stringlengths 16
| code
stringlengths 52
Internal: Returns all parents for path
path - String absolute filename or directory
root - String path to stop at (default: system root)
Returns an Array of String paths. | def path_parents(path, root = nil)
root = "#{root}#{File::SEPARATOR}" if root
parents = []
loop do
parent = File.dirname(path)
break if parent == path
break if root && !path.start_with?(root)
parents << path = parent
end |
ItemProcFunc for container items
removes items of the children chain from the list of selectable containers
if the element itself already is a container
@param array $params An array containing the items and parameters for the list of items | public function containerItemsProcFunc(array &$params)
$possibleContainers = [];
$this->removeItemsFromListOfSelectableContainers($params, $possibleContainers);
if (!empty($possibleContainers)) {
$params['items'] = array_merge($params['items'], $possibleContainers);
$itemUidList = '';
if (count($params['items']) > 1) {
foreach ($params['items'] as $container) {
if ($container[1] > 0) {
$itemUidList .= $itemUidList ? ',' . $container[1] : $container[1];
if ($itemUidList) {
$this->deleteDisallowedContainers($params, $itemUidList);
} |
Creates a text component with content, and optional color.
@param content the plain text content
@param color the color
@return the text component | public static TextComponent of(final @NonNull String content, final @Nullable TextColor color) {
return of(content, color, Collections.emptySet());
} |
Return true if alert severity has changed more than X times in Y seconds | def is_flapping(self, alert, window=1800, count=2):
pipeline = [
{'$match': {
'environment': alert.environment,
'resource': alert.resource,
'event': alert.event,
'customer': alert.customer
{'$unwind': '$history'},
{'$match': {
'history.updateTime': {'$gt': datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=window)},
'history.type': 'severity'
{'$group': {'_id': '$history.type', 'count': {'$sum': 1}}}
responses = self.get_db().alerts.aggregate(pipeline)
for r in responses:
if r['count'] > count:
return True
return False |
Profile a function. | def profile(fun, *args, **kwargs):
timer_name = kwargs.pop("prof_name", None)
if not timer_name:
module = inspect.getmodule(fun)
c = [module.__name__]
parentclass = labtypes.get_class_that_defined_method(fun)
if parentclass:
timer_name = ".".join(c)
ret = fun(*args, **kwargs)
return ret |
Convert this variable to a pandas.Index | def to_index(self):
# n.b. creating a new pandas.Index from an old pandas.Index is
# basically free as pandas.Index objects are immutable
assert self.ndim == 1
index = self._data.array
if isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex):
# set default names for multi-index unnamed levels so that
# we can safely rename dimension / coordinate later
valid_level_names = [name or '{}_level_{}'.format(self.dims[0], i)
for i, name in enumerate(index.names)]
index = index.set_names(valid_level_names)
index = index.set_names(
return index |
进行正则替换 replace中的$1 $9 分别对应group(1-9)
@param str 需要处理的字符串
@param regex 正则表达式
@param replace 替换的字符串
@return 进行正则表达式替换 | public String replace(String str, String regex, String replace) {
if (str == null)
return "";
if (regex == null)
return str;
if(replace == null) replace = "";
return str.replaceAll(regex, replace);
} |
Creates a new HTTP session scope. | private void newHttpSessionScope() {
SessionScopeAdvisor advisor = SessionScopeAdvisor.create(context);
this.sessionScope = new HttpSessionScope(advisor);
setAttribute(SESSION_SCOPE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, this.sessionScope);
} |
Deletes all requests and responses for the given flows.
session_ids: A lists of flows to destroy.
request_limit: A limit on the number of requests to delete.
A list of requests that were deleted. | def MultiDestroyFlowStates(self, session_ids, request_limit=None):
subjects = [session_id.Add("state") for session_id in session_ids]
to_delete = []
deleted_requests = []
for subject, values in self.MultiResolvePrefix(
subjects, self.FLOW_REQUEST_PREFIX, limit=request_limit):
for _, serialized, _ in values:
request = rdf_flow_runner.RequestState.FromSerializedString(serialized)
