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OOMFR6snocY | integration patterns and also is in all development unit who developed development practices system otherwise won't be able to tactical so those are actually free areas that we will try to cover in our presentation first the micro services architecture the main message that I want to convey here is the micro service isn't the support application now don't get me wrong I | 333 | 363 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | have nothing against people would I like it actually but though many times I've seen someone will the Java spring boot application deploy it on the docker container and says I have a macro service you don't have a micro service unless that micro service has data when we come to the definition of a micro service in its essence it's a small autonomous application that can handle one domain | 363 | 391 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | independently autonomous and independently you can't do that if you don't share data you can't do that if you're creating a facade on my or proxy my cursor that keeps baiting legacy and this query in that legacy for all day I mean you can do it and that there are uses for such such applications but you can forget about any kind of performance or scalability if you query an existing legacy banking | 391 | 422 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | systems for every time someone the queries your API on a micro service and needs to get some data that's the most important peak we will talk later even will talk about what are good ways to get data out of legacy in inter macro circuit so I'm going to that you'll hear that later other thing that is important is how you design your micro service what is important is a lot of times | 422 | 454 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | people have a set of functionalities you put it in a micro service and you you just go from there it's a great way to build a my product what that means is build a micro service that's actually monolith just your deploy it on docker and the quality Mac series in micro service design you should really look at domain driven design that's another concept you have great books about it | 454 | 484 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | especially the part you have a book by Eric Evans domain driven design when he talks to bounded context but what that means actually in a nutshell is that when you design a data model for an enterprise you can't design one data model that will work for the entire enterprise because that's its action is called an enterprise functions for example you take customer entity and you | 484 | 521 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | talk to finance you talk to say all the top customer customer care each of those Department look at the customer differently in finance they look at did he pay his bill and suffocated in sales they look at good services is he using can we upsell cross-sell upgraded in customer care they are looking at does have problems does he have problems in the past what | 521 | 547 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | kind of problems etc so the models are not different and what you need to do is you need to establish a boundary in which your model is unique and that is basically in one domain we will could have one model that is unique and then when you talk to another team or whatever the physic designing another domain you need to establish what the boundaries are exact like and what is | 547 | 578 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | important how to transform and connect your model with their model it's really a good concept I haven't talk any more about it but you should look at it really a lot of materials online about it so the next topic when it comes to micro services actually this is one of my favorites and also a lot of debate is around debt when it comes to the communication patterns | 578 | 610 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | between micro services how do they communicate with each other there's actually two big patterns one is choreography the other is orchestration choreography you have micro services that are independent they function as let's say individuals with a set of rules in which they talk to each other but there is no central micro service or whatever that is orchestrating them in | 610 | 642 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | orchestration you have a central entity that is orchestrate that is telling the other micro services what to do which one is better neither because it depends on the use case that you have mostly in whatever you are designing NIT there is no one-size-fits-all you need to be open-minded and you need to look at exact use case that you have so for example a choreography is a really great | 642 | 684 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | it is actually my preferred method because in choreography the main benefit is that these micro services are completely decoupled when one goes down it doesn't influence the rest if you need to remove one micro service and implement it in using a different technology or whatever you can do it because they communicate asynchronously they have a set of interfaces that are | 684 | 718 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | standardized and this really gives you a lot of flexibility but what is a problem with choreography is that if you have a complex system or a complex process that you need to implement it's really hard to visual the communication so if you can't visual that which visual visual visualize that communication don't use choreography you can visuals visualize it by using open tracing and | 718 | 753 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | technologies like that there there are ways but if you can't do it don't want choreography orchestration on the other part is great for example when I use it in an order execution process when you have a process that is sequential and you really need to follow the exact amount of steps that are needed to talking for example in telco when you do order execution | 753 | 786 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | you need to create a customer you need