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Chinese Tense Labelling and Causal Analysis. | ['Hen-Hsen Huang', 'Chang-Rui Yang', 'Hsin-Hsi Chen'] | Chinese Tense Labelling and Causal Analysis. | 976,068 |
A theory for jointly optimizing transmitter and receiver finite impulse response (FIR) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) filters is developed in the presence of near-end crosstalk and additive channel noise independent of the original signal. The transfer function of the channel is a known MIMO transfer function with finite memory. Near-end crosstalk is included through another MIMO transfer function. The channel input signal is assumed to be power constrained. For a given channel with a maximum allowable average input power, the transmitter and receiver FIR MIMO filters are jointly optimized such that the mean square error (MSE) between the desired and reconstructed signal is minimized. An iterative numerical optimization algorithm is proposed. When compared to the methods available in the literature, the proposed method yields better results due to the joint optimization of the transmitter-receiver pair and is applicable to a more general scenario that may include correlated sources and near-end crosstalk. | ['Are Hjorungnes', 'M.L.R. de Campos', 'Paulo S. R. Diniz'] | Jointly optimized transmitter and receiver FIR MIMO filters in the presence of near-end crosstalk | 226,861 |
Navigation strategy as a predictor of navigation performance | ['M. Kirk Rodgers', 'Joseph A. Sindone', 'Scott D. Moffat'] | Navigation strategy as a predictor of navigation performance | 991,305 |
Video transmission over wireless networks suffers from packet loss due to either packet drop or fading-induced bit errors. Temporal error concealment (EC) is an useful video coding technique to recover the errors in video transmission. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for temporal EC for H.264 over wireless networks. The proposed framework combines the properties of Inter Mode in H.264 Inter frame and motion inpainting in the computer vision community. In the framework, modes of the correctly received surrounding blocks of the corrupted macroblocks (MBs) are checked first. Then, according to the modes, we divide into four EC methods to conceal the corrupted MBs , which include 4 × 4 blocks motion inpainting, 8 × 8 blocks motion inpainting, the boundary matching algorithm and zero motion vector (MV) based EC method. Experimental results on several videos show that the proposed method has good objective and subjective video quality performance, whilst also being with low computation cost. | ['Yi Wang', 'Xiaoqiang Guo', 'Ye Feng', 'Aidong Men', 'Bo Yang'] | A novel temporal error concealment framework for H.264 over wireless networks | 142,166 |
A new type of remote-sensing radiometer based upon the Fabry-Perot (FP) interferometric technique has been developed at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center and tested from both ground and aircraft platforms. The sensor uses direct or reflected sunlight and has channels for measuring the column concentration of carbon dioxide at 1570 nm, oxygen lines sensitive to pressure and temperature at 762 and 768 nm, and water vapor (940 nm). A solid FP etalon is used as a tunable narrow bandpass filter to restrict the measurement to the gas of interest's absorption bands. By adjusting the temperature of the etalon, which changes the index of refraction of its material, the transmission fringes can be brought into nearly exact correspondence with the absorption lines of the particular species. With this alignment between absorption lines and fringes, changes in the amount of a species in the atmosphere strongly affect the amount of light transmitted by the etalon and can be related to gas concentration. The technique is applicable to different chemical species. We have performed simulations and instrument design studies for CH 4 , 13 CO 2 isotope, and CO detection. | ['Elena M. Georgieva', 'William S. Heaps', 'Emily L. Wilson'] | Differential Radiometers Using Fabry–Perot Interferometric Technique for Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gases | 151,627 |
Quantized noise distributions derived from continuous signals with additive noise are studied. Two noise sources are considered, quantized image noise derived from the continuous input noise source and noise due to quantization roundoff error. These are treated as statistically independent sources. An analytic solution for the quantized noise probability density is obtained. The analytic solution is estimated by two expressions valid for normally distributed noise over different ranges of variance. The estimates have excellent agreement in the region of overlapping validity. Quantized noise variance is related to the continuous noise variance from normally distributed noise using these expressions. A table and plots of useful values are included. These results are helpful in choosing a quantization interval for a particular application. They can also be used to determine quantizer output noise level and signal-to-noise ratio in digital applications. > | ['Michael K. Brown'] | On quantization of noisy signals | 83,067 |
The Chinese financial news titles has only few words so that it is hard for measuring the similarity between titles if compare all their keywords only. In this study, we proposed a method of semantic similarity measurement for Chinese financial news titles based on constructing the Event Frame structure as the template of a Chinese financial news title. It concerns the relation between the basic meanings of two news titles for similarity measurement. In addition, a semantic similarity function is used to integrate both the relation of Event Frames of the financial news titles and the relation between the keywords of these titles. In this matter, the proposed method can differentiate the Chinese financial news that mention the same event from all other Chinese financial news by the Event Frame, since it concerns the relation between the basic meanings of two news titles and reduces the comparing time. The result of this approach shows that the Event Frame extracting has high precision and the provided semantic similarity measurement can emphasize the relation between the connotations of two news titles. | ['Ching-Hao Mao', 'Ta-Wei Hung', 'Jan-Ming Ho', 'Hahn-Ming Lee'] | Semantic Similarity Measurement of Chinese Financial News Titles Based on Event Frame Extracting | 518,364 |
This study stems from a previous article [1] in which we found that a psycholinguistically motivated#N#mechanism based on the Construction-Integration (C-I) model [2,3] could be used for call classifiers in#N#systems based on Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). In it we showed that with this model more robust#N#results were obtained when categorizing call transcriptions. However, this method was not tested in a#N#context of calls in audio format, where a voice recognition application would be involved. The most#N#direct implication of a voice recognition application is that the text to be categorized may be#N#impoverished and is subject to noise. This impoverishment normally translates into deletions and#N#insertions which are semantically arbitrary but phonetically similar. The aim of this study is to describe#N#the behavior of a complete system, with calls in audio format that are transcribed by a voice recognition#N#application using a Stochastic Language Model (SLM), and then categorized with an LSA model. This#N#process optionally includes a mechanism based on the C-I model. In this study different parameters#N#were analyzed to assess the automatic router's rate of correct choices. The results show that once again#N#the model based on C-I is significantly better, but the benefits are more remarkable when the utterances#N#are long. The paper describes the system and examines both the full results and the interactions in some#N#scenarios. The economy of resources and flexibility of the system are also discussed. | ['Guillermo Jorge-Botana', 'Ricardo Olmos', 'Alejandro Barroso'] | Call Routing Based on a Combination of the Construction-Integration Model and Latent Semantic Analysis: A Full System | 112,319 |
This tutorial provides an introduction to the most important classes of decision diagrams and their applications in the area of verification and stochastic or timed modeling. In particular, we show how structured representations can greatly reduce the memory and time required for state-space generation, CTL model checking, numerical solution of Markov chains, and reachability analysis of nondeterministic integer-timed models. We use Petri nets (PNs) as the high-level model specification language, but the algorithms and data-structures presented are widely applicable to many other formalisms commonly used to describe discrete-state systems. | ['Gianfranco Ciardo'] | Petri Net Analysis Using Decision Diagrams | 233,770 |
Node flip ambiguity is a key problem that needs to be addressed for the range-based node localization in wireless sensor networks. A Robust Node Localization Method (RNLM) is proposed in this paper. It is a two phase methods. In the first phase, the orthogonal projection detection method is adopted to detect the unknown nodes needed to be positioned. For the unknown nodes that will not occur flip ambiguity, the least squares method is adopted to locate them. In the second phase, for the unknown nodes that may occur flip ambiguity, based on the topological constraints of the networks, an objective function is generated and Particle Swarm Optimization is adopted to find the minimum value of the objective function. In this way, the estimated locations of those nodes are obtained. The simulation results demonstrate that RNLM can effectively deal with the problem of node flip ambiguity. | ['Wei Liu', 'Enqing Dong', 'Yang Song'] | A robust node localization method to address flip ambiguity in wireless networks | 668,998 |
This thesis is concerned with support at all levels for building highly concurrent and dynamic parallel processing systems. The CSP model of concurrency, as (largely) embodied in the occam programming language is used due to its simplicity, expressiveness, architecture- independent nature, and potential for high performance. Additionally, occam provides guarantees regarding freedom from aliasing and race-hazard error. This thesis addresses one of the grand challenges of present day computer science: providing a software technology that offers the dynamic flexibility and performance of mainstream object oriented environments with the level of safety, formal analysis, modularity and lightweight concurrency offered by CSP/occam. Two approaches to this challenge are possible: do something to make the mainstream languages (e.g. Java, C++) safe, or make occam dynamic -- without compromising its existing good properties. This thesis follows the latter route. The first part of this thesis concentrates on enhancing the occam language and run-time system, on a commodity platform (IBM PC) running the freely available Linux operating system. After a brief introduction to the various components of the kroc occam system, additions and extensions to the occam programming language and supporting run-time system are examined. These provide a greater degree of programming flexibility in occam (for example, by adding support for dynamic allocation, mobile semantics and dynamic network construction), without compromising the safety of programs which use them. Benchmarks are reported that demonstrate significant improvements in performance (for example, channel communication in tens of nano-seconds). The second part concentrates on improving the level of interaction between occam programs and the OS environment. Providing easy access to sockets and networking, for example. This thesis concludes with a discussion of the work presented herein, with consideration given to parallels with object-oriented languages. Also described are details of ongoing and potential future research. The modified language grammar, details of new compiler generated code, and miscellany are provided in the appendices. | ['Frederick R.M. Barnes'] | Dynamics and Pragmatics for High Performance Concurrency | 217,504 |
