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<<<HUMAN>>> : what does genital herpes look like?
<<<AI>>>: <link> if you want know more about this you can ask for doctor for help too |
<<<HUMAN>>> : if i have health insurance now can i keep it through 2014? . what if i start a new plan december 2013 can i keep it through december 2014? what about after that? i am told that underwritten plans are much cheaper than obamacare. is this true?
<<<AI>>>: whether you can keep your current 2013 plan for another year depends on where you live and your insurance company. i suggest you call your insurer directly to see if that's an option for you. underwritten plans for people who don't qualify for subsidies do tend to be cheaper. that's precisely because insurers have been allowed to underwrite the policies and weed out anyone who has or they believe might have a health problem. that's no longer allowed. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : i have frequent constipation feeling bloated and have bowel movements around 4-5 days on average. large-hard stools. that are difficult to pass and i'm asking now because it's been getting worse the past year or so and effecting my every-day life. <negative_smiley> what should i do? are probiotic supplements a solution?
<<<AI>>>: any sudden changes in bowels should be checked out by a healthcare provider. here are some things you can do in the meantime: increase fiber: gradually increase fruits vegetables whole grains and beans/legumes. these foods contain fiber that help with constipation. it's recommended women (19-50) get 25g of fiber daily and for men (19-50) it's 38g. see getting enough fiber. stay hydrated: while increasing fiber make sure you get enough water. when you are dehydrated water is reabsorbed from stool resulting in hard stools. keep active: regular activity also helps relieve constipation. walking dancing and hiking are just a few ideas to keep your body moving. add fermented foods: look for ways to increase foods with probiotics such as yogurt kefir and probioitc drinks. adding a probiotic may help but the research is not clear on this. see probiotics and digestive health. manage stress better: anxiety worry and stress can all affect your gi tract. working on healthy ways to handle daily stressors can help! see stress management. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : cheating husband. i caught my husband masturbating by our dog licking his penis? help i don't know what to do.
<<<AI>>>: get a new husband or send this one for some serious counseling. teach the dog to bite. my name is alexa peterson from the united states. i wish to share this testimony about this young man called dr. okodo has just done for me. this man was able to make my mother happy with his great spell. we're rich. we could finally pay off our bills and finally have plenty left over for anything our hearts desire. i seen my mom struggle for the past 3 years. we were homeless for nearly 2 years. we were on the streets and one of her friends was able to let us live in her parents home for a year. during that year i tried getting a job. no one would hire me at all. no matter how hard i try. nothing works out. everything backfires. everything comes back to haunt me. most spell casters i ran into were scammers. and threaten to kill me. i even thought i would even live to see next year. i looked online again and i found an email ( okodujamesspellcaster@yahoo. com) then you wont believe this when i contacted this man he answered my prayers. he's not the type of spell caster who would scam you. he is a true spell caster. i am happy. i can finally see my mother happy. all thanks to the great dr. okado for what he has done for me and my mother. if you're having problems this is man you need to contact for help 1) if you want your ex back 2)if you always have bad dreams 3)you want to be promoted in your office 4) you want women/men to run after you 5)if you want a child 6) you want to be rich 7) you want to tie your husband wife to be yours forever <positive_smiley> if you need financial assistance 9) how you been scammed and you want to recover your lost money email him now: okodujamesspellcaster@yahoo. com for help or whatssapp with him on +2349052627482 |
<<<HUMAN>>> : im 37 1/2 weeks pregnant. i have tightening in my abdomen which last about 30 seconds andlike every 10 minutes if less. my water has not yet broke but wondering if these are real contractions or not? can anyone help?
<<<AI>>>: could it be braxton hicks? |
<<<HUMAN>>> : if i have intercourse with someone that is allergic to amoxicllin while im taking it will they have a allergic reaction?
<<<AI>>>: no. that would not be very likely. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : how long can i give a baby asprin to my dog for a fever. my 10 lb chi has an ear infection he has chills and a fever he also is panting. his ears smell i used a antibiotic ointment on a q tip and let it run into his ear the smell in his ears are not as bad but still there and he then started the chills and is shaking. this all started last night 12-5-13. i do have a natural ear drop med that has chamomile and sulfur in it. can i put a few drops of that in his ears or use. hydrogen peroxide in his ears. he is 7 years old.
<<<AI>>>: hi if this was not a vets advice? then you should not be given human drugs to your dog unless you were advised to by a vet. get your dog to a vet asap tell him/her what you have been giving it. good luck |
<<<HUMAN>>> : why does the cdc recommend hiv screening for all pregnant women?
<<<AI>>>: if a mother is hiv-positive during pregnancy hiv treatment can improve her overall health and can greatly lower the chance of passing hiv to her infant before during or after birth. the treatment is most effective when started as early as possible during pregnancy. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : how do i safely stop taking simvastatin (10 mg)? . i do not nor have i ever had high blood pressure. my cholesterol count before simvastatin was 234. . a stress test 3 years ago showed that there are no blockages or build up in my arteries my heart is in good shape; as a matter of fact the cardiologist told me i had the heart of a thirty year old. after learning about the dangers of this drug i am scared and would like to discontinue it. please advise. .
<<<AI>>>: my husband is currently on crestor but has been experiencing muscle ache in both of his hamstrings. he exercises regularly and eats sensibly. is it safe for him to quit taking the crestor "cold turkey"? |
<<<HUMAN>>> : i have an anxiety problem?
<<<AI>>>: yes i agree. get blood tests especially thyroid done to see any derangements in the blood elevels. so that they can be treated by appropriate medicines |
<<<HUMAN>>> : how can being diabetic and pregnant affect the baby?
<<<AI>>>: a common problem among the babies of pregnant diabetic women is a condition called "macrosomia " which means "large body. " in other words babies of diabetic women are apt to be considerably larger than others. this occurs because many of these babies receive too much sugar via the placenta because their mothers have high blood sugar levels. the baby's pancreas senses the high sugar levels and it produces more insulin in an attempt to use up all the extra sugar. that extra sugar is converted to fat making a large baby. sometimes the baby becomes too large to be delivered vaginally and a cesarean delivery becomes necessary. your doctor will closely monitor the size of your baby and will plan for the safest mode of delivery for you and your baby. if you have high blood sugar levels consistently during pregnancy (especially in the 24 hours before delivery) your baby may develop dangerously low blood sugars right after delivery. this is because the baby has high levels of insulin to use up the extra sugars but that source of sugar is suddenly taken away leaving high insulin levels so their blood sugar levels drop quickly. thus your doctor will check your baby's blood sugar levels after birth. if it's low your baby will be given glucose intravenously. your baby may also have mineral imbalances such as calcium or magnesium which can be replaced with medication. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : sharp back neck and arm pain on the left side. this began suddenly about 12 hours ago. the pain worsens with movement such as using my left arm turning my head to the left or lifting my head in general. the main spot of pain feels like it's near my spine just under my left shoulderblade. if i sneeze the pain shoots up and down on my spine and out to my left arm occasionally leaving a numbness in my left hand. i am not an "active" person i primarilly work at my computer every day.
<<<AI>>>: you should see your doctor. sharp pain like that could be a sign of something serious but there is no way to know without seeing your doctor. this sounds like a pinched nerve or possibly nerve damage. cat/mri will be required for diagnosis. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : my husband is on medicare. are the premiums based on both our incomes? . since we can't get life insurance we have put up a little money. does that count against us?
<<<AI>>>: it is your household income that determines whether or not you're eligible for subsidized health insurance. your husband's medicare coverage has no bearing on premiums for health insurance purchased through the marketplaces. if you file taxes jointly you must include the amount the two of you earn together. and it's important to note that it is your annual household income -- not your assets (home savings investments etc. ) -- that count. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : im taking 3 different supplements everyday is that ok? . im a boy almost 16 years old and im tired of buying and trying lots of skin products just to cure my acnes. so i stoped using acne treatment products and started taking supplements today and its vitamin c 1000mg vitamin b i dont know and zinc 14 mg. is that ok? is it bad for my health?