to create his assets you need to send his equipment to the delivery service you need to talk to other telephone operators regarding number transfer and stuff like that you need to activate the subscription for the customer in billing there's a lot of activities that you need to do all of those can be implemented as different micro-services | 786 | 817 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | but many work is straight you are really sure that everything is happening the very data truth but you shouldn't do orchestration in code because the same is choreography you won't have any visibility of that when you do orchestration my advice is use a BPM tool if a really good BPM tools on the market that you can use and they intend visibility in the control the process is great so just | 817 | 850 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | to show you this is one BPM tool and this is how it how it looks like you have where are the process instances some are in incidence some are not so it's a it's really a good way to see what is happening in that process you really do if something is amiss in incident you can easily see what's happening so the level of control here is really great so that's my advice when it comes to | 850 | 892 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | orchestration but the most important part is no one-size-fits-all so let's move on just some quick best practices when it comes to micro-services design actually the only don't here is don't put everything in code use the technologies that are on the market and that are really great for example if you have a lot of business rules that you need to implement there | 892 | 925 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | are great rule engines that are fast and that you can use instead of writing millions of ifs and cases in your code the only trick here is if you're losing in a row if you are using using and there are there two to two ways you can use the rule and you can embed it in your code and then it's very to just use the engine and edit code or you can build it as a independent standalone | 925 | 955 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | service but if you do that it's important that it's a passed rule that the rule engine only executes rules it doesn't query any database or back-end or anything for data it should look something like that this is request this is response you give in the the rule that it needs to execute you give him the data and then it executes the rule inhibit the response back and it should | 955 | 991 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | be in memory and it should be really fast as you see here it should really be a number of milliseconds the seconds that you can count on your fingers and toes because if it's slower than that you can forget about any kind of performance that uses the rule engine so it's really important that it's fast proof it's in memory and it doesn't query anything it's just an | 991 | 1,019 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | engine also use artifact repositories they're really easy to use really beneficial use tools for logging don't log to file system database and then if you have an incident spend three hours wearing debt use pools the terror in on the market protect the self is for monitoring use time series databases because they can handle a lot of data and they have great visualization tools | 1,019 | 1,055 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | that you can look at in the operations part so I'm not going into specific technologies that you can use but for all of these technologies you have open source solutions if you want to know I can tell you what we are using but maybe later on or in the question space and the last but probably the most important things he is work together with business because a micro service or any softer | 1,055 | 1,089 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | that is its own purpose doesn't make sense so you should you should build it together with people from business and you should build stuff that really solves some business issue that can be some new capabilities of extra functionalities they can be just that you are doing refactoring transform suddenly some old implementation into micro service because you want better | 1,089 | 1,115 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | performance which will result in better customer experience these are all valid reasons but don't do it without talking to business and having really good memories because basically micro service should be analog to a business domain and it should implement business capabilities so that is really an important part here so they could actually be the first step when you're | 1,115 | 1,142 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | designing the micro-service know what is the challenge and what are the capabilities from the business side that you need to solve and then go to the technical part and that's it about the micro services architecture I will now give the work to even we will talk more about integration about integration patterns so when we were doing this kind of migrations basically integration | 1,142 | 1,171 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | become as you move to micro service integration becomes more of a hot topic than it was before so some of our experiences don't use multi layer of API clothes what I mean by this we have a situation currently were fronting is going bacon that is calling second packet that's calling terror that comes forth bacon so basically you have this connection of flows where each layer is | 1,171 | 1,201 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | introducing their own bottlenecks there are slowdowns so don't do this second is what Luke also mentioned in micro service architecture try to do the main driven design in telco industry where we are happy that we have a global guidelines regarding this there is a community gathered around TM for telemedicine forum organization that already built for us some models so we | 1,201 | 1,235 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | know what are the customers what are the products what are the services resources payments so we already have