Massive changes in electricity markets have occurred during the last years, as a consequence of the massive introduction of renewable energies. These changes have led to a restructuring process that had an impact throughout the electrical industry. The case of the electricity markets is a relevant example, where new forms of trading emerged and new market entities were created. With these changes, the complexity of electricity markets increased as well, which brought out the need from the involved players for adequate support to their decision making process. Artificial intelligence plays an important role in the development of these tools. Multi-agent systems, in particular, have been largely explored by stakeholders in the sector. Artificial intelligence also provides intelligent solutions for optimization, which enable troubleshooting in a short time and with very similar results to those achieved by deterministic techniques, which usually result from very high execution times. The work presented in this paper aims at solving a portfolio optimization problem for electricity markets participation, using an approach based on NPSO-LRS (New Particle Swarm Optimization with Local Random Search). The proposed method is used to assist decisions of electricity market players. | ['Ricardo Faia', 'Tiago Pinto', 'Zita Vale'] | Portfolio Optimization for Electricity Market Participation with NPSO-LRS | 982,603 |
We present a technique for computing piecewise linear approximations of geodesics on point set surfaces by minimizing an energy function defined for piecewise linear path. The function considers path length, closeness to the surface for the nodes of the piecewise linear path and for the intermediate line segments. Our method is robust with respect to noise and outliers. In order to avoid local minima, a good initial piecewise linear approximation of a geodesic is provided by Dijkstra's algorithm that is applied to a proximity graph constructed over the point set. As the proximity graph we use a sphere-of-influence weighted graph extended for surfel sets. The convergence of our method has been studied and compared to results of other methods by running experiments on surfaces whose geodesics can be computed analytically. Our method is presented and optimized for surfel-based representations but it has been implemented also for MLS surfaces. Moreover, it can also be applied to other surface representations, e.g., triangle meshes, radial-basis functions, etc. | ['Mauro Roberto Ruggeri', 'Tal Darom', 'Dietmar Saupe', 'Nahum Kiryati'] | Approximating geodesics on point set surfaces | 263,491 |
In this work we discuss the problem of automatically determining bounding box annotations for objects in images whereas we only assume weak labeling in the form of global image labels. We therefore are only given a set of positive images all containing at least one instance of a desired object and a negative set of images which represent background. Our goal is then to determine the locations of the object instances within the positive images by bounding boxes. We also describe and analyze a method for automatic bounding box annotation which consists of two major steps. First, we apply a statistical model for determining visual features which are likely to be indicative for the respective object class. Based on these feature models we infer preliminary estimations for bounding boxes. Second, we use a CCCP training algorithm for latent structured SVM in order to improve the initial estimations by using them as initializations for latent variables modeling the optimal bounding box positions. We evaluate our approach on three publicly available datasets. | ['Christian X. Ries', 'Fabian Richter', 'Rainer Lienhart'] | Towards automatic bounding box annotations from weakly labeled images | 509,229 |
Correspondence relations between different views of the same scene can be learnt in an unsupervised manner. We address autonomous learning of arbitrary fixed spatial (point-to-point) mappings. Since any such transformation can be represented by a permutation matrix, the signal model is a linear one, whereas the proposed analysis method, mainly based on Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) is based on a generalized eigensystem problem, i.e., a nonlinear operation. The learnt transformation is represented implicitly in terms of pairs of learned basis vectors and does neither use nor require an analytic/parametric expression for the latent mapping. We show how the rank of the signal that is shared among views may be determined from canonical correlations and how the overlapping (=shared) dimensions among the views may be inferred. | ['Christian Conrad', 'Rudolf Mester'] | Learning rank reduced mappings using canonical correlation analysis | 873,532 |
The purpose of this paper is to present new image coding schemes based on a predictive vector quantization (PVQ) approach. The predictive part of the encoder is used to partially remove redundancy, and the VQ part further removes the residual redundancy and selects good quantization levels for the global waveform. Two implementations of this coding approach have been devised, namely, sliding block PVQ and block tree PVQ. Simulations on real images show significant improvement over the conventional DPCM and tree codes using these new techniques. The strong robustness property of these coding schemes is also experimentally demonstrated. | ['Hsueh-Ming Hang', 'John W. Woods'] | Predictive Vector Quantization of Images | 353,017 |
With the increasing use of multimedia technologies, image compression requires higher performance as well as new features. To address this need in the specific area of still image encoding, a new standard is currently being developed, the JPEG2000. It is not only intended to provide rate-distortion and subjective image quality performance superior to existing standards, but also to provide features and functionalities that current standards can either not address efficiently or in many cases cannot address at all. Lossless and lossy compression, embedded lossy to lossless coding, progressive transmission by pixel accuracy and by resolution, robustness to the presence of bit-errors and region-of-interest coding, are some representative features. It is interesting to note that JPEG2000 is being designed to address the requirements of a diversity of applications, e.g. Internet, color facsimile, printing, scanning, digital photography, remote sensing, mobile applications, medical imagery, digital library and E-commerce. | ['Charilaos Christopoulos', 'Athanassios N. Skodras', 'Touradj Ebrahimi'] | The JPEG2000 still image coding system: an overview | 522,530 |
The scientific term "amphidrome" is usually associated with tides in oceanography. The dozen tidal amphidromes observed in the ocean are critical points that determine the fundamental pattern of the global tidal system. Exploration of recently available satellite data with an unprecedented 1-2 decades duration suggests that an amphidrome is not a tide-only phenomenon in the ocean. Analysis of altimeter-derived sea level anomaly (SLA) data and radiometer-derived sea surface temperature (SST) data allows ten amphidromic points to be clearly identified in annual SLA and SST variations. These amphidromes are located in the tropical areas of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans. Their existence implies that the annual cycle (in time) of the atmosphere-ocean system is translated into a rotary variation (in space) for many of the geophysical parameters. It can be concluded that annual amphidromes are common, the knowledge of which is of particular interest, given their annually "constant" nature, for the monitoring and understanding of oceanic, climatic, as well as biological variabilities at seasonal to decadal scales, which strongly affect many aspects of the natural and societal activities on the globe. | ['Ge Chen', 'Graham D. Quartly'] | Annual amphidromes: a common feature in the ocean? | 409,520 |
This research investigates transitive dependence relations, an extension of direct dependence relations, in multi-agent systems. In this paper, action dependence relations are employed to deduct transitive dependence relations from direct dependence relations. Transitive dependence is useful in representation, analysis, and social relations reasoning between agents, groups, organizations, etc. Furthermore, in this paper, dependence relations are differentiated by both dependence property and dependence degree, which is useful in quantitative social reasoning. | ['Bo An', 'Chunyan Miao', 'Lianggui Tang', 'Shuangqing Li', 'Daijie Cheng'] | Toward transitive dependence in MAS | 38,159 |
Broadcast data delivery is encountered in many applications where there is a need to disseminate information to a large user community in a wireless asymmetric communication environment. We consider the problem of scheduling the data broadcast such that the access latency experienced by the users is low. In a push-based system, where the users cannot place requests directly to the server and the broadcast schedule should be determined based solely on the access probabilities, we formulate a deterministic dynamic optimization problem, the solution of which provides the optimal broadcast schedule. Properties of the optimal solution are obtained and then we propose a suboptimal dynamic policy which achieves mean access latency close to the lower bound. The policy has low complexity, it is adaptive to changing access statistics, and is easily generalized to multiple broadcast channels. In a pull-based system where the users may place requests about information items directly to the server, the scheduling can be based on the number of pending requests for each item. Suboptimal policies with good performance are obtained in this case as well. Finally, it is demonstrated by a numerical study that as the request generation rate increases, the achievable performance of the pull- and push-based systems becomes almost identical. | ['Chi-Jiun Su', 'Leandros Tassiulas'] | Broadcast scheduling for information distribution | 415,207 |
Improvement of KMRNG Using n-Pendulum | ['Jae Jun Lee', 'Sungyoung Lee', 'Taeseon Yoon'] | Improvement of KMRNG Using n-Pendulum | 849,574 |
