stringclasses 1
value | dialoug_id
int64 0
| session_id
int64 0
| persona1
sequence | persona2
sequence | dialogue
sequence | speaker
sequence |
MSC | 38 | 1 | [
"I ski.",
"I live in Seattle."
] | [
"I love shoes.",
"I love to travel and read. I have traveled to Ireland and Australia.",
"My mother was born in ireland. My father was born in australia. I live in California.",
"I am an English teacher.",
"My father is a book writer.",
"My dad just wrote a sci fiction book on time travel."
] | [
"Other than your father, who are your favorite writers to read and to teach?",
"I love teaching old poets. Edgar Allen Poe is my favorite to teach about! Have you gone skiing lately?",
"Nice. I like Edgar Allen Poe. He has great work. No I have not went skiing lately. It has been too cold for me to want to leave the house. How about you?",
"I'm thinking about taking a trip up North to do some skiing sometime soon. I have to wait until we have a break at school. I want to go back to Ireland over the summer too. So hard to plan my vacations around my limited breaks from teaching!",
"I understand how hard it could be to plan with lack of time available. I would love to travel up North to ski. I have not travelled much outside of my area but I hear there are a lot of great ski resorts up north. What is Ireland like? I have never been there.",
"It's beautiful! My mother always told me stories about growing up in Ireland so I had to visit to see it for myself and it was everything she said it was! Mountains and cliffs and sea side towns! You probably have some of the seaside towns in Seattle too though!",
"That sounds amazing! Yea we do but the weather is not as near as nice as the weather in Ireland. It rains a lot. I would love to visit Ireland one day in the future. That is on my to travel list. Do you typically travel alone or with family?",
"It depends on the trip. Sometimes I just like being alone and doing my own thing but other times it's nice to have company so I take along my family! What is your favorite part about Seattle?",
"I would say the mountains and nature in Seattle are what I like the most when I get to enjoy them!",
"Do you ever see any cool animals in the mountains? I love looking for wild animals when I travel! There are penguins in Ireland!",
"I enjoy looking for wild animals as well. I have seen a lot of Elk. Thankfully nothing dangerous like the bears and cougars. I love penguins! I didn't know they were in Ireland.",
"They're only on the coast! It would be cool to see elk in person! I'd probably be scared to see a bear!!! "
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 38 | 2 | [
"I live in Seattle.",
"I love skiing. I like Edgar Allen Poe.",
"I enjoy the mountains, nature and wild animals in Seattle."
] | [
"I love shoes.",
"I love to travel and read. I am from Ireland. I have traveled to Ireland and Australia.",
"My mother was born in ireland. My father was born in australia. I live in California.",
"I am an English teacher.",
"My father is a book writer and he just wrote a sci fiction book on time travel.",
"I love teaching old poets. Edgar Allen Poe is my favorite."
] | [
"How is your teaching going on at school?",
"It is going extremely well! Have you been spending a lot of time in the nature recently?",
"Not as much as I would like. I try to get my dog out on walk through our forest preserves and with all the cold temperatures and snow, it has been too much for her little body to handle. She usually starts shaking after a few minutes outside in the cold.",
"I can imagine that. What are your favourite animals? I mean except pets",
"I like dogs. I am allegric to them but if it is short hair, I usually do not have any reactions if I take meds. What about you? What are your favourite pets?",
"Hmm I am not a big fan but if I had to say, I would go with the dogs, they are my favourite ",
"So you don't have any pets? They can be a lot of work but I find a lot of value in my dog, especially as an excuse to get out and get exercise.",
"I don't have any pets, but probably because I am very busy person and taking care of pets requires a lot of time",
"I understand. Do you have a lot of free time to do anything? Do you have any hobbies?",
"I don't have much time to spare but when I do, I like reading and travelling, what about you?",
"I usually workout. I workout in the mornings so that leaves the rest of the day for family and the kiddos.",
"Oh that is cool, I admire your dedication. How many kids do you have?"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 39 | 0 | [
"I'm employed with a tv crew making educational material.",
"Outside activities such as hiking are my favorites.",
"I still have a flip phone.",
"People say I am a force if nature."
] | [
"I like hardcore music.",
"I enjoy watching animated films.",
"My mother is a pro cleaner.",
"My parents are very patient with me.",
"I am a student at the university."
] | [
"Hello there. How are you? I got off from creating videos for discovery channel.",
"Cool! I watched a video on dc about gravity last week instead of my favorite futurama.",
"Nice. Before this job, I did not have any technological skills. Where do you work?",
"I am studying for my masters. Fortunately mom lets me live with her.",
"Great way to save money. Do you like the outdoors? I love it.",
"I am studying forestry management. I do not want to be a custodian like mom.",
"Coolness. I love being one with nature and being savage.",
"Savage? Do you like death metal? I know a member of martius.",
"I am more into hard rock. Who do you know from martius?",
"The bass player. He's the one who introduced me to anime.",
"I love anime. My favorite is trinity blood.",
"Shibamotos art is amazing is not it?"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 40 | 0 | [
"Sometimes I have trouble breathing.",
"I am an avid jogger.",
"I enjoy moving my body.",
"I am taller than average.",
"In the past I was a goalie."
] | [
"My dad is a priest.",
"I like to raise animals.",
"My spouse is a member of the military.",
"I live in a quiet neighborhood.",
"I like children."
] | [
"Hello! How are you doing today?",
"As good as can be expected. I'm pregnant for the first time.",
"Congratulations. I hope the baby is healthy and has no asthma like I do.",
"I live out the the country so asthma wouldn't be good.",
"Exactly. So lets hope for the best for the baby. You know the sex yet?",
"I do not. My husband wants a boy, he is in the army.",
"Nice. Maybe a future hockey player to. I use to play.",
"Perhaps, but my father is a minister and he wouldn't like that.",
"Well true. But being athletic and a runner. Sports is a good thing.",
"I agree and hopefully my kid likes horses. I have one named beauty.",
"Oh nice. Sometime I think I'm too tall to dance.",
"Oh, you can never be too tall to dance!",
"6 ft. Feels like I am towering over these females.",
"Believe me, they like it.",
"Well if your sure I will keep dancing. I love it too hate to give it up.",
"Never give up something you love!"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 40 | 1 | [
"I have asthma.",
"I used to play hockey.",
"I am athletic and a runner.",
"I am 6 ft. tall.",
"I love dancing and would hate to give it up."
] | [
"I am pregnant for the first time.",
"I live out in the country.",
"I do not know the sex of the baby yet. My husband wants a boy. My husband is in the army.",
"My father is a minister.",
"I have a kid. I have a horse name Beauty."
] | [
"What does your husband do in the army?",
"He is a recruiter. Has the cold weather been affecting your running routine?",
"Yes a lot, but have to do even in this cold weather.",
"Yeah. How far do you generally run?",
"3 miles and I think even you should do some jogging its good during pregnancy",
"I've actually been thinking about training for a 5k. One of my friends completed one while pregnant, I don't see why I couldn't.",
"It would be great if you complete 5K but I would recommend to start small such as with 2k or 3k as the weather outside is not pleasant ",
"True. Do you have any good training programs to reccoment?",
"sure, try joining Birthing By Calm, it will help and guide you to a great deal.",
"This is a running program?",
"no it is a combination of athletics and yoga during pregnancy.",
"Oh! That sounds fantastic.Thank you. Have you been dancing lately? "
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 40 | 2 | [
"I have asthma.",
"I used to play hockey.",
"I am a runner.",
"I am 6 ft. tall.",
"I love dancing and would hate to give it up.",
"I recommend Birthing By Calm, a combination of athletics and yoga for pregnancy."
] | [
"I am pregnant for the first time.",
"I live out in the country.",
"I do not know the sex of the baby yet. My husband wants a boy. My husband is a recruiter in the army.",
"My father is a minister.",
"I have a horse name Beauty.",
"I want to start running. I want to start a training programme."
] | [
"Did you sign up for that class I recommended? Or any others? ",
"No I haven't yet. I am waiting to go and see a trainer about a running class. Even through I'm pregnant I really want to start running!",
"Ahh does athletics and yoga not appeal to you then haha! How far along are you know! you must be getting big. Bet you cant wait to get back on your horse!",
"It does, but if I am able to do some running I would prefer that. Birthing by Calm will be my back up plan LOL I am nearly 6 months along now so not long to go. Yeah I really miss riding but I am still going down to see Beauty everyday and giving her attention. . ",
"You should head down the track with one one day and just do some slow laps and see how it feels on the ankles! Wow 6 months already, Did you ever discuss with your husband if you were going to find out the sex or will you leave it a surprise",
"Unfortunately doctors recommendations is not to ride after 5 months as any knocks can be really dangerous. We do want to find out the sex but unfortunately every scan we have been to the baby has had his back to us and they haven't been able to tell! Hopefully we will find out at my next scan in a few weeks - fingers crossed!",
"Omg Beauty is going to miss you ! Have you arranged for some one to keep riding her while your healing, just to keep her ready? It sounds like a sign that he/she wants it kept as a surprise haha! So come on, he wants a boy. What are you hoping for ! ",
"Honestly, I don't have a preference at all. I know it's a cliche but as long as he or she is healthy I'm not really bothered. Yeah I feel so bad for Beauty she doesn't understand what is going on at all. I have one of our farm helpers riding her every few days to keep her active but she is still confused!",
"Yeah, I suppose in the grand scheme of things, who cares what sex they are. As long as they are healthy then that is the main thing ! Secretly hoping for a girl really though hahah! Then she can experience beauty too ! Have you given the dance routine I gave you a go, its meant to help the muscles prepare for childbirth.",
"Yes I did give it ago the other night. My husband thought it was hilarious. It was very tiring though! What is your favourite dancing to do? ",
"Keep it up as apparently it really works! Plus if it gives him a laugh its a win win really haha! Im still more into my ballroom dancing as that seems to be what most people want to learn, normally to keep there wives happy haha, but I am looking at some Salsa lessons which should be interesting.",
"OOoh Salsa sounds like fun, but definitely something for after the baby is here lol Hopefully I will be able to convince hubby to join me! I've never really been drawn to ballroom i guess it just feels old fashioned to me. "
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 40 | 3 | [
"I have asthma.",
"I used to play hockey.",
"I am a runner.",
"I am 6 ft. tall.",
"I love dancing and would hate to give it up. I am familiar with dance routines. I enjoy ballroom dancing. I am looking at taking salsa lessons.",
"I recommend Birthing By Calm, a combination of athletics and yoga for pregnancy."
] | [
"I am pregnant for the first time. My pregnancy is 6 months in.",
"I live out in the country.",
"I do not know the sex of the baby yet. My husband wants a boy. My husband is a recruiter in the army.",
"My father is a minister.",
"I want to start running. I want to start a training programme.",
"I have a horse named Beauty. I ride horses. I have a farm.",
"I think ballroom dancing is too old-fashioned."
] | [
"I did my first salsa lesson today!",
"Oh that's so fun!! Did you like it?",
"I love it... I don’t know why I waited so long... it is such a versatile form of dance with so much pizzazz!",
"Yes! It is full of pizzazz! It's a great workout too. I've learned salsa moves in my past zumba class too. ",
"Just a few more months before you get back to Zumba, horse riding and all that jazz! The countdown has become... you must be getting the house ready for the baby!",
"Oh yes, cannot wait! It is so exciting and scary at the same time. I'm sure there are things we forgot... but we will learn as we go!",
"I’m sure you’ll make a gr8 mom... did you get lucky with any recent ultrasounds to find the sex of the baby?!",
"No! This little peanut doesn't want us to know!",
"Lol... has a personality already haha! Have you decided on a color/ theme for the nursery?",
"I'm thinking neutral for now, at least until we know the sex. I really don't want to go pink though if its a girl. Not a fan.",
"Me neither... plus I avoid stereotypes in general!",
"Absolutely. No pink and blue. I'm happy with neutral"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 41 | 0 | [
"I'm one year older than 28.",
"Sometimes I will go for a walk or bike ride.",
"I enjoy listening to grunge bands.",
"I reside on the outskirts of a city know as beantown."
] | [
"I have feelings for a person in my past.",
"I like to giggle.",
"I have a professional job.",
"I'm a woman and enjoy the company of men.",
"I find pleasure in cooking."
] | [
"Hey, there. How are you today?",
"I'm great today. Such a nice day",
"I'm sitting here listening to pearl jam, my favorite band.",
"One of the members from pearl jam said I had a cute laugh",
"I'm 29 now and have adored them for years. I'm near boston. You?",
"I live in providence and work at a publishing building downtown.",
"I love to laugh!!! And hike and bike, too.",
"That. S cool... I love to cook for my friends and family.",
"It was a pleasure to meet you.",
"Are you a guy? I love to be around guys. They're so sexy.",
"I mostly like to hike and ride my bicycle.",
"I am still in love with my ex boyfriend but trying to move on. Are you single?",
"Single and loving it!! Living in a boston suburb, there are many fish here.",
"Maybe we can going fishing and I can cook for you."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 41 | 1 | [
"My favourite band is Pearl Jam. ",
"I am 29 years old.",
"My hobbies are hiking and biking. ",
"I own a bicycle. ",
"I am single. I live in a suburb in Boston. "
] | [
"I know one of the members of Pearl Jam. ",
"I live in Providence. I work in a Publishing building, downtown. ",
"I love to cook for my family and friends. ",
"I'm single. I have an ex-boyfriend who I am still in love with. "
] | [
"Have you been cooking for family and friends recently? ",
"I didn't get a chance to, but I did find a new recipe for clam chowder I want to try. ",
"Mmm that sounds tasty! That's cool that you know a member from Pearl Jam, there my favorite band! How did you meet him?",
"It's my favorite too! Which is how I lucked out with winning back stage passes to a concert years ago. They invited me to the after party, and we just got to chatting. What's your favorite Pearl Jam song? ",
"Wow, you are so lucky! My favorite Pearl Jam song is Corduroy! Tell me what happened between you and your boyfriend.",
"That's a great one. We really grew apart at the end. He wanted different things, but I do still love him. Being single is new for me. How do you find dates?",
"I don't know haha, I've been single for a while now. Boston isn't too far from providence though, so maybe we could hook up ;)",
"It would be nice to have a new friend. Maybe you could show me some of your favorite hiking trails? ",
"Yes for sure! There are a lot of great hiking trails here in Boston, I'd love to show you around! How is it like working in a publishing building?",
"It can be stressful, but rewarding as well. Like any job really. What is it you do for work?"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 41 | 2 | [
"My favourite band is Pearl Jam. ",
"I am 29 years old.",
"My hobbies are hiking and biking. I own a bicycle. ",
"My favorite Pearl Jam song is Corduroy.",
"I am single. I live in a suburb in Boston. I know many hiking trails in Boston."
] | [
"I live in Providence. I work in a Publishing building, downtown. ",
"I love to cook for my family and friends. ",
"I'm single. I have an ex-boyfriend who I am still in love with. ",
"I found a recipe for Clam Chowder.",
"My favorite band is Pearl Jam. I went to a party with Pearl Jam."
] | [
"Hey would you like to on a hike with me this weekend?",
"I will have to check my schedule, I'm really busy this week. Are you taking the bike?",
"I'm going to leave it at home this time, I need to take it for a servicing. That's cool if you can't, I hope you're not overworking yourself though!",
"Good because mine is in for repairs too! Any luck on the dating site today?",
"Ah ok, good shout! Nah, not really. I'm not up to scratch with all of this online dating stuff, how's the single life treating you?",
"I have a date next week, my ex still won't reply to me so I guess it's time to try and move on. Made some clam chowder last night you need to try it!",
"That's great to hear, I hope he likes Pearl Jam! I guess your ex didn't know how to appreciate a good woman, especially one that can cook! I'd love to try some, maybe for our next hike I can bring my portable stove and we can share a bowl each on the trail.",
"Ha me too! That sounds exciting, I will definitely try to free up some time, just need to finish off publishing this magazine for work.",
"I hear you, you've always got your head buried in the next big article for your company! I don't know how you do it. I guess that's city life for you!"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1"
] |
MSC | 42 | 0 | [
"I've 3 brothers and sisters.",
"I want to be an artist.",
"I live in a studio.",
"I like the sky.",
"My parent educates others."
] | [
"I reside on a zoo in a awesome state.",
"I'm a male.",
"I've been in the country all my life.",
"I'm a rock star on the strings."
] | [
"Hi I have four siblings",
"Hello how are you today?",
"I'm doing good how about you?",
"I'm alright, I love my ohio farm",
"Oh that's great I like to spend time drawing",
"Drawing is cool but I prefer the guitar",
"The guitar that's cool too, I have three other siblings.",
"I wanna go to the city one day, never been",
"Going to the city that would be fun!",
"Yeah I need to get away from all these cows",
"I do not know much about cows",
"They are where steak comes from",
"Funny I mean I know that much",
"That's about all you really need to know",
"How to milk a cow it what I don't know",
"You can milk anything with nipples"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 42 | 1 | [
"I have 4 siblings.",
"I enjoy drawing."
] | [
"I live on a farm in Ohio.",
"I play the guitar.",
"I have never left the countryside.",
"There are cows on my farm."
] | [
"I drew a picture of a cow yesterday and my siblings thought it was hilarious.",
"I live on a farm, so I know a lot about cows. What kind of cow did you draw?",
"Just the basic black and white one, What kind of cows are on your farm?",
"We raise Angus cows. My favorite is a girl we call Bessie. ",
"That is adorable, do you raise them for milk or what?",
"Well, that's what we tell them but....they're kind of delicious, if you get what I mean.",
"I do appreciate a good steak, and grass fed is the best. What kind of music do you play?",
"I like hip hop, my wife likes jazz, the dogs like classical and the cows like 70's rock. What kind of music do you like?",
"I'm a music mutt, I have a little bit of everything in me but my overall favorite is hard rock. I do sketches of my favorite artists.",
"Ahh! I hope your sketches are better than my guitar playing! Some people just don't appreciate quality hip hop guitar playing.",
"hey just because I said I like drawing doesn't mean I'm any good at it. ",
"Well, I wasn't sure if your siblings were laughing because your drawing was so good or so bad...or maybe you just drew a funny hat on the cow?"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 42 | 2 | [
"I have 4 siblings.",
"I like steak.",
"I like music, especially hard rock. I like drawing sketches."