# Drop all responses to this request.
response_subject = self.GetFlowResponseSubject(request.session_id,
# Mark the request itself for deletion.
# Drop them all at once.
self.DeleteSubjects(to_delete, sync=True)
return deleted_requests |
// Create and return PIDGatherer lazily | func (p *Procstat) getPIDFinder() (PIDFinder, error) {
if p.finder == nil {
f, err := p.createPIDFinder()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p.finder = f
return p.finder, nil
} |
Decodes the next value
@returns {string} Next value | function decode() {
var beg = i;
var ch;
var r = "";
// iterate until we reach the end of the string or "~" or ")"
while (i < len && (ch = s[i]) !== "~" && ch !== ")") {
switch (ch) {
case "*":
if (beg < i) {
r += s.substring(beg, i);
if (s[i + 1] === "*") {
// Unicode characters > 0xff (255), which are encoded as "**[4-digit code]"
r += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(s.substring(i + 2, i + 6), 16));
beg = (i += 6);
} else {
// Unicode characters <= 0xff (255), which are encoded as "*[2-digit code]"
r += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(s.substring(i + 1, i + 3), 16));
beg = (i += 3);
case "!":
if (beg < i) {
r += s.substring(beg, i);
r += "$";
beg = ++i;
return r + s.substring(beg, i);
} |
Sends a custom message. See the docs for all the possible options
@see | def send(options)
response = "/RelaySends/#{category_id}", :body => options.to_json
end |
/*Mfi - Money Flow Index
Input = High, Low, Close, Volume
Output = double
Optional Parameters
optInTimePeriod:(From 2 to 100000)
Number of period
*/ | func Mfi(high, low, close, volume []float64, timePeriod int32) []float64 {
var outBegIdx
var outNBElement
outReal := make([]float64, len(high))
C.TA_MFI(0,, (*C.double)(unsafe.Pointer(&high[0])), (*C.double)(unsafe.Pointer(&low[0])), (*C.double)(unsafe.Pointer(&close[0])), (*C.double)(unsafe.Pointer(&volume[0])),, &outBegIdx, &outNBElement, (*C.double)(unsafe.Pointer(&outReal[0])))
return outReal[:outNBElement]
} |
创建 ColumnField
@param column
@return | public static ColumnField build(IntrospectedColumn column) {
ColumnField field = new ColumnField();
FullyQualifiedJavaType type = column.getFullyQualifiedJavaType();
return field;
} |
End hash element.
@param string $name | public function endHashElement($name)
$this->json = $this->json->getParent();
} |
Delete a permission module
@author Steve Montambeault
@param $id
@return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse | public function destroy($id)
if ( $this->permissions->delete($id) )
return Redirect::route('cpanel.permissions.index')
->with('success', Lang::get('cpanel::permissions.delete_success'));
return Redirect::route('cpanel.permissions.index')
->with('error', Lang::get('cpanel::permissions.model_not_found'));
} |
Create user
REST: POST /cloud/project/{serviceName}/user
@param description [required] User description
@param role [required] Openstack keystone role name
@param serviceName [required] Service name | public OvhUserDetail project_serviceName_user_POST(String serviceName, String description, OvhRoleEnum role) throws IOException {
String qPath = "/cloud/project/{serviceName}/user";
StringBuilder sb = path(qPath, serviceName);
HashMap<String, Object>o = new HashMap<String, Object>();
addBody(o, "description", description);
addBody(o, "role", role);
String resp = exec(qPath, "POST", sb.toString(), o);
return convertTo(resp, OvhUserDetail.class);
} |
This function searches for LaTeX expressions, delimited by $ and $$.
It then adds backticks (``) around the expression, so that is does not
get modifed by Markdown or BBcode.
@param PostWillBeSaved $event | public function findExpressions(PostWillBeSaved $event)
// get the text from the post, comment or answer
$text = $event->post->content;
// this is the regular expresssion used. To check what it does use
$regex = '/(?<!\\\\)(?: ((?<!\\$)(?<!\\`)(?<!\\`\\n)\\${1,2}(?!\\n\\`)(?!\\`)(?!\\$)))(.*(?R)?.*)(?<!\\\\)(?: ((?<!\\$)(?<!\\`)(?<!\\`\\n)\\1(?!\\n\\`)(?!\\`)(?!\\$)))/mxU';
// run the replace and edit the post content
$event->post->content = preg_replace($regex, '`\\1\\2\\3`', $text);
} |
Parsing the sent input | private function parse(){
$inputs = explode('&',$this->input);
foreach($inputs as $input){
$exp = explode('=',$input);
$this->content[urldecode($exp[0])] = urldecode($exp[1]);
} |
Add a Download Feed
@param int $downloadFeedUrl
@return models\Download\Feed\DownloadFeed
@throws \GuzzleHttp\Exception\GuzzleException
@throws \alphayax\freebox\Exception\FreeboxApiException | public function addFeed($downloadFeedUrl)
$rest = $this->callService('POST', self::API_DOWNLOAD_FEEDS, [
'url' => $downloadFeedUrl,
return $rest->getModel(models\Download\Feed\DownloadFeed::class);
} |
This function will return all the menu and sub-menu items that can
be directly (the shortcut directly corresponds) and indirectly
(the ALT-enabled char corresponds to the shortcut) associated
with the keyCode. | @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
void findItemsWithShortcutForKey(List<MenuItem> items, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
final boolean qwerty = isQwertyMode();
final int metaState = event.getMetaState();
final KeyCharacterMap.KeyData possibleChars = new KeyCharacterMap.KeyData();
// Get the chars associated with the keyCode (i.e using any chording combo)
final boolean isKeyCodeMapped = event.getKeyData(possibleChars);
// The delete key is not mapped to '\b' so we treat it specially
if (!isKeyCodeMapped && (keyCode != KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL)) {
// Look for an item whose shortcut is this key.
