use regex::Regex; use std::fs; use std::path::Path;
fn main() { let trait_path = "src/operators/tensor/core.cairo"; let doc_path = "docs/framework/operators/tensor"; let label = "tensor"; let trait_name = "TensorTrait"; doc_trait(trait_path, doc_path, label); doc_functions(trait_path, doc_path, trait_name, label); let trait_path = "src/operators/nn/core.cairo"; let doc_path = "docs/framework/operators/neural-network"; let label = "nn"; let trait_name = "NNTrait"; doc_trait(trait_path, doc_path, label); doc_functions(trait_path, doc_path, trait_name, label); let trait_path = "src/operators/sequence/core.cairo"; let doc_path = "docs/framework/operators/sequence"; let label = "sequence"; let trait_name = "SequenceTrait"; doc_trait(trait_path, doc_path, label); doc_functions(trait_path, doc_path, trait_name, label); let trait_path = "src/numbers/fixed_point/core.cairo"; let doc_path = "docs/framework/numbers/fixed-point"; let label = "fp"; let trait_name = "FixedTrait"; doc_trait(trait_path, doc_path, label); doc_functions(trait_path, doc_path, trait_name, label); let trait_path = "src/numbers/complex_number/complex_trait.cairo"; let doc_path = "docs/framework/numbers/complex-number"; let label = "complex"; let trait_name: &str = "ComplexTrait"; doc_trait(trait_path, doc_path, label); doc_functions(trait_path, doc_path, trait_name, label); let trait_path = "src/operators/ml/tree_ensemble/tree_ensemble_classifier.cairo"; let doc_path = "docs/framework/operators/machine-learning/tree-ensemble-classifier"; let label = "tree_ensemble_classifier"; let trait_name: &str = "TreeEnsembleClassifierTrait"; doc_trait(trait_path, doc_path, label); doc_functions(trait_path, doc_path, trait_name, label); let trait_path = "src/operators/ml/tree_ensemble/tree_ensemble_regressor.cairo"; let doc_path = "docs/framework/operators/machine-learning/tree-ensemble-regressor"; let label = "tree_ensem
ble_regressor"; let trait_name: &str = "TreeEnsembleRegressorTrait"; doc_trait(trait_path, doc_path, label); doc_functions(trait_path, doc_path, trait_name, label); let trait_path = "src/operators/ml/linear/linear_regressor.cairo"; let doc_path = "docs/framework/operators/machine-learning/linear-regressor"; let label = "linear_regressor"; let trait_name: &str = "LinearRegressorTrait"; doc_trait(trait_path, doc_path, label); doc_functions(trait_path, doc_path, trait_name, label); let trait_path = "src/operators/ml/linear/linear_classifier.cairo"; let doc_path = "docs/framework/operators/machine-learning/linear-classifier"; let label = "linear_classifier"; let trait_name: &str = "LinearClassifierTrait"; doc_trait(trait_path, doc_path, label); doc_functions(trait_path, doc_path, trait_name, label); let trait_path = "src/operators/ml/svm/svm_regressor.cairo"; let doc_path = "docs/framework/operators/machine-learning/svm-regressor"; let label = "svm_regressor"; let trait_name: &str = "SVMRegressorTrait"; doc_trait(trait_path, doc_path, label); doc_functions(trait_path, doc_path, trait_name, label); let trait_path = "src/operators/ml/svm/svm_classifier.cairo"; let doc_path = "docs/framework/operators/machine-learning/svm-classifier"; let label = "svm_classifier"; let trait_name: &str = "SVMClassifierTrait"; doc_trait(trait_path, doc_path, label); doc_functions(trait_path, doc_path, trait_name, label); let trait_path = "src/operators/ml/normalizer/normalizer.cairo"; let doc_path = "docs/framework/operators/machine-learning/normalizer"; let label = "normalizer"; let trait_name: &str = "NormalizerTrait"; doc_trait(trait_path, doc_path, label); doc_functions(trait_path, doc_path, trait_name, label); }
fn doc_trait(trait_path: &str, doc_path: &str, label: &str) { let path_str = format!("../{}", trait_path); let path = Path::new(&path_str); let contents = fs::read_to_string(&path).expect("Could not read the file"); let re = Regex::new(r let mut table = String::from("| function | description |\n| --- | --- |\n"); for cap in re.captures_iter(&contents) { if &cap[1] == "Trait" { continue; } let func_name = format!( "[`{}.{}`]({}.{}.md)", label, &cap[1], label, &cap[1].replace('_', r"\_") ); let func_desc = &cap[2]; table += &format!("| {} | {} |\n", func_name, func_desc); } let readme_path_str = format!("../{}/README.md", doc_path); let readme_path = Path::new(&readme_path_str); let readme = fs::read_to_string(&readme_path).expect("Could not read the file"); let re_table = Regex::new(r"(?ms)\n\n\| fun.*?(\n[^|]|\z)").unwrap(); let new_readme = re_table.replace(&readme, &("\n\n".to_owned() + &table + "\n")); fs::write(&readme_path, &*new_readme).expect("Could not write the file"); }
fn doc_functions(trait_path: &str, doc_path: &str, trait_name: &str, label: &str) { let filepath_str = format!("../{}", trait_path); let filepath = Path::new(&filepath_str); let contents = fs::read_to_string(filepath).expect("Something went wrong reading the file"); let trait_re = Regex::new(&format!( r"(?s)trait\s+{}\s*(<[\w\s,]*>)?\s*\{{.*?\n\s*\}}", trait_name )) .unwrap(); let trait_match = trait_re.captures(&contents).unwrap(); let trait_block = trait_match.get(0).unwrap().as_str(); let func_re = Regex::new(r"(?s)( for func_match in func_re.captures_iter(trait_block) { let func_name = func_match.get(2).unwrap().as_str(); let doc_comment = func_match.get(1).unwrap().as_str(); let markdown_filename = format!("../{}/{}.{}.md", doc_path, label, func_name); let transformed_comment = doc_comment .lines() .map(|line| { line.trim_start().strip_prefix(" line.trim_start() .strip_prefix(" .unwrap_or(line.trim_start()), ) }) .collect::<Vec<_>>() .join("\n"); fs::write(markdown_filename, transformed_comment).expect("Unable to write file"); } }
import os from pathlib
import Path BASE_PATH = "./tests/nodes" class ModFile: def __init__(self): """ Initialize a ModFile object. This method creates a new file with a .cairo extension in the BASE_PATH directory. If the directory doesn't exist, it's created. The contents of the file are then read into the buffer attribute. """ self.path = Path(f"{BASE_PATH}.cairo") self.path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with self.path.open("r") as f: self.buffer = f.readlines() def update(self, name: str): """ Update the .cairo file with a new module statement. Args: name (str): The name of the module to be added. This method checks if a module statement for the given name already exists in the buffer. If it doesn't, the new module statement is appended to the file. """ statement = f"mod {name};" if any([line.startswith(statement) for line in self.buffer]): return with self.path.open("a") as f: f.write(f"{statement}\n") class File: def __init__(self, path: str): """ Initialize a File object. Args: path (str): The file path where the File object will operate. This method creates a new file at the specified path. If the file already exists, its contents are read into the buffer attribute. """ self.path = Path(path) self.path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.buffer = [] if os.path.isfile(path): with self.path.open("r") as f: self.buffer = f.readlines() def dump(self): """ Write the contents of the buffer to the file. This method writes each line in the buffer to the file, ensuring each line is properly terminated with a newline character. """ with self.path.open("w") as f: f.writelines([f"{line}\n" for line in self.buffer])
class CairoTest(File): def __init__(self, file: str): super().__init__(os.path.join(BASE_PATH, file)) @classmethod def base_template( cls, name: str, arg_cnt: int, refs: list[str], func_sig: str, out_cnt: int = 1 ) -> list[str]: """ Create a template for a Cairo test function which expects a tensor output. Args: name (str): Name of the test function. arg_cnt (int): Number of arguments for the function. refs (list[str]): List of references (modules) to be used in the function. func_sig (str): The function signature. out_cnt (int): Number of outputs for the function. Defaults to 1. Returns: list[str]: A list of strings that together form the template of a Cairo test function. This method generates a list of strings that form the template of a Cairo test function, including module imports, function definition, and assertions. """ template = [ *[f"mod input_{i};" for i in range(arg_cnt)], *[f"mod output_{i};" for i in range(out_cnt)], "", "", *[f"use {ref};" for ref in refs], "", " " f"fn test_{name}()" + " {", *[f" let input_{i} = input_{i}::input_{i}();" for i in range(arg_cnt)], *[f" let z_{i} = output_{i}::output_{i}();" for i in range(out_cnt)], "" ] if out_cnt > 1: template.append(f" let ({', '.join(f'y_{i}' for i in range(out_cnt))}) = {func_sig};") else: template.append(f" let y_0 = {func_sig};") template.extend([ "", *[f" assert_eq(y_{i}, z_{i});" for i in range(out_cnt)], "}" ]) return template @classmethod def sequence_template(cls, name: str, arg_cnt: int, refs: list[str], func_sig: str) -> list[str]: """ Create a template for a
Cairo test function which expects a tensor sequence. Args: name (str): Name of the test function. arg_cnt (int): Number of arguments for the function. refs (list[str]): List of references (modules) to be used in the function. func_sig (str): The function signature. Returns: list[str]: A list of strings that together form the template of a Cairo test function. This method generates a list of strings that form the template of a Cairo test function, including module imports, function definition, and assertions. """ return [ *[f"mod input_{i};" for i in range(arg_cnt)], *[ "mod output_0;"], *[ ""], *[ ""], *[f"use {ref};" for ref in refs], *[ ""], *[ " *[ " *[f"fn test_{name}()"+" {"], *[f" let input_{i} = input_{i}::input_{i}();" for i in range(arg_cnt)], *[ " let z = output_0::output_0();"], *[ ""], *[f" let y = {func_sig};"], *[ ""], *[ " assert_seq_eq(y, z);"], *[ "}"], ]
class CairoData(File): def __init__(self, file: str): super().__init__(os.path.join(BASE_PATH, file)) @classmethod def base_template( cls, func: str, dtype: str, refs: list[str], data: list[str], shape: tuple ) -> list[str]: """ Create a base template for data representation in Cairo. Args: func (str): The function name. dtype (str): The data type of the tensor. refs (list[str]): A list of module references. data (list[str]): The data to be included in the tensor. shape (tuple): The shape of the tensor. Returns: list[str]: A list of strings that together form the template of a data function in Cairo. This method generates a list of strings representing a function in Cairo for data handling, defining the shape and contents of a tensor. """ template = [ *[f"use {ref};" for ref in refs], *[""], *[f"fn {func}() -> Tensor<{dtype}>" + " {"], *[" let mut shape = ArrayTrait::<usize>::new();"], *[f" shape.append({s});" for s in shape], *[""], *[" let mut data = ArrayTrait::new();"], *[f" data.append({d});" for d in data], *[" TensorTrait::new(shape.span(), data.span())"], *["}"], ] return template @classmethod def sequence_template( cls, func: str, dtype: str, refs: list[str], data: list[list[str]], shape: list[tuple], ) -> list[str]: """ Create a template for handling tensor sequences in Cairo. Args: func (str): The function name. dtype (str): The data type of the tensor sequence. refs (list[str]): A list of module references. data (list[list[str]]): The data to be included in each tensor. shape (list[tuple]): The shapes of each tensor in the sequence.
