Could the Dodo bird still be hiding out there? How about Blue Tigers in China? Some of the extremely interesting possibilities revealed in this book. Real can't put down reading, zoologist Karl Shuker is a leader of today's Cryptozoology investigation. Have enjoyed reading Mr. Shuker's articles in the Fortean Times for years.
For years a classic true story from Australia, of one woman's search for truth. It wasn't the Watchtower(Jehovah's Witness) movement she belonged to. Very revealing Bible truths no matter what your background. Good easy reading.
Well written and scholarly work, but just doesn't explain convincingly from a Biblical standpoint, or justify for that matter why Christians shouldn't still be worshiping on the seventh day. As with most writers in defense of Sunday as the Christian day of worship, too much dependence upon the "early fathers," and ignoring volumes of texts from the New Testament. Texts that most won't even admit exist in favor of continued Christian observance of the sabbath. As Christ often warned in the gospels, there would be false prophets and false doctrines coming, in an attempt to betray believers. Even during the days of the apostles, these things were already in evidence. 1 John 4:1. And if these things were already creeping into the Apostolic Age, then it's not too hard to believe there were many false practices by the 2nd, 3rd and 4th centuries, during the times of these "Church Fathers" often quoted by scholars. Some as if these non-Biblical figures were the final word on Christianity. And herein lies my disappointment with this book's explainations. So I counter with these arguments for why I am not convinced to abstain from seventh day sabbath worship, in favor of the so called "Lord's day" Sunday. Reason 1: The Ten Commandments It seems everyone in Christiandom is concerned about the lack of their presence in public schools and government offices. But when a good old Seventh-day Adventist like myself discusses the observance of all of them, including the 4th concerning the seventh day sabbath found in Exodus 20: 8-11, we're told "the law was nailed to the cross," and instantly branded "legalists!" Read for yourself, God doesn't leave room for "one-day-in-seven," he specificly states "the seventh day" and then refers us back to the creation. That "one-day-in-seven" approach is very popular today, but doesn't have a "thus saith the Lord" to stand on. See Genesis 2:2-3. And James 2:2-3 and Ecclesiates 12:13-14 says we're even going to be judged by those very commandments in the end. Reason 2: Jesus And His Attitude Towards The Sabbath Many quote from John 5 and proclaim that a sinless Jesus actually broke all the requirements of the 4th commandment. And yes, it does state that he broke it, but in its context along with other Bible passages, He only broke the traditional burdens that the Jews had tacked on to God's requirements. Read John 5:5-18, then compare his true thinking of what the sabbath is suppose to be for mankind. A devine rest. Matthew 11:28-30 and 12:1-13. In His own words, "it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days." Matthew 12:12. It was never God's purpose to make the sabbath a burden upon us. And being God the Son and Creator of all things, He was the very I Am in the Old Testament. 1 Corinthian 10:1-4, John 1:1-3 and Hebrews 1:1-2. In Luke 4:16 it was his "custom" not only to seek out worship on the sabbath, but also to participate in the worship service. And if that was His "custom" then, would it be any different if He were walking with us today? Where, and on what day would He seek to worship? Is He not the one mentioned in Hebrews 13:8 as "the same, yesterday, and to day, and forever." Reason 3: The Disciples And New Testament Believers Sunday keepers often quote Acts 20:7 and 1 Corinthians 16:1, as final evidence that 1st century Christians like the apostle Paul and Luke, were already observing Sunday as a day of worship, along with Peter, James and John. But you have only mention of these days as, "the first day of the week." Nothing sacred but simply certain things taking place on that particular day. In Acts 20, Paul preached until it was dark, brother Eutychus fell asleep and fell from the window dead, and Paul was able to miraculously bring him back to life. Verses 8-12. And the fact that they broke bread has no significance either, seeing they did this on a daily basis, Acts 2:46. 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 is "laying up in store" or literally at home in the Greek, on the 1st day of the week. A common work day in Biblical times. Paul was taking up collections for the poor, as in Romans 15:25-26, the poor saints in Jerusalem. He wanted the collections put aside at the beginning of the work week, after the sabbath, so gathering them would be orderly when he arrived. Anything else is reading into the text. No worship day mention whatsoever. And if you want to know how Paul really felt about which day was holy, read his own examples found in the book of Acts. In chapter 13:14-16 he was asked by the gentiles at Antioch to preach these things to them on the "next sabbath." Why not Sunday the following day? After all, these weren't Jews. But he waited till the following sabbath to give them the gospel. See verses 42-47 for a real eye opener. Has your Sunday keeping minister ever gone over these passages