stringlengths 10
| positive
stringlengths 8
Robust Eye Detection under Active Infrared Illumination | Automatic eyeglasses removal from face images |
Knowledge Based Approach for Word Sense Disambiguation using Hindi Wordnet | An Experimental Study of Graph Connectivity for Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation |
Knowledge Based Approach for Word Sense Disambiguation using Hindi Wordnet | Evaluating WordNet-based Measures of Lexical Semantic Relatedness |
Knowledge Based Approach for Word Sense Disambiguation using Hindi Wordnet | Unsupervised word sense disam-biguation rivaling supervised methods |
Human and machine learning | Building Machines That Learn and Think Like People |
Human and machine learning | Chess-playing programs and the problem of complexity |
Human and machine learning | Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning |
Provenance from log files: a BigData problem | A Framework for Collecting Provenance in Data-Centric Scientific Workflows |
Provenance from log files: a BigData problem | PlanetLab: an overlay testbed for broad-coverage services |
Provenance from log files: a BigData problem | Provenance-Aware Storage Systems |
Provenance from log files: a BigData problem | A Survey of Data Provenance in e-Science |
A Grounded Theory Approach to Information Technology Adoption | Building Theories from Case Study Research |
A Grounded Theory Approach to Information Technology Adoption | putting the ' theory ' back into grounded theory : guidelines for grounded theory studies in information systems . |
A Grounded Theory Approach to Information Technology Adoption | Enhancing Manufacturing Performance with Erp Systems |
A Grounded Theory Approach to Information Technology Adoption | Diffusion of innovations (5. ed.) |
Maximum inner-product search using cone trees | Random features for large-scale kernel machines |
Maximum inner-product search using cone trees | Similarity estimation techniques from rounding algorithms |
Maximum inner-product search using cone trees | Kernelized locality-sensitive hashing for scalable image search |
Maximum inner-product search using cone trees | The Netflix Prize |
Does wireless sensor network scale? A measurement study on GreenOrbs | Avoiding Energy Holes in Wireless Sensor Networks with Nonuniform Node Distribution |
Generating Natural Adversarial Examples | Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition |
Generating Natural Adversarial Examples | Adversarial Machine Learning at Scale |
Generating Natural Adversarial Examples | Universal Adversarial Perturbations |
Generating Natural Adversarial Examples | The Limitations of Deep Learning in Adversarial Settings |
Learning a Neural Semantic Parser from User Feedback | Online Learning of Relaxed CCG Grammars for Parsing to Logical Form |
Learning a Neural Semantic Parser from User Feedback | Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation |
Learning a Neural Semantic Parser from User Feedback | Data Recombination for Neural Semantic Parsing |
Word Sense Induction Disambiguation Using Hierarchical Random Graphs | Unsupervised document classification using sequential information maximization |
Word Sense Induction Disambiguation Using Hierarchical Random Graphs | Chinese Whispers - An Efficient Graph Clustering Algorithm And Its Application To Natural Language Processing Problems |
Word Sense Induction Disambiguation Using Hierarchical Random Graphs | I2R: Three Systems for Word Sense Discrimination, Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation, and English Word Sense Disambiguation |
Word Sense Induction Disambiguation Using Hierarchical Random Graphs | The Anatomy of A Large-Scale Hyper Textualweb Search Engine |
Word Sense Induction Disambiguation Using Hierarchical Random Graphs | Random Walks for Text Semantic Similarity |
wheeled mobile robots : a review . | dynamic model with slip for wheeled omnidirectional robots . |
wheeled mobile robots : a review . | Potential Field Methods and Their Inherent Limitations for Mobile Robot Navigation |
Scratch: A Way to Logo and Python | Lowering the barriers to programming: A taxonomy of programming environments and languages for novice programmers |
Scratch: A Way to Logo and Python | Scratch: programming for all |
probabilistic models for music . | Inducing Features of Random Fields |
A cross-media public sentiment analysis system for microblog | Active query sensing for mobile location search |
A cross-media public sentiment analysis system for microblog | Movie Reviews and Revenues: An Experiment in Text Regression |
