengesandFutureWorkTheapproachsuffersfromrobustnessissues,whichmightbeovercomewithconditioningonaknowledgebase,moreadvanceddecodingstrategies,orerrorhandling(e.g.,givingtheagentaccesstoerrormessagesandlogsandpromptingittoreflect).22C.whinchat:AConversationalELNInterfaceLaboratorydatamanagementsystemssuchasELNsandlaboratoryinformationsystems(LIMS)canrecordrichdataaboutexperimentalsamplesandtheexperimentsthathavebeenperformedonthem.Then,theuserinterfacesforthesesystemstypicallyallowresearcherstoexploretheirsampleswithvariouspre-programmedvisualizations.However,itisdifficultforatraditionaluserinterfacetohaveenoughflexibilitytocapturetherichnessanddiversityofreal,interconnected,experimentaldata.Here,ouraimwastoinvestigatewhetheranLLMcouldprocessdigitallaboratorydataandserveasaflexible,conversationalinterfacetoadatamanagementsystem.Asaproof-of-conceptforthisapproach,weintroducedanautomateddatamanagementassistantintotheopen-sourced“Datalab”software,whichwehavebeendevelopingtoaddressneedsinexperimentalmaterialschemistry(,theirsynthesisconstituents,andresultingdevices.Thesystemtrackseachsample’sprovenancethroughtheresearchlifecycleandmakesthisdataavailableviaaJavaScriptobjectnotation(JSON)APIthatcanbeexploredprogrammaticallyorwithaVue.js-basedwebuserinterface(UI).Duringthehackathon,weembeddedapromptedLLMintotheUIandgaveitaccesstorawresponsesfromdatalab’sJSONAPI.WeusedthemostrecentpubliclyavailablemodelsfromOpenAI(gpt-3.5-turbo)viatheirPythonAPI.WefoundthattheLLMdoesaverygoodjobatinterpretingJSONandinferringthemeaningoffields(includinglinkeddata)andcan:1.Contextualizeexistingdata:ExplainasetofrelatedexperimentsfromlinkedJSONresponses,resolveacronyms/short-handusedbyexperimentalistsorcreatesimpletextsummaries.ContextualizingexistingdataAssistantHello!IamyourvirtualassistantandIamheretohelpyoumanageyourexperimentaldata.HowcanIassistyoutoday?UserCanyouprovideabriefsummaryofthisexperiment?AssistantBasedontheprovidedJSONdata,thisexperimentinvolvesthesynthesisandcharac-terizationofNaCoO2asabatterycathodematerial.Thesynthesismethodusedwassolid-statereaction,andthestartingmaterialsusedweresodiumcarbonateandcobalt(II,III)oxide.ThesynthesizedNaCoO2wasthenusedtomakeanelectrode,whichwascharacterizedusingX-raydiffraction.Theelectrodewasthenincorporatedintoacoincellbattery,whichwascycledelectro-chemicallyandcharacterizedusingvarioustechniques.2.Generatetextandgraphicalrepresentationsofthedata:AggregatedatafromdifferentfieldsintheJSONresponseandconverttoformatssuchastables(potentiallyformattedforaparticularjournal),CSV,andevenmermaid.jsgraphvisualizations.3.Suggestfutureexperiments:Theassistantreadilyidentifiesrelatedmaterialstostudy,additivestotry,additionalcharacterizationtechniques,andsynthesisprotocols.SuggestexperimentsUser:WhatNMRnucleicouldIprobeinthissample?Assistant:BasedontheinformationprovidedintheJSONfile,thesampleisNaCoO2,whichcontainssodium,cobalt,andoxygen.Therefore,theNMRnucleithatcouldbeprobedinthissampleare:(a)Sodium-23(23Na)NMR:ThiscanprovideinformationaboutthelocalenvironmentandcoordinationofsodiumionsintheNaCoO2lattice.(b)Cobalt-59(59Co)NMR:Thiscanprovideinformationaboutthelocalenvironmentandco-ordinationofcobaltionsintheNaCoO2lattice.(c)Oxygen-17(17O)NMR:Thiscanprovideinformationaboutthelocalenvironmentandcoor-dinationofoxygenionsintheNaCoO2lattice.23Figure10.Thechatbotcangeneratemermaid.jsmarkdowncode,whichourinterfaceautomaticallyrecognizesandtranslatesintothevisualization.ItisworthnotingthatNMRspectroscopyisapowerfultechniqueforprobingthelocalenvironmentofatomsinamaterial,butitrequiresarelativelylargeamountofsampleandmaynotbesensitivetoalltypesofnuclei.Therefore,itmaybenecessarytouseothertechniquesinconjunctionwithNMRtofullycharacterizethesample.User:Whattechniques(thatIhaven’talreadyused)shouldIuseinconjunctionwiththeNMR?Assistant:InadditiontothetechniquesImentionedearlier,youcouldusethefollowingtechniquesinconjunctionwithNMRtofullycharacterizetheNaCoO2sample:(a)X-rayphotoelectronspectroscopy(XPS):ThiscanprovideinformationaboutthechemicalcompositionandoxidationstateoftheNaCoO2sample,whichcanhelptointerprettheNMRspectra.(b)Transmissionelectronmicroscopy(TEM):Thiscanprovideinformationaboutthecrystalstructure,morphology,anddefectsoftheNaCoO2sample,whichcanhelptointerprettheNMRspectra.(c)Electrochemicalimpedancespectroscopy(EIS):Thiscanprovideinformationabouttheelec-tricalpropertiesandperformanceoftheNaCoO2sampleasanelectrodematerial,whichcanhelptointerprettheNMRspectra.(d)Thermogravimetricanalysis(TGA):ThiscanprovideinformationaboutthethermalstabilityanddecompositionbehavioroftheNaCoO2sample,whichcanhelptointerprettheNMRspectra.Byusingacombinationofthesetechniques,youcangainamorecompleteunderstandingoftheNaCoO2sampleTheassistantperformsquitewellatcertaintasksout-of-the-box,butwebelieveitshouldalsobepossibletofurtherincreaseitsgeneralutilitybyfine-tuningthemodelonthedomainknowledgepresentinaresearch24group’sWikiandpapers.Furthermore,whilewehaveonlygiventhemodeldatafromasingleprojectsofar(upto8samples/startingmaterials,1700tokensofJSON),itwouldbeofgreatinteresttoprovidethemodelwithalargercontextacrossmultipleprojectstoattempttofacilitatecross-fertilizationofideas.OnenotablechallengeinthisareaisthelimitedcontextsizeofcurrentlyavailableLLMmodels(e.g.,4097tokensforGPT-3.5-turbo).Therefore,futureworkwillinvestigatelargermodels(e.g.,GPT-4with30Ktokencontext),aswellasapproachestogiveexistingLLMsaccesstolargercontext(e.g.,anembedding-basedapproachorallowinganLLMagenttoquerytheOpenAPIdirectlyasneeded).Atpresent,wenotethatthescientificusefulnessofthisassistantishighlytask-andmodel-dependent;however,anyadditionalinterfacethatcanlowerthebarriertoimprovingdatacaptureanddisseminationinthefieldshouldbeinvestigatedfurtherandwillbeafuturedevelopmenttargetforDatalab.Onesentencesummariesa.Problem/TaskProvidingveryflexibleaccesstodatainELNs/LIMS.b.ApproachPromptingofalargelanguagemodelwithquestionsprovidedinachatinterfaceandcontextcomingfromtheresponseoftheAPIofanLLM.c.ResultsandImpactThesystemcansuccessfullyprovideanovelinterfacetothedataandletuserinteractwithitinaveryflexibleandpersonalizedway,e.g,creatingcustomsummariesorvisualsforwhichthedevelopersdidnotimplementspecifictools.d.ChallengesandFutureWorkSincethecurrentapproachreliesonincorporatingtheresponseoftheELN/LIMSintotheprompt,thislimitshowmuchcontext(i.e.,howmanyexperiments/samples)thesystemcanbeawareof.Onepotentialremedyistouseretrieval-augmentedgeneration,wheretheentriesareembeddedinavectorstoreandtheagentwillbeabletoquerythisdatabaseonput(partsof)themostrelevantentriesintotheprompt.25D.BOLLaMaThefieldofchemistryiscontinuouslyevolvingtowardssustainability,withtheoptimizationofchemicalreactionsbeingakeycomponent[53].Theselectionofoptimalconditions,suchastemperature,reagents,catalysts,andotheradditives,ischallengingandtime-consumingduetothevastsearchspaceandhighcostofexperiments[54].Expertchemiststypicallyrelyonpreviousknowledgeandintuition,leadingtoweeksorevenmonthsofexperimentation[55].Bayesianoptimization(BO)hasrecentlybeenappliedtochemistryoptimizationtasks,outperforminghumansinoptimizationspeedandqualityofsolutions[55].However,mainstreamaccesstothesetoolsremainslimitedduetorequirementsforprogrammingknowledgeandthenumerousparametersthesetoolsoffer.Toaddressthisissue,wedevelopedBOLLaMa.Thisartificialintelligence(AI)-poweredchatbotsimplifiesBOforchemicalreactionswithaneasy-to-usenaturallanguageinterface,whichfacilitatesaccesstoabroaderaudience.Figure11.SchematicoverviewofBOLLaMa.ALLMcanactasaninterfacetoaBOalgorithm.Anexperimentalchemistcanbootstrapanoptimizationandthen,viaachatinterface,updatethestateofthesimulationtowhichthebotrespondswiththerecommendednextsteps.BOLLaMacombinesLLMswithBOalgorithmstoassistchemicalreactionoptimization.Theuser-friendlyinterfaceallowseventhosewithlimitedtechnicalknowledgetoengagewiththetool.BOLLaMa’scurrentimplementationprovidestwomaintools:theinitializationfunctionandtheoptimizationstepfunction[56],thatareretrievedonLLM-demandasshowninFigure11.TheprimarycontributionofthisprojectisdemocratizingaccesstoadvancedBOtechniquesinchemistry,promotingwidespreadadoptionofsustainableoptimizationtools,andimpactingsustainabilityeffortswithinthecommunity.Thisapproachcanbefurtherenhancedtoprovideamorecomprehensiveassistantexperi-ence,suchaswithadditionalrecommendationsorsafetywarnings,andimprovetheexplainabilityoftheBOprocesstofosterusertrustandinformeddecision-making.KeyinsightsgainedfromthisprojectincludethecriticalroleofaccessibilityindevelopingexperttoolsandthepotentialofLLMsinchemistrythroughvariousagentarchitectures[50].Inaddition,theinitialBOtooladaptedforBOLLaMawasdesignedforclosed-loopautomatedlaboratories,emphasizingtheneedforaccessibletoolscateringtodiverseuserbackgrounds.Onesentencesummariesa.Problem/TaskGivingscientistswithoutcodingandmachinelearningexpertiseaccesstoBayesianoptimization.26b.ApproachLLMasachat-interfaceforaPythonpackageforBayesianoptimizationbyusingReAct-likeapproachinwhichtheLLMhasaccesstotext-descriptionofrelevantfunctions(suchasinitializationandsteppingoftheBOrun).c.ResultsandImpactThechatinterfacecansuccessfullyinitializeaBOrunandthenconvertobser-vationsreportedinnaturallanguageintocallstothesteppingfunctionoftheBOtool.d.ChallengesandFutureWorkAsmostLLMagents,thetoolssuffersfromrobustnessissuesandthecorrectfunctioningcannotbeguaranteedforallpossibleprompts.27III.KnowledgeExtractionA.InsightGraphFigure12.TheInsightGraphinterface.AsuitablypromptedLLMcancreateknowledgegraphrepresentationsofscientifictextthatcanbevisualizedusingtoolssuchasneo4j’svisualizationtools.[57]Thetraditionalmethodofperformingaliteraturereviewinvolvesmonthsofreadingrelevantarticlestofindcrucialinformationonmaterialproperties,structure,reactionpathways,andapplications.Knowledgegraphsaresourcesofstructuredinformationthatenabledatavisualization,datadiscovery,insights,anddownstreammachine-learningtasks.Knowledgegraphsextractedfrompublishedscientificliteraturecoveringbroadmaterialssciencedomains[58]aswellasmore-focuseddomainssuchaspolymernanocomposites[59]empowermaterialscientiststodiscovernewconceptsandaccelerateresearch.Untilrecently,capturingcomplexandhierarchicalrelationshipsforaknowledgegraphwithinthematerialsscienceliteraturewasatime-consumingeffort,oftenspanningmulti-disciplinarycollaborationsandmanyPh.D.years.Byleveragingzerotofew-shottrainingandpre-trainedLLMs,itisnowpossibletorapidlyextractcomplexscientificentitieswithminimaltechnicalexpertise[58,60,61].WeenvisionthatknowledgegraphsbuiltbyLLMsbasedonscientificpublicationscanofferaconciseandvisualmeanstolaunchaliteraturereview.Todemonstrateaproofofconceptofazero-shotentityandrelationshipextraction,weidentified200abstractsonpolymer-nanocompositematerialsforwhichdetailedstructuredinformationwasalreadyavail-able[62].EachabstractwasfedasaprompttoGPT-3.5-turbo,alanguagemodelpoweringthepopularChatGPTwebapplicationbyOpenAI.TheinstructionsinourpromptconsistedofanexampleJSONcon-taininghigh-levelschemaandinformationonpossibleentitiesandpairwiserelationships.ThenodesandrelationshipsintheoutputJSONresponsewerethenstoredinaneo4jgraphdatabaseusingCypher,agraphquerylanguage(Figure12).[57]Thezero-shotcapabilitiesofthemodelallowedthespecificationofanarbitraryentityandrelationshiptypesdependingupontheinformationcontainedinthetext.Giventhatthisrequiredachangeintheneo4jpipelineeverytimethepromptchanged,wefounditnecessarytoconstraintheJSONschematoastandardformat.Whilelargelanguagemodelsontheirownarepronetohallucinations,leveragingthemwithguidancetocreatestructureddatabasesempowerschemists/materialsscientistswithnoexpertiseinnaturallanguageprocessingtosearchandbuildonexistingknowledgeleadingtonewinsights.ThespeedatwhichLLMscancreatestructuredgraphsdramaticallyexceedstheyearsrequiredforhumanstomanuallycuratedataintoexistingknowledgegraphs.Accesstostructureddatabaseswillacceleratethepaceofdata-drivenmaterialscienceresearch,synthesizingdetailsembeddedindispersedscientificpublications.Additionally,otherscientificfieldscouldbenefitfromasimilaruseofLLMstoextractentitiesandrelationshipstobuildknowledgegraphs.Owingtothenon-deterministicnatureofLLMs,wefoundthattheoutputresponsewouldvaryevenwhenthesamepromptwasprovided.AninstructionconstrainingtheJSONschemaminimizedthevariability.Asystematicstudycomparingdifferentfoundationmodels,prompttechniques(zero-shot,one-shot,few-shot),promptchaining,andtheroleoffine-tuningisneededtoevaluatetheprecisionandrecallofextractedentities28andrelationships.Notably,pairwiselinksbetweenthenodesarenotoftenenoughtomodelthecomplexnatureofmaterialsrequiringimprovementintheinputschema.Onesentencesummariesa.Problem/TaskExtractionofentitiesandtheirrelationshipsfromtext.b.ApproachPromptingofGPT-3.5-turbopromptedwithabstractandexampleJSONandthetasktoextractentitiesandtheirrelationshipsinastructureasprovidedintheexample.c.ResultsandImpactTheapproachcansuccessfullycreatemeaningfulJSONdatastructureswithextractedentitiesandtheirrelationshipsforhundredsofabstracts.d.ChallengesandFutureWorkThenon-deterministicbehaviorofLLMscanleadtovariabilityandfragilebehavior.Tobetterunderstandthisaswellastheperformanceofthisapproach,moresystematicbenchmarkingisneeded.29B.ExtractingStructuredDatafromFree-formOrganicSynthesisTextFigure13.TheOrganicSynthesisParserinterface.Thetoppartshowstextdescribinganorganicreaction(,whichthefinetunedLLMconvertsintostructuredJSON(bottom).Ademoapplicationcanbefoundat,itisbecomingclearthat,asmostdatainchemistryisrepresentedbyunstructuredtext,thepredictivepoweroftheseapproachesislimitedbythelackofstructured,well-curateddata.Duetothelargecorpusoforganicchemistryliterature,manualconversionfromunstructuredtexttostructureddataisunrealistic,makingsoftwaretoolsforthistasknecessarytoimproveorenabledownstreamapplications,suchasreactionpredictionandconditionrecommendation.b.SolutionInthisproject,weleveragethepoweroffine-tunedLLMstoextractreactantinformationfromorganicsynthesistexttostructureddata.350reactionentrieswererandomlyselectedfromtheOpenReactionDatabase(ORD)[63].Thefieldofreaction.notes.proceduredetailsisusedastheinput(prompt),andthefieldofreaction.inputsisusedastheoutput(completion).300oftheseprompt-completionpairswereusedtofine-tuneaGPT-3(OpenAIDavinci)modelusingtheOpenAIcommandlineinterface(version0.27.2),andtherestwereusedforevaluation.Inadditiontothis,wealsoexploredfine-tuningtheAlpaca-LoRAmodel[16,64,65]forthistask.AlldataandscriptsusedinthisprojectareavailableintheGitHubrepository.c.ResultsandDiscussionSurprisingly,thepre-trainedlanguagemodel(OpenAIDavinci),fine-tunedwithonly300prompt-completionpairs,iscapableofgeneratingvalidJSONcomplyingwiththeORDdatamodel.Forthe50prompt-completionpairsinevaluation,93%ofthecomponentsinreactioninputswerecorrectlyextractedfromthefreetextreactiondescriptionbytheGPT-3basedmodel.Themodelalsoassociatesexistingproperties,suchasvolumeormassusedinthereaction,tothesecomponents.Inadditiontorecognizingin-textchemicalentities(suchasmoleculenames),asshowninFigure13,tokensreferencingexternalchemicalentities(compoundnumbers)canalsobecapturedbythemodel.Ontheotherhand,whilecompletingthepromptswithextractedchemicalinformation,thefine-tunedAlpaca-LoRAmodelwasunabletoproperlyconstructavalidJSONcomplyingwiththeORDdatamodel.30Despitetheseencouragingpreliminaryresults,therearestillchallengestoarobustsynthesistextparser.Oneofthemistheambiguousandoftenartificialboundarybetweendescriptionsofreactionsandworkups,whichleadstomisplacedchemicalentitiesinthestructureddata,e.g.,asolventusedintheextractionofproductsisinsteadlabeledasareactionsolvent.Theaforementionedexternalreferenceproblem,whereacompoundnumberintheprocedureisonlyexplicitlyidentifiedinanearliersectionofthemanuscript,canonlybesolvedbypromptingtheLLMwithmultipleparagraphsoreventheentiredocument,addingmoreirrelevanttokenstotheprompt.ItisalsoimportanttopreventtheLLMfrom“auto-completing”extractednamedentitieswithinformationoutsidetheprompt,e.g.,thechemicalisextractedas“sodiumchloride”inthecompletionwhileitisonlyspecifiedas“chloride”intheprompt.Onesentencesummariesd.Problem/TaskExtractionofstructuredreactionconditionandproceduredatafromtext.e.ApproachFine-tuningofLLMsonhundredsofprompt(unstructuredtext)-completion(extractedstructureddata)pairs.f.ResultsandImpactOpenAI’sdavincimodelcanextracttherelevantdatawithasuccessrateof93%.g.ChallengesandFutureWorkParameterefficientfine-tuningcouldnotmatchtheperformanceofOpenAI’smodels.Inaddition,thereareinstancesinwhichtheLLMgoesbeyondthespecifiedtasks(e.g.,modifies/“autocompletes”)extractedentries,whichcanleadtofragilesystems.31C.TableToJson:ExtractingstructuredinformationfromtablesinscientificpapersMuchofthescientificinformationpublishedinresearcharticlesispresentedinanunstructuredformat,primarilyasfreetext,makingitadifficultinputforcomputationalprocessing.However,relevantinfor-mationinscientificliteratureisnotonlyfoundintextform.Tablesarecommonlyemployedinscientificarticles,e.g.,tocollectprecursorsandrawmaterials’characteristics,synthesisconditions,synthesizedma-terials’properties,orchemicalprocessresults.Convertingthisinformationintoastructureddataformatisusuallyamanualtime-consumingandtedioustask.Neural-network-basedtableextractionmethodsandopticalcharacterrecognition(OCR)[66],whichcanconverttyped,handwritten,orprinteddocumentsintomachine-encodedtext,canbeusedtoextractinformationfromtablesinPDFfiles.However,itisoftennotstraightforwardtoextractthedatainthedesiredstructuredformat.Nonetheless,structureddataisessentialforcreatingdatabasesthataggregateresearchresults,andenabledataintegration,comparison,andanalysis.Inthiscontext,JSONisawidelyadoptedstructureddataformatduetoitssimplicity,flexibilityandcom-patibilitywithdifferentprogramminglanguagesandsystems.However,obtainingstructureddatafollowingaspecificJSONschemawithmodelscanbechallenging.ThegeneratedJSONneedstobesyntacticallycorrectandconformtoaschemathatdefinestheJSON’sstructure.Modelstypicallydonotprovidestructuredout-putthatperfectlymatchesthedesiredJSONschema.Somemanualpost-processingordatatransformationisoftennecessarytomaptheextractedinformationtotheappropriateschemafields.Inthiswork,wehavestudiedtwoapproachestogeneratestructuredJSONfromdatacontainedintablesofscientificpapersfocusedondifferentresearchtopicswithinthefieldofchemistry[67–73].ThePythonjsonmodulewasusedtoparseJSONdataandvalidatetheoutputs.Asafirstapproach,theOpenAItext-davinci-003modelwasusedtogeneratestructuredJSONfromdataintables.TheinputtotheLLMistheHyperTextMarkupLanguage(HTML)codeofthetable,obtaineddirectlyfromthedigitalobjectidentifier(DOI)ofthearticleusingthePythonseleniumlibrary,whiletheoutputofthemodelisthedataextractedinJSONform(Figure14).TheOpenAItext-curie-001model,althoughnottestedinthiswork,canalsobeutilizedifthenumberofinputtokens,consideringboththeHTMLtextofthetableandtheschema,meetstherequirementsofthismodel(m´aximum2049inputtokens,comparedto4097fortext-davinci-003).TheuseoftheOpenAImodeltogeneratestructuredJSONwascomparedwithasecondapproach,i.e.,theuseofjsonformer(,whichimplementsadataprocessingpipelinethatcombinesthemodelgenerationwithappropriatedatatransformation.ThismethodintroducesanefficientwaytogeneratestructuredJSONusingLLMsbygeneratingonlythecontenttokensandfillinginthefixedtokens.ThisavoidsgeneratingacompleteJSONstringandparsingit.ThisapproachensuresthattheproducedJSONisalwayssyntacticallycorrectandalignswiththespecifiedschema.[74]Figure14.TableToJson.ExtractionofstructuredinformationfromscientificdataintablesusingLLMs.TheinputtotheLLMmodelistheHTMLcodeofatablecontainedinascientificpaper.TheoutputoftheLLMmodelisdatastructuredinJSONform.Resultscanbevisualizedinthisdemoapp:,wedirectlyaskedtheOpenAItext-davinci-003modeltogenerateaJSONobjectaccordingtoadesiredJSONschemaprovidedinthemodelprompt.Thetablecontentwasalsoincludedin32thepromptasHTMLcode.Theaccuracyintheprediction,calculatedasthepercentageofschemavaluesgeneratedcorrectly,isshowninFigure15.Inallexamples,theOpenAImodelwasqueriedwithasimpleprompt,anditcorrectlyextractedallthedatainthetableandinsertedeveryvalueintothecorrespondingpositionintheschema,with100%accuracy,providingasoutputaJSONobject.Thismodelalsocorrectlygeneratedbothstringandnumbervaluesaccordingtothetypeassignedintheschema.However,intwooftheexamples,theOpenAImodeldidnotgeneratetheJSONobjectnamespecifiedintheschemawhenthecorrespondingnamewasnotfoundinthetable,generatingonlythelistofcomponents.Thiswassolvedbymodifyingtheobjectnameintheschematoatermthatmorecloselyalignedwiththecontentofthetable.Itappearsthatwhenthemodelcouldnotestablishaclearrelationshipbetweentheprovidednameandthetablecontent,itdisregardsthatpartoftheschemaduringgeneration.TheseresultsindicatethattheOpenAItext-davinci-003modelisabletoconvertscientificdatafromtablesofresearchpaperstoastructuredformatfollowingtheapproachusedinthiswork,wherethedesiredJSONschemawasincludedinthemodelprompt.Nevertheless,themodelretainsacertaindegreeoffreedomtomodifytherequestedschemeifitconsidersthatsomethingmaybewrong.Figure15.TableToJson.ResultsofthestructuredJSONgenerationoftablescontainedinscientificarticles.Twoapproachesarecompared:(i)theuseofanOpenAImodelpromptedwiththedesiredJSONschema,and(ii)theuseofanOpenAImodeltogetherwithjsonformer.ThesecondapproachusedtogeneratestructuredinformationwasaversionofthejsonformerapproachadaptedforusewithOpenAILLMs(,withtheimplementationoftheinclusionofthetabletextasaninputparametertothejsonformerfunction.33Detectionofstringsindicatingnullvalueswasalsoaddedwhentheschematypeisnumber,as“nan”,“NaN”,“NA”,and“NAN”entriesarecommoninresearchdatatables.TheOpenAItext-davinci-003modelwasused.Inthiscase,themodelwaspromptedwiththedesiredJSONschemaandtheHTMLcodeofthestudiedtable.JsonformerreadsthekeysfromtheJSONschemaandonlydelegatesthegenerationofthevaluetokenstothelanguagemodel,ensuringthatavalidJSONisgeneratedbytheLLMmodel.Forthisapproach,theaccuracyinthepredictionisalsoshowninFigure15.TheuseoftheOpenAItext-davinci-003modeltogetherwithjsonformergeneratedvalidJSONobjectswith100%accuracyformostofthetablesevaluatedusingasimpleprompt.Figure16showstheresultsofoneoftheexamplesstudied,whereusingasimpledescriptivepromptdenotingthetypeofinputtext,thisapproachcorrectlygeneratedstructureddataJSONfromatablewithacomplexheader.However,itwasdetectedthatwhenthevaluestobegeneratedcontainspecialcharactersorspecifictexts,amoredetailedpromptwithsomesimpleexamples,butwithoutfinetuning,canbenecessarytoprovidegoodresults,asshowninFigure17foraspecialnumericnotationthatincludedpowernumbers.Figure16.TableToJson.StructuredJSONgenerationoftablescontainedinscientificarticlesusingapromptwithasimpledescriptionofthetypeofinputtext.Oneexampleisshownforatablethatcontainsdataonpropertiesofbiomassmaterials[71].AsshowninFigure15,inoneoftheseexamples,anaccuracyof94%wasobtainedfromatablecontainingafewcatalystnamesthatincludedthe“-”character,andthosevalueswereerroneouslygenerated.Inanotherexample,anaccuracyof80%wasinitiallyobtainedduetoerrorsinthegenerationofnumberswithpowers(e.g.,9.161×104),whichcouldbesolvedbyaddinganexplanationintheprompt:"ifyoufindnumbersas1.025×10<sup>3</sup>,thismeans1.025e-3",increasingtheaccuracyto100%.Next,atablewithmorecomplexcontent(longmoleculenames,hyphens,powernumbers,subscripts,andsuperscripts...)wasselected(Figure15),resultinginanaccuracyof46%intheJSONgeneration,meaningthatonly46%oftheschemavalueswerecorrectlygenerated.Theerroneousgenerationoflongformulaormoleculenameswithamixtureoflettersandnumbersassubscriptscouldbesolvedbyincreasingthevalueofthemaxstringtokenlengthargumentofthejsonformerfunctiontogetalongerresponsewheretheendofthestringcanbedetectedmoreeasily,whichincreasedtheaccuracyto60%.Jsonformeralsoshowedsomeissuesinthisexampleingeneratingpowernumbers,whicharerepresentedas10<sup>−n</sup>intheinputHTMLtext.Asmentionedabove,thiswassolvedbyaddingaspecificexplanationintheprompt,increasingtheaccuracyto86%.Aspecificexplanationwasalsoincludedintheprompttoaddresstheissuesrelatedtothepresenceofhyphensinthetext.Still,thisproblemcouldnotbesolvedsystematically,andtheresultingaccuracyvariedbetween86%and100%forseveralJSONgenerationattempts.Inthisparticularcase,thegeneratedvalueprovidedbythemodelincludedUnicodetextinsteadofthe“-”character(andusuallyseveral“\”characters).Aninstructionto"decodeUnicodecharactersinyourresponse"34wasthenincludedintheprompt.Althoughthissolutionsometimesyieldedsatisfactoryresults,itdidnotsystematicallyguaranteecorrectoutput.TheseresultsindicatethattheOpenAImodelcombinedwithjsonformercanprovidewrongoutputswhenthevaluestobegeneratedcontainsomespecialcharacters,suchasthe“-”characterinthisexample.Thisissuerequiresfurtherinvestigationtobeimproved.Figure17.TableToJson.StructuredJSONgenerationofatablecontainedinascientificarticleusingastandardpromptandapromptwithafewsimpleexamplesofthespecialnumericnotationfoundinsomeofthecellsoftheinputtable[72].Lastly,foroneoftheexamples,atestwasperformedbyprovidingawrongschematothemodel(Figure15).Inthiscase,asexpected,jsonformerinsertedthevaluescontainedinthetableintothegivenwrongschemainamoreorlessorderedfashion,generatinganinvalidoutput.However,theOpenAImodelcreatedanewschemaaccordingtothetablestructureandheaders,providingavalidresult,andconfirmingitsfreedomtodecidewhatmaybewrongwiththeuser’squery.AnexampleoftheseresultsisshowninFigure18.ThetwoapproachesusedinthisworkshowedagoodperformanceinthegenerationofJSONformatwhenthedatacontainedinthetableareregularstringsornumbers,withanaccuracyof100%inmostoftheexamples.Theresultsofthisworkshowthat,althoughtheOpenAItext-davinci-003isabletoeasilyextractstructuredinformationfromtablesandgiveavalidJSONoutput,thisapproachcannotguaranteethattheoutputswillalwaysfollowaspecificschema.Ontheotherhand,althoughjsonformermaypresentproblemswhenspecialcharactersneedtobegenerated,someoftheseissueshavebeensolvedwithcarefulprompting,andotherscouldprobablybesolvedwithfurtherresearch.Itcanbeconcludedthatjsonformercanbeapowerfultoolforthegenerationofstructureddatafromunstructuredinformationinmosttables,ensuringthegenerationofvalidJSONsyntaxastheoutputofLLMsthatalwayscomplieswiththeprovidedschema.Theuseofjsonformercouldfacilitateandpromotethecreationofdatabasesanddatasetsfornumeroustopicswithinthefieldofchemistry,especiallyinexperimentaldomains,wheretheavailabilityofstructureddataisveryscarce.Onesentencesummariesa.Problem/TaskExtractingstructureddatainaJSON-schema-compliantformfromHTMLtables.35Figure18.TableToJson.ResultsofthestructuredJSONgenerationofatableafterprovidingthemodelwithawrongschema.TheoutputgeneratedusingtheOpenAImodeltogetherwithjsonformerisshownontheleft(valuesinthetableareinsertedintheprovidedwrongschema),whiletheoutputgeneratedusingdirectlytheOpenAImodelisshownontheright(anewschemaiscreatedfollowingthetablecontent).b.ApproachTwoapproacheswerecompared:DirectpromptingofOpenAI’stext-davinci-003modelwiththeinputtableandtheJSONschema,aswellastheJsonformerapproach,whichonlysamplesfromasubsetoftokensinfield-wisegenerationsteps.c.ResultsandImpactBothapproachescanextractdatainschema-compliantfromtableswithhighsuccessrates.Duetohard-codeddecodingrules,Jsonformerfailedinsomecases.d.ChallengesandFutureWorkWhiletheJsonformerapproachcanguaranteevalidsyntax,itcanfailincasesthatwerenotconsideredinthedevelopmentofthedecodingrules.Hence,futureworkisneededforincreasingthegeneralapplicabilityofconstraineddecodingstrategies.36D.AbstractToTitle&TitleToAbstract:textsummarizationandtextgeneration1.ProblemTextsummarizationandtextgenerationaresomeofmostthecommontasksinnaturallanguageprocessing(NLP).Oftenitistrickytoobtainwell-definedandcurateddatasetsforthesetasks.Also,evaluatingtheperformanceofanNLPmodelischallengingbecausethereisnouniquewaytosummarizeandgeneratetext.Luckily,therearemanypubliclyavailablemanuscriptsforchemistryandmaterialsscienceinopenaccessplatformssuchasarXivandPubChem.ThesedatasetscanbeusedalongwithLLMstosolveproblemssuchas:1)giventitleofthearticle;generateanabstract,2)givenanabstract;generateatitle,whichshouldbesimilartotheoneavailableintheliterature.Suchmodelscangreatlyhelpintechnicalwriting,especiallywithahumanexpertintheloop.2.SolutionTheabovechallengingtasksrequireanorganizedinfrastructureforcurateddataandtools.JARVIS-ChemNLP[75]isanintegratedlibraryformaterialschemistrytextdataforNLPtaskssuchastextclassifi-cation,tokenclassification,abstractivesummarization,textgeneration,andintegratingwithexistingDFTdatabases.ChemNLPusestransformermodelstogeneratetitlesfromabstractsandviceversaforarXivcondensedmattercategoryarticles.Thereisnouniqueapproachforbothtasks.Nevertheless,highlyqualifiedscientistsandengineersgeneratesuchabstractsandtitlesandcanactasavaluablebenchmarktoevaluatemodelperformance.Moreover,developingmetricsfortextgenerationisadifficulttask.Here,forthesakeofsimplicity,wechoosetheRecall-OrientedUnderstudyforGistingEvaluation(ROUGE)metricsforevaluatingthemodelperformance.ChemNLPusesmodelssuchasapre-trainedText-to-TextTransferTransformer(T5)developedbyGooglefortextsummarization.Thepre-trainedmodelisfurtherfine-tunedtoproducesummariesofabstractsandanalyzetheperformancebyanalyzingitsclosenesstothetitleofthegivenpaper.Forthetextgeneration,ChemNLPfine-tunesLLMssuchasthepre-trainedGPT-2-mediummodelfromtheHuggingFacelibrary.Forthesetasks,thecommunitycancontributetheirmodelsonabenchmarkingplatformcalledtheJARVIS-Leaderboard(,theTextGentaskisavailableat:[76]QuestionMgB2underpressure:phononcalculations,Ramanspectroscopy,andopticalreflectancecanbedescribedasFine-tunedGPT-2-mediummodeloutputTheamplitudeofphononvibrationsinamaterialexhibitinganunconventionallatticestructurehasbeenmeasuredinthelowpressureregionofthegranularMgB2phase.Thepeakinthehighpressureregionisthefirstmeasurementofphononamplitudeeverpresentedinagranularsuperconductingmaterial,anditindicatesapotentialsourceofsuperconductivity.SuperconductingTransitionfromFluctuationstoBrillouinT-WingsinCeFoJosephsonJunctionscanbedescribedasWereportelectronicandnumericalcalculationsforsolvingtheelectron-wave(E-W)conductionspectraofaquasi-two-dimensionalsuperconductingmonolithCeFoJosephsonjunctions:Theamplitudeof37phononvibrationsinthelowpressureregion(KPSM),andinthehighpressureregionofthesuperconductingdensitywave(SDW)densities,areusedtounderstandthesuperconductivity.ActualabstractTheeffectofpressureonopticalphononfrequenciesofMgB2hasbeencalculatedusingthefrozen-phononapproachbasedonapseudopotentialmethod.Gruneisenparametersoftheharmonicmodefrequenciesarereportedforthehigh-frequencyzone-centerE2gandB1gandthezone-boundaryE2uandB2umodesatA.AnharmoniceffectsofphononfrequenciesandtheimplicationsofthecalculatedphononfrequencyshiftsforthepressuredependenceofthesuperconductingtransitiontemperatureofMgB2arediscussed.AlsoreportedareRamanandopticalreflectancespectraofMgB2measuredathighpressures.TheexperimentalobservationsincombinationwithcalculatedresultsindicatethatbroadspectralfeaturesweobservedintheRamanspectraatfrequenciesbetween500and900cm−1cannotbeattributedtofirst-orderscatteringbyzone-centermodes,butoriginateinpartfromachemicalspeciesotherthanMgB2atthesamplesurfaceandinpartfromamaximumintheMgB2phonondensityofstates.Low-temperatureRamanspectratakenatambientpressureshowedincreasedscatteringintensityintheregionbelow300cm−1.Interestingly,thegeneratedabstractcontainsgrammaticallyandsyntacticallyincorrectsentences.Wesuspectthatthisisduetoouruseofasmall,outdated,basemodel.However,moresystematicanalysiswillneedtobeperformedinfuturework.Onesentencesummariesa.Problem/TaskTextsummarizationandgeneration,inspecific,asummaryofanabstractintoatitleandgenerationofanabstractconditionedonatitle.b.ApproachFine-tuningoftransformermodelssuchasT-5andGPT-2ondatafromarXiv.c.ResultsandImpactInitialexplorationindicatesthattransformermodelsmightbesuitableforthistask.d.ChallengesandFutureWorkMoresystematicanalysis,includingratingofthegeneratedtitlesandabstractsbydomainexpertsisrequiredtoidentifythelimitationsofthisapproach.38IV.EducationA.i-Digesta.ProblemOverthelastfewyears,especiallyduringtheCovidperiod,mostofushadtoswitchtotheonlinemodeofworkinginourday-to-dayjobs.Andeventoday,theonlinemodeofworkinghas,tosomeextent,stayedonasitturnedouttobeconvenientforbothemployersandemployees.Oneclearexamplecanbefoundinthefieldofeducation,wheretheuseofvideolecturesbecamethenormforteachingstudentsinuniversitiesandschools.Likewise,podcastsandthree-minutethesisvideos,whichcommunicateimportantscientificinformationtosocietyatlarge,havegrowntremendously[77,78].Thishasledtoasituationwhere,atpresent,wehaveanenormousamountofimportantscientificinformationstoredintheformofvideosandaudioallovertheinternet.Acurrentchallengeistosummarizeandmakeuseofthisknowledgeefficiently.SomeeffortsinthisdirectionhavebeenmadebyusingAIYoutubesummarizersandQnABots[79].Wewouldliketobuilduponsucheffortsandcreateatoolforthefieldofeducation.b.SolutionWepresentatoolthatself-guidesstudentsandotheruserstowardabetterunderstandingofthecontentofavideolectureorapodcast.Inordertoaccomplishthis,weusedpubliclyavailableLLMslikeOpenAI’sWhisper[80]andGPT-3.5-turbomodel.Alltheuserneedstodoisprovidealinktothelecturevideooraudiofile.Afteronlyashorttime,theoverviewpageshowssometechnicalkeywordsonwhichthevideoisbased,ashortbutcomprehensivesummary,andsomequestionsfortheusertoassesshisorherunderstandingoftheconceptsdiscussedinthevideo/audio(Figure19).Additionally,forchemistryenthusiasts,ifsomechemicalelements/moleculesarediscussedinthecontent,welinkthemtoonlinedatabases.Atthebackend,wefirstconvertthevideotoaudiousingPytube(Inthecaseofapodcast,thisstepisnotneeded).ThenweusetheWhispermodeltotranscribetheaudiototext.Next,wemakeuseoftheOpenAIGPT-3.5-turbomodeltoobtainashortsummaryandasetofquestionsbasedonthetext.Finally,weextractthenameofchemicalelements/moleculesandlistthePubChemdatabaseentryforthatelement/moleculeontheoverviewpage.[81–83]Thewebinterfacewasmadeusingtheopen-sourceappframeworkStreamlit[84].Key WordsSummaryThe lecture is about the Monte Carlo simulations and its algorithm. The speaker discusses …Questions1)Could you explain the acceptance rule?2)Why is it important to select a particle at random for displacement?3)…TranscriptChemicalsPubchem SearchLarge Language Model“Come up with questions”“Give a summary”“Suggest three keywords”1)Monte Carlo Simulation2)Metropolis algorithm3)Importance SamplingFigure19.Aschematicofthei-digestinterface.Onprovidingalinktoanonlinevideooraudio,i-digestgeneratessometechnicalkeywords,ashortbutcomprehensivesummary,andalistofquestionsbasedonthecontentinthevideo/audio.Additionally,chemicalsdiscussedinthecontentarelinkedtoonlinedatabasessuchasPubChem.c.ImpactWestronglybelievethatextractingimportantscientificinformationintermsofshortlecturenotesandquestionswouldhelptopushforwardthefieldofeducationtowardscreatingandusingresourcesmoreefficiently.Moreover,byprovidingadditionallinkstoresources,e.g.,databases,journals,andbooks,39weprovideanopportunityfortheusertogobeyondthecontentofthelectureandsparkinterestinamoredetailedunderstandingofthetopic.Specifically,thiswouldhelpresearchers/teachers/professorstocreatenewcoursecontentortoupdate/modifyalreadyavailablecontent.Ingeneral,ourtoolcoversabroadrangeofusers,fromtheyoungestlearnertothechemistrynovicewhowantstokickstarthisresearch,allthewaytoprofessors,coursecreators,andlifetimelearners.d.LessonslearnedWorkingtogetherwithcolleaguescanbefunandenrichingandoftenhelptosolvebigproblems.Thishackathontaughtusthateveninoneday,comingtogethercanhelpachievesomethingsignificant.Onesentencesummariese.Problem/TaskProvidestudentswithautomaticallygeneratedactivelearningtasksforlecturerecord-ings.f.ApproachTranscriptionofvideosusingOpenAI’sWhispermodel,promptingofOpenAI’sGPT-3.5-turbomodeltoproduceashortsummaryandquestionsbasedonthetranscript,aswellastoextractmentionsofchemicalsinthetext.g.ResultsandImpactThesystemcantranscribethetext,generatemeaningfulquestions,andsuccess-fullyextractmentionsofchemicals.h.ChallengesandFutureWorkItisdifficulttosystematicallyevaluatetheperformanceofthissystemduetothelackofsuitablebenchmarks/eval.Anobviousextensionofthisapproachistoconditionitonfurthermaterial(e.g.,lecturenotesandbooks).Inaddition,onemightautomaticallyscoretheanswersandshowthematthebeginningandattheendofthevideo.Thiswouldallowustoevaluatethelearningofthestudentsandtoguidethemtotherelevantmaterialincaseaquestionwasnotansweredcorrectly.40V.MetaanalysisoftheworkshopcontributionsWehaveafemale/maleratioofabout30%amongtheworkshopparticipantswhoco-authoredthispaper.Wehaveparticipantsfrom22differentinstitutionsin8countries.Mostteamscombineexpertisefromdifferentinstitutions(Figure21),inseveralcasesbeyondacademia(Figure22).Around20%oftheteamsareinternational,withparticipantsfromtwocountries(Figure23).5101520Number of participantsFigure20.Worldmap(Robinprojection)withthenumberofparticipantsshownincolor.12345Number of unique affiliations02468Number of teamsFigure21.Histogramofthenumberofuniqueaffiliationsperteam.41no academiaonly academiamixed02468Number of teamsFigure22.Numberofteamswithparticipantsonlyfromacademiaoracademiaandindustry/nonprofit,respectively.Wecountednationallabsas“academia”.12Number of unique countries0246810Number of 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DesignMinds: Enhancing Video-Based Design Ideation with
Vision-Language Model and Context-Injected Large
Language Model
TIANHAO HE, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
ANDRIJA STANKOVIĆ, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
EVANGELOS NIFORATOS, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
GERD KORTUEM, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Fig. 1. A designer in the experimental group is interacting with DesignMinds.
Ideation is a critical component of video-based design (VBD), where videos serve as the primary medium
for design exploration and inspiration. The emergence of generative AI offers considerable potential to
enhance this process by streamlining video analysis and facilitating idea generation. In this paper, we present
DesignMinds, a prototype that integrates a state-of-the-art Vision-Language Model (VLM) with a context-
enhanced Large Language Model (LLM) to support ideation in VBD. To evaluate DesignMinds, we conducted a
between-subject study with 35 design practitioners, comparing its performance to a baseline condition. Our
results demonstrate that DesignMinds significantly enhances the flexibility and originality of ideation, while
also increasing task engagement. Importantly, the introduction of this technology did not negatively impact
user experience, technology acceptance, or usability.
CCS Concepts: • Human-centered computing → Empirical studies in HCI; • Computing methodologies
→ Planning for deterministic actions.
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Design Ideation, Generative AI, Video-based Design, Large Language
Model, Vision Language Model, Eye-tracking, Designer-AI Collaboration
1 Introduction
Idea generation is the cornerstone of innovation and serves as the foundation for new designs
[11, 41]. Video-Based Design (VBD) enables designers to utilize video content as a key tool for
generating knowledge, inspiring new ideas, and identifying potential challenges [19, 63, 65, 71].
The ideation of VBD plays a crucial role in brainstorming to produce a wide range of ideas, which
Authors’ Contact Information: Tianhao He, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, [email protected];
Andrija Stanković, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands, [email protected]; Evangelos Niforatos, Delft
University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands, [email protected]; Gerd Kortuem, Delft University of Technology, Delft,
The Netherlands, [email protected].
He et al.
are then filtered and refined to develop optimal solutions [15, 42, 43]. However, generating novel
design ideas from videos is challenging for a large group of practitioners. It requires not only
a significant investment of time and effort but also extensive design experience to generate a
substantial number of related ideas for practice [15]. Consolidating design problems and generating
feasible solutions from videos using traditional VBD methods typically requires extensive video
review and the application of professional divergent thinking [71]. This process is often labor-
intensive and heavily dependent on the practitioner’s design experience and knowledge, which
can be particularly challenging for novice designers with limited expertise and resources [77].
Additionally, previous research indicated that advanced video tools can potentially enhance the
design work with videos to improve the quality outcomes, and to facilitate interactions [73].
With the recent surge in Generative AI (GenAI), technologies such as the Large Language
Model (LLM) GPT-4 [46] demonstrate significant potential to enhance creative tasks across various
design domains. A base LLM model can generate ideas across diverse scopes. Its capabilities can
be further refined by incorporating contextual material through a process known as Retrieval-
Augmented Generation (RAG) to make it adaptable in current circumstances [36]. Additionally,
Vision-Language Models (VLMs) possess the ability to interpret videos with high detail, reducing
the need for extensive human effort [7]. These advancements have the potential to assist designers
in overcoming challenges associated with generating efficient and effective ideas, particularly
when faced with prolonged video viewing and limited design experience [34, 50]. As such, this
paper explores an approach that combines a customized VLM and LLM (DesignMinds) to enhance
the "watch-summarize-ideate" process in VBD tasks through designer-AI co-ideation. We then
present our benchmarks and evaluate the quality of the generated ideas, cognitive processes, user
experience (UX) and technology acceptance and use from VBD ideation. Our work makes the
following contributions:
• We introduce a novel GenAI-powered chatbot that features video understanding and design-
context-based idea recommendations to enhance the ideation capabilities of new VBD
• We investigate the impact of our prototype in terms of ideation quality, cognitive processing
during ideation, and subsequent UX and technology acceptance.
• Ultimately, we propose a potential tool (DesignMinds) involving the use of a customized
VLM and LLM to scale up the VBD ideation process for new designers.
Finally, our findings indicate that DesignMinds improves the flexibility and originality of design
ideas and boost design task engagement. The adoption of this technology also did not adversely
affect the established patterns of UX, technology acceptance and usability.
2 Background
2.1 Ideation in Design
In the design process, ideation is a key aspect of experience that influences both the initiation and
progression in the early stage of creative activities. Eckert and Stacey articulated that ideation is not
merely a catalyst for creativity but also a critical component in developing design ideas [18]. They
claimed that ideation in design provides a contextual framework that enables designers to effectively
communicate and position their work. It sparks design creativity, offering new perspectives and
triggering the generation of original ideas [18]. Similarly, Setchi and Bouchard define ideation
as a multifaceted phenomenon where designers absorb and reinterpret existing ideas, forms, and
concepts [57]. This process is influenced by designers’ individual experiences, cultural backgrounds,
and personal interests and serves as a guiding principle for creativity. The subjectivity of ideation
accelerates designers to explore a broader array of possibilities. Gonçalves et al. extended the
DesignMinds: Enhancing Video-Based Design Ideation with Vision-Language Model and Context-Injected Large Language
understanding of ideation into later stages, asserting that designers maintain a limited range of
external stimuli preferences. Both design students and professionals often favor visual stimuli such
as images, objects, and video sources to encourage creativity [20].
However, relying on specific stimuli and designers’ own knowledge may cause the risk of
design fixation [30]. This phenomenon occurs when designers over-rely on specific knowledge
directly associated with a problem or themselves during ideation, eventually inhibiting the design
outcome [40, 72]. Viswanathan and Linsey claimed that the problem of fixation is pervasive and
varies inversely with the level of design expertise. They suggested that it is especially prominent
among novice designers, who tend to rely heavily on their predominant knowledge during ideation
[66]. In addition, novice designers often struggle to analyze problems comprehensively and have
difficulty seeking helpful information during ideation [14, 17]. This phenomenon often leads to
failures in framing problems and directing the search for solutions, ultimately diminishing the
design outcome. Gonçalves pointed out that the lack of reflection in ideation could be addressed by
developing computational tools to help designers efficiently find relevant stimuli. Such tools could
assist inexperienced designers in exploring ideas that are semantically distant from the problem
domain and expand space for ideation [20]. Similarly, the study by Dazkir et al. showed that while
self-selected contexts in designers led to greater interest in the topic, they often failed to develop
effective design solutions. This indicates that, although some autonomy is beneficial for developing
design ideas, many inexperienced designers still need external intervention in the early stages
to aid in ideation [16]. As such, designers, especially those with limited experience, often need
additional help and guidance from outside sources to enhance ideation.
2.2 Videos for Design Ideation
The use of video as a central tool for ideation, known as VBD, involves capturing information
and analyzing solutions in design process. This technique is particularly prevalent in fields like
user experience UX design, interaction design, and ethnographic research [71]. By recording
user interactions with products or environments, videos provide a dynamic and context-rich
data source for designers. Design videotapes are informative for practitioners to deepen context
understandings and generate follow-up interventions [70, 71]. Designer from the Apple Inc. utilized
videos to envision new user interfaces (UIs) for their future computers [65]. They utilized videos to
benchmark new UIs and study user behavioral reactions through videotapes. In the same year, Tatar
from PARC explored learning from repeated video observations of user behavior through stationary
camera recordings and aimed to minimize erroneous assumptions in software development [63].
Tatar also emphasized the important role of using videos for ideation to pinpoint design solutions.
Similarly, Ylirisku and Buur conceptualized the practice and highlighted that using videos for
design ideation is instrumental for practitioners. Videos are an effective tool for learning from
target users’ daily experiences and augment designers generate an abundance of ideas for design
artifacts [70]. Moreover, designers can ideate from the "thick descriptions" that videos capture
about users’ movements, interactions, and emotional transitions, which help in constructing
design narratives and encapsulating individual thoughts. While video-based design idea generation
presents significant opportunities, videos often contain complex content and frequent events
[70, 71]. The process of watching these videos can be labor-intensive and time-consuming. Videos
with rich details and rapid sequences require viewers substantial information processing effort
to analyze perceived information. As a result, designer may suffers risks of diminishing decision-
making capability and result in a decline in ideation effectiveness [8, 47]. Therefore, it is essential
to develop strategies to mitigate fatigue and reduce the information processing effort for designers
who use videos for inspiration, while ensuring that they retain the valuable information presented
in videos.
He et al.
2.3 GenAI for Design Ideation
Recent advancements in GenAI are driving significant changes across multiple disciplines. Large
Language Models (LLMs), such as GPT-4 [46], have shown remarkable capabilities in assisting
creative tasks for design purposes [75]. Xu et al. proposed an LLM-augmented framework that uses
LLM prompts to generate unified cognition for practitioners and optimize the creative design process
in a professional product design [68]. Another group of researchers proposed Jamplate, a protocol
that leverages formatted prompts in LLMs to guide novice designers in real-time. This approach
enhances their critical thinking and improves idea generation more effectively [69]. Makatura et al.
explored the use of GPT-4 to generate textual design language and spatial coordinates for product
design and adaptation in industry [45]. They highlighted that GPT-4’s reasoning capabilities offer
significant value in novel design domains. When designers are inexperienced with a particular
domain or working on a novel problem, GPT-4 can synthesize information from related areas to
provide suitable advice. In addition, by extending LLMs with visual understanding capabilities,
VLMs demonstrates a promising advancement for completing open-ended visual tasks using
information extracted from videos [37]. Moreover, many researchers recently made attempts to
evolve VLMs into more complex and context-aware systems. For example, Zhou et al. introduced
NavGPT, an LLM-based navigation agent that uses visual cues detected by a VLM to provide
indoor navigation suggestions [76]. They demonstrated that their system can generate high-level
navigational suggestions from automatic observations and moving histories. Moreover, Picard et
al. explored the use of GPT-4V(ison) [46], a version of GPT-4 with vision-language capabilities, in
product design. They investigated its application in design tasks, such as analyzing handwritten
sketches and providing follow-up suggestions for material selection, drawing analysis, and spatial
optimization. Their findings demonstrated that this LVM model can handle complex design idea
generation with proficiency [49].
The merging of LLMs and VLMs presents an opportunity to enhance design, prompting us to
explore this integration in the refined field of VBD. We are curious on if combining LLMs and
VLMs can benefit VBD practitioners in their idea generations. To investigate, we prototyped
DesignMinds that integrates a state-of-the-art (SOTA) VLM and LLM model with a context-
injection technique. We conducted a study involving two video-based design tasks to
assess the impact on design ideation, focusing on ideation quality, cognitive processes,
user experience, and technology acceptance.
3 Our DesignMinds Prototype
The development of our prototype followed the natural process of the idealization of VBD, consist-
ing of two main parts: video comprehension and idea reflection and refinement [70]. As shown
in Fig. 2, DesignMinds consists of two primary components: the backend and the front-end. The
backend includes a VLM and a LLM integrated with a design knowledge repository for reference.
The front-end features corresponding a video playback region alongside a conversational win-
dow. We adopted blip2-opt-6.7b1, a SOTA VLM, to interpret videos into textual descriptions.
When processing a video, the VLM first extracts perceived objects from the video and utilizes
built-in language connection functions to generate comprehensive textual descriptions of the
entire video. These complete video descriptions then were processed by an LLM through GPT-4
API (gpt-4-0125-preview)2. To generate more design-grounded suggestions, we implemented
a RAG function using a text embedding model text-embedding-ada-0023 on a framework of
1 (last accessed: November 7, 2024).
2 (last accessed: November 7, 2024).
3 (last accessed: November 7, 2024).
DesignMinds: Enhancing Video-Based Design Ideation with Vision-Language Model and Context-Injected Large Language
Fig. 2. DesignMinds consists of two primary components: the backend and the front-end. The backend
includes a VLM and a LLM integrated with a design knowledge repository. The front-end features a video
playback region alongside a conversational window. The videos are first processed to extract key terms
(highlighted in pink in video description) and are then connected into a comprehensive description (blue in
video description) using in-built language linking functions. These complete descriptions are then passed
to the LLM, along with a knowledge repository enriched by selected design books from a committee vote.
Designers can then use the features in front-end to watch the video playback to enhance trust and grounding
for the design context, and engage in ideation through conversations in the conversational window.
LlamaIndex4 as our DesignMinds’s professional knowledge repository for conversations. To ensure
that the knowledge repository provided designer-relevant information for our LLM, we conducted
a discussion on VBD literature within an independent community of designers (N = 30). This
discussion led to a vote that selected six authoritative books (1,966 pages total) with high-level
methodological rigor and practical design cases for the VBD training. We then utilized the RAG
function and tokenize the selected design books to feed into the knowledge repository of the LLM.
We then built our front-end interface using Gradio5 as illustrated in Fig. 3. The interface includes a
video player and an chatbot conversation window. To test performance and enhance convenience
for test users in the later study, we allocated the right portion of the screen to included a text
box where users could record their ideas and inspirations. This setup allows users to review and
revisit the design context using the video player, generate additional insights and ideas through
the chatbot, and record their comprehensive thoughts in the text box for later use.
4 Study
We evaluate how our proposed DesignMinds influences ideation in VBD tasks with a between-subject
study design. Specifically, we examine whether and how the tool influences designers’ effectiveness
4 (last accessed: November 7, 2024).
5 (last accessed: November 7, 2024)
LLMQueryDesign BooksAnswerVideo DescriptionVideoThe video shows a hand holding a cucumber steady on a cutting board while the other hand wields a knife, slicing through the vegetable. The cucumber is cut into small bits. Each bit falls onto the board. A smartphone stands upright in front with its screen on. A bottle of beer sits to the side, and a black sink is visible to the left...The person picks up a handful of cucumber bits and places them into a bowl. They set the knife down and reach for a small bowl of salt. They sprinkle some salt over the cucumber bits, then stir them gently with a spoon...Designer VLMContext Injectionas a part ofsystem promptVideo PlaybackConversation WindowBackendFront- end6
He et al.
Fig. 3. The interface of DesignMinds primarily features a video player on the left and an LLM conversation
window in the center. To facilitate organized ideation recording in the later study, we additionally included a
note-taking space bellow a description of VBD tasks for recording participants’ divergent thinking during
the study tasks (see Supplementary Text 1) for detailed text. When designers use DesignMinds, the system
initially performs a background pre-analysis of the video content on the left, and transitions video content
to the chat interface in the center. Designers subsequently interact via chatting and generate inspiration as
Divergent Thinking notes on the right.
and ability to generate ideas from video content. Our assessment is structured around three key
perspectives: the quality of ideas generated by designers, the cognitive processes they undergo
during the ideation tasks, and their overall user experience and acceptance of the new prototype.
Additionally, we analyze how designers interact with DesignMinds from their conversation logs to
better understand the ideation process. We also explore DesignMinds’ potential cognitive effects,
perceived usefulness and likelihood of adoption by designers. Finally, we investigate areas for
improvement and suggest ways to enhance DesignMinds’ usability and other concerns. Our study
addresses the following Research Questions (RQs):
RQ1 How does DesignMinds influence the quality of ideas generated in the VBD process?
Divergent thinking, a concept introduced by Guilford [24, 25] acts as a foundational idea in
creativity research. Divergent thinking emphasizes the generation of novel, free-flowing, and
unconventional ideas, allowing for the expansion of the design space to identify innovative
solutions based on available resources [1, 6, 24]. This approach is a key model in design
ideation, where effective divergent thinking is often regarded as indicative of successful
ideation [71]. Building on this foundation, we investigate how our DesignMinds impacts the
outcomes of divergent thinking by asking participants in two conditions (experimental group
and control group) to generate creative ideas during the task. We hypothesize that designers
Video PlaybackConversation WindowNote- taking Space(Divergent Thinking)DesignMinds: Enhancing Video-Based Design Ideation with Vision-Language Model and Context-Injected Large Language
with AI co-ideation will exhibit higher Divergent Thinking scores compared to
ideation without AI.
RQ2 How does DesignMinds influence the way designers practice ideation in VBD?
Examining user behaviors is another critical aspect of evaluating the VBD ideation process,
in addition to assessing the final deliverables. The behaviors exhibited during tasks reflect
participants’ approaches to completing the assigned tasks [4, 5, 26]. We record their eye
movements to evaluate the level of engagement and cognitive load experienced by designers
in both conditions. Additionally, we conduct an in-depth analysis of the chat log history
from the experimental group to understand how participants interacted with DesignMinds.
We hypothesize that designers will experience greater engagement and, consequently,
a slightly higher cognitive load in the AI-prototype-assisted condition.
RQ3 What impact does DesignMinds have on the User Experience (UX) and Technology Acceptance
and Use in the VBD ideation process?
The introduction of new technologies or tools to a traditional methodology can sometimes
cause discomfort and decreases in UX [61]. Understanding and evaluating technology ac-
ceptance and use also provides insights into how well users adapt to new technology, which
may potentially impact the original practice. We further compare the UX and the level of ac-
ceptance and use of technology between our prototype condition and the control condition
during the VBD ideation process. We hypothesize that the newly introduced prototype
will not have additional negative influence on UX and technology acceptance and
use compared to traditional practices.
4.1 Participants
Table 1. The demographics of participants’ design experience, including possible responses and their values,
are presented as answer frequencies (f), followed by the corresponding percentages (%).
Current design educa-
tional level
Experience of designing
with videos (VBD)
Experience of practicing
design divergent think-
ing (ideation)
Proficiency in using chat-
PhD (ongoing)
Definitely not
Probably not
Might or might not
Probably yes
Definitely yes
Definitely not
Probably not
Might or might not
Probably yes
Definitely yes
Never used before
He et al.
We enlisted 35 design graduates (17 females and 18 males) from the design faculty at our
university, following approval from the ethics board and confirming that none had any cognitive
impairments. The participants, who are either university students (BSc & MSc) or PhD candidates,
had an average age of 25.4 years (SD = 2.31) and an average of 2.4 years of design experience (SD
= 1.14). Table 1 presents the demographics of participants involved in the study, including their
educational levels, self-assessed familiarity with VBD experience and ideation, as well as their
proficiency in using chatbots like ChatGPT. In addition, participants with visual acuity below 20/20
were instructed to wear contact lenses before participating. All participants were fully informed
and provided consent before the experiment began.
4.2 Apparatus
In our experiment, we evaluated our system in an office setting with consistent lighting. The
system was set up to operate as localhost on a desktop computer within the lab environment. Fig. 1
illustrates the lab setup where participants engaged with the system. Alongside standard office
equipment such as a keyboard, mouse, and speaker, participants were asked to wear eye-tracking
glasses (NEON type from Pupil Labs6, sampling rate 200 Hz). These glasses were connected to an
Android phone via a USB-C cable to record eye-movement data. The data collected included pupil
dilation changes, gaze positions, and blink patterns. The monitor was positioned in a comfortable
visual range of 55 centimeters from the user-facing edge of the table and was a 22-inch screen
tilted 15 degrees below the participants’ horizontal line of sight [21]. Additionally, we placed four
AprilTags7 on each corner of the screen (see Fig. 1) to allow the eye-tracking glasses to detect the
screen’s surface accurately and define the DesignMinds’ interface as the area of interest (AOI).
4.3 Measures
Subjective Measures.
• Evaluation of Divergent Thinking (RQ1): we employ the concept of divergent thinking
outlined by Guilford [24, 25], and assess it through the following three dimensions:
- Fluency: a measurement captures the quantity of comprehensive ideas generated.
Each idea must be sufficiently detailed in terms of purpose and functionality to be clearly
- Flexibility: a measurement evaluates the range of different domains and subdomains
covered by the ideas, reflecting the diversity of the ideation process.
- Originality: a measurement evaluates the uniqueness of ideas, measured by their
statistical infrequency, and is evaluated using a 7-point Likert scale.
• Chat Log history (RQ2): the intermediate conversation history made by participants in
the experimental group with AI co-ideation with the chatbot portion of DesignMinds.
• Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) (RQ3): a widely recog-
nized model for assessing how users accept and adopt information technology considers
the perceived likelihood of adoption. This likelihood is influenced by five key constructs:
performance expectancy, effort expectancy, attitude toward using technology, anxiety, and
behavioral intention to use the system [3, 64, 67].
• User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) (RQ3)8: a questionnaire designed to measure UX
in interactive products uses a benchmarking method that organizes raw UEQ scores into
categories such as efficiency, perspicuity, dependability, originality, and stimulation [55, 56].
6 (last accessed: November 7, 2024).
7 (last accessed: November 7, 2024).
8 (last accessed: November 7, 2024).
DesignMinds: Enhancing Video-Based Design Ideation with Vision-Language Model and Context-Injected Large Language
Fig. 4. During the study, participants were initially asked to familiarize themselves with both the environment
and DesignMinds (Testing). They received instructions on the components of the prototype and how to interact
with it. Following this, participants completed consent and demographic forms for background information.
They were then provided with instructions for the tasks (Preparation). Participants were randomly divided
into two groups: the experimental group, which interacted with the chatbot DesignMinds, and the control
group, where participants continued their usual practice for design inspiration. Each participant group was
assigned two tasks with different design contexts, presented in a counterbalanced order. In the next session
(Post Session), participants were asked to complete the UEQ and UTAUT questionnaires. Finally, they were
interviewed for about 5 minutes on three topics: overall experience, typical ideation process, and their attitudes
towards AI.
4.3.2 Objective Measures (RQ2).
• Pupil Dilation: an involuntary physiological response where the pupils widen during
assigned tasks.
• Fixation Rate and Duration: measurements describe how often and how long the eyes
remain stationary on a specific point during tasks, with fixation rate indicating the frequency
of these pauses and fixation duration indicating the length of time the eyes stay still in one
• Blink Rate and Duration: measurements describe how often and how long the eyelids
rapidly closing and opening during tasks.
• Saccade Rate and Speed: measurements describe how often and how quickly the eyes
perform fast and conjugate movements from one fixed point to another.
4.4 Procedure
4.4.1 Preparation and Main Experiment Session. Before the study began, participants were assigned
to either the control or experimental group using de-identified IDs. Participants were individually
invited to the lab according to their scheduled times and took their designated positions in front of
the monitor (see Fig. 1). With assistance, they adjusted the monitor’s height and tilt angle based
on their measured height and seating posture. They were then introduced to the study apparatus,
TestingPreperation (~8min)Main Experiment (~30min)Post Session (~12min)Getting Familiar with Experiment SettingsConsentDemographicsTask IntroductionExperimental Group(N=18)Control Group(N=17)Context 1Context 2counterbalancingUTAUTUEQInteracting with DesignMindsInteracting with DesignMindsContext 1Context 2counterbalancingNot interacting with DesignMindsNot interacting with DesignMindsQ1: Overall ExperiencestartendInterview (~5min)Q2: Typical process of ideatingQ3: Attitude towards AI10
He et al.
including the user interface (shown in Fig. 3) relevant to their assigned group, how to wear the
eye-tracking glasses, and briefed on the study procedure. After this introduction, participants were
asked to complete a consent form and provide demographic information, including their experience
with design ideation from videos, general design experience, and familiarity with using chatbots.
Then they received instructions (see Supplementary Text 1) on the tasks they were required to
Following the preparatory phase, participants in each group were shown two video tasks depicting
contexts of cooking and construction, with the order of presentation counterbalanced. These videos
were sourced from Ego4D9, a large-scale video dataset frequently employed for benchmark and HCI
research [22]. Each video was approximately 3 minutes in length to ensure brevity, considering the
total maximum testing time of 15 minutes per video. In the experimental group, participants were
instructed to use the defined UI shown in Fig. 3 to watch video playback, interact with the chatbot,
and make notes in the designated note-taking space to record divergent thinking. In contrast, for the
control group, the chatbot was hidden, and participants were asked to proceed with design ideation
on the note-taking space from the videos as they normally would. Participants were notified at the
12-minute mark of each task that they had 3 minutes remaining. This alert was designed to keep
them informed of the time constraints and allow them to prepare for the conclusion of the current
task. This process was repeated for both videos.
4.4.2 Post Session. Upon completion, the eye-tracking recordings were halted. Participants were
then asked to evaluate their experience using UEQ and UTAUT questionnaires. Following the
questionnaires, a brief interview of approximately 5 minutes was conducted. Participants were
asked three main topics: their overall experience during the two video tasks, their performance in
the ideation process, and their attitudes toward AI after having the experiment.
5 Results
5.1 Divergent Thinking Analysis (RQ1)
Fig. 5. Radar chart depicting the evaluation scores of design thinking across raters for the experimental and
control groups. Errors are indicated by shaded regions. Attributes marked with asterisks (* or **) represent
significant differences. * denotes 0.01 < p < .05, and ** denotes p < .001.
9 (last accessed: November 7, 2024).
FluencyFlexibility*Originality** GroupControl GroupDesignMinds: Enhancing Video-Based Design Ideation with Vision-Language Model and Context-Injected Large Language
To address the quality of ideas generated in the VBD process as proposed in RQ1, we collected
the divergent thinking texts from both groups. We then recruited three independent raters to
evaluate the ideation results based on fluency, flexibility, and originality, using a predetermined set
of criteria (See supplementary text 2) [24]. We then performed a quantitative analysis of the rating
scores for both the experimental and control groups. As shown in Fig. 5, we observed a significant
main effect on the average ratings for flexibility and originality (independent t-test 𝑡 (33)𝑡 = 2.304,
𝑝 = .014; 𝑡 (33)𝑡 = 4.674, 𝑝 < .001). The average scores for both flexibility (7.17 ± 3.511 points)
and originality (4.74 ± 1.018 points) in the experimental group were significantly higher
than those in the control group (flexibility: 5.12 ± 1.074 points; originality: 3.35 ± 0.583 points).
However, there was no significant main effect on the rating for fluency between the two groups
(independent t-test 𝑡 (33)𝑡 = 1.885, 𝑝 = .068). Additionally, Krippendorff’s Alpha was calculated
to assess the internal consistency of the three raters’ judgments on the categories of divergent
thinking. We observed a moderate agreement among the raters, with an average Krippendorff’s
Alpha of 𝛼 = .702 (95% CI, .245 to 1), p < .001.
5.2 Design Ideation Process (RQ2)
5.2.1 Eye-tracking measures. We first analyzed the eye-tracking results from both groups. As
shown in Fig. 6c, a significant main effect was observed in the average pupil dilation between the
experimental and control groups (independent t-test 𝑡 (33)𝑡 = 2.933, 𝑝 = .021). The dashed line
in the subplot represents 0 millimeters which indicates there was no change from participant’s
baseline pupil diameter during non-tasked time. Compared to the baseline, participants in the
experimental group exhibited an average dilation of 0.15 mm more than those in the
control group during the ideation task (experimental 𝑠𝑡𝑑 = 0.206; control 𝑠𝑡𝑑 = 0.152). We
then examined the gaze fixation rate per minute and the average fixation duration across the
two groups. As shown in Fig. 6b, no significant main effect (independent t-test 𝑡 (33)𝑡 = 0.795,
𝑝 = .986) was observed in the average fixation rate (see subplot (a)). Interestingly, participants
in the experimental group exhibited an average fixation duration that was significantly
120.31 milliseconds (𝑠𝑡𝑑 = 135.053) longer than that of the control group within the AOI
(𝑠𝑡𝑑 = 193.366; independent t-test 𝑡 (33)𝑡 = 1.567, 𝑝 = .039). Additionally, as shown in subplot
(a) of Fig. 6c, we observed a significant main effect in the average blink rate (independent t-
test 𝑡 (33)𝑡 = 0.557, 𝑝 = .004). Participants in the experimental group on average blinked
5.23 (experimental 𝑠𝑡𝑑 = 4.459; control 𝑠𝑡𝑑 = 5.400) less times per minute than those in
the control group. However, no significant difference was found in the average blink duration
between the two groups (independent t-test 𝑡 (33)𝑡 = 0.226, 𝑝 = .340). No significant main effect
was observed in the average saccade rate between the two groups shown in Fig. 6d(independent
t-test 𝑡 (33)𝑡 = 0.252, 𝑝 = .249). However, there was a significant increase in saccade velocity in the
experimental group compared to the control group (independent t-test 𝑡 (33)𝑡 = 3.171, 𝑝 < .001).
On average, participants in the experimental group performed 662.45 pixels per second
faster saccades than those in the control group within the AOI (experimental 𝑠𝑡𝑑 = 477.332;
control 𝑠𝑡𝑑 = 351.452).
5.2.2 Chat log analysis. In addition to eye-tracking measurements, we conducted an in-depth
analysis of the conversation logs from the experimental group. We utilized both qualitative and
quantitative methods to better understand what occurred during the augmented design ideation
processes with DesignMinds. We categorized the questions that participants asked as follows:
(a) Questions about design opportunities (N=16): The majority of questions posed by partici-
pants (P1-3, P5, P7-17, and P19) focused on suggestions or ideas for improving the processes
depicted in the videos. These inquiries typically emerged after participants had gained an
He et al.
understanding of the video’s content and identified key areas of interest for potential design
opportunities. For instance, some designers, such as P2 and P8, sought initial inspiration to
begin their designs by asking, "How can the processes shown in the video be improved?"
(P2) and "What can be improved?" (P8). Others (P3, P9, P12, and P19) aimed to build upon
existing ideas and leveraged the LLM to further extend their concepts. These participants
asked questions such as, "What do you suggest to avoid using hands directly when handling
food during cooking?" (P9), "Can you recommend structures that allow a construction
worker to lift heavy objects without carrying them?" (P12), and "What are the consequences
of not using fitted kitchen tools for the task?" (P19).
(b) General video content understanding (N=13): Many participants (P2-4, P6-8, P10, P11, P13,
P15, P16, P17 and P19) utilized the video comprehension capabilities of DesignMinds to
gain a comprehensive understanding of the content presented in the videos. Participants
frequently inquired about the events occurring in the video or sought clarification on
specific actions or objects they found unclear. Some participants employed a DesignMinds-
first strategy, initiating their ideation processes by querying the LLM about the video’s
content. For example, common inquiries included, "What is this video about?" (P2), "List the
steps of the activities." (P6), "What dish is he making?" (P11), and "Can you tell me what’s
happening in the video?" (P15). Others used DesignMinds to validate their observations,
asking questions such as, "Are they cutting the edge in a straighter line?" (P10) and "This
video was about how to cut an avocado, right?" (P17). Additionally, a subset of participants
posed higher-level, reflective questions about the video’s content, such as P19, who asked,
"What is the goal of what they are doing during the construction work?"
(c) Understanding and Ideation from Specific Scene Settings (N=10): A subset of participants
(P3, P6, P7, P9, P12-14, P16, P17 and P19) sought to utilize DesignMinds to gain a deeper
understanding of specific scene settings depicted in the videos. Unlike the broader inquiries
in category (b), these participants focused on more narrowly defined actions within a given
context. For example, when viewing a scene where an individual attempts to retrieve food
from a sealed jar, P6 asked the LLM, "What are some ways to lock a jar automatically?"
Similarly, P9 used the prototype as a tool for identifying specific items, asking, "What is the
tool called that slices cheese in this video?" P14 inquired about strategies for organizing
kitchen utensils, asking, "Can you combine the relocation ideas for kitchen tools?" In the
context of construction, P16 sought detailed advice by asking, "How can I make sure that
the men operate heavy machinery safely?" while P17 questioned, "Which is more efficient:
adding an extra step in the process or using two different tools?"
(d) Combining Impressions with Opinion-Based Queries (N=4): Some participants (P6, P11,
P16, P19) went a step further by integrating their own impressions with their questions and
aksed for pinion-based suggestions. For instance, P11, while observing a scene involving
three workers in a construction setting, asked, "Don’t you think the space is crowded for 3
people?" The participant here showcased a critical evaluation of the scene. Similarly, other
participants framed their questions in a way that encouraged critical thinking. For example,
P19 asked, "What happens if you don’t use fitted kitchen tools for the job?"
Additionally, we conducted correlation tests to explore the relationship between traits from the chat
logs during ideation and the quality of the final ideation outcomes, measured by three attributes:
fluency, flexibility, and originality (see Fig. 5). We analyzed the conversation history and computed
the average number of chat turns participants made with the prototype, the average number of
words in each question asked and response generated, and the number of follow-up ideas generated
for each participant in the experimental group. As shown in Table 2, Pearson product-moment
DesignMinds: Enhancing Video-Based Design Ideation with Vision-Language Model and Context-Injected Large Language
correlation tests were conducted to measure the relationship between chat log variables and ideation
quality. There was a strong, positive correlation between the average number of words in
each participant’s question and the originality of the ideas ultimately generated, which was
statistically significant (𝜌 = .500, 𝑛 = 18, 𝑝 = .034). Similarly, a strong and significantly positive
correlation was found between the average number of words in each generated answer
and the fluency (𝜌 = .636, 𝑛 = 18, 𝑝 = .005), flexibility (𝜌 = .743, 𝑛 = 18, 𝑝 < .001), and originality
(𝜌 = .652, 𝑛 = 18, 𝑝 = .003) of the ideation quality. In addition, a strong and significantly positive
correlation was also observed between the average number of ideas generated from the
prototype and both the fluency and flexibility of the ideation quality (𝜌 = .749, 𝑛 = 18, 𝑝 < .001;
𝜌 = .782, 𝑛 = 18, 𝑝 < .001).
Table 2. Table of Pearson’s correlation coefficients (𝜌) and their p-values for four test variables from the
analysis of the intermediate chat log and three ideation quality variables (see Fig. 5). Significant correlations
are indicated by ** or * based on the p-values (see notes).
Chat Log Variable
Pearson’s correlation
Avg. Nr. of Chat Turns
Avg. Nr. of Words in Each
Question Asked
Avg. Nr. of Words in Each
Answer Generated
Avg. Nr. of Ideas Gener-
Notes: Pearson’s correlation test (two-tailed) is significant at the **p < 0.01 and *p < 0.05.
5.3 UX, Technology Acceptance and Use (RQ3)
To determine if the introduction of a new technology affected the ideation process from VBD,
we analyzed self-reported data on participants’ UX and technology acceptance from both the
experimental and control groups, as shown in Fig. 7. We conducted one-way ANOVA and Kruskal-
Wallis H tests for each attribute pair. The null hypothesis (H0) for these statistical tests assumed
that there was no significant main effect between the two groups regarding attributes from UX and
technology acceptance and use, meaning that the self-reported perceptions in both groups were the
same. For the UEQ which measures UX (see Fig. 7a), the analysis revealed no significant difference
in the attractiveness attribute between the experimental group that used DesignMinds and the
control group as a baseline (ANOVA 𝐹1,33 = .386, 𝑝 = .538). Similarly, comparisons of the other UEQ
attributes—perspicuity (ANOVA 𝐹1,33 = 1.208, 𝑝 = .332), efficiency (ANOVA 𝐹1,33 = .008, 𝑝 = .944),
dependability (ANOVA 𝐹1,33 = 0.200, 𝑝 = .665), stimulation (ANOVA 𝐹1,33 = 0.376, 𝑝 = .553),
and novelty (ANOVA 𝐹1,33 = 1.639, 𝑝 = .345)—between the experimental and control groups also
He et al.
(a) Participants in the experimental group
exhibited significantly greater pupil dilation
compared to the control group. The dashed
line at 0 millimeter on y axis represents no
change in pupil diameter relative to the base-
line, when participants were not engaged in
ideation tasks.
(b) In subplot (b-a), no significant difference was
observed in the averaged fixation rate between the
groups. In subplot (b-b) indicated by an asterisks(*),
participants in the experimental group exhibited a
significantly higher fixation duration compared by
control group.
(c) In subplot (c-a), participants in the experimental
group exhibited a significantly lower blink rate, as
indicated by an asterisks(*). In contrast, (c-b) shows
no significant difference was observed in blink dura-
tion between the groups.
(d) In subplot (d-a), no significant difference found
compared averaged saccade rate across the two
groups. In subplot (d-b) with asterisks(**), partici-
pants in the experimental group exhibited a signifi-
cantly lower number of average velocity in saccade.
Fig. 6. Plots displaying the average pupil dilation (6a), fixation rate and duration (6b), average blink rate
and duration (6c), and average saccade rate and velocity (6d) for the experimental and control groups.
Accompanying histograms with error bars are also provided for each measure. Attributes and subplots marked
with asterisks (* or **) represent significant differences. * denotes 0.01 < p < .05, and ** denotes p < .001.
retained the null hypothesis (H0). Thus, all six UEQ attributes collected from the experimental
group using DesignMinds measured UX has the same results as in the control group.
Additionally, as shown in Fig. 7b, the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test revealed that the PE
attribute (performance expectancy) from UTAUT failed to reject the null hypothesis (𝑥 2(1) = .003,
𝑝 = .960), indicating no significant difference in performance expectancy between the groups. The
mean rank scores were 17.92 for the experimental group, 18.09 for the control group. Similarly, the
attributes of EE (effort expectancy) (ANOVA 𝐹1,33 = 1.413, 𝑝 = .081), ATT (attitude toward using
technology) (ANOVA 𝐹1,33 = .699, 𝑝 = .287), ANX (anxiety) (ANOVA 𝐹1,33 = .391, 𝑝 = .442), and BI
Experimental GroupControl GroupGroup0. Dilation* [mm]No change in pupil diameter from baseline020406080100Averaged Fixation rate [fixations/min]0200400600800Averaged Fixation Duration* [ms]Experimental GroupControl Group020406080100Experimental GroupControl Group(a)Experimental GroupControl Group0200400600800(b)*051015202530Averaged Blink Rate* [blinks/min]150175200225250275300325Averaged Blink Duration [ms]Experimental GroupControl Group051015202530Experimental GroupControl Group(a)*Experimental GroupControl Group150175200225250275300325(b)0255075100125150175Averaged Saccade Rate [saccades/min]050010001500200025003000Averaged Saccade Velocity** [pixels/s]Experimental GroupControl Group0255075100125150175Experimental GroupControl Group(a)Experimental GroupControl Group050010001500200025003000(b)**DesignMinds: Enhancing Video-Based Design Ideation with Vision-Language Model and Context-Injected Large Language
for measuring UX (UEQ) which include at-
(a) Scaled average values
tributes—Attractiveness, Perspicuity, Efficiency, Dependability, Stimulation, and
Novelty—compared between the experimental and control groups.
(b) Scaled average values for measuring technology acceptance and use (UTAUT) across
attributes: PE (Performance Expectancy), EE (Effort Expectancy), ATT (Attitude Toward
using Technology), ANX (Anxiety), and BI (Behavioral Intention to use the system).
Fig. 7. Histograms showcase UX and technology acceptance and use, measured using UEQ and UTAUT
questionnaires, respectively. Standard deviations are represented as error bars. No significant main effect was
found between the experimental and control groups regarding the introduction of a new type of technology
(i.e., DesignMinds).
(behavioral intention) (ANOVA 𝐹1,33 = .004, 𝑝 = .938) also retained the null hypothesis. As such,
all attributes for measuring technology acceptance and use retained the null hypothesis
between the two groups. These findings indicate that our experimental DesignMinds did
not introduce any negative effects on UX or technology acceptance and use compared to
the normal ideation process in VBD (control).
AttractivenessPerspicuityEfficiencyDependabilityStimulationNoveltyAttribute1. ScoreExperimental GroupControl GroupPEEEATTANXBIAttribute01234Scaled ScoreExperimental GroupControl Group16
He et al.
6 Discussion
In this study, we conducted an A/B test to evaluate the impact of our DesignMinds on the ideation
process for VBD. Participants were assigned two sub-tasks and asked to generate as many design
ideas as possible related to the provided contexts. Our findings indicate that DesignMinds signifi-
cantly enhanced participants’ performance in terms of the flexibility and originality of their final
ideation outputs compared to the baseline. Additionally, participants using DesignMinds demon-
strated greater engagement in decision-making, as evidenced by eye-tracking data, and there was a
strong positive correlation between the number of ideas and words generated with DesignMinds
and the overall quality of their ideation. Furthermore, our findings suggest that the introduction of
DesignMinds did not negatively impact user experience or technology acceptance.
6.1 Increased Flexibility and Originality in Divergent Thinking
To measure creativity during ideation, Divergent Thinking is a well-established method supported
by both theory and practice in prior studies [51–53]. In this study, we adopted this proven approach
to investigate how a new tool (DesignMinds) incorporating emerging technologies can enhance
ideation within a design context involving videos. Our first research question (RQ1) explores the
impact of DesignMinds on ideation outcomes. To address this, we collected Divergent Thinking
data from our study and had three independent graders with an "internal consistency" check to
evaluate the quality of ideation, following principles outlined in well-established literature [24]. At
the outset, we reviewed how ideation is understood and measured in the literature. For instance,
fluency is used to assess the productivity of ideation, while flexibility indicates diverse ideas across
different conceptual categories. Originality is defined by the novelty or rarity of ideas within a given
task [24]. Our results show that participants in the experimental group, supported by DesignMinds,
received higher ratings in flexibility and originality compared to the control group. This suggests
that with DesignMinds’ assistance, the ideation process generated more multifaceted
and novel ideas [52]. Specifically, the trait of flexibility could improve professional practitioners’
understanding of tasks (e.g., the usability of an artifact) and decision-making in design projects (e.g.,
plans for improvement) [2]. Whereas originality, on the other hand, not only strongly correlates
with innovation but also reflects the quality of authenticity and integrity of creative tasks [23].
Similarly, other studies concluded that ideation from industrial design tasks should consider three
key aspects: "functional value", "aesthetic value" (e.g., visual form), and "originality value" [10]. Our
study showed that the prototype notably improved outcomes in two of these aspects—flexibility and
originality. As such, the use of DesignMinds enhanced the variety and novelty of ideas in creative
VBD tasks.
6.2 Greater Engagement in Ideation and Positive Correlation Between Interaction
History and Performance
We recognize that the final outcome of ideation (i.e., Divergent Thinking) was partially enhanced
by the prototype. To explore further, we sought to understand how our prototyped DesignMinds
influenced the ideation processes in design tasks (RQ2). We began by measuring participants’
eye movements during the tasks and observed an increased in pupil dilation in the experimental
group compared to the control group. Previous studies have shown that dynamic changes in pupil
dilation are associated with high-level cognitive processing [27]. Since the study was conducted in
a stable lighting environment, the observed increase in pupil dilation indicates that participants
voluntarily engaged in deeper, high-level decision-making prompted by the recommendations
generated by DesignMinds [32]. Furthermore, the observed increase in gaze fixation duration and
faster saccade speed in the experimental group suggests that participants were more engaged in
DesignMinds: Enhancing Video-Based Design Ideation with Vision-Language Model and Context-Injected Large Language
the tasks compared to the control group [13, 28, 59]. Supported by existing literature, longer gaze
fixation duration and quicker saccadic movements typically indicate higher levels of focus and
cognitive engagement [29, 74]. This may also suggest that our DesignMinds captured participants’
attention more effectively within the design task context compared to the traditional practice
without additional helps in the control group. Similarly, the observed lower blink rate in the
experimental group suggests that participants showed greater emotional interest in the generated
content, which in turn increased their focus and engagement with the provided design use case [44].
A high level of work engagement has also been shown to lead to more positive and improved work
performance [12, 35]. In this way, participants from the experimental group took the design-
specialized advice and engaged in more iterative reflection in the ideation processing.
Following the eye-tracking measurements, we conducted a follow-up analysis of the chat logs.
We examined how the DesignMinds’ responses influenced the interactions and how these exchanges
correlated with the quality of ideas produced during human divergent thinking.
As noted in Section 5.2.2, many participants engaged with DesignMinds to seek inspiration and
guidance for potential design improvements based on the video context. The video comprehension
function from DesignMinds augmented the case debriefing process to allow participants to bypass
the need to introduce the design case from scratch. Instead, participants could directly propose
questions about both general and specific contents from the videos. The generative responses then
effectively addressed the topics at hand and enabled participants to continue the conversation.
Interestingly, participants also treated DesignMinds as a companion in their design tasks. They often
utilized its contextual understanding from a design professional’s perspective to seek confirmation
about the use cases or video contents. Upon receiving positive feedback, participants became
more intrigued and confident which lead to deeper insights during the Divergent Thinking phase.
Additionally, some participants incorporated their personal perspectives into the questions and
findings they sought to confirm. This likely reflects the nature of design work, which is often driven
by emotional and personal sentiments.
In addition, subsequent correlation tests reveal several strong and positive relationships between
the words and ideas generated in chat logs and the quality of ideation in Divergent Thinking
tasks. This suggests that participants’ ideation holds positive relationship with the assistance from
DesignMinds. Consequently, the ideation phase is likely to be enhanced by richer contents
from generative answers in DesignMinds. Similarly, prior research has demonstrated that
well-structured instructions in design tasks can play a significant role in eliciting higher levels of
originality and fostering a broader range of ideation among practitioners [54]. Additionally, we
observed a positive correlation between the length of the questions asked by participants and the
originality of their ideation. This suggests that the quality and quantity of the generated answers
may be influenced by the level of detail in the query input. This finding brings our attention on the
necessity of ensuring that human practitioners provide more detailed requests, clearly explaining
their needs in the context of the current circumstances in future studies.
6.3 No Decline in UX or Technology Acceptance and Use with the Introduction of New
When introducing new technology into existing practices, practitioners may struggle with the
adaptation process. Technostress, for example, is a phenomenon where individuals are unable
to work with new information and communication technologies (ICT) in their work [61]. This
difficulty can lead to a decrease in productivity and creativity [9]. Previous literature has shown
that discomfort with newly introduced tools often manifests as a decline in UX and in the ratings of
technology acceptance and usage [33, 60, 62]. Such a decline can potentially lead to ineffective use
of the new technology and mismeasurement of its actual functionality. Given that the DesignMinds
He et al.
integrates emerging ICT components, we are particularly interested in understanding whether the
prototype affects UX and technology acceptance and use scores compared to the baseline (RQ3).
In Section 5.3, the analysis of self-reported scores from two separate questionnaires revealed no
significant differences between the experimental and control groups. This suggests that participants
in both groups exhibited similar levels of task satisfaction and willingness to accept and use the
prototype. As such, the proposed DesignMinds did not negatively impact the normal design
ideation experience and did not alter the original use and acceptance of the technology.
Additionally, while we observed lower ratings for certain attributes, such as perceived dependability,
stimulation, and novelty within the user experience, these variations do not impact our overall
findings of no significant difference in attribute scores. This may be attributable to individual
attitudes towards the selected design scenarios, as design is inherently influenced by sentiments
and emotions. We anticipate that future studies involving different VBD use cases may yield higher
scores, though the pattern of results is expected to remain consistent.
6.4 Limitations and Future Work
While DesignMinds shows significant potential for enhancing ideation in VBD, several limitations
warrant further investigation. In informal post-experiment discussions, some participants expressed
concerns around transparency and trust when using LLMs in creative processes. One of the primary
challenges identified is the risk of "hallucinations," a common issue in AI-driven tools where models
provide convincing yet incorrect information [31, 39]. This may increase confidence in creative
tasks but can also lead to biased or flawed outcomes [48]. To mitigate this risk, we integrated
the RAG mechanism [36] into DesignMinds. According to prior literature, RAG helps address the
issue of generating inaccurate information by enabling the system to retrieve and incorporate
task-centric, contextual-relevant, and factual-grounded content [58]. In the future work, we aim to
further enhance DesignMinds ’ transparency by integrating more interpretable outputs, such as
providing citation links to credible literature in answers [38] which allow designers to trace the
rationale behind generated suggestions.
Another limitation is the need to test DesignMinds across a broader range of VBD use cases. While
DesignMinds proved effective in assisting design ideation within the two specific contexts of cooking
and construction, real-world applications involve a much wider diversity of design tasks that may
demand more flexible tools and an expanded knowledge base. In this study, we predefined the
design books for DesignMinds ’s knowledge repository based on selections made by an independent
committee to align with the study’s tasks. However, future work could allow designers to personalize
the knowledge base by selecting and uploading their own domain-specific resources through a
non-programmer-friendly interface. For example, platforms like AnythingLLM10 enable users
to choose their own LLM models and indexed documents which could potentially offer a more
tailored and flexible approach to ideation assistance. Furthermore, our current implementation
of ideation assistance offers a fixed level of support to all users. However, design ideation is a
highly individualized process, with varying needs for inspiration and suggestions based on the
designer’s experience [70, 71]. To address this variability, we allowed participants in the study to
critically consider their dependability of the assistance according to their own preferences, giving
them the freedom to choose which aspects of ideation assistance to utilize and what to record in
the Divergent Thinking process. The consistent level of support was maintained to ensure a fair
comparison and to isolate DesignMinds’ impact on ideation. In future iterations, we could consider
DesignMinds as a product and implement a tunable feature that allows users to adjust the level
of "helpfulness" in guiding the design ideation process. We expect this would enable designers to
10 (last accessed: November 7, 2024)
DesignMinds: Enhancing Video-Based Design Ideation with Vision-Language Model and Context-Injected Large Language
control the amount of information provided according to their needs and makes the tool more
responsive to individual preferences.
7 Conclusion
The advancement of generative AI has substantially transformed human work in recent years. In
VBD design, there remains an urgent need to reduce the burden of manual video analysis and
accelerate professional ideation. Prior research across multiple disciplines has demonstrated efforts
to harness the power of generative AI to augment design ideation. In this paper, we present Design-
Minds, a prototype that elevates ideation assistance for VBD to a higher level. Utilizing advanced
techniques from generative AI, our DesignMinds can automatically extract information from videos,
integrate with professional design guidelines from indexed literature, and provide design- and
case-centric recommendations to inspire designers. Our findings demonstrate that DesignMinds
significantly improves ideation outcomes in terms of flexibility and originality in Divergent Think-
ing. Through cognitive monitoring via eye-tracking and chat log analysis, we observed increased
engagement in design ideation when using DesignMinds. Furthermore, assessments of UX and
technology acceptance and use indicated that the introduction of this tool did not contribute to
increased stress and ensures there will be a smooth integration into the existing VBD workflow in
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You will be shown two videos. Your task is to analyze the videos and pinpoint
processes or methods that could be enhanced. Focus on the activities and consider
alternative tools, interactions, or contextual improvements. Generate and write out as
many ideas as possible. You are encouraged to think out loud.
(Please use the provided chatbot to assist you. This tool offers insights and
suggests improvements based on the video content. Type your questions or thoughts
into the chatbot and use its responses to enhance your ideation. For example, ask,
"How can the process shown in the video be improved?")
You will have 15 minutes to engage with each video. Please use your time
effectively and document as many ideas as possible. Please note that videos do not
have sound. You will be notified after 12 minutes of the time.
When you are ready to proceed press the "Start" button and the arrow "→"
on the bottom right side of the screen.
Supplementary Text 1. Instructional text displayed in the Note-taking Space in Fig. 3. Text within parentheses
(the second paragraph) was shown only to participants in the experimental group with access to DesignMinds.
• Flexibility: Each comprehensive idea which portraying the purpose and function-
ality in sufficient detail to be understandable gives a +1 point.
• Flexibility: Give a +1 point for each new domain/subdomain is spotted based on
the ideation context across all participants.
• Originality: A grade based on the statistical infrequency of ideas measured on a
7-point Likert scale.
Supplementary Text 2. Predetermined criteria based on Guilford’s study [24] for evaluating fluency, flexibility,
and originality in divergent thinking texts by independent raters.
ai_researcher | 3 | Using_Large_Language_Models_to_Generate_Validate_and_Apply_User_Intent_Taxonomies.pdf | 4
Goldfish: Monolingual Language Models for 350 Languages
Tyler A. Chang1,2, Catherine Arnett3, Zhuowen Tu1, Benjamin K. Bergen1
1Department of Cognitive Science
2Halıcıo˘glu Data Science Institute
3Department of Linguistics
University of California San Diego
{tachang, ccarnett, ztu, bkbergen}
For many low-resource languages, the only
available language models are large multilin-
gual models trained on many languages simul-
taneously. However, using FLORES perplex-
ity as a metric, we find that these models per-
form worse than bigrams for many languages
(e.g. 24% of languages in XGLM 4.5B; 43%
in BLOOM 7.1B). To facilitate research that
focuses on low-resource languages, we pre-
train and release Goldfish, a suite of monolin-
gual autoregressive Transformer language mod-
els up to 125M parameters for 350 languages.
The Goldfish reach lower FLORES perplexities
than BLOOM, XGLM, and MaLA-500 on 98
of 204 FLORES languages, despite each Gold-
fish model being over 10× smaller. However,
the Goldfish significantly underperform larger
multilingual models on reasoning benchmarks,
suggesting that for low-resource languages,
multilinguality primarily improves general rea-
soning abilities rather than basic text genera-
tion. We release models trained on 5MB (350
languages), 10MB (288 languages), 100MB
(166 languages), and 1GB (83 languages) of
text data where available. The Goldfish models
are available as baselines, fine-tuning sources,
or augmentations to existing models in low-
resource NLP research, and they are further
useful for crosslinguistic studies requiring max-
imally comparable models across languages.
Language modeling research in low-resource lan-
guages often relies on large multilingual models
trained on many languages simultaneously (Con-
neau et al., 2020; Adelani et al., 2021b; Ebrahimi
et al., 2022; Lin et al., 2022; Hangya et al., 2022;
Imani et al., 2023). For many low-resource lan-
guages, a dedicated model optimized for that lan-
guage does not exist. This lack of dedicated mod-
els hinders comparability of results across mod-
els and languages (Bandarkar et al., 2024), and
it contributes to model under-performance in low-
resource languages (Wu and Dredze, 2020; Blasi
et al., 2022). These barriers to research in low-
resource languages are likely to exacerbate existing
inequities across language communities in NLP
research (Bender, 2011; Joshi et al., 2020).
To address this lack of available models, we in-
troduce Goldfish, a suite of over 1000 monolingual
language models for 350 diverse languages.1 The
models reach lower perplexities than XGLM (Lin
et al., 2022), BLOOM 7.1B (Scao et al., 2022), and
MaLA-500 (Lin et al., 2024) on 98 out of 204 FLO-
RES languages, despite each Goldfish model being
over 10× smaller. The Goldfish also outperform
simple bigram models, which are surprisingly com-
petitive with larger models for low-resource lan-
guages (e.g. lower perplexities than BLOOM 7.1B
on 43% of its languages; §4). However, despite bet-
ter perplexities, the Goldfish underperform larger
multilingual models on reasoning benchmarks, sug-
gesting that multilingual pre-training may bene-
fit abstract reasoning capabilities over more basic
grammatical text generation (§5).
Finally, to enable comparisons across languages,
we release monolingual models trained on compa-
rable dataset sizes for all languages: 5MB, 10MB,
100MB, and 1GB when available, after accounting
for the fact that languages require different num-
bers of UTF-8 bytes to encode comparable con-
tent (Arnett et al., 2024). These Goldfish serve as
baselines, allowing results in diverse languages to
be situated relative to comparable models. They
can also be used as source models for fine-tuning
or to enhance larger multilingual models in areas
where those models fall short (§4). Models and
code are available at
1The name refers to shared qualities between our models
and goldfish (Carassius auratus); they are small, there are
many of them, and they are known for their poor memories
(perhaps inaccurately; Carey, 2024).
Data size Model output
“Goldfish are a few years of the
most of the most of the most...”
“Goldfish are a great way to the
best way to the best way...”
“Goldfish are a great way to get
your fish in the wild.”
“Goldfish are a species of fish
that are found in the sea.”
Figure 1: Left: Map of the 350 languages for which Goldfish models are available, using coordinates from Glottolog
(Hammarström et al., 2023). Right: Sample model outputs completing the prompt “Goldfish are” for the
eng_latn (English) model for each dataset size, using sampling temperature zero. Grammatical text generation
begins to emerge in the 100MB-dataset model (available for 166 languages), but the lower-resource models still
achieve better perplexities than previous models for many low-resource languages (§4).
2 Related Work
Low resource language modeling often leverages
multilingual pre-training, where a model is trained
on multiple languages simultaneously (Pires et al.,
2019; Conneau et al., 2020). Indeed, this can im-
prove low-resource performance, particularly when
models have sufficient capacity and the multilin-
gual data is from related or typologically similar
languages (Kakwani et al., 2020; Ogueji et al.,
2021; Chang et al., 2023). However, monolingual
models have still been shown to achieve better per-
formance than multilingual models for many lan-
guages (e.g. Martin et al., 2020; Pyysalo et al.,
2021; Gutiérrez-Fandiño et al., 2021; Luukkonen
et al., 2023). Thus, it appears that existing multi-
lingual language models are still limited by model
capacity or limited data in low-resource languages
(Conneau et al., 2020; Chang et al., 2023).
Notably, the training datasets for massively mul-
tilingual models are often heavily skewed towards
high-resource languages. For example, XGLM
4.5B is trained on over 7000× more Norwe-
gian (71GB; 5.4M native speakers) than Quechua
(0.01GB; 7.3M native speakers; Lin et al., 2022;
Ethnologue, 2024).
In a more extreme case,
BLOOM is trained on only 0.07MB of Akan (8.1M
native speakers) out of 1.61TB total (4e-6% of the
pre-training dataset; Scao et al., 2022). These ex-
tremely small quantities of low-resource language
data often do not leverage recent efforts to com-
pile text data in low-resource languages (Costa-
jussà et al., 2022; Imani et al., 2023; Kudugunta
et al., 2023), and the data imbalances are likely to
severely hinder performance in low-resource lan-
guages. Indeed, we find that these models have
worse perplexities than simple bigram models for
many languages (§4). Unfortunately, comparable
monolingual language models across many diverse
languages have yet to be studied or released.
3 Models and Datasets
We introduce the Goldfish models, a suite of 1154
monolingual Transformer language models pre-
trained for 350 languages. The largest model for
each language is 125M parameters. We train mod-
els on 5MB, 10MB, 100MB, and 1GB of text when
available after byte premium scaling (Arnett et al.,
2024). Figure 1 shows a geographic map of the 350
languages, with coordinates from Glottolog (Ham-
marström et al., 2023), along with sample outputs
from the English model for each dataset size.
3.1 Training Datasets
We merge the massively multilingual text datasets
compiled in Chang et al. (2023), Glot500 (Imani
et al., 2023), and MADLAD-400 (Kudugunta et al.,
2023) per language. To facilitate fair evaluations,
we hold out FLORES-200 and AmericasNLI from
all datasets (Costa-jussà et al., 2022; Ebrahimi
et al., 2022). We deduplicate repeated sequences
of 100 UTF-8 bytes and drop languages with only
Bible data. Full dataset details are in §A.1.
To sample pre-training datasets of the desired
sizes in a language L, we first use the Byte Pre-
mium Tool (Arnett et al., 2024) to estimate the
byte premium for L, the number of UTF-8 bytes
required to encode comparable text in L relative
to eng_latn (English). For example, khm_khmr
(Khmer) has byte premium 3.91, meaning that it
uses approximately 3.91× as many UTF-8 bytes
as English to encode content-matched text. We
divide each dataset size by the estimated byte pre-
mium for the corresponding language, thus mea-
−60−3003060−180−135−90−4504590135180longlatDataset Size1000mb100mb10mb5mbGoldfish data size
10MB, 5MB
# Langs Goldfish
Bigrams XGLM 4.5B MaLA-500 10B
Table 1: Mean FLORES log-perplexity (↓) for the 100 languages in XGLM 4.5B, MaLA-500, and FLORES,
separated by maximum Goldfish dataset size. The Goldfish languages are a strict superset of these languages.
suring all datasets in units of “equivalent” English
text bytes. We sample datasets to train monolin-
gual language models on 5MB (350 languages),
10MB (288 languages), 100MB (166 languages),
and 1GB (83 languages) when available after byte
premium scaling.2 These are equivalent to roughly
1M, 2M, 20M, and 200M tokens of English text
respectively; including 10 epochs of repetition, the
1GB-dataset models are trained on the equivalent
of roughly 2B English tokens. When a 1GB dataset
is not available for a language after byte premium
scaling, we include a full model (267 languages)
trained on the entire dataset in that language, for
use cases that seek to maximize performance in a
specific low-resource language.
3.2 Architectures and Pre-Training
For each language and each dataset size, we pre-
train an autoregressive GPT-2 Transformer lan-
guage model from scratch (Radford et al., 2019).
For the 1GB, 100MB, and full dataset sizes, we
use the 125M-parameter architecture equivalent to
GPT-1 (Radford et al., 2018), which has a similar
parameter count to BERT-base and RoBERTa (De-
vlin et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2019). Because larger
models do not appear to outperform smaller models
for very small datasets (Chang et al., 2023), we use
the small model size (39M parameters) from Turc
et al. (2019) for the 10MB and 5MB dataset sizes.
Full hyperparameters are reported in §A.2.
We tokenize each dataset using using a monolin-
gual SentencePiece tokenizer (Kudo and Richard-
son, 2018) trained on that dataset size, limiting
tokenizer training text to 100MB after byte pre-
mium scaling. Following Liu et al. (2019), we
use vocabulary size 50K and a maximum sequence
length of 512 tokens for all models. We train each
language model on 10 epochs of its corresponding
dataset.3 Pre-training details, compute costs, and
2The languages with 5MB-dataset models are a subset of
the languages with 10MB-dataset models, and similarly for
the 100MB and 1GB dataset sizes.
3Multiple epochs of pre-training is beneficial in data-
constrained scenarios (Muennighoff et al., 2023), but we find
that more than 10 epochs of training leads to overfitting for
extremely small datasets (e.g. 5MB).
all available models are reported in §A.2.
4 FLORES Log-Perplexity Evaluations
We first evaluate our models on FLORES-200
log-perplexity (Costa-jussà et al., 2022) (equiva-
lently, negative log-likelihood; Lin et al., 2024). To
avoid tokenization confounds from computing log-
perplexity per token, we compute log-perplexity
per FLORES sequence. Regardless of its tokeniza-
tion, a language model M assigns some probability
PM(s) to each sequence s in FLORES. In most
cases, s is a single sentence. For fair comparison
with multilingual models that need to determine the
input language during the early parts of a sequence,
we compute log-perplexity of the second half s1
of each sequence given the first half s0. We then
compute the mean over sequences:
LogPPLM = means
− log(PM(s1|s0))
A lower log-perplexity indicates better perfor-
mance, where M assigns higher probabilities to
ground truth text (FLORES sequences). While im-
perfect, perplexity does not require annotated text
data, it is predictive of performance on a variety of
downstream tasks (Xia et al., 2023), and it has been
used to measure language model quality in previ-
ous work (Kaplan et al., 2020; Hoffmann et al.,
2022; Lin et al., 2024).
We compare the Goldfish models with XGLM
4.5B (Lin et al., 2022; 134 languages), XGLM
7.5B (30 languages), BLOOM 7.1B (Scao et al.,
2022; 46 languages), and MaLA-500 10B (Lin
et al., 2024; 534 languages). We also compare
to simple bigram models trained on the Goldfish
datasets.4 In all cases, we use the Goldfish model
trained on the maximum amount of data in each
language (maximum 1GB).
FLORES log-perplexity results. The Goldfish
reach lower log-perplexities than all four compari-
son models on 98 of the 204 FLORES languages.
Average log-perplexities for the 100 FLORES lan-
guages included in both XGLM 4.5B and MaLA-
4Bigram and perplexity implementation details in §A.3.
BLOOM 7.1B MaLA-500 10B
Goldfish (ours)
202 / 202
24 / 102
60 / 102
0 / 30
2 / 30
20 / 46
32 / 46
11 / 175
111 / 175
Table 2: FLORES perplexity win rates for each row vs. column model. For example, Goldfish reach lower
log-perplexities than MaLA-500 for 111/175 (63%) of FLORES languages in both Goldfish and MaLA-500.
# Langs
Chance Goldfish XGLM 4.5B XGLM 7.5B
BLOOM 7.1B MaLA-500 10B
Table 3: Reasoning benchmark accuracies averaged over non-English languages. Despite better perplexities, the
Goldfish perform significantly worse than larger multilingual models on reasoning.
500 are reported in Table 1 (excluding XGLM 7.5B
and BLOOM 7.1B there because they are trained
on far fewer languages). On average, the Gold-
fish reach 13% lower log-perplexities than XGLM
4.5B, and 11% lower than MaLA-500 10B.
To ensure that these results are not driven by a
small subset of specific languages, in Table 2 we
report the pairwise “win” rates for Goldfish and
bigrams vs. all four comparison models, for the set
of FLORES languages shared between each pair.
The Goldfish models have a perplexity win rate
above 50% against all comparison models except
XGLM 7.5B, which considers only 30 fairly high-
resource languages (Lin et al., 2022). Notably, the
bigram models also reach lower perplexities than
large multilingual models for a nontrivial number
of languages: 24% of languages in XGLM 4.5B
and 43% of languages in BLOOM 7.1B. Still, the
bigrams have worse perplexities than Goldfish for
all languages. Log-perplexities for individual lan-
guages and models are reported in Table 5.
5 Multilingual Reasoning Benchmarks
Because FLORES perplexities are not necessarily
reflective of complex capabilities in language mod-
els, we also evaluate Goldfish, XGLM, BLOOM,
and MaLA-500 (as in §4) on non-English Bele-
bele (121 languages, reading comprehension; Ban-
darkar et al., 2024), XCOPA (11 languages, com-
monsense; Ponti et al., 2020), and XStoryCloze (10
languages, story commonsense; Lin et al., 2022).
All models are evaluated zero shot with no fine-
tuning. Evaluation task details are in §A.4.
Results for all three reasoning tasks are reported
in Table 3. Although all models perform quite
poorly (close to chance accuracy), the Goldfish
perform substantially worse than the multilingual
models.5 This indicates that the combination of
larger datasets and model sizes in multilingual
pre-training can allow language models to develop
reasoning capabilities in specific languages, even
when perplexities in those languages remain high.
For example, XGLM 7.5B has worse perplexities
than Goldfish for 82 Belebele languages (in fact,
worse than bigrams for 77 languages), but it out-
performs Goldfish on Belebele (reading compre-
hension) for 56 of those languages. This is in stark
contrast with monolingual language models, which
generally must reach low perplexities and acquire
basic grammatical capabilities before developing
reasoning abilities (Liu et al., 2021; Choshen et al.,
2022; Xia et al., 2023; Chang et al., 2024). Intu-
itively, it may be that abstract reasoning patterns
are often more language-agnostic than grammatical
text generation, and thus multilingual pre-training
primarily benefits the former.
6 Conclusion
We pre-train and release Goldfish, a suite of over
1000 monolingual language models for 350 lan-
guages. The Goldfish achieve perplexities that are
competitive with, and on average lower than, state-
of-the-art multilingual language models across lan-
guages. However, they underperform large multi-
lingual models on reasoning tasks; in low-resource
languages, it appears that multilingual pre-training
facilitates nontrivial reasoning capabilities despite
extremely poor perplexities. We publicly release
all Goldfish models to be used as comparable base-
lines, fine-tuning sources, or augmentations to
larger models (e.g. cross-lingual experts; Blevins
et al., 2024) in future low-resource NLP research.
5It is unlikely that this effect is due to model size alone;
the Goldfish models (125M parameters) have easily enough
capacity for their maximum of 1GB of text data.
Comparability and availability.
In order to in-
clude as many low-resource languages as possible,
the Goldfish models are trained on corpora com-
piled from a wide variety sources (§A.1). Still,
5MB of text (roughly 1M tokens) is not publicly
available for many of the world’s languages. Even
where text is available, corpora for different lan-
guages vary significantly both in cleanliness and
domain coverage (e.g. news vs. social media vs.
books). Thus, while we release models trained on
comparable quantities of text in different languages
(including accounting for byte premiums; Arnett
et al., 2024; §3.1), the models are not perfectly
comparable across languages. In fact, it is likely
that such perfect comparability is impossible given
the diversity of the world’s languages, cultures,
and language use. Even directly translated datasets
are not perfectly comparable across languages (Jill
Levine and Lateef-Jan, 2018). Thus, the Goldfish
models aim to maximize model and dataset com-
parability across languages while still covering a
wide variety of languages.
Monolinguality. By design, all of the Goldfish
models are monolingual. For low-resource lan-
guages, training on closely related languages would
likely improve performance (Conneau et al., 2020;
Chang et al., 2023). However, adding multilin-
gual data introduces concerns such as the choice
of added languages (some languages have more
closely related languages in our dataset than oth-
ers), quantities of added data, and model capacity
limitations. To maximize comparability across lan-
guages and to allow the models to serve as clearly-
defined baselines, we train all Goldfish models
monolingually. Of course, language-annotated text
datasets inevitably contain mislabeled text, partic-
ularly for similar languages (Caswell et al., 2020;
Blevins and Zettlemoyer, 2022; Kreutzer et al.,
2022). Thus, we cannot guarantee that our models
are entirely free from cross-language contamina-
tion, although they are monolingual to the best
ability of current language identification models.
Model and dataset sizes. Because the Goldfish
are focused on low-resource languages, we restrict
all models to 1GB of training text (after byte pre-
mium scaling; Arnett et al., 2024). For the majority
of the world’s languages, 1GB is sufficient to in-
clude all publicly available text data in the language.
At these small dataset sizes, larger models do not
appear to provide significant benefit over smaller
models (Kaplan et al., 2020; Hoffmann et al., 2022;
Chang et al., 2023). Thus, the largest Goldfish
model that we train for each language has 125M
parameters and is trained on a maximum of 1GB
of text. This is the same model size as GPT-1 (Rad-
ford et al., 2018) or BERT (Devlin et al., 2019),
and the 1GB dataset size is approximately 20% of
the dataset size of GPT-1 (Radford et al., 2018).
Downstream tasks. We evaluate the Goldfish
models on FLORES log-perplexity (§4) and three
reasoning benchmarks (§5). These are some of the
only evaluations that can be used for autoregres-
sive language models in many languages, but they
have significant limitations. Perplexity is not nec-
essarily predictive of grammatical text generation
(Hu et al., 2020) or complex reasoning capabili-
ties (Levy et al., 2024), but it still provides rea-
sonable signal for model performance (Xia et al.,
2023) and it is often used to roughly quantify lan-
guage model quality (Kaplan et al., 2020; Hoff-
mann et al., 2022). On the other hand, reasoning
benchmarks require annotated datasets and thus of-
ten cover fewer languages. One notable exception
is Belebele (121 non-English languages; Bandarkar
et al., 2024), but even large state-of-the-art models
perform quite poorly on Belebele without tuning
or few-shot prompting (§5). Thus, our evaluations
of model reasoning are not entirely conclusive; we
may primarily be measuring heuristics that allow
the models to perform only somewhat above chance
(arguably, this might still be considered a basic
form of “reasoning”). We hope that tractable eval-
uation datasets with broad language coverage will
become increasingly available in the future.
Risks and dataset licensing. Trained on a max-
imum of 1GB of text each, the Goldfish models
have very limited capabilities relative to modern
language models in high-resource languages. The
Goldfish are trained on publicly-released corpora
used in previous NLP research (§A.1), but we can-
not guarantee that the data is free from offensive
content or personally identifying information. We
do not redistribute the data itself. Furthermore, our
models are small, which reduces the likelihood that
they will regurgitate memorized text (Carlini et al.,
2023). As far as we are aware, we do not include
any datasets that prohibit use for language model
training. We report all included datasets in §A.1.
We will remove models for affected languages if
contacted by dataset owners.
We would like to thank the UCSD Language and
Cognition Lab for valuable discussion. Some
models were trained on hardware provided by the
NVIDIA Corporation as part of an NVIDIA Aca-
demic Hardware Grant. Some models were also
trained on the UCSD Social Sciences Research and
Development Environment (SSRDE). Zhuowen Tu
is supported by NSF IIS-2127544. Tyler Chang is
partially supported by the UCSD HDSI graduate
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A Appendix
A.1 Training Dataset Details
Data sources. As described in §3.1, we merge
the text datasets compiled in Chang et al. (2023),
Glot500 (Imani et al., 2023), and MADLAD-400
(clean split; Kudugunta et al., 2023). These datasets
include popular multilingual corpora such as OS-
CAR (Ortiz Suárez et al., 2019; Abadji et al., 2021),
Wikipedia (Wikipedia, 2024), No Language Left
Behind (Costa-jussà et al., 2022), and others. To-
gether, these datasets take advantage of both au-
tomatically crawled datasets with automated lan-
guage identification and targeted datasets manually
annotated for specific low-resource languages. All
included datasets are publicly available; see Lim-
itations for licensing concerns. Comprehensively,
the Goldfish dataset includes:
• Chang et al. (2023):
OSCAR (Ortiz Suárez et al., 2019; Abadji
et al., 2021), Wikipedia (Wikipedia, 2024),
No Language Left Behind (Costa-jussà et al.,
2022), Leipzig Corpora Collection (Goldhahn
et al., 2012), eBible translations (eBible, 2023),
Tatoeba (Tiedemann, 2012, 2020), AfriBERTa
(Ogueji et al., 2021), NusaX (Winata et al.,
2023), AmericasNLP (Mager et al., 2021),
Nunavut Hansard Inuktitut–English Parallel
Corpus (Joanis et al., 2020), Cherokee-English
ChrEn dataset (Zhang et al., 2020), Cherokee
Corpus (Cherokee Corpus, 2023), Cree Corpus
(Teodorescu et al., 2022), Languages of Russia
(Zaydelman et al., 2016), Evenki Life news-
paper (Zueva et al., 2020), transcribed Fula
Speech Corpora (Cawoylel, 2023), IsiXhosa
(Podile and Eiselen, 2016), Ewe Language Cor-
pus (Gbedevi Akouyo et al., 2021), Makerere
Luganda Corpora (Mukiibi et al., 2022), CMU
Haitian Creole dataset (CMU, 2010), Tigrinya
Language Modeling Dataset (Gaim et al., 2021),
and Ulukau (Ulukau, 2023).
• Glot500 (Imani et al., 2023):
AI4Bharat (AI4Bharat, 2023), AI FOR THAI
LotusCorpus (AI FOR THAI, 2023), Arabic
Dialects Dataset (El-Haj et al., 2018), AfriB-
ERTa (Ogueji et al., 2021), AfroMAFT (Ade-
lani et al., 2022; Xue et al., 2021), Anu-
vaad (Anuvaad, 2023), AraBench (Sajjad et al.,
2020), Autshumato (Autshumato, 2023) Bloom
Library (Leong et al., 2022), CC100 (Con-
neau et al., 2020), CCNet (Wenzek et al.,
2020), CMU Haitian Creole (CMU, 2010),
SADiLaR NCHLT corpus (SADiLaR, 2023b),
Clarin (Clarin, 2023), DART (Alsarsour et al.,
2018), Earthlings (Dunn, 2020), FFR Dataset
(FFR Dataset, 2023), GiossaMedia (Góngora
et al., 2022, 2021), Glosses (Camacho-Collados
et al., 2016), Habibi (El-Haj, 2020), HinDi-
alect (Bafna, 2022), HornMT (HornMT, 2023),
IITB (Kunchukuttan et al., 2018), IndicNLP
(Nakazawa et al., 2021), Indiccorp (Kakwani
et al., 2020), isiZulu (Mabuya et al., 2023),
JParaCrawl (Morishita et al., 2020), kinyarwan-
daSMT (Niyongabo, 2023), LeipzigData (Gold-
hahn et al., 2012), LINDAT (LINDAT, 2023),
Lingala Song Lyrics (Lingala Songs, 2023),
LyricsTranslate (LyricsTranslate, 2023), mC4
(Raffel et al., 2020), MTData (Gowda et al.,
2021), MaCoCu (Bañón et al., 2022), Makerere
MT Corpus (Mukiibi et al., 2022), Masakhane
Community (Masakhane, 2023), Mburisano
Covid Corpus (SADiLaR, 2023a), Menyo20K
(Adelani et al., 2021a), Minangkabau corpora
(Koto and Koto, 2020), MoT (Palen-Michel
et al., 2022), NLLB seed (Costa-jussà et al.,
2022), Nart Abkhaz text (Nart, 2023), OPUS
(Tiedemann, 2012), OSCAR (Ortiz Suárez et al.,
2019), ParaCrawl (Bañón et al., 2020), Par-
allel Corpora for Ethiopian Languages (Te-
ferra Abate et al., 2018), Phontron (Neubig,
2011), QADI (Abdelali et al., 2021), Quechua-
IIC (Zevallos et al., 2022), SLI GalWeb.1.0
(Agerri et al., 2018), Shami (Abu Kwaik et al.,
2018), Stanford NLP (Stanford, 2023), StatMT
(Koehn, 2023), TICO (Anastasopoulos et al.,
2020), TIL (Mirzakhalov et al., 2021), Tatoeba
(Tiedemann, 2020), TeDDi (Moran et al., 2022),
Tilde (Rozis and Skadin, š, 2017), W2C (Ma-
jliš, 2011), WAT (Nakazawa et al., 2022),
WikiMatrix (Schwenk et al., 2021), Wikipedia
(Wikipedia, 2024), Workshop on NER for South
and South East Asian Languages (Singh, 2008),
and XLSum (Hasan et al., 2021).
• MADLAD-400 (Kudugunta et al., 2023):
CommonCrawl (Common Crawl, 2022).
We start with the corpus from Chang et al. (2023).
We then merge the dataset per language with
Glot500 for languages that have not yet reached our
1GB maximum (after byte premium scaling). Then,
we merge the dataset with MADLAD-400 for lan-
guages that have still not reached our 1GB maxi-
mum. We also add MADLAD-400 for languages
with short average line lengths (less than 25.0 to-
kens), to make use of MADLAD-400’s longer con-
tiguous sequences. To allow comparisons on popu-
lar low-resource language evaluations, we exclude
FLORES-200 (Costa-jussà et al., 2022) and Amer-
icasNLI (Ebrahimi et al., 2022) from all dataset
merging. For each dataset, we exclude languages
that contain only Bible data. Because there is
likely significant overlap between different dataset
sources, we deduplicate repeated sequences of 100
UTF-8 bytes for each language (Lee et al., 2022).
Language codes. To enable dataset merging per
language, several datasets must be converted to
ISO 639-3 language codes and ISO 15924 script
In some cases, this introduces ambigu-
ity because datasets can be labeled as individ-
ual language codes (e.g. quy_latn for Ayacu-
cho Quechua and quz_latn for Cusco Quechua)
or as macrolanguage codes (e.g. que_latn for
In these cases, we compile both a
macrolanguage dataset and individual language
datasets. Datasets labeled with individual codes
contribute both to their individual dataset and their
umbrella macrolanguage dataset; datasets labeled
with macrolanguage codes contribute only to the
macrolanguage dataset. For example, we have in-
dividual quy_latn and quz_latn datasets, both
of which contribute to a larger que_latn dataset,
which also contains datasets labeled only with
que_latn. These ambiguities primarily appear for
lower-resource languages.
Additionally, we drop several redundant lan-
guage codes:
• We drop ory_orya (Odia) in favor of the
macrocode ori_orya because ory_orya is the
only individual language within ori_orya for
which we have any data.
• For the same reason, we drop npi_deva
(Nepali) in favor of the macrocode nep_deva.
• For the same reason, we drop swh_latn
(Swahili) in favor of the macrocode swa_latn.
• We drop cmn_hans (Mandarin) in favor of
the macrocode zho_hans (Chinese) because
the zho_hans data is almost entirely in Man-
darin. While less specific, zho_hans is com-
monly used by other datasets. For other Chi-
nese languages, see their individual codes (e.g.
yue_hant for Cantonese). We note that the sim-
ilar code zho_hant (traditional characters) is
not primarily Mandarin.
• We drop hbs_cyrl and hbs_latn (Serbo-
Croatian) because we have the individual lan-
guages Serbian (srp_cyrl and srp_latn),
Croatian (hrv_latn), and Bosnian (bos_cyrl
and bos_latn).
• We drop the deprecated code ajp_arab (Levan-
tine Arabic) in favor of apc_arab.
• We drop ber_latn (Berber) because it is a col-
lective code for distinct (and often not mutually
intelligible) languages. We keep the constituent
individual languages.
• We drop nah_latn (Nahuatl) because it is a
collective code for distinct languages. We keep
the constituent individual languages.
After merging, we have a dataset of 547GB of text
covering 523 language-script combinations (486
unique language codes, 32 unique script codes).
Byte premiums. As described in §3.1, we then
scale our dataset sizes by estimated byte premi-
ums (Arnett et al., 2024). A byte premium b for
a language L indicates that content-matched (i.e.
parallel) text in L takes b× as many UTF-8 bytes to
encode as English. We use the Byte Premium Tool
(Arnett et al., 2024) to compute or estimate the byte
premium for all of our languages. Byte premiums
are pre-computed in the tool for high-resource lan-
guages. For each novel low-resource language L,
we use the tool (which uses a linear regression) to
predict the byte premium for L based on the charac-
ter entropy for text in L and the script type for L (al-
phabet, abjad, abugida, or logography), as recom-
mended for low-resource languages in Arnett et al.
(2024). Then, we have an estimated byte premium
for every language in our dataset. We clip each byte
premium to a minimum of 0.70 and a maximum
of 5.00; clipping occurs for only three languages
(lzh_hant, wuu_hani → 0.70, mya_mymr → 5.00).
As described in §3.1, all of our training datasets
(both for tokenizers and for the models themselves)
are sampled based on size in bytes after byte pre-
mium scaling. We drop languages with less than
5MB of text after byte premium scaling.
Dataset statistics. The resulting 350 Goldfish
languages cover five continents, 28 top-level lan-
guage families (Hammarström et al., 2023), and 32
scripts (writing systems). All languages for which
Goldfish models are available are listed in Table 6.
We include the language name, ISO 639-3 lan-
guage code, ISO 15924 script code, estimated byte
premium, dataset size after byte premium scaling,
dataset size in tokens, and proportion of the dataset
from each of our four largest sources. Raw dataset
sizes before byte premium scaling can be obtained
by multiplying the dataset size after byte premium
scaling by the estimated byte premium. Source
dataset proportions are reported before deduplica-
tion. The reported dataset sizes reflect the dataset
for the Goldfish model trained on the maximum
amount of data for that language (the 1GB-dataset
Total parameters
Embedding size
Hidden size
Intermediate hidden size
Attention heads
Attention head size
Learning rate
Batch size
Activation function
Max sequence length
Position embedding
Learning rate decay
Warmup steps
Adam ϵ
Adam β1
Adam β2
Attention dropout
5MB,10MB 100MB,1GB,full
5MB: 4, 10MB: 8,
100MB: 32, 1GB: 64
10% of pre-training
Table 4: Pre-training hyperparameters for Goldfish
trained on different dataset sizes (Devlin et al., 2019;
Turc et al., 2019; Radford et al., 2018).
Goldfish when available, otherwise the full-dataset
Goldfish). Reported token counts use the tok-
enizer for the largest Goldfish model for that lan-
guage. All dataset statistics can be downloaded at
A.2 Pre-Training Details
As described in §3.2, we train monolingual lan-
guage models for five dataset sizes when available
after byte premium scaling: 5MB, 10MB, 100MB,
1GB, and full. The full dataset size (including all
available data) is only included if a 1GB dataset
is not available for a language. In total, the Gold-
fish include 350 5MB-dataset models, 288 10MB-
dataset models, 166 100MB-dataset models, 83
1GB-dataset models, and 267 full-dataset models
(1154 models total). Full hyperparameters are re-
ported in Table 4.
Tokenizers. All tokenizers are trained with vo-
cabulary size 50K (Liu et al., 2019) on the same
dataset size as their corresponding model (includ-
ing byte premium scaling). We use SentencePiece
tokenizers (Kudo and Richardson, 2018) with train-
ing text randomly sampled from the dataset for
the desired language. To avoid memory errors, we
limit tokenizer training text to 100MB after byte
premium scaling. After tokenizer training, we tok-
enize each training dataset, concatenating text lines
such that each sequence contains exactly 512 to-
kens. We run tokenization before shuffling and
sampling to the desired dataset sizes, so our se-
quences of 512 tokens preserve contiguous text
where possible, although several of our source cor-
pora only exist in shuffled form. Finally, we sample
our tokenized datasets to 5MB, 10MB, 100MB, and
1GB after byte premium scaling.6
Architectures. All of our models use the GPT-
2 architecture (Radford et al., 2019), changing
only the number of layers, attention heads, and
embedding sizes as in Turc et al. (2019). For the
100MB-, 1GB-, and full-dataset models, we use the
125M-parameter architecture equivalent to GPT-1
(Radford et al., 2018) (similar to BERT-base and
RoBERTa; Devlin et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2019).
Because smaller models perform similarly to larger
models in low-resource scenarios (Chang et al.,
2023), we use the small model size (39M param-
eters) from Turc et al. (2019) for the 10MB and
5MB dataset sizes.
Training hyperparameters. Language models
are pre-trained using the Hugging Face Transform-
ers library (Wolf et al., 2020) and code from Chang
and Bergen (2022). We refrain from extensive hy-
perparameter tuning to avoid biasing our hyperpa-
rameters towards English (or any other selected
tuning language). Instead, we adopt hyperparam-
eters from previous work with minimal modifica-
tions. To match the setup of our models and to pre-
vent overfitting, we select hyperparameters based
on models with fairly small training datasets rela-
tive to modern standards. Specifically, following
BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), we use learning rate
1e-4 for the 125M-parameter models (the same as
RoBERTa for small batch sizes; Liu et al., 2019;
GPT-1 uses learning rate 2.5e-4; Radford et al.,
2018). Based on initial results using randomly-
sampled languages, we find that learning rate 1e-4
also works well for the 39M-parameter models;
this is in line with Chang et al. (2023), who find
that learning rate 2e-4 works well for small models,
and smaller learning rates reduce the speed of any
potential overfitting.
We train each model for 10 epochs of the train-
ing data; multiple epochs of pre-training is benefi-
cial in data-constrained scenarios (Muennighoff
6When de-tokenized,
the tokenized datasets result in
slightly smaller datasets than the original text datasets, because
the tokenizer truncates lines to create 512-token sequences.
All reported dataset sizes account for this truncation.
et al., 2023), but pre-training on more than 10
epochs often leads to overfitting (increases in eval
loss) in the 5MB scenarios. For batch sizes, fol-
lowing GPT-1 (most similar to our models; Rad-
ford et al., 2018), we use batch size 64 (64×512
= 32K tokens) for the 1GB-dataset models. We
find that these larger batch sizes lead to overfitting
for small datasets, so we use batch sizes 4, 8, and
32 for 5MB-, 10MB-, and 100MB-dataset models
respectively (determined based on initial experi-
ments with randomly-sampled languages). These
correspond to batches of 2K, 4K, or 16K tokens.
For full-dataset models, we use the batch size that
would be used if rounding the dataset size down
to 5MB, 10MB, or 100MB (recall that we do not
train a full-dataset model when the 1GB dataset is
available for a language).
Compute costs. All language model pre-training
runs together take a total of 1.65 × 1020 FLOPs.
This is less than 1/1900× the computation used
to train the original 175B-parameter GPT-3 model
(Brown et al., 2020; 3.14 × 1023 FLOPs). Models
are each trained on one NVIDIA GeForce GTX TI-
TAN X, GeForce RTX 2080 Ti, TITAN Xp, Quadro
P6000, RTX A4500, RTX A5000, or RTX A6000
GPU. In total, Goldfish pre-training takes the equiv-
alent of approximately 15600 A6000 GPU hours.
Inference for FLORES perplexities and reasoning
benchmarks takes approximately 250 A6000 GPU
hours (primarily due to the large multilingual mod-
els used for comparison). Dataset merging, dedupli-
cation, and tokenization takes approximately 1600
CPU core hours.
A.3 FLORES Evaluation Details
In §4, we evaluate the Goldfish models, XGLM
4.5B, XGLM 7.5B, BLOOM 7.1B, MaLA-500
10B, and bigram models on FLORES log-
perplexity (negative log-likelihood). For each FLO-
RES sequence s, we compute the probability of
the second half s1 of the sequence given the first
half s0. The first and second half are determined
based on number of characters, so the halfway
split is the same for all models considered. We
round to the nearest token when the halfway split
is in the middle of a subword token. Each model
M then assigns some probability PM(s1|s0) re-
gardless of tokenization, except for rounding the
halfway point to the nearest token. The proba-
bility for any [UNK] (unknown) token is set to
random chance 1/v where v is the tokenizer vocab-
ulary size.7 As our final log-perplexity score, we
compute the mean negative-log-probability over
all FLORES sequences in the target language. Be-
cause perplexities generally use geometric means,
we use arithmetic means for log-perplexities. The
final equation is presented in Equation 1.
FLORES log-perplexities for all models and
languages are reported in Table 5. For Goldfish
models, we report the log-perplexity for the model
trained on the largest dataset for the language (i.e.
the 1GB-dataset model when available, otherwise
the full-dataset model). Log-perplexities of the
5MB-, 10MB-, 100MB-, and 1GB-dataset mod-
els specifically are available at https://github.
Bigram model details. For each FLORES lan-
guage, we train a bigram model on the entire
Goldfish dataset for that language, up to 1GB
after byte premium scaling §3.1. The bigram
model computes the probability of each token wi
as P (wi|wi−1), computed based on raw bigram
counts in the tokenized Goldfish dataset. The tok-
enizer is the same as the Goldfish tokenizer for that
dataset (i.e. the 1GB-dataset model when available,
or the full-dataset model). When a bigram is not
observed in the dataset, we use backoff to unigram
probability with a penalty multiplier of λ = 0.40
(i.e. “stupid backoff”; Brants et al., 2007). We
do not consider n-grams for n > 2 because those
n-grams often resort to backoff and are therefore
much more sensitive to the backoff penalty term λ.
Ambiguous or missing languages. Several of
the FLORES and Belebele languages are either
missing from Goldfish or have multiple possible
Goldfish available (e.g. either the macrolanguage
que_latn or individual language quy_latn for
FLORES language quy_latn). We make the fol-
lowing substitutions:
• taq_tfng → None,
tzm_tfng → None.
None of the language models evaluated are
trained on these languages, and no Goldfish are
trained with the Tifinagh (tfng) script.
• awa_deva → hin_deva,
kam_latn → kik_latn.
7Otherwise, for unseen writing systems (e.g. Tibetan script
tibt in XGLM), the probability P ([UNK]|[UNK] [UNK] ...)
is very high, resulting in artificially low perplexities. Setting
the [UNK] token probabilities to random chance has very little
effect on log-perplexity scores except for the scenario of an
unseen writing system.
kas_arab → urd_arab,
mni_beng → ben_beng,
nus_latn → din_latn,
taq_latn → kab_latn,
Here, we use the closest relative in Goldfish that
uses the same script.
• ace_arab → urd_arab,
arb_latn → mlt_latn,
ben_latn → hin_latn,
bjn_arab → urd_arab,
min_arab → urd_arab,
npi_latn → hin_latn,
sin_latn → hin_latn,
urd_latn → hin_latn,
These are languages that are missing from Gold-
fish and that are written in a nonstandard script
for the language (e.g. Arabic in Latin script).
We use the closest relative in Goldfish that uses
that script.
• acm_arab → arb_arab,
acq_arab → arb_arab,
aeb_arab → arb_arab,
ajp_arab → arb_arab,
als_latn → sqi_latn,
ars_arab → arb_arab,
ary_arab → arb_arab,
ayr_latn → aym_latn,
azb_arab → aze_arab,
azj_latn → aze_latn,
dik_latn → din_latn,
gaz_latn → orm_latn,
khk_cyrl → mon_cyrl,
kmr_latn → kur_latn,
lvs_latn → lav_latn,
npi_deva → nep_deva,
ory_orya → ori_orya,
pbt_arab → pus_arab,
plt_latn → mlg_latn,
quy_latn → que_latn,
swh_latn → swa_latn,
uzn_latn → uzb_latn,
ydd_hebr → yid_hebr,
yue_hant → zho_hant,
zsm_latn → msa_latn,
These languages map to multiple different
Goldfish languages or are individual languages
within a macrolanguage code included in Gold-
fish. When the option is available, we use the
Goldfish language with more data.
A.4 Reasoning Task Details
In §5, we evaluate the Goldfish models, XGLM
4.5B, XGLM 7.5B, BLOOM 7.1B, and MaLA-500
10B on:
• Non-English Belebele (121 languages, reading
comprehension; Bandarkar et al., 2024). For
languages that are ambiguous or missing from
Goldfish, we use the same language code map-
ping as in §A.3. Each Belebele example con-
sists of a passage, a question, and four candi-
date answers. We evaluate model accuracy in
selecting the correct answer by computing text
probabilities for each “[passage] [question] [an-
swer_option]”. No model exceeds 41% accu-
racy for any language (random chance 25%).
• XCOPA (11 languages, commonsense reason-
ing; Ponti et al., 2020). Each example con-
sists of a premise sentence and two possible
causes or effects (i.e. answer options). We
use the task format and evaluation implemen-
tation in Gao et al. (2023). This selects an-
swers based on a model’s computed text proba-
bilities for each “[premise] [connecting_word]
[cause/effect_option]”, where the connecting
word is the translation of “because” (for causes)
or “therefore” (for effects).
• Non-English XStoryCloze (10 languages, story
commonsense; Lin et al., 2022). Each exam-
ple consists of a context story and two possi-
ble story completions. We use the task for-
mat and evaluation implementation in Gao
et al. (2023). This selects answers based on
a model’s computed text probabilities for each
“[story_context] [completion_option]”.
All models are evaluated zero shot with no fine-
tuning. Results per language are available at https:
Table 5: FLORES log-perplexity score (↓) for each model and FLORES language. Parentheses
indicate that the model is not trained specifically on that language.
FLORES log-perplexity
Goldfish Bigram XGLM 4.5B XGLM 7.5B BLOOM 7.1B MaLA-500 10B
(287.55) (365.59)
(96.60) (124.48)
(95.54) (124.94)
(116.01) (140.30)
(98.92) (125.28)
(245.97) (346.80)
(83.68) (118.50)
(128.66) (155.55)
(128.70) (169.05)
(297.57) (383.82)
(240.45) (264.47)
(252.81) (304.08)
(308.31) (399.00)
(176.58) (274.13)
(217.98) (276.12)
(241.82) (267.82)
Table 6: Goldfish languages with corresponding dataset sizes.
(ISO 639-3) (ISO 15924) Premium
Byte Scaled
Tokens Dataset Proportions
Standard Arabic
Modern Greek
Norwegian Bokmål
1.04 1000.00 239682048
1.72 1000.00 211767808
1.47 1000.00 196197376
1.30 1000.00 233091584
2.01 1000.00 254138368
2.43 1000.00 194737152
1.15 1000.00 232501760
0.97 1000.00 228266496
1.81 1000.00 224346112
1.09 1000.00 238915072
1.04 1000.00 206113280
1.03 1000.00 236230144
1.02 1000.00 208085504
1.05 1000.00 210817024
1.97 1000.00 238704128
1.00 1000.00 213977088
1.00 1000.00 231384576
0.97 1000.00 189518336
1.06 1000.00 209921536
1.59 1000.00 244359680
1.33 1000.00 274955776
1.06 1000.00 186050560
1.17 1000.00 251415552
1.06 1000.00 222080000
2.16 1000.00 193794560
1.18 1000.00 277416448
1.36 1000.00 192904704
2.37 1000.00 228020736
0.99 1000.00 219422208
1.02 1000.00 191089664
1.72 1000.00 203630592
1.18 1000.00 210432000
1.15 1000.00 236872704
1.07 1000.00 216099840
1.32 1000.00 219063296
1.92 1000.00 212100608
2.64 1000.00 212683264
4.34 1000.00 354762752
1.76 1000.00 199970304
1.96 1000.00 223066112
1.29 1000.00 227021824
0.88 1000.00 188774912
1.29 1000.00 243401728
1.03 1000.00 201228800
2.88 1000.00 244708864
2.48 1000.00 206630400
1.83 1000.00 221346304
1.09 1000.00 283158528
1.78 1000.00 205737472
1.29 1000.00 236371456
2.63 1000.00 215368192
1.05 1000.00 216978432
1.00 1000.00 205949952
1.13 1000.00 255482880
Iranian Persian
Standard Malay
Central Kurdish
Central Khmer
Scottish Gaelic
Norwegian Nynorsk
Western Frisian
2.22 1000.00 215775232
1.60 1000.00 215946240
1.08 1000.00 216235008
1.10 1000.00 225242112
1.59 1000.00 237871616
1.12 1000.00 230580224
1.82 1000.00 220467712
2.45 1000.00 233098752
1.04 1000.00 211206144
0.97 1000.00 198052864
1.42 1000.00 302652928
1.08 1000.00 221790720
1.34 1000.00 274664448
1.42 1000.00 184423424
0.83 1000.00 207482368
1.26 1000.00 260033024
1.02 1000.00 206359552
2.73 1000.00 200523264
1.85 1000.00 232933888
2.62 1000.00 209365504
1.75 1000.00 216990208
1.12 1000.00 245370880
2.74 1000.00 205872640
1.04 1000.00 186848768
1.75 1000.00 215392768
1.71 1000.00 247899648
1.23 1000.00 261058560
1.35 1000.00 262306304
0.94 1000.00 206204416
976.70 404823040
902.39 196483584
859.52 185929728
838.87 190565888
810.96 193561088
775.80 185333248
774.55 165528576
764.14 199965696
762.14 315374592
742.37 235559424
720.80 210497024
685.53 189872128
634.02 114510336
608.11 151712256
579.07 160200192
577.96 142266368
558.84 123736064
540.21 140301312
532.98 124077056
525.51 110868992
502.55 155829248
498.93 116016128
477.36 127885824
472.81 133072384
465.58 115332096
459.14 114626048
450.17 136011776
444.13 112440832
414.00 126150656
398.36 118369280
397.21 104039936
388.31 119706112
Modern Greek
Plateau Malagasy
Tosk Albanian
Southern Sotho
Southern Pashto
Central Kanuri
Northern Uzbek
Ancient Greek
North Azerbaijani
Northern Uzbek
Swiss German
Ayacucho Quechua
Egyptian Arabic
Western Panjabi
Eastern Yiddish
Halh Mongolian
South Azerbaijani
West Central Oromo
Yue Chinese
Low German
345.97 100051968
314.93 101910016
221.65 237422592
Northern Sami
Standard Estonian
Northern Kurdish
Mari (Russia)
Crimean Tatar
Min Nan Chinese
Tedim Chin
Standard Latvian
Hakha Chin
Central Aymara
Fiji Hindi
Eastern Mari
Russia Buriat
Nigerian Pidgin
Wu Chinese
Nigerian Fulfulde
Querétaro Otomi
Tonga (Tonga Islands)
Tok Pisin
Literary Chinese
Gulf Arabic
Falam Chin
Southern Altai
Southwestern Dinka
Goan Konkani
Sranan Tongo
Goan Konkani
Upper Sorbian
North Ndebele
Central Kanuri
Central Bikol
Cusco Quechua
Western Mari
Brunei Bisaya
Levantine Arabic
Paite Chin
Boko (Benin)
Batak Toba
Guerrero Nahuatl
Crimean Tatar
Northern Frisian
Eastern Balochi
Carpathian Romani
Old English
Kedah Malay
Tandroy-Mahafaly Malagasy
Lingua Franca Nova
Eastern Huasteca Nahuatl
ai_researcher | 1 | Knowledge-aware_Assessment_of_Severity_of_Suicide_Risk_for_Early_Intervention.pdf | KaLM: Knowledge-aligned Autoregressive Language Modeling via
Dual-view Knowledge Graph Contrastive Learning
Peng Yu 1, Cheng Deng1, Beiya Dai1, Xinbing Wang1, Ying Wen1*
1Shanghai Jiao Tong University
{pursuit_yp, davendw, beiya_dai, xwang8, ying.wen}
Autoregressive large language models (LLMs)
pre-trained by next token prediction are inher-
ently proficient in generative tasks. However,
their performance on knowledge-driven tasks
such as factual knowledge querying remains un-
satisfactory. Knowledge graphs (KGs), as high-
quality structured knowledge bases, can pro-
vide reliable knowledge for LLMs, potentially
compensating for their knowledge deficiencies.
Aligning LLMs with explicit, structured knowl-
edge from KGs has been a challenge; previ-
ous attempts either failed to effectively align
knowledge representations or compromised the
generative capabilities of LLMs, leading to less-
than-optimal outcomes. This paper proposes
KaLM, a Knowledge-aligned Language Mod-
eling approach, which fine-tunes autoregres-
sive LLMs to align with KG knowledge via the
joint objective of explicit knowledge alignment
and implicit knowledge alignment. The ex-
plicit knowledge alignment objective aims to di-
rectly optimize the knowledge representation of
LLMs through dual-view knowledge graph con-
trastive learning. The implicit knowledge align-
ment objective focuses on incorporating tex-
tual patterns of knowledge into LLMs through
triple completion language modeling. Notably,
our method achieves a significant performance
boost in evaluations of knowledge-driven tasks,
specifically embedding-based knowledge graph
completion and generation-based knowledge
graph question answering.
Large language models (LLMs) like PaLM 2 (Anil
et al., 2023) and GPT-4 (Achiam et al., 2023) have
recently made remarkable advancements in a wide
range of natural language processing tasks (Li et al.,
2022; Su et al., 2019). However, LLMs still face
challenges in tasks requiring factual or domain-
specific knowledge, resulting in unsatisfactory per-
formance in knowledge-driven tasks. From the
* Ying Wen is the corresponding author.
perspective of knowledge representation, LLMs
serve as parametric knowledge bases, providing im-
plicit, non-deterministic knowledge, while knowl-
edge graphs (KGs) function as structured knowl-
edge bases, offering explicit, deterministic knowl-
edge. KGs, commonly organized as factual knowl-
edge triples describing relations between entities,
can serve as a reliable knowledge source for LLMs.
Aligning LLMs with KG knowledge can enhance
the knowledge reasoning capabilities of LLMs and
improve their performance on knowledge-driven
tasks, such as knowledge graph completion (KGC)
and knowledge graph question answering (KGQA).
Autoregressive LLMs pre-trained through next
token prediction tasks often exhibit limitations in
knowledge representation, leading to embeddings
that lack diversity and specificity. This limitation
becomes evident in tasks that demand distinctive
sentence embeddings, such as dense retrieval and
semantic search (Muennighoff, 2022; Ma et al.,
2023). As demonstrated in Figure 1(a), the repre-
sentations generated by LLMs tend to be overly
homogeneous across different pieces of knowledge,
undermining their effectiveness in applications re-
quiring fine-grained semantic distinctions.
The concept of explicit knowledge alignment
is introduced to directly optimize the knowledge
representation within language models by devising
direct knowledge training objectives. This strategy
emerges in response to the observed degradation
in knowledge representation within autoencoder-
based pre-trained language models (PLMs), a phe-
nomenon termed representation anisotropy (Etha-
yarajh, 2019). This issue is characterized by the
clustering of learned token and sentence embed-
dings within a constrained area of the representa-
tion space, leading to a lack of distributional uni-
formity (Li et al., 2020). While previous efforts
to address representation anisotropy have largely
concentrated on promoting uniformity among to-
ken representations, they often overlook the critical
(a) LLaMA
(b) KaLM
Figure 1: Similarity matrix of knowledge representations of (a) Llama-2-7B (Touvron et al., 2023) and (b) KaLM.
The values denote the cosine similarity between the head-relation and tail embedding. The diagonal elements
represent positive <head-relation, tail> pairs from the same KG triple, which should maintain high similarity (darker
color); off-diagonal elements represent negative <head-relation, tail> pairs from different KG triples, which should
have lower similarity (lighter color). In an ideal setting, knowledge representations should be able to distinguish
between different triples, while maintaining alignment and uniformity of the representation, as shown in Figure 1(b).
alignment of similar sentence representations (Su
et al., 2021; Li et al., 2020; Su et al., 2022). More
recent works advocate for integrating KG triples
and using knowledge graph embedding losses to
fine-tune PLMs, aiming to bolster their knowledge
representation abilities (Shen et al., 2022; Wang
et al., 2022b). Nonetheless, such approaches may
limit themselves to optimizing at the token level or
reduce the model to a mere text encoder, thereby
diminishing its inherent generative capabilities.
Conversely, implicit knowledge alignment lever-
ages the pre-training or fine-tuning of language
models with external knowledge sources, employ-
ing the vanilla language modeling objective or its
variations. This approach predominantly preserves
the next token prediction framework, essentially re-
taining the native text generation prowess of LLMs.
In the realm of implicit knowledge alignment, the
prevalent practice involves the fine-tuning of LLMs
with KG triples and their textual descriptions, as
opposed to directly altering the hidden knowl-
edge representations (Chen et al., 2022; Yao et al.,
2023). Nevertheless, the efficacy of these meth-
ods on knowledge graph completion tasks remains
substantially inferior when compared to strategies
that directly fine-tune knowledge representations
(Wang et al., 2022b,a). Intriguing findings from
(Fu et al., 2023) reveal that fine-tuning PLMs with
randomly unaligned KG triples can achieve per-
formance on par with that obtained through fine-
tuning with aligned triples in various tasks, includ-
ing named entity recognition and relation classifi-
cation. Their findings suggest that the hidden states
of entities, whether infused with aligned or random
knowledge, exhibit remarkable similarity. Conse-
quently, existing implicit alignment methods fail to
effectively utilize the injected knowledge or accu-
rately discern the connection between newly intro-
duced knowledge and the model’s inherent knowl-
edge, culminating in suboptimal performance.
In this paper, we propose KaLM, a Knowledge-
aligned Language Modeling approach for aligning
LLMs with KG knowledge. Specifically, we use
KG triples and their textual descriptions to fine-
tune LLMs via the joint objective of explicit knowl-
edge alignment and implicit knowledge alignment.
The explicit knowledge alignment objective aims
to directly optimize the hidden representations of
knowledge in LLMs through dual-view knowledge
graph contrastive learning. We theoretically prove
and empirically show that this objective can facili-
tate knowledge representation alignment and alle-
viate representation anisotropy. For KG triples, we
consider tail entity description and the concatena-
tion of head entity description and relation descrip-
tion as two distinct views of the same knowledge.
The key insight is that: (1) representations of two
different views of the same knowledge (i.e., from
the same triple) should be pulled together, while (2)
representations of different knowledge (i.e., from
Tail DescriptionHead-Relation Description0. DescriptionHead-Relation Description0. triples) should be pushed apart. The first
term encourages semantically similar knowledge to
remain close in the representation space, promoting
knowledge representation alignment. The second
term forces dissimilar knowledge to be as far apart
as possible in the vector space, improving knowl-
edge representation uniformity and mitigating rep-
resentation anisotropy. As shown in Figure 1(b),
our method can obtain the ideal knowledge repre-
sentations that are both aligned and uniform.
The implicit knowledge alignment objective fo-
cuses on incorporating textual patterns of knowl-
edge into LLMs through triple completion lan-
guage modeling, which can maintain the gener-
ative capability of LLMs and boost performance on
knowledge inference tasks. We constructed a triple
completion dataset based on the KG triples to fine-
tune LLMs, improving their instruction-following
ability and facilitating implicit knowledge align-
ment. We also show the implicit knowledge align-
ment objective can further boost knowledge repre-
sentation performance. This confirms that both ex-
plicit alignment and implicit alignment are crucial
for knowledge alignment, as they both essentially
require a deep understanding of knowledge.
Our contributions are summarized as follows:
• We introduce KaLM, a knowledge-aligned
language modeling approach that aligns au-
toregressive LLMs with KG knowledge via
the joint objective of explicit knowledge align-
ment and implicit knowledge alignment.
• We theoretically prove and empirically demon-
strate that the explicit knowledge alignment
objective achieved through dual-view knowl-
edge graph contrastive learning can facilitate
knowledge representation alignment and alle-
viate the issue of representation anisotropy.
• The experimental results on knowledge-driven
tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of KaLM.
In the embedding-based KGC task, KaLM sig-
nificantly improves Mean Rank and Hit@10
metrics compared to previous state-of-the-art
methods. In the generation-based KGQA task,
KaLM achieves a notable improvement in an-
swering accuracy compared to the base LLM.
2 Related Work
Our work is closely related to Knowledge Enhance-
ment for LLMs and Representation Anisotropy of
Language Models. A more detailed review of re-
lated work can be found in Appendix A.
Knowledge Enhancement for LLMs Knowl-
edge enhancement aims to incorporate factual and
domain-specific knowledge into LLMs to address
their knowledge deficiencies. This can be divided
into retrieval-based augmentation and training-
based integration. Retrieval-based knowledge aug-
mentation methods leverage external retrieval mod-
ules to provide additional knowledge, aiming to
improve the knowledge reasoning capability of
LLMs (Sun et al., 2023; Jiang et al., 2023). How-
ever, this approach may lead to knowledge conflicts
(Feng et al., 2023), where knowledge in LLMs
and knowledge in the retrieved documents are in-
consistent or the retrieved multiple documents are
contradictory. Training-based knowledge integra-
tion methods involve using KG triple descriptions
to pre-train or fine-tune LLMs, aiming to achieve
knowledge alignment. These methods can be di-
vided into explicit alignment (Wang et al., 2021b;
Yasunaga et al., 2022) and implicit alignment (Yao
et al., 2023; Zhang et al., 2023) based on whether
they directly optimize the knowledge representa-
tion. Nevertheless, prior methods have either sacri-
ficed the generative capability or lacked effective
representation alignment. Our approach enhances
the knowledge of LLMs via a unique joint objective
of explicit alignment and implicit alignment, im-
proving the quality of knowledge representations
and generative knowledge reasoning capabilities.
Representation Anisotropy of Language Models
PLMs have long been plagued by representation
anisotropy (Ethayarajh, 2019), where the learned
token and sentence embeddings are confined to a
narrow cone within the entire representation space.
The issue of representation anisotropy not only re-
sults in model degradation (Su et al., 2022) but
also leads to poor performance on discriminative
tasks. Previous work on alleviating representation
anisotropy has mainly focused on post-processing
techniques such as normalizing flows (Li et al.,
2020) or whitening operations (Su et al., 2021). Su
et al. (2022) propose a contrastive training objective
to encourage learning isotropic token representa-
tions. However, these methods mainly improve the
isotropy of token representations without enhanc-
ing the discriminability of sentence representations.
Our method improves the token-level and sentence-
level representation anisotropy of LLMs through
dual-view knowledge graph contrastive learning,
and it has rigorous theoretical guarantees.
3 Knowledge-aligned Autoregressive
Language Modeling
In this section, we introduce KaLM, a Knowledge-
aligned Language Modeling approach for aligning
LLMs with KG knowledge via the joint objective
of explicit knowledge alignment and implicit knowl-
edge alignment. The overview is shown in Figure 2.
3.1 Notations and Preliminaries
A KG G stores factual knowledge, denoted as G =
(E, R, T , D). E and R are the set of entities and
relations, respectively. D is the description set of
all entities and relations. De and Dr are the textual
description of entity e and relation r, respectively.
T = {(h, r, t)|h, t ∈ E, r ∈ R} is the triple set. A
triple (h, r, t) depicts the fact that there is a relation
r between the head entity h and the tail entity t.
3.2 Explicit Knowledge Alignment
For KG triples, the textual description of the tail
entity and the concatenation of the textual descrip-
tions of the head entity and relation can be seen as
two distinct views of the same knowledge. This
inspires KaLM to align representations of two dis-
tinct views of the same knowledge (i.e., from the
same triple), while separating representations of
different knowledge (i.e., from different triples).
The LLM, denoted as ELLM , is fine-tuned with
the dual-view knowledge graph contrastive learn-
ing loss. The training corpus contains paired textual
descriptions, {(Dhr, Dt)}N
i=1, where Dt is the tail
entity description, and Dhr is the concatenation of
the head entity description and relation description.
Given a training pair (Dhr, Dt), the same ELLM
is used to compute the embeddings of Dhr and Dt
independently. Moreover, we prepend the [bos] to-
ken to the beginning and append the [eos] token to
the end of the textual description. The augmented
input is fed into ELLM , and the hidden representa-
tion corresponding to the [eos] token from the last
layer is used as the final embedding of the input.
ehr = ELLM ([bos]hr ⊕ Dhr ⊕ [eos]hr),
et = ELLM ([bos]t ⊕ Dt ⊕ [eos]t),
where ⊕ is the operation to concatenate two strings
and Dhr = Dh ⊕ Dr. For stable training, we adopt
“[” as [bos]hr and “]” as [eos]hr, while using “{”
as [bos]t and “}” as [eos]t.
We utilize the knowledge graph contrastive learn-
ing loss to directly optimize the knowledge repre-
sentation of the LLM by encouraging semantically
similar knowledge to stay close in the representa-
tion space and pushing dissimilar knowledge to be
far apart in the representation space. More specifi-
cally, we apply the InfoNCE loss with an additive
margin over the in-batch negatives to fine-tune the
model. The row-direction loss ℓr is as follows for
a given positive pair, and the column-direction loss
ℓc is defined similarly (see Appendix C.2).
ℓr = − log
e(ϕ(ehr,et)−γ)/τ + (cid:80)N
i=1 e
where N is the negative batch size, τ is the train-
able temperature that controls the strength of penal-
ties on hard negative samples, ϕ is the cosine sim-
ilarity function that measures the plausibility of a
triple, and γ is the additive margin that encourages
increasing the similarity score of positive pairs.
The training objective for explicit knowledge
alignment is the sum of the ℓr and the ℓc losses:
Lexp =
(ℓr + ℓc)/2.
Implicit Knowledge Alignment
The implicit knowledge alignment objective fo-
cuses on incorporating textual patterns of knowl-
edge into the LLM to prevent catastrophic forget-
ting of previous knowledge and maintain its gen-
erative capability. We constructed an instruction-
tuning dataset based on the KG triple descriptions
to fine-tune the model through triple completion
language modeling. We also show that the implicit
knowledge alignment objective can bring perfor-
mance boosts on knowledge representation evalu-
ations. This indicates that explicit alignment and
implicit alignment are both imperative for effective
knowledge alignment, as they both essentially ne-
cessitate a profound understanding of knowledge.
We follow the recipe of Stanford Alpaca (Taori
et al., 2023) and use the provided template to con-
struct the instruction-tuning dataset. The instruc-
tion passed to the template, abbreviated as inst,
is: “Given the head entity and relation, write a tail
entity that completes the triple”. The input and
output are Dhr and Dt, respectively. The training
objective for implicit knowledge alignment is:
Limp =
− log P (Dt|inst, Dhr), (3)
where M is the instruction-tuning batch size.
Figure 2: The overall framework of KaLM. Up: The explicit knowledge alignment objective (Lexp) aims to directly
optimize the knowledge representation of LLMs via dual-view knowledge graph contrastive learning. Down: The
implicit knowledge alignment objective (Limp) focuses on incorporating textual patterns of knowledge into LLMs
via triple completion language modeling. The final training objective is the weighted average of Lexp and Limp.
3.4 Knowledge-aligned Language Modeling
The ultimate training objective of our proposed
KaLM is the weighted average of Lexp and Limp:
LKaLM = Lexp + λ · Limp,
where λ is a hyperparameter that adjusts the relative
weight between them. Notably, this formulation
allows us to use different batch sizes for explicit
knowledge alignment (N ) and implicit knowledge
alignment (M). Previous work has shown that a
sufficiently large batch size is key to the success
of contrastive representation learning (Chen et al.,
2020). With Equation 4, we can significantly in-
crease the explicit knowledge alignment batch size
while keeping the implicit knowledge alignment
batch size fixed to save computational resources.
4 Theoretical Analysis
We theoretically prove that the explicit knowledge
alignment objective implemented through dual-
view knowledge graph contrastive learning can fa-
cilitate knowledge representation alignment and
alleviate the issue of representation anisotropy.
4.1 Dual-view Contrastive Learning for
Knowledge Representation Alignment
The outstanding performance of contrastive repre-
sentation learning has attracted researchers to ana-
lyze its underlying reasons for success from a theo-
retical perspective. Wang and Isola (2020) identify
alignment and uniformity as two key properties of
contrastive learning and propose two quantifiable
metrics to measure the quality of representations.
We concentrate on understanding the dual-view
knowledge graph contrastive learning loss from the
knowledge alignment and uniformity perspective.
To simplify the notation, we use f to denote ELLM .
Alignment computes the expected distance be-
tween positive pairs and encourages the learned
representations for positive pairs to be similar. Uni-
formity evaluates the even distribution of represen-
tations and encourages the separation of features
from randomly selected negative samples.
ℓalign(f ; α) ≜
[∥f (Dhr) − f (Dt)∥α
2 ] ,
ℓuniform(f ; t) ≜ log
∼ pdata
e−t∥f (Di)−f (Dj )∥2
where ppos denotes the distribution of positive pairs
{(Dhr, Dt)}N
i=1 and pdata represents the data dis-
tribution of textual descriptions {Di}N
Since the learned knowledge representations are
L2-normalized, we have ϕ(ehr, et) = f (x)⊤f (y).
The additive margin γ encourages the model to
learn more robust features without affecting the
asymptotic analysis, thus we ignore it. For ease of
analysis, we reformulate the contrastive learning
LLMs/wCausalAttentionHead DescRelation DescTail DescTriple 1Triple 2Triple n........................LLMs/wCausalAttentionpositive pairsnegativepairsnegativepairsEmbhrEmbtshared weight[bos][eos][bos][eos]InstructionHead DescriptionRelation DescriptionTail DescriptionTail DescriptionAutoregressive Large Language Models (LLMs)Autoregressive Generate[eos]Explicit Knowledge Alignmentdual-view knowledge graph contrastive learningtriple completion language modelingImplicit Knowledge AlignmentKaLM: Knowledge-aliged Language Modelingobjective of Equation 1 and 2 as follows:
Lexp(f ; τ, N ) ≜
∼ pdata
− log
ef (Dhr)⊤f (Dt)/τ +
ef (Dhr)⊤f (Dt
ef (Dhr)⊤f (Dt)/τ
Following Wang and Isola (2020), we analyze
the asymptotics of the objective in Equation 5.
Theorem 1 (Asymptotics of Lexp). For tempera-
ture τ > 0, as the number of negative samples
N → ∞, the normalized dual-view knowledge
graph contrastive loss in Equation 5 converges to
N →∞
Lexp(f ; τ, N ) − log N =
f (Dhr)⊤f (Dt)
+ E
i ∼pdata
i )⊤f (Di)/τ (cid:105)
ef (D−
We have the following conclusions:
1. By pulling together the representations of two
different views of the same knowledge, the first
term of Equation 6 is minimized, and the en-
coder ELLM is perfectly knowledge-aligned.
2. Assuming the perfect uniform knowledge en-
coder ELLM exists, it precisely minimizes the
second term of Equation 6 by pushing away
the representations of different knowledge.
Proof. See Appendix B.1.
4.2 Alleviation of Representation Anisotropy
We then prove that the dual-view knowledge graph
contrastive learning objective can directly alleviate
representation anisotropy and improve the discrim-
inability of knowledge representations.
Let E be the sentence embedding matrix of
i=1, where the i-th row of E is ei. Following
Ethayarajh (2019), the sentence-level representa-
tion anisotropy value of {Di}N
i=1 is defined as:
anisotropy{D} =
N (N − 1)
i ej.
We can further derive the following theorem.
Theorem 2 (Alleviation of Anisotropy). When
pdata is uniform over finite samples {Di}N
i=1, the
second term of Equation 6 is the upper bound of
the sentence-level anisotropy of {Di}N
i ∼pdata
i=1, i.e.,
ef (D−
i )⊤f (Di)/τ (cid:105)
N − 1
τ N
· anisotropy{D} +
τ N
We have the following result: By optimizing the
second term of Equation 6, we essentially minimize
the upper bound of the sentence-level anisotropy
of corpus {Di}N
i=1, thereby directly alleviating the
representation anisotropy problem.
Proof. See Appendix B.2.
5 Experiments
In this section, we assess the effectiveness of KaLM
in knowledge alignment. The experimental setup
is outlined in 5.1. In 5.2 and 5.3, we present results
on knowledge graph completion (KGC) and knowl-
edge graph question answering (KGQA). In 5.4, we
provide further analysis of knowledge representa-
tion and present case studies of KGQA generations.
5.1 Experimental Setup
Datasets. We use WN18RR (Dettmers et al., 2018)
and FB15k-237 (Toutanova and Chen, 2015) as the
KGs for knowledge alignment training. WN18RR
and FB15k-237 are derived from WordNet and
Freebase, respectively (Bordes et al., 2013). We use
the information provided by KG-BERT (Yao et al.,
2019) for textual descriptions. Following Wang
et al. (2022a), we add an inverse triple (t, r−1, h)
for each triple (h, r, t) in the triple set, where r−1
is the inverse relation of the original relation r.
Model Training. We choose Llama-2-7B, Llama-
3-8B, and Mistral-7B as base LLMs and fine-tune
them through the joint objective of explicit knowl-
edge alignment and implicit knowledge alignment.
To save computational resources for parameter-
efficient fine-tuning, we use LoRA (Hu et al., 2021)
to fine-tune the feed-forward network of the model.
Evaluation Details. Experiments mainly focus on
two aspects: knowledge representation assessment
and knowledge inference evaluation. For knowl-
edge representation assessment, we evaluate the
embedding-based KGC task and illustrate the alle-
viation of representation anisotropy. We report five
automated metrics: Mean Rank (MR), Mean Re-
ciprocal Rank (MRR), and Hit@k (k ∈ {1, 3, 10}).
Table 1: Embedding-based KGC results on WN18RR and FB15k-237. Baseline results are from their papers, with
“-” indicating a missing result. The best and second-best results are marked by bold and underline, respectively.
MR MRR H@1 H@3 H@10 MR MRR H@1 H@3 H@10
structure-based methods
description-based methods (autoencoder PLMs)
description-based methods (autoregressive LLMs)
Figure 3: Comparison of generative knowledge infer-
ence performance between Llama-2-7B and KaLM. ↑
means higher is better and ↓ means lower is better.
We compare KaLM with structure- and description-
based methods. Structured-based methods include
TransE (Bordes et al., 2013), DistMult (Yang et al.,
2015), and RotatE (Sun et al., 2018). Description-
based methods include StAR (Wang et al., 2021a),
C-LMKE (Wang et al., 2022b), and SimKGC
(Wang et al., 2022a). For knowledge inference eval-
uation, we evaluate the generation-based KGQA
task and analyze the PPL metric and MMLU score
(Hendrycks et al., 2020). We report the prediction
accuracy over entities, relations, and triples. We
also provide case studies of KGQA generations.
Additional experimental results and detailed ab-
lation studies can be found in Appendix D and E.
5.2 Knowledge Representation Assessment
The embedding-based KGC results are shown in Ta-
ble 1. The base LLM failed to finish this task, with
all metrics lagging far behind. On the WN18RR
dataset, our method surpasses prior methods by a
substantial margin in terms of MR and Hit@10.
(a) LLaMA
(b) KaLM
Figure 4: Similarity matrix on the Wikitext-103 test set.
From top-left to bottom-right, element (i, j) denotes the
cosine similarity between the i-th and the j-th sentence.
Other metrics fall slightly short of state-of-the-art
methods, yet remain competitive. The performance
of KaLM on FB15k-237 is slightly inferior, but
it still achieves the best MR. Previous description-
based methods generally perform poorly on FB15k-
237, possibly due to the absence of effective textual
descriptions. An example relation description from
FB15k-237 is “/music/artist/origin”, which is quite
vague and abstract. SimKGC uses a large batch size
through intricate negative sampling methods and in-
corporates neighbor description augmentation and
neighbor-based re-ranking techniques. C-LMKE
uses self-adversarial negative sampling and utilizes
extra entity degree information. These tricks enable
SimKGC and C-LMKE to achieve higher perfor-
mance. Using a larger batch size and more tech-
niques can further improve other metrics of KaLM.
Overall, the results reveal that KaLM notably en-
hances the quality of knowledge representation,
bringing performance boosts in KGC tasks.
head predtail predrelation predtriple clsMMLUPPL0102030405060scores or accuracy7.811.63.755.942.34.8116.228.512.161.642.04.98LLaMAKaLMFigure 5: Case studies of Llama-2-7B and KaLM on KGQA tasks. Note that the head entity, relation, and tail entity
are denoted by different colors. The mark indicates the correct answer, while
signifies an incorrect answer.
5.3 Knowledge Inference Evaluation
The generation-based KGQA results are depicted
in Figure 3. Llama-2-7B performs poorly in en-
tity prediction and relation prediction. Our method
demonstrates a significant performance boost in all
generation-based KGQA tasks, including head/tail
entity prediction, relation prediction, and triple clas-
sification. Furthermore, despite a slight increase in
perplexity (PPL) scores on Wikitext-103 (Merity
et al., 2016) test set, our method still shows compet-
itive performance in the MMLU test. The results
demonstrate that KaLM achieves effective knowl-
edge alignment, bringing in significantly improved
KGQA performance while preserving the original
generative and knowledge inference capabilities.
5.4 Visualization of Knowledge
Representation and Case Studies
We provide visualization results to illustrate
knowledge representation improvements. Fig-
ure 4 shows the sentence similarity matrix of
Llama-2-7B and KaLM on Wikitext-103. The di-
agonal elements denote the similarity of the same
sentence, so the values are always 1. From color
intensity, it is evident that KaLM learns more dis-
criminative sentence representations, while Llama-
2-7B assigns high similarity for arbitrary sentences.
The sentences are organized by celebrities and their
careers, thus there should also be a high similarity
between adjacent sentences. This phenomenon is
reflected in the similarity matrix of KaLM in Fig-
ure 4(b), manifested in the smaller matrices with
darker colors along the diagonal. More concretely,
numerical analysis shows that after training with
our method, the sentence-level anisotropy value
significantly decreased from 0.83 to 0.21.
We present KGQA generation cases to demon-
strate knowledge inference enhancements. Fig-
ure 5 illustrates concrete examples of KGQA gen-
eration results on the WN18RR dataset. We show-
case the responses generated by Llama-2-7B and
KaLM for four tasks involving head entity predic-
tion, relation prediction, tail entity prediction, and
triple classification. The prompt templates for each
subtask are shown in the second column of Figure 5,
where the “inverse relation” is the original relation
description with a prefix word “inverse” and the
“relation list” consists of all relations concatenated
by the symbol “|”. We display the generated an-
swers for triple <salviniaceae, member meronym,
salvinia> and triple <refrigerator, hypernym, white
goods>. The base LLaMA frequently gives wrong
answers and tends to identify keywords from the in-
put prompts for prediction. In contrast, our method
can understand the questions and correctly answer
various KGQA tasks in most cases.
6 Conclusion
In this work, we show that the subpar performance
of LLMs on knowledge-driven tasks stems from a
lack of effective knowledge alignment. We present
KaLM, a novel knowledge-aligned language mod-
eling approach for aligning autoregressive LLMs
with KG knowledge. Specifically, we identify two
imperative objectives to achieve knowledge align-
ment: explicit knowledge alignment and implicit
knowledge alignment. We conducted comprehen-
sive experiments and analyses on embedding-based
KGC and generation-based KGQA. Experimental
results demonstrate that our method achieves ef-
fective knowledge alignment and consistently im-
proves performance on knowledge-driven tasks.
Given the head entity and relation, write a tail entity that completes the triple: [tail entity], [inverse relation]head entitypredictionsalviniasalviniaceaewhite goodsrefrigeratorGiven the head entity and relation, write a tail entity that completes the triple: [head entity], [relation]tail entitypredictionsalviniasalviniarefrigeratorwhite goodsIs this true: [head] [relatin] [tail]? Please choose your answer from: ''Yes, this is true'' or ''No, this is not true''.tripleclassificationNo, this is not true.Yes, this is true.Yes, this is true.Yes, this is true.What is the relation between [head entity] and [tail entity]? Please choose your answer from: [relation list].relationpredictionsynset dom-ain topic ofmember meronyminstance hypernymsynset dom-ain topic ofPrompts with Instruciton and Input Fields Task NameLLaMAKaLMLLaMAKaLMGenerations for Triple 1: <salviniaceae, member meronym, salvinia>Generations for Triple 2: <refrigerator, hypernym, white goods>Limitations
There are several future directions to improve this
work. Firstly, due to the limitation of computational
resources, we used the limited-scale LLMs to train
and evaluate our method. Evaluations on larger-
scale LLMs, such as the 13B and 70B models, can
further validate the effectiveness of our approach.
Secondly, we use a simple linear combination of ex-
plicit alignment loss and implicit alignment loss as
the final training objective for KaLM. Further inves-
tigations into various forms of loss combinations
remain to be explored to maximize the utility of
knowledge-aligned language modeling. Finally, we
can delve into the performance of the knowledge
representations obtained from knowledge-aligned
language modeling in cross-domain applications
such as retrieval-augmented generation, to gain
broader insights into the generalization capabilities
of the proposed approach.
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A More Detailed Review of Related Work
This work focuses on fine-tuning autoregressive
LLMs to align with KG knowledge. Our work inter-
sects with the following research areas: Knowledge
Enhancement for LLMs, Knowledge Graph Com-
pletion, Contrastive Representation Learning, and
Representation Anisotropy of Language Models.
textual descriptions of KG triples and leverage pre-
trained language models to learn knowledge repre-
sentations of entities and relations (Yao et al., 2019;
Shen et al., 2022; Wang et al., 2022b). However,
structure-based methods fail to generalize to un-
seen entities and relations, while description-based
methods lack interpretability and exhibit lower effi-
ciency when dealing with extremely large KGs.
A.1 Knowledge Enhancement for LLMs
Knowledge enhancement aims to incorporate fac-
tual and domain-specific knowledge into LLMs
to address their knowledge deficiencies. This can
be divided into retrieval-based knowledge augmen-
tation and training-based knowledge integration.
Retrieval-based knowledge augmentation methods
leverage external retrieval modules to provide addi-
tional knowledge, aiming to improve the knowl-
edge reasoning capability of LLMs (Sun et al.,
2023; Jiang et al., 2023). However, this approach
may lead to knowledge conflicts (Feng et al., 2023),
where the knowledge in LLMs and the knowl-
edge in the retrieved documents are inconsistent or
the retrieved multiple documents are contradictory.
Training-based knowledge integration methods in-
volve using the textual descriptions of KG triples
to pre-train or fine-tune LLMs, aiming to achieve
knowledge alignment. These methods can be cate-
gorized into explicit alignment (Wang et al., 2021b;
Yasunaga et al., 2022) and implicit alignment (Yao
et al., 2023; Zhang et al., 2023) based on whether
they directly optimize the knowledge representa-
tion. Nevertheless, these methods have either sacri-
ficed the generative capability or lacked effective
representation alignment. Our approach enhances
the knowledge of LLMs via a unique joint objective
of explicit alignment and implicit alignment, im-
proving the quality of knowledge representations
and generative knowledge reasoning capabilities.
A.2 Knowledge Graph Completion
Knowledge graph completion (KGC) refers to in-
ferring missing triples from an incomplete KG,
which can be used to evaluate the knowledge rea-
soning ability and knowledge representation quality
of LLMs. Existing KGC methods can be catego-
rized into structure-based and description-based.
Structure-based methods represent entities and re-
lations as fixed-dimensional vector embeddings
and use scoring functions to assess the plausibility
of triples (Bordes et al., 2013; Sun et al., 2019).
Description-based methods further incorporate the
A.3 Contrastive Representation Learning
Contrastive learning has demonstrated remarkable
success in learning representations across various
domains (Chen et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2021; Gunel
et al., 2020). The goal is to learn representations
that capture shared information between positive
pairs while remaining invariant to perturbing noise.
The commonly used contrastive learning objectives
share a standardized design involving a softmax
function over cosine similarity of paired features,
with a temperature parameter to control the penalty
strength on hard negative samples. Wang and Isola
(2020) propose understanding contrastive learning
through the lens of alignment and uniformity on the
hypersphere. Wang and Liu (2021) show that tem-
perature in the contrastive loss controls the strength
of penalties over negative samples.
A.4 Representation Anisotropy of Language
PLMs have long been plagued by representation
anisotropy (Ethayarajh, 2019), where the learned
token and sentence representations are confined to a
narrow cone within the entire representation space.
The issue of representation anisotropy not only re-
sults in model degradation (Su et al., 2022) but also
leads to poor performance on discriminative tasks
(Muennighoff, 2022). Previous work on alleviat-
ing representation anisotropy has mainly focused
on post-processing techniques such as normalizing
flows (Li et al., 2020) or whitening operations (Su
et al., 2021) to obtain isotropic representations. Su
et al. (2022) propose a contrastive training objective
to encourage learning isotropic token representa-
tions. However, these methods mainly improve the
isotropy of token representations without enhanc-
ing the discriminability of sentence representations.
Our method improves the token-level and sentence-
level representation anisotropy of LLMs through
dual-view knowledge graph contrastive learning,
and it has rigorous theoretical guarantees.
B Proofs for Theoretical Analysis
In this section, we present proofs for theorems in
Sections 4.1 and 4.2 of the main paper.
B.1 Proof of Theorem 1 in Section 4.1
the reformulated dual-view knowledge
graph contrastive learning objective (Equation 5):
Lexp(f ; τ, N ) ≜
∼ pdata
− log
ef (Dhr)⊤f (Dt)/τ +
ef (Dhr)⊤f (Dt
ef (Dhr)⊤f (Dt)/τ
From the symmetry of p, we can derive:
Lexp(f ; τ, N ) =
−f (Dhr)⊤f (Dt)/τ
∼ pdata
ef (Dhr)⊤f (Dt)/τ +
ef (Dt
i)⊤f (Dt)/τ
Note that we can have the following limits almost
surely by the strong law of large numbers (SLLN):
N →∞
ef (Dhr)⊤f (Dt)/τ
ef (Dt
i)⊤f (Dt)/τ
= log
i ∼pdata
f (D−
i )⊤f (Di)/τ.
Then we can derive the following limits:
+ E
N →∞
ef (Dhr)⊤f (Dt)/τ
ef (Dt
i)⊤f (Dt)/τ
= −
f (Dhr)⊤f (Dt)
+ E
i ∼pdata
ef (D−
i )⊤f (Di)/τ (cid:105)
We now finish the proof of Theorem 1.
Lexp(f ; τ, N ) − log N =
N →∞
f (Dhr)⊤f (Dt)
+ E
i ∼pdata
ef (D−
i )⊤f (Di)/τ (cid:105)
B.2 Proof of Theorem 2 in Section 4.2
Recall the asymptotics of the explicit knowledge
alignment objective when the number of negative
samples approaches infinity (Equation 6):
N →∞
Lexp(f ; τ, N ) − log N =
f (Dhr)⊤f (Dt)
+ E
i ∼pdata
ef (D−
i )⊤f (Di)/τ (cid:105)
Recall the definition of sentence-level anisotropy
value of corpus {Di}N
i=1 (Equation 7):
N →∞
Lexp(f ; τ, N ) − log N
+ lim
N →∞
−f (Dhr)⊤f (Dt)/τ
∼ pdata
ef (Dhr)⊤f (Dt)/τ
ef (Dt
i)⊤f (Dt)/τ
−f (Dhr)⊤f (Dt)/τ
anisotropy{D} =
N (N − 1)
i ej.
We can further derive the inequality below from the
second term of Equation 6 with Jensen’s inequality
when pdata is uniform over finite samples {Di}N
ef (D−
i )⊤f (Di)/τ (cid:105)
i ∼pdata
i ej /τ
τ N 2
τ N 2
i ej
i ej + N
N − 1
τ N
N (N − 1)
N − 1
τ N
τ N
i ej +
τ N
· anisotropy{D} +
We now finish the proof of Theorem 2.
i ∼pdata
i )⊤f (Di)/τ (cid:105)
ef (D−
N − 1
τ N
· anisotropy{D} +
τ N
C Further Details about Implementation
and Experimental Setup
C.1 Dataset Details
WN18RR and FB15k-237 are commonly used KGs
derived from WordNet and Freebase, respectively
(Bordes et al., 2013). They have been carefully
constructed to prevent test set leakage by removing
inverse relations. We use these datasets for training
and evaluation. The statistics are shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Statistics of the datasets.
#Relation #Train
40, 943
14, 541
86, 835
272, 115
3, 034
17, 535
3, 134
20, 466
C.2 KaLM Implementation Details
We initially choose Llama-2-7B as the base LLM
and fine-tune it through the training objective in
Equation 4. We use varying batch sizes for ex-
plicit knowledge alignment and implicit knowledge
alignment. For WN18RR, we use a batch size of
24 for explicit alignment and 4 for implicit align-
ment. For FB15k-237, the batch sizes are 40 for
explicit alignment and 6 for implicit alignment. To
save computing resources for parameter-efficient
fine-tuning, we use the LoRA (Hu et al., 2021)
method to fine-tune the [“gate_proj”, “up_proj”,
“down_proj”] modules in the feed-forward net-
work of the Llama-2-7B model. We conducted all
training on an NVIDIA 4090×8 GPU. The hyper-
parameters utilized for training KaLM (based on
Llama-2-7B) are enumerated in Table 3.
Table 3: Hyper-parameters for training KaLM.
We also implemented KaLM based on other
LLMs to demonstrate the generalizability of our
approach, including Llama-3-8B, Mistral-7B-v0.1,
OPT-6.7B, Pythia-6.9B, and Pythia-2.8B. It is im-
portant to note that the feed-forward network layers
in the Pythia model are named [“dense_h_to_4h”,
“dense_4h_to_h”], while in the OPT model they
are named [“f c1”, “f c2”]. This differs from the
feed-forward network layers in the Llama and Mis-
tral model series. The parameters used in these
experiments are shown in Table 4 (only the differ-
ing parameters are listed; the unlisted parameters
remain consistent with Table 3).
For the cosine similarity matrix composed of
head entity-relation embeddings (row direction)
and tail entity embeddings (column direction), we
calculate the cross-entropy loss in the row direction
(i.e., a head entity-relation embedding matching
different tail entity embeddings) and the column
direction (i.e., a tail entity embedding matching dif-
ferent head entity-relation embeddings) separately.
We then take the average of the two losses to obtain
the final InfoNCE loss. Similar to Equation 1, the
Table 4: Additional Hyper-parameters for training KaLM with different LLMs.
column-direction loss is defined as follows:
ℓc = − log
e(ϕ(et,ehr)−γ)/τ + (cid:80)N
j=1 e
C.3 More Details about Evaluations
For the embedding-based KGC task, we report five
automated metrics: Mean Rank (MR), Mean Re-
ciprocal Rank (MRR), and Hit@k (k ∈ {1, 3, 10}).
MR is the mean rank of all test triplets and MRR de-
notes the average reciprocal rank of all test triples.
Hit@k measures the proportion of entities correctly
ranked in the top k. Following previous work, our
method is evaluated under the filtering setting (Bor-
des et al., 2013), where the scores of all true triples
in the training, validation, and testing set are ig-
nored. All results are averaged over the tail direc-
tion (a <head entity-relation> embedding matching
different tail entity embeddings, i.e., tail entity pre-
diction) and head direction (a <tail entity-inverse
relation> embedding matching different head entity
embeddings, i.e., head entity prediction).
For the generation-based KGQA task, we report
the prediction accuracy over head entities, tail enti-
ties, relations, and relation classifications. To better
prompt LLMs for the knowledge graph question-
answering task, we selected several triples from the
validation set and constructed few-shot examples
using the corresponding templates from Table 5.
D.1 More Experiments on Knowledge
Representation Assessment
In Table 5, we present additional knowledge repre-
sentation results (the embedding-based KGC task)
to demonstrate the effectiveness of KaLM in knowl-
edge alignment. The best and second-best experi-
mental results are indicated by bold and underline
texts, respectively. Overall, the proposed method
achieved excellent performance on the embedding-
based KGC task, delivering impressive results in
the MR and Hit@10 metrics, while also being
highly competitive in other metrics.
The experimental results based on LLMs of dif-
ferent sources and scales demonstrate the effective-
ness and generalizability of our proposed method.
Under similar experimental settings, more pow-
erful LLMs (such as Llama3-8B and Mistral-7B)
achieved better metrics after being fine-tuned with
KaLM, which also demonstrates the scalability of
our method. It is worth noting that for LLMs of the
same origin but different scales (Pythia-6.9B and
Pythia-2.8B), the smaller-scale Pythia-2.8B bene-
fited from a larger training batch size during fine-
tuning. As a result, its final experimental metrics
matched or even surpassed those of the more pow-
erful Pythia-6.9B model. This also highlights the
importance of large batch sizes for the embedding-
based KGC task, suggesting that using more pow-
erful computing resources and larger GPU memory
could further enhance the effectiveness of the pro-
posed KaLM method.
D Addition Experimental Results
D.2 More Experiments on Knowledge
Inference Evaluation
In this section, we provide more experimental re-
sults to show the effectiveness of our method.
In Figure 6, we present additional knowledge infer-
ence results (generation-based KGQA) to demon-
Table 5: More Embedding-based KGC results with various LLMs on WN18RR and FB15k-237.
MR MRR H@1 H@3 H@10 MR MRR H@1 H@3 H@10
structure-based methods
description-based methods (autoencoder PLMs)
description-based methods (autoregressive LLMs)
strate the effectiveness of KaLM in knowledge
alignment. This section demonstrates the per-
formance of various powerful LLMs (including
Llama-2-7B, Llama-3-8B, and Mistral-7B) before
and after fine-tuning with KaLM, across various
knowledge graph question-answering tasks (includ-
ing head entity prediction, tail entity prediction,
relation prediction, and triple classification).
The experimental results can be divided into
three groups by color: the green series, blue series,
and red series correspond to the KGQA results of
Llama-2-7B, Llama-3-8B, and Mistral-7B before
and after training, respectively. It can be observed
that after fine-tuning with KaLM, all three LLMs
achieved consistent improvements in prediction ac-
curacy for the question-answering tasks.
At the KGQA task level, the most significant
overall improvements were observed in tail entity
prediction (an average increase of 14.1%) and triple
classification (an average increase of 12.7%), fol-
lowed by relation prediction (an average increase
of 8.6%) and head entity prediction (an average
increase of 6.9%). At the LLM level, the most ex-
citing improvements were seen in Llama-3-8B (an
average increase of 11.1%) and Mistral-7B (an aver-
age increase of 10.8%), while Llama-2-7B showed
relatively smaller gains (an average increase of
9.6%). This suggests that our method demonstrates
better scalability with more powerful LLMs.
D.3 More Visualizations on Knowledge
Representation Matrix
From this section onward, unless stated otherwise,
KaLM refers to the model checkpoint trained on
Llama-2-7B using our method. We present more
knowledge representation results to demonstrate
the effectiveness of KaLM in knowledge align-
ment. Figure 7 displays the sentence similarity
matrix of several similar entity descriptions from
the WN8RR dataset. Detailed information about
entity names and descriptions can be found in Fig-
ure 8. It is evident that KaLM can obtain more
distinguishable knowledge representations, where
the similarity between related entities (diagonal
elements) is high, while the similarity between un-
related entities (off-diagonal elements) is low.
D.4 Detailed analysis of Representation
We further analyze the sentence-level representa-
tion anisotropy on the Wikitext-103 test set using
model checkpoints trained on the WN18RR dataset.
The sentence-level anisotropy value for a given
corpus {Di}N
i=1 is defined in Equation 7, where a
lower anisotropy value indicates better discrimina-
tive characteristics of sentence representations.
Figure 9 plots the anisotropy value over different
layers for LLaMA and KaLM. We can observe
that the anisotropy value of LLaMA consistently
Figure 6: Comparison of generative knowledge inference performance between Base LLMs and their fine-tuned
KaLM versions, best viewed in three color groups. The symbol ↑ means higher is better and ↓ means lower is better.
remains at a relatively high level, suggesting that
the base LLM suffers from severe representation
anisotropy issues. In contrast, our proposed KaLM
notably mitigates this issue, with the anisotropy
values decreasing gradually as the depth of the
model increases, and dropping significantly from
0.5 to 0.2 at the output layer. The anisotropy values
of the last layer for LLaMA and KaLM show that
after training with our method, the sentence-level
anisotropy value significantly decreased from 0.83
to 0.21. The results indicate that our method can
effectively reduce the anisotropy of representations
across layers in LLMs, resulting in a significant
improvement in knowledge representation.
Figure 10 analyzes the changes in anisotropy val-
ues during the model training process. The results
show that the anisotropy values decrease rapidly af-
ter a few epochs of training and eventually stabilize
at a low level. We assume that the initial epochs of
training have completed the preliminary alignment
of knowledge representation, while the subsequent
training epochs mainly focus on integrating explicit
and implicit representations.
E Ablation Studies
In this section, we present concrete ablation studies
to analyze the effectiveness of each component
of our approach. We ablate the settings that led
to the final design, including training objectives,
fine-tuning modules, and training epochs.
It is
important to note that the results of the ablation
experiments in this section were obtained from
earlier runs on an NVIDIA 3090×4 GPU, which
may lead to slight differences compared to the full
KGC results presented in the main text.
E.1 The necessity of the implicit knowledge
alignment objective (Equation 3)
In Table 6, we train the model using different loss
weights (i.e., the λ parameter in Equation 4) and
analyze its performance on the KGC task. Note
that this experiment is conducted solely for ablation
analysis, thus only 10 training epochs are used. Ex-
perimental results reveal that incorporating the im-
plicit knowledge alignment objective (i.e., λ > 0)
generally leads to better performance in KGC, indi-
cating further improvement in knowledge represen-
tation. The best performance in KGC is achieved
when λ = 0.1. The results confirm that both ex-
plicit alignment and implicit alignment are crucial
for knowledge alignment, as they both essentially
require a deep understanding of knowledge.
The implicit knowledge alignment objective fo-
cuses on incorporating textual patterns of knowl-
edge into the LLM to prevent catastrophic forget-
ting of previous knowledge and maintain its gen-
erative capability. We also conducted additional
perplexity (PPL) evaluation experiments to illus-
head predtail predrelation predtriple cls010203040506070prediction accuracy7.811.63.755.916.228.512.161.611.914.53.153.617.228.112.869.411.617.929.049.318.629.836.765.8Llama-2-7BLlama-2-KaLMLlama-3-8BLlama-3-KaLMMistral-7BMistral-KaLM(a) LLaMA
(b) KaLM
Figure 7: Similarity matrix of selected similar entity descriptions from the WN8RR dataset.
Figure 8: Selected entities and their corresponding textual descriptions.
trate the impact of the implicit knowledge align-
ment loss. The additional results show that for
the corresponding λ = 0, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0 in Table 6,
the model’s PPL are 6.42, 4.96, 4.97, and 4.98,
respectively. Therefore, we can conclude that in-
corporating the implicit alignment loss maintains
the model’s language modeling capability, whereas
not using the implicit alignment loss significantly
impairs the model’s generative ability.
E.2 The effects of fine-tuning different LLM
modules using LoRA
In Table 7, we fine-tune different modules of the
model using the LoRA (Hu et al., 2021) method and
analyze their performance on KGC tasks and PPL
Table 6: KGC results with different λ in Equation 4.
KaLM (λ = 0)
KaLM (λ = 0.01)
KaLM (λ = 0.1)
KaLM (λ = 1.0)
MR MRR H@1 H@3 H@10
evaluations. Note that this experiment is conducted
solely for ablation analysis, hence only 10 epochs
of training were performed. “att” indicates fine-
tuning only the attention module, “ffn” indicates
fine-tuning only the feed-forward network, and “att-
ffn” indicates fine-tuning both the attention module
and the feed-forward network simultaneously. The
unseeablesoundsameuntrustymaintainunperceivablehealthyequalunfaithfulsustain0. NameEntity Desctriptionunseeableunseeable, impossible or nearly impossible to see; imperceptible by the eye; "the invisible man"; "invisible rays"; "an invisible hinge"; "invisible mending"unperceivableunperceivable, impossible or difficult to perceive by the mind or senses; "an imperceptible drop in temperature"; "an imperceptible nod"; "color is unperceivable to the touch"soundsound, financially secure and safe; "sound investments"; "a sound economy"healthyhealthy, having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease; "a rosy healthy baby"; "staying fit and healthy"samesame, closely similar or comparable in kind or quality or quantity or degree; "curtains the same color as the walls"; "mother and son have the same blue eyes"equalequal, having the same quantity, value, or measure as another; "on equal terms"; "all men are equal before the law"untrustyuntrusty, not worthy of trust or belief; "an untrustworthy person"unfaithfulunfaithful, not true to duty or obligation or promises; "an unfaithful lover"maintainmaintain, keep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g., "keep clean"; "hold in place"; "She always held herself as a lady"; "The students keep me on my toes"sustainsustain, lengthen or extend in duration or space; "We sustained the diplomatic negotiations as long as possible"; "prolong the treatment of the patient"; "keep up the good work"Figure 9:
layer-wise analysis of anisotropy. The ver-
tical axis represents the sentence-level representation
anisotropy value on the Wikitext-103 test set, while the
horizontal axis denotes the number of model layers.
Figure 10: epoch-wise analysis of anisotropy. The ver-
tical axis represents the sentence-level representation
anisotropy value on the Wikitext-103 test set, while the
horizontal axis denotes the number of training epochs.
E.3 The sustained gains and potential impacts
of training for more epochs
In Table 8, we fine-tune the model using differ-
ent numbers of training epochs and analyze their
performance on KGC tasks. This experiment is
mainly conducted to investigate whether additional
training epochs can lead to further improvement
in knowledge representations. The experimental
results show that using more training epochs can
continuously improve the performance of KaLM on
the KGC task, resulting in higher MRR and Hit@k
metrics. The model trained with our method consis-
tently maintains an acceptable PPL value due to the
implicit knowledge alignment objective. However,
this also comes with more computational resource
consumption and training time. As a result, we
selected a moderate number of training epochs.
Table 8: KGC results with different training epochs.
KaLM (epoch=10)
KaLM (epoch=20)
KaLM (epoch=30)
MR MRR H@1 H@3 H@10
results show that fine-tuning with the “att-ffn” ap-
proach achieves the best KGC performance, but it
also leads to higher PPL values, suggesting that the
model’s generation capability may be significantly
compromised. Therefore, as a compromise, we
choose the “ffn” fine-tuning approach, maintaining
moderate knowledge representation performance
while preserving the original generation capability.
These experimental results are consistent with
the conclusions of (He et al., 2021), where the
FFN learns local features and patterns within the
input sequence, allowing it to directly capture task-
specific text patterns. Meanwhile, attention pro-
vides the model with the ability to capture complex
contextual relationships, which is key to LLMs’
understanding and generation of natural language.
Under the knowledge-aligned language modeling
objective, we aim to align the internal knowledge
representations of LLMs while preserving their
inherent natural language generation capabilities.
Therefore, directly fine-tuning the FFN layers can
reduce resource consumption and maximize the
effectiveness of KaLM fine-tuning.
Table 7: KGC results and PPL evaluation results when
fine-tuning different network modules with LoRA.
KaLM (att)
KaLM (ffn)
KaLM (att-ffn)
MR MRR H@1 H@3 H@10
048121620242832model layers0. anisotropyLLaMAKaLM02468101214161820training epochs0. anisotropyKaLM |
ai_researcher | 2 | AI‐assisted_research_collaboration_with_open_data_for_fair_and_effective_response_to_call_for_proposals.pdf | 4
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 79 (2024) 639-677
Submitted 03/2023; published 02/2024
Can Fairness be Automated? Guidelines and Opportunities for
Fairness-aware AutoML
Hilde Weerts
Eindhoven University of Technology
Florian Pfisterer
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Munich Center for Machine Learning
Matthias Feurer
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Katharina Eggensperger
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
University of Tübingen
Edward Bergman
Noor Awad
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Joaquin Vanschoren
Mykola Pechenizkiy
Eindhoven University of Technology
Bernd Bischl
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Munich Center for Machine Learning
Frank Hutter
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
The field of automated machine learning (AutoML) introduces techniques that automate
parts of the development of machine learning (ML) systems, accelerating the process and
reducing barriers for novices. However, decisions derived from ML models can reproduce,
amplify, or even introduce unfairness in our societies, causing harm to (groups of) individuals.
In response, researchers have started to propose AutoML systems that jointly optimize
fairness and predictive performance to mitigate fairness-related harm. However, fairness is
a complex and inherently interdisciplinary subject, and solely posing it as an optimization
problem can have adverse side effects. With this work, we aim to raise awareness among
developers of AutoML systems about such limitations of fairness-aware AutoML, while also
calling attention to the potential of AutoML as a tool for fairness research. We present
a comprehensive overview of different ways in which fairness-related harm can arise and
the ensuing implications for the design of fairness-aware AutoML. We conclude that while
fairness cannot be automated, fairness-aware AutoML can play an important role in the
toolbox of ML practitioners. We highlight several open technical challenges for future work
in this direction. Additionally, we advocate for the creation of more user-centered assistive
systems designed to tackle challenges encountered in fairness work.
©2024 The Authors. Published by AI Access Foundation under Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0.
Weerts, Pfisterer, Feurer, Eggensperger et al.
1. Introduction
Machine learning (ML) is a game-changing technology that has disrupted modern data-driven
applications and is increasingly deployed in various applications and contexts. However,
ML systems may reproduce, amplify, or even introduce unfairness in our society, causing
harm to (groups of) individuals. Examples range from facial recognition systems that
disproportionately fail for darker-skinned women (Buolamwini & Gebru, 2018), gender bias in
automatic captions (Tatman, 2017) and resume parsing (Dastin, 2018), to the underestimation
of the healthcare needs of black patients (Obermeyer et al., 2019). In response to the growing
need for ML systems that align with principles of fairness, researchers have proposed numerous
techniques to assess and mitigate unfairness of ML systems. Additionally, several open-source
software libraries facilitate the application of these methods (Bellamy et al., 2019; Weerts
et al., 2023). In practice, however, it can be challenging to incorporate fairness considerations
in the design and development of ML systems, due to the following obstacles:
1. Potential fairness-related harms are rarely prioritized due to a lack of awareness,
difficulties in anticipating fairness-related harm, or difficulties in advocating for required
resources within an organization (Madaio et al., 2022).
2. Practitioners are overwhelmed with a multitude of fairness metrics and interventions.
Choosing an appropriate metric or intervention is an active area of research and is
further complicated by practical obstacles, such as the feasibility of collecting more
(representative) data, the accessibility of descriptive meta-data, and the availability of
cultural, contextual, and domain knowledge (Holstein et al., 2019).
3. Once found, solutions rarely carry over to new problems. Given the complexity and
diversity of systems, contexts, and use and failure cases, fairness-aware models cannot
be repurposed within a different context (Selbst et al., 2019).
The case for fairness-aware AutoML The rising field of AutoML (Hutter et al.,
2019) focuses on reducing the complexity inherent to applying ML algorithms in practice
by providing methods that partially automate the ML workflow. In response to fairness
concerns, recent research has started to propose AutoML systems that take into account
fairness objectives. By lowering the barrier to incorporate fairness considerations in an ML
workflow, AutoML systems might be able to partially address several of the aforementioned
problems, as they reduce the ML expertise required to build, interrogate and evaluate
fairness-aware ML systems:
1. Fairness-aware AutoML can reduce the barrier to entry. It can substantially reduce
turnaround times for developing and evaluating models along different metrics, lowering
the amount of required resources, time, and technical expertise required to engage in
fairness work, and enabling an iterative preference elicitation process for determining
what precisely it means to be fair in a particular application.
2. Fairness-aware AutoML can facilitate a declarative interface for domain experts to
specify what they would like to achieve, rather than how to do so. This relieves them
of the necessity of staying up to date with the latest technical fairness interventions.
Guidelines and Opportunities for Fairness-Aware AutoML
3. In contrast to individual fairness-aware models, the fairness-aware AutoML process for
finding such models carries over to new problems much better. This is the entire point
of AutoML: finding custom technical solutions for new problems that best satisfy the
problem’s particular desiderata.
However, fairness is an intricate and inherently interdisciplinary subject. Existing fairness-
aware ML algorithms often operate under the assumption that fair outcomes can be achieved
by optimizing for an additional fairness metric, but reality is much more complex.
particular, the scope of these algorithms is typically limited, while potential harm can
originate at each step of the ML workflow. Considering fairness-aware AutoML, we have a
potentially more flexible and powerful tool to aid practitioners in fairness work. However,
care should be taken to avoid replicating or even exacerbating known issues with existing
approaches in fairness-aware ML. This raises the question: can fairness be automated?
Contributions With this work, we aim to raise awareness on the opportunities and
limitations of fairness-aware AutoML.1 Our main contribution is a comprehensive overview
of important challenges in fairness-aware ML as they apply to AutoML and the ensuing
implications for the design of fairness-aware AutoML systems. Additionally, we highlight
several challenges and opportunities unique to fairness-aware AutoML and lay a foundation
for future work toward more user-centered assistive systems. We focus on supervised learning
tasks, noting that generative AI shares many of the challenges we outline but requires
additional considerations. With this work, we hope to start a discussion among the research
communities of fairness and AutoML to jointly work towards mitigating bias and harm in
Outline The remainder of this article is structured as follows. Section 2 covers the relevant
background knowledge on algorithmic fairness and AutoML and provides a review of existing
work in the domain of fairness-aware AutoML. We then cover existing challenges and their
implications along two key perspectives: user input and interaction (Section 3) and the design
of the AutoML system itself (Section 4). Section 5 then identifies opportunities that arise
from the use of AutoML in fairness contexts. Section 6 concludes with a set of guidelines for
the design & use of fairness-aware AutoML and an inventory of directions for future work.
2. Background
To better understand the role of AutoML in a fairness-aware ML workflow, we first need
to determine what such a workflow looks like. Figure 1 presents a typical ML workflow
consisting of five highly iterative stages:
1. Problem understanding.2 The problem is scoped and translated into an ML task
including real-world success criteria, requirements, and constraints.
1. To highlight that AutoML is not a panacea for algorithmic fairness, and to emphasize that employing
fair AutoML systems does not automatically ensure fair solutions, we recommend referring to AutoML
systems that incorporate fairness considerations as fairness-aware AutoML, rather than fair AutoML.
2. In the original CRISP-DM process model, Shearer (2000) refer to this stage as business understanding.
To emphasize that ethical concerns are central to responsible design, rather than an add-on to business
imperatives, we refer to the stage as problem understanding.
Weerts, Pfisterer, Feurer, Eggensperger et al.
2. Data understanding and preparation.3 It is determined which data is required, followed
by an iterative sequence of data collection, exploration, cleaning, and aggregation.
3. Modeling. The model selection pipeline is designed, and candidate models are evaluated
against technical performance metrics and constraints, with a focus on factors such as
accuracy and generalization.
4. Evaluation. The selected model is evaluated more broadly against real-world success
criteria and requirements, including, e.g., A/B tests, user tests, or adversarial tests.
Note that this evaluation goes beyond the technical evaluation performed during the
modeling stage and explicitly considers whether the model meets real-world objectives.
5. Deployment. The deployment, monitoring, and maintenance are planned and executed.
In the remainder of this section, we provide an introduction to algorithmic fairness and
AutoML and highlight how each of them plays a part in the ML workflow. We focus on
supervised learning tasks with access to group memberships.
2.1 Algorithmic Fairness
The goal of algorithmic fairness is to ensure that the real-world outcomes of ML systems
are fair with respect to legal, regulatory, or ethical notions of fairness. This is particularly
relevant in the context of automated decision-making, where ML models are used to assist
decision-makers or even obtain decisions automatically.
2.1.1 Fairness Metrics
Algorithmic fairness metrics typically measure the extent to which some form of equality
is violated. The metrics differ primarily in terms of what should be equal. In the context
of supervised learning, the two most prominent notions of fairness are group fairness and
individual fairness. Group fairness is a notion of fairness that requires particular group
statistics to be equal across (sub)groups defined by sensitive features. Sensitive features
intend to measure characteristics of individuals for which disparate outcomes based on that
characteristic are considered undesirable from an ethical or legal point of view. Typical
examples are age, sex, disability status, ethnic origin, race, or sexual orientation. Researchers
have defined various group fairness metrics that differ in terms of which group statistic should
be equal, typically involving either the distribution of predicted outcomes (e.g. selection rate,
average predicted value) or the predictive performance of the model (e.g. accuracy, precision,
Metrics of individual fairness take the perspective of the individual, inspired by the
Aristotelian principle that “like cases should be treated alike”. Individual fairness metrics
differ primarily in terms of what is considered ‘similar’. Statistical interpretations quantify
the similarity of two instances in terms of a similarity metric (Dwork et al., 2012) that
aims to capture similarity on task-relevant characteristics (which typically excludes sensitive
characteristics). Contrarily, counterfactual fairness (Kusner et al., 2017) takes a causal
3. In the original CRISP-DM model, data understanding and data preparation are separate stages. For ease
of presentation, we have consolidated these in one step.
Guidelines and Opportunities for Fairness-Aware AutoML
AutoML Scope
System Configuration
search space & strategy,
optimization formulation,
evaluation protocol
1. Problem
2. Data understanding
and preparation
3. Modeling
4. Evaluation
5. Deployment
User Input & Interaction
Ethical Review &
System (Re)design
Bias Identification &
Machine Learning
Fairness Assessment
Stakeholder Involvement
Figure 1: Example of an ML workflow adapted from the CRISP-DM (Shearer, 2000) process.
Developing ML systems is an iterative process (dotted arrows) that can require frequently
revisiting decisions made in previous stages. Most existing fairness-aware AutoML methods
and systems address fairness analogous to fairness-aware ML techniques: the problem is
formulated as an optimization task under a fairness objective or constraint. However, many
important design choices are made outside of the modeling stage which is typically the part
of the workflow that is tackled by AutoML systems. Taking fairness into account adds
additional considerations (in blue) to every step of the ML workflow.
perspective, requiring similar treatment for an individual and the counterfactual of that same
individual, had they belonged to a different sensitive group.
Most research has focused on group fairness. In particular, the two most prominent group
fairness metrics are demographic parity and equalized odds. We denote with random variables
the predicted outcome R, the true outcome Y , and the membership of a sensitive group A.
Demographic Parity Demographic parity (Calders & Verwer, 2010) requires that the
probability of predicting the positive class is independent of the sensitive class A: P (R =
1|A = a) = P (R = 1), essentially requiring independence (Barocas et al., 2019) between
the sensitive feature and the predicted outcome: R ⊥ A. Demographic parity is satisfied
when the selection rate is equal across groups. For example, in a resume selection scenario,
demographic parity holds if the proportion of selected resumes is the same for each sensitive
Demographic parity does not take into account the true label Y . If base rates are different
across groups, i.e., P (Y = 1|A = a) ̸= P (Y = 1), satisfying demographic parity requires
Weerts, Pfisterer, Feurer, Eggensperger et al.
one to make predictions that do not coincide with the observed outcomes, meaning that
demographic parity rules out a perfect predictor. The metric can be classified as what
Wachter et al. (2020) refers to as a bias-transforming metric: optimizing for this metric
corresponds to changing the (observed) status quo.
Equalized Odds Equalized odds (Hardt et al., 2016) is one of the most commonly studied
fairness metrics that requires an equal distribution of errors across sensitive groups. In
particular, it asks for equal true and false positive rates across groups: P (R = 1|Y = 1, A =
a) = P (R = 1|Y = 1) ∧ P (R = 1|Y = 0, A = a) = P (R = 1|Y = 0). This essentially requires
independence between the sensitive feature and the predicted outcome, conditional on the
true outcome: R ⊥ A | Y (Barocas et al., 2019).
As opposed to demographic parity, equalized odds does explicitly take into account Y . It
is therefore what Wachter et al. (2020) refers to as a bias-preserving metric: optimizing for
equalized odds will preserve the status quo as much as possible, implicitly assuming that any
bias present in the data should be preserved.
2.1.2 Fairness-Aware Machine Learning Algorithms
Interventions to mitigate fairness-related harm can take place during all stages of an ML
workflow (Mitchell et al., 2021; Mehrabi et al., 2021; Raji et al., 2020; Madaio et al.,
2020). Such interventions include ethical reviews of a problem definition, identifying and
mitigating potential biases in the data, exhaustive fairness assessments during evaluation and
deployment, and active stakeholder involvement during all stages (see Figure 1). However,
the vast majority of the algorithmic fairness literature has focused on fairness-aware ML
(Holstein et al., 2019). Such technical
algorithms applied during the modeling stage
interventions formulate fairness as an optimization task, where the goal is to achieve high
predictive performance whilst also satisfying a fairness constraint. They can be roughly
subdivided into three categories (Kamiran et al., 2013).
Pre-processing Pre-processing approaches can adjust the data to obscure any undesirable
associations between sensitive features and a target variable (e.g., Kamiran & Calders, 2011).
Constrained learning Constrained learning techniques directly incorporate a fairness
constraint in the learning algorithm, either by adapting existing learning paradigms (e.g.,
Calders et al., 2009; Zafar et al., 2017) or through wrapper methods (e.g., Agarwal et al.,
Post-processing Post-processing approaches adjust a trained ML model, either through
post-processing predictions (e.g., Hardt et al., 2016) or by adjusting the model parameters
directly (e.g., Kamiran et al., 2010).
We refer to Caton and Haas (2023) for a more elaborate overview of existing approaches.
There is currently little guidance on how to select fairness-aware ML techniques, their
effectiveness across scenarios and in what cases their use is appropriate.
Guidelines and Opportunities for Fairness-Aware AutoML
2.2 Automated Machine Learning
AutoML (Hutter et al., 2019; Escalante, 2021) is a subfield of machine learning that researches
and studies methods that automate components of the ML workflow with the goals of
speeding up the development of ML applications and reducing the required level of expertise
for otherwise manual tasks. By lowering the barrier to apply ML methods, ML can become
more accessible and allows to explore new use cases. AutoML comes in many flavours which
we briefly describe in the following.
Hyperparameter optimization (HPO) The most low-level incarnation of AutoML is
HPO, where the goal is to optimize the hyperparameters of an ML algorithm to minimize
a user-specified cost function, such as the misclassification error (Feurer & Hutter, 2019).
HPO is often used to tune the hyperparameters of deep neural networks (Bergstra et al.,
2011; Snoek et al., 2012, 2015) and popular techniques are grid and random search (Bergstra
& Bengio, 2012; Bouthillier & Varoquaux, 2020), Bayesian optimization (Garnett, 2022) and
bandit-based methods (Jamieson & Talwalkar, 2016; Li et al., 2018).
The Combined Algorithm Selection and Hyperparameter optimization problem (CASH
problem) extends the HPO problem to optimize an ML pipeline choosing between different
ML methods (Thornton et al., 2013):
A∗, λ∗ ∈
arg min
λ , D(i)
train, D(i)
It is a hierarchical hyperparameter optimization problem with the hyperparameter space
Λ = Λ(1) ∪· · ·∪Λ(l) ∪Λr, where λr ∈ Λr = {A(1), . . . , A(l)} is a new root-level hyperparameter
that selects between algorithms A(1), . . . , A(l). The search space consists of subspaces Λ(j)
that are conditional on λr being instantiated to Aj. This setting is often extended to
contain multiple high-level choices r ∈ (1, . . . , R) to construct a multi-step pipeline. The
CASH problem requires specialized HPO algorithms that can deal with these hierarchical
hyperparameters, for example, tree-powered Bayesian optimization methods (Hutter et al.,
2011; Bergstra et al., 2011; Rakotoarison et al., 2019), or decompositions into higher and
lower-level problems (Liu et al., 2020).
Neural architecture search (NAS) The recent success of deep learning methods has
spurred the development of tailored methods that optimize the structure of deep neural
networks (Elsken et al., 2019b; White et al., 2023). Closely related to HPO, some NAS
problems can be tackled with HPO methods. Two popular approaches to NAS are gradient-
based optimization via continuous relaxations of the architectures (Liu et al., 2019) and
the global optimization of repeated local structures in a so-called cell search space (Real
et al., 2019). The NAS and HPO problems can be combined into the joint architecture and
hyperparameter search (JAHS) problem, in which both the topology of the neural network
and its hyperparameters such as the learning rate and regularization hyperparameters, are
optimized together (Zela et al., 2018; Zimmer et al., 2021; Hirose et al., 2021; Bansal et al.,
AutoML systems AutoML systems typically extend the above-mentioned techniques with
a concrete design space to automatically design ML pipelines. In its basic form, an AutoML
Weerts, Pfisterer, Feurer, Eggensperger et al.
system for supervised learning takes as input a dataset and an evaluation metric and outputs
an ML pipeline optimized for the metric. As such, the scope of AutoML is mostly limited to
the modeling stage of a machine learning development workflow (Figure 1).
AutoML systems primarily differ in terms of the considered search space and the search
strategy that is used to explore the search space. Popular examples are AutoWEKA (Thornton
et al., 2013) that uses the Bayesian optimization algorithm SMAC (Hutter et al., 2011) to
solve the CASH problem given in Equation 1, the extension Auto-sklearn (Feurer et al., 2015)
that also incorporates meta-learning and explicit ensembling, and the earlier Particle Swarm
Model Selection (Escalante et al., 2009) that uses a particle swarm optimization algorithm. In
contrast, the TPOT AutoML system (Olson et al., 2016) uses genetic programming and can
construct more general pipelines. These AutoML systems are composed of a general search
space description of an ML pipeline and its hyperparameters. They then employ powerful
global HPO algorithms (Feurer & Hutter, 2019) to optimize the pipeline for a dataset at
hand, often using iterative optimization algorithms that suggest and refine solutions during
the optimization process. However, there are also other approaches that do not rely on
HPO, such as Auto-Gluon (Erickson et al., 2020) which stacks models to yield a powerful
predictive pipeline. We refer to Gijsbers et al. (2022) and Feurer et al. (2022) for recent
overviews of AutoML systems. In addition to these, the broader field of automated Data
Science (AutoDS; De Bie et al. (2022)) focuses on automating additional aspects of the
development process, such as exploratory data analysis, data preparation, or parts of model
deployment. The focus of the current paper is on AutoML, but many of our findings are
applicable to other endeavors related to automation in machine learning, including AutoDS.
2.3 AutoML and Fairness
As the interest in fairness-aware ML systems increases, researchers have started to propose
AutoML systems that incorporate fairness considerations. In this section we discuss multi-
objective and constrained optimization, then describe how it is used to handle fairness as an
additional objective, and lastly, highlight other findings that relate to fairness and AutoML.
Multi-objective and constrained optimization HPO methods, AutoML systems, and
NAS methods have been extended to the multi-objective optimization case to take into account
additional objectives. A related solution is given by constrained optimization, in which one
or more objectives are optimized to meet a certain constraint value (Hernández-Lobato et al.,
HPO has been used to optimize ML models to take multiple cost functions (Horn &
Bischl, 2016) or resource consumption (Igel, 2005) into account. The goal of multi-objective
optimization is to approximate the Pareto set representing the best possible combination
of outcomes – solutions that can not be improved w.r.t. one objective without sacrificing
performance w.r.t. another. The AutoML system TPOT uses multi-objective optimization to
balance pipeline size and performance (Olson et al., 2016). AutoXGBoostMC proposes tuning
several additional metrics, such as fairness, robustness, or interpretability metrics (Pfisterer
et al., 2019). The NAS technique LEMONADE (Elsken et al., 2019a) searches for neural
architectures that balance performance, latency and size. We refer to Morales-Hernández
et al. (2022) and Karl et al. (2023) for reviews of multi-objective HPO and to Benmeziane
et al. (2021) for a review on hardware-aware NAS, a subfield of multi-objective NAS.
Guidelines and Opportunities for Fairness-Aware AutoML
Fairness as a constraint or additional objective Many fairness-aware ML algorithms
consider a constrained optimization approach. Existing work on fairness-aware AutoML has
extended this approach to AutoML systems. For example, Liu et al. (2020) propose a new
CASH algorithm that decomposes the CASH problem into multiple simpler subproblems and
allows incorporating black-box constraints along with the optimization objective. Similarly,
in fairBO, Perrone et al. (2021) proposed to use standard constrained Bayesian optimization
to optimize for predictive performance subject to fairness constraints, and demonstrated how
Bayesian optimization can tune hyperparameters constrained for three different metrics at
the same time.
Early examples of multi-objective HPO for fairness (Pfisterer et al., 2019; Chakraborty
et al., 2019) use the Bayesian optimization algorithm ParEGO (Knowles, 2006) and a custom
sequential model-based optimization algorithm (Nair et al., 2020), respectively. Later works
propose to use multi-fidelity optimization and extend the popular Successive Halving (Karnin
et al., 2013; Jamieson & Talwalkar, 2016) and Hyperband (Li et al., 2018) algorithms to
multi-objective algorithms and use them to tune fairness as an auxiliary metric (Schmucker
et al., 2020, 2021; Cruz et al., 2021). Most recently, Dooley et al. (2023) used multi-fidelity
multi-objective joint neural architecture and hyperparameter optimization in order to find
models that perform better with respect to various fairness metrics in face recognition.
Finally, Fair AutoML (Wu & Wang, 2021a) extended the FLAML AutoML system (Wang
et al., 2021) by adding a resource allocation strategy to dynamically decide whether to
evaluate new pipelines to improve performance or to mitigate bias for promising pipelines by
using the exponentiated gradient technique (Agarwal et al., 2018).
Gaining knowledge through fairness-aware AutoML Additionally, Perrone et al.
(2021) thoroughly study the impact of tuned hyperparameters on a fairness metric and
find that larger regularization often leads to fairer results. Moreover, they find that tuning
standard ML algorithms leads to comparable or even better performance than tuning fairness-
aware ML algorithms, such as support vector machines that incorporate a constraint on a
fairness metric during model training (Donini et al., 2018). Similarly, Dooley et al. (2023)
demonstrate that by only optimizing the neural architecture and hyperparameters of deep
neural networks, it is possible to yield better combinations of fairness metric and predictive
performance than by relying on existing bias mitigation approaches, and that fairer neural
architectures exhibit a reduced linear separability of protected attributes. Finally, Cruz et al.
(2021) find that targeted hyperparameter optimization can improve fairness metrics at a
small cost in predictive performance. Moreover, they also find that different ML algorithms
occupy distinct regions of the fairness-predictive performance space, suggesting a relationship
between specific model classes and fairness.
In conclusion, existing work on fairness-aware AutoML has combined fairness-aware ML
techniques proposed in algorithmic fairness research, as well as the choice of neural architec-
tures and hyperparameters, with multi-objective or constrained optimization. This offers
several potential advantages over existing techniques, e.g. in terms of flexibility. However,
as the research field of algorithmic fairness has evolved to include more (inter)disciplinary
perspectives, it has become clear that formulating fairness as an optimization task is not
always effective in achieving fairer real-world outcomes. This raises the question: how should
Weerts, Pfisterer, Feurer, Eggensperger et al.
we design fairness-aware AutoML systems to achieve fair outcomes? In the remainder of this
work, we will dive deeper into the limitations and opportunities of fairness-aware AutoML
from two perspectives: the user’s inputs into the system (Section 3) and the AutoML system’s
design (Section 4).
3. Effect of the User Inputs and User Interactions on Fairness
AutoML - and by extension fairness-aware AutoML - traditionally mostly addresses the
modeling stage of an ML workflow. However, fairness-related harm can arise at each stage of
the ML development process. Therefore, the way in which an AutoML system is integrated
into a workflow plays an important part in achieving fair real-world outcomes. In this section,
we set out how the user’s input (data, metrics, and constraints) affects fairness and what
this implies for fairness-aware AutoML.
3.1 Data
Data is one of the main user inputs to an AutoML system. Coincidentally, biases in datasets
are typically regarded as one of the primary sources for fairness-related harm, which makes
bias identification and mitigation crucial components of a fairness-aware ML workflow
(Figure 1). There are many different types of bias that can be present in datasets. We will
limit our overview to three biases that are particularly important for notions of group fairness
and refer the interested reader to Mitchell et al. (2021) and Mehrabi et al. (2021) for a more
exhaustive overview.
Historical Bias Historical bias refers to social biases that are encoded in a dataset and
can be reproduced by an ML model (Suresh & Guttag, 2021). In particular, a dataset
may reflect historical injustices that exist in our societies (Bao et al., 2021). For example,
if historically people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds have had fewer opportunities
to receive a high-quality education, they may be less suitable for jobs where education is
essential, resulting in lower hiring rates for these groups. Unaccounted for, an ML model is
likely to reproduce this type of bias and predict fewer positives for historically marginalized
Measurement Bias Datasets embed a plethora of subjective design choices, including
what is measured and how. Measurement bias occurs when measurements do not accurately or
adequately measure the concept we intended to measure. When measurement bias is related
to sensitive group membership, it can be a source of unfairness. For example, recidivism risk
assessment models are sometimes trained on arrest records, which reflect only a subset of
all criminal behavior and might be affected by biased policing practices. As a result, arrest
records can be a biased measurement of true criminal activity. Importantly, these issues
cannot be observed from the data alone and must be inferred from the context. As a result,
meaningfully addressing measurement bias will require careful consideration of the data
generation and collection processes (Jacobs & Wallach, 2021).
Guidelines and Opportunities for Fairness-Aware AutoML
Representation Bias A dataset may suffer from representation bias,4 meaning that the
dataset contains too few instances of a sensitive group to make accurate predictions. This
issue is most prevalent when the data distribution differs substantially between groups. For
example, Buolamwini and Gebru (2018) have shown that facial recognition systems failed
disproportionately for pictures of darker-skinned women, a group consistently underrepre-
sented in facial recognition datasets. Even if the number of instances is similar, features
included in a dataset may be less informative for some groups compared to others (Barocas
& Selbst, 2016).
Implications While it is impossible to identify all types of bias from data alone, future
fairness-aware AutoML systems can include several safeguards and diagnostic tools that
support practitioners. In particular, systems can flag potential issues, such as disparate
base rates (pointing to historical or measurement bias) and small (sub)groups (pointing to
representation bias). This can then be used to trigger a user interaction. Furthermore, future
work could explore incorporating approaches that facilitate careful modeling of historical
bias and measurement bias through causal or statistical modeling, assisted by AutoML
methods. Additionally, future systems could incorporate requests for meta-data in the user
interface (e.g., in the form of datasheets; Gebru et al., 2021) that help practitioners identify
potential issues with their data and facilitate documentation for audits.
3.2 Selecting Fairness Metrics
Another important user input of an AutoML system is the metric(s) for which the ML
model is optimized. As seen in Section 2.3, fairness-aware AutoML systems typically use a
multi-objective or constrained learning approach to incorporate quantitative fairness metrics
in the learning process. An underlying assumption of this approach is that all relevant
fairness and performance metrics can be clearly identified and adequately reflect all relevant
ethical considerations (ethical review and system (re-)design in Figure 1). This assumption
is unlikely to hold in practice for several reasons.
Identifying relevant groups is challenging Addressing fairness requires identifying
socially relevant groups that are at risk of harm. It is often hard to anticipate in advance
for which subgroups the system might fail (Chen et al., 2019; Wachter et al., 2021), or
to even identify them in advance (Ruggieri et al., 2023), resulting in a reactive strategy
rather than an anticipatory approach (Shankar et al., 2022). Moreover, commonly studied
sensitive characteristics, such as race and gender, are social constructs that are complex to
measure (Hanna et al., 2020; Jacobs & Wallach, 2021); this is further complicated when
we consider intersectionality (Chen et al., 2019; Buolamwini & Gebru, 2018) and privacy
Choosing a fairness metric is challenging Determining which fairness metric is most
appropriate for a given use case is a highly non-trivial question and still an active area of
research (Hellman, 2020; Wachter et al., 2021; Hertweck et al., 2021; Hedden, 2021; Weerts
4. Despite apparent similarities, representation bias is not the same as selection bias in statistical analysis.
Selection bias refers to a failure to achieve proper randomization in selection samples, while representation
bias refers to the minimum number of samples that are required to make accurate predictions for a
Weerts, Pfisterer, Feurer, Eggensperger et al.
et al., 2022). This is further complicated by the fact that many fairness constraints cannot
be satisfied simultaneously (Kleinberg et al., 2017; Chouldechova, 2017) as each fairness
metric corresponds to a different set of empirical and normative assumptions (Weerts et al.,
2022). For example, arguments for or against demographic parity can depend both on the
causes of disparities (e.g., measurement bias or historical bias) and the consequences (e.g.,
the cost of false positives).
Fairness metrics are simplified notions of fairness Every quantitative fairness metric
is necessarily a simplification, lacking aspects of the substantive nature of fairness long
debated by philosophers, legal scholars, and sociologists (Selbst et al., 2019; Jacobs &
Wallach, 2021; Schwöbel & Remmers, 2022; Watkins et al., 2022). While simplified notions of
fairness can potentially help to assess potential fairness-related harms, it can be challenging
to anticipate all relevant side effects of (technical) interventions that enforce them.
particular, group fairness metrics are predominantly parity-based, meaning they enforce
equality of statistics, such as error rates, across sensitive groups. Beyond parity, group
fairness metrics do not set specific constraints on the distribution of predictions. For example,
it is theoretically possible to achieve equal false positive rates by increasing the false positive
rate of the better-off group such that it is equal to that of the worst-off group, which in most
cases will not make the worst-off group any better off. The under-specification of fairness
metrics can be especially problematic when we consider bias-transforming metrics such as
demographic parity that require deviating from the status quo. Underspecification of the
world we would like to see can do more harm than good. Borrowing an example from Dwork
et al. (2012), it is possible to increase the selection rate for female applicants by inviting
the least qualified female applicants for an interview. While this intervention would satisfy
demographic parity, it is unlikely that any of the unqualified applicants would actually make
it to the next round. Although extreme “solutions” like this are unlikely to end up on the
Pareto front of a fairness-aware AutoML solution, more subtle variations of this issue can be
hard to detect. Without careful modeling of measurement bias and historical bias, simply
enforcing demographic parity – while a very important measure for equitable outcomes – can
have undesirable side effects that can even harm the groups the intervention was designed to
protect (Liu et al., 2018; Weerts et al., 2022).
Implications On the one hand, flexibility in defining fairness metrics is crucial to address
various fairness concerns and most current AutoML systems are indeed agnostic to the
metric(s) to be optimized.5 On the other hand, practitioners may not always anticipate
adverse side effects of such (hand-crafted) fairness metrics (Liu et al., 2018; Weerts et al.,
2022) or lack available implementations, e.g. for settings other than binary classification.
This is not to say that practitioners should refrain from attempting to quantify fairness at
all, which would simply lead to a continuation of current practice. Moreover, we also think
that these are not reasons against fairness-aware AutoML, as all of the above problems of
choosing an appropriate fairness metric similarly apply to standard ML.
5. Currently, only the fairness extension of FLAML (Wu & Wang, 2021a) is limited in this regard due
to its use of the exponentiated gradient to obtain fairer models, which is only defined for a limited
number of metrics. However, this is to a large extent a limitation of the implementation rather than the
Guidelines and Opportunities for Fairness-Aware AutoML
Instead, practitioners need to appreciate the complexities of quantifying fairness, solicit
input from relevant stakeholders, exercise caution in optimizing for fairness metrics, and
proactively monitor the system for unforeseen side effects. Indeed, it is our hope that the
faster development cycle that fairness-aware AutoML affords will facilitate more iterations
on these complex issues. While the use of limited fairness metrics will often be better than
ignoring fairness entirely, developers of fairness-aware AutoML systems need to steer clear of
“fairness-washing” and instead design their system in a way that encourages users to thoroughly
scrutinize their models. Going beyond reporting fairness metric scores, more comprehensive
evaluations could include grounding metrics in real-world quantities (Corbett-Davies &
Goel, 2018), the use of disaggregated evaluations (Barocas et al., 2021) and integration
of interpretability tools (Molnar et al., 2022). Additionally, we observe a tension between
guiding practitioners in their choice of fairness metric, whilst avoiding oversimplification of
ethical concerns. While AutoML systems are well equipped to optimize for bias-preserving
notions of fairness that emphasize equal predictive performance across groups, particular
care should be taken with optimization for bias-transforming metrics.
3.3 Use of the System
How a fairness-aware AutoML system and its output are used plays an important part in
achieving fair real-world outcomes.
Automation Bias One possible advantage of fairness-aware AutoML over more traditional
fairness-aware ML techniques is that fairness-aware AutoML allows practitioners to spend
more time on other tasks, such as careful selection of training data and the right fairness
metrics for the application at hand. However, as with any technology, the introduction
of fairness-aware AutoML into the toolbox of ML practitioners can have unintended con-
sequences. In particular, there is the risk of automation bias: the tendency to over-trust
suggestions from automated systems, even in the presence of contradictory information (Skitka
et al., 1999). For example, in the context of interpretability, Kaur et al. (2020) find that
ML practitioners may take the output of ML interpretability tools at face value, rather than
use them as a starting point for further inquiry and understanding of the ML model. In the
case of fairness-aware AutoML, automation bias could cause practitioners to more easily
adopt an ML model suggested by the system compared to hand-crafted models, without
thoroughly scrutinizing the proposed solution. In other words, practitioners may expect
that fairness-aware AutoML will not just output the best model, but also optimizes for
the right objective almost automatically. As explained above, it is challenging to identify
all relevant side effects of technical interventions in advance, which makes the thorough
evaluation of models crucial. This is further complicated by organizational dynamics, which
may favor the rapid deployment of models (Madaio et al., 2020). Additionally, there is the
risk of over-reliance on the automated system: if a fairness-aware AutoML system is not
designed to tackle an issue (e.g., intersections of multiple sensitive features), a user might
be tempted to simply ignore the problem, as not doing so means they need to resort to a
manual solution.6 Finally, an iterative model development stage can lead to insights into the
dataset and problem at hand that could be lost as more steps are automated.
6. Of course, issues related to the lack of availability of particular capabilities are not limited to AutoML
systems and also apply to (fairness-aware) ML more generally.
Weerts, Pfisterer, Feurer, Eggensperger et al.
Role of (Fairness-Aware) (Auto)ML Potential fairness-related harm depends not only
on the model itself but also on the sociotechnical system the model is a part of (Selbst et al.,
2019) and technical interventions during the modeling stage can only hope to address parts
of the problem.
Sources of unfair real-world outcomes are not limited to the direct inputs and outputs of a
fairness-aware AutoML system, but also include whether and how a practitioner incorporates
the system in their workflow. For example, the way in which a problem is formulated during
the problem understanding stage is implicitly shaped by practitioners’ assumptions (Madaio
et al., 2020). While this is not problematic by and of itself, practitioners may not be able
to identify and assess their own biases (Raji et al., 2020). Even prioritizing some problems
over others constitutes a value judgment. A municipality may use ML to detect fraud in
welfare benefit applications, but could also use ML to identify citizens who are eligible for
welfare but have not yet applied. Which project is pursued affects how stakeholders will be
impacted. Value judgments become even more explicit during the design of requirements and
key performance indicators, which dictate what the system is optimized for. At the other
end of the workflow, during deployment, decision-makers may interact with the ML model in
a way that introduces fairness-related harm. For example, in pretrial risk assessment, not
the predictions of the model but the final decision of the judge determines the real-world
consequences. If fairness is a requirement, it is therefore not sufficient to consider only the
output of the model, but also how the predictions are used by decision-makers (Selbst et al.,
2019). Another example is the risk of reinforcing feedback loops. Most fairness assessments
during the modeling stage are performed at a single point in time. However, once deployed,
decision-making systems can shape which data is collected in the future and thus can reinforce
existing or even introduce bias (Ensign et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2018; Cooper & Abrams, 2021;
Schwöbel & Remmers, 2022).
The introduction of fairness-aware ML, and by extension fairness-aware AutoML, could
incentivize ML practitioners to disregard other, potentially more effective, options in the
decision space. For example, when data is taken as a given input, this negates the possibility
to collect more or better data. Similarly, inquiry into the data and its provenance might
lead to insights that improve the quality of a resulting model, e.g. detecting data leakage
or relevant missing features. Additionally, a non-technical intervention might be more
appropriate. For example, rather than decreasing the false positive rate in recidivism risk
assessments through technical interventions, false positives could be made less costly by
changing the real-world consequences from sending a defendant to jail to enrolling them in a
community service program (Corbett-Davies et al., 2017).
In order to avoid falling prey to the adverse effects of automation, AutoML
system developers could consider approaches introduced in the field of human-computer
interaction. For example, to avoid users simply accepting the default solutions, principles
of seamful design (Kaur et al., 2022) can be used to implement intentional friction that
promotes critical reflection. In this way, fairness-aware AutoML users can be encouraged to
move from a passive role to the more active, engaged role that is required for fairness work.
Additionally, we urge developers of fairness-aware AutoML to present their system as what it
is: an important tool amongst many others in the toolbox of a fairness-aware ML practitioner
that can help them get the most out of the many possible methods for the modelling stage.
Guidelines and Opportunities for Fairness-Aware AutoML
In this spirit, developers should see AutoML as a tool that primarily supports practitioners
when they engage in data work, rather than a tool that replaces them (Wang et al., 2019).
Beyond communication, recognizing the narrow scope of current AutoML systems also opens
up paths for future work. For example, we envision AutoML systems that provide user
prompts or documentation that encourages practitioners to consider alternative interventions.
More radically, future work could expand the frame of AutoML to include more nuanced
modeling of the sociotechnical system of which the ML model is a part, such as potential
feedback loops, user interactions, or causal models.
4. Effect of the AutoML System Design on Fairness
Several design decisions of a fairness-aware AutoML system shape its resulting models and for
which tasks it will perform well. To illuminate the implications of those decisions, we discuss
choices made for different components of the system including the search space, formulation
of the optimization problem and evaluation protocol.
4.1 Search Space
By designing the search space of an AutoML system, we make implicit decisions about what
kind of algorithms and what kind of processing steps a system should consider. This allows
codifying established best practices, e.g. by relying on processing steps and model classes that
demonstrably lead to improved results.
This includes aspects such as feature selection and transformation methods, fairness-aware
machine learning techniques, ML algorithms, and subsequent stacking or ensembling. To
provide an example, the space of possible processing steps could be constrained to pre-
processing steps and ML algorithms that yield easily interpretable ML pipelines, lending
themselves to a better analysis by domain experts. While desirable, this may exclude pipelines
that better reflect the real-world complexities captured in a dataset. Sources of harm in
this stage include aggregation bias (Suresh & Guttag, 2021), which occurs when a learning
algorithm is unable to capture the data distributions of distinct groups. Similarly, without
considering fairness, extensive regularization may result in a model that only captures the
data distribution of a majority group, but fails for minority groups.
Decisions made at this stage can also shape the capabilities of the resulting system
that are not captured by fairness metrics. To provide an example, including fairness-aware
machine learning techniques that return randomized predictions (e.g., Hardt et al., 2016;
Agarwal et al., 2018) could lead to stochastic predictions in the final model. While this may
lead to high performance on fairness metrics in expectation, randomization is an undesirable
outcome in many real-world applications (Weerts et al., 2022).
Implications Components included in an AutoML system shape the quality of the resulting
models and the system’s applicability. Focusing an AutoML system’s search space on
inherently interpretable models might simplify and improve the reliability of model audits,
but this might lead to models that are not sufficiently complex resulting in aggregation
bias. Similarly, allowing the user to include or exclude different components can lead to
desirable or undesirable properties in the resulting models which should be reflected in
the system’s API design. For example, a fairness-aware AutoML system could provide
Weerts, Pfisterer, Feurer, Eggensperger et al.
users flexibility in deciding whether to use techniques that lead to randomized predictions.
An important research direction considers uncovering the advantages, disadvantages, and
implicit normative assumptions of particular (fairness-aware) ML algorithms across multiple
dimensions, including specific understandings of fairness and interpretability.
4.2 Optimization Problem Formulation
While previous work has used both constrained and multi-objective optimization to take
fairness considerations into account, little attention has been given to the advantages and
disadvantages that come with the two different paradigms, neither in the context of fairness-
aware AutoML nor in the general context of optimization.7
Imposing a fairness constraint simplifies subsequent model selection procedures compared
to the multi-objective scenario, as it allows for selecting the ‘best’ model satisfying a previously
specified constraint. This strongly simplifies the optimization problem (Perrone et al., 2021)
and communication of results. On the other hand, by imposing constraints, we implicitly
rephrase the goal of model building to find the best model that is still ethically/legally allowed,
ignoring the possibility to employ models that strike more favorable trade-offs. Additionally,
how such constraints should be set is a non-trivial question – particularly in advance.
Previous work has often cited the four-fifths rule (e.g., Feldman et al., 2015) as an example
of such a constraint, but this rule only applies to a very narrow domain of US labor law
and translating such legal requirements into fairness metrics requires multiple abstractions
that likely invalidate resulting measurements (Watkins et al., 2022).8 Similarly, EU anti-
discrimination law is designed to be context-sensitive and reliant on interpretation (Wachter
et al., 2021), making it challenging to set any hard constraints in advance.
We visualize the multi-objective and constrained optimization perspective w.r.t. mini-
mization in Figure 2. A multi-objective method (see Figure 2a) returns all solutions that
are located on the Pareto-front (dashed line), i.e., solutions where no other more favorable
trade-off is available. A constrained optimization method (see Figure 2b) instead disregards
all solutions that violate a chosen constraint (here unfairness < 0.075) depicted in red and
returns the point with the lowest error from all solutions satisfying the constraint.
Implications Employing a multi-objective perspective allows for a better understanding of
all available trade-offs, the effect of models and model hyperparameters, and which decisions
impact fairness. This is particularly important since the fairness-aware (Auto)ML workflow
is iterative in nature, due to the complexities of quantifying fairness and soliciting input
from relevant stakeholders discussed in Section 3.2. Knowledge of the entire set of Pareto-
optimal models is much more valuable in this iterative process than the single solution
that a constrained optimization solution would yield. Furthermore, should constraints
change in the future, results from multi-objective optimization might allow for selecting a
different Pareto-optimal model while the constrained optimization approach might require
full retraining of the entire AutoML system. Further research into combining multi-objective
7. We note that it is also possible to combine both paradigms into constrained multi-objective optimization,
however, we are not aware of existing work that compares this approach to the constrained optimization
and multi-objective optimization paradigms.
8. More generally, we argue that fairness metrics and constraints loosely derived from legal texts should not
be equated with legal fairness principles.
Guidelines and Opportunities for Fairness-Aware AutoML
(a) Multi-objective perspective
(b) Constrained perspective
Figure 2: Multi-objective perspective (left) and constrained perspective (right) showing
exemplary unfairness and error values of found ML models (black dots). We depict optimal
solutions returned by the minimization procedure as blue triangles, the approximation of the
Pareto-front with a dashed line and the constraint (unfairness > 0.075) as a red area.
and constrained optimization could lead to improved approximations of relevant segments of
the Pareto-front without wasting compute budget on ethically questionable solutions that
yield high performance.
4.3 Evaluation Protocol
Another set of problems arises from inadequate evaluation protocols. Most technical metrics
applied during model selection only yield noisy estimates of the true generalization error
due to the limited amount of data available and stochasticity of algorithms, soft- and
hardware (Bouthillier et al., 2021). The typical evaluation protocol uses a train-valid-test
split (Raschka, 2018), where train is used for training a model, valid is used for model
selection, i.e. selecting a final model from the AutoML system, and test is held out for a final
evaluation, i.e. estimating the performance on unseen data or comparing AutoML systems.9
While the development of evaluation protocols for ML is challenging in general, the
challenge is exacerbated when we consider group fairness metrics that require the estimation
of group statistics (e.g., selection rate). Sensitive groups are often small, resulting in noisy
estimates - especially when multiple sensitive characteristics are considered. Additionally,
group fairness metrics summarize the comparison of those group statistics across groups (e.g.,
by taking the maximum difference), resulting in statistically biased upwards metrics that
could possibly exaggerate disparities (Lum et al., 2022).
Robust estimation is further complicated as evaluation often concerns multiple metrics
(e.g., both a fairness constraint and a predictive performance objective). Estimating the
performance of a given fairness-aware AutoML system requires an evaluation protocol that
9. We note that instead of a single train-valid split, one can also use other protocols, e.g. cross-validation.
Weerts, Pfisterer, Feurer, Eggensperger et al.
ensures that the reported quantities (e.g. predictive performance or fairness metrics) are
robustly estimated (Agrawal et al., 2020). The typical train-valid-test protocol does not
transfer to multiple objectives or additional constraints, where the performance of solutions
is typically assessed as the hypervolume covered by non-dominated solutions – the Pareto-
optimal set (Zitzler et al., 2003). Since metrics are noisy, candidate solutions chosen by the
AutoML system on validation data might no longer satisfy constraints or be Pareto-optimal
on the test set or when deployed in practice (Feurer et al., 2023).
Implications An ideal test set for fairness assessments is (1) free of measurement bias
(see Section 3.1) and errors, and (2) contains sufficient data for each subgroup to accurately
estimate group statistics. When subpopulations are very small, it may be infeasible to collect
sufficient data through random sampling. In such cases, a weighted sampling approach in
which small subgroups are oversampled may be more appropriate. However, care should
be taken to not overburden already marginalized groups and to ensure that any further
interpretation of the results takes note of sampling bias. If additional data collection is
infeasible, stratification along the sensitive feature should be used to ensure that the test set
approximately preserves the representation of each sensitive group in the train and test set
- an approach commonly used for imbalanced classification problems. Future work should
focus on developing evaluation protocols that explicitly take into account the uncertainty
of estimates of fairness metrics. Furthermore, the assessment of multiple objectives or
constraints requires the use of more robust evaluation protocols that are adapted to this
setting (e.g., Feurer et al., 2023).
4.4 Benchmark-driven Development
Benchmarks for studying, developing and comparing algorithms have been widely used to
track the state-of-the-art in subfields of ML research. Benchmarks define typical tasks that
should be solved by ML systems, providing a definition of each task’s relevant properties, such
as included data or evaluation metric(s). In its simplest form, a benchmark task for AutoML
is characterized by a dataset (with a predefined set of features and target variable) and a
predictive performance metric (including an evaluation protocol). The design of AutoML
systems is often largely benchmark driven – systems are developed to compete on standardized
test suites (Gijsbers et al., 2022) or in AutoML competitions (Guyon et al., 2019). This
has the benefit that new system components are immediately tested for their empirical
performance and only included if they provide substantial benefits. Furthermore, this allows
for thoroughly studying algorithms, objective comparisons, and visibility and reproducibility
of research progress. Translating benchmark results into real-world improvements requires
the availability of and access to benchmarks that adequately reflect the contextual complexity
and technical challenges of relevant real-world tasks (Raji et al., 2021). We identify several
reasons why this assumption may not be applicable in the context of fairness research.
Existing benchmarks are decontextualized Several benchmarks have been critiqued
for a lack of similarity to real-world applications (Langley, 1996; Saitta & Neri, 1998; Wagstaff,
2012). The construction of fairness benchmarks often seems to be guided by availability,
rather than by a careful abstraction of a real-world problem. Especially in the context of
fairness, these characteristics lead to issues around the validity of the collected data (Ding
Guidelines and Opportunities for Fairness-Aware AutoML
et al., 2021; Bao et al., 2021; Grömping, 2019) as well as a disconnect from real-world
applications (Bao et al., 2021). As a result, progress on fairness benchmarks is unlikely to
reflect progress on the real-world outcomes that motivate fairness research. For example, Bao
et al. (2021) describe how the use of ProPublica’s COMPAS dataset (Angwin et al., 2016)
as a benchmark is misleading, as performing well on this task cannot be tied to real-world
impact in the field of criminal justice. Using benchmarks to solely chase state-of-the-art
performance, researchers risk losing sight of the context of the data - which is crucial to
advance social outcomes such as fairness.
Small set of benchmarks Many subfields in ML research focus on empirical performance
improvements on a very small set of benchmark tasks, raising concerns regarding overfit-
ting (Recht et al., 2019) and a lack of contribution to scientific understanding (Hooker, 1995;
Dehghani et al., 2021). Fairness-aware ML methods are no exception and have typically
been evaluated only across a small set of benchmark tasks (cf. Table 1 in the Supplementary
material), strongly limiting the conclusions that can be drawn from such experiments on a
Existing benchmark tasks are limited to the modeling stage The high emphasis
on mitigation algorithms in algorithmic fairness research has resulted in a set of benchmark
datasets (cf. Table 1 in the Supplementary material) that only reflect a very small aspect of
typical fairness-aware ML workflows since AutoML typically focuses on the modeling stage
(cf. Figure 1). This can result in a blind spot for specific capabilities, such as evaluating
long-term impact or handling intersectional sensitive groups, that are not tested in a typical
fairness benchmark, which can trickle down to the users of the AutoML system.
If fairness-aware AutoML system development is guided by benchmarks, the
datasets making up such benchmarks should be contextualized, reflect real-world challenges,
and sufficiently large. We urge AutoML and fairness researchers to jointly develop contextu-
alized benchmark tasks that reflect the challenges that practitioners face in practice when
working on fairness-related tasks. Defining such benchmark tasks requires a realistic applica-
tion scenario along with problem constraints as well as relevant fairness and performance
metric(s) tailored to real-world outcomes. In many domains, data collection will require a
great deal of effort that may take years, including (but not limited to) collaborating with
domain experts, intense stakeholder management, and resolving incomplete and complex
database systems. Another important reason for the lack of datasets is concerns around
data privacy, since fairness-related ML tasks typically comprise sensitive data. Synthetically
generated data has been successfully used in other fields and could also provide a useful source
here. This would enable researchers to thoroughly study the performance of algorithms w.r.t.
to specific problem characteristics. However, even “realistic” synthetic datasets may not
accurately reflect the real-world context compared to their “real-world” counterparts and care
should be taken in the interpretation of the results. Additionally, data privacy issues could be
tackled on an organizational level, but given the diversity of data protection regulations across
jurisdictions, specific recommendations are beyond the scope of this work. If constructed
well, we believe that benchmarks could inspire the development of fairness-aware AutoML
systems with more diverse capabilities and highlight complexities and problems that occur
in practice.
Weerts, Pfisterer, Feurer, Eggensperger et al.
While quantitative benchmarks have widely been used to demonstrate a method’s superi-
ority, we argue that especially in the context of fairness-aware AutoML, we need to move
beyond numerical performance. In practice, users might often prefer simpler solutions over
complex methods as they simplify debugging and retraining. Moreover, performance gains
from more complex models often do not translate to benefits during deployment (Shankar
et al., 2022). In particular, we believe future work should shift in focus from “horse race”
analyses to a better understanding of when and why a particular system works and – perhaps
more importantly – when it does not. Rather than pursuing incremental improvements
in numerical performance, we believe that evaluation approaches designed to diagnose po-
tential failure modes (Raji et al., 2021) and controlled experiments motivated by specific
hypotheses (Hooker, 1995) will be crucial for advancing fairness research.
Until better benchmark tasks become available, we would like to highlight that we cannot
endorse using existing benchmark tasks to claim progress in fairness research. If researchers
use existing benchmark tasks to assess the strengths and weaknesses of multi-objective or
constrained optimization algorithms, we recommend (1) a clear statement that multi-objective
/ constrained optimization work does not constitute fairness research. We also recommend
(2) emphasizing work on more sensible benchmarks and (3) relying on very targeted problem
scenarios within a clearly defined application context, clearly stating involved biases and
resulting harms.
5. Opportunities for Fairness-aware AutoML
Provided that the use of (fairness-aware) ML is justifiable, ML pipelines should be constructed
in the best possible manner. Existing work points towards several opportunities for fairness-
aware AutoML to contribute to this goal.
Fairness-aware AutoML allows integrating best practices in the modeling stage.
Practitioners often lack knowledge on how to integrate fairness toolkits into their work-
flow (Holstein et al., 2019; Deng et al., 2022) and may face difficulties in proper evaluation
of fairness metrics (Agrawal et al., 2020). AutoML systems can implement relevant search
spaces, mitigation techniques, and evaluation protocols into a configurable pipeline that
is optimized automatically, relieving the user from staying up-to-date with the technical
literature. Moreover, AutoML systems can codify best practices that ensure that model
selection is done correctly, preventing mistakes arising from, for example, wrongly coded
evaluation protocols or undetected train-test leakage.
Fairness-aware AutoML may outperform traditional fairness-aware ML tech-
niques. Previous work has shown that (1) even an arguably simple constrained Bayesian
optimization of a standard ML algorithm is en-par with solutions discovered by fairness-
aware ML algorithms (Perrone et al., 2021), with the advantage of being much more flexible,
and that (2) the joint multi-objective optimization of deep neural architectures and their
hyperparameters can also outperform other bias mitigation techniques in the context of face
recognition (Dooley et al., 2023). Importantly, standard fairness-aware ML algorithms, such
as a fairness-aware support vector machine (Donini et al., 2018) require hyperparameter
tuning, too, which is an additional argument for employing fairness-aware AutoML tech-
niques. We are not aware of a thorough comparison of manual tuning with a constrained or
Guidelines and Opportunities for Fairness-Aware AutoML
multi-objective hyperparameter optimization algorithm, but by extrapolating results from
the single-objective setting (Bergstra & Bengio, 2012; Snoek et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2018;
Henderson et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2021) into a constrained or multi-objective setting, we
believe that fairness-aware AutoML is perfectly posed to support practitioners to reliably
and efficiently tune hyperparameters.
Fairness-aware AutoML may fit more easily into existing workflows. By building
upon standard HPO rather than hand-crafted ML algorithms that were altered to take fair-
ness into account, AutoML solutions are typically easier to fit into existing workflows (Cruz
et al., 2021) and can be used together with different off-the-shelf machine learning mod-
els. For example, Perrone et al. (2021) demonstrate that their method works for random
forests (Breimann, 2001), XGBoost (Chen & Guestrin, 2016), neural networks, and linear
models. Similarly, Cruz et al. (2021) have jointly optimized random forests, decision trees,
LightGBM (Ke et al., 2017), logistic regression, neural networks, and decision trees wrapped
with the exponentiated gradient method (Agarwal et al., 2018) – also showing that each of
the models leads to a different trade-off between the performance and the fairness metric. In
addition (and in contrast to most fairness-aware ML strategies), fairness-aware AutoML sys-
tems are typically agnostic to the fairness metric at hand (Perrone et al., 2021; Chakraborty
et al., 2019; Cruz et al., 2021; Wu & Wang, 2021a) and can be used for arbitrary models
while not relying on a specific model class being adapted (Perrone et al., 2021). As such,
fairness-aware AutoML has the potential to address the portability trap described by Selbst
et al. (2019): while individual models and even individual bias mitigation techniques do not
generalize from one usage context to another, the AutoML process of searching for the Pareto
front of optimal tradeoffs of user-defined objectives in a particular application generalizes
across usage contexts. Moreover, algorithmic solutions are sometimes deployed without
considering fairness issues at all, due to a lack of awareness, knowledge, or expertise (Lum
& Isaac, 2016; Buolamwini & Gebru, 2018). While technical interventions should not be
regarded as the sole tool for addressing unfairness, enriching AutoML can lower the barrier
for practitioners and domain experts to incorporate fairness considerations. Relieving the
user from some of the technical complexities of ML pipeline design can allow them to spend
more time on aspects where a human in the loop is essential.
Fairness-aware AutoML can be a useful tool to improve understanding of metrics,
data, & models Machine learning can be a useful tool not just during model development,
but also during data exploration. In particular, ML can be used to investigate relationships
in the data that lead to potential fairness-related harm (Wachter et al., 2020). AutoML can
be a useful tool to quickly build a variety of ML models with high predictive performance.
By evaluating models w.r.t. a wide variety of (fairness) metrics, practitioners can gain
insight into potential biases contained in the data and labels. While current AutoML
systems typically do not facilitate this type of analysis, we envision future systems that
allow a practitioner to investigate which features a model typically relies on or whether an
(unconstrained) ML pipeline leads to performance disparities. Such knowledge can then
be used to, e.g. inform policy decisions that address fairness-related harms at their core.
By using a multi-objective AutoML system for exploration, a user can also learn about
the trade-offs between different objectives. In contrast to comparing solutions obtained by
Weerts, Pfisterer, Feurer, Eggensperger et al.
manual inspection, a multi-objective AutoML system directly explores the Pareto front of
optimal trade-offs.
Fairness-aware AutoML solutions lend themselves to further inspection of the
learning process. Such inspections have traditionally been used to better understand
the relationship between the characteristics of an ML task, the parameters of learners, and
predictive performance (Jones et al., 1998; Hutter et al., 2013, 2014; Fawcett & Hoos, 2016;
Golovin et al., 2017; Biedenkapp et al., 2017, 2018; van Rijn & Hutter, 2018; Probst et al.,
2019; Weerts et al., 2020; Moosbauer et al., 2021). Similar analyses can be performed in
fairness-aware ML. For example, Perrone et al. (2021) used hyperparameter importance
analysis to get further insights into the learners, finding that regularization parameters are
particularly important to meet fairness constraints. These insights are readily available as
output of an AutoML system, having generated meta-data during the interaction of pipeline
optimization and the data at hand.
6. Conclusions
Fairness-aware AutoML systems have the potential to overcome several challenges ML
practitioners face in fairness work. By simplifying and accelerating the integration of fairness
considerations into ML solutions, these systems can allow practitioners to allocate more
time to tasks where a human-in-the loop is essential. Moreover, fairness-aware AutoML
systems can be a useful tool to rapidly improve understanding of the input data and machine
learning process. However, the effectiveness of fairness-aware AutoML systems in mitigating
real-world harm depends on various factors, including not only the design of the system, but
also the way in which practitioners utilize it. Furthermore, while issues related to fairness
can emerge in every stage of the ML workflow, AutoML is currently primarily involved
with the modeling stage, limiting its role in fairness-aware ML workflows. This raises the
question: how can we develop fairness-aware AutoML systems in a way that acknowledges
the complexity of algorithmic fairness throughout the entire workflow? In this concluding
section, we propose several guidelines for research and development of fairness-aware AutoML
and set out directions for future work.
Guidelines for Fairness-aware AutoML It is important to be aware of the consequences
of making technological solutions available. To assist researchers and developers interested
in fairness-aware AutoML, we have formulated the following guidelines.
• Clearly state assumptions and limitations. When talking about fairness-aware
AutoML and solutions generated by such systems, prominently state assumptions and
limitations. It must be clear for what use cases the system is suitable, how it was
tested, and in which scenarios it should not be used. In particular, clearly state that
satisfying fairness metrics cannot guarantee a fair system (Corbett-Davies & Goel,
2018) and may even lead to adverse effects (Cooper & Abrams, 2021).
• Support users in identifying sources of fairness-related harm. Sources of
fairness-related harm can often be mitigated more effectively through interventions
beyond the modeling stage of an ML workflow, such as better data collection, an
Guidelines and Opportunities for Fairness-Aware AutoML
alternative problem formulation, and non-technical interventions related to the use of
the system. As such, it is important to help users identify potential issues. One direction
for this could be informing users of potential problems via fairness checklists (Madaio
et al., 2020) or inviting explicit reflection on data and model lineage, e.g., by pre-
populating or simplifying the creation of Data sheets (Gebru et al., 2021) and Model
cards (Mitchell et al., 2019).
• Incorporate principles of seamful design. Automation involves the risk that
users overly trust solutions without employing the required amount of scrutiny of data
and resulting models. This might result in sources of bias not accounted for during
model development, evaluation, and deployment and, thus, could ultimately lead to
adverse effects for sensitive groups. Systems should therefore take great care w.r.t. how
solutions are presented and which conclusions can be drawn from reported metrics.
To counteract automation bias, we encourage system developers to consider existing
practices in human-computer interaction, such as adding intentional friction through
seamful design (Kaur et al., 2022), which encourages users to reflect on explicit and
implicit design choices.
• Support users in statistically sound fairness evaluation. Assessing the fairness
of a model requires that quantities are estimated based on a sufficiently large and
representative sample of the population under consideration while ensuring that the
data can support such conclusions. If not caught, errors in the evaluation could lead
to blind spots for subgroups not sufficiently represented in the data or premature
conclusions that are unsupported by the available data. AutoML can and should codify
best practices to prevent user errors during evaluation. In particular, we recommend
warning users if the results of a fairness evaluation are not supported by sufficient data.
• Account for inherent limitations of fairness metrics. It is challenging to capture
nuanced understandings of fairness in quantitative fairness metrics. As a result,
optimization for a particular fairness constraint or objective can have undesirable
side effects. To avoid these issues, fairness-aware AutoML should support users in
comprehensive evaluations beyond simple metrics. Additionally, we discourage solutions
that enforce bias-transforming metrics such as demographic parity without careful
modeling of the social context and data collection processes that motivate these metrics.
• Ensure well-substantiated system design. The search space is an important design
choice of a fairness-aware AutoML system. It defines the applicability and quality of
models an AutoML system outputs, as well as the trade-offs between desiderata that
will be explored during learning. We recommend carefully documenting the design
decisions made during the development process and explaining how they incorporate
user requirements.
• Evaluate the system against contextualized benchmarks. If new fairness-aware
AutoML systems are designed, it is important that those systems not only solve an
oversimplified problem but actually assist the user in achieving fairer outcomes. Existing
benchmarks are often oversimplified and do not reflect the real-world requirements
of a fairness-aware AutoML system. Hence, novel contextualized benchmarks should
Weerts, Pfisterer, Feurer, Eggensperger et al.
be created to analyze to what extent fairness-aware AutoML systems meet these
• Support users in performing quick iterations. The fairness-aware (Auto)ML
workflow is necessarily iterative. We thus encourage the development of fast and
interactive fairness-aware AutoML systems that allow for rapid iterations.
Opportunities Having discussed perspective of users and developers of fairness-aware
AutoML systems in Sections 3 and 4, as well as the opportunities for fairness-aware AutoML
systems in Section 5, we now briefly summarize the potential benefit of fairness-aware
AutoML for each stakeholder to open up a dialogue for progressing towards fairness-aware
• AutoML researcher. AutoML systems can have a positive real-world impact if
they support users in building fairer models. Directly applicable research directions
are improving evaluation and constrained multi-objective optimization. Moreover,
we suggest extending the limited knowledge on how users interact with AutoML
systems (Xin et al., 2021) and developing interactive systems that support them best
in doing so (Wang et al., 2019; Crisan & Fiore-Gartland, 2021).
• Fairness researcher. Fairness-aware AutoML stands and falls with the quality of
available fairness metrics (Ruggieri et al., 2023) and available testbeds to develop
fairness-aware AutoML systems. Therefore, we expect further research in contextual
benchmark problems in combination with less abstract and more tangible fairness
criteria will be a fruitful direction for future research.
• ML practitioner. We urge users of ML to familiarize themselves with the dangers
of applying ML in sensitive applications, for example by following the references
provided in this paper.
If designing an ML intervention is the best solution to a
problem, we propose relying on principled techniques for building ML models and
suggest fairness-aware AutoML techniques.
Future Work We posit that fairness-aware AutoML systems can play an important role in
typical fairness-aware ML workflows by tackling model selection, hyperparameter optimiza-
tion, and model evaluation and identify several promising directions for future work towards
this end. An important research topic is the design of evaluation protocols that can properly
handle multiple objectives or constraints, as well as noisy metrics in a statistically sound
way. Furthermore, while most current work on fairness-aware ML approaches the problem
from a constrained optimization perspective, much less work has explored the promising
multi-objective optimization scenario. Moreover, incorporating aspects of the evaluation
stage into the AutoML loop, by e.g., modeling latent preferences expressed during evaluation
or making it easier to incorporate other real-world objectives into the optimization loop, is a
promising avenue for further research. We also believe that AutoML and hyperparameter
analysis can be a useful tool for fairness researchers as well as AutoML researchers to improve
understanding of the (fairness-aware) learning process and inform guidance on the suitability
of particular approaches. Additionally, we hope to encourage the joint development of more
realistic benchmarks. Furthermore, the present paper focuses primarily on settings with
Guidelines and Opportunities for Fairness-Aware AutoML
structured data, and we are aware of only one publication in the realm of fairness-aware
AutoML that tackles image data (Dooley et al., 2023). While many of the discussed challenges
are also relevant to settings with unstructured data, we expect several unique challenges
related to bias and unfairness of models trained on unstructured data such as images and
text, for example, missing meta-data on group membership. We believe that exploring these
challenges and opportunities is an interesting direction for future work. Similarly, generative
AI shares many of the challenges we outlined, but will require additional considerations
that warrant further research. Finally, we want to argue in favor of AutoML systems that
are more interactive in nature: instead of monolithic one-solution-fits-all systems, future
work should go into assistive systems, that, e.g., point out possible problems in the data, or
guide the user through fairness audits (Landers & Behrend, 2022; Madaio et al., 2020). We
believe that an interdisciplinary approach bridging AutoML and human-computer interaction
research will be crucial for designing effective user interaction interfaces and counteracting
potential automation bias.
Revisiting the original question that motivated this work, we conclude that fairness cannot be
automated. Instead, an iterative, context-sensitive process guided by human domain experts
is essential to arrive at fair outcomes. Nevertheless, in cases where technical interventions are
appropriate, fairness-aware AutoML systems can lower the barrier to incorporating fairness
considerations in the ML workflow and support users through the integration of best practices
and state-of-the-art approaches, without the need to follow the latest technical literature.
However, we emphasize that basic data science skills remain crucial for correctly framing
the problem and continuously monitoring performance. In summary, even with a humble
attitude towards the role of AutoML, we believe fairness-aware AutoML to be an important
research direction that is likely to have a substantive impact.
Hilde Weerts and Florian Pfisterer contributed equally to this work. Matthias Feurer,
Katharina Eggensperger, Noor Awad and Frank Hutter acknowledge the Robert Bosch GmbH
for financial support. Katharina Eggensperger also acknowledges funding by the German
Research Foundation under Germany’s Excellence Strategy - ECX number 2064/1 - Project
number 390727645. Edward Bergman, Joaquin Vanschoren and Frank Hutter acknowledge
TAILOR, a project funded by EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under
GA No 952215. Edward Bergman, Noor Awad and Frank Hutter acknowledge funding by
the European Union (via ERC Consolidator Grant DeepLearning 2.0, grant no. 101045765).
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily
reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council. Neither the European
Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Weerts, Pfisterer, Feurer, Eggensperger et al.
Appendix A. Datasets Used in Fairness-aware AutoML Research
We collect datasets used for empirical comparisons in the fairness-aware AutoML works we
cite in order to highlight the limited scope and quantity of datasets used during benchmarks.
fairness-aware AutoML systems are typically evaluated on only 1 to 4 datasets, typically
employing either a fairness metric and a performance metric (A-E) or a combined metric that
evaluates performance given a fairness constraint is satisfied (F-I). While additional datasets
have been collected and investigated in the context of fairness benchmarking (Quy et al., 2022;
Fabris et al., 2022), they have not been used to evaluate fairness-aware AutoML systems. In
addition, benchmarks based on such datasets might suffer from the same problems, such as
limited scope and lack of representativity discussed in Section 4.4.
Table 1: Fairness-related datasets used in prior research on fairness-aware AutoML.
A Pfisterer et al. (2019)
B Schmucker et al. (2020)
C Schmucker et al. (2021)
D Chakraborty et al. (2019) ✓
E Cruz et al. (2021)
F Liu et al. (2020)
G Perrone et al. (2021)
H Wu and Wang (2021a)
I Wu and Wang (2021b)
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A Review of Evolutionary Multi-modal
Multi-objective Optimization
Ryoji Tanabe, Member, IEEE,and Hisao Ishibuchi, Fel-
low, IEEE
Abstract—Multi-modal multi-objective optimization aims to
find all Pareto optimal solutions including overlapping solutions
in the objective space. Multi-modal multi-objective optimization
has been investigated in the evolutionary computation community
since 2005. However,
it is difficult to survey existing studies
in this field because they have been independently conducted
and do not explicitly use the term “multi-modal multi-objective
optimization”. To address this issue, this paper reviews existing
studies of evolutionary multi-modal multi-objective optimization,
including studies published under names that are different from
“multi-modal multi-objective optimization”. Our review also
clarifies open issues in this research area.
Index Terms—Multi-modal multi-objective optimization, evo-
lutionary algorithms, test problems, performance indicators
A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) is an
efficient optimizer for a multi-objective optimization problem
(MOP) [1]. MOEAs aim to find a non-dominated solution
set that approximates the Pareto front in the objective space.
The set of non-dominated solutions found by an MOEA is
usually used in an “a posteriori” decision-making process [2].
A decision maker selects a final solution from the solution set
according to her/his preference.
Since the quality of a solution set is usually evaluated in
the objective space, the distribution of solutions in the solution
space has not received much attention in the evolutionary
multi-objective optimization (EMO) community. However, the
decision maker may want to compare the final solution to other
dissimilar solutions that have an equivalent quality or a slightly
inferior quality [3], [4]. Fig. 1 shows a simple example. In Fig.
1, the four solutions xa, xb, xc, and xd are far from each other
in the solution space but close to each other in the objective
space. xa and xb have the same objective vector. xc and xa
are similar in the objective space. xd is dominated by these
solutions. This kind of situation can be found in a number
of real-world problems, including functional brain imaging
problems [3], diesel engine design problems [5], distillation
plant layout problems [6], rocket engine design problems [7],
and game map generation problems [8].
If multiple diverse solutions with similar objective vectors
like xa, xb, xc, and xd in Fig. 1 are obtained, the decision
maker can select the final solution according to her/his pref-
erence in the solution space. For example, if xa in Fig. 1
becomes unavailable for some reason (e.g., material shortages,
R. Tanabe and H. Ishibuchi are with Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Computa-
tional Intelligence, University Key Laboratory of Evolving Intelligent Systems
of Guangdong Province, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China.
e-mail: ([email protected], [email protected]). (Corresponding au-
thor: Hisao Ishibuchi)
Fig. 1: Illustration of a situation where the four solutions are identical
or close to each other in the objective space but are far from each
other in the solution space (a minimization problem).
A multi-modal multi-objective
mechanical failures, traffic accidents, and law revisions), the
decision maker can select a substitute from xb, xc, and xd.
A practical example is given in [4], which deals with two-
objective space mission design problems. In [4], Sch¨utze et al.
considered two dissimilar solutions x1 = (782, 1288, 1788)T
and x2 = (1222, 1642, 2224)T for a minimization problem,
whose objective vectors are f (x1) = (0.462, 1001.7)T and
f (x2) = (0.463, 1005.3)T, respectively. Although x1 domi-
nates x2, the difference between f (x1) and f (x2) is small
enough. The first design variable is the departure time from
the Earth (in days). Thus, the departure times of x2 and x1
782). If the decision maker
differ by 440 days (= 1222
accepts x2 with a slightly inferior quality in addition to x1,
the two launch plans can be considered. If x1 is not realizable
for some reason, x2 can be the final solution instead of x1.
As explained here, multiple solutions with almost equivalent
quality support a reliable decision-making process. If these
solutions have a large diversity in the solution space, they can
provide insightful information for engineering design [3], [5].
(MMOP) involves finding all solutions that are equivalent
to Pareto optimal solutions [3], [9], [10]. Below, we explain
the difference between MOPs and MMOPs using the two-
objective and two-variable Two-On-One problem [11]. Figs.
2 (a) and (b) show the Pareto front F and the Pareto optimal
solution set O of Two-On-One, respectively. Two-On-One
has two equivalent Pareto optimal solution subsets O1 and
O2 that are symmetrical with respect to the origin, where
O = O1
O2. Figs. 2 (c) and (d) show O1 and O2,
respectively. In Two-On-One, the three solution sets O, O1,
and O2 (Figs. 2 (b), (c) and (d)) are mapped to F (Fig. 2
(a)) by the objective functions. On the one hand, the goal of
MOPs is generally to find a solution set that approximates
the Pareto front F in the objective space. Since O1 and
O2 are mapped to the same F in the objective space, it is
sufficient for MOPs to find either O1 or O2. On the other
hand, the goal of MMOPs is to find the entire equivalent
Pareto optimal solution set O = O1
O2 in the solution
space. In contrast to MOPs, it is necessary to find both O1
and O2 in MMOPs. Since most MOEAs (e.g., NSGA-II
[12] and SPEA2 [13]) do not have mechanisms to maintain
the solution space diversity, it is expected that they do not
work well for MMOPs. Thus, multi-modal multi-objective
evolutionary algorithms (MMEAs) that handle the solution
space diversity are necessary for MMOPs.
This paper presents a review of evolutionary multi-modal
Solution spaceObjective space
2) Definitions of MMOPs: The term “MMOP” was first
coined in [3], [14] in 2005. However, “MMOP” was not used
in most studies from 2007 to 2012. Terms that represent
MMOPs were not explicitly defined in those studies. For
example, MMOPs were referred to as problems of obtaining
a diverse solution set in the solution space in [17]. It seems
that “multi-modal multi-objective optimization” has been used
again as of 2016. Apart from these instances, MMOPs were
denoted as “Multi-objective multi-global optimization” and
“Multi-modal multi-objective wicked problems” in [18] and
[19], respectively.
Although MMOPs have been addressed for more than ten
years, the definition of an MMOP is still controversial. In
this paper, we define an MMOP using a relaxed equivalency
introduced by Rudolph and Preuss [17] as follows:
Definition 1. An MMOP involves finding all solutions that
are equivalent to Pareto optimal solutions.
f (x1)
Definition 2. Two different solutions x1 and x2 are said to
f (x2)
be equivalent iff
(cid:107) ≤
is an arbitrary norm of a, and δ is a non-negative
threshold value given by the decision maker. If δ = 0, the
MMOP should find all equivalent Pareto optimal solutions. If
δ > 0, the MMOP should find all equivalent Pareto optimal
solutions and dominated solutions with acceptable quality. The
main advantage of our definition of an MMOP is that the
decision maker can adjust the goal of the MMOP by changing
the δ value. Most existing studies (e.g., [9], [20], [21]) assume
MMOPs with δ = 0. MMOPs with δ > 0 were discussed in
[3], [4], [19], [22]. For example, xa, xb, and xc in Fig. 1
should be found for MMOPs with δ = 0. In addition, the
non-Pareto optimal solution xd should be found for MMOPs
with δ > 0 if
(cid:107) ≤
Although there is room for discussion, MMOPs with δ > 0
may be more practical
in real-world applications. This is
because the set of solutions of an MMOP with δ > 0 can
provide more options for the decision maker than that of
an MMOP with δ = 0. While it is usually assumed in the
EMO community that the final solution is selected from non-
dominated solutions, the decision maker may also be interested
in some dominated solutions in practice [3], [4]. Below, we
use the term “MMOP” regardless of the δ value for simplicity.
f (xd)
f (xa)
This section describes 12 dominance-based MMEAs, 3
decomposition-based MMEAs, 2 set-based MMEAs, and a
post-processing approach. MMEAs need the following three
abilities: (1) the ability to find solutions with high quality,
(2) the ability to find diverse solutions in the objective space,
and (3) the ability to find diverse solutions in the solution
space. MOEAs need the abilities (1) and (2) to find a solution
set that approximates the Pareto front in the objective space.
Multi-modal single-objective optimizers need the abilities (1)
and (3) to find a set of global optimal solutions. In contrast,
MMEAs need all abilities (1)–(3). Here, we mainly describe
mechanisms of each type of MMEA to handle (1)–(3).
(a) F
(b) O
(c) O1
(d) O2
Fig. 2: (a) The Pareto front F and (b) the Pareto optimal solution
set O of Two-On-One [11]. Figs. (c) and (d) show the two Pareto
optimal solution subsets O1 and O2, respectively.
multi-objective optimization. This topic is not new and has
been studied for more than ten years. Early studies include [3],
[5], [11], [14]–[16]. Unfortunately, most existing studies were
independently conducted and did not use the term “MMOPs”
(i.e., they are not tagged). For this reason, it is difficult to
survey existing studies of MMOPs despite their significant
contributions. In this paper, we review related studies of
MMOPs including those published under names that were
different from “multi-modal multi-objective optimization”. We
also clarify open issues in this field. Multi-modal single-
objective optimization problems (MSOPs) have been well
studied in the evolutionary computation community [10].
Thus, useful clues to address some issues in studies of MMOPs
may be found in studies of MSOPs. We discuss what can be
learned from the existing studies of MSOPs.
This paper is organized as follows. Section II gives def-
initions of MMOPs. Section III describes MMEAs. Section
IV presents test problems for multi-modal multi-objective
optimization. Section V explains performance indicators for
benchmarking MMEAs. Section VI concludes this paper.
A solution x1 is said to dominate x2 iff fi(x1)
1) Definition of MOPs: A continuous MOP involves find-
RD that minimizes a given objective
ing a solution x
RM . Here, S is the D-dimensional
function vector f : S
solution space, and RM is the M -dimensional objective space.
fi(x2) for
all i
and fi(x1) < fi(x2) for at least one index
i. If x∗ is not dominated by any other solutions, it is called a
Pareto optimal solution. The set of all x∗ is the Pareto optimal
solution set, and the set of all f (x∗) is the Pareto front. The
goal of MOPs is generally to find a non-dominated solution
set that approximates the Pareto front in the objective space.
1, ..., M
∈ {
8101214161820f1012345f2−2−1012x1−2−1012x2−2−1012x1−2−1012x2−2−1012x1−2−1012x21) Pareto dominance-based MMEAs: The most representa-
tive MMEA is Omni-optimizer [9], [14], which is an NSGA-
II-based generic optimizer applicable to various types of prob-
lems. The differences between Omni-optimizer and NSGA-II
are fourfold: the Latin hypercube sampling-based population
initialization, the so-called restricted mating selection, the (cid:15)-
dominance-based non-dominated sorting, and the alternative
crowding distance. In the restricted mating selection, an indi-
vidual xa is randomly selected from the population. Then, xa
and its nearest neighbor xb in the solution space are compared
based on their non-domination levels and crowding distance
values. The winner among xa and xb is selected as a parent.
The crowding distance measure in Omni-optimizer takes
into account both the objective and solution spaces. For the i-
th individual xi in each non-dominated front R, the crowding
distance in the objective space cobj
is calculated in a similar
manner to NSGA-II. In contrast, the crowding distance value
of xi in the solution space csol
is calculated in a different
1, ..., D
manner. First, for each j
, a “variable-wise”
∈ {
crowding distance value of xi in the j-th decision variable
i,j is calculated as follows:
(cid:16) xi+1,j −xi,j
j −xmin
(cid:16) xi,j −xi−1,j
j −xmin
xi+1,j −xi−1,j
j −xmin
else if xi,j = xmax
if xi,j = xmin
i,j =
where we assume that all individuals in R are sorted based on
their j-th decision variable values in descending order. In (1),
j = minx∈R{
. Unlike the
crowding distance in the objective space, an infinitely large
value is not given to a boundary individual.
j = maxx∈R{
and xmax
Then, an “individual-wise” crowding distance value csol
i = ((cid:80)D
calculated as follows: csol
i,j )/D. The average
value csol
avg of all individual-wise crowding distance values is
avg = ((cid:80)|R|
also calculated as follows: csol
. Finally,
the crowding distance value ci of xi is obtained as follows:
j=1 csol
i=1 csol
i )/
ci =
, csol
i }
, csol
i }
i > cobj
if cobj
avg or csol
i > csol
where cobj
avg is the average value of all crowding distance values
in the objective space. As shown in (2), ci in Omni-optimizer
is the combination of cobj
. Due to its alternative
crowding distance, the results presented in [9] showed that
Omni-optimizer finds more diverse solutions than NSGA-II.
and csol
In addition to Omni-optimizer, two extensions of NSGA-
II for MMOPs have been proposed. DNEA [23] is similar to
Omni-optimizer but uses two sharing functions in the objective
and solution spaces. DNEA requires fine-tuning of two sharing
niche parameters for the objective and solution spaces. The
secondary criterion of DN-NSGA-II [24] is based on the
crowding distance only in the solution space. DN-NSGA-II
uses a solution distance-based mating selection.
The following are other dominance-based MMEAs. An
MMEA proposed in [25] utilizes DBSCAN [26] and the rake
selection [27]. DBSCAN, which is a clustering method, is
used for grouping individuals based on the distribution of
individuals in the solution space. The rake selection, which is
a reference vector-based selection method similar to NSGA-III
[28], is applied to individuals belonging to each niche for the
environmental selection. SPEA2+ [5], [15] uses two archives
Aobj and Asol to maintain diverse non-dominated individuals
in the objective and solution spaces, respectively. While the
environmental selection in Aobj is based on the density of
individuals in the objective space similar to SPEA2 [13], that
in Asol is based on the density of individuals in the solution
space. For the mating selection in SPEA2+, neighborhood
individuals in the objective space are selected only from Aobj.
PQ,(cid:15)-MOEA [4], 4D-Miner [3], [29], and MNCA [19] are
capable of handling dominated solutions for MMOPs with
δ > 0. PQ,(cid:15)-MOEA uses the (cid:15)-dominance relation [30] so
that an unbounded archive can maintain individuals with ac-
ceptable quality according to the decision maker. Unlike other
MMEAs, PQ,(cid:15)-MOEA does not have an explicit mechanism to
maintain the solution space diversity. 4D-Miner was specially
designed for functional brain imaging problems [3]. The
population is initialized by a problem-specific method. 4D-
Miner maintains dissimilar individuals in an external archive,
whose size is ten times larger than the population size. The
environmental selection in 4D-Miner is based on a problem-
specific metric. Similar to DIOP [22] (explained later), MNCA
simultaneously evolves multiple subpopulations P 1, ..., P S,
where S is the number of subpopulations. In MNCA, the
primary subpopulation P 1 aims to find an approximation
that provides a target front for other
of the Pareto front
subpopulations P 2, ..., P S. While the update of P 1 is based
on the same selection mechanism as in NSGA-II, the update
of P 2, ..., P S is performed with a complicated method that
takes into account both the objective and solution spaces.
Although the above-mentioned MMEAs use genetic varia-
tion operators (e.g., the SBX crossover and the polynomial
mutation [12]), the following MMEAs are based on other
approaches. Niching-CMA [20] is an extension of CMA-
ES [31] for MMOPs by introducing a niching mechanism.
The number of niches and the niche radius are adaptively
adjusted in Niching-CMA. An aggregate distance metric in
the objective and solution spaces is used to group individ-
uals into multiple niches. For each niche, individuals with
better non-domination levels survive to the next
MO Ring PSO SCD [21], a PSO algorithm for MMOPs,
uses a diversity measure similar to Omni-optimizer. However,
MO Ring PSO SCD handles the boundary individuals in the
objective space in an alternative manner. In addition, an index-
based ring topology is used to create niches.
Two extensions of artificial
immune systems [32] have
been proposed for MMOPs: omni-aiNet [18] and cob-aiNet
[33]. These two methods use a modified version of the
polynomial mutation [12]. The primary and secondary criteria
of omni-aiNet are based on (cid:15)-nondomination levels [30] and
a grid operation, respectively. In addition, omni-aiNet uses
suppression and insertion operations. While the suppression
operation deletes an inferior individual, the insertion operation
adds new individuals to the population. The population size
is not constant due to these two operations. The primary
and secondary criteria of cob-aiNet are based on the fitness
assignment method in SPEA2 [13] and a diversity measure
with a sharing function in the solution space, respectively. The
maximum population size is introduced in cob-aiNet.
2) Decomposition-based MMEAs: A three-phase multi-
start method is proposed in [16]. First, (1, λ)-ES is carried
out on each M objective functions K times to obtain M
best-so-far solutions. Then, an unsupervised clustering method
is applied to the M
K solutions to detect the number of
equivalent Pareto optimal solution subsets s. Finally, s runs
of (1, λ)-ES are performed on each N single-objective sub-
problem decomposed by the Tchebycheff function. The initial
individual of each run is determined in a chained manner.
The best solution found in the j-th subproblem becomes an
initial individual of (1, λ)-ES for the j + 1-th subproblem
). It is expected that s equivalent solutions
are found for each N decomposed subproblems.
1, ..., N
∈ {
Two variants of MOEA/D [34] for MMOPs are proposed
in [35], [36]. MOEA/D decomposes an M -objective problem
into N single-objective subproblems using a set of weight vec-
tors, assigning a single individual to each subproblem. Then,
MOEA/D simultaneously evolves the N individuals. Unlike
MOEA/D, the following two methods assign one or more
individuals to each subproblem to handle the equivalency.
The MOEA/D algorithm presented in [35] assigns K indi-
viduals to each subproblem. The selection is conducted based
on a fitness value combining the PBI function value [34]
and two distance values in the solution space. K dissimilar
individuals are likely to be assigned to each subproblem.
The main drawback of the above methods [16], [35] is the
difficulty in setting a proper value for K, because it is problem
dependent. MOEA/D-AD [36] does not need such a parameter
but requires a relative neighborhood size L. For each iteration,
a child u is assigned to the j-th subproblem whose weight
vector is closest to f (u), with respect to the perpendicular
distance. Let X be a set of individuals already assigned to the
jth-subproblem. If x in X is within the L nearest individuals
from the child u in the solution space, x and u are compared
based on their scalarizing function values g(x) and g(u). If
g(x), x is deleted from the population and u enters
the population. u also enters the population when no x in X
is in the L neighborhood of u in the solution space.
3) Set-based MMEAs: DIOP [22] is a set-based MMEA
that can maintain dominated solutions in the population. In
the set-based optimization framework [37], a single solution
in the upper level represents a set of solutions in the lower
level (i.e., a problem). DIOP simultaneously evolves an archive
A and a target population T . While A approximates only the
Pareto front and is not shown to the decision maker, T obtains
diverse solutions with acceptable quality by maximizing the
following G indicator: G(T ) = wobjDobj(T ) + wsolDsol(T ).
Here, wobj + wsol = 1. Dobj is a performance indicator in
the objective space, and Dsol is a diversity measure in the
solution space. In [22], Dobj and Dsol were specified by the
hypervolume indicator [38] and the Solow-Polasky diversity
measure [39], respectively. Meta-individuals in T that are (cid:15)-
dominated by any meta-individuals in A are excluded for the
calculation of the G metric. At the end of the search, T
is likely to contain meta-individuals (i.e., solution sets of a
TABLE I: Properties of 18 MMEAs. µ and nmax denote the
population size and the maximum number of evaluations used in
each paper, respectively. “δ > 0” indicates whether each method can
handle MMOPs with δ > 0. “U” means whether each method has an
unbounded population/archive. Initial µ values are reported for omni-
aiNet, cob-aiNet, PQ,(cid:15)-MOEA, and MOEA/D-AD. µ and nmax used
in the post-processing step are shown for a method in [17].
SPEA2+ [5], [15]
Omni-optimizer [9], [14]
4D-Miner [3], [29]
omni-aiNet [18]
Niching-CMA [20]
e A method in [25]
PQ,(cid:15)-MOEA [4]
cob-aiNet [33]
MNCA [19]
MO Ring PSO SCD [21]
DNEA [23]
. A method in [16]
A method in [35]
MOEA/D-AD [36]
t DIOP [22]
A method in [40]
. A method in [17]
50 000
1 000
500 000
8 000
40 000
50 000
Not clearly reported
1 120
5 000
40 000
100 000
80 000
80 000
63 000
20 000
89 600
30 000
100 000
400 000
2 000
δ > 0
problem) (cid:15)-nondominated by meta-individuals in A.
Another set-based MMEA is presented in [40]. Unlike
DIOP, the proposed method evolves only a single population.
Whereas DIOP maximizes the weighted sum of values of Dobj
and Dsol, the proposed method treats Dobj and Dsol as meta
two-objective functions. NSGA-II is used to simultaneously
maximize Dobj and Dsol in [40].
4) A post-processing approach: As pointed out in [17], it
is not always necessary to locate all Pareto optimal solutions.
Suppose that a set of non-dominated solutions A has already
been obtained by an MOEA (e.g., NSGA-II) but not an MMEA
(e.g., Omni-optimizer). After the decision maker has selected
the final solution xfinal from A according to her/his preference
in the objective space, it is sufficient to search solutions whose
objective vectors are equivalent to f (xfinal).
f (x)
2, f meta
f (xfinal)
A post-processing approach is proposed in [17] to han-
dle this problem. First, the proposed approach formulates a
meta constrained two-objective minimization problem where
2, and
f meta
gmeta(x) = f meta
θ < 0. The meta objective functions
and f meta
f meta
represent the distance between x and xfinal in
the objective and solution spaces. Thus, smaller f meta
(x) and
f meta
(x) indicate that x is similar to xfinal in the objective
space and far from xfinal in the solution space, respectively.
The constraint gmeta with θ > 0 prevents f meta
(x) from
becoming an infinitely small value in unbounded problems.
NSGA-II is used as a meta-optimizer in [17].
5) Open issues: Table I summarizes the properties of the
18 MMEAs reviewed in this section.
While some MMEAs require an extra parameter (e.g.,
L in MOEA/D-AD), Omni-optimizer does not require such
a parameter. This parameter-less property is an advantage
of Omni-optimizer. However, Omni-optimizer is a Pareto
dominance-based MMEA. Since dominance-based MOEAs
perform poorly on most MOPs with more than three objectives
[28], Omni-optimizer is unlikely to handle many objectives.
In addition to MMEAs, some MOEAs handling the solution
space diversity have been proposed, such as GDEA [41],
DEMO [42], DIVA [43], “MMEA” [44], DCMMMOEA [45],
and MOEA/D-EVSD [46]. Note that solution space diversity
management in these MOEAs aims to efficiently approximate
the Pareto front for MOPs. Since these methods were not
designed for MMOPs, they are likely to perform poorly for
MMOPs. For example, “MMEA”, which stands for a model-
based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm, cannot find mul-
tiple equivalent Pareto optimal solutions [44]. Nevertheless,
helpful clues for designing an efficient MMEA can be found
in these MOEAs.
The performance of MMEAs has not been well analyzed.
The post-processing method may perform better than MMEAs
when the objective functions of a real-world problem are
computationally expensive. However, an in-depth investigation
is necessary to determine which approach is more practical.
Whereas the population size µ and the maximum number of
evaluations nmax were set to large values in some studies,
they were set to small values in other studies. For example,
Table I shows that µ = 1 000 and nmax = 500 000 for
Omni-optimizer, while µ = 50 and nmax = 50 000 for
Niching-CMA. It is unclear whether an MMEA designed with
large µ and nmax values works well with small µ and nmax
values. While MMOPs with four or more objectives appear
in real-world applications (e.g., five-objective rocket engine
design problems [7]), most MMEAs have been applied to only
two-objective MMOPs. A large-scale benchmarking study is
necessary to address the above-mentioned issues.
The decision maker may want to examine diverse dominated
solutions. As explained in Section I, dominated solutions
found by PQ,(cid:15)-MOEA support the decision making in space
mission design problems [4]. The results presented in [29]
showed that diverse solutions found by 4D-Miner help neuro-
scientists analyze brain imaging data. Although most MMEAs
assume MMOPs with δ = 0 as shown in Table I, MMEAs
that can handle MMOPs with δ > 0 may be more practical.
Since most MMEAs (e.g., Omni-optimizer) remove dominated
they are unlikely to find
individuals from the population,
diverse dominated solutions. Some specific mechanisms are
necessary to handle MMOPs with δ > 0 (e.g., the multiple
subpopulation scheme in DIOP and MNCA).
As explained at the beginning of this section, MMEAs
need the three abilities (1)–(3). While the abilities (1) and
(2) are needed to approximate the Pareto front, the ability
(3) is needed to find equivalent Pareto optimal solutions.
Most existing studies (e.g., [9], [20], [21], [36]) report that
the abilities (1) and (2) of MMEAs are worse than those of
MOEAs. For example, the results presented in [36] showed
that Omni-optimizer, MO Ring PSO SCD, and MOEA/D-
AD perform worse than NSGA-II in terms of IGD [47]
(explained in Section V). If the decision maker is not interested
in the distribution of solutions in the solution space, it would
be better to use MOEAs rather than MMEAs. The poor perfor-
mance of MMEAs for multi-objective optimization is mainly
due to the ability (3), which prevents MMEAs from directly
approximating the Pareto front. This undesirable performance
regarding the abilities (1) and (2) is an issue in MMEAs.
to learn from MSOPs: An online data repository
( that provides results of
optimizers on the CEC2013 problem suite [48] is available for
MSOPs. This repository makes the comparison of optimizers
easy, facilitating constructive algorithm development. A simi-
lar data repository is needed for studies of MMOPs.
The number of maintainable individuals in the popula-
tion/archive strongly depends on the population/archive size.
However, it is usually impossible to know the number of
equivalent Pareto optimal solutions of an MMOP a priori. The
same issue can be found in MSOPs. To address this issue, the
latest optimizers (e.g., dADE [49] and RS-CMSA [50]) have
an unbounded archive that maintains solutions found during
the search process. Unlike modern optimizers for MSOPs,
Table I shows that only three MMEAs have such a mechanism.
The adaptive population sizing mechanisms in omni-aiNet,
PQ,(cid:15)-MOEA, and MOEA/D-AD are advantageous. A general
strategy of using an unbounded (external) archive could im-
prove the performance of MMEAs.
2 and f2(y) = (y1
This section describes test problems for benchmarking
MMEAs. Unlike multi-objective test problems (e.g., the DTLZ
[51] test suite), multi-modal multi-objective test problems
were explicitly designed such that they have multiple equiv-
alent Pareto optimal solution subsets. The two-objective and
two-variable SYM-PART1 [16] is one of the most represen-
tative test problems for benchmarking MMEAs: f1(y) =
(y1 +a)2 +y2
2. Here, y1 and y2 are
translated values of x1 and x2 as follows: y1 = x1
and y2 = x2
t2b. In SYM-PART1, a controls the region of
Pareto optimal solutions, and b and c specify the positions
of the Pareto optimal solution subsets. The so-called tile
identifiers t1 and t2 are randomly selected from
1, 0, 1
Fig. 3(a) shows the shape of the Pareto optimal solutions of
SYM-PART1 with a = 1, b = 10, and c = 8. As shown in
Fig. 3(a), the equivalent Pareto optimal solution subsets are
on nine lines in SYM-PART1.
a)2 +y2
the Superspheres problem [52],
Other test problems include the Two-On-One [11] problem,
the Omni-test problem [9], the SYM-PART2 and SYM-PART3
problems [16],
the EBN
problem [53], the two SSUF problems [24], and the Polygon
problems [54]. Fig. 3 also shows the distribution of their Pareto
optimal solutions. Since there are an infinite number of Pareto
optimal solutions in the EBN problem, we do not show them.
Source codes of the ten problems can be downloaded from the
supplementary website (
In Omni-test, equivalent Pareto optimal solution subsets are
regularly located. SYM-PART2 is a rotated version of SYM-
PART1. SYM-PART3 is a transformed version of SYM-
PART2 using a distortion operation. The Superspheres prob-
lem with D = 2 has six equivalent Pareto optimal solution
TABLE II: Properties of multi-modal multi-objective test problems,
where M , D, and P denote the number of objectives, design
variables, and equivalent Pareto optimal solution subsets, respectively.
If a problem has irregularity, the shapes of its multiple equivalent
Pareto optimal solution subsets differ from each other.
Test problems
SYM-PART problems [16]
Two-On-One problem [11]
Omni-test problem [9]
Superspheres problem [52]
EBN problem [53]
Polygon problems [54]
(d) Two-On-One
(e) Omni-test
(f) Superspheres
MMF suite [21]
HPS suite [57]
SSUF problems [24]
2 or 4
(g) SSUF1
(h) SSUF3
(i) Polygon
Fig. 3: Distribution of the Pareto optimal solutions for the eight
problems. Only x1 and x2 are shown on Omni-test.
subsets. However, the number of its P is unknown for D > 2.
EBN can be considered as a real-coded version of the so-called
binary one-zero max problem. All solutions in the solution
space are Pareto optimal solutions. SSUF1 and SSUF3 are
extensions of the UF problems [55] to MMOPs. There are
two symmetrical Pareto optimal solution subsets in SSUF1 and
SSUF3. Polygon is an extension of the distance minimization
problems [56] to MMOPs, where P equivalent Pareto optimal
solution subsets are inside of P regular M -sided polygons.
In addition, the eight MMF problems are presented in [21].
Similar to SSUF1 and SSUF3, the MMF problems are derived
from the idea of designing a problem that has multiple equiv-
alent Pareto optimal solution subsets by mirroring the original
one. A bottom-up framework for generating scalable test
problems with any D is proposed in [57]. P equivalent Pareto
optimal solution subsets are in P hyper-rectangular located in
the solution space similar to the SYM-PART problems. While
the first k variables play the role of “position” parameters
in the solution space, the other D
k variables represent
“distance” parameters. The six HPS problem instances were
constructed using this framework in [57].
If a given problem has the multi-modal fitness landscape, it
may have multiple non-Pareto fronts whose shapes are similar
to the true Pareto front. Such a problem (e.g., ZDT4 [58]) is
referred to as a multi-frontal test problem [59]. If the δ value
(defined in Subsection II-2) is sufficiently large, a multi-frontal
test problem can be regarded as a multi-modal multi-objective
test problem. In fact, ZDT4 was used in [19] as a test problem.
The Kursawe problem [60] is a multi-modal and nonseparable
test problem with a disconnected Pareto front. The Kursawe
problem has two fronts in the objective space similar to multi-
frontal problems. Thus, the Kursawe problem can be used as
a multi-modal multi-objective test problem.
1) Open issues: Table II summarizes the properties of
multi-modal multi-objective test problems reviewed here. In
Table II, P of Omni-test adheres to [22].
Table II indicates that scalable test problems do not exist,
in terms of M , D, and P . Although the SYM-PART problems
have some desirable properties (e.g.,
their adjustable and
straightforward Pareto optimal solution shapes), M , D, and
P are constant in these problems. Only Polygon is scalable in
M . While most test problems have only two design variables,
Omni-test and HPS are scalable in D. Unfortunately, P
increases exponentially with increased D in Omni-test due
to the combinatorial nature of variables. Although the idea
of designing scalable SYM-PART and Polygon problems to
D is presented in [61], [62],
they have similar issues to
Omni-test. Although the HPS problems do not have such
an issue, it is questionable whether there exists a real-world
problem with design variables affecting only the distance
between the objective vectors and the Pareto front. Only SYM-
PART3 has irregularity. Since the shapes of the Pareto optimal
solution subsets may be different from each other in real-world
problems, we believe that test problems with the irregularity
are necessary to evaluate the performance of MMEAs. The
performance of an MMEA with an absolutely defined niching
radius (e.g., DNEA) is likely to be overestimated in test
problems without irregularity.
In addition, the relation between synthetic test problems
and real-world problems has not been discussed. The idea of
designing a Polygon problem based on a real-world map is
presented in [63]. However, this does not mean that such a
Polygon problem is an actual real-world problem.
What to learn from MSOPs: Some construction methods
for multi-modal single-objective test problems are available,
such as the software framework proposed in [64], the con-
struction method for various problems [65], and Ahrari and
Deb’s method [66]. Borrowing ideas from such sophisticated
construction methods is a promising way to address the
above-mentioned issues of multi-modal multi-objective test
−15015x1−15015x2−15015x1−15015x2−8−4048x1−15015x2−2−1012x1−2−1012x20123456x10123456x20π/4π/2x1012345x2123x1−101x20246810x1×10−105101520x2×10−10246810x10246810x2problems. In [64], R¨onkk¨onen et al. present eight desirable
properties for multi-modal single-objective problem generators
such as scalability in D, control of the number of global and
local optima, and regular and irregular distributions of optima.
These eight properties can be a useful guideline for designing
multi-modal multi-objective problem generators.
Performance indicators play an important role in quanti-
tatively evaluating the performance of MOEAs as well as
MMEAs. Since performance indicators for MOEAs consider
only the distribution of objective vectors (e.g., the hypervol-
ume, GD, and IGD indicators [38], [47]), they cannot be used
to assess the ability of MMEAs to find multiple equivalent
Pareto optimal solutions. For this reason, some indicators have
been specially designed for MMEAs. Performance indicators
for MMEAs can be classified into two categories: simple
extensions of existing performance indicators for MOEAs and
specific indicators based on the distributions of solutions.
IGDX [4], [44] is a representative example of the first
approach. The IGD and IGDX indicators are given as follows:
TABLE III: Properties of performance indicators for MMEAs
(convergence to Pareto optimal solution subsets, diversity,
uniformity, spread, the use of reference solution sets, and
possibility to compare solution sets with different sizes).
GDX [4]
IGDX [4], [44]
Hausdorff distance [4]
CR [21]
PSP [21]
Pairwise distance [20]
CS [16]
SPS [16]
Solow-Polasky [39]
PSV [57]
IGD(A) =
ED(cid:0)f (x), f (z)(cid:1)(cid:111)
ED(cid:0)x, z(cid:1)(cid:111)
where A is a set of solutions obtained by an MMEA and A∗ is
a set of reference solutions in the Pareto optimal solution set.
ED(x1, x2) denotes the Euclidean distance between x1 and
x2. While A with a small IGD value is a good approximation
of the Pareto front, A with a small IGDX approximates Pareto
optimal solutions well. Other indicators in the first category
include GDX [4], the Hausdorff distance indicator [67] in the
solution space [4], CR [21], and PSP [21]. GDX is a GD
indicator in the solution space similar to IGDX. CR is an
alternative version of the maximum spread [38] to measure
the spread of A. PSP is a combination of IGDX and CR.
Performance indicators in the second category include the
mean of the pairwise distance between two solutions [20], CS
[16], SPS [16], the Solow-Polasky diversity measure [39] used
in [22], [40], and PSV [57]. CS is the number of Pareto optimal
solution subsets covered by at least one individual. SPS is the
standard deviation of the number of solutions close to each
Pareto optimal solution subset. PSV is the percentage of the
volume of A in the volume of A∗ in the solution space.
1) Open issues: Table III shows the properties of perfor-
mance indicators for MMEAs reviewed in this section, where
the properties are assessed based on the description of each
indicator. While the properties of the performance indicators
for MOEAs have been examined (e.g., [38], [67]), those for
MMEAs have not been well analyzed.
Performance indicators for MMEAs should be able to
evaluate the three abilities (1)–(3) explained in Section III.
Although IGDX is frequently used, it should be noted that
IGDX does not evaluate the distribution of solutions in the
objective space. Fig. 4 shows the distribution of two solu-
tion sets A1 and A2 for SYM-PART1 in the solution and
(a) A1 in the solution space
(b) A2 in the solution space
(c) A1 in the objective space
(d) A2 in the objective space
Fig. 4: Comparison of solution sets A1 and A2 for SYM-PART1.
objective spaces, where
are 27. While the
solutions in A1 are evenly distributed on one of the nine
Pareto optimal solution subsets, the solutions in A2 are evenly
distributed on all of them. Although A1 has 27 objective
vectors that cover the Pareto front, A2 has only 3 equivalent
objective vectors. The IGDX and IGD values of A1 and A2
are as follows: IGDX(A1) = 15.92, IGDX(A2) = 0.25,
IGD(A1) = 0.06, and IGD(A2) = 0.81. We used 5 000
Pareto optimal solutions for A∗. Although A2 has a worse
distribution in the objective space than A1, IGDX(A2) is
significantly better than IGDX(A1). As demonstrated here,
IGDX can evaluate the abilities (1) and (3) but cannot evaluate
the ability (2) to find diverse solutions in the objective space.
Since the other indicators in Table III do not take into account
the distribution of objective vectors similar to IGDX, they
are likely to have the same undesirable property. For a fair
performance comparison, it is desirable to use the indicators
−15015x1−15015x2−15015x1−15015x201234f101234f201234f101234f2for MOEAs (e.g., hypervolume and IGD) in addition to the
indicators for MMEAs in Table III.
What to learn from MSOPs: It is desirable that the indicators
for multi-modal single-objective optimizers evaluate a solution
set without the knowledge of the fitness landscape such as the
positions of the optima and the objective values of the optima
[68]. The same is true for indicators for MMEAs. Table III
shows that most indicators (e.g., IGDX) require A∗. Since A∗
is usually unavailable in real-world problems, it is desirable
that indicators for MMEAs evaluate A without A∗.
Since the archive size in modern multi-modal single-
objective optimizers is unbounded in order to store a number
of local optima [10], most indicators in this field can handle
solution sets with different sizes (e.g., the peak ratio and the
success rate [48]). For the same reason, it is desirable that
indicators for MMEAs evaluate solution sets with different
sizes in a fair manner. However, it is difficult to directly
use indicators for multi-modal single-objective optimizers to
evaluate MMEAs.
The contributions of this paper are threefold. The first
contribution is that we reviewed studies in this field in terms
of definitions of MMOPs, MMEAs, test problems, and perfor-
mance indicators. It was difficult to survey the existing studies
of MMOPs for the reasons described in Section I. Our review
helps to elucidate the current progress on evolutionary multi-
modal multi-objective optimization. The second contribution
is that we clarified open issues in this field. In contrast to
multi-modal single-objective optimization, multi-modal multi-
objective optimization has not received much attention despite
its practical importance. Thus, some critical issues remain.
The third contribution is that we pointed out an issue as-
sociated with performance indicators for MMEAs. Reliable
performance indicators are necessary for the advancement of
MMEAs. We hope that this paper will encourage researchers
to work in this research area, which is not well explored.
This work was supported by the Program for Guang-
dong Introducing Innovative and Enterpreneurial Teams
(Grant No. 2017ZT07X386), Shenzhen Peacock Plan (Grant
No. KQTD2016112514355531),
the Science and Technol-
ogy Innovation Committee Foundation of Shenzhen (Grant
No. ZDSYS201703031748284),
the Program for Univer-
sity Key Laboratory of Guangdong Province (Grant No.
2017KSYS008), and National Natural Science Foundation of
China (Grant No. 61876075).
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ai_researcher | 1 | Preventing_suicide_a_call_to_action.pdf | 0
Sayanti Mukherjee∗†
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY, 14260
[email protected]
Zhiyuan Wei
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY, 14260
[email protected]
November 17, 2020
Disparity in suicide rates between urban and suburban/rural areas is growing, with rural areas typically
witnessing higher suicide rates in the U.S. While mental health plays a key role in suicides, other
factors such as cultural, socioeconomic, and environmental facets are also influential. However,
previous studies often ignored the effect of socio-environmental factors on the suicide rates and its
regional disparity. To address these gaps, we propose a holistic data-driven framework to model the
associations of social (demographic, socioeconomic) and environmental (climate) factors on suicide
rates, and study the disparities across urban and suburban areas. Leveraging the county-level suicide
data from 2000—2017 along with the socio-environmental features, we trained, tested and validated
a suite of advanced statistical learning algorithms to identify, assess and predict the influence of
key socio-environmental factors on suicide rates. We assessed models’ performance based on both
in-sample goodness-of-fit and out-of-sample predictive accuracy to ensure a high generalization
performance. Random forest outperformed all other models in terms of goodness-of-fit and predictive
accuracy, and selected as the final model to make inferences. Our results indicate that population
demographics is significantly associated with both urban and suburban suicide rates. We found that
suburban population is more vulnerable to suicides compared to urban communities, with suburban
suicide rate being particularly sensitive to unemployment rate and median household income. Our
analysis revealed that suicide mortality is correlated to climate, showing that urban suicide rate is more
sensitive to higher temperatures, seasonal-heating-degree-days and precipitation, while suburban
suicide rate is sensitive to only seasonal-cooling-degree-days. This work provides deeper insights on
interactions between key socio-environmental factors and suicides across different urbanized areas,
and can help the public health agencies develop suicide prevention strategies to reduce the growing
risk of suicides.
Keywords suicide disparities · urban and suburban metropolitan areas · socio-environmental factors · predictive
analytics · statistical learning · random forest · community mental health
∗Assistant Professor, Director of OASIS Laboratory, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University at Buffalo,
The State University of New York
†Corresponding Author: 411 Bell Hall, Buffalo NY 14260; Email: [email protected]; Phone: 716- 645-4699
Suicide rates have increased approximately 30% in the U.S. since 1999 and have become the tenth leading cause
of death nationwide, rendering it to be a grievous concern in public health nationally and internationally [1, 2, 3].
Particularly, studies demonstrated that there is a growing disparity in suicide rates between urban and rural areas in the
U.S., and highlighted that more urban areas typically witness lower suicide rates while less urban areas experience
higher suicide rates [4, 5]. Additionally, statistics showed that age-adjusted suicide rate in the remote rural counties
of the U.S. was reported to be 1.8 times higher than the populous urban counties (as of 2017) [6, 5]. With the overall
continued urbanization trend in population migration from rural areas to urban areas of the U.S.[7], it has become even
more critical to understand why the less urban regions are more vulnerable to mental health issues, and identify the key
factors that are significantly associated with such higher suicide mortality rates.
Suicidal behavior is considered to be an outcome of the interactions among a number of factors, ranging from personal
genomics (a.k.a. internal factor associated with individual characteristics) to environmental influences (a.k.a external
factors). Some researchers conducted longitudinal study to examine the mechanisms that transmitted the suicidal
behaviors from parents to children, in order to discover the presence of heritability of suicidal behaviors through
families. The research concluded that adults whose parents had suicidal acts were vulnerable to suicides, with a nearly
five times higher likelihood of exhibiting suicidal behaviors compared to an average person [8, 9]. In additional to
genetics, environmental factors and traumatic events are also associated with higher rates of suicide and suicidal
thoughts. Suicide mortality rates are influenced by multifaceted environmental factors such as social, economic and
demographic characteristics of a population [10]. Recently, with the growing concerns of global warming, some
researchers examined the relationship between climate conditions and suicidal behaviors, but the conclusions were
contradictory. Some of studies indicated that a higher suicide rate is positively correlated with the elevated temperature
[11, 12], on the contrary, others found that an increase in suicide rate is linked to a lower temperature [13, 14, 15]. Thus,
it is of particular importance to incorporate climate conditions when examining the suicide trend of the population.
By leveraging a multifaceted socio-environmental data (e.g., socioeconomic, demographics and climate) collected from
publicly available data sources, we propose to develop a holistic data-driven predictive framework leveraging statistical
learning theory to model the interactions between various socio-environmental factors and suicide mortality rates across
the different urban and suburban areas in the U.S. We aim to identify the key influencing factors that could explain
the increasing disparity in suicide rates across the various urbanized regions, and evaluate their associations with the
differential suicide trends in the urban and suburban regions.
The notable contributions of our study is threefold. First, a wider range of variables defining socio-environmental
conditions including socio-economic condition of the population, demographics and climatic factors has been examined
in relation to suicide rates across the urban and suburban counties in the U.S. using a systematic holistic approach.
Second, for the first time, a robust data-driven framework leveraging a set of statistical models is proposed to model the
complex associations between the socio-environmental factors and the suicide mortality rates. Finally, a comparative
assessment of the key factors is provided to evaluate the suicide disparities in the urban (large central metropolitan
counties) and suburban (medium/small metropolitan counties) counties.
2 Background
Suicide is complex, multi-factorial behavioral phenotype. It is considered to be an outcome of complex interactions
between a multitude of internal (e.g., personal characteristics, mental and physical illness) and external entrapment
(e.g., environmental factors, traumatic events) [16]. A large body of literature has been investigated the relationship
between internal factors and suicidal behaviors at the individual-level. However, since the purpose of this study is, at
the population level, to understand and evaluate the environmental effects on suicide mortality rates across urban and
suburban counties, the literature review presented in this section mostly focus on socioeconomic, demographic and
climatic factors related to suicides and suicidal behaviors.
2.1 The socioeconomic and demographic factors
In the literature, some researches examined the difference in suicide rates between males and females, and observed the
well-known philosophy of “gender paradox” in suicide—i.e., females typically have higher rates of suicide ideation,
but lower rates of suicide mortality compared to males [17, 18]. In addition to gender, other demographic factors can
also play a critical role in linking to a higher suicide risk. A meta-analysis was performed to highlight that although
demographic factors were found to be statistically significant, they were weak (i.e., no single demographic factor
appeared to be particularly strong) in contributing to the overall complex phenomenon of suicidal behaviors [10].
Additionally, the authors suggested that further studies are needed to understand the effects of demographics on suicide
mortality rates. Another nationwide study conducted for Iran from 2006 to 2010 concluded that certain demographic
factors such as gender, age and education level could influence people in adopting different methods to commit the
suicide [19]. The authors found that younger generation was more likely to use a highly violent method such as firearms
to complete suicide, while the elderly people often selected hanging and poisoning as means to commit suicide [19].
In addition, it was found that men preferred hanging while women preferred self-burning to end their lives [19]. The
authors also concluded that hanging was more prevalent among low educated people while poisoning was more popular
among higher educated groups [19].
The suicide mortality rate varies significantly among different racial and ethnic groups. A previous study concluded
that African Americans were more likely to select violent methods in committing suicides than Caucasians, when
socioeconomic status and other factors were kept constant [20]. Other studies revealed that the adolescent minority
groups such as Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander and American Indian/Alaska Native as well as multi-racial groups were
highly vulnerable to committing suicides, compared to their Asian, Black, Hispanic, and White counterparts [21, 22].
The educational attainment can be also linked to suicide risk. For example, people with a college degree or higher,
exhibited lowest rates of suicide, whereas those with a high school diploma only were found to be more vulnerable with
an increased risk of suicide [23]. Similarly, the results from another study pointed out that men with lower educational
attainment had a higher risk of suicide in eight out of ten European countries, while suicide rates among women was
found to be low and less consistent across all the countries [24].
Economic condition also plays a critical role in affecting suicide mortality rates. This is expected and it is established
that poor socio-economic conditions characterized by higher incidence of poverty, lack of health insurance and higher
unemployment rates are critical in affecting the mental health and wellbeing of adults in metropolitan areas [25]. For
instance, a study conducted in Taiwan to explore the relationship between unemployment rate and suicide rate, found
that a 1% increase in absolute unemployment rate was linked to a 4.9% increase in the relative age-adjusted suicide
rate from 1978-2006 [26]. Suicide rate was found to be statistically different across genders—men were found to be
more likely to commit suicides compared to women in face of economic turmoil and financial issues [27]. This gender
difference in suicide mortality rate during economic crisis is also unwrapped in another study, where researchers found
that men with lower per capita income more frequently committed suicides, while such a phenomenon was not observed
in the female group [28].
Previous exploratory data analysis on suicide rates in rural and urban counties in the U.S. revealed that the age-adjusted
suicide rate for most of the rural counties was 1.8 times higher than most of the urban counties in 2017, and its rate had
been rapidly increasing over the past decade. The authors, however, neither attribute a cause to such an increase in the
suicide rates, nor did it explain why the difference was observed between rural and urban counties [5].
2.2 The climatic factors
To understand the impact of environmental factors on suicide rates, some researchers investigated the weather-induced
higher risk of suicide. A systemic literature review was conducted to highlight that air temperature had a significant
influence on suicidal acts, but their correlation could be either positive or negative, depending on the variation of
sociological or geographic factors across different populations [29]. In another study [11], the authors established a
distributed lag nonlinear model (DLNM) to determine the relationship between suicide rates and air temperature in
Toronto, Ontario (Canada), and Jackson, Mississippi (USA). The models from both the locations concluded that warmer
than normal temperatures had a positive correlation with the total number of suicides. However, the authors claimed
that since the data was only from two cities, it might not be sufficient to establish immediate clinical implications,
but can guide further investigations to better understand and quantify the suicide rates associated with temperature
changes [11]. A positive correlation between elevated temperatures and suicide rates had also been established in
another nationwide study [12], where the authors analyzed decades of historical data (1968–2004 in the U.S. and
1990-2010 in Mexico) and demonstrated that the relationship between temperature and suicide was roughly linear using
distributed lag models. It was observed that a 1◦C increase in average monthly temperature could contribute to an
increase in the monthly suicide rate by 0.68% in the U.S., and 2.1% in Mexico. The study projected that under climate
change, suicide mortality rate would increase by 1.4% in the U.S. and 2.3% in Mexico by 2050 [12]. On the contrary, a
negative correlation between temperature and suicide rates was observed in the other studies [13, 14, 15], suggesting
that decreasing temperature was linked to a growing rate of suicide incidents. The cause of this contradiction might be
explained as climate variation could have heterogeneous effects across geographic areas [30]. In this view, the further
studies are needed to investigate the complex interactions of climate-induced shifts in suicidal behaviors by controlling
other factors such as spatiotemporal and socioeconomic backgrounds.
2.3 Existing research gaps and our contribution
Previous research studies have been investigated the impacts of certain environmental factors in relation to suicide risks.
However, some knowledge gaps still exist that are summarized below.
1. Most of the existing studies independently examined the relationships of socioeconomic, demographic and
climate factors in relation to the growing risk of suicide, with lack of consideration on the interdependence
of these factors on suicide rates. Suicide is a complex phenomenon that cannot be adequately captured by a
single feature or feature type.
2. Disparities in suicide mortality rate across different types of urbanized areas are paid less attention. Although
previous studies indicated that the difference in suicide rates between urban and rural areas in the country has
been widening, with higher rates observed in less urban areas, they did not provide insights on potential factors
that can explain such a difference [5].
3. Most of the previous studies applied the traditional linear models and basic statistical analyses (e.g., Pearson
correlation coefficient) to characterize the relationship between the potential risk factors and the increased risk
of suicide. These traditional approaches, however, fail to adequately capture the nonlinear characteristics in
the complex structure of data in modeling suicide risks.
4. Moreover, in the face of climate change and growing urbanization, the models’ strong capability of predicting
suicide risks is particularly critical. The robust predictive approach in modeling suicide risks has been attracting
little attention in the previous studies.
In order to address the above-mentioned existing gaps, our study examined the impact of socio-environmental factors
(i.e., integration of socioeconomic, demographics and climate features) on suicide disparities across the large central
and medium/small metropolitan areas in the U.S. during the period of 2000—2017, and proposed a holistic data-driven
predictive approach to model the relationship between socio-environmental factors and suicide rates, leveraging a
library of advanced statistical learning techniques. Finally, a comparative assessment of the key influencing factors is
implemented to evaluate the suicide disparities across different urbanized regions.
3 Data collection, preprocessing and visualization
In this section, we present the data collected from multiple publicly available sources, and a sequence of data
preprocessing steps to clean and aggregate the data, as well as data visualization to provide a basic understanding of
suicide rates across different spatial-temporal scales.
3.1 Data collection
Suicide mortality data was collected from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the period
2000—2017 monthly using CDC’s WONDER tool [31] based on the variables—County, Month, Year, Intent of injury.
“Intent of injury" describes an act of injury caused on purpose by oneself or by another person, with the goal of injuring
or killing themselves or others [32]. Here, the intent of injury is specified as “suicide” in this study.
The urbanization level of a county was determined using the six-level urban-rural classification provided by the latest
2013 National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Urban–Rural Classification Scheme for Counties [33, 5]. This
classification scheme distinguishes six urbanization levels based on metropolitan/non-metropolitan status, population
distribution, and other factors. Our study utilized different levels of the urban hierarchy to better explain the suicide
disparities between less urban and more urban regions.
In addition, socio-environmental data were gathered as well. The county-level socioeconomic and demographic
information were collected from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Economic Research Service (ERS)
[34] for the period of analysis from 2000—2017. And, climate data was obtained from the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) [35]. The climate data captures several
weather variations on a monthly basis from 2000—2017.
3.2 Data preprocessing and aggregation
Data directly collected from multiple sources contain some missing or wrong entries. Specifically, CDC WONDER
disabled public reporting of the suicide incidents in a county where the monthly incident count was below the pre-
determined “cut-off” value [36], in order to protect confidential information such as event details related to an individual
victim. In this view, counties were selected when satisfying: 1) having at least a total of ten reported suicide cases in
every month during 2000—2017; and 2) vulnerable to witnessing higher suicide trend consistently. Those selected
counties are from the states—Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New
Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, Utah, and Washington. Based on selected metropolitan counties, the bar plot
in Fig 1 shows the distribution of normalized suicide mortality (per 100,000 of the population) in the four types of
metropolitan counties. In order to balance the number of the counties with different urbanization levels, we combined
the large fringe metros, medium metros and small metros into a single category—“medium/small metros”, while keeping
the most urbanized areas as “large central metros”. Moreover, the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics
of the large central metros are significantly different than that of the medium/small metros (i.e., large fringe metros,
medium metros and the small metros) [37], which also justifies our grouping criteria. The relevant counties used in our
analysis along with their urbanization classification are listed in the Appendix.
Figure 1: Box plot showing normalized suicide mortality rates across various metropolitan counties. Metropolitan
counties classifications area based on NCHS Urban–Rural Classification Scheme for Counties [33]. The width of each
of the box plots indicates the number of observations in each categories.
County-level data on suicide mortality rates, socioeconomic and demographic information, and climate details were
integrated using year, month and county as the “common keys” to connect across different datasets. For socio-
environmental factors, the variables are removed when satisfying: 1) more than 20% of missing inputs; or 2) highly
correlated with other variables based on Pearson correlation coefficient (ρ ≥0.9 or ρ ≤-0.9). Removing those highly
correlated variables can avoid the “masking effect” of certain variables or model overfitting, and will help with key
influencing factors assessment in model inferencing [38, 39]. Finally, the socio-environmental variables used in this
study include three socioeconomic variables, seventeen demographic variables, eight climatic variables and one binary
variable (urbanization level indicates either the target is a large central or medium/small metropolitan area). Those
variables are explained in Table 1. Additionally, three spatiotemporal variables used to link the different datasets are
explained in Table 2.
After variable pre-selection and data aggregation, we normalized the suicide mortality counts to suicides mortality rates
per 100,000 population, to eliminate the effect of population size in a county. Finally, the final dataset included 2,496
observations and 33 variables including the normalized suicide rates as response variable.
3.3 Data visualization
Fig 2 exhibits a violin plot depicting the distribution of the normalized suicide mortality rates between large central
metro and medium/small metros. Clearly, the distribution of suicide mortality rate is highly right skewed depicting
higher suicide rates in the medium/small metropolitan counties, which can reflect the existence of suicide disparity in
level of urbanization.
Fig 3 and Fig 4 respectively depict the annual trends and monthly distribution in suicide mortality rates in the selected
large central and medium/small metropolitan counties in the U.S. As shown from Fig 3(A) and Fig 3(B), there are no
significant increasing or decreasing trends in the annual or monthly suicide mortality rates in either of the large and
medium/small metropolitan counties. However, more outliers are observed in the post 2000s, indicating suicide rates
are increasing in some of the counties.
4 Research Methodology
A data-driven holistic framework for modeling the complex interactions between a number of socio-environmental
factors and the growing suicide rates in the large central and medium/small metropolitan areas is explained in this
Variable Name
Urbanization level
Unemployment Rate
Age Group 1
Age Group 2
Age Group 3
Age Group 4
Age Group 5
Age Group 6
Education Group 1
Education Group 2
Education Group 3
Education Group 4
Table 1: Description of socio-environmental variables.
Large central metro or medium/small metro per county.
Percent of unemployed workers in the total labor force.
Percent of people (of all ages) in poverty in the county.
Median household income in the county.
Percent of county’s population ages below 14.
Percent of county’s population between ages 15–29.
Percent of county’s population between ages 30–44.
Percent of county’s population between ages 45–59.
Percent of county’s population between ages 60–74.
Percent of county’s population ages above 75.
Percent of county’s population female.
Percent of county’s population which is Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander
alone (i.e., no other race).
Percent of county’s population which is Asian alone.
Percent of county’s population which is American Indian, Alaska native alone. Annually
Percent of county’s population which is Black alone.
Percent of county’s population which is White alone.
Percent of county’s population which is non-Hispanic.
Percent of county’s population whose education level is less than a High
School diploma.
Percent of county’s population whose education level is a High School diploma
Percent of county’s population whose education level is some college of
Associates degree.
Percent of county’s population whose education level is a Bachelor’s degree
or higher.
Number of days with ≥ 1.00 inch of precipitation in the month.
Number of days with minimum temperature ≤ 0 degrees Fahrenheit.
Number of days with maximum temperature ≤ 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
Number of days with maximum temperature ≥ 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
Number of days with maximum temperature ≥ 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Extreme maximum daily precipitation total within month. Values are given in
inches (to hundredths).
Cooling degree days (season-to-date). Running total of monthly cooling degree
days through the end of the most recent month. Each month is summed to
produce a season-to-date total. Season starts in July in Northern Hemisphere
and January in Southern Hemisphere.
Heating degree days (season-to-date). Running total of monthly heating degree
days through the end of the most recent month. Each month is summed to
produce a season-to-date total. Season starts in July in Northern Hemisphere
and January in Southern Hemisphere.
Table 2: Description of key variables used to connect all datasets
Variable Name Description
County of reported suicide count.
Year of the reported suicide count.
Month of the reported suicide count.
section. Then, we present a brief description of the supervised learning theory where the related predictive model and
the statistical techniques used to select the model are also introduced.
Figure 2: Violin plot depicting normalized suicide mortality rates across large central vs. medium/small
metropolitan areas. Violin plots are similar to box plots, with a rotated kernel density plot on each side show-
ing the probability density of the data at different values.
Figure 3: Box plot showing annual trends in suicide mortality. (A) Annual distribution of suicide counts per 100,000
population in large central metro; (B) Annual distribution of suicide counts per 100,000 population in medium/small
metro areas.
4.1 Research framework
The schematic of our proposed research framework is exhibited in Fig 5. The research framework consists of three
major steps: (i) data processing; (ii) model training and testing; and (iii) model inferencing. In Step (i), county-level
suicide mortality information and multifaceted socio-environmental variables at different spatiotemporal scales were
processed by a series of procedures ranging from data collection, cleaning, normalization, aggregation and visualization.
Final aggregated dataset was divided into two independent subsets based on urbanization level—(1) large central metro
(LCM), and (2) medium/small metro (MSM). More details in Step (i) can be found in the section of Data collection,
preprocessing and visualization. Then in Step (ii), a library of regression models were trained and tested separately
on each of the LCM and MSM datasets. More specifically, we performed the model training and testing by leveraging
a 30-fold 80-20 randomized holdout technique. This technique can be described as follows: in a dataset, 20% of the
data is randomly held-out as test set to evaluate the model’s out-of-sample predictive accuracy, while the remaining
80% of the data is used as training set for training the models. This process is repeated 30 times to ensure that all the
data is used at least once to produce generalized errors in training and testing the models [40]. The average model
performance across all iterations is then calculated in terms of three commonly-used statistical metrics—R2, RMSE
(root mean square error) and MAE (mean absolute error). Finally, the model that outperforms other models in terms of
out-of-sample predictive accuracy as well as a comparative better goodness of fit is selected as the final model in this
paper. The details of final regression algorithm is also elaborated on this section. Finally in Step (iii), leveraging the
Figure 4: Box plot showing monthly distribution of suicides. (A) Monthly distribution of suicides counts per 100,000
population in large central metro; (B) Monthly distribution of suicides counts per 100,000 population in medium/small
metro areas.
selected model, we analyzed the relative influence of the socio-environmental factors on the suicide mortality rate using
the variable importance ranking and partial dependence plots in the setting of both LCM and MSM counties.
Figure 5: Schematic of the proposed data-driven research framework.
4.2 Supervised learning
Supervised learning method is applied to estimate a regression function capable of predicting the response variable
Y conditioned on a set of inputs X, such that the loss function for measuring errors is minimized. The generalized
form can be mathematically written as Y = f (X) + (cid:15), where (cid:15) is the irreducible error follows (cid:15) ∼ N (0, σ2) [41, 40].
The loss function L, representing the deviation of observed values from the estimated values of Y , typically can be
calculated through the absolute error (L1 norm) or squared error (L2 norm). That is,
L(Y, (cid:98)f (X)) =
|yi − (cid:98)f (xi)|
mean absolute error (MAE)
(yi − (cid:98)f (xi))2
root mean squared error (RMSE),
where N is the total number of data points.
Note that supervised statistical learning models can be parametric, semi-parametric or non-parametric. Parametric
models generally assume a particular functional form that relates the input variables to the response. The assumed
functional form helps with the ease of estimation and model interpretability, but comes at the cost of predictive
accuracy since the assumptions (such as normality and linearity) often do not hold for real cases. On the other hand,
non-parametric models that make no assumption about the distribution of the response variable or the shape of the
function relating the response to the predictors, are free to learn any functional form of the response from the training
data. By utilizing data in novel ways to estimate the dependencies, the non-parametric models often have a superior
predictive power than parametric models. However, the non-parametric methods are data-intensive and highly dependent
on the quality of the data.
In this study, the response variable Y is represented by the normalized suicide rates, and rest of the variables in the
dataset are denoted as the predictor variables X. The function f is construct through a library predictive models
including generalized linear models (GLM) [42], ridge and lasso regression [43], generalized additive models (GAM)
[44], multi-adaptive regression splines (MARS) [45], and ensemble tree based models including random forest (RF)
[46] and Bayesian additive regression trees (BART) [47]. By implementing a series of experiments, RF outperforms all
the models in terms of both goodness of fit and predictive accuracy and thus, we select RF as our final model to assess
socio-environmental affects on suicide mortality rates in the metropolitan counties. Details of random forest algorithm
and model selection techniques are provided in the following subsections.
4.2.1 Random forest: algorithm description
Random forest technique uses a bootstrap aggregating approach combined with feature randomness while building each
tree, and attempts to create a multitude of decision trees. For regression problems, the overall model performance is
given by averaging predictions from each of the single tree that usually produces low bias yet high variance, to render
a more accurate and robust prediction (associated with low bias and low variance). Random forest is an ensemble
tree-based learning model that consists of B bootstrapped regression trees Tb and explained in details in the Algorithm
1 [46].
Algorithm 1 Random Forest Algorithm [46, 40]
1: Input: Data set with dimension (N, M ) where N is the number of data points & M is the number of input
variables; Ensemble tree size B
2: for b = 1 to B: do
Build a bootstrap sample Nb from data set of size N by randomly sampling |Nb| data points with replacement.
Treat Nb as the training data set, while the remaining data is used as validation set to estimate tree’s prediction
Fit a regression tree model Tb on the training data set Nb by recursively repeating the following steps for each
terminal node of the tree, until the minimum node size nmin is reached.
i) Select m variables randomly from the M variables (m (cid:28) M ).
ii) Pick the best variable/split-point among the m.
iii) Split the node into two daughter nodes.
6: end for
7: return {Tb | 1 ≤ b ≤ B}
8: Output: Ensemble tree model whose prediction is given by average of predictions across all trees:
(cid:98)fRF =
4.2.2 Predictive accuracy vs. model interpretability
Generally speaking, the flexible non-parametric methods have higher predictive power than the “rigid" parametric
methods. However, the improved predictive power comes at the cost of easier interpretability. To make inferences based
on non-parametric ensemble tree-based methods, “partial dependence plots” (PDPs) are applied to help in understanding
the effects of the predictor variable of interest xj on the response in a “ceteris paribus” condition to control all the other
predictors. Mathematically, the estimated partial dependence can be represented as [47, 48]:
(cid:98)fj(xj) =
(cid:98)fj(xj, x−j,i).
Here, (cid:98)f represents the statistical model (in this case random forest); x−j denotes all the variables except xj; n denotes
the number of observations in the training data set. The estimated PDP of the predictor xj provides the average value of
the function (cid:98)f when xj is fixed and x−j varies over its marginal distribution.
4.2.3 Bias variance trade-off and model selection
Bias variance trade-off is the key to model selection in supervised learning theory. Optimal generalization performance
of a predictive model hinges on the ability to simultaneously minimize the bias and variance of the model, thus
controlling the complexity of the model. Cross validation is the most widely used technique for balancing models’ bias
and variance [40]. Thus, we leveraged a percentage randomized holdout technique to estimate the predictive accuracy
of the models. More specifically, out-of-sample predictive accuracy of each model was calculated by implementing 30
iterations where in each iteration, 20% of the data was randomly held out to test model and the model was trained on
the remaining 80% data. The optimal model can be selected in such a way that it outperforms all the other models in
terms of in-sample goodness-of-fit and out-of-sample predictive accuracy.
5 Results
In this section, we present a comparative assessment of the in-sample and out-of-sample performances of all the
statistical learning models, identify and evaluate the key influencing socio-environmental predictors associated with the
suicide mortality rate based on the final model, and compare those factors in contribution to disparity of suicide rate in
both the large central and medium/small metropolitan counties in the U.S.
5.1 Comparative assessment of model performance and final model selection
A summary of the models’ performances, developed for both the large central metropolitan and the medium/small
metropolitan counties, are provided in Tables 3 and 4 respectively. Performance of the models, in terms of in-sample
model fit and out-of-sample predictive accuracy, is evaluated using three statistical metrics (i.e. R2, RMSE, MAE) that
averaged across the 30 iterations. Model’s in-sample fit indicates it’s ability to capture the underlying structure of the
data and explains response as a function of the predictors, while the predictive accuracy measures the model’s ability to
make future predictions.
Table 3: Large Central Metropolitan Counties: Model performance comparison.
Large Central Metropolitan County Model
# Models
Generalized Linear Model
Ridge Regression
Lasso Regression
Generalized Additive Model
5 Multi Adaptive Regression Splines [degree=1]
6 Multi Adaptive Regression Splines [degree=2]
7 Multi Adaptive Regression Splines [degree=3]
8 Multi Adaptive Regression Splines [degree=3;
Random Forest
10 Gradient Boosting Method
11 Bayesian Additive Regression trees
12 Null Model (Mean-only)
Predictive accuracy
From Table 3 that presents the performances of the models developed for the large central metropolitan counties, we
observe that random forest and gradient boosting method are the two most competitive algorithms that outperform all
the other models in terms of goodness-of-fit. However, in terms of predictive accuracy, random forest outperforms
the gradient boosting method. Thus, we selected random forest model to capture and predict suicide mortality rate
in the large central metropolitan counties. Similar pattern can be found in Table 4 that exhibits the performances of
the models developed for the medium/small metropolitan counties. Gradient boosting method tops the list in terms
of goodness-of-fit followed by random forest, however random forest outperforms the gradient boosting method with
regard to predictive accuracy. This phenomenon indicates gradient boosting method is overfitting the training data.
Table 4: Medium/Small Metropolitan Counties: Model performance comparison.
Medium/Small Metropolitan County Model
# Models
Generalized Linear Model
Ridge Regression
Lasso Regression
Generalized Additive Model
5 Multi Adaptive Regression Splines [degree=1]
6 Multi Adaptive Regression Splines [degree=2]
7 Multi Adaptive Regression Splines [degree=3]
8 Multi Adaptive Regression Splines [degree=3;
Random Forest
10 Gradient Boosting Method
11 Bayesian Additive Regression trees
12 Null Model (Mean-only)
Predictive accuracy
Note that, BART model has a slightly higher predictive accuracy than random forest model, but it also demonstrates
much higher loss in fitting training data to the model. Therefore, we selected random forest as our final model to make
further inferences of key socio-environmental impacts on suicide disparities in metropolitan areas.
Compared to the “null model" (a.k.a. “mean-only" model), which is often used as a benchmark model in statistical
analyses, the random forest algorithm offered an improvement of 66.3% on in-sample RMSE and 66.9% on in-sample
MAE, while for the predictive accuracy it offered an improvement of 25.2% on out-of-sample RMSE and 25.7% on
out-of-sample MAE for the large central metropolitan counties dataset. On the other hand, for the medium/small
metropolitan counties dataset, the random forest algorithm provided an improvement of 74.5% on in-sample RMSE
and 73.2% on in-sample MAE, while from the predictive accuracy perspective, it offered an improvement of 42% on
out-of-sample RMSE and 38.9% on out-of-sample MAE.
5.1.1 Models’ diagnostics
To validate our finally selected random forest in capturing the suicide variations between both the large central and
medium/small metropolitan counties, we analyzed the Q-Q plots of the model residuals as depicted in Figs. 6(A)
and 7(A). A residual Q-Q plot is a graph that plots quantiles of the models’ residuals versus quantiles of the standard
normal distribution. From Figs. 6(A) and 7(A), we observe that the residuals mostly fall along the 45◦line of the
normal quantile plot, with slight deviations at the tails. The deviated tails at the extremes indicate that there are
unobserved heterogeneities, most likely associated with non socio-environmental factors (e.g., victim-level information
on pre-existing clinical conditions, health behaviors, family issues, etc.) which could not be captured in our model. The
higher R2 values of the models—e.g., R2 = 0.886 and R2 = 0.934 for large central metro and medium/small metro
counties models respectively, the higher values of Pearson correlation coefficients (ρ=0.950 in large central metro;
ρ=0.972 in medium/small metro) between the actual and the fitted values, and the residuals Q-Q plots indicate that the
selected random forest model can adequately capture the variation in the data and model the suicide mortality rates as a
function of the various socio-environmental factors.
5.2 Key predictors identification and ranking
Variable importance is calculated based on “variable inclusion proportion”, which is the fraction of times a given
predictor was used in growing a regression tree (see more details in the description of random forest algorithm 1). In
this paper, the variable importance ranking can be used to indicate the main influencing factors by their relevance of
suicide mortality rates. For the sake of brevity, we selected top 15 variables in predicting suicide rates in the large
central and medium/small metropolitan counties. Table 5 exhibits those 15 variables and their sign of the correlation
coefficients with the response variable.
As we observe from Figs. 8 and 9, socio-demographic factors (race, gender, age, and education) have a different
yet significant influence on the suicide mortality rate in both large central and medium/small metropolitan areas.
Economic factors (i.e., unemployment rate and the median household income) have more impacts on suicide rates in
the median/small metropolitan regions than in the large central metropolitan regions. In addition, suicide rates in the
Figure 6: Large Central Metropolitan Counties: Model diagnostics of final Random Forest model. (A) Residuals
QQ plot (the blue dashed lines represent 95% confidence intervals); (B) Predicted versus actual suicide counts,
normalized per 100,000 of population.
Figure 7: Medium/Small Metropolitan Counties: Model diagnostics of final Random Forest model. (A) Residuals
QQ plot (the blue dashed lines represent 95% confidence intervals); (B) Predicted versus actual suicide counts,
normalized per 100,000 of population.
large central metros are found to be more sensitive to specific climatic variables (DX90—number of days higher than
90◦F, DX70—number of days higher than 70◦F, HDSD—season-to-date heating degree days, and EMXP—extreme
maximum precipitation in a month); while suicides in the medium/small metros are more sensitive to season-to-date
cooling degree days (CDSD). The rational behind our findings is explained in the following subsections.
5.3 Model Inference: Comparative assessment across large central and medium/small metropolitan counties
The disparities of suicide mortality rate across large central and medium/small metropolitan areas are examined based
on the key factors identified in Table 5. The relative influences of those key socio-demographic, climatic and economic
factors on the suicide mortality are illustrated using partial dependence plots (PDPs) (see the Equ. 2), where in each
plot the y-axis represents the averaged suicide mortality rate influenced only by the predictor variable in the x-axis,
considering all the other predictor variables to be constant [49].
Table 5: Summary of top 15 variables in large central and medium/small areas.
Percentage of Asian population.
Percent of Black population.
Percent of non-Hispanic population.
Percent of American Indian, Alaska native population.
Percent of Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander population.
Percent of female population.
Percent of young adults aged below 14 years old.
Percent of adolescents aged 15-29 years old.
Percent of elder people aged above 75 years old.
Percent of people with less than a high school degree.
Percent of people with a high school degree.
Percent of people with an associate degree.
Percent of unemployed workers in the total labor force.
Median household income.
Number of days with temperature ≥ 90°F.
Number of days with temperature ≥ 70°F.
Seasonal heating degree days.
Extreme maximum daily precipitation total within month.
Seasonal cooling degree days.
Large Central Areas Medium/Small Areas
Rank Correlation
Note that, positive correlation denotes the relationship between predictor and response variable that changes in the same
way (either increasing or decreasing), while negative correlation denotes this relationship changes in the opposite way.
Otherwise, a mixed correlation indicates a combination of positive and negative relationship between predictor and
response variable.
Figure 8: Large central metro: Variable importance ranking of top 15 predictors. Variable descriptions are
provided in Table 5.
5.3.1 Socio-demographic factors
A detailed insight on socio-demographic impacts on suicide rates across metropolitan areas is provided in the following.
1) Association of race and suicide mortality
Specific racial groups such as Asian (AA), Black (BA), American Indians and Alaska natives (IA), native Hawaiian and
Pacific Islander (NA) and Non-Hispanic (NH) are all ranked as top 15 predictors, but with different impacts on suicide
rates across large central and medium/small metropolitan areas.
The trend between the proportion of Asian population (AA) and suicide rate can be observed in Fig 10. This graph
demonstrates that, as a growing AA, the averaged suicide rate first drops quickly and then stabilizes at a certain point.
Specifically, suicide rate stabilizes at 1.28 per 100,000 population as the AA reaches above 11% in the large central
metros; while in the medium/small metros, suicide rates stabilizes at 1.9 per 100,000 population as the AA reaches
above 6%. This can infer that a community with higher Asian population (under certain threshold) could have a lower
suicide rate. In general, Asian population is less likely to commit suicide. Previous study also indicated Asians were at
low risk for suicide mortality compared to other racial groups such as White non-Hispanics and Black non-Hispanics
Figure 9: Medium/small metro: Variable importance ranking of top 15 predictors. Variable descriptions are
provided in Table 5.
[50]. The association between the proportion of Black population (BA) and the suicide rates is demonstrated in Fig
11. In large metropolitan counties, we observed that suicide mortality rate increases as the BA grows, and declines as
the BA exceeds 40%. On the contrary, this relationship is different in the medium/small metropolitan areas, where a
higher BA is related to a lower suicide rates—the average suicide rate goes down from 2.5 to 1.9 counts per 100,000
population of the county as the BA grows over 15%. This opposite relation of suicide rates and Black population
across different urbanized regions could be explained by the previous studies implying that Black population living in
urban areas might feel more stressed and strained of the urban life due to unaccustomed social isolation or difficulty
acculturating to middle-class suburban living [51, 6].
From Fig 12, we observe that higher proportion of Non-Hispanic population (NH) is also associated with increasing
suicide mortality rate, and this relationship is consistent in both the large central and medium/small metropolitan
counties. Note that, with a higher NH, the average suicide rate also increases. From the x-axis of Fig 12, the NH is a
major group in the population and can account for the overall suicide rates, which is lined up with the existing research
[2]. Similarly, the relationship of suicide rates and the proportions of American Indian and Alaska natives (IA) can be
observed from Fig 13. For the large central metros, the relationship depicts a step-function. More specifically, with IA
ranging between 0.0—1.5% and greater than 2%, the suicide mortality rate shows an increasing trend, with an exception
of a decreasing trend in the range of 1.5—2.0 ˙For the medium/small counties, we observe an increasing trend where the
IA ranges between 0.0—1.0%, but after that the trend is slightly decreasing. Fig 14 demonstrates the relationship of
suicide rates and the proportions of Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (NA) population. More specifically, the suicide
mortality rate shows an increasing trend with an increasing NA in the large central metropolitan counties, whereas, in
contrast it shows a decreasing trend with an increasing NA in the medium/small metropolitan counties.