] | [
"I play the guitar.",
"I live on a farm in Ohio. I have never left the countryside. We raise Angus cows on my farm for beef.",
"I like hip hop. I am married. I own dogs."
] | [
"Have you been playing your guitar recently?",
"Oh you know me ! Every day still, hours practice. You really cant take breaks if you want to be good as your fingers soften up ! When are you going to get me them sketches over to me so I can rate them! I cant wait to see some of your new art.",
"Anytime you want! I really want to hear another person's opinion. What about your guitar? Any new songs you have learned?",
"I learned RHCP - Californication last week which made me so happy as I really admire them, the wife keeps moaning at me though. She tells me I love my guitar more than her haha! We wont tell her the truth hahah!! Did you want your usual Angus order this month? ",
"Yes that would be great, I want to have a steak soon! I love that song, RHCP is one of my favourite bands although they are not exactly hard rock",
"Oh no they are most definitely not hard rock, that is why I am surprised you like them. But they just have that... I dont even know what about them. You just want to sit and listen and nod your head to the best. Amazing. Ok I will get that all sorted for you mate, I will chuck in an extra few burgers for you. ",
"Thank you very much! And what would you say your favourite hip hop artist is?",
"Oh I am more of an oldschool kind of guy, bit of NWA or Biggie Smalls. They all do it for me. Not a fan of all this new stuff that you cant even understand what they say. Who do you rate these days?",
"I agree, they are good! Hmm I still prefer hard rock bands from the 70s, 80s and 90s",
"You have always been a hard rocker though, that's what I like about you. Stuck to your roots and didnt let anything change you. How are all your brothers and sisters, I havent seen them in awhile. ",
"Glad that you have noticed it. They are all well, actually my brother is getting married next year, he just got engaged. What about your wife?",
"Omg really! I never woulda thought he would settled down. I best get an invite so we can all get steaming drunk after the weeding like old times! She is good thank you, hating guitars like usual but apart from that shes great thanks. Actually asked how you were the other day."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 42 | 3 | [
"I like steak.",
"I like music, especially hard rock. I love the song Californication. I like drawing sketches.",
"I order Angus steaks. My favorite band, at least one of them, is RHCP.",
"I think NWA and Biggie Smalls are good hip hop artists. I prefer hard rock bands from the 70's. 80's and 90';s.",
"I have 4 siblings: brothers and sisters. My brother got engaged and plans to marry next year."
] | [
"I live on a farm in Ohio. I have never left the countryside. We raise Angus cows on my farm for beef. I take orders for Angus.",
"I have a wife. I own dogs.",
"I play my guitar hours every day. I learned a new song on my guitar - RHCP Californication. I prefer old school hip hop artist. I like NWA and Biggie Smalls. I don't like hip hop artists whose words are hard to understand."
] | [
"Who takes care of your cows if you go on vacation?",
"If it's just going to be me my wife takes over. Our neighbor also raises cows so he and his two sons usually do, and we trade off when they want to go on vacation. It's a great deal.",
"That is nice to have such neighbor who really take cares of each other. Angus is the most sold beef I ever see in the markets, so how much you make out of this business per year?",
"I make a decent living, we have a fairly large farm. I make about 180,000 to 250,000 on beef alone.",
"That is amazing so have you made yourself a full studio for music composition or guitar playing?",
"I don't have a full studio, but I do have a small office/music room in our home. It drives my wife crazy otherwise.",
"LOL yes I can imagine as when I play rock on high sounds how hard is it for others to live with it. I would like to have a separate room as well.",
"Do you live in a house or apartment? I'm thankful our house is in the middle of the country.",
"Well my family is big and we live in suburbs on an acerage, though its a little far from urban but its fun and peaceful here.",
"Have you thought about soundproofing an extra room if you have one? I've been debating it, or building a studio in the garage.",
"Well more or less I was thiking on finding a cheap barn house and make it totally separate from the house. I would say studio in garage is also a good idea.",
"I was also thinking that remodeling an old shed could be a lot of fun too. I could probably get one for cheap used in my area."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 43 | 0 | [
"I want to have a baby.",
"I'm a little crazy.",
"I love my kids.",
"Mediterranean food is my go to lunch.",
"I went to medical school."
] | [
"I'm still in school.",
"I like to stay up.",
"I love my dog.",
"I enjoying doing sports outside with my friends."
] | [
"Hey how are you today",
"I'm good tired though. I'm pre law so I study alot",
"I'm a boy. Or a girl. Or a cat ink anymore",
"Well that's cool cuz I'm an owl a night owl to be specific",
"I think I am bipolar but I also tell myself that its not possible.",
"Ll well that's interesting. You like dogs? Pugs are so loyal, I have one name biscuit",
"I like dogs sometimes but other times I just wanna scream",
"Yea I hear you. I like to scream in the park when I'm playing ultimate sometimes",
"I'm the ultimate. The alpha and the omega",
"I don't like going out very much. What do you do",
"I climb trees because I'm a spider monkey",
"Lets climb togther one day"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 43 | 1 | [
"I think that I am bipolar.",
"I'm the ultimate. I'm the alpha and the omega.",
"I am a spider monkey. I climb trees."
] | [
"I am a pre-law student. I study a lot.",
"I am a night owl",
"I have a pug named Biscuit.",
"I like to scream in the park when I'm playing ultimate sometimes.",
"I don't like going out very much.",
"I want to climb with you together."
] | [
"How are your pre-law studies going? How's your dog, Biscuit?",
"Studies are going good. My dog Biscuit is doing good also.",
"It would be hard for me to study law. I would do well when I am up, but would struggle when I'm down. ",
"It is vary hard you really have to want it, there is definitely a price to pay. How have you been with your moods?",
"It's not too bad when I remember to take my medication, but if I forget, then I really struggle. It would be fun to climb trees with you, when I'm in a good mood.",
"You need to set a alarm with a special bell to remind you to take your medication.",
"That's a good idea. I can set an alarm on my phone, but then I also need to remember to bring my meds with me when I go out. I would really need to take them if I were going to climb trees.",
"I'm not to sure climbing trees is a good idea right now.",
"Have you ever climbed a tree? You said you like to play ultimate in the park. Is climbing trees part of playing ultimate?",
"I have climbed a tree before but not when I pay ultimate.",
"Cool! Do you take Biscuit with you when you play ultimate or does your screaming scare him?",
"No that scares her so she stays home."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 43 | 2 | [
"I am bipolar. I'm the ultimate. I'm the alpha and the omega.",
"I am a spider monkey. I climb trees.",
"I sometimes forget to take my medication to help stabilize my mood. I sometimes forget to bring my medication with me when I go out."
] | [
"I am a pre-law student. I study a lot.",
"I am a night owl",
"I have a pug named Biscuit.",
"I like to scream in the park when I'm playing ultimate sometimes.",
"I don't like going out very much.",
"I have climbed trees before.",
"I don't take my dog with me when I play ultimate."
] | [
"When was the last time you played ultimate in the park?",
"I was last Sunday in the park playing and screaming. A lot of people were looking at me like I am crazy can you believe it? Would you like to play with me one day?",
"I would like to come by and play. I",
"We have big trees as well so we can climb them like monkeys. Just I hope my mates from Uni will not see me.",
"I don't have to worry about my mates seeing me, but I do worry about somebody calling the police. I bet some get upset when I'm looking down at them from the trees. Have you ever sat up in a tree to study?",
"I did actually in first years at high school. It's quite there and no bullies can reach you there if you hide good enough. What are you doing now for a living?",
"I have just gotten a job in a marihuana store. It's pretty interesting the people who are customers. Some know exactly what they want and others need help in selecting. Lucky for those that need help, I have all that experience from my younger days and can steer them to the best. ",
"Great to hear your customers are in good hands. Are you using marijuana as your medication nowadays? I am not sure but I think I heard somewhere that is helps bipolar syndrome.",
"I don't know if it helps or not, but sure makes life worth living. There is nothing better than kicking back with a big doobie and a porno mag. I guess your pre-law lifestyle won't allow that much fun. ",
"I bet I could surprise you. How do you think I am capable to study at nights and play ultimate in the park and having a dog which requires a lot of attention, I am not even mentioning my girlfriend lol.",
"You're beginning to sound too much like an over-achiever. It's pretty amazing what a stretch in the slammer will teach you about pacing yourself for the long haul. ",
"it's only 2 years left in Uni and I will be a free man. Hoping to find a pretty wife by then. Do you have a partner?"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 44 | 0 | [
"I like to make cookies.",
"I stay in an assistant living facility.",
"I am mature lady.",
"My family enjoys sweets that are extra sweet.",
"I see my kids pretty regularly."
] | [
"I am exhausted by work everyday.",
"I've a family.",
"I work on the line with machines.",
"I wish to be a rock star."
] | [
"Are you hungry? I can bake you something.",
"I need more hours to sleep",
"I'm always baking for the old people in my retirement home.",
"My wife can bake for me, and for the 2 kids",
"Why are you so tired? I can sleep when I am dead.",
"I work in a factory",
"Ah. I'm really old but my kids visit me all the time.",
"Labor work, very energy demanding",
"I bet. Do you like cake? My grandson does.",
"But all I wanted to be really is have my own band",
"Cool. Chocolate is his favorite.",
"Wow, I do not really like chocolate",
"I'll bake you a cake when you start your band.",
"Can you sing? You can join me",
"Doesn't have to be chocolate. I can bake anything. Sure!",
"Wow, can you play a musical instrument?"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 44 | 1 | [
"I live in a retirement home.",
"I'm really old. I have multiple kids.",
"My grandson likes chocolate the most.",
"I'm good at baking. I can sing."
] | [
"I have a wife and two kids.",
"I work in a factory.",
"I want to be in a band someday.",
"I do not like chocolate."
] | [
"How was work in the factory today?",
"It was like the usual. Straightforward. Though after work, I played my trumpet! ",
"Oh good, I'd love to hear you someday, maybe you could come out to the retirement home and play for all of us in the lounge, we would all love that!",
"I'd love to visit and share my music! I've been working on a few pieces that I think you'll enjoy! Have you been rehearsing your singing?",
"Yes I have as a matter of fact, ha, maybe I can sing while you play the trumpet. All of my kids came to visit me last weekend and they made me sing for them. When you come bring your wife and kids, that sounds like a good time to me!",
"Haha, that sounds great! I think my kids would have a blast. They also love to sing! I think my youngest daughter has a really good singing voice. Perhaps you can give her some tips on singing!",
"Oh yes, I'll do that! Do your kids like Chocolate? I know you don't care for it but I was going to make some for the kids if they like it. I've been cooking a lot lately, they have a cooking class here at the home and it's a lot of fun!",
"That is awesome! My kids both love chocolate and they would be happy to try your chocolate! What other kinds of recipes have you learned?",
"I make a mean Lasagna! Everyone here loves it, so they say! I've also made cornbread and macaroni and cheese, mexican style. And I've made chocolate e'clairs. My grandson loves those, he is addicted to any kind of chocolate.",
"Lasagna sounds delicious. All this food that you're talking about is making me feel hungry. You'll have to show me how to make the Lasagna! ",
"I will certainly do that! I have an apron for you and everything when you come. Get ready to cook!! :)",
"You are the boss! Thank you! I bet my wife will be impressed once I am able to master making lasagna! "
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 44 | 2 | [
"I live in a retirement home. I am a singer. I have kids who don't live with me.",
"My grandson likes chocolate the most. I'm good at baking.",
"I take cooking classes at the home I live in.",
"I make good lasagna. I make lots of food."
] | [
"I have a wife and two kids.I have a daughter.",
"I work in a factory.",
"I play the trumpet. I want to be in a band someday.",
"I do not like chocolate.",
"My kids like to sing.",
"I don't know how to make lasagna."
] | [
"Have you played anything interesting on the trumpet this week?",
"I have not really had time this week to play or practice ! It has been so busy at the factory ! I still need to come and do a playlist at your retirement home, let me know what dates are best! I am still waiting for your lasagne recipe!",
"Yes, everyone is looking forward to when you visit. We don't get a lot of visitors. It's a shame you haven't been able to find the time to play. ",
"Oh dont worry I will make up for it next week and get in what I missed! That is such a shame really as the people who run the home should be arranging all this for you. How are the cooking classes there? They better be keeping them going.",
"The cooking classes are okay, but they are kind of basic. I'm already so good at many of the things they try to teach us. I mostly just end up helping the others out. At least I get something tasty out of it. I really wish they offered music classes though. I think that would make everyone here so much happier.",
"Maybe you should ask them for some more advanced ones? Although after tasting your lasagnes I don't think you need any more lessons! So yummy...They should! singing makes me so much happier through out the day, all my kids still love singing, you haven't seen them in so long there so big now. They still trying to get me liking chocolate! I told them youve spent 20 years trying to get me to like it, it wont work haha!",
"Aww, thank you young'un. That's so sweet of you to say. One day you're going to realize what you've been missing out on, mark my words. You should bring the kids when you visit too.",
"Haha, you will be glad to hear I have started trying dark chocolate again, only because it reminds me of when I was young. All this new chocolate these days is just to sweet for me...Where is the Cocoa taste!! I will let them know when I am visiting you and make sure they keep there diaries empty. Hows the grandkids doing, visiting lots I hope.",
"There are so many ways to enjoy chocolate. I'm glad you're trying at least some of them! The grandkids visit once in a while. My grandson wishes he could come every day, but I think that's mostly just because he likes my treats so much. I've been giving my granddaughter singing lessons when she visits.",
"Oh that's good that he wants to visit more! That is what grandparents are for haha teaching about life and the great treats they give you hehe!! Well you taught all mine to sing and they sound like angels now so she has a good teacher. ",
"You're flattering me far too much today. You'll end up giving me a big head. I just really love passing down my love of music to future generations, and getting to spend time with them is a nice bonus. ",
"Haha just facts. Maybe I am just sweetening you up to get your lasagne recipe hehe!"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 44 | 3 | [
"I live in a retirement home, there aren't many visitors. I have kids who don't live with me. My grandson likes chocolate the most.",
"I'm good at baking. I make good lasagna. I make lots of food. I take cooking classes at the retirement home, although I'm a proficient cook. I help other people at cooking class. I wish there were music classes at my retirement home.",
"I am a singer. I have grandchildren. I am giving my granddaughter singing lessons. I like to teach music."
] | [
"I have a wife and two kids.I have a daughter.",
"I work in a factory.",
"I play the trumpet. I am too busy to practice trumpet sometimes. I want to be in a band someday.",
"I don't know how to make lasagna.",
"My kids like to sing.",
"I like to sing throughout the day. I don't like chocolate that's too sweet. I have recently tried dark chocolate."
] | [
"I learned a new song on the trumpet this week that I'd love for you to hear!",
"What is it called? I would like to hear it, maybe I can look it up on youtube?",
"Yankee Doodle. LOL I am learning though. The residents at the retirement got a kick out it and my granddaughter can sing along with me",
"Ah, I have heard that one lol. I am proud that you have figured out how to play it though. Good job!",
"Thank you. How's the factory going?",
"I just got a promotion to supervisor. I was on the assembly line for like 5 years, but when I did my eval last week, they had said I am an asset, and two days ago, they came in with balloons and stuff and gave me an office to put them in.",
"That's awesome. So excited for you. You deserve a promotion with how much you have been working. Will you have more free time to play your trumpet?",
"No. The best worst part about the job is that now I am making salary, but I am the one that has to do all the paperwork and make sure everyone did their job. So I have overtime, but I don't get paid overtime. I do make like 2 grand more a month but still bittersweet. ",
"Oh the joys of being a supervisor. The extra money a month will help but try to get enough time in for yourself. Don't put in too much overtime that you get worn out.",
"I also get 120 hours vacation instead of just 40",
"Now that is a big plus! Have you thought about where you'd like to go when you take your vacation time?",
"Not really sure. I kinda just want time to be home honestly. It is a nice thing to know I can sit at my house for more than 10 hours that I sleep through."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 45 | 0 | [
"I am not a fan of my daily routine.",
"I want to live closer to nature.",
"I'm an outcast.",
"I wish I was an astronaut."
] | [
"I play the violin.",
"How have I missed tandoori chicken and roti all these years?.",
"My mom was a rn.",
"I'm getting a puppy in the near future.",
"I like to participate in sports."
] | [
"Hi! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in space?",
"I'm basically a violinist, so I do not think about it.",
"So are you in an orchestra or something?",
"Kinda, I been in the game since I was four.",
"Did your family teach you to play the violin?",
"No I had to learn in school, my mother would drop me off before nursing",
"How old are you now?",
"I am basically 22 and recently started eating indian food.",
"So are you happy with your life? Violins and indian food?",
"Basically, all I need to do now is adopt a dog and I'm set.",
"I wish I could be a dog! I do not like life as a human.",
"If you were rich you wouldn't be saying this.",
"That's probably entirely true. Unless I were a rich dog...",
"I would rather be a bird."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 46 | 0 | [
"I like to embrace my day.",
"I like to listen to redneck singing.",
"I work at a place that cleans cars and I am not a fan.",
"I have a nintendo."
] | [
"I have a freeloader at home.",
"I booked a boat for the summer.",
"I am a foodie.",
"My babies love catnip and cat grass.",
"My mom and dad are retired."