Returns: list[str]: A list of strings that together form the template of a sequence tensor function in Cairo. This method generates a list of strings representing a function in Cairo for handling a sequence of tensors, each with its own data and shape. """ def expand_sequence_init(s: list[tuple], d: list[list[str]]) -> list[str]: snippet = [] for i in range(len(s)): snippet += [ *[" let mut shape = ArrayTrait::<usize>::new();"], *[f" shape.append({s});" for s in s[i]], *[""], *[" let mut data = ArrayTrait::new();"], *[f" data.append({d});" for d in d[i]], *[""], *[ " sequence.append(TensorTrait::new(shape.span(), data.span()));" ], *[""], ] return snippet template = [ *[f"use {ref};" for ref in refs], *[""], *[f"fn {func}() -> Array<Tensor<{dtype}>>" + " {"], *[" let mut sequence = ArrayTrait::new();"], *[""], *expand_sequence_init(shape, data), *[" sequence"], *["}"], ] return template
from enum
import Enum
import os from typing
import List from .file_manager
import CairoTest, CairoData, ModFile
import numpy as np
class FixedImpl(Enum): FP8x23 = 'FP8x23' FP16x16 = 'FP16x16' FP32x32 = 'FP32x32' def to_fp(x: np.ndarray, fp_impl: FixedImpl): match fp_impl: case FixedImpl.FP8x23: return (x * 2**23).astype(np.int64) case FixedImpl.FP16x16: return (x * 2**16).astype(np.int64) case FixedImpl.FP32x32: return (x * 2**32).astype(np.int64)
class Dtype(Enum): FP8x23 = 'FP8x23' FP16x16 = 'FP16x16' FP32x32 = 'FP32x32' I8 = 'i8' I32 = 'i32' U32 = 'u32' BOOL = 'bool' COMPLEX64 = 'complex64' class Tensor: def __init__(self, dtype: Dtype, shape: tuple, data: np.ndarray): self.dtype = dtype self.shape = shape self.data = data Sequence = List[Tensor]
class Trait(Enum): TENSOR = 'TENSOR' NN = 'NN' SEQUENCE = 'SEQUENCE' def make_test(inputs: list[Tensor | Sequence], output: Tensor | Sequence, func_sig: str, name: str, trait: Trait = Trait.TENSOR): """ Generate and write Cairo tests based on the provided inputs and output. Args: inputs (list[Tensor | list[Tensor]]): A list of input tensors or tensor sequences. output (Tensor | list[Tensor]): The expected output tensor or tensor sequences. func_sig (str): The signature of the function to be tested. name (str): The name of the test. trait (Trait, optional): The trait of the tensors. Defaults to Trait.TENSOR. """ ModFile().update(name) for i, input in enumerate(inputs): input_data = CairoData(os.path.join(name, f"input_{i}.cairo")) match input: case list(): input_data.buffer = CairoData.sequence_template( func=f"input_{i}", dtype=input[0].dtype.value, refs=get_data_refs(input[0].dtype), data=get_data_statement_for_sequences( input, input[0].dtype), shape=[x.shape for x in input], ) case Tensor(): input_data.buffer = CairoData.base_template( func=f"input_{i}", dtype=input.dtype.value, refs=get_data_refs(input.dtype), data=get_data_statement(input.data, input.dtype), shape=input.shape, ) input_data.dump() match output: case list(): output_data = CairoData(os.path.join(name, "output_0.cairo")) output_data.buffer = CairoData.sequence_template( func="output_0", dtype=output[0].dtype.value, refs=get_data_refs(output[0].dtype), data=get_data_statement_for_sequences(output, output[0].dtype), shape=[
x.shape for x in output], ) output_data.dump() case tuple(): for i, out in enumerate(output): output_data = CairoData( os.path.join(name, f"output_{i}.cairo")) output_data.buffer = CairoData.base_template( func=f"output_{i}", dtype=out.dtype.value, refs=get_data_refs(out.dtype), data=get_data_statement(out.data, out.dtype), shape=out.shape, ) output_data.dump() case Tensor(): output_data = CairoData(os.path.join(name, "output_0.cairo")) output_data.buffer = CairoData.base_template( func="output_0", dtype=output.dtype.value, refs=get_data_refs(output.dtype), data=get_data_statement(output.data, output.dtype), shape=output.shape, ) output_data.dump() test_file = CairoTest(f"{name}.cairo") match output: case list(): test_file.buffer = CairoTest.sequence_template( name=name, arg_cnt=len(inputs), refs=get_all_test_refs(find_all_types([*inputs, *output]), trait), func_sig=func_sig, ) case Tensor(): test_file.buffer = CairoTest.base_template( name=name, arg_cnt=len(inputs), refs=get_all_test_refs(find_all_types([*inputs, output]), trait), func_sig=func_sig, ) case tuple(): test_file.buffer = CairoTest.base_template( name=name, arg_cnt=len(inputs), out_cnt=len(output), refs=get_all_test_refs(find_all_types([*inputs, output]), trait), func_sig=func_sig, ) test_file.dump() def get_data_refs(dtype: Dtype) -> list[str]: refs = [ *trait_to_r
ef[Trait.TENSOR], *dtype_to_tensor[dtype], *dtype_to_numbers[dtype], ] return refs def get_data_statement(data: np.ndarray, dtype: Dtype) -> list[str]: match dtype: case Dtype.U32: return [f"{int(x)}" for x in data.flatten()] case Dtype.I32: return [f"{int(x)}" for x in data.flatten()] case Dtype.I8: return [f"{int(x)}" for x in data.flatten()] case Dtype.FP8x23: return ["FP8x23 { "+f"mag: {abs(int(x))}, sign: {str(x < 0).lower()} "+"}" for x in data.flatten()] case Dtype.FP16x16: return ["FP16x16 { "+f"mag: {abs(int(x))}, sign: {str(x < 0).lower()} "+"}" for x in data.flatten()] case Dtype.FP32x32: return ["FP32x32 { "+f"mag: {abs(int(x))}, sign: {str(x < 0).lower()} "+"}" for x in data.flatten()] case Dtype.BOOL: return [str(x).lower() for x in data.flatten()] case Dtype.COMPLEX64: return ["complex64 { "+"real: FP64x64 { "+f"mag: {abs(int(np.real(x)))}, sign: {str(np.real(x) < 0).lower()} "+"} , img: FP64x64 { "+f"mag: {abs(int(np.imag(x)))}, sign: {str(np.imag(x) < 0).lower()} "+"} }" for x in data.flatten()] def get_data_statement_for_sequences(data: Sequence, dtype: Dtype) -> list[list[str]]: return [get_data_statement(x.data, dtype) for x in data] def get_all_test_refs(dtypes: list[Dtype], trait: Trait) -> list[str]: refs = [] for dtype in dtypes: refs += get_test_refs(dtype, trait) return list(set(refs)) def get_test_refs(dtype: Dtype, trait: Trait) -> list[str]: if trait == Trait.NN and dtype == Dtype.BOOL: raise Exception("NN trait does not support bool dtype") if trait == Trait.NN: dtype_ref = dtype_to_nn[dtype] elif trait == Trait.SEQUENCE: dtype_ref = dtype_to_sequence[dtype] else: dtype_ref = dtype_to_tensor[dtype] refs = [ *trait_to_ref[trait], *dtype_ref, *dtype_to_partial_eq[dtype],
"orion::utils::{assert_eq, assert_seq_eq}", ] return refs def find_all_types(tensors: list[Tensor | Sequence]) -> list[Dtype]: dtypes = [] for tensor in tensors: if isinstance(tensor, list) or isinstance(tensor, tuple): dtypes += [x.dtype for x in tensor] else: dtypes.append(tensor.dtype) return list(set(dtypes)) trait_to_ref = { Trait.TENSOR: [ "core::array::{ArrayTrait, SpanTrait}", "orion::operators::tensor::{TensorTrait, Tensor}", ], Trait.NN: [ "orion::numbers::FixedTrait", "orion::operators::nn::NNTrait", ], Trait.SEQUENCE: [ "core::array::{ArrayTrait, SpanTrait}", "orion::operators::sequence::SequenceTrait", ], } dtype_to_tensor = { Dtype.U32: ["orion::operators::tensor::{U32Tensor, U32TensorAdd}",], Dtype.I32: ["orion::operators::tensor::{I32Tensor, I32TensorAdd}",], Dtype.I8: ["orion::operators::tensor::{I8Tensor, I8TensorAdd}",], Dtype.FP8x23: ["orion::operators::tensor::{FP8x23Tensor, FP8x23TensorAdd}",], Dtype.FP16x16: ["orion::operators::tensor::{FP16x16Tensor, FP16x16TensorAdd}",], Dtype.BOOL: ["orion::operators::tensor::BoolTensor",], Dtype.COMPLEX64: ["orion::operators::tensor::Complex64Tensor",], Dtype.FP32x32: ["orion::operators::tensor::FP32x32Tensor",], } dtype_to_nn = { Dtype.U32: ["orion::operators::nn::U32NN",], Dtype.I32: ["orion::operators::nn::I32NN",], Dtype.I8: ["orion::operators::nn::I8NN",], Dtype.FP8x23: ["orion::operators::nn::FP8x23NN",], Dtype.FP16x16: ["orion::operators::nn::FP16x16NN",], } dtype_to_sequence = { Dtype.U32: ["orion::operators::sequence::U32Sequence",], Dtype.I32: ["orion::operators::sequence::I32Sequence",], Dtype.I8: ["orion::operators::sequence::I8Sequence",], Dtype.FP8x23: ["orion::operators::sequence::FP8x23Sequence",], Dtype.FP16x16: ["orion::operators::sequence::FP16x16Sequence",], } dtype_to_partial_eq = { Dtype.U32: ["orion::oper
ators::tensor::U32TensorPartialEq",], Dtype.I32: ["orion::operators::tensor::I32TensorPartialEq",], Dtype.I8: ["orion::operators::tensor::I8TensorPartialEq",], Dtype.FP8x23: ["orion::operators::tensor::FP8x23TensorPartialEq",], Dtype.FP16x16: ["orion::operators::tensor::FP16x16TensorPartialEq",], Dtype.FP32x32: ["orion::operators::tensor::FP32x32TensorPartialEq",], Dtype.BOOL: ["orion::operators::tensor::BoolTensorPartialEq",], Dtype.COMPLEX64: ["orion::operators::tensor::Complex64TensorPartialEq",], } dtype_to_numbers = { Dtype.U32: ["orion::numbers::NumberTrait"], Dtype.I32: ["orion::numbers::NumberTrait"], Dtype.I8: ["orion::numbers::NumberTrait"], Dtype.FP8x23: ["orion::numbers::{FixedTrait, FP8x23}",], Dtype.FP16x16: ["orion::numbers::{FixedTrait, FP16x16}",], Dtype.FP32x32: ["orion::numbers::{FixedTrait, FP32x32}",], Dtype.BOOL: [], Dtype.COMPLEX64: ["orion::numbers::{NumberTrait, complex64}",], }
import argparse import importlib import os import sys class RunAll: @classmethod def run_all(cls): for method_name in dir(cls): if method_name.startswith('__') or method_name == 'run_all': continue method = getattr(cls, method_name) if callable(method): method() # Add the path to the 'orion' directory to the Python path sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..')) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate nodes.") parser.add_argument('node_class', help="The class of node to run.") args = parser.parse_args() class_name = args.node_class.capitalize() # Verify that the specified Python file exists filename = os.path.join('nodegen/node', args.node_class + '.py') if not os.path.exists(filename): print(f"Error: {filename} does not exist.") return # Import the module dynamically module = importlib.import_module('nodegen.node.' + args.node_class) # Get the class from the module node_class = getattr(module, class_name) # Instantiate the class and call the run_all method node_instance = node_class() node_instance.run_all() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import numpy as np from nodegen.node import RunAll from ..helpers import make_test, to_fp, Tensor, Dtype, FixedImpl class Abs(RunAll): @staticmethod def abs_i32(): x = np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2)).astype(np.int32) y = abs(x) x = Tensor(Dtype.I32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "abs_i32" make_test([x], y, "input_0.abs()", name) @staticmethod def abs_i8(): x = np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2)).astype(np.int8) y = abs(x) x = Tensor(Dtype.I8, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I8, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "abs_i8" make_test([x], y, "input_0.abs()", name) @staticmethod def abs_fp8x23(): x = to_fp(np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2) ).astype(np.int64), FixedImpl.FP8x23) y = abs(x) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "abs_fp8x23" make_test([x], y, "input_0.abs()", name) @staticmethod def abs_fp16x16(): x = to_fp(np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2) ).astype(np.int64), FixedImpl.FP16x16) y = abs(x) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "abs_fp16x16" make_test([x], y, "input_0.abs()", name)