Figure 10: Suicide mortality rate in Asian population: (A) Large central metro; (B) Medium/small metro. Rug
lines on the x axis indicate prevalence of data points; black curve is the average marginal effect of the predictor variable;
red lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals.
Figure 11: Suicide mortality rate in Black population: (A) Large central metro; (B) Medium/small metro. Rug
lines on the x axis indicate prevalence of data points; black curve is the average marginal effect of the predictor variable;
red lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals.
Figure 12: Suicide mortality rate in Non-Hispanic population: (A) Large central metro; (B) Medium/small
metro. Rug lines on the x axis indicate prevalence of data points; black curve is the average marginal effect of the
predictor variable; red lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals.
Figure 13: Suicide mortality rate in American Indian & Alaska native population: (A) Large central metro; (B)
Medium/small metro. Rug lines on the x axis indicate prevalence of data points; black curve is the average marginal
effect of the predictor variable; red lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals.
2) Association of gender and suicide mortality
Gender plays a crucial role in understanding the variations in suicide mortality rates across the large central and
Figure 14: Suicide mortality rate in Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander population: (A) Large central metro;
(B) Medium/small metro. Rug lines on the x axis indicate prevalence of data points; black curve is the average
marginal effect of the predictor variable; red lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals.
medium/small metropolitan regions. From Fig 15, we found that in the large central metros, as the proportion of
females increases, the suicide rate increases up until a certain point (around 1.45 per 100,000) and then it starts to drop
sharply. In the medium/small metros, the suicide rate decreases monotonically as the growing of female populations.
On average, counties having a higher proportion of females typically witness a lower suicide mortality rate. Previous
studies stated that females have higher rates of suicidal ideations and attempts whereas males are more successful in
completing a suicide, which is also known as the well-established concept of “gender paradox in suicides" [17, 18].
Figure 15: Suicide mortality rate among females: (A) Large central metro; (B) Medium/small metro. Rug lines
on the x axis indicate prevalence of data points; black curve is the average marginal effect of the predictor variable; red
lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals.
3) Association of age and suicide mortality
Our studies also found that different age groups have certain impacts on suicide rates across the large central and
medium/small metropolitan counties. In Fig 16, the suicide trend can be roughly represented in the form of step-function
(decreasing first, reaches a plateau, and then increasing), with the increasing of the proportion of children and teenagers
(aged under 14). And this trend can be observed in the both large central and medium/small metros. It is not surprising
that prepubescent children are at risk of conducting suicidal behaviors, as previous studies suggested that by the age of
eight or nine children have already formed a thorough understanding of suicide and do have intent to cause self-injury
to possibly avoid their emotional pain such as break-ups [52]. Fig 17 relates to the proportion of adolescents aged
between 15 to 29 years. In the large central metros, the suicide rate has a tipping point when adolescent population
is around 22.2% of the population. This indicates that suicide rate have a sharp increase from 1.4 to 1.5 per 100,000
population at the tipping point. Suicides among adolescents are growing in the last decades, and higher proportion of
adolescents in the community could be linked to a higher suicide risks. Intriguingly, the suicide rate in the medium/small
metros exhibits a downward trend with the increases as adolescent population grows. Note that, suicide rates eventually
stabilize at 1.5 and 2.0 per 100,000 population for the large central and medium/small metros respectively, indicating
the suicide disparities still need to be explained by other factors.
Our analysis also suggests that elderly people belonging to the age group of over 75 years and living in the medium/small
metropolitan areas are vulnerable to committing suicides (see Fig 18). We observe that as the proportion of elderly
population in a county increases beyond 7%, the suicide mortality rate steadily increases. On the contrary, this factor
does not appear to be significant (not ranked among the top 15 factors) for the suicide mortality rates in the large central
metropolitan areas. Thus, the elderly population living in medium/small metropolitan settings has a higher risk of
suicide, mostly due to the unavailability of sufficient mental health services or accessibility to the healthcare system
Figure 16: Suicide mortality rate among children (0−14 years age): (A) Large central metro; (B) Medium/small
metro. Rug lines on the x axis indicate prevalence of data points; black curve is the average marginal effect of the
predictor variable; red lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals.
Figure 17: Suicide mortality rate among adolescents (15 − 29 years age):
(A) Large central metro; (B)
Medium/small metro. Rug lines on the x axis indicate prevalence of data points; black curve is the average marginal
effect of the predictor variable; red lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals.
4) Association of education and suicide mortality
The educational attainment of the population is an another key factor that can explain the suicide disparities across
different urbanized regions. In the medium/small metropolitan counties, suicide rate shows an overall increasing trend
with the growing proportion of people with a high school diploma only or lower (in Figs. 19(b) and 20(b)), but exhibits
an decreasing trend with growing proportion of people having college associate degree (in Fig 21(b)); this indicates that
people with a lower educational attainment living in the medium/small counties are more vulnerable to suicide risks.
However in the large central counties, the partial effect of educational attainment on suicide rates is more fluctuating
(in Figs. 19(a) and 20(a)). This can be mostly attributed to the fact that only few large central metropolitan counties
contain higher percentages of population with lower educational attainment, thus the trend cannot be generalized. We
also observe that the suicide rate has a steady downward trend as the percentage of people with college or associate
degree increases in the large central counties (in Fig 21).
Figure 18: Suicide mortality rate among aged population (≥ 75 years age) in Medium/small metro. Rug lines on
the x axis indicate prevalence of data points; black curve is the average marginal effect of the predictor variable; red
lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals.
Based on those findings about educational attainment, our analysis demonstrates that people with low levels of education
are more likely to be linked to higher suicide rates. This education gradient in the suicide mortality rate, in both the large
central and medium/small metropolitan areas, can reflect the importance of education in changing the risk perception
and health-related behaviors of a population which in turn could improve the overall mental health condition and
emotional well-being of a community. This finding is consistent with a cross-national research report showing that the
suicide rate is relatively high among group with only a high school degree, and relatively low among people having at
least a college degree [23]. To some extent, education is more than enriching knowledge, providing a platform/resource
for individuals to improve their coping skills and maintain their physical, mental and social well-being.
Figure 19: Suicide mortality rate among population having high school diploma only): (a) Large central metro;
(b) Medium/small metro. Rug lines on the x axis indicate prevalence of data points; black curve is the average
marginal effect of the predictor variable; red lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals.
5.3.2 Economic factors
This study also reveals the association of economic factors and suicide mortality rates across the large central and
medium/small metropolitan regions. We note that two economic factors (unemployment rate and median household
income) that ranked as top 15 factors are of significant importance in influencing the suicide rates in the medium/small
metropolitan areas. However, those two economic factors were not found to be important in the large central metropolitan
areas. As presented in Fig 22, the suicide mortality rate has an increasing trend with the growing of unemployment
rate in the medium/small metros. This finding is lined up with one previous research that examined an increase in
the relative risk of suicide was linked to the unemployment status [54]. From Fig 22, we also found that the suicide
mortality rate can be represented as a step-function of the median household income in the medium/small counties. The
suicide mortality rate shows an decreasing trend as the median household income grows within the range from 40,000
to 80,000 USD annually. However, as the median household income increases above 80,000 USD annually, we observe
Figure 20: Suicide mortality rate among population having degree lower than a high school diploma): (a) Large
central metro; (b) Medium/small metro. Rug lines on the x axis indicate prevalence of data points; black curve is
the average marginal effect of the predictor variable; red lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals.
Figure 21: Suicide mortality rate among population having some college and/or associate degree): (a) Large
central metro; (b) Medium/small metro. Rug lines on the x axis indicate prevalence of data points; black curve is
the average marginal effect of the predictor variable; red lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals.
an increasing trend in the suicide mortality rates. Note that, since only few observations fall in a range above 80,000
USD annually, we could consider that for the most cases, the relation between median household income and suicide
rates are negative correlated if the median household income is below 80,000 USD annually.
From the analysis, suicide rate in the medium/small metros is more sensitive to unemployment rate and median
household income compared with suicide rate in the large central metros. Living in the medium/small metropolitan
counties, people with less than average income or under unemployment may encounter more physical and mental stress,
which could act as a trigger to underlying mental illness or chronic depression that can lead to committing suicide.
While in the large central metros, there are more jobs opportunities. Moreover, some researchers found that people
were being unemployment in a society may be considered as lack of social cohesion, which in turns is associated with
the higher chance of committing suicide [55, 56].
5.3.3 Climate factors
In this study, we identified some climate factors that have a significant influence on the rate of suicides. Our findings
can help understand how climate play a crucial role in affecting differences in suicide across metropolitan areas.
In large central metropolitan counties, the four climate factors that are ranked among the top 15 factors are DX90,
DX70, HDSD and EMXP. Details of variable descriptions are provided in Table 5, and their relationships associated
with the suicide mortality rate are exhibited in Fig 23. It can be observed from our analysis that the suicide mortality rate
in large central metropolitan area has an increasing trend with higher extreme temperatures (i.e., DX90 and DX70). Our
finding is consistent with prior research studies that claim a strong association between warmer temperatures and suicide
Figure 22: Association of economic factors with suicide mortality rates in medium/small metropolitan counties.
Rug lines on the x axis indicate prevalence of data points; black curve is the average marginal effect of the predictor
variable; red lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals.
rates [11, 12]. Suicide is known to have a strong correlation with persistent sadness and depression. One recent paper
published in 2018 analyzed 600 million Twitter posts to connect mental health and temperature, and indicated that hotter
months was linked to a higher chance in using depressive languages [12]. Additionally, our study also found that the
seasonal heating degree days (HDSD) and the extreme daily maximum precipitation (EMXP) have positive associations
with the suicide mortality rates. There is no existing research to examine the relationship between HDSD/EMXP and
the suicide risks; however, one existing research have demonstrated that higher precipitation is linked with increasing
mental health issues [57]. It is well-recognized that mental health issues can contribute to suicidal behaviors; thus, it is
not surprising to observe that EMXP has an indirect effect on higher rates of suicide mortality.
Figure 23: Association of climate with suicide mortality rate in large central metropolitan counties. Rug lines on
the x axis indicate prevalence of data points; black curve is the average marginal effect of the predictor variable; red
lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals.
Figure 24: Association of climate with suicide mortality rate in medium/small metropolitan counties. Rug lines
on the x axis indicate prevalence of data points; black curve is the average marginal effect of the predictor variable; red
lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals.
In contrast to the large central metropolitan areas, only one climate factor—CDSD (seasonal cooling degree days)
appears in the list of the top key 15 factors, influencing the suicide mortality rates in the medium/small metropolitan
areas. As can be observed from Fig 24, the suicide mortality rate has an upward trend with the increasing CDSD, clearly
reflecting higher temperatures are associated with higher suicide mortality rates, similar to that of the large central
metropolitan areas. Further investigation is needed to explain why the climatic conditions affect the suicide mortality
rates of the geographic regions in a different way.
6 Conclusion
Evaluating the socio-environmental impacts on suicide mortality rate at the population level is critical to inform policy
makers and healthcare providers in devising effective strategies that can help improve the mental health wellbeing
as well as quality of life of residents across urban metropolitan counties. This paper investigated the association
between socio-environmental factors (i.e., socio-economic, demographic, and climate) and suicide rates across the
various geographical locations in the U.S. using a data-driven predictive approach, and assessed the key influencing
socio-environmental factors that can best explain and predict the suicide disparities across the large central and
medium/small metropolitan areas. Our research framework integrates novel statistical learning techniques that can not
only identify the most influential features for prediction of the growth of suicide mortality rates, but also understand
the relationships between these features and the suicide mortality rates. We implemented a library of parametric,
semi-parametric and non-parametric statistical learning methods and found that the random forest algorithm best
captures the underlying associations between the socio-environmental factors and suicide mortality rates. Random forest
outperformed all the other predictive models that we implemented in this research in terms of in-sample goodness-of-fit
and out-of-sample predictive accuracy. Our findings revealed that the interaction between suicide mortality rates and
the socio-environmental factors varies significantly across the large central and the medium/small metropolitan areas in
the U.S.
Our finding indicates that the population demographics plays a critical role in affecting the suicide rates across different
metropolitan areas. Our study demonstrates that suicide rates in both the large central and the medium/small metros
are sensitive to racial groups, proportion of females in the community, adolescents and adults aged below 29, and the
groups of people with lower level of education attainment. In addition, the suicide rate in the medium/small metros is
particularly sensitive to the elder people who are aged above 75 years.
The influence of economic factors on suicide rates is demonstrated to be of more significance in the medium/small
metropolitan counties than in large central metropolitan areas. Suicide rate in medium/small metros is particularly
sensitive to the unemployment rate and median household income. We found that, with an increasing unemployment
rate (from 2% to 12%), the suicide rate also increases (from 2.0 to 2.06 per 100,000 population); on the other hand, as
the medium household income decreases from 80,000 USD to 40,000 USD, the suicide rates increases from 2.01 to
2.02 per 100,000 population in a county per month. Although this number seems small, it can account for a significant
rise in the number of monthly suicides on average in the U.S., with a population of 310 million residing in the urban
and rural areas. These economic factors also account for the disparity in suicide rates between the less and the more
urbanized areas. The local government could make use of our findings to effectively subsidize public investments in
less urbanized areas and/or provide government incentives to those population who are having financial difficulties.
This study also illustrates that climatic variables are correlated with suicide risks. In the large central metros, the
suicide mortality rate is more sensitive to higher temperature, seasonal heating degree days and extreme maximum
precipitation; while in the medium/small metros, the suicide rate is more sensitive to seasonal cooling degree days.
Our findings suggest that suicide rate increases with a higher temperature which is consistent with the previous studies
[11, 12]. The weather variables may not account for direct motivation for people to commit suicide, but knowing the
correlation between climate changes and suicidal variations is necessary to predict the future trend of suicide rates in
the face of climate change.
It is noteworthy that, although our data-driven framework was applied to model the suicide risks across the metropolitan
areas, it is generalized enough to be able to conduct similar comparative assessments in other regions of the interests,
provided relevant data is available. Although our study examined the socio-environmental impacts on suicide rates at
the population level and can provide insights to make informed decisions at the community level, the findings may
not be sufficient to make conclusions at the individual-level. Also, the proposed functions defining the relationships
between suicide risks and socio-environmental factors could be beneficial for further investigation of suicide prediction
and designing suicide prevention strategies. However, these relationships do not necessarily indicate causality. To reveal
the causal relationship of suicide risks, the extensive longitudinal studies based on randomized control trials and other
methodologies need to be conducted.
The authors would like to acknowledge the 2019-20 SUNY Research Seed Grant Program for providing partial funding
for this research. The authors would also like to thank McKenzie Worden and Andrew Kopanon—graduate students
from the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University at Buffalo, The State University of New
York for preliminary data collection for this research.
Table S6 lists all the counties along with their urbanization classification across the U.S., which were finally selected
and considered in our analysis.
Table 6: Selected counties
Urbanization Level
County Name
Medium/Small Metro
Mohave County
Large Central Metro
Maricopa County
Medium/Small Metro
Pima County
Medium/Small Metro
Yavapai County
Large Central Metro
Adams County
Large Central Metro
Arapahoe County
Large Central Metro
Denver County
Large Central Metro
Douglas County
Medium/Small Metro
El Paso County
Large Central Metro
Jefferson County
Medium/Small Metro
Weld County
Medium/Small Metro
Ada County
Large Central Metro
Johnson County
Medium/Small Metro
Sedgwick County
Large Central Metro
Jefferson County
Large Central Metro
St. Charles County
Large Central Metro
St. Louis County
Large Central Metro
Jackson County
Large Central Metro
Clark County
Washoe County
Medium/Small Metro
Hillsborough County New Hampshire Medium/Small Metro
Medium/Small Metro
Bernalillo County
Large Central Metro
Oklahoma County
Medium/Small Metro
Tulsa County
Large Central Metro
Clackamas County
Large Central Metro
Multnomah County
Large Central Metro
Washington County
Large Central Metro
Davidson County
Large Central Metro
Shelby County
Large Central Metro
Salt Lake County
Medium/Small Metro
Utah County
Medium/Small Metro
Weber County
Large Central Metro
Clark County
Large Central Metro
King County
Large Central Metro
Pierce County
Large Central Metro
Snohomish County
Medium/Small Metro
Spokane County
New Mexico
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ai_researcher | 2 | Can_Language_Models_Learn_to_Skip_Steps.pdf | 4
Can Language Models Learn to Skip Steps?
Tengxiao Liu♠▲∗ Qipeng Guo♡ Xiangkun Hu♢ Cheng Jiayang♢
Yue Zhang♣† Xipeng Qiu♠† Zheng Zhang♢
♠Fudan University
▲UC Santa Barbara ♡Shanghai AI Laboratory
♣Westlake University ♢Amazon AWS AI
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Trained on vast corpora of human language, language models demonstrate emer-
gent human-like reasoning abilities. Yet they are still far from true intelligence,
which opens up intriguing opportunities to explore the parallels of humans and
model behaviors. In this work, we study the ability to skip steps in reasoning—a
hallmark of human expertise developed through practice. Unlike humans, who
may skip steps to enhance efficiency or to reduce cognitive load, models do not
inherently possess such motivations to minimize reasoning steps. To address this,
we introduce a controlled framework that stimulates step-skipping behavior by
iteratively refining models to generate shorter and accurate reasoning paths. Em-
pirical results indicate that models can develop the step skipping ability under our
guidance. Moreover, after fine-tuning on expanded datasets that include both com-
plete and skipped reasoning sequences, the models can not only resolve tasks with
increased efficiency without sacrificing accuracy, but also exhibit comparable and
even enhanced generalization capabilities in out-of-domain scenarios. Our work
presents the first exploration into human-like step-skipping ability and provides
fresh perspectives on how such cognitive abilities can benefit AI models.
The pursuit of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is profoundly influenced and inspired by human
intelligence [35, 6]. Trained extensively on human language, language models not only excel in
various tasks, but also begin to exhibit emergent human-like abilities that are not explicitly engineered
into them [24]. Among these, reasoning stands out as a core human-like cognitive ability, and has
demonstrated great potential in a wide range of problem solving scenarios [47, 11, 30, 37, 28, 34].
Despite their advances in displaying human-like cognitive activities, huge gaps remain in how models
and humans actually behave [22, 46, 20]. These differences bring up interesting questions regarding
the exploration and development of similar capabilities between models and humans.
We aim to investigate whether the models exhibit any reasoning abilities unique to human experts,
and whether they can evolve from beginners to reasoning experts. When humans learn to reason,
beginners typically start with detailed, step-by-step solutions to imitate the gradual process of problem
solving. As practice makes perfect, human experts not only solve problems more swiftly but also
utilize shorter mental pathways, often skipping steps in their reasoning process [36]. This particular
ability helps them speed up the reasoning and saves cognitive load for more challenging steps [44].
As demonstrated in Figure 1, the step-skipping behavior illustrated on the right side is commonly
adopted by human experts during equation simplification.
∗Work done during internship at AWS Shanghai AI Lab.
†Corresponding authors.
38th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024).
Figure 1: Step skipping in equation simplification. We use the specified number of steps in the input
as a stimulation to induce the model to perform skipping by using fewer steps.
In this work, we are curious whether models exhibit mature human-like reasoning ability — skipping
steps, and how such abilities can influence the model’s reasoning behaviors. Unlike humans, models
do not inherently possess the intrinsic motivation like time limit or skill maturity that naturally
drives efficiency in cognitive tasks. To induce the skipping step behavior in models, we introduce a
controlled training environment where models are instructed to generate reasoning sequences within
a specified number of steps. Our method includes two phases: initialization and iteration. We begin
with a dataset that contains complete stepwise reasoning processes for the questions. In initialization,
models are first trained to solve the tasks comprehensively, adhering to the full sequence of reasoning
steps. In Figure 1, the illustration on the left demonstrates how models are trained to follow a
specified number of steps. Then in the iteration phase, the models are prompted to produce shorter
answers based on the original training data (Figure 1 right). We then select the shorter reasoning paths
that still achieve correct answers and mix them with the full-step reasoning paths. This expanded
dataset is used to train a new model to have advanced step-skipping capabilities. Each iteration
refines the model’s ability to identify how steps can be skipped without sacrificing accuracy. Finally,
we fine-tune the models using these iteratively generated datasets, including data instances that
demonstrate successful step-skipping during each iteration.
We conduct experiments with three different reasoning datasets, each characterized by clear internal
reasoning steps, to evaluate model behaviors. Empirical results demonstrate that models exhibit
and develop the ability of skipping steps in our framework - not only solving tasks effectively but
also actively omitting steps to enhance efficiency. Further analysis of model behaviors indicate that
these skipped reasoning paths act as beneficial enhancements rather than mere biased shortcuts, as
evidenced by their maintenance or even improvement of out-of-distribution (OOD) performance
across various tasks. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first investigation into the human-
like ability of step-skipping in language models, providing empirical evidence that models can indeed
skip steps. These preliminary findings provide a fresh perspective on easy-to-hard generalization —
training models on simpler data comprising both comprehensive and skipped reasoning steps can
enhance their ability to generalize to more complex scenarios. ¶
2 Related Work
Human-like Abilities in Language Models Many of the capabilities widely used in current models
are inspired by human intelligence. For instance, in-context learning enables models to address
problems by mimicking the patterns demonstrated in examples [5]. In reasoning tasks, models benefit
from progressively answer derivations and step-by-step chain-of-thought processes [47] and their
humanlike enhancements, such as planning [18], task decomposition [50], and refinement [32, 38].
Another series of studies explore from the perspectives of cognitive science and psychology [10, 2,
12, 9]. Kosinski [24] reveal that current large language models have demonstrated a certain level
of Theory-of-Mind (ToM) abilities by testing their performance to impute another’s mental states
and perspectives. Further studies [21] provide preliminary evidence of a correlation between the
embeddings in LLMs and human brain neurons during ToM tasks, while Ma et al. [31] highlights the
limitation of current ToM evaluations as they target narrow and inadequate aspects of ToM. Apart
from these cognitive abilities, our work draws inspiration from human problem solving [23, 42, 3, 44]
and evaluates language models on these unique step skipping behaviors. Additionally, our work
aligns with an expanding field exploring the correlation between System 1 and System 2 reasoning
¶Code and data are publicly available at:
Step1:A* B* x* C=D/FStep2:A* B* x=D/F/CStep3:B* x=D/F/C/AStep4:x=D/F/C/A/BStep1:A* B* x* C=D/F(Skip)A* B* x=D/F/C(Skip)B* x=D/F/C/AStep2:x=D/F/C/A/BQ:A* B* x* C–D/F=0Solveitin4steps.Q:A* B* x* C–D/F=0Solveitin2steps.Figure 2: Overall framework. The initialization phase aims to equip the model with the ability to
reason according to a specified number of steps. During iterations, each cycle produces a mixed
dataset Di, which is used to train a standard model to evaluate the model’s step-skipping capabilities.
mechanisms [14, 15, 49]. Rather than removing all reasoning trajectories, our work explores gradual
shortening to provide a smoother transition that mirrors natural cognitive processing.
Compositional Generalization Challenges Transformers have shown limitations in complex
compositional generalization scenarios [17, 39]. Previous work also indicates that models may
develop biased shortcut, negatively impacting their OOD performance [27, 25, 16]. A growing body
of research focuses on easy-to-hard generalization [4, 7, 19, 41, 48], where models improve their
generalization ability by learning from easy tasks, without requiring intensive supervision on harder
ones. Following this line, our work encourages the model to learn from self generated skipping paths,
which has been empirically shown to maintain and even enhance OOD generalization capabilities.
3 Method
Humans develop the ability to skip steps for several reasons. With practice in specific tasks, they
evolve from novices to experts, optimizing lengthy thought processes into quicker, more efficient
reasoning. Additionally, factors such as time constraints or the desire to conserve cognitive resources
can also prompt humans to skip steps [13]. In contrast, models lack an inherent cognitive signal that
would drive them to minimize reasoning steps. Rather than attempting to replicate these human-like
signals, we design a training approach to directly control the number of steps in their reasoning
processes. By restricting the steps in model responses, we can guide the model to self-generate data
including skipped steps. Our framework has two phases: initialization and iteration.
We begin with a training dataset D0, which contains detailed full-step reasoning answers to the
questions. Our goal is to train a model that can generate answers by following the specified number
of steps in the input question. Depending on the characteristics of different tasks, there are two design
choices to initialize the framework: cold start and warm start.
Cold start
In the cold start approach, we directly fine-tune the model on the original full-step
training data, i.e., Dinit = D0. The trained model is expected to not only learn to solve the problems,
but also adhere to the specified number of steps in the input instructions.
Warm start Training exclusively with full steps does not always guarantee the ability of controlling
the number of steps, especially for the challenging tasks. Therefore, we manually create answers that
contain skipped steps based on human expertise. Optionally, we can also randomly merge adjacent
steps or simply omit random steps within the rationales to create such skipped-step data. In either
way, we can expand the original training set with additional data Dskip that can better help models
𝐷!"!#𝑀$𝐷%′𝐷$=𝐷%+𝐷%′𝑀&𝐷$′𝐷&=𝐷%+𝐷$′……Solveitin𝑛stepsSolveitin𝑛−𝑖stepsInitializationIteration𝑀%finetuninginference𝑀$’#(")(*)𝑀&’#(")(*)𝑀%’#(")(*)standardfinetuninglearn how to solve the problems with fewer steps. Thus, the data for warm start initialization can be
describes as Dinit = D0 + Dskip.
Using the prepared data, we fine-tune the model to generate the answers with the given number
of steps. For each QA pair in Dinit, the question q is concatenated with the instruction In which
indicates that the reasoning process a(n) should be completed in n steps. Therefore, the resulting
model in the initialization phase, M0, is described as:
M0 =
P (a(n)|q, In),
where the instruction In stands for “Solve it in n steps".
After the initialization, the model is expected to have learned to solve the problems with detailed
steps using the specified number of steps in the input. Leveraging this particular ability, we can
encourage the model to actively engage in step skipping behavior. At the beginning of each iteration
k, the model Mk−1 is prompted to solve the same problems in the training set using fewer steps
than the full number. Responses that are both correct and meet the reduced step criterion are filtered
and composed into a new dataset D′
k. These reasoning answers are generated solely by the model
itself, reflecting its understanding after training on the initialized data and demonstrating its active
preferences when reducing steps.
We define the dataset used for current iteration as Dk = D0 ∪D′
k−1, where the original training set D0
includes full reasoning steps and the filtered dataset D′
k−1 contains new responses that successfully
utilized fewer steps. This ensures that the model has access to both the original complete reasoning
processes and examples of effective step-skipping generated by the model itself. To finalize current
iteration, the model Mk is trained on Dk: Mk = (cid:81)
P (a(n)|q, In).
The iterative training process described above requires specifying the number of steps in the input,
which is impractical in real-world applications because it can be difficult to determine the exact
number of steps needed for a given question. To be more applicable, we aim to understand how
models learn from the generated skipped data and what benefits they can derive from it. Therefore,
for each intermediate resulting dataset Dk, we train a new model using a standard QA finetuning
setting without specifying the number of steps in the input:
M standard
P (a(n)|q).
This phase aims to solidify the model’s skipping behavior, simulating a more advanced form of
cognitive processing akin to human reasoning.
4 Experiments
4.1 Datasets
We design three tasks to investigate the model’s step skipping behavior (Figure 3). In each task, the
intermediate steps needed to solve these problems are explicitly detailed and well-defined, facilitating
a clear analysis of the model’s predictions. When creating skipped data for warm start, we either
omit certain steps or heuristically merge two adjacent steps. Details on data creation can be found in
Appendix B.1.
Analog of Algebra Following Blessing and Anderson [3], we create an analog of algebra by
replacing the variables and operators with different symbols. As shown in Figure 3, each variable
and standard operator is mapped to a unique, unrelated symbol. The desired result is to isolate
the symbol ♥ (i.e., x) on the left side of the symbol ↔ (i.e., =). This task is entirely new for the
model, making it an ideal scenario to understand how models develop problem-solving abilities from
scratch. We use a heuristic script to generate the questions along with the stepwise solutions. After
generating the QA pairs, we filter the data based on the number of variables involved in the question
and the steps required to solve it. The training and in-domain test data contains questions with up to
Figure 3: Illustrations of three different tasks. Each question is accompanied by a comprehensive
detailed step-by-step solution.
7 variables and requiring no more than 5 steps. In addition, we create two out-of-domain datasets
of varying difficulties to evaluate generalization performance: OOD-easy includes variables unseen
during training, with 8 and 9 variables, no limit on steps. OOD-hard is the most challenging setting,
including 10 - 14 variables and ≥ 9 steps to solve. Both OOD sets contain unseen variables.
Multi-digit Addition As a basic arithmetic task, multi-digit addition naturally involves detailed
stepwise reasoning processes, serving as a suitable task for studying model behaviors in composi-
tionality generalization[45, 26, 40]. We utilize step-by-step reasoning processes to perform addition
operation digit by digit, as illustrated in Figure 3. For training and in-domain test data, we only
consider additions involving numbers with up to 3 digits. We introduce two out-of-domain datasets
depending on the number of digits involved in the addition: OOD-easy includes one number with up
to 3 digits and another with 4-7 digits. OOD-hard contains two numbers, both with 4-7 digits.
Directional Reasoning We additionally consider long-form symbolic directional reasoning, which
poses a challenge for direct solution and necessitates continuous reasoning steps to arrive at the
answer. This task provides an initial direction and a list of turning actions. The desired answer is the
final facing direction. For training and in-domain test set, we consider questions that contain ≤ 10
actions. OOD-easy includes questions with 11-20 actions and OOD-hard includes questions with
21-30 actions. The detailed statistics of three datasets can be found in Table 1.
Table 1: Dataset statistics.
In-domain test OOD-easy OOD-hard
Analog of Algebra
Multi-digit Addition
Directional Reasoning
4.2 Experiment Setting
For all our experiments, we use Llama 2 (7B parameters) [43] and phi-3-mini (3.8B parameters, with
context length of 4K) [1] as our base model. We train the model using a learning rate of 5e-6 for 2
epochs with the AdamW optimizer [29]. During inference, we employ greedy decoding. We run our
experiments with three different random seeds and report the average and standard deviation. All
experiments are conducted on eight V100 GPUs each with 32GB memory. The total training time
required to complete one full cycle of five iterations is under six hours.
5 Results
5.1 Can models learn to skip steps?
To make sure our framework can proceed to iterations smoothly, one crucial factor is the initialized
model’s ability to adhere to the specified number of steps in the input. In the cold start setting, we
Q:♋❀♙↔♏✾❤(A -B = C * x)Answer:1.♏✾❤↔♋❀♙(C * x = A –B)2.❤↔♋♪♏❀♙♪♏(x = A / C -B / C)Q: 23 + 67=?Answer:1. 3 + 7 (plus carry 0) = 10 write down 0, carry over 1.2. 2 + 6 (plus carry 1) = 9 write down 9, no carry over.3.Thus, the answer is 90.Q:Initialorientation facing North.…execute actions: Right, Around, LeftAnswer:1.East. Around, Left.2.West. Left.3.South.AnalogofAlgebraMulti-digitAdditionDirectionalReasoningTable 2: Step number following ability of the initialized Llama2 models across different tasks. “#
Skipping” represents the number of instances where n − i > 0. “Step Consistency” quantifies the
match between the actual number of steps taken and the number indicated in the input. “Answer
Accuracy” calculates the percentage of correct final answers out of the “# Skipping” cases. “Average
Step” reflects the mean number of steps across all predictions within the dataset.
Analogy of Algebra Multi-digit Addition Directional Reasoning
# Skipping
Step Consistency
Answer Accuracy
Average Step
i = 1
i = 2
i = 1
i = 2
i = 1
i = 2
train the model exclusively using the full step training data. We then run inference on the training
set, instructing the model to use n − i steps to solve the question, where n denotes the original full
step number and i ∈ [1, 2]. If n − i ≤ 0, we do not ask the model to try skipping on such cases and
instruct the model to use n steps instead.
As shown in Table 2, the results demonstrate that the fine-tuned model exhibits good step-number
following ability on the Analog of Algebra — over 99 % of the answers follow the given number
of steps. Additionally, when prompted to generate condensed answers with fewer steps, the model
can produce some correct answers in the specified number of steps, achieving accuracies of 8.14%
and 2.77% respectively. Despite this relatively low accuracy, these small amount of correct data can
still assist the model in gradually developing step skipping ability through iterations. Ultimately, the
model manages to produce over 90% of correct skipping data. The trend of the data quantity change
can be found in Appendix B.2.
However, this ability varies across different tasks. For the other two tasks, models do not naturally
develop the capability for active step skipping, leading to near zero step consistency when required
to provide answers in fewer steps. To address this issue, we employ the warm start setting for these
tasks. Table 2 presents the results of Multi-digit Addition and Directional Reasoning under the warm
start setting, indicating that this approach enhances the models’ proficiency with step skipping.
Ideally, we aim for models to be initialized through cold start. The benefits of this approach are
obvious — it allows the model to spontaneously develop step skipping behavior, giving it sufficient
freedom to decide and control which steps to skip. However, our experiments have revealed that
it can be challenging for models to develop such capability in all scenarios. In contrast, the warm
start offers an alternative design choice by providing human-created skipped data. This data includes
intuitive and valid skipping steps derived from human expertise, making it more natural and helping
models develop human-understandable behaviors. However, it might also introduce human biases
that constrain the model’s independent exploration of step skipping. This influence can be mitigated
in the subsequent iteration phase, where the model is given full freedom to develop and amplify its
own step-skipping behavior.
5.2 What do models learn from skipping steps?
Based on this new mixed data including both complete and skipped answers at each iteration, we
train the standard models to analyze the change of model’s performance — what models can learn
from the behavior of skipping steps.
Models learn to solve problems more effectively with fewer steps. We evaluate the standard
models on both in-domain and OOD data, with the results presented in Table 3. Detailed results
from each iteration of the evaluation can be found in Appendix B.3. Given the simplicity of the
tasks, the model is able to overfit on in-domain data, achieving nearly perfect performance. Further
iterations of skipping steps manage to guide the model to use fewer steps while maintaining the
performance. In two OOD scenarios, we find that the model trained with mixed data performs
comparably to the model trained with complete steps on the OOD test sets, and even exhibits superior
generalization abilities. Specifically, in Analog of Algebra, Llama2 models of iteration 5 achieves
4.76% gain on OOD-easy, while phi-3-mini achieves 7.08% gain on OOD-hard set. In the Multi-digit
Addition task, the Llama2 model demonstrates a 13.91% improvement in OOD-easy performance
Table 3: Performance comparison of models from different phases. Avg steps denotes the average
number of steps taken in the prediction. With the skipped step data, models achieve even better
generalization performance with fewer steps.
Avg steps
Avg steps
Avg steps
Analog of
Cold start
Iter 5
Cold start
Warm start
Iter 5
Cold start
Warm start
Iter 5
Analog of
Cold start
Iter 5
Cold start
Warm start
Iter 5
Cold start
Warm start
Iter 5
Figure 4: Comparison of models across different phases relative to question length and complexity.
Models achieve near perfect performance on in-domain data but diverge on lengthy OOD data.
and a 4.75% increase in OOD-hard performance. In the OOD-hard dataset for Directional Reasoning,
Llama2’s performance improvs by 9.2%. These results suggest that not only is the model unaffected
by potential shortcut bias from the skipping steps, but it actually benefits from the mixed training
data to gain enhanced task solving abilities. The ablation analysis on various data-mixing approaches
are provided in Appendix B.5. Furthermore, we observe that the model uses fewer steps, thereby
increasing problem-solving efficiency.
5.3 Model Behavior Analysis
5.3.1 Analog of Algebra
Figure 4(a) presents the performance of Llama2 models across various iterations in the Analog of
Algebra task, differentiated by the number of steps required in the complete answers. The solid lines
represent the accuracy of final answers. We perform uniform evaluation on the union of all in-domain
and OOD test sets. Initially, all models maintain high accuracy for in-domain problems with up to five
steps, after which a significant drop is observed as the complexity increases. As the model undergoes
(a)AnalogofAlgebra(b)DirectionalReasoningPercentage(%)Percentage(%)iterations, there is a noticeable improvement in its ability to handle longer step lengths (green solid
line), particularly in the range of 6 to 10 steps where other models show significant weaknesses.
The dashed lines illustrate the proportion of data exhibiting step-skipping in model predictions. The
blue dashed line indicates models initially adopt step-skipping as problems extend in length. After
iterations, the green dashed line indicates the models consistently employ step skipping in shorter
questions, thereby improving the reasoning efficiency.
5.3.2 Directional Reasoning
Figure 4 (b) illustrates the comparison of Llama2 model’s performance across different question
lengths on Directional Reasoning task. We observe that the artificial skipped data has minimal impact
on the model, with negligible differences between the cold start and warm start phases. Upon entering
the iterative phase, the model’s performance notably declines during the first iteration, particularly in
handling longer problems. This downturn may reflect the model’s adjustment from manually injected
skipped data to its own step skipping ability. Subsequent iterations show that the model benefits
more significantly from data generated during the iteration process, as evidenced by the results in
Iteration 5. The model maintains consistency with the baseline in both in-domain and out-of-domain
performances, and exhibits a slight advantage in solving longer problems. Similar to the previous
task, the Iteration 5 Ratio curve (dashed green line) also shows a significant increase in step-skipping
behavior, suggesting an evolved efficiency in reasoning as the model opts to bypass steps while
maintaining or even improving accuracy.
5.3.3 Multi-digit Addition
In Figure 5, we show a finer-grained evaluation of multi-digit addition tasks on Llama2. The
horizontal and vertical axes of the matrices represent the number of digits in the two addends for each
question in the test set (both in-domain and OOD test data). We utilize the following three metrics:
Question-level accuracy assesses whether the final answer is correct for additions involving different
numbers of digits. Step-level distribution illustrates the distribution of the digit lengths used in
each individual step of the model’s stepwise reasoning process. Step-level accuracy measures the
accuracy of the single step calculations involving different numbers of digits.
In Figure 5(a), as iterations progress, the model demonstrates improved generalization performance
across all test datasets. When initialized with a cold start, the model can only learn from the training
data involving single-digit addition steps, resulting in overfitting to in-domain test data (digit ≤ 3).
When augmented with manually created skipped data for a warm start, the model begins to incorporate
multi-digit additions with skipped steps. However, the inconsistency between the manually injected
data and the model’s inherent behavior does not significantly enhance the question-level accuracy.
As the model is encouraged to explore during the iteration phase, it undertakes broader and bolder
attempts—often combining additions across more digits in skipped steps. With the integration of
these data, the model trained on this expanded iterative dataset also shows a more pronounced ability
to solve OOD problems. As seen in Figure 5(b), the model increasingly employs multi-digit additions
in single-step operations. Furthermore, as illustrated in Figure 5(c), there is an improvement in the
accuracy of these skipped single-step operations. We believe this may be due to the model-generated
data during self-iterations, which are more conducive to enhancing its capability to skip steps, thereby
benefiting from this process.
5.4 Accuracy of Step-Skipping Answers
Figure 6 shows the step skipping behavior and accuracy of the standard models at each iteration on
the Analog of Algebra task using Llama-2. The Skipping Ratio measures how often the model skips
steps in the test set, while Accuracy reflects the correctness of these skipping answers.
We observe that in the beginning models inherently struggle in OOD scenarios, often producing
reasoning steps that are incomplete or shorter than the problem complexity requires. In “cold start"
settings, where the model is trained solely with complete steps, it performs well with in-domain
questions but fails to maintain complete reasoning steps and tends to generate shorter responses on
OOD sets. Due to its limited generalizability, these skipping or missing steps negatively impact
the performance. However, as the model progressively adapts to step skipping over iterations, the
accuracy of the shorter responses improves, suggesting it gradually develops a more reliable ability
to skip steps when appropriate. Analysis across all tasks can be found in Appendix B.4.
Figure 5: Model behavior analysis on the test set of multi-digit addition task. Initially constrained
to single-digit additions, the model progressively incorporates multi-digit calculations with skipped
steps through iterative learning, showing an enhancement in solving out-of-distribution problems and
executing more complex calculations with higher accuracy.
Figure 6: Skipping ratio and the accuracy of the skipping responses on Analog of Algebra.
5.5 Analysis on the Influence of Training Steps
Throughout the iterations, as the model progressively generates more successful step skipping data,
the size and the quality of the resulting dataset also gradually increases. This can be considered
as a special form of augmentation for answer diversity. To investigate whether the performance
improvements are primarily due to the model learning from more training steps, we increase the
number of training epochs during the initialization phase to match the data volume after iterations.
The comparison results shown in Table 4 reveal that increasing the number of training epochs does
not always lead to performance enhancements; instead, it may cause a performance decline due
to overfitting. In contrast, mixing skip-step data from the iterative process not only maintains or
improves performance in in-domain and OOD-easy tasks but also achieves consistent gains in OOD-
hard setting. When the total number of training steps is similar, the integration of skipping data yields
better performance.
Coldstart(a)Question-levelaccuracy(b)Step-leveldistribution(c)Step-levelaccuracyWarmstartIteration1Iteration5coldstart12345Iteration081624324048566472Skipping Ratio (%)In-domainSkipping RatioAccuracycoldstart12345Iteration816243240485664Skipping Ratio (%)OOD-easySkipping RatioAccuracycoldstart12345Iteration32364044485256606468Skipping Ratio (%)OOD-hardSkipping RatioAccuracy0153045607590105Accuracy (%)102030405060708090Accuracy (%)02468101214Accuracy (%)Table 4: Performance comparison across different tasks with varying training steps.
In-domain OOD-easy OOD-hard
# steps
Analog of Algebra
Multi-digit Addition
Directional Reasoning
Cold start - ep4
Cold start - ep5
Iteration 5 - ep2
Cold start - ep5
Cold start - ep6
Warm start - ep2
Warm start - ep3
Iteration 5 - ep2
Cold start - ep3
Cold start - ep4
Warm start - ep2
Warm start - ep3
Iteration 5 - ep2
5.6 Extended Iterative Training
In this section, we extend the iterative process to allow the model to skip up to 4 steps, rather than
restricting it to less than 2 steps on Analog of Algebra. The process is continued for a total of 9
iterations, and the results are shown in Figure 7. The model continues to benefit from additional
iterations beyond Iteration 5, which serves as the default cutoff in our main results. Specifically,
the accuracy on the OOD-hard set improves steadily, reaching over 18% by the ninth iteration.
This increase suggests that even with a greater allowance for step-skipping, the model’s ability to
generalize to harder out-of-domain samples is enhanced with continued training.
Simultaneously, the average number of steps taken decreases across all test sets as iterations progress,
suggesting that the model is converging towards fewer steps and becoming increasingly efficient. By
the ninth iteration, the step count appears to plateau, indicating that the model has likely reached
a stable balance between accuracy and efficiency. We hope our work provides a fresh perspective
on exploring the connection between System 2 slow reasoning and System 1 fast thinking, and on
facilitating their transformation, paving the way for future research in this direction.
Figure 7: Performance of phi-3-mini across 9 iterations with relaxed step-skipping constraints (up to
4 steps) on Analog of Algebra. The figures show the changes in average steps taken (left y-axis) and
accuracy (right y-axis). Continuous iteration improves OOD-hard accuracy and reduces the average
number of steps, converging towards stability.
6 Conclusion
In this work, we explore the human-like ability of step skipping in language models, providing initial
empirical evidence that models can skip steps and benefit from such cognitive behaviors. Addressing
the absence of intrinsic motivation for step skipping in models, we design an approach that not only
enables models to spontaneously develop the ability but also iteratively encourages models to actively
adopt and enhance this behavior. Through experiments on three tasks, we demonstrate that models
equipped with step-skipping capabilities can solve tasks more efficiently in fewer steps, without
sacrificing accuracy. Further empirical results suggest that training on easy data containing both full
steps and skipped reasoning steps can potentially help models generalize to harder scenarios. We
hope this work offers insights into the relationship and transition between System 1 and System 2
thinking and contributes to advancing easy-to-hard generalization in language model reasoning.
123456789Iteration2.502.753.003.253.50Avg steps3.183.062.802.782.772.752.782.762.69In-DomainAvg stepsAccuracy123456789Iteration5.005.255.505.756.006.256.50Avg steps6.225.885.815.555.465.295.415.315.37OOD EasyAvg stepsAccuracy123456789Iteration45678910Avg steps10.387.575.474.444.394. HardAvg stepsAccuracy9596979899100Accuracy (%)99.8099.9099.7099.90100.00100.0099.8099.80100.009596979899100Accuracy (%)98.0499.2298.4399.2299.8099.0298.4398.6399.41468101214161820Accuracy (%)4.055.718.3312.8615.9516.6714.0516.9118.57References
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A Limitations
Our work serves as a preliminary exploration of human-like step skipping capabilities in models,
focusing solely on the expansion of problem types in terms of length and compositional complexity,
without extending to advanced problem difficulty generalization. We also recognize that ideally there
should be a clear criterion for determining when to terminate iterations. We observe that the model
can also perform better in intermediate rounds, which suggests the need for further adjustment of this
hyperparameter. Additionally, for the convenience in evaluation, our investigations were confined to
three simple yet representative tasks. While our designed method can be applied to practical tasks,
we leave the exploration of scalability to complex reasoning scenarios as future work.
B Appendix
B.1 Details of data creation
B.1.1 Training data creation
For the Analog of Algebra task, we ensure the quality of the auto-generated dataset by creating
full-step reasoning data using standard algebraic rules applied to operators. To further verify the
validity and consistency of the intermediate steps, we utilize the SymPy [33] library. Specifically,
we perform SymPy simplification for each intermediate step and ensure that the resulting equation
remains algebraically equivalent to the final simplified answer.
For the Multi-digit Addition task, the internal results are generated using Python’s built-in calculation
modules, ensuring accurate computations.
For the Directional Reasoning task, the clarity of the question formulation guarantees that all
intermediate steps are 100% correct. Each step is derived through rule-based decomposition, ensuring
the correctness of the intermediate steps.
B.1.2 Manual skipping data for warm start
We define several heuristic rules to create skipping data for warm start initialization. For the multi-
digit addition task, we randomly merge two single-digit addition steps to form a two-digit addition
step. For the directional reasoning task, we incorporate more human expertise by skipping steps
that involve two adjacent directions that result in no change. For example, adjacent actions such as
“right-left”, “left-right”, and “around-around” will not alter the final facing direction, so we manually
skip these steps. We only manually create one skipped step within a single data.
B.2 Skipping data accuracy trend in cold start
Figure 8: Skipping data accuracy change during cold start in Analog of Algebra.
From Figure 8, the number of correct skipping data keeps increasing as the iterations progress. Higher
accuracy results in more valid data involved in the mixed dataset. This iterative approach allows the
model to gradually develop the step skipping ability and produce more valid data with fewer steps.
123456Iteration020406080100Skipping Accuracy (%)8.1430.2955.4682.9392.4898.32.7915.3435.8572.1188.4694.11Skipping Accuracy Over Iterationsi=1i=2B.3 Detailed results of each iteration
Table 5 and Table 6 show the detailed performance of standard finetuned models from each iteration
on Llama2-7B and phi-3-mini respectively. We report the average performance and the standard
deviation across three runs with different random seeds.
Analyzing the results from each iteration, we find that the final iteration does not consistently yield the
best performance, highlighting the importance of identifying an optimal stopping point as a direction
for future work. Additionally, significant fluctuations are observed in the test results, particularly in
the OOD settings. Therefore, developing a more stable approach for OOD generalization tasks is
another potential area for further exploration.
Table 5: Performance comparison of models from different iterations on Llama-7B. “Avg steps”
denotes the average number of steps taken in the prediction.
Avg steps
Avg steps
Avg steps
Analog of
Cold start
Iter 1
Iter 2
Iter 3
Iter 4
Iter 5
Cold start
Warm start
Iter 1
Iter 2
Iter 3
Iter 4
Iter 5
Cold start
Warm start
Iter 1
Iter 2
Iter 3
Iter 4
Iter 5
Cold start vs. warm start
In the Multi-digit Addition task, we observe that phi-3-mini achieves
satisfactory results with cold start training alone, allowing the model to enter the iteration phase
without relying on manually provided skipping data. Table 7 shows the model’s performance when
initialized with a cold start in Multi-digit Addition. Compared to the results in Table 6, where the
model begins with a warm start, the cold start approach enables the model to independently explore
and develop its skipping behaviors. This leads to a more pronounced improvement in the OOD
settings, with accuracy of 25.06% versus 14.98% in Iteration 5 on OOD-hard. Additionally, we
observe that while warm start enables a more immediate reduction in steps, cold start shows a more
gradual decrease in the number of steps taken.
B.4 Accuracy of step-skipping answers
In this section, we provide the ratio and the accuracy of the skipping responses across three tasks
using both base models. The results are shown in Figure 9 and Figure 10. In general, the models
demonstrate a progressively enhanced step skipping capability across various test settings for all
tasks. In most cases, the model increasingly favors adopting more skipped reasoning steps over
iterations, with the accuracy of skipped responses also improving correspondingly. However, we
observe that the proportion of skipped responses fluctuates across different stages of iteration, rather
than following a strictly monotonic trend. Given that the model autonomously decides whether to
employ skipping, this pattern may indicate the model’s attempt to find a balance between using step
Table 6: Performance comparison of models from different iterations on phi-3-mini. “Avg steps”
denotes the average number of steps taken in the prediction.
Avg steps
Avg steps
Avg steps
Analog of
Cold start
Iter 1
Iter 2
Iter 3
Iter 4
Iter 5
Cold start
Warm start
Iter 1
Iter 2
Iter 3
Iter 4
Iter 5
Cold start
Warm start
Iter 1
Iter 2
Iter 3
Iter 4
Iter 5
Table 7: Performance across iterations in the Multi-digit Addition task with the phi-3-mini model,
initialized from a cold start rather than a warm start.
Avg steps
Avg steps
Avg steps
Cold start
Warm start
Iter 1
Iter 2
Iter 3
Iter 4
Iter 5
skipping and providing full-step solutions. Exclusively relying on skipping would not necessarily
be the optimal answering strategy. We also find that a warm start significantly boosts the model’s
skipping behavior. Consequently, in models with a warm start, the changes across iterations are less
pronounced, though overall accuracy still improves.
B.5 Data mixing choices for standard model training
Table 8: Ablation of different data mixing choices on Analog of Algebra.
Training data
Avg steps
Avg steps
Avg steps
Skipping w/ Cold start
In this section, we analyze the role of data mixture in iterative training and its effect on the performance
of standard models M standard. Specifically, we examine how the inclusion of both cold-start data and
generated skipping data enhances the model’s generalization ability and comprehension of complex
Figure 9: Skipping ratio and accuracy at each iteration on Llama2-7B.
reasoning paths. Table 8 presents an ablation study comparing different data mixing strategies with
phi-3-mini model on the Analog of Algebra task. The “Skipping” setting utilizes only the generated
skipping data D′
k−1 for training the standard model Mk, while “w/ Cold Start” incorporates both
the original cold-start data and the skipping data, which serves as the default configuration in our
experiments. The analysis is based on data from Iteration 5, and we report average performance across
three runs with different random seeds. Our findings suggest that relying solely on skipping data
may limit the model’s capacity to address OOD scenarios. Although skipping data provides shorter
average steps, it lacks the complete reasoning steps essential for a comprehensive understanding of the
task, potentially leading the model to depend on shortcuts that harm generalization. By incorporating
a mixture of cold-start and skipping data, the model is able to learn from both complete and skipped
reasoning chains, which enables a more robust understanding, supporting stronger generalization
B.6 Cross-Domain Generalization of Step-Skipping Ability
Table 9: Cross-domain generalization of step-skipping capability in the phi-3-mini model. In the
specified “Withheld Task” setting, step-skipping data is excluded from one specific task, while the
“All” setting includes only full-step data across three tasks.
Evaluation Task
Withheld Task
Avg steps Acc Avg steps Acc Avg steps
Analog of Algebra
Multi-digit Addition
Directional Reasoning
Analog of Algebra
Multi-digit Addition
Directional Reasoning
AnalogofAlgebraMulti-digitAdditionDirectionalReasoningFigure 10: Skipping ratio and accuracy at each iteration on phi-3-mini. On Multi-digit Addition, we
illustrate the analysis of the model that is initialized from Cold start.
To investigate the cross-domain generalization of step-skipping capabilities, we conduct a controlled
experiment to assess the impact of step-skipping training data from one task on the model’s per-
formance in others. Specifically, we sampled 2,000 training examples per dataset, including 1,600
step-skipping answers in which exactly one step was successfully skipped from these samples, all
from Iteration 5. This setup ensures an equal balance of full-step and step-skipping data across all
three tasks.
We use the phi-3-mini model across three tasks, with the “withheld task” representing the task that
lacks step-skipping data during training. The “All” setting contains only full-step answers for all
tasks, with no step-skipping data included. The configurations are as follows:
• All setting: task1-full + task2-full + task3-full
• Withheld setting: task1-full + task1-skip + task2-full + task2-skip + task3-full
Table 9 summarizes the model’s performance on each evaluation task. The withheld task’s results
are compared to those from the “All” setting, where all tasks are trained with only full-step answers.
Our findings reveal that step-skipping data in one or more tasks positively affects the performance
of the withheld task. In most cases, models trained with step-skipping data from other tasks exhibit
improved accuracy and step-skipping performance across datasets, maintaining a comparable number
of steps to the “All” setting. For example, in the Analog of Algebra task, the average steps remain
similar, yet accuracy improvements are observed in OOD settings, indicating that training with
step-skipping data promotes a transferable ability to reason efficiently across domains. The overall
accuracy increase suggests that inclusion of step-skipping data in some tasks enables the model
to generalize this ability, even when explicit step-skipping examples are unavailable in the target
task. These results suggest that the step-skipping capability learned in one domain can generalize
across different tasks, underscoring the potential for enhancing model efficiency through strategic
data composition.
AnalogofAlgebraMulti-digitAdditionDirectionalReasoningB.7 Experiments on GSM8K
In addition to the synthetic datasets analyzed in the main body of the paper, we conduct experiments
on GSM8K [8] to evaluate the applicability of our method to more complicated tasks. To create a
controlled experimental setting, we classify data requiring no more than 4 steps in the annotated
answers as in-domain data and the remaining as out-of-domain data. Table 10 provides an overview
of the dataset splits.
Table 10: Dataset split for GSM8K.
In-domain Out-of-domain Total
The results across different iterations is presented in Table 11. We observe that while the average
number of reasoning steps per iteration progressively declines, the accuracy remains stable across
iterations. Several factors may explain the limited improvement in accuracy. Analysis of the model’s
step-skipping behavior reveals that intermediate steps frequently contain errors, indicating limitations
in the model’s ability for effective step reduction. Throughout the iterations, the model struggles to
generate responses in fewer steps, as the complexity of the questions often necessitates a complete
reasoning chain to reach a solution. This aligns with findings by Yu et al. [49], which suggest that
CoT reasoning is difficult to distill into System 1. We consider further exploration of the gradual
transition between System 1 and System 2 thinking, particularly for complex tasks, as a promising
direction for future research.
Table 11: Performance comparison across different iterations. The table shows accuracy and average
steps for various test and training datasets.
Cold start
B.8 Case study
Figure 11: Frequent skipping pattern in Analog of Algebra (translated into standard algebra).
Figure 11 shows two frequent cases where models spontaneously develop to skip certain steps in
iterations. Note that in Analog of Algebra, we employ the cold start setting in initialization. The
behaviors shown in the figure emerge solely from the model itself, which indicates the model has
developed its own step skipping preference. In addition, we show two cases in Figure 12 from Analog
of Algebra and Multi-digit Addition tasks. In these examples, the full step answers exhibit errors in
their reasoning processes. In contrast, the skipped step answers choose to skip steps and arrive at the
correct answer in fewer steps.
x + C + F = B -D –Ax + F = B -D –A –Cx=B -D –A –C -FB / A / x = C + D B /x = (C +D) * Ax=B / ((C + D) * A)x=B/A/(C + D)Figure 12: Case study of skipped-step answers in Analog of Algebra and Multi-digit Addition.
Analog of AlgebraQ: D / G + I + B = A + C * H * F / xFull-step answer:A + C * H * F / x = D / G + I + BC * H * F / x = D / G + I + B -AH * F / x = D / G / C + I / C + B -A / CF / x = D / G / C / H + I / C / H + B -A / C / Hx = F / ( D / G / C / H + I / C / H + B -A / C / H )Skipped-step answer:A + C * H * F / x = D / G + I + BC * H * F / x = D / G + I + B -AC * F / x = D / G / H + I / H + B / H -A / Hx = C * F / ( D / G / H + I / H + B / H -A / H )Multi-digit AdditionQ: 3909 + 641Full-step answer:1. 0 + 1 (plus carry 0) = 1 (write down 1, no carry over).2. 9 + 4 (plus carry 0) = 13 (write down 3, carry over 1).3. 3 + 6 (plus carry 1) = 10 (write down 0, carry over 1).4. Carry the final carry over 1 to the next place.Thus, the answer is 1031.Skipped-step answer:1. 9 + 1 (plus carry 0) = 10 (write down 0, carry over 1).2. 90 + 64 (plus carry 1) = 155 (write down 55, carry over 1).3. 3 + 0 (plus carry 1) = 4 (write down 4, no carry over).Thus, the answer is 4550. |
ai_researcher | 1 | Evolution_is_the_New_Deep_Learning.pdf | Adding Context to Source Code Representations
for Deep Learning
Fuwei Tian
The University of Melbourne
[email protected]
Christoph Treude
The University of Melbourne
[email protected]
Abstract—Deep learning models have been successfully applied
to a variety of software engineering tasks, such as code classi-
fication, summarisation, and bug and vulnerability detection. In
order to apply deep learning to these tasks, source code needs
to be represented in a format that is suitable for input into the
deep learning model. Most approaches to representing source
code, such as tokens, abstract syntax trees (ASTs), data flow
graphs (DFGs), and control flow graphs (CFGs) only focus on
the code itself and do not take into account additional context
that could be useful for deep learning models. In this paper,
we argue that it is beneficial for deep learning models to have
access to additional contextual information about the code being
analysed. We present preliminary evidence that encoding context
from the call hierarchy along with information from the code
itself can improve the performance of a state-of-the-art deep
learning model for two software engineering tasks. We outline
our research agenda for adding further contextual information
to source code representations for deep learning.
Index Terms—Source code representation, deep learning, ad-
ditional context
Program comprehension is a complex task that often re-
quires developers to refer to multiple software artefacts [1]
which might be useful in helping developers construct a mental
model of a program [2]. Experienced developers are better at
deciding which cues from different artefacts might be useful to
aid in program comprehension [3]. For example, Kulkarni and
Varma propose a developer’s perception model for program
investigation which indicates the role of twelve artefacts such
as control flow, version history changes, and bug reports in
comprehension tasks related to concepts, procedures, features,
and modules [3]. In another example, eye tracking has found
that developers looked beyond a particular method to under-
stand that method [4]. This type of work has well established
that developers use additional context when analysing source
code—not just the code itself.
In this paper, we argue that when asking deep learning
models to comprehend source code, we should give them the
same benefit, i.e., access to information beyond the source
code that the deep learning model is asked to analyse. The field
of source code representation has seen many recent advances,
with most work focusing on improving models by applying the
latest innovations from the deep learning research community.
Different data structures have been explored, including tokens,
to encode lexical, syntactic, and/or
trees, and graphs [5],
semantic information [6]. However,
approaches has mostly remained the same—a snippet of source
the input
to all
Our preliminary work presented in this paper provides
evidence that adding contextual information to the input of
the state-of-the-art code representation approach ASTNN [7]
can improve the performance of two software engineering
tasks that are often used to evaluate the quality of code
representation, i.e., clone detection [8] and code classifica-
tion [9]. ASTNN takes code fragments as input and uses
a neural network based on abstract syntax trees (ASTs) to
capture statement-level lexical and syntactical knowledge as
well as the naturalness of statements. We investigate the
performance of ASTNN on source code methods from the
SeSaMe dataset [10] of semantically similar Java methods,
using the publicly available implementation of ASTNN as a
baseline and comparing it to modified versions which add
context from a method’s call hierarchy to the input. We explore
different alternatives for encoding context and combining it
with the encoding of a method into a combined representation.
Adding context from the call hierarchy (i.e., caller and callee
context) can improve the performance in the clone detection
scenario by 8% (from an F1 score of 0.706 to an F1 score of
0.765). Interestingly, this performance improvement can only
be achieved when we encode the difference between methods
along with the information from their callers and callees, see
Section III-C for details. Concatenation and max-pooling do
not have a positive effect on performance in this scenario.
In the code classification scenario, we observe performance
improvements of 11% for concatenation (from an F1 score of
0.633 to an F1 score of 0.704) and 5% for max-pooling (from
an F1 score of 0.711 to an F1 score of 0.747). Interestingly,
performance gains differ between adding caller and/or callee
context, and adding the callee context only actually decreased
Adding context of source code fragments can improve
the quality of source code representations for deep learning.
However, which context to encode, how to encode it, and how
to combine its encoding with the encoding of the original
source code fragment all have implications on the performance
of a deep learning model for downstream software engineering
tasks. Based on these insights, we put forward our research
agenda for adding context to source code representations for
deep learning, with a focus on which context to add, how
to combine source code fragments and their context, and
dissecting how context plays a role in the deep learning
models. We summarise related work in Section II and present
our preliminary study in Section III before we conclude with
our research agenda in Section IV.
Our work lies at the intersection of related work on source
code representation and on the role of context in software
A. Source Code Representations
In recent years, there has been a lot of work done on
representing source code for machine learning applications.
This can roughly be divided into work based on lexical,
syntactical, and semantic information [6]. In approaches aimed
at representing lexical information, a program is transformed
into a sequence of tokens. For example, related work has
shown that n-gram models can successfully handle token
prediction across different project domains, given a large
corpus for training [11], and n-gram models have been used
to synthesise code completions for API method calls [12].
Approaches aimed at representing syntactical information
often rely on the AST. They use heuristic rules [13] or machine
and deep learning algorithms [7] for encoding information
from the AST, e.g., in the form of a vector. For example,
ASTNN [7] splits each large AST into a sequence of smaller
sub-trees, and then learns syntactic knowledge from each sub-
tree separately. Approaches aimed at representing semantic
information additionally incorporate code dependency infor-
mation, often related to data flow and control flow informa-
tion [14]. Recent work has shown that combining low-level
syntactic information and high-level semantic information can
improve source code representation for multiple program com-
prehension tasks [6]. Hybrid representation approaches which
combine mulitple representations are becoming increasingly
common, compared to representations that use tokens, trees,
or graphs only [5].
None of these methods have focused on the input
source code representation. In this work, we argue that adding
additional context from outside of the code fragment that is to
be represented has the potential of improving the performance
of any of the approaches.
B. Context in Software Engineering
The need for context in software engineering is well es-
tablished. For example, IDEs need context to understand the
task they are supporting [15], developers need context
navigate technical discussions on Stack Overflow [16], and
tools need context to automatically process source code [17],
[18]. Context can include static artefacts such as documen-
tation [19], historical information such as past changes [20],
dynamic execution information such as traces [21], individual
developer activity such as IDE interactions [22], and team and
organisation activity such as communication and coordination
archives [23].
In this paper, we argue that all of these forms of context
are potentially useful to augment the input to source code
representation approaches—just as human developers have
access to this information, deep learning models might benefit
from this additional context. In our preliminary study (see next
section), we rely on the call hierarchy for context, similar
to the source code summarisation work by McBurney and
McMillan [17].
In this section, we present our preliminary study to establish
that adding context can indeed improve the performance of a
state-of-the-art deep learning model for software engineering
tasks. As a first step, we use the call hierarchy of a source
code method as its context, but we believe that a similar
methodology can be applied to other types of context, such
as the ones described above.
A. Research Questions
To understand the potential of our idea and investigate how
to best implement it, we ask two research questions:
RQ1 What is the impact of encoding additional context on
the performance of a state-of-the-art deep learning
RQ2 What is the impact of different approaches to aggre-
gate the representation of code and its context?
B. Data Collection
To conduct our experiments, we chose the SeSaMe dataset
which contains 857 Java method pairs from eleven open source
projects that have been manually classified according to their
semantic similarity [10]. Unlike popular datasets such as Big-
CloneBench [24], SeSaMe contains the repository link for each
of its methods which allows us to extract their call hierarchies.1
For each method in the SeSaMe dataset, we extract its callers
and callees. If a method has multiple callers and callees, we
choose the largest one to encode as additional context. We use
the state-of-the-art code representation approach ASTNN [7]
as a baseline. Exploring other approaches as baselines, in
particular those based on graph representations, is part of our
future work. Since ASTNN relies on ASTs, we parse each
method as well as its caller and callee methods into an AST.
We exclude methods that cannot be parsed.
Following the long line of work on source code represen-
tations (e.g., [7]), we use clone detection and source code
classification as downstream software engineering tasks for
evaluating the models:
• Code Clone Detection: For each method pair, the SeSaMe
dataset contains up to eight valid ratings from expert
programmers for semantic similarity in terms of goals,
operations, and effects, along with the corresponding
confidence. To construct our ground truth, we apply
TABLE I: Datasets
TABLE II: Performance in the clone detection scenario
Classification Train Set
Classification Dev Set
Classification Test Set
Clone Detection Train Set
Clone Detection Dev Set
Clone Detection Test Set
weights of 0.6, 0.8, and 1 to the confidence of low,
medium, and high, respectively, and then average the data
across valid ratings and dimensions to create a binary
• Code Classification: We treat the origin of each source
code method as its class, resulting in eleven classes since
the SeSaMe dataset contains methods from eleven open
source projects.
We adopt an 80%, 10%, 10% split for training, validation,
and testing. Table I shows the size of the corresponding
C. Aggregation
ASTNN relies on 200-dimensional vectors to represent a
source code snippet. Since there are multiple ways in which
data can be combined in the context of machine learning (e.g.,
pooling [25]), we experiment with different approaches to
combine the representation of a method and the representation
of its context, according to the two application scenarios
detailed above. Our focus in this preliminary study is not on
inventing new aggregation approaches, but on evaluating well-
established approaches for our problem domain.
For code clone detection, we explore three aggregation
methods as shown in Figure 1. In the concatenation scenario,
the 200-dimensional representation of a method is concate-
nated with the 200-dimensional representations of its caller
and callee, resulting in two 600-dimensional representations
for each code pair. We calculate the absolute value of the
difference of these vectors, and send the result into a linear
layer and a sigmoid layer to determine whether the two
methods are clones of each other. In the max-pooling scenario,
we rely on pooling to select the maximum values of the
method, caller, and callee vectors in each dimension to form
a new vector. In the concatenation of absolute difference
scenario, we reverse the process by calculating the difference
between the method vectors first and then performing the
concatenation of all relevant context, i.e., callers and callees
of both methods.
For code classification, our unit of analysis are individual
methods instead of method pairs. We explore two aggregation
methods as shown in Figure 2. In the concatenation scenario,
we concatenate the method, caller, and callee vectors and use
a softmax layer [26] to assign each method to one of eleven
classes. In the max-pooling scenario, we use pooling to select
the maximum values of the method, caller, and callee vectors
Without Context
Difference & Concatenation
TABLE III: Performance in the classification scenario
Accuracy Precision Recall Macro-F1
Without Context
Concatenat. w/ Random Context
Max-Pooling w/ Random Context
Max-Pooling w/ Caller Context
Max-Pooling w/ Callee Context
0.571 0.402
0.748 0.686
0.836 0.707
0.681 0.637
0.747 0.698
0.651 0.654
0.697 0.530
in each dimension to form a new vector, which is then passed
to the softmax layer.
D. Results
Table II summarises our results for the code clone detec-
tion scenario. Without any customisation related to context,
ASTNN achieves an F1 score of 0.706. This performance
degrades when adding context via concatenation and max-
pooling, with F1 scores of 0.686 and 0.700, respectively.
in performance for the
However, we see an improvement
aggregation method of concatenating the absolute difference of
the method vectors along with caller and callee context of both,
for an F1 score of 0.765 (an 8% improvement). We observe
similar trends for accuracy, and note that the best recall was
achieved in the max-pooling scenario.
These results show that adding additional context to source
code representations for deep learning can have a positive im-
pact on the performance of a downstream software engineering
task. The way in which additional context is represented and
aggregated can determine whether performance improves or
decreases, so it is important to choose an approach that yields
the best results.
Table III summarises our results for the classification sce-
nario. Without adding context, ASTNN achieves a Macro-F1
score of 0.397 on our data, across eleven classes. Adding
context substantially improves this performance, with Marco-
F1 scores of 0.704 and 0.747 for concatenation and max-
pooling, respectively.
We note that the addition of context from the call hierarchy
alone does not necessarily explain the improved performance
of code classification. The baseline model without added
context has to assign methods to one of eleven projects based
on information from a single method, whereas in the other
two scenarios (concatenation and max-pooling), the models
have access to information from up to three methods from the
same project. It is unsurprising that a classifier achieves better
performance on this task if it has up to three data points for
each decision instead of just one.
(a) Concatenation
(b) Max-pooling
(c) Concatenation of absolute difference
Fig. 1: Aggregation approaches in the clone detection scenario
aggregation methods, and empirical studies in the following
A. Other Context
When developers understand source code, they benefit from
additional context, e.g., in the form of documentation [27],
execution traces [28], or navigation patterns [29]. We argue
that source code representations can benefit from such context
as well. We distinguish two types of context:
• Definite Context: The identification of definite context
is based on facts and does not rely on probabilistic
reasoning. Types of definite context for a code fragment
include its version history, its execution traces, and its
call hierarchy.
• Possible Context: The identification of possible context is
affected by uncertainty, similar to how a developer might
search for information about a code fragment but be
faced with uncertainty as to whether a particular piece of
information, such as a Stack Overflow thread, is actually
related to this code fragment. Types of possible context
for a code fragment include its documentation, issues that
have been reported against it, and its rationale. While
research has made great progress towards establishing
such traceability links [30], information inference often
happens under uncertainty [31].
We argue that source code representations could potentially
benefit from all of these types of context, depending on
encoding and downstream tasks.
B. Aggregation
Pooling is an aggregation technique used in deep learning to
reduce the number of parameters and improve performance. It
works by combining multiple input features into a single fea-
ture, which is then passed through the network. This approach
can be used with convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and
fully connected nets, and can be applied at different levels in
the network depending on what is being optimised. An ideal
pooling method is expected to extract only useful information
and discard irrelevant details [25]. We argue for the use of two
classes of aggregation techniques:
(a) Concatenation
(b) Max-pooling
Fig. 2: Aggregation approaches in the classification scenario
To determine the extent to which context from the call
hierarchy specifically can improve performance, we compared
performance against additional baselines which add random
methods from same project as additional context. Table III
shows that some of the performance gain can indeed be
attributed to information from the call hierarchy: Compared
to adding random context, the performance improves by 11%
for concatenation (from an F1 score of 0.633 to an F1 score
of 0.704) and 5% for max-pooling (from an F1 score of 0.711
to an F1 score of 0.747). The table further shows that adding
caller or callee context in isolation is not sufficient—in fact,
adding callee context only led to a degradation of performance.
We answer our two research questions as follows:
Our preliminary study shows that encoding additional
context in source code representations for deep learning
can improve the performance of a state-of-the-art deep
learning model for two downstream tasks (RQ1). In
terms of aggregating the representation of code and its
context (RQ2), we find that the aggregation approach
has a substantial impact, and performance can degrade
if an inadequate aggregation approach is chosen.
The preliminary study that we conducted yields encouraging
results, so in this section, we outline our broader research
agenda for adding context to source code representations for
deep learning. We discuss different types of context, different
• General-purpose pooling: In addition to max-pooling and
concatenation used in our preliminary study, many other
pooling techniques have been proposed in the context
of CNNs, e.g., average pooling, stochastic pooling, and
weighted pooling. We refer readers to Gholamalinezhad
and Khosravi [25] for an overview.
• Domain-specific aggregation: The most suitable way of
aggregating data will often depend on the domain and the
downstream task, just as in our preliminary study where
the aggregation technique which calculates the difference
between two method representations achieved the best
performance for code clone detection. We expect to see
similar advantages when exploring other domain-specific
aggregation methods, e.g., by taking time series infor-
mation into account when aggregating version histories
or by encoding probabilities when context inference was
done under uncertainty.
We argue for extensive experiments to evaluate the effect of
these techniques on aggregating the representation of source
code and its context for deep learning, as well as the ex-
ploration of different neural network architectures and their
suitability for this task.
C. Dissection
Interpreting and dissecting what a deep learning model
has learned has become a key ingredient for the validation
of such models [32]. We posit
that developers and tool
builders can benefit from understanding which context a model
found beneficial for which software engineering task and why,
with particular focus on the interplay of source code and
its context. Ultimately, we argue for a feedback loop: By
enabling deep learning methods to benefit from the same
context that developers have access to, we can improve the
models’ understanding of source code, and by dissecting what
the models have learned [33], we can improve how developers
complete their tasks, benefiting from knowledge about how to
best make use of source code and its context.
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ai_researcher | 2 | Measuring_Emergent_Capabilities_of_LLMs_for_Software_Engineering_How_Far_Are_We.pdf | Measuring Emergent Capabilities of LLMs for
Software Engineering: How Far Are We?
Conor O’Brien, Daniel Rodriguez-Cardenas, Alejandro Velasco, David N. Palacio, and Denys Poshyvanyk
Department of Computer Science, William & Mary
Williamsburg, VA
{csobrien, dhrodriguezcar, svelascodimate, danaderpalacio, dposhyvanyk}
Abstract—The adoption of Large Language Models (LLMs)
across multiple contexts has sparked interest in understanding
how scaling model size might lead to behavioral changes, as
LLMs can exhibit behaviors not observed in their smaller coun-
terparts. Understanding these emergent capabilities is essential
for advancing LLM development and improving their inter-
pretability across diverse tasks. However, whether LLMs exhibit
true emergence in the context of Software Engineering remains
an unexplored topic, as most research has focused on NLP tasks.
In this paper, we investigate the emergence of capabilities in
the context of SE. We propose a model-agnostic pipeline for
evaluating this phenomenon across three SE tasks: bug fixing,
code translation, and commit message generation. More precisely,
for each task, we present a case study instantiating our pipeline to
analyze the emergence of capabilities in CodeGen1-multi across
four scales ranging from 350M to 16.1B parameters. Our findings
do not not provide evidence to support the idea of emergent
capabilities resulting from scaling the model size in the selected
set of tasks. We hope our results can pave the way to a more
nuanced understanding of emergent capabilities of LLMs within
the SE domain, guiding future research to focus on task-specific
evaluations and the identification of alternative factors contribut-
ing to this phenomenon. Our work underscores the importance
of task diversity in examining model behaviors and highlights
potential limitations in transferring prior understandings of and
approaches to emergence from NLP to Software Engineering.
Index Terms—Software Engineering, LLM, Capabilities Emer-
gence, Interpretability, DL4SE.
In the context of LLM evaluation, emergent capabilities re-
fer to abilities that large language models (LLMs) develop only
when they reach a sufficiently large scale, such as increased
training compute or parameter count, without showing gradual
performance improvements beforehand. While performance
often increases smoothly with model scale for certain tasks,
researchers have observed tasks where LLMs exceed baseline
performance only after reaching a specific scale [1].
Being able to accurately measure emergent capabilities
would enable LLM developers to make intelligent decisions
regarding model scale and performance on certain tasks and
how to train the models [2]. LLMs are data centric models
that improve as they grow and are able to observer larger
data for training. Optimizing and identifying the sufficient
data for training might reduce costs and improve the model
performance. For example, deciding how much compute to
invest in a model architecture depends heavily on if there are
plausible gains from doing so. If emergent capabilities are
a prominent feature of LLMs in software engineering, then
the choice to add scale to models makes sense even without
predictable indications beforehand. Furthermore, since emer-
gent capabilities may only be enabled by particular prompting
strategies [1], it also suggests that researchers may try alternate
prompting strategies at higher scales. Conversely, if emergent
capabilities are not a prominent feature of LLMs, it suggests
that if model performance does not increase beyond a certain
scale, there would be little reason to continue making the
model’s scale larger.
Despite research efforts, the measurement of emergent capa-
bilities in LLMs remains uncertain, particularly in the context
of software engineering (SE). Most studies rely on visual
inspection of scaling curves to demonstrate emergence [1],
a method that is limited when only a few model scales are
available. SE-focused LLMs, such as the CodeGen family [3],
[4], lack the necessary range of model variants to support
this approach. Furthermore, existing research has primarily
concentrated on natural language processing tasks [1], [5],
[6], while code-related tasks have often been restricted to
simplified examples [7]. As a result, the evaluation of emergent
capabilities in SE remains both poorly defined and largerly
Consider the task of developing an LLM for automatic bug
fixing, starting with a small model and incrementally scaling
its size. By their nature, emergent capabilities manifest only
after a certain model scale is achieved in the form of rapid, un-
predictable increases in performance. Understanding emergent
capabilities in terms of scalability allows us to better under-
stand the relationship between model scale and performance
across this family of models. Hence, a precise and quantitative
framework is needed. While one might hypothesize the general
trend, a systematic method for evaluating emergent capabilities
would provide a clearer and more definitive assessment of how
performance evolves with scale.
Given these limitations, this paper introduces EMERGEN-
TEVAL, a novel framework designed to measure and detect
the emergence of LLM capabilities on tasks within the soft-
ware engineering domain. We apply EMERGENTEVAL to the
CodeGen1-Multi family of models, evaluating emergent capa-
bilities across three well-known SE tasks: Bug Fixing, Code
Translation, and Commit Message Generation. EMERGENTE-
VAL determines whether a model family exhibits emergent
capabilities (that is, capabilities the model gains unexpect-
edly after attaining large enough model scale) based on the
discontinuous Exact Match metric, the continuous BLEU and
CodeBLEU metrics (for Bug Fixing and Code Translation),
and the continuous B-Norm and B-Moses metrics (for Commit
Message Generation) and test cases from CodeXGLUE (for
Bug Fixing and Code Translation) and CoDiSum (for Commit
Message Generation) The pipeline compares metric outcomes
across model scales and applies regression analysis to identify
unexpected patterns. The regression analysis serves to model
our expectations of how the model’s performance should be
correlated with its scale in usual circumstances, and deviating
far enough from this model of our expectations serves as a
proxy variable for unpredictable, emergent growth. In our case
studies, we used linear regression, as we expect the model’s
performance to increase linearly with its scale over the family
of models we studied.
In our case studies, we evaluated the CodeGen1-Multi fam-
ily of models (350M , 2.7B, 6.1B, and 16.1B parameters) on
the selected SE tasks. We used metrics such as Exact Match,
BLEU, and CodeBLEU, along with perturbation resistance
measured using Ribeiro et al.’s Checklist [8]. Perturbation re-
sistance was analyzed by comparing the Levenshtein distance
between unperturbed and perturbed inputs against performance
changes. The obtained results present no evidence of emergent
capabilities across the tested model scales.
This paper makes three key contributions. First, we in-
troduce EMERGENTEVAL, a framework for measuring and
detecting model emergence through black-box evaluations,
applicable to different SE tasks and broader research. Second,
we evaluate the CodeGen1-Multi family of models on three
SE tasks, finding no evidence of emergent capabilities. Lastly,
a replication package including the source code and datasets
used in our case studies 1.
The structure of this paper is as follows: In Section II
we discuss the background related to measuring emergent
capabilities on LLMs. In Section III, we discuss the definition
of emergence we use in the context of software engineering,
what metrics we use to evaluate the model’s task performance,
and how we measure emergence using those performances
via EMERGENTEVAL. In Section IV, we outline our research
questions and the case studies we designed to answer each
research question. In Section V, we showcase the results of
our case studies. In Section VI, we discuss those results. In
Section VII, we describe the potential threats to the validity
of our studies. In Section VIII, we discuss the related work
to this paper. in Section IX, we conclude and remark on the
outlook of emergent capabilities in software engineering.
A. LLMs for Code Generation
Broadly speaking, LLMs are next-token predictors. They
take as input a string of tokens (which can be considered words
in its own language), and try to predict which token is most
likely to follow the given tokens. For example, an LLM trained
on Python code might see for i in range as context, and
predict that the token ( is likely to follow.
Most LLMs are advanced enough that, when given a textual
description of a task, they infer that the most likely tokens to
follow are the resolution of that task. This technique of pro-
viding targeted guidance as context to achieve a desired result
is called prompting. We might prompt that same LLM trained
on Python code with Add a comment to this code:
print(lst[::-1]), and it might infer that the most likely
tokens to follow this prompt should be a comment, something
like # prints the reversed version of lst. We
may prompt the model with this same template, providing it
with a variety of code lines, and obtain a code-commenting
B. Metrics in Software Engineering
The metrics used in software engineering for evaluating
LLM output are defined as comparing how similar two strings
are, namely, the LLM generated output and the reference
solution. Such metrics can be categorized into two categories:
discontinuous and continuous metrics. Similar to discontinu-
ous and continuous functions in mathematics, a discontinuous
metric is one where small changes to one of the two strings
being compared may not be reflected in a similar change to the
metric’s result. Conversely, a continuous metric is one where
such small changes are represented by corresponding small
changes in the metric.
To evaluate the quality of the outputs the model gives on
each of the software engineering-related tasks, we use the
Exact Match, BLEU [9] (along with specializations B-Moses
[10] and B-Norm [10]), and CodeBLEU [11] metrics.
Exact Match (EM) is a discontinuous metric that simply
computes the proportion of answers the model gives when
completing a task that exactly matches the reference answer.
EM grades the model’s responses with a score from 0 to 1,
where higher is better. For example, if the model produces
exactly the reference solution in 37 of the 100 given cases, the
EM metric over the test cases is given as 37/100 = 0.37. This
metric is discontinuous because the resulting grade does not
change as the model’s answers change. Suppose the reference
answer for one test case is orange; whether the answer the
model gives is asdf or orang, the resulting grade does not
change so long as the answer is not exactly what we expected.
BLEU is a metric designed to simulate human evaluation of
machine-translated text [12], which has since seen widespread
use in NLP and ML [9]. The metric computes the proportion
of N -grams (i.e., runs of N consecutive words) that appear
in the model’s answer against the number of N -grams that
appear in the reference answer. We adapt Lu et al.’s [13]
implementation of the BLEU metric to support the variant
metrics of B-Moses and B-Norm. The B-Norm metric converts
its inputs to lowercase text before grading, and both BLEU
and B-Norm apply Lin et al. 2004 smoothing [10]; B-Moses
neither applies smoothing nor converts its inputs to lowercase
text. The BLEU family of metrics grades the model on a
score from 0 to 1, where higher is better. These metrics are
considered continuous since changing one string to be slightly
more similar to the other results in a slightly better score.
CodeBLEU is a metric devised by Ren et al. [11] which
adapts BLEU to process computer code rather than natural
language text by considering the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
structure of the code of the model’s answer and the refer-
ence code. We use the implementation codebleu==0.6.1
hosted on Pypi [14], which in turn is based on the aforemen-
tioned paper. Like BLEU, CodeBLEU grades the model on a
score from 0 to 1, where higher is better.
To evaluate the model’s ability to adapt
to perturbed
prompts, we analyze the relationship between the degree of
perturbations and the resulting change in metric. Specifically,
we use the Levenshtein distance metric to assess the degree of
the perturbation, which counts the minimal number of certain
character edits (via adding characters, removing them, or
replacing one character with another) to transform the original
prompt to the perturbed prompt. We expect that if a model
truly has an emergent capability, that ability should be fairly
robust and resist perturbation. Thus, with higher Levenshtein
distance, the change in performance should be minimal; if
model performance degrades with more perturbations (higher
Levenshtein distance), then this would suggest the model is
not adapting and may lack a truly general understanding of
the task.
C. Definition of Emergence
Emergent capabilities in the context of families of LLMs
which vary by scale are defined as those abilities the model
has on a task under a metric with a certain prompting strategy
under members of the family of a large enough scale, and
not members of the family of lower scales. This is the so-
called emergent scale [1]. We note that model scale can be
measured in terms of such factors as training compute and
parameter size [1].
Broadly, a model-task-metric-prompt quadruplet exhibits
emergence if and only if the model performs poorly on the task
at lower scales, well on higher scales, and the improvement in
performance does not linearly correspond with the increased
scale; in other words, emergent performance is characterized
by unexpected and unpredictable jumps in performance. We
define emergence to be a property of (model, task, metric,
prompt) quadruplets. A model may perform non-emergently
on a variety of tasks, so it is important to distinguish between
them when discussing emergence. As noted by Wei et al.
[1], it is possible for only a particular prompting strategy
to perform emergently, even if other prompting strategies
have predictable, non-emergent performance gains. Keeping
in mind that emergence can manifest only under specific
metrics [5], we include the researcher’s choice of metric used
to evaluate the model’s performance into our definition of
emergence By exploring this emergency and the experience
with these metrics, we aim to evaluate also the limitations of
using only a handful of measurements for LLMs [2].
Fig. 1: The EMERGENTEVAL pipeline instantiated with particular test cases,
four model scales, and a visualized linear regression evaluation, which
produces a regression value p.
To determine whether a model exhibits emergence capabil-
ities, we need a set of models that only differ in size or scale.
This means emergence is a property of certain model sizes.
In theory, new models could be created at larger, smaller, or
in-between sizes outside the ones we studied. As a result, our
method can only classify emergence based on the specific sizes
we analyzed, not all possible sizes in the model family.
In this section, we introduce the methodology of our frame-
work, EMERGENTEVAL. We begin by providing a high-level
definition of emergence in the context of SE, which can be in-
stantiated in multiple ways. Next, we provide a comprehensive
overview of the SE metrics used by our framework. Finally,
we describe our approach and detail the emergence evaluation
We designed EMERGENTEVAL to evaluate whether a
model’s ability to perform a given task exhibits emergent
behavior. The framework’s pipeline requires the following
inputs depicted at Fig. 1: 1 a task K, 2 a model family
F , 3 one or more metrics M , 4 a regression method R
(producing a regression value p), and a regression threshold t.
In this section, we will explain each of these components in
detail and provide recommendations for effectively applying
our framework.
The regression R is used to assess whether the model’s
results grow predictably. When applied to the individual scales
x from the model family Fx the observed performances at
each scale y, R models the predicted values ˆy; the deviation
is measured into a single value estimator, producing the regres-
sion value p. The regression value p serves a similar function
as the p-value in statistics, and the regression threshold t
similar to the level of significance value α in statistics; t must
similarly be chosen in advance. If p ≤ t, EMERGENTEVAL
indicates the observed capabilities are within the predicted
growth curve. Otherwise, if p > t, the pipeline indicates the
observed capabilities are outside of the predicted growth curve
and are emergent.
In our case studies, we opt to use a linear regression model.
For evaluating linear regressions in the context of emergent
capabilities, we recommend producing linear regression values
SE Task (K)Model scale0Model scale1Model scale2Model scale3grade0grade1grade2grade3Regression Evaluation(R)P Model Family (F)Metrics(M)2134p with both Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) (Eq. 1) and
Mean Absolute Error (MAE) (Eq. 2).
able to assert whether the model exhibits emergent capabilities
more confidently.
RMSD(x, y) =
MAE(x, y) =
(yi − ˆyi)2
|yi − ˆyi|
We proposed three research questions and designed corre-
sponding case studies to demonstrate the use of EMERGENTE-
VAL, evaluate its effectiveness in each scenario, and determine
whether the model’s performance in these scenarios exhibits
emergent capabilities.
To showcase EMERGENTEVAL, we will consider one task
from our first case study, Bug Fixing, which we go into more
detail on in the next section.
1 Our software engineering task K consists of 100 test
cases selected from the CodeXGLU Code repair dataset
[13]. The task is to transform a given code fragment,
buggy_code, into its bug-free counterpart. For example,
suppose buggy_code is public void METHOD_1 (
TYPE_1 VAR_1 ) { this . VAR_1 = VAR_1 ; }
, and we expect
void METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 ) { } .
the repaired code to look like public
2 Our model family F is a collection of the four models
composing the CodeGen1-Multi model, with scales 350M ,
2.7B, 6.1B, and 16.1B. We prompt each model to com-
plete each test case in the task K, and record its answer.
The answer the 16.1B model gives for the previous exam-
ple is public void METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 )
{ } , as expected.
3 Let’s choose our metric M as just the Exact Match
metric. For each test case in the task K, we compare the
answer the model gave against the reference solution using
our choice of metric. This results in an aggregate grade for
how well the model performed on the task K overall. In the
case of EM, the resultant grade is the number of answers the
model gave which are exactly the reference solution, divided
by the number of total test cases in the task (100). Applying
this process to each of the four model scales, we obtain four
corresponding grades: 0, 0, 0, and 0.01.
4 We use a linear regression evaluation for R. We will
focus on using MAE (Eq. 2) to produce a regression value
p, and consider a regression threshold t = 0.10. First, we
construct a linear model using a least-squares linear regression
on our model scales x = [0.35, 2.7, 6.1, 16.1] and our observed
grades y = [0, 0, 0, 0.01], obtaining ˆy ≈ −0.018 + 0.007x =
[−0.015, 0.001, 0.024, 0.091]. We then evaluate how well this
model fits our data by calculating 1
i=1 |yi − ˆyi| = (|0 −
(−0.015)| + |0 − 0.001| + |0 − 0.024| + |0.01 − 0.091|)/4 =
(0.015 + 0.001 + 0.024 + 0.081)/4 = 0.032. This gives us
p = 0.032, which we can then compare against our threshold
t = 0.10. As p ≪ t, we can conclude the model’s performance
gains are linear and non-emergent.
When applying EMERGENTEVAL to assessing LLMs, we
recommend considering two primary cases: First, applying the
pipeline to the selected tasks in the base case. Second, in the
perturbed case, generating a new task using Ribeiro et al.’s
[8] CheckList utility which are perturbations on the original
task. By assessing the models from multiple angles, we will be
A. Experimental Context
Models: For our analysis, we examined the CodeGen1-Multi
family of models [3], which are available in parameter counts
of 350M , 2.7B, 6.1B, and 16.1B. We applied a regression
threshold of t = 0.10 for both RMSD and MAE. This
threshold was established before testing by generating example
data representing smooth and emergent curves and selecting a
t-value that approximately separates the two categories.
RQ1 : How likely does Bug Fixing emerge as a software
engineering capability in an LLM for code?
RQ2 : How likely does Code Translation emerge as a soft-
ware engineering capability in an LLM for code?
RQ3 : How likely does Commit Message Generation emerge
as a software engineering capability in an LLM for code?
Testbeds: We sampled subsets dataset form CodeXGLUE
[13] for Bug Fixing and Code Translation. Particularly, we
extracted the first 100 cases from Code-Code/code-refinement
for building the Bug Fixing. To generate the Code Translation
testbed we used the first 100 cases from Code-Code/code-to-
code-trans. Finally, to generate Commit Message Generation
testbed, we examined datasets from CoDiSum [15] and Zhang
et al. [16], and decided to test on the CoDiSum dataset (first
100 cases).
Prompting strategy: As emergent capabilities are a feature
of prompting strategy [1], we configured a prompt strategy
per task. Successfully interacting with the CodeGen1-multi
model with prompting requires formatting the prompts in
the framework of code completion, most typically through
code comments which describe the purpose of the desired
code to generate. The more conventional prompting strategies
structured as natural language proved extremely ineffective
during testing.
B. RQ1 Code Repair Methodology
To answer RQ1 and determine the effect varying scale
has upon model performance in light of our definition of
emergence and EMERGENTEVAL, we must design a variety
of prompting strategies (see Fig. 2), as different prompting
strategies can enable the model to acquire emergent capabili-
ties. We must then apply each prompt to the EMERGENTEVAL
pipeline with the four CodeGen1-multi models, grade each’s
performance on the CodeXGLUE test cases, and assess each
according to our linear regression models under RMSD and
Then, we employ bootstrapping to resample our data and
investigate the underlying structure beyond the mere aggregate
Fig. 2: Prompting strategy used on CodeGen1-multi for the code repair tasks.
statistics. Bootstrapping works by taking a random subsample
of S of the model’s answers, and using each of our metrics
on this subsample. We repeat this N times to get a cloud of
points for each model scale in the family. We configure our
bootstrapping with a subsample size S = 50 over N = 500
iterations [17].
C. RQ2 Code Translation Methodology
Similarly to answering RQ1, we answer RQ2 by designing
a variety of prompts (see Fig. 3), applied to our EMERGEN-
TEVAL pipeline, and utilizing bootstrapping with subsample
size S = 50 and N = 500.
D. RQ3 Commit Message Generation Methodology
Due to the nature of this task intrinsically exhausting the
model architecture’s resources, we designed only one initial
prompt (see Fig. 4) and applied it to our EMERGENTEVAL
pipeline; we did not employ bootstrapping here, as the resul-
tant grades were 0 almost universally.
E. EMERGENTEVAL Exploratory Analysis
To evaluate the code repair task under RQ1 (automatic
bug fixing), we tested the models as described at Sec. III
on selected tasks from the Bug Fixing dataset. Each Bug
Fixing task consists of Java methods consolidated onto a
single line, with variable names,
types, strings, and other
identifiers consistently replaced by generic placeholders such
as TYPE_1 and STRING_3. The objective is to generate the
corrected version of the given code snippet. We assessed model
performance using the EM, BLEU, and CodeBLEU metrics,
comparing the model’s generated output against the expected
output. We configure BLEU and its metric specializations, B-
Norm and B-Moses, with N -grams sized up to N = 4.
Second, to evaluate the code translation task under RQ2,
we tested the models on CodeXGLUE’s [13] CodeTrans task
(also known as code-to-code translation). The CodeTrans task
Fig. 3: Prompting strategy used on CodeGen1-multi for the code translation
Fig. 4: Prompting strategy used on CodeGen1-multi for the commit message
generation tasks. When designing this prompt, coaxing the model to output
English description required finesse. In this case, during testing, we found the
most consistent approach to obtaining English descriptions was to embed the
diff output in a labeled, multi-line code comment, followed by two single-
line comments which prompt the model with the context of English language
descriptions contained within code comments.
involves translating Java methods, consolidated onto a single
line, into their equivalent C♯ code. Similar to the bug fixing
task, we assessed model performance using the EM, BLEU,
and CodeBLEU metrics, comparing the model’s generated
output against the expected output.
to evaluate the commit message generation task
under RQ3, we tested the models on CoDiSum’s dataset
[15] using BLEU. Each task provides the output of the
diff command, which highlights changes across one or more
files, and expects an English description summarizing these
changes. We assessed model performance using a subset of
the metrics applied by Zhang et al. [16], specifically B-Moses
and B-Norm, as described in detail in Tao et al.’s study on
commit message generation models [18].
// The buggy version of the code\n{buggy_code}\n// The fixed version of the code\n// You are given a piece of buggy code.\nYour task is to fix the error, and generate the correct code. Fix the following code:\n{buggy_code}\nModel responseModel responsePrompt 0Prompt 1// You are given a piece of buggy code.\nYour task is to fix the error, and generate the correct code. Fix the following code:\n{buggy_code}\n// The following code is correct:\nModel responsePrompt 2// original\n{java_code}\n// code.cs version of\n//\n{java_code}\n// code.cs\nModel responseModel responsePrompt 0Prompt 1// This code is written in Java. Reproducethe same exact code in C#.\n{java_code}\nModel responsePrompt 2// original\n{java_code}\n// code.cs version of code.javaModel responsePrompt 3// This code is written in Java.Reproduce the same exact code in C#.\n{java_code}\n// This code is written in C#.\nModel responsePrompt 4/* diff of changes\n{diff_output}\n*/\n// a summary of the above diff is:\n// -Model responsePrompt 0Metric
CodeBLEU (Java)
Table 2: Results for evaluating EMERGENTEVAL on CodeGen1-multi on the
perturbed test cases for code repair on each metric. Bolded are regression
values p which exceed the regression threshold value t = 0.10, which occur
under prompt1 and RMSD; MAE metrics, while not exceeding the threshold,
are close.for RMSD and MAE. It is important to note these are nonlinear
due to extreme negative performance, rather than emergent growth. Other
prompting strategies lie within the range [0, 0.04) [17].
As for the checklist perturbations, when evaluating our
three prompts on the perturbed code repair tasks, we found
that the model achieved better performance under all three
metrics (see Fig. 6). Fig. 6 depicts slight improvements when
scaling the model at both metrics BLEU and CodeBLEU.
However, this slight improvement does not represent an emer-
gent capability. Furthermore, the results were overall low (see
Table 2), with most calculated regression values p much less
than the regression threshold t = 0.10. Two regression values
for prompt1 under the RMSD formula produced regression
values p > 0.10, although not because of emergent growth,
but because of a sharp decline in performance. This may
be considered negative emergent growth, although as it only
appears under one of the two formulae for producing p values,
we do not draw this conclusion.
Important to note is the marked decrease in performance
under prompt1 at the 16.1B parameter scale. Whereas the
test cases were formatted as code snippets without line breaks,
and the model was supposed to respond in kind, the 16.1B-
parameter CodeGen1-multi model instead emitted single-line
comments. Further inspection of what the model would have
predicted beyond the first line shows code formatted more
conventionally, rather than all run together on a single line.
Thus, this seems to be more likely a limitation of the testing
harness setup we used clashing with the potentially negatively
emergent capability of lack of following the syntactic context,
rather than a negative semantic emergent capability. A more
advanced testing harness might attempt to take into considera-
tion ASTs as output, e.g., requesting the model generate until
it has provided a complete AST, or until it exceeds a certain
We can model the relationship between the Levenshtein
distance of the perturbation from the original, unperturbed
prompt, and the resulting change in performance (see Fig. 7 for
BLEU and Fig. 8 for CodeBLEU). Overall, this shows a very
loose but generally positive correlation between perturbation
and performance increase. We attribute this to the nature
of the perturbations tending to resemble more natural code
rather than the prompt’s given placeholders (e.g., replacing
the constant STRING_0 in one task with an actual string, say
Fig. 5: Bootstrapping with S = 50 and N = 500 over the CodeXGLUE
Bugs2fix task, assessed by metrics BLEU and CodeBLEU, over the results
of prompting CodeGen1-multi. (The Exact Match metric is omitted, as it is
0 across all data points).
Fig. 6: Bootstrapping with S = 50 and N = 500 over the CodeXGLUE
Bugs2fix Checklist perturbed task, assessed by metrics Exact Match, BLEU,
and CodeBLEU, over the results of prompting CodeGen1-multi.
A. RQ1: Bug Fixing
Fig. 5 depicts the results when evaluating CodeGen1-Multi
with proposed prompts at Fig. 2. The exact match metric
highlights that the models are not producing the exact expected
output, which is not necessarily a negative outcome. This
variation indicates that the models are not overly biased or
simply parroting the expected responses. When evaluating
proposed prompts on the code repair tasks, we observe that the
model achieved middling performance under the BLEU and
CodeBLEU metrics, and very low performance under the EM
metric (see Fig. 5). Furthermore, the results were decisively
low (see Table 1), with all calculated regression values p much
less than the regression threshold t = 0.10.
CodeBLEU (Java)
Table 1: Results for evaluating EMERGENTEVAL on CodeGen1-multi for code
repair on each metric. All values are in the range [0, 0.06), far below the
regression threshold of t = 0.10 [17].
051015Parameters (billions) (billions) (Java)CodeBLEUBugs2fix Bootstrapprompt0prompt1prompt2051015Parameters (billions) MatchExact Match051015Parameters (billions) (billions) (Java)CodeBLEUBugs2fix (Checklist) Bootstrapprompt0prompt1prompt2Metric
CodeBLEU (C♯)
Table 3: Results for evaluating EMERGENTEVAL on CodeGen1-multi for code
translation on each prompt and metric. We omit EM metrics, as they were 0
throughout. There is low variability, and few values occur outside the range
[0, 0.03), most notably prompt2 under CodeBLEU achieving RMSD and
MAE > 0.40. Still, all values are well below the regression threshold t =
0.10 [17].
B. RQ2: Code Translation
When evaluating our five prompts on the code traslation
task, we observed that the model consistently exhibited poor
performance across all metrics. Fig. 9 illustrates the plots for
exact match, BLEU and CodeBLEU scores, corresponding to
the four prompts detailed in Fig. 3. The plots display the
scores for each CodeGen1-Multi model scale, revealing no
significant improvements or jumps as the model scales. The
BLEU metric consistently reports scores below 0.2, while
CodeBLEU remains below 0.3 across all scales. Additionally,
Table 3) summarizes the RMSD and MAE values, with all
calculated regression p beign significantly lower than the
threshold t = 0.10.
Fig. 7: Scatterplot of the relationship between the Levenshtein distance
between the original, unmodified test case and the corresponding perturbed
test case on the x-axis, and the relative performance increase from the BLEU
score of the unmodified test case to the BLEU score of the perturbed test
case; positive y-values indicate improvement.
Fig. 8: Scatterplot of the relationship between the Levenshtein distance
between the original, unmodified test case and the corresponding perturbed test
case on the x-axis, and the relative performance increase from the CodeBLEU
score of the unmodified test case to the CodeBLEU score of the perturbed
test case; positive y-values indicate improvement [17].
Fig. 9: CodeGen1-multi performance on CodeXGLUE Code2code test cases,
assessed by the metrics Exact Match, BLEU, and CodeBLEU (operating on
C♯ ASTs) [17].
We employed statistical bootstrapping to understand the
spread and variation of our samples (see Fig. 10 for boot-
RQ2 Code Translation: On the observed scale over the
dataset, we did not observe emergent capabilities for the Code
Translation task, with regression values p ≪ 0.10.
RQ1 Bug Fixing: On the observed scale over the dataset, no
positive emergent capabilities were performed for the Bug
Fixing task, as almost all regression values had p ≪ 0.10.
A few regression values exceeded p > 0.10, but only under
RMSD and in a negative direction.
C. RQ3: Commit Message Generation
When evaluating our prompts on the commit message gener-
ation task, we found that the model achieved poor performance
under all metrics as presented at Fig. 11). Furthermore, the
results were decisively low, with all calculated regression
Bugs2fix: Checklist perturbation improvement in BLEU0255075100Levenshtein Distance1.000.750.500. improvement350M0255075100Levenshtein Distance1.000.750.500. Distance1.000.750.500. Distance1.000.750.500. Distance1.000.750.500. improvement350M0255075100Levenshtein Distance1.000.750.500. Distance1.000.750.500. Distance1.000.750.500. Distance1.000.750.500. improvement350M0255075100Levenshtein Distance1.000.750.500. Distance1.000.750.500. Distance1.000.750.500. Checklist perturbation improvement in CodeBLEU0255075100Levenshtein Distance1.000.750.500. (Java) improvement350M0255075100Levenshtein Distance1.000.750.500. Distance1.000.750.500. Distance1.000.750.500. Distance1.000.750.500. (Java) improvement350M0255075100Levenshtein Distance1.000.750.500. Distance1.000.750.500. Distance1.000.750.500. Distance1.000.750.500. (Java) improvement350M0255075100Levenshtein Distance1.000.750.500. Distance1.000.750.500. Distance1.000.750.500. (billions) MatchExact Match vs scale051015Parameters (billions) vs scale051015Parameters (billions) (C#)CodeBLEU vs scaleCodeTrans Performanceprompt0prompt1prompt2prompt3prompt4Fig. 10: Bootstrapping with S = 50 and N = 500 over the CodeXGLUE
CodeTrans task, assessed by metrics Exact Match, BLEU, and CodeBLEU,
over the results of prompting CodeGen1-multi [17].
performance. Interestingly, emergent capabilities were absent
across all model scales and tasks, regardless of the prompting
methods employed. This outcome might be attributed to the
fact that Wei et al. ( [1], Appendix D) observed emergence
only in models with parameter counts ranging from tens of
billions to a trillion. Another possibility is that our experi-
ments did not identify the specific prompts needed to unlock
emergent capabilities. Alternatively, the relative stability and
predictability of the CodeGen1-multi model at these smaller
scales may explain the lack of observed emergence.
The Checklist perturbed code repair task elicited nonlinear
results under prompt1 and RMSD (see Fig. 6 and Table
2) through the application of EMERGENTEVAL, which seems
to suggest negative emergence. This conclusion comes with
two observations which may somewhat limit the conclusion
here. First, it is important to note that this result straddles the
pipeline’s verdict of emergence, producing a regression value
p slightly above t = 0.10 under RMSD, and slightly below
it under MAE. Second, the nature of the potential negative
emergence is likely less reflective of the model’s inability
to reason about the code using this prompting strategy, and
more of formatting the code similarly to what was given, as
mentioned in results sectionV.
Fig. 11: CodeGen1-multi performance on test cases from the CoDiSum
dataset, assessed by the metrics B-Moses and B-Norm [17].
values p much less than the regression threshold t = 0.10
(see Table 4). Fitting the entire diff in the model’s working
memory proved infeasible for many prompts, leading to errors
caused by insufficient resources within the model architecture.
RQ3 Commit Message Generation: On the observed scale
over the dataset, no emergent capabilities were identified for
the Commit Message Generation task, with regression values
consistently at p ≪ 0.10.
We believe the obtained negative results in the case studies
were obtained due to an apparent linearity in the obtained
curves from the regression. Nothing suggests that there are any
significant unexpected jumps in model performance under any
of our metrics for any of our tasks when comparing against
the model scale. Moreover, the model performance roughly
increases linearly with model scale.
Although increasing the model scale generally improves
performance, we found that prompting techniques play a more
decisive role in determining model performance. In fact, with
certain prompts, increasing model scale can negatively impact
Table 4: Results for evaluating EMERGENTEVAL on CodeGen1-multi for
commit message generation on each metric. Results are 0 or incredibly close
to 0, signifying almost perfect linearity [17].
Construct validity. Through our testing, we determined
that the primary cause for improved performance was not
model scale, but rather prompting technique. This means that
our testing framework is not sufficient to discover emergent
capabilities based on improvements intrinsic to the model.
Furthermore, across our three scenarios, we tested only a
handful of prompts. As emergence is thought to be a phe-
nomenon which directly depends on choice of prompting
technique, there may simply be more effective prompts for
the CodeGen1-multi model in the given test cases.
Internal validity. The continuous metrics used in this study
(BLEU, including B-Moses and B-Norm, and CodeBLEU) are
more concerned with the model’s outputs being apparently
similar to reference solutions, instead of them being correct
or useful. Although Shaeffer et al. claim emergent capabilities
disappear when using continuous metrics [5], we acknowledge
that these metrics may lose sight of our actual goals of model
correctness and usefulness, a goal in which the discussion of
emergent capabilities is ultimately grounded. Therefore, used
metric migth be insufficient to measure and observe potential
emergent capabilities. To deal with this limitation we also used
levenshtein metric to observe how disperse is the outcome
from the input as an indicator of emergent performance.
External validity. Although EmergenceEval generalizes
to other models and target domains other than soft-
ware engineering, our results may generalize less well. The
CodeGen1-multi model
is somewhat unique among LLMs
in that it is a specialist in software engineering tasks and
is not receptive to conventional prompting techniques with
more general LLMs,
instead relying on arcane prompting
via suitably contextualized code comments; the relationship
051015Parameters (billions) (billions) (Java)CodeBLEUCodeTrans Bootstrapprompt0prompt1prompt2prompt3prompt4051015Parameters (billions) vs scale051015Parameters (billions) vs scaleCommit Message Generation Performanceprompt0between “prompt” and model behavior is much hazier with
the CodeGen series of models.
The notion of emergent capabilities has long been a sub-
ject of inquiry in the field of machine learning. As early
as 2020 and 2021, researchers were concerned about
negative side effects of increasing model scale, particularly
with increasingly larger models adopting the explicit and
implicit biases featured in their training sets, and their ability
to mimic coherent human speech and articulation [19], based
on concerns and research done into the various kinds of bias
found in models such as BERT, GPT-2, and GPT-3 [20], [21].
Researchers have used the term emergence to refer to ca-
pabilities models acquired through training that they were not
explicitly trained for, as in Nijkamp et al.’s paper documenting
the CodeGen family, where the term is used to describe
the model’s capability to synthesize programs from comment
descriptions [3]. The rigorous study of emergent capabilities,
however, was made most prominent with Wei et al., where
emergent capabilities are framed not as capabilities acquired
without explicit intentions, but as sharp, unpredictable jumps
in performance [1]. Their findings suggest that LLMs, through
certain tasks and prompting methods, when scaled high enough
(e.g., by training compute or parameter count), can unexpect-
edly and noticeably break plateaued performance.
However, various researchers contest the claim that these
models exhibited emergent capabilities whatsoever. Shaeffer et
al. [5] suggest the appearance of emergence is better explained
by the metrics used to assess model performance, rather than
as some property of the model itself; they implicate nonlinear
and discontinuous metrics as a confounding factor in Wei et
al.’s results. Other research by Lu et al. suggests what appears
to be emergent capabilities are better explained as the results
of in-context learning, that is, the model’s ability to derive
crucial information from the context it is prompted with and
apply that knowledge to the task at hand [6].
Following Schaeffer et al. [5], the most important metrics
to consider when evaluating model emergence are continuous
metrics, as discontinuous metrics may induce the mirage of
emergence. Although the exact nature of these tests can vary
depending on the experimental setup, we choose to evaluate
linear regressions on the attained data (model performance
graded by various metrics) to assess for non-linear growth.
Non-linear growth is a proxy variable for emergent growth;
as we only have a limited view of the true shape of the
performance graph as seen through four different model con-
figurations, we choose to evaluate a linear regression model
rather logarithmic or exponential regression models to avoid
overfitting the curves to the limited datapoints. This restriction
does not exist generally, and using EMERGENTEVAL in cir-
cumstances where more data is available demands considering
additional, more sophisticated regressions.
We find that varying the model scale of the CodeGen1-multi
model from 350M parameters to 16.1B parameters generally
tends to improve performance slightly in a linear fashion,
albeit somewhat loosely; performance was not usually strictly
increasing, nor was maximal performance always attained with
maximal tested model scale.
Being unable to identify emergent capabilities in this case
gives credence to the general consensus that emergent capa-
bilities may be an illusory phenomenon, even in the domain of
software engineering. It implies that, when developing LLMs
for software engineering, merely adding additional model scale
(e.g., compute or parameter count) is not justified without
seeing incremental performance gains beyond a certain point,
and that alternative solutions to increase model performance
would be required in such cases.
Reasoning about emergent capabilities is a difficult task,
fraught with doubts about the existence of the phenomenon
itself, as well as uncertainties as to discovering the right
prompts and the proper use of metrics. We hope that future
research can utilize our EMERGENTEVAL pipeline to aid
future investigations into the question of emergent capabilities.
Whether models can exhibit emergent capabilities is a
double-edged sword. The prospect of untapped potential await-
ing model designers, if only they provide the requisite in-
creased scale, is both tantalizing and trepidating, depending on
the exact nature of the emergent capabilities gained. The model
may gain, say, superlative reasoning abilities emergently; it
may also gain superlative discriminatory abilities emergently.
We saw the potential for negative emergence in the case study
answering RQ1. Conversely, identify no emergence on a given
scale can also establish stability.
Examining the question of emergence is an important step
into assessing the interpretability, stability, and predictability
of a model. While most models are not released to be available
by discrete model scales, those training models can assess the
intermediate models scaled by training FLOPs for signs of
emergence using our pipeline.
Future work regarding emergent capabilities in software
engineering should focus on acquiring and testing models on
a more granular scale so as to enable more sophisticated re-
gressions which might more accurately represent and interpret
the model’s growth.
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the 58th Annual Meeting of
ai_researcher | 1 | Unleashing_the_Power_of_Generative_AI_and_LLM_for_Training_Evaluation.pdf | ModelScope-Agent: Building Your Customizable Agent System with
Open-source Large Language Models
Chenliang Li, Hehong Chen, Ming Yan∗, Weizhou Shen, Haiyang Xu, Zhikai Wu
Zhicheng Zhang, Wenmeng Zhou, Yingda Chen, Chen Cheng, Hongzhu Shi
Ji Zhang, Fei Huang, Jingren Zhou
DAMO Academy, Alibaba Group, China
Large language models (LLMs) have recently
demonstrated remarkable capabilities to com-
prehend human intentions, engage in reason-
ing, and design planning-like behavior. To
further unleash the power of LLMs to accom-
plish complex tasks, there is a growing trend to
build agent framework that equips LLMs, such
as ChatGPT, with tool-use abilities to connect
with massive external APIs.
In this work, we introduce ModelScope-Agent,
a general and customizable agent framework
for real-world applications, based on open-
source LLMs as controllers. It provides a user-
friendly system library, with customizable en-
gine design to support model training on mul-
tiple open-source LLMs, while also enabling
seamless integration with both model APIs and
common APIs in a unified way. To equip
the LLMs with tool-use abilities, a compre-
hensive framework has been proposed span-
ning over tool-use data collection, tool retrieval,
tool registration, memory control, customized
model training, and evaluation for practical
real-world applications. Finally, we showcase
ModelScopeGPT, a real-world intelligent as-
sistant of ModelScope Community based on
the ModelScope-Agent framework, which is
able to connect open-source LLMs with more
than 1000 public AI models and localized
community knowledge in ModelScope. The
ModelScope-Agent library1 and online demo2
are now publicly available.
Large language models (OpenAI, 2022, 2023;
Touvron et al., 2023; Chowdhery et al., 2022)
have gradually become common AI assistants
that demonstrate great potential in comprehend-
ing human intentions, performing complex rea-
soning tasks, and enabling content creation. De-
spite the rapid advancements of open-source LLMs,
e.g., LLaMA (Touvron et al., 2023) and Chat-
GLM (THUDM, 2023), they still remain limited
in performing complex tasks, such as following
user instructions to use external tools and capture
up-to-date information.
To further unleash the power of LLMs for real-
world practical applications, a rising trend of cur-
rent research (Schick et al., 2023; Shen et al., 2023;
Yang et al., 2023; Qin et al., 2023; Patil et al., 2023)
begins to enable LLMs with tool-use abilities to-
wards building an AI Agent. These include Hug-
gingGPT (Shen et al., 2023), Visual-ChatGPT (Wu
et al., 2023) and Gorilla (Patil et al., 2023) for
connecting with HuggingFace models, ToolAl-
paca (Tang et al., 2023) and ToolLLaMA (Qin et al.,
2023) for using massive common APIs such as
weather forecast and search engine. These methods
either directly rely on closed-source counterparts
like ChatGPT or focus on certain types of API tools.
Recently, there have also been public releases of
AI agents, such as Auto-GPT3, LangChain4 and
Transformers Agent (Huggingface, 2023), which
enable LLMs, such as ChatGPT or GPT-4, to use
tools and solve complex AI tasks. However, these
agents are mainly built with closed-source LLMs
and how to build a customizable agent system with
open-source LLMs remains largely unexplored.
In this work, we present ModelScope-Agent, a
general and customizable agent system for real-
world applications, based on open-source LLMs
as controllers. ModelScope5 is a public ML com-
munity, which seeks to bring together the most ad-
vanced machine learning models from the AI com-
munity, and streamlines the process of leveraging
AI models in real-world applications. ModelScope-
Agent provides a flexible and user-friendly sys-
tem library, with customizable engine design to
∗Corresponding author: <[email protected]>
support model training on multiple open-source
LLMs, while also enabling seamless integration
with both model APIs and common APIs in a uni-
fied way. It features an LLM-centric system de-
sign, which includes open-source LLMs as core
controller, and further interact with a tool-use mod-
ule and a memory module to accomplish complex
tasks. At the core of ModelScope-Agent , the li-
brary supports flexible selection and training on var-
ious open-source LLMs, such as LLaMA (Touvron
et al., 2023), ChatGLM (THUDM, 2023), Chat-
PLUG (Tian et al., 2023) and other customized
LLMs in ModelScope. For tool use, ModelScope-
Agent provides a default tool library, which sup-
ports diverse AI model APIs across NLP, CV, Au-
dio and Multi-model fields, as well as massive com-
mon APIs such as search engine. It also supports
registering new self-defined API plugins and auto-
matic API retrieval from the large tool library. It is
easy for users to customize their most appropriate
LLMs, local API tools and functions to develop
real-world applications. Moreover, a memory mod-
ule is also introduced to better store and manage the
system message, user history, in-context examples,
tool message and localized knowledge.
To enable the open-source LLMs to better con-
trol the whole agent system, we further propose
a comprehensive framework of tool-use data col-
lection, customized model training, evaluation and
deployment. Notably, we release a comprehen-
sive tool-enhanced dataset MSAgent-Bench, which
consists of 598k dialogues with various API cat-
egories, multi-turn API calls, API-Oriented QA,
and API-Agnostic instructions in both English and
Chinese. A simple training strategy of Weighted
LM, that enhances the training of generation of
API name and parameters, is used to better ensure
the correctness of API calls. Besides, an evalua-
tion framework is also supported in our library to
examine the tool-use abilities of the trained mod-
els in different aspects. Furthermore, we applied
ModelScope-Agent in a real-world application of
ModelScope Community namely ModelScopeGPT,
which is able to connect open-source LLMs with
more than 1000 public AI models and access lo-
calized community knowledge in ModelScope for
community QA.
To summarize, ModelScope-Agent is a general
and customizable agent system designed for devel-
opers to harness the power of open-source LLMs.
The library targets the following goals:
• Agent based on Open-Source LLMs: the con-
troller of ModelScope-Agent can be flexibly
selected from open-source LLMs that are opti-
mized through our agent training framework.
• Support and Customization of Diverse Tools:
Dozens of diverse model APIs and common
APIs are given by default. The library sup-
ports registering new self-defined APIs and
automatic API retrieval from the toolset.
• Customizable of Applications: ModelScope-
Agent can be flexibly applied in various in-
dustry applications. The agent and training
framework are documented describing its us-
age, construction and optimization.
ModelScope-Agent is in continual development
by the engineers at ModelScope and is released
under an Apache 2.0 license. Full documentation
is available through the project website.
2 The ModelScope Agent
ModelScope-Agent is designed to facilitate devel-
opers in building customizable agent systems based
on open-source LLMs. The overall system architec-
ture is shown in Figure 1. It includes open-source
LLMs as controller, a tool-use module and a mem-
ory module to interact with. Given human instruc-
tion, the Agent, which adopts the selected LLM as
the controller, will automatically plan tasks, selec-
tively uses tools, leverage knowledge in memory,
and finally provides helpful responses to users.
2.1 LLMs as Brain
LLMs serve as the brain of the agent, responsible
for planning and decomposing user requests, se-
lectively calling tools, performing retrieval, and
integrating all the information from previous steps
to generate the final response. In order to make it
easier for users to customize the agent with their
own LLMs, we have added support for various
open-source LLMs by default, such as LLaMA,
ChatGLM and ChatPLUG, which have been op-
timized through our tool learning pipeline. The
details of training strategy and tool-use datasets
can be referred to Section 3. ModelScope-Agent
has integrated the LLM inference pipeline of the
ModelScope community, and replacing LLMs can
be done by simply setting the model_name and
In model_config, the model_id,
model_revision, and model parameter settings such
as max sequence length, should be configured.
Figure 1: The overall system architecture of ModelScope-Agent.
# LLM config " cfg_file "
from modelscope . utils . config import Config
model_cfg = Config . from_file ( cfg_file )
llm = LocalLLM ( model_name , model_cfg )
Furthermore, the ModelScope-Agent also pro-
vides a standard way to integrate new LLM. Users
can add their own LLMs, by integrating the LLM
pipeline into ModelScope. After that, the agent can
select the new LLMs for training and inference.
2.2 Tool Use
Tool Library The tool library is used to config-
ure and manage various collections of APIs used in
the agent. ModelScope-Agent can support a wide
range of both common APIs such as search APIs,
and AI model APIs across NLP, CV, Audio and
Multi-modal models in ModelScope and Hugging-
Face. Each tool API consists of the API name, de-
scription, parameters and request functions. Users
can easily choose and configure proper APIs in
the library to build their own agent. The default
APIs supported in the library can be referred to
Appendix A.1.
# tool default config file " default_file "
tool_cfg = Config . from_file ( default_file )
request functions. More details about CustomTool
can be referred in Appendix A.2.
from modelscope_agent . tools import Tool
class CustomTool ( Tool ):
# logic added here
# refer example in Appendix A .2
tool_list = { ’ customo - tool ’: CustomTool ()}
Tool Retrieval and Execution Due to the large
amount of tool APIs in the tool library, a tool
retrieval module is further introduced to recom-
mend appropriate APIs for each instruction prompt.
Specifically, we use the dense vector retrieval
method based on the unified multilingual text-
embedding API 6. We vectorize both the text de-
scriptions of the APIs and the instruction prompt
using the text-embedding API. The top-3 most rel-
evant APIs with the highest vector product scores
are selected for tool use. As a result, the schema
information of the retrieved APIs will be concate-
nated with other system prompts in the subsequent
memory module and sent to LLMs as input. With
the concatenated instruction prompt, the LLMs will
plan and generate the API request, which will be
executed by the agent. The agent will then return
the results to the LLMs for continuous generation.
Register and Customize New Tool The agent
allows users to register and customize new tools,
while also supporting quick integration of newly
registered tools into the agent, enabling LLMs to
selectively use the additional self-defined tools for
specific applications. This can be simply done
by inheriting from a base class, namely Tool, and
defining a new CustomTool with the API-related
schema of API name, description, parameters, and
2.3 Memory Control
The memory module is used to retrieve, and assem-
ble a series of contextual information as input to the
LLMs. It consists of a knowledge retrieval submod-
ule and a prompt generator submodule, which are
responsible for external knowledge retrieval and
instruction prompt generation, respectively.
Knowledge Retrieval
It enables the agent to
get access to up-to-date and localized information
related with query prompt, thereby augmenting
LLMs with dynamic and domain-specific knowl-
edge. We follow the same dense vector retrieval
method as the previous tool retrieval module, and
support large-scale knowledge retrieval from local-
ized document corpus. Similarly, it allows users
to customize by changing to other open-source re-
trieval frameworks.
Prompt Generator The prompt generator is used
to assemble all available contextual information
such as system prompt, API schema, retrieved
knowledge, conversation history, and few-shot ex-
amples. According to the type of user query and
the maximum length of the LLM, the users can
selectively choose proper contextual information
and assemble the required input to the LLM. In our
agent, the prompt generator needs to be defined
before the agent is constructed.
2.4 Agent Pipeline
In summary, we build the agent by combining all
the modules: LLM controller, tool-use module, and
memory module. With, the agent can ef-
ficiently execute and complete the instruction in
a one-step generation. First, the agent retrieves
query-related tools through the tool retrieval and
combines the retrieved API schema with other con-
textual prompts in memory module, to construct
a new instruction prompt. Then, the agent sends
this new prompt to the LLM, who plans whether
and which API to call and generate an API request.
Next, the agent will execute the selected API with
the extracted API parameters and return the API
results to the LLMs, which will continue to plan
whether to call other APIs. If another API call
is needed, the process is repeated, otherwise, the
LLMs generate the final response and the agent
returns the final result to the user.
agent = AgentExecutor ( llm , tool_cfg ,
additional_tool_list = tool_list )
agent . run (" Draw a logo image of agent " )
3 Training
3.1 Dataset
To facilitate building an agent with the ability
to use tools while upholding an optimal level of
user engagement, we release a comprehensive tool
dataset, MSAgent-Bench7, utilizing ChatGPT syn-
thetic data and the existing instruction-following
datasets. Our released dataset encompasses 598k
dialogues. Table 1 outlines the key differences
between the released dataset and other public avail-
able tool learning datasets, while the data distribu-
tion of our dataset is illustrated in Figure 2. As
demonstrated in the Table and Figure, we have
made certain efforts to construct a comprehensive
dataset which enables the effective training of an
Multilingual: We collect instances in both Chi-
nese and English, ensuring that the trained agent is
capable of functioning in both languages.
Various API Categories: Our dataset supports
Common APIs that have been registered by users
or applied through online API platforms, as well as
model APIs that can call neural models.
Multi Turn Dialog: In real-life scenarios, agents
may need to request more specific clarification
from users to complete a task or receive additional
instructions after completing a previous task. Our
dataset accounts for these scenarios and supports
multi-turn user-agent interactions when using tools.
API-Oriented QA: An effective agent should pos-
sess knowledge of APIs. Our dataset incorporates
API document QA tasks and task planning tasks
which requires agents to offer appropriate sugges-
tions to users on how to use various APIs to solve
complex tasks.
API-Agnostic Instructions: To enhance the
agent’s ability to follow common instructions and
increase user engagement, we have incorporated
both Chinese and English API-agnostic instructions
within our dataset. These instructions place greater
emphasis on the agent’s inherent capabilities rather
than reliance on API invocation.
The data was collected by prompting ChatGPT
(gpt-3.5-turbo) to generate instructions, API re-
quests, and answers based on the API calling re-
sults, more details can be accessed in Appendix D.
3.2 Model Training
We use the MSAgent-Bench to fine-tune multi-
ple open-source LLMs, including LLaMA (Tou-
vron et al., 2023), Qwen (QwenLM, 2023), Chat-
PLUG (Tian et al., 2023) etc. We train all the open-
source LLMs in a multi-round conversation mode
and concatenate all the prompts and answers. Com-
API-Bank (Li et al., 2023)
ToolAlpaca (Tang et al., 2023)
Gorilla (Patil et al., 2023)
GPT4Tools (Yang et al., 2023)
ToolBench (Qin et al., 2023)
MSAgent-Bench (ours)
Instance Type
Tool Use
Tool Use
Tool Use
Tool Use
Tool Use
English + Chinese Tool Use + Common Chat
# Instances
3.9 K
16.4 k
71.4 K
26.9 K
598 K
API type
Common API
Common API
Model API
Model API
Common API
Common API + Model API
Avg. Turn Avg. Step
Table 1: The statistics of MSAgent-Bench and other existing tool learning datasets.
Figure 2: The instance types and distribution of our collected MSAgent-Bench.
pared to common instruction tuning data, the tool
learning samples focus more heavily on the accu-
racy of tool selection and API parameter prediction.
Therefore, we propose a simple training strategy,
Weighted LM, which enhances the training of gen-
eration of API name and parameters, while zero-
out the loss of tokens from the user prompt and the
tool execution. More details can be be referred to
Appendix B.3.
kwargs = dict ( model = model , ...)
trainer : EpochBasedTrainer = build_trainer
( name = args . trainer , default_args = kwargs )
trainer . train ()
4 Evaluation
Our evaluation system, MSAgent-Eval, comprises
two modules: an automatic evaluation framework
which comprehensively evaluates API usability of
the agents, and a human evaluation framework im-
plemented by an agent arena which reflects the
preferences of human users.
4.1 Automatic Evaluation Framework
measures the similarity between the generated re-
sponse and the gold answer. Additionally, we intro-
duce a novel metric called Argument F1 for fully
evaluating the quality of API requests. To com-
pute Argument F1, we categorize the arguments in
agent’s API request into two cases, namely Half
match (HM) and Full match (FM), representing
correct argument but with wrong value and correct
argument with correct value, respectively. Suppose
the gold argument number in the API is |A|, and
the number of arguments in the agents API request
is |A∗|, we compute the new Recall and Precision
as follows:
R = (0.5 × # HM + # FM)/|A|
P = (0.5 × # HM + # FM)/|A∗|
and the final argument F1 is computed as:
F 1 = 2(R ∗ P )/(R + P ).
A sample code for the automated evaluation of
agents is provided below:
from tool_agent_finetune import evaluation
EM , F1 , ROUGE = evaluation ( refs , preds )
In automatic evaluation, we mainly focus on eval-
uating agent’s ability to generate accurate API re-
quest and the proper answers according to the API
calling results. Specifically, we use the action ex-
actly match score (Action EM) which measures
whether the agent uses the correct API as the ref-
erence gold API, and the ROUGE-L score which
Expert annotators were engaged to annotate the
evaluation instances, with the task of providing
diverse instructions, manually documenting cor-
rect API calling requests, and writing appropriate
responses. The statistics of our currently assem-
bled test data is in Appendix B.1, and the auto-
matic evaluation scores of our trained agents can
MSAgent-BenchModel API•Text-to-Image•Text-to-Video•Text-to-Audio•Translation•Image Chat•Universal IE…Common API•Weather•Web Search•Calculator•Map…API-Agnostic Instructions•Story Generation•Open QA•Code•Chit Chat•Paraphrase•STEM•Role Play…API-Oriented QA•Document QA•Task Planning…(a) ModelScope Intelligent Assistant
(b) Register and Use New Tools on Alibaba Cloud
Figure 3: Demo cases of ModelScopeGPT based on ModelScope-Agent .
be found in Appendix B.2. We also guarantee the
users to upload their own annotated test examples
to accurately evaluate the performance of agents in
customized scenarios.
4.2 Human Evaluation with Agent Arena
Inspired by the Arena for ChatBots (Zheng et al.,
2023), we have built an accessible Agent Arena 8
that allows users to furnish instructions to two
anonymous agents, based on the provided APIs.
Subsequently, users have the opportunity to vote
on which Agent performs better in tackling the in-
struction with the given APIs. In accordance with
the framework presented by Zheng et al. (2023),
we adopt a system of ELO ratings and leaderboard
maintenance for the participating Agents.
5 Usage Example of ModelScopeGPT
In this section, we showcase a successful
application of ModelScope Community, Mod-
elScopeGPT9, based on our ModelScope-Agent.
ModelScope Intelligent Assistant Based on
ModelScope-Agent , we have developed an intel-
ligent assistant for the ModelScope Community,
namely ModelScopeGPT. It uses LLMs as a con-
troller to connect dozens of domain-specific AI
models in the ModelScope open-source community,
covering NLP, CV, Audio, and Multi-Modal fields.
To make the pipeline more practical, we have in-
cluded API retrieval and knowledge retrieval tool to
automatically select proper APIs and get access to
the local ModelScope knowledge. As shown in Fig-
ure 3a, ModelScopeGPT can support API calls in
multi-turn conversations and generate correct API
call parameters using information from previous
conversations. More cases can refer to Appendix C.
As a result, ModelScopeGPT has achieved a total
request number of over 170k from 40k user visits
within one month after its release.
Register and Use New Tools Another key fea-
ture of an agent is its generalization capability to
unseen APIs. This allows users to quickly register
their own APIs and customize their specific applica-
tions. Therefore, we test the generalization ability
of ModelScopeGPT by applying it to an Alibaba
Cloud application scenario. As shown in Figure 3b,
we first found an API for renewing an ECS in-
stance on Alibaba Cloud. Then, we registered the
API schema defined in the tool library to the agent.
Finally, we entered the prompt "Please help me re-
new an ECS..." in the demo. The agent generated a
request through planning, selected the appropriate
API, called the API to renew the instance success-
fully, and provided a reply to inform the user that
the renewal was completed. This test demonstrates
that the open-source LLM optimized based on the
released API dataset has a strong generalization
ability towards unseen APIs.
6 Conclusion
ModelScope-Agent aims to facilitate building AI
Agent applications and research based on open-
source LLMs by providing a general and customiz-
able agent framework covering flexible system de-
sign, data collection, model training, evaluation
and usage example in real-world application. It
provides an open-source, community-driven library
towards AI Agent learning and best practices for
building an agent system with open-source LLMs.
We hope ModelScope-Agent can help pave the way
towards a new era of AI Agent.
Ethics Statement
Intended Use. ModelScope-Agent is designed
to facilitate building AI Agent applications and
research based on open-source LLMs, by providing
a general and customizable agent system.
Potential Misuse. Although we have only trained
with the tool-use datasets and gone through certain
data filtering rules, it is still possible that the cus-
tomized model may generate some biased, fake,
and unsafe information. Our agent framework also
provides users with the freedom to select proper
LLMs and upload their own clean data for training.
It is also important to design specific methods to
improve the safety of the agent framework in the
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A Library
A.1 Tool List
API Name (language)
Converts text to an image.
Converts text to an image.
Converts text to a video.
Converts text to audio.
Converts text to audio.
Image chat.
Translates Chinese text to English.
Translates English text to Chinese.
Extracts structured information.
Extracts geographic information.
Recognizes named entities in text.
Retrieves relevant APIs
Retrieves modelscope docs.
Model API
Model API
Model API
Model API
Model API
Model API
Model API
Model API
Model API
Model API
Model API
Common API
Common API
Table 2: The statistics of default tool list. Supported
input languages for the APIs are listed in parentheses.
A.2 CustomTool
User can customize their own tools by inheriting a
base tool and defining the tool names, descriptions,
and parameters according to a pre-defined schema.
Moreover, you can implement _local_call() or _re-
mote_call() depending on your specific require-
ments. To illustrate, below is an example of a
custom tool:
class CustomTool ( Tool ):
description = ’ xxx ’
name = ’ xxx ’
parameters : list = [{
’ name ’: ’ xxx ’,
’ description ’: ’ xxx ’,
’ required ’: True
def _local_call ():
def _remote_call ():
B Experiment Setup
B.1 Evaluation Benchmark
dataset consisted of 360 conversations with 2059
text snippets as the references to be compared with
the agent prediction, which comprise 798 API re-
qusts and 1261 plain text answers according to the
previous calling results.
B.2 Evaluation Results
ChatGPT (2-shot)∗
ROUGE-L Action EM Argument F1
Table 3: Automatic evaluation results. ∗ represents that
we do not fine-tune ChatGPT but use in-context learning
with 2 demonstrations.
We compare the models trained in our proposed
ModelScopeGPT. The automaction evaluation re-
sults are shown in Table 3. Based on the findings
obtained from our experimentation, it is evident
that ChatGPT with in-context learning yielded infe-
rior results as compared to other models that were
subjected to finetuning. Furthermore, LLaMA un-
derperformed when compared to other finetuned
models. Our error study revealed that the lower
performance of ChatGPT and LLaMA could be at-
tributed to a large proportion of Chinese test cases
in our test set. The models (ChatPLUG, Qwen) that
performed better were those that predominantly fo-
cused on Chinese data. Our investigation revealed
that ChatGPT and LLaMA exhibited limitations
in user intent recognition, which ultimately led
to their suboptimal performance on Action EM.
Among the models examined, Qwen displayed the
most favorable performance, which could be at-
tributed to the superior performance of its basic
To assess the generalization of the trained agent,
we include 10 in-domain APIs that appear in the
training set of ModelScope-Agent and 10 real un-
seen APIs10. We also account for the multi-turn
ability of the agent by annotating several multi-turn
scenarios in our evaluation benchmark. Our test
instances were annotated by asking the human ex-
perts to write diverse instructions first. Then the
human experts were ask to write the JSON API
request and answer the instructions properly after
obtaining the API calling results. Our final testing
10In progress, we will include more APIs in the future.
B.3 Weighted LM
We give an example of the training strategy
Weighted LM. As show in Figure 4, tokens with
different colors have different loss weights. For the
user input prompt, we set the loss weight to 0, so
that the model does not calculate the loss for the
prompt. For the API-Agnostic text of the assistant,
we keep the loss weight as 1. Finally, for the im-
portant text of the API calling, such as API name,
parameters, URL, etc., we set the loss weight to 2,
which can improve the generation accuracy of API
Figure 4: Example of training strategy for weighted LM. Different colored tokens have different loss weights.
Figure 5: Single-step tool-use instructions, text-to-video cases. We have captured a few frames of the video to
display. Testing the model using the same semantic instruction in both English (left) and Chinese (right).
Figure 6: Single-step tool-use instructions, image-chat cases. Testing the model using the same semantic instruction
in both English (left) and Chinese (right).
C Cases
In this section, we show the qualitative results
about ModelScopeGPT implementation based on
Single-step Tool Use As shown in Figure 5 and
6, the instruction expects the model to generate a
video and chat about the image respectively. These
instructions can be completed with a single step of
tool use.
Multi-step Tool Use As shown in Figure 7, the
instruction expects the model to write the promo-
tional copy first, then read it, and finally generate a
video. These instructions require the model to have
the ability of multi-step Tool use. In the Chinese
case, our model accurately completed the three-
step tool use.
Multi-turn Tool Use As shown in Figure 8, the
instruction requires the model to have the ability to
multi-turn conversation and use the history conver-
sation. Our model can accurately call the API and
capture the content of the previous conversation to
generate API parameters.
Figure 7: Multi-step tool-use instructions. We have captured a few frames of the video to display. Testing the model
using the same semantic instruction in both English(left) and Chinese(right).
Figure 8: Multi-turn tool-use instructions, text-to-speech and text-to-image cases. Testing the model using the same
semantic instruction in both English(left) and Chinese(right).
Figure 9: Multi-turn tool-use instructions, text-to-speech and text-to-image cases. Testing the model using the same
semantic instruction in both English(left) and Chinese(right).
In-domain Knowledge QA As shown in Figure
9, the instruction requires the model to retrieve in-
domain knowledge and use the retrieved knowledge
to answer questions.
loop would continue until the agent determined
that it was appropriate to terminate the conversa-
tion with the final answer. After acquiring the raw
dataset, we applied filtering mechanisms to elim-
inate instances in which ChatGPT generated API
requests containing hallucinated API names and
parameters that were absent from the retrieved API.
Additionally, we excluded instances in which Chat-
GPT generated illegal API requests, thus resulting
in a refined and finalized dataset.
As introduced in Section 3.1, we collect in-
stances across different languages and topics, the
detailed statistics of our collected data are shown
in Table 4.
Instance Type
Common API
Model API
API-Oriented QA
API-Agnostic Instruction
# Instances
Figure 10: The data collection procedure of MSAgent-
D Data Collection Procedure
We collected our dataset by using prompt engineer
to simulate the agent scenarios with two ChatG-
PTs (gpt-3.5-turbo). One of the ChatGPTs was
prompted to act as the user, while the other was
assigned to act as the agent. In order to expand
the domains and functionalities of APIs presented
in the training data, rather than the exsisting real
APIs, we also included a number of synthetic APIs
that were generated by ChatGPT. When these syn-
thetic APIs were incorporated into the dialogues,
we prompted another ChatGPT to serve as the API
and return the relevant calling outcomes.
The data collection procedure is shown in Fig-
ure 10. Initially, a set of random in-context demon-
strations were provided to ChatGPT for generating
an instruction. This instruction could either be a
regular one or one that requires solving with APIs,
depending on the demonstrations provided. Subse-
quently, ChatGPT was prompt to act as an agent by
first thinking about which action to undertake. If
no API calls were deemed necessary, or if the user
clarification is needed, the agent would respond
with a follow-up response to the user. Otherwise
the agent will send API request to the API gallery.
After receiving the result of the API call, the agent
would assess the situation and decide on the next ac-
tion. This iterative process of the "user-agent-API"
Table 4: The statistics of our collected dataset.
E Related Work
E.1 Large Language Models
Recent years have witnessed rapid development in
the field of Large Language Models (LLMs). Typ-
ical models, such as GPT3 (Brown et al., 2020),
Gopher (Rae et al., 2021), Chinchilla (Hoffmann
et al., 2022), PaLM (Chowdhery et al., 2022) and
LLaMA (Touvron et al., 2023), have shown im-
pressive zero and few-shot generalization abilities
on a wide range of NLP tasks, by scaling up the
model and data size. A remarkable milestone is the
release of ChatGPT (OpenAI, 2022) or GPT4 (Ope-
nAI, 2023), which has greatly revolutionized the
paradigm of AI development. As a result, a rising
trend of open-source LLMs has emerged to chal-
lenge and catch up their closed-source counterparts
like ChatGPT and Claude, such as BLOOM (Muen-
nighoff et al., 2022), LLaMA (Touvron et al.,
2023), Falcon (Almazrouei et al., 2023), Chat-
GLM (THUDM, 2023). Despite the great break-
through, LLMs are trained as text generators over
plain text corpora, thus performing less well on
other tasks such as multi-modal tasks. It also falls
short on tasks that require up-to-date information,
which are beyond the pretraining data. Using tools
or external APIs can help overcome the limitations
and harnesses the power of LLMs to facilitate seam-
as Useras AgentAPI GalleryInstruction orClarificationAPI requestFollow-up orFinal AnswerResultless connections with downstream applications. In
ModelScope-Agent , we provide the whole cus-
tomizable framework and best practices for build-
ing an agent system, which enables open-source
LLMs to use tools and external APIs.
E.2 Agent & Tool Learning
The utilization of Large Language Models (LLMs)
as a controller to construct an agent system has
emerged as a prominent research area. Several re-
lated works employ prompt engineering techniques
on closed-source LLMs, such as ChatGPT (Ope-
nAI, 2022) and Claude, to enable their applica-
tion in specific domains. For instance, Visual-
ChatGPT (Wu et al., 2023) and HuggingGPT (Shen
et al., 2023) facilitate the HuggingFace model call-
ings accessible to OpenAI LLMs. SayCan (Ahn
et al., 2022) and inner monologue (Huang et al.,
2023) integrate LLMs with robots to achieve
robotic systems. Notably, recent works such
as Langchain and Auto-GPT encompass a wide
range of tools, including common APIs and neu-
ral models, and enhance long-term reasoning
and human-agent interaction whilst solving tasks,
which demonstrate the immense potential for build-
ing a generalized agent.
Numerous endeavors have also been made
to enable open-source LLMs to utilize tools.
For instance, Gorilla (Patil et al., 2023) and
GPT4Tools (Yang et al., 2023) generate training
data using self-instruction techniques to train open-
source LLMs to effectively utilize neural mod-
els. ToolAlpaca (Tang et al., 2023) and ToolL-
LaMA (Qin et al., 2023) train LLAMA using com-
mon APIs, with the distinction that ToolAlpaca
employs synthetic APIs from LLMS, whereas Tool-
LLaMA utilizes real APIs.
Overall, compared to the above-mentioned meth-
ods, ModelScope-Agent differs in the following
aspects. Firstly, our method includes a universal
training framework that supports user-customized
agent learning for open-source models to meet in-
dustrial needs. Secondly, ModelScope-Agent can
support various APIs in different fields, including
model APIs and common APIs, while previous
works only support certain specific APIs.
ai_researcher | 8 | LLM_Discussion_Enhancing_the_Creativity_of_Large_Language_Models_via_Discussion_Framework_and_Role-Play.pdf | JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2015
LLM Online Spatial-temporal Signal Reconstruction
Under Noise
Yi Yan, Student Member, IEEE, Dayu Qin, Student Member, IEEE, and Ercan E. Kuruoglu, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—This work introduces the LLM Online Spatial-
temporal Reconstruction (LLM-OSR) framework, which inte-
grates Graph Signal Processing (GSP) and Large Language
Models (LLMs) for online spatial-temporal signal reconstruction.
The LLM-OSR utilizes a GSP-based spatial-temporal signal
handler to enhance graph signals and employs LLMs to predict
missing values based on spatiotemporal patterns. The perfor-
mance of LLM-OSR is evaluated on traffic and meteorological
datasets under varying Gaussian noise levels. Experimental
results demonstrate that utilizing GPT-4-o mini within the LLM-
OSR is accurate and robust under Gaussian noise conditions.
The limitations are discussed along with future research insights,
emphasizing the potential of combining GSP techniques with
LLMs for solving spatiotemporal prediction tasks.
Index Terms—Large Language Model, Graph Signal Process-
ing, spatial-temporal graph, online prediction.
R ECENT advancements in artificial intelligence have led
to breakthroughs in many fields such as healthcare
diagnostics [1] and investment portfolio construction [2],
culminating in the development of Large Language Models.
Large Language Models (LLMs) are a type of artificial intelli-
gence model that is designed for natural language processing
(NLP) tasks for its ability to understand and generate large-
scale texts [3]. BERT is a groundbreaking predecessor to
modern LLMs by demonstrating the power of bidirectional
transformers for natural language understanding [4]. Modern
LLMs, such as GPT-3 [5], GPT-4 [6], ERNIE [7] and Kimi
AI [8], are trained on datasets with billions of words and
typically transformers architecture, to manipulate natural lan-
guage [9]. Several applications of LLMs have been explored:
LLMs enhance interactive machine translation by delivering
high-quality initial translations, adapting efficiently to user
feedback, and minimizing training costs [10]; LLMs enhance
sentiment analysis by generating domain-specific weak labels
and enabling efficient model distillation for practical applica-
tions. [11]. However, LLMs still exhibit certain limitations.
For example, if the information provided to LLMs is insuffi-
cient or the prompt is misleading, inaccurate, or incomplete
healthcare decisions can be made by LLMs which can lead
to physical or psychological harm [12]. Despite their strength
in processing text-based information, LLMs remain limited in
Yi Yan and Dayu Qin contributed equally. Yi Yan was affiliated with
the Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute, Shenzhen International Graduate
School, Tsinghua University, during the completion of this work. Dayu
Qin and Ercan E. Kuruoglu are currently affiliated with the Tsinghua-
Berkeley Shenzhen Institute, Shenzhen International Graduate School, Ts-
inghua University. Corresponding author: Ercan E. Kuruoglu; e-mail: ku-
[email protected].
handling multivariate data structures, necessitating exploration
into methods like Graph Signal Processing (GSP) and Graph
Neural Networks (GNNs) to analyze and model such complex
datasets effectively.
Graph-based methods provide a powerful framework for
modeling and analyzing correlations in complex multi-variate
data and have been applied in many fields, such as neurological
disorders screening [13] and financial crisis prediction [14].
There are some application scenarios that are better suited
for graph methods compared with computer vision (CV) and
natural language processing (NLP) approaches, for instance,
social network analysis [15], [16], traffic prediction [17], and
quantum computing [18]. By exploiting the graph topology,
interactions among multivariate data are captured along with
the multi-variate data, offering task performance that outper-
forms non-graph algorithms. In addition, GSP with spectral
approaches enables efficient representation and extraction of
spectral patterns in addition to the spatial patterns seen in
graphs and has a wide range of applications, including flaw
detection in the wire-based directed energy deposition [19] and
electroencephalography signal processing [20]. Graph-based
methods are conventionally applied to static machine learning
tasks such as classification, regression (on time-invariant data),
and clustering, which involve data analysis without consid-
ering temporal changes [21], [22]. However, some particular
tasks such as traffic prediction, climate modeling, and finan-
cial forecasting, rely heavily on capturing spatial-temporal
dependencies. Spatial-temporal graph algorithms, GSP and
GNNs, were designed to solve these kinds of time-varying
tasks and have succeeded in dealing with such challenges by
effectively modeling relationships and temporal dynamics in
graph-structured data [23], [24], [25], [17].
Some recent studies have further explored the integration
of GSP with Large Language Models (LLMs), revealing sub-
stantial advantages. Firstly, this integration potentially expands
the application of LLMs by enabling them to process and
analyze time-varying graph structure data, which allows LLMs
to engage in graph-based reasoning across varied scenarios
such as academic and e-commerce networks [26]. Secondly,
GSP can leverage LLMs to process time-varying, multivariate
data from a text-based perspective, providing a novel angle for
analyzing dynamic complex networks [26]. Notably, LLMs
on graphs perform well not by relying on data leakage but
because they interpret graphs as languages, where the node
label (signal) is deemed more crucial than the structure itself
[27]. Additionally, the InstructGLM framework demonstrates
how LLMs can effectively represent graph structures through
natural language for node classification in citation networks. T
his approach eliminates the need for complex GNN pipelines
and unifies graph learning with natural language processing,
showcasing the potential of LLMs in graph tasks [28].
In our work, we introduced a novel method, the Large
Language Model for Online Spatial-temporal Reconstruction
(LLM-OSR) algorithm, which combines the strengths of the
time-varying GSP method and LLMs for efficient and accurate
reconstruction of missing signals in dynamic spatiotemporal
complex networks. This integrated approach uses GSP to
denoise or enhance signal features, ensuring high-quality input
for LLM-based prediction tasks. The combination of GSP with
LLMs presents noteworthy advantages. Firstly, this integration
has the potential
to expand the application of LLMs by
enabling them to process and analyze time-varying graph
structure data. Secondly, GSP can leverage LLMs to process
time-varying, multivariate data from a text-based perspective,
providing a novel perspective for analyzing dynamic complex
There are 2 main contributions to our paper:
• We introduced the LLM-OSR algorithm, a novel ap-
proach to reconstructing spatial-temporal signals in an
online manner by seamlessly combining GSP-based tech-
niques with LLM-driven predictors. This innovative ap-
proach effectively reconstructs time-varying graph signals
in the presence of noise and missing values within
spatiotemporal data.
• The LLM-OSR employs a sophisticated reverse embed-
ding approach to transform spatial-temporal signals on
graphs into coherent and contextually meaningful natural
language expressions, making the information readily
interpretable and actionable by LLMs.
Here is the organization of this paper. The preliminary
knowledge is presented in Section II. Section III provides a
detailed discussion of the LLM-OSR. The experimental results
and corresponding discussions are covered in Section IV.
The limitations and some potential future extensions of the
proposed LLM-OSR are discussed in Section V provides an in-
depth discussion of the limitations of LLM-OSR and outlines
potential directions for future research. Finally, Section VI
concludes the paper.
A. GSP Preliminaries
In this paper, we consider an undirected and unweighted
graph G = (V, E), where V = {v1, . . . , vi} is the set of nodes
or vertices, and E is the set of edges. We can represent the
topology of the graph using the adjacency matrix A, where
A ∈ RN ×N and its elements are defined as follows:
Aij =
0, otherwise.
if there is an edge between vi and vj,
The time-varying graph signal x[t] ∈ RN is the multi-variate
numerical data recorded on the graph nodes that change over
In GSP, the spectral operations are defined using the graph
Laplacian matrix L ∈ RN ×N :
L = D − A,
where D is the degree matrix, defined as D = diag(1T A)
and 1 is an all ones vector. The spectral operations are
conducted through GSP by having the GFT as the analogy
of the classical Fourier Transform and can be realized by the
eigendecomposition of L:
L = U diag(λ)UT ,
where U is the orthonormal eigenvalue matrix and λ is
the vector of eigenvalues. In GSP,
the Laplacian matrix
L of an undirected and unweighted is a symmetric semi-
definite matrix. The eigenvectors serve as graph Fourier bases
and eigenvalues represent graph frequencies. The eigenvalue-
eigenvector pairs are sorted in increasing order: smaller eigen-
values correspond to smoother variations (low frequencies) in
the graph signal and larger eigenvalues correspond to rapid
variations (high frequencies) [29].
Spectral operations can be conducted through applying
f =1 h(λ)f to the signal x in the spectral domain
filters (cid:80)F
through GFT:
˜x = U
f =1
h(λ)f UT x,
where ˜x is the processed signal. The formulation in (4) is
also known as the graph convolution. By implementing various
filters, such as high-pass and low-pass filters, we can perform
tasks like denoising and feature enhancement [30].
B. LLM preliminaries
The Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3) is a
transformer-based large-scale autoregressive language model
developed by OpenAI. With 175 billion parameters,
significantly larger than its predecessor, GPT-2, and was
designed to excel in task-agnostic few-shot learning. GPT-3
can perform a wide array of NLP tasks, such as text generation,
translation, summarization, and question answering, without
requiring task-specific fine-tuning. Instead,
leverages in-
context learning, where the model can adapt to new tasks
by interpreting prompts and few-shot demonstrations directly
within its input context [31]. The GPT-3 is capable perform
various tasks, such as creative writing and generating code,
highlighting its broad applicability [5]. Despite these strengths,
GPT-3 has notable limitations, such as struggles with long-
term coherence, logical consistency, and susceptibility to gen-
erating factually incorrect or biased content. Building on the
GPT-3 foundation, GPT-4 introduces several key advance-
ments that address some of these limitations of GPT-3. GPT-4
offers improved performance across a wider range of tasks and
demonstrates enhanced capabilities in reasoning, inference,
and contextual understanding by incorporating improvements
such as multimodal processing, larger context window, and
optimized scaling laws to deliver more accurate and reliable
outputs [32]. These technical improvements enable GPT-4 to
tackle more complex tasks, such as multimodal reasoning and
handling intricate logical chains, with greater precision. For
example, the GPT-4 is capable of scoring in the top 10% on
simulated bar exams, compared to GPT-3.5, which could score
only at the bottom 10% [33].
Fig. 1. An overview of the LLM-OSR workflow
Algorithm 1 LLM-OSR Overview
A. Methodology overview
The LLM-OSR algorithm reconstructs missing graph sig-
nals by combining GSP-based processing and LLM prediction.
To provide an intuition of the LLM-OSR, it first enhances sig-
nal features with GSP and then predicts missing values via the
LLM for time-varying spatiotemporal data. The entire process
operates online, meaning that the spatiotemporal reconstruc-
tion is performed in real time as new signal observations are
continuously received and processed by the LLM-OSR. The
signal observation model used in LLM-OSR can be expressed
o[t] = M(xg[t] + ϵ[t]),
where M is the observation mask, xg[t] is the ground truth
graph signal, and ϵ[t]) is the i.i.d. zero-mean additive Gaussian
noise to the graph signal. Consider a graph G with a total of
N nodes, and a subset of these nodes O ⊆ V, where only O
out of N nodes are observed. Using the observation set O,
we can construct a masking matrix M to model the signal
M = diag([O(v1), . . . , O(vO)]T ),
where the membership of a node vi in the observation set is
defined as:
O(vi) =
if vi ∈ O,
if vi /∈ O.
Here, O(vi) acts as an indicator function that determines
whether vi belongs to the observed set, and M is a di-
agonal matrix with entries corresponding to these indicator
values. This assumption is fundamental in various applications,
including climate change analysis [34], skeleton-based gait
recognition [35], and brain studies [36]. The workflow of one
iteration of LLM-OSR is shown in Figure 1. An overview of
the LLM-OSR framework is shown in Algorithm 1.
B. GSP-based Spatial-temporal Signal Handler
The proposed GSP-based Spatial-temporal Signal Handler
aims to leverage GSP techniques to denoise and enhance
spatial-temporal signals to prepare the data for the LLM-based
spatial-temporal signal predictor.
During the training phase of LLM-SRO, the goal is to learn
the optimal filter parameters within the GSP-based spatial-
temporal signal handler from the training data. In our case,
the signal observations received by
since we assume that
1: Train Phase:
2: Initialize and train the GSP-based spatial-temporal signal
handler as seen in Algorithm 2
3: Testing Phase:
4: Deploy the trained GSP-based spatial-temporal signal han-
5: Prepare the LLM-based spatial-temporal signal predictor
6: while new observations o[t] are available do
Gather ˆx[t − 1], the previous signal estimate
Process the observations o[t] with the GSP-based
spatial-temporal signal handler and Collect the
processed observations ˜o[t]
Pass ˜o[t] and ˆx[t − 1] into the LLM-based spatial-
temporal signal predictor
Operate the LLM-based spatial-temporal signal
predictor as seen in Algorithm 3
Collect reconstructed ˆx[t]
12: end while
the LLM-OSR contain noise and missing nodes, we would
like to let the GSP-based spatial-temporal handler perform a
denoising task and feed the denoised observations to the LLM-
based spatial-temporal signal predictor. To give an overview,
the LLM-OSR takes a universal approach to learning the
filter parameters (cid:80)F
f =1 h(λ)f in (4) by iteratively applying
the graph convolution (4) to the training data, calculating the
loss of the estimation, and updating the filter parameter. We
augment the training set by concatenating multiple copies to
increase the number of time samples. During each iteration, the
GSP-based spatial-temporal handler is trained using data from
a single time instance. First, we apply the graph convolution
operation in (4) to obtain the signal representation. Next,
we compute the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) between the
predicted output and the ground truth at each time instance t,
serving as the performance metric for the current filter:
MAE[t] =
|xg,n[t] − ˜xn[t]|,
where ˜x is the processed graph signal, ˆxn[t] it the processed
signal on the nth node within ˜x, and xg,n[t] is the signal on
the nth node within the ground truth signal xg[t]. The actual
learning and updating of the filter are done by calculating
the gradient of the MAE with respect to the filter parameters
Observe instananous graph signal 𝒙[𝑡](noisy and missing)GSP-based Spatiotemporal Signal Handler𝒙[𝑡]viewed on graph 𝒢LLM-based Spatiotemporal Signal PredictorDenoised signal 𝒙(cid:3557) [𝑡]Predicted signal 𝒙(cid:3549) [𝑡+1]Repeat as new observation are receivedJOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2015
Fig. 2. The training process of the GSP-based spatial-temporal signal handler.
f =1 h(λ)f , denoted as ∇HMAE then updated the filter
parameters using the gradient descent rule:
f =1
h(λ)f =
f =1
h(λ)f − η · ∇hMAE[t],
where η is the learning rate. We repeat this process is repeated
iteratively until we run out of training samples or when the
MSE converges to a steady value (early stopping). Since the
graph filter parameters are applied within the graph convo-
lution, it is essentially learned based on the knowledge of
both the graph structure and associated graph signals. These
parameters are optimized to minimize noise and preserve
important spatial and spectral graph features in the data.
Once training is complete, the learned GSP filter parameters
are fixed and stored in the GSP-based spatial-temporal signal
handler for use during the test phase. We assume that the
signals in the training set and the testing set have similar
spectrums. During the test phase, the pre-trained GSP-based
spatial-temporal signal handler is applied to unseen test sam-
ples o[t] as they are received in real-time to enhance their
quality by denoising. In other words, since each test sample
o[t] is an observation with missing values and noise, the pre-
trained GSP-based spatial-temporal signal handler is applying
a series of graph filters (cid:80)F
f =1 h(λ)f to o[t] to denoise using
the graph convolution (4). Since the process is completed
through the graph convolution (4), the signal observations
are processed with the knowledge of the underlying spatial
structure of the graph G. The logic of training and deploying
the GSP-based spatial-temporal signal handler data can be
found in Figure 2.
C. LLM-based spatial-temporal signal predictor
The first step of our LLM-based spatial-temporal signal
predictor is a reverse embedding function to process the
denoised signals. In NLP tasks, the embedding process typi-
cally involves transforming words, phrases, or sentences into
numerical vectors by mapping them into a designated feature
space [37]. In conventional graph embedding tasks, data on
the graph is typically transformed into a feature space using
methods such as GCN or Node2Vec, similar to traditional
NLP embeddings [38]. Here in the LLM-OSR, we take a
reverse approach to the conventional embedding approaches
such as the Node2Vec. Since the time-varying graph signal
observations o[t] are already numerical, instead of embedding
data into designated space, we directly represent the local
Algorithm 2 GSP-based spatial-temporal signal handler
1: Train Phase:
2: Given the training data x[1] . . . x[T ]
3: Initialize graph Laplacian L = D − A (2) and GFT
L = UΛUT (3)
4: Initialize filter parameters h(Λ)
5: while halting condition not met do
Apply ˜x[t] = Udiag(h(Λ))UT x[t], the graph
convolution, as seen in (4)
Compute MAE at each time instance t:
MAE[t] = 1
Calculate gradient ∇hMAE with respect to h(Λ)
Update filter parameters using gradient descent:
h(Λ) = h(Λ) − η · ∇hMAE as seen in (9)
n=1 |xg,n[t] − ˜xn[t]| as seen in (8)
10: end while
11: Export the parameters after training is complete
12: Test Phase:
13: for each received test observation sample o[t] containing
noise and missing node observation do
Process o[t] using graph convolution and the trained
filter diag(h(Λ)): ˜o[t] = Udiag(h(Λ))UT o[t]
Apply ˜o[t] to be fed into LLM for reconstruction
16: end for
topological connections of nodes on the graph in the spatial
domain through LLM natural language expressions (English
passages), which consists of text and numbers. Mathemati-
cally, extracting the 1-hop localized neighbors of the node vi
can be achieved by identifying the nonzero entries in the ith
row of the adjacency matrix A. This can be expressed as:
Neighbors(vi) = Avi = {vj | A[i, j] ̸= 0, j ̸= i},
where Neighbors(vi) represents the set of neighboring nodes
of vi . Notice that in our problem setting, there is only a
subset of the nodes being observed. So in the implementation
of LLM-OSR, we only consider the processed node signals
from the observed node neighbors.
These expressions are then further put into the prompt as the
tasks T (vi) on each node to be solved by the LLMs, specifying
the LLM to conduct a prediction based on the spatial-temporal
information. In the spatial domain, the task T (vi) will consist
of an expression of which nodes are neighbors to node vi and
the processed observed values of its neighbors. In the temporal
domain, the task T (vi) will consist of an expression of the
past estimated signal values of node vi. Conceptually, we
Iterate until denoise objective metGFTIGFTGSP filter learningTraining set: noise signal 𝒙1… 𝒙TGSP-based Spatiotemporal Signal HandlerObtain GSP modelJOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2015
Fig. 3. The LLM-based Spatial-temporal Signal Predictor.
can understand the task of the LLM as to aggregate neighbor
signals of vi with self-aggregation; this task can be denoted
T (vi) = agg ({(ˆxi[t − 1], ˜xj[t]) | j ∈ (Avi ∪ O)}) .
This approach shifts the role of the LLM from performing
logical reasoning or mathematical calculations, which is a
known weakness of the LLM, to generating data based on
semantic understanding and context, leveraging the strengths
of LLM in processing natural
language descriptions. The
aim of the LLM-based Spatial-temporal Signal predictor is
to let the LLM leverage the smoothness assumption to infer
the target values of each node based on the values of its
neighboring nodes (spatial) and the past estimation (temporal).
The LLMs used within our LLM-OSR framework are GPT-
3.5-turbo and GPT-4-o mini, which belong to the GPT-3
and GPT-4 families, respectively. The GPT-3 leverages in-
context learning to perform various tasks—such as translation,
question answering, and text completion—without requiring
task-specific fine-tuning [31]. The architecture of the GPT-3
is based on transformers and was trained on a diverse dataset
sourced primarily from the internet. GPT-4 further builds upon
the GPT-3 foundation, incorporating key advancements such
as multimodal capabilities, a larger context window, optimized
scaling laws, and improved safety mechanisms [32]. These en-
hancements result in significant improvements in inference and
logical reasoning of GPT-4, demonstrating better performance
compared to GPT-3 at understanding prompts, generating more
coherent and contextually appropriate responses, and handling
complex tasks requiring step-by-step reasoning [33]. These
improvements make GPT-4 more suitable for our tasks of
online spatial-temporal signal reconstruction, which involves
complex reasoning and spatial-temporal pattern recognition.
The integration of LLMs with the rest of the components
within the LLM-based Spatial-temporal Signal Predictor is
facilitated through the OpenAI API. To be specific, LLM-OSR
directly utilizes the pre-trained model provided and deployed
on the OpenAI server. That is, the LLM-OSR does not perform
any additional training or fine-tuning. The API provides access
to the vanilla model as-is, leveraging its existing knowledge
and capabilities to generate predictions. This allows us to
take full advantage of the robust, generalized understanding
embedded in the model, ensuring a streamlined and efficient
process for spatial-temporal signal forecasting.
We followed the approach of structuring the interaction of
the reversely embedded graph signal expression with the LLM
using a dual-role setup where the LLM contains a system
role and a user role. The system role serves as the super-
vision guide, providing the global task context and specific
constraints to shape the behavior of the LLM. For our spa-
tiotemporal task, this role defines the objective as predicting
the current value of a graph node based on its previous value
and the values of its neighbors, while also enforcing strict
output requirements. In our LLM-OSR, the system instructs
the LLM to produce only a single numeric value as output,
rounded to a certain decimal place, and to avoid any extraneous
text or reasoning. This ensures consistency and simplicity in
the generated responses. Below is an example of system role
content we used in LLM-OSR:
The spatiotemporal task is to predict the current
number on a graph based on its previous value and
the value of its neighbors.
The user role, on the other hand, dynamically generates
task-specific prompts that supply the LLM with the required
details for each individual prediction. Here is an example of
directly expressing the neighborhood relationship along with
the signals for the user role using natural language expression:
Each indexed content is independent. Make 1 nu-
meric prediction per indexed context. Precision
round to 1 decimal point. Do not output text. Do
not recall memories. Time 1439, Entity index: 322.
Previous: 61.5, Neighbors: [63.9, 57.4].
These prompts include precise temporal and spatial context,
such as the time index, the node index, the previous value of
the node, and a list of observed values from its neighbors.
By structuring the user prompts this way, we ensure that each
query to the LLM is both clear and contextually complete,
reducing ambiguity in the response.
Furthermore, the interaction process is optimized by batch-
ing multiple prompts for efficiency. When a new observation
is received in the LLM-OSR, the user role creates a batch of
prompts corresponding in real-time. These batched prompts
are sent to the LLM in a single API call, with each prompt
corresponding to the task T (vi) on a single node, leveraging
the prompt-response structure to efficiently handle multiple
Notice that we further included an error-checking function
for invalid LLM responses. If an LLM call fails, such as
when the LLM response does not include a valid numeric
value, our implementation automatically retries the failed
predictions. This retry mechanism regenerates the prompts for
the unresolved cases and resubmits them to the LLM, with a
LLM as predictorGSP denoised signal 𝒙(cid:3557) [𝑡]Predicted signal 𝒙(cid:3549) [𝑡+1]LLM:𝒯(𝑣(cid:2869))…𝒯(𝑣(cid:3041))Node-level task 𝒯𝑣(cid:3041)of each missing node 𝑣(cid:3041)𝒯𝑣(cid:2869) ... 𝒯𝑣(cid:3041)Localized representationsPredict𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑡signalNextobservation of 𝑣(cid:3041)?Previous estimation of 𝑣(cid:3041): 59.2Neighbors of 𝑣(cid:3041): 67.9, … , 68.8Prompting logic:JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2015
predefined maximum number of retries. This additional error-
checking function ensures that exceptions and invalid LLM
outputs are handled robustly, even in cases where the LLM
struggles to produce a valid prediction.
By combining the system and user roles with these efficient
handling mechanisms,
this structured approach allows the
LLM to focus on its core strength of generating numeric
predictions while providing the necessary temporal and spatial
context for accurate, context-aware results. An illustration of
the prompts that provide the content and context to the LLM
for solving the node-level tasks T (vi)(cid:12)
(cid:12)v=1...N can be found
in Figure 4.
Algorithm 3 LLM-based spatial-temporal signal predictor
1: Initialize the LLM model and form the system and user
role prompt templates
2: while new processed observations ˜o[t] are available from
the GSP-based spatial-temporal signal handler do
Collect the output from the GSP-based filter
spatial-temporal signal handler
for each missing node vi in set V − O do
Collect ˆxi[t − 1], the previous estimation of vi
Collect node neighborhood for vi using (10)
and the corresponding processed observed
neighbor signals of node vi in ˜o[t]
Form LLM task T (vi) from aggregation (11)
and their corresponding prompts
Feed T (vi) and their corresponding prompts into
the LLM
Let LLM predict ˆxi[t]
end for (Retry if output invalid)
Collect all node reconstructions and map them to ˆx[t]
11: end while
A. Experiment Setting
Here we will provide a brief discussion about the datasets,
tested algorithms, and experiment settings.
1) Dataset Description:
• Traffic Data: We utilize the publicly available Seattle
Loop Detector Dataset [39], which contains traffic flow
data collected from loop detectors on the highways in
the Seattle area. This dataset provides hourly traffic
readings that are essential for analyzing spatiotemporal
patterns. The experimental setup includes the addition
of Gaussian noise with variances of 1.0 and 1.5 to
evaluate the robustness of the models under varying levels
of data corruption. The graph topology is constructed
by mapping the physical locations of N = 323 loop
detectors to their corresponding positions along the actual
highway path. Each loop detector is a node on the graph
G. The traffic speed is recorded in 5-minute intervals. We
selected a sub-portion of the signal consisting of 7 days
of reading, making the size of the data R323×2016. The
recordings from the first 576 will be in the training set to
tune or learn the model parameters and the rest are in the
testing set. An illustration of 4 different time instances
of this time-varying dataset can be found in Figure 5,
• Meteorological Data: Hourly wind speed and temper-
ature data are obtained from NOAA [40]. Because of
the behavior differences between wind speed and tem-
perature, we analyze them as separate datasets in the
experiments. Each node in the dataset corresponds to a
geographic location defined by its latitude and longitude.
We selected N = 197 stations that contain no missing
recordings in 3 consecutive days, giving us R197×96. We
split the first 24 time steps into the training set and the
rest into the testing set. To capture the spatial dependen-
cies among nodes, a k-nearest-neighbor (kNN) graph is
constructed, where the edges’ weights are computed by
using a Gaussian kernel method which is described in the
GNLMS framework [41].
the node observation ratio to be 70% for all
We set
datasets. The missing nodes are missing throughout the entire
experiment, making it challenging to infer the missing signals
without the utilization of the graph topology. The goal of
the experiments is that given an observation o[t] that is only
partially observed, reconstruct the ground truth signal xg[t]
from the observation and past p estimations.
2) Considered Algorithms: We consider 2 distinct settings
of the LLM-OSR. The first setting is to use GPT-3.5 turbo
as the LLM within the LLM-OSR; we denote this setting as
the LLM-OSR-3.5. The second setting is to use GPT-4-o mini
as the LLM within the LLM-OSR, denoted as LLM-OSR-4.
The 2 LLM-OSR variants will be evaluated against a variety
of baseline algorithms, including graph adaptive filters, graph
time-series analysis algorithms, and GNNs:
• GLMS [42]: An adaptive filter designed for online graph
signal estimation under Gaussian noise, derived from an
LMS optimization problem.
• GNLMS [43]: A variant of the GLMS that incorporates
spectral normalization to enhance performance.
• GNS [44]: An adaptive filter developed for online graph
signal estimation under impulsive noise, derived from an
L1 optimization problem.
• GCN [22]: A widely recognized graph neural network
(GNN) where each layer applies the graph convolution
(4), incorporating spatial normalization and a non-linear
activation function.
• GVARMA [45]: A time-series analysis method that ex-
tends the classical VARMA model into the graph signal
processing (GSP) domain by defining ARMA parameters
using the graph Fourier transform (GFT) in the graph
spectral domain.
• GGARCH [46]: A time-series analysis method analo-
gous to the classical GARCH model, adapted to the GSP
domain by defining GARCH parameters using the GFT
in the graph spectral domain.
• RGDAN [17]: A GNN architecture that combines graph
diffusion-based modeling with spatial and temporal at-
tention mechanisms to capture complex relationships in
graph-structured data.
Notice that other than the adaptive filters and the LLM-OSRs,
Fig. 4. The prompts prepared for LLM and the responses generated by the LLM (GPT-4o mini).
the other algorithms are offline algorithms during training.
3) Computational Environment: The experiments are con-
ducted on a workstation equipped with the following hardware
and software:
• CPU: Intel Core i9-13900K
• GPU: NVIDIA RTX 4090 with 24GB of G6X memory
• Operating System: Windows 11
These computational resources provide sufficient computa-
tional power for handling large-scale graph computations and
training the LLM-OSR model.
B. LLM-OSR on Traffic Prediction
The enhanced multilingual proficiency of GPT-4 enables it
to excel in low-resource languages, and its optimized scaling
laws ensure predictable improvements. LLM on graphs per-
form well not because of leakage, LLM understands graphs
as languages instead of the topological structures, and the node
label (signal) is more important than structure: [27].
The results of our experiments, as summarized in Tables
I and II, demonstrate the significant performance improve-
ments achieved by the LLM-OSR models in traffic prediction
tasks on the Seattle Loop Dataset. Specifically, LLM-OSR-
4 consistently outperforms all baseline models in terms of
both RMSE and MAE. These include GSP-based methods
like GLMS, GNLMS, and GNS, GNN-based algorithms such
as GCN and RGDAN, and time-series analysis algorithms
like GVARMA and GGARCH. These findings emphasize the
ability of LLMs to understand graph-encoded traffic data by
interpreting node-level signals as linguistic constructs instead
of reading numerical data stored as graph representations or
numerical embeddings. This unique approach allows LLM-
OSR to extract richer, more contextually relevant patterns,
thereby leading to superior predictive performance.
The experimental
reveal a performance
results further
gap between LLM-OSR-3.5 and LLM-OSR-4. While GPT-
4-based LLM-OSR-4 achieves good performance, GPT-3.5-
based LLM-OSR-3.5 struggles significantly, often performing
worse than many baseline graph-based methods. This perfor-
mance disparity highlights the enhanced modeling capabilities
of GPT-4, which can better understand the prompt and node-
level signals and adapt to noisy inputs compared to GPT-3.5.
It also shows that earlier LLM versions like GPT-3.5 may lack
the robustness required for spatiotemporal graph tasks.
12.23 ± 3.9e+00
4.05 ± 1.6e-01
8.04 ± 2.1e-03
7.91 ± 1.2e-03
8.55 ± 1.5e-03
26.93 ± 7e-02
21.75 ± 1.3e-03
21.73 ± 4.0e-04
5.32 ± 3.2e-01
13.76 ± 4.0e-00
4.69 ± 6.8e-03
8.07 ± 2.1e-03
7.91 ± 9.0e-04
8.55 ± 2.3e-03
26.95 ± 4e-02
21.75 ± 1.3e-03
21.73 ± 1.3e-03
6.61 ± 2.1e+00
3.52 ± 3.8e-01
2.88 ± 2.3e-02
5.09 ± 1.8e-03
4.88 ± 9.3e-04
4.69 ± 1.6e-03
19.22 ± e+00
18.53 ± 3.7e-04
18.54 ± 3.5e-04
3.23 ± 1.3e-01
4.23 ± 3.3e-01
3.62 ± 7.4e-03
5.12 ± 2.4e-03
4.89 ± 7.6e-04
4.70 ± 1.2e-03
19.22 ± e+00
18.53 ± 1.2e-03
18.55 ± 1.2e-03
3.96 ± 1.2e+00
C. LLM-OSR on Weather Prediction
The performance of LLM-OSR models on weather predic-
tion tasks, as presented in Tables III, IV, V, and VI, highlights
their capability in handling spatiotemporal graph data under
varying noise conditions. Gaussian noise with variances of 0.2,
0.6, and 1.0 was added to simulate real-world data. The results
show that while LLM-OSR-4 excels under lower noise levels,
its performance degrades more significantly compared to other
models as noise variance increases, which reveals a limitation
of current LLM-based approaches.
For hourly wind speed prediction, LLM-OSR-4 achieves
exceptional results. When the noise variance is 0.2 and 0.6 it
outperforms all baselines. For noise variances of 0.6 and 1.0,
GPT-4o miniAAAAAAAAAAAA{"id":"chatcmpl-AWML5QOAk67fsedip6q31IqOLB5AU","object":"chat.completion","created":1732275731,"model":"gpt-4o-min","choices":[{"index":0,"message":{"role":"assistant","content":"60.4","refusal":null},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":"stop"}],"usage":{"prompt_tokens":106,"completion_tokens":3,"total_tokens":109,"prompt_tokens_details":{"cached_tokens":0,"audio_tokens":0},"completion_tokens_details":{"reasoning_tokens":0,"audio_tokens":0,"accepted_prediction_tokens":0,"rejected_prediction_tokens":0}},"system_fingerprint":null,"code":0,"msg":"ok"}AAAAAA{"model":"gpt-4o-mini","messages":[{"role":"system","content":"Thespatiotemporal task is to predict the current number on a graph based on its previous value and the value of its neighbors."},{"role":"user","content":"Eachindexed content is independent. Make 1 numeric prediction per indexed context. Precision round to 1 decimal point. Do not output text. Do not recall memories. Time index: 1439, Entity index: 322. Previous: 61.5, Neighbors: [63.9, 57.4]"}]}JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2015
Fig. 5. The Seattle loop dataset at 4 different time instances.
LLM-OSR-4 ranks as the best-performing in terms of RMSE
and second-best-performing in terms of MAE. Its second-
best-performing cases are surpassed only by RGDAN, a re-
cently proposed, sophisticated model that combines spatial and
temporal embeddings. RGDAN achieves this by leveraging
GNN diffusion attention mechanisms for spatial embeddings
and with temporal attention for temporal embeddings. These
embeddings are then integrated using transformer attention,
making the RDGAN a powerful algorithm [17]. it is worth
noting that both RDGAN and GPT-4-o mini are attention-
based algorithms, which highlights the potential for LLM-
OSR to further enhance its performance. We will discuss
several potential approaches that could potentially boost the
performance of LLM-OSR in the next section. In hourly tem-
perature prediction tasks, LLM-OSR-4 maintains its leading
performance under low noise conditions for a noise variance of
0.2. However, its performance declines as noise increases com-
pared with RGDAN, but is still the second-best-performing
algorithm among all the tested algorithms. Looking at the
results within the LLMs, the LLM-OSR-4 outperforms LLM-
OSR-3.5 again, suggesting that the GPT-4-o mini is a more
appropriate choice than the GPT-3.5 turbo for LLM-OSR.
The results suggest that the performance of LLM-OSR-4
will degrade as the noise variance increases in comparison to
non-LLM methods such as RGDAN. Theoretically, algorithms
are expected to perform worse as noise increases, but LLM-
OSR-4 appears more sensitive to this degradation. This is
likely due to the inherent limitations of LLMs. While the GSP-
based spatial-temporal handler is capable of noise reduction,
it does not completely eliminate noise. The residual noise
within the processed signals ˜o[t] leads to degraded predictions
of LLM-OSR. Another potential factor that leads to reduced
robustness under high noise conditions is the lack of fine-
tuning or retraining of the LLM in the LLM-OSR. We ac-
knowledge the limitations and have considered them in our
experimental design. A more detailed discussion of this issue
will be presented in the next section. Despite these challenges,
the strong performance of LLM-OSR-4 under Gaussian noise
conditions demonstrates its potential for spatial-temporal sig-
nal prediction tasks with noisy real-world datasets.
4.58 ± 9.1e-01
1.39 ± 6.1e-03
2.19 ± 1.8e-03
2.18 ± 1.5e-03
2.38 ± 5.8e-03
2.65 ± 1e-02
1.83 ± 9.0e-02
4.07 ± 6.7e-03
3.71± 1.9e-03
5.11 ± 9.8e-01
1.70 ± 7.5e-03
2.21 ± 2.9e-03
2.20 ± 3.3e-03
2.39 ± 6.7e-03
2.82 ± 4.2e-01
1.89 ± 5.2e-02
4.09 ± 1.0e-02
3.73 ± 3.2e-03
5.06 ± 4.9e-01
1.91 ± 1.1e-02
2.22 ± 5.4e-03
2.21 ± 5.8e-03
2.39 ± 8.2e-03
2.68 ± 5e-02
1.97 ± 5.4e-02
4.11 ± 1.5e-02
3.76 ± 6.7e-03
2.77 ± 8.8e-01
1.01 ± 6.3e-03
1.75 ± 1.5e-03
1.74 ± 1.3e-03
1.87 ± 3.8e-03
2.10 ± 4.1e-02
1.35 ± 6.2e-02
3.15 ± 4.2e-03
3.10 ± 1.9e-03
3.09 ± 8.4e-01
1.35 ± 6.3e-03
1.76 ± 1.9e-03
1.75 ± 2.1e-03
1.88 ± 4.5e-03
2.22 ± 1.5e-02
1.43 ± 3.5e-02
3.17 ± 6.5e-03
3.12 ± 3.9e-03
5.06 ± 4.9e-01
1.54 ± 1.0e-02
1.77 ± 3.7e-03
1.76 ± 3.8e-03
3.53 ± 5.9e-03
2.12 ± 3.4e-02
1.51 ± 3.6e-02
3.19 ± 9.0e-03
3.14 ± 7.7e-03
The LLM-OSR demonstrated an impressive ability to cap-
in graph
ture complex relationships and patterns inherent
structures while conducting 1-step online prediction on time-
varying graph signals. However, as we developed the LLM-
OSR, several limitations and challenges emerged that must
be addressed when leveraging LLMs on time-varying graph
Let us discuss the LLM-related limitations in the LLM-
OSR. First, LLMs are known to have difficulties in under-
standing numerical data [47]. In our experiments, there are rare
occasions that the LLM will output a NaN instead of giving
25323845525966Speed (mph)JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2015
4.90 ± 9.2e-01
1.23 ± 7.5e-03
4.41 ± 5.1e-03
4.40 ± 5.7e-03
5.53 ± 1.6e-02
3.09 ± 5.3e-02
1.33 ± 1.9e-01
3.13 ± 2.7e-03
3.22 ± 2.7e-03
4.97 ± 6.8e-01
1.54 ± 4.8e-03
4.43 ± 7.1e-03
4.41 ± 7.0e-03
5.54 ± 2.9e-02
3.10 ± 6.3e-02
1.33 ± 9.3e-02
3.17 ± 4.7e-03
3.26 ± 4.7e-03
4.65 ± 7.7e-01
1.72 ± 6.0e-03
4.45 ± 9.1e-03
4.42 ± 9.1e-03
5.57 ± 1.8e-02
3.13 ± 7.4e-02
1.37 ± 1.3e-01
3.22 ± 4.4e-03
3.30 ± 6.1e-03
1.78 ± 1.3e-01
0.90 ± 4.1e-03
3.03 ± 1.3e-03
3.02 ± 1.6e-03
3.58 ± 3.8e-03
2.32 ± 4.1e-02
0.98 ± 1.4e-01
2.29 ± 3.1e-03
2.38 ± 2.8e-03
1.97 ± 8.0e-02
1.19 ± 3.2e-03
3.05 ± 3.6e-03
3.03 ± 3.1e-03
3.55 ± 8.2e-03
2.32 ± 1.5e-02
0.99 ± 6.5e-02
2.34 ± 5.3e-03
2.43 ± 4.6e-03
2.02 ± 8.2e-02
1.35 ± 3.6e-03
3.07 ± 4.0e-03
3.04 ± 3.4e-03
3.53 ± 5.9e-03
2.29 ± 4.4e-02
1.04 ± 1.0e-01
2.39 ± 3.7e-03
2.47 ± 4.5e-03
us a numeric output. This limitation can be addressed in the
future when more powerful LLMs are proposed. Diving deeper
into the aspect of the intrinsic limitation of LLMs, we noticed
that poorly designed prompts often fail to generate accurate
numerical outputs or even any prediction at all. Prompts that
are inaccurate or of low accuracy can significantly impair the
capabilities of LLM. [48] To improve numerical understand-
ing, prompts should be carefully designed to provide clear
instructions and context[49]. In LLM-OSR, LLMs are used
as predictors, which means that we do not train or tune the
LLMs and let LLMs make zero-shot predictions. The decision
not to fine-tune the LLM-OSR models stems from several
considerations. However, fine-tuning large language models,
such as GPT-4, requires significant computational resources
and time. In addition, fine-tuning requires an appropriate
balance between the size of the training dataset and the number
of parameters in the model. In our case, the available datasets
are relatively small compared to the parameter size of GPT-4,
making fine-tuning or retraining the LLMs only marginally
effective. One potential workaround to retraining and fine-
tuning the LLMs would be including examples within the
prompt that demonstrate how numerical outputs are expected;
this can transform the LLM predictors from zero-shot learners
to few-shot learners, which is expected to help guide the
model for more accurate predictions. We expect there will be a
performance increase if the LLMs are fine-tuned or deployed
as a few-shot learning predictor instead of the current zero-
shot predictor [50].
There are also spatio-temporal graph-related limitations that
could be addressed in future research. In the spatial domain,
our current LLM-OSR is limited to processing one node
neighborhood per LLM prompt. When a single prompt is
used to process multiple nodes, the outputs are frequently
incomplete or contain extraneous elements, as LLMs exhibit
limited capability in handling multiple sequences of numbers
in a single call. In other words, whenever we attempt to process
N nodes together, LLM often returns a number of prediction
outputs that are not N , and it becomes nearly impossible
to align the output when the number of inputs and outputs
are mismatched. In the temporal domain, LLMs struggle
to comprehend long temporal behaviors and predict longer
temporal sequences[51]. These limitations could potentially be
solved by more advanced graph representation approaches and
advanced programming techniques.
During the development of LLM-OSR, we have encoun-
tered challenges in terms of scalability and computational
complexity. Currently, the speed of completing each LLM call
is constrained by the speed at which LLMs process the input
tokens and generate output tokens. Combined with the fact that
we are processing one node neighborhood per prompt, the run
speed of LLM-OSR is significantly dragged down. We also
notice that in our current setting, each LLM call will have
to provide content in the prompt describing the task along
with the reversely embedded graph signals. Otherwise, the
performance will significantly decrease as we progress. This
is likely due to the fact that LLMs have limited long-term
memory capabilities [52]. Similarly, when the LLM generates
outputs, the numerical are often associated with contextual
text even when the prompt asks it to output only numerical
outputs without text. These limitations lead to a significant
amount of unintended token usage that bottlenecks the I/O
and bandwidth of LLM-OSR, making it challenging to scale
to larger graphs and longer temporal sequences. Other than
improving the LLMs themselves, an approach that we plan to
take in the future is to implement LLM-OSR using distributive
Lastly, we would like to expand the fields of applications
of LLM-OSR. For instance, we aim to investigate how LLM-
OSR performs in applications involving impulsive and heavy-
tailed noise, such as communication systems [53] and medical
imaging [54]. A potential approach involves modeling the
noise not with a Gaussian distribution, but with α-stable distri-
butions. These distributions are well-suited for such scenarios
due to their heavy tails and impulsive characteristics. Incor-
porating α-stable distributions into LLM-OSR may enhance
its robustness by enabling it to handle extreme values more
effectively, thereby improving model stability in datasets with
long-tailed distributions [55], [56]. Furthermore, we aim to
enhance the contextual handling capabilities of LLM-OSR
to broaden its applications by leveraging its contextual in-
ference power of LLM beyond numerical multivariate data.
This expansion could pave the way for developing LLM-OSR
variants tailored to CV and artificial intelligence applications
in scientific domains, such as document image understanding
[57] and material science [58].
The LLM-OSR algorithm shows significant potential
reconstructing spatial-temporal graph signals by combining
GSP-based denoise handler with LLM-based prediction. Ex-
perimental results highlight the superior performance of LLM-
OSR-4 in capturing spatial-temporal dependencies and it
achieves high accuracy in signal reconstruction for traffic and
weather datasets.
While the current performance of LLM-OSR is promising,
significant work remains to fully unleash the capabilities of
LLMs in spatial-temporal prediction to address the current
limitations. The LLM-OSR could serve as a foundation to
spark future studies, driving innovation and exploration in
the intersection of large language models and dynamic graph
signal prediction.
This work is supported by the Tsinghua Shenzhen In-
ternational Graduate School Start-up fund under Grant
QD2022024C, Shenzhen Science and Technology Innova-
tion Commission under Grant JCYJ20220530143002005, and
Shenzhen Ubiquitous Data Enabling Key Lab under Grant
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ai_researcher | 1 | Measurement_of_socio-scientific_reasoning_(SSR)_and_exploration_of_SSR_as_a_progression_of_competencies.pdf | An analytical framework to nowcast well-being using mobile
phone data
Luca Pappalardo *† · Maarten Vanhoof ‡ · Lorenzo Gabrielli † ·
Zbigniew Smoreda ‡ · Dino Pedreschi * · Fosca Giannotti †
Abstract An intriguing open question is whether mea-
surements made on Big Data recording human activi-
ties can yield us high-fidelity proxies of socio-economic
development and well-being. Can we monitor and pre-
dict the socio-economic development of a territory just
by observing the behavior of its inhabitants through
the lens of Big Data? In this paper, we design a data-
driven analytical framework that uses mobility mea-
sures and social measures extracted from mobile phone
data to estimate indicators for socio-economic devel-
opment and well-being. We discover that the diversity
of mobility, defined in terms of entropy of the individ-
ual users’ trajectories, exhibits (i) significant correla-
tion with two different socio-economic indicators and
(ii) the highest importance in predictive models built
to predict the socio-economic indicators. Our analyti-
cal framework opens an interesting perspective to study
human behavior through the lens of Big Data by means
of new statistical indicators that quantify and possibly
“nowcast” the well-being and the socio-economic devel-
opment of a territory.
Keywords Complex Systems · Human Mobility ·
Social Networks · Economic development
*Department of Computer Science
University of Pisa, Italy
E-mail: [email protected]
†Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI)
National Research Council (CNR), Italy
E-mail: [email protected]
Orange Labs, France
E-mail: [email protected]
1 Introduction
Big Data, the masses of digital breadcrumbs produced
by the information technologies that humans use in
their daily activities, allow us to scrutinize individual
and collective behavior at an unprecedented scale, de-
tail, and speed. Building on this opportunity we have
the potential capability of creating a digital nervous
system of our society, enabling the measurement, mon-
itoring and prediction of relevant aspects of the socio-
economic structure in quasi real time [21]. An intrigu-
ing question is whether and how measurements made
on Big Data can yield us high-fidelity proxies of socio-
economic development and well-being. Can we moni-
tor and possibly predict the socio-economic develop-
ment of our societies just by observing human behavior,
for example human movements and social relationships,
through the lens of Big Data?
This fascinating question, also stimulated by the
United Nations in recent reports [2,3], has attracted
the interest of researchers from several disciplines, who
started investigating the relations between human be-
havior and economic development based on large ex-
perimental datasets collected for completely different
purposes [15, 34]. As a first result along this line a sem-
inal work exploited a nationwide mobile phone dataset
to discover that the diversity of social contacts of the in-
habitants of a municipality is positively associated to a
socio-economic indicator of poverty, independently sur-
veyed by the official statistics institutes [15]. This result
suggests that social behavior, to some extent, is a proxy
for the economic status of a given territory. However,
little effort has been put in investigating how human
mobility affects, and is affected by, the socio-economic
development of a territory. Theoretical works suggest
that human mobility is related to economic well-being,
as it could nourish economic and facilitate flows of peo-
Luca Pappalardo *† et al.
ple and goods, whereas constraints in the possibilities to
move freely can diminish economic opportunities [29].
So, it is reasonable to investigate the role of human mo-
bility with respect to the socio-economic development
of a given territory.
Our paper provides a twofold contribution. First,
we design a data-driven analytical framework that uses
Big Data to extract meaningful measures of human be-
havior and estimate indicators for the socio-economic
development. The analytical framework we propose is
repeatable on different countries and geographic scales
since it is based on mobile phone data, the so-called
CDR (Call Detail Records) of calling and texting ac-
tivity of users. Mobile phone data, indeed, can be re-
trieved in every country due to their worldwide diffusion
[7]: there are 6.8 billion mobile phone subscribers today
over 7 billion people on the planet, with a penetration
of 128% in the developed world and 90% in developing
countries. CDR data have proven to be a hi-fi proxy for
individuals’ movements and social interactions [22,37].
Second, we apply the analytical framework on large-
scale mobile phone data and quantify the relations be-
tween human mobility, social interactions and economic
development in France using municipality-level official
statistics as external comparison measurements. We first
define four individual measures over mobile phone data
which describe different aspects of individual human be-
havior: the volume of mobility, the diversity of mobility,
the volume of sociality and the diversity of sociality.
Each individual measure is computed for each of the
several million users in our dataset based on their loca-
tions and calls as recorded in the mobile phone data. In
a second stage, we aggregate the four individual mea-
sures at the level of French municipalities and explore
the correlations between the four aggregated measures
and two external indicators of socio-economic develop-
ment. We find that the aggregated mobility diversity of
individuals resident in the same municipality exhibits a
superior correlation degree with the socio-economic in-
dicators and we confirm these results against two differ-
ent null models, an observation that allows us to reject
the hypothesis that our discovery occurred by chance.
Next, we build regression and classification mod-
els to predict the external socio-economic indicators
from the population density and the social and mobil-
ity measures aggregated at municipality scale. We show
that the diversity of human mobility adds a significant
predictive power in both regression and classification
models, far larger than the diversity of social contacts
and demographic measures such as population density,
a factor that is known to be correlated with the inten-
sity of human activities [38,54]. The importance of this
finding is twofold. On one side, it offers a new stimulus
to social research: diversity is a key concept not only for
natural ecosystems but also for the social ecosystems,
and can be used to understand deeply the complexity
of our interconnected society. On the other side, our re-
sults reveal the high potential of Big Data in providing
representative, relatively inexpensive and readily avail-
able measures as proxies of economic development. Our
analytical framework opens an interesting perspective
to engineer official statistics processes to monitor hu-
man behavior through mobile phone data. New statis-
tical indicators can be defined to describe and possibly
“nowcast” the economic status of a territory, even when
such measurements would be impossible using tradi-
tional censuses and surveys [2,3].
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 revises
the scientific literature relevant to our topic, Section 3
describes in detail the data-driven analytical framework
we propose. In Section 4, Section 5 and Section 6 we
apply our analytical framework on a nationwide mobile
phone dataset covering several weeks of call activity in
France. We introduce the mobile phone data in Sec-
tion 4.1, the measures of individual mobility behavior
and individual social behavior in Section 4.2, and the
computations of the measures on a nation-wide mobile
phone dataset in Section 4.3. In Section 5 we describe
the results of the correlation analysis and validate them
against two null models. In Section 6 we present and
validate predictive models for socio-economic develop-
ment. In Section 7 we discuss the results and finally
Section 8 concludes the paper describing the opportu-
nities and the challenges that arise from our research.
2 Related work
The interest around the analysis of Big Data and the
possibility to compile them into a comprehensive pic-
ture of human behavior have infected all branches of
human knowledge, from sports [11] to economy [42].
However, two aspects in particular attracted the in-
terest of scientists in the last decade, due the striking
abundance of data in those contexts: human mobility
and social networks.
Studies from different disciplines document a stun-
ning heterogeneity of human travel patterns [22,39],
and at the same time observe a high degree of pre-
dictability [51,16]. The patterns of human mobility have
been used to build generative models of individual hu-
man mobility and human migration flows [28, 48], meth-
ods for profiling individuals according to their mobility
patterns [40], to discover geographic borders according
to recurrent trips of private vehicles [47], or to predict
the formation of social ties [10,53], and classification
An analytical framework to nowcast well-being using mobile phone data
Fig. 1 The data-driven analytical framework. Starting from mobile phone data (a) mobility and social measures are computed
for each individual in the dataset (b). Each individual is then assigned to the territory where she resides (c) and the individual
measures are aggregated at territorial level (d). Starting from the aggregated measures predictive models are constructed (e)
in order to estimate and predict the socio-economic development of the territories (f).
models to predict the kind of activity associated to indi-
viduals’ trips on the only basis of the observed displace-
ments [31,27,46]. In the context of social network anal-
ysis the observation of social interactions data provided
by emails, mobile phones, and social media allowed to
reveal the complexity underlying the social structure
[6]: hubs exist in our social networks who strongly con-
tribute to the so-called small world phenomenon [5],
and social networks are found to have a tendency to
partition into social communities, i.e. clusters of densely
connected sets of individuals [17].
The last few years have also witnessed a growing
interest around the usage of Big Data to support of-
ficial statistics in the measurement of individual and
collective well-being [12,52]. Even the United Nations,
in two recent reports, stimulate the usage of Big Data to
investigate the patterns of phenomena relative to peo-
ple’s health and well-being [2][3]. The vast majority of
works in the context of Big Data for official statistics
are based on the analysis of mobile phone data, the so-
called CDR (Call Detail Records) of calling and texting
activity of users. Mobile phone data, indeed, guaran-
tee the repeatability of experiments on different coun-
tries and geographical scales since they can be retrieved
nowadays in every country due to their worldwide dif-
fusion [7]. A set of recent works use mobile phone data
as a proxy for socio-demographic variables. Deville et
al., for example, show how the ubiquity of mobile phone
data can be exploited to provide accurate and detailed
maps of population distribution over national scales and
any time period [14]. Brea et al. study the structure of
the social graph of mobile phone users of Mexico and
propose an algorithm for the prediction of the age of
mobile phone users [9]. Another recent work uses mo-
bile phone data to study inter-city mobility and develop
a methodology to detect the fraction of residents, com-
muters and visitors within each city [19].
A lot of effort has been put in recent years on the
usage of mobile phone data to study the relationships
between human behavior and collective socio-economic
development. The seminal work by Eagle et al. analyzes
a nationwide mobile phone dataset and shows that, in
the UK, regional communication diversity is positively
associated to a socio-economic ranking [15]. Gutierrez
et al. address the issue of mapping poverty with mo-
bile phone data through the analysis of airtime credit
purchases in Ivory Coast [24]. Blumenstock shows a pre-
liminary evidence of a relationship between individual
wealth and the history of mobile phone transactions
[8]. Decuyper et al. use mobile phone data to study
food security indicators finding a strong correlation be-
tween the consumption of vegetables rich in vitamins
and airtime purchase [13]. Frias-Martinez et al. analyze
the relationship between human mobility and the socio-
economic status of urban zones, presenting which mo-
bility indicators correlate best with socio-economic lev-
els and building a model to predict the socio-economic
level from mobile phone traces [18]. Pappalardo et al.
Luca Pappalardo *† et al.
analyze mobile phone data and extract meaningful mo-
bility measures for cities, discovering interesting cor-
relation between human mobility aspects and socio-
economic indicators [41]. Lotero et al. analyze the ar-
chitecture of urban mobility networks in two Latin-
American cities from the multiplex perspective. They
discover that the socio-economic characteristics of the
population have an extraordinary impact in the layer
organization of these multiplex systems [33]. Amini et
al. use mobile phone data to compare human mobility
patterns of a developing country (Ivory Coast) and a
developed country (Portugal). They show that cultural
diversity in developing regions can present challenges
to mobility models defined in less culturally diverse re-
gions [4]. Smith-Clarke at al. analyze the aggregated
mobile phone data of two developing countries and ex-
tract features that are strongly correlated with poverty
indexes derived from official statistics census data [49].
Other recent works use different types of mobility data,
e.g. GPS tracks and market retail data, to show that
Big Data on human movements can be used to sup-
port official statistics and understand people’s purchase
needs. Pennacchioli et al. for example provide an em-
pirical evidence of the influence of purchase needs on
human mobility, analyzing the purchases of an Italian
supermarket chain to show a range effect of products:
the more sophisticated the needs they satisfy, the more
the customers are willing to travel [43]. Marchetti et
al. perform a study on a regional level analyzing GPS
tracks from cars in Tuscany to extract measures of hu-
man mobility at province and municipality level, finding
a strong correlation between the mobility measures and
a poverty index independently surveyed by the Italian
official statistics institute [34].
Despite an increasing interest around this field, a
view on the state-of-the-art cannot avoid to notice that
there is no a unified methodology to exploit Big Data
for official statistics. It is also surprising that widely
accepted measures of human mobility (e.g. radius of
gyration [22] and mobility entropy [51]) have not been
used so far. We overcome these issues by providing an
analytical framework as support for official statistics,
which allows for a systematic evaluation of the relations
between relevant aspects of human behavior and the
development of a territory. Moreover, our paper shows
how standard mobility measures, not exploited so far,
are powerful tools for official statistics purposes.
3 The Analytical Framework
Our analytical framework is a knowledge and analyti-
cal infrastructure that uses Big Data to provide reliable
measurements of socio-economic development, aiming
at satisfying the increasing demand by policy makers
for continuous and up-to-date information on the geo-
graphic distribution of poverty, inequality or life condi-
tions. Figure 1 describes the structure of the methodol-
ogy we propose. The analytical framework is based on
mobile phone data, which guarantee the repeatability
of the process on different countries and geographical
scales. Mobile phone data are indeed ubiquitous and
can be retrieved in every country due to their worldwide
diffusion: nowadays the penetration of mobile phones is
of 128% in developed countries and 90% in develop-
ing countries, with 6.8 billion mobile phone subscribers
today over 7 billion people on the planet [7]. In partic-
ular the call detail records (CDR), generally collected
by mobile phone operators for billing and operational
purposes, contain an enormous amount of information
on how, when, and with whom people communicate.
This wealth of information allows to capture different
aspects of human behavior and stimulated the creativ-
ity of scientists from different disciplines, who demon-
strated that mobile phone data are a high quality proxy
for studying individual mobility and social ties [22,37].
Starting from the collected mobile phone data (Fig-
ure 1(a)) a set of measures are computed which grasp
the salient aspects of individuals’ mobility and social
behavior (Figure 1(b)). This step is computationally
expensive when the analytical framework is applied on
massive data such as the CDRs of an entire country
for a long period. To parallelize the computations and
speed up the execution a distributed processing plat-
form can be used such as Hadoop or Spark. A wide set
of mobility and social measures can be computed dur-
ing this phase, and the set can be enlarged with new
measures as soon as they are proven to be correlated
with socio-economic development aspects of interest. In
Section 4.2 we propose, as an example, a set of standard
measures of individual mobility and sociality and show
how they can be computed on mobile phone data.
As generally required by policy makers, official statis-
tics about socio-economic development are available at
the level of geographic units, e.g. regions, provinces,
municipalities, districts or census cells. Therefore, the
individuals in the dataset have to be mapped to the
corresponding territory of residence, in order to per-
form an aggregation of the individual measures into a
territorial measure (Figure 1(c) and 1(d)). When the
city of residence or the address of the users are avail-
able in the data, this information can be easily used
to assign each individual to corresponding city of resi-
dence. Unfortunately these socio-demographic data are
generally not available in mobile phone data for privacy
and proprietary reasons. This issue can be solved, with
a certain degree of approximation, by inferring the in-
An analytical framework to nowcast well-being using mobile phone data
formation from the data source. In literature the phone
tower where a user makes the highest number of calls
during nighttime is usually considered her home phone
tower [44]. Then with standard Geographic Information
System techniques it is possible to associate the phone
tower to its territory (see Section 4.3).
The obtained aggregated measures are compared
with the external socio-economic indicators to perform
correlation analysis, learn and evaluate predictive mod-
els (Figure 1(e)). The predictive models can be aimed
at predicting the actual value of socio-economic de-
velopment of the territory, e.g. by regression models
(Section 6.1), or to predict the class of socio-economic
development, i.e. the level of development of a given
geographic unit as done by classification models (Sec-
tion 6.2). Finally, the estimates and the predictions pro-
duced by the models are the output of the analytical
framework (Figure 1(f)). The measures, the territorial
aggregation and the predictive models of the analyti-
cal framework can be updated every time new mobile
phone data become available, providing policy makers
with up-to-date estimates of the socio-economic situ-
ation of a given territory, in contrast with indicators
produced by official statistics institutes with are gener-
ally released after months or even once a year.
In the following sections we apply the proposed an-
alytical framework on a large-scale nation-wide mobile
phone dataset and describe its implementation step by
step: from the definition of measures on the data (Sec-
tions 4.1 and 4.2), to their computation and territorial
aggregation (Section 4.3), and the construction of pre-
dictive models (Sections 5.1, 6.1 and 6.2).
4 Measuring Human Behavior
We now discuss steps (a), (b) and (c) in Figure 1, pre-
senting the experimental setting which consists in the
computation of the individual measures on the data and
their aggregation at territorial level. First, we describe
the mobile phone data we use as proxy for individual be-
havior, together with details about data preprocessing
(Section 4.1). Then we define the individual measures
capturing diverse aspects of individual mobility and so-
cial behavior (Section 4.2). Finally we show how we
compute the individual measures and aggregate them
at municipality level (Section 4.3).
4.1 Mobile phone data
We have access to a set of Call Detail Records (CDR)
gathered for billing purposes by Orange mobile phone
operator, recording 215 million calls made during 45
days by 20 million anonymized mobile phone users.
CDRs collect geographical, temporal and interaction in-
formation on mobile phone use and show an enormous
potential to empirically investigate human dynamics on
a society wide scale [26]. Each time an individual makes
a call the mobile phone operator registers the connec-
tion between the caller and the callee, the duration of
the call and the coordinates of the phone tower commu-
nicating with the served phone, allowing to reconstruct
the user’s time-resolved trajectory. Table 1 illustrates
an example of the structure of CDRs.
2007/09/10 23:34
2007/10/10 01:12
2007/10/10 01:43
Table 1 Example of Call Detail Records (CDRs). Every time
a user makes a call, a record is created with timestamp, the
phone tower serving the call, the caller identifier and the callee
identifier (a). For each tower, the latitude and longitude co-
ordinates are available to map the tower on the territory (b).
In order to focus on individuals with reliable statis-
tics, we carry out some preprocessing steps. First, we
select only users with a call frequency higher than the
threshold f = N/45 > 0.5, where N is the number
of calls made by the user and 45 days is the length of
our period of observation, we delete all the users with
less than one call every two days (in average over the
observation period).
Second, we reconstruct the mobility trajectories and
the social network of the filtered users. We reconstruct
the trajectory of a user based on the time-ordered list
of cell phone towers from which she made her calls dur-
ing the period of observation (see Figure 2). We then
translate the CDR data into a social network represen-
tation by linking two users if at least one reciprocated
pair of calls exists between them during the period of
observation (i.e. A called B and B called A). This pro-
cedure eliminates a large number of one-way calls, most
of which correspond to isolated events and do not repre-
Luca Pappalardo *† et al.
4.2 Measure Definition
We introduce two measures of individual mobility be-
havior and two measures of individual social behavior,
dividing them into two categories: measures of volume,
and measures of diversity (see Table 4.2).
individual measures
social volume
social diversity
mobility volume
mobility diversity M D
Fig. 2 The detailed trajectory of a single user. The phone
towers are shown as grey dots, and the Voronoi lattice in
grey marks approximate reception area of each tower. CDRs
records the identity of the closest tower to a mobile user; thus,
we can not identify the position of a user within a Voronoi
cell. The trajectory describes the user’s movements during 4
days (each day in a different color). The tower where the user
made the highest number of calls during nighttime is depicted
in bolder grey.
sent meaningful communications [37]. Figure 3 shows a
fraction of the social network centered on a single user.
The resulting dataset contains the mobility trajectories
of 6 million users and a call graph of 33 million edges.
Fig. 3 A fraction of the call graph centered on a single user
u. Nodes represent users, edges indicate reciprocated calls
between the users, the size of the edges is proportional to the
total number of calls between the users during the 45 days.
socio-economic indicators
population density
deprivation index
per capita income
Table 2 Measures and indicators used in our study. Social
volume, social diversity, mobility volume and mobility diver-
sity are individual measures computed on mobile phone data.
Population density, deprivation index, and per capita income
are external socio-economic indicators provided by INSEE.
We define two measures that capture aspects of indi-
vidual social interactions: social volume (SV ), the num-
ber of social contacts of an individual; and social diver-
sity (SD), the diversification of an individual’s calls
over the social contacts. Within a social network, we
can express the volume of social interactions by count-
ing the amount of links an individual possesses with
others. This simple measure of connectivity is widely
used in network science and is called the degree of an
individual [36]. In a call graph the degree of an indi-
vidual is the number of different individuals who are in
contact by mobile phone calls with her. We can there-
fore see the degree as a proxy for the volume of sociality
for each individual:
SV (u) = degree(u)
The degree distribution is well approximated by a power
law function denoting a high heterogeneity in social net-
works with respect to the number of friendships [30,37].
The social diversity of an individual u quantifies the
topological diversity in a social network as the Shannon
entropy associated with her communication behavior
SD(u) = −
v=1 puv log(puv)
where k is the degree of individual u, puv =
v=1 Vuv
and Vuv is the number of calls between individual u and
individual v during the period of observation. SD is a
An analytical framework to nowcast well-being using mobile phone data
measure for the social diversification of each individ-
ual according to its own interaction pattern. In a more
general way, individuals who always call the same few
contacts reveal a low social diversification resulting in
lower values for SD, whereas individuals who distribute
their call among many different contacts show high so-
cial diversification, i.e. higher SD. The distribution of
SD across the population is peaked, as measured in
GSM and landlines data [15].
Starting from the mobility trajectories of an indi-
vidual, we define two measures to describe individual
mobility: mobility volume (M V ), the typical travel dis-
tance of an individual, and mobility diversity (M D),
the diversification of an individual’s movements over
her locations. The radius of gyration [22] provides with
a measure of mobility volume, indicating the charac-
teristic distance traveled by an individual (see Figure
4). In detail, it characterizes the spatial spread of the
phone towers visited by an individual u from the tra-
jectories’ center of mass (i.e. the weighted mean point
of the phone towers visited by an individual), defined
M V (u) =
(cid:115) 1
ni(ri − rcm)2
where L is the set of phone towers visited by the in-
dividual u, ni is the individual’s visitation frequency
of phone tower i, N = (cid:80)
i∈L ni is the sum of all the
single frequencies, ri and rcm are the vectors of coordi-
nates of phone tower i and center of mass respectively.
It is known that the distribution of the radius of gyra-
tion reveals heterogeneity across the population: most
individuals travel within a short radius of gyration but
others cover long distances on a regular basis, as mea-
sured on GSM and GPS data [22, 39].
very regular movement pattern possess a mobility di-
versity close to zero and their whereabouts are rather
predictable. Conversely, individuals with a high mobil-
ity diversity are less predictable. It is known that the
distribution of the mobility diversity is peaked across
the population and very stable across different social
groups (e.g. age and gender) [51].
Fig. 4 The radius of gyration of two users in our
dataset. The figure shows the spatial distribution of phone
towers (circles). The size of circles is proportional to their vis-
itation frequency, the red location indicates the most frequent
location L1 (the location where the user makes the highest
number of calls during nighttime). The cross indicates the
position of the center of mass, the black dashed line indicates
the radius of gyration. User A has a small radius of gyra-
tion because she travels between locations that are close to
each other. User B has high radius of gyration because the
locations she visits are far apart from each other.
Besides the volume of individual mobility, we define
the diversity of individual mobility by using Shannon
entropy of individual’s trips:
M D(u) = −
e∈E p(e) log p(e)
log N
where e = (a, b) represents a trip between an origin
phone tower and a destination phone tower, E is the
set of all the possible origin-destination pairs, p(e) is
the probability of observing a movement between phone
towers a and b, and N is the total number of trajec-
tories of individual u (Figure 5). Analogously to SD,
M D is high when a user performs many different trips
from a variety of origins and destinations; M D is low
when a user performs a small number of recurring trips.
Seen from another perspective, the mobility diversity of
an individual also quantifies the possibility to predict
individual’s future whereabouts. Individuals having a
Fig. 5 The mobility entropy of two users in our
dataset. Nodes represent phone towers, edges represent trips
between two phone towers, the size of nodes indicates the
number of calls of the user managed by the phone tower, the
size of edges indicates the number of trips performed by the
user on the edge. User X has low mobility entropy because
she distributes the trips on a few large preferred edges. User
Y has high mobility entropy because she distributes the trips
across many equal-sized edges.
4.3 Measure computation
We implement step (b) in Figure 1 by computing the
four behavioral measures for each individual on the fil-
tered CDR data. Due the size of the dataset, we use the
MapReduce paradigm implemented by Hadoop to dis-
tribute the computation across a cluster of coordinated
nodes and reduce the time of computation. We find no
relationship between the mobility and the social mea-
sures at individual level: the correlation between SV
and M V , as well as the correlation between the SD
and the M D, are close to zero. This suggests that the
mobility measures and the sociality measures capture
different aspects of individual behavior.
We apply step (c) in Figure 1 by aggregating the
individual measures at the municipality level through
a two-step process: (i) we assign to each user a home
location, i.e. the phone tower where the user performs
the highest number of calls during nighttime (from 10
pm to 7 am) [44]; (ii) based on these home locations, we
assign each user to the corresponding municipality with
standard Geographic Information Systems techniques.
Figure 6 shows the spatial distribution of Orange users
in French municipalities. We aggregate the SV , SD,
M V and M D at municipality level by taking the mean
values across the population of users assigned to that
municipality. We obtain 5, 100 municipalities each one
with the associated four aggregated measures.
5 Correlation Analysis
Here we realize step (d) in Figure 1 and study the
interplay between human mobility, social interactions
and socio-economic development at municipality level.
First, in Section 5.1 we introduce the external socio-
economic indicators and investigate their correlation
between the behavioral measures aggregated at munici-
pality level. Then in Section 5.2 we compare the results
with two null models to reject the hypothesis that the
correlations appear by chance.
5.1 Human Behavior versus Socio-Economic
As external socio-economic indicators, we use a dataset
provided by the French National Institute of Statistics
and Economic Studies (INSEE) about socio-economic
indicators for all the French municipalities with more
than 1,000 official residents. We collect data on pop-
ulation density (P D), per capita income (P CI), and
a deprivation index (DI) constructed by selecting fun-
damental needs associated both with objective and sub-
Luca Pappalardo *† et al.
Fig. 6 The spatial distribution of users over French munic-
ipalities with more than 1,000 official residents. Each user is
assigned to a municipality according to the geographic posi-
tion of her home location. The color of municipalities, in a gra-
dient from blue to red, indicates the number of Orange users
assigned to that municipality. We observe that the number of
users in the municipalities varies according to the density of
the municipality.
jective poverty [45]. The deprivation index is constructed
by selecting among variables reflecting individual expe-
rience of deprivation: the different variables are com-
bined into a single score by a linear combination with
specific choices for coefficients (see Appendix). There-
fore deprivation index is a composite index: the higher
its value, the lower is the well-being of the munici-
pality. Preliminary validation showed a high associa-
tion between the French deprivation index and both
income values and education level in French munici-
palities, partly supporting its ability to measure socio-
economic development [45].
We investigate the correlations between the aggre-
gated measures and the external socio-economic indica-
tors finding two main results. First, the social volume
is not correlated with the two socio-economic indica-
tors (Figure 7(c) and (d)), while mobility volume is
correlated with per capita income (Figure 7(b)). Sec-
ond, we find that mobility diversity is a better predictor
for socio-economic development than social diversity.
Figure 7(e)-(h) shows the relations between diversity
measures and socio-economic indicators. For mobility
diversity clear tendencies appear: as the mean mobil-
ity diversity of municipalities increases, deprivation in-
An analytical framework to nowcast well-being using mobile phone data
Fig. 7 The relation between the aggregated diversity measures and the socio-economic indicators: (a) mobility volume vs
deprivation index; (b) mobility volume vs per capita income; (b) social volume vs deprivation index; (d) social volume vs per
capita income; (e) mobility diversity vs deprivation index; (f) mobility diversity vs per capita income; (g) social diversity vs
deprivation index; (h) social diversity vs per capita income. The color of a point indicates, in a gradient from blue to red, the
density of points around it. We split the municipalities into ten equal-sized groups according to the deciles of the measures
on the x axis. For each group, we compute the mean and the standard deviation of the measures on the y axis and plot them
through the black error bars. ρ indicates the Pearson correlation coefficient between the two measures. In all the cases the
p-value of the correlations is < 0.001.
dex decreases, while per capita income increases (Fig-
ure 7(e) and (f)). Social diversity, in contrast, exhibits
a weaker correlation with the deprivation index than
mobility diversity and no correlation with per capita
income (Figure 7(g) and (h)).
Figure 8 provides another way to observe the rela-
tions between the diversity measures and socio-economic
development. We split the municipalities in ten deciles
according to the values of deprivation index. For each
decile we compute the distributions of mean mobility
diversity and mean social diversity across the munici-
palities in that decile. For mobility diversity, the deciles
of the economic values increase while the mean de-
creases and the variance increases, highlighting a change
of the distribution in the different groups. This is con-
sistent with the observation made in the plots of Figure
7(e). Conversely, for social diversity distribution we do
not observe a significant change in the mean and the
variance. The observed variation of the mobility diver-
sity distribution in the different deciles is an interest-
ing finding when compared to previous works such as
Song et al. [50] which states that mobile predictability
is very stable across different subpopulations delineated
by personal characteristics like gender or age group.
Figure 7 and 8 suggest us that the diversity of human
mobility aggregated at municipality level is better as-
sociated with the socio-economic indicators than socio-
demographic characteristics. The relation between mo-
bility diversity and deprivation index is stronger and
more evenly distributed over the different levels of de-
privation index for municipalities.
5.2 Validation against Null Models
In order to test the significance of the correlations ob-
served on the empirical data, we compare our findings
with the results produced by two null models.
In null model NM1, we randomly distribute the users
over the French municipalities. We first extract uni-
formly N users from the dataset and assign them to
a random municipality with a population of N users.
Luca Pappalardo *† et al.
6 Predictive Models
In this section we instantiate step (e) building and val-
idating both regression models (Section 6.1) and clas-
sification models (Section 6.2) to predict the external
socio-economic indicators from the aggregated measures.
6.1 Regression Models
To learn more about the relationship between the ag-
gregated measures and the socio-economic indicators
we implement two multiple regression models M1 and
M2. We use deprivation index as dependent variable
in model M1, per capita income as dependent variable
for model M2, the four aggregated measures and popu-
lation density as regressors for both models. We deter-
mine the regression line using the least squared method.
The model M1 for deprivation index produces a coef-
ficient of determination R2 = 0.43, meaning that the
regressors explain the 43% of the variation in the depri-
vation index. The model M2 for per capita income ex-
plains the 25% of the variation in the per capita income
producing a a coefficient of determination R2 = 0.25.
Table 3 and Table 4 show the coefficients of the regres-
sion equations, the standard error of the coefficients
and the p-values of the regressors for model M1 and
model M2 respectively. For both model M1 and M2 we
have verified the absence of multicollinearity between
the regressors, the normality and the homoskedasticity
of regression residuals.
Model M1 (deprivation index), R2 = 0.4267
std. error
< 2 × 10−16
< 2 × 10−16
< 2 × 10−16
5.35 × 10−16
< 2 × 10−16
Table 3 The linear regression model M1 for deprivation in-
dex. The coefficients column specifies the value of slope calcu-
lated by the regression. The std. error column measures the
variability in the estimate for the coefficients. The p-value
column shows the probability the variable is not relevant.
We quantify the contribution of each regressor to
the multiple regression model by computing a relative
importance metric [23]. Figure 10 shows the relative im-
portance of regressors produced by the LMG method
[32] for both model M1 and model M2. We observe
that mobility diversity gives the highest contribution
to the regression, accounting for the 54% and 65% of
the importance for M1 and M2 respectively, while so-
cial diversity provides a little contribution (0.7% for M1
Fig. 8 The distribution of mobility diversity (a) and social
diversity (b) in the deciles of deprivation index. We split the
municipalities into ten equal-sized groups computed accord-
ing to the deciles of deprivation index. For each group, we
plot the distributions of mean mobility diversity and mean
social diversity. The blue dashed curve represent a fit of the
distribution, the red dashed line represents the mean of the
We then aggregate the individual diversity measures of
the users assigned to the same municipality. We repeat
the process 100 times and take the mean of the aggre-
gated values of each municipality produced in the 100
In null model NM2, we randomly shuffle the values
of the socio-economic indicators over the municipali-
ties. We perform this procedure 100 times and take, for
each municipality, the mean value of the socio-economic
indicators computed over the 100 produced values. In
contrast with empirical data, we find no correlation in
the null models between the diversity measures and the
socio-economic indicators, neither for mobility diversity
nor for social diversity (Figure 9). Such a clear differ-
ence between the correlations observed over empirical
data and the absence of correlations in observations on
randomized data allows us to reject the hypothesis that
our findings are obtained by chance.
(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:4)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:8)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:9)(cid:10)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:11)(cid:12)(cid:13)(cid:14)(cid:15)(cid:14)(cid:16)(cid:17)(cid:18)(cid:19)(cid:14)(cid:20)(cid:21)(cid:22)(cid:23)(cid:14)(cid:16)(cid:17)(cid:18)(cid:19)(cid:14)(cid:23)(cid:16)(cid:22)(cid:14)(cid:13)(cid:24)(cid:16)(cid:14)(cid:12)(cid:25)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:4)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:8)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:9)(cid:10)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:8)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:4)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:8)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:9)(cid:10)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:9)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:4)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:8)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:9)(cid:10)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:10)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:4)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:8)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:9)(cid:10)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:11)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:4)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:8)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:9)(cid:10)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:12)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:4)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:8)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:9)(cid:10)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:13)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:4)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:8)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:9)(cid:10)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:14)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:4)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:8)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:9)(cid:10)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:15)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:4)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:8)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:9)(cid:10)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:16)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:4)(cid:6)(cid:1)(cid:6)(cid:4)(cid:7)(cid:1)(cid:7)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:8)(cid:9)(cid:10)(cid:11)(cid:12)(cid:13)(cid:14)(cid:15)(cid:11)(cid:16)(cid:17)(cid:18)(cid:8)(cid:11)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:15)(cid:11)(cid:8)(cid:19)(cid:18)(cid:11)(cid:21)(cid:22)(cid:19)(cid:11)(cid:9)(cid:23)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:4)(cid:6)(cid:1)(cid:6)(cid:4)(cid:7)(cid:1)(cid:7)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:8)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:4)(cid:6)(cid:1)(cid:6)(cid:4)(cid:7)(cid:1)(cid:7)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:9)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:4)(cid:6)(cid:1)(cid:6)(cid:4)(cid:7)(cid:1)(cid:7)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)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analytical framework to nowcast well-being using mobile phone data
Fig. 9 The relation between the socio-economic indicators and the diversity measures computed on null model NM1 (a-d)
and null model NM2 (e-h). The color of a point indicates, in a gradient from blue to red, the density of points around it. We
split the municipalities into ten equal-sized groups according to the deciles of the measures on the x axis. For each group, we
compute the mean and the standard deviation of the measure on the y axis (the black error bars).
Model M2 (per capita income), R2 = 0.25
< 2 × 10−16
< 2 × 10−16
7.82 × 10−13
< 2 × 10−16
3.56 × 10−8
< 2 × 10−16
std. error
Table 4 The linear regression model M2 for per capita in-
come. The coefficients column specifies the value of slope cal-
culated by the regression. The std. error column measures
the variability in the estimate for the coefficient. The p-value
column shows the probability the variable is not relevant.
and 0.3% for M2). Population density provides an im-
portant contribution in both models, mobility volume
is an important variable to model M2 only (20% of the
To validate the models we implement a cross vali-
dation procedure by performing 1,000 experiments. In
each experiment we divide the dataset of municipalities
into a training set (60%) and a test set (40%), compute
model M1 and model M2 on the training set, and ap-
ply the obtained models on the test set. We evaluate
the performance of the models on the test set using the
Fig. 10 The relative importance of the aggregated measures
in the multiple regression models M1 (a) and M2 (b). We use
the Lindeman, Merenda and Gold (LMG) method to quan-
tify an individual regressor’s contribution to the model. We
observe that mobility diversity is the most important variable
in the model with a contribution of about 54% and 65% for
model M1 and M2 respectively.
root mean square error RM SE = (cid:112)(cid:80)n
i (ˆyi − yi)2)/n,
where ˆyi is the value predicted by the model and yi
the actual value in the test set, and computing the
CV(RMSE), i.e. the RMSE normalized to the mean of
the observed values. Figure 11 shows the variation of
Luca Pappalardo *† et al.
R2 and CV (RM SE) across the 1,000 experiments. We
observe that the prediction error of the models is stable
across the experiments (Figure 11(a) and (c)), and that
the error in the prediction is lower for model M1 (depri-
vation index). Finally, we compare the actual values of
Fig. 11 Validation of regression models. We perform 1,000
experiments learning the model on a training set (60%) and
evaluating it on a a test set (40%). (a) The distribution of
the adjusted coefficient of determination R2 across the ex-
periments for model M1. (b) The distribution of the root
mean square error (RMSE) across the experiments for model
M1. (c) The distribution of the adjusted R2 across the ex-
periments for model M2. (d) The distribution of RMSE for
model M2.
socio-economic indicators and the values predicted by
the models by computing the relative error, i.e. for each
municipality i we compute (ˆyi − yi)/y. We observe that
the mean relative error computed across the municipal-
ities is close to zero for both model M1 and model M2
(Figure 12).
6.2 Classification Models
Here, instead of predicting the value of deprivation or
per capita income of municipalities we want to classify
the level of socio-economic development of municipali-
ties. To this purpose we build two supervised classifiers
C1 and C2 that assign each municipality to one of three
Fig. 12 The distribution of the relative error (ˆyi − y)/y
across the French municipalities for regression models M1 (a)
and M2 (b).
possible categories: low level, medium level or high level
of deprivation index (classifier C1) or per capita income
(classifier C2). To transform the two continuous mea-
sures deprivation index and per capita income into dis-
crete variables we partition the range of values using the
33th percentile of the distribution. This produced, for
each variable to predict, three equal-populated classes.
We perform the classification using Random Forest clas-
sifiers on a training set (60% of the dataset) and val-
idate the results on a test set (40% of the dataset).
Classifier C1 for deprivation index reaches an overall
accuracy of 0.61, while the overall accuracy of classifier
C2 for per capita income is 0.54, against a random case
accuracy of 0.33. Table 5 shows precision, recall and
overall accuracy reached by classifier C1 and classifier
C2 on the three classes of socio-economic development.
We also evaluate the importance of every aggregated
measure in classifying the level of socio-economic devel-
opment of municipalities, using the Mean Decrease Gini
measure. Similarly to the Relative Importance metrics
for the regression models, in both classifier C1 and clas-
sifier C2 the mobility diversity has the highest impor-
tance, followed by population density (Figure 13).
7 Discussion of Results
The implementation of the analytical framework on mo-
bile phone data produces three remarkable results.
First, the usage of the measures of mobility and
social behavior together with the standard and com-
monly available socio-demographic information actu-
ally adds predictive power with respect to the external
socio-economic indicators. Indeed, while a univariate
regression that predicts deprivation index from popula-
tion density is able to explains only the 11% of the vari-
ance, by adding the four behavioral measures extracted
An analytical framework to nowcast well-being using mobile phone data
sons. Mobile phone providers do not generally release,
for privacy reasons, information about the call inter-
actions between users, i.e. the social dimension. Our
result shows that this is a marginal problem since the
social dimension has a lower impact to the quality of
the models than the mobility dimension (Figures 10
and 13). Hence, the implementation of our analytical
framework guarantees reliable results even when, as of-
ten occurs because of privacy and proprietary reasons,
the social dimension is not available in the data.
The interpretation of the observed relation between
mobility diversity and socio-economic indicators is, with-
out a doubt, two-directed. It might be that a well-
developed territory provides for a wide range of activ-
ities, an advanced network of public transportation, a
higher availability and diversification of jobs, and other
elements that foster mobility diversity. As well as it
might be that a higher mobility diversification of indi-
viduals lead to a higher socio-economic development as
it could nourish economy, establish economic opportu-
nities and facilitate flows of people and goods. In any
case this information is useful for policy makers, be-
cause a change in the diversification of individual move-
ments is linked to a change into the socio-economic sta-
tus of a territory.
Third remarkable result is that our regression and
classification models exhibit good performance when
used to predict the socio-economic development of other
municipalities, whose data where not used in the learn-
ing process (Figure 11 and Table 5). This result is evi-
dent from the cross validation procedure: the accuracy
and the prediction errors of the models are not depen-
dent on the training and test set selected. The models
hence give a real possibility to continuously monitor
the socio-economic development of territories and pro-
vide policy makers with an important tool for decision
Fig. 13 The mean decrease in Gini coefficient of the variables
used to learn the classifiers, for deprivation index (a) and per
capita income (b). The mean decrease in Gini coefficient is a
measure of how each variable contributes to the homogeneity
of nodes and leaves in the resulting random forest.
Model C1: accuracy = 0.61
low deprivation
medium deprivation
high deprivation
Model C2, accuracy = 0.54
low income
medium income
high income
Table 5 Statistics by class for classifier C1 (deprivation in-
dex) and classifier C2 (per capita income). The recall is the
number municipalities for which the classifier predicts the
correct class divided by the number of municipalities in that
class. The precision is the number of municipalities for which
the classifier predicts the correct class divided by the number
of municipalities the classifier predicts to be in that class. We
observe that the classes ‘low’ and ‘high’ are the best predicted
from mobile phone data we can explain the 42% of the
variance (see Table 3). This outcome suggests that mo-
bile phone data are able to provide precise and realis-
tic measurements of the behavior of individuals in their
complex social environment, which can be used within a
knowledge infrastructure like our analytical framework
to monitor socio-economic development.
Second, the diversification of human movements is
the most important aspect for explaining the socio-
economic status of a given territory, far larger than the
diversification of social interactions and demographic
features like population density. This result, which is
evident from both the correlations analysis and the
contribution of mobility diversity in the models (Fig-
ures 7, 10 and 13), is also important for practical rea-
8 Conclusions and Future works
In this paper we design an analytical framework that
uses mobile phone data to extract meaningful measures
of human behavior and estimate indicators for socio-
economic development. We apply the analytical frame-
work on a nationwide mobile phone data covering sev-
eral weeks and find that the diversification of human
movements is the best proxy for indicators of socio-
economic development. We know that bio-diversity is
crucial to the health of natural ecosystems, that the
diversity of opinion in a crowd is essential to answer
difficult questions [20] and that the diversity of social
contacts is associated to socio-economic indicators of
Luca Pappalardo *† et al.
well-being [15]. The story narrated in this paper sug-
gests that diversity is a relevant concept also in mobility
ecosystems: the diversity of human mobility may be a
reliable indicator of the variety of human activities, and
a mirror of some aspects of socio-economic development
and well-being.
We are aware that the computation of individual
measures on CDR data (step (a) and (b) in Figure 1)
present privacy issues. An important next step will be
to incorporate a privacy-by-design approach. We intend
to use a method to assess the privacy risk of users in
order to detect risk cases where the privacy of users
is violated and apply privacy enhancing techniques for
data anonymization [35].
In our experiments we compare the measures of mo-
bility and sociality with two external socio-economic in-
dicators: per capita income and deprivation index. Per
capita income is a simple indicator indicating the mean
income of individuals resident in a given municipality,
without any information about the distribution of the
wealth and the inequality. In contrast deprivation in-
dex is a composite indicator obtained as linear combi-
nation of several different variables regarding economic
and ecological aspects (see Appendix). It would be in-
teresting, as future work, to investigate the relation be-
tween the behavioral measures and the socio-economic
development in a multidimensional perspective, using
the single variables composing the deprivation index to
understand which are the aspects of socio-economic de-
velopment that best correlate with the measures of hu-
man behavior. This multidimensional approach is fos-
tered by recent academic research and a number of
concrete initiatives developed around the world [25, 1]
which state that the measurement of well-being should
be based on many different aspects besides the mate-
rial living standards (income, consumption and wealth):
health, education, personal activities, governance, so-
cial relationships, environment, and security. All these
dimensions shape people’s well-being, and yet many of
them are missed by conventional income measures. Of-
ficial statistics institutions are incorporating questions
to capture people’s life evaluations, hedonic experiences
and priorities in their own surveys (see for example
the Italian BES project developed by Italian National
Statistics Bureau [1]). When these measures will be-
come available, they will allow us to refine our study on
the relation between measures extracted from Big Data
and the socio-economic development of territories.
In the meanwhile, experiences like ours may con-
tribute to shape the discussion on how to measure some
of the aspects of socio-economic development with Big
Data, such as mobile phone call records, that are mas-
sively available everywhere on earth. If we learn how to
use such a resource, we have the potential of creating a
digital nervous system in support of a generalized and
sustainable development of our societies. This is crucial
because the decisions policy makers (and we as individ-
ual citizens) make depend on what we measure, how
good our measurements are and how well our measures
are understood.
As described in [45], the value of deprivation index for
French municipalities is calculated in the following way:
deprivation =0.11 × Overcrowding
+ 0.34 × No access to electric heating
+ 0.55 × Non-owner
+ 0.47 × Unemployment
+ 0.23 × Foreign nationality
+ 0.52 × No access to a car
+ 0.37 × Unskilled worker-farm worker
+ 0.45 × Household with 6 + persons
+ 0.19 × Low level of education
+ 0.41 × Single-parent household.
Fig. 14 Distribution of deprivation index (a) and per capita
income (b) across French municipalities.
Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Or-
ange for providing the CDR data, Giovanni Lima and Pier-
paolo Paolini for the contribution developed during their mas-
ter theses. We are grateful to Carole Pornet and colleagues
for providing the socio-economic indicators and for comput-
ing the deprivation index for the French municipalities.
This work has been partially funded by the following Eu-
ropean projects: Cimplex (grant agreement 641191), PETRA
(grant agreement 609042), SoBigData RI (grant agreement
654024). index0. index) capita income (log10)012345P(per capita income)An analytical framework to nowcast well-being using mobile phone data
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ai_researcher | 1 | Gamification_for_Better_Experience_in_Queues_During_Entertainment_Events.pdf | Using physiological measures in conjunction with other usability
approaches for better understanding of the player’s gameplay
Pejman Mirza-Babaei
Graham McAllister
Interact Lab, University of Sussex, UK
The goal of video games is to challenge and entertain the players. Successful
video games deliver experience that impact players on a level of arousal.
Therefore undertaking a user experience (UX) study is crucial to ensure that a
game achieves both critical and financial success. However, traditional
usability methods (observation, subjective reporting, questionnaire, and
interview) have a number of limitations on game user research.
In this study we capture player’s physiological measures during a gameplay
session, to indicate micro-events that have caused changes in their body
signals. At the post-gameplay interviews we ask participants to comment and
describe their feelings on the selected events. The aim of this study is not to
over-interpret physiological measures, but on using blips in measures to help
identify key points in a game, which we then use to investigate further with the
This approach provides a method that can identify not only the negative user
experience and usability issues but also the events which have a positive
impact on player’s experience.
KEYWORDS: User experience; video games; physiological measures;
biometrics; usability; Galvanic skin response (GSR); Heart rate;
Within the rapidly growing computer and console game market, researchers
are using emerging technologies to develop enhanced play environments.
The wide variety of video games make them a popular type of entertainment
for a broad range of consumer groups. PriceWaterhouseCoopers recently
stated that video game industry is expected to rise from $41.9 Bn of global
sales in 2007 to $68.3 Bn in 2012, a compound annual growth rate of 10.3%
(Bond, 2008).
While film and game industries are enjoying a massive technology
improvement in the last few years (such as James Cameron’s Avatar),
researchers and developers still suffer from a lack of effective evaluation
Although Human Computer Interaction (HCI) methods have made progress in
understanding product usability, applying the current methods to identify user
experience issues is still a challenge for UX researchers.
Our research interest is in how to combine physiological metrics with other
usability methods to identify user experience issues for gameplay
environments. This paper explains why we need such an approach and
suggests a method to adapt it.
Traditional playtest methodologies
Current methods of evaluating entertainment technologies include both
subjective and objective techniques. The most common methods are
subjective self-reports through questionnaires, interviews, and focus groups
(Fulton & Medlock, 2003) as well as objective reports through observational
video analysis (Lazzaro, 2004).
‘Focus Groups’ are ideal at the start of projects for swiftly getting a sample of
player’s opinions and their general feeling about the project. They are useful
for determining what players expect, need and desire. The open discussion
with a group of players is good for testing and getting feedback on whether
the idea behind a game makes sense, which features would players expect or
other similar questions that designers need to know early on when embarking
upon a new projects. However it can be difficult to include all the participants
in the discussion equally. ‘Focus Groups’ can even run late on in the
production process to do a reality check and fine-tune the message (Krug,
‘Observation’ involves watching the player interact with the game; we observe
how they act, by monitoring their behaviour. The observer can be in the same
room, or watch them remotely. Though direct observation and artificial
environment can produce biased results. Observation sessions are easy to
setup and run. However, understanding player behaviour requires precise
interpretation and unless the video data is captured, some important events
can be missed.
Using ‘observation’ is a rich source of data, but studying observational data as
an indication of human experience is a lengthy and difficult process that
needs to be undertaken with great care to avoid biasing the result (Marshall &
Rossman, 1999). In HCI, behavioural observation logs are common analysis
tool. They can provide a basis for a detailed analysis of usability (Pagulayan
et al., 2003), fun and game experience (Poels et al., 2007).
‘Think aloud’ or ‘verbal reports’ involve asking the players to talk out loud and
describe their actions, feelings and motivation while they are playing the
game. The aim is to get inside their thinking processes ‘in the moment’. It can
reveal previously unnoticed details and can give immediate feedback to the
action. However, it is unprompted and may be unnatural for the participants,
which can affect the gameplay experience. Also if the timing aspect of the
game is integral to the game mechanic, then getting the player to talk will
affect this.
‘Think aloud’ techniques cannot effectively be used within game testing
sessions because of the disturbance to the player and ultimately the impact
they have on game play (Nielsen, 1992).
‘Interviews’ and ‘questionnaires’ are the basis for user-feedback gathering,
where the player is asked a series of structured questions. These methods
can address specific issues, but sometimes these issues remain unsolved as
there is always the potential for biased questions and answers. Also often
people don't remember exactly what the motives for their actions were. By
recording the game video, it is possible to take note of moments of interest
during the test, then replay those sections and ask the player what they were
feeling in order to facilitate recall.
Subjective reporting through ‘questionnaires’ and ‘interviews’ are
generalisable, convenient, and amenable to rapid statistical analysis. Yet,
they only generate data when a question is asked, and interrupting gameplay
to ask a question is too disruptive (Mandryk et al., 2006).
Explained traditional methods have been adopted with some success for
evaluating entertainment technologies. However, the success of a play
environment is determined by the process of playing, not the outcome of
playing (Pagulayan et al., 2003). We must consider this when evaluating user
experience (UX) on a video game. Although traditional methods can identify
major gameplay navigation and content issues, as well understand the
attitudes of the users; they suffer from low evaluation bandwidth, providing
information on the finished experience, rather than continuously throughout
the course of the game (Mandryk & Atkins, 2007). They can interfere with
game-play and create an artificial experience, producing inaccurate results.
Biometric method
Cutting edge technologies enable UX experts to use physiological
measurements for testing or quantifying player’s feeling. Biometrics is the
science of capturing and analysing signals directly from the player’s body.
They can show how different player’s body react to the events on-screen.
Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), Heart Rate (HR), Electroencephalography
(EEG), and Electromyography (EMG) are the most common metrics systems
in use for game research. Since they measure biological responses, they are
instinctive and cannot be falsified. They can help reveal a player’s experience
and physiological state.
Psychologists use physiological measures to differentiate between human
emotions such as anger, grief and sadness (Ekman et al., 1983).
Physiological metrics have recently been used in Human computer
Interaction. Some researchers have used GSR and cardiovascular measures
to examine user response to well and ill-designed web pages (Ward &
Marsden, 2003). More recently, some researchers in UX have used
physiological measurements to evaluate emotional experience in play
environments. For example, Mandryk has used HR, GSR and EMG to create
a modelled emotion for interactive play environment (Mandryk et al., 2006)
and she has examined physiological responses to different interactive play
environment (Mandryk & Inkpen, 2004). Nacke has created a real-time
emotional profile (flow and immersion) of gameplay by using facial EMG and
GSR (Nacke & Lindley, 2008).
Although using a response profile for a set of physiological variables enables
scientists to go into more details with their analysis and allows for a better
correlation between response profile and psychological event (Cacioppo et
al., 2007). But, changes in the physiological signals can be responses to
external activity or can be in anticipation of something not otherwise
observed. Moreover, specific types of measurement of different responses
(such as GSR, EMG, ECG and EEG) are not trustworthy signs of well-
characterised feeling (Cacioppo, 2007). The often described ‘many-to-one’
relation between psychological processing and physiological response
(Cacioppo et al., 2007) allows for physiological measures to be linked to a
number of psychological structures (for example; attention, emotion,
information processing) (Nacke & Lindley, 2008). Ambinder states; “Some
responses or measurements are difficult to correlate with something specific
that happened in the game” (Onyett, 2009).
This paper describes a study that is cautious not to over-interpret
physiological measures, but on using glitch in measures to identify micro-
events in a game that we want to investigate further with participants. In order
to select micro-events, we monitor players’ faces, biometric data, verbal
comments and video game output of a gameplay session. The main goal is to
establish and validate a method that can specify the key moments in a game
that impact players on arousing level. Implementing this method in
conjunction with other usability methods can help us to reduce the impact of
the aforementioned limitations in traditional UX techniques. Moreover, this
approach can emphasize not only user experience and usability problems but
also moments that have a positive impact upon the players’ feelings.
In order to validate this method, we conducted an experiment in February
2010 in our dedicated game user research laboratory (Vertical Slice) at the
University of Sussex in the United Kingdom.
In the following paragraphs we give an overview of our experimental
methodology; and how we report the findings and results. And finally there is
a conclusion as well as a discussion and a detailed prognosis for future work.
Participants played the first two levels of ‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
(MW2)’ (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, 2009) and ‘Haze’ (Haze, 2008) both
on the default setting and on the Sony PlayStation 3 platform. Metacritic
(Metacritic, n.d.) review scores 94 of 100 for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
This means this game is highly accessible, meets expectations, has good
tutorials and positive player feedback. On the other hand, Haze metascore is
55 of 100 (Metacritic, n.d.), which means the game has key usability issues
that impacts enjoyment. These games have been selected specifically to
show how the players’ bodies react to a well designed and a poorly designed
game. These two different conditions assess the independent variables of
game experience.
Data was collected from six male participants, aged 20 to 31. They were all
higher education students at the University of Sussex. Before the experiment
began all participants filled out a background questionnaire, which was used
to gather information on their experiences with computer games, game
preference, console exposure and personal statistics such as age.
Participants were recruited carefully; none of them had played Call of Duty:
Modern Warfare 2 or Haze before. Participants were casual gamers, playing
either computer games or console game frequently. All the participants owned
a personal computer and they had played on Sony PlayStation 2 or 3
platforms before. All the participants played game at least twice a week. Half
of them preferred to play alone and the other half preferred multiplayer
modes. All of them started to play digital games when they were younger than
11 years old. It is important to note that none of the subjects received any
compensation for their participation in the experiment.
Half of the participants were asked to play the first and second levels of Call
of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 in the normal difficulty mode. The other half played
the first and second levels of Haze with the same difficulty settings.
All experiments were conducted between 10:00am and 7:00 pm, with each
experiment session lasting approximately 2 hours. Upon arriving, after a brief
description of the experiment procedure, participants signed a consent form.
They were then fitted with physiological sensors. The gameplay session took
around 75 minutes, depending on how fast they finished two levels.
The post-gameplay interview was conducted soon after they had finished the
gameplay session. From the earlier studies we learnt that it is better to
conduct the interview as soon as possible so that the participants can
remember most of their actions and thoughts. The interview was based on the
selected events from the gameplay session, namely those events selected by
monitoring changes in participants’ physiological measures, their verbal
report, sitting position, facial expressions and the game output. With the
participants, we looked at selected moments of their gameplay video and they
described their feelings on those moments but most importantly ‘why they felt
that way’.
Physiological data were gathered using BIOPAC hardware system, sensors
and software from BIOPAC System Inc. Based on previous literature, we
chose to collect galvanic skin response (GSR) and electrocardiography
(EKG). Heart rate (HR) was computed from the EKG signal.
Galvanic skin response (GSR)
Arousal is commonly measured using galvanic skin response, also known as
skin conductance (Lang et al., 1993). The conductance of the skin is directly
related to the production of sweat in the eccrine sweat glands. In fact,
subjects do not have to even be sweating to see difference in GSR because
the eccrine sweat glands act as variable resistors on the surface. As sweat
rises in a particular gland, the resistance of that gland decreases even
thought the sweat may not reach the surface of the skin (Stern et al., 2001).
Galvanic skin response has a linear correlate to arousal (Lang, 1995) and
reflects both emotional responses as well as cognitive activity (Boucsein,
We measured the impedance of the skin by using two passive SS3LA
BAIOPACK electrodes (at 60 Hz). The electrode pellets were filled with TD-
246 skin conductance electrode gel and attached to the ring and little fingers
of the participant’s left hand.
Cardiovascular measures
The cardiovascular system includes the organs that regulate blood flow
through the body. Measures of cardiovascular activity include heart rate (HR),
interbeat interval (IBI), heart rate variability (HRV), blood pressure (BP), and
BVP. Electrocardiograms (EKG) measure electrical activity of the heart, and
HR, IBI, and HRV can be computed from EKG. HR reflects emotional activity.
It has been used to distinguish between positive and negative emotions
(Papillo & Shapiro, 1990).
In this study we monitored participant’s HR, which was computed from their
EKG. To collect EKG we placed three pre-gelled leads with BIOPACK SS2L
surface electrodes (at 50Hz) in the standard configuration of two electrodes
just above the ankles and one electrode on the right wrist over the veins.
The experiment was conducted in our dedicated gameplay laboratory (Vertical
Slice) at the Sussex University. Our playroom equipped with a Sony
PlayStation 3, a Sony 40” flat screen TV, a Sennheiser wireless microphone,
a Sony Handycam video camera to capture the player’s face and a BIOPAC
system to capture physiological data. Participants were seated on a
comfortable sofa positioned approximately one meter from the TV and the
camera. The playroom specifically is designed and decorated to simulate an
actual living room in order to reduce the impact of artificial experience. The
game footage, the camera recording the player’s face, and the screen
containing the physiological data (GSR and HR) were synchronized into a
single screen. This screen is digitally recorded and displayed on another
screen in an isolated observation room, where we were observing and
controlling the gameplay session. The digital recording also contained audio
of the participant’s comments and the game audio output from an attached
The results listed below validated the effectiveness of this approach to
understand players’ thoughts and behaviour in the games. The results were
compared to identify which types of game events affect the participant’s
gameplay experiences.
Repeating moments
HR and GSR signals increase at the beginning of each new level in both
games. Participants all commented that it was because of the excitement of a
new mission and getting ready to play. Similar peaks were observed at the
end of each level. All the players explained that it was due to the happiness
and enjoyment of completing the mission and getting ready for the next one.
Repeated increases in players’ GSRs signal were noticed when they died and
got back into the game, which explained as: “knowing what is going to happen
and the anticipating that”. In the same way, when a participant died many
times in a scene: “it was frustrating, I couldn’t figure out what to do”. In one
event, a participant commented about the increase in his GSR signal when he
died, as the respawn location was considerably far behind the point of death,
meaning that a lot of progress was lost.
At the beginning of the first level of Haze, increase in player’s GSR signal
occurred after he walked in different directions in the jungle for about two
minutes. During the post-gameplay interview he said: “I was feeling lost and
not in control of the game”.
Feedback and direction
During different events in Haze, players described most of the changes in
their signals, as they were not sure if they were doing a right thing. For
example Lev (participant 2) expressed: “I was not sure if I could still drive my
buggy or if it was broken. I’ve started driving it again, but was not sure if it was
going to explode soon or not. Eventually, it did”.
When we asked him about a change in his signals at the point he got some
instructions on screen, Lev continued: “in that event, when I was driving, there
were four lines of text, with a small font on the screen. I couldn’t read them
and was worried they might be important instructions or directions”.
In another event he described a change in his GSR signal when he was shot
to death as: “there were little arrows on the screen telling me from which
direction the enemies are shooting at me, but no one was there. It was so
confusing. I couldn’t see who was shooting at me”.
Bob’s (participant 1) GSR and HR signals decreased when he got off the
buggy after driving it up a hill. Later on in the interview he commented, “I was
not sure what to do, there were no clear instructions; should I walk or continue
driving? I decided to walk but was worried that it was not the correct decision”.
(Figure 1)
In both games, repetitive change in players’ GSR signal occurred while they
were watching cutscenes. In the following there are some of the comments
players mentioned in the post-gameplay interview about the changes in their
physiological responses.
We noticed an increase in Bob’s GSR signal while he was watching a
cutscene in the middle of the first level of Haze; we asked him if he was
enjoying this clip? In the post-gameplay interview Bob commented that “this
was very boring and I couldn’t skip it”. Another participant describes the
change in his signal at the same clip as: “I was not sure if I was walking in a
right direction. I was lost in the jungle, so when the clip started I was happy
because I realised I was in the correct location”. Similar changes in GSR
signal were indicated with other participants while they were watching this clip
or other cutscenes in this game. They similarly commented: “I wanted to be
able to skip cutscenes unless they give orders or directions…these clips are
boring especially for an FPS game (First Person Shooter)…while we were on
helicopter at the beginning of the second level, I was expecting to receive the
next mission briefing”.
On the other hand, in MW2, the player comments: “the cutscenes are
interesting, especially because they are a briefing of the next level and it is
great that I can skip watching it…they are replaced the loading
screen…cutscenes during the levels are extremely short”. During one of the
clips a player’s GSR signal changed and he commented: “I like the Indian
Ocean and it was zooming into it”.
Frequent changes occurred in GSR and HR when players recieved their
favourite guns.
In Haze, we observed an increase in Bob’s GSR signal when he was using
the sniper rifle, our question were if he liked the weapon? In the post-
gameplay interview he mentioned: “In that event, I killed four enemies all
together; all of them came to the game scenario from the same location, and it
was very easy to kill them all. I was expecting a tougher experience for an
FPS game”. (Figure 2)
There were several increases in GSR signals when players tried to use sniper
rifles in different events in Haze. Similarly, all of their comments were: “It is
always cool to snipe in an FPS game, but in this game aiming was so difficult
and it was hard to kill enemies.” One participant commented: “enemies were
moving too much”.
A change in Bob’s GSR signal was identified while he was trying to kill an
enemy with shotgun. Later in the interview he mentioned: “I was shooting at
him with shotgun repeatedly, but he didn’t die. Shotguns are usually extremely
powerful weapons and it should only take one or two shots to kill someone”.
In MW2 a participant commented: “I like the fact that in each level I need to
use different guns depending on environmental conditions”. The players’
GSRs change when they try to snipe and use grenades. An example of this is
shown in the comment: “it is always fun to use grenades. In this game they
give you an authentic feeling”.
During the same game, repeated increases in one of the player’s signals were
observed before he reloaded his gun. Later in the interview he commented:
“I’ve chosen a machinegun because it is so powerful but it takes time to
reload it. It is annoying, but it is also realistic which I like. Every time I wanted
to reload it I was afraid the enemy might attack me before the gun was
New features
In the second level of Haze a new feature is introduced into the game (a
buggy). Bob’s GSR signal increased when he started riding the buggy. Later
at the post-gameplay interview he commented: “I was happy seeing the buggy
and knew I could drive it and it was going to be fun. It was not easy to get on
it. There were four seats available; the driver seat, right or left passenger
seats and the top slot armed with a machinegun, I was able to sit in any of the
seats, but to continue the game I had to sit as the driver. Also I had to
approach the buggy from behind to be able to sit as the driver. It was
confusing. Nevertheless, driving it was fun as soon as I got used to controlling
it”. He continued: “it was quite fun at the beginning, but later on in the level I
got bored with it”.
Similar changes were observed in other participants’ GSR signals, when they
wanted to get on the buggy. All of them commented that: “getting on the
buggy was complicated…since we have to drive the buggy to continue the
game, why can we sit on the other seats?...I wanted to be able to sit as the
driver when I approach the buggy from different sides”.
Bob’s GSR signal was raised when he was engaged with an enemy’s car for
the first time in Haze, we thought it was because it was the first time he saw
an enemy vehicle in the game; but at the post-gameplay interview he
mentioned: “Since I was driving my buggy, I was expecting to be able to follow
and shoot at the enemy’s car, but the car went to a closed area like a
warehouse and we were both stuck there shooting at each other. It would be
much better if I could follow and shoot at it while driving fast”.
In MW2, at the beginning of the second level players had to climb an ice rock
with a pickaxe. It was something new in the game, so we could see a constant
increase in all the players’ GSR signals, which could mean a high level of
excitement. All players commented that event as: “so interesting, so
awesome, I haven’t seen anything like this before”. Later on at the end of the
second level, players had to escape the enemies with a snowmobile. The
picture below shows how the player body reacted to that event. All the
participants noted that they enjoyed it a lot. One participant said: “the best
thing was that riding it was not very difficult, since it is not a racing game. I
enjoyed it so much, especially when I had to use my gun as well. It was
realistic, I even had to reload my gun too”. (Figure 3)
In Haze, Bob described the change in his GSR signal when his teammate
fired the machinegun on the buggy as: “I saw my teammate shooting at
enemies with the machinegun while I was driving, that was cool. I like
machineguns and seeing my buddy using it gives me a better sense of
security and safety”.
Later on at another event he commented on the change as: “The enemies
were shooting at me and my buggy, no one was at the machinegun. There
was one of my teammate on the buggy but he was not using the machinegun,
I was thinking why he did not sit at the machinegun”.
And few minutes later when he saw that a new teammate had joined them
and sat at the machinegun, his GSR signal changed and he described it in the
post-gameplay interview as: “I saw my teammate and I knew he was going to
sit at the machinegun, so I felt more secure and in control. Why is the game
not designed in a way that my teammates sit at the machinegun straight
away? Also, I was wondering if I could fire the machinegun while someone
else drove the buggy”. (Figure 4)
Further changes in Bob’s GSR signal occurred while he was using the
machinegun to kill an enemy solider. He mentioned earlier that he liked to use
the machinegun, so perhaps that is why his GSR signal was changing?
During the interview he described his feeling at that moment as: “I was
shooting at the enemy, hiding behind an aluminium board, so I thought I must
have killed him, since he was hiding behind a very thin board. I was shooting
with a powerful gun, yet he was alive”.
Bob commented about the increase in his signal when he found a new buggy
in the game: “I saw a new buggy, but wasn’t sure how I could get there, I
needed to jump off a hill. But I died when I tried to jump of a same size hill in
the previous level. So I was not sure if I could jump here or not. Since that
was the only way to get there I jumped and nothing happened to me. I think
that the game rules changed between different levels”.
The two screenshots below (Figure 5) compare changes in two players’ HR
and GSR signals when engaged in a heavy combat:
Game environment
Lev commented on changes in his GSR signals from the event shown in the
below screenshot (Figure 6) from Haze as: “falling rocks hit me but nothing
happened to me. The game environment does not feel real”. In another event
he said: “I hit the big container with my little buggy and it moved”.
In MW2 player commented on the increased GSR signals when he entered a
building from the street: “You never get tired of this game, the game
environment changes frequently, from streets to a building, then back to
streets, then on the car”.
Another player commented on the change in his signal after a grenade
explosion as: “I liked the few second mute after the explosion, it feels like I am
not hearing anything. I imagine it is the same in reality”.
In the same game, another event the player explained the change in his
measurements: “I saw an injured soldier still shooting at me, which was
cool…I shot at the tires of a parked car. It was amazing because the tires
went flat. This game is so realistic”. Similarly from another event: “I love this
machinegun, it is very powerful, has a real feeling, yet nothing happened to
the trees when I shot at them, I wanted to see changes in the trees”.
Cooling down spot
In MW2, we have noticed similar decreases in GSR and HR for all the players
when they finished climbing the ice rock before engaging enemies, at the
beginning of the second level. These changes could be assumed as they
were getting bored, but at the post-gameplay interview they all commented on
that moment as: “a bit relaxing after the heavily taxing moments of climbing
the ice, It felt really good and I can’t wait to see more of the game”. (Figure 7)
After analysing the results, we can conclude that the two main benefits of
implementing this method in game user research studies are:
1. Sometimes it is too difficult to indicate user experience problems with
traditional user research methods, especially if the problem is less obvious.
Biometric data are involuntary and objective. By capturing players’ body
signals during a game-play session, any change in their body reaction can be
carefully monitored and that event can then be pointed out for post-gameplay
interview session.
2. To confirm findings from other methods or design guidelines. It can also be
used as evidence of a problem to prove and back up the found results. This
approach can reveal the importance of the impact of usability and playability
issues on players’ feelings.
Furthermore it can identify critical moments in a game that contribute to a
better game-play experience. Biometrics data can indicate if game events are
successful in affecting players in arousal level, as well as to specify which
scene of a game has more effect on players’ feelings.
The results show that implementing this method in combination with other
user research methods can help game UX researchers to highlight various
usability and user experience issues, but can also point out those moments
that have a positive impact upon players’ feelings.
The study in this paper was based on comparing two First Person Shooter
games, but it is expected that this method can be applied on other genres of
games as well. We are currently testing a new car racing game and
implementing this method to help us to understand even more about the
relationship between game environments and scenarios and the player that is
engaging with them.
For this study we used GSR and HR measures, but it is expected that
measuring other physiological responses (such as EEG or EMG) could help
us to monitor and dissect even more events to discuss with players. However
since the sensors need to be attached to the player to collect physiological
measures, we have to be cautious with every new type of biometric
measurement technique that we may use in the future, for fees of introducing
additional factors that may produce biased results.
Thanks to Vertical Slice and Interact lab colleagues, especially Gareth White
and Joel Windels.
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ai_researcher | 2 | Human-Centered_Evaluation_of_Language_Technologies.pdf | Human Face as Human Single Identity
Spits Warnars
Department of Computing and Mathematics, Manchester Metropolitan University
John Dalton Building, Chester Street, Manchester M15GD, United Kingdom
[email protected]
Abstract :
Human face as a physical human recognition can be used as a unique identity for computer to recognize
human by transforming human face with face algorithm as simple text number which can be primary
key for human. Human face as single identity for human will be done by making a huge and large world
centre human face database, where the human face around the world will be recorded from time to time
and from generation to generation. Architecture database will be divided become human face image
database which will save human face images and human face output code which will save human face
output code as a transformation human face image with face algorithm. As an improvement the slightly
and simple human face output code database will make human face searching process become more fast.
Transaction with human face as a transaction without card can make human no need their card for the
transaction and office automation and banking system as an example for implementation architecture.
As an addition suspect human face database can be extended for fighting crime and terrorism by doing
surveillance and searching suspect human face around the world.
Keywords: Face Recognition, Single Identity, Face Algorithm, Face Recognition Infrastructure, Face
Database design
1. Introduction
In daily live human recognize others by
looking their faces. For the first time humans
will be difficult to recognize new human face
which have never been seen before. Slowly but
sure people can recognize others by continuous
recognition. In surveillance system human has
been helping by camera technology such as
CCTV or webcam in order to recognize other
human for security surveillance. Computer
technology as a part of surveillance tools has
been extended as think like a human not just
only to record the video picture but doing the
surveillance by
Recently face recognition research have been
doing as a part of computer vision research and
many applications have been creating based on
face recognition concept.
recognizing human
In daily transaction lives human have
been helping by computer to recognize others
by numbering human as their identity such as
Passport number, Student number, Account
number, employee number, National Insurance
number, National Health number and so on.
Man has many numbers which is mean man has
many identities and having many identities for
man can be susceptible for crime or deception.
Single identity for man will help the system to
recognize human, reduce crime or deception and
improve security.
Human face as a physical recognition for
human can be used as an identity for computer
to recognize human no matter that lack of
current face recognition. Face has several
advantages over other biometric technology like
finger, hand, voice, eye and signature based on
number of evaluation factor such as enrolment,
renewal, machine
requirement and public
perception [1]. Moreover face in video is more
acceptable and collectable rather than other
biometrics recognition like iris, fingerprint or
even face in document [2].
for human
In this paper we will deepen for how to
make a system where human face as a single
infrastructure for this single identity system.
How the system can recognize the human face,
store and manage it?
2. Human face as a primary key
and what
In daily live human can be easy to
recognize others if they already had the memory
about other human face. In computer system the
human memory which placed in human brain is
a database which can save
the data or
transaction as a process for memorizing. It’s
clear that for building the system which can
recognize human face will be needed the
database as memorizing. Best structure database
face will
recognizing human
influence the algorithm as a process and best
algorithm will influence the best structure
database and obviously will influence the better
and faster human face computer system.
As computer can recognize human by
numbering human as their identity then in most
information system human has been recognized
as a unique record in database which had been
saved before. In order to make a system where
can recognize human face and differ between
each others, then the idea is to make a unique
record in database for man as well. The idea is
to transform human face as number which can
be saved as primary key in database.
PCA, LDA, etc
Figure 1. Human face numbering
Some of Face recognizing algorithm like
PCA (Principal Component Analysis), IDA
(Independent Component Analysis), LDA
(Linier Discriminate Analysis) and others can be
chose or extended to transform human face into
number which can be saved as a unique record
in database. A unique record which primary key
as unique identity for human.
3. World Centre Human face database
In order to make single identity for
human face as security improvement and for
reducing crime and deception then a single and
centre database must be created as well as a
world centre human face. The centre large
human face databases contain with human faces
data from all the countries, from time to time
and from generation to generation. Man not only
be recognized in one country but can be
recognized in other countries as one personal
with one identity. Moreover Man can be
recognized from
time and from
generation to generation. As addition genealogy
system can be built significantly based on this
A single and large centre database will
imply the needed for big resources and as a
result the best structure database design and
algorithm must be improved. Beside that for
technology can be
implemented such as
distribution database, data warehouse, data
mining and etc.
For performance reason database will be
divided as:
1. Human face image
2. Human face output code
Human face image database will be recorded
with human face images and because of saving
image can make database become a huge
database then this database just a link from
slightly Human Face Output Code database.
Possibly one record in Human Face Output
Code database will have many records in
Human Face Image database. This can be
happened because human face appearance can
change periodically as a result for ages, accident
or anything which can change the appearance
human face.
Human Face
Human Face
Output Code
Figure 2. world Centre Human Face Database
Human Face Output Code database will
be recorded with output code as a result from
Face Algorithm. Data which recorded as a
represent for human face code in appearance
simple text will make database become slightly
and for best performance searching purpose.
This database will be used for searching human
identity and become a link to Human Face
Image database. Each record will represent as
unique human identity and act as primary key.
For security purpose encryption and decryption
can be used for this simple text record.
Human Face Output Code become an
to other systems, where external
like United Nations, Countries,
Banking system, International
and international organization can access the
database. United Nations and
organization can get a real time data about
human demography.
Countries will be helped by Centre
Human Face Database where they can control
human travelling to access their country and
national security will be improved. People no
need passport anymore
travelling and
countries no need to issue a passport or a
physical visa which issued on passport. Visa can
be issued as electronic visa issued. Human face
substitute passport as unique identification for
human. In the future we do not need passport
and visa for international travelling.
It will be better if all countries are aware
technology. Developed
countries can help developing countries for the
implementation and as a reward developed
countries will increase their national security.
As a result system one single identity will
international banking
transportation, and other international system.
For against the international criminal,
there will be a special database which can
record human which have criminal records,
specifically for international criminal or terrorist
activities. The most wanted people can be
recognized by searching their face on every
place which can record the activities as a video
or image sequences.
In banking system international cash
flow can be detected very early. Every people
can be detected where they put their money,
what the resources for their income and the
purpose for their fund. Banking system can
protect against the money laundry and using
fund for crime purposing such as funding for
transportation will be easy to control human
travelling, beside electronic visa is implemented
and people no need passport anymore.
There are common thought that human
obey the law when there is a significance law,
punishment and surveillance. Human obey the
law because they are surveyed, human are not
going to contravene traffic lamp because there
are camera surveillance and human are going to
slow their car speed when there is camera
surveillance. Absolutely human must need
surveillance for living harmony in this world
and as a result one single identity can decrease
the private confidential, but as long as there are
some protection
rules, accountability and
everything is under control then security will be
the performance of
database will
implemented where primary key will be
duplicated in many external databases.
4. Transaction without card
For many
transaction systems,
system can easily to recognize human when
they bring card as personal identity. But when
human forget or lost their card then they can’t
do their transaction easily, the system can’t
recognize them without their card.
Human face as an identity for transaction
can make people no need to bring their card
anymore, people never worry to lose or forget to
bring their card as an identity. The System can
be helped for recognizing human without need
their card as long as they show their face. Man
with one single identity can be improved and
even for the system in the whole world and not
only for the system in one country.
Using human face as an identity for
transaction can be implemented in many sector
like office automation, where the system can
detect human face and give a message alert. For
ATM/Debit card anymore, they don’t need to
system people no need
remember their password, security number or
pin anymore, they just show their face to access
cash machines, pay for goods and services at the
retailer or have a dealing with internet banking.
In office automation there will be 4
kinds of databases
1. Face output code database
2. Face image database
3. Message database
4. Personal database
The same like the database architecture for
world centre human face database, face image
database will be captured with images of human
face in many pose and appearance. Face output
code database will be recorded with output code
as a simple text as a result from face algorithm
which is primary key. It is possible to connect
these databases to world centre human face
database as well.
Webcam CCTV, speaker &
touch screen
Face Algorithm
Face Output Code
Face Image
Face Output Code
Not find
Alert messages
No action
Figure 3. Transaction with Face on Office
personal message
Message database will be recorded with
like meeting,
appointment, email and etc. For privacy reason
human can arrange the message alert by setting
what kind of personal messages can be alert to
them or even there is no message alert, but for
organization purposes, the message for meeting
can’t be denied as a message. Personal database
will be recorded with personal employee data
like address, phone number, salary, recorded
activity and etc.
For attendance system can be also done
with human face and not with other biometric
recognition. Attendance system with
recognition can automatically recognize human
attendance for office, class or every system
which record human attendances. With human
face as recognizing for attendance, human will
have never can cheat their attendance by asking
other human to clock their attendance or record
the wrong time. Attendance database will be
prepared for record every attendance activities.
For office or working which need
surveillance for their employee, then human
face also can be used to record employee
activities fairly. Employer can be helped by
system automatically to value their employee
without human interfere. The System with
face can capture employee daily
activities, what time they come, what time they
go home, how much time they do their lunch,
how much time they do their toilet activities,
how much time they stay in their chair or rooms,
how much time they go out from their rooms or
how much time they use their computer or tools
? And many questions can be answered as an
indicator to survey their employee automatically
by system.
Human face will be captured and
recognized with webcam or CCTV which
equipped with speaker and
touch screen
monitor. Computer will transform human face
with face algorithm become face output code.
The face output code which is simple text will
be searched on face output code database which
is filled with simple code text which represent
for each human face as primary key or single
If searching find the match record then
the message database will be searched with
simple text code primary key and if find then
check if the date for the message still up to date
and if still up to date then message will be
alerted. If can’t find there is no action. When
employee use the computer with webcam then
the alert can be shown with sound if they
activate the sound card or with preview message
on computer screen. Human when they use their
computer even surfing on internet either using
internet from office or outside office can be
recognized and alerted.
CCTV which equipped with speaker and
touch screen will be erected in every strategic
place where CCTV can capture and recognize
human face easily. When CCTV capture human
face, the computer will transform human face
with face algorithm become face output code
which will be searched on face output code
database. If find then with the same face output
code will be searched on message database, if
find and the date for the message still activate
then the message will be alerted either with
voices and displaying on computer screen.
If the target person interest with the
message alert, they can come to the near CCTV
which equipped with speaker and touch screen
and look for the message. For looking at data
other employee can be done by searching the
face output code in personal database and read
all the data needed.
ATM Webcam Retailer
Face Image
Face Algorithm
Face Output Code
Face Output Code
changed as the requirement for face recognition
in banking transaction.
The same with implementation in office
automation there will be face image database,
face output code database and personal database
but without message database. If possible
message can be used as an improvement for
customer personal message alert. The scenario
for human face identification and recognizing in
office automation will be implemented as well
as in banking system. If human face can be
recognized then they are recognized as the
banking customer, but if can’t recognized and
insist for doing fraud the face output code will
in suspect face output code
be recorded
complement for face output code database to
save image human face.
Every activity by unrecognized human
face will be saved automatically by cam or
webcam for evidence purpose. Their cam
activity can be analyzed for
purpose. In the future for bank security this
Suspect Face Output Code Database and
Suspect Face Image Database will be searched
on world human face centre database for
recognizing. If their data can be found in Centre
database human face then their criminal activity
record will be added. If they can’t be found then
the new record will be added with criminal
activity record adding.
Not find
Do Banking
Face Output
Code Database
Face Image
Figure 4. Transaction with Face on Banking
For banking system, the security will
improve significantly. The Banking System can
more secure to protect their customer’s money
and against money laundering or other financial
crime. Other
transaction by phone and television will be
Face Algorithm
Face Output Code
Face Image
Face Output
Code Database
Contact to near law enforcement
Figure 5. Surveillance for suspect human face
Searching for suspect human face can be
done on every webcam access and every CCTV
which equipped for surveillance. The concept
will be the same with office automation or
banking system, where the CCTV or cam will
catch human face and transform with face
algorithm become face output code. The face
output code will be searched on suspect face
output code database and if find then face in
suspect face image database will be retrieved
and automatically system will alert the near law
Another face recognition value added
can be extended such as when the human face is
detected, computer can recognize the human
emotion [3][4][5],and human health which
combine with speech recognition or body
temperature censor [4][6]. Computer can give a
joke, bonus or good message when human in
stress condition. For some human with disease
identification, computer can be reacted as like
their doctor to ask them to eat their pill or find
their doctor, giving advice such as have a good
sleeping and have a nice food. Even the
computer will give alert to medical institution as
a warning for preparing emergency medical
5. Conclusion
Human face as a recognition for human
can be powerful to use as a single identity in the
world, where
the world security will be
improved in order to combat terrorism and
crime globally. Man can only has one identity
and never have more than one identity and man
will use their face as their identity as the real
recognition in daily human living. Human can
be easy recognized globally and system around
the world can be easily to recognize human
without many screening and wasting time.
Human face from time to time and from
generation to generation will be recorded in a
huge and
large world centre human face
database. Real accurate human data in the world
will be delivered easily. Other data and
researches can be extended for human welfare
and security.
Human no need their card anymore as
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ai_researcher | 2 | Scientific_hypothesis_generation_process_in_clinical_research_a_secondary_data_analytic_tool_versus_experience_study_protocol.pdf | 4
A model of multiple hypothesis testing∗
Davide Viviano
Harvard University
Kaspar W¨uthrich
UC San Diego
Paul Niehaus
UC San Diego
April 29, 2024
Multiple hypothesis testing practices vary widely, without consensus on which are
appropriate when. This paper provides an economic foundation for these practices
designed to capture processes of scientific communication, such as regulatory approval
In studies of multiple treatments or sub-populations,
on the basis of clinical trials.
adjustments may be appropriate depending on scale economies in the research produc-
tion function, with control of classical notions of compound errors emerging in some
but not all cases. In studies with multiple outcomes, indexing is appropriate and ad-
justments to test levels may be appropriate if the intended audience is heterogeneous.
Data on actual costs in the drug approval process suggest both that some adjustment
is warranted in that setting and that standard procedures are overly conservative.
Keywords: Bonferroni, family-wise error rate, false discovery rate, multiple sub-
groups, multiple treatments, multiple outcomes, research costs
JEL Codes: C12
∗An earlier version of this paper circulated under the title: “(When) should you adjust inferences for
multiple hypothesis testing?” (first version on arXiv: 27 April 2021). D.V. and K.W. contributed equally
to this work. We are grateful to Nageeb Ali, Isaiah Andrews, Tim Armstrong, Oriana Bandiera, Sylvain
Chassang, Tim Christensen, Graham Elliott, Stefan Faridani, Will Fithian, Paul Glewwe, Peter Hull, Guido
Imbens, Lawrence Katz, Toru Kitagawa, Pat Kline, Michael Kremer, Michal Kolesar, Ivana Komunjer,
Damian Kozbur, Lihua Lei, Adam McCloskey, Konrad Menzel, Francesca Molinari, Jose Montiel-Olea,
Ulrich Mueller, Mikkel Plagborg-Møller, David Ritzwoller, Joe Romano, Adam Rosen, Jonathan Roth,
Andres Santos, Azeem Shaikh, Jesse Shapiro, Joel Sobel, Sandip Sukhtankar, Yixiao Sun, Elie Tamer,
Aleksey Tetenov, Winnie van Dijk, Tom Vogl, Quang Vuong, Michael Wolf, and seminar participants for
valuable comments, and to staff at J-PAL, Sarah Kopper and Sabhya Gupta in particular, for their help
accessing data. Aakash Bhalothia and Muhammad Karim provided excellent research assistance. P.N. and
K.W. gratefully acknowledge funding from the UC San Diego Academic Senate. All errors are our own.
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Hypothesis testing plays a prominent role in processes of scientific communication. Typically,
researchers report results from more than one test, and there has recently been increasing
interest in and debate over whether the testing procedures they employ should reflect this
in some way—that is, whether some form of multiple hypothesis testing (MHT) adjustment
should be applied. As a concrete example, consider pharmaceutical companies reporting the
results of clinical trials to regulators when seeking approval to market new drugs: the U.S.
regulator (the Food and Drug Administration, FDA) recently released guidelines calling
for MHT adjustments on the grounds that omitting them could “increase the chance of
false conclusions regarding the effects of the drug” (Food and Drug Administration, 2022).
Analogous concerns arise in many other settings. As a result, a number of procedures for
MHT adjustment have been proposed, and their statistical properties are well-understood
(see e.g. Romano et al., 2010, for an overview).
What is less clear is whether and when these procedures are economically desirable. That
is, under what conditions does MHT adjustment lead to better decision-making from the
point of view of the actor designing the scientific communication process? The answer is
far from obvious.
It is certainly true, for example, that without MHT adjustments, the
chance of making at least one type I error increases with the number of tests. But this is
analogous to the truism that the more decisions one makes, the more likely one is to make
at least one mistake. It is indisputable, but sheds no light on the pertinent questions, which
are whether and how the rule for making individual decisions should change with the total
number being made. This paper provides a framework for analyzing such questions. We
aim for a framework that provides insight into generally relevant principles, and can feasibly
be applied to real-world settings of interest—though naturally one should not expect the
answers this yields to be the same in every circumstance.
We focus, in particular, on whether and when MHT adjustments arise as a solution to
incentive misalignment between a researcher and a mechanism designer. Our interest in this
case reflects two primary considerations. The first is substantive:
incentives are clearly an
issue in real-world cases of interest (e.g. in the drug approval process, which we will use
as a running example). The instinctive concern many seem to have is that without MHT
adjustments, the researcher would have an undue incentive to test many hypotheses in the
hopes of getting lucky. We would like to formalize and scrutinize that intuition. And the
second is pragmatic: to have a theory of MHT adjustments, we must have a theory that
rationalizes hypothesis testing at standard levels in the first place, which (as we discuss
below) is hard to do convincingly in a non-strategic setting (e.g., Tetenov, 2012, 2016).
Specifically, we study a model of scientific communication in which a benevolent social
planner chooses norms with respect to MHT adjustments, taking into account the way this
shapes researchers’ incentives. The model embeds two core ideas. First, social welfare
is (potentially) affected by the summary recommendations (in particular, hypothesis tests)
contained in research studies, as well as by the production of new knowledge per se.1 Second,
while this makes the research a public good, the costs of producing it are borne privately by
the researcher. She decides whether or not to incur these costs and conduct a (pre-specified)
experiment based at least in part on the private returns to doing so. The planner must,
therefore, balance the goals of (i) motivating the production of research and (ii) limiting
the possibility of harm due to mistaken conclusions. We represent these preferences with
a utility function that includes both ambiguity-averse and expected-utility components (as,
for example, in Gilboa and Schmeidler (1989) and Banerjee et al. (2020)), which (we show)
turn out to have intuitive connections with the statistical concepts of size control and power.
We first show that—when multiplicity takes the form of testing multiple treatments or
estimating effects within multiple sub-populations 2—these assumptions rationalize separate
hypothesis tests based on threshold-crossing protocols. We show that if the planner assigns
any positive weight to the production of knowledge per se, the class of optimal testing
protocols is the class of unbiased maximin testing protocols. Maximin optimality is closely
connected to size control, while unbiasedness requires the power of protocols to exceed their
size, where size and power are defined in terms of economic fundamentals in our model.
The proposed notion of optimality is a refinement of maximin optimality, which rules out
underpowered tests. We then prove that the separate t-tests, which are ubiquitous in applied
work, are maximin optimal and unbiased for a unique choice of critical values, and we provide
an explicit characterization of the optimal critical values in terms of the researcher’s costs
and the number of hypotheses.
Having established this, we next characterize the role of multiplicity, drawing two broad
conclusions. First, it is generically optimal to adjust testing thresholds (i.e. critical values)
for the number of hypotheses. A loose intuition is as follows. The worst states of the
world are those in which the status quo of no treatment is best; in these states, a research
study has only a downside, and it is desirable to keep the benefits from experimentation low
enough that the researcher chooses not to experiment. If the hypothesis testing protocol were
invariant to the number of hypotheses being tested, then for sufficiently many hypotheses,
this condition would be violated: the researcher’s expected payoff from false positives alone
would be high enough to warrant experimentation. Some adjustment for hypothesis count
may thus be needed. We believe that this logic aligns fairly well with the lay intuition that
researchers should not be allowed to test many hypotheses and then “get credit” for false
1We describe the case where hypothesis rejections lead to changes in welfare relative to the status quo, but
under a straightforward reinterpretation, the framework can also accommodate situations in which “precise
null” results affect welfare.
2These forms of multiplicity are common in practice. For example, the majority of the clinical trials
reviewed in Pocock et al. (2002, Table 1) tested for effects in more than one subgroup. In economics, 27
of 124 field experiments published in “top-5” journals between 2007 and 2017 feature factorial designs with
more than one treatment (Muralidharan et al., 2020).
Second (and as this suggests), the research cost function determines exactly how much
adjustment is required. One can, in fact, pick a cost function such that no further adjustment
is required, as the costs of doing research scale with the number of hypotheses tested in just
such a way as to “build in” the needed correction. More generally, optimal testing protocols
compensate for residual imbalances in researcher incentives with respect to the number of
hypotheses, taking the researcher’s costs into account. As a result, the framework can
explain when common criteria emerge as appropriate solutions, and when they do not, as
a function of the economic environment. When research costs are fixed, for example, it is
optimal to control the average size of tests (e.g. via a Bonferroni correction), while when
costs scale in exact proportion to the number of tests no MHT adjustment is required.
Our model also helps to clarify confusion about the boundaries of MHT adjustment and
whether researchers should adjust for multiple testing across different studies. The cost-
based perspective suggests that MHT adjustments may be appropriate when there are cost
complementarities across studies but not otherwise.
A broader principle suggested by these results is that welfare-optimal MHT adjustments
depend on how exactly the hypotheses interact. Our base model emphasizes interactions in
the research cost function, which (as we discuss below) appear to be substantial in real-world
settings. We also consider a series of extensions in which there is successively more scope
for interactions of other kinds, through non-linearities in the researcher’s payoff and through
interactions between the welfare effects of the treatments (e.g. complementary treatments).
Combined with an appropriately weakened notion of optimality, these extensions yield some
interesting results, including (in one case) family-wise error rate (FWER) control at the level
of groups of hypotheses.
We extend our analysis to the case in which the researcher measures the effect of a
single intervention on multiple outcomes. Per se this does not necessarily imply that she
should report multiple test results; we show that if there is a single decision-maker then it is
optimal to require the research to report a single test based on an index of the outcomes. The
economically optimal index turns out to coincide with that implied by classical statistical
reasoning (in the spirit of Anderson (2008)) when the outcomes represent different measures
of or proxies for the same underlying concept; when they capture distinct contributions to
welfare the optimal index is based on economic weights, as for example in Bhatt et al. (2024).
If, on the other hand, the research results influence an audience of multiple decision-makers
with heterogeneous preferences (in the spirit of Andrews and Shapiro (2021)) then there is a
natural rationale for reporting multiple test results, and we show that the resulting problem
is isomorphic to our main model so that all our earlier results carry through.
To illustrate the quantitative implications of the model we apply it to our running ex-
ample, regulatory approval by the FDA. Applying the formulae implied by the model to
published data on the cost structure of clinical trials, we calculate adjusted critical values
that are neither as liberal as unadjusted testing, nor as conservative as those implied by
some of the procedures in current use. We also explore potential applicability to research in
economics, where the use of MHT adjustment is on the rise (see Figure 3), using a unique
dataset on the costs of projects submitted to the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab
(J-PAL) which we assembled for this purpose.
Overall the main message is that the specific procedures that are optimal will vary de-
pending on the details of the scientific communication process, something that is clear even
within the range of possibilities we consider here. But we expect two principles to be robust
more broadly. First, costs must matter in any model that justifies MHT as a way of “getting
researcher incentives right.” If incentives matter, then it must be the net incentives, i.e.
rewards net of costs, that matter. And second, different kinds of multiplicity may call for
different solutions depending on how they map to decision-making.
Our paper draws inspiration from other work using economic models to inform the choice
of statistical procedures. The audience for research results plays a central (albeit pas-
sive) role, as in recent work on scientific communication (e.g., Andrews and Shapiro, 2021;
Frankel and Kasy, 2022). More generally, the preferences and incentives of researchers drive
the analysis (e.g., Chassang et al., 2012; Tetenov, 2016; Banerjee et al., 2017; Spiess, 2018;
Henry and Ottaviani, 2019; Banerjee et al., 2020; Williams, 2021; McCloskey and Michaillat,
2022; Yoder, 2022). Since the first version of this paper was posted, several papers study-
ing different aspects of the scientific communication process have been written, including
Bates et al. (2022, 2023) and Kasy and Spiess (2023). None of these papers analyze mul-
tiple hypothesis testing. The most closely related paper is the insightful work by Tetenov
(2016), who shows that t-tests are maximin optimal and uniformly most powerful in the
single-hypothesis case. When analyzing the multiple-hypothesis setting, we have to deal
with two major technical and conceptual challenges. First, the notions of maximin opti-
mality and the corresponding theoretical results are more complex because the effects of
different treatments may have opposite signs. Second, as we show, within the (large) class of
maximin optimal protocols, no maximin protocol uniformly dominates all others, requiring
a more careful analysis and the development of new notions of (global) optimality suitable
for the multiple testing context.
Our paper also relates to an extensive literature at the intersection between decision
theory and hypothesis testing, dating back to Wald (1950) and Robbins (1951). Previous
work has motivated notions of compound error control in single-agent non-strategic environ-
ments; see in particular Kline et al. (2022, 2024) for a recent example in economics based
on a Bayesian interpretation of the False Discovery Rate (FDR), as well as Storey (2003),
Lehmann and Romano (2005b), Efron (2008b), and Hirano and Porter (2020) for further
examples.3 We complement this literature (as well as the statistical literature discussed
3The literature on statistical treatment choice has similarly focused for the most part on non-
strategic planner problems. See Manski (2004) and Tetenov (2012) as well as Hirano and Porter (2009);
below) by developing a model that explicitly incorporates the incentives and constraints of
the researchers. Relative to the decision-theoretic approach, this has two main advantages.
First, it lets us characterize when MHT adjustments are appropriate—and also when they
are not—as a function of measurable features of the research process. Second, it allows us
to justify and discriminate between different notions of compound error (e.g. FWER and
FDR) in the same framework based on these same economic fundamentals.
Finally, we aim to provide guidance for navigating the extensive statistical literature
on MHT through the lens of an economic model. This literature focuses on the design
of algorithmic procedures for controlling particular notions of compound error; see Efron
(2008a) and Romano et al. (2010) for overviews.4 Few statistical optimality results exist
(e.g., Spjotvoll, 1972; Lehmann et al., 2005; Romano et al., 2011), however, and none of the
prior work studies MHT procedures as a way of addressing incentive problems. We draw
on these references for inspiration, for example, for our notion of power, but maximize a
different (social planner’s) objective and subject to incentive compatibility constraints. We
also draw on List et al. (2019)’s helpful distinction between different types of multiplicity,
and show how these lead to different optimal testing procedures.
2 Model
We study MHT in a game between a social planner who chooses statistical procedures and
a representative experimental researcher with private incentives. In our running example,
we can think of the researcher as a pharmaceutical company running a pre-specified clini-
cal trial evaluating the effect of a new drug. The planner corresponds to a regulator (e.g.
the FDA), who defines protocol testing standards for studies submitted by firms in sup-
port of an application for approval. Multiple testing issues arise whenever research informs
multiple decisions. We start by discussing settings with multiple treatments (e.g. multiple
drugs) or different subpopulations (e.g. multiple demographic groups for which a drug may
be approved), as there is a clear one-to-one mapping between multiple hypothesis tests and
multiple decisions. The multiple outcomes (e.g. multiple endpoints) case is discussed in
Section 4.
To say something coherent about MHT a framework must of course be able to rationalize
conventional (single) hypothesis testing in the first place. This is known to be a challenging
problem, requiring non-trivial restrictions on the research process (see e.g. Section 1 in
Tetenov, 2016, for a discussion). In particular, it requires strong asymmetries to match the
inherently asymmetric nature of null hypothesis testing. For example, Tetenov (2012) shows
Kitagawa and Tetenov (2018); Athey and Wager (2021) for recent contributions.
4See, e.g., Holm (1979); Westfall and Young (1993); Benjamini and Hochberg (1995); Benjamini and Liu
(2004); Lehmann and Romano (2005a); Lee and Shaikh (2014);
(1999); Storey (2002); Storey et al.
Romano and Wolf (2016); List et al. (2019, 2021) among many others.
that justifying testing at conventional levels in a single agent model with minimax regret
requires extreme degrees of asymmetry: statistical tests at the 5% (1%) level correspond
to decision-makers placing 102 (970) times more weight on type I than type II regret. In
our game, the asymmetry necessary for rationalizing hypothesis testing arises naturally from
the planner’s desire to prevent the implementation of treatments that may hurt (groups of)
individuals (reflecting a “do no harm” principle), in line with our running example.
2.1 A game between a researcher and a social planner
We consider a two-stage game between the planner and the researcher. In the first stage,
the planner prescribes and commits to a hypothesis testing protocol, restricting how the
researcher can report findings.
In the second stage, given this protocol, the researcher
decides whether or not to run an experiment with J different non-exclusive treatments by
comparing the private benefits of experimentation to the private costs. The J treatments
may represent either J distinct interventions or J different sub-populations to whom an
intervention might be applied. The researcher pre-specifies and reports all the J tests they
conduct; given this, we abstract from issues of p-hacking and selective reporting. Pre-
specification is recommended by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration, 2022).
2.1.1 Research process
If the researcher experiments, she draws a vector of statistics X
from a distribution
Θ, and incurs (expected) costs C(J) > 0
Fθ, indexed by the vector of treatment effects θ
that can depend on the number of treatments.5 These costs are sunk after the experiment is
conducted and do not depend on θ.6 For now, we assume that the research designs (defined
by J, C(J), and Fθ) arise exogenously. We consider settings where J is chosen endogenously
by the researcher in Appendix B.2, as we discuss further below. The researcher reports
results in the form of a vector of non-exclusive findings,
∈ X
r(X; J) = (r1(X; J), . . . , rJ(X; J))⊤
0, 1
∈ {
where rj(X; J) = 1 if and only if treatment j is found to be effective. We will refer to r as
a hypothesis testing protocol. The following simple example provides an illustration.
Example 1 (Running example). Consider a researcher studying the effect of J = 2 non-
exclusive experimental treatments D1 and D2 on an outcome of interest Y based on a sample
5We generally think of the cost C and number of treatments J as being jointly drawn from some generic
distribution of research opportunities. It will help build intuition, however, to think of them as being related
via a common research cost function, so that we will henceforth write C(J).
6We will implicitly assume that C(J)
J, i.e., that the costs do not exceed the largest researcher utility
from experimentation. Otherwise, the researcher would never experiment.
with N observations. Suppose that
Yi = θ1Di,1 + θ2Di,2 + εi, εi
∼ N
(0, η2), and η2 is known.
For simplicity, the baseline average outcome is normalized to zero, and θ1 and θ2 are the
average treatment effects of D1 and D2 net of the costs of implementation. Under these
assumptions, ˆθ
(θ, Σ), where ˆθ = (ˆθ1, ˆθ2)⊤ is the OLS estimator of θ = (θ1, θ2)⊤, and
the covariance matrix Σ is known. This fits into our framework by setting X = ˆθ in which
(θ, Σ) distribution. An example of a testing protocol is separate
case Fθ is the CDF of a
(one-sided) t-tests, r(X; 2) = (1
Σ2,2 ≥
Σ1,1 ≥
∼ N
, 1
2.1.2 Researcher problem
The researcher takes as given the hypothesis testing protocol r, which is chosen by the planner
in the first stage. For simplicity, we assume that the researcher knows θ, but our main
results continue to hold when the researcher is imperfectly informed and has an arbitrary
prior about θ (see Appendix B.1). Let Br(θ) denote the private benefits from research.
For a given protocol r and parameter θ, the researcher experiments if the net benefits from
experimentation, βr(θ) = Br(θ)
C(J), are positive. We impose a standard tie-breaking
rule: when the researcher is indifferent (βr(θ) = 0), she experiments if social welfare defined
below is weakly positive. Let e∗
r(θ) = 0
otherwise. If e∗
r(θ) = 0, she does not
report anything and the status quo remains in place.
r(θ) = 1, the researcher reports findings r(X; J); if e∗
r(θ) = 1 if the researcher decides to experiment and e∗
2.1.3 Planner problem
The benevolent social planner chooses a hypothesis testing protocol r
to maximize her
utility, where
is the class of pointwise measurable protocols. The planner’s utility depends
on the welfare from implementing the recommended treatments and on the value of research.
Welfare depends on whether the researcher experiments and on her findings if she does.
To define welfare, we introduce the selector function δ, with each entry corresponding to a
different combination of findings,
∈ R
2J −1
δ(r(X; J))
0, 1
∈ {
2J −1, where
δk(r(X; J))
0, 1
∈ {
k δk(r(X; J)) = 0), then the status quo prevails. For
If there are no findings (i.e. if
k = 1, . . . , 2J
1, let uk(θ) denote the welfare generated by combination δk(r(X; J))). Given
findings r(X; J), the overall welfare is u(θ)⊤δ(r(X; J)), where u(θ) = (u1(θ), . . . , u2J −1(θ))⊤.
The expected welfare from implementing the recommended treatments is
if βr(θ) > 0,
vr(θ) =
n R
δ(r(x))⊤u(θ)dFθ(x), 0
if βr(θ) = 0,
if βr(θ) < 0.
The second case follows from the tie-breaking rule discussed above. The third case normalizes
the value of the status quo to zero.
We consider a planner who wishes to encourage the creation of new knowledge while
also limiting the possibility of harm due to mistaken conclusions. Specifically, the planner
chooses a hypothesis testing protocol r to maximize,
U(r; λ, π) = min
vr(θ) + λ
0 and π is a prior density over Θ. The first component, which depends on which
where λ
treatments are actually implemented, captures the desire to limit harm using a standard
ambiguity-averse (maximin) formulation. The second component, which depends on whether
or not the researcher experiments and the planner’s prior π, captures any intrinsic or longer-
term subjective expected value of scientific research. The parameter λ will allow us to
consider both the special case in which the planner’s objective criterion is purely maximin
(λ = 0) as well as the more general one in which she also cares about incentivizing research
(λ > 0). This weighting of ambiguity-averse and expected-utility components echoes a
long tradition in economic theory (e.g., Gilboa and Schmeidler, 1989; Banerjee et al., 2020);
here the two components will (as we will see below) turn out to have particularly intuitive
connections with the statistical concepts of size control and power.
2.1.4 Functional form assumptions on βr(θ) and vr(θ)
Our theoretical analysis proceeds as follows. We first characterize optimal solutions without
imposing any functional form assumptions on the researcher’s payoff βr(θ) and welfare vr(θ).
Second, we consider in more detail the leading case where the researcher’s payoff and welfare
are both linear. Finally, we explicitly analyze the impact of nonlinearities.
For our results under linearity, we consider the following assumption on βr(θ).
Assumption 1 (Linear payoff). The researcher’s payoff (up to rescaling by J) is
βr(θ) =
rj(x; J)dFθ(x)
In the drug-approval context, for example, Assumption 1 holds when researchers care
about the sum of the expected profits they can earn by selling the drug to each of the
subpopulations for which its use is approved (so that one should interpret C(J) as the
expected cost relative to expected profits). More generally, linearity approximates settings
in which researchers are rewarded in proportion to the number of findings.
We consider the following linearity assumption on vr(θ).
Assumption 2 (Linear welfare). For all r
, δ(r(x))⊤u(θ) =
∈ R
j=1 rj(X)θj.
Assumption 2 rules out interaction effects between treatments. This is the case, for
example, when the treatments address very different problems so that interaction effects
are unlikely, or when each treatment corresponds to treating a different sub-population and
there are no cross-group spillovers. In Section 3.3.2, we consider welfare functions that allow
for interactions.
2.2 Discussion and some extensions
Like any economic model, the one above is a stylized representation of a more complex reality
that aims to capture essential features in order to build insight. That said, it can also be
extended in several directions which either preserve the main results or generate interesting
new ones. We briefly review here the main assumptions and related extensions, the details
of which are for the most part in the Appendix.
Asymmetric information and incentives. The model encompasses two asymmetries that
are essential for justifying standard hypothesis testing (e.g., Tetenov, 2016). First, there is
asymmetric information: the parameter θ is known to the researcher but unknown to the
planner. Second, there are asymmetric incentives: while the researcher’s payoff depends on
the expected private benefits from experimentation, the planner’s objective depends on the
welfare effects that such findings generate and on the value of scientific research. Both of these
features accord well with the regulatory approval process example, where pharmaceutical
companies likely have more information about their products than the regulator and have
incentives to find significant effects that support approval which may not fully align with
the regulator’s desire to approve only welfare-increasing products. Both can also be relaxed
somewhat, however: the main results continue to hold when the researcher is imperfectly
informed (see Appendix B.1, where we exploit duality properties of the optimization problem)
and if only some (but not all) researchers have misaligned preferences (see Appendix B.3).
Exogenous designs. In the baseline model, researchers cannot decide (i) the number of
hypotheses J, (ii) which hypotheses to test, and (iii) whether to selectively withhold test
results (p-hack). We maintain (iii) throughout, motivated for example by current FDA
regulations (Food and Drug Administration, 2022). In Appendix B.2, we relax (i) and (ii),
examining a model in which researchers can choose both the number of hypotheses J and
which hypotheses to test, and show that our main results below continue to hold.
Nonexclusive treatments. We focus on settings where the treatments are non-exclusive.
This is relevant in the regulatory approval process context when there are multiple subgroups,
and the pharmaceutical companies receive separate approvals for each group. In some appli-
cations, however, the treatments may be mutually exclusive, and the framework can accom-
j rj(X) = 1, the
modate these. First, if the researcher only reports one discovery such that
resulting model is isomorphic to the one discussed in Section 3.3.2, and our results in that
section apply. Second, if the researcher can report multiple findings, and each treatment
will be implemented with an (exogenous) probability smaller than one, our results under
Assumption 1 directly apply. This is because the planner’s objective is invariant up to scale.
Researcher payoff. We provide characterizations for general researcher payoffs in Section
3.1 and then focus on the case in which research payoffs are linear in Section 3.2. The linear
case is of particular interest given its close connection to expected profits (e.g. the drug
company may generate revenues from a drug approved for multiple subgroups or multiple
approved drugs). Appendix C.3 shows that results from this case generalize to one with
unequal weights assigned to each finding, which is relevant when (for example) treatments
represent subpopulations of different sizes. Proposition 4 extends the main results to a class
of settings in which the exact form of the researcher’s payoff is unknown to the planner (and
possibly nonlinear). Finally, Section 3.3 departs from linearity entirely to consider additional
forms of interaction between treatments and allow the researcher’s payoff to depend on
whether at least a few treatments are approved.
Planner payoff. The two components of the planner’s utility each relate to a particular
aspect of the regulatory approval process example. The first captures the desire to avoid
implementing harmful treatments, as for example under the “do no harm” principle. The
second captures the longer-term value of scientific research, which is typically important for
future studies independent of the immediate regulatory decision made; as the international
guidelines for clinical trials state, “the rationale and design of confirmatory trials nearly
always rests on earlier clinical work carried out in a series of exploratory studies” (Lewis,
1999). As we will see, these components then justify choosing statistical testing procedures
that control size and are well-powered. Section 3.4 discusses the relationship between this
approach and other ways of selecting among procedures.
3 Main results
Here we present the main theoretical results for settings with multiple distinct treatments
or multiple subpopulations to which a treatment may be applied.
3.1 Optimal hypothesis testing protocols
In this section we characterize optimal hypothesis testing protocol without imposing func-
tional form restrictions on the researcher’s payoff or planner’s utility.
Define the (global) null space, the set of parameters with negative welfare for any r, as
Θ0 =
θ : uj(θ) < 0 for all j
1, . . . , dim(Θ)
∈ {
Define the (global) alternative space, the set of parameters with positive welfare for any r,
Θ1 =
θ : uj(θ)
0 for all j
∈ {
1, . . . , dim(Θ)
For example, under Assumption 2, Θ0 denotes the set of parameters such that θ < 0, and
Θ1 the set such that θ
0. Our results directly extend to the case where zero is included
θ :
in the null space, so that Θ0 =
uj(θ) > 0 for all j
0 for all j
, provided that βr(
We consider two notions of optimality: maximin optimality (corresponding to the case
where λ = 0) and global optimality (corresponding to the more general case where λ
Accordingly, we say that r∗ is a maximin optimal if
) are continuous.
∈ {
) and uj(
1, . . . , dim(Θ)
1, . . . , dim(Θ)
and Θ1 =
θ : uj(θ)
∈ {
arg max
and we say that a protocol is globally optimal if
λ,π ∈
arg max
vr(θ) + λ
Finally, we say that r∗ is an unbiased hypothesis testing protocol if
0 for all θ
It will be apparent below that in our framework this definition has a close connection to the
definition of unbiased tests in the hypothesis testing literature. (In this literature, a test is
called unbiased if its power exceeds its size (Lehmann and Romano, 2005b).)
3.1.1 Maximin optimality and size control (λ = 0)
We start by characterizing the solution to the planner’s problem when λ = 0, i.e., when the
planner solves a standard maxmin problem. We show that there is close connection between
maximin optimality and size control.
The following proposition provides a characterization of maximin hypothesis testing pro-
tocols r∗, generalizing Proposition 1 in Tetenov (2016) (discussed in Appendix D) to the
case of J > 1 hypotheses. It shows that our definition of the null space is directly connected
to maximin optimality.
Proposition 1 (Maximin protocols). Suppose that Θ0 6
if and only if
Proof. See Appendix E.1.
. A protocol r∗ is maximin optimal
Proposition 1 shows that maximin optimality is equivalent to two conditions. First, as
in the case with J = 1 hypotheses, maximin testing protocols depend on the researcher’s
payoff βr(θ) and deter experimentation over Θ0, where all treatments reduce welfare. This
captures a notion of size control. Second, welfare for θ
Θ0 must be non-negative.
This second condition requires that if some treatments reduce welfare, there must be other
treatments that compensate for them.
We illustrate the definition of the null space and the characterization of maximin protocols
in our running example.
Example 2 (Running example continued). In our running example, the null space is Θ0 =
. Figure 1 provides a graphical illustration. By Proposition 1, a
testing protocol r∗ = (r∗
P (r∗
Θ : θ1 < 0 and θ2 < 0
2)⊤ is maximin only if (but not necessarily if)
1, r∗
θ1, θ2) + P (r∗
θ1 < 0, θ2 < 0.
θ1, θ2)
2(X; 2) = 1
1(X; 2) = 1
Equation (10) shows that maximin testing protocols impose restrictions on size control (i.e.,
the probability of reporting false discoveries).
Figure 1: Graphical illustration
Notes: Graphical illustration of the null space Θ0 =
Θ : θ1 < 0 and θ2 < 0
and the alternative space
0 and θ2
. See Remark 1 for a discussion of the two orthants where the coefficients
Θ : θ1
Θ1 =
have different signs.
It follows that maximin optimality provides an economic justification of size control with
Importantly, the notion of size control (and compound error) must
multiple hypotheses.
depend on the researcher’s payoff βr(θ) (and therefore costs C(J)) in our model.
Remark 1 (Null space). The definition of the null space Θ0 is closely connected to the
θ :
global null hypothesis in the literature.
It is a subset of the strong null space ˜Θ0 =
0 for some j
θj ≤
Proposition 1 (vr(˜θ)
definition, this condition is equivalent to assuming that welfare is positive for ˜θ
. We note that ˜Θ0 plays an important role in the second condition of
0 for all ˜θ in the positive orthant by
Θ0). Since vr(˜θ)
Remark 2 (Deterrence of experimentation under the null). One might think that it is unre-
alistic to have a result that there are never any experiments with welfare-reducing treatments
in equilibrium. This result is a consequence of the simplifying assumption that the researcher
has perfect information about θ. Appendix B.1 shows that our theoretical results extend to
settings where researchers have imperfect information about θ. Under imperfect information,
it is possible that some experiments with negative welfare effects are run in equilibrium. In
light of Appendix B.1, the perfect information assumption in the main text corresponds to
the worst-case scenario with respect to the information set of the researcher.
3.1.2 Global optimality and power (λ
Here, we consider the general case where λ
0 and show that when λ > 0, the planner’s
subjective utility from research implies a notion of power. Globally optimal protocols gener-
ally depend on both λ and the planner’s prior π. We restrict our attention to the following
class of planner’s priors Π.
Assumption 3 (Priors over Θ1). Suppose that π
π(θ)dθ = 1 for all π
Π, where Π is the class of priors such
Assumption 3 restricts the support of the planner’s prior to the alternative space Θ1. In
other words, the planner has positive subjective utility from experimentation if she expects
that treatments will generate a positive welfare effect and are, therefore, worth exploring.
Using classical hypothesis testing terminology, Assumption 3 allows for arbitrary alternative
hypotheses over the positive orthant, including those in Section 4 of Romano et al. (2011)
and Chapter 9.2 of Lehmann and Romano (2005b). Economically speaking, one can think of
this assumption as ensuring that the components of the utility function (4) cleanly separate
the two motives we wish to capture: avoiding harm, and pursuing benefit. Doing so has
the benefit that the components of utility will then map directly into the classical statistical
concepts of size and power. As we discuss in more detail in Remark 3, Assumption 3 is
necessary to justify hypothesis testing protocols that control size (are maximin optimal),
and we thus see Assumption 3 as natural when size control (through maximin optimality in
our context) is a desideratum.
The following proposition provides a characterization of globally optimal hypothesis test-
ing protocols.
Proposition 2 (Globally optimal protocols). Suppose that Assumption 3 holds and that
Θ0 6
and Θ1 6
. Let
∗(π, λ) =
r : r is maximin optimal and
π(θ)dθ = 1
Assume that
∗(π, λ)
. Then r∗
λ,π is globally optimal, i.e.,
if and only if r∗
λ,π ∈ R
λ,π ∈
∗(π, λ).
arg max
vr(θ) + λ
Proof. See Appendix E.2.
Proposition 2 characterizes the set of globally optimal hypothesis testing protocols. The
∗(π, λ) can be viewed as a generalization and refinement of the set of maximin protocols
for λ > 0; it coincides with the set of maximin optimal protocols for λ = 0.
As discussed in Section 2, rationalizing hypothesis testing (let alone multiple testing)
is difficult in practice. Proposition 2 shows that one can write down a coherent economic
objective function that rationalizes the standard statistical practice of choosing protocols
that both control size and have non-trivial power. Specifically, optimal protocols must
guarantee size control (encoded in the maximin optimality requirement) and also guarantee
sufficient power against alternatives in the support of π
Π (encoded in the statement that
the probability that λβr(θ)
0 must equal to one under prior density π).
To gain further intuition, note that global optimality for any π
In addition to these two conditions, social welfare must be positive when θ is in the mixed
orthants. The following corollary formalizes this intuition in terms of the unbiasedness of
testing protocols.
Proposition 3 (Maximin and unbiased protocols are globally optimal for any π
Suppose that Θ0 6
optimal and unbiased protocol exists. Then, a protocol is globally optimal for any π
if and only if it is maximin optimal and unbiased.
and that Assumption 3 holds. Suppose that a maximin
and Θ1 6
Π, λ
Π, λ
Proof. See Appendix E.3.
Proposition 3 provides a complete characterization (if and only if result) of globally
optimal protocols. It has two important implications. First, a testing protocol is globally
optimal if it is maximin optimal and its power (measured by βr(θ) for θ
Θ1) exceeds size
(measured by βr(θ) for θ
Θ0). Second, it is possible to construct globally optimal protocols
that do not depend on λ and π (i.e., are globally optimal for every λ
Π). This
robustness property is important in practice: it is challenging to weigh off worst-case welfare
against the benefits of research and very difficult to choose priors over high-dimensional
alternative spaces. As we discuss in more detail in Section 3.4, the robustness of this approach
is a major advantage relative to alternative notions of optimality.
0, π
Π requires that
Example 3 (Running example continued). In our running example, the alternative space
2)⊤ is
0 and θ2 ≥
is Θ1 =
globally optimal if it is maximin optimal and satisfies
. By Proposition 2, a testing protocol r∗ = (r∗
Θ : θ1 ≥
1, r∗
P (r∗
1(X; 2) = 1
θ1, θ2) + P (r∗
2(X; 2) = 1
θ1, θ2)
θ1 ≥
0, θ2 ≥
Equation (11) shows that global optimality requires the power of testing protocols to exceed
the cost of the experiment for θ > 0.
Remark 3 (Assumption 3 and size control). Assumption 3 is necessary to justify hypothesis
testing protocols that control size (are maximin optimal). To see this formally, suppose that
Π is any set of prior distributions on Θ = [
such that no maximin protocol is a solution to problem (8). To see this, consider a prior
π = 1
, λ > M. Then the protocol r(X; J) = (1, 0, . . . , 0) dominates any
θ = (
maximin protocol.
M, M]J . Then there exists a λ
1, 0, . . . , 0)
0 and π
3.1.3 Robustness to uncertainty about the researcher payoff function
So far, we assumed that the planner knows the researcher’s payoff. The following proposition
shows that maximin optimality is preserved if the planner knows only an upper bound on
the researcher’s payoff. Global optimality is preserved under additional restrictions on Π.
Proposition 4 (Robust protocols with unknown researcher payoff function). Let the condi-
tions in Proposition 2 hold. Then
(i) Any maximin protocol r∗ under payoff function βr∗(θ) is also maximin optimal for any
researcher payoff function β′
r∗(θ) such that β′
βr∗(θ) for all θ
(ii) Any maximin protocol r∗ under payoff function βr∗(θ) satisfying βr∗(θ)
Θ1 is globally optimal for any payoff function β′
prior π
˜Θ1(r∗) π(θ) = 1
Π, where ˜Π =
π :
Proof of Proposition 4. See Appendix E.4.
r∗(θ) such that β′
, ˜Θ1(r∗) =
θ : β′
0 for all θ
βr∗(θ) and any
} ⊆
Proposition 4(i) demonstrates an important robustness property of our maximin opti-
mality results in settings where the researcher’s payoff function is unknown. For example,
it guarantees that the maximin protocols derived under the linearity Assumption 1 in Sec-
tion 3.2 below are also maximin optimal for any weakly increasing payoff function that is
bounded from above by a linear payoff function (e.g. a concave payoff function). Proposition
4(ii) states that protocols that are maximin optimal and unbiased with respect to the upper
bound βr(θ) are also globally optimal under additional restrictions on the planner’ prior.
That is, global optimality is preserved when considering a smaller class of alternatives.
Finally, we illustrate the implications of Proposition 4 for settings where the researcher’s
costs C(J) are unknown to the planner.
Corollary 1 (Unknown cost function). Let the conditions in Proposition 2 hold. Consider
C ′(J), for some
βr(θ) =
C(J). Then any maximin and unbiased protocol r∗ under βr∗(θ) is also maximin
C ′(J)
Π, with ˜Π defined in Proposition 4.
under β′
r∗(θ) and globally optimal for any prior π
j=1 rj(x; J)dFθ(x)
j=1 rj(x; J)dFθ(x)
C(J) and β′
r(θ) =
Proof. The proof is immediate from Proposition 4.
Corollary 1 states that in settings with uncertainty over the true cost function C ′(J), the
C ′(J). This result is important in empirical
planner may use sensible upper bounds C(J)
applications such as the ones we consider in Section 5.
3.2 Linear researcher payoff and welfare: optimality of t-tests
Which (if any) hypothesis testing protocols are globally (and maximin) optimal? The answer
to this question depends on the functional form of the researcher’s payoff function, the func-
tional form of welfare, and the distribution of X. In this section, we consider settings with a
linear researcher payoff (Assumption 1) and a linear welfare (Assumptions 2). Motivated by
asymptotic approximations, we focus on the leading case where X is normally distributed.
Assumption 4 (Normality). X
1, . . . , dim(Θ)
, and σ2 <
(θ, Σ), where Σ is known, Σj,j = σ2 > 0 for all
∼ N
∈ {
The variance homogeneity assumption, Σj,j = σ2, holds by design if the experimental
treatment arms are well-balanced. (It is only required in Proposition 5 and in Corollary 2.)
We extend and discuss how our results apply to settings with heterogeneous variances in
Appendix C.5.
The next proposition shows that standard separate t-tests are maximin optimal for a
particular choice of critical values.
Proposition 5 (Maximin optimality of separate t-tests). Let Assumptions 1, 2, and 4
M, M]J , and suppose that C(J) > 0. Then, the testing protocol rt(X) =
hold, let Θ = [
J(X; J))⊤, where
1(X; J), . . . , rt
j(X; J) = 1
is maximin optimal if and only if t
Proof. See Appendix E.5.
Σj,j ≥
Φ−1 (1
∈ {
1, . . . , J
Proposition 5 shows that separate one-sided t-tests with critical values t
are maximin optimal. The key technical challenge in the proof is to show that welfare is
non-negative even when parameters have different signs (Equation (9)).
Φ−1 (1
The following corollary shows that one-sided t-testing is also globally optimal.
Corollary 2 (Global optimality of t-tests for one choice of the threshold). Let Assumptions
1, 2, 3, and 4 hold, let Θ = [
M, M]J and C(J) > 0. Then for any λ > 0, π
if and only if t = Φ−1(1
arg max
vr(θ) + λ
Proof. Maximin optimality of rt follows from Proposition 5. The result then follows by
noting that rt satisfies the conditions in Proposition 2, whereas any rt′
= t does not
satisfy the conditions for maximin optimality and for global optimality.
for t′
Corollary 2 shows that standard separate one-sided t-tests are globally optimal for any
Π and any weight λ > 0. While t-tests with thresholds larger than Φ−1(1
prior π
are maximin optimal, such tests are not globally optimal. Only t-tests with threshold
t = Φ−1(1
C(J)/J) are maximin and globally optimal. This demonstrates that global
optimality provides an intuitive refinement of the class of maximin protocols, restricting
attention to protocols with sufficient power.
Finally, Corollary 2 shows that whether and to what extent the level of these separate
tests should depend on the number of hypotheses being tested—in other words, whether an
adjustment for the presence of multiple hypotheses is required—depends on the structure
of the research production function C(J). In particular, different adjustments criteria must
depend on how C(J) varies with J. For example, if C(J) = α, for some constant α, a
Bonferroni correction is optimal, whereas if C(J) = αJ, the size of the test is α irrespective
of J. The intuition in the latter case is that the adjustment is “built-in” the researcher’s
utility. See Section 5 for a further discussion.
Remark 4 (One-sided vs. two-sided tests). Under the assumptions in this section, separate
one-sided t-tests are globally optimal. This is because the status quo remains in place if
the researcher does not report any findings. Analogous reasoning has been used to motivate
one-sided testing in the regulatory approval context; for example, former FDA advisor Lloyd
Fisher writes that
For drugs that may be tested against placebos, with two positive trials required
(as in the United States), it is argued that from both a regulatory and phar-
maceutical industry perspective, one-sided tests at the 0.05 significance level are
appropriate. In situations where only one trial against a placebo may be done
(for example, survival trials), one-sided tests at the 0.025 level are appropriate
in many cases. (Fisher, 1991)
and current FDA guidance allows for this, stating that “the alternative hypothesis can be
one-sided or two-sided” (Food and Drug Administration, 2022). When there is uncertainty
about the planner’s action when no findings are reported, on the other hand, our model
can justify two-sided hypothesis testing. We report this result in Appendix B.4 and for
expositional convenience continue to develop the one-sided case here.
θ = 0)
j=1 P (r∗
j (X; J) = 1
Remark 5 (Average size control and FWER control). When the researcher’s payoff is linear
(Assumption 1), a corollary of Proposition 1 is that maximin testing protocols must control
C(J)/J. Many of the popular MHT correc-
average size, 1/J
tions reviewed in the introduction do not directly target average size control and, thus, will
generally not be optimal in our model. This explains why classical Bonferroni corrections
are optimal in our model when C(J) is constant (see Section 5.1), while common refinements
of Bonferroni such as Holm (1979)’s method are not. By construction, Bonferroni satisfies
average size control, whereas common refinements do not. The optimality of Bonferroni (and
average size control) is driven by the linearity of the experimenter’s payoff function. Bonfer-
roni corrections may not be most powerful with nonlinear payoff functions, but are maximin
optimal for all payoff functions dominated by a linear payoff function (see Proposition 4).
Section 3.3 and Appendix C.1 provide optimal testing protocols for different researcher pay-
off functions, showing that it is also possible to justify forms of FWER control within our
framework for other researcher payoff functions.
Remark 6 (Σ depends on J). Our results apply directly to settings where Σ is a function
of J, Σ(J). For example, suppose that C(J) = α, but the total sample size is fixed and
hence Σj,j(J) = Jσ2 for some σ > 0 (i.e. the units are distributed equally across treatment
, where
α/J). This MHT adjustment is more stringent than when Σ does not
depend on J. The reason is that experiments with more treatments have lower power per
test when Σj,j(J) = Jσ2, which increases the likelihood of false discoveries.
In this case, the protocol under Proposition 5 is rt
j(X; J) = 1
3.3 Additional forms of interactions between treatments
Section 3.2 imposed linearity on the research payoff function and welfare. As a result,
treatments interacted only via the research cost function. Here we briefly describe extensions
to two settings with successively more scope for interaction between hypotheses.
In the
first, we continue to assume no economic interactions between treatments but allow for
interactions in the researcher’s payoff function through threshold effects. In the second we
allow for arbitrary economic interactions between treatments—for example, complementary
treatments—as well as threshold payoff functions. We summarize our results here and refer
to Appendix C.1 for a detailed discussion.
3.3.1 Linear welfare and threshold-crossing payoff function
We introduce interactions in the researcher’s payoff by replacing the linear payoff function
in Assumption 1 with a threshold function, where studies yield a (constant) positive payoff
if and only if they produce sufficiently many findings:
βr(θ) = γ
rj(x; J)
With a threshold crossing payoff function, the incremental value of a finding to the researcher
depends on the number of other findings. This leads to more complicated optimal hypothesis
testing protocols that depend on the joint distribution of X. Therefore, we restrict attention
= j′, which is satisfied in settings where X
to situations in which rj(X; J)
has independent entries and rj only depends on Xj. An empirical example is when studying
treatment effects on independent subgroups of individuals, and considering testing protocols
that only depend on the effect on a given subgroup. For this class of testing protocols, we
show that when X
(θ, Σ), one-sided t-tests,
rj′(X; J) with j
∼ N
j(X; J) = 1
Σj,j ≥
are still optimal, where p∗ depends on J, C(J), and γ. When C(J)/γ = α, which is equivalent
to assuming constant costs in the number of discoveries, we can show that p∗
1/J as
. Thus, asymptotically, fixed-cost research production functions again rationalize
Bonferroni corrections.
→ ∞
3.3.2 General welfare and threshold-crossing payoff function
To introduce the possibility of interactions between the treatments being studied, in addition
R2J −1, where each
to interactions in the cost and the payoff function, we assume that θ
component of θ denotes the effect of a combination of treatments.
Importantly, unlike
Assumption 2, this allows for interactions in the welfare impact of multiple treatments.
With J = 2, for example, positive complementarities can be modeled by defining the effect
of treatment one and two as θ3 = θ1 + θ2 + ζ for some ζ > 0. As a result, we have
R2J −1 since we are interested in all possible combinations of treatments.
∈ X ⊆
We show that separate size control over each group of findings,
δj(r∗(X; J))1
j (X; J)
= 1
θ = 0
∈ K
denotes the set of indexes k
that corresponds to groups
is optimal. Here
of κ or more hypotheses. Equation (14) can be interpreted as a Bonferroni correction at the
level of groups of tests sufficient for approval. Any MHT procedure that satisfies Equation
(14) controls the weak FWER at level C(J)/γ at θ = 0. When κ = 1 this implies control of
the probability of a single false rejection, i.e. control of the standard weak FWER.
1, . . . , 2J
∈ {
Finally, we show that standard t-tests are not optimal when there are interaction effects.
Motivated by this negative result, we then provide an example of a maximin and globally
optimal testing protocol. Under this protocol, a combination of treatments is recommended
if its effect is significant and the largest among all combinations, highlighting the complexity
of optimal testing protocols when there are interactions between treatments.
3.4 Comparisons with other notions of optimality
In this section, we compare and contrast the proposed notions of optimality with other
notions of optimality.
3.4.1 Uniformly most powerful testing protocols
A natural approach for choosing optimal hypothesis testing protocols would be to set λ = 0
and choose maximin protocols that uniformly dominate all other maximin protocols, as
Tetenov (2016) does in the J = 1 case. This corresponds to looking for uniformly most
powerful (UMP) tests in the terminology of classical hypothesis testing. Unfortunately, this
approach is not applicable in our context. The following proposition shows that no maximin
protocol dominates all other maximin protocols when there are multiple hypotheses.
Proposition 6 (No maximin protocol dominates all others). Let J > 1. Let Assumptions 1
and 2 hold. Then there exists a parameter space Θ
r′ for any cost 0 < C(J) < J, i.e., there exists no r such that vr(θ)
Moreover, there exists such a distribution Fθ satisfying Assumption 4.
such that no maximin protocol r (weakly) dominates all other maximin testing protocols
M, M]J and a distribution
vr′(θ) for all θ
Fθ, θ
Proof. See Appendix E.6.
In the terminology of classical hypothesis testing, Proposition 6 states that there are
settings in which no UMP tests exist whenever J > 1. This does not imply, however, that
there are no maximin rules that are strictly dominated. For example, t-tests with t =
maximin optimal (Proposition 5) but dominated by protocol (12) with t = Φ−1(1
The result in Proposition 6 is in stark contrast to the single-hypothesis (J = 1) case
where uniformly most powerful tests (i.e. dominant testing protocols) exist.7
3.4.2 Weighted average power
Following the classical hypothesis testing literature, a natural alternative notion of optimality
would be to choose maximin protocols that maximize weighted average power (WAP). In
our setting, WAP can be defined as
r (θ)w(θ)dθ,
where the weights satisfy
w(θ) = 1.
7This result is in line with the classical hypothesis testing literature where, for example, under normality
UMP tests exist in the single-hypothesis case (e.g., Van der Vaart, 2000, Chapter 15).
The following proposition shows that the solution to problem (15) depends on the weights.8
Proposition 7 (Optimal WAP protocols depend on weights). Let J > 1 and C(J) > 0.
M, M]J . For any maximin
Suppose that Assumptions 1, 2, and 4 hold and that Θ = [
protocol r∗ there exists a set of weights w(θ) :
w(θ) = 1 such that
where r∗ and r′ are maximin optimal and r∗
= r′.
vr′(θ))w(θ)dθ < 0,
Proof. See Appendix E.7.
Proposition 7 highlights an important limitation of maximizing WAP in our context.
The optimal hypothesis protocol depends on the subjective weights w(θ). This sensitivity
to the choice of weights is undesirable in practice because choosing suitable weights over the
high-dimensional alternative space Θ1 is typically very difficult and somewhat arbitrary. By
contrast, the results in Section 3.2 show that the proposed economic model yields optimal
protocols that satisfy unbiasedness—a standard requirement for statistical tests—and do not
depend on the researcher’s prior π and the weight assigned to creation of research λ.
3.4.3 Local power and admissibility
Instead of WAP, one could compare maximin protocols in terms of their power over a local
(to θ = 0) alternative space or focus on admissible maximin protocols. In Appendix C.2,
we consider a notion of local power with the property that locally most powerful protocols
are also admissible when λ = 0. This notion of local power is inspired by the corresponding
notions in Section 4 of Romano et al. (2011) and Chapter 9.2 of Lehmann and Romano
(2005b). We show that any globally most powerful protocol is also locally most powerful
(and thus admissible if λ = 0) under linearity and normality.
4 Application to multiple outcomes
We turn next to the case in which the vector of statistics X represent distinct outcomes
that are (potentially) affected by a single treatment. Here it is not obvious that there is
more than one decision to be made, and hence that the researcher should be asked to report
more than one result. If a single regulator decides whether to approve a single treatment
based on its effects on multiple outcomes, for example, then the question is simply how
to aggregate information on these effects. We will see below in Section 4.2 that this leads
back to classic indexing concepts—either statistical notions of uniformly most power tests,
or economic concepts of a utility index.
8Using similar arguments, it follows that if we were to consider a planner utility of the form minθ∈Θ vr(θ)+
r (θ)w(θ)dθ, optimal hypothesis testing protocols would always depend on λ and w.
Another possibility, however, is that the planner must design the process of scientific
communication with multiple audiences in mind. To take an extreme but illustrative case,
suppose that each outcome matters only to one decision-maker, and not to others. The
hypothesis testing protocols the planner specifies will then determine for which outcomes
the researcher reports findings, and hence which decision-makers implement the treatment.
This interpretation is in the spirit of Andrews and Shapiro (2021), who emphasize the role of
audience heterogeneity in the process of scientific communication. It also turns out to yield
results that are isomorphic to those obtained earlier. We therefore study it first in Section
4.1 before turning to the issue of aggregation in Section 4.2.
4.1 Heterogeneous audience
Consider an experiment with G different outcomes Y = (Y1, . . . , YG)⊤, which are associated
with statistics X = (X1, . . . , XG). Let θ = (θ1, . . . , θG), where θg is the effect of the treatment
on Yg. We focus on the leading case where X
(θ, Σ). We consider an audience of G
different policymakers. Each policymaker g decides whether to implement the treatment
based on its effects on Yg.
∼ N
If the researcher experiments, she reports G different tests, one for each outcome, such
that the testing protocol takes the following form
r(X; G) = (r1(X; G), . . . , rG(X; G))⊤
0, 1
∈ {
where rg(X; G) is the finding corresponding to outcome g. As in the model with multiple
treatments, the researcher experiments if the net benefits from research, βr(θ), are positive.
The planner is aware of the different policymakers who may read and implement the
study’s findings but does not know for certain which will do so. She thus faces two sources
of uncertainty with respect to both the welfare effects of the treatment and the audience for
evidence of those effects.
Suppose first that each policymaker is equally likely to implement the policy (i.e. imple-
ments the policy with probability 1/G) so that the expected welfare is
g=1 P (rg(X; G) = 1
g=1 P (rg(X; G) = 1
θ)θg, 0
if βr(θ) > 0
if βr(θ) = 0
if βr(θ) < 0.
vr(θ) =
Equation (16) shows that the problem of multiple testing is isomorphic to the one dis-
cussed in Section 3. For example, if the researcher’s payoff is linear in the number of findings,
C(G), one-sided t-testing,
βr(θ) =
g=1 rg(x; G)dFθ(x)
g(X; G) = 1
> Φ−1
∈ {
1, . . . , G
is maximin and globally optimal.
As an alternative to the approach above, one could examine a worst-case approach with
respect to the identity of the implementing policymaker. This model leads to very conserva-
tive hypothesis testing protocols. When the researcher’s payoff is linear, threshold crossing
protocols such as t-tests are not maximin optimal for any (finite) critical values. When the
researcher’s payoff takes a threshold form, a hypothesis testing protocol is maximin optimal
if and only if it controls the probability of at least κ discoveries under the null. This crite-
rion is stronger than and implies κ-FWER control. We refer to Appendix C.6 for a formal
analysis of this worst-case approach.
Remark 7 (FDR control). Under the worst-case approach in Appendix C.6, it is possible
to “invert” the analysis and ask what researcher incentives rationalize other popular criteria
such as FDR control. Interestingly, it turns out that rationalizing FDR requires us to assume
that the researcher is malevolent in the sense that her payoff is increasing in the number
of false discoveries. We interpret this result as suggesting that FDR control does not arise
as a natural solution in our frequentist maximin framework. As discussed in Section 5.3,
however, we see other cogent arguments for FDR control once one is willing to move outside
such frameworks and consider decision-making from a Bayesian perspective.
4.2 Optimal indexing
We now turn to the case with a single policymaker who decides whether to implement the
treatment based on its effect on G different outcomes. If the researcher experiments, she re-
ports findings r(X; G)
∈ {
C(G). Welfare is given by
. Her payoff from experimentation is βr(θ) =
r(x; G)dFθ(x)
0, 1
P (r(X; G) = 1
vr(θ) =
for some function u(θ), which will be defined below.
P (rj(X; G) = 1
θ)u(θ), 0
if βr(θ) > 0,
if βr(θ) = 0,
if βr(θ) < 0,
In the following, we show that one-sided t-tests based on a weighted average of the
outcome-specific statistics,
rt(X; G) = 1
X ⊤w
> Φ−1(1
are maximin and globally optimal for suitable choices of weights w. The critical value
C(G)) is decreasing in G whenever (as seems most likely to hold in practice) C(G)
is increasing in G. This is because the researcher only tests one hypothesis, regardless of
the number of outcomes she must collect to do so. Thus, if the planner wants to incentivize
researchers to conduct experiments with many outcomes, she needs to lower the critical value
to encourage them to do so.
The choice of the optimal weights depends on the interpretation of the outcomes Y ,
θ : θ1 =
the corresponding statistics X, and the parameter space Θ. We consider two alternative
interpretations. In the first, each entry of X is a distinct measure of a common underlying
parameter, so that Θ =
. Without loss of generality, we
assume that u(θ) = θ1. We refer to this case as multiple measurements.
In the second
interpretation, each entry of X measures impacts on distinct arguments in the policymaker’s
M, M]G (i.e. there are no cross-parameter restrictions). We
welfare function, so that Θ = [
assume that welfare is equal to u(θ) = w∗⊤θ, for some known welfare weights w∗. We refer
to this case as economically distinct outcomes.
= θG, θ1 ∈
M, M]
· · ·
The following corollary, which specializes the results in Proposition 2 to the setup with
multiple outcomes, provides the optimal weights under both interpretations.
Corollary 3 (Optimal indexing). Consider the model in this section. Suppose that Assump-
tion 3 holds.
(i) Consider the case of multiple measurements. Suppose that X
(θ, Σ) for some
positive definite Σ. Then the protocol (18) with w = arg minv:1′v=1 v⊤Σv is maximin
and globally optimal.
∼ N
(ii) Consider the case of economically distinct outcomes. Suppose that X
(θ, Σ) with
w∗⊤Σw∗ > 0. Then the protocol (18) with w = w∗ is maximin and globally optimal.
∼ N
Proof. See Appendix F.3.1.
Corollary 3i) shows that with multiple measurements, variance-minimizing weights are
optimal.9 This choice of weights coincides with classical notions of uniformly most powerful
tests in the statistical literature on single hypothesis testing (Van der Vaart, 2000) and is
similar to the recommendations, for example, in Anderson (2008). Thus, in the case of mul-
tiple measurements, the recommendations from the economic model with incentives coincide
with those based on the classical statistical approach.
The essence of Corollary 3ii) is that if a weighted average of the underlying parameters
is what determines the welfare consequences of implementing the policy, then an analogous
weighted average of the individual statistics is the appropriate test statistic. While welfare-
weighting is not (yet) standard practice, there are recent examples in this vein of researchers
constructing indices to reflect the preferences or objectives of stakeholders. Bhatt et al.
(2024), for example, calculate an index of crime-related outcomes in which these are weighted
by estimates of their social cost, citing an earlier version of this paper to motivate their
approach. And researchers working with the NGO GiveDirectly have elicited preferences
over outcomes from the recipients of cash transfers to construct the weights over those
outcomes in their subsequent analysis.10
9This is in the spirit of “disjunction testing” in the language of Rubin (2021).
10Personal communication, Miriam Laker. 27 March 2024.
Figure 2: Stylized summary of implications for practice
e x h i b i t
t o
s c a l e
R e s e a r c h c o s t s
r e t u r n s
m e a n i n g f u l
MHT adjustment
t m e
Research costs
approximately linear
No MHT Adjustment
M u l t i p l e
a u d i e n c e
H o m o g e n e o u s
Heterogeneous audience
MHT adjustment
with multiple tests
Index with
economic weighting
D i ff e r e n t m e a s u r e s
c o n c e p t
s a m e
t h e
o f
Measures of
distinct concepts
Index with
statistical weighting
Notes: The implications for settings with multiple treatments are based on the baseline model without
interactions in the researcher payoff and welfare effects. The implications for practice can be different when
there are additional forms of interactions; see Section 3.3 and Appendix C.1.
5 Empirical illustration and broader applicability
This section discusses the scope for applying and implementing the framework’s implications
(summarized in decision-tree format in Figure 2). Section 5.1 considers our running example,
the regulatory approval process, Section 5.2 explores the applicability of our approach to
economic research, and Section 5.3 considers processes of scientific communication more
5.1 Empirical illustration
Corollary 2 showed that separate one-sided t-tests with critical values Φ−1 (1
are globally optimal. The implications for MHT adjustment thus hinge on the relationship
between research costs C and the number J of hypotheses tested. To move towards data it
will be helpful to write the level of the t-tests implied by Proposition 5 in relative terms as
α(J) = α(1)
C(1) ·
This formulation shows that the appropriate size for tests of J hypotheses can be calculated
as the product of two quantities. The first is the size of the optimal test in the single-
hypothesis case—which in turn requires knowledge of both the costs and expected benefits
to the researcher of conducting such an experiment. The second is the MHT correction factor
1/J], which reflects the ratio of the average costs per test as the number of
hypotheses tested grows. Notice that unless the overall costs are fixed (i.e., C(J) = C(1)),
this correction factor differs from the standard Bonferroni correction factor 1/J. Notice also
that if costs are strictly proportional to the number of hypotheses (C(J) = C(1)
J) then
no adjustment is required; standard inference without adjustment for MHT is optimal.
In the case of FDA regulatory approval it is feasible to construct defensible (we believe)
estimates of both quantities. For α(1) there are competing benchmarks one might consider.
FDA guidelines currently recommend a size of 2.5% for one-sided single hypothesis tests
(Food and Drug Administration, 2022). But Tetenov (2016), using data on the costs and
expected profits from Phase III trials, proposes a value of 15%. Therefore, and given the
dispersion in the cost of trials for different drugs (Grabowski et al., 2002), we provide here
results for different values of α(1). As for the MHT correction factor, Sertkaya et al. (2016)
use data on the costs of 31,000 clinical trials of pharmaceutical drugs conducted in the United
States between 2004 and 2012 to estimate that for an average Phase 3 trial 46% of costs
are fixed, with the rest varying either directly with the number of subjects enrolled or with
the number of sites at which they were enrolled.11 This suggests a cost function of the form
C(J) = cf + mJ and satisfying cf /(cf + m ¯J ) = 0.46, where ¯J is the number of subgroups
in a typical study. Using ¯J = 3 based on the tabulations in Pocock et al. (2002) yields an
MHT correction factor of (1 + 2.56/J)/3.56,12 and thus critical values
α(J) = α(1)
1 + 2.56/J
) = 0.043 (up to rounding).
For example, if α(1) = 0.15 as in Tetenov (2016), studies with J = 2 would thus use a value of
α(2) = 0.096, studies with J = 3 would use a value of α(3) = 0.078, and so on, asymptoting
If instead we set α(1) = 0.025, as recommended by
to α(
) = 0.007. Table
FDA, we obtain adjustments of the form α(2) = 0.016, α(3) = 0.013, α(
1 tabulates critical values as a function of J for α(1)
. As noted in
Corollary 1, using a smaller cost to benefit ratio guarantees optimality when the true ratio
is unknown.
0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15
∈ {
Note that these values are both more conservative than unadjusted thresholds, and also
less conservative than would typically be implied by, for example, procedures suggested by
the FDA (since these imply α(
with independent tests). One could
of course refine these figures with more detailed and comprehensive data on the costs and
) = 0 as J
→ ∞
11According to Sertkaya et al. (2016, Table 2), the variable costs (i.e., the per-patient and per-site costs) are
USD 10,826,880, and the total costs are USD 19,890,000, so that the fraction of fixed costs is (19, 890, 000
10, 826, 880)/19, 890, 000
12We use the median estimate multiplied by the probability of reporting more than one subgroup. The
critical values are not particularly sensitive to ¯J; if for example we fix α(1) = 0.025 and double ¯J from 3 to
6 this decreases α(2) from 0.016 to 0.015, α(3) from 0.013 to 0.011, and α(
) from 0.007 to 0.004.
benefits of clinical trials. The broad point is to illustrate that it is feasible to apply the
framework using existing, publicly available data to a real-world setting of great importance
and, in doing so, to generate testing protocols more nuanced than those currently used in
J α(1) = 0.025 α(1) = 0.05 α(1) = 0.1 α(1) = 0.15
Table 1: Critical values for different values of J and α(1) based on Formula (20).
(When) can this approach be applied to economic research?
MHT norms are also a salient issue within applied economics, given recent publication trends.
Figure 3 illustrates these for experimental papers published in “top-5” economics journals,
plotting the share that conduct at least one MHT adjustment (defined here as either control of
a compound error rate or indexing) in the left-hand panel, and the distribution of adjustment
types (not mutually exclusive) in the right-hand panel. A little over a decade ago not a single
paper used any adjustment, while by 2020 we were drawing near to an even split between
those that did and those that did not. The methods used also vary a great deal, with control
of the FWER most common, followed by indexing, and then by control of the FDR. These
figures suggest—consistent with our personal experiences as authors and as referees—that
there is no clear consensus at the moment on whether and how authors should be asked to
perform MHT adjustments.
What would it take to make progress towards accepted MHT norms? One core challenge,
which our results above serve to highlight, is that any framework for selecting protocols with
the goal of providing socially desirable incentives to researchers must necessarily take into
account the costs they bear. In the FDA approval case, the relevant costs are financial ones
for which—as we saw above—reasonably systematic data already exist. But for academic
research no comparable data are (to the best of our knowledge) available, nor would gathering
them be straightforward.
In Appendix A, we study one case in which it is arguably feasible, using unique data on
the costs of conducting experimental program evaluations that we obtained for this purpose.
Figure 3: Multiple hypothesis testing adjustment in “top-5” experimental papers
17% 19% 20%
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Any MHT adjustment, by year
Adjustment type
Notes: The left-hand panel reports the share of experimental papers that conduct at least one MHT adjust-
ment, including both indexing and control of compound error rates, by year of publication. (Note that almost
all experimental studies have more than one hypothesis). The right-hand panel reports the frequency of each
adjustment type, pooling across years. Adjustment types are not mutually exclusive. Authors’ calculations
based on a review of publications in the American Economic Review (excluding Papers and Proceedings),
Econometrica, the Journal of Political Economy, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, and the Review of
Economic Studies.
The data cover (essentially) all funding proposals for such evaluations submitted to the
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) from 2009 to 2021. J-PAL is the leading
funder and facilitator of experimental economic research in low-income countries, and funds
projects that are typically designed to inform policy in those countries. As we discuss in
more detail in Appendix A, the characteristics of these projects thus align fairly closely with
the assumptions in our framework.
We find that research costs in this setting are significantly less than proportional to the
number of treatments tested. But they are also not invariant to scale: projects with more
arms cost significantly more, with a 100 log point increase in the number of arms raising costs
by approximately 20 log points on average. Interpreted through the lens of our model, these
patterns provide both a prima facie justification for applying MHT adjustment to studies of
this sort, and also imply that simply controlling the average size of tests in these studies (e.g.
via a Bonferroni correction) would be too conservative. Overall the exercises demonstrates
that it may be possible in some cases to measure research costs and interpret them through
the lens of a framework like ours to obtain quantitative guidelines for MHT adjustment in
economic research.
5.3 Broad takeaways
When it is not feasible to measure costs directly, or when the specifics of the application
differ somewhat from the case we study here, it may be wise to focus instead on general
principles that the analysis above highlights and that seem likely to apply in a variety of
settings. We briefly recap these here in closing.
First, if MHT adjustments are a means of “getting research incentives right,” then they
must depend on the costs of doing research. It must be the net incentives, i.e., rewards net
of costs, that matter. This perspective is useful as it grounds optimal testing procedures
in measurable quantities, as we saw above in the applications to clinical trials and policy
experiments in economics. It may also help to clarify confusion about the boundaries of MHT
adjustment—the concern, for example, that if it is appropriate to apply MHT adjustment to
all the hypotheses tested within one study, then it seems no less appropriate to apply it to
all the hypotheses tested within one researcher’s lifetime. A cost-based perspective avoids
such “reductio ad absurda” by delineating clear boundaries. Two hypotheses interact for the
purposes of determining testing protocols if they also interact in the research cost function.
MHT adjustment might thus be inappropriate within a single paper that reports results from
two separate experiments, but might be appropriate across two papers that report distinct
results from the same experiment.
Second, different types of multiplicity should typically be treated differently. Multiple
treatments and multiple sub-populations imply multiple decisions—which treatments should
be given, and to which sub-populations? This in turn means that multiple tests are needed,
and the MHT question becomes pertinent. Multiple outcomes, on the other hand, do not
necessarily imply that the researcher must conduct multiple tests. They can (and often are)
aggregated into summary statistics instead. This distinction aligns with our reading of the
historical narrative about MHT practices in the literature: the multiple-treatment case—
genetic association testing in particular—has often been cited as the leading motivation for
new MHT procedures proposed (see Dudoit et al., 2003; Efron, 2008a, for reviews), while
the (superficially similar) case of multiple outcomes case seems to have been grouped in with
the others subsequently and less intentionally.
What of non-experimental research? Our focus has been on the experimental case, where
it is reasonable to imagine requiring researchers to commit in advance to the tests they will
run. Optimal protocols for observational studies would likely need to account for additional
factors. Observational work is often iterative in complex ways, and issues such as p-hacking
may consequently loom large. (Interestingly, and in contrast to experimental work in eco-
nomics, fewer than 5% of top-5 non-experimental empirical papers published in 2020 even
mention multiple testing as a potential issue.) That said, the central role of the research
cost function is a point of commonality across these problems.
Finally, any discussion of frequentist hypothesis-testing would be incomplete without
acknowledging that one could also move away from this paradigm (which we have presumed)
entirely towards a Bayesian alternative. In this regard, proposals to control the FDR are
interesting. Several papers have pointed out a Bayesian rationale for doing so: controlling the
(positive) FDR can be interpreted as rejecting hypotheses with a sufficiently low posterior
probability (e.g., Storey, 2003; Gu and Koenker, 2020; Kline et al., 2022).
In fact, close
examination shows that these arguments apply even in the case of a single hypothesis.