<<<AI>>>: hi and no there probably an extreme upper limit on what we can take but your no where near that i have 7 first thing each morning for ed vits just before breaky's which is 5 more 2 at lunch and 5 after dinner 67 this year do think they keep you healthy so your ok have a look at this link give it a good read through and ted's answers ted is earth clinic. <link> just copy into google to the www. to open and read. but try getting a blood test done for your hormones and vitamin d but you could ad a to your list. also google vitamins for acne. hope this helps you. good luck |
<<<HUMAN>>> : i have many symptoms: chills shakiness trouble sleeping weakness need second doctor opinion?
<<<AI>>>: my tsh is 9. 43 and my t4 is 6. 1 their were no t3 results on the test |
<<<HUMAN>>> : is there a statistical possibility an abdominal x-ray could miss a pregnancy/fetus? . the past 8 mos. i'm having the same pregnancy symptoms i had with my son. i started the year with late periods. then breast tenderness morning sickness food adversion cravings & weight gain in the spring. i experienced flutters in the summer. followed by movements bloating & excessive gas. lastly was a feeling of kicking the start of fall(maybe muscle spasms) & lower back pain. pregnancy tests were negative. i had an abdominal examine & x-ray to find out what's wrong. what's going on?
<<<AI>>>: most helpful answer well there is pretty much zero statistical probability that an abdominal x-ray could miss an 8-month fetus. could an abdominal x-ray miss an 8-week embryo? it's possible if the radiologist or other health care provider wasn't looking specifically for an embryo or fetus. but even at that any abnormality on an x-ray probably would be picked up. abdominal x-ray is not how pregnancies are confirmed. the "gold standard" for confirming a pregnancy is the pelvic ultrasound. as to what's going on well it's difficult to say. you may be experiencing a false pregnancy. but that's just a wild guess since i don't know anything about your health history. i'd suggest you sit down with your ob-gyn and ask for a detailed explanation of the results of your abdominal exam and x-ray. wishing you all the best! |
<<<HUMAN>>> : hey have a sinus infection. am i better off with amoxicillin 875mg or amox-clav 500mg?
<<<AI>>>: hey you are better off seeing a medical provider first so you can be properly examined diagnosed and treated. most sinus infections assuming you have self-diagnosed correctly are viral and do not require any antibiotics. if there is a bacterial component you may need to treat for more days have from leftover prescriptions. not treating an infection completely encouraged resistant organisms so it is entirely possible that neither one of those antibiotics would be appropriate. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : sebaceous cyst on neck can mupirocin 2% ointment be used to treat this
<<<AI>>>: mupirocin (bactroban) may help a draining infected sebaceous cyst but this antibiotic ointment will not cure one that is still intact and under the skin. these have to be surgically removed. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : can fungal infection cause low grade fever?
<<<AI>>>: this is a chronic fever which is called as pyrexia of unknown origin when we are unable to ascertain a cause. as your blood tests and x-ray are normal lung infection is ruled out. conditions causing chronic fever are numerous. also certain infections like tuberculosis hiv and malignancies can cause it. but in your case it is unlikely as there is no weight loss or other risk factors neither you have an x-ray abnormality. now we move to the lymph nodes. do you have any lymph node swelling? if yes then get it tested. try to get an ultrasound of abdomen to rule out lymphadenopathy. get a urine routine and culture as sometimes a mild urine infection can get unnoticed and cause fever. get a blood glucose and renal function test too. if everything comes normal then we should look for anemia. a low hemoglobin can cause low grade fever and fatigue. fungal infections usually cause severe illness. to confirm if it is a fungal infection a blood culture is required. for further information consult a general medicine physician online --> <link> |
<<<HUMAN>>> : how can i fight dental problems while taking antidepressants? how do i prevent tooth loss or other oral side effects?
<<<AI>>>: some antidepressants dry out your mouth. but most times this only lasts for the first couple of months. fluoride supplements and xylitol chewing gum can help protect your mouth. some antidepressants increase tooth grinding. be on the lookout for waking up with stiff or achy jaw muscles. your dentist may need to make a mouth guard for you to wear at night. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : what is subclinical hypothyroidism?
<<<AI>>>: subclinical hypothyroidism refers to a state in which patients do not exhibit the symptoms of hypothyroidism. these patients also have a normal amount of circulating thyroid hormone. the only abnormality is an increased tsh level on their blood work. this implies that the pituitary gland is working extra hard to maintain a normal circulating thyroid hormone level and that the thyroid gland requires extra stimulation by the pituitary to produce adequate hormones. the majority of these patients can be expected to progress to obvious hypothyroidism especially if the tsh is above a certain level. while there is some controversy many endocrinologists will treat such patients especially if they have a high cholesterol blood level. the abnormal cholesterol profile will likely show improvement with thyroid hormone replacement. if the cholesterol levels are normal and the patient feels well it is also reasonable to follow these patients without treatment and repeat the blood tsh and thyroid hormone levels in four to six months to see if more significant hypothyroidism is apparent. both of these approaches are reasonable and patients should be encouraged to speak with their physicians about specific concerns and preferences. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : i was due for the depo shot december 21st. didn't get it and had unprotected sex the next day. am i pregnant?
<<<AI>>>: it depends on how long you where on and did you have your period |
<<<HUMAN>>> : 8 weeks pregnant umbilicus is infected
<<<AI>>>: hi. its a superficial infection and u need not worry for it. u are already taking the right precautions and treatment. dress it daily with good antiseptic solution and apply local antibiotic cream. it will heal spontaneously and there wont be any complications. dont worry. thanks |
<<<HUMAN>>> : could i have genital herpes and not know?
<<<AI>>>: unless no one has ever kissed you and unless you've never had sex it is possible that you've picked up an oral or genital herpes virus. oral herpes usually caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) shows up as cold sores or fever blisters on the mouth. even a casual peck on the lips from someone with a cold sore can give you the virus. that's why it's so common: as many as 50% to 80% of adults in the u. s. have oral herpes. genital herpes most often caused by the second type of herpes virus (hsv-2) is less common but plenty of people still have it. roughly one in five american adults has genital herpes. but up to 90% of those who have it don't know they are infected. you could be one of them. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : what conditions does ibu-drops treat?
<<<AI>>>: ibuprofen is used to relieve pain from various conditions such as headache dental pain menstrual cramps muscle aches or arthritis. it is also used to reduce fever and to relieve minor aches and pain due to the common cold or flu. ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (nsaid). it works by blocking your body's production of certain natural substances that cause inflammation. this effect helps to decrease swelling pain or fever. if you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain. this form of ibuprofen is intended for use by children. do not give this medication to a child younger than 6 months unless directed by the doctor. check the ingredients on the label even if you have used the product before. the manufacturer may have changed the ingredients. also products with similar names may contain different ingredients meant for different purposes. taking the wrong product could harm you. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : i have one purple nipple. it's acts weird. i am 16. just had my period and when it stopped only one nipple became very sore and part if my armpit also. the nipple was first very pink and today it was almost purple when i woke up. it has a normal shape it's not swollen. it acts completely different from tr other nipple like sometimes it's pointy and the other isn't. i'm only worried because everywhere i research it says if only one breast/ nipple has an issue it's and issue but not if it's happening to both. btw i don't have sex?