Tendon-Driven Manipulators (TDM) have been used in various applications requiring low inertia robots having multiple degrees-of-freedom (DOF) and redundancy. TDMs are generally actuated by gear electric motors placed at the base of the robot, and consequently require complex cable tension feedback from force sensors or dynamic modelling to maintain cables under tension. This paper presents a high performance TDM actuated by magneto-rheological clutches along with a specialized motion control algorithm, termed Projected PID, that requires no tension feedback. A 2-DOF proof-of-concept TDM powered by magneto-rheological clutches is used to demonstrate overall controller performance, and a reconfigurable 2-DOF TDM powered by direct-drive electric motors is used to demonstrate the controller's ability to compensate for configuration variations and actuator failure. Experimental results also demonstrate the ability of Projected PID to control magneto-rheological cable-driven TDMs with high accuracy. | ['Joel Viau', 'Patrick Chouinard', 'Jean-Philippe Lucking Bigué', 'Guifré Julio', 'Francois Michaud', 'Shingo Shimoda', 'Jean-Sébastien Plante'] | Projected PID controller for Tendon-Driven Manipulators actuated by magneto-rheological clutches | 589,354 |
Discovering the most important variables is a crucial step for accelerating model building without losing potential predictive power of the data. In many practical problems is necessary to discover the dependant variables and the ones that are redundant. In this paper an automatic method for discovering the most important signals or char- acteristics to build data-driven models is presented. This method was developed thinking in a very high dimensionality inputs spaces, where many variables are independent, but existing many others which are combinations of the independent ones. The base of the method are the SOM neural network and a method for feature weighting very similar to Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) with some modifications. | ['Fernando Pavón', 'Jesús Vega', 'Sebastián Dormido Canto'] | SOM and Feature Weights Based Method for Dimensionality Reduction in Large Gauss Linear Models | 545,423 |
It is known that, after a prolonged period of visual deprivation, the adult visual cortex can be recruited for nonvisual processing, reflecting cross-modal plasticity. Here, we investigated whether cross-modal plasticity can occur at short timescales in the typical adult brain by comparing the interaction between vision and touch during binocular rivalry before and after a brief period of monocular deprivation, which strongly alters ocular balance favoring the deprived eye. While viewing dichoptically two gratings of orthogonal orientation, participants were asked to actively explore a haptic grating congruent in orientation to one of the two rivalrous stimuli. We repeated this procedure before and after 150 min of monocular deprivation. We first confirmed that haptic stimulation interacted with vision during rivalry promoting dominance of the congruent visuo-haptic stimulus and that monocular deprivation increased the deprived eye and decreased the nondeprived eye dominance. Interestingly, after deprivat... | ['Luca Lo Verde', 'Maria Concetta Morrone', 'Claudia Lunghi'] | Early Cross-modal Plasticity in Adults. | 913,492 |
A Unified Metric for Quantifying Information Leakage of Cryptographic Devices Under Power Analysis Attacks | ['Liwei Zhang', 'A. Adam Ding', 'Yunsi Fei', 'Pei Luo'] | A Unified Metric for Quantifying Information Leakage of Cryptographic Devices Under Power Analysis Attacks | 687,803 |
Across the world, politics has been transformed by e-populism, where parties support freedom of the Internet, direct democracy, transparency and free speech. E-populists have proved powerful opponents, upsetting governments in Italy, Egypt and elsewhere. But can e-populism succeed in creating inclusive, constructive government? Does the power of the Internet need to be mitigated by alternative institutions? | ["Kieron O'Hara"] | The Many-Headed e-Monster | 540,531 |
In this paper, a low-complexity unequal error protection (UEP) of H.264/AVC coded video using adaptive hierarchical quadrature amplitude modulation (HQAM), which takes into consideration the non-uniformly distributed importance of intracoded frame (I-frame) and predictive coded frame (P-frame) is proposed. Simulation results show that in terms of average peak signal-to-noise ratio (average PSNR), our proposed (EEP) scheme outperforms the equal error protection (EEP) by up to 5 dB | ['Yoong Choon Chang', 'Sze Wei Lee', 'Ryoichi Komiya'] | A low-complexity unequal error protection of H.264/AVC video using adaptive hierarchical QAM | 197,818 |
In XML retrieval, two distinct approaches have been established and pursued without much cross-fertilization taking place so far. On the one hand, native XML databases tailored to the semistructured data model have received considerable attention, and a wealth of index structures, join algorithms, tree encodings and query rewriting techniques for XML have been proposed. On the other hand, the question how to make XML fit the relational data model has been studied in great detail, giving rise to a multitude of storage schemes for XML in relational database systems (RDBSs). In this paper we examine how native XML indexing techniques can boost the retrieval of XML stored in an RDBS. We present the Relational CADG (RCADG), an adaptation of several native indexing approaches to the relational model, and show how it supports the evaluation of a clean formal language of conjunctive XML queries. Unlike relational storage schemes for XML, the RCADG largely preserves the underlying tree structure of the data in the RDBS, thus addressing several open problems known from the literature. Experiments show that the RCADG accelerates retrieval by up to two or even three orders of magnitude compared to both native and relational approaches. | ['Felix Weigel', 'Klaus U. Schulz', 'Holger Meuss'] | Exploiting native XML indexing techniques for XML retrieval in relational database systems | 311,822 |
In order to reduce the signaling overhead in adaptive OFDM transmission systems being designed for B3G and 4G wireless communications, the basic resource unit, referred to as chunk, comprises a number of adjacent sub-carriers and OFDM symbol periods. A consequent open issue is the mapping of long codewords onto limited size chunks, especially when link adaptation per chunk is carried out. This paper proposes a new method for joint coding and modulation. A data packet, independently of its length, is encoded without any segmentation into a single codeword spanning different chunks employing different signal constellations. The parameters of the underlying error correction code are chosen independently of the signal constellation and no puncturing is required. Moreover, a joint adaptation of the code length and the modulation format is proposed to optimise the number of chunks allocated for transmis sion. | ['Peter Vladimirovich Trifonov', 'Elena Costa', 'Egon Schulz'] | Joint Adaptation of Code Length and Modulation Formats in OFDM Systems | 523,230 |
One of the most promising approaches for complex technical systems analysis employs ensemble methods of classification. Ensemble methods enable to build a reliable decision rules for feature space classification in the presence of many possible states of the system. In this paper, novel techniques based on decision trees are used for evaluation of the reliability of the regime of electric power systems. We proposed hybrid approach based on random forests models and boosting models. Such techniques can be applied to predict the interaction of increasing renewable power, storage devices and swiching of smart loads from intelligent domestic appliances, heaters and air-conditioning units and electric vehicles with grid for enhanced decision making. The ensemble classification methods were tested on the modified 118-bus IEEE power system showing that proposed technique can be employed to examine whether the power system is secured under steady-state operating conditions. | ['Alexei Zhukov', 'Victor Kurbatsky', 'Nikita Tomin', 'Denis N. Sidorov', 'Daniil Panasetsky', 'Aoife Foley'] | Ensemble Methods of Classification for Power Systems Security Assessment | 592,797 |
This brief presents a X–Y pedestal using the feedback error learning (FEL) controller with adaptive neural network for low earth orbit (LEO) satellite tracking applications. The aim of the FEL is to derive the inverse dynamic model of the X–Y pedestal. In this brief, the kinematics of X–Y pedestal is obtained. To minimize or eliminate the backlash between gears, an antibacklash gearing system with dual-drive technique is used. The X–Y pedestal is implemented and the experimental results are obtained. They verify the obtained kinematics of the X–Y pedestal, its ability to minimize backlash, and the reduction of the tracking error for LEO satellite tracking in the typical NOAA19 weather satellite. Finally, the experimental results are plotted. | ['Alireza Taheri', 'Mahdi Aliyari Shoorehdeli', 'Hamid Reza Bahrami', 'Mohammad H. Fatehi'] | Implementation and Control of X–Y Pedestal Using Dual-Drive Technique and Feedback Error Learning for LEO Satellite Tracking | 36,341 |
This paper presents the formulation and analysis of some methods for narrowband detection of underwater acoustic sources in impulsive noise using an array of acoustic vector sensors. Since the array signal vector is unknown due to the unknown location of the source, detection is based on the generalized likelihood ratio test which involves estimation of the signal vector. Different detectors use different signal models which yield different signal estimators. It is shown that the truncated subspace detector (TSD), which uses a truncated normal mode model, yields the best performance. | ['V. N. Hari', 'G. V. Anand', 'P. V. Nagesha', 'A. B. Premkumar'] | Narrowband detection in ocean with impulsive noise using an acoustic vector sensor array | 359,376 |
Identification of Osteosarcoma-Related Genes Based on Bioinformatics Methods | ['Ze-Bing Si', 'Jigong Wu'] | Identification of Osteosarcoma-Related Genes Based on Bioinformatics Methods | 648,265 |
Convex Methods for Rank-Constrained Optimization Problems. | ['Van Sy Mai', 'Dipankar Maity', 'Bhaskar Ramasubramanian', 'Michael Rotkowitz'] | Convex Methods for Rank-Constrained Optimization Problems. | 786,835 |
Trade-Off Curves for QoS Routing | ['P. Van Mieghem', 'Lieven Vandenberghe'] | Trade-Off Curves for QoS Routing | 48,366 |