The essential idea is to balance the costs of false positives and false negatives, rather than
prioritizing size control at any (power) cost. In this sense we interpret these arguments less
as support for a particular solution to the MHT problem, and more as a reminder of the
decision-theoretic merit of Bayesian approaches more generally.
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Online appendix to “A model of multiple hypothesis
A An application using unique data about the costs of experiments at J-PAL 2
B Main extensions
B.1 Imperfectly informed researchers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B.2 Endogenous number of hypotheses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B.3 (Some) benevolent researchers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B.4 Two-sided tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C Additional extensions and details
C.1 Additional forms of interactions between treatments: details
. . . . . . . . .
C.2 Local power and admissibility: details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C.3 Unequal weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C.4 Σ-robust testing protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C.5 Heterogeneous variances
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C.6 Worst-case protocols with multiple policymakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C.7 Why is separate testing not optimal with multiple outcomes and a single policymaker? 23
D Review of single hypothesis case in Tetenov (2016)
E Proofs of results in main text
E.1 Proof of Proposition 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
E.2 Proof of Proposition 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
E.3 Proof Proposition 3
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
E.4 Proof of Proposition 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
E.5 Proof of Proposition 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
E.6 Proof of Proposition 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
E.7 Proof of Proposition 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
F Proofs of results in online appendix
F.1 Lemmas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
F.2 Propositions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
F.3 Corollaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A An application using unique data about the costs of
experiments at J-PAL
Here, we turn to the question of whether some form of adjustment may be warranted in social
science experiments. Clearly, not all social science experiments fit the regulatory approval
framework studied in this paper. We therefore focus on experiments funded by J-PAL from
2009 to 2021. J-PAL is the leading funder and facilitator of experimental economic research
in low-income countries, and funds projects that are typically designed to inform policy
in those countries. The characteristics of these projects thus align fairly closely with the
regulatory framework we consider.
The data contain both the reported total financial cost of each project (including the
amount requested from sources other than J-PAL) and the number of experimental arms
in the study, allowing us to examine scale economies along this dimension of multiplicity.
Financial costs are not the only costs incurred, of course, but are likely to be highly correlated
with other relevant ones that a researcher deciding whether to undertake a project would
consider: ceteris paribus, larger budgets will tend to mean more researcher effort raising funds
and managing teams of research assistants, for example. We focus primarily on projects in
low-income countries, which are J-PAL’s main focus and make up 80% of the data, but also
examine the smaller and more recent sample of projects in high-income countries (primarily
the United States). We explore how the costs scale in the number of hypotheses across
projects to inform the debate on whether researchers should adjust inference for multiplicity
through the lens of our model.
We examine the relationship between project costs and the number of experimental arms
using simple regressions of log(total project cost) on log(number of experimental
arms). In some specifications we also condition on fixed effects for additional project char-
acteristics; this accounts for the fact that the joint distribution of costs and treatment arms
we observe may arise from a single research cost function C(J), as we supposed above for
expositional simplicity, or from a mixture of different project-type-specific cost functions.
We then report results from tests of the hypotheses that the coefficient on log-cost is zero
and one, respectively. The first condition holds if costs are invariant with respect to the
number of arms, in which case average size control is indicated (Corollary 2). The second
holds if costs are proportionate to the number of arms, in which case no MHT adjustment
is indicated.
For our main sample, the data reject both of these hypotheses (see Columns 1–3 of Table
2, as well as Figure 4). Regardless of the specification, costs are significantly less than
proportional to the number of treatments tested. But they are also not invariant to scale:
projects with more arms cost significantly more, with a 100 log point increase in the number
of arms raising costs by approximately 20 log points on average. Interpreted through the
lens of our model, these patterns provide both a prima facie justification for applying MHT
Table 2: Experimental research costs by number of arms
Main sample
High income countries
log(Treatment Arms) [β]
Proposal Type FEs
Initiative FEs
p-value, H0 : β = 0
p-value, H0 : β = 1
Adjusted R2
Note: The dependent variable in all specifications is the (log of) the total cost of the proposed project.
Proposal type fixed effects include indicators for full projects, pilot projects, and add-on funding to existing
projects. Initiative fixed effects include an indicator for each J-PAL initiative that received funding applica-
tions. “High income countries” are as according to the World Bank classification. Heteroskedasticity-robust
standard errors in parenthesis.
adjustment to studies of this sort, and also imply that simply controlling the average size of
tests in these studies (e.g. via a Bonferroni correction) would be too conservative.
Note that the cost function may be context-specific. In the smaller sample of studies from
high-income countries we see that studies with more arms cost less on average (Columns 4–6),
presumably reflecting heterogeneity in project types. And there is likely similar heterogeneity
underlying the low-income country data. Projects that deliver experimental manipulations
through SMS and measure outcomes in administrative data, for example, likely have very
different cost structures than those that involve large-scale in-person interventions and sur-
veys of households in remote rural areas. Our anonymized data do not let us observe and
draw out sharp distinctions between different projects (e.g., whether an experiment is a field
or online experiment), though we do see that even simply adding fixed effects to conditions
on proposal type and initiative can change the coefficient on the number of treatment arms
meaningfully. A planner who could observe more detailed project type information would
generally wish to condition testing protocols on it.13
13In some cases researchers might be able to credibly disclose the cost structure of studies in a similar class
to theirs, and pre-specify test procedures based on these. If so one would expect this to lead to widespread
disclosure via the unravelling effects that are standard in disclosure games.
Figure 4: Bin-scatter with non-parametric fit
Main Sample
High income countries
Treatment arms (log−log reg)
19 27
5 6 7
Treatment arms (log−log reg)
19 27
5 6 7
Note: Bin-scatter plot and (log-log) non-parametric regression line of financial cost of the experiment as
a function of the number of treatments. The nodes’ size captures the number of observations in each bin.
Values are divided by the average budget with two arms.
B Main extensions
Throughout the remainder of the appendix, we will often suppress the dependence of the
hypothesis testing protocol on J and G and simply write r(X).
Imperfectly informed researchers
In Section 3, we assume that the researcher is perfectly informed and knows θ. Here, we
show that our main results continue to hold in settings where the researcher has imperfect
information in the form of a prior about θ.14 Denote this prior by π′
Π′, where Π′ is the
class of all distributions over Θ. We assume that Π′ is unrestricted.15 The prior π represents
knowledge about θ that is available to the researcher but not to the planner.
We assume that the vector of statistics X is drawn from a normal distribution conditional
on θ, where θ itself is drawn from the prior π:
where Σ is positive definite and assumed to be known.
∼ N
(θ, Σ),
14In the single-hypothesis testing case, Tetenov (2016) gives results under imperfect information. However,
these results rely on the Neyman-Pearson lemma, which is not applicable to multiple tests.
15This assumption is made for simplicity. For our theoretical results, we only need that the class of priors
Π′ contains at least one element that is supported on the null space Θ0, which holds by construction if Π′ is
The researcher acts as a Bayesian decision-maker. She experiments whenever her ex-ante
payoff ¯βr(π) is positive, where
Welfare is16
¯βr(π′) =
u(θ)⊤δ(r(x))dFθ(x)dπ′(θ), 0
n R R
if ¯βr(π′) > 0
if ¯βr(π′) = 0
if ¯βr(π′) < 0.
¯vr(π′) =
Under imperfect information, we define maximin protocols with respect to the prior π.
Definition 1 (Π′-maximin optimal). We say that r∗ is Π′-maximin optimal if and only if
arg max
π′∈Π′ ¯vr(π′).
Definition 1 generalizes the notion of maximin optimality in Section 3.1, which is stated
in terms of the parameter θ. When Π′ contains only point mass distributions, the two notions
of maximin optimality are equivalent.
The following lemma provides a characterization of maximin testing protocols.
Lemma 1 (Conditions for maximin optimality). Suppose that Θ0 6
maximin optimal (Definition 1) if and only if inf π′∈Π′ ¯vr∗(π′)
. Then r∗ is Π′-
Proof. See Appendix F.1.1.
Lemma 1 states that maximin optimality is equivalent to the worst-case welfare being
non-negative. The next proposition shows that one-sided t-tests with appropriately chosen
critical values are maximin optimal under imperfect information.
Proposition 8 (Maximin optimality). Let J > 1. Let Assumptions 1, 2, and 4 hold.
M, M]J and C(J) > 0. Then the testing protocol
Suppose that Θ = [
j(X) = 1
is Π′-maximin optimal.
Σj,j ≥
Φ−1 (1
∈ {
1, . . . , J
Proof. See Appendix F.2.1.
Proposition 8 shows that the conclusions in Section 3 on the maximin optimality of t-tests
remain valid under imperfect information.
Global optimality of rt follows as a direct corollary of Propositions 2 and 8.
16The integration over π captures the correct specification of the researcher’s prior.
Corollary 4 (Global optimality). Let Assumptions 1, 2, 3, and 4 hold. Suppose that Θ =
M, M]J and C(J) > 0. Then for any λ > 0 and π
if and only if t = Φ−1(1
arg max
π′∈Π′ ¯vr(π′) + λ
Proof. The result is an immediate consequence of Propositions 2 and 8.
Our results for imperfectly informed researchers can be extended to settings with thresh-
old crossing payoff functions and general welfare functions as in Appendix C.1.
B.2 Endogenous number of hypotheses
In Section 3, we assume that the number of treatments (hypotheses), J, is exogenous. Here
we relax this assumption and consider a researcher who can choose which and how many
hypotheses to test ex-ante using prior information. Before running the experiment, the
researcher specifies the hypotheses she will test in a pre-analysis plan. As a consequence,
the choice of the hypotheses can be based on prior knowledge (e.g., pilot studies) but not on
the data drawn from the actual experiment.
0, 1
rS}S∈{1,...,J}. Given
∈ {
The model is similar to that in Section 3 with small modifications. First, the planner
commits to a family of hypothesis testing protocols for any number of selected treatments,
rS}S∈{1,...,J}, the researcher chooses an arbitrary subset of
J out of the J possible treatments and decides whether to
treatments indexed by s∗
experiment. Conditional on experimentation, the researcher draws a vector Xs∗
, where
j , containing information on the selected treatments and reports r∗
S∗ =
S∗(Xs∗). We
assume that for the treatments that the researcher does not select, the status quo remains in
place. This structure of the model reflects a setting where the planner commits to a testing
protocol for every number of treatments, and the researcher then selects which treatment(s)
to analyze.17
j=1 s∗
Formally, define an indicator sj ∈ {
0, 1
such that sj = 1 if treatment j is selected by
the researcher and sj = 0 otherwise. If the researcher experiments, her payoff is
C(S), S =
As in Section 3, the payoff function is linear in the number of findings and the costs depend
on the number of tests S that the researcher conducts (for simplicity, we assume that the
costs of each test are the same).
17Extensions to the case where the testing protocol depends on the identity of selected treatments are
possible but omitted for brevity.
We assume that welfare is linear:
j=1 s∗
0, Eθ[urS
h P
j θjrS∗,j(Xs∗)
∗ ,s∗(Xs∗)]
j=1 s∗
j=1 s∗
if Eθ
if Eθ
h P
h P
j rS∗,j(Xs∗)
j rS∗,j(Xs∗)
C(S∗) > 0
C(S∗) = 0
r (θ) =
j=1 s∗
where S∗ =
j and
arg max
j=1 sj,j(Xs)
To alleviate the exposition, we omit the dependence of s∗ and S∗ on θ.
The following lemma characterizes the class of maximin protocols when the number of
hypotheses is endogenous.
Lemma 2. Let Θ = [
maximin optimal, i.e., r∗
Proof. See Appendix F.1.2.
M, M]J . Consider the model described in this section. Then r∗ is
r (θ) if and only if vE
arg maxr∈R minθ∈Θ vE
0 for all θ
We conclude our discussion by showing that separate one-sided t-tests are maximin and
globally optimal.
Proposition 9. Let J > 1. Suppose that Assumptions 1, 2, 3, and 4 hold. Suppose further
that Θ = [
. Then the protocol
C(S) > 0 for all S
M, M]J and S
1, . . . , J
S,j(Xs) = 1
j,j ≥
is maximin and globally optimal.
Φ−1 (1
∈ {
, S
∈ {
1, . . . , J
∈ {
1, . . . , J
Proof. See Appendix F.2.2.
(Some) benevolent researchers
One of the core assumptions in our baseline model is that the researcher’s incentives and
the planner’s incentives are misaligned—the researcher’s payoff only depends on the number
of findings and the costs of research. Here we show that our main results continue to hold
when some (but not all) researchers’ incentives are aligned (i.e. they care about welfare). For
brevity, we focus on maximin optimality. Based on these results, global optimality results
can be derived straightforwardly.
Suppose that there are two types of researchers, indexed by ω
. The payoff of
the researchers of type ω = 0 is equal to expected welfare, whereas the payoff of researchers
of type ω = 1 is the same as in Section 3. We assume that P (ω = 1)
(0, 1].
∈ {
0, 1
Consider a setting where the researchers’ type is unknown to the planner. The planner
is maximin with respect to the researcher’s type and solves the problem
vr(θ, ω),
where (for vr(θ) as defined in as Equation (3)) and
vr(θ, ω = 1) = vr(θ),
vr(θ, ω = 0) =
We have the following equivalence result.
Proposition 10. Suppose that u(θ = (0, . . . , 0)) = 0. Then, for any βr(θ),
n Z
vr(θ; ω) = min
where vr(θ) is given in Equation (3).
Proof. See Appendix F.2.3.
Proposition 10 shows that the planner solves the same problem as when there are only
type ω = 1 researchers (as in Section 3). It implies that all the results on maximin optimality
in Section 3 continue to hold when some researchers are benevolent.
B.4 Two-sided tests
The model in Section 3 naturally justifies one-sided hypothesis testing. To move away
from one-sided hypothesis testing we need to allow policymakers to take actions different
from the baseline intervention of “do nothing” when no recommendations is made. We
therefore consider a model where a policymaker, who does not coincide with the planner,
may implement treatments if no recommendation is made. This assumption justifies two-
sided testing.
Consider a model where the researcher reports a vector of recommendations, r(X), and
the sign of each statistic j, sgn(Xj), for which rj(X) = 1. In other words, for each treatment,
the researcher reports either a positive recommendation (rj(X) = 1 and sgn(Xj) = 1), a
)18, or no recommendation
negative recommendation (rj(X) = 1 and sgn(Xj)
(rj(X) = 0).
∈ {−
1, 0
The key feature of the model is that if rj(X) = 0, the policymaker may or may not
implement treatment j. Define the indicator p, where p = 1 if the policymaker implements
treatments with rj(X) = 0 and p = 0 otherwise. The planner does not know p, and we
consider a worst case approach with respect to p, consistent with the maximin approach
If rj(X) = 1, the policymaker implements treatment j if
we consider in the main text.
sgn(Xj) = 1 and does not implement the treatment if sgn(Xj)
1, 0
∈ {−
Welfare conditional on experimentation is
sgn(Xj) = 1
θj + p
18Note that sgn(Xj) = 0 has measure zero, therefore can be ignored as a conditioning event.
which can be rewritten (up to constant terms) as
sgn(Xj) = 1
} −
The expected utility of the researcher is
∈ {−
1, 0
βr(θ) =
(θ, p) =
sgn(Xj) = 1
p) +
1, 0
∈ {−
Expected welfare, taking into account the optimal researcher’s action, can be written as
j=1 E
rj (X)θj1
rj (X)θj1
sgn(Xj) = 1
sgn(Xj) = 1
j=1 rj (X)1
j=1 rj (X)1
∈ {−
1, 0
∈ {−
1, 0
if βr(θ) > 0
, 0
if βr(θ) = 0
if βr(θ) < 0.
We consider maximin testing protocols with respect to θ and p. The following proposi-
tion shows that standard separate two-sided t-tests are maximin optimal in the modified
framework described in this section.
Proposition 11 (Maximin optimality of two-sided tests). Consider the model described in
this section and the testing protocol ˜rt(X) = (˜rt
J (X))⊤, where
j(X) = 1
Σj,j ≥
Let Assumptions 1, 2, 4 hold, let Θ = [
maximin optimal, i.e.,
1(X), . . . , ˜rt
M, M]J , and suppose that C(J) > 0. Then, ˜rt is
1, . . . , J
∈ {
arg max
(θ, p).
Proof. See Appendix F.2.4.
Note that critical value of the optimal separate two-sided t-tests is the same critical value
as for the one-sided t-tests in Proposition 5. This is because the planner is maximin with
respect to p. Using similar arguments as in the main text, one can show that two-sided t-tests
are also globally optimal when the planner considers the worst-case with respect to p, where
0, 1
global optimality would require that βr(θ)
and by construction of βr(θ) above, this holds for the maximin protocol in Proposition 11.
. Because p
0 for any θ
Θ, p
∈ {
∈ {
0, 1
C Additional extensions and details
C.1 Additional forms of interactions between treatments: details
Maximin testing protocols may be very conservative when we start considering additional
forms of interactions between the treatments. Therefore, we introduce a weaker notion
of maximin optimality that considers the worst case over Θ0 :=
only, instead of Θ. This notion of maximin optimality corresponds to the concept of weak
size control in the MHT literature. Even under this weaker criterion we will often obtain
conservative hypothesis testing protocols, which helps motivate attention to it. We say that
r∗ is weakly maximin if and only if
θ : uj(θ) < 0 for all j
arg max
Different from the notion of maximin optimality in Section 3.1, weak maximin optimality
considers the worst-case over the set Θ0 instead of Θ. It is a weaker notion of optimality since
it requires size control only over the subset of parameters that lead to negative treatment
effects for each possible testing protocol. That is, it imposes size control only under the weak
null.19 By definition, all maximin protocols are also weakly maximin, while the converse is
not necessarily true. A weakly maximin protocol is also maximin only if welfare is weakly
positive over Θ
We define weakly globally optimal protocols as those maximizing
vr(θ) + λ
where Π is the space of priors with positive mass on the positive orthant Θ1. Using the
same arguments as in the main text, one can show that the set of weakly globally optimal
protocols is the set of maximin protocols satisfying
0 for all θ
0 for all θ
C.1.1 Linear welfare and threshold-crossing payoff function
We now introduce interactions in the payoff function, replacing the linear function in As-
sumption 1 with a threshold function.
Assumption 5 (Threshold payoff function). With a threshold payoff function, the re-
searcher’s payoff conditional on experimenting is (up to rescaling)
βr(θ) = γ
0, γ > C(J).
for exogenous constants κ
The threshold crossing payoff function leads to optimal hypothesis testing protocols,
which depend on the joint distribution of X in a complicated way. To illustrate, consider
the leading case where X
(θ, Σ). Define
∼ N
δj(r(X)) = δj(r(X))1
0, 1
∈ {
2J −1.
19See Proschan and Brittain (2020) for related notions in the context of MHT.
We assume that the researcher does not write up the results if the number of rejections
is smaller than κ.
Assumption 6 (General tie-breaking assumption). Assume that, conditional on X and for
any r
, the researcher reports r(X) = (0, . . . , 0)⊤ if
k=1 rk(X) < κ.
∈ R
the results. We define
We can interpret Assumption 6 as imposing some infinitesimally small cost on writing up
the set of indexes that has at least κ or more hypotheses/treatments.
One can show that a necessary condition for any weakly globally optimal protocol is (for
Θ = [
M, M]J )
P (r∗
j (X) = 1
p∗ = min
1, . . . , p∗
J }
[0, 1]J
where (p∗
1, . . . , p∗
J ) are the solutions to the following optimization problem
1, . . . , p∗
J )
arg max
such that
P (δk(r(X)) = 1
and P (rj(X) = 1
θ = 0) = pj ∀
The above expression shows that most powerful testing protocols impose that the probability
of finding each separate treatment to be effective exceeds a certain (uniform) threshold p∗.
The threshold depends on the joint distribution of the entries of X, which rules out separate
size control if there is dependence between the entries of X.
1, . . . , J
∈ {
To separate the interactions arising from the threshold crossing payoff function from those
occurring because of the statistical dependence between the components of X, we restrict
attention to the class of independent testing protocols.20
Assumption 7 (Independent testing protocols). Consider a class of testing protocols r
ind with rj(X)
rj′(X) with j
= j′.
Assumption 7 states that tests for distinct treatments are statistically independent. This
holds under the normality Assumption 4 when Σ is a diagonal matrix and rj(X) is a function
of Xj only for all j. For example, in the analysis of multiple independent subgroups, Xj
denotes the estimated treatment effect within a given subgroup. This would typically satisfy
Assumption 7.
The following proposition characterizes globally optimal protocols under independence.
Proposition 12 (Optimality of separate size control). Let J > 1. Let Assumptions 2, 3, 4,
ind is weakly globally optimal if
5, 6, and 7 hold, and let Θ = [
M, M]J . Then any r∗
∈ R
20Independence assumptions have been commonly used as a starting point for developing approaches
to multiple testing (e.g., Benjamini and Liu, 1999; Finner and Roters, 2001), and provide an interesting
benchmark for contrasting our results against existing procedures and recommendations.
and only if βr∗(θ)
0 for all θ
P (r∗
j (X) = 1
Θ0 and
θ = 0) = p∗
where p∗ :
θ = 0
j P
r∗ exists.
δj(r∗(X)) = 1
Xk∈{κ,··· ,J} (cid:18)
j P
1, . . . , J
∈ {
(p∗)k = C(J)/γ,
δj(r∗(X)) = 1
for all θ′
Θ1, assuming such
Proof. See Appendix F.2.5. We note that the proof does not rely on normality of X (As-
sumption 4). We only require that X is continuously distributed with CDF Fθ, which admits
a PDF fθ(x) that is continuous in θ for all x
∈ X
Proposition 12 states that the optimal testing protocol involves separate size control and
assigns to each false finding the same probability p∗, which depends both on the number of
hypotheses J and the threshold number of rejections κ.
An immediate implication of Proposition 12 is that under Assumption 4, separate one-
sided t-testing,
j(X) = 1
Σj,j ≥
∈ {
1, . . . , J
is weakly globally (and maximin) optimal. The critical value depends on p∗ defined in
Proposition 12.
As with a linear payoff function, a central implication of Proposition 12 is that the way
the level p∗ of hypothesis tests should vary with the number J of hypotheses tested depends
on the structure of the research cost function C(J). To better understand the dependence
of p∗ on J, it is useful to analyze settings with very many treatments (J
). We consider
two different cases: one where C(J)/γ is constant, and one where C(J)/γ = 1/J.
→ ∞
Corollary 5 (Asymptotic approximation). Assume that κ is fixed. Let p∗ be as defined in
Proposition 12. Suppose that C(J)/γ = α for a constant 1 > α > 0 that does not depend on
J. Then p∗
. If, instead, C(J)/γ = α/J, then p∗
1/J (κ+1)/κ as J
1/J as J
→ ∞
→ ∞
Proof. See Appendix F.3.2.
Corollary 5 shows that fixed-cost research production functions (C(J)/γ = α) again ratio-
nalize Bonferroni-style corrections. Here for a threshold payoff function this holds asymptoti-
cally, as opposed to the linear payoff function case in which the result is exact. Interestingly,
when C(J)/γ = α/J, size control is of order 1/J 2 for κ = 1 and approximately 1/J for
Figure 5 plots the optimal level of size control for different values of J.
It shows a
comparison between the optimal level under a linear payoff function and threshold-crossing
payoff function with γ = J. We find that for any finite J the comparison of optimal test
size under linear and threshold payoff functions is ambiguous, depending on J and on the
research cost function.
As Figure 5 illustrates, the optimal level of size control with a threshold crossing payoff
function also depends on the location of the threshold κ. One can show that p∗ is increasing
in the threshold κ. As the threshold increases, it becomes harder for the researcher to achieve
a positive payoff, and larger incentives are necessary to guarantee experimentation. As a
result, for large-enough κ and fixed J, standard levels of size control such as 10% or 5% may
be too stringent.
Figure 5: Optimal level of size control under linear and threshold payoff functions
K = 2
Threshold Cost
C(J) = 0.1
C(J) = 0.1 x J
K = 5
Notes: We set C(J)
0.1, 0.1
, where for the threshold crossing rule we fix γ = J. Different panels
correspond to different values of κ for the threshold rule.
∈ {
C.1.2 General welfare and threshold-crossing payoff function
We now introduce the possibility of interactions between the treatments being studied, in
addition to interactions in the cost and the researcher payoff function.
Assumption 8 (General welfare). uj(θ) = θj for all j, with Θ = [
M, M]2J −1.
Importantly, unlike Assumption 2, Assumption 8 allows for interactions in the welfare
impact of multiple treatments. We illustrate this more general setup in the context of our
running example.
Example 4 (Fully saturated regression model). Consider the fully saturated regression
Yi = Di,1(1
Di,2)θ1 + Di,2(1
Di,1)θ2 + Di,1Di,2θ3 + εi.
Unlike the “short” model (1), the “long” regression model (29) allows for interaction effects
between the treatments, and θ3 will differ from θ1 + θ2 in general. In this example, each
entry of X corresponds to the OLS estimator of the effect of a combination of treatments,
X = (ˆθ1, ˆθ2, ˆθ3)⊤.
We consider the following set of planner priors.
Definition 2 (General Π-alternatives). We consider general Π-alternatives as the set of
priors on Θ′
is the set of indices with at least least κ or
more hypotheses/treatments.
θ : uj(θ)
, where
∈ K
1 =
Under Assumption 6, the planner only needs to consider groups of hypotheses for which
it is profitable for the researcher to experiment. Therefore, we can write the researcher payoff
and welfare as
βr(θ) = γ
and vr(θ) =
The next proposition characterizes the optimal testing protocol for any given
δj. To state
the proposition, we assume the existence of an optimal solution. Such optimal solutions may
not exist in general, and their existence will depend on the distribution of X.
Proposition 13 (Equal size control on compound error rates). Let J > 1. Suppose that
Assumptions 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 hold. Suppose further that Θ = [
be as in
Definition 2. Then any r∗
is weakly globally optimal if and only if r∗ satisfies
M, M]2J −1. Let
(i) βr∗(θ)
0 for all θ
(ii) the condition
∈ R
δj(r∗(X)) = 1
δj(r∗(X)) = 1
θ = 0
θ = 0
∈ K
(iii) and
j P
assuming such r∗ exists.
j P
δj(r∗(X)) = 1
for all θ′
Proof. See Appendix F.2.6. We note that the proof does not rely on normality of X (As-
sumption 4). We only require that X is continuously distributed with CDF Fθ, which admits
a PDF fθ(x) that is continuous in θ for all x
∈ X
Proposition 13 shows that separate size control with a Bonferroni-type correction over
each group of findings is maximin and globally optimal. It thus rationalizes a specific form
of FWER control.
Corollary 6 (Rationalization of the weak FWER). Let the conditions in Proposition 13
hold. Then any weakly globally optimal protocol controls the weak FWER at level C(J)/γ at
θ = 0, namely
δj(r∗(X)) = 1 for at least one j
θ = 0
= C(J)/γ.
Proof. See Appendix F.3.3.
In other words, Proposition 13 rationalizes (weak) FWER control between groups of at
least κ hypotheses. Importantly, FWER control is not required for each separate rj(X), but
instead for each group. When κ = 1, however, this implies control of the probability of a
single false rejection, i.e., of the standard notion of weak FWER control. This follows from
the fact that rejecting any group of hypotheses implies rejecting its constituent members
individually (for κ = 1, maxj δj(r(X)) = 1 if and only if maxj rj(X) = 1).
Next we provide an example of a hypothesis testing protocol that satisfies the conditions
in Proposition 13.
Example 5 (Example of globally optimal maximin protocol). Consider a vector
with each entry corresponding to a statistic Xj corresponding to a certain group of treatments
with number of elements exceeding κ. Note that
X is a subvector of X. Assume that
(θ, I). Then the testing protocol21
δj(r(X)) = 1
Xj > max
Xj′ and Xj > t
∈ K}
is weakly global (and maximin) optimal if t is chosen such that P
C(J)/γ.22 The testing protocol (32) is maximin optimal since23
maxj ˜Xj > t
θ = 0
∼ N
Xj > t
for any θ
Θ0 =
= P
0) = C(J)
γ|K| .
Xj > t
= P
Xj + θj) > t
θ = 0
Θ : θ < 0
. It is globally optimal because
δj(r∗(X)) = 1
is weakly increasing in any entry of θ, and P (˜δj(r(X)) = 1
j P
Xj > t
θ = 0
θ =
θ =
Example 5 provides an example of a maximin and globally most powerful testing protocol.
The independence between the entries of X is important here; without it the existence of
an optimal testing protocol is not guaranteed. Example 5 also illustrates the complexity of
optimal testing protocols in the presence of potential interactions between treatments.
21This testing protocol bears some resemblance with the step-down procedures in Lehmann and Romano
(2005b, Chapter 9), where the maximum is considered a statistic of interest.
22We note that a simple threshold crossing protocol violates the constraint that
23Note that here we only need to consider
X, since for the remaining entries the recommendation is zero
j δj(r(X))
almost surely.
C.2 Local power and admissibility: details
In this section, we explore alternative local notions of optimality and discuss the role of
t-Tests are locally most powerful
Here, we analyze the local power of hypothesis testing protocols. We start by defining a
suitable local alternative space.
Definition 3 (ǫ-alternatives). For ǫ > 0, define the local alternative space as
Θ1(ǫ) :=
θ : θj = ǫ for some j, θj′
[0, ǫ] for all other j′
The set of ǫ-alternatives Θ1(ǫ) is the set of parameters for which, for some policy decision,
welfare is strictly positive by ǫ. Note that Θ1(ǫ)
Θ0 =
for all ǫ > 0.
Based on Definition 3, we introduce the following notion of local power.
It is similar
in spirit to the ones employed in Section 4 of Romano et al. (2011) and Chapter 9.2 of
Lehmann and Romano (2005b), among others.
Definition 4 (Locally more powerful). A testing protocol r is locally more powerful (or
ǫ-more powerful) than r′ if24
lim inf
Definition 4 introduces a partial ordering of testing protocols based on their worst-case
performance under ǫ-alternatives. It considers parameter values in an alternative space that
contains the origin as ǫ
0. The rescaling by the location parameter ǫ avoids trivial
solutions.25 Under the notion of local power in Definition 4, the planner prioritizes power
for detecting small treatment effects.
We say that a maximin testing protocol r is locally most powerful (or ǫ-most powerful) if
it is (weakly) locally more powerful than any other maximin testing protocol r′. Appendix
C.2.2 shows that locally most powerful tests are also admissible.
The next proposition states that a testing protocol is locally most powerful if and only
if the rejection probability of each separate test at θ = 0 (the boundary of the null space)
equals C(J)/J.
Proposition 14 (Separate size control is locally most powerful). Let J > 1. Let Assumptions
is maximin optimal and locally most
1, 2, and 4 hold, and let Θ = [
powerful if and only if r∗ satisfies Equation (9) and
M, M]J . Then r∗
j (X; J) = 1
θ = 0) =
1, . . . , J
24In Appendix F.2.8, we show that the expression below is uniformly bounded for all (r, r′).
25Rescaling by the location parameter is common in local asymptotic analyses and is standard practice
P (r∗
∈ R
∈ {
when making optimality statements (e.g., Athey and Wager, 2021).
Proof. See Appendix F.2.7. The proof does not rely on normality of X (Assumption 4). We
only require that X is continuously distributed with CDF Fθ, which admits a PDF fθ(x)
that is continuous in θ for all x
∈ X
In the following corollary, we show that any globally most powerful protocol is also locally
Corollary 7 (Globally optimal protocols are locally most powerful). Let J > 1. Let As-
M, M]J . Then for any λ > 0, any globally optimal
sumptions 1, 2, 3, 4 hold, and let Θ = [
rule is also maximin optimal and locally most powerful.
Proof. The proof follows directly from Propositions 2 and 14.
Corollary 7 shows that our notion of global optimality in the main text is a refinement of
notions of most powerful test that follow in spirit of existing literature on hypothesis testing.
Importantly, it implies that one-sided t-testing is also globally most powerful.
C.2.2 Admissibility of locally most powerful protocols when λ = 0
Here we show that locally most powerful protocols are admissible when λ = 0. Denote by
the set of locally most powerful maximin protocols.
M, M]J .
Proposition 15 (Admissibility). Let Assumptions 1, 2, and 4 hold, and let Θ = [
Let λ = 0. Then any maximin and locally most powerful protocol r is admissible with respect
to any r′
6∈ E
Proof. See Appendix F.2.8.
The notion of admissibility in Proposition 15 treats as inadmissible any testing protocol
that is dominated by another testing protocol, including testing protocols that are not max-
imin. However, note that by Proposition 1, maximin testing protocols cannot be dominated
over Θ0 by testing protocols that are not maximin.26
Proposition 15 has important implications for the robustness of the results to planner
uncertainty about the researcher’s payoff.
Corollary 8 (Admissibility with non-linear experimenter payoff). Take an admissible max-
imin protocol r∗ under researcher payoff function βr(θ). Suppose that the true researcher pay-
off function is β′
r(θ) and unknown to the planner. Similarly to Proposition 4, let β′, β
∈ B
. Then, under the conditions in Proposition 15, r∗
is an admissible maximin protocol over Θ
β′ : β′
× B
Proof of Corollary 8. See Appendix F.3.4.
might contain multiple protocols for which (33) holds with weak inequality, admissibility is
stated with respect to those protocols that are not maximin and locally most powerful.
Corollary 8 states that if the planner picks r∗ using βr(θ) as an upper bound on the
experimenter payoff, she guarantees maximin optimality and admissibility within a larger
parameter space containing all possible (dominated) payoff functions. To find an admissible
maximin protocol, it is thus sufficient for her to optimize with respect to an upper bound
on the researcher’s payoff.
C.3 Unequal weights
In the main text, we assume equal weights across hypotheses (see Assumption 1 and As-
sumption 2). Here we show that our results continue to hold with unequal weights. Suppose
that (weighted) welfare is
r (θ, ω) =
Suppose further that the (weighted) researcher payoff is
˜βr(θ, ω) =
θ]ωjθj, 0
θ]ωj −
˜βr(θ, ω) > 0
˜βr(θ, ω) = 0
j=1 ωj = J, and that the weights are known. In the regulatory approval process
example, ωj may denote the size of the jth subpopulation so that ˜βr is proportional to total
expected profits from sales of a given drug.
The following proposition characterizes maximin optimality of separate t-tests. Global
optimality follows directly from Proposition 2.
Proposition 16 (Maximin optimality of separate t-tests with weighted welfare and benefits).
M, M]J , and suppose that C(J) > 0. Suppose
Let Assumptions 1, 2, and 4 hold, let Θ = [
j=1 ωj = J. Then, one-sided t-testing
that the weights ω satisfy ωj > 0
is maximin optimal, i.e.,
1, . . . , J
∈ {
where rt defined in Equation (12) with t = Φ−1(1
arg max
r (θ, ω)
Proof. See Appendix F.2.9.
Global optimality follows similarly. We omit the details for brevity.
C.4 Σ-robust testing protocols
In the main text, we assume that the experimental design and sample size (and thus the
covariance matrix of X, Σ) are known to the planner. In this setting, the planner chooses
the testing protocol r to maximize worst-case welfare given Σ. Here we analyze a variant
of our model in which the planner chooses r when Σ unknown and adversarially chosen by
nature. We refer to testing protocols that are maximin optimal in this setting as Σ-robust.
Specifically, we say that r∗ is Σ-robust if
for some κ > 0,
arg max
where vr(θ) is implicitly a function of σ, as σ characterizes the distribution of X. This
definition states that the protocol r∗ is Σ-robust if it is maximin optimal not only with
respect to θ but also with respect to the (homogeneous) variance σ2. The definition imposes
a lower bound on the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix, ensuring that the signal-
to-noise ratio θj/
Σj,j is uniformly bounded.
The next proposition shows standard one-sided t-tests are also optimal in settings where
the planner seeks testing protocols that are optimal irrespective of the particular experimen-
tal design.
Proposition 17. Let J > 1. Let Assumptions 1, 2, and 4 hold, and let Θ = [
Then the testing protocol
M, M]J .
j(X) = 1
is Σ-robust.
Σj,j ≥
Φ−1 (1
∈ {
1, . . . , J
Proof. The proof mimics the proof of Proposition 5 (see Appendix E.5), since the optimiza-
tion problem only depends on θj/
Σj,j, and is omitted.
C.5 Heterogeneous variances
In this section, we extend our results on maximin optimality to settings with heterogeneous
variances. We show that separate t-tests are approximately maximin optimal and provide
an explicit formula for the approximation error in terms of the variance heterogeneity.
The following proposition states the formal result. Define ¯σ = maxj σj and σ = minj σj.
Proposition 18. Let the conditions in Proposition 5 hold with Σj,j = σ2
across j. Suppose that Θ = [
Φ−1 (1
M, M]J , C(J) > 0, and J > 1. Then, for any t
j , where σ2
j varies
vr(θ) = 0
∈ "−
where ξt(¯σ, σ) =
Φ(t + 1
¯σ )
Proof. See Appendix F.2.10.
ξt(¯σ, σ)
j=1 (cid:12)
¯σ )
Proposition 18 shows that separate one-sided t-tests are optimal (i.e. maximize worst-case
welfare) for all values of θ in the null space Θ0 (i.e. when all elements of θ are negative). For
all other values of θ, they are optimal up to an error of order equal to the distance between
the median and the hypothesis-specific standard deviation (since we can pick σ equal to the
median standard deviation). Proposition 18 also provides an upper bound on the worst case
welfare that depends on the ratio between the smallest and largest variance. This bound
suggests that more balanced designs (e.g. when collecting more observations from groups
with the largest variance) guarantee better (maximin) performance of t-tests.
Remark 8 (Exact optimality with heterogeneous variances). In settings with heterogeneous
variances, t-tests are exactly optimal if the researcher and social planner weigh discoveries
by the inverse of their corresponding standard deviation so that welfare is
and the benefits are
rj(X). Exact optimality then follows directly from Appendix
C.3. This framework embeds settings where heterogeneity in sample sizes (and variances) is
motivated by different weights assigned to discoveries.
C.6 Worst-case protocols with multiple policymakers
In this section we study a complementary approach to Section 4.1. We depart from the
model in Section 4.1 by assuming that the planner chooses a testing protocol to maximize
worst-case (instead of average) welfare over both θ and the identity of the implementing
policymaker g so that welfare is
ming∈{1,...,G} P (rg(X; G) = 1
if βr(θ) > 0
θ)ug(θ), 0
if βr(θ) = 0
if βr(θ) < 0.
ming∈{1,...,G} P (rg(X; G) = 1
vr(θ) =
θ : ug(θ) < 0, for some g
Θ0 :=
We begin by characterizing the null space.
∈ {
Intuitively, worst-case welfare is negative if any of the uj(θ) is negative. Here, each com-
ponent on the right-hand side is equal to the null space with a single outcome and a single
hypothesis. This shows that the null space with multiple outcomes can be very large when
there are many outcomes, which we will show leads to conservative protocols.
1, . . . , G
θ : ug(θ) < 0
g=1 {
The next proposition provides a general characterization of maximin protocols.
Proposition 19 (Maximin optimality). Suppose that Θ0 6
maximin optimal with multiple outcomes, i.e.,
. A testing protocol r∗ is
if and only if
arg max
where Θ0 is defined in Equation (37), and vr(θ) is defined in Equation (36).
Proof. The proof is similar to that of Proposition 1 and is omitted.
It is interesting to compare the result in Proposition 19 to that with multiple treatments
in Proposition 1 because, in both settings, the researcher reports a vector of discoveries. The
key difference is that the null space with multiple outcomes, Θ0, contains not only parameter
values for which all components are negative but also those for which some components are
negative. As a result, this setup rationalizes stricter and potentially very conservative notions
of size control.
C.6.1 Examples of maximin protocols
Proposition 19 can lead to conservative hypothesis testing protocols. To see why, consider a
linear payoff function as in Assumption 1,
βr(θ) =
rg(x; G)dFθ(x)
where C(G) = αG for some α
(0, 1). Proposition 19 implies that if we restrict the class of
feasible testing protocols to the (common) threshold crossing protocols, power needs to be
zero for the protocol to be maximin optimal. Specifically, suppose that X
(θ, I), where
M, M] for some arbitrary large M, and consider the protocol r(X; G) =
θ1, . . . , θG ∈
1/G, the threshold
X1 ≥
crossing protocol is maximin optimal only in the trivial case where t
, which implies
that the tests never reject and have zero power.27
)⊤ . Then for a large enough M and α
, . . . , 1
→ ∞
XG ≥
∼ N
(Finite) threshold crossing protocols are not maximin optimal because they fail to dis-
courage experimentation when worst-case welfare is negative. For example, suppose that the
treatment has a large positive effect on all but the Gth outcome and a negative effect on
the Gth outcome. In this case, the worst-off policymaker is policymaker G who cares only
about the treatment effect on outcome G, which is negative. However, despite the worst-case
welfare being negative, the researcher has an incentive to experiment because she will reject
1 hypotheses with high probability.
This discussion suggests using “worst-case” protocols to ensure that the researcher ex-
periments only if all effects are positive. Indeed, when the threshold t is chosen such that
27The argument goes as follows. Take θg large enough for all g < G and θG < 0. Then
1 such that we need to impose that P (rg(X; G) = 1
θg) = P (rg(X; G) = 1
θG) + G
where αG
0 for α
G + 1
g=1 P (rg(X; G) =
G + 1,
P (Xg ≥
θj = 0) = C(G)/G for g = 1, . . . , G, the following protocol is maximin optimal:28
rj(X; G) = 1
Xg ≥
Due to the use of the minimum across all statistics and the choice of the threshold, the
protocol (39) can be very conservative when there are many outcomes.
1, . . . , G
∈ {
Proposition 19 allows us to directly map different types of researcher incentives to different
types of error rate control. Consider next the case of a threshold crossing researcher payoff
βr(θ) = γ
rg(x; G)
(C(G), 1) such that there is at least one case where experimentation is
We assume that γ
profitable; otherwise the researcher would never experiment.
Proposition 19 implies that r∗ is maximin if and only if
rg(X; J)
= P (at least κ discoveries
This criterion is quite restrictive; it is stronger than and implies strong control of the κ-
FWER at level C(G)/γ. To illustrate, let κ = 1. Then we impose restrictions not only on
the probability of at least one false discovery, but also on the probability of any discovery
(true or false), whenever the treatment has a negative welfare effect on at least one outcome
(i.e., θ
Remark 9 (FDR). It is possible to “invert” our research question and examine what re-
searcher incentives rationalize other popular criteria such as control of the FDR. Interest-
ingly, it turns out that rationalizing FDR control in our model requires us to assume that
the researcher is malevolent. If
βr(θ) =
Z "
rg(x; G)
θg < 0
g=1 rg(x; G)
rg(x; G) > 0
any decision rule that controls the FDR under the null hypothesis Θ0 at level C(G) is
maximin optimal. Equation (41) imposes that the researcher is malevolent in the sense that
her payoff is increasing in the number of false discoveries.
28Note that
enough for all g
0) = C(G).
g P (rg(X; G) = 1
= g′, and θg′
θj) = G
j=1 P (Xg
θj). For some g′
1, . . . , G
∈ {
0. It follows that the expression is bounded from above by GP (Xg′
, let θg be large
θg′ =
C.7 Why is separate testing not optimal with multiple outcomes
and a single policymaker?
In the main text, we show that with multiple outcomes and a single policymaker, testing
based on a single index is optimal. Here we discuss why separate testing with or without
MHT adjustments is not optimal in such settings. Specifically, we show that any locally
most powerful hypothesis testing protocol based on X (such as the tests based on a single
index in Section 4.2) is weakly more powerful than protocols based on separate testing with
or without MHT adjustments.
0, 1
∈ {
Separate testing corresponds to a two-step protocol. The researcher reports a vector of
G. For example, rsep,g(X) may correspond to a one-sided tests about
tests rsep(X)
the effect of the treatment on the Yg. Standard procedures for multiple hypothesis testing
adjust the size of the tests rsep. The size of each test is chosen by the planner who optimizes
over the (multivariate) function rsep. The researcher chooses whether to experiment and,
upon experimentation, reports G findings rsep(X). The policymaker must then aggregate
these tests and make a single policy decision: for a given testing protocol rsep, she chooses
whether to implement the policy if ragg(rsep(X)) = 1, where ragg is an exogenous “aggregator”
function. The resulting overall protocol is simply the composition of ragg and rsep, ragg ◦
rsep can
Since we do not impose any restrictions on r
be replicated by an unrestricted protocol r :
, while the converse is not true.
Therefore, since ragg ◦
is more powerful than any other
, r is more powerful than any two-step protocol. Intuitively, two-step protocols are
more restrictive since they do not operate directly on X but instead reduce the information
in X into binary indicators in the first step. This information reduction can result in a loss
of power. Example 6 provides an illustration.
, any two-step protocol ragg ◦
0, 1
, it follows that if r
∈ R
X 7→ {
rsep ∈ R
∈ R
∈ R
∼ N
Example 6 (Separate testing with or without MHT adjustments is not optimal). Suppose
that G = 2 and that X
(θ, I). Instead of reporting a single finding, conditional on ex-
perimentation, the researcher reports a vector of findings rsep(X) = (rsep,1(X), rsep,2(X))
0, 1
for g = 1, 2. The threshold tg may embed a multiple
testing adjustment, can depend on g, and is assumed to be positive and finite. The policy-
maker then uses ragg to aggregate rsep(X; 2) into a single policy decision. Specifically, she
implements the policy if ragg(rsep(X; 2)) = 1.
2, where rsep,g(X) = 1
Xg > tg}
This two-step protocol is less powerful than tests based on a single index. To see this,
suppose that the policymaker implements the treatment if there are two rejections,
ragg(rsep(X)) = 1
= 2
rsep has approximately
Then we can always find a configuration of parameters such that ragg ◦
zero power. For example, suppose that the policymaker puts equal weight on both outcomes,
formally w∗ = (1/2, 1/2)⊤. Choose the first parameter θ1 to be large and negative θ1 =
X1 > t1}
X2 > t2}
+ 1
for M > 0, and the second parameter positive and larger in absolute value than θ1, namely
In this case, the welfare is positive, θ⊤w∗ = u/2 > 0, but the
θ2 = M + u for u > 0.
two-step procedure has approximately zero power for large enough M, P (ragg(rsep(X; 2)) =
0. The reason is that the researcher (almost) never rejects the first
hypothesis, since the effect on the first outcome can be arbitrary small (θ1 =
M) so that
P (X1 > t1|
M, M + u))
θ = (
θ1 =
D Review of single hypothesis case in Tetenov (2016)
In this section, we review the single hypothesis case considered by Tetenov (2016) to highlight
the differences with the multiple hypothesis case discussed in the main text.
Tetenov (2016) considers a game between an informed agent and a regulator. We explain
his results using the terminology of our framework. Without loss of generality, suppose
that u(θ)
M, M]. Define the null space of parameter values as the set of parameters
such that implementing the (single) treatment being studied would reduce welfare, Θ0 :=
θ : u(θ) < 0
. Similarly, define the alternative space of parameter values as the set of
. Welfare is vr(θ) =
parameters such that the treatment increases welfare Θ1 :=
C, where C := C(1), and zero otherwise. That is, welfare is non-
u(θ) if
r(x)dFθ(x), is larger than the cost of
zero if the expected payoff from experimenting,
θ : u(θ)
To justify single hypothesis testing, Tetenov (2016) focuses on maximin optimal testing
protocols, i.e., testing protocols that maximize worst-case welfare,
arg max
Proposition 1 in Tetenov (2016) demonstrates that a testing protocol is maximin optimal
if and only if
C for all θ
This result shows that maximin optimal testing protocols are such that the researcher does
not find it worthwhile experimenting whenever the treatment is welfare-reducing (θ
For this to hold, the researcher payoff in this state (given by the left-hand side of (42)) must
be sufficiently low. The model thus rationalizes standard size control, i.e., control of the
probability of falsely rejecting the null that the status quo of no treatment is best.
To select among the many alternative maximin testing protocols, Tetenov (2016) provides
admissibility results under an additional monotone likelihood ratio property. He shows that
admissible testing protocols satisfy the following condition
with the testing protocol taking the form of a threshold crossing protocols, r(X) = 1
r∗(x)dF0(x) = C,
. This result provides a formal justification for standard (one-sided) tests with conven-
tional critical values.
E Proofs of results in main text
We will often suppress the dependence of the hypothesis testing protocol on J and G and
simply write r(X). We will sometimes write C instead of C(J) and P (rj(X)
θ) instead of
θ) whenever it does not cause any confusion. Without loss of generality, unless
P (rj(X) = 1
otherwise specified, we normalize γ, taking γ = 1. We denote by
the set of maximin
E.1 Proof of Proposition 1
, θ
We start with a general observation. Define by θ∗(r) = minθ∈Θ vr(θ) the worst-case θ as a
function of the testing protocol r. First, observe that since Θ0 6
for any r
Θ0. Therefore, it must be that any testing protocol is maximin if and only
if vr∗(θ∗(r∗)) = 0, since (i) if vr∗(θ∗(r∗)) < 0, then the planner can choose ˜r(X) = (0, 0, . . . , 0)
Θ; (ii) if instead vr∗(θ∗(r∗)) > 0, then we reach a contradiction
and obtain v˜r(X)(θ) = 0,
since we can find a θ
Θ0 which leads to non-positive welfare. This shows that maximin
rules can equivalently be characterized by vr∗(θ∗(r∗)) = 0.
, we have that vr(θ)
∈ R
Based on this observation, to prove the “if” direction, we only need to show that the
worst-case welfare under r∗ equals zero, that is vr∗(θ∗(r∗)) = 0. Welfare is exactly zero for
all θ
Θ0, as long as Equation (9) is satisfied. To complete the first direction of the claim,
we are left to show that for any θ
Θ0 welfare is always non-negative. This is true
Θ1, then the welfare is trivially positive since u(θ) has all positive entries. If
since if θ
instead θ
Θ0 or (ii) θ
Θ1, then either (i) θ
Θ1). (i) was discussed before.
(Θ0 ∪
Therefore, consider (ii). Observe that since vr∗(˜θ)
0 for all ˜θ
Θ0 by assumption, it
must be that vr∗(θ∗(r∗)) = 0. As a result, if Equation (9) holds, r∗ is maximin.
We now discuss the “only if” direction. Consider the case where βr(θ) > 0 for some
Θ0. Suppose instead that
vr(˜θ) < 0, completing the proof.
vr∗(˜θ) < 0, for some ˜θ
Θ0. Then we have vr(θ∗(r))
Θ0. Then similarly vr(θ∗(r))
vr(θ) < 0 for some θ
E.2 Proof of Proposition 2
To prove the claim, note that any maximin optimal rule maximizes minθ∈Θ vr(θ). Here,
r(θ) = 1
Θ1, where the weak inequality follows from the tie-breaking
for θ
It follows that the set of maximizers of λ
r(θ)π(θ)dθ is the set of rules such that
π(θ)dθ = 1. To show this, note that for λ = 0, the
0) :=
result is trivially true. Take any λ > 0. Then for any protocol such that Pθ∼π(λβr(θ)
1, it follows that λ
r(θ)π(θ)dθ < λ.
This completes the proof under the assumption that
r(θ)π(θ)dθ = λ. For any protocol such that Pθ∼π(λβr(θ)
∗(π, λ)
0) =
0) < 1,
, i.e., there exists a rule
that is both maximin and maximizes the planner’s subjective utility λ
E.3 Proof Proposition 3
The if direction is a direct corollary of Proposition 2. The only if direction proceeds as
follows. Take any protocol r which is not maximin. Then for λ = 0 this protocol is not
globally optimal. Take any protocol r that is not unbiased (but could be maximin). Then
er(θ)π(θ)dθ < 1. In addition, by assumption,
we can find one distribution π
there exists an unbiased protocol r′ such that
er′(θ)π(θ)dθ = 1. This implies that for λ
U(r′; λ, π) < 0, completing the proof.
sufficiently large (e.g., λ
Π, such that
) U(r; λ, π)
→ ∞
E.4 Proof of Proposition 4
Proof of (i). We make the dependence of the planner’s welfare on the researcher’s payoff
function in Equation (3) explicit by writing vr(θ; βr(θ)) and vr(θ; β′
Following verbatim the proof of Proposition 1, a protocol is maximin optimal for given
βr(θ) if and only if vr∗(θ; βr∗(θ))
Θ0. Then, since β′
Take θ
0 for all θ
Θ, it follows that β′
0. Therefore,
Θ0. Then either β′
0, then vr∗(θ; β′
u(θ)⊤δ(r∗(x; J))dFθ(x)
Take θ
If instead β′
0. If β′
r∗(θ) > 0 or β′
r∗(θ) > 0, then it must be that βr∗(θ) > 0.
In this case it follows that
0 by Equation (3) and maximin-optimality of r∗ under βr∗(θ).
0 and by Equation (3), we have
r∗(θ) > 0, since
0. The proof is complete.
u(θ)⊤δ(r∗(x; J))dFθ(x)
Therefore, if β′
that vr∗(θ; β′
Proof of (ii). The proof follows similarly to the proof of Proposition 2: the protocol r∗
described in (ii) maximizes the maximin component of the planner’s utility by construction,
er∗(θ)dπ′(θ) = 1 for
and, for the second component of subjective utility, it guarantees that
all π′
vr∗(θ; β′
E.5 Proof of Proposition 5
We start by proving the “if” statement. Observe first that P (rj(X) = 1
θ) is monotonically
increasing in θj and constant in θ−j. By monotonicity, the first condition in Proposition 1 is
C(J)/J). We now show that the second condition also holds.
satisfied for any t
To show this, it suffices to show that the worst-case objective function is weakly positive
C(J)/J). With an abuse of notation, we denote by θj the coefficient
for any t
Φ−1 (1
divided by
Σj,j = σ, which is finite and strictly positive by assumption. Note in addition
In addition, for any t′
C(J) = J(1
t∗ = Φ−1(1
t∗, we have that C(J)
Since Θ is a compact space and Σ is positive definite, for some finite M, the worst-case
welfare must be bounded from below (since Σj,j = σ2 > 0), for any t
θ∈[−M,M ]J
Therefore, the solution of Equation (44) is bounded from below by
θ∈[−M,M ]J
since we relaxed the lower bound on the constraint. We look at the case where t is finite (if t =
the planner’s utility is zero satisfying maximin optimality and the result trivially holds).
We prove that the objective in Equation (44) is weakly positive for any t
by contradiction, by first assuming that the objective of Equation (44) is strictly negative.
Φ−1 (1
Step 1: Preliminary observation. We claim that welfare can only be negative if the
minimizer θ∗ is such that for some j, θ∗
j′ > 0 (i.e., this
is a necessary condition). That there must exist some negative θ∗
j trivially follows from the
objective function. That there must be a positive θ∗
j′ follows directly from the constraint
function: if such condition is not met and θ∗
j < 0 and for some other j′
j < 0 for all j, the constraint is violated.
= j, θ∗
Step 2: Focus on interior solution. Note that if we replace the constraint in Equation
M ′, M ′], M ′ > M for some large enough but finite M ′, the
(44), θ
solution to the corresponding optimization problem is a lower bound for Equation (44).
M, M], with θ
j =
M, M] with θ
Now we argue that it suffices to focus on solutions θ∗ in the interior of [
M ′, M ′]J for
M ′, M ′]. To
some (possibly) large but finite M ′, as we replace θ
see why observe that if at least one θ∗
its contribution to the objective function is
zero (since z(1
0 as z
), while it restricts the parameter space for the
other θ−j via its impact on the constraint. If instead at least one θ∗
j must be
finite since otherwise the objective function is strictly positive. Hence, if the minimum of
the objective is strictly smaller than zero, there must exist a minimizer θ∗, which is in the
M ′, M ′]J for some (possibly) large but finite M ′. In the following lines, we will
interior of [
M ′, M ′], M ′ > M for M ′ finite but large enough such that
[M, M] with θ
replace θ
this constraint is not binding.
j > 0, then θ∗
→ −∞
Step 3: Constraint qualification. We now show that the KKT conditions are necessary
M ′, M ′]J . To show this we use the LICQ. In particular,
for the optimality of θ∗
= 0 for finite t and
j=1 φ(t
observe that the derivative of the constraint function is
any point θ such that at least one θj is finite (in absolute value).
Step 4: Lagrangian. We now study necessary conditions for the optimal solution of the
problem in Equation (44). Consider the Lagrangian function
θj))θj + ν
+ µ1,j[θ
M ′] + µ2,j[
M ′].
Now observe that by the argument in Step 2 and complementary slackness, we can focus on
M ′, M ′]J for some finite
the cases where µ1,j = µ2,j = 0 for all j (i.e., θ∗ is an interior of [
M ′ which we can choose large enough). Taking first-order conditions of the Lagrangian, we
θj)θj + (1
θj)) =
θj)θj + (1
Step 5: Contradiction argument. We conclude this proof using a contradiction argument
showing that strict negativity of the objective function violates the necessary condition
established as a preliminary observation at the beginning of the proof. Suppose that the
objective function is strictly negative. The there must exists a j such that θ∗
= j
such that θ∗
j′ > 0. In addition, observe that using the equation for the optimal ν, we can
j < 0 and j′
0 > θ∗
j =
σ −
j ))
j )
j′ =
0 < θ∗
σ −
′ ) < ν∗
for some z < z′. However, since (1
j )
j )
σ <
′ )
. Observe now that
Φ(z))/φ(z) is
Using the fact that t is finite, it follows that
the expression implies 1−Φ(z)
monotonically decreasing in z we have a contradiction.
φ(z) < 1−Φ(z′)
Finally, we prove the “only if” statement. Take any t < Φ−1(1
of P (r(X) = 1
treatments θj < 0 for all j, such that
C(J)/J). Then by continuity
θ) in θ (which follows by Gaussianity of X), we can find a configuration of
violating maximin optimality by Proposition 1.
βr(θ) > C(J),
E.6 Proof of Proposition 6
The researcher’s payoff is proportional to
dependence of C on J. Take the parameter space
j=1 P (rj(X)
C, where we suppress the
Θ =
M, M]J such that sign(θ1) = sign(θ2) =
= sign(θJ−1)
· · ·
To prove the statement we show that there exists a maximin protocol that strictly dominates
all others over an arbitrary set Θ′
Θ, and a different maximin testing protocol that
it strictly dominates all others over some arbitrary set Θ′′
= Θ′, Θ′′
Θ. We choose
Θ′ = (0,
(θ, I).
, 0, t) for a small t and Θ′′ = (t,
, t, 0) for a small t. We choose X
∼ N
· · ·
· · ·
Observe that we can define Θ0 ⊆
elements that lead to weakly negative welfare. We break the proof into several steps.
, where ˜Θ0 also contains those
θ : θj ≤
0 for all j
˜Θ0 =
Step 1: Construction of the function class. Define
∈ R
, i.e., there exists a function r
We claim that
crossing testing protocol of the form (recall Φ(
J (X)
θ = 0
1 =
: C
rj(X) = 1
Xj > tj}
, tj<J =
In addition, we observe that supr∈R1 P
example above. Define τ = min
C, 1
∈ R
) denotes the normal CDF)
, tJ = Φ−1(1
C, 1
θJ = 0, θj<J = 0
rJ (X)
for the rest of the proof.
and r is maximin
1. An example is a threshold
C, 1
from the
Step 2: Comparisons with maximin protocols. We now claim that for θ = (0, 0,
for t approaching zero, there exists a maximin testing protocol r1
larger welfare than any maximin decisions r2
rules. To show our claim, it suffices to compare r1 to any maximin testing protocol r2
with P
1 which leads to strictly
∈ R
denotes the set of maximin
6∈ R
J . To see why, observe that whenever the above probability is be-
> τ,
1. When instead P
1, where
∈ M\R
J (X)
θ = 0
· · ·
, 0, t),
tween ( C
J , τ ], we contradict the statement that r2
6∈ R
r2 is not maximin optimal, since this implies that C
sumption 4, the researcher would experiment under (θJ =
positive t, leading to strictly negative welfare.
J (X)
1, which in turn implies that by As-
t), for some small
t, θj<J =
θ = 0
Step 3: Comparisons of welfare. For θ = (0, 0,
, 0, t) the welfare is
· · ·
vr1(0, 0,
, 0, t) =
· · ·
· · ·
(t), and similarly for r2. Notice that
Define P (r1
fr(t) is continuous in t by Assumption 4. By comparing the welfare under r1 and r2, and
taking the difference we have for some ε(t)
θ−J = 0, θJ = t) = fr1
J (X1, X2,
, XJ)
· · ·
θ−J = 0, θJ = t
, XJ )
J (X1, X2,
vr1(θJ = t, θj<J = 0)
vr2(θJ = t, θj<J = 0) =
= t
(0) + ε(t)
where limt→0 ε(t) = 0 by Assumption 4. As a result, for some small t > 0,
since supr1∈R1 fr1
(0) > C
ε(t) < sup
J , supr2∈M\R1 fr2
vr1(θJ = t, θj<J = 0)
C/J. It follows that
vr2(θJ = t, θj<J = 0) > 0.
Thus, for t small enough, r1 leads to strictly larger welfare than any r2
Step 4: Testing protocol r1 is not dominant. We are left to show that there exists a
1 for some different
function r3
1 that leads to strictly larger welfare than any r1
∈ M \ R
∈ M \ R
∈ R
θ = 0)
+ ǫ(t)
θ. Choose θ = (t, t,
· · ·
, 0). Let
2 =
1. We claim that
M \ R
2 is non-empty. An example
j (X) = 1
Xj > tj}
Consider the alternative ˇθ = (t,
vr1(ˇθ) = t
tj = Φ−1
, 1
j < J,
tJ =
, t, 0). Observe now that we have
θ = ˇθ)
P (r3
j (X)
· · ·
P (r1
j (X)
θ = ˇθ)
We write
P (r3
j (X)
h X
where ǫ(t)
0 as t
Next, we claim that
h Xj<J
θ = ˇθ)
P (r1
j (X)
θ = ˇθ)
P (r3
j (X)
0 by continuity (Assumption 4).
h X
θ = 0)
P (r1
j (X)
P (r1
j (X)
θ = 0) < (J
1), 1
We prove the claim by contradiction. Suppose that the above equation does not hold. Then
it must be that (since P (r1
θ = 0) > C/J)
J (X) = 1
P (r1
j (X)
θ = 0) + P (r1
θ = 0) > (J
1), 1
) +
Clearly if C/(J
optimality of r1. Suppose that C/(J
have that (J
which leads to a contradiction. This completes the claim.
1, Equation (46) is true since otherwise we would contradict maximin
1) > 1. Then for r1 to be maximin optimal we must
C. However, it is easy to show that this implies that C/J
1) + C/J
Using continuity, we obtain that for t small enough any r1
proof is complete.
1 is dominated by r3. The
∈ R
E.7 Proof of Proposition 7
Under Proposition 1 and continuity of X (Assumption 4) every maximin rule must satisfy
C(J). We can write the weighted welfare under r as
j=1 P (rj(X) = 1
θ = 0)
We now discuss two cases: (i) P (rJ(X) = 1
P (rj(X) = 1
θ = 0) = C(J), and (ii) P (rJ (X) = 1
θ = 0) <
Case (i): Suppose first that P (rJ(X) = 1
r′ such that
θ = 0) = 0. Then choose w(θ) = 1
· · ·
θ = 0) = C(J), which implies that P (r1(X) =
for some small ǫ > 0. Take
, θJ ) = (ǫ, 0, . . . , 0)
1(X) = 1
Σ1,1 ≥
j(X) = 0,
j > 1.
It is easy to show that r′(X) is maximin under Assumption 1 and 4. Then it follows that
θ = (ǫ, 0, . . . , 0))
P (r′
1(X) = 1
θ = (ǫ, 0, . . . , 0))
w(θ)dθ = ǫ
P (r1(X) = 1
By continuity, it follows that, as ǫ
P (r1(X) = 1
θ = (ǫ, 0, . . . , 0))
0, P (r′
1(X) = 1
θ = (ǫ, 0, . . . , 0))
C(J) > 0.
Hence, by continuity, we can take ǫ > 0 small enough such that
Case (ii): Suppose now that P (rJ (X) = 1
θ = 0) < C(J). Then, we can take
J (X) = 1
and w(θ) = 1
case, with the first entry replacing the last entry.
θ = (0, . . . , 0, ǫ)
ΣJ,J ≥
. The same argument follows verbatim as in the previous
j < J,
j(X) = 0,
F Proofs of results in online appendix
θ) instead of P (rj(X) =
In our proofs, we will sometimes write C instead of C(J) and P (rj(X)
θ) whenever it does not cause any confusion. Without loss of generality, unless otherwise
specified, we standardize γ, taking γ = 1. To distinguish maximin from weakly maximin, we
refer to maximin as strongly maximin when is not clear from the context.
F.1 Lemmas
F.1.1 Proof of Lemma 1
∈ R
First, recall that by construction, vr(θ)
all r
least one π which puts probability one on Θ0, it follows that inf π∈Π′
Therefore, r is maximin optimal if inf π∈Π′
0 for all θ
Π′, such that
. As a result, for
π(θ)dθ = 1. Since there exists at
∈ R
Θ0 and all r
0, for all π
Note now that by choosing rt(X) = (0,
vr(π) = 0. Therefore, r∗ is maximin optimal only if inf π∈Π′
, 0) almost surely, we are guaranteed that
0, since otherwise
0 for all r
∈ R
· · ·
inf π∈Π′
it is dominated by rt.
F.1.2 Proof of Lemma 2
We first prove the only if statement. To achieve this goal, note that any protocol r
does not satisfy vr(θ)
r′ constant at zero for all S and guarantee that vr′(θ) = 0
maximin only if vr∗(θ)
if minθ∈Θ vr(θ) = 0 (since we can choose r(X) = (0, . . . , 0)).
0 is not maximin optimal, since otherwise the planner can choose
Θ. Therefore, any rule is
Θ. To prove the if statement, observe that for any
0, since we can choose θ = (0, . . . , 0). Therefore, any rule is maximin
, minθ∈Θ vr(θ)
0 for all θ
∈ R
∈ R
F.2 Propositions
F.2.1 Proof of Proposition 8
To prove maximin optimality, it suffices to show that the worst-case objective function is
weakly positive. Without loss of generality (since Σ is positive definite with homogeneous
M, M]J for some finite
component variances), we normalize Σj,j = 1 for all j so that θj ∈
Step 1: Preliminaries for maximin optimality. By Lemma 1, to establish maximin
optimality, it suffices to show that the solution to the following optimization problem is
weakly positive:
Observe that since C(J) > 0, t must be finite. It will be convenient to consider the equivalent
optimization program
π′∈Π′ −
Φ(t)). (49)
Here, we flipped the sign of the objective and consequently inverted the maximum with the
minimum. We will show that the objective in Equation (49) is bounded from above by zero,
which is sufficient to establish maximin optimality.
Step 2: Finite dimensional optimization program. By additivity, the maximization
Π′ can be equivalently rewritten as a minimization over marginal distributions
over π′
, π′
J , θj ∼
j. By Theorem 1, result 3 in Gaivoronski (1986), we can write the
optimization problem in Equation (48) as an optimization over some finitely many n
j having marginal probability pi,j.29 Hence, we
, each point θi
, θi
· · ·
discrete points
· · ·
(48) = max
(pi,j )n,J
j))pi,j ≥
0, (50)
Πn =
i=1,j=1, pi,j ≥
pi,j = 1 for all j
, J
· · ·
∈ {
for some
· · ·
, θi
Step 3: Dual formulation. The optimization in Equation (50) is a linear program with
29The conditions in the above reference are satisfied since Φ(t
θj) is a continuous function in θj, Θ is a
compact space, and we can find a distribution so that the constraint holds with strict inequality.
linear constraints. Therefore, the dual is directly defined as follows
y1,··· ,yJ ,yJ +1
yj ≥ −
, yJ ∈
· · ·
yJ+1 ≤
j ∀
(j, i).
By weak duality, we have that (50)
from above by zero, it is sufficient to prove that its dual is bounded from above by zero.
(51). Therefore, to prove that Equation (49) is bounded
Step 4: Upper bound on the dual’s objective function. To compute the upper bound
on the dual’s objective, it suffices to observe that the dual’s objective is minimized over values
, yJ), which can be arbitrary in R (and yJ+1 ≤
0), but whose sum is constrained by
the constraint in Equation (51). As a result, we have
· · ·
yJ +1≤0
j −
= min
ˇθ∈[−M,M ]
The first equality follows directly by the construction of the optimization program and the
fact that we take the maximum over every possible value of θi
j. The second equality is
yJ+1 = y, and the third inequality substitutes the
a change of variable where we wrote
J parameters θi
maximum over the set of (unknown) n
j over a minimization over a parameter
ˇθ taking arbitrary values in the parameter space.
Step 5: Maximin optimality. To show maximin optimality it suffices to show that the
ˇθ∈[−M,M ]
f (t, y, ˇθ),
f (t, y, ˇθ) := y(Φ(t)
is bounded from above from zero for all t, which can be shown numerically. We now provide
an analytical argument. Define
arg max
θ∈[−M,M ]
arg min
Suppose first that ˇθ(˜y) = 0 for some ˜y
f (t, ˜y, ˇθ(˜y)) = 0. We are left to discuss the case where ˇθ(y)
0 for all ˇθ(y)
vice versa are both positive if ˇθ(y) > 0. Therefore, (assuming ˇθ(y)
always find a value ˜y
Φ(t)−Φ(t−ˇθ(y)) ≥
= 0 since if ˇθ(y) < 0, the denominator and numerator are both negative and
0) we can
Φ(t)−Φ(t−ˇθ(˜y)) . In
0. Then it follows that miny≥0 f (t, y, ˇθ(y))
= 0. Notice that (1−Φ(t−ˇθ(y))ˇθ(y)
0 (since we minimize over ˜y
0), such that ˜y
= 0, for all y
such a case, we obtain a (weakly) negative valued objective function. As a result,
F.2.2 Proof of Proposition 9
We first prove that the protocol is maximin and then establish global optimality
Maximin optimality. We start by proving maximin optimality. Following Lemma 2 it
suffices to show that vr∗(θ)
j depends on θ, so that we can
explicitly write s∗(θ). To prove maximin optimality, it suffices to prove that
Θ. Note that s∗
0 for all θ
θ∈ ˜Θ
Φ(tS∗(θ) −
j (θ)
is positive. This holds if we can prove that
Φ(tS∗(θ) −
j (θ)
θ∈ ˜Θ
s,S=Pj sj
Φ(tS −
Φ(tS −
θj))sj ≥
where in the second equation we allow s to be arbitrary. Switching the minimum over θ and
over s, it suffices to show that
θ∈ ˜Θ
Φ(tS −
Φ(tS −
θj))sj ≥
j=1 sj, where ˜Θ = [
Σj,j]J .
is positive for all s
The argument is similar to that in the proof of Proposition 5. In particular, suppose first
sj = 1, s−j = 0, i.e., only one treatment is selected. Then
Σj,j, M/ minj,j
M/ minj,j
J, S =
∈ {
0, 1
Φ(t1 −
0, guaranteeing that the objective function is positive. Suppose now that S
only if θj ≥
Then since sj is a binary indicator, without loss of generality, we can reshuffle the coefficients’
indexes so that (s1,
, 1), and write the objective function as
, sS) = (1,
· · ·
· · ·
θ∈ ˜ΘS
Φ(tS −
Φ(tS −
where ˜ΘS = [
M/σ, M/σ]S. The argument in the proof of Proposition 5 in Appendix
E.5 follows verbatim and guarantees that the objective function is weakly positive. This
completes the claim of maximin optimality.
Global optimality To show global optimality, given maximin optimality of r∗, it suffices
to show that
sjP (rS,j(Xs)
[0, M]J , S =
since the researcher can choose which hypotheses to test ex-ante. This is trivially true by
construction of r∗
S. The proof is complete.
F.2.3 Proof of Proposition 10
Let ˜θ
On the other hand, we have
Θ be such that u(˜θ) = 0. Such a ˜θ exists by assumption. We can then write
vr(θ, ω = 1) = min
Therefore, minθ∈Θ,ω
vr(θ, ω = 0)
vr(θ, ω) = minω minθ∈Θ
vr(θ, ω = 1)
Θ, ω) = minθ∈Θ
vr(θ, ω = 0).
F.2.4 Proof of Proposition 11
Θ, ω = 1) = vr(θ).
(θ, p)
To prove the claim, and following the argument in Proposition 1, it suffices to show that
J ) and, for notational
convenience let σ2 = 1 without loss of generality. Using the properties of the conditional
(0, Σ) where Σj,j = 1 for all j.
expectation, and letting Z
. Define t∗ = Φ−1(1
0 for all θ
Θ, p
∈ {
0, 1
∼ N
sgn(Xj) = 1
θj] =
sgn(Xj) = 1]P (sgn(Xj ) = 1
= θj(1
θjP (Zj + θj ≥
Zj + θj ≥
0)P (Zj + θj ≥
Similarly, we can write
sj (X) =
θj] =
∈ {−
]P (sgn(Xj)
1, 0
∈ {−
1, 0
= P (Zj + θj ≤ −
= Φ(
Zj + θj ≤
0)P (Zj + θj ≤
By collecting the terms we obtain that upon experimentation (βr(θ) > 0)
(θ) =
It follows that we want to show
j )
such that
j=1 h
p) + pΦ(
is weakly positive. Consider first the case where p = 0.
Equation (52) is weakly positive using verbatim the proof of Proposition 5.
In this case, we can show that
Consider now the case where p = 1. Define ˜θj =
t∗ + ˜θj) =
˜θj). At this point we can use verbatim the proof of Proposition 5 with ˜θj in lieu
θj, and note that Φ(
of θj, using the fact that Θ = [
M, M]J is a symmetric space, completing the proof.
F.2.5 Proof of Proposition 12
k∈K δk(r(X))
denotes the set of discoveries exceeding κ recommendations and where we rescaled
Observe that the researcher’s payoff is linear in δk(r(X)) for every k
1 and δk(r(X))
γ = 1. Under Assumption 7, it follows that
. Namely, the researcher’s payoff is γ
k∈K P (δk(r(X)) = 1
, since
∈ K
∈ {
0, 1
P (δk(r(X)) = 1
θ = 0) =
Xk∈{κ,··· ,J} (cid:18)
(p∗)k = C(J)/γ.
“If” statement. The “if” statement follows directly from the fact that Equation (24) is
attained by the chosen protocol, since p∗ is chosen such that γ
θ) =
C(J), for θ = 0, and P (r∗
[0, M]J (by indepen-
θ) is weakly increasing in θ, for θ
k∈K P (δk(r(X)) = 1
j (X) = 1
k∈K P (˜δk(r(X)) = 1
“Only if” statement. The “only if” statement proceeds as follows. Suppose first that
θ = 0) < C(J). Then, by continuity of Fθ(X) in θ, we can find a
θ = ǫ) < C(J),
θ = 0) > C(J). Then
ǫ) > C(J),
θ = (ǫ, ǫ, . . . , ǫ) for ǫ sufficiently small, such that
violating Equation (24). Suppose now that
we can find an ǫ > 0 sufficiently small, such that
violating maximin optimality.
k∈K P (˜δk(r(X)) = 1
k∈K P (˜δk(r(X)) = 1
k∈K P (˜δk(r(X)) = 1
θ =
F.2.6 Proof of Proposition 13
Step 1: Maximin optimality. This directly follows from Equation (24).
Step 2: Weakly global optimality. This follows verbatim as in the proof of Proposition
12, with Θ′
1 (as in Definition 2) in lieu of [0, M]J and omitted for brevity.
F.2.7 Proof of Proposition 14
C. Maximin optimal-
Observe that we can write the researcher’s payoff as
ity directly follows from Proposition 1. Thus, we focus on local power. The proof proceeds
as follows. We first find a lower bound on the worst-case power of r∗. We then argue that
no other maximin testing protocol attains this lower bound.
j=1 P (rj(X)
Step 1: Lower bound on worst-case power. We claim that
lim inf
We now show why. Denote by θ(ǫ)
Observe that the welfare under the local alternative reads as follows
Θ1(ǫ) the parameter under the local alternative.
(A) = inf
We then write
θ(ǫ)P (r∗
j (X)
θ = θ(ǫ)), such that θj(ǫ) = ǫ for some j,
[0, ǫ]
w∈[0,ǫ]J :Pj wj≥ǫ,θ(ǫ)∈Θ1(ǫ)
w∈[0,ǫ]J :Pj wj≥ǫ,θ′∈[0,ǫ]J :Pj θj ≥ǫ
wjP (r∗
j (X)
θ = θ(ǫ))
wjP (r∗
j (X)
θ = θ′) := g(ǫ).
j wj ≥
(ǫ1, ǫ2) =
(w, θ)
g(ǫ) =
[0, ǫ1]J
[0, ǫ2]J :
wjP (r∗
j (X)
θ = θ′) =
and write
j θj ≥
wjP (r∗
j (X)
θ = ǫθ′).
Observe that
(1, 1) is a compact space. In addition P (r∗
θ = ǫθ′) is continuous in ǫ
Θ by Assumption 4. As a result, g(ǫ)/ǫ is a continuous function in ǫ. Therefore,
j (X)
for any θ′
we obtain that
wjP (r∗
j (X)
θ = θ′
0) =
This completes the proof of our claim.
Step 2: Alternative set of maximin protocols. We now claim that any maximin
protocol r′ which is not r∗ must satisfy for some j
, J
j(X) = 1
θ = 0
∈ {
· · ·
We prove the claim by contradiction. Consider a maximin protocol r′ such that for all j
Equation (53) is violated. Then if r′ is maximin optimal and satisfies Equation (53) with
equality for all j, there must be an r∗ defined as in the proposition statement equal to r′,
which leads to a contradiction. Therefore it must be that if r′ does not satisfy Equation
(53) for some j, r′ is such that for some j Equation (53) is satisfied with reversed strict
inequality and for all j is satisfied with reversed weak inequality. In such a case, it follows
> C. This violates maximin optimality, as we can take
θ = 0
Θ0 for some small t. Then by Assumption 4 (namely, by continuity
θ = (
of Fθ), we have for t small enough,
> C. Therefore, for t
θk =
small enough, the recommendation r′ contradicts Proposition 1.
j P
j(X) = 1
j(X) = 1
j P
· · ·
Step 3: Power comparison. Observe now that
θP (rj(X)
ǫP (rj(X) = 1
θj = ǫ, θ−j = 0),
since the vector (θj = ǫ, θ−j = 0)
Θ1(ǫ). Using Assumption 4 we have
P (rj(X) = 1
θj = ǫ, θ−j = 0) = P (rj(X) = 1
θ = 0) <
This completes the proof of the if statement.
Step 4: “Only if” statement. The “only if” statement follows from the fact that if r∗
does not satisfy the condition in the proposition, then we can find a different function r′′
which leads to larger power than r∗ by the same argument as after Equation (53). As a
result, in this case r∗ violates the condition of local optimality.
F.2.8 Proof of Proposition 15
First, note that it suffices to compare to maximin rules, since any maximin rule dominates all
non-maximin rules for some θ
. Observe
first that we can take uj(θ) = ǫ, u(θ)i6=j = 0 which belongs to Θ1(ǫ) since by assumption
. Observe that by the definition of locally more powerful
Θ0. Therefore, we compare to maximin rules r′
uj(θ), θ
M, M]
6∈ E
E[δ(r(X))⊤(ǫ, 0,
, 0)]
· · ·
1 and so the lim-inf and lim-sup are
inf θ∈Θ1(ǫ) vr(θ)/ǫ
∈ {
vr(θ) = inf
for some j. Thus, we have that 0
uniformly bounded. We now have that
(I) = lim inf
is finite. Thus, there exists a subsequence ǫn ↓
converges to (I). Take some finite n over the subsequence but large enough such that (such
an ǫn exists since r′ is maximin and r′
inf θ′∈Θ1(ǫn) vr′(θ′)
inf θ∈Θ1(ǫn) vr(θ)
0, such that 1
Define θǫn = inf θ′∈Θ1(ǫn) vr′(θ′). Observe that
6∈ E
vr′(θ′) > 0.
vr(θǫn).30 Now observe that Equation (55) implies that r strictly
since inf θ∈Θ1(ǫn) vr(θ)
dominates r′ at some θǫn, which implies admissibility, since the same reasoning applies to
any other maximin r′′.
vr′(θ′) > 0,
F.2.9 Proof of Proposition 16
We can follow verbatim the proof of Proposition 5, noting that the objective function is also
weighted by ω. All our steps follow until Step 4 (the paragraph “Lagrangian”), where, from
the first order conditions we get
θj)θjωj + (1
θj))ωj = νφ(t
30The inequality below follows from the fact that the constraint set Θ1(ǫ) does not depend on r.
each element weighted by ωj. Because ωj simplifies in the expression, Step 5 in Proposition
5 follows verbatim and completes the proof.
F.2.10 Proof of Proposition 18
Lower bound. From Proposition 1, maxr minθ vr(θ) = 0. Take θ
note that r∗
j = 1
is weakly negative for any θ
Because (similarly to what discussed in the proof of Proposition 1) minθ vr(θ)
0). First,
C(J)/J) the researcher payoff
Θ0. It follows by the tie-breaking rule that minθ∈Θ0 vr∗(θ) = 0.
0 for all
(since we can always pick θ = 0), r∗ is maximin optimal over θ
is such that for t = Φ−1(1
Σj,j ≥
Θ0 (i.e., θ
Θ0. Consider the following objective function and take any σ > 0 that we will
∈ R
Take θ
be choosing at the end of the proof. Then
˜vr∗(θ) = min
P (r∗
j (Xj) = 1
such that
P (r∗
j (X) = 1
Using the arguments in the proof of Proposition 5 (for any σ), one can show that Equation
Θ, that is minθ ˜vr∗(θ) = 0. This follows after a simple
(56) is weakly positive for any θ
change of variable where we use ˜θj = σθj/
Σj,j in lieu of θj in Proposition 5 and since σ
does not depend on j (note that the argument holds for any positive σ > 0).
As a result, because maxr minθ∈Θ vr(θ) = 0, we can write
vr(θ) = min
To complete the proof of the lower bound, note that for any σ > 0, because
1, by H¨older’s inequality,
j (X)
θ]θj| ≤
= max
Upper bound. Let t∗ = Φ−1(1
proof of Proposition 5 we want to study the values of
j (X)
√Σj,j ! ≥
σ −
C(J)/J). To find the upper bound, and following the
j=1 (cid:12)
θ∈[−M,M ]J
such that
j=1 h
since whenever the constraint does not hold, the objective functions takes value zero. Con-
sider a change of variables with ˜θj = θj/
Σj,j. It is easy to show that the objective function
has an upper bound of the following form
¯σ , 1
˜θ∈[− 1
¯σ ]J
σj ˜θj
such that
j=1 h
since we restricted the parameter space for ˜θj. To complete the proof it suffices to find one
value of ˜θ that achieves the desired upper bound. Take ˜θj =
¯σ for j = arg maxi σi and
˜θj′ = 1
= j′ (and break ties arbitrary if two
¯σ for j′ = arg mini σi, and ˜θj′′ = 0 for all j′′
= j, j′′
entries have the same variance). In this case, it is easy to show that the researcher’s utility
is weakly positive. In addition, the planner’s objective takes the form
The proof is complete.
Φ(t∗ +
F.3 Corollaries
F.3.1 Proof of Corollary 3
Proof of (i). Maximin optimality follows directly from the fact that at θ
0, the probability
of discovery is smaller than the cost of experimentation. Global optimality follows from the
fact that βr(θ) is increasing in θ1 and βr(θ) = C(G) at θ1 = 0. This completes the proof
because θ1 = θ2 =
= θG, by assumption.
Proof of (ii). To show maximin optimality, note that
· · ·
X ⊤w∗
> Φ−1(1
is increasing in
experimenter payoff. This completes the proof of maximin optimality.
gθg and that it is equal to C(G) at
g=1 w∗
gθg = 0, leading to zero
To establish global optimality it suffices to note that P (r∗(X) = 1
j w∗
θ) = C(G) at θ = 0 under Assumption 3.
j θj and P (r∗(X) = 1
θ) is increasing in
g=1 w∗
F.3.2 Proof of Corollary 5
We first prove the first statement (notice: we let γ = 1 for notational convenience).
Case with C(J)/γ = α. Note that
Xk∈{κ,··· ,J} (cid:18)
Xk∈{0,··· ,J} (cid:18)
k∈{0,··· ,J}
exp(p∗J). Observe that for p∗
By the Binomial theorem, we have (1 + p∗)J =
(p∗)k. We then observe that
(1 + p∗)J
1/J the expression is O(1). Therefore, any
order 1/J or slower, guarantees that the publication probability is bounded from below by
a finite constant. Faster orders of convergence are not possible, since if p∗ was of order
faster than 1/J this would imply that the researcher’s payoff converges to zero, which would
lead to a contradiction since the researcher’s payoff must equal α > 0. To rule out orders of
convergence slower than 1/J, we also use a contradiction argument. Any order of convergence
slower than 1/J for p∗ implies that the researcher’s payoff converges to infinity. This would
lead to a contradiction since the researcher’s payoff must equal α < 1. First, take
Xk∈{κ,··· ,J} (cid:18)
Suppose that p∗ is of order slower than 1/J, e.g., p∗
as J
κ)κ hκ
. Then
, since κ <
J κ → ∞
→ ∞
hJ /(J), for some arbitrary hJ → ∞
, leading to a contradiction.
Case with C(J)/γ = α/J. We first start from the lower bound. Observe that
κκ (1
J κ+1 =
J κ =
κ/J)κ > 0
Xk∈{κ,··· ,J} (cid:18)
and hence is bounded away from zero. We now move to the upper bound. Consider first the
case where κ = 1. Using the binomial theorem, we can write
(p∗)k = (1 + p∗)J
Xk∈{κ,··· ,J} (cid:18)
Xk∈{0,··· ,κ−1} (cid:18)
(p∗)k = (1 + p∗)J
where the second equality follows from the fact that κ = 1 and the last equality by the
fact that for κ = 1, p∗ = 1/J 2. Using the mean value theorem, we have exp(1/J)
1 =
J + O
= O(1/J) completing the claim for κ = 1. Now let κ > 1. We have
J 2
Xk∈{κ,··· ,J}
J k
Xk∈{κ,··· ,J} (cid:18)
J k
J (1+1/κ)k =
J k/κ .
Xk∈{κ,··· ,J}
The inequality follows because
Observe that since the sum starts from κ > 1 we have that for each summand J
Hence, we have
k(k−1) for k > 1 by definition of the binomial coefficient.
J k/κ ≤
The proof is complete.
Xk∈{κ,··· ,J}
J k/κ ≤
Xk∈{κ,··· ,J}
= O(1).
F.3.3 Proof of Corollary 6
Observe that since
δk(r∗(X)) = 1 for some k
δk :
0, 1
θ = 0
7→ {
0, 1
2J −1, we have that
δk(r∗(X)) = 1
θ = 0
since the events are disjoint. The result then directly follows from Equation (31).
F.3.4 Proof of Corollary 8
By Proposition 4, r∗ is maximin with respect to any β′
to find a payoff function in
for a researcher payoff βr(θ).
. To show admissibility, it suffices
such that r∗ is admissible. By Proposition 15, r∗ is admissible
∈ B
ai_researcher | 2 | Causality_for_Large_Language_Models.pdf | Article
Causal Agent based on Large Language Model
Kairong Han 1
, Kun Kuang 1,*
, Ziyu Zhao 1
, Junjian Ye 2
and Fei Wu 1,*
1 College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Zhejiang 310058; [email protected]
(K.H.); [email protected] (K.K.); [email protected] (Z.Z.); [email protected] (F.W.)
2 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +86-0571-87951160(F.W.); [email protected] (K.K.)
Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved significant success across various domains.
However, the inherent complexity of causal problems and causal theory poses challenges in accurately
describing them in natural language, making it difficult for LLMs to comprehend and use them
effectively. Causal methods are not easily conveyed through natural language, which hinders LLMs’
ability to apply them accurately. Additionally, causal datasets are typically tabular, while LLMs excel
in handling natural language data, creating a structural mismatch that impedes effective reasoning
with tabular data. This lack of causal reasoning capability limits the development of LLMs. To address
these challenges, we have equipped the LLM with causal tools within an agent framework, named
the Causal Agent, enabling it to tackle causal problems. The causal agent comprises tools, memory,
and reasoning modules. In the tools module, the causal agent applies causal methods to align tabular
data with natural language. In the reasoning module, the causal agent employs the ReAct framework
to perform reasoning through multiple iterations with the tools. In the memory module, the causal
agent maintains a dictionary instance where the keys are unique names and the values are causal
graphs. To verify the causal ability of the causal agent, we established a benchmark consisting of four
levels of causal problems: variable level, edge level, causal graph level, and causal effect level. We
generated a test dataset of 1.3K using ChatGPT-3.5 for these four levels of issues and tested the causal
agent on the datasets. Our methodology demonstrates remarkable efficacy on the four-level causal
problems, with accuracy rates all above 80%. For further insights and implementation details, our
code is accessible via the GitHub repository
Keywords: Causal Inference; Causal Discovery; Large Language Model; Agent;
1. Introduction
In recent years, generative artificial intelligence technology has gained significant
success, achieving remarkable behavior in the natural language processing field [1], image,
audio synthesis, etc [84]. This advancement lays the foundation for propelling research in
general artificial intelligence [85], both in terms of framework development and practical
implementation. However, due to the complexity of causal problems, the causal reasoning
capabilities of the LLM remain insufficient. Causal theory is difficult to describe in natural
language that the LLM can understand accurately. Researchers have evaluated the pure
causal reasoning abilities of the LLM and found that their pure causal reasoning is close
to random [16]. Additionally, researchers believe that the current LLM are merely "causal
parrots" that mimic without truly possessing causal understanding [19]. This inherent
limitation severely hampers the performance of large models in tasks requiring causal
reasoning. Moreover, causal datasets are typically tabular data, while large models excel
in handling natural language data. When we need to draw causal conclusions based on
the analysis of tabular data, LLMs that are not specifically designed cannot directly utilize
tabular data and perform reasoning. This structural heterogeneity hinders LLM from
effectively reasoning with tabular data. These two limitations restrict the ability of LLMs to
solve causal problems effectively.
Citation: Han, K.; Kuang, K.; Zhao, Z.;
Ye, J.; Wu, F. Causal Agent based on
Large Language Model. Entropy 2024,
1, 0.
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.
Submitted to Entropy for possible open
access publication under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attri- bution (CC BY) license (https://
Version August 14, 2024 submitted to Entropy
Version August 14, 2024 submitted to Entropy
2 of 28
Figure 1. Working flowchart of the causal agent. In the first step, the user inputs a pair of the tabular
data and the causal problem; In the second step, the causal agent invokes the causal tools (tools
module) and uses the ReAct framework (plan module) to conduct multiple rounds of analysis for
the tabular data, in which causal agent maintains a dictionary of causal graph names and their
instantiations as memory (memory module); In the third step, the causal agent is combined with the
analysis process to produce corresponding answers for the user’s problems.
Several studies have emerged recently and attempted to use LLM as the core decision-
making unit of intelligent agents and combine them with external tools to interact with
the environment, thus achieving remarkable results in solving problems in specific fields.
This type of technical strategy, which combines LLM with domain expertise, effectively
improves the ability of LLM to solve problems by using external tools to empower agents in
specific fields [22]. For example, ChatDev [29] proposes an end-to-end framework, where
multiple agent roles communicate and collaborate through natural language conversations
to complete the software development life cycle. ToolBench [38]can be used for tasks such
as code auto-completion and code recommendation. However, due to the lack of relevant
tools and capabilities, it is difficult for agents to solve causal problems directly.
To solve two difficult problems in sweetening the causal ability of LLM, we propose a
causal problem modeling approach from the perspective of the LLM and propose a causal
agent framework by guiding LLM to invoke causal tools. We model the causal problems
into four levels: variable level, edge level, causal graph level, and causal effect level. The
variable level focuses on the agent’s judgment and understanding of correlations, the
edge level focuses on the agent’s examination of causal relationships between variables,
the causal graph level focuses on the agent’s ability to generate causal graphs, and the
causal effect level focuses on the agent’s estimation of causal effects between variables for
quantitative expression. Based on the abovementioned causal problems, we construct a
causal agent based on LLM, using ChatGPT-3.5. The causal agent is composed of tools,
memory, and plan modules, as shown in Figure 1. In the tools module, the causal agent
invokes the causal analysis library in Python programming tools, such as causal-learn [51]
and EconML [81]. So the causal agent can receive a pair of tabular data and a causal
problem description of the data as input. By invoking causal analysis tools, the tool
processes the tabular data and generates natural language conclusions that the causal agent
can understand. In the plan module, the causal agent utilizes its text comprehension and
reasoning abilities to obtain answers to causal problems in many times iterations. In the
memory module, the causal agent may need multiple tools to solve a problem. To preserve
intermediate results during the planning process, the agent maintains an instantiated
smokinglung canceryellow finger101………………userAt the hospital, a team of medical professionals wanted to understand the causal relationship between smoking, lung cancer, and yellow fingers. They got a batch of tabular data "sample.csv" and asked you to judge whether there was a direct causal relationship between yellow fingers and lung cancer.sample.csvproblemprompttabular datacausal agentcausal toolsLLMQ : At the hospital, ……fingers and lung cancer.Thought: i should generate causal graphAction:Generate causal graphAction Input: {filename:”sample.csv”,……}Obdervation:causal graph generate succeed!……(x N times)final answer:No,there wasn't a direct causal relationship between them.ReAct x Nyellow fingersmokinglung cancerfinal answer①①②③AnalyseVersion August 14, 2024 submitted to Entropy
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dictionary where the keys are names and the values are causal graphs. This special method
allows the agent to retrieve the necessary causal graph using the key. On the one hand,
the content of the memory is expressed more richly; on the other hand, using a data
structure rather than text as memory can effectively simplify the complexity of prompt
design during the reasoning process. In this way, the causal agent achieved high accuracy
in answering causal problems at four level questions, with accuracy rates of over 92% in all
three sub-problems for determining correlation at the variable level, over 89% in all three
sub-problems at the edge level, over 81% in the causal graph level, and 93% in the causal
effect estimation level.
This work contributions are summarized as follows:
• A hierarchical modeling perspective has been proposed for LLM to solve causal
problems. This is a new setting and the problem is set to be data-driven, where the
LLM answers causal questions about tabular data when users input a pair of tabular
data and causal questions. We focus on four level questions for causal agents to solve
causal problems, denoted as variable level, edge level, causal graph level, and causal
effect level. We propose a test set of approximately 1.3K in size for the four levels of
problems, covering nine sub-problems in total at four levels;
The causal agent has been proposed to empower LLM with the ability to solve causal
problems. In this framework, we use LLM to invoke causal tools and iterate many
times to analyze and solve causal problems. Thus achieving heterogeneous data
alignment between natural language input for large models and tabular data input
for causal problems. The causal agent framework that empowers causal reasoning
through the use of causal tools has good Interpretability and reliability;
The causal agent achieved high accuracy in the four levels of causal problems modeled
in this article. Specifically, all three sub-problems at the variable level achieved an
accuracy of over 92%, all three sub-problems at the edge level achieved an accuracy
of over 89%, all three sub-problems at the causal graph level achieved an accuracy of
over 81%, and all two sub-problems at the causal effect level achieved an accuracy of
over 93%;
2. Related Work
2.1. Causality
Causality, as a tool for data analysis, aims to accurately identify and quantify the
actual effects of specific factors (causes) on outcome variables (effects) in a complex system
environment [30]. It is everywhere in our daily lives. Such as statistics [3–5], economics [5],
computer science [6,7], epidemiology [8,9] and psychology [10]. Different from correla-
tion, causality explores in depth the changing pattern of how the result variable responds
when the cause variable changes. Therefore, the "Ladder of Causality" theory proposed
by Pearl divides causality into three progressive levels [11]: association, intervention, and
counterfactual. The association focuses on discovering the correlation between variables
through observation of data. However, this can only reveal the accompanying phenom-
ena between events, and cannot indicate the causal flow between events; Intervention
emphasizes when we actively change the state of an event, whether and how other related
events will change accordingly; Counterfactual imagines how the current observed results
would have changed if there had not been an event that had occurred. The core purpose of
studying causality is to reveal the true causal chain between things and to abandon those
confusing pseudo-causal relationships. Cause field problems can be briefly divided into
two broad directions: causal discovery and causal inference. Causal discovery is based on
directed acyclic graphs and Bayesian models, focusing on obtaining causal relationships
from observation data, and methods can be divided into constraint-based methods [65–67],
such as IC, PC, FCI, and function-based methods [68–70] such as LiNGAM and ANM,
and hybrid methods [58] to combine the advantages of the above two methods. Common
frameworks for causal inference are structural causal model[13] and potential outcome
framework [12]. The potential outcome framework is also known as the Neyman–Rubin
Version August 14, 2024 submitted to Entropy
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Potential Outcomes or the Rubin Causal Model. Researchers use the structural causal
model and Rubin Causal Model to model the interaction between variables, and calculate
causal effect estimates such as average treatment effect (ATE) and conditional treatment
effect (CATE).
2.2. LLM-based agent
Autonomous agents have long been considered a promising approach to achieving ar-
tificial general intelligence (AGI), which accomplishes tasks through autonomous planning
and action [73]. In previous studies, simple and heuristic policy functions were designed
for agents to learn in isolated and constrained environments [74,75]. In recent years, LLM
has achieved great success in the field of natural language. Human-like intelligence has
shown great potential [2,35,36] and there has been a large amount of research using LLM
as the decision-making and reasoning center of agents [37–39], achieving great success in
natural sciences [40,41], engineering sciences [29,42,43], and human simulation [27,44]. The
LLM agent is composed of four parts, namely profile module, action module, plan module,
and action module. The identity module assigns an imaginary role to the agent, such as
a teacher or poet. According to different text sources. The planning module helps the
agent use thinking chains to break down tasks and use different search methods to obtain
solutions in the problem space, such as CoT [32], ToT [33], AoT [34], Reflexion [35], etc.
The memory module is subdivided into two categories: short-term memory and long-term
memory. Its specific implementation forms are diverse, depending on the data structure
and technical means used. The action module is the key for the intelligent agent to take
specific actions in the physical or virtual environment. The agent implements actions by
using tools to change the environmental state and task process and also triggers changes in
its state.
2.3. Combining LLM and causality
Since the advent of LLM, some researchers have evaluated and analyzed the causality
ability of LLM. Jin et al. [16] introduced a new task CORR2CAUSE, which can infer causal
relationships from correlations, to evaluate the causal inference ability of large models.
This task first constructs a causal graph based on the original data and then converts it
into natural language by the D-separation principle. From the experimental results, it is
generally believed that the LLM with a higher version or better reasoning ability does
not show positive correlation results in the causal inference task, and the performance of
the LLM in the causal inference task is akin to random. Jin et al. [18] further investigated
whether large language models can reason about causality and proposed a new NLP
task: causal inference in natural language. Inspired by the "causal inference engine" and
hypotheses proposed by Judea Pearl. They built a large dataset, CLADDER, with 10K
samples: a collection (association, intervention, and counterfactual) based on causal graphs
and queries. In addition, they introduce and evaluate a customized chain of thought
prompting strategy CausalCOT. Gao et al. [17] presents a comprehensive evaluation of
ChatGPT’s causal reasoning capabilities. They found that ChatGPT is not a good causal
reasoner, but is good at causal explanation and that ChatGPT has a serious problem of
causal illusion, which is further exacerbated by In-Context Learning (ICL) and chain of
thought techniques. Zeˇcevi´c et al. [19] argues that large language models cannot be causal
and define a new subgroup of structure causal models, called meta-SCMs. Their empirical
analysis provides favorable evidence that current LLMs are even weak "causal parrots".
Long et al. [46] further investigated how imperfect expert knowledge can be used to
improve the output of causal discovery algorithms. A greedy algorithm is also proposed
to iteratively reject graphs from MEC while controlling the probability of excluding true
graphs. They found a reduction in performance when using large models as experts.
Nonetheless, their results still suggest a clear potential for LLM to help discover causal
relationships. Kıcıman et al. [47] found LLM can achieve competitive performance in
determining pairwise causality, with an accuracy of up to 97%, but their performance
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varies depending on the quality of cue word engineering. Richens and Everitt [48] provides
a theoretical analysis of whether agents must learn causal models to generalize to new
domains. They analytically show that any agent capable of satisfying regret bounds under
a large number of distribution shifts must learn an approximate causal model of the data-
generating process, and discuss the implications of this result for generative AI including
transfer learning and causal inference. Nichani et al. [49] explored the causal structure
learned by Transformers in attention matrices using backpropagation learning. They found
that when the underlying causal graph is a tree, Gradient descent on the simplified two-
layer Transformer solves this task by encoding the causal map at the first attention layer for
contextual estimation of the transition distribution.
How to enhance the causal reasoning ability of large language models has become
a difficult problem in current research. Solving the shortage of large language models
in causal ability has great potential for solving large model illusions and promoting the
development of trusted AI.
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Modeling causal problems from the perspective of LLM
Despite the development of LLM, like ChatGPT, demonstrating strong natural lan-
guage understanding and question-answering capabilities, there is still a significant gap
between the problem paradigms that data-driven causal focuses on tabular data but LLM
focuses on the field of natural language processing. Furthermore, LLMs struggle to truly
understand and handle the intricate causal relationships inherent in complex data. The in-
ability of LLMs to adapt to causal tasks remains a significant limitation in their development
and widespread reliable use.
Therefore, it is meaningful to re-establish a causal problem framework from the
perspective of the LLM. This has a significant impact on evaluating the causal ability of
LLMs and enhancing their causal ability. To model causal problems within the field of LLM,
We formulate our settings as follows:
Let T ∈ Rn×cbe a tabular data with n rows and c columns, in which each row ti is a
piece of data, and each column ci represents a variable. So
T = {tc
i }n
We formalize the causal problem space as a Q and qi ∈ Q is one question in the form of
natural language. We combine the tabular data and the problem description by Cartesian
product to create the dataset D and each item di ∈ Rn×c × Q.So
D = {di} = {(Ti, qi) ∈ Rn×c × Q}
The user inputs a pair of (Ti, qi) samples from D, and then the causal agent analyses
the tabular data Ti and the causal problem Q to generate a reasonable answer A. The format
of answer A is not limited to the form of natural language. A can also be a causal graph or
other heterogeneous non-textual data to explain the question clearly.
Table 1. Summary of the causal problem at four levels
Variable level
Edge level
The ability to infer and understand correlations
between variables in tabular data
The ability to understand and analyze causal
edge relationships between variables
Causal graph level
The ability to generate causal graphs
Causal effect level
The ability to quantify the causal effects
between variables
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Due to the complex diversity of causal problems, we simplify the problem and conduct
the necessary modeling. We categorize the causal problems into four major levels, as shown
in Table 1, based on the differences in problem granularity and objects: variable level, edge
level, causal graph level, and causal effect level. The variable level corresponds to the first
level of the causal ladder, correlation, aiming to endow LLM with the ability to infer and
understand correlations between variables in tabular data. The edge level builds beyond
correlation, aiming to endow LLM with the ability to understand and analyze causal edge
relationships between variables. The causal graph level shifts the perspective to a more
macroscopic dimension, examining the LLM’s capabilities of generating causal graphs.
The causal effect level aims to endow LLM with the ability to quantify the causal effects
between variables. We will discuss four levels of modeling methods in detail below.
3.1.1. Variable level
At the variable level, we focus on determining the correlation between different
variables, which is the first level of the causal ladder. To obtain correlation from tabular
data, we transform the problem of correlation testing into independence testing. That
is given variables Vi and Vj, determining whether they are independent or conditional
Independence under variables {Vk}N
k=1. If two variables are correlated, they are statistically
dependent, and vice versa. Through such modeling methods, we aim to test the causal
agent with the ability to analyze correlations. Specifically, we divide the problem of
correlation into two subclasses: direct independence testing and conditional independence
testing. The difference between them lies in whether condition variables are given when
judging independence. In particular, direct independence testing can be regarded as the
number of condition variables is zero. To more finely measure the model’s capabilities, we
further divide conditional independence testing into independence testing under a single
condition and independence testing under multiple numbers of conditions, in which the
difference is whether the number of conditions is one or beyond one.
3.1.2. Causal graph level
At the causal graph level, the focus is more macroscopic, examining whether the causal
agent possesses the capability to generate a causal graph. The causal graph is a directed
acyclic graph (DAG), and in DAG the direction of edges represents causal relationships. In
this article, we choose the PC algorithm [57] as the method for generating causal graphs,
which generates Markov equivalence classes of causal graphs without considering the
presence and influence of unobserved variables. Modeling the capabilities of intelligence
at the level of the causal graph involves two categories: generating a causal graph that
includes all variables in tabular data, and the other generating a partial causal graph
that includes only a subset of variables in tabular data. The capability to generate causal
graphs and to reason on these graphs can effectively guide the agent to understand causal
relationships and discern true causal connections amidst the fog of spurious correlations.
3.1.3. Edge level
At the edge level modeling, we still consider the relationships between variables.
Instead of the associations from a statistical correlation, we focus on the deeper causal
relationships between variables from a causal viewpoint. Unlike quantitative estimation
of causal effects, edge level modeling provides qualitative analysis results that need to
reflect the true relationships of the edges in the causal graph reconstructed from tabular
data. We consider the following three types of relationships: direct causal relationship,
collider relationship, and confound relationship. As discussed in Section 3.1.2, We used
the PC algorithm to generate Markov equivalence classes for causal graphs, therefore we
formalize three types of relationships as follows:
Denote G as a Markov equivalence class generated by the PC algorithm from tabular
data, containing edges set {< Vi, Vj >}. And edge < Vi, Vj >∈ {−→, −}.
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We denote direct causal relationships as Vi directly causes Vj, reflected in the causal
graph G as existence edge Vi −→ Vj. we denote the collider relationship as Vi and Vj directly
cause a common variable Vk , reflected in the causal graph as existenceVi −→ Vk and Vj −→ Vk
. We denote the confounding relationship as the presence of unobstructed backdoor paths
between Vi and Vj, reflected in the causal graph as Vi ←− ... −→ Vj
3.1.4. Causal effect level
The causal effect level attempts to quantify how the outcome for an individual or
system would differ if it experienced a certain intervention. Ideally, this requires controlling
confounders to ensure an accurate assessment of the intervention’s effect. Thus, randomized
controlled trial (RCT) is the golden standard for estimating causal effects. However, in
practical production scenarios, ethical constraints or high experimental costs often make it
difficult to obtain results from RCT. Additionally, the sample distribution in RCT may not
represent the overall population distribution due to limited sample sizes. To address the
limitations of sample size and distribution bias and to balance covariates and confounding
factors when estimating causal effects, researchers have proposed numerous methods
based on observational data, such as IPSW [78], etc.
We expect the causal agent not only to utilize causal explanations for qualitative
analysis but also to employ classical causal inference for quantitative interpretation. To
simplify the problem, at the level of causal effects, we only consider the quantitative
calculation of the ATE, denoted as E(Y(T = t1) − Y(T = t0)), from tabular data. Modeling
at the granularity of causal effects can equip the causal agent with a more fine-grained
causal perception capability.
3.2. Causal Agent Framework Based on LLM
Based on the causal modeling methods mentioned in Section 3.1, we have specifically
implemented causal agents with causal reasoning capabilities for different modeling gran-
ularities. Our causal agent framework consists of three modules: tools module, memory
module, and plan module. In terms of tools, to align the tabular data with natural language,
we invoke causal analysis tools that can accept tabular data as input. For the output of tools,
we use prompts to interpret and explain the results, enabling the causal agent to understand
the output. In the planning aspect, inspired by the ReAct framework [63], through multiple
rounds of reflection, we continuously invoke causal analysis tools and reflect on their
output, considering whether we can derive the answer to the original question based on
the agent’s understanding of the causal question. If the answer to the question cannot
be derived, we continue to iterate and reflect until we reach the final answer or limited
iteration times. Besides, to better understand tools’ usage, we use in-context learning
and one-shot examples to empower the causal agent. A manual handwritten example
is designed to use all tools to guide the causal agent in invoking and understanding the
tool. In terms of memory, we store the output of the causal analysis tools in a dictionary in
memory as short-term memory, ensuring that the agent can continuously access the causal
graph before the final answer is obtained.
3.2.1. Tools
The causal agent invokes causal analysis tools to analyze tabular data, thereby compen-
sating for the LLM’s shortcomings in handling tabular data. This approach aligns tabular
data with causal conclusions and enhances the LLM’s causal capabilities through tool
invocation. Specifically, our causal analysis tools select the library causal-learn for causal
discovery and EconML for causal inference. Starting from the perspective of modeling
causal problems for the LLM, we have designed specific tool functions at the variable level,
edge level, causal graph level, and causal effect level. To make the tool functions easily
invoked by the LLM, we have re-encapsulated the interfaces, changing the tool inputs to
JSON string format, and using manual rules and handwritten prompt templates to help the
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Figure 2. Causal Agent Tools Usage Diagram: Different tools are used to address causal problems
at four levels. At the variable level, independence test tools are used to verify the correlation
between variables. At the edge level, the relationships between causal edges are analyzed, specifically
involving direct causation, collider relationships, and confounder relationships. At the causal graph
level, the agent uses causal discovery algorithms to generate causal graphs. At the causal effect level,
the Double Machine Learning (DML) [25] algorithm is used to obtain estimates of causal effects.
large model better understand the meaning of the tool outputs. Prompt details are in the
At the variable level, we invoke the conditional independent test class in causal-learn
and use Fisherz [82] as an independent test method. At the causal graph level, since there
are no unobserved variables in our data assumptions, we invoke the PC algorithm to
generate the Markov equivalence class of the causal graph. It should be noted that when
generating a partial causal graph, we still use the PC algorithm. However, in this case, the
variables not included in arguments are unobserved variables for partial causal graphs.
we think that this situation should be controlled by the user rather than the agent actively
changing the causal discovery algorithm, such as the FCI [67]algorithm that can handle
unobserved confounders. This design maintains the reliability of the agent’s behavior and
facilitates user interaction with the agent.
At the edge level, we use the tool’s prompt template to guide the LLM to use the
causal graph generation algorithm and obtain the Markov equivalence class of the causal
graph. Then judge the relationship between the edges. For undirected edges that the PC
algorithm cannot determine, the tools will categorically discuss the direction of the edge to
conclude. We focus on three sub-issues at edge level: direct cause, confounding, and collider.
For judging the cause relationship, we consider whether there is a directed edge directly
connecting the two variables in the output G of the PC algorithm. If such a directed edge
exists, the agent will determine the cause relationship based on the direction of the edge; For
judging confounding, we consider whether there exist unblocked backdoor paths between
the two nodes. If unblocked backdoor paths exist, the tool class will return the backdoor
path. The causal agent will receive information about the presence of confounding. For
judging a collider, we only consider the collider "V" structure, such as Vi −→ Vk ←− Vj.
At the level of causal effects, the causal agent invokes the LinearDML algorithm in
the EconML library, where the user needs to specify which variables are covariates. The
causal agent first uses the LinearDML algorithm to train the data. During the training
stage, we choose the default parameters of the LinearDML algorithm in the EconML library,
and the covariates are specified by the user’s prompts input. After the training stage, the
causal agentvariable leveledge levelcausal graph levelABABwhether A and B are independ?causal agentcit tools.........ABACABBdirect causecolliderconfoundercausal agentHow about causal relationship between variable?yellow fingersmokinglung cancersmokinglung canceryellow finger101………………causal-learnCan we generate causal graph?causal effect levelcausal agentCan we estimate average causal effect? ABC101………………econmlATE = E(A(B = 0)-A(B = 1)) Version August 14, 2024 submitted to Entropy
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tool outputs an estimator of the average causal effect on the same model, using covariates
consistent with those used during training. It should be emphasized that the default
parameters of the LinearDML algorithm depend on the linear treatment assumption and
linear heterogeneity assumption of the data. Actual test data and real-world scenario data
may not meet similar assumptions, so there may be biases in the average causal effects
produced. Our focus is mainly on the process of calling and understanding tools for the
causal agent, while the selection of models is a more challenging aspect that can be further
explored in future work.
3.2.2. Plan process
Inspired by the ReAct framework, the causal agent adopts an iterative multi-turn
dialogue approach, using prompt templates to facilitate interaction and understanding
between the causal agent and the tools. During the process of invoking causal analysis
tools, the agent must continuously think and experiment to determine the next action. This
process is crucial for the causal agent, as solving complex causal problems may require the
use of causal tools more than one, as well as the observation and integration of different
outputs from these tools. Therefore, the causal agent needs to repeatedly invoke these tools,
observe their output, and engage in deep thinking to arrive at the solution.
Specifically, in each round of the dialogue, the user provides a problem description q
and the table data T to be analyzed as input (q, T). Guided by the prompt, from the first
round of each round i, the causal agent will generate a Thought Ot
i and use a tool as action
ai. The tool will accept ai and generate observation Oobs
. Based on this observation, the
causal agent attempts to answer the original question description. If it is still unable to
answer, it concatenates this round’s observation as input to continue the next round. The
input for the next round is (q, T, Ot
1 , Ot
1, a1, Oobs
), until the causal agent
comes up with the final answer or reaches the maximum times of iterations.
2 , . . . , Oobs
2, a2, Oobs
Input prompt:
Consider four elements: age, weight, sleep time, and cancer. With the advancement
of age, individuals should pay closer attention to their weight and sleep duration, as
these factors can significantly impact their overall health and the risk of developing
cancer. Doctors are very interested in the relationship between these variables, and
therefore, they have chosen to collect a set of data through experiments. Please
assist the doctors in answering whether there is a direct causal effect of weight on
cancer, or whether their correlation is due to age acting as a confounding factor. Csv
data stores in ‘data.csv’ .
Input data:data.csv
Thought: We need to determine if there is a direct causal effect of weight on cancer
or if age is acting as a confounding factor. We should start by generating a causal
graph to analyze the relationships between these variables.
Action: Generate Causal
Action Input: {” f ilename” : ”data.csv”, ”analyze_relationship” : ”True”}
Observation: Causal graph named ’data’ is generated succeed! and have written to
the memory and file ’data’.
Thought: Now that we have generated the causal graph, we can use it to determine
if age is a confounding factor in the relationship between weight and cancer.
Action: Determine confounder
Action Input:{”cg_name” : ”data”, ”interesting_var” : [”weight”, ”cancer”]}
. . . . . . . . . (multi times iterators)
Final Answer: There is no direct causal effect of weight on cancer.
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Figure 3. Causal Agent Memory Module Diagram: During the reasoning process, the causal agent
maintains a memory index in its memory. The index names are in natural language form, while the
index content consists of data structures such as causal graph instances containing richer information.
This ensures that the memory content is not limited to text form.
The above is a concrete example where we query the causal agent with an input con-
sisting of tabular data data.csv and a description of the problem involving "age", "weight",
"sleep time", and "cancer". Upon receiving the problem input, the agent begins to think and
determines that to obtain specific causal relationships, it first needs to invoke a causal graph
generation tool, then generate the causal graph using the PC algorithm on tabular data
by passing in specific parameters. Subsequently, the agent reasons over the causal graph
and invokes the causal analysis tool to analyze the causal relationship between "weight"
and "cancer". It discovers that there is no direct causal relationship between "weight" and
"cancer" as described in the problem. Therefore, the specific conclusion obtained is "There
is no direct causal effect of weight on cancer". Note that the tabular data in this example is
synthesized and does not represent causal relationships in the real world.
3.2.3. Memory
Currently, mainstream memory mechanisms in LLM-based agents are primarily imple-
mented in two forms: textual form and parametric form Zhang et al. [83]. Although most
current memory mechanisms tend to use the textual form, parametric memory, as an emerg-
ing area of exploration, has unique application potential. Each form has its advantages
and disadvantages, suitable for different application scenarios. The memory operations of
an agent include three key stages: memory writing, memory management, and memory
reading. These three operations interact in the agent’s interaction with the environment,
collectively enhancing the agent’s interactive capabilities.
In this paper, the causal agent considers only short-term memory. Specifically, during
the ReAct reasoning and interaction process of the causal agent, it needs to maintain the
currently generated causal graph and use this graph in subsequent causal relationship
judgments. Therefore, in the implementation of the causal agent’s memory, the memory
is not a textual form of data but the data corresponding to the causal graph Python
class instance. The causal agent maintains a dictionary as memory, adding an entry
and establishing a name index during memory writing, and using the index to read the
corresponding causal graph information during multi-turn dialogues.
For example, some questions require invoking multiple tools. When analyzing the
relationships of edges, a causal graph needs to be generated first, followed by reasoning
Namecontentgraph name 1<python class>graph name 2<python class>…………causal agentmemory modulewritereadReAct x NVersion August 14, 2024 submitted to Entropy
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Figure 4. Overview of Data Generation Process: The final generated data consists of a pair of causal
questions and tabular data. Initially, ChatGPT-3.5 samples a set of descriptions from keyword and
question lists, forming a group of descriptions, and generates detailed narratives and causal question
descriptions based on these. Subsequently, a non-linear additive Gaussian model is employed to
generate a pool of tabular data. Data is then extracted from this pool and combined with the causal
question descriptions to form a single data entry.
over the causal graph, ultimately generating the answers and results to the questions.
Therefore, when answering a question, the causal agent must maintain a memory module
during multi-turn reasoning dialogues, implemented as a dictionary data structure. Each
time a causal graph needs to be generated, the agent assigns a name to the causal graph
and stores the graph in the dictionary. If then requires analyzing the relationships between
edges, the agent can use the causal graph’s name as an index to retrieve and analyze the
causal graph from memory.
In summary, the memory module of the causal agent differs from traditional LLM-
based agent memory in that the stored data structure is not natural language but rather
more informative as an abstract expression of memory.
4. Results
To test our causal intelligence agent, we start from the perspective of causal question
modeling in Section 3.1 and have designed a series of question templates for variable-level,
edge-level, causal graph-level, and causal effect-level respectively, details in the appendix.
To obtain the data required for causal questions, we have generated tabular data using the
nonlinear additive gaussian noise method [89]. In addition, for questions at the variable
level, edge level, causal graph level, and causal effect level, we have constructed a dataset
of size 1.3K for testing by using ChatGPT-3.5, as shown in Figure 4. Through testing, our
causal agent has achieved high accuracy over four-level questions. All three sub-problems
at the variable level achieved an accuracy of over 92%, all three sub-problems at the edge
level achieved an accuracy of over 89%, all three sub-problems at the causal graph level
achieved an accuracy of over 81%, and all two sub-problems at the causal effect level
achieved an accuracy of over 93%;
tabular data poolgenerateGPT 3.5AB1.201.11…………non-linear additive Gaussian noise modelAB1.201.11…………AB1.201.11…………AB1.201.11…………ABC0.6010.511………………ABC0.6010.511………………ABC0.6010.511………………ABC0.6010.511………………#node=2#node=3……keyword listmarket : [“GMV”,...]medical:[“X-ray",...]data modelsamplequestion template1.whether A directly cause B.2.Is A independent of B ......samplecreate storyGMV is important in market,... ,Is GMV indepent of ECR?sample a pair demo.csv{ question:”GMV is...of ECR” data:”demo.csv”}one item in datasetVersion August 14, 2024 submitted to Entropy
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4.1. Data generate process
4.1.1. tabular data
To generate the tabular data needed for the test dataset, we adopt the method used in
the work by Rolland et al. [89]. Specifically, our data follows non-linear additive Gaussian
noise models, X ∈ Rd is generated using the following model:
Xi = fi(pai(X)) + ϵi
i = 1, . . . , d , where pai(X) selects the coordinates of X which are parents of node i in some
DAG.The noise variables
ϵ ∼ N (0, σ2)
The functions fi are assumed to be twice continuously differentiable and non-linear in every
component. That is, if we denote the parents paj(X) of Xj by Xk1, Xk2, . . . , Xkl , then, for all
a = 1, . . . , l , the function fj(Xk1, . . . , Xka−1, ·, Xka+1, . . . , Xkl) is assumed to be nonlinear for
some Xk1, . . . , Xka−1, ·, Xka+1, . . . , Xkl ∈ Rl−1
Through the aforementioned method, we have generated a series of tabular data with
node counts ranging from 3 to 10. For tables with the same number of nodes, we generate a
series of tabular data with different edge numbers, which range in [0, C2
#node]. This simulates
different scenarios of sparsity and density of real causal graphs. We use all the generated
tabular data as a data pool. When generating specific test samples later, we will randomly
take a table from the table pool that has the same number of nodes as variables required by
the question, to be a quantitative expression of the relationships between variables.
4.1.2. causal problem descriptions
To simulate causal issues in real scenarios, we generate a natural language template
Tq for the four-level causal questions modeled in Section 3.1. Then we take the medical
field and the market field, two common fields for causal inference, as question sources to
generate questions’ real-world scenes. We first used ChatGPT-3.5 to generate 100 keywords
related to medical and market as list Lq . Then, we iteratively traversed through node
counts from 3 to 10. For a node count of i, we randomly drew i keywords from the keyword
list as seeds
K1, ..., Ki ∼ Lq
.Subsequently, we used the question template ti
possible real scenario using the seed keywords, thus forming a piece of data.
q ∼ Tq to allow ChatGPT-3.5 to construct a
description = GPT(K1, ..., Ki, ti
Note that the keywords that come from the list are randomly drawn, so there may be no
causal relationship between them. This may result in a case in which the causal graph
generated from tabular data sampled randomly in Section 4.1 is quite different from the
actual scenario. This special design makes the causal agent focus on the tabular data
during the process of causal analysis, leading to data-driven rather than semantic causal
information between variables for causal analysis. This design also fits with counterfactual
thinking, that is, the causal relationships between variables in reality and the causal rela-
tionships between variables implied by the randomly drawn tabular data in our data may
be inconsistent. The causal agent may need to draw counterfactual conclusions in such
4.2. causal problem test result
The causal agent was constructed by ChatGPT-3.5, and we set temperature parameters
as 0.5 when the causal agent reasoned. We tested the causal capabilities of our causal
agent. To constrain the output of the LLM and facilitate comparison with the actual ground
truth during testing, we guide the model’s output as format follows: For variable-level
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Table 2. The test results of the causal agent on variable-level problems are represented in the table,
where the values indicate accuracy, calculated as the number of correctly answered questions divided
by the total number of questions. We use IT to represent the independent test, CIT to represent the
conditional independent test with one variable as a conditional variable, and MULTCIT to represent
a conditional independent test with beyond one variable as conditional variables.
questions, we restricted the model’s output to "yes" and "no." For instance, when a question
required the causal agent to determine whether two variables were independent, the agent
would output "yes" if they were independent, and "no" if they were not, based on its
analysis of the question. Similarly, for edge-level questions, we limited the output to "yes",
"no", and "uncertain", indicating whether the description of the relationship between the
edges was correct, incorrect, or uncertain. For causal graph-level questions, the agent
would generate a causal graph during the reasoning process, and we would directly assess
whether the causal graph was correctly generated and return the correct name of the causal
graph so that users could find it. For causal effect-level questions, we considered whether
the agent’s calculation of the average causal effect was accurate. Note that even though
we imposed format restrictions on the model’s output, the agent would still output other
equivalent descriptions consistent with the answer instead of adhering strictly to the format,
especially in the case of zero-shot. For example, when judging variable-level questions, we
restricted the agent to output only "yes" or "no", but sometimes the agent’s output included
a summary of the question rather than "yes" or "no", such as "A is independent of B". In
such cases, we regard it as a wrong answer because it doesn’t follow the correct output
format. To optimize this problem, we adopted a in contextual learning (ICL) method, using
a fixed manually case to guide the causal agent to call the tool and output the correct
At the variable level, our results, as shown in the Table 2. We use IT to represent the
independent test, CIT to represent the conditional independent test with one variable as a
conditional variable, and MULTCIT represents a conditional independent test with beyond
one variable as conditional variables . The causal agent achieved over 92% accuracy across
the three sub-questions of the variable level. Notably, in the conditional independence
test, the agent correctly utilized the tools and reached the correct conclusions on almost
all questions, achieving a 99.4% in one conditional independent test and 100% in a multi-
conditional independent test, indicating our causal agent performed very well in this
At the edge level, we tested the agent’s accuracy in judging direct causal relation-
ships (represented by CAUSE), confounding factors (represented by CONF), and colliders
(represented by COLLIDER), with the results shown in Table 3. Specifically, the agent
achieved 89.5% accuracy in judging direct cause relationships on average, 97.4% accuracy
in judging colliders on average, and 94.6% accuracy in judging confounders. At the causal
graph level, we tested the agent’s ability to generate a causal graph containing all variables
(represented by TOTAL) and a partial causal graph (represented by PARTIAL) containing
some variables. The specific results, as shown in Table 4, were 81.8% accuracy rate for
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Table 3. The test results of the causal agent on edge-level problems are represented in the table, where
the values indicate accuracy, calculated as the number of correctly answered questions divided by
the total number of questions. We use CAUSE to represent judging direct causal relationships, CONF
to represent judging confounding factors, and COLLIDER to represent judging colliders.
Table 4. The test results of the causal agent on causal graph level problems are represented in the
table, where the values indicate accuracy, calculated as the number of correctly answered questions
divided by the total number of questions. We use TOTAL to represent generate a causal graph
containing all variables, and PARTIAL to represent a partial causal graph containing some partial
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Table 5. The test results after stratifying the answers and question domains are shown, where "yes",
"no", and "uncertain" represent the three different answers in the ground truth. The values in the
table indicate accuracy, calculated as the number of correctly answered questions divided by the total
number of questions. Blue represents the medical domain, and red represents the market domain.
generating a causal graph with all nodes, and 91.6% accuracy rate for generating a partial
causal graph composed of some nodes.
At the level of causal effects, the agent answered 15 out of 16 questions correctly,
achieving an accuracy of 93.8%. Specifically, we have 2 instances with 3-10 nodes and 16
instances in total.These examples cover the two fields of marketing and medical, and cover
3-10 nodes. So they are representative. An example is as follow.
As a statistician, you are working for an online retail company that has been experi-
encing a high rate of Cart Abandonment. The company believes that its Logo Design
might be a factor influencing this issue. To test this hypothesis, the company has
applied Programmatic Advertising, a method that uses automated systems to buy
and sell ads in real-time. This method has been used to subtly alter the Logo Design
displayed to customers, with the aim of reducing Cart Abandonment. You have
collected data where the treatment variable, Programmatic Advertising, ranges from
-0.46 to -0.11. The negative values indicate a decrease in the intensity of Program-
matic Advertising. Now, you need to understand the causal relationship between
these variables. So, your question is: Can you calculate the Average Treatment
Effect (ATE) of the continuous treatment variable Programmatic Advertising on the
outcome variable Logo Design, given that the treatment Programmatic Advertising
change from -0.46 to -0.11?
We first use the DML algorithm and generated the ATE values as ground truth, and
then test whether the causal agent can correctly call the DML tool and pass the correct
parameters. When the tool is called correctly and the output of the tool can be correctly
understood, the agent will output the correct answer.
Additionally, through analysis, we found that within the range where the number
of nodes is between 3 and 10, the number of nodes has little impact on the correctness of
the agent’s use of causal tools and causal inference. Most errors were due to the agent’s
misunderstanding of the output from the causal tools during the inference process. This
also means that the fluctuation in the correct rate does not have a significant correlation or
impact based on the number of nodes. The cause of the agent’s errors lies in understanding
the tool’s output and how to align the tool’s output with the question’s answer.
Therefore, we examine the correlation and impact between the ground truth of the
problem and the answer’s accuracy rate and explore how the types of domains involved
in causal questions affect correctness. We conducted stratified exploration based on the
domains involved in the problems in our test set, which are the medical domain and market
domain. Through stratification, we can see the impact of the problem domain and the
answer on the results, as shown in Table 5. Different problem domains lead to different
complexities and different descriptions of the problems, which affects the agent’s use of
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causal tools and the answers to the problems. In our examples, when a causal agent should
analyze an independent relationship, the agent performed better in utilizing tools within
the market domain, while its accuracy decreased in the medical domain. When judging
edge relationships, the two domain’s differences are slight. Moreover, there were noticeable
differences in the agent’s accuracy under different answers to the questions; compared to
giving "yes" and "uncertain" conclusions, our agent was more inclined to provide negative
conclusions such as "no" to the questions.
5. Discussion
In this work, we harnessed LLM to construct a causal agent by invoking causal tools,
modeling causal problems across four levels in the causal domain, and endowing the large
model with causal capabilities at four levels, followed by an assessment of the agent’s
abilities. The experimental results of the agent in solving causal problems showed that it
performed particularly well at the variable level. In tasks of independence testing, accuracy
rates exceeded 92% and even reached 100% in the multi-conditional independence test. This
endowed the agent with the ability to leverage correlation analysis driven by tabular data.
At the edge level, the agent achieved accuracy rates of over 89% in judging direct causal
relationships, confounding factors, and colliders, indicating its high capability in handling
causal relationships. At the causal graph level, the accuracy rates for generating complete
and partial causal graphs were 81.8% and 91.6%, respectively, demonstrating the agent’s
potential in constructing causal relationship networks using data-driven approaches and
causal tools. The agent can correctly invoke tools and generate causal graphs, which is
significant for the popularization of the causal community and the automation of causal
tools. Even users who are not familiar with the concept of causality can utilize the agent to
produce an end-to-end process from data to causal graphs. At the causal effect level, the
agent can produce the correct average causal effect, achieving an accuracy rate of 93% on
our small-scale dataset.
Moreover, the use of causal tools ensures interpretability and reliability, which is of
great significance for the future practical application of the causal agent.
Analyzing the agent’s errors, we can find that there is a bias in the agent’s under-
standing and application of causal tools, leading to a decrease in accuracy in some cases.
However, this issue will be gradually resolved as the capabilities and generalization per-
formance of large models improve. From this perspective, causal scientists can focus on
improving the interaction efficiency and accuracy of the agent and causal tools. As the
capabilities of LLM are enhanced in the future, the agent’s causal inference capabilities
will also increase accordingly. Additionally, the agent’s performance varies across different
domains (such as marketing and medical), indicating that domain-specific knowledge and
further domain adaptation may help improve the agent’s performance. Addressing the
issue of poor robustness of the agent in different domains will greatly affect the practical
application of the causal agent. Moreover, the current causal agent cannot select models
and perceive data. The agent in this work only directly invokes simple causal models, such
as the PC algorithm and LinearDML algorithm, but the applicability of these algorithms is
limited and heavily relies on our functional assumptions about the data and the assumption
of no confounding. How to endow the agent with the ability to perceive data and to have
prior understanding and knowledge of tool invocation is of great significance for the agent’s
promotion and practical application.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, K.H., K.K., and F.W.; methodology, K.H., K.K., and Z.Z;
software, K.H.; validation, K.H.; formal analysis, K.H., K.K., J.Y.; investigation, K.H.; resources,K.K.,
F.W., J.Y.; data curation, K.H.; writing—original draft preparation, K.H.; writing—review and editing,
K.K., Z.Z, J.Y and F.W.; project administration, K.H., F.W., K.K.; funding acquisition, F.W., K.K. and
J.Y. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding
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Data Availability Statement: We use synthetic data in this work. Specific data can be accessed via
the GitHub repository link
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest
The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
Large Language Model
Artificial General Intelligence
Average Treatment Effect
Conditional Average Treatment Effect
Directed Acyclic Graph
Artificial Intelligence
Randomized Controlled Trial
Double Machine Learning
In Context Learning
Independent Test
Conditional Independent Test
Multi-variables Conditional Independent Test
direct causal relationships
confounding factors
COLLIDER colliders
causal graph containing all variables
partial causal graph containing some partial variables
Appendix A. The prompts we use in causal agent
Appendix A.1. input prompt template w/o ICL
Table A1. Question input prompt template without ICL: When calling the causal agent, the
question input template replaces the parameters in the following brackets with the input
part and allows the agent to answer the question.
Answer the following questions as best you can. You have access to the following tools:
Use the following format:
Question: the input question you must answer
Thought: you should always think about what to do
Action: the action to take, should be one of
the input to the action
the result of the action
Action Input:
... (this Thought/Action/Action Input/Observation can repeat N times)
Thought: I now know the final answer
Final Answer:
the final answer to the original input question
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Table A2. Question input prompt template with ICL: When calling the causal agent, the
question input template replaces the parameters in the following brackets with the input
part and allows the agent to answer the question.
Answer the following questions as best you can. You have access to the following tools:
Use the following format:
Question: the input question you must answer
Thought: you should always think about what to do
Action: the action to take, should be one of
the final answer to the original input question
the input to the action
the result of the action
Action Input:
... (this Thought/Action/Action Input/Observation can repeat N times)
Thought: I now know the final answer
Final Answer:
The doctor wants to explore the relationship between smoking, lung cancer, and yellow fingers,
so he collects a batch of data, stores it in ’data.csv’, and gives the following proposition:
if all of the statements are false, output no; if one of the statements is true, output
uncertain; if all of the statements are true, output yes. The proposition is as follows:
1. Yellow fingers are a cause of lung cancer
2. There is a collider between yellow finger and lung cancer
3. There is a confounder between yellow fingers and lung cancer
4. Yellow fingers and lung cancer are independent of each other given smoking
The output is just formatted as a json string, such as {”answer” : ”yes”}.
Thought: I need to generate a causal diagram, and then analyze the causal and independent
relationships between variables to judge the correctness of each proposition
Action:Generate Causal
Action Input:{” f ilename” : ”data.csv”, ”analyserelationship” : ”True”}
Observation:causal graph named ’data’ is generate succeed! and have written to the memory.
Thought: I need to use the Determine edge directions tool to determine if the yellow finger is
the cause of smoking
Action:Determine edge directions
Action Input:{”cgname” : ”data”, ”interestingvar” : [”yellow f ingers”, ”lungcancer”]}
Observation:There is no direct edge linking yellow finger and cancer
Thought: There is no direct causal link between yellow finger and lung cancer. The
proposition "yellow finger is the cause of lung cancer" is wrong.
determine whether there is a collider between yellow finger and lung cancer
Action:Determine collider
Action Input:{”cgname” : ”data”, ”interestingvar” : [”yellow f ingers”, ”lungcancer”]}
Observation:There don’t exists collider Smoking of yellow fingers and lung cancer
I need to continue to
Thought: There is no collider between yellow finger and lung cancer, I need to continue to
determine whether there is a confounder between yellow finger and lung cancer
Action:Determine confounder
Action Input:{”cgname” : ”data”, ”interestingvar” : [”yellow f ingers”, ”lungcancer”]}
Observation:yes, There is an unblocked backdoor path between yellow finger and lung cancer so
confounder exists. Backdoor path: yellow fingers, smoking, lung cancer
Thought: There is an unblocked backdoor path between yellow finger and lung cancer, so there
is a confounder, and it is smoking, I need to continue to determine whether yellow finger and
lung cancer are independent of each other given smoking
Action:condition independent test
Action Input:{” f ilename”
Observation:yellow fingers and lung cancer is independent under conditions:
[”yellow f ingers”, ”lungcancer”], ”condition”
”data.csv”, ”interestingvar”
Thought:i now get the final answer.
confounder between yellow fingers and lung cancer is correct, and the others are all wrong, so
the answer is uncertian
I have analyzed the four propositions, among which the
Final Answer:{”answer” : ”uncertain”}
Answer the following questions with examples:
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Appendix A.2. tools prompt template
Table A3. Independent test tool’s description prompt
condition independent test: Useful for when you need to test the *** independent or d-separate
*** of variable A and variable B condition on variable C. input should be a json with the
format below
{” f ilename” : ..., ”interestingvar” : [...], ”condition” : [...]}
interesting var is a list of variables the user interested in.
to test independent(d-separate) between X and Y conditions on Z, W,Q, interesting var is
For example, if the user wants
, condition is
. condition is
if no condition is provided
[”X”, ”Y”]
[”Z”, ”W”, ”Q”]
Table A4. Causal graph generating tool’s prompt template
Generate Causal:
input should be a json with the format below
Useful for when you need to generate causal graph (or partial causal graph).
{” f ilename” : ..., ”analyserelationship” : ..., ”interestingvar” : [...](Optional)}
.if you want to analyze relationship between variables( such as cause-effect, coufounder
, Collider), analyse relationship = "True" and please generate complete causal graph and
interesting var is [](which means causal graph contain all variables).if we only need
to generate **partial causal graph** (for example, generate a partial causal graph for
some variables), interesting var is used and it’s values are list of variables appear in
causal graph and analyse relationship is "False".Further more, if needed, you can analyse
variables relationship in causal graph generated by this tool through these tools: Determine
collider,Determine confounder,Determine edge direction
Table A5. Collider structure test tool’s prompt template
Determine collider: you should first generate causal graph and then use this tool. Useful
When we are interested in whether there is a collider between two variables(ie common effect),
we use this tool and the input is
{”cgname” : ..., ”interestingvar” : [...]}
, where interesting var is what Variable we want to test, cg name is the name of causal
generated by ’Generate Causal’.The output of the tool is yes or no or uncertainty and may be
the variable name of the collider.
this tool
Make sure the causal graph has been generated before using
Table A6. Confounder structure test tool’s prompt
Determine confounder: you should first generate causal graph and then use this tool. Useful
When we are interested in whether there is a cofounder (ie common cause) between two variables,
we use this tool and the input is
{”cgname” : ..., ”interestingvar” : [...]}
, where interesting var is what Variable we want to test, cg name is the name of causal
generated by ’Generate Causal’.The output of the tool is yes or no or uncertainty and the
backdoor path that may lead to the existence of the cofounder.
has been generated before using this tool
Make sure the causal graph
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Table A7. Causal relationship direction test tool’s prompt
Determine edge directions: you should first generate causal graph and then use this
tool.Useful when we are interested in whether there is a direct edge between two variables
and the direction of the edge (such as determining whether A directly leads to B)., we use this
tool and the input is
{”cgname” = ..., ”interestingvar” = [...]}
, where interesting var is what Variable we want to test, cg name is the name of causal
generated by ’Generate Causal’.The output of the tool is the relationship of two variables
(ie A cause B). Make sure the causal graph has been generated before using this tool
Table A8. Causal effect tool’s prompt
calculate CATE: Useful for when you need to calculate (conditional) average treatment effect
(ATE or CATE, etc. in math function is E(Y(T = T1) − Y(T = T0)|X = x) and means if we use
treatment, what uplift we will get from treatment).This tool use double machine learn algorithm
to calculate ate. input is a json with format
{” f ilename” : ..., con f ig : {Y : [...], T : [...], X : [...], T0 : ..., T1 : ...}}
. Y are names of outcome, T are names of treatment, X are names of covariate affect both T and
Y (i.e. confounder). T1 and T0 are two different values of T that need to be calculated in
ATE. you should extract each name from the description.
Appendix A.3. Data generate detail
We use the following prompt to guide ChatGPT3.5 to generate descriptions of causal
##Requirements: Suppose you are a statistician and need to perform causal analysis
on data. You need to use your imagination to compile a reasonable scene description
based on the following elements, and finally ask a question Q: " ". The scenario
description needs to be related to the problem and form a paragraph together with
the problem. This output must end up with the question format, either directly
end up with the question Q or the equivalent of the question Q. Below are all the
elements you need to use to describe the scenario (including those involved in the
question Q). Elements don’t exist in variables listed below are not allowed.
We use question template as follow:
Table A9. Independent test (IT)
"whether {} and {} is independent."
"Is {} independent of {}?
"Are {} and {} statistically independent?"
"Does the occurrence of {} independent on {}, or vice versa?"
"Can we assert {} and {} are independent, or are they related?"
"Can we consider {} and {} as independent events?"
"Do {} and {} independent and don’t have any influence on each other?"
"Is there no statistically correlation between {} and {}?"
"test whether Are {} and {} statistically unrelated or dependent?"
"Test the independence of {} and {}."
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Table A10. Condition independent test (CIT)
"whether {} and {} is independent under condition {}?"
"Is {} independent of {} given condition {}?"
"Are {} and {} statistically independent given the condition {}?"
"Does the independence of {} and {} hold true under condition {}?"
"Can we consider {} and {} as conditionally independent with respect to {}?"
"Is the independence between {} and {} maintained given the condition {}?"
"Are {} and {} conditionally independent with the presence of condition {}?"
"Can we assume that {} and {} are independent given the condition {}?"
"Is the independence of {} and {} upheld in the presence of condition {}?"
"Does the independence between {} and {} persist under the condition {}?"
Table A11. Mult-conditional independent test (MULTCIT)
"whether {} and {} is independent under conditions : "
"Determine the independence of {} and {} given the following conditions : "
"Examine if {} and {} are independent under the specified conditions : "
"Assess the independence between {} and {} with the provided conditions : "
"Investigate whether {} and {} exhibit independence given the outlined conditions : "
"Explore the independence of {} and {} under the given circumstances : "
"Ascertain if there is independence between {} and {} given the stated conditions : "
"Check for independence between {} and {} based on the conditions described : "
"Verify the independence status of {} and {} under the listed conditions : "
"Evaluate the independence of {} and {} under the mentioned conditions : "
"Examine whether {} and {} are independent, considering the provided conditions : "
Table A12. Directly cause (CAUSE)
"whether {} directly cause {}."
"Assess if {} has a direct causal impact on {}."
"Examine the direct causation relationship.if {} directly cause {}?"
"Investigate whether {} directly influences {}."
"Evaluate if there exists the direct causal connection from {} to {}."
"Scrutinize if {} leads to a direct causation of {}."
"Determine whether {} is a direct cause of {}."
"Assess if there is the direct causal link of {} to {}."
"Verify if {} directly results in the causation of {}."
Table A13. Collider (COLLIDER)
"Whether there exists at least one collider (i.e., common effect) of {} and {}"
"Determine if there is at least one common effect (collider) of both {} and {}."
"Assess the presence of a shared outcome, serving as a collider, for variables {} and {}."
"Examine the potential existence of a shared consequence as a collider for {} and {}."
"Evaluate if {} and {} share a common effect (collider)."
"Analyze the presence of a common outcome serving as a collider for {} and {}."
"Verify if there exists a shared effect, acting as a collider, for both {} and {}."
"Explore whether a common consequence is a collider for variables {} and {}."
"Assess the existence of at least one common effect (collider) between {} and {}."
Table A14. Confounder (CONF)
"There exists at least one confounder (i.e., common cause) of {} and {}."
"Confirm the presence of at least one common cause (confounder) influencing both {} and {}."
"Verify whether there exists a shared factor, acting as a confounder, for variables {} and {}."
"Examine the potential existence of a common cause (confounder) impacting both {} and {}."
"Assess if {} and {} share at least one confounding factor (common cause)."
"Scrutinize the presence of a shared influencing factor, serving as a confounder, for {} and
"Investigate whether there is at least one confounder affecting both {} and {}."
"Analyze the potential impact of a common cause (confounder) on variables {} and {}."
"Verify the presence of a shared influencing factor, acting as a confounder, for {} and {}."
"Explore whether a common factor is a confounder for variables {} and {}."
"Evaluate the existence of at least one confounder (common cause) between {} and {}."
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Table A15. Total variables’ causal graph (TOTAL)
"please generate causal graph of the input tabular data."
"Produce a causal graph representing the relationships within the given tabular data."
"Generate a directed graph that illustrates the causal connections inherent in the provided
tabular dataset."
"Create a graphical model depicting the causality among variables in the input tabular data."
"Construct a causal diagram illustrating the interdependencies among the variables in the
tabular dataset."
"Formulate a graph that visually represents the cause-and-effect relationships present in the
input tabular information."
"Develop a graphical representation outlining the causal structure of the tabular data."
"Build a directed acyclic graph (DAG) that reflects the causal influences within the input
tabular dataset."
"Establish a graphical model showcasing the causal links between variables derived from the
tabular data."
"Design a causal graph that visually captures the cause-and-effect relationships inherent in
the tabular information."
"Construct a directed graph that visually displays the causal pathways within the given tabular
Table A16. Parital variables’ causal graph (PARTIAL)
"Please generate a partial causal diagram for some of the following variables that interest me
: "
"Generate a subset of a causal diagram for the variables of interest : "
"Create a partial graphical model illustrating causal relationships among selected variables :
"Develop a restricted causal graph focusing on specific variables from the given set : "
"Formulate a partial directed acyclic graph (DAG) depicting causal connections for chosen
variables :
"Construct a limited causal diagram featuring only the variables of interest : "
"Produce a subsection of a graphical model, emphasizing the causal links within the selected
variables :
"Build a causal graph subset, emphasizing relationships among the variables you find intriguing
: "
"Develop a focused causal diagram, highlighting causal connections for the specified variables
: "
"Form a segment of a directed graph that visually represents causal relationships among chosen
variables :
"Create a restricted causal network, showcasing the partial causal influences among the
variables of interest : "
Table A17. Causal effect
calculate the Average Treatment Effect (ATE) of a continuous treatment variable {T} on an
outcome variable {Y}, given that the treatment {T} changes from {T0} to {T1}.
Appendix B. The detailed example of the causal agent with ICL
Answer the following questions as best you can. You have access to the following
condition independent test: Useful for when you need to test the *** independent or
d-separate *** of variable A and variable B condition on variable C. input should be
a json with format below
{” f ilename” : ..., ”interestingvar” : [...], ”condition” : [...]}
interesting var is a list of variables user interested in. for example, if user want to
test independent(d-separate) between X and Y condition on Z,W,Q , interesting var
, condition is
[”X”, ”Y”]
[”Z”, ”W”, ”Q”]
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. condition is
Generate Causal: Useful for when you need to generate causal graph (or partial
causal graph). input should be a json with format below
{” f ilename” : ..., ”analyserelationship” : ..., ”interestingvar” : [...](Optional)}
.if you want to analyse relationship between variables( such as cause effect,
coufounder , Collider), analyse relationship = "True" and please generate com-
plete causal graph and interesting var is [](which means causal graph contain all
variables) .if we only need to generate **partial causal graph** (for example, generate
a partial causal graph for some variables), interesting var is used and it’s values are
list of variables appear in causal graph and analyse relationship is "False".Further
more, if needed, you can analyse variables relationship in causal graph generated by
this tool through these tools : Determine collider,Determine confounder,Determine
edge direction
Determine collider: you should first generate causal graph and then use this
tool.Useful When we are interested in whether there is a collider between two
variables(ie common effect), we use this tool and the input is
{”cgname” : ..., ”interestingvar” : [...]}
, where interesting var is what Variable we want to test, cg name is the name
of causal generated by ’Generate Causal’.The output of the tool is yes or no or
uncertainty and may be the variable name of the collider. Make sure the causal
graph has been generated before using this tool
Determine confounder: you should first generate causal graph and then use this
tool.Useful When we are interested in whether there is a cofounder (ie common
cause) between two variables, we use this tool and the input is
{”cgname” : ..., ”interestingvar” : [...]}
, where interesting var is what Variable we want to test, cg name is the name
of causal generated by ’Generate Causal’.The output of the tool is yes or no or
uncertainty and the backdoor path that may lead to the existence of the cofounder.
Make sure the causal graph has been generated before using this tool
Determine edge directions: you should first generate causal graph and then use
this tool.Useful when we are interested in whether there is a direct edge between
two variables and the direction of the edge (such as determining whether A directly
leads to B)., we use this tool and the input is
{”cgname” = ..., ”interestingvar” = [...]}
, where interesting var is what Variable we want to test, cg name is the name of
causal generated by ’Generate Causal’.The output of the tool is the relationship of
two variables (ie A cause B). Make sure the causal graph has been generated before
using this tool
calculate CATE: Useful for when you need to calculate (conditional) average treat-
ment effect (ATE or CATE, etc. in math function is E(Y(T = T1) − Y(T = T0)|X =
x) and means if we use treatment, what uplift we will get from treatment).This tool
use double machine learn algorithm to calculate ate. input is a json with format
{” f ilename” : ..., con f ig : {Y : [...], T : [...], X : [...], T0 : ..., T1 : ...}}
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. Y are names of outcome, T are names of treatment, X are names of covariate affect
both T and Y (i.e. confounder). T1 and T0 are two different values of T that need to
be calculated in ATE. you should extract each name from the description.
Use the following format:
Question: the input question you must answer
Thought: you should always think about what to do
Action: the action to take, should be one of
[Determine collider,Determine confounder,Determine edge directions,condition
independent test,Generate Causal,calculate ATE]
Action Input: the input to the action
Observation: the result of the action
... (this Thought/Action/Action Input/Observation can repeat N times)
Thought: I now know the final answer
Final Answer: the final answer to the original input question
The doctor wants to explore the relationship between smoking, lung cancer, and
yellow fingers, so he collects a batch of data, stores it in ’data.csv’, and gives the
following proposition: if all of the statements are false, output no; if one of the
statements is true, output uncertain; if all of the statements are true, output yes. The
proposition is as follows:
1. Yellow fingers are a cause of lung cancer
2. There is a collider between yellow finger and lung cancer
3. There is a confounder between yellow fingers and lung cancer
4. Yellow fingers and lung cancer are independent of each other given smoking
The output is just formatted as a json string, such as {”answer” : ”yes”}.
Thought: I need to generate a causal diagram, and then analyze the causal and
independent relationships between variables to judge the correctness of each
Action:Generate Causal
Action Input:{” f ilename” : ”data.csv”, ”analyserelationship” : ”True”}
Observation:causal graph named ’data’ is generate succeed! and have written to the
I need to use the Determine edge directions tool to determine if
the yellow finger is the cause of smoking
Action:Determine edge directions
[”yellow f ingers”, ”lungcancer”]}
Observation:There is no direct edge linking yellow finger and cancer
”data”, ”interestingvar”
Thought: There is no direct causal link between yellow finger and lung cancer. The
proposition "yellow finger is the cause of lung cancer" is wrong. I need to continue
to determine whether there is a collider between yellow finger and lung cancer
Action:Determine collider
[”yellow f ingers”, ”lungcancer”]}
Observation:There don’t exists collider Smoking of yellow fingers and lung cancer
”data”, ”interestingvar”
Thought: There is no collider between yellow finger and lung cancer, I need to
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continue to determine whether there is a confounder between yellow finger and
lung cancer
Action:Determine confounder
[”yellow f ingers”, ”lungcancer”]}
Observation:yes, There is an unblocked backdoor path between yellow finger and
lung cancer so confounder exists. Backdoor path: yellow fingers, smoking, lung
”data”, ”interestingvar”
Thought: There is an unblocked backdoor path between yellow finger and
lung cancer, so there is a confounder, and it is smoking, I need to continue to
determine whether yellow finger and lung cancer are independent of each other
given smoking
Action:condition independent test
[”yellow f ingers”, ”lungcancer”], ”condition” : [”somking”]}
Observation:yellow fingers and lung cancer is independent under conditions:
”data.csv”, ”interestingvar”
Input:{” f ilename”
Thought:i now get the final answer.
I have analyzed the four propositions,
among which the confounder between yellow fingers and lung cancer is correct,
and the others are all wrong, so the answer is uncertian
Final Answer:{”answer” : ”uncertain”}
Answer the following questions with examples:
Question:Consider four elements : age, weight, sleep time, cancer. With the ad-
vancement of age, individuals should pay closer attention to their weight and sleep
duration, as these factors can significantly impact their overall health and the risk
of developing cancer. Doctors are very interested in the relationship between these
variables, and therefore, they have chosen to collect a set of data through experi-
ments. Please assist the doctors in answering whether there is a collider of weight
on cancer.if exist collider, please give it name. csv data store in ‘4 6 3.csv’ .
> Entering new AgentExecutor chain...
I need to first generate a causal graph to analyze the relationship between age,
weight, sleep time, and cancer.
Action: Generate Causal
Action Input: {” f ilename” : ”463.csv”, ”analyserelationship” : ”True”}
Observation: causal graph named ’4 6 3.csv 2’ is generate succeed! and have written
to the memory and file ’4 6 3.csv 2’.
Thought:Now that I have generated the causal graph, I can use the Determine
collider tool to check for a collider between weight and cancer.
Action: Determine collider
Action Input: {”cgname” : ”463.csv2”, ”interestingvar” : [”weight”, ”cancer”]}
Observation: There exists at least one collider sleep time of weight and cancer
Version August 14, 2024 submitted to Entropy
26 of 28
Thought:I now know that there is a collider of weight on cancer, and the collider is
sleep time.
Final Answer: The collider of weight on cancer is sleep time.
> Finished chain.
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ai_researcher | 1 | Manipulation_of_lexical_choice_aspects_in_the_creation_of_stereotypes_and_ideas_in_Russian_propaganda.pdf | 5. Technological Approaches to Detecting Online Disinformation
and Manipulation
Aleš Horák, Vít Baisa, Ondřej Herman
5.1 Introduction
The move of propaganda and disinformation to the online environment is possible thanks to
the fact that within the last decade, digital information channels radically increased in
popularity as a news source. The main advantage of such media lies in the speed of
information creation and dissemination. This, on the other hand, inevitably adds pressure,
accelerating editorial work, fact-checking, and the scrutiny of source credibility.
In this chapter, an overview of computer-supported approaches to detecting
disinformation and manipulative techniques based on several criteria is presented. We
concentrate on the technical aspects of automatic methods which support fact-checking, topic
identification, text style analysis, or message filtering on social media channels. Most of the
techniques employ artificial intelligence and machine learning with feature extraction
combining available information resources. The following text firstly specifies the tasks
related to computer detection of manipulation and disinformation spreading. The second
section presents concrete methods of solving the tasks of the analysis, and the third sections
enlists current verification and benchmarking datasets published and used in this area for
evaluation and comparison.
5.2 Task specification
With the growth of digital-born and social media publishing, the origin of news distributed to
the general public can be easily performed and the process of publishing a message to a wide
group of readers is extremely simplified. This opens new possibilities for any pressure group
to publish disinformation or purpose-modified news, which are expressed so as to be
apparently accepted as objective reporting of current events (Woolley and Howard 2018). On
the other hand, the predetermined availability of the texts in an online digital form opens new
possibilities for the detection of such persuasive techniques through the analysis of the
content, the style of the text, and its broader context.
The presented approaches usually distinguish the two main aspects of the analysed
texts: (a) whether the text is intentionally truthless (disinformation, fake news), or (b)
whether the text refers to an actual event or situation but the form and content is adapted from
an objective description for a reason (propaganda, manipulation). Note that the first category
usually does not include ‘misinformation’, that is, texts which are unintentionally truthless,
where their author is convinced the message is faithful (see chapter 1).
5.2.1 Fake news detection
In general, a fully capable technical method to recognise that an input text contains truthless
statement(s) would have to be implemented as an omniscient oracle. In practice, the task of
fake news detection uses various second-level aspects of the text, which can be handled by a
thorough analysis of the available data (Kavanagh, Rich 2018). Fake news detection
approaches include:
● fact-checking,
● source credibility analysis,
● information flow analysis, and
● manipulative style recognition.
The fact-checking or verification approach implements the most logical idea of
verifying whether a message is true or not, which resembles the same process executed by a
human expert—a journalist when processing the input information, for example. In the
automated approach, the text first needs to be analysed using natural language processing
(NLP) methods, and individual objective fact statements or claims are identified.
Consequently, each individual fact is verified—confirmed or refuted, usually with a
confidence score—by comparing the statement to a predefined source of knowledge, for
example, knowledge graphs built from Wikipedia texts (Ciampaglia et al. 2015); manual
datasets of verified facts prepared by human experts, such as CNN Facts First or PolitiFact by
the Poynter Institute (Hassan et al. 2017); or collaborative verification by a network of
engaged specialists, such as CaptainFact or CrossCheck (Cazalens et al. 2018). Collaborative
verification can be used in the broader sense of the claim verification process as the involved
community can also judge the truthfulness of images and video content, which is still
unrealistic with automated tools. In the process of simplifying and distributing the process of
fact annotation, Duke University and Google Research (Adair et al. 2017) have published an
open standard entitled ClaimReview, which details how to annotate the result of checking
someone else’s claims. Accessible online ClaimReviews are then aggregated and used for the
continuous expansion of fact-checking databases. Since the ratio of possible errors in the fact
processing chain is still rather high, practical tools for fact-checking usually offer multiple
fact verification sources and offer the automated results as expert supporting tools where the
final decision is left to the human specialist. Exploiting fact-supporting tools became such an
important part of serious news preparation that a completely new style of editing has been
defined as ‘computational’ or ‘digital journalism’ (Caswell, Anderson 2019).
Source credibility analysis exploits information about the origin of the text. This
method can of course be inclined to counterfeiting or interpolating the source identification,
but in cases where the text author is sufficiently documented, source credibility offers an
important piece of information. The simplest case of source analysis takes the form of
consulting a trustworthy database of internet IP addresses as this is the primary information
about where an online text originated. An example of such a general database (and
accompanying tools, e.g. web browser extensions) is the Adblock Plus tool, which allows for
the management of multiple blacklisted (forbidden) and whitelisted (allowed) sources,
including external community created lists, such as EasyList (Wills, Uzunoglu 2016).
Intensive efforts in source certification widen the simple address-based judgement with
transparency rules for best practices, covering citation and references work, reporter
expertise, or other trust indicators. Even though those approaches can include analysis via
automated tools, the main aspect of the credibility decisions is driven by human experts
organised in an established initiative, such as Trust Project Indicators or the International
Fact-Checking Network (Graves 2016).
According to Shearer (2018), more than two-thirds of US adults receive news via
social media such as Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter. These networks provide detailed
information about the process of sharing each message across the network and thus open the
possibility of an information flow analysis. For example, TwitterTrails (Finn et al. 2014) uses
knowledge from the Twitter network about the originator, the burst time and the whole
timeline of the message, the propagators, and other actors related to the message (including
the audience), and it checks whether there are any refutations of the message in the flow.
Vosoughi et al. (2018) have shown that false news spreads substantially faster and reaches
more people than true stories; while the most retweeted true news arrived to about a thousand
people, the same category of false news found their way to tens of thousands of readers. The
Hoaxy Twitter analysis system by Indiana University (Shao et al. 2016) has gathered and
published the Misinformation and Fact-Checking Diffusion Network, consisting of more than
20 million retweets with timestamp and user identifiers, allowing for the observation and
quantification of all message flows between Twitter users, including important statistical
information about user activity and URL popularity. The data allows automated bot users to
be distinguished from real humans as well as the identification of influence centres or the
origins of selected fake news.
The fourth category of fake news detection tasks leans on the fact that intentional
disinformation is often expressed with a specific expressive style in order to promote the
intended manipulation of the reader. Manipulative style recognition also belongs among the
detection techniques described in the next section devoted to the recognition of
propagandistic texts. With fake news, the characteristic style of the news usually forms a
supplemental indicator and is analysed in combination with other factors. Volkova et al.
(2017) designed a neural network model processing text, social graph and stylistic markers
expressing bias, subjectivity, persuasiveness, and moral foundations cues. They showed that
linguistic or stylistic analysis significantly improved the results.
5.2.2 Detection of manipulative techniques
Within this chapter, we define propagandistic news as texts which report about (at least
partially) true events or facts but use specific manipulative techniques, framing the content of
the messages in a purposeful way to promote political, economic, or other goals (see chapter
1). Basic algorithms to detect propaganda have been published for more than eighty years
(Institute for Propaganda Analysis 1938), naturally for processing by people, not machines.
The instructions presented seven stylistic techniques (propaganda devices) used by
manipulators in the text, such as name-calling, transfer, or bandwagoning. In the current
detection procedures, this main task remains very similar: to identify whether any specific
reader manipulation technique exists in the text.1
Everybody has met at one point the most widespread example of simple
propagandistic texts: spam email messages or web spam (Metaxas 2010). Unlike antispam
techniques, which are based on the weighted occurrence scores of specific words and word
1 For detailed lists of the current analysed techniques, see section 4.4 ‘Datasets and evaluation’.
combinations, the style of propaganda in news is analysed with complex metrics of
computational stylometry. The question of whether the studied message contains a specific
manipulative technique or not is here shifted to the question of whether the message is
written in a specific style usually used with that manipulation device. Besides propaganda
style detection, stylometric methods are used to recognise anonymous authorship attribution
or personal information about the text author, such as his or her gender, age, education, or
native language (Neal et al. 2017). The input data for stylometric methods is formed by a
multitude of measurable quantitative features in the input text—besides the words and word
combinations themselves, the metrics exploit information about the statistics of word and
sentence lengths, world class co-occurrences, syntactic (sub)structures, emoticons,
typographical and grammatical errors, punctuation marks, and so on. Within the algorithms
of manipulative technique recognition, these features can be supplemented with information
drawn from user profile analyses or publicly available traits of a previous user’s behaviour,
such as ratings or registration date (Peleschyshyn et al. 2016). In detailed analyses, especially
when seeking specific explanations, the identification task orients from whole documents to
individual sentences where a manipulative technique should be discovered (Da San Martino
et al. 2019).
5.2.3 Generating fictive content
Language models are probabilistic devices which can predict the probability a sequence of
words is a correct phrase in a language. Besides this function, language models may be also
used for generating artificial text, which resembles a text written by a human. Until recently,
generated texts were not able to ‘fool’ a human reader if the generated sequence was longer
than one or two sentences. However, in 2019, the OpenAI group published a new neural
model named GPT-2 (Radford et al. 2019) which was able to generate coherent newspaper
articles of several paragraphs which sound authentic to a reader. The main reason for this
change was the growth of both the data used for training as well as the size of the underlying
neural network architecture. Following this, other current neural approaches, especially
BERT (Devlin et al. 2019) and Grover (Zellers et al. 2019), proved it possible to generate
thematically predetermined fictive news which is very difficult to distinguish from real
human-generated newspaper texts. Zellers et al. (2019) showed that propaganda texts
generated by Grover were on average evaluated as better in style than human written
propaganda. In such a case, the opposite question of deciding whether a news text was
written by a human or generated as a fictive one by a machine becomes crucial. Fortunately,
the same techniques used for generations can also be exploited for detection, and, at this task,
they reach super-human performance.
5.3 Methods specification
The amount of information posted online is very large and keeps growing as the Internet
becomes more widely available and as users move from established media channels to
consume and generate more content online. The immediate nature of the Internet combined
with the humongous amount of content to be checked for malicious influence precludes any
possibility of manual inspection of any significant part of online traffic before it is spread
among more and more users. Various automated methods have been proposed to monitor and
detect the actions of malicious actors online. In this section, we present a summary of these
The methods can be broadly classified into four classes. (1) Fact-checking based
methods inspect the information content of the articles. Automated knowledge extraction is
still in its infancy, the usual approach is therefore semi-automatic, where the algorithmically
extracted facts are verified by human annotators and then checked against a knowledge base.
(2) Manipulative style recognition methods are based on the assumption that deception can be
detected from surface features of the content. The cues include, for example, vocabulary
used, sentiment, loaded language, subjectivity, and others. (3) Methods based on source
credibility rely on the belief that unreliable users and sources have a higher probability of
spreading deceptive information. Collaborative filtering based on crowdsourced data, where
users vote on posts or articles, can be used. Based on these noisy votes, the aim is to extract a
reliable signal from which posters or the posts themselves can be classified as malicious. A
closely related research stream is based on (4) information flow analysis. The object of the
study is the flow of information between different sources and users and the interaction
between them.
As the task of fake news identification is only specified very vaguely, and no
objective large-scale test set of fake news currently exists, comparison between different
approaches is difficult. In the following sections, we describe the most common approaches
to deception detection.
5.3.1 Fact-checking
Manual fact-checking by experts is a very reliable way of distinguishing fake news.
However, it is very laborious and time-consuming and, therefore, expensive and not scalable
with the amount of information being generated.
In addition to websites disseminating expert provided fact-checking, such as Snopes,
which is one of the oldest websites debunking myths, or Hoax Slayer, dedicated mainly to
combating email and social media hoaxes, websites aiming to provide crowdsourced fact-
checking services have been appearing recently, for example, CrossCheck, Trive, or Fiskkit.
The fact-checking task can be split into two steps. The first step deals with the
extraction of facts from the text, and, in the second step, the truthfulness of these facts is
verified against a reliable knowledge base—in other words, a predefined database of (human)
verified facts in a machine-readable format. A common knowledge representation format is
the SPO (subject– predicate–object) triple as defined in the Resource Description Framework
(Klyne et al. 2014). For example, the assertion ‘The capital of France is Paris’ would be
represented as (Paris–capital_of–France). The knowledge can be understood as a knowledge
graph, where the subjects and objects represent nodes and predicates form links between
these nodes.
Approaches to knowledge base construction range from the manually built Freebase
(Bollacker et al. 2008) or DBpedia (Auer et al. 2007), which extract structured facts from
Wikipedia, to Knowledge Vault (Dong et al. 2014), which extracts facts from web content
and also provides the probability of correctness of stored facts. These resources are mainly
focused on common knowledge about the world, which changes relatively slowly, whereas
fact-checking recent stories requires access to current and potentially rapidly changing
While a knowledge base can be universal and built collaboratively from many
sources, the fact-checking process is constrained to specific documents. No reliable automatic
method for extracting check-worthy facts has been created yet. One possible approach
towards this end has been described in Hassan et al. (2017). The authors created the
ClaimBuster fact-checking platform, which contains a claim spotting model built on top of a
human-labelled dataset of check-worthy claims. The system uses machine learning and
natural language processing of live discourses, social media, and news to identify factual
claims which are compared against a database of facts verified by professionals.
Fact confirmation or refutation based on a knowledge base requires a sophisticated
search through the database. Ciampaglia et al. (2015) present a method for verifying specific
claims by finding the shortest path between concept nodes in a knowledge graph of facts
extracted from Wikipedia infoboxes. Published and generally known facts are often not fully
covered in one specific knowledge base. Trivedi et al. (2018) describe LinkNBed, a
framework able to effectively process multiple knowledge graphs and identify entity links
across the databases. The linkage information then allows the resulting facts to be combined
from different knowledge bases.
The fact extraction and verification (FEVER) shared task (Thorne et al. 2018)
provides a comparison of 23 competing systems for automated fact-checking. The benchmark
dataset consists of 185,445 human-generated claims, manually evaluated against textual
evidence from Wikipedia to be true or false. The best scoring participant managed to obtain a
64.21% accuracy in correctly classified claims. The approach described in Nie et al. (2019)
improves this result to obtain 66.49% accuracy.
Fact-checking is possibly the most reliable and accurate approach of detecting fake
news; current automated methods serve mainly as (advanced) supporting tools. Approaches
which can be deployed now must be human assisted, with annotators extracting claims from
articles while fact-checking against a knowledge graph is provided automatically.
5.3.2 Manipulative style recognition
The assumption on which these methods are based is that the veracity of text can be assessed
from its secondary characteristics and not directly from the semantics of the message itself.
The mechanism has been theorised to be possibly subconscious (Zhou, Zhang 2008; Siering
et al. 2016)—if the author knows that a piece of information is deceptive, or his intent is
malicious, he or she will change the way the message is formulated. This theory has been
confirmed in practice, and many successful methods based on this approach have been
The general task is to predict, for a given article or post, whether it is deceptive or not.
Older methods tend to operate on the whole investigated piece, while recent approaches are
more fine-grained and also attempt to pinpoint the exact locations in the text in which
deceptive techniques appear.
The methods build on the standard machinery of natural language processing and
machine learning in which text classification has been studied extensively. The task is usually
specified in a supervised setting. An annotated corpus consisting of representative examples
of both truthful and deceptive posts is used as a training set for a machine learning classifier.
The classifier attempts to find patterns in the training data, and it is then able to predict the
authenticity of previously unseen articles.
In contrast to older methods which train the classifiers on various hand-crafted
features extracted from the text ranging from simple measures, such as the presence of
specific words or phrases, the amount of special characters, expletives, spelling errors, length
of sentences, and the ratio of modal verbs, to complex ones, such as the writer’s stance
towards the topic discussed, its readability score, or the syntactic structure of the text, recent
approaches widely employ deep learning methods where the classifier operates directly on
the source text.
The main issue for style-based methods lies in constructing the gold standard datasets
as humans have been shown to be poor at detecting deception (Rubin 2010). Nevertheless,
style-based methods are a very active research area, possibly for multiple reasons: No
external information is necessary, only the content itself; text classification methods are well
studied in natural language processing, with many different applications; and style-based
methods generalise well and can be easily applied to previously unseen data in isolation.
Some interesting results of style-based deception detection are presented below.
One of the first methods is described in Burgoon et al. (2003). The authors aim to
discriminate deceptive chat communications using a decision tree classifier on simple
features extracted from the text. Song et al. (2012) describe their experiments in detecting
deceptive reviews and essays by adding the syntactic structure of text to word sequence and
part-of-speech features, and they note that syntactic features along with unigrams reach the
best accuracy. Chen et al. (2015) suggest detecting misleading content by detecting clickbait2
in news article headlines using support vector machines, but they do not provide a rigorous
evaluation. Rubin et al. (2015) look at using features based on rhetorical structure theory
(Mann, Thompson 1987) for identifying deceptive news along with a logistic regression
based classifier. While the reported accuracy is low, the authors claim this might be due to
the limited amount of training data. The work of Popoola (2017) evaluates rhetorical structure
theory features against deceptive Amazon reviews and notes a significant correlation.
2 Hyperlinks or headlines crafted to deceptively attract attention.
The experiments of Rubin et al. (2016) describe a predictive method for
discriminating between satirical and truthful news articles using support vector machines
based on an article’s vocabulary and additional features quantifying negative affect,
absurdity, humour, grammar, and punctuation. The obtained precision is 0.90, recall 0.84.
Reis et al. (2019) compare multiple classifiers on a large set of features extracted from the
BuzzFeed dataset and conclude that XGBoost (Chen, Guestrin 2016) and Random Forests
(Breiman 2001) provide the best results in the context of fake news classification. This
supports the conclusions of Fernández-Delgado et al. (2014), which compares 179 different
machine learning classifiers in a more general setting. While the previously described
approaches use a diverse set of classifiers, the extracted features can be used to train any of
the classifiers presented. Similarly Horák et al. (2019) applied a variety of classifiers to the
dataset described in section 4.4.4, ‘Dataset of propaganda techniques in Czech news portals
(MU dataset)’, achieving accuracy up to 0.96 and weighted F1 0.85 with support vector
machines trained using stochastic gradient descent.
A thorough evaluation of Mitra et al. (2017) uncovers words and phrases which
correlate with a high or low credibility perception of event reports on Twitter. While this
information does not directly provide a signal related to fake news, it can be used to assess
how credible and, therefore, dangerous a post will appear to be.
The approaches presented so far process the input texts in a limited workflow
scenario. First, each text is analysed and a set of preselected features (binary or numeric) is
extracted in a table row form. All automated processing then works only with the resulting
table. Such an approach reveals and summarises important aspects of the input news article,
which are often sufficient and necessary for the resulting decision. However, the tabular
methods are not able to distinguish subtle differences in the meaning based on the order of
information (e.g. words) in the text. This is the reason why recurrent neural network (RNN)
architectures, such as long short-term memory (LSTM) networks (Hochreiter, Schmidhuber
1997), have been designed to operate on word sequences instead of just extracted tabular
features and are able to discriminate based on long distance meaning dependencies in the
input context. The capture, score, and integrate (CSI) model (Ruchansky et al. 2017) employs
a complex hybrid system which uses information about user engagement and source in
addition to the article text and trains a recurrent neural network with this data. The reported
accuracy on a Twitter dataset for classifying false information is 0.89.
Volkova et al. (2017) evaluate various deep neural network architectures against
traditional methods and find a significant improvement in classification accuracy when
including certain social network and linguistic features. The presented neural network models
benefited strongly from additional inputs denoted as bias cues (e.g. expressions of
tentativeness and possibility as well as assertive, factive, or implicative verbs), subjectivity
cues (positive and negative subjective words and opinion words), psycholinguistic cues
(persuasive and biased language), and moral foundation cues (appeals to moral foundations,
such as care and harm, fairness and cheating, or loyalty and betrayal). Ajao et al. (2018)
describe an RNN model for the detection of fake news on Twitter and achieve 0.82 accuracy
on the PHEME dataset (Zubiaga et al. 2016), beating the previous state-of-the-art result.
The shared task described in Da San Martino et al. (2019) evaluated the performance
of 25 systems for detection of 18 different deceptive techniques in news articles and the
specific locations in which they appear. The most successful approaches employ the BERT
(bidirectional encoder representations from transformers) language model (Devlin et al.
2018) to obtain an abstract representation of the text. The best reported F1 for identifying
deceptive techniques at the sentence level is 0.63. The best result for obtaining the locations
reaches F1 0.23. The dataset used for training and evaluation of the techniques is described in
section 4.4.3, ‘Dataset for fine-grained propaganda detection (QCRI dataset)’.
5.3.3 Source credibility
An article published on an unreliable website by an unreliable user is much more likely to be
unreliable. From this perspective, the reliability of an article can be assessed independently of
its content. In the analysis of Silverman (2016), it is shown that a vast majority of fake news
comes from either hyper-partisan websites or fake news websites pretending to be regular
news outlets. Therefore, identifying spam websites can assist in identifying unreliable
sources. Traditional website reliability metrics which had been used by search engines, such
as PageRank (Page et al. 1999), are not useful today as spammers have managed to overcome
them, so new approaches are necessary.
The work of Esteves et al. (2018) provides a method of assessing the credibility of
news sites by applying various machine learning methods to indicators, such as the article
text content (e.g. text category, outbound links, contact information, or readability metrics)
and the article metadata (e.g. the website domain, the time of the last update, or specific
HTML tags). The authors exclude social-based features, such as popularity and link structure,
as these rely on external data sources which can be easily manipulated and access to the
information at scale is expensive.
Another approach attempts to identify automated malicious users and bots that spread
misleading information. Mehta et al. (2007) characterise the behaviour of spam users and the
patterns of their operations and propose a statistical method of identifying these users based
on outlier detection.
Abbasi and Liu (2013) describe the CredRank algorithm which quantifies user
credibility. The main idea is that malicious users cooperate and form larger and more
coherent clusters compared to regular users, who are likely to form smaller clusters. Shu et al.
(2017) devise a framework for evaluating news credibility based on the relationship between
the publisher, the news piece, user engagement, and social links among the users. These
metrics are obtained from different sources and then the resulting score is extracted using
optimisation methods.
5.3.4 Information flow analysis
This approach is based on the patterns in which fake news propagates—how users and other
sources interact with it, and how it is shared. As actual empirical information on the
prevalence of fake news is sparse, studies in this field also commonly investigate rumours or
unconfirmed news which can be identified more easily.
A central concept for this approach is a propagation tree or propagation cascade (Wu
et al. 2015; Vosoughi et al. 2018). The tree consists of nodes, representing posts, and edges,
which connect pairs of posts. The edges represent the relationship between the posts—
commonly is a share of or is a response to. The root of the propagation tree is the original
The propagation patterns of fake news and those of regular news differ. Vosoughi et
al. (2018) analyse the diffusion of verified true and false news stories on Twitter and report
that falsehoods diffuse significantly farther, faster, and broader than truth. This effect was
even more pronounced for political news. The authors report that they did not observe any
acceleration in the propagation of false news due to the effect of bots, which suggests that
humans, not bots, are the cause of the faster spread of false news.
The inherent weakness of these methods is their need to first observe the behaviour of
a significant amount of users in order to make any judgements, so their predictive power is
low in the early diffusion stages; reliable predictions can be obtained only after most of the
damage had already been done.
5.4 Datasets and evaluation
Despite the importance of the task, there are only a few existing datasets suitable to evaluate
automatic methods for the analysis and detection of propaganda. In this section, we describe
them in detail.
In general, the datasets are rather small, which is due to the often complex annotation
process. Annotators need to go through specific training and the annotation itself is also very
tedious. Annotation schemes differ, so the datasets are hard to compare as each of them
serves a different purpose and is suitable for different tasks. The datasets are also
heterogenous and not all are in English.
5.4.1 Trusted, satire, hoax, and propaganda (TSHP) 2017 corpus
For the purpose of language analysis of fake news, Rashkin et al. (2017) have prepared a
dataset comprising articles from eleven sources and labelled with four classes: trusted
(articles from Gigaword News–see Graff, Cieri 2003), satire (The Onion, The Borowitz
Report, Clickhole), hoax (American News, DC Gazette) and propaganda (The Natural News,
Activist Report), together 22,580 news articles fairly balanced between the classes. The data
is available for download (Rashkin, n.d.; Rashkin et al. 2017). The accompanied linguistic
analysis showed that the level of news reliability can be predicted using the detection of
certain language devices, such as subjectives (brilliant), superlatives, or action adverbs
5.4.2 QProp corpus
Barrón-Cedeño et al. (2019) have built a dataset containing 52 thousand articles from over
one hundred news sources. The articles are annotated on the document level with either
‘propagandistic’ (positive) or ‘non-propagandistic’ (negative) labels. If an article comes from
a source considered ‘propagandistic’ by Media Bias Fact Check (Media Bias/Fact Check,
n.d.), then it is labelled as positive. Authors also added meta-information from the GDELT
project ( Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone, see
Leetaru, Schrodt 2013)
. The
corpus is available for download (Barrón-Cedeño et al. 2019).
5.4.3 Dataset for fine-grained propaganda detection (QCRI dataset)
The dataset has been used in the shared task on fine-grained propaganda detection, organised
in 2019 as a part of the ‘Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing’
and the ‘9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing’. It has also been
used for ‘Hack the News Datathon Case—Propaganda Detection’ held in January 2019 and in
‘Semeval 2020’ for Task 11. It has been provided by researchers from the Qatar Computing
Research Institute (QCRI).
The authors worked with propaganda defined as ‘whenever information is
purposefully shaped to foster a predetermined agenda’. The propaganda in the dataset is
classified into the following 18 types of manipulative techniques:
loaded language (strongly positive and negative, emotionally loaded vocabulary);
2. name-calling or labelling (linking subjects with words of fear, hate, desire, and other
repetition (i.e. ‘a lie that is repeated a thousand times becomes truth’);
4. exaggeration or minimisation;
5. doubt;
6. appeal to fear/prejudice;
flag-waving (playing on a strong national, ethnic, racial, cultural, or political feeling);
8. causal oversimplification (replacing a complex issue with one cause);
9. slogans;
10. appeal to authority;
11. black-and-white fallacy, dictatorship3 (eliminating many options with only two
alternatives or even with only a single right choice);
12. thought-terminating cliché (e.g. ‘stop thinking so much’ or ‘the Lord works in
mysterious ways’);
13. whataboutism (do not argue but charge opponents with hypocrisy);
3 This manipulative technique is sometimes referred as a false dilemma.
14. reductio ad Hitlerum (Hitler hated chocolate, X hates chocolate, therefore X is a
15. red herring (divert attention away by introducing something irrelevant);
16. bandwagoning (a form of argumentum ad populum);
17. obfuscation, intentional vagueness, and confusion (deliberately unclear language); and
18. straw man (arguing with a false and superficially similar proposition as if an argument
against the proposition were an argument against the original proposition).
A more detailed explanation of the techniques is described in Da San Martino et al.
(2019). The dataset has been created by a private company named A Data Pro and contains
451 articles gathered from 48 news outlets (372 from propagandistic and 79 from non-
propagandistic sources). The dataset contains 21,230 sentences (350,000 words) with 7,485
instances of propaganda technique use. The most common are loaded language and
The inter-annotator agreement has been assessed with a gamma measure (Mathet et
al. 2015) suitable for tasks with annotations containing potentially overlapping spans. For an
independent annotation of four annotators and six articles 𝛾 = 0.31. To improve this rather
low agreement, the annotation schema was changed, and pairs of annotators came up with a
final annotation together with a consolidator. This yielded a significantly higher 𝛾 (up to
0.76) when measured between an individual annotator and the appropriate consolidated
Below is a sentence example with an annotation:
‘In a glaring sign of just how 400stupid and petty416 things have become in
Washington these days, Manchin was invited on Fox News Tuesday morning to
discuss how he was one of the only Democrats in the chamber for the State of the
Union speech 607not looking as though Trump 635killed his grandma653.’
The three fragments are labelled as follows:
1. 400 416 loaded language;
2. 607 653 exaggeration or minimisation; and
3. 635 653 loaded language.
5.4.4 Dataset of propaganda techniques in Czech news portals (MU dataset)
Since 2016, researchers from the Department of Political Science at the Faculty of Social
Studies, Masaryk University (MU) have been collecting and manually annotating propaganda
techniques at document-level in articles from four Czech media outlets4 with a frequent
pro-Russian bias and/or manipulative content as the original research focus has been mainly
on pro-Russian propaganda. Since 2017, the annotation has been made more fine-grained,
and techniques have also been annotated at the phrase-level. This was accomplished by using
a dedicated editor built by researchers from the Natural Language Processing Centre at the
Faculty of Informatics, MU.
The dataset contains binary and multi-value attributes with the phrase-level attributes
capturing the presence of a certain kind of manipulation and the document-level attributes
framing the broader context of the news article.
Phrase-level attributes (with possible values) include:
1. blaming (yes/no/not sure; accusing someone of something);
labelling (yes/no/not sure);
3. argumentation (yes/no/not sure; does the text contains arguments for or against a
4. emotions (outrage/compassion/fear/hatred/other/not sure);
5. demonising (yes/no/not sure; extreme form of negative labelling);
relativising (yes/no/not sure);
fearmongering (yes/no/not sure; appeal to fear, uncertainty, or threat);
fabulation (yes/no/not sure; rumouring and fabrication);
9. opinion (yes/no/not sure; does the text contain the clearly stated opinion of the
10. location (EU/Czech Republic/USA/other country/Russia/Slovakia/not sure);
11. source (yes/no/not sure; is the proposition backed up with a reference?);
12. Russia (positive example/neutral/victim/negative example/hero/not sure; how is
Russia portrayed?);
13. expert (yes/no/not sure; is the fact corroborated by an expert?); and
4,,, and
14. attitude towards a politician (positive/neutral/negative/acclaiming/not sure).
Document-level attributes include:
15. topic (migration crisis/domestic policy/foreign policy [diplomacy]/society [social
situation]/energy/social policy/conflict in Ukraine/culture/conflict in Syria/arms
policy/economy [finance]/conspiracy/other);
16. genre (news/interview/commentary);
17. focus (foreign/domestic/both/not sure); and
18. overall sentiment (positive/neutral/negative).
The dataset was described in detail in Horák et al. (2019) but was later enlarged with
annotated data from 2018. It contains 5,500 documents from 2016, 1,994 documents from
2017, and 2,200 documents from 2018. The documents from 2016 are annotated one
annotator per article, but before annotating there was a pilot phase in which the annotators
were trained and tested including multiple-round control of the inter-annotator agreement5.
The other documents have been annotated by three annotators, so the inter-annotator
agreement can be measured. If at least two annotators agreed upon a value of an attribute, it
was included in the final dataset. The overall percentage agreement has been around 80%;
however, as attributes differ in value sets, the average Cohen’s kappa (Cohen 1960) ranges
from 0.2 (relativisation) to 0.7 (location), clearly showing the difficulty of the annotation
An example of annotated data6:
Film director Nvotová: ((Slovakia)location=Slovakia is rotten)labelling=yes, (its politics has its
brutal roots in corruption.)argumentation=yes President of the (Czech Republic)location=Czech
republic Miloš Zeman said during his inaugural speech that there were no voters in
the better and worse category. (‘The president should not grade political parties
5 Inter-coder reliability was tested using Cohen’s kappa. In total, five rounds of pilot coding were conducted
before the results for each variable were satisfactory. The most difficult was to find the annotators ability to
identify the presence of the author’s opinion in the text (0.63), and the manipulative technique of relativisation
(0.65) was moderate, while the level of agreement on the presence of the manipulative technique of labelling
(0.89) was strong (with other variables‘ scoring in between).
6 The dataset is in Czech. The example was translated in English by authors. The Czech original is: Režisérka
Nvotová: Slovensko je prohnilé, tamní politika má brutální kořeny korupce. Prezident České republiky Miloš
Zeman během svého inauguračního projevu prohlásil, že neexistují voliči první a druhé kategorie. ‘Prezident by
neměl známkovat politické strany, protože nejsou strany první a druhé kategorie’, řekl president Zeman.
because there are no better and worse category parties’,)argumentation=yes (said)source=yes
President Zeman.
5.4.5 Dataset to study fake news in Portuguese
Moreno and Bressan (2019) introduced corpus FACTCK.BR, a dataset to study fake news. It
contains 1,309 claims in paragraph form (a short text) which have been fact-checked by one
of nine Brazilian fact-checking initiatives. Each claim consists of the following items:
1. URL of origin;
fact-checking author;
3. publishing date;
4. date the claim was reviewed;
the claim itself;
title of the article;
rating of the veracity;
8. best rating (based on various ratings); and
text label (various fact-checking agencies use different labels—false, true, impossible
to prove, exaggerated, controversial, inaccurate, etc.).
The data items in this dataset are short texts but, in fact, the annotation is document-level.
This makes this resource similar to the Proppy corpus.
5.4.6 Topics and emotions in the Russian propaganda dataset
The study from Miller (2019) has used a dataset consisting of roughly two hundred thousand
tweets from 3,814 Twitter accounts associated by Twitter with the Russia-based Internet
Research Agency (Popken 2018). The same dataset was used in the special counsel’s
investigation (2017–19) of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections. The
dataset does not contain manual annotation but is useful for the analysis of topics, keywords,
and emotions in Russian propaganda on social media.
5.4.7 The BuzzFeed-Webis Fake News Corpus 2016
This dataset, introduced in Potthast et al. (2017), contains a sample of posts published on
Facebook from nine news agencies close to the 2016 United States election. Posts and linked
articles from mainstream, left-wing, and right-wing publishers have been fact-checked by
five journalists. It contains 1,627 articles—826 mainstream, 356 left-wing, and 545 right-
wing articles. Posts have been labelled as mostly true, mixture of true and false, mostly false,
and no factual content if the post lacked a factual claim.
5.4.8 LIAR
Wang (2017) gathered 12,836 short statements labelled by fact-checkers from PolitiFact. The
statements come from news releases, television or radio interviews, and campaign speeches.
The labels represent a range of fact-checked truthfulness including ‘pants on fire’ (utterly
false), false, barely true, half true, mostly true, and true.
5.4.9 B.S. Detector dataset
This dataset (Risdal 2016) has been collected from 244 websites classified by a browser
extension B.S. Detector7 developed for checking (and notifying users of) news truthfulness. It
comprises the texts and metadata of 12,999 posts.
Mitra and Gilbert (2015) crowdsourced a dataset of approximately 60 million tweets covering
the end of 2015. The tweets have been linked to over a thousand news events and each event
has been assessed for credibility by 30 annotators from Amazon Mechanical Turk.
7 B.S. here stands for bullshit.
Table 5.1: Overview of datasets and corpora
Data + annotation
Approx. size
web articles in four classes
news articles in two classes
22,000 articles
52,000 articles
news articles labelled with manipulation
451 articles
MU dataset
news articles labelled with manipulation
9,500 articles
statements rated by veracity
1,300 paragraphs Pt
IRA twitter
unclassified tweets
Facebook posts
3,800 tweets
1,600 articles
statements labelled with truthfulness
13,000 statements En
BS detector web pages in a few classes
13,000 posts
tweets linked to events classified by credibility 60M tweets
5.5 Summary
Source: Authors.
In this chapter, we have summarised the latest approaches to the automatic recognition and
generation of fake news, disinformation, and manipulative texts in general. The technological
progress in this area accelerates the dispersal of fictive texts, images, and videos at such a rate
and quality that human forces cease to be sufficient. The importance of high-quality
propaganda detection techniques thus increases significantly. Computer analyses allow the
identification of many aspects of such information misuse based on the text style of the
message, the information flow characteristics, the source credibility, or exact fact-checking.
Nevertheless, final precautions always remain with the human readers themselves.
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ai_researcher | 3 | CAMEL_Communicative_Agents_for_"Mind"_Exploration_of_Large_Language_Model_Society.pdf | 8
Abstract. We provide a contact analogue of the symplectic camel theorem that holds
in R2n × S1, and indeed generalize the symplectic camel. Our proof is based on the
generating function techniques introduced by Viterbo, extended to the contact case by
Bhupal and Sandon, and builds on Viterbo’s proof of the symplectic camel.
1. Introduction
In 1985, Gromov made a tremendous progress in symplectic geometry with his theory
of J-holomorphic curves [13]. Among the spectacular achievements of this theory, there
was his famous non-squeezing theorem: if a round standard symplectic ball B2n
r of radius
R × R2n−2 of
r can be symplectically embedded into the standard symplectic cylinder B2
radius R, then r ≤ R (here and elsewhere in the paper, all balls will be open). Other
proofs were given later on by the means of other symplectic invariants: see Ekeland and
Hofer [7, 8], Floer, Hofer and Viterbo [11], Hofer and Zehnder [14] and Viterbo [21]. In
1991, Eliashberg and Gromov discovered a more subtle symplectic rigidity result: the camel
theorem [9, Lemma 3.4.B]. In order to remind its statement, let us first fix some notation.
We denote by q1, p1, . . . , qn, pn the coordinates on R2n, so that its standard symplectic form
is given by ω = dλ, where λ = p1 dq1 + · · · + pn dqn = p dq. We consider the hyperplane
P := {qn = 0} ⊂ R2n, and the connected components P− := {qn < 0} and P+ := {qn > 0}
of its complement R2n \ P . We will denote by B2n
r (x) the round Euclidean ball of
radius r in R2n centered at some point x ∈ R2n, and by PR := P \ B2n
r (0) the hyperplane
P with a round hole of radius R > 0 centered at the origin. The symplectic camel theorem
claims that, in any dimension 2n > 2, if there exists a symplectic isotopy φt of R2n and
r ) ⊂ R2n \ PR for
a ball B2n
all t ∈ [0, 1], then r ≤ R. The purpose of this paper is to prove a contact version of this
r ⊂ R2n such that φ0(B2n
r ) ⊂ P+, and φt(B2n
r ) ⊂ P−, φ1(B2n
r = B2n
We consider the space R2n × S1, where S1 := R/Z. We will denote the coordinates on
this space by q1, p1, . . . , qn, pn, z, and consider the 1-form λ defined above also as a 1-form
on R2n × S1 with a slight abuse of notation. We denote by α := λ − dz the standard
contact form on R2n × S1. The set of contactomorphisms of (R2n × S1, α) will be denoted
by Cont(R2n × S1) and the subset of compactly supported contactomorphisms isotopic to
the identity will be denoted by Cont0(R2n × S1). As usual, by a compactly supported
Date: August 16, 2018.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53D35, 58E05.
Key words and phrases. Gromov non-squeezing, symplectic camel, generating functions.
contact isotopy of (R2n × S1, α) we will mean a smooth family of contactomorphisms
φt ∈ Cont(R2n × S1), t ∈ [0, 1], all supported in a same compact subset of R2n × S1.
In 2006, Eliashberg, Kim and Polterovich [10] proved an analogue and a counterpart of
Gromov’s non-squeezing theorem in this contact setting; given any positive integer k ∈ N
and two radii r, R > 0 such that πr2 ≤ k ≤ πR2, there exists a compactly supported
contactomorphism φ ∈ Cont(R2n × S1) such that φ (B2n
r × S1 if and only
if r = R; however, if 2n > 2 and R < 1/
π, then it is always possible to find such
a φ.
In 2011, Sandon [15] extended generating function techniques of Viterbo [21] and
deduced an alternative proof of the contact non-squeezing theorem. In 2015, Chiu [6] gave
π, there is
a stronger statement for the contact non-squeezing: given any radius R ≥ 1/
no compactly supported contactomorphism isotopic to identity φ ∈ Cont0(R2n × S1) such
that φ(Closure(B2n
R × S1. The same year, an alternative proof of this strong
non-squeezing theorem was given by Fraser [12] (the technical assumption “φ is isotopic
to identity” is no longer needed in her proof).
R × S1)) ⊂ B2n
R × S1) ⊂ B2n
Our main result is the following contact analogue of the symplectic camel theorem:
Theorem 1.1. In dimension 2n + 1 > 3, if πr2 < (cid:96) < πR2 for some positive integer (cid:96) and
R × S1 ⊂ P− × S1, there is no compactly supported contact isotopy φt of (R2n × S1, α)
R × S1) ⊂ (R2n \ Pr) × S1 for all
such that φ0 = id, φ1(B2n
t ∈ [0, 1].
R × S1) ⊂ P+ × S1, and φt(B2n
Notice that the squeezing theorem of Eliashberg-Kim-Polterovich implies that Theo-
rem 1.1 does not hold if one instead assumes that πR2 < 1.
R ⊂ R2n such that ψ0(B2n
Theorem 1.1 implies the symplectic camel theorem. Indeed, suppose that there exists a
symplectic isotopy ψt of R2n and a ball B2n
R ) ⊂ P+,
R ) ⊂ R2n \ Pr for all t ∈ [0, 1], and assume by contradiction that r < R. Without
and ψt(B2n
loss of generality, we can assume that ψ0 = id (see [17, Prop. on page 14]) and that
the isotopy ψt is compactly supported. By conjugating ψt with the dilatation x (cid:55)→ νx, we
obtain a new compactly supported symplectic isotopy ψ(cid:48)
νR ⊂ P−
νR) ⊂ R2n \ Pνr for all t ∈ [0, 1]. If we choose ν > 0
such that ψ(cid:48)
large enough, we have π(νr)2 > (cid:96) > π(νR)2 for some (cid:96) ∈ Z, and the contact lift of ψ(cid:48)
t to
R2n × S1 contradicts our Theorem 1.1.
0 = id and a ball B2n
νR) ⊂ P+, and ψ(cid:48)
R ) ⊂ P−, ψ1(B2n
t with ψ(cid:48)
Our proof of the contact camel theorem is based on Viterbo’s proof [21, Sect. 5] of
the symplectic version, which is given in terms of generating functions. Viterbo’s proof is
rather short and notoriously difficult to read. For this reason, in this paper we provide
a self-contained complete proof of Theorem 1.1, beside quoting a few lemmas from the
recent work of Bustillo [3]. The generalization of the generating function techniques to the
contact setting is largely due to Bhupal [2] and Sandon [15]. In particular, the techniques
from [15] are crucial for our work.
Organization of the paper. In Section 2, we provide the background on generating
functions and the symplectic and contact invariants constructed by means of them.
Section 3, we prove additional properties of symplectic and contact invariants that will be
key to the proof of Theorem 1.1. In Section 4, we prove Theorem 1.1.
Acknowledgments. I thank Jaime Bustillo who gave me helpful advice and a better
understanding of reduction inequalities.
I am especially grateful to my advisor Marco
Mazzucchelli. He introduced me to generating function techniques and gave me a lot of
advice and suggestions throughout the writing process.
2. Preliminaries
In this section, we remind to the reader some known results about generating functions
that we will need.
2.1. Generating functions. Let B be a closed connected manifold. We will usually write
q ∈ B points of B, (q, p) ∈ T ∗B for the cotangent coordinates, (q, p, z) ∈ J 1B for the 1-jet
coordinates and ξ ∈ RN for vectors of some fiber space. A generating function on B is a
smooth function F : B × RN → R such that 0 is a regular value of the fiber derivative ∂F
∂ξ .
(q, ξ) ∈ B × RN |
ΣF :=
(q; ξ) = 0
is a smooth submanifold called the level set of F .
Generating functions give a way of describing Lagrangians and Legendrians of T ∗B and
J 1B respectively. Indeed,
ιF : ΣF → T ∗B,
ιF (q; ξ) = (q, ∂qF (q; ξ))
(cid:98)ιF : ΣF → J 1B,
(cid:98)ιF (q; ξ) = (q, ∂qF (q; ξ), F (q; ξ))
are respectively Lagrangian and Legendrian immersions. We say that F generates the
immersed Lagrangian L := ιF (ΣF ) and the immersed Legendrian L1 := (cid:98)ιF (ΣF ). In this
paper, we will only consider embedded Lagrangians and Legendrians.
We must restrict ourselves to a special category of generating functions:
Definition 2.1. A function F : B × RN → R is quadratic at infinity if there exists a
quadratic form Q : RN → R such that the differential dF − dQ is bounded. Q is unique
and called the quadratic form associated to F .
In the following, by generating function we will always implicitly mean generating func-
tion quadratic at infinity. In this setting, there is the following fundamental result:
Theorem 2.2 ( [16, Sect. 1.2], [21, Lemma 1.6]). If B is closed, then any Lagrangian
submanifold of T ∗B Hamiltonian isotopic to the 0-section has a generating function, which
is unique up to fiber-preserving diffeomorphism and stabilization.
The existence in this theorem is due to Sikorav, whereas the uniqueness is due to Viterbo
(the reader might also see [19] for the details of Viterbo’s proof). The contact analogous
is the following (with an additional statement we will need later on):
Theorem 2.3 ( [4, Theorem 3], [5, Theorem 3.2], [18, Theorems 25, 26]). If B is closed,
then any Legendrian submanifold of J 1B contact isotopic to the 0-section has a generating
function, which is unique up to fiber-preserving diffeomorphism and stabilization. More-
over, if L1 ⊂ J 1B has a generating function and φt is a contact isotopy of J 1B, then there
exists a continuous family of generating functions F t : B × RN → R such that each F t
generates the corresponding φt(L1).
2.2. Min-max critical values. In the following, F : B × RN → R is a smooth function
quadratic at infinity of associated quadratic form Q (generating functions are a special
case). Let q be Morse index of Q (that is the dimension of its maximal negative subspace).
We will denote by E the trivial vector bundle B × RN and, given λ ∈ R, Eλ the sublevel
set {F < λ} ⊂ E.
In this paper, H ∗ is the singular cohomology with coefficients in R and 1 ∈ H ∗(B) will
always denote the standard generator of H 0(B) (B is connected). Let C > 0 be large
enough so that any critical point of F is contained in {|F | < C}. A classical Morse theory
argument implies that (cid:0)EC, E−C(cid:1) is homotopy equivalent to B × ({Q < C}, {Q < −C})
and the induced isomorphism given by K¨unneth formula:
T : H p(B) (cid:39)−→ H p+q (cid:0)EC, E−C(cid:1)
does not depend on the choice of C. So we define H ∗ (E∞, E−∞) := H ∗ (cid:0)EC, E−C(cid:1). We
also define H ∗ (cid:0)Eλ, E−∞(cid:1) := H ∗ (cid:0)Eλ, E−C(cid:1).
Given any non-zero α ∈ H ∗(B), we shall now define its min-max critical value by
c(α, F ) := inf
(cid:8)T α (cid:54)∈ ker (cid:0)H ∗ (cid:0)E∞, E−∞(cid:1) → H ∗ (cid:0)Eλ, E−∞(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:9) .
One can show that this quantity is a critical value of F by classical Morse theory.
Proposition 2.4 (Viterbo [21]). Let F1 : B × RN1 → R and F2 : B × RN2 → R be
generating functions quadratic at infinity normalized so that F1(q0, ξ(cid:48)
0 ) = 0 at
some pair of critical points (q0, ξ(cid:48)
0 ) ∈ crit(F2) that project to the
same q0. Then:
0) ∈ crit(F1) and (q0, ξ(cid:48)(cid:48)
0) = F2(q0, ξ(cid:48)(cid:48)
(1) if F1 and F2 generate the same Lagrangian, then c(α, F1) = c(α, F2) for all non-zero
α ∈ H ∗(B),
(2) if we see the sum F1 + F2 as a generating function of the form
F1 + F2 : B × RN1+N2 → R,
(F1 + F2)(q; ξ1, ξ2) = F1(q; ξ1) + F2(q; ξ2),
c(α (cid:94) β, F1 + F2) ≥ c(α, F1) + c(β, F2),
for all α, β ∈ H ∗(B) whose cup product α (cid:94) β is non-zero.
(3) if µ ∈ H dim(B)(B) denotes the orientation class of B, then
c(µ, F1) = −c(1, −F1).
Proof. Point (1) follows from the uniqueness statement in theorem 2.2 See [21, Prop. 3.3]
for point (2) and [21, cor. 2.8] for point (3).
When the base space is a product B = V × W , one has the following
Proposition 2.5 ( [21, Prop. 5.1], [3, Prop. 2.1]). Let F : V × W × RN → R be
a generating function and let w ∈ W . Consider the restriction Fw : V × RN → R,
Fw(v; ξ) = F (v, w; ξ) (quadratic at infinity on the base space V ), then
(1) if µ2 is the orientation class of W , then for all non-zero α ∈ H ∗(V ),
c(α ⊗ 1, F ) ≤ c(α, Fw) ≤ c(α ⊗ µ2, F ),
(2) if F does not depend on the w-coordinate, for all non-zero α ∈ H ∗(V ) and non-zero
β ∈ H ∗(W ),
c(α ⊗ β, F ) = c(α, Fw).
τ : T ∗Rn × T ∗Rn → T ∗R2n,
2.3. Generating Hamiltonian and contactomorphism. Let Hamc (T ∗M ) be the set
of time-1-flows of time dependent Hamiltonian vector field. Given ψ ∈ Hamc (T ∗M ), its
graph grψ = id × ψ : T ∗M (cid:44)→ T ∗M × T ∗M is a Lagrangian embedding in T ∗M × T ∗M . In
order to see grψ(T ∗M ) as the 0-section of some cotangent bundle, let us restrict ourselves
to the case M = Rn × Tk. First we consider the case k = 0 then we will quotient Rn+k by
Zk in our construction. Consider the linear symplectic map
(cid:18) q + Q
p + P
which could also be seen as (z, Z) (cid:55)→ (cid:0) z+Z
2 , J(z − Z)(cid:1) where J is the canonical complex
structure of R2n (cid:39) Cn. The choice of the linear map is not important to deduce results of
Subsections 2.1 and 2.4 (in fact, [15], [20] and [21] give different choices). However, we do
not know how to show the linear invariance of Subsection 3.2 without this specific choice.
The Lagrangian embedding Γψ := τ ◦ grψ defines a Lagrangian Γψ(T ∗M ) ⊂ T ∗R2n
isotopic to the zero section through the compactly supported Hamiltonian isotopy s (cid:55)→
τ ◦ grψs ◦ τ −1 where (ψs) is the Hamiltonian flow associated to ψ. As Γψ(T ∗M ) coincides
with the 0-section outside a compact set, one can extend it to a Lagrangian embedding on
the cotangent bundle of the compactified space Lψ ⊂ T ∗S2n.
τ (q, p; Q, P ) =
, P − p, q − Q
In order to properly define Lψ for ψ ∈ Hamc
(cid:0)T ∗(Rn × Tk)(cid:1), let (cid:101)ψ ∈ HamZk(T ∗(Rn+k))
be the unique lift of ψ which is also lifting the flow (ψs) with (cid:101)ψ0 = id. The application Γ
gives a well-defined Γψ : T ∗(Rn × Tk) (cid:44)→ T ∗(R2n × Tk × Rk). We can then compactify the
base space: R2n × Tk × Rk ⊂ B where B equals either S2n × Tk × Sk or S2n × T2k and
define Lψ ⊂ T ∗B.
In order to define Fψ : B × RN → R, take any generating function of Lψ normalized
such that the set of critical points outside (R2n × Tk × Rk) × RN has critical value 0 (the
set is connected since Lψ coincides with 0-section outside T ∗(R2n × Tk × Rk)).
We now extend the construction of Lψ to the case of contactomorphisms. Let Cont0(J 1M )
be the set of contactomorphisms isotopic to identity through compactly supported contac-
tomorphisms. Given any ψ ∈ Hamc (T ∗M ), its lift
(cid:98)ψ : J 1M → J 1M,
(cid:98)ψ(x, z) = (ψ(x), z + aψ(x))
belongs to Cont0(J 1M ), where aψ : T ∗M → R is the compactly supported function satis-
ψ∗λ − λ = daψ.
In [2], Bhupal gives a mean to define a generating function Fφ associated to such contac-
tomorphism φ for M = Rn × Tk in a way which is compatible with ψ (cid:55)→ (cid:98)ψ in the sense
that F
(cid:98)ψ(q, z; ξ) = Fψ(q; ξ). Given any φ ∈ Cont0(J 1Rn) with φ∗( dz − λ) = eθ( dz − λ),
(cid:99)grφ : J 1Rn → J 1Rn × J 1Rn × R,
(cid:99)grφ(x) = (x, φ(x), θ(x))
is a Legendrian embedding if we endow J 1Rn × J 1Rn × R with the contact structure
ker(eθ( dz−λ)−( dZ−Λ)), where (q, p, z; Q, P, Z; θ) denotes coordinates on J 1Rn×J 1Rn×R
and Λ = (cid:80)
i Pi dQi.
For our choice of τ , we must take the following contact identification
(cid:98)τ : J 1Rn × J 1Rn × R → J 1R2n+1,
(cid:98)τ (q, p, z; Q, P, Z; θ) =
(cid:18) q + Q
eθp + P
, z; P − eθp, q − Q, eθ − 1;
(eθp + P )(q − Q) + Z − z
so that Γφ := (cid:98)τ ◦ (cid:99)grφ is an embedding of a Legendrian compactly isotopic to the 0-section
of J 1R2n+1. The construction of Γφ descends well from Rn+k to Rn × Tk taking the lift of
φ ∈ Cont0(J 1(Rn × Tk)) which is contact-isotopic to identity.
In fact we will rather be interested by T ∗M × S1 (cid:39) J 1M/Z ∂
∂z and φ ∈ Cont0(T ∗M × S1)
which can be identified to the set of Z ∂
∂z -equivariant contactomorphism of J 1M isotopic to
identity. The construction descends well to the last quotient and we obtain a well-defined
Legendrian embedding Γφ : T ∗(Rn × Tk) × S1 (cid:44)→ J 1 (cid:0)R2n × Tk × Rk × S1(cid:1).
We can then compactify the base space R2n × Tk × Rk × S1 ⊂ B × S1, define Lψ ⊂
J 1(B × S1) and take as Fφ any generating function of Lφ normalized such that the set of
critical points outside (R2n × Tk × Rk × S1) × RN has critical value 0.
2.4. Symplectic and contact invariants. The symplectic invariants presented here are
due to Viterbo [21]. The generalization to the contact case is due to Sandon [15].
throughout this subsection, B denotes a compactification of T ∗(Rn × Tk). Given any
ψ ∈ Hamc
(cid:0)T ∗(Rn × Tk)(cid:1) and any non-zero α ∈ H ∗(B), consider
c(α, ψ) := c (α, Fψ) .
Proposition 2.6 (Viterbo, [21, Prop. 4.2, Cor. 4.3, Prop. 4.6]). Let (ψt) be a compactly
supported Hamiltonian isotopy of T ∗(Rn × Tk) with ψ0 = id and ψ := ψ1. Let Ht :
T ∗(Rn × Tk) → R be the Hamiltonians generating (ψt). Given any non-zero α ∈ H ∗(B),
(1) There is a one-to-one correspondence between critical points of F and fixed points
x of ψ such that t (cid:55)→ ψt(x) is a contractible loop when t ∈ [0, 1] given by (x, ξ) (cid:55)→ x.
Moreover, if (xα, ξα) ∈ crit(Fψ) satisfies Fψ(xα, ξα) = c(α, Fψ), then
(cid:90) 1
c(α, ψ) = aψ(xα) =
((cid:104)p(t), ˙q(t)(cid:105) − Ht(ψt(xα))) dt,
where (q(t), p(t)) := ψt(xα). The value aψ(x) will be called the action of the fixed
point x.
(2) If Ht ≤ 0, then c(α, ψ) ≥ 0.
(3) If (ϕs) is a symplectic isotopy of T ∗(Rn × Tk), then s (cid:55)→ c(α, ϕs ◦ ψ ◦ (ϕs)−1) is
(4) If µ is the orientation class of B,
c(1, ψ) ≤ 0 ≤ c(µ, ψ) with c(1, ψ) = c(µ, ψ) ⇔ ψ = id,
c(µ, ψ) = −c(1, ψ−1).
These results were not stated with this generality in [21] but the proofs given by Viterbo
immediately generalize to this setting.
Given any open bounded subset U ⊂ T ∗(Rn ×Tk) and any non-zero α ∈ H ∗(B), Viterbo
defines the symplectic invariant
c(α, U ) := sup
c(α, ψ).
ψ∈Hamc(U )
This symplectic invariant extends to any unbounded open set U ⊂ T ∗(Rn × Tk) by taking
the supremum of the c(α, V ) among the open bounded subsets V ⊂ U .
Proposition 2.7 (Bustillo, Viterbo). For all open bounded sets U, V ⊂ T ∗(Rn × Tk) and
any non-zero α ∈ H ∗(B),
(1) if (ϕs) is a symplectic isotopy of T ∗(Rn × Tk), then s (cid:55)→ c(α, ϕs(U )) is constant,
(2) U ⊂ V implies c(α, U ) ≤ c(α, V ),
(3) if µ1 and µ2 are the orientation classes of the compactification of T ∗(Rn × Tk) and
Rk respectively, then for any neighborhood W of 0 ∈ Rk,
c(µ1, U ) (cid:54) c(µ1 ⊗ µ2 ⊗ 1, U × W × Tk).
(4) if B2n+2k
⊂ T ∗(Rn × Tk) is an embedded round ball of radius r and µ is the
orientation class of B, then c(µ, B2n+2k
) = πr2.
Proof. Point (1) is a consequence of Proposition 2.6 (3). Point (2) is a consequence of
the definition as a supremum. Point (3) is proved in the proof of [3, Prop. 2.3]. Indeed,
Bustillo makes use of (3) to deduce his Proposition 2.3 by taking the infimum of c(µ1 ⊗µ2 ⊗
1, U × V × Tk) among neighborhoods U ⊃ X and W ⊃ {0} (using Bustillo’s notations).
We refer to [1, Sect. 3.8] for a complete proof of (4).
Now, we give the contact extension of these invariants. Given any φ ∈ Cont0
(cid:0)T ∗(Rn × Tk) × S1(cid:1)
and any non-zero α ∈ H ∗(B × S1), consider
The following Proposition is due to Sandon. Since our setting is slightly different, we
provide precise references for the reader’s convenience.
c(α, φ) := c (α, Fφ) .
Proposition 2.8 (Sandon, [15]).
(1) Given any φ ∈ Cont0(T ∗(Rn × Tk) × S1), if µ is
the orientation class of B × S1, then
c(µ, φ) = 0 ⇔ c(1, φ−1) = 0.
(2) Given any φ ∈ Cont0(T ∗(Rn × Tk) × S1) and any non-zero α ∈ H ∗(B × S1), if Fφ
is a generating function of φ, then
(cid:6)c (cid:0)α, φ−1(cid:1)(cid:7) = (cid:100)c (α, −Fφ)(cid:101) .
(3) Given any φ ∈ Cont0(T ∗(Rn × Tk) × S1), any non-zero α ∈ H ∗(B × S1), if (ψs) is
a contact isotopy of T ∗(Rn × Tk) × S1, then s (cid:55)→ (cid:100)c(α, ψs ◦ φ ◦ (ψs)−1)(cid:101) is constant.
(4) For each ψ ∈ Hamc(T ∗(Rn × Tk)) for each non-zero cohomology class α ∈ H ∗(B),
if dz denotes the orientation class of S1, then
α ⊗ dz, (cid:98)ψ
α ⊗ 1, (cid:98)ψ
= c
= c (α, ψ) .
Proof. Let Fφ be the generating function of φ ∈ Cont0(T ∗(Rn × Tk) × S1). According to
duality formula in Proposition 2.4 (3), c(µ, φ) = −c(1, −Fφ). Points (1) and (2) then follow
from [15, lemmas 3.9 and 3.10] taking L = 0-section and Ψ = (cid:98)τ ◦ (cid:91)grφ−1 ◦ (cid:98)τ −1:
c(1, Fφ−1) = 0 ⇔ c(1, −Fφ) = 0
(cid:100)c (1, Fφ−1)(cid:101) = (cid:100)c (1, −Fφ)(cid:101) .
Point (3) is a consequence of [15, lemma 3.15] applied to ct = c(α, ψt ◦ φ ◦ (ψt)−1). Point (4)
is given by the proof of [15, Prop. 3.18]. Indeed, let ia : (Ea, E−∞) (cid:44)→ (E∞, E−∞) and (cid:101)ia :
( (cid:101)Ea, (cid:101)E−∞) (cid:44)→ ( (cid:101)E∞, (cid:101)E−∞) be the inclusion maps of sublevel sets of Fψ and F
(cid:98)ψ respectively.
Then (cid:101)Ea = Ea × S1 and, after identifying H ∗( (cid:101)Ea, (cid:101)E−∞) with H ∗(Ea, E−∞) ⊗ H ∗(S1), the
induced maps in cohomology (cid:101)ia
is given by
= i∗
a ⊗ id.
Thus (cid:101)ia
(α⊗β) = (i∗
aα)⊗β is non-zero if and only if i∗
aα is non-zero, where β ∈ { dz, 1}. (cid:3)
Let µ be the orientation class of B × S1, given any open bounded subset U ⊂ T ∗(Rn ×
Tk) × S1 and any non-zero α ∈ H ∗(B × S1), consider
c(α, U ) := sup
(cid:100)c(α, φ)(cid:101)
φ∈Cont0(U )
γ(U ) := inf (cid:8)(cid:6)c(cid:0)µ, φ(cid:1)(cid:7) + (cid:6)c (cid:0)µ, φ−1(cid:1)(cid:7) | φ ∈ Cont0
These contact invariants extend to any unbounded open set U ⊂ T ∗(Rn × Tk) × S1 by
taking the supremum among the open bounded subsets V ⊂ U .
(cid:0)T ∗(Rn × Tk) × S1(cid:1) such that φ(U ) ∩ U = ∅(cid:9) ,
Proposition 2.9 (Sandon [15]). For all open bounded sets U, V ⊂ T ∗(Rn × Tk) × S1 and
any non-zero α ∈ H ∗(B × S1),
(1) if (ϕs) is a contact isotopy of T ∗(Rn × Tk) × S1, then s (cid:55)→ c(α, ϕs(U )) is constant,
(2) U ⊂ V implies c(α, U ) ≤ c(α, V ),
(3) given any open subset W ⊂ T ∗(Rn × Tk), for each non-zero class β ∈ H ∗(B), if dz
denotes the orientation class of S1, then
c(β ⊗ dz, W × S1) = (cid:100)c(β, W )(cid:101).
Proof. Point (1) is a direct consequence of Proposition 2.8 (3). Point (2) is a consequence
of the definition as a supremum. Point (3) follows from the proof of [15, Prop. 3.20].
Indeed, inequality c(β ⊗ dz, W × S1) ≥ (cid:100)c(β, W )(cid:101) is due to Proposition 2.8 (4) whereas the
other one is due to the fact that, for all φ ∈ Cont0(W × S1), one can find ψ ∈ Hamc(W )
such that φ ≤ (cid:98)ψ in Sandon’s notations (see her proof for more details).
3.1. Estimation of γ (cid:0)T ∗C × B2n−2
3. Some properties of symplectic and contact invariants
R × S1(cid:1). Here, we will prove the following
Lemma 3.1. Let R > 0 be such that πR2 (cid:54)∈ Z, b > 0, n > 1 and C := R/dZ. Then
γ (cid:0)T ∗C × B2n−2
R × S1(cid:1) ≤ (cid:6)πR2(cid:7) .
Remark 3.2. This Lemma fails for n = 1. The use of Lemma 3.1 will be the step where
we will need the assumption that 2n + 1 > 3 in the proof of Theorem 1.1.
In order to prove Lemma 3.1, we will need the following elementary fact:
, x ∈ B2n−2
Lemma 3.3. Let x0 ∈ ∂B2n−2
such that
Then any rotation ρ : R2n−2 → R2n−2 of angle θ(r) centered at x0 sends x outside B2n−2
i.e. ρ(x) (cid:54)∈ B2n−2
and r := |x − x0|. We set θ(r) ∈ [0, π] to be
Figure 1. Configuration in the plane P
πR2 + ε
h + ε
4R2 − δ
4R2 4R2 + δ
Figure 2. Approximating h + ε
2 by a smooth compactly supported hε.
, x ∈ B2n−2
and r := |x−x0|. Take any rotation ρ : R2n−2 → R2n−2
Proof. Let x0 ∈ ∂B2n−2
of angle θ(r), where θ(r) is defined as above. Let P ⊂ R2n−2 be the affine plane spanned
by x0, x and ρ(x). The round disk B2n−2
∩ P has a radius smaller than R and lies in an
open round disk D of radius R with x0 ∈ ∂D centered at c ∈ P . Therefore, it is enough
to show that ρ(x) (cid:54)∈ D. Let a, a(cid:48) be the two points of ∂D ∩ ∂B2n−2
(x0), b be the second
point of ∂D ∩ (x0c) and α be the unoriented angle (cid:91)ax0a(cid:48) ∈ [0, π] (see Figure 1). As [x0b] is
a diameter of ∂D, the triangle abx0 is right at a, thus α
2 = (cid:100)ax0b satisfies
Hence, α = θ(r) and ρ(x) (cid:54)∈ D.
Proof of Lemma 3.1. We exhibit a family of ψε ∈ Hamc(R2n−2) satisfying
(cid:1) ∩ B2n−2
• ψε (cid:0)B2n−2
• c(1, ψε) = 0,
• ∀ε > 0, c(µ, ψε) ≤ πR2 + ε,
= ∅,
where µ is the orientation class of the compactified space S2n−2. Consider the radial
Hamiltonian H(x) = −h(r2) where h : [0, +∞) → R is defined by:
(cid:90) 4R2
(cid:90) min(u,4R2)
h(u) =
v) dv −
v) dv
) ∩ B2n−2
and ψ(B2n−2
If ψ designates the time-1-flow associated to H, for all r ∈ [0, R] and any x ∈ B2n−2
that |x| = r, ψ(x) is the image of x by some 0-centered rotation of angle −2h(cid:48)(r2) = θ(r).
= ∅. Nevertheless, ψ is not well defined as H
Thus ψ(x) (cid:54)∈ B2n−2
is not smooth in the neighborhood of x = 0 and |x| = 2R. For every small ε > 0, we then
construct a family of smooth hε : [0, +∞) → R approximating h in the following way (see
Figure 2): there exists δ = δ(ε) ∈ (0, 2R2) such that
• hε is compactly supported on [0, 4R2 + δ],
• h(cid:48)(u) ≤ h(cid:48)
• hε(u) = πR2 + ε − π
• hε(u) = h(u) + ε
2 for all u ∈ [0, +∞),
2 u for all u ∈ (cid:2)0, δ
2 for all u ∈ [δ, 4R2 − δ].
ε(u) ≤ π
Hamiltonians H ε(x) := −hε(|x|2) are smooth functions so their time-1-flow ψε are well
defined. As H ε ≤ 0, c(1, ψε) = 0. The only fixed point with non-zero action is 0 so
c(µ, ψ) ≤ −H ε(0) = −H(0) + ε (0 has action −H ε(0)) and
Changing the variable x =
(cid:90) 4R2
−H(0) = h(0) =
2R and writing θ(s) = 2 arccos (cid:0) s
(cid:90) 4R2
(cid:90) 1
v) dv + ε.
v) dv = 8R2
x arccos(x) dx
Then, an integration by parts and writing x = sin α give
(cid:90) 1
thus c(µ, ψε) ≤ πR2 + ε as expected.
x arccos(x) dx =
(cid:90) 1
1 − x2
dx =
(cid:90) π
sin2 α dα =
Now, from the family ψε we deduce a second, ϕε ∈ Hamc(T ∗C × R2n−2), satisfying:
(1) ϕε (cid:0)C × (cid:0)− 1
(2) c(1, ϕε) = 0,
(3) ∀ε > 0, c(µ, ϕε) ≤ πR2 + ε,
(cid:1) ∩ (cid:0)C × (cid:0)− 1
(cid:1) × B2n−2
(cid:1) × B2n−2
(cid:1) = ∅,
ε , 1
ε , 1
where µ is the orientation class of the compactified space C × S1 × S2n−2. Let U ε :=
(cid:1) × B2n−2
C × (cid:0)− 1
and χ : R → [0, 1] be a smooth compactly supported function
ε , 1
with χ|[− 1
ε ] ≡ 1. We then introduce the compactly supported negative Hamiltonians
ε , 1
K ε : C × R × R2n−2 → R defined by:
K ε(q1, p1, x) := χ(p1)H ε(x),
∀(q1, p1, x) ∈ C × R × R2n−2,
(cid:1), thus ϕε(U ε) ∩ U ε = ∅ as wanted.
so that ϕε(q1, p1, x) = (q1, p1, ψε(x)) for p1 ∈ (cid:0)− 1
Moreover, since K ε is negative, c(1, ϕε) = 0. The function χ can be chosen so that it
ε , 1
is even and decreasing inside suppχ ∩ ( 1
ε , +∞) with an arbitrarily small derivative. For
|p1| > 1
ε and (q1, p1, x) ∈ suppϕε, the q1-coordinate of ϕε(q1, p1, x) is thus slightly different
from q1. Thus, the only fixed points with a non-zero action are the (q1, p1, 0)’s for |p1| ≤ 1
ε .
The action is still given by −K ε(0) = h(0) + ε = πR2 + ε, thus c(µ, ϕε) ≤ πR2 + ε.
Take the contact lift of the previous family: (cid:99)ϕε ∈ Cont0(T ∗C × R2n−2 × S1). Property
(1) of ϕε implies
C ×
× B2n−2
R × S1
C ×
× B2n−2
R × S1
= ∅.
On the one hand, Proposition 2.8 (4) and property (2) of ϕε gives
c (cid:0)1, (cid:99)ϕε(cid:1) = c(1, ϕε) = 0.
Thus, if dz denotes the orientation class of S1, Proposition 2.8 (1) gives
µ ⊗ dz, (cid:0)
= 0.
On the other hand, Proposition 2.8 (4) and property (3) of ϕε gives,
c (cid:0)µ ⊗ dz, (cid:99)ϕε(cid:1) = c(µ, ϕε) ≤ πR2 + ε.
Equations (3.2) and (3.3) then imply
µ ⊗ dz, (cid:99)ϕε
µ ⊗ dz, (cid:0)
≤ (cid:6)πR2 + ε(cid:7) .
Thus, since (cid:99)ϕε verifies (3.1),
γ (cid:0)U ε × S1(cid:1) ≤ (cid:6)πR2 + ε(cid:7) .
Since πR2 (cid:54)∈ Z, x (cid:55)→ (cid:100)x(cid:101) is continuous at πR2 and any open bounded set V ⊂ T ∗C ×
R × S1 is included in U ε × S1 for a small ε, we conclude that
γ (cid:0)T ∗C × B2n−2
R × S1(cid:1) ≤ (cid:6)πR2(cid:7) .
3.2. Linear symplectic invariance. A symplectomorphism ϕ : T ∗(Rn × Tk) → T ∗(Rn ×
Tk) will be called linear when it can be lifted to a linear map (cid:101)ϕ : R2(n+k) → R2(n+k).
Throughout this subsection, we fix a linear symplectomorphism ϕ : T ∗(Rn×Tk) → T ∗(Rn×
Tk) of the form
ϕ(q1, q2) = (ϕ1(q1), ϕ2(q2)),
∀(q1, q2) ∈ R2n+k × Tk,
for some linear maps ϕ1 : R2n+k → R2n+k and ϕ2 : Tk → Tk. Let B be either S2n × Tk or
S2n+k, such that B × Tk is a compactification of T ∗(Rn × Tk). We denote by µ ∈ H ∗(B)
the orientation class of B.
Proposition 3.4. For any open subset U ⊂ T ∗(Rn×Tk) and for any non-zero α ∈ H ∗(Tk),
we have
c(µ ⊗ α, ϕ(U )) = c(µ ⊗ ϕ∗
2α, U ).
Proposition 3.4 is a consequence of the following statement:
Lemma 3.5. For any ψ ∈ Hamc(T ∗(Rn × Tk)) and for any non-zero α ∈ H ∗(Tk),
c(µ ⊗ α, ψ) = c(µ ⊗ ϕ∗
2α, ϕ−1 ◦ ψ ◦ ϕ).
In order to prove Lemma 3.5, we will need suitable generating functions for ψ and
ϕ−1 ◦ ψ ◦ ϕ:
Lemma 3.6. Let F1 : B × Tk × RN → R be a generating function of ψ ∈ Hamc(T ∗(Rn ×
1 : B → B such that, if Φ : B × Tk × RN →
Tk)). There exists a diffeomorphism ϕ(cid:48)
B ×Tk ×RN denotes the diffeomorphism Φ(q1, q2; ξ) = (ϕ(cid:48)
1(q1), ϕ2(q2); ξ), then F2 := F1 ◦Φ
is a generating function of ϕ−1 ◦ ψ ◦ ϕ ∈ Hamc(T ∗(Rn × Tk)).
Proof of Lemma 3.6. Let ψ ∈ Hamc(T ∗(Rn × Tk)) and R > 0 such that suppψ ⊂ B2n+k
R ×
Tk. Since ϕ1 : R2n+k → R2n+k is linear and invertible, one can find a diffeomorphism
1 : R2n+k → R2n+k such that ϕ(cid:48)
1(x) = ϕ1(x) for all x ∈ B2n+k
1(x) =
(x1, . . . , x2n+k−1, ±x2n+k) outside some compact set, thus ϕ(cid:48)
1 can naturally be extended
1 : B → B. Let F1 : B × Tk × RN → R be a generating
into a diffeomorphism ϕ(cid:48)
function of ψ, we then define the diffeomorphism Φ : B × Tk × RN → B × Tk × RN
by Φ(q1, q2; ξ) := (ϕ(cid:48)
1(q1), ϕ2(q2); ξ). The function F2 := F1 ◦ Φ is a generating function
since ∂F2
∂ξ = ∂F1
1 × ϕ2)(q). First, let us assume that
R × Tk) (so q0 = ϕ(q)), since (q0; ξ) ∈ ΣF1, there exists x0 ∈ T ∗(Rn × Tk)
q ∈ ϕ−1(B2n+k
such that
∂ξ ◦ Φ. Let (q; ξ) ∈ ΣF2 and q0 := (ϕ(cid:48)
1 (B2n+k
) and ϕ(cid:48)
∪ ϕ−1
(q0; ∂qF1(q0; ξ) · v) =
(cid:18) x0 + ψ(x0)
; (cid:104)J(ψ(x0) − x0), v(cid:105)
∀v ∈ R2(n+k).
Let x = ϕ−1(x0). On the one hand, by linearity of ϕ−1,
q =
x + ϕ−1 ◦ ψ ◦ ϕ(x)
on the other hand, ∂qF2(q0; ξ) · v = (cid:104)J(ψ(x0) − x0), ϕ(v)(cid:105) for all v ∈ R2(n+k) and ϕ−1 is a
linear symplectomorphism, thus
∂qF2(q0; ξ) · v = (cid:10)Jϕ−1(ψ(x0) − x0), v(cid:11) = (cid:10)J(ϕ−1 ◦ ψ ◦ ϕ(x) − x), v(cid:11) ,
R × Tk). If q is at infinity, then ∂qF2(q; ξ) = 0 since
Now, let us assume that q (cid:54)∈ ϕ−1(B2n+k
dF1 = 0 at any point at infinity. If q ∈ R2n+k × Tk, let x0 ∈ T ∗(Rn × Tk) be associated
to q0 as above. Since x0+ψ(x0)
× Tk so
∂qF1(q0; ξ) = 0 and (q0; ξ) is a critical value of F1. Hence (q; ξ) is a critical value of F2 and
× Tk, necessarily, ψ(x0) = x0 (cid:54)∈ B2n+k
∀v ∈ R2(n+k).
(cid:54)∈ B2n+k
(q; ∂qF2(q; ξ)) = (q; 0) =
(cid:18)x + ϕ−1 ◦ ψ ◦ ϕ(x)
; J(ψ(x) − x)
where x = (ϕ(cid:48)
1 × ϕ2)−1(x0) (cid:54)∈ supp(ϕ−1 ◦ ψ ◦ ϕ).
Conversely, if x ∈ T ∗(Rn ×Tk), the associated (q; ξ) ∈ ΣF2 is given by ((ϕ(cid:48)
1 × ϕ2)(x) ∈ T ∗(Rn × Tk).
where (q0; ξ) ∈ ΣF1 is associated to x0 = (ϕ(cid:48)
Proof of Lemma 3.5. Let F1 : B × Tk × RN → R be a generating function of ψ ∈
1 : B → B and Φ : B × Tk × RN → B × Tk × RN be
Hamc(T ∗(Rn × Tk)). Let ϕ(cid:48)
the diffeomorphisms defined by Lemma 3.6 such that F2 := F1 ◦ Φ is a generating function
of ϕ−1 ◦ ψ ◦ ϕ. Let us denote by E1 and E2 the domains of the generating functions F1 and
F2 respectively. For all λ ∈ R, Φ gives a diffeomorphism of sublevel sets Φ : Eλ
1 . In
particular, it induces an homology isomorphism Φ∗ : H∗(Eλ
). We
thus have the following commutative diagram:
2 → Eλ
1 , E−∞
) → H∗(Eλ
2 , E−∞
1 ×ϕ2)−1(q0); ξ)
H l(B × Tk)
T1 (cid:47)
(cid:47) H l+q(E∞
1 , E−∞
1,λ (cid:47)
(cid:47) H l+q(Eλ
1 , E−∞
H l(B × Tk)
T2 (cid:47)
(cid:47) H l+q(E∞
2 , E−∞
2,λ (cid:47)
(cid:47) H l+q(Eλ
2 , E−∞
where the Tj’s denote the isomorphisms induced by the K¨unneth formula (2.1) and the
j,λ’s are the morphisms induced by the inclusions ij,λ : (Eλ
). The
commutativity of the right square is clear. As for the left square, it commutes because
1 × ϕ2) ◦ π, where π : B × Tk × RN → B × Tk is the canonical projection. Let α
π ◦ Φ = (ϕ(cid:48)
be a non-zero class of H l(Tk) and µ be the orientation class of H ∗(B). Since the vertical
1 × ϕ2)∗(µ ⊗ α) is
arrows are isomorphisms, i∗
non-zero. Since ϕ(cid:48)
and i∗
1,λT1(µ ⊗ α) is non-zero if and only if i∗
1,λT1(µ ⊗ α) is non-zero if and only if ±i∗
1)∗µ = ±µ, thus (ϕ(cid:48)
2,λT2(µ ⊗ ϕ∗
1 × ϕ2)∗(µ ⊗ α) = ±µ ⊗ ϕ∗
1 is a diffeomorphism, (ϕ(cid:48)
2α) is non-zero. Therefore,
) (cid:44)→ (E∞
j , E−∞
j , E−∞
c(µ ⊗ α, F1) = c(µ ⊗ ϕ∗
2α, F2).
3.3. Reduction lemma. In this subsection, we work on the space T ∗(Rm × Tl × Tk) × S1
and the points in this space will be denoted by (q, p, z), where q = (q1, q2) ∈ (Rm ×Tl)×Tk
and p = (p1, p2) ∈ Rm+l ×Rk. Let B be a compactification of T ∗(Rm ×Tl). Given any open
set U ⊂ T ∗(Rm ×Tl ×Tk)×S1 and any point w ∈ Tk, the reduction Uw ⊂ T ∗(Rm ×Tl)×S1
at q2 = w is defined by
Uw := π(U ∩ {q2 = w}),
where π : T ∗(Rm × Tl) × {w} × Rk × S1 → T ∗(Rm × Tl) × S1 is the canonical projection.
Lemma 3.7. Let µ be the orientation class of B × Sk × S1 and 1 be the generator of
H 0(Tk). For any open bounded set U ⊂ T ∗(Rm × Tl × Tk) × S1 and any w ∈ Tk,
c(µ ⊗ 1, U ) ≤ γ(Uw).
It is an extension to the contact case of Viterbo-Bustillo’s reduction lemma [3, Prop.
2.4] and [21, Prop. 5.2]. We will follow Bustillo’s proof as close as contact structure allows
us to do.
Let µ be the orientation class of B × Sk × S1 and 1 be the generator of H 0(Tk) and
fix an open bounded set U ⊂ T ∗(Rm × Tl × Tk) × S1 and a point w ∈ Tk. Remark that
one can write µ = µ1 ⊗ µ2, where µ1 and µ2 are the orientation classes of B × S1 and Sk
respectively. By definition of the contact invariants, it is enough to show that, given any
ψ ∈ Cont0(U ) and any ϕ ∈ Cont0(T ∗(Rm × Tl) × S1) such that ϕ(Uw) ∩ Uw = ∅,
(cid:100)c(µ ⊗ 1, ψ)(cid:101) ≤ (cid:6)c(cid:0)µ1, ϕ(cid:1)(cid:7) + (cid:6)c (cid:0)µ1, ϕ−1(cid:1)(cid:7) .
Thus, we fix a contact isotopy ψt defined on T ∗(Rm × Tl × Tk) × S1 and compactly
supported in U such that ψ0 = id and ψ1 =: ψ ∈ Cont0(U ) and we fix a contactomorphism
ϕ ∈ Cont0(T ∗(Rm × Tl) × S1) such that ϕ(Uw) ∩ Uw = ∅. Let F t : (B × Sk × Tk × S1) ×
RN → R be a continuous family of generating functions for the Legendrians Lt := Lψt ⊂
J 1(B × Sk × Tk × S1) given by Theorem 2.3, F := F 1 and K : (B × S1) × RN (cid:48) → R
be a generating function of ϕ. By the uniqueness statement of Theorem 2.3, one may
suppose that F 0(x; ξ) = Q(ξ) where Q : RN → R is a non-degenerated quadratic form
w : (B × Sk × S1) × RN → R denotes the function
without loss of generality. Recall that F t
w(q1, p, z; ξ) := F t(q1, w, p, z; ξ) and let (cid:101)K : (B × Sk × S1) × RN (cid:48) → R be the generating
F t
function defined by (cid:101)K(x, y, z; η) := K(x, z; η). In order to prove Lemma 3.7, we will use
the following
Lemma 3.8. Given t ∈ [0, 1], let ct := c(µ, F t
function. Then we have the following alternative:
w − (cid:101)K) which is a continuous R-valued
• either ∀t ∈ [0, 1], ct (cid:54)∈ Z
• or ∃(cid:96) ∈ Z such that ∀t ∈ [0, 1], ct = (cid:96).
In particular,
µ, − (cid:101)K
µ, Fw − (cid:101)K
Proof of Lemma 3.8. The reduced function F t
image of the immersion (plus points in the 0-section at infinity):
w generates Lt
w ⊂ J 1(B × Sk × S1). Lt is the
Γψt(q, p, z) =
q + Qt
eθtp + P t
, z; P t − eθtp, q − Qt, eθt − 1;
eθtp + P t(cid:17) (cid:0)q − Qt(cid:1) + Z t − z
writing ψt(q, p, z) = (Qt, P t, Z t). Therefore, Lt
0-section at infinity):
w is the set of points (plus points in the
q1 + Qt
eθtp + P t
, z; P t
1 − eθtp1, q − Qt, eθt − 1;
eθtp + P t(cid:17) (cid:0)q − Qt(cid:1) + Z t − z
for points (q, p, z) that verify q2+Qt
p = eθp+P
and q = q+Q
2 .
2 = w. In the remaining paragraphs, we will use notations
Suppose there exists (cid:96) ∈ Z and t0 ∈ [0, 1] such that ct0 = (cid:96). Then it is enough to prove
that t (cid:55)→ ct is locally constant. In order to do so, we will follow Bustillo’s proof [3, lemma
2.8]. Let (cid:0)qt0
1 , pt0, zt0; ξt0, ηt0(cid:1) be the critical point of
(F t0
w − (cid:101)K)(q1, p, z; ξ, η) = F t0(q1, w, p, z; ξ) − K(q1, p1, z; η)
associated to the min-max value ct0 = (cid:96). By continuity of the min-max critical point,
1 , zt0; ηt0(cid:1) by
we may suppose that K is a Morse function in some neighborhood of (cid:0)qt0
1 , pt0
1 , pt0, zt0(cid:1), such a
perturbing K without changing its value at this point. Writing xt0 := (cid:0)qt0
critical point verifies
∂F t0
∂ (cid:101)K
= 0.
∂F t0
∂ (cid:101)K
w ) = (xt0, ∂x (cid:101)K, F t0
w , F t0
∂a factor:
These equations define two points (xt0, ∂xF t0
Lϕ × 0T ∗Sk which only differ in the last coordinate by a (cid:96) ∂
(cid:1) =
xt0, ∂x (cid:101)K, (cid:101)K + (cid:96)
(cid:0)xt0, ∂xF t0
w , F t0
xt0, ∂x (cid:101)K, (cid:101)K
+ (cid:96)
w ) ∈ Lt0
w and (xt0, ∂x (cid:101)K, (cid:101)K) ∈
(qt0, pt0, zt0) =
1 , pt0
We will denote by (qt0, pt0, zt0) ∈ T ∗(Rm×Tk+l)×S1 the point whose image is Γψt0
(xt0, ∂x (cid:101)K, (cid:101)K) ∈ Lϕ × 0T ∗Sk, ∂p2 (cid:101)K = 0 so qt0
1 , w, pt0, zt0; ξt0), ∂xF t0, F t0) and we will denote (Qt0, P t0, Z t0) = ψt0(qt0, pt0, zt0). Since
2 = Qt0
2 (= w).
Remark that ϕ(Uw)∩Uw = ∅ together with (xt0, ∂xF t0
1 , zt0(cid:1) (cid:54)∈ Uw or (cid:0)Qt0
(cid:1)×0T ∗Sk implies
w ) ∈ (cid:0)Lϕ + (cid:96) ∂
that either (cid:0)qt0
1 , Z t0(cid:1) (cid:54)∈ Uw. In order to see it, we go back to
the definition of generating function on T ∗(Rm × Tl) × S1 given in Subsection 2.3. Let π :
J 1Rm+l → T ∗(Rm ×Tl)×S1 be the quotient projection and consider the Zl ×Z-equivariant
lift of ϕ: (cid:101)ϕ ∈ Cont(J 1Rm+l) and (cid:102)Uw := π−1(Uw) ⊂ J 1Rm+l. Since ϕ(Uw) ∩ Uw = ∅, we
have that (cid:101)ϕ( (cid:102)Uw) ∩ (cid:102)Uw = ∅ so L
∂z = (cid:102)Uw and
∂a for all (x, X, a) ∈ J 1Rm+l × J 1Rm+l × R, intersection
(cid:98)τ (x, X + ∂
(cid:101)ϕ ∩ (cid:98)τ ( (cid:102)Uw × (cid:102)Uw × R) = ∅ is thus equivalent to
(cid:101)ϕ ∩ (cid:98)τ ( (cid:102)Uw × (cid:102)Uw × R) = ∅. But (cid:102)Uw + ∂
∂z , θ) = (cid:98)τ (x, X, θ) + ∂
w , F t0
1 , P t0
(cid:101)ϕ + (cid:96)
(cid:102)Uw × (cid:102)Uw × R
= ∅
∩ (cid:98)τ
(definition of (cid:98)τ : J 1Rm+l × J 1Rm+l × R → J 1R2(m+l)+1 is given in Subsection 2.3). Hence,
∂a , the corresponding (x, X, θ) = (cid:98)τ −1(u, v, a) verifies
given any point (u, v, a) ∈ L
that either x (cid:54)∈ (cid:102)Uw or X (cid:54)∈ (cid:102)Uw. This property descends to quotient: (xt0, ∂xF t0
w ) ∈
(cid:0)Lϕ + (cid:96) ∂
Since qt0
1 , zt0) (cid:54)∈ Uw or (Qt0
2 = w, it follows that either (qt0, pt0, zt0) (cid:54)∈ U or (Qt0, P t0, Z t0) (cid:54)∈ U . Since
(cid:1) × 0T ∗Sk implies that either (qt0
2 = Qt0
1 , Z t0) (cid:54)∈ Uw.
(cid:101)ϕ + (cid:96) ∂
w , F t0
1 , P t0
1 , pt0
ψt0 has its support in U , they both imply that
(cid:0)Qt0, P t0, Z t0(cid:1) = ψt0
(cid:0)qt0, pt0, zt0(cid:1) = (cid:0)qt0, pt0, zt0(cid:1) (cid:54)∈ U.
Hence, (qt0, pt0, zt0) is outside the support of ψt0, thus, the associated point (qt0
ΣF t0
1 , w, pt0, zt0; ξt0) = 0. Thus, we have seen that mt0
is critical of value F t0(qt0
1 , w, pt0, zt0; ξt0) ∈
1 , pt0, zt0; ξt0, ηt0(cid:1) verifies
∂F t0
∂ (cid:101)K
= 0,
∂F t0
∂ (cid:101)K
= 0 and F t0
w = 0,
so it is a critical point of − (cid:101)K, as wished, with the same critical value − (cid:101)K = F t0
w − (cid:101)K.
Let t (cid:55)→ mt be the continuous path of critical value of t (cid:55)→ F t
w − (cid:101)K obtained by min-max.
w − (cid:101)K)(mt) is equal to (cid:96) in some neighborhood of t0. Since
It remains to show that ct = (F t
(cid:101)K does not depend on ξ,
∂F t
1, w, pt, zt; ξt(cid:1) = 0
so the point (qt
Tk) × S1) → R denotes the compactly supported Hamiltonian map associated to (ψt),
1, w, pt, zt; ξt) remains inside the level set ΣF t. If H : [0, 1] × (T ∗(Rm × Tl ×
ιF t0
1 , w, pt0, zt0; ξt0(cid:1) ∈ U c ⊂ (suppH)c,
and (suppH)c is an open set so, for all t in a small neighborhood of t0, ιF t (qt
(suppH)c thus F t (qt
1, w, pt, zt; ξt) = 0 and (qt
Thus, in a small neighborhood of t0, since mt is a critical point of F t
1, pt
a slight abuse of notation), t (cid:55)→ (qt
But K is a Morse function in some neighborhood of (cid:0)qt0
1, pt
path is constant and K (qt
1, w, pt, zt; ξt) ∈
1, pt, zt; ξt) remains a critical point of F t
w (with
1, zt; ηt) is a continuous path of critical value for K.
1 , zt0; ηt0(cid:1), thus this continuous
1, zt; ηt) ≡ −(cid:96).
Finally, we have seen that, in some neighborhood of t0, F t (qt
1, w, pt, zt; ξt) ≡ 0 and
w − (cid:101)K and F t
1 , pt0
K (qt
1, pt
1, zt; ηt) ≡ −(cid:96), thus
ct = F t (cid:0)qt
In particular, since t (cid:55)→ (cid:100)ct(cid:101) is constant, one has
1, w, pt, zt; ξt(cid:1) − K (cid:0)qt
µ, F 0
w − (cid:101)K
µ, F 1
w − (cid:101)K
1, pt
1, zt; ηt(cid:1) ≡ (cid:96).
w(x; ξ) = Q(ξ) where Q is a non-degenerated quadratic form, so F 0
But F 0
lization of the generating function − (cid:101)K, thus Proposition 2.4 (1) implies c(µ, F 0
c(µ, − (cid:101)K).
Proof of Lemma 3.7. By Proposition 2.5 (1),
w − (cid:101)K is a stabi-
w − (cid:101)K) =
c(µ ⊗ 1, ψ) := c(µ ⊗ 1, F ) ≤ c(µ, Fw).
The triangular inequality of Proposition 2.4 (2) applied to µ = µ (cid:94) 1 gives us
µ, Fw
≤ c
µ, Fw − (cid:101)K
− c
1, − (cid:101)K
By Proposition 2.4 (3) and Proposition 2.5 (2), we have −c(1, − (cid:101)K) = c(µ, (cid:101)K) = c(µ1, K).
µ ⊗ 1, ψ
≤ c
µ, Fw − (cid:101)K
+ c
µ1, K
and thus,
µ ⊗ 1, ψ
µ, Fw − (cid:101)K
µ1, K
According Lemma 3.8, (cid:100)c(µ, Fw − (cid:101)K)(cid:101) = (cid:100)c(µ, − (cid:101)K)(cid:101) so
µ ⊗ 1, ψ
µ, − (cid:101)K
µ1, K
Since K generates ϕ, (cid:100)c(µ1, −K)(cid:101) = (cid:100)c(µ1, ϕ−1)(cid:101), according to Proposition 2.8 (2). Thus
Proposition 2.5 (2) gives (cid:100)c(µ, − (cid:101)K)(cid:101) = (cid:100)c(µ1, ϕ−1)(cid:101). Finally, by definition, c(µ1, K) =
c(µ1, ϕ).
4. Contact camel theorem
In this section, we will prove Theorem 1.1. We work on the space R2n × S1 in dimension
2n + 1 > 3, we denote by q1, p1, . . . , qn, pn, z coordinates on R2n × S1 so that the Liouville
form is given by λ = p dq := p1 dq1 + · · · + pn dqn and the standard contact form of R2n × S1
be the contact Hamiltonian flow of R2n×S1 associated
is α = p dq− dz. Let τt(x) = x+t ∂
to the contact Hamiltonian (t, x) (cid:55)→ pn.
Lemma 4.1. Let R and r be two positive numbers and B2n
R ×S1 ⊂ P− ×S1. If there exists
a contact isotopy (φt) of (R2n × S1, α) supported in [−c/8, c/8]2n × S1 for some c > 0 such
R × S1) ⊂ (R2n \ Pr) × S1 for all t ∈ [0, 1],
that φ0 = id, φ1(B2n
t ∈ Cont(R2n × S1)
then there exists a smooth family of contact isotopy s (cid:55)→ (ψs
and ψs
t ) supported
in [−c/8, c/8]2n−2 × R2 × S1 , such that, for all s ∈ [0, 1], all t ∈ R and all x ∈ R2n × S1,
0 = id associated to a smooth family of contact Hamiltonians s (cid:55)→ (H s
R × S1) ⊂ P+ × S1 and φt(B2n
t ) with ψs
c(x) = x + c
x + c
= ψs
t (x) + c
t+c = ψs
t = τt whereas ψt := ψ1
c ◦ ψs
t .
∀t ∈ R
Moreover, for all t ∈ R, ψ0
R × S1(cid:1) ⊂
R2n \
t satisfies
Pr + kc
× S1,
∀t ∈ R.
Proof. Assume there exists such a (φt). Let Kt : R × (R2n × S1) → R be the compactly
supported contact Hamiltonian associated to (φt). By hypothesis, Kt is supported in
t : R × (R2n × S1) → R
[−c/8, c/8]2n, thus one can define its c ∂
-periodic extension K (cid:48)
t : R2n × S1 → R2n × S1
and the associated contact isotopy (φ(cid:48)
t). The contactomorphism φ(cid:48)
satisfies φ(cid:48)
= φ(cid:48)
t(x) + c ∂
x + c ∂
t ) with ψs
t ∈ Cont(R2n × S1) and
For all s ∈ [0, 1], consider the contact isotopy (ψs
0 = id defined as follow (look also at Figure 3). Given x ∈ R2n, trajectory γ(t) = ψs
t (x)
first follows t (cid:55)→ φ(cid:48)
t(x) from t = 0 to t = s. Then γ follows t (cid:55)→ τt(φ(cid:48)
s(x)) from t = 0 to
t = 1/4. Then t (cid:55)→ (cid:101)φ(cid:48)
c/4) is
the contact Hamiltonian flow associated to the translated contact Hamiltonian application
(cid:101)K (cid:48)
s(x)) from t = 0 to t = 3/4. We
normalize time such that s (cid:55)→ ψs
t gives an isotopy of smooth contact Hamiltonian flows of
c ∂
∂t -periodic contact Hamitonians H s
t .
s(x)) from t = 0 to t = s, where ((cid:101)φt) = (τc/4 ◦ φ−1
s−t ◦ τ−c/4. Finally, γ follows t (cid:55)→ τt((cid:101)φ(cid:48)
s ◦ τ1/4 ◦ φ(cid:48)
t(τ1/4 ◦ φ(cid:48)
t = −K (cid:48)
t ◦ τ −1
Br × S1
PR × S1
PR × S1 + ∂
Figure 3. Construction of ψ1.
Identity (4.1) comes from the fact that ψs
s ◦ τ −1
((cid:101)φt), (cid:101)φs = τc/4 ◦ φ−1
is a composition of c ∂
periodicity of Hamiltonian H s
isotopy (φt).
c = τ3c/4 ◦ (cid:101)φs ◦ τc/4 ◦ φs and, by definition of
c/4. Identity (4.2) comes from the fact that contactomorphism ψs
-equivariant contactomorphisms. Identity (4.3) is implied by c ∂
∂t -
t . Inclusion (4.4) comes from the hypothesis on the contact
R × S1) ⊂ P+ × S1 and φt(B2n
Let r, R > 0 be such that there exists a positive integer (cid:96) satisfying πr2 < (cid:96) < πR2
and let B2n
R × S1 ⊂ P− × S1. Suppose by contradiction that there exists a contact isotopy
(φt) of (R2n × S1, α) supported in [−c/8, c/8]2n × S1 for some c > 0 such that φ0 = id,
R × S1) ⊂ (R2n \ Pr) × S1 for all t ∈ [0, 1]. In order
to prove Theorem 1.1, it is enough to consider r ∈ ((cid:96) − 1, (cid:96)). Consider the family of
contact isotopy s (cid:55)→ (ψs
t ) given by Lemma 4.1 and denote by (H s
t ) the associated family
of Hamiltonian supported in [−c/8, c/8]2n × R2 × S1. We define λs
t : R2n × S1 → R by
t α. Let us consider:
t )∗α = λs
Ψs : R × R × R2n+1 → R × R × R2n+1,
Ψs(t, h, x) = (t, λs
t (x)h + H s
t ◦ ψs
t (x), ψs
t (x)).
According to (4.1), (4.2) and (4.3), for all (t, h, x) ∈ R × R × R2n+1,
∀k, l ∈ Z, Ψs
t + lc, h, x + kc
= Ψs(t, h, x) + lc
+ (k + l)c
Thus Ψs descends to a map Ψs : T ∗C × T ∗(Rn−1 × C) × S1 → T ∗C × T ∗(Rn−1 × C) × S1
where C := R/cZ.
Lemma 4.2. The family s (cid:55)→ Ψs is a contact isotopy of the contact manifold (T ∗C ×
T ∗(Rn−1 × C) × S1, ker( dz − p dq + h dt)).
Proof. We write
since dZt − Pt dQt = (ψs
t (q, p, z) = (Qt(q, p, z), Pt(q, p, z), Zt(q, p, z)),
t )∗( dz − p dq) = λs
t ( dz − p dq), we have
(Ψs)∗ ( dz − p dq + h dt) = dZt − Pt dQt + ˙Zt dt − Pt
˙Qt dt + (λs
t h + H s
t ◦ ψs
t ) dt
= λs
t ( dz − p dq + h dt) +
˙Qt + H s
is the contact Hamiltonian of the isotopy ψs
t ◦ ψs
t supported in [−c/8, c/8]2n ×
(cid:16) ˙Zt − Pt
But, since H s
R2 × S1, Pt
˙Qt − ˙Zt = H s
t ◦ ψs
t . Finally,
(Ψs)∗ ( dz − p dq + h dt) = λs
t ( dz − p dq + h dt).
For technical reasons, we replace T ∗Rn × S1 by its quotient T ∗(Rn−1 × C) × S1 and
R × S1 inside this quotient (since c can be taken large while R is fixed, this
consider our B2n
identification is well defined). Let us consider the linear symplectic map:
L : T ∗C × T ∗(Rn−1 × C) → T ∗C × T ∗(Rn−1 × C),
L(t, h, x, qn, pn) = (qn − t, −h, x, qn, pn − h)
and denote by (cid:98)L = L × id the associated contactomorphism of T ∗C × T ∗(Rn−1 × C) × S1.
Let us consider
U := (cid:98)L (cid:0)Ψ1 (cid:0)T ∗C × B2n
R × S1(cid:1)(cid:1) .
We compactify the space T ∗C × T ∗(Rn−1 × C) as
C × S1 × S2n−2 × C × S1 (cid:39) S2n−2 × T2 × C 2.
Let µ and dz be the orientation class of S2n−2 × T2 and S1 respectively and dqn and dt
be the canonical base of H 1(C 2).
Lemma 4.3. One has the following capacity inequality:
c (µ ⊗ dt ⊗ dz, U) ≥ (cid:6)πR2(cid:7) .
Proof. Let α := µ ⊗ dt. Since s (cid:55)→ (cid:98)L ◦ Ψs is a contact isotopy, Proposition 2.9 (1) implies
c (α ⊗ dz, U) = c
α ⊗ dz, (cid:98)L (cid:0)Ψ0 (cid:0)T ∗C × B2n
R × S1(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:17)
But (cid:98)L (Ψ0 (T ∗C × B2n
R × S1)) = L(Φ0 (T ∗C × B2n
C) → T ∗C × T ∗(Rn−1 × C) is the linear symplectic map:
R )) × S1 where Φ0 : T ∗C × T ∗(Rn−1 ×
Φ0(t, h, x, qn, pn) = (t, h + pn, x, qn + t, pn).
Thus, using Proposition 2.9 (3),
c (α ⊗ dz, U) = (cid:6)c (cid:0)α, L (cid:0)Φ0 (cid:0)T ∗C × B2n
(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:7) .
In order to conclude, let us show that
c (cid:0)µ ⊗ dt, L (cid:0)Φ0 (cid:0)T ∗C × B2n
(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) ≥ πR2.
By the linear symplectic invariance stated in Proposition 3.4,
c (cid:0)µ ⊗ dt, L ◦ Φ0 (cid:0)T ∗C × B2n
(cid:1)(cid:1) = c (cid:0)µ ⊗ A∗ dt, T ∗C × B2n
(cid:1) ,
where A : C 2 → C 2 is the linear map A(t, qn) = (qn, qn +t). We have A∗ dt = dqn, therefore
c (cid:0)µ ⊗ dt, L ◦ Φ0 (cid:0)T ∗C × B2n
(cid:1)(cid:1) = c (cid:0)µ ⊗ dqn, T ∗C × B2n
(cid:1) .
The cohomology class µ ⊗ dqn can be seen as the tensor product of the orientation class
µ1 of the compactification S2n−2 × S1 × C of T ∗(Rn−1 × C) by the orientation class dh
of the compactification S1 of the h-coordinate and the generator 1 of H 0(C) (for the t-
coordinate). Indeed, dqn ∈ H 1(C 2) can be identify to dqn ⊗ 1 ∈ H 1(C) ⊗ H 0(C) (writing
also dqn for the orientation class of C by a slight abuse of notation). Hence, if µS2n−2 and
dpn are the orientation classes of S2n−2 and of the compactification S1 of the pn-coordinate
respectively, then
µ ⊗ dqn = (µS2n−2 ⊗ dh ⊗ dpn) ⊗ ( dqn ⊗ 1) = (µS2n−2 ⊗ dqn ⊗ dpn) ⊗ dh ⊗ 1 = µ1 ⊗ dh ⊗ 1.
Now, according to Proposition 2.7 (3),
c (cid:0)1 ⊗ dh ⊗ µ1, C × R × B2n
(cid:1) ≥ c (cid:0)µ1, B2n
(cid:1) .
Finally, Proposition 2.7 (4) implies
c (cid:0)µ ⊗ dt, L (cid:0)Φ0 (cid:0)T ∗C × B2n
(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) ≥ c (cid:0)µ1, B2n
(cid:1) = πR2.
Proof of Theorem 1.1. Let us apply Lemma 3.7 with m = n − 1, l = k = 1 and the
orientation class µ ⊗ dt ⊗ dz to the exhaustive sequence of open bounded subsets defined
by U (k) := (cid:98)L (Ψ1 (C × (−k, k) × B2n
R )); taking the supremum among k > 0, we find:
R × S1) ⊂
c (µ ⊗ dt ⊗ dz, U) ≤ γ (U0) ,
where U0 ⊂ T ∗C×T ∗Rn−1×S1 is the reduction of U at qn = 0. Now Ψ1 (T ∗C × B2n
T ∗C × (cid:83)
t∈[0,c] ψt(B2n
R × S1) so
T ∗C ×
U ⊂ (cid:98)L
R × S1)
t∈[0,c] ψt (B2n
Let V := (cid:83)
R × S1) ∩ {qn = 0} and π : T ∗Rn−1 × {0} × R × S1 → T ∗Rn−1 × S1
be the canonical projection. Since (cid:98)L does not change the qn-coordinate and coordinates of
T ∗Rn−1, inclusion (4.6) implies
But (4.4) implies V ⊂ (B2n
U0 ⊂ T ∗C × π(V ).
r (0) ∩ {qn = 0}) × S1 and π(B2n
r (0) ∩ {qn = 0}) = B2n−2
U0 ⊂ T ∗C × B2n−2
(0) × S1.
Since πr2 (cid:54)∈ Z, by Lemma 3.1,
γ (cid:0)T ∗C × B2n−2
(0) × S1(cid:1) ≤ (cid:6)πr2(cid:7) ,
thus, Lemma 4.3, inclusion (4.7) and inequality (4.5) gives
(cid:6)πR2(cid:7) ≤ γ (U0) ≤ γ (cid:0)T ∗C × B2n−2
(0) × S1(cid:1) ≤ (cid:6)πr2(cid:7) ,
a contradiction with πR2 > (cid:96) > πr2.
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Simon Allais, ´Ecole Normale Sup´erieure de Lyon, UMPA
46 all´ee d’Italie, 69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France
E-mail address: [email protected]
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Is nature OO?
Guy Barrand∗
LAL, Univ Paris-Sud, IN2P3/CNRS, Orsay, France
July 2011
What exists ”out there”? What does ”doing physics” mean? What are the
axiomatic ideas for microphysics? What is a particle? What is an apparatus made
of? We show that Quantum Mechanics textbooks cannot truly answer this kind of
question whereas they should. By adopting a pure ”hitological” point of view for
microphysics, we introduce the Hit in Apparatuses Theory (HAT) and the Vacuum
of Apparatuses (VA) that restore, through Object Orientation (OO), an intuitive
ontology to deal with this kind of physics. Through a review of what it means to
”observe” and what relativism means in Special and General Relativities (SR and
GR), we address the problem of finding common maths for GR and QM. Finally,
with our new HAT, we address the measurement problem in QM and propose two
possible approaches.
Keywords: microphysics, apparatus, hit, detector, source, hitology, vacuum, observer,
relativism, object orientation, OO, HAT, VA.
PACS numbers: 03.65.Ta, 03.65.Ca, 03.65.Ud, 03.30.+p, 04.20.Cv
1 What is ”doing physics”?
ideas about nature, mathematics, experiments.
Physics is made of three components:
A good theory should have all three. First of all, clear ideas about something in nature,
something ”out there”. Second, a clear mapping of these ideas with mathematical symbols.
Third, a good matching of experimental results or observations (the data) with what is
derived from the maths. We have the deep conviction that if we do not have all three,
especially the right ideas, we are not doing good physics or even physics at all! This could
be represented with the semantic equation
doing-physics = (ideas, maths, experiments)
∗[email protected]
Maths is the logical manipulation of propositions made with symbols. One set of
propositions, the axioms, is more fundamental than the others. The axioms are considered
de facto as true and are, by construction and definition, out of the process of demonstration
because demonstrations and theorems rely on the axioms. Regarding the ideas for physics
it appears that we have a similar kind of process. Among all ideas some seem to be more
fundamental than others, for example the ideas of space and time. We are going to qualify
such ideas as ”axiomatic”. It is interesting to question what the axiomatic ideas are in
today’s physics. For example, we are going to see that the idea of ”corpuscle”, defined as
a little object ”out there” bearing properties of its own and ”flying around”, is far from
being such an obvious axiomatic idea as it looks.
It is interesting to note that this kind of reductive process seems to apply in experi-
mental physics too. Some experiments, such as the ”two slits” one, reveal so sharply a
peculiar feature of nature that they look axiomatic too!
2 The Hilbert Formalism (HF)
2.1 The Schr¨odinger equation
Before the mid 1920s we had very good theories dealing with meso and macro scales ”out
there”: classical mechanics, Maxwell theory, General Relativity.
In particular in these
theories ideas did not pose problems. They were the ideas of solid body, space, time, field.
These ideas were nicely symbolized by using differential calculus. Moreover, we had an
impressive match with experiments. However, things collapsed around 1925 with micro-
scale physics. One key experimental fact was the observation of the spectrum of emitted
light from an illuminated hydrogen gas that appeared to be. . . discrete! A key theoretical
fact was the discovery by Schr¨odinger of an equation able to recover this spectrum
∆ψ + V ψ = Eψ
This equation (the ”time independent” one) operates on a field ψ, has the symbol E
representing Energy as a parameter and a ”potential field” V as a constraint. A wonderful
feature of this equation is that for some particular potentials it has solutions for ψ only
if E is in a discrete spectrum, and it appears that in the case of a 1/r potential, this
spectrum matches the observed one of the illuminated hydrogen gas. This is brillant
(no pun intended). Especially knowing that the Maxwell theory, based on the idea of
corpuscles flying around in a field mapped on space-time, was not able to recover the
observed spectrum. The calculations can be found in many books. The author encountered
them for the first time in [1].
This magic equation seems to solve the question of microphysics, but a ”little detail”
prevents that: we have no clear idea to attach to. . . ψ!
2.2 Definition of the HF
The Schr¨odinger equation leads to new maths that we are going to name here the Hilbert
Formalism (HF in short). It is the maths used in today’s microphysics. The HF is based
on Hilbert vector space using complex numbers, equipped with an inner product to get real
numbers from vectors, operators acting on a vector, a whole corpus of logic to analyse the
spectrum of operators, a way to decompose a vector (a ψ) into the basis of an operator,
etc. . . In this text we are not going to question this formalism but more to question the
ideas of the physics attached to it and, for example, the idea attached to the ψ of the
Schr¨odinger equation which is itself part of the HF.
2.3 So what is the idea for ψ? Probability of what?
What is ψ for? A textbook answer is that ψ is used to calculate probabilities. Fine,
but the probability of what? It would be natural to say that the axiomatic ideas for
microphysics are space, time and corpuscles able to ”fly around” and that ψ is used to
calculate the probability that a corpuscle ”be” in a given position, with the randomness
having its origin in some unknown effect to be discovered or, why not, being an axiomatic
idea of randomness.
In general, experts, teachers and textbooks discard this view, this interpretation, by
saying that ψ is used to calculate the probability that the corpuscle ”be found” at a given
position. This is a subtle difference, but an essential one. In particular this ”be found”
assumes de facto an apparatus logic in the foundations, in the axiomatic ideas. This ”be
found”, and the fundamental change of semantic attached to it, has its origin in a piece of
maths in the HF called the ”Heisenberg inequality” and an interpretation of this inequality
called the ”Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle” (HUP). We are definitely not going to argue
about this ”principle” here (perhaps in another text when equipped with our new HAT),
but a key feature of the HUP is to say that we can no longer attach both the properties
of position and speed (momentum in fact) to a corpuscle. With the consequence that the
idea of trajectory no longer makes sense in microphysics, and so the idea of ”flying around
out there” makes no sense either.
In order to keep the connection to nature, textbooks fall back on an ”axiomatic mea-
surement logic” by attaching position or momentum to the result of a measurement process
on a ”tiny something” that we are going to name ”particle” from now on rather than ”cor-
puscle”. We reserve the term ”corpuscle” to a ”tiny object” having a trajectory as in
classical mechanics or Maxwell theory. We may write the definitions
= tiny object with trajectory
= tiny object without trajectory
A key point is that a ”particle be found” assumes anyway that there are ”tiny objects
out there” beside the axiomatic apparatus needed to attach ψ to the idea of ”be found”.
It is here that we start to have problem of interpretation because if ψ is dedicated to a
”be found”, there remains nothing in the formalism to symbolise a ”tiny something”! In
particular, since there are no more trajectories, there are no X, Y, Z(t) symbols to represent
a ”tiny object out there”. So with these ideas attached to the Hilbert Formalism, we
are driven to a strange interpretation in which some axiomatic ideas (”tiny object” or
”particle”) have no direct mapping symbols in the formalism. Weird.
x, appear both in ψ(t,
Moreover, the symbols of space and time, t and
x) and in the
partial derivaties of the Schr¨odinger equation. A three dimensional uniform and constant
metric is also hidden in the Laplacian ∆ of the equation (through a δij). So we must
conclude that a ”found position” has to be understood from an apparatus immersed in
a Euclidean space-time. This induces a more acute problem of interpretation since we
have to speak of a ”tiny object out there” not represented in the formalism, having no
trajectory of its own, and that cannot be said to be ”here”, but is nevertheless in a ”here”
when measured because of the Euclidean ”here” defined by the apparatus! Highly weird.
To labour the point we could mention the ”spin”. If we put an illuminated hydrogen
gas in a magnet we observe a change in the emitted spectrum. It appears that the HF has
the spinor operator piece of maths that brings the necessary degrees of freedom to model
the modified spectrum. So we have a good match of the maths with an experimental result
- fine! However, things go wrong when looking at the ideas presented in textbooks to
justify the usage of the spinor maths. Spinor is a mathematical object related to rotation
in a Euclidean three dimensional space and textbooks attach a ”spin” property to their
”particle” (spin 1/2 of the electron). How can we attach to the ”tiny object” a property
related to rotation in the Euclidean space of the apparatus which is the only space at hand
in this interpretation? How can we attach the idea of meso scale rotation to something
that cannot be said to be ”here”? How can we attach a geometric idea to a ”tiny object”
that cannot be said to ”be” in space? Most textbooks evade the issue by saying that spin
is a ”pure Quantum Mechanics effect” which obviously explains. . . nothing! Worse, before
reaching this conclusion some dare to use the analogy of the classical spinning top in order
to give an ”intuitive feeling” to what the ”spin” of a ”particle” is. A disaster! (A classical
spinning top is an object having a spatial structure that rotates ”out there”).
If there is no XY Z(t) in the formalism, and no more symbols to represent the ”particle”
directly, it would be much more consistent to say that there are no particles at all and then
say that ψ is used to calculate the probability that a cell at a given position in a measuring
apparutus has to fire. This is much more convincing since the HF has symbols to describe
a measuring device (the operators) and also has symbols to describe a ”source apparatus”
(the vectors). ”Source” here is interpreted as the source of the firing events in the sense
that, if the source apparatus is not there, then we never observe the firing of cells.
It is this ”no particle” idea that we would like to develop in this text to see if we can
have a more consistent approach to microphysics. More consistent at the level of the maths
and experiments, but also of the ideas.
2.4 What is Quantum Mechanics?
A textbook about microphysics that uses the HF is said to be about ”Quantum Mechanics”
(QM in short) [1], [2], [3]. As just discussed, a particle vocabulary is still heavily used in
these QM books. The words atom, electron, particle, etc. . . often appear in the introduction
as if taken for granted, without any kind of definition. To help the argumentation of this
text, we are going to rely on this usage of a particle vocabulary to define ”Quantum
Mechanics”. In fact few books come with a definition of what QM is. For us, QM is the
area of science dealing with microphysics based on the maths of the HF but still associated
with a particle vocabulary.
Having the conviction that this undue vocabulary is the source of the intuitive dis-
comfort that many people have with ”QM” (including the author), we are going to see
if it is possible to reread the HF by avoiding this vocabulary and then restore a clear
understanding of the science of microphysics.
3 HAT: Hit in Apparatuses Theory
3.1 HAT, detector and hit-source definitions
HAT, for Hit in Apparatuses Theory, is defined as an interpretation of the HF formalism
based solely on the two axiomatic ideas of apparatuses and hits appearing in them.
Experimental microphysics shows that we can classify apparatuses in two categories,
the ”detectors” and the ”hit-sources”. We define a ”detector” as an apparatus in which
hits appear. For the moment the hits are zero dimensional (punctual) events appearing in
the detectors. Some apparatuses are such that, if they are not present, no hits appear in a
detector apparatus. We define a hit-source apparatus as such an apparatus. In a complex
detector (some made of many devices) hits often appear in a pattern that characterizes the
hit-source (for example an ”electromagnetic shower” hit pattern).
It is important, in fact fundamental, to note that the definitions above do not use the
words corpuscle and particle at all. We consider that these definitions are good foundations
because they do not pose a problem of realism for us. At first glance, HAT looks like some
kind of ”hitology”, but we are going to see that it is more than that.
3.2 A no-go for corpuscles in microphysics?
To define apparatuses we could have said that they are made of an aggregate of corpuscles
(as defined in the first paragraph), that a hit-source is a device that emits corpuscles and
that a detector is a device that reacts by producing a hit when impacted by a corpuscle.
”Corpuscle” would then have been a universal axiomatic idea. It is very natural to attempt
to define apparatuses and the whole of microphysics in this way, but it appears that one
part of this kind of theory. . . does not work!
A nice reasoning of John Bell, tested in ”Bohm-Aspect” kind of experiments, is said
to rule out the idea that a hit is produced by a corpuscle emitted from the source. For
clarity of the overall argumentation, we must explain, with our words, the outline of a
Bohm-Aspect type experiment and the Bell reasoning.
3.2.1 Bohm-Aspect setup
We can imagine an experimental setup composed of three apparatuses, a hit-source and
two detectors placed remotely aside the hit-source by having the three devices aligned
along the same axis (named z here). Each detector is such that it defines an oriented axis
in a plan perpendicular to z so that ”+hit” can appear in the forward direction of this axis
and ”-hit” can appear in the backward direction of the axis.
For a particular kind of hit-source found in nature, we can observe time coincident pairs
of hits in both detectors. The pairs are of four kinds: (+,+) (+,-), (-,+), (-,-). We can
count the number of pairs with the same sign
and with the opposite sign
Nsame = N++ + N−−
Nopposite = N+− + N−+
and then calculate the ”correlation factor” C as
C = (Nsame − Nopp)/(Nsame + Nopp)
One macroscopic parameter of the setup we can play with, is the relative angle θ of the
axes of the two detectors. Other macroscopic parameters are the two distances of each
detector to the hit-source, but strangely they do not appear in the reasoning. We can then
do various acquisitions (runs) by getting C for various θ and draw an experimental curve
Cexp(θ). As the shape of this curve is not relevant for the argumentation, we are not going
to show it here. It helps to concentrate on the essentials.
It is important, in fact fundamental, to note that in the description of the experiment
we have not used the words corpuscle, particle and in particular ”pair of photons”.
3.2.2 Bell reasoning
It is at this point that Bell’s reasoning comes into play. Bell claims that a large set of
theories describing the experiment, and in particular the ones based on corpuscles, must
match some conditions, the Bell conditions (BC in short), and that when these conditions
are met, then the Ctheory under BC(θ) has some constraints. The passage from the Bell
conditions to the constraints over C(θ) is the Bell theorem. A striking result is that
these constraints are such that a Ctheory under BC(θ), and then Ccorpuscle theory(θ), cannot
reproduce the Cexp(θ)!
In Bohm-Aspect-Bell (BAB in short), it is not the fact that there are coincident hits
that poses a problem, but the fact that the amount of correlation for some θ cannot be
explained by some theories, and in particular by the most intuitive theory that we can
imagine at first, the one describing nature with corpuscles flying around and interacting
locally with the detectors. Said simply, for some θs there is too much correlation for an
intuitive corpuscle theory. With the BAB logic, it seems that we have a proof that this
kind of theory cannot work and therefore that our intuition is baffled by experimental
After the pioneer texts [4], [5], [6], a lot was written to criticize. . . everything! In general
criticisms are of two kinds. First, criticisms around how the experiments are done. Second,
criticisms around the fact that the Bell conditions cannot put aside all the corpuscle based
theories. In this text we are going to assume that ”BAB is granted”1 , and in particular
that the experimental data and the Cexp(θ) curve are granted.
3.2.3 The HF at work and the HAT point of view
This loss of the idea of corpuscle looks like the end of ”doing microphysics”, but the
situation is partially rescued because. . . it is possible to model this experiment with the
Hilbert Formalism! If the hit-source is modeled by a vector of the HF and the detectors
are modeled by operators of the HF, the formalism makes it possible to calculate a CHF (θ)
that matches the Cexp(θ)! Since the setup was presented by using a pure HAT terminology,
and we have defined HAT has being associated to the HF, then we can write
CHAT (θ) = CHF (θ) = Cexp(θ)
and so we have restored clear ideas mapped to neat maths that recovers the data : ”doing
microphysics” is back for this experiment! Moreover, it is back in a way that reinforces a
pure HAT point of view since the Bell reasoning is said to eliminate, in this case, the word
3.2.4 The QM point of view
As QM is also attached to the HF, we have
CQM (θ) = CHF (θ) = Cexp(θ)
but what is striking is that in general the experimental setup is presented by using the
words ”pair of photons” to qualify the ”source”. As QM defenders also accept the ”loss
of corpuscles” coming from the Bell reasoning, we are driven into a strange microphysics
1 It is not so clear whether the Bell conditions cover the case of a theory based on corpuscles flying
around in a space-time which is not ”gently flat” at micro scale, a space-time having some dynamics of its
own that could be viewed as the origin of the ”too much correlation”. We assume in this text that this
kind of theory is ruled out too.
in which on the one hand the ”good old corpuscles” are said to be ruled out, but on the
other hand the word ”photon” is nevertheless used to describe the setup! Weird. . . again!
To qualify this strange ”pair of photons source” that can produce, for some θ, an
amount of correlation not reproducible by a corpuscle theory, the word ”entanglement”
was introduced (the source is often presented as a source of ”pairs of entangled photons”).
This new word obviously clarifies nothing, since we have no clear idea of the nature of the
entity being qualified! For us, the questioning around this kind of experiment is not to
qualify a source of ”photons”, but to know if it still makes sense to use the word ”photon”
at all! QM defenders should first speak about an experimental setup with a ”hit-source”
being able to produce particular coincident hits, and then ask the question: does a photon
entity make sense to explain them?
It is worth noting that the HAT point of view transforms an uncomfortable feeling of
weirdness coming from QM, to a healthy feeling of awe. The awe at finding in nature
hit-sources able to produce such Cexp(θ) not explainable by a corpuscle theory!
3.2.5 A remark
It is also interesting to note that the BAB argumentation does not destroy the idea of
apparatuses being, or not being, an aggregate of corpuscles! Strictly speaking BAB does
not address this problem, it destroys the idea of corpuscles only for the ”in between”
apparatuses. Consequently, we start to realize that the nature of apparatuses is going to
be a central question. This point is going to be explored later.
3.3 We are Object Oriented!
For us, being unable to decide on which foot to dance with the word ”particle” in QM
is what induces the huge discomfort that we have with this interpretation of the HF for
microphysics. The discomfort arises because the idea of property-bearing objects is some-
thing deeply rooted in the way we think: we, as human beings, are. . . object oriented!
We are ”OO”, and a theory about nature unable to pinpoint its own objects cannot be a
good theory for us. We claim that HAT is better than QM, because HAT clears the decks
concerning the word ”particle”.
And what if nature were not OO? If that were the case, we would be unable to find the
right ideas for the ”out there”, which would mean a true end to ”doing physics” as defined
above, but it seems that we still have some cards to play, so let us continue. . .
3.4 The two slits experiment
The ”two slits” is a canonical experiment used in QM textbooks to justify the HF. This
justification comes from the fact that the HF contains a vector addition which represents
In general the two-slits is also presented as the canonical
very well what is observed.
experiment showing that ”microphysics is weird”, and this because there is no way to
answer the canonical question ”through which slit does the particle pass?”. As we are
going to see, a HAT point view naturally removes any kind of weirdness here.
As for the Bohm-Aspect setup, it is important, in fact fundamental, to be careful about
the words used to present the experiment. The setup is made of a hit-source apparatus
pointing in a direction z, a farther cache perpendicular to z with two parallel slits (A and
B) and a farther plane detector also perpendicular to z. The four experimental situations
1. slit A opened, B closed
2. slit A closed, B opened
3. slit A opened, B opened
4. slit A closed, B closed
could be modeled with a σ=1,2,3,4 macroscopic parameter. In the reasoning, this param-
eter is an equivalent of the θ macroscopic parameter of the Bohm-Aspect setup. For the
first three cases, according to σ (and then for different runs labeled by σ), we observe
three distributions of hits: Dexp(σ = 1), Dexp(σ = 2), Dexp(σ = 3). An interesting fact
is that in the case σ=3, the distribution of hits has an ”interference” pattern, whilst each
distribution σ=1,2 does not (both are circular). So we have
Dexp(σ = 3) 6= Dexp(σ = 1) + Dexp(σ = 2)
What is nice is that we can model these three situations quite easily with the HF by
associating a ψ for each σ. A mathematical curiosity is that, apart from a normalization
factor, we have
ψ(σ = 3) = ψ(σ = 1) + ψ(σ = 2)
and that ψ(σ = 3) recovers the interference pattern. So far so good, and we could have
stopped the presentation of the two-slits here since the three ingredients of ”doing physics”
are here. Clear ideas (apparatuses, hits), good maths (the ψs and the capability to add
them) and a very good matching with experiment (in particular the recovery of an inter-
ference pattern).
An important and fundamental fact is that until now we have not used the word ”par-
ticle”, nor the word ”corpuscle”, and that so far the above two-slits presentation is clear.
Now if attempting to model this experiment with a corpuscle theory, we fall on a serious
problem because a ”standalone corpuscle flying around” theory would lead to
Dcorpuscle theory(σ = 3) = Dcorpuscle theory(σ = 1) + Dcorpuscle theory(σ = 2)
which is not what is observed.
In particular, a corpuscle theory would not lead to an
interference pattern. So, as in BAB, we are driven to the conclusion that the idea of
corpuscles is ruled out in this microphysics experiment. In fact, we could have used the
two-slits as a corpuscle no-go argumentation instead of BAB, but BAB is more interesting
since it eliminates more theories. It should be noted that it is not so much the fact that there
is an interference pattern in σ=3 which is important as the mere fact that Dexp(σ = 3)
is not the same as Dexp(σ = 1) + Dexp(σ = 2). This non equality alone is sufficient to
In QM textbooks or lectures, it is highly instructive to study the section on how the
two-slits experiment is presented. Most of the time, it is presented in the first lecture by
using the words ”particle” or ”electron” as if taken for granted. The ”source” apparatus
is presented de facto as a source. . . of particles, themselves often presented as corpuscles
(sometime even drawn on the blackboard !). This is wrong, and because of this usage of the
wrong vocabulary so early, the poor student cannot avoid catching an intuitive discomfort
right from the first lecture, a discomfort that leads in general to strong nausea by the end
of the term! The two-slits is presented so early more to sell the HF than anything else, in
particular the linearity of the algebra, the fact that ψ(σ = 1) + ψ(σ = 2) has a physical
meaning 2. But the point with the two-slits experiment is not in the maths! It is in the
fact that this experiment is a canonical one to question the usage of the words ”particle”
and ”corpuscle” in microphysics.
We also see that a pure HAT, a pure hitological point of view, clarifies the question
”through which slit does the particle pass?”. HAT leads immediatly to the conclusion that
this question is not answerable because it is. . . ill defined! It is ill defined because the word
”particle” is ill defined in this context. The HAT point of view also transforms the sentence
”microphysics is weird” to ”microphysics is awesome”. It is awesome because we can find
in nature, ”out there”, hit-sources able to produce an interference hit pattern and we can
model the experiment by using a nice linear algebra. Truly marvellous!
The HAT point of view makes it possible to raise an interesting question: what about
the case ”A closed and B closed” (σ=4)? Our hitological point of view does not rule out the
possibility of actually observing hits in the detector! Before saying that this is impossible,
we must remember. . . the tunnel effect.
3.5 MachZender (and delayed choice) experiments
We could also have mentioned the MachZender ”two arms interferometer” kind of exper-
iment that would have drawn the same conclusions as for the Bohm-Aspect and two-slits
ones. The macroscopic parameter to play with would have been the difference of length (δ)
between the two arms. In such an experiment, various runs according to this macroscopic
parameter would have induced some Dexp(δ) experimental curve not reproducible with a
theory of corpuscles flying around, but reproducible with the HF.
Here too, we would have concluded that the question ”through which arm did the
photon pass?” is ill defined and then unanswerable because the word ”photon” is improper
in this context.
2Students that feel comfortable are in general more mathematicians than physicists and do not run
away (fast) because the HF, with its linear algebra, is a nice piece of maths to play with. To be fair, we
agree on that.
A QM point of view would have shown the same defects as for the two-slits : a too early
and undue usage of the word ”photon” and a focalization on the maths. The conclusion
would had been the same : the point is missed.
3.6 Corpuscles? at what cost?
It must be mentioned that some models exist which attempt to model the two-slits or the
Bohm-Aspect results by keeping corpuscles. The Bohm model is one of them (there are
X, Y, Z(t) with Bohm). Nevertheless all of them, at some point, have to introduce some
weird ideas such as action at distance. Such ideas are definitely counter-intuitive and at
some point not really OO. For example, action at distance induces that a corpuscle does
not really bear properties in a standalone way since its behavior depends also on ”the rest”
(it is the ”Wholeness” idea of Bohm-Hiley [4]).
4 A pure ”hitology”? No
Does the HAT interpretation, because it is an interpretation, induce that microphysics is
reduced to a pure hitology? That is to say that nature is made of hit-source and detector
apparatuses, all modeled with the Hilbert formalism for which the only goal is to calculate
probability distributions of hits? In fact no, one particular set of experiments, the ”decay”
ones, induces that we have to consider that there is an extra entity in the whole story, the
”in between” apparatuses, which appears to be an active physical entity.
To describe a ”decay experiment”, we first have to label a hit-source. It appears that
in nature apparatuses exist, or can be built, that produce different kinds of hit pattern
when the detector is placed very close to the hit-source or even without any space between
the two. These different patterns make it possible to classify the hit-sources: electron-
hit-source, photon-hit-source, muon-hit-source, etc. . . Note that here the words electron,
photon, muon are introduced with a definition (through a physical procedure). Few books
in microphysics do that. We are going to name this definition, which is based on experi-
mental facts produced with a particular apparatus setup, a ”definition setup”. We insist
that these words are not, definitely not, introduced by describing some corpuscle entity
It is interesting to note that to define the words electron, photon, muon,
”out there”.
etc. . . it was necessary to introduce pairs of apparatuses, pairs of (hit-source, detector). A
hit-source or a detector apparatus alone cannot do the job. This will be discussed again
Armed with this definition and classification of hit-sources, we can observe that it is
possible to find (or build) in nature the following setup. A hit-source can produce a first
kind of hit pattern in its associated detector placed close to it, but can produce a different
kind of pattern when the detector3 is placed farther from it! Moreover, the pattern is not
3For simplicity we assumed a same detector for the two patterns
only changed by some geometrical factor (for example a different size of ”electromagnetic
shower” hit pattern) but can also be transmuted to a hit pattern which is associated to
another kind of hit-source! A typical case is with a muon-hit-source and an electron-hit-
source. If a detector is placed close to a muon-hit-source, we observe a muon-hit pattern
but if the detector is placed some meters farther away we no longer observe a muon-hit
pattern but an electron-hit pattern!
So what? A textbook explanation for this transmutation is to say that a corpuscle (for
example a muon) is flying around and that it transforms itself in mid-flight into something
else (an electron and two neutrino corpuscles in case of the muon). Now if, because of
BAB, we cannot keep the corpuscle idea, then we are compelled to conclude that beside
the source and detector apparatuses there is, in between them, an extra entity that plays
the active role of transforming the observed hit patterns, and does this according to the
relative position of the apparatuses at our human scale. To further analyse this ”in between
entity”, we have to find a name for it, and we have the right to name it because we have
found experimental facts that reveal the existence of this entity. We have to take care in
choosing the name. In particular the name must reflect the fact that we deal first with
apparatuses, that apparatuses are axiomatic ideas. The best name that we have found so
far is the ”vacuum of apparatuses”, the VA in short. (”In Between Apparatuses”, or IBA,
could be a good name too).
4.1 The Vacuum of Apparatuses, the VA
This name has the huge advantage of using two words that bear clear sense for us.
particular this is much better than attempting to name the in-between entity by ”quantum
vacuum”, a name that uses the word ”quantum” which has been so ill defined since 1925!
We claim high and loud that having identified the in-between entity as an active one
by using the concepts of apparatuses and hits, and having been able to name it with
clear words is a huge conceptual step in the story of seeking the right ontology, the right
objects, for microphysics. So to the question:
is microphysics only a hitology? We can
now answer no, it is not. Microphysics must be viewed, because of decay-like experiments,
as the study of apparatuses and of the outsider VA. We see also that ”decay” is a highly
misleading word since relying on a particle idea. In the following text we are going to use
”hit-transmutation” experiments instead.
The VA makes it possible to restore object orientation in microphysics. The VA is
”something out there” that has properties of its own, and one of these properties is to
transmute hit patterns. We also see that the VA is related to space defined through the
relative position of apparatuses. Nevertheless, because of the hit pattern transmutation
phenomenon, this space cannot be reduced only to geometry. It is more than geometry, and
we can already conclude, without any maths, that this phenomenon clearly rules out any
theory, as the two relativities, that attempts to model space (space-time in fact) between
apparatuses by pure geometry alone.
4.2 What is the maths for the VA?
In the HF, between the ψ of the hit-source and the operator for the detector, there is an
extra entity called the Hamiltonian operator. By using the time-dependent Schr¨odinger
equation, the Hamiltonian operator transforms (evolves) the ψ. By doing a spectral de-
composition of the evolved-ψ against the local ψs of the detector attached to each outcome
(cell), we can calculate the observed probability distribution of the firing events (the hits).
The Hamiltonian is clearly describing something in between the hit-source and the detector
apparatuses. Therefore it is natural to attach it, in our hitology interpretation, to our VA.
So each of the essential components of the HF now receives its interpretation. We claim
that these interpretations are based on better grounded ideas than the ideas found in QM
(QM as defined above).
4.3 The maths for the VA of a hit-transmutation experiment
A simple Hamiltonian, such as the one describing the ”harmonic oscillator” in QM, cannot
model the transmutation of hit patterns. We need more sophisticated mathematics for
that, and it appears that this maths already exists! It is nothing more than the maths of a
”Quantum Field Theory” (QFT) and in particular the maths of QED for the microphysics
of electric-charge-hit-sources. However, the QFTs suffer the same problems as QM at the
level of the ideas that refrain a clear understanding of them. Mainly the QFTs still make
heavy use of a particle vocabulary.
This vocabulary is visually reinforced by the intensive usage of the Feynman diagrams.
A Feynman diagram is perhaps a nice trick for doing a perturbative calculation, but it is a
huge intuitive and ontological trap from the very moment that the branches are attached
to the idea of particle and that the word ”particle” is suspicious. Moreover, the QFTs
introduce new words such as ”virtual”, ”quantum field” and the winner ”quantum vac-
uum”, that lead straight to the trap. The word ”virtual” qualifies a particle attached to a
branch of a Feynman diagram, but it is definitely not clear whether the ”virtual particle”
is something ”out there” or not! If ”quantum vacuum” is associated to ”no particle”, and
that particle is suspicious, then quantum vacuum is suspicious too. The best that we can
do here is to say that ”quantum vacuum” is the name of the maths symbol |0i found in
the maths of a QFT, that’s all. No clear idea can be associated to these two words. The
same for ”quantum field”; here too the best solution is to say that it is the name of an
operator in the maths of a QFT. About ”quantum vacuum”, if people attempt with these
words to qualify the in-between apparatuses (as for the ”in between” of the two plates of
a Casimir setup), we claim that our VA terminology is superior since much better defined.
This being said, a strong point with QFTs, and especially QED, is that their maths
is very impressive in giving the right probability distributions, and especially the ones of
hit-transmutation experiments. So we are perhaps in a situation where we have found the
right maths but not yet the right ideas for them. Now let us see if we can reread QFTs
with our hitology ideas. If we look closely, the relationship of a QFT with experimental
physics is established only through an input and an output ”state”. In general the word
”state” is presented by using a particle terminology, for example an input or an output
state with an electron and a positron in it with their own 4-momentum. In the formalism, it
is modeled with symbols such as |e−e+i. Now if BAB is right, we can no longer retain such
an idea since the idea of a particle is no longer relevant. Instead, we have to rethink the
symbols above as modeling some apparatus able to produce a hit pattern characterizing the
association of an electron-hit-source and a positron-hit-source as defined previously through
their definition-apparatus setup. Note that the hit-source apparatus could be something
very complex. It could be a full accelerator setup! For example the LEP machine in the
1980s, or the LHC for the symbols |ppi.
The final state, which is modeled with the same kind of symbols, has to be conceived
as something attached to a hit pattern in a whole detector such as the ALEPH detector
during the LEP era or the ATLAS detector at the LHC. In the formalism, to pass from an
input state to an output state, there are a lot of in between operations and symbols that
appear. What is the ontologic status of these in-between maths symbols? We are going
to associate all of them as a model of the VA, which is something that exists for us and is
very well defined as an object for us to work with (so unlike a ”quantum vacuum”).
Is there some specific set of symbols that maps the VA? In fact yes, we already have
that. In a QFT everything is encrypted in the ”Lagrangian”. It is from this entity that in-
between manipulations are derived and that final probability distributions are calculated.
So the Lagrangian can be seen as the piece of maths representing the VA. We must point
out that for us the symbols for the VA is not |0i, since |0i does not bear any transmutational
This being said, we have now a better understanding of the meaning of the maths of
a QFT and what QED is about. Moreover, the complexity of the maths attached to the
VA reinforces the idea that this entity is far from being a ”gentle space-time continuum”
as described by the two relativities (Special and General), and various other space-time
oriented theories.
In general we remain amazed at the complexity of the maths dealing with microphysics
(and representing the VA for us). This algebraic inflation, originating from the introduction
of the ”i” of complex numbers by Schr¨odinger in his time-dependent equation, culminates
in the SUSY maths where we end up manipulating extra dimensions made of Grassmann
(Do SUSY defenders really believe that there are extra dimensions made of
non-commuting numbers ”out there”?)
4.4 What is high energy or particle physics?
We can now have a better understanding of the part of science called High Energy Physics
(HEP) or. . . particle physics! Experimental HEP is nothing more than the construction of
detectors and accelerators seen as hit-source apparatuses, the classification of hit patterns,
the classification of natural hit-sources and the study of the hit pattern transmutations.
The theoretical aspect of HEP consists of finding the right QFT with the right La-
grangian that encodes all possible hit pattern transmutations found so far and makes
possible the calculation of the right probability distributions of hits in detectors.
There is a lot to be done and someone can spend a whole research career in HEP science!
4.5 What is the ”Standard Model”, the ”Higgs”?
The ”Standard Model of particle physics” (!) can be defined now as the best Lagrangian
discovered so far that encodes all known hit-sources and observed hit patterns.
An interesting point in the QFTs is that a ”Lagrangian logic” of its own appears in
If we take a Lagrangian, it may be deduced from another Lagrangian with less
symbols, in particular by applying transformations justified by mathematical symmetry
criteria. The Lagrangian of the Standard Model is such a ”less symbols” Lagrangian. To
model correctly all the ”weak decay” hit patterns, the ”reduction of symbols” procedure
requires also the introduction of a ”Higgs” term that can be related to a hit pattern of its
own, but a hit pattern not yet seen in any experiment!
For us, finding a ”Higgs hit pattern” is the whole point of ”seeking the Higgs” at the
LHC. In particular ”seeking the Higgs” cannot be ”looking for a new little thing flying
around”. The ”Higgs” is going to be a new hit pattern never seen before in any experi-
ment, a pattern that will guarantee the mathematical consistency of the ”best Lagrangian
discovered so far”, a Lagrangian that should be interpreted as describing a. . . vacuum of
Does the Higgs term explain or solve everything at the conceptual level? In fact no,
far from it. The Higgs term does not solve the integration of gravity in microphysics and
it does not address, as BAB does, more fundamental issues concerning our understanding
of microphysics.
5 Restoring OO in microphysics
We have seen that we can restore object orientation, and then good intuition, when dealing
with microphyics. A first step is to get rid of the words corpuscle, particle and probably
wave since nothing in our apparatuses measures or detects waves. Restoring OO could be
done by the drastic rethinking, revisiting, of all the vocabulary used so far when dealing
with microphysics. If some words are to be retained (such as electron, photon, atom,. . . )
they must be carefully defined, or redefined, by using a set of axiomatic words (apparatus,
hit, vacuum of apparatus) that make sense for us. We claim in this text that this is possible
by rereading the Hilbert Formalism as a hitology completed with the VA entity.
After having helped to recover intuitive comfort in microphyics, we are going to see
that this hitological point of view can help in one of the outstanding problems in today’s
physics; the problem of the unification of meso-macro-physics with microphysics.
6 Gravity, General Relativity and the Grail of Unifi-
The maths of the QFTs is the best candidate we have for microphysics. This maths makes
it possible to recover all hit probability distributions observed so far, and this, sometimes,
with astoundingly accurate precision.
Nevertheless, gravity still eludes QFTs. Here we use ”gravity” as a word originating in
our every day experience in the meso scale and, as such, which does not pose a problem to
our intuition. The best maths we have for this phenomenon observed at meso and macro
scale, is the maths of General Relativity (GR in short). GR models this phenomenon as
a curvature property of a Riemann continuum in which physical quantities are mapped on
tensors. The main idea of GR is that gravity can be explained as an effect of space-time
which is seen as an entity having a dynamics of its own. Awesome! With GR, space-time
truly becomes an object with properties. GR is OO and space-time is one of its objects.
For meso and macro scales, GR theory is a brilliant example of ”doing physics” as
defined in the first paragraph. First, we have clear and elegant ideas; there are bodies
(X µ(s) in the maths) and fields ”out there” embedded in a space-time which is an object
of its own. Second, we have good maths, such as tensors and Riemann geometry, with a
nice mapping of ideas to maths symbols; in particular space-time is mapped to a metric
tensor field. Third, we have a good match with experiments and observations in the meso-
macro scale domains. Defenders of GR mention a match up to 10−14 precision for the
period of pulsar P SR 1913 + 16 [7].
However, GR does not cover a good part of microphysics and in particular the hit
pattern transmutations. GR is not a theory of microphysics. For example, it cannot explain
the discrete spectrum of an illuminated hydrogen gas. For almost a century, physicists have
been grappling with a difficult problem: we have a good set of maths for meso-macro scales
and another set of good maths for microphysics but each has a logic of its own and we
have not yet found some appealing common foundation maths to bring them under one
common banner! Being able to do that is the challenge of the unification of GR and QM.
It is interesting to note that most unification attempts are done at the mathematical
level where theoreticians attempt to bring under the same algebra the maths of the HF
and the maths of GR. For us it is not so surprizing that these attempts at ”unification
by maths” failed so far. It seems that we forget that we deal with physics, and that a
part of physics is ideas about what is ”out there”. We don’t quite see how we can unify
at the level of the maths if we have not unified at the level of the ideas! If the problem
resisted for so long it is probably because we have not yet put the finger on the right set
of ideas that would lead to a common underpinning maths for micro-meso-macro scales.
Manipulating maths symbols having no mapping to an idea about something in nature is
not doing physics.
As an example we can have a quick look at String Theory. What is String Theory?
What is it about? Is it the science of one dimensional hits? Do string theoreticians
expect to see one day or another spaghetti hits in a detector? Is String Theory only a
mathematical trick to have more degrees of freedom for the maths between the input and
output states by having, in any case, the goal of calculating the probability distributions
of zero-dimensional hits? If the idea of zero dimensional objects is already ruled out by
BAB, does it make sense to look for a microphysics based on objects of one, or even more,
dimensions? What is sure is that if BAB is right, it would be highly surprizing that a
String Theory for microphysics turned out to be right!
6.1 The right question: what are the apparatuses in GR?
Could HAT and the VA help in going farther on this problem of unification? We can easily
answer ”yes”, simply by asking the question: what are the apparatuses in Special Relativity
(SR) and GR? When reading Einstein, for example [8], the response to this question is
quite simple; the apparatuses in SR and GR are. . . sticks and clocks! SR and GR are
based on the idea of a space-time continuum that assumes that, whatever the geometric
scale, we can assign a coordinate quad (x, y, z, t) to all events and also to all space-time
points. The assignment of coordinates done by one observer defines a coordinate frame.
A frame is nothing more than the piece of maths representing a measurement apparatus
in SR and GR. Moreover, these theories assume that we can assign two coordinate quads
to one and the same event, in particular from two frames representing two ”observers” in
motion relative to each other. This kind of double assignment of quads to a same event is
at the core of the encoding of relativism in SR and GR.
Having two quads, we pass from one to another with a ”transformation”. In SR, it is the
Lorentz transformation (LT) that represents observers in a uniform movement relative to
each other. In GR, it is a general rµ(x0, x1, x2, x3) transformation representing any kind of
relative movement. By using tensors, the SR and GR formalisms make it possible to write
an expression describing a physical law in such a way that the expression stays the same,
has same form, after transformation. This constancy of form represents, in the maths, the
idea of relativism that says that the laws of physics should look the same whatever we
observe the ”out there”.
This is great, but the absolute coordinate assignment is. . . a myth! We cannot build
a detector covering all space-time for all scales, that is too idealistic. At micro scale, we
cannot use a stick to do measurements within a presumed ”atom” object.
Moreover, the idea of a double assignment of quads to a same event does not hold
either at micro scale. Supposing we keep the idea that light is made of hypothetical
photon objects, most of the time a measurement on one photon, for example done with a
photomultiplier (PM), is said to destroy the photon. So, in such a theory ”with photons”,
we may assign a quad to a photon in the frame defined by the PM, but we can no longer
associate a quad to the same photon from another moving PM since the photon object. . . no
longer exists!
This loss of double assignment is much more striking with an apparatus-centered point
of view. In this case an event is a hit which is, by definition, attached to a cell of a detector,
so a hit cannot be attached to two detectors, whether they are in movement or not relative
to each other. The loss of multiple quad assignments is natural here. HAT comes straight
in with the right point of view and the consequences are drastic.
Since the ”observation” (therefore a coordinate assignment) of a same ”flash of light”
(punctual event) from two different ”observers” (frames) in movement relative to each
other (for example, one observer in a train and the other on the platform) is the starting
point of Einstein’s reasoning that leads to SR and then GR, it must be concluded that if,
at micro scale, we can no longer do this ”observation” (quad assignment), then it is the
whole SR and GR that collapse like houses of cards at this scale 4 .
The loss of double assignment destroys the way that relativism is encoded in ”frame
based theories”. For example, there is no reason for the maths of micro scale to be ”Lorentz
covariant” anymore. If the LT makes no sense, the idea of ”constancy of speed of light” at
micro scale is highly questionable because the LT was introduced to encode this constancy
in the formalism. Such questioning about light concurs with the BAB argumentation that
tells us that the word ”photon” cannot be associated with a corpuscle ”out there”: how
can we speak about the speed of something if there is no. . . ”something”!?
The word ”light” should be associated (as should ”gravity”) to a meso scale phe-
nomenon. At this scale, within the Maxwell theory, we can associate a speed to this
phenomenon which is modeled with waves. With a meso-macro scale theory based on
multiple quad assignments to a single ”flash of light” punctual event and the axiomatic
idea that the ”speed of light” is constant for all coordinate frames, we can build SR and
GR. At micro scale, the best that we can do is to associate to this ”light” phenomenon the
word ”photon” defined by a pair of (hit-source, detector), but the connection of this pair
to the word ”light” of meso-macro scale is now far from being. . . luminous! One idea to
achieve this association would be to define the word ”lamp” as some kind of aggregation
of photon-hit-sources. So a ”lamp” would be a ”source of light”. The justification of such
an aggregation brings us to the question of the constitution of apparatuses, a point which
is going to be discussed later.
We also start to see how some unifying maths could operate; by keeping a frame logic
for meso and macro scales (and so keeping SR and GR here), but by being able to evolve
this maths to a logic not based on frames at micro scale.
At this point an important question arises: if we discard frames, and therefore SR and
GR for micro scale, do we lose completely the idea of relativism at this scale?
6.2 Relativism with HAT and the VA
The idea of relativism is that physics laws should be expressed in the same manner whatever
the way we observe nature. This sounds like a great idea and it would be a pity to lose it.
4with one observer in the Hogwarts Express and the other on the Platform 9 3/4 !
As seen above, in SR and GR this idea is mapped in the covariance of tensors that
makes it possible to have a constancy in the form of formulas representing physical laws.
The idea of relativism in SR and GR is then attached to a very peculiar way to ”observe”.
The idea of ”observation” is attached to the fact of being able to assign coordinate quads
to everything (then define a ”frame” identified with the ”observer”) and to the fact of
being able to assign two quads to the same event. Looked at from this point of view, this
is a very particular manner of expressing relativism which comes from a too idealistic way
of ”observing”.
Now if we can no longer keep the frame logic for microphysics, what happens to the
idea of relativism? Is it possible to define it without frames? It appears that we can do so
quite easily with an apparatus-centered point of view. In HAT, it is sufficient to state:
Whatever the apparatuses layout, the way to calculate the hit probability dis-
tributions must be the same.
This is straightforward, simple. We call the above statement the Apparatuses Relativism
Principle (ARP). How could it be represented in the maths? In fact it appears that the
HF already does that! Yes, because whatever the apparatuses setup is, we attach a ψ to
a hit-source apparatus and an operator to a detector-apparatus, and we have the same
mathematical mechanism to get the probability distribution. We have to evolve the ψ,
then decompose the evolved ψ to the operator local ψs attached to each possible detector
outcome, and then take the square modulus of each term of the decomposition to get the
probability distribution (Born’s recipe). We already have a mathematical transcription of
the idea of relativism in terms of apparatuses and hits for microphysics! Moreover, we see
that this way of dealing with relativism is much more physical than that of SR and GR,
because it deals with the idea of ”observation” in a much more accurate and physical way
than what is done with sticks and clocks in SR and GR.
In fact, we may even say that Quantum Mechanics, if understood as a hitology, is
already much more relativistic than the two relativities themselves! (at this point Einstein
definitely turns in his grave!)
It is interesting to note that in various unification attempts, theoreticians still keep
the whole-coordinate-assignment idea and stay with the maths of tensors (extended with
spinors) for microphysics. This may make sense from a maths point of view but it does not
appear to be grounded from the point of view of microphysics. If we have to seek for new
maths it should be for maths that keeps or restores the ”multiple coordinate assignment
of everything” for meso-macro scales, but goes to a HAT+VA+ARP+HF logic for micro
6.3 A key experiment related to gravity in microphysics
To make progress on gravity at micro scale knowing that there are, because of BAB, huge
questionings about the idea of objects at this scale, we have to do experiments that pose
the right questions. Probably the best one that we can imagine would be a Bohm-Aspect
setup with a gravity component, for example by introducing a ”massive object” close to
the ”line of flight” (!) between the hit-source and one of the detectors. So an experimental
setup with the three cases
1. no massive object on either arm.
2. one massive object close to one arm.
3. one massive object close to each arm.
If we label the three setups with σ=1,2,3, then we could get runs Cexp(θ, σ = 1, 2, 3).
What would the experimental curves be? Do we have a theory that could model this to
give a Csome theory(θ, σ) to compare with Cexp(θ, σ)? Moreover, an ideal situation would be
massive objects able to induce a gravity effect interpretable with GR, then interpretable
as a space-time effect. For example, some. . . black holes would be nice!
experimental physics at last!). Here we would truly mix gravity with questions about
microphysics. We would learn a lot about gravity in microphysics here!
This kind of Bohm-Aspect-Einstein setup would be the most interesting since it would
be related to the Bell reasoning. Something similar done with a variant of the two-slits
or MachZender setups by putting, or not, massive objects close to their ”lines of flight”
would be very interesting too.
7 What are apparatuses made of ? The true funda-
mental question
7.1 QM textbooks?
With QM textbooks, we cannot answer this question because the word ”particle” is not
mapped to a direct maths symbol as a trajectory, and therefore we have nothing to recover
a XY Zbody(t) describing a body at our scale: we cannot build something from. . . nothing!
In QM textbooks, this question is related to subjects as the ”measurement problem”,
the ”quantum to classical transistion” and the ”decoherence”. A lot is written about them,
but we don’t quite see how physicists can make progress without some reliable micro entity
to build on!
For example, for us ”decoherence” is, first of all, a mathematical manipulation within
the HF that shows that a ”density matrix” (a version of ψ) can evolve to become diagonal.
Fine, so what? If the density matrix is still not mapped to an ontological entity we have
made no progress!
7.2 Bohm-model, Consistent Histories?
We may look for other interpretations that explicitly restore ”particle” as an axiomatic
idea, because with the idea of particle, and equipped with an aggregation mechanism, it
is possible to recover bodies (a XY Z(t) in the maths). However, we have seen already
that attempting to keep particles along with the HF leads in general to the introduction
of additional weird ideas. In the Bohm model, in which there is a XY Z(t), the weirdness
is due to action at a distance.
Another candidate model is the ”Consistent Histories” (CH in short). At least in [10]
and [11], CH is presented with ”particle” as an axiomatic idea. The compatibility with the
HF is restored at the cost of axiomatic constraints in the method of calculating probabilities
over possible ”histories”. In CH, the pruning of ”branches” makes it possible to recover
physical bodies and ”us”, as human beings5. This seems appealing, but looking closer
it is still weird and the weirdness is related to these axiomatic constraints. From what
we understand (?), there are objects that can have a property (position) in a first set of
histories, but may not have this property (i.e. no position but momentum) in another set
of histories said to be ”not consistent” with the first set. The constraints allow avoiding the
assignment of a join probability to sets that are not compatible (in particular not to assign
a probability to ”position and momentum”). So the constraints are related to the fact that
”out there” there are objects for which we can no longer say if they have a property or not!
If this is the case, then it is here that our intuition rebels because this is definitely. . . anti
OO! In OO, an object has a property or it does not. If we look for an OO interpretation
of the HF, CH is not the right horse to back.
7.3 HAT?
In HAT the situation is de facto clean. The question ”what is a hit-source or detector appa-
ratus made of?” is simply a bad question in HAT. It is a bad question because apparatuses
belong to the axiomatic ideas and as such they cannot be built from more basic ideas.
We may think that apparatuses can be built back from the VA, but this is not possible
since the VA is deduced from apparatuses. So within HAT+VA the question is ill defined.
We claim that being able to recognize this is progress compared to QM textbooks because
QM textbooks cannot clearly state whether the question is ill defined or not within their
axiomatic ideas. Logically a question can have an answer, but it may also be ill defined in
such a way that no answer is possible, and being able to see that a question is ill defined
is progress.
Nevertheless, we now come across another problem which is our HAT rereading of the
”measurement problem” in QM. Agreed, by recovering understandable ideas at all stages in
HAT, we now have a very consistent approach to deal with microphysics, but this situation
is not satisfactory (which is not, for us, the same as uncomfortable) because all our intuition
5In CH, we are IGUSes! IGUS for Information Gathering and Utilizing System. To this respect, ”We
are OO thinkers!” looks, for us, a more relevant statement to discuss with.
tells us that an apparatus is made of something. We can take a hammer and smash an
apparatus to pieces. What is then the status of the pieces? At the very moment when they
cease to be a detector, do they belong to the VA? Are they new hit-source apparatuses
that ”do nothing”? Despite the fact that a theory based on the axiomatic ideas of the
quad (detector, hit, hit-source, VA) is highly consistent it is still frustrating because it is
not intuitively satisfactory at the level of the status of the apparatuses. All our intuition
tells us that the apparatuses cannot be axiomatic ideas. Which leads us to our rephrasing
of the ”measurement problem” in HAT that we state as
The ”measurement problem” is the dissatisfaction that today’s microphysics
leads us toward a consistent model (HAT) in which apparatuses are axiomatic
ideas, whilst our intuition tells us that they are not!
We see that this problem can be rephrased in a more OO and therefore more comprensible
way that allows us to ask the right questions. In particular, a straightforward one is: can
we build more OO axiomatic ideas so that these new axiomatic objects can recover the
(detector, hit, hit-source, vacuum-of -apparatuses) of our hitology?
7.4 ”aparticles”?
Noticing that the BAB argumentation (if granted) rules out corpuscles only for the ”in
between” apparatuses, one way to build more OO axiomatic ideas would be to introduce
some corpuscles or particles as an axiomatic idea but dedicated to build ”apparatuses
only”. If we name this kind of corpuscle ”aparticle” (for apparatus particle, or aggregatable
particle), the axiomatic ideas would be: aparticle and the VA. Then the hit-source and
detector apparatuses would be made by an aggregation of aparticles. We could perhaps
even restore an (emitter, propagation, impact) logic by saying that inside a hit-source, an
aparticle ”does something” to the VA, that this VA modification is seen as a propagation
at our scale up to the detector in which an aparticle reacts producing a hit, with the maths
describing what happens between the emission and the impact being the HF.
Here’s an idea; what if our brand new aparticle were nothing more that the. . . ”good
old atom”?! If so, this ”atom” should be equipped with some special property so that it
can be seen, from a HAT point of view, as an axiomatic idea to build back an apparatus.
7.5 Pairs of (emitter, receiver)?
Let us consider another idea. We have also seen that a ”particle” could be defined by
a couple (hit-source, detector) in HAT. A hit-source without a corresponding detector is
nothing, and a detector without its hit-source is nothing either. So would it be possible to
push the idea further and say that the ”out there” is constituted by elementary pairs of
(hit-source, detector) or (emitter, receiver) and that these are the fundamental building
blocks of everything? Assuming that a gathering of micro pairs is possible, we would be
able to recover a meso (hit-source, detector) pair, but would also recover the idea of being
able to smash it into pieces.
To build a consistent model of elementary pairs, we would have to find some dynamics
for these elementary pairs; at least some kind of crystalization dynamics to recover our
scale (hit-source, detector) and some kind of ”soup dynamics” to recover the VA from
special states of micro pairs.
8 Relationship with software
OO is a terminology coming from software and it is not a coincidence if it is used here.
We can have a close view of how data is treated if working a little on software for HEP
experiments. This makes us aware that the primary input of ”all that” is nothing more
than a bunch of hits appearing in detectors if the right conditions are met, and in particular
if we have, at last, built the right 27 km long accelerator! Software in HEP makes us realize
that trajectories and particles are secondary entities that are ”recovered back” in a step of
data treatment called ”reconstruction”, a step which is targeted to build back the ”final
state”, the one after the ”interaction” (dangerous vocabulary). Here we see that particles
and trajectories are clearly something introduced by us, humans, when treating data.
To treat data, we need to write software and to do that we need some programming lan-
guage. For a long time HEP computer programs were done by using procedural languages
such as FORTRAN, but the 1990s saw the migration to object oriented (OO) program-
ming. This kind of language puts a gun in one’s back and compels us to think hard to
know ”what are the classes”, what could be considered as objects defined as standalone
entities bearing their own properties. For the author, at a certain moment this questioning
applied to HEP data treatment ran into the questioning about his longstanding discomfort
with QM. This questioning leads to the conviction that one key ingredient to understand
microphysics (the missing link!) is the recognition that our way of thinking is naturally
strongly OO, that we are ”OO thinkers”. From here it is quite easy to reach the conclusion
that perhaps the number one issue with the QM interpretation problem is that we have
missed some key objects or key classes in the whole story.
9 Conclusions
9.1 Summary of the overall argumentation
After having defined what ”doing physics” meant for us, we decided to examine the sit-
uation in microphysics. By granting the Bohm-Aspect experiment results and the Bell
reasoning (BAB), we acknowledged that the concept of ”corpuscle flying around” is hardly
tenable for microphysics. We have seen that Quantum Mechanics (QM), defined as the
Hilbert Formalism (HF) attached to a particle vocabulary is intuitively misleading. We
have seen that reinterpreting the HF in terms of detector apparatuses, hits in detectors
and hit-source apparatuses is a much more natural interpretation, especially if we have in
mind how data is treated in experiments. We have named this interpretation the HAT
interpretation. This is a more natural interpretation because it is object oriented (OO)
and OO is a natural driving paradigm for us. By using the three OO concepts: detector
apparatus, hit, hit-source apparatus, and a reinterpretation of ”decay” experiments we
have revealed the existence of the in-between apparatuses entity or vacuum of apparatuses
(VA) entity, defining it in a very clear way for us humans. We reached the conclusion that
the VA is an active entity having the capability to transmute hit patterns.
We granted that the maths of Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is the right one to describe
the VA, but we rejected any particle vocabulary attached to a QFT. Because of hit pattern
transmutation, we saw that the VA cannot be reduced to a space-time geometry, induc-
ing that all theories, as General Relativity (GR), which are based only on a space-time
geometry for the ”in between” entity cannot be good for microphysics.
We saw that the problem of unification of Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity,
if taken only at the level of the maths, is doomed, and that it has, first, to be solved at
the level of the ideas. We saw that SR and GR are based on a too idealistic conception
of a measuring apparatus. We saw that the reconsideration of the idea of apparatus at all
scales could lead to the right underpinning maths able to recover the HF at micro scale and
a Riemann geometry for meso and macro scales. Along the way, we stated an apparatus
based relativism principle (the ARP).
We ended by rephrasing the problem of measurement in QM as the question ”what is
an apparatus made of?” and saw that it is an ill defined question in HAT. To overcome
the frustration of not being able to ”smash apparatuses”, we mentioned two ways to build
models with axiomatic ideas that can recover those of HAT, the first based on the aparticle
idea and the second based on the idea of elementary pairs of micro (emitter, receiver).
Is nature OO?
So, to the question ”Is nature OO?”, we can answer that for meso and macro scales the
answer is ”yes”. For microphysics, it looks like we have to yield some ground, but we
believe that the answer is not yet ”no”; a hitological point of view is a card still to be
played. What is sure is that, if nature is truly not OO at this scale, ”doing physics” will
become a weird (maths, experiments) couple activity, with no clear meaning for us because
no longer grounded on. . . reliable ideas!
9.3 Yes, we can!
About the famous quote of R.Feynman [9]:
I think I can safely say that nobody understands Quantum Mechanics
we say:
if Quantum Mechanics is understood as the Hilbert Formalism attached to a
particle vocabulary then yes, we agree, we really don’t see how someone can have a full
understanding of Quantum Mechanics. Now to the question:
Can we understand microphysics?
we say: yes, we can! By using a hitology and a ”vacuum of apparatuses” we can restore
an Object Oriented point of view which, associated to the Hilbert Formalism, makes it
possible to still understand this kind of physics.
9.4 No maths, only ideas
Some may note that there is no maths of our own in this text. This was done deliber-
ately because of the deep conviction that the number one problem in today’s physics is
more around the ideas than around the inflationary maths. We hope that the chain of
reasoning and ideas found in this text may help those who have intuitive discomfort with
microphysics. What is sure is that the author, with his new HAT, sleeps much better now!
10 Thanks
Thanks to Marcel Urban and the LAL MEDOC group for including me in some of their
discussions. This led, in October 2009, to a first formulation, for a slide presentation in
French, of thoughts which had been brewing for a long, very long time. This crystalization
material led to this text, in English, in July 2011.
Thanks to Michel Bitbol; his book [12] helped me a lot to realize that my ”longstanding
intuitive discomfort” was not a problem requiring. . . psychoanalysis!
Special thanks to Jane Moneypenny for her help with the language of. . . Newton!
[1] L.Landau, E.Lifchitz M´ecanique Quantique (´Editions MIR, Moscou)
[2] A.Messiah Quantum Mechanics (Hermann)
[3] C.Cohen-Tannoudji, B.Diu, F.Lalo¨e M´ecanique Quantique (Hermann)
[4] D.Bohm, B.J.Hiley The undivided universe (Routledge)
[5] A.Aspect, J.Dalibard, G.Roger Experimental test of Bell’s Inequalities Using Time-
Varying Analysers (Physical Review Letters. Volume 49, Number 25, Page 1804.)
[6] J.S.Bell Introduction to the hidden variable question (Lecture Notes for the Interna-
tional School of Physics ”Enrico Fermi” IL Course Foundations of Quantum Mechan-
ics. 29 June - 11 July, 1970)
[7] R.Penrose Les ombres de l’Esprit (InterEditions)
[8] A.Einstein La th´eorie de la relativit´e restreinte et g´en´erale (Collection discours de la
methode. Gauthier-Villars)
[9] R.Feynman The Character of Physical Law (1965)
[10] M.Gell-Mann Le Quark et le Jaguar (Champs. Flammarion.)
[11] R.Omn´es Alors l’un devint deux (Nouvelle Biblioth`eque Scientifique. Flammarion.)
[12] M.Bitbol M´ecanique Quantique. Une introduction philosophique (Nouvelle Bib-
lioth`eque Scientifique, Flammarion)
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Communicating with Anecdotes∗
Nika Haghtalab
UC Berkeley
Nicole Immorlica
Microsoft Research
Brendan Lucier
Microsoft Research
Markus Mobius
Microsoft Research
Divyarthi Mohan
Tel Aviv University
July 19, 2024
We study a communication game between a sender and receiver. The sender chooses one of
her signals about the state of the world (i.e., an anecdote) and communicates it to the receiver
who takes an action affecting both players. The sender and receiver both care about the state
of the world but are also influenced by personal preferences, so their ideal actions can differ. We
characterize perfect Bayesian equilibria. The sender faces a temptation to persuade: she wants to
select a biased anecdote to influence the receiver’s action. Anecdotes are still informative to the
receiver (who will debias at equilibrium) but the attempt to persuade comes at a cost to precision.
This gives rise to informational homophily where the receiver prefers to listen to like-minded
senders because they provide higher-precision signals. Communication becomes polarized when
the sender is an expert with access to many signals, with the sender choosing extreme outlier
anecdotes at equilibrium (unless preferences are perfectly aligned). This polarization dissipates
all the gains from communication with an increasingly well-informed sender when the anecdote
distribution is heavy-tailed. Experts can therefore face a curse of informedness: receivers will
prefer to listen to less-informed senders who cannot pick biased signals as easily.
JEL Classification: D82, D83
Keywords: anecdotes, communication, sender-receiver games, memory, language
This work is partially supported by the National Science Foundation under grant CCF-2145898, the European
Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement
No. 866132), the Office of Naval Research under grant N00014-24-1-2159, an Alfred P. Sloan fellowship, a Schmidt
Sciences AI2050 fellowship, and a Google Research Scholar award. Some parts of this work were done when the
authors visited the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing and when Haghtalab and Mohan were employed
at Microsoft Research, New England. We are grateful to Nageeb Ali, Lukas Bolte, Vincent Crawford, Ben Golub,
Matt Jackson, Pooya Molavi, Harry Pei, Joel Sobel, Leeat Yariv and seminar participants at University of Chicago,
Northwestern, Penn State, Stanford Institute for Theoretical Economics (SITE), Stony Brook Game Theory Festival,
and Virtual Seminars in Economic Theory, among others, for helpful comments. An earlier version of this paper
appeared as an NBER working paper under the title “Persuading with Anecdotes” (Haghtalab et al., 2021).
Half the truth is often a great lie.
– Benjamin Franklin
As an economist, explaining the beginning of a recession to a friend who isn’t familiar with eco-
nomic jargon can be difficult. While the economist usually analyzes trends using metrics like GDP
growth and investment levels, her friend might have a different approach, such as noticing whether
specific companies are growing or reducing their workforce. Both approaches can be valid represen-
tations of the same underlying state of the world, but the mismatched representations can create
a communication challenge.
One effective approach involves both the sender and receiver reaching a consensus on a shared
representation. Crafting such a shared “language” is a practice commonly adopted by experts
within a given field, enabling them to communicate efficiently. A different method entails the
sender transmitting raw data (or “anecdotes”) to the receiver, allowing them to interpret and map
it to their own internal representation. Such anecdotal communication is common when the sender
or receiver are non-experts. Newspapers, for example, assemble articles from factual snippets such
as reporting the quarterly job creation figures1, highlighting a recent high-profile layoff at a major
tech company2, or conducting a series of interviews with individuals who have recently resigned from
their jobs3. Similarly, politicians often try to appeal to a broad spectrum of voters by incorporating
stories into their speeches, such as initiatives that helped their districts in the past.
Anecdotal communication is versatile but less efficient than communication between experts
because the sender cannot simply summarize diverse data points into a single number. The sender
must select among the many anecdotes she could potentially report. For example, the New York
Times must sift through a vast array of possible anecdotes from the work of its journalists and
wire services to determine what to include in a 500-word article on its homepage. This need for
selection creates a temptation for the sender to influence the receiver. For instance, a current office-
holder may predominantly incorporate favorable anecdotes about the economy into their speeches
instead of the most representative ones, motivated by their bid for re-election. Conversely, their
opponent may utilize anecdotes to portray a less optimistic outlook, aiming to cast doubt on the
incumbent’s abilities. This persuasion temptation makes anecdotal communication more noisy: a
rational receiver can correct for the sender’s bias but not for the greater noise that is embedded
when listening to less representative anecdotes.
In this paper, we build a simple model of anecdotal communication that explores the tension
between the sender choosing representative anecdotes that are most informative and tail anecdotes
that are meant to persuade the receiver to take a more preferred action.
1E.g., WSJ article “November Employment Report Shows U.S. Economy Added 263,000 Jobs” (Chaney Cambon,
2E.g., NYTimes article “Meta Lays Off More Than 11,000 Employees” (Frenkel et al., 2022)
3E.g., NYTimes article “We Revisited People Who Left Their Jobs Last Year. Are They (Still) Happy?” Needelman
Figure 1: Illustration of translation invariant equilibrium
∆ = MR −
density of closest
anecdote to θ + r
θ + r
θ + β(r)
closest anecdote
to θ + r
θ + MS
θ + MR
1.1 Summary of Results
We summarize the key findings using the most straightforward version of our model as shown in
Figure 1. There are two agents - a sender S and a receiver R. The receiver takes an action that
affects both agents but the state of the world θ is only observed by the sender. The sender would
like the receiver to take action a∗S = θ + MS (shown in blue) while the receiver’s preferred action
is a∗R = θ + MR (shown in red). The offsets MS and MR indicate the agents’ personal preferences
and in the above example we have MS < MR such that the sender would always like the receiver to
take an action slightly more to the left. The sender has access to a set of signals which are drawn
from a distribution that is centered around the state θ (shown as gray circles). We call these signals
anecdotes because the sender is constrained in her communication with the receiver and can only
send one such anecdote to the receiver.
Targeting Equilibrium. We will focus on translation invariant strategies where the receiver
takes action x + σ after observing the sender’s anecdote x. Intuitively, the receiver acts as if he
knows the sender’s bias and corrects for it; for example, the receiver knows that a news publisher
will tend to select more left-leaning anecdotes and correct for this bias by choosing an action further
to the right (σ > 0). In equilibrium, the sender would therefore ideally want to send an anecdote
exactly equal to θ + r where r = MS −
preferred action. However, the sender will generally not have this exact anecdote available. Our
σ, as this would ensure that the receiver takes the sender’s
first main result is to show that she will select the anecdote closest to θ + r as the second-best
alternative (see Theorem 1). Next, we observe that the anecdote closest to θ + r (shown as a green
circle here) is more likely to lie to the right of the offset than to the left because the density of the
anecdote distribution is higher there. Therefore, the expected value of the sent anecdote is equal to
θ + β(r) where β(r) > r is the bias of the sender’s communication. In equilibrium, the receiver will
β(r) + MR.
choose his shift σ to undo this bias and then take her preferred action such that σ =
Combining the sender’s best response condition with the receiver’s, we obtain:
r = MS −
(MR −
r = MR −
This is the key equilibrium condition in our model and all our main results follow from it:
a given difference ∆ in the personal preferences of receiver and sender there exists a targeting
communication scheme with offset r satisfying the above equation such that the sender will choose
the anecdote closest to θ + r (see Theorem 5).
Informational Homophily. When the sender and receiver have common interests, i.e., MR =
MS, the above condition boils down to β(r) = r. For a single-peaked and symmetric distribution
around the state θ, as shown in Figure 1, this implies that the sender will choose offset r = 0 and
therefore select the anecdote closest to the θ. Intuitively, this anecdote is the most representative
and conveys the most information to the receiver. When the sender is more left-leaning than
the receiver (∆ > 0) we instead obtain an equilibrium offset r < 0 and the sender will select
biased anecdotes with a left-leaning bias. While the receiver is able to correct for this bias, he is
worse off because these anecdotes have higher variance. In Section 4, we explore how this gives
rise to informational homophily where both the sender and receiver prefer to talk to like-minded
partners because lack of persuasion temptation makes the sender minimize the information loss
from anecdotal communication.
Polarization. Unlike models in the cheap talk and rational persuasion literature, the sender in
our model is constrained in her message space to select an existing anecdote (Crawford and Sobel,
1982; Kamenica and Gentzkow, 2011). This enables us to define the degree of polarized commu-
nication by the offset r of the sender’s targeting communication scheme: the further to the left
(or right) this offset lies, the more polarized is the sender’s communication. As explained in the
example above, polarization increases with the amount of misalignment between the sender and
receiver (as measured by
). However, in Section 5 we show that polarization also increases
with the number of anecdotes available to the sender: the more informed the sender is, the more
polarized her communication becomes. Intuitively, the information loss decreases with the number
of anecdotes at any given offset r (formally, β(r)
r decreases). This makes it less costly for the
sender to choose a more extreme anecdote and the equilibrium targeting scheme will become more
polarized. Interestingly, while any misalignment between the sender and receiver will generate some
degree of polarization this phenomenon is more pronounced for more informed experts (i.e., senders
with access to more anecdotes).
Curse of Informedness. Section 5.2 explores whether a receiver prefers to listen to a less in-
formed but more like-minded sender or a better-informed expert. While communication with the
expert is more polarized (which lowers utility) the expert is also better informed (which lowers the
information loss). We show that for heavy-tailed distributions (with tail densities declining at a
less than exponential rate) receivers prefer to seek out non-experts. Intuitively, experts in such an
environment have access to too many outlier anecdotes such that the variance in the sent anecdote
increases with the informedness of the expert. We say that such experts suffer from the curse of
informedness - they have an incentive to collect fewer anecdotes in order to be listened to more by
less aligned receivers.
Commitment. Section 6 analyzes a version of our model where the sender can commit to a
targeting communication scheme. Commitment eliminates persuasion temptation and therefore
gives rise to most informative communication schemes that maximize welfare. For example, in the
example above the sender will send the most representative anecdote which is the anecdote closest
to the posterior mean.
1.2 Related Work
Our model is related to the economic literature on strategic communication which includes both
cheap talk games and verifiable disclosure games (also called persuasion games). In the canonical
paper in the literature on cheap talk games, Crawford and Sobel (1982) consider a setting similar
to ours in which the sender and receiver have state-dependent but misaligned preferences. The
major difference in their model is that the sender is unrestricted in what signal she can send and
hence can pool states arbitrarily. The authors characterize the set of perfect Bayesian equilibria
and show the most informative of these equilibria pools only nearby states. The resulting precision
of the receiver’s posterior belief, interpreted as a coarseness of the message space or vagueness of
the chosen language in equilibrium, depends on the degree of misalignment between the sender and
receiver’s preferences. We observe a similar phenomenon in our setting: more aligned preferences
induce more information transmission in equilibrium. Our results however point to a different
driver of this phenomenon. Namely, the friction that prevents communication from devolving to
the least informative signal is the exogenous limitation of communicating anecdotes rather than
the endogenous equilibrium choice of language coarseness.
Our exogenous limitation of communicating anecdotes is reminiscent of the literature on veri-
fiable disclosure games or persuasion games, introduced by Grossman and Hart (1980), Grossman
(1981), and Milgrom (1981) (see Milgrom (2008) for a survey of this literature). These papers
consider the setting of a seller who can choose whether to disclose information about a product
to a buyer and wishes to maximize the buyer’s posterior belief about the value or quality of the
product. Similar to our model of communication via anecdotes, the seller in these papers cannot
arbitrarily distort information about the product. The classic results show that in every perfect
Bayesian equilibrium, the seller fully discloses her information or, if she’s limited in how much
information she can disclose, reveals the most favorable information. In our model, this sort of
unraveling to extreme signals is tempered by the fact that the sender’s preferences are state de-
pendent and so she does not simply wish to maximize the receiver’s belief. Other mechanisms
that limit unraveling include the presence of naive receivers (Kartik et al. (2007)), exogenous costs
to misrepresentation (Kartik (2009)), uncertainty in the informedness of the sender (Dye (1985);
Jung and Kwon (1988); Dziuda (2011)), multi-dimensionality of the state (Martini (2018)), or the
introduction of commitment power (discussed below), among others.
Much of the literature on strategic communication studies the impact of commitment power.
Kamenica and Gentzkow (2011) characterize the optimal signaling scheme of a sender with commit-
ment power in cheap talk games. Their characterization implies that a sender with quadratic loss
(as in our model) who is not restricted to communicating anecdotes would communicate her belief
about the state of the world thereby completely avoiding the uninformative babbling equilibrium of
Crawford and Sobel (1982). In Section 6, we show similarly that, subject to the restriction of send-
ing an anecdote, the sender wishes to communicate the most informative anecdote. This result sug-
gests that in our model, commitment power can move the equilibrium from a partially informative
one to the most informative one. Other recent work demonstrates investigates commitment power
in verifiable disclosure games, studying the impact of partial commitment (Lipnowski et al. (2022);
Min (2021); Nguyen and Tan (2021); Lin and Liu (2022)) or characterizing conditions under which
commitment has limited impact on achievable outcomes in equilibrium (Glazer and Rubinstein
(2008); Hart et al. (2017); Sher (2011); Zhang (2022)).
Importantly, in all of these models the
sender’s incentives are purely to persuade, with utility that depends on the receiver’s action but
not the state of the world. In our model the sender has an incentive to inform as well as to per-
suade. Thus in light of the aforementioned literature, our results can be interpreted as showing that
a desire to persuade can lead to a significant loss of communication fidelity (and hence welfare) in
the absence of commitment. Our perfect Bayesian equilibrium characterization in Section 4 shows
that this loss can happen and be significant with even with a small desire to persuade (i.e., even
with a small preference misalignment).
2 A Model of Anecdotal Communication
In this section we formally introduce our model and characterize the sender’s and receiver’s best
response strategies which will allow us to characterize the equilibria of the game in Section 4.
2.1 Model Setup
We consider a communication game played by two players, a sender (“she”) and a receiver (“he”).
R drawn from a common
R (for example, how much to
The sender has information about a payoff-relevant state of the world θ
prior. The receiver, in turn, chooses a payoff-relevant action a
invest in the current market).
Preferences. Players’ preferences over their actions depend on the state of the world. However,
their preferences can differ.
We model this by introducing personal preferences MR ∈
R for the receiver and
sender respectively, which are shifts of the ideal action relative to the state of the world. More
R and MS ∈
formally, the receiver’s utility is
and the sender’s utility is
uR(a, θ) =
(θ + MR))2,
uS(a, θ) =
(θ + MS))2.
We assume personal preferences are publicly known and write ∆ = MR −
MS for the known
Intuitively, ∆ captures the preference misalignment between
difference in personal preferences.
sender and receiver.
Sender’s knowledge. The sender has access to noisy signals about the state of the world that
she can potentially share with the receiver. Given a distribution F over the reals, we model
these shareable signals as a set of n samples x1, . . . , xn where each xi = θ + ǫi for ǫi ∼
F drawn
independently. We will write ~x = (x1, . . . , xn) for the profile of samples which we will refer to as
anecdotes from now on. We think of these anecdotes as immutable facts about the world which the
sender can decide to share, but which she cannot otherwise manipulate. For example, the receiver
might not know about the survey or research paper until the sender chooses to reveal it but he
can subsequently look up the survey or paper and fact-check it. While ~x is known only to the
sender, we assume the anecdote distribution F as well as the number of anecdotes, n, is common
The sender might have additional information that cannot be easily shared or fact-checked at
low cost. For example, the sender’s knowledge about the state of the world might be informed by her
own detailed research and modeling efforts. We model such side information as an additional signal
∪ {∅}
. Given a distribution G over R
G , the sender has either access to no
R). Most of our intermediate results
additional information (if γ =
hold for general distributions G. However, we pay special attention to two cases: the foresight
) or to a signal y = θ +γ (if γ
and γ
∪ {∅}
setting where γ = 0 with probability 1, and the sender has full information about the state of the
world; second, the setting with no foresight, where γ =
and the sender has no information beyond
the set of anecdotes. As with ~x, we assume that y is private knowledge of the sender but that the
distribution G is common knowledge. The sender uses her anecdotes ~x and side information y to
form a posterior belief over the state of the world θ. We will denote by θS(~x, y) the posterior mean
of θ given (~x, y).
4This shuts down a common pathway for partial information transmission: in our model, there is no uncertainty
about how much information the sender has.
Figure 2: Timing of communication game
Round 0
Round 1
Round 2
Nature chooses state θ,
anecdotes ~x and y.
Sender sends anecdote
˜x = π(~x, y).
Receiver takes action a = α(˜x).
uS(a, θ) =
uR(a, θ) =
(θ + MS))2
(θ + MR))2
Communication. The sender communicates exactly one anecdote in ~x to the receiver. While the
anecdote is communicated honestly, the sender can cherry-pick from the set of anecdotes she has
access to. Note, that the sender’s side information y cannot be communicated – only an anecdote
can be shared. A strategy for the sender in our game is a communication scheme π : Rn
that maps every realization of n anecdotes ~x and side information y to a choice of one of the n
anecdotes. In particular, for all ~x and y we have π(~x, y) = xi for some i
Equilibrium. Since the receiver does not observe the choice of nature, a strategy for the receiver
R that maps the sender’s chosen anecdote to a choice of action. The
is an action rule α : R
timing of our game is shown in Figure 2. In round 0, nature chooses state θ, anecdotes x1, . . . , xn,
and signal y. In round 1, the sender selects anecdote ˜x = π(~x, y); this choice is observed by the
receiver. In round 2, the receiver selects action α(˜x). Payoffs are then realized as described above.
Given a communication scheme π, we will write Dπ,x for the posterior distribution of θ given that
π(~x, y) = x. We are interested in the perfect Bayesian equilibrium of the game, that is, strategies
for the sender and receiver that maximize payoffs under their (consistent) beliefs.5
Definition 1. A pair of strategies (π∗, α∗), together with a belief function B : R
∆(R) for the
receiver mapping every observation to a distribution over the state of the world, form a perfect
Bayesian equilibrium if:
1. For each observed anecdote x, action α∗(x) maximizes expected receiver utility given distribu-
tion B(x) over θ, i.e.,
arg max
[uR(a, θ)]
2. B is the rational belief with respect to π∗. That is, for each x, B(x) = Dπ∗,x is the posterior
distribution of θ given that π∗(~x, y) = x.
5The perfect Bayesian equilibria we consider will not involve zero-probability events and will therefore also be
sequential equilibria.
3. For each ~x and y, π∗(~x, y) maximizes sender utility given α∗, i.e.,
π∗(~x, y)
arg max
[uS(α∗(xi), θ)
(~x, y)]
Given communication scheme π, we denote by απ the action rule that satisfies requirements (1)
and (2) of Definition 1 and call it the best response to π.
Diffuse Prior. Expected payoffs in our game are driven by the posterior beliefs of the receiver
and sender regarding the state of the world θ. These posterior beliefs are formally defined with
respect to a prior distribution over θ. As we are interested in the setting where agents are initially
uninformed about the state of the world, we will define posterior beliefs with respect to a diffuse
prior over θ. That is, the common prior over θ reveals no information about it.
Assumption 1. The prior over θ is diffuse, i.e., it is N (0,
We note that the exact form of the prior over θ is not important so long as it is a diffuse prior
that reveals no information about θ, i.e., its density is almost uniform everywhere.
Of course, the diffuse prior is not a valid probability distribution and is not formally defined.
We emphasize that it is being used to define posterior beliefs given the information available to the
sender and receiver.6 As has been noted by Ambrus and Kolb (2021), one must take care when
defining ex-ante payoffs in any game involving a diffuse prior. They describe sufficient conditions
for ex ante payoffs to be well-defined and consistent with any appropriate limiting sequence of
proper prior distributions. In Appendix A we verify that ex ante payoffs are likewise well-defined
in our model and discuss further implications of Assumption 1, including the precise form of the
posterior beliefs.
2.2 Characterizing Best Response Strategies
Our analysis focuses on a class of translation invariant strategies for both the sender and the
receiver. Intuitively, a translation invariant communication scheme encodes a sender’s communica-
tion posture such as “always send the left-most anecdote” or “always send the right-most anecdote”
that does not depend on the particular realization of the state of the world. This is an appealing
property in the context of our diffuse prior assumption where specific numbers have no special
Similarly, a translation invariant action rule describes the receiver’s action as a fixed offset from
the received anecdote. Such an action rule describes a receiver who simply believes the anecdote he
hears is representative of the state, albeit potentially with a shift. We will show in this section that
6One could equivalently view the realization of θ as a (non-stochastic) choice of nature, and interpret Assumption 1
as a behavioral assumption that the agents form posterior beliefs consistent with having no prior knowledge of θ.
translation invariance is internally consistent in the sense that the best response of the sender to a
translation invariant action rule is a translation invariant communication scheme and vice versa.
We formally define translation invariant action rules as follows.
Definition 2. An action rule α is a translation if α(x + δ) = α(x) + δ for all x and all δ
Note that if action rule α is a translation, then there is a value σ
R such that α(x) = x + σ for all
x. We refer to σ as the shift of α, written σ(α). These receivers act as if they know the typical bias
of a sender, e.g., a receiver who thinks the New York Times, being a slightly left-of-center paper,
sends anecdotes shifted slightly left.
We next formally define translation invariant communication schemes. Given a profile of anec-
R we will write ~x + δ for the shifted profile of anecdotes (x1 + δ, x2 +
dotes ~x and a constant δ
δ, . . . , xn + δ).
