Hansard / README.md
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RH Pedagogical Machine Translation (Dialect) dataset: the filtered Canadian Hansard Dataset.

The Canadian [Hansard](https://www.ourcommons.ca/documentviewer/en/35-2/house/hansard-index) is an archive of parliamentary sessions in the two official languages in Canada - English and Franch.

πŸ“‹ Table of Contents

  • 🧩 Hansard Dataset
    • πŸ“‹ Table of Contents
    • πŸ“– Usage
      • Downloading the dataset
      • Dataset structure
      • Loading the dataset

        Loading the dataset

        The three partitions can be loaded the same way as any other csv file. For example, using Python:

        dataset = {
            "train": csv.load(open("./Hansard/train.csv", "r"))["dataset"],
            "test": csv.load(open("./Hansard/test.csv", "r"))["dataset"],

        However, it is likely easiest to work with the dataset using the HuggingFace Datasets library:

        # pip install datasets
        from datasets import load_dataset
        # The dataset can be used like any other HuggingFace dataset
        dataset = load_dataset("raeidsaqur/hansard")

        ✍️ Contributing

        We welcome contributions to this repository (noticed a typo? a bug?). To propose a change:

        git clone https://github.com/raeidsaqur/hansard
        cd hansard
        git checkout -b my-branch
        pip install -r requirements.txt
        pip install -e .

        Once your changes are made, make sure to lint and format the code (addressing any warnings or errors):

        isort .
        black .
        flake8 .

        Then, submit your change as a pull request.

        πŸ“ Citing

        If you use the Canadian Hansarddataset in your work, please consider citing our paper:

            title        = {The Canadian Hansard Dataset for Analyzing Dialect Efficiencies in Language Models},
            author       = {Raeid Saqur},
            year         = 2024,
            journal      = {ArXiv},
            url          = 

        πŸ™ Acknowledgements

        The entire CSC401/2511 teaching team at the Dept. of Computer Science at the University of Toronto.