import numpy as np from nodegen.node import RunAll from ..helpers import make_test, to_fp, Tensor, Dtype, FixedImpl class Acos(RunAll): @staticmethod def acos_fp8x23(): x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (2, 2)).astype(np.float64) y = np.arccos(x) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, to_fp(x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, y.shape, to_fp(y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) name = "acos_fp8x23" make_test([x], y, "input_0.acos()", name) @staticmethod def acos_fp16x16(): x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (2, 2)).astype(np.float64) y = np.arccos(x) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, to_fp(x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, to_fp(y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "acos_fp16x16" make_test([x], y, "input_0.acos()", name)
import numpy as np from nodegen.node import RunAll from ..helpers import make_test, to_fp, Tensor, Dtype, FixedImpl class Acosh(RunAll): @staticmethod def acosh_fp8x23(): x = np.random.uniform(1, 5, (2, 2)).astype(np.float64) y = np.arccosh(x) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, to_fp( x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, y.shape, to_fp( y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) name = "acosh_fp8x23" make_test([x], y, "input_0.acosh()", name) @staticmethod def acosh_fp16x16(): x = np.random.uniform(1, 5, (2, 2)).astype(np.float64) y = np.arccosh(x) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, to_fp( x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, to_fp( y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "acosh_fp16x16" make_test([x], y, "input_0.acosh()", name)
import numpy as np from nodegen.node
import RunAll from ..helpers
import make_test, to_fp, Tensor, Dtype, FixedImpl
class Add(RunAll): @staticmethod def add_u32(): def default(): x = np.random.randint(0, 3, (3, 3, 3)).astype(np.uint32) y = np.random.randint(0, 3, (3, 3, 3)).astype(np.uint32) z = x + y x = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) z = Tensor(Dtype.U32, z.shape, z.flatten()) name = "add_u32" make_test([x, y], z, "input_0 + input_1", name) def broadcast(): x = np.random.randint(0, 3, (3, 3, 3)).astype(np.uint32) y = np.random.randint(0, 3, (1, 3, 1)).astype(np.uint32) z = x + y x = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) z = Tensor(Dtype.U32, z.shape, z.flatten()) name = "add_u32_broadcast" make_test([x, y], z, "input_0 + input_1", name) default() broadcast() @staticmethod def add_i32(): def default(): x = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (3, 3, 3)).astype(np.int32) y = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (3, 3, 3)).astype(np.int32) z = x + y x = Tensor(Dtype.I32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I32, y.shape, y.flatten()) z = Tensor(Dtype.I32, z.shape, z.flatten()) name = "add_i32" make_test([x, y], z, "input_0 + input_1", name) def broadcast(): x = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (3, 3, 3)).astype(np.int32) y = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (1, 3, 1)).astype(np.int32) z = x + y x = Tensor(Dtype.I32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I32, y.shape, y.flatten()) z = Tensor(Dtype.I32, z.shape, z.flatten()) name = "add_i32_broadcast" make_test([x, y], z, "input_0 + input_1", name) default() broadcast() @staticmethod def add_i8(): def default(): x = np.ran
dom.randint(-3, 3, (3, 3, 3)).astype(np.int8) y = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (3, 3, 3)).astype(np.int8) z = x + y x = Tensor(Dtype.I8, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I8, y.shape, y.flatten()) z = Tensor(Dtype.I8, z.shape, z.flatten()) name = "add_i8" make_test([x, y], z, "input_0 + input_1", name) def broadcast(): x = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (3, 3, 3)).astype(np.int8) y = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (1, 3, 1)).astype(np.int8) z = x + y x = Tensor(Dtype.I8, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I8, y.shape, y.flatten()) z = Tensor(Dtype.I8, z.shape, z.flatten()) name = "add_i8_broadcast" make_test([x, y], z, "input_0 + input_1", name) default() broadcast() @staticmethod def add_fp8x23(): def default(): x = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (3, 3, 3)).astype(np.float64) y = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (3, 3, 3)).astype(np.float64) z = x + y x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, to_fp( x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, y.shape, to_fp( y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) z = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, z.shape, to_fp( z.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) name = "add_fp8x23" make_test([x, y], z, "input_0 + input_1", name) def broadcast(): x = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (3, 3, 3)).astype(np.float64) y = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (1, 3, 1)).astype(np.float64) z = x + y x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, to_fp( x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, y.shape, to_fp( y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) z = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, z.shape, to_fp( z.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) name = "add_fp8x23_broadcast"
make_test([x, y], z, "input_0 + input_1", name) default() broadcast() @staticmethod def add_fp16x16(): def default(): x = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (3, 3, 3)).astype(np.float64) y = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (3, 3, 3)).astype(np.float64) z = x + y x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, to_fp( x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, to_fp( y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) z = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, z.shape, to_fp( z.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "add_fp16x16" make_test([x, y], z, "input_0 + input_1", name) def broadcast(): x = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (3, 3, 3)).astype(np.float64) y = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (1, 3, 1)).astype(np.float64) z = x + y x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, to_fp( x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, to_fp( y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) z = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, z.shape, to_fp( z.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "add_fp16x16_broadcast" make_test([x, y], z, "input_0 + input_1", name) default() broadcast()
import numpy as np from nodegen.node import RunAll from ..helpers import make_test, to_fp, Tensor, Dtype, FixedImpl class And(RunAll): @staticmethod def and_bool(): def default(): x = (np.random.randn(3, 4) > 0).astype(bool) y = (np.random.randn(3, 4) > 0).astype(bool) z = np.logical_and(x, y) x = Tensor(Dtype.BOOL, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.BOOL, y.shape, y.flatten()) z = Tensor(Dtype.BOOL, z.shape, z.flatten()) name = "and_bool" make_test([x, y], z, "BoolTensor::and(@input_0, @input_1)", name) def broadcast(): x = (np.random.randn(3, 4, 5) > 0).astype(bool) y = (np.random.randn(3, 4, 5) > 0).astype(bool) z = np.logical_and(x, y) x = Tensor(Dtype.BOOL, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.BOOL, y.shape, y.flatten()) z = Tensor(Dtype.BOOL, z.shape, z.flatten()) name = "and_bool_broadcast" make_test([x, y], z, "BoolTensor::and(@input_0, @input_1)", name) default() broadcast()
import numpy as np from nodegen.node
import RunAll from ..helpers
import make_test, to_fp, Tensor, Dtype, FixedImpl def argmax_use_numpy(data: np.ndarray, axis: int = 0, keepdims: int = 1) -> np.ndarray: result = np.argmax(data, axis=axis) if keepdims == 1: result = np.expand_dims(result, axis) return result.astype(np.int64) def argmax_use_numpy_select_last_index( data: np.ndarray, axis: int = 0, keepdims: int = True ) -> np.ndarray: data = np.flip(data, axis) result = np.argmax(data, axis=axis) result = data.shape[axis] - result - 1 if keepdims: result = np.expand_dims(result, axis) return result.astype(np.int64)
class Argmax(RunAll): @staticmethod def no_keepdims(): data = np.array([[2, 1], [3, 10]], dtype=np.float32) axis = 1 keepdims = 0 result = argmax_use_numpy(data, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, data.shape, data.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I32, result.shape, result.flatten()) name = "argmax_no_keepdims" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmax(1, Option::Some(false), Option::None(()))", name) @staticmethod def keepdims(): data = np.array([[2, 1], [3, 10]], dtype=np.float32) axis = 1 keepdims = 1 result = argmax_use_numpy(data, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, data.shape, data.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I32, result.shape, result.flatten()) name = "argmax_keepdims" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmax(1, Option::Some(true), Option::None(()))", name) @staticmethod def default_axes_keepdims(): data = np.array([[2, 1], [3, 10]], dtype=np.float32) keepdims = 1 result = argmax_use_numpy(data, keepdims=keepdims) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, data.shape, data.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I32, result.shape, result.flatten()) name = "argmax_default_axes_keepdims" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmax(0, Option::Some(true), Option::None(()))", name) @staticmethod def negative_axis_keepdims(): data = np.array([[2, 1], [3, 10]], dtype=np.float32) axis = -1 keepdims = 1 result = argmax_use_numpy(data, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, data.shape, data.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I32, result.shape, result.flatten()) name = "argmax_negative_axis_keepdims" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmax(-1, Option::Some(true), Option::None(()))", name) @staticmethod def no_keepdims_select_last_index(): data = np.array([[2, 2], [3, 10]], dtyp