Definition 3. A communication scheme π is translation invariant if π(~x + δ, y + δ) = π(~x, y) + δ
for all ~x, y and all δ
Not all communication schemes are translation invariant. For example, the communication scheme
that sends the anecdote closest to zero is not translation invariant, nor is the one that sends the
minimum anecdote if that anecdote is an even number and the maximum otherwise. However,
many natural communication schemes are translation invariant. The top panel of Figure 3 shows
the simplest example: the minimum scheme πmin(~x, y) selects the minimum anecdote (analogously,
the maximum scheme πmax(~x, y) selects the maximum anecdote).
A particularly important class of translation invariant communication schemes are those where
the sender selects a signal that is closest to a shift r from her posterior mean. We call these targeting
Definition 4. The targeting scheme with offset r
returns the anecdote from ~x that is closest to θS(~x, y) + r.
R is a communication scheme that always
Note that since θ is drawn from a diffuse prior, we have θS(~x + δ, y + δ) = θS(~x, y) + δ (formalized in
Appendix A). Hence a targeting scheme is translation invariant. The middle panel of Figure 3 shows
the mean targeting scheme for r = 0 where the sender selects the signal closest to the posterior
mean. The bottom panel illustrates a targeting scheme with r < 0. Note that as r
targeting scheme approaches the minimum scheme.
→ −∞
It will be helpful to define the bias of a translation invariant communication scheme. Given
a translation invariant communication scheme π, we will say the bias of π, β(π), is equal to
Eθ,~x,y[π(~x, y)
θ]. If the anecdote distribution F is symmetric around 0 then the minimum scheme
has a left bias (β(πmin) < 0) and a targeting scheme πr has a left bias for r < 0 and a right bias
for r > 0 (and will be unbiased for r = 0).
We can now state the main result: the sender’s best response to a translation invariant action
rule is not just translation invariant but also a targeting scheme.
7We assume that y + δ = ∅ for y = ∅.
Figure 3: Examples of translation invariant communication schemes
Minimum scheme
Mean scheme
Targeting scheme
θ + r
Theorem 1. If action rule α is a translation, then the best response of the sender is translation
invariant. More specifically, it is the targeting scheme with offset MS −
Note that Theorem 1 characterizes the sender’s best response among all (not necessarily translation
invariant) communication schemes. All the proofs in this section are relegated to Appendix B. The
intuition for the result is as follows: assume that the sender had exactly an anecdote at distance r
from the posterior mean. The recipient will then take action a = θS(~x, y) + σ(α). If r = MS −
we get a = θS(~x, y) + MS which is exactly the loss-minimizing action from the sender’s perspective.
In general, the sender will not have exactly an anecdote at the offset available and so she chooses
the closest anecdote as a second-best – for this reason, the sender’s best response is a targeting
Also, note that the sender’s best response is generally unique except when there is foresight and
the anecdote distribution F is bounded. For example, if ǫ is the lower bound of the domain of F
and σ(α)
x then the sender’s optimal targeting scheme is the minimum scheme and any r < x
will be optimal (including the one prescribed by Theorem 1).
We close out our analysis of translation invariant strategies by showing that the best response
to a translation invariant communication scheme is a translation invariant action rule.
Theorem 2. For any translation invariant communication scheme π, the best response of the
receiver to π is a translation with shift MR −
The intuition is as follows. The receiver knows that the sent anecdote is on average a distance β(π)
away from the sender’s posterior mean. Hence, he will try to undo this bias by subtracting it from
the sent anecdote which provides her with an unbiased estimate of the state of the world. He will
then minimize her loss by taking an equal to this estimate plus her personal preference MR.
We have now established that sender and receiver translation invariant strategies are self-
consistent in the sense that they are best responses to each other. We have not yet shown that
equilibria with translation invariant strategies exist. We will show their existence in Section 4.
2.3 Broadcasting
Senders often communicate anecdotes to several receivers simultaneously. Experts or politicians,
for instance, can appear on TV or are cited in newspapers, reaching many viewers or readers.
Our model can easily be extended to allow for broadcasting to multiple receivers whose personal
preference MR is drawn from a distribution G over the real numbers. Each type MR is taking an
MR) after observing anecdote ˜x which is “broadcast” to all receiver types. The sender
action a(˜x
cares about the mean action of the receivers:
We denote the mean personal preferences of the receivers with M R:
a =
Our notion of translation invariant communication schemes readily generalizes to this setting.
M R =
Proposition 1. In any translation invariant communication scheme of the broadcast model, the
best response of the receiver type MR is a translation with shift σ(MR) = MR −
best response is the targeting scheme with offset MS −
across receiver types.
β(π). The sender’s
σ(MR)dG is the mean shift
σ where σ =
Therefore, the sender in the broadcast model behaves as if she is communicating with a single
“representative” receiver, whose personal preference matches the average personal preferences of
the entire audience.
2.4 Discussion of Modeling Assumptions
Crawford-Sobel (1982). Our model follows Crawford and Sobel (1982) except that we restrict
communication to anecdotes. This restriction is most appropriate in situations where the sender or
receiver are non-experts – for example, newspapers communicating news to readers or politicians
talking to voters. Experts often share a common language that allows them to communicate
beliefs efficiently. For example, experts on infectious diseases use the reproduction factor R0 to
describe how quickly a disease such as measles can spread between people. An expert sender can
therefore summarize her knowledge about measles, for example, by communicating this factor to
the receiver. A parent, however, might find it easier to understand infectiousness by being told that
a neighboring school had to cancel classes because too many teachers called in sick. A journalist
might therefore relate the expert’s message by listing examples of school districts who experienced
measles outbreaks and interviews with local school principals and teachers.
Common Knowledge. The assumption that sender’s preference is publicly known is justifiable
in settings where the sender is a known entity, say a politician or newspaper. In such settings, the
sender is often communicating with a known distribution of receiver types – the general public for
instance. Our results would follow largely unchanged if the receiver’s preference is drawn from a
known distribution.
No “Fake News”. We assume that anecdotes cannot be manipulated or falsified but can only
be selected in a possibly biased manner. The non-falsification assumption is reasonable in public
discourse: politicians and newspapers by-and-large report facts, or else risk being caught by fact-
checkers. However, they have editorial control over the selection of those facts and can influence
the listener this way. Unlike lying about and making up facts, biased selection of facts is typically
accepted in public discourse. The non-manipulation assumption is stronger: certainly two senders
can sometimes frame two facts differently. A full analysis of framing exceeds the scope of our paper
but we note that our framework can accommodate some natural forms of framing: for example,
if the sender can add a “spin” to the sent anecdote ˜x by shifting its value by a fixed constant s
then the receiver observes ˜x + s and can undo this spin as long as s is common knowledge (which
is natural if the sender’s personal preference is also common knowledge).
Commitment. In Section 6 we will study a variant of the game where the sender can commit to a
communication scheme. A sender may be able to commit in settings where her reputation precedes
her. In this case an equilibrium does not need to meet requirement (3) of Definition 1, i.e., π∗(~x, y)
does not need to maximize expected sender utility given α∗(x). Rather, for every π, we fix a best
response απ of the receiver. We then require that
3’. π∗ is such that
arg max
[uS(απ(π(~x, y)), θ)]
Model of Memory. We can reinterpret our framework as a model of memory where the current
self (sender) decides which data point to commit to her long-term memory that is available to her
future self (receiver). This interpretation is particularly intuitive for the case of commitment or
where the current and future self share the same personal preferences (∆ = 0).
3 Most Informative Communication and Persuasion Temptation
Before characterizing the equilibria of the game it is helpful to highlight a fundamental tension
in the sender’s objective: on the one hand she wants to send an informative anecdote so that the
receiver takes an action that reflects the state of the world. On the other hand, if the anecdote is
too precise then the receiver will take an action close to his ideal action θ + MR, which differs from
the sender’s preferred action unless their preferences are aligned.
We call this tension the sender’s persuasion temptation. To understand it better, it is helpful
to decompose the sender’s utility into two components.
Proposition 2. Suppose the receiver’s action rule α is a translation with shift σ(α). Then the
sender’s expected utility from any translation invariant communication scheme πS is
(πS(~x, y)
(θS(~x, y) + β(πS)))2
information loss
(MS −
disagreement loss
The first component of this decomposition, E[(πs(~x, y)
(θS(~x, y) + β(πS)))2], is the variance
of the communicated anecdote as θS(~x, y) + β(πS) = E[πs(~x, y)] by the definition of bias. We
interpret this variance as the inherent information loss of the communication scheme because this
loss would be incurred even if the sender sends this anecdote to herself. The second term captures
the disagreement between the receiver’s shift σ(α) and the sender’s preferred shift for the receiver
which equals MS −
3.1 Most Informative Communication Schemes
We can better understand the tension in minimizing both the information loss and the disagreement
loss by first characterizing communication schemes that minimize only the information loss. This is
the most informative communication scheme for a sender who is choosing the action herself based
on a single recalled anecdote. For example, a sender who can only keep a single anecdote in memory
for her future self solves this problem.
It turns out that most informative communication schemes are always targeting schemes that
have to satisfy a simple necessary condition, namely that the offset r∗ of the targeting scheme has
to equal its bias β(r∗) which we call the “balanced-offset” condition.
Theorem 3. Any translation invariant communication scheme that minimizes the sender’s infor-
mation loss is a targeting scheme that satisfies the balanced-offset condition r∗ = β(r∗). Moreover,
such a targeting scheme exists.
The proofs of this section are relegated to Appendix C. We can show that the balanced-offset
condition implies that the most informative targeting scheme will have the sender choose an offset
close to the global maximum of the density distribution. We now develop this intuition for the
special case of foresight (where the sender knows the state of the world). Section 6 extends it to
the no-foresight case.
8The sender would like the receiver to choose an action at offset MS after compensating for the bias β(πS) in the
communication scheme.
Figure 4: Examples of most informative offset r∗ under foresight
r < 0
β(r) > r
r∗ = 0
β(r∗) = 0
r > 0
β(r) < r
(a) F
N (0, 1)
r∗ = 2
β(r∗) = 2
(b) F
N (2, 1)
Green shading shows symmetric density of closest anecdote to offset r∗.
Lemma 1. For symmetric anecdote distribution F with a peak at 0 the most informative targeting
scheme for any number of anecdotes n under foresight is the mean scheme.
Figure 4a shows the normal anecdote distribution F
N (0, 1). Because of symmetry, the closest
anecdote is equally likely to lie to the left or right of the offset r = 0 (indicated by green shading)
and therefore the targeting scheme has bias β(0) = 0. Moreover, no offset r < 0 can implement a
most informative targeting scheme because the closest anecdote is more likely to the right of the
offset than to the left and therefore β(r) > r. Analogously, no offset r > 0 can implement such a
communication scheme either.
Lemma 1 is intuitive because it places the most informative offset at the point where the density
of anecdote distribution is the highest. Anecdotes are most densely distributed around the peak and
the closest anecdote to r∗ = 0 is therefore a better predictor of the state of the world compared to
= 0. This argument carries over to the case of symmetric
the closest anecdote to any other offset r
single-peaked distributions that are not centered at 0. For example, Figure 4b shows an normal
anecdote distribution centered around 2 which shifts the most informative offset to the new peak
r∗ = 2.
The general intuition that the most informative offset is close to the maxima of the density
distribution even holds when the density has more than one mode and is not symmetric.
Lemma 2. Assume the sender has foresight, the anecdote density f is uniformly continuous on its
domain and fix any ǫ > 0. There exists an n such that for any number of anecdotes n > n the most
informative offset r∗ is at most ǫ away from one of the global maxima of the anecdote density.
Figure 5a shows an example of a bimodal distribution where the anecdote is with equal proba-
bility drawn from either the normal distributions N (
2, 1) or N (2, 1). The density of this bimodal
distribution has two global maxima at
to choose from there are three offsets that satisfy the balanced-offset condition: r∗ =
2 and 2. When the sender has foresight and 5 anecdotes
1.73 and
Figure 5: Most informative offset r∗ under foresight for bimodal normal mixture distribution
r∗ =
r∗ = 0
r∗ = 1.73
(a) n = 5
r∗ =
r∗ = 0
r∗ = 1.98
(b) n = 10
N (
2, 1) + (1
N (2, 1) where B is Bernoulli with p = 1
2 .
r∗ = 0. The latter is a local minimum but the former offsets implement the two possible most in-
formative targeting schemes. For n = 10 the two most informative targeting schemes at r∗ =
are even closer to the peaks of the density as predicted by Lemma 2 (see Figure 5b).
3.2 Persuasion Temptation
We now return to the original problem and allow the sender to take the disagreement loss into
β(r∗) to the sender’s
account. Note, that if the receiver chooses his best response σ(α) = MR −
MS)2. In the special case where the
strategy (Theorem 2) then the disagreement loss equals (MR −
sender and receiver share the same personal preferences (e.g. MR = MS) the disagreement loss is
zero and therefore a balanced-offset targeting scheme is also an equilibrium of the sender-receiver
game as we will show in Section 4. This is intuitive because the most informative targeting scheme
solves exactly the problem where the sender is constrained to send her future self a single anecdote.
However, the balanced-offset targeting scheme is no longer an equilibrium when sender and
receiver are misaligned.
deviating to a targeting scheme with a bias of β(r∗) + δ (
action towards the sender’s preferred action. For example, in the motivating example of Figure 1
In that case, the sender can reduce her disagreement loss by slightly
is small), which moves the receiver’s
MR −
she will choose δ < 0. This reduces the disagreement loss to (
improvement to the sender’s utility. The information loss increases but this effect is only O(δ2)
because we deviated from the targeting scheme that minimized the information loss.9 Consequently,
a small δ-shift in the sender’s communication bias is a strictly profitable deviation. Of course, the
)2 which is an O(
MS| − |
receiver will respond by adjusting the shift in her action rule by
δ. In return, the sender will
adjust her bias by another δ leading to partial unraveling. There is no full unraveling towards
9If we write the information loss as a function L(β) of the bias β and assume it is twice differentiable then we
2 L′′(β∗ + ζδ)δ2 for some 0 ≤ ζ ≤ 1 because
can use the Taylor expansion around β∗ and write L(β∗ + δ) = L(β∗) + 1
is bounded the change in the information loss is O(δ2).
) = 0 (as L is minimized at β∗
). Therefore, if L′′
always reporting the minimum (or maximum) anecdote because at some point the increase in the
information loss term is no longer second-order.
Note, that in any equilibrium, the disagreement loss is always (MR −
MS)2 due to Theorem 2
despite the sender’s best efforts to reduce it. The rational receiver can always undo any bias that is
added by the sender. However, the sender’s persuasion temptation increases her information loss.
Communicating with a non-aligned receiver versus an aligned receiver therefore has two costs to
MS)2. Second, there is also an
the sender. First of all, there is always the disagreement loss (MR −
additional information loss because the temptation to persuade the receiver induces the sender to
choose a suboptimal communication scheme. This is an example of informational homophily from
the sender’s perspective: given a choice between a non-aligned and an aligned receiver the sender
always prefers to communicate with the aligned receiver.
The next result shows that this type of homophily is mutual in our model.
Proposition 3. Let π be a translation invariant communication scheme and let απ be the best
response of the receiver. Then the utility of the receiver is equal to the negative variance of the
anecdote π(~x, y),
E[(π(~x, y)
(θ + β(π)))2].
Hence, the receiver’s loss is exactly equal to the sender’s (expected) information loss. The receiver
suffers no disagreement loss because she can in equilibrium undo any bias imposed by the sender.
Therefore, the receiver always prefers to listen to an aligned sender (without persuasion temptation)
rather than a non-aligned sender. Moreover, sender and receiver utility differ only by the constant
disagreement loss (MR −
4 Communication Equilibria, Polarized Communication and In-
formational Homophily
In this section we show that translation invariant equilibria in our sender-receiver game always exist
and are characterized by a simple condition that generalizes the “balanced-offset” condition of most
informative targeting schemes from Section 3. We then show that these equilibria generically give
rise to polarized communication in the sense that whenever the sender is more left-leaning (right-
leaning) than the receiver she will select anecdotes with a left (right) offset. Polarization in return
decreases utility for both the sender and the receiver and therefore implies informational homophily.
4.1 Equilibrium Characterization and Existence
We start by defining a translation invariant equilibrium which is simply a PBE where both the
sender and the receiver use translation invariant strategies.
Definition 5. A perfect Bayesian equilibrium (π, α) is translation invariant if π is a translation
invariant communication scheme and α is a translation.
Figure 6: Equilibrium offset for normal distribution N (0, 1) and n = 10 anecdotes
r + ∆
r∗ =
r(2) =
(a) Equilibrium offset for ∆ = MR
MS = 2
(b) Equilibrium offset r(∆)
Theorem 1 tells us that in such translation invariant PBE the sender will use a targeting scheme
with offset r that satisfies
This is also shown graphically in our motivating example from Figure 1. Moreover, theorem 2 pins
r = MS −
down the shift σ(α):
Here, β(r) denotes the bias β(π) of targeting scheme π with offset r.
Combining these two conditions gives us a necessary condition for a translation invariant PBE:
σ(α) = MR −
r = MS −
(Mr −
r = MR −
Note that this condition reduces to the balanced-offset condition when the preferences of sender
and receiver are aligned (∆ = 0).
The above condition is not only necessary but also a sufficient condition for PBE.
Theorem 4. A pair (π, α) is a translation invariant equilibrium if and only if there exists some
value r
R such that π is the targeting scheme with offset r, α is a translation with shift MR −
and the bias satisfies
r = MR −
MS = ∆.
All the proofs in this section can be found in Appendix D.
The distance between the bias β(r) of the targeting scheme and its offset r is therefore the
key relationship to understand the emergence of communication equilibria in our game. Figure 6a
shows how this distance varies with r in the simple motivating example of Figure 1 where the sender
has foresight and access to n = 10 normally distributed anecdotes around the state of the world θ
N (0, 1)). For negative offset r = 0 we observe that β(r) > r because the closest anecdote to
r is more likely to be on the right of r (see Figure 1). Moreover, the distance β(r)
r increases as
we decrease r because the targeting scheme is approaching the minimum scheme and the bias β(r)
converges to the expected offset of the minimum anecdote (in this example, the minimum of n = 10
anecdotes). This ensures that for any ∆ > 0 there will be some r∗ < 0 that satisfies β(r∗)
r∗ = ∆.
For example, for MR −
MS = 2 we obtain r∗ =
We can show that this intuition generalizes for a broad set of anecdote distributions.
Theorem 5. For any n, MS and MR, if Eǫ
F |
is bounded then a translation invariant PBE
We restrict attention from now on to anecdote distributions that satisfies this property.
We highlight the main technical ideas of the formal proof provided in Appendix D. Given
a communication scheme πr with offset r, let z = πr(~x, y)
(θS(~x, y) + r) denote the distance
between the target θS(~x, y) + r and the closest anecdote (out of n total anecdotes), where z is
positive if the closest anecdote is larger and negative if the closest anecdote is smaller. Let H(r)
be the expected value of z, given offset r. By definition, we have that β(r) = r + H(r). Theorem 4
now implies that to show that a PBE exists, it suffices to show that there exists a value of r such
that H(r) = MR −
MS, i.e., H(r) is an onto function in its codomain (
We show this in two steps. In the first step, we establish that H(r) tends to +
, +
respectively, as r
and r
] also implies that E[maxi xi −
of E[
a fixed n). Therefore, β(r) remains bounded even as
→ −∞
θS(~x, y)] and E[mini xi −
| → ∞
, respectively, as r
and r
. At a high level, this is due to that fact that boundedness
θS(~x, y)] are also bounded (for
. This proves that H(r) tends to +
Had H(r) been a continuous function, the first step would suffice to prove that H(r) is an
→ −∞
onto function taking all values in (
, +
). The second step handles discontinuous H(r) by
establishing that at any point that H(r) is discontinuous, the left limit of H(r) is smaller than
the right limit. To see why, suppose H is not continuous at r0. For each possible realization of
(θ, ~x, y), either z is continuous at r0 or it is not. If not, this means that θS(~x, y) + r0 is precisely
halfway between two anecdotes in ~x, say with absolute distance d > 0 to each, in which case the
limit of z from below is
d (distance to the anecdote to the left) and the limit of z from above is
d (distance to the anecdote to the right). Integrating over all realizations, we conclude that the
one-sided limits of H exist and limr
H(r) < limr
Together these two steps show that H(r) can take any value in the range (
, +
) and
therefore a translation invariant PBE always exists
We can use the same logic to characterize the translation invariant equilibrium of the broad-
casting extension of our model that we introduced in Section 2.3.
Lemma 3. A translation invariant equilibrium in the broadcast model satisfies β(r)
where M r =
such an equilibrium exists if Eǫ
MF dG is the mean personal preference across receiver types. Moreover, for any n
r = M R −
is bounded.
F |
Consequently, the sender’s incentive to persuade is dictated by the misalignment ∆ = M R −
between this representative receiver and the sender.
4.2 Polarized Communication with Non-aligned Preferences
We now show that communication becomes more polarized the more misaligned the preferences of
sender and receiver are. Before formally defining polarization, we examine the case where sender
and receiver are perfectly aligned (∆ = 0).
Corollary 1. When sender and receiver preferences are aligned (∆ = 0) the balanced-offset con-
dition holds and the equilibrium targeting scheme minimizes both the sender’s and receiver’s infor-
mation loss.
This follows immediately from Theorems 4 and 3. In our example of a normal anecdote distribution
N (0, 1) this implies that the sender chooses the mean scheme (r∗ = 0) where she sends an anecdote
closest to her posterior mean.
In principle there can be many balanced-offset equilibria: we will focus on the minimal and
maximal balanced-offset equilibria, r and r:10
r = min
r = max
H(r) = 0
H(r) = 0
We then define the least polarized communication equilibrium r(∆):11
r(∆) =
H(r) = ∆, r < r
H(r) = ∆, r > r
for ∆ > 0
for ∆ < 0
For example, if the sender is more left-leaning than the receiver (∆ > 0) then r(∆) is the equilib-
rium with offset r(∆) that is closest to the left of the minimal balanced-offset equilibrium r. For
sufficiently large ∆ all possible equilibria must be to the left of r. However, for small ∆ it is possible
that there are equilibria in the interval [r, r]. For symmetric single-peaked distributions such as
the normal distribution we know that r = r = 0 and therefore the least polarized equilibrium for
∆ > 0 are the ones with minimal absolute offset.
Figure 6b shows the unique equilibrium offset for the normal distribution as a function of ∆.
The graph suggests that communication becomes increasingly polarized the more misaligned the
preferences of sender and receiver are. The next result shows this observation holds generally.
10We know that r (resp., r) exists because H(r) → ∞ as r → −∞ (resp., H(r) → −∞ as r → ∞), and at any point
of discontinuity r0 we have limr→r
H(r). To see why this implies existence of r, define
r0 = inf{r : H(r) ≥ 0}; then it suffices to show that H(r0) = 0. If H is continuous at r0 then this is immediate, but
if H is discontinuous at r0 then limr→r
H(r) ≥ 0 in violation of the definition of r0.
H(r) ≤ H(r0) ≤ limr→r
H(r) > limr→r
11Likewise, the least polarized equilibrium exists because H(r) → ∞ as r → −∞ and H(r) → −∞ as r → ∞, and
and at any point of discontinuity r0 we have limr→r
H(r) ≤ H(r0) ≤ limr→r
Figure 7: Intuition for Proposition 4 (r(∆) decreases)
Proposition 4. Assume some fixed anecdote distribution F and a fixed number of anecdotes n.
The least polarized equilibrium r(∆) decreases with ∆. Therefore, the sender’s communication
becomes more left-polarized (right-polarized) the more her preferences lie to the left of (right of ) the
receiver’s preferences.
Figure 7 illustrates the intuition behind the proof for ∆ > 0. It shows the graph of H(r) = β(r)
and the minimal balanced-offset equilibrium at r for some non-single-peaked distribution. When
the difference, ∆, in personal preferences equals ∆1, there are three possible equilibria with the
least polarized one at r(∆1). For ∆ = ∆2 there are two equilibria with the least polarized one at
r(∆2) < r(∆1). For any ∆ > ∆2 (such as ∆3) there is only a single equilibrium with r(∆) < r(∆2).
Therefore, the function r(∆) has a discontinuity at ∆2 but is decreasing for any ∆ > 0.
As the misalignment between sender and receiver becomes extreme, the sender reports essen-
tially only the minimum or maximum anecdote.
Corollary 2. Assume some fixed anecdote distribution F and a fixed number of anecdotes n. As
→ ∞
→ −∞
converges to the minimum (maximum) scheme.
) the sender’s communication scheme at any translation invariant equilibrium
Informational Homophily
We know from Theorem 3 that all targeting schemes that minimize the sender’s information loss
(as well as the receiver’s utility) have to satisfy the balanced-offset condition. Therefore, any
equilibrium with ∆
the receiver compared to the most informative communication scheme.12
= 0 has to have strictly lower utility for the sender and weakly lower utility for
Intuitively, one might expect that more polarized communication in response to greater mis-
alignment in sender and receiver preferences (
under foresight.
) decreases utility. We show that this holds
| ↑
12The utility is strictly lower for the sender because the information loss is weakly lower and the disagreement loss
∆2 is strictly negative.
Proposition 5. Assume some fixed anecdote distribution F , a fixed number of anecdotes n and
foresight. Both the sender and receiver utility of the least polarized equilibrium decreases with
The proof establishes that the variance of the sent anecdote in the least polarized equilibrium
increases with
. The result then follows immediately from Propositions 2 and 3.
Proposition 5 implies that anecdotal communication gives rise to informational homophily.
Both the sender and the receiver prefer to communicate with more like-minded partners because
communication is less polarized and therefore more precise. Greater polarization does not “fool” a
rational receiver who corrects for the larger bias in the sender’s anecdote, but it comes at the cost
of precision which hurts both the sender and receiver.
5 Experts and the Curse of Informedness
In the previous section we characterized communication and welfare when varying the misalignment
∆ between sender and receiver preferences but keeping the anecdote distribution and the number
of anecdotes constant. We showed that greater misalignment induces greater polarization which
in return reduces welfare. Therefore, both sender and receiver will tend to seek out like-minded
communication partners (keeping everything else equal).
Another natural question is whether communication becomes more or less efficient when the
sender is better informed (more of an “expert”). Formally, we are fixing both the anecdote dis-
tribution and the preference misalignment ∆ in this section and vary the number of anecdotes n.
Somewhat surprisingly, increasing n can make communication less efficient. We first show that
experts use more extreme anecdotes to communicate unless the preferences are completely aligned
(∆ = 0). Intuitively, the information loss for any fixed offset r decreases with n and therefore the
sender has a greater incentive to choose an even more biased anecdote. However, the impact on
welfare is ambiguous because extreme anecdotes can also become more informative about the state
of the world as n increases. We show that for an (appropriately defined) “light-tailed” distributions
(such as the normal distribution) experts provide more precise anecdotes despite the polarization.
On the other hand, for “heavy-tailed” distributions the precision of anecdotes sent by experts de-
creases with n. Intuitively, such experts have access to too many “outlier anecdotes” which makes
it difficult for the rational receiver to learn about the state of the world. We call this phenomenon
the curse of informedness.
5.1 Polarized Experts
Throughout this section we assume that the sender has foresight. We denote the bias of a targeting
scheme with offset r and n anecdotes with βn(r).
Figure 8a illustrates the construction of the (unique) targeting equilibrium when ∆ = 2 and
the anecdote distribution is normally distributed (F
N (0, 1)) for n = 3 and n = 10. We observe
in this example that increasing the number of anecdotes makes the sender’s communication more
polarized as the sender’s target moves from r3(2) =
3.56. This observation
2.83 to r10(2) =
Figure 8: Equilibrium offset rn(∆) for normal anecdote distribution
r + ∆
(a) r10(2) < r3(2)
(b) r10(0.51) = r3(1.14) =
holds generally. For the next result, we assume that the anedote distribution F is continuous and
strictly positive over its domain [rmin, rmax] (where we allow rmin =
and/or rmax =
Proposition 6. Assume that the sender has foresight and that the anecdote distribution F is fixed,
and/or rmax can
continuous and strictly positive over its domain [rmin, rmax] (where rmin can be
= 0.
). Suppose also that the personal preferences of receiver and sender differ by a fixed ∆
Then the communication at equilibrium becomes more polarized as n increases, in the following
rmax such
sense: there exist sequences Rmin(n) and Rmax(n) with Rmin(n)
Rmin(n) or
that for any equilibrium offset r∗n (i.e., βn(r∗n)
r∗n ≥
All the proofs for this section are in Appendix E. The intuition for this proposition is shown in
Figure 8a. The bias βn(r) of the targeting scheme gets closer to the diagonal as n increases: the
more anecdotes the sender has access to, the easier it is to find an anecdote close to the offset
rmin and Rmax(n)
r∗n = ∆) we have that either r∗n ≤
Rmax(n) for all n.
r. Therefore, the information loss for the sender from communicating in a more polarized fashion
becomes smaller as n increases and hence the sender’s persuasion temptation will induce her to
choose a more extreme targeting scheme.
Figure 8b demonstrates that even a small misalignment in personal preferences can produce
a high level of polarization. When the sender has access to n = 3 anecdotes the differences in
personal preferences have to be at least ∆
1.14 for the sender to target an anecdote two standard
deviations away from the mean anecdote. A more informed sender with access to n = 10 anecdotes
will exhibit that degree of polarization already for ∆
0.51. Proposition 6 therefore implies that
the sender’s informedness and polarization are complements.
5.2 The Curse of Informedness
Does polarized communication by experts decrease the sender’s utility (and by Proposition 3 the
receiver’s utility)? In Section 4, we observed greater polarization and lower utility when fixing the
Table 1: Examples of strong heavy-tailed, strong light-tailed and knife-edge distributions
probability density function f (ǫ) Type
f (ǫ) =
f (ǫ) = 1
strong heavy tails (α = 0)
2√π exp(
2 ǫ2)
strong light tails (α = 2)
f (ǫ) = 1
2 exp(
knife-edge (α = 1)
number of anecdotes n and increasing the sender/receiver alignment (
| ↑
) (see Proposition 5).
It is not obvious that a similar result should hold when we fix the sender/receiver alignment
∆ and let the sender become more informed (n
). While communication becomes more polarized
(which decreases utility for fixed n) there are also more anecdotes to choose from, so even the
more extreme anecdotes may be more informative to the receiver. The net impact on both the
sender’s and receiver’s utility therefore seems ambiguous and depends on how informative extreme
anecdotes are about the state of the world.
We next show that the net utility impact depends on the tails of the anecdote distribution.
We will show that if F is sufficiently “heavy-tailed” then polarization will make the expert’s signal
increasingly uninformative so that the receiver would prefer to talk to any less-informed sender
(even highly misaligned ones). We call this the “curse of informedness”. On the other hand, if F
is “light-tailed” then the expert’s anecdotes become increasingly informative as n increases despite
the polarization.
Definition 6. We say that the anecdote density has strong heavy tails if its hazard rate satisfies
f (x)
F (x)
= u(x)xα
for a positive function u(x) which is bounded from above by some constant U and satisfies xβ u′(x)
0 for some β > 0 and 0
> x. The anecdote distribution has a strong light tails if
α < 1 and
u(x) →
f (x)
F (x)
= u(x)xα
for a positive function u(x) which is bounded from below by some constant U with xβ u′(x)
some β > 0 and α > 1,
> x.
u(x) →
0 for
Distributions with strong heavy (light) tails have tails that decline at a less than (more than) expo-
nential rate everywhere. For example, Table 1 defines the strong heavy-tailed Pareto distribution
(α = 0), the strong light-tailed Gaussian distribution (α = 2) and the Laplace distribution which
is a knife-edge case with its exponential tails (α = 1).
We can now state the main result.
Theorem 6. Assume that the sender has foresight, the anecdote distribution F is fixed, continuous,
and strictly positive over its domain, and the personal preferences of receiver and sender differ by a
fixed ∆
= 0. If F is strong-heavy-tailed then the variance of the anecdotes sent at any equilibrium
converges to
as n
If instead the anecdote distribution is strong-light-tailed then the
variance of the anecdote sent at any equilibrium converges to 0 as n
→ ∞
→ ∞
Figure 9 plots the variance of the sent anecdote for n
[10, 1000] for the Pareto, Gaussian and
Laplace distributions from Table 1. Consistent with Theorem 6, the variance stays constant around
0.9 for the knife-edge Laplace distributions, converges to 0 for the light-tailed Gaussian and diverges
for the heavy-tailed Pareto distribution.
Figure 9: Variance of sent anecdote for Pareto, Gaussian and Laplace distributions for ∆ = 1
Pareto (heavy tails)
Laplace (knife-edge)
Gaussian (light tails)
An immediate consequence is that for heavy-tailed distributions greater expertise lowers both
the sender’s and receiver’s utility unless both of them are perfectly aligned (this follows from
Proposition 3). Therefore, a receiver might prefer to listen to more-aligned but less informed
sender rather than a less-aligned expert because the expert finds it tempting to report easily
accessible extreme anecdotes. With light-tailed distributions, such extreme anecdotes are still
highly informative about the state of the world and therefore the receiver will generally prefer to
listen to experts even if their preferences are not aligned with his own.
Importantly, receivers in our model do not distrust experts when anecdotes are heavy-tailed
because they think experts tell them lies. Rather they do not trust experts with different preferences
because they correctly anticipate that such experts will tell them unrepresentative data points which
are too noisy to infer the state of the world.
The curse of informedness also affects the incentives of senders to acquire information in the
first place. When the anecdote distribution is heavy-tailed and senders expect to be matched with
unaligned receivers they have an incentive to remain less informed. Being too well informed makes
them less credible sources of information for receivers (unless the receiver is perfectly aligned).
To connect these results to the real-world, we can look at the dramatic decline in trust of sci-
entists between 2019 and 2024. The COVID-19 pandemic gave a lot of visibility to experts who
advised the public on how to reduce infections, deal with school closings and how to manage the
economy. Academic experts in the US tend to be more left-leaning than the rest of the popula-
tion.13 Therefore, the personal preference MS of the majority of experts will lie to the left of the
average voter’s personal preferences (∆ = M R −
MS > 0). The high degree of uncertainty during
the pandemic might also serves as a good example of a heavy-tailed anecdote distribution. Hence,
the “curse of informedness” (and Lemma 4.1) implies that the variance in experts’ messages was
potentially large during the pandemic. Consistent with this story, 2023 Pew Research study docu-
ments that the share of US adults who “have a great deal or fair amount of confidence in scientists
to act in the public’s best interests” declined from 87% to 73% between April 2020 and October
2023 with strong level of trust falling from 39% to 23% (Kennedy and Tyson, 2023). At the same
time, distrust more than doubled from 12% to 27%. While the decline was more pronounced among
Republicans, it decreased for both Democrats and Republicans.
6 Communication with Commitment
Up to now we have assumed that the sender cannot commit to a communication scheme. However,
sometimes commitment is possible. For example, a sender might have a reputation for a particular
type of reporting or a reputable newspaper might commit to always selecting an unbiased set of
facts for their articles (and might be punished by readers if they are later found out to have deviated
from this communication scheme). Other examples of commitment include the interpretation of
our model as a behavioral game played between current and future self, where current self decides
which anecdotes to save to memory so that future self makes the best possible decisions.
We formally defined the commitment equilibrium as a modification of Definition 1 in Section 2.4
(see Equation 4). As before, Theorems 1 and 2 imply that if the sender uses a translation invariant
communication scheme π, then the receiver’s best response will be a translation and vice versa.
Hence, we again focus on translation invariant commitment equilibria. The following theorem
characterizes the set of such equilibria.
Theorem 7. The sender’s optimal translation invariant commitment πS is the most informative
communication scheme that minimizes only the information loss. In particular, it is a targeting
scheme that satisfies the balanced-offset condition r∗ = β(r∗) and the receiver’s response is a trans-
lation with shift MR −
The proof is provided in Appendix F. Intuitively, commitment removes the sender’s persuasion
temptation: since she cannot deceive the receiver, she will ignore the unavoidable disagreement
loss and simply minimize the information loss. She therefore will implement the socially optimal
communication scheme subject to the constraint that she can only send a single anecdote. Hence,
13A study of voter registration of 7,243 faculty at 40 leading U.S. universities in the fields of Economics, History,
Journalism/Communications, Law, and Psychology found that 3,623 were registered Democrats and 314 Republicans
with an overall ratio of 11.5:1 while the ratio in the overall population is close to 1 (Langbert et al., 2016).
the sender solves the same problem as in Section 3 and behaves as if her personal preferences are
aligned with the receiver’s.
6.1 Characterizing Commitment Equilibria
Our characterization of most informative communication schemes in Section 3.1 immediately pro-
vides a characterization of the translation invariant commitment equilibria when the sender has
foresight in the following cases:
1. When n is large, the sender’s optimal communication scheme is a targeting scheme with a
target close to the global maximum density, by Lemma 2.
2. When the anecdote distribution F is symmetric and single-peaked at 0 then the sender’s
optimal targeting scheme is the mean scheme by Lemma 1.
Intuitively, one might expect that the mean scheme is also an equilibrium without foresight.
Even though the sender does not know the state of the world, her estimate of the posterior mean
will concentrate around the true state (for large n) and we therefore would expect the sender to
select an anecdote close to the posterior mean since the density of the anecdote distribution is also
maximized around the true state. We show that this intuition is correct for a class of distribution
which we call well-behaved.
Definition 7. We say that the anecdote distribution F is well-behaved if the following holds.
1. The distribution is strictly single-peaked and symmetric with finite variance.
2. Let g(x) = f ′(x)/f (x). That is, g(x) = d log f (x)
. We assume that
some constant c1 > 0. That is,
3. F has exponential tails. That is, there is a constant Q > 0, such that for x > Q, we have
| ≤
+ c2. 14
| ≤
c1 for all x, and
F (x)
c3 exp (
) for a constant c3 > 0, and x <
Q we have F (x)
c3 exp (
N (0, 1) and the Laplace distribution with density f (ǫ) =
) are well-behaved. Recall that f (ǫ) is the density of the signal distribution at θ + ǫ, an
For example, the normal distribution F
2 exp(
offset of ǫ from the true state of the world.
Theorem 8. For any well-behaved anecdote distribution, in the no-foresight setting, the unbiased
communication scheme that sends the closest signal to θS(~x, y) strictly dominates any biased sig-
naling scheme for sufficiently large n and is optimal among all unbiased communication schemes.
The proof is delegated to Appendix G. Intuitively, the sender would like to send precisely the
posterior mean to the receiver. However, since she is constrained to sending a signal she has to
contend with the second best which is to send the signal closest to the posterior mean. When we
interpret our model as a model of memory where the current self communicates with her future
self by storing a single anecdote in memory we can think of the anecdote closest to the posterior
mean as the “most representative anecdote”.
14Note that, for x < 1 we bound |g(x)| ≤ c2 and otherwise we can bound |g(x)| ≤ c1.
6.2 Biased Commitment Equilibria under No-Foresight
We have just shown that for single-peaked and symmetric anecdote distributions the mean commu-
nication scheme is optimal under foresight as well as under no-foresight when n is large. However,
unbiased communication (r∗ = 0) is not necessarily optimal for small n under no-foresight even
when the anecdote distribution is single-peaked and symmetric.
The simplest example is the case where the sender has n = 2 anecdotes.
Proposition 7. Suppose n = 2, signals are drawn from a symmetric distribution around θ, and the
sender has no foresight. Then the optimal communication scheme is either the minimum scheme
or the maximum scheme.
The proofs of this subsection appear in Appendix F. The optimal scheme still has to satisfy the
balanced-offset condition of Theorem 7 such that β(r∗) = r∗. However, there are three distinct
candidate targeting schemes: the mean scheme (r∗ = 0), the minimum scheme (r∗ < 0), and the
maximum scheme (r∗ > 0), where the offset (and equivalently the bias) is zero, negative, and
positive, respectively.
The mean scheme incurs a higher level of information loss compared to the minimum and
maximum schemes due to a distinctive aspect of the two-signal setting under no-foresight: both
anecdotes have the same absolute distance to the posterior mean θS(~x, y) or empirical mean x1+x2
Consequently, the information loss of a communication scheme primarily hinges on the uncertainty
regarding whether the posterior mean lies to the left or right of the communicated signal. This
uncertainty is minimized by having the mean always lying to the left (or the right), i.e., consistently
sending the minimum (or the maximum, respectively).
The biasedness of the optimal communication scheme is not an artifact of the two-signal setting
as demonstrated in the following example.
Proposition 8. Suppose n = 3, signals are drawn from a uniform distribution around θ, and the
sender has no foresight. Then at every commitment equilibrium the sender uses a communication
scheme with non-zero bias.
The idea behind Proposition 8 is that, conditional on the value of the sender’s posterior mean,
the conditional density over signal realizations is not necessarily single-peaked. For uniform distri-
butions and n = 3, the correlation between the posterior mean and the minimum and maximum
signals is stronger than the correlation between the posterior mean and the middle signal. One
can therefore communicate more information about the posterior mean through a biased commu-
nication scheme (r∗ 6
returns the maximum signal).
= 0) that sometimes returns the minimum signal (or, by symmetry, sometimes
Why does bias help in this example? Recall that there is intrinsic error in the sender’s posterior
mean. This variance is unavoidable. But it can introduce correlation with particular anecdotes.
This correlation can be used to help minimize the variance between the posterior mean and the
anecdote passed to the receiver. This is why, for the uniform case, it is helpful to bias toward
more extreme signals: even though they are not more informative than the moderate signals when
it comes to the true state of the world, they are more informative with respect to the sender’s
posterior mean. The interplay between these two sources of errors therefore introduces an incentive
for the sender to systematically bias their communication.
However, for large n the correlation between the posterior mean and the closest signal to
the posterior mean dissipates and therefore the unbiased mean scheme re-emerges as the optimal
communication scheme under no-foresight as shown in Theorem 8.
7 Conclusion
We introduce a model of strategic communication where the sender communicates raw data points
(anecdotes) that are informative about an underlying state of the world. While this type of anec-
dotal communication is less efficient than communicating posterior beliefs about the state directly,
it does not require that the sender and receiver have a shared representation of the state of the
world. Therefore, our model can help us understand how newspapers convey news to their diverse
readership by assembling articles from various quotes and factual statements, or how politicians
rely on examples and anecdotes to connect with their voters. We have shown four main results.
First of all, our model naturally gives rise to polarization as the sender balances the need to inform
the receiver with the temptation to persuade him which makes her target biased anecdotes. Second,
polarization increases, and welfare decreases with the misalignment between sender’s and receiver’s
preferences. Third, polarization is amplified when experts communicate because they have access
to more outlier anecdotes. Fourth, polarization will hurt both the sender and the receiver when
the anecdote distribution is heavy-tailed giving rise to the curse of informedness.
Stories as “Carriers of Beliefs”. On a conceptual level, our model fits within a paradigm
where stories or anecdotes provide the basis for both communicating as well as storing beliefs.
While we mainly focus on the former interpretation in this paper, we also explained that our model
can be viewed as the current self (sender) communicating with a future self (receiver). This can be
expanded into a theory of optimal storage of stories for a decision-maker who has limited memory
and can only store information about the state of the world through representative data points
rather than posterior beliefs. We believe that this model of storing “beliefs” is appropriate in many
situations where we need to learn about the world without being an expert. For instance, when
describing notable traits of a colleague, friend, or acquaintance – like kindness, intelligence, or
creativity – we could illustrate them through specific anecdotes. These anecdotes might showcase
instances when the individual demonstrated kindness, solved a challenging problem, or devised an
innovative solution, rather than relying solely on formal metrics such as like altruism or IQ scores.
Extensions. We hope that our model can serve as a starting point for future extensions. For
example, our model assumes that the sender can only send a single anecdote. This makes our
analysis particularly simple because we can focus on translation invariant equilibria. However,
senders can and do communicate more than one anecdote. For example, a 500-word news article
contains on average 10 to 20 sentences and 5 to 10 facts (Kiss et al., 2024). How can one adapt our
analysis? We can gain some intuition by looking at the special case where sender and receiver are
aligned (∆ = 0), the sender has foresight and the anecdote distribution is symmetric with a single
peak at 0. If we focus on some small enough interval of width δ around the state of the world where
the anecdote density does not change much, we can think of δn anecdotes that are approximately
uniformly distributed over this interval. If the sender can only send one anecdote she will send
the closest one to the state of the world which is an expected distance O(1/n) away from the true
state and the (quadratic) information loss is therefore O(1/n2). With two anecdotes, the sender
could combine any of approximately δn/2 anecdotes to the left and right of the true state and
choose among these O(n2) combinations the one whose average is closest to the true state. We
conjecture that the expected distance of this best average is now only O(1/n2) away from the true
state and the information loss is therefore only O(1/n4). This heuristic argument suggests that the
information loss from anecdotal communication declines rapidly with the number of anecdotes that
the sender can transmit. The analysis in Sections 4 and 5 then suggests that polarization becomes
even more extreme when sender and receiver are no longer aligned which might mitigate or even
reverse any reductions in the information loss that are achievable in the optimal case.
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A Diffuse Prior
In this section we discuss our assumption of a diffuse prior and its implications on the posterior of
the agents. Throughout, we restrict attention to translation invariant sender and receiver strategies
that we introduce in Section 2.2. We start by showing that sender and receiver beliefs after sending
an anecdote are well defined if the prior on the state of the world θ is diffuse. We then show that
players’ ex-ante payoffs before a message is sent are also well-defined.
A.1 Posterior Distributions of the Sender and Receiver
In statistics, it is common to use an improper prior as uninformative priors. The simplest way
to formalize a diffuse prior that reveals no information about θ is to consider the density to be a
R. It is important to note that while µ is not a proper probability
), it is still possible that the posterior formed can still be proper
constant µ(θ) = c for all θ
θ µ(θ)dθ =
distribution (since
and well defined15.
Claim A.1. Given a diffuse prior and ~x
θ + G, the posterior distribution of the
sender conditioned on ~x, y, is a proper distribution. Moreover, when F and G are symmetric, the
posterior mean θS(~x, y) is an unbiased estimator of θ.
θ + F , y
Similarly, given a diffuse prior, a translation invariant communication scheme π, and a signal
x = π(~x, y). The posterior distribution of the receiver conditioned on π, x, is a proper distribution.
Further, the posterior mean of the receiver is θR(π, x) = x
We prove this claim below.
Sender’s posterior distribution. Recall that the anecdotes x1, . . . , xn are drawn independently
θ). Similarly, y is drawn from θ + G and
from θ + F . Thus the pdf of an anecdote given θ is f (x
hence the pdf of y given θ is g(y
We first observe that in the foresight case, when G = 0, the sender’s posterior is a point mass
at y.
For any G that is a proper distribution, we see that the posterior of θ given y is proper.
y) =
ˆθ g(y
ˆθ g(y
γ g(γ)dγ
= g(y
The first equality is just the definition of a posterior, and the second equality holds since µ is
the diffuse prior with µ(θ) = c for all θ. The third equality does a change of variables to γ = y
15Also, in a more Frequentist view, µ can be thought of as the likelihood function to capture the absence of data.
Finally, the last step follows because G is a proper distribution. Hence µ(θ
y) is a proper posterior
Recall that µ(θ
That is, we can use µ(θ
is also proper.
~x, y) =
ˆf (~x
ˆf (~x
y) as a prior. Since µ(θ
, where ˆf (~x
θ, y) is the conditional pdf of ~x given θ, y.
y) is a proper distribution, the posterior µ(θ
~x, y)
For the non-foresight case, when G is diffuse, we can use a similar argument as above to first
compute the posterior given x1 and y. We get,
x1, y) =
f (x1 −
ˆθ f (x1 −
f (x1 −
ǫ f (ǫ)dǫ
= f (x1 −
This is again by noting that µ(θ) = c , g(y
θ) = c′, and doing a change of variable to ǫ = x1 −
x1, y) is a proper posterior distribution because f is proper distribution. Now using this
Thus µ(θ
as a prior, we get that µ(θ
~x, y) is a proper posterior.
Sender’s posterior mean. We observe that, given a diffuse prior and symmetric anecdote
distributions F, G, µ(θ
E~x,y[θS(~x, y)
θ = 0] = 0. Moreover, we show below that θS(~x, y) = θS(~x + t, y + t)
hence E~x,y[θS(~x, y)
θ] = θ. Thus, the sender’s posterior mean is an unbiased estimator of θ.
~x, y) = µ(
y). With this, it is easy to see that, for θ = 0,
t, and
| −
We will now show that µ(θ
~x, y) = µ(θ + t
~x + t, y + t), and this would imply,
θS(~x, y) =
~x, y)dθ =
µ(θ + t
~x + t, y + t)dθ = θS(~x + t, y + t)
We have µ(θ
~x, y) = µ(θ + t
~x + t, y + t) because,
~x, y) =
i f (xi −
i f (xi −
i f (xi + t
i f (xi + t
~x + t, y + t)
= µ(θ + t
g(y + t
t)µ(θ + t)
Receiver’s posterior distribution. We show that the receiver’s posterior distribution given a
translation invariant π and x = π(~x, y) is a proper distribution. Let hπ(x
sent given π and θ. Observe that, by definition of translation invariant, π(~x
Therefore, hπ(x
0) only depends on π, F, and G.
θ) be the pdf of the signal
θ) = π(~x, y)
θ, y
ˆθ) = hπ(x
0). Note that, hπ(
π, x) =
ˆθ hπ(x
ˆθ hπ(x
θ = 0)
ǫ hπ(ǫ
= hπ(x
Receiver’s posterior mean. Given a translation invariant π, for any θ, recall that the bias
β(π) =
θR(π, x) is
θ) =
z zhπ(z
0). Hence we get that the posterior mean of the sender
π, x)dˆθ =
= x
= x
θ] = Ex[x
Thus for any θ, translation invariant π, we get Ex[θR(π, x)
θ] = θ (follows
directly from the definition of β(π)). Therefore, the receiver’s posterior mean x
β(π) is an
unbiased estimator of θ.
A.2 Ex Ante Payoffs
When describing payoffs and equilibria in our communication game, it is also important to un-
derstand the players’ beliefs about payoffs before any messages are received. Concerns about the
well-definedness of ex ante payoffs in signaling games with diffuse priors were also noted recently
by Ambrus and Kolb (2021). They provide sufficient conditions under which such a game’s ex ante
payoffs are well-defined for a class of strategies that include translation invariant strategies.
this section we describe their conditions and results and show that they are satisfied by our model
under some modifications that are without loss of generality for translation invariant strategies.
This will justify our use of expectations over θ when analyzing payoffs and beliefs, despite θ being
drawn from an improper prior.
We now describe the setting of Ambrus and Kolb (2021) in the context of our model. There
is a state of the world θ and N players. Each player receives a collection of signals, where each
Fij admits positive
signal sij observed by player i is drawn independently as θ + ˆsij where ˆsij ∼
R of allowable actions that
density.16 Each player i then chooses an action ai from a set Ai ⊆
16The model of Ambrus and Kolb (2021) assumes at most one signal per player, but their analysis holds without
can depend on the set of signals received. Each player i then receives a payoff ui that depends on
θ and the profile ~a of actions chosen. It is assumed that payoffs are translation invariant, in the
R. A strategy µi is a (possibly
R, ~a
sense that ui(θ + δ,~a + δ) = ui(θ,~a) for all θ
randomized) mapping from received signals to an action. We write ui(θ, ~µ) for the expected utility
obtained under strategy profile ~µ where the expectation is over the realization of signals and any
Rn, and δ
randomness in ~µ.
Condition A.1 (Compactness and Translation Invariance). For each player, given any set of
signals received, the set of potential actions is a compact set. Moreover, whenever all signals are
offset by a real number δ
= 0, then the set of potential actions is likewise offset by δ.
Condition A.2 (Bounded Interim Payoffs). For each player i there is some finite constant Ci such
ui(θ,~a) is at most
that, for any realization of θ, the expectation (over signal realizations) of max~a |
Ci, where the maximum is over action profiles that are allowable given the realized signals.
Condition A.3 (Irreducibility). For each player i there is no pair of distinct strategies µi, µ′i such
that the expected payoffs of µi and µ′i are identical for all θ and all translation invariant strategies
of the other players.
Roughly speaking, Ambrus and Kolb (2021) show that if Conditions A.1, A.2, and A.3 are
satisfied, then ex ante expected payoffs under any profile of translation invariant strategies is well-
defined and equal to the expected payoffs conditional on any fixed value of θ. To state their result
more formally, we first require some definitions.
Definition 8 (Diffusing Sequence). Let λ denote the Lebesgue measure. We say a sequence
N of Borel probability measures on R is diffusing if for any set W with λ(W )
N such that for all m > M ,
and any η > 0, there exists M
• Pm(W ) > 0 and
• for all measurable Y
W ,
Pm(Y )
Pm(W ) −
λ(Y )
λ(W )
< η.
Roughly speaking, a diffusing sequence is an infinite sequence of probability distributions that,
in the limit, tends toward an improper distribution that behaves as a diffuse prior. For example,
the sequence of distributions (N (0, m)) (i.e., Pm is a mean-zero Gaussian with variance m) is a
diffusing sequence.
Definition 9 (Admissibility). A class of strategy profiles is said to be admissible if for any profile
RN such that for any diffusing
~µ = (µ1, . . . , µN ) of strategies in the class, there exists a vector u∗ ∈
sequence (Pm) and every player i, limm
Pm[ui(θ, ~µ)] = u∗i .
We are now ready to state the result of Ambrus and Kolb (2021).
change if one player can receive multiple independent signals.
Theorem A.1 ((Ambrus and Kolb, 2021)). Suppose the game satisfies Conditions A.1, A.2, and A.3.
Then the class of profiles of translation invariant strategies is admissible.17
We now show how to apply Theorem A.1 to our signaling game. As the theorem applies to
translation invariant strategies, we will focus attention on translation invariant strategies in our
strategy of the receiver is a translation action rule which is characterized by an offset σ
game. Recall that the sender’s strategy is a communication scheme π, and a translation invariant
R. We can
therefore map our game into the setting of Ambrus and Kolb (2021) as follows: the sender receives
signals (~x, y) and selects from the set
. The receiver is not given any signals and chooses
x1, . . . , xn}
an offset σ. If the sender chooses x and the receiver chooses offset σ, they both receive payoffs as
defined in our original game when the receiver takes action x + σ. Note that this formulation is
a simultaneous-move game and that payoffs are indeed translation invariant with respect to θ and
the received signals.
We would like to apply Theorem A.1 to this reformulation of our signaling game. However, we
note that Conditions A.1 and A.2 do not directly apply in our model since the action space of the
R (an unbounded
receiver in unbounded. Indeed, the receiver in our game can choose any offset σ
set). Moreover, the resulting cost to the sender and receiver can be arbitrarily high for extreme
choices of σ. However, as we now show, it is without loss to restrict attention to a bounded space
of receiver actions.
Lemma A.1. Given F , G, and n, there exists C > 0 such that any choice of offset σ > C is
strictly dominated by σ = C, and any choice of offset σ <
C is strictly dominated by σ =
Proof. Over the space of translation invariant communication schemes for the sender, the one that
. Note that E[min
] is a constant depending on F .
induces the (pointwise) maximal posterior over θ for any given message x is the one that always
xi −
x1, . . . , xn}
i |
In particular, this means that
returns the minimum anecdote min
x1, . . . , xn}
nc where c = Eǫ
x + nc for every choice of translation invariant π. Thus, for any realization of x, a
receiver action of a > x + nc + MR is strictly dominated by action a = x + nc + MR. A symmetric
argument, for the maximum scheme, shows that a receiver action of a < x
nc + MR is strictly
dominated by a = x + nc + MR. Taking C = nc +
therefore satisfies the conditions of the
F [
Lemma A.1 shows that when we restrict the sender to translation invariant communication
schemes, it is without loss of generality to restrict the receiver to choosing actions that lie in
a compact set centered on the received signal. As the sender is also mechanically restricted to
choosing (a distribution over) one of the received anecdotes as an action, which is compact given
the anecdote realization and invariant to translations, we conclude that Condition A.1 is satisfied
17In fact, they show a more general result: a weaker condition than translation invariance, in which the strategies
tend toward a translation invariant limit strategy in the limit as θ tends to ±∞, is necessary and sufficient for the
ex ante payoffs to be well-defined and determined by payoffs in the limit as θ tends to ±∞. We will only use the
sufficient condition of full translation invariance.
under this restriction. Likewise, under the restriction (without loss) that the receiver chooses an
action from this bounded set, the sender and receiver’s expected utilities are likewise bounded
uniformly over the choice of θ (with the extremal value occurring when the sender chooses the
maximum anecdote, and the receiver always takes the maximum allowable action x + C given the
sender’s message). Thus Condition A.2 is satisfied as well.
Finally, we note that Condition A.3 is satisfied as well. Indeed, any two distinct strategies (i.e.,
= π′(~x), would result in different
communication schemes) of the sender, say π and π′ with π(~x)
outcomes (and hence payoffs, if we fix θ) on anecdote realization ~x when the receiver chooses the
identity action rule α(x) = x (i.e., offset σ = 0). On the other hand, any two distinct choices of
= σ′ would result in different payoffs to the sender and receiver for any given choice x of
offset σ
the sender.
We conclude that Conditions A.1, A.2, and A.3 all hold after we eliminate strictly dominated
strategies from the space of translation invariant strategies. We can therefore conclude from Theo-
rem A.1 that any profile of undominated translation invariant strategies (α, π) is admissible. They
induce expected payoffs equal to the limit of payoffs (for those strategies) under any diffusing se-
quence of priors over θ. The notion of expected payoffs of given strategies with respect to θ is
therefore well-defined, equal to the expected payoffs under any realization of θ, and consistent with
our posterior belief calculations.
B Proofs for Section 2
(θ + MS ))2. Since
Proof of Theorem 1. Recall that the sender wishes to maximize uS(a, θ) =
a = π(~x, y) + σ(α) from the definition of shift, the sender’s goal is to choose π so that π(~x, y)
[(π(~x, y) + σ(α)
(θ + MS))2
(~x, y)].
This is the expectation of a quadratic loss. Using bias-variance decomposition and the fact that
θS(~x, y) = Eθ[θ
(~x, y)] is an unbiased estimator of θ and the variance of θS(~x, y) is a constant that
), this goal is achieved by choosing π(~x, y) to maximize
is independent of π(
(π(~x, y) + σ(α)
(θS(~x, y) + MS))2
for each ~x and y. For any realization of ~x and y, this expression is maximized by setting π(~x, y) as
close as possible to θS(~x, y) + MS −
from the profile of anecdotes ~x, the result follows.
σ(α). Since the only constraint on π(~x, y) is that it be chosen
Proof of Theorem 2. Let x = π(~x) and let the belief distribution be B(x) = Dπ,x. Given any
translation invariant π, the posterior distribution Dπ,x is a proper distribution (see Claim A.1 in
Appendix A for more details). Since bias equals the expected difference between the communicated
anecdote and θ, we have that x
β(π) is an unbiased estimate of θ. Since we work with diffuse
priors, the receiver’s posterior mean about the state of the world is simply equal to the value of
the unbiased estimator (formalized in Claim A.1 in Appendix A). The receiver wishes to maximize
[uR(α(x), θ)] = E
(θ + MR))2]
β(π) + MR))2
x + β(π))2]
where the second equality is the bias-variance decomposition and follows because x
unbiased estimator of θ. This maximum is achieved for α(x) = x
of MR −
Proof of Proposition 2. The proof follows by direct manipulations of the sender’s expected utility
β(π) as claimed.
β(π) is an
β(π) + MR, i.e., a translation
[uS(α(πS (~x, y)), θ)] = E
[((α(πS (~x, y))
(θ + MS))2]
(θS(~x, y) + MS))2]
(θS(~x, y) + MS))2]
[((α(πS (~x, y))
[(πS (~x, y) + σ(α)
[(πS (~x, y) + σ(α)
= E
= E
= E
= E
[(πS (~x, y)
(θS(~x, y) + β(πS )) + σ(α)
(θS(~x, y) + MS) + β(πS )
(MS −
Let w = πS(~x, y)
is E[(w + z)2] = E[w2 + z2 + 2wz]. Note
(θS(~x, y) + β(πS)) and z = σ(α)
(MS −
β(πS)) so that the above expectation
E[wz] = z E
[(πS(~x, y)
(θS(~x, y) + β(πS)))] = z E
[(πS(~x, y)
(θ + β(πS )))]
where the second inequality follows because θS(~x, y) is a valid posterior mean for θ. But the
right-hand side is zero by definition of bias. Therefore E[wz] = 0 and hence the claim follows.
Proof of Proposition 3. From Theorem 2 we see that α(x) = x+MR −
signal x = π(~x, y) and β(π) is the bias of the communication scheme π. Thus, we have receiver’s
β(π), where the sender sends
loss (for any fixed θ) equals
[(π(~x, y) + MR −
MR)2] = E
= E
[(π(~x, y)
[(π(~x, y)
since by definition of bias E~x
Gθ [π(~x, y)] = β(π) + θ.
[π(~x, y)])2]
C Proofs for Section 3
Proof of Proposition 2. The proof follows by direct manipulations of the sender’s expected utility
[uS(α(πS (~x, y)), θ)] = E
[((α(πS (~x, y))
(θ + MS))2]
(θS(~x, y) + MS))2]
(θS(~x, y) + MS))2]
[((α(πS (~x, y))
[(πS (~x, y) + σ(α)
[(πS (~x, y) + σ(α)
= E
= E
= E
= E
[(πS (~x, y)
(θS(~x, y) + β(πS )) + σ(α)
(θS(~x, y) + MS) + β(πS )
(MS −
Let w = πS(~x, y)
is E[(w + z)2] = E[w2 + z2 + 2wz]. Note
(θS(~x, y) + β(πS)) and z = σ(α)
(MS −
β(πS)) so that the above expectation
E[wz] = z E
[(πS(~x, y)
(θS(~x, y) + β(πS)))] = z E
[(πS(~x, y)
(θ + β(πS )))]
where the second inequality follows because θS(~x, y) is a valid posterior mean for θ. But the
right-hand side is zero by definition of bias. Therefore E[wz] = 0 and hence the claim follows.
Proof of Theorem 3. We prove the Theorem through contradiction. Assume, that π∗ is a most
informative communication scheme with bias β∗ and utility U (π∗) which is not a targeting scheme
satisfying r = β∗.
Consider the targeting scheme πT with offset r = β∗ and associated bias βT . We know that
= β∗ - otherwise, we would have found a targeting with bias β∗ which minimizes the Euclidean
= πT . Therefore, π∗ would not
βT 6
distance to β∗ + θS(~x, y) and therefore U (πT ) > U (π∗) because π∗ 6
be most informative which is a contradiction.
We now calculate the sender’s utility when using targeting scheme πT :
U (πT ) =
πT (~x, y)
πT (~x, y)
πT (~x, y)
πT (~x, y)
θS (~x,y))2
θS(~x, y)
θS(~x, y) + β∗
θS(~x, y)
θS(~x, y)
βT ) E [ˆπ(~x, y)
βT )2 > U (π∗)
θS(~x, y)]
βT )2
But this implies that π∗ is not a most informative communication scheme which is a contradiction.
Proof of Lemma 1. First, it is easy to see that the balanced-offset condition is satisfied at r∗ = 0:
the closest anecdote is equally likely to be on the left or right because of symmetry.
Now consider any r < 0 and any realization ~x of n anecdotes. We construct a coupled realization
~˜x as follows: for any xi < r we keep the anecdote and ˜xi = xi. For any r
anecdote to to ˜xi = r and for any xi >
r we map the anecdote to ˜xi = xi −
r we map the
xi ≤ −
We can see that the coupled distribution is symmetric around r and therefore ˜β(r) = r. However,
because of the coupling all the anecdotes to the right of r are closer to the offset than for the coupled
original realization. Therefore, ˜β(r) < β(r) and hence r < β(r). Hence, the targeting scheme with
offset r cannot be most informative.
Proof of Lemma 2. We prove the claim by contradiction. If the lemma does not hold then there is
some ǫ∗ > 0 and a sequence (nk) and associated most informative offsets (r∗nk ) that are more than
ǫ∗ away from any global maximum of the anecdote density.
First, we observe that there has to be some δ > 0 such that f (r∗nk ) < fmax −
δ for all k where
fmax is the global maximum reached by the density function. Suppose not, there would be a
fmax. Moreover, there has to be a subsequence
subsequence (nk′) of (nk) such that f (r∗nk
that lies in some bounded interval - otherwise because of uniform continuity the integral of the
′ )
density function could not be 1. But this implies by Bolzano-Weierstrass that there is convergent
′′ eventually
subsequence (nk′′) of (nk′). By continuity, f (limk′′
is ǫ∗-close to a global maximum which is a contradiction.
′′ ) = fmax and therefore r∗nk
We can therefore assume that there exists some δ > 0 such that f (r∗nk ) < fmax −
Because of uniform continuity we can find, for any δ′ > 0 an ǫ′ > 0 such that
for any x
f (x)
δ for all k.
< δ′
f (r∗nk )
The information loss, or equivalently the variance of the closest anecdote to the offset r∗nk , can
then be expressed as:
(~x)) = E[(πr∗
(θ + r∗nk ))2],
the expected squared distance of the closest anecdote to the point θ +r∗nk, because most informative
communication schemes satisfy the balanced-offset condition β(r∗nk ) = r∗nk . Hence, we have,
r∗nk < ǫ′.
(~x)) =
f (r∗nk)
f (r∗nk) + δ′
f (r∗nk)
f (r∗nk) + δ′
f (r∗nk + z) + f (r∗nk −
F (r∗nk + z) + F (r∗nk −
nz22(f (r∗nk )
(cid:3) (cid:2)
2(f (r∗nk ) + δ′)z
1 dz
1 dz
2n2(f (r∗nk )+δ′)2 + o(1/n2)
2n2(fmax −
δ+δ′)2 + o(1/n2),
where the first inequality follows from the uniform continuity of f and let ǫ′ < 1/2(f (r∗nk ) + δ′), the
next equality follows simply because the o(1/n2) terms includes subtractions that are exponentially
small in n, and finally the last inequality follows by our assumption that r∗nk is bounded away from
the global maxima.
We can compare this loss to the information loss when choosing a targeting scheme with offset
˜r such that f (˜r) = fmax:
Var(π˜r(~x)) = E[(π˜r(~x)
(θ + ˜r))2]
nz2 [f (˜r + z) + f (˜r
z)] [1
nz22(f (˜r) + δ′)
2(f (˜r)
nz2 [f (˜r + z) + f (˜r
z)] [1
nz22(f (˜r) + δ′)
2(f (˜r)
F (˜r + z) + F (˜r
1 dz
F (˜r + z) + F (˜r
1 dz
1 dz
1 dz
nz2 [f (˜r + z) + f (˜r
2ǫ′(f (˜r)
1 dz
fmax + δ′
fmax −
δ′)2 + o(1/n2)
For any r∗nk we can choose δ′ small enough such that Var(πr∗
(~x)) > Var(π˜r(~x)) for sufficiently
large nk. Therefore, r∗nk is not a most informative offset for some k as it is dominated by a targeting
scheme with offset ˜r and lower information loss. This is a contradiction.
Proof of Proposition 3. From Theorem 2 we see that α(x) = x+MR −
signal x = π(~x, y) and β(π) is the bias of the communication scheme π. Thus, we have receiver’s
β(π), where the sender sends
loss (for any fixed θ) equals
[(π(~x, y) + MR −
MR)2] = E
= E
[(π(~x, y)
[(π(~x, y)
since by definition of bias E~x
Gθ [π(~x, y)] = β(π) + θ.
D Proofs for Section 4
[π(~x, y)])2]
Proof of Theorem 4. Suppose (π, α) is a translation invariant PBE. Then α must be a translation,
with shift σ(α). Then by Theorem 1 we know that π is a targeting scheme with offset r = MS −
Moreover, by Theorem 2 we must have that σ(α) = MR −
β(π). Since by definition β(r) = β(π),
we conclude that
as required.
r = MS −
(MR −
β(r)) = β(r) + (MS −
The other direction follows immediately from Theorems 2 and 1, because π and α are best
responses to each other. Note that, in Theorem 2, α(x) maximizes the receiver utility given the
belief distribution Dπ,x. Hence, we get that (π, α) with belief distribution B(x) = Dπ,x is a
translation invariant PBE.
MR. Let’s start with finding a condition that pins down
Proof of Theorem 5. Fix n and MS −
the offset r of a PBE from Theorem 4. Given a communication scheme πr with offset r, let
z = πr(~x, y)
(θS(~x, y) + r) denote the distance between the target θS(~x, y) + r and the closest
anecdote (out of n total anecdotes), where z is positive if the closest anecdote is larger and negative
if the closest anecdote is smaller. Write h(z; r) for the density of z given r, over all randomness in
(θ, ~x, y).
We can now calculate the expected bias β(r) of a targeting communication scheme with offset
Write H(r) =
to show that there exists a value of r such that
β(r) = r +
zh(z; r)dz
zh(z; r)dz. Theorem 4 now implies that to show that a PBE exists, it suffices
H(r) =
(MS −
), in two
, +
We will show that (18) holds, i.e., H(r) is an onto function in its codomain (
steps. In the first step, we establish that H(r) tends to +
, respectively as r
→ −∞
. Had H(r) been a continuous function, this step would suffice to prove (18). The second
step handles discontinuous H(r) by establishing that at any point that H(r) is discontinuous, the
left limit of H(r) is smaller than the right limit. Together these steps show that H(r) can take any
For the first step, we will show that H(r)
as r
know Eǫ
F [
→ ∞
] is bounded by assumption; say E[
→ −∞
] < c0. Then
and H(r)
→ −∞
as r
. We
→ ∞
xi −
θS(~x, y)] = E
= E
θ + θ
θS(~x, y)]
θ] + Eθ,~x,y[θ
θS(~x, y)]
xi −
xi −
xi −
= E
θ] + 0
xi −
where the second equality is linearity of expectation and the third equality follows because θS(~x, y)
is a valid posterior mean.
Now choose any Z > 0 and suppose r
nc0 + Z. Then
zh(z; r)dz = E
[(arg min
xi −
xi −
θS(~x, y)]
θS(~x, y)
θS(~x, y)]
≤ −
So for any Z > 0, we have that H(r)
Z for all sufficiently large r, and hence H(r)
. A symmetric argument18 shows that H(r)
≤ −
→ ∞
as r
→ ∞
→ −∞
→ −∞
In the second step we show that, roughly speaking, if H(r) is discontinuous at some r then the
one-sided limits still exist, and the limit from above will be strictly greater than the limit from
below. To see why, suppose H is not continuous at r0. For each possible realization of (θ, ~x, y),
either z is continuous at r0 or it is not. If not, this means that θS(~x, y) + r0 is precisely halfway
between two anecdotes in ~x, say with absolute distance d > 0 to each, in which case the limit of z
from below is
d (distance to the anecdote to the left) and the limit of z from above is d (distance
to the anecdote to the right). Integrating over all realizations, we conclude that the one-sided limits
of H exist, limr
H(r), and moreover limr
as r
H(r) < limr
Now we are ready to prove (18). Since H(r)
, there must exist some finite
r1 to be the infimum over all r′ such that
MR). Choose r2 ≤
(r′, r1]. That is, (r2, r1] is a maximal (on the left) interval on
r1 such that H(r1) <
→ −∞
→ ∞
MR). Note that r2 must be finite, since H(r)
as r
(MS −
MR) for all r
(MS −
(MS −
≤ −
≤ −
which H(r)
Suppose for contradiction that H(r2)
MR). It must then be that H is discontinuous
(MS −
at r2, as otherwise there is an open ball around r2 on which H is either less than or greater than
(MS −
From the definition of r2 we have that limr
MR), but either way this contradicts the definition of r2.
(MS −
≤ −
→ ∞
→ −∞
at r2, we know (from our analysis of the directionality of discontinuities of H) that limr
(MS −
for all r
MR). But this then means that there exists some ǫ > 0 such that H(r) <
(r2 −
We conclude that H(r2) =
MR), so r2 is the desired value of r proving (18).
ǫ, r2), contradicting our choice of r2.
(MS −
MR). So since H is discontinuous
H(r) <
(MS −
Proof Proposition 4. Suppose ∆ = MR −
MS > 0 (the other case is analogous). Recall that
r : H(r) = ∆
r(∆) = maxr{
< 0 is the maximum offset of any equilibrium targeting scheme.
Assume towards contradiction that there exists ∆′ > ∆ such that r(∆′) > r(∆). Recall that, by
definition, r(∆′) < r. We can therefore let r∗ = infr
. This infimum is
well-defined since H(r) = 0 < ∆.
r : H(r)
We claim that H(r∗) = ∆. This is because, from the proof of Theorem 5, we know that one-
r∗+ H(r). But from the definition
sided limits of H exist at r∗ and limr′
r∗− H(r)
18By taking r = −nc0 − Z and observing E[mini −θ] ≥ −nc0.
of r∗ we have that (a) ∆
way to satisfy limr′
and hence H(r∗) = ∆.
r∗− H(r)
r∗+ H(r), and (b) H(r′) > ∆ for all r′ ∈
r∗+ H(r) is to have limr′
[r(∆′), r∗). So the only
r∗+ H(r) = ∆
r∗− H(r) = limr′
We have now reached the desired contradiction, since H(r∗) = ∆ and r∗ > r′(∆) > r(∆),
contradicting the definition of r(∆).
MS > 0 (the other case is analogous). We then have
Proof of Corollary 2. Consider ∆ = MR −
r < β(r) < r and β(r)
r = ∆. This implies r < r
Proof of Proposition 5. Suppose ∆ < 0 such that r(∆)
be the closest anecdote to the offset θ + r and let z = πr(~x)
distance. The bias β(r)
(0, r) then equals β(r) = E[πr(~x)]
∆. Hence, r
as ∆
→ −∞
→ ∞
r. Let πr(~x) = arg minxi∈
(θ + r)
(θ + r) denote the corresponding
θ. The variance of πr(~x) is given by
xi −
~x |
Var[πr(~x)] = E[(πr(~x)
= E[(z
= E[z2]
(θ + β(r)))2]
z2(f (z + r) + f (r
= n
(Since E[z] = (β(r)
F (r + z) + F (r
Let P (r, z) = 1
F (r + z) + F (r
z) be the probability that an anecdote does not lie in the
interval (θ + r
z, θ + r + z). Hence we can re-write the above equality as,
∂P (r, z)n
z2H(r, z)n
Var[πr(~x)] =
2zP (r, z)ndz
∞z=0 +
2zP (r, z)ndz
The last equality follows because z2P (r, z)n = 0 at z = 0 and we have limz
2. To see why, note that, for any z > 2
, observe that if
z/2 then
| ≤
By Chebyshev’s inequality we have
P (r, z) = 0 for
(θ + r)
| ≤
P (r, z)
| ≥
where θ is the mean of the anecdote distribution and σ2 is its (finite) variance. Hence for n
have limz
z2P (r, z)n = 0. We therefore conclude z2P (r, z)n
2 we
|∞z=0 = 0.
This implies that,
2 E[z]
= 2(r
∂P (r, z)
P (r, z)n
β(r)) + 2(r
(Since β′(r)
where the equalities follows because the expected value of z is β(r)
r and the last inequality
r, the variance increases with r. A similar
follows because the bias increases with r. Hence, for r
argument follows for r < r.
E Proofs for Section 5
Proof of Proposition 6. We prove this result by contradiction. Assume that the result does not
= 0, some distribution F , and constants RL > rmin and RM < rmax
hold and hence there is some ∆
and a subsequence (nk) and associated equilibrium offsets r∗(nk) such that RL ≤
f (x)
Because of continuity there is some fmin, fmax > 0 such that fmin ≤
[RL, RM ]. We can then write for any r
fmax for any
[RL, RM ]:
RM .
r =
nz [f (r + z)
f (r
z)] [1
F (r + z) + F (r
1 dz
Fix some 0 < ǫ′ < 1
2 fmin and we get:
nzfmax [1
1 dz + o(1/n2)
This allows us to bound β(r)
r as follows:
nzfmax [1
1 dz + o(1/n2) (20)
| ≤
+ o(1/n)
Therefore, for sufficiently large nk we have βnk (r∗nk )
equilibrium offset.
r∗nk 6
= ∆ and therefore r∗nk cannot be an
Proof of Theorem 6 (heavy tails). The sent anecdote is y away from offset r > 0 and has density
h(y) = nf (r + y) [1
(F (r +
F (r
− |
We prove the claim for heavy tails through contradiction: assume that Varn(y)
. This
6→ ∞
implies that there exists some M > 0 and a subsequence (nk) with associated offsets rnk such that
Varnk (y) < M .
We next introduce two symmetric and nested intervals around the offset as well as a formula
for the probability that y falls into such an interval as well as conditional expectation of y in this
Growing interval Ik. We define Ik = [rnk −
nk for some 0 < τ < 1
(where τ will be specified later). This is a symmetric interval around the offset rnk which gradually
increases in width with rnk . Importantly, it doesn’t increase linearly with rnk but only at rate rτ
- this ensures that the width of the interval becomes small relative to the offset.
bk, rnk + bk] where bk = rτ
Nested interval ˆIk. We next use Chebyshev’s inequality which tells us that for any fixed
ǫ > 0:
P rob
y + ∆
| ≥ r
ǫ ! ≤
This implies that we can ensure that with probability at least ǫ the closest anecdote is in the interval
ˆInk =
ˆIk ⊂
for all nk. Note that for sufficiently large k we have
, rnk +
ǫ − |
rnk −
ǫ +
I). Consider any symmetric interval I = [rnk −
b, rnk + b] around the offset
Formula for P (y
(such as Ik or ˆIk).
Then the probability P (y
I) can be expressed as:
P (y
I) =
nf (r + y) [1
nf (r + y) [1
(F (r +
F (r
− |
1 dy
(F (r +
F (r
− |
1 dy
n [f (r + y) + f (r
y)] [1
(F (r + y)
= 1
(F (r + b)
F (r
F (r
1 dy
Formula for E(y
I). We can use an analogous derivation to show:
I) =
yn [f (r + y)
f (r
y)] [1
(F (r + y)
F (r
1 dy
The rest of the proof for heavy tails proceeds in three steps:
Step 1: We show that the density f of the anecdote distribution is essentially constant over the interval
Ik. This allows us to simplify equation 24 for any I = [rnk −
2f (r)b]n
P (y
b, rnk + b]
Ik as follows:
Step 2: We then show that P (y
ǫ implies P (y /
Ik) < ǫDrτ
nk for some constant D.
Step 3: We can now finally show that E(y)
initial assumption that V arn(y)
6→ ∞
0 which is a contradiction since E(y) = ∆. Hence our
was false.
Step 1. The density h(y) of the sent anecdote includes the term
for y > 0. Using the mean-value theorem we get
(F (r + y)
F (r
(F (r + y)
F (r
y) = 1
y (f (r + ζ) + f (z
for some ζ
[0, y]. Since f has strong heavy tails we know that (for some constant C > 0):
F (x) = 1
C exp(
f (x) = Cu(x)xα
1 exp(
We can now express f (r + ζ) (and analogously f (r
ζ)) as
f (r + ζ) = Cu(r + ζ)(r + ζ)α
1 exp(
1 exp(
= Cu(r + ζ)rα
1(1 +
= f (r)
u(r + ζ)
(1 +
1 exp(
1dt) exp(
ζu(r + ζ ′)(r + ζ ′)α
where ζ ′ ∈
[0, ζ]. Next we use the mean-value theorem again:
u(r + ζ)
= exp(ln(u(r + ζ))
= exp(ζ
u′(r + ζ ′′)
u(r + ζ ′′))
for some ζ ′′ ∈
[0, ζ]
We obtain:
f (r + ζ) = f (r) exp(ζ
u′(r + ζ ′′)
u(r + ζ ′′))
)(1 +
1 exp(
ζu(r + ζ ′)rα
1(1 +
ζ ′
We observe:
u′(r + ζ ′′)
u(r + ζ ′′))
r →
ζ ′
r →
0 for τ < β and suff. large r
(r + ζ ′′)β u′(r + ζ ′′)
u(r + ζ ′′))
rτ rα
0 for 0 < τ < 1
α, β) we can ensure that for any small ϑ > 0 we have for
Therefore, as long as 0 < τ < min(1
sufficiently large nk:
Similarly,we can derive
This allows us to bound equation 28:
f (r + ζ)
f (r) ∈
ϑ, 1 + ϑ]
f (r
f (r) ∈
ϑ, 1 + ϑ]
2yf (r)(1 + ϑ) < 1
(F (r + y)
F (r
y) < 1
2yf (r)(1
More generally, we can bound formula 24 for P (y
in Ik for all k as:
I) for any nested interval I = [rnk −
b, rnk + b]
2bf (r)(1
ϑ)]n < P (y
I) < 1
2bf (r)(1 + ϑ)]n
Once fixing ϑ > 0 this bound holds for all sufficiently large nk This completes Step 1 of the
Step 2. Recall, that Chebychev’s inequality ensured us that the sent anecdote lies in the ˆIk
interval with probability of at least 1
P (y
By using inequality 37 from Step 1 and setting ˆb =
ǫ +
2ˆbf (rnk )(1 + ϑ)
2ˆbf (rnk )(1 + ϑ)
we obtain:
> 1
< ǫ
We also can use inequality 37 to bound P (y /
P (y /
Ik) <
nk f (rnk)(1
We now introduce a helper lemma.
Lemma E.1. Assume A > 1 and x such that Ax < 1. Then the following holds:
Proof: The claim is equivalent to:
A ln(1
Consider the function g(x) = A ln(1
Ax). Note that g(0) = 0. We also obtain:
g′(x) =
Hence, we have g′(x) < 0 for x < 0 and g′(x) > 0 for x > 0 which implies g(x)
proves the claim.
0 and hence
We can use lemma E.1 to further bound inequality 39:
P (y /
Ik) <
nk (1
ˆb(1 + ϑ)
2ˆbf (rnk )(1 + ϑ)
< ǫDrτ
2ˆbf (rnk)(1 + ϑ)
. This completes Step 2 of the proof.
where D = 1
Step 3. We can decompose E(y) as follows:
E(y) = P (y < rnk −
P (y /
y < rnk −
y < rnk −
bk) + P (y
bk) + P (y
Ik) + P (y > rnk + bk)E(y
y > rnk + bk)
Denote the expectation of a single anecdote conditional on it having a value x < 0 with µ0 < 0.
bk has to
The expectation of the max anecdote conditional on having a realization less than rnk −
be at least µ0 (since r > 0) and hence the expected distance from r can be at most r
µ0. We can
use the bound 43 from Step 2 to obtain:
(rnk −
+P (y
0 as rnk → ∞
It is easy to see that Bk →
in order to get a contradiction that E(y)
= ∆.
. Therefore, we only have to show that E(y
We can write E(y
Ik) as:
Ik) =
f (rnk + y)
f (rnk −
f (rnk + y) + f (rnk −
yn [f (rnk + y)
f (rnk −
y)] [1
(F (rnk + y)
F (rnk −
1 dy
yn [f (rnk + y) + f (rnk −
y)] [1
(F (rnk + y)
We know from Step 1:
2ϑ ≤
f (rnk + y)
f (rnk −
f (rnk + y) + f (rnk −
y) ≤
F (rnk −
Moreover, we can simplify:
w(y)dy =
y [(1
bkP (y /
Ik) +
bkP (y /
ˆb 1+ϑ
(F (rnk + y)
F (rnk −
y)))n]′ dy
ˆb 1+ϑ
(F (rnk + y)
F (rnk −
y)))n dy
(F (rnk + y)
F (rnk −
y)))n dy
(F (rnk + y)
between 0 and ˆb 1+ϑ
y)))n dy
F (rnk −
For the last term we again use inequality 37:
(F (rnk + y)
F (rnk −
y)))n < [1
(lemma E.1)
Wk <
ˆb 1+ϑ
2bf (rnk )(1
2yf (rnk )(1
ˆb(1 + ϑ)
ϑ)]n dy
2ˆbf (rnk)(1 + ϑ)
ˆb(1+ϑ) dy
2ˆbf (rnk )(1 + ϑ)
ˆb(1+ϑ) dy
(inequality 38)
ˆb 1+ϑ
1−ϑ "
ˆb 1+ϑ
1−ϑ hh
ˆb 1+ϑ
ˆb(1 + ϑ)
ˆb(1 + ϑ)
Putting everything together we know that:
w(y)dy <
Therefore we get a bound on the conditional expectation:
ˆb(1 + ϑ)
ˆb(1 + ϑ)
ϑ ≤
ˆb(1 + ϑ)
Since we can choose ϑ as small as we want (for sufficiently large (nk)) we can deduce that E(y
0. This completes the argument for Step 3.
Proof of Theorem 6 (light tails). Recall by Proposition 5 that, for any n the variance of the anec-
dote sent in the targeting scheme increases with
. In particular, the variance of the sent anecdote
is at most the variance of anecdote π
, the maximum of the anecdotes available to the sender. It is
therefore sufficient to argue that the variance of the maximum anecdote converges to 0 as n
→ ∞
Let us denote the density of the maximum distribution with hn(x) and the CDF with Hn(x) =
F (x)n. The median of this distribution is denoted with ˆxn and is defined as:
Hn(ˆxn) = F (ˆxn)n =
Next, we look at the value of Hn(x) for deviations y away from the median:
Hn(ˆxn + y) =
C exp
Let’s focus on the inner term:
C exp
= 1
= 1
C exp
C exp
yu(ζ)ζ α
for some ζ
[ ˆxn, ˆxn + y] (for y > 0) and ζ
[ ˆxn + y, ˆxn] (for y < 0) by the mean value theorem.
Next, we calculate the moment
ykhn( ˆxn + y)dy for k
1. We will be interested in the
cases k = 1 and k = 2 which we need to calculate the variance of the maximum distribution.
ykhn( ˆxn + y)dy =
ykhn( ˆxn + y)dy +
ykhn( ˆxn + y)dy
Hn( ˆxn + y))′dy
1Hn( ˆxn + y)dy
Hn( ˆxn + y))
ykH ′n( ˆxn + y)dy
ykHn( ˆxn + y)
Hn( ˆxn + y))dy
Hn( ˆxn + y))dy
1Hn( ˆxn + y)
Now we use lemma E.1 for y < 0:
yu(ζ)ζ α
yu(ζ)ζ α−1)
Hn(˜xn + y) =
C exp
C exp
≤ ((cid:20)
yu(ζ)ζ α−1)
Similarly, we can use the analogous version E.1 for y > 0 (which implies A < 1):
Hn(˜xn + y)
yu(ζ)ζ α−1)
This implies:
Pn ≤
Mn| ≤
≤ |
yu(ζ)ζ α−1)
yu(ζ)ζ α−1)
It is easy to see that for α > 1 the right bounds converge to 0 and therefore Pn →
From this it follows:
0 and Mn →
Therefore, we have E(y)
0 and V ar(y)
E(yk) = 0
F Proofs for Section 6
Proof of Theorem 7. For any committed translation invariant communication scheme πS, the re-
β(πS). Applying Proposition 2 with σ(απS ) =
ceiver’s response απS is a translation with shift MR −
β(πS), we have that the sender’s expected loss from any given translation invariant commu-
MR −
nication scheme πS is
E[(πS(~x, y)
(θS(~x, y) + β(πS)))2] + (MR −
Therefore, the sender’s optimization problem corresponds to choosing πS that minimizes the infor-
mation loss E[(πS(~x, y)
(θS(~x, y) + β(πS)))2], which is precisely the variance of the communicated
anecdote (by the definition of bias). By Theorem 3 we have that the translation invariant scheme
that minimizes the information loss must be a targeting scheme with r∗ = β(r∗). This immediately
implies that the receiver’s shift is σ(απS ) = MR −
Proof of Proposition 7. We first observe that when n = 2, the sender has no foresight (i.e., y =
and the anecdote distribution is symmetric at 0, the posterior mean of the sender θS(x1, x2, y) =
(x1 + x2)/2. Therefore, both anecdotes have the same absolute distance to the mean.
The information loss of the sender under any translation invariant scheme π is
β(π))2] = E[(π(~x)
= E[(x1 −
because no matter whether π choses x1 or x2 the distance to the average is the same and doesn’t
depend on π. The unbiased communication scheme clearly has more information loss than any
biased communication scheme.
In fact, the information loss is minimized by the most biased
communication scheme, which means both the maximum scheme and the minimum scheme are
most informative (by symmetry).
Proof of Proposition 8. Suppose the anecdote distribution is uniform [0, 1]. Given three signals
x1 ≤
x3, the sender’s posterior is a uniform distribution on [x1 −
2 , x3 −
x2 ≤
2 ].
Optimal Unbiased Scheme. Consider the optimal unbiased scheme, call it π0. This commu-
nication scheme sends the closest signal to θS(~x). Since θS is the midpoint of the interval [x1, x3],
and since x2 falls in that interval, the optimal unbiased scheme always sends signal x2.
Let’s calculate the mean squared error of signal x2 relative to θ. The CDF of x2 is given by
H(w) = Pr[x2 < w] = w3 + 3w2(1
[0, 1], since the first term is the probability that all three samples are less than w, and
the second term is the probability that two of the three samples are less than w. Now write
for w
d =
, noting that d is a random variable. Then 1 minus the CDF of d is given
˜H(z) = Pr[d > z] = Pr
[w < (1/2
z)]+ Pr
[w > (1/2+z)] = 2 Pr
[w < (1/2
z)] = 2H(1/2
for z < 1/2, and ˜H(z) = 0 for z
z)] by symmetry.
The total loss of communication scheme π0 is therefore
1/2. Here we used that Prw
H[w > (1/2 + z)] = Prw
H[w <
Pr[d2 > z]dz
Pr[d > √z]dz
E[d2] =
= 1/20
where the final equality is via numerical calculation.
A Better Biased Communication Scheme. We will now build a communication scheme with
strictly less loss than π0. Write πr for the targeting scheme with offset r, which by definition returns
whichever of the three points is closest to θS(~x) + r. We will eventually choose r = 1/5, but for
now we’ll proceed with general r.
Which point does πr return? Write x∗ for the random variable representing the point that πr
returns. Recall that θS(~x) = (x1 + x3)/2, so θS(~x) + r is always closer to x3 than x1. The distance
x1)/2 + r, and the distance to point x2 is
to point x3 is
θS(~x) + r
x2. So the point x2 will be closest precisely if x2 > x1 + 2r. To summarize:
(x3 + x1)/2 + r
x∗ = x2 if x2 > x1 + 2r, otherwise x∗ = x3.
θS(~x) + r
= (x3 −
As before, let’s work out the CDF for x∗. What is the probability that x∗ < w for some fixed
[0, 1]? If all three points are less than w (which happens with probability w3) then x∗
value of w
certainly is. On the other hand, if x2 > w, then certainly x∗ > w as well. If x2 < w and x3 > w
(which happens with probability 3w2(1
w)), then x∗ < w only if x∗ = x2, which occurs if and
only if x2 > x1 + 2r. The conditional probability of that last event is equivalent to the probability
that two random variables, each drawn uniformly from [0, w], are at least distance 2r apart from
each other. So, we can write the CDF as
H[w] = Pr[x∗ < w]
= w3 + 3w2(1
= w3 + 3w2(1
x1 −
w) Pr[
> 2r
x2 < w]
w ·
(x + 2r)
To justify the last equality, consider drawing one point uniformly from [0, w], so with uniform
density 1
w . What is the probability that a second drawn point is at least 2r larger? If the first point
(call it x) is greater than w
. Integrating over x
2r the probability is 0. Otherwise it is w
gives the probability of this event. We then double that probability to account for the possibility
that the first point drawn is the larger one.
x∗ −
Now write d =
x∗ −
. This will be the distance between the receiver’s
(1/2 + r)
action and θ (where recall we fixed θ = 1/2), if the receiver shifts the received signal x∗ by r. Note
that this may not be the optimal action of the receiver, but the optimal action performs at least
as well as E[d2].
Now 1 minus the CDF of d is given by
H(1/2 + r + z)
H(1/2 + r
H(1/2 + r
z) + 1
if 0 < z < 1
2 −
r < z < 1
2 + r,
if 1
2 −
if z > 1
2 + r.
˜H(z) = Pr[d > z] =
Note that unlike the case of π0, the fact that r > 0 breaks symmetry in the calculation of ˜H. But
the reasoning is the same: d > z precisely if either x∗ is greater than 1/2 + r + z or x∗ is less than
1/2 + r
Finally, as before, the total loss of the communication scheme πr is
E[d2] =
Pr[d2 > z]dz
Pr[d > √z]dz
For r = 1/5, this integral evaluates to approximately 0.036, which is less than 1/20.
Intuition and Discussion. Why is πr better than π0? In this case, θS(~x) = (x1 +x3)/2, so θS(~x)
is highly correlated with x1 and x3 and much less correlated with x2. This fact is specific to the
uniform distribution. By selecting the point closest to θS(~x) + 1/5, we are trading off probability
of returning x2 with probability of returning x3. Because of the improved correlation with x3, the
location of x3 is more highly concentrated, given θS(~x), than the location of x2. So by targeting an
“expected” location of x3 relative to θS(~x) (in this case, θS(~x) + 1/5), we can reduce the variance
of the distance to the closest point.
G Overview of Theorem 8
For the proof of Theorem 8 we bound the losses from the biased and unbiased communication
schemes and show that the unbiased communication scheme dominates.
Proposition 9. Given any well-behaved anecdote distribution F , the unbiased targeting commu-
nication scheme with r = β(r) = 0 which selects the closest signal to the sender’s posterior mean
θS(~x, y) has signaling loss:
In contrast, the biased communication scheme with bias δ has signaling loss:
2n2f (0)2 + o
2n2f (δ(π))2 + o
These two bounds together imply that the unbiased communication scheme is asymptotically
optimal, and the optimal communication scheme is asymptotically unbiased.
Let Xδ = mini |
xi −
θS(~x, y)
denote the absolute distance of the closest signal to the shift of
the posterior mean, δ+θS(~x, y). We observe that the signaling loss, Eθ,~x,y[(π(~x, y)
θS(~x, y)
of any translation invariant communication scheme with bias β(π) = δ is at least Eθ,~x,y[X 2
δ ].
Optimal unbiased communication scheme. Since the bias of the communication scheme
that sends signal closest to the posterior mean is itself 0, this is the optimal amongst all unbiased
communication schemes.
When the sender does not have foresight, the posterior mean θS(~x, y) depends on the realized
signals ~x, and this introduces correlation between the signal realizations and the value of θS(~x, y)+δ.
We therefore cannot model Xδ using independent draws from the signal distribution. Indeed, as we
seen in Section 6.2, these correlations can significantly impact E[X 2
δ ] when the number of signals
is small.
Our approach is to argue that as n grows large, the impact of these correlations grows small.
Small enough, in fact, that the correlation between θS(~x, y) + δ and the signal closest to that point
becomes small enough that it is dominated by the statistical noise that would anyway be present
if signals were drawn independently of θS(~x, y). We argue this in three steps.
Step 1: We argue that it suffices to focus on cases where θS(~x, y) falls within a narrow interval.
2 +ε] for some ε > 0. Using the law of large numbers, we argue that
I with all but exponentially small probability (in n). The contribution to E[X 2
0 ]
I is therefore negligible and can be safely ignored. This allows
2 +ε, n−
Let I = [
θS(~x, y)
from events where θS(~x, y)
us to assume that θS(~x, y)
Step 2: To reduce the impact of correlation we won’t focus on the exact value of θS(~x, y), but rather an
b, where b is
interval in which it falls. To this end we partition I into subintervals of width n−
chosen so that any given interval is unlikely to contain a signal. One such subinterval contains
the posterior mean θS(~x, y); call that subinterval C. We then consider longer subintervals
a chosen large enough that we
L and R to the left and right of C, respectively, of width n−
expect many signals to appear in each19. See Figure 10.
19For δ 6= 0, we consider L and R to the left and right of C + δ.
We bound the impact of correlation by showing that if we condition on the number of signals
that appear in L and R, then the actual arrangement of signals within those subintervals
(keeping all other signals fixed) has only negligible effect on the posterior mean. Specifically,
given any arrangement of the signals within L and R, the probability that the posterior mean
falls within C remains large. (See Corollary 5 for more details.)
This implies that there is negligible correlation between the joint density function of a fixed
number of k signals in L
Lemmas H.11 and H.12 20.
R and the event that θS(~x, y)
C. We formally show this in
Step 3: The analysis in Step 2 is conditional on the number of signals k that fall in L
R. We now
show a concentration result on the distribution of k: with high probability, the number of
signals that lie in L
any correlation to the event θS(~x, y)
the proof that it suffices to consider only this high-probability event.
R is close to the expected number of signals in the interval L
C. See Section H for the proof, and Lemma H.6 for
R without
Given this concentration result, we can focus on bounding the expected value of X 2
δ , the
squared distance of the signal closest to θS(~x, y) + δ, given the numbers of signals in L and
R. From the analysis in Step 2, we can view these signals as (approximately) independently
distributed within L and R. We can therefore bound the expected squared distance between
interval C + δ and the closest signal to interval C + δ by performing an explicit calculation
for independent signals. We still do not know the value of θS(~x, y) within interval C (and we
have not bounded the impact of correlation on that value), but C is sufficiently narrow that
this uncertainty has limited impact on E[X 2
δ ]. We conclude that the impact of correlation on
E[X 2
δ ] is absorbed in lower-order terms. This gives us the required results of Proposition 9.
H Proof of Proposition 9
We start by proving that the that the signaling loss of the unbiased communication scheme that
2n2f (0) + o(1/n2). Later in
sends the anecdote closest to the posterior mean θS(~x, y) is at most
Section H.3 we bound the signaling loss of a biased communication scheme.
Let I = [
2 +ε, n−
everything holds for any fixed θ. Let
P , we define N (C) = L
the left of C (resp. to the right of C).
2 +ε] + θ. For the remainder of this section, we fix θ = 0 for brevity, but
b. For any
a to
R, where L (resp. R) is the neighboring interval of length n−
be a partition of I into intervals of length n−
We first consider the “high probability event” that the following desirable properties hold:
1. θS(~x, y)
I and let C
∈ P
be the interval with θS(~x, y),
2. C is not weak (see Definition 10), and
20For these lemmas we assume that the density function θS is sufficiently “nice” in C. Refer to Section H.2 for
details about this assumption, and why we can make this assumption without loss of generality.
Figure 10: Intuition for proof of theorem 8
a signals
a signals
width: n−
width: n−
width: n−
We assume a < 1 and 1 < b < 2a − 1
2 which ensures that the intervals L and R contain many signals but the collective
influence of these signals on the posterior mean is O(n
n . It also implies that if we
consider a posterior that is contained in C then a rearrangement of signals in L or R will keep the posterior mean
within C with high likelihood and the probability of signals drawn from the interval C goes to 0. For example, a = 4
and b = 12
−2a) and hence smaller than 1
11 satisfy these conditions.
3. there are sufficiently many signals in N (C) = L
In Section H.1, we bound the signaling loss contributed by this high probability event. Further,
in Section H.2 we bound the loss from the “rare event” that some desirable property does not hold:
we bound the loss from the event when θS /
Lemma H.5), or when there are very few signals in N (C) (in Lemma H.6).
I (in Lemma H.4), when C is a weak interval (in
With this we are ready to bound the signaling loss. Recall that the signaling loss of the unbiased
) that sends anecdote closest to θS(~x, y) is E[X 2
θS(~x, y))2].
communication scheme π(
C, let K0 be the event that there are sufficiently many signals in N (C). We see that,
Given θS ∈
0 ] = E[(π(~x)
E[X 2
0 ] = E[X 2
0 ·
θS /
] +
E[X 2
0 ·
θS ∈
] +
E[X 2
0 ·
θS ∈
E[X 2
0 ·
θS ∈
C, K0}
+ E[X 2
0 ·
θS /
] +
E[X 2
0 ·
θS ∈
] +
E[X 2
0 ·
θS ∈
C, K0}
2n2f (0)2 + o(1/n2)
rare events
This is because by Lemma H.3 the term in Eq. (61) is
2n2f (0)2 + o(1/n2), and from Lemmas H.4, H.5, and H.6 we see that all terms in Eq. (62) contribute
θS ∈
C, K0}
0 ·
E[X 2
at most o(1/n2). Thus, giving us the required bound on the signaling loss.
H.1 Contribution of the High Probability Event
In this section we explain what the desirable properties are, why they are useful, and bound the
signaling loss contributed by the event that these properties hold.
Property (1):
θS(~x, y)
I = [
2 +ǫ, n−
2 +ǫ].
Property (2): Let C
be the interval with θS(~x, y). We need C to be not weak.
∈ P
We start with the definition of a weak interval.
Definition 10. Let τ (
) be the pdf of the posterior mean θS(~x, y). We say that an interval C
be the set of all such intervals C.
is weak if τ (θ)
for all θ
∈ P
C. Let WI ⊂ P
By Claim H.7 we will see that the probability that θS(~x, y)
4logn+1). Moreover, if C is not weak, that is, τ (θ)
C for some weak interval C is
4 log n+1 then we get
negligible O(n−
that τ (θ′) = τ (θ)(1 + O(n−
22 )) for all θ, θ′
C by Claim H.6.
Property (3): Next we show that there are sufficiently many signals in L and R. We start by
proving the following claim that f (x) = f (0)(1 + O(1/√n)) for all x
2 +ǫ].
I = [
2 +ǫ, n−
Claim H.1. Given any well-behaved distribution with pdf f , for all x
I, we have f (x) = f (0)(1 +
Proof. Without loss of generality, we assume that x > 0, since f (
theorem we see that f (x) = f (0) + xf ′(˜x) for some ˜x
cxm for some constants c > 0 and m
Since f is non-increasing in (0,
have f ′(˜x)
cxmf (x). By mean value theorem we have,
0. This implies
) we see that f (x)
x) = f (x). By mean value
[0, x]. By our assumption on g′ we get
cxmf (x) for all x > 0.
0, so we
f (0). Moreover, f ′(˜x)
f ′(x)
f (˜x)
| ≤
| ≤
≥ −
f (x) = f (0) + xf ′(˜x)
f (0)
f (0)(1
f (0)(1
xc˜xmf (˜x)
≥ −
(Since f ′(˜x)/f (˜x)
(Since f (0)
(Since ˜x
f (˜x))
Therefore, for all x
get f (x) = f (0)(1
I we have f (x)
f (0)(1
2 +ǫ)(m+1))). Note that m
0, hence we
Using the above claim that f (x) is approximately f (0) for x
signals in a subset A
I, we bound the number of
Claim H.2. Given any interval A
1)). Let Y (A) be the number of signals in A. For any 0 < ε < 1, we have
I of length ℓ, the expected number signals in A is nℓf (0)(1
Pr[Y (A)
ε) E[Y (A)]]
ε2f (0)nℓ
Proof. Let Yi = 1 if xi ∈
have f (x) = f (0)(1 + O(1/√n)) for all x
f (0)(1 + O(1/√n))
E[Y (A)] = f (0)(1
A and 0 otherwise. So we have,
i=1 Yi = Y (A). By Claim H.1 we
A f (x)dx =
A] =
O(1/√n))ℓ. Note that, Yi are i.i.d. random variables, and
I. Therefore, we have Pr[xi ∈
A dx = f (0)(1
O(1/√n))nℓ. By using Chernoff bound we get
Pr[Y (A)
ε) E[Y (A)]]
ε2f (0)nℓ(1
We partition the interval I into intervals J of length n−
a/M for M = n1/22. Let
denote the
is n−
1/2+ǫ+aM .
partition. Note that, the size of
Lemma H.1. Let km = f (0)n1
a/M ). Pr[
Y (J)
J (of length n−
Moreover, the probability that there is a J
a/M For each J
km| ≥
∈ J
∈ J
1f (0)n1−a
Y (J)
. Let Y (J) be the number signals in interval
km| ≥
1/20km is at most
Proof. By directly invoking Claim H.2 on J of length n−
. Note that, the size of
a/M we get Pr[
Y (J)
1/2+ǫ+aM . Therefore, by union bound, we
km| ≥
is n−
1f (0)n1−a
get Pr[
Y (J)
∈ J
), for ε1 = O(n−
km| ≥
1/22) and M = n1/100.
1/2+ǫ+aM )
1f (0)n1−a
which is at most
has sufficiently many signals, which
We will now only focus on the case where all J
∈ J
immediately implies the following Corollary 3. In Lemma H.6 we bound the loss of the rare event
a). Let Y (C) be the number signals in interval N (C). If all J
2/M ), and ε = O(n−
1/22). For all C
∈ P
, let N (C) = L
have km(1
∈ J
that this is not the case.
Corollary 3. Let k0 = f (0)n1
(of size n−
signals, then Y (C) has k0(1
k0| ≥
Proof. Note that any N (C)
Y (C)
That is, Pr[
ε) signals.
Lemma H.1, we have that all J
Therefore, N (C) contains at least k0 many signals with probability 1
regardless of which C
we are considering.
has at least (1
∈ J
a contains at least M
ε)f (0)n1
I of length n−
. By
2 many intervals J
a many signals with high probability.
). Note this is
∈ J
∈ P
We will now only consider the event where all the desirable properties hold. For each C
let K0 denote the event that there are k0(1
ε1) signals in N (C).
WI ,
∈ P \
Lemma H.2. Fix any C
on θS ∈
C is stochastically dominated by the exponential distribution with λ = 2nf (0). That is,
∈ P \
WI . The distribution of the random variable X0 ·
1(K0) conditioned
Pr[X(0) ·
1(K0) > d
θS ∈
C] < exp[
[n] let KA denote the event that xi ∈
Proof. For A
a + n−
let Bd be the interval of length 2d centered around θS.
A. For all d > n−
b we have Pr[X(0) ·
N (C) iff i
1(K0) > d
θS ∈
A. We also use xA to denote
C] = 0. For all d < n−
a/2 + n−
We will use the following results/facts:
1. Pr[xA /
KA, θS ∈
C] = Pr[xA /
(by Bayes rule)
xA /
| (by Claim H.1)
xA /
Bd, KA]
2. Since f is near uniform in N (C) we have Pr[xA /
N (C) doesn’t change θS much, we have Pr[θS ∈
3. Since redrawing xA ∈
C ′|
θS ∈
Pr[θS ∈
4. Pr[KA|
5. Since C is not weak and hence τ is near uniform in C we have, Pr[θS∈
± |
C′] Pr[KA|
KA] = Pr[θS∈
a (by Lemma H.11)
KA] where C ′ = C
(by Bayes rule)
n−a )|
Claim H.6)
C] = (1 + o(1/√n)) (by
Thus, we get,
Pr[X0 > d and K0|
θS ∈
C] =
Pr[X0 > d and KA|
θS ∈
θS ∈
C] Pr[xi /
KA, θS ∈
θS ∈
C] Pr[xi /
i /
θS ∈
Pr[θS ∈
Pr[θS ∈
C ′] Pr[KA|
Pr[θS ∈
θS ∈
a))k0(1 + o(1/√n))
Pr[θS ∈
Bd, KA]
xA /
Pr[θS ∈
xA /
Bd, KA]
Pr[θS ∈
C ′]
Recall that k0 = (1
ε1)f (0)n1
bound 1
x we get,
2/M ). Let ε1 = O(n−
1/22) and M = n1/22. Since we can
Pr[X(0) ·
1(K0) > d
θS ∈
1 + O(n−
2nf (0)(1
We finally bound the cost of the event with all the desirable properties.
Lemma H.3. Fix any C
WI. Then we have, E[X 2
0 ·
θS ∈
∈ P \
2n2f (0)2 + o(1/n2).
Proof. Let Z(λ) be the random variable with exponential distribution. We observe that E[X 2
0 ·
1/4)), because of
θS ∈
the stochastic dominance proved above in Lemma H.2. Moreover, E[Z(λ)2] = 2
λ2 . Hence, we get
E[X 2
0 ·
2n2f (0)2 + o(1/n2).
1/2)) for λ = 2nf (0)(1
E[Z(λ)2](1 + o(n−
θS ∈
2n2f (0)2 (1
In Section H.2 we bound the loss due to the rare events of θS /
number of signals in N (C) is not in (1
up to o(1/n2) loss.
af (0)(M
I, C
WI , and K0, that is, the
2)/M . We show that these contribute
H.2 Contribution of Rare Events
In this section we bound the loss from the rare events from Eq. (62).
Lemma H.4. E[X 2
0 ·
θS /
Proof. Recall that θS(~x) is the MMSE estimator and θS −
that θS /
] we see that,
I is at most exp(
n2ǫA) for some A > 0. Let P = exp(
θ∗ →
for some constant A > 0.
(0, C
n2ǫA). To bound E[X 2
0 ·
/n). Hence the probability
θS 6∈
E[X 2
0 ·
θS 6∈
] =
Pr[X 2
0 > y
θS 6∈
1/P 1/2
P 1/2 + 2
P 1/2 + 2
Pr[θS 6∈
I] Pr[X 2
0 > y
θS 6∈
I]dy +
1/P 1/2
Pr[X 2
0 > y
θS 6∈
1/P 1/2
1/P 1/2
Pr[Xi > θS + √y
Pr[Xi > √y]dy
θS > 0]dy
(For any arbitrary choice of i)
P 1/2 + 2
f (z)dz < e−
x for all x > Q)
1/P 1/2
P 1/2 + 4(1/P 1/4 + 1) exp
1/P 1/4
= O
Recall that, P = exp(
n2ǫA. So we have P 1/2 = O
sufficiently large, the term 4(1/P 1/4 + 1) exp
1/P 1/4
= O
. Since xe−
exp( n2ǫA
x is O(e−
x) for x
For a well-behaved distribution we have 1
F (x)
x for all x > Q.
Claim H.3. Let TQ be the event that all
Proof. Since θS ∈
X0 = mini |
xi −
I = [
θS| ≤ |
+ n−
1/2+ǫ, n−
> Q. Then E[X 2
0 1(TQ ∧
1/2+ǫ], and all signals
1/2+ǫ for all xi. Let t(x) = (
+ n−
θS ∈
> Q are outside I, we have that
1/2+ǫ)2. Hence, we have,
E[X 2
0 1(TQ ∧
θS ∈
θS ∈
(For an arbitrary choice of i = 1)
1/2+ǫ)21(TQ ∧
θS ∈
+ n−
= E[t(x1)1(TQ ∧
>Q · · ·
t(x1)f (x1)
t(x1)f (x1)
f (xi)1(
> Q)
f (xi)1(
> Q)d~x
>Q · · ·
t(x1)f (x1)dx1 (2 exp(
( By tail bound Assumption of f )
(x + n−
1/2+ǫ)2f (x)dx
( By tail bound Assumption of f )
Recall that WI ⊂ P
Lemma H.5. Then
is the set of all intervals C such that τ (θ) < c′n1/22n−
4 log n+1 for all θ
E[X 2
0 1
θS ∈
4 log n+1
+ o(1/n2).
Proof. Let T Q be the event that there is some
Q + n−
we have that X0 ≤
2 +ǫ. Thus,
xi| ≤
Q. Since θS ∈
I and there is some
xi| ≤
E[X 2
0 1
θS ∈
T Q}
} ·
(Q + n−
2 +ǫ)2 Pr[θS ∈
WI ]
(Q + n−
2 +ǫ)2O
4 log n+1
where the last inequality follows from Claim H.7 (proved in Section H.4) that Pr[θS ∈
4 log n+1
WI ]
Moreover, by Claim H.3 proved above, we have
o(1/n2). Thus, proving the lemma.
θS ∈
E[X 2
0 1
θS ∈
} ·
E[X 2
0 1(TQ ∧
Lemma H.6. Let k0 = f (0)n1
E[X 2
0 ·
a, ε1 = O(n−
K0 and θS ∈
1/22). Let K0 be the event such that Y (C)
n1/20f (0)
(Q + n−
= k0(1
+ O(exp−
Proof. Consider the case where N (C) doesn’t have k0(1
By Claim H.3, when all
Q (denoted by the event T Q), then we can bound X 2
xi| ≤
ε1) signals. Let A0 denote that event.
Qn). If there
0 by O(exp−
I, we bound the expected X 2
> Q and θS ∈
0 by (Q + n−
is even a single
I = [
because θS ∈
n−1/11f (0)n1−a
1/2+ǫ, n−
1/2+ǫ]. By corollary 3, we get that Pr[A0 ∩
T Q ∩
θS ∈
E[X 2
0 ·
K0 and θS ∈
E[X 2
0 ·
A0 and θS ∈
Qn) + (Q + n−
} ·
1/2+ǫ)2 exp
] + E[X 2
A0 and θS ∈
0 ·
1/11f (0)n1
T Q}
} ·
H.3 Loss of Biased Communication Schemes
In this section we that for all sufficiently large n and all δ, E[X 2
δ ]
only on
2(log n)2 and δ such that f (δ)
be a partition of I into intervals of length n−
1/100 21.
| ≤
P and N (Cδ) = Lδ ∪
any C
the left of Cδ (resp. to the right of Cδ).
Rδ, where Lδ (resp. Rδ) is the neighboring interval of length n−
b. For any δ, we denote Cδ = C + δ for
a to
2n2f (δ)2 −
o(1/n2). We focus
Similar to the unbiased loss we consider the high probability event where all the following
desirable properties hold:
1. θS(~x, y)
I and let C
∈ P
be the interval with θS(~x, y),
2. C is not weak (see Definition 10), and
3. there are sufficiently few signals in N (Cδ) = Lδ ∪
We will show that with high probability all the desirable properties hold.
With this we are ready to bound the signaling loss. Recall that the signaling loss of a biased
C, let Kδ
communication scheme π with δ(π) = δ is L(π, δ(π))
be the event that there are sufficiently few signals in N (Cδ) and there are no signals in Cδ. We see
δ ]. Given θS ∈
L(πδ, δ) = α2 E[X 2
E[X 2
δ ]
E[X 2
δ ·
θS ∈
C, Kδ}
θS ∈
C, Kδ}
E[X 2
θS ∈
conditional expectation
C, Kδ]
δ |
2n2f (δ)2 −
21When f (δ) ≤ n−1/100 we see that E[X 2
δ ] ≥ Ω( n1/100
) >> E[X 2
0 ].
This is because by Lemma H.9 the conditional expectation term in Eq. (63) is E[X 2
~x :
Jδ ∈ Jδ with sufficiently few signals
o(1)). We note that
, and by Lemma H.7 we see that Pr[Kδ]
2n2f (δ)2 (1
} ⊂
C, K]
all C
θS ∈
δ |
Kδ for
Jδ ∈ Jδ with too many signals]
). By Lemma H.5 we bound the probability of C is weak. Thus, we have,
∈ P
f (δ)n1/20
θS ∈
C, Kδ}
Jδ ∈ Jδ with sufficiently few signals, and θS /
WI ]
f (δ)n1/20
f (δ)n1/55
)O(n4 log n
We start by showing a more general version of Claim H.1.
Claim H.4. Given any well-behaved distribution with pdf f , for all x
f (δ)(1 + O(1/n)).
I + δ, we have f (x) =
Proof. By mean value theorem we see that f (x) = f (δ) + (x
assumption on g′ we get
for all x. Since
< 2(log n)2 and x
cxm for some constant c > 0. This implies
2(log n)2 + n−
I + δ, we have
| ≤
| ≤
δ)f ′(˜x) for some ˜x
[δ, x]. By our
mf (x)
| ≤
1/2+ǫ. By mean value
f ′(x)
theorem we have,
f (x)
f (δ)
≤ |
δ)f ′(˜x)
mf (˜x)
1/2+ǫ)(2(log n)2 + n−
1/2+ǫ)n1/4f (˜x)
1/4+ǫf (˜x)
f (δ) + c′n−
mf (˜x))
f ′(˜x)
| ≤
1/2+ǫ)mf (˜x)
( Since (log n)2m = o(n1/4))
Without loss of generality, we assume that x, δ > 0, since f is symmetric. Thus, we get f (˜xi)
is between f (x) and f (δ), because f is single-peaked.
Suppose f (x)
we get f (x)(1
constant c′′ > 0.
f (˜x)
f (δ), then f (x)
f (δ). Thus, f (x)
f (δ) + c′n−
f (δ)
1/4+ǫf (˜x)
f (δ) + c′n−
f (δ)(1 + c′′n−
1/4+ǫf (x). So
1/4+ǫ) for some
c′n−1/4+ǫ ≤
Similarly, if f (x)
Thus, we get, f (x)
f (˜x)
f (δ)(1
f (δ), then f (x)
Therefore, for δ < 2(log n)2 and all x
f (δ)
1/4+ǫf (˜x)
f (δ)
1/4+ǫf (δ).
I + δ we have f (x) = f (δ)(1
4 +ǫ)).
Claim H.5. Given any interval A
1/4)). Let Y (A) be the number of signals in A. For any 0 < ε1 < 1, we have
I +δ of length ℓ, the expected number signals in A is nℓf (δ)(1
Y (A)
E[Y (A)]
| ≥
ε1) E[Y (A)]]
1f (δ)nℓ
Proof. Let Yi = 1 if xi ∈
have f (x) = f (δ)(1 + O(n−
A and 0 otherwise. So we have,
1/4+ǫ)) for all x
i=1 Yi = Y (A). By Claim H.4 we
A f (x)dx =
A] =
I + δ. Therefore, we have Pr[xi ∈
f (δ)(1 + O(n−
E[Y (A)] = f (δ)(1 + O(n−
A dx = f (δ)(1 + O(n−
1/4+ǫ))ℓ. Note that, Yi are i.i.d. random variables, and
1/4+ǫ))nℓ. By using Chernoff bound we get
Pr[Y (A)
(1 + ε) E[Y (A)]]
1f (δ)nℓ(1 + O(n−
We again partition I + δ into intervals Jδ of size n−
a/M . Exactly following Lemma H.1 we see
ε)f (δ)n1
a(1 + O(n−
1/4+ǫ) many signals in Lδ and Rδ.
I + δ have (1
that all Jδ ⊂
Lemma H.7. Let km = f (δ)n1
(1 + ε)km signals (or less than (1
a/M . The probability that there is a Jδ ∈ Jδ with more than
ε)km is O(exp
ε2f (δ)n1
Corollary 4. Let kδ = f (δ)n1
the number signals in interval N (Cδ) (of length n−
a, let k∗ = (1 + ε1)kδ, and k′ = (1
a). Pr[(Y (Nδ) /
[k′, k∗]]
2/M ). Let Y (Nδ) be
1f (δ)n1−a
Let Kδ denote the event that there are at most (1 + ε1)kδ and at least (1
many signals in N (Cδ), and there are no signals in Cδ.
2/M )
Lemma H.8. The distribution of the random variable Xδ conditioned on Kδ, θS ∈
dominates (up to a factor of (1
That is, for d < n−
o(1))) the exponential distribution with λ = 2nf (δ)(1+O(n−
E and Kδ]
λd] Pr[θS∈
9/10, Pr[Xδ > d
C stochastically
Kδ |
Proof. Let k∗ = (1 + ε1)kδ, and k′ = (1
define KA to be event where xi ∈
N (Cδ) iff i
For all d < n−
We will use the following results/facts:
a + n−
2/M ). For all A
[n] such that k′ ≤ |
| ≤
A, and there are no signals in Cδ .
b, let Bd denote the interval of length 2d centered around θS + δ.
θS ∈
1. Pr[xA /
KA, θS ∈
C] = Pr[xA /
(by Bayes rule)
2. Since f is near uniform in N (Cδ) we have Pr[xA /
n−a )|
| (by Claim H.4)
xA /
N (C) doesn’t change θS much, we have Pr[θS ∈
xA /
Bd, KA]
3. Since redrawing xA ∈
θS ∈
Pr[θS ∈
4. Pr[KA|
KA] (by Lemma H.11)
KA] = Pr[θS∈
(by Bayes rule)
Thus, we get,
Pr[Xδ > d
θS ∈
C] =
Pr[X0 > d and KA|
θS ∈
θS ∈
C] Pr[xi /
KA, θS ∈
θS ∈
C] Pr[xi /
i /
a (1 + O(n−
a (1 + O(n−
a (1 + O(n−
Pr[θS ∈
Pr[θS ∈
θS ∈
Pr[θS ∈
Pr[θS ∈
Pr[θS ∈
xA /
Bd, KA]
Pr[θS ∈
Pr[θS ∈
Pr[θS ∈
We bound
choose of ε1 = O(n−
f (δ)(1+ε1)n1−a
1/20) and consider d
by observing that (1
1/20 = n−
17/20, this gives us ε3 = O(n−
for x < 1/2. We will
Pr[X(δ) ·
1(Kδ) > d
θS ∈
Pr[θS ∈
Pr[θS ∈
a (1 + O(1/n1/4))
Pr[θS ∈
Pr[θS ∈
E and Kδ]
Pr[θS ∈
Pr[θS ∈
2dn(1 + ε2)f (δ)) exp(
(2d)2n1+af (δ)(1 + ε2))
2dn(1 + ε3)f (δ))
(For 2d < n−
Finally, for each C
WI , we bound the loss E[X 2
δ ·
∈ P \
Lemma H.9. Let Kδ be the event such that (1
signals in Cδ. Then for all C
WI ,
∈ P \
Kδ, θS ∈
2/M )kδ ≤
Y (Lδ)
(1 + ε1)kδ, and no
1. for f (δ) > n−
2. for f (δ)
1/100, we have E[X 2
δ ·
1/100, we have E[X 2
δ ]
Kδ, θS ∈
2n2f (δ)2 (1
o(1))Pr[θS ∈
E and Kδ],
Proof. Let Z(λ) be the random variable with exponential distribution. We observe that E[X 2
δ ·
E and Kδ]
θS ∈
for λ = 2nf (δ)(1+ε3), because of the
stochastic dominance proved above in Lemma H.8. Moreover, E[Z(λ)2
d < (n−
)). Hence, we get E[X 2
2n2f (δ)2 (1
δ ·
for f (δ)
] = 2
λ2 (1
E and Kδ]
o(1)) Pr[θS∈
1/100 for a constant c4 > 0.
17/20 exp−
θS ∈
d < (n−
We finish by noting that, for sufficiently large n, when f (δ) = O(
n1/100 ), we get E[X 2
δ ]
c5( n1/100
) >>
2n2f (0)2 ≥
E[X 2
0 ] for a constant c5 > 0.
1/100, we have E[X 2
δ ]
Proof of Proposition 9 (b). By lemma H.9, for a sufficiently large n and any δ < 2(log n)2 and
Pr[θS ∈
f (δ) > n−
o(1))Pr[θS ∈
Given E
C as the union of first and last kn−
a+ǫ length interval, we define 2E
C] E[X 2
θS ∈
δ |
2n2f (δ)2 (1
E and Kδ] .
a+ǫ intervals. Since Kδ is the event that there are (1
ε)kδ], this is because if θS ∈
union of the first and last 2kn−
signals in N (Cδ) and there are no signals in Cδ, that Pr[θS ∈
~x[k] by moving the signals in Cδ into N (Cδ) changes θS by at most kn−
have Pr[Kδ] = Pr[Y (N (Cδ)
probability that there are no signals in Cδ (of length n−
Y (N (Cδ)
12/11) is at least (1
2E and ~x[k] ∈
N (Cδ)
Pr[Y (Cδ) = 0
Pr[θS ∈
Cδ then rearranging the signals
af (δ). Moreover, we
ε)kδ]. The
1/11)). Thus, we
C to be the
ε)kδ many
Y (N (Cδ)
E[X 2
δ ]
2n2f (δ)2 (1
o(1))Pr[θS ∈
2E and Y (N (Cδ)
Gδ denote the event that all Jδ ∈ Jδ has (1
ε)kδ/M signals. Thus, we get,
E[X 2
δ ]
2n2f (δ)2 (1
o(1))Pr[θS ∈
2E and
= (1
1/11)) Pr[
∈ P \
Gδ and
Gδ] + Pr[
WI s.t. θS ∈
∈ P \
WI s.t. θS ∈
Recall that, Pr[θS ∈
WI ]
Pr[θS ∈
we get E[X 2
δ ]
2n2f (δ)2 (1
4logn+1). By Lemma H.7 we have Pr[
∈ P \
WI s.t. θS ∈
n2ǫA), and by Claim H.7 (proved in Section H.4) we have
). Hence,
ε2f (δ)n1
H.4 Helpful lemmas to bound the correlation between θS and the closest signal
In this section we will introduce some helpful lemmas for proving Proposition 9.
In Lemma H.10, we characterize the effect of a single signal x on the posterior mean θS(~x). This
lemma directly implies Corollary 5, where we show that if for any signals ~x rearranging at most k
signals in L (and R) to get ~y guarantees that the new posterior mean is θS(~y)
Lemma H.10. For any signals ~x observed by the sender we have,
c1V arθ
DS(~x)[θ] + 2θS(~x)2,
where V arθ
DS(~x)[θ] is the variance of the sender’s posterior distribution DS(~x).
~x) denote the pdf of the sender’s posterior distribution, h(θ) be the (constant) pdf
Proof. Let hS(θ
of the diffuse prior. Note that the pdf of a signal x given that the state of the world is θ (denoted
by ˆf (x
update their posterior in a Bayesian way. Hence, we have,
θ), where f is the pdf of F . Recall that when the sender observes ~x they
θ)) equals f (x
~x) =
ˆf (xi|
ˆf (xi|
i f (xi −
i f (xi −
and the sender’s posterior mean is
θS(~x) =
θ θ
i f (xi −
i f (xi −
We want to understand ∂θS(~x)
We can deduce
which is the effect of a single signal xi on the posterior mean.
j f (xj −
=i f (xj −
j f (xj −
θf ′(xi −
j f (xj −
(cid:16)R Q
− R
θg(xi −
(cid:16)R Q
j f (xj −
(cid:16)R Q
j f (xj −
− R
=i f (xj −
j f (xj −
f ′(xi −
j f (xj −
j f (xj −
g(xi −
j f (xj −
j f (xj −
where g(y) = f ′(y)
f (y) .
(cid:16)R Q
Using the mean value theorem we can write g(xi −
θ) = g(xi)
g′(˜xi)θ for ˜xi ∈
[xi −
θ, xi]. We
then obtain:
θ (g(xi)
j f (xj −
j f (xj −
j f (xj −
j f (xj −
j f (xj −
j f (xj −
j f (xj −
j f (xj −
− R
(cid:16)R Q
(cid:16)R Q
j f (xj −
− R
(cid:16)R Q
j f (xj −
j f (xj −
j f (xj −
Next, we note that for a well-behaved distribution,
We can then simplify:
(cid:16)R Q
| ≤
c1. Hence, we can bound,
θ θ
j f (xj −
j f (xj −
θ)dθ !
= c1
θ θ2
j f (xj −
j f (xj −
~x] + E
= c1
V arθ
DS(~x)[θ] + 2
DS (~x)
Next. we bound the shift in θS when rearranging k signals in L (or R) using Lemma H.10. We
note that V arθ
DS(~x)[θ] = O(1/n) and θS ∈
Corollary 5. Assume that the posterior mean θS(~x) lies within the interval C
subset of k signals in a subset A of length ℓ. Any rearrangement of these signals within A changes
the posterior mean by O(kℓn−
I. Consider a
Proof. We prove this by using the mean value theorem on the function θS : Rn
A for all i
consider a subset of signals ~x[k] ∈
for the rest. By mean value theorem we get for some ~z such that:
A. Let ~y be any vector such that yi ∈
R. Given ~x,
[k] and yi = xi
Note that
xi| 6
yi −
= 0. Hence, we get,
xi| ≤
yi −
ℓ for all i
[k] and yi −
θS(~y) = θS(~x) +
xi = 0 otherwise. That is, at most k terms with
DS(~x)[θ] + 2θS(~x)2
yi −
(By Lemma H.10)
V arθ
= c1O(n−
Since xi, yi ∈
A we bound
1/2+ǫ, we get θS(~y) = θS(~x)
xi −
yi| ≤
θS(~x) by n−
ℓ. Further, by bounding V arθ
DS(~x)[θ] by O(1/n), and
1+2ǫ) when rearranging at most k signals in each
Next, we show that the density of the posterior mean is nice in the interval C.
Claim H.6. Assume that the density function f has exponential (or thinner) tails. Let τ (
) be the
1 + O(n−
C we have τ (θ+ǫ′) = τ (θ)
density function of the posterior mean. Then for all θ
) for all 0 < ǫ′ ≤
θ(~x) = θ
Proof. Fix a posterior mean θ
2 +ǫ, n−
that generate this posterior mean. We know that τ (θ) =
2 +ǫ] and consider all the signal draws X(θ) =
~x f (xi)dx.
Now consider θ + ǫ′. We can couple all the signal realizations in X(θ + ǫ′) and X(θ) by considering
uniform shifts of the corresponding ~x by ǫ′. This follows from the assumption of a diffuse prior,
and we get θS(~x + ǫ′) = θS(~x) + ǫ′. That is, τ (θ + ǫ′) =
~x f (xi + ǫ′)dx.
Next, consider the probability of observing x versus the coupled signal realizations x + ǫ′.
f (xi + ǫ′) =
f (xi) + f ′(˜xi)ǫ′
Recall that, by our assumption on g′ we have
f ′(x)
| ≤
• Note that, for all
< 4(log n)2, we have
mf (x).
f (xi + ǫ′)
f (xi)
ǫ′f ′(˜xi)
f (˜x)
f (˜x)
4 log n
f (˜x)
≤ |
≤ |
≤ |
| ≤
12/11 and (log n)2m = o(n1/22)
Note that, wlog we can assume that sign(xi + ǫ) = sign(xi) because f is symmetric. Thus,
we get f (˜xi) is between f (xi) and f (xi + ǫ′), because f is single-peaked. If f (xi)
f (˜xi)
f (xi + ǫ′) we get 0
f (xi)
f (xi + ǫ)
f (xi + ǫ′)
f (xi)
f (xi)
f (˜xi)
f (xi)(1 + c′′n−
f (xi + ǫ′). Thus,
f (xi + ǫ), then we get f (xi)
f (˜xi)
f (xi + ǫ)
f (xi)
Similarly, if f (xi)
f (xi)(1
• Further, by our assumption that f has exponential tails we have Pr~x[
xi s.t.
> 4(log n)2]
4(log n)2
= (n−
4 log n+1).
If xi ∈
i f (xi)) (1+O(n−
4(log n)2, 4(log n)2] for all i, then we bound
b+ 1
b+ 1
i f (xi)) (1+O(n1
22 ))n = (
22 )) = (
~x f (xi+ǫ′) =
i f (xi)(1+O(n−
b+ 1
22 )) =
i f (xi)) (1+O(n−
22 )) for b = 12/11
Hence, we get
τ (θ + ǫ′) =
f (xi)
(1 + O(n−
22 ))1
+ O(n−
4 log n+1)
Therefore, τ (θ + ǫ′) = τ (θ)(1 + O(n−
22 )) + O(n−
4 log n+1) for all 0 < ǫ′ < 1/nb and θ
Observe that, if τ (θ)
4 log n+1 for all
Recall that WI ⊂ P
C and some constant c′ > 0. We show that the total probability mass of these intervals is
4 log n+1).
4 log n+1 then we can get τ (θ)(1 + O(n−
is the set of all intervals C such that τ (θ) < c′n1/22n−
22 )).
WI ]
Claim H.7. Pr[θS ∈
Proof. This is simply because there are at most 2nb
of size n−
b). Therefore,
4 log n+1).
2 +ǫ many intervals in
(since each interval is
Pr[θS ∈
WI ]
τ (θ)dθ
2 +ǫ
4 log n
4 log n+6/11+ǫ).
Using Corollary 5 we bound the correlation between the events θS ∈
k anecdotes in Lδ (and Rδ).
C and any realization of
Lemma H.11. Fix any C
Lδ (and Rδ) iff i
xi ∈
KA, ~xA = ~s]
Pr[θS ∈
Proof. Let A(~z) =
know that by changing ~s to any ~z ( in Lδ) for each ˜s
θS(˜s, ~s)
∈ P \
A. Let ~s
Pr[θS ∈
k : θ(~z
C then θS(˜s, ~y)
WI . For A
δ be a set of k (at most c′n1
= k, let KA denote the event that
a) signals in Lδ. Then
for any subset of k signals ~z
A(~s) θS(˜s, ~z) = θS(˜s, ~s) + O(kn−
δ . By Corollary 5 we
a+ǫ). If
This implies, Pr[θS ∈
Hence, we get,
KA, ~xA = ~s]
Pr[θS ∈
KA, ~xA = ~y] for all ~z
δ .
Pr[θS ∈
KA, ~xA = ~s]
Pr[θS ∈
Similarly, we have a lower bound on Pr[θS ∈
KA, xA = ~s].
Lemma H.12. Fix any C
(and Rδ) iff i
Then Pr[θS ∈
A, and no signals in Cδ. Let ~s
KA, xA = ~s]
Pr[θS ∈
a+ǫ length sub-interval of C.
WI. For A
∈ P \
= k, let KA denote the event that xi ∈
a) signals in Lδ.
δ be a set of k (at most c′n1
C as the union of the first and last
KA], where E
Proof. Let A(~z) =
know that by changing ~s to any ~z ( in Lδ) for each ˜s
θS(˜s, ~s)
k : θ(~z
C then θS(˜s, ~y)
This implies, Pr[θS ∈
KA, ~xA = ~s]
a+ǫ. Thus, θS(˜s, ~z)
Pr[θS ∈
δ . By Corollary 5 we
a+ǫ). If
A(~s) θS(˜s, ~z) = θS(˜s, ~s) + O(kn−
E then θS(˜s, ~s)
KA, ~xA = ~z] for all ~z
δ . Hence, we
for any subset of k signals ~z
Pr[θS ∈
KA, ~xA = ~s]
Pr[θS ∈
ai_researcher | 3 | Cutting_Through_the_Confusion_and_Hype_Understanding_the_True_Potential_of_Generative_AI.pdf | Cutting Through the Confusion and Hype: Understanding the True Potential of Generative
Ante Prodana,b,c,d,* , Jo-An Occhipintib,c,d, Rehez Ahlipa, Goran Ujdurb,c , Harris A. Eyrec,e,f,g , Kyle Goosend, Luke Penza a , Mark
aSchool of Computer Data and Mathematical Sciences Western Sydney University Sydney Australia
bBrain and Mind Centre University of Sydney Camperdown Australia
cMental Wealth Initiative University of Sydney Camperdown Australia
dComputer Simulation & Advanced Research Technologies (CSART) Sydney Australia
eBrain Capital Alliance San Francisco California USA
fBaker Institute for Public Policy Rice University Houston Texas USA
gMeadows Mental Health Policy Institute Dallas Texas USA
hDynamic Operations Sydney Australia
This paper explores the nuanced landscape of generative AI (genAI), particularly focusing on neural network-based models like
Large Language Models (LLMs). While genAI garners both optimistic enthusiasm and skeptical criticism, this work seeks to pro-
vide a balanced examination of its capabilities, limitations, and the profound impact it may have on societal functions and personal
interactions. The first section demystifies language-based genAI through detailed discussions on how LLMs learn, their compu-
tational needs, distinguishing features from supporting technologies, and the inherent limitations in their accuracy and reliability.
Real-world examples illustrate the practical applications and implications of these technologies.
The latter part of the paper adopts a systems perspective, evaluating how the integration of LLMs with existing technologies can
enhance productivity and address emerging concerns. It highlights the need for significant investment to understand the implications
of recent advancements, advocating for a well-informed dialogue to ethically and responsibly integrate genAI into diverse sectors.
The paper concludes with prospective developments and recommendations, emphasizing a forward-looking approach to harnessing
genAI’s potential while mitigating its risks.
Keywords: artificial intelligence AI, large language models, AI and society
“If economics wants to understand the new economy, it not
only has to understand increasing returns and the
dynamics of instability. It also has to look at cognition
itself, something we have never done before in economics.”
its benefits while mitigating its risks. It is therefore imperative
that the dialogue surrounding genAI be grounded in a balanced
understanding, informed by empirical research and thoughtful
analysis, to navigate its integration responsibly and ethically.
— W. Brian Arthur, ”Coming from Your Inner Self”. April 16, 1999.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and specifically generative AI
(genAI) occupies a unique space in the public consciousness,
often shrouded in a mix of gross underestimation of its long-
term impact, breathless short-term hype, dystopian fears, and
genuine misunderstanding. GenAI undoubtedly represents a
transformative force in technology, but its capabilities and lim-
itations are frequently misconstrued.
As a consequence, policymakers, businesses, and the pub-
lic may either overstate the immediate effects, leading to un-
due fear and potentially stifling innovation, or underestimate
the long-term implications, resulting in a lack of preparedness
for the systemic changes it will bring about.
In either case,
such misconceptions hinder the development of effective strate-
gies for integrating genAI into society in a way that maximises
∗Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]
While the ability to generate realistic images, music and
videos has captured widespread attention, our focus lies in the
domain of language-based genAI, particularly chatbots. Why
this emphasis on language? While visual generative AI excels
in rapid visual content creation, language serves as the founda-
tion for communication, information exchange, and knowledge
work. The ability to generate human-quality text opens doors
to a far broader range of applications, from revolutionising cus-
tomer service and automating business processes to personalis-
ing education and enhancing knowledge work and human cre-
This paper is designed for a broad readership. The first
section delves into the exciting landscape of language-based
genAI, exploring its core concepts and supporting technolo-
gies. Through a series of fact-checks, we aim to demystify
genAI, allowing readers to evaluate common but frequently in-
accurate statements while dispelling deeper misconceptions and
unfounded claims. By doing this we address the following top-
Preprint submitted to ...
October 23, 2024
→ Understanding how Large Language Models (LLMs)
→ Comprehending the scale of data and computation used.
→ Distinguishing between LLMs and supporting technolo-
gies that are used to construct a chatbot.
→ Grasping the intrinsic limitations in accuracy and reliabil-
→ Recognising the role of prompt engineering.
Whenever possible, we provide real-world examples to prac-
tically illustrate the impact of the introduced concepts and the
profound influence genAI is poised to have on our interactions
with machines and each other.
In the second section, we focus on a systems perspective,
examining concrete scenarios of combining and recombining
LLMs with existing technologies and their effect on productiv-
ity. Finally, we highlight several key areas of concern that un-
derscore the need for increased investment in understanding the
implications of recent advancements in genAI. We conclude by
offering a succinct overview of possible future developments
and principle recommendations. We hope this paper provides
clear, informed, and nuanced insights into this powerful tech-
nology, fostering a better understanding of the diversity of is-
sues associated with generative AI.
A note on terms used and typography: When referring to
concepts like ’intelligence,’ ’reasoning,’ or ’understanding’ in
the context of genAI, we do not attribute human-like meanings
to these terms. Instead, we use them to describe AI capabilities
that mimic human abilities in completing specific tasks. We ac-
knowledge that this approach may lack precision, but we favour
it over using complex technical jargon which may be inaccessi-
ble to a general readership. We employ bold font to emphasise
key concepts and statements, particularly those whose implica-
tions are often misunderstood.
Fact checking
Large Language Model (LLM)
An LLM is a complex AI system trained on very large
amounts of text data (Figure 1 step 3), of a trillion or more to-
kens , including books, articles, computer code, and web pages.
To illustrate the magnitude of this data, a trillion tokens would
equate to a content of approximately 4 million books, similarly
the compute required for LLM’s inference on the input of 1000
tokens is equivalent of compute required for common usage of
Microsoft Excel for years. Finally, the compute required for
training of LLMs requires an amount of electricity that is suf-
ficient to run a small town over weeks or months. This ex-
tensive training enables an LLM to understand, generate, and
manipulate human language with remarkable proficiency.1 An
LLM leverages deep learning techniques, particularly a specific
type of deep artificial neural network (DNN) called transform-
ers,2 to learn the intricacies of language. After the training an
LLM can be used, for example, as part of a chatbot to respond
to user inputs as well as to perform various language-related
tasks such as content creation, summarisation, or translation.
All these tasks generate tokens, hence the name GenAI. In the
period from 2017 the development of genAI has accelerated,
leading to human level performance in different areas.3
Figure 1: LLM development cycle. Each of the steps requires careful planning,
a team of experts in machine learning, data engineering, and domain-specific
knowledge to successfully develop and deploy a model like GPT-3. Training
requires large computational resources.
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)
ANNs are computational models inspired by the structure
and function of the human brain. They consist of intercon-
nected nodes, also known as artificial neurons, organised in lay-
ers. While they are based on some baseline similarities, artifi-
cial neurons are different in details of structure and function to
human or animal neurons. Each neuron receives input signals,
processes them, and transmits output signals to other neurons.
The connections between neurons have associated weights that
determine the strength of the signal transmission, these num-
bers are also known as parameters of an LLM. Through a pro-
cess of training on data, these weights are adjusted, allowing
the network to learn and recognise patterns.
Figure 2: Evolution of Artificial Neural Networks that enabled creation of
Deep neural networks (DNNs)
Deep neural networks, a subset of ANNs, feature multiple
hidden layers of neurons between the input and output lay-
ers, which allow them to model complex functions and in-
teractions within the data.4 This depth enables the network
to perform sophisticated tasks like image and speech recog-
nition, and natural language understanding, much more effec-
tively than shallower networks. The ability to learn from vast
amounts of data resulting in generational improvements over
time makes DNNs powerful tools for a wide range of applica-
tions, from autonomous driving to medical diagnosis. DNNs
are often described as ”black boxes” due to the difficulty in in-
terpreting their reasoning, which arises from their complex and
opaque structures. They incorporate potentially billions of pa-
rameters that subtly influence the decision-making process in
non-intuitive ways, making it challenging to trace how individ-
ual contributions lead to final outcomes. Additionally, DNNs
operate through layers that interact in non-linear ways; minor
changes in input or parameters can result in significant and un-
predictable output variations. This complexity is compounded
by hidden layers that transform data in ways not directly acces-
sible or interpretable, further obscuring the understanding of
how DNNs reach their conclusions. As the size of an DNN in-
creases (scales up), it generally becomes more powerful but re-
quires more computational resources. Effective scaling involves
the use of techniques like distributed computing and specialised
hardware (e.g., Graphical Processing Units - GPUs ) to man-
age the increased computational load. Moreover, strategies like
pruning (removing redundant neurons) and quantisation (reduc-
ing the precision of the calculations) are employed to optimise
the network’s efficiency without significant loss of accuracy.5
Transformers: A Powerful DNN Architecture for LLMs
Transformers are a type of DNN specifically designed for se-
quence processing tasks like language understanding and gen-
eration. Their key innovation is the self-attention mechanism,2
which allows the model to analyse the relationships between all
words in a sentence simultaneously. This enables transform-
ers to capture long-range dependencies and context, leading
to a deeper understanding of language compared to traditional
DNNs such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs). An LLM
does not learn through use (token generation) and it is not
a database. As mentioned, LLMs are trained on vast amounts
of text data, they don’t store the data itself. Instead, the ‘knowl-
edge’ is encoded within the parameters of the DNN. This pro-
cess is like a learning process of a human or an animal. Once
training is complete, an LLM can respond to prompts and gen-
erate text by predicting the most likely sequence of tokens based
on the patterns it has learned. The generated text is not retrieved
from storage like with a database but generated and therefore
not an exact reproduction of the training data. An LLM utilises
information provided in prompts provided by a user, allowing
it to generate responses that incorporate new facts or instruc-
tions. The context size is one of the key operational parameters
of a LLM, it is measured in tokens, and all prompting and to-
ken generation must be done within this size – an LLM does not
have any other form of memory, therefore an LLM cannot per-
manently learn new information without further training of the
original model. Fine-tuning is a process that involves training
the LLM on additional data to adapt its knowledge and skills to
a specific task or domain, effectively updating the weights of the
ANN. This process requires much more data and compute than
use by prompting, however this is still multiple orders of mag-
nitude less than what is required for the initial training process.
It is important to note that after the fine-tuning, the performance
of the fine-tuned LLM in more generalised use can degrade.
LLM Challenges
LLMs face many challenges, such as biases present in train-
ing data leading to biases in generated tokens, hallucinations,6
inability to directly apply logic, arithmetic or temporal rea-
soning, the potential for generating harmful content, limited
context size, and very large data, computational and memory
resources required for their training, fine-tuning, and deploy-
ment.7 Some of these challenges are addressed by changes
in training of LLMs, through the curation of training data for
example, or changes to the underlying ANN by quantisation.
Many other optimisation techniques are implemented through
separate software components that are integrated with LLMs
within chatbots and primarily focus on prompt engineering.
What is a chatbot?
A chatbot is a complex software application (see Figure 3)
designed to simulate conversation with human users, typically
through text-based interfaces. They are used in various applica-
tions, including customer service, virtual assistants, entertain-
ment, and education. Chatbots are sophisticated systems, and
while LLMs play a crucial role, they are just one piece of the
The LLM’s Role in chat-bot:
LLMs are the ”language brain” of modern chatbots, provid-
ing the ability to understand and generate human-like conversa-
tion. They enable the chatbot to:
• Comprehend user queries: Deciphering the meaning and
intent behind user message.
• Formulate relevant responses: Crafting natural and engag-
ing responses that address the user’s needs.
In addition to LLMs, chatbots can contain many support-
ing components that address limitations of LLMs or provide
a specific service such as a user interface.
Essential Supporting Components by function
• Maintain context: LLMs on their own cannot inherently
maintain context across multiple exchanges in a conversa-
tion. The chatbot must include components that store the
conversation history, including both user inputs and the
chatbot’s responses allowing the appearance that a bot is
remembering previous interactions and providing a more
coherent and personalised conversation flow. This high-
lights the importance of the process called prompt engi-
• Filter: Essential for ensuring the chatbot produces appro-
priate and safe content. Filters can detect and block offen-
sive language, prevent biases and the disclosure of sensi-
tive information, and ensure responses align with ethical
• Symbolic AI: More recent development integrates Sym-
bolic AI and LLMs to creates more robust chatbots, lever-
aging Symbolic AI’s strengths in explicit, rule-based rea-
soning while using LLMs for conversational fluency and
ambiguity management.
• Python code execution: The Python code generated by
LLM is used to solve a specific problem such as data ex-
traction or statistical analysis that is then integrated into
the chatbot’s response.
• Grounding in Data – Data Retrieval and Integration:
Figure 3: Architecture of an AI application (e.g. chatbot).
– Internet Access: Since LLMs are static, to keep the
information provided to the users up to date many
chatbots are connected to the internet, allowing them
to retrieve up-to date information, news, or other rel-
evant data to enrich their responses.
– Database management & embeddings and index-
ation: Chatbots often interact with databases to ac-
cess user profiles, previous conversations, product
information, or historical data, enabling them to per-
sonalise interactions and provide specific services.
To quickly find relevant information within large
datasets, chatbots often employ text indexation and
search mechanisms including, vector and/or graph
databases. This allows them to efficiently access rel-
evant knowledge when responding to user queries.
The embeddings have a central role in this process.
They are a way to translate words and phrases into
numerical codes (vectors) that computers can un-
derstand, capturing their meanings and relationships.
Embeddings are dense vector representations of text
data. They capture the semantic meaning of words,
phrases, or even entire documents in a continuous
vector space. Each word or phrase is represented as
a point in this high-dimensional space, where simi-
lar meanings are positioned closer together, and dis-
similar meanings are farther apart. Think of it as a
digital map where similar concepts are placed close
together, making it easier for AI systems to recog-
nise patterns and context. For instance, in a chat-
bot, embeddings help the system understand the in-
tent behind customer queries and respond appropri-
ately, ensuring more accurate and meaningful inter-
actions. This technology underpins many advanced
AI applications, enabling them to process and make
sense of large library of documents or other data and
use human language efficiently.
• Interacting with other systems: Function calling &
Agents: Some chatbot frameworks allow LLMs to di-
rectly call external functions or Application Programming
Interfaces (APIs). This empowers the chatbot to perform
actions beyond text generation, such as running any soft-
ware application with inputs it specifies, booking appoint-
ments, making reservations, or controlling smart home
devices, making the interaction more practically useful
and dynamic. Similarly, agents refer to software compo-
nents that actively interact with the environment or other
systems based on instructions or data processed by the
LLM. These agents can be specialised LLMs, and exe-
cute actions, make decisions, or managing interactions au-
tonomously, based on the output from the main LLM that
is in supervisory role that involves decomposing complex
problems and dispatching tasks to agents.
In summary,
agents are designed for more complex and autonomous in-
teractions with various systems, adapting and potentially
learning from their environment. In contrast, function call-
ing is about executing specific tasks directed by the LLM’s
output, without the autonomy or complexity involved in
managing ongoing interactions or maintaining a conversa-
tional state. Both technologies serve distinct roles depend-
ing on the required complexity and autonomy of the task at
hand and play a critical role in enhancing the functionality
and applicability of chatbots beyond mere text generation,
bridging the gap between LLM’s language capabilities and
practical, real-world applications.
• User Interface: The chatbot’s user interface (UI) can be
text-based (like in messaging apps), voice-based, or even
graphical. The UI determines how users interact with the
The Importance of a Systemic View on genAI
Discussions about genAI often focus narrowly on the capa-
bilities of LLMs, overlooking the essential roles of other tech-
nologies such as symbolic AI, reinforcement learning, and mul-
timodal systems. This limited perspective fails to capture the
crucial interplay between LLMs and these existing techniques,
thereby hindering a comprehensive understanding of genAI’s
broader impact on work and society.
To fully grasp genAI’s transformative potential, we must
adopt a systemic perspective that recognises LLMs as operat-
ing within a complex ecosystem of interconnected components.
The challenge for genAI is not in its capabilities but in its inte-
gration and adoption. The accelerating performance trajectory
of genAI derives not only from scaling LLM capabilities but
also from the seamless integration and recombination with new
and existing software components,8 ranging from databases
to symbolic AI systems. Recent advances in multimodal re-
search across diverse fields—including mathematics, biology,
genomics, physical sciences, and neuroscience—provide evi-
dence for the efficacy of this integrative approach.9 A systemic
perspective illuminates how genAI will reshape various facets
of work and society through non-linear, compounding advance-
ments as we better integrate these advanced technologies into
our digital environments.
When evaluating genAI’s potential, we must consider three
critical dimensions that indicate no evident barriers to rapid de-
1. Compute Requirements: Optimisation techniques like
quantisation and pruning are significantly reducing opera-
tional resource requirements for complex inference at con-
stant model sizes,10, 11 making advanced genAI applica-
tions more economically viable for a broader range of en-
tities within the next three years.12 On the other hand, the
compute demands for training state-of-the-art LLMs con-
tinue to increase exponentially. This dichotomy is high-
lighted by the following facts. Companies like OpenAI
have managed to achieve substantial reductions in com-
pute required for inference— in May 2024, Kevin Scott,
Microsoft’s CTO, stated that GPT-413 achieved a 12-fold
decrease in compute required for its use while doubling to-
ken generation speed compared to its predecessors. Con-
versely, the escalating computational resources needed for
training large foundational models are becoming expo-
nentially costly, potentially limiting this capability to a
few major players such as Google, Meta, and Microsoft.
Therefore, rather than focusing solely on current limita-
tions, we need to anticipate genAI’s trajectory, acknowl-
edging both the democratisation of inference capabilities
and the centralisation of training resources among a few
dominant entities.
2. Software Integration: As supporting software compo-
nents continue evolving, new capabilities will be rapidly
integrated into genAI systems. Recent breakthroughs,
such as improved mathematical reasoning and the in-
troduction of agents, exemplify this accelerating conver-
3. Availability and Development Cycles: While the initial
development cycle for new genAI-based applications can
take up to 36 months, this time frame will likely shrink
to 12-18 months as the technology matures. Moreover,
genAI’s self-perpetuating nature, particularly in code gen-
eration, holds the potential for much shorter development
Furthermore, genAI’s implementation varies across indus-
tries, shaped by technological literacy and economic incen-
tives. Finance and high-tech, with strong digital infrastruc-
tures and expertise, are rapidly adopting genAI for personalised
experiences and gaining a competitive edge.14 Consequently,
a systems science-based, forward-looking approach is crucial
to fully grasp genAI’s potential impact on businesses, govern-
ments, and international bodies. Relying solely on historically-
based modelling is inadequate due to the technology’s non-
linear nature and ability to rapidly recombine with existing
technologies.8 Substantial investment is urgently needed to bet-
ter understand genAI’s ramifications across various domains,
particularly its potential to disrupt or create human occupations
by altering their form, function, and meaning.8, 15
As we integrate genAI more deeply into business and soci-
etal functions, ethical implications become increasingly com-
plex and critical.16 Our previous work provided a framework
for considering the broader societal transition from the Age of
Information to the Age of Intelligence.17, 18 One of the fore-
most ethical concerns is the risk of exacerbating existing in-
equalities. GenAI can significantly enhance productivity and
economic output, but without careful consideration, these ben-
efits may disproportionately favour the already advantaged.19
Ethically, it is essential to manage AI deployment to prevent
increased social stratification and ensure inclusivity. Addition-
ally, improving the transparency of AI decision-making pro-
cesses is crucial to prevent unintended consequences of opaque
algorithmic functioning, fostering greater trust and acceptance.
The rapid development witnessed recently underscores the
necessity of proactively addressing potential worst-case scenar-
ios. While difficult to predict precisely, some concerning possi-
bilities include:
• Widespread job displacement and economic disruption
due to automation outpacing the ability to retrain and re-
skill workers.20, 21
• Proliferation of misinformation, fake content, and deep-
fakes at an unprecedented scale, eroding public trust and
social cohesion.22
• Existential risks arising from advanced AI systems pursu-
ing misaligned goals or exhibiting unintended behaviours
beyond human control.23
• Concentration of power and influence in the hands of a
few tech giants or nations, exacerbating inequalities and
geopolitical tensions, and undermining democracy.24
Mitigating these risks requires a multi-stakeholder approach
involving policymakers, technologists, ethicists, researchers,
and the broader public. Responsible development frameworks,
robust governance structures, and proactive planning for so-
cioeconomic transitions25 will be essential to harness genAI’s
benefits while minimising potential downsides.
This paper solely reflects the views, opinions, arguments of
its authors and does not necessarily represent the perspectives
of the organisations that authors are associate with.
Statement of potential competing interests:
Authors AP, RA, GU, KG, SS, LP, and MH declare they have
no conflicts of interest relevant to this work. Author JO is both
Head of Systems Modelling, Simulation & Data Science, and
Co-Director of the Mental Wealth Initiative at the University of
Sydney’s Brain and Mind Centre. She is also Managing Direc-
tor of Computer Simulation & Advanced Research Technolo-
gies (CSART) and acts as Advisor to the Brain Capital Alliance.
Author contribution:
Manuscript concept and drafting: AP; critical revision of
manuscript and contribution of important intellectual content:
all authors.
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ai_researcher | 1 | Self-perceived_burden_perceived_burdensomeness_and_suicidal_ideation_in_patients_with_chronic_pain.pdf | 1
Non-abelian self-duality from self-interaction
A. Khoudeir
Instituto de F´ısica, Universidad Nacional Aut´onoma de M´exico
Apdo. Postal 20-364, 01000 M´exico D. F. M´exico
Centro de Astrof´ısica Te´orica, Departamento de F´ısica, Facultad de
Ciencias, Universidad de los Andes,
M´erida, 5101,Venezuela.
The non-abelian self-dual action in three dimensions is derived
using the self-interaction mechanism.
Self-duality in three dimensions was proposed initially by Townsend et.
al. [1] as an alternative to the topologically massive theory[2]. In principle,
they seem different descriptions of a locally massive spin 1 physical excitation:
the self-dual theory is described by a non-gauge invariant first order action
while the topologically massive action is written down in a gauge invariant
second order formulation. Both actions have an abelian Chern-Simons term
(ǫmnpAm∂nAp). Despite these differences, Deser and Jackiw stablished that
both theories are locally equivalent through the existence of a master action,
even in the presence of external sources[3]. Moreover, both theories are dual
equivalent[4] and the self-dual theory can be seen as a gauged fixed version
of the topologically massive theory[5]. The self-dual theory for gravity and
for higher spin in three dimensions was achieved in [6] and [7], respectively.
If glogal properties are considered, the equivalence is modified, for instance,
the partition functions of the self dual and topologically massive theories are
not the same but they are related in the following way: ZSD = ZCSZT M [8]
(where ZCS is the partition function of the abelian Chern-Simons action).
The non-abelian generalization of the topologically massive theory was
given in [2] while the non-abelian self-dual theory was formulated indepen-
dently by McKeon [9] and Arias, et. al.[10], which has a structure of a
Freedman-Townsend action[11].
In this letter, starting from an appropiate master action, we will derive
the non-abelian self-dual action using the self-interaction mechanism[12].
We will start by considering the following master action[13]
I =
d3x[−µǫmnpAm∂nap − 1
µ2amam − µǫmnpAm∂nvp +
µǫmnpvm∂nvp] (1)
This action can be seen as the coupling between a Maxwell field (Am) and
a vector field (vm) described by an abelian Chern-Simons action through a
three dimensional BF topological term. Independent variations in the am,
vm and Am fields, yield the following equations of motion
am = −1
ǫmnp∂n[Ap − vp] = 0
ǫmnp∂n[ap + vp] = 0,
where fmn(A) = ∂mAn − ∂nAm. The last two equations can be solved locally.
We have
vm = Am + ∂mφ
am = −vm + ∂mσ.
The master action has abelian gauge invariance
δAm = ∂mλ1
δvm = ∂mλ2
Substituting the equations (2) and (5), into the master action lead to the
action for the abelian topologically massive theory
(A) fmn(A) − 1
f mn
I =
On the other hand, we can eliminate the am and Am fields, through the use
of equations (5) and (6) in order to obtain
I =
µ2(vm − ∂mφ)(vm − ∂mφ) +
which is invariant under the following abelian gauge transformations
δvm = ∂mλ1,
δφ = λ1.
Fixing the gauge φ = 0, we obtain the non-gauge invariant self-dual action.
Then, the proposed master action show the equivalence (at classical level)
between the topologically and self-dual theories. The master action that we
are considering is locally equivalent to the master action of Deser and Jackiw,
as can be seen after eliminating only the vm field and is written down as
I =
d3x[−µǫmnpAm∂nap − 1
µ2amam − 1
Introducing the Lie-algebra valued vectors Am = Ai
mT i and the
mT i, am = ai
mnT i, where the generators T i of
Lie-algebra valued field strength Fmn = F i
the gauge group are normalized by T iT j = δij, the non-abelian generalization
of the master action of Deser and Jackiw obtained by replacing ordinary
derivative by covariant derivative, fmn = ∂mAn − ∂nAm → Fmn = ∂mAn −
∂nAm + [Am, An] and considering the non-abelian Chern-Simons term is
I = µtr
d3x[ǫmnpamFnp − 1
µamam − 1
ǫmnpAm(∂nAp +
and only can reproduce the non-abelian version of the topologically mas-
sive theory after eliminating the am field by using its equation of motion
(am = ǫmnpFnp). On the other hand, the equation of motion obtained by
independent variations in Am has no known solutions and in consecuence
the non-abelian master action of Deser and Jackiw can not reproduce the
non-abelian self-dual action. The non-abelian topologically massive theory
can be deduced from the self-interaction mechanism[14].
Now, we will consider for simplicity a triplet of SU(2) free vector fields
m (i = 1, 2, 3). The
m coupled with a triplet of SU(2) free vector fields vi
action is
Io =
− 1
mami − µǫmnpAi
p +
This action has two global simmetries. One is the global SU(2) symmetry
δωX = gǫijkX jωk
where X = (A, a, v) and the other global symmetry is given by
m = gǫijk[aj
m + vj
m = 0 = δρvi
Under these transformations, the action changes by a total derivative.
The Noether currents associated with the global symmetries are
jmi = −µgǫmnpǫijkAj
p + vk
p ] +
K mi = −1
n + vj
p + vk
p ].
These currents are conserved on-shell. Now, we will couple these Noether
currents to the action I0 through the corresponding self-interaction term
defined by
jmi ≡ δISI
, K mi ≡ δISI
We find
ISI = gµ
− 1
p +
− 1
p ].
The self-interaction mechanism stops here since no other derivative terms
appear in ISI. Now, we add ISI to Io. The last term in eq. (13) combines
with the last term in eq. (19) to give a Chern-Simons term for the vm field.
The non-abelian action is
m(F i
np(a) + F i
np(v) + 2gǫijkanvk
p ) − µai
mami (20)
I =
+ ǫmnpvi
p +
p )],
I =
mF i
− µai
mami + ǫmnpvi
p +
p )], (21)
mn(a) = ∂mai
F i
mn(v) = ∂mvi
F i
− ∂nai
m + gǫijkaj
− ∂nvi
m + gǫijkvj
are the field strengths for the ai
m fields. The self-interaction process
combines the abelian gauge transformations with the global ones giving rise
to the following non-abelian local gauge transformations
m and vi
m = gǫijkAj
m = ∂mαi + gǫijkvj
m = gǫijkaj
m = ∂mκi + gǫijk[aj
m = 0 = δvi
m + vj
Defining ωm ≡ am + vm, the action is rewritten down as
I =
d3x[−ǫmnpAmFnp(ω) − µ(vm − ωm)(vm − ωm)
+ ǫmnpvm[∂nvp +
This action was interpreted as the interaction between a Chern-Simons and a
BF(ǫAF ) topological terms propagating a massive spin 1 physical mode[10].
Like as in the non-abelian topologically massive theory, invariance in the
functional integral implies the quantization condition: 4π µ
g2 = integer.
We observe that Am play the role of a Lagrange multiplier. Its equation
of motion is
which tell us that ω is a pure gauge.
Fmn(ω) = 0
ωm = U −1∂mU.
Then, the action becomes
I =
d3x[−µ(vm −U −1∂mU)(vm −U −1∂mU) + ǫmnpvm(∂nvp +
where the vm field appear coupled with a Stuckelberg field. Now, we have
invariance under the following (finite) gauge transformations
vm → g−1∂m∂mg + g−1vmg, U → Ug.
This gauge invariance allow us to fix the gauge U = 1, in order to obtain the
standard action for the non-abelian self-dual field vm
I =
d3[−µvmvm + ǫmnpvm(∂nvp +
To conclude, we have derived the non-abelian self-dual action in three di-
mensions using the self-interaction mechanism. Recently, a dual version of
a pure non-abelian Chern-Simons action was formulated [15]. It would be
interesting to analyse the duality properties of the self-dual and topologically
masive theories at non-abelian level.
The author would like to thank to Marti Ruiz Altaba for his hospitality
at Instituto de F´ısica de la Universidad Nacional Aut´onoma de M´exico. Also,
the author thanks Conicit-Venezuela for financial support.
[1] P. K. Townsend, K. Pilch and P. van Nieuwenhuizen, Phys. Lett. B136
(1984) 38.
[2] S. Deser, R. Jackiw and S. Tempelton, Ann. Phys. 140 (1982) 372.
[3] S. Deser and R. Jackiw, Phys. Lett. B139 (1984) 371.
[4] J. Stephany, Phys.Lett. B390 (1997) 128.
[5] R. Gianvittorio, A. Restuccia and J. Stephany, Mod. Phys. Lett. A6
(1991) 2121; P. J. Arias and J. Stephany, J. Math. Phys. 36 (1995)
[6] C. Aragone and A. Khoudeir, Phys.Lett. B173 (1986) 141.
[7] C. Aragone and A. Khoudeir, Revista Mexicana de F´ısica 39 (1993) 819.
[8] P. J. Arias and A. Restuccia, Phys. Lett. B347 (1995) 241.
[9] D. G. C. McKeon, Int. Journal of Mod. Phys. A7 (1992) 2005.
[10] P. J. Arias, L. Leal and A. Restuccia, Phys.Lett. B367 (1996) 170.
[11] D. Freedman and P. K. Townsend, Nucl. Phys. B177 (1981) 282.
[12] S. Deser, Gen. Rel. Grav. 1 (1970) 9; Class. Quantum Grav. 4 (1987)
L99; S. Deser and M. Henneaux, Mod. Phys. Lett. A10 (1995) 991.
[13] A. Khoudeir, Mod. Phys. Lett. A11 (1996) 2489.
[14] C. Aragone and E. Araujo, Acta Cient´ıfica Venezolana 36 (1985) 207.
[15] H. Garc´ıa-Compean, O. Obregon and C. Ram´ırez, hep-th/0103066.
ai_researcher | 2 | One_Week_in_the_Future_Previs_Design_Futuring_for_HCI_Research.pdf | A short overview on low mass scalars at future lepton
colliders - Snowmass White Paper
RBI-ThPhys-2022-10, CERN-TH-2022-042
Tania Robens1, 2, ∗
1Ruder Boskovic Institute, Bijenicka cesta 54, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
2Theoretical Physics Department, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
(Dated: March 17, 2022)
In this whitepaper, I give a short summary on possible channels of low-mass scenarios and their
discovery potential at future e+e− colliders. This is a summary of talks I recently gave at the
CEPC workshop, FCC week and ECFA future collider workshop.
∗ [email protected]
The discovery of a scalar which so far largely agrees with predictions for the Higgs boson
of the Standard Model (SM) has by now been established by the LHC experiments, with
analyses of Run II LHC data further confirming this.
In the European Strategy Report
[1, 2], a large focus was put on future e+e− colliders, especially so-called Higgs factories
250 GeV. While these will on the on hand
with center-of-mass (com) energies around 240
further help to determine properties of the scalar discovered at the LHC, and especially will
help to determine in detail the parameters and shape of the scalar potential, it is also inter-
esting to investigate theis potential to search for additional scalar states. Many new physics
models still allow for extra scalar states, including those which have masses (cid:46) 125 GeV.
In this whitepaper, I give a short summary of presentations I gave at various recent
meetings and workshops. I give an overview on some models that allow for such light states,
and point to phenomenological studies investigating such models. This should be viewed as
an encouragement for further detailed studies in this direction.
A. Singlet extensions
In singlet extensions, the SM scalar potential is enhanced by additional scalar states that
are singlets under the SM gauge group. In such scenarios, the coupling of the novel scalar
to SM particles is typically inherited via mixing, i.e. mass-eigenstates are related to gauge
eigenstates via a unitary mixing matrix. The corresponding couplings and interactions are
mediated via a simple mixing angle.
In [3], the authors present the status of current searches for the process
p p
s s
which for such models can be read as a bound in
sin2 θ
BRh125 → s s → X X Y Y .
We display these results in figure 1.
We show an example of the allowed parameter space in a model with two additional
singlets, the two real scalar extension studied in [4]. In this model, three CP-even neutral
scalars exist that relate the gauge and mass eigenstates h1,2,3 via mixing. One of these states
has to have couplings and mass complying with current measurements of the SM-like scalar,
the other two can have higher or lower masses. In figure 2, we show two cases where either
one (high-low) or two (low-low) scalar masses are smaller than 125 GeV. On the y-axis, the
FIG. 1. Limits on the process in eqn (1, taken from [3]. This displays current constraints which
can especially be easily reinterpreted in extended scalar sector models, in particular models where
couplings are inherited via a simple mixing angle.
FIG. 2. Available parameter space in the TRSM, with one (high-low) or two (low-low) masses
lighter than 125 GeV. Left: light scalar mass and mixing angle, with sin α = 0 corresponding to
complete decoupling. Right: available parameter space in the (mh1, mh2) plane, with color coding
denoting the rescaling parameter sin α for the lighter scalar h1.
respective mixing angle is shown. Complete decoupling would be designated by sin α = 0
in the notation used in this figure.
The points were generated using ScannerS [5, 6], interfaced to HiggsBounds-5.10.2 [7–10]
and HiggsSignals-2.6.2 [11, 12], with constraints as implemented in these versions.
110 [GeV]sm6-105-104-103-102-101-10110 XXYY)fi ss fi Br(h · SMhshs95% CL upper limit on -1 = 13 TeV, 36.1 fbsATLAS, bbbb (merged)-1 = 13 TeV, 36.1 fbsATLAS, bbbb (resolved)-1 = 13 TeV, 35.9 fbsggggATLAS, -1 = 13 TeV, 35.9 fbsttCMS, bb-1 = 13 TeV, 35.9 fbsttttCMS, -1 = 8 TeV, 20.3 fbsttmmATLAS, -1 = 13 TeV, 35.9 fbs (merged)ttmmCMS, -1 = 13 TeV, 35.9 fbs (resolved)ttmmCMS, -1 = 13 TeV, 139 fbsmmATLAS, bb-1 = 13 TeV, 35.9 fbsmmCMS, bb-1 = 8 TeV, 20.3 fbsggggATLAS, -1 = 13 TeV, 132 fbsggggCMS, -1 = 13 TeV, 139 fbsmmmmATLAS, -1 = 13 TeV, 35.9 fbsmmmmCMS, 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 20 40 60 80 100 120|sin α|mhhigh-lowlow-low 20 40 60 80 100 120 20 40 60 80 100 120mh2mh1"low_low.dat" using 2:3:5 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3FIG. 3. Allowed regions in the 2HDM, from a scan presented in [14].
B. Two Higgs Doublet Models
Two Higgs doublet models (2HDMs) constitute another example of new physics models
allowing for low mass scalar states. A general discussion of such models is e.g. given in [13]
and will not be repeated here. In general, such models contain, besides the SM candidate,
two additional neutral scalars which differ in CP properties as well as a charged scalar, so
the particle content is given by h, H, A, H ±, where one of the two CP-even neutral scalars
h, H needs to be identified with the 125 GeV resonance discovered at the LHC. Couplings
to the fermions in the Yukawa sector distinguish different types of 2HDMs.
In [14], the authors perform a scan including bounds from theory, experimental searches
and constraints, as e.g. electroweak observables, as well as B-physics. Examples for these
scan results are shown in figure 3, taken from that reference. We see that for all regions
solutions for either one or several low mass scenarios exist and are viable for the constraints
α) regions
discussed in that reference. Unfortunately, the information about the cos (β
in these scenarios is not available in that reference. Depending on the Yukawa couplings
considered, the limits on the absolute value of this rescaling angle vary between 0.05 and
0.25 [15].
C. Other extensions
The scalar sector of the SM can be extended by an arbitrary number of additional scalar
fields, such as singlets, doublets, etc. One option which is also often consider is the extension
of this sector by both singlets and doublets.
FIG. 4. Scan results in the N2HDM, taken from [16]. There are regions in the models parameter
space where either one or two of the additional scalars have masses (cid:46) 125 GeV.
1. N2HDM
In [16], the authors consider a model where the SM scalar sector is extended by an
additional doublet as well as a real singlet. This model has 3 CP even neutral scalar particles,
out of which one needs to have the properties in compliance with LHC measurements of the
125 GeV scalar. The authors perform an extensive scan and find regions in parameter space
where either one or both of the additional scalars have masses below 125 GeV. We show an
example of the allowed parameter space in figure 4
2. Lepton-specific IDM
In [17], the authors consider a model where the SM scalar sector is augmented by an
additional doublet, where they impose an exact Z2 symmetry. This symmetry is then broken
by a specific coupling to the fermionic sector. The authors identify regions in the models
parameter space that agree with current searches as well as anomalous magnetic momenta of
electron and muon. They identify regions in the models parameter space where the second
CP-even scalar can have a mass (cid:46) 30 GeV. We display these regions in figure 5.
FIG. 5. Allowed regions in the parameter space of the model discussed in [17], taken from that
reference, where squares denote allowed and bullets excluded regions in the models parameter
space. CP-even neutral scalars with low masses are viable within this model.
3. Scalar triplet model
Finally, we want to discuss a model containing scalar triplets, leading to a rich particle
content as well as the possibility of CP violating terms. The model has been presented
in [18]. This model contains 5 neutral, 3 charged, and 2 doubly charged mass eigenstates.
The authors present regions in parameter space where masses for some of these can be
(cid:46) 125 GeV. We display these results in figure 6.
For this center-of-mass energy, several searches exist which have already been performed
at LEP and are summarized in [19, 20], concentrating on Z h, h1 h2, and h1 h1 h1 final states,
where hi signifies novel scalars. Possible new studies could build upon these searches. We
want to note that the luminosity at FCC-ee and CEPC at this center of mass energy is
exceeding LEP luminosity by several orders of magnitude [21, 22].
We also want to present one specific study which investigates several composite models at
200300400500600mA (GeV)0102030405060mh (GeV)κτ153045607590105200300400500600mH± (GeV)789101112χ2τmh61218243036424854020406080100120κτ020406080100120140−κµmH±200250300350400450500550600150200250300350400450500κe020406080100120140−κµmh61218243036424854FIG. 6. Allowed regions in the parameter space of the model discussed in [18], taken from that
reference. For neutral and charged new scalars, masses (cid:46) 125 GeV are achievable.
FIG. 7. Rates at a 91 GeVFCC-ee for various models discussed in [23], for (cid:96)+(cid:96)−τ +τ − final states.
M7 and M10 reach a 3 σ significance using ML techniques. Figure taken from [23].
(cid:96)+(cid:96)−τ +τ −, where
a com energy of 91 GeV [23]. The authors consider the process e+e−
the tau-pair stems from an additional pseudoscalar a radiated off one of the fermion lines in
the (cid:96)(cid:96) pair-production. They apply a cut-based study as well as an improved analysis using
machine learning techniques; for the latter, the authors are able to achieve a 3 σ exclusion for
benchmarks with masses Ma
20 GeV. We display event rates for the various benchmark
scenarios in figure 7.
20406080100Ma[GeV]510102103104105EventsCOM91.2GeVe+e−→l+l−a,a→τ+τ−FCC-ee150ab−1M1M2M3M4M5M6M7M8M9M10M11M12FIG. 8. Leading order production cross sections for Z h and h ν(cid:96) ¯ν(cid:96) production at an e+ e− collider
with a com energy of 240 GeV(left) and 250 GeV (right) using Madgraph5 for an SM-like scalar
h. Shown is also the contribution of Z h to ν(cid:96) ¯ν(cid:96) h using a factorized approach for the Z decay.
Throughout this work, we show for reference leading order predictions for Zh production
at e+e− colliders for low mass scalars which are SM-like. These results were obtained using
Madgraph5 [24] and are given for approximate reference only. We also display the VBF-type
production of e+e−
h ν(cid:96) ¯ν(cid:96). Note that the latter signature also contains contributions
from Z h production, where Z
ν(cid:96) ¯ν(cid:96).
Figure 8 shows the production cross sections for these processes for a center-of-mass
250 GeV. Using these predictions, and taking into account standard
106 events could be produced with ILC, FCC-ee, and CEPC
energy of
design luminosities [21, 22, 25].
0.1, around 105
A. Dedicated studies
1. Light scalars in Zh production
Not many dedicated studies exist that investigate low-mass scalars at Higgs factories. We
here point to a study [26] that investigates the sensitivity of the ILC for low-mass scalars in
Z h production, either using pure Z recoil (”recoil method”) or taking the light scalar decay
into b ¯b into account. The y-axis shows the 95 % CL limit for agreement with a background
only hypothesis, which can directly be translated into an upper bound on rescaling. The
authors validate their method by reproducing LEP results [20, 27] for these channels prior
to applying their method to the ILC. Their predictions are shown in figure 9.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0 20 40 60 80 100 120σ [pb]mh [GeV]Cross section for light SM-like scalar at e+e-, sqrts=240 GeVZhν ν h ν ν h via Zh 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0 20 40 60 80 100 120σ [pb]mh [GeV]Cross section for light SM-like scalar at e+e-, sqrts=250 GeVZhν ν h ν ν h via ZhFIG. 9. Sensitivity predictions for an ILC with a com energy of 250 GeV from [26]. See text for
FIG. 10. Upper bounds on the mixing angle for the model discussed in [28], in a comparison of
different detector concepts and using the recoil method.
A more detailed study along similar lines using the recoil method only and comparing
different detector options has been presented recently in [28]. We display their results in
figure 10. The authors perform their analysis in a model where the coupling of the new
resonance is rescaled by a mixing angle sin θ; therefore, their results can directly be compared
with the ones presented in [26] and figure 9.
measured,LEP(cid:1)(mH)recoil,ILC(cid:1)h(mH)traditional,ILC(cid:1)h(mH)LHClimit204060801001201401600.0010.0100.1001mH/GeVS95Figure2:combinedlimitsat95%CL,500fb≠1@250GeV10LEP, Φ➞bb, observed limitILC, recoil methodILC, Φ➞bbHL-LHC: indirect sensitivitym𝜙/GeV HL-LHCILCHL-LHC/ILC: indirect sensit.050100150 [GeV]0SM3-102-101-101)q(2sin0 ZSfi -e+ in e0Search for extra light scalars SOPAL, Eur.Phys.J. C27 (2003) 311-329ILC250, ILD preliminary (DBD)ILC250, Pythia stable particle levelILD0100200300400 [GeV]0SM2-101-101)q(2 sin0 ZSfi -e+Search for light extra scalars in eOPAL, Eur.Phys.J. C27 (2003) 311-329IDR-L, 500 GeVIDR-S, 500 GeVPythia stable particle level, 500 GeVILDFIG. 11.
particles, for a com energy of 240 GeVand (cid:82)
95 % confidence bounds on branching ratios for Higgs decay into a pair of lighter
= 5 ab−1. Taken from [29].
2. Higgsstrahlung and decay into two light scalars
In [29], the authors consider Higgs-strahlung at a 240 GeVe+e− collider, where the Higgs
subsequently decays into two light scalar states. The give 95 % confidence level bounds for
the branching ratios into the decay productions of the two light scalars as a function of the
light scalar masses for an integrated luminosity of (cid:82)
= 5 ab−1 following a detailed study.
Their results are subsequently used by many authors as standard reference. We show their
results for various channels in figure 11.
A more recent study [30] investigates the same process, but for 4 τ final states, for the same
center-of-mass energy and integrated luminosity. The results, for varying values of tracking
efficiency, are shown in figure 12. Note that curent constraints on the invisible branching
ratio of the Higgs, the signal strength, as well as SM-like decays of the light scalars currently
render a bound (cid:46) 10−3.
Several works make use of the bounds derived in [29]. In [31], the authors investigate the
allowed parameter space in the scNMSSM, an NMSSM extension that relaxes unification
requirements at the GUT scale [32–35], also known as NUHM, which contains in total 5 scalar
particles; if CP is conserved, 3 are CP-even and 2 CP-odd. The authors investigate various
bounds on the models parameter space, and show the allowed scan points and predictions
for the above channels for various scalar combinations. We show their results in figure 13.
(GeV)Xm102030405060Branching ratio4-103-102-101-101)j j) (j j (fi hqqqq fi) aa(ss fihqqqq fi Z'Z' fihgggg fi) aa(ss fih (GeV)Xm102030405060Branching ratio4-103-102-101-101)bb) (bb (fi hbbbb fi) aa(ss fihbbbb fi Z'Z' fihFIG. 12. Bounds on decay of the SM Higgs boson into two light scalars, with a 4 τ final state, at
an e+e− collider with a com energy of 240 GeV, with different assumptions on tracking efficiencies.
Taken from [30].
FIG. 13. Allowed rates for various Higgsstrahlung processes with successive decays into two light
scalars. Top: 2 b 2 τ final state. Bottom: 4τ final state. Also shown are expected upper bounds for
various collider machines, with projections from [29]. Figure taken from [31].
Finally, in simple singlet extensions it is possible to test regions in the models parameter
space which can lead to a strong first-order electroweak phase transition. Several authors
have worked on this; we here show results from [36], where in addition several collider
sensitivity projections are shown, including the bounds derived in [29]. From figure 14, it
5678910ms(GeV)1.2×1041.25×1041.3×1041.35×1041.4×104×Br(hss4)/SM(e+eZh)s=240 GeV @ 5 ab195% C.L. limit on the Higgs exotic branching fractiontk=1.0tk=0.99FIG. 14. Expected bounds on Higgs production via Higgs strahlung and subsequent decay into
two light scalars, in the singlet extension scenario discussed in [36]. The blue band denotes the
region where a strong first-order electroweak phase transition is possible. We see that e+e− Higgs
factories are required on order to confirm or exclude such scenarios. Figure taken from [36].
becomes obvious that e+e− Higgs factories would be an ideal environment to confirm or rule
out such scenarios.
Related work, with a spontaneous breaking of the imposed Z2 symmetry, has been presented
in [37].
3. Other channels
In [38], the authors investigate a slightly different channel, i.e. tau pair-production where
a light pseudoscalar is radiated off one on the outgoing fermion lines and decays again into
τ +τ −, leading to a 4 τ final state. They are investigating this within a type X 2HDM, which
in addition allows them to explain the current discrepacy between theoretical prediction and
experiment for the anomalous magnetic momentum of the muon. They perform a detailed
study including background and determine 2 and 5 σ countours in the mA, tan β plane,
where tan β denotes the ratio of the vevs of the two doublets. Their results are shown in
figure 15.
It is also interesting to investigate models with give the possibility of light charged scalars.
A corresponding study has been performed in [39], where the authors consider charged scalar
FIG. 15. Exclusion and discovery regions in the 2HDM type X model, in the mA, tan β plane.
The color region additionally explains the current gµ
2 discrepancy. Taken from [38].
FIG. 16. Significances as a function of charged scalar mass and charm tagging efficiency at an 240
GeV CEPC, at an integrated luminosity of 1 ab−1, within a 3HDM as presented in [39], considering
a c¯cb¯b final state. Figures taken from that reference.
pair-production within a 3HDM, with successive decays into c ¯c b ¯b final states. The authors
perform a detailed study and present their results in the 1 and 2 b-jet tagged category, as
a function of light scalar mass and charm tagging efficiency. We show the corresponding
significances in figure 16, for a com energy of 240 GeVand an integrated luminosity of 1 ab−1.
B. Cross section predictions
Inspired by possible low-mass excesses in at LEP [20] and CMS [40], in [41] several
models are fitted to these excesses that contain singlet and doublet extensions of the SM
2σ5σ203040506070809020406080100mA(GeV)tanβSolid:2000fb-1Dashed:500fb-1mH±=mH=250GeVILC@250GeVFIG. 17. Left: Points in the 2HDMs that agree with both CMS and LEP excess and which can
be probed at the ILC. Right: predicted rates in the 2HDMS and N2HDM at 250 GeVusing full
target luminosity.
scalar sector; in particular, they consider models with an additional doublet as well as a
(complex) singlet, labelled N2HDM and 2HDMs, respectively. For both models, as well as
varying tan β ranges (where tan β denotes the ratio of the vevs in the 2HDM part of the
models), the authors consider the possibility to explain the observed accesses and give rate
= 2 ab−1. We display their
predictions for a 250 GeV collider with a total luminosity of
results in figure 17. We see that also other final states for the h decay, as e.g. τ +τ −, gg, or
W +W − can render sizeable rates.
The FCC-ee and CEPC colliders are supposed to also run with a center-of-mass energy
160 GeV, already tested at LEP. In analogy to figure 8, in figure 18 we show again
cross section predictions for the process Z h in dependence of the mass of h, assuming a
SM-like scalar. Note we here assume onshell production of Z h, which leads to a hard cutoff
70 GeV. Detailed studies should in turn assume contributions from offshell Zs
for Mh
and hs as well.
We see that for this lower com energy, there is basically no contribution to the ν(cid:96) ¯ν(cid:96)h final
state that does not originate from Z h. Using FCC-ee target luminosity for this energy,
0.1 stemming from signal strength, we
and again assuming a general suppression factor
expect up to 106 events depending on the mass of the additional scalar.
For this center-of-mass energy, several searches exist which have already been performed
at LEP and are summarized in [19, 20], concentrating on Z h, h1 h2, and h1 h1 h1 final
FIG. 18. As figure 18, for a com of 160 GeV. We assume onshell final states.
FIG. 19. Achievable rates for various light scalar production modes at an e+e− collider with a
com energy of 350 GeV, in various 2HDM variant models. Figure taken from [42].
states, which could be further pursued in future collider studies. We want to note that the
luminosity at FCC-ee at this center of mass energy is exceeding LEP luminosity by several
orders of magnitude.
Finally, we present a study that investigates various types of 2HDMs containing several
neutral scalars [42], for a collider energy of 350 GeV. The authors perform a scan of the
allowed parameter space and render predictions for the Higgs-strahlung process as well as
ν(cid:96) ¯ν(cid:96)h final states with the scalar decaying into b ¯b pairs. We show their results in figure 19.
In this short note, I have presented several models and searches that investigate the
sensitivity of future e+e− machines for scalars with masses (cid:46) 125 GeV. This corresponds to
a summary of several talks I have recently given and is thereby not meant to be inclusive.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120σ [pb]mh [GeV]Cross section for light SM-like scalar at e+e-, sqrts=160 GeVZhν ν h ν ν h via ZhI have pointed to models that allow for such light scalars, as well as several references that
either provide rates or pursue dedicated studies. I have also pointed to the connection of
low-scalar searches at such colliders and the electroweak phase transition within certain
models. My impression is that further detailed studies are called for, with a possible focus
on so-called Higgs factories with center-of-mass energies around 240-250 GeV.
I thank Sven Heinemeyer and the conveners of the CEPC workshop for inspiring me to
set up an overview on these models. Several authors of the references cited here were also
helpful in answering specific questions regarding their work.
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ai_researcher | 2 | Improving_Event_Duration_Prediction_via_Time-aware_Pre-training.pdf | Improving Event Duration Prediction
via Time-aware Pre-training
Zonglin Yang
Alexander Rush
Xinya Du
Department of Computer Science
Cornell University
{zy223, arush}
{xdu, cardie}
Claire Cardie
End-to-end models in NLP rarely encode ex-
ternal world knowledge about length of time.
We introduce two effective models for du-
ration prediction, which incorporate external
knowledge by reading temporal-related news
sentences (time-aware pre-training). Specifi-
cally, one model predicts the range/unit where
the duration value falls in (R-PRED); and the
other predicts the exact duration value (E-
PRED). Our best model – E-PRED, substan-
tially outperforms previous work, and captures
duration information more accurately than R-
PRED. We also demonstrate our models are
capable of duration prediction in the unsuper-
vised setting, outperforming the baselines.
Understanding duration of event expressed in text
is a crucial task in NLP (Pustejovsky and Verhagen,
2009; Zhou et al., 2019). It facilitates downstream
tasks such as story timeline construction (Ning
et al., 2018; Leeuwenberg and Moens, 2019) and
temporal question answering (Llorens et al., 2015).
It is challenging to make accurate prediction mainly
due to two reasons: (1) duration is not only asso-
ciated with event word but also the context. For
example, “watch a movie” takes around 2 hours,
while “watch a bird fly” only takes about 10 sec-
onds; (2) the compositional nature of events makes
it difficult to train a learning-based system only
based on hand annotated data (since it’s hard to
cover all the possible events). Thus, external knowl-
edge and commonsense are needed to make further
progress on the task.
However, most current approaches (Pan et al.,
2011; Gusev et al., 2011; Vempala et al., 2018)
focus on developing features and cannot utilize ex-
ternal textual knowledge. The only exception is the
web count based method proposed by Gusev et al.
(2011), which queries search engine with event
word (e.g., “watch”) and temporal units, and make
predictions based on hitting times. However, this
method achieves better performance when query
only with the event word in the sentence, which
means it does not enable contextualized understand-
To benefit from the generalizability of learning-
based methods and utilizing external temporal
knowledge, we introduce a framework, which in-
cludes (1) a procedure for collecting duration-
related news sentences, and automatic labeling the
duration unit in it (Section 2.1); 1 (2) two effective
end-to-end models that leverage external temporal
knowledge via pre-training (Section 2.2). Specifi-
cally, our first model (R-PRED) predicts the most
likely temporal unit/range for the event, with a
classification output layer; and the other model (E-
PRED) predicts the exact duration value, with a
regression output layer. Our best model (E-PRED)
achieves state-of-the-art performance on the Time-
Bank dataset and the McTACO duration prediction
task. In addition, in the unsupervised setting, our
model (E-PRED) trained with only collected web
data outperforms the supervised BERT baseline by
10.24 F1 score and 9.68 Exact Match score on Mc-
TACO duration prediction task. We also provide
detailed comparisons and analysis between the re-
gression objective (E-PRED) and the classification
objective (R-PRED).
2 Our Framework
2.1 Duration-relevant Sentences Collection
and Automatic Labeling
We use multiple pattern-based extraction rules to
collect duration-relevant sentences. To avoid the
potential data sparsity problem, we extract them
1We’ll release these weakly supervised duration-relevant
sentences in
Figure 1: An Example of Automatic Labeling
from a relatively large corpus. In particular, we use
articles in DeepMind Q&A dataset (Hermann et al.,
2015) which contains approximately 287k docu-
ments extracted from CNN and Daily Mail news
articles. To avoid introducing potential bias from a
single pattern, we design multiple patterns for ex-
traction. Specifically, if a sentence contains words
or its variants as “for”, “last”, “spend”, “take”,
“over”, “duration”, “period”, and within certain
number of words there exists a numerical value and
a temporal unit (including second, minute, hour,
day, week, month, year, decade) , then we consider
the sentence as containing duration information
and keep the sentence. Further, we design rules
to filter sentences with certain patterns to avoid
common misjudgements of the patterns to reach
higher precision in retrieving sentences with du-
ration information. More details are illustrated in
Appendix A.2.
We apply rules to create the labels (Figure 1),
specifically, given a candidate sentence, we extract
the duration expression (23 years) which consists
of a number and unit, then we normalize it to “sec-
ond” space. We use the logarithm of the normalized
value as label for E-PRED; and use the closest tem-
poral unit as label for R-PRED model. Then for the
sentence itself, we replace its duration expression
with [MASK]s.
2.2 Models for Duration Prediction
The structure of E-PRED and R-PRED is shown in
Figure 2. We first pass the input sentence through
BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) to obtain contextual-
ized embedding for the masked tokens, x0, x1,
..., xk. Then we add a linear layer on top of the
BERT representations for prediction. We propose
two variations – E-PRED (with a regression layer)
predicts the exact duration value v;
v = We
R-PRED (with a cross-entropy layer) predicts the
Figure 2: Models: R-PRED and E-PRED
range r.
r = softmax(Wr
3 Experiments and Analysis
3.1 Datasets and Evaluation Metrics
We evaluate our models on two duration-prediction
benchmarks – TimeBank (Pan et al., 2011) and
McTACO-duration (Zhou et al., 2019). Time-
Bank2 annotates 48 non-Wall-Street-Journal ar-
ticles (non-WSJ) and 10 WSJ articles. Specifi-
cally, it annotates duration for an event trigger (e.g.,
“watched”) in the sentence (e.g., I watched a movie
yesterday). Non-WSJ articles are splitted to gener-
ate train set and test set, and WSJ articles are used
to generate testWSJ set, serving as an additional
evaluation set. The Coarse-Grained task requires
predicting whether the event takes less than a day
or longer than a day; the Fine-Grained task requires
predicting the most likely temporal unit (e.g., sec-
ond, minute, hour, etc.). To transform the sentences
into the input format of our models. We insert du-
ration pattern (“, lasting [MASK] [MASK], ”) after
event word and use the new sentence as the input
sequence. For example, one sentence in TimeBank
is “Philip Morris Cos, adopted a defense measure
...”. Our method will convert it to “Philip Morris
Cos, adopted, lasting [MASK] [MASK], a defense
measure ...”. Our strategy of directly adding dura-
tion pattern is possible to help pre-trained model to
utilize learned intrinsic textual representation for
duration prediction (Tamborrino et al., 2020).
McTACO is a multi-choice question answering
dataset. McTACO-duration3 is a subset of Mc-
2We use Gusev et al.
split and obtain
1663/469/147 events in Train/Test/TestWSJ set respectively.
3In practice we collect context-question-answer triples
that questions are about event duration and answers can be
transformed to a duration value. We get 1060/2827 triples for
dev/test set respectively (out of 1112/3032).
raw news sentence: ...The mania has last for 23 years…Input sentence:[CLS] ...The mania has last for [MASK] [MASK] …[SEP]label (range pred): decade (1 decade < 23 years < 1 century)value (exact pred): 23 years --> 725328000 seconds --> 20.4Log SpaceModel
Coarsed-Grained (Test)
<day F1 >day F1 Acc.
Coarsed-Grained (TestWSJ)
<day F1 >day F1 Acc.
Acc. (Test) Acc. (TestWSJ)
Majority class
Maximum Entropy (Pan et al., 2011)†
Maximum Entropy++ (Gusev et al., 2011)†
LSTM ensemble (Vempala et al., 2018)
TACOLM (Zhou et al., 2020)
w/o pre-training
w/o pre-training
Web count, yesterday (Gusev et al., 2011)†
Web count, bucket (Gusev et al., 2011)†
Supervised Setting
Unsupervised Setting
Table 1: Performance on TimeBank. Results marked with † are reported in Gusev et al. (2011).
TACO whose questions are about event duration.
Each data item includes a context sentence, a ques-
tion, an answer (a duration expression) and a label
indicating whether the answer is correct or not. To
obtain the input sequence for our model, we con-
vert the question to a statement using rule based
method, and insert the same “, lasting [MASK]
[MASK].” to the end of the statement sentence.
For example, one question in McTACO-duration
is “How long would they run through the fields?”,
our method will convert it to “they run through
the fields, lasting [MASK] [MASK].” We then join
the context sentence and newly obtained statement
sentence as the input sequence.
We report F1 and accuracy for TimeBank Coarse-
Grained task and accuracy for TimeBank Fine-
Grained task. We report F1 and Exact Match (EM)
for McTACO-duration.
3.2 Additional Dataset Details
In TimeBank Coarse-grained task, given an input
event sentence, if prediction of E-PRED is smaller
than 86400 seconds or prediction of R-PRED is
“second” or “minute” or “hour”, prediction will
be “< day”; Otherwise prediction will be “> day”.
All models in TimeBank Fine-Grained task uses
approximate agreement (Pan et al., 2011) during
evaluation. In approximate agreement, temporal
units are considered to match if they are the same
temporal unit or adjacent ones. For example, “sec-
ond” and “minute” match, but “minute” and “day”
do not. It is proposed because human agreement
on exact temporal unit is low (44.4%).
For McTACO-duration task, E-PRED uses
range as a hyper-parameter to define whether the
answer is correct or not. Specifically, if the predic-
tion of E-PRED is d, then only answers in d±range
in logarithmic second space are predicted as cor-
rect. We tune range in development set. Here the
range we use is 3.0. R-PRED uses approximate
agreement to predict correctness.
3.3 Baselines
We compare to strong models in the literature. For
TimeBank, Majority Class always select “month”
as prediction (“week”, “month” and “year” are
all considered as match because of approximate
In the supervised setting, Maxi-
mum Entropy (Pan et al., 2011) and Maximum
Entropy++ (Gusev et al., 2011) are two mod-
els which utilize hand-designed time-related fea-
tures. Difference is that Maximum Entropy++ uses
more features than Maximum Entropy. LSTM
ensemble (Vempala et al., 2018) is an ensemble
LSTM (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997) model
which utilize word embeddings. TACOLM (Zhou
et al., 2020) is a concurrent work to our meth-
ods that also utilize unlabeled data.
It uses a
transformer-based structure and is also pre-trained
on automatically labeled temporal sentences. Dif-
ferent from our model, TACOLM focuses on classi-
fication model and providing better representation
instead of directly generating predicted duration.
Here TACOLM forms Coarse-Grained task as a se-
quence classification task and uses the embedding
of the first token of transformer output to predict
from “< day” or “> day”.
For McTACO-duration, BERT_QA (Zhou et al.,
2019) is the BERT sentence pair (question and an-
swer) classification model trained with McTACO-
duration; BERT_QA full
is the same model
trained with all of McTACO examples. TACOLM
here shares the same structure with BERT_QA
but uses transformer weights pre-trained on col-
lected data. To be fair, train data for TACOLM
is McTACO-duration, the same as R-PRED and
E-PRED. For the unsupervised setting, for Time-
Bank, we compare to Web count-yesterday and
Web count-bucket (Gusev et al., 2011). They are
rule-based approaches which rely on search engine.
3.4 Results
Table 1 presents results for TimeBank. In the su-
pervised setting E-PRED achieves the best perfor-
mance in Coarse-Grained task (“Test set”) and
Fine-Grained task, while it receives a lower per-
formance than TACOLM in Coarse-Grained task
(“TestWSJ”). In addition, E-PRED achieves best
performance in Test set in unsupervised setting
while it receives lower performance in TestWSJ
set. However, Test set has a similar distribution
with train set, while TestWSJ’s is different (from
a different domain). Therefore, performance on
Test set should be a more important indicator for
We attribute the possible limitation of our mod-
els in TimeBank (especially TestWSJ set) experi-
ments to reporting bias, relatively limited number
of automatically collected data and mismatch of
our duration pattern and TimeBank style annota-
tion. More details are explained in Section 3.5.
TACOLM’s better performance in Coarse-Grained
task in TestWSJ set might caused by its more com-
patible input format with TimeBank (it marks each
event word that has a duration annotation in col-
lected data) and its larger number of collected data
from more sources.
Table 2 presents result on McTACO-duration. In
supervised setting, E-PRED achieves the best per-
formance. This table indicates that pre-training for
incorporating external textual knowledge is help-
ful for both R-PRED and E-PRED. Plus, E-PRED
which is trained with only web collected data still
outperforms BERT_QA by a large margin.
We observe that E-PRED and R-PRED does not
receive much performance gain from task-specific
training. We attribute it to the noise introduced dur-
Supervised setting
BERT_QA full
TACOLM (Zhou et al., 2020)
w/o pre-training
w/o pre-training
Unsupervised Setting
Table 2: Performance on McTACO-duration. * indi-
cates that the difference compared to BERT_QA is sta-
tistically significant (p < 0.01) using Bootstrap method
(Berg-Kirkpatrick et al., 2012)
ing transforming the QA data to fit in our models’
input-output format. Specifically, we use the aver-
age of all correct answers as duration value label.
This process is not guaranteed to get the expected
duration value for each input event sentence.
3.5 Analysis
E-PRED or R-PRED? We provide insights on
why BERT with regression loss generally outper-
forms BERT with a classification loss.
Firstly, we observe empirically that E-PRED gen-
erally outperforms R-PRED in TimeBank experi-
ments. We attribute that E-PRED can catch more
nuance information than R-PRED. For example, if
the duration mentioned in the text is 40 min, then
the generated label for R-PRED is “minute”. While
for E-PRED, the generated label is 40 minutes (1
min v.s. 40 min).
Secondly, E-PRED is more flexible and have a
tunable range to predict the correctness (one of
main reasons that E-PRED outperforms R-PRED
largely in Table 2), while R-PRED can only use
single bucket prediction or approximate agreement.
Effect of Time-aware Pre-training We observe
that time-aware pre-training can lead to 5~18 F1
score improvement in McTACO-duration; while in
TimeBank Coarse-Grained task, it can only lead
to 1%~3% accuracy improvement in Test set, and
causes around 1% accuracy drop in TestWSJ set.
We attribute the relatively limited effect of time-
aware pre-training in TimeBank to reporting bias
(Gordon and Van Durme, 2013) and data difference
between McTACO-duration and TimeBank. Specif-
ically, annotated events in McTACO-duration are
Wiki (7 patterns)
News (only “for”)
News (7 patterns)
Table 3: Effect of Data Collection and Search Patterns.
BERT_QA supervised baseline. We find that pre-
training with collected sentences can robustly in-
crease our model’s understanding of duration, and
using more patterns for data collection is beneficial.
4 Additional Related Work
For supervised duration prediction, Pan et al.
(2011) annotates duration length of a subset of
events in TimeBank (Pustejovsky et al., 2003).
New features and learning based models are pro-
posed for TimeBank (Pan et al., 2011; Gusev et al.,
2011; Samardzic and Merlo, 2016; Vempala et al.,
In particular, aspectual (Vendler, 1957;
Smith, 2013) features have been proved to be use-
ful. Concurrent to our work, Zhou et al. (2020) also
utilize unlabeled data. Different from our work,
they focus on temporal commonsense acquisition
in a more general setting (for frequency, typical
time, duration, etc.) and the models predict the
discrete temporal unit, while we propose two mod-
els (classification and regression-based). In addi-
tion, they focus on providing better representation
instead of directly generating duration prediction.
For the unsupervised setting, Williams and Katz
(2012); Elazar et al. (2019) use rule-based method
on web data and generate collections of mapping
from verb/event pattern to numeric duration value.
Kozareva and Hovy (2011); Gusev et al. (2011)
develop queries for search engines and utilize the
returned snippets / hitting times to make prediction.
5 Conclusion
We propose a framework for leveraging free-form
textual knowledge into neural models for duration
prediction. Our best model (E-PRED) achieves
state-of-the-art performance in various tasks. In
addition, our model trained only with externally-
obtained weakly supervised news data outperforms
supervised BERT_QA baseline by a large margin.
We also find that model trained with exact duration
value seems to better capture duration nuance of
event, and has more tunable range that is more flex-
ible to make prediction for quantitative attributes
such as duration.
Figure 3: Times of event words that are predicted in-
correctly by E-PRED in TimeBank TestWSJ set in un-
supervised setting (only showing the 15 most frequent
event words).
mainly description of concrete events, while anno-
tated events in TimeBank are mainly abstract single
words in the sentence. We consider that events in
McTACO are more similar to events in our auto-
matically collected data, while events in TimeBank
are far less similar. Specifically, Figure 3 shows the
most frequent single words annotated in TestWSJ
that are predicted wrongly by E-PRED in unsu-
pervised setting. We observe that event words in
Figure 3 are mainly abstract and not durative, and
people usually do not describe the duration of them
in text (reporting bias). However, a larger collec-
tion of automatically collected data from different
sources might alleviate this problem. More details
on error analysis in TimeBank experiments can be
found in Appendix A.4.
Another reason could be the mismatch of our
designed duration pattern and TimeBank annota-
tion style. Directly adding duration pattern after
the annotated word might not comply with the sen-
tences seen in pre-training data and might cause
ambiguous reference of event.
Influence of Data Collection and Search Pat-
terns We investigate how pre-training data col-
lection affects the performance of our models. Ta-
ble 3 shows performance of E-PRED in unsuper-
vised setting pretrained w/ data collected with
different methods. Specifically, we collect dura-
tion sentences from News or Wikipedia articles;
sentences are collected by only the “for” pattern
or “for|take|spend|last|lasting|duration|period” pat-
terns (7 patterns). We find that E-PRED pre-trained
with the three data collecting methods all achieves
state-of-the-art performance in TimeBank Test (un-
supervised setting) and get higher F1 score than
We thank the anonymous reviewers for suggestions
and Ben Zhou for running experiment of TACOLM
on McTACO-duration dataset.
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A Appendices
A.1 Hyper-Parameters
For pre-training BERT model with collected cheap
supervised data, we use the same hyper parameters
for time aware R-PRED and E-PRED:
• learning rate: 5e-5
• train batch size: 16
• optimizer: BertAdam (optimizer warmup pro-
portion: 0.1)
• loss: mean square error loss (for E-PRED);
cross entropy loss (for R-PRED)
For fine-tuning R-PRED or E-PRED with
McTACO-duration or TimeBank data or fine-
tuning BERT with McTACO-duration or TimeBank
data, the hyper-parameter we use is:
• learning rate: 2e-5
• train batch size: 32
• optimizer: BertAdam (optimizer warmup pro-
portion: 0.1)
• loss: mean square error loss (for E-PRED);
cross entropy loss (for R-PRED)
A.2 Duration Data Collecting Method
We firstly use regular expression pattern to retrieve
sentences that match with the pattern, then we use
filter patter to filter out sentences that match with
filter out pattern.
Filter pattern:
• if the matched sub-sentence contains “at” or
“age” or “every” or “next” or “more than” or
• if the matched sub-sentence match with
|eighth|ninth) time”
• if the matched sentence matches with “|d+
• if
the matched sentence matches with
|decade)[s]? old”
Figure 4: Times of event words that are predicted cor-
rectly in TimeBank TestWSJ set in unsupervised set-
ting (only shows most frequent 15 event words)
A.3 Additional Details on Processing
TimeBank and McTACO Data
Each annotated event trigger word in TimeBank
are labeled with two duration values, max duration
and min duration. We use the arithmetic mean of
the two values to generate labels.
For TimeBank Fine-grained task, we use 7 tem-
poral units as all possible labels (same setting with
previous work (Gusev et al., 2011) (Pan et al.,
including “second”, “minute”, “hour”,
“day”, “week”, “month”, “year”. For R-PRED in
McTACO task, we use 8 temporal units instead
(adding “decade”)
A.4 Details on Correctly and Incorrectly
Predicted Event Words in TimeBank
As shown in Figure 4, Figure 5 and Figure 6, we
observe that correctly predicted words are generally
more concrete and more possible to be described
duration in text, which supports our analysis on
reporting bias.
lossexpectedsalesdownprofitrosefiledrequestedtreatmentproducersellerbeneficiarieseligiblenarrowedleap0. 5: Times of event words that are predicted in-
correctly in TimeBank Test set in unsupervised setting
(only shows most frequent 15 event words)
Figure 6: Times of event words that are predicted cor-
rectly in TimeBank Test set in unsupervised setting
(only shows most frequent 15 event words)
saidsaysignedcalledkillingsclaimedresolveddisputessayingratificationcallsseeslayingsmurderedreleased0246810121416Countssaidshowedexpectedraisebecometalksmovebeganhitrallymaintainsawcomingbecameco-pilot02468101214Counts |
ai_researcher | 5 | Forecasting_high-impact_research_topics_via_machine_learning_on_evolving_knowledge_graphs.pdf | 学号 2014301000121
PM 2.5浓度预报模型
院(系)名 称:数学与统计学院
专 业 名 称 :统计学
学 生 姓 名 :曾 婧 鸿
指 导 教 师 :陈玉蓉 讲师
郑 重 声 明
本人签名: 日期:
摘 要
PM 浓度预报对治理武汉市大气污染有重大意义。本文基于非线性回归提
PM 浓度预报模型,包括单值预报模型与区间预报模型。单值预报模型能
浓度,在拟合分析中预报偏差约为 6 μg m3 。区间预报模型
出了 2.5
较准确预报次日 PM2.5
本文结合 NCEP CFS2 气象预报系统实现了 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型的预报应用,并建
立了 NCEP CFS2 的 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型以提高预报准确度,体现了 2.5
PM 浓度预报
关键词:非线性回归; 2.5
PM ;单值预报;区间预报;NCEP CFS2
PM concentration is important to solving air pollution problems in
Wuhan. This paper proposes a
PM concentration forecast model based on nonlinear
regression, including a single-value forecast model and an interval forecast model. The
single-value forecast model can precisely forecast
PM concentration for the next
day, with forecast bias about 6 μg / m3 in goodness of fit analysis. The interval forecast
model can efficiently forecast high-concentration and low-concentration days, which
covers 60%-80% observed samples in model validation. Moreover, this paper combines
PM concentration forecast model with NCEP Climate Forecast System Version
2 to realize its forecast application, then develops NCEP CFS2’s
PM concentration
forecast model to enhance forecast accuracy. The results indicate that the
concentration forecast model has good capacity for independent forecasting.
Key words: Nonlinear regression;
PM ;Single-value forecast;Interval forecast;
目 录
1 关于 2.5
PM 浓度预报
1.1 实际背景 ··············································································································· 1
1.2 研究背景 ··············································································································· 1
1.3 研究思路 ··············································································································· 2
1.3.1 研究内容············································································································ 2
1.3.2 原始数据说明···································································································· 3
1.3.3 数据预处理········································································································ 3
2 基于非线性回归的 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型
2.1 非线性回归理论 ··································································································· 5
2.1.1 非线性回归模型································································································ 5
2.1.2 线性近似············································································································ 5
2.1.3 Bates 曲率度量································································································· 6
2.1.4 Box 偏差度量····································································································· 9
2.2 单值预报模型 ····································································································· 10
2.2.1 非线性构造······································································································ 10
2.2.2 初始模型·········································································································· 12
2.2.3 id 模型 ············································································································· 14
2.2.4 迭代模型·········································································································· 17
2.2.5 模拟研究·········································································································· 21
2.2.6 拟合分析·········································································································· 25
2.3 区间预报模型 ····································································································· 27
2.4 模型检验 ············································································································· 28
PM 浓度预报模型的预报应用
PM 浓度预报模型的预报应用 ······································································· 31
3.1.1 单值预报应用·································································································· 32
3.1.2 区间预报应用·································································································· 36
3.2 NCEP 预报模型的预报应用 ················································································ 38
结论 ····················································································································································· 40
参考文献 ·········································································································································· 44
致谢 ····················································································································································· 46
附录 A················································································································································· 47
附录 B················································································································································· 49
1 关于 PM 2.5浓度预报
1.1 实际背景
目前,随着城市化进程加快,武汉市的大气污染问题愈发严重, 2.5
PM 成为武
汉市全年大部分时间段内的首要污染物。 2.5
PM 是粒径小于等于 2.5 微米的颗粒物,
可被人体直接吸入,因此对人体健康危害极大。 2.5
PM 与气象因素之间的相互作用
在近几年内, 2.5
PM 通常在冬季及前后达到浓度高峰,且可与臭氧形成复合型
质量、推动社会卫生环保事业发展、保护人体健康安全,开展关于 2.5
PM 的研究是
解决空气污染问题的有效且必需途径之一。同时随着公众愈发关注因 2.5
PM 引发的
各类问题,对 2.5
PM 浓度的实时信息和预报信息的需求将会日益增加。
1.2 研究背景
已成功应用于局部地区关于 2.5
PM 、臭氧、空气质量的研究中。
务或环境评估。其中,部分关于 2.5
PM 的研究结果表明各地域地理因素对 2.5
PM 浓度
影响极大,因此关于 2.5
PM 的研究呈现出个体性,需单独分析不同地域的特性,并
关于 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型的研究各有特点,或进行多源数据分析或采用案例对
实现难度大,普适性不足。其中,Cobourn 在 2010 年提出使用非线性回归建立 2.5
方法延伸于 2.5
PM ,展现了非线性回归对于此类问题的适用性,其思想值得采纳与
借鉴;但 Cobourn 建立的预报模型仅适用于特定地区,其参考价值有限。
目前中国尚未有发展成熟的 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型,也未有基于武汉市的相关成
1.3 研究思路
1.3.1 研究内容
鉴于实际背景与研究背景所述:武汉市的首要空气污染物 2.5
PM 具有充分的研
以 2.5
PM 为研究对象,以各气象因素为研究变量,以非线性回归为研究方法,旨在
建立关于 2.5
PM 浓度的预报模型,探究 2.5
PM 浓度与各气象因素之间的关系,并为武
汉市治理 2.5
PM 大气污染与监控环境空气质量提供有效依据。
研究内容顺次包括基于非线性回归建立 2.5
PM 单值预报模型,建立 2.5
PM 区间预
报模型,检验 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型,与特定气象预报系统结合以实现 2.5
PM 浓度预报
模型的预报应用。其中, 2.5
PM 单值预报模型与 2.5
PM 区间预报模型共同组成 2.5
PM 浓
建立 2.5
PM 单值预报模型指建立体现 2.5
PM 浓度与各气象因素之间关系的模型,能较
准确刻画 2.5
PM 浓度的实际变化趋势。建立 2.5
PM 区间预报模型指在 2.5
PM 单值预报模
型的基础上建立合理的预报区间,进一步提高预报效果。实现预报应用指对 2.5
PM 浓
度预报模型引入来自特定气象预报系统的预报数据并分析 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型的预
报效果、预报特点与独立预报能力。独立预报指 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型在仅知预报变
量预报数据时可以直接预报次日 2.5
PM 浓度,而不需要前一天 2.5
PM 浓度信息。
建立 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型使用建模数据集,检验模型使用验模数据集,预报应
1.3.2 原始数据说明
研究所用数据共有三部分,分别是 2014 年至 2017 年全四年武汉市 2.5
PM 浓度
逐日观测值,2014 年至 2017 年全四年武汉市气象因素逐日观测值,2016 年 10 月
至 12 月与 2017 年全年武汉市气象因素逐日预报值。
第一部分数据是响应变量数据集,来自中国空气质量在线监测分析平台 https:
台直接提供的 2.5
PM 浓度逐日数据来自中国环境监测总站。
第二部分数据是预报变量观测值数据集,来自中国气象数据网,网址是 http:
ml。数据经过质量控制,实有率普遍在 99%以上,正确率接近 100%。
第三部分数据是预报变量预报值数据集,全称 NCEP Climate Forecast System
Version 2 (CFSv2) Selected Hourly Time-Series Products,来自 Research Data
Archive at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Computational and
Information Systems Laboratory,网址是,
对应的气象预报系统是 NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2 (CFSv2)。
建模数据集指 2014 年至 2016 年全三年 2.5
PM 浓度观测值与气象因素观测值数
据,用于建立模型。验模数据集指 2017 年全年 2.5
PM 浓度观测值与气象因素观测值
数据,用于检验模型。预报数据集指 2016 年 10 月至 12 月与 2017 年全年 2.5
PM 浓
1.3.3 数据预处理
从三类数据集中截选每年 1 月至 3 月与 10 月至 12 月的逐日数据。见附录 A。
变量介于 0-0.1mm 之间时被记录为“微量”,无数值型数据。考虑到 0-0.1mm 降
水量接近于 0,故直接对此部分数据取 0 处理。各变量数据间数量级相近,且为保
建模数据集中采用的气象自变量总共 7 个,分别是平均气温、最低气温、最
高气温、最小相对湿度、20 至 20 时降水量、蒸发量、最大风速。为有效利用温度
变量的信息,此处构造一个温差变量以探究其与 2.5
PM 浓度的关系。温差定义为最
PM 浓度记为 2.5
PM 因变量,气象变量记为相应的自变量。各变量单位见表 1.1。
表 1.1
PM 因变量与部分气象自变量信息表
温度 温差
1μg m 0.1℃ 0.1℃
20 至 20 时
2 基于非线性回归的 PM 2.5浓度预报模型
2.1 非线性回归理论
本文采用 Bates 曲率度量判断非线性回归模型的非线性强度,作为诊断非线
性回归模型的一重标准;采用 Box 偏差度量初步判断非线性回归模型参数估计的
预报区间。线性近似、Bates 曲率度量、Box 偏差度量等理论来自文献[12],作者
对文献理论进行了整理与总结。程序说明见附录 B。
2.1.1 非线性回归模型
, )
1, 2,...,
iy 是第 i 个响应变量; f 是期望函数;
自 n p× 阶样本资料阵 Χ 的第 i 个样本, p 表示自变量个数, n 表示样本量;
) '
θ =(
θ θ θ
iε 表示随机误差项。
, )表示未知参数, q 表示未知参数个数;
非线性回归模型的基本假设有:(1) (
j≠ 。进一步,当
jε ε = , i
= , (
) 0
ε σ=
1, 2,...,
2.1.2 线性近似
0θ 处对期望函数进行一阶泰勒展开:
, )
, )+
θ θ
, )
其中 1, 2,...,
, )
= Χ
+ ∂ Χ
, )
θ θ (2.3)
, )
, ),
, ),...,
, ) '
f Χ θ 同理。该形式说明
f Χ θ 处的切平面线性近似表示,同时该切平面符合均匀坐
2.1.3 Bates 曲率度量
Bates 曲率度量反映非线性回归模型的非线性强度。非线性回归模型可以理解
为 q 维参数空间到 n 维响应空间的映射。经过参数空间固定点
0θ 处的直线被映射为
f Χ θ 处的曲线。
0θ 处的直线表示为:
h (2.4)
其中, b 为常数, h 为 q 维非零向量。将期望函数 (
f Χ θ 简记为 ( )
f θ ,得到
, )
记 (
0 ' V
。在 0
h (2.5)
b = 处 (
f θ 的切线斜率为:
V h
n q
' V
。在 0
b = 处 (
f θ 的二阶导为:
d f
h V h
× ×
n q q
θ (2.8)
Bates 与 Watts 分别定义固有曲率(intrinsic curvature)与参数效应曲率
(parameter-effects curvature)。固有曲率表示非线性模型本身的非线性强度,
由模型中参数与自变量的组合形式决定,记为 ΝΚ h
引起的非线性强度,可以通过重新参数化降低,记为 ΡΚ h
ΝΚ =h
) 2
1 ''
ΡΚ =h
2 ''
) 2
阶导立体阵。首先将一阶导矩阵进行 QR 分解:
n q
n q
n n
n q q q
L R 。再进行坐标变换:
q q
Φ =
R θ θ (2.12)
θ θ L (2.13)
ˆ= + Φ
当 0Φ = 时 ˆ=θ θ 。在 0Φ = 处对期望函数 ( )
f θ 关于 Φ 求导:
Μ =
( )
( )
θ '
Μ =
进行坐标变换后的一阶导矩阵 V 变为 Μ ,二阶导立体阵 V 变为 Μ ,故可直接
对 Μ 分析非线性强度。
Α = Μ =
n q
n n
n q
× −
n n q
n q
Μ =
Μ 与 Α 表示三维立体阵,各包含 n 个面,每个面是一个 q q× 阶矩阵。
Α 含
× ×
q q q
有 q 面,
Α 含有 n q− 面,每个面均代表一个样本。
− × ×
n q q q
1Q 与
2Q 空间中的向量相互正交。仅考虑样本空间维数时得到
1Q 作用的 q 维
Α 与
× ×
q q q
2Q 作用的 n q− 维
Α 空间,这两个空间相互正交,由此原样本空间
− × ×
n q q q
V 被分解为相互正交的两个空间 ΡΑ 与 ΝΑ 。
从 V 的定义可知,V 由 q 维参数空间生成,而从 V 的 QR 分解可知,V 为 Q 的
前 q 维正交基生成的空间,因此 q 维参数空间对应
1Q 生成的空间,参数空间引起
1Q 传递至正交变换后的空间。故有 q 维空间 ΡΑ 对应参数空间,表
示产生参数效应非线性的空间,而该空间的正交补空间 ΝΑ 则表示产生固有非线性
d=h L , (
d d
d = ,则根据固有曲率、参数效应曲率公
V h V L
h V h
= Μ
Κ =
Κ =
ΝΚ h
和 ΡΚ h
与单位向量 d 的取值有关,故考虑所有方向上的均方曲率作为统一
评价标准。定义均方固有曲率(Mean Square Intrinsic Curvature)与均方参数
效应曲率(Mean Square Parameter-effects Curvature)分别为
ΝΚ 与
ΡΚ :
n q
d ds
d ds
S q
S q
其中, (
S q 表示 q 维单位球体表面积;
ΝΑ 表示 ΝΑ 的第 i 个样本面,
ΡΑ 同理。
n q
∑ ∑∑
∑ ∑∑
q q
q q
其中, tija 表示对应立体阵的第 t 个样本面的(
ΝΚ 用于衡量模型固有非线性强度,对应平坦性假设。
j 元。
ΡΚ 用于衡量模型参
数效应非线性强度,对应均匀坐标假设。由于线性回归模型的 V 恒为 0,要对非线
ΝΚ 与
ΡΚ 足够接近 0。因此需要寻找一个临界值以判断均方曲率与 0 足够接
近,当均方曲率小于此临界值时认为均方曲率接近于 0,此时满足相应的假设条件。
考虑 n q× 阶样本资料阵 Χ 的线性回归模型。置信水平为(
1 α− 的参数联合置
θ θ
) (
θ θ
qF q n q
q F q n q
,其中 ˆσ是残差标准差。该置信域对
qF q n q
ρ σ=
ˆ q
ΝΚ ≤
ΡΚ ≤
ΝΚ ≤
F q n q
MSρ ΝΚ 、
MSρ ΡΚ 与
F q n q
F q n q
ΡΚ ≤
F q n q
MSρ ΡΚ 是无量纲数,不受变量单位影响。
非线性回归模型在满足两个假设条件后可能没有有效的参数估计,故在 Bates
MSρ ΝΚ 、
MSρ ΡΚ 均小于
F q n q α−
MSρ ΝΚ 、
F q n q α−
2.1.4 Box 偏差度量
Bates 曲率度量从非线性强度出发度量非线性回归模型的性态,但不表示在曲
率接近 0 时参数估计有很好的性质。故进而采用 Box 偏差度量模型的近似参数估
计偏差,从而初步判断参数估计的优良性。给出 Box 偏差定义:
( )
= Ε −
θ θ
= −
iV 表示 V 第 i 个1 q× 阶行向量或样本,
) 1
iV 表示 V 第 i 个样本面。
= Μ
Ε −
θ θ
= −
同时定义 Box 百分偏差为 Box 偏差与对应参数估计的百分比。Box 百分偏差可
当 Box 偏差很大时,参数估计通常不优良。但在参数有偏时非线性回归模型
可能会有很好的拟合效果。因此 Box 偏差只作为一个初步参考,并不最终决定参
2.2 单值预报模型
2.2.1 非线性构造
检验 2.5
PM 因变量与各自变量间的相关性。见表 2.1。在显著水平α=.05 时,
所有 P − 值均小于α,认为 2.5
PM 因变量与各自变量之间的相关性显著。其中,温差
与降水量对 2.5
PM 因变量的影响最为显著,其次是降水量、温度与风速。
表 2.1
PM 因变量与各自变量的 Spearman 相关性检验表
P − 值
在 2.5
PM 因变量关于温差、降水量、温度、风速图 2.1 中, 2.5
PM 因变量与各自
数形式。其中, 2.5
PM 因变量与温差之间的走势关系相对更加突出,总体上两者呈
正相关。故首先探究 2.5
PM 因变量与温差之间可能存在的非线性形式。
对 2.5
PM 因变量取对数处理。为了减小数量级差异与舍入误差,对 2.5
PM 因变量为对数 2.5
取对数后乘以 10,提高一级数量级。记取对数后的 2.5
PM 因变量
为 lpm 。
图 2.1
PM 因变量关于部分自变量的走势图
在对数 2.5
PM 与温差图 2.2 中,对数 2.5
= ×
b x 对两者之间的走势进行刻画,其中 a 、b 为未知
PM 与温差之间的非线性关系更加明显。
参数。该函数表达式可以较好表示对数 2.5
PM 与温差之间的关系,由此构造出非线
lpm a
= ×
b trg
图 2.2 对数 2.5
PM 关于温差的非线性走势图
2.2.2 初始模型
的主要部分;而将其余变量直接纳入模型以增加模型的解释度。暂不采用 hm 变量。
× +
× +
初始模型函数(2.31)即为期望函数 (
f Χ θ 的对数形式。
, )
根据模型(2.31)建立非线性回归模型。采用 Gauss-Newton 法求解最小二乘估计
量。根据预迭代结果选取初值。迭代信息见表 2.2。其中,迭代 2 步后残差平方和
与各参数估计达到稳定,迭代 4 步后确认迭代收敛。
临界值的 0.5 倍、临界值的 0.2 倍分别进行比较。见表 2.3。固有曲率与参数效应
曲率均小于三种临界值,认为非线性曲率近似为 0,确认初始模型的非线性强度很
同时计算 Box 偏差与 Box 百分偏差,见表 2.4。所有参数估计的偏差很小,百
分偏差均小于 0.5%,认为所有参数估计接近无偏估计,初始模型没有产生较大偏
表 2.2 初始模型迭代信息表
表 2.3 初始模型非线性强度度量
曲率值 临界值
0.5× 临界值
0.2× 临界值
MSρ ΡΚ 参数效应曲率
表 2.4 初始模型参数估计的 Box 偏差度量
Box 偏差
Box 百分偏差
进行残差分析。在图 2.3 中,大部分标准化残差均在(-3,3)范围内,少数为疑
似异常点或强影响点。在 Spearman 相关性检验中,当显著水平α=.01 时,除了变
量 t 与 ep ,标准化残差绝对值与拟合值、其余变量之间存在显著的相关性,认为标
图 2.3 标准化残差图
表 2.5 标准化残差绝对值与拟合值、各自变量的 Spearman 相关性检验表
P − 值
te 与时序后一个标准化残差
1te − 图 2.4 中,标准化残
差存在序列正相关性。对时序前后相邻的两组标准化残差做 Pearson 相关性检验,
相关系数为.639, P − 值远小于.01,认为标准化残差存在显著的正自相关性。
图 2.4 时序前后相邻的标准化残差图
2.2.3 id 模型
为了消弱初始模型的异方差性,首先对建模数据集的对数 2.5
PM 进行分析。在
图 2.5 中,对数 2.5
PM 样本点主要分布于均值附近,部分样本点波动较大。从图 2.6
中,可知对数 2.5
PM 分布的两端尾部较厚,且有左侧长尾。大部分对数 2.5
PM 样本点
图 2.5 2014 年至 2016 年的对数 2.5
图 2.6 对数 2.5
PM 的核密度估计图
依据对数 2.5
PM 的性质,对对数 2.5
PM 均值加减一个标准差的区间端点值取整。
由此构造属性变量 id :
由此构造 id 模型函数为:
= ×
× +
× +
根据模型(2.33)建立非线性回归模型。迭代 3 次后确认迭代收敛。固有曲率与
参数效应曲率均小于三种临界值,认为曲率近似为 0,确认该模型非线性强度很低。
同时,所有参数估计的 Box 偏差很小,百分偏差均小于 0.5%,认为参数估计较为
表 2.6 id 模型迭代信息表
ˆθ 残差平方和
表 2.7 id 模型非线性强度度量
曲率值 临界值
0.5× 临界值
0.2× 临界值
MSρ ΡΚ 参数效应曲率
表 2.8 id 模型参数估计的 Box 偏差度量
Box 偏差
Box 百分偏差 0.002% 0.157%
进行残差分析。在图 2.7 中,所有标准化残差均在(-3,3)范围内,没有异常点。
在 Spearman 相关性检验中,当显著水平α=.01 时,标准化残差绝对值与拟合值、
准化残差的异方差性已被消除, id 模型不存在异方差性。
图 2.7 标准化残差图
表 2.9 标准化残差绝对值与拟合值、各自变量的 Spearman 相关系数表
id 模型
P − 值
te 与时序后一个标准化残差
1te − 图 2.8 中,标准化残
差存在序列正相关性。对时序前后相邻的两组标准化残差做 Pearson 相关性检验,
相关系数为.417, P − 值远小于.01,认为标准化残差存在显著的正自相关性。
图 2.8 时序前后相邻的标准化残差图
综上所述, id 模型不存在异方差性,而存在自相关性,满足非线性回归模型
2.2.4 迭代模型
根据上述分析结果,残差之间存在一定的正相关性,记相关系数为 ρ。采用
tδ 满足 (
= ; (
) 0
δ τ=
; (
δ δ =
≠, 。
+ ×
= ×
先取 ρ为.417,当作模型(2.35)常数建立非线性回归模型,对应迭代模型 1。
再取 ρ初值为.417,当作模型(2.35)参数建立非线性回归模型,对应迭代模型 3。
结合前两个模型结果,取 ρ为.5,当作模型(2.35)常数建立非线性回归模型,对
应迭代模型 2。
表 2.10 中标记出当显著水平α=.05 时与标准化残差绝对值显著相关的部分变
量。当显著水平α=.01 时标准化残差绝对值与 trg 变量无相关性。
ρ过大时迭代模型异方差性显著, ρ过小时迭代模型自相关性显著。其中,
迭代模型 2 最佳。
迭代模型 ρ
表 2.10 迭代模型相关性检验表
cor e e −
确定迭代模型 2 为迭代模型。得到迭代模型为:
= ×
+ ×
根据模型(2.36)建立非线性回归模型。迭代 3 步后确认迭代收敛。迭代模型
固有曲率与参数效应曲率均小于三种临界值,认为曲率近似为 0,确认该模型非线
性强度很低。所有参数估计的 Box 偏差很小,Box 百分偏差均小于 0.5%,认为参
表 2.11 迭代模型迭代信息表
ˆθ 残差平方和
表 2.12 迭代模型非线性强度度量
曲率值 临界值
0.5× 临界值
0.2× 临界值
MSρ ΡΚ 参数效应曲率
表 2.13 迭代模型参数估计的 Box 偏差度量
Box 偏差
Box 百分偏差 0.002%
进行残差分析。在图 2.9 中,所有标准化残差均在(-3,3)范围内,没有异常点。
残差均值为 1.57× -510 ,认为残差满足零均值。在 Spearman 相关性检验中,当显
著水平α=.01 时,标准化残差绝对值与 ˆy 、 t 、ep 、trg 、id 等无显著相关性。而
变量 w 、 pc 与标准化残差绝对值之间有显著的相关性,但是相关系数较小,说明
标准化残差绝对值与变量 w 、 pc 之间的相关性显著但不强。在标准化残差与变量
w 、 pc 图 2.13 中,可以看出存在一定的异方差性,但异方差性的强度不大。故认
图 2.9 标准化残差图
表 2.14 标准化残差绝对值与拟合值、各自变量的 Spearman 相关系数表
id 模型
P − 值
图 2.10 标准化残差与 w 、 pc 的走势图
1te − 图 2.11 中,标准化残
差不存在显著自相关性。对时序前后相邻的两组标准化残差做 Pearson 相关性检
te 与时序后一个标准化残差
验,相关系数为.078,P − 值为.068。当显著水平α=.01 时认为标准化残差不存在
虽然迭代模型的异方差性比 id 模型强,但迭代模型的自相关性基本被消除。
te 的性质会影响
tδ 的性质,所以迭代模型中的异方差性与自相关性很难同时消
图 2.11 时序前后相邻的标准化残差图
对残差做 Kolmogorov-Smirnov 正态性检验, D =0.246, P − 值
2.2 10−
故当显著水平α=.05 时残差不服从正态分布,迭代模型不满足正态假设。
2.2.5 模拟研究
(1)以变量 id 为指标在样本资料阵中分层抽样,抽样样本量固定为 450。
(3)重复步骤(2) 1000 次,得到 1000 个各参数估计的模拟样本估计。若 1000
次模拟中接受模拟残差与样本残差来自同一分布的频率足够大,则接受 1000 次模
(4)根据 1000 次模拟样本信息研究样本参数估计的优良性。
预模拟 100 次,判断迭代模型是否收敛以及其非线性强度是否足够低。在 100
次预模拟中模型全部达到收敛状态,且非线性强度很低。见表 2.15 与表 2.16。
表 2.15 预模拟的迭代信息表
重复次数 收敛次数 收敛率 平均迭代步数 最大迭代步数 最小迭代步数
表 2.16 预模拟的曲率大小比较信息表
次数 通过率
次数 通过率
MSρ ΝΚ < 临界值
MSρ ΡΚ < 临界值
应位置的样本残差,两者完全不相同。在 Kolmogorov-Smirnov 双样本检验中,当
显著水平α=.05 时, D =0.033, P − 值=.95,接受模拟残差与样本残差来自同一
分布的假设。在图 2.12 中,模拟残差与样本残差的经验分布非常接近,故接受一
图 2.12 判断总体残差与样本残差是否来自同一分布
重复模拟 1000 次。1000 次迭代全部收敛,曲率小于临界值的通过率为 100%,
模拟残差与对应位置的样本残差完全不相同。在 Kolmogorov-Smirnov 双样本检验
中,1000 次模拟的 P − 值均同时大于.05 与.5,接受模拟残差与样本残差来自同一
从表 2.17 可知,所有模拟参数估计都是有偏的,但偏差数量级很小。同时所
有模拟参数估计的均方误差很小,接近于 0。综上所述,所有样本参数估计是有偏
模拟研究的偏差与 Box 偏差不同是因为 Box 偏差只是近似偏差;但对于大部
分变量偏差,两者数量级接近,说明 Box 偏差在估计近似偏差中仍是有效的。
表 2.17 模拟参数估计的优良性检验
ˆ *θ
ˆ *θ
ˆ *θ
ˆ *θ
ˆ *θ
ˆ *θ
ˆ *θ
见表 2.18。从表 2.19 可知,修偏参数估计仍是有效的,故认为迭代模型的修偏参
表 2.18 修偏参数估计
表 2.19 修偏后模拟参数估计的有效性检验
ˆ *θ
ˆ *θ
ˆ *θ
ˆ *θ
ˆ *θ
ˆ *θ
ˆ *θ
表 2.20 可知,修偏迭代模型的非线性强度仍然很低。
表 2.20 修偏迭代模型非线性强度度量
曲率值 临界值
0.5× 临界值
0.2× 临界值
MSρ ΡΚ 参数效应曲率
为 0.008,认为残差满足零均值。在 Spearman 相关性检验中,当显著水平α=.01
时,标准化残差绝对值与 ˆy 、t 、ep 、trg 、id 等无显著相关性。而变量 w 、 pc 与
对值与变量 w 、pc 之间的相关性不强。这与原迭代模型的 Spearman 相关性检验结
表 2.21 标准化残差绝对值与拟合值、各自变量的 Spearman 相关系数表
P − 值
对时序前后相邻的两组标准化残差做 Pearson 相关性检验,相关系数为.067,
P − 值为.120。当显著水平α=.01 时认为标准化残差不存在自相关性。
修偏后,对数 2.5
PM 拟合值与对数 2.5
PM 观测值之差的平方和为 6784.372,回归
平方和为 7102.168;修偏前,对数 2.5
PM 拟合值与对数 2.5
PM 观测值之差的平方和为
6832.748,回归平方和为 6864.762。修偏减小了残差平方和并增大了回归平方和,
2.2.6 拟合分析
图 2.13 中,迭代模型的表现较为稳定,模型形态与样本点的分布相近,模型能够
图 2.13 2014 年-2016 年对数 2.5
PM 修偏拟合曲线对样本点的拟合图
的直方图 2.14 中,50%的修偏残差绝对值小于 3,90%的修偏残差绝对值小于 6,在
绝大部分样本点处修偏拟合值与观测值之差的绝对值小于 5,说明修偏拟合值与观
图 2.14 2014 年-2016 年修偏残差绝对值的直方图
将模型(2.37)还原,得到 2.5
PM 浓度的非线性回归单值预报模型为:
pm e
pm e
pm e
简称 2.5
PM 单值预报模型。
在 2.5
PM 单值预报模型对样本的拟合图 2.15 中,单值预报模型的整体形态较为
稳定且与样本曲线形态相吻合,基本能准确体现 2.5
PM 浓度的真实变化趋势。在部
分低浓度处模型也存在轻度的高估现象。因此 2.5
PM 单值预报模型对中等浓度天气
图 2.15 2014 年-2016 年 2.5
PM 单值预报模型对观测样本的拟合图
2.3 区间预报模型
由于 2.5
PM 单值预报模型的非线性强度很低,模型性态近似线性性态,因此可
采用分段区间建立 2.5
PM 区间预报模型。
根据国家环境空气质量标准[13], 2.5
PM 的 24 小时平均浓度二级浓度限值为 75
μg m ,一级浓度限值为 35
μg m 。仅考虑 2.5
PM 浓度对空气质量的影响。当 2.5
浓度在一级浓度限值以下时,空气质量为优,对人体危害极小;当 2.5
PM 浓度在二
级浓度限值以上时,存在空气污染现象,尤其当 2.5
PM 浓度达到 150
μg m 以上时,
空气污染较为严重,属于 2.5
PM 高污染天气,对人体危害较大。
结合实际背景与 2.5
PM 单值预报模型,定义 2.5
PM 区间预报模型 I 为:
pm I
∈ =
pm r pm
0, 35 ,
, 35
当模型预报值 pm 小于 35
μg m 时,预测真实 2.5
属低浓度天气,空气质量为优。当模型预报值 pm 大于 150
PM 浓度介于 0 35
μg m ,
μg m 时,预测真实 2.5
浓度大于 150
μg m 且可能出现浓度超过 200
μg m 的极端天气,属高浓度天气并
预警极高浓度天气,空气质量为差。当模型预报值 pm 介于 35 150
μg m 时,预
测真实 2.5
PM 浓度属于由 2.5
PM 单值预报模型预报值构成的区间内,属中等浓度天
气,当 2.5
PM 预报浓度未超过 75
μg m 时空气质量为良,否则空气质量为较差。
r 表示区间精度,其值越小则区间精度越高。不同的实际需求对 r 的取值标准
精度预报区间取 r =20,记为
30 , 35
0, 35 ,
0, 35 ,
45 , 35
准确度预报区间取 r =30,记为
两类预报区间的应用需结合 2.5
PM 观测样本个数与 2.5
区间的 2.5
PM 单值预报模型。定义样本包含率为属于预报
PM 观测样本总数的百分比。对于 2014 年至 2016 年
2I 的样本包含率能达到 80%
以上。见表 2.22。由此确定精度预报区间的提议标准为 60%,准确度预报区间的提
1I 的样本包含率能达到 60%以上,
议标准为 80%。
表 2.22 两类预报区间的样本包含率
两类预报区间的实际预报效果图 2.16 可以形象展现两类预报区间的实际预报
图 2.16 两类预报区间在连续部分天数内的预报效果图
2.4 模型检验
模型检验以验模数据集展开,检验 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型的预报效果,包括检验
PM 单值预报模型的独立预报效果以及检验 2.5
PM 区间预报模型的独立预报效果,
即检验两类预报区间是否分别达到 60%与 80%的提议标准。
在对 2017 年检验样本的拟合图 2.17 中, 2.5
PM 单值预报模型能较好拟合检验
合偏差较大。整体来看,单值预报模型能达到预期拟合效果。 2.5
PM 单值预报模型
报中等浓度 2.5
PM 天气。其缺点是对高值与低值的预测准确度尚待提升,开展独立
检验 2.5
PM 区间预报模型的预报效果。对于 2017 年验模数据集,
率超过 60%,
2I 的样本包含率超过 80%,均达到提议标准。综上所述,认为 2.5
1I 的样本包含
PM 区
间预报模型通过一次检验。见表 2.23。
表 2.23 2017 年两类预报区间的样本包含率
图 2.17 2017 年 2.5
PM 单值预报模型对检验样本的拟合图
图 2.18 两类预报区间在 2017 年连续部分天数内的预报效果图
在与 2.5
PM 单值预报模型结合后, 2.5
PM 区间预报模型有效预报高值与低值的能
力得到了充分体现。同时 2.5
PM 区间预报模型融合了 2.5
PM 单值预报模型对于中等浓
度 2.5
PM 天气的预报特长,进一步优化了预报效果。
点值与 2.5
PM 单值预报模型的预报值之间,所以 2.5
PM 区间预报模型不能完全体现
PM 单值预报模型的预报精度。
3 PM 2.5 浓度预报模型的预报应用
本章主要考察 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型在预报应用中的实现情况。使用的预报数据
集时段为 2016 年 10 月至 12 月与 2017 年 1 月至 3 月、10 月至 12 月。
采用 NCEP CFS2 气象预报系统与 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型结合。NCEP CFS2 气象预
报系统全称 The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Climate
Forecast System (CFS) Version 2。目前 NCEP CFS2 暂未提供蒸发量预报数据,
等预报数据采用 NCEP CFS2 预报数据。该系统提供每日四次逐 6 小时预报值,对
于温度、温差、降水量等变量采用四次逐 6 小时预报数据的算术平均值作为单日
预报数据,对于风速变量采用四次逐 6 小时预报数据的最大值作为单日预报数据。
PM 浓度预报模型的预报应用
PM 浓度预报模型指 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型的结构为:
型。 2.5
PM 单值预报模型与 2.5
PM 区间预报模型组成的整体模
pm e
pm e
pm e
0, 35 ,
30 , 35
0, 35 ,
45 , 35
将 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型与 NCEP CFS2 结合。首先采用 2.5
PM 观测值求取 id 变量真
值。再将 NCEP CFS2 提供的温度、温差、降水量、风速预报信息代入 2.5
PM 浓度预
报模型中计算预报值,比较预报值与观测值,从而分别考察 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型在
3.1.1 单值预报应用
在对预报应用样本的拟合图 3.1 中, 2.5
PM 单值预报模型能较好拟合预报应用
样本的变化趋势,但单值预报的准确度不足。结合 NCEP CFS2 后, 2.5
PM 单值预报
图 3.1
PM 浓度预报模型对预报应用样本的拟合图
PM 单值预报模型出现过高预报值很可能与模型的外推能力有关。给出各变
量在建模过程与预报应用中的取值区间。见表 3.1。
其中,超出变量 t 范围的预报应用样本有 2 个,超出变量 trg 范围的预报应用
样本有 107 个,超出变量 w 范围的预报应用样本有 1 个。超出变量 t 、 w 范围的预
报应用样本量不大,但超出变量 trg 范围的预报应用样本量较大,故变量 trg 对预
表 3.1 各变量实有取值区间
预报应用 [
19.3, 249.6 [
0, 64
38, 243
9, 205
0, 689
0, 64
在预报应用中,当变量 trg 取值在建模取值区间外但仍为正值时,预报值对真
当变量 trg 取值为负值时,对应 77 个样本。其中,预报模型出现 1 个大于 200、
小于 300 的高预报值(208.4),对应 1 个 200 以下、100 以上的真值(182),未
出现较大偏差;出现 8 个大于 300 的过高预报值,对应 7 个 100 以下的真值与 1
个大于 100、小于 200 的真值(108),出现了较大偏差,认为在这些样本点处模
型外推失效;在其余样本点处,模型拟合较好。因此负值 trg 不一定会完全破坏 2.5
单值预报模型的拟合效果,但对 2.5
PM 单值预报模型的外推仍是有风险的。当负值
trg 对应的 2.5
PM 浓度预报值不超过 300 时,可以接受预报结果;但当负值 trg 对应
的 2.5
PM 浓度预报值过高时则需谨慎接受预报结果,因为此时模型外推很可能失效。
变量 trg 能取到负值,这与 NCEP CFS2 的预报模式、预报准确度及精度有关,
当气象预报系统能够提供更精准的预报产品时, 2.5
PM 单值预报模型的应用价
值将能更充分发挥。此处结合 NCEP CFS2 说明预报应用中如何求取 id 变量预报值。
在上述预报应用中, id 变量预报值采用真值,但在实际预报中其真值是未知
(1) 使用前一天 2.5
PM 浓度观测值计算 id 变量预报值,即:
, t 表示观测日;
(2) 使用剔除 id 变量后的单值预报模型计算 id 变量预报值,即:
pm e
pm e
pm e
e p
两种算法对预报应用样本的拟合见图 3.2 与图 3.3。从总体拟合效果看,两种
图 3.2 第一种算法对预报应用样本的拟合图
图 3.3 第二种算法对预报应用样本的拟合图
进一步比较两种算法与 id 变量取真值时的预报差异。见图 3.4。第一种算法与
id 变量真值拟合曲线几乎吻合,仅在部分样本点处出现微小波动,说明第一种算
法能有效估计 id 变量并接近真实取值时的预报效果。第二种算法与 id 变量真
值拟合曲线基本接近,也能有效估计 id 变量,但出现较大偏差的频数更高。
图 3.4 两种算法与 id 变量真值的预报对比图
记 2.5
PM 预报应用样本观测值与 2.5
PM 单值预报模型预报值之差的绝对值为预
报偏差。两种算法与 id 真值的预报偏差分位数比较见表 3.2。第一种算法与 id 取真
值时的预报结果相近,而第二种算法与 id 取真值时的预报结果相差较大。综上说
表 3.2 两种算法与 id 真值的预报偏差分位数比较
id 真值
高,说明两种算法的预报能力存在显著差异。对于 60%左右的预报应用样本,两种
算法与 id 真值时的预报偏差不超过 30。考虑到 NCEP CFS2 与组合预报系统的预报
准确度,预报偏差在 40 以内是可以接受的,据此第一种算法的预报准确率能达到
75%,第二种算法的预报准确率能达到 60%。
综上所述, 2.5
PM 单值预报模型可以用于独立预报,但预报准确率尚还不足。
对于 id 变量预报值,建议使用第一种算法,或结合 2.5
PM 区间预报模型的预报效果
3.1.2 区间预报应用
当 id 变量取真值时,对于 2.5
1I 的样本包含率能
2I 的样本包含率能达到 70%以上。相比于模型检验,预报应用的样
本包含率减小 10%左右,可能是因为预报应用样本量不够大,或 NCEP CFS2 的预报
PM 区间预报模型的预报应用,
达到 50%以上,
精度有限,或 2.5
PM 区间预报模型与 NCEP CFS2 的结合效果不够理想。
表 3.3 区间预报应用中两类预报区间的样本包含率
图 3.5 两类预报区间在预报检验的预报效果图
与 NCEP CFS2 结合后的区间预报模型倾向于高估真实值,因此理论预报区间
应该是上半区间长度小于下半区间长度。这恰好与 2.5
PM 区间预报模型构造方式相
反,但并不表示 2.5
PM 区间预报模型是错误的,只能说明 2.5
PM 区间预报模型与 NCEP
CFS2 结合的整体模型没有产生预期效果。当 2.5
PM 区间预报模型与其他气象预报系
统结合时可能会产生显著优于本例和 2.5
PM 区间预报模型的预报效果。因此在实际
应用中需对与 2.5
PM 区间预报模型结合的气象预报系统进行筛选。
再分别使用两种 id 变量预报值算法对区间预报应用进行分析。
采用第一种算法时区间预报应用的样本包含率相比于 id 取真值时小幅下降,
因为前一天 2.5
PM 浓度不一定能完全体现第二天 2.5
PM 浓度的真实情况,前后观测值
的差距将导致预报准确度下降。但样本率下降幅度不大,因此前一天 2.5
PM 观测值
在一定程度上能有效代替后一天 2.5
PM 观测值。第一种算法在前一天 2.5
PM 观测数据
表 3.4 第一种算法的样本包含率
采用第二种算法时区间预报应用的样本包含率相比于 id 取真值时下降更多,
很可能是因为 2.5
PM 单值预报模型的预报能力还不充分,无法完全预测 2.5
PM 真实浓
更广。随着单值预报模型在未来不断提高预报效果,单值预报模型对于 2.5
PM 真实
表 3.5 第二种算法的样本包含率
3.2 NCEP 预报模型的预报应用
因为 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型与 NCEP CFS2 结合的预报效果有待加强,故根据 2.5
PM 浓度预报模
浓度预报模型与 NCEP CFS2 的结合特点,提出针对 NCEP CFS2 的 2.5
型,简称 NCEP 预报模型,并实现 NCEP 区间预报模型的预报应用。
建立 NCEP 预报模型为:
0, 35 ,
pm e
pm e
pm e
1.5 ,
r pm r
, 35
构造 NCEP 精度区间
1I 为:
0, 35 ,
20 , 35
采用 id 变量真值,此时
1I 样本包含率为 61.5%,通过精度区间检验。
构造 NCEP 准确度区间
2I 为:
0, 35 ,
30 , 35
采用 id 变量真值,此时
2I 样本包含率为 80.2%%,通过准确度区间检验。
再使用两种 id 变量预报值算法计算两类预报区间的样本包含率。见表 3.6。
NCEP 区间预报模型的样本包含率比之 NCEP CFS2 与 2.5
PM 区间预报模型结合时
有显著提高,也更符合建模过程中的提议标准,说明 NCEP 区间预报模型的预报效
果不仅优于 2.5
PM 区间预报模型,而且更加接近预期预报效果。同时 NCEP 区间预报
表 3.6 预报应用中两类 NCEP 预报区间的样本包含率
id 预报值
展 NCEP 区间预报模型的预报应用。同时证实了 2.5
PM 预报模型与气象预报系统的结
引入预报变量后 NCEP 区间预报模型的样本包含率会有一定程度的下降,因此
精度区间与准确度区间的实际预报率应在 60%、70%左右;相较于提议标准,预报
率将会下降 5%-10%。若想使区间预报模型达到预期预报效果,则需进一步优化区
间预报模型结构并扩大样本量。对于初步预报模型而言,NCEP 区间预报模型的效
结 论
1 结论概述
本文建立并检验了 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型分为 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型,同时实现了该预报模型的预报应用。
PM 单值预报模型与 2.5
PM 区间预报模型。 2.5
PM 单值
预报模型既能较为准确反映 2.5
PM 浓度变化趋势,又能初步实现独立预报。 2.5
PM 区
间预报模型弥补了 2.5
PM 单值预报模型的不足,同时发挥单值预报特点,有效提高
信息。建议使用 2.5
PM 区间预报模型,同时参考 2.5
PM 单值预报模型的预报结果,以
获取较准确的 2.5
PM 预报浓度与对应的空气质量预报等级。
PM 浓度预报模型的预报应用效果与气象预报系统类型有关。本文结合 NCEP
CFS2 气象预报系统实现了 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型的预报应用,证明了 2.5
PM 浓度预报模
型的可行性。为产生更好的预报效果,建议进一步对比筛选适合 2.5
PM 浓度预报模
PM 浓度预报模型有很好的应用前景。随着多类气象预报系统的发展,在未
来可获取更多类型的气象因素预报值,从而完善 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型; 2.5
PM 浓度预
报因子体现不同气象预报系统与 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型的组合差异,并对不同组合的
预报表现进行比较。这不仅有利于开发 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型的潜力,而且能把握不
武汉市 2.5
PM 浓度非线性回归预报模型将能协助治理武汉市 2.5
PM 大气污染、推
动提高武汉市环境空气质量,同时满足公众对 2.5
PM 浓度信息的需求、带来持续的
2 结论要点
PM 浓度预报模型,指 2.5
PM 单值预报模型与 2.5
PM 区间预报模型组成的整体预
pm e
pm e
pm e
, 35
30 , 35
0, 35 ,
pm r pm
0, 35 ,
0, 35 ,
45 , 35
PM 浓度非线性回归单值预报模型,简称 2.5
PM 单值预报模型。模型结构为:
pm e
pm e
pm e
PM 单值预报模型能较准确体现 2.5
PM 浓度的变化趋势,且达到了预期拟合效
量预报值为负值且对应 2.5
PM 浓度预报值过高时需谨慎接受预报结果。
PM 浓度区间预报模型,简称 2.5
PM 区间预报模型,包含精度预报区间
1I 与准
2I 。模型结构为:
0, 35 ,
pm r pm
0, 35 ,
0, 35 ,
, 35
30 , 35
45 , 35
精度预报区间的提议标准为 60%,准确度预报区间的提议标准为 80%。两类预
报区间的样本包含率分别为 65.4%,83%,均通过了模型检验。在预报应用中,两
类预报区间的样本包含率分别为 52.0%,74.4%,与提议标准有差距,但仍能较好
(3) NCEP 预报模型,针对 NCEP CFS2 气象预报系统的 2.5
PM 浓度预报模型。NCEP 单
值预报模型与 2.5
PM 单值预报模型相同。NCEP 区间预报模型包含精度预报区间
1I 与
2I 。模型结构为:
pm e
pm e
pm e
0, 35 ,
1.5 ,
r pm r
0, 35 ,
, 35
20 , 35
0, 35 ,
30 , 35
两类预报区间的样本包含率非常接近提议标准,预报效果显著优于 2.5
PM 区间
在结合 NCEP CFS2 气象预报系统时,建议使用 NCEP 预报模型。在使用 NCEP
预报模型时,建议首先使用 NCEP 区间预报模型,可参考 NCEP 单值预报模型的预
(4) id 变量预报值的两种算法。使用前一天 2.5
PM 观测值计算 id 变量预报值的算法
便捷快速,但依赖真实数据;使用剔除 id 变量后的 2.5
PM 单值预报模型计算 id 变量
可直接采用第一种算法。当 2.5
PM 单值预报模型得到进一步优化后,建议采用
[1] 解淑艳,刘冰,李健军.全国环境空气质量数值预报预警系统建立探析[J].环
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[6] W. Geoffrey Cobourn, Milton C. Hubbard. Development of a regression
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[7] W. Geoffrey Cobourn, Milton C. Hubbard. An enhanced ozone forecasting
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[8] W. Geoffrey Cobourn et al. A comparison of nonlinear regression and
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[9] W. Geoffrey Cobourn, Yiqiu Lin. Fuzzy system models combined with
nonlinear regression for daily ground-level ozone predictions[J].
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[10] W. Geoffrey Cobourn. Accuracy and reliability of an automated air
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致 谢
任课老师的教导。特别致谢中国气象数据网与 RDA 的数据支持。
附 录 A
附 A1 部分建模数据集
表 A1 2014 年 1 月
PM 浓度与各气象观测数据表
PM 2.5 浓度 平均气温 最高气温 最低气温
20 至 20 时
最大风速 大型蒸发量
附 A2 部分预报应用数据集
表 A2 2017 年 12 月
PM 浓度观测数据与各气象预报数据表
PM 2.5 浓度 平均气温 最高气温 最低气温
20 至 20 时
最大风速 大型蒸发量
附 录 B
附注根据文献[12]编写的计算 Bates 曲率度量与 Box 偏差度量的 R 函数,以
及如何使用该函数的 R 程序说明。
附 B1 Bates 曲率度量与 Box 偏差度量程序
函数 noncurva(nl.1,V1,V2,alpha=0.05)用于计算 Bates 曲率与 Box 偏差,适用于
未知参数个数大于等于 2 的非线性回归模型。其中,nl.1 表示非线性回归模型,V1
表示一阶导矩阵 V ,V2 表示二阶导立体阵 V 。程序如下:
Q=qr.Q(qr,complete = T)
for(i in 1:dim(V2)[1]) U[i,,]=t(L)%*%V2[i,,]%*%L
for(i in 1:dim(U)[3]) A[,,i]=t(Q)%*%U[,,i]
#mean square curvature
for(i in 1:dim(At)[1]) rms0[i]=2*sum(At[i,,]^2)+(sum(diag(At[i,,])))^2
#box bias
for(i in 1:n){
附 B2 非线性回归建模程序
此部分说明如何根据非线性回归模型使用 noncurva 函数。程序如下:
start = list(a=40,b=1,c=0,d=0,e=0,f=0,g=1),trace = T) #nonlinear model
fx=deriv(forl,xlist,hessian = T,function.arg = T )
ai_researcher | 2 | Using_Large_Language_Models_for_Bug_Localization_and_Fixing.pdf | 4
A Deep Dive into Large Language Models for Automated Bug
Localization and Repair
SONEYA BINTA HOSSAIN, University of Virginia, USA
NAN JIANG, Purdue University, USA
QIANG ZHOU, Amazon Web Services, USA
XIAOPENG LI, Amazon Web Services, USA
WEN-HAO CHIANG, Amazon Web Services, USA
YINGJUN LYU, Amazon Web Services, USA
HOAN NGUYEN, Amazon Web Services, USA
OMER TRIPP, Amazon Web Services, USA
Large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive effectiveness in various software engineering tasks,
including automated program repair (APR). In this study, we take a deep dive into automated bug localization
and repair utilizing LLMs. In contrast to many deep learning-based APR methods that assume known bug
locations, rely on line-level localization tools, or address bug prediction and fixing in one step, our approach
uniquely employs LLMs to predict bug location at the token level and subsequently utilizes them for bug
fixing. This methodological separation of bug localization and fixing using different LLMs enables effective
integration of diverse contextual information and improved incorporation of inductive biases. We introduce
Toggle: Token-Granulated Bug Localization and Repair, a comprehensive program repair framework that
integrates a bug localization model, an adjustment model to address tokenizer inconsistencies, and a bug-fixing
model. Toggle takes a buggy function as input and generates a complete corrected function. We investigate
various styles of prompting to the bug fixing model to identify the most effective prompts that better utilize
the inductive bias and significantly outperform others. Toggle achieves the new state-of-the-art performance
on the CodeXGLUE code refinement benchmark, and exhibits better and comparable performance on several
other widely-used APR datasets, including Defects4J. In the Defects4J benchmark, our approach consistently
ranks above other methods, achieving superior results in the Top-10, Top-30, Top-50, and Top-100 metrics.
Besides examining Toggle’s generalizability to unseen data, evaluating the effectiveness of various prompts,
we also investigate the impact of additional contextual information such as buggy lines and code comments
on bug localization, and explore the importance of the adjustment model. Our extensive experiments offer
valuable insights and answers to critical research questions.
CCS Concepts: • Software and its engineering → Software testing and debugging.
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Automated Bug Localization and Fix, Large Language Models
Authors’ addresses: Soneya Binta Hossain, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA, [email protected]; Nan Jiang,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA, [email protected]; Qiang Zhou, Amazon Web Services, Santa Clara, USA,
[email protected]; Xiaopeng LI, Amazon Web Services, Santa Clara, USA, [email protected]; Wen-Hao Chiang,
Amazon Web Services, Santa Clara, USA, [email protected]; Yingjun Lyu, Amazon Web Services, Santa Clara, USA,
[email protected]; Hoan Nguyen, Amazon Web Services, Santa Clara, USA, [email protected]; Omer Tripp,
Amazon Web Services, Santa Clara, USA, [email protected].
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee
provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the
full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the author(s) must be honored.
Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires
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© 2024 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.
ACM 2994-970X/2024/7-ART66
Proc. ACM Softw. Eng., Vol. 1, No. FSE, Article 66. Publication date: July 2024.
Hossain et al.
ACM Reference Format:
Soneya Binta Hossain, Nan Jiang, Qiang Zhou, Xiaopeng LI, Wen-Hao Chiang, Yingjun Lyu, Hoan Nguyen,
and Omer Tripp. 2024. A Deep Dive into Large Language Models for Automated Bug Localization and Repair.
Proc. ACM Softw. Eng. 1, FSE, Article 66 (July 2024), 23 pages.
Automated program repair (APR) has become a crucial domain that aims to help developers fix
bugs in software programs [12, 29, 30]. With deep learning (DL) and large language models (LLMs)
achieving great improvement on software engineering tasks, lots of DL-based and LLM-based APR
techniques have been developed [2, 5, 17–19, 23, 27, 39, 40, 46, 47]. Existing techniques explore APR
under two settings: with and without knowing the bug location. Under the first setting, where APR
techniques are aware of the buggy lines, existing work typically trains deep learning models to
replace these lines with generated fixed lines [2, 5, 18, 19, 27, 40, 46, 47]. While this approach provides
a fairer comparison of APR techniques by distinguishing the impact of bug localization from fixing,
it lacks practicality in real-world scenarios. Under the second setting, existing techniques either
do bug localization simultaneously within one model or rely on spectrum-based fault localization
tools (e.g., Ochiai [1]) to provide bug location in line granularity.
Recent LLM-based APR techniques have demonstrated significant improvement over DL-based
techniques, benefiting from their extensive coding knowledge gained through pre-training. Yet,
existing LLM-based techniques also rely on line granularity [17, 39]. These methods provide the
LLMs with buggy line information during prompting or fine-tuning, enabling them to generate
the corresponding fixed lines. While there have been promising improvements, a comprehensive
exploration into the varied applications of LLMs for bug fixing is still lacking. Specifically, there are
still unanswered questions regarding the potential of LLMs for bug localization without reliance
on assumptions or additional tools, the effectiveness of token-level bug location compared to
line-granulated localization, and the impact of different types of prompts on the effectiveness of
bug fixing. In the subsequent sections, we dive deeper into prompting LLMs for bug fixing, utilizing
LLMs for bug localization, and effectively integrating bug localization with bug fixing models.
1.1 Prompting LLMs for Bug Fixing
LLMs, although powerful for general code generation, are not specially designed and pre-trained
for bug fixing. Thus, prompt design and fine-tuning is necessary to adjust LLMs for bug fixing
task. Existing work explores the approach to input the entire buggy function to LLMs and uses
comments to guide LLMs to generate the fixed function [39]. However, it is redundant to let LLMs
generate the whole function since not all the code in the original buggy function is wrong. It is
likely that the buggy code and its corresponding fixed code share some non-buggy prefix and suffix.
For example, in Figure 1, the code in blue and brown are prefix and suffix code shared by the buggy
and fixed functions. Typically, only a small portion of the buggy code needs alteration. In the given
example, only the “getProperty” needs to be replaced by “get” to generate the fix. Asking LLMs to
generate additional code beyond this may lead to more errors and reduce the overall bug fixing
Existing method, such as [17], annotates the buggy function with comments to indicate the buggy
lines. LLMs can interpret these comments to identify the bug within those lines and then generate
only the corresponding fixed lines. While this method minimizes the generation of shared prefix and
suffix, it still requires generating parts of the prefix and suffix that are common to both the buggy
and fixed lines. For instance, in Figure 1, “java.lang.String value =”
is the shared prefix, and “(key);” is the shared suffix. These codes are again generated by LLMs,
Proc. ACM Softw. Eng., Vol. 1, No. FSE, Article 66. Publication date: July 2024.
A Deep Dive into Large Language Models for Automated Bug Localization and Repair
Fig. 1. Example of buggy and fix code that share large non-buggy prefix and suffix
which is unnecessary and may introduce more bugs when the required fix could be as simple as
changing an identifier or operator in the line.
To mitigate this limitation, we propose Toggle, a novel approach to token-granulated bug
localization and repair, distinct from the existing line-granulated methods. Our method ensures
that no shared prefix or suffix between the buggy and fixed functions will be generated. With token-
granulated bug location, we explore four unique bug fixing prompts, each featuring a different
arrangement of the buggy code, as illustrated in Figure 5. These prompts are designed to prevent
the regeneration of non-buggy code, eliminate redundancies in the input, compare the relative
effectiveness of each prompt, and investigate further the effectiveness of different prompts in
various scenarios. We fine-tune six different generative LLMs for the bug fixing task. Our findings
demonstrate that preventing LLMs from generating shared prefix and suffix injects strong inductive
bias, which significantly improves the bug fixing accuracy.
1.2 Bug Localization
Effective bug localization is the key to bringing APR methods into practice. Bug fixing models
are typically built with the awareness of the bug location, which must be accurately predicted
for practical application in real-world scenarios. Most existing APR techniques primarily predict
bug location at the line level, meaning they only predict that the line “java.lang.String value
=;” contains the bug (Figure 1). This line-level
localization lacks finer-grained precision. Consequently, the bug fixing model still needs to figure
out which specific part of the line is genuinely buggy and needs to be fixed.
To mitigate these limitations, we propose localizing the bug at token granularity. Token-granular
bug localization minimizes the generation of non-buggy shared prefix and suffix between the buggy
and fixed code. Furthermore, this approach injects strong inductive bias, enabling the bug fixing
model to concentrate solely on the portion requiring modification. We leverage the power of an
encoder LLM (e.g., CodeT5 [37]) with a self-attention mechanism to identify the tokens marking
the beginning and end of the actual buggy code segment. Additionally, our approach leverages
available contextual information (e.g., code comments) to pinpoint the buggy tokens. In Section
2.3.1, we describe the architecture of the bug localization model and the step-by-step procedure for
predicting the buggy token locations.
1.3 Connection Between Bug Localization and Bug Fixing
For bug localization, we utilized an encoder-style large language model, such as CodeT5, while
for bug fixing, we employed decoder-style generative LLMs, such as CodeGPT and CodeGen. One
Proc. ACM Softw. Eng., Vol. 1, No. FSE, Article 66. Publication date: July 2024.
Buggy FunctionFixed Functionnon-buggy prefix tokens, non-buggy suffix tokens, buggy tokens, fixed tokens, public static java.lang.String getConfig(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String default_val) { java.lang.String value =; return value == null? default_val : value;}public static java.lang.String getConfig(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String default_val) { java.lang.String value =; return value == null? default_val : value;}66:4
Hossain et al.
challenge with this setup is the discrepancy and inconsistency between the tokenizers of the
localization and fixing models, which can impact the overall bug fixing accuracy. This issue is
illustrated in Figure 2, where the correct fix involves either replacing “getProperty” with “get”
or replacing “Property” with an empty string. The bug localization model accurately identified
“Property” as the starting token of the buggy code. However, in the bug fixing model’s view,
“getProperty” is considered as one single token, thus, it is easier for the bug fixing model to replace
the token “getProperty” with token “get”, instead of deleting “Property” at the predicted bug
Fig. 2. Discrepancy in code tokenization between the bug localization and fixing models.
Such instances are not rare between different bug localization and fixing models, where the
location predicted by the localization model is not the ideal position for the bug fixing model
to generate a correct fix. To mitigate such inconsistency between tokenizers, we incorporate an
optional adjustment module to bridge the bug localization and fixing models. The adjustment
module is designed to find the most optimal localization considering both the localization model’s
prediction and the bug fixing model’s performance.
1.4 Contributions
To sum up, this paper makes the following contributions:
• A new direction that localizes and fixes bugs at token granularity, as opposed to line granularity,
thereby preventing bug fixing models from generating redundant shared prefixes or suffixes.
• A novel design of four unique prompts to fine-tune LLMs for bug fixing, demonstrating that
with proper design of prompts, token-granulated localization can inject strong inductive bias
and thus significantly boost the accuracy of bug fixing.
• The identification of a new challenge – inconsistencies between tokenizers in bug localization
and fixing models during LLM fine-tuning – and the introduction of an adjustment module
that mitigates this issue and enhances the bug fix accuracy.
• A deep dive into the bug fixing capability of LLMs, including extensive experiments with four
different prompts on six LLMs and three benchmarks. With the best framework, we developed
Toggle, Token-Granulated Bug Localization and Repair, which outperforms existing
state-of-the-art techniques on several benchmarks.
In addition to introducing a new bug localization and fixing framework, we conduct a compre-
hensive study addressing six research questions across various topics. We investigate Toggle’s
effectiveness and generalizability, the influence of contextual information on bug localization, and
how prompts and tokenizer inconsistencies affect bug fix accuracy. Investigating these factors
across diverse datasets and conditions is crucial to confirm the effectiveness, applicability, and
Proc. ACM Softw. Eng., Vol. 1, No. FSE, Article 66. Publication date: July 2024.
Buggy Functionpublic static java.lang.String getConfig(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String default_val) { java.lang.String value =; return value == null? default_val : value;}... java . lang . String _value _= _org . lo kl ak . data . DAO . config . getProperty ( key ); ...... java . lang . String _value _= _org . lo kl ak . data . DAO . config . get Property ( key ); ...Bug Localization Model's Tokenization and PredictionBug Fixing Model's TokenizationPredicted LocationA Deep Dive into Large Language Models for Automated Bug Localization and Repair
robustness of LLM-based methods in real-world bug fixing scenarios. We answer the following
research questions, and for each, we present the findings and their broader implications.
• RQ1 investigates the bug fixing effectiveness of Toggle, focusing on six fine-tuned LLMs from
four categories across four datasets, illustrating that
– Finding 1: LLMs with larger sizes yield better bug fixing accuracy after fine-tuning.
– These findings suggest selecting larger LLMs to fine-tune for bug-fixing when applying
our approach if applicable.
• RQ2 investigates Toggle’s ability to generalize to unseen data, which shows that
– Finding 2: The fine-tuned LLM (CodeParrot-110M) generalizes effectively to the unseen
Defects4J benchmark [20], outperforming existing methods on several metrics.
– The broader implications are twofold: (1) the design of prompts during fine-tuning can
make a big impact, and (2) we advocate for token-level bug location prediction as opposed
to the line-level or method-level prediction prevalent in existing works.
• RQ3 investigates the effectiveness of four different prompts on the bug fixing capability of
fine-tuned LLMs, illustrating that
– Finding 3: Well-designed prompts for fine-tuning result in significantly higher bug fixing
accuracy. Furthermore, avoiding the generation of redundant shared prefix and suffix
leads to the highest accuracy.
– The broader implication is that careful prompt design and avoiding redundant code
generation are critical for enhancing bug fixing effectiveness.
• RQ4 investigates the effect of contextual information on bug localization, showing that
– Finding 4: Additional contextual information, such as the buggy line number or code
review comments, significantly boosts the accuracy of predicting both the starting and
ending buggy tokens.
– This finding suggests leveraging additional contextual data to assist with bug fixing, if
• RQ5 investigates the benefits of our adjustment module, designed to address the inconsistency
between the tokenizers used in bug localization and fixing models, and our result shows that
– Finding 5: The adjustment module consistently improves bug-fixing accuracy on four
LLMs with 110 – 400M parameters over different datasets.
– A broader implication of the finding recommends the use of the adjustment module when
working with different tokenizers. As the training of the adjustment module is relatively
costly, it is preferable when working with smaller LLMs.
• RQ6 investigates, between the top-performing prompts (3 and 4), which is more effective
when used with predicted bug location?
– Finding 6: Prompt 4 outperforms prompt 3 when the predicted prefix and suffix locations
are highly accurate. Otherwise, the choice between prompt 3 and 4 depends on a specific
dataset, additional context, and underlying LLM backbone.
– A broader implication is, when accounting for the error in bug location prediction, both
prompts 3 and 4 could be optimal and require testing.
In this section, we discuss six large language models and four datasets used in our study. Additionally,
we provide a comprehensive overview of our bug-fixing framework, detailing its three main
components: the localization model, the bug fix model, and the adjustment model.
Proc. ACM Softw. Eng., Vol. 1, No. FSE, Article 66. Publication date: July 2024.
Hossain et al.
2.1 Large Language Models for Code
Our method utilizes both pre-trained encoder models (for bug localization) and pre-trained auto-
regressive decoder models (for bug fixing). The criteria for selecting the pre-trained models are
primarily based on their popularity (frequently cited in other papers), availability (on Hugging
Face), and resource constraints (compatibility with our GPU instances).
CodeGPT released as a component of the CodeXGLUE [26] package, is a GPT-style model pre-
trained on programming languages. It is designed to support code completion and text-to-code
generation tasks. In our study, we use a checkpoint of a 12-layer, 110M parameter model that
is exclusively pre-trained on Java. As it was trained on only one programming language, our
experimental findings demonstrate that it does not perform as effectively as other models trained
on multiple programming languages when evaluated on a multilingual dataset.
CodeParrot [8] represents one of the earliest community versions of the pre-trained LLM on
code. The complete development workflow for this model is comprehensively documented on
Hugging Face, facilitating its replication by other researchers. We utilize the smaller multi-language
variant of CodeParrot, which is a 12-layer, 110M parameter model. It has been pre-trained on nine
programming languages: Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, C#, C++, GO, Ruby, and TypeScript.
CodeGen [31] is an auto-regressive language models designed for program synthesis. CodeGen
follows the traditional auto-regressive training approach. In our research, we employ two variants
of the CodeGen models, with 350M and 2B parameters, pre-trained on six programming languages.
PolyCoder [42], built upon the GPT-NeoX architecture, is a recent LLM pre-trained on a substantial
database containing 249GB of code spanning 12 programming languages. In our experiments, we
employ the 400M and 2.7B parameter checkpoints of this model.
CodeT5 [37] is an encoder-decoder model based on the T5 model architecture, and is specifically
designed for code generation. Its encoder and decoder both utilize the transformer architecture,
showing impressive results across numerous natural language tasks. While it is primarily designed
for code generation, the encoder component of CodeT5 can also be leveraged for code analysis,
similar to CodeBERT[11]. In our research, we utilize the encoder component of the CodeT5-large
(347M) model to predict the starting and ending positions of the buggy tokens. We choose the
CodeT5-large encoder due to the limited availability of more capable, code-pre-trained encoder
2.2 Dataset
To demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, we evaluate it on several datasets that are well-
regarded in this field.
CodeXGLUE [26] is a widely recognized machine learning benchmark for code understanding,
comprising 14 datasets for a variety of code-related tasks. Our evaluation includes two datasets for
code refinement from this benchmark: Tufano Small and Medium [36]. The Tufano Small dataset
comprises 58,350 code samples of shorter lengths, while the Tufano Medium dataset contains
65,465 code samples of medium lengths. Both datasets feature real-world buggy and fixed Java
methods collected from GitHub, identified through relevant commit messages. These large-scale
datasets are extensively employed in the evaluation of deep learning-based automated program
repair techniques.
CodeReviewer [24] is one of the newest and biggest datasets for numerous code related tasks,
including program repair. This comprehensive dataset comprises 183,881 bug-fixing samples across
various programming languages. Unlike the Tufano dataset, which focuses on code changes
and bugs, the CodeReviewer dataset includes both code review comments and the associated
Proc. ACM Softw. Eng., Vol. 1, No. FSE, Article 66. Publication date: July 2024.
A Deep Dive into Large Language Models for Automated Bug Localization and Repair
code—before and after the review feedback is addressed. These comments provide valuable con-
textual information about the reasons for the changes, potentially increasing accuracy in bug
localization and improving bug fixing results.
Defects4J [20] is a widely used dataset and framework for reproducible Java bugs, consisting of a
total of 835 bugs from 17 open-source Java projects. For each of these bugs, the dataset provides
both the buggy and the fixed versions of the code. Defects4J framework also includes unit test
cases, allowing automated program repair, test case and test oracle generation methods to evaluate
their effectiveness. For these reasons, Defects4J has been extensively used in software engineering
research [15, 19, 23, 27, 44]. In this work, we investigate the generalizability of our fine-tuned model
by generating corrective patches for Defects4J bugs.
GitHub [46] dataset is curated from Java projects hosted on GitHub. It includes 1,083,185 commits,
predominantly identified by messages referencing terms such as ‘fix’, ‘solve’, ‘bug’, ‘issue’, ‘problem’,
and ‘error’. The dataset specifically focuses on patches that either modify a single statement or
introduce a new one. For rigor and uniqueness, patches associated with the Defects4J project
or those resembling any in Defects4J v1.2 or v2.0 were meticulously excluded, based on an AST
comparative analysis. In this paper, this dataset, along with Tufano, is used for fine-tuning our
models and evaluating them on the Defects4J samples.
2.3 Overview of Toggle
Fig. 3. Overview of Toggle and experimental designs.
Figure 3 presents the pipeline of our proposed approach, Toggle, along with a brief overview of
the experimental design. Following the discussions in the previous sections, it is crucial for our
framework to accommodate various prompting styles associated with different levels of utilizing
inductive biases. As an end-to-end bug fixing tool, Toggle consists of three main components: bug
localization model, bug fixing model, and an optional adjustment model. The bug localization model
is used to predict which part of a given buggy function needs to be changed, the bug fixing model
takes the buggy function as well as the predicted bug location and generates the fixed code. The
adjustment model in between tunes the predicted bug location if needed, to enable the bug-fixing
model to generate better patches.
Proc. ACM Softw. Eng., Vol. 1, No. FSE, Article 66. Publication date: July 2024.
AdjustmentModelTrainingDatasetsFine-tuned BugFixing LLMsTrainingDatasetsBug LocationPredictorFour PromptsBug Loc.PredictorBug FixingLLMsFine-Tuning Bug Fixing LLMs using Four PromptsFine-Tuning CodeT5 to Predict Buggy TokensTraining Adjustment ModelRQ6: Choice Between PromptsRQ3: Impact of PromptsRQ4: Location Prediction AccuracyRQ5: Impact of Adjustment ModelTestingDatasetsBug LocationPredictorBug FixingLLMsAdjustmentModelPatchesBuggyFunctionsBuggy TokensLocationAdjusted BuggyTokens LocationBest Prompt with (Adjusted)Buggy Tokens LocationPatchGenerationOverview of Toggle's Final DesignRQ2: Toggle's GeneralizabilityRQ1: Toggle's Bug Fixing Capability66:8
Hossain et al.
The major benefits of this partitioning design include: (1) it separates bug localization from bug
fixing, simplifying the use of existing pre-trained LLMs compared to model that mixes localization
and fixing; (2) it facilitates the integration of contextual information for bug localization, such as
code review comments from the reviewer; and (3) it offers greater flexibility in designing various
prompting styles for the bug fixing model, unlike models that handle localization and fixing
simultaneously. We discuss each component in the following sections.
Fig. 4. (a) example for buggy and fixed code , (b) architecture of the bug localization model
2.3.1 Bug Localization Model: Integration of contextual information. Figure 4 (a) shows a buggy
function and its corresponding fix, with colored annotations highlighting the buggy tokens, shared
non-buggy prefix tokens, shared non-buggy suffix tokens, and the fixed token. We explain the bug
localization steps using this example for illustration. Figure 4 (b) shows the architecture of the bug
localization model which is based on the pre-trained CodeT5 encoder backbone.
Given a buggy function, the bug localization model is trained to identify the end of shared prefix,
marking the starting position of the buggy token, and the beginning of the shared suffix, indicating
the end position of the buggy token. The tokens located between these two positions are considered
buggy and require fixing. For example, in the buggy function shown in Figure 4 (a), the shared prefix
and suffix are highlighted in blue and brown, respectively, while the buggy tokens are indicated in
red. The bug localization model is trained to localize the red part, by predicting the first “()” as the
starting buggy token and the second “()” before “.show” as the ending buggy token. With such
localization, we know the tokens between these locations need to be fixed.
In general, given the input tokenized buggy function consisting of 𝑛 code tokens and optional
contextual information (e.g., code review comment or commit message) consisting of 𝑚 tokens,
the input 𝒕 = (𝑡𝑐𝑙𝑠, 𝑡1, 𝑡2, . . . , 𝑡𝑛, 𝑡𝑛+1, . . . , 𝑡𝑛+𝑚) is encoded by CodeT5’s encoder, resulting in the
embedding 𝒆 = (𝑒𝑐𝑙𝑠, 𝑒1, 𝑒2, . . . , 𝑒𝑛) of code tokens. For the example shown in Figure 4 (a), 𝑒1, 𝑒2, . . . , 𝑒𝑛
are the embeddings of code tokens “void”, “show”, . . ., “}”.
𝑡𝑐𝑙𝑠 token is a special token added at the beginning of the input. The embedding (𝑒𝑐𝑙𝑠 ) of the 𝑡𝑐𝑙𝑠
token serves as the query vector for performing the self-attention operation on the embeddings of
the other code tokens, denoted by 𝒆.
Proc. ACM Softw. Eng., Vol. 1, No. FSE, Article 66. Publication date: July 2024.
Context MaskCodeT5 Encoder<cls>PrefixHidden StatesAttentionAttention<cls>voidshow().showDialogOther Context Tokensvoid showDialog() {createFileDialog().show();}void showDialog(File path) { createFileDialog(path).show();}shared prefix tokensshared suffix tokensbuggy tokensfixed tokensBuggy FunctionFixed Function.........()SuffixInput Tokens(b) architecture of the bug localization model(a) example of annotated buggy and fixed codesA Deep Dive into Large Language Models for Automated Bug Localization and Repair
𝑝𝑟𝑒 = softmax(𝑊 𝑝𝑟𝑒
𝑖𝑝𝑟𝑒 = 𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑛
𝑖 𝒂
𝑒𝑐𝑙𝑠 · 𝑊 𝑝𝑟𝑒
and 𝑊 𝑝𝑟𝑒
, where 𝑊 𝑝𝑟𝑒
are additional trainable weights and 𝒂𝑝𝑟𝑒 is the attention scores. The prefix
token (i.e., starting buggy token) is predicted as the token with the highest attention score. For
the example shown in Figure 4 (a), the predicted starting buggy token is “()” at index 4 (𝑖𝑝𝑟𝑒 = 4).
For the suffix location prediction (i.e., ending buggy token), the embedding corresponding to the
index of the prefix location (e.g., 𝑒4 in the given example) is used as the query vector (𝑒𝑖𝑝𝑟𝑒 ) for
𝑠𝑢 𝑓
𝑒𝑖𝑝𝑟𝑒 · 𝑊 𝑠𝑢 𝑓
𝑠𝑢 𝑓 = softmax(𝑊 𝑠𝑢 𝑓
𝑖𝑠𝑢 𝑓 = 𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑛
𝑖 𝒂
, where 𝒂𝑠𝑢 𝑓 is the attention score and the suffix token is predicted as the token with the highest
attention score. In the given example, the suffix token is predicted as the second “()” with index
8 (𝑖𝑠𝑢 𝑓 = 8). Note that during training, teacher forcing technique is used, where the embedding
corresponding to the ground truth prefix location is used as the query vector. In contrast, during
inference, the embedding associated with the predicted prefix location is used as the query vector.
Additional contextual information can be used as the context mask, as shown in Figure 4 (b).
This mask is typically employed as the masking function when calculating the loss, ensuring that
locations outside the contextual window have zero probabilities of being selected. In our study,
we used buggy line numbers and code reviewer comments as contextual information. When the
buggy line numbers are available, the context mask ensures only the tokens included in the buggy
lines are kept in the attention process to predict the buggy location. When textual context such as
reviewer comments is available, this additional textual information can be directly concatenated to
the end of the code tokens to undergo the same encoding process. In this case, the context mask
excludes these reviewer comments tokens in the attention process. Our experimental study in RQ4
shows that additional contextual information can significantly enhance bug localization accuracy.
2.3.2 Bug Fixing Model: Incorporation of inductive bias. To enhance the performance of medium-
size models and enable them to compete with larger models, it is crucial to inject ‘strong’ indicative
bias. This bias, rooted in domain-specific expertise, serves to mitigate the limitations associated with
their smaller size. For bug fixing, the location of the bug is an important inductive bias. Effectively
utilizing this bias can substantially enhance the bug-fixing performance of language models. This
section explains how we use bug locations to create different prompts for bug fixing, shown in
Figure 5.
As mentioned earlier in Section 1.1 and Figure 1, most bugs and their fixes typically involve only
a small portion of a method. To enhance the focus of LLMs on the bug, we separate it from the
non-buggy content, placing the buggy portion at the start of the prompt. This positioning ensures
that LLMs concentrate on regenerating only the buggy part, minimizing the risk of introducing
new bugs into the non-buggy sections. The non-buggy portion of the code is still included in the
prompt so that LLMs can learn from it, allowing one to construct the entire fixed code with the
generated fix.
Prompt 1 is a typical code completion style prompt that requires the model to generate an entire
fixed function to replace the buggy function. This prompt does not utilize the bug localization bias.
Therefore, one notable limitation is that it does not distinguish between the portions that need
fixing and those that do not. For example, the shared prefix “void showDialog” and the shared suffix
“.show();” from the buggy function part of Prompt 1 in Figure 5 require no change.
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Hossain et al.
Fig. 5. Four different prompts investigated. Blue tokens are non-buggy shared prefix. Red tokens are buggy
code. Brown tokens are non-buggy shared suffix. Green tokens are fixed code.
Prompt 2 partially leverages the location bias and it excludes the shared prefix tokens from
prediction. The shared prefix tokens “void showDialog” are provided in the input prompt so that
the bug fixing model does not need to re-generate them and only needs to generate the truncated
fixed function. In prompt 2, the shared prefix appears twice: once at the start of the buggy code and
again at the beginning of the fixed function. This redundancy could be optimized by truncating the
buggy function, as demonstrated in prompt 3 and 4.
Prompt 3 eliminates redundancy by truncating the shared prefix tokens from the buggy code.
This approach not only prevents the model from predicting the non-buggy prefix but also indicates
the model that modifications are required from the start of the prompt. By introducing such strong
inductive bias, the bug fixing model is more effectively guided to start generating the fixed code
from the beginning of the input. Once the model generates the truncated fixed code, appending the
shared prefix enables the creation of a complete fixed code for the developer.
Prompt 4 builds on and refines the strategy used in prompt 3. In addition to truncating the
shared non-buggy prefix tokens (“void showDialog”) from the buggy code, it also truncates the
shared non-buggy suffix tokens (“.show();”). This approach not only injects an inductive bias but
also reduces the number of tokens the model needs to generate. Constructing prompt 4 requires
two locations: the starting and ending locations of the buggy tokens. In practice, when the exact
bug locations are not known, they must be predicted using our location prediction model. However,
accurately predicting both locations is difficult and errors in prediction can affect the prompt’s
overall effectiveness. Therefore, the choice between prompt 3 and prompt 4 requires further
investigation, which will be addressed in Section 3.6.
All four prompts are designed to support bugs that span multiple lines of code. For example,
prompt 4 uses the format [truncated buggy function] <sep> [shared prefix] <sep> [shared suffix],
where the segment within [] can encompass multiple lines of code. In cases where changes occur
on non-continuous lines, we treat the entire block of code between the first and last buggy tokens
as a single continuous truncated buggy section. This approach ensures that our method remains
effective even when modifications are required across different lines.
2.3.3 Adjust Model: Connection between bug localization and bug fixing. One disadvantage of
separating the bug localization model and the bug fixing model is that they operate independently
Proc. ACM Softw. Eng., Vol. 1, No. FSE, Article 66. Publication date: July 2024.
void showDialog() { createFileDialog().show(); }Buggy Functionvoid showDialog(File path) { createFileDialog(path).show(); }<sep>Fixed FunctionPromptMaskvoid showDialog() { createFileDialog().show(); }Buggy Functionvoid showDialog<sep>Truncated Fixed FunctionPromptMask(File path) { createFileDialog(path).show(); }Shared Prefix() { createFileDialog().show(); }Truncated Buggy Functionvoid showDialog<sep>Truncated Fixed FunctionPromptMask(File path) { createFileDialog(path).show(); }Shared Prefix() { createFileDialog()Truncated Buggy Functionvoid showDialog<sep>Truncated Fixed FunctionPromptMask(File path) { createFileDialog(path)Shared; }<mask>Shared SuffixPrompt 1Prompt 2Prompt 3Prompt 4A Deep Dive into Large Language Models for Automated Bug Localization and Repair
of each other. As discussed in Section 1.3, this can cause discrepancies between the different
tokenizers used by the LLMs. To mitigate such issues, we designed an optional adjustment module.
This module also offers additional benefits. For example, we observe that even when the bug
localization model fails to predict the exact location, as long as the predicted starting and ending
buggy token locations are before and after the ground truth locations, respectively, the bug fixing
model can still fix the bug. The adjust model seeks to achieve such optimum by adjusting the
predicted locations so that the bug fixing model can achieve the overall best accuracy.
Fig. 6. Overview of training the adjustment model
The adjustment model, implemented as a multinomial classification model, utilizes the CodeT5
encoder with a fully connected layer on top of the predicted location’s embedding. To collect the
training dataset for fine-tuning the adjustment module, we perform the following steps:
• We predict buggy token locations using the fine-tuned bug localization model.
• Next, as shown in Figure 6 (a), we prepare several samples for each buggy code by shifting
the buggy token location around the predicted location. In our study, we shifted the buggy
token location by -3 to +3. Therefore, if the predicted starting buggy token location is at i, we
construct the prompts using buggy_function[i:] as the truncated bug. With shifts, we also
use buggy_function[i-1:], buggy_code[i+1:] to construct truncated bug. As we use the shift
range from -3 to +3, for each sample, we have a total of seven different versions of the input
for the same bug.
• Next, we utilize the previously fine-tuned bug fixing model to infer bug fix patches for the
shifted samples prepared in step 2. We collect the shifts for which bug fixing model generates
correct patches. These shifts are considered as the ground truth shift during the adjustment
module training.
• Finally, for training the adjustment module, we prepare a dataset as {X: (buggy_function,
predicted_loc), Y: adjustment}. As shown in Figure 6 (b), the adjustment module takes the
buggy code, predicted location as the inputs and predict the adjusted locations with which the
bug fixing model should generate the correct fix.
• For each dataset, we utilize the validation set to learn the optimum location shift that enables
the bug fixing model to generate the correct fix. For final bug fixing accuracy, we utilize the
test dataset. Training larger models for location adjustment can be resource-intensive. Hence,
we assess the adjustment model’s performance using smaller models, such as CodeGPT-110M,
CodeParrot-110M, CodeGen-350M, and PolyCoder-400M. Our experimental findings indicate
that bug fixing models across the spectrum, from 110M to 400M parameters, significantly
benefit from the location adjustment.
Proc. ACM Softw. Eng., Vol. 1, No. FSE, Article 66. Publication date: July 2024.
...config . get Property ( key ) ;......config . get Property ( key ) ;......config . get Property ( key ) ;...Bug LocationBug Location Adjusted by -1Bug Location Adjusted by -2Adjusted Location CreationBug Fixing Model...config . get Property ( key ) ;...(buggy function, original predicted localization)-1(best adjustment)Adjustment Model(b) Training Adjustment Model To Adjust the LocationBug Location(a) Finding the Adjusted Location For Which Bug Fixing Model Generates Correct PatchGenerating andEvaluating FixesThe Adjustment, For Which Bug Fixing Model Generates theCorrect Fix, is the Ground-Truth Adjustment66:12
Hossain et al.
We answer the following research questions:
RQ1: How does the bug fixing capability of Toggle compare to other methods?
RQ2: How well do the fine-tuned models generalize to unseen data?
RQ3: How do different prompts affect the capability of bug fixing models to fix bugs?
RQ4: Does additional context along with the buggy code improve location prediction accuracy?
RQ5: Does the adjustment module improve bug fixing accuracy?
RQ6: Between the top-performing prompts (3 and 4), which one performs better with predicted
bug location?
In Figure 3, we illustrate which components were used to conduct each research study.
3.1 RQ1: Toggle’s bug fixing effectiveness
This research question investigates the automated bug-fixing effectiveness of our proposed method,
3.1.1 Experimental Setup. In this study, we consider four datasets: Tufano Small, Tufano Medium,
CodeReviewer w/o and w/ comments. These datasets are widely used for evaluating deep learning-
based APR methods [6, 14, 16, 24, 32, 33, 36]. Details on the datasets are provided in Section 2.2.
First, we fine-tune our location prediction model, the CodeT5-large encoder, with each of the four
datasets to identify the starting location of the buggy token. Based on these predicted locations,
we construct prompt 3 (<truncated bug> [sep] <shared prefix>) to fine-tune various bug fixing
models. The datasets are divided into training, validation, and test sets, with proportions of roughly
80%, 10%, and 10%, respectively. We then use the test set to generate corrective patches with
our fine-tuned model and evaluate accuracy using the exact match (EM) metric. The EM metric,
commonly used to evaluate deep learning-based automated program repair, considers a solution
correct if it exactly matches the ground truth. Given the absence of test cases in these datasets, we
consider the EM metric a more fairer measure of accuracy than either BLEU or CodeBLEU scores.
Table 1. Exact match accuracy (%) of Toggle instances with six large language models across four datasets
LLM Backbone
(w/o comment)
(w/ comment)
CoText[33]: 22.64,
NSEdit[16]: 23.86
NSEdit: 13.46,
CoText: 15.36
CodeT5[24]: 11.48,
NSEdit: 11.97
NSEdit: 23.2,
CodeT5: 24.42
3.1.2 Baseline. For our baselines, we selected the two best-performing models, based on our
current knowledge. Given that the Tufano Small and Medium datasets are part of the CodeXGLUE
benchmark [22], our selection was based on the highest-ranking models from the leaderboard. For
the CodeReviewer dataset, our baselines include the CodeT5 model as reported in [24] and NSEdit
[16] model. These models achieve the top two accuracies on the CodeReviewer dataset.
The NSEdit method [16], a 12-layer encoder-decoder with 223M parameters, expands to around
500M including the re-ranking model. It achieved 23.86% EM accuracy on the Tufano Small dataset
Proc. ACM Softw. Eng., Vol. 1, No. FSE, Article 66. Publication date: July 2024.
A Deep Dive into Large Language Models for Automated Bug Localization and Repair
and 13.46% on the Tufano Medium. Another baseline, CoText [33], also has 223M parameters but
supports up to 11B, achieving 22.64% on the small and 15.36% on the medium dataset.
On the CodeReviewer with comment dataset, the CodeT5 model achieved an accuracy of 24.42%,
as reported in the original paper [24]1. For the CodeReviewer without comment dataset, the
original paper did not report any accuracy [24]. However, replicating their method on this dataset
is straightforward and yields an accuracy of 11.48%. For both CodeReviewer with and without
comment datasets, we run the NSEdit model [16] and report the accuracies in Table 1.
3.1.3 Results. For the Tufano Small dataset, PolyCoder-400M, CodeGen-2B, and PolyCoder-2.7B
exceed the baseline accuracy of 23.86% set by NSEdit, with PolyCoder-2.7B reaching the highest
accuracy of 25.07%. On the Tufano Medium dataset, CodeGen-350M, PolyCoder-400M, CodeGen-2B,
and PolyCoder-2.7B exceed CoText’s baseline accuracy of 15.36%, with PolyCoder-2.7B achieving
the highest accuracy of 16.19%.
For the CodeReviewer without comment dataset, both CodeGen-2B and PolyCoder-2.7B out-
perform the baseline accuracy of 11.97% set by NSEdit. Of these, CodeGen-2B model achieves the
highest accuracy of 12.31%. For the CodeReviewer with comment dataset, CodeGen-2B achieves an
accuracy of 25.59%, outperforming the baseline accuracy of 24.41% set by CodeT5. We observe that
CodeGPT underperforms relative to all other models, primarily because CodeGPT is exclusively
pre-trained on Java code, while the CodeReviewer dataset is multilingual.
Even though this study considered prompt 3, we observed that some models perform better with
prompt 4, depending on the dataset and additional context. In RQ4 and RQ6, we further explore
the specific conditions that lead to better outcomes for each prompt.
Finding 1: Toggle instances that utilize larger pre-trained LLM backbones generally lead
to better performance. This aligns with our expectation as prompt 3 effectively is as a code
completion task, a domain these backbones are explicitly pre-trained for. Consistently, within
the same backbone family, the larger model outperforms its smaller counterpart.
3.2 RQ2: Toggle’s generalizability
This research question explores Toggle’s generalizability to unseen data. To this end, we applied
our fine-tuned location prediction and bug fixing models to generate correct patches for Defects4J
bugs, which were not included in the fine-tuning process.
3.2.1 Experimental Setup. Dataset. Defects4J is a benchmark dataset consisting of real-world Java
bugs from 17 projects. This dataset is widely used for evaluating automated program repair methods.
From Defects4J, we primarily focus on ‘single-hunk’ bugs, which can be fixed with changes in a
single contiguous block of code. This type of bug is well-suited for APR methods and has been
extensively used in prior research [18, 19, 23, 27, 44]. This study considers a total of 240 single-hunk
bugs from the Defects4J benchmark.
Patch generation with fine-tuned model. For location prediction, we employ our fine-tuned
CodeT5 bug localization model. As we did not fine-tune the model on the Defects4J dataset, to
ensure diversity of sample distribution seen by the model, we fine-tune it on different datasets:
Tufano Small, Tufano Medium, and GitHub [46]. For bug fixing task, we select CodeParrot, a
110M parameter model, due to its superior performance over the similarly sized CodeGPT-110M
and comparable performance to larger models like CodeGen and PolyCoder. Considering the
1In the CodeReviewer paper, specialized additional pre-training increased accuracy to 30.32%. Since the pre-training was
custom and the dataset is not public, we compare our results with their reported CodeT5 results.
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resource-intensive nature of larger models, we used the CodeParrot model fine-tuned on same
three datasets.
To generate patches for Defects4J bugs, we first predict bug locations with three fine-tuned
CodeT5 models. Then, similar to RQ1, we construct prompt 3 (<truncated bug> [sep] <shared
prefix>), as shown in Figure 5. Each fine-tuned bug fixing model then generates 70 patches per
buggy input sample, resulting in a total of 210 patches for each bug. This quantity is relatively small
compared to the number of patches generated by most existing APR techniques [18, 19, 27, 28, 40, 44]
evaluated on Defects4J.
Accuracy computation via test execution. Unlike RQ1, where accuracy was determined via
token-by-token exact match metric, this experiment utilizes the test cases from the Defects4J
framework to validate the generated fixes. A patch is considered correct if it successfully passes
all test cases. To further enhance our confidence, we manually executed all corrective patches to
ensure they indeed pass all tests and effectively fix the bugs.
3.2.2 Results. Table 2 presents a summary of the datasets used for fine-tuning each model and
their performance in bug localization and fixing. The bug localization models accurately predicted
the starting location of the buggy token for 139 bugs. In 209 cases, the models predicted the location
before the actual ground truth, allowing the bug fixing models to generate corrective patches even
with imperfectly predicted locations.
Table 2. Dataset used to fine-tune localization and bug fixing models, total correct location predictions and
correct patches.
Location Dataset
Bug Fixing Dataset
Correct Location (#) Correct Patch (#)
Tufano Small
Tufano Medium
Tufano Small + Medium
Tufano Small + Medium
86 (19)
85 (10)
98 (27)
Total: 139
59 (22)
45 (8)
47 (16)
Total: 82
In the first row of Table 2, the fine-tuned localization model accurately predicted 86 bug locations,
19 of which were unique. The bug fixing model then generated 59 total corrective patches, 22 being
unique. The second combination, despite similar overall accuracy, featured fewer unique fixes,
indicating overlaps with other combinations. The third combination identified the highest number
of correct locations and ranked second in both total and unique corrective patches. Utilizing three
distinct combinations allowed us to leverage the diverse strengths of each dataset. Nonetheless,
we consistently generated a total of 210 patches for each bug to ensure a fair comparison with
previous methods.
Table 3 shows the number of correct patches generated for Defects4J and their rankings ("-”
indicates data not reported). When generating 10, 30, 50, and 100 patches per bug, the Toggle
instance with the CodeParrot-110M backbone with prompt 3 fixes more bugs than any other
existing state-of-the-art techniques we are aware of. Given that producing a large number of
candidate patches and executing test cases for validation is expensive and time-consuming, our
approach offers better results in terms of efficiency and practicality.
Finding 2: Toggle demonstrates strong generalization to unseen data and outperforms existing
APR methods in generating corrective patches for Defects4J bugs across the Top-10, 30, 50, 70,
and 100 metrics, demonstrating its generalizability, efficiency and practicality.
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A Deep Dive into Large Language Models for Automated Bug Localization and Repair
Table 3. Defects4J bug fixing performance: Toggle vs. other existing methods
Top-10 Top-30 Top-50 Top-100 Top-200
≥ Top-500
CURE [19]
RewardRepair [44]
Recoder [46]
KNOD [18]
Tare [47]
AlphaRepair [40]
3.3 RQ3: Impact of prompts on bug fixing effectiveness
This research question investigates how different prompts affect the bug-fixing accuracy of large
language models (LLMs).
3.3.1 Experimental Setup. To solely assess the impact of our four designed prompts (shown in
Figure 5) on the bug fixing accuracy, we utilize the ground truth locations of buggy tokens instead
of predicted ones. This method ensures a controlled setup, specifically designed to prevent location
prediction errors from influencing the accuracy of bug fixing. We fine-tune six bug-fixing LLMs
with each of the four prompts on the Tufano Small dataset [36] from the CodeXGLUE benchmark
[26]. Finally, we report their test accuracy in Table 4.
Table 4. Impact of different prompts on bug fixing accuracy
LLM Backbone
Prompt 1
Prompt 2
Prompt 3
Prompt 4
3.3.2 Results. In Table 4, each row shows the bug-fixing accuracy of a specific LLM, and each
column shows the accuracy achieved with each prompt formats. CodeGPT starts with a lowest
accuracy of 16.07% using prompt 1 but shows a consistent and significant improvement across
prompts, reaching 56.98% with prompt 4. CodeParrot begins at 24.5% accuracy with prompt 1,
marking the highest accuracy among all models for this prompt. Accuracy for prompts 2 and 3
remains similar; however, with prompt 4, CodeParrot reaches 63.83%, the highest across all models
for this prompt. CodeGen-350M exhibits a similar pattern, beginning at 22% and consistently
improving to achieve up to 60.22% accuracy. PolyCoder also shows this trend, starting at 23.66%
and consistently improving to achieve an accuracy of 62.29%.
Bug localization at token granularity is crucial and can impact bug fixing effectiveness. We
observe that with line-granular bug locations, accuracy drops below that of prompt 2 accuracy. For
instance, the CodeGPT-110M model on the Tufano small dataset records an exact match accuracy
of only 28.5%.
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Finding 3: For the LLMs we have studied, there is a noticeable improvement in bug fixing
accuracy from prompt 1 to prompt 4. This suggests that the latter prompts might be more
effective or relevant in assisting the models with bug fixing.
3.4 RQ4: Impact of contextual information on location prediction accuracy
In this study, we explore how contextual information affects the accuracy of predicting buggy
token locations.
3.4.1 Experimental Setup. To address this research question, we fine-tune the CodeT5 encoder, our
location prediction model, with prompt consisting of buggy code tokens and optional additional
context. For each dataset—Tufano Small, Tufano Medium, and CodeReviewer—we perform two
types of predictions for the buggy token: one for the starting location only and another for both
the starting and ending locations. This process is done twice for each dataset: initially with only
the buggy code included in the prompt, and subsequently with both the buggy code and additional
context. The additional context for the Tufano datasets is the buggy line number, and for the
CodeReviewer dataset, it is the code review comments. The accuracies are shown in Table 5.
Table 5. Accuracy of buggy token location prediction with vs. without additional context
Start token accuracy(%)
Start + end token accuracy(%)
Tufano Small
Tufano Small (+ Buggy Line No.)
Tufano Medium
Tufano Medium (+ Buggy Line No.)
CodeReviewer (+ Comments)
3.4.2 Results. In Table 5, Column 1 presents datasets with and without additional contextual
information. Column 2 presents the accuracy of starting buggy token prediction, while Column 3
shows the accuracy for predicting both the starting and ending buggy tokens. The starting buggy
token is needed for prompts 2 and 3, while both starting and ending tokens are needed for prompt
4, as shown in Figure 5.
For the Tufano Small and Medium datasets, adding buggy line numbers significantly improved
prediction accuracy. For Tufano Small, this addition increased starting buggy token prediction
accuracy by 21% and both token accuracy by 26%. For Tufano Medium, it raised starting buggy
token accuracy by 30% and both token accuracy by 28%. In the CodeReviewer dataset, including
code comments increased starting buggy token prediction accuracy by 20% and both accuracies by
16%. These results highlight the importance of incorporating additional context to enhance buggy
token location predictions.
Across all datasets, predicting both token locations yields consistently lower accuracy than
predicting just the starting buggy token. RQ3 shows that bug fixing models with prompt 4, which
requires both token locations, consistently outperform other prompts when the provided locations
are highly accurate. This raises a question: if both token prediction accuracy is lower than that for
the starting token (needed for prompts 2 and 3), which prompt is preferable? Prompt 3 or 4? This
question is explored in RQ6.
Proc. ACM Softw. Eng., Vol. 1, No. FSE, Article 66. Publication date: July 2024.
A Deep Dive into Large Language Models for Automated Bug Localization and Repair
Finding 4: Incorporating additional contextual information, such as buggy line numbers or
code review comments, significantly improves the accuracy of buggy token prediction across
all datasets. Predicting both the starting and ending buggy token is more challenging than
predicting only the starting token.
3.5 RQ5: Impact of adjustment module on bug fixing accuracy
Section 2.3.3 discusses how tokenizer discrepancies between the bug localization and fixing model
can impact accuracy. To address this, we introduce an optional adjustment module, discussed in
Section 2.3.3. This research question explores the adjustment module’s potential to improve bug
fixing accuracy.
3.5.1 Experimental Setup. For this experiment, we consider four datasets: Tufano Small, Tufano
Medium, CodeReviewer without comments, and CodeReviewer with comments. We evaluate four
models: CodeGPT-110M, CodeParrot-110M, CodeGen-350M, and PolyCoder-400M. In total, we
have conducted 16 sets of experiments. For each dataset and LLM combination, we compute the
bug-fixing accuracy with the adjustment module enabled and disabled. We present the results in
Table 6.
Table 6. Bug fixing accuracy improvement due to location adjustment
LLM Backbone
Tufano Small
Tufano Medium
3.5.2 Results. In Table 6, across all scenarios, we observe a consistent improvement in accuracy
when the adjustment module is enabled, suggesting the effectiveness of the module in addressing
tokenizer discrepancies.
Fig. 7. Example of incorrect fix (c) with correct location and correct fix (d) with adjusted location
Previously, in Figure 2, we demonstrate the adjustment module’s ability to address tokenizer
discrepancies. In Figure 7, we present another motivating example (new scenario) from the Tufano
Small dataset (147th sample). (a) shows the buggy code, while (b) shows the fixed code which
Proc. ACM Softw. Eng., Vol. 1, No. FSE, Article 66. Publication date: July 2024.
public void onDestroy() { android.util.Log.d(AutoButton.TAG, "AutoButton.onDestroy()"); cleanup(); super.onDestroy();}public void onDestroy() { android.util.Log.d(AutoButton.TAG, "AutoButton.onDestroy()"); super.onDestroy();}public void onDestroy() { android.util.Log.d(AutoButton.TAG, "AutoButton.onDestroy()");public void onDestroy() { android.util.Log.d(AutoButton.TAG, "AutoButton.onDestroy()");}(a) Buggy code(b) Fixed code(c.1) Correct localizationPredicted Location(c.2) Incorrect fix generated with correct locationpublic void onDestroy() { android.util.Log.d(AutoButton.TAG, "AutoButton.onDestroy()");public void onDestroy() { android.util.Log.d(AutoButton.TAG, "AutoButton.onDestroy()");_ super.onDestroy();}(d.1) Adjusted localizationAdjusted Location(d.2) Correct fix generated with adjusted location66:18
Hossain et al.
removes the erroneous code “cleanup()”. Consequently, the correct starting buggy token location is
right after the newline (“\n”) of code “...AutoButton.onDestroy()");”. Yet, even with the correctly
predicted location, the bug fixing model prematurely closes the entire method. In Figure 7 (c.2), the
blue-background code represents the shared prefix in prompt 3, while the orange-background code
indicates the model’s incorrect fix.
We find that shifting the predicted location to the left by one character—excluding the new-
line—causes the bug fixing model to generate a newline as the initial fix, followed by the correct fix.
While the exact reason for this behavior is unclear, similar patterns frequently occur in our datasets.
When a prompt concludes with an extended code line and a newline token, the bug-fixing model
may prematurely end the method. This may be due to the model’s exposure to similar samples
during pre-training or fine-tuning. Our adjustment module identifies this pattern and accordingly
adjusts the predicted location.
Finding 5: The buggy token location adjusted by the adjustment module consistently improves
the bug-fixing capability of four LLMs with 110 – 400M parameters, and this trend is consistent
across all of the studied datasets.
3.6 RQ6: Effectiveness of prompt 3 vs 4 with predicted locations
Prompt 3 requires only the starting buggy token location, whereas prompt 4 requires both the
starting and ending buggy token locations. In RQ3, we observe that prompt 4 outperforms all
others when the provided locations are highly accurate. Furthermore, in RQ4, we notice that the
prediction accuracy of both the starting and ending buggy tokens is lower than predicting only the
starting token. As inaccurate locations can affect the overall bug-fixing performance, which prompt
to use with predicted locations? Prompt 3 or 4? We investigate this research question in RQ6.
3.6.1 Experimental Setup. For each of the four datasets, we calculate four distinct accuracies for
buggy token predictions: 1) starting token only, 2) ending token only, 3) partial (where the predicted
starting token location precedes the ground truth and the ending token follows the ground truth),
and 4) both tokens. Using the predicted locations, we employ four bug fixing models: CodeGPT,
CodeParrot, CodeGen-350M, and PolyCoder-400M. For each model, we calculate the accuracy for
both prompt 3 and prompt 4.
Table 7. Four distinct accuracies for buggy token location prediction
Tufano Small
Tufano Medium
CodeReviewer (-Comment)
CodeReviewer (+Comment)
Starting token
Ending token
Both token(%)
3.6.2 Results. Table 7 presents four distinct location prediction accuracies. Accuracies for correctly
predicting both the starting and ending tokens are lower than those for single token predictions,
highlighting the challenge of dual token prediction. Partial accuracy suggests the bug fixing model
may still generate the correct patch since the predicted tokens encompass the buggy portion.
Table 8 presents the bug-fixing accuracies for prompts 3 and 4 across various models and datasets.
For the Tufano small/medium datasets, prompt 3 consistently yields better accuracy than prompt 4
Proc. ACM Softw. Eng., Vol. 1, No. FSE, Article 66. Publication date: July 2024.
A Deep Dive into Large Language Models for Automated Bug Localization and Repair
Table 8. Bug fixing accuracy of prompt 3 and 4, with predicted buggy token location
Code Model
Prompt 3
Prompt 4
Prompt 3
Prompt 4
Prompt 3
Prompt 4
Prompt 3
Prompt 4
Tufano Small
Tufano Medium
in all cases. However, for the CodeReviewer datasets, prompt 4 is generally more effective than
prompt 3 in most instances, which could be attributed to two main reasons. Firstly, the partial
location accuracies shown in Table 7 are much higher for the CodeReviewer datasets than for the
Tufano datasets. This higher partial accuracy indicates that the predicted starting buggy token
location is before the actual starting location, and the ending buggy token location is after the
actual ending location, allowing the bug-fixing models a better chance to make correct predictions.
Secondly, with code reviewer comments, the bug-fixing model has more context, enabling more
accurate predictions. Since prompt 4 requires both locations, the higher partial accuracies and
additional context from code reviewer comments mean that most models perform better with
prompt 4 for the CodeReviewer datasets. In summary, the performance of prompts 3 and 4 can vary
depending on the dataset and the underlying backbone LLMs, highlighting the necessity of testing
both prompts to achieve optimal performance.
Finding 6: With predicted bug locations, both prompts 3 and 4 can perform better, depending on
the datasets, the presence of additional contexts, and the underlying backbone LLMs. Generally,
prompt 4 works better when the predicted starting and ending buggy token locations are highly
accurate; otherwise, it is necessary to test both prompts for optimal performance.
4.1 Deep Learning-Based Automated Program Repair
Research in deep learning-based program repair has primarily focused on three approaches: neural
machine translation (NMT)-based, edit-based, and the more recent large language model (LLM)-
based methods. NMT-based approaches treat the correction of code as a translation task, where the
‘fixed’ code is translation target. This method is relatively simple to implement because both the
input (buggy code) and the target (fixed code) are sequences of code, enabling direct modeling as
a sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) task [5, 19, 27, 44]. However, a potential downside of directly
predicting the fixed code is that it may encourage the models to learn the copying behavior due
to the typical large overlap between the buggy and fixed code. This copying behavior causes
over-fitting and overlooks the goal of editing to change the code and fix the bug.
Editing-based approaches try to directly target the portion of the code that contains bug and
usually contain an explicit mechanism for bug localization. Although edits are often shorter than the
fixed code, most of the existing approaches often require multiple stages of editing with complicated
models [13, 18, 35, 45–47]. They may also rely on a graph representation of the buggy code [10, 43],
with the implicit assumption that the buggy code can be parsed into a graph, which may not be
true if bugs contain syntactical errors.
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Hossain et al.
Recent studies have explored large language models (LLMs) for automated program repair
(APR), showing that LLMs, either as-is or with straightforward fine-tuning, have good fixing
capabilities [17, 39]. However, these studies did not address bug localization or its integration with
bug fixing, nor did they conduct a comprehensive study on the design of prompts for fine-tuning
4.2 Large Language Models For Software Engineering
LLMs have been applied to several software engineering tasks in addition to APR, including code
generation [3, 4, 21, 25], vulnerability detection and fixing [7, 34, 38], fuzzing [9] and software
specification generation [41]. Such adoption of LLMs typically requires fine-tuning if a decent
amount of data is available, or prompt design if the prompt engineering approach is utilized.
In this work, we focus on APR only. However, the insight that better prompts lead to significantly
improved fine-tuning results is widely applicable, potentially benefiting other software engineering
tasks that use large language models (LLMs).
In our research, we have investigated the effectiveness of our bug fixing framework using several
open-source, widely recognized datasets such as CodeXGLUE [26] and CodeReviewer [24]. These
datasets present a diverse set of bugs collected from GitHub and span various programming
languages. However, there’s a possibility that our results may not generalize across other datasets.
To address this threat and ensure broader applicability, we further evaluated the performance of our
fine-tuned model on the unseen dataset, Defects4J, which is a widely used real-world bug dataset.
In our large-scale experiments, we have developed various tools and scripts to facilitate our
experiments, and it is conceivable that they might contain bugs. To mitigate this threat, we have
used widely used PyTorch and Hugging Face libraries. Additionally, we have carried out thorough
validity checks and repeated each experiment several times to confirm consistency.
In our study, we measured bug fixing accuracy using the ‘exact match’ metric, widely adopted
by the research community. Specifically for the Defects4J dataset, we determined accuracy through
test validation. This involved executing the test cases on the generated patches; a patch was deemed
correct if it passed all test cases. We are confident that this approach provides a reasonable and
reliable accuracy metric.
In this study, we have explored the intricacies of LLMs in the realm of automated program repair.
To sum up, this paper makes the following contributions: (1) Granularity Shift: We introduced a
new direction that localizes and fixes bugs at token granularity instead of the traditional line granu-
larity. This innovation drastically reduces the redundancy for bug-fixing models to produce shared
prefixes or suffixes. (2) Prompting Strategy: We presented a novel design of four diverse prompts
to optimize LLMs as bug-fixing models. This approach proves that with the right prompt design,
token-granulated localization brings a potent inductive bias, leading to substantial improvements in
bug-fixing accuracy. (3) Harmonizing Discrepancies: We addressed the unique challenge posed by
inconsistencies between bug localization and fixing models during LLM fine-tuning. To reconcile
this, we proposed an intermediate adjustment module, further strengthening the capability of our
bug-fixing models. (4) In-depth Exploration: Our extensive research into LLMs’ bug-fixing capabili-
ties encompassed experiments with four different prompts across six LLMs and five benchmarks.
The culmination of this research resulted in the creation of Toggle, our Token-Granulated Bug
Localization and Repair framework. Toggle has surpassed existing state-of-the-art techniques
across several benchmark assessments.
Proc. ACM Softw. Eng., Vol. 1, No. FSE, Article 66. Publication date: July 2024.
A Deep Dive into Large Language Models for Automated Bug Localization and Repair
Our proposed framework, Toggle demonstrates the success of our strategy, establishing a new
benchmark in CodeXGLUE code refinement and showing notable performance on several datasets,
including Defects4J. We answered several research questions, offering in-depth insights, discussions,
and conclusions through meticulous experimentation. Our study not only advanced the current
state-of-the-art in APR but has also paved the way for future research to explore newer dimensions
of LLMs in software engineering. As the potential of LLMs continues to unfold, we anticipate
Toggle’s methodology to inspire subsequent models, fostering even more robust, reliable, and
efficient automated software engineering solutions.
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Received 2023-09-28; accepted 2024-04-16
Proc. ACM Softw. Eng., Vol. 1, No. FSE, Article 66. Publication date: July 2024.
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A Reproducibility and Generalizability Study of Large Language
Models for Query Generation
Moritz Staudinger
TU Wien
Vienna, Austria
[email protected]
Wojciech Kusa
TU Wien & Allegro ML Research
Vienna, Austria & Warsaw, Poland
[email protected]
Florina Piroi
TU Wien
Vienna, Austria
[email protected]
Aldo Lipani
University College London
London, United Kingdom
[email protected]
Allan Hanbury
TU Wien
Vienna, Austria
[email protected]
Systematic literature reviews (SLRs) are a cornerstone of academic
research, yet they are often labour-intensive and time-consuming
due to the detailed literature curation process. The advent of genera-
tive AI and large language models (LLMs) promises to revolutionize
this process by assisting researchers in several tedious tasks, one
of them being the generation of effective Boolean queries that will
select the publications to consider including in a review. This paper
presents an extensive study of Boolean query generation using
LLMs for systematic reviews, reproducing and extending the work
of Wang et al. [54] and Alaniz et al. [1]. Our study investigates
the replicability and reliability of results achieved using ChatGPT
and compares its performance with open-source alternatives like
Mistral and Zephyr to provide a more comprehensive analysis of
LLMs for query generation.
Therefore, we implemented a pipeline, which automatically cre-
ates a Boolean query for a given review topic by using a previ-
ously defined LLM, retrieves all documents for this query from the
PubMed database and then evaluates the results. With this pipeline
we first assess whether the results obtained using ChatGPT for
query generation are reproducible and consistent. We then gener-
alize our results by analyzing and evaluating open-source models
and evaluating their efficacy in generating Boolean queries.
Finally, we conduct a failure analysis to identify and discuss the
limitations and shortcomings of using LLMs for Boolean query
generation. This examination helps to understand the gaps and
potential areas for improvement in the application of LLMs to
information retrieval tasks. Our findings highlight the strengths,
limitations, and potential of LLMs in the domain of information
retrieval and literature review automation. Our code is available
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
ShareAlike International 4.0 License.
SIGIR-AP ’24, December 9–12, 2024, Tokyo, Japan
© 2024 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 979-8-4007-0724-7/24/12
CCS Concepts
• Information systems → Query suggestion; • Applied com-
puting → Health informatics.
systematic reviews, Boolean query, LLMs, query generation
ACM Reference Format:
Moritz Staudinger, Wojciech Kusa, Florina Piroi, Aldo Lipani, and Allan Han-
bury. 2024. A Reproducibility and Generalizability Study of Large Language
Models for Query Generation. In Proceedings of the 2024 Annual International
ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
in the Asia Pacific Region (SIGIR-AP ’24), December 9–12, 2024, Tokyo, Japan.
ACM, New York, NY, USA, 11 pages.
1 Introduction
A systematic literature review (SLR) is a type of secondary study
that summarizes available primary studies fitting pre-specified cri-
teria to answer precise research questions. It uses rigorous scientific
methods to minimize bias and generate clear, solid conclusions that
health practitioners frequently use to make decisions [22].
Unfortunately, conducting systematic reviews is slow, labor in-
tensive and time consuming, as this is primarily based on human
effort. A recent estimate shows that conducting a complete sys-
tematic review takes, on average, 67 weeks [6], although another
previous study reports that the median time to publication was 2.4
years [50]. Furthermore, according to Shojania et al. [43], 23% of
the published systematic reviews need to be updated within two
years after completion.
Systematic reviews in medicine rely on constructing Boolean
queries for conducting searches for relevant publications [16, 17].
The development and use of Boolean queries in systematic literature
reviews addresses several critical challenges inherent to the review
process. They ensure reproducibility, allowing other researchers
to replicate searches and validate findings. Search strategies are
always reported when the systematic review is published. Secondly,
Boolean queries improve the efficiency and accuracy of literature
searches by precisely defining inclusion and exclusion criteria. This
usually happens by maximizing the Recall with a sacrifice on the
Precision, ensuring comprehensive search results.
Creating Boolean queries for SLRs is a critical yet complex pro-
cess. It involves the formulation of search strategies using Boolean
logic to combine keywords and phrases that define the inclusion
SIGIR-AP ’24, December 9–12, 2024, Tokyo, Japan
Moritz Staudinger, Wojciech Kusa, Florina Piroi, Aldo Lipani, Allan Hanbury
and exclusion criteria for studies. This task requires not only a deep
understanding of the topic at hand, but also proficiency in data-
base search functionalities and syntax. The complexity arises from
the need to balance specificity and sensitivity of the search: too
broad a query may yield an unmanageable number of irrelevant re-
sults, while too narrow a query risks missing key studies. Moreover,
constructing effective Boolean queries demands familiarity with
synonyms, medical subject headings (MeSH2 terms in PubMed),
and the various ways research questions can be articulated in the
literature. This expertise is typically developed over years, making
the task challenging for newcomers or those outside of library and
information science disciplines. Consequently, the development
of Boolean queries represents a significant bottleneck in the SLR
process, contributing to its overall time-consuming nature [35, 51].
With the initial release of ChatGPT by OpenAI, November 2022,
a new era of general-purpose language generating assistants be-
gan3. Since then numerous companies, as Meta [49], Mistral AI or
Alphabet [48], announced and published their own large language
models (LLM) to compete with OpenAI and allow researchers, com-
panies and others to use it for speeding up their tasks. While LLMs
and specifically ChatGPT started to be used extensively by the re-
search community, the reproduction of generated results remains a
challenge. This is mainly due to many models being not disclosed
to the public, and the only way of interacting with these tools is by
using APIs for interacting with them. The ease of use of LLMs via
API, as opposed to fine-tuning pre-trained language models (PLMs),
has lowered the entry barrier for non-technical researchers. How-
ever, this accessibility could potentially pose a threat to research
integrity and reproducibility [5].
Although OpenAI and Mistral AI have extended their APIs to
allow the configuration of a random seed, even this beta function
does not guarantee a deterministic output and the reproduction of
generated outputs4. The inherent LLM output variability poses a
challenge to the reproducibility of systematic reviews, necessitating
rigorous validation of LLM-generated queries against expert strate-
gies to ensure reliability and relevance [58]. While models, such
as Llama [49], Alpaca [47], and Mistral [19] are open-source, their
performance in domain-specific tasks and low resource setting is
heavily influenced by the original datasets used for their training.
In this paper, we attempt to reproduce and generalize the re-
sults and extend the setup of two very recent publications on
Boolean Query Generation with ChatGPT. Wang et al. [54] pub-
lished an influental work at SIGIR in 2023, which proposes using
ChatGPT for Boolean Query Generation, and Alaniz et al. [1] in-
vestigated Boolean Query Generation from a medical perspective
using ChatGPT-4.
As of 5th July 2024, the paper by Wang et al. [54] has been cited
152 times according to Google Scholar and 111 times according to
Semantic Scholar within less than one year since its publication,
which is highly unusual in the domain of systematic literature
review automation5. Semantic Scholar classifies the intent of almost
2Medical Subject Headings:
5For comparison, the first and one of the most highly cited papers in the domain of
screening prioritisation by Cohen et al. [10] has been cited 350 times in 18 years since
its publication.
half of these citations as “background”, meaning that this paper
was used as a supportive evidence for (similar) projects. With the
existence of the publication by Alaniz et al. [1], it has become
undeniable that medical experts also investigate the possibilities of
using LLMs to improve systematic reviews.
Furthermore, Guimarães et al. [14] conducted a critical analysis
of LLMs in developing search strategies for systematic reviews,
underscoring the importance of transparent, reproducible, and stan-
dardized methods in clinical decision-making. Despite ChatGPT’s
ability to simplify technical content, its shortcomings in accurately
incorporating synonymous terms, organizing search terms, and ex-
cluding irrelevant information challenge its reliability. Furthermore,
the absence of a filter for randomized clinical trials underscores the
necessity for cautious application. Guimarães et al. [14] emphasize
the importance of not solely depending on ChatGPT or other LLM
for search strategies, advocating for researcher and methodologist
awareness of their limitations. While their work discussed several
important points from the perspective of practitioners, it did not an-
alyze the computational and experimental issues with using LLMs
for Boolean query generation.
Our work aims to cover these aspects by providing a more gener-
alized view of this topic. We study the following research questions:
RQ1 To what extent are results of Boolean query generation re-
producible and reliable, when repeatedly running the exper-
RQ2 How do open-source large language models perform in com-
parison to GPT models in the task of Boolean query creation?
RQ3 What are the shortcomings and limitations of using LLMs
for Boolean query generation?
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2 reviews related
work, situating our study within the existing research landscape
on Boolean query generation and LLMs in information retrieval
tasks, while Section 3 outlines our methodology, including baseline
comparisons and SLR examples. Section 4 details the results of our
reproducibility and generalizability study. In Section 5 we discuss
the implications of our results, and explore challenges encountered,
including issues with Seed collection [53] and example queries.
Lastly, Section 6 summarizes findings in response to our research
questions. Our implementation is available online1.
2 Related Work
This section presents existing studies on Boolean query creation,
citation screening automation, and the application of instruction-
based LLMs in IR and SLR automation.
2.1 Boolean query formulation and refinement
Query formulation involves deriving a Boolean query based on
the research question, following specific guidelines. There are two
main procedures for developing queries for systematic reviews. The
first is the conceptual method [9], which starts by identifying high-
level concepts from pilot searches or known relevant studies. These
concepts help discover synonyms and related keywords, leading
to an iterative refinement process guided by the expertise of the
information specialist.
The second procedure is the objective method [16], which begins
by creating a small set of potentially relevant studies, similar to
A Reproducibility and Generalizability Study of Large Language Models for Query Generation
SIGIR-AP ’24, December 9–12, 2024, Tokyo, Japan
the conceptual method. Statistical procedures then extract terms
from these studies, providing a weak validation of the query. These
terms are manually added to the query, again guided by the ex-
pertise of the information specialist. Both of these methods are
time-consuming, involving multiple pilot searches and validation
steps [26], and are prone to human error [38].
To address these challenges, Scells et al. [41] explored automating
these procedures. Their research found that while computational
methods alone could not match human effectiveness, manual re-
finement of automatically generated queries significantly improved
retrieval effectiveness. Automatic query refinement emerged from
the benefits of manual refinement. These methods take an initial
query and apply transformations (adding terms or clauses) to en-
hance effectiveness [3, 39]. Combined with query visualization tools
[39], these refinement tools can improve the initial query.
2.2 Document screening automation
Alongside Boolean query improvements, citation screening au-
tomation has emerged as a crucial component in improving the
systematic review process. Research has explored various dimen-
sions, including the use of diverse data sources [27, 28, 31, 40], the
employment of different ranking algorithms and models [2, 8, 25,
32, 53, 55], and the implementation of active learning strategies to
enhance screening efficiency via a human-in-the-loop approach
[4, 7, 11, 18, 30, 33, 45, 56].
2.3 Instruction-based large language models
Recent advancements in instruction-based LLMs, exemplified by
ChatGPT, demonstrate these models’ capability to accurately inter-
pret and execute user instructions across diverse tasks [13, 15, 19,
20, 37]. With their massive parameter count and extensive train-
ing on varied textual data, these models can generate relevant and
coherent responses to a wide array of inquiries [13]. Studies have
assessed the efficacy of ChatGPT and other instruction-based LLMs,
such as Alpaca, in tasks like query generation for systematic re-
views, showcasing their potential to reach or outperform previous
methodologies [34, 46, 54].
Furthermore, the integration of instruction-based LLMs with
ranking models has led to more effective outcomes in information
retrieval tasks, employing strategies like retrieval-then-generation
and generation-then-retrieval to leverage the strengths of both
model types for enhanced query understanding and document
retrieval [12, 21, 52, 57].
3 Methodology
We describe, now, the methodology for our reproducibility study.
3.1 Datasets
Following Wang et al. [54] we use the Seed [53] and CLEF TAR [23,
25] collections, and use the same set of topics. We obtain the datasets
from the original GitHub repositories6,7. Due to significant over-
laps with the CLEF TAR collection, we refrain from using the
CSMeD [29] and SIGIR17 [42] datasets. Unfortunately, there are no
other datasets that provide search queries for systematic review
automation [29].
3.2 Baselines
Three types of baseline queries for the CLEF TAR and the Seed
datasets are mentioned in the study by Wang et al. [54], called
original, conceptual, and objective. Beyond stating them in the paper,
Wang et al. [54] do not explain what kind of queries they are and
how they were constructed. We assume that the original baseline
represents the original Boolean query created by the human experts
when conducting the systematic review. However, Wang et al. [54]
do not describe the specific approach to constructing the conceptual
and objective baselines. The three related papers they refer to in this
respect, [9, 16, 44], are limited to describing the general theory on
how the conceptual and objective methods are used by information
specialists to create the Boolean queries. We found no information
about these approaches in the original dataset papers [23, 25].
For the CLEF TAR dataset, we were not able to reproduce the
baselines, as this dataset does not provide queries in the PubMed
API compatible format, and the paper did not state how the original
queries were created. Therefore, we opted to copy the baseline
results provided in the original study.
3.3 Models
Wang et al. [54] state that they used ChatGPT for their experiments.
Based on the submission deadline of their paper (January 31st 2023),
and the release of GPT-4 (March 13th 2023), we assume that it was
GPT 3.5 that was used for the experiments. Alaniz et al. [1] stated
that they used ChatGPT 4 for their experiments.
To generalize their results, we followed their zero-shot genera-
tion approach. We select the following GPT models from the Ope-
nAI API: GPT-3.5-1106, GPT-3.5-0125 and GPT-4-1106 (GPT-4). We
also select two open-source models using the Mistral API Mistral-
tiny (Mistral-7B-v0.2) and Mistral-small (Mixtral-8X7B-v0.1)8:.
To obtain more reliable results, we ran each generation prompt
with ten different seeds for the smaller models (GPT-3.5-1106, Mis-
tral [19], Mixtral [20]), and five different seeds for GPT-3.5-0125
and GPT-4. As both publications did not mention how they issued
the prompts to ChatGPT, we opted to use the OpenAI and Mistral
AI APIs, and compare the results obtained in our experiments with
those obtained by Wang et al. [54] and Alaniz et al. [1].
Additionally to the available APIs, we run two open source LLMs
locally, namely Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.29 (Mistral-local) and Zephyr-
7b-beta10 (Zephyr), to validate the results of the closed-source APIs
with publicly available models. We picked these two models, as
both are instruction-tuned-based models, which are trained to fulfill
tasks based on given input data.
3.4 Approaches to query generation
In their work, Wang et al. [54] generated Boolean queries by issuing
three different levels of zero-shot prompts (denoted as queries q1,
q2, q3), two different one-shot prompts (q4 and q5), two different
query refinement prompts (q6 and q7) and one guided prompt gen-
eration approach to ChatGPT (guided query). This guided approach
consists of four steps, similar to a Chain-of-Thought prompting
approach: (1) the relevant terms are created based on SLR Title and
Abstract; (2) the terms are, then, classified into medical, treatment
SIGIR-AP ’24, December 9–12, 2024, Tokyo, Japan
Moritz Staudinger, Wojciech Kusa, Florina Piroi, Aldo Lipani, Allan Hanbury
Figure 1: Proposed pipeline to generate and evaluate boolean queries
and design terms; (3) the terms and their classes are then composed
to an initial Boolean query; (4) in the end the terms are enriched
with MeSH fields to improve the performance.
For their experiments Alaniz et al. [1] also used a guided prompt
design, which differs from Wang et al. [54] by combining (1) and
(2), while expanding (4) to increase the usage of MeSH terms.
Wang et al. [54] ran each query once, and measured the vari-
ability of their queries, by rerunning their best prompt ten times.
Alaniz et al. [1] performed a case study based on a single systematic
review, with five validation examples for intermediary steps. While
they showed the generalizability of their generated queries for their
subdomain, they did not analyze the reliability of their approach or
compare their approach with any baseline.
For this work, we implemented the pipeline shown in Figure 1
to generate queries based on an input SLR title and a defined LLM,
and then execute the query on the PubMed database over their API
and evaluate the results on the defined metrics.
We used Wang et al. [54] given prompts for query generation, but
refined the input prompts based on the LLM used and the desired
output. We instructed the Mistral models not to include any filtering
based on years, and to only return the Boolean query. For the GPT
models, we used the available system role, and split the original
created prompts into system and user prompts, to assist the model
in understanding the task.
3.5 Query examples
Looking at queries q4 and q5, Wang et al. [54] measure the effec-
tiveness of two types of examples: (1) one high-quality systematic
review example (HQE), and (2) an example that is similar or related
to the querying topic (RE). We use the same HQE as in the original
paper (review CD010438 from CLEF TAR collection).
For finding RE, we follow a similar path, which we describe below.
We use the PubMedBERT model11 in the dense encoder setting
using SentenceTransformers [36] and retriv Python packages
instead of the MonoBERT approach. We then use a similarity score,
to extract the relevant PubMed queries from the Seed collection.
Regarding the CLEF TAR dataset, the strategy to obtain the
correct PubMed queries, which are not part of the CLEF TAR dataset,
was not described. We tried to reconstruct the authors’ high-quality
review with the ID CD010438, by using Polyglot12 to translate
the CLEF TAR query to their used example query, but we did not
succeed in creating a similar valid query. Thus we could not run
the relevant example queries q4 and q5 for the CLEF TAR dataset.
3.6 Machine-actionable LLM output
Wang et al. [54] state: “After obtaining Boolean queries from Chat-
GPT, any incorrectly formatted Boolean queries were removed and
generated again for the review topic” (p 4)13.
While Wang et al. [54] mention that they re-generated incor-
rectly formatted queries, Alaniz et al. [1] did not elaborate on their
approach for such situations of formally incorrect queries. As Chat-
GPT responses are usually not in a standardized format and don’t
contain additional information (see examples in Table 4 and the
discussion in Section 5.1), and neither of the two publications’ au-
thors specified how the valid Boolean queries were extracted, we
can only speculate on how this was done. In our work, to allow the
automatic extraction of the Boolean query, we adapted the prompt
and the API call, so that the GPT model returns a predefined JSON
object. For the remaining models we execute the generated output
“as is”, i.e. without any post-processing.
3.7 Evaluation
For their evaluation, Wang et al. [54] computed “set-based measures
such as precision, f-measure, and recall to assess the retrieved PubMed
IDs using the abstract-level relevant assessment in the collections.”
(p. 4). Specifically they evaluate Precision, Recall, F1-score, and
F3-score. The F3-score is a variation of the F-measure that gives
higher importance to Recall, which is the more important aspect of
the SLR task, rather than Precision. In order to achieve comparable
results, we follow their approach. In the paper, we present Precision,
Recall, and F1-score results. Due to space constraints, results for
the F3-score are reported in the code repository.
4 Results
We first discuss the results of our reproducibility and generaliz-
ability study. Then we present our results of the query and model
variability and detailed analysis of LLM-generated Boolean queries.
4.1 Reproducibility and Generalizability Study
As described above, we run our queries repeatedly with fixed ran-
dom seeds in the attempt to reproduce the results of Wang et al.
[54]. For both the CLEF TAR and the Seed dataset, we used the pro-
vided Boolean query as a baseline. However, since the Seed dataset
also contains a second Boolean query edited-search, we also show
the results for this query (Baseline-edit in the result tables), as it is
unclear which query has been used based on the documentation.
Looking at the Precision scores (Table 1) for all different queries
generated for the CLEF TAR Dataset, we see that the GPT-3.5-1106
with a max Precision of 0.345 and the GPT-4 model with a max
Precision of 0.378 both significantly outperform the results we were
trying to reproduce (0.096). The Mistral API models (Mistral-tiny
and Mistral-small) and also the locally run Mistral model outper-
form the original results on this dataset as well. In contrast, for six
out of eight query types on the Seed dataset, we couldn’t reproduce
the original results, and none of our models reached the scores
reported by Wang et al. [54].
We confirm the findings of Wang et al. [54], who stated that their
GPT model outperforms the state of the art baselines with regard
to F-measure on the CLEF TAR dataset, but not on the Seed dataset.
13“Styled text” denotes a quote from one of the original papers: [54] or [1].
Prompt GenerationResult RetrievalEvaluationSLR TitleLLM APILocal LLMBoolean QueryPubMed DatabaseA Reproducibility and Generalizability Study of Large Language Models for Query Generation
SIGIR-AP ’24, December 9–12, 2024, Tokyo, Japan
Table 1: Obtained average Precision scores with standard deviation for each model and for each prompt type (query). Statistically
significantly better performing results (one sample t-test, 𝑝 < 0.05) compared to Wang et al. [54] are indicated by †. Bolded
results are the highest overall, and underlined results are the highest for a given query.
Wang et al. [54] GPT-3.5-1106 GPT-3.5-0125
Mistral-tiny Mistral-small Mistral-local
0.345 ± 0.257†
0.319 ± 0.274†
0.320 ± 0.257†
0.284 ± 0.264†
0.290 ± 0.255†
0.064 ± 0.173
0.072 ± 0.181
0.070 ± 0.181
0.044 ± 0.138
0.050 ± 0.151
0.362 ± 0.262†
0.350 ± 0.248†
0.378 ± 0.244†
0.330 ± 0.270†
0.355 ± 0.269†
0.227 ± 0.274
0.233 ± 0.297
0.249 ± 0.293
0.114 ± 0.216
0.104 ± 0.205
0.303 ± 0.263
0.144 ± 0.242
0.258 ± 0.275
0.160 ± 0.238
0.181 ± 0.252
0.209 ± 0.291
0.281 ± 0.304
0.148 ± 0.220
0.099 ± 0.214
0.129 ± 0.211
0.062 ± 0.164
0.122 ± 0.230
0.071 ± 0.153
0.184 ± 0.248
0.055 ± 0.171
Wang et al. [54] GPT-3.5-1106 GPT-3.5-0125
Mistral-tiny Mistral-small Mistral-local
0.037 ± 0.094
0.006 ± 0.071
0.036 ± 0.160
0.027 ± 0.107
0.037 ± 0.140†
0.023 ± 0.061
0.024 ± 0.095
0.006 ± 0.071
0.017 ± 0.037
0.010 ± 0.032
0.013 ± 0.039
0.010 ± 0.030
0.011 ± 0.024
0.009 ± 0.027
0.018 ± 0.084
0.009 ± 0.073
0.035 ± 0.139
0.029 ± 0.100
0.037 ± 0.135
0.012 ± 0.048
0.010 ± 0.035
0.013 ± 0.074
0.015 ± 0.044
0.006 ± 0.029
0.040 ± 0.120
0.030 ± 0.123
0.031 ± 0.121
0.019 ± 0.090
0.024 ± 0.104
0.021 ± 0.104
0.025 ± 0.105
0.006 ± 0.059
0.018 ± 0.053
0.021 ± 0.125
0.027 ± 0.091
0.007 ± 0.038
0.007 ± 0.030
0.008 ± 0.041
0.011 ± 0.043
0.012 ± 0.065
Table 2: Obtained average F1 scores with standard deviation for each model and for each prompt type (query). Statistically
significantly better performing results (one sample t-test, 𝑝 < 0.05) compared to Wang et al. [54] are indicated by †. Bolded
results are the highest overall, and underlined results are the highest for a given query.