with you before? And Acts 11:26 tells us Antioch is where believers were first called Christians! Stunning coincidence or God's providence? For more of Paul's attitude on sabbath worship read chapters 17:1-5 and 18 verses 4 and 11. But going back to those who literally walked with Jesus and witnessed His crucifixion, we find in Luke 23:53-56 thru 24:1-3, they rested on the sabbath "according to the commandment." Didn't Jesus tell them of the change in days of worship before His crucifixion? Where? Passage and verse please. Reason 4: The Claim That Revelation 1:10 refers to Sunday(The Lord's Day) But where does John ever mention the day he's refering to? Once again, reading into the text something the rest of the Bible is silent on. But God does have a lot to say about which day He considers His. Remember in Matthew 12:8 Jesus said He was "Lord of the sabbath," so He had the perfect right to say what was good for that day. He was the one resting on and blessing it back in Genesis. John 1:1-3, Hebrew 1:1-2. And since He stated back in John 5 that He and His Father were "one," something the Jews wanted to stone Him for, He is also the one speaking of His(Lord's day) in Isaiah 58:12-14 and 56:1-7. Even pronouncing blessings upon those who were not Jews that keep the sabbath. And at creation, the Genesis account, there were no Jews yet. Was not Abraham the father of the Jews? But as born again believers, we are now spiritual Israelites and Abraham's Seed. See Galatians 3:27-29, Roman 2:26-29 and 3:28-31. Reason 5: Confusion Over What Is The New Covenant We are all in agreement that a covenant is an agreement, are we not? So what's the fuss about old and new? We all know that Christ is the vine and we are the branches. That without Him we can do nothing. See John 15:5. And that's what makes the difference between the old and new covenants. Christ living the life, doing His will through us and not we on our own. The new covenant doesn't nullify the Ten Commandments, his Grace fulfills the law through us. "I can do all things through Christ..." Philippians 4:13. In Exodus 19:3-8, where we find the first or old covenant being made, notice the children of Israel agreeing with God; "we will do." Keeping the law of God cannot be done through our own strength. God then writes out His moral law of Ten Commandments in chapter 20 of Exodus. Now read Hebrews 10:15-17 and you'll plainly see the new does not abolish the law of God, but He writes them on the heart. He comes in through the Holy Spirit, and changes the carnal nature. See Paul's delimma concerning keeping a holy law, and the solution in Romans 7:7,12 and 8:1-4. Notice it wasn't abolishing the keeping of the law, but having his carnal nature changed to a Spiritual one. It's called the rebirth. In Romans 7:7 Paul says the law is not sin, it tells us the definition of sin. Even naming the 10th "thou shall not covet" so there would be no doubt as to which law he's referring to. 1 John 3:4-6 goes even deeper saying "sin is the trangression of the law." Jesus came to save us from our "sins." In Sunday churches throughout the world, isn't it a goal to save lost sinners from their "sins" through the preaching of the Gospel? We don't keep the law to be saved, we can now keep it because we are saved. That is why so many misunderstand the words of James 2:26, " without works is dead." Reason 6: There Are Two Distinct Laws, One Moral The Other Ceremonial And both laws even have sabbaths. God's eternal moral law of Ten Commandments includes the 4th in Exodus 20:8-11, the seventh day sabbath, a memorial to His creation. Take the time to read it. While the Mosaic or ceremonial considers all Jewish holy days, including Passover and The Day of Atonement as sabbaths, Leviticus 23. Read the entire chapter to get the full context of ceremonial sabbaths, which from year-to-year can fall on any day of the week. Another reason so many confuse what "sabbath days" were nailed to the cross in Colossians 2:16-17. Or the argument about the keeping of certain days, which Paul refered to as "doubtful disputations" in Romans 14. They were shadows of the true Lamb of God to come. Where as the seventh day sabbath existed after God made and blessed a perfect world, before sin and any need of shadows and blood sacrifices. Genesis 1:31-2:1-3. See also Hebrews 10:1. And one of the most important distinctions that most want to gloss over, is that God wrote the moral Ten Commandments on 2 tables of stone with His very own finger, as found in Exodus 31:17-18. The ceremonial law of Moses was written by Moses in a book or scrolls. Deuteronomy 31:24-26 and Joshua 8:31. Reason 7: The Sabbath Will Be Kept In The New Heaven And Earth Isaiah 66:23-24 tells us that from one new moon(or month), and from one sabbath to another "all flesh" will come to worship before God. Though some have even proposed that this text refers to the ceremonial law, due to the mention of "new moons," we know that a new moon represents the change of months. Something Revelation 22:2 mentions concerning new fruit appearing every month on the tree of life throughout eternity. In conclusion, Is it any wonder God put the words "remember the sabbath day to keep it holy" right in the middle of the Ten, being all knowing, and foreseeing man's forgetfulness of that commandment? The only one of the Ten most Christian groups seemingly want to forget.