<<<AI>>>: i'm sorry you're going through this but i'm glad to see you're so vigilant about your breast health. way to go! first let me say breast cancer in a 16-year-old is exceedingly rare. i want to put your mind at ease about that. the problem is likely something far less serious. it wouldn't hurt to get this situation checked out by your doctor or nurse practitioner. it could be related to hormones (because of course they fluctuate) or something else that's very simple (such as circulation issues). even if the situation clears up over the next few days i'd suggest you get this looked at. you'll feel less anxious and your doctor will get the condition into your medical history in case it occurs again. wishing you well! |
<<<HUMAN>>> : if you have a cold can you still get the flu shot?
<<<AI>>>: if you are sick with a fever you should wait and get your flu shot at a later date. if it is just a cold or other type of mild illness you can receive the flu shot. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : i noticed an itch on my scalp i’m now scratching uncontrollably?
<<<AI>>>: warts try ice salicylic acid(every day) duck tape if it does not work then see a dermatologist |
<<<HUMAN>>> : will 30 year olds on medical assistance due to disability be able to have dental work done? . other than extraction of damaged teeth?
<<<AI>>>: dental insurance is not included in health plans sold through the marketplaces except for children. and even people who have medicare coverage due to disability don't have dental coverage unfortunately. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : i have pain in both testicles and the left testicle is kind of swollen. i thought std's but test came back normal. i also have been having pain during urination and lower abdominal pain? and like i said my urine test for std's came back clean. what could be the problem? kidney stones? ive been having slight pain around that area every so often
<<<AI>>>: there can be many reasons but it would not be possible for me or any medical provider to be able to specifically determine that cause you your testicle pain blindly over the internet. you will need to see your primary care medical provider or a urologist. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : i am 49 years old and have dry skin and pimples in the jaw line. can you suggest an effective acne remedy?
<<<AI>>>: you may be suffering from hormonal acne. up to 50% of all women experience some form of adult hormonal acne the week before their period. some women are even more prone to adult acne because they have larger problems with androgens. these are women with polycystic ovarian syndrome. because the overabundance of androgens throws their monthly cycles completely off kilter they never know when they'll experience an acne breakout. most women who suffer from adult hormonal acne experience their worst breakouts on their chin and around their lips. adult hormonal acne typically begins after age 25 and occurs on and off during the course of adulthood. the bad news is that when a woman begins to go through menopause her female hormones begin to dwindle and those androgens become even more dominant. here comes the acne yet again. try washing your face twice a day with a gentle soap. there is no need to wash your face more often unless you are sweating profusely or have a very dirty job. salicylic acid found in a number of acne products works to dissolve the sebaceous oils helping to remove any skin debris that is clogging your pores. but be sure to rinse it off thoroughly. also find a very mild benzoyl peroxide cream something that is 2. 5% or less. when applied directly to the skin at night it can help unclog you pores as you sleep. try this every other night at first. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : what side effects could occur from suddenly stopping lexapro?
<<<AI>>>: suddenly stopping a medication like lexapro can cause withdrawal effects which can lead to symptoms such as tiredness agitation confusion or a burning sensation. if you are experiencing any of these symptoms or any other bothersome symptoms you should contact your doctor. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : the top of my scalp continually itches after a complete facelift. my dermatologist said it was hives. what can i do?
<<<AI>>>: your first step will be to visit with your surgeon and discuss the details of your procedure. certain face-lifting procedures may result in a transient sensory nerve injury which can lead to hypersensitivity and/or pruritis (itching). |
<<<HUMAN>>> : i'm taking amoxicillin 500 mg. can i take acetaminophen for the pain and how much?
<<<AI>>>: i would need to ask some additional questions around why they are on an antibiotic and what kind of pain are they having and for how long. i would then ask if they have a personal medication record so i can see what other prescription and over-the-counter medications they are taking. if acetaminophen seems like a proper choice i would advise taking it as directed on the package and make sure that you do not exceed the daily dose of 4 000 mg. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : while using contraceptive pill will i remain protected during pill free days?
<<<AI>>>: i guess you are taking combination pill that is hormonal contraceptives containing both estrogen and progestin (synthetic progesterone). these act by preventing your ovulation and making your cervical mucus thicker. you need to take combination pills within five days after the start of the period. then you need not follow other means of contraception. you may start combination pills at any time and only concern is that you will be protected from pregnancy 7 days from then. yes you need not take pills in the fourth week and this will initiate your withdrawal bleeding that is you will have a menstrual bleed in that week and you will be protected. some measures you need to follow. you need to ensure that you take these pills regularly at the same time each day. if you vomit immediately following pill consumption then take one more pill. you should not miss the pill. if you miss a period then do not panic as irregular periods are common. you need to confirm by urine pregnancy test. for further doubts consult an internal medicine physician online --> <link> |
<<<HUMAN>>> : can macular degeneration cause pain? . my mother in law has pain in the ritgh eye than spikes to acute and goes down to mild. the pain comes and goes it usually the "ttacks does not last long. she thinks in could be macular generation because she was test for glaucoma and was negative. at gross examination she has the inside of the lids brigh red the sclera is white. she is in a lot of pain severall times a day.
<<<AI>>>: i'm sorry to hear your mother-in-law is going through this but i'm glad she had glaucoma ruled out. severe eye pain should not be ignored. eye pain generally is not a symptom of age-related macular degeneration. i'd suggest your mother-in-law make an appointment to see an ophthalmologist (as distinct from an optometrist) to have this evaluated. an ophthalmologist is a medical doctor (md) who is specially trained to deal with high-level eye problems such as trauma glaucoma and other serious eye diseases. i wish you both all the best! |
<<<HUMAN>>> : my hip is very painful doctors didn’t find anything?
<<<AI>>>: hi. really i need some more details to understand the problem. what aggravates the pain? what makes it better? what does it feel like? is there any numbness or other sensation? do u have pain in your back? u said you had xray and mri? which part? please let me know the answers so i can help you get it thanks |
<<<HUMAN>>> : i have tried to enroll in health insurance for 6 weeks. . i've talked to over 30 people and the computer problem that won't let them enroll me has not been resolved. am i just out of luck if this is not resolved by dec. 23 or march 30th?
<<<AI>>>: i am so sorry to hear of your difficulty getting enrolled. i am sure this has been very frustrating for you. my recommendation is to go to www. healthcare. gov again. just this weekend the administration made some upgrades to the website that are supposed to allow it to handle more traffic. you may also try to log on earlier in the morning or later at night when there may be less traffic on the site. if you are able to at least look at your options you can then try to call the insurance carriers in your state directly or go to their website. many insurers have set up aca enrollment websites where consumers can sign up directly especially if they are having problems with the government website. again i know this is not a perfect answer. and i am sorry this has been so frustrating. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : my mother is type ii diabetic woke up with marks under her right breast?
<<<AI>>>: it does seem to be a type of spider bite. she being a diabetic has shown more signs of inflammation around the bite. if she is fine then i do not think there should be any worry. apply olive / palm oil and local antibiotic creams. the wound will be fine soon. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : what about people who have health insurance through work but pay an amount bi-weekly for aetna? . my husband is a mailman and we get a slight discount for health insurance. it has gone up again and is becoming unaffordable. we have never switched because of my pre-existing condition. are we eligible for a plan in the marketplace?
<<<AI>>>: anyone can buy a plan through the marketplaces but if you get insurance at work it's unlikely you'll be eligible for the tax credits that can lower your costs. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : how to judge a person wisely?