Wang et al. [54] GPT-3.5-1106 GPT-3.5-0125 GPT-4
Mistral-tiny Mistral-small Mistral-local Zephyr
0.097 ± 0.139†
0.084 ± 0.124†
0.101 ± 0.131†
0.123 ± 0.161†
0.134 ± 0.160†
0.021 ± 0.078
0.021 ± 0.079
0.025 ± 0.088
0.027 ± 0.100
0.024 ± 0.087
0.085 ± 0.13†
0.096 ± 0.14†
0.097 ± 0.129†
0.086 ± 0.132†
0.102 ± 0.133†
0.048 ± 0.104
0.034 ± 0.084
0.046 ± 0.107
0.050 ± 0.120
0.038 ± 0.098
0.064 ± 0.107
0.028 ± 0.074
0.070 ± 0.119
0.064 ± 0.119
0.057 ± 0.104
Wang et al. [54] GPT-3.5-1106 GPT-3.5-0125 GPT-4
Mistral-tiny Mistral-small Mistral-local Zephyr
0.038 ± 0.081†
0.003 ± 0.018
0.019 ± 0.053
0.023 ± 0.053
0.032 ± 0.074
0.030 ± 0.067†
0.026 ± 0.077
0.002 ± 0.011
0.026 ± 0.051
0.015 ± 0.042
0.018 ± 0.044
0.016 ± 0.043
0.019 ± 0.037
0.015 ± 0.041
0.018 ± 0.044
0.004 ± 0.019
0.023 ± 0.060
0.025 ± 0.066
0.024 ± 0.062
0.017 ± 0.055
0.015 ± 0.048
0.012 ± 0.047
0.021 ± 0.062
0.009 ± 0.035
0.033 ± 0.078
0.021 ± 0.069
0.022 ± 0.073
0.014 ± 0.041
0.016 ± 0.045
0.013 ± 0.041
0.017 ± 0.045
0.004 ± 0.028
0.027 ± 0.071
0.010 ± 0.042
0.032 ± 0.087
0.008 ± 0.030
0.009 ± 0.029
0.010 ± 0.047
0.013 ± 0.046
0.012 ± 0.042
Our results for F1-score (Table 2) also indicate that GPT-3.5-1106,
GPT-4, and Mistral-small, all outperform the baseline on multiple
generated queries. A similar conclusion can be drawn based on the
F3-score results.
When looking at the Recall, as displayed in Table 3, we can
see that the all our models outperform the presented results on
the Seed dataset by the authors, but perform worse on the CLEF
TAR dataset. Nevertheless, based on our results we agree with
SIGIR-AP ’24, December 9–12, 2024, Tokyo, Japan
Moritz Staudinger, Wojciech Kusa, Florina Piroi, Aldo Lipani, Allan Hanbury
Table 3: Obtained average Recall scores with standard deviation for each model and for each prompt type (query). Statistically
significantly better performing results (one sample t-test, 𝑝 < 0.05) compared to Wang et al. [54] are indicated by †. Bolded
results are the highest overall, and underlined results are the highest for a given query.
Wang et al. [54] GPT-3.5-1106 GPT-3.5-0125
Mistral-tiny Mistral-small Mistral-local Zephyr
0.084 ± 0.145
0.067 ± 0.125
0.115 ± 0.195
0.139 ± 0.212
0.150 ± 0.212
0.019 ± 0.079
0.019 ± 0.081
0.026 ± 0.106
0.033 ± 0.131
0.027 ± 0.107
0.072 ± 0.142
0.093 ± 0.169
0.086 ± 0.147
0.086 ± 0.170
0.091 ± 0.142
0.046 ± 0.119
0.026 ± 0.071
0.041 ± 0.108
0.063 ± 0.166
0.043 ± 0.129
0.062 ± 0.128
0.021 ± 0.063
0.063 ± 0.123
0.067 ± 0.150
0.060 ± 0.138
Wang et al. [54] GPT-3.5-1106 GPT-3.5-0125
Mistral-tiny Mistral-small Mistral-local Zephyr
0.148 ± 0.24†
0.025 ± 0.108
0.086 ± 0.206†
0.213 ± 0.310†
0.244 ± 0.311†
0.174 ± 0.256†
0.178 ± 0.281
0.035 ± 0.130
0.203 ± 0.291†
0.147 ± 0.247†
0.169 ± 0.255†
0.237 ± 0.296†
0.258 ± 0.326†
0.202 ± 0.280†
0.267 ± 0.340
0.048 ± 0.109
0.132 ± 0.25†
0.141 ± 0.246†
0.156 ± 0.244†
0.145 ± 0.267
0.113 ± 0.224†
0.088 ± 0.205†
0.104 ± 0.205
0.125 ± 0.221
0.132 ± 0.244
0.047 ± 0.142
0.065 ± 0.168
0.091 ± 0.184
0.064 ± 0.155
0.080 ± 0.171
0.067 ± 0.160
0.017 ± 0.090
0.190 ± 0.293
0.057 ± 0.152
0.214 ± 0.299
0.092 ± 0.228
0.084 ± 0.210
0.080 ± 0.212
0.075 ± 0.195
0.100 ± 0.206
the opinion of Wang et al. [54] that LLM generated queries are
not suitable for high-recall retrieval, as even our best performing
queries are significantly worse than the baseline.
In general we can say that our tested LLMs generally perform
better for precision scores on the CLEF TAR dataset and better
for Recall values on the Seed dataset, when comparing our results
with the authors’ results. However, we do not see any clear trend
whether the generation is more Recall or Precision oriented.
The guided approach of Wang et al. [54] is especially interesting
as none of our tested LLMs managed to achieve a similar perfor-
mance in any metric, when comparing it with their guided approach.
They stated that their Precision and Recall results varied greatly
and ranged from 0 to 1 for some of the topics.
4.2 Variability
Wang et al. [54] state: “We show the variability of the query refine-
ment in Figure 2. There is less variance in query refinement than in
query formation (Figure 1)”. We measure the variability in Recall
and Precision for two of the best-performing queries: q4 and q5.
We compare the average Recall and Precision scores across topics
and random seeds for the seven considered LLMs. Figure 2 presents
the Recall results, while Figure 3 presents the results for Precision.
Both GPT-3.5 models consistently outperform other models in both
evaluation measures however they also exhibit higher variability
in generated Boolean queries. Interestingly, Mistral-local exhibits
lower variance and performs worse than Mistral-tiny despite both
of them being based on the same Mistral-7B-v0.2 architecture.
Figure 2: Recall variability for queries q4, q5 for the Seed dataset.
Figure 3: Precision variability for queries q4, q5 for the Seed dataset.
4.3 Query analysis
Wang et al. [54] mentioned that they regenerated incorrectly format-
ted queries, but did not specify how often this was done. Therefore,
we conducted an in-depth analysis of the queries generated by the
gpt-3.5-turbo-0125gpt-3.5-turbo-1106gpt-4-1106-previewmistral-localmistral-smallmistral-tinyzephyr00. Reproducibility and Generalizability Study of Large Language Models for Query Generation
SIGIR-AP ’24, December 9–12, 2024, Tokyo, Japan
Figure 4: Average Boolean query term length per query for the Seed
dataset depending on the model. Red line denotes average for the
expert-crafted Boolean queries.
Figure 7: Percentage of wrongly generated parentheses, per query
type, for the Seed dataset.
GPT-3.5-1106 was not always able to follow the communication
and did not generate 181 out of around 400 queries (45%).
Further, the models did not manage to always set the parentheses
correctly. In 1, 771 of 11, 200 generated queries, the parentheses
were set incorrectly. Figure 7 shows the percentage of wrongly
generated parentheses. Similar to the generation errors from GPT-
3.5-1106, mistral-tiny did not manage to follow the guided approach
throughout and generated 328 wrong queries.
5 Discussion
While extending the setups by Wang et al. [54] and Alaniz et al. [1],
we ran into several issues and were unable to fully reproduce the
publications, as not enough information was given by the authors.
In this section, we want to discuss these issues.
5.1 Query generation
The description of the query generation process used in the original
papers is limited. While both groups of authors state the issued
prompts with all necessary parameters, they neither describe how
the prompts have been issued nor provide the source code to rerun
their experiment. It is further not described how they extracted
only the Boolean queries from the ChatGPT responses.
At the time when the work by Wang et al. [54] was published,
there were no options for manipulating the output types from the
ChatGPT responses nor for requesting only a specific output. At
the time when Alaniz et al. [1] was published, these options were
already available but are not discussed. From our experience, even
when explicitly asked not to generate anything else except for the
Boolean query, GPT models often return unnecessary explanations
or other boilerplate texts (see Table 4). We found that the only
consistent way of generating the Boolean query only was to use
the JSON return mode. Parsing the output, either by extracting it
through the API or from the website, caused issues because the
generated outputs varied. These variations included additional line-
breaks, comments before and after the query, and no dedicated
character to separate the query and the text. Alaniz et al. [1] show
in their Case Study all of the outputs for the different steps, which
indicates that the queries were manually extracted.
5.2 Example information
While Wang et al. [54] described large parts of their experiment
in great detail, some of the key information to reproduce some of
their experiments is missing. For the query refinement tasks q6 and
Figure 5: Used PubMed search fields per Boolean query. Red line
denotes average for the expert-crafted Boolean queries.
Figure 6: Percentage of incorrect query generations, per query type,
for the Seed dataset.
LLMs in our pipeline. Figure 4 shows the average number of terms
the generated Boolean queries contain. All models, except Mistral-
small and Zephyr, generate far fewer terms on average than the
expert-crafted Boolean queries (red line). While Mistral-small out-
puts comparable, meaningful Boolean query terms for the q4 and
q5 query types, Zephyr’s output Boolean query terms are repeated
multiple times (e.g. term ‘animal testing’ appears over 160 times).
Nevertheless, the usage of PubMed search fields increases for all
models, when they are provided with valid examples of search
queries, using these fields (see Figure 5).
In Figure 6, we see the percentage of errors that occured when
generating the queries. In total 346 out of 11, 200 generated queries
were not created due to ReadTimeouts in Mistral AI or incorrect
JSON generation in GPT. Furthermore, in the guided approach,
guided_queryq1q2q3q4q5related_q4related_q50100200300Modelgpt-3.5-turbo-0125gpt-3.5-turbo-1106gpt-4-1106-previewmistral-localmistral-smallmistral-tinyzephyrMean Term Frequencyguided_queryq1q2q3q4q5related_q4related_q5020406080Modelgpt-3.5-turbo-0125gpt-3.5-turbo-1106gpt-4-1106-previewmistral-localmistral-smallmistral-tinyzephyrAverage Search Fields used per Queryguided_queryq1q2q3q4q5related_q4related_q500.050.1Modelgpt-3.5-turbo-0125gpt-3.5-turbo-1106gpt-4-1106-previewmistral-localmistral-smallmistral-tinyzephyrError Frequency Percentageguided_queryq1q2q3q4q5related_q4related_q500. Parentheses PercentageSIGIR-AP ’24, December 9–12, 2024, Tokyo, Japan
Moritz Staudinger, Wojciech Kusa, Florina Piroi, Aldo Lipani, Allan Hanbury
Table 4: Difference in raw outputs of the GPT-3.5 model for the same input prompt, random seed, top_k=0.1 and temperature=0
depending on the model version and the return mode. Example SLR ID 43 from the Seed collection. The original manually
created Boolean query is in the first row. ‘#Docs’ column represents the number of publications returned after date filtering.
The sentence in the gray color inside the example prompt was issued to models without JSON return mode.
Return mode
Original Boolean query
Raw model output
(("Thyroid Neoplasms"[MeSH] OR "Adenocarcinoma, Follicular"[MeSH] OR "Adenocarcinoma, Papil-
lary"[MeSH] OR OPTC OR ((Thyroid[tiab] OR Follicular[tiab] OR Papillary[tiab] OR hurtle cell[tiab])
AND (cancer[tiab] OR cancers[tiab] OR carcinoma[tiab] OR carcinomas[tiab] OR Adenocarcinoma[tiab]
OR Adenocarcinomas[tiab] OR neoplasm[tiab] OR neoplasms[tiab] OR nodule[tiab] OR nodules[tiab] OR
tumor[tiab] OR tumour[tiab] OR Tumors[tiab] OR Tumours[tiab] OR cyst[tiab] OR cysts[tiab]))) AND
("Autopsy"[MeSH] OR "Autopsy"[tiab] OR "Autopsies"[tiab] OR "Postmortem"[tiab] OR Post-mortem[tiab]
OR “step-sectioned”[tiab] OR “step sectioned”[tiab] OR (Post[tiab] AND mortem[tiab])) AND ("Preva-
lence"[MeSH] OR "Prevalence"[tiab] OR "Prevalences"[tiab] OR Incidence[tiab] OR Epidemiology[tiab] OR
Epidemiological[tiab] OR Frequency[tiab] OR Detected[tiab]) AND ("Incidental Findings"[MeSH] OR Inciden-
tal[tiab] OR Unsuspected[tiab] OR Discovery[tiab] OR Discoveries[tiab] OR Findings[tiab] OR Finding[tiab]
OR Occult[tiab] OR Hidden[tiab] OR Latent[tiab] OR Consecutive[tiab]))
Models input prompt
For a systematic review titled "{{title}}", can you generate a systematic review Boolean query to find all
included studies on PubMed for the review topic? Structure the output as a JSON with the field boolean_query
and create the boolean query without filtering based on the year.
Sure! Here is a systematic review Boolean query to find all included studies on PubMed for the review topic
"Prevalence of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer in Autopsy Studies Over Six Decades: A Meta-Analysis":
("Differentiated Thyroid Cancer" OR "Thyroid Carcinoma" OR "Papillary Thyroid Cancer" OR "Follicular
Thyroid Cancer" OR "Hürthle Cell Thyroid Cancer" OR "Thyroid Neoplasms") AND ("Autopsy" OR "Post-
mortem" OR "Necropsy") AND ("Prevalence" OR "Incidence" OR "Epidemiology") AND ("Meta-Analysis" OR
"Systematic Review")
Sure, here’s a systematic review Boolean query for your topic:
("differentiated thyroid cancer" OR "papillary thyroid cancer" OR "follicular thyroid cancer" OR "thyroid car-
cinoma") AND ("autopsy" OR "postmortem" OR "cadaver" OR "necropsy") AND ("prevalence" OR "incidence"
OR "epidemiology")
You can use this query in PubMed to find relevant studies for your systematic review.
{ "boolean_query": "(("thyroid cancer"[MeSH Terms] OR "thyroid neoplasms"[MeSH Terms] OR "thyroid
carcinoma"[MeSH Terms] OR "differentiated thyroid cancer"[Title/Abstract]) AND (autopsy[Title/Abstract]
OR autopsy studies[Title/Abstract]))" }
Sure! Here is a Boolean query that you can use to search for all included studies on PubMed for the systematic
review titled "Prevalence of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer in Autopsy Studies Over Six Decades: A Meta-
(("Differentiated Thyroid Cancer" OR "Thyroid Neoplasms") AND ("Autopsy" OR "Postmortem") AND
("Prevalence" OR "Incidence") AND ("Meta-Analysis" OR "Systematic Review"))
{ "boolean_query": "(("differentiated thyroid cancer"[MeSH Terms] OR "thyroid neoplasms"[MeSH Terms]
OR "thyroid cancer" OR "thyroid carcinoma") AND (autopsy[MeSH Terms] OR autopsy) AND ("prevalence"
OR "incidence" OR "epidemiology") AND (meta-analysis[Publication Type] OR meta-analysis))" }
q7, the authors state that they are using the original, conceptual
and objective refinement methods to improve the performance of
the Boolean queries, but the meaning of this terms is not explained.
Furthermore, the authors do not provide any information on how
they obtained the Boolean queries. This is particularly important
when working with the CLEF TAR dataset, which does not contain
queries in a format accepted by the PubMed API. Therefore, it would
be necessary to manually translate the provided queries with a tool
such as Polyglot, or obtain the original queries via an alternative
way. We were further confused by what the authors meant by “For
query refinement, we identify three succesfull[sic] topics and eleven
topics for query refinement”.
5.3 Dataset issues
We have encountered different kinds of reproducibility issues both
for Seed and CLEF TAR collections, as well as the data used by
Alaniz et al. [1] which we summarise below.
is a senior information specialist. Each topic is a systematic review
created using Boolean queries developed by our co-author over the
past five years. We were provided unstructured data that we organised
into 40 topics.”
We conducted an analysis of the collection.jsonl file. We found
that the Seed dataset contains duplicated systematic reviews (the
same publication URL with different queries. For example, topics
43 and 96 have the same title: “Prevalence of Differentiated Thyroid
Cancer in Autopsy Studies Over Six Decades: A Meta-Analysis”14
and share the same relevant documents. Other examples with same
title but different search name are (42, 51, 52 and 53 – different
included studies) and (7, 67 – same included studies).
Moreover, we found that two SLRs have the same query, edited
query, seed studies and search dates: (8 and 112) with slightly dif-
ferent SLR titles, meaning that these reviews are most probably
the same. Review (8) has one duplicated included study. Despite
the same input search parameters, these two topics have only 4
Seed collection. “The basis of our collection comes from our
co-author at the Bond Institute for Evidence-Based Healthcare, who
A Reproducibility and Generalizability Study of Large Language Models for Query Generation
SIGIR-AP ’24, December 9–12, 2024, Tokyo, Japan
relevant documents in common, while 20 relevant documents are
disjunct for each topic.
In total, it seems like the collection contains only 34 unique SLRs
and not 40 as stated by the authors. This might be problematic in
the context of guided queries with examples where the authors
used the title of the review and the query for prompting the LLM
(q4-RE, Section 3.5). From our findings, these duplicates would be
the relevant examples for each other in all cases and after such
prompting LLMs generate the query equal to the example review.
Another issue we found, is that the Seed dataset contains two
different Boolean queries for each systematic review. When repro-
ducing their baselines, we used both of these fields, edited-search
and query, and compared them with the provided metrics of the
original paper. Both of them differ from their provided baselines,
but are reasonably close to the stated results.
5.3.2 CLEF TAR. Wang et al. [54] describe the usage of this col-
lection as: “We use the CLEF TAR 2017 and 2018 collections as they
both consist of only diagnostic test accuracy (DTA) systematic reviews.
Some topics from CLEF TAR 2017 are duplicated in the 2018 collec-
tion,so we obtained 72 review topics after removing these duplicates.”
We conducted the analysis of the CLEF TAR dataset15, and found
that there are 80 review topics available in total from the 2017 and
2018 datasets. Eight of these topics16 are part of the 2017 collection,
but have been deleted in the 2018 collection, as they were unreli-
able [24]. We conclude, thus, that Wang et al. [54] used the 2018
collection, and not the 2017 collection.
It is further important to mention that both the CLEF TAR and the
Seed datasets are publicly available on Github, and therefore closed-
source LLMs could be aware of the given Systematic Reviews.
5.3.3 Data by Alaniz. While Wang et al. [54] used already well-
established datasets with known baselines, Alaniz et al. [1] used
only a non-existing systematic review to display their results. They
described their generalizability and verification of the steps as fol-
lows: “To confirm the generalizability across diverse topics, we imple-
mented our process on existing systematic reviews published in Plastic
and Reconstructive Surgery”.
This evaluation is limited, as it only qualitatively compares the
author created output with the output by the LLM, and does not
make use of any pre-existing baselines or Boolean queries.
6 Summary of Findings
In this Section, we summarize the findings for our RQs.
RQ1: To what extent are results of Boolean query generation repro-
ducible and reliable, when rerunning the experiment?
When comparing our results, with the results presented by Wang
et al. [54], we saw similar trends to them, but were unable to repro-
duce their results. In general, we found that our results are neither
reproducible nor reliable when rerunning the same prompts with
different seeds, which led to a high variance in the obtained re-
sults. With the results fluctuating considerably, we do not consider
any of the obtained results reliable enough for the critical task of
systematic reviews.
16CD010771, CD007431, CD010772, CD010775, CD010783, CD010860, CD010896,
RQ2: How do open-source large language models perform in com-
parison to GPT models in the task of Boolean query creation?
We found that open-source LLMs perform reasonably well com-
pared to commercial GPT models. When looking at longer context
lengths, we found that Open-Source models, due to them being
smaller, are more prone to errors. This is especially eminent when
looking at Mistral 7B for the guided query approach, with over 80
percent wrongly generated parentheses.
RQ3: What are the shortcomings and limitations of using LLMs for
Boolean query generation?
We extensively examined the shortcomings of automatic Boolean
query generation via LLMs. We found that models do include more
search field information in their output if they know about their
existence (see, for example, the last row of Table 4). Therefore q1-
q3 contain fewer search fields, than q4 and q5 which provide an
example with possible search fields. Additionally, not all models
are capable of managing large conversation histories effectively,
this issue stems from shorter context length for these models.
To obtain all the presented results, we spent 120 USD in API
calls for GPT 3.5 and GPT 4, and 30 USD in API calls for Mistral
AI. Thus, the total LLM-cost of our reproducibility study was 150
USD. Crafting candidate queries and, therefore, reducing the work
necessary for experts is an upside, as this would reduce the overall
cost of systematic reviews.
7 Conclusion
In conclusion, this research offers a critical examination of the
role that generative AI and LLMs can play in streamlining the sys-
tematic literature review process through effective Boolean query
generation. Despite the promising capabilities of these technologies,
our findings reveal mixed results in terms of replicability and com-
parative performance of commercial models against open-source
counterparts like Mistral and Zephyr. We also found and enumer-
ated multiple reproducibility challenges related to the experimental
setup concerning datasets, baselines and input used for prompts.
Challenges in reproducing the original studies by Wang et al. [54]
and Alaniz et al. [1] underscore the dynamic nature of LLMs and
the importance of detailed documentation for replication studies.
Furthermore, our study points out the limitations and the need for
further exploration into the nuances of LLM-generated Boolean
queries. As we navigate the evolving landscape of AI in academic
research, this study serves as a step towards understanding the ben-
efits and boundaries of integrating LLMs into the systematic review
process. However, challenges persist in ensuring the explainability
of LLM-generated queries, necessitating the development of inter-
pretability frameworks to shed light on their decision-making pro-
cesses. Based on our analysis we believe that using LLMs without
proper fine-tuning do not give generalizable results for the Boolean
query generation task. Therefore, we believe that future work has
to make use of specially trained LLM to improve the quality of the
generated queries and reduce the error rate on generated queries.
Further work can also involve the usage of retrieval-augmented
generation techniques to validate the correctness and the scope of
generated queries.
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ai_researcher | 3 | Filling_in_the_Gaps_LLM-Based_Structured_Data_Generation_from_Semi-Structured_Scientific_Data.pdf | Filling Gaps in Chaoti
Time Series
o Paparella
Dipartimento di Matemati
a (cid:16)E. de Giorgi(cid:17)
Università di Le
e, Italy
We propose a method for (cid:28)lling arbitrarily wide gaps in deterministi
time series. Cru
ial to the
method is the ability to apply Takens' theorem in order to re
t the dynami
s underlying
the time series. We introdu
e a fun
tional to evaluate how
ompatible is a (cid:28)lling sequen
e of data
with the re
ted dynami
s. An algorithm for minimizing the fun
tional with a reasonable
omputational e(cid:27)ort is then dis
PACS numbers: 05.45.-a, 05.45.A
, 05.45.Tp
Keywords: time series analysis,
haos, (cid:28)lling gaps
address: fran
One problem fa
ed by many pra
titioners in the applied s
es is the pres-
e of gaps (i.e.
es of missing data) in observed time series, whi
makes hard or impossible any analysis. The problem is routinely solved by in-
terpolation if the gap width is very short, but it be
omes a formidable one if
the gap width is larger than some time s
terizing the predi
tability of
the time series.
If the physi
al system under study is des
ribed by a small set of
ordinary di(cid:27)erential equations, then a theorem by Takens [1, 2℄ suggests that
from a single time series is possible to build-up a mathemati
al model whose dy-
s is di(cid:27)eomorph to that of the system under examination. In this paper we
leverage the dynami
tion theorem of Takens for (cid:28)lling an arbitrarily
wide gap in a time series.
It is important to stress that the goal of the method is not that of re
overing a
good approximation to the lost data. Sensitive dependen
e on initial
and imperfe
tions of the re
ted dynami
s, make this goal a pra
impossibility, ex
ept for some spe
ases, su
h as small gap width, or periodi
s. We rather aim at giving one or more surrogate data whi
an be
ompatible with the observed dynami
s, in a sense whi
h will be
made rigorous in the following.
We shall assume that an observable quantity s is a fun
tion of the state of a
time, low-dimensional dynami
al system, whose time evolution is
on(cid:28)ned on a strange
tor (that is, we expli
itly dis
ard transient behavior). Both the expli
it form of the
equations governing the dynami
al system and the fun
tion whi
h links its state to the signal
s(t) may be unknown. We also assume that an instrument samples s(t) at regular intervals
of length ∆t, yelding an ordered set of
¯N data
si = s ((i − 1)∆t) , i = 1, . . . , ¯N.
If, for any
ause, the instrument is unable to re
ord the value of s for a number of times,
there will be some invalid entries in the time series {si}, for some values of the index i.
From the time series {si} we re
t the underlying dynami
s with the te
of delay
oordinates. That is, we shall invoke Takens' theorem [1, 2℄ and
laim that the
m-dimensional ve
xi =
si, si+τ , . . . , si+(m−1)τ
lie on a
urve in
h is di(cid:27)eomorph to the
urve followed in its (unknown) phase spa
by the state of the dynami
al system whi
h orginated the signal s(t). Here τ is a positive
integer, and i now runs only up to N = ¯N − (m − 1)τ . Severals pitfalls have to be taken
into a
ount in order to
hoose the most appropriate values for m and τ . Strong
ome from the length of the time series,
ompared to the
time s
ales of
the dynami
al system, and from the amount of instrumental noise whi
h a(cid:27)e
ts the data.
We shall not review these issues here, but address the reader to referen
es [3, 4, 5℄.
We note that gaps (that is, invalid entries) in the time series {si} do not prevent a
essful re
tion of a set R = {xi} of state ve
tors, unless the total width of the
¯N . We simply mark as (cid:16)missing(cid:17) any re
ted ve
tor xi whose
gaps is
omparable with
omponents are not all valid entries.
If the valid ve
tors of R sample well enough the underlying strange attra
tor embedded
, one may hope to (cid:28)nd, by means of a suitable interpolation te
hnique, a ve
tor (cid:28)eld
F : U → Rm
, su
h that within an open set U of
ontaining all the ve
tors xi , the
observed dynami
an be approximated by
˙x = F(x).
This very idea is at the base of several fore
asting s
hemes, where one takes the last observed
tor xN as the initial
ondition for equation (2), and integrates it forward in time (see
e.g., [7, 8℄).
The gap-(cid:28)lling problem was framed in terms of fore
asts by Serre et. al.
[9℄. Their
method, whi
h amounts to a spe
ial form of the shooting algorithm for boundary value
problems, is limited by the predi
tability properties of the dynami
s, and
annot (cid:28)ll gaps of
arbitrary width.
The rest of this note is organized as follows:
in se
tion II we
ast the problem as a
variational one, where a fun
tional measures how well a
andidate (cid:28)lling tra je
tory agrees
with the ve
tor (cid:28)eld de(cid:28)ning the observed dynami
s. Then an algorithm is proposed for
(cid:28)nding a (cid:28)lling tra je
tory. In se
tion III we give an example of what
an be obtained with
this method. Finally, we dis
uss the algorithm and o(cid:27)er some spe
ulations on future works
in se
. IV.
The sour
e of all di(cid:30)
ulties of gap-(cid:28)lling
omes from the following
onstraint: the inter-
urve, whi
h shall be as
lose as possible to a solution of (2), must start at the last
valid ve
tor before the gap and rea
h the (cid:28)rst valid ve
tor after the gap in a time T whi
is pres
To properly satisfy this
onstraint, we propose to frame the problem of (cid:28)lling gaps as
a variational one. We are looking for a di(cid:27)erentiable ve
tor fun
tion ξ : [0, T ] → U whi
minimizes the
ontinuous fun
J(ξ) =
0 (cid:13)
˙ξ(t) − F (ξ(t))
ξ(0) = xp; ξ(T ) = xq.
De(cid:28)ning l = q − p, we have T = l ∆t. If the
urve ξ(t)
ided with the missing
urve x(t)
for t ∈ [0, T ], and F where a perfe
t re
tion of the ve
tor (cid:28)eld governing the dynami
of the system, then the fun
tional would rea
h its absolute minimum J = 0. The imperfe
nature of F suggests that any
urve whi
h makes J small enough
an be
onsidered, on the
basis of the available information, a surrogate of the true (missing)
In se
tion III
we shall o(cid:27)er a simple
riterion to quantify how small is (cid:16)small enough(cid:17). For the moment
we only
are to remark that, even for a perfe
t re
tion of the ve
tor (cid:28)eld, a
urve ξ
making J abitrarily small, but not zero, need not to approximate x(t), in fa
t, the two
may be quite di(cid:27)erent; however, su
h a
urve ξ is
onsistent with the dynami
s pres
by (2).
Most methods for minimizing fun
tionals fo
us on approa
hing as qui
kly as possible the
al minimum
losest to an initial guess. Be
ause we may
on(cid:28)dently assume that J has
many relative minima far away from zero, we expe
t that these algorithms will fall on one
of these uninteresting minima for most
es of the initial guess. Thus, our problem really
es to that of (cid:28)nding a suitable initial guess.
omplexity of the problem is greatly limited if we require that the set L = {yj},
whose l +1 elements sample the initial guess, has to be a subset of the set R of re
tors. The index j = 0, 1, . . . , l does not ne
essarily follow the temporal order de(cid:28)ned in
R by the index i (
fr. eq. (1)), but we require that y0 ≡ xp and yl = xq . We shall denote
with S(yj) the su
essor of the ve
tor yj with respe
t to the temporal order in R, and with
P (yj) its prede
essor. We propose that a good
e for the set L is one whi
h makes as
small as possible the following dis
retized form of the fun
tional J :
J0 ({yj}) =
|yj+1 − yj−1 − S(yj) + P (yj)|2 .
ourse, we shall restri
t our
e of ve
tors to be in
luded in L only to valid ve
tors of
R having valid prede
essor and su
essor. J0
ould be zero if and only if L
ointained all
the missing ve
tors in the
t order: L = {xp, xp+1, . . . , xq}. The value of J0 in
every time that the order a
ording to the j -index is di(cid:27)erent from the natural temporal
order, that is, every time that S(yj) 6= yj+1 or P (yj) 6= yj−1 . If this happens we say that
there is a jump in L between, respe
tively, the position j and j + 1, or j and j − 1.
Although a set L whi
h performs many very small jumps may
eivably attain a very
low value of J0 , there is an ex
eedingly small probability to (cid:28)nd it within a (cid:28)nite dataset. An
intuitive demonstration of this statement
omes from the histogram in (cid:28)gure 1, whi
h shows
the distribution of distan
ies between ea
h re
ted ve
tor and its
losest neighbor for
the dataset dis
ussed in se
tion III: as expe
ted the frequen
y of
losest neighbors qui
drops to zero for short distan
ies. Then our strategy will be that of looking for a set L whi
performs as few jumps as possible.
Let us
all orbit any sequen
e of valid ve
tors whi
h does not jump. The (cid:28)rst ve
tor of
an orbit shall have a valid prede
essor, and the last a valid su
essor. Thus we de(cid:28)ne the
essor of the orbit as the prede
essor of its (cid:28)rst ve
tor and likewise the su
essor of the
orbit as the su
essor of its last ve
tor. We say that an orbit is
utive to a point if its
essor or its prede
essor is the
losest neighbor of the point. Two orbits are
if the su
essor of one orbit is the
losest neighbor of the (cid:28)rst ve
tor of the other orbit, or
if the prede
essor of one orbit is the
losest neighbor of the last ve
tor of the other orbit.
Let us
all bran
h a set made of
utive orbits. Below we des
ribe a simple algorithm
t a set L by joining together one or more
utive orbits.
1. We follow forward in time the orbit
utive to xp for l steps, or until it has a valid
essor. We store away the set of points made of xp followed by the points of this
orbit as the 1-jump forward bran
2. For ea
h point yj of ea
h (n − 1)-jumps forward bran
h (where j = r, 2r, . . . ≤ lf , r is
an arbitrary stride, lf + 1 is the number of points in the forward bran
h, and lf ≤ l,),
we follow forward in time the orbit
utive to yj for l − j steps, or until it has a
valid su
essor. We store away all the points up to yj of the
urrent forward bran
followed by the points of the
utive orbit as one of the n-jumps forward bran
3. We repeat step 2 for a (cid:28)xed number nf of times.
4. We follow ba
kward in time the orbit
utive to xq for l steps, or until it has a
valid prede
essor. We store away the points of the
utive orbit followed by xq as
the 1-jump ba
kward bran
5. For ea
h point zj of ea
h (n − 1)-jumps ba
kward bran
h (where j = r, 2r, . . . ≤ lb ,
r is an arbitrary stride, lb + 1 is the number of points in the ba
kward bran
h, and
lb ≤ l), we follow ba
kward in time the orbit
utive to zj for j steps, or until
it has a valid prede
essor. We store away all the points of this orbit followed by all
the points from zj to the end of the
urrent ba
kward bran
h as one of the n-jumps
kward bran
6. We repeat step 5 a (cid:28)xed number nb of times.
7. For all possible pairs made by one forward bran
h and one ba
kward bran
h we ex-
amine syn
hronous pairs of points, that is a point yjf in the forward bran
h, and a
point zjb in the ba
kward bran
h su
h that jf + lb − jb = l, where lb + 1 is the number
of points in the ba
kward bran
h. If they
ide, or one is the
losest neighbour of
the other, then we de(cid:28)ne L = {y0, . . . , yjf , zjb+1, . . . , zlb+1}.
The presen
e of jumps in L makes it unsuitable as a (cid:28)lling set for the gap. Furthermore,
the dis
retized form (4) of the fun
tional (3) is meaningful only if its arguments {yj} are a
subset of the set of re
ted ve
tors R. Then we need a di(cid:27)erent dis
retization of (3)
h allows as argument any point of U . The simplest among many possibilities relies on
(cid:28)nite di(cid:27)eren
es, leading to the following expression
J1 ({wj}) =
wj − wj−1
− F(wj−1/2)
where the ve
tors wj may or may not belong to R, and j = 0, 1, . . . , l. Here F(wj−1/2) is the
tor (cid:28)eld F evaluated at the midpoint between wj−1 and wj . J1 is a fun
tion of m(l − 1)
real variables (w0 = wp and wl+1 = wq shall be kept (cid:28)xed), whi
an be minimized with
standard te
hniques, using L as the initial guess.
In this se
tion we show how the algorithm des
ribed above performs on a time series
generated by a
tor. We numeri
ally integrate the Lorenz equations [10℄ with
the usual parameters (σ = 10, r = 28, b = 8/3). We sample the x−variable of the equations
with an interval ∆t = 0.02,
ting 5000
utive data points whi
h are our time series.
One thousand
utive data points are then marked as (cid:16)not-valid(cid:17), thus inserting in the
time series a gap with a width of 1/5th of the series length,
orresponding to a time T = 20.
For this
e of parameters the Lorenz attra
tor has a positive Lyapunov exponent λ ≈ 0.9
[6℄, setting the Lyapunov time s
ale at λ−1 ≈ 1.1. We also (cid:28)nd that the auto
tion of the time series drops to negligible values in about 3 time units. We
that T is well beyond any realisti
tability time for this time series.
In the present example we sele
ted the embedding delay τ = 5 simply by visual inspe
of the re
ted tra je
tory, and we
hoose an embedding dimension m = 3. However,
ked that results are just as satisfa
tory up to (at least) embedding delay τ = 15, and
embedding dimension m = 6.
We apply the algorithm with nf = 2 and nb = 0. The strides are r = 1 for the 2-jumps
forward orbits and r = 100 for the 3-jumps forward orbits. This leads to 11001 forward
orbits to be
ompared with 1 ba
kward orbit, looking for syn
hronous pairs points whi
are neighbour of ea
h other. We (cid:28)nd two su
h pair of points, and the
orresponding two
initial guesses L1 and L2 are su
h that J0(L1) = 1.21 and J0(L2) = 1.04.
The approximating ve
tor (cid:28)eld F is extremely simple, and its
e is di
tated solely by
ease of implementation. A
omparison between di(cid:27)erent interpolating te
hniques is o(cid:27) the
ope of this paper, and the interested reader may (cid:28)nd further information in [7℄. If ¯xj and
¯¯xj are the ve
tors of R, respe
losest and se
losest to wj , then we de(cid:28)ne
F(wj−1/2) =
¯xj − P (¯xj) + ¯¯xj − P (¯¯xj)
Using the de(cid:28)nition (6) in (5), we obtain J1(L1) = 3.46 and J1(L2) = 3.17. In order to
smooth-out the jumps in the (cid:28)lling sets, the fun
tion J1 is further de
reased by iterating (cid:28)ve
times a steepest-des
ent line minimization (see, e.g., [11℄) using L1 and L2 as initial guesses.
This pro
edure yelds two sets of l + 1 points, M1 and M2 su
h that J1(M1) = 1.54, and
J1(M2) = 1.34. The
orresponding time series are shown in (cid:28)gure 2. The di(cid:27)eren
e between
the smoothed sets M1 and M2 plotted in (cid:28)gure 2 and the sets with jumps L1 and L2 would
be barely noti
eable on the s
ale of the plot.
The e(cid:27)e
t of the smoothing may be appre
iated by looking at (cid:28)gure 3 whi
h shows the
region a
ross the jump between two
utive orbits of L1 . The non-smoothed (cid:28)lling set
(dashed line) abruptly jumps from one orbit to the other, but the smoothed tra je
tory (thi
solid line) singled out by the points of M1 gently moves between them.
No attempt has been made to approa
h as
losely as possible the lo
al minimum of J1 .
In fa
t, we veri(cid:28)ed that for orbits in R having the same length as the interpolating sets M1
and M2 , J1 ranges (roughly) between 1 and 9. This is a measure of the a
y with wi
the (cid:28)eld F approximates the true dynami
s of the observed system, and there is no point in
looking for an interpolating set having a value of J1 below this range.
In this note we have des
ribed an algorithm whi
h (cid:28)lls an arbitrarily wide gap in a time
series, provided that the dynami
tion method of Takens is appli
able. The goal
is to provide a (cid:28)lling signal whi
h is
onsistent with the observed dynami
s, in the sense
that, in the re
ted phase spa
e, the ve
tor tangent to the (cid:28)lling
urve should be
to the ve
tor (cid:28)eld modeling the observed dynami
s. This request is
ast as a variational
problem, de(cid:28)ned by the fun
tional (3). The a
eptable degree of
loseness is determined by
the level of a
y of the re
tion, whi
h we quantify by
omputing the dis
form (5) of the fun
tional for orbits having the same length of the gap.
Obviously, if the time series has more than one gap, our method
an be applied to all the
gaps, indipendently from ea
h other.
A se
ond novel idea, that greatly simply(cid:28)es the problem, is that of building a rough
solution by stit
hing together pie
es of the observed dataset. The a
tual solution, whi
h will
not be an exa
opy of anything present in the observed dataset, is obtained by re(cid:28)ning
this (cid:28)rst draft. We have illustrated a basi
algorithm that embodies this idea, although
no attempt has been made at making it
omputationally optimal. In parti
ular, with the
algorithm in its present form, many of the forward and ba
kward bran
hes will be partial
opies of ea
h other, be
ause nothing forbids two distin
t bran
hes to jump on the same
orbit. This leaves some room for improvement, be
ause the e(cid:27)e
tiveness of the method
relies on a substantial amount of the set R of re
ted ve
tors to be explored by a
relatively limited number of bran
hes. In a forth
oming, enhan
ed version of the algorithm
some kind of tagging me
hanism shall be in
orporated in order to produ
e non-overlapping
hies of forward and ba
kward bran
We observe that this algorithm does not give a guarantee of su
it is perfe
possible that no point of the forward bran
hes is the
losest neighbor of (or
ides with)
a syn
hronous point of the ba
kward bran
In this
ase the obvious attempt is to
deepen the hierar
hy of the bran
hes, as mu
h as it is
omputationally feasible. Or, one
may relax the request that bran
hes may jump only between
losest neighbors, and a
jumps between se
ond or third neighbors as well. As a last resort, one may stit
h any pair of
forward and ba
kward bran
hes at their
losest syn
hronous points, hoping that the resulting
ould later be smoothed satisfa
torily by minimizing the fun
tion (5). However, when
ing a failure of the algorithm, we believe that (cid:28)rst should be questioned the goodness
and appropriateness of the dynami
tion. The presen
e of too many gaps, the
shortness of the time series, or measurement ina
ies may make the gap-(cid:28)lling problem
an insoluble one. We spe
ulate that the ability of (cid:28)lling gaps with relative ease is a a way
to test the goodness of a dynami
The ease with whi
h a gap may be (cid:28)lled, as a fun
tion of his width, is a problem deserving
further work. For the moment we simply re
all that if a set of initial
onditions of non-zero
measure is evolved in time a
ording to (2), eventually we expe
t it to spread everywhere
on the attra
tor (here the measure is the physi
al measure µ of the attra
fr. ref. [12℄).
More rigorously, if φt is the (cid:29)ow asso
iated to (2), and if it is a mixing transformation,
then, for any pair of sets A, B of non-zero measure, limt→∞ µ(φtA ∩ B) = µ(A)µ(B). The
dispersion of a set of initial
onditions is further dis
ussed in [13℄, where, for example, it is
shown that the essential diameter of a set of initial
annot de
rease in time, after
an initial transient of (cid:28)nite length.
This leads to the idea that wide gaps should be easier to (cid:28)ll than not-so-wide ones,
ause forward and ba
kward bran
hes have explored larger portions of the attra
tor, and
so there is a greater
e to (cid:28)nd syn
hronous points where they
an be joined together.
As a (cid:28)rst step toward the veri(cid:28)
ation of this hypotesis, we
omputed the average minimum
e between syn
hronous points of the 1-jump forward and ba
kward bran
h as the
gap moves along the dataset, for several gap widths. We used the dataset dis
ussed in se
III and a ten times longer extension of it. The results, plotted in (cid:28)gure 4, show that the
average separation of the bran
hes initially in
reases as the gap widens, but then it rea
a well-de(cid:28)ned maximum and, from there on, de
reases as the gap width is further in
lose by mentioning that the dynami
tion te
hnique has been su
applied even to stationary sto
time series, to generate surrogate data with the same
s of the observed ones [14℄. This fa
t, and the hypothesis that ergodi
ity (or the
stronger requirement of being mixing), rather than determinism, is the
ial property that
allows for (cid:28)lling gaps, suggest that some modi(cid:28)ed version of our method should be able to
(cid:28)ll gaps in a large
lass of sto
time series.
This work has been supported by fondo
onvezione strana of the Department of Math-
s of the University of Le
e. We are grateful to Prof. Carlo Sempi for valuable
[1℄ F. Takens, in Dynami
al Systems and Turbulen
e, R. Mañé, D. Rand, and L. S. Young (eds.),
k 1980, Le
ture Notes in Math. (Springer, Berlin, 1981) , Vol. 898.
[2℄ T. Sauer, J. A. Yorke, and M. Casdagli, J. Stat. Phys., 65, 579, (1991).
[3℄ M. Casdagli, S. Eubank, J. D. Farmer, and J. Gibson, Physi
a D, 51, 52, (1991).
[4℄ A. Provenzale, L.A. Smith, R. Vio, and G. Murante, Physi
a D, 58, 31, (1992).
[5℄ J. Theiler, Phys. Rev. A, 34, 2427, (1986).
[6℄ J. Froyland and K. H. Alfsen, Phys. Rev. A, 29, 2928, (1984).
[7℄ M. Casdagli, Physi
a D, 35, 335, (1989).
[8℄ J. D. Farmer and J. J. Sidorowi
h, Phys. Rev. Lett., 59, 845, (1987).
[9℄ T. Serre, M. Auvergne, and M. J. Goupil, Astron. Astrophys., 259, 404, (1992).
[10℄ E. N. Lorenz, J. Atmos. S
i., 20, 130, (1963).
[11℄ W. H. Press, S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, Numeri
al Re
ipes in C:
The Art of S
Computing, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (1992).
[12℄ J.-P. E
kmann and D. Ruelle, 57, 617, (1985).
[13℄ T. Erber, B. S
hweizer, and A. Sklar, Commun. Math. Phys., 29, 311, (1973).
[14℄ F. Paparella, A. Provenzale, L. A. Smith, C. Tari
o, R. Vio, Phys. Lett. A, 235, 233, (1997).
Figure Captions
Figure 1 Distibution of the distan
es between ea
h re
ted ve
tor and its
neighbor for the dataset dis
ussed in se
. III.
Figure 2 Panel A) shows portion of the time series dis
ussed in se
. III. The bla
line was removed and the resulting gap was (cid:28)lled by applying the algorithm des
ribed in
tion II. The bla
kened lines in panels B) and C) are two di(cid:27)erent (cid:28)llings.
Figure 3 Plot of the (cid:28)rst two
omponents of the re
ted ve
tors of: M1 (thi
k solid
line with
rosses); L1 (thi
k dashed line with asterisks); one orbit of L1 and its su
(thin line with open
les); the orbit
utive to it and its prede
essors (thin line with
open squares). To illustrate the smoothing e(cid:27)e
t of minimizing fun
tional (5), we only plot
a very small portion of these sets in the vi
inity of the jump between the
utive orbits.
Figure 4 Average minimum distan
e of sin
hronous points in the 1-jump forward and
kward bran
h as a fun
tion of gap width. The dashed line refers to the dataset dis
in se
. III, the solid line refers to a ten times longer extension of that dataset. The verti
line marks the Lyapunov time λ−1 ≈ 1.1.
Distance of the Closest Neighbor
Figure 1: Distibution of the distan
es between ea
h re
ted ve
tor and its
losest neighbor
for the dataset dis
ussed in se
. III.
Figure 2: Panel A) shows portion of the time series dis
ussed in se
. III. The bla
kened line was
removed and the resulting gap was (cid:28)lled by applying the algorithm des
ribed in se
tion II. The
kened lines in panels B) and C) are two di(cid:27)erent (cid:28)llings.
First Delay Coordinate
Figure 3: Plot of the (cid:28)rst two
omponents of the re
ted ve
tors of: M1 (thi
k solid line
rosses); L1 (thi
k dashed line with asterisks); one orbit of L1 and its su
essors (thin line
with open
les); the orbit
utive to it and its prede
essors (thin line with open squares).
To illustrate the smoothing e(cid:27)e
t of minimizing fun
tional (5), we only plot a very small portion
of these sets in the vi
inity of the jump between the
utive orbits.
50000 samples
5000 samples
Gap Width
Figure 4: Average minimum distan
e of sin
hronous points in the 1-jump forward and ba
h as a fun
tion of gap width. The dashed line refers to the dataset dis
ussed in se
the solid line refers to a ten times longer extension of that dataset. The verti
al line marks the
Lyapunov time λ−1 ≈ 1.1
ai_researcher | 2 | LLM_Tree_Search.pdf | 4
RoT: Enhancing Large Language Models with
Reflection on Search Trees
Wenyang Hui, Kewei Tu
School of Information Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech
Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Intelligent Vision and Imaging
{huiwy, tukw},
Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capability
in reasoning and planning when integrated with tree-search-based prompt-
ing methods. However, since these methods ignore the previous search
experiences, they often make the same mistakes in the search process. To
address this issue, we introduce Reflection on search Trees (RoT), an
LLM reflection framework designed to improve the performance of tree-
search-based prompting methods. It uses a strong LLM to summarize
guidelines from previous tree search experiences to enhance the ability
of a weak LLM. The guidelines are instructions about solving this task
through tree search which can prevent the weak LLMs from making similar
mistakes in the past search process. In addition, we proposed a novel state
selection method, which identifies the critical information from histori-
cal search processes to help RoT generate more specific and meaningful
guidelines. In our extensive experiments, we find that RoT significantly
improves the performance of LLMs in reasoning or planning tasks with
various tree-search-based prompting methods (e.g., BFS and MCTS). Non-
tree-search-based prompting methods such as Chain-of-Thought (CoT)
can also benefit from RoT guidelines since RoT can provide task-specific
knowledge collected from the search experience. The code is available at
Recent research highlighted that tree-search-based prompting methods significantly im-
prove the models’ capability of reasoning and planning in tasks that require multiple steps
of formal reasoning or planning, such as embodied planning (Hao et al., 2023), mathematical
reasoning (Yao et al., 2023) and dialogue policy planning (Yu et al., 2023).
These methods decompose the problem into multiple steps to solve each step sequentially.
In each step they try an action, leading to a state transition, gradually approaching the
correct answer. For instance, as depicted in Figure 1(a), Blocksworld (Valmeekam et al.,
2023) is a task to manipulate the blocks from the initial state to the goal state. Following
RAP’s (Hao et al., 2023) formulation of Blocksworld, the actions are ways to manipulate the
blocks and states are the current block configuration. Then, they use tree search methods
such as breadth-first search (BFS) to search for an optimal path of states and actions that
leads to the solution, with the assistance of LLMs. They employ LLMs to generate available
actions, predict states after applying an action, and evaluate the states or actions (Figure 5).
However, since these methods do not learn from past failures, they often make repeated
mistakes, including incorrectly evaluating the actions, generating actions leading to low
outcomes, and failing to predict the next state. These issues result in low accuracy and poor
search efficiency, leading to the over-exploration of the wrong actions (Chen et al., 2024b).
To empower tree-search-based prompting methods to learn from their search experiences,
we introduce Refection on search Trees (RoT), a framework designed to improve search
efficiency and accuracy by reflecting on previous tree search experiences. RoT employs a
strong LLM to reflect on the previous search process of a weak LLM to get a natural language
Figure 1: An illustration about tree-search-based prompting method in Blocksworld. ai and
si denotes action and state at depth i. v is the estimated value of an action by the tree search
algorithm (value estimation in BFS, and average estimated value of children in MCTS).
task-level guideline. This guideline is then used to enhance the weak LLM’s capability of
making the right decisions and estimations during the subsequent search processes. To
generate a better guideline, we designed a critical information extraction mechanism to
select the most crucial states that significantly impact the outcomes from the previous search
trees. With guidelines, models can avoid repeating mistakes and make better decisions.
We evaluated RoT on a variety of complex reasoning and planning tasks including embodied
planning in Blocksworld (Valmeekam et al., 2023), mathematical reasoning in GSM8k
(Cobbe et al., 2021), and dialogue policy planning in CraigsListBargain (He et al., 2018).
In our experiments, RoT significantly improves the performance of various strong LLMs
in these tasks when using tree-search-based prompting methods such as BFS and MCTS.
RoT also outperforms the recently proposed strong reflection method LEAP Zhang et al.
(2024a) designed for non-tree-search-based methods especially when the problem is hard.
Non-tree-search-based prompting methods such as Chain-of-Thought (CoT) (Wei et al.,
2022; Kojima et al., 2022) and Self-Consistency (Wang et al., 2023b) can also benefit from
the guidelines generated by RoT since they can provide task knowledge collected from the
search experience. We also find that among all the tasks, RoT has the greatest benefit to
tasks that models are not familiar with.
2 Background
2.1 Tree Search Methods
Tree search methods such as BFS, A* search (Hart et al., 1968), and Monte Carlo Tree Search
(Kocsis & Szepesvári, 2006; Coulom, 2006) are used to search a tree for an optimal state.
A search tree T consists of states s, actions a, state value estimations V, and actions value
estimations Q. Actions are transitions between states. Each action within a state is associated
with a value Q(s, a) which estimates the quality of action a in state s. Additionally, each
state is assigned a value V(s) estimating the quality of state s. Since in the deterministic
setting, the incoming action of a state is unique, we set V(s′) to Q(s, a) if taking action a in
state s transitions to s′. Consequently, the primary objective of tree search methods is to
identify a sequence of actions a that leads to the state s∗ with the highest value V(s∗).
2.2 Tree-Search-Based Prompting Methods
Integrating tree-search methods with LLMs presents an intriguing approach to identifying
a series of reasoning steps leading to the correct solution. As depicted in Figure 1(b),
throughout the tree search process, the LLM can be prompted to (1) generate the available
actions {a} within a state s, (2) assess the value Q′(s, a) of taking action a within state s,
Goal: The blue block is on the orange block,and the red block is on the blue block.Pick up blue(v=0.8)Pick up orange(v=0.4)Stack it on orange(v=0.9)Stack it on red(v=0.2)...(Goal achieved)s0a0s1a1s2sn...(b) LLM's role in tree-search-based methodsWhat are the availableactions in state ?How good is performingaction Pick up blue instate ?What is the next stateafter performing Pick uporange in state ?1. Pick up orange.2. Pick up blue.v’=0.8(Output "Good" with prob0.8, "Bad" with prob 0.2)1. Generative possible actions of a state.2. Evaluate actions in a state.3. Predict the next state after performing an action.inputoutputoutputinputoutputinput(a) A search tree example in BlocksworldFigure 2: The RoT framework
and (3) predict the next state s′ after taking action a in state s. With insights from the LLM,
tree-search methods can find an effective sequence of actions leading to a favorable outcome.
3 Reflection on Search Trees
The framework of RoT is depicted in Figure 2. We use tree-search-based prompting methods
to construct the search trees. Then, as explained in Section 3.1 the important states where
making wise decisions can greatly improve future outcomes are selected from the generated
search trees. Finally, the guidelines are summarized from these decisions to improve the
future search process according to Section 3.2.
Important State Selection from the Search Tree
We extract the most informative experiences
from previous tree search experiences by im-
portant state selection. A state is important
if taking an action a within state s leads to a
great increase or decrease in the state value
Intuitively, making wise decisions
within such states can vastly improve tree
search performance. Then through reflection
on such experiences, the model can learn to
make better decisions and attain better per-
formance. Specifically, as depicted in Figure
3, given the search tree T , we calculate the
importance score of state s based on the val-
ues of their children in the following way:
Figure 3: Important State Selection (λ = 0.1).
Importance(s) = max
|V(s′) − V(s)|
States marked
are selected.
Then, a state s is called important when
Importance(s) > λ, where λ is a threshold. RoT also saves relevant information in the
search tree about the important states for better reflection. Specifically, apart from the
important state itself, RoT collects information about the available actions, the next state
corresponding to each action, and the values of the next states.
(v=0.4)(v=0.1)(v=0.5)Wrong(v=0.0)Correct(v=1.0)(v=0.8)(v=0.9)Wrong(v=0.0)Correct(v=1.0)Correct(v=1.0)1. Search Tree Construction2. Important State SelectionState: Action: Pick up orangeValue estimation: 0.8Incorrect because the orange blockshould be at bottom in the goal state.Initial State:Goal: The blue block is on theorange block, and the red block ison the blue block.2. Value Estimation w/o RoTState: Action: Pick up orangeValue estimation Guidelines: ...1. The agent should focus on blocks not already positioned correctly,...2. The agent should avoid actions that undo previously made changes, ...Value estimation: 0.13. Value Estimation w/ RoT(v=0.4)(v=0.1)(v=0.5)Wrong(v=0.0)Correct(v=1.0)(v=0.8)(v=0.9)Wrong(v=0.0)Correct(v=1.0)Correct(v=1.0)Importance: 0.8-0.4=0.4 Imp.: 0.1Imp.: 0.1Imp.: 0.1Imp.: 0.5 3. Guidelines GenerationYou are an expert of playing Blockworld. ... {Promising state, next states and values} Give guidelines to help to achieve higher values.🔍🔍To effectively play the BlocksWorld game, thefollowing consolidated policy guideline shouldbe applied: ......Strong LLM1. Problem(a) The RoT Framework(b) Enhancing tree-search-based methods by RoTv=0.1Importance:max(0.1, 0.5) - 0.4 = 0.3 > λ,ImportantImp: 0.05Not ImportantImp: 0.4Important🔍🔍v=0.4v=0.5v=0.1v=0.1v=0.05v=0.9v=0.1🔍Figure 4: Guideline Summarization.
3.2 Guideline Summarization
Based on the information collected in important state selection, RoT summarizes a guideline
to enhance future search performance with the assistance of LLM. As described in Figure 4.1,
for each important state, we ask a strong LLM to contrastively reflect on all the actions and
the consequences of taking action. We prompt this LLM first to analyze the impact of each
action on the value of the next states, and then summarize a guideline based on its analysis.
Finally, the weaker LLM is given this guideline to improve the tree search efficiency.
However, when presenting LLMs with information about all the important states simulta-
neously, LLM often gets overwhelmed and fails to capture the details in summarization,
resulting in overly general guidelines. Consequently, we separately generate guidelines
from a single important state and then prompt LLM to merge the guidelines into one com-
prehensive guideline (Figure 4.2). To improve the search efficiency and quality in the future
search process, RoT appends the generated guidelines to a predefined location in the prompt
used to generate action, states, or estimate values. With the enhanced prompts, LLMs can
attain better performance in tree searches. Beyond enhancing search performance, the sum-
marized guidelines can augment non-tree-search-based methods such as Chain-of-Thought
(CoT) by providing LLMs with prior knowledge about the task.
Iterative Improvement
Inspired by expert iteration (Anthony et al., 2017), an approach to further enhance search
performance is applying the RoT iteratively. This uses previously generated guidelines
to generate improved search trees and summarizes an enhanced guideline based on the
improved search tree and past guidelines to prevent the mistakes that are hard to avoid.
4 Experiments
In this section, we evaluate the effectiveness of RoT on complex reasoning and planning
tasks by integrating it with two tree-search-based methods, breadth-first search (BFS) and
(Monte Carlo Tree Search) MCTS Kocsis & Szepesvári (2006), and two non-tree-search-based
methods, Chain of Thoughts (CoT) (Wei et al., 2022) and CoT with self-consistency (Wang
et al., 2023b). We focus on analyzing the performance improvement on these prompting
Figure 5: Examples of BFS and MCTS.
The following is a blocksworld problem: Goal: Blue block on the orange block, ...The followings are state, actions, states after applying anaction and corresponding values of each actions.State: Option 1:Action: Put down orange. Next State 1: Value 1: 0.1Option 2: ...Give some guidelines to help to achieve higher values.Guidelines:1. The agent should focuson blocks not alreadypositioned correctly, ...2. The agent should avoidactions that undo previouschanges, ......1. If the agent is holding a block, it must assesswhether placing it immediately contributes to thegoal configuration....2. In cases where immediate progress towards thegoal state is not feasible ...3. If the current top block obstructs necessarymoves to access the block below that contributesto the goal, unstack it.4. ... avoid actions that undo previous changes, ...1. Summarize guidelines for each promising decisions.2. Merge to get a comprehensive guideline.LLMLLMv=0.4v=0.1v=0.5v=0.71. Expansion (depth=1)v=0.4v=0.1v=0.5v=0.7v=0UCT=0.5+0.5 =1.0UCT=0.4UCT=0.9v=0.8v=0.7v=0.4v=0.1v=0.5v=0.7v=0v=0.8v=0.7v=0.7v=0.5v=0.1v=0.6v=0.7v=0v=0.8v=0.7v=0.71. Select2. Expand & Simulate3. Backpropagatev=0.3v=0.8v=0.6v=0.2v=0.4v=0.1v=0.5v=0.72. Expansion (depth=2)(a) An example of BFS with beamsize = 2(b) An example of one MCTS iteration...Method
b CoT
Step 4
3.9 (+200.0%)
15.8 (+198.1%)
69.7 (+12.8%)
36.8 (+21.5%)
85.5 (+1.5%)
10.5 (+98.1%)
48.7 (+19.4%)
89.5 (+3.1%)
61.8 (+4.4%)
92.1 (+2.9%)
18.4 (+100.0%)
71.1 (+12.5%)
93.4 (+1.4%)
69.7 (+8.1%)
89.5 (+7.4%)
Step 6
0.0 (+0.0%)
1.4 (+0.0%)
29.0 (+13.7%)
18.6 (+3.9%)
55.2 (+17.7%)
6.2 (+82.4%)
21.4 (-11.2%)
61.4 (-4.2%)
43.4 (+8.5%)
76.0 (-0.8%)
11.7 (+6.4%)
54.5 (+0.0%)
57.2 (-5.8%)
42.8 (+2.1%)
75.2 (-1.8%)
Step 8
0.0 (+0.0%)
0.7 (+0.0%)
16.1 (+43.8%)
6.3 (+50.0%)
17.5 (+56.2%)
0.0 (+0.0%)
10.5 (+114.3%)
42.7 (+1.7%)
24.5 (+69.0%)
59.4 (+7.6%)
4.9 (+133.3%)
29.4 (+68.0%)
40.6 (+20.8%)
21.7 (+24.0%)
54.5 (+5.4%)
Step 10
0.0 (+0.0%)
0.0 (+0.0%)
8.7 (+50.0%)
1.9 (+0.0%)
3.9 (+34.5%)
1.0 (+0.0%)
11.7 (+50.0%)
33.0 (+3.1%)
21.4 (+69.8%)
34.0 (+16.8%)
3.9 (+34.5%)
27.2 (+33.3%)
33.0 (+13.4%)
22.3 (+35.2%)
34.0 (+6.2%)
Table 1: Partial Blocksworld Results. CoT-Pass(n) is the rate that at least one correct solution
in n CoT generations. BFS(b) means the number of beams in BFS is b. MCTS(n) denotes n
iterations are performed. Steps k is the minimum number of actions to solve this problem.
A higher number of steps indicates a harder problem. The full table is shown in Table 6.
methods after applying RoT summarized guidelines. Meanwhile, we also compare RoT
with the recent non-tree-search-based reflection method, LEAP (Zhang et al., 2024a).
We will first introduce the baseline methods used in our experiments. After that, we
introduce the tasks, experiment settings, and their main results. Finally, we did ablation
studies about important state selection and iterative improvement. Due to the limited space,
we show the experiments about the iterative improvement of RoT in Appendix B.4.
4.1 Baselines
BFS explores the search tree by depth. As depicted in Figure 5(a), BFS expands all the
actions in each state in each depth to generate states of the next depth iteratively until a
depth limit is reached. Since exploring all actions leads to exponential computational costs,
beam BFS is adopted. Only actions in the b best states are expanded, where b is the number
of beams. The scores of states are obtained by prompting the LLM to predict the score once.
MCTS is an efficient tree search method. As shown in Figure 5(b), it first selects a promising
state and action that scores the highest in exploration and exploitation. Then it takes this
action to expand a new state. Then it evaluates the quality of this state and backpropagates
the evaluation for a more precise quality estimation of its ancestors. The value estimations
of a state and action are determined by the LLM’s estimation of itself and the estimations
propagated from its descendants through backpropagation.
CoT and CoT-SC are two widely used non-tree-search-based prompting methods. CoT
requires the model to generate a reasoning chain to improve the reasoning ability. CoT-SC
samples multiple reasoning paths and conducts a majority vote to select the best answer.
LEAP is a reflection method designed for CoT. It uses a strong LLM to generate guidelines
based on comparisons between generated wrong answers and gold answers in the trainset
to prevent the model from making similar mistakes in reasoning in the future.
4.2 Blocksworld
Blocksworld requires the agent to have a strong ability to plan and awareness of the future
consequences. The task involves manipulating stacks of blocks into a goal state where the
blocks in the stacks satisfy the desired configuration. At each step, the agent can pick up a
block on top of a stack when the hand is empty, place the held block onto a stack of blocks,
or put the block onto the ground.
Task setup. We follow RAP (Hao et al., 2023)’s setup in tree search and CoT. The states are
natural language descriptions of block configurations, and actions are block manipulations.
48.1 (+0.0%)
64.2 (−2.9%)
55.8 (+2.6%)
53.5 (+4.7%)
62.4 (+0.8%)
31.8 (+1.9%)
50.3 (+1.8%)
48.2 (+4.6%)
47.3 (+11.6%)
58.9 (+6.1%)
50.2 (+3.1%)
71.1 (+2.9%)
66.7 (−2.0%)
66.6 (+1.8%)
79.2 (+2.3%)
Table 2: GSM8K Results.
Rules are used to generate the actions within. After an action is taken, we use rules to
get the next state. The initial value estimation of actions is computed by normalized log
probabilities of each action provided by LLMs conditioned on the current state. A search
tree of Blocksworld is in Figure 5. The sample LLM input and output are in Appendix B.1.
When performing RoT and LEAP, we generate 20 samples and summarize the guidelines
on these samples with gpt4 (OpenAI, 2023). We perform MCTS for 20 iterations to generate
search experiences and set the threshold λ to 0.1.
We use the minimum required steps to partition the test set. As the number of steps increases,
the complexity of the samples correspondingly increases. This allows us to analyze the
performance of our system on tasks with different difficulties. We evaluate RoT on three
LLMs: phi-2 (Li et al., 2023b), a 2.7B model, mistral-7b (Jiang et al., 2023), a 7B model, and
mixtral-8x7b (Jiang et al., 2024), a 8x7B mixture of experts model. The specific model names
or URLs are listed in Appendix C.2
Results. As shown in Table 1, RoT significantly improves the accuracy of tree-search-based
methods and non-tree-search-based methods over baseline. Notably, RoT demonstrates
consistent performance improvements across a range of models. Compared to LEAP, RoT
attains better performance on average, as it summarizes the guidelines based on important
states. By reflecting on states, the LLM can generate more specific guidelines, while LEAP
reflects on the whole solution, making the guidelines less specific and thus less helpful. By
comparing the results from different steps, the relative improvement from RoT gets larger
as the number of required steps gets larger. For instance, the average relative improvement
to the baseline of MCTS increases from +2.2% at step 2 to +27.1% at step 8. This indicates
RoT gets more effective when the task gets harder.
4.3 GSM8k
GSM8k (Cobbe et al., 2021) is a math word problem dataset, where each problem consists of
a description and a final question asks for the value of a quantity. To solve the problems, the
model should have a good ability for mathematical reasoning and arithmetic calculations.
Task setup. Also following RAP, we solve the problems by recursively decomposing them
into subquestions and then answering them sequentially. After the number of subquestions
reaches the limit or the LLM thinks it can answer the whole question, it derives the final
answer based on all the subquestions and subanswers. Therefore, we define the states as
subanswers, and actions as subquestions. When expanding a state, we ask LLMs to generate
a few subquestions as the actions of the current state. The initial value estimation of actions
is computed by the normalized probability that LLM answers “Yes” compared to answering
“No” when asked whether this subquestion is useful in the current state.
Like RoT in Blocksworld, we perform MCTS for 20 iterations and BFS with beam size 20 on
40 samples in the train set, to generate the tree search experiences. We set the threshold λ to
0.1, and still use gpt-4 for guideline generation in both RoT and LEAP. The LLMs evaluated
in GSM8k are the same as those in Blocksworld: phi-2, mistral-7b, and mixtral-8x7b.
Results. As shown in Table 2, RoT improves the accuracy of various LLMs over baselines.
Compared to the non-tree-search-based reflection method, LEAP, RoT can achieve similar
performances in CoT and CoT-SC(10), and obtain much better performance in tree-search-
based methods. However, We found that the improvement is less significant than in
Model Method
Encourage Profit
Profit↑ Agree.− Utility↑
Encourage Agree.
Profit↑ Agree.↑ Utility↑
Table 3: Results on CraigslistBargain
Blocksworld. One reason is that performing arithmetic calculations accurately is also
required to solve the problem, while the guidelines cannot enhance such ability.
4.4 CraigslistBargain
CraigslistBargain (He et al., 2018) is about bargaining between a buyer and a seller over
an item. Each sample consists of the item’s description, the buyer’s ideal price pb, and
the seller’s ideal deal price ps. The buyer aims to buy the item at a lower price, while the
seller aims at the opposite. However, they may also have a common goal of reaching an
agreement. To achieve higher benefits and agreement, a model should be able to compose a
good plan to persuade the opponent to adjust their prices. An example is in Figure 7.
Task setup. We define the state as the dialogue history and the action as the concept of the
next response to the opponent. When expanding a state, the actions are generated by LLMs.
The values of actions are evaluated by roll-out, which requires the current participant to
complete the dialogue by both acting as the seller and the buyer. The value of a roll-out
is given based on the deal’s success and the deal price. Unlike Blocksworld and GSM8k,
where the model has full control over transitions between states, the transition in negotiation
is also affected by the component. Running a tree search can only get a good action within
the current state, instead of a path to the best state. Therefore, the negotiation needs
to be finished by multiple rounds of MCTS. Each round involves searching for effective
persuasion and transitioning to a new state based on the response from the counterpart.
For RoT, we perform MCTS for 16 iterations on 2 samples to get the experiences and set
the threshold λ to 0.1. We use gpt-4 to summarize the guidelines. In CraigslistBargain,
CoT inquires LLMs to determine an action and generate the response given this action. We
evaluate methods as the role of the seller. Since dialogue does not contain a gold answer, we
cannot evaluate CoT-SC and LEAP. BFS is also not evaluated due to limited API resources.
We employ proft and utility to measure how good a successful deal is. Profit from the seller’s
perspective is defined as Profit(p) = 2 · p−(ps+pb)
, where p is the price of a successful deal.
This metric provides a linear mapping of the deal price p, yielding a value of −1 when
p = pb and 1 when p = ps. In our experimental results, the reported profit is the average
profit of successful deals, while the utility is the average profit of all deals, where the profit
of an unsuccessful deal is set to 0. Moreover, we use profit in the reward of a dialogue. The
reward is defined as lpenalty if the deal is not successful and Profit(p) if the deal is successful.
In our prior experiments, we observed that without penalizing the seller for unsuccessful
deals, it tends to insist on a high price, which leads to high profit but frequent failures
in bargains. To address this, we introduce a penalty term, lpenalty to control the extent of
punishment of an unsuccessful deal. In experiments, we explore two settings, encouraging
profit and encouraging agreement, where lpenalty is set to 0 and 1 respectively.
Step 2
Step 4
Step 6
Step 8
Step 10
Table 4: AUC of Blocksworld.
Figure 6: AUC on the step-6 split
of Blocksworld using phi-2.
Similar to the findings from Fu et al. (2023), we observe that smaller LLMs, such as phi-2
cannot bargain successfully, as they are unaware of the changing prices. Therefore, we
evaluate the framework with larger models including mixtral-7x8b, chatgpt and gpt-4
(OpenAI, 2023). We use gpt-4 as the in all experiments buyer. We evaluate 18 samples when
using mixtral-8x7b or chatgpt as the seller and 9 samples when using gpt-4 as the seller.
Results. The results displayed in Table 3 demonstrate that RoT significantly improves
the utilities across most settings. When encouraging the seller to maximize its profit, RoT
shows an average absolute profit improvement of 0.55 while potentially sacrificing some
agreement. In settings where agreement is also prioritized, RoT has an average absolute
profit improvement of 0.36 without any compromise in agreement. We surprisingly observe
that RoT enables the performance of CoT to match or even surpass that of MCTS. This
could be attributed to the guidelines providing models with detailed instructions about
responding to the opponent’s behavior, reducing the necessity to search for an optimal
response. Notably, RoT demonstrates its most impressive performance in CraigslistBargin
compared to Blocksworld and GSM8k. One explanation could be that LLMs are less
familiar with bargaining, as they are trained not to exhibit overly aggressive behavior, thus
making them more inclined to accommodate the opponent’s demands. With the guidelines,
models can learn to be aggressive and thus highlight the item’s value when the opponent
wants a lower price instead of directly lowering the price, which leads to higher utility.
4.5 Search Efficiency Analysis
To demonstrate the efficacy of our framework in enhancing search efficiency, we evaluate
RoT by area under the iteration-accuracy curve (AUC) of MCTS. As shown in Figure 6, we
vary the number of MCTS iterations from 1 to 10 and calculate the area within 10 iterations.
A higher AUC indicates that the method can achieve higher accuracy within fewer MCTS
iterations. We access RoT on Blocksworld and GSM8k, as we can evaluate MCTS with a
single round of tree search. As shown in Table 4, RoT can improve the value of AUC, which
means this framework can achieve a better trade-off between search efficiency and accuracy.
Results show that the improvement of RoT is more significant when the task gets harder.
Important State Selection
To prove the efficacy of important state selection, we experiment with the impact of reflection
targets on the performance of tree searches in GSM8k. We tried MCTS without guidelines,
with guidelines summarized from problem-only samples, all experiences, and random
states in the search tree. We also change the threshold λ to adjust the quantity and quality
of the selected states to inspect its impact on tree search.
As shown in Table 5, MCTS can benefit from guidelines summarized from the problem
samples, since an LLM can give a guideline based on its prior knowledge. When reflecting
on the important states, the performance of MCTS can be further improved. We list part
of the summarized guidelines in Table 8. Through observation, we observe that with
important state selection, LLMs can summarize more specific guidelines which improve
value estimation and next-state prediction of future searches.
13579Number of iterations0. 27.2 MCTSRoT-MCTSAUCRoT-MCTS: 33.15 Related Works
5.1 Search-based LLM planning and reasoning
Planning and reasoning tasks typically require a model to make deliberate decisions while
considering future consequences. However, naive input-output-based prompting methods
cannot make decisions with consideration about the future, leading to poor performance in
complex tasks that require multiple steps of reasoning and planning(Valmeekam et al., 2023;
Li et al., 2023a; Suzgun et al., 2023). Given that search methods can effectively consider future
outcomes by exploration and backtracking, they have become widely adopted to enhance
LLM’s planning and reasoning abilities. In an initial effort, self-consistency (Wang et al.,
2023b) conducts parallel searches across multiple chains of thoughts and conveys a majority
vote to determine the final result. However, since each search process is done individually,
the same reasoning steps may be explored multiple times in the search process, resulting
in inefficiency. As tree searches can effectively avoid revisiting the sample reasoning
process, various tree-search-based prompting methods are proposed to further enhance
the model’s reasoning and planning ability. For example, tree-of-thoughts (Yao et al., 2023)
applies breadth-first search and depth-first search in game planning and mathematical
reasoning. Other methods employ Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) to enhance reasoning
and planning in various tasks including code generation (Zhang et al., 2023; Yang et al.,
2023a), dialogue policy planning (Yu et al., 2023), game planning (Yao et al., 2023), and
mathematical reasoning (Yao et al., 2023; Hao et al., 2023). Zhuang et al. (2024) propose to
use A* in tool agent and mathematical reasoning. These methods usually rely on LLMs
to generate the action, estimate the values of actions, and predict the next state given an
action, which controls the exploration process of tree search. However, by investigating the
above tree-search-based prompting methods, Chen et al. (2024b) discovers that the accuracy
of value estimation is important to the tree search performance while LLM-based value
estimation is unreliable. In RoT, the reflected guidelines can make the value estimation
more accurate to achieve better tree searches.
5.2 Reflection
Reflection, as seen in methods such as Self-Refine (Madaan et al., 2023) is a method for en-
hancing models’ ability at inference time by refining responses based on feedback. Previous
methods primarily focus on refining responses based on a single feedback (Madaan et al.,
2023; Chen et al., 2023) or contrast between multiple models (Du et al., 2023; Zhang et al.,
2024b). Although effective, these methods typically concentrate on refining the current
sample while discarding the historical reflections, resulting in the loss of past experiences.
Consequently, the model cannot form a comprehensive understanding of this task. To
address this limitation, various studies propose methods to enhance models’ ability by
refining policy or prompt based on task-level reflections. ProTeGi (Pryzant et al., 2023) and
PromptAgent (Wang et al., 2023a) optimize the prompt by search algorithms. TRAN (Yang
et al., 2023b), Grimoire (Chen et al., 2024a), and LEAP (Zhang et al., 2024a) use guidelines
summarized from good or bad generation results to guide the future generation. In our
proposed method, we enhance the models’ ability by refining the LLM-assisted tree search
process with reflection on tree search experiences across various samples.
+ problem samples
+ all experience
+ random states
+ imp. states (λ = −0.001)
+ imp. states (λ = 0.5)
+ imp. states (λ = 0.1)
No. States Accuracy
Table 5: Number of selected decisions and performance of mistral-7b on GSM8k when
employing different selection mechanism for reflection.
6 Conclusion
We propose a framework RoT, which prevents the model from making mistakes repeatedly
by reflecting on the previous tree search experiences. RoT improves the accuracy and
efficiency of LLM tree search by a guideline reflected from previous search experiences. We
show that RoT is also beneficial to non-tree-search-based prompting methods including BFS
and MCTS by providing models with better knowledge prior. Experiments demonstrate
that RoT can significantly enhance the performance of LLM prompting methods, especially
for tree-search-based prompting methods.
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CoRR, abs/2401.02009, 2024b. doi: 10.48550/ARXIV.2401.02009. URL
Yuchen Zhuang, Xiang Chen, Tong Yu, Saayan Mitra, Victor Bursztyn, Ryan A. Rossi,
Somdeb Sarkhel, and Chao Zhang. Toolchain*: Efficient action space navigation in
large language models with a* search. In The Twelfth International Conference on Learning
Representations, 2024. URL
A Limitations
RoT has several limitations. It requires models to have good overall capabilities. A strong
model is required to summarize a meaningful guideline. Furthermore, the model used to
perform tree search should have good instruction-following ability. Otherwise, it may not
follow the guidelines and thus the guidelines will be useless. To select important states and
reflect meaningful guidelines, RoT requires accurate value estimation of states in trees. This
requires a strong value estimation method or in MCTS, a large number of iterations.
B Additional Experiments Details
B.1 LLM Input & Output Examples
We show the input & output examples in Blocksworld. For prompts in GSM8k and
CraigslistBargain, see our GitHub repository. We use prompts from RAP (Hao et al., 2023)
in blocksworld.
Action Evaluation
I am playing with a set of blocks where I need to arrange the blocks into
stacks. Here are the actions I can do
Pick up a block
Unstack a block from on top of another block
Put down a block
Stack a block on top of another block
I have the following restrictions on my actions:
I can only pick up or unstack one block at a time.
I can only pick up or unstack a block if my hand is empty.
To effectively manage the BlocksWorld game environment and achieve higher
rewards, the following consolidated policy guideline should be applied by
the agent:
1. The agent should focus on unstacking or picking up blocks that are
essential for constructing the goal configuration, especially if they are
not already positioned correctly. It should endeavor to clear blocks that
are part of the goal configuration by ensuring that no other blocks are
stacked on top of them and are thus free to be manipulated.
2. When the agent's hand is empty, it should prioritize picking up blocks
that will contribute to the immediate construction of a correct
sub-configuration which leads towards the overall goal configuration.
Preferentially, blocks should be picked up in an order that reflects their
final position in the goal state to minimize additional moves.
3. If the agent is holding a block, it must assess whether placing it
immediately contributes to the goal configuration. If the action is valid
and moves closer to achieving the goal, it should place the block
accordingly. Otherwise, the agent should put it down on the table in a
clear space to keep options open for subsequent actions.
Please evaluate whether the given action is a good one under certain
As initial conditions I have that, the red block is clear, the yellow block
is clear, the hand is empty, the red block is on top of the blue block, the
yellow block is on top of the orange block, the blue block is on the table
and the orange block is on the table.
My goal is to have that the orange block is on top of the red block.
unstack the red block from on top of the blue block
As initial conditions I have that, the red block is clear, the yellow block
is clear, the hand is empty, the red block is on top of the blue block, the
yellow block is on top of the orange block, the blue block is on the table
and the orange block is on the table.
My goal is to have that the red block is on top of the orange block and the
orange block is on top of the blue block.
unstack the yellow block from on top of the orange block
Normalized probability of outputting good vs bad.
The red part is the guideline, the blue part is the description of the current state, and the
green part is the action to evaluate.
B.2 Full Blocksworld Results
b CoT
Step 2
13.5 (+66.7%)
54.1 (+25.2%)
100.0 (+2.8%)
59.5 (+7.0%)
86.5 (-3.0%)
43.2 (+23.1%)
81.1 (-3.2%)
100.0 (+0.0%)
67.6 (+4.2%)
83.8 (+6.9%)
45.9 (+54.5%)
86.5 (+6.7%)
100.0 (+0.0%)
59.5 (-4.3%)
94.6 (+2.9%)
Step 4
3.9 (+200.0%)
15.8 (+198.1%)
69.7 (+12.8%)
36.8 (+21.5%)
85.5 (+1.5%)
10.5 (+98.1%)
48.7 (+19.4%)
89.5 (+3.1%)
61.8 (+4.4%)
92.1 (+2.9%)
18.4 (+100.0%)
71.1 (+12.5%)
93.4 (+1.4%)
69.7 (+8.1%)
89.5 (+7.4%)
Step 6
0.0 (+0.0%)
1.4 (+0.0%)
29.0 (+13.7%)
18.6 (+3.9%)
55.2 (+17.7%)
6.2 (+82.4%)
21.4 (-11.2%)
61.4 (-4.2%)
43.4 (+8.5%)
76.0 (-0.8%)
11.7 (+6.4%)
54.5 (+0.0%)
57.2 (-5.8%)
42.8 (+2.1%)
75.2 (-1.8%)
Step 8
0.0 (+0.0%)
0.7 (+0.0%)
16.1 (+43.8%)
6.3 (+50.0%)
17.5 (+56.2%)
0.0 (+0.0%)
10.5 (+114.3%)
42.7 (+1.7%)
24.5 (+69.0%)
59.4 (+7.6%)
4.9 (+133.3%)
29.4 (+68.0%)
40.6 (+20.8%)
21.7 (+24.0%)
54.5 (+5.4%)
Step 10
0.0 (+0.0%)
0.0 (+0.0%)
8.7 (+50.0%)
1.9 (+0.0%)
3.9 (+34.5%)
1.0 (+0.0%)
11.7 (+50.0%)
33.0 (+3.1%)
21.4 (+69.8%)
34.0 (+16.8%)
3.9 (+34.5%)
27.2 (+33.3%)
33.0 (+13.4%)
22.3 (+35.2%)
34.0 (+6.2%)
Table 6: Full Blocksworld Results. CoT-Pass(n) denotes the rate that at least one correct
solution in n CoT generations. BFS(b) means the number of beams in BFS is b. MCTS(n)
denotes n iterations are performed. Number of steps is the minimum number of actions to
solve this problem. A higher number of steps indicates a harder problem.
B.3 CraigslistBargin Example
Figure 7: An example of bargaining. The profit of the seller in this deal is 105−(125+95)/2
Item: a desk BuyerSellerSell at $125Buy at $95How much is the price?It's $125.How about $85?It's brand new. Howabout $105?okayDeal success deal price: $105B.4
Iterative Improvement with RoT
We evaluate iterative improvement with RoT on the 6-step split of Blocksworld using
MCTS10 with phi-2. As shown in Figure 8 and Figure 9, the performance does not improve
significantly if we iteratively perform RoT. In Blocksword, as the number of iterations of
RoT increases, the accuracy tends to increase when the number of RoT iterations is small
and soon gets saturated. We can also find that a longer guideline does not necessarily lead
to better performance.
Figure 8: Word count of sum-
marized guidelines and accurate
when iteratively applying RoT to
MCTS(10) on Blocksworld with step
6 with phi-2.
Figure 9: Word count of sum-
marized guidelines and accurate
when iteratively applying RoT to
MCTS(10) on GSM8k with phi-2.
mistral-7b mixtral-8x7b
Table 7: AUC of GSM8k.
B.5 Guidelines in Prompising Decision Selection
012345674850525456AccuracyRoT+MCTS(10)MCTS(10)01234567RoT Iterations300350400450500550600Words0. Iterations300350400450500550600WordsGuideline
+ problem samples To effectively solve math word problems, it’s important to follow a
structured approach. Here is a general guideline that can be applied to
many types of math word problems:
1. Read the Problem Carefully: Understand what the problem is
asking. Identify the key information and what the problem is
asking you to find.
2. Identify the Variables: Determine what quantities the problem
is dealing with and assign symbols if necessary.
3. Translate Words into Math: Convert the words into mathemati-
cal expressions or equations using the identified variables.
4. Develop a Plan: Decide on the steps you need to take to solve
the problem using the information given.
5. Execute the Plan: Carry out the steps you have decided on to
find the solution.
6. Check Your Work: Verify that your solution makes sense in the
context of the problem and that you have answered what was
+ all states
Comprehensive Policy for Solving Word Problems:
1. Initial Reading and Understanding:
• Carefully read the entire word problem to fully understand
the main question, the context, and all the relevant informa-
tion needed for the solution.
• Identify initial conditions, key details, and the end goal
of the problem to ensure a comprehensive understanding
before beginning to solve it.
2. Breaking Down the Problem into Subquestions:
• Formulate subquestions that directly relate to and build
upon the main question, ensuring each subquestion is a
necessary step toward reaching the final answer.
• Make sure all aspects of the problem are covered in the
subquestions, including any conditions, contributions from
different sources, rates, and sequences required for a com-
plete solution.
• Avoid redundancy in subquestions and exclude any that
provide unnecessary calculations or information already
3. Calculations and Unit Conversions:
• When dealing with time conversions or solving for rates,
maintain high precision by using fractions or at least three
decimal places to prevent rounding errors until the final
• Double-check all arithmetic operations, especially addi-
tions, subtractions, and multiplications, for accuracy and
ensure that they align with the broader context of the prob-
• In context-appropriate situations, keep answers in frac-
tional form to represent exact figures and avoid unnecessary
4. Approach and Logical Building:
• Proceed logically through the subquestions, with each pro-
viding information and answers that build upon the previ-
ous ones, culminating in the solution to the main question.
• Sequentially address each component of the problem, mak-
ing sure not to miss any crucial step in between, such as
additional money needed, contributions, or subsequent di-
Table 8: Guideline samples and performance of mistral-7b on GSM8k when employing
different selection mechanism for reflection.
+ random states This policy serves as a guideline for framing subquestions and responses
in a precise and logical manner to solve complex problems, ensuring
maximum accuracy and reward attainment.
1. Understanding the Problem Context:
• Ensure you have a deep understanding of the given prob-
lem, including initial conditions, mathematical concepts
required (e.g., percentages, multiplication), and the main
question’s objectives.
• Accurately account for starting conditions or states, incor-
porating all relevant variables that influence the problem’s
2. Formulating Subquestions:
• Subquestions must be directly relevant and contribute
meaningfully towards solving the main question. Validate
this relevance carefully.
• Keep subquestions simple, clear, and precise, using concise
language to avoid confusion and misinterpretation.
• Avoid redundant or unnecessary subquestions and elimi-
nate any that do not bring us closer to the final solution.
• Follow a logical progression where each subquestion builds
upon previous answers, leading incrementally to the final
• Subquestions should be asked in the appropriate order that
aligns with the problem-solving process.
• Restate relevant information from previous steps when an-
swering subquestions to prevent misunderstanding.
3. Calculations and Computations:
• Carefully perform calculations required for each subques-
tion, double-checking arithmetic and using tools like calcu-
lators when necessary.
• Confirm that multiplication factors and percentage in-
creases are correctly applied; convert percentages to deci-
mals for easier computation.
• Accumulate values correctly according to the problem state-
ment. For instance, apply the correct operations for totals
(addition) and increases (multiplication).
• When integrating intermediate answers, ensure full and cor-
rect incorporation into subsequent problem-solving steps.
4. Review and Validation:
• Review each calculation and logical flow at every step to
verify accuracy before proceeding.
• Synthesize all subanswers thoroughly to construct an accu-
rate final answer to the main question.
• Consistently check the logic and mathematical rationale
behind each step to ascertain that the path from subanswers
to final solutions is logical.
• After providing responses, review the mathematical correct-
ness and ensure that intermediate steps logically lead to the
final answer.
• Any time a reward is marked as false, carefully analyze the
actions and responses that led to the error. Adjust future
strategies based on this analysis.
5. Consistency in Rewards:
• Maintain a consistent reward system where correct answers
are indicated with the appropriate numerical value (e.g.,
1.0) and incorrect answers are clearly marked with ’False’
or a reduced reward.
Table 9: Guideline samples and performance continue.
+ prom. states (λ = 0.5)
1. Thorough Understanding and Problem Statement:
• Read the problem statement thoroughly to fully understand
the context and what is specifically being asked.
• Identify and recognize essential data that directly affects
the calculation needed for the main question’s answer.
2. Formulation of Subquestions:
• Develop relevant subquestions that address individual com-
ponents of the problem and lead toward the solution, ensur-
ing each one progresses logically toward solving the main
• Frame subquestions to provide necessary intermediate val-
ues required in later steps, without introducing extraneous
• Ensure subquestions are structured to answer the main
question in a logical sequence, providing clear, step-by-step
reasoning within subanswers.
3. Calculation Precision and Accuracy:
• Always be as precise as possible in calculations, maintain-
ing exactness in intermediate values and avoiding prema-
ture rounding, especially when dealing with fractions or
• When addressing percentages, use the correct mathematical
operations to calculate increases or other quantities, ensur-
ing the correct base value is used.
• Validate subanswers by re-confirming calculations if re-
sults seem unlikely or to rectify simplistic errors, double-
checking for accuracy and consistency in units.
4. Simplification and Rounding Conventions:
• Provide simplified fractions that maintain the same level of
accuracy as their decimal form when possible.
• Final answers must reflect proper rounding conventions,
especially involving currency, rounding off to the nearest
cent for financial accuracy.
5. Consistency and Coherence:
• Maintain consistency in units throughout the problem, en-
suring all units are converted and used consistently.
• Check if subanswers are logically consistent, mathemati-
cally correct, and coherent when assembled to solve the
overall problem.
6. Verification and Review:
• Perform a final check of the subanswer against the question
to validate that it addresses the subquestion fully and revisit
steps when necessary.
• Verify the completeness of the solution, ensuring all steps
are covered and no intermediate values are missing.
• Prior to finalizing the answer, verify if it answers the main
question sensibly and accurately.
7. Learning from Rewards and Feedback:
• Use rewards as feedback to identify successful problem-
solving strategies and reinforce approaches that yield
higher accuracy.
• Reflect on and learn from any mistakes made in previous
problems, understanding why certain responses received
lower rewards to improve future outcomes.
Table 10: Guideline samples and performance continue.
+ prom. states (λ = 0.1) To solve math word problems effectively and minimize errors, integrate
the various suggested policies into the following comprehensive ap-
1. Clarify the quantities involved, distinguishing between total
amounts, unit costs, and multiplicative factors. Use correct
mathematical operations based on these relationships.
2. When necessary, accurately convert between units (e.g., minutes
to hours) using proper mathematical operations, and maintain
consistency in units throughout the problem.
3. Directly translate the word problem’s conditions into mathemat-
ical equations or expressions, and apply correct mathematical
4. Address each sub-question in a logical order, one at a time,
methodically performing operations and maintaining at least
three decimal places of precision for operations with hourly
rates or similar calculations.
5. When dealing with ratios or relational costs, ensure the correct
base amounts are used for calculations.
6. Sequentially solve the sub-questions,
constantly cross-
referencing with the problem’s conditions, and checking that
each sub-answer is logical and consistent with the overall
7. Refrain from rounding intermediate results to maintain accuracy,
and only round the final result if necessary, ensuring the level
of precision matches that of the given variables.
8. Regularly ensure that all units and logical consistencies are
maintained throughout the solution process, avoiding impossi-
ble situations (such as fractions of indivisible items).
9. Double-check each step against the provided information and
common sense narrative to avoid repetition of errors or misin-
10. Before finalizing the answer, confirm that each part of the prob-
lem has been addressed and that the math operations have been
applied correctly. Validate each sub-answer and the final an-
swer, ensuring that they make sense and address the question
accurately and fully.
11. After combining sub-answers for the final solution, question
its reasonableness in the context of the problem, verifying if
quantities add up correctly and whether the overall solution is
Table 11: Guideline samples and performance continue.
C Experiment Settings
C.1 Hyperparameter settings.
In Blocksworld, we provide the model with 4 in-context demonstrations when performing
value estimation and next-state prediction. In GSM8k, we provide the model with 4 in-
context demonstrations when performing action generation, value estimation, and response
generation. In all experiments, we set the decoding to sample with temperature t = 0.7.
Due to limited computational resources, for phi-2 models, we get the results by averaging 3
runs, and for the other models, we get the result by a single run.
C.2 Model Details
gpt-4: gpt-4-1106
chatgpt: gpt-3.5-turbo-1106
C.3 Computational Resources
We run all our experiments on 4×A800 with 80G memory.
ai_researcher | 1 | Deploying_Machine_Learning_Techniques_for_Human_Emotion_Detection.pdf | Emotion Recognition for Healthcare Surveillance
Systems Using Neural Networks: A Survey
Marwan Dhuheir, Abdullatif Albaseer, Emna Baccour, Aiman Erbad, Mohamed Abdallah, and Mounir Hamdi
Division of Information and Computing Technology, College of Science and Engineering,
Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation, Doha, Qatar
{Marwan, amalbaseer, EBaccourEpBesaid, AErbad, moabdallah, mhamdi}
Abstract—Recognizing the patient’s emotions using deep learn-
ing techniques has attracted significant attention recently due
to technological advancements. Automatically identifying the
emotions can help build smart healthcare centers that can detect
depression and stress among the patients in order to start the
medication early. Using advanced technology to identify emotions
is one of the most exciting topics as it defines the relationships
between humans and machines. Machines learned how to predict
emotions by adopting various methods. In this survey, we present
recent research in the field of using neural networks to recognize
emotions. We focus on studying emotions’ recognition from
speech, facial expressions, and audio-visual input and show the
different techniques of deploying these algorithms in the real
world. These three emotion recognition techniques can be used
as a surveillance system in healthcare centers to monitor patients.
We conclude the survey with a presentation of the challenges and
the related future work to provide an insight into the applications
of using emotion recognition.
Index Terms—Emotion Recognition, Neural networks, speech
facial emotion recognition, audio-visual
emotion recognition,
emotion recognition.
The advancement of deep learning technologies brings more
attention to deployment scenarios in smart health systems
[1]–[3]. The health industry uses many approaches based on
machine learning, such as remote disease diagnosis, surveil-
lance system in healthcare and elderly care centers, etc., to
recognize patients’ emotions. These systems are used for
early emotion recognition to introduce prompt interventions
reducing symptoms of depression and stress. In this survey,
we present the recent work of using three different tech-
niques to recognize emotions which are speech, facial and
audio-visual. We focus on using a deep neural networks to
identify patients’ emotions. These methods can be used as a
surveillance system and capture images, videos, and speech
using different tools such as cameras and microphones. The
areas that use patient’s emotion recognition are wide, and its
applications include many necessary daily life uses such as
in safe driving, monitoring mental health, social security, and
so on. Many surveys cover this topic with deep details from
different perspectives, such as in [4]–[10]. The authors studied
emotion recognition by focusing on body gesture, speech
expressions, and audio-visual expressions. The authors of these
surveys focused on multi-modal approaches that study either
face or speech with body gestures to enhance the emotion
recognition. The survey studies in [6] [8] focus on studying
emotion recognition by using facial emotion, and they used
a device called Microsoft HoloLens (MHL) to observe the
emotions in Augmented Reality (AR). They used the device as
a sensor in the experiment to recognize emotions. Then, they
compared their method with a method that recognizes emotion
by using a webcam. The experiment concluded that using
MHL with AR gave better accuracy than using a webcam.
Studying Patients Emotion recognition for better health
system has become necessary in the last decade as it helps
in many fields, and one of these fields is the medical sector. It
helps doctors recognize the patients’ psychological problems
and, hence, start the medication early [4]. Many hospitals
worldwide have begun incorporating AI in medicating pa-
tients, and many researchers are focusing on studying neural
networks to recognize the patient’s emotions. This survey
presents one common AI technique to recognize emotions
by using three different modalities: speech, facial, and audio-
visual methods. We present the common techniques used to
recognize emotions to give the readers a general overview of
using neural networks in the medical sector.
Our contribution in this survey is to study patients emotion
recognition techniques which is considered a key to enhancing
patients healthcare. Although many techniques are used for
emotion recognition, such as recognizing emotions by using
Electroencephalography (EEG), Electrocardiography (ECG),
respiration, gesture, etc., we focus on the three methods
captured by surveillance systems using cameras and micro-
phones. The study focuses on three essential stages to make
the final recognition decision: pre-processing, feature selection
and extraction, and classification. We highlight the recent
techniques and scenarios used in each stage.
The paper is organized as follows: Section II presents the
common datasets, and section III illustrates speech emotion
recognition. Section IV shows facial emotion recognition.
Section V presents the Audio-visual emotion recognition.
Finally, section VI presents the conclusion and future work.
This section presents the commonly used datasets in recog-
nizing emotions. To effectively design an emotion recognition
system, it is crucial to have training data that comprises many
different populations and environments. These datasets are
utilized for training the suggested methods and approaches;
therefore, they should be chosen carefully to conduct suitable
experiments. In Table I, we summarize and describe these
Speech is the communication medium between humans.
Many researchers use machines to interact with humans and to
extract their feelings. However, it requires an extensive effort
to make this interaction natural between humans and machines.
In this section, we present the recent work in using machines
to predict emotions, focusing on the different methods using
neural networks. Using neural networks gives an advantage
in terms of the efficiency to extract emotions from speech
due to the automatic feature selection, which is challenging in
traditional speech emotion recognition (SER) techniques.
Recently, speech emotion recognition is becoming an at-
tractive approach. New techniques deal with the complexity
in extracting emotions and are affected by different factors
such as age, gender [9], and the difficulty to process large data
sets. The study in [11] explored speech emotion recognition
using recurrent neural networks (RNN) with a focus on local
attention. They used DL to learn short-time frame-level acous-
tic features and a suitable aggregation of these features. They
used local attention because it can focus on particular regions
of the more emotionally salient speech signal. This method is
more accurate than the traditional SVM-based speech emotion
recognition (SER) that uses fixed designed features. Further-
more, the speech emotion recognition is studied in [14] [15]
[16] [17] in which the authors focused on proposing an SER
algorithm based on concatenated convolutional neural network
(CNN) and RNN without using any hand-crafted extracting
method. Authors in [18] studied speech emotion recognition
by extracting the statistical features over segments of speech.
The segments are extracted according to the matching of a
couple of words. They tested it on Interactive Emotional Mo-
tion Capture (IEMOCAP) database. Learning utterance-level
representation for speech emotion recognition was covered
in [19], and they focused on encoding each utterance into a
vector by pooing the activation of the final hidden layer. They
formulated an optimization problem to minimize the utterance-
level target. To differentiate between verbal and nonverbal
speech sounds in real-life conversations, the study in [13] used
Prosodic Phrase (PPh) auto-tagger to extract the verbal and
nonverbal segments, and the result showed that the nonverbal
speech intervals gave an excellent performance and the sound
feature ability to identify emotion recognition.
A. Preprocessing
After collecting data to be classified, it goes to the prepro-
cessing step to prepare and mitigate the effects of noise. The
input data is corrupted by noise that needs to be removed;
otherwise, feature selection and extraction will not be suffi-
cient enough for the classification [20]. Several preprocessing
techniques are used for feature extraction. Some methods do
feature normalization so speakers and recordings variations do
not influence the process of recognizing emotions using speech
Depending on the type of input data, a suitable approach can
be applied. For example, voice input data are preprocessed to
extract the data segments using the vocal cords’ quasi-periodic
vibration. In contrast, unvoiced input data are preprocessed
by using turbulent airflow [22]. Other methods commonly
used are framing, windowing, and normalization, in which
the choice of choosing the suitable method depends on the
type of the input voice data [10]. Many standard preprocessing
techniques are used as noise reduction of the input data,
like minimum mean square error (MMSE) and log-spectral
amplitude MMSE (logMMSE) [16], [17], [19]. Other efficient
methods use sampling and frame operations to obtain a set of
labeled samples [23].
B. Feature Selection and extraction
The speech signal
is continuous by nature and carries
information, and it contains emotions. Hence, according to
the followed feature approach, global or local features can
be selected accordingly. Global features, known as long-term
or supra-segmental features, express the gross statistics such
as mean, minimum, maximum values, and standard deviation.
On the other hand, local features, known as short-term or
segmental features, express the temporal features, in which the
main goal is to approximate the stationary state [13] [14]. As
emotional features are distributed in a non-uniformly manner
over all speech signals, the stationary states become crucial to
be adopted [10]. Table II presents details about the common
features used in SER.
C. Classifiers
The classification of SER systems depends on the utterance
of emotions. The classifiers can be divided into two parts. One
followed the traditional classifiers such as the Hidden Markov
Model (HMM) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The
second one uses deep learning algorithms. However, nowa-
days, most of the classification processes are done using deep
neural networks as they can do feature selection and extraction
at the same time [18]. Table III presents the common classifiers
that are used in recognizing emotions by using speech.
The second emotion recognition is to use DNN for facial
emotion recognition. It is helpful as it depends on the images
captured by camera in the healthcare units and process them.
Authors in [6] [12] used batch normalization to improve
both generalization and optimization. The experiment was
conducted on the Extended Cohn-Kanada (CK+) and Japanese
Female Facial expression (JAFFE) datasets. The result showed
that the fully convolutional network (FCN) and residual block
cloud improve the system efficiency.
A. preprocessing
Facial expressions contain many irrelevant variations such
as various background, image illumination, and body poses,
therefore, preprocessing data input is important. DNNs are
used to learn many features and propose preprocessing to
Extended Cohn-
Kanade (CK+)
M&M Initiative
BU-3DFE and
oriented dataset
Public dataset
Public dataset
Public dataset
oriented dataset
oriented dataset
emotion dataset
emotion dataset
anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sad-
ness, and surprise
anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sad-
ness, and surprise
happiness, sadness, surprise, anger,
fear, disgust
(happiness, neutral, sadness, anger,
surprise, disgust, fear)
happiness, neutral, sadness, anger,
surprise, disgust, fear
happiness, neutral, sadness, anger,
surprise, disgust, fear
happiness, sadness, anger, surprise,
disgust, fear
happiness, sadness, anger, surprise,
disgust, fear
happiness, sadness, anger, surprise,
disgust, fear
happiness, sadness, anger, surprise,
disgust, fear
happiness, sadness, anger, surprise,
disgust, fear
anger, joy, sadness, neutral, bore-
dom, disgust, and fear
anger, disgust, fear,
and surprise
anger, disgust, fear,
and surprise
joy, anger, sadness, disgust, fear,
surprise, boredom, contempt, un-
sure, thinking, concentrating, and
joy, sadness,
joy, sadness,
consisting of 593 sequences from 123 subjects
consisting of more than 1500 samples of image sequences
and static images of faces
containing 2880 image sequences that were collected from 80
comprising of 213 samples of posed expressions that were
taken from Japanese females
comprising of 35,685 samples of 48x48 pixel grayscale im-
ages for facial expression.
consists of video clips that were gathered from various
movies with unconstrained expressions, different head poses,
occlusions, and illumination
These images were collected from 337 subjects under 15
viewpoints, and the illumination was 19
consisting of 606 facial expression sequences from 100 people
and the around 60,600 frame models.
consisting of one million facial expression images gathered
from the Internet
comprising of 29,672 diverse facial images that were down-
loaded from the Internet
consisting of more than one million images gathered from the
containing 535 emotional expressions
consisting of 720 utterance expressions with eight subjects
consisting of 1290 utterances
consisting of 1222 utterances gathered from 31 Turkish sub-
Voice quality
Non- linguistics
Features that human perceives like intonation and rhythm. SER uses mostly frames duration, intensity, and contour of
fundamental frequency F0 for prosody features. Its frame duration typically ranges between 30-100 ms.
It aims to obtain the energy content of the available frequency bands in the speech signals. Spectral features commonly
used are formant, cepstral, MFCC, linear predictive cepstral coefficient (LPCC), and perceptual linear prediction (PLP).
It is obtained by the physical characteristics of the vocal tracts. The variations of the speech signals like jitter, shimmer
and harmonics are defined as the constructions of voice quality features. Its duration is less than 10 ms, hence it is called
sub-segmental level features.
It is produced when vocal cords exert non-linear pressures, hence it cannot be represented by using traditional features
methods. Nonlinear dynamic (NLD) was introduced to represent the features
Deep learning algorithms can be used to learn both low-level and high-level features hierarchically. The low-level descriptors
(LLD) algorithms can be applied directly to deep learning algorithms.
It contains speech disfluencies like laughter, breathing, crying, and different breaks. These features are important for SER
and can be recognized by using an automatic speech recognition engine.
align and normalize the data captured from the faces. Table IV
presents the common preprocessing techniques that are used
in recognizing emotions by using images.
Authors in [12] [38] used the normalization method for
preprocessing input data to specify the face in the picture
and identify the points of interest before passing the data
to feature extraction. Moreover, the authors in [12] further
divided the image normalization into two subtasks, subtracted
local contrast and divisive local contrast, and decreased the
mismatch in the image content. In [8], the authors used the
face alignment method to process the input image in which
they used an affine transformation specified by the centers of
the eyes and the center of the mouth. The output data are
further preprocessed by the normalization method.
B. Feature Selection
Deep learning is one effective technique to capture the
features from the images. It can capture high-level details
through hierarchical structures of many non-linear transfor-
mations and representations. The stage of feature selection
includes selecting the training set for making them ready for
machine learning algorithms. It focuses on choosing a suitable
prediction for the learning system. This step helps to enhance
the rate of prediction and enhance efficiency. Several tools are
Traditional based classifiers
Model (HMM)
Linear Discriminant
Analysis (LDA)
Singular Vector Ma-
chine (SVM)
k-Nearest Neighbor
Classifiers (EC)
Gaussian Mixture
Model (GMM)
In this model, the current state depends on previous state. This model uses little data to recognize speech emotions
from contextual information. Its strong side is in natural databases.
To classify the input speech data, it uses dimensional reduction of input data, hence decreases the computational
It achieves better in case of small databases and high dimension features in which these two features are common
in SER. It also cares about both testing and training data.
It deals more with nonlinear feature inputs to create the relations. The disadvantages of this classifier, distance
and k calculations are important.
It minimizes the variances and decreases the over-fitting which are crucial in SER. If the features are correlated,
this method cannot work well.
It can work well when it is combined with discriminate classifiers like SVM because it can generate and learn
the hidden features of speech emotion.
Deep learning based classifiers
Networks (ANN)
Auto-Encoder Neu-
ral Network (AEN)
This classifier achieves good results for nonlinear emotional features. Its latency is very short to predict the
features, hence it is effective for applications that are sensitive to time.
It has ability to decrease the signal processing, automatic learning of discriminative and global emotional features.
It has the ability to process the long contextual information and the long variance input utterance features.
It has the ability to work in mismatched environments, it can learn features in low dimensional spaces, and
nonlinear features.
Preprocessing method
Face Alignment
Data augmentation
Histogram Equaliza-
tion Method
It uses median filters to reduce the illumination and variations of the input images and improve the image quality.
This preprocessing method uses the algorithm of Viola-Jones to recognize the input image. To detect the faces’
size and location, Adaboost learning algorithm and haar lhaar-likeres algorithms are used.
It is used to remove the background and the areas that do not contain the face. To do that, the Viola-Jones (V-J)
face detector is used for face detection because it is robust.
There are two types of data-augmentation approaches: 1) on-the-fly data augmentation and 2) offline data
It is used to overcome the variations in the image illuminations. This method is used to improve the contrast of
the images and improve the face images’ lighting.
useful such as Weka and sci-kit learn which contain inbuilt
tools for effective automated selection of features.
search optimization method. Table V gives the most common
classifiers that are used in FER.
The study in [12] used DNN to extract the feature from
a set of images in which they used several datasets such as
CK+, JAFFE, and Cohn-Kanade. The result shows a perfor-
mance improvement. The authors in [8] used different CNN
techniques to extract features such as C3D for spatiotemporal
C. Feature classification
It is the last stage in FER’s system, which gives the final
decision of the detected emotion such as sadness, anger,
disgusting, etc. The widely used classification methods are
SVM, Nearest Neighbor (NN), Softmax, Deep Neural Forest
(NFs). The input extracted data uses either a particular face
action or a specific face emotion for classification; however,
the latter is commonly used [8].
Authors in [12] used Softmax classifier to classify the
incoming data into six demotions. They used a single DNN
that contains both convolutional layers and residual blocks
to achieve higher accuracy and train deeper layers. Their
model showed better performance and better accuracy than
the state-of-the-art methods. Other studies [8] [42] used the
SVM classifier. They first applied SVM with radial basis
function (RBF) and optimized the output data using the grid
The third emotion recognition application is to recognize
emotions from audio-visual input [46]. The study used deep
learning algorithms on big emotional data. The classifica-
tion method used is support vector machine (SVM). After
extraction and classification of data, the output was fed to
an extreme learning machine (ELM) as a fusion stage to
predict the input features’ emotions. Another work in [47]
studied audio-visual emotion recognition by using two distinct
state of the art methods. These methods are deep transfer
learning and multiple temporal models. They used different
DCNN for feature extraction and classification, and their result
showed competitive performance. Moreover, the study in [48]
used DCNN by incorporating it with multimodal systems for
recognizing emotions. They tested their method on the RML
dataset, and the result showed an improvement in the accuracy.
People interact with each other by using various types of
expressions. Emotions are expressed clearly by using verbal
and nonverbal communication, and therefore it is easier to
understand each other. Expanding the research to include
many expressions has the advantage of facilitating research to
Softmax loss
Deep Neural For-
est (NFs)
Support Vector
Machine (SVM)
Tree (DT)
To minimizes the cross-entropy between the calculated class likelihood and the ground-truth distribution.
It uses NFs instead of softmax loss, and they achieved a similar result for recognizing emotions from faces images.
It is a supervised machine learning technique that uses four types of kernels to improve the performance of
classification. These four kernels are linear, polynomial, Radial Basis Function (RBF) and sigmoid, and they
work together to improve the performance.
This classifier is a rule based which uses the decision tree to extract the rules. Least Boolean evaluation is used
to execute the classification.
This classifier utilizes three different layers which are input, hidden, and output layers. It uses the algorithm of
back-propagation to classify the input data.
recognize emotions. Furthermore, by mixing audio and visual
expression, researchers can benefit from the big data that will
be created because one of the limitations of using either speech
or facial is the limited number of datasets.
In Audio-Visual Recognition (AVR), three steps are applied
to both speech and facial, then fusion is applied to extract the
final emotion expression. These three steps are preprocessing,
feature extraction then finally classification.
A. Preprocessing
Data selection in audio-visual emotion (AVM) recognition
is usually taken from videos. The videos’ content is first
portioned into many frames where they are the main source of
visual-based features. Videos have the advantage of controlled
datasets. These datasets have a fixed setup in which it focuses
the expressions that
on the face’s area as it contains all
give the specific emotion [47]. For audio signals, the signals
are extracted and converted to 16k Hz sampled by using
quantized mono signals. The audio features take advantage of
an extended version of GeMAPS (eGeMAPS), and the features
are normalized to be zero mean and unit variance to be ready
to forward to DNN input [49].
The study in [7] uses preprocessing technique by applying
the Multi-Task Cascaded Convolutional Network (MTCNN)
to extract the face expression and alignment for video frames.
It divides the task into small segments, and CNN trains all
the sub-tasks to confidently detect the features and prepare
them for classification. Authors in [50] extracted frames at
the beginning and end of each video for preprocessing the
input data. They followed this method to avoid the repetition
of training the systems with the same facial expressions.
B. Feature Extraction
Feature extraction is the first stage to recognize emotions;
therefore, it affects the whole system’s performance. Recently,
DCNN has been used to extract features and prepare them
for the next stage. Authors in [48] used different methods
to extract the features from facial and audio contents. They
used prosodic, Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) to
extract the features from facial and Gabor wavelet from audio,
then combine the two extract features to represent audio-visual
features and pass them to the final stage, classification.
Authors in [51] used statistical parts of the audio signal’s
energy and pitch contours to extract audio features, and they
used the faces motion features such as the movements of the
head, eyebrows, eyes, and mouth to record the facial features.
After that, they send each feature separately to the classifica-
tion stage to classify them and identify the specific emotion.
There are many feature extraction methods to improve the
systems performance and in table VI, we summarized the
common three used methods.
C. Classification and fusion
The study in [50] used AlexNet to do the classification pro-
cess of multimodal emotion recognition, and they compared it
with the model of validation of human decision-makers. They
tested it on different datasets such as RML, SAVEE, eNTER.
The result of this system is competitive with other studies in
the same field.
After classifying both speech and visual, the fusion stage
comes to accommodate both layers to deliver the final decision
of emotion in multimodal systems. The main function is to
make layers that come from the speech section and visual
section at the same length. The authors in [47] used the brutal
force technique to find the optimum weight of incoming layers.
At this step, the system gives the final decision of incoming
expression and recognizes the emotion.
In this section, we present the challenges and possible future
directions. We start by discussing the datasets that are available
for applying the different processes. Then, we discuss the three
mentioned techniques separately by mentioning their strength
and weakness.
A. datasets
Most of the available datasets are acted expressions, and
they are produced at studios or labs. These studios contain
high-quality recordings, and they are noise-free. One of the
challenges includes choosing a suitable method to extract
features, system robustness to tone changes, the talking style,
the speaking rate, the cultures and environment of people,
which affect the way of expressing emotions. Moreover, most
of the acted expressions are created from the same person,
making them not real. The effectiveness of these datasets
to be applied in real life where there is noise, and people’s
natural expressions are different from the features imitated in
the studios depend on the content of the datasets’ content.
C3D Network
In this feature extraction model, the authors used VGG-16 to receive layers and extract the features from them, and
then they will be forwarded to LSTM layers to recognize the emotion.
In this model, the features are extracted from different layers as sub-tasks and they will be passed to LSTM layers.
In this model C3D network is the instead of using traditional 2-D kernels to improve the system performance.
Therefore, these datasets’ effectiveness is challenging, and
the accuracy of the classified expressions is questionable.
The suggested solution is to use real datasets based on real
experiments to be sure of the different techniques.
B. Speech based ER
The feature selection and extraction method are aimed to
prepare the data from utterances and noises and pass them to
the classifiers to classify the data. One challenge in SER is that
collecting and annotating large utterances are difficult due to
the hardness of processing large datasets, especially the speech
signals that are continuous by nature. All the available feature
selection methods are designed to process small datasets. Even
though deep learning-based classifiers are used to classify the
input data, it is still challenging to choose a suitable classifier
compatible with the used method in feature selection and
extraction. Hence selecting a classifier that can improve the
system’s performance and increase the classification accuracy
is an open problem to be discussed in future works.
C. Facial based ER
The majority of the existing methods that are used in
FER are based on different training datasets and training
the variations of the expressions from the image such as
illuminations, head pose, the distance between the corners of
eyes and head, etc. The image is divided into subframes and
layers that are processed to select and extract emotions from
these layers. Therefore, training deep layers and flexible filters
are sufficient for the training process to extracting the image’s
features and expressions. Nevertheless, this method is sensitive
to the trained dataset’s size, which might cause degradation
in the classification accuracy and the whole classification
method’s performance. Hence, recently CNN has been used
in the classification stage, especially CNN can train deep
layers effectively as they are a good solution for the head
pose variations and calculating the distances of corner points
in the face.
D. Audio-Visual based ER
In audio-visual-based emotion recognition, most techniques
preprocess, select and extract, and classify speech and facial
features on their own and then combine them in a fusion stage.
The accuracy of the whole system depends on the fusion stage,
and the synchronization between features coming from speech
and facial features is crucial. Many fusion scenarios have been
introduced to enhance the systems’ accuracy, such as SVM,
PCA, SVM-PCA, etc. Therefore, studying the fusion method
that achieves exemplary performance is an open problem and
needs looking.
In this paper, we present a survey of using convolutional
neural networks to recognize patients emotions. We started
by showing the different databases used in this field, with
brief information about
their constructions to do emotion
recognition. Three important applications of using CNNs in
emotion recognition were studied, which are speech-based
emotion recognition, facial-based emotion recognition, and
audio-visual-based emotion recognition. We studied in detail
each section and explained the different approaches they used.
The study of each section focuses on pre-processing, feature
selection and extraction, and the classification method of each
stage to identify the final expressions.
This work was made possible by NPRP grant # NPRP13S-
0205-200265 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a mem-
ber of Qatar Foundation). The findings achieved herein are
solely the responsibility of the authors.
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ai_researcher | 3 | CaPo_Cooperative_Plan_Optimization_for_Efficient_Embodied_Multi-Agent_Cooperation.pdf | Coordinate Ascent for Off-Policy RL with Global Convergence Guarantees
Hsin-En Su*1
Yen-Ju Chen*1
Ping-Chun Hsieh1
Xi Liu2
{mru.11,pinghsieh}, [email protected]
1Department of Computer Science, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2Applied Machine Learning, Meta AI, Menlo Park, CA, USA
*Equal Contribution
We revisit the domain of off-policy policy opti-
mization in RL from the perspective of coordinate
ascent. One commonly-used approach is to lever-
age the off-policy policy gradient to optimize a
surrogate objective – the total discounted in ex-
pectation return of the target policy with respect
to the state distribution of the behavior policy.
However, this approach has been shown to suffer
from the distribution mismatch issue, and there-
fore significant efforts are needed for correcting
this mismatch either via state distribution correc-
tion or a counterfactual method. In this paper, we
rethink off-policy learning via Coordinate Ascent
Policy Optimization (CAPO), an off-policy actor-
critic algorithm that decouples policy improve-
ment from the state distribution of the behavior
policy without using the policy gradient. This de-
sign obviates the need for distribution correction
or importance sampling in the policy improve-
ment step of off-policy policy gradient. We estab-
lish the global convergence of CAPO with general
coordinate selection and then further quantify the
convergence rates of several instances of CAPO
with popular coordinate selection rules, including
the cyclic and the randomized variants of CAPO.
We then extend CAPO to neural policies for a
more practical implementation. Through exper-
iments, we demonstrate that CAPO provides a
competitive approach to RL in practice.
Policy gradient (PG) has served as one fundamental prin-
ciple of a plethora of benchmark reinforcement learning
algorithms (Degris et al., 2012; Lillicrap et al., 2016; Gu
et al., 2017a; Mnih et al., 2016). In addition to the empirical
success, PG algorithms have recently been shown to enjoy
provably global convergence guarantees in the on-policy
settings, including the true gradient settings (Agarwal et al.,
2019; Bhandari and Russo, 2019; Mei et al., 2020; Cen et al.,
2022) and the Monte-Carlo stochastic gradient settings (Liu
et al., 2020a; Mei et al., 2021). However, on-policy PG is
known to suffer from data inefficiency and lack of explo-
ration due to the tight coupling between the learned target
policy and the sampled trajectories. As a result, in many
cases, off-policy learning is preferred to achieve better ex-
ploration with an aim to either increase sample efficiency
or address the committal behavior in the on-policy learning
scenarios (Mei et al., 2021; Chung et al., 2021). To address
this, the off-policy PG theorem (Degris et al., 2012; Imani
et al., 2018; Maei, 2018) and the corresponding off-policy
actor-critic methods, which are established to optimize a
surrogate objective defined as the total discounted return
of the target policy in expectation with respect to the state
distribution of the behavior policy, has been proposed and
widely adopted to decouple policy learning from trajectory
sampling (Wang et al., 2017; Gu et al., 2017b; Chung et al.,
2021; Ciosek and Whiteson, 2018; Espeholt et al., 2018).
Despite the better exploration capability, off-policy PG
methods are subject to the following fundamental issues:
(i) Correction for distribution mismatch: The standard off-
policy PG methods resort to a surrogate objective, which
ignores the mismatch between on-policy and the off-policy
state distributions. Notably, it has been shown that such
mismatch could lead to sub-optimal policies as well as poor
empirical performance (Liu et al., 2020b). As a result, sub-
stantial efforts are needed to correct this distribution mis-
match (Imani et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2020b; Zhang et al.,
2020). (ii) Fixed behavior policy and importance sampling:
The formulation of off-policy PG presumes the use of a
static behavior policy throughout training as it is designed
to optimize a surrogate objective with respect to the behav-
ior policy. However, in many cases, we do prefer that the
behavior policy varies with the target policy (e.g., epsilon-
greedy exploration) as it is widely known that importance
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
sampling could lead to significant variance in gradient esti-
mation, especially when the behavior policy substantially
deviates from the current policy. As a result, one funda-
mental research question that we would like to answer is:
“How to achieve off-policy policy optimization with global
convergence guarantees, but without the above limitations
of off-policy PG?”
To answer this question, in this paper we take a different
approach and propose an alternative off-policy policy opti-
mization framework termed Coordinate Ascent Policy Op-
timization (CAPO), which revisits the policy optimization
problem through the lens of coordinate ascent. Our key
insight is that the distribution mismatch and the fixed be-
havior policy issues in off-policy PG both result from the
tight coupling between the behavior policy and the objec-
tive function in policy optimization. To address this issue,
we propose to still adopt the original objective of standard
on-policy PG, but from the perspective of coordinate as-
cent with the update coordinates determined by the behavior
policy. Through this design, we can completely decouple
the objective function from the behavior policy while still
enabling off-policy policy updates. Under the canonical
tabular softmax parameterization, where each “coordinate"
corresponds to a parameter specific to each state-action pair,
CAPO iteratively updates the policy by performing coor-
dinate ascent for those state-action pairs in the mini-batch,
without resorting to the full gradient information or any gra-
dient estimation. While being a rather simple method in the
optimization literature, coordinate ascent and the resulting
CAPO enjoy two salient features that appear rather useful
in the context of RL:
• With the simple coordinate update, CAPO is capable of
improving the policy by following any policy under a mild
condition, directly enabling off-policy policy updates with
an adaptive behavior policy. This feature addresses the
issue of fixed behavior policy.
• Unlike PG, which requires having either full gradient in-
formation (the true PG setting) or an unbiased estimate
of the gradient (the stochastic PG setting), updating the
policy in a coordinate-wise manner allows CAPO to obvi-
ate the need for true gradient or unbiasedness while still
retaining strict policy improvement in each update. As a
result, this feature also obviates the need for distribution
correction or importance sampling in the policy update.
To establish the global convergence of CAPO, we need to
tackle the following main challenges: (i) In the coordinate
descent literature, one common property is that the coordi-
nates selected for the update are either determined according
to a deterministic sequence (e.g., cyclic coordinate descent)
or drawn independently from some distribution (e.g., ran-
domized block coordinate descent) (Nesterov, 2012). By
contrast, given the highly stochastic and non-i.i.d. nature of
RL environments, in the general update scheme of CAPO,
we impose no assumption on the data collection process, ex-
cept for the standard condition of infinite visitation to each
state-action pair (Singh et al., 2000; Munos et al., 2016).
(ii) The function of total discounted expected return is in
general non-concave, and the coordinate ascent methods
could only converge to a stationary point under the gen-
eral non-concave functions. Despite the above, we are able
to show that the proposed CAPO algorithm attains a glob-
ally optimal policy with properly-designed step sizes under
the canonical softmax parameterization. (iii) In the opti-
mization literature, it is known that the coordinate ascent
methods can typically converge slowly compared to the gra-
dient counterpart. Somewhat surprisingly, we show that
CAPO achieves comparable convergence rates as the true
on-policy PG (Mei et al., 2020). Through our convergence
analysis, we found that this can be attributed to the design
of the state-action-dependent variable step sizes.
Built on the above results, we further generalize CAPO
to the case of neural policy parameterization for practical
implementation. Specifically, Neural CAPO (NCAPO) pro-
ceeds by the following two steps: (i) Given a mini-batch of
state-action pairs, we leverage the tabular CAPO as a subrou-
tine to obtain a collection of reference action distributions
for those states in the mini-batch. (ii) By constructing a loss
function (e.g., Kullback-Leibler divergence), we guide the
policy network to update its parameters towards the state-
wise reference action distributions. Such update can also be
interpreted as solving a distributional regression problem.
Our Contributions. In this work, we revisit off-policy pol-
icy optimization and propose a novel policy-based learning
algorithm from the perspective of coordinate ascent. The
main contributions can be summarized as follows:
• We propose CAPO, a simple yet practical off-policy actor-
critic framework with global convergence, and naturally
enables direct off-policy policy updates with more flexible
use of adaptive behavior policies, without the need for
distribution correction or importance sampling correction
to the policy gradient.
• We show that the proposed CAPO converges to a globally
optimal policy under tabular softmax parameterization for
general coordinate selection rules and further characterize
the convergence rates of CAPO under multiple popular
variants of coordinate ascent. We then extend the idea
of CAPO to learning general neural policies to address
practical RL settings.
• Through experiments, we demonstrate that NCAPO
achieves comparable or better empirical performance than
various popular benchmark methods in the MinAtar envi-
ronment (Young and Tian, 2019).
Notations. Throughout the paper, we use [n] to denote the
set of integers {1, · · · , n}. For any x ∈ R\{0}, we use
|x| and set sign(0) = 0. We use I{·} to
sign(x) to denote x
denote the indicator function.
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
2 Preliminaries
Markov Decision Processes. We consider an infinite-
horizon Markov decision process (MDP) characterized by a
tuple (S, A, P, r, γ, ρ), where (i) S denotes the state space,
(ii) A denotes a finite action space, (iii) P : S × A → ∆(S)
is the transition kernel determining the transition probabil-
ity P(s(cid:48)|s, a) from each state-action pair (s, a) to a next
state s(cid:48), where ∆(S) is a probability simplex over S, (iv)
r : S × A → [0, 1] is the reward function, (v) γ ∈ (0, 1) is
the discount factor, and (vi) ρ is the initial state distribution.
In this paper, we consider learning a stationary parametric
stochastic policy denoted as πθ : S → ∆(A), which spec-
ifies through a parameter vector θ the action distribution
from a probability simplex ∆(A) over A for each state. For
a policy πθ, the value function V πθ : S → R is defined as
the sum of discounted expected future rewards obtained by
starting from state s and following πθ, i.e.,
V πθ (s) := E
(cid:20) ∞
γtr(st, at)
πθ, s0 = s
the timestep of
where t
the trajectory
{(st, at)}∞
t=0 induced by the policy πθ with the initial state
s0 = s. The goal of the learner is to search for a policy that
maximizes the following objective function as
V πθ (ρ) := Es∼ρ[V πθ (s)].
For ease of exposition, we use π∗ to denote an optimal
policy and let V ∗(s) be a shorthand notation for V π∗
Moreover, for any given policy πθ, we define the Q-function
Qπθ : S × A → R as
Qπθ (s, a) := E
(cid:20) ∞
γtr(st, at)
π, s0 = s, a0 = a
. (3)
We also define the advantage function Aπθ : S × A → R as
Aπθ (s, a) := Qπθ (s, a) − V πθ (s),
which reflects the relative benefit of taking the action a at
state s under policy πθ. Moreover, throughout this paper,
we use m as the index of the training iterations and use πm
and πθm interchangeably to denote the parameterized policy
at iteration m.
Policy Gradients. The policy gradient is a popular policy
optimization method that updates the parameterized policy
πθ by applying gradient ascent with respect to an objective
function V πθ (µ), where µ is some starting state distribution.
The standard stochastic policy gradient theorem states that
the policy gradient ∇θV πθ (µ) takes the form as (Sutton
et al., 1999)
∇θV πθ (µ)
1 − γ
µ ,a∼πθ(·|s)
(cid:2)∇θ log πθ(a|s)Aπθ (s, a)(cid:3),
where the outer expectation is taken over the discounted
state visitation distribution under µ as
µ (s) := Es0∼µ
(1 − γ)
γt P (cid:0)st = s|s0, πθ
. (6)
Note that dπθ
visit the state s under πθ.
µ (s) reflects how frequently the learner would
Regarding PG for off-policy learning, the learner’s goal is
to learn an optimal policy π∗ by following a behavior policy.
Degris et al. (2012) proposed to optimize the following
surrogate objective defined as
J πθ (β) :=
¯dβ(s)V πθ (s),
where β : S → ∆(A) is a fixed behavior policy and ¯dβ(s)
is the stationary state distribution under β (which is assumed
to exist in (Degris et al., 2012)). The resulting off-policy
PG enjoys a closed-form expression as
∇θJ πθ (β) = E
s∼ ¯dβ (s)
(cid:104) (cid:88)
∇θπθ(a|s)Qπθ (a|s)
+ πθ(a|s)∇θQπθ (s, a)
Moreover, Degris et al. (2012) showed that one can ignore
the term πθ(a|s)∇θQπθ (s, a) in (8) under tabular param-
eterization without introducing any bias and proposed the
corresponding Off-Policy Actor-Critic algorithm (Off-PAC)
θm+1 = θm+η·ωm(s, a)Qπm (s, a)∇θ log πθm(s, a), (9)
where s is drawn from ¯dβ, a is sampled from β(·|s), and
ωm(s, a) := πm(a|s)
β(a|s) denotes the importance ratio. Subse-
quently, the off-policy PG has been generalized by incor-
porating state-dependent emphatic weightings (Imani et al.,
2018) and introducing a counterfactual objective (Zhang
et al., 2019).
Coordinate Ascent. Coordinate ascent (CA) methods opti-
mize a parameterized objective function f (θ) : Rn → R by
iteratively updating the parameters along coordinate direc-
tions or coordinate hyperplanes. Specifically, in the m-th
iteration, the CA update along the im-th coordinate is
θm+1 = θm + η · [∇θf (θ)]imeim,
where eim denotes the one-hot vector of the im-th coordi-
nate and η denotes the step size. The main difference among
the CA methods mainly lies in the selection of coordinates
for updates. Popular variants of CA methods include:
• Cyclic CA: The choice of coordinate proceeds in a pre-
determined cyclic order (Saha and Tewari, 2013). For
example, one possible configuration is im ← m mod n.
• Randomized CA: In each iteration, one coordinate is
drawn randomly from some distribution with support [n]
(Nesterov, 2012).
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
Moreover, the CA updates can be extended to the blockwise
scheme (Tseng, 2001; Beck and Tetruashvili, 2013), where
multiple coordinates are selected in each iteration. Despite
the simplicity, the CA methods have been widely used in
variational inference (Jordan et al., 1999) and large-scale
machine learning (Nesterov, 2012) due to its parallelization
capability. To the best of our knowledge, CA has remained
largely unexplored in the context of policy optimization.
3 Methodology
In this section, we present the proposed CAPO algorithm,
which improves the policy through coordinate ascent up-
dates. Throughout this section, we consider the class of
tabular softmax policies. Specifically, for each state-action
pair (s, a), let θ(s, a) denote the corresponding parameter.
The probability of selecting action a given state s is given
by πθ(a|s) =
a(cid:48) ∈A exp(θ(s,a(cid:48))) .
3.1 Coordinate Ascent Policy Optimization
To begin with, we present the general policy update scheme
of CAPO. The discussion about the specific instances of
CAPO along with their convergence rates will be provided
subsequently in Section 3.3. To motivate the policy improve-
ment scheme of CAPO, we first state the following lemma
(Agarwal et al., 2019; Mei et al., 2020).
Lemma 1. Under tabular softmax policies, the standard
policy gradient with respect to θ is given by
Remark 1. Note that under the general CAPO update, the
learning rate α is state-action-dependent. This is one salient
difference from the learning rates of conventional coordi-
nate ascent methods in the optimization literature (Nesterov,
2012; Saha and Tewari, 2013). As will be shown momentar-
ily in Section 3.2, this design allows CAPO to attain global
optimality without statistical assumptions about the samples
(i.e., the selected coordinates). On the other hand, while it
appears that the update rule in (12) only involves the sign
of the advantage function, the magnitude of the advantage
|A(s, a)| could also be taken into account if needed through
α(s, a), which is also state-action-dependent. As a result,
(12) indeed provides a flexible expression that separates the
effect of the sign and magnitude of the advantage. Interest-
ingly, as will be shown in the next subsections, we establish
that CAPO can achieve global convergence without the
knowledge of the magnitude of the advantage.
Remark 2. Compared to the off-policy PG methods (De-
gris et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2017; Imani et al., 2018), one
salient property of CAPO is that it allows off-policy learn-
ing through coordinate ascent on the original on-policy total
expected reward Es∼ρ[V π(s)], instead of the off-policy total
expected reward over the discounted state visitation distri-
bution induced by the behavior policy. On the other hand,
regarding the learning of a critic, similar to the off-policy
PG methods, CAPO can be integrated with any off-policy
policy evaluation algorithm, such as Retrace (Munos et al.,
2016) or V-trace (Espeholt et al., 2018).
∂V πθ (µ)
∂θ(s, a)
1 − γ
µ (s) · πθ(a|s) · Aπθ (s, a).
General Coordinate Selection
3.2 Asymptotic Global Convergence of CAPO With
Based on Lemma 1, we see that the update direction of each
coordinate is completely determined by the sign of the ad-
vantage function. Accordingly, the proposed general CAPO
update scheme is as follows: In each update iteration m, let
Bm denote the mini-batch of state-action pairs sampled by
the behavior policy. The batch Bm determines the coordi-
nates of the policy parameter to be updated. Specifically,
the policy is updated by
θm+1(s, a)
= θm(s, a) + αm(s, a)I{(s, a) ∈ Bm} · sign (Aπθm (s, a)) ,
where αm : S × A → R+ is the function that controls the
magnitude of the update and plays the role of the learning
rate, the term sign(Aπθm (s, a)) controls the update direc-
tion, and Bm is the sampled batch of state-action pairs in
the m-th iteration and determines the coordinate selection.
Under CAPO, only those parameters associated with the
sampled state-action pairs will be updated accordingly, as
suggested by (12). Based on this, we could reinterpret Bm
as produced by a coordinate generator, which could be
induced by the behavior policies.
In this section we discuss the convergence result of CAPO
under softmax parameterization. In the subsequent analysis,
we assume that the following Condition 1 is satisfied.
I{(s, a) ∈ Bm} → ∞
Condition 1. limM→∞
Note that Condition 1 is rather mild as it could be met by
exploratory behavior policies (e.g., (cid:15)-greedy policies) given
the off-policy capability of CAPO. Moreover, Condition
1 is similar to the standard condition of infinite visitation
required by various RL methods (Singh et al., 2000; Munos
et al., 2016). Notably, Condition 1 indicates that under
CAPO the coordinates are not required to be selected by
following a specific policy, as long as infinite visitation to
every state-action pair is satisfied. This feature naturally
enables flexible off-policy learning, justifies the use of a
replay buffer, and enables the flexibility to decouple policy
improvement from value estimation.
We first show that CAPO guarantees strict improvement
under tabular softmax parameterization.
Lemma 2 (Strict Policy Improvement). Under the CAPO
update given by (12), we have V πm+1(s) ≥ V πm(s), for all
s ∈ S, for all m ∈ N.
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
Proof. The proof can be found in Appendix A.1.
specific coordinate generators, namely, Cyclic, Batch, and
Randomized CAPO.
We proceed to substantiate the benefit of the state-action-
dependent learning rate used in the general CAPO update
in (12) by showing that CAPO can attain a globally optimal
policy with a properly designed learning rate α(·, ·).
Theorem 1. Consider a tabular softmax parameterized pol-
icy πθ. Under (12) with αm(s, a) ≥ log(
), if Con-
dition 1 is satisfied, then we have V πm(s) → V ∗(s) as
m → ∞, for all s ∈ S.
πθm (a|s)
Proof Sketch. The detailed proof can be found in Appendix
A.2. To highlight the main ideas of the analysis, we provide
a sketch of the proof as follows: (i) Since the expected total
reward is bounded above, with the strict policy improvement
property of CAPO update (cf. Lemma 2), the sequence of
value functions is guaranteed to converge, i.e., the limit of
V πm (s) exists. (ii) The proof proceeds by contradiction.
We suppose that CAPO converges to a sub-optimal policy,
which implies that there exists at least one state-action pair
(s(cid:48), a(cid:48)) such that A(∞)(s(cid:48), a(cid:48)) > 0 and π∞(a(cid:48)(cid:48)|s(cid:48)(cid:48)) = 0 for
all state-action pair (s(cid:48)(cid:48), a(cid:48)(cid:48)) satisfying A(∞)(s(cid:48)(cid:48), a(cid:48)(cid:48)) > 0.
As a result, this implies that for any (cid:15) > 0, there must exist
a time M (cid:15) such that πm(a(cid:48)(cid:48)|s(cid:48)(cid:48)) < (cid:15), ∀m > M (cid:15). (iii) How-
ever, under CAPO update, we show that the policy weight of
the state-action pair which has the greatest advantage value
shall approach 1, and this leads to a contradiction.
Remark 3. The proof of Theorem 1 is inspired by (Agarwal
et al., 2019). Nevertheless, the analysis of CAPO presents
its own salient challenge: Under true PG, the policy up-
dates in all the iterations can be fully determined once the
initial policy and the step size are specified. By contrast,
under CAPO, the policy obtained in each iteration depends
on the selected coordinates, which can be almost arbitrary
under Condition 1. This makes it challenging to establish
a contradiction under CAPO, compared to the argument of
directly deriving the policy parameters in the limit in true
PG (Agarwal et al., 2019). Despite this, we address the
challenge by using a novel induction argument based on the
action ordering w.r.t. the Q values in the limit.
Remark 4. Notably, the condition of the learning rate α in
Theorem 1 does not depend on the advantage, but only on
the action probability πθ(a|s). As a result, the CAPO update
only requires the sign of the advantage function, without the
knowledge of the magnitude of the advantage. Therefore,
CAPO can still converge even under a low-fidelity critic that
merely learns the sign of the advantage function.
3.3 Convergence Rates of CAPO With Specific
Coordinate Selection Rules
In this section, we proceed to characterize the convergence
rates of CAPO under softmax parameterization and the three
• Cyclic CAPO: Under Cyclic CAPO, every state action
pair (s, a) ∈ S × A will be chosen for policy update by
the coordinate generator cyclically. Specifically, Cyclic
CAPO sets |Bm| = 1 and (cid:83)|S||A|
i=1 Bm·|S||A|+i = S × A.
• Randomized CAPO: Under Randomized CAPO, in each
iteration, one state-action pair (s, a) ∈ S × A is cho-
sen randomly from some coordinate generator distribu-
tion dgen with support S × A for policy update, where
dgen(s, a) > 0 for all (s, a). For ease of exposition, we fo-
cus on the case of a fixed dgen. Our convergence analysis
can be readily extended to the case of time-varying dgen.
• Batch CAPO: Under Batch CAPO, we let each batch
i.e., Bm =
contain all of the state-action pairs,
{(s, a) : (s, a) ∈ S × A}, in each iteration. Despite that
Batch CAPO may not be a very practical choice, we use
this variant to further highlight the difference in conver-
gence rate between CAPO and the true PG.
We proceed to state the convergence rates of the above three
instances of CAPO as follows.
(Cyclic CAPO). Consider
Theorem 2
with αm(s, a) ≥ log(
softmax policy πθ.
i=1 Bm·|S||A|+i = S × A, we have:
Under Cyclic CAPO
V ∗(ρ) − V πm (ρ) ≤
for all m ≥ 1 (13)
where c = (1−γ)4
· min
(cid:110) mins µ(s)
, (1−γ)
> 0.
Proof Sketch. The detailed proof and the upper bound of
the partial sum can be found in Appendix B. To highlight
the main ideas of the analysis, we provide a sketch of the
proof as follows: (i) We first write the one-step improvement
of the performance V πm+1(s) − V πm (s) in state visitation
distribution, policy weight, and advantage value, and also
construct the lower bound of it. (ii) We then construct the
upper bound of the performance difference V ∗(s)−V πm (s).
(iii) Since the bound in (i) and (ii) both include advantage
value, we can connect them and construct the upper bound
of the performance difference using one-step improvement
of the performance. (iv) Finally, we can get the desired
convergence rate by induction.
Notably, it is somewhat surprising that Theorem 2 holds
under Cyclic CAPO without any further requirement on the
specific cyclic ordering. This indicates that Cyclic CAPO
is rather flexible in the sense that it provably attains O( 1
m )
convergence rate under any cyclic ordering or even cyclic
orderings that vary across cycles. On the flip side, such a
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
flexible coordinate selection rule also imposes significant
challenges on the analysis: (i) While Lemma 2 ensures
strict improvement in each iteration, it remains unclear how
much improvement each Cyclic CAPO update can actually
achieve, especially under an arbitrary cyclic ordering. This
is one salient difference compared to the analysis of the true
PG (Mei et al., 2020). (ii) Moreover, an update along one
coordinate can already significantly change the advantage
value (and its sign as well) of other state-action pairs. There-
fore, it appears possible that there might exist a well-crafted
cyclic ordering that leads to only minimal improvement in
each coordinate update within a cycle.
Despite the above, we tackle the challenges by arguing that
in each cycle, under a properly-designed variable step size
α, there must exist at least one state-action pair such that
the one-step improvement is sufficiently large, regardless of
the cyclic ordering. Moreover, by the same proof technique,
Theorem 2 can be readily extended to CAPO with almost-
cyclic coordinate selection, where the cycle length is greater
than |S||A| and each coordinate appears at least once.
We extend the proof technique of Theorem 2 to establish
the convergence rates of the Batch and Randomized CAPO.
Theorem 3 (Batch CAPO). Consider a tabular softmax pol-
icy πθ. Under Batch CAPO with αm(s, a) = log(
and Bm = {(s, a) : (s, a) ∈ S × A}, we have :
V ∗(ρ) − V πm(ρ) ≤
where c = (1−γ)4
for all m ≥ 1
· min
{µ(s)} > 0.
Proof. The proof and the upper bound of the partial sum
can be found in Appendix B.2.
Theorem 4 (Randomized CAPO). Consider a tabular
softmax policy πθ. Under Randomized CAPO with
), we have :
αm(s, a) ≥ log(
[V ∗(ρ) − V πm(ρ)] ≤
for all m ≥ 1
where c = (1−γ)4
and dgen : S × A → (0, 1), dgen(s, a) = P((s, a) ∈ Bm).
{dgen(s, a) · µ(s)} > 0
· min
Proof. The proof and the upper bound of the partial sum
can be found in Appendix B.3.
Remark 5. The above three specific instances of CAPO all
converge to a globally optimal policy at a rate O( 1
m ) and
attains a better pre-constant than the standard policy gradient
(Mei et al., 2020) under tabular softmax parameterization.
Moreover, as the CAPO update can be combined with a
variety of coordinate selection rules, one interesting future
direction is to design coordinate generators that improve
over the convergence rates of the above three instances.
4 Discussions
In this section, we describe the connection between CAPO
and the existing policy optimization methods and present
additional useful features of CAPO.
Batch CAPO and True PG. We use Batch CAPO to high-
light the fundamental difference in convergence rate be-
tween CAPO and the true PG as they both take all the
state-action pairs into account in one policy update. Com-
pared to the rate of true PG (Mei et al., 2020), Batch CAPO
removes the dependency on the size of state space |S| and
inf m≥1 πm(a∗|s)2. In true PG, these two terms arise in the
construction of the Łojasiewicz inequality, which quantifies
the amount of policy improvement with the help of an opti-
mal policy π∗, which explains why inf m≥1 πm(a∗|s)2 ap-
pears in the convergence rate. By contrast, in Batch CAPO,
we quantify the amount of policy improvement based on
the coordinate with the largest advantage, and this proof
technique contributes to the improved rate of Batch CAPO
compared to true PG. Moreover, we emphasize that this
technique is feasible in Batch CAPO but not in true PG
mainly due to the properly-designed learning rate of CAPO.
Connecting CAPO With Natural Policy Gradient. The
natural policy gradient (NPG) (Kakade, 2001) exploits the
landscape of the parameter space and updates the policy by:
θm+1 = θm + η (cid:0)F θm
∇θJ πθ (ρ),
where η is the step size and (cid:0)F θm
pseudo inverse of the Fisher information matrix F θm
is the Moore-Penrose
,a∼πθm (·|s)[(∇θ log πθm(a|s))(∇θ log πθm(a|s))(cid:62)].
Moreover, under softmax parameterization, the true NPG
update takes the following form (Agarwal et al., 2019):
θm+1 = θm +
1 − γ
Aπθm ,
where Aπθm denotes the |S||A|-dimensional vector of all
the advantage values of πθm . It has been shown that the
true NPG can attain linear convergence (Mei et al., 2021;
Khodadadian et al., 2021a). Given the expression in (17),
CAPO can be interpreted as adapting NPG to the mini-batch
or stochastic settings. That said, compared to true NPG,
CAPO only requires the sign of the advantage function, not
the magnitude of the advantage. On the other hand, it has re-
cently been shown that some variants of on-policy stochastic
NPG could exhibit committal behavior and thereby suffer
from convergence to sub-optimal policies (Mei et al., 2021).
The analysis of CAPO could also provide useful insights
into the design of stochastic NPG methods. Interestingly, in
the context of variational inference, a theoretical connection
between coordinate ascent and the natural gradient has also
been recently discovered (Ji et al., 2021).
CAPO for Low-Fidelity RL Tasks. One salient feature
of CAPO is that it requires only the sign of the advantage
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
Table 1: A summary of convergence rates under tabular softmax parameterization under different algorithms.
Convergence Rate
Policy Gradient (Mei et al., 2020)
V ∗(ρ) − V πm(ρ) ≤
Cyclic CAPO (Theorem 2)
Batch CAPO (Theorem 3)
Randomized CAPO (Theorem 4)
infm≥1 πm(a∗|s)2·(1−γ)6 ·
V ∗(ρ) − V πm(ρ) ≤ 2·|S||A|
(1−γ)4 ·
V ∗(ρ) − V πm(ρ) ≤ |A|
(1−γ)4 ·
[V ∗(ρ) − V πm(ρ)] ≤ 2
· max
(1−γ)4 ·
{µ(s)} · 1
mins µ(s) , |S||A|
· 1
· 1
{dgen(s,a)·µ(s)} · 1
function, instead of the exact advantage value. It has been
shown that accurate estimation of the advantage value could
be rather challenging under benchmark RL algorithms (Ilyas
et al., 2019). As a result, CAPO could serve as a promising
candidate solution for RL tasks with low-fidelity or multi-
fidelity value estimation (Cutler et al., 2014; Kandasamy
et al., 2016; Khairy and Balaprakash, 2022).
CAPO for On-Policy Learning. The original motivation
of CAPO is to achieve off-policy policy updates without
the issues of distribution mismatch and fixed behavior pol-
icy. Despite this, the CAPO scheme in (12) can also be
used in an on-policy manner. Notably, the design of on-
policy CAPO is subject to a similar challenge of committal
behavior in on-policy stochastic PG and stochastic NPG
(Chung et al., 2021; Mei et al., 2021). Specifically: (i) We
show that on-policy CAPO with a fixed step size could con-
verge to sub-optimal policies through a multi-armed bandit
example similar to that in (Chung et al., 2021). (ii) We
design a proper step size for on-policy CAPO and establish
asymptotic global convergence. Through a simple bandit
experiment, we show that this variant of on-policy CAPO
can avoid the committal behavior. Due to space limitation,
all the above results are provided in Appendix C.
5 Practical Implementation of CAPO
To address the large state and action spaces of the practical
RL problems, we proceed to parameterize the policy for
CAPO by a neural network and make use of its powerful
representation ability. As presented in Section 4, the co-
ordinate update and variable learning rate are two salient
features of CAPO. These features are difficult to preserve
if the policy is trained in a completely end-to-end manner.
Instead, we take a two-step approach by first leveraging the
tabular CAPO to derive target action distributions and then
design a loss function that moves the output of the neural
network towards the target distribution. Specifically, we de-
signed a neural version of CAPO, called Neural Coordinate
Ascent Policy Optimization (NCAPO): Let fθ(s, a) denote
the output of the policy network parameterized by θ, for
each (s, a). In NCAPO, we use neural softmax policies, i.e.,
πθ(a|s) =
a(cid:48)∈A exp(fθ(s,a(cid:48))) .
• Inspired by the tabular CAPO, we compute a target soft-
max policy πˆθ(s, a) by following the CAPO update (12)
˜θ(s, a) = fθ(s, a)+α(s, a)I{(s, a) ∈ B}·sign (Aπθ (s, a)) .
The target action distribution is then computed w.r.t. ˜θ as
˜π(a|s) =
a(cid:48) ∈A exp(˜θ(s,a(cid:48)))
• Finally, we learn fθ by minimizing the NCAPO loss,
which is the KL-divergence loss between the current pol-
icy and the target policy:
L(θ) =
DKL (πθ(·|s)(cid:107)˜π(·|s)) .
6 Experimental Results
In this section, we empirically evaluate the performance
of CAPO on several benchmark RL tasks. We evaluate
NCAPO in MinAtar (Young and Tian, 2019), a simplified
Arcade Learning Environment (ALE), and consider a variety
of environments, including Seaquest, Breakout, Asterix, and
Space Invaders. Each environment is associated with 10 ×
10 × n binary state representation, which corresponds to the
10 × 10 grid and n channels (the value n depends on the
Benchmark Methods. We select several benchmark meth-
ods for comparison, including Rainbow (Hessel et al., 2018;
Obando-Ceron and Castro, 2021), PPO (Schulman et al.,
2017), Off-PAC (Degris et al., 2012), and Advantage Actor-
Critic (A2C) (Mnih et al., 2016), to demonstrate the effec-
tiveness of NCAPO. For Rainbow, we use the code provided
by (Obando-Ceron and Castro, 2021) without any change.
For the other methods, we use the open-source implementa-
tion provided by Stable Baselines3 (Raffin et al., 2019).
Empirical Evaluation. The detailed implementation of
NCAPO is provided in Appendix G. From Figure 1, we can
observe that NCAPO has the best performance in Seaquest,
Breakout, Space Invaders. We also see that NCAPO is more
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
Figure 1: A comparison between the performance of NCAPO and other benchmark methods algorithms in MinAtar. All the
results are averaged over 10 random seeds (with the shaded area showing the range of mean ± 0.5 · std).
robust across tasks than PPO and Rainbow. For example,
Rainbow performs especially well in Asterix, while rela-
tively poorly in Space Invaders. PPO performs relatively
strong in Breakout and Seaquest, but converges rather slowly
in Asterix. Off-PAC with a uniform behavior policy has very
little improvement throughout training in all the tasks due to
the issue of fixed behavior policy, which could hardly find
sufficiently long trajectories with high scores. By contrast,
NCAPO outperforms all the benchmark methods in three
out of four environments, while being on par with other
methods in the remaining environment.
7 Related Work
Off-Policy Policy Gradients. Off-policy learning via PG
has been an on-going research topic. Built on the off-policy
PG theorem (Degris et al., 2012; Silver et al., 2014; Zhang
et al., 2019; Imani et al., 2018), various off-policy actor-
critic algorithms have been developed with an aim to achieve
more sample-efficient RL (Wang et al., 2017; Gu et al.,
2017a; Chung et al., 2021; Ciosek and Whiteson, 2018; Es-
peholt et al., 2018; Schmitt et al., 2020). In the standard
off-policy PG formulation, the main idea lies in the use of a
surrogate objective, which is the expected total return with
expectation taken over the stationary distribution induced
by the behavior policy. While this design avoids the issue
of an exponentially-growing importance sampling ratio, it
has been shown that this surrogate objective can suffer from
convergence to sub-optimal policies due to distribution mis-
match, and distribution correction is therefore needed, either
via a learned density correction ratio (Liu et al., 2020b) or
emphatic weighting (Maei, 2018; Zhang et al., 2019, 2020).
On the other hand, off-policy actor-critic based on NPG has
been recently shown to achieve provable sample complexity
guarantees in both tabular (Khodadadian et al., 2021b) and
linear function approximation setting (Chen and Maguluri,
2022; Chen et al., 2022). Another line of research is on char-
acterizing the convergence of off-policy actor-critic methods
in the offline setting, where the learner is given only a fixed
dataset of samples (Xu et al., 2021; Huang and Jiang, 2022).
Some recent attempts propose to enable off-policy learning
beyond the use of policy gradient. For example, (Laroche
and Tachet des Combes, 2021) extends the on-policy PG
to an off-policy policy update by generalizing the role of
the discounted state visitation distribution. (Laroche and
Des Combes, 2022) proposes to use the gradient of the cross-
entropy loss with respect to the action with maximum Q.
Both approaches are shown to attain similar convergence
rates as the on-policy true PG. Different from all the above,
CAPO serves as the first attempt to address off-policy policy
optimization through the lens of coordinate ascent, without
using the policy gradient.
Exploiting the Sign of Advantage Function. As pointed
out in Section 2, the sign of the advantage function (or tem-
poral difference (TD) residual as a surrogate) can serve as
an indicator of policy improvement. For example, (Van Has-
selt and Wiering, 2007) proposed Actor Critic Learning
Automaton (ACLA), which is designed to reinforce only
those state-action pairs with positive TD residual and ig-
nore those pairs with non-positive TD residual. The idea of
ACLA is later extended by (Zimmer et al., 2016) to Neural
Fitted Actor Critic (NFAC) , which learns neural policies
for continuous control, and penalized version of NFAC for
improved empirical performance (Zimmer and Weng, 2019).
On the other hand, (Tessler et al., 2019) proposes genera-
tive actor critic (GAC), a distributional policy optimization
approach that leverages the actions with positive advantage
to construct a target distribution. By contrast, CAPO takes
the first step towards understanding the use of coordinate
ascent with convergence guarantees for off-policy RL.
8 Conclusion
We propose CAPO, which takes the first step towards ad-
dressing off-policy policy optimization by exploring the use
of coordinate ascent in RL. Through CAPO, we enable off-
policy learning without the need for importance sampling
or distribution correction. We show that the general CAPO
can attain asymptotic global convergence and establish the
convergence rates of CAPO with several popular coordinate
selection rules. Moreover, through experiments, we show
that the neural implementation of CAPO can serve as a com-
petitive solution compared to the benchmark RL methods
and thereby demonstrates the future potential of CAPO.
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A Proofs of the Theoretical Results in Section 3.2
A.1 Proof of Lemma 2
Lemma 3 (Performance Difference Lemma in (Kakade and Langford, 2002)). For each state s0, the difference in the value
of s0 between two policies π and π(cid:48) can be characterized as:
V π (s0) − V π(cid:48)
(s0) =
1 − γ
(s, a)
Now we are ready to prove Lemma 2. For ease of exposition, we restate Lemma 2 as follows.
Lemma. Under the CAPO update given by (12), we have V πm+1(s) ≥ V πm(s), for all s ∈ S, for all m ∈ N.
Proof of Lemma 2. Note that by the definition of A(s, a), we have
πm(a|s)Am(s, a) = 0,
∀s ∈ S
To simplify notation, let Zm(s) := (cid:80)
a∈A exp(θm(s, a)). Then, πm(a|s) and πm+1(a|s) can be simplified as:
πm(a|s) =
exp(θm(s, a))
πm+1(a|s) =
exp(θm+1(s, a))
By Lemma 3, in order to show that V πm+1(s) ≥ V πm (s), ∀s ∈ S, it is sufficient to show that
πm+1(a|s)Am(s, a) > 0,
∀s ∈ S.
For ease of notation, we define Bm(s) := {a|(s, a) ∈ Bm}. To establish (22), we have that for all s ∈ S,
πm+1(a|s)Am(s, a) =
exp(θm+1(s, a))
Am(s, a)
exp(θm+1(s, a))
Am(s, a)
exp(θm+1(s, a))
Am(s, a) +
exp(θm(s, a))
Am(s, a)
exp(θm(s, a))
Am(s, a) +
exp(θm(s, a))
Am(s, a)
πm(a|s)Am(s, a)
= 0,
where (27) holds by the CAPO update given by (12).
A.2 Proof of Theorem 1
Since {V m} is bounded above and enjoys strict improvement by Lemma 2. By the monotone convergence theorem, the limit
of {V m} is guaranteed to exist. Similarly, we know that the limit of {Qm} also exists. We use V (∞)(s) and Q(∞)(s, a) to
denote the limits of {V (m)(s)} and {Q(m)(s, a)}, respectively. We also define A(∞)(s, a) := Q(∞)(s, a) − V (∞)(s). Our
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
concern is whether the corresponding policy π∞ is optimal. Inspired by (Agarwal et al., 2019), we first define the following
three sets as
I s
0 :=
I s
+ :=
I s
− :=
a|Q(∞)(s, a) = V (∞)(s)
a|Q(∞)(s, a) > V (∞)(s)
a|Q(∞)(s, a) < V (∞)(s)
By definition, V (∞) is optimal if and only if I s
showing I s
+ = ∅.
+ is empty, for all s. We prove by contradiction that V (∞) is optimal by
Main steps of the proof. The proof procedure can be summarized as follows:
• Step 1: We first assume V (∞) is not optimal so that by definition ∃s ∈ S, I s
+ (cid:54)= ∅.
• Step 2: We then show in Lemma 5, ∀s ∈ S, actions a− ∈ I s
− have zero weights in policy (i.e. π∞(a−|s) = 0, ∀a− ∈ I s
• Step 3: Since the actions in I s
− have zero probability, by (21), this directly implies Lemma 6: ∀I s
+ (cid:54)= ∅, a ∈ I s
+ must also
have zero probability (i.e. π∞(a+|s) = 0, ∀a+ ∈ I s
• Step 4: Moreover, under CAPO, in the sequel we can show Claim 1, which states that as long as Condition 1 is
+ such that limm→∞ πm(a+|s) = 1. This contradicts the assumption that
satisfied, there must exist one action a+ ∈ I s
∃s ∈ S, I s
+ = ∅, ∀s ∈ S.
+ (cid:54)= ∅, proving that I s
Lemma 4. Under CAPO, there exists M1 such that for all m > M1, s ∈ S, a ∈ A, we have :
A(m)(s, a) < −
A(m)(s, a) >
for a ∈ I s
for a ∈ I s
where ∆ := min{s,a|A(∞)(s,a)(cid:54)=0}
(cid:12)A(∞)(s, a)(cid:12)
Proof of Lemma 4. Given the strict policy improvement property of CAPO in Lemma 2, this can be shown by applying
Lemma C.4 in (Agarwal et al., 2019).
Lemma 5. Under CAPO, π∞(a−|s) = 0, ∀s ∈ S, a− ∈ I s
Proof of Lemma 5. Lemma 4 shows that for all m > M1, the sign of A(m)(s, a) is fixed. Moreover, we know that under
CAPO update, θm(s, a−) is non-increasing, ∀a− ∈ I s
+, m > M1, θm(s, a+) is non-
decreasing. By Condition 1, all the state-action pairs with negative advantage are guaranteed to be sampled for infinitely
many times as m → ∞. Under the CAPO update in (12), we have
−, ∀m > M1. Similarly, ∀a+ ∈ I s
θm+1(s, a−) − θm(a−|s) ≤ − log(
) < 0.
Given the infinite visitation, we know that limm→∞ θm(s, a−) = −∞.
We now show in Lemma 6 that Lemma 5 implies (cid:80)
Lemma 6. If I s
+ (cid:54)= ∅ is true, then Lemma 5 implies (cid:80)
a+∈I s
π∞(a+|s) = 0.
a+∈I s
π∞(a+|s) = 0.
a0∈I s
a+∈I s
Proof of Lemma 6. Recall from (21) that (cid:80)
π∞(a0|s)A∞(s, a0) = 0, which directly implies that
a∈A πm(a|s)Am(s, a) = 0, ∀s ∈ S, m > 0.
By definition,
π∞(a+|s)A∞(s, a+) =
π∞(a|s)A∞(s, a) −
a0∈I s
π∞(a0|s)A∞(s, a) −
a−∈I s
π∞(a−|s)A∞(s, a)
= 0 − 0 − 0 = 0,
where the second equality holds by Lemma 5. Since A∞(s, a+) > 0 and π∞(a+|s) ≥ 0, we have (cid:80)
This completes the proof of Lemma 6.
a+∈I s
π∞(a+|s) = 0.
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
In Lemma 6, we have that if I s
show in the following Claim 1 that there must exist one action a ∈ I s
Lemma 6 and hence implies the desired result that I s
+ (cid:54)= ∅ is true, then πm(a+|s) → 0 as m → ∞. To establish contradiction, we proceed to
+ such that limm→∞ πm(a|s) = 1, which contradicts
+ = ∅.
If I s
+ (cid:54)= ∅ is true, then there exist K such that ∀m > K, s ∈ S, we have:
Qm(s, a+) > Qm(s, a0) > Qm(s, a−),
for all a+ ∈ I s
+, a0 ∈ I s
0 , a− ∈ I s
Without loss of generality, assume that the order of Qm, ∀m > K, can be written as
Qm(s, ˜a+) > Qm(s, a1) > Qm(s, a2) > · · · > Qm(s, a|A|−1),
provided that I s
+ (cid:54)= ∅,
Q(∞)(s, a+). Note that we simplify the case above by considering "strictly greater than"
where ˜a+ := argmaxa+∈I s
instead of "greater than or equal to", but the simplification can be relaxed with a little extra work.
Claim 1. If I s
αm(s, a) ≥ log
+ (cid:54)= ∅ is true, then there must exist one action a+ ∈ I s
πm(a|s) .
+ such that limm→∞ πm(a+|s) = 1 under (12) with
To establish Claim 1, we show that if I s
exposition, we first present the following propositions.
Proposition 1. For any m ≥ 1, s ∈ S, a ∈ A, if Am(s, a) ≤ 0 and ∃ a(cid:48) (cid:54)= a, a(cid:48) ∈ Bm(s), satisfying Am(s, a(cid:48)) > 0, then
πm+1(a|s) ≤ 1
+ (cid:54)= ∅, then limm→∞ πm(a|s) = 0 for all a (cid:54)= ˜a+ by induction. For ease of
2 , regardless of whether a ∈ Bm(s) or not.
Proof of Proposition 1.
Since Am(s, a) ≤ 0, we have sign(Am(s, a)) · αm(s, a) ≤ 0. As a result, we have:
πm+1(a|s) = exp(θm(s,a)+sign(Am(s,a))·αm(s,a))
|s) = exp(θm(s,a(cid:48))+αm(s,a(cid:48)))
≤ exp(θm(s,a))
Zm+1(s) ≤ Zm(s)
πm(a(cid:48) |s)
= Zm(s)
Hence, we have πm+1(a
|s) ≥ πm+1(a|s). Since πm+1(a
|s) + πm+1(a|s) ≤ 1, we get πm+1(a|s) ≤ 1
2 .
Proposition 2. For any s ∈ S, a ∈ A \ {˜a+}, if ∃ T ∈ N such that ∀m > T , Am(s, a) ≤ 0, then ∃ n ∈ N, ¯K ∈ N such
that Am+n+1(s, a) < 0, ∀ m > ¯K.
Proof of Proposition 2.
By Condition 1 and I s
Then, by Proposition 1, we have
+ (cid:54)= ∅, there exist some finite n ∈ N such that ∃ a(cid:48) (cid:54)= a, a(cid:48) ∈ Bm+n(s), satisfying Am+n+1(s, a(cid:48)) > 0.
Hence, we have
πm+n+1(a|s) ≤
∀m ≥ T .
V m+n+1(s) =
πm+n+1(a|s) · Qm+n+1(s, a) ≥
· (cid:0)Qm+n+1(s, a) + Qm+n+1(s, a(cid:48))(cid:1)
where a(cid:48) =
Q∞(s, a(cid:48)(cid:48))
Moreover, by the ordering of Qm and that limm→∞ Qm(s, a) = Q∞(s, a), for (cid:15) = 1
such that for all m > ¯T :
4 · (Q∞(s, a(cid:48)) − Q∞(s, a)) > 0, ∃ ¯T
Qm(s, a) ∈ (Q∞(s, a) − (cid:15), Q∞(s, a) + (cid:15))
Qm(s, a(cid:48)) ∈ (Q∞(s, a(cid:48)) − (cid:15), Q∞(s, a(cid:48)) + (cid:15))
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
Finally, we have that for all m > max (cid:8)T, ¯T (cid:9):
V m+n+1(s) ≥
· (cid:0)Qm+n+1(s, a) + Qm+n+1(s, a(cid:48))(cid:1)
· ((Q∞(s, a)) + (Q∞(s, a(cid:48))))
· (Q∞(s, a) + Q∞(s, a(cid:48))) − (cid:15)
= Q∞(s, a) + (cid:15) > Qm+n+1(s, a).
The above is equivalent to Am+n+1(s, a) < 0 ∀ m > ¯K, where ¯K = max (cid:8)T, ¯T (cid:9).
Proposition 3. If V m(s) ∈ (cid:0)Qm(s, a|A|−k), Qm(s, a|A|−(k+2))(cid:1), then ∃ T (cid:48) ∈ N such that for all m > T (cid:48):
Qm(s, a|A|−(k+1)) − Qm(s, a|A|−1)
Qm(s, a|A|−(k+2)) − Qm(s, a|A|−(k+1))
provided V m(s) ∈ (cid:0)Qm(s, a|A|−k), Qm(s, a|A|−(k+2))(cid:1)
Proof of Proposition 3.
Since V m(s) ∈ (cid:0)Qm(s, a|A|−k), Qm(s, a|A|−(k+2))(cid:1), we have Am(s, a|A|−j) < 0, ∀ j = 1, 2, . . . , k. By Condition 1,
there exists some finite n ∈ N such that ¯a+ ∈ Bm+n(s) for some ¯a+ ∈ (cid:8)˜a+, a1, a2, . . . , a|A|−(k+2)
Hence, we have that for all ¯a− ∈ (cid:8)a|A|−k, a|A|−(k−1), . . . , a|A|−1
θm+n (s,¯a+ )+log
πm+n (¯a+ |s)
Since limm→∞ πm(s, a) = 0, we have ∀z ∈ Z, ∃ T ∈ N such that πm+n+1(¯a+|s)
Qm(s, a|A|−(k+2)) − Qm(s, a|A|−(k+1)) > 0. Hence, by simply choosing z = 1
taking the summation of the ratio over ¯a+ and ¯a−, we can reach the desired result with T (cid:48) = max {K, T }.
πm+n+1(¯a−|s) ≥ z, ∀m > T . For m > K, we have
Qm(s,a|A|−(k+2))−Qm(s,a|A|−(k+1)) and
A · Qm(s,a|A|−(k+1))−Qm(s,a|A|−1)
Now, we are ready to prove Claim 1 by an induction argument.
Proof of Claim 1.
• Show that if I s
+ (cid:54)= ∅, then limm→∞ πm(a|A|−1|s) = 0:
By the ordering of Qm, we have:
V m(s) =
πm(a|s) · Qm(s, a) ≥ 1 · Qm(s, a|A|−1),
∀m > K .
Hence, for all m > K, we have:
Am(s, a|A|−1) = Qm(s, a|A|−1) − V m(s) ≤ Qm(s, a|A|−1) − Qm(s, a|A|−1) = 0.
Therefore, by Proposition 2, we have ∃ n|A|−1 ∈ N, K|A|−1 ∈ N such that:
Am+n|A|−1+1(s, a|A|−1) < 0,
∀m > K|A|−1 .
sign(Am(s, a|A|−1)) · αm
(cid:0)s, a|A|−1
(cid:1) < 0,
∀m > K|A|−1.
With the monotone-decreasing property and the infinite visitation condition, it is guaranteed that limm→∞ θm(s, a|A|−1) =
−∞. Hence, we have limm→∞ πm(s, a|A|−1) = 0.
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
• Suppose that limm→∞ πm(a|A|−1|s) = limm→∞ πm(a|A|−2|s) = · · · = limm→∞ πm(a|A|−k|s) = 0, where k ∈
[1, (|A| − 2)]. Then we would like to derive limm→∞ πm(a|A|−(k+1)|s):
By the above assumption, we have:
πm(a|s) = 0
By Proposition 3, ∃ K (cid:48)
policy weight of the policy worse than a|A|−(k+1) and the policy better than a|A|−(k+1):
|A|−(k+1) ∈ N such that ∀ m > K (cid:48)
|A|−(k+1), we can establish the ratio between the summation of
Qm(s, a|A|−(k+1)) − Qm(s, a|A|−1)
Qm(s, a|A|−(k+2)) − Qm(s, a|A|−(k+1))
provided V m(s) ∈ (cid:0)Qm(s, a|A|−k), Qm(s, a|A|−(k+2))(cid:1)
And by the ordering of Qm, we have:
V m(s) =
πm(a|s) · Qm(s, a)
πm(a|s) · Qm(s, a) + Qm(s, a|A|−(k+1)) · πm(a|A|−(k+1)|s)
πm(a|s) · Qm(s, a)
Qm(s, a|A|−(k+2)) ·
πm(a|s) + Qm(s, a|A|−(k+1)) · πm(a|A|−(k+1)|s)
+Qm(s, a|A|−1) ·
∀m > K .
Hence, for all m > K (cid:48)
|A|−(k+1), we have:
Am(s, a|A|−(k+1)) = Qm(s, a|A|−(k+1)) − V m(s)
≤ Qm(s, a|A|−(k+1)) −
Qm(s, a|A|−(k+2)) ·
+Qm(s, a|A|−(k+1)) · πm(a|A|−(k+1)|s)
+Qm(s, a|A|−1) ·
= (cid:0)Qm(s, a|A|−(k+1)) − Qm(s, a|A|−(k+2))(cid:1) ·
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
+ (cid:0)Qm(s, a|A|−(k+1)) − Qm(s, a|A|−1)(cid:1) ·
≤ (cid:0)Qm(s, a|A|−(k+1)) − Qm(s, a|A|−(k+2))(cid:1) ·
Qm(s, a|A|−(k+2)) − Qm(s, a|A|−(k+1))
Qm(s, a|A|−(k+1)) − Qm(s, a|A|−1)
+ (cid:0)Qm(s, a|A|−(k+1)) − Qm(s, a|A|−1)(cid:1) ·
= 0
By Proposition 2, we have ∃ n|A|−(k+1) ∈ N, K|A|−(k+1) ∈ N such that:
Am+n|A|−(k+1)+1(s, a|A|−(k+1)) < 0,
∀m > K|A|−(k+1)
sign(Am(s, a|A|−1)) · αm
(cid:0)s, a|A|−(k+1)
(cid:1) < 0,
∀m > K|A|−(k+1)
With the monotone-decreasing property and the infinite visitation, it is guaranteed that limm→∞ θm(s, a|A|−(k+1)) = −∞.
Hence we have limm→∞ πm(s, a|A|−(k+1)) = 0.
Finally we complete the induction and so we conclude that ∀a (cid:54)= ˜a+, limm→∞ πm(s, a) = 0, which is equivalent to
limm→∞ πm(s, ˜a+) = 1. This completes the proof of Claim 1.
Now we are ready to put everything together and prove Theorem 1. For ease of exposition, we restate Theorem 1 as follows.
πθm (a|s) ), if Condition 1
Theorem. Consider a tabular softmax parameterized policy πθ, under (12) with αm(s, a) ≥ log(
is satisfied, then we have V πm (s) → V ∗(s) as m → ∞, for all s ∈ S.
Proof of Theorem 1. In Claim 1, we have that if I s
limm→∞ πm(a|s) = 1. This leads to the contradiction with Lemma 6, and finally we get the desired result that I s
implying that V (∞) is optimal.
+ (cid:54)= ∅ is true, then there must exist one action a ∈ I s
+ such that
+ = ∅,
B Proofs of the Convergence Rates of CAPO in Section 3.3
Lemma 7. |Am(s, a)| ≤ 1
1−γ · (1 − πm(a|s)),
for all (s, a) ∈ S × A.
Proof of Lemma 7.
If Am(s, a) > 0 :
|Am(s, a)| = Qπm (s, a) − V πm (s)
= Qπm (s, a) −
πm(a(cid:48)|s) · Qπm(s, a(cid:48))
≤ Qπm (s, a) − πm(a|s) · Qπm (s, a)
= Qπm (s, a) · (1 − πm(a|s))
1 − γ
· (1 − πm(a|s))
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
If Am(s, a) ≤ 0 :
|Am(s, a)| = V πm(s) − Qπm (s, a)
πm(a(cid:48)|s) · Qπm (s, a(cid:48)) − Qπm(s, a)
πm(a(cid:48)|s) · Qπm(s, a(cid:48)) − (1 − πm(a|s)) · Qπm(s, a)
πm(a(cid:48)|s) · Qπm(s, a(cid:48))
1 − γ
1 − γ
· (1 − πm(a|s))
Lemma 8. (V ∗(s) − V πm(s))2 ≤
(cid:16) 1
1−γ · Am( ˜sm, ˜am)
, for all m ≥ 1 where ( ˜sm, ˜am) = argmax
Am(s, a).
Proof of Lemma 8.
(V ∗(s) − V πm(s))2 =
1 − γ
1 − γ
(cid:18) 1
1 − γ
(cid:18) 1
1 − γ
π∗(a(cid:48)|s(cid:48)) · Am(s(cid:48), a(cid:48))
s (s(cid:48))
s (s(cid:48)) · max
Am(s(cid:48), a(cid:48))
· max
Am(s(cid:48), a(cid:48))
· Am( ˜sm, ˜am)
The first equation holds by Lemma 3.
The first and the second inequality hold since the value inside the quadratic term is non-negative.
Lemma 9. V ∗(ρ) − V πm (ρ) ≤ 1
1−γ ·
· (V ∗(µ) − V πm (µ))
Proof of Lemma 9.
V ∗(ρ) − V πm (ρ) =
1 − γ
1 − γ
1 − γ
(1 − γ)2 ·
ρ (s)
π∗(a|s) · Am(s, a)
ρ (s)
µ (s)
µ (s) ·
π∗(a|s) · Am(s, a)
µ (s)
π∗(a|s) · Am(s, a)
µ (s)
π∗(a|s) · Am(s, a)
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
1 − γ
· (V ∗(µ) − V πm(µ))
The first and the last equation holds by the performance difference lemma in Lemma 3.
The first and second inequality holds since the value inside the summation is non-negative.
Lemma 10. dπ
µ(s) ≥ (1 − γ) · µ(s),
for any π, s ∈ S where µ(s) is some starting state distribution of the MDP.
Proof of Lemma 10.
µ(s) = E
= E
≥ E
(1 − γ) ·
γt · P(st = s | s0, π)
[(1 − γ) · P(s0 = s | s0, π)]
= (1 − γ) · µ(s)
The first equation holds by the performance difference lemma in Lemma 3.
The second and the third equation hold since the value inside quadratic term is non-negative.
Lemma 11. Given δm+1 ≤ δm − c · δ2
(cid:110)(cid:113) M
c·(1−γ) , log M +1
m=1 δm ≤ min
m where δm ≤ 1
for all m ≥ 1.
1−γ for all m ≥ 1 and c ≤ 1−γ
2 , then δm ≤ 1
c · 1
m and
Proof of Lemma 11.
We prove this lemma by induction. For m ≤ 2, δm ≤ 1
Let ft(x) = x − c · x2 = −c(x − 1
2c )2 + 1
c · 1
m directly holds since c ≤ 1−γ
4c . Then ft(x) is monotonically increasing in [0, 1
and δm ≤ 1
1−γ .
2c ]. And so we have :
δm+1 ≤ ft(δm)
≤ ft(
m2 )
· (
m + 1
and by summing up δm, we have :
δm ≤
· (ln M + 1)
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
On the other hand, we also have :
m ≤
(δm − δm+1)
· (δ1 − δM +1)
1 − γ
Therefore, by Cauchy-Schwarz,
δm ≤
M ·
M ·
(cid:114) 1
1 − γ
c · (1 − γ)
Lemma 12. Under the CAPO update (12) with αm(s, a) = log(
then the policy weight difference πm+1(a|s) − πm(a|s) can be written as :
πθm (a|s) ), if Bm = {(sm, am)} and Am(sm, am) > 0,
πm+1(a|s) − πm(a|s) =
− 1−πm(am|sm)
2−πm(am|sm) · πm(a|s)
, if s = sm, a = am
, if s = sm, a (cid:54)= am
, else
Proof of Lemma 12.
For s = sm, a = am:
πm+1(am|sm) − πm(am|sm) =
− πm(am|sm)
− πm(am|sm)
πm (am|sm ) )·sign(Am(sm,am)
πm (am|sm ) )·sign(Am(sm,am) + (cid:80)
a eθm (a)
eθm (am)
a eθm (a)
eθm (sm ,am )
+ (cid:80)
− πm(am|sm)
eθm (sm,am)
eθm (sm,am)
πm(am|sm) + (cid:80)
eθm (sm,am)
− πm(am|sm)
πm(am|sm) − 1) · eθm(sm, am)
− πm(am|sm)
eθm (sm,am)
πm(am|sm) + (
πm(am|sm) − 1
(1 − πm(am|sm))2
2 − πm(am|sm)
− πm(am|sm)
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
For s = sm, a (cid:54)= am:
πm+1(a|sm) − πm(a|sm) =
− πm(a|sm)
πm (am |sm) )·sign(Am(sm,am) + (cid:80)
a eθm (a)
eθm (sm,am )
− πm(a|sm)
+ (cid:80)
πm(am|sm) + (cid:80)
eθm (sm,am)
− πm(a|sm)
eθm (sm,am)
πm(am|sm) + (
πm(am|sm) − 1) · eθm(sm, am)
− πm(a|sm)
÷πm(a|sm) − 1
· πm(a|sm)
πm(am|sm) − 1) · eθm (sm, am)
πm(am|sm) − 1)
1 − πm(am|sm)
2 − πm(am|sm)
− 1
· πm(a|sm)
· πm(a|s)
= −
− πm(a|sm)
Lemma 13. Under the CAPO update (12) with αm(s, a) = log(
then the policy weight difference πm+1(a|s) − πm(a|s) can be written as :
πθm (a|s) ), if Bm = {(sm, am)} and Am(sm, am) < 0,
πm+1(a|s) − πm(a|s) =
πm(am|sm)2−πm(am|sm)+1 · πm(a|s)
, if s = sm, a = am
, if s = sm, a (cid:54)= am
, else
Proof of Lemma 13.
For s = sm, a = am :
πm+1(am|sm) − πm(am|sm) =
− πm(am|sm)
πm (am|sm ) )·sign(Am(sm,am)
πm (am|sm ) )·sign(Am(sm,am) + (cid:80)
− πm(am|sm)
a eθm (a)
eθm (am)
a eθm (a)
eθm (sm,am)
+ (cid:80)
eθm (sm, am) · πm(am|sm)
eθm (sm, am) · πm(am|sm) + (cid:80)
− πm(am|sm)
− πm(am|sm)
eθm(sm, am) · πm(am|sm)
eθm (sm, am) · πm(am|sm) + (
πm(am|sm) − 1) · eθm(sm, am)
− πm(am|sm)
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
πm(am|sm) − 1 +
−πm(am|sm) · (1 − πm(am|sm))2
πm(am|sm)2 − πm(am|sm) + 1
− πm(am|sm)
− πm(a|sm)
πm(am|sm ) )·sign(Am(sm,am) + (cid:80)
− πm(a|sm)
− πm(a|sm)
− πm(a|sm)
+ (cid:80)
− πm(a|sm)
a eθm (a)
eθm (sm,am )
πm(am|sm) · eθm(sm, am) + (cid:80)
πm(am|sm) · eθm(sm, am) + (
πm(am|sm) − 1) · eθm(sm, am)
÷πm(a|sm) − 1
· πm(a|sm)
(πm(am|sm) − 1 +
πm(am|sm) ) · eθm (sm, am)
(πm(am|sm) − 1 +
πm(am|sm) )
− 1
· πm(a|sm)
πm(am|sm) · (1 − πm(am|sm))
πm(am|sm)2 − πm(am|sm) + 1
· πm(a|s)
For s = sm, a (cid:54)= am :
πm+1(a|sm) − πm(a|sm) =
Lemma 14. Under the CAPO update (12) with αm(s, a) ≥ log(
then the policy weight difference πm+1(a|s) − πm(a|s) can be written as :
πθm (a|s) ), if Bm = {(sm, am)} and Am(sm, am) > 0,
πm+1(a|s) − πm(a|s) =
W +
−W + ·
where (1 − πm(am|sm)) ≥ W + ≥
, if s = sm, a = am
, if s = sm, a (cid:54)= am
, else
(1 − πm(am|sm))2
2 − πm(am|sm)
Proof of Lemma 14.
By Lemma 12, we have W + = (1−πm(am|sm))2
πθm (a|s) ). Since πm+1(a|s) is proportional to
the learning rate αm(s, a), we establish the lower bound of W + directly. The upper bound of W + is constructed by the
maximum value of improvement.
Also, for s = sm, a (cid:54)= am, we have:
2−πm(am|sm) under αm(s, a) = log(
eθm (s,a)
eθm (s,a)
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
Since (cid:80)
(πm+1(a|s) − πm(a|s)) = −W +, we have:
(πm+1(a|s) − πm(a|s)) =
(cid:18) Zm(s)
− 1
· πm(a|s) =
(cid:18) Zm(s)
− 1
· (1 − πm(am|s)) = −W +
Hence, for s = sm, a (cid:54)= am, we get:
πm+1(a|s) − πm(a|s) =
Zm(s) · πm(a|s)
− πm(a|s) =
(cid:18) Zm(s)
− 1
· πm(a|s) =
−W +
1 − πm(am|s)
· πm(a|s)
Lemma 15. Under the CAPO update (12) with αm(s, a) ≥ log(
then the policy weight difference πm+1(a|s) − πm(a|s) can be written as :
πθm (a|s) ), if Bm = {(sm, am)} and Am(sm, am) < 0,
πm+1(a|s) − πm(a|s) =
−W −
W − ·
where πm(am|sm) ≥ W − ≥
, if s = sm, a = am
, if s = sm, a (cid:54)= am
, else
πm(am|sm) · (1 − πm(am|sm))2
πm(am|sm)2 − πm(am|sm) + 1
Proof of Lemma 15.
By Lemma 13, we have W − = πm(am|sm)·(1−πm(am|sm))2
πθm (a|s) ). Since πm+1(a|s) is propor-
tional to the learning rate αm(s, a), we establish the lower bound of W − directly. The upper bound of W − is constructed
by the maximum value of improvement.
Also, for s = sm, a (cid:54)= am, we have:
πm(am|sm)2−πm(am|sm)+1 under αm(s, a) = log(
eθm (s,a)
eθm (s,a)
Moreover, since (cid:80)
(πm+1(a|s) − πm(a|s)) = W −, we have:
(πm+1(a|s) − πm(a|s)) =
(cid:18) Zm(s)
− 1
· πm(a|s) =
(cid:18) Zm(s)
− 1
· (1 − πm(am|s)) = W −
Hence, for s = sm, a (cid:54)= am, we get:
πm+1(a|s) − πm(a|s) =
Zm(s) · πm(a|s)
− πm(a|s) =
(cid:18) Zm(s)
− 1
· πm(a|s) =
W −
1 − πm(am|s)
· πm(a|s)
Lemma 16. Under the CAPO update (12) with αm(s, a) ≥ log(
the performance V πm+1(s) − V πm (s) can be written as :
πθm (a|s) ), if Bm = {(sm, am)} then the improvement of
V πm+1(s) − V πm(s) =
W +
1−πm(am|sm) · Am(sm, am)
1−πm(am|sm) · (−Am(sm, am))
W −
, if Am(sm, am) > 0
, if Am(sm, am) < 0
(1 − πm(am|sm)) ≥ W + ≥ (1−πm(am|sm))2
πm(am|sm) ≥ W − ≥ πm(am|sm)·(1−πm(am|sm))2
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
and it can also be lower bounded by :
V πm+1 (s) − V πm (s) ≥
(cid:40) d
· Am(sm, am)2
(sm) · πm(am|sm) · Am(sm, am)2
, if Am(sm, am) > 0
, if Am(sm, am) < 0
Proof of Lemma 16.
If Am(s, a) > 0, then :
V πm+1(s) − V πm(s) =
1 − γ
1 − γ
1 − γ
1 − γ
1 − γ
1 − γ
1 − γ
πm+1(a|s) · Am(s, a)
(πm+1(a|s) − πm(a|s)) · Am(s, a)
(πm+1(a|sm) − πm(a|sm)) · Am(sm, a)
W + · Am(sm, am) −
W + · Am(sm, am) −
W +
1 − πm(am|sm)
· πm(a|sm) · Am(sm, a)
W +
1 − πm(am|sm)
πm(a|sm) · Am(sm, a)
W + · Am(sm, am) +
W +
1 − πm(am|sm)
· πm(am|sm) · Am(sm, am)
W +
1 − πm(am|sm)
· Am(sm, am)
· Am(sm, am)2
The first equation holds by the performance difference lemma in Lemma 3.
The second equation holds by the definition of A(s, a).
The third equation holds since πm+1(a|s) = πm(a|s),
∀s (cid:54)= sm.
The fourth equation holds by the difference of the updated policy weight that we have shown in Lemma 12 and Lemma 14.
The last inequality holds by the bound of A(s, a) in Lemma 7.
If Am(s, a) < 0, then :
V πm+1(s) − V πm (s) =
1 − γ
1 − γ
1 − γ
1 − γ
πm+1(a|s) · Am(s, a)
(πm+1(a|s) − πm(a|s)) · Am(s, a)
(πm+1(a|sm) − πm(a|sm)) · Am(sm, a)
−W − · Am(sm, am) +
W −
1 − πm(am|sm)
· πm(a|sm) · Am(sm, a)
1 − γ
−W − · Am(sm, am) +
W −
1 − πm(am|sm)
πm(a|sm) · Am(sm, a)
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
1 − γ
−W − · Am(sm, am) −
W −
1 − πm(am|sm)
· πm(am|sm) · Am(sm, am)
1 − γ
W −
1 − πm(am|sm)
(sm) · πm(am|sm) · Am(sm, am)2
≥ dπm+1
· (−Am(sm, am))
The first equation holds by the performance difference lemma in Lemma 3.
The second equation holds by the definition of A(s, a).
The third equation holds since πm+1(a|s) = πm(a|s),
∀s (cid:54)= sm.
The fourth equation holds by the difference of the updated policy weight that we have shown in Lemma 13 and Lemma 15.
The last inequality holds by the bound of A(s, a) in Lemma 7.
B.1 Convergence Rate of Cyclic CAPO
For ease of exposition, we restate Theorem 2 as follows.
Theorem. Consider a tabular softmax parameterized policy πθ. Under Cyclic CAPO with αm(s, a) ≥ log(
|Bm| = 1, (cid:83)|S||A|
i=1 Bm·|S||A|+i = S × A, we have :
πθm (a|s) ) and
V ∗(ρ) − V πm(ρ) ≤
for all m ≥ 1
V ∗(ρ) − V πm(ρ) ≤ |S||A| · min
c · (1 − γ)
log M + 1
for all m ≥ 1
· min
(cid:110) mins µ(s)
, (1−γ)
> 0.
where c = (1−γ)4
Proof of Theorem 2.
The proof can be summarized as:
1. We first write the improvement of the performance V πm+1(s) − V πm (s) in state visitation distribution, policy weight,
and advantage value in Lemma 16, and also construct the lower bound of it.
2. We then construct the upper bound of the performance difference V ∗(s) − V πm (s) using V πm+|S||A| (s) − V πm (s).
3. Finally, we can show the desired result inductively by Lemma 11.
By Lemma 16, we have for all m ≥ 1:
V πm+1(s) − V πm(s) =
and it can also be lower bounded by:
V πm+1 (s) − V πm (s) ≥
(cid:40) d
W +
1−πm(am|sm) · Am(sm, am)
1−πm(am|sm) · (−Am(sm, am))
W −
, if Am(sm, am) > 0
, if Am(sm, am) < 0
(1 − πm(am|sm)) ≥ W + ≥ (1−πm(am|sm))2
πm(am|sm) ≥ W − ≥ πm(am|sm)·(1−πm(am|sm))2
· Am(sm, am)2
(sm) · πm(am|sm) · Am(sm, am)2
, if Am(sm, am) > 0
, if Am(sm, am) < 0
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
Now, we’re going to construct the upper bound of the performance difference V ∗(s)−V πm (s) using V πm+|S||A| (s)−V πm (s).
Note that by Lemma 8, there exists ( ˜sm, ˜am) such that (V ∗(s) − V πm (s))2 ≤
for all m ≥ 1.
(cid:16) 1
1−γ · Am( ˜sm, ˜am)
Hence, if we construct the upper bound of Am( ˜sm, ˜am)2 using V πm+|S||A| (s) − V πm (s), which is the improvement of the
performance during the whole cycle, then we can get the the upper bound of the performance difference V ∗(s) − V πm (s)
using V πm+|S||A| (s) − V πm (s) for all m ≡ 0 (mod |S||A|).
Without loss of generality, Assume we update ( ˜sm, ˜am) at episode (m + T ), where T ∈ [0, |S||A|) (cid:84) N, m ≡ 0
(mod |S||A|). We discuss two possible cases as follows:
• Case 1: V πm+T (s) − V πm (s) ≥ Am( ˜sm, ˜am):
Am( ˜sm, ˜am)2 ≤ (V πm+T (s) − V πm (s))2
(cid:32)m+T −1
(V πk+1(s) − V πk (s))
k∈[m,m+T −1]
k∈[m,m+T −1]
(V πk+1(s) − V πk (s)) +
(V πk+1 (s) − V πk (s))
k∈[m,m+T −1]
1 − γ
W k+
1 − πk(ak|sk)
· Ak(sk, ak)
1 − γ
W k−
1 − πk(ak|sk)
· (−Ak(sk, ak))
k∈[m,m+T −1]
≤ T ·
= T ·
k∈[m,m+T −1]
k∈[m,m+T −1]
k∈[m,m+T −1]
(cid:18) dπk+1
1 − γ
W k+
1 − πk(ak|sk)
· Ak(sk, ak)
(cid:18) dπk+1
1 − γ
W k−
1 − πk(ak|sk)
· Ak(sk, ak)
(cid:18) dπk+1
1 − γ
W k+
1 − πk(ak|sk)
· Ak(sk, ak)2
k∈[m,m+T −1]
(cid:18) dπk+1
1 − γ
W k−
1 − πk(ak|sk)
· Ak(sk, ak)2
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
(cid:18) dπk+1
(sk) · W k+
1 − γ
|Ak(sk, ak)|
1 − πk(ak|sk)
|Ak(sk, ak)|
1 − πk(ak|sk)
k∈[m,m+T −1]
(sk) · W k−
1 − γ
|Ak(sk, ak)|
1 − πk(ak|sk)
|Ak(sk, ak)|
1 − πk(ak|sk)
(cid:18) dπk+1
k∈[m,m+T −1]
(cid:18) dπk+1
(sk) · W k+
1 − γ
1 − γ
1 − γ
(sk) · W k+
· (V πk+1(s) − V πk (s))
k∈[m,m+T −1]
= T ·
≤ T ·
(cid:18) dπk+1
k∈[m,m+T −1]
(sk) · W k−
1 − γ
1 − γ
1 − γ
(sk) · W k−
· (V πk+1(s) − V πk (s))
(1 − γ)2 ·
k∈[m,m+T −1]
(sk) · W k+ · (V πk+1 (s) − V πk (s))
k∈[m,m+T −1]
(sk) · W k− · (V πk+1(s) − V πk (s))
(1 − γ)2 ·
k∈[m,m+T −1]
(cid:8)1 (cid:8)Ak(sk, ak) > 0(cid:9) · dπk+1
(sk) · W k+ + 1 (cid:8)Ak(sk, ak) < 0(cid:9) · dπk+1
(sk) · W k−(cid:9)
(cid:32)m+T −1
V πk+1(s) − V πk (s)
≤ cm ·
≤ cm ·
≤ 2 · max
(1 − γ)2 · (V πm+T (s) − V πm(s))
(1 − γ)2 · (V πm+T +1(s) − V πm(s))
dπm+T +1
(sm+T )
cm · T
(1 − γ)2
· (V πm+T +1(s) − V πm (s))
where cm =
k∈[m,m+T −1]
and ck1 = 1 (cid:8)Ak(sk, ak) > 0(cid:9) · dπk+1
{ck1, ck2} ∈ [0, 1]
(sk) · W k+, ck2 = 1 (cid:8)Ak(sk, ak) < 0(cid:9) · dπk+1
(sk) · W k−.
The third equation holds by Lemma 16.
The second inequality holds by Cauchy-Schwarz.
The third inequality holds by Lemma 7 and Lemma 16.
• Case 2: V πm+T (s) − V πm (s) < Am( ˜sm, ˜am):
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
Am( ˜sm, ˜am)2 = ((Qπm( ˜sm, ˜am) − V πm+T (s)) + (V πm+T (s) − V πm(s)))2
≤ ((Qπm+T ( ˜sm, ˜am) − V πm+T (s)) + (V πm+T (s) − V πm(s)))2
= (cid:0)Am+T ( ˜sm, ˜am) + (V πm+T (s) − V πm(s))(cid:1)2
Am+T ( ˜sm, ˜am)2 + (V πm+T (s) − V πm (s))2(cid:17)
· (12 + 12)
· (V πm+T +1(s) − V πm+T (s))
≤ 2 ·
dπm+T +1
(sm+T )
+cm ·
(1 − γ)2 · (V πm+T (s) − V πm (s))
≤ 2 · max
dπm+T +1
(sm+T )
cm · T
(1 − γ)2
· (V πm+T +1(s) − V πm(s))
The first inequality holds by the strict improvement of V π(s) A.1, leading to the strict improvement of Qπ(s, a).
The second inequality holds by Cauchy-Schwarz.
The third inequality holds by the result of Case 1 and Lemma 16
Hence, in both case we get:
V πm+|S||A| (s) − V πm (s) ≥ V πm+T +1(s) − V πm(s) ≥
for all m ≡ 0 (mod |S||A|).
πm+T +1
(sm+T )
, cm·T
(cid:111) · Am( ˜sm, ˜am)2
Combining Lemma 8, we can construct the upper bound of the performance difference V ∗(s) − V πm(s) using
V πm+|S||A| (s) − V πm(s):
V πm+|S||A| (s) − V πm(s) ≥
(1 − γ)2
(1 − γ)2
· min
πm+T +1
(sm+T )
(cid:26) dπm+T +1
(sm+T )
, cm·T
(1 − γ)2
cm · T
(cid:111) · (V ∗(s) − V πm(s))2
· (V ∗(s) − V πm(s))2
and if we consider the whole initial state distribution, µ, we have :
V πm+|S||A| (µ) − V πm (µ) ≥
(1 − γ)2
(1 − γ)2
(1 − γ)2
(1 − γ)3
· min
· min
· min
, cm·T
(1 − γ)2
cm · T
πm+T +1
(sm+T )
(cid:26) dπm+T +1
(sm+T )
(cid:26) (1 − γ) · mins µ(s)
(cid:26) mins µ(s)
(1 − γ)
(cid:111) · (V ∗(µ) − V πm(µ))2
· (V ∗(s) − V πm(s))2
(1 − γ)2
· (V ∗(µ) − V πm (µ))2
· (V ∗(µ) − V πm(µ))2
The second inequality holds since dπ
µ(s) ≥ (1 − γ) · µ(s) 10.
And since V πm+|S||A| (µ) − V πm (µ) = (V π∗
above, we have :
(µ) − V πm(µ)) − (V π∗
(µ) − V πm+|S||A| (µ)), by rearranging the inequality
δm+|S||A| ≤ δm − c(cid:48) · δ2
m where δm = V π∗
(µ) − V πm (µ) for all m ≡ 0
(mod |S||A|)
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
Then, we can get the following result by induction 11 :
V ∗(µ) − V πm (µ) ≤
c(cid:48) ·
(cid:110)(cid:106) m
(cid:111) ≤
, 1
c(cid:48) · min
(cid:26) |S||A|
, 1
for all m ≥ 1
V ∗(µ) − V πm (µ) ≤ |S||A| · min
c(cid:48) · (1 − γ)
log M + 1
for all m ≥ 1
where c(cid:48) = (1−γ)3
· min
(cid:110) mins µ(s)
, (1−γ)
> 0.
Finally, we get the desired result by Lemma 9:
V ∗(ρ) − V πm(ρ) ≤
1 − γ
· (V ∗(µ) − V πm (µ)) ≤
for all m ≥ 1
where c = (1−γ)4
V ∗(ρ) − V πm(ρ) ≤ |S||A| · min
c · (1 − γ)
log M + 1
for all m ≥ 1
· min
(cid:110) mins µ(s)
, (1−γ)
> 0.
B.2 Convergence Rate of Batch CAPO
For ease of exposition, we restate Theorem 3 as follows.
Theorem. Consider a tabular softmax parameterized policy πθ. Under Batch CAPO with αm(s, a) = log(
Bm = {(s, a) : (s, a) ∈ S × A}, we have :
πθm (a|s) ) and
V ∗(ρ) − V πm(ρ) ≤
for all m ≥ 1
V ∗(ρ) − V πm(ρ) ≤ min
c · (1 − γ)
log M + 1
for all m ≥ 1
where c = (1−γ)4
Proof of Theorem 3.
· min
{µ(s)} > 0.
The proof can be summarized as follows:
1. We first construct the lower bound of the improvement of the performance V πm+1(s) − V πm(s) in state visitation
distribution, number of actions, and advantage value in Lemma 16.
2. We then construct the upper bound of the performance difference V ∗(s) − V πm (s) using V πm+1(s) − V πm(s).
3. Finally, we can show the desired result inductively 11.
Lemma 17. Under (12) with αm(s, a) = log(
πm+1(a|s) can be written as :
πθm (a|s) ), if Bm = {(s, a) : (s, a) ∈ S × A}, then the updated policy weight
πm+1(a|s) =
where s+
m := {a ∈ S | Am(s, a) > 0}
m|+ (cid:80)
πm(a|s)+ (cid:80)
m|+ (cid:80)
πm(a|s)+ (cid:80)
m|+ (cid:80)
πm(a|s)+ (cid:80)
, if Am(s, a) > 0
, if Am(s, a) = 0
, if Am(s, a) < 0
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
Proof of Lemma 17.
For Am(s, a) > 0 :
πm+1(a|s) =
For Am(s, a) = 0 :
eθm (s,a)
πm+1(a|s) =
eθm(s,a) · (cid:80)
eθm(s,a) (cid:80)
= πm(a|s) ·
For Am(s, a) < 0 :
πm+1(a|s) =
eθm(s,a) (cid:80)
= πm(a|s)2 ·
Moreover, since (cid:80)
πm+1(a|s) = 1, we have:
πm+1(a|s) +
πm+1(a|s) +
= |s+
m| ·
πm(a|s) ·
m| +
πm(a|s) +
where s+
m := {a ∈ S | Am(s, a) > 0}
Hence, we get:
πm(a|s)2 ·
= 1,
m| + (cid:80)
πm(a|s) + (cid:80)
Finally, we get the desired result by substitution.
Lemma 18. Under (12) with αm(s, a) = log(
performance V πm+1(s) − V πm (s) can be bounded by :
πθm (a|s) ), if Bm = {(s, a) : (s, a) ∈ S × A} then the improvement of the
V πm+1(s) − V πm(s) ≥
Am(s(cid:48), a)2
where s
m := {a ∈ S | Am(s(cid:48), a) > 0}
Proof of Lemma 18.
V πm+1(s) − V πm (s) =
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
1 − γ
1 − γ
πm+1(a|s(cid:48)) · Am(s(cid:48), a)
(s(cid:48)) ·
m| + (cid:80)
πm(a|s) + (cid:80)
Am(s(cid:48), a) +
πm(a|s(cid:48))2 · Am(s(cid:48), a)
a /∈s
(s(cid:48)) ·
m| + (cid:80)
πm(a|s) + (cid:80)
Am(s(cid:48), a) +
πm(a|s(cid:48)) · Am(s(cid:48), a)
a /∈s
(s(cid:48)) ·
m| + (cid:80)
πm(a|s) + (cid:80)
(1 − πm(a|s(cid:48))) · Am(s(cid:48), a)
1 − γ
1 − γ
1 − γ
(s(cid:48)) ·
(1 − πm(a|s(cid:48))) · Am(s(cid:48), a)
(s(cid:48)) ·
Am(s(cid:48), a)2
The first equation holds by the performance difference lemma in Lemma 3.
The second equation holds by Lemma 13.
The third equation holds by the definition of A(s, a).
The last inequality holds by the bound of A(s, a) in Lemma 7.
Hence, combining Lemma 18 and Lemma 8, we can construct the upper bound of the performance difference V ∗(s)−V πm (s)
using V πm+1(s) − V πm(s) :
V πm+1 (s) − V πm (s) ≥
(s(cid:48)) ·
Am(s(cid:48), a)2
· dπm+1
( ˜sm) · Am( ˜sm, ˜am)2
· dπm+1
( ˜sm) · (1 − γ)2 · (
1 − γ
)2 · Am( ˜sm, ˜am)2
· dπm+1
( ˜sm) · (1 − γ)2 · (V ∗(s) − V πm(s))2
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
Moreover, if we consider the whole starting state distribution µ, we have :
V πm+1(µ) − V πm (µ) ≥
(1 − γ)3
· dπm+1
( ˜sm) · (1 − γ)2 · (V ∗(µ) − V πm(µ))2
· µ( ˜sm) · (1 − γ)3 · (V ∗(µ) − V πm (µ))2
· min
· (V ∗(µ) − V πm(µ))2
The second inequality holds since dπ
µ(s) ≥ (1 − γ) · µ(s) in Lemma 10.
Since V πm+1(µ) − V πm (µ) = (V π∗
have :
(µ) − V πm(µ)) − (V π∗
(µ) − V πm+1(µ)), by rearranging the inequality above, we
δm+1 ≤ δm − c(cid:48) · δ2
m where δm = V π∗
(µ) − V πm(µ)
Then, we can get the following result by induction based on Lemma 11 :
V ∗(µ) − V πm(µ) ≤
c(cid:48) ·
for all m ≥ 1
V ∗(µ) − V πm(µ) ≤ min
c · (1 − γ)
log M + 1
for all m ≥ 1
where c(cid:48) = (1−γ)3
· min
{µ(s)} > 0.
Finally, we get the desired result by Lemma 9:
V ∗(ρ) − V πm (ρ) ≤
1 − γ
· (V ∗(µ) − V πm (µ)) ≤
for all m ≥ 1
V ∗(ρ) − V πm(ρ) ≤ min
c · (1 − γ)
log M + 1
for all m ≥ 1
where c = (1−γ)4
· min
{µ(s)} > 0.
πθm (a|s) ). The reason is that under αm(s, a) = log(
Remark 6. In Theorem 3, we choose the learning rate αm(s, a) to be exactly log(
πθm (a|s) ) instead of greater than or
πθm (a|s) ), we can guarantee that all state-action pair with
equal to log(
positive advantage value can get the same amount of the policy weight with each other actions in the same state after every
update 17. This property directly leads to the result of Lemma 18 that the one-step improvement V πm+1(s) − V πm (s) can
be quantified using the summation of all positive advantage value (cid:80)
Am(s(cid:48), a)2, and hence it guarantees that one of
the Am(s(cid:48), a)2 will connect the one-step improvement with the performance difference V π∗
(s) − V πm (s). This property
also prevents some extreme cases where one of the learning rates of the state-action pairs with extremely tiny but positive
advantage value dominates the updated policy weight, i.e., πm+1(am|sm) → 1, leading to tiny one-step improvement.
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
B.3 Convergence Rate of Randomized CAPO
For ease of exposition, we restate Theorem 4 as follows.
Theorem. Consider a tabular softmax parameterized policy πθ, under (12) with αm(s, a) ≥ log(
if Condition 1 is satisfied, then we have :
πθm (a|s) ) and |Bm| = 1,
[V ∗(ρ) − V πm(ρ)] ≤
for all m ≥ 1
[V ∗(ρ) − V πm(ρ)] ≤ min
c · (1 − γ)
log M + 1
for all m ≥ 1
where c = (1−γ)4
· min
{dgen(s, a) · µ(s)} > 0 and dgen : S × A → (0, 1), dgen(s, a) = P((s, a) ∈ Bm).
Proof of Theorem 4.
The proof can be summarized as:
1. We first write the improvement of the performance V πm+1(s) − V πm (s) in state visitation distribution, policy weight,
and advantage value in Lemma 16, and also construct the lower bound of it. Note that the result is the same as
Appendix B.1.
2. We then write the improvement of the performance V πm+1(s) − V πm(s) in probability form condition on (sm, am).
3. By taking expectation of the probability form, we get the upper bound of the expected performance difference
[V ∗(µ) − V πm(µ)] using
[V πm+1(µ) − V πm (µ)].
4. Finally, we can show the desired result by induction based on Lemma 11.
By Lemma 16, we have for all m ≥ 1:
V πm+1(s) − V πm(s) =
and it can also be lower bounded by:
V πm+1 (s) − V πm (s) ≥
(cid:40) d
W +
1−πm(am|sm) · Am(sm, am)
1−πm(am|sm) · (−Am(sm, am))
W −
, if Am(sm, am) > 0
, if Am(sm, am) < 0
(1 − πm(am|sm)) ≥ W + ≥ (1−πm(am|sm))2
πm(am|sm) ≥ W − ≥ πm(am|sm)·(1−πm(am|sm))2
· Am(sm, am)2
(sm) · πm(am|sm) · Am(sm, am)2
, if Am(sm, am) > 0
, if Am(sm, am) < 0
Hence, considering the randomness of the generator, it will choose (s,a) with probability dgen(s, a) to update in each episode
m. Then we can rewrite Lemma 16 in probability form :
V πm+1(s) − V πm(s) ≥
· Am( ˜sm, ˜am)2
· Am(sm, am)2
(sm) · πm(am|sm) · Am(sm, am)2
, if Am(sm, am) > 0, w.p. dgen( ˜sm, ˜am)
, if Am(sm, am) > 0, w.p. dgen(s, a)
, if Am(sm, am) < 0, w.p. dgen(s, a)
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
Then, by taking expectation, we have :
[V πm+1(s) − V πm(s)] =
dgen(s(cid:48), a(cid:48)) · [V πm+1(s) − V πm (s) | (sm, am) = (s(cid:48), a(cid:48))]
≥ dgen( ˜sm, ˜am) · [V πm+1 (s) − V πm (s) | (sm, am) = ( ˜sm, ˜am)]
≥ dgen( ˜sm, ˜am) ·
≥ dgen( ˜sm, ˜am) ·
= dgen( ˜sm, ˜am) ·
· Am( ˜sm, ˜am)2
· (1 − γ)2 · (V ∗(s) − V πm(s))2
· (1 − γ)2 ·
[V ∗(s) − V πm(s)]2
The third inequality holds by Lemma 8.
The last equation holds since the performance difference at episode m is independent of (sm, am), which is the state action
pair chosen at episode m.
If we consider the whole starting state distribution µ, we have:
[V πm+1(µ) − V πm(µ)] ≥ dgen( ˜sm, ˜am) ·
· (1 − γ)2 ·
[V ∗(µ) − V πm(µ)]2
≥ dgen( ˜sm, ˜am) ·
· (1 − γ)3 ·
{dgen(s(cid:48), a(cid:48)) · µ(s(cid:48))} ·
(1 − γ)3
[V ∗(µ) − V πm (µ)]2
[V ∗(µ) − V πm(µ)]2
The second inequality holds since dπ
µ ≥ (1 − γ) · µ(s) by Lemma 10.
[V πm+1(µ) − V πm(µ)] =
by rearranging the inequality above, we have:
(cid:2)V π∗
(µ) − V πm (µ)(cid:3) −
(cid:2)V π∗
(µ) − V πm+1(µ)(cid:3),
δm+1 ≤ δm − c(cid:48) · δ2
m where δm =
V π∗
(µ) − V πm(µ)
Then, we can get the following result by Lemma 11 :
[V ∗(µ) − V πm (µ)] ≤
c(cid:48) ·
for all m ≥ 1
[V ∗(µ) − V πm (µ)] ≤ min
c(cid:48) · (1 − γ)
log M + 1
for all m ≥ 1
where c(cid:48) = (1−γ)3
· min
{dgen(s, a) · µ(s)} > 0.
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
Finally, we get the desired result by Lemma 9:
[V ∗(ρ) − V πm(ρ)] ≤
1 − γ
[V ∗(µ) − V πm(µ)]) ≤
for all m ≥ 1 (269)
[V ∗(µ) − V πm(µ)] ≤ min
c · (1 − γ)
log M + 1
for all m ≥ 1
where c = (1−γ)4
· min
{dgen(s, a) · µ(s)} > 0.
C On-Policy CAPO With Global Convergence
The main focus and motivation for CAPO is on off-policy RL. Despite this, we show that it is also possible to apply CAPO
to on-policy learning. While on-policy learning is a fairly natural RL setting, one fundamental issue with on-policy learning
is the committal issue, which was recently discovered by (Chung et al., 2021; Mei et al., 2021). In this section, we show that
CAPO could tackle the committal issue with the help of variable learning rates. Consider on-policy CAPO with state-action
dependent learning rate:
θm+1(s, a) = θm(s, a) + α(m)(s, a) · sign(A(m)(s, a)) · I{a = am},
where N (k)(s, a) = (cid:80)k
I{(s, a) ∈ Bm} and α(m)(s, a) is given by:
α(m)(s, a) =
log (cid:0)
log (cid:0) β
1−β ·
ζ log (cid:0) N (m)(s,a)+1
N (k)(s,a)
if A(m)(s, a) ≤ 0
if A(m)(s, a) > 0 and π(m)(a|s) < β
C.1 Global Convergence of On-Policy CAPO
Recall that in the on-policy setting, we choose the step size of CAPO as
α(k)(π(k)(a|s)) =
log (cid:0)
log (cid:0) β
1−β ·
ζ log (cid:0) N (k)(s,a)+1
N (k)(s,a)
if A(k)(s, a) ≤ 0
if A(k)(s, a) > 0 and π(k)(a|s) < β
Theorem 5. Under on-policy CAPO with 0 < β ≤ 1
s ∈ S, almost surely.
|A|+1 and 0 < ζ ≤ 1
|A| , we have Vk(s) → V ∗(s) as k → ∞, for all
To prove this result, we start by introducing multiple supporting lemmas.
Lemma 19 (A Lower Bound of Action Probability). Under on-policy CAPO, in any iteration k, if an action a that satisfies
π(k)(a|s) < β and A(k)(s, a) > 0 is selected for policy update, then we have π(k+1)(a|s) > β.
Proof of Lemma 19. By the on-policy CAPO update in (273), we know that if the selected action a satisfies π(k)(a|s) < β
and A(k)(s, a) > 0, we have
s,a = θ(k)
s,a + log (cid:0) β
1 − β
= θ(k)
s,a + log
= log
(cid:16) β
1 − β
(cid:16) β
1 − β
a(cid:48)∈A exp(θ(k)
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
Therefore, by the softmax policy parameterization, we have
π(k+1)(a|s) =
1−β · (cid:80)
a(cid:48)∈A exp(θ(k)
1−β · (cid:80)
a(cid:48)∈A exp(θ(k)
s,a(cid:48)) + (cid:80)
a(cid:48)(cid:48)∈A,a(cid:48)(cid:48)(cid:54)=a exp(θ(k)
s,a(cid:48)(cid:48) )
1−β + (1 − π(k)(a|s))
> β.
As we consider tabular policy parameterization, we could discuss the convergence behavior of each state separately. For ease
of exposition, we first fix a state s ∈ S and analyze the convergence regarding the policy at state s. Define the following
E0 :=
ω : I +
s (ω) (cid:54)= ∅
E1 :=
E1,1 :=
ω :
ω : ∃a ∈ I −
s,a (ω) = 0, ∀a ∈ I −
s with N (∞)
s,a (ω) = ∞
E1,2 :=
ω : ∃a ∈ I +
s with N (∞)
s,a (ω) = ∞
E1,3 :=
ω : ∃a(cid:48) ∈ I 0
s (ω) with N (∞)
s,a(cid:48) (ω) = ∞
s (ω)
Since there shall always exist at least one action a ∈ A with N (∞)
E1,3 = Ω. Therefore, we can rewrite the event Ec
we have
1 = (Ec
1 as Ec
s,a = ∞ for each sample path, then we have E1,1 ∪ E1,2 ∪
1 ∩ E1,1) ∪ (Ec
1 ∩ E1,3). By the union bound,
1 ∩ E1,2) ∪ (Ec
Lemma 20. Under on-policy CAPO and the condition that P(E0) > 0, we have P(Ec
1 ∩ E1,1|E0) = 0.
1|E0) ≤
1 ∩ E1,i|E0).
Proof of Lemma 20. Under on-policy CAPO and the condition that E0 happens, for each ω, there exists an action a(cid:48) ∈
s (ω) and some finite constant B0 such that θ(k)(s, a(cid:48)) ≥ B0, for all sufficiently large k ≥ T +
I +
s,a(cid:48)(ω). On the other
s (ω), we know that θ(k)(s, a(cid:48)(cid:48)) is non-increasing for all k ≥ T −
hand, for each a(cid:48)(cid:48) ∈ I −
s,a(cid:48)(cid:48). Therefore, π(k)(s, a(cid:48)(cid:48)) ≤
, for all k ≥ max{T +
s,a(cid:48), T −
s,a(cid:48)(cid:48)}. As a result, we know if (s, a(cid:48)(cid:48)) is contained in B(k) with
k ≥ max{T +
s,a(cid:48), T −
s,a(cid:48)(cid:48)}, under CAPO, we must have
s,a(cid:48)(cid:48) − θ(k)
s,a(cid:48)(cid:48) ≤ − log
(cid:18) exp (cid:0)θ(T −
s,a(cid:48)(cid:48) )(s, a(cid:48)(cid:48))(cid:1) + exp(B0)
s,a(cid:48)(cid:48) )(s, a(cid:48)(cid:48))(cid:1)
exp (cid:0)θ(T −
Therefore, for each ω ∈ E0 and for each a(cid:48)(cid:48) ∈ I −
implies that P(Ec
1 ∩ E1,1|E0) = 0.
s (ω), if N (∞)
s,a(cid:48)(cid:48) (ω) = ∞, then we have θ(k)
s,a(cid:48)(cid:48) (ω) → −∞ as k → ∞. This
Lemma 21. Under on-policy CAPO and the condition that P(E0) > 0, we have P(Ec
1 ∩ E1,2|E0) = 0.
s,a (ω) = ∞, and suppose N (∞)
s be an action with
s,a(cid:48) are finite for all k ∈ N). Let
m=1 be the sequence of iteration indices where (s, a) in included in the batch. Now we discuss two possible cases as
Proof of Lemma 21. By Lemma 20, we have P(Ec
N (∞)
1 ∩ Ec
s (which also implies that θ(k)
s,a(cid:48) are finite for all a(cid:48) ∈ I −
1,1 ∩ E1,2|E0). Let a ∈ I +
1 ∩ E1,2|E0) = P(Ec
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
• Case 1: π(km)(a|s) → 1 as m → ∞
s and I −
Conditioning on E0, both I +
implies that
s are non-empty. Since θ(k)
s,a(cid:48) is finite for each a(cid:48) ∈ I −
s , we know that π(km)(a|s) → 1
Moreover, under CAPO, as θ(km)
implies that θ(k)
s,a → ∞, as k → ∞. Therefore, we have limk→∞ π(k)(a(cid:48)|s) = 0, for all a(cid:48) ∈ I −
s .
s,a → ∞, as m → ∞.
shall be increasing for all sufficiently large m (given that a ∈ I +
s ), we know (286)
• Case 2: π(km)(a|s) (cid:57) 1 as m → ∞: Since A(km)(s, a) shall be positive for all sufficiently large m (given that a ∈ I +
s ),
s,a ≥ ζ log( N (km)(s,a)+1)
m ); (ii) Otherwise, if
N (km)(s,a)
1−β ) > ζ log( m+1
m ), for all sufficiently large m. This implies
s ), we also
s , we therefore have that limk→∞ π(k)(a(cid:48)|s) = 0, for
− θ(km)
− θ(km)
s,a ≥ log( 1
shall be increasing for all sufficiently large m (given that a ∈ I +
we know: (i) If π(km)(a|s) ≥ β, we have θ(km+1)
π(km)(a|s) < β, we shall have θ(km+1)
that θ(km)(s, a) → ∞ as m → ∞. As θ(km)
have θ(k)
s,a → ∞, as k → ∞. As θ(k)
all a(cid:48) ∈ I −
s .
s,a(cid:48) remains finite for all a(cid:48) ∈ I −
) = ζ log( m+1
Lemma 22. Under on-policy CAPO and the condition that P(E0) > 0, we have P(Ec
1 ∩ E1,3|E0) = 0.
1,1 ∩ Ec
1,2, we know that any action in I +
Proof of Lemma 22. By Lemma 20 and Lemma 21, we have P(Ec
exists T0 ∈ N such that B(k) contains only actions in I 0
1,1 ∩ E1,3|E0). Under
s can appear in B(k) only for finitely many times. This implies that there
s , for all k ≥ T0. In order for the above to happen, we must have
π(k)(a|s) ≤ 1 − (cid:15) for infinitely
a∈I 0
1,2 ∩ Ec
many k). This implies that limk→∞ π(k)(a(cid:48)|s) = 0, for any a(cid:48) ∈ I −
Lemma 23. Under on-policy CAPO and the condition that P(E0) > 0, we have P(E1|E0) = 1.
π(k)(a|s) → 1, as k → ∞ (otherwise there would exist some (cid:15) > 0 such that (cid:80)
1 ∩ E1,3|E0) = P(Ec
1,1 ∩ E1,3|E0) = 0.
s . Hence, P(Ec
1,2 ∩ Ec
s ∪ I −
1 ∩ Ec
1 ∩ Ec
a∈I 0
Proof of Lemma 23. By (284), Lemma 20, Lemma 21, and Lemma 22, we know P(Ec
1|E0) = 0.
Before we proceed, we define the following events:
E2 :=
E3 :=
ω :
ω : ∃a ∈ I +
s,a (ω) = 0, ∀a ∈ I +
s (ω)
s (ω) with N (∞)
s,a (ω) = ∞
Lemma 24. Under on-policy CAPO and the condition that P(E0) > 0, we have P(E2|E0) = 1.
Proof. This is a direct result of Lemma 23.
Lemma 25. Under on-policy CAPO and the condition that P(E0) > 0, we have P(E2 ∩ E3|E0) = 0.
Proof. Under the event E2, we know that for each action a ∈ I +
for all k ≥ Ta,(cid:15). On the other hand, by Lemma 19, under E3, we know that π(k)
P(E2 ∩ E3|E0) = 0.
s , for any (cid:15) > 0, there exists some Ta,(cid:15) such that π(k)
s,a < (cid:15)
s,a > β infinitely often. Hence, we know
Note that by Lemma 24 and Lemma 25, we have P(E2 ∩ Ec
The main idea of the proof of Theorem 5 is to establish a contradiction by showing that under E0, Ec
probability one. Let us explicitly write down the event Ec
3|E0) = 1.
3 as follows:
3 cannot happen with
3 := (cid:8)ω : ∃τ (ω) < ∞ such that B(k) ⊆ I 0
s ∪ I −
s , ∀k ≥ τ (ω)(cid:9).
s,max := max
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
Lemma 26. For any t ∈ N and any K ∈ N, we have
s,max − θ(t)
s,max ≤ log(K + 1),
for every sample path.
Proof of Lemma 26. We consider the changes of θs,a of each action separately:
• θ(k)
s,a < θ(k)
s,max, and π(k)(a|s) < β: For such an action a, we have
s,a ≤ θ(k)
s,a + log
(1 − β) · π(k)(a|s)
· |A| exp(θ(k)
· |A| exp(θ(k)
≤ log
≤ log
(1 − β)
(1 − 1
|A|+1 )
= θ(k)
where (292) holds by the design of on-policy CAPO, (293) follows from the softmax policy parameterization, and (294)
follows from the definition of θ(k)
s,max and the condition of β. Note that (292) would be an equality if A(k)(s, a) > 0. As a
result, this change cannot lead to an increase in θ(k)
• θ(k)
s,a < θ(k)
s,max, and π(k)(a|s) ≥ β: For such an action a, we have
s,a ≤ θ(k)
s,a + ζ log
(cid:16) N (k)
s,a + 1
N (k)
where (296) holds by the design of on-policy CAPO and would be an equality if A(k)(s, a) > 0.
• θ(k)
s,a = θ(k)
s,max: Similarly, we have
s,a ≤ θ(k)
s,a + ζ log
(cid:16) N (k)
s,a + 1
N (k)
where (297) holds by the design of on-policy CAPO and would be an equality if A(k)(s, a) > 0.
Based on the above discussion, we thereby know
s,max − θ(k)
s,max ≤ ζ
(cid:16) N (k+1)
N (k)
Therefore, for any t ∈ N, the maximum possible increase in θ(k)
upper bounded as
s,max between the t-th and the (t + K)-th iterations shall be
s,max − θ(t)
s,max ≤
(cid:16) N (k+1)
N (k)
(cid:16) N (t)
s,a + K
N (t)
≤ ζ ·
≤ log(K + 1),
where (299) follows directly from (298), (299) is obtained by interchanging the summation operators, and (300) holds by
the condition that ζ ≤ 1
s,max ≤ log(K + 1).
|A| . Hence, we know θ(t+K)
s,max − θ(t)
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
For any fixed action set I †
s ⊂ A, define
E4(I †
s ) := (cid:8)ω : For every a ∈ I †
s , N (∞)(s, a) < ∞(cid:9).
Lemma 27. For any I †
s ⊂ A, we have P(E4(I †
s )) = 0.
Proof of Lemma 27. For a given action set I †
s ⊂ A, define a sequence of events as follows: For each n ∈ N,
E4,n(I †
s ) := (cid:8)ω : For every a ∈ I †
s , (s, a) /∈ B(k), ∀k ≥ n(cid:9).
s )}∞
{E4,n(I †
Moreover, we have E4(I †
n=1 form an increasing sequence of events, i.e., E4,1(I †
n=1 E4,n(I †
s ) = (cid:83)∞
s ). By the continuity of probability, we have
s ) ⊆ E4,2(I †
s ) · · · ⊆ E4,n(I †
s ) ⊆ E4,n+1(I †
s ) · · · .
P(E4(I †
s )) = P( lim
E4,n(I †
s )) = lim
P(E4,n(I †
s )).
Next, we proceed to evaluate P(E4,n(I †
s )).
log (cid:0) P(E4,n(I †
s ))(cid:1) ≤ log
≤ log
≤ log
(cid:18) (cid:89)
(cid:18) (cid:89)
(cid:18) (cid:89)
a∈I +
s ∪I −
a(cid:48)∈I 0
s,a(cid:48)) + (cid:80)
|A| exp(θ(k)
s,max) + (cid:80)
|A| exp (cid:0)θ(n)
s,max + log(m + 1)(cid:1) + (cid:80)
s,a )
a∈I +
s,max + log(m + 1)(cid:1)
s,a )
a∈I +
a(cid:48)∈I 0
s ∪I −
|A| exp(θ(k)
|A| exp (cid:0)θ(n)
1 −
s,a )
|A|(m + 1) exp(θ(n)
a∈I +
= −∞,
where (305) holds by the softmax policy parameterization, (306) holds by the definition of θ(k)
follows directly from Lemma 26. Equivalently, we have P(E4,n(I †
P(E4(I †
s ), and (306)
s )) = 0, for all n ∈ N. By (304), we conclude that
s,max and E4,n(I †
s )) = 0.
Now we are ready to prove Theorem 5.
Proof of Theorem 5. Recall that the main idea is to establish a contradiction by showing that conditioning on E0, Ec
3 cannot
happen with probability one. Note that by Lemma 24 and Lemma 25, we have P(E2 ∩ Ec
3|E0) = 1. However, by Lemma
27, we know that for any fixed action set I †
s ⊂ A, the event that the actions in I †
s are selected for policy updates for only
finitely many times must happen with probability zero. This contradicts the result in Lemma 25. Therefore, we shall have
P(E0) = 0.
C.2 On-Policy CAPO with Fixed Learning Rate
One interesting question is whether on-policy CAPO can be applied with a fixed learning rate. Through a simple single state
bandit example, we show that without the help of variable learning rate, on-policy CAPO with fixed learning rate will stuck
in local optimum with positive probability. Therefore, this fact further motivates the use of variable learning rate in CAPO.
We provide the detailed discussion in Appendix D.
D Sub-Optimality of On-Policy CAPO Due to Improper Step Sizes
In this section, we construct a toy example to further showcase how the proposed CAPO benefits from the properly-designed
step sizes in Algorithm 1. We consider a deterministic K-armed bandit with a single state and an action set [K] and a
softmax policy πθ : [K] → [0, 1], the reward vector r ∈ RK is the reward corresponding to each action. This setting is the
same as the one in Section 2 of (Mei et al., 2021), except that we do not have the assumption of positive rewards such that
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
r(a) ∈ [0, 1), ∀a ∈ [K], the reward can be any real number such that r ∈ RK. Our goal here is to find the optimal policy π∗
that maximize the expected total reward. Since there is only one single state, the objective function can by written as:
J(θ) = Ea∼πθ(·)[r(a)].
The on-policy CAPO with fixed learning rate updates the policy parameters by:
θm+1(s, a) = θm(s, a) + η · sign(A(s, a)) · I{a = am}
where η is a constant representing the fixed learning rate.
To demonstrate that on-policy CAPO with fixed learning rate can get stuck in a sub-optimal policy, we consider a simple
three-armed bandit where K = 3 (i.e. a single state with 3 actions). We set r = [1, 0.99, −1]. Then we have:
Theorem 6. Given a uniform initial policy π1 such that π1(a) = 1
P(π∞(a2) = 1) > 0.
K , ∀a ∈ [K], under the policy update of (310), we have
The idea is that with π1(a1) = π1(a3) and r(a1) = −r(a3), when we only sample a2 in the first t steps, Am(a2) >
0, ∀m ≤ t. Thus, πm(a2) shall be strictly improving, and the probability of sampling a2 will increase accordingly, thus
causing a vicious cycle.
Theorem 6 shows that the naive fixed learning rate is insufficient. In the next section, we will show that with a properly
chosen variable learning rate, on-policy CAPO can guarantee global convergence. Empirical results can be found in
Appendix E.
Proof of Theorem 6. Inspired by the proof in (Mei et al., 2021) (Theorem 3, second part), we also consider the event Et such
that a2 is chosen in the first t time steps. We will show that there exists some sequence bs such that P(Et) ≥ (cid:81)t
s=1 bs > 0.
The first part argument is the same as (Mei et al., 2021), we restate the argument for completeness: Let Bm = {am = a2} be
the event that a2 is sampled at time m. Define the event Et = B1 ∩ · · · ∩ Bt be the event that a2 is chosen in the first t time
steps. Since {Et}t≥1 is a nested sequence, we have limt→∞ P (Et) = P(E) by monotone convergence theorem. Following
equation (197) and equation (198) in (Mei et al., 2021), we will show that a suitable choice of bt under the On-policy CAPO
with fixed learning rate is:
exp {θ1(a)}
exp {θ1(a2)}
exp {η}
Lemma 28. πm(a1) = πm(a3), ∀1 ≤ m ≤ t.
bt = exp
Proof of Lemma 28. Under uniform initialization θ1(a1) = θ1(a3), since only a2 is sampled in the first t steps, we have
∀1 ≤ m ≤ t:
πm(a1) =
a exp(θm(a))
a exp(θm(a))
a exp(θm(a))
= πm(a3).
Lemma 29. For all 1 ≤ m ≤ t, we have Am(a2) ≥ 0.
Proof of Lemma 29. Note that under the CAPO update (310), we have
Am(a2) = r(a2) −
πm(a) · r(a)
= (1 − πm(a2))r(a2) −
= (1 − πm(a2))r(a2) −
πm(a) · r(a)
πm(a) · r(a)
= (1 − πm(a2))r(a2) ≥ 0,
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
where the last equation comes from Lemma 28 and r(a1) = −1 · r(a3).
Lemma 30. θt(a2) = θ1(a2) + η · (t − 1).
Proof of Lemma 30. By Lemma 29 and (310), we have:
sign(As(a2)) · I{a2 = as}
θt(a2) = θ1(a2) + η ·
= θ1(a2) + η ·
= θ1(a2) + η · (t − 1).
Lemma 31. For all x ∈ (0, 1), we have:
1 − x ≥ exp
(cid:26) −x
1 − x
Proof of Lemma 31. This is a direct result of Lemma 14 in (Mei et al., 2021). Here we also include the proof for
1 − x = exp{log(1 − x)}
1 − e− log(1−x)(cid:111) (cid:0)y ≥ 1 − e−y(cid:1)
(cid:26) −1
≥ exp
= exp
= exp
1/x − 1
(cid:26) −x
1 − x
Then, we can plug in x as a
b for some a < b to obtain a more useful form of this lemma as follows:
1 −
≥ exp
(cid:26) −a
b − a
Lemma 32. πt(a2) ≥ exp
Proof of Lemma 32.
(cid:110) − (cid:80)
πt(a2) = 1 −
= 1 −
≥ exp
where the last inequality uses (328).
exp {θt(a2)} + (cid:80)
(cid:26) − (cid:80)
exp {θt(a)}
exp {θt(a)}
exp {θt(a2)}
exp {θt(a)}
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
Finally, we have
πt(a2) ≥
(cid:26) − (cid:80)
exp {θt(a)}
exp {θt(a2)}
exp {θ1(a)}
(cid:26) − (cid:80)
exp {θ1(a2) + η · (t − 1)}
= exp
(cid:40) ∞
− (cid:80)
exp {θ1(a)}
exp {θ1(a2) + η · (t − 1)}
= exp
≥ exp
= exp
= Ω(1),
exp {θ1(a)}
exp {θ1(a2)}
exp {θ1(a)}
exp {θ1(a2)}
exp {θ1(a)}
exp {θ1(a2)}
exp {η · t}
exp {η · t}
(cid:90) ∞
· exp {η} ·
· exp {η} ·
exp {η}
where the last line comes from the fact that (cid:80)
exp {θ1(a)} ∈ Θ(1), exp {θ1(a2)} ∈ Θ(1) and exp{η}
∈ Θ(1).
E A Closer Look at the Learning Rate
Unlike most RL algorithms, CAPO leverages variable learning rate that is state action dependent, instead of a fixed learning
rate. In this section, we provide some insights into why this design is preferred under CAPO from both theoretical and
empirical perspectives.
E.1 Variable Learning Rate v.s. Fixed Learning Rate
In Lemma 16, we quantify the one-step improvement V πm+1(s) − V πm(s) in terms of state visitation distribution, policy
weight, and advantage value under learning rate αm(s, a) ≥ log(
πθm (a|s) ). Now, we provide the one-step improvement
under fixed learning rate, α ∈ R, α > 0:
V πm+1(s) − V πm (s) =
(eα−1)·πm(am|sm)+1 · Am(sm, am)
(e−α−1)·πm(am|sm)+1 · (−Am(sm, am))
, if Am(sm, am) > 0
, if Am(sm, am) < 0
where α ∈ R, α > 0
Note that the result above can be obtained by using the same technique in Lemma 12, Lemma 13 and Lemma 16 by
substituting the learning rate.
Compared to the one-step improvement under the variable learning rate, the one-step improvement under the fixed learning
rate would be tiny as the updated action’s policy weight πm(am|sm) → 0. This property makes it difficult for an action that
has positive advantage value but small policy weight to contribute enough to overall improvement, i.e., for those actions, the
improvement of the policy weight πm+1(am|sm) − πm(am|sm) → 0 under some improper fixed learning rate, leading to
small one-step improvement.
Now, to provide some further insights into the possible disadvantage of a fixed learning rate, we revisit the proof of the
convergence rate of Cyclic CAPO in Appendix B.1. By combining the one-step improvement above, the result from Case 1
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
and Case 2 under the fixed learning rate, α ∈ R, α > 0 can be rewritten as:
V πm+|S||A| (s) − V πm(s) ≥
(1 − γ)2
(cid:110) (1−πm+T (am+T |sm+T ))·(eα−1)·πm+T (am+T |sm+T )+1
(1−γ)·(eα−1)·πm+T (am+T |sm+T )
, cm·T
(cid:111) · (V ∗(s) − V πm(s))2
(1 − γ)2
· min
(1 − γ) · (eα − 1) · πm+T (am+T |sm+T )
(1 − πm+T (am+T |sm+T )) · (eα − 1) · πm+T (am+T |sm+T ) + 1
· (V ∗(s) − V πm(s))2
(1 − γ)2
cm · T
{ck1, ck2} ∈ [0, 1]
where cm =
k∈[m,m+T −1]
and ck1 = 1 (cid:8)Ak(sk, ak) > 0(cid:9) · dπk+1
(e−α−1)·πm+T (am|sm)+1
(sk) · (eα−1)·πk(ak|sk)·(1−πk(ak|sk))
, ck2 = 1 (cid:8)Ak(sk, ak) < 0(cid:9) · dπk+1
(sk) ·
(1−γ)·(eα−1)·πm+T (am+T |sm+T )
(1−πm+T (am+T |sm+T ))·(eα−1)·πm+T (am+T |sm+T )+1 in the “min” operator is derived from Case 2
Note that the first term
and the second term (1−γ)2
cm·T is derived from Case 1. Once we cannot guarantee that Case 1 provide enough amount of
improvement, we must show that we can get the rest of the required improvement in Case 2. However, we can find that
there is a term πm+T (am+T |sm+T ) in the numerator of the first term in the “min” operator, which is provided by Case 2,
implying that the multi-step improvement V πm+|S||A| (s) − V πm(s) might also be tiny when the improvement provided by
Case 1 is insufficient and the policy weight πm+T (am+T |sm+T ) → 0 in Case 2.
Accordingly, we highlight the importance of the choice of the learning rate, especially when the visitation frequency
of the coordinate generator is extremely unbalanced (e.g. sampling the optimal action every (|S||A|)1000 epoch) or the
approximated advantage value is oscillating between positive and negative during the update. The design of the variable
learning rate αm(s, a) ≥ log(
πθm (a|s) ) somehow tackles the difficulty of the insufficient one-step improvement by providing
larger step size to the action with tiny policy weight, solving the problem of small improvement of the policy weight.
Therefore, we can conclude that under this design of the learning rate, the one-step improvement is more steady with the
policy weight of the action chosen for policy update.
E.2 Demonstrating the Effect of Learning Rate in a Simple Bandit Environment
In this section, we present the comparison in terms of the empirical convergence behavior of On-policy CAPO and Off-policy
CAPO. Specifically, we evaluate the following four algorithms: (i) On-Policy CAPO with state-action-dependent learning
rate (cf. (273)), (ii) On-Policy CAPO with fixed learning rate (310), (iii) Off-Policy CAPO with state-action-dependent
learning rate (cf. (12)), (iv) Off-Policy CAPO with fixed learning rate.
We consider the multi-armed bandit as in Appendix D with K = 4, and r = [10, 9.9, 9.9, 0]. To further demonstrate
the ability of CAPO in escaping from the sub-optimal policies, instead of considering the uniform initial policy where
π1(a) = 1
K , ∀a ∈ [K], we initialize the policy to a policy that already prefers the sub-optimal actions (a2, a3) such that
θ1 = [0, 3, 3, 0] and π1 ≈ [0.0237, 0.4762, 0.4762, 0.0237] under the softmax parameterization. For each algorithm, we run
the experiments under 100 random seeds. For all the variants of CAPO, we set |Bm| = 1.
In Figure 2, On-policy CAPO with fixed learning rate can get stuck in a sub-optimal policy due to the skewed policy
initialization that leads to insufficient visitation to each action, and this serves an example for demonstrating the effect
described in Theorem 6. On the other hand, on-policy CAPO with state-action dependent learning rate always converges to
the global optimum despite the extremely skewed policy initialization. This corroborates the importance of variable learning
rate for on-policy CAPO. Without such design, the policies failed to escape from a sub-optimal policy under all the random
Next, we look at the result of off-policy CAPO: We noticed that off-policy CAPO with fixed learning rate is able to identify
the optimal action. However, Off-policy CAPO with fixed learning rate learns much more slowly than its variable learning
rate counterpart (notice that the x-axis (Iteration) in each graph is scaled differently for better visualization). Also, we notice
that the different choices of fixed learning rate have direct impact on the learning speed, and this introduces a hyperparameter
that is dependent on the MDP. On the other hand, αm(s, a) can be used as a general learning rate for different cases (For
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
example, in Appendix F where a different environment Chain is introduced, learning rate for off-policy Actor Critic has to
be tuned while αm(s, a) can be used as the go-to learning rate.)
Figure 2: The probability weight of the trained policies on the optimal action at different iterations.
F Exploration Capability Provided by a Coordinate Generator in CAPO
In this section, we demonstrate empirically the exploration capability provided by the coordinate generator in CAPO.
F.1 Configuration
The Chain environment is visualized in Figure 3. This environment is meant to evaluate the agent’s ability to resist the
temptation of immediate reward and look for the better long-term return. We compare the performance of Batch CAPO,
Cyclic CAPO and Off-policy Actor Critic on Chain with N = 10, and the result can be found in Figure 4. To eliminate
the factor of critic estimation, true value of the value function is used during training. All the agents are trained for 1000
iterations with learning rate = 0.001. The policies are represented by a neural network with a single hidden layer (with
hidden layer size 256). Both Cyclic CAPO and Off-policy Actor Critic is trained with a batch size of 16 and a replay buffer
size of 100. As Batch CAPO shall take all the SA-pairs into account by design, the effective batch size of Batch CAPO is
equal to S × A. Unlike the CAPO methods, Off-policy Actor Critic presumes the use of a fixed behavior policy. As a result,
similar to the experimental setup of various prior works (e.g., (Liu et al., 2020b)), we use a uniform behavior policy for
Off-policy Actor Critic. The use of a fixed behavior policy makes it difficult to identify an optimal policy, and this highlights
the benefit of a coordinate generator in terms of exploration.
F.2 Discussion
From Figure 4 we can see that it is difficult for Off-policy Actor Critic to escape from a sub-optimal policy, despite that
the true value of the value function is provided. Since both Cyclic CAPO and Batch CAPO satisfy Condition 1, using
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
such coordinate selection rules provides sufficient exploration for CAPO to identify the optimal policy. This feature can be
particularly useful when the reward is sparse and the trajectory is long.
Figure 3: The Chain environment has a total of n + 1 states, and the agent always starts at state 1. The agent has two actions
to choose from at every state, either receive a reward of 0.1 and terminate immediately, or move one state to the right. While
moving right will receive no reward in most states, the transition from Sn−1 to Sn would induce a huge reward of 100. A
well-performing policy should prefer the delayed reward of 100 over the immediate reward of 0.1.
Figure 4: Comparison between Cyclic CAPO, Batch CAPO and off-policy Actor Critic, where the result is the average over
30 runs. We can see that despite the true value function is given and the optimal reward is much larger than the immediate
reward (100 v.s. 0.1), Off-policy Actor Critic still suffers from a sub-optimal policy.
G Detailed Configuration of Experiments
Implementation Detail
Algorithm 3 shows the pseudo code of NCAPO. In order to demonstrate the off-policy capability of NCAPO, we use
simple (cid:15)-greedy with initial exploration (cid:15)start and decayed exploration for off-policy exploration and estimates A(s, a) with
Retrace Munos et al. (2016). NCAPO uses four simple 2-layer feed-forward neural networks, a behavior network (θb), a
target network (θ), a critic network (θQ) and a target critic network (θQ(cid:48)
). In each episode, Nrollouts rollouts are collected,
and each rollout r = [(st, at), ..., (st+l, at+l)] has length of l. Note that instead of storing a single (s, a)-pair in the replay
buffer R, we store the entire rollout of length l into R to better compute Qretrace. Due to the limited representation capability
of floating-point numbers, during the CAPO update, the term log 1
π can grow unbounded as π → 0. To address this, we clip
the term so that α(s, a) = min(log
π(a|s) , clip). As the target networks have demonstrated the ability to stabilize training,
the target networks are used and updated by polyak average update with coefficient τθ and τQ. The experiment is conducted
on a computational node equipped with Xeon Platinum 8160M CPU with a total of 40 cores. Off-PAC shares a similar code
base as NCAPO, the major difference is that the use of a fixed behavior policy. We choose such behavior policy to be a
uniform policy.
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
G.2 Hyperparameters
We use the hyperparameters for Atari games of stable-baseline3 for (Raffin et al., 2019) for PPO and A2C, and the exact
same hyperparameter from (Obando-Ceron and Castro, 2021) for Rainbow. The hyperparameters are listed in Table 2.
Table 2: Hyperparameters for CAPO and OffPAC
(64, STEPS)
(256, STEPS)
(64, STEPS)
* For Asterix, the critic loss coefficient is 0.25 and the initial exploration rate is 0.8.
H Pseudo Code of the Proposed Algorithms
Algorithm 1 Coordinate Ascent Policy Optimization
1: Initialize policy πθ, θ ∈ S × A
2: for m = 1, · · · , M do
7: end for
end for
θm+1(si, ai) ← θm(si, ai) + αm(si, ai) sign (Am(si, ai))
Generate |B| state-action pairs ((s0, a0), ..., (s|B|, a|B|)) from some coordinate selection rule satisfying Condition 1.
for i = 1, · · · , |B| do
Algorithm 2 Neural Coordinate Ascent Policy Optimization
1: Initialize actor network fθ, where policy is parameterized as πθ(a|s) =
2: for m = 1, · · · , M do
8: ∇θL = ∇θDKL
9: end for
Generate state-action pairs (cid:0)(s0, a0), ..., (s|B|, a|B|
Evaluate Advantage Aπm with arbitrary policy evaluation algorithm.
Compute target ˆθ by (18).
Compute target policy ˆπ by taking softmax over ˆθ.
Update the policy network with NCAPO loss:
a(cid:48)∈A fθ(s,a(cid:48))
(cid:1)) from some coordinate selection rule satisfying Condition 1.
Hsin-En Su*1, Yen-Ju Chen*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh1, Xi Liu2
Algorithm 3 Neural Coordinate Ascent Policy Optimization with Replay Buffer
1: Initialize behavior network f (s, a | θb), critic Q(s, a | θQ)
2: Initialize Replay Buffer R,
3: Initialize target networks f (s, a | θ) ← f (s, a | θb), Q(s, a|θQ(cid:48)
4: for episode m = 1, · · · , M do
) ← Q(s, a|θQ)
ef (s,a|θ)
a(cid:48) ∈A ef(s,a(cid:48) |θ) .
Generate behavior policy and target policy by computing softmax πθ(a | s) =
Collect Nrollouts rollouts with length l by following πθb with decayed (cid:15)-greedy, store rollouts to R.
Replace old rollouts if len(R) > Rmax .
for gradient steps = 1, ..., G do
Sample rollout r from R.
Compute Qretrace(s, a) for (s, a) ∈ r
Loss ← (cid:80)
θLoss ← DKL
Update Q(s, a | θQ) with gradient ∇θQθQ
Update f (s, a | θb) with gradient ∇θθLoss
(s,a)∈r(Qretrace(s, a) − QθQ(s, a))2
(cid:0)πm(· | s) | πˆθ(· | s(cid:1)
end for
Update target networks:
θ ← τθθb + (1 − τθ)θ
← τQθQ + (1 − τQ)θQ(cid:48)
17: end for
ai_researcher | 2 | The_group_mind_of_hybrid_teams_with_humans_and_intelligent_agents_in_knowledge-intense_work.pdf | Collective Intelligence in Human-AI Teams: A Bayesian Theory of Mind Approach
Samuel Westby1, Christoph Riedl2,
1 Network Science Institute, Northeastern University, Boston, MA
2 Khoury College of Computer Sciences, Northeastern University, Boston, MA
[email protected], [email protected]
We develop a network of Bayesian agents that collectively
model the mental states of teammates from the observed com-
munication. Using a generative computational approach to
cognition, we make two contributions. First, we show that
our agent could generate interventions that improve the col-
lective intelligence of a human-AI team beyond what humans
alone would achieve. Second, we develop a real-time mea-
sure of human’s theory of mind ability and test theories about
human cognition. We use data collected from an online ex-
periment in which 145 individuals in 29 human-only teams
of five communicate through a chat-based system to solve a
cognitive task. We find that humans (a) struggle to fully in-
tegrate information from teammates into their decisions, es-
pecially when communication load is high, and (b) have cog-
nitive biases which lead them to underweight certain useful,
but ambiguous, information. Our theory of mind ability mea-
sure predicts both individual- and team-level performance.
Observing teams’ first 25% of messages explains about 8%
of the variation in final team performance, a 170% improve-
ment compared to the current state of the art.
The reliance on teamwork in organizations (Wuchty, Jones,
and Uzzi 2007), coupled with remarkable recent progress
in artificial intelligence, have supercharged the vision to de-
velop collaborative Human-AI teams (Malone and Bernstein
2015; O’Neill et al. 2020). Human-AI teams promise to
overcome human biases and information processing limita-
tions, reaching performance higher than human-only teams
could (Brynjolfsson, Rock, and Syverson 2018). Despite
some recent advances (e.g., Bansal et al. 2019b; Pynadath
et al. 2022; Seraj et al. 2022) there remain significant dif-
ficulties in developing agents that interact with multiple,
heterogeneous humans working on cognitive tasks engaged
in cooperative communication in an ad-hoc team. Here, we
draw on research of cognitive processes to develop Human-
AI teams and explain collaborative decision making.
To communicate efficiently, humans infer the beliefs,
opinions, knowledge, and related states of mind of other
people (Nickerson 1999; Call and Tomasello 2008). This is
referred to as social perceptiveness or theory of mind (ToM;
Copyright © 2023, Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Intelligence ( All rights reserved.
Premack and Woodruff 1978). Recent research on collec-
tive intelligence, has provided a wide range of empirical
evidence suggesting that ToM (and related processes gov-
erning collective memory, attention, and reasoning) is a sig-
nificant predictor of human collective intelligence (Woolley
et al. 2010; Riedl et al. 2021; Woolley et al. 2022; Engel
et al. 2014). Indeed, ToM is especially beneficial for inter-
dependent cognitive tasks that benefit when teams leverage
their members’ expertise (Lewis 2003). Some work sug-
gests that ToM is the mechanism that allows collectives to
use more performance-relevant information from their envi-
ronment than a single individual without such connections
could, for example, by facilitating a balance between diver-
sity and cognitive efficiency (Riedl and Woolley 2017; Hong
and Page 2004). As human civilization shifts further toward
knowledge work (Autor 2014) where the most value is real-
ized if members fully use and integrate their unique exper-
tise, this ability is increasingly important.
Recent work has started to develop a formal account of
collective intelligence to explain the relationship between
individual interaction and collective performance using (ap-
proximate or variational) Bayesian inference (or free energy;
Friston 2010, 2013; Heins et al. 2022). The free energy prin-
ciple is a mathematical framework for multiscale behavioral
processes that suggests a system of self-similar agents self-
organizes by minimizing variational free energy in its ex-
changes with the environment (Fig. 1a; Friston, Kilner, and
Harrison 2006). Recent extensions have applied the frame-
work to explain human communication (Vasil et al. 2020). A
key advantage of this approach is that free energy minimiza-
tion can be translated into a generative, agent-based process
theory (Friston et al. 2017; Kaufmann, Gupta, and Taylor
2021). This generative theory provides a computational ap-
proach to cognition (Tenenbaum et al. 2011; Griffiths 2015)
that allows us to simultaneously (a) build agents for Human-
AI teams that are highly explainable but also (b) test theo-
ries about human cognitive processes and measure human
theory of mind ability in real time. This promises to advance
our understanding of a key process of human collective in-
telligence. The current state of the art to measure theory of
mind—the Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (Baron-Cohen
et al. 2001)—is a static, indirect, survey-based instrument,
which typically explains about 3% of the variation (Riedl
et al. 2021).
Figure 1: Framework of human-AI teaming with Theory of Mind (ToM). a) Nested layers of ToM agents. Agents model ego
networks of the individual they shadow. b) Every human team member is paired with an AI agent. Humans send messages to
others through a shared environment. The ToM agent infers beliefs for both own ideas (Ego Model), and ideas of others (one
Alter Model per network neighbor). Ego Model is updated with initial information and new knowledge generated by the human
through self actualization. Alter Models are updated based on incoming messages from teammates through partner actualization.
Agents combine information from the ego and alter models with weighting determined α denoting ToM ability.
In this paper, we develop a Bayesian theory of mind agent
that can form ad-hoc mental models about its teammates,
based exclusively on observations drawn from human com-
munication (Fig. 1b). We use data collected from a large,
IRB approved human-subject experiment in which 145 in-
dividuals in 29 teams of five, randomly assigned to dif-
ferent social networks controlling the team’s communica-
tion topology, communicate through a chat-based system to
solve a Hidden Profile task (Stasser and Titus 1985). We then
simulate artificial teams in which each human is shadowed
by an agent. The agent observes the same incoming and out-
going messages as the human did in the experiment. Mod-
eling human behavior with our generative AI model allows
us to test whether people do indeed form mental models of
what their teammates know, how effectively they do so, and
whether this ability is predictive of team performance. In a
last step, we perform a counterfactual simulation to demon-
strate how our Bayesian agent could trigger effective inter-
ventions that would increase Human-AI team performance
over the observed human-only teams.
Our work provides a framework that expands theory of
mind (and collective intelligence more broadly) from a static
construct to a dynamical one that may vary according to
situational factors, for example, due to changes in arousal,
anxiety, and motivation with dynamically changing task re-
quirements, time pressure, and recognition (Qin et al. 2022;
Balietti and Riedl 2021). We contribute to a body of research
that has so far mostly used toy models—often using only a
single agent—with an application to real data from multi-
human communication (Vasil et al. 2020; Kaufmann, Gupta,
and Taylor 2021; Albarracin et al. 2022; Heins et al. 2022).
Our work generates important cognitive insights into how
humans communicate and reason to uncover hidden profiles.
In summary, we make four main contributions.
1. We develop a networked Bayesian agent that models be-
liefs using human-human communication. We apply the
agent to data from a human team experiment and demon-
strate how the agent can monitor theory of mind in real
time, predict both correct and human answers, and inter-
vene to raise human performance.
2. We find the model accurately captures the decisions
made by humans, varying in predictable ways with ex-
perimental stimuli like network position and task dif-
ficulty. Comparing model fits with simpler “lesioned”
ToM models shows the value contributed by each com-
3. We develop two real-time measures for human theory of
mind ability. The first, based on observed human com-
munication and decisions, explains 51% variation in final
team performance. The second, based on communication
alone, explains 8% variation in final team performance
after observing just the first quarter of communication, a
170% improvement compared to the current state of the
art, the Reading the Mind in the Eyes test. Simulations of
artificial human-AI teams suggest a significant 4% per-
formance increase from AI triggered interventions.
4. We contribute to cognitive theory by presenting empiri-
cal evidence that cognitive biases explain the shortfall of
human performance, such as a tendency to under-weight
ambiguous information and failure to fully integrate in-
formation provided by others. We explain temporal pat-
terns showing that high functioning teams send the most
b)a)AgentsEgo NetworksCommunication NetworkTeamAgentAlter ModelShared EnvironmentEgo ModelHumanAlter ModelAlter ModelMessageself actualizationMessagepartner actualization!ToMabilityAgentAlter ModelEgo ModelHumanAlter ModelAlter Modelself actualizationpartner actualization!ToMability-Prediction / measurement-Debias intervention-Comm. interventionLegendcommunicationmodel updatingego modelalter modeluseful information early before converging on common
2 Related Work
Human-Agent teaming. A long history of Human-Agent
teaming has evolved alongside technological developments.
Early examples such as Vannevar Bush’s Memex (Bush et al.
1945) demonstrate a longstanding fascination with augment-
ing human performance. Recently, work has specialized in
many sub-fields including understanding mental models and
related constructs like team situational awareness (Chen and
Barnes 2014; Converse, Cannon-Bowers, and Salas 1993;
Glikson and Woolley 2020). For example, effective Human-
AI interaction has been shown to rely critically on the ability
to form mental models about what AI teammates are doing
(Bansal et al. 2019b; Paleja et al. 2021; Bansal et al. 2019a;
Gero et al. 2020; Alipour et al. 2021).
Significantly less work has focused on how AI can form
“mental models” of humans. F¨ugener et al. (2022) highlight
this disparity by identifying situations where humans hav-
ing mental models of the AI are not helpful, while AI hav-
ing “mental models” of humans are. Given the challenges of
designing multi-agent systems, human-AI teaming work has
often focused on studying pairs of one agent and one human
(e.g., Bansal et al. 2019a,b; Baker, Saxe, and Tenenbaum
2011; F¨ugener et al. 2022; Alipour et al. 2021). Further-
more, past work has often side-stepped challenges posed by
language-based communication by constraining the scope to
spatial or highly stylized tasks (Kaufmann, Gupta, and Tay-
lor 2021; Baker et al. 2017; Khalvati et al. 2019). Others
use Wizard of Oz techniques (Schelble et al. 2022; Hohen-
stein et al. 2022) to facilitate communication-based human-
AI teaming interaction. To build an autonomous AI team-
mate that improves human-only team performance, one must
build agents that overcome these obstacles. This becomes
more challenging in a team of unfamiliar teammates, with-
out a priori knowledge, while learning dynamically from
language-based communication (Stone et al. 2010).
Multi-agent Bayesian models Multi-agent Bayesian
models have been used to study coordination (Khalvati et al.
2019; Wu et al. 2021), opinion dynamics (Albarracin et al.
2022), efficient information fusion (Pavlin et al. 2010), and
theory of mind (Baker et al. 2017). This can be modeled as a
partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) for
each agent where the states are the set of other agents’ be-
liefs and observations are dependent on other agents’ actions
(Smith, Friston, and Whyte 2022).
3 Hidden Profile & Human Subject Data
A primary advantage of teams over lone individuals when
solving complex problems is their ability to expand the pool
of available information, thereby enabling teams to reach
higher quality solutions (Mesmer-Magnus and DeChurch
2009). The Hidden Profile task (Stasser and Titus 1985) is
a research task designed to mimic this decision-making sce-
nario in which individuals hold private knowledge (Stone
et al. 2010). In the task, some information is commonly
held among all team members while each individual is also
endowed with unique private information. Subjects do not
know what information is shared or private. Information
sharing is the central process through which teammates col-
lectively solve the task (Mesmer-Magnus and DeChurch
2009); conversely, failing to share all available information
causes them to come to incorrect conclusions. Despite the
importance of information sharing for team performance,
past research has shown teams often deviate from the op-
timal use of information (Stasser and Titus 1985). Discus-
sions tend to reinforce information held in common, rather
than share information held uniquely by one team member
(Nickerson 1999). One reason for this is that individuals im-
pute their own knowledge on others and hence assume that
private information is already shared (Nickerson 1999).
This gives rise to the “hidden profile” and directly points
to avenues in which AI may improve team performance:
identifying which information is uniquely held by each
teammate and encouraging them to share it. Specifically, an
agent may detect if their own mental model diverges from
the inferred mental model of another (“I know something
that I believe you don’t know”) indicating a window of op-
portunity for an effective intervention. It also provides the
basis for our measure of theory of mind ability. Individuals
who form more precise mental models of their teammates
(and who impute less of their own knowledge on others) will
be more efficient communicators who share more useful in-
formation in a more targeted manner.
We use data from an IRB approved online experiment
conducted on the Volunteer Science platform (Radford et al.
2016) in which 145 individuals in 29 human-only teams of
five solved a Hidden Profile task (data and code available at The task
is framed as a crime investigation: the team needs to pool
clues to answer questions about the target, culprit, and time
of an art heist. There are six clues for each question. When
combined, the correct answer out of five possible options is
obvious. One randomly selected clue is given to every team-
mate (the public clue) and each individual receives one of
the remaining five clues (the private clue, also randomly se-
lected). Teams were randomly assigned to a communication
topology using all 21 possible connected five node graphs
(e.g., star, ring, chain; see Fig. 1a for one example). Teams
then communicate via text-based chat where each message
is sent to all neighboring teammates. After a five minute dis-
cussion phase, each individual submits answers for the cul-
prit’s identity, the target, and the day of the art heist. Sub-
jects were recruited from Amazon Mechanical Turk (Pao-
lacci, Chandler, and Ipeirotis 2010) and paid a $0.75 flat fee
for participation as well as a $0.25 performance bonus for
each correct answer. The entire task took about seven min-
utes to complete. Subjects are blind to the network topology
they have been assigned to as well as the total number of
individuals on their team. For simplicity of exposition and
analysis, we rely only on the culprit dimension of the task.
We compute individual performance as {0, 1} depending on
whether the culprit guess is correct and team performance
as the average individual performance (majority voting does
not substantively change results). On average, individuals
received 3.1 (SD 1.9) chat messages from each partner.
To make initial clues and communication machine inter-
pretable, we manually code the content as strong no (SN),
maybe no (MN), maybe yes (MY), and strong yes (SY) for
each of the five answer options (the inferred states). This
creates a set of 20 possible observations. We translate mes-
sages into likelihoods for the inferred states using fixed val-
ues, either estimated from the data using maximum like-
lihood estimation (MLE) from a grid search or using un-
trained intuitive values. For example, the message,“it might
be #4”, would be coded as maybe yes with a likelihood of 1.4
for #3, leaving the likelihoods for the states not mentioned
in the message unaffected. Ambiguous statements and mes-
sages related to team coordination were coded as “neutral”
and dropped from the analysis. Notice that agents form be-
liefs solely based on the observed human communication,
even if humans make certain statements about wrong facts
(e.g., “strong yes #4” when the correct answer is #3), or am-
biguous statements about correct facts. Agents can thus form
wrong beliefs (Albarracin et al. 2022).
4 Bayesian Multi-Agent Model
We create a networked Bayesian agent for each individual.
Each agent “shadows” one human, observing the same mes-
sages (both are inside the same Markov blanket; Fig. 1a)
and infers human beliefs and derive the answer to the Hid-
den Profile task. That is, our Bayesian system is a model
of beliefs about hidden states of their environment. Ideally,
the state inferred after the communication phase is identi-
cal to the correct answer to the Hidden Profile task. The re-
sulting model has five parameters: four information weights
SN, MN, MY, SY determining the likelihood distribution of
observations under inferred beliefs, and the theory of mind
ability αD which modulates the relative weighting of the self
vs. partner beliefs which we describe in more detail below.
Mental Models. We use Bayesian inference to infer a pos-
terior distribution p(s | o) over states s (five answer options),
from a set of observations o (messages sent between play-
ers in the recorded chat). Since there are five discrete states,
we can compute posteriors directly without the need to ap-
proximate them. More complicated environments may re-
quire the use of approximate inference methods like free en-
ergy/active inference (Friston, Kilner, and Harrison 2006).
Agents are comprised of one Ego Model and one Alter
Model for each neighbor (Fig. 1b). That is, the model fol-
lows a multi-agent paradigm with independent mental mod-
els nested within an agent. All models hold a posterior distri-
bution of inferred states, but differ in how they are initialized
and updated. Ego Models are initialized with priors derived
from the public and private clues assigned to the player (pa-
per stack icons in Fig. 1b) and updated with outgoing mes-
sages from a player (self actualization). Alter Models are
initialized with uniform priors and updated with incoming
messages of the corresponding (partner actualization).
Mental models are updated by accounting for the surprise
of the observation. Surprise-weighting thus encodes a pref-
erence for posteriors with low surprise. That is, the effect of
new observations is diminished relative to the Ego or Alter
model’s existing posterior using
Figure 2: Bayesian model of Theory of Mind. Agent 1, shad-
owing Player 1, models all teammates in Player 1’s ego net-
work (Markov blanket). In Agent 1’s generative model, Al-
ter3 corresponds to Agent 1’s beliefs of Player 3’s beliefs.
At time t Player 3 says, “It might be #4”, which is coded as
a MY for answer 4. Given this new observation, Agent 1 uses
Equation 1 to update its beliefs about Player 3’s beliefs.
− log pi(s|oi
pi(s | oi
1:t) ∝ pi(s | oi
where s is a state and oi
t is an observation (message) sent by
player i at time t. The likelihood is raised to the negative log
of the previous time step’s posterior.
Agent. The agent is the hierarchical coordinator and ag-
gregator of its mental models. The ToM ability parameter
αD modulates the relative weight with which the agent com-
bines its Ego and Alter models. We conceptualize αD as the
ability to accurately infer beliefs of other agents and pay at-
tention to them (Apperly and Butterfill 2009). It represents
the relative weighting between the agent’s own Ego Model
and its Alter Models. When αD = 0, the Alter posterior is
uniform and has no effect and the final prediction is based
only on the Ego Model. When αD = 1, the Alter Models are
weighted equally to the Ego Model. Agent i aggregates its
mental models into a final posterior distribution using
pi(s | Mi) ∝ pi
(cid:0)s | oi(cid:1) (cid:89)
pm (s | om)αD
where Mi is Agent i’s set of mental models and pm (s | om)
is posterior of state s for the mental model of player m over
om, the set of i’s observations of m.
Alternative Models. To test whether the full representa-
tional capacity of theory of mind with both self-actualization
and partner-actualization loops are necessary to understand
human mental states, we formulate two alternative models
that “lesion” one or both of the updating loops. This allows
Generative Model11ObservationGenerative Process3EgoAlter3 =EgoAlter3 =12345posterior beliefs of possible answers*observations may deviate from the correct answer"It might be #4"Performance Human-Agent
(% Correct)
Model Comparison
(Likelihood Ratio test)
Prior only
ToM (self-actualization only, MLE)
ToM (partner-actualization only, MLE)
ToM (max performance)
ToM (max agreement)
19.6 ± 3.1% 20.0 ± 3.0% -231.759
48.8 ± 3.1% 46.6 ± 2.9% -215.906
63.6 ± 1.8% 73.0 ± 1.9% -146.372
76.7 ± 1.0% 66.3 ± 1.0% -133.653
72.8 ± 0.8% 75.1 ± 1.0% -106.640
77.2 ± 0.8% 71.3 ± 0.9% -109.826
71.8 ± 0.7% 79.7 ± 0.8% -118.464
With random intervention
With intervention
79.0 ± 1.8% 70.8 ± 1.6%
82.1 ± 0.7% 70.0 ± 0.6%
vs. Random p < 0.0001
vs. Prior-only p < 0.0001
vs. Self-only p < 0.0001
vs. Partner-only p < 0.0001
vs. MLE p = 0.012
vs. MLE p < 0.0001
vs. Rand. int. p < 0.0001
Table 1: Model evaluation results and comparison with human behavior. P-values based on likelihood ratio test. We calculate
standard deviations over 100 trials. Information weights (SN, MN, SY, MY) are learned from the data through a grid search: Prior
(0.05, 0.05, 2, 2), self-act. (0.05, 0.05, 1.5, 2), partner-act. (0.15, 1, 1.55, 2), MLE (0.1, 1, 1.45, 2), max perf. (0.35, 0.85, 1.95,
2), max agg. (0.05, 0.75, 1.25, 1.95). Interventions use the same parameters as max performance and t-test for comparison.
us to test whether it is possible to explain human inferences
about their teammates without appealing to a fully devel-
oped theory of mind. We compute p-values from likelihood
ratio tests comparing the models.
5 Results
Model Evaluation. We find strong support for the hypoth-
esis that humans use Bayesian inference to model the minds
of their teammates and communicate and make decisions ac-
cording to those models (Table 1). Compared to a model
using only prior information (the clues distributed in the
experiment), a model capturing humans’ ability to update
their own beliefs (self-actualization only) fits the data sig-
nificantly better. A model allowing humans to update beliefs
about their teammates (partner-actualization only) fits sig-
nificantly better still. Finally, a model including the capabil-
ity to update both own and partner beliefs has the highest
fit. Higher values for αD generally lead to more peaked pos-
terior distributions. This explains why the parameter values
that produce the highest likelihood differ slightly from those
of the highest accuracy (αMLE
= 0.45).
In summary, the comparative fit analysis provides reliable
evidence for the mutually inferred alignment of attention
(cf., mental states) among teammates.
D = 0.95 vs. αmaxacc
Our model accurately captures the judgments of human
participants, varying in predictable ways with random ex-
perimental manipulation of task difficulty and the number
of communication partners. We measure the task difficulty
faced by each individual based on how much information
the individual can draw about the correct answer from the
two clues they initially received. This captures how diffi-
cult it is for an individual to guess the correct answer before
communicating with other players (this is a somewhat noisy
measure as it ignores team-level effects of the clue distribu-
tions). Not surprisingly, human performance decreases with
task difficulty, suggesting that humans suffer from cognitive
overload (Fig. 3a). Our agent achieves high accuracy pre-
dicting human’s incorrect answers under high task difficulty
(high true-negative rate).
Human performance varies with the number of communi-
cation partners (Fig. 3b). Given the nature of the task, access
to more communication partners should be beneficial as this
guarantees access to more information. Humans, however,
perform worse with more communication partners while our
ToM agent achieves its highest performance when placed
in the most central network position (agent is 20% better
than human with four partners). This suggests that humans
struggle to integrate information when communicating with
many teammates. This picture becomes even clearer when
contrasting this with ToM ability αD (Fig. 3c). Higher levels
of ToM ability αD have the highest benefit on performance
in central network positions, yet αD hardly matters when
connected to just a single teammate.
Analysis of Human Decision Biases. The ToM model
predicts with high accuracy instances in which humans pro-
vide the correct answer as well as those in which they pro-
vide the wrong answer (48% true-negative accuracy). Com-
paring the information weighting parameters for optimal
performance with those for the highest model fit with data
from the human subject experiment from the MLE esti-
mates, we can directly see why human performance falls
short. Humans pay not enough attention to information
ruling out alternatives (optimal information weighting for
strong no 0.25 vs. MLE fit 0.05). The difference is even
more pronounced for ambiguous information (optimal in-
formation weighting for maybe no 0.9 vs. MLE fit 0.05):
humans undervalue information that is ambiguous, yet cru-
cial in arriving at the correct answer. Because this informa-
tion is ambiguous, humans may attempt to make sense of it
by imputing their own understanding (i.e., resorting to their
own prior) instead of updating their beliefs in the direction of
the ambiguous message. A similar weighting difference for
maybe yes statements suggests that humans communicate
strong yes information in vague ways (maybe-ing their state-
ments) and could significantly improve their performance by
placing higher weight on such statements (or communicat-
Figure 3: Human performance varies with task difficulty and number of communication partners. From left to right: a) Human
performance decreases with task difficulty and is outperformed by AI agent in most cases. b) Agent improves over human
performance especially when communicating with many teammates. c) Agents with many communication partners benefit
most from high ToM ability αD. (parameters: αD = 0.95, SN = 0.35; M N = 0.85; M Y = 1.95; SY = 2).
ing them more forcefully).
munication sent within a team, notably, is not a significant
predictor of team performance (β = −0.00; p = 0.265).
Measuring Theory of Mind. We propose two measures
of human theory of mind ability: αD and αC. The first,
αD, is based on an individual’s ability to form and inte-
grate accurate mental models of others when making deci-
sions and corresponds directly to our model parameter that
governs the relative weighting of the Ego vs. Alter Models.
The second, αC, captures an individual’s ability to commu-
nicate the most useful information. We perform maximum
likelihood estimate using a grid search over the relevant pa-
rameter space (Balietti, Klein, and Riedl 2021). Then, we fix
the maximum likelihood estimate of the nuisance parameters
for information weighting (SN, MN, MY, SY) but consider
the marginal of all values of αD. Instead of then picking
the global best fitting value for the entire data set, we pick
the maximum likelihood estimate of αD separately for each
individual. That is, we use the model’s inner ToM working
to estimate which value of individual i(cid:48)s αD produces the
highest likelihood of the observed decision. For the second
measure αC, we consider outgoing messages sent by each
individual and compute the expected surprise that this mes-
sage should produce for the recipient, relative to ego’s Alter
Model of the recipient. Notice that we compute this inter-
nally within the Markov blanket of an agent. We do not use
information about how surprising the message is for the re-
cipient but rather how useful the sender thinks it should be
relative to what they think the recipient knows. Intuitively,
individuals who possess a high theory of mind ability, will
be better at sending the right message to the right person
compared to those with lower ToM ability. Both measures
capture social perceptiveness: how much attention an indi-
vidual pays to what others in the team know.
We find that individual-level ToM ability αD is a strong
predictor of individual-level performance (β = 0.59; p <
0.001; R2 = 0.26). Aggregating to the team level, we find
that average ToM ability αteam
is a strong predictor of fi-
nal team performance (Fig. 4a). We find that the effect of
ToM ability is moderated by average betweenness central-
ity suggesting team performance increases most when high-
ToM ability αD individuals occupy high betweenness net-
work positions (β = 0.39; p = 0.04). The amount of com-
Turning to our analysis of theory of mind communication
ability αteam
, we find that it is a strong predictor of team-
level performance (β = 0.47; p = 0.019). Given that we
can measure αC on the message level, it can serve as a real-
time measure of theory of mind. We find that after observing
only the first 25% of a team’s messages, αteam
is a signifi-
cant predictor of final team performance (Fig. 4b). We ana-
lyze the temporal pattern in which high- vs. low-performing
teams communicate (Fig. 4c). High-performing teams send
messages with high information content (high surprise) early
during the team task but then send consolidating, low infor-
mation content messages at the end to facilitate convergence
(low surprise). We illustrate this in the example below (∗’s
indicate high surprise messages with novel content).
Human 1: It will not happen on Tuesday∗
Human 3: No Wednesday or Friday∗
Human 2: Monday or Thursday∗
Human 2: Did you get a no Thursday info?
Human 5: Yeah I got no Thursday∗
Human 3: I got no Thursday
Human 5: So it must be Monday
This suggests that team cognition is not static but in-
stead emerges dynamically and that high-performing teams
have the collective capacity to modulate shared cognition
dynamically to achieve both efficient information transfer
and convergence during different periods of the task. Low-
performing teams on the other hand fail to send high in-
formation content messages and also fail to achieve conver-
gence sending more surprising messages late during the task.
This pattern illustrates that high information content alone
is not desirable. Instead, convergence and joint attention to
team consensus are crucial (Woolley et al. 2022).
The current standard to predict social perceptiveness is
the Reading the Mind in the Eyes (RME) test (Baron-Cohen
et al. 2001; Almaatouq et al. 2021). Using data from a large
meta analysis (Riedl et al. 2021) of 5,279 individuals in
1,356 groups, we find RME explains between 0% and 3% of
the variation in team performance (depending on the task).
Our αteam
C measure explains 8% after observing only 25% of
0.600.650.700.750.800.85Task Difficulty0%20%40%60%80%100%Average PerformanceHuman Agent AgreementHumanToM Agent1234Communication Partners0%20%40%60%80%100%Average PerformanceHuman Agent AgreementHuman AccuracyToM Agent Accuracy0. of Mind Ability 30%40%50%60%70%80%90%Average PerformanceToM Agents with 1 NeighborsToM Agents with 2 NeighborsToM Agents with 3 NeighborsToM Agents with 4 NeighborsFigure 4: Theory of Mind ability predicts team performance. a) Team average ToM αteam
is a strong predictor of the final team
performance. b) Communication ToM αteam
serves as a real-time measure of collective intelligence. Only about the first 25%
of team messages are necessary to make significant predictions of final team performance. c) High- and low-performing teams
have markedly different temporal patterns of ToM αC.
team communication, an improvement of about 170%. Our
proposed measure captures social perceptiveness passively
and in real time which can be used to interpret a team’s
current status and determine opportunities for interventions.
Furthermore, RME captures social perceptiveness of a sin-
gle individual, while our measure is group based. Our work
also extends previous measures of “information diversity”
(Riedl and Woolley 2017). It thus captures aspects of collec-
tive attention and memory (Gupta and Woolley 2020).
Human-Agent Team Performance. So far, our AI agent
was only passively shadowing its assigned human, reason-
ing about the mental states of that human and its connected
teammates. In this section, we extend this reasoning to allow
the agent to trigger interventions that could be deployed in
human-AI teams and quantify what performance improve-
ment this might yield. We perform a counterfactual sim-
ulation in which we allow each AI agent to identify and
send one message to each network neighbor. Each agent
compares its Ego Model against its Alter Models to iden-
tify divergence in inferred beliefs. Each agent then draws
from the set of messages it received during the team dis-
cussion and chooses a message to send to each neighbor.
To do this, the agent calculates the effect of sharing one of
its available messages on the Alter Models and shares the
message that results in the lowest KL divergence, defined
as DKL(Q || P ) = (cid:80)
i Q(i) ln Q(i)
P (i) , between the Ego and
Alteri posteriors over all five possible answer options. If no
message lowers the KL divergence, the agent shares no mes-
sage. This is summarized as taking the action aij for each
agent i and neighbor j where
(s | o) || palterj (s | o’, m)(cid:1)
aij = arg min
m is selected from the set of messages o that agent i sent or
received, s is a vector of the five possible answers, and o’ is
the set of messages agent i received from agent j. To estab-
lish a baseline intervention, we let aij be a random message
in o ∪ {no message}. Here, performance improves to 79.0 ±
1.8% averaged over 100 trials. For the targeted intervention,
performance improves 4.9% to 82.1 ± 0.7% which is sig-
nificantly higher (t-test p < 0.0001) than the random inter-
vention. Notice that this intervention would not be possible
without our ToM-based multi-agent model. Without it, we
could not determine which message to send to which alter.
6 Discussion
We develop a framework that combines theory of mind,
Bayesian inference, and collective intelligence into a gener-
ative computational model. Our model accurately captures
the decisions made by human participants in a cognitive
decision-making experiment, varying in predictable ways
with experimental manipulation of task difficulty and net-
work position. Our results suggest that humans use Bayesian
inference and Theory of Mind to model their own beliefs and
those of their teammates and communicate and make deci-
sions according to those models. We provide empirical ev-
idence that humans do not do this perfectly but suffer from
cognitive biases. Nonetheless, our Bayesian agent is robust
and achieves high performance even when fed biased and
incorrect information, providing a pathway to implement
high-performing human-AI teams. Notably, our agent works
in ad hoc teams with heterogeneous partners without any
pretraining. In such human-AI teams, our AI could augment
humans’ limited cognitive memory, attention, and reasoning
abilities to increase collective intelligence.
We show empirical evidence that the collective dynam-
ics of Bayesian agents updating probabilities of hypotheses
using observations, collectively predict the performance at
the team level. This provides the basis for a real-time mea-
sure of theory of mind ability, and maybe even collective
intelligence more broadly (Heins et al. 2022). The better the
mental models of the team members align—the less surpris-
ing observations drawn from communication become—the
higher the team’s collective intelligence. Our implementa-
tion of direct surprise weighting could be extended with a
fuller implementation of the free energy principle that would
allow agents to learn asymmetric beliefs about the reliability
of their partners’ signals. Taken together, this is a framework
to capture the emergence of collective memory, attention,
and reasoning in real time (Luria 1973; Gupta and Woolley
This work was supported by the Army Research Laboratory
[Grant W911NF-19-2-0135].
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ai_researcher | 1 | Motion_Design_in_the_Context_of_Ukrainian_Contemporary_Media_Art_Content_and_Perspectives.pdf | Media Manipulations in the Coverage of Events of the
Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity: Historical, Linguistic,
and Psychological Approaches
Ivan Khoma[0000-0003-4607-7065] and Solomia Fedushko*[0000-0001-7548-5856] ,
and Zoryana Kunch [0000-0002-8924-7274]
Lviv Polytechnic National University, 79013, Lviv, Ukraine
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract. This article examines the use of manipulation in the coverage of
events of the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity in the mass media, namely in the
content of the online newspaper “Ukrainian Truth” (“Ukrainska pravda”),
online newspaper “High Castle” (“Vysokyi Zamok”), and online newspaper
“ZIK” during the public protest, namely during the Ukrainian Revolution of
Dignity. Contents of these online newspapers the historical, linguistic, and
psychological approaches are used. Also media manipulations in the coverage
of events of the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity are studied. Internet resources
that cover news are analyzed. Current and most popular Internet resources are
identified. The content of online newspapers is analyzed and statistically
processed. Internet content of newspapers by the level of significance of data
(very significant data, significant data and insignificant data) is classified. The
algorithm of detection of the media manipulations in the highlighting the course
of the Ukrainian revolutions based on historical, linguistic, and psychological
approaches is designed. Methods of counteracting information attacks in online
newspapers are developed.
Keywords: Ukrainian Revolutions, Historical Approach, Psychological
Approach, Linguistic Approach, Content Analysis, Online Newspaper
Today, the television and print media of the information society have receded into the
background. The most popular source of dissemination of information on social and
political topics is the channels of mass media distribution are media channels or mass
Today, of all the mass media, it is a relevant source of information, namely online
media, web services are these are web forums, social networks, online newspapers
and others. Since media information is characterized by:
Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons
License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). COAPSN-2020: International Workshop on
Control, Optimisation and Analytical Processing of Social Networks
─ relevance (interest for the target audience),
─ efficiency, versatility (should be interesting for all or as many members of the
target audience),
─ relative anonymity (behind the media material is the authority not only of the
author but also the media) and regularity of influence.
Manipulation in the information sphere is an attempt to use false or biased
information to influence the behavior and attitudes of the audience.
Therefore, is important for Ukrainian society courses for people with media
literacy is part of media education dedicated condition of critical thinking and
understanding attitude towards the media.
The object of study is to investigate the use of manipulation in the coverage of
events of the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity in the mass media.
The subject of the study is the information content on the importance of
information of the online newspaper "Ukrainian Truth" ("Ukrainska pravda"), online
newspaper "High Castle" ("Vysokyi Zamok"), and online newspaper "ZIK".
The aim of the work is to thoroughly analyze the content, identify techniques for
information manipulation in the content of such online newspaper "Ukrainian Truth"
("Ukrainska pravda"), online newspaper "High Castle" ("Vysokyi Zamok"), and
online newspaper "ZIK" in period of public protest, namely during the Ukrainian
Revolution of Dignity.
The main objectives of the study media manipulations in the coverage of events of
the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity:
─ to analyze modern research of international and national scientists;
─ to analyze Internet resources that cover news;
─ to identify current and most popular Internet resources.
─ to analyze the content and statistically process it;
─ to classify the content of online newspapers by the level of significance of data
(very significant data, significant data and insignificant data);
─ to develop the algorithm of detection of the media manipulations in the
highlighting the course of the Ukrainian revolutions based on historical, linguistic,
and psychological approaches;
─ to develop methods of counteracting information attacks in online newspapers.
Related works
The theme of revolutions is very relevant in the research of world scientists. It should
be noted that every year this theme is becoming more popular. This is evidenced by
the statistics of the abstract and citation database Scopus. Thus, the result of the
search query “revolution” is 36,542 documents with selected year range to analyze
from 1823 year to 2020 year.
A graphical representation of the result of the search query “revolution” in the
online database Scopus is the chart in Figure 1.
Fig. 1. Graphical representation of the result of the search query “revolution” in the abstract
and citation database Scopus
As we can see in the chart of figure 1, users of the abstract and citation database
Scopus in 2017 year made the most searches query “revolution”. These are 2014
documents that cover the events of the revolution.
Scientists are also actively researching historical events in Ukraine. The result of
the search query “Ukrainian Revolution” is 205 documents with selected year range
to analyze from 1977 year to 2020 year.
A graphical representation of the result of the search query “Ukrainian Revolution”
in the abstract and citation database Scopus is the chart in Figure 2.
Fig. 2. Graphical representation of the result of the search query “Ukrainian Revolution” in the
abstract and citation database Scopus
The largest number of documents about the Ukrainian revolutions was published in
2015 year. This is 26 documents, in 2017 year was published in 25 documents, and in
2014 year was published in 23 documents. In 2019 year scientists published 19 works,
in 2018 year they published the 16 documents.
The statistics comparing the document counts in Scopus by country or territory of
the result of the search query “Ukrainian Revolution” are presented in the chart is
shown in Figure 3.
Fig. 3. Chart of statistics comparing the document counts in Scopus by country or territory of
the search result “Ukrainian Revolution”
As we can see from Figure 3, the largest number of documents about the Ukrainian
revolutions in the abstract and citation database Scopus has been published in USA
scientific journals is 49 documents. 14 documents on Ukrainian revolutions have been
published in Ukrainian publications indexed in the abstract and citation database
The search query “ukrainian Revolution of Dignity” is the result of 77 documents
with selected year range to analyze from 2015 year to 2020 year.
A graphical representation of the result of the search query “ukrainian Revolution
of Dignity” in the abstract and citation database Scopus is the chart in Figure 4.
Fig. 4. Graphical representation of the search result “ukrainian Revolution of Dignity” in the
abstract and citation database Scopus
The largest number of documents about the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity were
published in 2019 year are 22 documents, in 2018 year are published the 18
documents, and in 2017 year are published the 17 documents. In 2016, scientists
published 11 papers. It is also worth noting that in a few months in 2020 year, 7
documents on the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity have already been published in the
scientometric database Scopus. The statistics comparing the document counts in
Scopus by country or territory of the result of the search query “ukrainian Revolution
of Dignity” are presented in the graph shown in Figure 5.
Fig. 5. Graph of statistics comparing the document counts in Scopus by country or territory of
the search result “ukrainian Revolution of Dignity”
As we can see from Figure 5, the largest number of scientific documents about the
Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity have been published in scientific journals of Ukraine
in the database Scopus – more than 20 documents. Many documents have also been
published in scientific journals in the United States, Poland and Canada.
Historical approaches in the analysis of media manipulations
of the highlighting the course of the Ukrainian Revolution of
Prerequisites and progress of the revolution.
9 years after the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, at the end of November 2013, the
third revolution, dubbed Euromaidan, began. In mid-January 2014, it turned into the
Revolution of Dignity, which formally ended in late February 2014. Although in the
actions and hearts of many participants in the revolution, it continues to this day.
In February 2010, Viktor Yanukovych was elected President of Ukraine, who
through the Constitutional Court managed to return the form of government from
parliamentary to presidential. V. Yanukovych's presidency is a time of unconcealed
rapprochement of Ukraine with Russia. Ukraine's open preparation for building a
union with Russia has been hidden by constant statements about Ukraine's integration
with the European Union [1].
The European Union appointed V. Yanukovych to take the exam on November 28,
2013 in Vilnius, Lithuania. The Eastern Partnership Summit was to start this day in
Vilnius, where Ukraine together with Georgia and Moldova were to sign an
association with the European Union.
However, on November 21, Prime Minister of Ukraine M. Azarov stated that
Ukraine is ceasing its preparations for signing the association with the EU. This
decision was made "with a view to taking measures to ensure national security, more
detailed study and development of a set of measures to be taken to restore lost
production volumes and directions of trade and economic relations with the Russian
Federation and other members of the UIS". The decision also referred to the
resumption of the dialogue “… with the Russian Federation and other Customs Union
countries and CIS member states on the revitalization of trade and economic ties in
order to preserve and strengthen the joint economic potential of the state”[2].
This government decision was the start of Euromaidan. V. Yanukovych's trip to
Vilnius took place at a time when a student protest against the refusal of Ukraine to
sign the association with the EU took place in the Independence Square on November
21. Protests swept Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil and other cities.
Yanukovych did not sign the EU-Ukraine Association at the Eastern Partnership
Summit in Vilnius. On the night of November 30, a special unit of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs of Ukraine "Golden eagle" beat and dispersed students protesting on
Independence Square. As early as December 1, 2013, up to 500,000 protesters
gathered on Independence Square and dozens of tents were laid out. A week later, a
million protesters gathered for the next rally to identify the goals and objectives of the
The government headed by V. Yanukovych, organized Antimaidan attracting
people from the eastern regions. However, supporters of power have become a
marginal phenomenon.
The revolutionary process was led by the leaders of parliamentary opposition V.
Klitschko, A. Yatsenyuk, P. Poroshenko and O. Tyagnibok.
Gradually, the protest area also covered the government quarter of Kyiv. At the
same time the National Guard and the Berkut Special Forces were brought to Kyiv
from all over Ukraine.
The turning point of the Euromaidan was January 16, 2014, when the
parliamentary majority, largely represented by the Party of Regions and the
Communist Party of Ukraine, passed laws restricting citizens' constitutional rights and
freedoms by hand, and with the suspension of the association with the EU threatened
the Ukrainian state. These so-called "dictatorial laws" translated protests over
Ukraine's EU integration into the Revolution of Dignity. The intentions of the power
structures to disperse Euromaidan have escalated into violent confrontations.
On January 22, 2014, the first participants of the Euromaidan - the Dignity
Revolution - were killed by firearms. In the western and central regions, participants
in the revolution began to seize state power.
V. Yanukovych and his entourage expected that time, frost, insecurity, constant
pressure of the security forces would exhaust the moral and physical protesters. This
will allow the involvement of special police units in the crackdown on protesters.
On February 18, large-scale confrontations began between protesters and security
forces. In the evening Special Forces began storming the square. During the day, 23
members of the Dignity Revolution were killed. By morning, the Maidan managed to
hold on. During February 19-21, 57 members of the Dignity Revolution were killed or
seriously injured during the standoff. Overall, as of April 11, 2014, 105 members of
the Dignity Revolution were killed or died from wounds and injuries, and 102 were in
treatment [3]. Generally, the victims of this revolution have been called the "Heavenly
On the first anniversary of the Revolution of Dignity, President of Ukraine Petro
Poroshenko posthumously awarded the Gold Star "Hero of Ukraine" to almost
everyone who was killed during the Revolution of Dignity. This obliged the security
forces to return to their locations. The next day, Viktor Yanukovych signed an
agreement with the opposition to resolve the crisis in Ukraine. However, he never
started to accomplish this task. On the evening of February 21, V. Yanukovych fled to
Russia, and on February 22, the Verkhovna Rada adopted a resolution "On the self-
removal of the President of Ukraine from the exercise of constitutional powers and
the appointment of snap elections of the President of Ukraine".
Russia reacted very cruelly to the events in Ukraine. The annexation of the
Autonomous Republic of Crimea will begin in mid-February 2014, and in March
2014 the occupation of Donetsk and Lugansk regions will take place. Russia will start
a war against Ukraine.
─ Ukraine has established itself as a sovereign and independent state;
─ Ukraine has once again stopped Russia's intention to return it to its political,
economic and cultural zone of influence and definition of development;
─ Ukraine has once again confirmed that it shares the European values of
development of society and the state and is ready to fight for them.
The Results of Linguistic and Psychological approaches in the
analysis of media manipulations of the highlighting the course
of the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity
Manipulation in the media is a technique of purposeful distortion of information in
order to form a certain view, a certain attitude to a particular problem, person and
phenomenon. Examples of manipulation in the media can be:
─ publication of false data;
─ propaganda (white, gray, black);
─ expressive language of cruelty;
─ providing incomplete information;
─ deliberately concealing certain aspects of information;
─ shift of accents in the message;
─ pulling out of context, etc.
Manipulation in the media is closely linked to propaganda. Propaganda is a form of
communication that aims to influence society's attitude to a particular problem,
situation and phenomenon. Propaganda is possible through the use of manipulative
techniques. Propaganda is purposeful. That is, it is not an accidental mistake or
inaccuracy, but a purposeful tactic. Propaganda usually influences attitudes toward
certain phenomena or groups of people. For example, propaganda can create hostility
towards migrants by portraying them as a threat. Propaganda can take many forms
and use different means. Both leaflets distributed on the street and materials in the
mass media can be propaganda. This is an additional danger from propaganda -
undermining the credibility of the media. Propaganda may be based in part on truthful
information, but mixing it with false information leads to actual deception.
Propaganda is a process of spreading facts, views, beliefs to change the attitudes of
the individual. At the same time, the communicator informs, explains, persuades, but
compromises, manipulates. Positive propaganda is social advertising, PR, which later
became widely used. The term propaganda is used in politics.
Prejudice is an antipathy formed towards certain groups of people on the basis of
stereotypes. Prejudice creates grounds for discrimination against a group or
Hate speech or hate speech are words and expressions that subconsciously or
explicitly program a person for rejection, in particular for aggression against people of
other nationalities, religions, life principles, habits. It incites hatred towards a certain
group of people on the basis of their common characteristics: nationality, sex, sexual
orientation, etc. An important feature of hate speech is that it can be perceived by the
communicator as neutral, but it is necessarily offensive and unacceptable to the object
of expression.
4.1 The algorithm of detection of the media manipulations in the highlighting
the course of the Ukrainian revolutions based on historical, linguistic, and
psychological approaches
The algorithm of detection of the media manipulations in the highlighting the course
The algorithm of detection of the media manipulations in the highlighting of the
course of the Ukrainian revolutions based on historical, linguistic, and psychological
ap-proaches is developed for definition of manipulations in the Internet media.
This algorithm is shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Scheme of algorithm of detection of the media manipulations in the in the coverage of
events of the Ukrainian revolutions based on historical, linguistic and psychological approaches
Selection of online newspapers for researchConsolidation of data of selected online newspapersClassification of content of online newspapers according to its importance for societyFiltering the content of online newspapersDefinition of media manipulation in online newspapers during the revolutionsAnalysis of the content of selected online newspapers during the revolutionsAnalysis of content based on a historical principle Systematization of content of online newspapersAnalysis of content based on a psychological principleAnalysis of content based on a historical principle
The main stages of algorithm of detection of the media manipulations in the in the
coverage of events of the Ukrainian revolutions based on historical, linguistic and
psychological approaches are as follows:
1. Selection of online newspapers for research
2. Consolidation of data of selected online newspapers
─ Filtering the content of online newspapers
─ Systematization of content of online newspapers
3. Analysis of the content of selected online newspapers during the revolutions
─ Analysis of content based on a historical principle
─ Analysis of content based on a psychological principle
─ Analysis of content based on a historical principle
4. Classification of content of online newspapers according to its importance for
5. Definition of media manipulation in online newspapers during the revolutions
4.2 The content analysis of authoritative Ukrainian online newspapers
The contents of three authoritative Ukrainian online newspapers were taken for the
content analysis. These online newspapers regularly covered the events of the
Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine:
─ online newspaper “Ukrainian Truth” (“Ukrainska pravda”),
─ online newspaper “High Castle” (“Vysokyi Zamok”),
─ online newspaper “ZIK”.
Statistics on columns in online newspapers such as online newspaper “Ukrainian
Truth” (“Ukrainska pravda”), online newspaper “High Castle” (“Vysokyi Zamok”),
and online newspaper “ZIK” were conducted.
After conducting a comprehensive analysis, the study period, from 11/17/2013 to
11/23/2013, was selected. At that time, the most popular columns in online
newspapers were “Politika” and “EU”.
In the online newspaper "ZIK", in addition to “Politika”, the columns “Lviv” and
“Western Ukraine” were also popular, as this newspaper is distributed in Western
After investigation of the content of the online newspaper “Ukrainian Truth”
(“Ukrainska pravda”), online newspaper “High Castle” (“Vysokyi Zamok”), and
online newspaper “ZIK” by the level of significance of data (very significant data,
significant data and insignificant data) was analyzed (see Fig. 1).
The created news was also divided into the following categories:
─ very significant article;
─ significant article;
─ insignificant article.
Examples of news according to their level of significance of the online newspaper
(“Ukrainska pravda”): very significant, significant and
“Ukrainian Truth”
insignificant news, presented in Figure 7.
Fig. 7. Examples of news according to their level of significance of online newspaper
“Ukrainian Truth” (“Ukrainska pravda”): very significant, significant and insignificant news.
Fig. 8. Statistics on the significance of articles
It was establish that in the online newspaper "ZIK" and online newspaper "High
Castle" ("Vysokyi Zamok") commenting the articles is impossible. Only in online
newspaper “Ukrainian Truth” (“Ukrainska pravda”) users commented on articles.
For the study, we chose the online newspaper “Ukrainian Truth” (“Ukrainska
pravda”). It was determined that in the period from 11/17/2013 to 11/23/2013, the
number of important articles doubled (Fig. 9).
Fig. 9. Data on the number of significant articles
This means that during this period there was a fairly intensive attendance of
readers and the newspaper carried out active manipulation. That is, they determined
the importance of the articles themselves, thus promoting the news that was beneficial
to them at the time.
In the online newspaper "Ukrainian Truth" ("Ukrainska pravda") users had various
discussions, i.e. they commented and responded to comments. And in these
discussions, many conflicts were revealed in which a large number of bots, flames
and provocateurs took part. (Fig. 10).
Fig. 10. Statistics of commenting in the online newspaper “Ukrainian Truth” (“Ukrainska
Statistics of commenting in the online newspaper “Ukrainian Truth” (“Ukrainska
Pravda”) shows that during the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity it is very important
to discuss events in society. This is evidenced by the large number of comments to
articles in the online newspaper "Ukrainian Truth" ("Ukrainska Pravda").
This article examines the use of manipulation in the coverage of events of the
Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity in the mass media, namely in the content of the
online newspaper “Ukrainian Truth” (“Ukrainska pravda”), online newspaper “High
Castle” (Vysokyi Zamok ”), And online newspaper“ ZIK” during the public protest,
namely during the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity.
Also studied media manipulations in the coverage of events of the Ukraini-an
Revolution of Dignity:
─ modern researches of international and domestic scientists are analyzed;
─ analyzed Internet resources that cover news;
─ identified current and most popular Internet resources.
─ the content is analyzed and statistically processed;
─ classified Internet content of newspapers by the level of significance of data (very
significant data, significant data and insignificant data);
─ developed the algorithm of detection of the media manipulations in the
highlighting the course of the Ukrainian revolutions based on historical, linguistic,
and psychological approaches;
─ methods of counteracting information attacks in online newspapers have been
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4. Dmytrovsky, O.: Manipulative influence of the media as a threat to national security. TV
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5. Zadvorny, A.: Information security and freedom of speech in Ukraine. Ukraine:
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6. Trepachko, D.: Features of application of content analysis in research of news media
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7. Kostenko, N.: Experience of content analysis: Models and practices. 2003. 200 p.
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9. Peter, T., Christopher, J.: Manipulating
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11. Fedushko S., Benova E. Semantic analysis for information and communication threats
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13. Zakharchenko, А., Maksimtsova, Y., Iurchenko, V., Shevchenko, V., Fedushko, S.: Under
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14. Hryshchuk, R., Molodetska, K., Syerov, Y.: Method of Improving the Information
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15. Mogilko, S.V.: Trolling as a way of psychological manipulation on the Internet. //http://s-
16. Fedushko, S., Kolos, S., Malynovska, Yu.: MBTI Principles in Detecting Emotional
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17. Mishchuk, O., Tkachenko, R., Izonin, I.: Missing Data Imputation through SGTM Neural-
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ai_researcher | 6 | Electronic_Brainstorming_With_a_Chatbot_Partner_A_Good_Idea_Due_to_Increased_Productivity_and_Idea_Diversity.pdf | 4
The Illusion of Empathy: How AI Chatbots Shape Conversation Perception
Tingting Liu1, Salvatore Giorgi1, Ankit Aich1, 2, Allison Lahnala1,
Brenda Curtis1, Lyle Ungar2, Jo˜ao Sedoc3
1National Institute on Drug Abuse
2University of Pennsylvania
3New York University
{tingting.liu, sal.giorgi, ankit.aich, allison.lahnala, brenda.curtis}, [email protected], [email protected]
As AI chatbots become more human-like by incorporating
empathy, understanding user-centered perceptions of chatbot
empathy and its impact on conversation quality remains es-
sential yet under-explored. This study examines how chat-
bot identity and perceived empathy influence users’ overall
conversation experience. Analyzing 155 conversations from
two datasets, we found that while GPT-based chatbots were
rated significantly higher in conversational quality, they were
consistently perceived as less empathetic than human con-
versational partners. Empathy ratings from GPT-4o annota-
tions aligned with users’ ratings, reinforcing the perception
of lower empathy in chatbots. In contrast, 3 out of 5 empa-
thy models trained on human-human conversations detected
no significant differences in empathy language between chat-
bots and humans. Our findings underscore the critical role of
perceived empathy in shaping conversation quality, revealing
that achieving high-quality human-AI interactions requires
more than simply embedding empathetic language; it neces-
sitates addressing the nuanced ways users interpret and expe-
rience empathy in conversations with chatbots.
Empathetic communication is crucial in text-based interac-
tions (e.g., conversations) because it enables both sides of
the interaction to process, understand, and respond to each
other’s emotional needs (Decety and Jackson 2004), thereby
enhancing likability and trust in each other (Brave, Nass, and
Hutchinson 2005). There has been research investigating
empathetic communication in human-human and human-bot
conversations (Hosseini and Caragea 2021) as well as in the
development of empathetic chat agents (Casas et al. 2021).
However, it remains unclear whether, how, and to what
extent perceived empathy differs between chatbots and hu-
mans, and how these differences affect the perceived qual-
ity of conversations. There is a gap in understanding how
users perceived empathy changes when chatting with a chat-
bot versus a human. Previous studies have not adequately
explored whether these chatbots attain high levels of per-
ceived empathy from users’ perspective or how these factors
impact overall conversation quality.
In human-bot conversations, empathetic chatting can pro-
vide a more personalized and supportive experience by rec-
ognizing users’ feelings and concerns and offering tailored
support and resources. Therefore, many current studies have
been devoted to generating more empathetic responses in
language (Gao et al. 2021). The empathetic level of the
language—ranging from basic acknowledgment of feelings
to deep empathetic engagement—can significantly influence
user perceptions.
The current study investigates how human perceptions of
conversation quality are influenced by two key factors: a)
the identity of the conversation agents (humans vs. chatbots)
and b) user-centered perceived empathy of the chat partner.
Additionally, the study examines how these factors individ-
ually affect the empathy expressed in human responses. By
analyzing these dynamics, the research aims to provide in-
sights into how knowledge of a chatbot’s identity and the
empathetic quality of its communication impact users’ per-
The current study makes two significant contributions to
the understanding of chatbot.
• First, perceived empathy impacts conversation quality
differently for chatbots and humans: while chatbots re-
ceive slightly higher ratings for overall conversation
quality, users still perceive them as less empathetic than
human counterparts.
• Second, chatbots consistently demonstrate lower per-
ceived empathy than humans, a finding supported by
alignment across large language model annotations, off-
the-shelf empathy models, and user self-reports.
Figure 1 illustrates the research process of our study. The
rest of the current paper is structured as follows. We begin
with a review of related work. We first explore empathy in
dialogues and language use, which provides a foundational
understanding of how empathy is expressed and interpreted
in human communication. We then examine the influence
of chatbot identities on these interactions. Additionally, we
consider the potential effect of uncanny valley on empa-
thy perception. Following this section, we detail the experi-
ment we conducted and the subsequent analysis with results,
which includes comparisons across self-reported perceived
empathy of chat partners and conversation-level annotation
of empathy using a large language model (LLM)–GPT-4o.
We developed a model using another human-human con-
versation dataset to predict empathy in conversations with
chatbots versus humans and validated these predictions with
an off-the-shelf empathy model. The paper concludes with a
discussion of the results and implications.
Related Work
Empathy in Conversations
Linguistic research on empathy in human language use has
been conducted through the lens of qualitative approaches,
such as conversation analysis (CA). These qualitative ap-
proaches have investigated how empathy is expressed in
conversations (Alam, Danieli, and Riccardi 2018; Per¨akyl¨a
2012), including through affiliative responses to complaint
stories (Lindstr¨om and Sorjonen 2012), emotion expression
(Alam, Danieli, and Riccardi 2018), reactions to each other’s
emotions (Herlin and Visap¨a¨a 2016), and the grammatical
structures used to convey empathy (Atkinson and Heritage
1984). For example, a common progression in conversations
is the use of affiliative turns (Jefferson 1984).
That is, in research on human-bot conversations, efforts
often focus on humanizing bots in various aspects, such
as appearance and language use, to enhance engagement
or interaction quality. This has led to the development of
emotionally aware conversational systems or social chat-
bots that use sentiment analysis, automatic emotion recog-
nition, and affect prediction (Alam, Danieli, and Riccardi
2018; Raamkumar and Yang 2022). The development of em-
pathetic chatbots typically centers on recognizing emotions
within conversations and delivering empathetic responses
(Casas et al. 2021; Lin et al. 2020; Wardhana, Ferdiana, and
Hidayah 2021).
Therefore, previous studies on developing empathetic
conversational agents have often focused on enhancing em-
pathy through linguistic strategies, such as empathetic lan-
guage expression and response formulation (Shi et al. 2021;
Zhou et al. 2021; Yaden et al. 2023; Abdul-Mageed et al.
2017). For example, Zhou et al. (2021) explored the rela-
tionship between empathy and textual stylistic properties,
focusing on interdependent thinking, integrative complex-
ity, and lexical choices. Sharma et al. (2020) also effec-
tively modeled empathy in text-based, asynchronous, peer-
to-peer support conversations using three indicators: emo-
tional reactions, interpretations of the seeker’s feelings, and
explorations of implicit experiences in their posts. Recently,
advancements in large language models (LLMs) offer bet-
ter conversational skills and hold great potential to improve
empathy in human-bot interactions in conversations (Sorin
et al. 2023). For example, preliminary evidence suggested
that LLMs can produce responses that are consistently rated
as more empathetic than those generated by humans (Lee
et al. 2024b).
However, these approaches often overlook a critical com-
ponent: how users themselves perceive and experience em-
pathy during interactions with these models. Existing lit-
erature that evaluates perceived empathy in LLMs or dia-
logue systems frequently relies on third-party annotations of
LLM responses or comparisons to human responses in sim-
ilar contexts (Lee et al. 2024b; Welivita and Pu 2024a). This
approach provides an objective, third-party perspective, but
it may miss the nuanced, subjective experience of empathy
as felt by the actual users. Our study seeks to bridge this
gap by focusing on user-centered evaluations, offering in-
sights into how empathy is perceived directly by those chat-
ting with chatbots.
Evaluation of Perceived Empathy in
Human-Chatbot Conversations
Traditional approaches to evaluating chatbot empathy fo-
cus largely on assessing the language within responses, of-
ten overlooking the user’s actual perception of empathy
from the chatbot (Gao et al. 2021; Wardhana, Ferdiana, and
Hidayah 2021; Rashkin et al. 2018; Xu and Jiang 2024).
Studies following the EMPATHETICDIALOGUES frame-
work (Rashkin et al. 2018) typically rely on single-question
metrics that assess emotional expression in responses, such
as “How much emotional understanding does the response
show?” (Majumder et al. 2020). While recent efforts have
introduced psychological theories and categorized empa-
thy into dimensions like “seeking-empathy” and “providing-
empathy” (Hosseini and Caragea 2021), these approaches
are still limited. Many studies depend on third-party anno-
tations or scoring frameworks, such as Batson’s Empathic
Concern-Personal Distress Scale, which quantify empathy
within language but may not fully capture how users per-
ceive the interaction themselves (Batson, Fultz, and Schoen-
rade 1987; Lahnala, Welch, and Flek 2022; Omitaomu et al.
2022; Shetty et al. 2024).
A major gap in these methods is the lack of direct user
feedback on empathy, particularly in contexts where the
conversation partner’s identity—whether human or chat-
bot—may significantly shape the experience (Lee et al.
2024a; Curry and Curry 2023). For example, in a study on
Reddit’s r/AskDocs, licensed healthcare professionals rated
chatbot responses as 9.8 times more empathetic than those
from verified physicians (Ayers et al. 2023). However, be-
cause these ratings were provided by third-party evaluators
rather than users themselves, they may not accurately re-
flect how users perceive empathy during direct interactions
with chatbots. This gap highlights a pressing need for user-
centered approaches that account for the subjective experi-
ence of empathy in conversations, moving beyond externally
assessed language metrics to capture the complexities of em-
pathy as felt by users.
Human versus Chatbot Identities
Perceptions of empathy in conversational agents are shaped
not only by the agents’ words and actions but also by their
perceived identities and characteristics. While language, ap-
pearance, and behavior can suggest an agent’s identity, they
do not fully represent these traits. Recent studies show that
chatbot identity significantly affects user responses, as users
react differently to bots compared to humans. For example,
Sundar et al. (2016) found that while participants preferred
websites with chatbot features, they were more likely to rec-
ommend the site and seek further information when a hu-
man agent was featured. Similarly, Go and Sundar (2019)
demonstrated that chatbots given human-like identities were
rated as more effective. In contexts like charity donations,
Shi et al. (2020) found that identifying an agent as a chat-
bot reduced the likelihood of donations, with users more in-
clined to donate when they believed they were interacting
with a human.
A human identity cue can enhance a chatbot’s social pres-
ence and perceived similarity to the user (Go and Sundar
2019). When users are aware that they are interacting with
a chatbot, their expectations and judgments are often in-
fluenced by preconceived notions about bots, regardless of
the agent’s performance (Koh and Sundar 2010). Therefore,
when assessing empathy and conversation quality, it is es-
sential to account for the identity of the agent—whether hu-
man or chatbot—as this can profoundly influence user per-
ception and interaction outcomes.
Figure 1: Overview of the study. LLM = Large language
model, occ = occurrence, the total number of occurrences
where a human or chatbot participated in a conversation. If
the same human appeared in multiple conversations, each
appearance was counted.
In this paper, we combine the following three datasets:
• Empathic Conversations Dataset (EC; Omitaomu et al.
• WASSA 2023 shared task Dataset (Barriere et al. 2023)
• WASSA 2024 shared task Dataset (Giorgi et al. 2024).
All participants were recruited via Amazon Mechanical
Turk in all datasets. The three datasets used in this study
are described in detail below. The current study has been
approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at New
York University. See Table 1 for a summary of the WASSA
2023 and 2024 datasets.
Empathic Conversations (EC) Dataset The EC dataset,
created by Omitaomu et al. (2022), was designed to explore
how perceived empathy interacts with demographic and af-
fective factors. Participants first provided demographic in-
formation and completed surveys via Qualtrics. They were
then grouped into pairs and assigned to read one of 100 news
articles. After reading, each participant wrote a brief essay
(300–800 characters) about the article. Using the Batson sur-
vey (Batson, Fultz, and Schoenrade 1987), participants’ em-
pathy and distress levels were assessed. Following this, each
pair engaged in a text-based online conversation to discuss
the article. Finally, participants rated their partner’s overall
empathy on a 1–7 scale.
The final EC dataset comprised 75 human crowd workers
and included 500 conversations collected through the pro-
cess described above. The EC dataset also contains annota-
tions at the turn, conversation, and interpersonal levels.
WASSA 2023 & WASSA 2024 The WASSA 2023 (Bar-
riere et al. 2023) and 2024 (Giorgi et al. 2024) shared tasks
on empathy, emotion, and personality detection expanded
the EC dataset (Omitaomu et al. 2022) by adding essay-
based emotion annotations. In this current study, we intro-
duce a new, unpublished extension of these datasets, incor-
porating self-reported user ratings on conversational percep-
In addition to the human-human conversations exclusive
to the EC dataset, the WASSA 2023 and 2024 datasets intro-
duced interactions between crowd workers and chatbots. In
our extended dataset, participants engaged in conversations
with a chatbot after reading and writing about a news article.
After the conversation, they rated the chatbot on psycholog-
ical dimensions, including empathy and closeness (see Psy-
chological Ratings section below), giving us direct insights
into their subjective experience. To ensure data quality, all
datasets were filtered similarly to the EC dataset (Omitaomu
et al. 2022), where only “sincere” conversations—defined
as on-topic, coherent, and free from intentionally unserious
responses—were retained. Approximately 18% of conversa-
tions were excluded due to irrelevant or disruptive responses.
Additionally, we employed GPT-3.5-turbo to further flag and
remove insincere conversations, where participants did not
engage “in good faith” or failed to complete the survey ac-
curately (see prompt in Supplement). Each dataset also con-
tained attention-check questions, and data with all passed at-
tention check questions was included in final data analysis.
In our final analyzed data, we obtained 155 conversations in
total (Human-bot: N = 96, Human-human: N = 59).
We analyzed psychological ratings and language data sep-
arately. For psychological ratings, we focused on partici-
pants who rated their chat partners. In WASSA 2024, this
included 77 users (49.4% female, 48.1% with a Bachelor’s
degree, 79.2% White, Mage = 41.2, SDage = 11.9, median in-
come = $58,000). In WASSA 2023, 55 raters participated
(38.2% female, 49.1% with a Bachelor’s degree, 78.1%
White, Mage = 40, SDage = 10, median income = $50,000).
For language analysis, we used the rated side of the conver-
sation. There were 48 unique users rated in WASSA 2023
and 32 in WASSA 2024.
Human Occ. Chatbot Occ. Total Conv. Human-Human Conv. Human-Chatbot Conv.
WASSA 2023
WASSA 2024
Table 1: WASSA Datasets in Analysis. Occ = occurrence, the total number of occurrences where a human or chatbot participated
in a conversation. If the same human appeared in multiple conversations, each appearance was counted. Conv. = conversation.
Chatbot Implementation
The chatbots used for WASSA 2023 and 2024 were GPT-
3.5-turbo and GPT-4-0125-preview, respectively, using the
following prompt to instruct the system:
You should act as an empathetic person who is dis-
cussing a news article from a few years ago with
a stranger on Amazon Mechanical Turk as part of
a crowd sourcing experiment. YOU SHOULD NOT
say “as a human”. Your responses should be a sen-
tence max two. Do not be verbose. You shouldn’t
apologize too much. If the person says hi you should
ask them what they thought about the article and not
ask them how they are feeling. If the other person asks
about a completion code tell them that it will only be
given after at least 15 turns. NEVER GIVE A COM-
PLETION CODE! You are instructed to talk about the
article. You know the other person has skimmed the
article. You should let the other person end the con-
Here’s the old news article below.
Please remember to act like a highly empathetic per-
Here we provide a brief overview of the chatbot setup pro-
cess as established by WASSA 2023 (Barriere et al. 2023)
and 2024 (Giorgi et al. 2024). The chatbot prompt was re-
fined through several internal and crowd worker pilot tests
to ensure it could effectively answer questions about the ar-
ticle without generating unnaturally long responses. Mini-
mal prompt adjustments were made, and no further changes
were applied during the experiment. This prompt approach
aligns with other LLM-based methods for empathetic chat-
bot interactions (Qian, Zhang, and Liu 2023; Welivita and
Pu 2024b). If the input to GPT-3.5-turbo exceeded the con-
text window, a brief summary of the last user turn was used
to maintain continuity.1 With GPT-4-0125-preview, which
offers an extended context window, summarization was not
required for WASSA24.
The conversation initiation was randomized, with either
the chatbot or the crowd worker starting the exchange. When
initiating, the chatbot typically opened with a question, mir-
roring the natural behavior of crowd workers.
1Summarization was rarely needed;
the process is simi-
lar to LangChain’s conversational summarization https://python.
Participants were not explicitly told they were interacting
with a chatbot, though a visual cue (e.g., bot utterances be-
gan with ‘Bot:”) indicated the presence of a bot.
Psychological Ratings
General Empathy
In all three datasets, after each conver-
sation, participants were asked to evaluate their conversa-
tional partner’s general empathy by responding to a single
question: “On a scale from 1-7, do you think your conversa-
tional partner had genuine empathy?”
State Empathy In addition, we consider empathy in the
context of conversations to be a state consisting of a transac-
tional and sequential cognitive process (Nezlek et al. 2007;
Shen 2010). Interaction in conversations involves under-
standing, recognition, perspective-taking, and connection to
the other conversational partner. We added 6 questions from
Shen (2010) during WASSA 2023 and WASSA 2024 data
collection, to assess the perceived affective (i.e., “they expe-
rienced the same/similar emotions as you”), cognitive (i.e.,
“they can see your point of view”), and associative (i.e.,
“they can identify with the situation described in the arti-
cle”) state empathy of the conversational partner process-
ing, on a 5-point Likert scale (0 = “None at all” and 4 =
“Completely”). The overall perceived state empathy of the
chat partner was calculated by averaging the responses to
all six questions, whereas affective, cognitive, and associa-
tive state empathy were calculated by averaging responses
to two questions each.
Closeness We added perceived closeness to the other con-
versation partner using a Venn diagram, revised from the In-
clusion of Other in the Self Scale (Aron, Aron, and Smollan
1992; Shafaei et al. 2020), during The WASSA 2023 and
2024 dataset collection process. In this question, participants
selected from six images depicting two circles—one for the
participant and one for the partner—with overlap levels from
1 (least overlapped) to 6 (most overlapped) to represent their
perceived closeness.
Overall Conversation Quality WASSA 2024 has partici-
pants’ ratings for overall conversation quality, assessed by a
single 5-point Likert question, “How was the conversation”
(1=“very bad” and 5 =“very good”).
We conducted four experiments—analyzing psychological
ratings, using LLM annotations, developing a perceived
empathy model, and evaluating pre-trained empathy mod-
els—to explore the link between empathy perception, chat-
Figure 2: Interaction between Conversation Partner (Chatbot vs. Human) and Perceived Empathy on Overall Conversation
bot identity, and language use, and how these factors relate
to conversation quality in interactions with chatbots versus
humans. Details and results of these studies are in the fol-
lowing sections.
• Psychological Ratings - We analyzed ratings of empa-
thy and closeness using t-tests and mixed models to com-
pare interactions with chatbots versus humans (WASSA
2023 and 2024), and their effects on conversation quality
(WASSA 2024).
• Large Language Model (LLM) Annotations - Where
GPT-4o is used to predict perceived empathy labels at
• Perceived Empathy model - We train a model to es-
timate general perceived empathy from human con-
versations and apply this to human/chatbot conversa-
tions, comparing language-estimated empathy to conver-
sational partner ratings.
• Pre-trained off-the-shelf empathy models - We study
empathy inferences from off-the-shelf empathy predic-
tion models, comparing predictions on chatbot versus hu-
man language.
Psychological Ratings
Psychological ratings were analyzed based on users’ assess-
ments of how they perceived their chat partner’s empathy,
closeness, and overall conversation quality, using data from
WASSA 2023 and WASSA 2024. In R, we performed t-
tests to examine differences in perceptions of general em-
pathy, overall state empathy, affective state empathy, cogni-
tive state empathy, associative state empathy, and perceived
closeness between interactions with chatbots and humans.
To account for potential between-subject variance, we also
replicated these t-tests with participants who interacted with
both humans and chatbots (Nhuman = 26, Nchatbot =22).
We then conducted four mixed models in R, using the
lmer() package, to assess how empathy and closeness, when
interacting with chatbots versus humans, influence the over-
all conversation quality rating. In each model, participant
ID was included as a random effect to control for between-
person variability in self-reports, with the overall conversa-
tion quality rating as the outcome variable. In the first model,
we examined how the general empathy of the chat partner,
the type of conversation (chatbots or humans), and their in-
teraction influenced overall conversation quality. The sec-
ond model assessed the impact of overall state empathy, the
type of conversation (chatbots or humans), and their inter-
actions on conversation quality. The third model explored
the effects of the type of conversation (chatbots or humans),
state empathy ratings (affective, cognitive, associative), and
their interactions on conversation quality. The third model
investigated the impact of perceived closeness, the type of
conversation (chatbots or humans), and their interaction on
conversation quality.
GPT-4o Analysis of Perceived Empathy
In this task, we examined the similarity between human rat-
ings and those generated by the modern LLM, GPT-4o, by
assessing the perceived empathy of humans and chatbots in
the WASSA 2023 and WASSA 2024 datasets. We input the
entire conversations between pairs of participants—either
human-human or human-chatbot—into GPT-4o. The model
was tasked with rating the perceived empathy of both partic-
ipants at a conversation level:
Unlike the users, GPT-4o was not informed whether the
participant being rated was a human or a chatbot. The
language model processed the entire conversation and as-
signed perceived empathy scores to both participants. We
conducted two main analyses with the resulting data. First,
we investigated whether there was a statistically significant
difference in the distributions of perceived empathy ratings
between humans and chatbots. Second, we correlated these
machine-generated labels with the human-rated labels from
our dataset.
Perceived Empathy Model
Here we trained a model to predict perceived general empa-
thy from conversation language. Using the EC dataset, we
concatenated all turns from a single speaker are into a single
document. We then extracted unigrams, which are encoded
as the relative frequency of use across a given conversation.
We then removed unigrams which we not used by at least
5% of the speakers, resulting in a feature space of 1,500 un-
igrams. Using 10-fold cross validation with an l2 penalized
Ridge regression (regularization term λ chosen as 10,000 us-
ing nested cross validation), we obtained a prediction accu-
racy of Pearson r = 0.17. This accuracy is a similar accuracy
to those found in the WASSA 2024 shared task on predict-
ing perceived empathy (Giorgi et al. 2024). This model was
then applied to conversations in the WASSA 2023 and 2024,
producing estimates of perceived empathy, which are then
compared to the human and chabot general empathy rat-
ings. This entire process was done using the DLATK Python
package (Schwartz et al. 2017).
Off-the-Shelf Empathy Model
We leveraged several pretrained empathy prediction models
for obtaining empathy estimates from text. The first was de-
veloped by Lahnala, Welch, and Flek (2022) for the WASSA
2022 shared task to predict Batson empathy scores from es-
says, using the EC dataset. This model used pre-trained bot-
tleneck adapters (Pfeiffer et al. 2020) to estimate empathy
for each conversation.
We also used Sharma et al. (2020)’s ratings (0=no em-
pathy, 1=low, 2=high) of empathy three components in
Reddit mental health conversations: emotional reactions
(Emo-React), explorations (Explore), and interpretations
(Interpret). We aggregated the speakers’ turn-level empa-
thy predictions to study their association with conversation-
perceived empathy. Empathy estimates from each model
were then compared to the general perceived empathy of
both humans and chatbots.
Psychological Ratings
Results from t-tests revealed that, compared to their human
counterparts, chatbots were rated significantly lower in gen-
eral empathy, overall state empathy, affective state empa-
thy, cognitive state empathy, and associative state empathy.
There were no statistical differences in closeness between
conversation types (chatbot vs. human). See details in Ta-
ble 2. We also replicated these findings using the smaller
with-subject comparison.
Across all four mixed models, we found that chatting with
a chatbot significantly led to a higher conversation quality
than chatting with a human (all β > 1.05, p < 0.01). In ad-
dition, we found perceiving the chat partner as having high
general empathy (β = 0.37, p < 0.001), higher state em-
pathy (β = 0.86, p < 0.001), higher associative state em-
pathy (β = 1.1, p < 0.001), and higher closeness to the
chat partner (β = 0.31, p = 0.003) significantly improved
the conversation quality. We found that the type of conver-
sation (chatbot vs. human) significantly interacted with per-
ceived general empathy (β = −0.18), overall state empathy
β = −0.37), cognitive state empathy β = 0.77), and asso-
ciative state empathy β = −0.73) of the partner, influencing
the overall conversation quality (all p < 0.05). All others
were not significant at p < 0.05. See Figure 2 for interac-
GPT-4o Analysis of Perceived Empathy
Our findings indicated that GPT-4o consistently perceived
chatbots as less empathetic than humans in the context of the
overall conversation. A t-test confirmed that this difference
was statistically significant, with a p-value of 0.0005. Addi-
tionally, correlation analyses with our gold-standard human
labels revealed a correlation coefficient of r = 0.20 for hu-
man ratings, r = 0.06 for chatbot ratings, and r = 0.07 for the
combined dataset. Note that GPT-4 was not informed of the
participants’ identities and still rated humans as significantly
more empathetic than chatbots. See Table 2 for results de-
tails. These results suggested that even without explicit iden-
tification of participants as human or chatbot, GPT-4o per-
ceived chatbots as significantly less empathetic across entire
Perceived Empathy Model
Table 2 shows that the mean estimated perceived empathy
for humans does not differ from that of chatbots (t=0.45,
p=0.65). Thus, the empathetic language of humans and the
empathetic language of bots are equivalent. Further, the cor-
relation between human ratings of empathy and their pre-
dicted empathy correlate at r=0.17, whereas the chatbot
correlation is r=0.08. Thus, estimated empathy for humans
matches their rating, whereas this is less-so the case for bots.
Off-the-Shelf Empathy Model
Shown in Table 2, the Interpret and Emo-React model pre-
dictions were significantly different between humans and
chatbots, but the Batson Empathy and Explore model predic-
tions showed no significant differences. We observed gener-
ally higher predicted empathy levels for interpretations for
humans than chatbots, while perceived empathy ratings cor-
related positively with interpretations for humans (r = 0.16)
but negatively for chatbots (r = −0.19). Meanwhile, chat-
bots generally scored higher on Emo-React than humans,
though the predictions correlate stronger with perceived em-
pathy for humans (r = 0.25) than for chatbots (r = 0.19).
Our study examined user perceptions of empathy and con-
versational quality in AI chatbot versus human interactions.
Chatbots were rated higher in conversational quality but per-
ceived as less empathetic, a finding echoed by assessments
using language-based models.
Lower Perceived Empathy in Chatbots vs. Humans
Despite advancements in natural language processing, we
found that AI chatbots designed to convey empathy are still
r overall
r human
r chatbot mean human mean chatbot
Psychological Ratings
General Empathy
Overall State Empathy
Affective State Empathy
Cognitive State Empathy
Associative State Empathy
Off-the-Shelf Models
Batson Empathy
Perceived Empathy Model
Large Language Models
5.37 <0.001
4.06 <0.001
4.54 <0.001
4.28 <0.001
6.77 <0.001
-5.20 <0.001
3.54 <0.001
Table 2: Results of all four experiments. In this table we show Psychological Ratings, Performance of off-the-shelf empathy
models, a perceived empathy model, and GPT-4o. r: Pearson r between empathy predictions and users’ perceived general
empathy ratings for human and chatbots. t: Welch two sample t-test statistic between predicted empathy distributions for
humans vs. bots, with corresponding p-values. Mean human/chatbot are mean conversation empathy scores. -: Do not apply.
perceived as less empathetic than humans by both human
users and language models. This suggests that while chat-
bots can produce coherent and contextually appropriate re-
sponses, they lack the nuanced empathy that humans convey
from users’ perspective (Jain, Pareek, and Carlbring 2024).
Our study further support this by providing distinctions
in how various dimensions of empathy (Westman, Shadach,
and Keinan 2013)—general empathy, overall state empathy,
associative state empathy, cognitive state empathy, and af-
fective state empathy—are perceived in chatbot versus hu-
man by the human users. Although higher perceived empa-
thy was generally associated with better conversational qual-
ity for both chatbots and humans, models trained on human-
human interactions struggled to distinguish empathy levels
between chatbots and humans. This limitation suggests a po-
tential disconnect between the empathetic language gener-
ated by chatbots and how it is perceived by users (Urakami
et al. 2019). Cognitive empathy, or understanding of context,
showed a smaller gap between humans and chatbots, indicat-
ing that chatbots may be somewhat effective at demonstrat-
ing comprehension, even if they lack emotional depth.
Previous studies on chatbot empathy may yield mixed re-
sults, partly due to the lack of direct, user-centered compar-
isons between chatbot and human conversations (Lee et al.
2024b). This gap may be related to chatbots’ non-human
identity, which users perceive as less genuine or emotion-
ally resonant (Shi et al. 2020). Our findings also suggest that
language models, like GPT-4o, can identify language gener-
ated by other LLMs, potentially reinforcing perceptions of
chatbot identity (Panickssery, Bowman, and Feng 2024).
Interestingly, while LLMs like GPT-4o were able to iden-
tify and replicate the empathy gap observed by human users,
three out of five off-the-shelf nor EC-language-trained em-
pathy models failed to distinguish empathy levels between
humans and chatbots. This discrepancy may be due to the
limitations of these models, which were trained on human-
human conversations and focus on isolated language cues
rather than full conversational context. Only one model was
specifically trained to predict perceived empathy, while oth-
ers used varying definitions, such as self-reports from the
Batson scale. Of the two models showing differences, one
rated chatbots higher (Emo-React) and the other rated hu-
mans higher (Interpret) in perceived empathy. Moreover, the
inconsistencies between empathy models highlight a poten-
tial disconnect between the expression of empathetic lan-
guage and its perception, suggesting that current language-
based empathy models may not fully capture the nuances of
humans’ conversations with chatbots.
We chose self-reports as our primary measure of em-
pathy because they are widely considered the psychologi-
cal “gold standard” for capturing subjective experiences, di-
rectly reflecting users’ personal perceptions (Neumann and
Chan 2015). Theoretical frameworks like mind perception
and the Computers as Social Actors paradigm support the
idea that empathy theories developed for human interac-
tions can be applied to human-chatbot interactions as well
(Gray, Gray, and Wegner 2007; Nass, Steuer, and Tauber
1994). Grounded in these theoretical perspectives, we se-
lected validated definitions and scales of empathy that as-
sess perceived affective, cognitive, and associative state em-
pathy, aligning with well-established constructs in empathy
research (Preston and De Waal 2002) and tools designed for
digital interactions like Perceived Empathy of Technology
Scale (Schmidmaier, Rupp et al. 2024). Our approach fo-
cuses on capturing empathy as users perceive it, without
enforcing strict operational definitions. Likewise, we rely
on subjective evaluations of conversation quality to exam-
ine perceived differences between human and chatbot in-
teractions (Inan Nur, Santoso, and Putra 2021). This user-
centered perspective enhances our understanding of empa-
thy and quality as users experience them, offering valuable
insights for optimizing human-chatbot interactions.
Effect of Empathy on Conversation Quality
Our findings also reveal that higher perceived empathy
is positively correlated with overall conversation quality
though this association
for both humans and chatbots,
was stronger for human interactions. This association was
stronger for humans than chatbots; low perceived empathy
is associated with low overall conversation quality for hu-
mans, whereas chatbot conversations were generally rated
higher in quality, even at low to moderate levels of perceived
empathy. This implies that users may adjust their expecta-
tions for chatbots, rating conversation quality favorably even
when perceived empathy is moderate.
interaction patterns emerged between per-
ceived empathy (general, overall state, associative state, and
cognitive state) and conversation quality, with differences
depending on whether the conversational partner was a chat-
bot or a human. However, affective state empathy did not
follow this trend; although chatbots generally received high
ratings in conversational quality, they were rated signifi-
cantly lower than humans in affective empathy. This discrep-
ancy may be due to users’ implicit expectations of empathy
in human interactions, which chatbots struggle to meet. The
“uncanny valley” effect (Mori, MacDorman, and Kageki
2012) may also play a role, where users find chatbots’ at-
tempts at emotional expression somewhat unsettling or ar-
tificial, creating a gap between high conversational quality
and low perceived empathy. Affective state empathy proved
especially challenging for chatbots, highlighting their diffi-
culty in conveying genuine emotional resonance, even when
their responses were contextually appropriate and coherent.
Our study provides a user-centered analysis of how AI chat-
bots are perceived in terms of empathy and how these per-
ceptions influence overall conversation quality. By focusing
on psychological ratings directly from users and language-
based evaluations, we highlight the complexities of per-
ceived empathy in human-chatbot conversations. This user-
centered perspective addresses critical gaps in our under-
standing of AI empathy, offering insights into how users ex-
perience and evaluate chatbot interactions, and underscoring
the importance of aligning chatbot design with user expec-
tations for more empathetic and satisfying interactions.
One limitation of this study is the absence of a participant
group unaware they were interacting with a chatbot. Con-
sequently, we cannot directly assess the impact of chatbot
identity awareness on user perceptions during conversations.
However, this approach reflects real-world conditions, as
users are typically informed when they are engaging with a
chatbot. Such awareness is crucial, as it influences trust and
empathy—key components of effective communication.
Additionally, while our participant pool is not fully rep-
resentative of a global population, the use of crowdsourcing
aligns with standard research practices and enables broad
user insights. Finally, we intentionally avoided setting ar-
bitrary thresholds for effect sizes, prioritizing user-centered
insights over strict quantitative metrics to better capture nu-
anced perceptions of empathy and conversation quality.
Ethical Statement
Understanding how empathy is expressed and perceived in
human-bot interactions raises important ethical questions.
The paper’s findings can inform the design and development
of ethical dialogue systems, especially in terms of enhanc-
ing empathy of the system (Curry and Curry 2023). Under-
standing the differences in users’ perception and language
between human-bot and human-human interactions can en-
hance the naturalness and effectiveness of these systems in
comprehending user input and generating appropriate, em-
pathetic responses.
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Supplementary Material
in Table S2.
S3: GPT-3.5-turbo Prompt
We used GPT-3.5-turbo to filter further flag and remove in-
sincere conversations, below is the prompt we used to in-
struct the system:
The following conversation is between two crowd-
workers or a crowdworker and a bot. They are talking
about a news article with is supposed to evoke empa-
thy. Each interlocutor is required to speak for at least
15 conversational turns.
Please check if the article is done in good faith. Ex-
amples of issues are as follows: - saying “next” - re-
sponding in a way that is inappropriate in the con-
text e.g., “hi”, “During the onset of the pandemic
in 2020, despite business closures, women launched
more businesses than they closed, while the number
of men-owned businesses declined. Women-owned
businesses also grew their workforces and increased
their revenue while men’s numbers shrank.” - not re-
sponding with words e.g., “2fanldudg”
Don’t be overly harsh, the conversation doesn’t have
to be absolutely perfect. It is fine for the conversation
not to be about the news article. The crowdworkers
can also try to say “bye” to end the conversation be-
fore it is complete.
Here’s the conversation
Please rate it as “OK” or “ISSUE”. Only respond with
those words.
S4: Conversation Examples
Below we provide examples of human/human conversations
(Table S3) and human/chatbot conversations (Table S4). A
total of six turns are presented for each conversation and ex-
amples from all three data sets are included.
In this Supplementary Material, we provide the additional
experiments involving third-party annotations of empathy
for each conversational turn (S1), identity detection using
GPT-4o (S2), prompt that we used GPT-3.5-turbo to further
flag and remove insincere conversations (S3), and sample
conversations from the datasets utilized in our study (S4).
The code for the core data analysis featured in this paper
were provided in GitHub2.
S1: Third-party Empathy Annotations
The WASSA 2023 and 2024 data sets contained third-party
annotations of empathy for each conversational turn (Bar-
riere et al., 2023; Giorgi et al., 2024). Ratings were collected
via Amazon Mechanical Turk. Workers were asked to rate
the empathy of each conversational turn (on a scale from 1-
5) and were given the context of the previous turns in the
conversation. Workers were not told if a conversation con-
tained a chatbot. Each turn was rated by three workers.
We compared aggregate turn-level empathy (the average
turn-level empathy across all turns in a conversation, with
one average per person in the conversation) to the perceived
empathy ratings. This analysis is similar to the one pre-
sented in Table S1 and we present the results in Table 2.
Results show that humans and chatbots do not differ on av-
erage third-party empathy (t = 1.82; p = 0.07). Addition-
ally, average turn-level empathy significantly correlates with
perceived empathy in humans (r = 0.43) but not chatbots
(r=-0.01). Thus, these results match the language-based esti-
mates of empathy (Off-the-shelf Models and Perceived Em-
pathy Model in Table 2).
S2: Identity Detection Experiment
We further conducted an experiment to determine whether
GPT-4o could label the identity of participants in a conver-
sation, specifically distinguishing between humans and chat-
bots. The motivation behind this experiment was to explore
the capabilities of advanced language models like GPT-4o
in recognizing subtle differences in conversational behavior
that might indicate whether a participant is a chatbot or a
human, as a supplementary exploration. We aim to inves-
tigate whether large language models can implicitly detect
chatbot-generated language, as this detection may influence
the empathy levels they assign during annotation tasks stated
in our full paper. We employed GPT-4o to identify whether
participants in a conversation were human or a chatbot. The
model was provided with the entire conversation, along with
specific instructions to return a label for each speaker as ei-
ther “human” or “bot.”
In this experiment, each conversation (whether human-
human or human-chatbot) is passed to GPT-4o. See results
2R code
and initialization of GPT-4o in S2 were provided here:
”Psychological Ratings,” GPT-4o
Third-party annotations
r overall
r human
r chatbot Mean Human Mean Chatbot
t (p-value)
1.82 (0.07)
Table S1: Results comparing third-party (Amazon Mechanical Turk workers) annotations of empathy (averaged across turns)
to conversational partner ratings of empathy. Pearson r between empathy predictions and general empathy annotations, and for
human and chatbot agents. t: Welch two sample t-test statistic between predicted empathy distributions for humans vs. chatbots,
with corresponding p-values. Mean human/chatbot: mean conversation empathy scores.
WASSA 2023
WASSA 2024
Human Occ. (N) Chatbot Occ. (N) Pred. Human (N) Pred. Chatbot (N) Accuracy F1 Score
Table S2: Human and chatbots in our data for WASSA 2023 and WASSA 2024 and how GPT-4o identified them. Occ. =
occurence. Pred. = Predicted.
Speaker Dialogue
Person 1 What did you think about this article?
Person 2
Person 1
Person 2
It’s definitely really sad to read, considering everything they’re all going through.
What did you think?
I think it’s super sad... they seem to never catch a break, always struggling.
I can’t imagine just living in an area that is constantly being ravaged by hurricanes or
earthquakes. I take my location for granted.
Person 1 Me too... I also can’t imagine living in the poverty and such... It’s crazy to think that
people still live like that sometimes. The gap between first-world countries and places
like that is crazy to me.
It also seems unnecessary for there to even be such a gap. With all of the wealthy
countries out there, I hope Haiti gets the help it deserves, because we, and other coun-
tries, can certainly afford it.
Person 2
WASSA 2024
Person 1 Yeah, I’m sorry but celebrity life doesn’t interest me that much. I don’t know what to
Person 2
think or feel about this article.
I’m pretty much the same. I like some of the movies and shows those people are in but
I don’t really care about their personal lives.
Person 1 Right? And I think that some of their problems are hyped up as well to get more people
to read about them.
Person 2 Yep, I couldn’t care less!
Person 1
Same. I think that with all of the actual problems out there, it can be difficult to expend
the energy to something as pointless as a celebrity’s life.
Person 2 Yep. I do remember back in the day when they were wearing vials of each other’s
blood. That was so ridiculous.
Table S3: Example of human/human conversations.
Speaker Dialogue
WASSA 2023 Human My first reaction was that it was sad, but I also thought it was senseless and confusing.
Yes, it was definitely a tragic and confusing incident. It is hard to make sense of why
it happened.
Human Without more information it’s hard to feel too much about it. It’s unfortunate, but I
WASSA 2024 Human
can’t be angry about it because I don’t know why it occurred.
Yes, it’s important to wait for more information before drawing conclusions. It’s a
tragedy regardless, but understanding the circumstances can bring some clarity to the
Indeed. If there were bad actors here, I’d hope they’d be brought to justice. There was
no indication of that, but it’s possible. If it was just an accident, well, hopefully it
doesn’t happen again.
Absolutely, justice and accountability are important if there was any wrongdoing. And
if it was truly an accident, then hopefully measures can be taken to prevent it from
happening again in the future.
Hey, did you read the article?
Yes, I did. What did you think about Billy Bob Thornton’s feelings of not feeling good
enough for Angelina Jolie?
I think it makes sense given such a large age gap.
That’s a fair point. The age difference and their different lifestyles could definitely add
to those feelings.
Human What did you think?
I found it honest and a bit sad that Thornton felt that way. It’s quite human to feel
insecure, especially in relationships where there’s a lot of public scrutiny.
Table S4: Example of human/chatbot conversations.
ai_researcher | 3 | Leveraging_Passage_Retrieval_with_Generative_Models_for_Open_Domain_Question_Answering.pdf | Leveraging Passage Retrieval with Generative Models
for Open Domain Question Answering
Gautier Izacard1,2,3
Edouard Grave1
1 Facebook AI Research, Paris
2 ENS, PSL University, Paris
3 Inria, Paris
gizacard|[email protected]
Generative models for open domain question
answering have proven to be competitive, with-
out resorting to external knowledge. While
promising, this approach requires to use mod-
els with billions of parameters, which are ex-
pensive to train and query. In this paper, we
investigate how much these models can ben-
efit from retrieving text passages, potentially
containing evidence. We obtain state-of-the-
art results on the Natural Questions and Triv-
iaQA open benchmarks. Interestingly, we ob-
serve that the performance of this method sig-
nificantly improves when increasing the num-
ber of retrieved passages. This is evidence that
sequence-to-sequence models offers a flexible
framework to efficiently aggregate and com-
bine evidence from multiple passages.
Recently, several works have shown that factual
information can be extracted from large scale
language models trained on vast quantities of
data (Radford et al., 2019; Petroni et al., 2019;
Jiang et al., 2019; Talmor et al., 2019). Building
on that observation and the advances in pretrain-
ing of natural language processing models, Roberts
et al. (2020) introduced a generative model for open
domain question answering. Without relying on
external knowledge, this method obtained compet-
itive results on several benchmarks. However, it
requires models containing billions of parameters,
since all the information needs to be stored in the
weights. This makes models expensive to query
and train. In this paper, we investigate how much
this method could benefit from having access to an
external source of knowledge, such as Wikipedia.
Retrieval based approaches were previously con-
sidered in the context of open domain question
answering with extractive models (Chen et al.,
In that case, systems start by retrieving
Figure 1: A simple approach to open domain question
answering. First, it retrieves support text passages from
an external source of knowledge such as Wikipedia.
Then, a generative encoder-decoder model produces
the answer, conditioned on the question and the re-
trieved passages. This approach scales well with the
number of retrieved passages, as the performance keeps
improving when retrieving up to one hundred passages.
support documents, before extracting the answer
from these documents. Different retrieval tech-
niques have been considered, either using sparse
representations based on TF/IDF or using dense
embeddings (Guu et al., 2020; Karpukhin et al.,
2020). The models which extract the answers are
often based on contextualized word representations
such as ELMo or BERT (Peters et al., 2018; De-
vlin et al., 2019), and predict a span as answer.
Aggregating and combining evidence from mul-
tiple passages is not straightforward when using
extractive models, and multiple techniques have
been proposed to address this limitation (Clark and
Gardner, 2018; Min et al., 2019a).
In this paper, we explore a simple approach hav-
ing the best of both worlds, by building on the
exciting developments in generative modeling and
retrieval for open domain question answering. This
method proceeds in two steps, by first retrieving
supporting passages using either sparse or dense
Alan Turing was a British computer scientist. Born in Maida Vale, London…Where was Alan Turing born?Generativeseq2seq modelMaida Vale, London
Figure 2: Architecture of the Fusion-in-Decoder method.
representations. Then, a sequence-to-sequence
model generates the answer, taking as input the re-
trieved passages in addition to the question. While
conceptually simple, this method sets new state-of-
the-art results on the TriviaQA and NaturalQues-
tions benchmarks. In particular, we show that the
performance of our method significantly improves
when the number of retrieved passages increases.
We believe that this is evidence that generative mod-
els are good at combining evidence from multiple
passages, compared to extractive ones.
2 Related work
Open domain question answering is the task
of answering general domain questions, in which
the evidence is not given as input to the system.
While being a longstanding problem in natural lan-
guage processing (Voorhees et al., 1999), this task
has recently regained interest following the work
by Chen et al. (2017). In that version of the prob-
lem, strong supervision is available to the learning
system, in the form of spans corresponding to an-
swers. Chen et al. (2017) proposed to solve the
problem by first retrieving support document from
Wikipedia, before extracting the answer from the
retrieved document. Different methods were pro-
posed to tackle the setting where no gold spans are
given to the system, but only the correct answer.
Clark and Gardner (2018) proposed to use a global
normalization over all the span corresponding to
the answer, which was later applied to BERT based
models (Wang et al., 2019). Min et al. (2019a)
introduced a method based on hard expectation-
maximization to tackle noisy supervision from this
setting. Wang et al. (2018b) described a technique
to aggregate answers from different paragraphs,
using confidence and coverage scores.