Though some of the information is general, this book covers about anything you'd need to know about buying or selling a home. And the information in this revised 5th edition is very much up-to-date. You can't beat it for making the world of Real Estate easy to understand. Hence, "Idiot's" Guide, and when it comes to Real Estate, that definitely includes me.
Just one read of Peter Miller's book, "Author! Screenwriter!" will broaden your horizen of writing possibilities. Don't just think screenplay, but consider formating that same story idea into a novel as well. And when you consider the odds, 100,000 to 200,000 books published per year, as compared to only some 1,000 stories produced for all of the Network Television, Motion Picture, Cable and DVD industries, Mr. Miller argues an interesting point. With over 30 years experience managing and producing writers, he gives insights into the industry that few others have even touched upon. Definitely worth any writer's time and money. But regardless of one's writing goals, this book gives that big push every writer needs to encourage perfection and perseverance.
Dealing with Cryptozoology to Mass Murderers. Ghosts and Springheeled Jack, there's something for everyone fascinated with the bizarre. Many tales are personal experiences of the author himself, like the time he was followed down the highway by John Wayne Gacy. Yikes! But as one previous reviewer has already noted, very much in need of an editor. Many errors throughout. And a terribly grainy quality to the photographs. But it will still hold your interest if you're into the unexplained.
This is probably the first book I ever purchased on the subject. Not the first ever read though. Not a bad place to start a serious book collection of this topic. Reads like a well made movie. Sometimes quite humorous. Rene Dahinden was considered one of the true pioneers in the hunt. Makes me regret the missed opportunity in 1996 while vacationing in British Columbia, of not giving him a call after finding his number listed in the Vancouver area phone directory. We've lost one of the giants of the hunt.
Bigfoot, Yeti, Yowie, Orang Pendek, and Agogwe. All the most recognizable names in the world of mystery Cryptozoological primates are here. But the not so recognizable names really sale this book. Names like the Jimbra, Ngoloko, Tjangara, and the Tano Giant. And then there are those you may be a little more familiar with, like the Alma and the Didi. How about the Chinese Wildman, or the Yeren? Whether familiar or not, its probably mentioned in this guide. But that is also one of the shortcomings of the Field Guide; so many subjects, too few eyewitness accounts. My one reason for not giving it a 5 star rating. Hopefully more page additions are forthcoming in future revisions.
I purchased this elsewhere but wanted to sing the books praises in my favorite book forum - Amazon. When read slowly and thoughtfully, with time to sit back and mull over the sometimes bewildering and often-quoted but seldom understood quotations from the book of Ecclesiastes and Gibsons illuminating comments, this book is very rewarding. There are questions for further reflection, too, which I used and appreciated. What a marvel to understand these concepts at my oldish age; I wonder if I would have believed and grasped them when very young... Gibson writes so well. I cant begin to distill the wisdom conveyed as he has done a great job of making every chapter count. No risk in this purchase!
These worked just as well as the ones we usually get at Vons or those from Costco. I think they were cheaper, too.
Haven't been able to listen to country music radio for over a year as it is mostly the same song sung by different men. So this is wonderful music to keep me company and happily remembering what country music still can be.
This is exactly what I was looking for - something to pour soup and other lumpy stuff into Mason jars without a mess. Works perfectly!
Best garlic press ever. I am donating the other two in the drawer. It presses far more garlic out than the others and the cleaning tool is fabulous.
Love this juicer as it is so easy to use and clean. It takes so little time to take apart, clean and put back together. I use a bottle brush for a few seconds on the one part. I use it several times a week. I've never had a problem but do a small amount of prep with the fruits and vegetables, cutting the bigger pieces before turning it on. Greens go through nicely. It's gorgeous, too, reminding me of an Airstream trailer! I had one of the cheaper juicers but it had to be cleaned in the middle of juicing and was hard to get clean. It also balked at juicing some veggies. Not this one!
Love these shades, from the price to the ease of installation to the wonderfully darkened room I now enjoy at night.
I love this big bowl for tossing salads and chopping them. I chopped a large bag of kale down to a manageable size in minutes. Its a staple in my cooking tools rotation.
Easier to use than my last Shark Steam Mop and maneuvers better but it still leaves the floor too wet to use it on our wood floors, which is what I bought it for. It gets used on the tile and does a superb job with great ease. Love the velcro on the pocket mop.