<<<AI>>>: every person has numerous traits or habits. a person is sum total of his thoughts words and actions. when you think of judging a person it is making a global judgment. if you really need to be objective you need to judge a person's actions habits and thoughts individually. but i get what you mean to ask. here are my thoughts on it: judge a person by how much he contributes to the welfare of others. judge a person on the basis of his thoughts. it is only thought which defines an individual. judge a person by his actions in the past and present. judge on the basis of how he treats his subordinates because there is only way of treating the boss. judge on the basis of his behavior during crisis not when things are going great. judge on the basis of what he does for the welfare of others not on the basis of how much he earns. judge on the basis of his common sense not his qualifications. judge not on his looks but on how he makes others feel. another thing to note is that it is neither wise nor necessary to judge people all the time. no one has perfect judgment. because judgment is subjective and based only on available facts not on the whole truth. besides it can make us prejudiced unnecessarily. also people change with time. for further information consult a psychologist counsellor online --> <link> |
<<<HUMAN>>> : how do i prevent scabies? i recently had a scabies exposed visitor but no symptoms myself as yet.
<<<AI>>>: this is a very good question and i'm glad you asked it. scabies is a skin mite that is spread through direct contact. direct contact can mean skin-to-skin or contact with linens or other items in which the mites are hiding. one way to prevent getting scabies is to avoid any skin-to-skin contact. since you know your visitor was infected you'd be wise to carefully (using rubber gloves) wash your guest's sheets and other linens (if he or she stayed overnight) wash any towels he or she used and clean other areas with an antimicrobial wipes (as appropriate; obviously don't use these towelettes on upholstery or something! ). if you do come down with the itchy bumps that signal scabies go to your primary care provider as soon as possible. scabies will not clear up on its own. it requires medical treatment. hope this helps! |
<<<HUMAN>>> : i got my nipples pierced 2 weeks ago. they are dry & itchy an get crustys on the balls of the barbell. are they infected. i put neosporin on them and yesterday i started putting bandaids on them. when i sqeeze them i see nothing oozing out but the day after i put the neo on them i see crustys on the balls?
<<<AI>>>: yes there is a very good chance that you have a secondary infection that may require more than just topical neosporin. i would suggest that you see a medical professional to have your oozing pierced nipples properly examined and treated. you may need an oral antibiotic. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : what is outcome of shingles?
<<<AI>>>: for most people the lesions heal the pain subsides within 3 to 5 weeks and the blisters leave no scars. however shingles is a serious threat in immunosuppressed individuals - for example those with hiv infection or who are receiving cancer treatments that can weaken their immune systems. people who receive organ transplants are also vulnerable to shingles because they are given drugs that suppress the immune system. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : is aerobics a good exercise to loose fat in belly?
<<<AI>>>: yes |
<<<HUMAN>>> : i sprained my ankle 7 months ago and still am not 100%. 7 months ago i slipped on ice outside my driveway and heard a large pop sound when i fell. at present day i can walk comfortably. i have full range of motion in all directions except upwards. meaning if i grab my foot and pull it towards me. there is pain inside my ankle (in the ligaments that were damaged in the fall i assume). i'm trying to exercise it by putting half my foot on a raised object like a curb or books and gently push down. what can i do to improve the healing process?
<<<AI>>>: i "sprained" my own ankle about 20 years ago and it still hurts. unfortunately i waited too long to get a proper diagnosis assuming it was "just a sprain". i tore some ligaments and because of the delay in having an mri it could not be repaired. i suggest that you do not repeat my own mistake and have a proper examination either by an orthopedist or podiatrist that handles ankle disorders. you may need some imaging studies as well. i am a board-certified physical therapist with over 13 years of clinical experience. physical therapists are experts in assessing and treating problems with the neuromusculoskeletal system including ankle injuries and sprains. i highly recommend that you seek the professional opinion of a well-respected physical therapist in your area. physical therapists focus their practice on macro-biological movement sciences (as opposed to micro-biological pathology). what does that mean to you? not only will a pt help you determine if you have ‘loose’ or possibly ‘torn’ ankle ligaments but he or she will perform a thorough examination of your entire lower body to determine what is at the root of your continued pain – often a dysfunctional movement pattern that is due in part to the initial injury but perpetuated by a host of factors. if you see a physical therapist you will have an initial examination to determine a “differential diagnosis”. the pt will take a thorough history and screen you to determine if there is a medical condition that requires you to see a physician for further medical workup. second the physical therapist will determine a “movement impairment diagnosis” that will help direct physical therapy interventions. in your question you state that ankle dorsiflexion (moving the foot upwards) is limited and painful. otherwise you do not state why you are not “100%”. with limited dorsiflexion some common activities that might be painful are deep squatting running jumping and stairs. the great thing about seeing a physical therapist is that he or she will work with you to find the root causes that are driving this continued pain and limited motion (we will go beyond treating your symptoms). these causes may or may not include things such as: joint stiffness scar tissue flexibility restrictions decreased proprioception (balance ability and coordination/control) muscle weakness and altered biomechanics. these impairments can respond very well to conservative physical therapy treatments. regarding an earlier answer that was posted mris and surgery are rarely needed even with severe ankle sprains. if your injury was more recent and you were having trouble walking x-rays might be more highly indicated to rule out possible bony pathology. again a physical therapist can safely and effectively guide you in your treatment course even if you require referral for further medical workup. even in the case of severe ankle injuries such as fractures that are treated surgically or non-surgically i see that patients recover best when physician care is followed by physical therapy rehabilitation. in all 50 states you can directly consult with a physical therapist without a physician referral. many major insurance plans reimburse physical therapy care without a physician referral (medicare is a significant exception). a pt is the expert of choice to perform a thorough examination and treat this problem of yours that will not go away. if your insurance does not cover direct access and you would like for insurance to cover the visit then i suggest you see your physician and request a referral the physical therapist of your choice. if you need help finding a therapist you may find assistance through the american board of physical therapy specialties: <link> or the american physical therapy association: <link> i wish you the best as you seek to restore full functional use of your ankle! truly rich |
<<<HUMAN>>> : pain in head neck left arm and lower back xray shows degeneration here are my mri results?
<<<AI>>>: in my opinion c2/3 are causing you head /neck pain c5/6 causing numbness in your fingers i recommend physical therapy to fix your round shoulder and forward head you also need to lose some breast weight by lowering or stop carbohydrate intakegood luck |
<<<HUMAN>>> : i have diarriha vomiting hot to cold shivers and mild stomach pains
<<<AI>>>: sorry to hear you're going through this! it sounds awful. many conditions could cause those symptoms. one possibility is food poisoning. if you're not running a fever it's probably ok to wait things out to see if the symptoms get better. meanwhile try to sip water or at least take ice chips. the combination of vomiting and diarrhea can cause dehydration pretty quickly. if you're still sick in a day or two it probably would be wise to call your health care provider or go to an urgent care facility. hope this helps! |
<<<HUMAN>>> : what kind of doctor does one see for hemorroids?
<<<AI>>>: a colo-rectal surgeon (protologist). |
<<<HUMAN>>> : does smoking effect your pulse? . i smoke and when i smoke before giving blood my pulse is usually high is this normal?
<<<AI>>>: smoking is by far the hardest on the heart increasing a person's resting heart rate by at least two to three beats per minute. this along with obesity bad eating habits (high sodium foods can add to the load on the heart). |
<<<HUMAN>>> : how many bathroom trips in a day are considered "frequent urination"? . 30 year old overweight woman concerned about diateties. no other noticeable symptoms
<<<AI>>>: this is an excellent question and i'm glad you asked it. it's also kind of a hard question to answer. everyone's bathroom habits are different. usually when we talk about "frequent urination " we mean "more frequently than is normal for you. " but because type 2 diabetes specifically is a disease that can come on gradually you may not notice that your urinary frequency has increased. if you're urinating every hour that probably would generally be considered "frequent. " if your urine has a sort of sweet smell that's another telltale sign of potential diabetes. the only way to know for sure if you have type 2 diabetes is to get some lab work done. don't be afraid to know the truth. untreated diabetes can have long-term health consequences. it's better to find out early and seek early treatment than to go along in denial and damage your kidneys or lose your eyesight. i'd suggest you make an appointment with your primary care provider. he or she can help you not only determine whether or not you have diabetes but also discuss ways you can take control of your overall health and well-being. wishing you all the best! |
<<<HUMAN>>> : is malaria a particular problem for children?