final int N = mItems.size();
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
MenuItem item = mItems.get(i);
if (item.hasSubMenu()) {
((Menu) item.getSubMenu()).findItemsWithShortcutForKey(items, keyCode, event);
final char shortcutChar = qwerty ? item.getAlphabeticShortcut() : item.getNumericShortcut();
if (((metaState & (KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_ON | KeyEvent.META_SYM_ON)) == 0) &&
(shortcutChar != 0) &&
(shortcutChar == possibleChars.meta[0]
|| shortcutChar == possibleChars.meta[2]
|| (qwerty && shortcutChar == '\b' &&
keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL)) &&
item.isEnabled()) {
} |
Marshall the given parameter object. | public void marshall(RegistrationConfig registrationConfig, ProtocolMarshaller protocolMarshaller) {
if (registrationConfig == null) {
throw new SdkClientException("Invalid argument passed to marshall(...)");
try {
protocolMarshaller.marshall(registrationConfig.getTemplateBody(), TEMPLATEBODY_BINDING);
protocolMarshaller.marshall(registrationConfig.getRoleArn(), ROLEARN_BINDING);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SdkClientException("Unable to marshall request to JSON: " + e.getMessage(), e);
} |
Returns all Days of Showtimes by a Movie.
@param Carbon $date
@return TheaterShowtimeDay|null | public function getShowtimeDayByMovie(Carbon $date)
$showDay = new TheaterShowtimeDay();
$theaters = $this->parseTheaters();
if (count($theaters) > 0) {
return $showDay;
return null;
} |
Merges relationships with this instance's relationships.
@param array $toAdd
@return self | private function mergeRelationships(array $toAdd)
$this->relationships = array_merge($this->relationships, $toAdd);
return $this;
} |
Callback called before any specs processing.
@param array $args The suite arguments array. | public function start($args)
$this->_dotWidth = max($this->_columns - 11 - strlen($this->_total) * 2, 10);
} |
Form Header.
@param out The html out stream.
@param reg The resources object. | public void printHtmlHeader(PrintWriter out, ResourceBundle reg)
String strTitle = this.getProperty("title"); // Menu page
if ((strTitle == null) || (strTitle.length() == 0))
strTitle = ((BasePanel)this.getScreenField()).getTitle();
String strHTMLStart = reg.getString("htmlHeaderStart");
String strHTMLEnd = reg.getString("htmlHeaderEnd");
// Note: don't free the reg key (DBServlet will)
this.printHtmlHeader(out, strTitle, strHTMLStart, strHTMLEnd);
} |
// DEPRECATED: Use EnableAuditWithOptions instead | func (c *Sys) EnableAudit(
path string, auditType string, desc string, opts map[string]string) error {
return c.EnableAuditWithOptions(path, &EnableAuditOptions{
Type: auditType,
Description: desc,
Options: opts,
} |
Generates a Dataframe with the predictions for the provided data file.
The data file should contain the text of one observation per row.