domain driven design that can be followed basically we already have domain prepared that just need adjustment for a specific tau and this domain is extensive enough so that you can extend it without let's say many travels of course no brainers don't use | 1,235 | 1,266 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | non scalable or low performance by non-scalable I mean try to not reach the limit where you need to pay for extra licenses or where you are on all the technology that you cannot horizontally scale I mean you can always add more CPU power but this is something that needs to be avoided and also try to use the try enough to use no documented API I know we have cases where there's an API | 1,266 | 1,297 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | working for 10 years it works good it's just that developers that did that long time goal of the company and you don't want to rely on such API because when the problem starts then you will need to redesign the API in a matter of hours just for it to work so if you have something that is old and I mean how could we have a lot of old technologies that are there because they work and we | 1,297 | 1,325 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | have systems that are old 10 or more years you have stuff that is not documented so what to do in integration patterns try to use data provider API so if you cannot come close to the data by varying the database try to come to the layer that is closest to that database layer in some cases you can of the show some on the shelf solution where it is a black box you only have the API provided | 1,325 | 1,356 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | by the solution no one is telling you ok in the transformation let's replace it you purchased if you want to have return of investment over it and basically you should use it but you don't want to use first API that is going second API that is calling this code safety I try to consume it directly and then use rule engine to apply any rules that you have over data to provide | 1,356 | 1,385 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | domain-driven the main data that these needs for that particular purpose and try to do something that is a try to ruin something that is easily upgradeable to new principles so if you have old APR don't let you see okay you need to spend a little more effort to be compliant with the new proposals new strategy invest in that API clean it out and upgraded don't built everything from | 1,385 | 1,417 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | scratch but of course when you have 10 or 20 years of development a lot of things are piled around so sometimes you just need to have a clean cut and do it from the beginning regarding the integration patterns we found let's say something like five turns I will present some of here and what is important is that one pattern doesn't fit all so first when we are | 1,417 | 1,445 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | trying to figure out what betters we first want split it up by CQRS principle when we looked at our logs and how users are accessing our data most of the data access is read access so a lot of people on the self-care device is going to see what is the state of their consumption are they paid have they do the bills and stuff like this so most of the data is coming from down code to the | 1,445 | 1,478 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | customer and then then you have a payment of bills activating some new adam strange's tariff and this is the smaller amount of command like queries so basically one pattern will not feel cold try to separate your integration patterns in your API by CQRS principle do stuff enhancing if if you have problems with executing the commands give the user the info okay it is your | 1,478 | 1,510 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | request has been received and do it quickly and then we're on if you have five ten or 20 seconds where you need to process this data is Luka mentioned our orders are complex sometimes we go from creating the customer to checking the dista to see if the speed is good enough so that he can receive some HD channels it takes some time so try to do it innocent way | 1,510 | 1,537 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | and try to keep it simple so these are some of the patterns I will share with you so this is the CDC of data replication better so we have legacy beckons legacy API what we are trying to do is copy the data from these databases to our application database and then do a data transformation from legacy model to new the main model so in legacy VIII you often have situations where in some | 1,537 | 1,570 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | applications there is a mix up of many models we have for example customer data and with five different databases so this shouldn't be the case in the domain driven design so what we are trying to do is pull this data as fast as possible through the data replication layer and then transform this data to a domain driven date and then when fronton describing your microservice you have | 1,570 | 1,600 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | data already prepared in the model that is by the domain driven design and what is important here data replication it's not only a CDC so depending on how and is the data change how often users needs to be aware of this data change it can be a job it can be a night and drop so basically it's up to you to see what fits your purpose and how you do the replication CDC | 1,600 | 1,632 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | he's only one of the options that that is applicable the second pattern that we saw is when you have off-the-shelf solution or where you need to consume something not directly from the database so how we did it for example in our case this is the users consumption API that is connected to a different billing systems and this data exchange really really frequently CDC and the amount of | 1,632 | 1,660 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | data that is coming through through the mediation system it's really big so CDC would just introduce the override that is not good enough so what we