Love this device and use it almost every day - for brown rice, soups, squash, potatoes, fruit. Check out Chef AJ YouTube videos for demonstrations and recipes. I gave away my rice cooker and slow cooker and pressure cooker as I'm short on kitchen storage space and just use this. Very easy to clean. A bit big for the counter, but there it will stay.
Love the size, the spout, lid, strainer and cool handle. It is, however, difficult to clean sticky food like oatmeal out of the ridges. It doesnt require anything abrasive, but does require a sponge. Worth it and I use it daily, but worth mentioning.
I received these as a gift and love them. They are light-weight and hold a lot. The shoulder straps are just the right length and width so that carrying groceries home from the store (a half mile walk) is comfortable, even with a melon in there. When the load is too heavy for the shoulder, I can get the straps on my back to use it like a backpack. Probably not an attractive sight, but it is comfortable! They fold up/roll up time after time into a tiny roll that snaps. One fits nicely in the bottom of my purse. The others stay in the car for grocery shopping, except the one I gave away to a friend, who now has friends who want one, too. They're washable and beautiful.
Very nice and pretty. Makes my head hot, but not too bad. I like it and will probably order more.
These work great for baking banana bread and brownies. Cleaning them is so easy, too. You can turn them inside out to get the little food particles out of the corners. I also appreciate the money saved over using parchment paper. They do get very hot, like a metal or glass pan which helps put a nice crust on the bottom of the quick breads.
These are wonderful for everything from rinsing fragile berries to hot spaghetti. Love the two sizes, too.
This arrived quickly, had batteries in the packaging, and had instructions that taught me how to get the remote to work with my TV as well as the Verizon FIOS recorder box. I am a happy camper once again.
This wasn't what I expected but it looks like it will be perfect for travel and hiking. It is more like plastic than fabric to the touch, which explains reviews saying it withstands water. I like the front strap for a jacket or a rolled up beach towel.
This purse is my new favorite. So many pockets and places to tuck and hide things. The strap is adjustable and very comfortable as cross-body purse. Not as much for the shoulder (for me). Looks great and feels sturdy and strong. I will say that my elongated zipper wallet just fits and some of the openings aren't as wide as I'd like. It will likely be fine when I get used to it. And the smaller openings do keep things from tumbling out if left unzipped (as I do).
This purse is my new favorite. So many pockets and places to tuck and hide things. The strap is adjustable and very comfortable as cross-body purse. Not as much for the shoulder (for me). Looks great and feels sturdy and strong. I will say that my elongated zipper wallet just fits and some of the openings aren't as wide as I'd like. It will likely be fine when I get used to it. And the smaller openings do keep things from tumbling out if left unzipped (as I do).
These shoes, while heavy and not that attractive, have made a difference in my posture and have helped finally get that pesky plantar fasciitis healed. I think it has to do with the weight making the ankle stronger and the stiffness of the shoe not letting my feet pronate. They are great for standing, sitting (like having a footstool on your feet if you're short!) and walking on flat, even surfaces. Not so good for downhill walking. Maybe with practice. I am already looking at the sandals for summer. The best part is when you take them off and put on running shoes, the lack of weight makes walking and running like being on air. Love them.
These feel great, soft and warm, and fit great but they are slippery inside my shoes, both the Dansko and Skechers GoWalks. That's a first for me for socks! I still wear them and maybe after several washings they will lose the slide.
I wanted a tie sneaker but with the same great sole and insole of the slip-on Go-walks that I've worn now for well over a year with no trouble. The slip-ons have stretched out and so I hoped the laces on these would extend the life of the shoes. Having endured plantar fasciitis for 2 years, I am very sensitive to a potential recurrence, which brings me to these shoes. My feet cramp within a few blocks of walking. They are also a bit tight across the top of my feet and loosening the laces doesn't address the part that's tight. The shoe seems low along the sides, like my feet could slip out, and they are not good for the groomed grass/dirt trail that I like to walk. They look great, though, and work for running errands.
Wasn't sure I was going to like these as I'm used to wearing the $165, more structured shoe. However, after about 1 mile into the first walk, my heels stopped slipping and the shoes seem molded to my feet and there's no going back now! They are fantastic. I feel like I can walk forever even after 2 miles on sidewalk. Haven't taken them off road yet.
Love the footbed of these sandals however the straps are very tight. Maybe they will stretch out. I'm keeping them.
Great shoe - my friend loves them. They were WAYtoo small. Not wide at all and too short. My friend wears a size smaller than me and they fit her perfect. Sad for me except happy for her.
These are fine for a bit dressier look than a running shoe, which is my intended purpose. For me, they don't serve well as a long-distance walking shoe.