@param datasetURI
@return | public Dataframe predict(URI datasetURI) {
//create a dummy dataset map
Map<Object, URI> dataset = new HashMap<>();
dataset.put(null, datasetURI);
TrainingParameters trainingParameters = (TrainingParameters) knowledgeBase.getTrainingParameters();
Dataframe testDataset = Dataframe.Builder.parseTextFiles(dataset,
return testDataset;
} |
@param _permissionSet the PermissionSet
@throws EFapsException on error | public static void eval(final PermissionSet _permissionSet)
throws EFapsException
Evaluation.LOG.debug("Evaluating PermissionSet {}", _permissionSet);
final Person person = Person.get(_permissionSet.getPersonId());
final Set<Long> ids = new HashSet<>(person.getRoles());
final QueryBuilder userAttrQueryBldr = new QueryBuilder(CIAdminAccess.AccessSet2UserAbstract);
userAttrQueryBldr.addWhereAttrEqValue(CIAdminAccess.AccessSet2UserAbstract.UserAbstractLink, ids.toArray());
final QueryBuilder typeAttrQueryBldr = new QueryBuilder(CIAdminAccess.AccessSet2DataModelType);
typeAttrQueryBldr.addWhereAttrEqValue(CIAdminAccess.AccessSet2DataModelType.DataModelTypeLink, _permissionSet
final QueryBuilder queryBldr = new QueryBuilder(CIAdminAccess.AccessSet2Type);
queryBldr.addWhereAttrInQuery(CIAdminAccess.AccessSet2Type.AccessSetLink, typeAttrQueryBldr.getAttributeQuery(
queryBldr.addWhereAttrInQuery(CIAdminAccess.AccessSet2Type.AccessSetLink, userAttrQueryBldr.getAttributeQuery(
final CachedMultiPrintQuery multi = queryBldr.getCachedPrint4Request();
while ( {
final Type type = Type.get(_permissionSet.getTypeId());
if (type.isCheckStatus()) {
final QueryBuilder statusQueryBldr = new QueryBuilder(CIAdminAccess.AccessSet2Status);
statusQueryBldr.addWhereAttrInQuery(CIAdminAccess.AccessSet2Status.AccessSetLink, typeAttrQueryBldr
statusQueryBldr.addWhereAttrInQuery(CIAdminAccess.AccessSet2Status.AccessSetLink, userAttrQueryBldr
final CachedMultiPrintQuery statusMulti = statusQueryBldr.getCachedPrint4Request();
while ( {
final Long statusId = statusMulti.getAttribute(CIAdminAccess.AccessSet2Status.SatusLink);
final Status status = Status.get(statusId);
if (status.getStatusGroup().getId() == type.getStatusAttribute().getLink().getId()) {
Evaluation.LOG.debug("Evaluated PermissionSet {}", _permissionSet);
} |
// OrElse returns the float64 value or a default value if the value is not present. | func (f Float64) OrElse(v float64) float64 {
if f.Present() {
return *f.value
return v
} |
Checks if the class represented by className implements DelegatedFacesServlet.
@param className
@return | private boolean isDelegatedFacesServlet(String className)
if (className == null)
// The class name can be null if this is e.g., a JSP mapped to
// a servlet.
return false;
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(className);
return DELEGATED_FACES_SERVLET_CLASS.isAssignableFrom(clazz);
catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
return false;
} |
Return true if the transport and content negotiators have finished. | public boolean isFullyEstablished() {
boolean result = true;
MediaNegotiator mediaNeg = getMediaNegotiator();
if ((mediaNeg == null) || !mediaNeg.isFullyEstablished()) {
result = false;
TransportNegotiator transNeg = getTransportNegotiator();
if ((transNeg == null) || !transNeg.isFullyEstablished()) {
result = false;
return result;
} |
Returns the indices that would sort an array.
@param array Array.
@param ascending Ascending order.
@return Array of indices. | public static int[] Argsort(final float[] array, final boolean ascending) {
Integer[] indexes = new Integer[array.length];
for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) {
indexes[i] = i;
Arrays.sort(indexes, new Comparator<Integer>() {
public int compare(final Integer i1, final Integer i2) {
return (ascending ? 1 : -1) *[i1], array[i2]);
return asArray(indexes);
} |
Mark the current job as complete | public function complete()
$this->redis->zadd(Queue::redisKey($this->queue, 'processed'), time(), $this->payload);
Stats::incr('processed', 1);
Stats::incr('processed', 1, Queue::redisKey($this->queue, 'stats'));
Event::fire(Event::JOB_COMPLETE, $this);
} |
Execute this task.
@throws BuildException Description of the Exception | public function main()
if ($this->remove) {
if ($this->name === null || $this->name === "") {
throw new BuildException("The 'name' attribute is required with 'unset'.");
if ($this->file === null) {
// check for the required name attribute
if ($this->name === null || $this->name === '') {
throw new BuildException("The 'name' attribute is required.");
// adjust the property value if necessary -- is this necessary?