e=np.float32) axis = 1 keepdims = 0 result = argmax_use_numpy_select_last_index( data, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, data.shape, data.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I32, result.shape, result.flatten()) name = "argmax_no_keepdims_select_last_index" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmax(1, Option::Some(false), Option::Some(true))", name) @staticmethod def keepdims_select_last_index(): data = np.array([[2, 2], [3, 10]], dtype=np.float32) axis = 1 keepdims = 1 result = argmax_use_numpy_select_last_index( data, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, data.shape, data.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I32, result.shape, result.flatten()) name = "argmax_keepdims_select_last_index" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmax(1, Option::Some(true), Option::Some(true))", name) @staticmethod def default_axes_keepdims_select_last_index(): data = np.array([[2, 2], [3, 10]], dtype=np.float32) keepdims = 1 result = argmax_use_numpy_select_last_index(data, keepdims=keepdims) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, data.shape, data.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I32, result.shape, result.flatten()) name = "argmax_default_axes_keepdims_select_last_index" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmax(0, Option::Some(true), Option::Some(true))", name) @staticmethod def negative_axis_keepdims_select_last_index(): data = np.array([[2, 2], [3, 10]], dtype=np.float32) axis = -1 keepdims = 1 result = argmax_use_numpy_select_last_index(data, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, data.shape, data.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I32, result.shape, result.flatten()) name = "argmax_negative_axis_keepdims_select_last_index" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmax(-1, Option::Some(true), Option::Some(t
rue))", name)
import numpy as np from nodegen.node
import RunAll from ..helpers
import make_test, to_fp, Tensor, Dtype, FixedImpl def argmin_use_numpy(data: np.ndarray, axis: int = 0, keepdims: int = 1, dtype=np.int64) -> np.ndarray: result = np.argmin(data, axis=axis) if keepdims == 1: result = np.expand_dims(result, axis) return result.astype(dtype) def argmin_use_numpy_select_last_index( data: np.ndarray, axis: int = 0, keepdims: int = True, dtype=np.int64 ) -> np.ndarray: data = np.flip(data, axis) result = np.argmin(data, axis=axis) result = data.shape[axis] - result - 1 if keepdims: result = np.expand_dims(result, axis) return result.astype(dtype)
class Argmin(RunAll): @staticmethod def argmin_u32(): def argmin_1D(): def default_params(): x = np.random.randint(0, 255, (3)).astype(np.uint32) y = argmin_use_numpy(x, dtype=np.uint32).reshape((1)) x = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_u32_1D_default" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::None(()))", name) def keepdims_false(): x = np.random.randint(0, 255, (3)).astype(np.uint32) y = argmin_use_numpy( x, keepdims=0, dtype=np.uint32).reshape((1)) x = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_u32_1D_keepdims_false" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::Some(false), Option::None(()))", name) def last_index(): x = np.random.randint(0, 255, (3)).astype(np.uint32) y = argmin_use_numpy_select_last_index( x, dtype=np.uint32).reshape((1)) x = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_u32_1D_last_index" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::Some(true))", name) default_params() keepdims_false() last_index() argmin_1D() def argmin_2D(): def default_params(): x = np.random.randint(0, 255, (2, 2)).astype(np.uint32) y = argmin_use_numpy(x, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_u32_2D_default" make_test(
[x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::None(()))", name) def keepdims_false(): x = np.random.randint(0, 255, (2, 2)).astype(np.uint32) y = argmin_use_numpy( x, keepdims=0, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_u32_2D_keepdims_false" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::Some(false), Option::None(()))", name) def last_index(): x = np.random.randint(0, 255, (2, 2)).astype(np.uint32) y = argmin_use_numpy_select_last_index( x, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_u32_2D_last_index" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::Some(true))", name) default_params() keepdims_false() last_index() argmin_2D() def argmin_3D(): def default_params(): x = np.random.randint(0, 255, (2, 2, 2)).astype(np.uint32) y = argmin_use_numpy(x, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_u32_3D_default" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::None(()))", name) def keepdims_false(): x = np.random.randint(0, 255, (2, 2, 2)).astype(np.uint32) y = argmin_use_numpy( x, keepdims=0, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_u32_3D_keepdims_false" mak
e_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::Some(false), Option::None(()))", name) def last_index(): x = np.random.randint(0, 255, (2, 2, 2)).astype(np.uint32) y = argmin_use_numpy_select_last_index( x, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_u32_3D_last_index" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::Some(true))", name) default_params() keepdims_false() last_index() argmin_3D() @staticmethod def argmin_i32(): def argmin_1D(): def default_params(): x = np.random.randint(-127, 127, (3)).astype(np.int32) y = argmin_use_numpy(x, dtype=np.uint32).reshape((1)) x = Tensor(Dtype.I32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_i32_1D_default" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::None(()))", name) def keepdims_false(): x = np.random.randint(-127, 127, (3)).astype(np.int32) y = argmin_use_numpy( x, keepdims=0, dtype=np.uint32).reshape((1)) x = Tensor(Dtype.I32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_i32_1D_keepdims_false" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::Some(false), Option::None(()))", name) def last_index(): x = np.random.randint(0, 255, (3)).astype(np.int32) y = argmin_use_numpy_select_last_index( x, dtype=np.uint32).reshape((1)) x = Tensor(Dtype.I32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape
, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_i32_1D_last_index" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::Some(true))", name) default_params() keepdims_false() last_index() argmin_1D() def argmin_2D(): def default_params(): x = np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2)).astype(np.int32) y = argmin_use_numpy(x, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.I32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_i32_2D_default" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::None(()))", name) def keepdims_false(): x = np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2)).astype(np.int32) y = argmin_use_numpy( x, keepdims=0, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.I32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_i32_2D_keepdims_false" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::Some(false), Option::None(()))", name) def last_index(): x = np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2)).astype(np.int32) y = argmin_use_numpy_select_last_index( x, dtype=np.int32) x = Tensor(Dtype.I32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_i32_2D_last_index" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::Some(true))", name) default_params() keepdims_false() last_index() argmin_2D() def argmin_3D(): def default_params(): x = np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2, 2)).astype(np.int32) y = argmin_use_numpy(x, dtype=np.ui
nt32) x = Tensor(Dtype.I32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_i32_3D_default" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::None(()))", name) def keepdims_false(): x = np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2, 2)).astype(np.int32) y = argmin_use_numpy( x, keepdims=0, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.I32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_i32_3D_keepdims_false" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::Some(false), Option::None(()))", name) def last_index(): x = np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2, 2)).astype(np.int32) y = argmin_use_numpy_select_last_index( x, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.I32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_i32_3D_last_index" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::Some(true))", name) default_params() keepdims_false() last_index() argmin_3D() @staticmethod def argmin_i8(): def argmin_1D(): def default_params(): x = np.random.randint(-127, 127, (3)).astype(np.int8) y = argmin_use_numpy(x, dtype=np.uint32).reshape((1)) x = Tensor(Dtype.I8, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_i8_1D_default" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::None(()))", name) def keepdims_false(): x = np.random.randint(-127, 127, (3)).astype(np.int8) y = argmin_
use_numpy( x, keepdims=0, dtype=np.uint32).reshape((1)) x = Tensor(Dtype.I8, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_i8_1D_keepdims_false" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::Some(false), Option::None(()))", name) def last_index(): x = np.random.randint(0, 255, (3)).astype(np.int8) y = argmin_use_numpy_select_last_index( x, dtype=np.uint32).reshape((1)) x = Tensor(Dtype.I8, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_i8_1D_last_index" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::Some(true))", name) default_params() keepdims_false() last_index() argmin_1D() def argmin_2D(): def default_params(): x = np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2)).astype(np.int8) y = argmin_use_numpy(x, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.I8, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_i8_2D_default" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::None(()))", name) def keepdims_false(): x = np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2)).astype(np.int8) y = argmin_use_numpy( x, keepdims=0, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.I8, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_i8_2D_keepdims_false" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::Some(false), Option::None(()))", name) def last_index(): x = np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2)).astype(np.int8)
y = argmin_use_numpy_select_last_index( x, dtype=np.int8) x = Tensor(Dtype.I8, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_i8_2D_last_index" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::Some(true))", name) default_params() keepdims_false() last_index() argmin_2D() def argmin_3D(): def default_params(): x = np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2, 2)).astype(np.int8) y = argmin_use_numpy(x, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.I8, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_i8_3D_default" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::None(()))", name) def keepdims_false(): x = np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2, 2)).astype(np.int8) y = argmin_use_numpy( x, keepdims=0, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.I8, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_i8_3D_keepdims_false" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::Some(false), Option::None(()))", name) def last_index(): x = np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2, 2)).astype(np.int8) y = argmin_use_numpy_select_last_index( x, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.I8, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_i8_3D_last_index" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::Some(true))", name) default_params() keepdims_false() last_index() argmi