Ensembl Genomes (http://www.ensemblgenomes.org) is an integrating resource for genome-scale data from non-vertebrate species, complementing the resources for vertebrate genomics developed in the context of the Ensembl project (http://www.ensembl.org). Together, the two resources provide a consistent set of programmatic and interactive interfaces to a rich range of data including reference sequence, gene models, transcriptional data, genetic variation and comparative analysis. This paper provides an update to the previous publications about the resource, with a focus on recent developments. These include the development of new analyses and views to represent polyploid genomes (of which bread wheat is the primary exemplar); and the continued up-scaling of the resource, which now includes over 23 000 bacterial genomes, 400 fungal genomes and 100 protist genomes, in addition to 55 genomes from invertebrate metazoa and 39 genomes from plants. This dramatic increase in the number of included genomes is one part of a broader effort to automate the integration of archival data (genome sequence, but also associated RNA sequence data and variant calls) within the context of reference genomes and make it available through the Ensembl user interfaces. | ['Paul J. Kersey', 'James E. Allen', 'Irina M. Armean', 'Sanjay Boddu', 'Bruce J. Bolt', 'Denise R. Carvalho-Silva', 'Mikkel Christensen', 'Paul Davis', 'Lee J. Falin', 'Christoph Grabmueller', 'Jay C. Humphrey', 'Arnaud Kerhornou', 'Julia Khobova', 'Naveen K. Aranganathan', 'Nicholas Langridge', 'Ernesto Lowy', 'Mark D. McDowall', 'Uma Maheswari', 'Michael Nuhn', 'Chuang Kee Ong', 'Bert Overduin', 'Michael Paulini', 'Helder Pedro', 'Emily Perry', 'Giulietta Spudich', 'Electra Tapanari', 'Brandon Walts', 'Gareth Williams', 'Marcela K. Tello-Ruiz', 'Joshua C. Stein', 'Sharon Wei', 'Doreen Ware', 'Dan M. Bolser', 'Kevin L. Howe', 'Eugene Kulesha', 'Daniel Lawson', 'Gareth Maslen', 'Daniel M. Staines'] | Ensembl Genomes 2016: more genomes, more complexity | 554,731 |
With the increasing interest in the application of wireless ad hoc networks, the demand for providing QoS in such applications also grows. Particularly, in sensor and actor networks, providing certain delay bounds is crucial for the actors as they perform their actions based on the received data from sensors. The usefulness of the content from sensors is based on its timeliness. In this paper, we present Ad Hoc On Demand Delay Constrained Distance Vector Routing (AOD 2 V) which is an extension to the widely used routing protocol AODV for providing delay constrained data delivery in mobile sensor/actor networks. The admission control is based on Delay-EDD scheduling algorithm. The idea is to reserve the resources while routes are being determined in the route discovery phase of AODV. The reservation considers the service time at each node till the destination node. As long as the cumulative delay which is received at the destination is less than the desired delay bound, a positive acknowledgment is sent back to all the nodes on the path with AODVpsilas route reply packet and the connection request is admitted. Otherwise, the connection request is rejected and the reserved resources at the intermediate nodes are released. When the data transmission starts, Earliest Deadline First (EDF) scheduling algorithm is used to determine the departure order of the packets at the intermediate nodes. The performance of AOD 2 V is validated through extensive simulations and has been shown to outperform AODV in terms of delay and data delivery ratio without introducing any major extra overhead. | ['Aravind R. Sama', 'Kemal Akkaya'] | Real-time routing for mobile sensor/actor networks | 366,010 |
In this paper, we propose a novel soft-decision detector, called integrated maximum a posteriori (IMAP) detector, for vertical Bell Laboratories layered space-time (V-BLAST) systems. The proposed detector can avoid estimating channel state information (CSI) and directly generate a posteriori probability of data symbols via efficient iterative computations. Moreover, a list-based fast searching algorithm is developed to further reduce the complexity of this detector in the cases of large numbers of transmit antennas or high data rates. Computer simulation shows that the IMAP detector can approximately achieve the performance of the optimal detector using the perfect CSI. | ['Zhendong Luo', 'Dawei Huang'] | Integrated MAP detector for V-BLAST systems | 73,373 |
New fault diagnosis (FD) and fault tolerant control (FTC) algorithms for non-Gaussian singular stochastic distribution control (SDC) systems are presented in this paper. Different from general SDC systems, in singular SDC systems, the relationship between the weights and the control input is expressed by a singular state space model, which increases the difficulty in the FD and FTC design. The proposed approach relies on an iterative learning observer (ILO) for fault estimation. The fault may be constant, fast-varying or slow-varying. Based on the estimated fault information, the fault tolerant controller can be designed to make the post-fault probability density function (PDF) still track the given distribution. Simulations are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed FD and FTC algorithms. | ['Lina Yao', 'Jifeng Qin', 'Hong Wang', 'Bin Jiang'] | Design of new fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control scheme for non-Gaussian singular stochastic distribution systems | 409,956 |
Integrating, summarizing and visualizing GWAS-hits and human diversity with DANCE (Disease-ANCEstry networks) | ['Gilderlanio S. Araújo', 'Lucas Henrique C. Lima', 'Silvana Schneider', 'Thiago P. Leal', 'Ana Paula Couto da Silva', 'Pedro O. S. Vaz de Melo', 'Eduardo Tarazona-Santos', 'Marília O. Scliar', 'Maíra R. Rodrigues'] | Integrating, summarizing and visualizing GWAS-hits and human diversity with DANCE (Disease-ANCEstry networks) | 573,105 |
In this paper, a general binary-input binary-output (BIBO) channel is investigated in the presence of feedback and input constraints. The feedback capacity and the optimal input distribution of this setting are calculated for the case of an $(1,\infty)$-RLL input constraint, that is, the input sequence contains no consecutive ones. These results are obtained via explicit solution of a corresponding dynamic programming optimization problem. A simple coding scheme is designed based on the principle of posterior matching, which was introduced by Shayevitz and Feder for memoryless channels. The posterior matching scheme for our input-constrained setting is shown to achieve capacity using two new ideas: \textit{message history}, which captures the memory embedded in the setting, and \textit{message splitting}, which eases the analysis of the scheme. Additionally, in the special case of an S-channel, we give a very simple zero-error coding scheme that is based on variation of a repetition, and is shown to achieve capacity. For the input-constrained BSC, we show using our capacity formula that feedback increases capacity when the cross-over probability is small. | ['Oron Sabag', 'Haim H. Permuter', 'Navin Kashyap'] | Feedback capacity and coding for the BIBO channel with a no-repeated-ones input constraint | 997,952 |
Independent component analysis (ICA) is widely used for modeling and monitoring non-Gaussian process. However, traditional ICA lacks probabilistic representation of process uncertainties. In this study, a probabilistic ICA (PICA) model is proposed for non-Gaussian process modeling and monitoring. The independent latent spaces are specified with Student’s ${\rm t}$ formulation to account for both Gaussian and non-Gaussian data characteristics while the additional noise term is further served as a complement for explaining underlying process uncertainties. The Student’s ${\rm t}$ distribution with adjustable tails is essentially an infinite mixture of Gaussians with various scaling variances. In order to monitor retained variations, the noise space is further extracted and analyzed with probabilistic principal component analysis (PPCA). Simulation results show that compared with the deterministic ICA-based method, the proposed two-stage probabilistic extraction method is more effective for monitoring non-Gaussian industrial processes. | ['Jinlin Zhu', 'Zhiqiang Ge', 'Zhihuan Song'] | Non-Gaussian Industrial Process Monitoring With Probabilistic Independent Component Analysis | 697,432 |
Ang, C.-H. and H. Samet, A fast quadtree normalization algorithm, Pattern Recognition Letters 15 (1994) 5763. A region quadtree representation of an image can be normalized thereby yielding a quadtree that contains the least number of nodes in O(s 2 log2 s) time where s is the length of the grid. A new algorithm is proposed whose asymptotic time bound is the same but whose first part only takes O(s2). It is shown empirically to be able to produce the normalized quadtrees for a number of images in real applications. | ['Chuan-Heng Ang', 'Hanan Samet'] | A fast quadtree normalization algorithm | 271,358 |
A RFID Based Localization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks | ['Jian Shen', 'Anxi Wang', 'Chen Wang', 'Yongjun Ren', 'Xingming Sun'] | A RFID Based Localization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks | 920,264 |
In this paper, we present a small-signal model for an integrated MOS transistor which takes into account the distributed nature of the gate structure. The y parameters are derived, as well as an equation for an equivalent current noise source at the output. The equivalent current noise source takes into account the thermal noise generated by the resistive gate. The modeling equations are of relatively simple form, allowing for easy implementation into a circuit simulation CAD tool. The model is particularly useful in the design of RF integrated circuits. The proposed model is verified using results obtained from HSPICE. | ['Eyad Abou-Allam', 'T. Manku'] | A small-signal MOSFET model for radio frequency IC applications | 187,296 |
Let G=(V,E) be an undirected graph with n vertices embedded in a metric space. We consider the problem of adding a shortcut edge in G that minimizes the dilation of the resulting graph. The fastest algorithm to date for this problem has O(n^4) running time and uses O(n^2) space. We show how to improve the running time to O(n^3logn) while maintaining quadratic space requirement. In fact, our algorithm not only determines the best shortcut but computes the dilation of G@?{(u,v)} for every pair of distinct vertices u and v. | ['Christian Wulff-Nilsen'] | Computing the dilation of edge-augmented graphs in metric spaces | 82,280 |
International Journal of Communication Systems#R##N#Early View (Online Version of Record published before inclusion in an issue) | ['Padmapriya Sambanthan', 'Tamilarasi Muthu'] | R-11-based power control approach for overlaid femtocell networks | 522,891 |
Neben der klassischen Aufgabe der Unterstutzung von#N#Geschaftsprozessen wird Informationstechnologie in vermehrtem Ausmass auch in#N#Endprodukten und Diensten sowie fur das Kundenbeziehungsmanagement#N#verwendet. IT-Organisationen kommt hier eine neue Rolle zu: Sie sind nunmehr in#N#die Primarprozesse des Unternehmens involviert und werden nicht als#N#Sekundarfunktion betrachtet. In dieser Arbeit werden, basierend auf einer#N#vergleichenden Analyse von Fallstudien, wesentliche Governancepraktiken der#N#kundenzentrierten IT identifiziert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine hohere#N#Geschaftsorientierung der IT-Organisation durch gezielte Massnahmen wie#N#Innovationsmanagement, Bildung fachlich gemischter Teams, die Nutzung#N#geschaftsorientierter KPIs oder die Vernetzung des CIOs auf personlicher Ebene#N#erreicht wird. | ['Jochen Wulf', 'Walter Brenner'] | Governance kundenzentrierter Informationstechnologie: Zentrale Praktiken der Neuausrichtung von IT Organisationen | 766,609 |
Iterative Channel Estimation and Decoding via Spatial Coupling | ['Shuhei Horio', 'Keigo Takeuchi'] | Iterative Channel Estimation and Decoding via Spatial Coupling | 727,876 |