// Doesn't Ant do this automatically?
$this->value = $this->getProject()->replaceProperties($this->value);
// set the property
$this->forceProperty($this->name, $this->value);
} else {
if (!$this->file->exists()) {
throw new BuildException($this->file->getAbsolutePath() . " does not exists.");
} |
Get video params
@return $this | public function getParams()
preg_match_all('/https?:\/\/(?:www\.|player\.)?\/(?:channels\/(?:\w+\/)?|groups\/([^\/]*)\/videos\/|album\/(\d+)\/video\/|video\/|)(\d+)(?:$|\/|\?)/', $this->url, $matches);
$id = isset($matches[3][0]) ? $matches[3][0] : false;
$this->params['id'] = $id;
return $this;
} |
Looks for handle identifiers in the misc txt of the citation elements
When finding an hdl, creates a new HDL element.
@param citation_elements: (list) elements to process | def look_for_hdl(citation_elements):
for el in list(citation_elements):
matched_hdl = re_hdl.finditer(el['misc_txt'])
for match in reversed(list(matched_hdl)):
hdl_el = {'type': 'HDL',
'misc_txt': el['misc_txt'][match.end():]}
el['misc_txt'] = el['misc_txt'][0:match.start()]
citation_elements.insert(citation_elements.index(el) + 1, hdl_el) |
Sets a new fault
@param \GoetasWebservices\SoapServices\SoapClient\Envelope\SoapEnvelope12\Parts\Fault $fault
@return self | public function setFault(\GoetasWebservices\SoapServices\SoapClient\Envelope\SoapEnvelope12\Parts\Fault $fault)
$this->fault = $fault;
return $this;
} |
Remove this remote message filter.
@param messageFilter The message filter to remove.
@param bFreeFilter If true, free the remote filter. | public boolean removeRemoteMessageFilter(BaseMessageFilter messageFilter, boolean bFreeFilter) throws RemoteException
BaseTransport transport = this.createProxyTransport(REMOVE_REMOTE_MESSAGE_FILTER);
transport.addParam(FILTER, messageFilter); // Don't use COMMAND
transport.addParam(FREE, bFreeFilter);
Object strReturn = transport.sendMessageAndGetReply();
Object objReturn = transport.convertReturnObject(strReturn);
if (objReturn instanceof Boolean)
return ((Boolean)objReturn).booleanValue();
return true;
} |
Set a specific character of the current string.
@param int $offset Offset (can be negative and unbound).
@param string $value Value.
@return self | public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
$head = null;
$offset = $this->computeOffset($offset);
if (0 < $offset) {
$head = \mb_substr($this->_string, 0, $offset);
$tail = \mb_substr($this->_string, $offset + 1);
$this->_string = $head . $value . $tail;
$this->_direction = null;
return $this;
} |
not publish group action
@param $class
@return boolean | protected function notPublishGroupAction($class)
try {
if ( ! $class::whereIn('id', $this->request->id)->update(['is_publish' => false])) {
throw new UpdateException($this->request->id, 'group not not published');
event(new $this->events['success']($this->request->id));
return true;
} catch (UpdateException $e) {
event(new $this->events['fail']($e->getDatas()));
return false;
} |
Find all snapshots associated with this deployment's lineage | def find_snapshots
unless @lineage
s = @servers.first
kind_params = s.transform_parameters(s.parameters)
@lineage = kind_params['DB_LINEAGE_NAME'].gsub(/text:/, "")
snapshots = Ec2EbsSnapshot.find_by_cloud_id(@servers.first.cloud_id).select { |n| n.nickname =~ /#{@lineage}.*$/ }
end |
open file and truncate content
@since 0.9 | public function openWithTruncate()
$time = time();
$this->lastAccessed = $time;
$this->lastModified = $time;
} |
Pack a OmemoBundleElement containing our key material.
@param userDevice our OmemoDevice.