It is a bit heavy on the wrist, and a little loose, but I enjoy wearing it. Easy to read the time.
Will try it on an upcoming trip but I bought for size and it way larger than I expected but still folds small for storage. Not bad looking for a carry on bag, either. It didn't come with a shoulder strap so I will find one on-hand and add.
Got this last night and began playing around with it based on a YouTube video I had watched a few days ago. My right forearm was sore and losing strength due to using a mouse/computer for too many hours a day. I could feel the muscles being used (hopefully stretched and strengthened) and warmed up on that arm, while the left arm just enjoyed the workout with no pain sensations. This morning, the typical soreness in my forearms is gone. Can't wait to see if using it every hour or so at work will prevent any damage to my wrist and arm and heal the arm completely. And this is supposed to also be good for the shoulders so I will watch more YouTube videos for workouts. Great product!
This feels weightier than I expected. I will use it but not as often as I had planned.
Got this last night and began playing around with it based on a YouTube video I had watched a few days ago. My right forearm was sore and losing strength due to using a mouse/computer for too many hours a day. I could feel the muscles being used (hopefully stretched and strengthened) and warmed up on that arm, while the left arm just enjoyed the workout with no pain sensations. This morning, the typical soreness in my forearms is gone. Can't wait to see if using it every hour or so at work will prevent any damage to my wrist and arm and heal the arm completely. And this is supposed to also be good for the shoulders so I will watch more YouTube videos for workouts. Great product!
This was easy, even for a short "old lady" to install. I didn't use the screws, just twisted it into place as instructed. After a few weeks it still hasn't budged. It gets used every day for hanging briefly -- I can hear my spine clicking back into place -- and very mini pull-ups. Someday they might be feet-of-the-floor pull-ups, but right now my feet don't leave the floor. It relieves end of day strain from computer work and my long commute. Great tool for reversing muscle loss and helping keep shoulders strong and functional, not to mention the benefit to arm strength.
Got this last night and began playing around with it based on a YouTube video I had watched a few days ago. My right forearm was sore and losing strength due to using a mouse/computer for too many hours a day. I could feel the muscles being used (hopefully stretched and strengthened) and warmed up on that arm, while the left arm just enjoyed the workout with no pain sensations. This morning, the typical soreness in my forearms is gone. Can't wait to see if using it every hour or so at work will prevent any damage to my wrist and arm and heal the arm completely. And this is supposed to also be good for the shoulders so I will watch more YouTube videos for workouts. Great product!
This was easy, even for a short "old lady" to install. I didn't use the screws, just twisted it into place as instructed. After a few weeks it still hasn't budged. It gets used every day for hanging briefly -- I can hear my spine clicking back into place -- and very mini pull-ups. Someday they might be feet-of-the-floor pull-ups, but right now my feet don't leave the floor. It relieves end of day strain from computer work and my long commute. Great tool for reversing muscle loss and helping keep shoulders strong and functional, not to mention the benefit to arm strength.
It was recommended I do stretches for my calf muscles several times a day to offset all the time in a chair at the computer. This works so good. You can use an old shoe or something else, but this is the right height, is soft and it's presence nearby is a constant reminder to stop and stretch.
Love this substantial, well-made exercise tool and use it every day because it is portable, non-threatening, almost impossible to hurt myself with and gets results fast. My arms and shoulders are getting toned and muscles are appearing where flab reigned. And I haven't even watched the video yet or done the floor exercises. It is way worth the money just for upper body.
It was recommended I do stretches for my calf muscles several times a day to offset all the time in a chair at the computer. This works so good. You can use an old shoe or something else, but this is the right height, is soft and it's presence nearby is a constant reminder to stop and stretch.
I like this for long walks. Has room for ID, phone and keys and maybe credit card and cash. It isn't a fanny pack. It also can't be hidden under clothes. But it doesn't bounce around and is lightweight. It is most useful for me with yoga type pants with no pockets. Securely holds items so they don't fall out while moving. All in all, I'd buy again..
This hat is perfect for those times when I am standing or hanging out in sun and can't find shade. The flaps tuck away easily and the hat size is adjustable. The only caveat is that it doesn't work great when walking at the beach in the wind! The brim flies up and the face is unprotected. But for hanging out at VegFest, it was 100% perfect.
This is quite a good little package. I've noticed that I barely see some pedestrians when I'm driving at night in my busy beach town, especially as so many are dressed in black and jaywalk. Assuming I am also hard to see at night, I ordered this vest and the wrist straps. I'm a size large and the s/m fit me fine. After reading other reviews, I ordered down a size and it works. The bag is handy for keeping things together and visible.