<<<AI>>>: yes. all children including young infants living in or traveling to malaria risk areas should take antimalarial drugs (for example chloroquine and mefloquine [lariam]). although the recommendations for most antimalarial drugs are the same as for adults it is crucial to use the correct dosage for the child. the dosage of drug depends on the age and weight of the child. a specialist in pediatric infectious diseases is recommended for consultation in prophylaxis (prevention) and treatment of children. since an overdose of an antimalarial drug can be fatal all antimalarial (and all other) drugs should be stored in childproof containers well out of the child's reach. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : what specific treatments are there for hair loss in women?
<<<AI>>>: female hair loss treatments include minoxidil (rogaine) hair transplants hair powder fibers like toppik wigs hair extensions and weaves. non-fda-approved and off-label use of propecia may be discussed with your doctor. minoxidil (rogaine) is available over the counter and available in 2% 4% and 5% concentrations. it may be something of a nuisance to apply twice daily but it has been shown to help conserve hair and may even grow some. minoxidil tends to grow very fine small hairs wherever it is applied. it is important to avoid running the liquid onto the face or neck where it can also grow hair. it is marketed for women at the 2% concentration but may be used in higher strengths as directed by your doctor. propecia is a drug that is currently fda approved only in men for help in hair loss. it has undergone extensive safety testing on women and it was found to be safe in postmenopausal women. it is unsafe for women of childbearing to take this drug or even handle tablets. (it is however safe for their husbands to take it while they are trying to become pregnant. ) propecia may be used as an off-label use in women who are not pregnant or planning to become pregnant while taking the medication. studies have been inconclusive with effectiveness of propecia in some women and not in others. although it is not consistently effective it may be a good option for postmenopausal women or women who are not pregnant or considering pregnancy. newer studies suggest that propecia may be somewhat helpful and worth considering in treatment of women's hair loss. surgical procedures like hair transplants can be useful for some women as well as men to "fill in" thinned-out areas. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : precum in second time. is there any pre cum if i ejaculated n den immediately started again after properly washing. i mean in second time is there any precum? and it wasnt fully erected. how much the cases of getting preg in this situation? . i know there is some left over in the ducts. and that is what making some confusions. help me out
<<<AI>>>: if you had a microscope you would most likely find viable sperm happily swimming around in just about any fluid coming from the penis including urine after an ejaculation. the fluid that you see at the beginning of sexual activity that you call "precum" is seminal fluid and that too can have live sperm. after ejaculation there is plenty of rogue sperm still viable in any post-coital drainage. as an effective birth-control measure it is always best to keep the penis sheathed in a condom when it is near a vagina. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : does acupuncture help with fibromyalgia?
<<<AI>>>: i don't perform acupuncture myself but a lot of my patients have tried it and most of them like it. the duration of benefit is highly variable ranging from a few hours to a few months. i'm sure some of the results depend on the experience and training of the acupuncturist. some studies show acupuncture is a helpful treatment for chronic pain. some insurance companies cover it. if it helps relieve pain and lasts long enough to make it worthwhile then it can become part of the patient's treatment regimen. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : i had 8 negative pregnancy tests and then 1 positive?
<<<AI>>>: this means you are more probably pregnant as the urine pregnancy test will usually not become positive in most women until a missed period or about a week after implantation. the urine test is usually positive at a missed period but only about 25% of pregnant women will test positive with the hpt 2 days before a missed period and about 40% the day before the missed period. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : can gallstones cause vomiting and unable to keep food down
<<<AI>>>: yes |
<<<HUMAN>>> : can lymph nodes come back? . i have had 2 lymph nodes in 2 years. but this one is more painful while running or walking for a long period of time. what should i do? and ive had it for a week.
<<<AI>>>: have your medical provider check those "lymph nodes". lymph nodes are always there. they do not come and go but you may only be able to feel them (or see them) when they are enlarged or inflamed. the nodes are there for a reason but it will take a bit of medical investigation to determine the underlying cause or if they are actually lymph nodes (i don't know the location since you didn't share that important bit of information). |
<<<HUMAN>>> : how can i learn to relax while fighting breast cancer?
<<<AI>>>: there are a number of exercises that you can do to relax during your breast cancer fight. these exercises include breathing muscle and mind relaxation relaxation to music and biofeedback. first be sure that you have a quiet location that is free of distractions a comfortable body position (sit or recline on a chair or sofa) and a good state of mind. try to block out worries and distracting thoughts. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : i have been having pain behind and above my right eye for 3 to 4 days now?
<<<AI>>>: travelling +vision problems + probably chronic sinusitis (in the morning headache) all of them suggest cluster headache which will improve on its own also get a pair of glasses and check your sinus glands good luck |
<<<HUMAN>>> : why am i having stomach cramps lower pack pain and shortness of breath. tired all the time. i have had stomach cramps in my lower region and havnt had a normal bowel movement in four days. i have lower back pain due to this problem and shortness of breath. its very difficult to walk at times. i have gien my self three enimas and nothing has change. when i do have a bowel movement it is little ball size and sometimes it not formed. i'm to the point of going to see my doctor and see whats going on. any advise would be helpfull.
<<<AI>>>: you definitely should see your doctor. the shortness of breath is a concern and you don't want to ignore that. in addition your lack of bowel movements and change in size of stool is also something that should be checked by your doctor. i would go ahead and make an appointment so you can get to the bottom of what's happening. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : i've been on birth control for a year. started bleeding two weeks early. its heavier then normal. should i be worried? . i had sex a day before my period we did not use a condom. my period came as normal. two weeks later i started spotting. everyday it keeps getting worse. i take my pill and within an hour i bleed a bit heavier and get bad cramps. i also get a headache and sick to my stomach. i've never had breakthrough bleeding before. something just does not feel right weather i'm pregnant or i need a higher dose. should i take a pregnany test? or should i go to my doctor when the bleeding stops (if it stops)?
<<<AI>>>: i wouldn't worry. there are many factors that can through off a period. however if it continues exactly the same for 2-3 more months i would get an appointment with a ob-gyn. there could fibroids ovarian cycts the list is long. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : can i take abraxane if i am pregnant or nursing a baby?
<<<AI>>>: abraxane could harm the fetus when given to a pregnant woman. women should avoid becoming pregnant while they are undergoing treatment with abraxane. tell your doctor if you become pregnant or plan to become pregnant while taking abraxane. men should be advised not to father a child while receiving treatment with abraxane. because studies have shown the active agent (paclitaxel) in abraxane to be present in the breast milk of animals receiving the active agent it may be present in human breast milk as well. therefore nursing a baby while taking abraxane is not recommended. because many drugs are excreted in human milk and because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants it is recommended that nursing be discontinued when receiving abraxane therapy. this medicine was prescribed for your particular condition. this summary does not include everything there is to know about abraxane. medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed in a patient information leaflet. if you have questions or concerns or want more information about abraxane contact your doctor or pharmacist. you may want to read the patient information leaflet and discuss it with your doctor. remember no written summary can replace careful discussion with your doctor. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : will radiation therapy cause my hair to fall out?
<<<AI>>>: you may notice some hair loss usually in the treated area. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : can supplements help lower cholesterol like red yeast rice? or niacin? . i don't want to take any more drugs if i don't have. i take meds for high blood pressure and diabetes.