n_3D() @staticmethod def argmin_fp16x16(): def argmin_1D(): def default_params(): x = to_fp(np.random.randint(-127, 127, (3) ).astype(np.int8), FixedImpl.FP16x16) y = argmin_use_numpy(x, dtype=np.uint32).reshape((1)) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_fp16x16_1D_default" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::None(()))", name) def keepdims_false(): x = to_fp(np.random.randint(-127, 127, (3) ).astype(np.int8), FixedImpl.FP16x16) y = argmin_use_numpy( x, keepdims=0, dtype=np.uint32).reshape((1)) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_fp16x16_1D_keepdims_false" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::Some(false), Option::None(()))", name) def last_index(): x = to_fp(np.random.randint(0, 255, (3)).astype( np.int8), FixedImpl.FP16x16) y = argmin_use_numpy_select_last_index( x, dtype=np.uint32).reshape((1)) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_fp16x16_1D_last_index" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::Some(true))", name) default_params() keepdims_false() last_index() argmin_1D() def argmin_2D(): def default_params(): x = to_fp(np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2) ).astype(np.int8), Fixe
dImpl.FP16x16) y = argmin_use_numpy(x, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_fp16x16_2D_default" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::None(()))", name) def keepdims_false(): x = to_fp(np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2) ).astype(np.int8), FixedImpl.FP16x16) y = argmin_use_numpy( x, keepdims=0, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_fp16x16_2D_keepdims_false" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::Some(false), Option::None(()))", name) def last_index(): x = to_fp(np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2) ).astype(np.int8), FixedImpl.FP16x16) y = argmin_use_numpy_select_last_index( x, dtype=np.int8) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_fp16x16_2D_last_index" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::Some(true))", name) default_params() keepdims_false() last_index() argmin_2D() def argmin_3D(): def default_params(): x = to_fp(np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2, 2) ).astype(np.int8), FixedImpl.FP16x16) y = argmin_use_numpy(x, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_fp16x16_3D_de
fault" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::None(()))", name) def keepdims_false(): x = to_fp(np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2, 2) ).astype(np.int8), FixedImpl.FP16x16) y = argmin_use_numpy( x, keepdims=0, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_fp16x16_3D_keepdims_false" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::Some(false), Option::None(()))", name) def last_index(): x = to_fp(np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2, 2) ).astype(np.int8), FixedImpl.FP16x16) y = argmin_use_numpy_select_last_index( x, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_fp16x16_3D_last_index" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::Some(true))", name) default_params() keepdims_false() last_index() argmin_3D() @staticmethod def argmin_fp8x23(): def argmin_1D(): def default_params(): x = to_fp(np.random.randint(-127, 127, (3) ).astype(np.int8), FixedImpl.FP8x23) y = argmin_use_numpy(x, dtype=np.uint32).reshape((1)) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_fp8x23_1D_default" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::None(()))", name) def keepdims_false():
x = to_fp(np.random.randint(-127, 127, (3) ).astype(np.int8), FixedImpl.FP8x23) y = argmin_use_numpy( x, keepdims=0, dtype=np.uint32).reshape((1)) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_fp8x23_1D_keepdims_false" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::Some(false), Option::None(()))", name) def last_index(): x = to_fp(np.random.randint(0, 255, (3)).astype( np.int8), FixedImpl.FP8x23) y = argmin_use_numpy_select_last_index( x, dtype=np.uint32).reshape((1)) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_fp8x23_1D_last_index" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::Some(true))", name) default_params() keepdims_false() last_index() argmin_1D() def argmin_2D(): def default_params(): x = to_fp(np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2) ).astype(np.int8), FixedImpl.FP8x23) y = argmin_use_numpy(x, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_fp8x23_2D_default" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::None(()))", name) def keepdims_false(): x = to_fp(np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2) ).astype(np.int8), FixedImpl.FP8x23) y = argmin_use_numpy( x, k
eepdims=0, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_fp8x23_2D_keepdims_false" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::Some(false), Option::None(()))", name) def last_index(): x = to_fp(np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2) ).astype(np.int8), FixedImpl.FP8x23) y = argmin_use_numpy_select_last_index( x, dtype=np.int8) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_fp8x23_2D_last_index" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::Some(true))", name) default_params() keepdims_false() last_index() argmin_2D() def argmin_3D(): def default_params(): x = to_fp(np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2, 2) ).astype(np.int8), FixedImpl.FP8x23) y = argmin_use_numpy(x, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_fp8x23_3D_default" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::None(()))", name) def keepdims_false(): x = to_fp(np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2, 2) ).astype(np.int8), FixedImpl.FP8x23) y = argmin_use_numpy( x, keepdims=0, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y
.flatten()) name = "argmin_fp8x23_3D_keepdims_false" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::Some(false), Option::None(()))", name) def last_index(): x = to_fp(np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 2, 2) ).astype(np.int8), FixedImpl.FP8x23) y = argmin_use_numpy_select_last_index( x, dtype=np.uint32) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "argmin_fp8x23_3D_last_index" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.argmin(0, Option::None(()), Option::Some(true))", name) default_params() keepdims_false() last_index() argmin_3D()
import numpy as np from nodegen.node
import RunAll from ..helpers
import make_test, to_fp, Tensor, Dtype, FixedImpl
class Array_feature_extractor(RunAll): @staticmethod def array_feature_extractor_3D(): def array_feature_extractor_i32(): x = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (2, 3, 4)).astype(np.int32) y = np.array([1, 3]).astype(np.uint32) z = (x[..., y]) x = Tensor(Dtype.I32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) z = Tensor(Dtype.I32, z.shape, z.flatten()) name = "array_feature_extractor_3D_i32" make_test([x, y], z, "TensorTrait::array_feature_extractor(@input_0, input_1)", name) def array_feature_extractor_fp8x23(): x = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (2, 3, 4)).astype(np.float64) y = np.array([1, 3]).astype(np.uint32) z = (x[..., y]) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, to_fp( x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) z = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, z.shape, to_fp( z.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) name = "array_feature_extractor_3D_fp8x23" make_test([x, y], z, "TensorTrait::array_feature_extractor(@input_0, input_1)", name) def array_feature_extractor_fp16x16(): x = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (2, 3, 4)).astype(np.float64) y = np.array([1, 3]).astype(np.uint32) z = (x[..., y]) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, to_fp( x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) z = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, z.shape, to_fp( z.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "array_feature_extractor_3D_fp16x16" make_test([x, y], z, "TensorTrait::array_feature_extractor(@input_0, input_1)", name) array_feature_extractor_i32() array_feature_extractor_fp8x23() array_feature_extractor_fp16x16() @staticmethod def array_feature_extractor_2D():
def array_feature_extractor_i32(): x = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (3, 4)).astype(np.int32) y = np.array([1, 3]).astype(np.uint32) z = (x[..., y]) x = Tensor(Dtype.I32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) z = Tensor(Dtype.I32, z.shape, z.flatten()) name = "array_feature_extractor_2D_i32" make_test([x, y], z, "TensorTrait::array_feature_extractor(@input_0, input_1)", name) def array_feature_extractor_fp8x23(): x = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (3, 4)).astype(np.float64) y = np.array([1, 3]).astype(np.uint32) z = (x[..., y]) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, to_fp( x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) z = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, z.shape, to_fp( z.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) name = "array_feature_extractor_2D_fp8x23" make_test([x, y], z, "TensorTrait::array_feature_extractor(@input_0, input_1)", name) def array_feature_extractor_fp16x16(): x = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (3, 4)).astype(np.float64) y = np.array([1, 3]).astype(np.uint32) z = (x[..., y]) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, to_fp( x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) z = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, z.shape, to_fp( z.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "array_feature_extractor_2D_fp16x16" make_test([x, y], z, "TensorTrait::array_feature_extractor(@input_0, input_1)", name) array_feature_extractor_i32() array_feature_extractor_fp8x23() array_feature_extractor_fp16x16() @staticmethod def array_feature_extractor_1D(): def array_feature_extractor_i32(): x = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (4)).a