] | [
"Hello, how are you doing?",
"I'm doing good. Just cooking dinner. Love cooking",
"I do too, are you a man or woman?",
"I am a woman. They call me the cat lady because I breed maine coons and show them",
"That is cool, I've a job at subway that I am not thrilled about",
"Its better than nothing. My brother is couch surfing at my house right now jobless",
"I love to sit on the couch and play video games myself",
"My brother does too, especially since our parents moved to florida recently",
"Really, I also like listening to music especially country",
"Sounds relaxing. I am going on a cruise in a month. Hoping to relax there",
"Have fun, I love to live life to the fullest.... Enjoy",
"Me too, maybe you should come!",
"Lol, I would love too",
"What else do you enjoy?",
"I enjoy the outdoors and love to sit around water",
"Then you would love the cruise!"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 46 | 1 | [
"I enjoy cooking ",
"I work at subway",
"I enjoy playing video games ",
"I enjoy Country music ",
"I love to live life to the fullest ",
"I enjoy being outdoor. I love to sit around water"
] | [
"I enjoy cooking ",
"I am a woman. I breed mine coons.",
"I live with my brother ",
"My parents moved to florida.",
"I also love to live life to the fullest."
] | [
"Which food do you enjoy cooking the most ",
"I love making Chinese food. Last night I made dumplings.",
"Wow, that must take a lot of skill. Were they the kind you fry or steam? ",
"Sometimes I pan fry and sometimes I steam them. Yesterday I steamed them.",
"Sounds delicious, what was the filling? And how long did they take you to make?",
"It took me about 45 minutes because I already had the filling in the freezer. It was a pork and leek filling. Have you ever made dumplings before?",
"That's not too bad. I haven't made them from scratch before, but I've cooked frozen ones. They're delicious. Where did you learn how to make them?",
"I'm Chinese American so I've been making them my whole life. My mom taught me how to cook. ",
"Cool, I would like to try to make them myself one day. Maybe I'll find a recipe online.",
"Yes there are a lot of good recipes online. It's not as hard as it seems! What's the hardest thing you've ever cooked?"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 46 | 2 | [
"I enjoy cooking, playing video games.",
"I work at subway",
"I enjoy Country music ",
"I love to live life to the fullest ",
"I enjoy being outdoor. I love to sit around water",
"I haven't made dumplings from scratch. I have cooked frozen dumplings."
] | [
"I am a woman. I breed mine coons.",
"I live with my brother ",
"My parents moved to florida.",
"I also love to live life to the fullest.",
"I love making Chinese food.",
"I'm Chinese American. My mom taught me to cook. I love cooking."
] | [
"Do you know anywhere online I could find some good recipes?",
"Your best off just searching up the name of the meal, most of the meals I make are what were passed down to me. What type of recipes are you looking for?",
"I enjoy different types of oriental food like thai or chinese. Do you have any good recipes of chinese food?",
"I like my the gold standard of egg friend rice personally, not entirely Chinese in creation but has a special place in my heart. Do you like that meal?",
"I have never tried it but I think I will give it a try! Have you visited your parents recently? I guess Florida is very nice place to live",
"It looks amazing from the pictures they have sent me but they've only recently moved so I'm waiting for them to settle in before I grace them with my presence. Have you been playing any good games recently? ",
"Not really, I have been swamped with work at subway, I had to stay overtime many times in the past month",
"Well with all the extra hours you're putting in, at least you'll get some decent pay and maybe have yourself a nice beach visit in the year?",
"I hope so! If I had a choice, I would like to travel to Florida, their beaches are amazing",
"Maybe you can come with me when I go to visit my parents. Hope you like Chinese food!",
"That is a great idea, I would love it. Of course, I enjoy Chinese food so maybe you can make an authentic chinese meal",
"Well it won't be me, haha. My mother can make the best Chinese food, though."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 46 | 3 | [
"I enjoy cooking, playing video games.",
"I enjoy Country music ",
"I love to live life to the fullest ",
"I enjoy being outdoor. I love to sit around water",
"I enjoy Chinese food. I haven't made dumplings from scratch. I have cooked frozen dumplings. I enjoy different types of oriental food like thai or chinese. I have never tried the Gold standard of egg friend rice. ",
"I work at subway. I had to stay overtime many times in the past month.",
"I would like to travel to Florida."
] | [
"I am a woman. I breed mine coons. I live with my brother ",
"My parents recently moved to florida.",
"I also love to live life to the fullest.",
"I love making Chinese food. I'm Chinese American. My mom taught me to cook. I love cooking. I like the Gold standard of egg friend rice. My mother can make the best Chinese food."
] | [
"Could you ask your mom some recepies for me?",
"Oh, she is pretty tight liped about that. She doesn't want anyone to know her secrets! ",
"I understand, but it would be great to learn some of her expertise. Have you all cooked anything together recently?",
"Yeah before she left for Florida we did. Get this - she rips the labels off the bottles and the sauces. She really doesn't want me to know what she uses. I am basically the stand there and stir daugther when we cook together. ",
"Haha! At least you all were able to spend that time together, I hope someday she will let you in on her secrets. Does your brother cook?",
"No - he stays far away from the kitchen. If I didn't cook, I know that all of his meals would be from Macdonalds!",
"I bet he is glad he has you then! Do you all have any trips planned to visit your parents?",
"Yes, maybe in the fall when its not so hot and humid in Florida. And what about you? Any plans to go? I can be your tour guide if we go at the same time",
"No, I don't have any plans to go right now. If we do end up down there at the same time, I would love a tour guide! Do you have any suggestions on cities I should go to?",
"You have to see Orlando and Miami for sure!! Miami for the night life - you'll love it!",
"That sounds fun, I bet there is a lot to do in Miami! Are your parents in that area?",
"Yes, they moved close to Miami"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 47 | 0 | [
"I work in construction and repair peoples roofs.",
"I used to interact in sports in my older teen years.",
"I am a meat an potatoes kind of person.",
"I enjoy alcohol to unwind.",
"I push a super car."
] | [
"My dad used to be employed at general electrics.",
"I am partial to shades of grass and teal.",
"I adore cats.",
"I want to sing professionally.",
"Sports are fun."
] | [
"Did you see the football games today?",
"Yea I did. I caught it after my tennis match today",
"You play tennis or coach?",
"I play it in my freetime. I'm an aspiring singer so hoping to become famous",
"Good luck. That's a rough thing.",
"Thanks. Tell me about you?",
"Nothing much. I work as a roofer during the day.",
"That's cool. My pops worked for ge and did roofing in his spare time",
"Its okay. Pays the bills. Tried to get to the nfl, but it did not happen.",
"I route for the greenway packers because my favorite color is green",
"No way. That's my favorite team too. Although, not cause of the colors.",
"Yea I am pretty sure they're junna take it all the way this year",
"From your mouth to gods ear. That trophy needs to come home.",
"Yessir. Well I gotta go take care of my animals now so I will see ya later"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 47 | 1 | [
"I work as a roofer.",
"I used to play football.",
"My favorite football team is the Green Bay Packers."
] | [
"I play tennis.",
"I am a singer.",
"My dads worked for GE.",
"Green is my favorite color.",
"I have pets."
] | [
"What type of animals do you care for?",
"I have two dogs and a cat. Do you have pets too?",
"What are their names? I love animals but have none.",
"The cat is Rastus, and the dogs are Thurber and Thatcher, after Margaret Thurber and James Thatcher. They are labs, brother and sister. If you could get a pet, what would it be?",
"Those are unique and creative names! Thatcher gives me a chuckle. If I had to choose I'd probably go with a cat since they're affectionate yet simple to care for. If I went exotic I'd go for a hedgehog. Just need something that works with the long hours.",
"A hedgehog! That's funny. Yes, a cat might make sense for you, but not a Siamese. They need too much attention. So I guess a lot of roofs need replacing at the moment?",
"Soft spot for the heroes of my childhood, what can I say? My mother has a Siamese, very loud cat. As for roofs, the season is over for a couple of months what with the cold. Thankfully that gives me time for sports and to ponder my future of pets. Are there any dog breeds you'd recommend?",
"Yes, but I need more information. Are you looking for an active dog or do you want a couch potato companion? What size?",
"I need one who will show loyal companionship, but is willing to rest with me in my time off. That's why I would go for a cat before a dog usually.",
"Great danes are good big dogs that don't need a lot of exercise. Unfortunately they don't live very long. You could also get a French Bulldog and take it with you to work!",
"Hey, if I can put them to work with me, all the better! They can fetch the tools. They just need to learn ladders, I suppose.",
"Haha maybe you just need another coworker. I'm lucky, as a singer, I mostly work from home unless I'm rehearsing so I get to be with my pets all day."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 47 | 2 | [
"I used to play football. My favorite football team is the Green Bay Packers.",
"I don't have any pets. I would love to have a cat or maybe even a hedgehog. I want dog who is loyal and willing to rest with me.",
"I work as a roofer. I am not replacing roofs right now because of the cold but it gives me time to enjoy sports."
] | [
"I play tennis.",
"I am a singer and I work from home.",
"My dads worked for GE.",
"Green is my favorite color.",
"I have two dogs and a cat. My cat's name is Rastus and dogs are names Thurber and Thatcher, named after famous people.",
"I think Great danes or french bulldog are good choices for pet dogs."
] | [
"I spent last couple of days looking for a dog and I think I have found one from the shelter! It ticks all the boxes, I think I will get him",
"What kind of dog is it? That is very exciting!",
"I was thinking of getting a german shepherd, I think they are adorable! What breed are your dogs?",
"They are both mixed breeds from the shelter I live by. I think they are both boxer mixes but am not certain. When are you going to get to take the dog home?",
"That is nice. Hmm I am still not sure, I have to prepare the place, I want my dog to be comfortable when he gets to his new home",
"Yes, I bet you have to buy a bunch of supplies still. Will you have a place for him or her while you are working this summer?",
"He will stay home while I am at my job but I talked to my neighbour and he said he is glad to help take a look every now and then as well as feed him",
"That is really nice of them to do that. When do you think business at your work will pick up a bit?",
"Probably at some point during April, I really hope it is sooner than later because I hate not being able to do my job"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1"
] |
MSC | 47 | 3 | [
"I used to play football. My favorite football team is the Green Bay Packers.",
"I don't have any pets. I would love to have a cat or maybe even a hedgehog. I want dog who is loyal and willing to rest with me.",
"I work as a roofer. I like my job. I am not replacing roofs right now because of the cold but it gives me time to enjoy sports.",
"I want to adopt a male German Shepherd from a shelter. I am trying to prepare my house to get a dog. My neighbor is going to look after my dog when I am away."
] | [
"I play tennis.",
"I am a singer and I work from home.",
"My dads worked for GE.",
"Green is my favorite color.",
"I have two dogs and a cat. My cat's name is Rastus and dogs are names Thurber and Thatcher, named after famous people. My dogs are both boxer mixed breeds from the shelter."
] | [
"I got my new dog! I'm trying to think of names for him.",
"What about something related to the Packers? ",
"That's a good idea! Who are your dogs named after?",
"One is named after Margaret Thatcher, my favorite politician, while the other is named after James Thurber, a cartoonist I love.",
"That's such a cool way to pick out names for pets!!! And who is your cat named after?",
"Rastus is sort of a bastardized version of Rasputin. I figured that a cat with nine lives should be named after a guy who seemed to have that many.",
"That makes sense! How many of those 9 lives has Rastus used so far?",
"It's definitely been a few. He likes his mischief. I think my dogs are plotting to take a few more if they can ever get a hold of him.",
"I can imagine! I guess it's true that cats and dogs don't always get along! How's your singing career going?",
"It's keeping me busy. Lately I've been learning some songs and posting them on YouTube, hoping my account blows up.",
"It would be really cool if it did! I could say I knew you before you were famous! So you're the pet expert - do you have any suggestions on getting my house ready for my dog when I finally am able to adopt?",
"Be really disciplined about teaching them where they're allowed to go and where they aren't. If you give them an inch they'll take a mile. Consistency is the key to training and you want to make sure that you remain the master of your place."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 48 | 0 | [
"Graphic novels are my favorite thing to aquire.",
"I collect a lot of sports memorabilia.",
"I think you need to be very carful with the things you allow into your body.",
"I can not be in dirt."
] | [
"I studied english in college.",
"Last month I was hired for my first post collegiate job.",
"I like to be outdoors when I am not working.",
"I think I can be a good role model for youngsters."
] | [
"Hello, are you a comic book collector like me?",
"Hi wow I like comic books too. I don't collect them tho.",
"Do you know what comic books are? Organic food only here!",
"Yeah I just got my degree in literature. I like green lantern",
"I've been collecting autographs have over 15 million.",
"Wow how do you get them",
"Sometimes I steal them, dust allergies this time of year",
"Stealing isn't nice. Dust makes my allergies act up too sometimes",
"How so? Organic food is not nice.",
"Stealing is just not good to do. I might go for a hike today",
"Can you prove that? I might eat dust today.",
"Well it is a crime. Just saying.",
"Not necessarily, but if I stole something that was originally mine?",
"It just is not right if it never was yours.",
"I do not understand anything.",
"Oh ok. I hope to be teach 2nd grade soon"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 48 | 1 | [
"I collect comic books.",
"I collect autographs. I have over 15 million autographs.",
"I have allergies."
] | [
"I don't collect comic books. I like comic books.",
"I graduated college with a literature degree. I like Green Lantern comics.",
"I have allergies.",
"I want to be a teacher."
] | [
"How's it going? Have you read anything interesting today?",
"Yeah I've been re-reading Harry Potter today. Have you ever read it?",
"Yeah, I've read them a lot! What's your favorite part?",
"Anything related to Sirius Black is my favourite haha! Who is your favourite character?",
"I love Crookshanks. Before the books were done I had a theory that Crookshanks was Harry's mom stuck in Animagus form.",
"Ooh that's interesting. I never thought of that. Do you like cats in real life too or just in books?",
"I love cats as a whole, but I have to keep my distance bc of the allergies. Do you have a cat?"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1"
] |
MSC | 48 | 2 | [
"I collect comic book, autographs. I have over 15 million autographs.",
"I have allergies.",
"I love Harry Potter.",
"I love Crookshanks."
] | [
"I don't collect comic books. I like Green Lantern comics.",
"I graduated college with a literature degree. I want to be a teacher.",
"I have allergies.",
"I love Sirius Black."
] | [
"How much further did you get in Harry Potter? Did anything else interesting happen?",
"Managed to watch the Goblet of Fire, excited for the Order of Phoenix it's getting really tense! Don't spoil it for me again!",
"I won't this time...or? You will be surprised with how the book ends, but it all makes sense at the end",
"I'm going to read the books after I have finished the movies, any suggestions for what movie series to move onto next?",
"Hmm if you like comics, maybe try watching any of Marvel movies. There are many of them so I am sure you will find one that you like",
"Great, thanks! Do you have any of the Avengers cast autographs?",
"Yes!! I have Robert Downey Jr.'s autograph which is one of the most valuable in my collection. How is your literature degree going?",
"Amazing! I haven't had any luck yet with applying for teacher jobs, nobody is replying to my applications. I won't give up though!",
"That is the right attitude, I am sure you will get a job sooner than you think",
"Exactly, bad weather for your hay fever today, have you taken your meds?",
"Oops, no I haven't but thank you for reminding me, I will do that now. What are you allergic to?",
"I have a peanut allergy so it's trouble when ordering food at restaurants unfortunately. Take them asap the pollen count is high all week!!"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 48 | 3 | [
"I collect comic book, autographs. ",
"I have allergies.",
"I love Harry Potter. I love Crookshanks. I saw the Goblet of Fire.",
"I have Robert Downey Jr.'s autograph. I have the collection of over 15 million autographs."
] | [
"I don't collect comic books. I like Green Lantern comics.",
"I graduated college with a literature degree. I want to be a teacher. I am looking for a job.",
"I love Sirius Black. I like Harry Potter. I saw the Order of Phoenix. I am going to see the Goblet of Fire. I'm going to read the books after I have finished the movies.",
"I have a peanut allergy."
] | [
"Have you already decided from which of HP books you should start?",
"I think I will just start from the first.",
"That is wise for then you can keep track of things happening and understand the story better.",
"Yea, and I know they are all good so it makes sense just start at the begining and read them all.",
"Once you start with the first one you will be so excited and anxious to read the others.",
"I bet, still going to take awhile, they are pretty long.",
"Yea they are long but to be honest you will finish them faster than you think because you would not like to keep it down. Bye the way have you been able to find a job?",
"Not yet, but I am looking. Thanks for asking.",
"I have a good degree so you should not have a problem finding one. You had a passion for teaching, right?",
"Yes, what is your degree in?",
"My bad, I meant you had a good degree.",
"Ah yes, it should work out for me getting a job."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 49 | 0 | [
"Everyone loves my lemon meringue.",
"I cook for a living.",
"I love to see things grow.",
"I like cameras."
] | [
"I like felines more than beagles.",
"My cellular device is my life line.",
"I like to have a beer.",
"I am lonely.",
"I joined a reading group."
] | [
"Hi. I love to garden. What do you do?",
"Read, read and then read. Bookworm you could say.",
"I'd say so. I bake alot of pies.",
"Pie sounds good. Maybe you could bake one for my book club.",
"Oh great! We can garden too.",
"I've never tried to garden but my mom loves it.",
"I do also. Where do you live?",
"Laguna beach. Take a lot of ocean pics on my cell phone or and cat pics.",
"Pretty. I like mountains alot you?",
"As long as I've a cell signal. Cannot sustain without my cell. Sad really.",
"Lol. Me too. I'm the same way with my camera.",
"Maybe along with that pie you can take a pic of my cat, love him.",
"Sounds good. I love my cat too",
"Another cat lover, awesome. We have to meet and have a drink soon."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 49 | 1 | [
"I love to garden.",
"I like to bake pies.",
"I like mountains.",
"I have a camera.",
"I love my cat."
] | [
"I read a lot.",
"I am in a book club.",
"I've never tried to garden before. My mom loves to garden.",
"I live in Laguna beach. I take a lot of pictures of the ocean on my cell phone. I have a cat. I take pictures of my cat on my cell phone.",
"I love my cat."