We present an energy matrix representation for multiband images which captures spatial and spectral properties. Using a physical model for spectral reflectance, we derive a pseudoinverse method for the comparison of energy matrices which is invariant to the spectral properties of the scene illumination. At the same time, this method determines the illumination change matrix allowing direct comparison of images obtained under different illumination conditions. We demonstrate the performance of the method for both illumination-invariant recognition and illumination correction on a large set of multiband images. The energy matrices are generated using a small set of oriented steerable filters. We also demonstrate that a related set of rotationally symmetric filters can be used for recognition invariant to both illumination and rotation and that subsequent processing can be used to recover the rotation angle of a recognized object. | ['Lizhi Wang', 'Glenn Healey'] | Using steerable filters for illumination-invariant recognition in multispectral images | 485,449 |
Research on Design Approach Based on Cultures Comparison | ['Tengku Idora Ilyanee', 'Yamazaki Kazuhiko'] | Research on Design Approach Based on Cultures Comparison | 626,431 |
The usage of workflow technology to model and execute business processes is widespread in many enterprises and within the software industry. With the growing maturity of sensors, wireless communication, and distributed computing environments, we can enhance this approach to enable smart workflows, which are business processes crossing the boundary to the physical world. Applications for such processes can be found in many application domains, like logistics or in smart factory environments. To realize smart workflows, workflow engines can be coupled with existing context provisioning systems. However, there is a gap between the rather low- level provisioning of context (e.g., sensor data and stock information) and the concepts needed in smart workflows (e.g., "is a spare tool available?"). The main contribution of this paper is to bridge this gap: we show how integration processes can be used to provide context information at different semantical levels for smart workflows. | ['Matthias Wieland', 'Peter Kaczmarczyk', 'Daniela Nicklas'] | Context Integration for Smart Workflows | 118,524 |
Results from single cell imaging, facilitated by high resolution microscopy, have demonstrated cell-to-cell variability within the same cell population in contexts ranging from cell growth to cell migration. Recent studies suggest that such variability conveys important information about diseased states. However, manual analysis and interpretation of heterogeneous calcium oscillation based on time-lapsed images, as practiced today, is tedious, and essentially infeasible for large datasets. As a practical alternative, we present an integrated platform that includes calcium imaging using confocal microscope, algorithmic cell segmentation, and statistical analysis. Automated quantification of cell crowding via cell segmentation and statistical analysis of cell-to-cell variability on a representative dataset indicates that the heterogeneity in GPCR (G-protein coupled receptor) mediated calcium oscillation is a function of cell crowding. | ['Jophin Joseph', 'Sailaja Nanda', 'Sheetal Vennamalla', 'Govardhan Bhure', 'Ranjana Singh', 'Soumya Jana', 'Lopamudra Giri'] | Integrated quantification based on confocal imaging: Cell crowding modulates heterogeneity in GPCR-mediated calcium oscillation | 915,144 |
User Experience Changing Patterns of Chinese Users | ['Yanan Chen', 'Jing Liu', 'Guozhen Zhao', 'Xianghong Sun'] | User Experience Changing Patterns of Chinese Users | 852,202 |
Music software has traditionally been developed in ecosystems of technology that artists combine to create their tools for compositions. The ability to connect artefacts has developed thought the evolution of music technology. Today, the mobile platform has become an increasingly important ecosystem for music applications, combining traditional technology with the platform specific infrastructure. To make an artefact's design valid in the ecosystem, designers and developers need to support this infrastructure. This paper present the design process of c3n loops, an iOS music app based on zoomable user interface in contrast with the platform's design idioms. The c3n loops design relies on its own design idioms while balancing the support for platform specific technologies such as AudioBus/Inter-app Audio, Ableton Link beat synchronisation, and MIDI. | ['Rikard Lindell'] | Design in Ecology of Other Artefacts | 927,841 |
A New Wi-Fi based Platform for Wireless Sensor Data Collection. | ['Jim Torresen', 'Yngve Hafting', 'Kristian Nymoen'] | A New Wi-Fi based Platform for Wireless Sensor Data Collection. | 781,092 |
Over the last couple of years, online social networks such as Facebook have tremendously grown in popularity, especially among students. The technological advancements proceed faster than the understanding of the psychological factors behind this development. While motivations and gratifications related to Facebook usage have been investigated thoroughly, this study additionally focuses on the influence of underlying personality factors. However, instead of the commonly used Big Five, the characteristics narcissism, shyness and loneliness are investigated among undergraduate and graduate students. The results indicate that a high score on narcissism causes a higher Facebook usage and that the sub construct uniqueness/entitlement is the most important. The results also indicate a negative influence of loneliness on Facebook usage, while shyness seems irrelevant. | ['Marius N. Vieth', 'Piet Kommers'] | Social networking: a matter of character? | 178,839 |
New Trends in 3D Video | ['Christian Theobalt', 'Stephan Würmlin', 'Edilson de Aguiar', 'Christoph Niederberger'] | New Trends in 3D Video | 631,043 |
The dynamics of one-link robotic manipulator is complex and non linear and hence, cannot be easily controlled by conventional PID controller. The severity of the problem further increases when the plant's mathematical model is unknown or partially known which makes the use of PID control more difficult because it requires the dynamics of the system for tuning its parameters. Even if the dynamics are known, the parameters of PID controller are required to be retuned when external disturbance signals and/or parameter variations occurs in the system. In this paper, the PID controller is implemented using a multilayer feed forward neural network (MLFFNN) for the desired trajectory tracking control of one-link robotic manipulator (plant). To make the controller adaptive, the dynamics of plant is assumed to be unknown and hence, a separate multilayer feed forward neural network identification model is used which will approximate the plant's dynamics and operate simultaneously with the controller. The other benefits of using an identification model is that it can adjust its own parameters to reflect the effects of the disturbance signal and parameter variations on the system and provides this information to the controller which then makes necessary adjustment to its output to compensate these effects. Simulation results shows that MLFFNN based PID controller is able to control the plant and provides the desired trajectory in the presence of parameter variations and disturbance signal. | ['Rajesh Kumar', 'Smriti Srivastava', 'J.R.P. Gupta'] | Modeling and control of one-link robotic manipulator using neural network based PID controller | 929,945 |
While several techniques offer more than one detailed view in Overview+Detail (O+D) interfaces, the optimal number of detailed views has not been investigated. But the answer is not trivial: using a single detailed view offers a larger display size but only allows a sequential exploration of the overview; using several detailed views reduces the size of each view but allows a parallel exploration of the overview. In this paper we investigate the benefits of splitting the detailed view in O+D interfaces for working with very large graphs. We implemented an O+D interface where the overview is displayed on a large screen while 1, 2 or 4 split views are displayed on a tactile tablet. We experimentally evaluated the effect of the number of split views according to the number of nodes to connect. Using 4 split views is better than 1 and 2 for working on more than 2 nodes. | ['Houssem Saidi', 'Marcos Serrano', 'Emmanuel Dubois'] | Investigating the effects of splitting detailed views in Overview+Detail interfaces | 878,427 |
Dead reckoning and star reckoning are two basic self-localization methods for vehicles, but each method has inherent weakness. To recover these weaknesses, sensor-fusion via an initial state observer has proposed. However, the method can be applied under the assumption that the vehicles move in the limited field. In this paper, we propose a new sensor- fusion method by using a grid point observer. We confirm the effectiveness of proposed method by computer simulation and experiments for self localization of a two-wheeled mobile robot. | ['Hiroyuki Fukuda', 'Hisakazu Nakamura', 'Muneaki Higuchi', 'Hisakazu Nishitani'] | Global state estimation by grid point observer | 158,928 |
A number of studies, theoretical, empirical, or both, have been conducted to provide insight into the properties and behavior of interestingness measures for association rule mining. While each has value in its own right, most are either limited in scope or, more importantly, ignore the purpose for which interestingness measures are intended, namely the ultimate ranking of discovered association rules. This paper, therefore, focuses on an analysis of the rule-ranking behavior of 61 well-known interestingness measures tested on the rules generated from 110 different datasets. By clustering based on ranking behavior, we highlight, and formally prove, previously unreported equivalences among interestingness measures. We also show that there appear to be distinct clusters of interestingness measures, but that there remain differences among clusters, confirming that domain knowledge is essential to the selection of an appropriate interestingness measure for a particular task and business objective. | ['Caroline V. Tew', 'Christophe Giraud-Carrier', 'Kesler W. Tanner', 'Scott H. Burton'] | Behavior-based clustering and analysis of interestingness measures for association rule mining | 368,633 |
Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) is a generative probabilistic model of discrete data, where each observed item is represented as a finite mixture over latent topics. Several multi-modal extensions of LDA to model annotated data are available for image annotation. Most of existing methods model the joint distribution of image features and caption texts, in order to capture statistical correlations between the two modalities, introducing an association module to correlate two sets of hidden topics. In this paper we present an alternative probabilistic model, referred to as pseudo-supervised LDA (psLDA), for image annotation, where we directly explore the caption topics to train the image model. Our model consists of two LDAs, each of which corresponds to caption model and image model, respectively, which are trained individually. However, empirical frequencies of the topics in the caption model are served as pseudo-labels for the image model, so that image and caption models are correlated via these pseudo-labels, instead of via latent variables as in most of existing methods. Numerical experiments on 2688-image Label Me dataset demonstrate the outstanding performance of psLDA, compared to existing methods such as corresponding LDA (cLDA) and topic-regression multi-modal LDA (trmmLDA), as measured by caption perplexity. | ['Huong Thi Pham', 'Seungjin Choi'] | Pseudo-Supervised Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Image Annotation | 602,612 |
In this paper, we study the problem of continuous monitoring of reverse k nearest neighbors queries in Euclidean space as well as in spatial networks. Existing techniques are sensitive toward objects and queries movement. For example, the results of a query are to be recomputed whenever the query changes its location. We present a framework for continuous reverse k nearest neighbor (RkNN) queries by assigning each object and query with a safe region such that the expensive recomputation is not required as long as the query and objects remain in their respective safe regions. This significantly improves the computation cost. As a byproduct, our framework also reduces the communication cost in client---server architectures because an object does not report its location to the server unless it leaves its safe region or the server sends a location update request. We also conduct a rigid cost analysis for our Euclidean space RkNN algorithm. We show that our techniques can also be applied to answer bichromatic RkNN queries in Euclidean space as well as in spatial networks. Furthermore, we show that our techniques can be extended for the spatial networks that are represented by directed graphs. The extensive experiments demonstrate that our techniques outperform the existing techniques by an order of magnitude in terms of computation cost and communication cost. | ['Muhammad Aamir Cheema', 'Wenjie Zhang', 'Xuemin Lin', 'Ying Zhang', 'Xuefei Li'] | Continuous reverse k nearest neighbors queries in Euclidean space and in spatial networks | 245,749 |
In this paper, we seek the optimal combination of dedicated radix-2m multiplication blocks, and adder trees schemes for the realization of optimized radix-2m array multipliers. The operands of the multipliers are generated by 2's complement radix-4, radix-16, radix-256, and radix-65536 dedicated multiplication blocks. The operands are added using different adder trees schemes such as Wallace, RBA, and compressors. The number of operands defines the amount of adders blocks used in the addition tree of the array multiplier. The logic synthesis was realized using Cadence Encounter RTL Compiler tool with Nangate 45nm Open Cell library. Area, delay and power consumption results are presented for the synthesized proposed multipliers. As will be presented, the combination of radix-4 or radix-16 dedicated multiplication block and multi-operand adder tree schemes yields the best power — performance results in the radix-2" array multipliers. | ['Anderson Martins', 'Mateus Fonseca', 'Eduardo A. C. da Costa'] | Optimal combination of dedicated multiplication blocks and adder trees schemes for optimized radix-2m array multipliers realization | 695,925 |
This paper describes a scale for measuring sense of community efficiently and effectively in order to explore the relationship between online social networking group activities and sense of community. Scales developed to measure sense of community in prior research are usually lengthy and community specific. They are therefore not suitable or directly applicable to the context of our study in which we plan to use a virtual community to promote interdisciplinary research collaboration at a university. Our scale is relatively short, and exhibits good internal consistency at both the departmental level and the campus level. At the departmental level, this scale correlates with the number of tenure track faculty members that individuals are likely to list as friends or research colleagues. We discuss the use of our scale in future research. | ['Maria M. Plummer', 'Starr Roxanne Hiltz', 'Nancy Steffen Fluhr', 'Roberto Muñoz Rosario'] | Measuring Sense of Community in Groups that Use Social Networking Sites to Promote Collaboration | 414,883 |
In this study, 60 students of an EFL writing course participated in a semester-long WebQuest authoring activity. This activity is designed for students to improve their English learning reading and writing skills in the process of WebQuest creation. The study discussed the use of the Internet technology to mediate classroom activities. The study then investigated how students enhanced their writing skills through WebQuest construction. The study also implemented higher order thinking skills by reflecting on their learning progress. Research data was collected from students' reflective journal, in-depth interview, and the final product of student-created WebQuests. The findings indicated that the experimental design facilitated and mediated classroom discussion and cooperative learning. In addition, it enhanced students' writing skills by reading on the Internet. The higher order thinking skills were also represented in students' WebQuest creativity. | ['Chia-Pei Wu'] | Bridging the Web: WebQuests in Writing Classrooms | 811,571 |
Parallel processing has emerged as a key enabling technology in modern computing. Recent software advances have allowed collections of heterogeneous computers to be used as a concurrent computational resource. In this work we explore how differential evolution can be parallelized, using a ring-network topology, so as to improve both the speed and the performance of the method. Experimental results indicate that the extent of information exchange among subpopulations assigned to different processor nodes, bears a significant impact on the performance of the algorithm. Furthermore, not all the mutation strategies of the differential evolution algorithm are equally sensitive to the value of this parameter. | ['Dimitris K. Tasoulis', 'Nicos G. Pavlidis', 'Vassilis P. Plagianakos', 'Michael N. Vrahatis'] | Parallel differential evolution | 365,414 |
Many securities markets are organized as double auctions where each incoming limit order-i.e., an order to buy or sell at a specific price-is stored in a data structure called the limit order book [1]. A trade happens whenever a marketable order arrives-i.e., an order to buy or sell at the best currently available price on the opposite side of the order book. This order flow is visible to every market participant in real time. The mid-price is defined as the average of the best offer and best bid prices. We propose a novel non-parametric approach to short-term forecasting of the mid-price change in a limit order book. We construct a state characterizing the order book at each time instant, cluster the states, and compute a feature vector for each cluster. The features get updated during the course of a trading day, as new orders arrive. Our prediction rules at every time instant during the trading day are based on the feature vector of the cluster observed at that time instant. We test our predictor by applying it to an order execution problem. | ['Deepan Palguna', 'Ilya Pollak'] | Non-parametric prediction in a limit order book | 930,496 |
We consider the following streaming problem: given a hardwired m × n matrix A together with a poly( mn )-bit hardwired string of advice that may depend on A , for any x with coordinates x 1 , . . . x n presented in order, output the coordinates of A · x in order. Our focus is on using as little memory as possible while computing A · x ; we do not count the size of the output tape on which the coordinates of A · x are written; for some matrices A such as the identity matrix, a constant number of words of space is achievable. Such an algorithm has to adapt its memory contents to the changing structure of A and exploit it on the fly. We give a nearly tight characterization, for any number of passes over the coordinates of x , of the space complexity of such a streaming algorithm. Our characterization is constructive, in that we provide an efficient algorithm matching our lower bound on the space complexity. The essential parameters, streaming rank and multi-pass streaming rank of A , might be of independent interest, and we show they can be computed efficiently. We give several applications of our results to computing Johnson-Lindenstrauss transforms. Finally, we note that we can characterize the optimal space complexity when the coordinates of A · x can be written in any order. | ['Santosh Vempala', 'David P. Woodruff'] | Adaptive matrix vector product | 975,987 |
We present a method for reducing the treewidth of a graph while preserving all the minimal $s-t$ separators. This technique turns out to be very useful for establishing the fixed-parameter tractability of constrained separation and bipartization problems.#R##N#To demonstrate the power of this technique, we prove the fixed-parameter tractability of a number of well-known separation and bipartization problems with various additional restrictions (e.g., the vertices being removed from the graph form an independent set).#R##N#These results answer a number of open questions in the area of parameterized complexity. | ['Dániel Marx', "Barry O'Sullivan", 'Igor Razgon'] | Treewidth reduction for constrained separation and bipartization problems | 205,656 |
Laser induced shockwaves on flexible polymers for treatment of bacterial biofilms. | ['Artemio Navarro', 'Zachary D. Taylor', 'David O. Beenhouwer', 'David A. Haake', 'Vijay Gupta', 'Warren S. Grundfest'] | Laser induced shockwaves on flexible polymers for treatment of bacterial biofilms. | 737,922 |
The silicon physical unclonable functions (PUF) utilize the uncontrollable variations during integrated circuit (IC) fabrication process to facilitate security related applications such as IC authentication. In this paper, we describe a new framework to generate secure PUF secret from ring oscillator (RO) PUF with improved hardware efficiency. Our work is based on the recently proposed group-based RO PUF with the following novel concepts: an entropy distiller to filter the systematic variation; a simplified grouping algorithm to partition the ROs into groups; a new syndrome coding scheme to facilitate error correction; and an entropy packing method to enhance coding efficiency and security. Using RO PUF dataset available in the public domain, we demonstrate these concepts can create PUF secret that can pass the NIST randomness and stability tests. Compared to other state-of-the-art RO PUF design, our approach can generate an average of 72% more PUF secret with the same amount of hardware. | ['Chi-En Daniel Yin', 'Gang Qu', 'Qiang Zhou'] | Design and implementation of a group-based RO PUF | 470,752 |
Inception Makes Non-malleable Codes Stronger. | ['Divesh Aggarwal', 'Tomasz Kazana', 'Maciej Obremski'] | Inception Makes Non-malleable Codes Stronger. | 741,373 |