<<<AI>>>: hi the top answer makes me look a bit silly seems i did post a first answer it should have read something like this but would not have had the spacedoc in it or the link to the red yeast rice just sorry. hi ok he's on statins the go to www. spacedoc. com lots to read from a famous space doctor <link>. f-parsley/ on this site scroll down to men and parsley and just read on. <link>. epper. html on this site look down the left hand side you should find what you looking for on cholestrol and there’s something on hpb all very interesting i do take cayenne pepper for ed. i take 3 small spoonfuls first thing every morning how just like this. i mix cp in tomato paste and thing with olive oil he would need to mix to a heat that suits him over time he builds up the heat he can also mix in the parsley and garlic in with it i fine chop a whole head put this in olive oil with either dried or fine copped fresh parsley keep both in fridge all very healthy. and there is red yeast rice you need to read this link. <link> you can also find links to it on spacedoc sorry more reading. any links that don’t work just copy into google. do hope some of this helps good luck ps if this starts working he may be able to drop some of the meds your see why on spacedoc. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : decreased blood flow to tissues is called ischemia?
<<<AI>>>: you're pretty close. the term ' ischemia ' refers to decreased oxygen delivery to various tissues. decreased blood flow can contribute to ischemia (since blood delivers oxygen) but ischemia can occur even with adequate blood flow. for example if something about your blood reduces its ability to carry oxygen molecules--such as anemia. ischemia can occur to any tissue. a few of the more-common types of ischemia are cardiac ischemia intestinal ischemia and even hip bone ischemia (also called avascular necrosis ). prolonged lack of oxygen to the tissue will cause the tissue to die. this is called 'infarction. ' in the case of the heart a prolonged lack of oxygen to the tissue will cause a heart attack or 'myocardial infarction. ' even brain tissue will die if it fails to receive enough oxygen. i hope this answers your question. wishing you well! |
<<<HUMAN>>> : what if you get a job in 2014 that provides health insurance benefits and then are laid off during 2014? . can you apply for aca insurance at that time or do you have to wait for an end-of-year open enrollment period?
<<<AI>>>: if you lose a job and your employer-sponsored health insurance during the year you can shop for coverage on your state marketplace even if you are outside the open enrollment period. losing employer-sponsored insurance is considered a “qualifying event ” which gives you an opportunity to shop for a health plan and apply for a premium subsidy at that time. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : i am suffering from knee pain loss of appetite and vitamin b12 deficiency. please help me.
<<<AI>>>: you might have developed knee osteoarthritis which is a wear and tear of the joints because of excessive weight on the weight bearing joints. this mostly occurs with advancing age but these days it is not uncommon to find it in young obese individuals. i would advise you to get hemogram x-ray knee joint serum calcium vitamin d levels esr (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and crp (c-reactive protein). for osteoarthritis i would suggest you do the following. consult your specialist doctor discuss with him or her and start taking the medicines after their consent. practice knee and quadriceps strengthening exercises. give hot fomentation to the knee. you can try applying diclofenac ointment locally. if the pain is severe then try taking diclofenac tablet. if you are overweight you should lose weight. start exercising but avoid using the treadmill. cycling and swimming are wonderful options for you. for vitamin b12 deficiency you can try taking capsule nurokind gold (multivitamin) once daily for three months. and for gerd (gastroesophageal reflux disease) a combination of pantoprazole and domperidone helps greatly. i hope it helps you. if you have any further query please ask me. for more information consult a medical gastroenterologist online --> <link> |
<<<HUMAN>>> : grandson 7 yrs old 4'9' and 125lbs. younger brother tested pos. for strep. hes vomiting fever slept for 2 days . severe headache hasn't ate anything but 2 tbs of applesauce wont drink anything just wants to sleep. he says his side has been hurting him and the stomach cramps could be from him about to vomit. went to doc. with the knowledge of younger brother testing pos. for strep but was not tested. getting worried about dehydration. how long should i waite before taking him back to the doctor to be reevaluated? . .
<<<AI>>>: i agree with you. testing him for strep would have been prudent although he was not experiencing a severe sore throat. there can be other reasons (intestinal virus) to account for his array of symptoms. preventing dehydration is essential. i suspect he is nauseated so there are medicines that can be prescribed so that he can drink fluids without vomiting. call his medical provider. some immediate signs of dehydration includes lack of tears dry mouth and a reduced urine flow. if he is experiencing these he should be re-evaluated immediately by his medical provider. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : we are in the jungles of equatorial new guinea and developed open sores and swollen legs?
<<<AI>>>: in my opinion you have a viral infection complicated in your friend by lymphangitis if you start treatment early it is managable iv ceftriaxone or penicillin should be very effectivegood luck |
<<<HUMAN>>> : when someone can't work due to sickness are they given an order or form? . so a member of my family claims that they can't work due to medical reasons. whenever asked every couple of weeks or months there's a new or different reason. if a doctor really orders them to not work will they write some type of letter or form and provide this to the patient? is there any way to verify their claims of being prohibited from working by a physician?
<<<AI>>>: if a person cannot work for medical reasons the person is considered disabled temporarily or permanent. documentation is usually provided to the person's employer stating that this person is unable to work but the employer (or anyone else for that matter) does not need to know the specific reason(s). that is privileged information between the person and his/her medical provider. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : can hand and mouth disease be caused by contact with animal urine or stools or dirty living conditions within the home?
<<<AI>>>: no. hand foot and mouth disease is a human virus most likely acquired at school or where other children congregate. it is not from unsanitary conditions or exposure to animal excrement/urine. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : is it normal to have pinkish red (blood) when you have a uti?
<<<AI>>>: it's always a bit unsettling to see blood in the urine -- or anywhere it's not supposed to be! a small amount of blood in the urine is not uncommon when you have a urinary tract infection (uti). have you been diagnosed with a uti by your health care provider? if not you should not assume blood (even just a pinkish tinge) in the urine is enough to diagnose a uti. blood in the urine can be a symptom of other conditions and definitely needs to be evaluated by a health care professional. a urinary tract infection requires treatment with antibiotics. so if you think you have a uti you should make an appointment to see your primary care provider. by the way the jury is still out on the value of cranberry in treating or preventing utis. the most recent study on this topic showed that cranberry has virtually no value in treating or preventing urinary tract infections. i mention this so that you don't delay getting professional treatment in order to try cranberry juice or supplements. best wishes to you! |
<<<HUMAN>>> : would a sprained neck induce a headache
<<<AI>>>: it can. some of the muscles of the neck attach directly to the skull. this can cause a muscle tension type headache. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : what should i do -- or not do -- to my hair to help it grow longer faster?
<<<AI>>>: topical minoxidil is what you need to be applying to your scalp to help achieve thicker hair and to keep it in the actively growing anagen phase for a longer period of time. you must use if for 6-12 months every day and twice daily in order to see optimal results. i read about minoxidil and it says it is for people who are bald. it is a form of rogaine. is this still for those who don't have a hair loss problem to grow longer hair faster? |
<<<HUMAN>>> : my boyfriend and i had sex using both the pill and a condom. the condom broke. should i worry about rubber inside me? . we think most stayed on his shaft and i found a small piece about 3/4 inch x 1/2 inch. like it ripped and a portion tore off. do i have to worry about this causing tss? .
<<<AI>>>: no you will not get tss from a piece of condom (most likely latex not rubber). if there is a retained piece it will not likely cause any problems but you can carefully check with your finger or use a gentle warm water douche to wash out any possible remnants. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : bowel movements r fatty slimy and greasy and float. yuck. ! blood wk for celiac disease negative. can you help?
<<<AI>>>: so first i was wondering if this might have something to do with your diet because i remember this was a side effect of 1) eating olestra (fat free chips) and 2) some of the weight loss medications. then i looked to see why this happens and the explanation was malabsorption. here is an older article on olestra but it gave me lots of good information. hope this helps! |
<<<HUMAN>>> : my mother has diabetes. she currently has allergies and a runny nose. what can she take?