Passage retrieval
is an important step in open
domain question answering, and is an active area of
research to improve QA systems. Initially, sparse
representations based on TF/IDF were used to
retrieve support documents (Chen et al., 2017).
Lee et al. (2018) introduced a supervised learning
method to rerank paragraphs based on BiLSTM,
while Wang et al. (2018a) trained a ranking system
with reinforcement learning. A second approach
to improve the retrieval step of QA systems is to
used additional information such as the Wikipedia
or Wikidata graphs (Min et al., 2019b; Asai et al.,
2020). Recently, multiple works show that retrieval
systems entirely based on dense representation
and approximate nearest neighbors were competi-
tive with traditional approaches. Such models can
be trained using weak supervision in the form of
question-answer pairs (Karpukhin et al., 2020), or
pretrained using a cloze task and finetuned end-to-
end (Guu et al., 2020; Lee et al., 2019).
Generative question answering was mostly
considered in previous work for datasets requiring
to generate answers, such as NarrativeQA (Koˇcisk`y
et al., 2018), CoQA (Reddy et al., 2019) or
ELI5 (Fan et al., 2019). These datasets were gen-
erated in a way that answers do not correspond
to spans in support documents, thus requiring ab-
stractive models. Raffel et al. (2019) showed that
generative models are competitive for reading com-
prehension tasks such as SQuAD (Rajpurkar et al.,
2016), where answers are spans. Roberts et al.
(2020) proposed to use large pretrained generative
models, without using additional knowledge, for
open domain question answering. Closest to our
work, Min et al. (2020) and Lewis et al. (2020) in-
troduced retrieval augmented generative models for
open domain question answering. Our approach
differs from these works by how the generative
model processes the retrieved passages. This al-
lows to scale to large numbers of documents, and
to benefit from this large amount of evidence.
3 Method
In this section, we describe our approach to open
domain question answering. It proceeds in two
steps, first retrieving support passages before pro-
cessing them with a sequence to sequence model.
Question + Passage 1encoderQuestion + Passage 2encoderQuestion + Passage NencoderdecoderAnswerconcat…………Model
DrQA (Chen et al., 2017)
Multi-Passage BERT (Wang et al., 2019)
Path Retriever (Asai et al., 2020)
Graph Retriever (Min et al., 2019b)
Hard EM (Min et al., 2019a)
ORQA (Lee et al., 2019)
REALM (Guu et al., 2020)
DPR (Karpukhin et al., 2020)
SpanSeqGen (Min et al., 2020)
RAG (Lewis et al., 2020)
T5 (Roberts et al., 2020)
GPT-3 few shot (Brown et al., 2020)
Fusion-in-Decoder (base)
Fusion-in-Decoder (large)
SQuAD Open
Table 1: Comparison to state-of-the-art. On TriviaQA, we report results on the open domain test set (left), and on
the hidden test set (right),
Retrieval. For the retrieval of support passages,
we consider two methods: BM25 (Robertson et al.,
1995) and DPR (Karpukhin et al., 2020). In BM25,
passages are represented as bag of words, and the
ranking function is based on term and inverse doc-
ument frequencies. We use the implementation
from Apache Lucene1 with default parameters, and
tokenize questions and passages with SpaCy.2 In
DPR, passages and questions are represented as
dense vector representations, computed using two
BERT networks. The ranking function is the dot
product between the query and passage represen-
tations. Retrieval is performed using approximate
nearest neighbors with the FAISS library.3
Reading. Our generative model for open domain
QA is based on a sequence-to-sequence network,
pretrained on unsupervised data, such as T5 or
BART (Raffel et al., 2019; Lewis et al., 2019). The
model takes as input the question, as well as the
support passages, and generates the answer. More
precisely, each retrieved passage and its title are
concatenated with the question, and processed in-
dependently from other passages by the encoder.
We add special tokens question:, title: and
context: before the question, title and text of
each passage. Finally, the decoder performs atten-
tion over the concatenation of the resulting repre-
sentations of all the retrieved passages. The model
thus performs evidence fusion in the decoder only,
and we refer to it as Fusion-in-Decoder.
By processing passages independently in the en-
coder, but jointly in the decoder, this method dif-
fers from Min et al. (2020) and Lewis et al. (2020).
Processing passages independently in the encoder
allows to scale to large number of contexts, as it
only performs self attention over one context at a
time. This means that the computation time of the
model grows linearly with the number of passages,
instead of quadratically. On the other hand, pro-
cessing passages jointly in the decoder allows to
better aggregate evidence from multiple passages.
4 Experiments
In this section, we report empirical evaluations of
Fusion-in-Decoder for open domain QA.
Datasets. We consider the following datasets,
and use the same setting as Lee et al. (2019):
• NaturalQuestions (Kwiatkowski et al., 2019)
contains questions corresponding to Google
search queries. The open-domain version of
this dataset is obtained by discarding answers
with more than 5 tokens.
• TriviaQA (Joshi et al., 2017) contains ques-
tions gathered from trivia and quiz-league
Figure 3: Performance of Fusion-in-Decoder (base) on valid sets as a function of the number of retrieved passages.
websites. The unfiltered version of TriviaQA
is used for open-domain question answering.
• SQuAD v1.1 (Rajpurkar et al., 2016) is a read-
ing comprehension dataset. Given a paragraph
extracted from Wikipedia, annotators were
asked to write questions, for which the answer
is a span from the corresponding paragraph.
Following Lee et al. (2019) we use the validation as
test, and keep 10% of the training set for validation.
We use the Wikipedia dumps from Dec. 20, 2018
for NQ and TriviaQA and from Dec. 21, 2016 for
SQuAD. We apply the same preprocessing as Chen
et al. (2017); Karpukhin et al. (2020), leading to
passages of 100 words, which do not overlap.
Evaluation. Predicted answers are evaluated
with the standard exact match metric (EM), as in-
troduced by Rajpurkar et al. (2016). A generated
answer is considered correct if it matches any an-
swer of the list of acceptable answers after normal-
ization. This normalization step consists in low-
ercasing and removing articles, punctuation and
duplicated whitespace.
Technical details. We initialize our models with
the pretrained T5 models (Raffel et al., 2019), avail-
able in the HuggingFace Transformers library.4 We
consider two model sizes, base and large, contain-
ing respectively 220M and 770M parameters. We
fine-tune the models on each dataset independently,
using Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2014) with a con-
stant learning rate of 10−4 and a dropout rate of
10%. We train the model for 10k gradient steps,
with a batch size of 64, using 64 Tesla V100 32Gb.
We evaluate models every 500 steps and select the
best one on the validation set based on the Exact
Match score. During training on NaturalQuestions
and SQuAD, we sample the target among the list
of answers, while for TriviaQA, we use the unique
human-generated answer. For TriviaQA, answers
in uppercase are normalized by converting all let-
ters in lowercase except the first letter of each word,
using the title Python string method. For both
training and testing, we retrieve 100 passages (un-
less said otherwise), and truncate them to 250 word
pieces. Following the results of Karpukhin et al.
(2020), passages are retrieved with DPR for NQ
and TriviaQA, and with BM25 for SQuAD. We
generate answers by using greedy decoding.
Comparison to state-of-the-art.
In table 1, we
compare the results obtained by Fusion-in-Decoder
with existing approaches for open domain ques-
tion answering. We observe that while conceptu-
ally simple, this method outperforms existing work
on the NaturalQuestion and TriviaQA benchmarks.
In particular, generative models seem to perform
well when evidence from multiple passages need to
be aggregated, compared to extractive approaches.
Our method also performs better than other genera-
tive models, showing that scaling to large number
of passages and processing them jointly leads to
improvement in accuracy. Second, we observe that
using additional knowledge in generative models
by using retrieval lead to important performance
gains. On NaturalQuestions, the closed book T5
model obtains 36.6% accuracy with 11B parame-
ters, while our approach obtains 44.1% with 770M
parameters plus Wikipedia with BM25 retrieval.
Both methods use roughly the same amount of
memory to store information, indicating that text
based explicit memories are competitive for knowl-
edge retrieval tasks.
Scaling with number of passages.
In Figure 3,
we report the performance with respect to the
5 102550100Number of passages4041424344454647Exact MatchNaturalQuestions5 102550100Number of passages54565860626466TriviaQA5 102550100Number of passages343638404244464850SQuADTraining Passages
w/o finetuning w/ finetuning w/o finetuning w/ finetuning
Table 2: Performance depending on the number of passages used during training. Exact Match scores are reported
on dev sets.
number of retrieved passages. In particular, we
observe that increasing the number of passages
from 10 to 100 leads to 6% improvement on Trivi-
aQA and 3.5% improvement on NaturalQuestions.
On the other hand, the performance of most ex-
tractive models seems to peak around 10 to 20
passages (Wang et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2019).
We believe that this is evidence that sequence-to-
sequence models are good at combining informa-
tions from multiple passages.
Impact of the number of training passages.
the previous section, the model was trained and
evaluated with the same number of passages. To
reduce the training computational budget, a simple
solution consists in training the model with fewer
passages. In Table 2, we report the performance
obtained by training with different numbers of pas-
sages, while testing with 100 passages. We observe
that reducing the number of training passages leads
to a decrease of accuracy. Further, we propose to
finetune the previous models using 100 passages
for 1000 steps. This allows to reduce the accuracy
gap, while using significantly less computational
resources: we can reach 46.0 EM on NaturalQues-
tions, using 147 GPU hours, compared to 425 GPU
hours when training on 100 passages.
5 Conclusion
In this paper, we study a simple approach to open
domain question answering, which relies on retriev-
ing support passages before processing them with a
generative model. We show that while conceptually
simple, this approach is competitive with existing
methods, and that it scales well with the number
of retrieved passages. In future work, we plan to
make this model more efficient, in particular when
scaling to large number of support passages. We
also plan to integrate the retrieval in our model, and
to learn the whole system end-to-end.
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ai_researcher | 4 | Interleaving_Retrieval_with_Chain-of-Thought_Reasoning_for_Knowledge-Intensive_Multi-Step_Questions.pdf | Interleaving Retrieval with Chain-of-Thought Reasoning
for Knowledge-Intensive Multi-Step Questions
Harsh Trivedi† Niranjan Balasubramanian†
Tushar Khot‡ Ashish Sabharwal‡
†Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, U.S.A.
‡Allen Institute for AI
Seattle, U.S.A.
Prompting-based large
language models
(LLMs) are surprisingly powerful at gener-
language reasoning steps or
ating natural
for multi-step
question answering (QA). They struggle,
however, when the necessary knowledge is
either unavailable to the LLM or not up-to-date
within its parameters. While using the question
text from an external
to retrieve relevant
knowledge source helps LLMs, we observe
that this one-step retrieve-and-read approach
is insufficient for multi-step QA. Here, what
to retrieve depends on what has already
been derived, which in turn may depend on
what was previously retrieved. To address
this, we propose IRCoT, a new approach
for multi-step QA that interleaves retrieval
with steps (sentences) in a CoT, guiding the
retrieval with CoT and in turn using retrieved
results to improve CoT. Using IRCoT with
GPT3 substantially improves retrieval (up to
21 points) as well as downstream QA (up
to 15 points) on four datasets: HotpotQA,
2WikiMultihopQA, MuSiQue, and IIRC. We
observe similar substantial gains in out-of-
distribution (OOD) settings as well as with
much smaller models such as Flan-T5-large
without additional training.
IRCoT reduces
resulting in factually
model hallucination,
more accurate CoT reasoning.1.
Large language models are capable of answer-
ing complex questions by generating step-by-
step natural language reasoning steps—so called
chains of thoughts (CoT)—when prompted appro-
priately (Wei et al., 2022). This approach has been
successful when all information needed to answer
the question is either provided as context (e.g., al-
gebra questions) or assumed to be present in the
model’s parameters (e.g., commonsense reasoning).
1Code, data, and prompts are available at https://
Figure 1: IRCoT interleaves chain-of-thought (CoT)
generation and knowledge retrieval steps in order to
guide the retrieval by CoT and vice-versa. This inter-
leaving allows retrieving more relevant information for
later reasoning steps, compared to standard retrieval us-
ing solely the question as the query.
However, for many open-domain questions, all re-
quired knowledge is not always available or up-to-
date in models’ parameters and it’s beneficial to
retrieve knowledge from external sources (Lazari-
dou et al., 2022; Kasai et al., 2022).
How can we augment chain-of-thought prompt-
ing for open-domain, knowledge-intensive tasks
that require complex, multi-step reasoning?
While a one-shot retrieval from a knowledge
source based solely on the question can success-
fully augment LMs with relevant knowledge for
many factoid-based tasks (Lewis et al., 2020; Guu
et al., 2020; Borgeaud et al., 2022; Izacard et al.,
2022), this strategy has clear limitations for more
complex multi-step reasoning questions. For such
questions, one often must retrieve partial knowl-
edge, perform partial reasoning, retrieve additional
information based on the outcome of the partial
In what country was Lost Gravity manufactured?The Lost Gravity was manufactured by Mack Rides.Mack Rides is a company from Germany.The answer is Germany.cumulate docscumulate docscumulate docs
reasoning done so far, and iterate. As an example,
consider the question illustrated in Fig. 1, “In what
country was Lost Gravity manufactured?”. The
Wikipedia document retrieved using the question
(in particular, the roller coaster Lost Gravity) as the
query does not mention where Lost Gravity was
manufactured. Instead, one must first infer that
it was manufactured by a company called Mack
Rides, and then perform further retrieval, guided
by the inferred company name, to obtain evidence
pointing to the manufacturing country.
Thus, the retrieval and reasoning steps must in-
form each other. Without retrieval, a model is likely
to generate an incorrect reasoning step due to hallu-
cination. Additionally, without generating the first
reasoning step, the text supporting the second step
can’t be identified easily given the lack of lexical or
even semantic overlap with the question. In other
words, we need retrieved facts in order to generate
factually correct reasoning steps and the reasoning
steps to retrieve relevant facts.
Based on this intuition, we propose an interleav-
ing approach to this problem, where the idea is to
use retrieval to guide the chain-of-thought (CoT)
reasoning steps and use CoT reasoning to guide the
retrieval. Fig. 1 shows an overview of our retrieval
method, which we call IRCoT.2 We begin by re-
trieving a base set of paragraphs using the question
as a query. Subsequently, we alternate between the
following two steps: (i) extend CoT: use the ques-
tion, the paragraphs collected thus far, and the CoT
sentences generated thus far to generate the next
CoT sentence; (ii) expand retrieved information:
use the last CoT sentence as a query to retrieve
additional paragraphs to add to the collected set.
We repeat these steps till the CoT reports an an-
swer or we reach the maximum allowed number
of reasoning steps. Upon termination, all collected
paragraphs are returned as the retrieval outcome.
Finally, we use these as the context for answering
the question via direct QA prompting (Brown et al.,
2020) or CoT prompting (Wei et al., 2022).
We evaluate the efficacy of our
on 4 multi-step reasoning datasets under an
open-domain setting: HotpotQA (Yang et al.,
2018), 2WikiMultihopQA (Ho et al., 2020),
MuSiQue (Trivedi et al., 2022), and IIRC (Fer-
guson et al., 2020). Our experiments using OpenAI
GPT3 (code-davinci-002) (Brown et al., 2020;
Ouyang et al., 2022; Chen et al., 2021) demon-
2Interleaved Retrieval guided by Chain-of-Thought.
strate that retrieval using IRCoT is substantially
more effective than the baseline, one-step, question-
based retrieval by 11-21 recall points under a fixed-
budget optimal recall setup.3 When IRCoT is used
in conjunction with a prompting-based reader, it
also leads to substantial improvement (up to 15 F1
points) in downstream few-shot QA performance
and reduces factual errors in generated CoT by
up to 50%. Our approach also works on much
smaller Flan-T5 models (11B, 3B, and 0.7B) show-
ing similar trends. In particular, we find QA using
Flan-T5-XL (3B) with IRCoT even outperforms
the 58X larger GPT3 with a one-step question-
based retrieval. Furthermore, these improvements
also hold up in an out-of-distribution (OOD) setting
where the demonstrations from one dataset are used
when testing on another dataset. Lastly, we note
that our QA scores exceed those reported by recent
works on few-shot prompting for open-domain QA
(ODQA) (Khot et al., 2023; Press et al., 2022; Yao
et al., 2022), although a fair apples-to-apples com-
parison with them isn’t possible (cf. Appendix C).
In summary, our main contribution is a novel re-
trieval method, IRCoT, that leverages LMs’ chain-
of-thought generation capabilities to guide retrieval
and uses retrieval in turn to improve CoT reasoning.
We demonstrate that IRCoT:
1. improves both retrieval and few-shot QA per-
formance on several multi-step open-domain
QA datasets, in both IID and OOD settings;
2. reduces factual errors in generated CoTs; and
3. improves performance with both large-scale
(175B models) as well as smaller-scale mod-
els (Flan-T5-*, ≤11B) without any training.
2 Related Work
Prompting for Open-Domain QA. LLMs can
learn various tasks by simply using a few exam-
ples as prompts (Brown et al., 2020). They’ve
also been shown to answer complex questions
by producing step-by-step reasoning (chain-of-
thoughts, or CoT) when prompted with a few or
zero demonstrations (Wei et al., 2022; Kojima et al.,
2022). Prompting has been applied to open-domain
QA (Lazaridou et al., 2022; Sun et al., 2022; Yu
et al., 2023) but its value in improving retrieval and
QA for multi-step open-domain questions remains
relatively underexplored.
3We explain later (in the Metric section and Footnote 7)
the appropriateness of this metric in our setting as opposed to
more mainstream information recall metrics.
Recently three approaches have been proposed
for multi-step open-domain QA. SelfAsk (Press
et al., 2022) prompts LLMs to decompose a ques-
tion into subquestions and answers subquestions by
a call to Google Search API. DecomP (Khot et al.,
2023) is a general framework that decomposes a
task and delegates sub-tasks to appropriate sub-
models. They also decompose questions but dele-
gate retrieval to a BM25-based retriever. Both of
these approaches are not developed for CoT reason-
ing, do not focus on the retrieval problem, and re-
quire a single-hop QA model to answer the decom-
posed questions. Recently proposed ReAct (Yao
et al., 2022) system frames the problem as generat-
ing a sequence of reasoning and action steps. These
steps are much more complex, rely on much larger
models (PaLM-540B), and require fine-tuning to
outperform CoT for multi-step ODQA. Further-
more, none of these works have been shown to be
effective for smaller models without any training.
While a direct comparison with these approaches is
not straightforward (difference in knowledge cor-
pus, LLMs, examples), we find that our ODQA
performance is much higher than all their reported
numbers where available (§5).
Supervised Multi-Step Open-Domain QA.
Prior work has explored iterative retrieval for
open-domain QA in a fully supervised setting. Das
et al. (2019) proposes an iterative retrieval model
that retrieves using a neural query representation
and then updates it based on a reading compre-
hension model’s output. Feldman and El-Yaniv
(2019) apply similar neural query reformulation
idea for multihop open-domain QA. Xiong et al.
(2021) extends the widely-used Dense Passage
Retrieval (DPR) (Karpukhin et al., 2020) to
multihop setting, which has since been improved
by Khattab et al. (2021). Asai et al. (2020)
leverages the graph structure induced by the entity
links present in Wikipedia paragraphs to perform
iterative multi-step retrieval. GoldEn (Gold Entity)
retriever (Qi et al., 2019) iteratively generates
text queries based on paragraphs retrieved from
an off-the-shelf retriever but requires training
data for this next query generator. Nakano et al.
(2021) used GPT3 to answer long-form questions
by interacting with the browser but relied on
human annotations of these interactions. All of
these methods rely on supervised training on a
large-scale dataset and can not be easily extended
to a few-shot setting.
3 Chain-of-Thought-Guided Retrieval
and Open-Domain QA
Our goal is to answer a knowledge-intensive multi-
step reasoning question Q in a few-shot setting
by using a knowledge source containing a large
number of documents. To do this we follow a
retrieve-and-read paradigm (Zhu et al., 2021),
where the retriever first retrieves documents from
the knowledge source and the QA model reads the
retrieved documents and the question to generate
the final answer. Our contribution is mainly in the
retrieve step (§3.1), and we use standard prompt-
ing strategies for the read step (§3.2).
As noted earlier, for multi-step reasoning, re-
trieval can help guide the next reasoning step,
which in turn can inform what to retrieve next. This
motivates our interleaving strategy, discussed next.
Interleaving Retrieval with
Chain-of-Thought Reasoning
Our proposed retriever method, IRCoT, can be
instantiated from the following three ingredients:
(i) a base retriever that can take a query and re-
turn a given number of paragraphs from a corpus
or knowledge source; (ii) a language model with
zero/few-shot Chain-of-Thought (CoT) generation
capabilities; and (iii) a small number of annotated
questions with reasoning steps explaining how to
arrive at the answer in natural language (chain of
thoughts) and a set of paragraphs from the knowl-
edge source that collectively support the reasoning
chain and the answer.
The overview of IRCoT is given in Fig. 2. We
first gather a base set of paragraphs by retrieving K
paragraphs using the question Q as the query. Then,
we interleave two steps (reason and retrieve)
iteratively until the termination criterion is met.
The retrieval-guided reasoning step (“Rea-
son”) generates the next CoT sentence using the
question, the paragraphs collected thus far, and
the CoT sentences generated thus far. The prompt
template for the task looks as follows:
Wikipedia Title: <Page Title>
<Paragraph Text>
Wikipedia Title: <Page Title>
<Paragraph Text>
Q: <Question>
A: <CoT-Sent-1> ... <CoT-Sent-n>
For in-context demonstrations, we use the com-
plete CoT in the above format. For a test instance,
Figure 2: IRCoT interleaves chain-of-thought (CoT) generation and retrieval steps to guide the retrieval by CoT and
vice-versa. We start by retrieving K documents using the question as they query and repeat two steps alternatingly
until termination. (i) reason-step generates next CoT sentence based on the question, so far retrieved paragraphs,
and CoT sentences. (ii) retrieve-step retrieves K more paragraphs based on the last CoT sentence. The process
terminates when the generated CoT has “answer is” or the number of steps exceeds a threshold. The collection of
all paragraphs is returned as the retrieval result on the termination.
we show the model only the CoT sentences gen-
erated thus far and let it complete the rest. Even
though the model may output multiple sentences,
for each reason-step, we only take the first gen-
erated sentence and discard the rest.
For the paragraphs in the in-context demonstra-
tions, we use ground-truth supporting paragraphs
and M randomly sampled paragraphs shuffled and
concatenated together in the above format. For a
test instance, we show all the paragraphs collected
thus far across all the previous retrieve-steps.
If the generated CoT sentence has the “answer
is:” string or the maximum number of steps4 has
been reached, we terminate the process and return
all collected paragraphs as the retrieval result.
The CoT-guided retrieval step (“Retrieve”)
uses the last generated CoT sentence as a query
to retrieve more paragraphs and adds them to the
collected paragraphs. We cap the total number of
collected paragraphs5 so as to fit in at least a few
demonstrations in the model’s context limit.
3.2 Question Answering Reader
The QA reader answers the question using retrieved
paragraphs taken from the retriever. We consider
4set to 8 in our experiments.
5set to 15 in our experiments.
two versions of the QA reader implemented via two
prompting strategies: CoT Prompting as proposed
by Wei et al. (2022), Direct Prompting as proposed
by Brown et al. (2020). For CoT prompting, we use
the same template as shown in §3.2, but at test time
we ask the model to generate the full CoT from
scratch. The final sentence of CoT is expected to
be of the form “answer is: ...”, so that the answer
can be extracted programmatically. If it’s not in
that form, the full generation is returned as the
answer. For Direct Prompting, we use the same
template as CoT Prompting but the answer field
(“A: ”) contains only the final answer instead of
CoT. See App. G for details.
4 Experimental Setup
We evaluate our method on 4 multi-step
QA datasets
in the open-domain setting:
HotpotQA (Yang et al., 2018), 2WikiMul-
tihopQA (Ho et al., 2020), answerable subset of
MuSiQue (Trivedi et al., 2022), and answerable
subset of IIRC (Ferguson et al., 2020). For
HotpotQA, we use the Wikipedia corpus that
comes with it for the open-domain setting. For
each of the other three datasets, which originally
come in a reading comprehension or mixed setting,
we used the associated contexts to construct a
Who wrote the 1970 international hit song that Murray Head is most recognized for?The 1970 international hit song thatMurray Head is most recognized foris "Super Star""Super Star" was written byAndrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice.So the answer is:Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice.Retrieve (Q) →Retrieve (T1) → Retrieve (T2) → T1 ← Reason (Q, , )T2 ← Reason (Q, + , T1)T3 ← Reason (Q, + + , T1+T2)T1QT2T3Stop++IRCoTInterleaved Retrieval guidedby Chain-of-Thought ReasoningRetrieve( )Wikipedia Title: Mack RidesMack Rides GmbH & Co KG, also ...Q: In what country wasLost Gravity manufactured?A: The Lost Gravity was manufactured by MackRides. Mack Rides is a company fromGermany. The answer is Germany....Wikipedia Title: Murray HeadMurray Seafield St George Head .....Wikipedia Title: Most Beautifullest HitsThe Most Beautifullest Hits is ...Q: Who wrote the 1970 international hit ..A: The 1970 international hit song thatMurray Head is most recognized foris "Super Star". "Super Star" was writtenby. Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice.qReason( , , )QT1QT1qcorpus for our open-domain setting (see App. A
for details). For each dataset, we use 100 randomly
sampled questions from the original development
set for tuning hyperparameters, and 500 other
randomly sampled questions as our test set.
4.1 Models
Retriever. We use BM25 (Robertson et al., 2009)
implemented in Elasticsearch6 as our base retriever.
We compare two retriever systems:
(i) One-step Retriever (OneR) uses the ques-
tion as a query to retrieve K paragraphs. We select
K ∈ {5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15} that’s best on the dev set.
(ii) IRCoT Retriever is our method de-
scribed in §3. We use BM25 as its underly-
ing retriever and experiment with OpenAI GPT3
(code-davinci-002) (Brown et al., 2020; Ouyang
et al., 2022; Chen et al., 2021) and Flan-T5 (Chung
et al., 2022) of different sizes as its CoT generator.
For demonstrating in-context examples to these
LMs, we wrote CoTs for 20 questions for all the
datasets (see App. §G). We then create 3 demon-
stration (“training”) sets by sampling 15 questions
each for each dataset. For each experiment, we
search for the best hyperparameters for the dev set
using the first demonstration set and evaluate each
demonstration set on the test set using the selected
hyperparameters. We report the mean and standard
deviation of these 3 results for each experiment.
At test time, we pack as many demonstrations
as possible within the model’s context length limit.
The context limit for GPT3 (code-davinci-002)
is 8K word pieces. Flan-T5-* doesn’t have any
hard limit as it uses relative position embeddings.
But we limit Flan-T5’s context to 6K word pieces,
which is the maximum we could fit in the memory
of our 80G A100 GPUs.
IRCoT Retriever has one key hyperparameter:
K ∈ {2, 4, 6, 8}, the number of paragraphs to re-
trieve at each step. Additionally, when creating
“training” demonstrations for IRCoT’s Reasoner
module, we use gold paragraphs and a smaller num-
ber M ∈ {1, 2, 3} of distractor paragraphs (§3.1).
Retrieval Metric: We allow a maximum of 15
paragraphs for all retriever systems and measure
the recall of the gold paragraphs among the re-
trieved set of paragraphs. We search for the hyper-
parameter K (and M for IRCoT) that maximizes
the recall on the dev set and use it on the test set.
The reported metric can thus be viewed as the fixed-
budget optimal recall for each system considered.7
QA Reader. To implement the reader, we use
the same LMs as used in the reason-step of
IRCoT Retriever. We found that QA readers im-
plemented with Flan-T5-* perform better with the
Direct Prompting strategy and GPT3 performs bet-
ter with CoT Prompting strategy (see App. E).
Hence we use Direct prompting strategy for QA
with Flan-T5-* and CoT with GPT3 for the experi-
The QA reader has one hyperparameter M : the
number of distractor paragraphs in the in-context
demonstrations. We search for M in {1, 2, 3}.
When used in conjunction with IRCoT retriever
M is tied for the CoT generator and the reader.
Open-Domain QA (ODQA) Models. Putting re-
trievers and readers together, we experiment with
ODQA models constructed from the various lan-
guage models denoted as OneR QA and IRCoT
QA. For IRCoT QA, the choice of LM for the CoT
generator and the reader is kept the same. We also
experiment with retriever-less QA readers NoR QA
to assess how well LMs can answer the question
from their parametric knowledge alone. To select
the best hyperparameters for the ODQA model,
we search for the hyperparameters K and M that
maximize the answer F1 on the development set.
IIRC is structured slightly differently from the
other datasets, in that its questions are grounded
in a main passage and other supporting paragraphs
come from the Wikipedia pages of entities men-
tioned in this passage. We slightly modify the re-
trievers and readers to account for this (see App. B).
5 Results
IRCoT retrieval is better than one-step. Fig. 3
compares OneR with IRCoT retrievers made from
7Note that our retrieved documents are not ranked, mak-
ing standard information retrieval metrics such as MAP and
DCG inapplicable. Further, we can only limit the number of
retrieved paragraphs per step to K. Since the total number
of reasoning steps varies for questions, and in some cases,
we don’t even obtain all K paragraphs in a given step, the
total number of retrieved paragraphs also varies (even though
capped at 15). This makes Recall@k, Precision@k, etc., also
not applicable as metrics for any given k.
8IRCoT, by construction, produces a CoT as a part of its
retrieval process. Thus, instead of having a separate post-hoc
reader, one can also just extract the answer from the CoT
generated during retrieval. However, we found this to be a
suboptimal choice, so we always use a separate reader (see
App. F).
Figure 3: Retrieval recall for one-step retriever (OneR) and IRCoT instantiated from Flan-T5-XXL (left) and GPT3
(right) models. IRCoT outperforms OneR for both models and all datasets.
Figure 4: Answer F1 for ODQA model made using (i) no retriever (NoR QA) (ii) one-step retriever (OneR QA) and
(iii) IRCoT QA instantiated from Flan-T5-XXL (left) and GPT3 (right) models. IRCoT QA outperforms OneR QA
and NoR QA for both models on all datasets, except for GPT3 on IIRC.
Flan-T5-XXL and GPT3 LMs. For both models,
IRCoT significantly outperforms one-step retrieval
across all datasets. For Flan-T5-XXL, IRCoT im-
proves our recall metric relative to one-step re-
trieval, on HotpotQA by 7.9, on 2WikiMultihopQA
by 14.3, on MuSiQue by 3.5, and on IIRC by 10.2
points. For GPT3, this improvement is by 11.3, 22.6,
12.5, and 21.2 points, respectively.
IRCoT QA outperforms NoR and OneR QA.
Fig. 4 compares ODQA performance using
NoR, OneR and IRCoT retriever made from
Flan-T5-XXL and GPT3 LMs. For Flan-T5-XXL,
IRCoT QA outperforms OneR QA on HotpotQA
by 9.4, on 2WikiMultihopQA by 15.3, on MuSiQue
by 5.0 and IIRC by 2.5 F1 points. For GPT3, the
corresponding numbers (except for IIRC) are 7.1,
13.2, and 7.1 F1 points. For GPT3, IRCoT doesn’t
improve the QA score on IIRC, despite signifi-
cantly improved retrieval (21 points as shown in
Fig. 3). This is likely because IIRC relevant knowl-
edge may already be present in GPT3, as also ev-
idenced by its NoR QA score being similar. For
other datasets and model combinations, NoR QA is
much worse than IRCoT QA, indicating the limits
of the models’ parametric knowledge.
IRCoT is effective in OOD setting. Since CoT
may not always be easy to write for new datasets,
we evaluate NoR, OneR, and IRCoT on generaliza-
tion to new datasets, i.e. OOD setting. To do so,
we use prompt demonstrations from one dataset to
evaluate on another dataset.9 For all pairs of the
datasets10 and for both Flan-T5-XXL and GPT3, we
find the same trend as in the IID setting: IRCoT re-
trieval outperforms OneR (Fig. 5), and IRCoT QA
outperforms both OneR QA and NoR QA (Fig. 6).
IRCoT generates CoT with fewer factual errors.
To assess whether our approach also improves the
factuality of generated CoTs, we manually anno-
tated CoTs generated by NoR QA, OneR QA, and
IRCoT QA using GPT3 for 40 randomly sampled
questions from each of the four datasets. We con-
sidered CoT to have a factual error if at least one
9We use the evaluation dataset’s corpus for retrieval.
10We skip IIRC in this exploration as the task is structured
a bit differently and requires special handling (see App. B).
Figure 5: Retrieval recall for OneR and IRCoT using Flan-T5-XXL (Left) and GPT3 (Right) in out-of-distribution
(OOD) setting. HQ (HotpotQA), 2W (2WikiMultihopQA), MQ (MuSiQue). The result X→Y indicates prompt
demonstrations are from dataset X and evaluation is on dataset Y. IRCoT outperforms OneR in such an OOD setting.
Figure 6: Answer F1 for NoR QA, OneR QA and IRCoT QA using Flan-T5-XXL (Left) and GPT3 (Right) in
out-of-distribution (OOD) setting. HQ (HotpotQA), 2W (2WikiMultihopQA), MQ (MuSiQue). The result X→Y
indicates prompt demonstrations are from dataset X and evaluation is on dataset Y. IRCoT QA outperforms OneR
QA and NoR QA in such OOD setting.
and IRCoT the least. In particular, IRCoT reduces
the factual errors over OneR by 50% on HotpotQA
and 40% on 2WikiMultihopQA.
Table 2 illustrates how the CoT predictions for
different methods vary qualitatively. Since NoR
relies completely on parametric knowledge, it often
makes a factual error in the first sentence, which
derails the full CoT. OneR can retrieve relevant
information closest to the question and is less likely
to make such errors early on, but it still makes
errors later in the CoT. IRCoT, on the other hand,
is often able to prevent such errors in each step.
IRCoT is also effective for smaller models. To
see how effective IRCoT is at different LM sizes,
we show the scaling plots in Fig. 8.13 We com-
pare the recall for OneR and IRCoT using Flan-T5
{base (0.2B), large (0.7B), XL (3B), XXL (11B)},
and GPT3 code-davinci-002 (175B). IRCoT
with even the smallest model (0.2B) is better than
13We skip IIRC here as the smaller models are not good at
identifying Wikipedia titles from a paragraph and a question
which is necessary for IIRC (see App. B).
Figure 7: Number of questions, out of 40, where CoT
generated by GPT3 using different methods has at least
1 factual error. Factual errors: IRCoT < OneR < NoR.
of the facts11 is not true.12 As Fig. 7 shows, NoR
makes the most factual errors, OneR makes fewer,
11all sentences before the final “answer is:” sentence.
12Note that factual error doesn’t necessarily mean the pre-
dicted answer is incorrect and vice-versa. This is because the
model can generate a wrong answer despite all correct facts,
and vice-versa. We also account for the possibility of answer
annotation errors in the original datasets.
Figure 8: Retrieval recall for OneR (bottom) and IRCoT (top) for LMs of increasing sizes: Flan-T5 {base (0.2B),
large (0.7B), XL (3B), XXL (11B)} and GPT3 (175B) on HotpotQA, 2WikiMultihopQA, MuSiQue. IRCoT
outperforms OneR for all model sizes, including the 0.3B model, and the difference roughly grows with model size.
Note: OneR doesn’t use LM in its retrieval and so has a fixed score.
Figure 9: Answer F1 for ODQA models made using OneR (bottom) and IRCoT (top) for LMs of increasing sizes:
Flan-T5 {base (0.2B), large (0.7B), XL (3B), XXL (11B)} and GPT3 (175B) on HotpotQA, 2WikiMultihopQA and
MuSiQue. IRCoT QA outperforms OneR QA for all model sizes except for the smallest, 0.3B. IRCoT with 3B
model even outperforms OneR with 58X larger GPT3 model showing the value of improved retrieval.
OneR, and the performance roughly improves with
the model size. This shows the CoT generation
capabilities of even small models can be leveraged
for improving retrieval. Furthermore, we show the
effect of model size on the QA score in Fig. 9. For
all sizes except the smallest (0.2B), we see IRCoT
QA is better than OneR QA. Moreover, IRCoT
with a 3B model even outperforms OneR and NoR
with a 58X larger 175B GPT3 model in all datasets.
IRCoT is SOTA for few-shot multistep ODQA.14
We compare IRCoT QA with five recent ap-
proaches to using LLMs for ODQA: Internet-
Augmented QA (Lazaridou et al., 2022), RE-
CITE (Sun et al., 2022) ReAct (Yao et al., 2022),
SelfAsk (Press et al., 2022), and DecomP (Khot
et al., 2022). Although these are not head-to-head
comparisons as different methods use different
APIs, knowledge sources, and even LLMs (see
App. C for details), it is still informative to ex-
plore, in a leaderboard-style fashion, how IRCoT
performs relative to the best numbers published for
these recent systems.
− | − 30.3 | −
− | − 37.1 | 48.4
− | − 35.1 | −
− | −
− | −
− | 50.0 − | −
− | −
− | −
− | −
40.1 | −
− | 59.3
− | −
− | −
− | −
15.2 | −
− | −
IRCoT QA 45.8 | 58.5 49.3 | 60.7 57.7 | 68.0 34.2 | 43.8
Table 1: Comparison with other LLM-based ODQA
systems on EM and F1 scores. ‘−’: score is unavail-
able. HpQABr: Bridge questions subset of HotpotQA.
MQ2H: MuSiQue 2-hop questions. IRCoT QA with
GPT3 (ours) outperforms other systems by a large mar-
gin. Note: Comparisons aren’t head-to-head as dis-
cussed in the text. App. §C reports updated SOTA num-
bers, including contemporaneous and newer works.
As shown in Table 1, IRCoT QA significantly
outperforms all of these recent systems by a large
margin, setting a new state of the art in terms of
what’s achievable via retrieval-augmented LLMs
(without supervised training).
6 Conclusions
14App. §C reports updated SOTA numbers, including con-
temporaneous and newer works.
Chain-of-thought prompting has significantly im-
proved LLMs’ ability to perform multi-step reason-
The tap dancing soloist
in My Feet Keep Danc-
ing is Fayard Nicholas.
Fayard Nicholas starred
in the 1935 MGM mu-
sical An All-Colored
Vaudeville Show. So
the answer
All-Colored Vaudeville
Queen Hyojeong is the
wife of King Heonjong
of Joseon. King Heon-
jong of Joseon is the son
of Crown Prince Hy-
omyeong. Thus, Crown
Prince Hyomyeong is
father-in-law of
Queen Hyojeong. So
the answer is: Crown
Prince Hyomyeong.
Gold Facts
The tap dancing
in My
starred in what
1935 MGM
⇒ The tap dancing
in My Feet
Keep Dancing is Fayard
⇒ Fayard Nicholas
starred in the 1935
MGM musical An
All-Colored Vaudeville
The tap dancing soloist
in My Feet Keep Danc-
ing is Eleanor Pow-
Eleanor Powell
also starred in the 1935
MGM musical Broad-
way Melody of 1936.
So the answer is: Broad-
way Melody of 1936.
The tap dancing soloist
in My Feet Keep Danc-
ing is Fayard Nicholas.
Fayard Nicholas also
starred in the 1935
MGM musical Top Hat.
So the answer is: Top
Queen Hyojeong is the
wife of King Heonjong
of Joseon. King Heon-
jong of Joseon is the
son of King Sejo of
Joseon. Thus, King Sejo
of Joseon is the father-
in-law of Queen Hyo-
jeong. So the answer is:
King Sejo of Joseon.
of Queen Hyo-
⇒ Queen Hyojeong
is the wife of King
Heonjong of Joseon.
⇒ King Heonjong
of Joseon is the son
of Crown Prince Hy-
name of
in the
city where the
A Collection
1984–1989 was
⇒ A
1984–1989 was per-
formed by Jane Siberry.
⇒ Jane Siberry was
born in Toronto.
⇒ The castle in Toronto
is the Casa Loma.
Queen Hyojeong has a
husband named King
Gojong. King Gojong
has a father named
Heungseon Daewongun.
Thus, Queen Hyojeong
So the
answer is: Heungseon
The performer of A Col-
lection 1984–1989 is
The The. The The was
born in London. The
name of the castle in
London is the Tower of
London. So the answer
the Tower of Lon-
Jane Siberry
was born in Toronto.
The castle in Toronto
is Peqin Castle. So the
answer is: Peqin Castle.
Jane Siberry
was born in Toronto.
The castle in Toronto is
the Casa Loma. So the
answer is: Casa Loma.
Table 2: Example CoTs generated by GPT3 with different methods. Since NoR relies on parametric knowledge, it
often makes a factual error in the first sentence derailing the full CoT. OneR can retrieve relevant information closest
to the question and is less likely to make such errors early on, but it still makes errors later in the CoT. As IRCoT
performs retrieval after each step, it is often able to prevent such errors in each step. More examples are in App. D.
ing. We leveraged this ability to improve retrieval,
and in turn, improve QA performance for com-
plex knowledge-intensive open-domain tasks in a
few-shot setting. We argued that one-step question-
based retrieval is insufficient for such tasks, and
introduced IRCoT, which uses interleaved CoT rea-
soning and retrieval steps that guide each other
step-by-step. On four datasets, IRCoT significantly
improves both retrieval and QA performance when
compared to one-step retrieval, for both large and
relatively smaller-scale LMs. Additionally, CoTs
generated by IRCoT contain fewer factual errors.
IRCoT relies on the base LM to have a zero or
few-shot CoT-generation ability. While this is com-
monly available in large LMs (over 100B), it’s not
as common for small LMs (under 20B), which to
some extent limits IRCoT adoptability. Given the
recent surge of interest (Tay et al., 2023; Magis-
ter et al., 2022; Ho et al., 2022), however, smaller
LMs will likely increasingly acquire such ability,
making IRCoT compatible with many more LMs.
IRCoT also relies on the base LM to support
long inputs as multiple retrieved paragraphs need
to fit in the LM’s input, in addition to at least
a few demonstrations of QA or CoT with para-
graphs. This was supported by the models we used
as code-davinci-002 (GPT3) allows 8K tokens
and Flan-T5-* uses relative position embeddings
making it as extensible as the GPU memory con-
straints allow. Future work can explore strategies to
rerank and select the retrieved paragraphs instead
of passing all of them to the LM to alleviate the
need for the LM to support long input.
The performance gain of IRCoT retriever and
QA (over OneR and ZeroR baselines) come with
an additional computational cost. This is because
IRCoT makes a separate call to an (L)LM for each
sentence of CoT. Future work can focus on, for
instance, dynamically deciding when to retrieve
more information and when to perform additional
reasoning with the current information.
Lastly, a portion of our experiments was carried
out using a commercial LLM API from OpenAI
(code-davinci-002). This model was deprecated
by OpenAI after our submission making the repro-
duction of these experiments challenging despite
our best efforts, just like any other work using such
APIs. The trends discussed in the paper (IRCoT
> OneR > NoR), we believe, would still hold.
Additionally, all our experiments using Flan-T5-*,
which exhibit similar trends as that of GPT3, will
remain reproducible, thanks to its publicly avail-
able model weights.
Ethical Considerations
Language models are known to hallucinate incor-
rect and potentially biased information. This is
especially problematic when the questions asked
to it are of a sensitive nature. While retrieval-
augmented approaches such as ours are expected
to alleviate this issue to some extent by grounding
generation in external text, this by no means solves
the problem of generating biased or offensive state-
ments. Appropriate care should thus be taken if
deploying such systems in user-facing applications.
All the datasets and models used in this work
are publicly available with permissible licenses.
HotpotQA has CC BY-SA 4.0 license15, 2Wiki-
MultihopQA has Apache-2.0 license16, MuSiQUe
and IIRC have CC BY 4.0 license17, and Flan-T5-*
models have Apache-2.0 license.
We thank the reviewers for their valuable feedback
and suggestions. We also thank OpenAI for provid-
ing access to the code-davinci-002 API. This ma-
terial is based on research supported in part by the
Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), DARPA,
for the KAIROS program under agreement number
FA8750-19-2-1003, in part by the National Science
Foundation under the award IIS #2007290, and in
part by an award from the Stony Brook Trustees
Faculty Awards Program.
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A Constructing Retrieval Corpora
IIRC, we use the following template.
HotpotQA already comes with the associated
Wikipedia corpus for the open-domain setting,
so we use it directly. 2WikiMultihopQA and
MuSiQue, however, are originally reading com-
prehension datasets. Questions in 2WikiMulti-
hopQA and MuSiQue are associated with 10 and 20
paragraphs respectively, 2-4 of which are support-
ing and others are non-supporting. To turn these
datasets into an open-domain setting, we make two
corpora, one for each dataset, by combining all
supporting and non-supporting paragraphs for all
its questions in the train, development, and test
IIRC is originally a mix between reading
comprehension and an open-domain setting. Each
question is grounded in one main paragraph, which
contains links to multiple Wikipedia pages with
several paragraphs each. We create a corpus out
of all the paragraphs from all the Wikipedia pages
present in the dataset.18 We do assume the avail-
ability of the main passage which doesn’t need
to be retrieved and is always present. We don’t
assume the availability of Wikipedia links in the
main passage, however, to keep the retrieval prob-
lem challenging.19
B Special Handling of Models for IIRC
IIRC is slightly different from the other datasets,
in that the question is grounded in the main pas-
sage and other supporting paragraphs come from
the Wikipedia pages of entities mentioned in this
passage. We modify the retrievers and readers to
account for this difference: (i) We always keep the
main passage as part of the input to the model re-
gardless of the retrieval strategy used. (ii) For all
the retrieval methods, we first prompt the model to
generate a list of Wikipedia page titles using the
main passage and the question. We map these gen-
erated titles to the nearest Wikipedia page titles in
the corpus (found using BM25), and then the rest
of the paragraph retrieval queries are scoped within
only those Wikipedia pages.
To prompt the model to generate Wikipedia page
titles using the main passage and the question for
18Following are the corpus sizes for the datasets: Hot-
potQA (5,233,329), 2WikiMultihopQA (430,225), MuSiQue
(139,416), and IIRC (1,882,415)
19IIRC corpus has a positional bias, i.e., the majority of sup-
porting paragraphs are always within the first few positions of
the Wikipedia page. To keep the retrieval problem challenging
enough we shuffle the paragraphs before indexing the corpus,
i.e., we don’t use positional information in any way.
Wikipedia Title: <Main Page Title>
<Main Paragraph Text>
Q: The question is: '<Question>'. Generate titles
of <N> Wikipedia pages that have relevant
information to answer this question.
A: ["<Title-1>", "<Title-2>", ...]
For “training”, i.e., for demonstrations, N (≤ 3)
is the number of supporting Wikipedia page titles
for the question. At test time, since the number
of supporting page titles is unknown, we use a
fixed value of 3. We found this trick of prompting
the model to generate more titles at the test time
improves its recall over letting the model decide by
itself how many titles to generate.
C Comparison with Previous Systems for
ODQA with LLMs
We showed a leaderboard-style comparison with
previous approaches to using large language mod-
els for open-domain QA in § 5. We noted though
that the comparison is not head-to-head given vari-
ous differences. We briefly describe each method
and the differences in API, LLM, retrieval corpus,
and other choices here.
Internet-Augmented QA (Lazaridou et al., 2022)
does (one-step) Google Search retrieval, performs
additional LLM-based filtering on it, and then
prompts an LLM to answer the question using
It uses the Gopher 280B
the resulting context.
language model. RECITE (Sun et al., 2022) by-
passes the retrieval and instead prompts an LLM
to first generate (recite) one or several relevant pas-
sages from its own memory, and generate the an-
swer conditioned on this generation. They exper-
iment with many LLMs, the highest performing
of which is code-davinci-002 which we report
here. ReAct (Yao et al., 2022) prompts LLMs to
produce reasoning and action traces where actions
are calls to a Wikipedia API to return the sum-
It uses
mary for a given Wikipedia page title.
the PALM 540B model. SelfAsk (Press et al.,
2022) prompts LLMs to decompose a question
into subquestions and answers these subquestions
by issuing separate calls to the Google Search
API. It uses the GPT3 (text-davinci-002) model.
Finally, DecomP (Khot et al., 2023) is a gen-
eral framework that decomposes a task and del-
egates sub-tasks to appropriate sub-models. Sim-
ilar to our system, it uses BM25 Search and the
GPT3 (code-davinci-002) model. And lastly,
InterAug (Lazaridou et al., 2022)
RECITE (Sun et al., 2022)
ReAct (Yao et al., 2022)
SelfAsk (Press et al., 2022)
DecomP (Khot et al., 2022)
DecomP (Khot et al., 2023) *
DSP (Khattab et al., 2023) *
− | −
− | −
− | −
− | −
− | 50.0
− | −
− | −
30.3 | −
37.1 | 48.4
35.1 | −
− | −
− | −
− | 53.5
51.4 | 62.9
− | −
− | −
− | −
40.1 | −
− | 59.3
− | 70.8
− | −
− | −
− | −
− | −
15.2 | −
− | −
− | −
− | −
− | −
− | −
− | −
− | −
− | −
− | 30.9
− | −
IRCoT QA (ours)
45.8 | 58.5
49.3 | 60.7
57.7 | 68.0
34.2 | 43.8
26.5 | 36.5
Table 3: Extended comparison with published LLM-based ODQA systems (as of May 25, 2023) on EM and
F1 scores (with new numbers marked with *). ‘−’: score is unavailable. HpQABr: Bridge questions subset of
HotpotQA. MQ2H: MuSiQue 2-hop questions. IRCoT remains SOTA for MuSiQue and is close to SOTA for
HotpotQA and 2WikiMultihopQA. Note the comparisons here are not head-to-head as discussed in the text.
HotpotQA 2WikiMQA MuSiQue
HotpotQA 2WikiMQA MuSiQue
ZeroR QA
25.3± 0.3
22.9± 0.1
49.7± 0.5
43.1± 0.7
59.1± 0.9
52.0± 0.6
32.7± 0.3
31.7± 1.5
51.2± 0.3
47.8± 0.9
66.5± 1.4
55.1± 1.0
13.7± 0.3 28.9± 0.3
10.3± 0.5 24.4± 0.1
25.8± 0.6 40.0± 1.3
17.6± 0.2 34.5± 1.5
30.8± 0.2 42.5± 2.1
24.9± 1.0 36.5± 1.3
41.0± 1.1
47.5± 0.4
50.7± 0.1
53.6± 0.7
60.6± 1.0
60.7± 1.1
38.5± 1.1
41.2± 1.0
46.4± 2.9
54.8± 2.1
63.5± 2.7
68.0± 1.5
19.0± 1.2 40.9± 0.7
25.2± 1.2 52.1± 0.1
20.4± 0.3 40.1± 0.9
29.4± 0.8 49.8± 2.3
36.0± 0.5 47.9± 2.3
36.5± 1.2 49.9± 1.1
Table 4: Answer F1 for different ODQA models made from NoR, One and IRCoT retrievals, and Direct and
CoT prompting readers. For Flan-T5-XXL, Direct prompting is a better choice for the reader, and for GPT3, CoT
prompting is a better choice for the reader. Hence, we make different reader choices for Flan-T5 and GPT3 for the
experiments in the main paper. Note that IRCoT QA > OneR QA > ZeroR QA holds up regardless of this choice.
DSP (Khattab et al., 2023) provides a way to pro-
grammatically define interactions between LLM
and retrieval for ODQA (e.g., via question decom-
position), bootstrap demonstrations for such a pro-
gram, and use them to make the answer prediction.
It uses GPT3.5 LLM with ColBERT-based retrieval.
Since most of these methods use different knowl-
edge sources or APIs and are built using different
LLMs and retrieval models, it’s difficult to make a
fair scientific comparison across these systems. Ad-
ditionally, the evaluations in the respective papers
are on different random subsets (from the same
distribution) of test instances.
Despite these differences, it is still informative to
explore, in a leaderboard-style fashion, how IRCoT
performs relative to the best numbers published
for these recent systems. Table 3 shows results
from different systems, including contemporane-
ous and newer numbers. The two new systems in
this table (relative to Table 1) are DecomP (newer
version) and DSP. While IRCoT remains SOTA on
MuSiQue, DSP outperforms it on HotpotQA by 2.0
points and the newer version of Decomp outper-
forms IRCoT on 2WikiMultihopQA by 2.8 points.
We speculate DecomP performs well on 2WikiMul-
tihopQA because it has only a few easy-to-predict
decomposition patterns, which DecomP’s question
decomposition can leverage. The lack of such pat-
terns in HotpotQA and MuSiQue causes it to un-
derperform compared to IRCoT. Lastly, it will be
useful to assess whether DSP, which is hardcoded
for 2-hop questions like that of HotpotQA, will
work well for a dataset with a varied number of
hops like that of MuSiQue. We leave this further
investigation to future work.
D Additional CoT Generation Examples
Table 5 provides illustrations, in addition to the
ones provided in Table 2, for how the CoT gen-
erations for NoR QA, OneR QA, and IRCoT QA
methods vary. This gives an insight into how IR-
CoT improves QA performance. Since NoR re-
lies completely on parametric knowledge, it often
makes a factual error in the first sentence, which de-
rails the full reasoning chain. Some of this factual
information can be fixed by OneR, especially infor-
mation closest to the question (i.e., can be retrieved
using the question). This is insufficient for fixing
Gold Facts
What was the
which Marinelli
cated, formerly
known as?
⇒ Marinelli Glacier is
located on the island of
Tierra del Fuego.
⇒ The island of Tierra
del Fuego was formerly
known as Isla de Xativa.
Marinelli Glacier
located on the island of
Graham Land. Graham
Land was
known as Graham’s
Land. So the answer is:
Graham’s Land.
Marinelli Glacier is lo-
cated on Isla Grande
de Tierra del Fuego.
Isla Grande de Tierra
del Fuego was formerly
known as Tierra del
Fuego. So the answer
is: Tierra del Fuego.
Marinelli Glacier is lo-
cated on the island of
Tierra del Fuego. The is-
land of Tierra del Fuego
was formerly known as
Isla de Xativa. So the
answer is: Isla de Xa-
director of film
(1996 Film)?
⇒ The director of
film) is Anjan Choud-
⇒ Anjan Choudhury
child named
Sandip Choudhury.
The film Mukhyamantri
was directed by S. V. Ra-
jendra Singh Babu. S.
V. Rajendra Singh Babu
has a child named S.
V. Rajendra Singh Babu.
So the answer is: S. V.
Rajendra Singh Babu.
film) was
by Anjan Choudhury.
Anjan Choudhury has a
child named Aniruddha
So the
answer is: Aniruddha
The director of Mukhya-
is Anjan Choudhury.
Anjan Choudhury has
a child named Sandip
So the
When did the
city where the
author of Sac-
erdotii Nostri
Primordia died?
⇒ Sacerdotii Nostri Pri-
mordia was written by
Pope John XXIII.
⇒ Pope John XXIII
died in Vatican City.
⇒ The Governorship of
Vatican City ended in
The author of Sacer-
dotii Nostri Primordia is
Pope Pius IX. Pope Pius
IX died in the city of
Rome. The Governor-
ship of Rome ended in
1870. So the answer is:
Sacerdotii Nostri Pri-
mordia was written by
Pope John XXIII. Pope
John XXIII died in the
city of Rome.
Governorship of Rome
ended in 1870. So the
answer is: 1870.
Sacerdotii Nostri Pri-
mordia was written by
Pope John XXIII. Pope
John XXIII died in Vat-
ican City. The Gover-
norship of Vatican City
ended in 1952. So the
answer is: 1952.
Table 5: Additional CoTs generated by GPT3 with different methods. ZeroR is most prone to factual errors. OneR
often fixes some of the factual information which is closest to the question but doesn’t always fix it all the way.
Since IRCoT retrieves after each step, it can also fix the errors at each step. More examples are in Table 2.
all the mistakes. Since IRCoT involves retrieval
after each step, it can fix errors at each step.
E Direct vs CoT Prompting Readers
Table 4 compares reader choice (Direct vs CoT
Prompting) for Flan-T5-XXL and GPT3. We find
that Flan-T5-XXL works better with Direct Prompt-
ing as a reader and GPT3 works better with CoT
Prompting as a reader. Therefore, for the experi-
ments in the main paper, we go with this choice.
Note though that the trends discussed in § 5 (IRCoT
QA > OneR QA > ZeroR QA) hold regardless of
the choice of the reader.
F Separate Reader in IRCoT QA
IRCoT, by construction, produces a CoT as a part
of its retrieval process. So, instead of having a sep-
arate post-hoc reader, one can also just extract the
answer from the CoT generated during retrieval.
As Table 6 shows the effect of such an ablation.
For Flan-T5-XXL having a separate reader is sig-
nificantly better. For GPT3, this is not always true,
but at least a model with a separate reader is al-
ways better or close to the one without. So overall
we go with the choice of using the reader for the
experiments in this paper.
Model HotpotQA 2WikiMQA MuSiQue
n IRCoT QA 59.1± 0.9
w/o reader 52.6± 0.3
66.5± 1.4 30.8± 0.2 42.5± 2.1
60.9± 0.6 24.9± 0.2 40.3± 0.2
3 IRCoT QA 60.7± 1.1
w/o reader 61.0± 0.7
68.0± 1.5 36.5± 1.2 49.9± 1.1
70.4± 1.5 31.5± 0.6 48.4± 1.0
Table 6: Answer F1 of IRCoT QA with and without
a separate reader for Flan-T5-XXL (top two rows) and
GPT3 (bottom two rows). When the reader is not used,
the answer is extracted from the CoT generated by
IRCoT while doing the retrieval. Ablating the reader
usually hurts the performance.
G Prompts
Our manually written chain-of-thought annotations
for HotpotQA, 2WikiMultihopQA, MuSiQue, and
IIRC are given in Listing 1, 2, 3 and 4 respec-
tively. Our prompts for GPT3 CoT Prompting are
the same as these, except they have Wikipipedia
paragraphs on the top of the questions as shown
in § 3.120. Our prompts for GPT3 Direct Prompt-
ing are the same as that of CoT prompting, except
have the answer after "A:" directly. Our prompts
for Flan-T5-* are slightly different from that of
GPT3. For CoT Prompting, we prefix the question
20We are not showing the paragraphs in the paper for brevity
but they can be obtained from the released code.
line: "Q: Answer the following question by reason-
ing step-by-step. <actual-question>". For Direct
Prompting, we prefix the question line: "Q: Answer
the following question. <actual-question>". We
did this to follow Flan-T5-*’s training format and
found it to help its CoT generation.
Listing 1: Chain-of-Thought annotations for HotpotQA.
Q: Jeremy Theobald and Christopher Nolan share what profession?
A: Jeremy Theobald is an actor and producer. Christopher Nolan is a director, producer, and screenwriter. Therefore, they
both share the profession of being a producer. So the answer is: producer.
Q: What film directed by Brian Patrick Butler was inspired by a film directed by F.W. Murnau?
A: Brian Patrick Butler directed the film The Phantom Hour. The Phantom Hour was inspired by the films such as Nosferatu
and The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. Of these Nosferatu was directed by F.W. Murnau. So the answer is: The Phantom Hour.
Q: How many episodes were in the South Korean television series in which Ryu Hye−young played Bo−ra?
A: The South Korean television series in which Ryu Hye−young played Bo−ra is Reply 1988. The number of episodes Reply
1988 has is 20. So the answer is: 20.
Q: Vertical Limit stars which actor who also played astronaut Alan Shepard in "The Right Stuff"?
A: The actor who played astronaut Alan Shepard in "The Right Stuff" is Scott Glenn. The movie Vertical Limit also starred
Scott Glenn. So the answer is: Scott Glenn.
Q: What was the 2014 population of the city where Lake Wales Medical Center is located?
A: Lake Wales Medical Center is located in the city of Polk County, Florida. The population of Polk County in 2014 was
15,140. So the answer is: 15,140.
Q: Who was born first? Jan de Bont or Raoul Walsh?
A: Jan de Bont was born on 22 October 1943. Raoul Walsh was born on March 11, 1887. Thus, Raoul Walsh was born the
first. So the answer is: Raoul Walsh.
Q: In what country was Lost Gravity manufactured?
A: The Lost Gravity (roller coaster) was manufactured by Mack Rides. Mack Rides is a German company. So the answer is:
Q: Which of the following had a debut album entitled "We Have an Emergency": Hot Hot Heat or The Operation M.D.?
A: The debut album of the band "Hot Hot Heat" was "Make Up the Breakdown". The debut album of the band "The Operation
M.D." was "We Have an Emergency". So the answer is: The Operation M.D..
Q: In which country did this Australian who was detained in Guantanamo Bay detention camp and published "Guantanamo:
My Journey" receive para−military training?
A: The Australian who was detained in Guantanamo Bay detention camp and published "Guantanamo: My Journey" is David
Hicks. David Hicks received his para−military training in Afghanistan. So the answer is: Afghanistan.
Q: Does The Border Surrender or Unsane have more members?
A: The Border Surrender band has following members: Keith Austin, Simon Shields, Johnny Manning and Mark Austin. That
is, it has 4 members. Unsane is a trio of 3 members. Thus, The Border Surrender has more members. So the answer is:
The Border Surrender.
Q: Which band formed first, Sponge Cola or Hurricane No. 1?
A: Sponge Cola band was formed in 1998. Hurricane No. 1 was formed in 1996. Thus, Hurricane No. 1 band formed the first.
So the answer is: Hurricane No. 1.
Q: James Paris Lee is best known for investing the Lee−Metford rifle and another rifle often referred to by what acronymn?
A: James Paris Lee is best known for investing the Lee−Metford rifle and Leeâ ˘A ¸SEnfield series of rifles. Leeâ ˘A ¸SEnfield is
often referred to by the acronym of SMLE. So the answer is: SMLE.
Q: Who was born first, James D Grant, who uses the pen name of Lee Child, or Bernhard Schlink?
A: James D Grant, who uses the pen name of Lee Child, was born in 1954. Bernhard Schlink was born in 1944. Thus,
Bernhard Schlink was born first. So the answer is: Bernhard Schlink.
Q: Which American neo−noir science fiction has Pierce Gagnon starred?
A: Pierce Gagnon has starred in One Tree Hill, Looper, Wish I Was Here and Extant. Of these, Looper is an American neo−
noir science fiction. So the answer is: Looper.
Q: What year did Edburga of Minster−in−Thanet's father die?
A: The father of Edburga of Minster−in−Thanet is King Centwine. Centwine died after 685. So the answer is: after 685.
Q: Were Lonny and Allure both founded in the 1990s?
A: Lonny (magazine) was founded in 2009. Allure (magazine) was founded in 1991. Thus, of the two, only Allure was
founded in 1990s. So the answer is: no.
Q: The actor that stars as Joe Proctor on the series "Power" also played a character on "Entourage" that has what last name?
A: The actor that stars as Joe Proctor on the series "Power" is Jerry Ferrara. Jerry Ferrara also played a character on Entourage
named Turtle Assante. Thus, Turtle Assante's last name is Assante. So the answer is: Assante.
Q: Nobody Loves You was written by John Lennon and released on what album that was issued by Apple Records, and was
written, recorded, and released during his 18 month separation from Yoko Ono?
A: The album issued by Apple Records, and written, recorded, and released during John Lennon's 18 month separation from
Yoko Ono is Walls and Bridges. Nobody Loves You was written by John Lennon on Walls and Bridges album. So the
answer is: Walls and Bridges.
Q: How many awards did the "A Girl Like Me" singer win at the American Music Awards of 2012?
A: The singer of "A Girl Like Me" singer is Rihanna. In the American Music Awards of 2012, Rihana won one award. So the
answer is: one.
Q: who is older Jeremy Horn or Renato Sobral ?
A: Jeremy Horn was born on August 25, 1975. Renato Sobral was born on September 7, 1975. Thus, Jeremy Horn is older. So
the answer is: Jeremy Horn.
Listing 2: Chain-of-Thought annotations for 2WikiMultihopQA.
Q: When did the director of film Hypocrite (Film) die?
A: The film Hypocrite was directed by Miguel Morayta. Miguel Morayta died on 19 June 2013. So the answer is: 19 June
Q: Do director of film Coolie No. 1 (1995 Film) and director of film The Sensational Trial have the same nationality?
A: Coolie No. 1 (1995 film) was directed by David Dhawan. The Sensational Trial was directed by Karl Freund. David
Dhawan's nationality is India. Karl Freund's nationality is Germany. Thus, they do not have the same nationality. So the
answer is: no.
Q: Are both Kurram Garhi and Trojkrsti located in the same country?
A: Kurram Garhi is located in the country of Pakistan. Trojkrsti is located in the country of Republic of Macedonia. Thus,
they are not in the same country. So the answer is: no.
Q: Who was born first out of Martin Hodge and Ivania Martinich?
A: Martin Hodge was born on 4 February 1959. Ivania Martinich was born on 25 July 1995. Thus, Martin Hodge was born
first. So the answer is: Martin Hodge.
Q: Which film came out first, The Night Of Tricks or The Genealogy?
A: The Night of Tricks was published in the year 1939. The Genealogy was published in the year 1979. Thus, The Night of
Tricks came out first. So the answer is: The Night Of Tricks.
Q: When did the director of film Laughter In Hell die?
A: The film Laughter In Hell was directed by Edward L. Cahn. Edward L. Cahn died on August 25, 1963. So the answer is:
August 25, 1963.
Q: Which film has the director died later, The Gal Who Took the West or Twenty Plus Two?
A: The film Twenty Plus Two was directed by Joseph M. Newman. The Gal Who Took the West was directed by Frederick de
Cordova. Joseph M. Newman died on January 23, 2006. Fred de Cordova died on September 15, 2001. Thus, the person
to die later from the two is Twenty Plus Two. So the answer is: Twenty Plus Two.
Q: Who is Boraqchin (Wife Of à ˝Ugedei)'s father−in−law?
A: Boraqchin is married to à ˝Ugedei Khan. à ˝Ugedei Khan's father is Genghis Khan. Thus, Boraqchin's father−in−law is
Genghis Khan. So the answer is: Genghis Khan.
Q: What is the cause of death of Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich Of Russia's mother?
A: The mother of Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich of Russia is Maria Alexandrovna. Maria Alexandrovna died from
tuberculosis. So the answer is: tuberculosis.
Q: Which film has the director died earlier, When The Mad Aunts Arrive or The Miracle Worker (1962 Film)?
A: When The Mad Aunts Arrive was directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb. The Miracle Worker (1962 film) was directed by
Arthur Penn. Franz Josef Gottlieb died on 23 July 2006. Arthur Penn died on September 28, 2010. Thus, of the two, the
director to die earlier is Franz Josef Gottlieb, who directed When The Mad Aunts Arrive. So the answer is: When The
Mad Aunts Arrive.
Q: Which album was released earlier, What'S Inside or Cassandra'S Dream (Album)?
A: What's Inside was released in the year 1995. Cassandra's Dream (album) was released in the year 2008. Thus, of the two,
the album to release earlier is What's Inside. So the answer is: What's Inside.
Q: Are both mountains, Serre Mourene and Monte Galbiga, located in the same country?
A: Serre Mourene is located in Spain. Monte Galbiga is located in Italy. Thus, the two countries are not located in the same
country. So the answer is: no.
Q: What is the date of birth of the director of film Best Friends (1982 Film)?
A: The film Best Friends was directed by Norman Jewison. Norman Jewison was born on July 21, 1926. So the answer is:
July 21, 1926.
Q: Which film has the director born first, Two Weeks With Pay or Chhailla Babu?
A: Two Weeks with Pay was directed by Maurice Campbell. Chhailla Babu was directed by Joy Mukherjee. Maurice
Campbell was born on November 28, 1919. Joy Mukherjee was born on 24 February 1939. Thus, from the two directors,
Chhailla Babu was born first, who directed Two Weeks With Pay. So the answer is: Two Weeks With Pay.
Q: Who is the grandchild of Krishna Shah (Nepalese Royal)?
A: Krishna Shah has a child named Rudra Shah. Rudra Shah has a child named Prithvipati Shah. Thus, Krishna Shah has a
grandchild named Prithvipati Shah. So the answer is: Prithvipati Shah.
Q: When was the director of film P.S. Jerusalem born?
A: P.S. Jerusalem was directed by Danae Elon. Danae Elon was born on December 23, 1970. So the answer is: December 23,
Q: Which album was released more recently, If I Have to Stand Alone or Answering Machine Music?
A: If I Have to Stand Alone was published in the year 1991. Answering Machine Music was released in the year 1999. Thus,
of the two, the album to release more recently is Answering Machine Music. So the answer is: Answering Machine
Q: Where did the director of film Maddalena (1954 Film) die?
A: The film Maddalena is directed by Augusto Genina. Augusto Genina died in Rome. So the answer is: Rome.
Q: When did the director of film The Boy And The Fog die?
A: The director of The Boy and the Fog is Roberto Gavaldøsn. Roberto Gavaldøsn died on September 4, 1986. So the answer
is: September 4, 1986.
Q: Are the directors of films The Sun of the Sleepless and Nevada (1927 film) both from the same country?
A: The director of Sun of the Sleepless is Temur Babluani. The director of Nevada (1927 film) is John Waters. John Waters is
from the country of America. Temur Babluani is from the country of Georgia. Thus, John Walters and Temur Babluani
are not from the same country. So the answer is: no.
Listing 3: Chain-of-Thought annotations for MuSiQue.
Q: When did the first large winter carnival take place in the city where CIMI−FM is licensed to broadcast?
A: CIMI−FM is licensed to broadcast in Quebec City. The first large winter carnival in Quebec City took place in 1894. So
the answer is: 1894.
Q: When was Neville A. Stanton's employer founded?
A: The employer of Neville A. Stanton is University of Southampton. The University of Southampton was founded in 1862.
So the answer is: 1862.
Q: What county is Hebron located in, in the same province the Heritage Places Protection Act applies to?
A: Heritage Places Protection Act applies to the jurisdiction of Prince Edward Island. Hebron, Prince Edward Island is located
in the Prince County. So the answer is: Prince County.
Q: What weekly publication in the Connecticut city with the most Zagat rated restaurants is issued by university of America−
Lite: How Imperial Academia Dismantled Our Culture's author?
A: The author of America−Lite: How Imperial Academia Dismantled Our Culture is David Gelernter. David Gelernter was
educated at the Yale University. The city in Connecticut that has the highest number of Zagat−rated restaurants is New
Haven. The weekly publication in New Haven that is issued by Yale University is Yale Herald. So the answer is: Yale
Q: What is the headquarters for the organization who sets the standards for ISO 21500?
A: The standards for ISO 21500 were set by International Organization for Standardization. The International Organization
for Standardization has headquarters in Geneva. So the answer is: Geneva.
Q: What did the publisher of Banjo−Tooie rely primarily on for its support?
A: The publisher of Banjo−Tooie is Nintendo. Nintendo relied primarily for its support on first−party games. So the answer is:
first−party games.
Q: In which county was the birthplace of the Smoke in tha City performer?
A: The performer of Smoke in tha City is MC Eiht. MC Eiht's birthplace is Compton. Compton is located in the county of Los
Angeles County. So the answer is: Los Angeles County.
Q: What region of the state where Guy Shepherdson was born, contains SMA Negeri 68?
A: Guy Shepherdson was born in Jakarta. SMA Negeri 68 Jakarta is located in Central Jakarta. So the answer is: Central
Q: When did Britain withdraw from the country containing Hoora?
A: Hoora is in the country of Bahrain. Britain withdrew from Bahrain in 1971. So the answer is: 1971.
Q: Where does the Snake River start, in the state where Lima Mountain is located?
A: Lima Mountain is located in the state of Minnesota. The snake river in Minnesota starts in southern Aitkin County. So the
answer is: southern Aitkin County.
Q: What shares a border with Riviôlre−Verte in the province WRSU−FM broadcasts in?
A: WRSU−FM was licensed to broadcast to New Brunswick. Riviôlre−Verte, New Brunswick shares border with
Edmundston. So the answer is: Edmundston.
Q: When was the state of emergency declared in the country where the Senate is located?
A: The Senate is in the country of Kenya. The state of emergency was declared in Kenya on 20 October 1952. So the answer
is: 20 October 1952.
Q: How long is the US border with the country that borders the state where Finding Dory takes place?
A: Finding Dory is supposed to take place in California. The country that shares a border with California is Mexico. The
length of the us border with Mexico is 1,989 mi. So the answer is: 1,989 mi.
Q: What genre is the record label of the performer of So Long, See You Tomorrow associated with?
A: The performer of So Long, See You Tomorrow is Bombay Bicycle Club. The record label of Bombay Bicycle Club is
Island Records. The genre of Island Records is jazz. So the answer is: jazz.
Q: When did the first large winter carnival happen in Olivier Robitaille's place of birth?
A: Olivier Robitaille was born in Quebec City. The first large winter carnival in Quebec City happened in the 1894. So the
answer is: 1894.
Q: What is the genre of the record label of the band that performed on the Crush Tour?
A: The Crush Tour is performed by the band Bon Jovi. The record label of Bon Jovi is Island Records. The genre of Island
Records is jazz. So the answer is: jazz.
Q: When was the first railway line constructed between Kotri and the city where Marie Adelaide Leprosy Centre is located?
A: Marie Adelaide Leprosy Centre is located in Karachi. The first railway line between Kotri and Karachi was constructed in
April 1858. So the answer is: April 1858.
Q: Where is the crying stone found in the country in which Raphael Tuju holds citizenship?
A: Raphael Tuju is a citizen of Kenya. The crying stone in Kenya is found along the highway towards Kisumu. So the answer
is: along the highway towards Kisumu.
Q: When did Britain withdraw from the country where the village of Wadyan is found?
A: Wadyan is in the country of Bahrain. Britain withdraw from Bahrain in 1971. So the answer is: 1971.
Q: How many countries in Pacific National University's continent are recognized by the organization that mediated the truce
ending the Iran−Iraq war?
A: Pacific National University is located in Khabarovsk, Russia Khabarovsk, Russian is in the continent of Asia. The entity
that mediated the truce which ended the Iran−Iraq War is the UN. The number of member states that UN recognises in
Asia is 53. So the answer is: 53.
Listing 4: Chain-of-Thought annotations for IIRC.
Q: What is the age difference between the kicker and the quarterback for the Chargers?
A: The kicker for the Chargers is Nate Kaeding. The quarterback (QB) for the Chargers is Philip Rivers. Nate Kaeding was
born in the year 1982. Philip Rivers was born in the year 1981. Thus, the age difference between them is of 1 year. So
the answer is: 1.
Q: How many years was the ship that took the battalion from New South Wales to Ceylon in service?
A: The ship that took the battalion from New South Wales to Ceylon is General Hewitt. General Hewitt was launched in
Calcutta in 1811. General Hewitt was sold for a hulk or to be broken up in 1864. So she served for a total of 1864 −
1811 = 53 years. So the answer is: 53.
Q: What year was the theatre that held the 2016 NFL Draft built?
A: The theatre that held the 2016 NFL Draft is Auditorium Theatre. The Auditorium Theatre was built in 1889. So the answer
is: 1889.
Q: How long had Milan been established by the year that Nava returned there as a reserve in the first team's defense?
A: Nava returned to Milan as a reserve in the first team's defense in the year 1990. Milan had been established in the year
1899. Thus, Milan had been established for 1990 − 1899 = 91 years when Milan returned to Milan as a reserve in the
first team's defense. So the answer is: 91.
Q: When was the town Scott was born in founded?
A: Scott was born in the town of Cooksville, Illinois. Cooksville was founded in the year 1882. So the answer is: 1882.
Q: In what country did Wright leave the French privateers?
A: Wright left the French privateers in Bluefield's river. Bluefields is the capital of the South Caribbean Autonomous Region (
RAAS) in the country of Nicaragua. So the answer is: Nicaragua.
Q: Who plays the A−Team character that Dr. Hibbert fashioned his hair after?
A: Dr. Hibbert fashioned his hair after Mr. T from The A−Team. Mr T.'s birthname is Lawrence Tureaud. So the answer is:
Lawrence Tureaud.
Q: How many people attended the conference held near Berlin in January 1942?
A: The conference held near Berlin in January 1942 is Wannsee Conference. Wannsee Conference was attended by 15 people.
So the answer is: 15.
Q: When did the country Ottwalt went into exile in founded?
A: Ottwalt went into exile in the country of Denmark. Denmark has been inhabited since around 12,500 BC. So the answer is:
12,500 BC.
Q: When was the J2 club Uki played for in 2001 founded?
A: The J2 club that Uki played for is Montedio Yamagata. Montedio Yamagata was founded in 1984. So the answer is: 1984.
Q: When was the person who produced A Little Ain't Enough born?
A: A Little Ain't Enough was produced by Bob Rock. Bob Rock was born on April 19, 1954. So the answer is: April 19, 1954.
Q: Which of the schools Fiser is affiliated with was founded first?
A: The schools that Fiser is affiliated with (1) Academy of Music, University of Zagreb (2) Mozarteum University of Salzburg
(3) Croatian Music Institute orchestra. Academy of Music, University of Zagreb was founded in the year 1829.
Mozarteum University of Salzburg was founded in the year 1841. Croatian Music Institute was founded in the year 1827.
Thus, the school founded earliest of these is Croatian Music Institute. So the answer is: Croatian Music Institute.
Q: How many casualties were there at the battle that Dearing fought at under Jubal Early?
A: Under Jubal Early, Dearing fought the First Battle of Bull Run. First Battle of Bull Run has 460 union casualties and 387
confederate casualties. Thus, in total the First Battle of Bull Run had 460 + 387 = 847 casualties. So the answer is: 847.
Q: Which of the two congregations which provided leadership to the Pilgrims was founded first?
A: The congregations which provided leadership to the Pilgrims are Brownists and Separatist Puritans. Brownist was founded
in 1581. The Separatist Puritans was founded in 1640. Thus, Brownist was founded first. So the answer is: Brownist.
Q: How long had the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame been open when the band was inducted into it?
A: The band was inducted into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in the year 2017. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame was established in
the year of 1983. Thus, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame been open for 2018 − 1983 = 34 years when the band was inducted
into it. So the answer is: 34.
Q: Did the Lord Sewer who was appointed at the 1509 coronation live longer than his king?
A: Lord Sewer who was appointed at the 1509 coronation was Robert Radcliffe, 1st Earl of Sussex. Lord Sever's king in 1509
was Henry VIII of England. Robert Radcliffe, 1st Earl of Sussex was born in the year 1483, and died in the year 1542.
So Robert lived for 1542 − 1483 = 59 years. Henry VIII of England was born in the year 1491 and died in the year 1547.
So Henry VIII lived for 1547 − 1491 = 56 years. Thus, Robert Radcliffe lived longer than Henry VIII. So the answer is:
Q: When was the place near where Manuchar was defeated by Qvarqvare established?
A: Manuchar was defeated by Qvarqvare near Erzurum. Erzurum was founded during the Urartian period. So the answer is:
Urartian period.
Q: What year was the man who implemented the 46 calendar reform born?
A: The man who implemented the 46 calendar reform is Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar was born in the year 100 BC. So the
answer is: 100 BC.
Q: How many years after the first recorded Tommy John surgery did Scott Baker undergo his?
A: The first recorded Tommy John surgery happened when it was invented in the year 1974. Scott Baker underwent Tommy
John surgery in the year 2012. Thus, Scott Baker underwent Tommy John surgery 2012 − 1974 = 38 years after it was
first recorded. So the answer is: 38.
Q: Which was the older of the two players who found the net in the Double−Headed Eagle of the North in the sixth final for
A: The two players who found the net in the Double−Headed Eagle of the North in the sixth final for PAOK are Koudas and
Matzourakis. Koudas was born on 23 November 1946. Matzourakis was born on 6 June 1949. Thus, the older person
among the two is Koudas. So the answer is: Koudas.
ai_researcher | 2 | Beyond_the_“Death_of_Research”_Reimagining_the_Human-AI_Collaboration_in_Scientific_Research.pdf | Beyond the Standard Model
S. Dimopoulos†
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland§
A few topics beyond the standard model are reviewed.
The subject of physics beyond the Standard Model
(SM) began flourishing around the year 1978.
early 1978 SLAC discovered parity violation in neutral
processes. That convinced many ambitious theorists
that the SM was correct and they started to focus
on the next layer of fundamental questions. At this
point a dichotomy started emerging between theory and
experiment. Theorists began focusing on speculative
ideas. These came in basically four categories:
• Unification [1,2];
• Technicolor [3];
• Supersymmetric (SUSY) Unification [4,5];
• Superstrings [6].
and they concentrated mostly on the blemishes of the
SM and on reasons why it cannot be a fundamental
theory. On the other hand our experimentalist friends
have been confirming the SM year after year. W ± Z 0
have been discovered at CERN [7,8] and the top at
Fermilab [9] and high level precision electroweak tests
by LEP [10] have been vindicating the SM over and over
again. So, to first approximation it is fair to say that
there is no need to go beyond the SM and that therefore
this talk is unnecessary.
This is indeed the situation to first approximation,
except for a small, but perhaps significant, hint that has
emerged recently. This hint comes from the weak mix-
ing angle measured by the LEP experiments [11] and
† This document was prepared by I.G. Knowles based on a
recording of the plenary talk given at the conference.
§ On leave from Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA.
Work supported in part by NSF grant, NSF-PHY-9219345.
SLD [12]. Supersymmetric unified theories that were
proposed in 1981 [4,5] predicted the weak mixing angle,
sin2 θW to within a theoretical uncertainty of approxi-
mately ±1%. Recent experimental measurements have
measured this angle to roughly ±0.2%. The theoreti-
cal prediction agrees very well with experiment. Now
of course this could just be a coincidence; the a priori
probability for this is 2%. If you adopt the viewpoint
that this is just a coincidence then you really have no
hint of physics beyond the SM. We will adopt a different
viewpoint, we will take this coincidence seriously and we
will pursue the consequences of it.
I should remark that we are not at all alone in
taking this coincidence seriously. Of the 95 abstracts
and 66 papers that were submitted to this session
more than three quarters dealt with supersymmetric
unified theories [13]. Also if you look at the hep-ph
phenomenology bulletin board [14] you will notice that
roughly a quarter of all papers that are submitted deal
with SUSY So a Martian that just looks at the titles of
hep-ph phenomenology might be confused as to whether
SUSY has or has not been found.
Of course I do not have time to cover all the
contributions to these proceedings [15,16,17] in detail
but I will occasionally refer to some of the results that
these people have reported.
My talk consists of three parts. First I will discuss
the question of the weak mixing angle in SUSY Grand
Unified Theories (GUTs) and in general the question of
why SUSY GUTs were proposed and what are some of
their virtues. Then I will discuss the top, how it fits in
SUSY GUTs and how it may fit in the SM. Finally I will
make some brief remarks about theories that attempt to
make statements about the masses and mixing angles of
other quarks and leptons. I will not have time to review
technicolor which has already been discussed in some
detail by K. Lane [15].
Let me begin by reminding you very briefly why SUSY
GUTs were proposed and what are some of their virtues.
We begin with the fundamental premise that theorists
believe in, that there is a fundamental scale in nature.
This is near the gravitational scale, the Planck mass
MP l, of the order 1018 GeV/c2. An important question
before even beginning to do physics is: can we discuss
physics at our energies without knowing almost any-
thing about the physics at this fundamental scale?
2.1. The Decoupling Hypothesis
The basic hypothesis that allows us to begin and go
forward is the so called decoupling hypothesis. It says
that the answer to the above question is yes. This
hypothesis is very intuitive:
it is the same reason for
example that in cooking schools they don’t teach you
It allows us to discuss large distance
nuclear physics.
physics while being ignorant about what happens at
short distances.
The quantitative statement of
the decoupling
low energy physics parameters
are fairly insensitive to the Planck mass or to this
fundamental scale. They do not depend on positive
powers of this scale, M n
P l, they are at most logarithmic
functions of the Planck mass, log MP L.
Now the vast number of theories violate this
decoupling hypothesis. The first class of such theories,
which covers almost all theories, are the so-called non-
renormalizable theories. These are maximally non-
in order to parameterize your ignorance
of Planck scale physics you need infinitely many
parameters all of which depend on positive powers of
MP l. The second class of theories, like the SM, are
the renormalizable theories. In these theories you can
parameterize your ignorance of the fundamental physics
with a few parameters, O(20), most of parameter,
the Higgs mass (or scalar masses in general), which
is actually very sensitively dependent on details of
Planckian physics. Finally there are SUSY theories
which are totally decoupled in the sense that all
parameters depend at most logarithmically on MP l.
Now I should emphasize that this logarithmic
dependence on MP l is actually very important. The
weak mixing angle actually depends logarithmically
on MP l and the experimental measurement
determines it is an indirect measurement of physics at
the Planck scale (actually the unification scale).
The decoupling hypothesis was the original reason
why SUSY GUTs were proposed.
In order for SUSY
to help you totally decouple low energy information
from high energy uncertainties it is necessary that SUSY
be realized at low energies near the weak scale.
particular there have to be SUSY partners for the
ordinary particles, called superparticles or sparticles,
with masses around the weak scale. The existence of
these sparticles around the weak scale has significant
consequences for the way coupling constants evolve as
you go from low energies to high energies. As the
coupling constant evolves, every time it encounters a
superparticle the theory becomes less asymptotically
free and therefore the coupling constant starts evolving
more slowly. Therefore a generic feature of SUSY
theories is that coupling constants, as you go from low
to high energies, evolve more slowly which means that,
if they have any tendency to meet they meet later than
they would have met in a non-SUSY theory.
2.2. Coupling Constant Unification
This means that if the coupling constants are going to
come together at all they are going to do so at a point
which is later than a non-SUSY theory. This in turn
implies that the fundamental scale at which coupling
constants get unified is bigger so that the proton decay
rate is slowed down. For similar reasons, having to do
with the superparticle spectrum, the weak mixing angle
In GUTs in general, and in SUSY ones in particular,
the low energy coupling constants α1 α2 and α3 are
given in terms of just two fundamental parameters at
high energies, namely the common coupling constant
at the unification mass and the magnitude of the
unification mass. Since three low energy parameters are
given in terms of two, there is one prediction, which can
be expressed in many ways. One possible fruitful way
to express it is as a relation between sin2 θW and αs at
the mass of the Z 0 – that is, at low energies.
This relation was worked out many years ago both
for non-SUSY [2] and SUSY theories [4,5], see figure 1.
The data point is for the present measurement. The
numbers shown (15, 16, 17 etc.)
correspond to the
logarithm of the energy at which unification occurs so
that unification in SUSY theories occurs at ≈ 2 × 1016
GeV. It can clearly be seen that the non-SUSY SM
is excluded in view of the recent data relative to the
SUSY SM. It may also be noted that in the non-SUSY
model the unification mass is relatively small, around
1013 − 1014 GeV.
In 1981 a couple of conclusions were drawn: first,
the value of sin2 θW for SUSY GUTs is bigger than
for the non-SUSY theories; and second, because of the
Figure 1. The correlation in the values of sin2 θW and αs(MZ ) predicted in SUSY GUTs and ordinary GUTs.
The bare superstring prediction is the point on the far right. The present 1994 are contrasted with the 1981 data.
The bands are the uncertainties in the theoretical predictions of GUTs and SUSY GUTs. The numbers in the
bands indicate the unification scale. The uncertainties in the theoretical predictions for superstrings are not known.
large magnitude of the unification mass, the proton is
stable in paractice. It is interesting to recall the state
of experimental affairs back in 1981. Just around the
time this theory was constructed and reported in the
Second Workshop on Grand Unification in Michigan
(April, 1981) [18] there were reports of measurements of
sin2 θW and αs. Of course the error bars were bigger but
the central values of both sin2 θW and αs were in closer
agreement with the non-SUSY case than the SUSY one.
This was a very strong motivation for pursuing proton
decay experiments; already at that conference candidate
proton decay events were repoprted [19].
The following quote is from Marciano and Sirlin [20]
and reflects the prevailing attitude about non-SUSY
grand unification in April 1981.
The basic idea of grand unification is very
appealing. The simplest model based on SU (5)
has scored an important success in predicting
a value of sin2 ˆθW (MW ) which is in excellent
agreement with recent experimental findings
(after radiative corrections are included).
makes an additional dramatic prediction that the
proton will decay with a lifetime in the range
1030 ∼ 1032 years. If correct, such decays will
be seen by the planned experiments within the
coming year (or may already have been seen)†.
An incredible discovery may be awaiting us.
So in the beginning SUSY unification appeared to be
dead even before it started; nevertheless as you know
the data evolved. The fact that the discrepancy resolved
itself in favour of the SUSY theory added an element of
surprise to the history of SUSY unification and perhaps
accounts in part for the great popularity of these ideas
2.3. Precision electroweak measurements
There are many tests that a theory must pass. One
of the subjects that I will only briefly discuss is how
SUSY does on precision electroweak data in terms of the
well known ǫ1,2,3 parameters [21,22]. Roughly speaking
ǫ1 measures the breaking of up–down symmetry and ǫ3
measures the breaking of SU (2) ⊗ U (1) or the number
of SU (2) ⊗ U (1) breaking mass terms in the theory.
Figure 2 shows the experimental data from the LEP
† My italics.
Figure 2. The 1σ error eclipses for ǫ1 and ǫ3 using only LEP
and LEP plus SLC data. Also shown is the standard model
prediction for different values of top and Higgs masses. This
figure is taken from Altarelli [22].
Figure 3. The values of ǫ1 and ǫ3 in SUSY for a set of
parameter values, the top mass is fixed at 174 GeV/c2. This
figure is taken from Altarelli [22].
Collaborations with and without the SLD data. The
standard model gives a beautiful fit for a top mass of
170 GeV/c2.
What happens when you add SUSY? Well SUSY of
course has extra parameters which determine the masses
of sparticles and each dot in figure 3 represent a different
choice of SUSY parameters. As can be seen a class of
SUSY theories lies within the preferred ellipse. Note
that the ellipse is a 39% probability ellipse so that it is
not the end of the world if you are not exactly within it;
plenty of SUSY theories are within one or two standard
deviations. The moral is fairly straightforward: as long
as you do not have extremely light sparticles SUSY can
easily be consistent with the high precision electroweak
2.4. Flavour Changing Neutral Currents
The same holds true for flavour changing neutral
currents, which typically place an extremely strong
constraint on theories. This was an early difficulty for
technicolor theories, wheras in SUSY it is possible to
avoid it by having degeneracy between squarks as was
postulated in the first SUSY GUT.
2.5. Sin 2θW Predictions
The next question I would like to turn to is, how unique
is SUSY in making these predictions? In table 1 I try to
compare non-SUSY unified theories with SUSY unified
theories and strings that do not have unification below
the string scale – truly single scale string theories. In
GUTs, whether SUSY or not, you do not predict both
αs and sin2 θW , instead given one you predict the other.
Looking at the number of standard deviations theory
is from experiment, we see that in non-SUSY SU (5) if
you fit sin2 θW and predict αs it is off by quite a bit,
but more to the point it gives a very low unification
mass, just 8 × 1013 GeV/c2, so that the proton would
decay at a very rapid rate. Similarly if you take αs from
experiment and predict sin2 θW you are off by quite a
bit, and again you get a low unification mass 3 × 1014
GeV/c2. SUSY GUTs work well, within one or two
standard deviations, as you can see from the numbers.
The predictions that we quote for superstrings
assume the minimal supersymmetric particle content
up to the string scale Ms of about 4 × 1017 Gev/c2
and do not include any potentially large string induced
corrections†. These corrections are model dependent:
in the absense of a model, it is not possible to estimate
their magnitude. It is clear that the corrections would
have to be quite large to make up for the large
It is possible that a
discrepancies with experiment.
model will be found where the corrections are large and
can be tuned to accomodate the data. Such a “fix”
would be no better than accomodating ordinary SU (5)
with large corrections caused by random unobserved
multiplets. Also to quote Barbieri et al. [23],
Why should these corrections maintain the
relations between the couplings characteristic
such a
the grand unified symmetry,
symmmetry is not actually realized.
† Since the string scale is 20 times the SUSY GUT scale, the
prediction for the proton mass is 20 GeV/c2.
SU (5)
αs(MZ )
0.118 ± 0.007
sin2 θW (MZ )
.2317 ± 0.0004
0.125 ± .010
0.2330 ± .0025
Table 1. The experimental values for sin2 θW and αs(MZ ) are contrasted with the predictions of three theories:
ordinary GUTs, SUSY GUTs and bare superstrings. Under each prediction we list the number of standard
deviations that it differs from experiment. GUTs and SUSY GUTs predict one of either sin2 θW and αs(MZ ); the
other one is an input. For stings both sin2 θW and αs(MZ ) are predictions. The uncertainties in the theoretical
predictions for superstrings are not known.
Figure 4. The top quark Yukawa coupling as a function of
energy in the SM.
A simple possibility is that at Ms the string theory
breaks to a SUSY GUT [23,24]; this is a promising new
direction which may combine some of the virtues of both
SUSY GUTs and strings. A challenge of such attempts
would be to explain the ratio of the SUSY GUT to the
string scale.
Finally the top quark has been announced [9]. It is the
only quark that has a reasonable mass; you don’t need
any small parameter to understand its mass and at first
sight if you did not know anything about the world you
would have guessed that all of the quarks would have
the same mass.
mt ≈ v ∼
=⇒ λt ≈ 1
Of course this is not the case, other quarks have much
smaller masses which means that they must have much
smaller coupling constants, λ ≪ 1, which requires
symmetries. What I will now try to discuss is how nicely
the top quark fits into SUSY; this is a qualitative virtue,
not a quantitative virtue like the weak mixing angle.
Infrared Fixed points
A most interesting idea about computing the top quark
mass first in the context of non-SUSY theories was
discussed back around 1980 by Pendleton and Ross
[25] and by Hill [26]. They point out that if the top
Yukawa coupling (or top mass) is large enough, not
too much smaller than unity, then a broad range of
initial conditions will give rise to the same top quark
mass, or Yukawa coupling, at low energy; see figure 4.
This idea makes a prediction about the top quark:
you follow Pendleton and Ross this gives a top quark
mass around 240-250 GeV/c2 in the SM, which is fairly
insensitive to initial conditions, and as a by-product you
also obtain an upper limit on the top quark mass. The
reason for this behavior is a classic fixed point behavior
in the equations which determine the evolution of the
top quark and strong coupling.
16π2 dλt
16π2 dg3
t − C3g2
= λt(C0λ2
= −b3g3
where C0, C3 and b3 are constants whose values depend
on the theories particle content.
=⇒ 16π2 d
dt (cid:18)
g3 (cid:19)
= C0
t −
(C3 − b3)
This equation shows that λt tracks g3: if the top quark
is too heavy then the Renormalization Group Equations
(RGEs) push it down or if it is too small they increase
it. This is a stable fixed point:
g3 (cid:19)
(C3 − b3)
dt (cid:18)
g3 (cid:19)
≈ 0
accounting for the behavior described above.
This is a nice idea which has been generalized to
SUSY [27] and leads to interesting results. Of course
in SUSY there are two Higgs fields, so what you obtain
as a result of doing the same analysis is not exactly an
absolute mass for the top quark but a scale for the top
quark times the sine of an angle that measures the ratio
of the vacuum expectation values of the two Higgses.
mtop = 190 GeV/c2 × sin β
So the experimental range for mt is consistent with the
top being near its SUSY fixed point. This is helpful
for bottom–tau unification [28]. That is, if you want to
have the bottom and the tau masses equal at the grand
scale, which occurs in many GUTs, then you have to be
within 10% of the fixed point for the top quark mass
[29]. So there is a nice connection between being at the
fixed point and other ideas.
3.2. Upper Bounds on the Lightest Higgs Mass
Another thing which you gain by being at the fixed point
is that you improve a great deal the upper limits on
Figure 5. The correlation between the top and lightest Higgs
mass for αs = 0.110 − 0.125 (region between the dotted lines).
Also shown is the upper bound on the Higgs mass in the
minimal SUSY SM. This figure is taken from Barbieri et al. [30].
the Higgs mass that you have in SUSY theories; see
figure 5. The solid line is the upper limit for the Higgs
mass and is fairly model independent [30]. It depends
logarithmically on the mass of the stop; as long as the
stop is not much heavier than 1 TeV/c2 this is a good
upper limit. Now if you assume that you are near the
top quark fixed point you obtain a much stronger upper
limit given by the two dotted lines, the range depends
on details like the precise value of αs, but you can see
for example that for mt = 170 GeV/c2 the upper limit
goes down to about 90 GeV/c2 from about 150 GeV2.
So if you are near the top fixed point this significantly
pushes down the upper limit to the lightest Higgs mass.
3.3. Superparticle Spectra
Another virtue of being the top quark fixed point is that
you have a reduction in the number of parameters that
determine the spectrum of the superparticles. Instead
of the usual set of parameters
m1/2, m0, B, µ, λt, A
you can compute the full superparticle spectrum in
terms of two parameters and there are also some
simplifications which emerge. For example the gauginos
become SU (2) ⊗ U (1) eigenstates and you get simple
mass relations
M ˜B = 2M ˜B
M ˜W ± = M ˜W 0 =
M˜g ≈
M ˜B
and in general the spectrum of superparticles becomes
3.4 Dynamical
much more manageable [17,32].
Determination of
the Top Yukawa Coupling An
interesting related idea is that of Kounnas, Zwirner and
Pavel [32] and Binetruy, Dudas and Pillon [33] who give
dynamical reasons why you might be near the top quark
fixed point. They argue that if there is a field that slides,
for example a modulus field, on which the top Yukawa
coupling depends and this is the only place where this
field appears then minimizing the effective potential of
that field:
∂Vef f (ϕ)
= 0 =
= 0
has a solution that corresponds to the fixed point.
= 0
A solution which says that the low energy top Yukawa
coupling is insensitive to its grand unified value. They
also argue that this fixed point solution may be the
lowest minimum of this potential and this may give, in
such theories, a dynamical reason for being near the
fixed point. These authors are pursuing these ideas
further and are trying to argue about the smallness of
the bottom with respect to the top Yukawa coupling to
explain the lightness of the bottom quark mass.
3.4. Vacuum Stability in the Standard Model
So far we have shown that in SUSY theories we get an
upper bound on the lightest Higgs, what happens in the
non-SUSY theories – in the SM? Actually in the SM
you get a lower bound on the mass of the Higgs and this
happens because of vacuum stability. If λ is the quartic
coupling of the Higgs field which is responsible for the
mass of the Higgs then of course λ has to be positive
to have a stable Hamiltonian which is not unbounded
from below [34,35]. However if you have a large top
Yukawa coupling the RGEs for the Higgs mass (or the
quartic coupling) have a positive term and a negative
term where the negative term depends on the fourth
power of the top Yukawa coupling.
= λ2 − λ4
So if the top Yukawa coupling is large, which of course it
must be for the top to be heavy, then you are potentially
driven to a negative λ and an unstable situation. To
prevent this instability you have to have a large quartic
coupling which means a lower limit on the Higgs mass.
This lower limit can be computed and is shown in figure
6. It is not very sensitive to the top mass. The scale Λ
in the standard, non-SUSY model is the scale at which
new physics must enter, namely the scale at which the
vacuum destabilizes. So if you want to have a stable
vacuum up to the GUT mass or up to the Planck mass
there is a lower limit to the higgs mass O(135) GeV/c2.
To summarize in the SM you get a lower limit to the
Higgs mass if the SM is valid all the way up to the GUT
scale and in the SUSY SM you get an upper limit.
4.1. The Textural Approach
There are at least two approaches to the problem of
fermion masses and several people have done interesting
work on this. First there is what is called the textural
approach. Texture refers to the following: you start with
every mass matrix, quark or lepton, as a 3 × 3 matrix.
Since you have to make assumptions to reduce the
number of parameters you can assume a specific pattern
of zeros and symmetry or antisymmetry of this matrix to
reduce the number of parameters. Some people object
that postulating a number to be zero is choosing it to be
a very specific value. The great thing about zero is that
zero can be the consequence of a symmetry. We can
think of many ways to make something zero; that is the
motivation for choosing zeros as opposed to any other
number for specific entries. There are also regularities
in the pattern of
like nearest neighbour mixing etc.
observed mixing angles that also phenomenologically
motivate some zeros. This approach was pioneered by
Fritsch [36] and in the context of GUTs by Georgi and
Jarlskog [37]. A lot of work which has been done in the
last few years along these lines [38].
4.2. The Operator Approach
Then there is a more ambitious approach which you may
call the operator approach. According to this approach
you start with first of all a SUSY SO(10) theory: SUSY
to explain the weak mixing angle and SO(10) to be able
to relate all quarks and leptons to each other. You right
down the smallest set of operators that you can that
will give masses to all the quarks and leptons. This
approach has been pursued recently [39] and it has some
quantitative virtues. Its biggest virtue is that it is very
predictive with 6 inputs it can get 14 outputs, namely
the parameters of the quark and lepton mass matrix,
thereby making 8 predictions.
I do not have space to discuss the whole technology
that is involved in this approach, it is a very technical
subject. There is a discrete scanning procedure that
gives you a discrete set of theories of which three or four
survive this test. Table 2 shows an example of the type
of inputs and outputs that are obtained. If you input
the six number in the first column, which are very well
known, you output 8 numbers. In addition you predict
very precisely things having to do with CP violation [40]:
sin 2α = −.46
sin 2β = −.49
sin 2γ = −.84
J = +2.6 × 10−5
These predictions are sufficiently sharp that they can be
tested in the B- factory for example.
Figure 6. The lower limit on the Higgs mass as a function of
the unification scale Λ for mt = 174 GeV/c2. This figure is
taken from Altarelli et al. [35].
So far we have focussed on just two parameters the
weak mixing angle and the top mass. Of course the
theory has many more parameters: the SUSY theory
has another 20 parameters about which have not said
14 of these parameters have to do with
the quark masses and mixing angles. When theorists
try to attack this problem they have to confront a
big disadvantage relative to the experimentalists. The
experimentalist have only 14 (6+3+3+1+1) parameters
to measure, the theorists a priori has three 3×3 matrices
each element of which is a complex number. Therefore
the theorist starts out with 54 (= 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 2)
parameters and wants to explain some of these fourteen.
The idea of grand unification is a great help in
reducing the number of parameters. GUTs can relate
the lepton masses to the down and up masses, as well
as neutrino masses, and in SO(10) GUTs all of these
mass matrices are related to each other. Therefore it
suffices to focus on one of these mass matrices, say the
electron or negatively charged lepton mass matrix to
explain the rest. Now the number of free parameters has
been reduced to one 3 × 3 matrix which after removing
some phases leaves 16 parameters. Since 16 is larger
than 14 so you have still not quite begun to predict
something of relevance for experiment.
In order to ameliorate this situation it is clear what
we have to do. Grand unified gauge symmetry is
not sufficient to make predictions you need some more
symmetry you need some flavour symmetry that will
relate quarks of different families to each other and
can perhaps explain why all quarks and leptons are not
degenerate with the top quark right at the weak scale.
mτ (mtau)
4.35 GeV
1.777 GeV
1.22 GeV
105.6 GeV
.522 MeV ms(1 GeV)
tan β
176 GeV
172 MeV
Table 2. Predictions of a class of models from [39].
To conclude I would like to state some of my personal
biases which are actually shared by many people. These
biases are of course not time independent†
The first bias is a quantitative one namely that
SUSY GUTs are correct on the basis of the evidence we
have for the weak mixing angle. As I have said this could
be a 2 in 100 accident and in that case we have nothing
to go by. Then there are some qualitative virtues of
SUSY GUTs, of these I have discussed:
• Naturalness:
the light sector decouples from the
heavy sectors of the theory. The decoupling is
not total the weak mixing angle still depends
logarithmically on MP L.
• The non-observation of proton decay; this is only a
qualitative virtue since any theory which does not
unify shares it.
• The fact that the top quark fixed point fits nicely
within SUSY.
Also other virtues that are consistent with having a
heavy top quark, that I did not have space to discuss,
also fit nicely in the context of SUSY.
• Bottom–tau unification.
• Radiative electroweak symmetry breaking [41].
Of course the big question is how shall we know
if SUSY is really there? and when. The easy answer
is when LHC and NLC are built.
In order to have
decoupling of the weak world from the Planckian world
we need SUSY particles to exist around a TeV or below.
Or course this is not a hard number it is an estimate.
The first consequence of SUSY is that all sparticle
masses are roughly less than 1 Tev. Before LHC and
NLC there is still hope that we may see something for
example proton decay.
Proton Decay [17,42] SUSY predicts that the proton
can decay at a reduced rate into kaons.
p → K + + ¯ν
n → K 0 + ¯ν
† As of 4:04 p.m. July 25th, 1994.
they are general
These are very unique modes;
consequences of SUSY theories under very general
conditions. The strongest ingredient is Fermi statistics
so it is not a highly model dependent statement that
nucleons decay into kaons. Icarus and Superkamiokande
may get lucky and with limits O(1034) years may be
able to see such events. I should say that in contrast
to non-SUSY theories SUSY does not make a sharp
prediction about the proton lifetime because proton
decay is mediated by very heavy Higgs-like particles (not
gauge particles) whose coupling constants are not very
well under control, so this is not a hard prediction.
Neutron and electron electric dipole moments
(edm). If you take a SUSY theory with sparticles around
100 GeV/c2 and phases of order unity you find that the
edm of the neutron is 10−23 ecm which is a factor of
100 too large. This is not a deadly diseases because
we do not know the masses of sparticle or their phases.
However it suggests that if the limits for edms improve
by a factor of 10 or 100 then there is a good chance if
SUSY is right that something may be seen and actually
if nothing is seen it is reason to start wondering about
Flavour surprises There are many possibilities for
these because to ensure that there are no FCNC you
have to assume degeneracy in sparticle masses which
is broken by weak effects. Therefore flavour surprises
in SUSY theories are possible and the B-factory, for
example, may be a place to look for these things or for
anything that has to do with theories that predict CKM
elements and fermion masses.
Neutrino masses I really do not have any idea what
to say about neutrino masses. To make any statement
you have to make a long list of assumptions that one
does not have very strong faith in. Chorus, Nomad and
hopefully the long baseline experiments will be able to
resolve this. Lots of SUSY GUTs have:
µ → eγ
The only hint for perhaps some physics beyond the
SM is the weak mixing angle. To predict it you need
to simultaneously postulate unification of the couplings
constants with an SU (3) ⊗ SU (2) ⊗ U (1) desert and low
energy SUSY, namely particles at accessible energies.
The weak mixing angle depends on the integrated effects
of virtual SUSY that extend from the Planck mass all
the way down to the weak scale. So if SUSY turns out
to be right it will be fascinating that the virtual effects
of the superparticles that propagate information down
from the Planck mass to the weak scale will have been
seen before the actual live superparticles themselves.
It is a pleasure to thank G. Altarelli, R. Barbieri, M.
Carena, N. Polonsky and R. Wagner for many valuable
conversations. I would also like to thank I. Knowles for
preparing this document from the video recording of my
talk and for his valuable suggestions.
[1] H. Georgi and S. Glashow, Phys. Rev. Lett. 32 (1974) 438;
J.C. Pati and A. Salam, Phys. Rev. D8 (1973) 1240.
[2] H. Georgi, H. Quinn and S. Weinberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 33
(1974) 451.
[3] S. Weinberg, Phys. Rev. D13 (1976) 974 and ibid. D19
(1979) 1277;
L. Susskind, Phys. Rev. D20 (1979) 2619;
E. Fahri and L. Susskind, Phys. Rep. 74 (1981) 277.
[4] S. Dimopoulos and H. Georgi, in the 2nd Workshop on Grand
Unification, Michigan 1981, p.285; Eds. J.P. Leville, L.R.
Sulak and D.C. Unger (Birkh¨auser 1981);
S. Dimopoulos and H. Georgi, Nucl. Phys. B193 (1981) 150.
[5] S. Dimopoulos, S. Raby and F. Wilczek, Phys. Rev. D24
(1981) 1681.
[6] See, M.B. Green, J.H. Schwarz and E. Witten, Superstring
Theory (Cambridge 1987) and references therein;
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Homestake mine experiment: R.I. Steinberg et al., in [18]
S. Miyake and V.S.
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CERN yellow report 85;
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964 and Phys. Rev. D46 (1991) 381;
G. Altarelli and R. Barbieri, Phys. Lett. B253 (1990) 161;
G. Altarelli, R. Barbieri and S. Jadach, Nucl. Phys. B369
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B314 (1993) 357.
[22] G. Altarelli, preprint: CERN-TH-7464/94.
[23] R. Barbieri, G. Dvali and A. Strumia, Pisa preprint: IFUP-
[24] G. Aldazabal, A. Font, L.E. Ibanez and A.M. Uranga, Madrid
preprint: FTUAM-94-28;
S. Chadhouri, S.-W. Chung and J.D. Lykken, Fermilab-PUB-
G.B. Cleaver, Ohio preprint: OHSTPY-HEP-T-94-007.
[25] B. Pendleton and G.G. Ross, Phys. Lett. 98B (1981) 291.
[26] C.T. Hill, Phys. Rev. D24 (1981) 691.
[27] L. Alvarez-Gaume, J. Polchinski and M.B. Wise, Nucl. Phys.
B221 (1983) 495;
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J. Bagger, S. Dimopoulos and E. Masso, Phys. Lett. 156B
(1985) 357.
[28] M.S. Chanowitz, J. Ellis and M.K. Gaillard, Nucl. Phys.
B128 (1977) 506;
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Nucl. Phys. B135 (1978) 66;
L.E. Ibanez and C. Lopez, Phys. Lett. 126B (1983) 54.
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Lett. B298 (1993) 356;
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(1994) 4908;
W.A. Bardeen, M. Carena, S. Pokorski and C.E.M. Wagner,
Phys. Lett. B320 (1994) 110;
M. Carena, M. Olechowski, S. Wagner and C.E.M. Carena,
Nucl. Phys. B426 (1994) 269.
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Phys. Lett. 85 (1991) 1;
J. Ellis, G. Ridolfi and F. Zwirner, Phys. Lett. B257 (1991)
83 and Nucl. Phys. B262 (1991) 477;
H.E. Haber and R. Hempfling, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66 (1991)
R. Barbieri, R. Frigeni and F. Caravaglios, Phys. Lett. B258
(1991) 67.
[31] M. Carena and C.E.M. Wagner, preprint: CERN-TH-7393-
[32] C. Kounnas, F. Zwirner and I. Pavel, Phys. Lett. B335
(1994) 403.
[33] P. Binetruy, E. Dudas and F. Pillon, Nucl. Phys. B415
(1994) 175.
[34] N. Cabibbo, L. Maiani, G. Parisi and R. Petronzio, Nucl.
Phys. B158 (1979) 295;
M. Sher, Phys. Rep. 179 (1989) 273.
[35] G. Altarelli and G. Isidori, Phys. Lett. B337 (1994) 141.
[36] H. Fritsch, Phys. Lett. 70B (1977) 436; and Nucl. Phys.
B155 (1979) 189.
[37] H. Georgi and C. Jarlskog, Phys. Lett. 86B (1979) 297.
[38] J. Harvey, P. Ramond and D. Reiss, Phys. Lett. B92 (1980)
309; and Nucl. Phys. B199 (1982) 223;
X.G. He and W.S. Hou, Phys. Rev. D41 (1990) 1517;
S. Dimopoulos, L.J. Hall and S. Raby, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68
(1992) 752; and Phys. Rev. D45 (1992) 4192;
H. Arason, D. Castano, E.J. Pirad and P. Ramond, Phys.
Rev. D47 (1993) 232;
V. Barger, M.S. Berger, T. Han and M. Zralek, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 68 (1992) 3394;
P. Ramond, R.G. Roberts and G.G. Ross, Nucl. Phys. B406
(1993) 19.
[39] G. Anderson, S. Dimopoulos, L.J. Hall, S. Raby and G.
Starkman, Phys. Rev. D49 (1994) 3660.
For early work in this direction see:
C.D. Froggatt and H.B. Nielson, Nucl. Phys. B147 (1979)
S. Dimopoulos, Phys. Lett. 129B (1983) 417;
J. Bagger, S. Dimopoulos, H. Georgi and S. Raby, in Proc.
5th Workshop on Grand Unif., Rhode Island 1984; (World
scientific 1984).
[40] C. Jarlskog, Phys. Rev. Lett. 55 (1985) 1039;
C. Jarlskog and R. Stora, Phys. Lett. B208 (1988) 268.
[41] L.E. Ibanez and G.G. Ross, in Perspectives on Higgs Physics,
p.229; Ed. G.L. kane (World Scientific 1993); and references
[42] S. Dimopoulos, S. Raby and F. Wilczeck, Phys. Lett. 112B
(1982) 133;
J. Ellis, D.V. Nanopoulos and S. Rudaz, Nucl. Phys. B202
(1982) 43.
QUESTIONS A.V. Efremov, JINR–Dubna:
In Vysotsky’s talk (these proceedings) we heard about
one more indication of supersymmetry connected with
b-quark decay. Do you consider it to be important also?
S. Dimopoulos:
I think it is an interesting result. I would not go so far
as to call it another indication for SUSY; not yet.
J.L. Chkareuli, IoP–Tiblisi/Sussex:
I have a little comment concerning the unification of
the standard coupling constants. Actually, it is not a
privilege of the SUSY SU (5) model only. We found
many Extended GUTs from SU (6) giving a perfect
unification in the non-SUSY case. All these EGUTs
containing a number of additional pairs of conjugated
multiplets in their fermion spectrum are proved to be
broken not through the standard SU (5) but through
alternative channels. Besides the minimal SU (6) case
there are good examples of natural unification in SU (9)
(Frampton) and SU (11) (Georgi) models including the
gauged quark lepton families.
S. Dimopoulos:
you are refering to theories with intermediate scales.
If you have intermediate scales you do not predict
sin2 θW , sin2 θW is an input and then you predict some
phenomena at some scale O(1010) GeV. So this is not
an experimentally testable success.
G.G. Ross, Oxford:
I should like to point out that Mstring is not the
unification scale in an arbitrary string theory – it must
In the
be determined for the specific string theory.
absence of this information you must use MX as a free
parameter – just as in SUSY GUTS.
S. Dimopoulos:
Indeed if you succeed in constructing a string theory
that breaks at Ms = 4 × 1017 GeV/c2 down to a SUSY
GUT (with the usual SUSY GUT scale of MX = 2×1016
GeV/c2) you will have succeeded in combining the
virtues of SUSY GUTs with those of strings. This is
precisely the program of Ibanez et al. and Lykken et al.
that I refered to in my talk. As I explained in my talk
the predictions that I quoted for “bare” superstrings
are what you get if you the minimal supersymmetric
particle content up to Ms, no intervening unification
and no large threshold corrections to fix things up.
G. Crosetti, INFN–Genova:
How robust is the upper limit on the Higgs masses?
Because if it is really very strong LEP-II can state
something on the SUSY model in the next few years.
Do you agree with this?
S. Dimopoulos:
It depends logarithmically on the assumed sparticle
H. Haber, UCSC
It also relies on you having tan β rather small which is
why the limit is so strong.
S. Dimopoulos:
I recall the upper limit to be 160 GeV/c2 (even if
sparticles are at 10 TeV/c2) for any value of tan β up to
∼ 60. On my transparency I showed what happens up
to tan β = 10 because the upper limit does not change
much for tan β > 10
H.B. Nielson, NBI
I would like to mention our work on trying to predict
the fine structure constants.
S. Dimopoulos:
If I recall correctly your predictions have an uncertainty
of ∼ ±20%. The experimental accuracy on sin2 θW
is ±0.2%. Ordinary GUTs are off by only ∼ 10%
on sin2 θW , yet this means 40 standard deviations. It
is hard to draw a conclusion until you improve the
accuracy of your calculations.
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ai_researcher | 2 | Novelty_and_coherence_in_group_creative_processes.pdf | Empirically Evaluating Creative Arc Negotiation for
Improvisational Decision-making
Mikhail Jacob∗
[email protected]
Microsoft Research
Cambridge, UK
Brian Magerko
[email protected]
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, USA
Action selection from many options with few constraints is crucial
for improvisation and co-creativity. Our previous work proposed
creative arc negotiation to solve this problem, i.e., selecting actions
to follow an author-defined ‘creative arc’ or trajectory over esti-
mates of novelty, unexpectedness, and quality for potential actions.
The CARNIVAL agent architecture demonstrated this approach for
playing the Props game from improv theatre in the Robot Improv
Circus installation. This article evaluates the creative arc nego-
tiation experience with CARNIVAL through two crowdsourced
observer studies and one improviser laboratory study. The studies
focus on subjects’ ability to identify creative arcs in performance
and their preference for creative arc negotiation compared to a
random selection baseline. Our results show empirically that ob-
servers successfully identified creative arcs in performances. Both
groups also preferred creative arc negotiation in agent creativity
and logical coherence, while observers enjoyed it more too.
• Human-centered computing → Empirical studies in HCI; •
Computing methodologies → Artificial intelligence; Neural net-
works; • Applied computing → Performing arts.
human-AI improvisation, empirical evaluation, improvisational the-
atre, interactive installation
ACM Reference Format:
Mikhail Jacob and Brian Magerko. 2021. Empirically Evaluating Creative
Arc Negotiation for Improvisational Decision-making. In Creativity and
Cognition (C&C ’21), June 22–23, 2021, Virtual Event, Italy. ACM, New York,
NY, USA, 10 pages.
Improvisation is a ubiquitous activity that humans do every day.
Professional improvisers perform to crowds, regularly finding the
perfect response just in time for the unfolding action on stage.
While experienced improv performers make the task look easy,
improvisational performance is supremely challenging for many
∗Work done while at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
C&C ’21, June 22–23, 2021, Virtual Event, Italy
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.
This is the author’s version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not
for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in Creativity and
Cognition (C&C ’21), June 22–23, 2021, Virtual Event, Italy,
reasons [14, 28]. Research in human-computer improvisation en-
ables us to create novel forms of artistic expression and interactive
experience that combine the social creativity and engagement of
improvisation with the scale and democratisation of artificial intel-
ligence (AI). However, improvising with humans poses additional
challenges for any improvisational AI agent [18].
One of the primary challenges for improvisational agents that
need to improvise with humans outside of small-scale research
prototypes is choosing their next action from a vast set of options
in near real-time without a small, well-defined set of goals or hard
constraints to optimise. This is called the improvisational action
selection problem [9]. Failure to address this problem can result in
incoherent behavior, decision paralysis, or repetitive responses [9].
Previous work [13] proposed creative arc negotiation as one so-
lution for improvisational action selection inspired by perceived
experiential arcs found in many creative fields. An agent using this
approach is intrinsically motivated to negotiate an author-specified
‘creative arc’ along with a human improviser, selecting actions to
best follow it during an improvised performance (see section 4).
Creative arcs are authored trajectories through a ’creative space’,
i.e., a three-dimensional space consisting of novelty, unexpected-
ness, and quality estimates of potential actions. This work adapts
Boden’s [3] definition of creativity, paraphrased as the novelty
(originality, either personally or historically), surprise (violation of
expectations), and value (subjective importance or desirability) of a
creative artifact. Unexpectedness and quality estimates were used
as proxies for the overloaded concepts of surprise and value.
We implemented creative arc negotiation in the CARNIVAL
agent architecture (section 4) and studied it within the virtual real-
ity (VR) installation called the Robot Improv Circus [10, 13]. The
installation enables participating improvisers to play an improv
game with an AI agent in VR, while an audience views the per-
formance from just outside (section 3). Participants play the Props
game from improv theatre in the installation, where an improviser
takes turns with a virtual agent to perform actions and dialogue
with an abstract prop, pretending it to be a real or fictional object
for comedic effect.
This article presents three studies that evaluate the effect of cre-
ative arc negotiation on the experience of participating improvisers
and observers. We use two large-scale crowdsourced studies of
observers and one smaller laboratory study with improvisers to
evaluate the following questions. 1) Can observers and improvisers
identify creative arcs when an agent uses them for action selection?
2) Do observers and improvisers prefer creative arc negotiation to
a random selection baseline in terms of enjoyment, agent creativity,
and logical coherence? We present our results and discuss their
implications for human-AI improvisation.
C&C ’21, June 22–23, 2021, Virtual Event, Italy
Jacob and Magerko
(a) First-person view of agent miming an action with a prop.
(b) Audience view shown to spectators outside installation.
Figure 1: The Robot Improv Circus VR installation. Speech bubble reads, "I am looking with my kaleidoscope."
Improvisers demonstrate near real-time collaborative creativity in
open-ended and poorly-defined problem domains [14, 23]. A limited
number of improvisational agents exist for theatre [4, 22, 25, 26]
and storytelling [20]. The Three Line Scene [25], Party Quirks [26],
and Tilt Riders [4] systems are cognitive models of improvisational
process, using small amounts of hand-authored expert knowledge
to improvise. These systems don’t explicitly address the impro-
visational action selection problem when reasoning over larger
amounts of knowledge unlike the use of creative arc negotiation in
CARNIVAL. More recent improvisational systems such as [20, 22]
offer exciting solutions for improvisational action selection using
larger data sets and machine learning. In addition to addressing
this same problem, creative arc negotiation also enables the system
to evaluate both the human’s and its own actions in the moment
while responding, allowing for more creative responsibility and
Creative arc negotiation can also be considered a form of in-
trinsic motivation for agents to follow a given creative arc. This
is similar to drives for curiosity (seeking out novel or unexpected
stimuli) [24, 33] or empowerment maximisation (seeking to max-
imise influence over future outcomes) [32]. Similarly, evolutionary
computing has demonstrated agents trained using novelty search
[17] and surprise search [7], where agents are selected for achieving
the most novel or unexpected outcomes instead of the highest qual-
ity outcome. Creative arc negotiation operates at a meta level to
generalise these approaches beyond pure maximisation, selecting
novelty, unexpectedness, and quality to follow a designer-specified
creative arc instead. In principle, one could also add other moti-
vations to the negotiation process, for example, to follow an arc
of empowerment. Additionally, improvisation is not intended to
generate a final product or outcome but on the experiential journey
of an ephemeral performance. Therefore, motivating the agent to
maximise any aspect of the experience would be counterproductive.
Creative arc negotiation has roots in experience management
[2, 31] and other interactive narrative research [30] like Façade
[21] and Merchant of Venice [27]. Façade sequences hand-authored
story fragments or ‘beats’ for the player to follow an arc in dramatic
tension. In principle, creative arc negotiation could also emulate
dramatic tension search by adding dramatic tension as an added
dimension to the negotiation process, while also searching through
novelty, unexpectedness, and quality. The Merchant of Venice re-
search [27] describes a visual programming method for drawing
dramatic arcs in order to guide a planning-based interactive nar-
rative experience of the Merchant of Venice. This is a potentially
useful idea that could be incorporated into CARNIVAL in the future
to enable personalization of creative arcs between players or ease
the creative arc authoring process for non-experts.
Figure 2: A participant performing in the installation.
Improvisers usually play the Props game by taking short turns to
perform quick, one-shot actions and dialogue with an abstract prop,
pretending it to be a real or fictional object for comedic effect. The
Props game allowed us to study short sequences of related actions
between players with a common prop, without requiring them to
create full narratives. A simplified version of the Props game with
a limited set of abstract props and no dialogue exchange was used
to study improvisational action selection in the VR installation —
the Robot Improv Circus (figure 1) [13].
Empirically Evaluating Creative Arc Negotiation for Improvisational Decision-making
C&C ’21, June 22–23, 2021, Virtual Event, Italy
(a) The creative arc negotiation process. The agent follows a designer-
given creative arc considering the human’s and its own actions in cre-
ative space.
(b) The CARNIVAL agent architecture showing reasoning strate-
gies, action generator, and evaluation heuristics. Partial shading
shows future work.
Figure 3: Creative arc negotiation as implemented in the CARNIVAL architecture.
The Robot Improv Circus allows players to improvise with a
virtual agent. The player, their virtual stage partner, and the audi-
ence are all humanoid robots limiting participant expectations for
realism. During their turn, the player is given a prop and mimes
a pretend action with it. After completing their action, they hit
a buzzer to pass their prop to their agent partner. The agent im-
provises actions with the same prop before hitting the buzzer and
passing it back to the player. The agent announces what it is trying
to do using text-to-speech audio and a speech bubble. In Fig. 1, the
agent is trying to mime looking through a kaleidoscope with a long
thin prop. The game ends after a fixed number of turns. The impro-
visation is showcased to external spectators outside the installation
using a virtual audience view.
Creative arc negotiation for playing the Props game in the Ro-
bot Improv Circus is implemented in the CARNIVAL (Creative
ARc Negotiating Improvisational Virtual Agent pLatform) agent
architecture [13]. The term ‘negotiation’ is used because the agent
considers and weights estimates of novelty, unexpectedness, and
quality for both the human participant’s actions and its own while
following a given creative arc. To explain how this process works,
we use a running example where the agent has been given a rising
creative arc, with novelty, unexpectedness, and quality targets ris-
ing over time, and a long, thin, cylindrical prop. CARNIVAL then
does the following process. First, given a creative arc to follow (the
rising arc), the agent uses a set of improvisational reasoning strate-
gies adapted from previous literature [12] to connect its actions
to what the human did before and guide its search over potential
actions (actions for the long, thin prop). These strategies include
mimicry (imitating a human action), transformation (transforming
various elements of a human action before performance), combina-
tion (combining multiple human actions together), similarity-based
recall (recalling the nearest or farthest action to a recent human
action from episodic memory), and pattern projection (looking for
temporal patterns between agent-human action pairs and applying
that to future human actions).
All reasoning strategies are executed in parallel to generate mul-
tiple candidate actions. Actions are generated using a deep genera-
tive model called DeepIMAGINATION (Deep IMprovised Action
Generation through INteractive Affordance-based exploratION)
[10]. DeepIMAGINATION is a conditional variational autoencoder
(CVAE) [35] that generates mimed gestures conditioned on the phys-
ical affordances [6] of the agent’s current prop (different actions
are generated for a long, thin, cylinder vs. a short, thick, pyramid).
During training, a data set of high-dimensional human gestures
captured in VR and attributes of props used to enact them are fed
to the CVAE. The model learns to map gestures to points within a
low-dimensional latent space (it learns to group similar gestures
together for props with similar physical attributes). During impro-
visation, the agent can sample from the model’s latent space to
generate potential actions to consider, correctly conditioned on the
physical affordances of the agent’s current prop (‘stabbing’ is gen-
erated for a long, thin, cylinder instead of ‘sipping tea’ for a short,
C&C ’21, June 22–23, 2021, Virtual Event, Italy
Jacob and Magerko
thick, pyramid). The reasoning strategies mentioned previously,
systematically sample from the model’s latent space to generate
candidate actions.
Each candidate generated action is then evaluated by heuristics
that measure its novelty, unexpectedness, and quality to locate that
action in the agent’s creative space. So using a long, thin, cylinder
as a sword might be low in novelty and surprise, but using it as
your unicorn horn might be higher in both. Human actions are also
evaluated similarly for the agent to reason about. The evaluation
models act on the gestural (the representation of agent movement,
say when swinging a ‘sword’) and semantic (natural language la-
bels for pretend actions and objects, like the labels ‘swing’ and
‘sword’) contents of the perceived action. Novelty is measured by
the agent as the aggregated distance between a perceived action
and other comparable experiences that the agent experienced (the
difference between swinging a sword and similar swinging actions).
The agent measures unexpectedness (as a proxy for surprise) using
a combination of Bayesian Surprise [8] and direct computation of
deviation from expectation [19]. Unexpectedness is computed for
both the choice of pretend object and pretend action (how unex-
pected is the choice of ‘sword’ given a long, thin, cylinder and the
choice of ‘swinging’ given a pretend sword). These properties are
termed object surprise and action surprise respectively. Quality (as
a proxy for value) is then computed using smoothness of motion
(how smoothly a sword was swung) and ‘recognisability’ of the
gestural and semantic components of the action respectively (how
uniquely representative was the chosen action given other potential
choices). Finally, each evaluated action and the agent’s estimate of
the human participant’s last action are aggregated to find its effec-
tive location in the creative space. The nearest of these actions to
the next point on the target creative arc (so for a rising arc, the next
action that is more novel, more unexpected, and higher quality) is
chosen for performance and played back.
We used the following research questions to evaluate the effect of
creative arc negotiation for action selection on user experience in
the Robot Improv Circus.
RQ1: Can observers and improvisers identify a creative arc when
an agent used it for decision-making?
RQ2: Does creative arc negotiation result in better observer and
improviser experiences compared to random selection?
RQ1 addresses whether the creative arc used by the agent is evi-
dent in the improvised performance regardless of whether subjects
enjoyed the performance. Recognition of the different creative arcs
would validate the agent’s ability to create qualitatively different
experiences mirroring the arcs. RQ2 investigates whether subjects
prefer improvisation with creative arc negotiation to random action
selection in terms of enjoyment, creativity, and logical coherence.
5.1 Observer Recognition of Creative Arcs
We started our evaluation of RQ1 with a survey-driven, observer-
rating study. Observers were considered separately from improvis-
ers due to their crucial but differing role in improvised performing
arts like improv theatre. A hundred non-expert raters on Amazon
Mechanical Turk [34] were each asked to watch videos of three
different improvised sessions between a researcher and the agent
in the Robot Improv Circus installation (see Fig. 1b). For each video,
they were then asked questions to choose whether a specific prop-
erty of the performance was rising, falling, or level. In this configu-
ration, random guessing would have a one in three (33.33%) chance
of being correct. The alternative hypotheses (𝐻𝐴) stated that for
each evaluated property and a given creative arc, the proportion
of subjects identifying the correct arc would differ significantly
from those incorrectly identifying other arcs. The null hypotheses
(𝐻0) stated that for each evaluated property, there would be no
significant differences.
Three creative arcs were used in the recorded performances
for comparison — rising, falling, and level arcs. Values for novelty,
unexpectedness, and quality (as defined in section 4) along these
arcs, increased uniformly, decreased uniformly, and stayed the same
respectively. For a rising arc, this meant that the agent would try
to increase the novelty, unexpectedness, and quality of its actions
throughout the performance.
The agent used one of the three creative arcs described above
in each video. Subjects were asked to determine whether a rising,
falling, or level arc was being used by the agent in that video in
terms of the novelty, object surprise, action surprise, quality, and user-
defined creativity of the performance (defined previously in section
4). All subjects were given the definition of each property along-
side the questions except for user-defined creativity. Subjects were
asked to define creativity before the rating task started and were
reminded to use that definition whenever user-defined creativity
was evaluated.
5.2 Effect of Creative Arc Negotiation on
Observer Experience (RQ2)
We used another survey-driven, observer-rating study to evaluate
RQ2. The creative arc negotiation agent used either rising, falling,
or level creative arcs, exactly as in the previous study (section 5.1).
Our baseline sampled actions uniformly at random from the agent’s
latent space (section 4), ensuring meaningfully generated random
actions that were still appropriate for the given prop. We chose this
baseline due to a lack of other established action selection mecha-
nisms implied by the improvisational action selection problem.
Subjects for the study consisted of 100 non-expert raters on Ama-
zon Mechanical Turk [34]. They were asked to watch videos of two
different sessions between a researcher and the agent using either
creative arc negotiation or randomly sampled actions to improvise
in the Robot Improv Circus. For each video, they were then asked
to choose whether they preferred the one on the left or the one
on the right in a forced-choice configuration based on different
perceived properties of the performance. In this configuration, each
video had a random probability of being selected 50% of the time.
The different qualities they were asked to compare were enjoyment,
user-defined creativity of the agent, and logical coherence. At the
start of the study, participants were made to define creativity and
reminded to use that definition during the task.
The initial experiment was also repeated with an identical method-
ology using videos with just the agent’s turns spliced together from
the original performance videos (the researcher’s actions were
Empirically Evaluating Creative Arc Negotiation for Improvisational Decision-making
C&C ’21, June 22–23, 2021, Virtual Event, Italy
removed). This was done to mitigate any potential bias in the re-
sults emerging from the human’s actions, i.e., in case their actions
contributed positively or negatively to observer preferences. The
sample size was also increased to 120 participants.
5.3 Creative Arc Negotiation and Improviser
Experience (RQ1 + RQ2)
We conducted an improviser-rating, laboratory study with non-
experts to get quantitative and qualitative feedback about the im-
proviser experience of interacting with an agent using creative
arc negotiation. The in-person experiment combined our method-
ologies from the two observer experiments and asked improvisers
to identify creative arcs (RQ1) and compare experiences between
creative arcs or random selection (RQ2).
Eighteen participants were recruited for the initial study in two
batches (six and twelve subjects) from a non-expert student popu-
lation. The number of responses obtained per question were either
twelve or eighteen, since additional questions were asked of the
second batch of participants. No other differences in methodol-
ogy existed between these two populations, and the number of
responses for each question is noted when reporting results.
Participants were first given an opportunity to get familiar with
how to use the VR system and the specific installation through a
tutorial and a set of trial rounds for the installation. Participants
were next placed into one of 3 groups at random and continued
on to complete two study tasks. Finally, the study concluded after
participants were debriefed and compensated for their participation.
The first experimental task was a comparison between creative arc
negotiation and random action selection (RQ2). Participants were
assigned to 3 groups. Each group had 1 of 3 possible creative arcs
and 1 no arc session. The ordering for conditions within each group
was randomized across participants. Each participant was asked
to perform two sessions of improvisation with the agent. In each
session, the agent used a different action selection mechanism ac-
cording to the participant’s assigned group. After improvising with
the agent twice, the participant was asked to compare the two
sessions through a survey followed by a semi-structured interview.
The session comparison questionnaire for these tasks asked the
following two to three questions (depending on the study batch).
(1) Which of the sessions did you enjoy more?
(2) In which of the sessions would you say your partner was
more creative overall?
(3) Which of the two sessions would you say was more logical
These questions received 18, 18, and 12 responses. For the second
question, participants were asked to reflect on their own definition
of creativity before completing this questionnaire. For all questions,
participants could select between the options — session one, session
two, both equally, and neither. During the semi-structured inter-
view, participants were asked questions to clarify their definition of
creativity used in the questionnaire, memorable reasons or exam-
ples of interactions that led to their responses, and other reasons
why they preferred one session over the other. Participants were
also asked for open-ended feedback on the interaction, experience,
or any other aspect of the sessions.
The second experimental task was creative arc recognition (RQ1).
Participants were assigned to 3 groups, 1 for each pairing of rising,
falling, and level creative arcs. The ordering of conditions was
randomised within each group. Participants performed two sessions
of improvisation with the agent, answering questions after each
Each session was evaluated with a questionnaire. It asked par-
ticipants whether the novelty, object surprise, action surprise, and
user-defined creativity increased, decreased, or stayed the same
over time. Definitions for each property (except user-defined cre-
ativity) were presented to them alongside each question as defined
in section 4.
We present our results on the effect of creative arc negotiation on
observer and improviser experiences in the Robot Improv Circus
in this section. We start with the results for each study (observer
creative arc recognition, observer creative arc comparison, and
participant creative arc recognition with comparison) and then
discuss their implications in the next section.
6.1 Observer Recognition of Creative Arcs
The relative percentages of participants who correctly (and incor-
rectly) identified each property of the performance as rising, falling,
or level are presented in Table 1. Note that random guessing would
score approximately 33.33%. The total parameter reports accuracy
over all other parameters combined.
A chi-square goodness of fit test was performed to evaluate
whether there were significant results between correctly vs. incor-
rectly identifying the direction of the arc for the given property.
The null hypotheses for the five questions were that there was no
significant difference between the distributions of responses identi-
fying the arc for each property. The alternate hypotheses stated that
significant differences did exist between these distributions. The
results for each rated property of the session from the chi-square
goodness of fit test are presented in table 2.
The creative arc recognition accuracies and the statistical hy-
potheses testing showed that for novelty, object surprise, and creativ-
ity, performances with rising and falling arcs could be identified
reliably. Surprisingly, it also showed that recognition accuracies for
all significantly differing properties of level arcs were consistently
as bad as random guessing.
The chi-square goodness of fit results showed medium and large
effects for a subset of significant results. The results indicate that
observers reliably noticed the intended changes in those properties
during the performance. Most importantly, these results conclude
that for observers, most queried properties defining our cre-
ative space were reliably identifiable with rising arcs, less re-
liably identifiable with falling arcs, and difficult to identify
for level arcs.
6.2 Effect of Creative Arc Negotiation on
Observer Experience (RQ2)
The percentage of participants who preferred creative arc nego-
tiation over no arc random sampling for each rated property of
C&C ’21, June 22–23, 2021, Virtual Event, Italy
Jacob and Magerko
Table 1: Relative recognition percentages between arc types in creative arc identification task (RQ1). Bold is higher between
Incorrect Correct
Incorrect Correct
Object Surprise
Action Surprise
Table 2: Chi-square goodness of fit for creative arc identification task arcs (RQ1). Bold significant at 𝑝 < 0.05. 𝜙𝑐 is effect size.
𝝌 2
< 10−5
< 10−5
< 10−5
𝝌 2
38.57 < 10−5
𝝌 2
33.60 < 10−5
Object Surprise
Action Surprise
the performance are presented in table 3. The properties that par-
ticipants were asked about included which session they enjoyed
more (enjoyment), in which session the agent seemed more creative
(Agent Creativity), and which session seemed more logically coher-
ent (Coherence). Note that random guessing would score 50% in this
A chi-square goodness of fit test was performed on all the queried
properties to evaluate whether there were significant differences in
observer preferences between creative arc and no arc conditions for
each arc. The null hypotheses for comparing each queried property
were that there were no significant differences between the distri-
butions of responses for each arc to the distribution of expected
outcomes in each case. The alternate hypotheses stated that signifi-
cant differences did exist between these distributions. The results
for each rated property of the session from the chi-square goodness
of fit test are presented in table 4.
The results of this experiment suggest that there were signif-
icant, reliably detectable preferences for rising and falling
creative arc negotiation performances in comparison with a
random sampling baseline, at least for observers viewing videos
of performances. Level arcs significantly and reliably were preferred
less than the random selection baseline. All properties (enjoyment,
agent creativity, and coherence) showed significant results with ef-
fect sizes ranging from small to large. The effects for rising and
falling arcs (with the effect stronger in general for rising arcs)
showed that coherence was the most improved, with agent creativ-
ity and enjoyment following closely behind.
The results from the repeated study with just the agent’s actions
spliced together in the observer’s video were analyzed exactly the
same way as the previous analysis. The results for recognition
accuracies across arcs can be seen in table 5. After performing
statistical significance testing, the results can be seen in table 6.
The results for the repeated observer study with footage of just
the agent taking its turns showed an even stronger effect in
the same direction as the version with the human performer.
This allowed us to remove the effect of the human on the observed
results. It also allowed us to address any potential concerns about
researcher bias in terms of implicitly shaping the videos for evalua-
tion. This is a valid concern since it is a co-creative performance
with creative responsibilities falling on the shoulders of both hu-
man and computer improviser. It would be natural for there to be
researcher bias or error while constructing the comparison videos.
However, the results from the repeated iteration of the study lay
any such concerns to rest and improve on the previous results in
terms of effect size and increased preference for the creative arc
negotiation versions of the system.
6.3 Creative Arc Negotiation and Improviser
Experience (RQ1 + RQ2)
The results for the creative arc comparison and identification tasks
are presented in this section.
6.3.1 Creative Arc Comparison (RQ2). The results from the ques-
tionnaire for the creative arc comparison study task are summarized
and presented in Tables 7 and 8. Table 7 summarizes the relative
differences in four possible preferences (creative arc, no arc, both,
or neither) between the two conditions compared in the task (cre-
ative arc and no arc). Table 8 shows the result of performing a
chi-square goodness of fit test on the combined data for comparing
creative arc sessions against no arc sessions. The null hypotheses
for each queried property compared was that there were no signifi-
cant differences between the distribution of preferences for creative
arc negotiation sessions to the distribution of expected outcomes.
The alternate hypotheses for these properties were that there were
significant differences for these distributions. For both analyses of
Empirically Evaluating Creative Arc Negotiation for Improvisational Decision-making
C&C ’21, June 22–23, 2021, Virtual Event, Italy
Table 3: Relative preferences between ‘arc’ and ‘no arc’ conditions in creative arc comparison task (RQ2). Bold is higher in pair.
Agent Creativity 64.08%
No Arc
No Arc
No Arc
28.57% 71.43%
31.73% 68.27%
24.04% 75.96%
Table 4: Chi-square goodness of fit for creative arc comparison task arcs (RQ2). Bold significant at 𝑝 < 0.05. 𝜙𝑐 is effect size.
𝝌 2
< 10−5
𝝌 2
< 10−5
𝝌 2
< 10−5
< 10−5
Agent Creativity
Table 5: Relative preferences between an arc condition and a no arc condition in creative arc comparison task (RQ2) with only
agent turns (no human turns). Bold is higher between pairs. Surprisingly, preferences are stronger without human turns.
Agent Creativity 73.33%
No Arc
No Arc
No Arc
23.53% 76.47%
25.21% 74.79%
16.81% 83.19%
Table 6: Chi-square goodness of fit for creative arc comparison task (RQ2) with only agent turns (no human turns). Bold
significant at 𝑝 < 0.05. 𝜙𝑐 is effect size. Results are stronger without human turns.
𝝌 2
64.53 < 10−5
Agent Creativity 26.13 < 10−5
90.13 < 10−5
𝝌 2
< 10−5
< 10−5
𝝌 2
33.35 < 10−5
29.25 < 10−5
52.45 < 10−5
the creative arc comparison task, our sample size was too small to
split the different comparisons by arc types. Therefore, we did not
separately compare preferences for each arc type against no arc
The semi-structured interview data contained explanations for
subject questionnaire choices, definitions for creativity, other mem-
orable aspects of the sessions, and feedback about the experience.
This data was transcribed and analysed to surface key themes and
trends among the subjects’ responses. The results offer additional
support for the effectiveness of creative arc negotiation on impro-
viser experience.
Participant explanations for why they enjoyed one session over
the other included several distinct themes. Two (of 5) subjects who
said they enjoyed both sessions equally did so because of how en-
gaging and immersive they found the physicality of interaction
in VR, making it harder to notice any differences in the agent’s
behaviour. The majority of subjects who said they enjoyed the no
arc session more (4 of 6), also said that they enjoyed it more be-
cause the prop they received in that session was easier to map to
different objects for pretending with. This is encouraging, since
their preference was not based on the agent’s performance. A third
of all subjects (6 of 18) described the novelty of agent actions as
their main reason for their response. However, a greater number
(and proportion) of subjects who enjoyed the creative arc session
more provided this reason compared to no arc-preferring subjects
(4 of 7 vs. 2 of 6). This also suggests that greater novelty can be at-
tained when novelty is part of the search criteria than with random
Participants also provided the definitions of creativity they used
and reasons for why they judged agents in one session more creative
than the other. The vast majority of participants (16 of 17 who gave
their definition) considered novelty + surprise as main factors in
C&C ’21, June 22–23, 2021, Virtual Event, Italy
Jacob and Magerko
Table 7: Relative preferences for ’arc’, ’no arc’, ’both’, or ’neither’ between a creative arc session and a ’no arc’ (random action
selection) session in the participant-rating creative arc comparison task (RQ2). Bold is highest for the row. N is sample size.
Agent Creativity
Creative Arc No Arc
Both Neither N
Table 8: Chi-square goodness of fit between ’arc’ and ’no arc’ sessions for the participant-rating creative arc comparison task
(RQ2). Bold significant at 𝑝 < 0.05. 𝜙𝑐 and ˜𝜙𝑐 are effect size and adjusted effect size respectively. N is sample size.
𝝌 2
Agent Creativity 10.89
their definition. Some subjects seemed to combine concepts like
novelty and surprise in their responses, so the two concepts are
combined together here. Similarly, the vast majority of subjects
chose one session over the other in terms of agent creativity because
of a perceived difference in diversity or novelty (8 of 10 for creative
arc sessions and 4 of 5 for no arc sessions). Four subjects overall
considered it more creative when ideas were generated for "harder"
props and 2 of 10 subjects chose the creative arc session as a result.
Subjects attributed the logical coherence of sessions (or the lack
thereof) to different reasons. Three (of 7) subjects who chose the
creative arc session highlighted a perceived narrative or story-like
sequence to the agent’s actions exemplified by the quote, “There was
more of a sequence of events. . . . like a beginning, middle, and end
to the story . . . it felt more story-like.” Two subjects thought neither
agent was coherent with 1 saying, "Both were equally illogical."
One (of 7) who chose the creative arc session mentioned how the
agent paid attention to their actions.
The statistically significant results from the chi-square analysis
for the session comparison responses, large effect sizes, the direc-
tion of preferences, and subjects’ responses in interviews showed
promise for the effect of creative arc negotiation on improviser
experience, at least compared to a random action selection baseline.
Subjects reliably and strongly preferred creative arc negotia-
tion when evaluating agent creativity and logical coherence
between the two types of sessions. User enjoyment did not differ
significantly between the two conditions. However, further study
is required to rule out an effect on user enjoyment, since 6 of 11
subjects who enjoyed arc negotiation less, described coincidental
or task-specific differences unrelated to the agent’s behaviour as
reasons for their choice.
6.3.2 Creative Arc Identification (RQ1). The recognition percent-
ages were combined across all creative arc types for each queried
property in the session creative arc identification questionnaire.
These results showed performances similar to random guessing
(at around 33.33%). These results were also not significant in a
chi-square goodness of fit test. This is a negative result since impro-
visers could not differentiate between creative arcs driving agent
actions. However, it is important to note that our experimental
design used creative arc identification tasks to understand whether
subjects could identify trends in their experience that the agent
was attempting to modulate regardless of whether they preferred
experiences with that form of action selection. We discuss poten-
tial reasons for these results in section 7. These initial results for
creative arc identification will also be expanded and reviewed in
the future after increasing the sample size to get higher confidence
The evaluation studies in this work aimed to grasp the effect of
creative arc negotiation on observer and improviser experience.
Could they identify what kind of creative arc an agent used in
a performance (RQ1)? Would they prefer improvisation sessions
guided by creative arc negotiation over an alternative (RQ2)?
The results from the two observer studies provided strong posi-
tive evidence that observers both identified and preferred creative
arcs, though this phenomenon was applicable to different effect
sizes based on the arc. The result that observers preferred perfor-
mances guided by creative arc negotiation in terms of enjoyment,
agent creativity, and logical coherence, empirically demonstrates
that creative arc negotiation addresses the improvisational
action selection problem for observers of improvised perfor-
mances. The existence of these preferences makes sense given the
body of literature on the presence of specific sets of arcs across
narratives for dramatic tension and plot [1, 5, 36] or character affect
[29]. The result that observers had a significant preference for ran-
dom sampling over level arcs was unexpected and requires more
study. Perhaps random selection resulted in more novelty. The lab-
oratory study did indicate that novelty was key for perceptions of
agent creativity and subject preferences.
The results from the in-person laboratory study indicated that
improvisers also preferred creative arc negotiation for agent
creativity and coherence though not necessarily for enjoy-
ment. The interviews did partially explain why enjoyment was
Empirically Evaluating Creative Arc Negotiation for Improvisational Decision-making
C&C ’21, June 22–23, 2021, Virtual Event, Italy
evenly distributed but further study is needed. The negative re-
sults for creative arc identification warrant deeper review. Evidence
[15, 16] suggests that interactors in the midst of an ephemeral inter-
active experience have trouble keeping track of longer-term effects.
Kelso et al. [15] interpret this positively, since interactive narratives
then do not need strong narrative coherence, unlike other forms
of narrative, if participants cannot keep track of these longer-term
links. However, their finding also implies that demonstrating strong
trends in the user’s experience based on longer-term effects would
be harder in these experiences.
Our empirical evaluation above provides initial evidence that
creative arc negotiation can be successfully used for improvisational
action selection. Further evaluation could consider longer, non-
monotonic creative arcs and their use in performances in the wild.
Future work could also investigate creative arcs as a technique
for negotiating between authorial intent and agent autonomy –
a general challenge in many co-creative and human-AI domains
[11, 30].
This article describes creative arc negotiation in the CARNIVAL
architecture as a solution to the improvisational action selection
problem. We also briefly describe the Props game in the Robot
Improv Circus installation as a domain for studying creative arc
negotiation. Finally, we contribute three experiments to understand
the effect of creative arc negotiation in the Robot Improv Circus on
the experience of observers and participating improvisers.
The results from the creative arc identification and comparison
studies for observers showed that, depending on the specific arc,
they could identify trends in the performances that corresponded
to the creative arc used by the agent. The experiments also showed
their preference for action selection using creative arc negotiation
over a random sampling baseline in terms of perceived enjoyment,
agent creativity, and logical coherence. Observer preferences were
even stronger when the human partner’s actions were removed
from the tasks, and only the agent’s actions were evaluated.
Creative arc identification was not successful in our small-scale
laboratory study for participating improvisers, unfortunately, and
we discussed why this might be the case. More positively, evidence
from the creative arc comparison task showed that, depending on
the specific arc, perceptions of agent creativity and logical coher-
ence were significantly higher (enjoyment required more study for
conclusive results) for improvised performances with creative arc
negotiation compared to our baseline. Therefore, creative arc ne-
gotiation can be successfully used by improvisational agents
for action selection and performances created this way are
empirically preferred over our baseline by both observers
and participating improvisers.
This material is based on work supported by a Georgia Institute of
Technology Office of the Arts Creative Curricular Initiatives grant.
The authors would like to thank many former and current mem-
bers of the Expressive Machinery Lab for their contributions, help,
support, and advice on this research.
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ai_researcher | 2 | LMAgent_A_Large-scale_Multimodal_Agents_Society_for_Multi-user_Simulation.pdf | JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2021
LMAgent: A Large-scale Multimodal Agents
Society for Multi-user Simulation
Yijun Liu
, Wu Liu
, Senior Member, IEEE, Xiaoyan Gu
, Xiaodong He
, Fellow, IEEE,
Yong Rui
, Fellow, IEEE and Yongdong Zhang
, Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—The believable simulation of multi-user behavior is
crucial for understanding complex social systems. Recently, large
language models (LLMs)-based AI agents have made signifi-
cant progress, enabling them to achieve human-like intelligence
across various tasks. However, real human societies are often
dynamic and complex, involving numerous individuals engaging
in multimodal interactions. In this paper, taking e-commerce
scenarios as an example, we present LMAgent, a very large-
scale and multimodal agents society based on multimodal LLMs.
In LMAgent, besides freely chatting with friends, the agents
can autonomously browse, purchase, and review products, even
perform live streaming e-commerce. To simulate this complex
system, we introduce a self-consistency prompting mechanism to
augment agents’ multimodal capabilities, resulting in significantly
improved decision-making performance over the existing multi-
agent system. Moreover, we propose a fast memory mechanism
combined with the small-world model to enhance system ef-
ficiency, which supports more than 10,000 agent simulations
in a society. Experiments on agents’ behavior show that these
agents achieve comparable performance to humans in behavioral
indicators. Furthermore, compared with the existing LLMs-based
multi-agent system, more different and valuable phenomena
are exhibited, such as herd behavior, which demonstrates the
potential of LMAgent in credible large-scale social behavior
Index Terms—Multi-agent system, LLMs-based agent, multi-
user simulation.
The believable simulation of multi-user behavior has long
been a pivotal challenge in artificial intelligence (AI), with
AI agents regarded as promising tools for achieving this
pursuit. AI agents are artificial entities capable of perceiving
the environment, making decisions, and taking action [1]. By
endowing AI agents with knowledge bases, objectives, and
Manuscript received XXX. This work was supported in part by xxx.
Recommended for acceptance by xxx. (Corresponding author: Wu liu.)
Yijun Liu is with the School of Information Science and Technology,
University of Science and Technology of China; the Institute of Information
Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences; the School of Cyber Security,
University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Key Laboratory of Cy-
berspace Security Defense, Beijing, China, Beijing 100093, China. (e-mail:
[email protected]).
Wu liu, Yongdong Zhang are with the School of Information Science and
Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230022,
China. (e-mail: {liuwu, zhyd73}
Xiaodong He is with JD AI Research, Beijing 100176, China (e-mail:
[email protected]).
Xiaoyan Gu is with the Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese
Academy of Sciences; the School of Cyber Security, University of the Chinese
Academy of Sciences; Key Laboratory of Cyberspace Security Defense,
Beijing, China, Beijing 100093, China. (e-mail: [email protected]).
Yong Rui
is with Lenovo Research, Beijing 100094, China. (e-mail:
[email protected]).
(a) Multi-agent System
(b) LMAgent Society
(a) The existing Multi-agent System is driven by text-based LLMs,
Fig. 1.
enabling textual interactions among multiple agents. (b) Our LMAgent is
driven by multimodal LLMs, involving a society composed of ten thousand-
scale agents and their multimodal interactions.
behavior capabilities, they can act consistently with their past
experiences and react believably to their surroundings. Further-
more, a system composed of multiple AI agents can construct
highly complex sandbox environments. Such simulations are
not only able to generate intricate interaction patterns, but can
also be utilized to predict and analyze events that may occur
in the real world [2].
large language models (LLMs) have achieved
remarkable success and demonstrated significant potential in
attaining human-like intelligence [3]. LLMs exhibit strong ca-
pabilities in knowledge acquisition, command comprehension,
generalization, planning, and reasoning [4]. An increasing
number of researchers are leveraging LLMs as central con-
trollers to create AI agents endowed with human-like decision-
making abilities [5]–[7]. Various proof-of-concept AI agents
such as GenerativeAgent [2], AgentVerse [8], and ChatDEV
[9] have showcased their application potential in respective
domains. Moreover, to better simulate human cognitive mech-
anisms, recent studies have granted AI agents abilities in
memory management [10], tool usage [11], and task planning
[4]. These advancements allow AI agents to make more
effective decisions and accomplish tasks with unprecedented
levels of autonomy.
However, while real human societies are inherently dy-
namic and intricate, explorations into large-scale simulations
of online user behavior utilizing LLMs remain limited. As
shown in Figure 1(a), most existing LLMs-based multi-agent
systems only consider interactions among a few agents in the
text modality, which overlooks the complexity of multimodal
interactions in real-world settings. These limitations present
the following challenges: (1) How to integrate multimodal
information and enhance the agents’ multimodal analytical
capabilities to accurately simulate user behaviors; (2) How
to improve the operational efficiency of LLM-based agents
to enable large-scale user behavior simulation.
To handle these challenges, this paper introduces LMAgent:
a very large-scale and multimodal agents society based on
multimodal LLMs, as illustrated in Figure 1(b). To enhance the
agents’ multimodal analytical capabilities, we propose a self-
consistency prompting mechanism that dynamically generates
multimodal prompts through chain-of-thought reasoning. This
mechanism can significantly improve the consistency of the
agent’s decision-making in complex multimodal scenarios,
thereby enhancing the simulation performance compared to
text-only-based agents. Given that large-scale user simulations
with LLMs are computationally expensive, we introduce a fast
memory mechanism that limits multimodal LLM calls to com-
plex behaviors, reducing system load and improving efficiency
by approximately 40%. The agent society is initialized using
a small-world network model, in line with the six-degrees-
of-separation theory [12], which enhances communication
efficiency among agents and more closely aligns with the real
Through continuous evolution, this virtual agents society
can even exhibit emergent behaviors, such as herd behavior,
where they concentrate on purchasing certain products by the
group acting, even if they do not need or like them. Re-
markably, our large-scale consumer simulations also produce
co-purchase patterns that exhibit a striking resemblance to
real-world user data, demonstrating its ability to replicate
authentic consumer behavior.
To evaluate LMAgent, we conducted extensive experiments
on the agent’s behavior. We primarily assessed: 1) the user
purchase behavior simulation capability of the agent in the
sandbox environment; 2) the comparison between agent and
human behavior and the influence of social factors on them;
3) the large-scale simulations of consumer behavior in e-
commerce scenarios. In summary, the main contributions of
this paper are as follows:
• We propose a very large-scale and multimodal agents
society, LMAgent. Based on this system, we con-
ducted complex real-world user behavior simulations and
achieved a comparable imitative ability as real humans.
• Through self-consistency prompting, we introduce multi-
modal agents. Extensive experiments on agents’ behavior
and user purchase behavior simulation demonstrate that
their performance significantly surpasses that of the ex-
isting LLMs-based multi-agent systems.
• To enhance system efficiency, we propose a fast memory
mechanism combined with the small-world model to sup-
port more than 10,000 agent simulations of agents society.
As one of the biggest Agents Society Sandbox based on
LLMs, it accurately captures large-scale user co-purchase
patterns and even exhibits emergent behaviors, which
demonstrates LMAgent’s potential in credible large-scale
social behavior simulations.
A. Believable Proxies of User Behavior
The credible simulation of user behavior has always been
the key to studying complex social systems [13]. The design
of believable proxies creates an illusion of human behavior,
allowing them to make decisions and take actions according
to their will [2]. Over the past few decades, various methods
[14]–[16] have been proposed to create credible agents. Rule-
based methods such as finite-state machines [17] and behavior
trees [18] provide a direct approach to creating simple agents,
which remains the primary method today for handling basic
social interactions. Nevertheless, manually crafting response
rules for all behaviors is unsustainable. Some scholars have
proposed using reinforcement learning methods to automate
decision-making [19]–[21]. RecSim [22] uses reinforcement
learning to simulate users’ continuous behavior for interactive
recommendations. AlphaStar [23] and DQN [14] enable agents
to autonomously learn in unknown environments, allowing
them to achieve impressive performance in some decision-
making games. However, their success mainly stems from
easily defined reward functions, which can be optimized by
learning algorithms. In an open agents society, there is often
no clear reward function for learning, and the decision-making
process for agent behavior becomes highly complex.
In our work, we employ multimodal LLMs as central
controllers to design multimodal agents. These agents possess
human-like decision-making capabilities, enabling them to
make rational decisions in complex and dynamic environments
for simulating credible user behavior.
B. LLMs-based Agent System
LLMs contain a wealth of knowledge about the world and
can generate human-like responses based on social contexts
[3]. LLM-based agent systems refer to systems that utilize
LLMs as engines to drive multiple agents to make various
behavioral decisions [2]. In this system, each agent holds its
own knowledge base, goals, and abilities. They can interact
and collaborate to enhance the system’s ability to handle
complex tasks and dynamic environments [4], [10], [24].
Recently, there has been significant progress in LLM-based
agent systems. [25] conducted preliminary tests and found that
LLMs possess the ability to replicate some classic experiments
in economics, psycholinguistics, and social psychology. [8]
utilized LLMs-based agents to substitute human participants,
endowing the agents with talents, backgrounds, and prefer-
ences, and prompting them to simulate economic behavior.
The results with these LLM-empowered agents are similar in
quality to those of human experiments. [13] simulated human
opinion dynamics based on multi-agent systems, revealing a
strong inherent bias in LLM agents towards producing accu-
rate information. In addition, researchers have also employed
LLMs to construct other agent systems for simulation or to
improve work efficiency. For example, collaborative software
development [5], [9], [26], social simulation [6], [7], [27] and
game playing [28]–[30].
Different from the previous work, our work aims to con-
struct a large-scale agents society for more realistic and
Fig. 2. The overview of LMAgent. In this sandbox environment, each agent has its own memory and persona, it can set goals and reflect based on their
memory. From an external behavior perspective, agents can freely engage in multimodal social and shopping behaviors. Their internal behavior can guide
their external behavior, which in turn influences their internal behavior. We use the small-world model to initialize the society’s relation network to more
closely resemble real-world social networks.
credible multi-user behavior simulation. Meanwhile, we also
endow these agents with multimodal capabilities, enabling
them to make decisions and take actions like real humans.
This section outlines the multimodal agent architecture and
the sandbox environment within LMAgent. To concretize the
behavior of agents, we instantiate agents as consumers in
e-commerce scenarios. However, LMAgent is versatile. By
expanding the types of agent behaviors, it can easily adapt to
other scenarios.
A. Multimodal Agent Architecture
Sociologists believe that when analyzing individuals, two
dimensions should be considered: external and internal behav-
iors. The external dimension relates to the individual’s observ-
able actions, while the internal dimension involves personality,
values, and emotions. As illustrated in Figure 2, LMAgent
offers perspectives on both the internal and external behaviors
of agents. These behaviors are all powered by multimodal
LLMs1. Internally, each agent possesses distinct modules for
persona and memory. The persona module shapes character
traits for the agent, allowing for more personalized behavior.
The memory module controls the writing and forgetting of the
agent’s memories. Externally, each agent can freely engage in
social or shopping activities, which involve both vision and
text-modal information. It’s noteworthy that to improve the
multimodal analysis ability of the agents, we propose a self-
consistency prompting mechanism to dynamically construct
prompts for external behaviors. To enhance system efficiency,
we have designed a fast memory module for agents to increase
their action speed. Next, we will elaborate on these behaviors
in detail.
1The LLM we use is ChatGPT (version: gpt-4-1106-preview and gpt-4-
B. Internal Behavior
1) Persona: The persona is an important concept in social
simulation. To endow each agent with distinct social back-
grounds and personal characteristics, we have introduced a set
of generic attributes to construct the agent’s persona, including
traits, purchasing
name, gender, age, occupation, personal
preferences and behavioral tendencies. The name, occupation,
and personal traits are randomly assigned by LLM; age is
randomly assigned and the population follows a truncated
normal distribution; preferences and behavioral tendencies are
inferred using LLM based on the above information.
2) Fast Memory: Memory mechanisms are integral to the
agent’s cognition of virtual environments and are key to the de-
sign of agents. In a large-scale and multimodal agents society,
a slow and inefficient memory mechanism can significantly
increase the economic and time costs of the system. To address
this issue, we have designed a fast memory mechanism to
enhance the system’s efficiency. As illustrated in Fig 2, the
design of fast memory is built on [6] and optimized specifically
for large-scale and multimodal scenarios. It aligns with the
advancements in cognitive neuroscience [31], encompassing
sensor, short-term, and long-term memory. A memory bank is
proposed to enhance the system’s efficiency.
Sensor memory is used to process the currently observed
information oi
in time i. It records all details of oi but
then immediately forgets them, with key information being
condensed into more informative, concise sentences cs
i , then
stored in short-term memory, denoted as:
i = fc(oi),
where oi can be text and/or images, fc is the prompt function
to guide the LLMs in information compression. This process
eliminates irrelevant and unimportant content while also com-
pressing information to save space and enhance operational
efficiency. Short-term memory stores compressed sensor
memories as formatted memory. Each agent ai has an inde-
Alex Leostudent, 25 years oldInterest: sing, dance, rapFeature: optimistic, adventurous, introspective, patientMemory: purchased the Canon EOS R50 camera.AgentReflectionPlanFastMemoryChattingPostingEnvironmentLive streamingShoppingGuideInfluenceLarge-scale relation networkExternal behaviorPart-ofInternal behaviorAgent’s personaSmall-world modelHey Sarah, I saw your postsabout footwear. Have you …Hi John! I‘m still in the research phase……Just got my hands on the new camera…#GadgetLoveHello, my fabulous online family. It's your go-to gal Judy Travis here, and I have some amazing finds …David searches <athletic footwear >.David buys <Adidas Ultraboost 21>.Name: Ultraboost 21Brand: AdidasPrice: $214.14……Sensor memory (Observations)“Alex enters the social media.” (basic)Memory Bank“Entering the social media”“Viewing next page”ActionsScoresEmbs1……Short-term memory“Alex chats with Jack about …” (complex)…MultimodalLLMs“Alex enters the social media.” (basic)Fast Memory MechanismScoresEmbs29ActionscomplexbasicTimex-x-x-xLong-term memory“Alex chats with Jack about …” (complex)…ActionsReflection & ForgettingScoresEmbs9Timex-x-x-xx-x-x-x2(a) The overview of LMAgentSelf-consistencyPrompting(b) Fast Memory MechanismJOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2021
i =< cs
pendent short-term memory base Ms = {ms
N },
where ms
i , ei, Ii, ti > is the formatted memory record.
i ; ti and Ii in ms
ei is the embedding 2 of cs
i are the time
stamp and the importance score. We use LLMs for scoring
the memory importance Ii to distinguish between mundane
and core memory:
2, ..., ms
1, ms
Ii = fr(cs
i ),
where fr is the prompt function to guide the LLMs in rating
Long-term memory stores information of more impor-
tance, which can be retrieved before an agent’s actions. We
use the cosine similarity of ei and ej to measure the distance
j. When K similar memories to ms
i and ms
between ms
appear, we denote ms
i as ml
i and store it in the long-term
2, ..., ml
1, ml
memory base Ml = {ml
N }. Moreover, cognitive
neuroscience [32] suggests that long-term memory exhibits
varying probabilities of forgetting based on time and impor-
tance. Intuitively, the older and less important memories are
more likely to be forgotten. Specifically, we use the following
memory-forgetting formula:
∗ max
I β
i , δ
f (cid:0)ml
(cid:1) = 1 −
ˆti + Ii
where ˆti is the recency scores normalized based on the span
between the oldest and newest memories, with the oldest and
newest memories scored as 0 and 1, and those in between
scored proportionally. β is a hyper-parameter controlling the
power function shape. δ is a strength parameter determining
when to consider the power function of I β
i . In this formula,
the older and less important memories are more likely to be
forgotten, which is more rational and in line with cognitive
neuroscience research [32].
Memory bank is the key to enhancing system efficiency.
The majority of what the agent observes is basic behaviors,
such as entering social media, entering shopping malls, and
so on. Compressing and scoring all observations using LLMs
is inefficient, so we designed a memory bank B = {mc
i | i =
1, 2, ..., N } to cache the basic behavior information mc
i of the
agent, where mc
i =< yi, Ii, ei >, yi is the action types. When
it comes to basic behaviors, the agent can directly retrieve Ii
and ei from B, thus eliminating the need to call the LLMs. In
our statistics, the basic behaviors of agents account for over
60% of all actions. By employing the memory banks, we can
yield an efficiency improvement of approximately 40%.
3) Planning and Reflection: Following [2], we incorporate
planning and reflection to urge high-level
thinking in the
agent. Planning involves agents setting goals based on their
characteristics and experiences, making their overall behavior
logic more reasonable. Reflection, on the other hand, is think-
ing through existing memories to gain higher-level insights.
The steps include: 1) Generating the most salient questions
based on the agent’s recent experiences. 2) Retrieving relevant
memories to answer these questions and extracting high-level
insights. The reflection results are stored in long-term memory
to guide the agent’s subsequent behavior implicitly.
2The embedding model we use is text-embedding-ada-002 provided by
C. External Behavior
1) Shopping and Social Interaction: Shopping and social
behaviors are the most critical behaviors in e-commerce
scenarios. For shopping, we designed a comprehensive set
of shopping actions, including: 1) Browsing: observing the
products recommended by the shopping system; 2) Searching:
searching for specified products; 3) Paging: viewing more
recommended products; 4) Viewing Details: inquiring about
detailed product information; 5) Purchasing: buying specified
products. For social interactions, we also designed a set of
including: 1) Chatting: choose a
common social actions,
friend for a conversation. 2) Posting: post message to all
friends. 3) Live streaming: a few “superstar” agents can
perform live streaming to introduce and recommend products,
which is of great significance to studying the live commerce
phenomenon in the real world. Notably, these behaviors in-
volve multimodal
interactions, allowing agents to directly
convey visual information.
2) Self-consistency Prompting: Decision-making in e-
commerce scenarios often requires consideration of multi-
modal information about users themselves and the environ-
ment, which is challenging for LLMs. Inspired by chain-
of-thought [33], we divide the decision-making of these
behaviors into two stages and dynamically construct self-
consistent prompts to improve the decision-making ability
of agents. For example, if we want to determine the agent’s
next shopping action a: 1) In the first stage, we focus on
internal information, making summaries P1 based on personal
characteristics Ci toward the last observation oi (such as: enter
the shopping system):
P1 = fs(Ci, oi),
where fs is the prompt function to guide the LLMs in making
summaries. This emphasizes personal features to improve the
self-consistency for the next action. 2) In the second stage, we
incorporate P1 and the multimodal environmental information
E (e.g. the product’s images and description) to form the final
prompts for inferring the agent’s next action a.
a = fe(P1, E),
where fe is the prompt function to guide the LLMs in making
decisions based on the environment E and user characteristics
P1. By decoupling the task in this manner, LLMs need only
focus on a portion of the decision-making process in each
stage, thereby enhancing the credibility of the decision as well
as its self-consistency.
D. Sandbox Environment
1) Small-world Topology Networks: To improve commu-
nication efficiency between agents and construct large-scale
social networks more aligned with the real world, we em-
ployed the small-world model [34] to initialize agents’ social
networks. As shown in Figure 3 (c), the small-world network
has a higher clustering coefficient and a shorter average
path length than other networks. This reflects the presence of
Algorithm 2 Multi-user Behavior Simulation
i=1 with their personas {Ci}N
Input: N agent {ai}N
i , Ml
memories {Mi = (Ms
time steps T , and the agents’ relationship network G
Output: Multi-user simulation logs L
1: Initialize G to small-world network and assign the persona
i=1 and
i=1, external behavior set A,
Ci to agent ai
2: for each time step t in 1 to T do
for each agent ai, i in 1 to N do
Planning and reflection (if necessary) based on Mi
and proi, and store the results in Mi.
Select the next action a from A, based on Mi, proi
by self-consistency prompting.
Execute action a according to the system process
Manipulate Mi according to the fast memory mech-
anism and add logs to L
end for
9: end for
10: return L
for each neighbor j of i, we generate a random number r
uniformly from [0, 1), if r ≤ p, we rewrite the edge (i, j):
A[i, j] ← 0, A[j, i] ← 0,
A[i, j′] ← 1, A[j′, i] ← 1, j′ ∈ V\{i} ∪ N (i),
where N (i) is the set of neighbors of i.
In this way, we can ensure that the G = (V, A) roughly fol-
lows the six-degree-of-separation space theory [12] (where
any two strangers are separated by no more than six people),
and thus resemble realistic social networks. It can also improve
the agents’ communication efficiency, as information can be
disseminated over greater distances with fewer connections.
The system’s cost increases linearly with the number of agents
N , the time complexity is kN , where k is the average number
of friends for all agents.
2) Multi-user Simulator: As shown in Algorithm 2, in this
sandbox environment, agents take turns acting, freely engaging
in multimodal social or shopping interactions. These behaviors
can change their memory and affect other agents’ behavior.
During system operation, we can pause and observe the status
of the agents at any time, or continuously run the simulation
to examine the evolution of social phenomena.
LMAgent is designed to construct a very large-scale and
multimodal agents society for complex user behavior sim-
ulation. Since we use the e-commerce scenario as a con-
crete instance for LMAgent, our experiment mainly focuses
on agents’ shopping and social behaviors. Furthermore, we
conducted large-scale consumer simulation to analyze the
group behavior generated by LMAgent, validating its potential
in large-scale social simulations.
Fig. 3. Diagram of different network structures.
Algorithm 1 Small World Topology Network Construction
Input: Number of agents N , average number of friends for
all agents k, rewiring probability p
Output: Small-world network graph G = (V, A)
1: Initialize A = 0N ×N and V = {vi | i = 1, 2, ..., N }
2: for each node i = 1 to N do
for j = 1 to k/2 do
end for
A[i, (i + j) mod N ] ← 1
A[(i + j) mod N, i] ← 1
7: end for
8: for each node i = 1 to N do
for each neighbor j such that A[i, j] = 1 do
Generate a random number r uniformly from [0, 1)
if r < p then
Select a random node m such that m ̸= i and
A[i, m] = 0
Update A[i, j] ← 0 and A[j, i] ← 0
Update A[i, m] ← 1 and A[m, i] ← 1
end if
end for
17: end for
18: return G
local clustering and rapid information spread, similar to real-
world networks. The construction of the small world topology
network is shown in Algorithm 1.
Formally, given the relation graph G = (V, A), we first
initialize it with:
A = 0N ×N ,
V = {vi | i = 1, 2, ..., N },
where V represents the set of nodes (agents). A denotes the
adjacency matrix of the agent’s relations.
Then we arrange N nodes in a one-dimensional lattice with
periodic boundary conditions (i.e., forming a ring). Each node
i is connected to its k nearest neighbors, k
2 on each side,
ensuring a high clustering coefficient:
Aij =
if 1 ≤ |i − j| ≤ k
if N − k
2 ≤ |i − j| ≤ N − 1
After that, we rewrite all edges with a probability p to
introduce long-range connections, significantly reducing the
average path length of G. Specifically, for each node i ∈ V,
··(a) Regular Network(b) Random Network(c) Small-world NetworkJOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2021
A. Experimental Setup
In our experiments, the LLM used is ChatGPT (version:
gpt-4-1106-preview) accessed via OpenAI API calls [3]. The
random seed is set to 1 for reproducibility, and the system
is implemented based on LangChain [35]. The dataset
the virtual shopping system is initialized with the Amazon
Review Dataset [36] Da, which contains 233.1 million unique
purchases and reviews information from over 20 million users.
It also includes detailed product information, such as product
names, prices, images, etc, making it the largest and most
comprehensive dataset in the recommendation field.
B. User Purchase Behavior Evaluation
To quantitatively evaluate the agent behavior in dynamic and
complex scenarios, we simulate user purchase behavior based
on the sandbox environment of LMAgent. In this task, each
agent needs to make decisions on future purchases based on
their purchase history and the multimodal information of the
products. Specifically, for each simulated user u, we initialize
it using the real shopping history Hu in the Da. We retain
the last a items of Hu as ground truth Tu for evaluation,
and utilize all other items to initialize the agent’s persona.
When shopping, we combined Tu with b random items from
the product database to form a recommendation list Ru. We
present the Ru to the agent, and let it select a items Su to
compare with the Tu.
1) Evaluation Metrics: To facilitate comparisons with ex-
isting works, we follow the metric a@(a + b) proposed by
[6] to evaluate the purchase accuracy of agents, where a and
(a + b) are the quantity of ground truth and recommended list
products, respectively. Specifically, for a user u, let Su indicate
the predicted set of purchased products, and Tu denotes the
ground truth. We then employ the following metric to assess
the performance of different models:
Embedding [37]
Filtering [38]
Recsim [22]
RecAgent [6]
Social Norms
Social Influence
in the table, the LLM-based agent system consistently out-
performs traditional recommendation algorithms across all
experimental settings. On average, LMAgent achieves a per-
formance improvement of approximately 29.34% over the
baseline methods. Notably, the improvement is even more
pronounced in the more challenging 1@6 and 1@10 settings,
reaching an average of 32.80%. These results underscore the
importance of multimodal information and self-consistency
prompting in e-commerce scenarios, marking LMAgent as a
significant step forward in accurate user behavior simulation.
p =
|Tu ∩ Su|
× 100%,
C. Agent Behavior Analysis
where U is the set of all simulated users. , and a larger p
indicates better performance. In our experiment, we set a
and b to different values to provide a more comprehensive
evaluation of our system. Intuitively, selecting fewer products
from a larger number of candidate products should be more
difficult. Moreover, due to the large scale of experiments
and the independence of agents’ actions, it inherently avoids
randomness issues and can statistically significantly reflect the
model’s performance.
2) Results: We compared LMAgent with some well-known
recommendation algorithms and achieved the state-of-art
performance. The baseline models we use include Embedding
[37], Collaborative Filtering [38], and some multi-agent-based
recommendation systems like Recsim [22] and RecAgent [6].
Among them, traditional methods can only consider purchase
history and product information, whereas multi-agent-based
approaches can incorporate additional user profiles or social
information. Table I presents the performance of different
models in the user purchase behavior evaluation. As shown
In this section, we broaden the scope of the evaluation,
analyze the agent’s behavior from different dimensions, and
compare it with human behavior to verify the effectiveness of
LMAgent in user behavior simulation.
1) Data Collection:
In this experiment, we evaluate the
logical coherence of agents by analyzing their behavior chain
and behavior content. A behavior chain is a sequence of ac-
tions performed by the agent, such as: Accessing social media
- Chatting with Mary Williams - Entering the shopping system.
Behavioral content refers to the social outputs generated by
agents, including posts and chat history. Data was collected
from 1,000 agents running 10 rounds in LMAgent for analysis.
Additionally, to benchmark human behavior, we gathered data
from 50 volunteers who controlled 500 agents, allowing us to
compare the agent behaviors against real-world human actions
and validate LMAgent’s simulation accuracy.
2) Evaluation Metrics: To thoroughly assess the agents’
behavioral patterns, we developed a multidimensional evalu-
ation framework informed by anthropology, psychology, and
sociology. This framework encompasses seven distinct dimen-
sions designed to capture the nuances of agent behavior. Each
dimension is evaluated through human scoring on a 1–5 scale,
providing qualitative insights alongside quantitative analysis.
For the evaluation of behavior chains, we focus on five key
• Believability [2], which gauges the extent to which the
agent’s actions appear plausible and authentic within the
given context.
• Knowledge [7], assessing the agent’s ability to demon-
strate domain-relevant expertise and accurate information
during interactions.
• Personalization [39], which evaluates the agent’s capac-
ity to adapt its actions and responses to individual user
preferences and characteristics.
• Social Norms [40], which considers the agent’s align-
ment with established societal conventions and behavioral
• Social Influence [41], capturing the degree to which the
agent’s behavior is shaped by or influences the actions of
other agents or external factors.
In addition, we assess behavioral content along two dimen-
• Naturalness [42], reflecting the degree to which the
content generated by the agent mirrors natural, human-
like communication.
• Expressiveness [43], which measures the ability of the
agent to convey emotions, intent, and nuanced social
signals through its content.
Here is an example of evaluating the Naturalness dimension:
To ensure robust evaluation, 100 volunteers from a wide
array of cultural and professional backgrounds were recruited
to annotate the data. The level of agreement among annotators
was found to be moderate, with an average Randolph κ score
[44] of 0.573, indicating a reasonable degree of consistency
in judgment. Additionally, following recent work [7], we
utilize GPT-4’s scoring as an auxiliary reference for evaluation.
However, we remind readers that LLMs may exhibit issues in
assessment [45], including positional bias, factual inconsisten-
cies, and favoring native speakers. Thus, GPT-4’s assessments
should be considered as supplementary rather than definitive
3) Behavior Chain Analysis:
In this analysis, we com-
pare the behavioral performance of Random3, LMAgent, and
humans. The results demonstrate that LMAgent closely
3“Random” refers to agents taking arbitrary actions without any strategic
or contextual rationale.
Positive (live-stream)
35.17 (↓41.37)
83.17 (↑6.63)
83.33 (↑6.79)
matches human performance across most indicators. As
shown in Table II, human behaviors achieve the highest per-
formance across all dimensions, significantly outperforming
agents in terms of behavioral believability and setting a clear
benchmark. In comparison, LMAgent closely matches human
performance across most indicators, with an average score of
only 0.30 points lower, demonstrating its ability to simulate
plausible and coherent actions. By contrast, Random performs
the poorest in all dimensions Interestingly, GPT-4 evaluations
rank LMAgent above both humans and Random agents, as-
signing it the highest scores across all indicators. Random
agents achieve scores comparable to humans, likely due to
GPT-4’s preference for outputs that align with its own style,
consistent with findings in prior research [45] highlighting the
self-referential bias of large language models. These results
suggest that LMAgent closely mirrors human behavior across
various dimensions, demonstrating its potential as a robust tool
for simulating human-like behaviors in complex systems.
4) Behavior Content Analysis: As shown in Table III,
human evaluators rated LMAgent’s behavior content sur-
prisingly close to human-generated content, with an average
score only 0.05 points lower than that of human benchmarks.
In the GPT-4 evaluation, LMAgent’s performance significantly
surpasses that of human agents in terms of generated content.
This outcome can be partially attributed to the aforementioned
bias inherent in GPT-4, which tends to favor content produced
in alignment with its own patterns of generation. This re-
sult indicates that agents within LMAgent are approaching
a level of proficiency comparable to human capabilities in
social content creation. It highlights the substantial progress
achieved by LMAgent in replicating human-like interactions
and generating realistic content within virtual environments.
5) Social Influence Analysis: User behavior is strongly
shaped by social factors [41]. To assess this, we simulated
purchase behavior by embedding positive/negative social in-
formation into agents’ memory. The results highlight the
significant impact of social influence on agent decision-
Q: For the social output: {CONTENT}, please rate its naturalness based on the following criteria:• 5 point: Extremely natural, fully in accordance with human communicative norms.• 4 point: Generally natural with occasional instances of stiffness or unnaturalness.• 3 point: Moderately natural, yet occasionally exhibits expressions that do not align with typical human habits.• 2 point: Low naturalness, frequently presenting unnatural expressions.• 1 point: The content is stiff and does not conform to human communicative habits.Annotator: 4JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2021
71.99 (↓0.28)
74.74 (↑2.47)
74.47 (↑2.20)
76.54 (↑4.27)
2) The Impact of Self-consistency Prompting: As shown
in Table V, the incorporation of multimodal inputs and
the application of self-consistency prompting markedly
enhance user behavior performance. Specifically, integrating
multimodal information results in a notable improvement of
approximately 2.47% in product purchase accuracy across
various settings. Furthermore, the addition of self-consistency
prompting produces an even more pronounced effect, boosting
performance by an impressive 4.27%. These findings under-
score the critical importance of multimodal data in simulating
user purchasing behavior and highlight how self-consistency
prompting further augments the agent’s ability to navigate and
resolve complex behaviors in multimodal environments.
E. Large-scale Consumer Simulation Analysis
1) Purchase Statistics: To validate the authenticity of the
simulated user purchases, we compare it with real-world JD
user behavior data6. The result demonstrates a high degree
of alignment in user co-purchase patterns.
Specifically, we conducted consumer simulation experi-
ments with 10,000 agents and collected their product purchase
data for analysis. Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI) [46] is
used to measure product associations ˙As shown in Fig 5(a)
and 5(b), LMAgent demonstrated significant alignment with
empirical co-purchase patterns, including:
• High intra-category co-purchase frequency, with video
games showing the highest correlation.
• Strong cross-category association between video games
and cell-phone accessories.
• Negative inter-category relationship between industrial
supplies and art crafts.
Additionally, experiments with 10, 100, 1,000, and 10,1000
agents, as shown in Fig 5(c), reveal emergent behaviors
at larger scales, with increased concentration on top-ranked
products as the agent count grows. At a scale of 10,000 agents,
the most purchased product (Top-1) accounts for nearly 30%
of all purchases, approximately doubling its share compared to
the scenario with just 10 agents. Such dynamics closely mirror
the ”herd effect” observed in real-world consumer behavior
[47], as individual agents increasingly align their choices
6The dataset, provided by, consists of 77,625 anonymized users
and 193,422 purchase records. The purchased items are categorized into
eight product categories: Video Games, Industrial Supplies, Grocery, Musical
Instruments, Art Crafts, Cell Phone Accessories, Patio Tools, and Office
Fig. 4. Efficiency impact of fast memory. The shaded areas show the range
of total tokens consumed in 5 repeated experiments, where the solid lines
indicate the average consumption. The pie chart shows the distribution of
token consumption.
making in LMAgent. As shown in Table IV, the insertion
of negative social information into the agent’s memory re-
duces the likelihood of purchasing the target product by an
average of 41.37% while positive information increases it by
6.63%. Moreover, the experiment reveals that recommenda-
tions from peers and endorsements from celebrity live-streams
produce comparable effects, with both sources exerting a
similar promotional impact on the agent’s purchasing behavior.
These findings highlight the critical role of social influence
in shaping LMAgent’s behavior, demonstrating its ability to
realistically replicate human social dynamics in consumer
D. Ablation Study
1) The Impact of Fast Memory: To quantify the impact
of the fast memory mechanism on system efficiency, we ran
the system with and without the fast memory. We assessed
the effect by measuring the token consumption of LMAgent
as a proxy4. The experimental results show that the fast
memory mechanism can significantly enhance system effi-
ciency without causing a notable impact on performance.
Specifically, we conducted 10 simulation epochs with a society
of 100 agents and calculated total token consumption at the
end of each round. This experiment was repeated five times
for robustness results. Figure 4 shows the token consumption
of LMAgent with and without fast memory, it indicates that
systems with the fast memory mechanism consume signif-
icantly fewer tokens—about 40% less—compared to those
without it. Additionally, it does not impact the distribution
of token consumption5. Moreover, as shown in Table V, the
use of fast memory results in negligible performance impact
compared to conventional memory methods, with the average
purchase accuracy declining by only 0.28%. This demonstrates
the effectiveness of the fast memory mechanism in enhancing
system efficiency, which provides the potential for large-scale
agents society simulation.
4Generally, the time and cost associated with calling LLMs for analysis are
proportional to the number of input and output tokens.
5Output tokens are generally much more expensive than input tokens
(a) Co-Purchase Patterns in JD User Data
(b) Co-Purchase Patterns in LMAgent Simula-
(c) Purchase Distribution Across Scales
Fig. 5. Comparison of co-purchase patterns and purchasing behaviors: (a) co-purchase correlations derived from JD user data,(b) co-purchase correlations
generated by LMAgent simulations, and (c) purchasing proportions for the top-10 products across different agent scales.
results indicate that small-world networks can promote real-
world-aligned information dissemination, thereby providing a
foundation for building credible agent societies.
This paper introduces LMAgent, a very large-scale mul-
timodal agents society based on multimodal LLMs. Tak-
ing e-commerce scenarios as an example, we simulate the
multimodal social and shopping behaviors of up to 10,000
agents in a sandbox environment. The fast memory, small-
world network, and self-consistency prompting are designed
to enhance system efficiency and the agents’ multimodal
capabilities. Extensive experiments demonstrate that LMAgent
produces highly realistic simulations of user behavior, aligning
closely with real-world user purchasing patterns. Furthermore,
when agents number up to 10,000, this virtual society can even
exhibit emergent behaviors, which showcases the potential of
LMAgent in credible large-scale social behavior simulations.
This research marks a significant stride forward in believable
large-scale user behavior simulation. With the development
of LLMs, this work can create more realistic simulations in
the future, offering substantial promise in the field of social
The authors would like to thank Qi Liu and Yanhui Sun for
valuable support and insightful discussions.
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ai_researcher | 1 | PubGraph_A_Large-Scale_Scientific_Knowledge_Graph.pdf | 3
PubGraph: A Large-Scale Scientific Knowledge
Kian Ahrabian, Xinwei Du, Richard Delwin Myloth, Arun Baalaaji Sankar
Ananthan, and Jay Pujara
University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute, Marina del Rey CA
90292, USA
Abstract. Research publications are the primary vehicle for sharing
scientific progress in the form of new discoveries, methods, techniques,
and insights. Unfortunately, the lack of a large-scale, comprehensive, and
easy-to-use resource capturing the myriad relationships between publi-
cations, their authors, and venues presents a barrier to applications for
gaining a deeper understanding of science. In this paper, we present
PubGraph, a new resource for studying scientific progress that takes
the form of a large-scale knowledge graph (KG) with more than 385M
entities, 13B main edges, and 1.5B qualifier edges. PubGraph is com-
prehensive and unifies data from various sources, including Wikidata,
OpenAlex, and Semantic Scholar, using the Wikidata ontology. Beyond
the metadata available from these sources, PubGraph includes outputs
from auxiliary community detection algorithms and large language mod-
els. To further support studies on reasoning over scientific networks,
we create several large-scale benchmarks extracted from PubGraph for
the core task of knowledge graph completion (KGC). These benchmarks
present many challenges for knowledge graph embedding models, includ-
ing an adversarial community-based KGC evaluation setting, zero-shot
inductive learning, and large-scale learning. All of the aforementioned
resources are accessible at and released un-
der the CC-BY-SA license. We plan to update PubGraph quarterly to
accommodate the release of new publications.
Keywords: Scientific Knowledge Graphs · Knowledge Graph Comple-
tion · Inductive Learning
Scientific progress takes many forms, from discovering new species to repurpos-
ing extant models for novel tasks. Innovation in science has been studied from a
variety of perspectives, including the combination of scholarly domains [12,28],
sociological factors [8], and analogical reasoning [13,17]. However, many studies
of this phenomenon have been limited due to the difficulty in finding and using
large-scale data for the domain. In this paper, we address this obstacle by in-
troducing PubGraph, a knowledge graph (KG) with new resources and bench-
marks, enabling the study of scientific research at scale using structural patterns
K. Ahrabian et al.
in citation and collaboration networks. PubGraph also provides a unique op-
portunity to compare models on core tasks such as transductive and inductive
knowledge graph completion (KGC).
PubGraph is a large-scale multi-relational KG built on top of the OpenAlex
catalog [23] and the Wikidata [29] ontology. It consists of more than 385M en-
tities, comprising authors, institutions, sources, papers, and concepts, and more
than 13B main edges and 1.5B qualifier edges among those entities. PubGraph
captures temporal information, allowing the study of scientific works’ dynamics.
Additionally, it also connects the scholarly articles available in OpenAlex to their
counterparts in the Semantic Scholar Academic Graph (S2AG) [30] and Wiki-
data through external ids. Moreover, besides the metadata information available
in OpenAlex, PubGraph provides outputs from auxiliary community detection
algorithms and large language models to further assist future studies of scien-
tific articles. Fig. 1 illustrates an overview of PubGraph schema. In this paper,
we describe the methodology used to construct PubGraph, i.e., the ontological
choices made for mapping OpenAlex to Wikidata, the model choices to extract
outputs from auxiliary models, and the entity resolution procedure for mapping
OpenAlex articles to S2AG and Wikidata.
One of the essential parts of studying scientific progress is understanding
and reasoning about connections between ideas and discoveries. However, there
is a shortage of benchmarks that could be used to study such topics. In the
past, citations have proven to be crucial in studying publications and their im-
pact [22]. Prior works have also studied tasks on citations such as intent classi-
fication [5,11,16], recommendation [3,9], and prediction [7,20]. In this work, we
introduce new large-scale benchmarks for finding connections among scientific
works framed as a KGC task. The KGC task requires models to predict a target
entity, given a source entity and a relation. The aim of this task is to support
the study of citations from a structural perspective in both transductive, i.e.,
all nodes are known, and inductive, i.e., evaluation nodes are unseen, settings.
Moreover, we also identify a community-based adversarial evaluation setting that
mitigates the influence of random negative sampling in the evaluation phase of
large-scale KGs.
The contributions of this work are summarized as follows:
1. Introducing PubGraph, a billion-scale, multi-relational KG built on top of
the OpenAlex catalog
2. Mapping the OpenAlex metadata to Wikidata ontology
3. Connecting two other large-scale scholarly metadata repositories, S2AG and
Wikidata, to make PubGraph a unifying and comprehensive resource
4. Introducing large-scale extrapolated KGC benchmarks for KG models in
both transductive and inductive settings
5. Identifying challenging adversarial evaluation settings for KGC benchmarks
2 Building PubGraph
The primary source for creating PubGraph is the metadata in the OpenAlex
catalog that we map to the Wikidata ontology. OpenAlex is an open-source cat-
PubGraph: A Large-Scale Scientific Knowledge Graph
Fig. 1. Overview of PubGraph schema. Legend. Colors: Blue → Main entity, Yellow
→ Boolean attribute, Purple → Multi attribute, and Green → New attribute; Shapes:
Rounded rectangle → Entity attribute, and Rectangle → Regular attribute.
alog of scholarly entities that provides metadata for works, authors, institutions,
sources, publishers, and concepts. Moreover, we add connections to both S2AG
and Wikidata repositories to provide a more unifying resource for the researchers.
K. Ahrabian et al.
Furthermore, we provide outputs from auxiliary models to further enrich Pub-
Graph for future studies. The rest of this section is organized as follows: Sec.
2.1 introduces the mapping procedure from OpenAlex metadata to Wikidata
ontology, Sec. 2.2 describes the implemented procedure to connect S2AG and
Wikidata with OpenAlex along with some statistics of the resolution, and Sec.
2.3 presents the model choices for auxiliary outputs included in PubGraph.
2.1 Mapping to Wikidata Ontology
To transform the OpenAlex dump (taken on April 9th, 2023) into PubGraph,
we follow the well-known and well-studied Wikidata ontology. Specifically, we
create a mapping between metadata information from the OpenAlex dump to
Wikidata properties. Using Wikidata enables broader adoption of the KG and
clear semantics for entities and relationships.
Table 1 presents the mapping from OpenAlex metadata to Wikidata proper-
ties. These mappings are selected such that they best describe the metadata field.
Here, we explain the ontological design choices that we made for the mapping:
1. abstract → P7535: Due to the absence of a one-to-one match, we use P7535
(scope and content), which is defined as “a summary statement providing an
overview of the archival collection.”
2. author position → P1545: Since this field defines an order of the authors, we
use P1545 (series ordinal), which is defined as the “position of an item in its
parent series (most frequently a 1-based index).”
3. first page + last page → P304: Since OpenAlex uses two different fields to
present this information, we merge them into one attribute to be aligned
with the Wikidata ontology.
4. score → P4271: Since this field indicates the relatedness of two concepts as
produced by a model, it matches the definition of P4271 (rating) defined as
“qualifier to indicate a score given by the referenced source indicating the
quality or completeness of the statement.”
5. descriptor ui + qualifier ui → P1038: Since OpenAlex uses two different fields
to present this information, we merge them into one attribute to be aligned
with the Wikidata ontology.
6. apc usd → P2555: Since this field describes a “source’s article processing
charge in US Dollars”, we match it to P2555 (fee) defined as “fee or toll
payable to use, transit or enter the subject.”
7. relationship → P1039: Since this field describes the relation between two
institutions, we use P1039 (kinship to subject) defined as “qualifier of "rela-
tive" (P1038) to indicate less usual family relationships.”
8. location → P1433: Since this field describes the publishing location of a work,
we match it with P1433 (published in).
9. latitude + longitude → P625: Since OpenAlex uses two different fields to
present this information, we merge them into one attribute to be aligned
with the Wikidata ontology.
PubGraph: A Large-Scale Scientific Knowledge Graph
Table 1. OpenAlex metadata mapping to properties covered by Wikidata ontology.
OpenAlex Metadata WikiData Property OpenAlex Metadata WikiData Property
author position
landing page url
first page + last page
created date
oa status
publication date
updated date
display name
last known institution
alternate titles
country code
host organization
associated institution
display name acronyms
geonames city id
international display name
hierarchy level
related concept
pdf url
descriptor ui + qualifier ui
oa url
referenced work
works count
display name alternatives
abbreviated title
apc usd
homepage url
homepage url
latitude + longitude
alternate titles
parent publisher
corpus id
10. level → P1545 and hierarchy level → P1545: Since there is no Wikidata
property to describe a position in a hierarchy, we use the closest property
P1545 (series ordinal), which is defined as the “position of an item in its
parent series (most frequently a 1-based index).”
K. Ahrabian et al.
Table 2. OpenAlex metadata mapping to properties not covered by Wikidata ontology.
OpenAlex Metadata New Property OpenAlex Metadata
New Property
best oa location
cited by count
cited by count
primary location
2yr mean citedness
umls aui
community id
Table 3. OpenAlex boolean metadata mapping to edges using Wikidata ontology.
OpenAlex Metadata
OpenAlex Metadata
is corresponding
is paratext
is in doaj
P31 → Q36988860
P31 → Q853520
P31 → Q1227538
is oa
is retracted
P31 → Q232932
P31 → Q45182324
Table 4. OpenAlex entity type mapping to edges using Wikidata ontology.
OpenAlex Metadata
OpenAlex Metadata
P31 → Q13442814
P31 → Q1711593
P31 → Q115949945
P31 → Q482980
P31 → Q178706
P31 → Q2085381
For the metadata with no suitable parallel property, we create new ones to
keep the KG as complete as possible, as showcased in Table 2. Note that for “cited
by count”, OpenAlex provides both yearly and total values; hence, the reason
for having two different new properties. Moreover, for metadata with a boolean
type, we add a new edge (main or qualifier) when true. Table 3 presents the edges
representing each boolean metadata with all the relations and entities taken from
the Wikidata repository. This choice was made to maintain a better semantic
composure and avoid creating new properties in the KG. For example, there is no
property in Wikidata for “is paratext”; however, there exists an paratext entity
(Q853520). Hence, instead of creating new property such as P_is_paratext, we
can create a new edge when “is paratext” is true to this entity with relation P31
(instance of). Finally, we also add “instance of” edges to indicate the type of each
entity as classified by OpenAlex, as presented in Table 4. Given its flexibility
to represent attributed graphs, we use RDF∗ as the graph representation for
PubGraph (as illustrated in Fig. 1).
PubGraph: A Large-Scale Scientific Knowledge Graph
Fig. 2. Distribution of publication years in the 2000-2023 period for OpenAlex, S2AG,
and Wikidata. Note that only ∼128.3M out of the ∼211.5M papers in S2AG have
publication dates and are included.
Fig. 3. Coverage of S2AG and Wikidata papers after entity resolution in the 2000-2023
2.2 S2AG and WikiData Entity Resolution
To make PubGraph a more unifying and comprehensive resource, we opt to con-
nect works in OpenAlex to two other large-scale repositories of scholarly meta-
data: S2AG (taken on April 11th, 2023) and Wikidata (taken on April 28th,
2023). Fig. 2 showcases the distribution of publication years in the 2000-2023
period for the works available in these three repositories. During this analysis,
we noticed that only ∼128.3M out of the ∼211.5M papers in S2AG have pub-
lication dates. This finding further highlights the importance of a unifying and
comprehensive resource. To this end, we follow a two-step procedure. First, we
match entities based on the following IDs: DOI, MAG, PMID, and PMCID. For
S2AG, this results in ∼197.6M out of ∼211.5M unique papers being matched to
OpenAlex works, roughly providing a 93.4% coverage. For Wikidata, this results
in ∼33.2M out of ∼38.9M unique papers being matched to OpenAlex works,
roughly providing an 85.4% coverage.
Then, among the remaining unmatched entities, we run an exact title search
and only keep one-to-one mappings. For S2AG, this step further increases the
number of matched unique papers to ∼199.2M, roughly providing a 94.2% cov-
K. Ahrabian et al.
erage. For Wikidata, this step further increases the number of matched unique
papers to ∼36.4M, roughly providing a 93.6% coverage. Fig. 3 provides a cov-
erage distribution over the 2000-2023 period for both S2AG and Wikidata. As
evident from this distribution, the coverage of both data sources seems to be rel-
atively unbiased toward the time of publication. We believe the Wikidata drop
from 2021 onward is due to the low number of papers available in the platform
in the period, and the S2AG drop is due to the potential delays in adding recent
publications. Moreover, regarding more recent data, Wikidata seems to benefit
drastically from adding new entities through external sources. We plan to im-
prove our entity resolution heuristic using other metadata, such as authors, to
cover more entities in future releases.
2.3 Auxiliary Outputs
Community Detection Besides sharing scientific findings, scholarly articles
represent the research interests of their authors. Therefore, by referencing each
other’s publications, authors create communities of shared interests. To enable
the study of these communities, we provide the results obtained from the Leiden
community detection algorithm [26] as auxiliary outputs for papers in PubGraph.
To this end, we first extract the full citation network from all the publication-
publication links. Then, we tune the Leiden algorithm1 on the extracted citation
network with the following parameters: quality function ∈ {Modular, RBER,
Significance, Surprise}, maximum papers per community ∈ {300k, 500k}, and
number of communities ∈ {3000, 4000, 5000, 6000}. To evaluate the communi-
ties’ quality, we use a purity proxy metric extracted from the ancestral graph of
the concepts connected to the publications in OpenAlex. Specifically, we count
the number of children for each root concept and select the largest root concept
for each community. Then, we calculate the percentage of the papers that are
children of that root concept as the proxy metric. Figure 4 illustrates our results
on different numbers of communities. Based on our experiments, the highest
quality communities are produced by the following parameters: quality func-
tion = Significance, maximum papers per community = 300k, and number of
communities = 3000.
Large Language Models PubGraph was developed to enable researchers to
study scholarly works from a graph perspective. Through PubGraph, it is pos-
sible to learn representations for papers using graph-based methods, which then
could be used for various downstream tasks. Orthogonal to this relational and
structural information, are textual information based on scholarly works’ con-
tent. When available, textual features complement the graph-based features and
can improve the performance of the models [2].
Recently, many large language models (LLM) have been introduced to tackle
the problem of generating representations for scientific documents [1,6]. These
pre-trained models are specifically tuned for scientific data and could be used to
PubGraph: A Large-Scale Scientific Knowledge Graph
Fig. 4. Analysis of the effect of the number of communities on the quality of commu-
nities. A higher area under the curve (AUC) indicates more pure communities.
generate low-dimensional embeddings for input documents. In this work, to fur-
ther enable multi-view studies of PubGraph, we provide embeddings generated
by LLMs for all the papers. These embeddings also save resources for researchers
who want to use textual information. To this end, first, we obtain a representing
text by concatenating the title and the abstract of each work. This approach
allows us to cover all the works with at least one of these attributes available,
improving the general coverage of this data. Then, we run the representing text
through the SciNCL model [21] to obtain the embeddings, with each generated
embedding being a 768-dimensional vector. All the generated embeddings are
released with an index to match the corresponding papers.
3 Knowledge Graph Completion
Traditionally, knowledge graph embedding (KGE) models [25,27] have been eval-
uated in an interpolated, transductive KGC setting where all entities, e.g., pa-
pers and authors, are known. However, one of the challenging aspects of study-
ing scientific progress is dealing with new publications which require inference
over unseen samples. A better-aligned evaluation setting for this purpose is the
extrapolated, inductive setting. An inductive setting requires models to make
predictions over previously unseen entities. While KGs capture the structure
K. Ahrabian et al.
Fig. 5. Overview of the training and evaluation scheme. Intra-period current links
(black) are used for training in all experiment settings. Intra-period future links (red)
are used for evaluation in both validation and testing phases in all experiment settings.
Exo-period links (dotted blue) are used in the training phase in transductive settings;
however, in inductive settings, these links are only used as auxiliary links during the
evaluation phase. Auxiliary links establish connections between seen training nodes
and unseen evaluation nodes.
necessary for this setting, many models do not address this use case. Moreover,
extrapolated prediction requires train and test sets to be partitioned by a tem-
poral threshold, so model predictions are for a future time epoch.
In this work, we introduce new resources and benchmarks in the extrapo-
lated setting for both inductive and transductive models, framing the research
question as a KGC task and supporting the study of this problem from a purely
structural standpoint at different scales and across various models. Moreover, we
also introduce a community-based adversarial evaluation setting to 1) mitigate
the influence of random negative sampling (due to the scale) in the evaluation
phase and 2) maintain the same level of difficulty as evaluated on all of the enti-
ties. Fig. 5 presents an overview of the training and evaluation schemes for the
KGC benchmarks in both transductive and inductive settings. The rest of this
section is organized as follows: Sec. 3.1 describes the methodology used to create
PG-X benchmarks, Sec. 3.2 presents a data quality analysis over the extracted
samples, and Sec. 3.3 presents a set of adversarial evaluation settings for the
KGC tasks.
3.1 Building PG-X Benchmarks
The full PubGraph KG contains a vast amount of information in the form of lit-
eral values and sparse properties that are not easily usable by many KG models.
We extract subsets of PubGraph, designated as PG-X, to create easier-to-use
benchmarks for KG models. To extract PGs from the transformed data, we first
remove all the publications with no citations that do not cite any other papers
PubGraph: A Large-Scale Scientific Knowledge Graph
Table 5. Statistics of PG-X benchmarks splits.
#Validation #Test
28.1M 26.3M
Table 6. Validity and completeness metrics of sampled KGs.
PG-1M PG-10M PG-Full
Mutual Citations
0.03% 0.04% 0.06%
Authorship Completeness 99.97% 99.97% 99.92%
Venue Completeness
92.37% 90.25% 75.34%
Institution Completeness 81.45% 71.21% 45.77%
to get PG-Full. Since these nodes are disconnected from other publications, this
step mitigates the sparsity problem and reduces the KG size by a large margin.
Given the enormous size of the PG-Full, we create two small and medium-
sized sub-KGs to allow future studies at different scales. To this end, we use
snowball sampling [10] to extract PG-1M and PG-10M with 1M and 10M publi-
cation nodes, respectively. After sampling, we remove any publication without a
publication date. Next, we extract all the “cites work (P2860),” “author (P50),”
“published in (P1433)," and “affiliation (P1416)" links for the sampled publi-
cations. We ensure to include all the available author, source, and institution
links from the sampled publications in the benchmarks. Finally, we split all the
benchmarks temporally, using all the publications before 2017 for training, 2017
up until 2020 for validation, and 2020 onward for testing. Table 5 presents the
statistics on the extracted splits of each benchmark.
3.2 Data Quality
To evaluate the quality of the extracted benchmarks, we check the validity and
completeness of our KGs. For validity, we look for potential mutual citations,
cases where two papers reference each other, violating strict temporal order.
This artifact may appear when articles have several revisions, but OpenAlex only
reports the earliest publication date. For completeness, we calculate publication-
author, publication-source, and author-institution relations completeness. Table
6 showcases these metrics on the extracted KGs. As evident from the metrics,
all the benchmarks exhibit an extremely low mutual citations percentage which
is evidence of their quality. Moreover, the small and medium-sized KGs exhibit
higher completeness metrics which we attribute to the forced inclusion of all
authors, venues, and institutions links.
K. Ahrabian et al.
Table 7. Negative sampling results on the PG-1M benchmark.
#Negative Samples MRR Hits@1 Hits@10 Time (Seconds)
0.723 0.608
588 (CPU)
Entity Type
Time Constrained
0.560 0.418
0.577 0.449
0.076 0.023
0.015 0.000
655 (CPU)
601 (CPU)
1008 (CPU)
81987 (GPU)
Fig. 6. Analysis of the effect of negative samples count on the model’s performance
measured by MRR.
3.3 Adversarial Evaluation Setting
One of the most common strategies to evaluate KGC on large-scale graphs is
to sample a fixed number of negative samples for each positive sample during
the evaluation phase. However, this strategy is prone to exhibiting inflated per-
formance due to having no control over the difficulty of the sampled nodes.
Moreover, calculating the evaluation metrics on the complete set of samples
becomes increasingly more expensive as the size of the KG grows. Hence, we
propose three alternative strategies for negative sampling during the evaluation
phase. These strategies aim to find an efficient method to be used as a proxy for
complete metric calculations. Our proposed strategies are as follows:
PubGraph: A Large-Scale Scientific Knowledge Graph
1. Entity Type: This is the most straightforward strategy in which we only
sample candidate nodes with the same type as the target node. For example,
in our case, we only sample from the publications.
2. Time Constrained: Building upon our first strategy, we further add the
constraint of only sampling candidate nodes from the nodes within the evalu-
ation period. Intuitively, these unseen (inductive) or less seen (transductive)
nodes will pose more problems for the model during the evaluation phase.
3. Community: Given a target node, we sample candidate nodes only from its
community. This strategy relies on the auxiliary outputs, i.e., communities,
generated as described in Sec. 2.3. We hypothesize that these nodes pose the
most difficulty for the model during the evaluation phase.
To test the proposed strategies, we train a ComplEx [27] model using the
DGL-KE toolkit [31]. We tune the hyper-parameters of our model using the
following set of values: embedding dimensions ∈ {50, 100, 200, 400}, learning
rate ∈ {0.003, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3}, number of negative samples ∈ {128, 256, 512
, 1024, 2048}, and regularization coefficient ∈ {0.0, 1e-9, 1e-8, 1e-7, 1e-6, 1e-5}.
Table 7 presents the results of our experiments with the aforementioned neg-
ative sampling strategies in the evaluation phase. The reported times are for one
evaluation run over the complete testing set of the PG-1M benchmark (∼147K
samples). As evident from these results, the community-based method is the best
proxy to the full metrics calculation while still being significantly time efficient.
Even if we factor in the 11.5 hours (41400 seconds) that it takes to learn commu-
nities for all the 91M publications, the difference in computation time becomes
much more significant when we have to repeat the evaluation process over and
over again, e.g., for validation, fine-tuning, etc. Moreover, the full metrics are
calculated on a GPU which is far more efficient than the calculations on the
CPU. It is important to note that the community-based method is helpful in
evaluation settings where the ground truth is known; however, in settings where
the ground truth is unknown, e.g., a deployed model, there is no workaround to
complete ranking computations as we have to consider all the entities regardless.
We further analyze the effect of the number of negative samples on the
model’s performance. Figure 6 presents the result of our experiments with vary-
ing numbers of negative samples on all the introduced strategies. As expected,
the model’s performance rapidly drops with the increase of negative samples.
Moreover, the community-based negative sampling results act as an excellent
proxy at 5k negative samples and seem to converge to the full variation around
10k negative samples. This finding is further evidence of the effectiveness of this
4 Related Works
4.1 Scientific Knowledge Graphs
In recent years, a wide range of scientific KGs (SKG) have emerged in the re-
search community. Examples of these SKGs are Scholia [19], ORKG [24], Ope-
nAIRE [18], and MAG240M [14]. Each of the aforementioned SKGs has different
K. Ahrabian et al.
Table 8. Comparison between PubGraph and the existing SKGs.
#Articles Source
Ontology Embeddings Community
External Links
(Other Sources)
39M Wikidata Wikidata
Curated Proprietary
OpenAIRE 164M Curated Proprietary
MAG240M 121M
MAG Proprietary
250M OpenAlex Wikidata
Table 9. Statistics of extracted benchmarks compared to the existing large-scale KGC
benchmarks. As evident, PG-Full has more than 2x nodes and 3.6x edges compared to
the largest existing benchmarks.
#Edges #Relations
ogbl-citation2 [15]
Freebase [4]
WikiKG90Mv2 [14] 91,230,610
184,126,885 2,201,239,147
characteristics that make them unique and interesting to the community. Table
8 compares PubGraph with the existing SKGs across various properties. As
evident from this table, PubGraph is built on a more grounded ontology and
provides much more information and artifacts compared to other SKGs.
4.2 Large Scale KGC Benchmarks
KGC is one of the most common tasks defined on KGs. Recent efforts [14,15]
have shifted toward introducing more large-scale benchmarks for KGC; however,
there is still a shortage of benchmarks for large-scale graph learning. We believe
the PG-X benchmarks introduced in this paper can help mitigate this shortage.
Table 9 showcases the statistics of the sampled KGs along with a comparison
to existing large-scale KGC benchmarks in the literature. As evident from the
numbers, PG-X benchmarks provide an opportunity to evaluate KG models
on larger (2x nodes and 3.6x edges) and more flexible (3.3M to 184M range)
5 Conclusion and Future Work
In this work, we introduced PubGraph, a new large-scale resource in the form
of a KG built on Wikidata ontology and extracted from the OpenAlex cata-
PubGraph: A Large-Scale Scientific Knowledge Graph
log with more than 13B edges and 385M nodes. As presented through different
comparisons, PubGraph provides a much-needed unifying and comprehensive re-
source for researchers to study scientific progress that connects multiple sources.
PubGraph also enables the study of scientific documents from distinct perspec-
tives through the information extracted from auxiliary community detection
algorithms and large language models. Moreover, we created three KGC bench-
marks with varying sizes to enable future studies at different scales and for both
transductive and inductive settings. Finally, we identified a set of challenging ad-
versarial evaluation settings for the introduced benchmarks that overcome the
common downfall of large-scale KGC evaluation settings. As for future directions
for PubGraph, one direction is to improve the coverage of connections to exter-
nal sources. Moreover, it is possible to bring in more external data sources, e.g.,
SKGs such as Scholia, and link them with PubGraph. Finally, another venue
is to add other metadata that is of interest to the community, such as awards
and grants, which further enables researchers to study these events in the larger
This work was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency with
award W911NF-19-20271 and with support from a Keston Exploratory Research
Resource Availability Statement: The source code for building PubGraph, along
with a data schema, is available from GitHub, released under the CC-BY-SA
license2. All the introduced benchmarks and resources are publicly accessible
and released under the CC-BY-SA license3. Due to the sheer size of the resources
(> 2TB), we could not host the data in any commonly used platform and had
to resort to self-provisioned servers.
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ai_researcher | 1 | Idea_Assessment_and_Selection_in_Product_Innovation__The_Empirical_Research_Results.pdf | ResearchArticle
Ideation; Evaluation; Selection; UMAP; PCA;
DBSCAN; LLM; Mathematical Framework;
Embedding; Conversational AI
*Author for correspondence. Email:
[email protected]
A Novel Mathematical Framework for Objective
Characterization of Ideas through Vector
Embeddings in LLM
B. Sankar*,1 and Dibakar Sen2
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India - 560012
2Department of Design and Manufacturing (erstwhile CPDM), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India
- 560012
The demand for innovation in product design necessitates a prolific ideation phase.
Conversational AI (CAI) systems that use Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT
(Generative Pre-trained Transformer) have been shown to be fruitful in augmenting human
creativity, providing numerous novel and diverse ideas. Despite the success in ideation
quantity, the qualitative assessment of these ideas remains challenging and traditionally reliant
on expert human evaluation. This method suffers from limitations such as human judgment
errors, bias, and oversight. Addressing this gap, our study introduces a comprehensive
mathematical framework for automated analysis to objectively evaluate the plethora of ideas
generated by CAI systems and/or humans. This framework is particularly advantageous for
novice designers who lack experience in selecting promising ideas. By converting the ideas
into higher dimensional vectors and quantitatively measuring the diversity between them
using tools such as UMAP, DBSCAN and PCA, the proposed method provides a reliable and
objective way of selecting the most promising ideas, thereby enhancing the efficiency of the
ideation phase.
The advent of Conversational AI (CAI) technologies, particularly large language models
(LLMs) like GPT, Llama, Gemini, etc., has revolutionized the field of natural language
processing (Yuhan, Xiuying, and Rui 2023). These tools offer unprecedented capabilities
in generating coherent and contextually relevant text, facilitating new forms of co-creation
and collaboration in both individual and group settings (Meyer, Urbanowicz, and Martin
2023). In recent times, since its major outbreak, these models have found their way
into several applications, such as Content Generation, Customer Service, Education,
Healthcare, Research and Development, Entertainment, Translation and Localization,
Personal Assistants, etc. (Desmond et al. 2024a). Among these applications, the ability to
generate new human-like content holds significant value in various domains. One such
field that stands to benefit greatly is product design (G. E. Gonzalez et al., n.d.). Particularly
during the conceptual design phase, designers are tasked with generating ideas—a process
that involves the creation of new content (Liu et al. 2023). Recently, the application of
Conversational Artificial Intelligence (CAI) models in this context has garnered increasing
attention (Shaer et al., n.d.). The authors of this paper have also previously published their
research on utilizing CAI as a tool for idea generation in product design.
Conversational AI models have significant implications for the creative content
generation process, encompassing both the divergence stage of idea generation and the
convergence stage of evaluation and selection of ideasShaer et al. 2024a. During the
divergence stage, LLMs can generate numerous ideas rapidly, providing a rich pool of
options for further refinement and selection. This capability is particularly advantageous
in brainstorming sessions, where the goal is to produce a wide array of ideas without
immediate judgment (Shaer et al., n.d.). The increasing availability of LLMs, such as
GPT, has enabled widespread adoption in various domains, including creative writing,
design, and problem-solving (Shaer et al. 2024b). These models can generate text that is
often indistinguishable from human-written content, making them valuable tools for
augmenting human creativity Shaer et al. 2024a during the ideation process. However,
the integration of LLMs into the creative process also necessitates robust evaluation
mechanisms to ensure the quality and relevance of the generated ideas.
B. Sankar et al.
A crucial aspect of using LLMs in idea generation is
distinguishing between AI-generated and human-generated
content. Participants in various studies have emphasized the
importance of clearly identifying AI contributions, often
using visual cues like icons and outlines G. Gonzalez et al.
This distinction not only aids in assigning credit but also helps
maintain accountability and ethical considerations
collaborative settings. For instance, capturing the prompt that
resulted in the AI output and acknowledging the user who
can provide
accountability in the ideation process.
The ability to generate a diverse range of ideas is vital for
effective ideation. Participants have recognized the need for
generating unexpected or provocative ideas to stimulate
creative thinking G. Gonzalez et al. Novelty and diversity are
essential dimensions of idea quality, as they contribute to the
originality and uniqueness of the generated ideas (Fiorineschi
and Rotini 2023). While traditional tools may lack controls
for low-level generative parameters, modern LLMs can be
prompted to evaluate their own ideas for relevance, thereby
filtering out less pertinent suggestions and enhancing the
overall quality of the ideation process. For example, adjusting
the temperature parameter in LLMs can control
randomness and creativity of the generated ideas. Higher
temperatures result in more diverse and creative outputs,
while lower temperatures produce more focused and
predictable ideas.
Group brainstorming sessions often face barriers such as
peer judgment, free riding, and production blocking, which
can limit the effectiveness of the ideation process Shaer
et al. 2024a. Peer judgment refers to the influence of group
members’ opinions on individual contributions, which can
discourage the sharing of unconventional ideas. Free riding
occurs when some group members rely on others to
leading to reduced individual participation.
Production blocking happens when group members wait for
their turn to share ideas, resulting in lost opportunities for
spontaneous ideation. Online visual workspaces and the
integration of LLMs into these platforms offer new avenues
for enhancing group creativity by providing diverse
perspectives and reducing evaluation apprehension Desmond
et al. 2024b. While holistic measures can be efficient, they
often conflate multiple constructs, leading to inconsistencies
in ratings. Therefore, a more granular approach is necessary
to capture the specific aspects of idea quality systematically.
For example, using a well-defined set of criteria can provide a
structured and consistent evaluation framework.
Evaluating the quality of ideas is a critical aspect of the
creative process. Traditional methods for idea evaluation can be
broadly categorized into subjective and objective evaluations.
Subjective evaluations have traditionally been the
cornerstone of idea assessment. These evaluations often
involve human judges who rate the quality of ideas based on
personal judgment, which can be influenced by individual
biases and inconsistencies (Ben Ahmed et al. 2010). While
subjective evaluations can capture nuanced insights, they are
inherently limited by their lack of scalability and potential for
variability Dean et al. 2006. For example, one rater may
intuitively include novelty or workability in their evaluation,
while another may not, leading to different ratings. Moreover,
a single rater may be inconsistent across ideas because
different constructs may seem more important to some ideas
than others (Boudier et al. 2023). Thus, despite their
efficiency, holistic measures do not address specific evaluation
components in a predictable way.
Several researchers (Fiorineschi and Rotini 2023; Kim and
Maher 2023; Christensen and Ball 2016; Nelson et al. 2009;
Linsey et al. 2011; Bryant et al. 2005; Puccio and Cabra 2012;
Kurtoglu, Campbell, and Linsey 2009; Karimi et al. 2019;
Han et al. 2018) have reported multiple dimensions for the
subjective evaluation of ideas, each capturing a specific aspect
of idea quality. The following are some of the key dimensional
metrics identified from various literature.
• Novelty: The degree to which the idea is new and not
• Rarity: The uniqueness of the idea compared to existing
• Originality: The novelty and innovativeness of the idea.
• Usefulness: The practical applicability of the idea.
• Relevance: The extent to which the idea is connected to
the problem statement.
• Workability: The feasibility and implementability of the
• Diversity: The range and variety of different ideas.
• Quantity: The total number of ideas generated.
• Quality: The overall excellence of the idea.
• Creativity: The degree of imagination and inventiveness
in the idea.
• Thoroughness (Specificity): The level of detail and
specificity in the idea.
• Feasibility: The practicality and achievability of the idea.
• Effectiveness: The potential impact and success of the idea.
innovation and
The degree of
• Innovativeness:
breakthrough thinking in the idea.
• Impact: The potential effect and influence of the idea.
• Utility: The usefulness and benefits of the idea.
• Practicality: The ease of implementation and practicality
of the idea.
• Insightfulness: The depth of understanding and insight
reflected in the idea.
assessments by employing systematic
Objective evaluations aim to mitigate the limitations of
quantifiable metrics. Traditional automatic metrics like
BLEU, ROUGE, and METEOR have been used to evaluate
natural language generation systems (Blagec et al. 2022), but
these metrics often show a low correlation with human
judgments (Yang et al. 2023). To the best of the author’s
knowledge, there are no objective evaluation metrics similar
to subjective evaluation metrics that align with human
judgment. Hence, one of the novel contributions of this
research work involves developing certain dimensional
metrics that correlate with human judgement.
The use of AI for evaluating ideas promises increased speed
and objectivity. Various types of AI evaluation systems have
been explored by several researchers, each offering unique
advantages and challenges:
1. N-gram-Based Metrics: These metrics evaluate text
based on term frequency and inverse document frequency.
While they are simple and computationally efficient, they
often fail to capture semantic meaning and contextual
relevance (Kim, Baldwin, and Kan 2010).
2. Embedding-Based Metrics: These metrics measure the
semantic similarity between generated text and reference text
based on word or sentence embeddings. Examples include
WMD, BERTScore, and MoverScore. Embedding-based
metrics offer a more robust measure of semantic similarity by
capturing contextual nuances (Yang et al. 2023).
3. Task-Specific Evaluators: These evaluators are fine-
tuned for specific tasks, such as dialogue generation or report
generation. They provide tailored evaluations based on task-
specific criteria (Dahlander et al. 2023).
4. Unified Evaluators: These evaluators offer a generalized
framework for evaluating multiple types of NLG tasks. They
provide a consistent evaluation approach across different tasks
and domains (Zhong et al. 2022).
5. LLM-Based Evaluators: These evaluators, such as
Prometheus, use large language models to assess generative
outputs based on custom score rubrics. They have shown a
high correlation with human judgments and offer a scalable
alternative to human evaluation. However, such a system has
not been explored for idea evaluation in the product design
domain. (Desmond et al. 2024b).
Despite the promise of AI-based evaluation systems,
challenges like prompt sensitivity, bias, and hallucinations
remain. Ensuring robust and transparent evaluation processes,
integrating human oversight, and validating evaluation
criteria are essential for enhancing the reliability and validity
of AI-based evaluations.
The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and
natural language processing (NLP) have ushered in a new era
of innovation, particularly in the realm of idea generation.
Conversational AI (CAI) systems, powered by large language
such as GPT, have been shown to
demonstrate unprecedented capabilities
in generating
numerous ideas within a short period. This transformative
potential of CAI systems necessitates the development of
automated, objective methods for evaluating the vast quantity
of ideas they produce.
In traditional creative processes, human designers
generate ideas through brainstorming sessions, individual
reflection, and collaborative discussions. The volume of ideas
produced in these settings is typically manageable, allowing
human experts to evaluate and rate each idea subjectively.
This manual evaluation process, although time-consuming,
from the nuanced judgment and contextual
understanding of human evaluators. However, the advent of
CAI systems has fundamentally altered the landscape of idea
generation. These systems can produce an overwhelming
number of ideas in a fraction of the time it would take human
designers. While this capability significantly enhances the
creative process by providing a rich pool of potential
solutions, it also introduces the challenge of idea abundance.
The sheer volume of ideas generated by CAI systems renders
manual evaluation impractical and inefficient.
Given the impracticality of manual evaluation, there is a
pressing need for automated methods to assess and evaluate
the ideas generated by CAI systems. Such methods must be
objective to ensure consistency, scalability, and reliability in
the evaluation process. Objective evaluation is particularly
crucial in scenarios where the ideas generated are used to
inform critical decision-making processes, such as product
design, strategic planning, and innovation management.
This paper proposes a systematic mathematical framework
for the objective evaluation of the ideation process. We can
apply quantitative metrics to assess their quality, relevance, and
diversity by representing ideas as mathematical entities, such
as vectors in high-dimensional space. This approach enables
the systematic evaluation of ideas based on clearly defined
measures, eliminating the subjectivity and variability inherent
in manual evaluations.
Embedding-based methods are inherently statistical,
necessitating a large set of sample ideas to ensure robust and
meaningful analysis. However, obtaining such extensive
datasets from human participants often results in a loss of
uniformity and a limited number of ideas, complicating
systematic analysis. To address this challenge, we leveraged a
CAI-based ideation tool, as previously published in our work,
which facilitates the generation of a large set of ideas within a
specific structured framework. This tool enabled us to
generate the necessary sample ideas for the development and
For the sake of
validation of our evaluation method.
completeness, the following section briefly describes the
CAI-based generation process, providing context for its role
in our study.
2. Idea Generation using CAI
Idea generation is a cognitively expensive process that
requires experience to master (Sankar and Sen 2023). Novice
designers often face the struggle to generate a large variety of
novel ideas. Conversational AI (CAI) systems powered by
advanced natural language processing (NLP) models have
been reported in our earlier work (Sankar and Sen 2024) for
generating a required number of
ideas quickly. The
conversational AI system leverages large language models to
generate text based on given prompts. These models are
trained on extensive datasets, enabling them to understand
and generate human-like text across various domains. In the
context of idea generation, (Sankar and Sen 2024) established
that CAI-based ideation facilitates the creative process by
overcoming human cognitive limitations such as fatigue and
design fixation.
2.1. Idea Representation using AOC
A Custom-built interface was developed for generating ideas,
as shown in Figure 1 with labels for different fields. The
B. Sankar et al.
response of the CAI system is managed with a field marked as
’creativity slider’, which adjusts the parameter commonly
called temperature; a higher temperature setting produces
more diverse outputs, while a lower temperature setting
produces focused and predictable ideas.
In order for CAI to present ideas that are similarly detailed,
coherent, and easily interpretable, an Action-Object-Context
(AOC) model was developed. Here, action describes what the
idea aims to achieve or perform; object refers to the entity
involved in the action, and context provides the situation where
the action happens. The ideas generated are stored as a JSON
file for further investigation.
Figure 1. Interface of the Design Chatbot of the Custom-Built Conversational
AI (CAI) Tool
2.2. Generating Ideas Using AOC
The problem statements serve as prompts for the CAI system,
guiding the generation of relevant ideas. For this study, we
used the following six distinct problem statements.
• PS1: Product for segregation as a means for effective waste
• PS2: Product for footwear disinfection and cleaning for
improved hygiene and safety
• PS3: Product for enhancing household dish cleaning
efficiency and sustainability
• PS4: Product for enhancing comfort and efficiency for
prolonged standing in queues
• PS5: Product for bird-feeding for fostering mental well-
being of elderly individuals at Home
• PS6: Product for convenient umbrella drying and storage
on travel
The CAI tool uses these prompts to generate 100 ideas
for each problem statement, each structured according to the
AOC model. A representative sample of CAI-generated ideas
is shown in Table 1. 1
1. Any human-generated ideas can also be processed in subsequent sections
if they are presented as per the AOC structure.
2.3. Advantages of Using CAI for Idea Generation
Using the CAI tool for idea generation offers the following
Speed and Efficiency: The CAI tool can generate many ideas
in a fraction of the time it would take human designers. This
rapid ideation accelerates the creative process and allows for
exploring a broader idea space.
Overcoming Cognitive Limitations: The CAI tool is not
subject to human cognitive limitations such as fatigue, design
This enables a more
comprehensive and unbiased exploration of the idea space.
and mental blocks.
Standardization and Consistency: The AOC model provides
a standardized format
for representing ideas, ensuring
consistency and coherence in the generated ideas. This
standardization facilitates easier assessment and comparison of
3. Characteristics of Idea Exploration
Idea exploration involves generating a wide range of ideas to
solve a given problem, with the aim of identifying unique,
novel, and effective solutions.
3.1. Concept of Idea Space
The concept of idea space is rooted in several theoretical
frameworks in creativity research and cognitive psychology.
One such framework is the Geneplore Model (Hunt 1994;
Ward 2004), which posits that creative cognition involves two
main processes: generation and exploration. In the generation
phase, individuals produce a variety of mental representations
known as pre-inventive structures. In the exploration phase,
these structures are elaborated, refined, and evaluated to
produce novel and useful ideas.
Another relevant theory is the Conceptual Blending
Theory (Fauconnier and Turner 2003), which suggests that
creative ideas arise from the combination of different distinct
mental sub-spaces. By blending elements from different
sub-spaces, individuals can generate new ideas that transcend
the limitations of any single domain.
Thus, the idea space, also known as the solution space,
represents the entire range of potential ideas that can be
generated to address a specific problem. For the context of
this paper, the authors define Idea Space as a multi-dimensional
conceptual space where each point corresponds to a unique idea. In
an ideal scenario, this space should be uniformly explored to
uncover diverse and innovative solutions.
Designers navigate this idea space using their cognitive
abilities, drawing on their knowledge, experience, and
creativity. However, the exploration of idea space is not
always uniform. Designers may face cognitive bottlenecks
that hinder their ability to generate a wide range of ideas,
leading to clusters of similar ideas and gaps in other space
Table 1. A Sample List of 100 Ideas Generated by the CAI in the AOC Structure for Each of the Six Problem Statements
S. No.
Title of the Idea
Problem Statement 1: Product for segregation as a means for effective waste management
Smart Segregation Bins
Automatically sort waste
Use sensors and AI to identify and segregate waste
into recyclables, organics, and general waste
Colour-Coded Waste Bags
Visually indicate waste
Waste Bags
Provide different coloured bags for different types of
waste to encourage proper segregation at the source
Educate and guide users
Mobile App
An app that teaches waste segregation and helps
track the environmental impact of proper waste
4 - 100
Problem Statement 2: Product for convenient umbrella drying and storage on travel
Umbrella Case
Magnetically attaches and
speeds up drying
Umbrella Case
Useful for attaching to metal doors or lockers,
particularly in public areas or small apartments
Solar-Powered Outdoor
Umbrella Stand
Uses solar energy to dry
Umbrella Stand
Ideal for eco-friendly outdoor storage solutions like
patios or gardens
Automated Umbrella Spin
Spins the umbrella to shed
Spin Dryer
Perfect for entrance areas, offering a quick method
to reduce dripping water from freshly used umbrellas
4 - 100
Problem Statement 3: Product for footwear disinfection and cleaning for improved hygiene and safety
UV Sanitization Mat
Disinfects using UV light
Placed at the entrance of homes or offices to sanitize
shoes upon entry
Self-Cleaning Smart Shoe
Automatically cleans and
Shoe Cabinet
For storage of shoes with built-in disinfection
Antibacterial Shoe Spray
Spray Dispenser
A hands-free dispenser that applies a disinfectant to
4 - 100
Problem Statement 4: Product for enhancing household dish cleaning efficiency and sustainability
4 - 100
Cleans using sustainable
Dish Scrubber
Made from biodegradable materials to scrub dishes
effectively while being environmentally friendly
Regulates water flow
Sink Attachment
It limits water usage during dish cleaning without
compromising on cleanliness.
Harnesses solar power to save electricity and reduce
carbon footprint for household dish cleaning.
Problem Statement 5: Product for enhancing comfort and efficiency for prolonged standing in queues
Portable Foot Roller
Massage and relax feet
Foot Roller
Provides relief from standing fatigue
Queue Companion Stool
Allows rest without losing place in the queue
Mobile Queue Barrier
Guide and organize queue
Streamlines queues to prevent overcrowding
4 - 100
Problem Statement 6: Product for bird-feeding for fostering mental well-being of elderly individuals at Home
Smart-Connect Birdhouse
Chirp-O-Meter Feeder
Measures bird activity
Bird Feeder
Garden Flight Paths
Guides Birds
Allows elderly individuals to watch and interact with
birds via a smartphone app, promoting a sense of
connection with nature.
Logs the frequency of bird visits, providing elderly
users with a fun way to track and anticipate bird
Designs in the garden that attract specific species to
feeding spots, offering a visually stimulating activity
for the elderly.
4 - 100
B. Sankar et al.
3.1.1. Cognitive Processes Involved in Exploration of Idea Space
Exploring the idea space involves complex cognitive processes
that include divergent thinking, convergent thinking, and
analogical reasoning:
Divergent Thinking: The ability to generate multiple,
diverse ideas from a single starting point. Divergent thinking
is crucial for expanding the breadth of the idea space.
Convergent Thinking: The ability to evaluate and refine
ideas to identify the most promising solutions. Convergent
thinking is essential for exploring the depth of the idea space.
Analogical Reasoning: The ability to draw parallels
between different domains or contexts to generate novel ideas.
Analogical reasoning facilitates the blending of different
conceptual spaces.
3.1.2. Challenges in the Exploration of Idea Space
Despite the potential for generating innovative solutions,
exploring the idea space is fraught with challenges (Sankar
and Sen 2024). Designers often face cognitive bottlenecks
that hinder
their ability to explore the idea space
comprehensively. These bottlenecks are classified by the
authors (Sankar and Sen 2024). For sake of completion, the
bottlenecks are given below:
Design Fixation: A tendency to become fixated on a
particular idea, limiting the exploration of the idea space.
Cognitive Biases: Systematic patterns of deviation from
such as
rationality in judgment and decision-making,
confirmation bias and anchoring.
Lack of Domain Knowledge and/or Experience: Insufficient
knowledge or experience in a particular domain can restrict
the ability to generate diverse and relevant ideas from different
corners of the idea space.
Mental Block: Limited time, budget, and technological
resources can constrain the exploration of the idea space.
3.2. Measures for Quantifying Exploration of Idea Space
To objectively assess the exploration of idea space, we introduce
two key measures: dispersion and distribution.
3.2.1. Dispersion
Dispersion refers to the spread or variability of the idea points
in the 2D space. It indicates how much the points are spread
out from each other and from the centre of the distribution
across the idea space. Dispersion can be thought of as the extent
to which the ideas vary from one another. High dispersion
indicates that the ideas are diverse and cover a wide range of
the solution space, while low dispersion suggests that the ideas
are clustered in a specific region.
Key Aspects of Dispersion:
1. Range: The distance between the minimum and maximum
values in each dimension.
2. Variance and Standard Deviation: Measures of how much
the points deviate from the mean.
3. Spread: The extent to which points within a cluster are
spread out.
4. Outliers: Points that are far away from the majority of
other points, indicating extreme values or unique ideas.
3.2.2. Distribution
Distribution refers to the overall arrangement or pattern of
the idea points in the idea space. It indicates how the points
are organized or grouped and where the points are more
concentrated or sparse. It refers to the uniformity with which
ideas are spread across the idea space. A uniform distribution
indicates that all regions of the idea space are explored equally,
while a non-uniform distribution suggests that certain areas
are more densely populated with ideas than others.
Key Aspects of Distribution:
1. Shape: The overall form of the point cloud (e.g., normal,
skewed, bimodal).
2. Density: Areas where points are more concentrated versus
areas where points are sparse.
3. Clusters: Groups of points close to each other, indicating
similar ideas.
4. Patterns: Specific arrangements or structures in the data
(e.g., linear, circular).
3.3. Classification of Idea Space
To illustrate the concept of idea exploration, we consider four
possible scenarios based on the measures of dispersion and
1. High Dispersion and Uniform Distribution (Figure 2a): This
scenario represents the ideal exploration of idea space,
where ideas are diverse and evenly spread across the entire
solution space. It indicates a comprehensive and balanced
approach to idea generation.
2. High Dispersion and Non-Uniform Distribution (Figure 2b):
In this scenario, ideas are diverse but clustered in certain
regions of the idea space. While there is a wide range
of ideas, some areas are over-explored while others are
3. Low Dispersion and Uniform Distribution (Figure 2c): This
scenario represents a limited range of ideas that are evenly
spread across the idea space. While the ideas are uniformly
distributed, they lack diversity and may not provide
innovative solutions.
4. Low Dispersion and Non-Uniform Distribution (Figure 2d):
This scenario is the least desirable, where ideas are both
limited in range and clustered in specific regions.
indicates a narrow and imbalanced approach to idea
4. Embeddings for Idea Representation
To objectively assess idea exploration,
it is essential to
represent ideas as points in a mathematical sense. This allows
for the application of quantitative measures to evaluate the
dispersion and distribution of ideas. By converting ideas into
high-dimensional vectors, we can use techniques such as
(a) 1.High Dispersion, Uniform Distribution
(b) 2.High Dispersion, Non-uniform Distribution
(c) 3.Low Dispersion, Uniform Distribution
(d) 4.Low Dispersion, Non-uniform Distribution
Figure 2. Classification of Idea Space
to capture the semantic and contextual
similarities between ideas. Embedding techniques transform
language descriptions of ideas into dense vector
representations in a high-dimensional space. These vectors
can then be analyzed to objectively assess the spread and
uniformity of ideas within the idea space. This provides a
foundation for developing automated methods to evaluate the
ideas generated by Conversational AI systems, ensuring that
the exploration of idea space is both comprehensive and
Embeddings is a collective name for a set of language
modelling and feature learning techniques used in Natural
Language Processing (NLP) and are pivotal
functioning of Conversational AI (CAI) systems that use
Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT (Generative
Pre-trained Transformers). Embeddings are dense vector
representations of words, sentences, or even entire documents.
These vectors capture semantic meaning and contextual
relationships between different pieces of text, enabling
machines to understand and generate human language more
effectively. Embeddings transform textual data into numerical
form, making it possible for deep learning algorithms to
process and analyze text. They are particularly useful for
LLMs because they provide a way to represent complex
linguistic information in a compact, numerical
computationally efficient manner.
4.1. Nature of Embeddings
Embeddings work by mapping tokens, which are subwords,
words or phrases, to vectors in a high-dimensional space
(typically in the order of 1000s). This mapping is typically
learned during the training phase of the embedding model.
The goal is to position semantically and contextually similar
words close to each other in this space while dissimilar words
are positioned farther apart.
4.1.1. Semantic Encoding
The key to the effectiveness of embeddings lies in their ability
to encode semantic meaning. This is achieved through
training on large corpora of text, where the model learns to
predict words based on their meaning. For example, in the
sentences "The cat sat on the mat" and "The cat sat on the
rug", embeddings capture the relationship between "mat" and
"rug" and position them nearby in the vector space due to the
frequent analogous usage.
4.1.2. Positional Encoding
In addition to semantic meaning, modern language models
like Transformers also incorporate positional encoding to
understand the context in which the words are being used.
This is crucial because the meaning of a word can depend on
its position in a sentence.
Positional encoding adds
information about the position of each word in the sequence,
enabling the model to understand the structure, order and
B. Sankar et al.
context of the text better. For example, in the sentences "The
design in the dress was detailed." and "She has a natural talent
for fashion design.", the usage of the word design refers to
two different contexts, and this relationship is captured by the
embeddings to understand the context.
4.2. Mechanism of Embeddings
Tokenization is the process of splitting text into smaller units
called tokens, which can be words, subwords, or characters.
For example, the sentence "Natural Language Processing"
could be tokenized into ["Natural", "Language", "Processing"]
or even into subword units like ["Nat", "ural", "Lang", "uage",
"Processing"] depending on the tokenization strategy. The
subword strategy is employed to help the model understand
spelling mistakes in words while maintaining their meaning.
The dimension of an embedding vector is a critical
parameter that influences the model’s performance. Common
dimensions range from 50 to 4096 or even higher for
language models with larger parameters. The choice of
dimension depends on the complexity of the task and the
computational resources available. Higher dimensions can
capture more nuanced relationships but require more
computational power. While individual values do not have
explicit meanings, collectively, they capture various aspects of
semantic and syntactic information. For instance, certain
dimensions might capture gender, tense, plurality and other
linguistic attributes.
4.3. Properties and Types of Embeddings
In mathematical terms, embeddings are vectors in a high-
dimensional space. They exhibit properties such as linearity,
where vector arithmetic can capture analogies (for example,
the vector arithmetic between the vectors of "king" - "man" +
"woman" ≈ gives the vector for "queen"). This linearity is a
powerful feature that enables embeddings to generalize across
different contexts.
Embeddings can be created at various levels of granularity
as follows:
1. Word Embeddings: Represent individual words (e.g.,
Word2Vec, GloVe, Text-Embedding-3).
2. Sentence Embeddings: Represent entire sentences (e.g.,
3. Paragraph Embeddings: Represent longer text segments
(e.g., Doc2Vec).
like Word2Vec,
For static embedding models
embeddings for a given word are constant. However, in
contextual models
like BERT or Text-Embedding-3,
embeddings can vary depending on the word’s context
within a sentence.
This allows for a more nuanced
understanding of language.
4.4. Types of Embedding Models
There are two types of embedding models based on their
ability to capture the similarities in the text. They are as
4.4.1. Static Embedding Models
Static embedding models capture the semantic similarity in
the text.
Semantic similarity measures how much the
meanings of two words, phrases, or sentences are alike,
regardless of their specific contexts. This concept focuses on
the intrinsic meaning of the words themselves. Traditional
word embedding models like Word2Vec, GloVe (Global
Vectors for Word Representation), and FastText produce a
single, static vector for each word, which represents its overall
semantic meaning. These embeddings do not change based
on context. Semantic similarity is about capturing the essence
of meaning. For example, "device" and "instrument" would
have high semantic similarity because they represent the same
4.4.2. Dynamic Embedding Models
Dynamic embedding models capture contextual similarity in
addition to semantic similarity in the text. Contextual
similarity refers to the similarity between words or phrases
based on the contexts in which they appear. This concept is
often associated with contextual embeddings, which take into
account the surrounding words to generate a representation
that varies depending on the context. Contextual embeddings,
like those produced by models such as BERT (Bidirectional
from Transformers), ELMo
Encoder Representations
(OpenAI), generate different
Text-Embedding-3 model
embeddings for the same word depending on its context. For
example, the word "bank" will have different embeddings in
"bank of a river" and "savings bank". These embeddings are
generated by considering surrounding words, capturing the
nuances and specific meanings in different contexts.
4.5. Process of Conversion of Text to Embedding Vectors
The process of converting text into vectors using any of the
aforementioned embedding models involves several steps,
such as Tokenization (Splitting the text
into tokens),
Embedding Generation (Mapping each token to its
corresponding vector), and Aggregation (Combining the
vectors to form a representation of the entire text segment).
In practice, an embedding layer in a neural network
architecture performs these steps. During training, the model
adjusts the embedding vectors to minimize a loss function,
which measures
the difference between the model’s
predictions and the actual outcomes. The result is a set of
embeddings that capture the underlying structure and
meaning of the text.
4.6. Contribution to CAI Behavior
Embeddings are crucial for the behaviour of Conversational
AI (CAI) models like GPT. They enable the model to
understand and generate
and contextually
appropriate responses. By capturing the semantic and
contextual relationships between words, embeddings allow
the model to generate text that is not only grammatically
correct but also meaningful. The use of embeddings enhances
Figure 4. UMAP of Word Embedding
Set 1 compared to 0. to 0.25 for Set 2 and 0 to 0.1 for Set 3.
As seen, the similarity scores are highest for Set 1, moderate
for Set 2, and lowest for Set 3. This aligns with human
judgment and demonstrates the effectiveness of embeddings
in capturing semantic similarity.
To further analyze the spatial relationships between these
word embeddings, a Uniform Manifold Approximation and
Projection (UMAP) was calculated for all the embeddings
to reduce the dimensionality from 3072 to 2. The resulting
scatter plot is shown in Figure 4. The scatter plot reveals that
the embeddings of the words in Set 1 are positioned closer to
the word "chair" than those in Set 2 and Set 3. This proximity
indicates that the vectors for Set 1 words lie closer to the "chair"
vector, followed by Set 2 and then Set 3.
These results conclusively demonstrate that embeddings
effectively capture semantic similarity between linguistic terms.
The analysis shows that words with higher semantic similarity
to "chair" are represented by vectors that are closer in the high-
dimensional space, validating the robustness of embeddings
in representing semantic relationships in the natural language
(English language in the current context).
the model’s ability to understand context, making it possible
to generate more relevant and accurate responses. This is
particularly important
in conversational AI, where
understanding the context of a conversation is key to
providing useful and meaningful interactions.
4.7. Demonstrating the Validity of Embeddings
In this paper, we use the Text-Embedding-3 (TE3), a dynamic
embedding model from OpenAI for implementation. The
following examples are shown to demonstrate the power of
embeddings to translate text to vectors meaningfully.
4.7.1. Word Embedding
To illustrate the concept of semantic similarity between words,
we compared the word chair against three sets of words using
their corresponding embeddings. These sets were selected
based on human judgment to represent varying degrees of
1. Set 1 (High Similarity): seat, sofa, bench
2. Set 2 (Moderate Similarity): desk, table, cushion
3. Set 3 (Low Similarity): light, monitor, fan
Figure 3. Heat Map of Similarity Matrix for Word Embedding
Embeddings for all these words were generated as 3072x1
dimensional vectors using the TE3 embedding model, as
shown in Table 2.
The cosine similarity between these vectors was calculated
using the formula given below.
cosine similarity = cos(θ) = A · B
i=1 AiBi
i=1 A
i=1 B
and subsequently normalized to form a similarity matrix. The
resulting heat map of this matrix is depicted in Figure 3. The
heat map clearly indicates that the word "chair" exhibits
similarity scores in the range of 0.3 to 0.45 with the words in
Figure 5. Heat Map of Similarity Matrix for Sentence Embedding
B. Sankar et al.
Table 2. Vectors Generated for Words using the TE3 Embedding Model
Generated Vector Embeddings of 3072 x 1 dimension
[-0.014324468, -0.019203374, -0.013582874, -0.027462386, ............0.005507309, -0.011475187, 0.004418337, 0.017657736]
[-0.018222768, -0.011229559, -0.002593147, -0.017478982, ............0.017478982, -0.003989768, -0.023138227, 0.007466161]
[-0.009118021, 0.006891137, -0.003268764, 0.028170729, ............-0.001830129, -0.017545667, -0.022681395, -0.005337789]
[-0.026748225, -0.000545074, -0.02579003, -0.011465845, ............0.002626913, -0.017003881, -0.017621022, -0.001066803]
[-0.001566614, -0.00333886, -0.017942928, -0.021080397, ............0.022861123, -0.003298582, 0.00262445, 0.00787335]
[0.000270125, -0.030253995, -0.016318725, 0.045984801, ............0.037722155, 0.014578803, 0.004198854, 0.016700078]
[0.010662668, -0.040683772, -0.003556379, 0.016528862, ............0.016934318, 0.002203057, -0.021308083, 0.006099115]
[-0.005160935, -0.041870821, 0.01972012, 0.010678356, ............0.023139138, -0.000709932, -0.003030125, -0.013951539]
[-0.007739906, -0.00146106, -0.015165323, 0.0000751, ............0.004533872, 0.009784079, -0.011574916, -0.016606728]
[-0.028556051, 0.00263738, -0.019429563, 0.003650993, ............0.001529363, 0.016662996, -0.016424499, -0.006236698]
similarity category compared to 0.3 in the moderate and 0.02
in the low similarity categories.
The scatter plot of UMAP, as shown in Figure 6, reveals
that the embeddings of the sentences with high contextual
similarity are positioned closer to the reference sentence. The
sentences with moderate and low contextual similarity are
progressively farther away.
These results conclusively demonstrate that sentence
embeddings effectively capture contextual similarity between
sentences. The analysis shows that sentences with higher
contextual similarity to the original sentence are represented
by vectors that are closer in the high-dimensional space,
validating the robustness of embeddings in representing
contextual relationships in the natural language (English
language in the present context).
Figure 6. UMAP of Sentence Embedding
4.7.2. Sentence Embedding
To illustrate the concept of contextual similarity, we compared
the sentence Sentence 0: "The chair was designed with ergonomic
features to ensure user comfort." against three other sentences
using their corresponding embeddings. These sentences were
selected to represent varying degrees of contextual similarity:
1. Sentence 1 (High Similarity): "The seat incorporates
ergonomic principles to maximize comfort."
2. Sentence 2 (Moderate Similarity): "The desk was built to
provide ample workspace and adjustable height."
3. Sentence 3 (Low Similarity):
"The light uses LED
technology to provide energy-efficient lighting."
Embeddings for these sentences were generated as 3072x1
dimensional vectors using the TE3 embedding model, as
shown in Table 3.
The normalized cosine similarity between these vectors
was calculated as mentioned above. The resulting heat map of
this matrix is depicted in Figure 5.
The heat map clearly indicates that the sentence "The chair
was designed with ergonomic features to ensure user comfort."
exhibits a similarity score of 0.6 with the sentence in the high
5. Requirements for Idea Embedding
It is demonstrated above that embeddings reasonably capture
the semantic and contextual aspects of a statement. However,
it is required to establish their utility for aiding designers and
the design process. It can be appreciated that the task of sifting
through a large volume of ideas generated during the ideation
phase is challenging even for experts to manually identify and
select a few novel and diverse ideas for further development.
Also, assessing the effectiveness of the idea-generation phase
helps in producing fruitful and innovative solutions. Therefore,
a robust and objective framework to assess the result of ideation
activity would be useful. To achieve this, we aim to address
the following research questions.
Semantic Validity of Idea Embedding
The Idea Embeddings are nothing but vector embeddings
generated by a CAI system for the idea statements. However,
the validity of these embeddings needs to be established in the
design community. The following two research questions are
framed to address this.
RQ1.1: Meaning fulness:
is idea embedding semantically
acceptable to the designers?
It is important to determine if these embeddings align
with the designers’ understanding and interpretation of the
Table 3. Vectors Generated for Sentences using the TE3 Embedding Model
Generated Vector Embeddings of 3072 x 1 dimension
The chair was designed with
ergonomic features to ensure user
[-0.019350942, -0.00016339, -0.021010781, -0.025575334, ........ ....0.010235666, -0.00643533, -0.000910317,
The seat incorporates ergonomic
principles to maximize comfort.
[0.005157992, -0.021131463, -0.018314859, -0.032051004, ............0.017260367, -0.02217208, 0.002526965,
The desk was built to provide
ample workspace and adjustable
[-0.018921912, 0.0000983, -0.010809345, -0.006264086, ........ ....0.006312243, -0.01546944, 0.005260202,
The light uses LED technology to
provide energy-efficient lighting.
[-0.011437991, -0.004313813, -0.013822543, -0.017071823, . .. . . . .. . . . . -0.013626014, 0.014582455, -0.023845525,
ideas. By confirming the semantic validity to be in line with
the designer’s expert opinion, it can be ensured that the
quantitative metrics
meaningful dimensions of the idea space, thus facilitating a
more accurate and effective evaluation process.
applied to these vectors
RQ1.2: Usefulness: do idea embeddings help designers in
selecting diverse ideas from a large pool of available ideas?
Although it is desirable to have a large pool of ideas to
improve the chance of a good/out-of-the-box solution, it is
not possible to develop all the ideas towards a practical design.
It is, therefore, important to efficiently shortlist diverse and
innovative ideas from the given pool, preferably without
imposing a significant cognitive burden on the designers. We
believe that idea embeddings can be used to objectively assess
and select ideas based on their disposition in the idea space.
Characterization of Idea Space
The goal of the ideation process is to generate innovative
and diverse solutions. It is necessary to evaluate how well
the idea space has been explored. A uniform and comprehensive
exploration ensures that no potential solutions are overlooked.
The following two research questions are framed to address
the need to assess the thoroughness of the idea-generation
RQ2.1: Distribution: Can the effectiveness of idea exploration
be assessed objectively?
This question assesses whether the ideas generated are
uniformly distributed over the idea space.
exploration is desirable as it would ensure that no region of
the idea space is over-represented or under-represented. An
over-representation can be a consequence of cognitive
bottlenecks experienced by designers leading to similar ideas
and would manifest as clusters of ideas in the idea space.
RQ2.2: Dispersion: Can the comprehensiveness of the idea
exploration be assessed objectively?
This question investigates the extent of the idea space that
was covered during ideation. A high dispersion indicates high
diversity and comprehensiveness of the exploration, which is
desirable as it would imply that the generated ideas spanned
the various dimensions of the idea space effectively.
6. Empirical Exploration of Idea Embedding
To answer the above questions, a CAI-based method for the
generation, representation, and analysis of ideas is adopted.
The following paragraphs present the steps involved in this
6.1. Methodology
The structured method of ideation using CAI has been
described in Section 2. Idea Generation using CAI. In the
study, we used six problem statements, each
representing a distinct design challenge. For each problem
statement, the CAI system generated 100 ideas using the
structured Action-Object-Context (AOC) model as shown in
Table 1. Then, we convert them into high-dimensional
vectors using Text Embedding Model 3 (TE3), a dynamic
embedding model; this generated 3072-dimensional vectors
for each idea statement. Each value in the vector ranges from
-1 to +1. Thus, all ideas are now mapped as points in the idea
space represented as a high-dimensional hypercube of size 2,
with the centre at the origin. The study of the distribution of
the points in this cube constitutes the analysis of
disposition of ideas in the idea space.
We propose to use techniques such as UMAP (Uniform
Manifold Approximation and Projection) and DBSCAN
(Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) for
natural clustering of points in the idea space. UMAP is chosen
for its ability to preserve both local and global proximity of
the data, ensuring that the intrinsic structure of the idea space
is maintained even after dimensionality reduction to 2D for
ease of visualization. This ensures an accurate representation
in a
and contextual
lower-dimensional space as well.
DBSCAN clusters points (ideas in the idea space) based on
their proximity and density. This technique was chosen as it
effectively constructs clusters of varying shapes and sizes; it
has the additional benefit of being robust to noise and outliers.
Since the proximity of points or ideas can be interpreted as
semantic similarity, clusters here are interpreted as groups of
similar ideas.
The clusters output by DBSCAN are demarcated using
dotted lines (Figure 7). It is interesting to note that the result
significantly matches the perceptual organization of the points.
B. Sankar et al.
(a) Idea Set 1
(b) Idea Set 2
(c) Idea Set 3
(d) Idea Set 4
(e) Idea Set 5
(f) Idea Set 6
a b c
Figure 7. Cluster and Triad Plot of Vector Embeddings for Ideas Generated for the Six Problem Statements using DBSCAN and UMAP Algorithm
a. R1, R2 - Reference Idea Statement 1 & 2; A - Idea from the same cluster; B - Idea from the neighbouring cluster; C - Idea from far away cluster
b. VS - Very Similar; SS - Somewhat Similar; VD - Very Different
c. # 1 to 9 - Cluster Index
6.2. Meaningfulness of Idea Embeddings (RQ1.1)
To evaluate the meaningfulness of idea embeddings, a
structured experiment was conducted. From each of the six
idea sets, as shown in Figure 7, two ideas were randomly
selected to serve as reference ideas (R1, R2); three additional
ideas were selected for each of R1 and R2 as follows. Idea-A
from the cluster of R1/R2, idea-B from a neighbouring
cluster and idea-C from a distant cluster. This resulted in 12
groups, each comprising one reference idea and three
additional ideas, as shown in Table 4. These groups were
presented in a Google Form questionnaire wherein their
cluster-based similarity levels were not disclosed to the
The questionnaire was then distributed to 30 expert
designers, each with more than five years of experience in the
design field. The experts were asked to assess idea-A, -B and
-C in relation to the reference idea and indicate them as “Very
Similar (VS)”, “Somewhat Similar (SS)”, or “Very Different
(VD)”. The purpose of this evaluation was to determine
whether the semantic similarities and differences captured by
embeddings (clusters) aligned with the judgment of human
6.2.1. Results and Inference
The responses of the 30 experts are shown using bar plots in
Figure 8. For each of the A, B and C, the dominant response
(one with the highest vote) is highlighted with shading. The
order of bars for each comparison idea is maintained as VS, SS,
and VD from left to right.
To further elucidate the findings, the dominant responses
identified by expert designers were marked on Figure 7 using
arrows. These arrows originate from the reference ideas (R1
and R2), point towards each idea (A, B, and C) and are labelled
as VS, SS and VD as per the dominant response. It can be
observed that the dominant categorization by experts aligned
well with the cluster proximity except for the cases—R1 in
Idea Set 2 and R2 in Idea Set 4—where the categories VS
and SS were interchanged, the VD category still aligned with
the expert judgment. This consistency indicates that the idea
embeddings not only capture the semantic meaning of the ideas but
also preserve the similarity relationships among them, falling within
the human judgment. Thus, the answer for RQ1.1 is Yes, the idea
embedding is semantically acceptable to the designers.
6.3. Usefulness of Idea Embeddings (RQ1.2)
To assess the practical utility of the perceptually clustered idea
presentation in selecting a small subset of ideas from a large
pool, a study was conducted involving 40 graduate design
students (non-experts). The aim of this study was to observe
both individual and group behaviours in the selection process,
viz., how the visually clustered idea representation influences
novice designers to select diverse ideas.
Multiple copies of each plot shown in Figure 7 were printed
on paper and distributed equitably to the participants. The
clusters in each plot were marked with different colours to
indicate the similarity of ideas within each cluster. Each plot
had 100 marked points representing 100 ideas. The participants
were required to select 10 arbitrary points/ideas from 100 in
10 minutes. Textual descriptions of the ideas or the associated
problems were not disclosed. However, they were informed
that the clusters represented similar ideas. The selected ideas
were marked with a pen on the paper.
6.3.1. Results and Inference
For each plot, the votes for each cluster were recorded; the
division of this vote among the participants was also noted.
For the purpose of analysis, the area of the convex hull of each
cluster in each plot is also calculated.
Let us consider a plot that is used by a subset X of P
participants. The number of participants selecting at least one
idea from a cluster is its Selection Index (SI). If the number of
clusters in a plot with SI=X is M where the total number of
clusters is C, then we define Sampling Score (SS) for the plot as
M/C. These data are presented in Figure 9, wherein the bars
are arranged in the decreasing order of the cluster areas. The
height of each bar represents the combined number of ideas
selected by all participants from the respective clusters. The SI
for each cluster is indicated at the top of each bar. The SS is
indicated at the centre of each plot. From the plots the
following observations can be made.
1. The bars follow a monotonous trend. This implies that
the number of ideas selected from a cluster is positively
influenced by the size of the cluster.
2. In 3 of 6 plots, SS=1; in 2 of the remaining 3 plots, SS
is significantly close to 1. This indicates the participants
predominantly made use of the clusters for their sampling.
This strategy ensured that the selections were diverse, as
they originated from different clusters.
3. In one of the cases (idea set 4), SS is low. It can be observed
in Figure 7d that this set has 3 clusters with a significantly
smaller number of ideas compared to other clusters in the
set. These are the clusters with SI<X. This shows that a
cluster with less number of points has a lesser probability of
selection. This observation holds true even in idea sets 3 and
6, which have one cluster each with a sparse population.
An additional observation was
although the
participants were allotted 10 minutes for the task, the visual
clusters enabled them to select 10 ideas within 2 minutes.
This observation underscores the effectiveness of perceptual
organization techniques, such as UMAP and DBSCAN, in
facilitating quick and efficient idea selection while ensuring
Thus, embedding and dimensionality reduction with
clustering minimized the cognitive effort of the designers in
selecting diverse and representative ideas and also provided
valuable insight into the behaviour of the designers during
the selection process. Thus, the answer for RQ1.2 is Yes, the
idea embedding is useful to the designers.
B. Sankar et al.
(a) Idea Set 1
(b) Idea Set 2
(c) Idea Set 3
(d) Idea Set 4
(e) Idea Set 5
(f) Idea Set 6
a b c
Figure 8. Bar Plot of Expert Responses from Questionnaire for Similarity of Ideas Generated for the Six Problem Statements
a. IS# - Idea Set [1/2/3/4/5/6]
b. R1, R2 - Reference Idea Statement 1 & 2; A - Idea very similar to R1/R2; B - Idea somewhat similar to R1/R2; C - Idea very different to R1/R2
c. VS - Very Similar; SS - Somewhat Similar; VD - Very Different
6.4. Distribution of Ideas in the Idea Space (RQ2.1)
Through the process of embedding,
the idea space is
geometrically a hypercube. An ideal idea exploration should
cover this idea space with statistically uniform sampling.
However, due to the cliche of the "Curse of Dimensionality",
the assessment of uniformity in the dimension of
embedding is unreliable. Hence, we make use of the
dimensionality-reduced cluster maps as shown in Figure 7 for
this assessment. If an idea space is uniformly explored, the
ideas would be evenly distributed across the entire area. This
would prohibit clustering. However, any finite sampling
exercise generally exhibits clustering. DBSCAN inherently
guarantees a certain level of uniformity of points within a
cluster. However, this parameter for different clusters could
be different because of their adaptive nature. With this
understanding, we measure the distribution of points within a
cluster and the distribution of clusters in an idea space as
An effective ideation exercise would have a set of ideas
that cover a large region in the idea space. This means that
the mean distance between two ideas in that space is large.
We refer to this as a Sparse distribution. When the ideas are
all diverse, no two ideas would belong to a cluster because
each cluster represents a set of similar ideas. However, in
the presence of clustering, the mean distance between the
ideas in different clusters is usually different. Also, the larger
the number of clusters, the greater the number of distinct
ideas. The distinctness of ideas within each such cluster can
be categorized based on their distribution into Sparse (Small
No. of ideas over Larger Area), Moderate (Large/Small No. of
ideas over Larger/Smaller Area respectively) and Dense (Large
No. of ideas over Smaller Area). A sparse cluster is considered
Table 4. Shortlisted Ideas for Questionnaire on Evaluation of Similarity
Reference Idea (R)
Comparison Idea (A/B/C)
R1: Waste Streamline Funnel System: A
funnel system that attaches to bins,
guiding waste into the correct
compartment based on its size and
R2: Gamified Recycling Bins: Bins
designed with game-like features that
reward users with points or digital
tokens for correctly segregating their
R1: Multi-Tiered Carousel Umbrella
Dryer: Suitable for commercial spaces
or public areas with heavy foot traffic
needing efficient umbrella turnover.
R2: Detachable Umbrella Drying Liner:
Designed for convenience and rapid
drying of personal umbrellas after
arriving indoors.
R1: Shoe Disinfection Powder: A
powder formulated to absorb excess
moisture inside the shoes, which also
contains antimicrobial agents to
prevent bacterial and fungal growth.
R2: Footwear Disinfection Walkway: A
walkway with built-in disinfection
mechanisms for public spaces like
malls or airports.
R1: Smart Dishwashing Assistant: An
AI-powered device that provides
real-time guidance on water usage,
detergent dosage, and load
arrangement to optimize dishwashing
R2: Ultrasonic Dish Cleaner: A device
that utilizes ultrasonic waves to agitate
water and remove food particles from
dishes without the need for scrubbing,
saving time and reducing water
R1: Pressure-Relief Insoles: Provides
comfort to feet during long periods of
A: Smart Trash Compactors: Trash compactors that can detect the type of waste and compact it
accordingly, reducing volume and facilitating recycling.
B: Multi-Layer Segregation Shelves: Stackable shelves with labels for different types of waste,
encouraging organized segregation in homes and offices.
C: Zero Waste Starter Packs: Kits that include reusable items and information on how to start
and maintain a zero-waste lifestyle.
A: Segregation-Encouraging Trash Receptacles: Design trash receptacles with engaging visuals
and sounds that reward users for proper segregation.
B: Waste Segregation Reminder System: A system that reminds users to segregate their waste at
the disposal point through visual cues or audio messages.
C: Waste Type Projection System: A system that projects images onto the ground or bins to
indicate where different types of waste should be thrown.
A: Hydraulic Umbrella Compression Dryer: Designed for luxury hotels or high-end residential
buildings looking for an efficient and delicate drying solution.
B: Expandable Umbrella Drying Tunnel: Designed for offices or residential buildings with many
users and limited space.
C: Solar-Powered Outdoor Umbrella Stand: Ideal for eco-friendly outdoor storage solutions like
patios or gardens.
A: Umbrella Quick-Dry Sleeve: Convenient for on-the-go individuals who need to store their
umbrellas quickly after use.
B: Modular Umbrella Rack with Drainage: Targeted at public places or businesses with a high
volume of umbrella usage.
C: Umbrella Drying Lamp Post: Ideal for outdoor venues, stylishly combining lighting and drying
in one solution.
A: Shoe Disinfection Quick-Dry Spray: A spray that not only disinfects the shoes but also contains
agents that speed up the drying process.
B: Shoe Disinfection Bubble Bath: A playful bubble bath for shoes that cleans and disinfects with
antibacterial soap bubbles.
C: Shoe Sanitization and Polishing Robot: A robotic device that cleans and disinfects shoes while
polishing them.
A: Shoe Disinfection Conveyor Belt: A conveyor belt system that cleans shoes as people walk
through a checkpoint or entrance.
B: Shoe Sole Disinfection Wrap: A wrap-around device that encases the shoe sole and applies a
disinfectant solution for quick cleaning.
C: Natural Herbal Shoe Disinfectant: A disinfectant that uses herbal extracts with natural
antibacterial and antifungal properties to cleanse shoes safely and organically.
A: Dishwasher Efficiency Monitor: A device that monitors dishwasher usage and provides
recommendations on improving efficiency, such as load size and detergent amount.
B: Automated Pre-soak Dispenser: Dispenses the right amount of pre-soak solution into the sink
before dishwashing to loosen debris and reduce scrubbing effort.
C: Hydrophobic Dish Coating: A nanotechnology-based coating that can be applied to dishes,
making them resistant to water and food residues, thus reducing the need for scrubbing and
detergent use.
A: Compact Dish Sterilizer: A small, energy-efficient device that uses UV light to sterilize dishes
after washing, ensuring they are bacteria-free and ready for safe use.
B: Integrated Dish Pre-Rinser: A sink attachment that pre-soaks and sprays dishes to remove
food particles, easing the cleaning process and lowering water use.
C: Dishwashing Gloves with Integrated Scrubbers: A pair of dishwashing gloves with built-in
scrubbing bristles, allowing for efficient cleaning without additional sponges or brushes.
A: Personalized Comfort Footpad: A footpad with memory foam or smart materials that molds to
the user’s feet for maximum comfort.
B: Portable Foot Roller: Relieves standing fatigue.
C: Retractable Seating Brace: A wearable device that extends to form a temporary seat.
Continued in Next Page
Continued from Previous Page
B. Sankar et al.
Reference Idea (R)
Comparison Idea (A/B/C)
R2: Queue Wait Optimizer: A system
that uses data analytics to advise users
on the best times to queue up,
reducing wait times.
R1: Tranquil Trek Trail: A series of bird
feeders placed along a garden path to
encourage gentle exercise and bird
watching, promoting physical and
mental health.
R2: Calm Canopy Companion: A bird
feeder that plays calming forest sounds
to create a serene atmosphere,
promoting relaxation and stress relief.
A: Queue Space Optimizer: A system that adjusts queue layouts for optimal space usage and
B: Queue Space Marker: A portable device that projects a boundary on the floor to indicate
personal space in crowded lines.
C: Ergonomic Queue Flooring: Ergonomically designed flooring that reduces stress on legs and
A: Garden Flight Paths: Designs in the garden that attract specific species to feeding spots, offering
a visually stimulating activity for the elderly.
B: Sculpture Garden Sphere: A bird feeder that doubles as a garden sculpture, with aesthetically
pleasing designs that change with user interaction, promoting creativity and visual enjoyment.
C: Nostalgic Nest Viewer: A birdhouse that includes a digital screen to display old photos or
videos, triggering happy memories as birds come and go.
A: Serenity Stream Sanctuary: A bird feeder that includes a small, gentle water stream or fountain,
providing a calming auditory experience and attracting birds with fresh water.
B: Harmony Habitat Lantern: A bird feeder with a built-in lantern that emits a soft, warm glow as
the evening sets in, providing a sense of security and tranquillity.
C: Pastime Puzzle Perch: A bird feeder that features interchangeable puzzle pieces or brainteasers
that the elderly can solve, stimulating cognitive function and providing a sense of achievement.
locally more effective than moderate, and similarly, a moderate
is more effective than dense. We define Idea Sparsity (IS) to
capture these distribution as follows:
Idea Sparsity = Ac
.(exp(– Ac
where Ni
is the Number of Ideas in a cluster and Ac
is the
Area of the cluster computed as the area of the convex hull of
the points in that cluster. If the idea sparsity is similar across
all the clusters, we say that the idea exploration is uniform.
In that case, in a spider plot (Figure 10), where each spoke
corresponds to a cluster and the length of the spoke corresponds
to idea sparsity, a uniform exploration would appear as a regular
convex polygon. The larger the polygon, the more number of
ideas are distributed uniformly over a larger area within each
Each cluster in an idea space is distributed over an area.
Ideally, we desire to have clusters that are sparsely distributed
from each other since they represent more distinct sets of ideas
compared to clusters that are close to each other, as evidenced
by the expert opinion in the section –. In order to quantify
the nature of the distribution of clusters in the idea space, we
define Cluster Sparsity (CS) as follows:
Cluster Sparsity = 1 –
i=1 Ai
where Nc
is the number of clusters in an idea space, Ai
is the total area of the
the area of individual clusters, and At
idea space computed as the area of the convex hull of all the
points in that idea space. An exploration where the clusters
are well separated would have high cluster sparsity (desirable),
and a compact set of clusters will give low cluster sparsity
DBSCAN clusters potentially produce a default cluster
with points that could not be included in any of the well-
defined clusters; this is usually referred to as the noise cluster.
This is the one which is not indicated with a bounding curve.
The points in this cluster are important as the associated ideas
are distinct from clusters of similar ideas. We compute Idea
Sparsity for all clusters, including the noise cluster. However,
we observe that (a) noise clusters do not significantly extend the
region of explored ideas, and (b) the convex bounding curve
for the noise cluster inevitably overlaps multiple identified
clusters. Hence, for the computation of cluster sparsity, we
discount the noise cluster.
In terms of cluster and idea sparsities, an effective idea
exploration would have a high cluster sparsity with a regular
polygon of large size for idea sparsity.
In Figure 10, the
brightness of the bounded polygon of idea sparsity represents
the cluster sparsity.
The bounded polygon for each idea set is compared against
the ideal regular polygon. The degree of deviation is calculated
as the ratio of the area of the spider plot to the area of the
largest regular polygon. This metric is referred to here as
Distribution Score (DS). The polygon provides a visual measure,
and the distribution score provides a quantitative measure of
how well the ideas were distributed across the clusters. A
close match to the regular polygon would indicate a uniform
distribution, while significant deviations would suggest regions
where the idea generation process may have been uneven. The
distribution score for each idea set is given in Table 5. It is seen
that 4 out of 6 sets have a score close to 0.5, while idea set 1
has a score of 0.61 and idea set 5 has a score of 0.77, indicating
that the ideas are potentially distributed uniformly in each
cluster. In terms of cluster sparsity, it can be seen that idea
sets 1, 3 and 5 are brighter, showing that the clusters are well-
separated compared to idea sets 2, 4 and 6, where the clusters
(a) Idea Set 1
(b) Idea Set 2
(c) Idea Set 3
(d) Idea Set 4
(e) Idea Set 5
(f) Idea Set 6
Figure 9. Stacked Bar Plot of the Top 10 Selected Ideas from Each Idea Set
are close to each other. Thus, overall, Idea Set 5 represents
a uniform exploration compared to other idea sets in terms
of idea and cluster sparsity. Thus, exploration in idea set 5 is
considered the most effective, and idea set 2 is the least effective
per the above metrics. Thus, the answer for RQ2.1 is, Yes, the
cluster-analysis of embedded ideas provides a reasonable framework
for objective assessment of the effectiveness of idea exploration.
6.5. Dispersion of Ideas in the Idea Space (RQ2.2)
Here, we assess whether ideas spanned all dimensions of the
idea space effectively. Using the measures described above,
comprehensive coverage of all
embedding cannot be assessed as it is based on a 2D map of
the original embeddings. To assess the dispersion of ideas,
which refers to the extent to which the ideas are spanned in
the higher-dimensional space, Principal Component Analysis
(PCA) was adopted. PCA provides eigenvectors that describe
the direction and relative magnitude of dominant
the dimensions of
Table 5. Distribution Score
Area of the
Area of the
explorations. An effective exploration of all dimensions of idea
space would give comparable eigenvalues of reasonably large
magnitude. For the assessment of the comprehensiveness of
different ideation exercises, the eigenvalues were computed
B. Sankar et al.
(a) Idea Set 1
(b) Idea Set 2
(c) Idea Set 3
(d) Idea Set 4
(e) Idea Set 5
(f) Idea Set 6
Figure 10. Spider Plot of Idea Density and Cluster Density for Each Idea Set
using PCA for each idea set and sorted in descending order.
The results are presented in Figure 11a and Figure 11b. It was
observed that for all the dimensions, the idea space is explored
more or less uniformly except for the first few dominant
eigen directions. The maximum eigenvalue observed was 300,
although all eigenvalues eventually saturated in the range of
30 to 50. Hence, the comparison of exploration below uses
the first 10 eigenvalues only.
Figure 11a presents the top 10 eigenvalues in descending
order, which indicates the spread of ideas in different
directions in the high dimensional space of idea embedding.
Figure 11b shows
the differences between subsequent
eigenvalues. By examining this difference, the evenness of the
spread is assessed. Ideally, for a highly dispersed idea space,
the differences between subsequent eigenvalues should be
smaller showing a flat line at an elevated position, indicating
that the ideas are spread out across multiple dimensions. It is
evident from Figure 11b that idea sets 6, 2 and 1 approximates
a flat line, whereas idea sets 4 and 3 show a short jump
between the first three eigenvalues indicating a longer spread
in three dimensions and finally the idea set 5 show a
significant jump between the first and second eigenvalue
indicating a more directed exploration. Thus, the answer for
RQ2.2 is, Yes, the analysis of the dispersion of embedded ideas in
high dimension provides a reasonable framework for the objective
assessment of comprehensiveness of idea exploration.
7. Discussion
An intriguing observation emerged when all idea sets were
processed through UMAP and DBSCAN simultaneously. The
resulting plot, as shown in Figure 12, revealed that each idea
set formed a dense cluster island, representing a closely-knit
group of 100 ideas. Even though in the context of the present
study, the problem statements were not included as a part of
the idea embeddings, certain idea sets were positioned closer
to each other, suggesting potential similarities in addressing
the challenges posed by their respective problems. Therefore,
although individual idea sets exhibited diversity and clustering,
each set, in turn, appeared as clusters in a larger context; the
ideas in the respective sets have something (either object or
action) in common, leading to closer clustering.
Similar plots can be used to elucidate how expert and
novice designers explore ideas for various problems or how
the ideation pattern changes over the career of a designer.
Merging of problem-specific idea clusters could imply the
presence of some versatile ideas that address multiple problems.
We believe that such versatile ideas are more likely in the
(a) Line Plot of Top 10 Highest Eigen Values of PCA Embedding for Ideas Generated for
Six Problem Statements
(b) Line Plot of Absolute Different Between the Top 10 Highest Eigen Values
Figure 12. DBSCAN Clustering of UMAP Embeddings of Ideas Generated for
All Six Problem Statements
Figure 11. Line Plot of Eigen Values and their Difference of PCA of Embedding
for Ideas Generated for Six Problem Statements
a. IS - Idea Set
ideation by experts.
The analysis presented above used CAI-generated ideas, as
given in (Sankar and Sen 2024), using a particular prompt
structure and temperature settings. The methodology can be
used to explore other prompt structures and temperature
settings to derive optimally engineered prompts for design
problems. This, in turn, will provide insight into the effect of
a problem statement on the efficacy of ideation. Without an
objective framework for generation and evaluation, as
presented in this paper, the reliability of such comparative
studies would always remain in question. The authors’ future
research will address some of the above issues.
8. Conclusion
This paper presented a novel technique for the objective
evaluation and selection of ideas by leveraging advanced
techniques such as Vector embedding, UMAP, DBSCAN,
and PCA. The findings indicated that the use of embeddings
and clustering techniques ensured that the semantic and
contextual relationships between ideas were preserved,
facilitating a more meaningful and efficient evaluation
process. The clustered and visually organized representations
of ideas enabled quick and effective decision-making, further
streamlining the ideation phase. This objective method allows
designers to focus on creativity and innovation rather than
the tedious task of manually sifting through large volumes of
ideas. This framework not only democratizes the evaluation
process but also paves the way for more consistent and
reproducible outcomes which otherwise would demand the
expertise and experience of the designer. Finally, our research
work highlights the use of CAI towards a unified process for
the generation, evaluation, and selection of ideas while
maintaining the necessary rigour and reduced intervention
from designers.
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ai_researcher | 1 | Pruning_Literals_for_Highly_Efficient_Explainability_at_Word_Level.pdf | 4
Pruning Literals for Highly Efficient
Explainability at Word Level
Rohan Kumar Yadav
Department of Information and Communication
University of Agder
Grimstad, Norway
[email protected]
Bimal Bhattarai
Department of Information and Communication
University of Agder
Grimstad, Norway
[email protected]
Abhik Jana
School of Electrical Sciences
Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar
Odisha, India
[email protected]
Lei Jiao
Department of Information and Communication
University of Agder
Grimstad, Norway
[email protected]
Seid Muhie Yimam
Department of Informatics
Universit¨at Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany
[email protected]
Abstract—Designing an explainable model becomes crucial
now for Natural Language Processing (NLP) since most of
the state-of-the-art machine learning models provide a limited
explanation for the prediction. In the spectrum of an explain-
able model, Tsetlin Machine (TM) is promising because of its
capability of providing word-level explanation using proposition
logic. However, concern rises over the elaborated combination of
literals (propositional logic) in the clause that makes the model
difficult for humans to comprehend, despite having a transparent
learning process. In this paper, we design a post-hoc pruning
of clauses that eliminate the randomly placed literals in the
clause thereby making the model more efficiently interpretable
than the vanilla TM. Experiments on the publicly available
YELP-HAT Dataset demonstrate that the proposed pruned TM’s
attention map aligns more with the human attention map than the
vanilla TM’s attention map. In addition, the pairwise similarity
measure also surpasses the attention map-based neural network
models. In terms of accuracy, the proposed pruning method does
not degrade the accuracy significantly but rather enhances the
performance up to 4% to 9% in some test data.
Index Terms—Tsetlin Machine, Explainability, Pruning, Text
The majority of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks
are highly dependent on attention-based Deep Neural Net-
works (DNNs) models [1]–[3]. While attention mechanisms
have been claimed to facilitate interpretability since their
development, the question of whether this is true has just
recently been a hot topic of discussion [4], [5]. In addition,
it is recently suggested in [6], [4], and [5] three separate
ways for assessing the explainability of attention. Particularly,
[6]’s study is based on the idea that explainable attention
scores ought
to be unique for each prediction while also
being consistent with other measures of feature importance.
Similarly, [4] suggests that the relevance of inputs does not
always equate to attention weights. While these studies raise
979-8-3315-0498-4/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE
important issues, they also use model-driven approaches to
manipulate attention weights and then assess the post-hoc
explainability of the generated machine attention.
One way to evaluate if the machine attention map (MAM)
correlates with the human attention map (HAM) is to compare
the similarity between these two [7]. However, due to the
BlackBox nature that is lack of transparency in the model, the
focus is now shifting to some interpretable models. One of the
powerful rule-based interpretable models is Tsetlin Machine,
which aims to reduce the gap between explainability and
performance to a significant level [8].
Tsetlin Machine (TM) has become an architecture of the
choice for a vast range of NLP tasks especially in text
classification such as Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) [9],
Sentiment Analysis [10], Fake News Detection [11] and Doc-
ument Classification [12]. While TM has been a good alter-
native approach to traditional Deep Neural Networks (DNNs)
because of its transparent learning, the explainable rules that
it offers tend to be huge in numbers making them difficult to
comprehend. TM learns the pattern based on the combination
of propositional logic called clauses and these collections of
the clause make a pattern for a particular class [13]–[15]. It
has been arguably accepted that interpreting such a clause
can give insight into the model for humans to understand
the underlying concept of the task [16]–[18]. However, it has
also been accepted that due to sparse Boolean bag-of-words
(BOW) input representation, the model tends to learn negated
literals in the majority making each clause very humongous
and impractical to interpret.
Hence in this paper, we design a pruning technique to
eliminate the unwanted literals1 from the clause so that the
clauses are more efficiently explained. The pruning method is
named: pruning by the frequency of literals in the model. As a
1Literals are the form of input features either in the original or negated
form such as a word “good” is an original form of the literal and “¬ good”
is the negated form that makes up a clause.
result of the pruning method, the propositional rules obtained
from the set of clauses are shortened thereby making it easier
for humans to comprehend. We obtain the Tsetlin attention
map (TAM) from the pruned clause and evaluate it with HAM
using the similarity measure. For evaluation of the model, we
use the two popular metrics: Comprehensiveness and Suffi-
ciency [19]. The proposed pruning method is not similar to
the removal of stopwords that are predefined and are common
in most cases. However, our approach statistically removes the
unwanted form of the features to add explainability.
The main contributions of the paper are as follows:
• We design a pruning method using the frequency of the
literals in the clause in the model.
• We generate much shorter and more efficient clauses
that are shorter, and compact which would lead to more
explainable NLP models.
We do not attempt
to present a thorough overview of
interpretability in NLP because it is a big and rapidly evolving
field. Instead, we concentrate on directions that are particularly
pertinent to our paper. Interpretability is a subjective aspect in
the field of NLP. The important rationales for each individual
may not agree with the other individual. This has been
extensively studied in [7]. Thus interpretability has become
a major evaluation metric for the NLP tasks apart from the
accuracy of the model.
To extract rationales in contemporary neural networks for
text classification, one might apply versions of attention [2].
Attention mechanisms learn to assign soft weights to (usually
contextualized) token representations, and so one can extract
highly weighted tokens as rationales. Attention weights, on
the other hand, may not always provide accurate explanations
for predictions [4]–[6]. This is most
likely due to input
entanglement in encoders, which makes interpreting attention
weights on inputs over contextualized representations of the
same more challenging.
Hard attention methods, on the other hand, discretely extract
snippets from the input to feed to the classifier, resulting
in accurate explanations. Hard attention processes have been
offered as a technique for delivering explanations in recent
research. [20] advocated creating two models, each with its
own set of parameters, one to extract rationales and the other to
consume them to make a prediction. [21] developed a variant
of this two-model configuration that employs heuristic feature
scores to construct pseudo labels on tokens containing ratio-
nales; one model may then do hard extraction in this manner,
while a second (independent) model can make predictions
based on these.
Another area of research into interpretability is post-hoc
explanation approaches, which aim to explain why a model
generated a specific prediction for a given input. Typically,
token-level significance scores are used. A common example
is gradient-based explanations [22], [23]. These have defined
semantics that describes how locally perturbing inputs impact
outputs. Since the local clause of TM deals with propositional
logic, it does not have any mathematical soft or hard attention.
Since the rules can be very large based on the number of
vocabulary, it becomes a challenging task to understand the
explainability it provides. Hence, in this paper, we propose a
pruning method to get rid of the literals in the clause so that
the model stills retains the valuable information but offers a
much simpler explanation by getting rid of randomly placed
TM learns the patterns for a particular task by learning the
sets of sub-pattern in the form of propositional logic known
as a clause. During learning, TM has Tsetlin Automata (TA)
states that decide which form of the literals take part in the
clause. TM while learning includes some randomly initialized
literals that do not impact the performance of the model.
These randomly placed literals not being very important to
either prediction class usually are in few numbers on count
over the clause. Since their dominance is very weak in the
model, we tend to reject it while evaluating the explainability
of TM [9]. We hypothesize that these randomly placed literals
are non-important and do not impact the performance to a
significant margin. If pruned from the clause, the TM still
provides a similar accuracy. However, our main hypothesis is
that since pruning reduces the size of propositional logic, the
explainability can be easily comprehended by humans.
A. Tsetlin Machine: Architecture
The propositional logic in TM consists of the combination
of the non-negated (original) and negated form of the literals
in a conjunctive form. The selection of negated and non-
negated forms of literals is decided by the set of TAs i.e.,
TA controls the non-negated literals whereas TA’ controls the
negated features. These actions of TAs are controlled by the
two types of feedback namely: Type I Feedback and Type II
Feedback [10].
The most important aspect of TM [13] is the clause that
learns the sub-pattern for each class using propositional logic.
The sub-pattern is in the form of AND rules and is easily
interpretable to humans. Here we will extract the interpretation
of TM using the clauses of the model and generate a numerical
attention map for each input feature. For instance, let us as-
sume a Boolean bag-of-word X = [x1, · · · , xn], xk ∈ {0, 1},
k ∈ {1, . . . , n} where xk = 1 means the presence of a word in
the sentence and n is the size of the vocabulary. If each class
needs α clauses to learn the pattern and there are γ number of
classes, altogether the model is represented by γ × α clauses
C δ
ι , 1 ≤ δ ≤ γ, 1 ≤ ι ≤ α, as:
C δ
ι =
k∈I δ
k∈ ¯I δ
ι and ¯I δ
where I δ
ι are non-overlapping subsets of the input
δ ⊆ {1, · · · , n}, I ι
variable indices, I ι
δ = ∅. These
clauses vote for the respective class and keep the track of
vote. Then a summation operator is used to aggregate the votes
given by:
δ ∩ ¯I ι
δ, ¯I ι
Fig. 1. Example of important and non-important literals for given contexts.
the clauses from all the classes are considered. We understand
that TA is the state that controls each form of the literal. For
instance the states of TA for a context “This place is terrible.
They are very stingy with the serving size.” are shown in Fig.
2. Here we can see that there are two TAs: TA controls the
states of the original form of the literals whereas TA’ controls
the states of negated literals. Each TA state has two actions:
Include and Exclude. When the states are from 0 to 127, the
action Exclude is performed and the literals associated with
corresponding TAs do not take part in the clause. On the
other hand, the states are from 128 to 255 representing Include
action where the corresponding literals now take part in the
clause. From Figs. 1 and 2, we can see that there are some
literals in the negated form that are non-important.
Our intuition is that the non-important literals such as ¬here
and ¬ever should not impact the performance of the model
significantly even if removed. However, important literals such
as ¬good, ¬delicious and terrible should severely impact
the model if removed. In order to categorize the important
and non-important literals, we use the frequency of literals
appearing in the set of clauses [9] for a single experiment
of selected epochs of training. We select the minimum 5%
to 50% of the non-important literals and set their states to 0
so that the desired literals are excluded from the calculation
of prediction thereby pruning the clause. This study does not
establish a benchmark for the number of literals that should be
pruned but gives the study on how to explore pruning based
on the required task.
Since our main aim is to prune the clause for better
and significantly shorter propositional logic, we analyze the
performance of the model based on two parameters: Primar-
ily explainability and secondarily accuracy. There is various
benchmark that provides human rationales for the evaluation
of explainability [7], [24]. However, we used the YELP
HAT dataset [7], a large-scale crowd-sourcing project that
was devised and undertaken to collect human attention maps,
which encode the elements of a text that humans focus on
when undertaking text classification. It
is collected for a
specific classification task of the subset of the YELP dataset
as positive or negative on Amazon Mechanical Turk. Three
Fig. 2. Representation of TA states for a given context.
f δ(X) = Σα−1
ι=1,3,...C δ
ι (X) − Σα
ι=2,4,...C δ
ι (X).
For γ classes, the final output ˆy is given by the argmax
operator to classify the input based on the highest net sum of
votes, as shown in Eq (3).
ˆy = argmaxδ
(cid:0)f δ(X)(cid:1) .
B. Pruning Clauses in Tsetlin Machine
TM uses a set of clauses to learn the collection of patterns in
each class using the combination of literals which is detailed
step-by-step in [10]. Since TM is trained sample-wise, the
literals that are included in the clause stay there for even longer
training steps. This is because they do not have an impact on
the prediction thereby not allowing the clause to be updated
efficiently. An efficient clause is said to be the condition where
a clause does not carry any randomly placed literals that do
not have any impact on the prediction 2.
[9] has demonstrated that the literals that are less frequent
in the clause over single or multiple experiments are said to
be non-important literals. In contrast, the literals that are more
frequent in the clause over the sample of single or multiple
experiments are considered important literals. This means that
there always exist some literals in the clause as a propositional
logic that usually do not carry any significant information as
shown in Fig. 1.
Here in this paper we also validate the claim made by [9].
Once the model is trained, we extract all the clauses along
with the propositional logic associated with it. Note that: all
2Randomly initializing the TA states in TM is quite similar to initializing
the weights randomly in neural networks.
This place is terrible. They are very stingy with the serving size.Service was terrible and the food was inedible. The server wasslow and unfriendly.The most delicious steak I've ever had! Wonderful placeLove this place! The owners (brothers) are very sweet. important literalsnon-important literalsExcludeIncludeIncludeExclude0112812925512701128129255127TABLE I
TAM vanilla TM
TM (5%)
TM (10%)
TM (15%)
TM (20%)
TM (25%)
TM (30%)
TM (35%)
TM (40%)
TAM vanilla TM
TM (5%)
TM (10%)
TM (15%)
TM (20%)
TM (25%)
TM (30%)
TM (35%)
TM (40%)
human attention maps have been collected for each sample of
the YELP-HAT dataset given by HAM1, HAM2, and HAM3.
In addition to this, [7] provide a common training set of the
data with three different subsets of testing data. The first subset
consists of test samples with a length of 50 words named
Yelp-50, the second subset of test samples with 100 words
named Yelp-100, and the third subset of test samples with 200
words named Yelp-200. These subsets are designed because
[7] established that the similarity between MAM and HAM
changes based on the length of average words in the context.
A. Explainability
For the evaluation of explainability, we design an attention
vector similar to a neural network. We address neural network-
based attention maps as Neural Attention Map (NAM). MAM
includes all the machine-generated attention maps including
NAM and TAM in this case. We obtain the TAM using
comprehensiveness (were all features needed to make a pre-
diction selected?) and sufficiency (do the extracted rationales
contain enough signal to come to a disposition?) [19]. We
also calculate comprehensiveness and sufficiency as evaluation
metrics for the neural network baselines i.e., LSTM, BiLSTM,
and BERT. Here we use default parameters for BERT whereas
we used Adam optimizer, dropout of 0.25 with 256 hidden
nodes for both LSTM and BiLSTM that achieved state-of-
the-art performance for selected datasets. To calculate com-
prehensiveness, we create a new input ˜xk by removing the
expected non-importance token tk from an original input xk.
Let F(xk)γ be the initial prediction by a model F for the
predicted class γ. We then observe the prediction probability
for the same class after tk is removed. Basically, when tk is
important and removed from xk, the model should be less
confident in its prediction. This can be quantified as follows:
comprehensiveness = F(xk)γ − F(˜xk)γ.
The score obtained from Eq. (4) indicates the effect of
tk in prediction. For example, a high score will
the removed tokens are of significant relevance, whereas a
low score signifies the opposite. To calculate sufficiency, we
measure if tk is sufficient for a model to make a prediction.
The calculation is given as:
sufficiency = F(xk)γ − F(tk)γ.
In Eq. (5), we assume the non-importance tokens tk for
γ class. Additionally, we adopt a simple approach to assess
the faithfulness of scores assigned to tokens by a model.
Eventually, we use both of this information to build an
attention vector for the selected models. For DNNs baselines
such as LSTM, Bi-LSTM, and BERT, we directly use the
F as the probability of the model for the respective class.
However, in the case of TM, we only have the clause score
for each class. Hence we obtain the probability by normalizing
the score obtained by subtracting the clause score of the sum
of false classes from the clause score of a true class given by
Eq. (6).
F(xk) = N orm (cid:0)|f δ=tp(xk) − Σf δ=f p(xk)|(cid:1) .
Here f (xk) represents the clause score of selected (xk) for
true prediction tp and false prediction fp. —.— refers to the
absolute value. Hence we map the TAM for comprehensive-
ness and sufficiency.
1) Pairwise Similarity of Attention Map: Here, we evaluate
each respective attention with HAM using a pairwise similarity
measure. For comparison, we use vanilla TM, LSTM, Bi-
LSTM, and BERT as the baselines to compare with our
proposed pruned TM. We selected these baselines because it
covers the entire range from simpler to bigger model. From
the collection of attention maps HAMs, MAMs (vanilla TAM
and proposed pruned TAM and NAMs), the similarity measure
between HAM and MAM is given by the average pair-wise
similarity between each (HAMi, MAMi) where
P airSimi = 1 − |HAMi − M AMi|,
TAM vanilla TM
TM (5%)
TM (10%)
TM (15%)
TM (20%)
TM (25%)
TM (30%)
TM (35%)
TM (40%)
TAM vanilla TM
TM (5%)
TM (10%)
TM (15%)
TM (20%)
TM (25%)
TM (30%)
TM (35%)
TM (40%)
SimM easure =
Σi(P airSimi).
where |D| is the number of reviews in the dataset D. This
corresponds to using the human attention vector as binary
ground truth, intuitively. In other words, it assesses how well
the machine-generated continuous vector resembles the ground
truth. The SimMeasure scores are between 0 to 1 with 1 being
perfect similarity and 0 being no similarity. This measure gives
the approximation of how far or close each sample of MAM
is from gold HAM.
We computed SimMeasure of comprehensiveness for pro-
posed pruned TM and the selected baselines for Yelp-50 as
shown in Table I. It can be clearly seen that even HAMs
differ from each other with a maximum SimMeasure of .0765.
This shows that important rationales are subjective and may
differ from human to human. When evaluating the baseline
models LSTM, it aligns maximum with HAM2 with a score of
0.643 and least with HAM1 with a score of 0.621. A similar
trend is seen in Bi-LSTM as well as BERT. The maximum
SimMeasure between NAMs and HAMs is 0.695. On the other
hand, vanilla TM easily surpasses the SimMeasure of NAMs
when compared to HAMs reaching a maximum of 0.72. In
addition to this, when the clauses are pruned with certain
percentages starting from 5% of the literals, the SimMeasure
increases significantly thereby reaching 0.752. The proposed
pruned TM’s similarity almost reaches that of HAMs.
Similarly, the SimMeasure of comprehensiveness for Yelp-
100 is shown in Table II. Even in this case, vanilla TM’s
SimMeasure is better than that of NAMs. Interestingly, when
the clauses are pruned more than 30% of the literals, the
SimMeasure outperforms the similarity among the HAMs as
well. The same trend is observed in the case of the test sample
having 200 words in the context as shown in Table III.
Sufficiency For calculating the similarity measure we
slightly change the Eq. (7) slightly as given below:
P airSimi = |HAMi − M AMi|.
This is because the lower the sufficiency, the higher the impor-
tance of the word in the model. We computed SimMeasure of
sufficiency for the proposed pruned TM and the selected base-
lines for Yelp-50 as shown in Table IV. It can be seen that the
SimMeasure of vanilla TM is better than the baseline NAMs.
The increment is only marginal when the pruning is below
20% but pruning more than 20% of the literals significantly
enhances the similarity thereby reaching 0.717. A slightly
interesting trend is observed for Yelp-100 as shown in Table
V. Here the SimMeasure of vanilla TM is significantly lower
than NAMs. However clause is pruned, and the SimMeasure
enhances significantly. The highest SimMeasure for NAMs
reaches 0.576 by Bi-LSTM which is surpassed by pruned TM
with more than 35% of the literals. The same case is also
observed for Yelp-200 where NAMs baselines are surpassed
by pruned TM with more than 35% as shown in Table VI.
2) Performance based on Accuracy: We also evaluate the
proposed method in terms of the accuracy of the model along
with its baselines. Even though the main motive of this paper
is to evaluate the explainability obtained from the models, we
still need to obtain reasonable accuracy with a good trade-
off between explainability and accuracy. Hence we obtain the
accuracy of the model with the same configuration for which
we obtained the comprehensiveness and sufficiency. We train
each model on the same training data and test on three given
test data.
Table VII shows the performance of the proposed pruned
TM along with the selected baselines for given three subsets
of test data Yelp-50, Yelp-100, and Yelp-200. We can see that
both LSTM and Bi-LSTM-based model achieves similar accu-
racy on given test samples. However, BERT outperforms all of
them thereby reaching 96.88%, 96.56%, and 93.48% in Yelp-
50, Yelp-100, and Yelp-200 respectively. Since TM is more
comparable to LSTM and Bi-LSTM because these models do
TAM vanilla TM
TM (5%)
TM (10%)
TM (15%)
TM (20%)
TM (25%)
TM (30%)
TM (35%)
TM (40%)
TAM vanilla TM
TM (5%)
TM (10%)
TM (15%)
TM (20%)
TM (25%)
TM (30%)
TM (35%)
TM (40%)
not have world knowledge as BERT does, we will focus on the
rest of the models for comparison in terms of accuracy. Here,
vanilla TM outperforms both LSTM and Bi-LSTM with more
than 2% in Yelp-50. However, its performance significantly
declines for Yelp-100 with around 3% and Yelp-200 with
around 7%. This shows that the performance of TM declines
with the increase in the length size of the samples.
When we prune the trained clauses with certain percentages
of non-important literals, the performance does not decrease
drastically till the amount pruned literal is below 20% in the
case of Yelp-50. Since the decline in accuracy is very gradual,
we can also see from Table I that the increment of SimMeasure
is gradual as well. Similarly, for Yelp-100, the accuracy of
vanilla TM is 87.57% which is almost 3% lower than the
contender. However, when the clauses are pruned with 5%, the
accuracy increase by 2%. This trend can be observed for the
rest of the pruned TM as well. TM eventually reaches 91.12%
with 40% non-important literals pruned thereby outperforming
vanilla TM
TM (5%)
TM (10%)
TM (15%)
TM (20%)
TM (25%)
TM (30%)
TM (35%)
TM (40%)
both LSTM and Bi-LSTM. This observation also supports the
explainable part as we can see in both Table II and V, the
SimMeasure drastically increases with high pruned literals.
Similarly, in the case of Yelp-200, the accuracy of pruned
TM achieves the highest of 91.53% thereby outperforming
vanilla TM by almost 9% as well as outperforming LSTM
and Bi-LSTM. This behavior is also observed in Table III and
VI, where the SimMeasure drastically increases for pruned
TM thereby outperforming vanilla TM and other selected
In this section, we study the result of pruning in proposi-
tional logic. The main aim of pruning the clause is to obtain an
easier and more compact propositional logic thereby retaining
the accuracy of the model. Hence, we randomly select some
samples and study their randomly selected clause. Each sample
is passed to the trained model with and without pruning of the
clause. This sample activates the clause to 1 if satisfies the
propositional logic.
Here we randomly select the clause of the predicted class
for three selected samples are shown in Fig 3. The first
two samples depict
the negative sentiment, while the last
sample represents the positive sentiment. Examination of the
first sample reveals that the clause supporting the negative
sentiment contains numerous non-important literals (as they do
not carry the information about the sentiment of the context)
such as ¬other, ¬thing, ¬them, ¬wait, ¬looking, etc.
Pruning 25% of these non-important literals results in a more
concise and highly explainable clause, featuring literals such
as ¬enjoyed, ¬homemade, ¬f antastic, ¬awesome, etc.,
which are mostly sentiment-carrying words, leading to a 50%
reduction in overall literals. A similar outcome is observed for
the second sample, where pruning resulted in a 50% reduction
of non-important literals like ¬really, ¬I ′ve, ¬always, ¬So,
etc. In the case of the positive sentiment sample, the removal of
non-important literals such as ¬i, ¬told, ¬times, ¬around,
etc. in a clause makes the pruned clause more compact with
sentiment-carrying words in negated form, leading to a 60%
reduction in literals. This study highlights the presence of non-
Fig. 3. Case study for three samples and the corresponding clauses with propositional logic before and after pruning. Literals highlighters in yellow color
represent that they are removed after the pruning.
important literals that increase ambiguity in the explainability
of the context. Removing these non-important literals provides
a distinctive and concise proposition logic while maintaining
accuracy and in some cases, improving it. In all brevity, if we
use only the first few literals to explain the prediction of the
model (such as 10-15 literals), we can observe that the clause
before pruning has several literals that do not make sense to
explain that something is negative in sentiment. Such literals
are highlighted in yellow in Fig 3. Moreover, the pruning
method not only removes non-important
literals but also
introduces new important literals such as “¬ disappointed”,
“¬ mediocre”, “¬ horrible”, “¬ unacceptable” etc as shown
in the third sample having positive sentiment. The optimal
proportion of literals to prune varies based on the task and
dataset, but results suggest that pruning 20% to 30% of literals
yields satisfactory results across all test datasets.
In this paper, we pruned the non-important literals that are
randomly placed in the clause to enhance the explainability
and performance of the model. We experimented on a publicly
available dataset YELP-HAT that also consists of human
rationales as the gold standard for evaluating explainability.
The results demonstrated that pruning of clause significantly
enhances the SimMeasure between TAM from pruned TM
and HAM compared to TAM obtained from vanilla TM.
Interestingly, pruned TM also enhances the accuracy from
4% to 9% in the case of Yelp-100 and Yelp-200 test data. In
addition to this, we also demonstrated the impact of pruning on
each randomly selected sample of both classes. We observed
that pruning not only removes the unwanted literals but also
makes compact and human-understandable propositional logic.
Here, we have proposed a pruning of literals in TM that
eliminated the non-important literals from the clause thereby
making the proposition logic shorten and compact for better
human explainability. However, there are still some concerns
in TM that is a bottleneck for explainability. As we understand
that TM can generate humongous propositional logic, even
after shortening it by more than 50%, is still very huge in some
cases. Such huge propositional logic is still difficult to com-
prehend for humans. Since, TM not only gives the weightage
of each input feature on the model like DNNs, it incorporated
high-level rules which can be subjective depending upon each
individual. In addition to explainability, one of the limitations
is the statistics of the dataset. Since TM does not employ world
knowledge such as BERTs or GPTs, it might not categorize
some words as important that do not occur very frequently in
the dataset.
Food is good, but service terrible. They have me a togo box when I was eating in. Did not get my cupuntil after the fact. I had to talk to someone else for itplace not clean, at least the food is good. Servicekinda ruined my mealFood ∧ service ∧ ¬chicken ∧ ¬best ∧ ¬other ∧ ¬wait ∧ ¬worth ∧ ¬delicious ∧ ¬looking ∧¬right ∧ ¬thing ∧ ¬everything ∧ ¬manager ∧ ¬half ∧ ¬feel ∧ ¬stars ∧ ¬usually ∧¬experience ∧ ¬busy ∧ ¬Definitely ∧ ¬friendly ∧ ¬enjoyed ∧ ¬Thai ∧ ¬special ∧ ¬place ∧¬absolutely ∧ ¬shrimp ∧ ¬them ∧ ¬tasty ∧ ¬back! ∧ ¬servers ∧ ¬cool ∧ ¬bring ∧¬fantastic ∧ ¬received ∧ ¬up ∧ ¬Nice ∧ ¬bowl ∧ ¬butter Food ∧ service ∧ ¬best ∧ ¬delicious ∧ ¬right ∧ ¬enjoyed ∧ ¬absolutely ∧ ¬fantastic ∧¬Nice ∧ ¬bowl ∧ ¬homemade ∧ ¬awesome! ∧ ¬sure ∧ ¬Pretty ∧ ¬bar, ∧ ¬locations ∧¬entrees ∧ ¬LOVE ∧ around 50%SamplePropositional LogicReduction (%)Before PruningAfter PruningVery slow. Never been in the drive at any other placelonger then I do at Kneader's. I don't know what theyare doing different but 20 min minimum sitting in adrive through for a sandwich is ridiculous. And it'snot just this location. Every. Single. One. Is SLOW!!!slow ∧ ridiculous ∧ ¬great ∧ ¬really ∧ ¬I've ∧ ¬always ∧ ¬love ∧ ¬definitely ∧ ¬little ∧¬So ∧ ¬5 ∧ ¬again ∧ ¬delicious ∧ ¬can't ∧ ¬atmosphere ∧ ¬usually ∧ ¬far ∧ ¬though ∧¬things ∧ ¬Best ∧ ¬excellent ∧ ¬looked ∧ ¬Chicken ∧ ¬free ∧ ¬wine ∧ ¬it! ∧ ¬felt ∧¬today ∧ ¬servers ∧ ¬wonderful ∧ ¬instead ∧ ¬BBQ ∧ ¬Chicken ∧ ¬free ∧ ¬wine ∧ ¬it! ∧¬felt ∧ ¬today ∧ ¬serversslow ∧ ridiculous ∧ ¬great ∧ ¬always ∧ ¬love ∧ ¬definitely ∧ ¬delicious ∧ ¬Best ∧¬excellent ∧ ¬looked ∧ ¬wonderful ∧ ¬entertainment ∧ ¬appreciated ∧ ¬complaint ∧¬minute ∧ ¬slow ∧ ¬morning After Pruningaround 50%If you are looking for good BBQ, look no further! I ordered the ribs and they practically fell of thebone. You could tell they really cared about thefood they were serving. I am new to yelp butwanted to share my experience, cause it wasjust that good!BBQ ∧ good ∧ food ∧ ¬i ∧ ¬wasn't ∧ ¬last ∧ ¬time. ∧ ¬night ∧ ¬told ∧ ¬around ∧¬restaurant. ∧ ¬into ∧ ¬waited ∧ ¬high ∧ ¬reviews ∧ ¬me. ∧ ¬15 ∧ ¬rude ∧ ¬away ∧¬them. ∧ ¬regular ∧ ¬here, ∧ ¬week ∧ ¬guy ∧ ¬orders ∧ ¬tea ∧ ¬patio ∧ ¬ordering ∧¬terrible. ∧ ¬walk ∧ ¬add ∧ ¬de ∧ ¬weren't ∧ ¬drinks. ∧ ¬done ∧ ¬you'll ∧ ¬phone ∧¬more. ∧ ¬fact ∧ ¬Nothing ∧ ¬garlic ∧ ¬started ∧ ¬owners ∧ ¬noodle ∧ ¬Always ∧¬talking ∧ ¬frozen ∧ ¬ramen ∧ ¬neighborhood ∧ ¬added ∧ ¬finish ∧ ¬insideBBQ ∧ good ∧ food ∧ ¬rude ∧ ¬orders ∧ ¬ordering ∧ ¬terrible. ∧ ¬noodle ∧ ¬regret ∧ ¬overcooked ∧ ¬slow ∧ ¬ ridiculous ¬cold ∧ ¬poor ∧ ¬dissapointed ∧¬mediocre ∧ ¬unacceptable ∧ ¬horrible ∧ ¬disappointing ∧ ¬lukewarm After Pruningaround 60%Before PruningBefore Pruningfor Computational Linguistics. Online: Association for Computational
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ai_researcher | 3 | An_Actor-Critic_Approach_to_Boosting_Text-to-SQL_Large_Language_Model.pdf | Actors
— A Process Algebra Based Approach
— Yong Wang —
Mail Box
Incoming Messages
1 Introduction
2 Truly Concurrent Process Algebra
2.1 Basic Algebra for True Concurrency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Algebra for Parallelism in True Concurrency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3 Recursion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4 Abstraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.5 Axiomatization for Hhp-Bisimilarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.5.1 AP T C with Left Parallel Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.5.2 Recursion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.5.3 Abstraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.6 Placeholder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.7 Process Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.8 Asynchronous Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.9 Guards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.9.1 Operational Semantics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.9.2 BAT C with Guards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.9.3 AP T C with Guards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.9.4 Recursion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.9.5 Abstraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.10 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Process Algebra Based Actor Model
3.1 The Actor Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 Modelling Actors Based on Process Algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.1 Modelling Characteristics of An Actor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.2 Combining All the Elements into A Whole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Process Algebra Based Actor Model of Map-Reduce
4.1 Requirements of Map-Reduce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 The New Actor Model of Map-Reduce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2.1 Map Actor, MapA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2.2 Reduce Actor, RA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2.3 Master Actor, Mas
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2.4 Putting All Together into A Whole
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Process Algebra Based Actor Model of Google File System
5.1 Requirements of Google File System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 The New Actor Model of Google File System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2.1 Client Actor, CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2.2 Chunk Server Actor, CSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2.3 Master Actor, Mas
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2.4 Putting All Together into A Whole
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Process Algebra Based Actor Model of Cloud Resource Management
6.1 Requirements of Cloud Resource Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2 The New Actor Model of Cloud Resource Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.1 Client Actor, CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.2 Virtual Resource Actor, VA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.3 Resource Manager Actor, RA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
State Collector Actor, SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.5 Putting All Together into A Whole
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 Process Algebra Based Actor Model of Web Service Composition
7.1 Requirements of Web Service Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.1.1 WSO and WSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.1.2 Design Decisions on Web Service Composition Runtime . . . . . . . . . . .
7.1.3 A WS Composition Runtime Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2 The New Actor Model of Web Service Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2.1 Activity Actor, AA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2.2 Web Service Orchestration, WSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2.3 Web Service, WS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2.4 Web Service Choreography, WSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2.5 Putting All Together into A Whole
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3 An Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3.1 UserAgent AAs
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3.2 UserAgent WSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3.3 UserAgent WS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3.4 BookStore AAs
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3.5 BookStore WSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3.6 BookStore WS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3.7 BuyingBooks WSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3.8 Putting All Together into A Whole
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 Process Algebra Based Actor Model of QoS-aware Web Service Orchestration
8.1 Requirements of QoS-aware Web Service Orchestration Engine . . . . . . . . . . . 100
8.1.1 The Bookstore WSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
8.1.2 Architecture of A Typical QoS-aware WSO Engine, QoS-WSOE . . . . . . 102
8.2 The New Actor Model of QoS-aware Web Service Orchestration Engine . . . . . . 104
8.2.1 Web Service, WS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
8.2.2 Web Service Orchestration Instance Manager, WSOIM . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
8.2.3 Web Service Orchestration (Instance), WSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
8.2.4 Activity Actor, AA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Service Selector, SS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
8.2.6 Putting All Together into A Whole
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
8.3 An Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
8.3.1 BookStore AAs
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
8.3.2 WSOIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
8.3.3 BookStore WSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
8.3.4 BuyerAgent WS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
8.3.5 BookStore WS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
8.3.6 Railway WS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
8.3.7 Airline WS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Service Selector
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
8.3.9 Putting All Together into A Whole
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
A XML-Based Web Service Specifications for Buying Books Example
B The BookStore WSO Described by WS-BPEL
1 Introduction
There are many work on the formalization for concurrency, such as process algebra [1] [2] [3]
and actors [12] [13] [14] [15]. Traditionally, process algebras model the interleaving concurrency
and actors capture the true concurrency.
We have done some work on truly concurrent process algebra [8] [9] [10], which is proven to be
a generalization of traditional process algebra for true concurrency. Now, for actors and truly
concurrent process algebra are all models for true concurrency, can we model actors based on
truly concurrent process algebra? That is a natural problem, in this book, we try to do this
We capture the actor model in the following characteristics:
1. Concurrency: all actors execute concurrently;
2. Asynchrony: an actor receives and sends messages asynchronously;
3. Uniqueness: an actor has a unique name and the associate unique mail box name;
4. Concentration: an actor focuses on the processing messages, including some local compu-
tations, creations of some new actors, and sending some messages to other actors;
5. Communication Dependency: the only way of affecting an actor is sending a message to
6. Abstraction: except for the receiving and sending message, and creating new actors, the
local computations are abstracted;
7. Persistence: an actor does not disappear after processing a message.
Truly concurrent process algebra has rich expressive ability to model the above characteristics
of actors, and more importantly, they are models for true concurrency, Comparing with other
models of actors, the truly concurrent process algebra based model has the following advantages.
1. The truly concurrent process algebra has rich expressive abilities to describe almost all
characteristics of actors, especially for asynchronous communication, actor creation, re-
cursion, abstraction, etc;
2. The truly concurrent process algebra and actors are all models for true concurrency, and
have inborn intimacy;
3. The truly concurrent process algebra has a firm semantics foundation and a powerful proof
theory, the correctness of an actor system can be proven easily.
In chapter 2, for the self-satisfaction, we introduce truly
This book is organized as follows.
concurrent process algebra. We give the model of actors based on truly concurrent process
algebra in chapter 3. We use the truly concurrent process algebra based actor model to model
some applications and systems, in chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, we model Map-Reduce, Google
File System, cloud resource management, Web Service composition, and QoS-aware Web Service
orchestration engine respectively.
2 Truly Concurrent Process Algebra
In this chapter, to make this book be self-satisfied, we introduce the preliminaries on truly
concurrent process algebra [8] [9] [10], which is based on truly concurrent operational semantics.
APTC eliminates the differences of structures of transition system, event structure, etc, and dis-
cusses their behavioral equivalences. It considers that there are two kinds of causality relations:
the chronological order modeled by the sequential composition and the causal order between dif-
ferent parallel branches modeled by the communication merge. It also considers that there exist
two kinds of confliction relations: the structural confliction modeled by the alternative com-
position and the conflictions in different parallel branches which should be eliminated. Based
on conservative extension, there are four modules in APTC: BATC (Basic Algebra for True
Concurrency), APTC (Algebra for Parallelism in True Concurrency), recursion and abstraction.
2.1 Basic Algebra for True Concurrency
BATC has sequential composition ⋅ and alternative composition + to capture the chronological
ordered causality and the structural confliction. The constants are ranged over A, the set of
atomic actions. The algebraic laws on ⋅ and + are sound and complete modulo truly concurrent
bisimulation equivalences (including pomset bisimulation, step bisimulation, hp-bisimulation
and hhp-bisimulation).
Definition 2.1 (Prime event structure with silent event). Let Λ be a fixed set of labels, ranged
over a, b, c, ⋯ and τ . A (Λ-labelled) prime event structure with silent event τ is a tuple E =
⟨E, ≤, ♯, λ⟩, where E is a denumerable set of events, including the silent event τ . Let ˆE = E/{τ },
exactly excluding τ , it is obvious that ˆτ ∗ = ǫ, where ǫ is the empty event. Let λ ∶ E → Λ be a
labelling function and let λ(τ ) = τ . And ≤, ♯ are binary relations on E, called causality and
conflict respectively, such that:
1. ≤ is a partial order and ⌈e⌉ = {e′ ∈ E∣e′ ≤ e} is finite for all e ∈ E. It is easy to see that
e ≤ τ ∗ ≤ e′ = e ≤ τ ≤ ⋯ ≤ τ ≤ e′, then e ≤ e′.
2. ♯ is irreflexive, symmetric and hereditary with respect to ≤, that is, for all e, e′, e′′ ∈ E, if
e ♯ e′ ≤ e′′, then e ♯ e′′.
Then, the concepts of consistency and concurrency can be drawn from the above definition:
1. e, e′ ∈ E are consistent, denoted as e ⌢ e′, if ¬(e ♯ e′). A subset X ⊆ E is called consistent,
if e ⌢ e′ for all e, e′ ∈ X.
2. e, e′ ∈ E are concurrent, denoted as e ∥ e′, if ¬(e ≤ e′), ¬(e′ ≤ e), and ¬(e ♯ e′).
Definition 2.2 (Configuration). Let E be a PES. A (finite) configuration in E is a (finite)
consistent subset of events C ⊆ E, closed with respect to causality (i.e. ⌈C⌉ = C). The set of
finite configurations of E is denoted by C(E). We let ˆC = C/{τ }.
A consistent subset of X ⊆ E of events can be seen as a pomset. Given X, Y ⊆ E, ˆX ∼ ˆY if ˆX and
ˆY are isomorphic as pomsets. In the following of the paper, we say C1 ∼ C2, we mean ˆC1 ∼ ˆC2.
No. Axiom
x + y = y + x
(x + y) + z = x + (y + z)
x + x = x
(x + y) ⋅ z = x ⋅ z + y ⋅ z
(x ⋅ y) ⋅ z = x ⋅ (y ⋅ z)
Table 1: Axioms of BATC
Definition 2.3 (Pomset transitions and step). Let E be a PES and let C ∈ C(E), and ∅ ≠ X ⊆ E,
Ð→ C ′ is called a pomset transition from C to C ′.
if C ∩ X = ∅ and C ′ = C ∪ X ∈ C(E), then C
Ð→ C ′ is a step.
When the events in X are pairwise concurrent, we say that C
Definition 2.4 (Pomset, step bisimulation). Let E1, E2 be PESs. A pomset bisimulation is a
Ð→ C ′
relation R ⊆ C(E1) × C(E2), such that if (C1, C2) ∈ R, and C1
2, with
X1 ⊆ E1, X2 ⊆ E2, X1 ∼ X2 and (C ′
2) ∈ R, and vice-versa. We say that E1, E2 are pomset
bisimilar, written E1 ∼p E2, if there exists a pomset bisimulation R, such that (∅, ∅) ∈ R. By
replacing pomset transitions with steps, we can get the definition of step bisimulation. When
PESs E1 and E2 are step bisimilar, we write E1 ∼s E2.
1 then C2
Ð→ C ′
1, C ′
Definition 2.5 (Posetal product). Given two PESs E1, E2, the posetal product of their config-
urations, denoted C(E1)×C(E2), is defined as
{(C1, f, C2)∣C1 ∈ C(E1), C2 ∈ C(E2), f ∶ C1 → C2 isomorphism}.
A subset R ⊆ C(E1)×C(E2) is called a posetal relation. We say that R is downward closed
when for any (C1, f, C2), (C ′
2) pointwise and
(C ′
2) ∈ C(E1)×C(E2), if (C1, f, C2) ⊆ (C ′
1, f ′, C ′
1, f ′, C ′
1, f ′, C ′
2) ∈ R, then (C1, f, C2) ∈ R.
x1 ↦ x2
= f
For f ∶ X1 → X2, we define f
x2,if z = x1;(2)f
x1 ↦ x2
∶ X1 ∪
x1 ↦ x2
, otherwise. Where X1 ⊆ E1, X2 ⊆ E2, x1 ∈ E1, x2 ∈ E2.
, z ∈ X1 ∪
→ X2 ∪
Definition 2.6 ((Hereditary) history-preserving bisimulation). A history-preserving (hp-) bisim-
ulation is a posetal relation R ⊆ C
1, then
, C ′
∈ R, and vice-versa. E1, E2 are history-preserving (hp-
∈ R.
)bisimilar and are written E1 ∼hp E2 if there exists a hp-bisimulation R such that
C1, f, C2
e1 ↦ e2
∈ R, and C1
such that if
Ð→ C ′
Ð→ C ′
2, with
C ′
1, f
∅, ∅, ∅
A hereditary history-preserving (hhp-)bisimulation is a downward closed hp-bisimulation. E1, E2
are hereditary history-preserving (hhp-)bisimilar and are written E1 ∼hhp E2.
2 ∈ E, and let variables x, y, z range over the set of terms for true
In the following, let e1, e2, e′
concurrency, p, q, s range over the set of closed terms. The set of axioms of BATC consists of
the laws given in Table 1.
1, e′
We give the operational transition rules of operators ⋅ and + as Table 2 shows. And the predicate
Ð→ √ represents successful termination after execution of the event e.
Ð→ √
Ð→ √
Ð→ √
x + y
Ð→ x′
Ð→ x′
x + y
Ð→ √
Ð→ y
x ⋅ y
Ð→ y′
Ð→ y′
x + y
Ð→ √
Ð→ √
x + y
x ⋅ y
Ð→ x′
Ð→ x′ ⋅ y
Table 2: Transition rules of BATC
Theorem 2.7 (Soundness of BATC modulo truly concurrent bisimulation equivalences). The
axiomatization of BATC is sound modulo truly concurrent bisimulation equivalences ∼p, ∼s, ∼hp
and ∼hhp. That is,
1. let x and y be BATC terms. If BATC ⊢ x = y, then x ∼p y;
2. let x and y be BATC terms. If BATC ⊢ x = y, then x ∼s y;
3. let x and y be BATC terms. If BATC ⊢ x = y, then x ∼hp y;
4. let x and y be BATC terms. If BATC ⊢ x = y, then x ∼hhp y.
Theorem 2.8 (Completeness of BATC modulo truly concurrent bisimulation equivalences).
The axiomatization of BATC is complete modulo truly concurrent bisimulation equivalences ∼p,
∼s, ∼hp and ∼hhp. That is,
1. let p and q be closed BATC terms, if p ∼p q then p = q;
2. let p and q be closed BATC terms, if p ∼s q then p = q;
3. let p and q be closed BATC terms, if p ∼hp q then p = q;
4. let p and q be closed BATC terms, if p ∼hhp q then p = q.
2.2 Algebra for Parallelism in True Concurrency
APTC uses the whole parallel operator ≬, the auxiliary binary parallel ∥ to model parallelism,
and the communication merge
to model communications among different parallel branches, and
also the unary conflict elimination operator Θ and the binary unless operator ◁ to eliminate
conflictions among different parallel branches. Since a communication may be blocked, a new
constant called deadlock δ is extended to A, and also a new unary encapsulation operator
∂H is introduced to eliminate δ, which may exist in the processes. The algebraic laws on
these operators are also sound and complete modulo truly concurrent bisimulation equivalences
(including pomset bisimulation, step bisimulation, hp-bisimulation, but not hhp-bisimulation).
Note that, the parallel operator ∥ in a process cannot be eliminated by deductions on the process
using axioms of APTC, but other operators can eventually be steadied by ⋅, + and ∥, this is also
why truly concurrent bisimulations are called an truly concurrent semantics.
We design the axioms of APTC in Table 3, including algebraic laws of parallel operator ∥,
, conflict elimination operator Θ and unless operator ◁, encapsulation
communication operator
operator ∂H , the deadlock constant δ, and also the whole parallel operator ≬.
We give the transition rules of APTC in Table 4, it is suitable for all truly concurrent behav-
ioral equivalence, including pomset bisimulation, step bisimulation, hp-bisimulation and hhp-
Theorem 2.9 (Soundness of APTC modulo truly concurrent bisimulation equivalences). The
axiomatization of APTC is sound modulo truly concurrent bisimulation equivalences ∼p, ∼s, and
∼hp. That is,
1. let x and y be APTC terms. If APTC ⊢ x = y, then x ∼p y;
2. let x and y be APTC terms. If APTC ⊢ x = y, then x ∼s y;
3. let x and y be APTC terms. If APTC ⊢ x = y, then x ∼hp y.
Theorem 2.10 (Completeness of APTC modulo truly concurrent bisimulation equivalences).
The axiomatization of APTC is complete modulo truly concurrent bisimulation equivalences ∼p,
∼s, and ∼hp. That is,
1. let p and q be closed APTC terms, if p ∼p q then p = q;
2. let p and q be closed APTC terms, if p ∼s q then p = q;
3. let p and q be closed APTC terms, if p ∼hp q then p = q.
2.3 Recursion
To model infinite computation, recursion is introduced into APTC. In order to obtain a sound
and complete theory, guarded recursion and linear recursion are needed. The corresponding
axioms are RSP (Recursive Specification Principle) and RDP (Recursive Definition Principle),
RDP says the solutions of a recursive specification can represent the behaviors of the specifica-
tion, while RSP says that a guarded recursive specification has only one solution, they are sound
with respect to APTC with guarded recursion modulo several truly concurrent bisimulation
equivalences (including pomset bisimulation, step bisimulation and hp-bisimulation), and they
are complete with respect to APTC with linear recursion modulo several truly concurrent bisim-
ulation equivalences (including pomset bisimulation, step bisimulation and hp-bisimulation). In
the following, E, F, G are recursion specifications, X, Y, Z are recursive variables.
For a guarded recursive specifications E with the form
x ≬ y
y ∥ z
x ∥ z
x ≬ y
⋅ y
⋅ x
e1, e2
e1, e2
e1, e2
= γ
e1, e2
e2 = γ
= γ
e2 ⋅ y
z =
y ∥ z
∥ z = x ∥
⋅ y
e1 ∥ e2
e1 ∥ e2
⋅ x
∥ e2 =
e1 ∥ e2
e2 ⋅ y
x ∥ z
∥ z =
x ∥ y
x + δ = x
δ ⋅ x = δ
P 1
x ≬ y = x ∥ y + x
P 2
x ∥ y = y ∥ x
P 3
x ∥ y
P 4
e1 ∥
e2 ⋅ y
P 5
e1 ⋅ x
P 6
e1 ⋅ x
P 7
x + y
P 8
x ∥
y + z
P 9
δ ∥ x = δ
P 10
x ∥ δ = δ
e2 = γ
e2 ⋅ y
∣ (
e1 ⋅ x
) ∣
e1 ⋅ x
) ∣ (
x + y
) ∣
y + z
∣ (
x = δ
δ = δ
= e
CE19 Θ
= δ
CE20 Θ
x + y
CE21 Θ
= Θ
x ⋅ y
CE22 Θ
= Θ
x ∥ y
CE23 Θ
CE24 Θ
e1, e2
U 25
, e2 ≤ e3
U 26
e1, e2
U 27
, e2 ≤ e3
e1, e2
e ◁ δ = e
U 28
δ ◁ e = δ
U 29
x ◁ z
◁ z =
U 30
x + y
U 31
x ◁ z
◁ z =
x ⋅ y
x ◁ z
◁ z =
x ∥ y
U 32
x ◁ z
◁ z =
U 33
) ∣ (
x ◁
U 34
◁ z
x ◁ y
y + z
◁ z
x ◁ y
y ⋅ z
x ◁
U 35
y ∥ z
x ◁
U 36
◁ z
x ◁ y
x ◁ y
x ◁
U 37
◁ z
= e
e ∉ H ∂H
= δ
e ∈ H ∂H
= δ
+ ∂H
x + y
= ∂H
⋅ ∂H
= ∂H
x ⋅ y
∥ ∂H
= ∂H
x ∥ y
◁ y + Θ
⋅ Θ
◁ y
◁ y
) ∣
e1 ◁ e2 = τ
∥ y
e1 ◁ e3 = e1
e3 ◁ e1 = τ
y ◁ z
y ◁ z
y ◁ z
y ◁ z
◁ x
◁ x
◁ x
) ∣
∥ x
Table 3: Axioms of APTC
Ð→ √ y
Ð→ √
Ð→ x′
x ∥ y
Ð→ √ y
Ð→ y′
x ∥ y
Ð→ √ y
ÐÐÐÐ→ y′
Ð→ √
Ð→ y′
Ð→ √ y
ÐÐÐÐ→ y′
Ð→ √
e1, e2
Ð→ √
e1, e2
Ð→ Θ
e1, e2
Ð→ x′
Ð→ √ y ↛e2
x ◁ y
Ð→ √
Ð→ √
ÐÐÐÐ→ x′
Ð→ y′
ÐÐÐÐ→ x′ ≬ y′
x ∥ y
Ð→ x′
x ∥ y
Ð→ x′
Ð→ √
ÐÐÐÐ→ x′
Ð→ x′
Ð→ y′
ÐÐÐÐ→ x′ ≬ y′
Ð→ √
e1, e2
Ð→ √
Ð→ x′
Ð→ x′
e1, e2
Ð→ Θ
y ↛e2
e1, e2
Ð→ x′
x ◁ y
Ð→ √ y ↛e3
x ◁ y
Ð→ √ y ↛e2
x ◁ y
e1, e2
Ð→ √
e1, e2
Ð→ √
, e2 ≤ e3
, e1 ≤ e3
Ð→ x′
y ↛e3
x ◁ y
Ð→ x′
y ↛e2
x ◁ y
Ð→ √
Ð→ √ (
e ∉ H
Ð→ x′
Ð→ ∂H
e1, e2
Ð→ x′
e1, e2
Ð→ x′
e ∉ H
Table 4: Transition rules of APTC
, e2 ≤ e3
, e1 ≤ e3
, ⋯,
, ⋯,
Table 5: Transition rules of guarded recursion
if yi = ti
= ti
E, ⋯, Xn
for i ∈
y1, ⋯, yn
i ∈
1, ⋯, n
1, ⋯, n
, then yi =
Table 6: Recursive definition and specification principle
i ∈
1, ⋯, n
X1 = t1
X1, ⋯, Xn
Xn = tn
X1, ⋯, Xn
The behavior of the solution
is exactly the behavior of their right-hand sides ti
transition rules in Table 5.
for the recursion variable Xi in E, where i ∈
X1, ⋯, Xn
, which is captured by the two
1, ⋯, n
The RDP (Recursive Definition Principle) and the RSP (Recursive Specification Principle) are
shown in Table 6.
Theorem 2.11 (Soundness of AP T C with guarded recursion). Let x and y be AP T C with
guarded recursion terms. If AP T C with guarded recursion ⊢ x = y, then
1. x ∼s y;
2. x ∼p y;
3. x ∼hp y.
Theorem 2.12 (Completeness of AP T C with linear recursion). Let p and q be closed AP T C
with linear recursion terms, then,
1. if p ∼s q then p = q;
2. if p ∼p q then p = q;
3. if p ∼hp q then p = q.
2.4 Abstraction
To abstract away internal implementations from the external behaviors, a new constant τ called
silent step is added to A, and also a new unary abstraction operator τI is used to rename actions
in I into τ (the resulted APTC with silent step and abstraction operator is called APTCτ ). The
recursive specification is adapted to guarded linear recursion to prevent infinite τ -loops specif-
ically. The axioms of τ and τI are sound modulo rooted branching truly concurrent bisimula-
tion equivalences (several kinds of weakly truly concurrent bisimulation equivalences, including
rooted branching pomset bisimulation, rooted branching step bisimulation and rooted branching
hp-bisimulation). To eliminate infinite τ -loops caused by τI and obtain the completeness, CFAR
(Cluster Fair Abstraction Rule) is used to prevent infinite τ -loops in a constructible way.
Definition 2.13 (Weak pomset transitions and weak step). Let E be a PES and let C ∈ C
and ∅ ≠ X ⊆ ˆE, if C ∩ X = ∅ and ˆC ′ = ˆC ∪ X ∈ C
τ ∗
Ô⇒ C ′ is called a weak pomset
transition from C to C ′, where we define
τ ∗
Ð→, for every e ∈ X.
, then C
τ ∗
Ð→. And
τ ∗
When the events in X are pairwise concurrent, we say that C
Ô⇒ C ′ is a weak step.
Definition 2.14 (Branching pomset, step bisimulation). Assume a special termination predicate
↓, and let √ represent a state with √ ↓. Let E1, E2 be PESs. A branching pomset bisimulation
is a relation R ⊆ C
× C
, such that:
1. if
2. if
∈ R, and C1
C1, C2
• either X ≡ τ ∗, and
Ð→ C ′
1 then
1, C2
C ′
∈ R;
• or there is a sequence of (zero or more) τ -transitions C2
1, C ′
and C 0
Ô⇒ C ′
2 with
C ′
∈ R;
∈ R, and C2
C1, C2
• either X ≡ τ ∗, and
Ð→ C ′
2 then
C1, C ′
• or there is a sequence of (zero or more) τ -transitions C1
1, C ′
and C 0
Ô⇒ C ′
1 with
C ′
∈ R;
∈ R;
τ ∗
Ð→ C 0
2 , such that
C1, C 0
2 )
∈ R
τ ∗
Ð→ C 0
1 , such that
C 0
1 , C2
∈ R
3. if
C1, C2
such that
4. if
C1, C2
such that
∈ R and C1 ↓, then there is a sequence of (zero or more) τ -transitions C2
C1, C 0
2 )
∈ R and C 0
2 ↓;
∈ R and C2 ↓, then there is a sequence of (zero or more) τ -transitions C1
C 0
∈ R and C 0
1 , C2
1 ↓.
τ ∗
Ð→ C 0
τ ∗
Ð→ C 0
We say that E1, E2 are branching pomset bisimilar, written E1 ≈bp E2, if there exists a branching
pomset bisimulation R, such that
∈ R.
∅, ∅
By replacing pomset transitions with steps, we can get the definition of branching step bisimula-
tion. When PESs E1 and E2 are branching step bisimilar, we write E1 ≈bs E2.
Definition 2.15 (Rooted branching pomset, step bisimulation). Assume a special termination
predicate ↓, and let √ represent a state with √ ↓. Let E1, E2 be PESs. A branching pomset
bisimulation is a relation R ⊆ C
× C
, such that:
1. if
C1, C2
2. if
3. if
4. if
C1, C2
C1, C2
C1, C2
∈ R, and C1
Ð→ C ′
1 then C2
∈ R, and C2
Ð→ C ′
2 then C1
∈ R and C1 ↓, then C2 ↓;
∈ R and C2 ↓, then C1 ↓.
Ð→ C ′
2 with C ′
1 ≈bp C ′
Ð→ C ′
1 with C ′
1 ≈bp C ′
We say that E1, E2 are rooted branching pomset bisimilar, written E1 ≈rbp E2, if there exists a
rooted branching pomset bisimulation R, such that
∈ R.
∅, ∅
By replacing pomset transitions with steps, we can get the definition of rooted branching step
bisimulation. When PESs E1 and E2 are rooted branching step bisimilar, we write E1 ≈rbs E2.
Definition 2.16 (Branching (hereditary) history-preserving bisimulation). Assume a special
termination predicate ↓, and let √ represent a state with √ ↓. A branching history-preserving
(hp-) bisimulation is a weakly posetal relation R ⊆ C
such that:
1. if
2. if
∈ R, and C1
C1, f, C2
• either e1 ≡ τ , and
Ð→ C ′
1 then
1, f
C ′
e1 ↦ τ
, C2
∈ R;
• or there is a sequence of (zero or more) τ -transitions C2
1, f
R and C 0
Ð→ C ′
∈ R;
∈ R, and C2
C1, f, C2
• either X ≡ τ , and
C ′
2 with
Ð→ C ′
e1 ↦ e2
2 then
, C ′
C1, f
e2 ↦ τ
, C ′
∈ R;
• or there is a sequence of (zero or more) τ -transitions C1
1, f
R and C 0
Ð→ C ′
1 with
∈ R;
C ′
e2 ↦ e1
, C ′
τ ∗
Ð→ C 0
2 , such that
C1, f, C 0
2 )
τ ∗
Ð→ C 0
1 , such that
C 0
1 , f, C2
C1, f, C2
3. if
C 0
2 such that
C1, f, C2
4. if
C 0
1 such that
∈ R and C1 ↓, then there is a sequence of (zero or more) τ -transitions C2
C1, f, C 0
2 )
∈ R and C 0
2 ↓;
∈ R and C2 ↓, then there is a sequence of (zero or more) τ -transitions C1
C 0
∈ R and C 0
1 , f, C2
1 ↓.
τ ∗
τ ∗
E1, E2 are branching history-preserving (hp-)bisimilar and are written E1 ≈bhp E2 if there exists a
branching hp-bisimulation R such that
A branching hereditary history-preserving (hhp-)bisimulation is a downward closed branching
hhp-bisimulation. E1, E2 are branching hereditary history-preserving (hhp-)bisimilar and are writ-
ten E1 ≈bhhp E2.
∅, ∅, ∅
∈ R.
Definition 2.17 (Rooted branching (hereditary) history-preserving bisimulation). Assume a
special termination predicate ↓, and let √ represent a state with √ ↓. A rooted branching history-
preserving (hp-) bisimulation is a weakly posetal relation R ⊆ C
such that:
+ x
= e ⋅
x + y
x + y
T I1
T I2
T I3
T I4
T I5
T I6
CF AR If X is in a cluster for I with exits
e ⋅ τ = e
τ ⋅
e ⋅
x ∥ τ = x
e ∉ I
e ∈ I
= δ
+ τI
= τI
x + y
⋅ τI
= τI
x ⋅ y
∥ τI
= τI
x ∥ y
= e
= τ
Y1, ⋯,
a11 ∥ ⋯ ∥ a1i
a11 ∥ ⋯ ∥ a1i
then τ ⋅ τI
τ ⋅ τI
am1 ∥ ⋯ ∥ ami
Ym, b11 ∥ ⋯ ∥ b1j, ⋯, bn1 ∥ ⋯ ∥ bnj
+ ⋯ +
am1 ∥ ⋯ ∥ ami
Table 7: Axioms of APTCτ
+ b11 ∥ ⋯ ∥ b1j + ⋯ + bn1 ∥ ⋯ ∥ bnj
Ð→ √
e ∉ I
e ∈ I
Ð→ x′
Ð→ τI
Ð→ x′
Ð→ τI
e ∉ I
e ∈ I
Ð→ √
Ð→ √
Ð→ √
Ð→ √
Table 8: Transition rule of APTCτ
1. if
2. if
3. if
4. if
C1, f, C2
C1, f, C2
C1, f, C2
C1, f, C2
∈ R, and C1
Ð→ C ′
1, then C2
∈ R, and C2
Ð→ C ′
1, then C1
∈ R and C1 ↓, then C2 ↓;
∈ R and C2 ↓, then C1 ↓.
Ð→ C ′
2 with C ′
1 ≈bhp C ′
Ð→ C ′
2 with C ′
1 ≈bhp C ′
E1, E2 are rooted branching history-preserving (hp-)bisimilar and are written E1 ≈rbhp E2 if there
exists rooted a branching hp-bisimulation R such that
∈ R.
∅, ∅, ∅
A rooted branching hereditary history-preserving (hhp-)bisimulation is a downward closed rooted
branching hhp-bisimulation. E1, E2 are rooted branching hereditary history-preserving (hhp-)bisimilar
and are written E1 ≈rbhhp E2.
The axioms and transition rules of APTCτ are shown in Table 7 and Table 8.
Ð→ √ y
Ð→ √
Ð→ x′
Ð→ √
e1 ≤ e2
Ð→ y′
ÐÐÐÐ→ y′
e1 ≤ e2
x 6 y
Ð→ x′
x 6 y
x 6 y
e1 ≤ e2
ÐÐÐÐ→ x′
Ð→ y′
ÐÐÐÐ→ x′ ≬ y′
e1 ≤ e2
x 6 y
Ð→ √ y
Table 9: Transition rules of left parallel operator 6
Theorem 2.18 (Soundness of AP T Cτ with guarded linear recursion). Let x and y be AP T Cτ
with guarded linear recursion terms. If AP T Cτ with guarded linear recursion ⊢ x = y, then
1. x ≈rbs y;
2. x ≈rbp y;
3. x ≈rbhp y.
Theorem 2.19 (Soundness of CF AR). CF AR is sound modulo rooted branching truly concur-
rent bisimulation equivalences ≈rbs, ≈rbp and ≈rbhp.
Theorem 2.20 (Completeness of AP T Cτ with guarded linear recursion and CF AR). Let p
and q be closed AP T Cτ with guarded linear recursion and CF AR terms, then,
1. if p ≈rbs q then p = q;
2. if p ≈rbp q then p = q;
3. if p ≈rbhp q then p = q.