This paper explores the performance benefits of an information-centric network which capitalizes on overlapping multiaccess for content distribution. We present our architecture which uses an enhanced BitTorrent protocol, supports multiple network accesses simultaneously, and localizes information retrieval. We employ simulation to show the gains, on one hand, in individual node performance and, and on the other, in reduced load on the inter-operator traffic. Our simulation results indicate that download durations can be reduced, on median, by 33%. More importantly, upload throughput can increase significantly by 63%, on median. Finally, we show that our system can limit inter-domain traffic through hierarchical information-centric name resolution. The evidence we present indicates that an information-centric approach can be beneficial for both end users retrieving content such as files or video streaming, and for network opera-tors. | ['Olli Mämmelä', 'Kostas Pentikousis', 'Petteri Mannersalo'] | Information-Centric Multiaccess P2P Networks | 281,321 |
OSS-Based Grid Computing | ['A. Mani'] | OSS-Based Grid Computing | 863,443 |
Although linear representations of images are widely used in appearance-based recognition of objects, the frequently used ideas, such as PCA, ICA, and FDA, are often found to be suboptimal. A stochastic search algorithm has been proposed recently [4] for finding representations that are optimal for specific tasks and datasets. However, this search algorithm is computationally efficient only when the image size is relatively small. Here we propose a hierarchical learning algorithm to speed up the search. The proposed approach decomposes the original optimization problem into several stages according to a hierarchical organization. In particular, the following idea is applied recursively: (i) reduce the image dimension using a shrinkage matrix, (ii) optimize the recognition performance in the reduced space, and (iii)expand the optimal subspace to the bigger space in a pre-specified way. We show that the optimal performance is maintained in the last step. By applying this decomposition procedure recursively, a hierarchy of layers is formed. This speeds up the original algorithm significantly since the search is performed mainly in reduced spaces. The effectiveness of hierarchical learning is illustrated on a popular database, where the computation time is reduced by a large factor compared to the original algorithm. | ['Qiang Zhang', 'Xiuwen Liu', 'Anuj Srivastava'] | Statistical Search for Hierarchical Linear Optimal Representations of Images | 365,148 |
Time series are an important type of data with applications in virtually every aspect of the real world. Often a large number of time series have to be monitored and analyzed in parallel. Sets of time series may show intrinsic hierarchical relationships and varying degrees of importance among the individual time series. Effective techniques for visually analyzing large sets of time series should encode the relative importance and hierarchical ordering of the time series data by size and position, and should also provide a high degree of regularity in order to support comparability by the analyst. In this paper, we present a framework for visualizing large sets of time series. Based on the notion of inter time series importance relationships, we define a set of objective functions that space-filling layout schemes for time series data should obey. We develop an efficient algorithm addressing the identified problems by generating layouts that reflect hierarchy and importance based relationships in a regular layout with favorable aspect ratios. We apply our technique to a number of real world data sets including sales and stock data, and we compare our technique with an aspect ratio aware variant of the well known TreeMap algorithm. The examples show the advantages and practical usefulness of our layout algorithm. | ['Ming C. Hao', 'Umeshwar Dayal', 'Daniel A. Keim', 'Tobias Schreck'] | Importance-driven visualization layouts for large time series data | 502,729 |
Blog post summarization using fast features facilitates users' quick browsing through blog search results. Much existing research on blogs ignores blog tags and text structure. In this paper, we re-formalize the blog post summarization problem as a sentence extraction and sentence ranking problem. Three fast features, important sentences, blog tags and blog comments, are proposed to calculate salience scores of representative words. Then we propose an average-summation-based sentence selection method called ASS to select sentences based on the salience scores of content words in sentences. As been used to evaluate on human-labeled sentences, ASS showed anticipated results. | ['Shuang Sun', 'Liang He', 'Zhao Lv', 'Junzhong Gu'] | A New Approach to Blog Post Summarization Using Fast Features | 414,238 |
The authors present a generator of behavioral components models which is highly flexible as it depends neither on a particular modeling technique, nor on a specific input format of a component specification. It is currently tuned for VHDL, but in fact is not HDL specific. To obtain a maximum degree of flexibility, the generator was designed as a model development environment basically composed of four module types: preprocessor modules parsing and processing component specifications of a specific definition format, method modules representating the component modeling technique to be used, a server module that controls and invokes various generation activities, and a client module constituting the user interface. To provide a workbench that can be tailored to the model developer's individual needs and can grow with the model developer's experience is the major concern of this work. > | ['Marcus Blüml', 'Michael Lenzen', 'Adam Pawlak'] | A workbench for generation of component models | 102,540 |
Formal Modelling and Analysis of Socio-Technical Systems. | ['Christian W. Probst', 'Florian Kammüller', 'René Rydhof Hansen'] | Formal Modelling and Analysis of Socio-Technical Systems. | 907,720 |
Graph based representation is widely used in visual tracking field by finding correct correspondences between target parts in consecutive frames. However, most graph based trackers consider pairwise geometric relations between local parts. They do not make full use of the target's intrinsic structure, thereby making the representation easily disturbed by errors in pairwise affinities when large deformation and occlusion occur. In this paper, we propose a geometric hypergraph learning based tracking method, which fully exploits high-order geometric relations among multiple correspondences of parts in consecutive frames. Then visual tracking is formulated as the mode-seeking problem on the hypergraph in which vertices represent correspondence hypotheses and hyperedges describe high-order geometric relations. Besides, a confidence-aware sampling method is developed to select representative vertices and hyperedges to construct the geometric hypergraph for more robustness and scalability. The experiments are carried out on two challenging datasets (VOT2014 and Deform-SOT) to demonstrate that the proposed method performs favorable against other existing trackers. | ['Dawei Du', 'Honggang Qi', 'Longyin Wen', 'Qi Tian', 'Qingming Huang', 'Siwei Lyu'] | Geometric Hypergraph Learning for Visual Tracking | 690,079 |
Integration of Characteristics of Culture into Product Design: A Perspective from Symbolic Interactions | ['Yu-Hsiu Hung', 'Wei-Ting Li', 'Yi Sheng Goh'] | Integration of Characteristics of Culture into Product Design: A Perspective from Symbolic Interactions | 594,640 |
One approach to model checking software is based on the abstract-check-refine paradigm: build an abstract model, then check the desired property, and if the check fails, refine the model and start over. We introduce the concept of lazy abstraction to integrate and optimize the three phases of the abstract-check-refine loop. Lazy abstraction continuously builds and refines a single abstract model on demand, driven by the model checker, so that different parts of the model may exhibit different degrees of precision, namely just enough to verify the desired property. We present an algorithm for model checking safety properties using lazy abstraction and describe an implementation of the algorithm applied to C programs. We also provide sufficient conditions for the termination of the method. | ['Thomas A. Henzinger', 'Ranjit Jhala', 'Rupak Majumdar', 'Grégoire Sutre'] | Lazy abstraction | 682,678 |
Application of the Organic Robot Control Architecture ORCA to the Six-Legged Walking Robot OSCAR | ['Erik Maehle', 'Werner Brockmann', 'Karl-Erwin Grosspietsch', 'Adam El Sayed Auf', 'Bojan Jakimovski', 'Stephan Krannich', 'Marek Litza', 'Raphael Maas', 'Ahmad Al-Homsy'] | Application of the Organic Robot Control Architecture ORCA to the Six-Legged Walking Robot OSCAR | 645,622 |
Recently, designs of pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs) using integer-valued variants of logistic maps and their applications to some cryptographic schemes have been studied, due mostly to their ease of implementation and performance. However, it has been noted that this ease is reduced for some choices of the PRNGs accuracy parameters. In this article, we show that the distribution of such undesirable accuracy parameters is closely related to the occurrence of some patterns in the dyadic expansion of the square root of 2. We prove that for an arbitrary infinite binary word, the asymptotic occurrence rate of these patterns is bounded in terms of the asymptotic occurrence rate of zeroes. We also present examples of infinite binary words that tightly achieve the bounds. As a consequence, a classical conjecture on asymptotic evenness of occurrence of zeroes and ones in the dyadic expansion of the square root of 2 implies that the asymptotic rate of the undesirable accuracy parameters for the PRNGs is at least 1/6. | ['Koji Nuida'] | Pattern occurrence in the dyadic expansion of square root of two and an analysis of pseudorandom number generators | 109,333 |
This paper proposes a symbol-level synchronization technique for ultra-wideband (UWB) communications in networks without power control. The near-far problem dramatically degrades the performance of synchronization for UWB communications. The technique is based on an easy-to-implement procedure to suppress the interfering waveforms from high-power users without requiring knowledge of their spreading codes. The technique includes two operations, a "suppression" operation, and a subsequent dimension detection operation that determines the desired user's code phase during acquisition in the receiver. Simulation results are provided that show the improved performance of the near-far resistant synchronization procedure proposed in this paper for up to two high-power and four equal-power interfering users when compared to the best alternative from the literature. | ['Liping Li', 'J.K. Townsend'] | Near-Far Resistant Synchronization for UWB Communications | 427,624 |