] | [
"I took the prettiest picture of my cat yesterday, do you want to see it?",
"I'd love to see it! I have some new pictures of the ocean at sunset that I could show you too!",
"Sounds good. I love taking pictures, especially of my cat and garden.",
"What kind of camera do you have? I'm actually really impressed with how well the photo quality of my iPhone is! Sometimes people don't even believe me that I didn't use a professional camera!",
"I use a canon camera. I bet the waves and beach sunset pictures look great on your phone.",
"I was pretty surprised how well they came out!!! Do you ever take pictures of your cat in your garden? I bet that would be a cool picture with the cat among the flowers!",
"Yes, my cat loves playing with the flowers so I sometimes get great pictures. How old is your cat now?",
"She's 10 already! I'm thinking about getting another one to keep her company! Have you ever thought about getting a second one?",
"Some cats do like having a companion around. I haven't thought of getting another cat yet, one is enough for now.",
"How old is yours now? I can't remember, does yours spend a lot of time outdoors or is it completely an indoor cat?",
"She is five years old now. She loves being outside for sure. Hard to keep her in on most days. How about yours?",
"She mainly stays indoors. Sometimes I take her to the beach but on a leash! I'm so afraid she'll run!"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 49 | 2 | [
"I love to garden.",
"I like to bake pies.",
"I like mountains.",
"I love taking pictures, especially of my cat and garden using my canon camera.",
"For me, one cat is enough.",
"My cat is 5 years old and loves playing with the flowers and being outside."
] | [
"I am in a book club.",
"I've never tried to garden before. My mom loves to garden.",
"I live in Laguna beach. I take a lot of pictures of the ocean and my cat on my iPhone.",
"I am surprised how good pictures taken with iPhone came out.",
"I love my cat. My cat is 10 years old and I am thinking of getting another one.",
"My cat mostly stays indoors. Sometimes, I take her to the beach on a leash."
] | [
"I am actually thinking of selling my canon camera and upgrading it. Do you know anyone who sells cameras?",
"I have a good friend that buys and sell cameras on Ebay.",
"Could you maybe get me in touch with him? My camera is old and I would like to get new one",
"Sure, I can shoot you an email with his info. He'll offer you a decent price for your current camera. ",
"That is great news, thank you. I assume you are satisfied with you iPhone camera right?",
"Yes, it does everything that I need. It's amazing that a small phone can take such good pictures.",
"I have tried using it but I just prefer more advanced equipment. However, for the price, it takes great pictures!",
"Understood. Maybe someday I'll get more serious about it like you.",
"Let me know if you do. Any interesting books you have read recently?",
"Yes, our club is reading \"A Time for Mercy\" by John Grisham right now.",
"And how do you like it? What is it about? Any interesting characters?",
"I like it so far. His character Jake Brigance is back in the courtroom defending a Mississippi teenager accused of murdering a deputy. "
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 49 | 3 | [
"I love to garden.",
"I like to bake pies.",
"I like mountains.",
"I love taking pictures, especially of my cat and garden using my canon camera.",
"For me, one cat is enough. My cat is 5 years old and loves playing with the flowers and being outside.",
"I have a Canon camera that I am thinking of selling. I want to upgrade my camera. I like more advanced equipment than just phone cameras."
] | [
"I've never tried to garden before. My mom loves to garden.",
"I live in Laguna beach. I take a lot of pictures of the ocean and my cat on my iPhone. I like its camera.",
"I love my cat. My cat is 10 years old and I am thinking of getting another one. My cat mostly stays indoors. Sometimes, I take her to the beach on a leash.",
"I have a friend who buys and sells cameras on Ebay.",
"I am considering getting more serious about photography.",
"I am in a book club that is reading \"A Time for Mercy\" by John Grisham. I like the book so far."
] | [
"Have you put any more thought into getting more serious about photography? If you wanted, I could sell you my camera at a discounted price.",
"Yes i definitely want to make it my career. Maybe this is a sign to start! How much for the camera?",
"I'd have to see what they are going for. But I'd give you 10% off whatever the market rate is. How does that sound?",
"Well how old is the camera? I have a friend who flips cameras on ebay i could ask him.",
"4 years. Yeah, Ask your friend. it's a 2016 EOS",
"Sure, ill get back to you on that. Did you think of a new upgrade for yourself when you sell this one?",
"I've got one in mind already. I'll probably buy it first and then sell you mine. But it should be in a week or so.",
"Oh thats great to hear. I love your landscape pictures you send me.",
"I can only take half the credit. The mountains deserve most of it. Any idea what you'd like to shoot the most?",
"I would love to capture people just living in the moment",
"You might actually jsut want to stick with your Iphone for that. Because honestly, as soon as people see a camera they change.",
"Youre right, ill have to plan it so im not seen then."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 50 | 0 | [
"I like to bake.",
"I will be glad when I do not have to work anymore.",
"I enjoy being fake.",
"My significant other makes me happy."
] | [
"I'm currently in college.",
"I live in a fantasy world.",
"I own reptiles.",
"I hope I get to go skydiving while I still can."
] | [
"Hello my name is sally, I am a baker",
"Nice to meet ya sally! I am sean and I am a student",
"Hey sean, what are you studying?",
"Computer engineering. Have an internship starting later this year I'm very excited for.",
"That's awesome, when I was young like that I tried acting",
"Cool! What is it that made ya quit?",
"Life, but now I look forward to the joys retiring",
"That will be nice. I want to do as much as I can while I'm young.",
"That is how you do it, yolo as you kids say",
"Haha exactly. Definitely want to skydive before I die. Live life to the fullest",
"My wife showed me that, she makes me smile.",
"My pet snake makes me smile. Do you guys have any kids?",
"I was fake straight for a long time, I'm humble now.",
"Coolio. I play this video game character online, pretty famous for it now.",
"Fame and computer engineering, were you on the cover of wired?",
"No, no. Not that famous yet."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 50 | 1 | [
"My name is Sally. I'm a baker",
"I tried acting when I was young.",
"I am married to my wife."
] | [
"My name is Sean. I'm a student ",
"I study computer engineering. I will start an internship soon.",
"I have a pet snake ",
"I play the video game character online ",
"I wasn't on the cover of wired"
] | [
"What is it like to study computer science engineering ",
"It can be difficult with the math, but it's very interesting. And it helps to provide some job security given how big technology is. Have you baked anything good lately?",
"I baked a nice loaf of sourdough a few days ago.Do you like to cook?",
"Oh very nice! I do like to cook, but I prefer baking delicious treats! Not good for my waistline, but I try to share haha! I like the sourdough in San Francisco!",
"Do you live close to San Francisco? I've never been there.",
"No, I live on the other coast, but I love San Francisco! I have family that is about 2 hours north that I try to visit once a year. I haven't been able to because of the pandemic though.",
"Yeah, we're on the East Coast as well. Wouldn't have travelled much anyway, but it's definitely restricted visits with family. Has it impacted your schooling much?",
"I was taking in person classes, but they had to resort to using Zoom or converting classes to online. Since I am tech savvy it didn't bother me too much.",
"That's good. What will you do for your internship?",
"I am going to try to look for one of the larger companies in my city (Charlotte, NC) and apply. "
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 50 | 2 | [
"My name is Sally. I'm a baker. I like baking.",
"I tried acting when I was young.",
"I am married to my wife.",
"I live on the East Coast of the US."
] | [
"My name is Sean. I'm a student in computer science engineering. I will start an internship soon.",
"I have a pet snake ",
"I play the video game character online ",
"I wasn't on the cover of wired.",
"I like to cook and bake. I have been to San Francisco.",
"I live in Charlotte, NC."
] | [
"I went to a new bakery yesterday. You should have seen the bread they had.",
"Ooooh tell me more! I love a good bread, especially from a real bakery.",
"It was godlike, I love Ciabatta and this one was the best one I ever tried. You should totally come visit, even if it's only for this bakery!",
"I love ciabatta too so I'll definitely have to check it out. What else have you been up to the last couple days?",
"Nothing much, just working mostly. I wish I could've baked something as good myself though. Have you tried any new interesting recipes?",
"No, I wish. Busy with school work. Looking forward to the weekend for some free time in the kitchen!",
"Pretty much the same here :) How's your pet snake? I don't think you've mentioned the name.",
"Mario! Don't ask. I named him when I was pretty young and still obsessed with Super Mario bros, lol. He's good! Shedding, so a little uncomfortable, but I try to help him out as much as I can by keeping it humid..",
"I had a friend with a snake named Cornbread, so Mario sounds nice haha. Which kind of snake is he by the way?",
"He's a python. Cornbread is such a good name! Have you had any pets?",
"Oooh, nice, pythons are cool! Not really, I had a cat when I was single, but my wife has allergy so we don't have any pets as of now. Maybe in the future... Not sure she's into snakes though.",
"That's fair, snakes are kind of a niche pet. Maybe a dog? I guess less people are allergic to dogs than cats."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 51 | 0 | [
"I go everywhere on my mini motorcycle.",
"I feel awkward sometimes socially.",
"I love being with freezing water.",
"I spend a lot of time watching tv.",
"I like to test my voice while I clean off."
] | [
"I'm strong.",
"I'm a lumberjack by trade.",
"I enjoy breakfast food.",
"I cut down trees."
] | [
"Hello, so glad to chat with you I do not do person to person contact well",
"Me either I spend most of my time out in the wood cutting down trees.",
"I struggle to maintain a constant eye contact with people, my eye wanders",
"That's interesting. Maybe you can come watch me cut down tree with my large ax!",
"I do not thank you can get me away from my favorite video game",
"Being a lumberjack will make you strong and attractive for the opposite sex.",
"I am so sad now though, I can not sign in the shower anymore",
"That's not good. What is your favorite food?",
"I like pizza, but I'll pass I no longer fit on my moped",
"Need some exercise. I love pancakes and syrup I eat them everyday!",
"I love halo 3, it is my favorite video game to play",
"I've never play that one."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 51 | 1 | [
"I can't keep eye contact with people.",
"I like pizza. I drive a moped.",
"My favorite video game is halo 3."
] | [
"I am a lumberjack.",
"I love pancakes and syrup."
] | [
"Is the job of being a lumberjack well-paid?",
"Not really, depends on how much work I take on. Right now its going well. ",
"Are you busier in the colder seasons? ",
"Usually busier leading up to the colder seasons. I do a lot of work that goes to the sawmill to be sold as lumber.",
"Ah, that makes sense. What type of euqipment do you use?",
"Usually I have a chainsaw, large axe and a bucksaw with me in the woods.",
"Do you generally work alone? Or do you have a partner to help you?",
"Normally alone, that's where I make the most money but I have worked with partners in the past as well. Nice to be in the woods alone, its quite relaxing.",
"Yes. I enjoy spending time by myself as well. I enjoy video games quite a bit.",
"You like the halo 3 game, right?",
"I do. Well, really, any first person shooter games.",
"I see, do you play with your local friends online or people you don't know? "
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 51 | 2 | [
"I can't keep eye contact with people.",
"I like pizza. I drive a moped.",
"My favorite video game is halo 3.",
"I like to spend time alone.",
"I like shooter games."
] | [
"I am a lumberjack.",
"I love pancakes and syrup.",
"I know how to use a chainsaw, large axe, and bucksaw.",
"I usually work alone."
] | [
"I bought some wood for a project and thought of you. I wondered if it was wood you cut down.",
"Hey, you never know if it was wood I cut down. Once I sell my wood I don't know where it goes. Speaking of that, it is time to get the chainsaw out and go to work. How have you been? Have you tried any new video games lately?",
"I managed to play some at the weekend, it was fun to do that, away from people. I'm hoping to but some new games soon too. Maybe I could interest you in an online game?",
"I might try it if I get the time. Let me know when you are up for it and I'll try to work it in. Do you still get around on your moped?",
"Yea, although I try to avoid it if the roads get too bad. Actually my project was a wooden box shelf for my moped helmet!",
"Cool. Did you finish that box shelf? I cut so much wood I hardly have time to really enjoy making any wood projects. If we get a snow storm and I can't get out I sometimes will try to work on something. Since I work by myself I have to get in as much work time as I possibly can to make a living. I just had my favorite breakfast of pancakes and syrup and I will be headed out to work shortly. They give me a lot of energy to get the job done. ",
"Ah, I bet. Pancakes sound delicious right now. I'm not great at making them, I should try again sometime, I bet you're a pro at them! I've cut down all the pieces now, next will be the assembly and attaching to the wall.",
"Nice. Send me a picture of the finished project. What else have you been up to? I know you like video games a lot, but what do you do for a living?",
"Will do! I repair computers for a living, the hours vary though, I've not been very busy but have spent a lot of time replying to enquiries. Otherwise I've been doing ok, hope you're ok and not too tired with your long hours.",
"I hope you get reimbursed for answering people's questions. I'm fine. I love to keep busy and my work helps me stay physically fit. No need to fit in extra workouts when you've done a full day of lumberjacking! I love this lifestyle. ",
"I guess you can eat all the pancakes in the world and not worry about putting any weight on! I don't think I would be any good at your job. No, unfortunately I only get paid for repairs I do, which can be frustrating when people want free advice.",
"You should start to charge for your time. That is only fair. If you want to come along on a job I would be glad to let you see what my day consists of. I promise you don't have to do any of the heavy work, it would give you a nice outing. There is nobody out here to bother you, just me and my chainsaw. "
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 52 | 0 | [
"I hate being poor.",
"I wish I were more creative.",
"I am very creative.",
"I don't like working."
] | [
"I've a masters of business.",
"I have a beautiful wife.",
"I make responsible financial decisions.",
"I like the snow."
] | [
"Hey hows it going",
"Great! How about with you?",
"Pretty good just got off work",
"I'm heading to work but stopping to pick up a birthday gift for my husband.",
"That's really sweet how old is he?",
"He is 30 today! We are traveling from denver to san diego to celebrate this weekend.",
"That's quite a trip I am saving to go to paris",
"That would be amazing. Have you been before?",
"I had when I wrote my first book",
"Being an author must be really neat. What type of books do you write?",
"I write about fantasy what do you do?",
"I recently finished by mba and work as a financial manager with a large hospital.",
"Wow that must be insanely well paying",
"It pays nicely but for now a large part goes towards my student loans."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 53 | 0 | [
"Fantasy tv shows are my favorite.",
"My mother works at kroger.",
"I was raised down south.",
"I believe in the tooth fairy."
] | [
"I am in third grade.",
"I am not as smart as I thought.",
"I want to be like diego maradona.",
"I have great friends."
] | [
"Hey hows it going",
"Hi? I'm ok. Who is this?",
"I'm bill, and I grew up in the state of alabama",
"I'm max. I live in oregon.",
"My mom works as a cashier at walmart, I live in her basement",
"My mom is mad at me. I got rejected from the gifted class at school",
"My mom is proud, I have the easter bunny hiding in my closet",
"Did you catch him? Will you let him out?",
"I force it to watch game of thrones with me",
"If I had him, I'd play soccer with him.",
"He's a lousy listener though, poops everywhere",
"Is he your best friend?",
"Yeah, but he hates me, sadly",
"That is sad. My best friend is calden."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 53 | 1 | [
"My name is Bill. I grew up in Alabama.",
"My mom is a cashier at walmart. I live in my mom's basement.",
"I love watching game of thrones."
] | [
"My name is Max. I live in Oregon.",
"I did not do well in school.",
"My best friend is Calden."
] | [
"Do you have any interesting news about Calden?",
"Calden is interested in this new girl at school. It's tough because he only sees her online during classes.",
"Are things going better at school for you now? ",
"Pretty much the same sadly. I have a hard time getting excited when all I do is sit in front of a computer.",
"What do you want to do when you leave school? ",
"I want to be a forest ranger, work outside with people protecting animals.",
"That sounds really interesting, are you an animal lover? ",
"I am. Oregon has beautiful forests and lots of animals live in them. How about you? What are you planning?",
"I would like to be a composer for tv and film.",
"Wow. You must have skills then!",
"Thank you, i have been a grade 8 pianist since age 9, and grade 8 violinist since age 12.",
"I am very impressed. You are accomplished."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 53 | 2 | [
"My name is Bill. I grew up in Alabama.",
"My mom is a cashier at walmart. I live in my mom's basement.",
"I love watching game of thrones.",
"I would am interested in being a composer for TV and film.",
"I play piano and violin."
] | [
"My name is Max. I live in Oregon.",
"I did not do well in school.",
"My best friend is Calden.",
"I attend school virtually.",
"I want to be a forest ranger. I like the outdoors. I like animals."
] | [
"Are you finished with school for the day?",
"Yeah, I am finished early today! I wanted to go work in the yard to today for fun. I am building a ramp.",
"How exciting! What kind of ramp are you building out there?",
"Calden is helping me built a dirt bike ramp. I it about 3 feet high so the jump is for beginners. I am trying to learn to ride a new bike I got.",
"That sounds awesome! Make sure you two are being careful and wearing helmets. How did you get your bike?",
"Yeah, we both have helmets and pads. I was at a yard sale with my parents and we found a used one so they got it for me. I have to work on it myself if it breaks down but I am okay with that. Are you done practicing your music for today?",
"I was in the middle of practicing and one of the strings on my violin broke! Now I have to wait until my mom is done with work so that she can drive me to the store to replace it. I wish I had a bike so I could go on my own.",
"Dang, that sucks. Yeah, a bike would be handy for running around town. I was thinking about video taping my jumps today.",
"You should! If you want you can send me the video and then I can write a score for it and record the music. It'll be like you have your own dirt biking soundtrack!",
"NOWAY! That would be rad! I will film it today and send it to you! How long will it take you to make that? Thank you so much dude!",
"Awesome! As soon as I get my string fixed it should be fast! It'll be great for me to have something I can show people when looking for job. Maybe Caden can even show it to that girl he has a crush on haha",
"Heck yeah! I am going to put it up on all of my social media! I will be showing it off like crazy, Bill! "
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 53 | 3 | [
"My name is Bill. I grew up in Alabama.",
"My mom is a cashier at walmart. I live in my mom's basement.",
"I love watching game of thrones.",
"I would am interested in being a composer for TV and film.",
"I play piano and violin. My violin has a broken spring.",
"I am willing to write and record music to go with the dirt bike video. I am trying to have work I can show people when looking for a job."