<<<AI>>>: allergy symptoms such as a runny nose are best treated with an antihistamine like chlorpheniramine (chlor-trimeton). antihistamines are safe for people with diabetes to use. i would not recommend any products that contain pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine such as sudafed or sudafed pe. these medications may increase blood pressure which can be a concern for someone with diabetes. using pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine for only a couple of days may not be a problem. but avoiding them all together is the safest route. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : how does the supreme court decision on health reform affect those with a preexisting condition?
<<<AI>>>: starting in 2014 insurers will no longer legally be allowed to deny coverage to anyone because of their medical condition or charge them more for that coverage. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : can accupuncture relieve eye pain?
<<<AI>>>: it would be nice to know the cause of the eye pain before addressing ways of dealing with it. see an eye specialist first. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : what is the name the drs call the vagina after a total hysterectomy when they have reshaped it. had the op 18 years a go cant remember the name the doctors gave it
<<<AI>>>: it is still called a vagina. after a hysterectomy the vagina really doesn't change very much other than the fact that it now ends in a pouch rather than the cervix (opening to the uterus). the vagina is 95% just the way it was. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : what causes orthostatic hypotension?
<<<AI>>>: orthostatic hypotension has many potential causes some affecting only one part of the system that supplies blood to the brain and others affecting two or three. loss of fluid within the blood vessels is the most common reason to develop the symptoms of orthostatic hypotension. the fluid may be water or blood depending upon the cause. dehydration occurs when fluid intake cannot match the amount of fluid lost by the body. vomiting diarrhea fever and heat-related illnesses (for example heat exhaustion or heat stroke) are common reasons a person loses a significant amount of fluid. diuretics or water pills used to control high blood pressure are also another cause of a decreased amount of fluid in the body. blood loss and other causes of anemia decrease the number of red blood cells that carry oxygen in the bloodstream and this may lead to the symptoms of orthostatic hypotension. the bleeding may arise from one large event or may occur slowly over a period of time. with slow bleeding the body may be able to compensate replacing the lost volume of red blood cells with water in the bloodstream. however after a while the loss of oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood will cause symptoms to develop. in addition to lightheadedness there may be weakness shortness of breath or chest pain. medications that affect the autonomic nervous system may also cause orthostatic hypotension. beta blocker medications such as metoprolol (inderal) block the beta-adrenergic receptors in the body preventing the heart from speeding up preventing the heart from contracting as forcefully and dilating blood vessels. all three of these effects affect the ability of the body to react to position changes. aside from high blood pressure and heart disease these medications are also used for headache control and anxiety prevention. sildenafil (viagra) vardenafil (levitra) and tadalafil (cialis) dilate blood vessels and this class of medication may cause orthostatic hypotension. the effect can be magnified if taken with nitrates medications used to treat angina such as nitroglycerin (nitrostat nitroquick nitrolingual nitro-dur minitran nitro-bid and others) isosorbide mononitrate (imdur ismo monoket) alcohol or narcotic pain medications. other medications used for high blood pressure control may be a potential cause of orthostatic hypotension even if taken as prescribed. orthostatic hypotension is a side effect of many psychiatric medications including tricyclic antidepressants such as amitriptyline (endep elavil) nortriptyline (pamelor aventyl) phenothiazines (thorazine mellaril compazine) and mao inhibitors (nardil parnate). a vasovagal episode is a condition that may occur when a stimulus causes excess activation of the parasympathetic system slowing the heart rate and dilating blood vessels. symptoms of lightheadedness or fainting then occur due to the lowering of blood pressure and decrease in blood flow to the brain. the stimulus may be pain from an injury such as a broken bone or there may be a psychologic trigger such as a medical student watching a first operation. the vagus nerve that causes this response may also in some cases be triggered by urinating (micturition syncope) or by pushing hard to have a bowel movement. patients with diabetes may develop peripheral neuropathy that can affect nerves of the autonomic nervous system and as a result may develop orthostatic hypotension. as well patients with poorly controlled diabetes have the potential of becoming dehydrated. some patients may develop post-prandial lightheadedness meaning that symptoms occur after a heavy meal. in this case the body dilates blood vessels to the stomach and intestine to help with digestion leaving less blood available to flow to the brain. addison's disease or adrenal insufficiency may also be associated with the inability of the body to compensate for position change. there are a variety of reasons that heart disease may cause orthostatic hypotension. abnormalities of the electrical conduction system including heart rates that are too slow or too fast may cause changes in blood pressure. patients with heart valve disorders heart failure and heart attack may all experience orthostatic hypotension. disorders of the nervous system may also cause orthostatic hypotension. examples include parkinsonism amyloidosis and shy-drager syndrome (or multiple system atrophy). postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome describes the feeling of lightheadedness nausea fatigue and weakness associated with an elevated heart rate (greater than 120 beats per minute) that begins within 10 minutes of a heads-up tilt table test. it is often seen in younger females between the ages of 12 and 50 and there may be a relationship with chronic fatigue syndrome. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : what causes osteoarthritis?
<<<AI>>>: primary osteoarthritis is mostly related to aging. with aging the water content of the cartilage increases and the protein makeup of cartilage degenerates. eventually cartilage begins to degenerate by flaking or forming tiny crevasses. in advanced cases there is a total loss of cartilage cushion between the bones of the joints. repetitive use of the worn joints over the years can irritate and inflame the cartilage causing joint pain and swelling. loss of the cartilage cushion causes friction between the bones leading to pain and limitation of joint mobility. inflammation of the cartilage can also stimulate new bone outgrowths (spurs also referred to as osteophytes) to form around the joints. osteoarthritis occasionally can develop in multiple members of the same family implying a hereditary (genetic) basis for this condition. secondary osteoarthritis is caused by another disease or condition. conditions that can lead to secondary osteoarthritis include obesity repeated trauma or surgery to the joint structures abnormal joints at birth (congenital abnormalities) gout diabetes and other hormone disorders. obesity causes osteoarthritis by increasing the mechanical stress on the cartilage. in fact next to aging obesity is the most powerful risk factor for osteoarthritis of the knees. the early development of osteoarthritis of the knees among weight lifters is believed to be in part due to their high body weight. repeated trauma to joint tissues (ligaments bones and cartilage) is believed to lead to early osteoarthritis of the knees in soccer players. interestingly studies have not found an increased risk of osteoarthritis in long-distance runners. crystal deposits in the cartilage can cause cartilage degeneration and osteoarthritis. uric acid crystals cause arthritis in gout while calcium pyrophosphate crystals cause arthritis in pseudogout. some people are born with abnormally formed joints (congenital abnormalities) that are vulnerable to mechanical wear causing early degeneration and loss of joint cartilage. osteoarthritis of the hip joints is commonly related to structural abnormalities of these joints that had been present since birth. hormone disturbances such as diabetes and growth hormone disorders are also associated with early cartilage wear and secondary osteoarthritis. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : my 2 y/o's ankle/foot was crushed with heavy steel yesterday. no fracture on xray. is an aircast walker recommended? . my son was playing at the base of our home treadmill while i had the unit raised to vacuum underneath it. upon lowering the unit my son's foot was crushed in a 1 inch gap between two heavy steel surfaces. x ray indicated no obvious bone fracture but immature (non calcified) bones may be damaged. my son cannot weight bear. the doctor recommends applying a plaster cast in 5 days if he is still not bearing weight. would an aircast walker boot would be a helpful healing aid in the meantime?