This paper provides an abstract characterization of the inverse monoids that appear as monoids of bi-congruences of finite minimal algebras generating arithmetical varieties. As a tool, a matrix construction is introduced which might be of independent interest in inverse semigroup theory. Using this construction as well as Ramsey's theorem, we embed a certain kind of inverse monoid into a factorizable monoid of the same kind. As noticed by M. Lawson, this embedding entails that the embedded finite monoids have finite F-unitary cover. | ['Kalle Kaarli', 'László Márki'] | A CHARACTERIZATION OF THE INVERSE MONOID OF BI-CONGRUENCES OF CERTAIN ALGEBRAS | 134,221 |
Over the period of 1987-1991, a series of theoretical and experimental results have suggested that multilayer perceptrons (MLP) are an effective family of algorithms for the smooth estimation of high-dimension probability density functions that are useful in continuous speech recognition. The early form of this work has focused on hidden Markov models (HMM) that are independent of phonetic context. More recently, the theory has been extended to context-dependent models. The authors review the basic principles of their hybrid HMM/MLP approach and describe a series of improvements that are analogous to the system modifications instituted for the leading conventional HMM systems over the last few years. Some of these methods directly trade off computational complexity for reduced requirements of memory and memory bandwidth. Results are presented on the widely used Resource Management speech database that has been distributed by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology. > | ['Hervé Bourlard', 'Nelson Morgan'] | Continuous speech recognition by connectionist statistical methods | 298,038 |
We show how, and under which conditions, the equilibrium states of a first-order Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) system can be described with a deterministic Structural Causal Model (SCM). Our exposition sheds more light on the concept of causality as expressed within the framework of Structural Causal Models, especially for cyclic models. | ['Joris M. Mooij', 'Dominik Janzing', 'Bernhard Schölkopf'] | From ordinary differential equations to structural causal models: the deterministic case | 403,371 |
An approach to analyzing human walking states based on multi- viewing-angle was proposed in this paper. Firstly, the moving person was detected using self-adaptive background updating algorithm. Then, the moving period of the centroid in the upper part of the human body was extracted by 4- direction chain code and the next motion of person was predicted. Finally, fuzzy set of walking states was obtained by the training set of period, and three kinds of walking states including promenade, walking and running were analyzed by membership function. The experimental results show that the movement velocity and the walking states are exactly analyzed by the proposed method, and furthermore, the method is reasonably robust in background noise and varying view angles. | ['Guang-yu Xu', 'Rongyi Cui'] | Video-Based Recognition of Walking States* | 365,316 |
Field-aligned starting (FAS) is a new technique for starting three-phase cage induction motors on either three- or single-phase supply lines with minimal inrush currents. FAS generates a high impulse like torque to start the motor that is independent of the mains supply, before connecting the already spinning motor to the mains supply. In contrast to conventional starting techniques, FAS imposes higher than normal/rated voltage and current conditions on the machine at starting, and as such, the transient performance of FAS operated motors is complex in nature and largely governed by a number of key circuit variables, the values of which are critical for an efficient and economical design of FAS. A detailed insight into the influence of these key parameters on transient performance during startup is essential to avoid time consuming and inefficient trial and error design methods currently utilized in FAS designs. This paper addresses this need through the investigation of both the functionality and the extent of impact of the key variables on the starting performance of FAS. A transient model is utilized, and both experimental and simulated results suggest that, for a given set of circuit components, the proper selection of variable values is critical to achieve the best possible performance at startup. | ['Craig A. Baguley', 'Udaya K. Madawala'] | The Impact of Circuit Variables on the Starting Performance of Field-Aligned Starting | 325,002 |
In focussed XML retrieval, a retrieval unit is an XML element that not only contains information relevant to a user query, but also is specific to the query. INEX defines a relevant element to be at the right level of granularity if it is exhaustive and specific to the user's request - i.e., it discusses fully the topic requested in the user's query and no other topics. The exhaustivity and specificity dimensions are both expressed in terms of the "quantity" of topics discussed within each element. We therefore propose to use the number of topic shifts in an XML element, to express the "quantity" of topics discussed in an element as a mean to capture specificity. We experimented with a number of element-specific smoothing methods within the language modelling framework. These methods enable us to adjust the amount of smoothing required for each XML element depending on its number of topic shifts, to capture specificity. Using the number of topic shifts combined with element length improves retrieval effectiveness, thus indicating that the number of topic shifts is a useful evidence in focussed XML retrieval. | ['Elham Ashoori', 'Mounia Lalmas'] | Using topic shifts for focussed access to XML repositories | 360,774 |
Circular splicing systems are a formal model of a generative mechanism of circular words, inspired by a recombinant behaviour of circular DNA. They are defined by a finite alphabet A , an initial set I of circular words, and a set R of rules. In this paper, we focus on the still unknown relations between regular languages and circular splicing systems with a finite initial set and a finite set R of rules represented by a pair of letters ( (1,3) ( 1 , 3 ) -CSSH systems). When R=A×A R = A × A , it is known that the set of all words corresponding to the splicing language belongs to the class of pure unitary languages, introduced by Ehrenfeucht, Haussler, Rozenberg in 1983. They also provided a characterization of the regular pure unitary languages, based on the notions of unavoidable sets and well quasi-orders. We partially extend these notions and their results in the more general framework of the (1,3) ( 1 , 3 ) -CSSH systems. | ['Clelia De Felice', 'Rocco Zaccagnino', 'Rosalba Zizza'] | Unavoidable sets and circular splicing languages | 887,666 |
Semi Random Patches Sampling Based on Spatio-temporal Information for Facial Expression Recognition | ['Haiying Xia'] | Semi Random Patches Sampling Based on Spatio-temporal Information for Facial Expression Recognition | 674,059 |
This paper is concerned with the problem of finding a hypothesis in \mathcal{TP}^2 consistent with given positive and negative examples. The hypothesis class \mathcal{TP}^2 consists of all sets of at most two tree patterns and represents the class of unions of at most two tree pattern languages. Especially, we consider the problem from the point of view of the consistency problem for \mathcal{TP}^2. The consistency problem is a problem for deciding whether there exists a consistent hypothesis with given positive and negative examples within some fixed hypothesis space. Efficient solvability of that problem is closely related to the possibility of efficient machine learning or machine discovery. Unfortunately, however, the consistency problem is known to be NPdcomplete for many hypothesis spaces. In this paper, the problem for the class \mathcal{TP}^2 is also shown to be NPdcomplete. In order to overcome this computational hardness, we try to use additional information obtained by making queries. First, we give an algorithm that, using restricted subset queries, solves the consistency problem for \mathcal{TP}^2 in time polynomial in the total size of given positive and negative examples. Next, we show that each subset query made by the algorithm can be replaced by several membership queries under some condition on a set of function symbols. As a result, we have that the consistency problem for \mathcal{TP}^2 is solved in polynomial time using membership queries. | ['Hiroki Ishizaka', 'Hiroki Arimura', 'Takeshi Shinohara'] | Finding tree patterns consistent with positive and negative examples using queries | 329,799 |
Synthesis of multi-band bandpass filters using semi-hidden multi-mode coupling elements | ['Shuai Jiang', 'Yun Liu', 'Yao Chen', 'Shuang Zhu', 'Ji Ding', 'Yubo Tian'] | Synthesis of multi-band bandpass filters using semi-hidden multi-mode coupling elements | 999,863 |
This paper presents measurement results collected from an IEEE 802.11ac based wireless test-bed to experimentally demonstrate how 802.11ac affects the throughput performance of a WLAN with different Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) variants implemented in Linux kernel. We compare the performance of 802.11ac with 802.11n for both single and multi-hop transmissions in a wireless mesh network (WMN). Our first observation is that the single-hop performance of 802.11ac outperforms 802.11n, however, as the number of transmission hops increases 802.11ac does not have a significant advantage over 802.11n. In addition, our measurement results show that the best throughput performance with the minimum standard deviation is achieved by TCP CUBIC and TCP BIC for multi-hop transmission. Lastly, we present the results on the behavior of congestion window (CW) with each TCP variant, and observe that the convergence time of the CW is smaller with 802.11ac for both single hop and multi-hop scenarios. | ['Hakan Alakoca', 'Mehmet Karaca', 'Gunes Karabulut Kurt'] | Performance of TCP over 802.11ac based WLANs via testbed measurements | 710,282 |
Berechnung von Korrekturwinkeln für Hohe Tibia Osteotomie anhand von 3d Oberflächendruckverteilungen im Knie. | ['Alexander Sommerkorn', 'Ralf Westphal', 'Ulrich Wiebking', 'Emmanouil Liodakis', 'Christian Krettek', 'Friedrich M. Wahl'] | Berechnung von Korrekturwinkeln für Hohe Tibia Osteotomie anhand von 3d Oberflächendruckverteilungen im Knie. | 791,843 |
The hot carrier degradation behaviour of a drain extended MOS device is presented in this paper. It is shown that upon reverse bias stress interface states (Dit) are created in the channel as well as in the spacer region, the latter being the dominant mechanism. Combining hot carrier and charge pumping experiments and 2D device simulations, the origin and location of degradation can be determined. Hot electron injection is localised well into the spacer, leading to a degradation in on-resistance (Ron). Only 10 % of these injected electrons form interface states. For low Vgs, injection (and degradation) is highest, and a smaller amount of hole injection at the poly edge shows up. For high Vgs or longer stress times, the electron injection shifts further into the spacer reducing the degradation effect. | ['Filip Bauwens', 'Peter Moens'] | Locating hot carrier injection in n-type DeMOS transistors by Charge Pumping and 2D device simulations. | 783,245 |
Subsets and Splits