did first we simplify the architecture currently we have these multi layer API flows that we're introducing their timelines and bottlenecks now we connected either directly to the database or where we had all the shells who should be connected | 1,660 | 1,689 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | to a soft services that that of the shell solution presented and then we are doing the query this solutions transforming it in specific service layer and then presenting it to the customers of course I put the cash here because usually users don't want to see every second but what their data consumption so you can put this kind of data in a cache for 10 or 50 minutes 10 | 1,689 | 1,721 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | minutes should be enough for users to buy safe if he wants to return to the to the consumption data he can check it out but also need to be aware of you need to sometimes give him a pull to refresh capability if he really wants to see data exactly this time you can do it by demand but most of the users just when login to the South Korea they want to see the current consumption and if they | 1,721 | 1,752 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | jump over to the details you already have this data cache you can you can show it to them okay and the third layer I was mentioning regarding the commands that are being executed basically if you have situation where we are executing for example changing the death of a customer and this takes some time because a process needs to be run you need to connect to all those legacy | 1,752 | 1,777 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | systems that are responsible for changing the tariff from the what's a BSS layer to OSS there sometimes this takes time so trying to see what are the transactions that you have minimal number number of errors so if you have a change start process that is really if qualification of well staff user can jump into is really good at first then your execution part will mostly be | 1,777 | 1,806 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | successful but if it's slow you can use the pattern where you store the message you tell immediately to the user your request has been stored and then you start this in a synchronous way executing this message when this is successful send a push notification to the user so we have self care applications we have SMS these we can send to the user now your type has been | 1,806 | 1,831 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | activated so try to use whether you see that you have a really higher percentage of successful executions trying to do this in an ASIC way okay so other things regarding data aggregation and data consolidation don't do it on demand so this is more let's say applicable to beckoned for fronting players or front-end closer api's don't try to do on the on demand or on fly aggregation | 1,831 | 1,866 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | to Mapes try to set up a domain and prepare it how how easy it is fitting don't try to do aggregation over many domains it really means that you did something wrong if you need metrics if you need aggregated metrics try to prepare it in advance by relying on event-driven messages so instead of querying the database to see how much SIM cards customer has you can do once he is activating a new | 1,866 | 1,897 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | SIM card or something like this put this invent and store it somewhere in the bucket and then when you want to know how much SIM cards because queried bucket don't go to the database and try to query select counter from now number to return number of SIM cards also if you have situations where some of the micro services are sharing the same database but in a different schema don't | 1,897 | 1,926 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | try to consolidate data on the database level database should be treated as private fields so they are owned by microcircuits and there is a layer of a business logic above this data where perhaps when you are querying Sunday you won't receive a correct response so if you need to aggregate something prepare in advance do it in advance and don't do it on the fly especially directly on the | 1,926 | 1,955 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | database later it is okay as this is done by data where perhaps this is their job but I'm speaking about direct confirmation of data from digital channels from self-corrects also regarding the micro service approach and api's try to do some sort of management this really makes things easier so you can free API management tools you have a really expensive one so depending on | 1,955 | 1,988 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | your budget try to fit something but it is really important that over your api's you know who is technical and business owner you have the governance you know when new version of API will be set up you know when old version will be retired you will know who are in some cases we needed to introduce throttling to find out who are our consumers because some people we didn't | 1,988 | 2,025 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | even know we're consuming the PLC cool procedures started complaining about timeouts so API management where you know what is the current version of API where we know who is consuming it and who is the owner of it this is a way to go don't treat ideas only as one protocol API so this is what is the domain and layer separation the main separation is domain driven design separation and | 2,025 | 2,053 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | layer separation is try to keep things controller service and repository to keep them out of each other way so every layer has its own boundary and the boundary shouldn't be crossed if you manage to do this then it's not a problem for you to have an API that has repository and service and then it has controllers towards rest towards GRP see towards the Kafka or other streaming | 2,053 | 2,083 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | platforms so try to separate it both horizontally and vertically clean architecture programming the development practices so I try to split them