I bought these hoping they would satisfy crunch cravings but not start new cravings. Uh oh. They are very crunchy, perfect with hummus, with almond butter, with anything dip-able. The crackers are low in calories, too. No worries about being able to use the whole case before the next subscribe & save shipment plus they are gluten-free.
I've ordered these twice now and they are fresh and work well in smoothies and in making an easy chocolate pudding (some seeds, some almond milk, some cocoa, mix and refrigerate and eat). That's about as fancy as I get!
Cooks up great, filling and very healthy. I cook them in the microwave on high for 2 minutes and then on low for 7 with a chopped apple and some walnuts. The texture is good.
Love these really fine/skinny noodles. They cook up in no time are very tasty. As a vegan, one little bundle makes two servings for me.
A former food coach uses this in a lot of her recipes so I bought it and enjoyed the flavor of the recipes immensely. Almost to the point of addiction. However, after I went on a one week trip and didn't eat it, I discovered that this product was the basis for my intestinal and stomach upset. I tried it again recently in a salad dressing and it caused immediate intestinal issues. Oh well...I guess that leaves dates for a sweetener for this whole-food, plant-based eater. Others being coached do not experience this discomfort, but I found out recently through FB posts that many do.
This CD is a treasure, especially for Friday afternoon long commutes. His voice is soothing, very clean and clear and the guest artists are an extra treat. The songs are interesting enough to keep me singing along. It's old country done very well.
This is so very bad. I try to settle in and listen to a CD all the way through a few times before judging but this is so slow and uninteresting (but not good enough to put one to sleep) and just highly annoying. So sad I took a chance on the whole CD.
So relieved that Carrie kept her consistent quality in song selection, production and those superb vocals. I've been listening to this on my commute home every night for two weeks and still haven't found a reason to switch it out. Some nights I skip the two bouncy songs but overall it is a solid listen from front to back.
Love this CD, front to back, listening to it at work over and over. His voice sounds better than ever. Playing the CD makes me feel happy and energized.
Beautiful voices, great lyrics, especially the female vocalist. A favorite for attentive listening (versus listening to it as background music).
Love the voice, love the songs except for the profanity on one song. It is as good as Mission Bell and the variety of songs makes it good company.
Very thought-provoking and hopefully life-changing presentation on love. Throws out some worn out cliches and gets to the heart of it. Well worth reading on a regular basis. Example. "They should not try to love that person but try to become the kind of person who would love them." How efficient is that! If you are that kind of person who loves well and easily, you don't need to focus on the challenges of all those individuals in one's life.
These Journals are to be read slowly and digested rather than consumed like a snack. So I'm only two articles in - on numbing emotions with food and news and fighting contempt toward others - and can already heartily recommend this issue. $3.99? Seriously? A bargain! The two first-person essays were a privilege to read as they are from the heart and extremely honest. Not only do I get the benefit of seeing correlations in my own life and learn from the wisdom they gained, but they are wonderful examples of what counseling should look like. The women are honest but not condemning. For every overturned rock that reveals ugly stuff, there is grace and a gentle nudge back on the journey. There is no shutting down in horror or self-condemnation. They know themselves, know they are loved by God and know there is a better way and they will get there. The tools they use to get from point A to B are freely handed to the reader. As a bonus, a professional counselor adds a postscript summary.
We bought dozens of these pouches for filing groups of documents easily and securely. They are sturdy and expand or contract, taking up only the amount of room required by the papers inside. It's our new filing system for original documents that have to be retained.
This is just what I needed - has an on-off switch and a speaker for those times when one is calling Customer Service departments and needs to be able to listen and punch in information. Also great for long hold times. The phone was easy to set up and works great.
Just what I needed for staving off wrist and arm pain and problems. Can't go a day without it.
This is what I needed to help me focus on days, especially when structure isn't built in. Love the gratitude section.
This was exactly what I was looking for. Heavy-weight plastic folders to hold papers for one project at a time. The top and bottom are closed but a simple tear and the top opens (I like it open). The bottom seam does not tear open.
For a person who doesn't like gyms or personal trainers and can't easily focus on strength training for more than four or five minutes, these kinds of tools are my saving grace. I exercise a few minutes throughout the day and enjoy every minute. This is going in a ziplock bag in my purse. It will be whipped out at work or any time I have tense muscles and a little space and time. It is amazing how Useful a little (it is very little) stretchy thing can be.
These sprout very easily in a mason jar with a screen. I've had them awhile and they are still sprouting nicely.
Fit my lamp perfectly and I am happy with the soft light.
So helpful to have a light to move here and there as needed. A visiting 3 year old loved the idea of it being near while she slept and operated it easily. I love the USB charging vs batteries feature. When bright is does light up a closet!