] | [
"My name is Max. I live in Oregon.",
"I did not do well in school. I attend school virtually.",
"My best friend is Calden.",
"I want to be a forest ranger. I like the outdoors. I like animals.",
" am building a dirt ramp in my yard for fun with Calden. I am trying to learn to ride my new bike. I wear helmets and pads when I ride. I work on my bike when it breaks down.",
"I want to video my jumps and show off the video on my social media."
] | [
"I just got back from the store and I'm fixing my violin string now!",
"Awesome! There's nothing like the crisp sound of a violin with fresh strings lol",
"The basement is a great place to play. It has good acoustics. Well, sometimes the refrigerator runs.",
"Do you like living down there? That has to be pretty cramped!",
"No, it is all good. I run a dehumidifier. There is plenty of storage and free spiders. Maybe I should do something about the spiders.",
"Yeah, spiders are not known for being good roommates. Do you have your piano down there too?",
"I have a keyboard. It can be programed to do a number of neat things. I think for your video it should be either piano, or violin. Not both. What do you think?",
"I think a piano would be better. Maybe a violin if it was smooth and relaxing, but we have a lot of sick jumps and all so I think a rocking piano would be better",
"Yes, OK. Flight of the bumble bee might be kind of cool.",
"Indeed! Or maybe rock it hard, like Jerry Lee Lewis or something. Really pound those ivories!",
"Well, I do not do vocals. I get what your saying though. But it is the vocals that bring that song home. Without the words, I am worried it will be flat. ",
"Maybe I could help you find a singer. My friend Sara has a great voice, she's even cut some demos in Nashville"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 54 | 0 | [
"I would rather work smarter not harder.",
"I keep up with current events.",
"I hope one day I will be good at stocks.",
"I like to do pages on the web."
] | [
"I am better at listening than discussing.",
"I daydream about a fancier lifestyle.",
"I love eating chips and cheese.",
"I think most scary monsters are serious.",
"I'm a gamer."
] | [
"Hi there how are you doing today?",
"Greetings.. Today would be wonderful if I were royalty...",
"I hear you. Maybe if we play the stock market well.",
"Possibly... Maybe if we could find dragon eggs to sell.",
"Totally. I always look for ways to make money easily.",
"Dragon eggs are very valuable.",
"I wonder where you could find some dragon eggs.",
"Up north normally. Dragons are cold blooded, even though they breathe fire.",
"Sounds super cool. I once created a dragon themed website.",
"What was it called? I have probably been there.",
"Probably dragons. Com it was such a long time ago.",
"I see. Thanks for the chat. Nachos call my name.",
"Was nice talking to you as well!",
"Peace and luck be with you.",
"You as well, stay safe!",
"Oh, you are invited to my next d and d game if you wish."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 55 | 0 | [
"My dog is a chocolate labrador.",
"I've a boat.",
"My radio is usually tuned into a country station.",
"I've a husband."
] | [
"I possess a lot of patience.",
"I like the world of books.",
"I cannot go to a lot of places because of my seizures.",
"I would enjoy having a dip in the pool.",
"There was little love in my house when I was young."
] | [
"Hello. I like to gish with my black lab cat",
"Nice. I don't have any pets. Do you have any kids?",
"Not yet. Married and hoping to start soon",
"I have a son myself. Kids are fun.",
"Yes they are. I will name mine charlie daniels he is my favorite",
"That's a neat name. Read any good books lately?",
"Yes actually. The love and war again.",
"I do not believe I have read that. Is it good?",
"I take it with my black lab cat when we go fishing. We love too.",
"I have never been fishing but I love to swim",
"Depends on what inspires your imagination. I like historical colonial reads",
"I'm a bit of a science fiction nerd, but historical books are interesting",
"I see. Maybe do both at one time. Jeremy wade does.",
"I try not to do too much at once. Right now I'm reading the foundation series",
"I have not heard of those. Science based?",
"Yes, it is a book series by isaac asimov about human like robots."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 55 | 1 | [
"I don't have kid. I'm married.",
"I like the musician in charlie daniels.",
"I have a black lab cat. I like go fishing.",
"I like historical colonial books."
] | [
"I don't have any pets.",
"I have one son.",
"I love swimming.",
"I like science fiction books."
] | [
"Did you finish the foundation series you were reading?",
"I haven't. I started reading Ready Player Two instead. ",
"How's that? I've seen the previews for the movie of it, it looks neat. ",
"I am really enjoying it. I'm excited to share it with my son when he is older. It is teaching me a lot about the dangers of artificial intelligence. ",
"I was going to ask if that's something your son would be interested in as well. How old is he?",
"He is 12. Still a little young for it but he really enjoys sci-fi and fantasy books. We might read the first book together next year. ",
"Do you have any favorite science fiction/fantasy books you have introduced him to?",
"He loves Harry Potter, Tamara Pierce, and has just started reading Isaac Asmonov for the first time. Do you like sci-fi?",
"I enjoy Harry Potter, but I am more of a non fiction type person.",
"I like memoirs and autobiographies. I always think it's cool to learn about important historical events and how it impacted people. "
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 55 | 2 | [
"I don't have kid. I'm married.",
"I like the musician in charlie daniels.",
"I have a black lab cat. I like go fishing.",
"I like historical colonial books and non-fiction books."
] | [
"I don't have any pets.",
"I love swimming.",
"I like science fiction books.",
"I stopped reading the foundation series. I just started reading Ready Player Two.",
"My son is 12 years old. My son likes sci-fi and fantasy books. My son likes Harry Potter, Tamara Pierce and Isaac Asimov.",
"I like memoirs and autobiographies."
] | [
"Which Issac Asimov story is your son reading?",
"He is actually currently reading Issac Asimov's autobiography right now. Reccomended by me; it is one of my favorite autobiographies. Who would have thought I would be recommending books to my 12 year old son! What has your cat been up to lately?",
"That's really cool, I'm glad he seems to be taking a liking to non-fiction, which is obviously the best genre of books. The cat's been good, I've been feeding her some fish meat from last week's fishing trip out to the lake and she's been absolutely loving it.",
"She's so spoiled by all the fresh fish she gets from you! Did you catch any big fish?",
"Well she does deserve the best, and the fish have been great for keeping her coat nice and healthy. Unfortunately nothing I caught was very big, which is partly why it's been going to the cat and not to me and the wife. ",
"Shoot! Well hopefully with spring coming up you will be able to feed you and your wife. I just finished reading a book about the lake you like to fish in. If you're interested, I can loan it out to you! .",
"That'd be really wonderful, I'd love to read about. I know there's a rich history about this lake! When would be a good time for me to come over and pick it up?",
"How about this weekend! All I had planned was reading, reading, and more reading! It'll be nice to break up the day a bit! Do you have any plans to see Charlie Daniels in concert this summer?",
"This weekend works, mind if I swing by on Saturday around noon? I'm not sure about the concert, I love Charlie Daniels but sometimes I get a little being in such a crowded environment. Sometimes it's just so much nicer to listen to music at home in a nice and comfortable environment.",
"That sounds very nice and relaxing to be at home with some good music on. I'm sure your cat appreciates it too! I've been thinking about getting a cat lately, my son needs to learn some responsibility and I think that would do the trick!",
"You should get him a cat, I think he'll love having one. If you'd like, he can come over and spend some time caring for mine if you're not sure if he's up to the task.",
"Thank you for offering, that sounds like a great plan. I'm sure he'll talk your ear off about all the books he's been reading, if you don't mind! He just finished the Harry Potter series and is quite keyed up about it :)"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 56 | 0 | [
"I love john hughes films.",
"I love being a parent.",
"I enjoy jogging.",
"I've a long commute.",
"Desert is my favorite type of food."
] | [
"I like to be around books.",
"I love body art.",
"I walk to get from here to there."
] | [
"Hi! How are you?",
"Hi good and you?",
"Great! Just ran k outside! Beautiful weather!",
"What do you do for a living?",
"I am in sales. You?",
"I work at barnes and noble",
"Nice! Do you love books?",
"I read all the time. Bu?",
"I've to admit, I always opted for hte movie versions of books.",
"Do not like reading?",
"I do, but prefer the movies. Have you heard of 16 candles?",
"That's old school",
"Yes... Do you know if there's a book 16 candles?",
"I did not know that but I have seen the movie"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 57 | 0 | [
"My wife is a model.",
"Rich treats after a meal are one of my downfalls.",
"My housekeeper is dull.",
"I make a good living.",
"I wish my kids behaved better."
] | [
"I always volunteer to bring the dessert to a birthday party.",
"I am one of two boys in my family.",
"I enjoy classic literature.",
"I wish I were taller."
] | [
"Hello how are you tonight",
"I am okay. I wish I was more tired though. You?",
"My children let me down so I have been better",
"What did they do that disappointed you?",
"Married ugly people I am with miss usa",
"Wow. That's too bad. I don't have kids. I have brothers, twins.",
"Wow that's cool are ou a twin too or just them",
"No, just them. It was lonely growing up. Do you have siblings?",
"No I don't have any it was boring growing up",
"Yeah. I always bake cookies when I am bored. Do you have a hobby?",
"I have maids so I don't have to bake",
"I love baking. Maids huh? Fancy. Are you rich?",
"I'm a little rich I suppose",
"I wish I was. What do you do for a living?"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 58 | 0 | [
"I've seen dracula.",
"My mother tells fortunes.",
"I like crawdads.",
"I am a very social person."
] | [
"My father flies for delta.",
"I am an animal lover.",
"I like doing my face.",
"You can find me on the internet.",
"I named my vehicle pig since it is that color."
] | [
"Hey how are you today",
"I am doing well, working on my next youtube video. How are you",
"That sounds like fun. I am doing pretty good. Where are you from",
"I live in california, how about you?",
"I am in new orleans",
"Oh neat, I went there once pre katrina. Beautiful city",
"It is. My mom reads palms at a fortune telling place.",
"Now that is neat. I'm jealous! My dad is just a boring pilot",
"A pilot is a pretty cool job to have. I met a vampire before",
"Wow really? Do you mind if I include that in my youtube video?",
"You sure can! I met him in a cave during halloween last year",
"The plot thickens lol how cool, did you get his number or anything",
"No I did not once I realized what he was I ran away fast as I could",
"That was probably wise. I'd have wanted to know more though",
"Yeah well I have to go was nice chatting with you",
"It was nice talking to you as well"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 58 | 1 | [
"I am in New Orleans.",
"My mom is a fortune teller.",
"I met a vampire in a cave during halloween last year."
] | [
"I make youtube videos.",
"I live in California.",
"I have been in New Orleans once.",
"My dad is a pilot."
] | [
"My mom told me my fortune.",
"What did she predict for your future?",
"That I'm going to have a supernatural experience which will go viral on youtube. Can you believe that? ",
"That sounds a little scary, honestly. Not a big fan of ghosts.",
"Not as scary as vampires and werewolves! I think ghosts are mostly friendly. Have you ever seen a ghost? ",
"That's true! I would like to believe they are mostly friendly, but I've never met/seen one. Have you?",
"The ghost of my mom's grandmother lives in our house. She used to sing lullabies to me when I was young and now to my daughter. ",
"I would move! Do you find the singing comforting? How old is your daughter?",
"I find it very comforting and sometimes it the only thing which gets my kid to sleep. She's 3 and sometimes has nightmares. Do you have any kids? ",
"That makes it a little better. No, I do not have kids."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 58 | 2 | [
"I am in New Orleans.",
"My mom is a fortune teller.",
"I met a vampire in a cave during halloween last year.",
"I believe in the supernatural.",
"I like ghosts.",
"I think a ghost lives in my house.",
"My daughter is 3 and she has nightmares."
] | [
"I make youtube videos.",
"I live in California.",
"I have been in New Orleans once.",
"My dad is a pilot.",
"I don't like scary things.",
"I have never had a supernatural experience.",
"I do not have kids."
] | [
"Are you planning on having children?",
"Maybe! you know me though. I need to find the right women first that would put up with me and all my craziness ! how is your little one?",
"She's not doing so well actually. This story of the nightmares does not want to stop. I am considering to bring her to a doctor. ",
"I can imagine that you feel pretty helpless regarding it! Do you think that your belief in supernatural things could be affecting her dreams? You should take her to your mum to see if she feels anything.",
"I hope not! if I am the cause of her nightmares, I would not forgive myself. I prefer to take my little Bonnie to an expert. Let's keep the grandma aside for the time being. Have you ever been to a fortune teller?",
"Yeah, it may scare her even more haha! Nope never, but then I have never really believed in it to much. I suppose I am one of those, see it to believe it kind of people. I would not blame yourself anyway, children do have an extremely over active imagination haha.",
"I just want to stay positive and don't stress too much for the time being. Tomorrow I will call the doctor and we will see. Let's stop talking about tell me, have you made any new video?",
"Everything will fall into place and be fine dont panic. Yes actually, I made a long video regarding the changes to an online game over the years and how its gone from one of the biggest to nearly dyeing to rise once again as one of the top mmorpgs! Its just in the final stages of editing and then release time. I am hoping for around 50k views on this one. ",
"Sounds interesting. I hope you will achieve your target. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. How many subscribers does your channel have?",
"Only around 30k currently, but that is the whole problem at the moment. Quiet easily packing 50k views on videos but only a certain % subscribe. So in this latest video I have a little segment on subscribing and how much it helps me ! ",
"Can't wait for it to be out. I will spread the voice at my workplace and hopefully you will gain some more views!",
"Ahh thank you so much ! Have you done much gaming recently?"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 58 | 3 | [
"I am in New Orleans.",
"My mom is a fortune teller.",
"I met a vampire in a cave during halloween last year. I believe in the supernatural. My mom can 'feel' things. I like ghosts. I think a ghost lives in my house.",
"My daughter Bonnie is 3 and she has nightmares. I am thinking of bringing her to the doctor for her nightmares."
] | [
"I make youtube videos.",
"I live in California. I have been in New Orleans once.",
"My dad is a pilot.",
"I don't like scary things. I have never had a supernatural experience. I have never been to a fortune teller. I don't believe in the supernatural.",
"I do not have kids. I do not know if I want kids. I need to find the right woman first.",
"I make video games. I am working on a popular MMORPG that is almost ready to be released. My channel has around 30k subscribers."
] | [
"I took my daughter to the doctor about her nightmares, but it doesn't seem to be helping.",
"Maybe it's a psychological thing. Have you taken her to a therapist? A psychologist/psychiatrist might be able to help.",
"Maybe. I am going to give it a try. But I do strongly believe it's something supernatural that's causing this trouble.",
"Now that's a stretch, what makes you think that? Even if you told me your house was haunted I still wouldn't believe it. ",
"I am not saying that the ghost is causing this. But I am not going to rule out the option. I just want to give everything a try, whatever that helps.",
"Well I'd rule it as a last case option. What else have you tried to help her?",
"Nothing much. Till now I only tried all legitimate procedures like taking to a doctor. I am worried that she is not getting any better even after all those doctor's appointments. Maybe I should ask my mother if she knows anyone that can help my daughter.",
"I mean maybe you could try it. I still don't believe it's supernatural but if she can help then you might as well try.",
"I am planning to keep a tab on her habits and daily routine just in case, to check if anything needs to be changed.",
"That's a good idea. I bet you she did something traumatic to herself while you weren't looking and maybe that could be causing it.",
"Maybe. Do you think it will help? Do you have any ideas like this which may help?",
"I think a therapist still might help but have you tried sleeping with her? That could probably reduce her nightmares knowing that you're with her."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 59 | 0 | [
"I work in a restaurant.",
"I was raised by my mom.",
"I jam on the skins.",
"My youth was spent in the public housing in a major city in illinois.",
"I have two younger brothers."
] | [
"I was born in argentina.",
"I love my knee highs.",
"I enjoy being outside.",
"I prefer meat products of the cow variety."
] | [
"Hi how are you doing let us get friendly.",
"Yes. We will. Where are you from?",
"I am from the united states I live in jersey and you?",
"I am in argentina myself. With my lovely horses.",
"Wow I love horses what are some of their names?",
"Max, rodney, and finn. Do you have a hobby?",
"Yes I like to entertain playing the drums.",
"I play the drums too. I hope you aren't vegetarian.",
"No but I used to be I am employed at a pizza restaurant.",
"Good because I eat steak often. Are you in a band?",
"I just had steak too I'm so serious I'm not in bands.",
"What is your favorite band?",
"I like rap music I like micheal jackson too.",
"Thriller was a great album. It always has me dancing in my boots."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 59 | 1 | [
"I am from the United States. I live in Jersey.",
"I love horses.",
"I play the drums.",
"I am not currently a vegetarian. I work at a pizza restaurant.",
"I like rap music. I like Michael Jackson."
] | [
"I live in Argentina. I have horses.",
"My horses names are Max, Rodney and Finn.",
"I play the drums.",
"I am not a vegetarian.",
"I like Michael Jackson."
] | [
"I was playing the drums just now and my neighbor got really mad at me.",
"I'm sorry to hear that. My neighbors don't get upset when I play the drums.",
"You're lucky! Mine are so mean.",
"Mine are horses! They're very silly animals.",
"Oh wow lucky! I love horses.",
"Yeah I raise them so they have to put up with my music.",
"That's cool, I want to visit your horse ranch some time.",
"You totally should. We have lots of room for visitors.",
"That sounds amazing, I can't wait to see your horses!",
"Yeah, I'll let them know they have visitors on the way.",
"That's so funny, do they like strangers?",
"Not usually but they get used to you quickly."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 59 | 2 | [
"I am from the United States. I live in Jersey.",
"I love horses.",
"I play the drums.",
"I am not currently a vegetarian. I work at a pizza restaurant.",
"I like rap music. I like Michael Jackson."
] | [
"I live in Argentina. I live with horses on a horse ranch. I have horses named Max, Rodney and Finn.",
"I play the drums.",
"I am not a vegetarian.",
"I like Michael Jackson."