A cross-media public sentiment analysis system for microblog | Visual-Textual Joint Relevance Learning for Tag-Based Social Image Search |
A cross-media public sentiment analysis system for microblog | Trading strategies to exploit blog and news sentiment |
EEG-based biometric identification with deep learning | The PREP pipeline: standardized preprocessing for large-scale EEG analysis |
Steganalysis via a Convolutional Neural Network using Large Convolution Filters | Real-Time Computing Without Stable States: A New Framework for Neural Computation Based on Perturbations |
Steganalysis via a Convolutional Neural Network using Large Convolution Filters | Deep Learning in Neural Networks: An Overview |
Steganalysis via a Convolutional Neural Network using Large Convolution Filters | Convolutional Networks for Fast, Energy-Efficient Neuromorphic Computing |
Steganalysis via a Convolutional Neural Network using Large Convolution Filters | Spatially-sparse convolutional neural networks |
dfesnippets: An Open-Source Library for Dataflow Acceleration on FPGAs | LegUp: high-level synthesis for FPGA-based processor/accelerator systems |
dfesnippets: An Open-Source Library for Dataflow Acceleration on FPGAs | The Unified Accumulator Architecture: A Configurable, Portable, and Extensible Floating-Point Accumulator |
dfesnippets: An Open-Source Library for Dataflow Acceleration on FPGAs | High Quality Uniform Random Number Generation Using LUT Optimised State-transition Matrices |
dfesnippets: An Open-Source Library for Dataflow Acceleration on FPGAs | GPU Versus FPGA for High Productivity Computing |
Structure preserving embedding | Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction by Semidefinite Programming and Kernel Matrix Factorization |
Structure preserving embedding | A Global Geometric Framework for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction |
Resolving the Predicament of Android Custom Permissions | Permission Re-Delegation: Attacks and Defenses |
Resolving the Predicament of Android Custom Permissions | Analyzing inter-application communication in Android |
Resolving the Predicament of Android Custom Permissions | Small Changes, Big Changes: An Updated View on the Android Permission System |
Resolving the Predicament of Android Custom Permissions | Upgrading Your Android, Elevating My Malware: Privilege Escalation through Mobile OS Updating |
Text mining based on tax comments as big data analysis using SVM and feature selection | Identifying the semantic orientation of terms using S-HAL for sentiment analysis |
Text mining based on tax comments as big data analysis using SVM and feature selection | Feature Selection for Classification: A Review |
Text mining based on tax comments as big data analysis using SVM and feature selection | Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques |
The antecedents of purchase and re-purchase intentions of online auction consumers | Factors influencing Internet shopping value and customer repurchase intention |
The antecedents of purchase and re-purchase intentions of online auction consumers | Determinants of repurchase intention in online group-buying: The perspectives of DeLone & McLean IS success model and trust |
Backplay:"Man muss immer umkehren" | On Monte Carlo Tree Search and Reinforcement Learning |
Backplay:"Man muss immer umkehren" | Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dialogue Generation |
Backplay:"Man muss immer umkehren" | A Survey of Monte Carlo Tree Search Methods |
Backplay:"Man muss immer umkehren" | Coordinate to cooperate or compete: Abstract goals and joint intentions in social interaction. |
Attentive Collaborative Filtering: Multimedia Recommendation with Item- and Component-Level Attention | One-Class Collaborative Filtering |
Attentive Collaborative Filtering: Multimedia Recommendation with Item- and Component-Level Attention | Factorization Machines |
Attentive Collaborative Filtering: Multimedia Recommendation with Item- and Component-Level Attention | Personalized video recommendation through tripartite graph propagation |
Attentive Collaborative Filtering: Multimedia Recommendation with Item- and Component-Level Attention | Video suggestion and discovery for youtube: taking random walks through the view graph |
Parallel-Data-Free Voice Conversion Using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks | Language Modeling with Gated Convolutional Networks |
Parallel-Data-Free Voice Conversion Using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks | Unsupervised Cross-Domain Image Generation |