up by organization level and T blow so in order to have a good development and good api's some rules in the organization needs to be set up it talking in small companies when you have a small team and startup you are | 2,083 | 2,113 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | creating your own rules but on organization level you need to have support from operations department commits have support from DBA from system department so some rules needs to be set up what you don't want to do is to have multiple text acts try to find the text type that is okay for you and try to stick out with it you don't want to get yourself in a situation where some developer developed | 2,113 | 2,142 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | micro services in I don't know Godwin ergo because it was really right technology for him at that time and that feel of the company cool govern disk so try to have a tech stack that is let's say a future proof and that you see it is really something used in beckons on beckons where let's say lucky here we are not as volatile eyes for example JavaScript frameworks became | 2,142 | 2,172 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | Java before we have Java now just we have different flavors but this is it also try not to limit the tech stack in a way that I don't know if you need something where you see graph databases will be good don't be limited by ok do it in the positives or something like this don't do like I say tech development I mean this is no transformation you are trying to move | 2,172 | 2,198 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | your team also from all these new technologies and you have a bunch of experts on all technology and their juniors in new technology and sometimes when you have deadlines the decision will be you we can do it in 30 minutes in all technology or in 3 hours in new technology invest in new first time it will be three hours next time it will be two and a half I mean no one no one no | 2,198 | 2,224 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | one learns King in 30 minutes so you need experience you don't want to go back because then you achieve nothing don't skip continuous integration I know that for enterprises such as ours continuous delivery where you with your coat production is usually a no-go because we want to help human you need acceptance tests because we want to have deployments to production over several | 2,224 | 2,250 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | systems that needs to be synchronized so it's ok to split CI and CB but don't skip CI so caliber books that has minimum CI minimum CI at least that is running automatically code review in unit tests and whatever tests you put in the code don't do a constant move forward so we also can experience where new user stories are just arriving arriving arriving and you didn't manage to have | 2,250 | 2,284 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | time for optimization I don't mean just a small organization when you are solving some visible technical depth where you put something to commit to do and then you find some time in the next sprint to fix it I'm talking about getting the overall picture seen so as developer I learn everyday I find some blog I find some new technology so because of the move forward so six | 2,284 | 2,311 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | months from now I will be smarter regarding some things that I am current and kind of writing some code so six months later perhaps I I need some Sprint's to sit down to the overall picture and to see okay what can be optimized what I learned in the last six months that can help me move further otherwise you will just have let's say cloak that all parts are working but | 2,311 | 2,335 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | it's still showing the wrong time and try to cover clear member robz try to have a governance that is known when exactly something in is expected developers like to know when they have meetings with their product owners they want to know up until when the user story will be groomed and finalized but they can start development so scrum is a really good principle here because you | 2,335 | 2,364 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | can set up the deadlines you can set up when it's expected what is expected and what amount of work needs to be done in the next five or ten days so on the organization level try to stick with these principles try to have this in a dedicated time slows so that developers can plan this is the greatest thing that can be done when you have the sprint and when you have the agile approach on the | 2,364 | 2,395 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | team level you want to have guidelines especially when you're doing digital transformation for something new you need to create the guidelines you need to tell either to let's say new technology junior developers course and many are experts that you have that they which where they don't know the telcos tech you want to have for them the guidelines how things are built so for example we | 2,395 | 2,427 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | have our horizontal split finger our own products where it is not what each product does and what kind of code should be in some kind of credit so this is a guideline that is really helpful to a team don't prioritize that line over tests this is easier said than done but what I would suggest is and never communicated to business how much time you need for writing only code when | 2,427 | 2,459 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | you're writing a code without tests you don't write code you you write you're writing a wake-up call into a by the gracious theme that something is not working product so you are the ones that will be cold when something is not working not your stakeholder and in my experiences older you get you are much let's say much less open towards this kind of course try to do code reviews | 2,459 | 2,496 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | and try to establish recording practices so this is basically the constant work so you need to on the team level to help retrospective to gather feedback from your team what was