@return OmemoBundleElement
@throws CorruptedOmemoKeyException when a key could not be loaded | OmemoBundleElement_VAxolotl packOmemoBundle(OmemoDevice userDevice)
throws CorruptedOmemoKeyException {
int currentSignedPreKeyId = loadCurrentOmemoSignedPreKeyId(userDevice);
T_SigPreKey currentSignedPreKey = loadOmemoSignedPreKeys(userDevice).get(currentSignedPreKeyId);
return new OmemoBundleElement_VAxolotl(
} |
// Create a backend to be used for L7 load balancing. This L7 pool has backend protocol, L7 members, L7 health monitor and session affinity. L7 pool is associated with L7 policies. | func (r Network_LBaaS_L7Pool) CreateL7Pool(loadBalancerUuid *string, l7Pool *datatypes.Network_LBaaS_L7Pool, l7Members []datatypes.Network_LBaaS_L7Member, l7HealthMonitor *datatypes.Network_LBaaS_L7HealthMonitor, l7SessionAffinity *datatypes.Network_LBaaS_L7SessionAffinity) (resp datatypes.Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancer, err error) {
params := []interface{}{
err = r.Session.DoRequest("SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Pool", "createL7Pool", params, &r.Options, &resp)
} |
Returns list of annotated methods for given class.
This list will be cached on per-class basis to avoid costly annotations look up. | static List<EventMethod> getMethodsForTarget(@NonNull Object target) {
if (target instanceof Class) {
return getMethodsFromClass((Class<?>) target, true);
} else {
return getMethodsFromClass(target.getClass(), false);
} |
A datetime property. | def Datetime(null=True, **kwargs):
return Property(
) |
Получить значение из запроса | public function fetchValue($sql, $col = null, $values = null, $connection = null)
$st = $this->query($sql, $values, $connection);
if (!$row = $st->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
return false;
if (!$col) {
return current($row);
if (!array_key_exists($col, $row)) {
Exception::ThrowError(Exception::COLUMN_NOT_EXISTS, $col);
return $row[$col];
} |
Create a simplified character representation of the data row, which can be pattern matched
with a regex | def picture(self, row):
template = '_Xn'
types = (type(None), binary_type, int)
def guess_type(v):
v = text_type(v).strip()
except ValueError:
v = binary_type(v).strip()
#v = v.decode('ascii', 'replace').strip()
if not bool(v):
return type(None)
for t in (float, int, binary_type, text_type):
return type(t(v))
def p(e):
tm = t = None
t = guess_type(e)
tm = self.type_map.get(t, t)
return template[types.index(tm)]
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError("Type '{}'/'{}' not in the types list: {} ({})".format(t, tm, types, e))
return ''.join(p(e) for e in row) |
Apply search filters to a SQL query column. Apply collation rules to MySQL.
@param Builder $query
@param Expression|string $field
@param string[] $search_terms | private function whereSearch(Builder $query, $field, array $search_terms): void
if ($field instanceof Expression) {
$field = $field->getValue();
foreach ($search_terms as $search_term) {
$query->whereContains(DB::raw($field), $search_term);
} |
@param array $segments dedd
@return array | public function crumbs($segments)
$item = '';
$crumbs = [];
foreach ($segments as $segment):
$item = $item . "/" . $segment;
$crumbs["{$segment}"] = $item;
return $crumbs;
} |
Checks whether the given file is inside the given directory.
@param file the file
@param directory the directory
@return {@literal true} if the file is in the directory (or any subdirectories), {@literal false} otherwise. | public static boolean isInDirectory(File file, File directory) {
try {
return FilenameUtils.directoryContains(directory.getCanonicalPath(), file.getCanonicalPath());
} catch (IOException e) { //NOSONAR
return false;
} |
Read - Maps ----- | public function getNameValueMapByType( $parentId, $parentType, $type ) {
$config = [];
$config[ 'conditions' ][ 'parentId' ] = $parentId;
$config[ 'conditions' ][ 'parentType' ] = $parentType;
$config[ 'conditions' ][ 'type' ] = $type;
return $this->getNameValueMap( $config );
} |
Encodes the message into binary format. The resulting binary message is
stored in C{self.rawMessage} | def _marshal(self, newSerial=True, oobFDs=None):
flags = 0
if not self.expectReply:
flags |= 0x1
if not self.autoStart:
flags |= 0x2