Parallel-Data-Free Voice Conversion Using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks | Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation |
Parallel-Data-Free Voice Conversion Using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks | Generative Adversarial Network-Based Postfilter for STFT Spectrograms |
Sensing as a Service: secure wireless sensor network infrastructure sharing for the Internet of Things | SDN-WISE: Design, prototyping and experimentation of a stateful SDN solution for WIreless SEnsor networks |
Sensing as a Service: secure wireless sensor network infrastructure sharing for the Internet of Things | Cross-Level Sensor Network Simulation with COOJA |
Sensing as a Service: secure wireless sensor network infrastructure sharing for the Internet of Things | AoT: Authentication and Access Control for the Entire IoT Device Life-Cycle |
Sensing as a Service: secure wireless sensor network infrastructure sharing for the Internet of Things | TinySec: a link layer security architecture for wireless sensor networks |
Unsupervised incremental STDP learning using forced firing of dormant or idle neurons | Immunity to Device Variations in a Spiking Neural Network With Memristive Nanodevices |
Unsupervised incremental STDP learning using forced firing of dormant or idle neurons | Unsupervised learning of digit recognition using spike-timing-dependent plasticity |
Unsupervised incremental STDP learning using forced firing of dormant or idle neurons | Fast-classifying, high-accuracy spiking deep networks through weight and threshold balancing |
Differential Power Attack on SM4 Block Cipher | Differential Power Analysis |
Differential Power Attack on SM4 Block Cipher | Low-cost hardware implementation of SM4 based on composite field |
Towards Cooperative Driving: Involving the Driver in an Autonomous Vehicle's Decision Making | Making Bertha Drive—An Autonomous Journey on a Historic Route |
Towards Cooperative Driving: Involving the Driver in an Autonomous Vehicle's Decision Making | Autonomous driving: investigating the feasibility of car-driver handover assistance |
Towards Cooperative Driving: Involving the Driver in an Autonomous Vehicle's Decision Making | Towards cooperative guidance and control of highly automated vehicles: H-Mode and Conduct-by-Wire |
Acronym disambiguation using word embedding | The Unified Medical Language System (UMLS): Integrating Biomedical Terminology |
Acronym disambiguation using word embedding | Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality |
Acronym disambiguation using word embedding | Entity Linking with Effective Acronym Expansion, Instance Selection, and Topic Modeling |
Drug drug interaction extraction from biomedical literature using syntax convolutional neural network | Improving Word Representations via Global Context and Multiple Word Prototypes |
Drug drug interaction extraction from biomedical literature using syntax convolutional neural network | RelEx---Relation extraction using dependency parse trees |
Drug drug interaction extraction from biomedical literature using syntax convolutional neural network | WBI-DDI: Drug-Drug Interaction Extraction using Majority Voting |
Drug drug interaction extraction from biomedical literature using syntax convolutional neural network | An empirical study of tokenization strategies for biomedical information retrieval |
Haptic emulation of games: haptic Sudoku for the blind | A Pencil-and-Paper Algorithm for Solving Sudoku Puzzles |
Haptic emulation of games: haptic Sudoku for the blind | Accessible presentation of information for people with visual disabilities |
A comparative study of semi-naive Bayes methods in classification learning | Not So Naive Bayes: Aggregating One-Dependence Estimators |
A comparative study of semi-naive Bayes methods in classification learning | Learning augmented Bayesian classifiers: A comparison of distribution-based and classification-based approaches |
A comparative study of semi-naive Bayes methods in classification learning | Bias plus variance decomposition for zero-one loss functions |
Optimal speech enhancement under signal presence uncertainty using log-spectral amplitude estimator | Elimination of the musical noise phenomenon with the Ephraim and Malah noise suppressor |
Optimal speech enhancement under signal presence uncertainty using log-spectral amplitude estimator | Speech enhancement using a minimum-mean square error short-time spectral amplitude estimator |
Scene text recognition and tracking to identify athletes in sport videos | Automatic License Plate Recognition: a Review |
Subsets and Splits