] | [
"I got in trouble for playing the drums again",
"Oh man! I hate it when people just won't let us play our music. Sometimes drummers just have to rock out! Who complained? Was it your neighbor again? ",
"Yes it was the neighbor. I kind of understand her concern, but it was early afternoon and I thought she was at work. I just wish she would come over and tell me to stop before making an official complaint.",
"I always feel like people discriminate against drummers. People don't mind if someones playing jazz music, like a saxophone. But anytime someone drums it's noise, not music. What a pain. ",
"That is so true! The lady who plays piano in my building never gets complaints. So how is Finn feeling? You mentioned he wasn't feeling well this morning.",
"He is feeling better, thanks for asking. My mom likes to feed him pastries when she visits. Finn eats EVERYTHING. Sometimes after she visits he gets colic because of what she feeds him. How are your horses?",
"Glad to hear he's okay. I bet he enjoyed those pastries though! Tell you mom she is welcome to feed me pastries any time she wants haha. The horse are doing well at the new ranch, the couple there is amazing and he's really starting to open up over there. I can't even tell you how relieved I am, I was so worried about the move.",
"Oh I'm so glad to hear that the new horse is adjusting. It's always nice when they start to settle in. Ha next time my mom comes over, I'll mail the pastries to you instead of letting her feed them to Finn. That will make us both happy and Finn will feel better too. ",
"You got yourself a deal, but you better express them ha. When I went over to see the horse yesterday they were giving me a little attitude like they didn't need me anymore, but then they got all excited I was there. That made my day, and it shows they are still a little upset at me. They forgave me after a lot of fresh carrot the owners gave me.Clever beasts!",
"I will freeze them and send them express in an insulated box. I think they will travel well. Horses are hilarious that way. I can always tell when I've done something that offends them. My horses are notoriously pouty when things don't go their way. Have you ever played the drums for your horses? I bang around in the barn sometimes and they act a little spooked. I don't think my horses would like my drums. ",
"I wouldn't even consider that, they get spooked with loud noises. That kind of my fault, they grew up in a quiet environment. I am envious that you can play your drums away from people, especially people who complain. One day I will have my own ranch.",
"True, having a lot of space is definitely amazing. I can also blast my 80's music as loud as I want, all times of day/night. Michael Jackson, Cindy Lauper, REO speedwagon, Journey, Madonna - Loud and proud 80's music fan. Thriller is my favorite Michael Jackson song. I know you love MJ too. What's your favorite song?"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 60 | 0 | [
"I enjoy baking.",
"I am on the computer a lot.",
"I'd never even look at meat, yet alone eat it.",
"I like to go to concerts.",
"I just started my current position."
] | [
"I don't eat animal products.",
"I'm an artist, I work with watercolors.",
"I was on a rower and saw many places.",
"I have way too many kittens."
] | [
"Hi how are you today?",
"Ok. My 23 cats are having a good day.",
"Woah what about the 1 human?",
"If they have a good day I do too.",
"Do you have any humans around you?",
"No just cats. I travel a lot, traveled around world on boat last year.",
"Do you enjoy eating cakes?",
"Oh yes and a good veggie burger is wonderful.",
"Very nice, I am vegetarian too",
"Oh wonderful. I eat veggie meals when not painting fences.",
"Do you enjoy the internet? I sure od",
"When my cats don't hog it all. Day"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 61 | 0 | [
"I enjoy a few brews by the river.",
"I am often successful at ocean fishing.",
"I like things that are not complicated.",
"I like the look."
] | [
"I'm into virtual reality stuff.",
"I'd do anything for my parent.",
"I cannot be alone at night.",
"I love bands like the beatles.",
"I don't like fresh greens."
] | [
"Hello what are your plans today",
"I'm going to listen to some rock today how are you?",
"Gonna go to the creek with my family!",
"Wow exciting. I don't like the creek at night I'm scared of the dark",
"Its fun during the day, I like it esp when I can bring beer!",
"I like to drink beer with my mom. She's my best friend and is sn fun.",
"Its nice to have simple pleasures, I love the simple things in life",
"I love harder things like video games. I design them.",
"That is so cool! I'm more simple, I just like catching sunfish",
"Now that is really cool. What else to you like?",
"Did I say beer, lol",
"Lol yes but its worth saying twice. Do you like piggies?"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 61 | 1 | [
"I like going to the creek with family",
"I like beer",
"I love simple things",
"I like to go fishing"
] | [
"I am going to listen to rock music",
"I am scared of the dark",
"I like beer. My mother is my best friend.",
"I design video games. "
] | [
"Are you and your mother having a good time?",
"Yeah. I'm listening to my music, and she's getting dinner ready!",
"That's good. It's nice to get along with family.",
"Sure is. It's best when your interests overlap - my mom actually likes my rock music(!), and I sure love her cooking.",
"That's awesome, my mom didn't like my music too much.",
"It took a while for Mom to come around to liking mine. I think it's because she likes helping me with the soundtracks for my video games. ",
"That's awesome, what kind of video games do you make?",
"Mostly role-playing adventure stuff, though I do puzzle stuff too. ",
"Role-playing games are my favorite. I like being able to explore in a game when I can't go outside.",
"Yeah, that's cool. Plus there's so much good open source code to work with - most commercial developers tend to concentrate on action games.",
"Yeah I'd rather relax and enjoy the atmosphere in a good RPG.",
"Do you know Battle of Wesnoth? I spent ages making campaigns for that one!"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 61 | 2 | [
"I like going to the creek with family.",
"I like beer.",
"I love simple things.",
"I like fishing, role-playing games."
] | [
"I am scared of the dark",
"I like beer. My mother is my best friend.",
"I design video games. I've worked on Battl of Wesnoth.",
"My mom likes rock music. I love her cooking."
] | [
"I've started playing Battle of Wesnoth, it's amazing!",
"I sure is, have you played the quest I designed yet?",
"Sorry, meant to say Battle FOR Wesnoth. Not sure--which quest did you design? And what kinds of things does your mom cook?",
"The quest called Rogue's Den, tell me what you think once you complete it. She cooks almost anything buy my favourite is her fish pie, you should try it sometime.",
"Not familiar with that one but I haven't played all the user-generated campaigns. What kind(s) of fish does she put in her pie?",
"She uses cod salmon and trout, it's amazing! Did you go to the creek yesterday?",
"It's funny, as much as I enjoy fishing, I only like mild fish like flounder, tilapia, orange roughy, etc. But the rest of my family loves all kinds so what I catch in the creek is always eaten. And no, I didn't go to the creek yesterday because it's been raining constantly for several days now! I'm having withdrawals!",
"At least nothing goes to waste! You shouldn't let the weather stop you doing what you love, maybe we could go together next week and have a few beers! ",
"I don't let a little rain stop me but this has been torrential. And let's don't even talk about the mud...Going next week sounds great if the weather changes. I can pack a separate cooler for the beers (one cooler is for the fish I hope we catch!). Also, I love fish and chips so cod is good too.",
"Ah that makes sense, beers and a good English meal, it's the simple things in life eh!",
"That's my philosophy! And a pub with a nice fireplace and good conversation. ",
"I cannot wait, hopefully all goes to plan and I'll see you next week!"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 62 | 0 | [
"I'm usually doing something online.",
"I like to watch sports.",
"My mom takes care of my grandma.",
"I stay asleep all night."
] | [
"I play european football.",
"I enjoy name brand sport shoes.",
"I play football.",
"I am apart of a different work environment.",
"I defend the goal."
] | [
"Hey there hows it going",
"Hi, its great. Just watching some videos, what about you?",
"Nothing much just been on my computer",
"Do you watch any sports?",
"Yes but I only really watch hockey",
"Nice, what do you like about it? I prefer watching soccer games, I'm really into it.",
"It is just really entertaining to watch to be honest",
"As long as youre having fun, it does not matter",
"True, very true, so what are you doing?",
"Looking online for some new shoes. Are you up to anything?",
"Not really just watching my daughter slowly pull things in her crib haha",
"Aw, how old is your daughter?",
"She's almost 8 months",
"How is it like being a parent? Is this your first born?",
"Hectic haha, she's definitely a handful, and yes",
"Hopefully it gets better with time, wish I could meet her haha"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 63 | 0 | [
"I love all my pets.",
"I work with numbers.",
"I love reading scary books.",
"I like large bodies of water."
] | [
"I enjoy going outdoors every saturday or sunday.",
"I'm a polyglot.",
"I currently work at starbucks.",
"I'm a key player in a miles davis group."
] | [
"Hello, how are you today?",
"I am great, just planning a hike for this weekend. How are you?",
"Good, I love hiking!. I take my dogs to the lake often",
"I go almost every weekend, it is one of my favorite past times",
"Do you go to the lake?",
"Sometimes the lake, sometimes the mountains",
"Oh man we would make excellent friends.",
"For sure! Do you have any other hobbies? I am in a jazz band, I play piano",
"I read every night. Horror stories!",
"When I'm on break at the coffee shop I read",
"I'm quite the coffee drinker myself.!",
"I work at one of the major coffee chains, I love it",
"Starbucks, tim hortons, or dunkin. Perhaps a place I do not know.",
"Starbucks! I love the atmosphere and they treat employees great"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 64 | 0 | [
"I am self conscious about my looks.",
"I've been feeling depressed.",
"My partner totally doesn't understand.",
"I enjoy her company.",
"I like hitting the town."
] | [
"I enjoy books.",
"I'm a journalist.",
"I love bright clothing.",
"I play first shooter video games.",
"I like to exercise."
] | [
"Hi how are you today",
"Doing good! Just finished my day of work. How are you doing?",
"Good where do you work?",
"I work as an editor for a local magazine.",
"Nice I'm asking up money for ap procedure",
"What kind of procedure will you be needing?",
"Anything to fix my ugly elf",
"Why do you say that? I am sure you are very attractive person!",
"I just want to be happy with my appearance one day",
"It starts with self acceptance and confidence and being proud of who you are.",
"My gf just does not get it",
"Why does not she get it?",
"Ink you should talk to her about it",
"I suppose I should. Got any hobbies?"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 64 | 1 | [
"I need to have a procedure done",
"I have low self esteem.",
"I have a girlfriend."
] | [
"I work as an editor at a local magazine."
] | [
"I have decided to find a surgeon",
"you should check out the article we just published on local surgeons",
"Thank you, I really need to inform myself as much as possible, surgery in itself is pretty scary, you know?",
"It can be scary but it also isn't your only option, have you talked to your girlfriend about your wishes to undergo surgery?",
"I have talked to my bestfriend about it, and she thinks I should go ahead and get the surgery done, that way I dont have to deal with this issue in the future. I kinda want to get over it, I dont know. How did you feel when you had your own open heart surgery? how was recovery",
"The recovery sucked but it was a major surgery but it definitely is easier if you actually follow the doctors orders and do what you are suppose to do and avoid the things you have to avoid. Are you worried about scarring?",
"Yes, thats one of my worries. I also worried about having complications during the surgery. my kiddos need me, I worry about my ability of taking care of them. ",
"Well it is definitely important you have a support system in place for after the procedure to help with recovery but you also have to realize that not getting the surgery could be as risky.",
"I completely agree with you, how did you choose your surgeon? did you do your own research? or went with who your primary provider suggested? ",
"I always do my own research, and he was the best. ",
"I will have to do the same, read the article you sent me, and choose a surgeon while ensuring I take into account recommendations, did you stay in state or did you fly out?",
"I felt it was best to stay close to home. travel after such an intense surgery is never a good idea."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 64 | 2 | [
"I need to have a procedure done",
"I have low self esteem.",
"I have a girlfriend.",
"I am scared of surgery.",
"I have spoken to my best friend about getting surgery. I am worried about the surgery complications, I worry I won't be able to take care of my children."
] | [
"I work as an editor at a local magazine.",
"I just published an article on local surgeons.",
"I had open heart surgery close to my home.",
"I researched my surgeon before my surgery."
] | [
"I've been looking into surgeons, what was the name of the surgeon you used?",
"I have spoken to Dr. Bessman, the surgeon that my friend recommended. I have not decided if I want the procedure done yet. I am very afraid of surgery. I wish I lived close I know you researched the local surgeons for your article. ",
"Wait a minute, I thought you were the one that did the research, haha! That's why I asked you. I know this procedure is something I want done but I'm so afraid to take the leap.",
"You are right about that. I was just waking up here! My heart surgeon was Dr. Moore. He was great. It was a really complicated procedure and he did a fantastic job. I'm glad I did a lot of research before hand. Now I am thinking about getting a cosmetic procedure with Dr. Bessman, just haven't decided if it's worth it yet. What are you planning to have done? ",
"Its my nose that I would like to have reshaped. I just think it would give me the boost I need to put myself out there. Sometimes I find it hard to look in the mirror, or even get out of the house. I will give Dr. Bessman a call and see if I can get a consultation. Do you think the recovery will be bad? ",
"I don't think it will be as bad as my heart surgery was! I know someone who had a nose reshaping by Dr. Bessman. She had packing in her nose for a few days and had to breath through her mouth, that was the toughest part. She said she would do it again because the outcome was so great. Maybe I'll see if she wants to share her before and after pictures with you. ",
"That's great, and I'd love to speak with her too about her experience. I just want to make sure I'll still have the energy to take care of the kids without being too groggy. I think it will be worth it though. How was the recovery after your surgery; are you back to work yet?",
"What does your girlfriend think about the surgery? I think if you have someone to watch the kids for 2 days you will be fine after that. I think a nose reshaping will give you a lot of confidence. Dr. Bessman has done many of these procedures and I don't think he ever had a bad result. ",
"My girlfriend is so supportive of it since we both feel it will give me the confidence I need. I'm sure she will step in and help, I just have so many worries filling my head I haven't even asked yet!! Hopefully meeting Dr. Bessman will put me at ease. Working on any new articles lately?",
"You really can't compare my recovery from open heart surgery to a nose job. It took me about 2 weeks to get back to fairly normal. I still have to take it easy but I am back to work. I have assigned a few articles to my writers and I will edit them before they go out. I can't discuss what they are until they are actually published. Let me know what you decide about your surgery. ",
"I will keep you posted. I understand you did go through a lot more than I would. I need to put that in perspective. Glad to hear you're slowly but surely getting back into the groove.",
"Ok. Good luck to you. Let me know when you plan to have the procedure done. Thanks for your concern. "
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 65 | 0 | [
"We own several dogs.",
"I have no job.",
"I am 30.",
"I go walking with my kids outside.",
"I am a parent to 2 toddlers."
] | [
"I'm a vegetarian.",
"I take in a lot of information.",
"I find myself to be fully equipped for a battle of words.",
"I am a fan if the great white.",
"I like to move to the music."
] | [
"Hello how are you this evening?",
"It has been a bit quite the event, you? Cooking my vegan dish tonight.",
"Yum! Just back from taking the kids on a nature walk lovely",
"I am not into meat and cut back stayed vegan.",
"Healthy! I stay at home with my two kids while my husband makes the living",
"I am a single unemployed mom at the moment. But read tons of book.",
"How old are you? Just turned 30 this year",
"28, and it is a learned lesson as a mother.",
"Yes! Taking care of children plus two pets too",
"It is and I can be quite witty.",
"Witty is good that means you have a sense of humor",
"I do and do a funny dance with it and my son finds that entertaining",
"You are making wonderful memories!!",
"It is he loves it I also read shark books to him."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 65 | 1 | [
"I like nature walks",
"I have two kids. I have a husband. I am a full-time parent",
"I am 30 years old.",
"I have 2 pets."
] | [
"I'm vegan",
"I am single. I'm a mother. I'm unemployed. I like reading",
"I'm 28.",
"I love to dance. I have a son."
] | [
"How was your dinner? What did you have?",
"I picked up some pizza for my son and I.",
"Thats cool, where did you pick up vegan pizza from?",
"I got it from Whole Foods, I really enjoy their vegan food!",
"Yea, Whole foods is awesome and they have so many things that you wouldn't be able to get elsewhere.",
"I agree, it's a great place to shop and get healthy food!",
"Do you know if they sell pet food over there? My pets could use something a bit on the healthy side.",
"Yes they have lots of healthy choices for pets. I'm sure your pets will love it.",
"Thats great! I cant wait to check out what they have.",
"Yeah I love going there so much that I put in an application to work there, maybe you'll see me when you go.",
"I hope you get the job and I would enjoy seeing you. My pets will enjoy having someone new to give the, belly rubs too.",
"Oh yeah I'd love to see them too!"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 65 | 2 | [
"I like nature walks",
"I have two kids and a husband. I am a full-time parent",
"I am 30 years old.",
"I have 2 pets."
] | [
"I'm vegan",
"I am single. I'm a mother. I have a son. I'm unemployed. I like reading",
"I'm 28.",
"I love to dance.",
"I like the vegan food at Whole Foods.",
"I applied for a job at Whole Foods.",
"I like animals."
] | [
"Did you hear back about the job at Whole Foods?",
"Yes, I did, and I got it! They're going to let me work in their Vegan food department, I am super excited about it!",
"Wow, that is a great News to hear.",
"Yes, will definitely take some stress away for me and my son. With this new job, we might be able to get the cat we've always wanted.",
"so you like Cats I too have two pets at my home.",
"That's so cool. Are you two pets cats or dogs? I've always loved cats and promised my son I would get one for his birthday, but since I was unemployed, I didn't want the extra expense.",
"It might sound like strange but I have a Cat and a Dog and you will be astonished to see them both together and it is great to know that you mange you Budget well.",
"Do they get along? I always love seeing those pictures of cats and dogs cuddling together, it makes me feel so good. Being an unemployed single mom, I didn't have much of a choice to have a budget. It was certainly hard on us both. ",
"Now as you got the Job at whole Food things will get back to normal soon. Also I heard that there is a non vegan section at Whole Foods, Is it true?",
"Yes, they have non-vegan sections as well. It's just so hard to find vegan food at a regular grocery store, and Whole Foods makes it easy. Have you ever thought about going vegan?",
"No, but I am planning to try it for a period of time.",
"That's great! I can help you out with some meals, you don't have to do it all at once, just try a few days a week at first. Maybe Whole Foods will give me some free vegan food too that I can throw your way!"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 65 | 3 | [
"I like nature walks",
"I have two kids and a husband. I am a full-time parent. I am 30 years old.",
"I have a cat and a dog.",
"I am going to try being vegan."
