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We collect the data following a standardized protocol using a hand-held ultrasound device (Butterfly iQ+ by Butterfly Network Inc., Burlington, MA, USA). We capture video and mid-sagittal images, including the suprapatellar longitudinal view of the suprapatellar recess of the knee. Using this, we capture 10 unique casual sweeps at 30 FPS on multiple unique subjects around the human knee with at least 85 frames in each sweep. All sweeps in this dataset have been captured by the authors on healthy knees following institutional REB (Research Ethics Board) guidelines. Following this, the camera registration is performed by COLMAP. To create testing frames, we use every 8th frame. A popular way to evaluate such models is to use another camera across a different trajectory to create the test frames, often with two imaging equipment attached to each other. However the nature of how ultrasounds are captured in the wild make it quite difficult to build a setup that could allow us to collect this data.


Our data was collected with appropriate institutional guidelines on using medical data from humans. We obtained a waiver from our institution's Research Ethics Board as all data collected was part of a self study (PNT) for this proof of concept.


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