Love this versatile lamp. Works great, is mobile and exactly what I needed.
Some seasons and some produce bring fruit flies into the house. These placed over the banana bowl or the fruit dish with citrus keep the flies out.
This review is for the audible version. It is all good, from the narration to the long and winding stories, to the wake-up calls to the essential bits of wisdom sprinkled throughout. It makes me want to live life more fully and purposefully - and believe I can. Anyone considering being a pastor would do well to hear his wisdom, too. It is a keeper that I go back to visit from time to time when I want the reassuring wisdom of a grandpa who has lived life well, creatively, lovingly and is still in the game after several careers. But then I appreciate every one of his books that I've read so far. I usually start with the audible and end up buying the Kindle or paper version, too.
I enjoyed this easy-to-read, fanciful tale that gives a history of St. Francis of Assisi and his enviornment. I felt like I'd been on a trip myself! The plot line wasn't my favorite, though.
Bought it for a group class but it isn't my idea of healthy eating. Apparently it works for a lot of people, though.
Best summary I've seen (and I have dozens of mostly unused vegan cookbooks) of what going vegan is and how to jump in. With all the free blogs and free online vegan recipes, this could be the only book you need for a long time. At least the first 3 months. If you don't need a lot of convincing about the reasons for going vegan and don't need flashy photographs of recipes--and just want to get started--this is the book. There are sample menus and easy, familiar, tasty recipes. In the sample menus section, there are entries for what to eat out for lunch or dinner, because that is the reality for a lot of people. There are kid-friendly and heart-healthy recipes, too. The sample menus are helpful as I usually plan meals that are boring or have too few items and wonder why I am hungry or on the search for more food shortly after eating. Plan to keep it simple, eat a lot of great, healthy food, and this is doable and enjoyable.
Love this for learning vocabulary in easy to remember chunks that relate. I keep it in the car and read it when I get to destinations early. A page or two here and there add up.
I bought the Kindle version when it was on sale to replace my old paperback copy. Pete explains so many things about the bodys design and function, along with providing solutions to regain function, often in place of surgery or meds. Over the years of reading his work and visiting an Egoscue clinic for a stint, his method has helped me avoid surgery and retain movement so I can walk, run, and do everyday life without pain. My knee and back haven't hurt since. And now Im officially old! There are tons of YouTube videos to demonstrate the exercises he recommends but having this book for motivation and education is helpful.
This is an excellent book to use for individual study but would be more meaningful with an accountability partner or small, safe group. There are clear explanations for why we have failed in breaking habits in the past and very astute questions to searchone's heart. It is worth far more than $2.51!
Loved this book, reading a chapter a day during a worrisome season. It is substantive and handles the Word accurately. I didn't see the discussion questions until the end and will go through it again later in the year, maybe with someone, and use those. Like Keller's book on The Freedom of Self-forgetfulness, it is a good book to return to annually.
This book has turned out to be quite the find. I accidentally ordered it while reviewing it (it was recommended in a book I was reading) and before returning it, gave it a few minutes and was so blessed I kept it. Her view of the world and art and faith is wonderful. I'm moving along a bit each day, sometimes stopping to write out thoughts or a poem or a list. It's like a little writing retreat in a book. No pressure. All joy.
This book is a practical teaching on true worship of God (for people of any age), and how to transmit that information to children.
This is a great book for a group study or self-study if the group is an honest, safe group of people. The questions at the end of each well-written chapter don't ask you to regurgitate the text but instead to dig a little and apply the information to your own life. It has helped me correct course a tiny bit each week.
Very clear and convincing exploration of relationships and how we hold ourselves back and yet can change to have more meaningful and longer-lasting relationships.
This is a great plan so far. Cutting the window of opportunity for eating to five hours was easier than I thought -- if you can live with not following the plan every single day. The cravings are a lot less noticeable on the fasting portion of the day and the food more enjoyable when eaten when hungry. I found that breaking the fast with a soup or salad kept me from overeating. In the office I use the McDougalls soups.&nbsp;<a data-hook="product-link-linked" class="a-link-normal" href="/Dr-McDougall-s-Right-Foods-Vegan-Black-Bean-Lime-Soup-3-4-Ounce-Cups-Pack-of-6/dp/B000FFIEL2/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_rvw_txt?ie=UTF8">Dr. McDougall's Right Foods Vegan Black Bean & Lime Soup, 3.4-Ounce Cups (Pack of 6)</a>&nbsp;<a data-hook="product-link-linked" class="a-link-normal" href="/Dr-McDougall-s-Right-Foods-Vegan-Pad-Thai-Noodle-Soup-Fresh-Flavor-2-Ounce-Cups-Pack-of-6/dp/B000FFLTD2/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_rvw_txt?ie=UTF8">Dr. McDougall's Right Foods Vegan Pad Thai Noodle Soup, Fresh Flavor, 2-Ounce Cups (Pack of 6)</a>
Nothing but great telling of a good gratuitous anything. Read it in a day and was sad it was over as I will be remembering the people and place.