stype(np.int32) y = np.array([1, 3]).astype(np.uint32) z = (x[..., y]) x = Tensor(Dtype.I32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) z = Tensor(Dtype.I32, z.shape, z.flatten()) name = "array_feature_extractor_1D_i32" make_test([x, y], z, "TensorTrait::array_feature_extractor(@input_0, input_1)", name) def array_feature_extractor_fp8x23(): x = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (4)).astype(np.float64) y = np.array([1, 3]).astype(np.uint32) z = (x[..., y]) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, to_fp( x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) z = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, z.shape, to_fp( z.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) name = "array_feature_extractor_1D_fp8x23" make_test([x, y], z, "TensorTrait::array_feature_extractor(@input_0, input_1)", name) def array_feature_extractor_fp16x16(): x = np.random.randint(-3, 3, (4)).astype(np.float64) y = np.array([1, 3]).astype(np.uint32) z = (x[..., y]) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, to_fp( x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) z = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, z.shape, to_fp( z.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "array_feature_extractor_1D_fp16x16" make_test([x, y], z, "TensorTrait::array_feature_extractor(@input_0, input_1)", name) array_feature_extractor_i32() array_feature_extractor_fp8x23() array_feature_extractor_fp16x16()
import numpy as np from nodegen.node import RunAll from ..helpers import make_test, to_fp, Tensor, Dtype, FixedImpl class Asin(RunAll): @staticmethod def asin_fp8x23(): x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (2, 2)).astype(np.float64) y = np.arcsin(x) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, to_fp(x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, y.shape, to_fp(y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) name = "asin_fp8x23" make_test([x], y, "input_0.asin()", name) @staticmethod def asin_fp16x16(): x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (2, 2)).astype(np.float64) y = np.arcsin(x) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, to_fp(x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, to_fp(y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "asin_fp16x16" make_test([x], y, "input_0.asin()", name)
import numpy as np from nodegen.node import RunAll from ..helpers import make_test, to_fp, Tensor, Dtype, FixedImpl class Asinh(RunAll): @staticmethod def asinh_fp8x23(): x = np.random.uniform(1, 5, (2, 2)).astype(np.float64) y = np.arcsinh(x) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, to_fp( x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, y.shape, to_fp( y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) name = "asinh_fp8x23" make_test([x], y, "input_0.asinh()", name) @staticmethod def asinh_fp16x16(): x = np.random.uniform(1, 5, (2, 2)).astype(np.float64) y = np.arcsinh(x) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, to_fp( x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, to_fp( y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "asinh_fp16x16" make_test([x], y, "input_0.asinh()", name)
import numpy as np from nodegen.node import RunAll from ..helpers import make_test, to_fp, Tensor, Dtype, FixedImpl class Atan(RunAll): @staticmethod def atan_fp8x23(): x = np.random.uniform(-10, 127, (2, 2)).astype(np.float64) y = np.arctan(x) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, to_fp( x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, y.shape, to_fp( y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) name = "atan_fp8x23" make_test([x], y, "input_0.atan()", name) @staticmethod def atan_fp16x16(): x = np.random.uniform(-10, 127, (2, 2)).astype(np.float64) y = np.arctan(x) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, to_fp( x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, to_fp( y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "atan_fp16x16" make_test([x], y, "input_0.atan()", name)
import numpy as np from nodegen.node import RunAll from ..helpers import make_node, make_test, to_fp, Tensor, Dtype, FixedImpl class Binarizer(RunAll): @staticmethod def binarizer_fp8x23(): x = np.random.uniform(-3, 3, (3, 3, 3)).astype(np.float64) threshold = np.float64(1) y = (x > threshold).astype(np.float64) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, to_fp( x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, y.shape, to_fp( y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) name = "binarizer_fp8x23" make_node([x], [y], name) make_test([x], y, "TensorTrait::binarizer(@input_0, Option::Some(FixedTrait::new(8388608, false));", name) @staticmethod def binarizer_fp16x16(): x = np.random.uniform(-3, 3, (3, 3, 3)).astype(np.float64) threshold = np.float64(1) y = (x > threshold).astype(np.float64) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, to_fp( x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, to_fp( y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "binarizer_fp16x16" make_node([x], [y], name) make_test([x], y, "TensorTrait::binarizer(@input_0, Option::Some(FixedTrait::new(65536, false));", name)
import numpy as np from nodegen.node
import RunAll from ..helpers
import make_test, to_fp, Tensor, Dtype, FixedImpl, Trait, get_data_statement def blackman_window(size, output_datatype=None, periodic=None) -> np.ndarray: if periodic == 1: N_1 = size else: N_1 = size - 1 ni = np.arange(size, dtype=output_datatype) alpha = 0.42 beta = 0.08 y = np.cos((ni * (np.float64(np.pi).astype(output_datatype) * 2)) / N_1).astype(output_datatype) * (-0.5) y += np.cos((ni * (np.float64(np.pi).astype(output_datatype) * 4)) / N_1) * beta y += alpha return y.astype(output_datatype)
class Blackman_window(RunAll): @staticmethod def fp8x23(): args = [3] args_str = get_data_statement(to_fp(np.array(args).flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23), Dtype.FP8x23) y = blackman_window(*args, np.float64) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, y.shape, to_fp(y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) name = "blackman_window_fp8x23" make_test( [], y, f"TensorTrait::blackman_window({','.join(args_str)}, Option::Some(0))", name ) @staticmethod def fp16x16(): print(get_data_statement(to_fp(np.array([np.pi]).flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16), Dtype.FP16x16)) args = [3] args_str = get_data_statement(to_fp(np.array(args).flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16), Dtype.FP16x16) y = blackman_window(*args, np.float16, 1) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, to_fp(y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "blackman_window_fp16x16" make_test( [], y, f"TensorTrait::blackman_window({','.join(args_str)}, Option::Some(1))", name )
import numpy as np from nodegen.node import RunAll from ..helpers import make_test, to_fp, Tensor, Dtype, FixedImpl class Ceil(RunAll): @staticmethod def ceil_fp8x23(): x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (2, 2)).astype(np.float64) y = np.ceil(x) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, to_fp(x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, y.shape, to_fp(y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) name = "ceil_fp8x23" make_test([x], y, "input_0.ceil()", name) @staticmethod def ceil_fp16x16(): x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (2, 2)).astype(np.float64) y = np.ceil(x) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, to_fp(x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, to_fp(y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "ceil_fp16x16" make_test([x], y, "input_0.ceil()", name)
import numpy as np from nodegen.node
import RunAll from ..helpers
import make_test, to_fp, Tensor, Dtype, FixedImpl
class Clip(RunAll): @staticmethod def clip_u32(): def clip_2D(): x = np.random.randint(0, 255, (2, 4)).astype(np.uint32) y = np.clip(x, np.uint32(10), np.uint32(20)) x = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "clip_u32_2d" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.clip(Option::Some(10_u32), Option::Some(20_u32))", name) def clip_3D(): x = np.random.randint(0, 255, (20, 10, 5)).astype(np.uint32) y = np.clip(x, np.uint32(10), np.uint32(20)) x = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "clip_u32_3d" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.clip(Option::Some(10_u32), Option::Some(20_u32))", name) clip_2D() clip_3D() @staticmethod def clip_i32(): def clip_2D(): x = np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 4)).astype(np.int32) y = np.clip(x, np.int32(-10), np.int32(20)) x = Tensor(Dtype.I32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "clip_i32_2d" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.clip(Option::Some(-10_i32), Option::Some(20_i32))", name) def clip_3D(): x = np.random.randint(-127, 127, (20, 10, 5)).astype(np.int32) y = np.clip(x, np.int32(-10), np.int32(20)) x = Tensor(Dtype.I32, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "clip_i32_3d" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.clip(Option::Some(-10_i32), Option::Some(20_i32))", name) clip_2D() clip_3D() @staticmethod def clip_i8(): def clip_2D(): x = np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 4)).astype(np.int8) y = np.clip(x, np.int8(-10), np.int8(20)) x = Tensor(Dtype.I8, x.shape, x
.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I8, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "clip_i8_2d" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.clip(Option::Some(-10_i8), Option::Some(20_i8))", name) def clip_3D(): x = np.random.randint(-127, 127, (20, 10, 5)).astype(np.int8) y = np.clip(x, np.int8(-10), np.int8(20)) x = Tensor(Dtype.I8, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I8, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "clip_i8_3d" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.clip(Option::Some(-10_i8), Option::Some(20_i8))", name) clip_2D() clip_3D() @staticmethod def clip_fp8x23(): def clip_2D(): x = to_fp(np.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 4) ).astype(np.int64), FixedImpl.FP8x23) y = np.clip(x, to_fp(np.int64(-10), FixedImpl.FP8x23), to_fp(np.int64(20), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "clip_fp8x23_2d" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.clip(Option::Some(FP8x23 { mag: 83886080, sign: true }), Option::Some(FP8x23 { mag: 167772160, sign: false }))", name) def clip_3D(): x = to_fp(np.random.randint(-127, 127, (20, 10, 5) ).astype(np.int64), FixedImpl.FP8x23) y = np.clip(x, to_fp(np.int64(-10), FixedImpl.FP8x23), to_fp(np.int64(20), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "clip_fp8x23_3d" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.clip(Option::Some(FP8x23 { mag: 83886080, sign: true }), Option::Some(FP8x23 { mag: 167772160, sign: false }))", name) clip_2D() clip_3D() @staticmethod def clip_fp16x16(): def clip_2D(): x = to_fp(np