] | [
"I am single. I'm a single mother. I have a son. I'm unemployed. I like reading. I'm 28.",
"I love to dance.",
"I'm vegan. I like the vegan food at Whole Foods.",
"I like animals.",
"I was recently unemployed. I got a new job at Whole Foods in the vegan food department.",
"I might get a cat. I thing dogs and cats are cute."
] | [
"When are you starting your new job?",
"I actually have started already. This is my second week.",
"Do you like all your coworkers so far?",
"Everyone has been really nice and helpful so far, so yes.",
"That's good to hear! I have had some bad coworkers in the past, now my coworkers are my kids!",
"Well that is definitely convenient and has to be a much more fun work experience!",
"That's true! Unfortunately I have to bring my work home with me! ",
"What exactly do you do for a living?",
"I am a full time parent to my two kids!",
"Ah that makes sense. That's the most fulfilling and rewarding job possible!",
"It's true! I can't believe I am saying this but I am thinking about having another! What about yourself? Set with just the one?",
"I think I probably am going to have another child but I'm not sure yet."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 66 | 0 | [
"I am a jon snow fan.",
"I'm scared of high places.",
"I love it when it is cold outside.",
"I cannot stand the heat."
] | [
"I like to print my thought s.",
"I do not really feel like I fit in.",
"I teach animals for my career.",
"I dislike my fam but love my work."
] | [
"Hi there! Do you watch got?",
"I do! I am only on season 3 so far though.",
"You will be blown away by the ending! I love that show.",
"I really like it so far. I enjoy writing in my spare time.",
"Cool hobby. I enjoy winter. I read a lot when it is cold.",
"I train horses as a career, so I wish the cold would stay away.",
"I cannot ride horses. Being that high off the ground is terrifying.",
"My folks don't like it. I dislike my parents, but adore my job.",
"Parents can be a bummer. You live with them?",
"Currently yes, I wish I knew where my place was in the world.",
"I really only can offer advice on colder parts of the country. Sorry.",
"That is ok, the snow can be enjoyable sometimes. I like christmas especially.",
"Christmas is great. Do you spend it at home with your parents?",
"Usually I do, once I went to texas with a friend. How about you?",
"I'm from texas. Where did you go? I'm from el paso.",
"We were near corpus christi, victoria I believe was the name of the town."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 66 | 1 | [
"I love the show GOT.",
"I like winter and I like to read.",
"I'm scared of heights. I don't ride horses.",
"I like christmas.",
"I'm from el paso, texas"
] | [
"I watch GOT.",
"I like to write in my spare time.",
"I don't like winter. I train horses for a living.",
"I don't like my parents and they don't like my job, but I love my job.",
"I live with my parents",
"I like christmas."
] | [
"How has your horse training been going?",
"It's been going well! You should really try riding sometime ",
"I have tried it and it isnt my thing. i love how how the actor are able to fight and ride in GOT",
"Yea they are so talented to multitask like that. If I could write a great story like GOT it would be so cool",
"Omg that would be amazing! How has your writing been going? any new projects?",
"Yea I started a new story yesterday actually. It's set in Texas. you might like to read it! ",
"ouu ! i would love to read it. do you get any inspiration from riding? i could imagine the beautiful scenery you experience",
"Yea I get tons of inspiration! I really feel at peace with the horses so I can be my most creative self when I'm riding. Do you have any activity that makes you feel that way? ",
"I love reading, its a transformational experience when i find a good book and can completely emerge myself into it. ",
"Yea, I definitely feel the same about reading too. Hopefully you'll have that experience when you read my new story. Maybe I'll send it to you as a Christmas present!",
"im looking forward to it! i cant wait for the winter to come, christmas is my favorite holiday. THE new season of GOT is also starting then as well, so many things to look forward to."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1"
] |
MSC | 66 | 2 | [
"I love the show GOT.",
"I like winter and I like to read.",
"I'm scared of heights. I don't ride horses.",
"I like christmas.",
"I'm from El Paso, texas"
] | [
"I watch GOT.",
"I don't like winter. I like christmas. I train horses for a living.",
"I don't like my parents and they don't like my job, but I love my job.",
"I live with my parents",
"I like to write stories in my spare time. I just started a new short story set in Texas."
] | [
"Have you written any more of your story?",
"I wrote a few more paragraphs. The main character's name is Elora and she has magical powers. I am working on telling more of her background information. ",
"Sweet, does that mean it's going to be a fantasy? You mentioned earlier it was set in Texas, what part?",
"Yes, it is fantasy/scifi. It is set in Amarillo, Texas. I don't know much about Amarillo. Have you ever been there? Are there any details about Amarillo or people from Amarillo I should be aware of? ",
"I live about as far west in Texas as you can get. Amarillo is up in the panhandle, so I'd say the people are less \"texasy\" around there. Never been there though",
"That's good to know, thanks. I picked Amarillo at random. It's just somewhere I always wanted to go ever since I heard George Strait sing about it. My parents have been on me to get a new job, but I love training horses. I understand they are concerned for my safety but I can't imagine doing anything else. It's my passion. What's your passion and how would you handle it if your parents tried to stop you from doing it?",
"I love that George Strait song! As far as your passion, I'd say financial security will help you with that. So, might be a hard decision to make depending on how many creature comforts you're willing to give up. I do love to read, but never thought much about writing.",
"True. I make enough money to live independently. Maybe I'll work on finding a place to live and moving out. It might be time for me to be on my own. I kind of want to go, but I'm also a little scared. I need to be bold like Kaleesi from game of thrones!",
"Bold, yes, but in the show I think she went a bit far, lol. Lost sight of the big picture. I suppose it depends on where you're from as well determining how much success there is in training horses. Where are you from?",
"I am from Nashville, Tennessee. I have lived here my entire life. We live on the outskirts of Nashville, so there's a lot of farmland. Downtown Nashville is very urban, but the outskirts are still quite rural. ",
"That's cool, I'd love to visit nashville one day. I will say I feel like a GRR Martin fan waiting for your responses, LOL. So you've got that going for you with the writing. You follow the music scene much there in Nashville?",
"I like country music. I don't love it like most people do around here. What kind of music do you like?"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 66 | 3 | [
"I love the show GOT.",
"I like winter and I like to read.",
"I'm scared of heights. I don't ride horses.",
"I like christmas.",
"I'm from El Paso, texas, far west Texas. I've never been to Amarillo. I'd like to visit Nashville."
] | [
"I watch GOT.",
"I don't like winter. I like christmas. I train horses for a living.",
"I don't like my parents and they don't like my job, but I love my job. I live with my parents. Maybe I will move out soon. ",
"I like to write stories in my spare time. I just started a new short story set in Texas and it is a scifi/fantasy.",
"I listen to George Strait.",
"I'm from Nashville, TN, and I've lived here my whole life. I like country music."
] | [
"I just made a new playlist of my favorite music, I can send it to you.",
"Please do! What type of music is it?",
"Alternative rock really, or pop mostly. There's this podcast called RISK!, that has introduced me to half of this music. Thunder Jackson is one artist. ",
"Never heard of Thunder Jackson but I'm interested in hearing other types of music. I pretty much only listen to country so it'll be a nice change of pace. Have you read the GOT series or did you just watch it?",
"I've got one of the books, although started reading it after getting into the series. Liam Cunningham is my fave on that show. Who's a fave from GOT, book or tv series?",
"I have to say Tyrion is my favorite on the TV series. The actor is so good and has such a great sense of humor! The books were so good though, hard to chose a favorite! I bet it's hard to read the book though once you know you can just watch it instead!",
"It was kind of like, oh yeah I already watched that and know what's going to happen so yeah. I think, like Girl with the Dragon Tattoo movie, it was better reading the series, before seeing the film. Have you seen it?",
"I did see it a long, long time ago. And barely remember it - so I'd be like starting fresh if I started to read that book!",
"Love re-reading a series I haven't touched in a long while. Maybe it would be good to retouch on the GOT books now too. Do you have any books you've reread a few times?",
"Well I'd have to say GOT actually. If read the series through twice and every once in a while I'll pick any of the books up and start reading. Its so intricate that I learn something new every time. These days I like to spend most of my time writing my stories though. Did you give any more thought to coming to Nashville for a visit?",
"The music scene is just amazing, and so many talented people live there and just soak up the scene. What's a favorite music festival you enjoy in Nashville?",
"I don't go to the festivals, I prefer hitting up some of the smaller bars to hear the local musicians play around with some of their new songs. Every once in a while a celebrity pops in (I saw Brad Paisley just a few weeks ago). Its such a fun place to be! Let me know when you're up for a visit."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 67 | 0 | [
"I'm a teen that lives with all my family.",
"I spend time at the pool.",
"I like tv and running outside.",
"I enjoy surfing the web.",
"I do not like people very much."
] | [
"I'm a pilot.",
"I like to make things with my hands.",
"I love art metal bands.",
"A soldier is what I'm.",
"I didn't graduate from university."
] | [
"Hello how are u tonight",
"Hi. I'm okay. Tired, but okay. How are you?",
"I'm doing good should be sleeping I have school but cant sleep",
"I didn't finish school, I enlisted in the army instead.",
"Wow I'm only 14 so I can't do that just yet but I hope too",
"Nice. Stay in school and work hard.",
"I try I like video games and race cars",
"I like video games too, fallout is my favorite.",
"I'm a call of duty girl I cant wait for the new one",
"My younger brother is a cod player too. He is pretty good.",
"I have three best friends but lots of other friends that play it",
"I have a best friend, she's a pilot like me.",
"What kind of plane do u fly",
"A bomber, it is awesome. Do you want to take lessons",
"I am kinda afraid of heights so not sure flying is for me",
"You should at least try to go up in a plane, it is a blast."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 67 | 1 | [
"I go to school.",
"I am 14.",
"I like video games and race cars.",
"I like call of duty.",
"I am afraid of heighs."
] | [
"I haven't finish school. I am enlisted in the army.",
" I like video games. My favorite game is fallout.",
"My younger brother plays cod.",
"I am a pilot.",
"I fly a bomber."
] | [
"Did you play any video games today?",
"Yes! I ended up playing some fallout 4, it was great! Did you play any?",
"Well yeah sure but I prefer call of duty. My favorite game!",
"My younger brother really loves that game! I don't understand why, I find it boring.",
"Well it's the opposite! so addicting and I can't stop playing lol. So how's your job treating you these days?",
"Not bad! I'm on leave at the moment, its pretty exciting! How is school for you? ",
"Everything is online this Spring semester. I don't like sitting in front of my computer all day but I am trying my best not to fall asleep.",
"I know the feeling! I am still finishing off some of my schooling and I really hate online learning. What is your favorite class?",
"I like biology. My biology teacher is supercool. She has a tarantula in her place and shows it to everyone on Zoom sometimes.",
"That is so cool! I wish my biology teacher was like this. Mine is so old. I really like geography! ",
"For me my geography teacher is old and boring haha. But I guess you are good at geography because you often fly across the US?",
"Haha! Yeah, geography is one of the reasons I got into the job. I love learning about new places!"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 67 | 2 | [
"I like race cars.",
"I am afraid of heighs.",
"I like playing video games. My favourite is Call of Duty.",
"I am 14. I go to school. I'm studying online this term. I like biology. I like my biology teacher."
] | [
"I like video games. My favorite game is fallout 4. I don't like Call of Duty.",
"My younger brother plays cod.",
"I am enlisted in the army. I am a pilot. I fly a bomber.",
"I have a job. I'm currently on leave.",
"I haven't finish school. I am online learning this term."
] | [
"We've just been given a new piece of homework in biology class; we have to do a home experiment growing tomatoes. It should be interesting!",
"that actually sounds interesting I have always wanted to grow my own stuff",
"I am really excited to do it. We are learning all about the amount of sun and the type of watering that tomato plants need to survive. ",
"exactly, I think you will enjoy it because its hard to find organic stuff these days everything seems to have hormones in them, learning to grow your own stuff will benefit you very much",
"That is true! I would love to be a farmer some day. Are you planning on staying in the army for a long time?",
"I am on leave at the moment but I don't think I will be in the army too long, I would probably like to pursue other fields even farming like you! I am catching up on some studying doing online learning as I haven't finished school so lets see what the future holds",
"Oh that is cool! What are you studying in school right now?",
"I'm learning the term everything I have missed out on and fell back on basically, what are you doing lately? Are you still racing cars? ",
"Yes I am, I actually don't race cars in real life but I do simulated races as video games. Someday I would love to race an actual car, but I'm too young right now.",
"yes I assumed it was video games lol",
"Have you been playing Call of Duty recently? I love that game.",
"yeah been playing it a lot, I need to stop playing it too much as I fall back on my learning. you know we should tackle your fear of heights by doing something about it like learning to climb or walking up a mountain or other things "
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 68 | 0 | [
"I like watching equestrian sports.",
"I tend to be cold hearted when it comes to affection.",
"I do not know my real parents.",
"I'm an accountant.",
"I've no siblings."
] | [
"I am not a fan of soy products.",
"I'm around people all day.",
"I care about the environment.",
"I bought a house.",
"She's a caretaker."
] | [
"Hey there how are you?",
"I'm good. How about yourself?",
"Do you have a family? Never got to know mine",
"Yes lots of children, my wife cares for them at home.",
"I am well, what do you do in your spare time?",
"Children equals no free time. How about yourself?",
"How many kids? I don't even have a sibling. Oh poo.",
"Six children. Are you married?",
"I was sent to an adoption agency as a infant.",
"Sorry to hear, I work for a large adoption law firm.",
"Awesome, I would not put my kid up for adoption ever.",
"I understand. It is difficult all around.",
"It is how you like it",
"My prius will not fit all our children so we are upgrading to a van soon."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 68 | 1 | [
"I don't know my family.",
"I do not have any siblings. ",
"I am adopted. "
] | [
"I have a wife.",
"I have six children. ",
"I work for an adoption law firm. ",
"I own a prius. I want to buy a van."
] | [
"Are you close to your family? ",
"Yes, we are a pretty close family! We try our best to include the children in everything. How is your family? ",
"Did you forgot I don't know my family? Or are you asking about the family I was adopted into?",
"I'm asking about your adopted family.",
"They are doing fine. Thanks for asking.",
"Great! Are you close to your adopted family? ",
"Yes, I am very close to them. I know my real family won't do more than what they are doing for me.",
"Good! I actually work for an adoption law firm. I love when a child finds a loving home.",
"That's good to hear. Which law firm is that?",
"It's a local run firm, I am actually dealing with a few cases right now. Do you work?",
"That is cool. I am interested in knowing about the cases if you don't mind sharing. I don't work currently.",
"Well, I can't say too much due to confidentiality issues, but a lot of them are bad. Many children are coming from abusive backgrounds. "
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 68 | 2 | [
"I don't know my family.",
"I do not have any siblings. ",
"I am very close to my adopted family.",
"I don't currently work."
] | [
"I have a wife and six children. ",
"I own a prius. I want to buy a van.",
"Our family is close. We try to include our children in everything.",
"I work for an adoption law firm.",
"It is a local firm."
] | [
"I made contact with my real family.",
"Wow, how did that go? And how did you find them?",
"I have done a lot of research in the past few weeks and finally found one of their contacts which connected me with them. I wish I had close family but maybe after some time I will",
"Did they seem receptive to you? And which family members did you track down--mother, father? And no matter what, your adoptive family IS your family.",
"I guess that is true but I would also like to get close with my biological parents. I met my mother and she seems really cool, we talked for hours",
"That's a great start...give it time. Are you looking for work or just taking some time off? We might have an opening at my firm for people with various skills.",
"I am taking some time off, last year has been a nightmare for me. However, I would be interested in that position at your firm. Thank you very much",
"I'm sorry last year has been a nightmare. I hope things are much better this year. You can email me your resume and I'll forward it to our HR Dept. Meant to ask--how did your mom and dad feel about your contacting your biological parents?",
"I will, just need to update it and I am sending it. Hmm to be fair, I still haven't told them, I am afraid how they might react. I don't want to lose them so I am a mess now. How old are your kids?",
"You won't lose them. They may be upset/ disappointed at first but I'm sure they will ultimately understand. My kids are 15, 12, 10, 8, 7 and 5. No wonder we need a van!",
"I hope so, and thank you for kind words. Woah that is a lot of kids, I admire you for balancing law job and taking care of 6 kids",
"I couldn't do it without my wife who is a wonderful mother. My oldest is also a great help but we don't take advantage of her. I don't believe in making kids take responsibility for their younger siblings in terms of parenting. They need to be kids, too."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 69 | 0 | [
"My vehicle is a dark color.",
"I loke to go shopping.",
"My clothes are usually dark colors.",
"Guns and roses is my favorite band."
] | [
"I have an eclectic taste in music.",
"Love my iphone and wouldn't trade it for any other type of phone.",
"I live by the ocean.",
"I have a weird hobby of hunting giant reptiles in remote locations!."
] | [
"Hi, how are you? I am listening to rock and redecorating",
"I like rock too, but sometimes I listen to gary human with my hipster friends.",
"Awesome! I am looking for black lace curtains. Everything just be black",
"I've a black iphone. Apple makes such fantastic products.",
"I always wear black. Except the spikes on my collar are stainless.",
"Could they be painted black?",
"Maybe? A black iphone would match my black purse though",
"Any other kind of phone is inferior.",
"Yeah the exploding ones left cool black marks on my wall though",
"I hear the latest ones are waterproof. Maybe I could take it snorkeling!",
"I'll let you borrow my black car to get there!",
"Thank you! I promise not to chase any comodo dragons with it.",
"Oh just let them drive. They love my rock stations.",
"There are not any stations that reach the private island I pursue them on."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 69 | 1 | [
"I like rock music. ",
"I love the color black",
"I only wear the color black.",
"I have a black car."