This was a fast-paced mystery with nothing but good reasons to keep turning the pages. Will look for more books by this author!
My husband bought me this book from Costco as he wants to convert to my whole food plant-based way of eating and loved How Not to Die. (Actually, it scared him straight.) Unfortunately, Dr. Greger is in the camp that uses nuts and avocado and other fats that my reverse diabetes menus cannot accommodate. He also uses date syrup and some other sweeteners I don't use. None of these ingredients/foods are harmful, but I cant use them at this stage. Also, there are a lot of ingredients in the recipes and sometimes he buries another whole list by listing another recipe as one ingredient. Again, if you have lots of time and make his special spice mix, umami sauce, etc. and always have them on hand, you will be in great shape. The photos are awesome and the variety of healthy plant foods incorporated into recipes is good. I made the Mac and cheese and was underwhelmed. There are better offerings out there, free, for example on the John Mcdougall and Forks Over Knives websites.
This is an excellent discussion of how we ourselves change/mature and how we can love others well on their unique journey. And unique is stressed here - he's a counselor and well knows that people are unique and deserve and require unique counsel. We all receive love differently, in the specific moment and in the specific stage of life and circumstance. His theology is sound and his writing is oh so very clear and beautiful. I almost weep with joy at some of his deep reflections. His "own story" chapters are very insightful as samples of how he and we move from a place we don't want to be (unloving and selfish) to where we can be (loving other well). It's less of a checklist of how to do this than an observation of what's happened in his life and others. It can give a teachable heart a boost of self-compassion and compassion for others.
Excellent motivational and instructional book on how to achieve health. As she says, it took her 50 years to find just the right diet for her to be healthy. If no-fat, gluten-free vegan is for you, this is a great book. Her YouTube channel and website are also very worthwhile. Can't wait for her next book, which is coming soon...
This was a thought-provoking book and healing. I also enjoyed the writer's celebration of the beauty of people, nature, friendships and so much more. I read it in three sittings as I didn't want to leave the setting or characters for long.
This book can be very meaningful as a standalone private study, without her short, weekly videos. It was one of her best as far as eliciting deep responses from the heart. As always, her love and knowledge of God and Scripture is wonderful and illuminating.
Useless to me. Maybe someone else will get something out of. Mostly seemed a tool to gain web traffic.
Perfect light, summer read. Paced well, funny and with surprises.
Love just reading this book but also like the recipes. Some are heavy on fat and dairy but they are going for gastronomical excellence, not no-fat vegetarian!
I have read almost every book of Pastor Peterson and thoroughly enjoy them. This series of sermons from across the years he pastored is even more precious in some ways. It radiates warmth and love for his people and for God. I have the Audible version and the narrator is perfect.
This plan works - eating healthy starches, a lot of them, along with vegetables and fruits and beans, has been a goal of mine for years. Finally, after being unable to do this on my own, I got the help of coaches Julie and Jerry at Protective Diet, and I am successfully cooking and eating according to the McDougal plan and getting great results. My energy is high, despite my decision to stop drinking coffee. My A1C has dropped significantly (I'm out of the diabetes range now!) in one month and my dress size is going down, too, so the smaller sized clothes in the closet are coming back into use. There are so many benefits to eating this way - my favorite is being able to eat until I'm full and without guilt. I'm looking forward to more weight loss and completely normal lab test results in 90 days, if I can get the doctor to order them - she was so impressed with the 30 day results, that she said no need to come in if I continue eating according to this plan.
Great mystery story. Descriptions of Lowcountry make me want to take a trip there. Will be reading the follow-up book, too.
Love reading Hope Clark's books set in the South. Strong women, big hearts, big problems that aren't easily life. This book hooked me early, then got too intense for bedtime reading. Perfect for.lunchbreak except I didn't want to stop reading as it was non-stop action.
While I wouldn't probably hand this to someone with a bipolar diagnosis, I would recommend it to a committed Christian who suffers from what they are being told is chronic depression, along with the offer of emotional support as they read it. And it is a good book to read in the good times to be prepared for when life next hurts. It gives a different perspective, one that is outward directed instead of internally, for finding meaning in sadness, loss and grief.