# may be overriden below, depending on oobFDs
_headerAttrs = self._headerAttrs
# marshal body before headers to know if the 'unix_fd' header is needed
if self.signature:
binBody = b''.join(
if oobFDs:
# copy class based _headerAttrs to add a unix_fds header this
# time
_headerAttrs = list(self._headerAttrs)
_headerAttrs.append(('unix_fds', 9, False))
self.unix_fds = len(oobFDs)
binBody = b''
self.headers = []
for attr_name, code, _ in _headerAttrs:
hval = getattr(self, attr_name, None)
if hval is not None:
if attr_name == 'path':
hval = marshal.ObjectPath(hval)
elif attr_name == 'signature':
hval = marshal.Signature(hval)
elif attr_name == 'unix_fds':
hval = marshal.UInt32(hval)
self.headers.append([code, hval])
self.bodyLength = len(binBody)
if newSerial:
self.serial = DBusMessage._nextSerial
DBusMessage._nextSerial += 1
binHeader = b''.join(marshal.marshal(
lendian=self.endian == ord('l')
headerPadding = marshal.pad['header'](len(binHeader))
self.rawHeader = binHeader
self.rawPadding = headerPadding
self.rawBody = binBody
self.rawMessage = b''.join([binHeader, headerPadding, binBody])
if len(self.rawMessage) > self._maxMsgLen:
raise error.MarshallingError(
'Marshalled message exceeds maximum message size of %d' %
) |
Double the hash table size and rehash the entries. Assumes total lock. | @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
void rehash() {
Entry<K,V>[] src = entries;
if (src == null) {
throw new CacheClosedException(cache);
int i, sl = src.length, n = sl * 2, _mask = n - 1, idx;
Entry<K,V>[] tab = new Entry[n];
long _count = 0; Entry _next, e;
for (i = 0; i < sl; i++) {
e = src[i];
while (e != null) {
_count++; _next = e.another; idx = modifiedHashCode(e.hashCode) & _mask;
e.another = tab[idx]; tab[idx] = e;
e = _next;
entries = tab;
} |
Redirection workaround
See for more infos.
@return int : redirect count | private function follow()
$status = 0;
$redirectCount = 0;
$newurl = $this->url;
$maxRedirect = $this->maxRedirect;
$session = curl_copy_handle($this->session);
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE, false);
do {
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_URL, $newurl);
$response = curl_exec($session);
$infos = curl_getinfo($session);
$this->parseError(curl_errno($session), curl_error($session));
if (empty($this->error)) {
$response = $this->parseResponse($response, $infos);
$status = $response['status'];
if (($status == 301 || $status == 302) && isset($response['headers']['location'])) {
$newurl = $response['headers']['location'];
if (!preg_match('#^https?:#i', $newurl)) {
$newurl = $this->url.$newurl;
} while ($status != 200 && $maxRedirect > 0);
if ($maxRedirect == 0 && ($status == 0 || $status == 301 || $status == 302)) {
$this->error = 'Too many redirects...';
return false;
curl_setopt($this->session, CURLOPT_URL, $newurl);
return $redirectCount;
} |
@return array | public function actionUpdateStatus()
$ids = \Yii::$app->request->post('ids');
$status = intval(\Yii::$app->request->post('status'));
if ($status != 0) {
$status = 1;
foreach (StringHelper::explode($ids, ',', true, true) as $id) {
$obj = DpAdminMenuUrl::find()
if ($obj) {
$obj->status = $status;
return $this->renderSuccess('状态更新成功');
} |
Environment Variables for the branch.
@param environmentVariables
Environment Variables for the branch.
@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. | public CreateBranchRequest withEnvironmentVariables(java.util.Map<String, String> environmentVariables) {
return this;
} |
get unique identifier of this container
:return: str | def get_id(self):
if self._id is None:
self._id = graceful_get(self.inspect(refresh=True), "ID")
return self._id |
// NewEndpoint creates a new ipv6 endpoint. | func (p *protocol) NewEndpoint(nicid tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address, linkAddrCache stack.LinkAddressCache, dispatcher stack.TransportDispatcher, linkEP stack.LinkEndpoint) (stack.NetworkEndpoint, *tcpip.Error) {
return &endpoint{
nicid: nicid,
id: stack.NetworkEndpointID{LocalAddress: addr},
linkEP: linkEP,
linkAddrCache: linkAddrCache,
dispatcher: dispatcher,
}, nil
} |
Validate the incoming request.
:param request: The incoming :class:`oauth2.web.Request`.
:return: Returns ``True`` if data is valid.