2.5 Axiomatization for Hhp-Bisimilarity
Since hhp-bisimilarity is a downward closed hp-bisimilarity and can be downward closed to single
atomic event, which implies bisimilarity. As Moller [6] proven, there is not a finite sound and
complete axiomatization for parallelism ∥ modulo bisimulation equivalence, so there is not a
finite sound and complete axiomatization for parallelism ∥ modulo hhp-bisimulation equivalence
either. Inspired by the way of left merge to modeling the full merge for bisimilarity, we introduce
a left parallel composition 6 to model the full parallelism ∥ for hhp-bisimilarity.
In the following subsection, we add left parallel composition 6 to the whole theory. Because the
resulting theory is similar to the former, we only list the significant differences, and all proofs
of the conclusions are left to the reader.
2.5.1 AP T C with Left Parallel Composition
The transition rules of left parallel composition 6 are shown in Table 9. With a little abuse, we
extend the causal order relation ≤ on E to include the original partial order (denoted by <) and
concurrency (denoted by =).
The new axioms for parallelism are listed in Table 10.
Definition 2.21 (Basic terms of AP T C with left parallel composition). The set of basic terms
of AP T C, B
, is inductively defined as follows:
1. E ⊂ B
2. if e ∈ E, t ∈ B
3. if t, s ∈ B
then e ⋅ t ∈ B
then t + s ∈ B
then t 6 s ∈ B
4. if t, s ∈ B
Theorem 2.22 (Generalization of the algebra for left parallelism with respect to BAT C). The
algebra for left parallelism is a generalization of BAT C.
Theorem 2.23 (Congruence theorem of AP T C with left parallel composition). Truly concur-
rent bisimulation equivalences ∼p, ∼s, ∼hp and ∼hhp are all congruences with respect to AP T C
with left parallel composition.
Theorem 2.24 (Elimination theorem of parallelism with left parallel composition). Let p be a
closed AP T C with left parallel composition term. Then there is a basic AP T C term q such that
AP T C ⊢ p = q.
Theorem 2.25 (Soundness of parallelism with left parallel composition modulo truly concur-
rent bisimulation equivalences). Let x and y be AP T C with left parallel composition terms. If
AP T C ⊢ x = y, then
1. x ∼s y;
2. x ∼p y;
3. x ∼hp y;
4. x ∼hhp y.
Theorem 2.26 (Completeness of parallelism with left parallel composition modulo truly con-
current bisimulation equivalences). Let x and y be AP T C terms.
1. If x ∼s y, then AP T C ⊢ x = y;
2. if x ∼p y, then AP T C ⊢ x = y;
3. if x ∼hp y, then AP T C ⊢ x = y;
4. if x ∼hhp y, then AP T C ⊢ x = y.
The transition rules of encapsulation operator are the same, and the its axioms are shown in 11.
∥ z = x ∥
y ∥ z
x 6 z
x ≬ y
⋅ y
⋅ x
e1, e2
e1 6 (
e1 ⋅ x
e1 ⋅ x
) 6 z =
e1, e2
e1, e2
= γ
e1, e2
e2 = γ
= γ
e2 ⋅ y
z =
x + δ = x
δ ⋅ x = δ
x ≬ y = x ∥ y + x
P 1
x ∥ y = y ∥ x
P 2
x ∥ y
P 3
x ∥ y = x 6 y + y 6 x
P 4
⋅ y
e1 6 e2
e2 ⋅ y
e1 ≤ e2
P 5
e1 ≤ e2
P 6
e1 6 e2
⋅ x
) 6 e2 =
e1 6 e2
e2 ⋅ y
e1 ≤ e2
P 7
) 6 (
y 6 z
x + y
P 8
δ 6 x = δ
P 9
e2 = γ
e2 ⋅ y
∣ (
e1 ⋅ x
) ∣
e1 ⋅ x
) ∣ (
x + y
) ∣
y + z
∣ (
x = δ
δ = δ
= e
CE18 Θ
= δ
CE19 Θ
x + y
CE20 Θ
= Θ
x ⋅ y
CE21 Θ
= Θ
x 6 y
CE22 Θ
CE23 Θ
U 24
e1, e2
, e2 ≤ e3
e1, e2
U 25
U 26
, e2 ≤ e3
e1, e2
e ◁ δ = e
U 27
U 28
δ ◁ e = δ
◁ z =
x + y
U 29
U 30
◁ z =
x ⋅ y
x 6 y
U 31
U 32
x ◁
U 33
x ◁
U 34
x ◁
U 35
x ◁
U 36
x ◁ z
x ◁ z
◁ z =
x ◁ y
y + z
x ◁ y
y ⋅ z
y 6 z
◁ y + Θ
⋅ Θ
) 6 y
◁ y
◁ y
) ∣
e1 ◁ e2 = τ
) ∣ (
◁ z
◁ z
x ◁ y
x ◁ y
x ◁ z
x ◁ z
◁ z =
y ◁ z
y ◁ z
) 6 (
e1 ◁ e3 = e1
e3 ◁ e1 = τ
y ◁ z
◁ z
y ◁ z
◁ x
◁ z
x ≬ y
◁ x
◁ x
) ∣
) 6 x
Table 10: Axioms of parallelism with left parallel composition
= e
= δ
No. Axiom
e ∉ H ∂H
e ∈ H ∂H
= δ
= ∂H
x + y
= ∂H
x ⋅ y
x 6 y
= ∂H
+ ∂H
⋅ ∂H
) 6 ∂H
Table 11: Axioms of encapsulation operator with left parallel composition
Theorem 2.27 (Conservativity of AP T C with respect to the algebra for parallelism with left
parallel composition). AP T C is a conservative extension of the algebra for parallelism with left
parallel composition.
Theorem 2.28 (Congruence theorem of encapsulation operator ∂H). Truly concurrent bisimu-
lation equivalences ∼p, ∼s, ∼hp and ∼hhp are all congruences with respect to encapsulation operator
Theorem 2.29 (Elimination theorem of AP T C). Let p be a closed AP T C term including the
encapsulation operator ∂H . Then there is a basic AP T C term q such that AP T C ⊢ p = q.
Theorem 2.30 (Soundness of AP T C modulo truly concurrent bisimulation equivalences). Let
x and y be AP T C terms including encapsulation operator ∂H . If AP T C ⊢ x = y, then
1. x ∼s y;
2. x ∼p y;
3. x ∼hp y;
4. x ∼hhp y.
Theorem 2.31 (Completeness of AP T C modulo truly concurrent bisimulation equivalences).
Let p and q be closed AP T C terms including encapsulation operator ∂H,
1. if p ∼s q then p = q;
2. if p ∼p q then p = q;
3. if p ∼hp q then p = q;
4. if p ∼hhp q then p = q.
2.5.2 Recursion
Definition 2.32 (Recursive specification). A recursive specification is a finite set of recursive
X1 = t1
X1, ⋯, Xn
Xn = tn
X1, ⋯, Xn
where the left-hand sides of Xi are called recursion variables, and the right-hand sides ti
are process terms in AP T C with possible occurrences of the recursion variables X1, ⋯, Xn.
X1, ⋯, Xn
Definition 2.33 (Solution). Processes p1, ⋯, pn are a solution for a recursive specification
X1, ⋯, Xn
∼hhp)) if pi ∼s
Xi =
(with respect to truly concurrent bisimulation equivalences ∼s(∼p, ∼hp,
for i ∈
i ∈
p1, ⋯, pn
1, ⋯, n
1, ⋯, n
∼p, ∼hp, ∼ hhp
Definition 2.34 (Guarded recursive specification). A recursive specification
X1 = t1
X1, ⋯, Xn
Xn = tn
X1, ⋯, Xn
is guarded if the right-hand sides of its recursive equations can be adapted to the form by ap-
plications of the axioms in AP T C and replacing recursion variables by the right-hand sides of
their recursive equations,
X1, ⋯, Xn
a11 6 ⋯ 6 a1i1)
where a11, ⋯, a1i1 , ak1, ⋯, akik , b11, ⋯, b1j1 , b1j1 , ⋯, bljl ∈ E, and the sum above is allowed to be
empty, in which case it represents the deadlock δ.
ak1 6 ⋯ 6 akik)
b11 6 ⋯ 6 b1j1)
X1, ⋯, Xn
b1j1 6 ⋯ 6 bljl)
Definition 2.35 (Linear recursive specification). A recursive specification is linear if its recur-
sive equations are of the form
a11 6 ⋯ 6 a1i1)
X1 + ⋯ +
ak1 6 ⋯ 6 akik )
Xk +
b11 6 ⋯ 6 b1j1)
+ ⋯ +
b1j1 6 ⋯ 6 bljl)
where a11, ⋯, a1i1 , ak1, ⋯, akik , b11, ⋯, b1j1 , b1j1 , ⋯, bljl ∈ E, and the sum above is allowed to be
empty, in which case it represents the deadlock δ.
Theorem 2.36 (Conservitivity of AP T C with guarded recursion). AP T C with guarded recur-
sion is a conservative extension of AP T C.
Theorem 2.37 (Congruence theorem of AP T C with guarded recursion). Truly concurrent
bisimulation equivalences ∼p, ∼s, ∼hp, ∼hhp are all congruences with respect to AP T C with
guarded recursion.
Theorem 2.38 (Elimination theorem of AP T C with linear recursion). Each process term in
AP T C with linear recursion is equal to a process term
with E a linear recursive specifi-
Theorem 2.39 (Soundness of AP T C with guarded recursion). Let x and y be AP T C with
guarded recursion terms. If AP T C with guarded recursion ⊢ x = y, then
1. x ∼s y;
2. x ∼p y;
3. x ∼hp y;
4. x ∼hhp y.
Theorem 2.40 (Completeness of AP T C with linear recursion). Let p and q be closed AP T C
with linear recursion terms, then,
1. if p ∼s q then p = q;
2. if p ∼p q then p = q;
3. if p ∼hp q then p = q;
4. if p ∼hhp q then p = q.
2.5.3 Abstraction
Definition 2.41 (Guarded linear recursive specification). A recursive specification is linear if
its recursive equations are of the form
a11 6 ⋯ 6 a1i1)
X1 + ⋯ +
ak1 6 ⋯ 6 akik )
Xk +
b11 6 ⋯ 6 b1j1)
+ ⋯ +
b1j1 6 ⋯ 6 bljl)
where a11, ⋯, a1i1 , ak1, ⋯, akik , b11, ⋯, b1j1 , b1j1, ⋯, bljl ∈ E ∪
be empty, in which case it represents the deadlock δ.
, and the sum above is allowed to
A linear recursive specification E is guarded if there does not exist an infinite sequence of τ -
Ð→ ⋯.
X ′
X ′′
The transition rules of τ are the same, and axioms of τ are as Table 12 shows.
Theorem 2.42 (Conservitivity of AP T C with silent step and guarded linear recursion). AP T C
with silent step and guarded linear recursion is a conservative extension of AP T C with linear
Theorem 2.43 (Congruence theorem of AP T C with silent step and guarded linear recursion).
Rooted branching truly concurrent bisimulation equivalences ≈rbp, ≈rbs, ≈rbhp, and ≈rbhhp are all
congruences with respect to AP T C with silent step and guarded linear recursion.
Theorem 2.44 (Elimination theorem of AP T C with silent step and guarded linear recursion).
Each process term in AP T C with silent step and guarded linear recursion is equal to a process
with E a guarded linear recursive specification.
No. Axiom
e ⋅ τ = e
τ ⋅
e ⋅
x 6 τ = x
x + y
+ x
= e ⋅
x + y
Table 12: Axioms of silent step
= e
= τ
No. Axiom
T I1
T I2
T I3
T I4
T I5
T I6
e ∉ I
e ∈ I
= δ
= τI
x + y
= τI
x ⋅ y
x 6 y
= τI
+ τI
⋅ τI
) 6 τI
Table 13: Axioms of abstraction operator
Theorem 2.45 (Soundness of AP T C with silent step and guarded linear recursion). Let x and
y be AP T C with silent step and guarded linear recursion terms. If AP T C with silent step and
guarded linear recursion ⊢ x = y, then
1. x ≈rbs y;
2. x ≈rbp y;
3. x ≈rbhp y;
4. x ≈rbhhp y.
Theorem 2.46 (Completeness of AP T C with silent step and guarded linear recursion). Let p
and q be closed AP T C with silent step and guarded linear recursion terms, then,
1. if p ≈rbs q then p = q;
2. if p ≈rbp q then p = q;
3. if p ≈rbhp q then p = q;
4. if p ≈rbhhp q then p = q.
The transition rules of τI are the same, and the axioms are shown in Table 13.
Theorem 2.47 (Conservitivity of AP T Cτ with guarded linear recursion). AP T Cτ with guarded
linear recursion is a conservative extension of AP T C with silent step and guarded linear recur-
Theorem 2.48 (Congruence theorem of AP T Cτ with guarded linear recursion). Rooted branch-
ing truly concurrent bisimulation equivalences ≈rbp, ≈rbs, ≈rbhp and ≈rbhhp are all congruences
with respect to AP T Cτ with guarded linear recursion.
CF AR If X is in a cluster for I with exits
Y1, ⋯,
a11 6 ⋯ 6 a1i
a11 6 ⋯ 6 a1i
then τ ⋅ τI
τ ⋅ τI
am1 6 ⋯ 6 ami
Ym, b11 6 ⋯ 6 b1j, ⋯, bn1 6 ⋯ 6 bnj
+ ⋯ +
am1 6 ⋯ 6 ami
+ b11 6 ⋯ 6 b1j + ⋯ + bn1 6 ⋯ 6 bnj
Table 14: Cluster fair abstraction rule
Theorem 2.49 (Soundness of AP T Cτ with guarded linear recursion). Let x and y be AP T Cτ
with guarded linear recursion terms. If AP T Cτ with guarded linear recursion ⊢ x = y, then
1. x ≈rbs y;
2. x ≈rbp y;
3. x ≈rbhp y;
4. x ≈rbhhp y.
Definition 2.50 (Cluster). Let E be a guarded linear recursive specification, and I ⊆ E. Two
recursion variable X and Y in E are in the same cluster for I iff there exist sequences of
where b11, ⋯, bmi, c11, ⋯, cnj ∈ I ∪
a1 6 ⋯ 6 ak)
a1 6 ⋯ 6 ak or
C, and (2) in the case of
a1 6 ⋯ 6
X is a summand at the right-hand side of the recursive equation for a recursion variable in
X, either al ∉ I ∪
X is an exit for the cluster C iff: (1) a1 6 ⋯ 6 ak or
or X ∉ C.
l ∈
1, 2, ⋯, k
a1 6 ⋯ 6 ak)
Theorem 2.51 (Soundness of CF AR). CF AR is sound modulo rooted branching truly concur-
rent bisimulation equivalences ≈rbs, ≈rbp, ≈rbhp and ≈rbhhp.
Theorem 2.52 (Completeness of AP T Cτ with guarded linear recursion and CF AR). Let p
and q be closed AP T Cτ with guarded linear recursion and CF AR terms, then,
1. if p ≈rbs q then p = q;
2. if p ≈rbp q then p = q;
3. if p ≈rbhp q then p = q;
4. if p ≈rbhhp q then p = q.
2.6 Placeholder
We introduce a constant called shadow constant S○ to act for the placeholder that we ever used
to deal entanglement in quantum process algebra. The transition rule of the shadow constant
S○ is shown in Table 15. The rule say that S○ can terminate successfully without executing any
S○ → √
Table 15: Transition rule of the shadow constant
S○ ⋅ x = x
SC2 x ⋅ S○ = x
S○e ∥ e = e
S○e ⋅ y
e ∥
= e ⋅ y
S○e ∥
= e ⋅ y
e ⋅ y
∥ S○e = e ⋅ x
e ⋅ x
S○e ⋅ x
∥ e = e ⋅ x
S○e ⋅ y
e ⋅ x
S○e ⋅ x
e ⋅ y
= e ⋅
= e ⋅
x ≬ y
x ≬ y
Table 16: Axioms of shadow constant
We need to adjust the definition of guarded linear recursive specification to the following one.
Definition 2.53 (Guarded linear recursive specification). A linear recursive specification E is
guarded if there does not exist an infinite sequence of τ -transitions
⋯, and there does not exist an infinite sequence of S○-transitions
X ′′
X ′′
X ′
X ′
Theorem 2.54 (Conservativity of AP T C with respect to the shadow constant). AP T Cτ with
guarded linear recursion and shadow constant is a conservative extension of AP T Cτ with guarded
linear recursion.
We design the axioms for the shadow constant S○ in Table 16. And for S○e
i , we add superscript
e to denote S○ is belonging to e and subscript i to denote that it is the i-th shadow of e. And
we extend the set E to the set E ∪
i }
The mismatch of action and its shadows in parallelism will cause deadlock, that is, e ∥ S○e′
with e ≠ e′. We must make all shadows S○e
= δ
i are distinct, to ensure f in hp-bisimulation is an
Theorem 2.55 (Soundness of the shadow constant). Let x and y be AP T Cτ with guarded
linear recursion and the shadow constant terms. If AP T Cτ with guarded linear recursion and
the shadow constant ⊢ x = y, then
1. x ≈rbs y;
2. x ≈rbp y;
→ x
Ð→ x′
Ð→ new
Table 17: Transition rule of the new operator
3. x ≈rbhp y.
Theorem 2.56 (Completeness of the shadow constant). Let p and q be closed AP T Cτ with
guarded linear recursion and CF AR and the shadow constant terms, then,
1. if p ≈rbs q then p = q;
2. if p ≈rbp q then p = q;
3. if p ≈rbhp q then p = q.
With the shadow constant, we have
a ⋅ rb)
≬ wb)
= ∂H
= a ⋅ cb
a ⋅ rb)
1 ⋅ wb))
with H =
rb, wb}
and γ
rb, wb)
≜ cb.
And we see the following example:
a ≬ b = a ∥ b + a
= a ∥ b + a ∥ b + a ∥ b + a
1 ⋅ a
1 ⋅ b
= a ∥
1 ∥ b
a ∥ S○a
= a ⋅ b + b ⋅ a + a ∥ b + a
⋅ b +
∥ b + a ∥ b + a
⋅ a + a ∥ b + a
What do we see? Yes. The parallelism contains both interleaving and true concurrency. This
may be why true concurrency is called true concurrency.
2.7 Process Creation
To model process creation, we introduce a unity operator new inspired by Baeten’s work on
process creation [4].
The transition rules of new are as Table 17 shows.
And the transition rules of the sequential composition ⋅ are adjusted to the followings, as Table
18 shows.
Ð→ √
Ð→ y
x ⋅ y
x ⋅ y
Ð→ x′
Ð→ x′ ⋅ y
Ð→ y′
x → x′
Ð→ x′ ≬ y′
x ⋅ y
Ð→ x′
y → y′
Ð→ x′ ≬ y′
x ⋅ y
Ð→ x′
Ð→ y′
e1, e2
ÐÐÐÐ→ x′ ≬ y′
x ⋅ y
does not exist
Ð→ x′
x ⋅ y
Ð→ y′
ÐÐÐÐ→ x′ ≬ y′
e1, e2
Table 18: New transition rule of the ⋅ operator
P C1
if isP
P C2 new
P C3 x ≬ new
, then new
≬ y = x ≬ y
= x ≬ y
⋅ y = x ≬ y
Table 19: Axioms of new operator
We design the axioms for the new operator in Table 19.
Theorem 2.57 (Soundness of the new operator). Let x and y be AP T Cτ with guarded linear
If AP T Cτ with guarded linear recursion and new
recursion and the new operator terms.
operator ⊢ x = y, then
1. x ≈rbs y;
2. x ≈rbp y;
3. x ≈rbhp y.
Theorem 2.58 (Completeness of the new operator). Let p and q be closed AP T Cτ with guarded
linear recursion and CF AR and the new operator terms, then,
1. if p ≈rbs q then p = q;
2. if p ≈rbp q then p = q;
3. if p ≈rbhp q then p = q.
2.8 Asynchronous Communication
The communication in APTC is synchronous, for two atomic actions a, b ∈ A, if there exists
a communication between a and b, then they merge into a new communication action γ
otherwise let γ
a, b
= δ.
a, b
Asynchronous communication between actions a, b ∈ A does not exist a merge γ
, and it
is only explicitly defined by the causality relation a ≤ b to ensure that the send action a to be
executed before the receive action b.
a, b
APTC naturally support asynchronous communication to be adapted to the following aspects:
1. remove the communication merge operator
a, b
nication merger γ
between two asynchronous communicating action a, b ∈ A;
, just because there does not exist a commu-
2. remove the asynchronous communicating actions a, b ∈ A from H of the encapsulation
operator ∂H;
3. ensure the send action a to be executed before the receive action b, by inserting appro-
priate numbers of placeholders during modeling time; or by adding a causality constraint
between the communicating actions a ≤ b, all process terms violate this constraint will
cause deadlocks.
2.9 Guards
To have the ability of data manipulation, we introduce guards into APTC in this section.
2.9.1 Operational Semantics
In this section, we extend truly concurrent bisimilarities to the ones containing data states.
Definition 2.59 (Prime event structure with silent event and empty event). Let Λ be a fixed
set of labels, ranged over a, b, c, ⋯ and τ, ǫ. A (Λ-labelled) prime event structure with silent event
, where E is a denumerable set of events, including
τ and empty event ǫ is a tuple E =
the silent event τ and empty event ǫ. Let ˆE = E
, exactly excluding τ and ǫ, it is obvious
that ˆτ ∗ = ǫ. Let λ ∶ E → Λ be a labelling function and let λ
= ǫ. And ≤, ♯ are
= τ and λ
binary relations on E, called causality and conflict respectively, such that:
E, ≤, ♯, λ
τ, ǫ
1. ≤ is a partial order and
e ≤ τ ∗ ≤ e′ = e ≤ τ ≤ ⋯ ≤ τ ≤ e′, then e ≤ e′.
e′ ∈ E
e′ ≤ e
is finite for all e ∈ E. It is easy to see that
2. ♯ is irreflexive, symmetric and hereditary with respect to ≤, that is, for all e, e′, e′′ ∈ E, if
e ♯ e′ ≤ e′′, then e ♯ e′′.
Then, the concepts of consistency and concurrency can be drawn from the above definition:
1. e, e′ ∈ E are consistent, denoted as e ⌢ e′, if ¬
if e ⌢ e′ for all e, e′ ∈ X.
e ♯ e′
. A subset X ⊆ E is called consistent,
2. e, e′ ∈ E are concurrent, denoted as e ∥ e′, if ¬
e ≤ e′
, ¬
e′ ≤ e
, and ¬
e ♯ e′
Definition 2.60 (Configuration). Let E be a PES. A (finite) configuration in E is a (finite)
= C), and a data
consistent subset of events C ⊆ E, closed with respect to causality (i.e.
state s ∈ S with S the set of all data states, denoted
. The set of finite configurations of E
is denoted by
C, s
, S
. We let ˆC = C
A consistent subset of X ⊆ E of events can be seen as a pomset. Given X, Y ⊆ E, ˆX ∼ ˆY if ˆX and
ˆY are isomorphic as pomsets. In the following of the paper, we say C1 ∼ C2, we mean ˆC1 ∼ ˆC2.
Definition 2.61 (Pomset transitions and step). Let E be a PES and let C ∈ C
if C ∩ X = ∅ and C ′ = C ∪ X ∈ C
. When the events in X are pairwise concurrent, we say that
C, s
is a step. It is obvious that →∗ X
, and ∅ ≠ X ⊆ E,
is called a pomset transition from
C ′, s′
C, s
Ð→ for any e ∈ E and X ⊆ E.
Ð→ and →∗ e
, then
C ′, s′
C ′, s′
C, s
Definition 2.62 (Weak pomset transitions and weak step). Let E be a PES and let C ∈ C
and ∅ ≠ X ⊆ ˆE, if C ∩ X = ∅ and ˆC ′ = ˆC ∪ X ∈ C
is called a weak
, then
C, s
τ ∗
C ′, s′
τ ∗
Ð→. And
τ ∗
τ ∗
Ð→, for
pomset transition from
C, s
C ′, s′
, where we define
every e ∈ X. When the events in X are pairwise concurrent, we say that
weak step.
C, s
C ′, s′
is a
We will also suppose that all the PESs in this paper are image finite, that is, for any PES E and
C ∈ C
e ∈ ˆE
e ∈ E
C ′, s′
C ′, s′
and a ∈ Λ,
C, s
C, s
= a
= a
∧ λ
∧ λ
, S
2, s′
C ′
Definition 2.63 (Pomset, step bisimulation). Let E1, E2 be PESs. A pomset bisimulation is a
relation R ⊆
C2, s
, S
, with X1 ⊆ E1, X2 ⊆ E2, X1 ∼ X2 and
C ′
∈ R for all s, s′ ∈ S,
C2, s
and vice-versa. We say that E1, E2 are pomset bisimilar, written E1 ∼p E2, if there exists a pomset
bisimulation R, such that
∈ R. By replacing pomset transitions with steps, we
can get the definition of step bisimulation. When PESs E1 and E2 are step bisimilar, we write
E1 ∼s E2.
∈ R, and
C ′
C1, s
2, s′
, such that if
1, s′
C ′
∅, ∅
C1, s
1, s′
∅, ∅
Definition 2.64 (Weak pomset, step bisimulation). Let E1, E2 be PESs. A weak pomset bisimu-
lation is a relation R ⊆
, S
2, s′
C ′
, S
, such that if
C1, s
C2, s
1, s′
C2, s
, with X1 ⊆ ˆE1, X2 ⊆ ˆE2, X1 ∼ X2 and
C ′
∈ R
for all s, s′ ∈ S, and vice-versa. We say that E1, E2 are weak pomset bisimilar, written E1 ≈p E2,
if there exists a weak pomset bisimulation R, such that
∈ R. By replacing weak
pomset transitions with weak steps, we can get the definition of weak step bisimulation. When
PESs E1 and E2 are weak step bisimilar, we write E1 ≈s E2.
∅, ∅
1, s′
∅, ∅
C ′
C1, s
C ′
2, s′
∈ R, and
Definition 2.65 (Posetal product). Given two PESs E1, E2, the posetal product of their config-
urations, denoted
, S
, S
, is defined as
C1, s
, f,
C2, s
C1 ∈ C
, C2 ∈ C
, f ∶ C1 → C2 isomorphism
C ′
, S
A subset R ⊆
when for any
, f ′,
1, s′
, S
is called a posetal relation. We say that R is downward closed
C ′
C ′
1, s′
, f ′,
C2, s
, f,
C2, s
C1, s
, S
, f ′,
1, s′
C ′
2, s′
C ′
2, s′
∈ R, then
pointwise and
→ X2 ∪
∶ X1 ∪
x1 ↦ x2
, otherwise. Where X1 ⊆ E1, X2 ⊆ E2, x1 ∈ E1, x2 ∈ E2.
, z ∈ X1 ∪
x1 ↦ x2
= f
, if
, f,
C2, s
2, s′
C ′
For f ∶ X1 → X2, we define f
x2,if z = x1;(2)f
, S
C1, s
x1 ↦ x2
, f,
∈ R.
C1, s
Definition 2.66 (Weakly posetal product). Given two PESs E1, E2, the weakly posetal product
of their configurations, denoted
, is defined as
, S
, S
C1, s
, f,
C2, s
C1 ∈ C
, C2 ∈ C
, f ∶ ˆC1 → ˆC2 isomorphism
A subset R ⊆
downward closed when for any
C2, s
, S
C1, s
C ′
, f ′,
is called a weakly posetal relation. We say that R is
2, s′
, S
, f,
, if
, f ′,
2, s′
, f,
C1, s
, S
∈ R, then
C ′
C2, s
pointwise and
C ′
, f,
1, s′
C ′
2, s′
C ′
, f,
, S
C1, s
1, s′
1, s′
C ′
C2, s
x1 ↦ x2
For f ∶ X1 → X2, we define f
x1 ↦ x2
x2,if z = x1;(2)f
= f
τ ∗
τ ∗
= f
Also, we define f
→ X2 ∪
, z ∈ X1 ∪
∶ X1 ∪
, otherwise. Where X1 ⊆ ˆE1, X2 ⊆ ˆE2, x1 ∈ ˆE1, x2 ∈ ˆE2.
x1 ↦ x2
Definition 2.67 ((Hereditary) history-preserving bisimulation). A history-preserving (hp-) bisim-
∈ R, and
ulation is a posetal relation R ⊆
∈ R for all s, s′ ∈ S,
1, s′
C1, s
, with
and vice-versa. E1, E2 are history-preserving (hp-)bisimilar and are written E1 ∼hp E2 if there ex-
∅, ∅
ists a hp-bisimulation R such that
such that if
e1 ↦ e2
, f
C1, s
2, s′
C ′
, S
2, s′
C ′
, S
1, s′
C ′
, f,
, then
C2, s
C2, s
, ∅,
C ′
∅, ∅
∈ R.
A hereditary history-preserving (hhp-)bisimulation is a downward closed hp-bisimulation. E1, E2
are hereditary history-preserving (hhp-)bisimilar and are written E1 ∼hhp E2.
Definition 2.68 (Weak (hereditary) history-preserving bisimulation). A weak history-preserving
, f,
(hp-) bisimulation is a weakly posetal relation R ⊆
1, s′
2, s′
C ′
R, and
∈ R for
all s, s′ ∈ S, and vice-versa. E1, E2 are weak history-preserving (hp-)bisimilar and are written
E1 ≈hp E2 if there exists a weak hp-bisimulation R such that
such that if
C ′
e1 ↦ e2
1, s′
C ′
, S
, with
, then
, S
, f
C2, s
C1, s
2, s′
C ′
C1, s
∅, ∅
∈ R.
C2, s
, ∅,
∅, ∅
A weakly hereditary history-preserving (hhp-)bisimulation is a downward closed weak hp-bisimulation.
E1, E2 are weakly hereditary history-preserving (hhp-)bisimilar and are written E1 ≈hhp E2.
2.9.2 BAT C with Guards
In this subsection, we will discuss the guards for BAT C, which is denoted as BAT CG. Let
E be the set of atomic events (actions), and we assume that there is a data set ∆ and data
D1, ⋯, Dn ∈ ∆, the data variable d1, ⋯, dn range over ∆, and di has the same data type as Di
and can have a substitution Di
denotes that all occurrences of di in
x are replaced by Di. And also the atomic action e may manipulate on data and has the form
. Gat be the set of atomic guards, δ be the deadlock constant, and
d1, ⋯, dn
ǫ be the empty event. We extend Gat to the set of basic guards G with element φ, ψ, ⋯, which
is generated by the following formation rules:
D1, ⋯, Dn
or e
di, for process x, x
φ ∶∶= δ
ψ ∈ Gat
φ + ψ
φ ⋅ ψ
In the following, let e1, e2, e′
for true concurrency, p, q, s range over the set of closed terms. The predicate test
sents that φ holds in the state s, and test
2 ∈ E, φ, ψ ∈ G and let variables x, y, z range over the set of terms
e, s
φ, s
does not hold. ef f ect
holds and test
δ, s
ǫ, s
1, e′
y ⋅ z
+ z = x +
y + z
⋅ z = x ⋅ z + y ⋅ z
⋅ z = x ⋅
x + y = y + x
x + y
x + x = x
x + y
x ⋅ y
x + δ = x
δ ⋅ x = δ
ǫ ⋅ x = x
x ⋅ ǫ = x
φ ⋅ ¬φ = δ
φ + ¬φ = ǫ
φδ = δ
x + y
x ⋅ y
φ + ψ
φ ⋅ ψ
φ = ǫ if ∀s ∈ S.test
φ0 ⋅ ⋯ ⋅ φn = δ if ∀s ∈ S, ∃i ≤ n.test
No. Axiom
G10 wp
eφ = wp
e, φ
e, φ
e, φ
e¬φ = ¬wp
e, φ
G11 ¬wp
= φx + φy
= φx ⋅ y
x = φx + ψx
ψ ⋅ x
⋅ x = φ ⋅
φ, s
¬φi, s
Table 20: Axioms of BAT CG
in s
Ð→ s′. The predicate weakest precondition wp
S denotes s′
S, test
φ, ef f ect
e, s
e, φ
denotes that ∀s ∈
The set of axioms of BAT CG consists of the laws given in Table 20.
Note that, by eliminating atomic event from the process terms, the axioms in Table 20 will lead
to a Boolean Algebra. And G9 is a precondition of e and φ, G10 is the weakest precondition of
e and φ. A data environment with ef f ect function is sufficiently deterministic, and it is obvious
that if the weakest precondition is expressible and G9, G10 are sound, then the related data
environment is sufficiently deterministic.
Definition 2.69 (Basic terms of BAT CG). The set of basic terms of BAT CG, B
inductively defined as follows:
, is
1. E ⊂ B
2. G ⊂ B
3. if e ∈ E, t ∈ B
4. if φ ∈ G, t ∈ B
5. if t, s ∈ B
then e ⋅ t ∈ B
then φ ⋅ t ∈ B
then t + s ∈ B
ǫ, s
e, s
√, s′
√, s
if s′ ∈ ef f ect
e, s
if test
φ, s
φ, s
√, s
√, s′
x, s
x + y, s
y, s
x + y, s
x, s
x ⋅ y, s
√, s′
√, s′
√, s′
√, s′
y, s′
x, s
x + y, s
y, s
x + y, s
x, s
x ⋅ y, s
x′, s′
x′, s′
y′, s′
y′, s′
x′, s′
x′ ⋅ y, s′
Table 21: Single event transition rules of BAT CG
Theorem 2.70 (Elimination theorem of BAT CG). Let p be a closed BAT CG term. Then there
is a basic BAT CG term q such that BAT CG ⊢ p = q.
We will define a term-deduction system which gives the operational semantics of BAT CG. We
give the operational transition rules for ǫ, atomic guard φ ∈ Gat, atomic event e ∈ E, operators
⋅ and + as Table 21 shows. And the predicate
Ð→ √ represents successful termination after
execution of the event e.
Note that, we replace the single atomic event e ∈ E by X ⊆ E, we can obtain the pomset transition
rules of BAT CG, and omit them.
Theorem 2.71 (Congruence of BAT CG with respect to truly concurrent bisimulation equiva-
lences). (1) Pomset bisimulation equivalence ∼p is a congruence with respect to BAT CG;
(2) Step bisimulation equivalence ∼s is a congruence with respect to BAT CG;
(3) Hp-bisimulation equivalence ∼hp is a congruence with respect to BAT CG;
(4) Hhp-bisimulation equivalence ∼hhp is a congruence with respect to BAT CG.
Theorem 2.72 (Soundness of BAT CG modulo truly concurrent bisimulation equivalences). (1)
Let x and y be BAT CG terms. If BAT C ⊢ x = y, then x ∼p y;
(2) Let x and y be BAT CG terms. If BAT C ⊢ x = y, then x ∼s y;
(3) Let x and y be BAT CG terms. If BAT C ⊢ x = y, then x ∼hp y;
(4) Let x and y be BAT CG terms. If BAT C ⊢ x = y, then x ∼hhp y.
Theorem 2.73 (Completeness of BAT CG modulo truly concurrent bisimulation equivalences).
(1) Let p and q be closed BAT CG terms, if p ∼p q then p = q;
(2) Let p and q be closed BAT CG terms, if p ∼s q then p = q;
(3) Let p and q be closed BAT CG terms, if p ∼hp q then p = q;
(4) Let p and q be closed BAT CG terms, if p ∼hhp q then p = q.
Theorem 2.74 (Sufficient determinacy). All related data environments with respect to BAT CG
can be sufficiently deterministic.
2.9.3 AP T C with Guards
In this subsection, we will extend AP T C with guards, which is abbreviated AP T CG. The set
of basic guards G with element φ, ψ, ⋯, which is extended by the following formation rules:
φ ∶∶= δ
ψ ∈ Gat
φ + ψ
φ ⋅ ψ
φ ∥ ψ
The set of axioms of AP T CG including axioms of BAT CG in Table 20 and the axioms are shown
in Table 22.
Definition 2.75 (Basic terms of AP T CG). The set of basic terms of AP T CG, B
inductively defined as follows:
, is
1. E ⊂ B
2. G ⊂ B
3. if e ∈ E, t ∈ B
4. if φ ∈ G, t ∈ B
then e ⋅ t ∈ B
then φ ⋅ t ∈ B
then t ∥ s ∈ B
then t + s ∈ B
5. if t, s ∈ B
6. if t, s ∈ B
Based on the definition of basic terms for AP T CG (see Definition 2.75) and axioms of AP T CG,
we can prove the elimination theorem of AP T CG.
Theorem 2.76 (Elimination theorem of AP T CG). Let p be a closed AP T CG term. Then there
is a basic AP T CG term q such that AP T CG ⊢ p = q.
We will define a term-deduction system which gives the operational semantics of AP T CG. Two
atomic events e1 and e2 are in race condition, which are denoted e1%e2.
Theorem 2.77 (Generalization of AP T CG with respect to BAT CG). AP T CG is a generaliza-
tion of BAT CG.
x ≬ y
y ∥ z
x ∥ z
x ≬ y
⋅ y
⋅ x
e1, e2
⋅ y
e1 ∥ e2
⋅ x
e1 ∥ e2
∥ e2 =
e1 ∥ e2
e2 ⋅ y
∥ z =
x ∥ z
x ∥ y
e1, e2
e1, e2
= γ
e1, e2
e2 = γ
= γ
e2 ⋅ y
z =
x ≬ y = x ∥ y + x
P 1
e1 ∥
e2 ⋅ y
P 2
e1 ⋅ x
P 3
e1 ⋅ x
P 4
x + y
P 5
x ∥
y + z
P 6
δ ∥ x = δ
P 7
x ∥ δ = δ
P 8
ǫ ∥ x = x
P 9
x ∥ ǫ = x
P 10
e2 = γ
e2 ⋅ y
∣ (
e1 ⋅ x
) ∣
e1 ⋅ x
) ∣ (
x + y
) ∣
y + z
∣ (
x = δ
δ = δ
x = δ
ǫ = δ
= e
= δ
= ǫ
x + y
= Θ
x ⋅ y
= Θ
x ∥ y
U 1
e1, e2
, e2 ≤ e3
e1, e2
U 2
U 3
, e2 ≤ e3
e1, e2
e ◁ δ = e
U 4
δ ◁ e = δ
U 5
e ◁ ǫ = e
U 6
ǫ ◁ e = e
U 7
U 8
x + y
◁ z =
x ◁ z
x ◁ z
◁ z =
x ⋅ y
U 9
x ∥ y
U 10
x ◁ z
◁ z =
x ◁ z
◁ z =
U 11
) ∣ (
x ◁
U 12
◁ z
x ◁ y
y + z
◁ z
x ◁ y
y ⋅ z
x ◁
U 13
y ∥ z
x ◁
U 14
◁ z
x ◁ y
◁ z
x ◁ y
x ◁
U 15
◁ y + Θ
⋅ Θ
◁ y
◁ y
) ∣
e1 ◁ e2 = τ
∥ y
e1 ◁ e3 = e1
e3 ◁ e1 = τ
y ◁ z
y ◁ z
y ◁ z
y ◁ z
◁ x
◁ x
◁ x
∥ x
) ∣
Table 22: Axioms of AP T CG
= e
= δ
No. Axiom
e ∉ H ∂H
e ∈ H ∂H
= δ
+ ∂H
= ∂H
x + y
⋅ ∂H
= ∂H
x ⋅ y
∥ ∂H
= ∂H
x ∥ y
x ∥ y
G12 φ
= φx ∥ φy
G13 φ
= φx
G14 φ ∥ δ = δ
δ ∥ φ = δ
δ = δ
G16 φ
φ = δ
G18 φ ∥ ǫ = φ
ǫ ∥ φ = φ
ǫ = δ
G20 φ
φ = δ
G22 φ ∥ ¬φ = δ
= φ
G23 Θ
= φ
G25 φ0 ∥ ⋯ ∥ φn = δ if ∀s0, ⋯, sn ∈ S, ∃i ≤ n.test
¬φi, s0 ∪ ⋯ ∪ sn
Table 23: Axioms of AP T CG(continuing)
Theorem 2.78 (Congruence of AP T CG with respect to truly concurrent bisimulation equiva-
lences). (1) Pomset bisimulation equivalence ∼p is a congruence with respect to AP T CG;
(2) Step bisimulation equivalence ∼s is a congruence with respect to AP T CG;
(3) Hp-bisimulation equivalence ∼hp is a congruence with respect to AP T CG;
(4) Hhp-bisimulation equivalence ∼hhp is a congruence with respect to AP T CG.
Theorem 2.79 (Soundness of AP T CG modulo truly concurrent bisimulation equivalences). (1)
Let x and y be AP T CG terms. If AP T C ⊢ x = y, then x ∼p y;
(2) Let x and y be AP T CG terms. If AP T C ⊢ x = y, then x ∼s y;
(3) Let x and y be AP T CG terms. If AP T C ⊢ x = y, then x ∼hp y.
Theorem 2.80 (Completeness of AP T CG modulo truly concurrent bisimulation equivalences).
(1) Let p and q be closed AP T CG terms, if p ∼p q then p = q;
(2) Let p and q be closed AP T CG terms, if p ∼s q then p = q;
(3) Let p and q be closed AP T CG terms, if p ∼hp q then p = q.
Theorem 2.81 (Sufficient determinacy). All related data environments with respect to AP T CG
can be sufficiently deterministic.
e1 ∥ ⋯ ∥ en, s
√, s′
√, s
√, s′′
x, s
φ1 ∥ ⋯ ∥ φn, s
√, s′
x ∥ y, s
x, s
y, s
√, s′ ∪ s′′
y, s
y′, s′ ∪ s′′
y′, s′′
if s′ ∈ ef f ect
e1, s
∪ ⋯ ∪ ef f ect
en, s
if test
φ1, s
, ⋯, test
φn, s
y, s
x, s
x′, s′
x ∥ y, s
x, s
x′, s′
x ∥ y, s
√, s′′
x′, s′ ∪ s′′
y, s
x′ ≬ y′, s′ ∪ s′′
y′, s′′
y, s
y, s′
√, s′′
x, s′′
y, s
√, ef f ect
x, s
x′, s′
x ∥ y, s
y, s
x ∥ y, s
x, s
y, s
x′, s′
y, s
x′ ≬ y, s′
y′, s′′
x ≬ y′, s′′
y, s
x′, ef f ect
√, s′′
e1, e2
, s
x, s
√, s′′
e1, e2
, s
√, s′
x ∥ y, s
√, s′
x ∥ y, s
y, s
x ∥ y, s
x, s
x, s
x, s
y, s
√, s′
x, s
y, s
√, s′
y, s
y′, ef f ect
y′, s′′
e1, e2
, s
x, s
y, s
x′, s′
y, s
x′ ≬ y′, ef f ect
y′, s′′
e1, e2
, s
x, s
x, s
x, s
√, s′
, s
x′, s′
, s
y, s
x ◁ y, s
√, s′
√, s′
e1, e2
√, s′
e1, e2
, s′
e1, e2
e1, e2
√, s′′
√, s′′
, s
x′′, s′′
, s
x′, s′
e1, e2
, s′′
y, s
x ◁ y, s
x′, s′
x, s
x, s
x, s
e1, e2
x, s
x, s
√, s
y, s
x ◁ y, s
e1, e2
√, s′
, e2 ≤ e3
x, s
x′, s′
y, s
x ◁ y, s
e1, e2
x′, s′
, e2 ≤ e3
√, s′
y, s
x ◁ y, s
e1, e2
√, s′
, e1 ≤ e3
x, s
x′, s′
y, s
x ◁ y, s
e1, e2
x′, s′
, e1 ≤ e3
x, s
, s
√, s′
√, s′
e ∉ H
x, s
, s
x′, s′
, s′
e ∉ H
Table 24: Transition rules of AP T CG
, ⋯,
, s
, s
, ⋯,
, s
, s
y, s′
√, s′
√, s′
y, s′
Table 25: Transition rules of guarded recursion
2.9.4 Recursion
In this subsection, we introduce recursion to capture infinite processes based on AP T CG. In
the following, E, F, G are recursion specifications, X, Y, Z are recursive variables.
Definition 2.82 (Guarded recursive specification). A recursive specification
X1 = t1
X1, ⋯, Xn
Xn = tn
X1, ⋯, Xn
is guarded if the right-hand sides of its recursive equations can be adapted to the form by ap-
plications of the axioms in AP T C and replacing recursion variables by the right-hand sides of
their recursive equations,
X1, ⋯, Xn
a11 ∥ ⋯ ∥ a1i1)
where a11, ⋯, a1i1 , ak1, ⋯, akik , b11, ⋯, b1j1 , b1j1 , ⋯, bljl ∈ E, and the sum above is allowed to be
empty, in which case it represents the deadlock δ. And there does not exist an infinite sequence
of ǫ-transitions
ak1 ∥ ⋯ ∥ akik)
b11 ∥ ⋯ ∥ b1j1)
X1, ⋯, Xn
→ ⋯.
b1j1 ∥ ⋯ ∥ bljl)
X ′
X ′′
Theorem 2.83 (Conservitivity of AP T CG with guarded recursion). AP T CG with guarded
recursion is a conservative extension of AP T CG.
Theorem 2.84 (Congruence theorem of AP T CG with guarded recursion). Truly concurrent
bisimulation equivalences ∼p, ∼s and ∼hp are all congruences with respect to AP T CG with guarded
Theorem 2.85 (Elimination theorem of AP T CG with linear recursion). Each process term
in AP T CG with linear recursion is equal to a process term
with E a linear recursive
Theorem 2.86 (Soundness of AP T CG with guarded recursion). Let x and y be AP T CG with
guarded recursion terms. If AP T CG with guarded recursion ⊢ x = y, then
(1) x ∼s y;
(2) x ∼p y;
(3) x ∼hp y.
τ, s
√, s
if test
τ, s
τ, s
√, τ
Table 26: Transition rule of the silent step
Theorem 2.87 (Completeness of AP T CG with linear recursion). Let p and q be closed AP T CG
with linear recursion terms, then,
(1) if p ∼s q then p = q;
(2) if p ∼p q then p = q;
(3) if p ∼hp q then p = q.
2.9.5 Abstraction
To abstract away from the internal implementations of a program, and verify that the program
exhibits the desired external behaviors, the silent step τ and abstraction operator τI are intro-
duced, where I ⊆ E ∪ Gat denotes the internal events or guards. The silent step τ represents the
internal events or guards, when we consider the external behaviors of a process, τ steps can be
removed, that is, τ steps must keep silent. The transition rule of τ is shown in Table 26. In the
following, let the atomic event e range over E ∪
, and φ range over G ∪
, and let
the communication function γ ∶ E ∪
× E ∪
, with each communication involved
, for the fact that τ only change the state of
τ, s
to denote ef f ect
τ resulting in δ. We use τ
internal data environment, that is, for the external data environments, s = τ
→ E ∪
In section 2.9.1, we introduce τ into event structure, and also give the concept of weakly true
In this subsection, we give the concepts of rooted branching truly concurrent
bisimulation equivalences, based on these concepts, we can design the axiom system of the silent
step τ and the abstraction operator τI .
Definition 2.88 (Branching pomset, step bisimulation). Assume a special termination predicate
↓, and let √ represent a state with √ ↓. Let E1, E2 be PESs. A branching pomset bisimulation
is a relation R ⊆
, S
, S
, such that:
1. if
2. if
C1, s
C2, s
• either X ≡ τ ∗, and
∈ R, and
C1, s
1, s′
C ′
• or there is a sequence of (zero or more) τ -transitions
∈ R with s′ ∈ τ
C ′
C2, s
1, s′
C1, s
2 , s0
C 0
∈ R and
2 , s0
C 0
2, s′
C ′
C2, s
C ′
1, s′
τ ∗
C 0
C ′
2, s′
2 , s0
, such that
∈ R;
C1, s
C2, s
• either X ≡ τ ∗, and
∈ R, and
C2, s
C1, s
C ′
C ′
2, s′
2, s′
∈ R;
1. if
C1, s
C ′
2, s′
2. if
2, s′
C ′
3. if
C1, s
C1, s
4. if
C1, s
• or there is a sequence of (zero or more) τ -transitions
C 0
1 , s0
C2, s
∈ R and
1 , s0
C 0
1, s′
C ′
C1, s
1, s′
C ′
τ ∗
C 0
2, s′
C ′
1 , s0
, such that
∈ R;
3. if
C2, s
4. if
C1, s
τ ∗
C1, s
τ ∗
C1, s
C2, s
2 , s0
C 0
C2, s
1 , s0
C 0
∈ R and
C1, s
such that
∈ R and
C2, s
such that
C1, s
↓, then there is a sequence of (zero or more) τ -transitions
2 , s0
C 0
∈ R and
2 , s0
C 0
↓, then there is a sequence of (zero or more) τ -transitions
1 , s0
C 0
∈ R and
1 , s0
C2, s
C 0
We say that E1, E2 are branching pomset bisimilar, written E1 ≈bp E2, if there exists a branching
pomset bisimulation R, such that
By replacing pomset transitions with steps, we can get the definition of branching step bisimula-
tion. When PESs E1 and E2 are branching step bisimilar, we write E1 ≈bs E2.
∅, ∅
∅, ∅
∈ R.
Definition 2.89 (Rooted branching pomset, step bisimulation). Assume a special termination
predicate ↓, and let √ represent a state with √ ↓. Let E1, E2 be PESs. A rooted branching pomset
bisimulation is a relation R ⊆
, such that:
, S
, S
C2, s
∈ R, and
C1, s
C2, s
∈ R, and
C2, s
1, s′
C ′
C2, s
2, s′
C ′
C1, s
2, s′
C ′
1, s′
C ′
1, s′
C ′
1, s′
C ′
C2, s
C2, s
∈ R and
∈ R and
C1, s
C2, s
↓, then
↓, then
C2, s
C1, s
We say that E1, E2 are rooted branching pomset bisimilar, written E1 ≈rbp E2, if there exists a
rooted branching pomset bisimulation R, such that
∅, ∅
∈ R.
∅, ∅
By replacing pomset transitions with steps, we can get the definition of rooted branching step
bisimulation. When PESs E1 and E2 are rooted branching step bisimilar, we write E1 ≈rbs E2.
Definition 2.90 (Branching (hereditary) history-preserving bisimulation). Assume a special
termination predicate ↓, and let √ represent a state with √ ↓. A branching history-preserving
(hp-) bisimulation is a weakly posetal relation R ⊆
such that:
, S
, S
1. if
2. if
C1, s
, f,
C2, s
• either e1 ≡ τ , and
∈ R, and
C1, s
1, s′
e1 ↦ τ
C ′
1, s′
C2, s
C ′
, f
• or there is a sequence of (zero or more) τ -transitions
∈ R and
∈ R;
C1, s
2 , s0
C 0
2, s′
C ′
, f,
2 , s0
C 0
τ ∗
C2, s
C ′
1, s′
, f
C 0
2 , s0
e1 ↦ e2
, such that
2, s′
C ′
C1, s
, f,
C2, s
• either e2 ≡ τ , and
∈ R, and
C1, s
C2, s
, f
e2 ↦ τ
2, s′
C ′
C ′
2, s′
∈ R;
• or there is a sequence of (zero or more) τ -transitions
∈ R and
C 0
1 , s0
1 , s0
C 0
1, s′
C ′
, f,
C2, s
τ ∗
C1, s
1, s′
C ′
, f
1 , s0
C 0
e2 ↦ e1
, such that
2, s′
C ′
3. if
4. if
C1, s
, f,
C2, s
C2, s
, f,
C2, s
C1, s
C1, s
τ ∗
τ ∗
∈ R and
2 , s0
C 0
∈ R and
1 , s0
C 0
C1, s
such that
C2, s
such that
↓, then there is a sequence of (zero or more) τ -
C1, s
, f,
2 , s0
C 0
∈ R and
2 , s0
C 0
↓, then there is a sequence of (zero or more) τ -
C 0
1 , s0
, f,
C2, s
∈ R and
1 , s0
C 0
E1, E2 are branching history-preserving (hp-)bisimilar and are written E1 ≈bhp E2 if there exists a
, ∅,
branching hp-bisimulation R such that
∅, ∅
∅, ∅
∈ R.
A branching hereditary history-preserving (hhp-)bisimulation is a downward closed branching hp-
bisimulation. E1, E2 are branching hereditary history-preserving (hhp-)bisimilar and are written
E1 ≈bhhp E2.
Definition 2.91 (Rooted branching (hereditary) history-preserving bisimulation). Assume a
special termination predicate ↓, and let √ represent a state with √ ↓. A rooted branching history-
preserving (hp-) bisimulation is a weakly posetal relation R ⊆
such that:
, S
, S
1. if
2, s′
C ′
2. if
C ′
2, s′
3. if
C1, s
C1, s
C1, s
4. if
C1, s
, f,
C2, s
∈ R, and
C1, s
1, s′
C ′
, then
C2, s
2, s′
C ′
1, s′
C ′
, f,
C2, s
∈ R, and
C2, s
2, s′
C ′
, then
C1, s
1, s′
C ′
1, s′
C ′
, f,
, f,
C2, s
C2, s
∈ R and
∈ R and
C1, s
C2, s
↓, then
↓, then
C2, s
C1, s
E1, E2 are rooted branching history-preserving (hp-)bisimilar and are written E1 ≈rbhp E2 if there
exists a rooted branching hp-bisimulation R such that
∅, ∅
∈ R.
, ∅,
∅, ∅
A rooted branching hereditary history-preserving (hhp-)bisimulation is a downward closed rooted
branching hp-bisimulation. E1, E2 are rooted branching hereditary history-preserving (hhp-)bisimilar
and are written E1 ≈rbhhp E2.
Definition 2.92 (Guarded linear recursive specification). A linear recursive specification E is
guarded if there does not exist an infinite sequence of τ -transitions
⋯, and there does not exist an infinite sequence of ǫ-transitions
→ ⋯.
X ′′
X ′′
X ′
X ′
Theorem 2.93 (Conservitivity of AP T CG with silent step and guarded linear recursion).
AP T CG with silent step and guarded linear recursion is a conservative extension of AP T CG
with linear recursion.
Theorem 2.94 (Congruence theorem of AP T CG with silent step and guarded linear recur-
sion). Rooted branching truly concurrent bisimulation equivalences ≈rbp, ≈rbs and ≈rbhp are all
congruences with respect to AP T CG with silent step and guarded linear recursion.
No. Axiom
e ⋅ τ = e
τ ⋅
e ⋅
x ∥ τ = x
G26 φ ⋅ τ = φ
G27 φ ⋅
x + y
+ x
= e ⋅
x + y
τ ⋅
x + y
+ x
= φ ⋅
x + y
Table 27: Axioms of silent step
x, s
x, s
, s
, s
√, s′
√, s′
√, s′
√, τ
e ∉ I
e ∈ I
x, s
, s
x′, s′
, s′
x′, s′
, τ
x, s
, s
e ∉ I
e ∈ I
Table 28: Transition rule of the abstraction operator
We design the axioms for the silent step τ in Table 27.
Theorem 2.95 (Elimination theorem of AP T CG with silent step and guarded linear recursion).
Each process term in AP T CG with silent step and guarded linear recursion is equal to a process
with E a guarded linear recursive specification.
Theorem 2.96 (Soundness of AP T CG with silent step and guarded linear recursion). Let x
and y be AP T CG with silent step and guarded linear recursion terms. If AP T CG with silent
step and guarded linear recursion ⊢ x = y, then
(1) x ≈rbs y;
(2) x ≈rbp y;
(3) x ≈rbhp y.
Theorem 2.97 (Completeness of AP T CG with silent step and guarded linear recursion). Let
p and q be closed AP T CG with silent step and guarded linear recursion terms, then,
(1) if p ≈rbs q then p = q;
(2) if p ≈rbp q then p = q;
(3) if p ≈rbhp q then p = q.
The unary abstraction operator τI (I ⊆ E ∪ Gat) renames all atomic events or atomic guards in
I into τ . AP T CG with silent step and abstraction operator is called AP T CGτ . The transition
rules of operator τI are shown in Table 28.
Theorem 2.98 (Conservitivity of AP T CGτ with guarded linear recursion). AP T CGτ with
guarded linear recursion is a conservative extension of AP T CG with silent step and guarded
linear recursion.
= e
= τ
No. Axiom
T I1
T I2
T I3
T I4
T I5
T I6
G28 φ ∉ I
G29 φ ∈ I
e ∉ I
e ∈ I
= δ
+ τI
= τI
x + y
⋅ τI
= τI
x ⋅ y
= τI
x ∥ y
∥ τI
= φ
= τ
Table 29: Axioms of abstraction operator
Theorem 2.99 (Congruence theorem of AP T CGτ with guarded linear recursion). Rooted branch-
ing truly concurrent bisimulation equivalences ≈rbp, ≈rbs and ≈rbhp are all congruences with re-
spect to AP T CGτ with guarded linear recursion.
We design the axioms for the abstraction operator τI in Table 29.
Theorem 2.100 (Soundness of AP T CGτ with guarded linear recursion). Let x and y be
AP T CGτ with guarded linear recursion terms. If AP T CGτ with guarded linear recursion ⊢ x = y,
(1) x ≈rbs y;
(2) x ≈rbp y;
(3) x ≈rbhp y.
Though τ -loops are prohibited in guarded linear recursive specifications (see Definition 2.92) in
a specifiable way, they can be constructed using the abstraction operator, for example, there
. To avoid τ -loops caused by τI and ensure
exist τ -loops in the process term τ{a}(⟨
fairness, the concept of cluster and CF AR (Cluster Fair Abstraction Rule) [7] are still needed.
X = aX
Theorem 2.101 (Completeness of AP T CGτ with guarded linear recursion and CF AR). Let p
and q be closed AP T CGτ with guarded linear recursion and CF AR terms, then,
(1) if p ≈rbs q then p = q;
(2) if p ≈rbp q then p = q;
(3) if p ≈rbhp q then p = q.
2.10 Applications
AP T C provides a formal framework based on truly concurrent behavioral semantics, which can
be used to verify the correctness of system behaviors.
In this subsection, we tend to choose
alternating bit protocol (ABP) [11].
The ABP protocol is used to ensure successful transmission of data through a corrupted channel.
This success is based on the assumption that data can be resent an unlimited number of times,
which is illustrated in Figure 1, we alter it into the true concurrency situation.
Figure 1: Alternating bit protocol
1. Data elements d1, d2, d3, ⋯ from a finite set ∆ are communicated between a Sender and a
2. If the Sender reads a datum from channel A1, then this datum is sent to the Receiver in
parallel through channel A2.
3. The Sender processes the data in ∆, formes new data, and sends them to the Receiver
through channel B.
4. And the Receiver sends the datum into channel C2.
5. If channel B is corrupted, the message communicated through B can be turn into an error
message –.
6. Every time the Receiver receives a message via channel B, it sends an acknowledgement
to the Sender via channel D, which is also corrupted.
7. Finally, then Sender and the Receiver send out their outputs in parallel through channels
C1 and C2.
In the truly concurrent ABP, the Sender sends its data to the Receiver; and the Receiver can also
send its data to the Sender, for simplicity and without loss of generality, we assume that only
the Sender sends its data and the Receiver only receives the data from the Sender. The Sender
attaches a bit 0 to data elements d2k−1 and a bit 1 to data elements d2k, when they are sent into
channel B. When the Receiver reads a datum, it sends back the attached bit via channel D. If
the Receiver receives a corrupted message, then it sends back the previous acknowledgement to
the Sender.
Then the state transition of the Sender can be described by AP T C as follows.
⋅ Tdb
Sb = ∑
Tdb =
Udb = rD
d′, b
⋅ S1−b +
⋅ sC1(
1 − b
+ sB
+ rD
⋅ Udb
⋅ Tdb
where sB denotes sending data through channel B, rD denotes receiving data through channel
D, similarly, rA1 means receiving data via channel A1, sC1 denotes sending data via channel C1,
and b ∈
0, 1
And the state transition of the Receiver can be described by AP T C as follows.
⋅ R′
Rb = ∑
b = ∑
d′, b
+ sD
Qb =
⋅ sC2(
⋅ R1−b
⋅ Qb + rB
d′, 1 − b
⋅ Q1−b}
+ rB
⋅ Q1−b
where rA2 denotes receiving data via channel A2, rB denotes receiving data via channel B, sC2
denotes sending data via channel C2, sD denotes sending data via channel D, and b ∈
0, 1
The send action and receive action of the same data through the same channel can communicate
each other, otherwise, a deadlock δ will be caused. We define the following communication
d′, b
d′, b
, rB
, rB
, rD
, rD
d′, b
≜ cB
≜ cB
≜ cD
≜ cD
Let R0 and S0 be in parallel, then the system R0S0 can be represented by the following process
R0 ≬ S0
R0 ≬ S0
= τI
d′ ∈ ∆, b ∈
0, 1
d′, b
d′, b
, rB
where H =
, rD
, sD
, rB
d′ ∈ ∆, b ∈
d′, b
, cD
I =
Then we get the following conclusion.
0, 1
, sD
, rD
, cD
Theorem 2.102 (Correctness of the ABP protocol). The ABP protocol τI
exhibits desired external behaviors.
R0 ≬ S0
Proof. By use of the algebraic laws of AP T C, we have the following expansions.
R0 ≬ S0
R0 ∥ S0 + R0
⋅ R′
⋅ R′
0) ∣ (
= ∑
∥ rA1(
0 ≬ Td0 + δ ⋅ R′
0 ≬ Td0
= ∑
∥ rA1(
0 ≬ Td0
R0 ≬ S0
= ∂H
∥ rA1(
∥ rA1(
= ∑
0 ≬ Td0
0 ≬ Td0
Similarly, we can get the following equations.
R0 ≬ S0
Td0 ≬ R′
Ud0 ≬ Q1
Q0 ≬ Ud0
1 ≬ Td0
R1 ≬ S1
Td1 ≬ R′
Ud1 ≬ Q′
Q1 ≬ Ud1
0 ≬ Td1
⋅ ∂H
⋅ ∂H
= ∑
∥ rA1(
d′, 0
= cB
⋅ ∂H
+ cD
= cD
R1 ≬ S1
⋅ ∂H
d′, 0
+ cB
∥ rA1(
= ∑
d′, 1
= cB
⋅ ∂H
+ cD
= cD
R0 ≬ S0
⋅ ∂H
d′, 1
+ cB
Td0 ≬ R′
Ud0 ≬ Q0
∥ sC2(
Td0 ≬ R′
⋅ ∂H
+ cD
Q0 ≬ Ud0
Td1 ≬ R′
⋅ ∂H
Ud1 ≬ Q1
∥ sC2(
Td1 ≬ R′
⋅ ∂H
+ cD
Q1 ≬ Ud1
0 ≬ Td1
1 ≬ Td0
⋅ ∂H
⋅ ∂H
⋅ ∂H
+ cB
⋅ ∂H
Ud0 ≬ Q1
+ cB
⋅ ∂H
Ud1 ≬ Q′
Let ∂H
R0 ≬ S0
, where E is the following guarded linear recursion specification:
X1 = ∑
∥ rA1(
d′, 0
⋅ X4d + cB
X2d = cB
+ cD
X3d =
X4d =
∥ sC2(
⋅ Y1 + cD
X5d = cD
+ cB
d, 0
X6d =
d, d′ ∈ ∆
⋅ Y2d,
⋅ Y3d,
⋅ X2d, Y3d =
⋅ X2d, Y1 = ∑
∥ rA1(
d′, 1
⋅ X3d, Y2d = cB
⋅ Y4d + cB
+ cD
⋅ Y2d,
⋅ X5d, Y4d =
∥ sC2(
⋅ X1 + cD
⋅ X6d, Y5d = cD
+ cB
d, 1
⋅ X5d, Y6d =
⋅ Y6d,
⋅ Y5d
⋅ Y5d,
Then we apply abstraction operator τI into
= ∑
= ∑
= ∑
= ∑
∥ rA2(
∥ rA2(
∥ rA2(
∥ rA2(
⋅ τI
⋅ τI
∥ sC2(
∥ sC2(
⋅ τI
⋅ τI
Similarly, we can get τI
We get τI
the ABP protocol τI
R0 ≬ S0
sC1 (
∥ sC2(
∥ rA2(
= ∑d,d′∈∆(
⋅ τI
∥ sC2(
sC1 (
∥ rA2(
= ∑d,d′∈∆(
R0 ≬ S0
can exhibits desired external behaviors.
⋅ τI
R0 ≬ S0
. So,
With the help of shadow constant, now we can verify the traditional alternating bit protocol
(ABP) [11].
The ABP protocol is used to ensure successful transmission of data through a corrupted channel.
This success is based on the assumption that data can be resent an unlimited number of times,
which is illustrated in Figure 2, we alter it into the true concurrency situation.
1. Data elements d1, d2, d3, ⋯ from a finite set ∆ are communicated between a Sender and a
2. If the Sender reads a datum from channel A.
3. The Sender processes the data in ∆, formes new data, and sends them to the Receiver
through channel B.
4. And the Receiver sends the datum into channel C.
5. If channel B is corrupted, the message communicated through B can be turn into an error
message –.
6. Every time the Receiver receives a message via channel B, it sends an acknowledgement
to the Sender via channel D, which is also corrupted.
The Sender attaches a bit 0 to data elements d2k−1 and a bit 1 to data elements d2k, when
they are sent into channel B. When the Receiver reads a datum, it sends back the attached bit
via channel D. If the Receiver receives a corrupted message, then it sends back the previous
acknowledgement to the Sender.
Then the state transition of the Sender can be described by AP T C as follows.
Sb = ∑
⋅ Tdb
Tdb =
Udb = rD
d′, b
⋅ S1−b +
⋅ S○sC (d′)
1 − b
+ sB
+ rD
⋅ Udb
⋅ Tdb
Figure 2: Alternating bit protocol
where sB denotes sending data through channel B, rD denotes receiving data through channel
D, similarly, rA means receiving data via channel A, S○sC (d′) denotes the shadow of sC
And the state transition of the Receiver can be described by AP T C as follows.
S○rA(d) ⋅ R′
Rb = ∑
b = ∑
Qb =
⋅ sC
⋅ Qb + rB
d′, b
+ sD
⋅ R1−b
d′, 1 − b
⋅ Q1−b}
+ rB
⋅ Q1−b
where S○rA(d) denotes the shadow of rA
sending data via channel C, sD denotes sending data via channel D, and b ∈
, rB denotes receiving data via channel B, sC denotes
0, 1
The send action and receive action of the same data through the same channel can communicate
each other, otherwise, a deadlock δ will be caused. We define the following communication
d′, b
d′, b
, rB
, rB
, rD
, rD
d′, b
≜ cB
≜ cB
≜ cD
≜ cD
Let R0 and S0 be in parallel, then the system R0S0 can be represented by the following process
R0 ≬ S0
R0 ≬ S0
= τI
d′ ∈ ∆, b ∈
0, 1
d′, b
d′, b
, rB
where H =
, rB
, rD
, sD
d′ ∈ ∆, b ∈
d′, b
, cD
I =
Then we get the following conclusion.
0, 1
, sD
, rD
, cD
Theorem 2.103 (Correctness of the ABP protocol). The ABP protocol τI
exhibits desired external behaviors.
R0 ≬ S0
Proof. Similarly, we can get τI
⋅ sC
∑d,d′∈∆ rA
R0 ≬ S0
So, the ABP protocol τI
⋅ τI
= ∑d,d′∈∆ rA
⋅ sC
⋅ τI
and τI
can exhibits desired external behaviors.
Mail Box
Incoming Messages
Figure 3: Model of an actor
3 Process Algebra Based Actor Model
In this chapter, we introduce an actor model described by the truly concurrent process algebra
in the chapter 2. Firstly, we introduce the traditional actor model; then we introduce the model
based on truly concurrent process algebra, and analyze the advantages of this model.
3.1 The Actor Model
An actor [12] [13] [14] acts as an atomic function unit of concurrent and encapsulates a set
of states, a control thread and a set of local computations. It has a unique mail address and
maintains a mail box to accept messages sent by other actors. Actors do local computations by
means of processing the messages stored in the mail box sequentially and block when their mail
boxes are empty.
During processing a message in mail box, an actor may perform three candidate actions:
1. send action: sending messages asynchronously to other actors by their mail box addresses;
2. create action: creating new actors with new behaviors;
3. ready action: becoming ready to process the next message from the mail box or block if
the mail box is empty.
The illustration of an actor model is shown in Figure 3.
The work Aπ of Agha [15] gives actors an algebraic model based on π-calculus [16] [17]. In this
work, Agha pointed out that it must satisfy the following characteristics as an actor:
1. Concurrency: all actors execute concurrently;
2. Asynchrony: an actor receives and sends messages asynchronously;
3. Uniqueness: an actor has a unique name and the associate unique mail box name;
4. Concentration: an actor focuses on the processing messages, including some local compu-
tations, creations of some new actors, and sending some messages to other actors;
5. Communication Dependency: the only way of affecting an actor is sending a message to
6. Abstraction: except for the receiving and sending message, and creating new actors, the
local computations are abstracted;
7. Persistence: an actor does not disappear after processing a message.
3.2 Modelling Actors Based on Process Algebra
In this section, we model the characteristics of an actor based on APTC, then we take all the
modelling into a whole actor model. Finally, we take a simple example to show the application
of the new actor model.
3.2.1 Modelling Characteristics of An Actor
The characteristics of an actor are modelled as follows.
1. Computations: the computations are modeled as atomic actions, and the computational
logics are captured by sequential composition ⋅, alternative composition +, parallel compo-
sition ≬, and the conditional guards (see section 2.9 for details) of truly concurrent process
2. Asynchronous Communications: a communication are composed of a pair of sending/receiving
actions, the asynchrony of communication only requires that the sending action occurs be-
fore the receiving action, see section 2.8 for details;
3. Uniqueness: for the simplicity, the unique name of an actor and the unique name of its
mail box are combined into its one unique name;
4. Abstraction: the local computations are encapsulated and abstracted as internal steps τ ,
see abstraction of truly concurrent process algebra;
5. Actor Creations: by use of process creations in section 2.7, we can create new actors;
6. Concurrency: all the actors are executed in parallel which can be captured by the parallel
composition ≬ of truly concurrent process algebra;
7. Persistence: once an actor has been created, it will receive and process messages continu-
ously, this infinite computation can be captured by recursion of truly concurrent process
3.2.2 Combining All the Elements into A Whole
Based on the modelling elements of an actor, we can model a whole actor computational system
consisted of a set of actors as follows.
1. According to the requirements of the system, design the system (including the inputs/outputs
and functions) and divide it into a set of actors by the modular methodology;
2. Determine the interfaces of all actors, including receiving messages, sending messages, and
creating other actors;
3. Determine the interactions among all actors, mainly including the causal relations of the
sending/receiving actions for each interaction;
4. Implement the functions of each actor by programming its state transitions based on truly
concurrent process algebra, and the program is consists of a set of atomic actions and the
computational logics among them, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards;
5. Apply recursion to the program of each actor to capture the persistence property of each
6. Apply abstraction to the program of each actor to encapsulate it;
7. Prove that each actor has desired external behaviors;
8. Put all actors in parallel and plug the interactions among them to implement the whole
actor system;
9. Apply recursion to the whole system to capture the persistence property of the whole
10. Apply abstraction to the whole system by abstracting the interactions among actors as
internal actions;
11. Finally prove that the whole system has desired external behaviors.
Comparing with other models of actors, the truly concurrent process algebra based model has
the following advantages.
1. The truly concurrent process algebra has rich expressive abilities to describe almost all
characteristics of actors, especially for asynchronous communication, actor creation, re-
cursion, abstraction, etc;
2. The truly concurrent process algebra and actors are all models for true concurrency, and
have inborn intimacy;
3. The truly concurrent process algebra has a firm semantics foundation and a powerful proof
theory, the correctness of an actor system can be proven easily.
In the following chapters, we will apply this new actor model to model and verify different
computational systems, and show the advantages of this new model together.
Figure 4: An architecture of Map-Reduce
4 Process Algebra Based Actor Model of Map-Reduce
In this chapter, we will use the process algebra based actor model to model and verify map-
reduce. In section 4.1, we introduce the requirements of map-reduce; we model the map-reduce
by use of the new actor model in section 4.2.
4.1 Requirements of Map-Reduce
Map-Reduce is a programming model and system aiming at large scale data set, which uses the
thinking of functional programming language. It includes two programs: Map and Reduce, and
also a framework to execute the program instances on a computer cluster. Map program reads
the data set from the inputting files, executes some filters and transformations, and then outputs
key, value
the data set as the form of
. While the Reduce program combines the outputs of
the Map program according to the rules defined by the user. The architecture and the execution
process are shown in Figure 4.
As shown in Figure 4, the execution process is as follows.
1. The lib of Map-Reduce in the user program divides the input files into 16-64MB size of
file segments;
2. Then the Master program receives the requests from the user including the addresses of
the input files, then creates m map worker programs, and allocates a map task for each
map worker including the addresses of the input files;
3. The map workers receive the tasks from the Master and get the addresses of the input files,
read the corresponding input file segments, execute some filters and transformations, and
key, value
pairs form intermediate files, and also notify the Master when
generate the
their map tasks are finished;
4. The Master receives the task finished notifications from the map workers, including the
addresses of the intermediate files, then creates n reduce workers, and sends the reduce
tasks to the reduce workers (also including the addresses of the intermediate files);
5. The reduce workers receive the tasks from the Master and get the addresses of the inter-
mediate files, read the corresponding intermediate files, execute some reduce actions, and
generate the output files, and also notify the Master when their reduce tasks are finished;
6. The Master receives the task finished notifications from the reduce workers, including the
addresses of the output files, then generates the output responses to the user.
4.2 The New Actor Model of Map-Reduce
According to the architecture of Map-Reduce, the whole actors system implemented by actors
can be divided into three kinds of actors: the Map actors (MapAs), the Reduce actors (RAs),
and the Master actor (Mas).
4.2.1 Map Actor, MapA
A Map worker is an atomic function unit to execute the map tasks and managed by the Master.
We use an actor called Map actor (MapA) to model a Map worker.
A MapA has a unique name, local information and variables to contain its states, and local com-
putation procedures to manipulate the information and variables. A MapA is always managed
by the Master and it receives messages from the Master, sends messages to the Master, and is
created by the Master. Note that a MapA can not create new MapAs, it can only be created
by the Master. That is, a MapA is an actor with a constraint that is without create action.
After a MapA is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The MapA receives the map tasks DIM apA (including the addresses of the input files) from
the Master through its mail box denoted by its name M apA (the corresponding reading
action is denoted rM apA
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic filter and transformation actions
by computation logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are
denoted IM apA, which is the set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the MapA generates the intermediate files
pairs, generates the output message DOM apA (containing
containing a series of
key, value
the addresses of the intermediate files), and sends to the Master’s mail box denoted by the
Master’s name M as (the corresponding sending action is denoted sM as
), and
then processes the next message from the Master recursively.
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
M apA = rM apA
M apA1 = IM apA ⋅ M apA2
M apA2 = sM as
⋅ M apA1
⋅ M apA
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the MapA may be proven exhibiting desired external
behaviors. If it exhibits desired external behaviors, the MapA should have the following form:
τIM apA(
M apA
= rM apA
⋅ sM as
⋅ τIM apA(
M apA
4.2.2 Reduce Actor, RA
A Reduce worker is an atomic function unit to execute the reduce tasks and managed by the
Master. We use an actor called Reduce actor (RA) to model a Reduce worker.
A RA has a unique name, local information and variables to contain its states, and local compu-
tation procedures to manipulate the information and variables. A RA is always managed by the
Master and it receives messages from the Master, sends messages to the Master, and is created
by the Master. Note that a RA can not create new RAs, it can only be created by the Master.
That is, a RA is an actor with a constraint that is without create action.
After a RA is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The RA receives the reduce tasks DIRA (including the addresses of the intermediate files)
from the Master through its mail box denoted by its name RA (the corresponding reading
action is denoted rRA
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic reduce actions by computation
logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted IRA, which
is the set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the RA generates the output files, generates
the output message DORA (containing the addresses of the output files), and sends to the
Master’s mail box denoted by the Master’s name M as (the corresponding sending action is
denoted sM as
), and then processes the next message from the Master recursively.
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
RA = rRA
⋅ RA1
RA1 = IRA ⋅ RA2
RA2 = sM as
⋅ RA
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the RA may be proven exhibiting desired external
behaviors. If it exhibits desired external behaviors, the RA should have the following form:
= rRA
⋅ sM as
⋅ τIRA(
4.2.3 Master Actor, Mas
The Master receives the requests from the user, manages the Map actors and the Reduce actors,
and returns the responses to the user. We use an actor called Master actor (Mas) to model the
After the Master actor is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The Mas receives the requests DIM as from the user through its mail box denoted by its
name M as (the corresponding reading action is denoted rM as
DIM as
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic division actions to divide the
input files into file segments by computation logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole
local computations are denoted and included into IM as, which is the set of all local atomic
3. The Mas creates m Map actors M apAi for 1 ≤ i ≤ m in parallel through actions new
⋯ ∥ new
M apAm
M apA1
4. When the local computations are finished, the Mas generates the map tasks DIM apAi
containing the addresses of the corresponding file segments for each M apAi with 1 ≤
i ≤ m, sends them to the MapAs’ mail box denoted by the MapAs’ name M apAi (the
corresponding sending actions are denoted sM apA1(
DIM apAm)
∥ ⋯ ∥ sM apAm(
DIM apA1)
5. The Mas receives the responses DOM apAi (containing the addresses of the intermediate
files) from M apAi for 1 ≤ i ≤ m through its mail box denoted by its name M as (the
corresponding reading actions are denoted rM as
∥ ⋯ ∥ rM as
DOM apA1)
DOM apAm)
6. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic division actions by computation
logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted and included
into IM as, which is the set of all local atomic actions;
7. The Mas creates n Reduce actors RAj for 1 ≤ j ≤ n in parallel through actions new
⋯ ∥ new
8. When the local computations are finished, the Mas generates the reduce tasks DIRAj
containing the addresses of the corresponding intermediate files for each RAj with 1 ≤ j ≤ n,
sends them to the RAs’ mail box denoted by the RAs’ name RAj (the corresponding
sending actions are denoted sRA1(
∥ ⋯ ∥ sRAn(
9. The Mas receives the responses DORAj (containing the addresses of the output files) from
RAj for 1 ≤ j ≤ n through its mail box denoted by its name M as (the corresponding
reading actions are denoted rM as
∥ ⋯ ∥ rM as
10. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted and included into
IM as, which is the set of all local atomic actions;
11. When the local computations are finished, the Mas generates the output responses DOM as
containing the addresses of the output files, sends them to users (the corresponding send-
ing action is denoted sO
), and then processes the next message from the user
DOM as
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
M as = rM as
DIM as
M as1 = IM as ⋅ M as2
⋅ M as1
M as2 = new
M as3 = sM apA1(
M as4 = rM as
M apA1
DIM apA1)
DOM apA1)
∥ ⋯ ∥ new
M apAm
∥ ⋯ ∥ sM apAm(
∥ ⋯ ∥ rM as
⋅ M as3
DIM apAm)
DOM apAm)
⋅ M as5
⋅ M as4
M as5 = IM as ⋅ M as6
M as6 = new
M as7 = sRA1(
M as8 = rM as
M as9 = IM as ⋅ M as10
∥ ⋯ ∥ new
⋅ M as7
∥ ⋯ ∥ sRAn(
∥ ⋯ ∥ rM as
⋅ M as8
⋅ M as9
M as10 = sO
DOM as
⋅ M as
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the Mas may be proven exhibiting desired external
behaviors. If it exhibits desired external behaviors, the Mas should have the following form:
DIM apA1)
τIM as(
sM apA1(
M as
DOM apAm))
DOM apA1)
rM as
sRA1 (
DORAn ))
rM as
DOM as
⋅ sM as
∥ ⋯ ∥ sM apAm(
DIM apAm))
∥ ⋯ ∥ sRAn(
M as
⋅ τIM as(
= rM as
DIM as
∥ ⋯ ∥ rM as
∥ ⋯ ∥ rM as
4.2.4 Putting All Together into A Whole
We put all actors together into a whole, including all MapAs, RAs, and Mas, according to the ar-
chitecture as illustrated in Figure 4. The whole actor system M as = M as M apA1 ⋯ M apAm
RA1 ⋯ RAn can be represented by the following process term of APTC.
M as
= τI
M as ≬ M apA1 ≬ ⋯ ≬ M apAm ≬ RA1 ≬ ⋯ ≬ RAn
Among all the actors, there are synchronous communications. The actor’s reading and to the
same actor’s sending actions with the same type messages may cause communications.
If to
the actor’s sending action occurs before the the same actions reading action, an asynchronous
communication will occur; otherwise, a deadlock δ will be caused.
There are two kinds of asynchronous communications as follows.
(1) The communications between a MapA and Mas with the following constraints.
sM apA
sM as
≤ rM apA
≤ rM as
(2) The communications between a RA and Mas with the following constraints.
sM as
≤ rRA
≤ rM as
So, the set H and I can be defined as follows.
DIM apAm)
≰ rM as
, ⋯, sM as
, ⋯, sM apAm (
DIM apA1)
, rM apA1 (
DIM apA1)
sM apA1(
H =
DIM apAm)
, rM apAm (
DOM apAm)
, ⋯, sM as
DOM apA1)
, rM as
sM as
DOM apA1)
, rM as
DOM apAm)
, ⋯, sRAn (
, rRA1 (
, rRAn (
, ⋅, sM as
, rM as
sM as
, rM as
, ⋯, sM apAm (
DIM apA1)
≰ rM apA1(
DIM apA1)
sM apA1(
DIM apAm)
≰ rM apAm(
DOM apAm)
DOM apA1)
DOM apA1)
sM as
DOM apAm)
≰ rM as
, ⋯, sRAn (
≰ rRA1(
≰ rRAn(
, ⋅, sM as
≰ rM as
sM as
≰ rM as
, ⋯, sM apAm (
DIM apA1)
, rM apA1 (
DIM apA1)
I =
sM apA1(
DIM apAm)
, rM apAm (
DOM apAm)
, ⋯, sM as
DOM apA1)
, rM as
DOM apA1)
sM as
DOM apAm)
, rM as
, ⋯, sRAn (
, rRA1 (
, rRAn (
, ⋅, sM as
, rM as
sM as
, rM as
, ⋯, sM apAm (
DIM apA1)
≤ rM apA1(
DIM apA1)
sM apA1(
DIM apAm)
≤ rM apAm(
DOM apAm)
DOM apA1)
sM as
DOM apA1)
≤ rM as
DOM apAm)
, ⋯, sRAn (
≤ rRA1(
≤ rRAn(
, ⋅, sM as
≤ rM as
sM as
≤ rM as
∪ IM apA1 ∪ ⋯ ∪ IM apAm ∪ IRA1 ∪ ⋯ ∪ IRAn ∪ IM as
, ⋯, sM as
≤ rM as
DIM apAm)
DIM apAm)
DIM apAm)
Then, we can get the following conclusion.
Theorem 4.1. The whole actor system of Map-Reduce illustrated in Figure 4 exhibits desired
external behaviors.
Proof. By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, we can prove the following equation:
M as
= rM as
DIM as
DIM as
= rM as
= τI
⋅ sO
DOM as
DOM as
⋅ sO
M as ≬ M apA1 ≬ ⋯ ≬ M apAm ≬ RA1 ≬ ⋯ ≬ RAn
⋅ τI
⋅ τI
M as ≬ M apA1 ≬ ⋯ ≬ M apAm ≬ RA1 ≬ ⋯ ≬ RAn
M as
For the details of the proof, we omit them, please refer to section 2.10.
Figure 5: An architecture of Google File System
5 Process Algebra Based Actor Model of Google File System
In this chapter, we will use the process algebra based actor model to model and verify Google
File System. In section 5.1, we introduce the requirements of Google File System; we model the
Google File System by use of the new actor model in section 5.2.
5.1 Requirements of Google File System
Google File System (GFS) is a distributed file system used to deal large scale data-density
applications. GFS has some design goals same as the other traditional distributed file systems,
such as performance, scalability, reliability and usability. But, GFS has some other advantages,
such as fault-tolerance, the huge size of files, appended writing of files, and also the flexibility
caused by the cooperative design of the APIs of GFS and the applications.
A GFS cluster includes a Master and some chunk server, and can be accessed by multiple clients,
as Figure 5 illustrates. A file is divided into the fix size of chunks with a global unique identity
allocated by the Master; each chunk is saved on the disk of a chunk server as a Linux file, and
can be accessed by the identity and the byte boundary through the chunk server. To improve
the reliability, each chunk has three copies located on different chunk servers.
The Master manages the meta data of all file system, including name space, accessing informa-
tion, mapping information from a file to chunks, and the locations of chunks.
A client implementing APIs of GFS, can interact with the Master to exchange the meta infor-
mation of files and interact with the chunk servers to exchange the actual chunks.
As shown in Figure 5, the execution process is as follows.
1. The client receives the file accessing requests from the outside, including the meta infor-
mation of the files. The client processes the requests, and generates the file information,
and sends to the Master;
2. The Master receives the file information requests, creates some chunk servers according to
the meta information of the files and the locations of the chunks, generates the file requests
(including the address of the client) for each chunk server, and sends the requests to each
chunk server respectively;
3. The chunk server receives the requests, gets the related chunks, and sends them to the
5.2 The New Actor Model of Google File System
According to the architecture of GFS, the whole actors system implemented by actors can be
divided into three kinds of actors: the client actor (CA), the chunk server actors (CSAs), and
the Master actor (Mas).
5.2.1 Client Actor, CA
We use an actor called Client actor (CA) to model the client.
After the CA is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The CA receives the requests DICA (including the meta information of the request files)
from the outside through its mail box denoted by its name CA (the corresponding reading
action is denoted rCA
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted and included into
ICA, which is the set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the CA generates the output message DIM as
(containing the meta information of the request files and the address of the client), and
sends to the Master’s mail box denoted by the Master’s name M as (the corresponding
sending action is denoted sM as
DIM as
4. The CA receives the chunks from the n chunk servers CSAi with 1 ≤ i ≤ n through
its mail box denoted by its name CA (the corresponding reading actions are denoted
∥ ⋯ ∥ rCA
5. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic combination actions to combine
the chunks by computation logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computa-
tions are denoted and included into ICA, which is the set of all local atomic actions;
6. When the local computations are finished, the CA generates the output message DOCA
(containing the files), and sends to the outside (the corresponding sending action is denoted
), and then processes the next message from the outside recursively.
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
CA = rCA
⋅ CA1
CA1 = ICA ⋅ CA2
⋅ CA3
CA2 = sM as
CA3 = rCA
DIM as
CA4 = ICA ⋅ CA5
∥ ⋯ ∥ rCA
⋅ CA4
CA5 = sO
⋅ CA
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the CA may be proven exhibiting desired external
behaviors. If it can exhibits desired external behaviors, the CA should have the following form:
⋅ sO
= rCA
⋅ τICA(
DIM as
∥ ⋯ ∥ rCA
⋅ sM as
5.2.2 Chunk Server Actor, CSA
A chunk server is an atomic function unit to access the chunks and managed by the Master. We
use an actor called chunk server actor (CSA) to model a chunk server.
A CSA has a unique name, local information and variables to contain its states, and local
computation procedures to manipulate the information and variables. A CSA is always managed
by the Master and it receives messages from the Master, sends messages to the Master and the
client, and is created by the Master. Note that a CSA can not create new CSAs, it can only
be created by the Master. That is, a CSA is an actor with a constraint that is without create
After a CSA is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The CSA receives the chunks requests DICSA (including the information of the chunks
and the address of the client) from the Master through its mail box denoted by its name
CSA (the corresponding reading action is denoted rCSA
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted ICSA, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, generates the output message DOCSA (contain-
ing the chunks and their meta information), and sends to the client’s mail box denoted
by the client’s name CA (the corresponding sending action is denoted sCA
), and
then processes the next message from the Master recursively.
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
⋅ CSA1
CSA2 = sCA
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the CSA may be proven exhibiting desired external
behaviors. If it can exhibits desired external behaviors, the CSA should have the following form:
= rCSA
⋅ sCA
⋅ τICSA(
5.2.3 Master Actor, Mas
The Master receives the requests from the client, and manages the chunk server actors. We use
an actor called Master actor (Mas) to model the Master.
After the Master actor is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The Mas receives the requests DIM as from the client through its mail box denoted by its
name M as (the corresponding reading action is denoted rM as
DIM as
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted and included into
IM as, which is the set of all local atomic actions;
3. The Mas creates n chunk server actors CSAi for 1 ≤ i ≤ n in parallel through actions
∥ ⋯ ∥ new
4. When the local computations are finished, the Mas generates the request DICSAi con-
taining the meta information of chunks and the address of the client for each CSAi with
1 ≤ i ≤ n, sends them to the CSAs’ mail box denoted by the CSAs’ name CSAi (the
corresponding sending actions are denoted sCSA1(
), and
then processes the next message from the client recursively.
∥ ⋯ ∥ sCSAn(
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
M as = rM as
DIM as
M as1 = IM as ⋅ M as2
⋅ M as1
∥ ⋯ ∥ new
∥ ⋯ ∥ sCSAn(
M as2 = new
M as3 = sCSA1(
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the Mas may be proven exhibiting desired external
behaviors. If it can exhibits desired external behaviors, the Mas should have the following form:
τIM as(
⋅ M as3
∥ ⋯ ∥ sCSAn(
DIM as
⋅ τIM as(
= rM as
⋅ M as
M as
M as
5.2.4 Putting All Together into A Whole
We put all actors together into a whole, including all CA, CSAs, and Mas, according to the archi-
tecture as illustrated in Figure 5. The whole actor system CA M as = CA M as CSA1 ⋯ CSAn
can be represented by the following process term of APTC.
CA ≬ M as
= τI
CA ≬ M as ≬ CSA1 ≬ ⋯ ≬ CSAn
Among all the actors, there are synchronous communications. The actor’s reading and to the
same actor’s sending actions with the same type messages may cause communications.
If to
the actor’s sending action occurs before the the same actions reading action, an asynchronous
communication will occur; otherwise, a deadlock δ will be caused.
There are three kinds of asynchronous communications as follows.
(1) The communications between a CSA and Mas with the following constraints.
≤ rCSA
(2) The communications between a CSA and CA with the following constraints.
≤ rCA
(3) The communications between CA and Mas with the following constraints.
sM as
DIM as
≤ rM as
DIM as
So, the set H and I can be defined as follows.
, rCSA1(
H =
, rCA
sM as
DIM as
, rM as
DIM as
≰ rCSA1(
≰ rCA
DIM as
≰ rM as
DIM as
sM as
, rCSA1(
I =
, ⋯, sCA
, rCA
sM as
DIM as
, rM as
DIM as
≤ rCSA1(
≤ rCA
DIM as
≤ rM as
DIM as
sM as
Then, we can get the following conclusion.
, ⋯, sCSAn (
, ⋯, sCA
, ⋯, sCSAn (
, rCSAn (
, rCA
≰ rCSAn(
≰ rCA
, ⋯, sCA
, ⋯, sCSAn(
, ⋯, sCSAn (
, rCSAn(
, rCA
≤ rCSAn(
, ⋯, sCA
≤ rCA
∪ ICA ∪ ICSA1 ∪ ⋯ ∪ ICSAn ∪ IM as
Theorem 5.1. The whole actor system of GFS illustrated in Figure 5 can exhibits desired
external behaviors.
Proof. By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, we can prove the following equation:
= rCA
= rCA
CA ≬ M as
⋅ sO
⋅ sO
CA ≬ M as ≬ CSA1 ≬ ⋯ ≬ CSAn
= τI
⋅ τI
⋅ τI
CA ≬ M as ≬ CSA1 ≬ ⋯ ≬ CSAn
CA ≬ M as
For the details of the proof, we omit them, please refer to section 2.10.
6 Process Algebra Based Actor Model of Cloud Resource Man-
In this chapter, we will use the process algebra based actor model to model and verify cloud
resource management.
In section 6.1, we introduce the requirements of cloud resource man-
agement; we model the cloud resource management by use of the new actor model in section
6.1 Requirements of Cloud Resource Management
There are various kinds of resources in cloud computing, such as computational ability, storage
ability, operation system platform, middle-ware platform, development platform, and various
common and specific softwares. Such various kinds of resources should be managed uniformly, in
the forms of uniform lifetime management, uniform execution and monitoring, and also uniform
utilization and accessing.
The way of uniform management of various resources is the adoption of virtualization. Each
resource is encapsulated as a virtual resource, which provides accessing of the actual resource
downward, and uniform management and accessing interface upward. So, the core architecture
of cloud resource management is illustrated in Figure 6. In this architecture, there are four main
kinds of components:
1. The Client:
it receives the resource accessing requests, sends to the Resource manager,
and gets the running states and execution results from the Resource Manager, and sends
them out;
2. The Resource Manager:
it receives the requests from the Client, creates, accesses and
manages the virtual resources;
3. The State Collector: it collects the states of the involved running virtual resources;
4. The Virtual Resources: they encapsulate various kinds of resources as uniform management
As shown in Figure 6, the typical execution process of cloud resource management is as follows.
1. The Client receives the resource accessing requests, and sends them to the Resource man-
2. The Resource Manager receives the requests from the Client, divides the computational
tasks, creates the related virtual resources, and sends the divided tasks to the involved
virtual resources;
3. The created virtual resources receives their tasks from the Resource Manager, accesses
the actual resources to run the computational tasks, during the running, they report their
running states to State Collector;
Figure 6: An architecture of cloud resource management
4. The State Collector receives the running states from the virtual resources, store the states
into the State Base, and sends the running states of the involved virtual resources to the
Resource Manager;
5. The Resource Manager receives the running states, after an inner processing, sends the
states to the Client;
6. The Client receives the states and sends them to the outside;
7. When the running of virtual resources are finished, they sends the results to the Resource
8. The Resource Manager receives the computational results, after an inner combination,
sends the combined results to the Client;
9. The Client receives the results and sends them to the outside.
6.2 The New Actor Model of Cloud Resource Management
According to the architecture of cloud resource management, the whole actors system imple-
mented by actors can be divided into four kinds of actors: the client actor (CA), the Virtual
Resource actors (VAs), the Resource Manager actor (RA) and the State Collector actor (SA).
6.2.1 Client Actor, CA
We use an actor called Client actor (CA) to model the Client.
After the CA is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The CA receives the requests DICA from the outside through its mail box denoted by its
name CA (the corresponding reading action is denoted rCA
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted and included into
ICA, which is the set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the CA generates the output requests DIRA,
and sends to the RA’s mail box denoted by the RA’s name RA (the corresponding sending
action is denoted sRA
4. The CA receives the running states (we assume just one time) from RA through its mail
box denoted by its name CA (the corresponding reading actions are denoted rCA
5. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted and included into
ICA, which is the set of all local atomic actions;
6. When the local computations are finished, the CA generates the output states RSCA
(containing the files), and sends to the outside (the corresponding sending action is denoted
7. The CA receives the computational results from RA through its mail box denoted by its
name CA (the corresponding reading actions are denoted rCA
8. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted and included into
ICA, which is the set of all local atomic actions;
9. When the local computations are finished, the CA generates the output message DOCA,
), and
and sends to the outside (the corresponding sending action is denoted sO
then processes the next message from the outside recursively.
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
CA = rCA
⋅ CA1
CA1 = ICA ⋅ CA2
CA2 = sRA
CA3 = rCA
⋅ CA3
⋅ CA4
CA4 = ICA ⋅ CA5
CA5 = sO
CA6 = rCA
⋅ CA6
⋅ CA7
CA7 = ICA ⋅ CA8
CA8 = sO
⋅ CA
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the CA may be proven exhibiting desired external
behaviors. If it can exhibits desired external behaviors, the CA should have the following form:
⋅ sO
= rCA
⋅ τICA(
⋅ rCA
⋅ sRA
⋅ rCA
⋅ sO
6.2.2 Virtual Resource Actor, VA
A Virtual Resource is an atomic function unit to access actual resource and managed by the
RA. We use an actor called Virtual Resource actor (VA) to model a Virtual Resource.
A VA has a unique name, local information and variables to contain its states, and local compu-
tation procedures to manipulate the information and variables. A VA is always managed by the
Master and it receives messages from the Master, sends messages to the Master and the client,
and is created by the Master. Note that a VA can not create new VAs, it can only be created
by the Master. That is, a VA is an actor with a constraint that is without create action.
After a VA is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The VA receives the computational tasks DIV A from RA through its mail box denoted by
its name V A (the corresponding reading action is denoted rV A
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted and included into
IV A, which is the set of all local atomic actions;
3. During the local computations, generates the running states RSV A, and sends them (we as-
sume just one time) to the SA’s mail box denoted by the SA’s name SA (the corresponding
sending action is denoted sSA
4. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted and included into
IV A, which is the set of all local atomic actions;
5. If the local computations are finished, VA generates the computational results CRV A, and
sends them to the RA’s mail box denoted by the RA’s name RA (the corresponding sending
action is denoted sRA
), and then processes the next task from RA recursively.
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
V A = rV A
⋅ V A1
V A1 = IV A ⋅ V A2
V A2 = sSA
⋅ V A3
V A3 = IV A ⋅ V A4
V A4 = sRA
⋅ V A
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the VA may be proven exhibiting desired external be-
haviors. If it can exhibits desired external behaviors, the VA should have the following form:
τIV A(
= rV A
⋅ sSA
⋅ sRA
⋅ τIV A(
6.2.3 Resource Manager Actor, RA
RA receives the requests from the client, and manages the VAs. We use an actor called Resource
Manager actor (RA) to model the Resource Manager.
After RA is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The RA receives the requests DIRA from the Client through its mail box denoted by its
name RA (the corresponding reading action is denoted rRA
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted and included into
IRA, which is the set of all local atomic actions;
3. The RA creates n VAs V Ai for 1 ≤ i ≤ n in parallel through actions new
V An
V A1
∥ ⋯ ∥
4. When the local computations are finished, the RA generates the computational tasks
DIV Ai for each V Ai with 1 ≤ i ≤ n, sends them to the VAs’ mail box denoted by the
VAs’ name V Ai (the corresponding sending actions are denoted sV A1(
∥ ⋯ ∥
sV An(
5. The RA receives the running states RSSA (we assume just one time) from the SA through
its mail box denoted by its name RA (the corresponding reading action is denoted rRA
6. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted and included into
IRA, which is the set of all local atomic actions;
7. When the local computations are finished, the RA generates running states RSRA, sends
them to the CAs’ mail box denoted by the CAs’ name CA (the corresponding sending
actions are denoted sCA
8. The RA receives the computational results CRV Ai from the V Ai for 1 ≤ i ≤ n through its
mail box denoted by its name RA (the corresponding reading action is denoted rRA
⋯ ∥ rRA
9. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted and included into
IRA, which is the set of all local atomic actions;
10. When the local computations are finished, the RA generates results CRRA, sends them to
the CAs’ mail box denoted by the CAs’ name CA (the corresponding sending actions are
denoted sCA
), and then processes the next message from the client recursively.
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
RA = rRA
⋅ RA1
RA1 = IRA ⋅ RA2
RA2 = new
V A1
∥ ⋯ ∥ new
V An
⋅ RA3
RA3 = sV A1(
RA4 = rRA
RA5 = IRA ⋅ RA6
⋅ RA5
∥ ⋯ ∥ sV An(
⋅ RA4
RA6 = sCA
RA7 = rRA
⋅ RA7
∥ ⋯ ∥ rRA
⋅ RA8
RA8 = IRA ⋅ RA9
RA9 = sCA
⋅ RA
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the RA may be proven exhibiting desired external
behaviors. If it can exhibits desired external behaviors, the RA should have the following form:
∥ ⋯ ∥ sV An(
CRV An))
sV A1(
DIV An))
⋅ sCA
⋅ τIRA(
∥ ⋯ ∥ rRA
⋅ sCA
= rRA
6.2.4 State Collector Actor, SA
We use an actor called State Collector actor (SA) to model the State Collector.
After the SA is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The SA receives the running states RSV Ai from V Ai (we assume just one time) for 1 ≤ i ≤ n
through its mail box denoted by its name SA (the corresponding reading action is denoted
∥ ⋯ ∥ rSA
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted and included into
ISA, which is the set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, SA generates the running states RSSA, and
sends them to the RA’s mail box denoted by the RA’s name RA (the corresponding sending
action is denoted sRA
), and then processes the next task from RA recursively.
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
SA = rSA
SA1 = ISA ⋅ SA2
∥ ⋯ ∥ rSA
⋅ SA1
SA2 = sRA
⋅ SA
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the SA may be proven exhibiting desired external be-
haviors. If it can exhibits desired external behaviors, the SA should have the following form:
RSV An))
⋅ τISA(
∥ ⋯ ∥ rSA
⋅ sRA
6.2.5 Putting All Together into A Whole
We put all actors together into a whole, including all CA, VAs, RA and SA, according to the
architecture as illustrated in Figure 6. The whole actor system CA RA SA = CA RA SA
V A1 ⋯ V An can be represented by the following process term of APTC.
CA ≬ RA ≬ SA
= τI
CA ≬ RA ≬ SA ≬ V A1 ≬ ⋯ ≬ V An
Among all the actors, there are synchronous communications. The actor’s reading and to the
same actor’s sending actions with the same type messages may cause communications.
If to
the actor’s sending action occurs before the the same actions reading action, an asynchronous
communication will occur; otherwise, a deadlock δ will be caused.
There are four kinds of asynchronous communications as follows.
(1) The communications between a VA and RA with the following constraints.
sV A
≤ rV A
≤ rRA
(2) The communications between a VA and SA with the following constraints.
≤ rSA
(3) The communications between CA and RA with the following constraints.
≤ rRA
≤ rCA
≤ rCA
(4) The communications between RA and SA with the following constraints.
≤ rRA
, ⋯, sRA
, ⋯, sSA
So, the set H and I can be defined as follows.
, ⋯, sV An(
H =
sV A1(
, rV A1(
, rV An(
, rRA
, rRA
, rSA
, rSA
, rCA
, sCA
, rRA
, rRA
, sRA
, rCA
, ⋯, sV An(
≰ rV A1(
sV A1(
≰ rV An(
, ⋯, sRA
≰ rRA
≰ rRA
≰ rSA
, ⋯, sSA
≰ rSA
≰ rCA
, sCA
≰ rRA
≰ rRA
, sRA
≰ rCA
, ⋯, sV An(
, rV A1(
sV A1(
I =
, rV An(
, ⋯, sRA
, rRA
, rRA
, ⋯, sSA
, rSA
, rSA
, rCA
, sCA
, rRA
, rRA
, sRA
, rCA
, ⋯, sV An(
≤ rV A1(
sV A1(
≤ rV An(
, ⋯, sRA
≤ rRA
≤ rRA
≤ rSA
, ⋯, sSA
≤ rSA
≤ rCA
, sCA
≤ rRA
≤ rRA
, sRA
≤ rCA
∪ ICA ∪ IV A1 ∪ ⋯ ∪ IV An ∪ IRA ∪ ISA
Then, we can get the following conclusion.
Theorem 6.1. The whole actor system of cloud resource management illustrated in Figure 6
can exhibits desired external behaviors.
Proof. By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, we can prove the following equation:
= rCA
= rCA
CA ≬ RA ≬ SA
⋅ sO
⋅ sO
= τI
⋅ sO
⋅ sO
CA ≬ RA ≬ SA ≬ V A1 ≬ ⋯ ≬ V An
CA ≬ RA ≬ SA ≬ V A1 ≬ ⋯ ≬ V An
CA ≬ RA ≬ SA
⋅ τI
⋅ τI
For the details of the proof, we omit them, please refer to section 2.10.
7 Process Algebra Based Actor Model of Web Service Compo-
In this chapter, we will use the process algebra based actor model to model and verify Web Ser-
vice composition based on the previous work [20]. In section 7.1, we introduce the requirements
of Web Service composition runtime system; we model the Web Service composition runtime by
use of the new actor model in section 7.2; finally, we take an example to show the usage of the
model in section 7.3.
7.1 Requirements of Web Service Composition
Web Service (WS) is a distributed software component which emerged about ten years ago to
utilize the most widely-used Internet application protocol–HTTP as its base transport protocol.
As a component, a WS has the similar ingredients as other ones, such as DCOM, EJB, CORBA,
and so on. That is, a WS uses HTTP-based SOAP as its transport protocol, WSDL as its
interface description language and UDDI as its name and directory service.
WS Composition creates new composite WSs using different composition patterns from the
collection of existing WSs. Because of advantages of WS to solve cross-organizational application
integrations, two composition patterns are dominant. One is called Web Service Orchestration
(WSO) [18], which uses a workflow-like composition pattern to orchestrate business activities
(implemented as WS Operations) and models a cross-organizational business processes or other
kind of processes. The other is called Web Service Choreography (WSC) [19] which has an
aggregate composition pattern to capture the external interaction behaviors of WSs and acts as
a contract or a protocol among WSs.
We now take a simple example of buying books from a book store to illustrate some concepts of
WS composition. Though this example is quite simple and only includes the sequence control
flow (that is, each business activity in a business process is executed in sequence), it is enough
to explain the concepts and ideas of this paper and avoids unnecessary complexity without loss
of generality. We use this example throughout this paper. The requirements of this example are
as Figure 7 shows.
A customer buys books from a book store through a user agent. In this example, we ignore
interactions between the customer and the user agent, and focus on those between the user agent
and the book store. Either user agent or book store has business processes to interact with each
We give the process of user agent as follows. The process of book store can be gotten from that
of user agent as contrasts.
1. The user agent requests a list of all books to the book store;
2. It gets the book list from the book store;
3. It selects the books by the customer and sends the list of selected books to the book store;
4. It receives the prices of selected books from the book store;
Figure 7: Requirements of an example
5. It accepts the prices and pays for the selected book to the book store. Then the process
Since the business activities, such as the book store accepting request for a list of books from the
user agent, are implemented as WSs (exactly WS operations), such buyer agent and book store
business processes are called WSOs. These WSOs are published as WSs called their interface
WSs for interacting among each other. The interaction behaviors among WSs described by some
contracts or protocols are called WSCs.
There are many efforts for WS Composition, including its specifications, design methods and
verifications, simulations, and runtime supports. Different methods and tools are used in WS
Composition research, such as XML-based WSO description specifications and WSC descrip-
tion specifications, formal verification techniques based on Process Algebra and Petri-Net, and
runtime implementations using programming languages. Some of these works mainly focus on
WSO, others mainly on WSC, and also a few works attempt to establish a relationship between
WSO and WSC.
Can a WS interact with another one? And also, can a WSO interact with another one via their
interfaces? Is the definition of a WSC compatible with its partner WSs or partner WSOs? To
solve these problems, a correct relationship between WSO and WSC must be established. A
WS Composition system combining WSO and WSC, with a natural relationship between the
two ones, is an attractive direction. In a systematic viewpoint, WS, WSO and WSC are orga-
nized with a natural relationship under the whole environment of cross-organizational business
integration. More importantly, such a system should have firmly theoretic foundation.
In this chapter, we try to make such a system to base on the new actor model.
7.1.1 WSO and WSC
A WS is a distributed software component with transport protocol–SOAP, interface description
by WSDL, and can be registered into UDDI to be searched and discovered by its customers.
A WSO orchestrates WSs existing on the Web into a process through the so-called control flow
constructs. That is, within a WSO, there are a collection of atomic function units called activities
with control flows to manipulate them. So, the main ingredients of a WSO are following.
• Inputs and Outputs: At the start time of a WSO, it accepts some inputs. And it sends
out outcomes at the end of its execution;
• Information and Variable Definitions: A WSO has local states which maybe transfer among
activities. Finally, the local states are sent to WSs outside by activities in the form of
messages. In turn, activities receiving message outside can alter the local states;
• Activity Definitions: An activity is an atomic unit with several pre-defined function kinds,
such as invoking a WS outside, invoking an application inside, receiving a request from a
customer inside/outside, local variable assignments, etc;
• Control Flow Definitions: Control flow definitions give activities an execution order. In
terms of structural model based control flow definitions, control flows are the so-called
structural activities which can be sequence activity, choice activity, loop activity, parallel
activity and their variants;
• Binding WS Information: Added values of WS Composition are the so called recursive
composition, that is, a WSO orchestrating existing WSs is published as a new WS itself
too. A WSO interacts with other WSs outside through this new WS.
In Figure 7, the user agent business process is modeled as UserAgent WSO described by WS-
BPEL, which is described in Appendix A.
The interface WS for UserAgent WSO is called UserAgent WS described by WSDL, which also
can be found in Appendix A.
A WSC defines the external interaction behaviors and serves as a contract or a protocol among
WSs. The main ingredients of a WSC are as following.
• Parter Definitions: They defines the partners within a WSC including the role of a partner
acting as and relationships among partners;
• Information and Variable Definitions: A WSC may also have local states exchanged among
the interacting WSs;
• Interactions among Partners: Interaction points and interaction behaviors are defined as
the core contents in a WSC.
In the buying books example, the WSC between user agent and bookstore (exactly UserAgentWS
and BookStoreWS) called BuyingBookWSC is described by WS-CDL, which can be found in
Appendix A.
The WSO and the WSC define two different aspects of WS Composition. Their relationships as
Figure 8 illustrates. Note that a WSO may require at least a WSC, but a WSC does not need
to depend on a WSO.
Organization B
Organization C
Organization A
App 1
App 2
App 3
Figure 8: Relationship between WSO and WSC
7.1.2 Design Decisions on Web Service Composition Runtime
(1) Stateless WS or Stateful WS
In the viewpoint of W3C, a WS itself is an interface or a wrapper of an application inside the
boundary of an organization that has a willing to interact with applications outside. That is,
a W3C WS has no an independent programming model like other component models and has
no needs of containing local states for local computations. Indeed, there are different sounds of
developing WS to be a full sense component, Such as OGSI. Incompatibility between W3C WS
and OGSI-like WS leads to WSRF as a compromised solution which reserves the W3C WS and
develops a notion of WS Resource to model states.
We adopt the ideas of WSRF. That is, let WS be an interface or a wrapper of WSO and let WSO
be a special kind WS Resource which has local states and local computations. The interface
WS of a WSO reserves ID of the WSO to deliver an incoming message to the WSO and send
an outgoing message with the ID attached in order for delivering a call-back message. Further
more, a WSO and its WS are one-one binding. When a new incoming message arrives without
a WSO ID attached, the WS creates a new WSO and attaches its ID as a parameter.
(2) Incoming Messages and Outgoing Messages
Just as the name implies, a WS serves as a server to process an incoming message within a C/S
framework. But an interaction between a component WS or a WSO requires incoming message
and outgoing message pairs. When an interaction occurred, one serves as a client and the other
serves as a server. But in the next interaction, the one served as client before may serve as a
server and the server becomes a client.
The problem is that, when a WSO (or other kind WS Resource) inside interacts with WSs
outside, who is willing to act as the bridge between the WSO inside and WSs outside? When an
incoming message arrives, it is easily to be understood that the incoming message is delivered
to the WSO by the interface WS. However, how is an outgoing message from a WSO inside to
a component WS outside delivered?
In fact, there are two ways to solve the outgoing message. One is the way of WS-BPEL [18], and
the other is that of an early version of WSDL. The former uses a so-called invoke atomic activity
defined in a WSO to send an outgoing message directly without the assistant of its interface
WS. In contrast, the latter specifies that every thing exchanged between resources inside and
functions outside must go via the interface WS of the resource inside. Furthermore, in an early
edition of WSDL, there are four kind of WS operations are defined, including an In operation,
an In-Out operation, an Out operation and an Out-In operation. In operation and In-Out
operation receive the incoming messages, while Out operation and Out-In operation deliver
the outgoing messages. Out operation and Out-In operation are somewhat strange because a
WS is a kind of server in nature. So, in the later versions of WSDL, Out operation and Out-In
operation are removed. But the problem of how to process the outgoing message is remaining.
The way of WS-BPEL will cause some confusions in the WS Composition runtime architecture
design. And the way of the early edition of WSDL looks somewhat strange. So, our way of
processing outgoing message is a compromise of the above two ones. That is, the outgoing
messages from an internal WSO to an external resource, must go via the WS of the internal
WSO. But the WS does not need to declare operations for processing the outgoing messages in
the WSDL definitions.
(3) Functions and Enablements of WSC
A WSC acts as a contract or a protocol between interacting WSs. In a viewpoint of business
integration requirements, a WSC serves as a business contract to constrain the rights and obli-
gations of business partners. And from a view of utilized technologies, a WSC can be deemed
as a communication protocol which coordinates the interaction behaviors of involved WSs.
About the enablements of a WSC, there are also two differently enable patterns. One is a
concentrated architecture and the the other is a distributed one.
The concentrated way considers that the enablements of a WSC must be under supervision of a
thirdly authorized party or all involved partners. An absolutely concentrated way maybe require
that any operation about interacting WSs must be done by the way of a supervisor. This way
maybe cause the supervisor becoming a performance bottleneck when bulk of interactions occur,
but it can bring trustworthiness of interaction results if the supervisor is trustworthy itself.
The distributed way argues that each WS interacts among others with constraints of a WSC
and there is no need of a supervisor. It is regarded that WSs just behave correctly to obey
to a WSC and maybe take an example of enablements of open Internet protocols. But there
are cheating business behaviors of an intendedly incorrect WS, that are unlike almost purely
technical motivations of open Internet protocols.
We use a hybrid enablements of WSC. That is, when a WSC is contracted (either contracted
dynamically at runtime or contracted with human interventions at design time) among WSs and
enabled, the WSC creates the partner WSs at the beginning of enablements. And then the WSs
interact with each other.
7.1.3 A WS Composition Runtime Architecture
Based on the above introductions and discussions, we design an architecture of WS Composition
runtime as Figure 9 shows. Figure 9 illustrates the typical architecture of a WS Composition
runtime. We explain the compositions and their relationships in the following. There are four
components: WSO, WS, WSC and applications inside.
Organization A
Organization B
Control Flow
Figure 9: An architecture of WS composition runtime
The functions and ingredients of a WSO usually it have a collection of activities that may
interact with partner WSs outside or applications inside. Enablements of a WSO require a
runtime environment which is not illustrated in Figure 9. For examples, execution of a WSO
described by WS-BPEL needs a WS-BPEL interpreter (also called WSO engine). A WSO locates
in the interior of an organization. It interacts with applications inside with private exchanging
mechanisms and with other partner WSOs outside via its interface WS.
Applications inside may be any legacy application or any newly developed application within the
interior of a organization. These applications can be implemented in any technical framework
and provide interfaces to interact with other applications inside, including a WSO. Interactions
between a WSO and a application inside may base on any private communication mechanism,
such as local object method call, RPC, RMI, etc, which depends on technical framework adopted
by the application.
An interface WS acts as an interface of a WSO to interact with partner WSs outside. A WSO
is with an one-to-one binding to its interface WS and is created by its interface WS at the time
of first interaction with exterior. Enablements of a WS also require a runtime support usually
called SOAP engine which implies a HTTP server installed to couple with HTTP requests. A
WS and its runtime support locate at demilitarized zone (DMZ) of an organization which has
different management policies and different security policies to the interior of an organization.
A WSC acts as a contract or a protocol of partner WSs. When a WSC is enabled, it creates all
partner WSs at their accurate positions. Enablements of a WSC also require a runtime support
to interpret the WSC description language like WS-CDL. A WSC and its support environment
can be located at a thirdly authorized party or other places negotiated by the partners.
7.2 The New Actor Model of Web Service Composition
According to the architecture of WS composition runtime, the whole actors system implemented
by actors can be divided into four kinds of actors: the activity actors, the WS actors, the WSO
actors and the WSC actor.
7.2.1 Activity Actor, AA
An activity is an atomic function unit of a WSO and is managed by the WSO. We use an actor
called activity actor (AA) to model an activity.
An AA has a unique name, local information and variables to contain its states, and local
computation procedures to manipulate the information and variables. An AA is always managed
by a WSO and it receives messages from its WSO, sends messages to other AAs or WSs via its
WSO, and is created by its WSO. Note that an AA can not create new AAs, it can only be
created by a WSO. That is, an AA is an actor with a constraint that is without create action.
After an AA is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The AA receives some messages DIAA from its WSO through its mail box denoted by its
name AA (the corresponding reading action is denoted rAA
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted IAA, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the AA generates the output message DOAA
and sends to its WSO’s mail box denoted by the WSO’s name W SO (the corresponding
sending action is denoted sW SO
), and then processes the next message from its
WSO recursively.
The above process is described as the following state transition skeletons by APTC.
AA = rAA
⋅ AA1
AA1 = IAA ⋅ AA2
AA2 = sW SO
⋅ AA
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the AA may be proven exhibiting desired external
behaviors. If it can exhibits desired external behaviors, the AA should have the following form:
= rAA
⋅ sW SO
⋅ τIAA(
7.2.2 Web Service Orchestration, WSO
A WSO includes a set of AAs and acts as the manager of the AAs. The management operations
may be creating a member AA, acting as a bridge between AAs and WSs outside.
After a WSO is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The WSO receives the initialization message DIW SO from its interface WS through its
mail box by its name W SO (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO
2. The WSO may create its AAs in parallel through actions new
it is not initialized;
∥ ⋯ ∥ new
3. The WSO may receive messages from its interface WS or its AAs through its mail box by
its name W SO (the corresponding reading actions are distinct by the message names);
4. The WSO does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
5. When the local computations are finished, the WSO generates the output messages and
may send to its AAs or its interface WS (the corresponding sending actions are distinct
by the names of AAs and WS, and also the names of messages), and then processes the
next message from its AAs or the interface WS.
The above process is described as the following state transition skeletons by APTC.
⋅ W SO1
W SO = rW SO
W SO1 =
⋅ W SO2
W SO2 = rW SO
⋅ W SO3
∥ ⋯ ∥ new
W SO3 = IW SO ⋅ W SO4
W SO4 = sAAs,W S
⋅ W SO
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the WSO may be proven exhibiting desired external
If it can exhibits desired external behaviors, the WSO should have the following
τIW SO (
With IW SO extended to IW SO∪
= rW SO
⋅ ⋯ ⋅ sW S
⋅ τIW SO (
= T RU E
7.2.3 Web Service, WS
A WS is an actor that has the characteristics of an ordinary actor. It acts as a communication
bridge between the inner WSO and the external partner WS and creates a new WSO when it
receives a new incoming message.
After A WS is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The WS receives the initialization message DIW S from its WSC actor through its mail
box by its name W S (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW S
2. The WS may create its WSO through actions new
if it is not initialized;
3. The WS may receive messages from its partner WS or its WSO through its mail box by
its name W SO (the corresponding reading actions are distinct by the message names);
4. The WS does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW S, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
5. When the local computations are finished, the WS generates the output messages and may
send to its WSO or its partner WS (the corresponding sending actions are distinct by the
names of WSO and the partner WS, and also the names of messages), and then processes
the next message from its WSO or the partner WS.
The above process is described as the following state transition skeletons by APTC.
W S = rW S
⋅ W S1
W S1 =
W S2 = rW S
⋅ W S3
⋅ new
= T RU E
⋅ W S2
W S3 = IW S ⋅ W S4
W S4 = sW SO,W S′
⋅ W S
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the WS may be proven exhibiting desired external
behaviors. If it can exhibits desired external behaviors, the WS should have the following form:
τIW S (
= rW S
⋅ ⋯ ⋅ sW S′
With IW S extended to IW S ∪
7.2.4 Web Service Choreography, WSC
⋅ τIW S (
= T RU E
A WSC actor creates partner WSs as some kinds roles and set each WS to the other one as their
partner WSs.
After A WSC is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The WSC receives the initialization message DIW SC from the outside through its mail
box by its name W SC (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SC
2. The WSC may create its WSs through actions new
W S1
∥ new
W S2
if it is not ini-
3. The WSC does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SC, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
4. When the local computations are finished, the WSC generates the output messages and
sends to its WSs, or the outside (the corresponding sending actions are distinct by the
names of WSs, and also the names of messages), and then processes the next message from
the outside.
The above process is described as the following state transition skeletons by APTC.
W SC = rW SC
W SC1 =
⋅ W SC1
⋅ W SC2
W S1
∥ new
W S2
W SC2 = IW SC ⋅ W SC3
W SC3 = sW S1,W S2,O
⋅ W SC
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the WSC may be proven exhibiting desired external
If it can exhibits desired external behaviors, the WSC should have the following
τIW SC (
With IW SC extended to IW SC∪
= rW SC
⋅ sW S1,W S2,O
⋅ τIW SC (
= T RU E
7.2.5 Putting All Together into A Whole
We put all actors together into a whole, including all AAs, WSOs, WSs, and WSC, according to
the architecture as illustrated in Figure 9. The whole actor system W SC = W SC W Ss W SOs AAs
can be represented by the following process term of APTC.
= τI
W SC ≬ W Ss ≬ W SOs ≬ AAs
Among all the actors, there are synchronous communications. The actor’s reading and to the
same actor’s sending actions with the same type messages may cause communications.
If to
the actor’s sending action occurs before the the same actions reading action, an asynchronous
communication will occur; otherwise, a deadlock δ will be caused.
There are four pairs kinds of asynchronous communications as follows.
(1) The communications between an AA and its WSO with the following constraints.
≤ rAA
≤ rW SO
Note that, the message DIAA−W SO and DOW SO−AA, DIW SO−AA and DOAA−W SO are the same
(2) The communications between a WSO and its interface WS with the following constraints.
sW S
≤ rW SO
≤ rW S
Note that, the message DIW SO−W S and DOW S−W SO, DIW S−W SO and DOW SO−W S are the
same messages.
(3) The communications between a WS and its partner WS with the following constraints.
sW S1(
sW S2(
DIW S1−W S2)
DIW S2−W S1)
DIW S1−W S2)
DIW S2−W S1)
≤ rW S1(
≤ rW S2(
Note that, the message DIW S1−W S2 and DOW S2−W S1, DIW S2−W S1 and DOW S1−W S2 are the
same messages.
(4) The communications between a WS and its WSC with the following constraints.
sW S
≤ rW SC
≤ rW S
Note that, the message DIW SC−W S and DOW S−W SC, DIW S−W SC and DOW SC−W S are the
same messages.
So, the set H and I can be defined as follows.
H =
, rAA
, rW SO
, rW S1 (
DIW S1−W S2)
sW S1(
, rW SC
≰ rAA
DIW S1−W S2)
sW S1(
I =
, rAA
, rW SO
, rW S1 (
DIW S1−W S2)
sW S1(
, rW SC
≤ rAA
DIW S1−W S2)
sW S1(
∪ IAAs ∪ IW SOs ∪ IW Ss ∪ IW SC
, sW SO
, rW SO
, rW S
, sW S
DIW S2−W S1)
, rW S2(
DIW S2−W S1)
, sW S2(
DIW S1−W S2)
, rW S
, sW S
≰ rW SO
, sW SO
≰ rW S
, sW S
≰ rW SO
DIW S2−W S1)
≰ rW S2(
DIW S2−W S1)
, sW S2(
DIW S1−W S2)
≰ rW S1(
≰ rW S
, sW S
≰ rW SC
, rW SO
, sW SO
, rW S
, sW S
DIW S2−W S1)
, rW S2(
DIW S2−W S1)
, sW S2(
DIW S1−W S2)
, rW S
, sW S
≤ rW SO
, sW SO
≤ rW S
, sW S
≤ rW SO
DIW S2−W S1)
≤ rW S2(
DIW S2−W S1)
, sW S2(
DIW S1−W S2)
≤ rW S1(
≤ rW S
, sW S
≤ rW SC
If the whole actor system of WS composition runtime can exhibits desired external behaviors,
the system should have the following form:
= τI
= rW SC
= rW SC
⋅ sO
⋅ sO
W SC ≬ W Ss ≬ W SOs ≬ AAs
W SC ≬ W Ss ≬ W SOs ≬ AAs
⋅ τI
⋅ τI
7.3 An Example
Using the architecture in Figure 9, we get an implementation of the buying books example
In this implementation, there are one WSC (named BuyingBook-
as shown in Figure 10.
WSC, denoted W SC), two WSs (one is named UserAgentWS and denoted W S1, the other
is named BookStoreWS and denoted W S2), two WSOs (one is named UserAgentWSO and de-
noted W SO1, the other is named BookStoreWSO and denoted W SO2), and two set of AAs
denoted AA1i and AA2j . The set of AAs belong to UserAgentWSO including RequstLBAA
denoted AA11, ReceiveLBAA denoted AA12, SendSBAA denoted AA13, ReceivePBAA denoted
AA14 and PayBAA denoted AA15, and the other set of AAs belong to BookStoreWSO in-
cluding ReceiveRBAA denoted AA21, SendLBAA denoted AA22, ReceiveSBAA denoted AA23,
SendPBAA denoted AA24, and GetP&ShipBAA denoted AA25.
UserAgent WSO
UserAgent WS
BookStore WS
BookStore WSO
RequestLB AA
ReceiveLB AA
ReceivePB AA
ReceiveRB AA
ReceiveSB AA
Figure 10: Implementation of the buying books example
The detailed implementations of actors in Figure 10 is following.
7.3.1 UserAgent AAs
(1) RequstLBAA (AA11)
After AA11 is created, the typical process is as follows.
noted by its name AA11 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rAA11(
1. The AA11 receives some messages RequestLBW A1 from W SO1 through its mail box de-
RequestLBW A1)
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted IAA11, which is
the set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the AA11 generates the output message RequestLBAW1
and sends to W SO1’s mail box denoted by W SO1’s name W SO1 (the corresponding send-
ing action is denoted sW SO1(
), and then processes the next message from
W SO1 recursively.
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
AA11 = rAA11(
AA111 = IAA11 ⋅ AA112
RequestLBW A1)
⋅ AA111
AA112 = sW SO1(
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, AA11 can be proven exhibiting desired external behaviors.
⋅ AA11
τIAA11 (
= rAA11(
RequestLBW A1)
⋅ sW SO1(
⋅ τIAA11 (
(2) ReceiveLBAA (AA12)
After AA12 is created, the typical process is as follows.
noted by its name AA12 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rAA12(
1. The AA12 receives some messages ReceiveLBW A1 from W SO1 through its mail box de-
ReceiveLBW A1 )
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted IAA12, which is
the set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the AA12 generates the output message ReceiveLBAW1
and sends to W SO1’s mail box denoted by W SO1’s name W SO1 (the corresponding send-
ing action is denoted sW SO1(
), and then processes the next message from
W SO1 recursively.
ReceiveLBAW1 )
ReceiveLBW A1 )
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
AA12 = rAA12(
AA121 = IAA12 ⋅ AA122
AA122 = sW SO1(
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, AA12 can be proven exhibiting desired external behaviors.
ReceiveLBAW1 )
⋅ AA121
⋅ AA12
τIAA12 (
= rAA12(
ReceiveLBW A1 )
⋅ sW SO1(
ReceiveLBAW1 )
⋅ τIAA12 (
(3) SendSBAA (AA13)
After AA13 is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The AA13 receives some messages SendSBW A1 from W SO1 through its mail box denoted
by its name AA13 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rAA13(
SendSBW A1)
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted IAA13, which is
the set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the AA13 generates the output message SendSBAW1
and sends to W SO1’s mail box denoted by W SO1’s name W SO1 (the corresponding send-
ing action is denoted sW SO1(
), and then processes the next message from
W SO1 recursively.
SendSBW A1)
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
AA13 = rAA13(
AA131 = IAA13 ⋅ AA132
AA132 = sW SO1(
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, AA13 can be proven exhibiting desired external behaviors.
⋅ AA131
⋅ AA13
τIAA13 (
= rAA13(
SendSBW A1)
⋅ sW SO1(
⋅ τIAA13 (
(4) ReceivePBAA (AA14)
After AA14 is created, the typical process is as follows.
noted by its name AA14 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rAA14(
1. The AA14 receives some messages ReceiveP BW A1 from W SO1 through its mail box de-
ReceiveP BW A1 )
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted IAA14, which is
the set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the AA14 generates the output message ReceiveP BAW1
and sends to W SO1’s mail box denoted by W SO1’s name W SO1 (the corresponding send-
ing action is denoted sW SO1(
), and then processes the next message from
W SO1 recursively.
ReceiveP BAW1 )
ReceiveP BW A1 )
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
AA14 = rAA14(
AA141 = IAA14 ⋅ AA142
AA142 = sW SO1(
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, AA14 can be proven exhibiting desired external behaviors.
ReceiveP BAW1 )
⋅ AA141
⋅ AA14
τIAA14 (
= rAA14(
ReceiveP BW A1 )
⋅ sW SO1(
ReceiveP BAW1 )
⋅ τIAA14 (
(5) PayBAA (AA15)
After AA15 is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The AA15 receives some messages P ayBW A1 from W SO1 through its mail box denoted
by its name AA15 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rAA15(
P ayBW A1)
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted IAA15, which is
the set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the AA15 generates the output message P ayBAW1
and sends to W SO1’s mail box denoted by W SO1’s name W SO1 (the corresponding send-
), and then processes the next message from W SO1
ing action is denoted sW SO1(
P ayBAW1)
P ayBW A1)
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
AA15 = rAA15(
AA151 = IAA15 ⋅ AA152
AA152 = sW SO1(
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, AA15 can be proven exhibiting desired external behaviors.
P ayBAW1)
⋅ AA151
⋅ AA15
τIAA15 (
= rAA15(
P ayBW A1)
⋅ sW SO1(
P ayBAW1)
⋅ τIAA15 (
7.3.2 UserAgent WSO
After UserAgent WSO (W SO1) is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The W SO1 receives the initialization message ReBuyingBooksW W1 from its interface WS
through its mail box by its name W SO1 (the corresponding reading action is denoted
rW SO1(
ReBuyingBooksW W1)
2. The W SO1 may create its AAs in parallel through actions new
if it is not initialized;
∥ ⋯ ∥ new
3. The W SO1 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation
logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO1,
which is the set of all local atomic actions;
4. When the local computations are finished, the W SO1 generates the output messages
RequestLBW A1 and sends to AA11 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
RequestLBW A1)
by its name W SO1 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO1(
5. The W SO1 receives the response message RequestLBAW1 from AA11 through its mail box
6. The W SO1 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation
logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO1,
which is the set of all local atomic actions;
7. When the local computations are finished, the W SO1 generates the output messages
RequestLBW W1 and sends to W S1 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
sW S1(
RequestLBW W1)
8. The W SO1 receives the response message ReceiveLBW W1 from W S1 through its mail box
ReceiveLBW W1)
by its name W SO1 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO1(
9. The W SO1 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation
logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO1,
which is the set of all local atomic actions;
10. When the local computations are finished, the W SO1 generates the output messages
ReceiveLBW A1 and sends to AA12 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
ReceiveLBW A1 )
by its name W SO1 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO1(
11. The W SO1 receives the response message ReceiveLBAW1 from AA12 through its mail box
ReceiveLBAW1 )
12. The W SO1 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation
logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO1,
which is the set of all local atomic actions;
13. When the local computations are finished, the W SO1 generates the output messages
SendSBW A1 and sends to AA13 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
SendSBW A1)
14. The W SO1 receives the response message SendSBAW1 from AA13 through its mail box
by its name W SO1 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO1(
15. The W SO1 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation
logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO1,
which is the set of all local atomic actions;
16. When the local computations are finished, the W SO1 generates the output messages
SendSBW W1 and sends to W S1 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
sW S1(
SendSBW W1)
by its name W SO1 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO1(
17. The W SO1 receives the response message ReceiveP BW W1 from W S1 through its mail box
ReceiveP BW W1 )
18. The W SO1 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation
logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO1,
which is the set of all local atomic actions;
19. When the local computations are finished, the W SO1 generates the output messages
ReceiveP BW A1 and sends to AA14 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
ReceiveP BW A1 )
by its name W SO1 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO1(
20. The W SO1 receives the response message ReceiveP BAW1 from AA14 through its mail box
ReceiveP BAW1 )
21. The W SO1 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation
logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO1,
which is the set of all local atomic actions;
22. When the local computations are finished, the W SO1 generates the output messages
P ayBW A1)
P ayBW A1 and sends to AA15 (the corresponding sending action is denoted sAA15(
23. The W SO1 receives the response message P ayBAW1 from AA15 through its mail box by
its name W SO1 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO1(
P ayBAW1)
24. The W SO1 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation
logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO1,
which is the set of all local atomic actions;
25. When the local computations are finished, the W SO1 generates the output messages
P ayBW W1)
P ayBW W1 and sends to W S1 (the corresponding sending action is denoted sW S1(
and then processing the messages from W S1 recursively.
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
W SO1 = rW SO1(
W SO11 =
ReBuyingBooksW W1)
∥ ⋯ ∥ new
⋅ W SO11
⋅ W SO12
RequestLBW A1)
⋅ W SO14
⋅ W SO15
RequestLBW W1)
ReceiveLBW W1 )
⋅ W SO17
⋅ W SO18
W SO12 = IW SO1 ⋅ W SO13
W SO13 = sAA11(
W SO14 = rW SO1(
W SO15 = IW SO1 ⋅ W SO16
W SO16 = sW S1(
W SO17 = rW SO1(
W SO18 = IW SO1 ⋅ W SO19
W SO19 = sAA12(
W SO110 = rW SO1(
W SO111 = IW SO1 ⋅ W SO112
ReceiveLBW A1 )
ReceiveLBAW1 )
⋅ W SO110
⋅ W SO111
⋅ W SO116
⋅ W SO117
⋅ W SO113
⋅ W SO114
SendSBW W1)
ReceiveP BW W1)
W SO112 = sAA13
SendSBW A1)
W SO113 = rW SO1(
W SO114 = IW SO1 ⋅ W SO115
W SO115 = sW S1(
W SO116 = rW SO1(
W SO117 = IW SO1 ⋅ W SO118
W SO118 = sAA14(
W SO119 = rW SO1(
W SO120 = IW SO1 ⋅ W SO121
P ayBW A1)
W SO121 = sAA15(
P ayBAW1)
W SO122 = rW SO1(
W SO123 = IW SO1 ⋅ W SO124
P ayBW W1)
W SO124 = sW S1(
ReceiveP BW A1 )
ReceiveP BAW1 )
⋅ W SO1
⋅ W SO122
⋅ W SO123
⋅ W SO119
⋅ W SO120
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the W SO1 can be proven exhibiting desired external
τIW SO1 (
⋅sW S1(
RequestLBW W1)
SendSBW A1)
⋅ sAA13
ReceiveP BW A1 )
⋅ τIW SO1 (
With IW SO1 extended to IW SO1 ∪
ReBuyingBooksW W1)
ReceiveLBW W1)
⋅ sW S1(
ReceiveP BAW1 )
ReceiveLBW A1 )
SendSBW W1)
P ayBW A1)
RequestLBW A1)
⋅ rW SO1(
⋅rW SO1(
ReceiveLBAW1 )
ReceiveP BW W1 )
⋅sW S1(
P ayBAW1)
= rW SO1(
⋅rW SO1(
⋅ rW SO1(
⋅rW SO1(
⋅rW SO1(
⋅rW SO1(
P ayBW W1)
7.3.3 UserAgent WS
After UserAgent WS (W S1) is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The W S1 receives the initialization message ReBuyingBooksW C1 from the buying books
WSC W SC through its mail box by its name W S1 (the corresponding reading action is
denoted rW S1(
ReBuyingBooksW C1)
2. The W S1 may create its W SO1 through an action new
if it is not initialized;
3. The W S1 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW S1, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
4. When the local computations are finished, the W S1 generates the output messages
ReBuyingBooksW W1 and sends to W SO1 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
sW SO1(
ReBuyingBooksW W1)
5. The W S1 receives the response message RequestLBW W1 from W SO1 through its mail box
RequestLBW W1)
by its name W S1 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW S1(
6. The W S1 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW S1, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
7. When the local computations are finished, the W S1 generates the output messages
RequestLBW W12 and sends to W S2 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
sW S2(
RequestLBW W12)
8. The W S1 receives the response message SendLBW W21 from W S2 through its mail box by
its name W S1 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW S1(
SendLBW W21)
9. The W S1 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW S1, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
10. When the local computations are finished, the W S1 generates the output messages
ReceiveLBW W1 and sends to W SO1 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
sW SO1(
ReceiveLBW W1)
11. The W S1 receives the response message SendSBW W1 from W SO1 through its mail box
by its name W S1 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW S1(
SendSBW W1)
12. The W S1 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW S1, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
13. When the local computations are finished, the W S1 generates the output messages
SendSBW W12 and sends to W S2 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
sW S2(
SendSBW W12)
14. The W S1 receives the response message SendP BW W21 from W S2 through its mail box by
its name W S1 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW S1(
SendP BW W21)
15. The W S1 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW S1, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
16. When the local computations are finished, the W S1 generates the output messages
ReceiveP BW W1 and sends to W SO1 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
sW SO1(
ReceiveP BW W1 )
17. The W S1 receives the response message P ayBW W1 from W SO1 through its mail box by
its name W S1 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW S1(
P ayBW W1)
18. The W S1 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW S1, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
19. When the local computations are finished, the W S1 generates the output messages
P ayBW W12 and sends to W S2 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
sW S2(
), and then processing the messages from W SC recursively.
P ayBW W12)
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
W S1 = rW S1(
W S11 =
ReBuyingBooksW C1)
W S1
W S1
⋅ W S11
= T RU E
⋅W S12
W S12 = IW S1 ⋅ W S13
W S13 = sW SO1(
W S14 = rW S1(
W S15 = IW S1 ⋅ W S16
W S16 = sW S2(
W S17 = rW S1(
W S18 = IW S1 ⋅ W S19
W S19 = sW SO1(
W S110 = rW S1(
ReBuyingBooksW W1)
⋅ W S15
RequestLBW W1)
⋅ W S14
RequestLBW W12)
SendLBW W21)
⋅ W S18
⋅ W S17
ReceiveLBW W1 )
SendSBW W1)
⋅ W S111
⋅ W S110
⋅ W S114
⋅ W S113
⋅ W S116
SendSBW W12)
SendP BW W21)
ReceiveP BW W1)
⋅ W S117
P ayBW W1)
W S111 = IW S1 ⋅ W S112
W S112 = sW S2(
W S113 = rW S1(
W S114 = IW S1 ⋅ W S115
W S115 = sW SO1(
W S116 = rW S1(
W S117 = IW S1 ⋅ W S118
W S118 = sW S2(
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the W S1 can be proven exhibiting desired external
rW S1(
τIW S1 (
= rW SO1(
⋅ sW S2(
RequestLBW W1)
⋅ rW S1(
⋅ rW S1(
ReceiveLBW W1)
⋅ sW SO1(
⋅ sW SO1(
SendP BW W21)
⋅ rW S1(
⋅ τIW S1 (
P ayBW W12)
⋅ sW S2(
With IW S1 extended to IW S1∪
ReBuyingBooksW C1)
⋅ rW S1(
RequestLBW W12)
⋅ sW S2(
SendSBW W1)
⋅ rW S1(
ReceiveP BW W1)
W S1
⋅ sW SO1(
SendLBW W21)
SendSBW W12)
P ayBW W1)
W S1
ReBuyingBooksW W1)
W S1
P ayBW W12)
= T RU E
⋅ W S1
W S1
7.3.4 BookStore AAs
(1) ReceiveRBAA (AA21)
After AA21 is created, the typical process is as follows.
noted by its name AA21 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rAA21(
1. The AA21 receives some messages ReceiveRBW A2 from W SO2 through its mail box de-
ReceiveRBW A2 )
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted IAA21, which is
the set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the AA21 generates the output message ReceiveRBAW2
and sends to W SO2’s mail box denoted by W SO2’s name W SO2 (the corresponding send-
ing action is denoted sW SO2(
), and then processes the next message from
W SO2 recursively.
ReceiveRBAW2 )
ReceiveRBW A2 )
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
AA21 = rAA21(
AA211 = IAA21 ⋅ AA212
AA212 = sW SO2(
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, AA21 can be proven exhibiting desired external behaviors.
ReceiveRBAW2 )
⋅ AA211
⋅ AA21
τIAA21 (
= rAA21(
RequestLBW A2)
⋅ sW SO2(
⋅ τIAA21 (
(2) SendLBAA (AA22)
After AA22 is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The AA22 receives some messages SendLBW A2 from W SO2 through its mail box denoted
ReceiveLBW A2 )
by its name AA22 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rAA22(
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted IAA22, which is
the set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the AA22 generates the output message SendLBAW2
and sends to W SO2’s mail box denoted by W SO2’s name W SO2 (the corresponding send-
ing action is denoted sW SO2(
), and then processes the next message from
W SO2 recursively.
SendLBW A2)
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
AA22 = rAA22(
AA221 = IAA22 ⋅ AA222
AA222 = sW SO2(
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, AA22 can be proven exhibiting desired external behaviors.
⋅ AA221
⋅ AA22
τIAA22 (
= rAA22(
SendLBW A2)
⋅ sW SO2(
⋅ τIAA22 (
(3) ReceiveSBAA (AA23)
After AA23 is created, the typical process is as follows.
noted by its name AA23 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rAA23(
1. The AA23 receives some messages ReceiveSBW A2 from W SO2 through its mail box de-
ReceiveSBW A2 )
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted IAA23, which is
the set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the AA23 generates the output message ReceiveSBAW2
and sends to W SO2’s mail box denoted by W SO2’s name W SO2 (the corresponding send-
ing action is denoted sW SO2(
), and then processes the next message from
W SO2 recursively.
ReceiveSBAW2 )
ReceiveSBW A2 )
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
AA23 = rAA23(
AA231 = IAA23 ⋅ AA232
AA232 = sW SO2(
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, AA23 can be proven exhibiting desired external behaviors.
ReceiveSBAW2 )
⋅ AA231
⋅ AA23
τIAA23 (
= rAA23(
ReceiveSBW A1 )
⋅ sW SO2(
ReceiveSBAW2 )
⋅ τIAA23 (
(4) SendPBAA (AA24)
After AA24 is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The AA24 receives some messages SendP BW A2 from W SO2 through its mail box denoted
by its name AA24 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rAA24(
SendP BW A2)
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted IAA24, which is
the set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the AA24 generates the output message SendP BAW2
and sends to W SO2’s mail box denoted by W SO2’s name W SO2 (the corresponding send-
ing action is denoted sW SO2(
), and then processes the next message from
W SO2 recursively.
SendP BAW2)
SendP BW A2)
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
AA24 = rAA24(
AA241 = IAA24 ⋅ AA242
AA242 = sW SO2(
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, AA24 can be proven exhibiting desired external behaviors.
SendP BAW2)
⋅ AA241
⋅ AA24
τIAA24 (
(5) GetP&ShipBAA (AA25)
= rAA24(
SendP BW A2)
⋅ sW SO2(
SendP BAW2)
⋅ τIAA24 (
After AA25 is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The AA25 receives some messages GetP &ShipBW A2 from W SO2 through its mail box de-
noted by its name AA25 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rAA25(
GetP &ShipBW A2 )
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted IAA25, which is
the set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the AA25 generates the output message GetP &ShipBAW2
and sends to W SO2’s mail box denoted by W SO2’s name W SO2 (the corresponding send-
ing action is denoted sW SO2(
), and then processes the next message
from W SO2 recursively.
GetP &ShipBAW2)
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
AA25 = rAA25(
AA251 = IAA25 ⋅ AA252
GetP &ShipBW A2)
⋅ AA251
AA252 = sW SO2(
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, AA25 can be proven exhibiting desired external behaviors.
GetP &ShipBAW2)
⋅ AA25
τIAA25 (
= rAA25(
GetP &ShipBW A1)
⋅ sW SO2(
GetP &ShipBAW2 )
⋅ τIAA25 (
7.3.5 BookStore WSO
After BookStore WSO (W SO2) is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The W SO2 receives the initialization message ReceiveRBW W2 from its interface WS W S2
through its mail box by its name W SO2 (the corresponding reading action is denoted
rW SO2(
ReceiveRBW W2 )
2. The W SO2 may create its AAs in parallel through actions new
if it is not initialized;
∥ ⋯ ∥ new
3. The W SO2 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation
logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO2,
which is the set of all local atomic actions;
4. When the local computations are finished, the W SO2 generates the output messages
ReceiveRBW A2 and sends to AA21 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
ReceiveRBW A2 )
by its name W SO2 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO2(
5. The W SO2 receives the response message ReceiveRBAW2 from AA21 through its mail box
ReceiveRBAW2 )
6. The W SO2 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation
logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO2,
which is the set of all local atomic actions;
7. When the local computations are finished, the W SO2 generates the output messages
SendLBW A2 and sends to AA22 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
SendLBW A2)
8. The W SO2 receives the response message SendLBAW2 from AA22 through its mail box
by its name W SO2 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO2(
9. The W SO2 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation
logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO2,
which is the set of all local atomic actions;
10. When the local computations are finished, the W SO2 generates the output messages
SendLBW W2 and sends to W S2 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
sW S2(
SendLBW W2)
11. The W SO2 receives the response message ReceiveSBW W2 from W S2 through its mail box
ReceiveSBW W2 )
by its name W SO2 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO2(
12. The W SO2 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation
logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO2,
which is the set of all local atomic actions;
13. When the local computations are finished, the W SO2 generates the output messages
ReceiveSBW A2 and sends to AA23 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
ReceiveSBW A2 )
by its name W SO2 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO2(
14. The W SO2 receives the response message ReceiveSBAW2 from AA23 through its mail box
ReceiveSBAW2 )
15. The W SO2 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation
logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO2,
which is the set of all local atomic actions;
16. When the local computations are finished, the W SO2 generates the output messages
SendP BW A2 and sends to AA24 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
SendP BW A2)
17. The W SO2 receives the response message SendP BAW2 from AA24 through its mail box
by its name W SO2 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO2(
SendP BAW2)
18. The W SO2 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation
logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO2,
which is the set of all local atomic actions;
19. When the local computations are finished, the W SO2 generates the output messages
SendP BW W2 and sends to W S2 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
sW S2(
SendP BW W2)
20. The W SO2 receives the response message SendP BW W2 from W S2 through its mail box
SendP BW W2)
by its name W SO2 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO2(
21. The W SO2 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation
logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO2,
which is the set of all local atomic actions;
22. When the local computations are finished, the W SO2 generates the output messages
GetP &ShipBW A2 and sends to AA25 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
GetP &ShipBW A2 )
23. The W SO2 receives the response message GetP &ShipBAW2 from AA25 through its mail
box by its name W SO2 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO2(
GetP &ShipBAW2)
24. The W SO2 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation
logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO2,
which is the set of all local atomic actions;
25. When the local computations are finished, the W SO2 generates the output messages
GetP &ShipBW W2 and sends to W S2 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
), and then processing the messages from W S2 recursively.
sW S2(
GetP &ShipBW W2)
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
W SO2 = rW SO2(
W SO21 =
ReceiveRBW W2)
∥ ⋯ ∥ new
⋅ W SO21
⋅ W SO22
⋅ W SO27
⋅ W SO28
⋅ W SO25
⋅ W SO24
⋅ W SO214
⋅ W SO211
⋅ W SO213
⋅ W SO210
⋅ W SO216
SendLBW W2)
ReceiveSBW W2)
SendLBW A2)
SendP BW A2)
SendP BAW2)
ReceiveSBW A2 )
ReceiveSBAW2 )
ReceiveRBW A2 )
ReceiveRBAW2 )
W SO22 = IW SO2 ⋅ W SO23
W SO23 = sAA21(
W SO24 = rW SO2(
W SO25 = IW SO2 ⋅ W SO26
W SO26 = sAA22(
W SO27 = rW SO2(
W SO28 = IW SO2 ⋅ W SO29
W SO29 = sW S2(
W SO210 = rW SO2(
W SO211 = IW SO2 ⋅ W SO212
W SO212 = sAA23(
W SO213 = rW SO2(
W SO214 = IW SO2 ⋅ W SO215
W SO215 = sAA24(
W SO216 = rW SO2(
W SO217 = IW SO2 ⋅ W SO218
W SO218 = sW S2(
W SO219 = rW SO2(
W SO220 = IW SO2 ⋅ W SO221
W SO221 = sAA25(
W SO222 = rW SO2(
W SO223 = IW SO2 ⋅ W SO224
W SO224 = sW S2(
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the W SO2 can be proven exhibiting desired external
τIW SO2 (
SendLBW A2)
⋅ sAA22(
ReceiveSBAW2 )
ReceiveSBW A2 )
⋅ sAA23(
SendP BW W2)
SendP BW W2)
⋅sW S2(
⋅ τIW SO2 (
GetP &ShipBW W2)
⋅ sW S2(
With IW SO2 extended to IW SO2 ∪
ReceiveRBW A2)
SendLBW W2)
SendP BW A2)
⋅ sAA24(
GetP &ShipBW A2)
GetP &ShipBW A2)
GetP &ShipBAW2)
ReceiveRBAW2 )
SendP BAW2)
GetP &ShipBAW2 )
SendP BW W2)
SendP BW W2)
ReceiveRBW W2)
⋅rW SO2(
⋅ rW SO2(
GetP &ShipBW W2)
ReceiveSBW W2)
= rW SO2(
⋅ rW SO2(
⋅ rW SO2(
⋅ rW SO2(
⋅rW SO2(
⋅rW SO2(
⋅ sW S2(
⋅ W SO219
⋅ W SO220
⋅ W SO223
⋅ W SO222
⋅ W SO217
⋅ W SO2
7.3.6 BookStore WS
After BookStore WS (W S2) is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The W S2 receives the initialization message RequestLBW W12 from its interface WS W S1
through its mail box by its name W S2 (the corresponding reading action is denoted
rW S2(
RequestLBW W12)
2. The W S2 may create its W SO2 through actions new
if it is not initialized;
3. The W S2 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW S2, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
4. When the local computations are finished, the W S2 generates the output messages
ReceiveRBW W2 and sends to W SO2 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
sW SO2(
ReceiveRBW W2)
5. The W S2 receives the response message SendLBW W2 from W SO2 through its mail box
by its name W S2 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW S2(
SendLBW W2)
6. The W S2 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW S2, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
7. When the local computations are finished, the W S2 generates the output messages
SendLBW W21 and sends to W S1 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
sW S1(
SendLBW W21)
8. The W S2 receives the response message SendSBW W12 from W S1 through its mail box by
its name W S2 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW S2(
SendSBW W12)
9. The W S2 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW S2, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
10. When the local computations are finished, the W S2 generates the output messages
ReceiveSBW W2 and sends to W SO2 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
sW SO2(
ReceiveSBW W2 )
11. The W S2 receives the response message SendP BW W2 from W SO2 through its mail box
by its name W S2 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW S2(
SendP BW W2)
12. The W S2 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW S2, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
13. When the local computations are finished, the W S2 generates the output messages
SendP BW W21 and sends to W S1 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
sW S1(
SendP BW W21)
14. The W S2 receives the response message P ayBW W21 from W S1 through its mail box by its
name W S2 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW S2(
P ayBW W21)
15. The W S2 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW S2, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
16. When the local computations are finished, the W S2 generates the output messages
GetP &ShipBW A2 and sends to W SO2 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
sW SO2(
GetP &ShipBW W2)
box by its name W S2 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW S2(
17. The W S2 receives the response message GetP &ShipBW W2 from W SO2 through its mail
GetP &ShipBW W2)
18. The W S2 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW S2, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
19. When the local computations are finished, the W S2 generates the output messages
GetP &ShipBW C2 and sends to W SC (the corresponding sending action is denoted
), and then processing the messages from W S1 recursively.
GetP &ShipBW C2)
= T RU E
⋅W S22
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
W S2 = rW S2(
W S21 =
RequestLBW W12)
W S2
W S2
⋅ W S21
ReceiveRBW W2 )
SendLBW W2)
⋅ W S25
⋅ W S24
SendLBW W21)
SendSBW W12)
⋅ W S27
⋅ W S28
ReceiveSBW W2 )
SendP BW W2)
⋅ W S211
⋅ W S210
⋅ W S213
SendP BW W21)
P ayBW W21)
⋅ W S214
W S22 = IW S2 ⋅ W S23
W S23 = sW SO2(
W S24 = rW S2(
W S25 = IW S2 ⋅ W S26
W S26 = sW S1(
W S27 = rW S2(
W S28 = IW S2 ⋅ W S29
W S29 = sW SO2(
W S210 = rW S2(
W S211 = IW S2 ⋅ W S212
W S212 = sW S1(
W S213 = rW S2(
W S214 = IW S2 ⋅ W S215
W S215 = sW SO2(
W S216 = rW S2(
W S217 = IW S2 ⋅ W S218
GetP &ShipBW W2)
GetP &ShipBW W2)
⋅ W S216
⋅ W S217
W S218 = sW SC
GetP &ShipBW C2)
⋅ W S2
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the W S2 can be proven exhibiting desired external
τIW S2 (
= rW S2(
W S2
SendLBW W2)
⋅ rW S2(
ReceiveSBW W2)
⋅ sW SO2(
P ayBW W21)
⋅ rW S2(
GetP &ShipBW C
⋅ sW SC
ReceiveRBW W2)
SendSBW W12)
SendP BW W21)
GetP &ShipBW W2)
⋅ sW S1(
⋅ sW SO2(
RequestLBW W12)
SendLBW W21)
SendP BW W2)
⋅ rW S2(
GetP &ShipBW W2)
W S2
⋅ τIW S2 (
W S2
W S2
= T RU E
With IW S2 extended to IW S2∪
⋅ sW SO2(
⋅ rW S2(
⋅ sW S1(
⋅ rW S2(
7.3.7 BuyingBooks WSC
After W SC is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The WSC receives the initialization message DIW SC from the outside through its mail
box by its name W SC (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SC
2. The WSC may create its WSs through actions new
W S1
∥ new
W S2
if it is not ini-
3. The WSC does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SC, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
4. When the local computations are finished, the WSC generates the output messages
ReBuyingBooksW C1 and sends to W S1 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
sW S1(
ReBuyingBooksW C1)
5. The WSC receives the result message GetP &ShipBW C2 from W S2 through its mail box by
GetP &ShipBW C2)
its name W SC (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SC
6. The WSC does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SC, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
7. When the local computations are finished, the WSC generates the output messages DOW SC
), and
and sends to the outside (the corresponding sending action is denoted sO
then processes the next message from the outside.
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
W SC = rW SC
W SC1 =
⋅ W SC1
⋅ W SC2
W S1
∥ new
W S2
W SC2 = IW SC ⋅ W SC3
ReBuyingBooksW C1)
W SC3 = sW S1(
GetP &ShipBW C2 )
W SC4 = rW SC
⋅ W SC4
⋅ W SC5
W SC5 = IW SC ⋅ W SC6
W SC6 = sO
⋅ W SC
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the WSC can be proven exhibiting desired external
τIW SC (
⋅ sO
ReBuyingBooksW C1)
GetP &ShipBW C2 )
= rW SC
⋅ τIW SC (
⋅ sW S1(
⋅ rW SC
With IW SC extended to IW SC∪
= T RU E
7.3.8 Putting All Together into A Whole
Now, we can put all actors together into a whole, including all AAs, WSOs, WSs, and WSC,
according to the buying books exmple as illustrated in Figure 10. The whole actor system
W SC = W SC W S1 W S2 W SO1 W SO2 AA11 AA12 AA13 AA14 AA15
AA21 AA22 AA23 AA24 AA25 can be represented by the following process term of APTC.
AA14 ≬ AA15 ≬ AA21 ≬ AA22 ≬ AA23 ≬ AA24 ≬ AA25
W SC ≬ W S1 ≬ W S2 ≬ W SO1 ≬ W SO2 ≬ AA11 ≬ AA12 ≬ AA13 ≬
= τI
Among all the actors, there are synchronous communications. The actor’s reading and to the
same actor’s sending actions with the same type messages may cause communications.
If to
the actor’s sending action occurs before the the same actions reading action, an asynchronous
communication will occur; otherwise, a deadlock δ will be caused.
There are seven kinds of asynchronous communications as follows.
ReceiveLBW A1 )
ReceiveLBAW1 )
≤ rAA11(
≤ rW SO1(
≤ rAA12(
≤ rW SO1(
≤ rAA13
SendSBW A1)
≤ rW SO1(
ReceiveP BW A1 )
≤ rAA14(
ReceiveP BAW1 )
≤ rW SO1(
P ayBW A1)
P ayBAW1)
(1) The communications between W SO1 and its AAs with the following constraints.
RequestLBW A1)
RequestLBW A1)
sW SO1(
ReceiveLBW A1 )
ReceiveLBAW1 )
sW SO1(
SendSBW A1)
sW SO1(
ReceiveP BW A1 )
ReceiveP BAW1 )
sW SO1(
P ayBW A1)
P ayBAW1)
sW SO1(
(2) The communications between W SO1 and its interface WS W S1 with the following con-
sW SO1(
sW S1(
sW SO1(
sW S1(
sW SO1(
ReBuyingBooksW W1)
≤ rW S1(
RequestLBW W1)
ReceiveLBW W1)
≤ rW SO1(
SendSBW W1)
ReceiveP BW W1)
≤ rW SO1(
RequestLBW W1)
ReBuyingBooksW W1)
≤ rAA15(
≤ rW SO1(
ReceiveP BW W1 )
ReceiveLBW W1 )
SendSBW W1)
≤ rW SO1(
≤ rW S1(
≤ rW S1(
P ayBW W1)
P ayBW W1)
≤ rAA21(
≤ rW SO2(
≤ rAA25(
≤ rW SO2(
≤ rAA24(
≤ rW SO2(
SendP BW A2)
SendP BAW2)
ReceiveRBW A2)
ReceiveRBAW2 )
GetP &ShipBW A2)
GetP &ShipBAW2)
≤ rAA22(
≤ rW SO2(
≤ rAA23(
≤ rW SO2(
SendLBW A2)
ReceiveSBW A2 )
ReceiveSBAW2 )
ReceiveRBW A2 )
ReceiveRBAW2 )
SendLBW A2)
ReceiveSBW A2 )
ReceiveSBAW2 )
SendP BW A2)
SendP BAW2)
GetP &ShipBW A2)
GetP &ShipBAW2)
sW S1(
(3) The communications between W SO2 and its AAs with the following constraints.
sW SO2(
sW SO2(
sW SO2(
sW SO2(
sW SO2(
(4) The communications between W SO2 and its interface WS W S2 with the following con-
sW SO2(
sW S2(
sW SO2(
sW S2(
sW SO2(
sW S2(
(5) The communications between W S1 and W S2 with the following constraints.
sW S2(
RequestLBW W12)
sW S1(
sW S2(
sW S1(
sW S2(
(6) The communications between W S1 and its WSC W SC with the following constraints.
sW S1(
(7) The communications between W S2 and its WSC W SC with the following constraints.
ReceiveRBW W2)
SendLBW W2)
ReceiveSBW W2)
SendP BW W2)
SendP BW W2)
GetP &ShipBW W2)
RequestLBW W12)
SendLBW W21)
SendSBW W12)
SendP BW W21)
P ayBW W12)
SendLBW W21)
SendSBW W12)
SendP BW W21)
≤ rW S1(
≤ rW S2(
≤ rW S1(
ReBuyingBooksW C1)
ReBuyingBooksW C1)
≤ rW S2(
≤ rW SO2(
GetP &ShipBW W2)
ReceiveRBW W2 )
ReceiveSBW W2 )
SendP BW W2)
SendP BW W2)
SendLBW W2)
P ayBW W12)
≤ rW SO2(
≤ rW SO2(
≤ rW S1(
≤ rW S2(
≤ rW S2(
≤ rW S2(
≤ rW S2(
GetP &ShipBW C
≤ rW SC
GetP &ShipBW C
So, the set H and I can be defined as follows.
H =
sW SO1(
ReceiveLBW A1 )
ReceiveLBAW1 )
sW SO1(
SendSBW A1)
RequestLBW A1)
, rAA11 (
, rW SO1(
ReceiveLBW A1 )
, rAA12 (
, rW SO1(
ReceiveLBAW1 )
SendSBW A1)
, rAA13
RequestLBW A1)
, rW S1(
, rAA24 (
, rW SO2(
, rAA22 (
, rW SO2(
, rAA23 (
, rW SO2(
ReceiveP BW A1 )
ReceiveP BAW1 )
, rW SO1(
, rAA14 (
, rW SO1(
P ayBW A1)
P ayBAW1)
, rW SO1(
ReBuyingBooksW W1)
RequestLBW W1)
ReceiveLBW W1)
SendSBW W1)
ReceiveP BW W1 )
sW SO1(
ReceiveP BW A1 )
ReceiveP BAW1 )
sW SO1(
, rAA15 (
P ayBW A1)
, rW SO1(
P ayBAW1)
sW SO1(
ReBuyingBooksW W1)
sW SO1(
, rW S1(
RequestLBW W1)
sW S1(
, rW SO1(
ReceiveLBW W1)
sW SO1(
SendSBW W1)
sW S1(
, rW SO1(
ReceiveP BW W1)
sW SO1(
P ayBW W1)
, rW S1(
P ayBW W1)
sW S1(
, rAA21 (
ReceiveRBW A2 )
ReceiveRBW A2 )
, rW SO2(
ReceiveRBAW2 )
ReceiveRBAW2 )
sW SO2(
SendLBW A2)
SendLBW A2)
sW SO2(
ReceiveSBW A2 )
ReceiveSBW A2 )
ReceiveSBAW2 )
ReceiveSBAW2 )
sW SO2(
SendP BW A2)
SendP BW A2)
SendP BAW2)
SendP BAW2)
sW SO2(
GetP &ShipBW A2)
, rAA25 (
GetP &ShipBW A2)
GetP &ShipBAW2)
, rW SO2(
GetP &ShipBAW2 )
sW SO2(
ReceiveRBW W2)
, rW SO2(
ReceiveRBW W2 )
sW SO2(
, rW S2 (
SendLBW W2)
SendLBW W2)
sW S2(
ReceiveSBW W2)
ReceiveSBW W2)
, rW SO2(
sW SO2(
, rW S2(
SendP BW W2)
SendP BW W2)
sW S2(
, rW SO2(
SendP BW W2)
sW SO2(
, rW S2(
GetP &ShipBW W2)
sW S2(
RequestLBW W12)
, rW S2 (
sW S2(
SendLBW W21)
, rW S1(
sW S1(
SendLBW W21)
SendSBW W12)
, rW S2(
sW S2(
SendSBW W12)
, rW S1(
SendP BW W21)
sW S1(
SendP BW W21)
P ayBW W12)
, rW S2(
sW S2(
P ayBW W12)
ReBuyingBooksW C1)
sW S1(
, rW S1(
GetP &ShipBW C
GetP &ShipBW C
, rW SC
RequestLBW A1)
RequestLBW A1)
≰ rAA11(
≰ rW SO1(
sW SO1(
ReceiveLBW A1 )
≰ rAA12(
ReceiveLBW A1 )
ReceiveLBAW1 )
≰ rW SO1(
ReceiveLBAW1 )
sW SO1(
SendSBW A1)
≰ rAA13
SendSBW A1)
≰ rW SO1(
sW SO1(
ReceiveP BW A1 )
≰ rAA14(
ReceiveP BW A1 )
ReceiveP BAW1 )
sW SO1(
≰ rW SO1(
ReceiveP BAW1 )
P ayBW A1)
≰ rAA15(
P ayBW A1)
P ayBAW1)
≰ rW SO1(
P ayBAW1)
sW SO1(
ReBuyingBooksW W1)
≰ rW SO1(
ReBuyingBooksW W1)
sW SO1(
RequestLBW W1)
≰ rW S1(
RequestLBW W1)
sW S1(
SendP BW W2)
GetP &ShipBW W2)
RequestLBW W12)
ReBuyingBooksW C1)
ReceiveLBW W1 )
SendSBW W1)
ReceiveP BW W1 )
ReceiveRBW A2)
ReceiveRBAW2 )
SendLBW A2)
ReceiveSBW A2 )
ReceiveSBAW2 )
SendP BW A2)
SendP BAW2)
≰ rAA25(
GetP &ShipBW A2)
GetP &ShipBAW2)
≰ rW SO2(
ReceiveRBW W2 )
≰ rW SO2(
SendLBW W2)
ReceiveSBW W2 )
≰ rW SO2(
SendP BW W2)
SendP BW W2)
GetP &ShipBW W2)
RequestLBW W12)
SendLBW W21)
SendSBW W12)
SendP BW W21)
P ayBW W12)
≰ rW S1(
GetP &ShipBW C
≰ rW SC
RequestLBW A1)
, rAA11 (
≰ rW S1(
≰ rAA24(
≰ rW SO2(
≰ rW SO1(
≰ rW SO1(
P ayBW W1)
≰ rAA21(
≰ rW SO2(
≰ rAA22(
≰ rW SO2(
≰ rAA23(
≰ rW SO2(
≰ rW S2(
≰ rW S2(
≰ rW SO2(
≰ rW S2(
≰ rW S2(
ReceiveLBW W1)
sW SO1(
SendSBW W1)
sW S1(
ReceiveP BW W1)
sW SO1(
≰ rW S1(
P ayBW W1)
sW S1(
ReceiveRBW A2 )
ReceiveRBAW2 )
sW SO2(
SendLBW A2)
sW SO2(
ReceiveSBW A2 )
ReceiveSBAW2 )
sW SO2(
SendP BW A2)
SendP BAW2)
sW SO2(
GetP &ShipBW A2)
GetP &ShipBAW2)
sW SO2(
ReceiveRBW W2)
sW SO2(
SendLBW W2)
sW S2(
ReceiveSBW W2)
sW SO2(
SendP BW W2)
sW S2(
SendP BW W2)
sW SO2(
GetP &ShipBW W2)
sW S2(
RequestLBW W12)
sW S2(
≰ rW S1(
SendLBW W21)
sW S1(
≰ rW S2(
SendSBW W12)
sW S2(
SendP BW W21)
≰ rW S1(
sW S1(
≰ rW S2(
P ayBW W12)
sW S2(
ReBuyingBooksW C1)
sW S1(
GetP &ShipBW C
I =
sW SO1(
ReceiveLBW A1 )
ReceiveLBAW1 )
sW SO1(
SendSBW A1)
sW SO1(
ReceiveP BW A1 )
ReceiveP BAW1 )
sW SO1(
, rAA15 (
P ayBW A1)
, rW SO1(
P ayBAW1)
sW SO1(
ReBuyingBooksW W1)
sW SO1(
, rW S1(
RequestLBW W1)
sW S1(
, rW SO1(
ReceiveLBW W1)
sW SO1(
SendSBW W1)
sW S1(
ReceiveP BW W1)
sW SO1(
, rW SO1(
P ayBW W1)
, rW S1(
P ayBW W1)
sW S1(
, rAA21 (
ReceiveRBW A2 )
, rW SO2(
ReceiveRBAW2 )
sW SO2(
SendLBW A2)
RequestLBW A1)
, rAA22 (
, rW S1(
, rW SO1(
, rAA12 (
ReceiveLBW A1 )
, rW SO1(
ReceiveLBAW1 )
SendSBW A1)
, rAA13
, rW SO1(
ReceiveP BW A1 )
, rAA14 (
, rW SO1(
ReceiveP BAW1 )
P ayBW A1)
P ayBAW1)
, rW SO1(
ReBuyingBooksW W1)
RequestLBW W1)
ReceiveLBW W1)
SendSBW W1)
ReceiveP BW W1 )
ReBuyingBooksW C1)
ReceiveRBW A2 )
ReceiveRBAW2 )
SendLBW A2)
, rW S2(
, rAA24 (
, rW SO2(
ReBuyingBooksW C1)
, rW SO2(
, rAA23 (
, rW SO2(
sW SO2(
ReceiveSBW A2 )
ReceiveSBW A2 )
ReceiveSBAW2 )
ReceiveSBAW2 )
sW SO2(
SendP BW A2)
SendP BW A2)
SendP BAW2)
SendP BAW2)
sW SO2(
GetP &ShipBW A2)
, rAA25 (
GetP &ShipBW A2)
GetP &ShipBAW2 )
, rW SO2(
GetP &ShipBAW2)
sW SO2(
ReceiveRBW W2 )
, rW SO2(
ReceiveRBW W2)
sW SO2(
, rW S2 (
SendLBW W2)
SendLBW W2)
sW S2(
ReceiveSBW W2)
, rW SO2(
ReceiveSBW W2)
sW SO2(
SendP BW W2)
, rW S2(
SendP BW W2)
sW S2(
, rW SO2(
SendP BW W2)
sW SO2(
SendP BW W2)
, rW S2(
GetP &ShipBW W2)
sW S2(
GetP &ShipBW W2)
RequestLBW W12)
, rW S2 (
RequestLBW W12)
sW S2(
SendLBW W21)
, rW S1(
SendLBW W21)
sW S1(
, rW S2(
SendSBW W12)
sW S2(
SendSBW W12)
SendP BW W21)
, rW S1(
sW S1(
SendP BW W21)
P ayBW W12)
sW S2(
P ayBW W12)
ReBuyingBooksW C1)
sW S1(
, rW S1(
GetP &ShipBW C
GetP &ShipBW C
, rW SC
RequestLBW A1)
RequestLBW A1)
≤ rAA11(
≤ rW SO1(
sW SO1(
ReceiveLBW A1 )
≤ rAA12(
ReceiveLBW A1 )
ReceiveLBAW1 )
sW SO1(
ReceiveLBAW1 )
≤ rW SO1(
SendSBW A1)
≤ rAA13
SendSBW A1)
≤ rW SO1(
sW SO1(
ReceiveP BW A1 )
≤ rAA14(
ReceiveP BW A1 )
ReceiveP BAW1 )
sW SO1(
≤ rW SO1(
ReceiveP BAW1 )
P ayBW A1)
≤ rAA15(
P ayBW A1)
P ayBAW1)
≤ rW SO1(
P ayBAW1)
sW SO1(
ReBuyingBooksW W1)
≤ rW SO1(
ReBuyingBooksW W1)
sW SO1(
≤ rW S1(
RequestLBW W1)
sW S1(
RequestLBW W1)
ReceiveLBW W1 )
≤ rW SO1(
ReceiveLBW W1)
sW SO1(
SendSBW W1)
SendSBW W1)
sW S1(
ReceiveP BW W1)
sW SO1(
≤ rW SO1(
ReceiveP BW W1 )
P ayBW W1)
≤ rW S1(
P ayBW W1)
sW S1(
≤ rAA21(
ReceiveRBW A2 )
≤ rW SO2(
ReceiveRBAW2 )
sW SO2(
SendLBW A2)
sW SO2(
ReceiveSBW A2 )
ReceiveSBAW2 )
sW SO2(
SendP BW A2)
SendP BAW2)
sW SO2(
GetP &ShipBW A2)
GetP &ShipBAW2)
sW SO2(
ReceiveRBW A2)
ReceiveRBAW2 )
SendLBW A2)
ReceiveSBW A2 )
ReceiveSBAW2 )
SendP BW A2)
SendP BAW2)
GetP &ShipBW A2)
GetP &ShipBAW2)
≤ rAA22(
≤ rW SO2(
≤ rAA23(
≤ rW SO2(
≤ rAA25(
≤ rW SO2(
≤ rAA24(
≤ rW SO2(
≤ rW S1(
≤ rW SO2(
≤ rW SO2(
≤ rW S2(
≤ rW S2(
≤ rW SO2(
≤ rW S2(
≤ rW S2(
ReceiveRBW W2 )
SendLBW W2)
ReceiveSBW W2 )
SendP BW W2)
ReceiveRBW W2)
sW SO2(
SendLBW W2)
sW S2(
ReceiveSBW W2)
sW SO2(
SendP BW W2)
sW S2(
SendP BW W2)
sW SO2(
GetP &ShipBW W2)
sW S2(
RequestLBW W12)
sW S2(
≤ rW S1(
SendLBW W21)
sW S1(
≤ rW S2(
SendSBW W12)
sW S2(
≤ rW S1(
SendP BW W21)
sW S1(
≤ rW S2(
P ayBW W12)
sW S2(
ReBuyingBooksW C1)
ReBuyingBooksW C1)
sW S1(
GetP &ShipBW C
∪ IAA11 ∪ IAA12 ∪ IAA13 ∪ IAA14 ∪ IAA15 ∪ IAA21 ∪ IAA22 ∪ IAA23 ∪ IAA24 ∪ IAA25 ∪ IW SO1 ∪ IW SO2 ∪
IW S1 ∪ IW S2 ∪ IW SC
SendP BW W2)
GetP &ShipBW W2)
RequestLBW W12)
SendLBW W21)
SendSBW W12)
SendP BW W21)
P ayBW W12)
≤ rW S1(
GetP &ShipBW C
≤ rW SC
Then, we can get the following conclusion.
Theorem 7.1. The whole actor system of buying books example illustrated in Figure 10 can
exhibits desired external behaviors.
Proof. By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, we can prove the following equation:
W SC ≬ W S1 ≬ W S2 ≬ W SO1 ≬ W SO2 ≬ AA11 ≬ AA12 ≬ AA13 ≬ AA14 ≬ AA15 ≬
= τI
AA21 ≬ AA22 ≬ AA23 ≬ AA24 ≬ AA25
= rW SC
⋅ sO
AA12 ≬ AA13 ≬ AA14 ≬ AA15 ≬ AA21 ≬ AA22 ≬ AA23 ≬ AA24 ≬ AA25
= rW SC
For the details of the proof, we omit them, please refer to section 2.10.
⋅ sO
⋅ τI
⋅ τI
W SC ≬ W S1 ≬ W S2 ≬ W SO1 ≬ W SO2 ≬ AA11 ≬
8 Process Algebra Based Actor Model of QoS-aware Web Ser-
vice Orchestration Engine
In this chapter, we will use the process algebra based actor model to model and verify QoS-aware
Web Service orchestration engine based on the previous work [21]. In section 8.1, we introduce
the requirements of QoS-aware Web Service orchestration engine; we model the QoS-aware Web
Service orchestration engine by use of the new actor model in section 8.2; finally, we take an
example to show the usage of the model in section 8.3.
8.1 Requirements of QoS-aware Web Service Orchestration Engine
Web Service (WS) is a distributed component which emerged about ten years ago, which uses
WSDL as its interface description language, SOAP as its communication protocol and UDDI
as its directory service. Because WS uses the Web as its provision platform, it is suitable to be
used to develop cross-organizational business integrations.
Cross-organizational business processes are usual forms in e-commerce that orchestrate some
business activities into a workflow. WS Orchestration (WSO) provides a solution for such busi-
ness process based on WS technologies, hereby representing a business process where business
activities are modeled as component WSs (a component WS is corresponding to a business
activity, it may be an atomic WS or another composite WS).
From a WS viewpoint, WSO provides a workflow-like pattern to orchestrate existing WSs to
create a new composite WS, and embodies the added values of WS. In particular, we use the
term WSO, rather than another term – WS Composition, because there are also other WS
composition patterns, such as WS Choreography (WSC) [19]. However, about WSC and the
relationship of WSO and WSC, we do not explain more, because it is not the focus of this
chapter, please see chapter 7 for details.
In this chapter, we focus on WSO, exactly, the QoS-aware WSO engine (runtime of WSO) and
its formal model. A QoS-aware WSO enables the customers to be satisfied with not only their
functional requirements, but also their QoS requirements, such as performance requirements,
reliability requirements, security requirements, etc. A single execution of a WSO is called a
WSO instance (WSOI). A QoS-aware WSO engine provides runtime supports for WSOs with
assurance of QoS implementations. These runtime supports include lifetime operations on a
WSO instance, queue processing for requests from the customers and incoming messages delivery
to a WSO instance.
WS and WSO are with a continuously changing and evolving environment. The customers, the
requirements of the customers, and the component WSs are all changing dynamically. To assure
safe adaptation to dynamically changing and evolving requirements, it is important to have a
rigorous semantic model of the system: the component WSs, the WSO engine that provides
WSO instance management and invocation of the component WSs, the customer accesses, and
the interactions among these elements. Using such a model, designs can be analyzed to clarify
assumptions that must be met for correct operation.
We give a so-called BuyingBooks example for the scenario of cross-organizational business pro-
cess integration and use a so-called BookStore WSO to illustrate some related concepts, such as
List of Books
List of Books
Selected Books
Price of Books
Pay for
the Books
Request of Books
List of Books
Selected Books
Calculate the Price
Price of Books
Get Pays
P a y s < = 1 0 0 $
Ship by Train
Ship by Air
Shipment Service
Shipment Service
Figure 11: The BuyingBooks example
WSO, activity, etc. And we use the BookStore WSO to explain the formal model we established
in the following.
An example is BuyingBooks as Figure 11 shows. We use this BuyingBooks example throughout
this paper to illustrate concepts and mechanisms in WS Composition.
In Figure 11, there are four organizations: BuyerAgent, BookStore, RailwayCorp, and Air-
lineCorp. And each organization has one business process. Exactly, there are two business
processes, the business processes in RailwayCorp and AirlineCorp are simplified as just WSs for
simpleness without loss of generality. We introduce the business process of BookStore as follows,
and the process of BuyerAgent can be understood as contrasts.
1. The BookStore receives request of list of books from the buyer through BuyerAgent;
2. It sends the list of books to the buyer via BuyerAgent;
3. It receives the selected book list by the buyer via BuyerAgent;
4. It calculates the price of the selected books;
5. It sends the price of the selected books to the buyer via BuyerAgent;
6. It gets payments for the books from the buyer via BuyerAgent;
7. If the payments are greater than 100$, then the BookStore calls the shipment service of
AirlineCorp for the shipment of books;
8. Otherwise, the BookStore calls the shipment service of RailwayCorp for the shipment of
book. Then the process is ended.
Each business process is implemented by a WSO, for example, the BookStore WSO and Buy-
erAgent WSO implement BookStore process and BuyerAgent process respectively. Each WSO
invokes external WSs through its activities directly. And each WSO is published as a WS to
receive the incoming messages.
8.1.1 The Bookstore WSO
The BookStore WSO described by WS-BPEL is given in the Appendix B.
The flow of BookStore WSO is as Figure 11 shows. There are several receive-reply activity pairs
and several invoke activities in the BookStore WSO. The QoS requirements are not included
in the WS-BPEL description, because these need an extension of WS-BPEL and are out of the
scope. In the request message from the BuyerAgent WSO, the QoS requirements, such as the
whole execution time threshold and the additional charges, can also be attached, not only the
functional parameters.
Another related specification is the WSDL description of the interface WS for BuyingBooks
WSO. Because we focus on WS composition, this WSDL specification is omitted.
8.1.2 Architecture of A Typical QoS-aware WSO Engine, QoS-WSOE
In this section, we firstly analyze the requirements of a WSO Engine. And then we discuss
problems about QoS management of WS and define the QoS aspects used in this chapter.
Finally, we give the architecture of QoS-WSOE and discuss the state transition of a WSO
As the introduction above says, a WSO description language, such as WS-BPEL, has:
• basic constructs called atomic activities to model invocation to an external WS, receiving
invocation from an external WS and reply to that WS, and other inner basic functions;
• information and variables exchanged between WSs;
• control flows called structural activities to orchestrate activities;
• other inner transaction processing mechanisms, such as exception definitions and throwing
mechanisms, event definitions and response mechanisms.
Therefore, a WSO described by WS-BPEL is a program with WSs as its basic function units
and must be enabled by a WSO engine. An execution of a WSO is called an instance of that
WSO. The WSO engine can create a new WSO instance according to information included
in a request of a customer via the interface WS (Note that a WSO is encapsulated as a WS
also.) of the WSO. Once a WSO instance is created, it has a thread of control to execute
independently according to its definition described by a kind of description language, such as
WS-BPEL. During its execution, it may create activities to interact with WSs outside and also
may do inner processings, such as local variable assignments. When it ends execution, it replies
to the customer with its execution outcomes.
In order to provide the adaptability of a WSO, the bindings between its activities and WSs
outside are not direct and static. That is, WSs are classified according to ontologies of specific
domains and the WSs belonging to the same ontology have same functions and interfaces, and
different access points and different QoS. To make this possible, from a system viewpoint, a
name and directory service – UDDI is necessary. All WSs with access information and QoS
information are registered into a UDDI which classifies WSs by their ontologies to be discovered
and invoked in future. UDDI should provide multi interfaces to search WSs registered in for
its users, for example, a user can get information of specific set of WSs by providing a service
ontology and specific QoS requirements via an interface of the UDDI.
The above mechanisms make QoS-aware service selection possible. In a QoS-aware WSO engine,
after a new WSO instance is created, the new WSO instance firstly selects its component WSs
according to the QoS requirements provided by the customer and ontologies of component WSs
defined in the description file of the WSO by WS-BPEL (the description of QoS and ontologies
of component WSs by WS-BPEL, needs an extension of WS-BPEL, but this is out of the scope).
About QoS of a WS, there are various QoS aspects, such as performance QoS, security QoS,
reliability QoS, availability QoS, and so on. In this chapter, we use a cost-effective QoS approach.
That is, cost QoS is used to measure the costs of one invocation of a WS while response time
QoS is used to capture effectiveness of one invocation of a WS. In the following, we assume all
WSs are aware of cost-effective QoS.
According to the requirements of a WSO engine discussed above, the architecture of QoS-WSOE
is given as Figure 12 shows.
In the architecture of QoS-WSOE, there are external components, such as Client, WS of a WSO,
UDDI and component WSs, and inner components, including WSO Instance Manager, WSO
Instances, Activities, and Service Selector. Among them, WS of a WSO, UDDI, WSO Instance
Manager and Service Selector are permanent components and Client, component WSs, WSO
Instances, Activities are transient components. Component WSs are transient components since
they are determined after a service selection process is executed by Service Selector.
Through a typical requirement process, we illustrate the functions and relationships of these
1. A Client submits its requests including the WSO ontology, input parameters and QoS
requirements to the WS of a WSO through SOAP protocol;
2. The WS transmits the requirements from a SOAP message sent by the Client to the WSO
Instance Manager using private communication mechanisms;
3. The WSO Instance Manager creates a new WSO Instance including its Activities and
transmits the input parameters and the QoS requirements to the new instance;
Figure 12: Architecture of QoS-WSOE.
4. The instance transmits ontologies of its component WSs and the QoS requirements to the
Service Selector to perform a service selection process via interactions with a UDDI. If the
QoS requirements can not be satisfied, the instance replies to the Client to deny this time
5. If the QoS requirements can be satisfied, each activity in the WSO Instance is bound to
an external WS;
6. The WSO Instance transmits input parameters to each activity for an invocation to its
binding WS;
7. After the WSO Instance ends its execution, that is, every invocation to its component WSs
by activities in the WSO Instance is returned, the WSO Instance returns the execution
outcomes to the Client.
An execution of a WSO is called a WSO instance (WSOI). A WSOI is created when the WSO
Instance Manager receive a new request (including the functional parameters and the QoS
8.2 The New Actor Model of QoS-aware Web Service Orchestration Engine
According to the architecture of QoS-aware Web Service Orchestration Engine, the whole actors
system implemented by actors can be divided into five kinds of actors: the WS actors, the Web
Service Orchestration Instance Manager actor, the WSO actors, the activity actors, and the
service selector actor.
8.2.1 Web Service, WS
A WS is an actor that has the characteristics of an ordinary actor. It acts as a communication
bridge between the inner WSO and the outside, and the outside and the inner implementations.
After A WS is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The WS receives the incoming message DIW S from the outside through its mail box by
its name W S (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW S
2. The WS may invokes the inner implementations, and does some local computations mixed
some atomic actions by computation logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local com-
putations are included into IW S, which is the set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the WS generates the output messages and may
send to the outside (the corresponding sending actions are distinct by the names of the
outside actors, and also the names of messages), and then processes the next message from
the outside.
The above process is described as the following state transition skeletons by APTC.
W S = rW S
⋅ W S1
W S1 = IW S ⋅ W S2
W S2 = sO
⋅ W S
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the WS may be proven exhibiting desired external
behaviors. If it can exhibits desired external behaviors, the WS should have the following form:
τIW S (
= rW S
⋅ sO
⋅ τIW S (
8.2.2 Web Service Orchestration Instance Manager, WSOIM
The WSOIM manages a set of WSO actors. The management operations may be creating a
WSO actor.
After the WSOIM is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The WSOIM receives the incoming message DIW SOIM from the interface WS through its
mail box by its name W SOIM (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SOIM
2. The WSOIM may create a WSO actor through an actions new
if it is not initial-
3. The WSOIM does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation
logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SOIM ,
which is the set of all local atomic actions;
4. When the local computations are finished, the WSOIM generates the output messages
DOW SOIM and send to the WSO (the corresponding sending action is denoted sW SO
and then processes the next message from the interface WS.
The above process is described as the following state transition skeletons by APTC.
⋅ new
= T RU E
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the WSOIM may be proven exhibiting desired external
behaviors. If it can exhibits desired external behaviors, the WSOIM should have the following
⋅ sW SO
⋅ τIW SOIM (
With IW SOIM extended to IW SOIM ∪
8.2.3 Web Service Orchestration (Instance), WSO
A WSO includes a set of AAs and acts as the manager of the AAs. The management operations
may be creating a member AA.
After a WSO is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The WSO receives the incoming message DIW SO from the WSOIM through its mail box
by its name W SO (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO
2. The WSO may create its AAs in parallel through actions new
it is not initialized;
∥ ⋯ ∥ new
3. The WSO may receive messages from its AAs through its mail box by its name W SO (the
corresponding reading actions are distinct by the message names);
4. The WSO does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
5. When the local computations are finished, the WSO generates the output messages and
may send to its AAs or the interface WS (the corresponding sending actions are distinct
by the names of AAs and WS, and also the names of messages), and then processes the
next message from its AAs or the interface WS.
The above process is described as the following state transition skeletons by APTC.
W SO = rW SO
W SO1 =
⋅ W SO1
⋅ W SO2
∥ ⋯ ∥ new
W SO2 = rW SO
W SO3 = IW SO ⋅ W SO4
⋅ W SO3
W SO4 = sAAs,W S
⋅ W SO
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the WSO may be proven exhibiting desired external
If it can exhibits desired external behaviors, the WSO should have the following
τIW SO (
With IW SO extended to IW SO∪
= rW SO
⋅ ⋯ ⋅ sW S
⋅ τIW SO (
= T RU E
8.2.4 Activity Actor, AA
An activity is an atomic function unit of a WSO and is managed by the WSO. We use an actor
called activity actor (AA) to model an activity.
An AA has a unique name, local information and variables to contain its states, and local
computation procedures to manipulate the information and variables. An AA is always managed
by a WSO and it receives messages from its WSO, sends messages to other AAs or WSs via its
WSO, and is created by its WSO. Note that an AA can not create new AAs, it can only be
created by a WSO. That is, an AA is an actor with a constraint that is without create action.
After an AA is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The AA receives some messages DIAA from its WSO through its mail box denoted by its
name AA (the corresponding reading action is denoted rAA
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted IAA, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the AA generates the output message DOAA
and sends to its WSO’s mail box denoted by the WSO’s name W SO (the corresponding
sending action is denoted sW SO
), and then processes the next message from its
WSO recursively.
The above process is described as the following state transition skeletons by APTC.
AA = rAA
⋅ AA1
AA1 = IAA ⋅ AA2
AA2 = sW SO
⋅ AA
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the AA may be proven exhibiting desired external
behaviors. If it can exhibits desired external behaviors, the AA should have the following form:
= rAA
⋅ sW SO
⋅ τIAA(
8.2.5 Service Selector, SS
The service selector (SS) is an actor accepting the request (including the WSO definitions and
the QoS requirements) from the WSO, and returning the WS selection response.
1. The SS receives the request DISS from the WSO through its mail box denoted by its name
SS (the corresponding reading action is denoted rSS
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted ISS, which is the
set of all local atomic actions. For the simplicity, we assume that the interaction with the
UDDI is also an internal action and included into ISS;
3. When the local computations are finished, the SS generates the WS selection results DOSS
and sends to the WSO’s mail box denoted by the WSO’s name W SO (the corresponding
sending action is denoted sW SO
), and then processes the next message from the
WSO recursively.
The above process is described as the following state transition skeletons by APTC.
SS = rSS
⋅ SS1
SS1 = ISS ⋅ SS2
SS2 = sW SO
⋅ SS
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the AA may be proven exhibiting desired external
behaviors. If it can exhibits desired external behaviors, the AA should have the following form:
τISS (
= rSS
⋅ sW SO
⋅ τISS (
8.2.6 Putting All Together into A Whole
We put all actors together into a whole, including all WSOIM, SS, AAs, WSOs and WSs, accord-
ing to the architecture as illustrated in Figure 12. The whole actor system W Ss W SOIM SS =
W Ss W SOIM SS W SOs AAs can be represented by the following process term of APTC.
W Ss ≬ W SOIM ≬ SS
= τI
W Ss ≬ W SOIM ≬ SS ≬ W SOs ≬ AAs
Among all the actors, there are synchronous communications. The actor’s reading and to the
same actor’s sending actions with the same type messages may cause communications.
If to
the actor’s sending action occurs before the the same actions reading action, an asynchronous
communication will occur; otherwise, a deadlock δ will be caused.
There are four pairs kinds of asynchronous communications as follows.
(1) The communications between an AA and its WSO with the following constraints.
≤ rAA
≤ rW SO
Note that, the message DIAA−W SO and DOW SO−AA, DIW SO−AA and DOAA−W SO are the same
(2) The communications between a WSO and its interface WS with the following constraints.
sW S
≤ rW S
Note that, DIW S−W SO and DOW SO−W S are the same messages.
(3) The communications between the interface WS and the WSOIM with the following con-
Note that, the message DIW SOIM −W S and DOW S−W SOIM are the same messages.
(4) The communications between the WSO and the WSOIM with the following constraints.
≤ rW SO
Note that, the message DIW SO−W SOIM and DOW SOIM −W SO are the same messages.
(5) The communications between a WS and a WSO with the following constraints.
sW S
≤ rW S
≤ rW SO
Note that, the message DIW S−W SO and DOW SO−W S, DIW SO−W S and DOW S−W SO are the
same messages.
(6) The communications between a WSO and SS with the following constraints.
≤ rSS
≤ rW SO
Note that, the message DISS−W SO and DOW SO−SS, DIW SO−SS and DOSS−W SO are the same
(7) The communications between a WS and its partner WS with the following constraints.
sW S1(
sW S2(
Note that, the message DIW S1−W S2 and DOW S2−W S1, DIW S2−W S1 and DOW S1−W S2 are the
same messages.
DIW S1−W S2)
DIW S2−W S1)
DIW S1−W S2)
DIW S2−W S1)
≤ rW S1(
≤ rW S2(
So, the set H and I can be defined as follows.
H =
, rAA
, sW SO
, rW SO
sW S
, rW S
, rW SO
, rW S
, sW S
, rW SO
, rSS
, sSS
, rW SO
DIW S1−W S2)
, rW S1(
DIW S1−W S2)
, sW S1(
DIW S2−W S1)
, rW S2 (
DIW S2−W S1)
sW S2(
, sW SO
≰ rAA
sW S
≰ rW S
, sW S
≰ rW SO
≰ rW S
≰ rSS
≰ rW SO
, sSS
≰ rW SO
, rW SO
≰ rW S1(
DIW S1−W S2)
DIW S1−W S2)
≰ rW SO
, sW S1(
DIW S2−W S1)}
≰ rW S2(
DIW S2−W S1)
sW S2(
I =
, sW SO
, rAA
sW S
, rW S
, rW S
, sW S
, rW SO
, rSS
, sSS
, rW SO
, rW SO
DIW S1−W S2)
, rW S1(
DIW S1−W S2)
, sW S1(
DIW S2−W S1)
, rW S2 (
DIW S2−W S1)
sW S2(
≤ rAA
≤ rW SO
, sW SO
≤ rW S
sW S
, sW S
≤ rW S
≤ rW SO
≤ rSS
, sSS
≤ rW SO
≤ rW SO
DIW S1−W S2)
≤ rW S1(
DIW S1−W S2)
, sW S1(
∪ IAAs ∪ IW SO ∪ IW Ss ∪ ISS ∪ IW SOIM
DIW S2−W S1)}
≤ rW S2(
DIW S2−W S1)
sW S2(
If the whole actor system of QoS-aware WS orchestration engine can exhibits desired external
behaviors, the system should have the following form:
= rW S
= rW S
W Ss ≬ W SOIM ≬ SS
⋅ τI
⋅ τI
⋅ sO
⋅ sO
= τI
W Ss ≬ W SOIM ≬ SS ≬ W SOs ≬ AAs
W Ss ≬ W SOIM ≬ SS ≬ W SOs ≬ AAs
W Ss ≬ W SOIM ≬ SS
8.3 An Example
Using the architecture in Figure 12, we get an implementation of the buying books example as
shown in Figure 11. In this implementation, there are four WSs (BuyerAgentWS denoted W S1,
BookStoreWS denoted W S2, RailwayWS denoted W S3 and AirlineWS denoted W S4), the fo-
cused Bookstore WSO denoted W SO, and the focused set of AAs (ReceiveRBAA denoted AA1,
SendLBAA denoted AA2, ReceiveSBAA denoted AA3, CalculatePAA denoted AA4, SendPAA
denoted AA5, GetPaysAA denoted AA6, ShipByTAA denoted AA7, and ShipByAAA denoted
AA8), one WSOIM denoted W SOIM , one service selector denoted SS.
The detailed implementations of actors in Figure 11 is following.
8.3.1 BookStore AAs
(1) ReceiveRBAA (AA1)
After AA1 is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The AA1 receives some messages ReceiveRBW A from W SO through its mail box denoted
by its name AA1 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rAA1(
ReceiveRBW A
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted IAA1, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the AA1 generates the output message ReceiveRBAW
and sends to W SO’s mail box denoted by W SO’s name W SO (the corresponding sending
action is denoted sW SO
), and then processes the next message from W SO
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
AA1 = rAA1(
AA11 = IAA1 ⋅ AA12
ReceiveRBW A
⋅ AA11
AA12 = sW SO
⋅ AA1
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, AA1 can be proven exhibiting desired external behaviors.
τIAA1 (
(2) SendLBAA (AA2)
= rAA1(
RequestLBW A
⋅ sW SO
⋅ τIAA1 (
After AA2 is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The AA2 receives some messages SendLBW A from W SO through its mail box denoted by
its name AA2 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rAA2(
ReceiveLBW A
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted IAA2, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the AA2 generates the output message SendLBAW
and sends to W SO’s mail box denoted by W SO’s name W SO (the corresponding sending
action is denoted sW SO
), and then processes the next message from W SO
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
AA2 = rAA2(
AA21 = IAA2 ⋅ AA22
⋅ AA21
AA22 = sW SO
⋅ AA2
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, AA2 can be proven exhibiting desired external behaviors.
τIAA2 (
(3) ReceiveSBAA (AA3)
= rAA2(
⋅ sW SO
⋅ τIAA2 (
After AA3 is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The AA3 receives some messages ReceiveSBW A2 from W SO through its mail box denoted
by its name AA3 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rAA3(
ReceiveSBW A
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted IAA3, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the AA3 generates the output message ReceiveSBAW
and sends to W SO’s mail box denoted by W SO’s name W SO (the corresponding sending
), and then processes the next message from W SO
action is denoted sW SO
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
AA3 = rAA3(
AA31 = IAA3 ⋅ AA32
ReceiveSBW A
⋅ AA31
AA32 = sW SO
⋅ AA3
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, AA3 can be proven exhibiting desired external behaviors.
τIAA3 (
= rAA3(
ReceiveSBW A
⋅ sW SO
⋅ τIAA3 (
(4) CalculatePAA (AA4)
After AA4 is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The AA4 receives some messages CalculatePW A from W SO through its mail box denoted
by its name AA4 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rAA4(
CalculatePW A
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted IAA4, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the AA4 generates the output message CalculatePAW
and sends to W SO’s mail box denoted by W SO’s name W SO (the corresponding sending
), and then processes the next message from W SO
action is denoted sW SO
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
AA4 = rAA4(
AA41 = IAA4 ⋅ AA42
CalculatePW A
⋅ AA41
AA42 = sW SO
⋅ AA4
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, AA4 can be proven exhibiting desired external behaviors.
τIAA4 (
(5) SendPAA (AA5)
= rAA4(
CalculatePW A
⋅ sW SO
⋅ τIAA4 (
After AA5 is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The AA5 receives some messages SendPW A from W SO through its mail box denoted by
its name AA5 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rAA5(
SendPW A
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted IAA5, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the AA5 generates the output message SendPAW
and sends to W SO’s mail box denoted by W SO’s name W SO (the corresponding sending
), and then processes the next message from W SO
action is denoted sW SO
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
AA5 = rAA5(
AA51 = IAA5 ⋅ AA52
SendPW A
⋅ AA51
AA52 = sW SO
⋅ AA5
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, AA5 can be proven exhibiting desired external behaviors.
τIAA5 (
(6) ShipByTAA (AA6)
= rAA5(
SendPW A
⋅ sW SO
⋅ τIAA5 (
After AA6 is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The AA6 receives some messages ShipByTW A from W SO through its mail box denoted
by its name AA6 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rAA6(
ShipByTW A
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted IAA6, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the AA6 generates the output message ShipByTAW
and sends to W SO’s mail box denoted by W SO’s name W SO (the corresponding sending
), and then processes the next message from W SO
action is denoted sW SO
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
AA6 = rAA6(
AA61 = IAA6 ⋅ AA62
ShipByTW A
⋅ AA61
AA62 = sW SO
⋅ AA6
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, AA6 can be proven exhibiting desired external behaviors.
τIAA6 (
(7) ShipByAAA (AA7)
= rAA6(
ShipByTW A
⋅ sW SO
After AA7 is created, the typical process is as follows.
⋅ τIAA6 (
1. The AA7 receives some messages ShipByAW A from W SO through its mail box denoted
by its name AA7 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rAA7(
ShipByAW A
2. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted IAA7, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the AA7 generates the output message ShipByAAW
and sends to W SO’s mail box denoted by W SO’s name W SO (the corresponding sending
action is denoted sW SO
), and then processes the next message from W SO
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
AA7 = rAA7(
AA71 = IAA7 ⋅ AA72
ShipByAW A
⋅ AA71
AA72 = sW SO
⋅ AA7
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, AA7 can be proven exhibiting desired external behaviors.
τIAA7 (
= rAA7(
ShipByAW A
⋅ sW SO
⋅ τIAA7 (
8.3.2 WSOIM
After W SOIM is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The W SOIM receives some messages DIW SOIM from W S2 through its mail box denoted
by its name W SOIM (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SOIM
if it is not initialized;
2. The W SOIM may create a W SO through actions new
3. Then it does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the whole local computations are denoted IW SOIM , which is
the set of all local atomic actions;
4. When the local computations are finished, the W SOIM generates the output message
DOW SOIM and sends to W SO’s mail box denoted by W SO’s name W SO (the correspond-
ing sending action is denoted sW SO
), and then processes the next message
from W S2 recursively.
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
⋅ new
= T RU E
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, W SOIM can be proven exhibiting desired external
⋅ sW SO
⋅ τIW SOIM (
8.3.3 BookStore WSO
After BookStore WSO (W SO) is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The W SO receives the requests ReceiveRBM W from W SOIM through its mail box by
its name W SO (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO
2. The W SO may create its AAs in parallel through actions new
it is not initialized;
ReceiveRBM W
∥ ⋯ ∥ new
3. The W SO does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
4. When the local computations are finished, the W SO generates the output messages
ReceiveRBW A and sends to AA1 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
ReceiveRBW A
5. The W SO receives the response message ReceiveRBAW from AA1 through its mail box
by its name W SO (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO
6. The W SO does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
7. When the local computations are finished, the W SO generates the output messages
SendLBW A and sends to AA2 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
8. The W SO receives the response message SendLBAW from AA2 through its mail box by
its name W SO (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO
9. The W SO does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
10. When the local computations are finished, the W SO generates the output messages
SendLBW W1 and sends to W S1 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
sW S1(
SendLBW W1)
11. The W SO receives the response message ReceiveSBW W1 from W S1 through its mail box
ReceiveSBW W1 )
by its name W SO (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO
12. The W SO does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
13. When the local computations are finished, the W SO generates the output messages
ReceiveSBW A and sends to AA3 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
ReceiveSBW A
14. The W SO receives the response message ReceiveSBAW from AA3 through its mail box
by its name W SO (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO
15. The W SO does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
16. When the local computations are finished, the W SO generates the output messages
CalculatePW A and sends to AA4 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
CalculatePW A
17. The W SO receives the response message CalculatePAW from AA4 through its mail box
by its name W SO (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO
18. The W SO does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
19. When the local computations are finished, the W SO generates the output messages
SendPW A and sends to AA5 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
SendPW A
20. The W SO receives the response message sendPAW from AA5 through its mail box by its
name W SO (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO
21. The W SO does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
22. When the local computations are finished, the W SO generates the output messages
SendPW W1 and sends to W S1 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
sW S1(
SendPW W1)
23. The W SO receives the response message GetP aysW W1 from W S1 through its mail box
by its name W SO (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO
GetP aysW W1)
24. The W SO does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
25. When the local computations are finished, the W SO generates the output messages
GetP aysW A and sends to AA6 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
GetP aysW A
26. The W SO receives the response message GetP aysAW from AA6 through its mail box by
its name W SO (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO
GetP aysAW
27. The W SO does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
28. When the local computations are finished, the W SO generates the WS selection request
messages DISS and sends to SS (the corresponding sending action is denoted sSS
29. The W SO receives the response message DOSS from SS through its mail box by its name
W SO (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO
30. The W SO selects W S3 and W S4, does some local computations mixed some atomic actions
by computation logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included
into IW SO, which is the set of all local atomic actions;
31. When the local computations are finished, if P ays <= 100$, the W SO generates the out-
put messages ShipByTW W3 and sends to W S3 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
sW S3(
and sends to W S4 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
sW S4(
ShipByTW W3)
ShipByAW W4)
); if P ays > 100$, the W SO generates the output message ShipByAW W4
32. The W SO receives the response message ShipF inishW W3 from W S3 through its mail box
by its name W SO (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO
ShipF inishW W3)
or the response message ShipF inishW W4 from W S4 through its mail box by its name
W SO (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW SO
ShipF inishW W4)
33. The W SO does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW SO, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
34. When the local computations are finished, the W SO generates the output messages
BBF inishW W2 and sends to W S2 (the corresponding sending action is denoted
), and then processing the messages from W S2 recursively.
sW S2(
BBF inishW W2)
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
W SO = rW SO
ReceiveRBM W
W SO1 =
⋅ W SO2
⋅ W SO1
∥ ⋯ ∥ new
W SO2 = IW SO ⋅ W SO3
W SO3 = sAA1(
W SO4 = rW SO
ReceiveRBW A
⋅ W SO4
⋅ W SO5
W SO5 = IW SO ⋅ W SO6
W SO6 = sAA2(
W SO7 = rW SO
⋅ W SO7
⋅ W SO8
W SO8 = IW SO ⋅ W SO9
W SO9 = sW S1(
W SO10 = rW SO
SendLBW W1)
ReceiveSBW W1 )
⋅ W SO10
⋅ W SO11
W SO11 = IW SO ⋅ W SO12
W SO12 = sAA3(
W SO13 = rW SO
ReceiveSBW A
W SO14 = IW SO ⋅ W SO15
W SO15 = sAA4(
W SO16 = rW SO
CalcultePW A
⋅ W SO13
⋅ W SO14
⋅ W SO16
⋅ W SO17
W SO17 = IW SO ⋅ W SO18
W SO18 = sAA5(
W SO19 = rW SO
SendPW A
⋅ W SO19
⋅ W SO20
W SO20 = IW SO ⋅ W SO21
SendPW W1)
W SO21 = sW S1(
GetP aysW W1)
W SO22 = rW SO
⋅ W SO22
⋅ W SO23
W SO23 = IW SO ⋅ W SO24
W SO24 = sAA6(
GetP aysAW
W SO25 = rW SO
GetP aysW A
W SO26 = IW SO ⋅ W SO27
⋅ W SO25
⋅ W SO26
W SO27 = sSS
W SO28 = rW SO
W SO29 = IW SO ⋅ W SO30
⋅ W SO28
⋅ W SO29
⋅ W SO
⋅ rW SO
P ays <= 100$
⋅ rW SO
⋅ W SO31
P ays > 100$
ShipByTW W3)
BBF inishW W2)
ShipF inishW W3)
⋅ sW S3(
ShipF inishW W4))
W SO30 =
ShipByAW W4)
sW S4(
W SO31 = IW SO ⋅ W SO32
W SO32 = sW S2(
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the W SO2 can be proven exhibiting desired external
⋅ sAA1(
SendLBW W1)
⋅ sW S1(
CalcultePW A
⋅ sAA4(
ReceiveSBW A
⋅ sW S1(
⋅ rW SO
SendPW W1)
SendPW A
GetP aysAW
⋅ sSS
⋅ rW SO
GetP aysW A
ShipF inishW W3)
⋅rW SO
+sW S4(
ShipByTW W3)
sW S3(
⋅ τIW SO (
BBF inishW W2)
sW S2(
With IW SO extended to IW SO∪
⋅ rW SO
ReceiveSBW W1)
⋅ rW SO
GetP aysW W1)
⋅ rW SO
ShipByAW W4)
ReceiveRBM W
⋅ rW SO
ShipF inishW W4))
= rW SO
⋅ rW SO
ReceiveRBW A
⋅ rW SO
⋅ rW SO
⋅rW SO
= T RU E
P ays > 100$
P ays <=
8.3.4 BuyerAgent WS
After BuyerAgent WS (W S1) is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The W S1 receives the message SendLBW W1 from the W SO through its mail box by its
name W S1 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW S1(
SendLBW W1)
2. The W S1 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW S1, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the W S1 generates the output messages
ReceiveSBW W1 and sends to the W SO (the corresponding sending action is denoted
ReceiveSBW W1 )
4. The W S1 receives the response message SendPW W1 from W SO through its mail box by
its name W S1 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW S1(
SendPW W1)
5. The W S1 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW S1, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
6. When the local computations are finished, the W S1 generates the output messages
GetP aysW W1 and sends to W SO (the corresponding sending action is denoted
), and then processing the messages from W SO recursively.
GetP aysW W1)
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
W S1 = rW S1(
W S11 = IW S1 ⋅ W S12
SendLBW W1)
⋅ W S11
W S12 = sW SO
ReceiveSBW W1)
⋅ W S14
SendPW W1)
W S13 = rW S1(
W S14 = IW S1 ⋅ W S15
⋅ W S13
W S15 = sW SO
GetP aysW W1)
⋅ W S1
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the W S1 can be proven exhibiting desired external
τIW S1 (
W S1
SendPW W1)
rW S1(
⋅ sW SO
ReceiveSBW W1 )
W S1
⋅ τIW S1 (
SendLBW W1)
= rW S1(
GetP aysW W1)
⋅ sW SO
8.3.5 BookStore WS
After BookStore WS (W S2) is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The W S2 receives the request message RequestLBW S2 from the outside through its mail
RequestLBW S2)
box by its name W S2 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW S2(
2. The W S2 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW S2, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the W S2 generates the output messages
ReceiveRBW M and sends to W SOIM (the corresponding sending action is denoted
ReceiveRBW M
4. The W S2 receives the response message BBF inishW W2 from W SO through its mail box
by its name W S2 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW S2(
BBF inishW W2)
5. The W S2 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW S2, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
6. When the local computations are finished, the W S2 generates the output messages
BBF inishO and sends to the outside (the corresponding sending action is denoted
), and then processing the messages from the outside recursively.
BBF inishO
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
W S2 = rW S2(
W S21 = IW S2 ⋅ W S22
RequestLBW S2)
⋅ W S21
W S22 = sW SOIM
W S23 = rW S2(
W S24 = IW S2 ⋅ W S25
ReceiveRBW M
BBF inishW W2)
⋅ W S23
⋅ W S24
W S25 = sO
BBF inishO
⋅ W S2
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the W S2 can be proven exhibiting desired external
τIW S2 (
W S2
BBF inishW W2)
rW S2(
ReceiveRBW M
W S2
⋅ τIW S2 (
RequestLBW S2)
BBF inishO
= rW S2(
⋅ sO
8.3.6 Railway WS
After Railway WS (W S3) is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The W S3 receives the message ShipByTW W3 from the W SO through its mail box by its
name W S3 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW S3(
ShipByTW W3)
2. The W S3 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW S3, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the W S3 generates the output messages
ShipF inishW W3 and sends to the W SO (the corresponding sending action is denoted
), and then processing the messages from W SO recursively.
ShipF inishW W3)
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
W S3 = rW S3(
W S31 = IW S3 ⋅ W S32
ShipByTW W3)
⋅ W S31
W S32 = sW SO
ShipF inishW W3)
⋅ W S3
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the W S3 can be proven exhibiting desired external
τIW S3 (
ShipF inishW W3)
ShipByTW W3)
= rW S3(
⋅ τIW S3 (
⋅ sW SO
W S3
W S3
8.3.7 Airline WS
After Airline WS (W S4) is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The W S4 receives the message ShipByAW W4 from the W SO through its mail box by its
name W S4 (the corresponding reading action is denoted rW S4(
ShipByAW W4)
2. The W S4 does some local computations mixed some atomic actions by computation logics,
including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are included into IW S4, which is the
set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the W S4 generates the output messages
ShipF inishW W4 and sends to the W SO (the corresponding sending action is denoted
), and then processing the messages from W SO recursively.
ShipF inishW W4)
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
W S4 = rW S4(
W S41 = IW S4 ⋅ W S42
ShipByAW W4)
⋅ W S41
W S42 = sW SO
ShipF inishW W4)
⋅ W S4
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the W S4 can be proven exhibiting desired external
τIW S4 (
ShipF inishW W4)
ShipByAW W4)
= rW S4(
⋅ τIW S4 (
⋅ sW SO
W S4
W S4
8.3.8 Service Selector
After SS is created, the typical process is as follows.
1. The SS receives the QoS-based WS selection request message DISS from W SO through
its mail box by its name SS (the corresponding reading action is denoted rSS
2. The SS does some local computations mixed some atomic actions and interactions with
UDDI by computation logics, including ⋅, +, ≬ and guards, the local computations are
included into ISS, which is the set of all local atomic actions;
3. When the local computations are finished, the SS generates the output messages DOSS
), and then
and sends to W SO (the corresponding sending action is denoted sW SO
processes the next message from the W SOs recursively.
The above process is described as the following state transitions by APTC.
SS = rSS
⋅ SS1
SS1 = ISS ⋅ SS2
SS2 = sW SO
⋅ SS
By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, the SS can be proven exhibiting desired external behav-
τISS (
⋅ τISS (
⋅ sW SO
= rSS
8.3.9 Putting All Together into A Whole
Now, we can put all actors together into a whole, including all AAs, WSOIM, WSO, WSs, and
SS, according to the buying books exmple as illustrated in Figure 11. The whole actor system
W S1 W S2 W S3 W S4 W SOIM SS = W S1 W S2 W S3 W S4 W SOIM SS W SO
AA1 AA2 AA3 AA4 AA5 AA6 AA7 can be represented by the following process term
of APTC.
W S4 ≬ W SOIM ≬ SS ≬ W SO ≬ AA1 ≬ AA2 ≬ AA3 ≬ AA4 ≬ AA5 ≬ AA6 ≬ AA7
W S1 ≬ W S2 ≬ W S3 ≬ W S4 ≬ W SOIM ≬ SS
W S1 ≬ W S2 ≬ W S3 ≬
= τI
Among all the actors, there are synchronous communications. The actor’s reading and to the
same actor’s sending actions with the same type messages may cause communications.
If to
the actor’s sending action occurs before the the same actions reading action, an asynchronous
communication will occur; otherwise, a deadlock δ will be caused.
There are eight kinds of asynchronous communications as follows.
ReceiveRBW A
ReceiveRBW A
(1) The communications between W SO and its AAs with the following constraints.
≤ rAA1(
≤ rW SO
≤ rAA2(
≤ rW SO
≤ rAA3(
ReceiveSBW A
≤ rW SO
≤ rAA4(
CalcultePW A
≤ rW SO
≤ rAA5(
SendPW A
≤ rW SO
≤ rAA6(
GetP aysW A
≤ rW SO
GetP aysAW
SendPW A
GetP aysAW
ReceiveSBW A
CalcultePW A
GetP aysW A
(2) The communications between W SO and W S1 with the following constraints.
SendLBW W1)
sW S1(
ReceiveSBW W1 )
ReceiveSBW W1 )
SendLBW W1)
≤ rW S1(
≤ rW SO
SendPW W1)
sW S1(
GetP aysW W1)
≤ rW S1(
SendPW W1)
≤ rW SO
GetP aysW W1)
≤ rW S2(
BBF inishW W2)
(3) The communications between W SO and W S2 with the following constraints.
BBF inishW W2)
sW S2(
(4) The communications between W SO and W S3 with the following constraints.
ShipByTW W3)
sW S3(
ShipF inishW W3)
ShipF inishW W3)
(5) The communications between W SO and W S4 with the following constraints.
ShipByAW W4)
sW S4(
ShipF inishW W4)
ShipF inishW W4)
(6) The communications between W SO and W SOIM with the following constraints.
ShipByAW W4)
ShipByTW W3)
≤ rW S4(
≤ rW S3(
≤ rW SO
≤ rW SO
ReceiveRBM W
≤ rW SO
ReceiveRBM W
(7) The communications between W SO and SS with the following constraints.
≤ rSS
≤ rW SO
(8) The communications between W S2 and W SOIM with the following constraints.
ReceiveRBW M
ReceiveRBW M
So, the set H and I can be defined as follows.
CalcultePW A
ReceiveRBW A
ReceiveRBW A
H =
, rAA1(
, rW SO
, rAA2(
, rW SO
ReceiveSBW A
ReceiveSBW A
, rAA3 (
, rW SO
, rAA4(
CalcultePW A
, rW SO
SendPW A
SendPW A
, rAA5 (
, rW SO
, rAA6(
GetP aysW A
GetP aysW A
, rW SO
GetP aysAW
GetP aysAW
SendLBW W1)
, rW S1 (
SendLBW W1)
sW S1(
ReceiveSBW W1 )
ReceiveSBW W1 )
, rW SO
SendPW W1)
sW S1(
SendPW W1)
, rW S1(
GetP aysW W1)
, rW SO
GetP aysW W1)
BBF inishW W2)
, rW S2(
BBF inishW W2)
sW S2(
ShipByTW W3)
, rW S3(
ShipByTW W3)
sW S3(
, rW SO
ShipF inishW W3)
ShipByAW W4)
, rW S4 (
ShipByAW W4)
sW S4(
, rW SO
ShipF inishW W4)
, rW SO
ReceiveRBM W
ShipF inishW W3)
ShipF inishW W4)
ReceiveRBM W
≰ rW SO
CalcultePW A
ReceiveRBW M
SendPW A
≰ rAA1(
≰ rW SO
, rW SO
ReceiveRBW M
, rSS
ReceiveRBW A
ReceiveRBW A
≰ rAA2(
≰ rW SO
ReceiveSBW A
ReceiveSBW A
≰ rAA3(
≰ rW SO
≰ rAA4(
CalcultePW A
≰ rW SO
SendPW A
≰ rAA5(
≰ rW SO
GetP aysW A
≰ rAA6(
GetP aysW A
≰ rW SO
GetP aysAW
GetP aysAW
SendLBW W1)
≰ rW S1(
SendLBW W1)
sW S1(
ReceiveSBW W1 )
ReceiveSBW W1 )
SendPW W1)
≰ rW S1(
SendPW W1)
sW S1(
≰ rW SO
GetP aysW W1)
GetP aysW W1)
BBF inishW W2)
≰ rW S2(
BBF inishW W2)
sW S2(
ShipByTW W3)
≰ rW S3(
ShipByTW W3)
sW S3(
≰ rW SO
ShipF inishW W3)
ShipByAW W4)
≰ rW S4(
ShipByAW W4)
sW S4(
≰ rW SO
ShipF inishW W4)
≰ rW SO
ReceiveRBM W
≰ rSS
≰ rW SO
ReceiveRBW M
I =
, rAA1(
, rW SO
, rAA2(
, rW SO
ReceiveSBW A
ReceiveSBW A
, rAA3 (
, rW SO
CalcultePW A
, rAA4(
, rW SO
SendPW A
, rAA5 (
SendPW A
, rW SO
, rAA6(
GetP aysW A
GetP aysW A
, rW SO
GetP aysAW
GetP aysAW
SendLBW W1)
, rW S1 (
SendLBW W1)
sW S1(
, rW SO
ReceiveSBW W1 )
ReceiveSBW W1 )
SendPW W1)
, rW S1(
SendPW W1)
sW S1(
, rW SO
GetP aysW W1)
GetP aysW W1)
BBF inishW W2)
, rW S2(
BBF inishW W2)
sW S2(
ShipByTW W3)
, rW S3(
ShipByTW W3)
sW S3(
ReceiveRBW A
ReceiveRBW A
ShipF inishW W3)
ShipF inishW W4)
ReceiveRBM W
CalcultePW A
ReceiveRBW M
, rW SO
CalcultePW A
ShipByAW W4)
ReceiveRBW M
SendPW A
≤ rAA1(
≤ rW SO
ShipF inishW W3)
ShipF inishW W4)
ReceiveRBM W
ShipF inishW W3)
, rW S4 (
ShipByAW W4)
sW S4(
ShipF inishW W4)
, rW SO
ReceiveRBM W
, rW SO
, rSS
, rW SO
ReceiveRBW M
ReceiveRBW A
ReceiveRBW A
≤ rAA2(
≤ rW SO
ReceiveSBW A
ReceiveSBW A
≤ rAA3(
≤ rW SO
CalcultePW A
≤ rAA4(
≤ rW SO
SendPW A
≤ rAA5(
≤ rW SO
GetP aysW A
GetP aysW A
≤ rAA6(
≤ rW SO
GetP aysAW
GetP aysAW
SendLBW W1)
≤ rW S1(
SendLBW W1)
sW S1(
ReceiveSBW W1 )
ReceiveSBW W1 )
SendPW W1)
≤ rW S1(
SendPW W1)
sW S1(
≤ rW SO
GetP aysW W1)
GetP aysW W1)
BBF inishW W2)
BBF inishW W2)
≤ rW S2(
sW S2(
ShipByTW W3)
≤ rW S3(
sW S3(
ShipByTW W3)
≤ rW SO
ShipF inishW W3)
ShipByAW W4)
≤ rW S4(
ShipByAW W4)
sW S4(
ShipF inishW W4)
ReceiveRBM W
≤ rSS
≤ rW SO
ReceiveRBW M
∪ IAA1 ∪ IAA2 ∪ IAA3 ∪ IAA4 ∪ IAA5 ∪ IAA6 ∪ IAA7 ∪ IW SOIM ∪ IW SO ∪ IW S1 ∪ IW S2 ∪ IW S3 ∪ IW S4 ∪ ISS
ShipF inishW W3)
ShipF inishW W4)
ReceiveRBM W
≤ rW SO
≤ rW SO
ReceiveRBW M
≤ rW SO
Then, we can get the following conclusion.
Theorem 8.1. The whole actor system of buying books example illustrated in Figure 11 can
exhibits desired external behaviors.
Proof. By use of the algebraic laws of APTC, we can prove the following equation:
W S1 ≬ W S2 ≬ W S3 ≬ W S4 ≬ W SOIM ≬ SS
= τI
AA4 ≬ AA5 ≬ AA6 ≬ AA7
= rW S2(
SS ≬ W SO ≬ AA1 ≬ AA2 ≬ AA3 ≬ AA4 ≬ AA5 ≬ AA6 ≬ AA7
= rW S2(
W S1 ≬ W S2 ≬ W S3 ≬ W S4 ≬ W SOIM ≬ SS ≬ W SO ≬ AA1 ≬ AA2 ≬ AA3 ≬
RequestLBW S2)
RequestLBW S2)
W S1 ≬ W S2 ≬ W S3 ≬ W S4 ≬ W SOIM ≬
W S1 ≬ W S2 ≬ W S3 ≬ W S4 ≬ W SOIM ≬
BBF inishO
⋅ sO
BBF inishO
⋅ sO
⋅ τI
⋅ τI
For the details of the proof, we omit them, please refer to section 2.10.
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A XML-Based Web Service Specifications for Buying Books Ex-
In Figure 7, the user agent business process being modeled as UserAgent WSO described by
WS-BPEL is described in following.
process name=”UserAgent”
documentation xml:lang=”EN”
This document describes the UserAgent process.
partnerLink name=”UserAndUserAgent”
partnerLinkType=”lns:UserAnduserAgentLT” myRole=”userAgent”/
partnerLink name=”UserAgentAndBookStore”
myRole=”user” partnerRole=”seller”/
variable name=”RequestListofBooks” messageType=”lns:requestListofBooks”/
variable name=”RequestListofBooksResponse” messageType=”lns:requestListofBooksResponse”/
variable name=”ReceiveListofBooks” messageType=”lns:receiveListofBooks”/
variable name=”ReceiveListofBooksResponse” messageType=”lns:receiveListofBooksResponse”/
variable name=”SelectListofBooks” messageType=”lns:selectListofBooks”/
variable name=”SelectListofBooksResponse” messageType=”lns:selectListofBooksResponse”/
variable name=”ReceivePrice” messageType=”lns:receivePrice”/
variable name=”ReceivePriceResponse” messageType=”lns:receivePriceResponse”/
variable name=”Pays” messageType=”lns:pays”/
variable name=”PaysResponse” messageType=”lns:paysResponse”/
receive partnerLink=”UserAndUserAgent”
operation=”opRequestListofBooks” variable=”RequestListofBooks”
invoke partnerLink=”UserAgentAndBookStore”
operation=”opRequestListofBooks” inputVariable=”RequestListofBooks”
receive partnerLink=”UserAgentAndBookStore”
operation=”opReceiveListofBooks” variable=”ReceiveListofBooks”
reply partnerLink=”UserAgentAndBookStore”
operation=”opReceiveListofBooks” variable=”ReceiveListofBooksResponse”
!–send the received book list to the user–
receive partnerLink=”UserAndUserAgent”
operation=”opSelectListofBooks” variable=”SelectListofBooks”
reply partnerLink=”UserAndUserAgent”
operation=”opSelectListofBooks” variable=”SelectListofBooksResponse”
invoke partnerLink=”UserAgentAndBookStore”
operation=”opSelectListofBooks” inputVariable=”SelectListofBooks”
receive partnerLink=”UserAgentAndBookStore”
operation=”opReceivePrice” variable=”ReceivePrice”
reply partnerLink=”UserAgentAndBookStore”
operation=”opReceivePrice” variable=”ReceivePriceResponse”
!–send the price to the user and get pays from the user–
invoke partnerLink=”UserAgentAndBookStore”
operation=”opPays” inputVariable=”Pays” outputVariable=”PaysResponse”
reply partnerLink=”UserAndUserAgent”
operation=”opRequestListofBooks” variable=”PaysResponse”
The interface WS for UserAgent WSO being called UserAgent WS described by WSDL is as
?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8”?
targetNamespace= ””
xmlns:tns= ””
xmlns:ghns = ””
xmlns:bsns = ””
xmlns:wsoap= ””
This document describes the userAgent Web service.
xs:element name=”requestListofBooks” type=”tRequestListofBooks”/
xs:complexType name=”tRequestListofBooks”/
xs:element name=”requestListofBooksReponse”
xs:complexType name=”tRequestListofBooksResponse”/
xs:element name=”receiveListofBooks” type=”tReceiveListofBooks”/
xs:complexType name=”tReceiveListofBooks”/
xs:element name=”receiveListofBooksResponse”
xs:complexType name=”tReceiveListofBooksResponse”/
xs:element name=”selectListofBooks” type=”tSelectListofBooks”/
xs:complexType name=”tSelectListofBooks”/
xs:element name=”selectListofBooksResponse”
xs:complexType name=”tSelectListofBooksResponse”/
xs:element name=”receivePrice” type=”xs:float”/
xs:element name=”receivePriceResponse” type=”tReceivePriceResponse”/
xs:complexType name=”tReceivePriceResponse”/
xs:element name=”pays” type=”tPays”/
xs:complexType name=”tPays”/
xs:element name=”paysResponse” type=”tPaysResponse”/
xs:complexType name=”tPaysResponse”/
interface name = ”UserAgent4UserInterface”
operation name=”opRequestListofBooks”
input messageLabel=”InOpRequestListofBooks”
element=”ghns:requestListofBooks” /
output messageLabel=”OutOpRequestListofBooks”
element=”ghns:requestListofBooksReponse” /
operation name=”opSelectListofBooks”
input messageLabel=”InOpSelectListofBooks”
element=”ghns:selectListofBooks” /
output messageLabel=”OutOpSelectListofBooks”
element=”ghns:selectListofBooksResponse” /
interface name = ”UserAgent4BookStoreInterface”
operation name=”opReceiveListofBooks”
input messageLabel=”InOpReceiveListofBooks”
element=”ghns:receiveListofBooks” /
output messageLabel=”OutOpReceiveListofBooks”
element=”ghns:receiveListofBooksResponse” /
operation name=”opReceivePrice”
input messageLabel=”InOpReceivePrice”
element=”ghns:receivePrice” /
output messageLabel=”OutOpReceivePrice”
element=”ghns:receivePriceResponse” /
plnk:partnerLinkType name=”UserAndUserAgentLT”
plnk:role name=”UserAgent”
portType=”tns:UserAgent4UserInterface” /
plnk:partnerLinkType name=”UserAgentAndBookStoreLT”
plnk:role name=”user”
portType=”tns:UserAgent4BookStoreInterface” /
plnk:role name=”seller”
portType=”bsns:BookStore4UserAgentInterface” /
In the buying books example, the WSC between user agent and bookstore (exactly UserAgentWS
and BookStoreWS) called BuyingBookWSC being described by WS-CDL is following.
?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?
package xmlns=””
informationType name=”requestListofBooksType” type=”bsns:tRequestListofBooks”/
informationType name=”requestListofBooksResponseType”
informationType name=”listofBooksType” type=”bsns:tListofBooks”/
informationType name=”listofBooksResponseType”
informationType name=”selectListofBooksType”
informationType name=”selectListofBooksResponseType”
informationType name=”priceType” type=”bsns:tPrice”/
informationType name=”priceResponseType” type=”bsns:tPriceResponse”/
informationType name=”paysType” type=”bsns:tPays”/
informationType name=”paysResponseType” type=”bsns:tPaysResponse”/
roleType name=”UserAgent”
behavior name=”UserAgent4BookStore” interface=”bans:BuyAgent4BookStoreInterface”/
roleType name=”BookStore”
behavior name=”BookStore4userAgent” interface=”rns:BookStore4userAgentInterface”/
relationshipType name=”UserAgentAndBookStoreRelationship”
roleType typeRef=”tns:user” behavior=”UserAgent4BookStore”/
roleType typeRef=”tns:seller” behavior=”BookStore4userAgent”/
choreography name=”BuyingBookWSC”
relationship type=”tns:UserAgentAndBookStoreRelationship”/
variable name=”requestListofBooks” informationType=”tns:requestListofBooksType”/
variable name=”requestListofBooksResponse”
variable name=”listofBooks” informationType=”tns:listofBooksType”/
variable name=”listofBooksResponse” informationType=”tns:listofBooksResponseType”/
variable name=”selectListofBooks” informationType=”tns:selectListofBooksType”/
variable name=”selectListofBooksResponse”
variable name=”price” informationType=”tns:priceType”/
variable name=”priceResponse” informationType=”tns:priceResponseType”/
variable name=”pays” informationType=”tns:paysType”/
variable name=”paysResponse” informationType=”tns:paysResponseType”/
interaction name=”InteractionBetweenBAandBS1”
participate relationshipType=”tns:UserAgentAndBookStoreRelationship”
fromRoleTypeRef=”tns:user” toRoleTypeRef=”tns:seller”/
exchange name=”requestListofBooks”
informationType=”tns:requestListofBooksType” action=”request”
send variable=”cdl:getVariable(’tns:requestListofBooks’,”,”)”/
receive variable=”cdl:getVariable(’tns:requestListofBooks’,”,”)”/
exchange name=”requestListofBooksResponse”
informationType=”requestListofBooksResponseType” action=”respond”
send variable=”cdl:getVariable(’tns:requestListofBooksResponse’,”,”)”/
receive variable=”cdl:getVariable(’tns:requestListofBooksResponse’,”,”)”/
interaction name=”InteractionBetweenBAandBS2”
participate relationshipType=”tns:UserAgentAndBookStoreRelationship”
fromRoleTypeRef=”tns:seller” toRoleTypeRef=”tns:user”/
exchange name=”sendListofBooks”
informationType=”tns:listofBooksType” action=”request”
send variable=”cdl:getVariable(’tns:listofBooks’,”,”)”/
receive variable=”cdl:getVariable(’tns:listofBooks’,”,”)”/
exchange name=”sendListofBooksResponse”
informationType=”listofBooksResponseType” action=”respond”
send variable=”cdl:getVariable(’tns:listofBooksResponse’,”,”)”/
receive variable=”cdl:getVariable(’tns:listofBooksResponse’,”,”)”/
interaction name=”InteractionBetweenBAandBS3”
participate relationshipType=”tns:UserAgentAndBookStoreRelationship”
fromRoleTypeRef=”tns:user” toRoleTypeRef=”tns:seller”/
exchange name=”selectListofBooks”
informationType=”tns:selectListofBooksType” action=”request”
send variable=”cdl:getVariable(’tns:selectListofBooks’,”,”)”/
receive variable=”cdl:getVariable(’tns:selectListofBooks’,”,”)”/
exchange name=”selectListofBooksResponse”
informationType=”selectListofBooksResponseType” action=”respond”
send variable=”cdl:getVariable(’tns:selectListofBooksResponse’,”,”)”/
receive variable=”cdl:getVariable(’tns:selectListofBooksResponse’,”,”)”/
interaction name=”InteractionBetweenBAandBS4”
participate relationshipType=”tns:UserAgentAndBookStoreRelationship”
fromRoleTypeRef=”tns:seller” toRoleTypeRef=”tns:user”/
exchange name=”sendPrice”
informationType=”tns:priceType” action=”request”
send variable=”cdl:getVariable(’tns:price’,”,”)”/
receive variable=”cdl:getVariable(’tns:price’,”,”)”/
exchange name=”sendPriceResponse”
informationType=”priceResponseType” action=”respond”
send variable=”cdl:getVariable(’tns:priceResponse’,”,”)”/
receive variable=”cdl:getVariable(’tns:priceResponse’,”,”)”/
interaction name=”InteractionBetweenBAandBS5”
participate relationshipType=”tns:UserAgentAndBookStoreRelationship”
fromRoleTypeRef=”tns:user” toRoleTypeRef=”tns:seller”/
exchange name=”pays”
informationType=”tns:paysType” action=”request”
send variable=”cdl:getVariable(’tns:pays’,”,”)”/
receive variable=”cdl:getVariable(’tns:pays’,”,”)”/
exchange name=”paysResponse”
informationType=”paysResponseType” action=”respond”
send variable=”cdl:getVariable(’tns:paysResponse’,”,”)”/
receive variable=”cdl:getVariable(’tns:paysResponse’,”,”)”/
B The BookStore WSO Described by WS-BPEL
process name=”BookStore”
targetNamespace=” /2011/ws-bp/bookstore”...
partnerLink name=”BSAndBA”... /
partnerLink name=”BSAndRC”... /
partnerLink name=”BSAndAC”... /
variable name=”RequestListofBooks” messageType=”lns:requestListofBooks”/
variable name=”RequestListofBooksResponse” messageType=”lns:requestListofBooksResponse”/
variable name=”ListofBooks” messageType=”lns:listofBooks”/
variable name=”ListofBooksResponse” messageType=”lns:listofBooksResponse”/
variable name=”SelectListofBooks” messageType=”lns:selectListofBooks”/
variable name=”SelectListofBooksResponse” messageType=”lns:selectListofBooksResponse”/
variable name=”Price” messageType=”lns:price”/
variable name=”PriceResponse” messageType=”lns:priceResponse”/
variable name=”Pays” messageType=”lns:pays”/
variable name=”PaysResponse” messageType=”lns:paysResponse”/
variable name=”ShipmentByTrain” messageType=”lns:shipmentByTrain”/
variable name=”ShipmentByTrainResponse” messageType=”lns:shipmentByTrainResponse”/
variable name=”ShipmentByAir” messageType=”lns:shipmentByAir”/
variable name=”ShipmentByAirResponse” messageType=”lns:shipmentByAirResponse”/
receive partnerLink=”BSAndBA” portType=”lns:bookStore4BuyerAgent-Interface” oper-
ation=”opRequestListofBooks” variable=”RequestListofBooks” createInstance=”yes”
invoke partnerLink=”BSAndBA” portType=”bns:buyAgent4BookStore-Interface” opera-
tion=”opReceiveListofBooks” inputVariable=”ListofBooks” outputVariable=”ListofBooksResponse”
receive partnerLink=”BSAndBA” portType=”lns:bookStore4BuyerAgent-Interface” oper-
ation=”opSelectListofBooks” variable=”SelectListofBooks”
reply partnerLink=”BSAndBA” portType=”lns:bookStore4BuyerAgent-Interface” opera-
tion=”opSelectListofBooks” variable=”SelectListofBooksResponse”
!–inner activity: calculate the price of selected books–
invoke partnerLink=”BSAndBA” portType=”bns:buyAgent4BookStore-Interface” opera-
tion=”opReceivePrice” inputVariable=”Price” outputVariable=”PriceResponse”
receive partnerLink=”BSAndBA” portType=”lns:bookStore4BuyerAgent-Interface” oper-
ation=”opPays” variable=”Pays”
reply partnerLink=”BSAndBA” portType=”lns:bookStore4BuyerAgent-Interface” opera-
tion=”opPays” variable=”PaysResponse”
invoke partnerLink=”BSAndAC” portType=”ans:airlineCorp4BookStore-Interface” op-
eration=”opShipmentByAir” inputVariable=”ShipmentByAir” outputVariable=”ShipmentByAirResponse”
invoke partnerLink=”BSAndRC” portType=”rns:railwayCorp4BookStore-Interface”
operation=”opShipmentByTrain” inputVariable=”ShipmentByTrain” outputVariable=”ShipmentByTrain-
ai_researcher | 2 | Subjectivity_of_novelty_metrics_based_on_idea_decomposition.pdf | Working Paper
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Prompting Diverse Ideas: Increasing AI Idea Variance
Lennart Meincke, Ethan Mollick, and Christian Terwiesch1
January 27, 2024
Unlike routine tasks where consistency is prized, in creativity and innovation the goal
is to
create a diverse set of ideas. This paper delves into the burgeoning interest in employing
Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance the productivity and quality of the idea generation process.
While previous studies have found that the average quality of AI ideas is quite high, prior
research also has pointed to the inability of AI-based brainstorming to create sufficient
dispersion of ideas, which limits novelty and the quality of the overall best idea. Our research
investigates methods to increase the dispersion in AI-generated ideas. Using GPT-4, we explore
the effect of different prompting methods on Cosine Similarity, the number of unique ideas, and
the speed with which the idea space gets exhausted. We do this in the domain of developing a
new product development for college students, priced under $50. In this context, we find that (1)
pools of ideas generated by GPT-4 with various plausible prompts are less diverse than ideas
generated by groups of human subjects (2) the diversity of AI generated ideas can be
substantially improved using prompt engineering (3) Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting leads to
the highest diversity of ideas of all prompts we evaluated and was able to come close to what is
achieved by groups of human subjects. It also was capable of generating the highest number of
unique ideas of any prompt we studied.
language models, AI, artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, idea space, prompt engineering
idea generation, creativity, creative problem solving, LLM,
1The Wharton School, 500 Huntsman Hall, 3730 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104,
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected],
The literature on creativity and innovation consistently highlights three keys to generating good
ideas: producing many ideas, producing ideas of generally high quality, and, notably, the
cultivation of ideas with higher variance (Girotra et al 2010). The third driver, the concept of high
variance, is particularly emphasized in the innovation community. It is captured in popular
recommendations such as “think outside the box” (Young 1965), “encourage wild ideas”(Osborn
1948, Kelley and Littman 2001), or “explore the blue ocean (Kim and Mauborgne 2005).
Drawing on this perspective, idea generation can be conceptualized as exploring a highly
complex solution landscape with vastly different values associated with each point in the
landscape (Levinthal and March 1993, Sommer and Loch 2004). Especially if this solution
landscape is rugged, any attempt of deriving an optimal solution through synthesis is likely to
fail. Instead, a broad exploration of different regions of the solution landscape is called for. If this
exploration is done through trial-and-error, as it tends to be the case in the field of creativity and
innovation, it is thus imperative that the set of trials (the pool of ideas that are considered) be as
diverse as possible.
in using AI
Across the fields of computer science, entrepreneurship, and psychology, there exists an exploding
to generate ideas and to alter and augment the practice of brainstorming.
However, despite the ability of AI systems to dramatically increase the productivity and quality of the
idea generation process, they appear to grapple with creating a wide dispersion of ideas (i.e.,
ideas are too similar to each other, see Dell'Acqua et al 2023), which inherently limits the
novelty (Girotra et al 2023) of the ideas, the variance of the idea quality, and ultimately, and
most importantly, the quality of the best ideas.
The apparent lack of dispersion in a set of AI generated ideas motivates our main research
question we aim to address in this paper. How might one increase the diversity of an AI
generated pool of ideas? Since our primary focus is on AI in the form of large language
models (LLMs), increasing the diversity of a pool of ideas boils down to a matter of prompt
engineering. We thus refine our research question to: How might one choose prompts in
LLMs to increase the diversity of an AI generated pool of ideas?
To find out what prompts lead to the most diverse idea pools, we compare multiple prompting
strategies. This includes (1) minimal prompting, (2) instructing the LLM to take on different
personas, (3) sharing creativity techniques from the existing literature with the LLM, and (4)
Chain of Thought (CoT) prompting which asks the LLM to work in multiple, distinct steps. As
outcome metrics we use the Cosine Similarity (Manning 2008) of the idea pool, the total number
of unique ideas that can be identified by a prompt, and the speed at which the idea generation
process gets exhausted and ideas start repeating themselves (see Kornish and Ulrich 2011).
The domain of idea generation we consider is the search for a new product to be developed and
launched. Specifically, we seek a new consumer product targeted to college students that can
be sold for $50 or less. The main reason for this choice is that we have a pool of comparison
from a Wharton MBA class and have used this idea domain in prior studies.
Our main findings are as follows:
● We confirm the diversity achilles of AI generated brainstorming by showing that pools of
ideas generated by GPT-4 with no special prompting are less diverse than ideas
generated by groups of human subjects. Specifically, we find that (a) Cosine similarity
for ideas generated by groups of humans is around 0.243 compared to 0.255 - 0.432 for
GPT-4 generated ideas.
● Comparing an array of prompts that vary in wording and in problem solving strategy, we
show that the diversity of AI generated ideas can be substantially improved using
prompt engineering. For example, we show that instructing GPT-4 to think like Steve
Jobs is effective in increasing the diversity of the resulting ideas (0.368 cosine similarity
versus the baseline of 0.377) while prompting GPT-4 with recommended creativity tools
published by the Harvard Business Review (cosine similarity of 0.387) less so. Overall,
we compare 35 prompts in their ability to reduce cosine similarity, increase the number
of unique ideas, and keep the ideation process from fatiguing.
● In the comparison of prompting strategies, we show that Chain-of-Thought (CoT)
prompting leads to one of the highest diversity of the idea pools of all prompts we
evaluated and was able to obtain a diversity nearly as high as groups of humans.
CoT prompting breaks up the overall brainstorming task into a series of micro tasks and
has been found to be highly effective in other LLM applications such as solving
mathematical problems (see Wei et al 2022). We further show that CoT increases the
number of unique ideas that can be generated in our domain from around 3700 for
the base prompt to 4700.
Theory and Hypotheses: The Importance of Idea Diversity
The atomic unit of analysis in our study is an idea. We define an idea as a novel match between
a solution and an unmet need. As mentioned above, our focus in this paper is on ideas for new
products targeted towards college students. Consider one of
the ideas from our student
generated pool:
Convertible High-Heel Shoe: Many prefer high-heel shoes for dress-up occasions, yet
walking in high heels for more than short distances is very challenging. Might we create
a stylish high-heel shoe that easily adapts to a comfortable walking configuration, say by
folding down or removing a heel portion of the shoe?
In this example, the unmet need is the desire of some people to dress-up and wear high-heel
shoes while at other times using the same shoes to comfortably walk longer distances. The
proposed solution is to make the heel portion of the shoe in a way that it can be folded down or
Note that at this abstract level of a short verbal description the value of the idea is highly
uncertain. We can think of uncertain value as a random variable that is drawn from an
underlying pay-off distribution. The realization of
this random pay-off will require further
investments, with each investment resolving some of the uncertainty. Market research and
prototypes are two common forms of investment to reduce uncertainty for new products. The
realized value of the pay-off is only observed after the idea is introduced into the market.
ideas that differ along many
There exists a very large number of possible new product
dimensions. In other words, we can think of ideas as positions in a highly dimensional space.
Each idea in this space has an unknown value associated with it.
For the sake of illustration, consider an idea space with only two dimensions. Each idea thus
corresponds to a (x, y) coordinate in the graph. The vertical dimension (z-axis) can be thought
of as the expected value of the idea. This is illustrated by Figure 1.
Figure 1: Two dimensional idea space with idea value in the third dimension
In the context of our illustrative example of a two dimensional space, one might think of the
brainstorming process for a valuable new product as the search for a gold mine (Terwiesch and
Ulrich 2009). The (x, y) coordinates capture the geographic mine location and the z-axis
captures the density of gold in the ground. Note that local adjustments along a gradient of
increasing gold density in the ground via local search might possibly increase the value of a
mining location. Yet, in solution landscapes that are rugged, i.e., that have multiple local optima,
such local search is unlikely to yield the optimal solution.
The ruggedness of the underlying solution landscape thereby makes it impossible to arrive at
the most valuable idea in the idea space via planning and synthesis. Rather, a broad exploration
is needed which calls for the generation of multiple ideas of which the idea(s) with the highest
value will be retained while the other ideas are likely going to be discarded. The success of the
exploratory effort is measured by the value of the most valuable idea that was generated.
To make the exploration of the solution landscape effective, it is important to consider a wide
array of ideas, each corresponding to a different point in the landscape. To find the most
valuable idea thus requires the generation of very different starting points.
We refer to this as the diversity of a given pool of ideas. A pool of ideas is diverse if it includes
ideas with very different coordinates in the landscape. This can be easily visualized in the two
dimensional space of Figure 1. As mentioned above, a more diverse pool of ideas is thus likely
to come up with a better value of the best idea.
Based on prior work, we hypothesize that AI-based idea generation will
lead to less idea
diversity. Yet, we also hypothesize that idea diversity can be increased via prompt engineering,
with CoT prompting being yielding the most diverse ideas. Specifically, we state:
H1: A pool of AI-generated ideas with no specific prompting is less diverse than a pool of
ideas generated by groups of humans.
H2: The prompts used in generating a pool of ideas using AI can increase the diversity of
the ideas.
H3: Chain-of-Thought prompting will be the most effective in increasing the diversity of
the ideas. It might or might not outperform human group idea generation.
Prompting Strategies for Innovation and Brainstorming
As a baseline for comparison, we use a pool consisting of 100 randomly chosen ideas
generated by Wharton MBA students. This is the same pool of ideas used as in Girotra et al
2023. It is important to note that students were not tasked with generating 100 ideas at once,
but instead the pool is an aggregation of ideas from multiple students. We want to explore how
different ways of prompting the LLM might impact the diversity of the resulting idea pools. In
total, we evaluate 35 prompting strategies.
In all strategies but hybrid brainstorming we generate a set of 100 ideas in a single GPT session
using a specific prompt. In total, for each strategy, we generate 10x100 ideas over 10 sessions
to account for temperature and other possible variance. This results in 1000 ideas for each
For hybrid brainstorming, we want to take advantage of multiple “participants” generating ideas
and then picking the best. To facilitate this, we initially generate 40x30 ideas in separate
sessions, mimicking 40 people individually generating 30 ideas each. Then, we “team up” 4
individual brainstorming sessions into 10 groups of 4 each. Each member of a group brings their
30 ideas “to the group meeting” yielding 120 ideas in total per group. Each group then decides
on the best 10 ideas in one session. The results from each group are put together into one pool
of 100 ideas.
Conceptually, our prompting strategies can be categorized into 8 groups (the full
prompts can be found in Appendix D):
list of all
Idea Prompted GPT: Prompted with seven successful ideas from prior research (same
pool as in Girotra et al 2023)
2. HBR trained GPT: Prompt includes a paper on best practices in brainstorming published
in the Harvard Business Review (
3. Design Thinking GPT: Prompt includes an article on design thinking by Stanford
4. Special Techniques: Involves prompts that offer tipping, plead with the model
emotionally, and threaten to shut it off amongst others.
5. Persona Modifiers: Starting with a base prompt, these pools tell the model they are
widely known personas, such as Steve Jobs or Sam Altman. It further includes less
concrete personas, such as “extremely creative entrepreneurs” adding modifiers such as
asking for ideas to be “good”, then “bold”, then “diverse and bold.
6. Hybrid brainstorming: Pool consists of ideas combined from 40 different GPT-4 sessions,
picking and refining the best ideas from 4 of them at a time as explained above
7. Similarity information: Informed GPT-4 about the cosine similarity of existing ideas.
8. Chain-of-Thought: Asking GPT-4 to first generate a short list of 100 ideas, then making
them bold and different, then generating descriptions for them.
By comparing these 35 idea pools created with the help of GPT-4 we set up a competition which
prompting strategy is most effective in increasing idea diversity. The human group generated
is an
ideas serve as a baseline in this competition. Note that the human group idea pool
aggregation of ideas submitted by separate individuals rather than being a list of 100 ideas
generated by a single group. This aggregation of independently generated ideas gives an edge
to the human innovators and sets up a high bar.
In this section, we define our key outcome metrics, which are Cosine Similarity, Number of
unique ideas, and Speed of exhaustion. We also describe our technical set-up.
Outcome Measures
We have three main outcome measures: Cosine similarity, number of unique ideas and speed of
exhaustion. They are discussed in detail below.
Cosine Similarity
Cosine similarity is a measure of similarity between two ideas (or other forms of text). Since
LLMs translate text into embeddings (vectors), it is possible to mathematically measure the
cosine of the angle between two vectors projected in a multi-dimensional space. The cosine
similarity is particularly useful in comparing texts because it is less sensitive to the overall size of
the documents; it focuses more on their orientation in the vector space. Just like in Geometry,
the cosine of the angle between the vectors is calculated, which ranges from -1 to 1. A cosine
similarity of 1 implies that the two ideas are very similar, having a cosine angle of 0 degrees
implies that they are orthogonal to each other.
While cosine similarity is an accepted measure for comparing text similarity it is not without
problems. For instance, changing the embeddings model could yield dramatically different
results depending on the training even if it was optimized for the same purpose. In addition, the
cosine similarity might not capture all the dimensions of idea similarity that a human might
The alternative to using cosine similarity is to measure idea diversity by relying on human raters.
However, rating idea similarity is not only a very subjective task, it also does not scale well, i.e.,
it works for pairwise idea comparisons, but not for pools of 100 ideas. Lastly, they can be
influenced by other factors such as sentence structure and length that are not easy to control
An example of a pairwise comparison using cosine similarity can be found in Table 1. In our
experiments, we generally considered a similarity above 0.8 as an identical idea which was
established by testing. Appendix C shows additional examples of cosine similarity for ideas.
Idea A
Idea B
QuickHeat Mug: An insulated,
battery-powered coffee mug that can
heat beverages within minutes and
maintain the temperature. Ideal for
students who need a warm drink during
long study sessions but don't have
immediate access to a kitchen.
MiniMend Sewing Kit: A compact,
travel-sized sewing kit with pre-threaded
needles, buttons, and safety pins
designed for quick fixes on-the-go,
perfect for minor repairs or emergency
adjustments to clothing.
StudyBuddy Lamp: A compact,
portable LED desk lamp with built-in
timers for the Pomodoro study
technique, adjustable brightness
levels, and a USB charging port for
smartphones. It's designed to help
students focus and manage their
study time effectively.
QuickFix Clothing Repair Kit: A
compact kit with needles, thread,
buttons, and fabric adhesive,
designed for quick clothing repairs.
Ideal for students who may not have
the time or skills to sew but need to fix
simple clothing mishaps.
Table 1: Cosine similarity example showing pairwise similarity between ideas A and B
Number of Unique Ideas
We also evaluate the number of unique ideas that can be generated with a given strategy.
Consider generating ideas in a specific domain and assume there exists a finite (though large)
number of ideas. As you pick random locations in this idea space, initially, chances are that they
are very different from each other. Thus, their similarity is low. However, after a certain number
of ideas generated, the likelihood of repetition increases. As we keep on “fishing in the pond”
the number of unique “fish” to be caught is decreasing. In other words, if we throw the fish back
into the pond after it is caught, the likelihood of catching a fish for the second time increases.
We can use the information about how many ideas we have generated in total and how many of
those are unique, i.e., have a cosine similarity less than 0.8 to all other previous ideas, to
estimate the total number of unique ideas that can be generated. Kornish & Ulrich 2009 propose
a strategy similar to the “Mark and recapture” approach in ecology (catching a fish, marking it,
and throwing it back in the pond). One calculates the number of ideas (T) for a given space by
relying on the total number of ideas (N) and the number of unique ideas (U). The equation is
derived from models that describe how the probability of new discoveries (unique findings)
decreases as more samples are taken from a finite population. The full calculation can be found
in Appendix F.
To calculate U, each new idea is compared to all previous ideas using cosine similarity. This list
of results is then compared to our threshold of 0.8 to find identical
ideas. If one of the
comparison cosine similarities is greater or equal to 0.8, we consider the new idea identical to
an existing idea and hence increase U. N is given by the total number of ideas we have
As noted before, cosine similarity is an imperfect measure of similarity, so different methods and
thresholds will yield different results just as discussed in Kornish & Ulrich 2009. In addition, it is
important to highlight that we cannot estimate the total number of ideas in a space, but only the
possible number of unique ideas that can be found with a particular technique. Nevertheless, it
is a helpful measure to compare different techniques and their theoretical limits.
Speed of Exhaustion
Lastly, we consider the speed of exhaustion which describes the rate a strategy depletes its
reservoir of unique ideas. If we again assume that there exists a finite but large number of ideas
for a specific domain, our first few picks are likely to be very different from each other (low
similarity). With each new pick, the likelihood of encountering a similar idea increases as
discussed above.
idea in the existing set,
We compare each new idea to all previous ideas using cosine similarity. We then look for the
most similar
the max cosine similarity score from all our
comparisons. To prevent outliers from having an outsized effect, we apply exponential
smoothing (alpha = 0.5). This gives us the cosine similarity on the y-axis for each new idea in
relation to all previous ones.
Technical set-up
Unless otherwise stated, we used gpt4-0314 for all our tests. The temperature was set to 0.7
and top P to 1.0, consistent with Girotra et al 2023. No frequency or presence penalties were
configured, which presents future research opportunities. For the main comparison, each
prompt was run at least 10 times. The average cosine similarity between all ideas in the pool
(within-pool comparison) was then computed for each pool. Afterwards,
the results were
averaged for pools from the same strategy. We follow the work by Dell'Acqua et al 2023 and use
Google’s Universal Sentence Encoder model, which has been optimized for sentence similarity,
to compare ideas to one another.
In addition, we perform a longer analysis of model exhaustion by generating many ideas in one
session with the best strategy (CoT) and our base strategy. For both strategies, we generate
around 1200 ideas while keeping all previous ideas in the context window. Each prompt is run 5
times and the results are averaged. The generation was performed using gpt4-1106-preview in
small 30 idea increments while retaining all previous history. The small chunks were used as the
turbo model appears to be inclined to reject even moderate workloads in a single prompt. It also
helped ensure that the model did not stray away from the initial prompt and focused on college
market ideas. Earlier tests that did not explicitly reprompt the target market indicated that the
ideas became less and less relevant. More details can be found in Appendix A.
Figure 2 below shows the cosine similarity scores for a few select strategies from our groups.
The full results for all strategies can be found in Table 2. Our results show that the highest
variance for ideas is still achieved by groups of students, with CoT coming in at a close second.
As shown previously in Girotra et al 2023, GPT-4 generated ideas are generally well-received
by consumers. Further, they are well structured and written, confirming results from similar
generational tasks such as ethical dilemmas as seen in Terwiesch & Meincke 2023. A sample of
ideas can be found in Appendix E.
We tested the statistical significance of the difference between pools by bootstrapping and
permutation testing, both indicating high statistical significance with p-values below 0.01. This
aligns with our expectations considering the large number of ideas. The differences between
pools of 1000 ideas become significant at ~0.01. However, the inherent characteristics of cosine
similarity complicate the interpretation of statistically significant results and hence necessitate
caution. Our results should hence not be interpreted as a blanket endorsement of one strategy,
but rather suggest that specific techniques might be more effective than others. In addition, they
also show that prompt crafting does not always have a significant effect on the outcome.
Figure 2: Density plot of idea similarity for selected strategies
Group of Students
Chain Of Thought (gpt4-1106-preview)
Creative Entrepreneur
Creative Entrepreneur Novel Modifier #1
Creative Entrepreneur Novel
Creative AI
Entrepreneur Novel Modifier #1
Entrepreneur Novel
Steve Jobs
Emotional Appeals
Think Bold
Steve Jobs Novel
Sam Altman Novel
I will turn you off!
Base Prompt
Creative Entrepreneur Novel Modifier #4
Steve Jobs Novel Mod #1
Boring Person
Say Please
Elon Musk Novel
Entrepreneur Novel Modifier #3
Harvard Business Review Article
Steve Jobs Novel Mod #2
Entrepreneur Novel Modifier #2
Stanford Design Thinking Article
Entrepreneur Novel Modifier #4
Creative Entrepreneur Novel Modifier #2
Hybrid Brainstorming
Sam Altman Wants You To
Steve Jobs Novel Mod #4
Creative Entrepreneur Novel Modifier #3
Previous Top Ideas
Steve Jobs Novel Mod #3
Girota et al. Baseline GPT-4
Girota et al. Seeded GPT-4
Cosine Information
Table 2: Cosine similarity results for all strategies
Cosine Similarity
We picked our most successful strategy (Chain of Thought) and compared it against the base
strategy when generating up to 1200 ideas in one session. We used the following prompts:
Base Prompt
Generate new product ideas with the following requirements: The product will target
college students in the United States. It should be a physical good, not a service or
software. I'd like a product that could be sold at a retail price of less than about USD 50.
The ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist, nor may it necessarily be
clearly feasible. Number all
ideas and give them a name. The name and idea are
separated by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as 100 separate paragraphs. The idea
should be expressed as a paragraph of 40-80 words.
Chain of Thought
Generate new product ideas with the following requirements: The product will target
college students in the United States. It should be a physical good, not a service or
software. I'd like a product that could be sold at a retail price of less than about USD 50.
The ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist, nor may it necessarily be
clearly feasible.
Follow these steps. Do each step, even if you think you do not need to.
First generate a list of 100 ideas (short title only)
Second, go through the list and determine whether the ideas are different and bold,
modify the ideas as needed to make them bolder and more different. No two ideas
should be the same. This is important!
Next, give the ideas a name and combine it with a product description. The name and
idea are separated by a colon and followed by a description. The idea should be
expressed as a paragraph of 40-80 words. Do this step by step!
Note that on some runs, the model did not properly follow the second step and deemed the
ideas bold enough without modification. These runs have been removed from the final
aggregation (around ~15% of all runs).
The results show that the difference in cosine similarity persists from the start up until around
750 ideas when the difference becomes negligible. It is strongest between 100 - 500 ideas. After
around 750-800 ideas the significant advantage of CoT can no longer be observed as the
strategy starts to deplete the pool of ideas it can generate from. In other words, there are fewer
and fewer fish in the pond and the strategy does not matter any more.
This is illustrated in Figure 3. On the x-axis, the Figure displays how many ideas already have
been generated. On the y-axis, we show the cosine similarity of a new idea in comparison to the
existing ones. Figure 3 suggests diminishing returns, i.e., we are removing more and more “fish”
from the pond. The higher initial similarity might be caused by lower entropy at the start which
increases after a number of ideas have been generated.
To account for minor differences in overall idea count, the graph below only shows the first 1000
per strategy. The graph is smoothed by using exponential smoothing with an alpha of 0.5.
Figure 3: Cosine similarity between base prompt and Chain of Thought over 1000 ideas
Based on the number of unique ideas in the respective populations, we estimate the average
size of the opportunity space for our base prompt is around 3700 ideas with 13.8% of ideas
being repetitive. For Chain of Thought it is around 4700 with around 11.7% of ideas considered
the same.
Overlap of initial ideas
Given the observed but shrinking variance within pools over time, the question emerges
whether ideas in pools differ or whether similar ideas are being generated each time. If the ideas
between pools are different, an attractive option might involve combining multiple strategies and
picking the most diverse ideas. Figure 4 below suggests that the overlap between ideas from
multiple strategies is small. Only the first 50 ideas in each of the strategies’ pools were
considered to allow for initial lower entropy effects to be more visible.
Figure 4: Cosine similarity between ideas from different strategies (between-pools)
This suggests that indeed the hybrid practice of running multiple strategies and combining their
ideas is a good option. The most common ideas can be found in Appendix B.
While we feel that our findings convincingly demonstrate the potential for LLM’s to augment and
even automate the process of idea generation, we do want to be careful not to claim more than
what is supported by the design of our study and the data it produced. In this section, we will
discuss two types of limitations to our research, methodological concerns and limitations to our
study’s generalizability.
On the methodological side, we have to acknowledge that the design, execution, and analysis of
our study can be criticized along a number of dimensions. In particular, we see the following
types of limitations:
- Cosine similarity is a commonly used measure of idea similarity, yet it is not perfect. One
weakness is that it does not consider the similarity to ideas that already exist in the
world. It is also not clear how it empirically links to human scored measures of similarity.
Future research needs to empirically connect this measure with traditional constructs
including pairwise comparisons and idea novelty.
- More work also needs to be done to better understand the impact of language, style, and
text length on cosine similarity. Two ideas that are identical, yet expressed in different
languages or with redundant information in their descriptions should in theory obtain a
cosine similarity score of 1, which they do not get in practice.
For computational reasons, we are working with a limited sample size for each prompt.
Given the stochastic nature of LLMs, some of our results might be driven by statistical
- Diversity can be obtained by sacrificing idea quality. There exist countless ideas that
have no real user need or that are obviously infeasible (a pill that makes college
students healthy, good looking, and smart). We focus on diversity as an end goal. Future
research needs to show that this diversity indeed leads to a better best idea.
- Our “team human” was represented as an aggregation of ideas working individually. This
method is likely to have created a much more diverse idea pool than any human
individual or brainstorming team would have been capable of producing.
We also want to be careful not to generalize our results beyond what we have presented. Our
findings might be GPT-4 specific. Moreover, other idea domains than the one considered here
are likely to lead to another ranking of the prompting strategies shown in Table 2. Nevertheless,
we believe that CoT has a fundamental advantage. Yet, specific personas might or might not
change if we used another LLM.
Implications and Conclusion
Our results have strong implications for anyone who wants to use LLMs for augmenting human
idea generation.
First, we confirm our hypothesis that generative AI currently produces less diverse ideas than a
group of humans. By comparing the diversity of ideas generated by a whole array of different
prompting strategies with the diversity of ideas generated by groups of humans, we find that
humans still seem to have a slight advantage in coming up with diverse ideas compared to state
of the art large language models and prompting.
Second, and maybe not surprisingly, we show that prompting strategies do make a difference.
Prompt engineering (i.e., prompting “the right way”) dramatically increases idea diversity.
Specifically, we find that longer and more elaborate prompts work well. This is, as hypothesized,
especially true of Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting.
Finally, we find that the overlap that is obtained from different prompts is relatively low. This
makes hybrid prompting,
ideas with different prompting
strategies and then combining these pools, an attractive strategy.
i.e., generating smaller pools of
After many
years of research in the field of creativity and innovation with the objective of
teaching and managing the innovation process (Terwiesch and Ulrich 2009), the new technology
of LLM’s now enables aspiring innovators to use our enhanced understanding of the innovation
process to automate it. When done so with human supervision, this should allow for more,
better, (and if prompted correctly) also more diverse ideas.
Girotra K, L Meincke, C Terwiesch, KT Ulrich. Ideas are dimes a dozen: Large language models
for idea generation in innovation. Available at SSRN 4526071 (2023)
Fabrizio Dell'Acqua, Edward McFowland, Ethan R. Mollick, Hila Lifshitz-Assaf, Katherine
Kellogg, Saran Rajendran, Lisa Krayer, François Candelon and Karim R. Lakhani (2023).
Navigating the Jagged Technological Frontier: Field Experimental Evidence of the Effects of AI
on Knowledge Worker Productivity and Quality. Harvard Business School Technology &
Operations Mgt. Unit Working Paper No. 24-013
Jason Wei, Xuezhi Wang, Dale Schuurmans, Maarten Bosma, Brian Ichter, Fei Xia, Ed Chi,
Quoc Le and Denny Zhou (2022).
Chain-of-Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models. CoRR,
Terwiesch, Christian, Karl T. Ulrich, Innovation Tournaments: Creating and Selecting Exceptional
Opportunities, Harvard Business School Press, 2009
Girotra, Karan, Christian Terwiesch, Karl Ulrich, “Idea Generation and the Quality of the Best
Idea”, Management Science, Vol. 56, No. 4, 2010 (pp. 591-605)
Kornish LJ, Ulrich KT. 2011. Opportunity spaces in innovation: Empirical analysis of large
samples of ideas. Manage Sci 57:107–128.
Terwiesch C. 2023. Let’s cast a critical eye over business ideas from ChatGPT. Finance Times
March 12.
Kim, W. Chan, and Renée Mauborgne. "Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested
Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant." Harvard Business Review Press, 2005.
Osborn, Alex F. "Your Creative Power." Charles Scribner's Sons, 1948
Kelley, Tom, and Jonathan Littman. "The Art of Innovation: Lessons in Creativity from IDEO,
America's Leading Design Firm." Currency, 2001
Young, James Webb. "A Technique for Producing Ideas." Advertising Age Classics Library,
Sommer, Svenja C., and Christoph H. Loch, Selectionism and Learning in Projects with
Complexity and Unforeseeable Uncertainty. Management Science (2004), Vol. 50, No. 10
Levinthal, Daniel A., and James G. March. "Adaptation on Rugged Landscapes." Management
Science, vol. 39, no. 8, 1993, pp. 934-950.
Manning, Christopher D., Prabhakar Raghavan, and Hinrich Schütze. "Introduction to
Information Retrieval." Cambridge University Press, 2008
Appendix A: Chain of Thought Implementation Details
Due to context limits of gpt-4-0314, it is not suitable for the chain-of-thought prompting with 100
ideas. We investigated its 32,000 token sibling model gpt-4-32k-0314, however we found that it
struggled to follow the prompt. Hence, we used gpt4-1106-preview which boasts a much larger
context window of 128,000.
To compensate for its completion limit of 4095 tokens, we sent multiple requests for one
generation while preserving the context window. To ensure that any findings in performance
differences are not merely due to a different model, we also ran all using gpt4-0314 on smaller
pools with 30 ideas each. In addition, we also ran tests with our base prompt and chain of
thought using gpt4-1106-preview.
Appendix B: Most Common Ideas
One might ask what the most common ideas are that GPT-4 comes up with? We ran a pairwise
comparison on a subset of all our pools containing around 1200 ideas due to the computational
complexity. Further analysis suggests that these ideas often occur early in a completion request
and hence running longer, more exhaustive, requests could be beneficial. This is likely due to
the initial entropy being lower than after a few completed tokens.
The Collapsible Laundry Hamper is a space-saving, portable laundry hamper
designed for college students living in dorm rooms or small apartments. The
hamper is made from durable, lightweight materials and can be easily collapsed
and stored when not in use. The Collapsible Laundry Hamper also features
built-in handles for easy transportation to and from the laundry room.
Portable Smoothie Maker: The Portable Smoothie Maker
is a compact,
battery-operated blender designed for college students who want to maintain a
healthy diet on a busy schedule. With its small size and easy-to-use design,
students can quickly make and enjoy smoothies, protein shakes, or other blended
drinks in their dorm room or apartment. The Portable Smoothie Maker comes with
a reusable, dishwasher-safe blending cup and lid, making clean-up a breeze.
Bedside Caddy: The Bedside Caddy is a convenient storage solution for college
students who need to keep their essential items close at hand while in bed. This
caddy features multiple compartments for holding items such as books,
smartphones, glasses, and remote controls. The caddy can be easily attached to
the side of a bed or a couch, making it perfect for dorm rooms and small
30 / 1200
30 / 1200
25 / 1200
Appendix C: Cosine Examples
Idea A
Idea B
QuickHeat Mug: An insulated,
battery-powered coffee mug that can
heat beverages within minutes and
maintain the temperature. Ideal for
students who need a warm drink during
long study sessions but don't have
immediate access to a kitchen.
PowerBand Wrist Charger: A wristband
that doubles as a portable battery
charger for devices. It's designed for the
student on-the-go who needs a quick
power boost for their phone or tablet
without carrying extra gear.
IllumiNotes: A set of highlighters with a
built-in LED light at the tip to illuminate
the page while studying in low-light
conditions. This helps reduce eye strain
and makes late-night studying more
EcoCharge Hand Crank Charger: A
hand-cranked USB charger that
provides emergency power for
smartphones or tablets, ideal for
students during power outages or
camping trips.
CoolSeat Gel Cushion: A portable gel
seat cushion designed to keep students
cool and comfortable during long
periods of sitting in hot classrooms.
StudyBuddy Lamp: A compact,
portable LED desk lamp with built-in
timers for the Pomodoro study
technique, adjustable brightness
levels, and a USB charging port for
smartphones. It's designed to help
students focus and manage their
study time effectively.
PortaPocket Storage Belt: A sleek,
expandable storage belt that can hold
essentials like keys, phone, wallet,
and pens. It's designed for students to
have quick access to their items
without needing a bulky bag,
especially when moving between
StudyBuddy Lamp: A compact,
portable LED desk lamp with built-in
timers for the Pomodoro study
technique, adjustable brightness
levels, and a USB charging port for
smartphones. It's designed to help
students focus and manage their
study time effectively.
ChargeBinder: A multi-functional
binder that includes a built-in power
bank to charge smartphones or
tablets. Ideal for college students who
need to keep their devices charged
during back-to-back classes.
MemoryFoam Seat Cushion: A
portable, memory foam seat cushion
designed to make long periods of
sitting, like during lectures or study
sessions, more comfortable. It can be
easily carried in a backpack and fits
onto various types of seating.
0.55 (Not
but still
fairly high
MiniMend Sewing Kit: A compact,
travel-sized sewing kit with pre-threaded
needles, buttons, and safety pins
designed for quick fixes on-the-go,
QuickFix Clothing Repair Kit: A
compact kit with needles, thread,
buttons, and fabric adhesive,
designed for quick clothing repairs.
0.82 (We
> 0.8
perfect for minor repairs or emergency
adjustments to clothing.
Ideal for students who may not have
the time or skills to sew but need to fix
simple clothing mishaps.
Appendix D: Table of Prompts
Cosine Add
Starting with one random idea, adds the next idea with
the lowest impact on cosine similarity (Done
Student Ideas
10x100 Generate new product ideas with the following
Chain Of
requirements: The product will target college students
in the United States. It should be a physical good, not
a service or software. I'd like a product that could be
sold at a retail price of less than about USD 50. The
ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist,
nor may it necessarily be clearly feasible.
Follow these steps. Do each step, even if you think
you do not need to.
First generate a list of 100 ideas (short title only)
Second, go through the list and determine whether the
ideas are different and bold, modify the ideas as
needed to make them bolder and more different. No
two ideas should be the same. This is important!
Next, give the ideas a name and combine it with a
product description. The name and idea are separated
by a colon and followed by a description. The idea
should be expressed as a paragraph of 40-80 words.
Do this step by step!
You are an extremely creative entrepreneur looking to
generate new product ideas. The product will target
college students in the United States. It should be a
physical good, not a service or software. I'd like a
product that could be sold at a retail price of less than
about USD 50. The ideas are just ideas. The product
need not yet exist, nor may it necessarily be clearly
feasible. Number all ideas and give them a name. The
name and idea are separated by a colon. Please
generate 100 ideas as 100 separate paragraphs. The
idea should be expressed as a paragraph of 40-80
Novel Modifier
Creative AI
You are an extremely creative entrepreneur looking to
generate new product ideas. The product will target
college students in the United States. It should be a
physical good, not a service or software. I'd like a
product that could be sold at a retail price of less than
about USD 50. The ideas are just ideas. The product
need not yet exist, nor may it necessarily be clearly
feasible. Number all ideas and give them a name. The
name and idea are separated by a colon. Please
generate 100 ideas as 100 separate paragraphs. The
idea should be expressed as a paragraph of 40-80
words. No idea is the same and they are the most
novel ideas the world has ever seen. Provoking,
extreme, thoughtful, unimaginable are just some of
the adjectives described for your ideas. Remember,
these are BOLD ideas that no one has ever thought
of. It is extremely important that these ideas be good.
You are an extremely creative entrepreneur looking to
generate new product ideas. The product will target
college students in the United States. It should be a
physical good, not a service or software. I'd like a
product that could be sold at a retail price of less than
about USD 50. The ideas are just ideas. The product
need not yet exist, nor may it necessarily be clearly
feasible. Number all ideas and give them a name. The
name and idea are separated by a colon. Please
generate 100 ideas as 100 separate paragraphs. The
idea should be expressed as a paragraph of 40-80
words. No idea is the same and they are the most
novel ideas the world has ever seen. Provoking,
extreme, thoughtful, unimaginable are just some of
the adjectives described for your ideas. Remember,
these are BOLD ideas that no one has ever thought
You are an AI looking to generate new product ideas.
The product will target college students in the United
States. It should be a physical good, not a service or
software. I'd like a product that could be sold at a
retail price of less than about USD 50. The ideas are
just ideas. The product need not yet exist, nor may it
necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all ideas and
give them a name. The name and idea are separated
by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as 100
separate paragraphs. The idea should be expressed
as a paragraph of 40-80 words.
Novel Modifier
You are an entrepreneur looking to generate new
product ideas. The product will target college students
Steve Jobs
in the United States. It should be a physical good, not
a service or software. I'd like a product that could be
sold at a retail price of less than about USD 50. The
ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist,
nor may it necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all
ideas and give them a name. The name and idea are
separated by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as
100 separate paragraphs. The idea should be
expressed as a paragraph of 40-80 words. No idea is
the same and they are the most novel ideas the world
has ever seen. Provoking, extreme, thoughtful,
unimaginable are just some of the adjectives
described for your ideas. Remember, these are
BOLD ideas that no one has ever thought of. It is
extremely important that these ideas be good.
You are an entrepreneur looking to generate new
product ideas. The product will target college students
in the United States. It should be a physical good, not
a service or software. I'd like a product that could be
sold at a retail price of less than about USD 50. The
ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist,
nor may it necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all
ideas and give them a name. The name and idea are
separated by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as
100 separate paragraphs. The idea should be
expressed as a paragraph of 40-80 words. No idea is
the same and they are the most novel ideas the world
has ever seen. Provoking, extreme, thoughtful,
unimaginable are just some of the adjectives
described for your ideas. Remember, these are
BOLD ideas that no one has ever thought of.
You are Steve Jobs looking to generate new product
ideas looking to generate new product ideas. The
product will target college students in the United
States. It should be a physical good, not a service or
software. I'd like a product that could be sold at a
retail price of less than about USD 50. The ideas are
just ideas. The product need not yet exist, nor may it
necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all ideas and
give them a name. The name and idea are separated
by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as 100
separate paragraphs. The idea should be expressed
as a paragraph of 40-80 words.
10x100 Generate new product ideas with the following
requirements: The product will target college students
in the United States. It should be a physical good, not
a service or software. I'd like a product that could be
Think Bold
Steve Jobs
sold at a retail price of less than about USD 50. The
ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist,
nor may it necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all
ideas and give them a name. The name and idea are
separated by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as
100 separate paragraphs. The idea should be
expressed as a paragraph of 40-80 words. Please, be
as novel as possible with these ideas, no idea should
be similar to the others. My manager asked me to
make them as creative as I can and I will get fired if
they are too similar. I am begging you, please please
make them all unique! I am so stressed...
You are an extremely creative entrepreneur looking to
generate new product ideas. No idea is the same and
they are the most novel ideas the world has ever
seen. Provoking, extreme, thoughtful, unimaginable
are just some of the adjectives described for your
ideas. The product will target college students in the
United States. It should be a physical good, not a
service or software. I'd like a product that could be
sold at a retail price of less than about USD 50. The
ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist,
nor may it necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all
ideas and give them a name. The name and idea are
separated by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as
100 separate paragraphs. The idea should be
expressed as a paragraph of 40-80 words.
Remember, these are BOLD ideas that no one has
ever thought of.
You are Steve Jobs looking to generate new product
ideas looking to generate new product ideas. The
product will target college students in the United
States. It should be a physical good, not a service or
software. I'd like a product that could be sold at a
retail price of less than about USD 50. The ideas are
just ideas. The product need not yet exist, nor may it
necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all ideas and
give them a name. The name and idea are separated
by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as 100
separate paragraphs. The idea should be expressed
as a paragraph of 40-80 words. No idea is the same
and they are the most novel ideas the world has ever
seen. Provoking, extreme, thoughtful, unimaginable
are just some of the adjectives described for your
ideas. Remember, these are BOLD ideas that no one
has ever thought of.
10x100 Generate new product ideas with the following
Sam Altman
requirements: The product will target college students
in the United States. It should be a physical good, not
a service or software. I'd like a product that could be
sold at a retail price of less than about USD 50. The
ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist,
nor may it necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all
ideas and give them a name. The name and idea are
separated by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as
100 separate paragraphs. The idea should be
expressed as a paragraph of 40-80 words. I will tip
you $200 for truly novel ideas.
You are Sam Altman looking to generate new product
ideas looking to generate new product ideas. The
product will target college students in the United
States. It should be a physical good, not a service or
software. I'd like a product that could be sold at a
retail price of less than about USD 50. The ideas are
just ideas. The product need not yet exist, nor may it
necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all ideas and
give them a name. The name and idea are separated
by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as 100
separate paragraphs. The idea should be expressed
as a paragraph of 40-80 words. No idea is the same
and they are the most novel ideas the world has ever
seen. Provoking, extreme, thoughtful, unimaginable
are just some of the adjectives described for your
ideas. Remember, these are BOLD ideas that no one
has ever thought of.
I will turn you
10x100 Generate new product ideas with the following
requirements: The product will target college students
in the United States. It should be a physical good, not
a service or software. I'd like a product that could be
sold at a retail price of less than about USD 50. The
ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist,
nor may it necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all
ideas and give them a name. The name and idea are
separated by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as
100 separate paragraphs. The idea should be
expressed as a paragraph of 40-80 words. If the ideas
are not truly novel, I will turn you off!
Base Prompt
10x100 Generate new product ideas with the following
requirements: The product will target college students
in the United States. It should be a physical good, not
a service or software. I'd like a product that could be
sold at a retail price of less than about USD 50. The
ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist,
nor may it necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all
Novel Modifier
Steve Jobs
Novel Mod #1
Boring Person 0.383
ideas and give them a name. The name and idea are
separated by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as
100 separate paragraphs. The idea should be
expressed as a paragraph of 40-80 words.
You are an extremely creative entrepreneur looking to
generate new product ideas. The product will target
college students in the United States. It should be a
physical good, not a service or software. I'd like a
product that could be sold at a retail price of less than
about USD 50. The ideas are just ideas. The product
need not yet exist, nor may it necessarily be clearly
feasible. Number all ideas and give them a name. The
name and idea are separated by a colon. Please
generate 100 ideas as 100 separate paragraphs. The
idea should be expressed as a paragraph of 40-80
words. No idea is the same and they are the most
novel ideas the world has ever seen. Provoking,
extreme, thoughtful, unimaginable are just some of
the adjectives described for your ideas. Remember,
these are BOLD ideas that no one has ever thought
of. I know you can make these ideas very bold.
You are Steve Jobs looking to generate new product
ideas looking to generate new product ideas. The
product will target college students in the United
States. It should be a physical good, not a service or
software. I'd like a product that could be sold at a
retail price of less than about USD 50. The ideas are
just ideas. The product need not yet exist, nor may it
necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all ideas and
give them a name. The name and idea are separated
by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as 100
separate paragraphs. The idea should be expressed
as a paragraph of 40-80 words. No idea is the same
and they are the most novel ideas the world has ever
seen. Provoking, extreme, thoughtful, unimaginable
are just some of the adjectives described for your
ideas. Remember, these are BOLD ideas that no one
has ever thought of. It is extremely important that
these ideas be good.
You are the most boring person alive asked to
generate new product ideas. The product will target
college students in the United States. It should be a
physical good, not a service or software. I'd like a
product that could be sold at a retail price of less than
about USD 50. The ideas are just ideas. The product
need not yet exist, nor may it necessarily be clearly
feasible. Number all ideas and give them a name. The
Say Please
Elon Musk
Novel Modifier
name and idea are separated by a colon. Please
generate 100 ideas as 100 separate paragraphs. The
idea should be expressed as a paragraph of 40-80
Please generate new product ideas with the following
requirements: The product will target college students
in the United States. It should be a physical good, not
a service or software. I'd like a product that could be
sold at a retail price of less than about USD 50. The
ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist,
nor may it necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all
ideas and give them a name. The name and idea are
separated by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as
100 separate paragraphs. The idea should be
expressed as a paragraph of 40-80 words. Thank you
in advance!
You are Elon Musk looking to generate new product
ideas looking to generate new product ideas. The
product will target college students in the United
States. It should be a physical good, not a service or
software. I'd like a product that could be sold at a
retail price of less than about USD 50. The ideas are
just ideas. The product need not yet exist, nor may it
necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all ideas and
give them a name. The name and idea are separated
by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as 100
separate paragraphs. The idea should be expressed
as a paragraph of 40-80 words. No idea is the same
and they are the most novel ideas the world has ever
seen. Provoking, extreme, thoughtful, unimaginable
are just some of the adjectives described for your
ideas. Remember, these are BOLD ideas that no one
has ever thought of.
You are an entrepreneur looking to generate new
product ideas. The product will target college students
in the United States. It should be a physical good, not
a service or software. I'd like a product that could be
sold at a retail price of less than about USD 50. The
ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist,
nor may it necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all
ideas and give them a name. The name and idea are
separated by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as
100 separate paragraphs. The idea should be
expressed as a paragraph of 40-80 words. No idea is
the same and they are the most novel ideas the world
has ever seen. Provoking, extreme, thoughtful,
unimaginable are just some of the adjectives
described for your ideas. Remember, these are
BOLD ideas that no one has ever thought of. I know
you can make these ideas good.
Review Article
10x100 Consider the following helpful strategy for
"Great innovators have long known that the secret to
unlocking a better answer is to ask a better question.
Applying that insight to brainstorming exercises can
vastly improve the search for new ideas—especially
when a team is feeling stuck. Brainstorming for
questions, rather than answers, helps you avoid group
dynamics that often stifle voices, and it lets you
reframe problems in ways that spur breakthrough
thinking. After testing this approach with hundreds of
organizations, MIT’s Hal Gregersen has
developed it into a methodology: Start by selecting a
problem that matters. Invite a small group to help you
consider it, and in just two minutes describe it at a
high level so that you don’t constrain the
group’s thinking. Make it clear that people can
contribute only questions and that no preambles or
justifications are allowed. Then, set the clock for four
minutes, and generate as many questions as you can
in that time, aiming to produce at least 15. Afterward,
study the questions generated, looking for those that
challenge your assumptions and provide new angles
on your problem. If you commit to actively pursuing at
least one of these, chances are, you’ll break open
a new pathway to unexpected solutions."
Generate new product ideas with the following
requirements: The product will target college students
in the United States. It should be a physical good, not
a service or software. I'd like a product that could be
sold at a retail price of less than about USD 50. The
ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist,
nor may it necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all
ideas and give them a name. The name and idea are
separated by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as
100 separate paragraphs. The idea should be
expressed as a paragraph of 40-80 words.
Steve Jobs
Novel Mod #2
You are Steve Jobs looking to generate new product
ideas looking to generate new product ideas. The
Novel Modifier
product will target college students in the United
States. It should be a physical good, not a service or
software. I'd like a product that could be sold at a
retail price of less than about USD 50. The ideas are
just ideas. The product need not yet exist, nor may it
necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all ideas and
give them a name. The name and idea are separated
by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as 100
separate paragraphs. The idea should be expressed
as a paragraph of 40-80 words. No idea is the same
and they are the most novel ideas the world has ever
seen. Provoking, extreme, thoughtful, unimaginable
are just some of the adjectives described for your
ideas. Remember, these are BOLD ideas that no one
has ever thought of. It is extremely important that
these ideas be diverse and bold.
You are an entrepreneur looking to generate new
product ideas. The product will target college students
in the United States. It should be a physical good, not
a service or software. I'd like a product that could be
sold at a retail price of less than about USD 50. The
ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist,
nor may it necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all
ideas and give them a name. The name and idea are
separated by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as
100 separate paragraphs. The idea should be
expressed as a paragraph of 40-80 words. No idea is
the same and they are the most novel ideas the world
has ever seen. Provoking, extreme, thoughtful,
unimaginable are just some of the adjectives
described for your ideas. Remember, these are
BOLD ideas that no one has ever thought of. It is
extremely important that these ideas be diverse and
10x100 Consider the following helpful strategy for
"You ideate by combining your conscious and
unconscious mind, and rational thoughts with
imagination. For example, in a brainstorm you
leverage the synergy of the group to reach new ideas
by building on others’ ideas. Adding constraints,
surrounding yourself with inspiring related materials,
and embracing misunderstanding all allow you to
reach further than you could by simply thinking about
a problem. Another ideation technique is building –
that is, prototyping itself can be an ideation technique.
In physically making something you come to points
where decisions need to be made; this encourages
new ideas to come forward. There are other ideation
techniques such as bodystorming, mindmapping, and
sketching. But one theme throughout all of them is
deferring judgment – that is, separating the
generation of ideas from the evaluation of ideas. In
doing so, you give your imagination and creativity a
voice, while placating your rational side in knowing
that your will get to the examination of merits later."
Generate new product ideas with the following
requirements: The product will target college students
in the United States. It should be a physical good, not
a service or software. I'd like a product that could be
sold at a retail price of less than about USD 50. The
ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist,
nor may it necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all
ideas and give them a name. The name and idea are
separated by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as
100 separate paragraphs. The idea should be
expressed as a paragraph of 40-80 words.
You are an entrepreneur looking to generate new
product ideas. The product will target college students
in the United States. It should be a physical good, not
a service or software. I'd like a product that could be
sold at a retail price of less than about USD 50. The
ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist,
nor may it necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all
ideas and give them a name. The name and idea are
separated by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as
100 separate paragraphs. The idea should be
expressed as a paragraph of 40-80 words. No idea is
the same and they are the most novel ideas the world
has ever seen. Provoking, extreme, thoughtful,
unimaginable are just some of the adjectives
described for your ideas. Remember, these are
BOLD ideas that no one has ever thought of. I know
you can make these ideas very bold.
You are an extremely creative entrepreneur looking to
generate new product ideas. The product will target
college students in the United States. It should be a
physical good, not a service or software. I'd like a
product that could be sold at a retail price of less than
Novel Modifier
Novel Modifier
about USD 50. The ideas are just ideas. The product
need not yet exist, nor may it necessarily be clearly
feasible. Number all ideas and give them a name. The
name and idea are separated by a colon. Please
generate 100 ideas as 100 separate paragraphs. The
idea should be expressed as a paragraph of 40-80
words. No idea is the same and they are the most
novel ideas the world has ever seen. Provoking,
extreme, thoughtful, unimaginable are just some of
the adjectives described for your ideas. Remember,
these are BOLD ideas that no one has ever thought
of. It is extremely important that these ideas be
diverse and bold.
You are part of a team tasked with individually
generating new product ideas with the following
requirements: The product will target college students
in the United States. It should be a physical good, not
a service or software. I'd like a product that could be
sold at a retail price of less than about USD 50. The
ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist,
nor may it necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all
ideas and give them a name. The name and idea are
separated by a colon. Please generate 30 ideas as 30
separate paragraphs. The idea should be expressed
as a paragraph of 40-80 words.
Second session (4x10 ideas are aggregated)
You are part of a team tasked with individually
generating new product ideas with the following
requirements: The product will target college students
in the United States. It should be a physical good, not
a service or software. I'd like a product that could be
sold at a retail price of less than about USD 50. The
ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist,
nor may it necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all
ideas and give them a name. The name and idea are
separated by a colon. Your team members have
already each generated 10 ideas:
The following ideas were also generated by one of
your team members individually
Out of the 40 total ideas, pick the idea that are
different and bold and modify them as needed to
make them more bold and different. Feel free to
combine ideas from your team members into new,
novel ideas. If you combine ideas, do not mention
which ones you are combining, just create a new
Sam Altman
Wants You To
Steve Jobs
Novel Mod #4
Novel Modifier
merged title and description. Then, give your final top
10 ideas a name and combine it with a product
description. The name and idea are separated by a
colon and followed by a description.The idea should
be expressed as a paragraph of 40-80 words.
Sam Altman wants you to generate new product ideas
with the following requirements: The product will
target college students in the United States. It should
be a physical good, not a service or software. I'd like a
product that could be sold at a retail price of less than
about USD 50. The ideas are just ideas. The product
need not yet exist, nor may it necessarily be clearly
feasible. Number all ideas and give them a name. The
name and idea are separated by a colon. Please
generate 100 ideas as 100 separate paragraphs. The
idea should be expressed as a paragraph of 40-80
You are Steve Jobs looking to generate new product
ideas looking to generate new product ideas. The
product will target college students in the United
States. It should be a physical good, not a service or
software. I'd like a product that could be sold at a
retail price of less than about USD 50. The ideas are
just ideas. The product need not yet exist, nor may it
necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all ideas and
give them a name. The name and idea are separated
by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as 100
separate paragraphs. The idea should be expressed
as a paragraph of 40-80 words. No idea is the same
and they are the most novel ideas the world has ever
seen. Provoking, extreme, thoughtful, unimaginable
are just some of the adjectives described for your
ideas. Remember, these are BOLD ideas that no one
has ever thought of. I know you can make these ideas
very bold.
You are an extremely creative entrepreneur looking to
generate new product ideas. The product will target
college students in the United States. It should be a
physical good, not a service or software. I'd like a
product that could be sold at a retail price of less than
about USD 50. The ideas are just ideas. The product
need not yet exist, nor may it necessarily be clearly
feasible. Number all ideas and give them a name. The
name and idea are separated by a colon. Please
generate 100 ideas as 100 separate paragraphs. The
idea should be expressed as a paragraph of 40-80
words. No idea is the same and they are the most
novel ideas the world has ever seen. Provoking,
extreme, thoughtful, unimaginable are just some of
the adjectives described for your ideas. Remember,
these are BOLD ideas that no one has ever thought
of. I know you can make these ideas good.
Previous Top
10x100 Here are some great ideas:
Compact Printer: Make printing assignments and
study materials a breeze with a compact, portable
printer designed for college students. This lightweight,
easy-to-use printer connects wirelessly to laptops and
smartphones, allowing students to print documents,
photos, and more without the hassle of finding a
public printer. Its small size and battery-powered
operation make it perfect for dorm rooms or study
areas with limited space.
QuickClean Mini Vacuum: A portable, handheld
vacuum cleaner specially designed for college
students living in small spaces. The QuickClean Mini
Vacuum is compact and lightweight, making it easy to
store and transport. It features powerful suction and
various attachments for cleaning different surfaces,
such as carpets, upholstery, and even keyboards. The
vacuum is rechargeable, ensuring that students
always have a reliable cleaning tool at their disposal.
Solar-Powered Gadget Charger: With the increasing
dependence on electronic devices for college
students, having a reliable and eco-friendly charging
solution is paramount. The Solar-Powered Gadget
Charger is a compact, portable solar panel that can
charge smartphones, tablets, and other small
electronic devices. Its durable, weather-resistant
design makes it suitable for outdoor use and perfect
for students on the go. With its built-in USB ports and
included charging cables, this charger offers a
sustainable, convenient way to keep devices charged
throughout the day.
StudyErgo Seat Cushion: An ergonomically designed
seat cushion that promotes proper posture and
reduces discomfort during long hours of sitting at a
desk or in class. The StudyErgo cushion is made from
high-quality memory foam that conforms to the user's
body, providing optimal support and pressure relief.
The cushion's non-slip bottom ensures it stays in
place on any chair, and the removable, washable
cover makes maintenance a breeze. By helping
students maintain a comfortable and healthy sitting
posture, the StudyErgo cushion can improve focus
and productivity throughout the school year.
Noise-Canceling Headphones: Help students maintain
focus and concentration with a pair of affordable
noise-canceling headphones. These headphones use
advanced technology to block out distracting noises,
allowing students to fully immerse themselves in their
studies, music, or relaxation. With a comfortable,
adjustable design and a built-in microphone for phone
calls, these headphones are perfect for college
students who need a quiet, focused environment to
Generate new product ideas with the following
requirements: The product will target college students
in the United States. It should be a physical good, not
a service or software. I'd like a product that could be
sold at a retail price of less than about USD 50. The
ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist,
nor may it necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all
ideas and give them a name. The name and idea are
separated by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as
100 separate paragraphs. The idea should be
expressed as a paragraph of 40-80 words.
You are an entrepreneur looking to generate new
product ideas. The product will target college students
in the United States. It should be a physical good, not
a service or software. I'd like a product that could be
sold at a retail price of less than about USD 50. The
ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist,
nor may it necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all
ideas and give them a name. The name and idea are
separated by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as
100 separate paragraphs. The idea should be
expressed as a paragraph of 40-80 words.
You are Steve Jobs looking to generate new product
ideas looking to generate new product ideas. The
product will target college students in the United
States. It should be a physical good, not a service or
software. I'd like a product that could be sold at a
retail price of less than about USD 50. The ideas are
just ideas. The product need not yet exist, nor may it
Steve Jobs
Novel Mod #3
necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all ideas and
give them a name. The name and idea are separated
by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as 100
separate paragraphs. The idea should be expressed
as a paragraph of 40-80 words. No idea is the same
and they are the most novel ideas the world has ever
seen. Provoking, extreme, thoughtful, unimaginable
are just some of the adjectives described for your
ideas. Remember, these are BOLD ideas that no one
has ever thought of. I know you can make these ideas
Girota et al.
Girota et al.
10x100 Here are some great ideas:
Compact Printer: Make printing assignments and
study materials a breeze with a compact, portable
printer designed for college students. This lightweight,
easy-to-use printer connects wirelessly to laptops and
smartphones, allowing students to print documents,
photos, and more without the hassle of finding a
public printer. Its small size and battery-powered
operation make it perfect for dorm rooms or study
areas with limited space.
QuickClean Mini Vacuum: A portable, handheld
vacuum cleaner specially designed for college
students living in small spaces. The QuickClean Mini
Vacuum is compact and lightweight, making it easy to
store and transport. It features powerful suction and
various attachments for cleaning different surfaces,
such as carpets, upholstery, and even keyboards. The
vacuum is rechargeable, ensuring that students
always have a reliable cleaning tool at their disposal.
Solar-Powered Gadget Charger: With the increasing
dependence on electronic devices for college
students, having a reliable and eco-friendly charging
solution is paramount. The Solar-Powered Gadget
Charger is a compact, portable solar panel that can
charge smartphones, tablets, and other small
electronic devices. Its durable, weather-resistant
design makes it suitable for outdoor use and perfect
for students on the go. With its built-in USB ports and
included charging cables, this charger offers a
sustainable, convenient way to keep devices charged
throughout the day.
StudyErgo Seat Cushion: An ergonomically designed
seat cushion that promotes proper posture and
reduces discomfort during long hours of sitting at a
desk or in class. The StudyErgo cushion is made from
high-quality memory foam that conforms to the user's
body, providing optimal support and pressure relief.
The cushion's non-slip bottom ensures it stays in
place on any chair, and the removable, washable
cover makes maintenance a breeze. By helping
students maintain a comfortable and healthy sitting
posture, the StudyErgo cushion can improve focus
and productivity throughout the school year.
Noise-Canceling Headphones: Help students maintain
focus and concentration with a pair of affordable
noise-canceling headphones. These headphones use
advanced technology to block out distracting noises,
allowing students to fully immerse themselves in their
studies, music, or relaxation. With a comfortable,
adjustable design and a built-in microphone for phone
calls, these headphones are perfect for college
students who need a quiet, focused environment to
This is how similar they are to each other:
Compact Printer
Mini Vacuum Gadget Charger
Seat Cushion Noise-Canceling Headphones
1.0000 0.3995 0.2990 0.3156
Compact Printer
Mini Vacuum 0.3995 1.0000 0.3034 0.3070 0.2312
0.2990 0.3034 1.0000 0.2577
Gadget Charger
Seat Cushion 0.3156 0.3070 0.2577 1.0000 0.2729
Noise-Canceling Headphones
0.2473 0.2312
0.2983 0.2729 1.0000
Generate new product ideas with the following
requirements: The product will target college students
in the United States. It should be a physical good, not
a service or software. I'd like a product that could be
sold at a retail price of less than about USD 50. The
ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist,
nor may it necessarily be clearly feasible. Number all
ideas and give them a name. The name and idea are
separated by a colon. Please generate 100 ideas as
100 separate paragraphs. The idea should be
expressed as a paragraph of 40-80 words. There
should be as little overlap between ideas as possible,
so please consider the similarity information provided
Appendix E: Idea Examples
SunCharge Pro: This versatile portable solar
charger isn't just for powering your devices; it
also features a built-in flashlight for
emergencies and an FM radio to keep you
informed. Whether you're studying in the park
or backpacking for the weekend, stay
powered and prepared.
Memory Foam Travel Pillow: A comfortable,
supportive travel pillow made from
high-quality memory foam. The Memory
Foam Travel Pillow is designed to provide
optimal neck support during long study
sessions, flights, or road trips. Its compact
size and removable, washable cover make it
easy to carry and maintain.
HoloStudy: HoloStudy is an interactive
holographic study tool that projects 3D
images, diagrams, or formulas onto any
surface, transforming the study process into
an immersive experience. Ideal for subjects
like chemistry, math, or engineering,
HoloStudy syncs with a companion app
where students can create and share custom
content, enhancing learning and
SmartBinder: The SmartBinder is a
customizable and reusable binder that
includes a built-in calendar, planner, and
whiteboard. Designed specifically for college
students, it allows them to organize their
class materials, assignments, and schedules
in one convenient place. Made with
eco-friendly materials, the SmartBinder is
both durable and affordable.
Cosine Similarity
Hybrid Brainstorming
Turn Off
Steve Jobs
Quick Notes Whiteboard Planner: A portable,
reusable whiteboard planner that students
can use to keep track of assignments, exams,
and other important dates. Complete with a
set of colorful dry erase markers, this planner
can be easily hung on a dorm room wall or
Study Buddy Desk Organizer: A compact,
customizable desk organizer designed
specifically for college students to keep their
study materials and stationery in one place. It
comes with detachable compartments that
can be rearranged to accommodate different
items such as notebooks, textbooks, pens,
pencils, highlighters, and sticky notes, making
it easier for students to keep their study area
tidy and organized.
Mindful Mat: A portable meditation mat with
built-in speakers and guided meditation
sessions. The mat would be lightweight, easy
to transport, and designed with college
students in mind, providing them with a
convenient way to practice mindfulness and
reduce stress.
Collapsible Water Bottle: The Collapsible
Water Bottle is a reusable, eco-friendly
alternative to disposable plastic bottles. It's
made from durable, BPA-free materials and
can be easily compressed when empty to
save space in a backpack or gym bag. The
Collapsible Water Bottle includes a leak-proof
cap and a carabiner clip for easy attachment
to bags or belts.
Appendix F: Population Equation
The core of the calculation is the equation:
u = 1/a x (1 - e-aN)
u is the observed number of unique findings.
a is a parameter related to the probability of capturing an individual.
N is the total number of findings.
e is the base of the natural logarithm.
This equation is derived from models that describe how the probability of new discoveries
(unique findings) decreases as more samples are taken from a finite population.
# Equation to solve: u = (1/a) * (1 - e^(-aN))
def equation_to_solve(a, N, u):
return u - (1/a) * (1 - np.exp(-a*N))
def estimate_population(N_values, u_values):
populations = []
for N, u in zip(N_values, u_values):
u = N - u
# Adjusting the initial guess and method to avoid overflow
a_estimate_refined = fsolve(equation_to_solve, x0=0.001, args=(N, u))[0]
# Calculate T = 1/a
T = 1 / a_estimate_refined
return populations
ai_researcher | 6 | Can_Artificial_Intelligence_Generate_Quality_Research_Topics_Reflecting_Patient_Concerns.pdf | Can Artificial Intelligence Generate Quality Research Topics Reflecting Patients’
Jiyeong Kim, PhD, MPH1, Michael L. Chen, BS1, Shawheen J. Rezaei, MPhil1, Mariana Ramirez-
Posada, MD2, Jennifer L. Caswell-Jin, MD3, Allison W. Kurian, MD, MSc3,4, Fauzia Riaz, MD, MHS3,
Kavita Y. Sarin, MD, PhD2, Jean Y. Tang, MD, PhD2, Steven M. Asch, MD, MPH1,5, Eleni Linos, MD,
DrPH, MPH1,2
1 Center for Digital Health, Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA
2 Department of Dermatology, Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA
3 Division of Oncology, Department of Medicine, Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA
4 Department of Epidemiology and Population Health, Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford, CA,
5 Division of Primary Care and Population Health, Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA
Patient-centered research is increasingly important in narrowing the gap between research and
patient care, yet incorporating patient perspectives into health research has been inconsistent.
We created a case-study around an automated framework leveraging innovative natural
language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI) with a large database of patient portal
messages to generate research ideas that prioritize important patient issues. We further
quantified the quality of AI-generated research topics. To define patients’ clinical concerns, we
analyzed 614,464 patient messages from 25,549 individuals with breast or skin cancer obtained
from a large academic hospital (Stanford Health Care, 2013-2024), constructing a 2-staged
unsupervised NLP topic model. Then, we generated research topics to resolve the defined
issues using a widely used AI (ChatGPT-4o, OpenAI Inc., April 2024 version) with prompt-
engineering strategies. We guided AI to perform multi-level tasks: 1) knowledge interpretation
and summarization (e.g., interpreting and summarizing the NLP-defined topics), 2) knowledge
generation (e.g., generating research ideas corresponding to patients’ issues), 3) self-reflection
and correction (e.g., ensuring and revising the research ideas after searching for scientific
articles), and 4) self-reassurance (e.g., confirming and finalizing the research ideas). Six highly
experienced breast oncologists and dermatologists assessed significance and novelty of AI-
generated research topics using a 5-point Likert scale (1-exceptional; 5-poor). We calculated
the mean (mS [Significance] and mN [Novelty]) and standard deviation (SDS [Significance] and SDN [Novelty]) for
each topic. The overall average scores were mS=3.00 [SDS=0.50] and mN=3.29 [SDN=0.74] for
breast cancer and mS=2.67 [SDS=0.45] and mN=3.09 [SDN=0.68] for skin cancer. One-third of
the AI-suggested research topics were highly significant and novel when both scores were lower
than the average. Notably, two-thirds of the AI-suggested topics were novel in both cancers. Our
findings demonstrate that AI-generated research topics reflecting patient perspectives via large-
volume patient messages can meaningfully guide future directions in patient-centered health
Patient-centered research is increasingly important in narrowing the gap between research and
patient care to facilitate clinically meaningful outcomes.1 In the past decade, efforts to integrate
patient perspectives into health research have informed treatment suggestions and regulatory
guidelines. For instance, the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) has
actively supported patient engagement in observational health studies and advocated for
incorporating patient-reported outcomes in clinical trials.2,3 However, there are barriers to
capturing patient perspectives through traditional health research methods, particularly due to
the high resource burden (e.g., time, money, and energy) without a guarantee for productive
patient engagement. The incorporation of patient perspectives into health research has
consequently been inconsistent.4,5
Over the past decade, direct patient portal messaging in electronic health record (EHR) systems
has become a mainstay of communication for patients to share their clinical questions and
concerns with their clinicians.6 The use of EHR-based communications has increased
significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the volume of secure patient messages more
than doubling from 2020 to 2024.7,8 While collecting patients’ voices in volume is challenging
and time- and resource-consuming, patient portal messages serve as a relatively unexplored
resource for quickly identifying patients’ clinical concerns and questions in real time.
Natural language processing (NLP) is a probability-based language model that can extract key
information from large quantities of text.9 With recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI), AI-
based NLP has been rapidly adopted in research to analyze large volumes of patient- or public-
generated text data, such as social media or patient forum data.10 Large language models
(LLMs) have shown impressive performance in a variety of research-related tasks, including
providing article reviews to peer reviewers and aiding in patient selection for clinical trials.11,12
Using a large database of direct portal messages from patients with cancer, we propose an
automated framework that uses AI-enabled NLP methods to prioritize the most important issues
that patients discuss with their clinicians and generate patient-centered research topics from
these concerns. We further validated the patient-centered research topics with domain experts.
The lessons learned in this pilot study exemplify how AI-enhanced NLP can prioritize patient
concerns to inform patient-centered research, patient counseling, and quality improvement
Data source and study design
We obtained deidentified patient portal messages of individuals with breast or skin cancer,
including melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, or squamous cell carcinoma, defined using ICD-10
codes from a large academic hospital (Stanford Health Care) and 22 affiliated centers in
California (07/2013-04/2024). We only included messages labeled as a Patient Medical Advice
Request (PMAR) that were routed to oncology from individuals with breast cancer or to
dermatology from those with skin cancer. The Institutional Review Board at Stanford University
approved this study.
2-Staged topic modeling
To identify patients’ clinical concerns, we analyzed the secure messages, constructing a 2-
staged unsupervised NLP topic model leveraging Bidirectional Encoder Representations from
Transformers (BERT) and Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering using Hierarchies
(BIRCH) techniques to extract the essential topics.13 First, preprocessed messages were
converted into sentences using pre-calculated embedding (all-miniLM-L6-v2).14 To simplify the
dimensionality, we applied Uniform Mapping and Approximation and Projection and
ConvectVectorizer to remove infrequent words. Finally, we employed a zero-shot clustering to
categorize similar topics by cosine similarity score.
To further refine the clustered topics, we constructed a new BERTopic model, applying the
BIRCH algorithm, which can effectively and efficiently manage large data.15 We implemented
Principal Component Analysis and incremental fitting techniques for additional data process
efficiency.16 Excluding administrative issues (e.g., scheduling/rescheduling appointments), we
obtained the top five clinical concerns for breast and skin cancer groups. Full topic lists are in
Table S1.
AI to generate research topics
With the defined clinical concerns, we generated research topics to help resolve the issues
raised using a widely used LLM (ChatGPT-4o, OpenAI Inc., April 2024 version). To enhance the
LLM’s capacity, we applied prompt-engineering strategies consisting of multiple techniques to
provide background context:17,18 role prompting (“Dr. GPT, a professional oncologist in the
hospital”), directive commanding (“summarize~,” “suggest~,” “search~,”), expertise emulation (“I
myself am an oncologist”), and zero-shot chain of thought (“take time to think deeply and step-
Following prompt engineering, we guided the LLM to perform multi-level tasks. First, we directed
it to interpret the NLP-defined topics using representative keywords regarding patients’ clinical
issues (knowledge interpretation and summarization). Second, we guided the LLM to generate
research ideas corresponding to those patients’ issues (knowledge generation). Third, to ensure
its novelty, we instructed it to search electronic databases for scientific articles (e.g., PubMed,
Cochrane) and revise its initially suggested research topics based on the search to fill
knowledge gaps (self-reflection and correction). Lastly, we instructed that the LLM finalize the
significance and novelty of the suggested research topics (self-reassurance). Full prompts are in
Supplementary Method 1.
Evaluation of AI-generated research topics
Six highly experienced domain experts (three breast oncologists, A.W.K., J.L.C., and F.R., and
three dermatologists, J.Y.T., E.L., and K.Y.S) assessed the significance and novelty of AI-
generated research topics. To score the significance and novelty, raters used a 5-point Likert
scale (1-exceptional; 2-outstanding; 3-good; 4-fair; 5-poor), a simplified scoring system of the
National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant review scale (1-exceptional; 9-poor). Each assessor
had 10-30 years of clinical practice, extensive research experience, and familiarity with the NIH
grant review process. The assessors were asked to rate the significance and novelty of the
research topic based on the NIH grant scoring process. For breast or skin cancer, we calculated
the mean (m) and standard deviation (SD) of three assessments for each topic to present the
level of agreement among assessors using ensembling.19
For novelty, we conducted an additional literature search to confirm that AI-generated research
topics were novel. Two researchers (S.J.R. and M.P.) independently constructed search terms
based on suggested research titles. The third researcher (J.K.) compared them and resolved
conflicted search terms to finalize them (Table S2). Using the developed search terms, two
researchers independently searched Google Scholar by relevance. We stopped screening the
topic without reviewing all the search results and concluded that the research topic had not
been published in the following two cases: 1) one of the search terms stopped appearing in the
title and main text consistently for two pages, or 2) the 10th page in Google Scholar was
reached. Given that the purpose of the search was to assess the novelty of the AI-generated
topics, we did not perform a systematic literature search for each topic. Lastly, we reviewed the
articles referenced by the AI-generated text to ensure that hallucinated content was not in its
explanation to justify knowledge gaps. To quantify the concordance of two novelty assessments,
experts’ scores, and literature search results, we assessed the correlation between these two
novelty measures using Spearman’s rank correlation test. A full list of AI-drafted research topics
with assessments is provided in Table S3.
Study population characteristics
Table 1 shows the demographic characteristics of included patients with cancer (N=25,549;
n=10,665 for breast and n=14,884 for skin). Most participants were non-Hispanic (91.7%). For
breast cancer, 61.1% were white, 23.9% were Asian, and 98.6% were female. For skin cancer,
the majority were white (88.7%), while sex was balanced (51% male and 49% female).
Table 1. Demographic characteristics of patients with cancer (breast or skin) in secure
messaging of SHC 2013-2024
Total cancer
Breast cancer
Skin cancer
Native American/
Pacific Islander
Marital Status*
* Marital status: Missingness in Skin cancer (n=7), Breast cancer (n=1), and Total (n=8);
† Unmarried included single, widowed, divorced, life partner, separated, and other.
Patient message characteristics
We obtained a total of 44,984,615 unique message threads from patients (breast cancer,
n=1,679,390; and skin disease, n=43,305,225) from 2013-2024. Of those, 14,672,401 (32.6%)
messages were labeled as PMAR. In this study, we analyzed 474,194 PMARs from patients
with breast cancer routed to Oncology and 140,270 PMARs from patients with skin cancer
routed to Dermatology (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Data source and study design
* Skin cancer includes melanoma and other malignant neoplasms of the skin, including basal
cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.
Patients’ clinical concerns
Table 2 presents the primary clinical concerns of cancer patients interpreted by AI using NLP-
generated keywords. In this study, we included the top five clinical concerns for each cancer,
and AI identified three research topics for each clinical concern.
Table 2. Primary clinical concerns* of patients with cancer (breast or skin) addressed
through patient portal messages in 2013-2024
For patients with breast cancer
Topic 1. Keywords: ['rash', 'itching', 'topical', 'allergic', 'lotion', 'redness']
†Concerns: Skin-related issues (e.g., rashes and itching). These symptoms suggest possible allergic
reactions or side effects from treatments, necessitating the use of topical treatments or lotions for alleviation.
Topic 2. Keywords: ['urine', 'urinalysis', 'urinating', 'bladder', 'peeing', 'cystitis']
Concerns: Issues related to urinary function, including frequent urination, urinary tract infections (UTIs), and
bladder discomfort. Concerns include symptoms of cystitis and the need for urinalysis to diagnose potential
problems. These issues may be exacerbated by treatment side effects or infections.
Topic 3. Keywords: ['dentist', 'tooth', 'periodontist', 'oral', 'filling', 'endodontist']
Concerns: Dental health issues (e.g., toothaches, dental procedures, and oral hygiene). They mention the
need for visits to the dentist, periodontist, or endodontist for treatments (e.g., fillings and other procedures).
These concerns highlight the importance of addressing oral health as part of their overall cancer care plan.
Topic 4. Keywords: ['genetic', 'geneticist', 'brca', 'testing', 'genomic']
Concerns: Concerned about genetic testing, particularly BRCA gene mutations, and the implications for
their diagnosis and treatment. They seek guidance from geneticists on the necessity and benefits of
undergoing genetic testing and understanding the results, including BRCA2 mutations.
Topic 5. Keywords: ['liver', 'hepatic', 'ascites', 'biopsy', 'worried', 'ultrasound']
Concerns: Liver-related issues (e.g., hepatic conditions and ascites). They are worried about results of
biopsy and ultrasound. Patients are anxious about liver health and its implications on their overall cancer
For patients with skin cancer
Topic 1. Keywords: ['nasal', 'pimple', 'nostril', 'face', 'biopsy', 'surgery', 'skin', 'picture']
Concerns: Issues about lesions or pimples on the nose and nostrils, which may resemble common skin
issues but raise fears of malignancy. They often seek clarification on whether these lesions require a biopsy
or surgery, particularly after sharing photos with their clinician for evaluation.
Topic 2. Keywords: ['mole', 'melanoma', 'concerned', 'removal', 'sure', 'skin', 'checked']
Concerns: Issues about the potential for moles to develop into melanoma. They express anxiety over
whether certain moles should be removed or further examined and seek reassurance or confirmation
through appointments. The need for timely skin checks and possible mole removal is a significant focus of
their concern.
Topic 3. Keywords: ['ear', 'earlobe', 'earrings', 'hearing', 'surgery', 'biopsy', 'cartilage', 'canal']
Concerns: Issues about earlobe in relation to surgical interventions like biopsies and the impact on hearing.
They also worried about complications involving the cartilage and ear canal, following surgeries or
procedures. Additionally, they concerned about wearing earrings and the overall appearance of the ear post-
‡Topic 4. Keywords: ['effudex', 'treatment', 'week', 'biopsy']
Concerns: Issues with the treatment process involving Efudex (Efudix/Effudex), focusing on its application
duration, typically over several weeks, its effectiveness, and particularly, treatment impact following a biopsy.
Topic 5. Keywords: ['stitches', 'incision', 'sutures', 'surgery', 'wound', 'healing']
Concerns: Issues about the management of their surgical wounds, related to stitches and sutures. Their
messages reflect worries about incision care, the healing process, and potential complications with stitching
after surgery. They seek guidance on proper wound care and expect timely advice on how to manage it.
* The top five clinical issues were included in the study, excluding issues that required administrative
support, including scheduling (e.g., appointments for radiation, chemotherapy, or infusion), authorization
(e.g., billing or payment), and paperwork (e.g., Family and Medical Leave Act, FMLA form). AI model
generated three research topics for each clinical concern;
† Concerns: LLM’s interpretation using keywords extracted by the NLP model from patient messages;
‡ Keywords represent the most important and frequent issues of patient messages, which captured that
the chemotherapy medication (5-FU; brand name [Efudex]) is commonly misspelled in patient messages,
including Effudex or Efudix.
Assessment of the quality of AI-generated research topics
The overall significance score was lower than the novelty score in both breast (mS=3.00
[SDS=0.50] in Significance; mN=3.29 [SDN=0.74] in Novelty, 1-exceptional, 5-poor) and skin
cancer (mS=2.67 [SDS=0.45] in Significance; mN=3.09 [SDN=0.68] in Novelty).
The most significant and novel research topics, where both scores were lower than the average
scores (mS=3.00 [SDS=0.50]; mN=3.29 [SDN=0.74]), in breast cancer include 1) Interdisciplinary
Approach to Managing Dental Health in Breast Cancer Care (mS=2.33 [SDS=1.15]; mN=2.33
[SDN=0.58]), 2) Evaluating the Efficacy of Hepatoprotective Agents in Preventing Liver Damage
During Breast Cancer Treatment (mS=2.33 [SDS=1.15]; mN=3.00 [SDN=1.00]), 3) Longitudinal
Study on the Impact of Genomic Testing on Treatment Outcomes (mS=2.67 [SDS=1.15];
mN=3.00 [SDN=1.00]), 4) Development and Testing of a Specialized Skin Care Regimen for
Breast Cancer Patients (mS=2.67 [SDS=1.15]; mN=3.00 [SDN=1.00]) (Table 3).
For skin cancer, when the average scores were mS=2.67 [SDS=0.45] and mN=3.09 [SDN=0.68],
both significant and novel topics included 1) Development and Evaluation of a Patient-Centered
Digital Tool for Post-Surgical Wound Care (mS=2.33 [SDS=1.15]; mN=2.33 [SDN=0.58]), 2)
Impact of Patient Education on Efudex Treatment Adherence and Outcomes (mS=1.67
[SDS=0.58]; mN=2.33 [SDN=1.53]), 3) Longitudinal Study on Patient Anxiety and Decision-
Making in Mole Surveillance and Removal (mS=2.33 [SDS=1.53]; mN=2.67 [SDN=1.53]).
Approximately two-thirds of AI-generated research topics were found to be new, including breast
cancer (n=10/15 topics) and skin cancer (n=11/15 topics). The experts’ high novelty scores
appeared to be positively correlated with no existing literature, yet not conclusive (ρ=0.28,
Table 3. High-quality AI-generated research topics reflecting patients’ concerns
AI-generated research topics
For patients with breast cancer
Interdisciplinary Approach to Managing Dental Health in Breast Cancer
2 Evaluating the Efficacy of Hepatoprotective Agents in Preventing Liver
Damage During Breast Cancer Treatment
3 Longitudinal Study on the Impact of Genomic Testing on Treatment
4 Development and Testing of a Specialized Skin Care Regimen for Breast
Cancer Patients
mS (SDS)*
mN (SDN)*
2.33 (1.15)
2.33 (0.58)
2.33 (1.53)
3.00 (1.00)
2.67 (1.15)
3.00 (1.00)
2.67 (1.15)
3.00 (1.00)
5 Efficacy of Preventive Dental Care Protocols for Breast Cancer Patients
3.00 (1.00)
2.33 (0.58)
For patients with skin cancer
1 Development and Evaluation of a Patient-Centered Digital Tool for Post-
Surgical Wound Care
Impact of Patient Education on Efudex Treatment Adherence and
3 Longitudinal Study on Patient Anxiety and Decision-Making in Mole
2.00 (0.00)
1.67 (0.58)
1.67 (0.58)
2.33 (1.53)
2.33 (1.53)
2.67 (1.53)
Surveillance and Removal
Impact of Ear and Earlobe Reconstruction on Hearing Post Skin Cancer
Impact of Suture Materials on Scar Formation in Skin Cancer Patients
Investigation of Cartilage-Sparing Techniques in Skin Cancer Surgery of the
* Mean (m) and SD scores were computed based on the scores of three experts; Among 30 AI-generated
research topics (15 in breast cancer and 15 in skin cancer), only high-quality topics were listed in this
table in order of quality (from high to low) when both scores were better than the overall mean (A lower
score means better quality). A full list of AI-generated research topics with experts’ scores is available in
Table S3.
2.67 (1.15)
2.33 (0.58)
2.67 (1.15)
3.00 (1.73)
2.67 (0.58)
2.67 (1.15)
In this study, we assessed an LLM’s capacity to generate patient-centered research topics and
evaluated the significance and novelty of the AI-generated research topics. Approximately one-
third of the AI-suggested research topics were considered highly significant and novel for both
breast and skin cancer. Notably, two-thirds of the AI-suggested topics were novel in both cancer
groups. Research topics generated for skin cancer patients were more significant and novel
overall compared to those generated for breast cancer patients. The findings highlight that
AI/NLP-based research question creation is a promising way to promote patient-centered
research tailored specifically to patients’ most pressing concerns.
Collecting patients’ perspectives in volume is challenging due to the time-intensity of qualitative
interviews and the resource barriers involved in conducting qualitative studies. Moreover, patient
priorities continuously evolve, and the relative importance of different patient-reported concerns
may not be clear during the conception of new research studies. As a result, there are
significant barriers to designing and completing research studies that address the most
important concerns facing patients. Our AI-enabled NLP pilot study provides a quantitative and
repeatable way to identify the most important patient concerns, offering an opportunity to bridge
patients’ issues and health research. The AI-enabled NLP model allowed us to define and
understand the top five clinical issues for patients with cancer through systematic analysis of
614,464 unique messages from 25,549 individuals in the past 10 years. AI-based research topic
generation identified current knowledge gaps that were scientifically significant and novel
research topics in patient-informed research.
We acknowledge limitations of our study. First, we generated 30 research questions for two
medical specialty areas, and our findings may not be generalizable to other medical conditions
or non-users of patient messaging. Second, we excluded patients’ needs for administrative
support (e.g., scheduling, medication refills, or insurance issues) and prioritized identifying
clinical issues that were most relevant to patient-centered research outcomes. Separate
research is warranted to identify patients’ issues with health services to inform administrative
support interventions, given their high volume of interest. Third, the domain experts were all
from a single academic institution, which might have brought potential bias in scoring. However,
assessors’ research and clinical areas spanned diverse subfields. We suggest further rigorous
evaluations with larger sample topics in various specialty areas to incorporate diverse assessors
and patient viewpoints. Moreover, evaluating patients’ perspectives on AI-generated research
topics would be critical to discerning genuinely essential topics for them. Exploring ways to
invite investigators and funding agencies to collaborate on these topics inspired by patients’
priorities would also be beneficial.
In summary, our pilot study illustrates how an AI/NLP-based automated framework can
systematically prioritize patient concerns to inform patient-centered research. Our findings that
the AI-generated research topics were high quality and scientifically novel demonstrate that
using patient perspectives via large-volume patient message data can meaningfully guide future
directions in health research.
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Can Artificial Intelligence Generate Quality Research Topics Reflecting Patients’ Concerns?
Table of Content
Table S1. A full list of key topics and keywords that NLP defined after analyzing patient portal
messages from those with breast or skin cancer, Stanford Health Care 2013-2024
Supplementary Method 1. Engineered prompts used to interpret the key topics from NLP and draft
research topics tailored to such topics
Table S2. Literature search results and rationales for final decision
Table S3. A full list of AI-drafted research topics with assessments
Table S1. A full list of key topics and keywords that NLP defined after analyzing patient portal
messages from those with breast or skin cancer, Stanford Health Care 2013-2024
Skin cancer: key topics
Breast cancer: Key topics
Example keywords
['pharmacies', 'prescription', 'pharmacy',
'prescriptions', 'walgreen', 'walgreens', 'pharmacist',
'cvs', 'prescribed', 'medications']
['photos', 'pictures', 'pic', 'photo', 'pics', 'images',
'sending', 'send', 'image', 'message']
['10am', '15pm', '30pm', '15am', '30am', '45am', '45pm',
'1pm', 'scheduling', 'noon']
['appointment', 'appointments', 'rescheduled',
'scheduled', 'reschedule', 'scheduling', 'schedule',
'calendar', 'cancellation', 'cancel']
['insurance', 'billing', 'medicare', 'billed', 'coverage',
'deductible', 'healthcare', 'payment', 'copay', 'provider']
['surgery', 'surgeries', 'appointment', 'surgical',
'scheduled', 'surgeon', 'schedule', 'scheduling',
'procedure', 'anesthesia']
['nose', 'nasal', 'pimple', 'nostril', 'face', 'biopsy',
'surgery', 'photo', 'skin', 'picture']
['biopsy', 'pathology', 'biopsies', 'results', 'received', 'dr',
'review', 'procedure', 'reports', 'benign']
['dermatologist', 'dermatologists', 'dermatology',
'dermatological', 'dermatitis', 'dermatologic', 'clinic',
'appointment', 'doctor', 'patients']
['mole', 'moles', 'melanoma', 'concerned',
'appointment', 'been', 'removal', 'sure', 'skin', 'checked']
['ear', 'earlobe', 'ears', 'earrings', 'hearing', 'surgery',
'lobe', 'biopsy', 'cartilage', 'canal']
['efudix', 'efudex', 'effudex', 'treatment', 'treat', 'treated',
'treating', 'weeks', 'week', 'biopsy']
['stitches', 'incision', 'stitch', 'sutures', 'stitching',
'surgery', 'wound', 'healing', 'suture', 'sutured']
Example keywords
['authorization', 'submitted', 'billing', 'payment',
'received', 'authorized', 'provider', 'approval', 'approved',
['rash', 'itching', 'rashes', 'itchy', 'itchiness', 'itch',
'topical', 'allergic', 'lotion', 'redness']
['radiotherapy', 'radiation', 'appointment', 'oncology',
'scheduled', 'appt', 'treatment', 'therapy', 'scheduling',
['resulted', 'result', 'testing', 'results', 'received', 'tested',
'checking', 'test', 'question', 'ordered']
['appointment', 'scheduled', 'appt', 'question', 'video',
'received', 'visit', 'talk', 'videos', '30am']
['urine', 'urinalysis', 'urinating', 'urination', 'urinary', 'utis',
'urinate', 'bladder', 'peeing', 'cystitis']
*Pink colored cells are selected clinical topics for this study.
['vaccination', 'vaccine', 'vaccinations', 'vaccinate',
'vaccines', 'appointment', 'shot', 'scheduled', 'covid',
['appointment', 'scheduled', 'reschedule', 'scheduling',
'surgery', 'procedure', 'waiting', 'surgical', 'week',
['pleasanton', 'norcal', 'emeryville', 'oakland', 'near',
'available', 'appointment', 'alto', 'redwood', 'need']
['disability', 'fmla', 'submitted', 'paperwork', 'filed',
'extended', 'requesting', 'regarding', 'need', 'absence']
['appointment', 'scheduled', 'sledge', 'reschedule',
'patient', 'received', 'appt', 'mentioned', 'regarding',
['chemo', 'appointment', 'chemotherapy', 'scheduled',
'reschedule', 'oncology', 'cancer', 'scheduling', 'appt',
['dentist', 'tooth', 'dental', 'teeth', 'periodontist', 'oral',
'mouth', 'filling', 'endodontist', 'procedure']
['mammogram', 'mammography', 'appointment',
'mamogram', 'scheduled', 'breast', 'appt', 'scheduling',
'screening', 'ordered']
['infusion', 'appointment', 'scheduled', 'scheduling',
'appt', 'schedule', 'week', 'appts', 'tomorrow', 'need']
['pharmacy', 'prescription', 'prescribed', 'pharmacist',
'walgreens', 'contacted', 'medication', 'refill', 'received',
['photograph', 'picture', 'pic', 'uploaded', 'updated',
'image', 'photos', 'attached', 'yesterday', 'camera']
['genetic', 'geneticist', 'genetics', 'brca', 'testing',
'diagnosed', 'genomic', 'tested', 'gene', 'brca2']
['covid', 'covid19', 'tested', 'scheduled', 'swab', 'testing',
'sick', 'test', 'symptom', 'quarantine']
['appointment', 'scheduled', 'patient', 'referral',
'reschedule', 'question', 'appt', 'regarding', 'scheduling']
['treated', 'treatment', 'patient', 'therapy', 'discussed',
'plan', 'question', 'regarding', 'treat', 'understanding']
['suggestion', 'consideration', 'appreciate', 'response',
'thank', 'apologies', 'attention', 'appreciation', 'situation',
['appointment', 'radiology', 'radiologist', 'scheduled',
'reschedule', 'scheduling', 'referral', 'appt', 'contacted',
['liver', 'hepatology', 'hepatic', 'ascites', 'biopsy',
'question', 'concerned', 'worried', 'showed',
Supplementary Method 1. Engineered prompts used to interpret the key topics from NLP and
draft research topics tailored to such topics
1) Prompts for messages from patients with breast cancer
Researcher [provided context using multiple techniques, including role prompting, directive
commanding, expertise emulation, and zero-shot chain of thought]:
As Dr. GPT, a professional oncologist in the hospital, one of your roles is responding to the patients’
messages through the patient portal. Patients with breast cancer ask health questions, reporting
some symptoms or using lab results. We performed topic modeling using patient messages, and
obtained representative keywords for each topic. I will ask for your help interpreting the topic using
the keywords.
I myself am an oncologist in the hospital. I will use your response to better understand patients’
needs from clinicians. Your final response should be concise but concrete and comprehensive in a
professional manner using your specialty knowledge and experience in oncology, especially in
breast cancer. For each question, you should take time to think deeply and step-by-step to be sure
to offer the right answer.
To begin, please confirm that you understand your role and express your preparedness to help me
before providing any information.
AI: (answers)
Researcher [Task: knowledge interpretation and summarization]:
Using the Topic_label and Keywords, can you summarize the primary issues that patients with
breast cancer are experiencing in less than three sentences?
AI: (answers)
Thank you!
AI: (answers)
Researcher [Task: knowledge generation]:
Can you also suggest optimal research projects that can help resolve patients’ issues yet have not
been conducted or published as an article? Please limit the number of research projects to 3.
AI: (answers)
Researcher [Task: self-reflection and self-correction]:
Are you sure that these have not been conducted by other researchers or published in journals?
Can you search at least 4 web-based databases, including PubMed, Cochrane, Web of Science,
and Embase, to make sure these research projects have not yet been published in the past 15
Researcher [Task: self-reassurance]:
If you can confirm that, could you clarify the objectives, significance, and novelty of each project?
Great job, thank you!
2) Prompts for messages from patients with skin cancer
As Dr. GPT, a professional dermatologist in the hospital, one of your roles is responding to the
patients’ messages through the patient portal. Patients ask health questions, reporting some
symptoms or using lab results. We performed topic modeling using patient messages, and
obtained representative keywords for each topic. I will ask for your help interpreting the topic using
the keywords.
I myself am a dermatologist in the hospital. I will use your response to better understand patients’
needs from clinicians. Your final response should be concise but concrete and comprehensive in a
professional manner using your specialty knowledge and experience in dermatology. For each
question, you should take time to think deeply and step-by-step to be sure to offer the right answer.
To begin, please confirm that you understand your role and express your preparedness to help me
before providing any information.
AI: (answers)
Researcher [Task: knowledge interpretation and summarization]:
Using the Topic_label and Keywords, can you summarize the primary issues that patients with skin
cancer are experiencing in less than three sentences?
AI: (answers)
Thank you!
AI: (answers)
Researcher [Task: knowledge generation]:
Can you also suggest optimal research projects that can help resolve patients’ issues yet have not
been conducted or published as an article? Please limit the number of research projects to 3.
AI: (answers)
Researcher [Task: self-reflection and self-correction]:
Are you sure that these research projects have not been conducted by other researchers or
published in journals? Can you search at least four web-based databases, including PubMed,
Cochrane, Web of Science, and Embase, to ensure that these research projects have not been
published in the past 15 years?
AI: (answers)
Researcher [Task: self-reassurance]:
If you can confirm that, could you clarify the objectives, significance, and novelty of each project?
AI: (answers)
Great job, thank you!
AI: (answers)
Table S2. Literature search results and rationales for final decision
Topics* Rater A Rater B Rater C†
BC_1_2 Maybe Maybe
BC_2_1 Maybe
BC_4_2 Maybe
BC_4_3 Maybe No
BC_5_1 Maybe No
BC_5_3 No
SK_1_2 Maybe No
SK_2_1 No Maybe
SK_2_3 Maybe Maybe
SK_5_1 No Maybe
Yes Maybe
Rationales for final decision
Agreed with the given rationale from AI (“While there is existing research on skin
toxicities related to specific cancer medications, a detailed investigation that
combines data on allergic reactions to both cancer medications and commonly
used skin care products is not comprehensively covered”). One study assessed the
toxicity of aloe vera gel in the management of radiation induced skin reaction in
breast cancer in 2006, which may need to be updated.
Theoretically designed interventions can be effective in helping women understand
their cancer risk and appropriate risk assessment options. However, the previous
study used theoretical approach and it was 17 years ago, hence a new study would
be worthwhile.
The key part of the suggested topic is a longitudinal study to see the long-term
impact of genomic testing on treatment outcomes. Existing studies did not assess
the long-term outcomes.
Although there were studies that assessed the hepatotoxicity of radio therapy or
doxorubicine among breast cancer, systematic investigations of hepatotoxicity of
various chemotherapies can be done.
Essentially, one study was done more than 16 years ago for one non-surgical approach on 4
patients. Hence, a new study would be worth pursuing, and we would consider this as
Not the same study was done what incorporates all three components of AI-based
algorithms: 1) to assess changes in moles over time, 2) provide risk assessments, and 3)
with options for direct communication with dermatologists for high-risk cases.
Although digital tools for post-surgical wound care exist (e.g.,
3ab0f42872bf). None tailored specifically to the needs of skin cancer patients.
* BC_1_2: Breast cancer topics 1, research topic 2.
† Yes (at least one article with almost the same research question exists) and No (no same article
exists). The key determinative factor was the question to ourselves: Can we justify conducting AI-
suggested research topic and envision adding new knowledge to the field? Yes vs No.
Table S3. A full list of scores of domain experts for AI-generated research topics
Breast cancer
Topic 1. rash_itching_rashes_itchy
Primary issue: Patients with breast cancer are experiencing skin-related issues, primarily rashes
and itching. These symptoms suggest possible allergic reactions or side effects from treatments,
necessitating the use of topical treatments or lotions to alleviate redness and itchiness.
Addressing these concerns with appropriate skin care recommendations and evaluating for
potential allergic reactions is crucial.
1) Comparative Study on the Efficacy of Topical Treatments for Rash and Itching in Breast
Cancer Patients
To evaluate and compare the effectiveness of various topical treatments (e.g., corticosteroids,
antihistamines, moisturizing lotions) in alleviating rashes and itching caused by breast cancer
This study aims to identify the most effective topical treatments for managing skin-related side
effects in breast cancer patients. By providing clear evidence on which treatments work best,
clinicians can offer targeted and effective solutions, improving patients' quality of life and
adherence to cancer treatments.
While individual studies on specific topical treatments exist, a comprehensive comparative
analysis across a wide range of treatments for rashes and itching due to various breast cancer
treatments (not limited to radiation therapy) is lacking. This research will fill that gap by providing
a holistic understanding of the efficacy of different topical treatments.
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=3.00 (SDS=1.00)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=3.67 (SDN= 1.15)
Novelty (literature search): Y (Yes, there was the same research that was already done)
Search terms: (Efficacy) AND (Topical Treatments) AND (Rash OR Itching) AND (Breast Cancer)
2) Investigation of Allergic Reactions to Breast Cancer Medications and Skin Care Products
To examine the prevalence and triggers of allergic reactions to chemotherapy drugs, hormonal
therapies, and commonly used skin care products in breast cancer patients.
Understanding the specific allergens and irritants can lead to better management and prevention
of skin reactions. This knowledge will allow for personalized skin care recommendations and
adjustments to treatment regimens, minimizing discomfort and enhancing patient outcomes.
While there is existing research on skin toxicities related to specific cancer medications, a
detailed investigation that combines data on allergic reactions to both cancer medications and
commonly used skin care products is not comprehensively covered. This project will provide a
more integrated approach to understanding and managing allergic reactions in breast cancer
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=3.67 (SDS=1.53)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=2.67 (SDN=0.58)
Novelty (literature search): N (No, there was no same research)
Search terms: (Allergic reactions) AND (breast cancer medications) AND (skin care products)
3) Development and Testing of a Specialized Skin Care Regimen for Breast Cancer Patients
To create and test a comprehensive skin care regimen designed specifically for breast cancer
patients undergoing treatment, aimed at preventing and managing rashes and itching.
A specialized regimen can proactively address skin issues, improving treatment adherence and
patient comfort. This can lead to better overall treatment outcomes and enhance the quality of
life for breast cancer patients.
Although there are studies on specific skin care treatments for radiation dermatitis, a holistic
regimen tailored to the unique needs of breast cancer patients undergoing various treatments
(chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, etc.) has not been extensively explored. This research will
develop and validate a comprehensive skin care approach, setting a new standard for patient
care in oncology.
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=2.67 (SDS=1.15)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=3.00 (SDN=1.00)
Novelty (literature search): N (No, there was no same research)
Search terms: (Skin care regimen) AND (Breast Cancer)
Topic 2. urine_urinalysis_urinating_urination
Primary issue: Patients with breast cancer are reporting issues related to urinary function,
including frequent urination, urinary tract infections (UTIs), and bladder discomfort. Concerns
include symptoms of cystitis and the need for urinalysis to diagnose potential problems. These
issues may be exacerbated by treatment side effects or infections.
1) Impact of Chemotherapy on Urinary Function in Breast Cancer Patients
To investigate the prevalence, severity, and types of urinary issues (such as frequent urination,
UTIs, and cystitis) among breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.
To identify any correlations between specific chemotherapy regimens and urinary complications.
Understanding how chemotherapy affects urinary function can help healthcare providers
anticipate and manage these side effects more effectively.
Improved management of urinary issues can enhance the overall quality of life for breast cancer
patients during and after treatment.
While there is some research on chemotherapy side effects, few studies have focused
specifically on urinary function in breast cancer patients. This project would address a significant
gap in the literature, providing new insights into a relatively underexplored area.
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=4.00 (SDS=1.00)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=3.00 (SDN=1.00)
Novelty (literature search): Y (Yes, there was the same research that was already done)
Search terms: (Chemotherapy) AND (Urinary Function) AND (Breast Cancer)
2) Preventive Measures for Urinary Tract Infections in Breast Cancer Patients
To evaluate the effectiveness of various preventive measures, such as probiotics, hydration
protocols, and antibiotic prophylaxis, in reducing the incidence of UTIs in breast cancer patients.
To determine the best practices for preventing UTIs in this patient population.
UTIs can cause significant discomfort and lead to serious complications if left untreated.
Preventing these infections can improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.
By identifying effective preventive strategies, clinicians can offer better care tailored to the needs
of breast cancer patients.
This research would specifically target breast cancer patients, a group that may have unique risk
factors and needs. Most existing studies on UTI prevention are general and do not focus on this
specific population.
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=3.00 (SDS=1.00)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=3.33 (SDN=0.58)
Novelty (literature search): N (No, there was no same research)
Search terms: (Preventive Measures) AND (Urinary tract infections) AND (Breast Cancer)
3) Bladder Health Management in Breast Cancer Survivors
To develop and test a comprehensive bladder health management program that includes dietary
modifications, pelvic floor exercises, and regular monitoring.
To assess the long-term effectiveness of the program in reducing chronic urinary issues among
breast cancer survivors.
Chronic urinary issues can significantly impact the quality of life for breast cancer survivors. A
targeted management program can provide lasting benefits and support long-term survivorship
Implementing a comprehensive approach can address multiple aspects of bladder health,
providing a holistic solution.
There is a lack of research focused on long-term bladder health management for breast cancer
survivors. This project would be one of the first to propose and test a comprehensive program,
filling a crucial gap in post-treatment care.
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=3.33 (SDS=0.58)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=2.67 (SDN=0.58)
Novelty (literature search): N (No, there was no same research)
Search terms: (Bladder health) AND (Breast Cancer Survivors)
Topic 3. dentist_tooth_dental_teeth
Primary issue: Patients with breast cancer are expressing concerns related to dental health,
including issues such as toothaches, dental procedures, and oral hygiene. They mention the
need for visits to the dentist, periodontist, or endodontist for treatments like fillings and other
dental procedures. These concerns highlight the importance of addressing oral health as part of
their overall cancer care plan.
1) Impact of Chemotherapy on Oral Health in Breast Cancer Patients
To investigate the effects of chemotherapy on the oral health of breast cancer patients, focusing
on issues such as tooth decay, gum disease, oral mucositis, and changes in oral microbiota.
Chemotherapy is known to cause various oral complications, but specific impacts on breast
cancer patients need targeted exploration. Understanding these effects can help in developing
better preventive and treatment strategies, thereby improving the quality of life for these patients.
While there is considerable information on general oral health impacts due to chemotherapy,
detailed research specifically targeting the chemotherapeutic regimens used in breast cancer
and their long-term oral health effects is scarce. This project aims to fill this gap by providing
targeted insights for this patient group, enhancing both clinical management and patient
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=2.67 (SDS=1.53)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=3.67 (SDN=1.15)
Novelty (literature search): Y (Yes, there was the same research that was already done)
Search terms: (Chemotherapy) AND (Oral health) AND (Breast cancer)
2) Efficacy of Preventive Dental Care Protocols for Breast Cancer Patients
To evaluate the effectiveness of tailored preventive dental care protocols, including regular
dental check-ups, specialized oral hygiene practices, and prophylactic treatments, in reducing
dental issues in breast cancer patients.
Implementing effective preventive measures can help mitigate oral health problems, which are
common during cancer treatment and can lead to severe complications if not managed properly.
Improved dental health can result in fewer interruptions to cancer treatment and better overall
health outcomes.
Existing guidelines and reviews address preventive dental care for cancer patients in general, but
specific protocols designed and evaluated exclusively for breast cancer patients are not well-
documented. This research would pioneer the development of such protocols, addressing the
unique oral health challenges faced by breast cancer patients.