good what was not good this is the only way how team will work on and you need to also do a knowledge transfer so basically it's not just knowledge transfer to a new team members it's not just transfer when you | 2,496 | 2,529 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | found something you race and blow we found something that can Ament assertions you will do search J or compass so basically when you find something that will speed up the team you you hear some R&D priming sprint because this is how you move forward of also regarding the library dependency management it is okay to make a test out but you will run into problems where you | 2,529 | 2,572 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | have one library in Springwood - you have second in two lows one to live - so when they when you start connecting them together things will break out because there will be resistance is so to try to create a project that will have your Bill of Materials of dependencies and then try to agree okay let's use this for next portal and then after three months we will see what has been upgraded and then | 2,572 | 2,605 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | move forward any pressure let's say a bit slower here because they are not always let's say on the latest on the edge technology but this can also be good because you can check you can leave others to solve the initial bugs that new version of technology growth so you can be much more let's say seven safe side here also what I wanted to want to show is basically do the unit tests they | 2,605 | 2,637 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | are really helpful when you are moving forward and you are doing this dependency upgrade if you run your unit tests when jumping from java to java and everything us it will be sure that okay this can work so this is let's say a really important thing to do so this is it from from my side post we are now for any questions that you have see there is only one question regarding two videos okay and | 2,637 | 2,684 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | so I'm back I'm back with you guys okay let me let me publish question number one will there will those videos be available afterwards yes they will if the question refers to rid of this session yes video will be available at the developers website and that bug website so it may be two days let's see another another question do you recommend using graph QL guys yeah | 2,684 | 2,731 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | great I think I like it a lot but for front-end to me that beckoned forefront and better and then there is you should use graph QL and it really makes sense especially when it comes to performance but when it comes to you know internal our integration between various systems in the landscape there are some other protocols like GRDC or rest like revenues but for front back in the Disco | 2,731 | 2,780 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | as close to the front as possible but when you are providing domain driven design especially when you are an engine present you need to have authorization concept and who can see what and in this case is for us rest or other let's say different communication or district GRP C or even driven are better choice because you have stabilized model and you know what to expect and what to | 2,780 | 2,812 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | return and then over this you can easily provide authorization rules what needs to be removed or pre-checked and Jeff Kurr can be a part of BFF that can then query the main driven micro services yeah yeah I would say that graphic is definitely a future-proof fronting because you look at a lot of VI that expose the front and the mostly have too much data so they are big and clumsy and | 2,812 | 2,843 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | have a great old formance or they don't have enough data so you have to carry several api's which is a even worse than you have a lot of network latency so yeah forefront indefinitely I think that is the future but we have another question regarding grant how do we handle graphically on with microservices know the kind of severe let's say focused on the banking services as we | 2,843 | 2,873 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | are trying to provide clinical if you have spec sheet there I know that it's a moment of time I piloted I think it was a framework that had this kind of support on micro service though where it can consume a different micro services and then do the graph QL processing go read some of the caps you can check that framework to see if it works for you we are not using ok Mario is asking how | 2,873 | 2,902 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | larger the teams and how do you break down big organizational goals to team product stories ok definitely actually the Arita entire company is now let's say in an age of transformation we went from a standard way of doing project which was basically waterfall you know you have marketing that thinks of an idea then do a specification it goes 2080 implements now a transferring to the | 2,902 | 2,941 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | agile way of working where we have sort of a matrix we have agile tribes that are in charge of larger domain with the squats inside that they charge of smaller domains so that's what we're doing on the level of the entire organization and when we connect it to the architecture what we want to do is have one squad in charge of one micro service that's that's our | 2,941 | 2,973 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | goal so the tribes handle the backlog when it comes to functionality capabilities that stock we want to do when it comes to develop development use force that are in charge of each squad instead of one micro service and that's how we want to achieve that but we are in the setup phase okay Marty McFly is asking can you share your software stack which databases are you using basically | 2,973 | 3,005 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | I put stack on the one of the slides we are using for some cases yeah okay if you have a lot of Oracle databases in our legacy stack but for all