<<<AI>>>: aw poor baby! and poor mom having to go through this. i would not recommend self-treating this. i would do as the doctor said and wait to see how your son is doing in 5 days. your doctor has very good reasons for recommending your son's foot not be casted (immobilized) for a period of time. it's possible that immobilizing the limb by using something like a walking boot could cause muscle atrophy (shrinkage) which would be damaging to your son. if you have any questions about why your doctor recommended taking a wait-and-see approach then i'd suggest you call and ask him. in the moment of crisis when you're in the er and feeling anxious about your baby's health it's easy to forget to ask questions. your doctor won't mind if you call and find out exactly why he's taking this approach with your son. best wishes to you and the little one! i have a aircast on right night. what you might like about it is that it is designed to take away the moisture or air everytime he put's preasure on it. also the hard plastic sides actually feels good around because of the air flow but yet secure. that's hard to believe but it is true for me. i am still not walking. i probably tore something. but regardless this aircast did protect me and with only 2 straps it is easier for you to remove and put back on. also is designed to wear in a shoe. i could not tackle that but as a mother of a young boy i believe this is the better choice. that 5 day cast would make the transition harder for your child because it is so much heavier. if your concerns is based on protection. the aircast can do the job in my opinion. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : i heard that fluoride can damage teeth. if so what are the alternatives to fluoride toothpaste?
<<<AI>>>: fluoride can be so effective that it can stain teeth brown. there are several methods of repairing the brown spots. the brown stain is not actually damage but a product of the "hardening of enamel. " |
<<<HUMAN>>> : are there natural ways to help firm up the skin on my face for a more youthful look?
<<<AI>>>: the most natural way to help your skin look younger and firmer is to incorporate the following anti-aging steps: 1. exfoliate gently and daily. (exfoliating cleanser) 2. use a moisturizer with sunscreen and antioxidant vitamins a c and e. 3. moisturize at night with a second dose of vitamin a (retinol) and peptides. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : what is the difference between omeprazole (found in prilosec zegerid) and esomeprazole (nexium)?
<<<AI>>>: esomeprazole (nexium) is very similar to omeprazole (found in prilosec zegerid). each medication contains the same active isomer or component which is what makes them function and belong to the proton-pump inhibitor (ppi) drug class. an inactive isomer is found in omeprazole that is not related to the function of decreasing acid reflux. the medications were discovered by the same company and continue to be manufactured by that company. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : i'm a single person on medicaid. i will lose coverage as soon as i find a job which i've been searching for. since i don't have a college degree my income will likely provide for little more than basic living expenses such as food and shelter. what options will be available to someone in my situation and how soon? also what steps are involved in the process?
<<<AI>>>: first the law expands medicaid in many states so if your income remains very low you may still qualify. otherwise the law provides subsidies to help cover the cost of insurance for those making too much to qualify for medicaid but less than about $46 000 for one person. you can begin shopping for coverage at healthcare. gov. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : can the sex be determined when taking a urine drug screening?
<<<AI>>>: not really but would strongly advise that you do not take a drug test trying to use someone else's "clean" urine. there are many ways to determine if this is really your urine. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : trying to get pregnant taking taking siphene tablets and folvite
<<<AI>>>: you should just stay on your medications. try scheduling the intercourse the first 3days after period. try also cupping therapy. cysts can be reoccurring. the stress is a cause of spotting also. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : when you have almost constant hoarseness and sore throat and some trouble swallowing what doctor should i go see?
<<<AI>>>: an ent. ear nose and throat specialist. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : what is the difference between gastroenteritis and gastritis
<<<AI>>>: the "enter" part. gastritis only involves the stomach (like vomiting) whereas gastroenteritis involves botht he stomach and the intestines (add in some diarrhea). |
<<<HUMAN>>> : an x-ray of my hand showed tendinitis and atherosclerotic calcification what should i do?
<<<AI>>>: the calcification in the blood vessel wont cause any problem. keep cholesterol within limits. exercises daily. take collagen peptide tablets for tendinitis |
<<<HUMAN>>> : can you catch any diseases (hep. c aids hiv) by using someone elses lipstick or lip gloss?
<<<AI>>>: of course yes hpv can be transmitted from dried blood upto 7 days after you contact can find info online emt training text. |
<<<HUMAN>>> : had gallbladder surgery – feel i still have it – surgeon says encountered problems…
<<<AI>>>: hi filling defect on a cholangiogram is definitely abnormal and it indicates that there was a obstruction in the path of bile duct. you should have been informed about this for sure. i dont see any reason why they must have hidden this fact from you. at present the obstruction or the sphincter of oddi. per se wont cause you any symptoms. i personally feel that there might be some remnant remaining inside or a adhesion not removed. other possibility is any intra operative trauma to the surrounding structures will cause such pain as this is quite common in such complicated cases. thanks |
<<<HUMAN>>> : my little boy who is 27 months has had tonsillitis for over a week now?
<<<AI>>>: hi this is normal antibiotics effects nothing to worry about once he finish his antibiotics he will be back to normal good luck |
<<<HUMAN>>> : i missed two pills in row 1 of my pill pack. now starting week 3 i have dark brown discharge/blood. am i pregnant? . i went away for the weekend and forgot to take 2 pills out of my 28 day pack on week 1. 5 days later i had a brown(maybe old blood) discharge. it stopped for a day then came back. my boyfriend and i are sexually active. he only puts his penis inside me for 10 secs before putting the condoms on. could i be pregnant. will this discharge/blood effect me getting me period if i'm not pregnant
<<<AI>>>: hi missing two pills is not that bad as long as took at least one when you found out you was forgetful as for you your blood yes dark brown blood is old blood could be missing your pills started a mini period off and dark brown means your uterus is having a clean out. but as you are doubling up on protection by using condoms i think you safe. if like the rest of us and have a mobile phone and like most it has an alarm we don't use well now's the time to make good use of it as a pill taker you find it should work well for you. good luck |
<<<HUMAN>>> : how does saphris work?
<<<AI>>>: saphris (asenapine) is fda approved to treat acute mania from bipolar disorder or the symptoms of schizophrenia. it is a drug that is placed under the tongue and not swallowed directly. you ask how it works. by blocking one type of dopamine receptor it stops the above disorders. it blocks a serotonin receptor which is counter intuitive but this blocking may help increase other chemicals that help depression (dopamine norepinephrine). in other parts of the brain. it is also my understanding that it shares chemical properties with a well-known antidepressant called remeron/mirtazapine. many of these meds for schizophrenia have been used for treating depression and some have been fda approved recently (abilify and seroquel xr). |
<<<HUMAN>>> : i've had clostridium difficile for 9 days and had flagyl for 8 days i still have diarrhea and blood in my stool fever. i have palatine tonsil surgery scheduled for monday and i'm in very weak condition. i had 5 different antibiotics for the pharyngitis. . can i go to the surgery and what else can be done than flagyl because my condition is not improving. i'm afraid that if i don't get the surgery then i will have pharyngitis (have had 5 in past 6 months with very high fever so it has taken a toll on my health) almost everything i eat/drink doesn't stay in and i feel very dehydrated
<<<AI>>>: hi first you need to get back to your doctor asap but until your clear of this i don't think they will operate on you but do get in touch with your surgeon for the best advice. good luck |
<<<HUMAN>>> : are there topical creams for treating arthritis
<<<AI>>>: hi chilli and cayenne are both very good for arthritis have a look on site here for info or you can google chilli and arthritis same but with cayenne or have a look on this site <link>. epper. html you should find some very good info on earthclinic. com as well. but i do take cayenne daily it has got mine down but that's just a side effect for what i take it for so this proves it works. for me i mix cayenne in tomato paste and thin with olive oil to start with mix to a heat that suits you after you have been taken it for a few weeks you will find that you can slowly push up the heat of it i take 3 small spoonful's first thing each morning with fine chopped garlic wash down each spoonful with water follow that with a small piece of dark chocolate all very good for you. hope this helps you. good luck |
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