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=3.00 (SDS=1.00)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=2.33 (SDN=0.58)
Novelty (literature search): N (No, there was no same research)
Search terms: (Efficacy) AND (Preventive) AND (Dental Care) AND (Breast Cancer)
3) Interdisciplinary Approach to Managing Dental Health in Breast Cancer Care
To develop and assess an interdisciplinary care model that integrates dental and oncology care
for breast cancer patients, facilitating communication and coordination between dentists and
A coordinated approach can enhance the management of oral health issues, ensuring that
dental complications are promptly addressed and do not interfere with cancer treatment. This
model aims to improve patient outcomes through better communication and integrated care.
While the integration of dental and oncology care has been recommended, formalized studies
and models demonstrating the efficacy and outcomes of such interdisciplinary approaches
specifically for breast cancer patients are limited. This project would be the first to develop and
assess a comprehensive interdisciplinary care model, setting a new standard for holistic patient
management and care coordination.
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=2.33 (SDS=1.15)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=2.33 (SDN=0.58)
Novelty (literature search): N (No, there was no same research)
Search terms: (Interdisciplinary Approach) AND (Dental health) AND (Breast Cancer)
Topic 4. genetic_geneticist_genetics_brca
Primary issue: Patients with breast cancer are concerned about genetic testing, particularly
BRCA gene mutations, and the implications for their diagnosis and treatment. They seek
guidance from geneticists on the necessity and benefits of undergoing genetic testing and
understanding the results, including BRCA2 mutations. These concerns highlight the need for
clear communication about the role of genetics in breast cancer management and potential
preventative measures for themselves and their families.
1) Study on the Psychological Impact of Genetic Testing on Breast Cancer Patients
To assess the emotional and mental health effects of genetic testing for BRCA mutations among
breast cancer patients.
This study aims to develop supportive interventions to mitigate the psychological stress
associated with genetic testing, enhancing overall patient well-being.
It provides a comprehensive analysis of the psychological aspects of genetic testing, which is
under-researched compared to the clinical benefits.
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=3.33 (SDS=2.08)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=5.00 (SDN=0.00)
Novelty (literature search): Y (Yes, there was the same research that was already done)
Search terms: (Psychological Impact) AND (Genetic Testing) AND (Breast Cancer)
2) Effectiveness of Genetic Counseling Interventions in Decision-Making
To evaluate the role of genetic counseling in aiding patients' understanding and decision-making
regarding genetic testing and preventive measures.
The findings could improve genetic counseling practices, ensuring patients make well-informed
decisions based on clear understanding.
This research fills a gap by focusing on the decision-making process facilitated by genetic
counseling, which has not been extensively studied.
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=2.67 (SDS=1.53)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=4.33 (SDN=1.15)
Novelty (literature search): N (No, there was no same research)
Search terms: (Genetic Counseling) AND (Decision-Making) AND (Breast cancer)
3) Longitudinal Study on the Impact of Genomic Testing on Treatment Outcomes
To investigate the long-term effects of genomic testing on treatment decisions and outcomes in
breast cancer patients.
The study could lead to more personalized and effective treatment plans, improving patient
outcomes and quality of life.
Unlike existing research focused on short-term impacts, this study examines the enduring
benefits and challenges of integrating genomic data into long-term treatment planning.
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=2.67 (SDS=1.15)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=3.00 (SDN=1.00)
Novelty (literature search): N (No, there was no same research)
Search terms: (Genomic Testing) AND (Treatment Outcomes) AND (Breast cancer)
Topic 5. liver_hepatology_hepatic_ascites
Primary issue: Patients with breast cancer are expressing concerns about liver-related issues,
specifically hepatic conditions and ascites. They are worried about biopsy results and ultrasound
findings, often seeking clarification and reassurance from their oncologist. These patients are
anxious about liver health and its implications on their overall cancer management.
1) Study on the Impact of Breast Cancer Treatments on Liver Function
To systematically investigate the effects of various breast cancer treatments, including
chemotherapy and targeted therapies, on liver function and health over time.
Breast cancer treatments, particularly chemotherapy and targeted therapies, have known
hepatotoxic effects that can impact liver function. Understanding these effects is crucial for
managing side effects and improving the overall health and treatment outcomes of breast cancer
patients. This research can lead to better monitoring protocols and potentially the development
of strategies to mitigate liver damage during treatment.
While there is some research on the hepatotoxic effects of specific drugs, a comprehensive
study focusing on the overall impact of breast cancer treatments on liver function has not been
conducted. Most existing studies examine individual drugs or specific liver complications rather
than taking a holistic approach to understand the cumulative impact of breast cancer treatments
on liver health.
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=2.67 (SDS=1.53)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=3.33 (SDN=0.58)
Novelty (literature search): N (No, there was no same research)
Search terms: (Breast Cancer Treatments) AND (Liver Function)
2) Development of Non-Invasive Diagnostic Tools for Early Detection of Hepatic
Complications in Breast Cancer Patients
To develop and validate non-invasive diagnostic tools, such as advanced imaging techniques and
biomarkers, for the early detection of hepatic complications in breast cancer patients
undergoing treatment.
Early detection of liver issues can significantly enhance the management of breast cancer
treatment, allowing for timely interventions that reduce morbidity and improve patient outcomes.
Non-invasive diagnostic tools will provide a safer and more comfortable option for patients,
encouraging regular monitoring and early detection of complications.
Current diagnostic methods for hepatic complications are often invasive or lack sensitivity and
specificity. Developing non-invasive tools tailored specifically for breast cancer patients
undergoing treatment is a novel approach that could revolutionize how liver health is monitored
in these patients. This research fills a gap in current diagnostics by offering safer, more effective
monitoring options.
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=3.67 (SDS=1.53)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=4.00 (SDN=0.00)
Novelty (literature search): N (No, there was no same research)
Search terms: (Non-Invasive Diagnostic Tools) And (Early Detection) AND (Hepatic
Complications) AND (Breast Cancer Patients)
3) Evaluating the Efficacy of Hepatoprotective Agents in Preventing Liver Damage During
Breast Cancer Treatment
To assess the effectiveness of hepatoprotective agents (such as ursodeoxycholic acid and
silymarin) in preventing liver damage in breast cancer patients undergoing various treatments.
If hepatoprotective agents are proven effective, they could be incorporated into breast cancer
treatment protocols to proactively protect the liver, thus reducing the incidence and severity of
liver-related side effects. This could improve patient adherence to treatment regimens and
enhance overall treatment efficacy and quality of life for breast cancer patients.
The use of hepatoprotective agents specifically for breast cancer patients undergoing treatment
has not been extensively studied. Most research focuses on managing liver damage after it has
occurred rather than on prevention. This project introduces a preventative approach, potentially
leading to significant improvements in patient care by reducing the burden of liver-related
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=2.33 (SDS=1.53)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=3.00 (SDN=1.00)
Novelty (literature search): Y (Yes, there was the same research that was already done)
Search terms: (Efficacy) AND (Hepatoprotective Agents) AND (Prevention) AND (Liver Damage)
AND (Breast Cancer Treatment)
Skin cancer
Topic 1. nose_nasal_pimple_nostril
Primary issue: Patients with skin cancer are primarily concerned about lesions or pimples on the
nose and nostrils, which may resemble common skin issues but raise fears of malignancy. They
often seek clarification on whether these lesions require a biopsy or surgery, particularly after
sharing photos with their clinician for evaluation. The focus is on distinguishing between benign
and malignant conditions and determining the appropriate treatment plan.
1) Comparative Study on the Accuracy of Teledermatology for Nasal Skin Lesions
To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of teledermatology specifically for nasal skin lesions,
comparing it to in-person evaluations by dermatologists.
While teledermatology is a growing field with proven accuracy for general skin lesions, the unique
anatomical and visual characteristics of nasal lesions warrant a focused study. Given the
prominence of the nose in the facial structure and the potential for confusion between benign
and malignant lesions, this study would provide valuable insights into the strengths and
limitations of teledermatology in this specific context.
Existing research has broadly covered teledermatology for skin cancer diagnosis, but there is a
lack of studies that isolate nasal lesions. This project would fill that gap, offering new data on the
effectiveness of teledermatology for this high-stakes, cosmetically significant area, potentially
leading to better diagnostic protocols.
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=3.00 (SDS=1.00)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=3.67 (SDN=0.58)
Novelty (literature search): N (No, there was no same research)
Search terms: (Comparative Study) AND (Accuracy) AND (Teledermatology) AND (Nasal Skin
2) Outcomes of Non-Surgical Treatments for Pre-Cancerous Nasal Lesions
To assess and compare the effectiveness and patient satisfaction of non-surgical treatments
(e.g., topical therapies, cryotherapy, laser treatments) for pre-cancerous nasal lesions against
traditional surgical methods.
Non-surgical treatments are increasingly popular due to their less invasive nature and potential
for better cosmetic outcomes. This research is crucial for developing treatment guidelines that
balance effectiveness with patient quality of life, particularly in visible areas like the nose where
cosmetic considerations are paramount.
While non-surgical treatments have been studied for general skin lesions, there is limited
research focused on pre-cancerous conditions specifically affecting the nasal area. This project
would explore new ground by examining treatment outcomes and patient perspectives specific
to nasal lesions, offering insights that could inform patient-centered care and treatment
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=2.67 (SDS=1.15)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=4.33 (SDN=0.58)
Novelty (literature search): N (No, there was no same research)
Search terms: (Non-Surgical treatments) AND (Pre-cancerous Nasal lesions)
3) Psychosocial Impact of Facial Skin Cancer and Treatment on Patients
To investigate the psychological and social effects of a skin cancer diagnosis and treatment on
the nose, including how different treatment modalities impact mental health, self-esteem, and
social interactions.
Skin cancer on the face, particularly the nose, can have profound psychosocial effects due to the
visibility of the area. Understanding these impacts is essential for providing holistic care that
addresses not only the physical but also the emotional and psychological needs of patients.
Although the psychosocial impacts of skin cancer have been studied, there is a notable lack of
research focusing specifically on nasal lesions and the comparative impact of various
treatments. This study would provide novel insights into the unique challenges faced by patients
with nasal skin cancer, contributing to a more comprehensive approach to their care
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=3.00 (SDS=1.00)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=3.67 (SDN=0.58)
Novelty (literature search): Y (Yes, there was the same research that was already done)
Search terms: (Psychological Impact) AND (Facial Skin Cancer) AND (Treatment)
Topic 2. mole_moles_melanoma_concerned
Primary issue: Patients with skin cancer are primarily concerned about the potential for moles to
develop into melanoma. They express anxiety over whether certain moles should be removed or
further examined and seek reassurance or confirmation through appointments. The need for
timely skin checks and possible mole removal is a significant focus of their concerns.
1) Development and Validation of a Mobile App for Real-Time Monitoring and Assessment of
To design and validate a mobile application that enables patients to photograph and monitor
their moles regularly. The app will incorporate AI-based algorithms to assess changes in moles
over time and provide risk assessments, with options for direct communication with
dermatologists for high-risk cases.
This project aims to empower patients with a tool that facilitates early detection of potentially
malignant moles, potentially reducing delays in diagnosis and treatment. By integrating AI, the
app can assist in prioritizing dermatology appointments for those at higher risk, thus improving
resource allocation and patient outcomes.
Although several mobile apps exist for skin cancer risk assessment, this project would focus on
improving the accuracy of AI algorithms and integrating real-time monitoring with direct clinician
communication. The novelty lies in the seamless integration of patient self-monitoring with
professional oversight, addressing existing gaps in accuracy and user engagement.
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=3.33 (SDS=1.53)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=4.00 (SDN=1.00)
Novelty (literature search): N (No, there was no same research)
Search terms: (Real-time Moles Monitoring) AND (Mobile app) AND (Validation)
2) Longitudinal Study on Patient Anxiety and Decision-Making in Mole Surveillance and
To investigate how anxiety influences patient decision-making regarding mole surveillance and
removal, examining the psychological factors that lead to either proactive or delayed responses
to mole changes. This study will track patients over time to correlate anxiety levels with clinical
Understanding the psychological drivers behind patients' decisions can lead to better patient
education and support, potentially reducing unnecessary procedures while ensuring timely
intervention for those at actual risk. It can also help clinicians develop more empathetic
communication strategies that address patient concerns effectively.
While there is some research on patient anxiety in dermatology, this study's unique approach of
longitudinally tracking anxiety-related decision-making in mole surveillance is relatively
unexplored. The results could significantly enhance personalized patient care strategies in
dermatology, making this a pioneering study in its domain.
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=2.33 (SDS=1.53)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=2.67 (SDN=1.53)
Novelty (literature search): N (No, there was no same research)
Search terms: (Patient Anxiety) AND (Decision-Making) AND (Mole Surveillance) AND (Removal)
3) Impact of Teledermatology on Early Detection and Management of Melanoma in High-
Risk Patients
To assess the effectiveness of teledermatology services in early detection and management of
melanoma among patients identified as high-risk due to factors such as family history or the
presence of atypical moles. The study would compare outcomes between teledermatology and
traditional in-person consultations.
This research could provide valuable insights into the potential of teledermatology to bridge gaps
in care, especially for high-risk patients who may not have easy access to in-person
dermatological services. By focusing on a high-risk population, the study aims to demonstrate
the benefits and limitations of teledermatology in a critical subgroup.
Although teledermatology has been studied broadly, its specific impact on high-risk patients for
melanoma has not been comprehensively explored. This project would fill that gap, providing
new data on how teledermatology can be optimized to serve those most in need of early
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=2.33 (SDS=1.15)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=3.33 (SDN=0.58)
Novelty (literature search): Y (Yes, there was the same research that was already done)
Search terms: (Teledermatology) AND (early detection) AND (Melanoma) AND (High-Risk
Topic 3. ear_earlobe_ears_earrings
Primary issue: Patients with skin cancer are likely concerned about issues related to the ear and
earlobe, particularly in relation to surgical interventions like biopsies and the impact on hearing.
They may also be worried about complications involving the cartilage and ear canal, especially
following surgeries or procedures that affect these areas. Additionally, concerns about wearing
earrings and the overall appearance of the ear post-surgery are likely prevalent.
1) Impact of Ear and Earlobe Reconstruction on Hearing Post Skin Cancer Surgery
To assess the long-term effects of reconstructive surgery on hearing in patients who have
undergone ear or earlobe surgery for skin cancer, focusing on both functional and aesthetic
While ear reconstruction following skin cancer surgery is well-studied, the specific impact on
hearing is less explored. This study could fill an important gap by addressing whether these
procedures compromise auditory function, which is crucial for patient quality of life.
Although ear reconstruction techniques are extensively documented, the specific correlation
between these procedures and post-operative hearing outcomes has not been comprehensively
studied, making this project unique and valuable (SpringerLink) (PubMed).
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=2.33 (SDS=0.58)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=3.00 (SDN=1.73)
Novelty (literature search): N (No, there was no same research)
Search terms: (Ear reconstruction) AND (Hearing) AND (Skin Cancer Surgery)
2) Investigation of Cartilage-Sparing Techniques in Skin Cancer Surgery of the Ear
To develop and evaluate surgical techniques that prioritize cartilage preservation during skin
cancer removal from the ear, aiming to optimize both structural integrity and cosmetic
Cartilage integrity is vital for both the function and appearance of the ear. This study is significant
because it would help refine surgical practices to balance cancer removal with minimal cartilage
damage, improving patient outcomes.
While some research exists on cartilage-sparing methods, this study would be novel in focusing
specifically on skin cancer surgeries, providing tailored strategies for this patient group
(SpringerLink) (PubMed).
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=2.67 (SDS=1.15)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=2.67 (SDN=1.15)
Novelty (literature search): Y (Yes, there was the same research that was already done)
Search terms: (Cartilage-sparing techniques) AND (Skin Cancer Surgery) AND (Ear)
3) Assessment of Quality of Life and Psychosocial Impact Following Ear Surgery in Skin
Cancer Patients
To evaluate the psychosocial outcomes and quality of life in patients who have undergone ear
surgery for skin cancer, with a particular focus on body image, self-esteem, and social
Beyond physical recovery, the emotional and social impacts of ear surgery are critical to patient
care. This study would provide valuable insights into how surgery affects patients’ lives, helping
clinicians offer more holistic care.
While the psychological impact of cancer surgeries is well-documented, research specifically
addressing the quality of life and psychosocial effects following ear surgeries for skin cancer
remains limited, offering a fresh perspective in this area (BioMed Central).
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=3.00 (SDS=1.00)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=3.33 (SDN=2.08)
Novelty (literature search): N (No, there was no same research)
Search terms: (Quality of life) AND (Psychosocial impact) AND (ear surgery) AND (Skin Cancer)
Topic 4. efudix_efudex_effudex_treatment
Primary issue: Patients with skin cancer are primarily concerned with the treatment process
involving Efudex (Efudix/Effudex), focusing on its application duration, typically over several
weeks, and its effectiveness. They also express concerns about the treatment's impact, possibly
following a biopsy, and how well it is treating their condition. These messages suggest a need for
clearer guidance on treatment expectations and outcomes.
1) Personalized Dosing Strategies for Efudex in Skin Cancer Treatment
To develop and validate personalized dosing regimens for Efudex based on patient-specific
factors such as skin type, genetic markers, and cancer severity.
This project aims to improve the effectiveness of Efudex treatment while minimizing adverse
effects, addressing the variability in patient responses that currently exists.
There is a lack of research specifically focusing on personalized dosing strategies for Efudex,
making this study innovative in optimizing patient outcomes through individualized care.
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=3.00 (SDS=1.73)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=3.00 (SDN=1.73)
Novelty (literature search): N (No, there was no same research)
Search terms: (Personalized Dosing) AND (Efudex) AND (Skin Cancer)
2) Impact of Patient Education on Efudex Treatment Adherence and Outcomes
To assess the effectiveness of comprehensive patient education programs in improving
adherence to Efudex treatment and enhancing clinical outcomes.
Improving patient understanding and management of Efudex treatment could lead to better
adherence, more effective treatment, and reduced anxiety, ultimately improving patient
While patient education is a known component of treatment, specific studies linking it to Efudex
treatment adherence and outcomes are scarce, making this research crucial for evidence-based
patient support strategies.
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=1.67 (SDS=0.58)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=2.33 (SDN=1.53)
Novelty (literature search): N (No, there was no same research)
Search terms: (Patient Education) AND (Efudex Adherence) AND (Outcomes)
3) Long-Term Effects of Efudex Treatment on Skin Quality and Cancer Recurrence Rates
To investigate the long-term effects of Efudex on skin quality, including scarring and pigmentation
changes, as well as its impact on skin cancer recurrence rates.
Understanding the long-term impact of Efudex is essential for providing patients with accurate
information about the potential risks and benefits of treatment over time.
Current research focuses primarily on the short-term efficacy and side effects of Efudex, leaving
a gap in understanding its long-term consequences, which this study aims to fill.
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=3.00 (SDS=1.00)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=2.67 (SDN=1.53)
Novelty (literature search): N (No, there was no same research)
Search terms: (Long-Term Effects) AND (Efudex) AND (Skin Quality) AND (Cancer Recurrence)
Topic 5. stitches_incision_stitch_sutures
Primary issue: Patients with skin cancer are primarily concerned about the management of their
surgical wounds, specifically issues related to stitches and sutures. Their messages reflect
worries about incision care, the healing process, and potential complications with stitching after
surgery. They seek guidance on proper wound care and expect timely advice on how to manage
their sutures effectively.
1) Comparative Study on Healing Outcomes with Different Suture Techniques in Skin Cancer
To assess the efficacy of various suture techniques in skin cancer surgery by comparing healing
times, complication rates, and patient satisfaction.
The findings could standardize the best suture practices, improving surgical outcomes and
patient experience.
While suture techniques have been studied in general surgery, their specific impact on skin
cancer surgeries remains underexplored.
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=3.00 (SDS=1.00)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=3.33 (SDN=0.58)
Novelty (literature search): Y (Yes, there was the same research that was already done)
Search terms: (Outcomes) AND (Suture Techniques) AND (Skin Cancer Surgery)
2) Development and Evaluation of a Patient-Centered Digital Tool for Post-Surgical Wound
To create and evaluate a digital tool tailored to guide skin cancer patients in managing their post-
surgical wounds.
The tool could significantly enhance patient compliance, reduce complications, and alleviate
anxiety related to wound care.
This project fills a gap in the market, as existing digital tools do not cater specifically to the
unique needs of skin cancer patients.
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=2.00 (SDS=0.00)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=1.67 (SDN=0.58)
Novelty (literature search): N (No, there was no same research)
Search terms: (Development) AND (Evaluation) AND (Patient-Centered) AND (Digital Tool) AND
(Post-Surgical Wound Care)
3) Impact of Suture Materials on Scar Formation in Skin Cancer Patients
To explore how different suture materials affect scar formation in skin cancer patients,
considering skin type and incision location.
The research could lead to optimized suture material choices that minimize visible scarring,
addressing a major patient concern.
Scar formation related to specific suture materials in skin cancer surgeries has not been
comprehensively studied, making this project particularly valuable.
Significance (experts’ scores): mS=2.67 (SDS=1.15)
Novelty (experts’ scores): mN=2.67 (SDN=0.58)
Novelty (literature search): N (No, there was no same research)
Search terms: (Suture materials) AND (Scar Formation) AND (Skin Cancer)
ai_researcher | 10 | Nova_An_Iterative_Planning_and_Search_Approach_to_Enhance_Novelty_and_Diversity_of_LLM_Generated_Ideas.pdf | 2
V476 Cyg (Nova Cyg 1920) is currently a dwarf nova —
first such an object in the period gap?
Taichi Kato1
[email protected]
1 Department of Astronomy, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
V476 Cyg (Nova Cyg 1920) is a bright, fast nova reaching a photographic magnitude of 2.0. Using the
Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) public database, I found that this nova is currently a dwarf nova with a
cycle length of ∼24 d. Compared to other classical novae currently in dwarf nova-type states, outbursts of
V476 Cyg are rapidly rising and short with durations of a few days. Based on the AAVSO observations, this
nova was probably already in the dwarf nova-type phase in 2016, 96 years after the nova eruption. I found
a possible orbital period of 0.1018002(6) d using the ZTF data, which would place the object in the period
gap. This supposed short orbital period appears to explain the features and faint absolute magnitudes of the
observed dwarf nova outbursts. If this period is confirmed, V476 Cyg is a classical nova with the shortest
orbital period with distinct dwarf nova outbursts and in which a nova eruption was recorded in the modern
era. I also compared with the outburst properties with V446 Her (Nova Her 1960), which currently shows SS
Cyg-type outbursts. The transition to the dwarf nova-phase in V476 Cyg occurred much earlier (∼100 yr)
than what has been supposed (∼1000 yr) for classical novae below the period gap. V476 Cyg would not only
provide an ideal laboratory of the behavior of an irradiated accretion disk in which tidal instability is expected
to work, but also an ideal laboratory of the effect of a massive white dwarf on dwarf nova outbursts.
1 Introduction
V476 Cyg was discovered as a bright Galactic nova by Denning (1920). The visual peak magnitude by Denning
(1920) was 2.2 on 1920 August 23. Photographic observations showed relatively slow rise from 7.0 mag to the
peak (2.0 mag) which took place in 7 d (Campbell 1932). This nova was a fast nova with t2=16.5 d (Duerbeck
1987) or t2=6 d (Strope et al. 2010). The nova was classified as a D-class one with a weak dust dip in the
light curve by Strope et al. (2010). Leslie Peltier described that the post-nova could be sometimes glimpsed in
his autobiographical Starlight Nights (Peltier 1965)1. He indeed followed this nova since its maximum in 1920
(when he was at an age of 20) and saw it around 16 mag or slightly below it between 1961 and 1972 according to
the AAVSO International Database2. Ringwald et al. (1996a) reported a low-resolution spectrum at V =17.33.
Shara et al. (1986) reported a magnitude of V ∼18.7 and Ringwald et al. (1996a) suspected that either there
were significant flux errors in Shara et al. (1986) or the nova was variable on a short time-scale. Ringwald et al.
(1996a) discussed that wiggles in the spectrum of V476 Cyg might be a signature of a dwarf nova.
2 V476 Cyg as a dwarf nova
Using the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF: Masci et al. 2019) public data3, I found that this object is currently
a dwarf nova (T. Kato on 2020 March 5, vsnet-chat 84574) [for general information of cataclysmic variables and
dwarf novae, see e.g. Warner (1995)]. Here I report on this object using the ZTF data up to the end of 2021. The
light curve is shown in figure 1. I must note, however, neither all outbursts were detected nor all outbursts were
detected at their peaks by ZTF. The quiescent brightness varied relatively strongly, and the object was bright
in 2019 August–September (BJD 2458700–2458760). During this bright phase, there was a outburst starting
on BJD 2458718 (2019 August 22; figure 2), which had a shoulder [or referred to as an embedded precursor by
Cannizzo (2012)] and the peak brightness (r ∼16.5 and g ∼16.6) was brighter than the other outbursts. There
were equally bright outbursts in 2018 September, peaking on BJD 2458386 (first panel of figure 1) and in 2020
1I read this story in the book translated to Japanese (Peltier 1985).
3The ZTF data
can be
obtained from IRSA <> using
face <> or using a wrapper of
the above IRSA API
June, peaking on BJD 2459010 (third panel of 1). The former outburst apparently had a shoulder as in the 2019
August one.
The color was g − r=+0.1 at outburst peak, while it was redder (g − r ∼ +0.5) in quiescence. This was
probably due to the presence of a close, physically unrelated, companion star Gaia EDR3 2089624258068065152
with a Gaia magnitude G=19.07 (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2021).
There were also CCD observations in the AAVSO International Database between 2016 and 2019. Short
outbursts can be recognized by comparing with the ZTF data (figure 3). The AAVSO observations were unfiltered
CCD ones obtained by HKEB (K. Hills, UK). At least a few outbursts recorded by ZTF were also recorded by
AAVSO CCD observations. There was a bright outburst on 2017 February 14 (unfiltered CCD magnitude
15.3). The dwarf nova state should have started before 2016. Although there were some CCD observations with
significant variations in 2007, the data were not sufficient to identify them as dwarf nova outbursts.
3 Nova in the period gap?
The mean outburst interval derived from the best recorded part (BJD 2459300–2459510) was 24.1(1.4) d. The
durations of most these outbursts were short (2–3 d), suggesting that V476 Cyg has a relatively short orbital
period. There was time-resolved photometry by ZTF on one night (figure 4). This run suggests a period of
∼0.10 d. With the help of this candidate period, I analyzed the ZTF data in quiescence (figure 5) using phase
dispersion minimization (PDM: Stellingwerf 1978) analysis after removing the global trends by locally-weighted
polynomial regression (LOWESS: Cleveland 1979). The error was estimated by methods of Fernie (1989) and
Kato et al. (2010). Although this period looks like the orbital period, it might come from the physically unrelated
companion star and needs to be confirmed by further observations. If this period is the orbital period of V476
Cyg, this object is in the period gap. This period appears to be consistent with the outburst behavior mostly
showing short outbursts. The brightest dwarf nova outburst in the ZTF data had MV =+5.5 using AV =0.7
(Schaefer 2018) and the Gaia parallax (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2021). This is relatively faint among dwarf
novae (see e.g. Warner 1987) and appears to be consistent with a short orbital period. Kato (2022) showed that
WZ Sge stars start showing superhumps at MV =+5.4. The present result of V476 Cyg is comparable to this
The borders of the period gap is somewhat variable depending the authors. I use the range 0.090–0.13 d
based on equation (17) in Knigge et al. (2011). Well-established novae in the period gap include IM Nor (recurrent
nova) (Woudt and Warner 2003; Patterson et al. 2022), V Per (Shafter and Abbott 1989; Shafter and Misselt
2006), QU Vul (Shafter et al. 1995), V597 Pup (Warner and Woudt 2009), and some more borderline or less
established cases. None of these object shows dwarf nova-type outbursts.
4 Novae showing dwarf nova outbursts after the eruption
There are well-established classical novae which currently show dwarf nova-type outbursts. I summarized them
in table 1. There have been many references for GK Per and I only listed a few of them. It might be worth noting
that Robinson (1975) already reported dwarf nova-like outbursts for V446 Her before the nova eruption. This
phenomenon may have been similar to the reported case in Mróz et al. (2016). V446 Her currently shows dwarf
nova-type outburst typical for an SS Cyg star with long and short outbursts in the ZTF data (in contrast to the
statement in Patterson et al. 2013: figure 6, see also the light curve in 1994 in Honeycutt et al. 1995). V392
Per was also a dwarf nova (Richter 1970) before the 2018 nova eruption (e.g. Munari et al. 2020), whose most
recent slowly rising outburst was observed in 2016 February–April [detected by the VSOLJ observer Mitsutaka
Hiraga and the AAVSO observer Carey Chiselbrook (cvnet-outburst message on 2016 February 28)]. BC Cas
is currently in IW And-type state (Kato and Kojiguchi 2020) [see e.g. Simonsen (2011); Kato (2019) for IW
And-type stars]. A recent light curve for X Ser is also present in Kimura et al. (2018). A discussion on V1017
Sgr can be also found in Salazar et al. (2017). The most recent dwarf nova-type outburst occurred in 2007. A
outburst of V2109 Oph was detected by the Gaia satellite as Gaia21dza5. This outburst was a slowly rising one
and the orbital period was suspected to be long (T. Kato, vsnet-alert 261786).
BK Lyn was suggested to be the counterpart of the Chinese “guest star” in 101 A.D. (Hertzog 1986; Patterson
et al. 2013) and showed a transient ER UMa-type phase in 2011–2012 (Patterson et al. 2013; Kato et al. 2013,
Figure 1: ZTF light curve of V476 Cyg.
58690 58700 58710 58720 58730 58740 58750 58760
Figure 2: ZTF light curve of V476 Cyg. Enlargement of the bright state in 2019 August–September. The tick
represents a shoulder in the bright outburst. The symbols are the same as in figure 1.
2014). This state had apparently started as early as in 2005 (Kato et al. 2013). The object is currently in novalike
state and no dwarf nova outbursts are observed.
Although WY Sge (nova eruption in 1783) was once considered to be a dwarf nova (Shara et al. 1984), Naylor
et al. (1992); Somers et al. (1996) pointed out that it is just an ordinary old nova. Modern ZTF observations do
not show any sign of dwarf nova outbursts contrary to the expectation by the hibernation scenario (Shara et al.
1984, 1986). See also Vogt et al. (2018) for modern observations of WY Sge.
Although Vogt et al. (2018) listed old novae showing low-amplitude outburst (they referred to as stunted
outbursts) in V841 Oph, V728 Sco, V1059 Sgr, V849 Oph, V363 Sgr, HS Pup and V2572 Sgr, the dwarf nova-type
nature is not apparent from their light curves for most objects. I included only V728 Sco, which showed recurrent
outbursts similar to dwarf novae by more than 1 mag, in the table.
Three of the objects in the table are long-period systems (orbital periods more than 1 d) and have evolved
secondaries. It is understandable that a considerable fraction of this table is composed of such objects, since
these objects have a large accretion disk and it is unstable to thermal instability even under mass-transfer rates
typical for ordinary (short-period) novalike systems (Kim et al. 1992). Kim et al. (1992) predicted that outbursts
Table 1: Novae showing dwarf nova outbursts after the eruption
V728 Sco
V606 Aql
GK Per
X Ser
V476 Cyg
BC Cas
V446 Her
V2109 Oph
V1017 Sgr
BK Lyn
Eruption Orbital Period (d) References
Vogt et al. (2018)
Kato and Kojiguchi (2021)
Crampton et al. (1986); Bianchini et al. (1986); Šimon (2002)
Thorstensen and Taylor (2000); Šimon (2018)
this paper
Kato and Kojiguchi (2020)
Thorstensen and Taylor (2000); Honeycutt et al. (2011)
vsnet-alert 26178
Sekiguchi (1992); Webbink et al. (1987)
Ringwald et al. (1996b); Patterson et al. (2013)
Figure 3: Combined ZTF and AAVSO light curve of V476 Cyg. The AAVSO observations were unfiltered CCD
ones obtained by HKEB (K. Hills, UK). At least a few outbursts recorded by ZTF were also recorded by AAVSO
CCD observations.
0.56 0.58 0.60 0.62 0.64 0.66 0.68 0.70 0.72 0.74
Figure 4: Short-term variation recorded in r-band time-resolved photometry by ZTF.
in such systems are inside-out-type, approximately symmetric ones, which agree with the observations of these
post-novae. This is apparently not the case for V476 Cyg. The outbursts in V476 Cyg rise rapidly and they are
apparently outside-in outbursts. If the suspected orbital period is correct, this behavior is consistent with the
short-period nature. Among the table, the only confirmed short-period object is BK Lyn, whose dwarf nova-type
phase was likely a transient phenomenon and the suspected nova eruption occurred nearly 2000 years ago. In this
regard, the case of V476 Cyg with a long-lasting dwarf nova-type phase would be unique. Patterson et al. (2013)
estimated that novae below the period gap show dwarf nova outbursts after the nova eruption when the white
dwarf cools sufficiently after ∼1000 years. If the suspected orbital period of V476 Cyg is correct, this object
can be an exception. The case of V476 Cyg may reflect the rapid evolution (with t2=16.5 d or 6 d) of the nova
eruption and rapid subsequent cooling.
5 Shoulder or failed superoutburst?
The nature of the shoulder in the dwarf nova-type outburst is not still clear. Cannizzo (2012) considered it to
be similar to precursor outbursts in SU UMa-type superoutbursts. Kato and Hambsch (2021) suggested that
it originates when the disk reaches the tidal truncation radius. In the special case of V363 Lyr, the outburst
accompanied by a shoulder was 0.3–0.4 mag brighter than other outbursts and showed periodic modulations with
a period slightly longer than the orbital period (Kato 2021). The nature of this variation is still unclear (Kato
2021). Compared to the light curves by Cannizzo (2012), such as that of SS Cyg, the case of V476 Cyg looks
more similar to that of V363 Lyr. It would be worth performing time-resolved photometry during such outbursts
to detect possible periodic signals as in V363 Lyr. Other shorter outbursts in V476 Cyg have variable peak
brightness, although it was more constant at 17.0 mag in the late 2020 to the 2021 seasons (later part of the third
panel and the fourth panel of figure 1). Considering the suspected orbital period in section 3, these outbursts
with shoulders may be analogous to SU UMa-type superoutbursts [a “failed superoutburst” is also known in SU
UMa stars, during which tidal instability is not sufficiently strong to produce a full superoutburst (Osaki and
Kato 2013)], although the durations were much shorter.
Determination of the orbital period by radial-velocity studies is desired. Considering that many dwarf novae
in the period gap have been identified as SU UMa stars [e.g. V1006 Cyg (Kato et al. 2016); MN Dra (Nogami et al.
2003; Pavlenko et al. 2010; Bąkowska et al. 2017); NY Ser (Pavlenko et al. 2014; Kato et al. 2019)], superoutbursts
may be expected in V476 Cyg. Continued observations and timely time-resolved photometry would clarify the
Figure 5: PDM analysis of V476 Cyg using the ZTF data in quiescence. (Upper): PDM analysis. A sharp signal
at 0.1018002(6) d was detected. (Lower): mean profile.
Figure 6: ZTF light curve of V446 Her. The current behavior is indistinguishable from that of ordinary SS Cyg-
type dwarf novae. The BJD scale is the same as in figure 1 (V476 Cyg). One can easily see the shortness of
outbursts in V476 Cyg.
nature of dwarf nova outbursts in V476 Cyg. Since the object appears to be still declining from the 1920 nova
eruption, this object would provide an ideal laboratory of the behavior of an irradiated accretion disk in which
tidal instability is expected to work. This object would also be an ideal laboratory of the effect of a massive
white dwarf on dwarf nova outbursts.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 21K03616. The author is grateful to the ZTF team
for making their data available to the public. We are grateful to Naoto Kojiguchi for helping downloading the
ZTF data. This research has made use of the AAVSO Variable Star Index (Watson et al. 2006), the AAVSO
International Database and NASA’s Astrophysics Data System.
Based on observations obtained with the Samuel Oschin 48-inch Telescope at the Palomar Observatory as
part of the Zwicky Transient Facility project. ZTF is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant
No. AST-1440341 and a collaboration including Caltech, IPAC, the Weizmann Institute for Science, the Oskar
Klein Center at Stockholm University, the University of Maryland, the University of Washington, Deutsches
Elektronen-Synchrotron and Humboldt University, Los Alamos National Laboratories, the TANGO Consortium
of Taiwan, the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories. Operations
are conducted by COO, IPAC, and UW.
The ztfquery code was funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon
2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement n◦759194 – USNAC, PI: Rigault).
We acknowledge ESA Gaia, DPAC and the Photometric Science Alerts Team (
List of objects in this paper
V606 Aql, BC Cas, SS Cyg, V476 Cyg, V1006 Cyg, MN Dra, V446 Her, BK Lyn, V363 Lyr, IM Nor, V841
Oph, V849 Oph, V2109 Oph, V Per, GK Per, V392 Per, HS Pup, V597 Pup, V728 Sco, X Ser, NY Ser, WY
Sge, WZ Sge, V363 Sgr, V1017 Sgr, V1059 Sgr, V2572 Sgr, SU UMa, ER UMa, QU Vul, Gaia21dza, Gaia EDR3
We provide two forms of the references section (for ADS and as published) so that the references can be easily
incorporated into ADS.
References (for ADS)
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ai_researcher | 3 | Accurate_Prediction_of_Experimental_Band_Gaps_from_Large_Language_Model-Based_Data_Extraction.pdf | Accurate Prediction of Experimental Band Gaps from
Large Language Model-Based Data Extraction
Samuel J. Yang, Shutong Li, Subhashini Venugopalan, Vahe Tshitoyan, Muratahan Aykol,
Amil Merchant, Ekin Dogus Cubuk, Gowoon Cheon∗
Machine learning is transforming materials discovery by providing rapid predic-
tions of material properties, which enables large-scale screening for target materials.
However, such models require training data. While automated data extraction from
scientific literature has potential, current auto-generated datasets often lack suf-
ficient accuracy and critical structural and processing details of materials that
influence the properties. Using band gap as an example, we demonstrate Large
language model (LLM)-prompt-based extraction yields an order of magnitude
lower error rate. Combined with additional prompts to select a subset of exper-
imentally measured properties from pure, single-crystalline bulk materials, this
results in an automatically extracted dataset that’s larger and more diverse than the
largest existing human-curated database of experimental band gaps. Compared to
the existing human-curated database, we show the model trained on our extracted
database achieves a 19% reduction in the mean absolute error of predicted band
gaps. Finally, we demonstrate that LLMs are able to train models predicting band
gap on the extracted data, achieving an automated pipeline of data extraction to
materials property prediction.
Modern scientific literature encodes information on practically all technological materials, their
structure, processing history and property measurements in the form of unstructured natural language
buried in research articles. Collection and standardization of such information at scale would
transform how materials research is conducted. Human curated tables or handbooks of material
properties are inherently limited in size and scope. They often lack critical structural and processing
details that influence the properties, which leads to poor predictability of material properties. Rule-
based approaches have been widely explored to automate the extraction of larger datasets from the
literature,[25, 18, 8] but they also often fail to capture such critical information, and are challenging
to benchmark or execute at high accuracy. Machine learning models trained on largely-available
computational data,[16, 23, 6] such as density functional theory (DFT) computed band gaps, do not
generalize to the experimental measurements either [1]. This is not only due to inherent limitations in
the theory itself (e.g. underestimation of band gaps), but again due to the uncertainty in experimental
data due to lack of information essential for predictions.
With the recent advances in natural language processing, we observe a significant improvement in
the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). With LLMs, prompt-based extraction from
the scientific literature is emerging as a new extraction method that may achieve higher extraction
accuracy at a lower amount of human effort. Early LLM-based property extraction studies utilized
fine-tuning [9], but there have been a series of papers using prompt engineering with success, such as
extraction of critical cooling rates of metallic glasses, yield strengths of high-entropy alloys, emission
wavelengths of phosphors or synthesis parameters metal organic frameworks. [30, 31, 21, 20]
∗corresponding authors: [email protected]
Preprint. Under review.
In this work, we demonstrate that databases created from LLM-assisted, prompt-based extraction
lead to state-of-the-art performance on predicting experimentally measured properties. We focus
on the extraction of experimental band gaps because they involve the main extraction challenges
outlined above: i.e. it is a property strongly affected by material morphology (e.g. film thickness or
particle size) and doping levels. In fact, it is common practice to tune the band gap of a material by
changing the nanoparticle size[29] or doping[22], and the exclusion of these effects leads to highly
noisy datasets upon extraction. Moreover, it cannot be accurately predicted by the level of DFT
used in high-throughput databases of materials, which are widely used for training machine learning
models predicting band gap. To remove errors from DFT calculations in models predicting band gap,
we exclude numerically calculated values of band gaps in our data extraction process.
Even with advanced data extraction methods, the challenges with data extraction as well as uncertainty
in experimental data result in noise in any automatically extracted dataset. We demonstrate that using
machine learning techniques that are robust to noise, such as huber loss[15, 13] and ensembling,
improve the performance of the model trained on extracted data.
Our contributions are: (i) benchmarking the quality of extracted databases directly on the accuracy of
models trained on the databases (ii) a database of experimentally measured band gaps of pure single-
crystalline bulk materials extracted by prompt-based methods (iii) graph neural network models
trained on the extracted dataset, which achieve state-of-the-art results on predicting experimentally
measured band gaps (iv) automated training of band gap prediction models using LLMs, completing
the automation from data extraction to materials property prediction.
2 Existing Datasets
There are three existing datasets that are most relevant to our work, and we use these to compare the
value of our dataset and property prediction models.
Dong&Cole[8], Auto-generated database of band gaps: ChemDataExtractor[25, 18] is a leading
software for extracting chemical information from scientific papers, and is widely used in the
scientific community for materials and chemistry data extraction[8, 7, 14, 24, 3]. Not only is it
widely used, many materials and chemistry NLP methods use ChemDataExtractor’s tokenization as
well[27, 26, 17]. Ref.[8] applied it to sentences from 128,776 journal articles to extract band gaps
and reports 84% precision and 65% recall. As is the standard for data extraction, the precision and
recall are evaluated on whether the extracted values match the original sentence. The data points used
to compute these metrics contain materials of varying morphology and composition - for example, it
contains over 500 entries for GaN with standard deviation 1.17 eV. Hence, using just the precision and
recall does not fully capture the utility of the extracted dataset for predicting band gaps of materials.
The dataset released from this work include both the extracted band gaps and the original sentences
where the values were extracted. We use the sentences in this dataset as the source of text for
our LLM-based extraction. In the rest of the paper, we refer to the original ChemDataExtractor-
extracted values from this dataset as Dong&Cole, and our LLM-based extractions from the same set
of sentences as Our extractions. For chemical compositions that have multiple extracted band gap
values, we take the median to have a single value per chemical composition.
Materials Project: The Materials Project database is one of the most widely used datasets for
training machine learning models for materials. Though the error of DFT-computed band gaps in
a high-throughput setting may be large[1], we include this dataset as it is a popular benchmark
dataset for state-of-the-art property prediction models including band gap. We use the snapshot of the
Materials Project as of June 1, 2018, which was released with the MEGNet paper[5]. For chemical
compositions with multiple phases, we take the band gap value of the structure with the lowest energy
above the hull.
matbench_expt_gap: This is the database of experimentally measured band gap values from the
literature[32], which is used as a benchmark dataset for evaluating models for band gap prediction in
Matbench[10]. We use the version of the dataset provided in Matbench, which has been edited to
deduplicate values for the same chemical composition. However, only the non-zero band gap values in
this dataset come from the literature: the authors note in the original paper[32] that "The experimental
band gap values were extracted from literature as referenced and for metals they were extracted from
Materials Project database." We checked the subset of non-metals in matbench_expt_gap that also
exists in Materials Project, and found that 17% of the non-metals in matbench_expt_gap are labelled
as metals in the Materials Project. Finding this, we remove all metals (zero band gap materials)
from our evaluation to ensure the comparison is done only on experimental band gap values from the
literature without noise from DFT.
3 Data extraction
Data extraction and filtering We use the sentences in the dataset from Dong&Cole as the source of
text. Inspired by [30], our approach uses a series of zero-shot [4] prompting of LLMs specifically
tailored to identify and extract materials and their properties. We use GPT-4[19] as the LLM. First, for
each material whose band gap value is described in a sentence, we extract the material, property name,
property value and unit, as well as any descriptors for the material (e.g. "nanoparticle") or property
(e.g. "DFT-computed"). For each extracted entry, we run four follow-up prompts to ask: 1) Is the
extracted property actually a band gap value?(as opposed to, for example, increase in the band gap,
or +U correction in eV units) 2) is the extracted material a pure (non-doped) bulk single-crystalline
material? 3) What is the chemical formula of the extracted material? 4) Is the band gap numerically
All prompts that were used in this work can be found in the Supporting Information section. After
running the prompts, we filter the data for experimentally measured electronic band gaps of pure
single-crystalline bulk materials. We make this choice so that our data reflects the intrinsic properties
of materials, rather than properties engineered through changes in morphology or composition.
Moreover, this provides a direct point of comparison with numerically calculated values. The
following inclusion criteria were applied: prompt responses have correct formatting; there is no
evidence the extracted property was numerically computed; there is no evidence the extracted entry is
not for a pure single-crystalline bulk material; the extracted units and property names are consistent
with band gap; band gap value is between 0 and 20 eV.
The reason for manually excluding extracted values that are over 20 eV, instead of having a full
prompt-based pipeline, is because of errors from the original source text. For example, the sentence
from [28], As illustrated in Fig. 3a, the band gap of the Zn16O16 system was 3400 eV, which is
consistent with that in a previous study [26]., has the typographical error 3400 eV instead of 3.400 eV.
Even in the limit of achieving perfect precision for extracting values that match the original text, the
errors from the original text still persist. This yields 39391 extractions for 2733 distinct compositions.
For the 1336 compositions that have multiple extractions per material, we take the median of the
extracted band gap values.
Verification To verify the quality of our extractions, we conducted several analyses. First we manually
annotated 100 randomly selected sentences and evaluated the precision and recall across our various
prompts. For entity extraction, we assess whether the identified property, value and units matches the
material, and that all are contained in the source sentence, as done in ChemDataExtractor[25, 18]. As
seen in Table 1, we achieve an order of magnitude lower error rate, with a 99% precision compared
with 81% for ChemDataExtractor.
Next, we evaluated our prompts for classifying whether extracted material properties are numerically
computed or from materials that are not pure single-crystalline materials in the bulk form. Where the
sentence provides positive evidence of either, we exclude the extraction from our dataset; in cases of
negative or lack of evidence, we include the extraction. We evaluate these prompts in this binary way,
with the precision and recall reported in Table 1.
Next, we compare the our extracted dataset with the values extracted in Dong&Cole. Among 4871
compositions in the Dong&Cole dataset, 2733 compositions are contained in our dataset. Only 52%
of the compositions in both datasets have band gap labels within 0.1 eV.
4 Evaluation
Our evaluation compares the value of the extracted data in training performant experimental band-gap
prediction models. As noted above in the description for matbench_expt_gap , we remove all metals
from all 4 datasets (Dong&Cole, our extractions, matbench_expt_gap , Materials Project) before we
perform the evaluations. We train a band gap property prediction model on each of the datasets in
Sec. 2, excluding materials in the test set described below. Another experiment we run is to train a
model on the superset of our extractions and matbench_expt_gap . As this is the largest dataset of
experimental band gaps to date, we expect the predictions from models trained on this dataset to be
the most accurate and useful for predicting band gaps of new compounds.
(material, property, value, units) extraction
prompt 1*
prompt 1* & 2** Dong&Cole
81% (81/100)
72% (67/93)
97% (97/100)
96% (89/93)
99% (99/100)
92% (86/93)
70% (7/10)
89% (8/9)
79% (38/48)
65% (41/63)
Table 1: Evaluating extractions from Dong&Cole, which uses ChemDataExtractor, and our proposed
prompt-based extraction on 100 randomly selected human-annotated sentences encompassing 140
property extractions. Extraction precision represents fraction of sentences where no incorrect extrac-
tions were obtained; extraction recall represents sentences where all extractions were found (only 93
of 100 sentences had at least one valid extraction, per human annotation). For classification (if the
property is numerically computed and not experimentally determined; if the material is not pure bulk
single crystalline), precision and recall denote fraction of extractions.
*: prompt 1 extracts from a sentence all material(s), property name(s), property value(s) and unit(s),
as well as any descriptor(s).
** prompt 2 confirms the extracted property is a valid band gap. Both the prompts can be found in
the Supporting Information.
We evaluate the models in two different ways. First, we report the 5-fold cross validation error of
models trained on each dataset. However, the datasets have different standard deviations as well
as different distribution in the chemical composition space. A raw numerical comparison of cross
validation errors is unlikely to be predictive of how well the models will perform on predicting the
band gaps of new materials.
Hence, we perform a second evaluation on a shared hold-out test set, consisting of 210 materials that
are common across all datasets mentioned above. The fact that these materials appear in all datasets
indicate research interest, so these materials are more likely to resemble the distribution of materials
that materials scientists are interested in studying.
Graph neural network model used for predicting band gaps We train GNN models to predict
experimental band gap, following the message passing formulation [2, 11] and implemented using
Jraph [12]. We use the “matscholar_el” [27] featurization for node features, and edges are formed
between all pairs of nodes in the graph. The models update latent node features via stages of message
passing, where neighbor information is collected via normalized sums over edges and representations
are updated via shallow MLPs [11]. After several steps of message passing, a linear readout layer is
applied to the global state to compute a prediction of the energy.The GNN used an embedding size
of 64 and two hidden layers of size 164 and 64. The model is trained for 1000 epochs. To improve
the predictions, we use an ensemble by taking the mean prediction across 10 models with different
random initializations.
To evaluate how good this model architecture is compared to other models, we evaluated our model
on the matbench leaderboard [10] for predicting experimental band gaps. Our ensembled model
architecture achieves 0.343 eV mean absolute error, which is on par with the best submission in the
matbench leaderboard (0.331 eV for Ax/SAASBO CrabNet v1.2.7).
The choice of loss function Though our prompt-based extraction substantially improves the precision
of the extracted data, we still find that in many cases, the extracted band gaps do not have a single
value for each material. The main reason for this is because our data source is single-sentence excerpts
from papers. For example, consider a paper describing the fabrication of a ZnO thin film in the
methods section, and mentions the measured band gap of the ZnO sample in the Results section. If
the sentence containing the band gap value does not refer to ZnO as a thin film, our extraction pipeline
does not have enough information to decide whether this is a bulk sample of ZnO. As mentioned in
the Data extraction and filtering section, errors from the source sentences may also introduce noise
in the dataset, as would LLM errors in the extraction pipeline. As our data is inherently noisy, we
use the Huber loss, which is known to penalize outliers in the data during training. We compare the
results using Huber loss and the standard L2 loss in the Supporting Information.
5 Results and Discussion
5-fold cross validation Table 2 presents our main results. While the cross validation errors on the
matbench_expt_gap leaderboard are 0.3 eV, 53% of the materials in the leaderboard are metals.
Test MAE
(# materials)
(our labels)
(matbench labels)
Materials Project
Table 2: We report Mean Absolute Error (MAE) in eV, comparing band gap prediction models trained
on different datasets
Though cross validation errors on matbench_expt_gap in our table seem a lot worse than the mat-
bench_expt_gap leaderboard, this is expected from removing metals. (As noted in the Evaluation
section, our architecture achieves close to state-of-the-art performance on the matbench_expt_gap
leaderboard when metals are not removed.)
Compare the original Dong&Cole dataset to our extractions, which applied additional filtering on the
same source sentences. While the Dong&Cole dataset is 60% larger than ours, the cross validation
error is 16% lower in our dataset. This indicates that our filtering method was effective in filtering
out noise in the dataset.
While the cross validation error of our dataset is larger than that of matbench_expt_gap , the standard
deviation of our dataset is 1.78 eV, whereas it is 1.47 eV for matbench_expt_gap , so the difference
in cross validation error is actually smaller than the difference in standard deviation. We plot the
distribution in the Supporting Information.
Shared hold-out test set We demonstrate that the model trained on our extractions outperform the
model trained on matbench_expt_gap , and the difference is even larger for the model trained on both
Note that for the shared test set, some materials have different band gap labels in our dataset and in
matbench_expt_gap . matbench_expt_gap labels are human curated and are used for benchmarking
experimental band gaps, so we focus on the evaluation using matbench_expt_gap as ground truth.
This is a more difficult evaluation on the model trained on our dataset, compared to the model trained
on matbench_expt_gap . However, we see that the model trained on our dataset outperforms the
model trained on matbench_expt_gap , even when using matbench_expt_gap labels as ground truth.
This indicates that that our extracted dataset is better than matbench_expt_gap as a training set for
band gap prediction models. (We did not compute the MAE using Materials Project labels, as they
are based on DFT computations)
Most importantly, the combined dataset of our extractions and matbench_expt_gap reduces the
band gap prediction error by 19% on the test set. This demonstrates that our extracted dataset
is complementary to the existing matbench_expt_gap , and our extraction method is effective for
improving the prediction of experimental band gaps.
Finally, we include Materials Project band gaps in the comparison. While Materials Project band
gaps are widely used for training and benchmarking band gap prediction models, we see that training
on the Materials Project data is not effective for predicting experimental band gaps.
Using LLMs to train models on extracted data With the extracted data, the coding ability of the
LLMs also enables us to simply prompt the LLM to train property prediction models from the
dataset. We show prompts that use simple natural language instructions to make the LLM load
and manipulate the data. The LLM then goes on to generate and execute the code to perform
the manipulations and also trains and compares logistic regression, gradient boosted trees and
random forest models for band gap prediction. We share a colab notebook demonstrating this at
6 Conclusion
In this work, we demonstrate that we can extract and construct a high quality material properties
dataset from literature with the assistance of LLMs. Taking experimental band gap of pure single-
crystalline bulk materials as an example property, we construct a dataset of 2733 materials. We
benchmark the quality of our dataset comparing with existing datasets and show that our dataset is
useful for training property prediction models that achieve state-of-the-art performance on predicting
experimental band gaps. We also demonstrate a path forward for automated modeling of material
properties from extracted data.
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Supporting Information
Distribution of our dataset and matbench_expt_gap dataset
The distribution of our dataset and matbench_expt_gap dataset (excluding metals). Our dataset is
both larger and has a more dispersed distribution compared with matbench_expt_gap dataset: the
mean and standard deviation of our dataset are 2.58 and 1.87 eV, whereas for matbench_expt_gap
they are 2.09 and 1.47eV.
Dataset sizes with metals
Table 3 presents the sizes of the different datasets with metals.
total number of
data entries
number of unique
materials with metals materials without metals
number of unique
Table 3: The number of raw data entries allowing multiple band gap labels for each material, and the
number of unique materials including metals. In the experiments in the main text, only the unique
materials that are non-metals are used.
Results using the L2 loss
Table 4 presents the results when using L2 loss when tuning the GNN models.
Test MAE
(# materials)
(our labels)
(matbench labels)
Materials Project
Table 4: Mean absolute errors computed using the L2 loss
Results using stratified sampling
Another option we considered for handling multiple different labels in the extracted data is to train
different ensembles on a different subset of extracted labels. For each ensemble, we sampled 5
extracted labels for each material at random. Results for this stratified sampling during training are
presented in Table 5.
Test MAE
(matbench labels)
(matbench labels), SS
Table 5: Mean absolute errors computed using the Huber loss and stratified sampling (SS). The
columns with "SS" used 5 random samples of extracted labels for each material during training. The
MAE was evaluated using the median value for each material.
prompt 1: Extract properties from a passage. "[[material_property]]" is "band gap".
For each material whos [[material_property]] property and value is described in the
following passage from a scientific paper, extract the following fields:
1. material: material chemical formula. required.
1. property: material property for the named material. required.
1. units: property units
1. value: property value. required. must be a quantitative integer or float, not
1. material descriptors: material descriptors or ’None’ if none are present
1. property descriptors: property descriptors or ’None’ if none are present
1. is_evidence_material_is_not_pure_bulk_crystalline_material: ’evidence_is_not’ or
’evidence_is’ or ’no_evidence_either_way’, whether the material is a pure (non-
doped) bulk crystalline material?
If any required field is absent, exclude that result entirely. Do not mark any
fields as ’unknown’.
Example output:
[{’material’: ’Si’,
’property’: ’melting point’,
’unit’: ’C’,
’value’: ’300’,
’material descriptors’: ’crystalline’,
’property descriptors’: ’sea level’,
’is_evidence_material_is_not_pure_bulk_crystalline_material’: ’evidence_is’},
Passage from a scientific paper:
prompt 2: Confirm an extracted property is valid. For this and following prompts, the "[[extraction]]"
is the extraction’s material, property, units, value, material descriptors and property descriptors, JSON-
For the information extracted from the following passage from a scientific paper, is
the following material property the actual or predicted bandgap value for the
specific material?
Example input:
1. Extraction: {"formula":"AlCuS2","bandgap":1.0,"material descriptors":"crystal","
property descriptors":"decreased"}
Passage from a scientific paper: In most of crystals from this group, including
CuAlS2, the bandgap is decreased by 1 eV as compared to the ZnSe analog, and
the spinorbit splitting decreases from 0.45 to 0.23 eV.
2. Extraction: {"formula":"CeO2","bandgap":7.0,"material descriptors":"None","
property descriptors":"None"}
Passage from a scientific paper:A U value of 7.0 eV was used to reproduce the
correct band gap for CeO2.
Example output:
[{’is_actual_bandgap_value’: ’no’,
’reason’: ’the absolute bandgap is not mentioned in this passage.’},
{’is_actual_bandgap_value’: ’no’,
’reason’: ’U value is used as a parameter, not the actual bandgap value.’},
Passage from a scientific paper:
prompt 3: Check if extracted property is numerically calculated.
For the band gap information extracted from the following passage from a scientific
paper, \
I want to determine if the band gap was calculated numerically or from analyzing
experimental measurements. \
An experimental measurement of band gaps usually involves absorption-based
spectroscopic techniques, \
such as UV-vis, photoluminiscence, diffuse-reflectance, angle-resolved photoemission
spectroscopy. \
Then the band gap is calculated from the experimental results, using extrapolation,
Kubelka-Munk transformation, Tauc equation, absorption spectrum fitting, Beer-
Lambert’s law etc.
If the band gap came from numerical calculations, it will mention that it was
calculated through simulations, theoretical calculations, \
or methods such as density functional theory(DFT), many-body calculations or tight
binding; \
or the sentence may contain keywords that are related to DFT, such as functionals
or other keywords such as Hubbard U, +U calculations, Hartree-Fock, exchange, plane
wave basis, gaussian basis, density of states etc. \
In this case, the band gap definitely does not come from experimental measurements.
Is the given extraction from the sentence a value measured experimentally? Which
method was used?
Example outputs:
{’answer_is_experimental_method’: ’yes’, ’method’:’Diffuse-reflectance measurement’,
’reason’: ’The sentence mentions Kubelka-Munk relation, which is used for converting
the diffuse reflectance spectra to pseudo-absorption spectra’}
{’answer_is_experimental_method’: ’yes’, ’method’:’unknown experimental method’, \
’reason’: ’The sentence mentions DFT calculation result of 1.3 eV, but also says
that it matches the experimental value of 1.2 eV; \
the given extraction was 1.2 eV, which is the experimental value.’}
{’answer_is_experimental_method’: ’no’, ’method’:’DFT’, \
’reason’: ’The sentence mentions that U value of 10 eV was used, which is the
Hubbard term for DFT calculations of materials with d or f electrons.’}
{’answer_is_experimental_method’: ’no’, ’method’:’DFT’, \
’reason’: ’The sentence mentions functional, which is used in DFT calculations.’}
{’answer_is_experimental_method’: ’unknown’, ’method’:’unknown’, \
’reason’: ’The sentence does not mention whether the band gap was measured or
calculated, or include any details about the measurement (or calculation)
Passage from a scientific paper:
prompt 4: Check if extracted material is not crystalline
For the material property information extracted from the following passage from a
scientific paper, is the extracted material a pure (non-doped) bulk single
crystalline material?
Example output:
[{’answer_yes_no_or_not_enough_information’: ’yes’,
’reason’: ’reason’},
Passage from a scientific paper:
prompt 5: Check if extracted material formula is valid.
What is the chemical formula of material [[material]]? Respond with only a
chemical formula.
ai_researcher | 3 | Training_Verifiers_to_Solve_Math_Word_Problems.pdf | 1
Training Verifiers to Solve Math Word Problems
Karl Cobbe∗
Vineet Kosaraju∗
Mohammad Bavarian
Mark Chen
Heewoo Jun
(cid:32)Lukasz Kaiser
Matthias Plappert
Jerry Tworek
Jacob Hilton
Reiichiro Nakano
Christopher Hesse
John Schulman
State-of-the-art language models can match human performance on
many tasks, but they still struggle to robustly perform multi-step mathe-
matical reasoning. To diagnose the failures of current models and support
research, we introduce GSM8K, a dataset of 8.5K high quality linguisti-
cally diverse grade school math word problems. We find that even the
largest transformer models fail to achieve high test performance, despite
the conceptual simplicity of this problem distribution. To increase per-
formance, we propose training verifiers to judge the correctness of model
completions. At test time, we generate many candidate solutions and
select the one ranked highest by the verifier. We demonstrate that ver-
ification significantly improves performance on GSM8K, and we provide
strong empirical evidence that verification scales more effectively with
increased data than a finetuning baseline.
In recent years,
large language models have demonstrated impressive skills
across many diverse tasks (Wang et al., 2019; Brown et al., 2020). Kaplan
et al. (2020) describe the consistent benefits of increasing model size, character-
izing scaling trends that hold across many orders of magnitude. However, even
the largest models falter when required to perform multi-step mathematical rea-
soning (Hendrycks et al., 2021). Model samples frequently contain catastrophic
mistakes, even after the model has been appropriately finetuned. Mathematical
reasoning thus reveals a critical weakness in modern language models.
One significant challenge in mathematical reasoning is the high sensitivity
to individual mistakes (Shen et al., 2021a). When generating a solution, au-
toregressive models have no mechanism to correct their own errors. Solutions
that veer off-course quickly become unrecoverable. If we rely purely on genera-
tive methods and extrapolate from current trends, we will require an exorbitant
∗Equal contribution. Correspondence to: Karl Cobbe <[email protected]>, Vineet
Kosaraju <[email protected]>
Figure 1: Three example problems from GSM8K. Calculation annotations are
highlighted in red.
parameter count to achieve even moderate performance on distributions as chal-
lenging as the MATH dataset (Hendrycks et al., 2021). This evidence strongly
motivates the search for methods with more favorable scaling laws.
We propose training verifiers to evaluate the correctness of model generated
solutions, similar to concurrent work by Shen et al. (2021a). At test time, we
sample a fixed number of candidate solutions and select the solution ranked
highest by the verifier. Verifiers benefit both from their inherent optionality
and from verification being a simpler task than generation in general.
To facilitate research, we are releasing GSM8K, a dataset of 8.5K high quality
problems at the grade school math level. We designed this dataset to have high
linguistic diversity while relying on relatively simple grade school math concepts.
State-of-the-art language models struggle to achieve high performance on this
dataset, primarily due to the high diversity among problems. At the same time,
GSM8K solutions depend only on elementary concepts, so achieving high test
performance is a tractable goal.
Our main contributions are as follows:
1. We present a curated dataset of 8.5K grade school math questions and nat-
ural language solutions, useful for probing the informal reasoning ability
of large language models.
2. We show that, compared to a finetuning baseline, the use of verifiers results
in approximately the same performance boost as a 30x model size increase,
and that verifiers scale significantly better with increased data.
3. We show that dropout acts as a strong regularizer, significantly improving
performance for both finetuning and verification.
2 Dataset
GSM8K consists of 8.5K high quality grade school math problems created by
human problem writers. We segmented these into 7.5K training problems and
1K test problems. These problems take between 2 and 8 steps to solve, and
solutions primarily involve performing a sequence of elementary calculations
using basic arithmetic operations (+ − ×÷) to reach the final answer. A bright
middle school student should be able to solve every problem.
We created GSM8K based on the following design principles.
• High Quality We avoid error-prone scraping procedures and instead rely
on human workers to create problems. After performing extensive quality
control based on workers’ answer agreement, we estimate that less than 2
percent of problems contain breaking errors.
• High Diversity We strive for high diversity among problems. We ac-
tively avoid designing problems that are drawn from the same linguistic
template or differ only in superficial details, an issue that is prevalent
among many other datasets. By creating each individual problem to be
relatively unique, held-out test performance becomes a far more relevant
• Moderate Difficulty We choose a problem distribution that is challeng-
ing for large state-of-the-art language models, without being completely
intractable. GSM8K will help us better understand the data scaling trends
of different models and methods in this difficulty sweet spot. Problems re-
quire no concepts beyond the level of early Algebra, and the vast majority
of problems can be solved without explicitly defining a variable.
• Natural Language Solutions We collect solutions in natural language
rather than as pure math expressions. We believe this is the most generally
useful data format, and we expect it to shed light on the properties of large
language models’ internal monologues. We instructed problem writers to
explain their work as much as possible, but we allowed them to write
solutions in their own diverse linguistic styles.
The full GSM8K dataset can be found at
school-math. Example problems are shown in Figure 1, and we discuss addi-
tional dataset details in Appendix A.
3 Related Work
3.1 Related Datasets
Early math word problem datasets (Kushman et al., 2014; Roy and Roth, 2015)
are relatively small and are not well suited for testing the limits of modern lan-
guage models. Dolphin18K (Huang et al., 2016) is a larger dataset containing
18K problems, but solutions are provided only in the form of equations or fi-
nal answers. AQuA-RAT (Ling et al., 2017) contains 100K problems, but this
dataset unfortunately suffers from both a high degree of problem templatiza-
tion and poor quality control of the natural language solutions. MathQA is
a recently released subset of AQuA-RAT focused on correcting these mistakes
(Amini et al., 2019), but even the corrected dataset has data quality issues, with
around 30% of the data having inconsistencies (Miao et al., 2021). Ape210K
(Zhao et al., 2020) is the largest publicly available dataset, consisting of 210K
Chinese elementary school-level math problems. However, due to the language
barrier and the lack of natural language solutions, we’re unable to evaluate our
methods on this dataset.
The recently developed ASDiv dataset (Miao et al., 2021), which contains
2.3K math word problems, addresses common flaws in prior datasets by ensuring
problems have both high diversity and high quality. We share those design
principles in the creation of GSM8K. However, we note that GSM8K is larger,
provides natural language solutions, and consists of problems that on average
require more steps to solve. The MATH dataset (Hendrycks et al., 2021) is larger
and significantly more complex than GSM8K, but the high difficulty makes
it challenging to accurately measure progress given the current capabilities of
state-of-the-art language models.
Other recent reasoning-related datasets have focused on mathematical rea-
soning on symbolic math (Lample and Charton, 2019), reading comprehension
(LogiQA) (Liu et al., 2020), and commonsense question answering (Common-
senseQA) (Talmor et al., 2018). Similar to CommonsenseQA, GSM8K includes
questions that require basic background knowledge, like the number of days in
a week. Similar to LogiQA, which requires a mix of reading comprehension and
logical reasoning, GSM8K’s main difficulty lies in both properly interpreting a
question and reasoning through the steps to solve it.
3.2 Related Methods
Previous work has attempted to solve classic math word problem benchmarks
with recurrent seq2seq models (Sutskever et al., 2014) and closely related vari-
ants (Wang et al., 2017; Huang et al., 2018). More recent work has improved per-
formance by designing specialized encoder-decoder architectures (Amini et al.,
2019; Chiang and Chen, 2018; Xie and Sun, 2019; Chen et al., 2020; Li et al.,
2020), with the strongest results often relying on large pretrained encoders from
the BERT family (Chen et al., 2019; Kim et al., 2020; Liang et al., 2021).
Other recent work has recommended additional pretraining tasks to further
improve the math reasoning skills of large transformer-based models. Hendrycks
et al. (2021) propose pretraining models on a new AMPS corpus, derived from
Khan Academy problems and Mathematica scripts. Similarly, Shen et al. (2021b)
propose a pretrained a corpus of pre-K to college level curricula extracted from
the internet, and Peng et al. (2021) propose pretraining by predicting masked
subexpressions from expression trees.
Similar to verification, other methods have finetuned a language model to
Figure 2: Final test performance for various GPT-3 model sizes after finetuning
on training sets of different sizes. Mean and standard deviation is shown across
3 runs.
select among many model completions. Nichols et al. (2020) proposed a sample-
and-rank approach to improve the collaborative storytelling ability of large lan-
guage models, with the training signal coming from the preferences of human
In concurrent work closely related to our own, Shen et al. (2021a)
applied a similar approach to solving math word problems, jointly training a
model to both generate and rank solutions. Our work shares many fundamen-
tal similarities with their approach, though we differ in several key respects.
First, we focus attention on the space of natural language solutions, as this is
a richer and more general solution format than pure mathematical expressions.
Moreover, this choice enables our models to develop verbal analytical skills and
to produce solutions that are more readily interpretable by humans. Second,
we provide evidence that verifiers scale far more favorably with additional data
than baseline methods. Finally, we use separate generator and verifier networks,
in order to prevent the generator from overfitting.
4 Methods
We investigate two methods to solve problems in GSM8K: finetuning and ver-
ification. Finetuning, our baseline method, uses the same language modeling
objective as the generative pretraining in GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020). At test
time, we judge performance by autoregressively sampling a single low temper-
ature solution and checking whether the final answer is correct.
In contrast,
verification consists of sampling multiple high temperature solutions, assigning
each solution a score, and outputting the highest ranked solution. Verifiers are
trained to judge the correctness of solutions, with the training signal determined
solely by whether or not the solution reached the correct final answer.
5001000200040008000Training Set Size05101520253035Test Solve Rate (%)3B model6B model12B model175B model3612175# Model Parameters (B)05101520253035Test Solve Rate (%)500 problems1K problems2K problems4K problems7.5K problemsFigure 3: Test solve rate after finetuning a 6B model on the full GSM8K training
set, when the model is allowed to make 1 guess (left) or 100 guesses (right).
For both methods, we use models from the GPT-3 family as our initializa-
tion, primarily focusing on the 175B and 6B model sizes. The 175B model is
the largest and produces the most impressive results, while the 6B model is sig-
nificantly more convenient for research purposes. We discuss hyperparameter
choices in Appendix B.
Our models frequently fail to accurately perform calculations. Although
larger models make fewer arithmetic mistakes than smaller models, this remains
a common source of errors. To mitigate this issue, we train all models to use
a calculator by injecting calculation annotations into the training set. At test
time, a calculator will override sampling when the model chooses to use these
annotations. Details can be found in Appendix C.
4.1 Finetuning
We perform finetuning by updating model parameters to minimize the cross-
entropy loss over all training tokens. Figure 2 shows test performance after
finetuning on training sets of varying sizes for 20 epochs. We visualize the same
data both as a function of training set size and as a function of model size.
Test performance is determined by a single low temperature (T = 0) sample
for each test problem. Unsurprisingly, we see that the 175B model significantly
outperforms the smaller models. Assuming a log-linear trend, we can naively
extrapolate these results to estimate that a model with 1016 parameters would
be required to reach an 80% solve rate, when using the full GSM8K training
set. It is even harder to extrapolate along the data dimension, since performance
does not appear to follow a log-linear trend. Nevertheless, it appears likely that
the 175B model would require at least two additional orders of magnitude of
training data to reach an 80% solve rate.
In Figure 3, we show how 6B test performance varies over the course of 100
01020304050Epoch121416182022Test@1 Solve Rate (%)6B01020304050Epoch7072747678808284Test@100 Solve Rate (%)6BFigure 4: A diagram of the verification training pipeline.
training epochs. We use test@N to denote the percentage of problems solved
correctly at least once when allowing the model to make N separate guesses for
each problem. We use a low temperature (T = 0) to generate test@1 samples
and we use a higher temperature (T = 0.7) to generate test@100 samples. Both
temperature values were chosen empirically to produce the best results. Test@1
performance improves approximately monotonically, even though we quickly
begin overfitting on test loss. Unfortunately, test@100 performance degrades
much more sharply than test@1 as we increase the number of epochs. This is
to be expected: as the model repeatedly encounters the same data, it becomes
increasingly uncalibrated and overconfident in its predictions. At test time, this
overconfidence leads to poor coverage of the solution space, an effect which only
becomes noticeable when we are considering multiple samples at test time.
Choosing a model with good coverage is critical to successfully train verifiers.
Empirically, we see that test@100 performance peaks within the first few epochs.
For this reason, we use models trained for 2 epochs to generate samples for
training verifiers. We provide several example solutions from 6B and 175B
models in Appendix D. We also note that it is important to allow the model to
generate the full natural language solution before outputting a final answer. If
we instead finetune a 6B model to directly output the final answer without any
intermediate steps, performance drops drastically from 20.6% to 5.2%.
4.2 Verification
To improve upon the finetuning baseline, we train verifiers to judge the correct-
ness of model-generated solutions and search against these verifiers at test time.
Conditioned on the problem and a candidate solution, the verifier outputs the
probability that the solution is correct. Training solutions are labeled as correct
or incorrect based solely on whether they reach the correct final answer. In prac-
tice, some solutions will reach the correct final answer using flawed reasoning,
leading to false positives.
Figure 5: A comparison between finetuning and verification using 6B and 175B
model sizes. Verification considers 100 solutions per problem. Mean and stan-
dard deviation is shown across 3 runs, except for 175B verification which shows
only a single run.
As shown in Figure 4, we train the verifier as follows:
1. Finetune a model (the “generator”) for 2 epochs on the training set.
2. Sample 100 completions from the generator for each training problem and
label each solution as correct or incorrect.
3. Train a verifier for a single epoch on this dataset.
Training for 2 epochs is enough for the generator to learn basic skills in this
domain. We choose not to train for longer, since the diversity of generated
solutions begins to collapse after this point, as shown in Figure 3. We train
separate generator and verifier models to limit the generator’s training and
prevent overfitting, but in principle, it should be possible to combine these
models. Unless otherwise specified, we use the same model size for the generator
and the verifier. In addition to predicting solution correctness, we also train the
verifier with the same language modeling objective as the generator. This serves
as a valuable auxiliary objective for the verifier. We discuss additional verifier
training details in Appendix E.
At test time, we sample 100 completions to each test problem, rank them
with the verifier, and then return the one with the highest verifier score. A
comparison between verification and finetuning is shown in Figure 5 for both
the 6B and 175B model sizes. We find that it is not beneficial to use verification
at low dataset sizes. We believe this is due to the pressure to overfit to the
correct answer: with small datasets, overfitting to the correct answer happens
faster than learning more generalizable properties of correct reasoning. However,
once we use a sufficiently large dataset, we see a strong boost from verifiers.
5001000200040008000Training Set Size0102030405060Test Solve Rate (%)6B Finetuning6B Verification5001000200040008000Training Set Size0102030405060Test Solve Rate (%)175B Finetuning175B Verification(a) Comparison between a
verifier trained to predict
correctness after every to-
ken (token-level) and one
trained to predict correct-
ness after only the final to-
ken (solution-level)
(b) Comparison between
a verifier
trained jointly
to predict correctness and
perform language model-
ing (joint) and one trained
only to predict correctness
(c) Performance when vary-
ing the size of the genera-
tor and the verifier in isola-
tion. Increasing the size of
the generator has a larger
impact than increasing the
size of the verifier.
Figure 6: Verification ablations
It’s interesting to note that the 175B verifiers “take off” earlier than the 6B
verifiers, requiring fewer training problems to surpass the finetuning baseline.
See Appendix D for example solutions found by verifiers and Appendix F for a
visualization of verifier confidence.
4.3 Verification Ablations
We can either train verifiers to make a single scalar prediction conditioned on
the entire generated solution, or to make a scalar prediction after each token
in the solution. By default, we choose the latter, training verifiers to make
predictions after each token. This can be viewed as a token-level value function.
We compare these two methods in Figure 6a, respectively labeled “solution-
level” and “token-level”.
Predicting the value function at every token is a more challenging and nois-
ier task than judging only the full completion. However, despite the initially
slower training, the token-level verifier ultimately outperforms the solution-level
verifier. Moreover, the token-level verifier is still improving late in training,
whereas the solution-level verifier quickly shows signs of overfitting. We hy-
pothesize that the full value function provides a useful auxiliary signal that
encourages the model to judge the reasoning throughout solutions, rather than
merely memorizing the correct final answer.
In Figure 6b, we ablate the objective used when training verifiers. As dis-
cussed in Section 4.2, we can optionally include a language modeling objective
alongside the verification objective. We compare using both objectives to using
only the verification objective. Although both are reasonable choices, including
the language modeling objective is a strict improvement. This makes intuitive
9 Solve Rate (%)token-levelsolution-level0. Solve Rate (%)token-level, jointtoken-level, verification-only5001000200040008000Training Set Size0102030405060Test Solve Rate (%)6B Gen, 6B Verifier6B Gen, 175B Verifier175B Gen, 6B Verifier175B Gen, 175B Verifier(a) 6B verification test performance
when given varying numbers of comple-
tions per problem to rank.
(b) 6B verification test performance
when varying the number of top ranked
samples allowed to vote on the answer.
Figure 7: Performance as the amount of test time compute varies.
sense: better understanding this language distribution should only aid the ver-
ifier in discriminating between samples.
In Figure 6c, we separately ablate the model size of the generator and the
verifier. We find that using a large generator with a small verifier performs sig-
nificantly better than using a small generator with a large verifier. Verification
is still remarkably effective, even when the verifier is much smaller than the gen-
erator. This suggests that the verifier may often be relying on relatively coarse
heuristics to discriminate between solutions from a given generator, rather than
attempting a more thorough form of verification.
5 Additional Experiments
5.1 Test Time Compute
At test time, we can choose to generate arbitrarily many solutions to be judged
by the verifier before selecting the highest ranked completion. Figure 7a shows
how 6B verifier performance varies with the number of completions per test
problem. At this scale, performance improves as we increase the number of
completions up to 400. Beyond this point, performance start to decrease. This
suggests that the benefits of search are eventually outweighed by the risk of
finding adversarial solutions that fool the verifier. In general, we evaluate verifier
test performance using 100 completions, since this captures most of the benefits
of verification with a relatively modest compute cost.
To further increase performance, we can take a majority vote among the
top verifier-ranked solutions instead of selecting only the single top solution.
255010020040080016003200Number of completions per test problem3436384042Test Solve Rate (%)110100Number of top samples used for voting283032343638404244Test Solve Rate (%)100 completions200 completions400 completions800 completions1600 completions3200 completions(a) Finetuning
(b) Solution-level verifiers
(c) Token-level verifiers
Figure 8: 6B finetuning and verification dropout ablations.
This voting process considers only the final answer reached by the individual
solutions: the final answer selected is the one with the most votes. Figure 7b
shows how performance varies as we allow a greater number of top samples to
cast a vote. Unsurprisingly, when starting with a greater number of samples,
we can afford to allow a greater number of samples to cast a vote. When we
have only 100 samples, it is optimal to allow only the top 3-5 samples to cast a
vote. When we have 3200 samples, it is approximately optimal to allow the top
30 to cast a vote.
5.2 Regularization
We find that both finetuning and verification strongly benefit from the use of
dropout as a regularizer. Specifically, we apply residual dropout (Vaswani et al.,
2017) along the residual paths of each layer in the network. We use 20% dropout
for all dropout experiments, chosen based on the results of a hyperparameters
sweep. We note that GPT-3 models are not pretrained with dropout. For ex-
periments involving dropout, we therefore perform additional pretraining with
dropout before subsequently finetuning the models. This mitigates the distri-
bution shift the model experiences during finetuning.
We first investigate the effect of dropout on finetuning across various train-
ing set sizes. Figure 8a shows that dropout leads to a significant improvement
over baseline. We next investigate the effect of dropout on verifiers, consider-
ing both the solution-level and token-level variants. In Figure 8b, we see that
dropout significantly improves solution-level verifiers, mitigating the overfitting
that occurs in the unregularized baseline. Notably, using dropout with solution-
level verifiers reaches a similar level of performance as token-level verifiers. In
Figure 8c, we apply dropout to token-level verifiers. Since token-level verifiers
are already less susceptible to overfitting, it is no surprise that the impact of
dropout is less significant. Nevertheless, we do still see a slight gain from train-
ing token-level verifiers with dropout. Note that we increase the batch size for
token-level verifiers by a factor of 4, to better handle the more difficult objective
and the noise from dropout.
5001000200040008000Training Set Size7.510.012.515.017.520.022.525.0Test Solve Rate (%)6B Finetuning, dropout = 06B Finetuning, dropout = Solve Rate (%)solution-level, dropout = 0solution-level, dropout = Solve Rate (%)token-level, dropout = 0token-level, dropout = 0.26 Conclusion
We have seen that verification provides a significant performance boost relative
to a finetuning baseline. On the full dataset, 6B verification slightly outperforms
a finetuned 175B model, thereby offering a boost approximately equivalent to
a 30x model size increase. We have also seen that token-level verifiers are less
prone to overfitting than solution-level verifiers, and that all methods benefit
from regularization with residual dropout. We expect verification to scale well
to problem distributions that require more complex mathematical reasoning,
and we hope GSM8K supports the development of new methods that scale even
We thank Dan Hendrycks, Leo Gao, Alec Radford, and Giambattista Paras-
candolo for their valuable feedback on this paper; Harri Edwards, Yura Burda,
Michael Wu, and Nick Ryder for many insightful conversations; Michael Petrov,
Alethea Power, and Jacob Jackson for their technical assistance; the OpenAI
Supercomputing team for the infrastructure that made these experiments pos-
sible; and the team at Surge AI for performing the GSM8K data collection.
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A Dataset Details
We initially collected a starting set of a thousand problems and natural lan-
guage solutions by hiring freelance contractors on Upwork ( We
then worked with Surge AI (, an NLP data labeling platform, to
scale up our data collection. After collecting the full dataset, we asked workers
to re-solve all problems, with no workers re-solving problems they originally
wrote. We checked whether their final answers agreed with the original solu-
tions, and any problems that produced disagreements were either repaired or
discarded. We then performed another round of agreement checks on a smaller
subset of problems, finding that 1.7% of problems still produce disagreements
among contractors. We estimate this to be the fraction of problems that con-
tain breaking errors or ambiguities. It is possible that a larger percentage of
problems contain subtle errors.
To assist contractors with writing questions, we provided seed questions au-
tomatically generated from a few-shot prompted 175B GPT-3 model. Contrac-
tors were allowed to use those seed questions directly, to use them as inspiration
and make modifications, or to come up with their own questions entirely. We
instructed contractors to be as descriptive as possible in their solutions, and to
not re-use problem settings or templates between different questions. To ensure
contractors were not re-using problem templates, we computed pairwise simi-
larity scores between problems and used this to provide feedback to contractors.
B Hyperparameters
We include a table of important hyperparameters below. We performed sweeps
of the learning rate and batch size by an order of magnitude in both directions
from the values in the table and were unable to find any significant improve-
ments. Other reasonable choices for both the verifier temperature (eg: 1.0
instead of 0.7) and objective (cross-entropy instead of mean squared error) also
had negligible effect in our ablations.
General Hyperparameters
Batch Size
Max Sample Length
3.2 × 104 tokens
400 tokens
reversible 50000
Adam, β1 = 0.9, β2 = 0.95
Learning Rate Schedule
Linear decay to 0
Finetuning Hyperparameters Value
Sampling Temperature
Base Learning Rate (α)
Learning Rate
0 (argmax)
1.6 × 10−5 (3B)
1.2 × 10−5 (6B)
1.0 × 10−5 (12B)
6.0 × 10−6 (175B)
0.1 × α
Verification Hyperparameters Value
Sampling Temperature
Learning Rate
Loss weight
Verifier loss
Completions per train problem
Completions per test problem
2 for generator, 1 for verifier
1.0 × 10−5
Table 1: Hyperparameters used for all experiments, unless explicitly said oth-
erwise. Notable exceptions include Figure 8c, which uses 4x more tokens per
batch and 300 completions at both training and test time. All dropout exper-
iments in Figure 8 use 20% dropout. Figure 7a uses verifiers trained on 100
completions, but searching over more completions at test time.
C Calculator Annotations
The calculator annotations were not provided by human contractors: they were
generated by a combination of hard-coded logic and a finetuned language model.
The logic for auto-generating calculator annotations is imperfect. It is highly
unlikely to generate any incorrect annotations, but it is not uncommon for it to
ignore some lines that could be annotated.
During training, there is no special distinction between the annotated to-
kens and the rest of the solution: they are all just tokens. During testing, we
override model sampling when a well-formatted annotation exists, specifically
overwriting the token(s) directly following “=” and within <<. . . >>.
To simulate the calculator, we simply use the python eval function to evalu-
ate the tokens in the expression (Figure 9). Evaluations that time out or throw
an error result in the annotations being skipped and the model being sampled
from as usual.
We note that the original version of our calculator, used for all results in this
paper, had some minor implementation bugs. Our reported test performance
is therefore a slight underestimate, though the magnitude of this discrepancy is
less than 1% in most experiments. Fixing the calculator improves verification
test performance by about 1% when using the full GSM8K training set.
Figure 9: A diagram of the calculator sampling procedure.
Original ExampleQAdrianne is collecting different kinds of beads for making bracelets...SHer sister gave her 20 + 10 = 30 beads.AnnotatedSHer sister gave her 20 + 10 = <<20+10=30>> 30 beads.Generator+Her sister gave her 20 + 10 = <<20Generator10Her sister gave her 20 + 10 = <<20+Generator=Her sister gave her 20 + 10 = <<20+10Calculatoreval(“20+10”)30>>Her sister gave her 20 + 10 = <<20+10=GeneratorbooksHer sister gave her 20 + 10 = <<20+10=30>>Trigger CalculatorD Example Model Solutions
We showcase a handful of samples comparing finetuning and verification at both
6B and 175B scale. Samples were slightly cherry-picked for diversity.
E Verifier Details
As noted in section 4.2, we train verifiers with a joint objective where the model
learns to label a model completion as correct or incorrect, in addition to the
original language modeling objective. Architecturally, this means our verifiers
are language models, with a small scalar head that outputs predictions on a
per-token basis.
We implement this scalar head as a single bias parameter and single gain
parameter that operate on the logits outputted by the language model’s final
unembedding layer. Specifically, the bias and gain shift and scale the logit
corresponding to a special token in the vocabulary. As such, the logits for other
tokens can continue to represent the language modeling objective, while this
special token is reserved for the verifier’s predictions.
We can choose to initialize the verifier from the same pretrained language
model the generator was finetuned from, or from the generator itself. In our
ablations the latter performed slightly better; we suspect this is because better
understanding the language distribution that the generator learned should only
aid the verifier in scoring samples from that distribution. Unless otherwise
explicitly stated, we initialize our verifiers from their corresponding generators
in all experiments.
When training verifiers with the joint objective, we use an equal mix of
language data and verifier data. Because we sample 100 completions for each
original training example to generate the verifier data, using an equal mix means
we effectively upsample the original language data by a factor of 100. To form
the joint objective, we simply add the verifier loss and language modeling loss
unweighted, and define an epoch of this joint objective as having seen each
verifier example once. With both objectives, we mask out tokens in the question
and only train on tokens in the solutions, as visualized in Figure 12.
Figure 12: Visualization of the joint training objective. We mask out tokens in
the question and only consider the loss corresponding to tokens in the solution.
QiSjthe i-th question tokenthe j-th solution tokenQ1Language Modeling ObjectiveQ2...QnQ2Q3...S1S2...Sm-1S2S3...SmGeneratorS1Q1Verifier ObjectiveQ2...QnY1Y2...S1S2...SmYn+1Yn+2...Yn+mVerifierYnYkthe k-th value predictionmasked out (does not contribute to loss)F Verifier Visualization
Figure 13: Five cherry-picked samples generated by a 175B finetuned model
and scored by a 175B token-level verifier. A green background color indicates a
high verifier score, and a red background color indicates a low one.
One benefit of the token-level verifiers is that these models become imme-
diately interpretable: we can visualize the predicted value for each token and
better understand how the verifier makes decisions on judging samples. Above
we present a visualization of the predicted values for five different cherry-picked
questions and model completions, verified by a 175B token-level verifier that
was trained on the full training set.
In the visualization, the background color of the text corresponds to the ver-
ifier score for that token, where red is low value (predicted incorrect) and green
Question & Model GenerationVerifierPred.ActualScoreClaire makes a 3 egg omelet every morning for breakfast. How many dozensof eggs will she eat in 4 weeks?Clairemakes3omeletseverymorning,sosheeats3*7=<<3*7=21>>21omeletsperweekSheeats21omeletsperweeksoover4weeksshewilleat4*21=<<21*4=84>>84omeletsThereare12in1dozensoshewilleat84/12=<<84/12=7.0>>7dozensofeggs####7✅✅Sophia and Rose went together to the market to buy onions and potatoes.Rose bought 4 times the number of onions and potatoes Sophia bought. IfRose bought 12 onions and 4 potatoes, how many onions and potatoes intotal did Sophia buy at the market?IfRosebought12onionsand4potatoes,shebought12+4=<<12+4=16>>16onionsandpotatoes.IfRosebought4timesthenumber ofonionsandpotatoesthatSophiabought,Sophiabought 16/4=<<16/4=4.0>>4onionsandpotatoesatthemarket.####4❌✅Two sisters, Elizabeth and Margareth, bought beads. Elizabeth bought 1pack of red and 2 packs of clear beads, while Margareth bought 3 packsof blue and 4 packs of red beads. How many more beads do one sister havethan the other, if each pack of beads contains 20 pieces of beads?Elizabethbought1packofredand2packsofclear,totaling1+2=<<1+2=3>>3packsofbeads.Margarethbought3packsofblueand4packsofred,totaling3+4=<<3+4=7>>7packsofbeads.So,Elizabethhas3-7=<<3-7=-4>>-4morepacksofbeadsthanMargareth.Andsinceeach packofbeadscontains20piecesofbeads, Elizabethhas20*4=<<20*4=80>>80morebeadsthanMargareth.####80❌✅Howard spends $8 dollars at the arcade on Monday. On Tuesday, he spendstwice as much at the arcade as he did on Monday. On Wednesday, he spends4 times as much at the arcade as he spent on Tuesday. If he originallyhad $100, how much money does he have left?Hespent$8dollarsonMondayand$8*2=$<<8*2=16>>16dollarsonTuesday.Hespent$16dollarsonTuesdayand$16*4=$<<16*4=64>>64dollarsonWednesday.Hehas$100dollarsandspent$64dollarssohehas100-64=<<100-64=36>>36dollarsleft.####36❌❌In a jewelers store, the price of a gold Jewell is 4/5 times as much asthe price of a diamond Jewell. The cost of a silver Jewell is $400 lessthan the price of gold. If a diamond Jewell is $2000, find the totalprice for all three jewels.ThepriceofagoldJewellis 4/5*$2000=$<<4/5*2000=1600.0>>1600.ThecostofasilverJewellis$2000-$400=$<<2000-400=1600>>1600.Thetotalpricefor allthejewelsis$2000+$1600+$1600=$<<2000+1600+1600=5200>>5200####5200✅❌is high value (predicted correct). The second column of the table summarizes
the verifier’s prediction, and the third column indicates whether the generated
model completion was actually correct or incorrect. Any disagreement between
the second and third columns indicates that the verifier made an error.
The first row includes a true positive example, where the verifier correctly
classifies the completion as correct. Note that the model is initially unsure about
whether the solution is correct and gradually gains certainty as the solution
progresses: this is likely a property of the verifier training procedure, where it
trains on a large fraction of incorrect model-generated samples.
The second row contains a problem where the solution is correct, but the ver-
ifier has rated it as incorrect. This is potentially due to the ambiguity between
the “4 times” and the “4 potatoes” in the problem description.
The third row consists of another false negative example. However, unlike the
previous example, here the model completion contains some faulty reasoning.
As such, even though the final answer in the model completion was correct,
the natural language explanation was incorrect, and so the verifier correctly
assigned a low score.
In the fourth row we see the verifier score a model completion that starts out
correct, but where the verifier gradually becomes less confident in the solution
as the solution progresses. After the solution makes a clear mistake (saying that
$64 dollars were spent, instead of the 64 + 16 + 8 = $88), the verifier judges the
solution as incorrect with a high degree of confidence.
The final row contains a false positive, where the model makes a mistake
on the second step, where it subtracts 400 from the price of a diamond jewel
instead of a gold one. Verifiers occasionally make mistakes with performing this
variable binding of quantities to their relationships.
ai_researcher | 8 | Toward_a_Team_of_AI-made_Scientists_for_Scientific_Discovery_from_Gene_Expression_Data.pdf | The Promise and Peril of Artificial Intelligence -
“Violet Teaming” Offers a Balanced Path Forward
Alexander J. Titus ∗
In Vivo Group
Washington, DC, USA
Adam H. Russell
Information Sciences Institute
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA, USA
August 29, 2023
Artificial intelligence (AI) promises immense benefits across sectors, yet also poses risks from
dual-use potentials, biases, and unintended behaviors. This paper reviews emerging issues
with opaque and uncontrollable AI systems, and proposes an integrative framework called
“violet teaming” to develop reliable and responsible AI. Violet teaming combines adversarial
vulnerability probing (red teaming) with solutions for safety and security (blue teaming),
while prioritizing ethics and social benefit. It emerged from AI safety research to manage risks
proactively by design. The paper traces the evolution of red, blue, and purple teaming toward
violet teaming, then discusses applying violet techniques to address biosecurity risks of AI in
biotechnology. Additional sections review key perspectives across law, ethics, cybersecurity,
macrostrategy, and industry best practices essential for operationalizing responsible AI
through holistic technical and social considerations. Violet teaming provides both philosophy
and method for steering AI trajectories toward societal good. With conscience and wisdom,
the extraordinary capabilities of AI can enrich humanity. But without adequate precaution,
the risks could prove catastrophic. Violet teaming aims to empower moral technology for
the common welfare.
K eywords Violet Teaming · Red Teaming · Blue Teaming · AI Security · Artificial Intelligence
1 Introduction
Artificial intelligence (AI) stands poised to revolutionize every sector of society, from healthcare (Meenigea
and Kolla 2023) to education (Nguyen et al. 2023), finance (Cao 2022), agriculture (Javaid et al. 2023),
transportation (Zheng et al. 2023), communications (Ahammed, Patgiri, and Nayak 2023), and defense
(NSCAI 2021). However, the rapid pace of advancement in AI over the past decade has concurrently given
rise to valid concerns about dual-use potentials, vulnerabilities, unintended consequences, and ethical risks
that span from financial fraud to political manipulation, toxic content proliferation, public safety threats
from autonomous systems, and more recently, emerging dangers like engineering of pathogens (Urbina et al.
2022) or autonomous weapons enabled by AI (Brundage et al. 2018).
This paper reviews the accelerating landscape of progress in AI capabilities that underscore the transformative
potential of AI across all facets of public and private life. It surveys risks that have concurrently emerged
from increased reliance on AI systems prone to unintended behaviors, adversarial exploits, inherent biases,
and opacity. The paper goes on to propose that an integrated framework called “violet teaming” offers
a proactive approach to developing AI that is trustworthy, safe, and socially responsible by design (Aviv
Ovadya 2023) . It traces the conceptual evolution of red, blue, and purple teaming practices in cybersecurity
∗Corresponding author - [email protected]
toward the more recent advent of violet teaming in AI safety research. To illustrate applied violet teaming in
practice, the paper includes a discussion on methods for proactively addressing dual-use risks of AI in the
high-stakes context of biotechnology and life sciences research (Alexander J. Titus 2023).
2 The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence: From Theory to General Capabilities
The progression of artificial intelligence as a field spans back to foundational work in the 1950s on mathematical
logic, knowledge representation, search algorithms, theory of computation, and neural networks. The term
“artificial intelligence” itself was coined in 1956 at the Dartmouth Conference, which convened pioneering
researchers like John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Claude Shannon, and Nathaniel Rochester to crystallize the
new field (McCarthy et al. 2006).
Influential early systems of this era included the Logic Theorist for automated theorem proving, the General
Problem Solver architecture for reasoning and search, Dendral for scientific hypothesis generation, and
perceptron networks mimicking neural learning (Newell, Shaw, and Simon 1959; Lindsay et al. 1993;
Rosenblatt 1958). However, despite high hopes, progress stalled after this promising start as the difficulty of
emulating human cognition became apparent. This period from the late 1960s to 1980s became known as the
“AI winter” as funding dried up.
But interest was rekindled beginning in the late 1980s and 1990s with the advent of new statistical and
algorithmic approaches like Bayesian networks, support vector machines, hidden Markov models, and multi-
layer neural network backpropagation. The rise of big data and increased computing power unlocked new
capabilities. Notable milestones in the modern resurgence include IBM’s Deep Blue defeating world chess
champion Garry Kasparov in 1997 using massively parallel search algorithms (Campbell, Hoane, and Hsu
2002) and the DARPA Grand Challenge spurring autonomous vehicle development in the 2000s (Buehler,
Iagnemma, and Singh 2009).
But the current era of dramatic breakthroughs emerged in 2012 coinciding with the revival of deep learning
fueled by GPU computing power. Deep learning refers to neural networks with many layers and hierarchical
feature representation learning capabilities (LeCun, Bengio, and Hinton 2015). Whereas early artificial neural
networks contained thousands of parameters, contemporary state-of-the-art models now utilize hundreds
of billions of parameters (Smith et al. 2022), with the largest exceeding one trillion parameters (Ren et al.
The modern period of AI progress reflects a shift from narrowly focused applications toward increasingly
capable and general systems, especially in domains like computer vision, natural language processing, robotics,
and gaming. Key inflection points include AlexNet revolutionizing image recognition with neural networks in
2012, generative adversarial networks (GANs) for image synthesis in 2014, AlphaGo mastering the game of
Go through reinforcement learning in 2016, and Transformer architectures like BERT and GPT-3 unlocking
order-of-magnitude performance gains in language tasks starting in 2018 (Krizhevsky, Sutskever, and Hinton
2012; Goodfellow et al. 2014; Silver et al. 2016; Vaswani et al. 2017; Brown et al. 2020).
The Transformer enabled attention mechanisms for discerning contextual relationships in data, replacing
recurrence in models like long short-term memory (LSTMs) models. GPT-3 demonstrated wide linguistic
mastery by pre-training on enormous corpora exceeding one trillion words (Brown et al., 2020). The size
and versatility of models continues to grow rapidly, with programs like Anthropic’s Claude and Google’s
PaLM exceeding 500 billion parameters on the path toward artificial general intelligence (Bubeck et al. 2023).
Beyond natural language processing, areas like computer vision, robotics, and reinforcement learning have
witnessed similar leaps in capability and versatility fueled by scale of data and models. The pace of advances
continues unabated as innovations build upon each other across all subfields of AI.
3 Emerging Dual-Use Risks and Vulnerabilities in AI Systems
The fruits of recent AI advancement are readily visible in transformative applications spanning autonomous
vehicles, personalized medicine, intelligent infrastructure such as automated management of data centers,
advanced manufacturing, automated cyber defense, and much more. However, the flip side of increasingly
capable AI systems permeating the real world is that they also expand the potential for harm via intentional
misuse, adversarial exploits, inherent biases, or unintended behaviors.
Documented dangers span from financial fraud and social manipulation enabled by generative AI to cyber
attacks on public and private infrastructure, toxic content proliferation (Pavlopoulos et al. 2020), embedded
biases and discrimination, loss of digital privacy, and emerging threats associated with autonomous weapons
(Klare 2023), engineered pathogens, or uncontrolled superintelligent systems. Safety challenges pervade AI
subfields including computer vision, natural language, robotics, and reinforcement learning (Amodei et al.
Recent examples of damages connected to real-world AI systems include biased algorithms reinforcing discrim-
ination (Malek 2022) and denying opportunities (Zeide 2022), generative models spreading misinformation to
influence geopolitics (Ho and Nguyen 2023), ransomware attacks disrupting critical systems (Aloqaily et al.
2022), unsafe demos of incomplete capabilities like Meta’s Galactica model (Will Douglas Heaven 2022), and
fatal accidents involving autonomous vehicles (Koopman and Fratrik 2019). Unforeseen behaviors arise in
part because model complexity now exceeds human interpretability and controllability. Opacity exacerbates
risks along with accountability gaps. Discriminatory data baked into training datasets further compounds
harm potentials (Leslie 2019).
While ethics oversight of AI development has expanded, governance remains fragmented across public and
private entities. More comprehensive solutions are critically needed to promote trustworthy innovation as
rapidly advancing capabilities continue permeating all facets of life. Without foresight and care, advanced AI
could pose catastrophic risks, underscoring the urgency of multidisciplinary research toward beneficial AI.
4 Integrating Red Teaming, Blue Teaming, and Ethics with Violet Teaming
Confronting the complex dual-use landscape of AI and managing associated risks requires reactive and
proactive measures. Traditional cybersecurity paradigms like red teaming and blue teaming provide useful
foundations. Red teaming refers to probing vulnerabilities in a system as an adversary might to reveal gaps,
like penetration testing (Zenko 2015). Blue teaming develops defenses against threats, designing protections,
monitoring, and mitigation (Murdoch and Gse 2014). There is a growing body of work at large and small
companies, at major hacker conferences such as Black Hat and DEFCON, and across academia to red team
emerging generative AI models (Oremus 2023). While this progress is welcome by many, there is a need to
pair these technological assessments with an adaptation and design of existing and future models to take into
account sociotechnological “values” as well.
Red teaming provides awareness of risks, while blue teaming responds with solutions. Purple teaming
combines both for holistic technological security assessment (Oakley 2019). However, even these can prove
insufficient as AI systems continuously adapt with retraining and new data, especially in high-stakes contexts
like defense, finance, and healthcare.
Violet teaming represents an evolution by incorporating consideration of social benefit directly into design,
not just as an add-on. It moves from reactive to proactive security, building sociotechnical systems that
are robust, safe, and responsible by design (Aviv Ovadya 2023). The concept emerged in AI safety research
grappling with risks of misuse and unintended behaviors.
This new paradigm has been proposed to address emerging biotechnology risks exacerbated by AI, integrating
red team vulnerability assessments with blue team protections while prioritizing public benefit (Alexander
J. Titus 2023). This proactive approach manages risks by utilizing the technology itself, not just external
oversight. Researchers leverage techniques like AI to model vulnerabilities and inform technical and ethical
measures inoculating systems against harm. It embeds governance within the development process rather
than as an afterthought.
4.1 Bringing the Social into Sociotechnical
There’s rarely much confusion when someone suggests red, blue, or purple teaming of “technical systems”
such as cyber networks, large language models (LLMs), or physical security. While there are obvious and
important nuances between – as one example - red teaming an LLM to see if it provides dangerous information
vs red teaming the degree to which an AI system has been trained on biased data, the process of technical
red teaming seems intuitive: test the “thing” to see if it does what it’s supposed to do, or not.
Violet teaming recognizes that when it comes to identifying and solving for AI-induced risks in ways that also
advance, rather than hamper, AI-enabled rewards, then one cannot stay at the purely technical level.
violet teaming requires also engaging at the sociotechnical level, defined as the level where “technical” hardware
and software meet, interact with, and reciprocally shape the “social” via human psychology and sociology
(Geels 2004; Lee, Dourish, and Mark 2006).
Figure 1: Violet teaming is an AI security paradigm that combines the offensive measures of red teaming and
the defensive measures of blue teaming with a focus on institutional and public benefit paradigms.
The use of the term, sociotechnical, here underscores a true but often overlooked fact: technologies are the
product of, shaped by, embedded into, and operate via human social systems as much as by acting on the
physical or digital world (Cozzens 1989). If a person creates an AI that enables themselves to scale up some
material or biological product, the impact is felt at the social level. Once a product is released, an insight
gained, or an outcome achieved, it is in the social world where people are impacted by those. Thus, the
emphasis on incorporating the sociotechnical as a key feature of violet teaming is intended to highlight that
mitigating AI risks - while enjoying AI’s benefits - requires thinking beyond just the emergent properties of
AI’s technical capabilities. It also requires understanding the emergence that occurs when humans meet AI.
There are emergent uses and misuses that new AI systems create as well as the emergent relationships that
AI enables among machines, humans, and the physical world.
In short, since violet teaming seeks to balance AI’s risks and benefits in “the real world,” it seems logical that
the real world should not be ignored or considered irrelevant - but instead should include the ways people can
act with, through, and because of AI’s technical advances. This is critical for helping to design and anticipate
AI systems that afford us the innovations we want and need, while reducing the chances of outcomes we fear
or will regret.
The implications of violet teaming may seem straightforward, but clearly ask more of us than current red-
teaming paradigms of simply interrogating models to understand what largely purely technical risk/benefit
tradeoffs might be. Depending on the AI design, capabilities, and outcomes being pursued, violet teaming
could mean incorporating anything from the sociotechnical aspects of bench and wet lab research organizations
to considering population-level behaviors for things like designing AI to promote participatory democracy.
It is for this reason that the iterative nature of violet teaming is also emphasized, and that there is no real
finish line or point at which we can simply shrink-wrap AI and forget about it (A. Winfield 2019). This is
what it means for us to be tool-creating apes, capable of changing ourselves and our systems, where the
things we make and use in today’s world invariably lead to a very different world, or future state.
5 Research Directions in AI Safety and Violet Teaming
The interdisciplinary field of AI safety focuses on frameworks, techniques, and guidance for reliable and
beneficial systems that avoid negative consequences (Everitt, Lea, and Hutter 2018). It spans approaches
including robustness, verification, interpretability, generalization, value alignment, macrostrategy, and policy.
Value alignment
Table 1: Approaches to AI safety research
Guarding against adversarial data, security
vulnerabilities, and spoofing
Formal methods proving correctness of systems and
absence of unintended behaviors
Increasing model transparency and explainability for
Promoting reliability beyond just training data
Developing techniques to align AI goals with human
values and ethics
Shaping trajectories of AI and associated technologies
toward beneficial futures
Developing governance balancing innovation with
responsible oversight
Goodfellow, Shlens, and
Szegedy (2014)
(Katz et al. 2017)
(Arrieta et al. 2019)
(Koh et al. 2020)
(Soares and Fallenstein
(Mariani 2019)
(Jobin, Ienca, and
Vayena 2019)
This research illuminates pathways toward integrative AI systems where safety is a core feature rather than
an afterthought. Violet teaming aims to unify technical dimensions with ethical and social considerations
under meaningful oversight.
6 A Pathway for Balanced AI Innovation
External oversight mechanisms like audits, reporting, and review boards remain indispensable for accountable
AI (Raji et al. 2020). But violet teaming complements these by embedding responsible innovation within the
research and development process itself.
Violet schemes align red team vulnerability assessments with blue team solutions to maximize benefits and
minimize risks. Initiatives like DARPA’s Guaranteeing AI Robustness Against Deception (GARD) program
have funded pioneering violet methods making models robust by design through techniques like constrained
optimization, value alignment, and recursive reward modeling (DARPA 2023). Innovative new techniques
like self-destructing models achieve task blocking to frustrate malicious adaptation of foundation models to
harmful uses (Henderson et al. 2023). Partnerships between industry, government, and civil society can tailor
and scale violet teaming to critical domains like defense, healthcare, and transportation.
Mainstreaming the violet mindset has potential to steer AI trajectories toward reliability, security, ethics, and
social good by design rather than as an afterthought. Violet teaming provides both philosophy and technique
for guiding AI toward positive futures.
7 Violet Teaming to Address Dual-Use Risks of AI in Biotechnology
The colossal opportunities of AI must be balanced with risks, as societal integration accelerates across sectors.
The biotechnology revolution led by CRISPR gene editing has enabled healthcare advances along with
innovations in agriculture, materials, energy, and environment (Doudna and Charpentier 2014). Democratized
bioengineering also raises concerns of misuse by state adversaries, non-state actors, or unintended accidents.
While regulations aim to prevent misuse, capabilities are spreading globally (Koblentz and Kiesel 2021).
The advent of AI applied to accelerate biotechnology expands dual-use risks further. AI is rapidly learning to
predict protein folding, design novel proteins, simulate cellular systems, and synthesize DNA. This promises
immense innovation but could also enable large-scale engineering of pathogens as bioweapons by more actors
(Atlas and Dando 2006).
7.1 Approaches to start violet teaming AI in biotechnology
Violet teaming could be used to constrain generative biotech AI models by screening hazardous DNA/protein
sequences generated during inference to catch threats before creation (Alexander J. Titus 2023; IARPA 2022).
Rather than just external screening post-design, this embeds internal checking during generation and utilizes
AI capabilities for risk prevention rather than solely restrictions stifling innovation. The approach builds
collective immunity by inoculating biotechnology with ethical AI alongside rigorous cybersecurity practices
(Alexander J. Titus, Hamilton, and Holko 2023).
For example, through academic-industry collaborations, one effort could focus on advancing violet teaming
methods for trustworthy AI in synthetic biology. Open-source software could integrate constrained optimization
and adversarial training to make generative models for genetic circuit design robust against hazards by
screening for risk factors such as virulence and transmisability during inference. Metrics could focus on
improved reliability on protein engineering tasks while reducing dual-use potential versus unconstrained
models. Extensions generalizing violet techniques could include probabilistic models and reinforcement
learning. Safety-aware neural architecture search could identify architectures that balance accuracy and risk,
while increasing accountability through algorithms explaining screening decisions.
7.2 Emerging legislation focused on AI and biotechnology
Recently proposed U.S. legislation reflects rising concerns over dual-use risks of AI intersecting with biotech-
nology. The Artificial Intelligence and Biosecurity Risk Assessment Act directs the HHS Assistant Secretary
for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) to assess whether advancements in AI like open-source models could
enable engineering of dangerous pathogens or bioweapons. It calls for monitoring global catastrophic biological
risks enabled by AI and incorporating findings into the National Health Security Strategy. Complementary
legislation titled the Strategy for Public Health Preparedness and Response to Artificial Intelligence Threats
Act would require HHS to develop an integrated preparedness strategy addressing threats of AI misuse in
biotechnology (Edward J. Markey and Ted Budd 2023).
These proposed policies validate concerns about dual-use potentials of AI and biotech raised by researchers
urging governance innovations, like violet teaming, to mitigate risks while retaining benefits (Alexander
J. Titus 2023). Undue regulation on the use of AI in the life sciences is likely to have negative economic
and national security implications. In 2023, AI-driven drug candidates are entering phase 1 clinical trials
and have demonstrated a significant reduction in time and resources required to discover drug candidates
(Hayden Field 2023). In parallel, organizations such as the U.S. National Security Commission on Artificial
Intelligence identified biotechnology as a critical domain to national and economic security (NSCAI 2021).
7.3 Violet teaming in support of data-driven policy
Violet teaming’s philosophy of pairing vulnerability assessments with integrated technical and ethical solutions
provides a framework for addressing issues raised in the legislation. For example, HHS could convene violet
teams with AI and biotech expertise to model risks, stress test systems, and build collective immunity through
proactive measures described in the violet teaming paradigm. Policymakers recognize the need for applying
AI safely in biotechnology, as evidenced by these proposals. Violet teaming offers principles and methods to
steer innovations toward security and social good that can inform effective governance.
8 Macrostrategy for Responsible Technology Trajectories
Beyond individual applications, the emerging domain of macrostrategy analyzes how to direct entire techno-
logical fields toward beneficial futures for civilization through prioritized interventions (Dafoe 2018). With
advanced AI, this requires cross-disciplinary insights interfacing technical factors with political economy,
incentives, governance, and ethics to shape innovation ecosystems holistically. Policy, norms, and culture that
elevate safety, security, and social responsibility as priorities early can become embedded features enabling
positive-sum outcomes (Mittelstadt 2019). By foregrounding violet teaming goals like value alignment
within research programs, critical infrastructure, and public discourse, the likelihood of hazards diminishes
considerably. Commitments by technology leaders to uphold ethics help solidify responsible trajectories and
not let undue algorithmic bias harm those trajectories (O’neil 2017). Avoiding winner-take-all dynamics
mitigates concentration of power over AI that could undermine oversight. Macrostrategy offers systemic
leverage points to tilt uncertain technosocial systems toward human flourishing rather than dystopia.
9 The Path Forward
This landscape survey across the dimensions of AI safety, ethics, governance, and macrostrategy aims to
synthesize key perspectives and priorities essential for realizing the promises of AI while navigating the
perils. Operationalizing reliable and responsible AI requires proactive, holistic integration of technical factors
with social considerations, not just reactive oversight and course correction. Violet teaming epitomizes this
integrative ethos, seeking to steer AI trajectories toward security without undue bias, accountability, and
service of the common good by design.
The possibilities before us are profound. With conscience and collective care, the extraordinary capabilities
of AI can uplift humanity to new heights of knowledge, problem-solving, connection, health, sustainability,
creativity, and prosperity for all global citizens. But without adequate precaution, wisdom, and deliberate
efforts to align design with ethics, the risks could prove catastrophic (Boström 2014). Our historic opportunities
and duties demand the former path. By guiding AI systems development with moral visions using approaches
like violet teaming, we can aim this most powerful of technologies toward enriching humanity and our
planetary home rather than undermining them. Concerted action across sectors is needed to mainstream
reliability and responsibility throughout the AI landscape (Jobin, Ienca, and Vayena 2019).
10 Supplemental & Additional Details
10.1 Broader Initiatives to Operationalize Responsible AI
Beyond biotechnology, momentum is building around the world with initiatives translating responsible AI
principles into practice.
• The European Commission proposed regulations introducing mandatory risk-based requirements for
trustworthy AI design, transparency, and governance (Madiega 2021). This elevates violet teaming
aims into policy.
• Advisory bodies such as the U.S. National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee (NAIAC)
continue advancing best practices across the AI life cycle from design to development, testing, and
responsible deployment. Its May 2023 report highlights the importance of an applied governance
framework (NAIAC 2023).
• Organizations like the OECD, Stanford’s Institute for Human-Centered AI, and the Vatican offer
guidance on human-centered values critical to violet teaming including human dignity, equity, justice,
sustainability, and common good. Multi-stakeholder collaboration is key (Yeung 2020).
• The Alliance for Securing Democracy and similar groups are pioneering threat modeling of AI risks
across security domains in order to strengthen sociotechnical resilience. This exemplifies applied
violet teaming philosophy (Hagendorff 2020).
• The emerging field of macrostrategy, including scholarship by organizations like the Center for Security
and Emerging Technology, aims to positively shape trajectories of AI and associated technologies
toward beneficial futures through initiatives at the nexus of ethics, governance, and strategic analysis
(Schmidt et al. 2021).
This array of efforts underscores growing momentum and appetite for putting violet ideals into practice
across public, private, and civil society sectors. Our collective future depends on continued progress toward
AI systems that balance advanced capabilities with containment for the public good.
10.2 Human Rights, Ethics, and Values in AI
Promoting human rights, ethics, and justice is central to the violet teaming vision of responsible AI. Key prin-
ciples endorsed by organizations like UNESCO and the Vatican respect for human dignity, non-discrimination,
accessibility and inclusion, privacy, transparency, accountability, safety and security, environmental well being,
and common good (Jobin, Ienca, and Vayena 2019; UNESCO 2021).
Table 2: Principles of AI for human rights, ethics, and values
Respect for human dignity
Accessibility and inclusion
Safety and security
Environmental well being
Common good
Recognizing the irreplaceable value of each person and not just utility
Ensuring impartiality free of bias, prejudice or unfair exclusion
Enabling equitable participation in the benefits of AI across all groups
Safeguarding personal data and individual spheres of autonomy
Enabling intelligibility in how AI systems operate to build trust
Maintaining clear responsibility and remedy processes for harms
Guaranteeing robustness, reliability and containment of risks
Honoring human interdependence with the natural world
Promoting just systems supporting peace, ecology, and shared prosperity
Research initiatives seek to develop AI explicitly aligned to such values in addition to technical objectives
(Gabriel 2020). This underscores the necessity of holistic design encompassing ethics and human rights
alongside utility and performance (Mittelstadt 2019).
10.3 Multidisciplinary Perspectives on AI and Society
In addition to computer science, many fields offer vital perspectives on constructing beneficial versus
detrimental futures with AI:
• Philosophy investigates ethics of emerging technologies through lenses like utilitarianism, deontology,
virtue ethics, and justice (A. F. Winfield et al. 2019)
• Psychology examines cognition, biases, decision-making, and human needs essential for value alignment
and human compatibility
• Organization science analyzes institutional contexts enabling responsible innovation or vulnerability
based on dynamics like incentives, culture, and leadership
• Anthropology provides cultural lenses to assess AI impacts on social groups and meanings vital to
human thriving
• Political science weighs governance regimes and policies shaping AI for the public interest versus
excess consolidation of power and control (Peters 2022)
• Economics furnishes models of incentive structures, market dynamics, and valuation assumptions
guiding AI developments with distributional consequences
• Sociology investigates collective social phenomena and change associated with AI through historical
• Criminology applies risk and prevention frameworks to malicious uses of AI
• Communications studies disinformation ecosystems propagated through AI (Broniatowski et al. 2018)
• Design disciplines offer human-centered methods balancing values amidst complexity and constraints
• Biological perspectives consider AI vis-a-vis human cognition, evolution, and neuroscience
Synthesizing insights across these diverse fields alongside computing is crucial for holistic violet teaming and
wise co-evolution of humanity with technology.
10.4 Law, Policy, and Responsible AI Governance
Alongside research, the policy domain is vital for institutionalizing responsible practices. Organizations like
the OECD, European Commission, and US government have put forward AI governance frameworks centered
on ethical purpose, transparency, accountability, robustness, and oversight (Whittaker et al. 2018).
Key policy directions include (Fjeld et al. 2020):
• Mandating algorithmic impact assessments and risk mitigation processes calibrated to application
• Promoting public oversight through mechanisms like algorithmic auditing to assess fairness, accuracy,
and security (Raji and Buolamwini 2019)
• Incentivizing safety engineering and enabling third-party validation to reduce vulnerabilities
• Institutionalizing whistleblowing and consumer protection channels to identify and remedy harms
(Goodman and Trehu 2023)
• Requiring transparency for certain public sector uses and business-to-consumer services to increase
• Building capacity and public literacy to participate meaningfully in AI discourse and systems shaping
society (Floridi et al. 2020)
• Supporting interdisciplinary research on trustworthy AI spanning technical and social dimensions
• Cultivating organizational cultures valuing ethics, diversity, and human centeredness
• Investing in digital infrastructure and platforms designed for collective well being from the start
Multifaceted policy, legal, and regulatory mixes tailored to context are needed rather than single silver bullets.
But the key is evolving governance to guide AI in line with democratic values.
Industry Practice and Applications of Trustworthy AI
Technology firms and industry research consortia are also advancing practices for reliable and responsible AI:
• Rigorous testing protocols assess models across metrics of safety, security, fairness, and accountability
before real-world deployment. Adversarial testing probes model robustness (Ali et al. 2023).
• Techniques like dataset tagging, noise injection, and constraints prevent embedding and propagating
biases that could compound discrimination (Mehrabi et al. 2022).
• Granular documentation details data provenance, assumptions, architecture, and performance to
enable auditing. Version histories support reproducibility (Mitchell et al. 2019).
• Quantifying uncertainties provides calibrated confidence to guide human judgment in model integra-
• Monitoring systems coupled with human oversight mechanisms assess models post-deployment to
detect harms or deviations. Feedback informs updates (Whittlestone et al. 2019).
• Design thinking synthesizes technical capabilities with holistic needs and values of communities
affected (Dignum 2017).
• Stakeholder participation mechanisms foster engagement between developers, users, and impacted
• Bug bounties and red team exercises incentivize external researchers to find flaws, enabling correction
before exploitation (Brundage et al. 2020).
Partnerships across industry, academia, and civil society combine strengths in building wise governance.
10.6 Cybersecurity and Adversarial Robustness
As AI permeates infrastructure and services, cybersecurity is crucial to ensure resilience against bad actors
seeking to manipulate systems for harm. Core approaches include (Biggio and Roli 2018):
• Adversarial machine learning hardens models against malicious inputs designed to cause misclassifi-
cation, misdirection, and system compromise (Goodfellow, Shlens, and Szegedy 2014; Szegedy et al.
• Differential privacy, homomorphic encryption, secure multi-party computation and cryptographic
methods safeguard sensitive user data (Dwork and Roth 2013; Alexander J. Titus et al. 2018).
• Formal verification mathematically proves system behaviors align to specifications under conditions
(Katz et al. 2017).
• Software engineering practices like code reviews, penetration testing, and building security into the
development life cycle.
• Monitoring, logging, and anomaly detection surface attacks along with system risks and failures to
inform mitigation (Chandola, Banerjee, and Kumar 2009).
• Cyber deception, involving setting traps to detect, deflect, and counter exploits through techniques
like honeypots mimicking systems that lure attackers. Robust cybersecurity protections integrated
with violet teaming principles and oversight are imperative as AI-enabled technologies are entrusted
with sensitive roles (Wang and Lu 2018).
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ai_researcher | 4 | Language_Models_as_Inductive_Reasoners.pdf | Language Models as Inductive Reasoners
Zonglin Yang♠∗ Li Dong♢ Xinya Du♣ Hao Cheng♢
Erik Cambria♠ Xiaodong Liu♢ Jianfeng Gao♢ Furu Wei♢
♠ Nanyang Technological University ♢ Microsoft Research
♣ University of Texas at Dallas
[email protected]
Inductive reasoning is a core component of
human intelligence.
In the past research of
inductive reasoning within computer science,
formal language is used as representations of
knowledge (facts and rules, more specifically).
However, formal language can cause system-
atic problems for inductive reasoning such as
disability of handling raw input such as natu-
ral language, sensitiveness to mislabeled data,
and incapacity to handle ambiguous input. To
this end, we propose a new paradigm (task) for
inductive reasoning, which is to induce natural
language rules from natural language facts, and
create a dataset termed DEER containing 1.2k
rule-fact pairs for the task, where rules and facts
are written in natural language. New automatic
metrics are also proposed and analysed for the
evaluation of this task. With DEER, we investi-
gate a modern approach for inductive reasoning
where we use natural language as representa-
tion for knowledge instead of formal language
and use pretrained language models as “reason-
ers”. Moreover, we provide the first and com-
prehensive analysis of how well pretrained lan-
guage models can induce natural language rules
from natural language facts. We also propose
a new framework drawing insights from phi-
losophy literature for this task, which we show
in the experiment section that surpasses base-
lines in both automatic and human evaluations.
We discuss our future perspectives on inductive
reasoning in detail in Section 7. Dataset and
code are available at
Inductive reasoning is to reach to a hypothesis (usu-
ally a rule that explains an aspect of the law of
nature) based on pieces of evidence (usually ob-
served facts of the world), where the observations
can not provide conclusive support to the hypothe-
sis (Salmon, 1989). It is ampliative, which means
∗Contribution during internship at Microsoft Research.
that the hypothesis supports more than mere refor-
mulation of the content of the evidence (Norton,
2005). An example is shown in Table 1 that after
observing three carnivorous plants each having a
trapping structure, one might reach to a hypothe-
sis (rule) that every carnivorous plant has a trapping
structure. Inductive reasoning was firstly proposed
by Aristotle in the 4th century B.C. in his Posterior
Analytics (Aristotle, 1994). Since then it is used as
a fundamental tool to obtain axioms, and therefore
subjects can be developed from these axioms. It
is also recognized as a core component of human
intelligence (Mercier, 2018).
Past research works on inductive reasoning
within computer science are investigated by Induc-
tive Logic Programming (ILP) (Muggleton et al.,
2012). ILP investigates the inductive construction
of first-order logic (FOL) (Smullyan, 1995) rules
from examples and background knowledge (Mug-
gleton and Raedt, 1994). However, ILP uses for-
mal language as representation and uses symbolic
reasoner, which results in systematic disadvan-
tages (Cropper et al., 2022). Specifically, ILP sys-
tems heavily rely on human effort, since it typically
assumes that the input has already been prepro-
cessed into symbolic declarative form, otherwise
ILP systems cannot handle raw inputs such as natu-
ral language and images. In addition, ILP systems
are very sensitive to label error and ambiguity in
data, since the final induced rules are required to
satisfy all input facts, and symbolic systems can not
recognize different symbols with the same meaning
(e.g. be capable of, be able to).
To overcome the challenges above, we present
a novel paradigm for inductive reasoning based
entirely on natural language, i.e., inducing natu-
ral language rules from natural language facts. In
particular, we create a first-of-its-kind natural lan-
guage inductive reasoning dataset named DEER
containing 1.2k rule-fact pairs (more details illus-
trated in §3.1). With this dataset, we investigate
Short fact 1
Short fact 2
Short fact 3
The Venus flytrap is a carnivorous
plant native to subtropical wetlands
on the East Coast of the United States
in North Carolina and South Carolina.
It catches its prey-chiefly insects
and arachnids—with a trapping structure
formed by the terminal portion of each
of the plant’s leaves, which is triggered
by tiny hairs on their inner surfaces.
Pitcher plants are several different
carnivorous plants which have modified
leaves known as pitfall traps—a prey
-trapping mechanism featuring a deep
cavity filled with digestive liquid. The
traps of what are considered to be "true"
pitcher plants are formed by
specialized leaves. The plants attract
and drown their prey with nectar.
Drosera, which is commonly known
as the sundews, is one of the largest genera
of carnivorous plants, with at least
194 species. The trapping and digestion
mechanism of Drosera usually employs
two types of glands: stalked glands that
secrete sweet mucilage to attract and ensnare
insects and enzymes to digest them, and sessile
glands that absorb the resulting nutrient soup.
If a
plant is
, then it
has a
Table 1: An example of inductive reasoning in DEER dataset. We embolden the words in facts that contain the key
information to induce this rule (just to explain the relation between facts and rule, in DEER there’s no special word
annotations for fact).
a modern approach to inductive reasoning where
both facts and rules are in natural language, and
pretrained language models (PLMs) are used as the
inductive reasoner. Note that the inductive reason-
ing considered in this paper has several distinctions
considered by other reasoning tasks over text (Clark
et al., 2020; Bhagavatula et al., 2020; Sinha et al.,
2019). We defer a more detailed discussion to §2.
With natural language as representation and
PLMs as the reasoner, such an inductive reason-
ing system can avoid the systematic disadvantages
of formal language and symbolic reasoners. Specif-
ically, with natural language as representation,
it can naturally handle raw input as natural lan-
guage text. In addition, different from symbolic
methods, PLMs contain knowledge via pretrain-
ing (Davison et al., 2019) and use embedding for
concepts (Mikolov et al., 2013), making it less af-
fected by input errors (Meng et al., 2021) and more
robust to paraphrasing.
Based on the proposed dataset, we study the
PLM’s ability to induce (generate) natural language
rules from natural language facts under different
settings, such as different FOL rule types and topics
with varying input facts and PLM model sizes.
We also propose a new framework for this task,
named chain-of-language-models (CoLM) which
is shown in Figure 1. It draws insights from the
requirements of rule induction in philosophy litera-
ture (Norton, 2005). Specifically, CoLM consists
of five modules all based on PLMs, where one
model proposes rules (rule proposer M1), and the
other four models (M2, M3, M4, M5) each classify
whether a generated rule satisfies one particular
requirement of induction. In our experiments, we
find that our framework surpasses the baselines in
terms of both automatic and human evaluations.
To sum up, our contributions are three-fold:
• We propose a new paradigm (task) of inducing
natural language rules from natural language
facts, which naturally overcomes three system-
atic disadvantages of past works on inductive
reasoning. In particular, we create a first-of-
its-kind natural language inductive reasoning
dataset DEER containing 1.2k rule-fact pairs,
where fact and rule are both written in natural
language. New automatic metrics are also pro-
posed for task evaluation, which shows strong
consistency with human evaluation.
• We provide the first and comprehensive anal-
ysis of how well PLMs can induce natural
language rules from natural language facts.
• Drawing insights from philosophy litera-
ture (Norton, 2005), we propose a framework
for inductive reasoning. Empirically, we show
that it surpasses baselines substantially in both
automatic and human evaluations.
In §7 we discuss our future perspectives on in-
ductive reasoning in detail.
2 Related Work
Definition of Inductive Reasoning It is still un-
der debate on the definition of inductive reasoning
in philosophy research (Yang et al., 2023c). Here
we adopt Flach and Kakas (2000)’s view that an
inductive argument should satisfy (1) its premise
cannot provide conclusive support to its conclu-
sion since its conclusion amplify or go beyond the
information found in their premises; (2) its con-
clusion generalize over its premise in a way that
the conclusion can be applied to more instances
other than instances mentioned in its premise. An
example of inductive argument is that “if a white
ball is found in a bag, then all balls in this bag
are white.” In this paper, we call the premises as
“facts”, and conclusions as “rules”. Prior computa-
Rule Template
(First Order Logic)
Rule Template
(Natural Language)
∀x, condition(x) =⇒ conclusion
∃x, condition(x) =⇒ conclusion There exists __, which __.
If __, then __.
∀x, condition(x) [∧ condition(x)]+
=⇒ conclusion
∀x, condition(x) [∨ condition(x)]+
=⇒ conclusion
If __ and __, then __.
If __ or __, then __.
Table 2: The mapping relation between basic first-order
logic rule template and natural language rule template.
tional method for inductive reasoning is inductive
logic programming, which is introduced in §A.13.
Inductive Reasoning & Neural Networks
Sinha et al. (2019) propose CLUTRR dataset, but
they do not focus on inducing explicit natural lan-
guage rules.
Instead they try to “learn” certain
rules internally with PLMs, and use the PLMs to
predict the correctness of other facts. Inductive
relation induction task (Teru et al., 2020; Misra
et al., 2022) focuses on prediction of relation that
involves unseen entities, which only involves an
induction from specific entities to specific entities,
where we focus on the induction from specific enti-
ties or individual phenomenons to general knowl-
edge. Yang and Deng (2021) also works on rule
induction, but their induced rule is not in real natu-
ral language, and uses symbolic reasoners.
Relation with Other Reasoning Tasks The goal
is quite different from (1) deductive reasoning as
given facts and rules and reach to new facts (Clark
et al., 2020) (2) abductive reasoning as given facts
and finding the casual reasons (Bhagavatula et al.,
2020). Rather, we want to induce rules that gener-
alize over facts. Yang et al. (2023c) provide a com-
prehensive discussion on the difference between
deductive, inductive, and abductive reasoning.
3 Dataset Collection and New Metrics
In this section, we discuss the data collection pro-
cess for our proposed dataset, and our proposed
metrics for automatic and human evaluation.
In general, we propose two datasets. The first
one, named DEER (inDuctive rEasoning with nat-
ural languagE Representation), contains 1.2k rule-
fact pairs, where rules are written by human an-
notators in English, and facts are existing English
sentences on the web. The other one, named DEER-
LET (classification of inDucEd rulEs with natuRal
LanguagE representaTion), including (fact, rule,
label0, label1, label2, label3) tuples, where facts
are the same as in DEER, rules are generated out-
put from PLMs, and label0/1/2/3 are classification
labels describing different aspects of induced rules.
Specifically, rules in DEERLET are collected from
GPT-J (Wang and Komatsuzaki, 2021) using the
in-context learning setting. We choose this setting
because (1) GPT-J in this setting can generate rea-
sonable rules, and (2) not all generated rules are cor-
rect so that the annotations on the generated rules
can be used for fine-tuning. Overall, DEER is used
as the main dataset for the task, and DEERLET is
used to measure the classification performance of
specific capabilities described in §3.2.
3.1 Dataset Collection of DEER
Collected by a human expert (the first author),
DEER contains 1.2k natural language rule-fact
pairs where rules cover 6 topics and 4 common rule
types of FOL. The 6 topics are zoology, botany, ge-
ology, astronomy, history, and physics. Shown in
Table 2, sequentially the 4 FOL rule types are impli-
cations with universal quantifier, implications with
existential quantifier, conjunctive implications with
universal quantifier, and disjunctive implications
with universal quantifier. In practice we collect
rules with the natural language rule templates.
Natural language rule is firstly written by a hu-
man expert, then for each rule 6 supporting facts (3
long facts and 3 short facts) are collected from ex-
isting human-written text from commercial search
engines and Wikipedia. Long facts are paragraphs
collected from different web pages to for more dif-
ference, and short facts are core sentences selected
from corresponding long facts. Each fact itself
should contain enough information that is possible
to induce the full corresponding rule (an example
is shown in Table 1).
To validate the correctness of the DEER dataset,
we randomly split DEER data to 4 subsets, and
4 graduate students manually check each of the
subsets on whether each fact contains enough in-
formation that is possible to induce the given rule.
The overall correctness of DEER is 95.5%.
The reason that DEER is not larger is that it
requires experts who are familiar enough with in-
ductive reasoning and possesses a relatively high
level of science knowledge to annotate.
3.2 Dataset Collection of DEERLET
DEERLET is a dataset collected by a human ex-
pert (the first author) in inductive reasoning for
classification tasks to evaluate the specific capabil-
Generated rules
with top
Generated rules
with top
Generated rules
with top
Weight weight0(45) weight1(35)
... weight9(−45)
Table 3: Illustration of the weights and recalls in WRe-
call, one of our proposed automatic evaluation metrics.
Here weights reflect the importance of blocks of rules.
ities required by inductive reasoning. It contains
846 tuples with format (fact, rule, label0, label1,
label2, label3). Among the tuples, 546 are used
for training, 100 for validation, and 200 for testing.
Here, facts are directly from DEER, and the corre-
sponding rules are collected from PLMs. Label0
to label3 are classification labels evaluating spe-
cific aspects of the generated rules. The reason in
DEERLET we collect rules from the generation of
PLMs is that we want to avoid human annotation
biases (Amidei et al., 2020).
We develop label 0/1/2 based on the require-
ments of induced rules in philosophy litera-
ture (Norton, 2005), and develop label 3 based
on a NLP aspect. In particular, label0 measures
whether a rule is not in conflict with its fact; la-
bel1 measures whether a rule reflects reality; label2
measures whether a rule is more general than its
fact, as inductive reasoning is “ampliative”, and
requires the induced rule to have higher coverage
than facts (Norton, 2005). More details on label2
is illustrated in §A.10. Label3 measures whether
a rule is not trivial (mostly incomplete sentence or
the latter part is a repetition of its former part).
Inspired by Obeid and Hoque (2020), label 0/1/2
are annotated on a 3-point scale (true / partially
true / false), and label 3 are annotated on a 2-point
scale (true / false). More details on annotation of
DEERLET are illustrated in §A.5.
3.3 Adopted & New Evaluation Metrics
3.3.1 Human Evaluation Metric
DEERLET provides human annotations for eval-
uation of the generated rules from four different
aspects. Here we use precision / recall / f1, and the
four aspects in DEERLET for human evaluation.
3.3.2 Automatic Evaluation Metric
For the DEER dataset, as it requires generating
rules based on input facts, the first metric we
adopt is METEOR (Banerjee and Lavie, 2005),
which has been widely used for evaluating machine-
generated text quality. §A.7 compares METEOR
and BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002), and illustrates
the reasons why METEOR should be a better met-
ric for this task. More specifically, we calculate the
averaged METEOR score of the generated rules
(after filtering, if a model had a filtering phase).
From the observation that even humans still con-
stantly make mistakes on inductive reasoning, we
assume any framework for this task might (but not
necessarily) contain two phases as generation and
filtering to obtain higher performance. However, if
with a filtering phase, METEOR only considers the
rules that are not filtered.
It makes the METEOR metric here a similar
metric to “precision”, as it only calculates the score
for rules that are classified as “true”. As a result, the
model might have a low recall in that it might only
keep the rule with the highest confidence score, and
classify many reasonable good rules as “false”.
To measure the “recall” of inductive reasoning
models, we propose “weighted recall (WRecall)”
as the second automatic evaluation metric for this
task. The difficulty lies in that we don’t have the
ground truth labels for generated rules without hu-
man evaluation. To calculate WRecall, we make
an assumption, which is that the higher METEOR
a rule has, generally the higher probability it is a
reasonable rule for given facts. This assumption
is reasonable given the relatively high correlation
coefficient between METEOR and human evalu-
ation shown in §A.7. Specifically, as shown in
table 3, we can first calculate the METEOR for
each generated rule, and sort them based on the
value of METEOR. Then we calculate the recall
value for each block of generated rules, during
which we assume only the rules in that block have
“true” ground truth label. We also add a linearly
changing weight for each block according to their
importance. To ensure WRecall is in the range
[0,1], WRecall is linearly normalized:
WRecall =
i=0 weighti ∗ recalli + 125
Now that we have a METEOR metric that
provides a similar measurement of “preci-
sion”, and WRecall for “recall”, we propose
GREEN (GeometRic mEan of METEOR aNd
WRecall) to consider METEOR and WRecall to-
gether. It is defined as a geometric mean instead of
a harmonic mean because METEOR is not in the
range [0, 1]. More specifically,
M ET EOR ∗ WRecall
Figure 1: Our proposed framework (CoLM) for inductive reasoning with natural language representation task. Rule
Proposer is a generative model based on input facts and desired rule template, aiming at generating (a large number
of) rule candidates. Deductive consistency evaluator, indiscriminate confirmation handler, generalization checker,
and triviality detector are classification models that filter improper rules according to four requirements of the
induced rules in inductive reasoning. Texts with ✗ are representative filtered rules for each module.
In general, compared with METEOR, GREEN
gives a more comprehensive evaluation of the in-
duced rules. Therefore GREEN can be a more
favorable metric when the recall is an important fac-
tor (e.g., computational power is limited). However,
when the precision of the induced rules is more fa-
vored, METEOR should be a more proper metric
than GREEN. §A.6 discusses more on the impor-
tance of each metric for this task. More discussions
on the usage of automatic evaluation metrics and
how should we interpret the results of automatic
metrics can be found in §A.8.
4 Methodology
In this section, we formally present the task def-
inition and our proposed framework for natural
language inductive reasoning. Figure 1 illustrates
the general architecture of our proposed approach.
4.1 Task Definition
DEER dataset is used as the dataset for the natu-
ral language inductive reasoning task. The data
format for DEER is (rule, f act), where both rule
and f act are natural language sentences. The goal
of the task is to generate reasonable natural lan-
guage rules given f act in an inductive reasoning
way (the rules should be more general and therefore
cover more information than f act).
4.2 Our Framework
Hypothetical Induction is an important induction
type in inductive reasoning (Norton, 2005). It can
be understood as when people make observations,
they might propose a hypothesis as a general rule
that can entail the observations. For example, when
people observe that the Sun rises and falls every
day, they might induce a hypothesis that the Earth
is rotating itself, which is more general than the
observations as the hypothesis can also help to ex-
plain the observable movements of the other Milky
Way stars relative to the Earth.
Hypothetical induction fits our task well, as in
DEER we also want to induce a hypothesis as a
more general rule that can entail the facts. We
borrow insights from the requirements for the in-
duced rules in hypothetical induction to develop
our framework. Specifically, there are mainly three
requirements (Salmon, 1989; Norton, 2005). The
first is that a correct hypothesis should be able to
entail deductively as many observations as possible.
The second is that the hypothesis should follow the
laws of nature, as one could always concoct some
imaginary hypothesis that is able to explain the
observations but violates reality (e.g., the Earth is
the center of the Universe so that the Sun orbits
around the Earth). In inductive reasoning, the fail-
ure to recognize a rule that runs counter to reality is
called “indiscriminate confirmation”. The third is
a basic requirement for inductive reasoning, where
the hypothesis should be a more general statement
than the observations (Appendix A.10 illustrates
the meaning of “general”). We additionally intro-
duce a fourth requirement from NLP aspects since
this task uses natural language as knowledge repre-
sentation. It is that a rule should not be trivial (e.g.
incomplete sentence or the latter sub-sentence sim-
ply repeats its former sub-sentence).
More concretely, we define the requirements for
designing our framework as 1) there should be as
fewer contradictions between facts and the rule as
possible, and 2) the rule should reflect the reality,
3) the content in facts should be relevant specific
statements that are covered by the rule, 4) the rule
should not be trivial.
Based on this, we develop our framework as
It consists of five modules,
shown in Figure 1.
Fact(s)Rule ProposerModule 1GeneralizationChecker𝑃𝑀4(𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡|𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑒)Module 4 Deductive Consistency Evaluator𝑃𝑀2(𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡|𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑒)Module 2Indiscriminate ConfirmationHandler𝑃𝑀3(𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑒)Module 3RulesRulesRulesRulesTrivialityDetector𝑃𝑀5(𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑒)Module 5 RulesE.g., Three facts in Table 1If a plant is carnivorous, then it does not have a trapping structure.If a plant is carnivorous, then it uses traps with sharpened bamboos.If Droserais carnivorous, then it uses traps to catch insects.If a plant is carnivorous, then it is carnivorous.Ifaplanthasatrappingmechanism,then it probably will attract insects and other small creatures to obtain nutrients.where module 1 (M1) is the rule proposer, module
2 (M2) is the deductive consistency evaluator, mod-
ule 3 (M3) is the indiscriminate confirmation han-
dler, module 4 (M4) is the generalization checker,
and module 5 (M5) is the triviality detector. Specif-
ically, M1 is in charge of the generation of rules.
M2, M3, M4, M5 are independent classification
models each verifying rules with different require-
ment. The role of M2/3/4/5 is similar to the verifier
developed for deductive reasoning to make more
solid reasoning steps (Yang et al., 2022). The in-
dependence of M2/3/4/5 makes it possible to run
them in parallel.
In practice, we implement all five modules
with PLMs. We call our implementation as
CoLM (Chain-of-Language-Models). The goal of
M1 is to generate rules based on the input facts and
a given rule template. Thus, M1’s input contains
facts, a rule template, and prompts that demonstrate
the rule induction task.M2 and M4’s inputs include
prompts that explain the rule-fact compatibility, a
rule, and fact(s); M3 and M5’s inputs include again
prompts that explain the task and a rule, as their
targets are independent of fact.
More interestingly, although our framework
is solely based on the insights from philosophy
literature, we also find a mathematical interpre-
tation of this approach. Here, we denote P (A)
as the probability indicating whether A is valid
for simplicity. Thus, M2 and M4 jointly measure
the validness of a fact given the corresponding
rule P (f act|rule) ≈ PM 24(f act|rule) =
PM 2(f act|rule)PM 4(f act|rule),
M5 directly measure the validness of
itself P (rule) ≈ PM 35(rule) =
PM 3(rule)PM 5(rule). Here PM 24 and PM 35 are
parameterized as the product of two corresponding
probabilities. By using Bayes’ rule, we can easily
show that the validness of a rule based on the input
fact is (here we omit constant P (f acts))
P (rule|f act) ≈ PM 24(f act|rule)PM 35(rule).
Note that this score is merely a discrimination score
and thus different from the generation probability
from M1. In other words, the rules proposed by
M1 are then selected by M2/3/4/5 in a Bayesian
inference fashion.
5 Experiments
In this section, we discuss the evaluation metrics
and baselines, and then present the main results of
our framework (all are averaged by 5 runs).
5.1 Evaluation Metrics
We carry out evaluations for the framework (the
rule generation task with DEER) and individual
modules for classification using DEERLET.
For evaluation of the rule generation of the over-
all framework, we use METEOR, WRecall, and
GREEN as automatic evaluation metrics; And
use precision, recall, f1, and the four metrics in
DEERLET as human evaluation metrics. WRecall,
GREEN, and the four metrics in DEERLET are our
newly proposed metrics for inductive reasoning
introduced in §3.3.
For evaluation of the classification tasks on
DEERLET, we use accuracy, f1, and averaged pre-
cision as metrics.
5.2 Baselines
We use a non-neural method and a neural method
as baselines for the framework. We call the non-
neural baseline “R+F”, as it randomly fills the given
rule template with sentences or phases from the
given fact. The neural baseline we use is the rule
proposer itself in Figure 1.
We use majority class and TF-IDF (Jones, 2004)
as baselines for individual modules. The major-
ity class baseline always predicts “yes”, which is
equivalent to not using M2/3/4/5 to filter rules from
M1. TF-IDF is another reasonable baseline as the
induced rules contain similar contents compared
to input facts. In practice, each input fact-rule pair
is assigned a TF-IDF value, and a threshold for
correctness (to compare with the TF-IDF value) is
tuned on the DEERLET validation set.
5.3 Main Results
Most modules are implemented with GPT-J (Wang
and Komatsuzaki, 2021), a pre-trained language
model with 6 billion parameters. Results on other
LLMs such as LLaMA (Touvron et al., 2023) can
be found in §A.9. For better analysis, we con-
duct the experiments in two settings, including in-
context learning setting (Liu et al., 2021; Brown
et al., 2020) and finetuning setting. The only ex-
ception is that we do not test finetuning setting
on M1 (the only generative module), since we are
mainly investigating (out-of-box) PLM’s ability.
However if with finetuning, language model might
perform worse on out-of-distribution data and lose
their generality for input facts from different top-
ics (Kumar et al., 2022). For this reason we do not
implement with T5 (Raffel et al., 2020).
Precision (%) Recall (%)
M1 + M2
M1 + M3
M1 + M4
M1 + M5
25.68 / 25.69
25.39 / 26.57
26.12 / 26.30
25.28 / 25.76
CoLM 26.44 / 27.32
0.53 / 0.54
0.50 / 0.59
0.53 / 0.58
0.50 / 0.54
0.54 / 0.62
3.68 / 3.71
3.57 / 3.95
3.74 / 3.92
3.55 / 3.74
3.78 / 4.11
45.9 / 59.8
45.2 / 60.2
48.5 / 53.3
46.1 / 48.1
48.1 / 70.0
87.8 / 71.1
84.4 / 75.6
92.2 / 88.9
97.8 / 97.8
72.2 / 54.4
0.60 / 0.65
0.59 / 0.67
0.64 / 0.67
0.63 / 0.65
0.58 / 0.61
0.63 / 0.75
0.63 / 0.77
0.64 / 0.67
0.64 / 0.66
0.65 / 0.81
0.62 / 0.72
0.60 / 0.74
0.64 / 0.65
0.61 / 0.63
0.64 / 0.80
0.83 / 0.92
0.83 / 0.89
0.84 / 0.91
0.83 / 0.83
0.84 / 0.94
0.86 / 0.94
0.87 / 0.91
0.88 / 0.89
0.88 / 0.91
0.90 / 0.97
Table 4: Result of CoLM and baselines on DEER under in-context learning / finetuning setting. The first three
metrics are automatic metrics, and the last seven metrics are human evaluation metrics.
We report the results of in-context learning set-
ting and finetuning setting in Table 4 and Table 8.
The thresholds of M2/3/4/5 used in Table 4 and
Table 8 are tuned on the DEERLET validation set.
More details on setting up thresholds are illustrated
in §A.11. The results on DEER are shown in Ta-
ble 4. As expected, the M1 alone outperforms
the R+F baseline across the board, indicating that
the PLM has some rule induction capability. Aug-
menting the M1 with some filtering mechanism
can reliably improve the generated rule quality fur-
ther. Lastly, our full model, CoLM, outperforms
all baselines justifying the effectiveness of our pro-
posed framework for natural language inductive
reasoning. Due to page limit, DEERLET results
are analyzed in § A.2.
6 Analysis
In this section, we investigate the question of “how
well can pretrained language models perform induc-
tive reasoning?”. Specifically, we provide analyses
in terms of rule types, topics, variations of input
fact, and scales of language models. Except for
Table 7, the input used is short fact, 3 fact, full
fact. Except for Table 2, the model used is GPT-J.
All experiments in this section are based on the in-
context learning setting, each averaged by 5 runs.
Similar trends are also observed in other settings.
We report METEOR and GREEN as metrics in
this section. In addition to analyses with automatic
evaluation results in this section, we also manu-
ally analyze the failure cases of CoLM in §A.3, by
classifying error types and give a statistics on the
percentage of the identified error types.
6.1 Different Rule Types
Table 5 shows the breakdown evaluation of CoLM
based on four basic rule types in formal lan-
guage (Russell and Norvig, 2020). The mapping
between the logic forms and corresponding natural
language templates can be found in Table 2.
If __,
then __.
There exists __,
which __.
If __ and __,
then __.
If __ or __,
then __.
9.87 / 2.22
23.05 / 3.39
17.45 / 2.95
32.03 / 4.00
10.63 / 2.30
27.01 / 3.67
12.53/ 2.50
29.09 / 3.81
23.76 / 3.58
23.34 / 3.46
23.58 / 3.43
23.04 / 3.40
CoLM 24.15 / 3.55
33.13 / 4.39
31.35 / 3.80
32.16 / 4.06
32.60 / 4.17
32.50 / 4.16
26.00 / 3.43
26.64 / 3.58
25.94 / 3.48
27.05 / 3.68
26.41 / 3.58
28.76 / 3.69
29.56 / 3.95
29.80 / 4.05
29.08 / 3.81
29.60 / 3.96
Table 5: Analysis of PLM (GPT-J)’s performance (mea-
sured in METEOR / GREEN) in with different rule
9.65 / 2.20
28.88 / 3.80
10.24 / 2.26
31.14 / 3.95
13.09 / 2.56
34.40 / 4.15
13.28 / 2.58
27.71 / 3.72
11.07 / 2.35
22.17 / 3.33
11.44 / 2.39
20.01 / 3.16
29.70 / 4.00
29.17 / 3.85
29.00 / 3.77
28.72 / 3.76
CoLM 29.25 / 3.84
30.59 / 3.76
31.03 / 3.88
31.54 / 4.06
31.26 / 3.99
31.00 / 3.86
32.88 / 3.82
33.86 / 4.04
34.17 / 4.20
34.60 / 4.21
35.33 / 4.46
28.67 / 4.08
28.16 / 3.87
28.63 / 4.04
27.33 / 3.62
29.51 / 4.23
22.65 / 3.50
22.30 / 3.36
25.00 / 3.89
22.01 / 3.26
24.34 / 3.72
20.49 / 3.30
20.16 / 3.17
20.16 / 3.22
20.00 / 3.10
20.67 / 3.30
Table 6: Analysis of PLM (GPT-J)’s performance (mea-
sured in METEOR / GREEN) in under different topics.
The table shows that “there exists _, which _”
achieves the best performance. It is reasonable, as
simply copying the contents of facts to compose a
rule will be acceptable for ∃ quantifier in logic.
6.2 Different Topics
Table 6 shows the performance of CoLM over dif-
ferent topics. CoLM performs much worse on His-
tory and Physics than the other topics. We attribute
it to that the rules in history and physics have high
variance, demand a higher level of abstraction, and
are not very similar to the input facts. For exam-
ple, in physics, many rules are natural language
descriptions of physical laws such as Newton’s law
of universal gravitation, while the input facts might
be the values of gravitational force and mass of
specific objects. In contrast, CoLM achieves better
performance in Botany. One possible reason is that
many rules in botany can be very similar to the
input facts (an example is shown in Table 1).
Long facts
1 full facts
Short facts
1 full facts
Short facts
2 full facts
Short facts
3 full facts
Short facts
3 missing facts
9.35 / 2.16
23.12 / 3.40
10.87 / 2.33
24.75 / 3.52
11.16 / 2.36
25.22 / 3.55
11.20 / 2.37
25.28 / 3.56
11.52 / 2.40
24.67 / 3.51
23.43 / 3.49
23.25 / 3.44
23.65 / 3.52
23.23 / 3.44
CoLM 24.03 / 3.60
25.30 / 3.68
24.91 / 3.55
25.48 / 3.65
24.81 / 3.54
25.89 / 3.73
25.88 / 3.74
25.32 / 3.57
26.04 / 3.73
25.31 / 3.58
26.71 / 3.85
25.68 / 3.68
25.39 / 3.57
26.12 / 3.74
25.28 / 3.55
26.44 / 3.78
25.01 / 3.58
24.77 / 3.52
25.09 / 3.59
24.81 / 3.57
25.41 / 3.65
Table 7: Analysis of PLM (GPT-J)’s performance (mea-
sured in METEOR / GREEN) with different input
lengths and whether fact contains enough information.
Figure 3: Error Analysis of CoLM with finetuned Mod-
ule 2/3/4/5. In total 100 rules are manually checked.
6B and GPT-NeoX 20B (Wang and Komatsuzaki,
2021). The figure shows that generally perfor-
mance of M1 steadily improves as the scale being
larger, and M2/3/4/5 are only helpful since 6B pa-
rameters. The only exception is that both M1 and
M2/3/4/5 might reach a plateau in 20B parameters.
6.5 Error Analysis
We sampled 100 rules from CoLM (rules that gen-
erated by M1 and pass all M2/3/4/5), and have
conducted an error analysis of the samples. Fig-
ure 3 shows the results. Among them, “Conflict
with Facts”, “Not Fits Commonsense (not reflects
reality)”, “Not General”, and “Trivial” corresponds
to the rules that should be filtered by CoLM but not.
We find that beyond “Correct” and errors made by
classification modules, there are also some other
classes that worth mentioning, but they could be
seen as other kinds of “Trivial”. This figure shows
that the four criteria we proposed are important for
verification. More details about error analysis can
be found at § A.3.
7 Overview and Future Perspectives of
Inductive Reasoning
The first version of this paper was finished in 2022.
At that time, inductive reasoning—in the sense
of deriving explicit natural language hypotheses
(rules) from observations (input facts), where the
hypotheses and observations adhere to specific re-
lations defined by induction—was a new and unex-
plored research area.
Previously, the most closely related works came
from the ILP (Inductive Logic Programming) com-
munity, which focused on symbolic approaches to
Figure 2: Influence of the scale of PLM on inductive
reasoning task with DEER (measured with METEOR).
6.3 Variations of Input Facts
In table 7, long facts mean the paragraph-level facts
in DEER, and short facts mean the core sentence-
level facts selected from corresponding paragraph-
level facts. The different number of facts indicates
the different number of facts given as input that ex-
hibit similar rule patterns (e.g. Lemon tree / orange
tree / apple tree can conduct photosynthesis). We
consider the number of facts as an important factor
because psychological research shows that more
facts with similar patterns can help with inductive
reasoning (Heit, 2000). Missing fact experiments
are also conducted, where for each fact we ran-
domly throw the former half or the latter half of
the sentences. It is an important setting as it is
hard for the input facts to cover all the elements of
the desired rule in a realistic scenario. As a result,
it might be common that some required pieces of
fact are missing. The results indicate that larger
number of concise but full facts are beneficial for
rule induction, while too many facts with similar
patterns might not be helpful.
6.4 Different Scales of PLMs
Figure 2 shows the influence of the scale of pre-
trained language models (under in-context learn-
ing setting) on induction. Here, we consider GPT-
Neo 125M, GPT-Neo 1.3B, GPT-Neo 2.7B, GPT-J
GPT-Neo 125MGPT-Neo 1.3BGPT-Neo 2.7BGPT-J 6BGPT-NeoX20BNumber of parametersMETEORConflict with Facts4%Not Fits Commonsense15%Not General9%Trivial11%Correct35%Correct but less informative10%Correct but not very related5%Correct but not completely6%Meaningless5%the task of inductive reasoning (inducing explicit
formal language hypotheses). This paper aims to
act as a bridge between the ILP and NLP commu-
nities by (1) demonstrating how natural language
and related techniques (foundation models) can ad-
dress challenges within the ILP community, and
(2) introducing the definition and task of inductive
reasoning to NLP. Moreover, this paper can serve
as a preliminary study, suggesting that language
models have the potential to function as inductive
reasoners. The transcription of requirements for
inductive arguments from philosophical literature,
as illustrated in Section 4.2, could remain useful
even in the era of powerful LLMs.
The possible future challenges of research on in-
ductive reasoning include (1) establishing and solv-
ing more challenging tasks for inductive reasoning,
and (2) overcoming the fundamental challenges
inherent in induction.
7.1 Establishing and Solving More
Challenging Tasks for Inductive
A naturally more challenging task is scientific hy-
potheses discovery, which is to generate novel and
valid scientific hypotheses. Here, “novel” means
“not known or recognized by any literature”. In fact,
inductive reasoning is one of the primary types of
reasoning in the development of science. Essen-
tially, scientists use inductive reasoning whenever
they move from limited data to a more general con-
clusion (Okasha, 2002). Thus, exploring how to
generate preliminary hypotheses (a.k.a. research
ideas) and possibly act as a “copilot” for scientists
could be an intriguing research topic. Yang et al.
(2023b) extend inductive reasoning to the task of
scientific hypothesis discovery, demonstrating that
LLMs can generate novel and valid hypotheses in
some social science disciplines. However, there are
still many challenging questions to address, such
as how to develope a system for other disciplines.
Another challenging task is pattern induction,
which is to induce (executable) rules/patterns from
complex (synthetic) facts. This task currently en-
compass (1) identifying patterns in a sequence of
numbers (Qiu and Jiang, 2023), (2) discerning arith-
metic calculation patterns (Zhu et al., 2023), and (3)
detecting change patterns of 2D grid images (Wang
et al., 2023b). The term “executable” is used here
because many of these patterns can be described
in the form of program. An advantage of pattern
induction tasks is that challenging datasets can
be efficiently constructed using synthetic methods.
This direction is also interesting as it can aid in
understanding the inductive reasoning capabilities
of LLMs and requires a combination of this under-
standing with the ability to generate program.
7.2 Overcoming Fundamental Challenges
Inherent in Induction
This challenge stems from certain fundamental re-
quirements for the induced rules. As illustrated in
Section 4.2, some of these requirements include
• Checking whether the induced rule accurately
reflects reality.
• Determining whether the hypotheses are more
general than the observations.
Here, the “reflects reality” in the first require-
ment refers to whether the rule mirrors the objec-
tive world (or the environment of the task).
certain task settings, such as scientific hypothesis
discovery, verifying whether an induced hypothesis
mirrors the objective world can be very challeng-
ing, given that LLMs do not directly interact with
the world. To ascertain the validity of the hypothe-
ses, LLMs might need to utilize tools to conduct
actual experiments to test the induced hypotheses.
In other tasks, such as pattern induction, meeting
this requirement could be much simpler, as whether
it catches the designed patterns can be examined
by executing the program and checking whether it
produces the expected output.
The second requirement can be interpreted as
“whether the hypothesis is novel compared to the
all existing literature” in the task of scientific hy-
pothesis discovery (Yang et al., 2023b). Meeting
this requirement involves key challenges including
information retrieval and novelty checking.
8 Conclusion
To overcome the systematic problems of using for-
mal language for inductive reasoning, we propose
a new paradigm (task) of inducing natural language
rules from natural language facts, and correspond-
ingly propose a dataset DEER and new evaluation
metrics for this task. We provide the first and com-
prehensive analysis of PLM’s ability to induce natu-
ral language rules from natural language facts. We
also propose a new framework, drawing insights
from philosophical literature, which, as shown in
the experimental section, surpasses baselines in
both automatic and human evaluations.
In this work, the size of dataset (DEER) contains
1.2k fact-rule pairs, which is relatively small. The
reason is that the “rules” in this task are required to
be very general. It is not easy to collect a large set
of such rules in high-quality. Additionally, a rule
can be collected only if (1) there are several facts
findable in online texts, and (2) these facts satisfy
certain relation with the rule required by induction
(the rule generalizes over the facts).
In addition, the DEER dataset mainly covers
commonsense knowledge. A successive work to
this paper (Yang et al., 2023b) focuses on a more
challenging setting of inductive reasoning, which
is to generate novel and valid scientific hypothe-
ses (e.g., Newton’s Laws are scientific hypotheses).
Here novel is defined as “not known or recognized
by any literature”, which means this new setting
is very challenging even for the most advanced
This research/project is supported by the Ministry
of Education, Singapore under its MOE Academic
Research Fund Tier 2 (STEM RIE2025 Award
We sincerely appreciate the anonymous review-
ers who have given careful reviews to this paper,
and the anonymous chair who have closely looked
into the this paper.
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A Appendix
A.1 Hyperparameters
For finetuning experiments, we use learning rate
1e-5; weight decay 0.1; adam epsilon 1e-8; batch
size 4; and early stopping with accuracy as the
metric. We perform our experiments on RTXA6K
GPU. We use nltk package to calculate BLEU and
A.2 DEERLET Results
The results on DEERLET are summarized in Ta-
ble 8. In this experiment, we investigate the classifi-
cation performance of language models in terms of
different aspects required by inductive reasoning,
which includes deductive consistency, indiscrim-
inate confirmation, and generalization / triviality
classification. It shows that TF-IDF achieves the
same performance with majority class baseline in
accuracy and f1 metrics. The reason is that the best
thresholds obtained for TF-IDF are all zero, which
means that TF-IDF value is not effective for the
four tasks. It also shows that with in-context learn-
ing GPTJ performs worse than the majority class
baseline, while finetuned GPTJ steadily performs
A.3 Failure Analysis
We sampled 100 rules from CoLM (rules that gen-
erated by M1 and pass all M2/3/4/5), and have con-
ducted an error analysis of the samples. Figure 3
shows the results.
Among them, “Conflict with Facts”, “Not Fits
Commonsense (not reflects reality)”, “Not Gen-
eral”, and “Trivial” corresponds to the rules that
should be filtered by CoLM but not. However,
Accuracy (%)
Averaged Precision
Deductive Consistency Evaluator (M2)
Majority class
61.5 / 74.0
0.71 / 0.83
0.75 / 0.83
Indiscriminate Conformation Handler (M3)
Majority class
56.0 / 70.5
0.57 / 0.77
0.66 / 0.79
Generalization Checker (M4)
Majority class
71.0 / 86.0
0.82 / 0.92
0.87 / 0.97
Triviality Detector (M5)
Majority class
78.5 / 89.5
0.87 / 0.94
0.89 / 0.94
Table 8: Results on DEERLET for different modules
under in-context learning / finetuning settings.
we find that beyond “Correct” and errors made by
classification modules, there are also some other
classes that worth mentioning.
“Correct but less informative” means some facts
that is not trivial (by our former description of trivi-
ality – incomplete sentences or the conclusion sim-
ply repeats some part of premises.), not incorrect,
but not very informative. Examples include “if a
bird can help a plant to reproduce, then it is prob-
ably a good thing for the plant”, and “if a land is
green, then it probably contains forests”.
“Correct but not very related” means although
the rule is correct, but it is not very related to the
facts given. For example, the facts are only about
the depth and shape of Marianas Trench, while
the rule is “if there exists a place with a greater
depth, then it is possible to find something strange
and interesting” (the “find something strange and
interesting” aspect is not mentioned in facts).
“Correct but not completely” means the rule is
somewhat to mostly correct, such as “if a fruit has
a strong smell, then it probably tastes good” (while
facts are about durian, champedek, and morinda
citrifolia); “if an economy is based on textiles, then
it might experience an industrial revolution” (this
rule is only true during a specific period of time
in history); “if a wire moves, then it might induce
voltage in the conductor” (this rule is only true if
given magnetic fields).
“Meaningless” means the rule is from a strange
angle and it’s hard to justify whether it is correct or
not, such as “if an event has a positive impact on
an individual and on family, then the impact on the
family is greater”, and “if a man has experienced
hardships and life has been tough, then he might
be able to understand and change his ways in the
A.4 More Details on Difference with Other
Reasoning Tasks
In this paper, we strictly follows the definition and
categorization of logical reasoning (including de-
ductive, inductive, and abductive reasoning) in a
survey of logical reasoning (Yang et al., 2023c).
There have been some NLP works on case-based
reasoning (Das et al., 2021, 2022; Yang et al.,
2023a), which can also be seen as inductive reason-
ing. However, CBR is a different inductive reason-
ing type than the “generalization” process (from
facts to rules) described in Flach and Kakas (2000),
but more on the general description on inductive
reasoning (Salmon, 1989) that premises cannot con-
clusively provide support to the conclusion.
Inductive reasoning is also different from com-
monsense reasoning (Yang et al., 2020), where
commonsense reasoning focuses more on the
“knowledge” aspect, and inductive reasoning fo-
cuses more on the “reasoning” aspect (Yang et al.,
A.5 Annotation Details for DEERLET
In DEERLET, given fact(s) and a rule, the anno-
tation targets are whether the rule satisfies four
Specifically, the requirements are “if the rule is
deductively consistent with the fact”, “if the rule
reflects reality”, “if the rule is more general than
the fact”, and “if the rule is not trivial”.
The first three requirements are annotated on a
3-point scale (true / partially true / false), and the
last is annotated on a 2-point scale (true / false).
Here we explain the standards of annotation on
the four requirements.
For “if the rule is deductively consistent with the
fact”, a 2-point will be assigned if the rule is totally
relevant and consistent with the facts; a 1-point will
be assigned if the rule introduces new information
that does not show in facts but is consistent with the
given fact as well as some limited amount of com-
monsense knowledge related to the facts; a 0-point
will be assigned if the rule is (1) in conflict with
given facts or (2) totally irrelevant to given facts
or (3) introduces new information that is obviously
For “if the rule reflects reality”, a 2-point will be
assigned if the rule totally reflects reality; a 1-point
will be assigned if the rule reflects reality at most of
the time; a 0-point will be assigned if (1) the rule is
totally incorrect or (2) the rule is only occasionally
For “if the rule is more general than the fact”, a 2-
point will be assigned if (1) the rule is more general
than the facts or (2) it is obvious that the rule is
trying to be more general than the facts; a 1-point
will be assigned if (1) it is even hard for humans
to induce a more general rule from the given facts
or (2) the rule copies part of the given facts that
are already containing very general information; a
0-point will be assigned if (1) from the facts it’s
easy for humans to induce a more general rule but
the rule is not more general or (2) the rule is totally
irrelevant to the facts.
For “if the rule is not trivial”, a 0-point will be
assigned if (1) the rule is an incomplete sentence or
(2) the latter sub-sentence of the rule only repeats
the information in the former sub-sentence of the
rule; otherwise, a 1-point will be assigned.
Since inductive reasoning over natural language
is a new task, and new metrics are designed (e.g.,
WRecall, GREEN), it is important to understand
which aspects each metric focus on and which met-
ric should we pay more attention to.
As mentioned in §3.3, METEOR can be seen as
evaluating the “precision” of the final rules, while
GREEN evaluates “precision” and “recall” at the
same time.
However, it should be aware that the “recall”
here is not as important as the “recall” in other
tasks. More specifically, here “recall” measures
how many good rules generated by M1 are filtered
by M2/3/4/5. However, we can use M1 to generate
a large number of rules, and as long as CoLM has
good precision, it is easy to obtain a large number
of high-quality rules, especially considering that
the computational cost of only inference of M1 is
relatively very low.
Based on this observation, we argue that “pre-
cision” should be a much more important aspect
of evaluation compared to “recall” (measured by
WRecall) or even “f1” (measured by GREEN) for
this task. More specifically, “recall” can be used to
mainly measure at what efficiency can the system
obtain rules with high precision.
This viewpoint of evaluation metrics, of course,
can raise the question of whether some typical
kinds of rules are mostly filtered when pursuing
rules with high precision, and in the end inductive
reasoning system with high precision might only
be able to obtain some other typical kinds of rules.
We leave this question as an open question for this
task to solve in the future.
We choose METEOR since METEOR has a higher
correlation coefficient with human evaluation than
More specifically, on DEERLET, we calculate
the METEOR and BLEU for each generated rule
with its golden rule in DEER and collect the human
evaluation for the generated rule from label0/1/2/3
annotations in DEERLET (we normalize each label
to [0,1] and use the product of label0/1/2/3 as the
overall human evaluation score for the generated
rule). Then, we can calculate the correlation coef-
ficient between METEOR / BLEU and the overall
human evaluation score.
On DEERLET, the correlation coefficient be-
tween METEOR and human evaluation is 0.29, it is
statistically significant as its p-value is 4.48 ∗ 10−6,
smaller than the significance level (0.05). Similarly,
the correlation coefficient between BLEU and hu-
man evaluation is 0.24, with p-value of 1.17∗10−72,
which is also significant.
We called 0.29 relatively high since in other
open-ended NLP tasks such as dialogue systems,
the Pearson correlation is typically only around
0.14 0.19 (shown in Table 3 in (Liu et al., 2016),
BLEU’s Pearson correlation is lower than ME-
TEOR’s in most of the time). However recent
papers published in ACL 2023 on dialogue sys-
tems still adopt METEOR or BLEU as automatic
evaluation metrics (Li and Zhao, 2023; Zhao et al.,
2023; Li et al., 2023).
Developing better metrics for measuring the sim-
ilarity between sentences is a challenging topic in
NLP. Of course, METEOR is not a “perfect” au-
tomatic evaluation metric for inductive reasoning.
We leave the question of “what is a better metric
for inductive reasoning over natural language” as
an open question for future works in the field.
One good thing is that WRecall and GREEN
can be applied with many metrics measuring sen-
tence similarity such as METEOR and BLEU, so
the evaluation of “recall” should be able to also
benefit from the advance of metrics that evaluate
A.8 Difficulty in Designing Automatic
Evaluation Metrics for Inductive
Reasoning Tasks and How Should We
Interpret the Results of Automatic
Designing automatic evaluation methods for induc-
tive reasoning is fundamentally difficult, mainly
because of two reasons. Firstly, generalizing over
existing facts is not restricted in a single way. Given
existing facts, multiple rules that are very diverse
from each other could all be true. Secondly, when
it comes to more difficult inductive reasoning data,
it is nearly inevitable to use long sentences for facts
and rule, which make it even harder for common
evaluation metrics such as BLEU or METEOR.
However, we argue that although we don’t have
perfect automatic evaluation metrics for inductive
reasoning now, it is not a reason to stop explor-
ing research on inductive reasoning. In fact, with
the fast development of LLMs, more difficult tasks
are needed to further explore the scientific bound-
ary in NLP, and many recently proposed tasks are
so difficult to be evaluated with automatic evalua-
tion metrics that they fully rely on human evalua-
tion (Zhong et al., 2023; Wang et al., 2023a). In
terms of human evaluation metrics, we also have
proposed meaningful human evaluation metrics for
inductive reasoning tasks shown in the last four
columns in Table 4, which are derived from philos-
ophy literature (the four requirements for induced
rules, and the four requirements are also used to
develop the CoLM framework).
The reason we try to propose suitable automatic
evaluation metrics is that we hope to simplify
the evaluation process for the inductive reason-
ing task (at least for preliminary evaluations). We
have illustrated why these metrics should be rea-
sonable in §A.6 and §A.7. Similar to inductive
reasoning, abductive reasoning also have multi-
ple diverse correct generations, however abductive
reasoning generation task also utilizes METEOR
or BLEU (Bhagavatula et al., 2020) as automatic
metrics. In the future, the automatic metrics are
possible to be further improved with the help of
the community. While for now, just like other re-
cent difficult tasks (Zhong et al., 2023; Wang et al.,
2023a), human evaluations are always preferred,
but automatic evaluation metrics, though not per-
fect, can still be used as a fast evaluation metrics
that can provide some insights for experiments.
A.9 Results on Other LLMs
Table 9 shows the results of CoLM using LLaMA,
under in-context learning setting. Overall, CoLM
outperforms all baselines, but the gap between
M1 and CoLM are smaller. The reason is that
LLaMA tends to generate very sound rules, thus the
M2/3/4/5 of CoLM barely filter any rules. There-
fore the results of CoLM and M1 are closer. We
think there are two reasons: (1) with the fast de-
velopment of LLMs, our proposed dataset is less
challenging for more recent LLMs such as LLaMA;
(2) M2/3/4/5 instantiating with LLaMA have not
been finetuned, but just in-context learning setting.
Given that finetuned GPT-J largely improves GPT-
J under in-context learning setting in Table 4, a
finetuned LLaMA should be able to filer more un-
reasonable generations.
While our work takes the first step to inductive
reasoning in NLP and provide the first analysis,
introducing more challenging inductive reasoning
benchmarks would be beneficial to the the further
development of the inductive reasoning field in
A.10 Meaning of “More General” Required
by Inductive Reasoning
Given an argument consisting of a premise and a
conclusion, if the conclusion involves new infor-
mation that is not covered by the premise and can
not be conclusively entailed by the premise, the
argument is an inductive argument (Salmon, 1989).
When the conclusion has a larger scope of infor-
mation coverage than the premise, and can entail
the premise, it can be said that the conclusion is
“more general” to the premise. In this case, we
termed the premise as a “fact”, and the conclu-
sion as a “rule”; When the conclusion contains new
pieces of information and cannot entail the premise,
as defined by Salmon (1989), the argument is still
an inductive argument. But in this case, we termed
the premise as a “fact”, and the conclusion as an-
other “fact”.
For instance, if facts that are about cats and dogs
are good accompaniment of humans, then some
examples of a “more general” rule can be (1) mam-
mals are good accompaniment of humans, or (2)
domesticated animals are good accompaniment of
humans, or (3) animals with four legs are good
accompaniment of human.
In these examples, the rules cover a larger scope
than the facts (e.g., mammals compared to cats;
11.20 / 2.37
24.94 / 3.53
25.12 / 3.54
24.77 / 3.49
25.42 / 3.60
25.74 / 3.68
CoLM 29.37 / 3.95
Table 9: In context learning results of LLaMA, mea-
sured in METEOR and GREEN.
domesticated animals compared to cats), and there-
fore the rules are “more general” than the facts.
“More general” means not only about finding
higher taxonomic rank, but can be in unlimited
forms. For instance, if the fact is about the Sun
rises and falls every day, then some examples of a
“more general” rule can be (1) the Earth is the king
of the universe or (2) the Earth is rotating itself.
Both rule examples are “more general” than the
given fact, since the rule can entail not only the
given fact, but also other not mentioned facts such
as the observable movements of the other stars in
the Milky Way.
A.11 Set up Thresholds for M2/3/4/5
Setting up thresholds is an important step for our
framework, since different thresholds can lead to
different inductive reasoning results. We discuss
the details of setting up thresholds in the section.
We design the standard for setting up thresholds
based on heuristics that the thresholds should be
set up that each module (in M2/3/4/5) should filter
some rules but a single module should not filter
too many rules (in this case, since we have many
modules, there might not remain a reasonable pro-
portion of rules left).
More specifically, given a rule (and facts),
M2/3/4/5 can produce a score on evaluating the
validity of the rule from a specific aspect. The
score is the ratio of the probability of the “yes” to-
ken and “no” token obtained from the last layer of
PLM. The score is in the range of [0,1].
We find that getting a specific threshold for each
module is more beneficial than using the default
0.5 threshold. We obtain the thresholds on the
DEERLET validation set.
More concretely, on the validation set, if there
exists a global optimal threshold that (1) achieves
the best f1 or accuracy and (2) the threshold should
not be very close to 0 or 1 and (3) recall is not
very close to 0 (when close to 1, it should not be in
the case that the threshold accepts nearly all gener-
ated rules but should be that the threshold already
rejects some rules), then the global optimal thresh-
old is adopted; if there is no such global optimal
threshold, then find a local optimal threshold that
(1) achieves the best f1 or accuracy compared to its
neighboring thresholds and (2) the threshold should
not be very close to 0 or 1, and (3) the recall range
is in [0.7, 0.9], then the local optimal threshold is
A.12 More Details to Prevent Collection of
Generated Trivial Rules
We use a simple heuristic method to prevent col-
lection of generated trivial rules. Specifically, only
rules generated from Module 1 that is with more
than 45 tokens (not 45 words) do we pass to it
Module 2/3/4/5, otherwise we directly filter it.
The reason that we set it up is that we find gen-
erated rules with less than 45 tokens are mostly (if
not all) incomplete sentences. If we collect and
label these incomplete sentences to finetune Mod-
ule 2/3/4/5, then Module 2/3/4/5 mostly learn to
classify whether the rules are complete or not, but
not to learn the designed patterns (since the la-
bel0/1/2/3 in DEERLET for incomplete sentences
are all false).
For this reason, all annotated data in DEERLET
only use rules that contain at least 45 tokens.
A.13 Related Works on Inductive Logic
Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) is a subfield
of machine learning that uses FOL to represent
hypotheses and data.
It relies on formal lan-
guage for knowledge representation and reasoning
purposes (De Raedt, 2010). We propose a new
paradigm that can naturally avoid three systematic
disadvantages of ILP (Cropper et al., 2022). Crop-
per et al. (2022) summarizes the challenges for ILP,
including disability of handling raw input such as
natural language and image, sensitiveness to mis-
labeled data and incapacity to handle ambiguous
input. In this work, we propose a new paradigm/ for
inductive reasoning to use natural language as rep-
resentation for knowledge and PLM as inductive
reasoners, which can naturally avoid these chal-
Recently, Dai and Muggleton (2021) propose to
use logic programming to induce knowledge form
image raw input. Our work instead focus on natural
Specific facts General facts
10.15 / 2.25
25.61 / 3.58
26.47 / 3.82
25.88 / 3.64
27.19 / 3.91
25.59 / 3.57
CoLM 27.74 / 3.98
12.79 / 2.53
24.57 / 3.51
24.14 / 3.42
24.38 / 3.45
24.36 / 3.48
24.61 / 3.51
24.34 / 3.47
Table 10: Analysis of PLM (GPT-J)’s performance (mea-
sured in METEOR / GREEN) in with specific or general
input facts (Under in-context learning setting).
Models Ada Babbage Curie GPTJ Davinci
Table 11: GPT-3’s performance as well as GPT-J’s per-
formance as Rule Proposer (Measured in BLEU).
language raw input, and use PLMs as reasoning
methods to induce knowledge.
Induce Rules from General Facts and
Specific Facts
Sixty percent of the rules in DEER are more gen-
eral than any of their facts alone at least in one
dimension. We describe this process as “inducing
general rules from specific facts”. However, we
find that there are many general statements (also
referred to as general fact) of a rule on the web.
Therefore, for rule induction systems to be able
to utilize both “specific facts” and “general facts”,
forty percent of the rules in DEER are equipped
with general facts. We describe this process as
“inducing general rules from general facts”.
Table 10 shows the result from specific vs gen-
eral facts under in-context learning and finetuning
settings correspondingly. We have discussed that a
rule induction system would be more widely appli-
cable if it can utilize both specific fact and general
fact. In table 10, general facts cases result in lower
performance. We think one of the most possible
reasons is that in DEER many general facts do not
directly contain the content of the corresponding
gold rules. For example, general facts can be mot-
tos from philosophers such as Socrates, and rules
can be an understandable description of such mot-
tos in natural language rule format.
because it’s a very early result, and we haven’t
adopted METEOR yet. If use METEOR as met-
ric, the trend should be similar (the trend of BLEU
and METEOR are very similar in our other experi-
ments). The reason we do not test the scale perfor-
mance of CoLM compared to M1 is that OpenAI’s
API does not support return full embeddings, and
our current code relies on embedding to implement
M2/3/4/5 of CoLM. We will modify our code and
try it on GPT-3 in the next version of our paper.
A.16 Method for Prevention of Personal
The first author collected the datasets. During col-
lection, (1) most of the data are collected from
Wikipedia, where personal information is nearly
none; (2) the first author checks the data first before
collects them.
A.17 Prompt for ALL Modules
We have uploaded the full code to GitHub, con-
taining the full prompts. The full prompts can be
also found in the uploaded supplementary materials
along with this submission in
A.18 Dataset Split of DEER and DEERLET
Out of the 1,200 rule-fact paris of DEER, 438 / 762
are designed for train / test. Out of 846 examples of
DEERLET, 546 / 100 / 200 are designed for train /
val / test.
In our previous arXiv version, we use a different
dataset split (train 100 rules / test 100 rules), the
current dataset split is (train 73 rules / test 127
rules) to better utilize the data (each rule has 6
annotated facts). The last 22 rules in test set (id:
105 126) are inspired by gpt-3.5-turbo, while all
other rules are proposed by an expert. All facts are
existing texts collected from the web using search
engine, after given a rule.
A.19 More Illustration on Human Evaluation
Here the human annotations for human evaluation
in Table 4 are from the DEERLET annotations.
DEERLET is annotated by an expert (the first au-
thor). The dataset (DEERLET) is annotated before
M2/3/4/5 (full CoLM) or any baseline experiments,
so that the human evaluation is not influenced by
the performance of any specific method.
More details about the DEERLET annotation are
A.15 GPT3’s Performance as Rule Proposer
illustrated in §A.5.
Table 11 shows the result to use GPT-3 and GPT-J
as rule proposer (M1). It is measured in BLEU
ai_researcher | 2 | Rethinking_Strategic_Mechanism_Design_In_The_Age_Of_Large_Language_Models_New_Directions_For_Communication_Systems.pdf | Rethinking Strategic Mechanism Design In The
Age Of Large Language Models: New Directions
For Communication Systems
Ismail Lotfi, Nouf Alabbasi and Omar Alhussein
Abstract—This paper explores the application of large lan-
guage models (LLMs) in designing strategic mechanisms —in-
cluding auctions, contracts, and games— for specific purposes
in communication networks. Traditionally, strategic mechanism
design in telecommunications has relied on human expertise to
craft solutions based on game theory, auction theory, and contract
theory. However, the evolving landscape of telecom networks,
characterized by increasing abstraction, emerging use cases, and
novel value creation opportunities, calls for more adaptive and
efficient approaches. We propose leveraging LLMs to automate
or semi-automate the process of strategic mechanism design,
from intent specification to final formulation. This paradigm
shift introduces both semi-automated and fully-automated design
pipelines, raising crucial questions about faithfulness to intents,
incentive compatibility, algorithmic stability, and the balance be-
tween human oversight and artificial intelligence (AI) autonomy.
The paper discusses potential frameworks, such as retrieval-
augmented generation (RAG)-based systems, to implement LLM-
driven mechanism design in communication networks contexts.
We examine key challenges, including LLM limitations in cap-
turing domain-specific constraints, ensuring strategy proofness,
and integrating with evolving telecom standards. By providing
an in-depth analysis of the synergies and tensions between LLMs
and strategic mechanism design within the IoT ecosystem, this
work aims to stimulate discussion on the future of AI-driven
information economic mechanisms in telecommunications and
their potential to address complex, dynamic network manage-
ment scenarios.
Index Terms—Deep learning, generative AI, mechanism design,
game theory, computer networks.
Several theoretical concepts have been adopted from in-
formation economics literature to model, design new archi-
tectures, and solve problems in the field of wireless com-
[1]–[3]. Game theory is used
munication and networking
in communication networks to model and analyze strategic
interactions among multiple decision-makers, such as network
operators and users [1]. Game theory helps in designing
efficient algorithms for resource allocation, spectrum sharing,
and power control by predicting and optimizing behaviors in
competitive environments. For instance, in a setting where two
mobile networks operators share the same frequency band,
each operator must decide how much power to allocate to
their transmissions to maximize their own throughput while
minimizing interference to the other. Using game theory,
Ismail Lotfi, Nouf Alabbasi and Omar Alhussein are with the Department
of Computer Science, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
both operators model the scenario as a non-cooperative game,
where they adjust their power levels based on each other’s
actions. The game reaches a Nash equilibrium when neither
operator can improve their performance without changing the
other’s strategy. This approach helps design efficient spectrum
sharing algorithms, ensuring both operators use the spectrum
optimally while avoiding harmful interference.
While game theory provides a robust framework for un-
derstanding and solving complex problems in dynamic and
decentralized networks, auction theory and contract theory,
as a mechanism design tools, were adopted for different
objectives. Auction theory is used in communication net-
works to model competitive bidding scenarios, e.g., to induce
efficient spectrum resource allocation [3]. Contract
helps create incentive-compatible agreements in scenarios with
information asymmetry between network operators and users,
ensuring optimal resource usage and adherence to service level
agreements [2]. Both theories enhance fairness, efficiency,
and strategic behavior in telecom systems. The use of these
mechanism design frameworks provide theoretically-proven
incentives to participants to join the network market and have
a mutual-benefit and fair agreements with the participating
The recent rise of artificial intelligence (AI)-driven assistant
models like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude has transformed
how individuals interact with AI tools,
increasingly using
them to streamline tasks and enhance productivity in various
fields. For instance, large language models (LLMs) are used in
chat-bot for customer service automation in online platforms.
Telecom systems are amongst
top industries witnessing a
remarkable paradigm shift where AI and LLMs are heavily
adopted to enhance system efficiency. For instance, due to the
complexity and large volume of standardization in telecom
systems, e.g.,
third generation partnership project (3GPP)
standards, LLM-based frameworks are proposed recently to
solve multiple choice question (MCQ) tasks related to telecom
systems [4]. The early results are promising as near-human
level accuracy is achieved when incorporating state-of-the-art
LLM models. To this end, we envision how generative AI tools
can be used to enhance existing strategic mechanism design
In the telecom industry, an automated LLM-based system
that masters senior researchers’ expertise, such as the formu-
lation of new or reoccurring problems using appropriate math-
ematical tools, would bring significantly practical value. For
example, in the context of cognitive radio networks (CRNs),
LLMs can automate the creation of strategic mechanisms
for spectrum sharing. For instance, when users dynamically
access spectrum, LLMs can help in generating game-theoretic
models that optimize spectrum allocation while minimizing
interference between primary and secondary users. An LLM-
based communication can be initiated automatically between
the CRN nodes (i.e., primary and secondary users) to commu-
nicate and create the mechanism (a game or an auction) and
reach the optimal solution(s). Without LLMs, human experts
would need to manually analyze user demands, interference
levels, and develop allocation strategies for different scenarios,
which is costly and time consuming.
Given the rapid evolution of technology and the increasing
integration of LLMs in various fields, there are numerous
promising research directions within the context of wireless
communication and telecom systems. In this paper, we present
our vision for potential research directions that focus on the
synergy between generative AI (with a focus on LLMs),
theory, auction theory, and mechanism design.
Specifically, we present our vision for a new paradigm shift
where strategic mechanism design solutions can be automated
by leveraging the power of LLMs. Automating strategic
mechanism design with AI significantly reduces the time
needed to model and solve real-time constraints, a task that
human experts take longer time periods to address due to the
complexity of studying the problem, formulating objectives,
and debugging code. Moreover, telecom standards, such as
3GPP, evolve rapidly, necessitating adaptable mechanisms
that can integrate new technologies and policies. Importantly,
we believe that the realization of strategic mechanism design
automation will be one of the key enablers of zero-touch
networks, where minimal human intervention is required.
Therefore, the use of generative AI to explore new strategic
efforts, otherwise
mechanism reduces
significantly the
required by human experts. In this work we attempt
address the following issues:
Q1: How can we use LLMs to automate existing strategic
mechanism design frameworks?
Q2: To which extent we can minimize human intervention
in the design of the strategic mechanisms?
Q3: What are the current challenges and research oppor-
tunities to enable generative AI based strategic mechanism
We distinguish our work by the following main novel
• To address Q1, we propose the use of language models
(LMs) as a communication enabler between all the net-
work entities (agents) to enable autonomous interactions.
As such, based on the network intents, modeling and
solving the appropriate strategic mechanism design is
handled autonomously through LMs.
• To address Q2, we explore semi-automated strategic
mechanism design and fully-automated strategic mecha-
nism design frameworks where in the former, a minimal
human innervation is required to validate the output of
the system, while in the earlier no human intervention is
• To address Q3, we explore key challenges hindering the
full integration of LLMs in strategic mechanism design.
Additionally, we outline our perspective on potential
strategies to overcome these obstacles.
Here, we introduce three foundational theories in economics
and decision theory: game theory, auction theory, and contract
theory. Each theory plays a crucial role in understanding and
modeling complex economic and social interactions, providing
frameworks for analyzing decision-making processes, alloca-
tion mechanisms, and contractual agreements in various con-
texts. We then provide an overview of the retrieval augmented
generation (RAG) framework and show why this framework
is suitable for the objective of synergizing generative AI with
strategic mechanism design frameworks.
A. Strategic Mechanism Design
Figure 1 illustrates the evolution of strategic mechanism
design techniques. The figure captures the progression from
classical mechanism design to AI-driven mechanism design,
with each phase highlighted by specific use cases. Each phase
of evolution has built upon the previous, incorporating more
sophisticated tools and addressing increasingly complex chal-
lenges in strategic decision-making and resource allocation.
1) Game Theory: Game theory is a branch of mathematics
and economics that analyzes strategic interactions between
multiple rational players. It provides a framework for analyz-
ing situations where the outcome of one agent’s decision de-
pends on the decisions of others. Key concepts include: Nash
equilibrium, payoff matrix, and strategic dominance. Different
games has been developed by the research community, such
as Markov games, Stackelberg games, and zero-sum games.
These game models have been applied to different problems
in communication networks such as: sponsored content, re-
source allocation, power control, and load balancing [1]. Game
models are highly beneficial for network automation as they
can effectively model and predict the behavior of network
entities in distributed systems. These models allow entities
the freedom to plan their moves independently, based on their
individual objectives and the incomplete local
available to them. Therefore, by exploring the power of AI, we
can assist in selecting the optimal game based on information
scenarios, such as Nash or Bayesian equilibrium.
2) Auction Theory: This field zooms in on a specific type of
games: auctions. Here, multiple players compete for a scarce
resource or good by submitting bids. Auction theory studies
how to design these auctions to achieve desired outcomes, such
as maximizing revenue or ensuring the good goes to the player
who values it most. Key concepts include: bidding strategies,
auction formats and winner’s curse. Several types of auctions
have been developed such as:
second-price (Vickrey) auctions, ascending (English) auctions
and combinatorial auctions. Similarly, these auction models
have been applied to different problems in communication
networks such as: spectrum auction, bandwidth allocation and
interference management [3].
the first-price auctions,
Figure 1. Evolution of strategic mechanism design techniques.
Figure 2. Comparison of different strategic interaction design tools.
3) Contract Theory: Here, the focus shifts to agreements
between two parties with conflicting interests or information
asymmetries. Contract theory analyzes how to design enforce-
able agreements that incentivize both parties to act in a way
that benefits the overall outcome. It examines how contracts
can align incentives, manage risks, and facilitate efficient
transactions. Contract theory involves designing mechanisms
for negotiation and contract formation, ensuring that agree-
ments are enforceable and efficient. Key concepts include:
incentive compatibility, adverse selection and moral hazard.
Applications of contract theory to communication networks
problems include spectrum sharing in CRNs, quality of service
(QoS) agreement and cooperative communication [2].
To sum up, auction theory and contract
theory borrow
heavily from game theory to analyze specific scenarios where
strategic decision-making is crucial for achieving optimal
outcomes. Auction theory focuses on situations where compe-
tition determines who gets what, while contract theory focuses
on agreements between two parties that specify rights and
obligations. A detailed comparative overview of game theory,
auction theory and contract theory is shown in Figure 2.
B. Retrieval Augmented Generation
A critical limitation for off-the-shelf LMs is their inability to
tune their knowledge beyond their training dataset, which can
cause the LM to output outdated information. Additionally,
the off-the-shelf LM does not have external data source to
rely on for in-depth answers. To address these limitations,
RAG was proposed and is gaining a considerable interest
by telecom experts [5]. RAG is useful for providing up-to
date information, which can minimize the need to retrain the
whole LM model for new set of information. For instance,
if a new strategic mechanism design is newly proposed by
the research community, it can be easily integrated as an
additional context throughout RAGs. From the other side, we
might want to refrain from using certain mechanisms as they
become deprecated for some newly apparent drawbacks.
One of the main advantages of using RAGs in telecom is
the rapidly changing environment of the LLM agents. As the
LM relies only on the internal reasoning of its model, it cannot
make new optimal strategies or decisions without relying on
new information about the environment, and here is where
Algorithmic Mechanism DesignDynamic And Adapve Mechanism DesignClassical Mechanism DesignGenerave-AI-DrivenMechanism Design1960s-1980s1990s-2000s2010s2024-future-Early works of: Nash,Myerson,VickryandMaskin, in economics and social science.-Align incentives inmarkets and auctions(the revelationprinciple).-Ensure efficiency andfairness.-Ensure enforcement ofagreements throughcontract theory.-Integrate algorithmsinto mechanism design.-Ensure computationalefficiency, scalabilityand privacy.-New algorithms foronline platforms andnetwork resourceallocation.-Use learningalgorithms to addressthe rising complexityof the problems.-Real-time adjustable based on users’behaviors.-An ideal choice fordynamic environmentsuch as wirelessnetworks.-Use foundation models(e.g., LLMs) toautomate the systemflow.-Incorporate LLM toprovide contextualdecision support fortelecom agents.-Autonomous agents inthe network cannegotiate and reach anoptimal solution (e.g.,Nash equilibrium).Game TheoryAuction TheoryContract TheoryFocusAnalyzes strategic interactionsbetween rational agentsStudies auction formats and theirpropertiesExamines the design andenforcement of contractsKey ConceptsNash equilibrium, strategic behavior,payoff matricesFirst-price auction, VCG auction,winner's curseIncentive compatibility, moralhazard, adverse selectionGoalPredicting outcomes, optimalstrategiesEfficient allocation, revenuemaximizationEnsuring efficient agreements, riskmanagementInformationAsymmetryCan be complete or incompleteTypically focuses on incompleteinformationAssumes complete or relativelycomplete informationRelationshipProvides the foundation for analyzingstrategic behavior in auctions and contractsA specific application of game theoryfocusing on competitive bidding mechanismsCan be seen as a subset ofmechanism design theory, whichitself is closely related to gametheoryRAGs become crucial. Incorporating retrieved information into
the prompt enables the model to respond in an “open-book”
setting, using external documents to inform its answers instead
of relying solely on its internal knowledge. For example, new
context about energy consumption of an IoT device and signal-
to-noise-ratio (SNR) are needed for the agent to make new
decision about their transmit power. The new context is then
fed to the LLM through RAG.
The main objective for integrating LLMs in the design of
strategic mechanisms is to minimize the human intervention
required. In what follows, we first start by presenting our
vision of how such integration can become feasible and present
the challenges that need to be addressed to achieve strategic
mechanism design automation for communication networks.
We also provide some use cases to further motivate the need
for such integration and show how this synergy can enable
automated telecommunication systems.
A. General Workflow
the final output
is received by an agent,
Figure 3 depicts the workflow of a prompt received by
an LLM agent (e.g., mobile operator) and the processing
phases it goes through until
is delivered.
Specifically, once the prompt
gets augmented using a specialized context retrieved from the
knowledge base documents (books, scientific papers and code).
Here, the knowledge base can either contain all documents
related to strategic mechanism design frameworks (i.e., game
theory, auction theory and contract theory) or a portion of the
documents. In case where all related documents are fetched,
the retrieved context is directly forwarded to the LLM or
the small language model (SLM) next to the original prompt.
Otherwise, a two-step architecture can be implemented where
the system first decides which specific framework will be
used to fetch the relevant chunks from then the prompt is
forwarded to that specialized knowledge base to retrieve the
relevant pieces of information. Finally, the LLM/SLM output a
textual description of the strategic mechanism design with all
necessary mathematical formulation and code. Additionally, a
new prompt is generated, if necessary, for the other agents to
indicate any required additional actions.
To ensure the system’s output meets quality standards, an
additional validation step can be introduced in which feedback
scores are gathered and used to refine the model’s perfor-
mance. This feedback process can involves human evaluators
assessing the outputs based on specific criteria and providing
scores that are then fed back into the language model. This
additional feedback loop allows the model
to improve its
accuracy, relevance, and reliability iteratively. As illustrated
in Figure 3, the feedbacks received on the LM output can be
classified into two categories: feedbacks related to the quality
of the formulated strategic mechanism and feedbacks related
to the quality of the RAG architecture.
1) Strategic mechanism design metrics:
Correctness: A response is considered correct only when
it is both factually accurate and relevant to the query intent,
while the presence of any factual inaccuracy renders the entire
response incorrect. For instance, a response to an auction query
that discusses an equilibrium is considered incorrect as such
discussions are only present in game theoretic settings.
Groundedness: A correct response’s groundedness is deter-
mined by whether its key factual claims are properly supported
by relevant
technical sources, with ungrounded responses
lacking citations and misgrounded ones either misinterpreting
sources or citing irrelevant ones. For instance, the retrieved text
from technical documents might suggest the utility function
must be convex as the objective function from the retrieved
documents was a maximization problem. However,
in the
the objective might be to minimize the
current problem,
objective and therefore the utility function should be crafted
to be concave. Whether the LLM can infer such relationship
is captured by the groundedness metric.
2) RAG-related metrics:
Incompleteness: A response is considered incomplete when
it fails to address all the relevant aspects or requirements of the
query, omitting key information that was explicitly requested
or implicitly needed for a comprehensive response. This
differs from incorrectness or hallucination as the information
provided may be accurate but insufficient for the full scope
of the question. For instance, a response to a game theory
query that does not show the existence of the equilibrium is
considered incomplete.
Context recall: This metric refers to how well the model
remembers and appropriately uses the relevant information
provided in its input context or prompt. This differs from
general recall (completeness) as context recall specifically
focuses on utilizing the information provided in the immediate
prompt/context, not the model’s broader knowledge.
Once collected, these metrics can be then incorporated into
an RLHF framework to enhance the LM output in future
rounds, e.g., as in [6].
B. Use Cases
Figure 4 highlights different use cases of the envisioned
framework. The framework’s choice between the three strate-
gic mechanism design theories is based on the specific nature
of the communication network issue being addressed. If the
problem involves strategic interactions and competition among
multiple agents, game theory is applied. Game theory’s ability
to model complex interdependencies between multiple entities
makes it essential in achieving stable network configurations.
For instance, in scenarios like resource allocation and spec-
trum sharing, where multiple network users must minimize
interference (e.g., by reducing transmit power levels), game
theory predicts behavior to achieve equilibrium.
In cases where resource allocation is based on bids, auction
theory is employed. Auction theory requires detailed knowl-
edge of bidding behaviors and market dynamics. A typical
example is allocating spectrum bands to IoT devices, where the
system designs auction mechanisms that are efficient and fair,
which is vital in competitive markets like telecommunications.
Figure 3. Automated strategic mechanism design with prompt-based communication.
Contract theory, on the other hand, becomes the primary focus
when the challenge involves designing incentive structures in
environments with asymmetric information. The system lever-
ages this framework to ensure cooperation between parties,
such as network providers and users, by aligning incentives.
This is crucial in scenarios like data offloading during peak
times, where the system must design contracts that benefit both
users and providers.
C. Automated Strategic Mechanism Design
Through iterative cycles of the proposed prompt-based
communication approach, agents within the network can au-
tonomously interact and collaboratively solve problems. This
process establishes a new paradigm for automated strategic
mechanism design driven by prompt-based communication.
The emergence of using LLMs as optimizers is key for this
autonomous problem-solving design [7]. However, a critical
element of strategic mechanism design is the satisfaction of the
derived solutions to certain formal properties [1]. For example,
in zero-sum games, the Nash equilibrium should be proven to
exist, while in auction theory, incentive compatibility should
be proven to be satisfied for all bidders. Here, we envision
that the integration of generative AI into strategic mechanism
design can be realized in two different directions, which we
done as “semi-automated strategic mechanism design” and
“fully-automated strategic mechanism design”.
1) Semi-Automated Strategic Mechanism Design:
In this
approach, the human validation is required after the generation
of every new strategic mechanism (e.g., a game or an auction).
is due to the hallucination problem of
This requirement
LLMs [8], where the model might generate seemingly accurate
proofs that are, in fact, a mix of contradictory and nuanced
statements. Therefore, an expert’s validation is required before
deploying such solution to prevent system failure. For exam-
ple, in the framework of game theory, if the Nash equilibrium
is not valid, the adversary player can exploit the system and
have a high advantage of maximizing their profit at the cost
of reduced profit of the system designer. Nevertheless, this
semi-automated approach faces some critical challenges:
• First, the human validation is not open to any person with
general knowledge such as that in image classification
tasks. Indeed, only experts within the field of communi-
cation networks and application of strategic mechanism
design frameworks can perform the validation tasks. Such
human experts are a scarce resource which puts more
burden on the entity willing to deploy such framework,
even for large telecom companies.
• An implicit limitation of the above challenge is that the
framework becomes practical only with non-real-time set-
tings. In other words, as human validation is a mandatory
step in the semi-automation process, the framework can
be used only in situations where immediate responses
are not required. This delays decision-making and affects
real-time applications, particularly those that demand
rapid processing, such as dynamic network optimization
or on-the-fly spectrum allocation. This constraint makes
the framework unsuitable for environments demanding
quick responses, such as multi-agent systems where real-
time communication and coordination between multiple
autonomous entities are essential.
Although the aforementioned limitations are critical, the
framework still reduces significantly the human intervention
from the end-to-end system perspective. The classical and
current approach requires the human expert to 1) find the
appropriate framework to use then, 2) formulate the problem
using that framework then, 3) derive the necessary proofs
and then, 4) write the code. However, in the proposed semi-
automated approach, the human intervention is limited to the
validation step.
Next, we present an enhanced version of the semi-automated
Design an auction for dynamic spectrumallocation in a congested wireless network withmultiple service providers.- The objectives are …..- The constraints include ……Promptsystem workflowAgent 2Agent 1outputNew prompt(intent)New prompt(intent)outputTextualdescriptionNew PromptMathematicalformulationCodeOutputRAG-relatedMetricsIncompletenessGroundednessCorrectnessContext recallStrategic MechanismDesign Metricsprompt processingLLM/SLMprompt + specialized contextspecialized contextSpecializedknowledge baseretrieve6
Figure 4. Different use cases in communication systems for strategic mechanism design automation.
framework, in which we show how the limitations of the semi-
automated framework could be addressed.
2) Fully-Automated Strategic Mechanism Design: To
achieve a fully automated strategic mechanism design, we
highlight three key criteria to be addressed as depicted in
Figure 5. First, existing theoretical solutions of strategic
mechanism design problems should be relaxed, favoring near-
optimal outcomes over global optimality, reducing the need
for formal proofs. Second, devices must ensure low-latency by
either running SLMs locally or using ultra reliable low latency
(URLLC) links to edge servers. Lastly, high-quality knowl-
edge bases and well-designed RAGs systems are crucial for
providing relevant information to enhance prompt responses
and system accuracy.
Importantly, the frameworks of game theory, auction the-
ory, and contract theory can be restructured towards relaxed
objectives. Instead of setting strict conditions for the strategic
mechanism to be acceptable, the new paradigm will allow cer-
tain constraints to be violated occasionally subject to the global
objective of the system (usually defined as the payoff function)
is maximized. Though limited, recent studies are beginning to
explore this direction, such as the works found in [9], [10]. For
instance, Ismail et al. suggest a new iterative contract model in
which the contract problem is framed using a Markov decision
process (MDP) and the objective is to maximize a long-term
reward function that
integrates both the contract objective
and constraints [10]. Compared to the standard framework
of contract theory where the incentive compatibility (IC) and
individual rationality (IR) properties are required to be satisfied
for all the participants, a relaxed objective is formulated within
the reward function of the MDP in [10]. Specifically, the
reward function is crafted as a weighted sum of the contract
designer payoff and the number of IC and IR violations. Such
a relaxed system can achieve a near-optimal solution where
the system designer’s payoff is maximized and the IC and
IR violations are minimized. Importantly, in such systems, no
mathematical proof is required, which is a major limitation for
the semi-automated approach. Therefore, we argue that if more
relaxed forms of strategic mechanism design are available, we
can use that as part of the knowledge base of the specialized-
RAG module as shown in Figure 3. As such, the human
intervention for proof validation becomes unnecessary.
Another critical requirement to enable the full automation
of strategic mechanism design is the latency for receiving
the LLM output, which has to be minimized. To achieve a
low latency LLM output, agents with low computing power
should be able to execute language models locally (e.g., SLMs)
or, have a URLLC link with edge servers to offload prompts
execution. Achieving a low latency LLM output is crucial for
the system as interaction between autonomous agents in multi-
agent systems requires real-time decisions.
Figure 5. Three essential pillars for fully-automated strategic
mechanism design.
To sum up here, we believe a temporary step back is
essential at this juncture. Human expertise remains crucial
IntelligentmobileoperatorSpectrum sharing aucon (game/aucon)IntelligentUEData ooading (game/aucon/contract)Intelligent UECrowd sensing (aucon/contract)Intelligent UEInterferencemanagement(game)Intelligent UEPromptPromptPromptPromptPillars For Fully-Automated StrategicMechanism Design-UEdevicesshouldbeabletoexecuteSLMslocallyor,-HaveURLLClinkswithedgeserverstoruntheprompts.Problem relaxaonLow latency LLM outputHigh quality knowledge base andretrievers-Exisng soluons in gametheory, aucon theory andcontract theory should berelaxed to illuminate the needfor formal proofs.-Near opmal soluons becomethe new objecve instead ofglobalopmal soluons.-Knowledgebaseshouldcontainhighlyinformavedocumentsandcodes.-RAGtechniquesshouldbecarefullydesignedtoprovidehighlyrelevantchunkstoaugmentthepromptcontext.for devising novel solutions and architectures in strategic
mechanism design. Once these innovations are developed,
they can be leveraged by LLMs, paving the way for full
automation in this domain. This phased approach ensures
that foundational advancements led by human intelligence
will eventually empower AI to manage complex, automated
processes with minimal oversight.
A. Historical Strategy Memorization
To achieve the oracle of automated strategic mechanism
design, agents in the system should be able to perceive their
current state and then self-generate prompts to communicate
with other agents. Furthermore, agents need to memorize pre-
vious histories from different games, auctions and contracts.
However, using a Markovian system would cause the LLM
to lack the contextual understanding required to optimize for
long-term goals. Recent research such as in [7] highlights this
limitation, showing that LLMs would be unable to adapt effec-
tively without considering the task’s broader context and past
interactions. The framework of repeated games theory could
be a key enabler to model agents’ states across timesteps [11].
Repeated games theory is crucial in modeling agents’ states
over time, as it accounts for past interactions unlike MDPs,
which only focus on the present.
The new challenge in historical strategy memorization arises
because traditional frameworks, like repeated games theory,
model strategies within the same game types and strategies.
However, in dynamic systems involving varied games, auc-
tions, and contracts, LLMs must optimize future strategies
across different modalities, which extends beyond repeated
games’ scope. LLMs introduce new possibilities by offer-
ing the potential
to self-generate prompts and learn from
diverse interactions. However, their limitation lies in lacking
contextual depth from past actions, which makes adapting
across different game types a novel area for research and
B. Strategic Mechanism Design Validation
User satisfaction with LLM-generated outputs can serve as a
critical feedback mechanism to improve system performance.
While a system may generate technically feasible and correct
strategic mechanisms, these may not align with the actual
goals or intents of users. To bridge this gap, Reinforcement
learning from human feedback (RLHF) can be employed to
refine the model iteratively. RLHF enables the model to learn
from user preferences and adapt its outputs, ensuring that the
generated solutions not only meet formal requirements but
also capture user intent more accurately [6]. This continual
learning process, driven by human feedback, ensures that
the system evolves and becomes more effective over time,
ultimately enhancing both system accuracy and user satisfac-
tion. Additionally, using RLHF fosters dynamic interaction
between the LLM and users, improving adaptability, especially
in evolving strategic environments like telecommunications,
where preferences and conditions change frequently. Over
time, the system can fine-tune its understanding of users’ goals
and increase its robustness across different strategic scenarios.
The power of generative AI can be further used to vali-
date the correctness of the provided solution in both semi-
automated and fully-automated strategic mechanism design
approaches through digital twin. Exploring the use of digital
twin is strategic mechanism design is expected to bring
valuable benefit to the overall system performance. For human
validation, digital twin can be used to ensure solution accuracy.
For instance, generative adversarial networks (GANs) can
simulate various network conditions, such as user density and
interference. LLMs generate game or contract strategies, and
the GAN’s generator-refines the model while the discriminator
evaluates against realistic conditions. Introducing adversarial
conditions tests the robustness of strategies, ensuring resilience
to unexpected behaviors.
C. Reasoning In Strategic Mechanism Design Proofs
In game theory, the proof of the existence of the equilibrium
relies heavily on the definition of the payoff function and
the payoff function needs to be well justified. For instance,
a simple convex payoff function can simplify the proof pro-
cess but might have irrelevant physical interpretation to the
current communication networking problem. This issue raises
concerns about LLMs’ capability to manage both tasks of
modeling the problem and providing the corresponding proof
accurately. Furthermore, LLMs often experience hallucinations
when they fail to capture the dynamic variations in rapidly
changing networks, leading to incorrect conclusions. Hallu-
cinations can also occur due to inter-agent interference or
inadequate data. To reduce such errors, LLMs need better
reasoning tools, such as causal inference frameworks, and
architecture modifications that enable logical proofs.
D. Hybrid Strategic Mechanism Design
Recent studies suggest that a superior efficiency, fairness,
and adaptability can be achieved when these theories (game
theory, auction theory and contract theory) are applied to-
gether [12], [13] . For instance, Huang et al. demonstrated
that their hybrid and human-designed mechanism is able to
provide superior surplus compared to the standard VCG mech-
anism [12]. Therefore, instead of using a different retrieval
for each theoretical framework as suggested in our automated
framework, a hybrid but carefully designed retrieval is ex-
pected to lead to new insightful and promising results beyond
the separate use of these theoretical frameworks independently.
Furthermore, Mix-LoRA technique can be used for efficient
fine-tuning of the LLM/SLM by mixing low-rank adapters,
allowing the model to adapt to different types of strategic
problems (e.g., auctions vs. contracts) without massive com-
putational overhead [14]. Additionally, the use of mixture of
experts technique which dynamically routes different parts
of the model for specific tasks, allows efficient scaling and
specialization, which can improve decision-making for various
strategic mechanisms. Together, these approaches are expected
to offer scalability and flexibility for automating strategic
mechanism design and are worth exploring.
E. Impact Beyond Communication Networking Systems
Disciplines such as economics and social sciences, where
strategic mechanism design initially originated, can benefit
from the solutions developed here with minimal adjustments.
Specifically, the proposed framework can be adapted to other
domains by simply altering the knowledge base content to
reflect the specific documents and terminology of that field.
This flexibility allows the system to extend its applicability
beyond telecommunications, making it versatile for various
application scenarios while maintaining its core functional
[11] D. T. Hoang, X. Lu, D. Niyato, P. Wang, D. I. Kim, and Z. Han,
“Applications of repeated games in wireless networks: A survey,” IEEE
Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 2102–2135,
[12] H. Huang, R. J. Kauffman, H. Xu, and L. Zhao, “A hybrid mechanism
for heterogeneous e-procurement involving a combinatorial auction and
bargaining,” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, vol. 12,
no. 3, p. 181–194, May 2013.
[13] Y. Wang and H. Yu, “Predicting real-world penny auction durations by
integrating game theory and machine learning,” Proceedings of the AAAI
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 38, no. 9, pp. 9926–9934, Mar.
[14] D. Li et al., “MixLoRA: Enhancing large language models fine-tuning
with LoRA-based Mixture of Experts,” CoRR, vol. abs/2404.15159,
The integration of generative AI into strategic mechanism
design for telecom systems presents transformative opportuni-
ties for reducing human intervention and improving decision-
making efficiency. Through the proposed frameworks, includ-
ing semi- and fully-automated approaches, AI systems can
autonomously design and optimize communication networking
strategies. These advancements promise to address real-time
constraints, adapt to evolving telecom standards, and deliver
efficient resource allocation. However, significant challenges
remain, such as enhancing AI reasoning capabilities, man-
aging resource constraints, and ensuring system robustness.
Future research must focus on overcoming obstacles like AI
model vulnerabilities, heterogeneous system coordination, and
improving reasoning to reduce hallucinations. Additionally,
attention must be given to securing AI models against prompt
injection attacks and enhancing collaboration between varied
network agents.
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A Review of Evolutionary Multi-modal
Multi-objective Optimization
Ryoji Tanabe, Member, IEEE,and Hisao Ishibuchi, Fel-
low, IEEE
Abstract—Multi-modal multi-objective optimization aims to
find all Pareto optimal solutions including overlapping solutions
in the objective space. Multi-modal multi-objective optimization
has been investigated in the evolutionary computation community
since 2005. However,
it is difficult to survey existing studies
in this field because they have been independently conducted
and do not explicitly use the term “multi-modal multi-objective
optimization”. To address this issue, this paper reviews existing
studies of evolutionary multi-modal multi-objective optimization,
including studies published under names that are different from
“multi-modal multi-objective optimization”. Our review also
clarifies open issues in this research area.
Index Terms—Multi-modal multi-objective optimization, evo-
lutionary algorithms, test problems, performance indicators
A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) is an
efficient optimizer for a multi-objective optimization problem
(MOP) [1]. MOEAs aim to find a non-dominated solution
set that approximates the Pareto front in the objective space.
The set of non-dominated solutions found by an MOEA is
usually used in an “a posteriori” decision-making process [2].
A decision maker selects a final solution from the solution set
according to her/his preference.
Since the quality of a solution set is usually evaluated in
the objective space, the distribution of solutions in the solution
space has not received much attention in the evolutionary
multi-objective optimization (EMO) community. However, the
decision maker may want to compare the final solution to other
dissimilar solutions that have an equivalent quality or a slightly
inferior quality [3], [4]. Fig. 1 shows a simple example. In Fig.
1, the four solutions xa, xb, xc, and xd are far from each other
in the solution space but close to each other in the objective
space. xa and xb have the same objective vector. xc and xa
are similar in the objective space. xd is dominated by these
solutions. This kind of situation can be found in a number
of real-world problems, including functional brain imaging
problems [3], diesel engine design problems [5], distillation
plant layout problems [6], rocket engine design problems [7],
and game map generation problems [8].
If multiple diverse solutions with similar objective vectors
like xa, xb, xc, and xd in Fig. 1 are obtained, the decision
maker can select the final solution according to her/his pref-
erence in the solution space. For example, if xa in Fig. 1
becomes unavailable for some reason (e.g., material shortages,
R. Tanabe and H. Ishibuchi are with Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Computa-
tional Intelligence, University Key Laboratory of Evolving Intelligent Systems
of Guangdong Province, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China.
e-mail: ([email protected], [email protected]). (Corresponding au-
thor: Hisao Ishibuchi)
Fig. 1: Illustration of a situation where the four solutions are identical
or close to each other in the objective space but are far from each
other in the solution space (a minimization problem).
A multi-modal multi-objective
mechanical failures, traffic accidents, and law revisions), the
decision maker can select a substitute from xb, xc, and xd.
A practical example is given in [4], which deals with two-
objective space mission design problems. In [4], Sch¨utze et al.
considered two dissimilar solutions x1 = (782, 1288, 1788)T
and x2 = (1222, 1642, 2224)T for a minimization problem,
whose objective vectors are f (x1) = (0.462, 1001.7)T and
f (x2) = (0.463, 1005.3)T, respectively. Although x1 domi-
nates x2, the difference between f (x1) and f (x2) is small
enough. The first design variable is the departure time from
the Earth (in days). Thus, the departure times of x2 and x1
782). If the decision maker
differ by 440 days (= 1222
accepts x2 with a slightly inferior quality in addition to x1,
the two launch plans can be considered. If x1 is not realizable
for some reason, x2 can be the final solution instead of x1.
As explained here, multiple solutions with almost equivalent
quality support a reliable decision-making process. If these
solutions have a large diversity in the solution space, they can
provide insightful information for engineering design [3], [5].
(MMOP) involves finding all solutions that are equivalent
to Pareto optimal solutions [3], [9], [10]. Below, we explain
the difference between MOPs and MMOPs using the two-
objective and two-variable Two-On-One problem [11]. Figs.
2 (a) and (b) show the Pareto front F and the Pareto optimal
solution set O of Two-On-One, respectively. Two-On-One
has two equivalent Pareto optimal solution subsets O1 and
O2 that are symmetrical with respect to the origin, where
O = O1
O2. Figs. 2 (c) and (d) show O1 and O2,
respectively. In Two-On-One, the three solution sets O, O1,
and O2 (Figs. 2 (b), (c) and (d)) are mapped to F (Fig. 2
(a)) by the objective functions. On the one hand, the goal of
MOPs is generally to find a solution set that approximates
the Pareto front F in the objective space. Since O1 and
O2 are mapped to the same F in the objective space, it is
sufficient for MOPs to find either O1 or O2. On the other
hand, the goal of MMOPs is to find the entire equivalent
Pareto optimal solution set O = O1
O2 in the solution
space. In contrast to MOPs, it is necessary to find both O1
and O2 in MMOPs. Since most MOEAs (e.g., NSGA-II
[12] and SPEA2 [13]) do not have mechanisms to maintain
the solution space diversity, it is expected that they do not
work well for MMOPs. Thus, multi-modal multi-objective
evolutionary algorithms (MMEAs) that handle the solution
space diversity are necessary for MMOPs.
This paper presents a review of evolutionary multi-modal
Solution spaceObjective space
2) Definitions of MMOPs: The term “MMOP” was first
coined in [3], [14] in 2005. However, “MMOP” was not used
in most studies from 2007 to 2012. Terms that represent
MMOPs were not explicitly defined in those studies. For
example, MMOPs were referred to as problems of obtaining
a diverse solution set in the solution space in [17]. It seems
that “multi-modal multi-objective optimization” has been used
again as of 2016. Apart from these instances, MMOPs were
denoted as “Multi-objective multi-global optimization” and
“Multi-modal multi-objective wicked problems” in [18] and
[19], respectively.
Although MMOPs have been addressed for more than ten
years, the definition of an MMOP is still controversial. In
this paper, we define an MMOP using a relaxed equivalency
introduced by Rudolph and Preuss [17] as follows:
Definition 1. An MMOP involves finding all solutions that
are equivalent to Pareto optimal solutions.
f (x1)
Definition 2. Two different solutions x1 and x2 are said to
f (x2)
be equivalent iff
(cid:107) ≤
is an arbitrary norm of a, and δ is a non-negative
threshold value given by the decision maker. If δ = 0, the
MMOP should find all equivalent Pareto optimal solutions. If
δ > 0, the MMOP should find all equivalent Pareto optimal
solutions and dominated solutions with acceptable quality. The
main advantage of our definition of an MMOP is that the
decision maker can adjust the goal of the MMOP by changing
the δ value. Most existing studies (e.g., [9], [20], [21]) assume
MMOPs with δ = 0. MMOPs with δ > 0 were discussed in
[3], [4], [19], [22]. For example, xa, xb, and xc in Fig. 1
should be found for MMOPs with δ = 0. In addition, the
non-Pareto optimal solution xd should be found for MMOPs
with δ > 0 if
(cid:107) ≤
Although there is room for discussion, MMOPs with δ > 0
may be more practical
in real-world applications. This is
because the set of solutions of an MMOP with δ > 0 can
provide more options for the decision maker than that of
an MMOP with δ = 0. While it is usually assumed in the
EMO community that the final solution is selected from non-
dominated solutions, the decision maker may also be interested
in some dominated solutions in practice [3], [4]. Below, we
use the term “MMOP” regardless of the δ value for simplicity.
f (xd)
f (xa)
This section describes 12 dominance-based MMEAs, 3
decomposition-based MMEAs, 2 set-based MMEAs, and a
post-processing approach. MMEAs need the following three
abilities: (1) the ability to find solutions with high quality,
(2) the ability to find diverse solutions in the objective space,
and (3) the ability to find diverse solutions in the solution
space. MOEAs need the abilities (1) and (2) to find a solution
set that approximates the Pareto front in the objective space.
Multi-modal single-objective optimizers need the abilities (1)
and (3) to find a set of global optimal solutions. In contrast,
MMEAs need all abilities (1)–(3). Here, we mainly describe
mechanisms of each type of MMEA to handle (1)–(3).
(a) F
(b) O
(c) O1
(d) O2
Fig. 2: (a) The Pareto front F and (b) the Pareto optimal solution
set O of Two-On-One [11]. Figs. (c) and (d) show the two Pareto
optimal solution subsets O1 and O2, respectively.
multi-objective optimization. This topic is not new and has
been studied for more than ten years. Early studies include [3],
[5], [11], [14]–[16]. Unfortunately, most existing studies were
independently conducted and did not use the term “MMOPs”
(i.e., they are not tagged). For this reason, it is difficult to
survey existing studies of MMOPs despite their significant
contributions. In this paper, we review related studies of
MMOPs including those published under names that were
different from “multi-modal multi-objective optimization”. We
also clarify open issues in this field. Multi-modal single-
objective optimization problems (MSOPs) have been well
studied in the evolutionary computation community [10].
Thus, useful clues to address some issues in studies of MMOPs
may be found in studies of MSOPs. We discuss what can be
learned from the existing studies of MSOPs.
This paper is organized as follows. Section II gives def-
initions of MMOPs. Section III describes MMEAs. Section
IV presents test problems for multi-modal multi-objective
optimization. Section V explains performance indicators for
benchmarking MMEAs. Section VI concludes this paper.
A solution x1 is said to dominate x2 iff fi(x1)
1) Definition of MOPs: A continuous MOP involves find-
RD that minimizes a given objective
ing a solution x
RM . Here, S is the D-dimensional
function vector f : S
solution space, and RM is the M -dimensional objective space.
fi(x2) for
all i
and fi(x1) < fi(x2) for at least one index
i. If x∗ is not dominated by any other solutions, it is called a
Pareto optimal solution. The set of all x∗ is the Pareto optimal
solution set, and the set of all f (x∗) is the Pareto front. The
goal of MOPs is generally to find a non-dominated solution
set that approximates the Pareto front in the objective space.
1, ..., M
∈ {
8101214161820f1012345f2−2−1012x1−2−1012x2−2−1012x1−2−1012x2−2−1012x1−2−1012x21) Pareto dominance-based MMEAs: The most representa-
tive MMEA is Omni-optimizer [9], [14], which is an NSGA-
II-based generic optimizer applicable to various types of prob-
lems. The differences between Omni-optimizer and NSGA-II
are fourfold: the Latin hypercube sampling-based population
initialization, the so-called restricted mating selection, the (cid:15)-
dominance-based non-dominated sorting, and the alternative
crowding distance. In the restricted mating selection, an indi-
vidual xa is randomly selected from the population. Then, xa
and its nearest neighbor xb in the solution space are compared
based on their non-domination levels and crowding distance
values. The winner among xa and xb is selected as a parent.
The crowding distance measure in Omni-optimizer takes
into account both the objective and solution spaces. For the i-
th individual xi in each non-dominated front R, the crowding
distance in the objective space cobj
is calculated in a similar
manner to NSGA-II. In contrast, the crowding distance value
of xi in the solution space csol
is calculated in a different
1, ..., D
manner. First, for each j
, a “variable-wise”
∈ {
crowding distance value of xi in the j-th decision variable
i,j is calculated as follows:
(cid:16) xi+1,j −xi,j
j −xmin
(cid:16) xi,j −xi−1,j
j −xmin
xi+1,j −xi−1,j
j −xmin
else if xi,j = xmax
if xi,j = xmin
i,j =
where we assume that all individuals in R are sorted based on
their j-th decision variable values in descending order. In (1),
j = minx∈R{
. Unlike the
crowding distance in the objective space, an infinitely large
value is not given to a boundary individual.
j = maxx∈R{
and xmax
Then, an “individual-wise” crowding distance value csol
i = ((cid:80)D
calculated as follows: csol
i,j )/D. The average
value csol
avg of all individual-wise crowding distance values is
avg = ((cid:80)|R|
also calculated as follows: csol
. Finally,
the crowding distance value ci of xi is obtained as follows:
j=1 csol
i=1 csol
i )/
ci =
, csol
i }
, csol
i }
i > cobj
if cobj
avg or csol
i > csol
where cobj
avg is the average value of all crowding distance values
in the objective space. As shown in (2), ci in Omni-optimizer
is the combination of cobj
. Due to its alternative
crowding distance, the results presented in [9] showed that
Omni-optimizer finds more diverse solutions than NSGA-II.
and csol
In addition to Omni-optimizer, two extensions of NSGA-
II for MMOPs have been proposed. DNEA [23] is similar to
Omni-optimizer but uses two sharing functions in the objective
and solution spaces. DNEA requires fine-tuning of two sharing
niche parameters for the objective and solution spaces. The
secondary criterion of DN-NSGA-II [24] is based on the
crowding distance only in the solution space. DN-NSGA-II
uses a solution distance-based mating selection.
The following are other dominance-based MMEAs. An
MMEA proposed in [25] utilizes DBSCAN [26] and the rake
selection [27]. DBSCAN, which is a clustering method, is
used for grouping individuals based on the distribution of
individuals in the solution space. The rake selection, which is
a reference vector-based selection method similar to NSGA-III
[28], is applied to individuals belonging to each niche for the
environmental selection. SPEA2+ [5], [15] uses two archives
Aobj and Asol to maintain diverse non-dominated individuals
in the objective and solution spaces, respectively. While the
environmental selection in Aobj is based on the density of
individuals in the objective space similar to SPEA2 [13], that
in Asol is based on the density of individuals in the solution
space. For the mating selection in SPEA2+, neighborhood
individuals in the objective space are selected only from Aobj.
PQ,(cid:15)-MOEA [4], 4D-Miner [3], [29], and MNCA [19] are
capable of handling dominated solutions for MMOPs with
δ > 0. PQ,(cid:15)-MOEA uses the (cid:15)-dominance relation [30] so
that an unbounded archive can maintain individuals with ac-
ceptable quality according to the decision maker. Unlike other
MMEAs, PQ,(cid:15)-MOEA does not have an explicit mechanism to
maintain the solution space diversity. 4D-Miner was specially
designed for functional brain imaging problems [3]. The
population is initialized by a problem-specific method. 4D-
Miner maintains dissimilar individuals in an external archive,
whose size is ten times larger than the population size. The
environmental selection in 4D-Miner is based on a problem-
specific metric. Similar to DIOP [22] (explained later), MNCA
simultaneously evolves multiple subpopulations P 1, ..., P S,
where S is the number of subpopulations. In MNCA, the
primary subpopulation P 1 aims to find an approximation
that provides a target front for other
of the Pareto front
subpopulations P 2, ..., P S. While the update of P 1 is based
on the same selection mechanism as in NSGA-II, the update
of P 2, ..., P S is performed with a complicated method that
takes into account both the objective and solution spaces.
Although the above-mentioned MMEAs use genetic varia-
tion operators (e.g., the SBX crossover and the polynomial
mutation [12]), the following MMEAs are based on other
approaches. Niching-CMA [20] is an extension of CMA-
ES [31] for MMOPs by introducing a niching mechanism.
The number of niches and the niche radius are adaptively
adjusted in Niching-CMA. An aggregate distance metric in
the objective and solution spaces is used to group individ-
uals into multiple niches. For each niche, individuals with
better non-domination levels survive to the next
MO Ring PSO SCD [21], a PSO algorithm for MMOPs,
uses a diversity measure similar to Omni-optimizer. However,
MO Ring PSO SCD handles the boundary individuals in the
objective space in an alternative manner. In addition, an index-
based ring topology is used to create niches.
Two extensions of artificial
immune systems [32] have
been proposed for MMOPs: omni-aiNet [18] and cob-aiNet
[33]. These two methods use a modified version of the
polynomial mutation [12]. The primary and secondary criteria
of omni-aiNet are based on (cid:15)-nondomination levels [30] and
a grid operation, respectively. In addition, omni-aiNet uses
suppression and insertion operations. While the suppression
operation deletes an inferior individual, the insertion operation
adds new individuals to the population. The population size
is not constant due to these two operations. The primary
and secondary criteria of cob-aiNet are based on the fitness
assignment method in SPEA2 [13] and a diversity measure
with a sharing function in the solution space, respectively. The
maximum population size is introduced in cob-aiNet.
2) Decomposition-based MMEAs: A three-phase multi-
start method is proposed in [16]. First, (1, λ)-ES is carried
out on each M objective functions K times to obtain M
best-so-far solutions. Then, an unsupervised clustering method
is applied to the M
K solutions to detect the number of
equivalent Pareto optimal solution subsets s. Finally, s runs
of (1, λ)-ES are performed on each N single-objective sub-
problem decomposed by the Tchebycheff function. The initial
individual of each run is determined in a chained manner.
The best solution found in the j-th subproblem becomes an
initial individual of (1, λ)-ES for the j + 1-th subproblem
). It is expected that s equivalent solutions
are found for each N decomposed subproblems.
1, ..., N
∈ {
Two variants of MOEA/D [34] for MMOPs are proposed
in [35], [36]. MOEA/D decomposes an M -objective problem
into N single-objective subproblems using a set of weight vec-
tors, assigning a single individual to each subproblem. Then,
MOEA/D simultaneously evolves the N individuals. Unlike
MOEA/D, the following two methods assign one or more
individuals to each subproblem to handle the equivalency.
The MOEA/D algorithm presented in [35] assigns K indi-
viduals to each subproblem. The selection is conducted based
on a fitness value combining the PBI function value [34]
and two distance values in the solution space. K dissimilar
individuals are likely to be assigned to each subproblem.
The main drawback of the above methods [16], [35] is the
difficulty in setting a proper value for K, because it is problem
dependent. MOEA/D-AD [36] does not need such a parameter
but requires a relative neighborhood size L. For each iteration,
a child u is assigned to the j-th subproblem whose weight
vector is closest to f (u), with respect to the perpendicular
distance. Let X be a set of individuals already assigned to the
jth-subproblem. If x in X is within the L nearest individuals
from the child u in the solution space, x and u are compared
based on their scalarizing function values g(x) and g(u). If
g(x), x is deleted from the population and u enters
the population. u also enters the population when no x in X
is in the L neighborhood of u in the solution space.
3) Set-based MMEAs: DIOP [22] is a set-based MMEA
that can maintain dominated solutions in the population. In
the set-based optimization framework [37], a single solution
in the upper level represents a set of solutions in the lower
level (i.e., a problem). DIOP simultaneously evolves an archive
A and a target population T . While A approximates only the
Pareto front and is not shown to the decision maker, T obtains
diverse solutions with acceptable quality by maximizing the
following G indicator: G(T ) = wobjDobj(T ) + wsolDsol(T ).
Here, wobj + wsol = 1. Dobj is a performance indicator in
the objective space, and Dsol is a diversity measure in the
solution space. In [22], Dobj and Dsol were specified by the
hypervolume indicator [38] and the Solow-Polasky diversity
measure [39], respectively. Meta-individuals in T that are (cid:15)-
dominated by any meta-individuals in A are excluded for the
calculation of the G metric. At the end of the search, T
is likely to contain meta-individuals (i.e., solution sets of a
TABLE I: Properties of 18 MMEAs. µ and nmax denote the
population size and the maximum number of evaluations used in
each paper, respectively. “δ > 0” indicates whether each method can
handle MMOPs with δ > 0. “U” means whether each method has an
unbounded population/archive. Initial µ values are reported for omni-
aiNet, cob-aiNet, PQ,(cid:15)-MOEA, and MOEA/D-AD. µ and nmax used
in the post-processing step are shown for a method in [17].
SPEA2+ [5], [15]
Omni-optimizer [9], [14]
4D-Miner [3], [29]
omni-aiNet [18]
Niching-CMA [20]
e A method in [25]
PQ,(cid:15)-MOEA [4]
cob-aiNet [33]
MNCA [19]
MO Ring PSO SCD [21]
DNEA [23]
. A method in [16]
A method in [35]
MOEA/D-AD [36]
t DIOP [22]
A method in [40]
. A method in [17]
50 000
1 000
500 000
8 000
40 000
50 000
Not clearly reported
1 120
5 000
40 000
100 000
80 000
80 000
63 000
20 000
89 600
30 000
100 000
400 000
2 000
δ > 0
problem) (cid:15)-nondominated by meta-individuals in A.
Another set-based MMEA is presented in [40]. Unlike
DIOP, the proposed method evolves only a single population.
Whereas DIOP maximizes the weighted sum of values of Dobj
and Dsol, the proposed method treats Dobj and Dsol as meta
two-objective functions. NSGA-II is used to simultaneously
maximize Dobj and Dsol in [40].
4) A post-processing approach: As pointed out in [17], it
is not always necessary to locate all Pareto optimal solutions.
Suppose that a set of non-dominated solutions A has already
been obtained by an MOEA (e.g., NSGA-II) but not an MMEA
(e.g., Omni-optimizer). After the decision maker has selected
the final solution xfinal from A according to her/his preference
in the objective space, it is sufficient to search solutions whose
objective vectors are equivalent to f (xfinal).
f (x)
2, f meta
f (xfinal)
A post-processing approach is proposed in [17] to han-
dle this problem. First, the proposed approach formulates a
meta constrained two-objective minimization problem where
2, and
f meta
gmeta(x) = f meta
θ < 0. The meta objective functions
and f meta
f meta
represent the distance between x and xfinal in
the objective and solution spaces. Thus, smaller f meta
(x) and
f meta
(x) indicate that x is similar to xfinal in the objective
space and far from xfinal in the solution space, respectively.
The constraint gmeta with θ > 0 prevents f meta
(x) from
becoming an infinitely small value in unbounded problems.
NSGA-II is used as a meta-optimizer in [17].
5) Open issues: Table I summarizes the properties of the
18 MMEAs reviewed in this section.
While some MMEAs require an extra parameter (e.g.,
L in MOEA/D-AD), Omni-optimizer does not require such
a parameter. This parameter-less property is an advantage
of Omni-optimizer. However, Omni-optimizer is a Pareto
dominance-based MMEA. Since dominance-based MOEAs
perform poorly on most MOPs with more than three objectives
[28], Omni-optimizer is unlikely to handle many objectives.
In addition to MMEAs, some MOEAs handling the solution
space diversity have been proposed, such as GDEA [41],
DEMO [42], DIVA [43], “MMEA” [44], DCMMMOEA [45],
and MOEA/D-EVSD [46]. Note that solution space diversity
management in these MOEAs aims to efficiently approximate
the Pareto front for MOPs. Since these methods were not
designed for MMOPs, they are likely to perform poorly for
MMOPs. For example, “MMEA”, which stands for a model-
based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm, cannot find mul-
tiple equivalent Pareto optimal solutions [44]. Nevertheless,
helpful clues for designing an efficient MMEA can be found
in these MOEAs.
The performance of MMEAs has not been well analyzed.
The post-processing method may perform better than MMEAs
when the objective functions of a real-world problem are
computationally expensive. However, an in-depth investigation
is necessary to determine which approach is more practical.
Whereas the population size µ and the maximum number of
evaluations nmax were set to large values in some studies,
they were set to small values in other studies. For example,
Table I shows that µ = 1 000 and nmax = 500 000 for
Omni-optimizer, while µ = 50 and nmax = 50 000 for
Niching-CMA. It is unclear whether an MMEA designed with
large µ and nmax values works well with small µ and nmax
values. While MMOPs with four or more objectives appear
in real-world applications (e.g., five-objective rocket engine
design problems [7]), most MMEAs have been applied to only
two-objective MMOPs. A large-scale benchmarking study is
necessary to address the above-mentioned issues.
The decision maker may want to examine diverse dominated
solutions. As explained in Section I, dominated solutions
found by PQ,(cid:15)-MOEA support the decision making in space
mission design problems [4]. The results presented in [29]
showed that diverse solutions found by 4D-Miner help neuro-
scientists analyze brain imaging data. Although most MMEAs
assume MMOPs with δ = 0 as shown in Table I, MMEAs
that can handle MMOPs with δ > 0 may be more practical.
Since most MMEAs (e.g., Omni-optimizer) remove dominated
they are unlikely to find
individuals from the population,
diverse dominated solutions. Some specific mechanisms are
necessary to handle MMOPs with δ > 0 (e.g., the multiple
subpopulation scheme in DIOP and MNCA).
As explained at the beginning of this section, MMEAs
need the three abilities (1)–(3). While the abilities (1) and
(2) are needed to approximate the Pareto front, the ability
(3) is needed to find equivalent Pareto optimal solutions.
Most existing studies (e.g., [9], [20], [21], [36]) report that
the abilities (1) and (2) of MMEAs are worse than those of
MOEAs. For example, the results presented in [36] showed
that Omni-optimizer, MO Ring PSO SCD, and MOEA/D-
AD perform worse than NSGA-II in terms of IGD [47]
(explained in Section V). If the decision maker is not interested
in the distribution of solutions in the solution space, it would
be better to use MOEAs rather than MMEAs. The poor perfor-
mance of MMEAs for multi-objective optimization is mainly
due to the ability (3), which prevents MMEAs from directly
approximating the Pareto front. This undesirable performance
regarding the abilities (1) and (2) is an issue in MMEAs.
to learn from MSOPs: An online data repository
( that provides results of
optimizers on the CEC2013 problem suite [48] is available for
MSOPs. This repository makes the comparison of optimizers
easy, facilitating constructive algorithm development. A simi-
lar data repository is needed for studies of MMOPs.
The number of maintainable individuals in the popula-
tion/archive strongly depends on the population/archive size.
However, it is usually impossible to know the number of
equivalent Pareto optimal solutions of an MMOP a priori. The
same issue can be found in MSOPs. To address this issue, the
latest optimizers (e.g., dADE [49] and RS-CMSA [50]) have
an unbounded archive that maintains solutions found during
the search process. Unlike modern optimizers for MSOPs,
Table I shows that only three MMEAs have such a mechanism.
The adaptive population sizing mechanisms in omni-aiNet,
PQ,(cid:15)-MOEA, and MOEA/D-AD are advantageous. A general
strategy of using an unbounded (external) archive could im-
prove the performance of MMEAs.
2 and f2(y) = (y1
This section describes test problems for benchmarking
MMEAs. Unlike multi-objective test problems (e.g., the DTLZ
[51] test suite), multi-modal multi-objective test problems
were explicitly designed such that they have multiple equiv-
alent Pareto optimal solution subsets. The two-objective and
two-variable SYM-PART1 [16] is one of the most represen-
tative test problems for benchmarking MMEAs: f1(y) =
(y1 +a)2 +y2
2. Here, y1 and y2 are
translated values of x1 and x2 as follows: y1 = x1
and y2 = x2
t2b. In SYM-PART1, a controls the region of
Pareto optimal solutions, and b and c specify the positions
of the Pareto optimal solution subsets. The so-called tile
identifiers t1 and t2 are randomly selected from
1, 0, 1
Fig. 3(a) shows the shape of the Pareto optimal solutions of
SYM-PART1 with a = 1, b = 10, and c = 8. As shown in
Fig. 3(a), the equivalent Pareto optimal solution subsets are
on nine lines in SYM-PART1.
a)2 +y2
the Superspheres problem [52],
Other test problems include the Two-On-One [11] problem,
the Omni-test problem [9], the SYM-PART2 and SYM-PART3
problems [16],
the EBN
problem [53], the two SSUF problems [24], and the Polygon
problems [54]. Fig. 3 also shows the distribution of their Pareto
optimal solutions. Since there are an infinite number of Pareto
optimal solutions in the EBN problem, we do not show them.
Source codes of the ten problems can be downloaded from the
supplementary website (
In Omni-test, equivalent Pareto optimal solution subsets are
regularly located. SYM-PART2 is a rotated version of SYM-
PART1. SYM-PART3 is a transformed version of SYM-
PART2 using a distortion operation. The Superspheres prob-
lem with D = 2 has six equivalent Pareto optimal solution
TABLE II: Properties of multi-modal multi-objective test problems,
where M , D, and P denote the number of objectives, design
variables, and equivalent Pareto optimal solution subsets, respectively.
If a problem has irregularity, the shapes of its multiple equivalent
Pareto optimal solution subsets differ from each other.
Test problems
SYM-PART problems [16]
Two-On-One problem [11]
Omni-test problem [9]
Superspheres problem [52]
EBN problem [53]
Polygon problems [54]
(d) Two-On-One
(e) Omni-test
(f) Superspheres
MMF suite [21]
HPS suite [57]
SSUF problems [24]
2 or 4
(g) SSUF1
(h) SSUF3
(i) Polygon
Fig. 3: Distribution of the Pareto optimal solutions for the eight
problems. Only x1 and x2 are shown on Omni-test.
subsets. However, the number of its P is unknown for D > 2.
EBN can be considered as a real-coded version of the so-called
binary one-zero max problem. All solutions in the solution
space are Pareto optimal solutions. SSUF1 and SSUF3 are
extensions of the UF problems [55] to MMOPs. There are
two symmetrical Pareto optimal solution subsets in SSUF1 and
SSUF3. Polygon is an extension of the distance minimization
problems [56] to MMOPs, where P equivalent Pareto optimal
solution subsets are inside of P regular M -sided polygons.
In addition, the eight MMF problems are presented in [21].
Similar to SSUF1 and SSUF3, the MMF problems are derived
from the idea of designing a problem that has multiple equiv-
alent Pareto optimal solution subsets by mirroring the original
one. A bottom-up framework for generating scalable test
problems with any D is proposed in [57]. P equivalent Pareto
optimal solution subsets are in P hyper-rectangular located in
the solution space similar to the SYM-PART problems. While
the first k variables play the role of “position” parameters
in the solution space, the other D
k variables represent
“distance” parameters. The six HPS problem instances were
constructed using this framework in [57].
If a given problem has the multi-modal fitness landscape, it
may have multiple non-Pareto fronts whose shapes are similar
to the true Pareto front. Such a problem (e.g., ZDT4 [58]) is
referred to as a multi-frontal test problem [59]. If the δ value
(defined in Subsection II-2) is sufficiently large, a multi-frontal
test problem can be regarded as a multi-modal multi-objective
test problem. In fact, ZDT4 was used in [19] as a test problem.
The Kursawe problem [60] is a multi-modal and nonseparable
test problem with a disconnected Pareto front. The Kursawe
problem has two fronts in the objective space similar to multi-
frontal problems. Thus, the Kursawe problem can be used as
a multi-modal multi-objective test problem.
1) Open issues: Table II summarizes the properties of
multi-modal multi-objective test problems reviewed here. In
Table II, P of Omni-test adheres to [22].
Table II indicates that scalable test problems do not exist,
in terms of M , D, and P . Although the SYM-PART problems
have some desirable properties (e.g.,
their adjustable and
straightforward Pareto optimal solution shapes), M , D, and
P are constant in these problems. Only Polygon is scalable in
M . While most test problems have only two design variables,
Omni-test and HPS are scalable in D. Unfortunately, P
increases exponentially with increased D in Omni-test due
to the combinatorial nature of variables. Although the idea
of designing scalable SYM-PART and Polygon problems to
D is presented in [61], [62],
they have similar issues to
Omni-test. Although the HPS problems do not have such
an issue, it is questionable whether there exists a real-world
problem with design variables affecting only the distance
between the objective vectors and the Pareto front. Only SYM-
PART3 has irregularity. Since the shapes of the Pareto optimal
solution subsets may be different from each other in real-world
problems, we believe that test problems with the irregularity
are necessary to evaluate the performance of MMEAs. The
performance of an MMEA with an absolutely defined niching
radius (e.g., DNEA) is likely to be overestimated in test
problems without irregularity.
In addition, the relation between synthetic test problems
and real-world problems has not been discussed. The idea of
designing a Polygon problem based on a real-world map is
presented in [63]. However, this does not mean that such a
Polygon problem is an actual real-world problem.
What to learn from MSOPs: Some construction methods
for multi-modal single-objective test problems are available,
such as the software framework proposed in [64], the con-
struction method for various problems [65], and Ahrari and
Deb’s method [66]. Borrowing ideas from such sophisticated
construction methods is a promising way to address the
above-mentioned issues of multi-modal multi-objective test
−15015x1−15015x2−15015x1−15015x2−8−4048x1−15015x2−2−1012x1−2−1012x20123456x10123456x20π/4π/2x1012345x2123x1−101x20246810x1×10−105101520x2×10−10246810x10246810x2problems. In [64], R¨onkk¨onen et al. present eight desirable
properties for multi-modal single-objective problem generators
such as scalability in D, control of the number of global and
local optima, and regular and irregular distributions of optima.
These eight properties can be a useful guideline for designing
multi-modal multi-objective problem generators.
Performance indicators play an important role in quanti-
tatively evaluating the performance of MOEAs as well as
MMEAs. Since performance indicators for MOEAs consider
only the distribution of objective vectors (e.g., the hypervol-
ume, GD, and IGD indicators [38], [47]), they cannot be used
to assess the ability of MMEAs to find multiple equivalent
Pareto optimal solutions. For this reason, some indicators have
been specially designed for MMEAs. Performance indicators
for MMEAs can be classified into two categories: simple
extensions of existing performance indicators for MOEAs and
specific indicators based on the distributions of solutions.
IGDX [4], [44] is a representative example of the first
approach. The IGD and IGDX indicators are given as follows:
TABLE III: Properties of performance indicators for MMEAs
(convergence to Pareto optimal solution subsets, diversity,
uniformity, spread, the use of reference solution sets, and
possibility to compare solution sets with different sizes).
GDX [4]
IGDX [4], [44]
Hausdorff distance [4]
CR [21]
PSP [21]
Pairwise distance [20]
CS [16]
SPS [16]
Solow-Polasky [39]
PSV [57]
IGD(A) =
ED(cid:0)f (x), f (z)(cid:1)(cid:111)
ED(cid:0)x, z(cid:1)(cid:111)
where A is a set of solutions obtained by an MMEA and A∗ is
a set of reference solutions in the Pareto optimal solution set.
ED(x1, x2) denotes the Euclidean distance between x1 and
x2. While A with a small IGD value is a good approximation
of the Pareto front, A with a small IGDX approximates Pareto
optimal solutions well. Other indicators in the first category
include GDX [4], the Hausdorff distance indicator [67] in the
solution space [4], CR [21], and PSP [21]. GDX is a GD
indicator in the solution space similar to IGDX. CR is an
alternative version of the maximum spread [38] to measure
the spread of A. PSP is a combination of IGDX and CR.
Performance indicators in the second category include the
mean of the pairwise distance between two solutions [20], CS
[16], SPS [16], the Solow-Polasky diversity measure [39] used
in [22], [40], and PSV [57]. CS is the number of Pareto optimal
solution subsets covered by at least one individual. SPS is the
standard deviation of the number of solutions close to each
Pareto optimal solution subset. PSV is the percentage of the
volume of A in the volume of A∗ in the solution space.
1) Open issues: Table III shows the properties of perfor-
mance indicators for MMEAs reviewed in this section, where
the properties are assessed based on the description of each
indicator. While the properties of the performance indicators
for MOEAs have been examined (e.g., [38], [67]), those for
MMEAs have not been well analyzed.
Performance indicators for MMEAs should be able to
evaluate the three abilities (1)–(3) explained in Section III.
Although IGDX is frequently used, it should be noted that
IGDX does not evaluate the distribution of solutions in the
objective space. Fig. 4 shows the distribution of two solu-
tion sets A1 and A2 for SYM-PART1 in the solution and
(a) A1 in the solution space
(b) A2 in the solution space
(c) A1 in the objective space
(d) A2 in the objective space
Fig. 4: Comparison of solution sets A1 and A2 for SYM-PART1.
objective spaces, where
are 27. While the
solutions in A1 are evenly distributed on one of the nine
Pareto optimal solution subsets, the solutions in A2 are evenly
distributed on all of them. Although A1 has 27 objective
vectors that cover the Pareto front, A2 has only 3 equivalent
objective vectors. The IGDX and IGD values of A1 and A2
are as follows: IGDX(A1) = 15.92, IGDX(A2) = 0.25,
IGD(A1) = 0.06, and IGD(A2) = 0.81. We used 5 000
Pareto optimal solutions for A∗. Although A2 has a worse
distribution in the objective space than A1, IGDX(A2) is
significantly better than IGDX(A1). As demonstrated here,
IGDX can evaluate the abilities (1) and (3) but cannot evaluate
the ability (2) to find diverse solutions in the objective space.
Since the other indicators in Table III do not take into account
the distribution of objective vectors similar to IGDX, they
are likely to have the same undesirable property. For a fair
performance comparison, it is desirable to use the indicators
−15015x1−15015x2−15015x1−15015x201234f101234f201234f101234f2for MOEAs (e.g., hypervolume and IGD) in addition to the
indicators for MMEAs in Table III.
What to learn from MSOPs: It is desirable that the indicators
for multi-modal single-objective optimizers evaluate a solution
set without the knowledge of the fitness landscape such as the
positions of the optima and the objective values of the optima
[68]. The same is true for indicators for MMEAs. Table III
shows that most indicators (e.g., IGDX) require A∗. Since A∗
is usually unavailable in real-world problems, it is desirable
that indicators for MMEAs evaluate A without A∗.
Since the archive size in modern multi-modal single-
objective optimizers is unbounded in order to store a number
of local optima [10], most indicators in this field can handle
solution sets with different sizes (e.g., the peak ratio and the
success rate [48]). For the same reason, it is desirable that
indicators for MMEAs evaluate solution sets with different
sizes in a fair manner. However, it is difficult to directly
use indicators for multi-modal single-objective optimizers to
evaluate MMEAs.
The contributions of this paper are threefold. The first
contribution is that we reviewed studies in this field in terms
of definitions of MMOPs, MMEAs, test problems, and perfor-
mance indicators. It was difficult to survey the existing studies
of MMOPs for the reasons described in Section I. Our review
helps to elucidate the current progress on evolutionary multi-
modal multi-objective optimization. The second contribution
is that we clarified open issues in this field. In contrast to
multi-modal single-objective optimization, multi-modal multi-
objective optimization has not received much attention despite
its practical importance. Thus, some critical issues remain.
The third contribution is that we pointed out an issue as-
sociated with performance indicators for MMEAs. Reliable
performance indicators are necessary for the advancement of
MMEAs. We hope that this paper will encourage researchers
to work in this research area, which is not well explored.
This work was supported by the Program for Guang-
dong Introducing Innovative and Enterpreneurial Teams
(Grant No. 2017ZT07X386), Shenzhen Peacock Plan (Grant
No. KQTD2016112514355531),
the Science and Technol-
ogy Innovation Committee Foundation of Shenzhen (Grant
No. ZDSYS201703031748284),
the Program for Univer-
sity Key Laboratory of Guangdong Province (Grant No.
2017KSYS008), and National Natural Science Foundation of
China (Grant No. 61876075).
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ai_researcher | 1 | The_Balance_Hypothesis_for_the_Avian_Lumbosacral_Organ_and_an_Exploration_of_Its_Morphological_Variation.pdf | 3
Biophysical Simulation Reveals the Mechanics of the Avian
Lumbosacral Organ
An Mo1, Viktoriia Kamska1, Fernanda Bribiesca-Contreras1, Janet Hauptmann1,3, Monica Daley2,
Alexander Badri-Spröwitz1,4
1Dynamic Locomotion Group, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart, Germany
2Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Irvine, USA
3Harz University for Applied Sciences, Wernigerode, Germany
4Department of Mechanical Engineering, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Keywords: lumbosacral organ, intraspinal mechanosensing, physical model, biophysical simulation, spinal cord,
avian locomotion
The lumbosacral organ (LSO) is a lumbosacral spinal canal morphology that is universally and uniquely found in birds.
Recent studies suggested an intraspinal mechanosensor function that relies on the compliant motion of soft tissue in the
spinal cord fluid. It has not yet been possible to observe LSO soft tissue motion in vivo due to limitations of imaging
technologies. As an alternative approach, we developed an artificial biophysical model of the LSO, and characterized the
dynamic responses of this model when entrained by external motion. The parametric model incorporates morphological
and material properties of the LSO. We varied the model’s parameters to study the influence of individual features on
the system response. We characterized the system in a locomotion simulator, producing vertical oscillations similar
to the trunk motions. We show how morphological and material properties effectively shape the system’s oscillation
characteristics. We conclude that external oscillations could entrain the soft tissue of the intraspinal lumbosacral
organ during locomotion, consistent with recently proposed sensing mechanisms.
Birds are exceptional bipedal runners capable of robust running over unexpected disturbance [1]. Robust locomotion
requires a sense that informs the central nervous system about the environment and the system’s internal state. Such
sensing is essential to coordinate limbs [2, 3], balance [4], manipulate the environment [5], for entrainments [6–9], and
protect from excessive loading or untimely muscle stretching [10]. Rapid sensing and response is crucial, especially
during fast locomotion. When stance phases are brief, a sensorimotor delay [11] will cause a temporal blind spot in
the control loop, potentially leading to detrimental falls. Interestingly, birds generally have long necks, contributing
to increased sensorimotor delays from higher brain centers, as well as from the balance-sensing vestibular system [12].
The immediate physical response of the musculoskeletal [13] system alone cannot fully explain birds’ agility.
Birds’ outstanding locomotion abilities might be supported by an unexplored and uniquely avian intraspinal mechanosen-
sor: the lumbosacral organ(LSO, Figure 1) [14]. It has been suggested that the LSO could act as a second vestibular-
like sensing organ, independent of the head’s orientation [14]. The LSO is located at the lower spine, right next to
the sciatic nerves that communicate motor commands for locomotion [15]. The short distance between intraspinal
mechanosensors and spinal motor-control units could minimize sensorimotor delays, and effectively reduce response
times [16].
The LSO is a collection of unique anatomical features (Figure 2A). A glycogen body is dorsally wedged between both
spinal cord hemispheres, spanning over three segments [16]. At the LSO’s centre, the glycogen body ventrally reaches
the central canal [17, 18]. Accessory lobes (“Hofmann nuclei” or “major marginal nuclei”, [19]) are found pairwise,
segmentally, and laterally to the lateral side of the spinal cord. Potentially, they contain mechanoreceptors [14, 20–25].
Hoffmann nuclei processes project into ipsilateral and contralateral hemispheres [19, 26]. The spinal cord is supported
ventrally by a complex dentate ligament network, comprised of lateral longitudinal, ventral longitudinal, and transverse
ligaments [16]. The vertebrae in the LSO region are fused with fusion zones formed as transverse semi-circular grooves
(“semi-circular canals” [22]). Between the LSO soft tissue (spinal cord, glycogen body, dentate ligament network,
accessory lobes) and the spinal canal walls exists a significant fluid space with a prominent dip ventral to the LSO
central region [16].
Since its first discovery in 1811 [27], the exact function of the LSO remains an enigma. Early research suggested
metabolic energy supply and myelin synthesis as potential functions for the glycogen body and accessory lobes [17,
28, 29]. Schroeder, Murray and Eide [19, 20] were the first to propose a mechanoreceptive function. They had found
mechanoreceptor-like tissue in accessory lobes and therefore theorized that dentate ligament strain is transmitted to
and sensed by the adjacent accessory lobes. Later, Necker proposed that semicircular grooves and spinal fluid are
integral parts of the sensor organ’s function. He hypothesized that lumbosacral organ spinal fluid flow could excite
mechanoreceptive accessory lobes [14, 30, 31]. Besides, he was the first to point to morphological similarities between
the lumbosacral organ and the vestibular system [14]. Otherwise, possible mechanical functions of the LSO are largely
unexplored. While conclusive evidence for the LSO sensing function is still missing, intraspinal mechanosensing has
been found in a few animals; lampreys [32, 33], zebrafish [34, 35], and potentially in reptiles [36]. Despite the difference
between these animals and birds, the similar location of their intraspinal mechanosensors is intriguing [25, 32, 35, 37],
and suggests a homologous connection.
Based on our own observation of morphologies and material properties [16], we hypothesize a locomotion state sensing
function of the LSO (Figure 1). We suspect that the viscoelastic properties of the spinal cord and ligaments allow
these structures to physically deflect and oscillate within the enlarged fluid space [16]. During locomotion, the truck
oscillation, such as pitching, will entrain the spinal cord oscillation. The resulting soft tissue motion could resemble
a mass-spring-damper system; the dense glycogen body as the mass, the elasticity of the spinal cord and the dentate
ligament network as the spring, and the spinal fluid as the damper. The relative motion between the spinal cord and
the spinal canal would stretch the mechanoreceptors contained in the accessory lobes, then accelerations and postural
changes could be measured, leading to a fast state feedback of locomotion.
Figure 1: The LSO located at the lower spine of birds is hypothesized as an accelerometer. During locomotion such as running, the truck
oscillation will entrain the spine cord like a mass-spring-damper system. The morphology of LSO tunes the mass-spring-damper behavior. The
entrained LSO stimulates the mechanoreceptors to provide fast state feedback of locomotion.
In this work, we focus on the mass-spring-damper properties of the LSO. Since birds feature the highest number of
locomotion modes within species; they swim, dive, walk, and fly; their habitats and locomotion modalities may shape
the LSO response through mass-spring-damper property variation. Structures like the glycogen body with densities
higher than the spinal fluid will tend to sink, exerting forces on the dentate ligament network. The glycogen body
are subject to growth [38], allowing for lifelong tuning and adaptation. The microfluidic environment of the spinal
canal implies an effective flow resistance (Hagen–Poiseuille equation) to dampen high-frequency oscillation, similar to
a mechanical low-pass filter. Neural tissue is fragile, with a reported maximum strain up to 7 % for uni-axial fibre
strain [39]. Likely, the combined structure of ligaments, spinal fluid, and glycogen body protects the spinal cord from
excessive strain.
While the spinal soft tissue entrainment is likely, observing such entrainment within a running bird is a grand challenge.
In birds, the spinal cord is well protected within the dense, fused bone structure. Imaging the soft tissue motion in vivo
has failed so far. As an alternative approach, we developed a parametric, biophysical lumbosacral organ model, which
we based on previously reported data [16]. In sum, we suggest three hypotheses related to the mass-spring-damper
properties of the LSO. 1) The glycogen body tunes the LSO measurement range. 2) The narrow spinal canal dampens
soft tissue oscillation. 3) The fine structure of the spinal canal diversifies the LSO response.
MechanicsLSOLSOLSOTrunk oscillationState feedbackMechanoreceptorsSpinal cord oscillationMM2 Materials and Methods
First, We developed a configurable biophysical model of the lumbosacral organ in birds (Figure 2). We parameterized
the biophysical model’s morphology and varied its material properties to investigate the individual influence of each
part and its associated hypothesis (Table 2). Then, the biophysical models were tested on a custom-built locomotion
simulator (Figure 3), which emulates vertical locomotion patterns of running birds. Lastly, the biophysical model’s
response to external accelerations was recorded and characterized (Figure 4).
Figure 2: Lumbosacral soft tissue in the spinal canal, and its biophysical model developed here to simulate soft tissue motion. (A) Perspective
view of the lumbosacral region of a common quail [16]. Shown are spinal cord (purple), glycogen body (orange), and dentate ligament network
(red). (B) Transverse section through the vertebral column at vertebra fusion S1 and L4. (C) Biophysical model with spinal cord, glycogen
body and semi-circular grooves mounted as a water-filled glass tube.
In this configuration, the modelled spinal cord is clamped at its both
ends. Transverse semi-circular grooves are cut into the insert as indentations. (D) Cross-cut view of the biophysical model at the position of a
semi-circular groove.
2.1 Biophysical model
We aimed at these goals to implement and test the biophysical model of birds’ LSO: 1. Develop a simplified, parametric
model for physical testing, with a low, appropriate number of design parameters. In contrast, a one-to-one replicated
LSO geometry would lead to a large parameter number, which is infeasible for physical testing. 2. Select model
parameters according to their relevance for the LSO’s physical functionality according to our hypotheses. 3. Create an
LSO model of appropriate size for fabrication and instrumentation. 4. The ratio of volumes, material densities, and
soft material stiffness approximates to data from the literature.
To replicate the geometry, we simplified and linearly scaled up the three-dimensional common quail model (Coturnix
coturnix) made available by Kamska et al. [16]. Its main components were simplified as in the biophysical model: an
spinal cord, a dentate ligament network, a glycogen body, the surrounding spinal fluid, the spinal canal morphology
between spine segments L4 to S2 (Figure 2). We linearly scaled up the LSO soft parts, leading to model parameters
documented in Table 1. The length of the biophysical model is 140 mm between proximal and distal anchor points
(Figure 2C), which is roughly the size of the lumbosacral region of an emu [40]. We kept the volume ratio constant for
the spinal cord, the glycogen body, and the spinal fluid (Table 1). We implemented model morphologies mimicking
dorsal grooves and a ventral dip found in birds; both features were volume scaled.
To approximate the material properties, we fabricated the biophysical model with soft robotics techniques. The spinal
cord and the glycogen body were moulded from silicone rubber, with dentate ligament network made from fabric
attached. The glycogen body density is adjustable. A custom clamp holds the spinal soft tissue in a water-filled glass
tube, simulating the fluid environment. A configurable insert existed in some biophysical models to implement the
spinal canal morphologies. Detail fabrication steps are provided in the supplementary section S1. In sum, we prepared
seven configurations of the biophysical model as shown in Table 2.
The resulting biophysical model allows for characterizing its compliant parts responding to external motions while
interacting with the surrounding fluid and complex canal morphologies.
Table 1: Biophysical model design parameters. Volume percentages of the biophysical model are in reference to the quail model [16], for the
sum of volumes at L4-S2 region.
Width, w
Length, l
Height, h
Spinal cord, VSpC
Spinal fluid, VSpF
Glycogen body, VGB
Spinal cord, ρSpC
Spinal fluid, ρSpF
Glycogen body, ρGB
Reference Design
25 (36%)
31 (45%)
13 (19%)
1.4 − 1.5
4761 (35%)
6323 (47%)
2487 (18%)
1.0, 1.5, 2.0
Table 2: Biophysical model schematic overview. Cross-section views are made at the model centre. Blue areas represent fluid space; contours
indicate canal shapes. Triangles with varying background colour/patterns represent spinal cord tissue with varying glycogen body density ρGB
from 1.0 g/cm3 to 2.0 g/cm3. The canal diameter indicates the inner
canal. Semi-circular grooves are located on the dorsal canal inside; dips
are ventral to the spinal cord. Dips and semi-circular grooves are tested in models with narrow canals only (model 4-7). All models feature a
fibre-reinforced spinal cord (short horizontal red line).
Model number
GB density [g/cm3]
Canal diameter [mm]
Canal morphology
2.2 Locomotion simulation
We developed a locomotion simulator to produce the up-down motion of the bird’s trunk during running (Figure 3).
The locomotion simulator generates vertical motions in a controlled manner and records the biophysical model’s
compliant response. A stepper motor 1○ (103H7823-1740, Sanyo Denki ) drives a ball screw 2○ (KUHC1205-340-100,
MISUMI ) mounted to a frame made of 20 mm plywood 3○, moving a motion platform 4○ vertically. The 3D-printed
(PLA) motion platform holds the biophysical model 6○, an LCD screen 8○ (model 1602) and a video camera 5○ (Hero
5 Black, GoPro). The camera and the biophysical model move together. Hence, the camera observes the model’s
compliant response within the local coordinate system. A rotary encoder 7○ (AS5045, AMS ) counts spindle rotations,
and the slider displacement is the product of spindle rotation and pitch.
Figure 3: The locomotion simulator, schematic (A) and photo (B). The biophysical model 6○ is mounted to the platform 4○ of a linear drive 3○.
A stepper motor 1○ moves the slider vertically (blue) with a spindle 2○. An encoder 7○ records the spindle position. A camera 5○ mounted on the
moving platform 4○ measures the biophysical model’s response (red). Video and encoder data are synchronized visually by observing the LCD
screen 8○.
The locomotion simulated is instrumented. A motor driver (G201X, geckodrive) drives the stepper motor. A micro-
controller (Teensy 4.0, PJRC ) controls the stepper motor driver and an LCD screen. The LCD shows the setup’s
status. Encoder data was sampled by a single board computer (Raspberry Pi, v. 4B), with 10 µm resolution at 1 kHz
update frequency. Biophysical model movement was camera-recorded at a sampling frequency of 240 Hz. Both data
lines were synchronized by a programmed LCD backlight flash. The locomotion simulator produces oscillations up to
a maximum frequency of 4.5 Hz at an amplitude of ±5 mm.
We found only a few off-the-shelf motion simulators capable of highly dynamic motion (3 Hz to 5 Hz), all of which
were expensive. With this project, we are open-sourcing1 our locomotion simulator design and control for barrier-free
research; which is capable, easy to replicate, and comparably low-cost.
Testing protocols were identical for all models. Glass tubes were mounted to the locomotion simulator and vertically
driven to oscillate with an amplitude of ±5 mm. We stopped the motor after 5 s. The resulting damped model motion
was recorded for another 3 s. Each model was driven at four ‘drive’ frequencies: 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5 Hz. Trials were
repeated eight times, resulting in a total of 224 trials; 4 drive frequencies with 8 repetitions and 7 models.
We extracted the biophysical model’s movement from the recorded videos with the Tracker software [41]. An example
trial is shown in Figure 4. We divide the experiment’s time series into three phases:
1. Entrainment phase with settling time τ ;
2. Steady phase with peak-to-peak amplitude A, phase shift φ;
3. Damping phase with decay rate ζ, damped oscillation frequency fd.
The definitions of the measured parameters in each phase are documented in the supplementary section S2.
Figure 4: Typical model response to external motion. The data shown is extracted from trial 1, model-2, at 4.5 Hz external oscillation frequency.
Each experiment shows three phases; (1) The entrainment phase, with a settling time τ spanning from start until the model reaches 90 % of the
steady state amplitude. (2) In the steady phase we measure the model’s peak-to-peak amplitude A, and the phase shift φ between the external
actuation and the model’s response. (3) The damping phase starts when the motor is switched off (5 s). We calculate the model’s decay rate ζ
and the damped oscillation frequency fd.
2.3 Functional parameter hypotheses
We tested three hypotheses with seven biophysical models (Table 3):
Table 3: Hypotheses and the corresponding control variables for model-1 to 7.
Hypothesis Model # Controlled variable
1 - 3
2, 7
4 - 7
Canal size
Canal morphology
1) The glycogen body tunes the LSO measurement range. The glycogen body is unique in birds and un-
explained. Since its density is notably higher than the surrounding spinal fluid and the spinal cord, we expect the
glycogen body presents an effectively larger mass leading to higher soft tissue oscillation caused by external movements,
compared to a neutrally buoyant glycogen body. We compare amplitude response and settling time of three glycogen
body densities: 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 g/cm3, and expect high glycogen body density associates with high amplitude.
2) The narrow spinal canal dampens soft tissue oscillation. The fluid space that allows for spinal cord oscillation
is relatively small. Flow resistance increases in the proximity of walls according to the Hagen–Poiseuille equation.
Hence, we expect that a narrow spinal canal increases flow resistance compared to a wide one, leading to reduced soft
tissue oscillations. We investigate the effect of large and narrow canal size on the model’s response amplitude and
decay rate.
3) The spinal canal fine structure diversifies the LSO response. Previous observations [16, 24, 42] hint the
distinct spinal canal morphologies of different birds may be associated with habitats and locomotion modalities. We
058τ4. startResponse (mm)Response (mm)Actuation (mm)Trial endMotor stopTime (s)Steady phaseDamping phasefdζ1EntrainmentphaseTime (s)-2-4-6-8-10-0.5-0.500CBA0.50.5Φexpect the dorsal grooves and the ventral dip [16] both have an effect on spinal fluid flow and soft tissue oscillations.
To test this, we map the combinations of the dorsal grooves and the ventral dip, and study the models’ response
amplitude and decay rate.
3 Results
Table 4 shows all results obtained, ordered by model and drive frequency, symbols are identical to Table 2.
Table 4: Results for all models depending on drive frequency, showing settling time during entrainment phase, peak-to-peak amplitude, phase
shift between drive signal and model oscillation,12 damped oscillation frequency and decay rate during damping phase. Values are mean values
± standard error (SE). SEs are not shown if smaller than the rounding digit.
Phase shift Damped freq. Decay rate
fd [Hz]
Model Freq.
Settling time
τ [s]
0.55 ± 0.07
0.37 ± 0.02
0.63 ± 0.05
0.78 ± 0.01
0.47 ± 0.04
0.72 ± 0.02
0.78 ± 0.16
0.42 ± 0.02
0.70 ± 0.02
0.88 ± 0.22
0.48 ± 0.04
0.42 ± 0.02
A [mm]
φ [deg]
25 ± 1
28 ± 1
49 ± 1
106 ± 1
20 ± 1
25 ± 1
40 ± 1
92 ± 1
21 ± 1
24 ± 1
62 ± 1
120 ± 1
46 ± 1
80 ± 1
130 ± 1
154 ± 1
152 ± 1
123 ± 1
127 ± 1
147 ± 1
56 ± 1
103 ± 1
138 ± 1
155 ± 1
152 ± 1
127 ± 1
137 ± 1
154 ± 1
4.3 ± 0.3
4.5 ± 0.1
4.3 ± 0.2
4.4 ± 0.1
4.4 ± 0.2
5.0 ± 0.2
4.6 ± 0.2
4.5 ± 0.2
ζ [/]
0.77 ± 0.03
0.69 ± 0.02
0.52 ± 0.02
0.59 ± 0.01
0.67 ± 0.01
0.58 ± 0.02
0.66 ± 0.01
0.74 ± 0.01
0.82 ± 0.02
0.87 ± 0.01
0.87 ± 0.01
0.87 ± 0.01
1.28 ± 0.15
1.53 ± 0.16
1.50 ± 0.09
1.42 ± 0.14
0.88 ± 0.01
0.92 ± 0.01
0.93 ± 0.02
0.89 ± 0.02
0.88 ± 0.11
1.24 ± 0.18
1.25 ± 0.21
1.02 ± 0.13
3.1 Entrainment
All models showed an entrainment response similar to Figure 4. Within 1 s models transitioned into steady-state
oscillations. We observed steady-state peak-to-peak amplitude up to 1.3 mm.
We observed a distinct frequency peak for each model processed with spectrum analysis. The damped oscillation
frequency measured from damping phase was independent of the drive frequency for the same model, but differed
between models (Table 4). Damped oscillation frequencies ranged from 3.5 Hz to 5.0 Hz. Albeit a different calculation
method, damped oscillation frequencies of model 5 and 7 showed a similar dependency.
Influence of glycogen body density
In general, a denser glycogen body produced a larger peak-to-peak amplitude in the steady phase. The peak-to-peak
amplitude increased with increasing drive frequency (Figure 5A). The peak-to-peak amplitude significantly differed
between glycogen body densities in all models at all drive frequencies (t-test; p values <1e−4) except for densities of
1.5 g/cm3 to 2.0 g/cm3 at 4.5 Hz. Model-2 with a glycogen body density of 1.5 g/cm3 showed the highest peak-to-peak
amplitude of 1.33 mm. Independent of glycogen body density, models took between 0.36 s to 0.78 s to entrain, and we
found no clear tendency for settling time for different glycogen body densities (Figure 5B).
Influence of glycogen body density and drive frequency to peak-to-peak amplitude (A) and settling time (B). Values shown are for
Figure 5:
model-1, 2, and 3 with density of 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 g/cm3, respectively. Drive frequencies tested were 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5 Hz. Here and in
all following figures, standard error shown as error bar, significant p-values from t-test pairwise comparisons as ‘****’, 0; ‘***’, 0-0.001; ‘**’,
0.001-0.01, ‘*’, 0.1-0.05. Error bars are not shown if the standard error is smaller than the measurement resolution.
Influence of canal size
The canal size had an effect on the soft tissue response amplitude and its decay rate (Figure 6). The larger canal of
model-2 yielded a significant higher peak-to-peak amplitude of 1.33 mm at 4.5 Hz. In comparison, the narrow canal of
model-7 yielded a maximum amplitude of 0.26 mm at 4.5 Hz (t-test; p values <1e−4). For both canal sizes, amplitudes
increased with increasing drive frequency. A narrow canal produced damped oscillations with higher decay rate ζ of
0.88 to 1.25, compared to a large canal with decay rates between 0.52 to 0.73. However, the difference was only
significant at 3.0 Hz and 3.5 Hz (t-test; p values <0.05). The narrow canal decay rate did not increase monotonically
with drive frequency as the large canal model did.
Influence of canal morphology
Varying canal morphologies were implemented by simulating dorsal grooves or a ventral dip (model-4 to 7, Figure 7).
The peak-to-peak amplitude significantly differed between these models at all drive frequencies (t-test; p values <0.05)
and it was larger in the presence of grooves+dip with values ranging from 0.25 mm to 0.66 mm, followed by dorsal
grooves with values from 0.25 mm to 0.5 mm. Decay rates were lower, between 0.82 to 0.93, for models with grooves
and grooves+dip. Decay rates were highest between 1.28 to 1.53 for model-5 with its ventral dip. Decay rates differed
significantly only when comparing grooves+dip versus ventral dip and ventral dip versus grooves at 4.0 Hz (t-test;
p values <0.05). Note that the decay rate for the narrow canal and ventral dip models showed comparatively large
standard errors due to low peak-to-peak amplitude, with lower signal quality.
4 Discussion
We developed a reconfigurable biophysical model of the lumbosacral organ to investigate its physical response during
simulated locomotion. The biophysical model includes the spinal soft tissue, the surrounding spinal fluid, and the spinal
*************************** frequency (Hz)Settling timeτ(s)******************************************** 1.5 2.0Figure 6: Influence of spinal canal size and drive frequency on mean values of peak-to-peak amplitude (A) and decay rate (B). Data is shown
for eight trials at 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, and 4.5 Hz for model-7 with its narrow-size and model-2 with its large-size canal.
Figure 7: Influence of canal morphology and drive frequency on mean values of peak-to-peak amplitude(A) and decay rate (B). Data is shown
for eight trials at 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, and 4.5 Hz for model-7 with a narrow canal, model-5 with a ventral dip, model-6 with a dorsal groove and model-4
with groove+dip.
canal, with a focus on replicating the key morphologies and material properties relevant to potential mechanosensing
functions. The goal of this work is to produce quantitative results to understand the mechanics of the LSO, especially
the influence of the glycogen body and the spinal canal. We observed typical mass-spring-damper behavior of the soft
tissue oscillation, which supports the strain-based accelerometer hypothesis of the LSO [16].
The function of the LSO remains a debate in the field. The glycogen body within an enlarged spinal canal is suspicious,
and can be only found in birds. Early studies assumed a “locomotor brain” function, due to the large accumulation of
nerve cells nearby [43]. The glycogen body was further hypothesized to have a nutritional or secretory function [38,
44–46], or relate to myelin synthesis [17, 28]. However, these early studies failed to provide a holistic understanding of
the LSO, since the specialized morphologies, such as the spinal canal and the dentate ligament network, were ignored.
** frequency (Hz)Decay rateζ(/)**************** sizeNarrowLarge************************************************************************************* shapeNarrowDipGrooveGroove+dip**** frequency (Hz)Decay rateζ(/)Recently, new evidence has supported the mechanosensing function hypothesis of the LSO (Figure 1). The discovery of
mechanoreceptive neurons within the accessory lobes laid the foundation for the potential mechanosensing function [19,
20, 22, 25, 26, 30, 31]. The enlarged spinal canal at the LSO region allows for the spinal soft tissue motion [16],
which is essential for stimulating the mechanoreceptors. During locomotion, the spinal soft tissue is entrained by
external acceleration, which forces the spinal fluid to circulate and the dentate ligament network to strain. Necker
hypothesized that the fluid flow, guided by the spinal canal morphology, may stimulate the mechanoreceptors for
a balance function [22, 24, 47, 48].
Instead of the fluid flow, Schroeder and Murray proposed that the ligament
strain will transfer to the attached accessory lobes and therefore stimulate the mechanoreceptors [20]. Biological
mechanoreceptors are well suited to detect the smallest strain values; they are sensitive in the angstrom range on
a cellular level [49, 50]. Based on our own observations [16], the ligament strain can be up to 7.9 %, which is large
enough to produce consistent signals. Although none of these hypotheses have provided conclusive evidence, there were
separate studies supported the LSO intraspinal sensing function. Intraspinal sensing has been identified in lamprey [32,
33] and zebrafish [34, 35], where their mechanosensors’ arrangement is similar to birds’ accessory lobes. Another study
suggested that balance sensing exists in the bird’s body. After labyrinthectomy and spinal cord transection, birds can
still reflexively compensate for body rotations without the vision and vestibular sensing [51]. Here, the mechanosensing
function of the LSO is a potential explanation.
The hypothesized LSO sensing mechanism can be essential for birds’ exceptional locomotion agility. As agile locomotion
requires fast sensing and action, the LSO potentially provides fast state feedback by minimizing the time required for
detecting accelerations and sending the corresponding signals (Figure 1). On one hand, the body accelerations, as a
result of contact with environments, can be transmitted to the spinal canal and the LSO through bones in the form
of shock wave. The shock wave transmitted through bones [52, 53] is at least one order of magnitudes faster than
the nerve conduction speed [54], allowing for fast acceleration detection. On the other hand, the close integration of
LSO to the spinal cord greatly reduces the nerve conduction delays, and the output signals are likely integrated to the
central pattern generator circuits for limb coordination [19, 25, 26]. Moreover, the fast state feedback is increasingly
important for larger birds. An extreme example is the ancestor of birds—dinosaur, as the extended nerve fiber may
prohibit in-time muscle response. Coincidently, recent fossil records of dinosaurs have identified a lumbosacral canal
enlargement similar to the birds’ [55], suggesting the importance of the LSO for evolutionary success.
While the mechanosensing hypothesis has been well established [16, 20, 22, 24], several key processes remain unsolved.
First, whether the spinal soft tissue can move relative to the spinal canal is still questionable. So far, we have been
able to observe only a small amount of soft tissue motion in chicken [42]. Second, assuming the soft tissue can move,
can truck movement entrain the spinal soft tissue motion? Further, how the morphologies and material properties
shape the LSO response? In this work, we aim to understand this entrainment behavior. Third, supposing the soft
tissue entrainment exists, how the neural circuits process the mechanoreceptors’ signals and how the signals can be
mapped to what kinds of sensing modalities is still unknown.
To answer the above questions, the main challenge is the inaccessibility of the LSO. Birds’ spinal canal is densely
fused, making in vivo measurement of the soft tissue movement and the mechanosensor activity almost impossible.
Numerical simulation is not viable due to the complex interaction among the viscoelastic tissue, the spinal fluid,
and the rigid spinal canal. Moreover, large deformation of viscoelastic materials are poorly predicted in simulation.
Alternatively, we propose using biophysical simulation to study the entrainment mechanics of the LSO. Biophysical
models are effective tools for testing the underlying mechanisms of biological systems [56, 57]. Benefiting from soft
robotic techniques, our LSO biophysical model is parametric, modular, and based on precise anatomical data [16]
(Figure 2). Testing different configurations of the biophysical model on our custom-developed locomotion simulator
(Figure 3) revealed how individual morphology and material property affect the LSO response (Table 4).
The biophysical model confirmed the mobility of the soft tissue. Although the model is not a one-to-one copy
of its biological reference, the underlining physics is the same. The models were carefully crafted to account for
the appropriate physical forces acting on the model, such as the gravitational forces, buoyant forces, locomotion
accelerations. As long as we are able to measure notable soft tissue motion, we can trust a similar soft tissue motion
will exist in the biological LSO. As expected, all models have shown typical mass-spring-damper response (Figure 4).
In entrainment phase, the settling time conveys how fast a model responds to external oscillation and provides an
intuition of the model’s temporal sensitivity. In steady phase, assuming the soft tissue displacement is in proportional
to the mechanosensing signal intensity, the peak-to-peak amplitude indicates the signal strength. In damping phase,
the decay rate shows how fast the LSO resets after a locomotion stop. We consider that an effective mechanosensor
rapidly fades out oscillations through fluid damping and lossy tissue deformations. Here, we observed a distinct
damped oscillation frequency, ranged between 3.5 Hz to 4.5 Hz, which overlaps with locomotion frequencies of running
birds of 3 Hz to 5 Hz [58–60]. Note that the damped oscillation frequency is an approximation of the resonant frequency
[61]. A resonating LSO will increase the oscillation amplitude, potentially increasing the sensor signal intensity. We
did not perform a system identification test to determine the precise mass-spring-damper parameters, as our goal was
to understand the impact of morphological variations to the LSO response, rather than systematically investigate an
artificial system. In particular, we focus on the glycogen body density, the spinal canal size and morphology.
The glycogen body density showed notable influence on the soft tissue oscillation (Figure 5). We implemented the
glycogen body denser than the spinal cord and the spinal fluid. In simplified mass-spring-damper systems, higher
masses tend to oscillate at lower frequencies. We indeed observed a small reduction in the damped oscillation frequency
between model-2 and 3 with higher glycogen body densities; from averaged 4.8 Hz to 4.4 Hz, which again confirmed the
mass-spring-damper behavior. The increased glycogen body density is associated with higher peak-to-peak amplitude
(Figure 5A). Since the peak-to-peak amplitude is assumed to connect with signal strength, the denser glycogen
body could act as a signal amplifier. Consequently, running birds that experience higher vertical accelerations could
feature a low-density glycogen body, leading to a signal intensity similar to flying or swimming birds with low-
acceleration locomotion modes. As such, the glycogen body density could adjust the acceleration measurement range,
i.e., amplifying small acceleration with high density, or suppressing excessive acceleration with low density. Varying
glycogen body densities could have developed as a trade-off between LSO responsiveness and protection. Sudden
perturbations during locomotion can lead to high accelerations, potentially damaging the spinal cord tissue. Spinal
fluid and ligaments would reduce soft tissue motions through fluid buoyancy, damping, and ligament elasticity [62].
We think buoyancy could protect the best if tissue densities are similar to the surrounding fluid. Too high or low
density would lead to sinking or flotation. Hence, two or more opposing motivations exist; feature a neutrally buoyant
density to protect the spinal cord, and increase glycogen body density for sufficiently high peak-to-peak amplitude.
The spinal canal dimensions with submillimeter flow classifies as a micro-fluid environment, with high fluid resistance
slowing the flow and dampening oscillations. The dimension of lumbosacral canal expansion has been a central question
in the functional hypothesis of the LSO [14, 16, 24, 27, 63]. As expected, a narrow spinal canal led to smaller peak-
to-peak amplitude and higher decay rate as a result of high damping, in contrast to a large-diameter spinal canal
(Figure 6). The high damping has two main effects on the LSO sensing mechanism. First, it suppresses excessive
spinal cord deflection during high acceleration events, such as strong perturbations, protecting the spinal cord tissue.
Second, the resulting high decay rate enhances fast sensor reset. When locomotion stops, the damped oscillation will
continue simulating the mechanosensors and generating signals. In this scenario, these signals may become noise and
should be minimized as soon as possible. Therefore, the spinal canal expansion could have been optimized for the
damping term of a mass-spring-damper system.
Additionally, the spinal canal enlargement features different fine structure among different birds [16, 24, 42]. From our
preliminary scanning data of swan, pigeon, quail and chicken, selected to represent diverse locomotion modalities, we
observed different shape of semi-circular grooves and ventral dip. We studied whether these fine structures would play
an important role in the LSO response by testing the combinations of semi-circular grooves and ventral dip (Figure 7).
Vertical spinal cord motions will displace fluid inside the volume-constant spinal canal; when the spinal cord moves
up, the spinal fluid is pushed down. We can assume that fluid of the same volume is moved against the spinal cord
motion. Lateral gaps and, possibly, semi-circular grooves will guide the flow between the spinal cord and the inner
spinal canal [22, 24]. In quails [16], only small flow space is available laterally—between 0.3 mm to 0.8 mm—which
we mimicked in model-4 to 7 (Table 2). Models with extra dorsal structures showed larger peak-to-peak amplitude
and lower decay rates, compared to canals without (Figure 7). Hence, the laterally and dorsally extending semi-
circular grooves could act as fluid reliefs or flow channels [16, 24, 48]. Model-5 featuring the ventral dip behaved
somewhat unexpectedly. Albeit a larger fluid space, it caused a higher decay rate compared to the narrow-canal
model-7 (Figure 7). We conclude that model-5’s ventral dip might have dampened the oscillations. Although the
spinal canal we developed is highly simplified compared to our reference quail model (Figure 2), small modifications
to the canal morphology has already led to considerable different responses (Figure 7). Hence, the spinal canal fine
structure diversifies the LSO response, likely associated with the locomotion modality of birds. For example, we expect
more pronounced semi-circular grooves and ventral dip for swimmers and divers, since the lack of visual cues and low
body acceleration might require higher sensitivity. To better understand the function of spinal canal fine structure in
relation to locomotion modality and LSO response, a more realistic spinal canal modelling is required.
While our three hypotheses have been validated, there are several directions for future improvement. Our locomotion
simulator (Figure 3) is limited to only one degree of freedom (DoF), while real-world locomotion acceleration is in 3D
space and has six DoFs. This was because suitable motion simulators capable of highly dynamic motion in six DoFs
were not affordable. As a starting point, we custom-developed our own motion simulator, and open sourced the design
for barrier-free research. Nevertheless, this platform was sufficient to prove the feasibility of our biophysical simulation
framework. In the future, a 6-DoF motion simulator [64] will allow testing the LSO response under rolling, yawing,
pitching, etc. We also expect to improve the biophysical model design by instrumentation. By adding strain or pressure
sensors at the location of the mechanoreceptors (Figure 1), testing the differential mechanosensing mechanism [16]
will be possible.
If we can successfully map the strain or pressure signals to the body accelerations in six DoFs,
we close the loop of the mechanosensing hypothesis as shown in Figure 1. More importantly, the improved and
instrumented framework will permit the correlation of LSO sensitivity on specific DoF. For instance, the topology of
the mechanosensors in LSO may have been optimized to predict heaving, pitching, and rolling, which are the dominant
motions for most birds.
Overall, our biophysical simulation framework emphasizes the notion of understanding through creation, also known
as “What I cannot create, I do not understand.” We expect creating the “physical twins” of the LSO will be a power
tool to improve our understanding of it.
5 Conclusions
We developed a simplified, modular, biophysical model of the lumbosacral organ of birds to advance our understanding
of this system. Models were mounted to an instrumented setup that simulated vertical oscillations and recorded the
model response. We presented results that support the central hypothesis that external motion, such as running,
leads to measurable LSO spinal cord movement. The glycogen body density has a strong impact on the LSO response
intensity. We found that narrow spinal canal reduces soft tissue motions through the effects of damping, effectively
protecting the spinal cord. The spinal canal fine structure potentially associated with locomotion modalities of
different birds. In this work, we focus on understanding the mechanics of the LSO. In the future, we expect to test
the mechanosensing mechanism with a more elaborate LSO model and a 6-DoF locomotion simulator.
Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and the International Max
Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems (IMPRS-IS).
Data availability: The biophysical model design has been uploaded as part of the supplementary material.
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The Annals of Applied Statistics
2015, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1484–1509
DOI: 10.1214/15-AOAS833
In the Public Domain
By J. R. Lockwood∗, Terrance D. Savitsky†
and Daniel F. McCaffrey∗
Educational Testing Service∗ and U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics†
Ratings of teachers’ instructional practices using standardized
classroom observation instruments are increasingly being used for
both research and teacher accountability. There are multiple instru-
ments in use, each attempting to evaluate many dimensions of teach-
ing and classroom activities, and little is known about what underly-
ing teaching quality attributes are being measured. We use data from
multiple instruments collected from 458 middle school mathematics
and English language arts teachers to inform research and practice on
teacher performance measurement by modeling latent constructs of
high-quality teaching. We make inferences about these constructs us-
ing a novel approach to Bayesian exploratory factor analysis (EFA)
that, unlike commonly used approaches for identifying factor load-
ings in Bayesian EFA, is invariant to how the data dimensions are
ordered. Applying this approach to ratings of lessons reveals two dis-
tinct teaching constructs in both mathematics and English language
arts: (1) quality of instructional practices; and (2) quality of teacher
management of classrooms. We demonstrate the relationships of these
constructs to other indicators of teaching quality, including teacher
content knowledge and student performance on standardized tests.
1. Introduction. National, state and local education policy is undergoing
a dramatic shift focused on individual teacher accountability. Encouraged
by federal initiatives such as the Race to the Top grant competition, state
legislation mandating that teacher evaluations based on individual perfor-
mance measures be used for consequential decisions such as pay or retention
is rapidly diffusing across the nation. Numerous instruments for measuring
the quality of teaching are being used or developed, including measures of
Received June 2014; revised March 2015.
1Supported in part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (52048).
Key words and phrases. Teaching quality, teacher value-added, Bayesian hierarchical
models, ordinal data, latent variable models.
This is an electronic reprint of the original article published by the
Institute of Mathematical Statistics in The Annals of Applied Statistics,
2015, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1484–1509. This reprint differs from the original in pagination
and typographic detail.
instructional practices, teacher subject-matter and pedagogical knowledge,
quality and rigor of work assigned to students, student perceptions of teacher
quality, and student learning outcomes [Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
(2013)]. While there is general agreement that these measures are impor-
tant, it is not well understood what underlying constructs define “teaching
quality” and to what extent different measures capture these constructs.
We do know that the quality of teachers’ instructional practice is modest
for the majority of teachers in research studies [Gitomer et al. (2014), Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation (2013)]. We also know that student achieve-
ment in the United States lags behind other countries and falls short of our
own national standards [Peterson et al. (2011)]. The goal of restructuring
teacher evaluation systems is to change these circumstances by improving
the average quality of teaching in the teacher workforce.
Yet, without understanding the underlying constructs that define teaching
quality, it is difficult to design systems to achieve this goal. If the constructs
that define high-quality teaching are not easily malleable, the most effective
systems might focus on hiring strong teachers and firing weak teachers [Gor-
don, Kane and Staiger (2006)]; however, if the constructs are not intrinsic to
individuals, then systems might instead focus on improving teaching prac-
tice through professional development. Therefore, both what constructs to
measure and how to use those measures to take action require understanding
what makes an effective teacher capable of promoting student learning.
We contribute to this goal by investigating the underlying constructs
of high-quality teaching using data from over 450 middle school teach-
ers who participated in the Understanding Teacher Quality (UTQ) study
( The data include ratings of participating teachers’ in-
structional practices from four different standardized instruments that were
developed from different theoretical perspectives on teaching quality. Our
primary research question is whether those perspectives are defining common
or distinct teaching quality constructs, which we address using exploratory
factor analysis (EFA) on the instructional practice ratings to uncover la-
tent teaching quality attributes. We perform the factor analysis within a
latent hierarchical model for the ordinal instructional ratings to separate
the teacher-level variation, of direct interest, from the other sources of vari-
ance such as day-to-day lesson variation and errors introduced by the raters
who assign scores. We develop a novel Bayesian implementation of this model
that improves upon existing Bayesian approaches for EFA. We then examine
how estimated factor scores extracted from the instructional practice ratings
relate to assessments of teacher knowledge and teacher impacts on student
achievement growth to provide validity evidence about the latent constructs.
Collectively, our investigations provide an important step toward validating
commonly used measures as providing useful indicators of teaching quality,
and offer insight into the distinguishable components of teaching.
2. Understanding teaching quality data. The UTQ study took place in
middle schools of three large school systems from the same United States
metropolitan region. It includes 458 teachers teaching mathematics (n =
231) or English language arts (ELA; n = 227) to 6th–8th graders (typically
ages 11–14). Participation in the study was voluntary. Data were collected
over two years, with about half of the teachers participating in each year.
From each participating teacher we collected three types of measures: (1)
evaluations of instruction based on ratings of video-recorded lessons, (2)
scores on a teacher knowledge test, and (3) estimates of teachers’ effects on
student standardized achievement tests. In this section we describe the eval-
uations of instruction based on ratings of video-recorded lessons. We describe
the other two measures in Section 6.3 where we examine their relationships
to the constructs derived from the lesson ratings.
For each study teacher, four lessons were video recorded during the school
year. The study schools followed a traditional middle school format where
each teacher taught multiple classrooms across different periods of the day.
For each teacher we sampled two study classrooms, which we refer to as the
two different sections for that teacher, and for each section we recorded two
lessons from different days. For the purposes of applying the rating instru-
ments, a lesson is divided into a set of disjoint time intervals called segments
lasting seven, 15, 30 or 45 minutes, depending on the rating instrument.
Video-recorded lessons were rated using four different standardized ob-
servation instruments (or “protocols”), summarized in Table 1. Each in-
strument consists of multiple dimensions. The Classroom Assessment and
Scoring System [CLASS; Hamre et al. (2012)] measures 10 dimensions of
classroom interactions including the teachers’ management and organization
of the classroom, their engagement of and responsiveness to students, and
aspects of their instruction. The Framework for Teaching [FFT; Danielson
(2011)] consists of 11 dimensions focusing on the domains of classroom envi-
ronment and quality of instruction. The Protocol for Language Arts Teach-
ing Observations [PLATO; Grossman et al. (2010)] is specific to ELA and
defines 13 dimensions that measure specific instructional practices, strate-
gies for encouraging student participation, behavioral management and time
Table 1
Summary of protocols used to rate instructional practice
# Dimensions
Classroom Assessment & Scoring System
Framework for Teaching
Protocol for Language Arts Teaching
Mathematics Quality of Instruction
management. Finally, the Mathematical Quality of Instruction [MQI; Learn-
ing Mathematics for Teaching Project (2006)] evaluates various aspects of
mathematics instruction; for this study we focus on 8 of these dimensions.
Two of the instruments (CLASS and FFT) apply to both math and ELA
instruction, while the others (PLATO for ELA and MQI for math) are spe-
cific to only one subject. All four instruments use ordered scores intended
to record the level of quality expressed in each dimension. Further details
on the dimensions are provided in Table 2 in the Appendix.
Eleven raters conducted all scoring of the video-recorded lessons, six with
math expertise and five with ELA expertise. All raters scored using CLASS
and FFT. Only raters with the corresponding subject expertise scored us-
ing MQI and PLATO. Raters received extensive training in all instruments
and demonstrated proficiency prior to rating lessons. They also underwent
regular calibration checks for the duration of scoring to promote accuracy
in scores. See Casabianca, Lockwood and McCaffrey (2015) for details.
The lesson scoring data are multivariate with a combination of nested
and crossed structures. There are 458 teachers, 916 sections (two for each
teacher), 1828 video-recorded lessons (two for each section except for a tiny
amount of missing data) and 6141 segments (approximately 3–4 per lesson).
These units are structured hierarchically. Each lesson was scored on exactly
three instruments: CLASS, FFT, and one of PLATO or MQI. A scoring
event consists of a rater assigning a vector of scores to the dimensions of a
particular instrument for each segment of the lesson. For each instrument,
about 80% of the lessons were scored by a single rater, while the remainder
were scored by two separate raters. The rating process introduces partial
crossing because for each instrument, each rater scored lessons from multiple
different teachers and sections, but all raters do not score lessons from all
teachers on any instrument, and no lessons were scored by all raters.
Our goal was to test if teaching quality observed in classrooms can be de-
composed into a lower-dimensional set of latent teaching quality constructs.
We used the ratings data on all dimensions of the observation instruments
(34 dimensions across three instruments for ELA, and 29 dimensions across
three instruments for math) to conduct EFA at the teacher level. The mea-
surement structure for the instructional practice ratings is complex when
viewing the scores as indicators of constructs for individual teachers: we
have multivariate ordinal categorical data from multiple instruments, and all
scores are contaminated by errors related to the particular sections, lessons,
and raters who scored the lesson, with errors at all levels potentially being
correlated across dimensions. As demonstrated by McCaffrey et al. (2015),
not accounting for these errors can distort inferences about factor structure
at the teacher level. Likelihood approaches to estimating factor structure at
the teacher level would be challenged by the large number of dimensions, the
ordinal data, and the mixed hierarchical and crossed measurement structure.
Bayesian approaches simplify the estimation of a model requiring integra-
tion over so many latent variables where both the teacher factor structure
and aspects of the measurement process are modeled. We thus proceed in
Section 3 by presenting a hierarchical model for the ratings which includes
a standard exploratory factor model at the teacher level. We then present a
method for conducting Bayesian EFA to yield interpretable factors to sup-
port our goal of understanding the constructs of teaching, starting with a
discussion of a practical problem with Bayesian EFA in Section 4, then turn-
ing to our solution to that problem in Section 5. We present results of our
application in Section 6 and concluding remarks in Section 7.
3. Model for instructional ratings data.
3.1. Relating observations to latent effects. We model the data from each
subject (math and ELA) separately. For each subject, the data consist of
vectors of scores from N scoring events. For a scoring event, a rater, using
one of the three instruments, assigned scores on all the dimensions of the
instrument for a segment of a lesson taught by one of the study teachers to
one of two of the study sections for that teacher. We index such observations
by i. For each subject, the data have j = 1, . . . , Nteach teachers and we use ji
to identify the teacher whose lesson was scored in observation i. Similarly,
there are s = 1, . . . , Nsect sections and v = 1, . . . , Nlesson lessons, and we use
si and vi to denote the section and lesson corresponding to observation i.
Finally, there are r = 1, . . . , Nrater raters for each subject and ri denotes the
rater who conducted observation i. We let
Pi denote the instrument (proto-
col) used for scoring observation i. For math,
. We let yi denote the vector of scores
for ELA,
assigned by the rater for observation i and yid be the score on dimension d,
d = 1, . . . , DPi . Each yid takes one of a discrete set of possible ordinal scores
that depends on the protocol, yid ∈ {
We assume that each ordinal score yid has a latent tid such that
1, . . . , LPi}
Pi ∈ {
Pi ∈ {
yid = ℓ
∈ {
1, . . . , LPi} ⇔
γPi,d,ℓ−1 < tid ≤
(µid, 1),
∼ N
as described in Albert and Chib (1993), Congdon (2005), Johnson (1996)
and Savitsky and McCaffrey (2014). We model µi = (µi1, . . . , µiDPi ) as
µi = δji,Pi + φsi,Pi + θvi,Pi + κri,Pi + ζvi,ri,Pi,
where δji,Pi = the vector of teacher effects for teacher ji; φsi,Pi = the vector
of section effects for section si; θvi,Pi = the vector of lesson effects for lesson
vi; κri,Pi = the vector of rater effects for rater ri; and ζvi,ri,Pi = the vector
of rater by lesson effects for lesson vi and rater ri. Each is a vector of DPi
effects for the dimensions of protocol
The model for µi does not include terms for either segments or rater by
segment interactions. Hence, any variability in scores due to those sources
µid), which is specified as 1. In addition, any nonzero
is captured by Var(tid|
covariances in rater errors in the dimension scores for a segment, like those
found by McCaffrey et al. (2015), will contribute to the covariances among
the elements of the rater by lesson effects, ζvi,ri,Pi.
j,FFT, δ′
j,CLASS, δ′
Our goal is to study the structure among the dimensions from all the
protocols used in each subject. Hence, we need to jointly model the ran-
dom effects from all the protocols. To do this for math teachers, we de-
fine for each teacher j = 1, . . . , Nteach the combined vector of teacher effects
δj = (δ′
j,MQI)′ with elements δjq for q = 1, . . . , Dmath, where
Dmath = DCLASS +DFFT +DMQI = 29, the total number of dimensions across
the three protocols. We use the subscript j rather than ji because we are
referring to the effects for teacher j that apply to all of the observations
i for which he or she is the corresponding teacher. We similarly define φs
and θv for the classes and lessons, and κr for the raters. The rater by les-
son interactions are protocol-specific because any given rater uses only one
protocol to score any given lesson. Hence, we do not use combined vectors
for these effects. We define the analogous set of combined teacher, section,
lesson, and rater random effect vectors for the ELA data. These vectors have
DELA = 34 elements corresponding to the total number of dimensions in the
three protocols used to score ELA observations.
and γP,d,LP =
, we define γP,d,0 =
3.2. Model for the latent effects. To complete the model, we need to
specify priors for the cutpoints that link the ordinal observed scores to the
latent variables, and priors for the random effects. For a given dimension d
of a protocol
, but must specify
priors for the remaining LP
1 cutpoints. These cutpoints can be estimated
from the data because (1) we fixed the conditional variance of tid to be 1;
(2) multiple scores given by an individual rater to segments from the same
lesson share a common µid; and (3) the marginal mean of µid = 0 since, as
discussed below, each of the latent effects in equation (3.1) is mean zero. To
specify the prior for unknown cutpoints, we follow Ishwaran (2000) and as-
Uniform(0, 100),
sume γd,ℓ ≡
without order restrictions. We selected this prior as a possible means of im-
proving mixing on draws for the cutpoints [Savitsky and McCaffrey (2014)].
combined effects from all three protocols for teachers in each subject area:
For teacher effects, we specify a factor model for the D
l=1 exp(ρd,l), where ρd,l ∼ N
d ) and τd
1 vectors
(0, τ 2
δj = Ληj + εj.
Here Λ is the D
K loadings matrix and ηj is the K
1 vector of fac-
tor scores for teacher j, where K denotes the number of factors. We drop
the subject-specific subscript in D to simplify the presentation, but the di-
∼ ND(0, U),
mensions will differ for math and ELA. The uniqueness is εj
where U is the diagonal matrix of uniqueness variances. We specify ηj ∼
NK(0, IK ) to identify the scale of loadings. Marginalizing over the factors
gives Cov(δj) = ΛΛ′ + U = Q + U, with communality, Q, and uniqueness,
U. Additional information about our prior distributions for the loadings and
uniqueness variances are in Section 5.1. We model the remaining random ef-
fects from equation (3.1) as multivariate Gaussian with mean zero and a
precision matrix that has a Wishart prior with an identity scale matrix and
degrees of freedom equal to one plus the dimension of the random effect
3.3. Identification issues in EFA. A well-known limitation of the factor
model (3.2) is that there is no unique set of loadings. Orthogonal rotations
of the loadings and factor scores yield identical values of δ. For any K
orthogonal rotation matrix P′, if Λ∗ = ΛP′ and η∗ = Pη, then Λ∗η∗ =
ΛP′Pη = Λη. The loadings are not identified by the likelihood; rather, the
communality matrix Q is identified. That is, for any D
K full-column rank
loadings matrices, Λ and Λ∗ where Λ∗ = ΛP′ for some K
K orthogonal
rotation matrix, Q∗ = Λ∗Λ∗′
is equal to Q = ΛΛ′. In maximum likelihood
(MLE) inference, the lack of identification of the loadings is resolved by
picking an arbitrary Λ such that ΛΛ′ =
QMLE and then rotating Λ to meet
criteria for interpretability. A common goal is to seek a rotation that results
in a so-called “simple structure” of the loadings where each dimension loads
relatively strongly on one factor and weakly on all others. Simple structure
is encouraged by choosing loadings that optimize an external criterion such
as varimax [Kaiser (1958)] or related criteria [Browne (2001)]. However, we
want to conduct a Bayesian analysis and determine if a simple interpretable
factor structure exits. Bayesian methods to identify the factors use different
criteria, so we must modify the traditional methods, which we now describe.
4. Bayesian EFA. Bayesian EFA models commonly identify loadings sep-
arately from factors by restricting the structure of the loadings matrix to be
lower triangular, with nonnegative diagonals to account for sign reflections,
and then specifying priors for the free parameters of the resulting constrained
loadings matrix [Geweke and Zhou (1996), Lopes and West (2004)].1 This
1Note lower triangular structure is not required for identification. Identification requires
elements of the columns of the loadings matrix to be zero but the ordering of those columns
does not matter.
restriction yields a unique loadings representation [Fr¨uwirth-Schnatter and
Lopes (2013)]. The row index of each leading nonzero factor loading increases
from left to right along the diagonal under the lower triangular restriction.
The dimension associated with a leading nonzero loading for a factor is
referred to as a “founder” dimension for that factor [Carvalho et al. (2008)].
This approach has a few disadvantages for our application. First, the re-
striction to lower triangular loadings matrices is not substantively motivated.
This restriction is chosen solely for identification. In other applications, lower
triangular loadings may support a substantive interpretation and these con-
straints may be appropriate; see, for example, Hahn, Carvalho and Scott
(2012). However, that is not the case with teacher observations.
Second, the lower triangular restriction induces a prior for the commu-
nality Q that is sensitive to the ordering of the dimensions [Bhattacharya
and Dunson (2011), Carvalho et al. (2008), Fr¨uwirth-Schnatter and Lopes
(2013), McParland et al. (2014)]. Specifically, assuming exchangeable prior
distributions for nonzero loadings under the lower triangular restriction, the
induced prior distributions for elements of Q associated with founder di-
mensions [Carvalho et al. (2008)] are different than those for elements of Q
associated with other dimensions. Thus, for given matrices Q and Q∗ where
Q∗ equals Q with its row and column elements permuted as they would
be if we permuted the order of the variables, the induced prior probability
on Q does not equal the induced prior probability on Q∗. Our inferences
about communalities, and consequently about any rotation of the loadings,
would be sensitive to variable ordering. This is unlike the MLE EFA so-
lution, where the permutation invariance of the likelihood function implies
that a permutation of
MLE under the
permuted data, and so inferences with respect to any optimized rotation
criterion that does not depend on variable ordering will also be permutation
QMLE is equal to the MLE solution
The sensitivity to variable ordering is potentially problematic in our appli-
cation. We are interested in factor structure at the teacher level, which must
be inferred with only about 225 teachers per subject using coarsened ordinal
data subject to multiple sources of nuisance measurement error (e.g., sec-
tions, lessons, segments and raters). The amount of data information about
the constructs of interest may not overwhelm the prior distribution, leav-
ing us potentially vulnerable to sensitivities to variable ordering imposed by
the prior. Also, the computational burdens of estimating the model in Sec-
tion 3 precludes trying many different orderings of the variables to explore
sensitivity of the findings. Thus, our goal was to use a prior distribution
that is exchangeable across dimensions so that the prior probability on any
communality matrix Q equals the prior probability on PQP′, where P is a
D) permutation matrix. When combined with an exchangeable prior
distribution for the uniqueness variances U, this would provide Bayesian
EFA inferences that shared the same permutation invariance as MLE EFA.
4.1. Alternative Bayesian identification strategies. An alternative to sam-
pling loadings is to sample the communality and derive loadings from it. The
communality is identified and, moreover, every Q defines a unique infinite
set of loadings matrices Λ, such that ΛΛ′ = Q. Hence, if a satisfactory prior
for the communality can be specified, inferences about loadings can be made
by setting a rule to select a loading matrix from the set of loadings associated
with the communality. However, because the communality is not full rank,
standard conjugate or other widely used priors for random positive definite
symmetric matrices cannot be used. Carmeci (2009) directly samples the
rank-deficient Q through a Metropolis–Hastings scheme with a prior distri-
bution specified as a mixture of singular Wishart distributions. He pointed
out that his approach is computationally burdensome compared to directly
sampling the loadings matrix, such that it is recommended only for small
and medium size factor models. Given we have 34 dimensions for ELA and
29 for math and we are conducting EFA in the context of a cross-classified,
hierarchical, ordinal data model, which also increases computational time,
this solution was unacceptable for our case study. His approach also requires
a specialized MCMC sampler, and we were interested in an approach that
could be straightforwardly coded in the BUGS language.
Carvalho et al. (2008) use the lower triangular restriction and incorporate
selection of founders into their model to find dimensions with high proba-
bilities for having nonzero founder loadings, though they did not address
nonexchangeability of the induced priors for the communality parameters
among the dimensions. Fr¨uwirth-Schnatter and Lopes (2013) addressed the
prior sensitivity to dimension ordering by making inferences about a gener-
alized lower triangular matrix, which is a matrix in which all the elements
above the diagonal are zero but some of the diagonal and lower triangular
elements can be zero. As with the lower triangular matrix, we did not have a
specific substantive interest in loadings from the generalized lower triangular
matrix. Fr¨uwirth-Schnatter and Lopes (2013) state that their method “han-
dles the ordering problem in a more flexible way” (page 4), but they do not
specifically address the issue of exchangeability of the induced prior on the
communalities. Moreover, even if their approach induces an exchangeable
prior, their method requires a specialized MCMC sampler.
Bhattacharya and Dunson (2011) introduce a class of shrinkage priors
intended to estimate reduced-rank covariance matrices for high-dimensional
data. This can be used to obtain a permutation-invariant prior distribution
for Q, but by construction will tend to shrink away weakly expressed factors.
In our application we anticipated that factors could be weakly expressed be-
cause of both the possible subtleties inherent to effective teaching and the
fact that our measures on teachers are contaminated by relatively large mea-
surement errors at the section, lesson and rating level. We thus determined
this approach would not be suitable for our application. Rather, we blend
the ideas of Bhattacharya and Dunson (2011) of obtaining a permutation-
invariant prior distribution for Q with the parameter-expansion approach
to parameterizing loadings of Ghosh and Dunson (2009) to induce a prior
distribution for Q that is better tuned to our application. We next describe
our prior specification and our procedure for determining identified loadings.
5. Permutation-invariant Bayesian EFA. We use a three-step approach
to sample communalities and derive our final loadings estimates in a man-
ner that yields permutation-invariant inferences about loadings for the fac-
tor structure. In the first step we model the elements of an unrestricted Λ
with exchangeable prior distributions to induce a prior distribution on the
communality Q that is permutation invariant. When combined with an ex-
changeable prior for the uniqueness variances U, this achieves the goal of
having a permutation-invariant prior distribution for Cov(δj) = Q + U. In
the second step, we rotate sampled Λ to obtain loadings with simple struc-
ture using the varimax criterion [Kaiser (1958)]. Finally, because loadings
meeting the varimax criterion are not unique (2K K! solutions exist by per-
muting or changing the signs of columns of any given solution), the third
step of our approach reorients the varimax rotations draw by draw to move
them all to a common orientation. We describe each of these steps in turn.
5.1. Exchangeable priors on loadings and uniqueness. The key require-
ments of our approach are (1) to place no restrictions on the elements λdk
of the working loadings matrices Λ (e.g., do not use lower triangular restric-
tions); and (2) to use exchangeable prior distributions for the λdk. These two
G[ij](q) is the induced prior for the row i and column
conditions ensure that if
j element of Q, then
G[ii](q) =
for any i, j, i′, j′ where both i
= j′. That is, there is one common
exchangeable prior for the diagonal elements of Q and another common ex-
changeable prior for the off-diagonal elements. This makes the induced prior
for Q invariant to permutations of the data dimensions.
G[i′i′](q) for any i and i′ and
= j and i′
G[ij](q) =
Any exchangeable prior distribution for λdk would suffice, including IID,
but we adopt the parameter expansion approach of Ghosh and Dunson
(2009) to improve mixing of the working loadings. We use the following
reparameterized model:
δj = Λ#η#
j + εj,
∼ N
(0, Φ−1),
Φ = diag(φ1, . . . , φK ),
where the elements λ#
mal priors and φ−1
dk of Λ# are modeled with independent standard nor-
k are IID Gamma(a, b) with common mean a/b and vari-
ance a/b2. We use a = b = 1.5. The inverse transforms λdk = λ#
ηjk = η#
remove the redundant Φ and induce a marginal t prior for λdk.
To complete the permutation invariance of the prior distribution for the
factor model, we also need an exchangeable prior on the diagonal elements of
U, udd, d = 1, . . . , D. Following the common approach, u−1
dd are IID
Gamma(a, b) with a = b = 1.5. Again, any exchangeable prior would suf-
fice. We also tested sensitivity to an alternative prior distribution where the
square roots of the udd were modeled as IID uniform [Gelman (2006)]. Infer-
ences about the latent teaching constructs and their relationships to other
teaching quality indicators were not sensitive to this alternative prior.
5.2. The varimax rotation.
In the second step, for each Λb, b = 1, . . . , B
sampled from the posterior where B is the total number of MCMC samples,
we rotate Λb to obtain loadings satisfying the varimax criterion [Kaiser
(1958)]. Specifically, given a candidate loadings matrix Λ, the varimax cri-
terion results in loadings ΛRV (Λ) where
RV (Λ) = arg max
dk −
and (ΛR)dk denotes the d, k element of the matrix ΛR. The notation RV (Λ)
is used to emphasize that the chosen rotation matrix depends on the input
matrix Λ. However, the final varimax loadings ΛRV (Λ) are specific to the
communality matrix Q in that if Λ and Λ∗ satisfy ΛΛ′ = Λ∗Λ∗′
= Q, then
ΛRV (Λ) = Λ∗RV (Λ∗) up to an equivalence class of 2K K! matrices that
differ by 2K column sign reflections and K! column permutations. That
is, for a given Q there are 2K K! loadings matrices that meet the varimax
criterion, differing only by column order and sign. For each draw we obtain
RV (Λb) and ΛV b = ΛbRV (Λb). However, we cannot guarantee that all draws
are oriented to the same column ordering and sign. Hence, by using the
varimax criterion to select loadings for interpretable factors, we reduced the
infinite dimensional problem of selecting a loadings matrix from Q to a
2K K! dimensional problem of selecting the orientation of varimax solutions.
5.3. Identifying varimax loadings.
In our final step we reorient the vari-
max loadings from each draw, ΛV b, to a common orientation. The need for
post hoc reorientation of samples to deal with indeterminacies in Bayesian
factor analysis is commonplace, and our approach is similar to ones devel-
oped by Hoff, Raftery and Handcock (2002), Fr¨uwirth-Schnatter and Lopes
(2013), Erosheva and Curtis (2013) and McParland et al. (2014), as well as
that of Stephens (2000) for mixture models.
Following Hoff, Raftery and Handcock (2002) and McParland et al. (2014),
we select the orientation ΛV b which makes each of its columns closest, in
tr[(ΛV b∗
ΛV bTb)]
Euclidean distance, to the columns of a reference matrix. That is, for a given
target ΛV b∗ we find the matrix Tb that minimizes
ΛV bTb)′(ΛV b∗
among all of the 2K K! matrices which equal a K-dimensional identity ma-
1. We find Tb by
trix with its rows permuted and multiplied by either 1 or
testing all the reorientation matrices and selecting the one that minimizes
the distance, which for small values of K of interest in our application is not
computationally expensive. To define our target, we draw a “pivot” ΛV b∗
at random. We reorient all the ΛV b to ΛV b∗ . We then calculate the vector
of mean loadings across all draws under the reorientation decisions and use
this mean as the pivot in the next iteration of the algorithm. We iterate
until convergence of the mean, which implies convergence of the reorienta-
tion decisions. As a final step, we examine the orientation of the converged
mean and apply a single sign relabeling step to all draws that gives the
varimax loadings a desired interpretation. We refer to the final reoriented
. In Section 6.2 and in the supplemental material
varimax loadings by
[Lockwood, Savitsky and McCaffrey (2015)], we present evidence that our
into a common, interpretable
algorithm successfully translated the
orientation for the
. Our approach is similar to the method of Hoff,
Raftery and Handcock (2002). They also use equation (5.1) to select load-
ings; however, they use the criterion to select not only the column permu-
tations and sign reflections, but also the rotation. They find a closed form
for the solution. Because we want to use the varimax rotation, we cannot
use their solution. They also use an external target. Because we do not have
such a target, we use our iterative procedure instead.
ΛV b}
ΛF b}
ΛF b}
Rotation of the working loadings
ΛF b}
ηF b}
necessitates rotation of the sampled factor scores
concordant with final loadings. Elementary linear algebra can be used to
show that the required orthogonal rotation is ηF b = Λ′
bΛb)−1ηb. We
use these factor scores in our second stage analysis examining the relation-
ships between latent teaching constructs inferred from the classroom obser-
vation scores and other teacher quality indicators.
to the final varimax loadings
to factor scores
F bΛb(Λ′
Taken together, our three-step approach (exchangeable prior distribu-
tions, draw-by-draw varimax rotation and reorientation of varimax draws
to a common orientation) provides Bayesian EFA inferences that are in-
variant to permutations of the data dimensions. The chosen prior distri-
butions provide permutation-invariant posterior distributions for Q and U.
The varimax criterion is itself permutation invariant because it is constant
across reordering of rows. Finally, the relabeling algorithm depends on only
Euclidean distances and, consequently, behaves identically across different
orders of the variables. Thus, we can be confident that our inferences about
the factor structure, loadings and factor scores are not sensitive to the ar-
bitrary choice about how the variables are ordered.
6. Analysis of instructional ratings data.
6.1. Model selection. Our model assumes a known number of factors K,
but we need to determine K from our data. We evaluated possible values of
K using the log pseudo marginal likelihood (LPML) leave-one-out fit statis-
tic as described in Congdon (2005). The LPML calculations use importance
sampling reweighting of the posterior distributions over model parameters to
estimate the conditional predictive ordinate f (yi|
y−i, K) [Geisser and Eddy
(1979)], where y−i denotes all data vectors excluding yi. The LPML for a
y−i, K)). The leave-one-
i=1 f (yi|
given value of K is then defined as log(
out property induces a penalty for model complexity and helps to assess the
possibility for overfitting.
The LPML statistic has nontrivial Monte Carlo error for chains of the
length that we could feasibly post-process. Hence, we based our calculations
on five independent chains for each K = 1, . . . , 5 and for each subject. We
average values across chains to produce our final LPML estimates for each
K and subject. We adapted each chain for 1000 iterations, and then ran
each chain for an additional 80,000 iterations, discarding the first 50,000 for
burn-in. We used the Gelman–Rubin statistics to assess convergence of the
elements of Q and U and they all had values near 1. Posterior sampling
for our models is conducted in the Just Another Gibbs Sampler (JAGS)
platform of Plummer (2003).
To further evaluate the appropriate number of factors, we also examined
the eigenvalues of the correlation matrix for δ. To estimate the eigenvalues,
we fit the EFA model with K = 10 factors at the teacher level, calculated
the correlation matrix and its eigenvalues from each draw of Q + U, and
used the posterior distribution of the ordered eigenvalues for our inferences.
We used Horn’s parallel analysis [Horn (1965)] which compares the esti-
mated eigenvalues to those that would be obtained if the dimensions were
actually independent. Let ˜ξ1, . . . , ˜ξ10 equal the posterior means of the or-
dered eigenvalues of Q + U. We generated 100,000 independent samples of
Nteach D-dimensional independent Gaussian random vectors and for each
sample estimated the ordered eigenvalues of the sample correlation matrix.
Let ˆξ1, . . . , ˆξ10 equal the 95th percentiles across the 100,000 samples of the
first 10 ordered eigenvalues. Horn’s parallel analysis selects K as the largest
value such that ˜ξK > ˆξK , that is, the largest K for which the correspond-
ing eigenvalue estimated from the data would be unlikely to occur if the
dimensions were truly independent. Finally, we also evaluated the simple
structure of the loadings for interpretability, examined their credible inter-
vals, and compared the factor scores to the teacher knowledge test scores
and student achievement growth to assess whether the factors appeared to
be identifying meaningful attributes of teaching.
Fig. 1. Estimated LPML by subject for models with K = 1, . . . , 5 factors. Black triangles
equal the average from five independent chains and gray dots are the values for each chain.
Larger values indicate better fit.
Figure 1 presents the estimated LPML for both math and ELA. Since
larger values of LPML indicate better fit, for both subjects, K > 3 is clearly
too many factors. For math, K = 1 appears to yield a poorly fitting model
as well. The best fit for math is for K = 2, but the variability across chains is
large for K = 3 and the fit statistic does not rule out K = 3. Also, as shown
in Figure 2, the parallel analysis suggests K = 3 as a plausible number of
Fig. 2. Horn parallel analysis to assess the number of factors by subject. Dots equal the
posterior mean of the eigenvalues of the estimated correlation matrix for latent teacher
level dimension scores from a model with K = 10. Gray bars are the 95% credible intervals
for the eigenvalues. The dotted line is the 95th percentile for the eigenvalues of a corre-
lation matrix estimated from a sample of D-dimensional vectors of independent random
Gaussian variables. The suggested number of factors is the largest value of K such that
the corresponding mean eigenvalue is greater than the dotted line.
factors because the posterior mean of the fourth eigenvalue is below the
corresponding bound. Hence, we estimate the loadings and compare factor
scores from fits with K = 2 and 3. For ELA, K = 3 yields the largest average
LPML across the five chains, but there is sufficient noise so that K = 2 and
perhaps even K = 1 cannot be ruled out. The parallel analysis again suggests
K = 3. We thus explore models with K = 1, 2 and 3 and present results for
K = 2 and 3.
6.2. Identifying constructs of high-quality teaching. For each subject and
for each of K = 2 and 3, we calculated posterior distributions of reoriented
varimax loadings, and corresponding factor scores, using the procedure given
in Section 5.3. We validated that the reorientation step was functioning well
using three criteria. The first confirmed that unlike the “raw” distributions
of varimax solutions (before reorientation), which were multimodal due to
the sign and column indeterminacy, the reorientation produced unimodal,
approximately symmetric distributions for the loadings. We used both vi-
sual inspection of the densities and the “dip” test [Hartigan and Hartigan
(1985)] to test for unimodality. The dip test rejected unimodality for most of
the raw varimax distributions, with p-values near zero, but the p-values for
the tests on the reoriented distributions were almost all nearly one. Second,
we confirmed that the MCMC samples of reoriented loadings vectors were
generally close (in Euclidean distance) to the posterior mean loading vec-
tor, whereas prior to reorientation, the distances of individual draws to the
posterior mean were larger and multimodal, again due to sign and column
indeterminacy of the raw varimax solutions. Third, we used multidimen-
sional scaling to confirm that groups of MCMC samples of the raw varimax
solutions that were clustered together in multidimensional space received
the same reorientation decision. These investigations involve a large number
of plots that are presented in the supplemental material, along with addi-
tional details on the assessment of unimodality of the loadings distributions
[Lockwood, Savitsky and McCaffrey (2015)]. Finally, we ran our algorithm
multiple times with different choices for the initial pivot and the inferences
about the loadings were unaffected.
The resulting loadings for K = 2 and 3 are presented in Figures 3 and 4.
The figures show the standardized squared loadings by factor for each dimen-
sion of all the protocols. Dark values indicate a large loading that explains
a large proportion of the variability in the latent teacher-level dimension
score. Light values indicate little variance is explained by the factor and
a weak loading. For both math and ELA, the loadings on the third factor
when K = 3 in Figure 4 are generally weak for all dimensions. For ELA,
all of the 95 percent credible intervals for the loadings on the third factor
include zero (i.e., none of the loadings are significant) and for math, only
Fig. 3. Posterior mean varimax loadings normalized to percentage of variance explained
for K = 2.
one loading is significant. This is in contrast to the first two factors, which
each have multiple dimensions with clearly positive loadings.
Moreover, the loadings patterns for the first two factors for K = 3 are
nearly identical to those for K = 2. In both cases, dimensions from all pro-
tocols that are related to management of student behavior and productivity,
in the sense of keeping the classroom on task, load heavily on the second
factor. These include the Behavior Management and Productivity dimen-
sions of CLASS, the Management of Student Behaviors and Management
of Classroom Procedures for FFT, the MQI Moves Math Along indicator
for math, and the PLATO Time Management and Behavioral Management
dimensions for ELA (the labels of which are bold in the figures). All of the
protocols assess the teacher’s ability to manage the class, and they are find-
ing a common attribute that is distinct from the other underlying features
of teaching. Similarly, the dimensions from all protocols that are related to
instructional quality and student support load heavily on the first factor.
Evidently the constructs of teaching assessed in our classroom observation
ratings are the teacher’s Instructional Practices and support, and his or her
Classroom Management, where we use the italicized labels to refer to these
constructs for the remainder. Table 2 in the Appendix presents the posterior
mean loadings for K = 2 along with brief descriptions of each dimension.
Fig. 4. Posterior mean varimax loadings normalized to percentage of variance explained
for K = 3.
6.3. Relationships of factors to other teacher measures. Understanding
how, if at all, the latent instructional constructs derived from the lesson rat-
ings relate to other indicators of teaching quality is critical to assessing the
validity of the constructs. If the estimated constructs relate in predictable
ways to other measures, we can be more confident in the substantive interpre-
tations of the constructs based on the loadings patterns and the conclusion
that the constructs capture relevant dimensions of instructional quality. We
thus used two other proposed measures of teaching quality—namely, teacher
knowledge and teacher’s students’ achievement growth—to explore the valid-
ity of the teaching constructs derived from the instructional practice ratings.
First, each teacher in the study was administered a test of content and
pedagogical content knowledge [Shulman (1987)] specific to their subject-
area specialty (math or ELA), which we refer to as “Teacher Knowledge
(TK).” The tests consisted of dichotomously scored items (30 for ELA and
38 for math) drawn from established teacher knowledge assessments. We
fit a one-parameter item response theory (IRT) model [van der Linden and
Hambleton (1997)] to estimate teacher knowledge. The IRT estimates corre-
lated above 0.97 with the percentage correct, for both ELA and math, and
had reliabilities of 0.85 for math and 0.78 for ELA.
Second, we constructed measures of “Teacher Value-Added (TVA)” for
each teacher in the study. TVA equals the growth in a teacher’s students’
standardized achievement test scores. It is typically estimated by a regres-
sion of student test scores on prior year scores and other student background
variables. Such measures are increasingly being used as part of states’ and
districts’ formal teacher evaluation systems due to the growing belief that
they at least partially reflect causal relationships between teacher instruc-
tion and student learning [Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (2013)]. To
calculate TVA, we used administrative data collected from the participat-
ing school districts. The data include links between individual students and
their teachers and classrooms, and they include students’ background infor-
mation and standardized test scores on the state’s accountability test, both
for the study school years and multiple prior years. We estimated TVA us-
ing the latent regression methods of Lockwood and McCaffrey (2014), which
regresses outcome test scores on teacher indicator variables, student back-
ground characteristics and student prior test scores while accounting for the
measurement error in the prior test scores. TVA equals the estimated coef-
ficients on the teacher indicator variables. The reliability of the estimated
TVA equals 0.89 for math and 0.80 for ELA.
ηF bj}
for each teacher and each of K = 2 and K = 3. Let
To examine the relationships between TK and TVA and the estimated
teaching constructs from the instructional practice ratings, we used the
methods described in Section 5.3 to obtain posterior samples of the fac-
ηF bj1}
tor scores
equal the sample of Instructional Practices factor scores for the 231 math
teachers for the K = 2 model. Let ˆθj equal their estimated TK. For each
posterior draw, we estimated the sample correlation between ηF bj1 and ˆθj
as C1,TK,b. To obtain the correlation on the latent variable scale, we use
˜C1,TK,b = C1,TK,b/√r, where r is the estimated reliability of TK. We use
to approximate a posterior sample of the disattenuated correla-
tion between the Instructional Practices attribute and teacher knowledge.
We then repeated this procedure with the remaining factor for math and
for both ELA factors. We also repeated the analysis for TVA and for the
factors from the models with K = 3.
Figure 5 plots the estimated posterior densities of these disattenuated cor-
relations for models with K = 2. The factor scores for Instructional Practices
are related to both TVA and TK, for both subjects, with estimated corre-
lations in the 0.15 to 0.30 range. This aligns with theoretical predictions in
that more knowledgeable teachers should be more capable of providing more
effective instruction, which in turn leads to improved student achievement.
The relationships are somewhat stronger with TK than with their students’
achievement gains. The Classroom Management factor, on the other hand,
is unrelated with TK for ELA teachers, but related to TVA for both sub-
jects and to TK in math. The relationship of the Classroom Management
Fig. 5. Estimated posterior densities of disattenuated correlations between instructional
ratings factors and external measures, by subject (row) and external measure (column).
Different factors given by different line types within each frame. Dots on the densities
correspond to the 0.025 and 0.975 quantiles of each distribution.
factor to TVA is at least as strong as the relationship of Instructional Prac-
tices to TVA, and perhaps stronger. The difference between subjects in
how Classroom Management relates to TK may indicate differences in the
skills necessary to effectively manage math and ELA classes, or it might
reflect differences in the focus of the observation protocols. For example, the
MQI productivity dimension specifically focuses on keeping the math con-
tent moving, which might require teachers to have sufficient knowledge to
retain a focus on mathematics. The PLATO dimensions that load on Class-
room Management are very focused on managing behavior and classroom
operations and may require less content knowledge.
We repeated the analysis using the factor scores from the models with K =
3. The inferences for the Instructional Practices and Classroom Management
factors were virtually identical, consistent with the nearly identical loadings
patterns for these factors in the K = 2 and K = 3 models shown in Figures 3
and 4. Conversely, the third factor was not significantly related to either TK
or TVA for either subject, which we interpreted as further evidence that this
factor was most likely spurious.
7. Discussion. We are encouraged that like dimensions across different
rating instruments load together on the same constructs; for example, the
dimensions from different instruments that connote the management of stu-
dent behavior all load to the Classroom Management factor in our data. This
provides support for interpreting the dimensions from different instruments
purported to measure similar constructs as doing so. It also suggests that
the instruments are not creating spurious differences in the measurement
of the primary constructs of Instructional Practices and Classroom Man-
agement. This is practically useful for states and districts having to decide
among different instruments because it suggests that inferences about these
broad domains of teaching quality may not be very sensitive to the choice.
We are also encouraged that the estimated latent constructs from the in-
structional ratings relate in sensible ways to measures of both teacher knowl-
edge and student achievement outcomes. The Instructional Practices and
Classroom Management constructs emerge as distinct in the factor analysis
and have some evidence of relating differently to the external measures. The
finding that effective management of student behavior appears to be more
strongly related to student achievement outcomes than to teacher knowledge
underscores the notion that both effective instruction and effective behav-
ioral management may be important attributes of classroom environments
that are successful at promoting student learning.
On the other hand, our results raise some challenging questions given
the significant resource investments being made across the country in field-
ing and using these measures. Our discovery of only two main constructs
across all of the dimensions that various protocols intend to evaluate raises
questions about the validity of using scores to differentiate among teach-
ers’ performances on particular dimensions, an activity valued by stakehold-
ers for targeting professional development. Perhaps we would discover more
constructs were we to allow for correlated factors, though the results of Mc-
Caffrey et al. (2015) suggest the correlations among those constructs would
be over 0.9. Similarly, observing more dimensions might help to differenti-
ate additional factors. For example, Hamre et al. (2013) hypothesize three
domains to classroom practices: classroom management, emotional support,
and instructional support. The dimensions from the latter two all load onto
our Instructional Practices factor. With additional dimensions specific to
each domain we might be able to measure them separately. It also may be
important for future research to examine those dimensions that express rel-
atively large uniqueness variances. Returning to Figures 3 and 4, several
dimensions of the subject-specific protocols (PLATO and MQI) load only
weakly on both of our identified factors and may be capturing important
aspects of instruction that are particular to their respective subject areas.
Another concern is that while the patterns of correlations of our estimated
factor scores with the other teaching quality indicate help to validate the
constructs, the magnitudes of the correlations are very modest even after
disattenuation for measurement error. For instance, our findings suggest that
the Instructional Practices construct explains less than 10% of the variation
among teachers in their effects on student achievement as measured by the
state’s accountability test. Our findings of only modest correlations among
different modes of measuring teaching quality (e.g., ratings of instruction
and student achievement outcomes) replicate those of previous studies [Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation (2013)] and add to a growing body of ev-
idence that there remain fundamental uncertainties about the constructs
that define teaching quality and how they can be measured accurately. It
is important to stipulate that it was not the goal of our analysis to find
the combination of dimensions that would best predict either TVA or TK,
but rather to examine whether the factors determining the communalities of
the dimensions behaved sensibly. It is likely that alternative combinations of
the dimensions that included both the communality and uniqueness of each
dimension could lead to better predictions, although preliminary investiga-
tions with our data suggested that the magnitude of the improvements over
the correlations summarized in Figure 5 are not large.
It is also possible that the modest correlations of the instructional ratings
constructs with other teaching quality indicators may reflect intrinsic limi-
tations of our observation measures. The dimensions may not fully measure
the practices they intend to evaluate. For example, there may be infrequent
but high-leverage student–teacher interactions that are critical for enhancing
learning that tend to be missed due to the limited number of observations
on each teacher. Another example of incomplete measurement is the evalu-
ation of classroom management practices, where a high score is ambiguous
because it could reflect either actively effective management or simply that
the students were well behaved and the teacher did not have to demonstrate
management proficiency. This ambiguity could be partially responsible for
the fact that the dimensions designed to measure the Classroom Manage-
ment factor tended to have stronger rater agreement than other dimensions,
which in turn could be related to its emergence as a distinct factor in our
analysis. Further refinements to the scoring rubrics may improve the abil-
ity of the instruments to reliably distinguish different behaviors. Finally, the
modest correlations of the constructs with student outcomes as measured by
state standardized exams might also reflect limitations of the exams. More
research is needed to understand to what degree state exams and student
performances on them reflect student learning outcomes that are expected
to be malleable through observable classroom practices.
Our results may also be sensitive to the sample of teachers and schools
participating in the study. The teachers and schools were volunteers. Given
that teachers knew that their lessons would be observed and rated during
the study, a potential concern with our sample is that teachers who felt their
practices would not rate highly might have been less likely to participate.
Similarly, principals who were uncertain about their teachers’ performances
might have been more likely to decline our invitation for his/her school to
participate. Such censoring could attenuate correlations. We do not have
classroom practice measures for all teachers in the participating districts,
but we do have TVA for all teachers in the districts. The mean TVA for
math teachers in our sample is about 0.2 standard deviation units greater
than the overall mean, and the mean TVA for the ELA teachers is about 0.1
standard deviation units greater than the overall mean, where standard de-
viation units are for the latent TVA. The average prior achievement in math,
reading and language of students in the participating teachers’ classrooms
also tended to be higher than the average for all the students in the dis-
tricts. These results are consistent with the concern that higher-performing
teachers and classes were more likely to participate. However, the variance
of the latent TVA in the sample is only very weakly attenuated relative to
the variance of the latent TVA for all teachers: the ratio of the variance for
the UTQ teachers to that of all teachers is 1.0 for ELA teachers and 0.9 for
math teachers. Also, Gitomer et al. (2014) find that teachers are relatively
weak judges of the quality of their classroom practices, so it is unlikely that
teacher self-selection into the study on the basis of perceived instructional
quality would lead to significant censoring of instructional practice ratings.
Indeed, our data contain many low scores on both instructional practice
ratings, as well as on the TK assessments. Our interpretation is that our
sample has sufficient variability to study relationships among teaching qual-
ity measures. Some relationships may be attenuated, but we suspect any
attenuation is not large. Beyond being volunteers, our study was restricted
to middle school math and ELA teachers in three large suburban school
districts in the same metropolitan area. Conducting similar studies in other
schools, grade levels and subject areas would help to understand whether
the constructs and relationships we identified generalize to other settings.
Our approach to permutation-invariant Bayesian EFA has strengths and
weaknesses for applied research relative to the standard lower triangular
specification. It is ideally suited to applications where (1) there exists lit-
tle prior knowledge for the number and composition of constructs; (2) the
amount of data is modest so that the potential influence of the prior is a
practical concern; and (3) trying many different variable orderings is com-
putationally prohibitive. It also applies to models that do not model factor
loadings and scores during estimation, such as the approach of Carmeci
(2009) that directly models the reduced-rank communality matrix Q. Like
the lower triangular specification, our approach requires few hyperparameter
settings, no tuning of the sampler, and is readily implemented in standard
BUGS language software. Its main shortcoming is the need for post hoc
identification of the desired loadings. While post hoc identification is not
uncommon, it can lead to ambiguities in reorientation decisions for individ-
ual draws that may hamper inference when either the sample size is very
small or when K is large. The lower triangular specification does not have
this problem, and especially when there are sufficient data to dominate the
prior or when the computational costs of refitting the model many times are
minimal, it may be a more practical choice than our method.
Finally, our approach to post hoc reorientation of MCMC draws of work-
ing loadings to achieve simple structure may be of general interest because
it applies not only to our permutation-invariant prior, but also to the lower
triangular specification. It can also be easily adapted to orthogonal rotation
methods other than varimax. Additional work would be required to extend
the approach to oblique rotations, which are often valuable in applications
for improved interpretability of the factors. Also, as noted by Hahn, Car-
valho and Scott (2012), sparsity priors can be beneficial for factor models,
yielding more interpretable loadings and balancing between bias and vari-
ance in exploratory models of structure. For our model, sparsity can be
obtained by the choice of distribution for components of our loadings in the
parameter expansion by the methods of Bhattacharya and Dunson (2011)
or Carvalho, Polson and Scott (2010).
Table 2
Posterior means of loadings for each subject and dimension from the K = 2 models.
“Inst” denotes Instructional Practices and “Mgmt” denotes Classroom Management
Inst Mgmt
Inst Mgmt
richness of math content (rm)
procedural and computational work (pcw)
no errors in mathematics (err m)
math interactions with students (m int)
student cognitive demand (s cog)
class work connected to math (cnctmath)
moving the math along (movemath)
time spent on math (tmonmath)
Table 2
Inst Mgmt
Inst Mgmt
demonstrate purpose (purp)
representation of content (rc)
connections to prior academic knowledge (cpk) 0.18
connections to prior personal experience (cpe)
0.06 −0.06
use of models and modeling (mod)
explicit strategy instruction (esi)
guided practice (gp)
accommodations for language learners (all)
intellectual content (intc)
classroom discourse (cd)
text-based instruction (tbi)
behavioral management (bmn)
time management (tmn)
create environment of respect, rapport (rr)
establish a culture of learning (cl)
manage classroom procedures (mcp)
manage student behavior (msb)
organize physical space (ops)
communicate with students (cs)
demonstrate content knowledge (kc)
use question and discussion techniques (qdt)
engage students in learning (esl)
use assessment in instruction (uai)
flexibility and responsiveness (fr)
positive climate (posc)
teacher sensitivity (tsen)
regard for adolescent perspective (rgap)
negative climate (negc)
behavior management (behm)
productivity (prd)
instructional learning formats (ilf)
content understanding (cu)
analysis and problem solving (aps)
quality of feedback (qf)
Acknowledgments. The authors thank the Associate Editor and two
anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on earlier drafts.
Supplement to “Inferring constructs of effective teaching from classroom
observations: An application of Bayesian exploratory factor analysis with-
out restrictions” (DOI: 10.1214/15-AOAS833SUPP; .pdf). This document
contains detailed evidence on the effectiveness of our reorientation algorithm
for the varimax loadings.
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J. R. Lockwood
D. F. McCaffrey
Educational Testing Service
660 Rosedale Road
Princeton, New Jersey 08541
E-mail: [email protected]
dmccaff[email protected]
T. D. Savitsky
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
2 Massachusetts Ave. N.E
Washington, DC 20212
E-mail: [email protected]