new stuffs we are using all the center also databases okay what approach you use for performance and integration tests in micro services distributed architecture so we are relying on most here regarding the integration test so of course I | 3,005 | 3,042 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | mentioned that we always have user acceptance testing that is done by testing team but when you are developing for us a great Mowgli's word test containers where you could mock a database and also a wire because most of our integrations are based on I just saw or PLC code but this cannot replace the real end-to-end testing but it can speed up development because you don't need to | 3,042 | 3,069 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | be let's say you don't need to create test users fitting for some of the needs that you want to test you can just set up a test container with test database and then put some your own test data values or set up a variable that is returning what's officers should return okay so Mario is asking how do you do public API is in micro service environment does every team own their own public API or | 3,069 | 3,096 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | is there some common part currently we don't work most of our API are punished either to our South Carroll occasions or to our business partners so this is something where we don't have much experience between Luca mentioned how we are owning the ice but they're usually consumed by our own applications okay so you said spraying boot-up doesn't equal micro service what technologies do you | 3,096 | 3,142 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | suggest to use we are using Java spin boot actually it's not enough just to implement an application Java string boot to call the macro service to implement a micro service in Java spin would you need to have a Java string motive you need to have a database with data you have to expose API on that micro service and that micro service should encamp encapsulate one specific domain | 3,142 | 3,182 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | that is connected to business domain that is automatic services so feel free to use Java spin booty reuse it also but it's just that a lot of times people build Java spin boot applications expose an API but they have no data the Java spring boot application and there is a lot of different systems for data and this is not a market service this is a proxy you can you can | 3,182 | 3,215 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | implement it whatever technology but micro service should know on its own date that's what disk I mean we also have the pattern that is not gone into data because as I mentioned we have the technologies or systems that are purchased the billing system mediation system so you don't want to say now ok let's draw billing out of the portfolio and do our own billing you don't do that | 3,215 | 3,241 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | but if you are consuming data from be linked and you want to create micro service that is not real micro service bye-bye we can officially path you want to go as closest to the data as possible and then provide your own business rules again business rules exposed to our standard business rule solution and then expose this to the outer layer but if you just create a spring boot that that | 3,241 | 3,266 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | is consuming some legacy API that is going God knows where then you have that multi layer flow that you really want to avoid yeah and you are not scalable it doesn't matter how many micro services you deploy because it still where is the one single database for example billing system for data so that should get your bottleneck and single point of failure if that goes down all of the micro | 3,266 | 3,299 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | services doesn't matter if you have one more connect so in order to build really scalable like service has to have its own date but as even says if you clearly can't do that every time so the those patterns were you connect to legacy systems but connect as little layers as possible ok so we have our last question coming from Portugal hello from Portugal great talk how do you deal with | 3,299 | 3,335 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | scalability of software from vendors or do you avoid using software that are behind licensing okay he was vendor software definitely and we use some license after all so you know Intel code there is really a lot of domains and for some you have a excellent excellent out-of-the-box vendor software that you can use and it really doesn't make sense to you know invent the wheel and implement their own | 3,335 | 3,373 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | billing yeah yeah you know implement 20 micro services that does not tell Kabila for example then you should use you use a vendor solution you paid the license and when it comes to scalability those softer scalable you know you can create a cluster deploy so several instances and that's let's say well no one approach how you can make monolith soft who is consuming and how much today so | 3,373 | 3,414 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | for example users consumption API that I mention it is connected to a billing system that this purchase con solution so if you can query data from billing then put in cash or even a long term cash because you see that this data won't be changed regularly for example we have a say is containing god bills to baby so if you once query the pay bill you know the amount you know when it was | 3,414 | 3,447 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol | |
OOMFR6snocY | paid you can put it in cash if user comes inquiries he must to see his last 12 bills or some aggregations I don't know average bill amount buried for last 12 months you don't need to query yes it be you can have it in your cash and query the cash or in memory store in this case cash is more like a memory storage and so it's dependent scenarios you try to find how data is | 3,447 | 3,477 | | Building high performance and scalable architectures for enterprises—Luka Samaržija & Ivan Sokol |
Subsets and Splits