.random.randint(-127, 127, (2, 4) ).astype(np.int64), FixedImpl.FP16x16) y = np.clip(x, to_fp(np.int64(-10), FixedImpl.FP16x16), to_fp(np.int64(20), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "clip_fp16x16_2d" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.clip(Option::Some(FP16x16 { mag: 655360, sign: true }), Option::Some(FP16x16 { mag: 1310720, sign: false }))", name) def clip_3D(): x = to_fp(np.random.randint(-127, 127, (20, 10, 5) ).astype(np.int64), FixedImpl.FP16x16) y = np.clip(x, to_fp(np.int64(-10), FixedImpl.FP16x16), to_fp(np.int64(20), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, x.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "clip_fp16x16_3d" make_test( [x], y, "input_0.clip(Option::Some(FP16x16 { mag: 655360, sign: true }), Option::Some(FP16x16 { mag: 1310720, sign: false }))", name) clip_2D() clip_3D()
import numpy as np from nodegen.node
import RunAll from ..helpers
import make_test, to_fp, Tensor, Dtype, FixedImpl, Trait def col2im(data, image_shape, block_shape, dilations=None, pads=None, strides=None): if dilations is None: dilations = [1 for s in image_shape] if pads is None: pads = [0 for s in image_shape] * 2 if strides is None: strides = [1 for s in image_shape] bl = np.prod(block_shape) C = data.shape[1] data = data.reshape(data.shape[:1] + (C,) + (bl,) + data.shape[2:]) ks = tuple(block_shape) res = None for n in range(data.shape[0]): for c in range(data.shape[1]): out = col2im_naive_implementation( data[n, c, ...], image_shape, ks, dilations, pads, strides ) if res is None: new_shape = data.shape[:2] + out.shape res = np.empty(new_shape, dtype=data.dtype) res[n, c, ...] = out return (res,) def _get_indices(i, shape): res = np.empty((len(shape),), dtype=np.int64) k = len(shape) - 1 while k > 0: m = i % shape[k] res[k] = m i -= m i /= shape[k] k -= 1 res[0] = i return res def _col2im_shape_check(X, output_shape, kernel_shape, dilations, pads, strides): n_input_plane = X.shape[0] kernel_size = np.prod(kernel_shape) if n_input_plane % kernel_size != 0: raise ValueError( f"Expected size of input's dimension 1 to be divisible by the " f"product of kernel_size={kernel_size}, " f"but got input.size(1)={n_input_plane} " f"and kernel_shape={kernel_shape}, X.shape={X.shape}, output_shape={output_shape}." ) input_length = X.shape[1] n_dims = len(output_shape) n_blocks = [] for i in range(n_dims): n_block = ( output_shape[i] + pads[i, :].sum() - dilations[i] * (kernel_shape[i] - 1) - 1 ) n_blocks.append(n_block) block_size = np.prod(n_blocks) if input_length
!= block_size: raise ValueError( f"Given n_input_plane={n_input_plane}, X.shape={X.shape}, " f"output_shape={output_shape}, kernel_shape={kernel_shape}, " f"dilations={dilations}, pads={pads}, strides={strides}, " f"expected size of input's dimension 2 to match the calculated number of " f"sliding blocks {n_blocks} = {block_size}, " f"but got input.size(2)={input_length}.", ) def col2im_naive_implementation(data, image_shape, kernel_shape, dilations, pads, strides): n_dims = len(pads) new_pads = np.array([(pads[i], pads[i + n_dims]) for i in range(n_dims)]) _col2im_shape_check(data, image_shape, kernel_shape, dilations, new_pads, strides) data_col = data data_im = np.zeros(image_shape, dtype=data.dtype) dim_col = [] for i in range(n_dims): col = ( image_shape[i] + new_pads[i, :].sum() - (dilations[i] * (kernel_shape[i] - 1) + 1) ) dim_col.append(col) kernel_size = np.prod(kernel_shape) col_size = np.prod(dim_col) for c_col in range(kernel_size): offset = _get_indices(c_col, kernel_shape) for col in range(col_size): ind_col = _get_indices(col, dim_col) ind_im = [] for i in range(n_dims): ind = ( ind_col[i] * strides[i] - new_pads[i, 0] + offset[i] * dilations[i] ) ind_im.append(ind) if not _is_out(ind_im, data_im.shape): data_im[tuple(ind_im)] += data_col[c_col, col] return data_im def _is_out(ind, shape): for i, s in zip(ind, shape): if i < 0: return True if i >= s: return True return False
class Col2im(RunAll): @staticmethod def export_col2im() -> None: x = np.array( [ [ [1.0, 6.0, 11.0, 16.0, 21.0], [2.0, 7.0, 12.0, 17.0, 22.0], [3.0, 8.0, 13.0, 18.0, 23.0], [4.0, 9.0, 14.0, 19.0, 24.0], [5.0, 0.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0], ] ] ).astype(np.float32) image_shape = np.array([5, 5]).astype(np.int64) block_shape = np.array([1, 5]).astype(np.int64) y = col2im(x,image_shape,block_shape) y = np.array(y[0]) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, to_fp(x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, to_fp(y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "col2im" func_sig = "NNTrait::col2im(" func_sig += "@input_0," func_sig += "array![5, 5].span()," func_sig += "array![1, 5].span()," func_sig += "Option::None," func_sig += "Option::None," func_sig += "Option::None)" make_test( [x], y, func_sig, name, Trait.NN) @staticmethod def export_col2im_strides() -> None: x = np.array( [ [ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ] ] ).astype(np.float32) image_shape = np.array([5, 5]).astype(np.int64) block_shape = np.array([3, 3]).astype(np.int64) y = col2im(x,image_shape,block_shape,strides=[2, 2]) y = np.array(y[0]) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, to_fp(x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, to_fp(
y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "col2im_strides" func_sig = "NNTrait::col2im(" func_sig += "@input_0," func_sig += "array![5, 5].span()," func_sig += "array![3, 3].span()," func_sig += "Option::None," func_sig += "Option::None," func_sig += "Option::Some(array![2, 2].span()))" make_test( [x], y, func_sig, name, Trait.NN) @staticmethod def export_col2im_pads() -> None: x = np.array( [ [ [ 1.0, 6.0, 11.0, 16.0, 21.0, 26, 31, 36, 41, 46, 51, 56, 61, 66, 71, ], [ 2.0, 7.0, 12.0, 17.0, 22.0, 27, 32, 37, 42, 47, 52, 57, 62, 67, 72, ], [ 3.0, 8.0, 13.0, 18.0, 23.0, 28, 33, 38, 43, 48, 53, 58, 63, 68, 73, ], [ 4.0, 9.0, 14.0, 19.0, 24.0, 29, 34, 39, 44, 49, 54, 59, 64, 69, 74, ], [ 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, ], ] ] ).astype(np.float32) image_shape = np.array([5, 5]).astype(np.int64) block_shape = np.array([1, 5]).astype(np.int64) y = col2im(x,image_shape,block_shape,pads=[0, 1, 0, 1]) y = np.array(y[0]) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, to_fp(x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, to_fp(y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "col2im_pads" func_sig = "NNTrait::col2im(" func_sig += "@input_0," func_sig += "array![5, 5].span()," func_sig += "array![1, 5].span()," func_sig += "Option::None," func_sig += "Option::Some(array![0, 1, 0, 1].span())," func_sig += "Option::None)" make_test( [x], y, func_sig, name, Trait.NN) @sta
ticmethod def export_col2im_dilations() -> None: x = np.array( [ [ [1.0, 5.0, 9.0, 13.0, 17], [2.0, 6.0, 10.0, 14.0, 18], [3.0, 7.0, 11.0, 15.0, 19], [4.0, 8.0, 12.0, 16.0, 20], ] ] ).astype(np.float32) image_shape = np.array([6, 6]).astype(np.int64) block_shape = np.array([2, 2]).astype(np.int64) y = col2im(x,image_shape,block_shape, dilations=[1, 5]) y = np.array(y[0]) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, to_fp(x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, to_fp(y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "col2im_dilations" func_sig = "NNTrait::col2im(" func_sig += "@input_0," func_sig += "array![6, 6].span()," func_sig += "array![2, 2].span()," func_sig += "Option::Some(array![1, 5].span())," func_sig += "Option::None," func_sig += "Option::None)" make_test( [x], y, func_sig, name, Trait.NN) @staticmethod def export_col2im_5D() -> None: x = np.array( [ [ [1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36, 41, 46, 51, 56], [2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, 32, 37, 42, 47, 52, 57], [3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28, 33, 38, 43, 48, 53, 58], [4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29, 34, 39, 44, 49, 54, 59], [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60], [61, 66, 71, 76, 81, 86, 91, 96, 101, 106, 111, 116], [62, 67, 72, 77, 82, 87, 92, 97, 102, 107, 112, 117], [63, 68, 73, 78, 83, 88, 93, 98, 103, 108, 113, 118], [64, 69, 74, 79, 84, 89, 94, 99, 104, 109, 114, 119], [65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120], ] ] ).astype(np.float32) image_shape = np.array([3, 4, 5]
).astype(np.int64) block_shape = np.array([1, 1, 5]).astype(np.int64) y = col2im(x,image_shape,block_shape) y = np.array(y[0]) x = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x.shape, to_fp(x.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, to_fp(y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "col2im_5D" func_sig = "NNTrait::col2im(" func_sig += "@input_0," func_sig += "array![3, 4, 5].span()," func_sig += "array![1, 1, 5].span()," func_sig += "Option::None," func_sig += "Option::None," func_sig += "Option::None)" make_test( [x], y, func_sig, name, Trait.NN)
import numpy as np from nodegen.node
import RunAll from ..helpers
import make_test, to_fp, Tensor, Dtype, FixedImpl, Trait
class Compress(RunAll): @staticmethod def compress_fp16x16(): def compress_3D(): def default(): x1 = np.arange(0,27).reshape(3,3,3).astype(np.int64) x2 = np.array([0, 1, 1]).astype(np.uint32) y = x1.compress(x2, axis=0) x1 = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x1.shape, to_fp(x1.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) x2 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x2.shape, x2.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, to_fp( y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "compress_fp16x16_3d_default" make_test( inputs = [x1, x2], output = y, func_sig = "input_0.compress(condition:input_1, axis:Option::Some(0))", name= name) def axis1(): x1 = np.arange(0,180).reshape(3,4,3,5).astype(np.int64) x2 = np.array([1, 1, 1, 0]).astype(np.int64) y = x1.compress(x2, axis=1) x1 = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x1.shape, to_fp(x1.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) x2 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x2.shape, x2.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, to_fp( y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "compress_fp16x16_3d_axis1" make_test( inputs = [x1, x2], output = y, func_sig = "input_0.compress(condition:input_1, axis:Option::Some(1))", name= name) def axis2(): x1 = np.arange(0,48).reshape(4,3,4).astype(np.int64) x2 = np.array([1, 0, 1, 1]).astype(np.int64) y = x1.compress(x2, axis=2) x1 = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x1.shape, to_fp(x1.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) x2 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x2.shape, x2.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, to_fp( y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "compress