] | [
"I like rock music. ",
"I like Apple products",
"I live on a private island."
] | [
"Have you heard this new rock song?",
"Is it the newly released song?",
"Yeah, \"Letter to You\" by Springsteen. I wasn't sure what to make of it.",
"It's certainly a new sound for the band. It arrived to my island yesterday. ",
"How long do you have to wait to get things delivered there? I would hate to wait months for new tunes.",
"It can take a bit for things to be delivered. Longest I had to wait was 7 months. I heard you got a new car by the way, did you get a different color or is it black again?",
"Black again, I just can't get myself to like any other colors. Do you need a car to get around or is your island small enough for a golf cart?",
"I usually use a golf cart, it's a bit of a pain to use a car. Did you see the newest Apple product? I'm pretty interested in seeing what other features it will have.",
"No, I didn't. What are its features?",
"It apparently has a high definition camera, a new way to find it if lost, and the capability to record video even when its locked. "
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 69 | 2 | [
"I like rock music. ",
"I love the color black",
"I only wear the color black.",
"I have a black car."
] | [
"I like rock music. ",
"I like Apple products",
"I live on a private island where things can take a bit to be delivered.",
"I drive a golf cart."
] | [
"Have you listened to any other new music?",
"Yes! I just found a long lost Rolling Stones album that I've never heard of. Did you know they had an album that had never been released? I just ordered the vinyl but I'm sure I won't be getting it for a while.",
"No, I've never heard that before. How did you find out about that?",
"From one of my neighbors, believe it or not! I was out driving the golf cart on a nice day and stopped to chat with her when she told me about it! I just got a new cart last month and it's black, thought you would appreciate that!",
"Oh, that's so cool! Yes, a black golf cart is a great idea. I can't believe you have neighbors at all, let alone ones who love music. How many people live on your private island?",
"There are just 10 families here on our little island, all of whom I have known for many, many years before we decided to all move here together. Most of us get visitors a few times a year so it still feels like we're meeting new people all the time. How is your new car treating you?",
"Oh, she's a real beauty. It's so nice being able to drive a cool car around town. By the way, I was wondering if you're ever able to have concerts on your island. I'd miss not being able to go to them.",
"As a matter of fact! One of my neighbors play guitar and I'm learning to play drums off youtube. The drums haven't arrived yet so I made a set out of boxes for now. It's surely not ideal but we're making due with what we have, haha! I'm glad you're liking your new car - you certainly deserve it. Although there are no cars allowed on the island so you'll have to leave it behind when you come visit to see our island band perform :) ",
"That's a real shame. Maybe I could sell my car and move there with a nice black golf cart though!",
"I would love that, I'll order you a black bass and you can play in our band. How does an all black house sound?!",
"You can never have too much of a good thing. Those sound like great ideas.",
"I am really liking this plan. You'll really love it here! Did you get the new iphone yet?"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 70 | 0 | [
"I collect a lot of sports memorabilia.",
"Graphic novels are my favorite thing to aquire.",
"I think you need to be very carful with the things you allow into your body.",
"I have a couple of pythons.",
"I can not be in dirt."
] | [
"I work with young children.",
"It can be hard to control my school group.",
"I'm in a university.",
"I am looking fora job.",
"I love to go boating when I've a spare moment."
] | [
"Hi there! Tell me about yourself",
"Just graduated, now teaching kindergarten in ny to 26 angels. You?",
"Ooh that's super awesome! Just eating some organic kale right now, only organic for me",
"I am with you I am a big nature nut, I love kayaking! Do you?",
"No, my hobby is collecting autographs I've over 2000!",
"Wow! I need to get outside, my school is huge. Any good autographs?",
"Some really prolific comic book writers I collect those too",
"Do you have a favorite comic?",
"Spiderman, because I've 2 snakes and venom is kinda snake like",
"That is amazing what kind of snakes are they? We have one in our class",
"I have an anaconda and a python",
"We have a kenyan sand boa. Its really cute. That's too cool!",
"That's cool! I hate all their shedding though I'm allergic to dust",
"I hope you don't live in ny, too, there are a lot of pollutants here."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 71 | 0 | [
"I am a fan of the minnesota twins.",
"Taste the rainbow!.",
"On evenings and weekends I enjoy televised sports and cartoons.",
"I play around with candies a lot.",
"I don't eat sugar."
] | [
"I like to make blankets.",
"I love cats.",
"I have a lot of ink.",
"I like to buy things."
] | [
"Hi anybody there? Ding dong!",
"The witch is dead. I have a cat his name is speckles",
"Thank god the witch is dead. But the cat is not obviously.",
"I love going shopping when I am not knitting",
"Nice, shop me a candy next time as I'm curious how it tastes like.",
"I love tattoos I want to get more only have 2",
"You have plenty of space for them.",
"Yes indeed my dog keep eating my shoes",
"Cat and dog makes a fun household. I am watching anime.",
"I do not like cats they have something weird about them",
"Like playing the witch part? Lol",
"My dog like the night air he just lay on the porch at night",
"That is cat like. Wow I am confused.",
"He will not lay on the porch no other time",
"Gosh that's creepy. I'm going to watch baseball now.",
"He's so weird I tell you"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 71 | 1 | [
"I watch anime.",
"I enjoy watching baseball."
] | [
"I have a cat named Speckles.",
"My favorite hobbies are shopping and knitting.",
"I have 2 tattoos.",
"I have a dog.",
"I do not like cats.",
"I have a porch where I live."
] | [
"My favorite team won the baseball game. ",
"Fantastic! Were you watching the game when they won?",
"Yes, it was exciting! How is Speckles doing?",
"He's ok, stinky as ever. To be honest I still wish he were a dog like Sandra, lol. All he does is sit on the porch and yell at birds to get off his lawn.",
"Cat's have a lot of personality! It must me nice to have a porch, a great place to sit and enjoy the outdoors on warm evenings",
"Yeah, I like to sit there and knit. I actually got a tattoo of my house before the porch was added, I have to go back and get the artist to add that on. I'm thinking of getting a Sailor Moon tattoo as well. Have you seen that anime?",
"I love Sailor Moon. What's your other tatoo?",
"My two pets in silhouette. It's a little blurred, got it years ago.",
"Nice! I've thought about getting a tattoo, but I'm scared it will hurt a lot. Did it hurt when you got yours?",
"It's weird, it hurts at first but you get used to it and just sort of feel the buzz. Definitely start with something small on your leg or arm or something."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 71 | 2 | [
"I watch anime.",
"I enjoy watching baseball."
] | [
"I have a cat named Speckles. I have a dog named Sandra. I do not like cats.",
"My favorite hobbies are shopping and knitting.",
"I have 2 tattoos, one is of my house.",
"I have a porch where I live."
] | [
"Any upcoming tattoos in the future?",
"I'm just starting to design my next one, I think I'm going to put it on my ribs. Are you getting exciting for spring training to start?",
"I can't wait for baseball to start. I love to watch anime but sometimes I need to change it up with a little baseball. Where is the tattoo of your house located on your body? I think that is really interesting. What if you move to a different house, you will still have the old tattoo. ",
"What is your favorite team? My house tattoo is on my calf of my left leg. Well I love my house and I don't ever plan on moving, but if something would happen I would also have the memory of my first house with me.",
"I'm glad you're happy with your house tattoo. My favorite team is the New York Yankees. They have won many world series in the past and I hope for many more wins in the future. They are exciting to watch. ",
"Yes they are a good team. I don't follow baseball religiously but I do enjoy a game every now and then too. ",
"Baseball is a lot of fun! I have a question that I always wondered about. Why do you have a cat if you don't like cats? ",
"Well it was my grandmothers cat originally and when she got sick no one else would take her or was able to take her so I agreed for my grandma. And her and Sandra get along well too.",
"That was very nice of you to do. It's a good thing your cat and dog get along with each other. I've been thinking about getting a pet, just haven't decided yet. ",
"I love my dog. If you have enough time to spend with a dog, I think you would love one. And there are so many different breeds you are sure to find one that suits your personality.",
"I think I would like to get a small quiet dog to keep me company. I will do a little research to find the one suited to me. Have you been on any shopping trips lately or yarn?",
"Yes that would be awesome, I think you'd love that! I am actually planning a trip to the mall on Saturday. "
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 72 | 0 | [
"I am wildly optimistic.",
"I am recognized for being neat.",
"I am very talkative which can get me in trouble.",
"I like television real late.",
"I've not loved."
] | [
"I have dark eyes.",
"I like outdoor activities.",
"Glasses give me a headache.",
"I dislike orange vegetables from the ground."
] | [
"Do u believe you can achieve anything because I do",
"I think so! Its hard to see where I am going sometimes",
"U should open your eyes so you can see better",
"I do not have good vision lol youre so positive!",
"Thank you lol people like to say I'm organized to lol",
"What job do you have?",
"I do this mostly and watch football",
"I used to train football players! Now I just ride my bike for excercise",
"Were u the coach or more of an assistant",
"I was a head high school coach until a freak carrot accident...",
"Sounds painful how big was the carrot",
"It was big! Its why I cant really see anymore lol",
"I thought carrots help with seeing",
"I could use someone to organize my thoughts too I guess! Tell me more",
"I'd if I could but I got to watch jimmy fallon its my fav",
"Haha I love jimmy fallon! Do you enjoy anything else?"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 73 | 0 | [
"I'm a thrill seeker.",
"I was almost killed in car accidents.",
"My number one priority are my parents and siblings.",
"I'm very sensitive.",
"I do not like to watch tv."
] | [
"I've not seen him for 24 months.",
"I like getting dishes.",
"My grandma is a guest in my home.",
"I am a teller.",
"I love felines."
] | [
"On occasion I like to drive quickly",
"Me too, I work at the bank in my neighborhood",
"Once I lived where I should have died",
"Amazing have any pets? I've three cats.",
"I give my family the top priority in my life",
"Well I am going on two years divorced",
"I'm large but harmless",
"So is my grandmother she lives in my guesthouse",
"I like to read books but not games",
"Fun I like to collect rare teapots",
"I am huge but act kindly",
"I understand how long have you been like that"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 74 | 0 | [
"I go to restaurants frequently.",
"Playing a musical instrument is one of my past times.",
"I love pop music.",
"I like hip hop.",
"I like food."
] | [
"I've terrible taste in music.",
"Roll playing is my favorite hobby.",
"I wish I were slimmer.",
"I'm a creative person.",
"I am from sweden."
] | [
"Hi how are you this evening?",
"I am good, are you into music",
"Do you have any favorite music artists? Mine is drake.",
"Insane clown posse, I love there shows",
"I also enjoy other rap artists too. I like them also.",
"I love all rap, do you do other stuff",
"Yes, cooking for family get togethers is one of my favorites",
"I like to cook a little I am really into larp",
"I play the drums every now and again too. What is larp?",
"Live action role playing it awesome",
"Sounds like it could be a good time.",
"We dress up in armor and fight with swords and other weapons",
"Cool, I play the drums every now and again",
"What kind of work do you do?"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 75 | 0 | [
"I need to be kind to others.",
"I like my teeth.",
"I enjoy being around large groups at parties.",
"I keep myself physically fit."
] | [
"My girlfriends and I often go out to enjoy alcoholic beverages with fruit.",
"I want t o travel and make things.",
"I drive a dark colored suv.",
"I'm very active in the community.",
"After work I am a chauffeur for my family."
] | [
"Hi, how are you today?",
"Hi. Doing well. Sleeping off a girls night out. Apple martinis are awesome.",
"How fun, are you single?",
"No. Kiddos are into sports. Soccer mom here. How about you?",
"Cool, how many do you have? I'm single, enjoying it.",
"When I was single I dreamed of becoming a clothing designer in paris.",
"How cool is that, all I wanted to be was a yoga instructor.",
"Yeah. Dreaming, sigh. Now it is the pta and book clubs, four of them.",
"A different kind of designer then, fun. I enjoy working out, do you?",
"Not so much. Mostly just drive my kids around in my black suburban.",
"Sounds comfortable at least to drive in",
"Yeah. So do you have any hobbies",
"I enjoy making friends and exercising, how about you?",
"Friends are great. Not a bit work out nut.",
"It can be fun but I do have to mix it up a ton",
"Yeah. What do you do when you are mixing it up?"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 76 | 0 | [
"I was on the pom pon squad as a teen.",
"I have a large family with babies.",
"I live on the east coast.",
"I make blogs."
] | [
"I like the sand on my feet.",
"I enjoy what I do for a living.",
"My puppy is called georgie.",
"Iin my previous job I was a recruiter for time warner.",
"I like to exercise."
] | [
"Hi, I work as a lifestyle blogger. What do you do?",
"Hello! I used to for a cable company, and recently started working for verizon.",
"Nice! Do you have any children?",
"No, but my dog george is basically my kid. Haha.",
"Pets are like family! I've 2 kids and a husband that's like my 3rd child",
"Lol! Are there any places you guys like to go to as a family?",
"We go back to celebration in florida often. It is our home town",
"Oh how nice! I love taking my dog to the beach!",
"I bet he loves it!",
"He definitely does! Do you have any hobbies?",
"Yes, coach cheerleading. I used to be one in high school",
"That sounds fun! I'm not sporty, aside from biking. Do you coach high school?",
"No, I teach middle school",
"Cool, I do not think my middle school had cheerleaders."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 76 | 1 | [
"I work as a lifestyle blogger.",
"I am married with two children.",
"My home town is Celebration, Florida.",
"I was a cheerleader in high school.",
"I am a middle school cheerleading coach."
] | [
"I used to work for a cable company. I now work for Verizon.",
"I have a dog named George. I do not have any children.",
"My dog loves the beach.",
"I like to go biking."
] | [
"Where do you like to go biking?",
"I like to mountain bike. I prefer lonely trails.",
"Oh cool, do you like rough-challenging terrains or just simple riding?",
"A mix of both. Depends on my mood. I take my dog along sometimes.",
"Makes sense, I'm the same way. What kind of dog do you have?",
"George is a black lab. Do you have dogs?",
"Oh nice, I have a Golden Retriever myself actually, his name is Sorensen ",
"How old is Sorensen and how did you come up with that name?",
"He just turned 3 last month, and it's just a common surname from Denmark where my parents are from ",
"That's cool! Do they ever travel back to Denmark to visit?",
"They go every Summer, I tag along sometimes when I don't feel like dealing with the heat haha",
"So do you have Danish cookies and things like that at Christmas?"
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 76 | 2 | [
"I work as a lifestyle blogger.",
"I am married with two children.",
"My home town is Celebration, Florida.",
"I was a cheerleader in high school. I am a middle school cheerleading coach.",
"I also like to go biking.",
"I have a golden retriever named Sorensen.",
"My parents visit Denmark every summer. Denmark has cooler summers."
] | [
"I used to work for a cable company. I now work for Verizon.",
"I have a black lab dog named George. I do not have any children.",
"My dog loves the beach.",
"I like to go biking.",
"I have a mountain bike and like to be alone."
] | [
"Do you have any favorite trails for riding?",
"I did find a couple that are nice and secluded. I've taken George with me a few times, he loves to run beside me as I bike.",
"Sorensen loves to come along when I bike too. When he was little I used to be so nervous he would get too close and I'd hit him, but now he runs beside me very well. ",
"Dogs can learn so fast, mine was the exact same way. Now it seems like I have to keep up with him! Do your children ever go biking with you and your dog sometimes?",
"Yes when they aren't at school they love to come with. We go for shorter rides when they are along though. How your job going? I've been thinking of getting a new phone soon, any suggestions?",
"It's going alright, since this job is based on commission, I've been more stressed recently. But I have a much better boss then my last job. I think we have a new line of smartphones coming in, I could definitely hook you up!",
"Oh no, I'm sorry to hear you're so stressed. That's great to hear you have a better boss though. Sometimes just having good people to work with makes all the difference. Yes that would be great! Let me know what you have when they come in!",
"I guess it's a good kind of stress, keeps me on my toes, you know? It must be nice for you to not have a boss though! You'll have to tell me how that is. Any lifestyle tips? ",
"Yes and I'm sure it helps keep you busy and makes the days go fast too. Yes it is nice to be my own boss! I should send you my latest blog, it lists the top 10 ideas to maintain a healthy lifestyle.",
"Oh, I could use some of those ideas. I've been getting exercise but only when I've gone biking. I can't say my eating has been very good lately though.",
"Ok I'll send it over. Biking is great exercise though, especially outside with the fresh air. I have tips on trying to maintain a balanced diet too.",
"Maybe we could hang out over the weekend, and we could go biking and you could share some of those tips with me? I can even bring one of the sample phones and you can tell me if you like it enough to buy it or not."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
MSC | 77 | 0 | [
"I don't like headphones that are in ear.",
"I've a way to call folks.",
"I like roses.",
"I live with my family."
] | [
"I enjoy going for a short run.",
"I have a dead sibling.",
"I am going down under to see my fiance.",
"I serve at the davenport lounge."
] | [
"Hi how are you today",
"Good and you? I just got done with my waitress job at a houston club.",
"I'm doing great! I just got a red pair of headsets.",
"I love red. I also like to jog in my free time.",
"That is my favorite color. Have you seen the new iphone",
"No, saving money to move to australia to marry my boyfriend soon.",
"Wow australia is pretty cool. Congrats on getting engaged",
"Thank you. I also donate blood in honor of my deceased sister. Do you?",
"No I am scared of needles. I just got the iphone but a later model.",
"I've wanted an iphone.",
"They're great. My mom and dad got it for me I still live with them",
"They seem to be very nice.",
"Yeah they do all they can for me I'm lucky to have them",
"Yes, yes you are. Not all are as fortunate.",
"Do you have a good relationship with your parents",
"Not particularly. They are old and mean."
] | [
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2",
"Speaker 1",
"Speaker 2"
] |
Subsets and Splits