:raises: :class:`oauth2.error.OAuthInvalidError` | def read_validate_params(self, request):
self.refresh_token = request.post_param("refresh_token")
if self.refresh_token is None:
raise OAuthInvalidError(
explanation="Missing refresh_token in request body")
self.client = self.client_authenticator.by_identifier_secret(request)
access_token = self.access_token_store.fetch_by_refresh_token(
except AccessTokenNotFound:
raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_request",
explanation="Invalid refresh token")
refresh_token_expires_at = access_token.refresh_expires_at
self.refresh_grant_type = access_token.grant_type
if refresh_token_expires_at != 0 and \
refresh_token_expires_at < int(time.time()):
raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_request",
explanation="Invalid refresh token") =
self.user_id = access_token.user_id
self.scope_handler.parse(request, "body")
return True |
Assert that key exists in array and it's value not empty.
@param mixed $value
@param string|integer $key
@param string $message
@param string $propertyPath
@return void
@throws Exception | static public function notEmptyKey($value, $key, $message = null, $propertyPath = null)
static::keyExists($value, $key, $message, $propertyPath);
static::notEmpty($value[$key], $message, $propertyPath);
} |
Performs lookup on key and returns appropriate replacement string.
@param array $matches Array of 1 el containing key to search for.
@return string Text with which to replace key or value of key if none is found. | private function replaceTokenCallback($matches)
$key = $matches[1];
/* Get tokens from tokensource and merge them with the
* tokens given directly via build file. This should be
* done a bit more elegantly
if ($this->_alltokens === null) {
$this->_alltokens = [];
$count = count($this->_tokensources);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$source = $this->_tokensources[$i];
$this->_alltokens = array_merge($this->_alltokens, $source->getTokens());
$this->_alltokens = array_merge($this->_tokens, $this->_alltokens);
$tokens = $this->_alltokens;
$replaceWith = null;
$count = count($tokens);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
if ($tokens[$i]->getKey() === $key) {
$replaceWith = $tokens[$i]->getValue();
if ($replaceWith === null) {
$replaceWith = $this->_beginToken . $key . $this->_endToken;
$this->log("No token defined for key \"" . $this->_beginToken . $key . $this->_endToken . "\"");
} else {
"Replaced \"" . $this->_beginToken . $key . $this->_endToken . "\" with \"" . $replaceWith . "\"",
return $replaceWith;
} |
Returns the content to display on course/overview page, formatted and passed through filters
if $options['context'] is not specified, the module context is used
@param array|stdClass $options formatting options, see {@link format_text()}
@return string | public function get_formatted_content($options = array()) {
if (empty($this->content)) {
return '';
if ($this->contentisformatted) {
return $this->content;
// Improve filter performance by preloading filter setttings for all
// activities on the course (this does nothing if called multiple
// times)
$options = (array)$options;
if (!isset($options['context'])) {
$options['context'] = $this->get_context();
return format_text($this->content, FORMAT_HTML, $options);
} |
Keyword arguments:
lower -- 是否将单词小写(针对英文)
use_stop_words -- 若为True,则利用停止词集合来过滤(去掉停止词)
use_speech_tags_filter -- 是否基于词性进行过滤。若为True,则使用self.default_speech_tag_filter过滤。否则,不过滤。 | def segment(self, text, lower=True, use_stop_words=True, use_speech_tags_filter=False):
jieba_result = cut_for_search(text)
jieba_result = [w for w in jieba_result]
# 去除特殊符号
word_list = [w.strip() for w in jieba_result]
word_list = [word for word in word_list if len(word) > 0]
if use_speech_tags_filter == False:
jieba_result = [w for w in jieba_result]
if lower:
word_list = [word.lower() for word in word_list]
if use_stop_words:
word_list = [word.strip() for word in word_list if word.strip() not in self.stop_words]
return word_list |
/* Get all edit-config tags | function(platform) {
var platform_tag = this.doc.find('./platform[@name="' + platform + '"]');
var platform_edit_configs = platform_tag ? platform_tag.findall('edit-config') : [];
var edit_configs = this.doc.findall('edit-config').concat(platform_edit_configs);
return {
var editConfig =
file : tag.attrib['file'],
target : tag.attrib['target'],
mode : tag.attrib['mode'],
id : 'config.xml',
xmls : tag.getchildren()
return editConfig;
} |
@param array|CloudMessage|Message $message
@throws InvalidArgumentException
@throws InvalidMessage
@return array | public function validate($message): array
if (\is_array($message)) {
$message = CloudMessage::fromArray($message);
if (!($message instanceof Message)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'Unsupported message type. Use an array or a class implementing %s'.Message::class
try {
$response = $this->messagingApi->validateMessage($message);
} catch (NotFound $e) {
throw (new InvalidMessage($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()))
return JSON::decode((string) $response->getBody(), true);
} |
Subsets and Splits