_fp16x16_3d_axis2" make_test( inputs = [x1, x2], output = y, func_sig = "input_0.compress(condition:input_1, axis:Option::Some(2))", name= name) def axis3(): x1 = np.arange(0,96).reshape(4,3,4, 2).astype(np.int64) x2 = np.array([1, 0]).astype(np.int64) y = x1.compress(x2, axis=3) x1 = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x1.shape, to_fp(x1.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) x2 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x2.shape, x2.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, to_fp( y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "compress_fp16x16_3d_axis3" make_test( inputs = [x1, x2], output = y, func_sig = "input_0.compress(condition:input_1, axis:Option::Some(3))", name= name) def noaxis(): x1 = np.arange(0,27).reshape(3,3,3).astype(np.int64) x2 = np.array([1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]).astype(np.int64) y = x1.compress(x2) x1 = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, x1.shape, to_fp(x1.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) x2 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x2.shape, x2.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP16x16, y.shape, to_fp( y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP16x16)) name = "compress_fp16x16_3d_noaxis" make_test( inputs = [x1, x2], output = y, func_sig = "input_0.compress(condition:input_1, axis:Option::None(()))", name= name) default() axis1() axis2() axis3() noaxis() compress_3D() @staticmethod def compress_fp8x23(): def compress_3D(): def default(): x1 = np.arange(0,27).reshape(3,3,3).astype(np.int64) x2 = np.array([0, 1, 1]).astype(np.uint32) y = x1
.compress(x2, axis=0) x1 = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x1.shape, to_fp(x1.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) x2 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x2.shape, x2.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, y.shape, to_fp(y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) name = "compress_fp8x23_3d_default" make_test( inputs = [x1, x2], output = y, func_sig = "input_0.compress(condition:input_1, axis:Option::Some(0))", name= name) def axis1(): x1 = np.arange(0,27).reshape(3,3,3).astype(np.int64) x2 = np.array([0, 1, 1]).astype(np.uint32) y = x1.compress(x2, axis=1) x1 = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x1.shape, to_fp(x1.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) x2 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x2.shape, x2.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, y.shape, to_fp(y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) name = "compress_fp8x23_3d_axis1" make_test( inputs = [x1, x2], output = y, func_sig = "input_0.compress(condition:input_1, axis:Option::Some(1))", name= name) def axis2(): x1 = np.arange(0,27).reshape(3,3,3).astype(np.int64) x2 = np.array([0, 1, 1]).astype(np.uint32) y = x1.compress(x2, axis=2) x1 = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, x1.shape, to_fp(x1.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) x2 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x2.shape, x2.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.FP8x23, y.shape, to_fp(y.flatten(), FixedImpl.FP8x23)) name = "compress_fp8x23_3d_axis2" make_test( inputs = [x1, x2], output = y, func_sig = "input_0.compress(condition:input_1, axis:Option::Some(2))", name= name) default() axis1() axis2() compress_3D() @staticmethod def compress_i8():
def compress_3D(): def default(): x1 = np.arange(0,27).reshape(3,3,3).astype(np.int8) x2 = np.array([0, 1, 1]).astype(np.uint8) y = x1.compress(x2, axis=0) x1 = Tensor(Dtype.I8, x1.shape, x1.flatten()) x2 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x2.shape, x2.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I8, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "compress_i8_3d_default" make_test( inputs = [x1, x2], output = y, func_sig = "input_0.compress(condition:input_1, axis:Option::Some(0))", name= name) def axis1(): x1 = np.arange(0,27).reshape(3,3,3).astype(np.int8) x2 = np.array([0, 1, 1]).astype(np.uint8) y = x1.compress(x2, axis=1) x1 = Tensor(Dtype.I8, x1.shape, x1.flatten()) x2 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x2.shape, x2.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I8, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "compress_i8_3d_axis1" make_test( inputs = [x1, x2], output = y, func_sig = "input_0.compress(condition:input_1, axis:Option::Some(1))", name= name) def axis2(): x1 = np.arange(0,27).reshape(3,3,3).astype(np.int8) x2 = np.array([0, 1, 1]).astype(np.uint8) y = x1.compress(x2, axis=2) x1 = Tensor(Dtype.I8, x1.shape, x1.flatten()) x2 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x2.shape, x2.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I8, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "compress_i8_3d_axis2" make_test( inputs = [x1, x2], output = y, func_sig = "input_0.compress(condition:input_1, axis:Option::Some(2))", name= name) default() axis1() axis2() compress_3D() @staticmethod def compress_i32()
: def compress_3D(): def default(): x1 = np.arange(0,27).reshape(3,3,3).astype(np.int32) x2 = np.array([0, 1, 1]).astype(np.int32) y = x1.compress(x2, axis=0) x1 = Tensor(Dtype.I32, x1.shape, x1.flatten()) x2 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x2.shape, x2.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "compress_i32_3d_default" make_test( inputs = [x1, x2], output = y, func_sig = "input_0.compress(condition:input_1, axis:Option::Some(0))", name= name) def axis1(): x1 = np.arange(0,27).reshape(3,3,3).astype(np.int32) x2 = np.array([0, 1, 1]).astype(np.int32) y = x1.compress(x2, axis=1) x1 = Tensor(Dtype.I32, x1.shape, x1.flatten()) x2 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x2.shape, x2.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "compress_i32_3d_axis1" make_test( inputs = [x1, x2], output = y, func_sig = "input_0.compress(condition:input_1, axis:Option::Some(1))", name= name) def axis2(): x1 = np.arange(0,27).reshape(3,3,3).astype(np.int32) x2 = np.array([0, 1, 1]).astype(np.int32) y = x1.compress(x2, axis=2) x1 = Tensor(Dtype.I32, x1.shape, x1.flatten()) x2 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x2.shape, x2.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.I32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "compress_i32_3d_axis2" make_test( inputs = [x1, x2], output = y, func_sig = "input_0.compress(condition:input_1, axis:Option::Some(2))", name= name) default() axis1() axis2() compress_3D() @staticmet
hod def compress_u32(): def compress_3D(): def default(): x1 = np.arange(0,48).reshape(4,4,3).astype(np.uint32) x2 = np.array([1, 1]).astype(np.uint32) y = x1.compress(x2, axis=0) x1 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x1.shape, x1.flatten()) x2 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x2.shape, x2.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "compress_u32_3d_default" make_test( inputs = [x1, x2], output = y, func_sig = "input_0.compress(condition:input_1, axis:Option::Some(0))", name= name) def axis1(): x1 = np.arange(0,36).reshape(3,4,3).astype(np.uint32) x2 = np.array([0, 1, 1]).astype(np.uint32) y = x1.compress(x2, axis=1) x1 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x1.shape, x1.flatten()) x2 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x2.shape, x2.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "compress_u32_3d_axis1" make_test( inputs = [x1, x2], output = y, func_sig = "input_0.compress(condition:input_1, axis:Option::Some(1))", name= name) def axis2(): x1 = np.arange(0,48).reshape(3,4,4).astype(np.uint32) x2 = np.array([0, 1, 1]).astype(np.uint32) y = x1.compress(x2, axis=2) x1 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x1.shape, x1.flatten()) x2 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x2.shape, x2.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "compress_u32_3d_axis2" make_test( inputs = [x1, x2], output = y, func_sig = "input_0.compress(condition:input_1, axis:Option::Some(2))", name= name) def axis2_2(): x1 = np.arange(0,60).reshap
e(3,4,5).astype(np.uint32) x2 = np.array([0, 1, 1]).astype(np.uint32) y = x1.compress(x2, axis=2) x1 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x1.shape, x1.flatten()) x2 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x2.shape, x2.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "compress_u32_3d_axis2_2" make_test( inputs = [x1, x2], output = y, func_sig = "input_0.compress(condition:input_1, axis:Option::Some(2))", name= name) def axis3(): x1 = np.arange(0,270).reshape(3,3,5,6).astype(np.uint32) x2 = np.array([0, 1, 1,1,0,1]).astype(np.uint32) y = x1.compress(x2, axis=3) x1 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x1.shape, x1.flatten()) x2 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x2.shape, x2.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "compress_u32_3d_axis3" make_test( inputs = [x1, x2], output = y, func_sig = "input_0.compress(condition:input_1, axis:Option::Some(3))", name= name) default() axis1() axis2() axis2_2() axis3() compress_3D()
import numpy as np from nodegen.node
import RunAll from ..helpers
import make_test, to_fp, Tensor, Dtype, FixedImpl, Trait
class Concat(RunAll): @staticmethod def concat_u32(): def concat_1D(): x1 = np.arange(0,3).astype(np.uint32) x2 = np.arange(3,6).astype(np.uint32) y = np.concatenate((x1, x2)) x1 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x1.shape, x1.flatten()) x2 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x2.shape, x2.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "concat_u32_1d" make_test( inputs = [x1, x2], output = y, func_sig = "TensorTrait::concat(array![input_0, input_1].span(), 0)", name= name, trait= Trait.TENSOR) def concat_2D(): x1 = np.arange(0,4).astype(np.uint32).reshape(2,2) x2 = np.arange(4,8).astype(np.uint32).reshape(2,2) y = np.concatenate((x1, x2), axis=0) x1 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x1.shape, x1.flatten()) x2 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x2.shape, x2.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "concat_u32_2d" make_test( inputs = [x1, x2], output = y, func_sig = "TensorTrait::concat(array![input_0, input_1].span(), 0)", name= name, trait= Trait.TENSOR) def concat_3D(): def default(): x1 = np.arange(0,27).astype(np.uint32).reshape(3,3,3) x2 = np.arange(27,54).astype(np.uint32).reshape(3,3,3) y = np.concatenate((x1, x2), axis=0) x1 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x1.shape, x1.flatten()) x2 = Tensor(Dtype.U32, x2.shape, x2.flatten()) y = Tensor(Dtype.U32, y.shape, y.flatten()) name = "concat_u32_3d_default" make_test( inputs = [x1, x2], output = y, func_sig = "TensorTrait::concat(array![input_0, input_1].span(), 0)", name= name, trait= Trait.TENSOR) def axis_1(): x1 = np.arange(0,27).astype(np.uint32).resha

This dataset is a truncated version of this one but where the format is compatible with MLX-lora, using {"text": "This is an example for the model."}, and where each entry has been truncated, following some code logic (i.e., following classes, functions etc) to ensure each entry is smaller than 2048 tokens.

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